History Derailed: Central and Eastern Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century 9780520245259, 0520245253

"I do not think it possible to understand the troubles and instabilities of Central and Eastern Europe today withou

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History Derailed: Central and Eastern Europe in the Long Nineteenth Century
 9780520245259, 0520245253

Table of contents :
Introduction: The Emerging West as Ideal and Model for the East
The Challenge of the Rising West and the Lack of Response in the "Sleeping" East
Romanticism and Nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe
Uprisings and Reforms: The Struggle for Independence and Modernization
Economic Modernization in the Half Century before World War I
Social Changes: "Dual" and "Incomplete" Societies
The Political System: Democratization versus Authoritarian Nationalism
Epilogue: World War I

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1 3 U M IV B R S IT Y B U D A P ^ ST


Los A n g eles /


University o f California Press Berkeley and L o s Angeles, California University o f California Press, Ltd. Lo n do n , England © 2003 by the Regents o f the University o f California Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Berend, T. Ivan (Tibor Ivan), 19 3 0 H istory derailed : Central and Eastern Europe in the long nineteenth century / Ivan T. Berend. p.


Includes bibliographical references and index. isb n 0 - 5 2 0 - 2 3 2 9 9 - 2 (alk. paper)

1. Eu rop e— H isto ry— 17 8 9 -19 0 0 . Western— H isto ry— 19th century. H istory — 19th century,

2. Industrialization— Europe,

3- Industrialization— Austria—

4. E u ro p e — Econom ic conditions— 19th


5. Industrialization— Europe, Eastern— H isto ry— 19th


6. E u rop e— Ethnic relations.

19th century.


7. E u ro p e — Intellectual life—

I. Title.

T>55 2003



Manufactured in the United States o f Am erica 12




10 8

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Z39.48—1992 ( r 1997)

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List o f Illustrations





Introduction: The Emerging West as an Ideal and Model for the East 1. The Challenge of the Rising West and the Lack of Response in the “Sleeping” East The Rise o f Northwestern Europe / s / Demographic Changes, A gricultural Revolution , and Proto-Industrialization in the West / 8 / The New Scientific Thinking and Western Values / 12 / The Stag­ nation and Relative Decline o f the European( 248, 251, 309). “ Facts are facts,” Robert Damton says cleverly but unphilosophically, “ despite the fact that they cannot be separated dearly from interpretation” (Damton 1997,11). Writers, composers, conservative and enlightened aristocrats, and po­ litical thinkers interpreted the struggles, successes, and frequent failures o f their nations. I also therefore delve into their reflections, their ways, and the consequences o f their thinking. Their narratives constitute an in­ tegral part o f the historical reality I seek to present here. Although pri­ mary sources, some archive materials, statistics, memoirs, travelers5 re­ ports, correspondence, poetry, and literature o f the period have been used broadly to reconstruct the past, as well as contemporary perceptions o f it, I have relied chiefly on secondary sources in writing this book. The historian cannot open the files o f innumerable archives in twelve coun­ tries and thus must rely on the findings o f the hundreds o f historians who have dug deeply into those various national archives and histories.

MP 1. Central and Eastern Europe in 1815


2. Central and Eastern Europe in 1910


This book was bom at the University o f California in Los Angeles, where I began teaching the history o f nineteenth-century Central and Eastern E u ­ rope more than a decade ago. While teaching the topic, I gradually built up the main concept and worked out several important parts o f the book. Var­ ious historical questions and parts o f the manuscript were discussed with my colleagues in the H istory Department and at the Center for European and Russian Studies, and I benefited from the assistance o f graduate stu­ dents, most o f all Joan Hackeling and Carla Thorson. I am also indebted to the Young Research Library for its exceptional collection o f most o f the secondary sources. Grants from the Academic Senate and the International Studies and Overseas Programs at U C L A provided financial assistance. The ideas o f colleagues and friends have played a great role in devel­ oping the overall concept and interpretation. The works o f Zsigm ond Pal Pach, Eric Hobsbawm , Isaiah Berlin, Arno Mayer, Peter Sugar, M iroslaw Hroch, and Norm an Davies, to name only a few, have provided impor­ tant inspiration. Daniel C h irofs comments also offered valuable help in completing the manuscript, and I have profited immensely from the in­ terest and questions o f my students. M y wife, Kati, who originally suggested this book and encouraged me to write it, as well as providing invaluable assistance in library research and critical readings o f and commentary on various versions o f the man­ uscript, was the single most important contributor to the writing. Last, but not least, I am very grateful to David C. Summers and Peter Dreyer for their thorough copyediting and polishing o f the manuscript.I I collected illustrations from eight countries and twenty-three museums, libraries, publishers, and institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. Maria



Sarosi worked efficiently to help me in this work. For their assistance and generosity in giving me, and on occasion even waiving, copyright per­ missions, I would like to thank the Muzeul National de Arta al Rôfriâniei, Bucharest; Meridiane Publishing House, Bucharest; Slovenske Narodne Muzeum, Etnograficke Muzeum, Martin, Slovakia; SP N Pedagogicke Nakladelstvi, Prague; Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw; Muzeum Historyczne Miasta, Warsaw; Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, Krakow; Muzej Grada Beograda, Belgrade; Bulgarian Academy o f Sciences, Cen­ ter for Architectural Studies, Sofia; the Research Center for Islamic H is­ tory Art and Culture o f the Organization o f the Islamic Conference, Is­ tanbul; Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest; Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum Torténeti Fényképtara, Budapest; M agyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest; Néprajzi Muzeum, Budapest; Budapesti Torténeti Müzeum Kiscelli Muzeuma, Budapest; Fotogräfiai Muzeum, Kecskemet; Fovarosi Szabo Ervin Könyvtar, Budapest; Hadtörteneti Muzeum, Budapest; M agyar Mezogazdasägi Muzeum, Budapest; Orszagos Széchenyi Könyvtar, B u ­ dapest; Magyar Tudomanyos Akadémia, Budapest; M agyar Tudomanyos Akadémia Torténettudomànyi Intézete, Budapest; and Petofi Irodalmi Müzeum, Budapest.



and early nineteenth centuries, the Central and Eastern European elite, national prophet-poets, intellectuals, and en­ lightened aristocrats, looked to the West with the greatest admiration. They expressed their dissatisfaction with the state o f their own “ backward,” “ underdeveloped,” “ sleeping” countries, societies in their “ childhood,” which lacked modem institutions, such as industry, railways, and educa­ tional systems, and lagged behind Western Europe by a century. R e­ formers warned o f the danger posed by the inability o f their countries to “ sustain an independent state” and o f the threat o f being pushed back “ to Asia.” They saw that their countries remained outside the main thrust o f the modem Western European metamorphosis and were thus defense­ less against their more powerful neighbors, subordinate to the more ad­ vanced world, and relegated to the periphery o f the continent. These reformers were convinced, however, that they could turn their countries around. Like all those influenced by the Zeitgeist o f the century, the Enlightenment and the idea o f progress, they viewed history as a lad­ der for climbing from lower to higher stages. Freedom and progress, progress and economic growth, went together in their minds. These ideas were also borrowed from the West, where the “ idea o f progress reached its zenith” during the period 1750-1900. Progress, “ from being one o f the important ideas . . . became the domi­ nant idea” (Nisbet 19 8 0 ,171). As Franz (or Ferenc) Liszt, the romantic virtuoso pianist-composer par excellence, said: “We believe in one un-



ending progress, in one untrammeled social future” (Einstein 1947, 347). Karl Marx expressed this way o f thinking in the preface to Das Kapital when he compared Britain to continental Europe. The latter suffere^ffrom “ the incompleteness o f [capitalist] development,” he wrote, “^longside o f m odem evils, a whole series o f inherited evils oppress us, arising from the passive survival o f antiquated modes o f production ” Expressing the nineteenth-century belief in progress, he added, “ the country that is more developed industrially only shows, to the less developed, the image o f its own future” (Marx [1867] 1932,13). Stanislaw Konarski, w ho had spent a decade in the West and had been an observer o f the early years o f the British Industrial Revolution, became the editor o f the first modern Polish periodical, Monitor, and made an ur­ gent plea: “ Let us govern ourselves like sensible people. . . . For the G od o f nature did not search for different clay when he made Poles from what he used for Englishmen” (Brock 1972,12). A t about the same time, in 1791, Istvan Batsanyi, a twenty-eight-year-old Hungarian member o f M aria Theresa's famous Regiment o f Guards in Vienna, wrote “A franciaorszagi valtozasokra” (On the Changes in France), a poem celebrating the French Revolution. H e passionately warned both the common people and their oppressors to turn their eyes to Paris: Who have not shaken off the collar of the slave The yoke that drags you down into your grave And you, too, sacred kings, who, consecrated, kill— Since Earth cries out for blood—the subject o f your will To Paris turn your eyes!!! Let France elucidate For king and shackled slave your future and your fate. (M akkai 1 9 9 6 ,1 4 2 )

Nearly a century later, the Albanian poet Naim Frasheri drew atten­ tion to the great ideas o f France; Europe's was a sorry plight, Dark confusion was her share, To shake her and put things right, She needed Rousseau and Voltaire. (B ih ik u 1 9 8 0 ,3 8 )

In 1911, Constantin Dobrogeanu-Gherea, a Romanian socialist, published his Asupra socialismului in farile inapoiatc (On Socialism in Backward Countries), in which he maintained that “ bourgeois capitalism would eventually revolutionize social and economic relations and the mental climatp in Factum F.nrnnp” fFTifchins TQOJ.. 76^

INTRODUCTION From the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth) a series o f Cen­ tral and Eastern European political thinkers) poets, statesmen, and re­ formers closely watched the ideas and transformation o f Western Europe* The leading Hungarian reformer, Jozsef Eotvos, a member o f the revo­ lutionary government o f 1848 and one o f the main architects o f liberal legislation establishing the modem educational system after the AustroHungarian Compromise in 1867, noted after the revolution: “ Since the time o f the French Revolution, the development o f most o f the Euro­ pean countries demonstrates that the model for new institutions was taken from England; ideas and concepts were copied from France” (Eotvos 1902a, 39). Victor H ugo, Walter Scott, Byron, Schiller, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Hegel all inspired him; their books were among the two thousand in his library (Benye 1972)* Eastern E u ­ ropean reformers, comparing the situation o f their ow n countries to that o f the sparkling ideas and spectacular transformation o f the West, noticed the growing gap between the two and looked to the latter as a model to follow* Istvan Szechenyi, an enlightened young Hungarian aristocrat, trav­ eled to Britain in 1822. “ England has reached a level higher than ever be­ fore achieved by any people, but it is still climbing,” he commented in his diary in January o f that year. Som e months later, he compared what he saw to the Hungarian reality: “ I feel profound pain and downheart­ edness at the situation . . . o f our country. . * . O ur country is sleeping” (Szechenyi and Wesselenyi 1985, n o , 212; emphasis added). In his mile­ stone book H itel (Credit), published in 1830, Szechenyi complained about the “pitifu l situation o f our country. . . following other nations a cen­ tury-long distance b e h in d H e expressed his admiration for Britain, which he claimed was “ practically the core o f the world,” and argued that “ copy­ ing others presents no danger, we can adopt their century-long experi­ ences” (Szechenyi 1830,139-40,155-56, 258; emphasis added). In 1830s Turkey, where one-quarter o f the top military-administrative leaders had personal experience o f the West (Todorova 1977), reformers also urged their compatriots to follow the Western model. “ Only through reforms that will bring Turkey closer to the norms o f European life can w e get over the enduring political and economic crisis,” wrote Mustafa Reshid Pasha* Halil Pasha, the Turkish commander-in-chief and son-in-law o f the Sultan, considered the relative weakness o f the Ottoman army when he warned, “ I f we do not adopt European ways, we shall have no choice left: but to return to A sia” (quoted by Petrosjan 1977,63-65; emphasis added). ‘Trance has become our ideal,” stated Ion Bratianu, a prominent rev­ olutionary leader o f mid-nineteenth-century Romania, and “ has the mis­ sion to preside over the regeneration o f Europe.” The French consul in



Bucharest reported during the revolutionary days o f 1848: “ France has there, on the banks o f the Danube, an inevitable clientele . , . which tries every day to assimilate her language, her legislation, her literature and even her most futile fashions” (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963,139-40). In Iaji, in 1863, five young Romanians who had returned from the West founded the Junimea (Youth) movement. The movement’s chroniclers described the feelings and beliefs o f the young reformers, who considered Romanian so­ ciety to be in its “ childhood» but “ accepted the need for Rumania to evolve toward a modem civilization on the Western m odel” Titu Maiorescu and his friends “ also discovered in H enry Buckle’s TTistory o f Civilization in En ­ gland’ scientific confirmation o f the theories about social change and the course o f development which their own country should follow” (Hitchins 1994, 61-64)- The Bulgarian national bard and hero Hristo Botev wrote in an article in Znatne: “ Our unfortunate Bulgarian people have no Parliamenty no tribune from which to express their will, their needs and their sufferings” (Botev 1976, 7). The 'W arsaw Positivists,” a group o f Polish reformers, bitterly criticized the situation in their country during the 1860s and 1870s after the failure o f a series o f national uprisings: “ The cultural and economic resources o f the Polish nation were as yet underdeveloped to sustain an independent state. In order to take their place among the mod­ em nations o f Europe, the Poles must first improve trade and industry. . . build towns and railways, and raise the rate o f literacy” (Davies 1986,170). M ost o f the reform-oriented Central and Eastern European elite were convinced that the rise, the “ century-long experience,” o f Northwestern Europe offered a model to follow They would have to educate themselves, set goals, implement the needed reforms, build the required institutions, and “ adopt the norms o f European life.” Only then could they elevate their nations. As the Albanian Frasheri expressed it: May the dawn That will bestow upon us A great light, Giving birth to: Civilization, Prosperity. . . Knowledge And progress, Goodness And Humanity . . . arise, Never to stray. (Elsie 1995,234-3 5 )


THE CHALLENGE OF THE RISING WEST AND THE LACK OF RESPONSE IN THE “SLEEPING” EAST THE RISE OF NORTHWESTERN EUROPE THE EMERGENCE OF THE Western European model has a history at least three centuries long. On October 12,149 2, the Genoese Christopher Columbus reached America, initiating a period o f European dominance. The Florentine Amerigo Vespucci explored the N ew World further with his voyages between 1497 and 1504. The Portuguese colonized Brazil in 1500. The Spaniard Hernando Cortés conquered M exico in 1519-20. Jacques Cartier founded Montreal in 1536. Jamestown was founded in V ir­ ginia in 1607. These milestones in the European colonization o f the N ew World signaled a new age. The rise o f Western Europe, indeed, began with these risky adventures o f courageous sailors and ruthless conquistadors. By the end o f the eighteenth century, most o f the major overseas cen­ ters had been established and the “ white colonies” had been setded. Only the interior o f Africa and the Australian desert remained unexplored by Europeans. “ In little more than a century,” Carlo Cipolla observes, “ first the Portuguese and the Spaniards, then the Dutch and the English, laid the basis o f worldwide European predominance. It was the gun-carrying ocean-going sailing ship developed by Atlantic Europe during the fif­ teenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries that made the European saga possible” (Cipolla 1994, 212). The triumph o f Europe was based on the multitude o f ships and more ships, ports, and shipyards (Braudel 1979).



When the saga began, at the end o f the fifteenth century, Mediterranean Europe was the powerhouse o f the old continent and the prime force be­ hind the expansion. Northern Italy, Flanders, and above all Spain, the main beneficiary o f the astonishing sixteenth- and seventeentji-century inflow o f more than 36 million pounds o f silver and nearly 4 00,000 pounds o f gold, were among the richest and most advanced areas o f E u ­ rope. By the end o f the seventeenth century, however, the center o f power in Europe had shifted to Holland, Britain, and, to a lesser degree, France. The N ew World discoveries and the rise o f the new Atlantic trade played an important role in this change, but they are not sufficient to explain the new dominance o f Northwestern Europe. What other factors brought about the change? Geography, for one thing. Both Holland and Britain enjoyed easy access to the Atlantic trade route, and no part o f either country was very far from the sea. Both countries capitalized on this advantage in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries by building networks o f canals into the most extensive water transpor­ tation system in the world. By the beginning o f the nineteenth century, the cost o f water transportation in these countries had dropped to onequarter the cost o f ground transportation. Compared to large landlocked countries, they held a unique advantage in cheap mass transportation. They also had other, greater advantages. They experienced the earliest “ bourgeois revolutions” in Europe, which cleared the road for social and institutional transformation and eliminated feudal obstacles. The new so­ cieties put major political turmoil behind them. During the last third o f the sixteenth century, a bloody revolt began in the Netherlands that lasted a full eight decades, but during that time, the United Provinces o f the Netherlands evolved into the most democratic and tolerant country, founded on a constitution. The flourishing scholarly and artistic life o f the time reflected the rising prosperity. Both Holland and Britain created un­ paralleled religious freedom and a new attitude toward life and business based on the Protestant ethic. In tandem with a few Swiss cantons and Ger­ man free cities, they developed a new social pattern that gave prestige and autonomy to merchants and financiers and free rein for economic and tech­ nical innovation (McNeill 1963, 40). Holland and Britain instituted gen­ uine market economies and developed into merchant and maritime great powers. They dominated the emerging “ modem trade” that replaced the old “ medieval trade” in oriental spices and luxury articles, which met the demands o f the upper classes and did not imply an exchange o f goods. In­ stead, both countries, based initially on a modem division o f labor and then on an increased commodity production for a permanently widened buyer's market, became traders in vast Quantities o f goods for mass consumption



(Pach, 1994, 218). A triangular Atlantic trade emerged: textiles and other manufactured products were shipped from Europe to Africa, slaves were bought and transported to the overseas colonies, and sugar, rum, coffee, cotton, indigo, and other items were sent back to Europe as cargo. A flexible merchant class emerged in Holland by the end o f the sev­ enteenth century. The Dutch, thanks to an advanced shipbuilding in­ dustry, became merchants on a world scale. They built a thousand ships a year and created the world’s strongest navy and a merchant marine o f twenty thousand units. This was four times larger than the fleet o f the nearest competitor, Britain, and thirty times larger than that o f France. The Dutch middlemen bought to sell and became the masters o f the Baltic, the Russian, and distant overseas trades. They also began to process and resell imported goods: they used imported copper to cast bronze cannon, wove imported raw silk, produced cigars from imported tobacco, and refined imported sugar. Holland harnessed its unlimited natural resource, wind, as its main energy source, and had built more than three thousand windmills by the mid seventeenth century. Amsterdam, the real center o f Europe’s first modern state, emerged as the center o f world trade and dictated market prices. Britain advanced still further. The elimination o f serfdom and the flour­ ishing wool production o f the fourteenth century led to gradually increas­ ing sales o f manufactured goods. The amount o f woolen fabric exported surpassed that o f raw w ool as early as the mid fifteenth century. H o w ­ ever, Britain’s real breakthrough occurred in the mid sixteenth century with the development o f iron, lead, and other manufacturing sectors. England also pioneered a new energy source: coal. The amount mined jumped from 210,000 tons to 11 million tons between 1550 and 1800. Trade expansion and rising sea power represented the real strength o f a modernizing Britain by the mid sixteenth century. The defeat o f the leg­ endary Spanish Armada in 1588 and three Anglo-Dutch wars, ending in the mid 1670s, eroded Holland’s control o f the waters and established Britain as the most powerful world power. Protectionist measures in­ cluded curbs on foreign ships in English harbors and use o f foreign-built ships. Britain soon boasted the world’s most powerful navy and merchant fleet, serving the world’s largest colonial empire. London became the world’s capital, with half a million inhabitants by the end o f the seven­ teenth century. The absolute state paved the road toward a unified nation-state. In 1543, the H ouse o f Tudor began the unification o f the British Isles through ruthless homogenization o f languages and peoples to forge a British iden­ tity. Starting in the mid seventeenth century, as a consequence o f the



British Civil War and the so-called Glorious Revolution o f 1688-89, a unique parliamentary system emerged that transformed the absolute monarchy into a constitutional one. Finally, in 1707, the United Kingdom o f England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland was created. ^ France emerged as the third most powerful country o f Europe, a model absolutist state, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Under the seventy-two-year rule o f the Roi Soleil, Louis XTV, France became the most powerful country on the Continent and also one o f the largest colonial powers. Its strength rested on colonial trade. Together with Britain, France was a pioneer o f modem colonialism and dynamic expansion. In the course o f the first half o f the eighteenth century, French colonial trade quadrupled. Unlike Holland and Britain, absolutist France established its economy by state interventionism and became the model mercantilist state. Louis XTV’s powerful minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert introduced strict state reg­ ulations. Besides various foreign trade companies and port and road con­ structions, major state-owned manufacturing firms were established. In the eighteenth century, the coal mines o f Anzin, with four thousand work­ ers, became the country’s largest venture. Coal production increased eight­ fold during the eighteenth century. The textile firm o f Mulhouse, the forges o f Creusot, and the wallpaper factory o f Réveillon typified the industrial progress o f the country. With lavish royal sponsorship, science and culture flourished. The Académie Française (1635), the Académie des Sciences (1666), and the Comédie-Française (1680) were founded. The works o f Molière and Racine elevated France to become a cultural leader in Europe. Louis X IV ’s four major wars also established France as the most im­ portant military power on the Continent. Europe’s first modem army was created, replacing the feudal nobles’ army with strong artillery and in­ fantry, a well-trained officer corps, and a chain o f fortresses, barracks, and arsenals. In contrast to the great French army, however, the French navy was gradually dwarfed on the seas by the British. The Bourbon state, de­ spite all its power, remained far behind both Holland and Britain. The absolute state remained frozen in its ancien régime.

DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES, AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION, AND PROTO-INDUSTRIALIZATION IN THE WEST The most drastic changes in Northwestern Europe were demographic. For centuries, high birthrates had been offset by high death rates. Famine



and disease—smallpox, plague, and cholera—regularly decimated the pop­ ulation, so that the growth rate stayed low, about 0.5 percent annually. The population o f Europe in the second half o f the seventeenth century was only slightly greater than in the thirteenth century (Armengaud and Reinhard 1961). From the sixteenth century on, however, population growth acceler­ ated. According to Roger M ols’s evaluation, the number o f Europe’s in­ habitants increased from roughly 82 million in 1500 to roughly 105 mil­ lion by 1600 and more than 120 million by 1700. And while the total population o f the Continent increased by nearly 50 percent during these two centuries, the population o f Britain and the Netherlands combined grew twice as fast: from 6.3 million in 1500 to 12.7 million in 1700. In con­ trast, the Mediterranean countries, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, increased in population by less than 60 percent (Mols 1974). The population o f the Continent grew impressively (64 percent) in the eighteenth century, but Britain and the Netherlands, again, nearly dou­ bled their population (to 21.1 million), while the Mediterranean countries grew by only 40 percent. Sparsely populated Europe became a densely populated continent, “ probably the most highly populated part o f the whole world, with a den­ sity o f about 18.7 inhabitants per square kilometer” in 1800, compared with 14 inhabitants per square kilometer in Asia and only 5 in Africa and America (Armengaud 1973,28). The European average, however, does not reflect the high population density in the Northwestern countries, which increased from 30 -40 inhabitants per square kilometer in the early sev­ enteenth century to 60-80 people per square kilometer at the end o f the eighteenth century. This meant many more hands available in the fields and workshops, many more mouths to feed, and many more feet in need o f shoes. Closely connected to the new demographic trends, an agricultural rev­ olution took place in eighteenth-century Europe. Like the question o f the chicken or the egg, whether the new agriculture was a cause or a con­ sequence o f demographic change is endlessly discussed. Europe was, how­ ever, able to avoid the trap posited by the pessimistic eighteenth-century scholar Thomas Malthus by which the food supply grew only arithmeti­ cally, while population growth increased geometrically. Malthus realized that agricultural producers for centuries had not been able to produce more than 20 to 25 percent o f marketable (or taxable) surplus—exactly the amount that was taken by the landlord, the Church, and the state (the so-called feudal fifth, ninth, or tenth). The only way to increase output,



the extension o f cultivation, led to use o f marginal, less fertile land, which decreased productivity. This old practice, however, became obsolete. As E . L. Jones, a historian o f British agriculture in the seventeenth arid eigh­ teenth centuries, observes, a miraculous change occurred between 1700 and 1800: England became able not only to feed twice as many people but also to produce enough fodder to feed three times as many horses (Jones 1967). However miraculous the change appeared, it was not sudden, for it was based on a gradual development o f capitalistic agriculture, first in its genuine “ laboratory,” Holland, but then mostly in Britain. The long process o f eliminating feudal landownership, serfdom, and communal fanning and developing capitalist landownership, tenant forming, and yeo­ manry was the main achievement o f British development between the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries. From the fourteenth to the nine­ teenth centuries, sanctioned by the General Enclosure Act o f 1801, peas­ ants5 strip fields were incorporated into big landowners’ estates and the enclosed peasants became wage workers. This created a wage-earning class and, with the emergence o f a market system that led to a more advanced form o f division o f labor, laid the foundations for a major breakthrough. Dynamic technological innovations followed. Am ong them, the m od­ ern crop-rotation system deserves special attention. The old method o f preventing soil depletion through two- or three-field crop rotation meant that half or a third o f the arable land remained fallow at any given time. M odem scientific crop rotation—the so-called Townshend four-crop ro­ tation (wheat, turnips, barley, and clover) decreased fallow land dramat­ ically. The more sophisticated N orfolk system used seventeen kinds o f ro­ tating crops, which successfully preserved and even enriched the soil, thanks to the nitrogen-fixing mechanism o f the legumes. This single in­ novation increased the area o f cultivated land by at least one-third. Land amelioration also advanced tremendously Manure, previously used for heating, was discovered to improve the soil. Drainage, canalization, and other methods o f soil reclamation all contributed to higher yields. Im ­ proved farming equipment also increased productivity. Heavier, steeltipped plows drawn by horses rather than oxen yielded 50 percent faster and deeper plowing and better soil preparation. Other horse-drawn ma­ chinery also appeared. The new methods spread, partly as a result o f enthusiasts publishing books. Am ong the pioneers o f agricultural literature were John D om e, a Dutch bookseller who established his headquarters in Oxford as early as 1520, and John Fitzherbert, whose Boke ofHusbondrye came out in 1523.



During the seventeenth century, H ugh Platt and Walter Blith publicized the potential o f manuring land and drainage, which had a large impact on modern farming, and various landowner-writers, the best known be­ ing Viscount Charles “ Turnip” Townshend and the gentleman farmer and propagandist Jethro Tull, later shared their experiences with modern ro­ tation and new crops (Ernie 1925). According to some estimates, the yield o f wheat per acre increased only from 8 to 11 bushels during the half-millennium before 1650. B y 1800, how­ ever, the yield had increased to 20 bushels per acre, and the marketable surplus product more than doubled, increasing output by roughly 50 per­ cent. Scientific farming resulted in another revolutionary innovation in animal husbandry: livestock, traditionally grazed in pastures, began to be kept in stables and fed new forage crops such as clover and turnips in the crop-rotation system. This way, farmers could avoid slaughtering a great part o f their stock in wintertime, a necessity that had for centuries pre­ vented an increase in animal stock. Consequendy, herds sharply increased: during the seventeenth century, the average size o f sheep flocks on farms in the upland region o f Oxfordshire increased more than four times (Jones 1967). The milk production o f Dutch cows increased by three to four times during the second half o f the eighteenth century As a unique consequence o f these efficiencies, much o f the agricultural labor force was released from farming and hence was ready to work in other branches o f the econom y In the late seventeenth century, fully 60 percent o f the active population was engaged in agriculture in Britain. B y the early 1810s, this share had dropped to 33 percent. The advancing en­ closure system and the increasing population spurred this trend. The Dutch and British economies had become capitalistic market sys­ tems by the eighteenth century The huge income from transadantic trade contributed to the capital accumulation that led to the rise o f a rich mer­ chant stratum. Analyzing the market's influence, Michael Flinn concludes that “ the expansion o f the overseas markets remains a development o f the utmost significance for the industrial advance o f Britain . . . [however], home demand predominated,” and domestic markets and trade were far more important (Flinn 1966,57, 62). At the end o f the eighteenth cen­ tury, England had a very strong domestic market: its per capita iron and cotton consumption reached a level matched by the continental countries only a century later. According to Paul Bairoch, foreign trade accounted for about 10 -12 percent o f capital accumulation during the eighteenth cen­ tury (Bairoch 1976b). The emerging new merchant class, making use o f its enormous wealth and the exceptionally free market conditions, turned



to the countryside, employing cheap rural labor in cottage industries to produce industrial products for marketing. The merchant-led putting out, or Verty}, system triggered a boom in industrial activity. D uring the eigh­ teenth century, proto-industrialization facilitated the rise o f the factory system. The merchant entrepreneurs founded huge factories^employing hundreds and sometimes thousands o f workers in six- to eight-story m od­ em buildings to perform a single dement o f a well-organized industrial operation. The industrial division o f labor—as Adam Smith enthusiasti­ cally described it in his famous example o f a pin factory—increased pro­ ductivity. A new type o f entrepreneur emerged who became the orga­ nizer and planner o f output and trade, a “ captain o f industry* commanding thousands o f workers and employees. Something new appeared on the horizon—the era o f industrialization.

THE NEW SCIENTIFIC THINKING AND WESTERN VALUES The rise o f Northwestern Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was also driven by a highly revolutionized science and philos­ ophy, which evolved into a new Zeitgeist. A widespread new concept o f human society and the universe, a new value system and a new way o f thinking, emerged in the West. The people o f the age developed an un­ questionable belief that reason and experience can uncover the laws o f nature and society and facilitate the reorganization o f societies. The initiators o f this scientific and ideological transformation from the mid seventeenth to the late eighteenth centuries were concentrated in Northwestern Europe, especially in the Netherlands, which attracted émigré philosophers; in Britain; and, later in the eighteenth century, in France. Forerunners o f the new trend included Joost Lips in Leiden, whose translations o f the classics introduced a major change in the European worldview, and René Descartes, w ho presented the first modem concept o f a universe operating under mathematical laws in his Discours de la méthode published in 1637, eight years after he moved to Holland. First Des­ cartes and then his disciple Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza became philoso­ phers o f rationalism and natural law. The latter, an exponent o f the causal explanation o f nature and society, developed the concepts o f a social con­ tract, rule by the majority, and individual freedom. Spinoza rejected re­ ligion as the product o f human fear o f the unknown forces o f nature and o f ignorance preserved by poverty. The Enlightenment philosophy developed in Holland paved the road



toward the revolution o f thought in Britain. The son o f an illiterate English farmer, Isaac Newton, who spent most o f his time in the study o f alchemy, theology, and ancient philosophy, published hisPhihsophtae naturalis principia mathematica in London in 1687, the “ capstone o f the Sci­ entific Revolution o f the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and. . . often said to be the greatest work o f science ever published” (Dobbs and Jacob 1995,10). In this and his next three works in the early eighteenth century, based on his rigorous experimentation and scholarly methodology, N ew ­ ton explained the laws o f the physical world, the “ laws o f motion, the laws o f optics, the calculus, the concept o f universal gravitation. . . In addi­ tion to its grand unified vision o f the universe, [Newton's work] pro­ vided a rational mechanics for the operations o f machines on earth” (ibid., 38, 44). The Newtonian concept o f the universe depicted a secure, har­ monious system and presented science as a prime mover o f human progress. Lectures and publications, including Voltaire’s, popularized the Newtonian views and generated practical works on applied mechanics and machine building. The Newtonian scientific Weltanschauung changed people’s ways o f thinking about nature and society. It became a pillar, not only o f Enlightenment scholarship, but o f civil engineering. The scientific revolution most o f all diverted people’s interest from metaphysical to physical problems and to the utilitarian opportunities o f applied science. Important links developed between the philosopherscientists and the humble instrument makers. As A. E . Musson and Eric Robinson have shown, mathematics became a practical tool for artisans in the early seventeenth century. Traders, merchants, seamen, and car­ penters developed it more than academics did. Various cheap textbooks became available. Gresham’s College in London encouraged collabora­ tion between scholars and craftsmen. The newly founded Royal Society “ was actively concerned with the practical applications o f natural philos­ ophy,” and its members aimed at improving “ mechanic arts” such as building, metalsmithing, shipbuilding, and agriculture. Around the end o f the eighteenth century, many craftsmen bought Francis Walkingame’s best­ selling textbook The Tutor’s Assistant, which appeared in numerous edi­ tions o f 5,000-10,000 copies each (Musson and Robinson 1969,12-25). The new Weltanschauung became the worldview and guiding compass o f thousands o f entrepreneurs. Besides Newton, Thomas Hobbes occupies a special place among the seventeenth-century pioneers o f thought as the first plebeian English philosopher and the founder o f modem political philosophy In his ma­ ture work Leviathan, Hobbes challenged basic feudal concepts such as the



ancient bonds o f loyalty to sovereigns and established in their place the concept o f individualism. "T he condition o f man . . . is a . . . condition o f war everyone against everyone . . . everyone is governed by £iis own reason and every man has a righ t. . . o f doing anything he likes,** Hobbes wrote ([1651] 1956,122-23). The recognition o f self-interest ¿s the key in­ centive in life led Hobbes to the logical conclusion o f the need for an ab­ solute state. Since in the society o f selfish individuals, everybody is "in the condition o f war,” people must mutually transfer their rights, that is, make a contract and, via an absolute monarch, create laws (ibid., 125). Hobbes recommended an omnipotent rational state that guaranteed in­ dividual rights and personal security and kept society in "peace.” John Locke, the most popular philosopher o f the late seventeenth cen­ tury, the age o f the “ Glorious Revolution” in Britain, went even further. In his Two Treatises on Government, he posited the central role o f laws, the most important “ guarantor o f freedom,” and the need for a social con­ tract between king and people that limited power and made it constitu­ tional. “All men by nature are equal,” he stated, “ being born . . . with a title to perfect freedom and an uncontrolled enjoyment o f all the rights and privileges o f the law o f Nature. . . . It is evident,” he continued, “ that absolute monarchy . . . is indeed inconsistent with civil society, and can be no form o f civil government” (Locke [1690] 1947, 801). Locke also propagated the separation and mutual limitation o f legislative and execu­ tive powers. H e became one o f the most influential apostles o f the m od­ em Rechtsstaat and the parliamentary system. I f one begins the list o f influential and pioneering British thinkers and scholars o f the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with Isaac Newton, one must conclude it with Adam Smith, the founder o f “ economics as physics,” describing and explaining the laws o f the economic universe. Smith, a pupil and later the successor o f Francis Hutcheson in the chair o f moral philosophy at Glasgow University, began his career as one o f the British moral philosophers by publishing his Theory o fM oral Senti­ ment (1759). Seventeen years later, however, he published his Wealth of Nations (1776), a thousand-page book that became “ the crowning peak o f the early development o f economic theory” (Heimann 1964, 63-64). Just as preordained harmony rules Newton’s universe, the preordained harmony o f the self-regulated market rules Smith’s economic world. Smith introduced the concepts o f the laissez-faire economy governed by an “ in­ visible hand,” supply and demand, and the “ infallible panacea” o f the price mechanism under competitive conditions. Smith deemed intervention harmful, including protective tariffs. The innovative British philosophy strongly influenced the French En-



lightenment. François-Marie Arouet (who, in 1722, adopted the name Voltaire), a recognized poet who had already been imprisoned in the Bastille, traveled to England and stayed for three years. H e was impressed by the intellectual freedom there and impassioned by the teaching o f N ew ­ ton and Locke. In his English Letters (1734), he expresses admiration for Britain and alludes to the rather different French intellectual environment. Through his poems, novels, essays, and pamphlets, he became one o f the most powerful proponents o f natural law, “ the instinct which makes us fed justice/5and tolerance, since “ intolerance is absurd and barbaric, it is the right o f the tiger” (Voltaire 1946,833,841). Voltaire advocated an in­ tellectual revolt against an antiquated Church and state, and his slogan “ Écrasez Pinfame” (“ Crush the infamy,” i.e, superstition) took on polit­ ical significance in the late 1770s when he returned to France. The French Enlightenment showcased a number o f writers5 and philosophers’ wit, sarcasm, and lucidity. Charles-Louis de Secondât, baron de Montesquieu, idealized the British parliamentary system and attacked absolute power. Political liberty cannot exist, he argued, “ when the legislative and executive powers are united in the same person, or in the same b o d y . . . there is no liberty, if the judiciary power be not sepa­ rated from the legislative and executive.” Moreover, “ the legislative power should reside in the whole body o f the people” that can be represented by their delegates (Montesquieu [1748] 1946, 936,938). The ideas o f a revolutionary social and political system were in the mak­ ing. The Geneva-born Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who moved to Paris in the mid eighteenth century, expressed the aura o f revolution most eloquently. The very first sentence o f his Social Contract sounded like a declaration o f war on the establishment: “ Man is bom free and everywhere he is in chains.” Whereas all the previous thinkers had appealed to elites, Rousseau addressed the masses. H e defined liberty as obedience to the general will and offered society “ a form o f association which will defend and protect with the whole common force the person and goods o f each associate, and in which each, while uniting himself with all, may still obey himself alone, and remain as free as before.” Rousseau established an entirely new concept o f legitimate power, stating that only the “ state that [is] governed by law s. . . [and in] the public interest. . . [has a] legitimate government” (Rousseau [1762] 1946,954,957,965). Rousseau went even further by de­ nouncing private property and wealth that makes even the law itself un­ just, since “laws are always useful to those who have possessions and harm­ ful to those who have nothing.” The just society requires a “ social state. . [in which] all have something and none o f them has too much.” Rousseau emotionally condemned private ownership as the cause o f wars, crimes,


murders, and other misfortunes o f the human race, passionately declar­ ing “ that the fruits o f the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!”


(Rousseau [1755] 19 8 3,29 ,14 0 ).


THE STAGNATION AND RELATIVE DECLINE OF THE EUROPEAN "PERIPHERIES” The other areas o f the European continent could not follow in the foot­ steps o f the Northwestern countries. This was true even o f previous lead­ ers o f Europe, such as Italy, Portugal, and Spain, although they could also profit from the discovery o f America and, potentially, from the Atlantic trade. “Although our kingdoms could be the richest in the world for the abundance o f gold and silver that have come into them,” stated the 1588-93 Cortes, “ they end up as the poorest because they serve as a bridge across which gold and silver pass to other kingdoms” (Cipolla 1994, 239). The rigid medieval social-institutional system and the associated noble-hidalgo attitude led to conspicuous consumption and a parasitic lifestyle. Spain did not make any attempt to increase productivity and output, but it opened its border to duty-free French products (in 1659) and English goods (in 1667). As Adam Smith clearly recognized, “ It is not [through] the importation o f gold and silver that the discovery o f America has en­ riched Europe. . . . [It] made a most essential [change]. . . by opening a new and inexhaustible market to all the commodities o f Europe, it gave occasion to a new division o f labour [which] . . . in the narrow circle o f the ancient commerce, could never have taken place” (Smith [1776] 1976, 1: 469-70). Spain, Portugal, and Italy, unable to exploit this situation, exhausted their gold and silver income. When the inflow o f precious met­ als drastically decreased during the seventeenth century, Spain’s debt ex­ ceeded income by from three to four times. Decline was inevitable. Italy’s decline began earlier. The export o f woolen and silk doth de­ clined sharply during the seventeenth century. The exports o f Genoa, Venice, and Milan dropped by 75, 90, and 96 percent, respectively, be­ tween the end o f the sixteenth century and that o f the seventeenth. With its rigid social structure, dominant guilds, and outdated institutions, Italy could not compete with the emerging Northwestern countries. The Ital­ ian market was flooded by imports from England, Holland, and France, while Italy began to export unprocessed silk and agricultural products. I f the Mediterranean countries began lagging behind Northwestern Europe, Central and Eastern Europe lagged even further. This region lay



far from modern Atlantic trade routes and had no contact with overseas colonies. Instead, it lost its previous role in the so-called Levantine trade o f the medieval period, whose main routes crossed the area. M osdy land­ locked, these countries were excluded from the advantages o f the emerg­ ing modern age. The geopolitical situation was only one o f the causes o f stagnation and decline. Here, too, the reasons were deeply rooted in his­ tory and in domestic social, political, and institutional factors. It is out­ side the scope o f this study to evoke the century-long discourse on the origins o f the different historical performance o f Central and Eastern E u ­ rope from that o f the West. Following the publication in 1824 o f Leopold von Ranke’s Geschichte der romanischen undgermanischen Volker> many his­ torians took the view that Europe had from the seventh century onward always been divided into a “ Latino-Germanic West having been united” by Charlemagne, and, “ East o f the Saale and Elbe” line, a mostly Slavic and Byzantine-Islamic East, which did not belong among the West­ ern nations. From “ that time they never exercised any independent influence, they only appear either subservient or antagonistic; they re­ ceive . . . only the ebb o f the tide o f the general movements” (Ranke [1824] 1909? 5-6). When Europe as a whole joined the Christian community in the tenth century and the forms o f feudalism were established, its sub­ stance was not integrated into the social fabric o f Eastern Europe, and “ genuine Eastern characteristics” distinguished the area from the West (Makkai 1976). Additionally, the two-hundred-year M ongol occupation o f Russia from the thirteenth century on and the five-hundred-year O t­ toman occupation o f large parts o f the Balkans from the late fourteenth century on drove a wedge into the body o f Europe as far as Hungary, im­ peding the Western type o f feudal development in much o f the region. Central and Eastern Europe thus cannot be regarded as structurally part o f the West: Social structural elements that developed organically in the west. . . over almost 50 0 years [ninth-thirteenth centuries], through the dismantling of parts o f pre­ vious achievements and the rearranging o f the main elements . . . appeared in the eastern zone, including Hungary, in a concentrated form . . . in litde more than one and a half centuries. It is hardly surprising that the forms they took were in some places inorganically truncated or raw, in others still unarticulated, rough, or mixed, and in yet others demonstrating here and there various archaic features. (Szucs 19 8 3 , 153 ) Several historians, on the other hand, underline the basic similarity o f Western and Eastern European feudalism. Zsigm ond Pal Pach, one o f the



most knowledgeable scholars o f the topic, concluded that “ European eco­ nomic development tended . . . to equalize the difference in the devel­ opment levels o f Western and Eastern Europe [up to the second half o f the fifteenth century by advancing] the East European societies that had started later on the road to feudal development” (Pach 1994C 2 8 7 )- Some o f the countries o f the region, such as H ungary and Poland, became me­ dieval great powers. Jerzy Topolski also maintains that Polish, Bohemian, Hungarian, Baltic, and Russian “ feudalism was developing in a similar w a y . . . [to that in the West]. N or do these areas reveal any essential dif­ ferences in chronological terms” (Topolski 1994, 375 - 7 7 ). In his interpre­ tation, the similar paths o f socioeconomic development taken in Western and Eastern Europe diverged at the end o f the fifteenth century. This latter turning point is not debated: between the sixteenth and eigh­ teenth centuries, the Continent became divided into two halves. The vast area o f Central and Eastern Europe, however, was by no means uniform. Each country had its peculiarities, and subregions are clearly distin­ guishable. Central and Eastern Europe somehow broke into at least two zones: the Central European and Russian and Balkan areas (Berend 1986). The split between Greek Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism strength­ ened and stabilized that divergence. The western zone—encompassing Poland, the Baltic countries, Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia—was strongly influenced by the West, while the eastern zone, Russia and the Balkans, remained isolated from the West, lacked private property, and preserved the communal system until early modern times or even longer (Gunst 1996). It is for this reason that Jeno Szucs speaks o f three, rather than two, regions o f Europe. The history o f Central and Eastern Europe from the sixteenth century to the eighteenth consequently followed an opposite trend from that o f Western Europe. Instead o f eliminating feudal institutions and adopting a market system and merchant capitalism, the Baltic, Polish, Bohemian, Hungarian, and Croatian area regressed to an earlier stage o f feudalism, a manorial-serf econom y—a “ second serfdom.” Self-managing latifiindia based on socage reappeared. Serfs were again bound to the land, and feu­ dal dues were paid in crops and then in labor. Juhan Kahk speaks o f E s­ tonian peasants who, from “ the middle o f the sixteenth century were re­ quired to w ork on the demesne all through the summer,” and in the eighteenth century, “ in addition to the regular corvee. . . the peasant was required to send [a second, and] a third person to work on the demesne during . . . reaping season.” The average corvee was fixed at two days a week, but throughout August, it rose to three and even four days (Kahk 1989,170,173).



After having suppressing the country’s most dramatic peasant upris­ ing, led by Gyorgy Dozsa, the Hungarian Diet assembled in Buda in Oc­ tober 1514 and enacted “ bloody laws” that abolished the free movement o f the peasants and tied them to the soil. Labor service, the robot; was also reintroduced (52 days a year, performed with two yokes o f oxen, or 10 4 days without the use o f draft animals). This legal framework o f the “ sec­ ond serfdom” became a reality largely in the mid seventeenth century, when the latifiindia became dominant in the country, replacing the peas­ ant tenure o f previous centuries. The Polish Sejm o f 1520 also introduced labor service and restricted it to 52 days a year. In the seventeenth century, however, when manorial land already occupied roughly one-quarter o f the arable land, the mandatory labor service was increased to three days a week. The free migration o f the peasantry that had become common during the fifteenth century was curbed, and the serfs were tied to the soil (Topolski 1982). In Bohemia, after the Battle o f the White Mountain (1620), the Vemeurte Landesordnung (Renewed Land Ordinance) o f 1627 was introduced. The bulk o f the rural population was tied to the soil and was not permitted to move without the agreement o f the landlord. Additionally, the Labor Service Decree (Robot-patent) o f 1680 declared that the serfs were obliged to per­ form labor service on the demesne o f the lord, w ho even had the right to increase the robot “ at will” (Klima 1991). When Maria Theresa restricted excesses o f the robot system, and the new Patent o f 1775 limited labor ser­ vice to three days a week, “ the E m p ress. . . found it difficult to enforce even the three days’ outer limit” (Kann 1974,197). While the West experienced an emerging modem capitalism, the East thus reinstituted earlier feudal structures. The fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries were disastrous for the area in many respects. Historical cata­ clysms and national tragedies followed one after the other, and indepen­ dent statehood collapsed. The Serb defeat at Kosovo Polje (1389), “ an ir­ retrievable disaster for the South Slavs,” led to the Ottoman occupation o f the Balkans. The battles o f Mohacs (1526) and Buda (1541) ended Hun­ garian independence and led to the partition o f Hungary and a hundred and fifty years o f Ottoman rule in the middle o f the country. Following the Battle o f the White Mountain (1620), the Thirty Years’ War resulted in the death o f 40 percent o f the population o f Bohemia and virtually de­ capitated the Czech elite, changing the social situation o f the country—now a province o f the Habsburg empire. In the North, the Swedish-Russian rivalry ended with the Treaty o f Nystad (1721), and Swedish hegemony in the Baltic area was replaced by Russian dominance. During internal Pol­ ish warfare (1715-16), the Russian tsar subordinated the Polish-Lithuanian



kingdom to Russian rule, effectively making it a ‘"Russian protectorate.” The war o f the Confederation o f Bar had an even more tragic consequence: the partition o f Poland (1772). £ D u rin g the early m o d e m centuries, w h e n stro n g absolutist states em erged in W estern E u ro p e , fo re sh a d o w in g nation-states ¿n d m o dern capitalist transform ation, all the Central and Eastern E u ro p e an countries lost their independent stateh o o d and w ere absorbed b y huge, m o stly despotic em pires. A t the end o f the eighteenth century, the entire area b e­ lo n ged to the O tto m an , R ussian, and H a b s b u r g em pires. T h e dram atic deviation from the Western m odel o f transform ation was, how ever, m ore a consequence than a cause o f genuine internal weaknesses, w h ic h m o stly predated foreign occup atio n. W h ile W estern E u ro p e re­ sp o n d ed to d em o grap h ic catastrophe and the scarcity o f peasant lab o r by low ering rents and decreasing labor services and b y increasing peasant m o ­ bility, w h ich led to d ie fall o f serfdom , “ in Eastern E u r o p e . . . decline in p o pu latio n . . . w as accom panied by an ultim ately successful m o ve m e n t to w ard s im p o sin g extra-eco no m ic controls, that is, serfdom ” (B renn er

1985,23). In the sam e w ay, the W e st responded to the rise o f m o dern trade and markets w ith the advent o f capitalism . T h e E a st reacted to the fa­ vorable o p portun ities fo r grain exp o rt b y en fo rcin g serfdo m and pre­ servin g feudal institutions fo r centuries longer. “ T h e em ergence o f a specific set o f class- o r so cial-p ro p erty relations in the c o u n try sid e — that is, capitalist class relations” led to a breakthrough fro m a traditional eco n ­ o m y to a self-sustaining m o dern system in the W e st (ib id .,

30), w h ile, in

contrast, the preservation o f the traditional class and so cial-p ro p erty re­ lations, the “ stro n g p o sitio n o f the n o b ility in the state and so cie ty ” (R u tk o w sk i

1928), preserved the feudal system in the East.

T h e d o m in an t p o sitio n o f the n o b ility in state and so ciety gradually led to an idealized no b le, o r gentlem anlike, m entality, so o n con sidered a “ national characteristic,” that w as com pletely different fro m either the Protestant ethic and Puritan m o ra lity — the “ spirit o f capitalism ,” as M a x W eber p u t it

([1904-5] 2001) — o r the ideas o f Jud aism , w ith its traditional (1911) sa w the origins o f cap i­

business sense, in w h ich W ern er S o m b a rt

talism. Z s ig m o n d Pal Pach describes the antibusiness m entality o f the H u n g a rian n o b ility: “A ty p e o f cabsentee} landlord cam e into bein g, liv­ in g far fro m his d o m ain , sp en d in g m o n e y excessively, keeping u p a lux­ urious residence in V ie n n a .” H e adds, “ T h e H u n g a rian c o u n try gen tle­ m an w h o lived m ainly o n the serPs services . . . o n his m edium -sized o r sm all estate .

. engaged at m ost in local c o u n ty a ffa irs. . . besides g o in g

to w eddings and hunting and offering hospitality to neighbours and co u n ty



notables” (Pach 19 94,148,150 ). The mid-nineteenth-century Hungarian historian Mihaly Horvath noted that “ common opinion, based on the bi­ ases and prejudices . . . o f the noble classes, cherished the most absurd ideas concerning commerce,” and the mid-twentieth-century Hungarian historian G yula Szekfu concluded that the “Hungarian race . . . [has an] anti-commercial and anti-capitalist talent” (Pach 1994, 151, 155). The hi­ dalgo attitude in Spain and the “ anti-capitalist national character” in H ungary and in other “ noble societies” o f Central and Eastern Europe, consequences o f a special class and property structure in these areas, be­ came strong and eventually insuperable obstacles on the road to modem transformation. This is not to say that Central and Eastern Europe did not join the emerging modern world system. Zsigm ond Pal Pach has suggested that the generalization diat the region “ failed to join in this great process o f transformation” may not explain the negative trend in the development o f Central and Eastern Europe. On the contrary: “ In the first period o f the development o f [a] modern world economy, it was not yet the over­ seas colonies, but rather the countries o f East-Central Europe that were joined [to] the economy o f Western Europe in the sense o f a modern mar­ k e t . . . by exports o f mass-consumption foodstuffs and imports o f massconsumption manufactures” (Pach 1994, 288, 306). The reestablished manorial-serf system o f the East, paradoxically, had a “ capitalist origin.” The region did become a part o f an emerging capitalistic world system (Wallerstein 1974,91-92). In the emerging modern world, however, it ac­ quired a subordinate and peripheral role. The area east o f the Elbe River was distinguished by the preservation o f its agrarian character and retarded urban development. Urban centers o f a Western type did not emerge in Central and Eastern Europe in the early modern period. By 1800, quite a few modem cities existed in the West. First and foremost was London, with its 1.1 million inhabitants, and next Paris, with more than half a million. Amsterdam, Milan, Marseille, Berlin, and Hamburg, among several other cities, had populations o f be­ tween 100,000 and 200,000. Central and Eastern Europe, however, re­ mained rural. Its largest cities in 1800 were Warsaw, with 100,000 in­ habitants; Prague, with 75,000; and Pest and Buda (later Budapest), which together had 54,000. The Hungarian census o f 1785-87 recorded 400,000 urban citizens—only 5 percent o f the total. The Balkan capital cities re­ mained dusty, sleepy little settlements. Around the end o f the eighteenth century, Bucharest had 30,000 inhabitants. Belgrade had 25,000. Serbia's urban dwellers accounted for hardly more than 4 percent o f the popula­



tion in the early nineteenth century. Central and Eastern European ur­ banization was one-tenth o f that o f the West around the beginning o f the nineteenth century. Even the Central and Eastern European villages were “ extremely tiny, often no more than a dozen houses” (Braudel 19/9,56-57). The Balkan subregion’s deviation from the West was evén more dra­ matic. From the nineteenth century on, national historiography has tra­ ditionally blamed the Ottoman conquest for Balkan backwardness. The conquerors destroyed grain-growing villages in the lowlands and deci­ mated the population, the argument goes; the survivors escaped to wooded, mountainous areas, where they supported themselves by rais­ ing animals. The consequence o f Ottoman occupation was thus the de­ population o f the Balkans and a reversion to seminomadic pastoral life (Lampe and Jackson 1982). Maria Todorova sums up the “ dominant dis­ course” in Balkan historiography thus: “ On the eve o f the Ottoman con­ quest, the medieval societies o f the Balkans had reached a high degree o f sophistication that made them commensurate with, if not ahead of, de­ velopment in Western Europe. . . . The arrival o f the Ottomans was a calamity o f unparalleled consequences because it disrupted the natural de­ velopment . . . isolated the peninsula from European development and left it untouched by the great ideas and transformations. . . [bringing] a deep cultural regression and even barbarization” (Todorova 1997,182). Even Hungarian historiography has accounted for the unfortunate nonWestem development pattern o f the country from the sixteenth century on in terms o f the catastrophe o f the Ottoman occupation o f the middle part o f the country for over a century and a half. “ The Ottomans destroyed the normal development o f the Hungarian state and nation by their three hundred years o f wars,” stated Gyula Szekfu, the leading interwar histo­ rian. “ The Ottoman rule is the most severe, moreover, probably the only major catastrophe o f Hungarian history. . . .That was the cause o f all later misfortunes o f H ungary” (Szekfu 1935, 498-99> 584). M ore recent research, however, has challenged this traditional view. Zsigmond Pál Pach has convincingly proved that a divergent trend in so­ cioeconomic development had begun in H ungary at the end o f the fifteenth century, before the Ottoman conquest o f 1526 and 1541* M ore­ over, the elkanyarodds, diversion from Western trends, was caused by the rise o f modern Atlantic trade and the marginalization o f Central and East­ ern Europe in the world system (Pach 1963). Fikret Adanir also offers a critical revision regarding the Balkans. “ The Balkan Peninsula had expe­ rienced demographic and economic decline long before the foundation o f the Ottoman state,” he argues. Desertion o f land became typical dur-



ing earlier centuries, and Thessaly, the lowlands o f Macedonia, and Danubian Bulgaria were grazing grounds for the herds o f the Wallachians (Adanir 1989, i33~34). The leading Romanian agrarian historian Henri Stahl argues that Romanian society was essentially nomadic and pastoral, based on a marginal “ itinerant agriculture” that did not employ crop-rotation systems before 1864. Grain-growing villages, in this inter­ pretation, did not exist. The pastoral population cultivated virgin land for three years and then moved to other places with their herds and cultivated virgin land again. Private ownership did not exist, and the warrior elite engaged in fiscal exploitation o f the communal villages. The Romanian Domnie was thus a sui generis type o f social formation, “ at any rate, not that o f feudalism” (Stahl 1980,53, 214-16). The leading nineteenth-cen­ tury Romanian historian Nicolae Iorga called the Romanian state a stat fk prada, a predatory state. This characterization was certainly appropri­ ate to most o f the Balkans, which were referred to by late medieval sources as M agna Valachia. Regarding the Balkans, but also the rest o f Central and Eastern E u ­ rope, it is thus fair to ask, W hy did this area become dependent, occupied by neighboring great powers, and peripheral to Europe? Why did other countries become colonial powers or dominant in the area? “ Why did it not turn out the other way around?” —as G yorgy Ránki and I have asked in our work on the nineteenth-century European periphery. “ M ost o f the authors dealing with backwardness do not go back to prior to the six­ teenth century, and few go back even that far,” we wrote twenty years ago. “ The coptical illusion5that this gives rise to will be obvious.” The an­ swer to the previous question is that “ the seeds o f this ‘departure5 from the Western model were already well embedded in the preceding cen­ turies.” The lack o f feudal structures, “ barbarian feudalism,” “ state serf­ dom ,” and the peculiar tenacity o f communal landholding had a major impact on the later history o f the region (Berend and Ránki 1982,10-12). Besides, a historical debate about the consequences o f the Ottoman occupation o f the Balkans attempts to revise the traditional view o f the Ottoman empire, maintaining that the Ottoman system was no more backward than any other non-Westem regime in the world. The Ottoman empire was, in fact, a rather typical successful large agrarian empire. Some writers entirely reject the concept o f Ottoman “ backwardness” and regard Ottoman civilization simply as an alternative to the Western European model. M aria Todorova discusses the rise o f Western stereotypes o f the Balkans, which, from the eighteenth century on, became a “ frozen im ­ age” o f industrial backwardness, primitive social relations and institutions,



irrational and superstitious cultures, and tribal barbarity—a “ repository o f negative characteristics against which a positive and self-congratula­ tory image o f the ‘European’ and the ‘West5 has been constructed” (Todorova 1997, 7, 11, 188). Opposing this biased perception, she cites Agnes H eller’s view: “ The myth o f Occident and Orient is'not a juxta­ position o f civilization with barbarism but rather o f one civilization with another” (Heller 1992,14). The various perceptions and interpretations cannot cover existing dif­ ferences and require noting some basic facts. In the classical Ottoman sys­ tem, created by Mehmed II in the mid fifteenth century and characteris­ tic o f the entire sixteenth century, the peasants had a “ quite tolerable condition o f life,” and the “ tax load . . . was not unduly heavy.” The state eventually acquired nearly 90 percent o f the territory, but it was given to the spahi cavalry officers, a military elite o f about 20,000 soldiers in the Balkans in the mid fifteenth century, for an indefinite period o f time to collect taxes (the timar system). Power, however, was strictly centralized, and the spahis could be removed at any time (Lampe and Jackson 1982). Ottoman occupation o f the Balkans actually helped to replace the nomadic transhumance way o f life with permanent settlements and agricultural ac­ tivity. Turkish immigration and setdements in northeast Bulgaria, Thrace, the flatland o f Macedonia, and Thessaly repopulated deserted areas. The state encouraged the cultivation o f unused land by granting private ow n­ ership, which led to rice cultivation in the river valleys. The Ottoman mil­ itary-administrative districts (sanjaks) at last became a corn surplus area (Adanir 19 8 9 ,134-39)- It is also true and important that the empire was open to ethnic differences and tolerant o f religious minorities. The Ottoman regime, however, started to change at the end o f the six­ teenth century. The classical timar system, which was rather similar to other feudal tax systems, was replaced by tax farming. Later, tax farms were leased on a hereditary basis (malikane). In the Ottoman “ command econ­ omy,55 to use John Lampe’s term, the peasants had to sell their products to the Sultan at a low official mandatory price, which amounted to an ex­ tra form o f taxation. Head tax became personal tax, instead o f household tax, all kinds o f tax exemptions were abolished, and so-called extraordi­ nary taxes were collected annually to cover the vast expenses o f perma­ nent warfare, in 1593-1606, in 1645-69, and in 1683-99- The tax burden, Fikret Adanir concludes, became three times higher in constant prices than it had been in the sixteenth century. The dissolution o f the timar system undermined the well-being o f the rural population. Provincial governors recruited private armies and be­



cam e absolute rulers o f the land they go vern ed. “ O vertaxatio n , b rig ­ andage . . . fam ines, and epidem ics” led to a steep decline in the p o p u la ­ tion. “ S o c ial b a n d itry” becam e the m ain characteristic o f the Balkans. People escaped fro m the low lan ds to the hills and w o o d s . A n A u strian e n v o y n o te d o f his travels across the Balkans in the early seventeenth cen­ tu ry that he did n o t see developed agriculture except o n the Th racian plain aroun d P lo vdiv, and that “ w ild stretches betw een B elgrade and N is w ere w ilderness.” “ T h e O tto m a n system . . . in the lo n g run . , . p ro ved to be an obstacle to substantial increases in agricultural p ro d u ctivity and ren­ dered m ore difficult the transition to the capitalistic m o de o f p ro d u ctio n ” (A d an ir

1989,142-56). K em ai A ta tü rk — w h o w as, o f cou rse, stro ngly m o ­

tivated to legitim ize his revo lution ary regim e b y sharply rejecting the O t ­ to m an e ra — encouraged his people “ to regard the o ld em pire as a back­ w a rd despotism w h o se gu id in g ideology, Islam , had prevented its Turkish elite fro m keeping up w ith w estern tech n o lo g y and e co n o m ic progress” (D e B ellaigue

2001). T h e O tto m a n em pire w as thus n o t ju st another typ e

o f eco n o m ic regim e, and it w as definitely n o t a successful agricultural e m ­ pire in term s o f m odern agricultural and capitalistic transform ation in the early m odern centuries. In fact, it w as a serious burden an d an obstacle to the kind o f m odern ization that A tatü rk ’s revo lution aim ed to achieve after W o rld W ar I. T h e w o rst lon g-term consequence o f b ein g incorporated into the O t ­ tom an em pire w as virtual exclusion from the e m e rg in g w o rld system , iso­ lated in a rigid O tto m a n bureaucratic-m ilitary regim e that esch ew ed pri­ vate ow nersh ip. T h e agricultural surplus w as used to sustain th e h u g e m ilitary establishm ent o f a vast em pire that w a s p reoccupied w ith w a r­ fare, either to enlarge the em pire o r to preserve it. Balkan societies were mutilated d u rin g the half-m illennium o f O tto m an rule. T h e elite becam e a bureaucratic-m ilitary O tto m a n class. T h e y w e re jo in e d b y a g ro u p o f partly Islam ized Balkan m ediators w h o served as spokesm en for the local peasantry and assisted th e O tto m a n elite w ith tax collection. E a c h Serbian village elected a local leader, o r

knaz, and larger

provinces elected a gran d knaz. “ Balkan C h ristian locals,” M aria T o d o ro va observes, “ w e re integrated in the bureaucracy o n ly at the lo w e st level, i f at all,” s o that there w as a “ lack o f political elites in the B alkans” (T o ­ d o ro va

19 97,171). Balkan societies thus becam e “ incom plete societies,”

scarcely m o re than h uge peasant com m unities. B lo o d relations rem ained the m ain organizational principle, and the peasants lived in extended fam ­ ily o r com m unal units, w o rk in g to geth er and d iv id in g the fruits o f their labor equally. S in ce their surplus p ro du cts w ere in effect confiscated, the



peasant communities relied on a subsistence economy with practically no market connections. Neither the peasants nor the spahis who were re­ sponsible for tax collection engaged in improving agricultural Methods or increasing output. The Balkans remained almost entirely rural, but small to^ns with lim­ ited merchant-artisan populations emerged. In the centralized Ottoman empire, the esnaji system, a strict, guild-type organization, controlled what was produced and in what quantity, blocking any kind o f unauthorized change. Prices were fixed, and profit was limited to io percent. When the centralized Ottoman system began to decline, the situation worsened. As the regime lost control over security, local warlords and plundering janissary troops preyed on the Balkan peasantry. Anarchy and terrorism prevailed. The Western powers, together with Russia, defeated the Ottomans several times during the seventeenth and eighteenth cen­ turies, and the empire became a free hunting ground for Dutch, French, and English merchants, who acquired special privileges. Export and import duties were fixed at the extremely low rate o f 3 to 5 percent ad valorem, which, in the age o f protectionism, left the empire’s markets vulnerable. “ The Ottoman Empire did not experience the so-called Commercial R ev­ olution which basically transformed Western economic institutions and practices between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries.. . .The Ottoman economy was remaining static during this period. . . .The curtain separat­ ing the Ottoman Empire from the West did not lift appreciably until the mid-nineteenth century55 (Stavrianos [1958] 1963,125,134). The Balkans, dominated by a subsistence-communal economy, could not join the world system.

TRADITIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS; ABSENCE OF AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION AND PROTO-INDUSTRIALIZATION L ifestyle, nutrition, m arriage custo m s, health con d itio n s, and the entire com m unal-ru ral enviro n m en t o f the m edieval typ e o f village life chan ged little in C en tral and E astern E u ro p e d u rin g the early m o d e m centuries. W h ile the m o rtality level declined in the W e s t—to ab o u t

26-27 deaths

1,000 inhabitants in E n g la n d in 18 0 0 — it rem ained essentially u n ­ 1800s, there w e re 39.5 deaths p er 1,000 inhabitants in B o h em ia, and the m o rtality rate rarely d ro p p e d b e lo w 35-36 deaths, w h ic h w a s, as in previous centuries, nearly counterbalanced b y an equally h igh birthrate (betw een 35-45 births per per

chan ged in C en tral and Eastern E u ro p e . In the early



i,oo o inhabitants). The calculations o f Roger M ols (1974) and B. R . Mitchell (1975) indicate that the population o f Central and Eastern E u ­ rope, unlike that o f Western Europe, grew very slowly, from 16 million in 1500 to 20 million in 1600, 22,8 million in 1700, and somewhat more than 30 million in 1800. In contrast to the rapid growth in the West dur­ ing the sixteenth century, only a 25 percent increase occurred here, fo l­ lowed by an 11 percent increase during the seventeenth century, and roughly 35 percent in the eighteenth. M ost experts speak o f “ continuous population decline” in the Balkans between the mid seventeenth and early nineteenth centuries (see, e.g., Palairet 1997)- Although the exact figures are disputable—M ols estimates that the seventeenth- and eighteenthcentury Balkans had a “ minimum” o f 8 million inhabitants, whereas Michael Palairet registers only 3.7 million in 1700 and 5.5 million in the early nine­ teenth century—they certainly demonstrate the demographic trends and the marked difference between the Balkans and the West. U sing much more reliable data, the demographers o f nineteenth-century Europe reg­ istered a continued slow population growth in Central and Eastern E u ­ rope during the first decades o f the century (Glass and Eversley 1965,62). Around 1800, there were some 18-28 people per square kilometer in Cen­ tral Europe, and the Balkans hardly surpassed 8-12, compared to 60-80 in Western Europe. The contrast was distinct. B. H . Slicher van Bath and many students o f the agricultural revolu­ tion in Western Europe have maintained that the major technological in­ novations and the increase o f productivity were generated by necessity, namely, the population explosions o f the sixteenth and eighteenth cen­ turies; but there was no such pressure in sparsely populated Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, socioeconomic institutions created insur­ mountable barriers to agricultural modernization. Until the end o f the eighteenth century, the peasant economy thus preserved “ its traditional level o f production technique, unchanged, unmodernized . . . the land [was cultivated] in the same manner as the West European peasantry had been doing in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries” (Gunst 1996,76-77). When, in the mid to late eighteenth century, Western European yields significantly increased (for wheat: 7-8 times the sown seed in Holstein, 6-8 times in France, and 10 -12 times in Great Britain), grain productiv­ ity remained unchanged in Central Europe, three to five times the amount o f the sown seed in Poland, Hungary, and Bohemia, as in the sixteenth century (Magdalena 1974). The first signs o f improvement appeared only in the second half o f the eighteenth century (Kann and David 1984). In the mid and late seventeenth century, the ancient two-field rotation sys-



tcm still existed in the mountainous northern parts o f Hungary and in Transylvania (on the Rakoezi estates), meaning half o f die land remained fallow for grazing, while in the other areas, the three-field rotation sys­ tem persisted (Varkonyi 1985). It did not change until the late eighteenth century. Crop rotation and new crops, including corn, potatoes, and feed crops, appeared on the most advanced large estates in die 1780s. The Balkans did not feel any population pressure. Moreover, as Palairet observes, “ The density o f Balkan setdem ent. . was too low to permit an efficient division o f labor . . . peasants engaged in subsistence farm­ ing” (Palairet 1997, 22). Agricultural practice in die area during the early modem centuries declined into seminomadic animal husbandry, because setded farming became almost impossible. Peasants were ruthlessly ex­ ploited by warlords and robbed and murdered by savage janissaries. In various parts o f the Balkans, “ banditry was an essential branch o f eco­ nomic life” (ibid., 149). A Russian traveler in the early nineteenth century warned that the “ Bulgars o f the uplands were ‘ferocious brigands. . .w h o rob and mutilate their victims/” Late seventeenth- and even early nine­ teenth-century Western travelers describe the deserted Balkan country­ side: “ I am confident, above two-thirds o f the land lyes unoccupied. . . . In many, many miles riding, we saw neither corn-field, nor pasture, nor flocks, nor herds,” Reverend John Covel observed in 1675. “ I should have mentioned. . . a great part o f European Turkey. . . as almost destitute o f inhabitants,” reported an early nineteenth-century British traveler (Stavrianos [1958] 19 6 3,14 1-4 2). An “ anti-capitalist character” emerged during these centuries in H ungary and Poland, and according to Palairet, armed violence became a kind o f “ national characteristic” in the Balkans. “ [A]rmed struggle against an external enemy” was considered virtuous. Oudaws em­ bodied freedom and courage, so that “ the value system o f this pastoral society could not only tolerate banditry but glory in it” (Palairet 1997, 149). “ Our people think and sing in their songs that men become hajduks in Serbia as the result o f Turkish terror and misrule,” Vuk Karadzic noted in his Serbian Dictionary o f 1818. The outlaws in the Balkans, organized in bands, received their food and shelter from the peasants who protected them, especially in wintertime. They were, in most cases, legendary he­ roes o f the Robin H ood type (Holton and Mihailovich 1988,120). T h e peasants w h o fled to the uplands turned to transhum ant stockraising in place o f agriculture and used the m o untain grasslands fo r g ra z ­ in g sheep and cattle. O n ly one-fifth to o n e-q u arter o f the arable land w as p lo w ed in both the Bulgarian V id in p ro vince and Serbia. T h e agricultural revolution w as n o t y e t o n the horizon .



In the eighteenth century, local w arlords in the Turkish em pire intro­ du ced private lan d o w n crsh ip , w h ich becam e a facto r in th e disintegra­ tio n o f the centralized O tto m an state after b ein g legalized b y the P o rte . 1 T h e resulting

chiftik system w as a kind o f m anorial e c o n o m y o p erated Cbiflik estates o f 15-30 acres, cultivated

either b y serfs o r b y w a g e workers.

b y ten to tw e n ty fam ilies, partly b y sharecropping, appeared alo n g the D a n u b e in northern Bulgaria, in southern Bulgaria, in M aced o n ia, and in northern G reece, “ alm ost always clustered around, o r o n the sam e rivers as, a B alkan com m ercial center” (L a m p e and Jack so n

1982, 34). T h is so rt

o f m anorial com m ercial farm in g rem ained lim ited even in B u lgaria,

20-23 percent o f the arable land in so m e 5 percent o f the total area o f the country.

w h ere it w as practiced on ro u gh ly regions, b u t o n n o m ore than M arket-oriented

cbiflik farm ing nonetheless p ro du ced the bulk o f the e m ­

pire’s agricultural exports. M o s t o f the peasant households in Central and Eastern Eu ro p e remained self-sufficient during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. W o m e n p roduced a large am o u nt o f textiles and cloth in g and processed fo o d ; m en m anufactured m o st o f their o w n tools, crafted w o o d w o rk , and d id co n ­ struction. A m edieval gu ild system served the sm all urban population. T h ere w as scant ro o m for W estern-style proto-industrial developm ent. T h e o n ly exception w as B o h em ia an d M o ra via , w h ich experienced a flourish ing proto-industrialization d u rin g the eighteenth an d early nine­ teenth centuries. M erch an ts, burghers, w e ll-to -d o peasants, and landed aristocrats becam e industrial entrepreneurs in eigh teenth -centu ry B o ­ hem ia and em p lo yed a surprising nu m b er o f peasants, m o stly as hom e w orkers. In

1798, nearly 700,000 people w ere e m p lo yed in the textile in­ 200,000 people in the glass, iron , and paper indus­

dustries and ro u gh ly

tries in the C z e c h lands. In o th er areas o f C en tral and E astern E u ro p e , instead o f p ro to -in d u s­ trialization, a kind o f feudal revival to o k place. In H u n g a r y and C ro a tia , there w as a late rekindling o f gu ild s in the seventeenth an d early eigh ­ teenth centuries. In places freshly liberated fro m O tto m an rule in the early seventeenth century, gu ild s w ere reorganized. S o m e gu ild s w ere sm all, fo rm ed b y a handful o f m aster craftsm en, and so m e, as in V arazd in and Z a g r e b in the second h a lf o f the century, represented m o re than o n e craft.

1. T h e O tto m a n g o ve rn m e n t w as called the P o n e , o r the S u b lim e P o rte, a nam e d e ­ rivin g from the B a b -i-H iim a y iin , o r Im perial G a te (translated in to Fren ch as “ la Su b lim e P o rte,” “ the H ig h G a te ” ), o f th e T o p k ap i Palace in Ista n b u l, from w h ich the Su ltan ’ s edicts w e n t o u t.



They were highly conservative and opposed any artisan work outside the guild. Industrial activity stagnated in both Croatia and Hungary dur­ ing the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with only i percept o f the population working in industry and trade. Even in the cities, this figure only rose to between io and 20 percent. Later, by the secofid half o f the eighteenth century, a quarter o f the urban population belonged to 50 to 60 artisan guilds, but most o f the craftsmen also cultivated land—mostly vineyards—to make a living. The techniques and organization o f artisan production did not change much between the fifteenth and early nineteenth centuries in Hungary and Croatia. Poland exhibited somewhat greater progress in this respect, and cottage industries advanced there during the eighteenth century, with from S to 10 percent o f families earning the largest part o f their incomes from textile piecework at home, while a similar proportion o f peasants were occupied mainly with food processing. In Hungary, emerging proto-industries faced strong competition, but this was not the case in the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom, even after the partition o f the country, because unlike the Habsburg empire, occupying Russia was economically weaker than the lands it dominated politically and militarily. However, industrial advances were very slow in a generally declining and crisisridden Poland, where even in 1830, only 2-3 percent o f the population worked in industry. The first putting-out industries and organized factories were estab­ lished in H ungary in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Proto-industrialization was, nevertheless, very limited, since little mer­ chant capital was available and it was not drawn to industrial investment (Merei 1951). Trade was much more lucrative, especially selling Hungar­ ian agricultural products in the Austrian-Bohemian market and buying textiles and other manufactured goods there for Hungarian consumers. “ The influx o f cheaper industrial goods not only depressed the inefficient Hungarian crafts, it undermined a number o f capitalist enterprises o f the manufactory type, established in the preceding era o f prosperity” (Kann and David 1984,242). At the end o f the eighteenth century, only 66 rel­ atively large industrial, capitalist-type firms existed in Hungary. In Croa­ tia, 28 textile, potash, glass, paper, and leather factories were established between the 1750s and 1790s, but only n survived after the turn o f the century. Elek Fenyes, the father o f modern Hungarian statistics, counted 530 nonmechanized “ factories” in mid-nineteenth-century Hungary; only five steam engines were in use, with a capacity o f about 50 horsepower. “ The



darkest side o f our country,” Fenyes concluded, “ is the lack o f industry” (Fenyes 1865-66). Hillside animal husbandry was typical in the barely urbanized Balkans. Manufacturing was not separated from agriculture and took place in peas­ ant households. Subsistence farming did not serve as a basis for any kind o f early industrial development. During the late eighteenth and early nine­ teenth centuries, however, in certain areas, especially in northern Bulgaria, necessity generated proto-industrial advances. In relatively densely pop­ ulated mountainous and hillside areas—the regions that escaped janissary atrocities—where arable farmland was inadequate, cottage industry be­ came the main source o f family income. Marketability was, however, the sine qua non for development, and Balkan peasant society was not a suit­ able market for the products o f cottage industry. The physical proximity o f an urban market or easy access to a transportation route (i.e., a major river) by way o f which products could be exported offered exceptional opportunities. Istanbul and Salonika possessed these advantages and also supplied woolen cloth and clothing to the Ottoman army. Mills “ were established exclusively for state contract work, to supply uniform cloth for cutting and sewing by the Bulgarian tailors at the Hambarya” (Palairet 1997, 9). Cotton processing for Austrian merchants also flourished in the Ambelakia and Tirnavos areas during the continental blockade o f the Napoleonic wars. Around the turn o f the nineteenth century, industrial villages appeared, and an increasing number o f peasant households em ­ barked on manufacturing. In most o f the other parts o f the Balkans, how ­ ever, this was not the case. Serbian peasants were not engaged in indus­ try. In a paradoxical way, proto-industrialization gained momentum in the later decades not as a path toward mechanized, m odem big industry but rather as a substitute for it.

THE WESTERN WORLDVIEW AND LOCAL VALUES In a virtually static socioeconomic environment, traditional value systems survived a long time. Count Jozsef Teleki, a leading Hungarian aristocrat who spent two years in Holland, France, and Switzerland, returned to Hungary to publish an anti-Enlightenment pamphlet (1760) attacking Voltaire even before he became known in the country. Pal Bertalanfly, the Jesuit w ho in 1757 wrote one o f the first Hungarian geography books, a work o f more than a thousand pages, sarcastically attacked Copernicus, saying his “ brain [was] turned upside down.” Mihaly Szatmari PaksFs



Pbysica contracta (1719) attempted to refute Newton. A “ populist 75 cult o f ancient Hungarianness was confronted by “ alien” Western ideas. TheTripartitum, an early sixteenth-century summary o f noble privileges by the Counter-Reformation leader Istvan Werboczy, remained the Bible o f the Hungarian nobility. In Bohemia and Poland, education wds the province o f the Church, and schooling concentrated, even at the secondary level, on theology and Latin. Culture and science remained subordinate to re­ ligion and the feudal worldview. The Jesuits controlled most o f the schools and censored publications. In the anachronistic social environment o f Poland, Stanislaw Konarski established the Collegium Nobilium, a spe­ cial school for nobles, and Adam Czartoryski opened a school o f knights (1765). The feudal worldview and practices continued to gain momentum in these countries. Witchcraft trials and witch burning—thirteen defen­ dants were burned in one single case in Szeged, H ungary—continued for another century in H ungary and Poland-after the last case in France in 1670. Maria Theresa, after a few unsuccessful attempts, banned witchcraft trials in 1768. The last case in Poland occurred in 1776 (Kosary 1980). The Polish nobility, in percentage terms the most numerous in Europe, jeal­ ously guarded its “ golden freedom” and did not want to change the so­ cial hierarchy. The concept o f the nobility reinforced notions o f superi­ ority over other nations, inasmuch as Poland was considered the “ bulwark o f Christianity” and also a protectorate o f the Virgin Mary. Asim ilar idea flourished in Hungary. Accordingly, the Polish nobility nurtured the idea o f its “ Sarmatian” origin, and the Hungarians, based on medieval tales, cherished their legendary Hun ancestry, which they believed differenti­ ated them ethnically from their Slavic neighbors and serfs. Provincial hos­ tility to foreign influences and a stressed “ Polishness” (including special Pol­ ish noble dress, die kontusz) blocked the road to Western ideas (Topolski 1982; Cynarski 1974). Like the hidalgo mentality in Spain, Polish Sarmatianism and its Hungarian counterpart led the noble elite to reject trade and industry as alien and look down on the social strata representative o f them. Instead o f a Northwestern European Protestant ethic, wasteful consump­ tion and a parasitic lifestyle became characteristic o f the elite in Central and Eastern Europe. The Enlightenment did not prevail in these noble societies. Moreover, the nobility represented itself as the embodiment o f dignity and grandeur, an ideal that would influence both the better-offpeasant and urban populations. T h e old value system rem ained predom inant. Seven teenth - and eigh ­ teen th -cen tury H u n g a ry , B oh em ia, and Poland experienced the o v e r­ w h e lm in g v icto ry o f the C ath o lic C o u n te r-R e fo rm a tio n and a late bios-



so m in g o f a provincial version o f the religious-feudal baroque. T h ese val­ ues, first em braced b y the higher and lo w e r n o b ility and even th e urban craftsm en, had b y the first h a lf o f the eighteenth cen tu ry penetrated peas­ ant society. T h e R efo rm atio n engulfed B o h em ia d u rin g the sixteenth cen­ tu ry: tw o -th ird s o f the p o pu latio n joined one o f the Protestant faiths. A f ­ ter the Battle o f the W h ite M ou n tain in the late

1620s, h ow ever, a ruthless

and h ig h ly successful C o u n ter-R efo rm atio n , led b y the H a b sb u rg s and im plem ented b y the Jesuits, forced all o f the Protestants w h o had the right to m igrate to leave the c o u n tr y In that decade, ro u g h ly one-fifth o f d ie p o pu latio n departed. T h e serfs, o n the o th er hand, w ere forced to c o n ­ vert to C ath o licism in special cerem onies. B y

1787, o n ly 2 percent o f the

1987). C ath olicism becam e th e state 1628. T h e C o u n te r-R e fo rm a tio n w as n o t so successful in

p o p u latio n w as Protestant (K ad lec religion after

H u n g a ry , w h ere the noble resistance o f the seventeenth cen tu ry safe­ gu ard ed large areas o f the c o u n tr y T h e Protestant m ajo rity (once cent o f the inhabitants) shrank, h o w ever, and b y

70 p e r­

18 04,6 0 percent o f the 60 to 65 p e r­

p o p u latio n had returned to the C ath o lic C h u rch . In C ro atia ,

cent o f the popu lation w ere C ath o lic, and the rem ainder w e re not P rotes­ tant bu t G reek O rth o d o x . T h e conservative Jesu it w o rld v ie w prevailed. In the early m o d e m era, h ow ever, the revo lu tion ary ideas o f the W est began to infiltrate the “ sleep ing” countries o f the E u ro p e a n periphery, al­ beit o n ly a m o n g the relatively small g ro u p o f enlightened n o b ility T h e road to an acceptance o f the N e w to n ia n w o rld v ie w began to open o n ly in the last third o f the eighteenth c e n tu ry A total acceptance o f N e w to n ian physics is eviden t in the w o rk s o f Pal M a k o , A n tal R adies, and Jan o s K . H o rv a th in H u n g a r y in the late

1760s and 1770s. T h e first physics text­

b o o k in H u n g a rian expressed this in its tide, A jisikdnak eleji: A termeszetiekrol Newton tanitvdnyainak nyomdokaszerent (E lem e n tary Physics: O n N a tu re , Based o n the Pupils o f N e w to n )

(1777). D u rin g those decades, 1740-80)

the reform s o f H u n g a r y 's H a p sb u rg queen M aria T h eresa (r.

introdu ced a unified secular educational system . State con tro l and the in ­ tro ductio n o f m athem atics an d science as a regular part o f th e curriculum o p en ed th e w a y to a m o d e m educational system in the

1770s, although

c o m p u lso ry universal education h ad n o t y e t been introduced. A N a tio n a l E d u catio n al C o m m itte e w as sim ilarly established in Poland in

1773 to sec­

ularize an d m o dern ize the educational system .

In addition to the enlightened monarch's moderate reforms, the ideas o f the Enlightenment made their way both to H ungary and to the other countries o f the region. As in the West, freemasonry was one o f the ve­ hicles. The first Masonic lodges were founded in Prague in 1726, in War­



saw in 1755, and in Hungary by the mid eighteenth century During the last decade o f the century, there were twenty-eight to thirty Masonic lodges distributed throughout Hungary, with 600 to 2,000 menlbers. The ideas o f tolerance, fraternity, and equal membership for nobles and non­ nobles paved the way to the Enlightenment. However, eveiffreemasonry remained an institution o f noble society, representing the more enlight­ ened groups o f the county's nobility Leading Freemasons represented the most prominent aristocratic families: in Poland, Stanislaw-August, the last king, and the wealthy noble Poniatowski family; in Hungary, the Radays, Vays, Orczys, and Podmaniczkys. Very few burghers participated, although intellectuals, medical doctors, and other professionals joined. In the mid 1780s, Hungarian freemasonry expressed the anti-Habsburg, anticentralization ideas o f the enlightened nobility and urged noble re­ sistance against the emperor Joseph II. In 1789, in the “ First Innocence Lodge” o f Buda, a lecture stressed the role o f “ sense and freedom against despotism and stupidity.” The author even quoted Montesquieu (Balazs 1967). Paradoxically, Enlightenment ideas in Hungary and Poland were closely connected both with moderate reform and with safeguarding no­ ble privileges, although the majority o f the Polish nobility, or szlachta, re­ jected all liberal political and social notions. A lth o u g h books, theaters— am o n g them the N a tio n a l T h eater in W a r­

(1765)—and publications such as xheMerkuriuszPolski Ordynaryjny (1661) and the Kurier Polski (1730), the first Polish periodical and daily


new spaper, respectively, transm itted m o d e m W estern ideas, their im pact always rem ained lim ited. T h e elite, partly b y traveling to the W est, as in the case o f the H u n g a ria n co u n t Ferenc Szech en yi in

1787, w h o w e n t to

the N eth erland s and Britain to stu d y m o d e m agriculture and th e ideas o f A d a m Sm ith , and p a rd y as a result o f reading W estern literature, becam e acquainted w ith m o d ern British an d F ren ch thinkers. T h e n o b le E n ­ lightenm ent d evelo ped m o re firm ly and m o re quickly in Poland than in H u n g a r y H u g o K oll^taj’s influential political d u b , the K uznica, discussed the ideas o f the E n lig h te n m e n t, b u t envision ed o n ly lim ited reform s as th e fou ndation o f an enlightened, dem o cratic no b le state. T h e w o rk s o f L o c k e , Voltaire, R o u sseau , and Sm ith becam e popular in these circles, but their ideas circulated exclusively a m o n g a no b le elite, w h o se fo cu s d id n o t take in the T h ir d Estate. W hereas in the W est, po pu latio n w as literate b y

60 to 90 percent o f the

1800, literacy in Central E u ro p e had spread

m o sd y a m o n g the u p p er no b ility, and o n ly partially a m o n g the lo w e r n o ­

70 percent o f th e h igh er 60 percent o f the small urban patrician layer w ere literate as early as the b eg in n in g o f the eighteenth century, but 90-95 percent o f the bility and urban popu lation . In Poland, ro u gh ly

n o b ility and



lower nobility and peasantry remained illiterate. The peasantry in Poland, Hungary, and Bohemia remained outside the educated classes. Accord­ ing to detailed research, in spite o f eighteenth-century progress, fewer than io percent o f the younger generation were enrolled in school in H ungary at the end o f the century. Nearly a century later, in 1869,68 percent o f the population were still illiterate. Pride and arrogance among the nobility, and backwardness, superstition, and ignorance among the bulk o f the pop­ ulation, were typical o f the societies o f Central and Eastern Europe. Ottoman rule in the Balkans isolated society from European influences. “Henceforth people will be looking at the universe with the eyes o f oxen,” said Katib (pelebi, a famous Turkish encyclopedist and historian who in the mid seventeenth century criticized contemporary Ottoman scholar­ ship for ignoring philosophy and science. The Ottoman empire, including its European part, the Balkans, “ remained unaffected and unchanged . . . [by] the discoveries, the commercial revolution, the scientific advances, and the rise o f the absolutist monarchies . . . [the] developments [that] transformed and strengthened immensely the Western world. . . . The failure o f the Ottoman Empire was . . . a failure o f adjustment, a failure to respond to the challenge o f the new dynamic West,” L. S. Stavrianos, one o f the best authorities on the area, observes (Stavrianos [1958] 1963, 132—33,136). Even the Ottoman upper class lacked anyone to transmit the new innovations and ideas o f the advanced world to them. N ot only were the peasants illiterate, but the local elite were too. cc[A]n intellectual iron curtain separated the Ottoman Empire from the West,” Stavrianos writes. The subjects o f the Sublime Porte “ knew nothing o f the epoch-making achievements o f Paracelsus in medicine, Vesalius in anatomy, and Coper­ nicus, Kepler, and Galileo in astronomy.” Norman Davies elaborates on the often-mentioned impact o f Ottoman control combined with anti-Western Greek Orthodoxy: “ None o f the great civilizing movements. . . Reformation, Science, Enlightenm ent. . . could effectively penetrate the Balkan countries. Political traditions owed little to rationalism, absolutism, or constitutionalism; kinship politics dominated at all levels, nepotism lubricated by bribery was a way o f life” (Davies 1996, 646).

REVOLUTION IN THE WEST AND HIBERNATION IN THE EAST On July 14 ,178 9 , the Bastille, a symbol o f oppression and the establish­ ment, was attacked by a Paris mob and quickly taken. Three days later, the French Third Estate constituted itself into a National Assembly, which



on August 27 proclaimed the Rights o f M an, paraphrasing the first sen­ tence o f Rousseau's Social Contract: “ M en arc born free and remain free and equal in rights.5'T h e French Revolution began to realize thejideas o f the Enlightenment. ^ A revolutionary crescendo between the 1770s and the iSios'signaled the conclusive accomplishment o f the gradual transformation and rise o f the West. The French Revolution o f 1789 itself lasted a quarter o f a century, if one takes into account its several phases. During these years, however, France and the entire Western European world—mostly reformed and remodeled by N apoleon—opened a new chapter o f human history. A n ­ tiquated feudal institutions, serfdom, the guild system, and noble privi­ leges were eliminated. The modern state, political system, and legal or­ der were founded. Serfs and Jews were emancipated. Human rights were guaranteed for all: “ no person should be troubled lor his opinion,55“ every citizen can write, speak, and publish freely,55 and “ every man is presumed innocent till found guilty,55 proclaimed the Declaration o f the Rights o f M an, which also termed property “ a sacred and inviolable right.55Church estates were nationalized, and Church and state were separated (1801). The codification o f the revolutionary legislation in the French Civil Code, or Code Napoleon (1804), influenced the modernization o f coun­ tries throughout Western Europe. The revolutionary and Napoleonic wars led to the birth o f the modem army and the modern nation. National cit­ izenship was established in keeping with the abbe Sieyes's concept o f an “ unmediated, undifferentiated, individual membership o f the state55 (Brubaker 1992,39). The French Revolution became a “ landmark in all countries,55 Eric Hobsbawm observes, and was thus not only a French event but “the revolution o f its time55 (Hobsbawm 1962,54-55). Akhough the French Revolution became the “ mother o f all revolu­ tions55 o f the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and was rich in valiant gestures, violent terror, attractive ideas, theatrical statements, and historic actions, it was only one part o f a dual revolution. Parallel to the dramatic events taking place in France, a much less dramatic and less heroic revo­ lution was emerging in Britain—the Industrial Revolution—whose im­ pact, though delayed, has probably been greater in the long run, causing sensational repercussions around the world. “ It is not unreasonable to re­ gard this dual revolution—the rather more political French and the in­ dustrial (British) revolution—not so much as something which belongs to the history o f the two countries which were its chief carriers . . . but as the twin crater o f a rather larger regional volcano. That the simulta­ neous eruptions should occur in France and Britain . . . is [not] acciden­



t a l . . . [an d it co u ld n o t have happened] at this tim e in any o th er part o f the w o rld ” (H o b s b a w m


A s the F ren ch R e v o lu tio n “ translated” the ideas o f the En lig h ten m en t into actions and a social system , the Industrial R evo lu tio n w as born from a N e w to n ia n w o rld v ie w and from applied m echanics. It w as, in a w ay, “ in the air.” “ It w as possible to learn m o re ab o u t applied m echanics at a L o n d o n coffeehouse lecture series than it w as in any French college prior

1740s” (D o b b s and Ja c o b 1995,115). A fte r Jam es H argreaves, a L a n ­ (1767), R ich a rd A rk w rig h t, a hairdresser, created a spinn ing w a te r fram e (1768), and Sam uel C r o m p ­ ton co m b in ed the tw o into his sp in n in g “ m ule” (1779), die textile indus­ to the

cashire w eaver, invented his sp in n in g “ je n n y ”

try w as revolutionized. T h e first spinn ing jennies w e re o ver tw e n ty times m o re p ro d u ctive than hand sp inn ing, bu t C ro m p to n 's m ule w as several hundred tim es m ore productive than the jenny. O n ce E d m u n d C artw righ t had perfected his p o w e r lo o m in

1787, a child w o rk in g on tw o m achines

cou ld p ro d u ce fifteen tim es m o re cloth than a traditional m aster weaver. T h e technical innovations o f the Industrial R e v o lu tio n , as H o b s b a w m noted, “ practically m ade them selves.” O n e invention precipitated the need fo r another, and a virtually m o n o p o lized w o rld m arket offered an u n ­ lim ited m arket fo r the produ cts. In

1769, Jam es W a tt patented his m o d ­

ern steam engine w ith a separate condenser. “ T h is w as the decisive break­ th ro u gh to an ‘age o f steam 5 . . .[it] b ro u g h t the steam engine w ith in reach o f all branches o f the e c o n o m y and m ade o f it a universal prim e m o v e r” (L an d es

1969,102). W att's im p ro ved ro tary steam engine (1784) an d co n ­

tin uous im provem ents decreased the coal co n su m p tio n o f the m achine to one-tenth. In a fe w decades, the cap acity o f steam engines in Britain reached 4 m illion horsep o w er and could d o the w o rk o f 40 m illion people. A m echanized fa c to ry in d u stry em erged, increasing produ ction b y

20-50 percent a decade until the m id nineteenth c e n tu ry B ritain becam e the w o rld 's first industrialized nation. A n n u a l B ritish co tto n co n su m p ­

1790. T h e C o n ti­ 1885. W ith in h a lf a century, British cotto n

tion had already reached tw o kilogram s p er capita b y nent m atched that level o n ly in

co n su m p tio n increased b y fifteen tim es. Per capita iron p ro d u ctio n in

15 kilogram s in 1790. C on tin en tal E u ro p e reached this level 1870. M o r e than 40 percent o f the gain fu lly o ccu p ied p opulation o f B ritain w o rk e d in in d u stry in 1841. In the m id nineteenth centu ry, Britain w as

o n ly in

Britain p ro d u ced ro u gh ly tw o -th ird s o f th e w o rld 's coal and m ore than h a lf o f its iron an d cotto n cloth (Landes


A n e w stage o f the technological-industrial revolution em erged w ith the o p e n in g o f the w o rld 's first railroad, the S to c k to n -D a rlin g to n line in



September 1825: the Railway Age had begun. J. M . W. Turner, the painter o f the ocean and light, painted the Great Western Railroad. Édouard Manet and Claude M onet painted a series o f paintings o f the Qare SaintLazare, fascinated by the steam, strength, and beauty o f the locomotive. “ The iron road, pushing its huge smoke-plumed snakes dt the speed o f wind . . . [with its] bridges and stations, formed a body o f public build­ ing beside which the pyramids and the Roman aqueducts and even the Great Wall o f China paled into provincialism. . . . [It] was the very sym­ bol o f man’s triumph through technology” (Hobsbawm 1962, 44). By 1850,23,000 miles o f railroad were operating in the world, reducing the cost o f transportation dramatically, along with the cost o f mass con­ sumption goods. The railroad had, however, a much greater importance. It also opened a huge market for coal, iron, steel, and engineering prod­ ucts, greatly boosting industry: between 1830 and 1850, British iron and coal production tripled. The railway became the symbol o f modernity, speed, and progress. Like the French Revolution in the sociopolitical arena, the advances o f the British Industrial Revolution also penetrated the western half o f the European continent. This process, however, was somewhat delayed. In 1800, in the middle o f her takeoff, according to Paul Bairoch’s calcu­ lations, Great Britain had a per capita gross national product two-thirds higher than that o f the continent o f Europe as a whole (Bairoch 1976a). In the mid nineteenth century, continental Europe was still about a gen­ eration behind Britain in industrial development. However, “ the conti­ nental countries were part o f the same larger civilization as Britain; and they were certainly her equals, in some respects her superior, in science and education for the elite” (Landes 1969,125). In the first half o f the cen­ tury Belgium, Holland, France, Switzerland, and Denmark more than doubled their per capita G N P and came close to (roughly 80 percent o f) the British level. Since the 1850s, all o f Western Europe has been indus­ trialized (Bairoch 1976a, 279). The “ regional volcano” with its twin crater erupted and destroyed the ancien regime with its antiquated institutions and traditional economy. A modern Western Europe emerged and became the world’s first highly industrialized zone. Soon industry and related services accounted for 50 to 60 percent o f the countries5GNP. The structure o f the workforce rad­ ically changed, together with the settlement pattern : the bulk o f the gain­ fully employed people o f Western Europe, for the first time in history, worked in industry and services, leaving the rural countryside for urban settlements. The Industrial Revolution replaced the old civilization with a new one.



. P er capita G N P in 1800 and in i860 (in i960 U S.$) 1800

Britain =


10 0

Great Britain Continental Western Europe Austria-Hungary Eastern Europe so u r c e:


10 0


61 55 49

190 170

558 454 288 180

1 8 6 0 as % Britain = of 1 8 8 0 10 0 162 215 152 105

10 0

81 51 32

Paul Bairo ch , “Europe's G ro ss National Product, 1&0 0 - 197S * Journal o f Euro­ 5 , no. 2 ( 1976 ).

pean Economic History

A s another result o f the dual revo lution , the industrialized W est built up stro n g nation-states w ith h o m o g en ized popu latio n s that spoke the same lan guage, read the sam e new spapers, served in the sam e arm y, learned the sam e history, and p ro u d ly shared a n e w national id e n tity T h e n e w m o dern nation-states that adopted th e B ritish parliam entary system and the Fren ch

¿tat de droit all accepted dem o cratic constitutions an d de­

m anded equal citizenship and hum an rights. W estern E u ro p e em erged as the rich, industrialized, urbanized core o f th e w o rld w ith its stro n g nation-states and dem o cratic parliam entary system . Istvan Szech en yi and his friend B aro n M ik lo s W esselenyi, tw o y o u n g H u n g a rian aristocrats, so u g h t the m iracle w ith their o w n eyes, traveling to the W est in

1822. T h e com p ariso n w as disheartening. “ W h a t is pre­

posterous in o u r co u n try?” Szech en yi asks rhetorically in h is diary, and answ ers: “ T h a t the representatives o f the peasants are noblem en: w o lve s pro tect the sheep.” In a detailed note fro m A p ril

12,1822, W esselenyi de­

scribes the cro p -ro tatio n system he had seen in Fran ce. A n o th e r n ote in his diary, w ritten in E n g la n d in Ju n e , describes th e British Industrial R e v ­ olu tion w ith consternation. “ O n e glass factory, coal m ine, an d ironw orks next to the other. T h e entire area is covered b y fire and sm oke like the scenery o f the last ju d gm en t. . . . E v e ry th in g , stone and m en alike, is black.

. . T h e steam -engines are used everyw h ere, an d th e y are exq u i­

site.” In Ju ly , the im pressive, hectic scene at the W e st and E a st In d ia C o m ­ p an y docks, w ith hundreds o f ships, w areh ouses, and p aved roads to the city, stunned him . “ I fe d like a sm all-to w n tradesm an in his S u n d a y suit, ludicro usly stiff and afraid to m o v e ,” he w ro te (Szech en yi an d W esselenyi

19 85,16 6,19 2,19 8). T h e depressing feeling o f in ferio rity is evident. Se rfd o m and n oble privileges, the m anorial system and robot w o rk in the fields, lack o f m o dern credit and m echanized in d u stry in C e n tral and Eastern E u ro p e , and a sem inom ad ic system o f hillside g razin g and sub­ sistence farm ing in the Balkans rem ained alm o st u n ch anged until th e m id



1841, o n ly five steam engines served H u n g a rian in­ 50 horsepow er. T h e first m echanized fa c to ry in B ulgaria w a s established in Sliven in 1834. C en tral anjd E astern nineteenth century. In

dustry, w ith a cap acity o f ro u gh ly

E u ro p e , including the vast Russian em pire, contained h ard ly'm o re than three th ousand kilom eters o f railroad in

i860, whereas W estern E u ro p e

w a s covered w ith a n e tw o rk o f th irty-eigh t thousand kilom eters. In the sam e year,

75 to 89 percent o f the active p o pu latio n o f H u n g a ry , Poland,

R o m an ia, B ulgaria, and Serb ia still w o rk e d in agriculture. T h e g a p be­ tw een the rapidly ad van cin g W est and the h ibernating C entral and E a st­ ern E u ro p e dram atically w idened. A c c o rd in g to A n g u s M a d d iso n ’s n ew est calculations, the C entral and

58 percent o f W estern per G D P in 1820, b u t this had declined to 49 percent by 1870 (M a d diso n 1995). W h ile the exact figures are uncertain, the faster g r o w th in E astern E u ro p e an countries to geth er reached


th e W e st and the s lo w advance in th e E a s t m ake th e relative decline o f th e latter irrefutable. H o w e v e r, it w as d u rin g these decades that C en tral and E astern E u ­ rope at last saw attem pts to respond to the W estern challenge. S o m e o f the people in the w estern zo n e o f the region em barked on m odern iza­ tion. B o h em ia’s industrial g ro w th w as im pressive, and H u n g a r y began its agricultural revolution. E v e n the fo rm e rly rigid O tto m a n em pire in ­ tro du ced m ajo r reform s. R e fo rm and m odern ization becam e the leitm o­ tivs o f the region’s h isto ry in the nineteenth century.



ROMANTICISM AS VEHICLE OF NATION-BUILDING THE POOR CENTRAL and Eastern E u ro p e an soil w as neither fertile n o r cultivated en o u gh to nourish the fruits o f the En ligh tenm ent and the “ dual revo lu tion .” T h e m o d e m science- and ph ilosop h y-based w o rld v ie w w as unable to penetrate the noble elite o r take root a m o n g the illiterate masses* T h e N e w to n ia n scientific revolution and the revo lu tio n ary ideas o f the age h ad o n ly a lim ited im pact in the eighteenth century. T h e existing in­ stitutions, cu sto m s, biases, and superstitions w ere m o re o r less frozen in place until the early to m id nineteenth century. R o m an ticism w as p rim arily responsible fo r in tro d u cin g the W estern values o f freedom , liberty, and nation. R o m an ticism also m obilized en­ thusiastic em issaries in C entral and Eastern E u ro p e. A lth o u g h the w e st­ ern and eastern parts o f E u ro p e fo llo w ed different paths o f social, eco­ n o m ic, and political developm ent, they w ere com p o n en ts o f the sam e E u ro p e an system and shared the sam e cultural heritage. N o th in g co u ld halt the spread o f inspiring and rejuvenating ideas. A n d travelers fro m both W est and E a s t — N a p o le o n ’s

Grande Armée, W estern E u ro p e a n entrepre­

neurs, artisans, and experts, Eastern E u ro p e an w riters, political thinkers, aristocrats, and adventurers— often crossed the borders and spread in ­ form atio n and k n o w led ge o n the spectacular transform ation o f the W est. R o m an ticism , nevertheless, did break th ro u g h w ith the fortissim o o f B erlio z’s exalted

Symphonie fantastique, w ith the seduction o f Sch u b ert’s



songs, the soul-stirring chorus o f V erdi's Nabucco, the heroic stance o f B y ­ ron, and the revo lu tio n ary effect o f V ic to r H u g o . T h e n e w W eltanschau­ u n g began to take h o ld n o t o n ly a m o n g the o ld social elite bu^also a m o n g a sm all n e w g ro u p o f intellectuals, an d even a m o n g the m asses in the early nineteenth century. T h e elite o f the Central and E a s te r n ^ u ro p e a n co u n ­ tries, o r at least a part o f it, looked to the W est w ith great adm iration (see introdu ction ), and so u g h t to adjust to the transform ing w o rld . People heard about a n e w w o rld w ith o u t n oble privileges and serfdo m and ab o u t a n e w national c o m m u n ity that included all citizens, n o t ju st strictly in ­ sulated estates. R e fo rm s fro m above and revo lu tion ary attem pts fro m b e ­ lo w began to un derm ine the establishm ent. T h e apparently unchangeable regim es gradually lost their stability and strength. Beneath the calm su r­ face, dangerous fault lines becam e active again. R o m an ticism , like an ir­ resistible undercurrent, cu t a w a y at the rock o f an o ld and rigid society. W estern and E a ste rn E u ro p ean rom anticism w e re n o t exactly the sam e. In the W est, rom anticism w a s “ an intellectual reaction against the eigh teen th -cen tu ry ideals o f order, discipline, and reason” (E u g e n W e ­ ber

i9 6 0 ,13 ) and an effo rt to liberate sentiment, em o tio n , instinct, and

even the subconscious. I t u n d erw en t various stages d u rin g its b rie f b u t d o m in an t presence betw een the late eighteenth and early nineteenth cen­ turies, in cludin g the early (ro co co ) and the late (Biederm eier) periods. I t rem ained a cultural-intellectual m o vem en t, alth ou gh it p ro fo u n d ly trans­ form ed the value system o f the W est. W h ile French rom anticism w a s rather sensitive to social p roblem s, G e rm an rom antics revolted m o st against rea­ son and th e ideas o f the Fren ch R e v o lu tio n (R eiss

1995,3). In C en tral and

Eastern E u ro p e , these various stages overlapped and interm ingled. M o r e ­ over, a great deal o f E n lig h te n m e n t thinking arrived w ith rom anticism , w h ic h tu rned o u t to be less a revolt against reason and the E n lig h ten m en t than a breakthrough c o m b in in g m essages o f reason

and em o tio n (K rejci

1958; Sziklay 1962). R o m an ticism w as a revolution ary m o vem en t. S ir Isaiah Berlin equated its im portance w ith th e tw o m ajor revolutions o f th e age, m aintainin g that its im portance and lasting consequences w ere “ n o less far-reaching5' than the im p act o f the B ritish Industrial R e vo lu tio n an d the Fren ch R e v ­ olution (B erlin

1999, xiii). “ I f the essence o f R o m an ticism is 'freed o m 5—

its central them es are entw ined aro un d the n e w c o n c e p ts ] o f'p e o p le 5 and 'b ro th erh o o d 5— n o w envisioned n o t as phantasm s, bu t as realities 55 (E w e n

1984, 40). T h e key w o rd s fo r understanding rom anticism are, indeed, “ freedo m 55 and “ p eo p le .55 O thers stress the passionate desire fo r change. A s Friedrich v o n Sch legel, o n e o f th e “ fathers” o f rom anticism , w ro te in



his milestone novel Lucinde (1799): “ only in longing do we find our rest. . . no higher goal may be attained than longing itself55 (quoted in Thorlby 1966,14.9). Romanticism, indeed, was an “intoxicateddreaming,” an artistic “ Protestantism, Liberalism, the rule o f laissez-faire” (Lucas 1948, 46). As the most authentic romanticist, Victor H ugo, expressed it in his famous preface to H em ani: “ Romanticism, so often ill-defined, is o n ly . . if we look at it from its combative side—liberalism in literature . , . lib­ erty in art, liberty in society, behold the double end towards which con­ sistent and logical minds should tend” (Eugen Weber i960,59). Rom an­ ticism, thus, was a war against the rules o f convention and existing reality. Romantic “longing” and “ dreaming” took on a very specific meaning in Central and Eastern Europe; longing for the achievements o f the West, freedom, and liberty; and dreaming o f a just society and a new commu­ nity that included the entire nation—in short, becoming an equal part o f Europe. Central and Eastern European romantics followed in the foot­ steps o f the philosophers o f the age from Voltaire to Spencer, and regarded liberty, commerce, and progress as inseparable. They believed that the re­ alization o f freedom would open the door to progress, and that progress would in turn lead to an ever-ascending realization o f freedom (Nisbet 1980,236). Central and Eastern European romanticism was strongly influenced by the German trend (Roguski 1996). The German romantic understand­ ing o f the “ difference between German and Western thought,” the per­ ception o f a distinct, non-Westem German “ national individuality,” be­ came extremely influential in Central and Eastern Europe. Romanticism arrived as a militant national idea, expanding the notions o f freedom and individualism beyond the realm o f the person. It was transformed into a matter that required the mobilization o f the nation. The romantic cult o f genius shifted from the sphere o f art to that o f politics, with the credo that “ man is capable o f fashioning the whole o f society.” German romantic historians preached the view that if the “ West was declining because o f its skepticism, its rationalism, its materialism. . .the Germ ans. . .should be viewed as a fresh and youthful nation . . . barbarous indeed, but full o f violent energy” (Berlin 1978,120). German romanticism became the vanguard o f romantic nationalist thought (Reiss I995> 6 ,7 ,4 1). Rom an­ ticism “ found it truest home [in Germany]. Bu t it traveled beyond the confines o f Germany to every country where there was some kind o f so­ cial discontent and dissatisfaction, particularly to countries oppressed. . . especially in Eastern Europe” (Berlin 19 9 9 ,131). These concepts spread like wildfire in Central and Eastern Europe, where independent nation­



states did not yet exist. Central European nationalists “ to o k . . . [German romantic] reasoning one step furth er. . [and claimed that] they had an even more powerful hope” o f a “ glorious future” (Berlin 15578,120). Romantic writers and artists o f the region “ were not primarily inter­ ested in the programme and artistic aspiration o f rom anficism . . . but far more in the development o f their ow n national characteristics” (Sótér 1973, 140). Glorified individualism and exalted egotism—important charac­ teristics o f the trend in the West—were transformed into, or at least com­ bined with, an exhilarating cult o f the nation. Romantic individual Wcltschmerz and passion were connected here with national cataclysm and national oppression. Romantic longing conjured up a glorious past and a victorious future, stirring desire to rejuvenate the ailing nation. Romanticism became a paramount nation-building movement in the East: a newly created literary language fueled romantic arts, poetry, and drama, which joined forces with music, architecture, and history writing in the struggle for nationhood. This idea also grew from German soil. The lack o f national unity, manifest in the political environment o f the fragmented German states, led to the concept o f the Kultumationy as the historian Friedrich Meinecke later phrased it. In the admired and envied West, the “ melting pot” o f the nation was the state, which created an in­ tegrated national market and homogenized various ethnic, linguistic, and religious groups into Frenchmen and Britons. The various institutions o f the state, especially a modern army and a unified educational system, pro­ moted a common self-identification and camaraderie among these dis­ parate groups. It also established a “ historicized national memory.” This development was crowned by the revolutionary transformation that re­ placed the traditional “ political nations” o f the nobility with modern na­ tions based on the so-called Third Estate. This brought the entire people, including the peasantry, into the body o f nation. The “ smooth function­ ing o f the state. . . in its slow, long-term evolution. . . [the] unifying force o f a common political history,” Meinecke concluded, created the nation and nation-state in the West (Meinecke 1908). During this “ long-term evo­ lution,” all the previously dominant feudal and religious myths were elim­ inated and a new myth o f a united national community and a common national consciousness emerged. Although, as Benedict Anderson main­ tains, the nation was an “ imagined community” (Anderson 1983), an ab­ straction, a virtual reality, it became an absolute reality because people believed in its existence. The nation became a sacrosanct notion, to die and kill for. In C entral and E astern E u ro p e , this “ sm o o th fun ctio n in g o f the state,”



the major historical “ driving force” in the West, was absent. The process o f nation-building therefore had to go the other way around, from na­ tion to state. In the fragmented German states and among subordinated peoples o f the multinational empires o f Central and Eastern Europe, the first task was to create a homogeneous national culture, and then a na­ tion-state. In this region, nations had to be built first from “ cultural prop­ erty . . . commonly acquired and experienced. . . Nations that for cen­ turies had had only a cultural existence” could be reborn as nations and then could establish themselves as nation-states. What was needed was a strong sense o f self-determination, or Selbsbestimmung: “ a nation is a community that wishes to be a nation” (Meinecke 1908, 7, 9). M o s t students o f the h isto ry o f n atio n -b u ild in g, in clu d in g H a n s K o h n , a p io neer o f m odern studies o f nationalism , agree w ith M einecke that the m o st im p ortant prerequisite for the em ergence o f a nation is the

w ill to be a nation. “A lth o u g h so m e . . . objective factors . . . [such as a c o m m o n territory, stateh ood, and even the m e m o ry o f past statehood] are o f great im portance for the form atio n o f nationalities, the m o st es­ sential elem ent is a livin g and active corporate w ill” (K o h n

1944,15). C u l ­

ture, language, and histo ry thus constitute a h igh ly politicized sphere n ec­ essary for the creation o f this corporate will. T h e rom antic con cept o f nation -buildin g w as closely connected w ith the rom antic belief in progress. Peoples developed the self-confidence that th ey w ere able to shape h isto ry and realize desired changes. W h a t the a d ­ m ired W est achieved w as realized w ith in the n ew ly created nation-state. T h e advanced W est h ad broken the chains o f serfdo m and accom plish ed spectacular socioeconom ic and political progress. N ation-state and progress seem ed inseparable. Progress and advancem ent appeared to be an au to ­ m atic consequence o f the creation o f a nation-state. R o m an ticism thus p aved the w a y fo r revolt against ossified establishm ents and fo r m o dern i­ zation o f life.

The real significance o f romanticism in the region extended far beyond art itself. Romanticism was “ not only an artistic movement but perhaps the first m ovem ent. . . when arts dominated other aspects o f life, when there was a kind o f tyranny o f art over life” (Berlin 1999, xi). Rom anti­ cism emerged as a comprehensive worldview, which influenced an entire generation o f the educated elite o f these nations. It is interesting to rec­ ognize that many influential reformers who actively contributed to the modernization o f their countries were first inspired by romantic art. Baron Jozsef Edtvos, one o f the central personalities in the modernization o f Hungary, was introduced to literature by reading Schiller, Byron, and



Scott. “ Schiller was my only ideal,55 noted Eotvos in his notebook at the age o f twenty. In 1836-37, he traveled to the West and spent nine months there, mostly in Paris and London. H e met, among others, Vifetor H ugo and was impressed for a lifetime: “ H is goal is not to please us, but to be o f use,55 he noted in one o f his essays on H ugo (Eotvos 1902a, 226). R o ­ manticism mobilized the emotions and minds o f the best part o f Central and Eastern European elite. It permeated the public spirit and all spheres o f life, including public opinion, individual attitudes toward life and so­ ciety, politics, philosophy, and the arts. Romanticism also offered mystical explanations and unassailable so­ lutions to burning questions about history, which impinged on the final rationalization o f life and society. It elevated historiography to new heights. Benedetto Croce called the nineteenth century il secolo della storia, the century o f history (Peckham 1970; 1995,33). Historicism and the rediscovery o f the past, so characteristic o f romanticism, gained central importance in Central and Eastern Europe and laid the foundation for building the future o f the nation itself. The memory o f the past became the essence o f the nation in the en­ tire region. Romanticism became the essence o f “ Polishness55after the final defeat o f the Polish uprisings (Jedlicki 1999,210). The past, and even more often an imagined glorious past, offered a refuge for all o f the rising na­ tions o f the area and was equally essential for “ Hungarianness,55 “ Czechness,55 and “ Romanianness.” Messianic romanticism, accordingly, became a complex leading trend in political and intellectual life. What was a short-lived art trend in the West became a century-long movement in the East. In fact, romanticism persisted into the closing decades o f the nineteenth century (Soter 1973, 193). Historiography, literature, theater, music, musical theater, opera, fine arts, and architecture all entered the age o f romanticism and exemplified its main characteristics. Heroic advocacy o f freedom and social justice, rebellion against an obsolete and unjust society, revolt against all kinds o f oppression—this became the mission o f literature and art, expressed with passionate subjectivism. All o f these elements put the visionary poet in the foreground. H e be­ came the messenger o f truth and embodied his ideas in his personal life. Schiller, Byron, Petofi, and Botev were romantic heroes who died young, mostly fighting for freedom and against oppression. Romantic attitudes and gestures gained momentum in Central and Eastern Europe: poets and artists, self-appointed romantic revolutionaries, became national he­ roes and the leading critics o f the oppressive outmoded world. “ Poetry,55

Figure 1 . Art in the service of nation­ building in Romania: Constantin Lecca, The M urder ofM ihai the Brave. Courtesy Muzeul National de Artâ al României, Bucharest.

Figure 2 ....and in Poland: Wojciech Gerson, The Death o f Przemysl (1881). Courtesy Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw.

Figure 3 ....and in Poland: Jan Matejko, The Battle o f Griinewald.Courtesy Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw.

Figure 4 ....and in Hungary: Mihaly Munkacsy The Arrival o f the Hungarians in the Danube Valley. Courtesy M agyar N em zeti Galeria, Budapest.

Figure 5 . The National Theater in Budapest. Courtesy Hungarian National Museum, Budapest.

Figure 6 . The National Theater in Bucharest. Reproduced from Florea, Romanian Art, 24. Courtesy Meridiane Publishing House, Bucharest.

Figure 7 . Brno Opera House, 1882. Courtesy SPN Pedagogicke Nakladelstvi, Prague.

F ig u re 8 . A Polish rom antic visionary. W alenty W ankowicz, Adam Mickiewicz (1828). C ourtesy M uzeum N a ro d o w e w W arszaw ie, Warsaw.

Figure 9 . A Polish romantic historian and revolutionary. Seweryn Oleszczynski, Joachim Lelevel (1830). Courtesy Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw.

Figure 10 . Viktor Madarasz, The Death of Sand or Petofi 1 ( 875). Courtesy Petofi Literary Museum, Budapest.

Figure 11 . Miklós Barabás, (1842). Courtesy Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest.

Figure 12. A Romanian romantic poet. Niccolo Livaditti, Vasile Alecsandri and His Family. Courtesy Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, Bucharest.

F igu re 13 . Josef Peszka, H ugo Kollqtaj (1791). Courtesy Muzeum Narodow e w Warszawie, Warsaw.

Figure 14 . Friedrich von Amerling, István Széchenyi. Courtesy Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest.

A fit

Figure 15 . The first Polish uprising. Franciszek Smuglewicz, Kosciuszko Takes the Oath. Courtesy Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, Warsaw.

F ig u re 16 .J. N. Lewicki, The Second Polish U prising in 1831. Courtesy Muzeum N arod ow e w Krakowie, Krakow.

Igure 1 7 . Jaroslav Dgbrowski, leader of the drd Polish uprising in 1863. Courtesy [uzeum Historyczne m. st. Warsawy, rarsaw.

Figure 18 . The 1848 Hungarian revolution. Mihaly Than, The Battle ofTapiobicske. Courtesy Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. F ig u r e 19 . Ig n a c T yro ler, L a jo s K ossu th . C o u rtesy H u n g a ria n N a tio n a l M useum , Budapest.

F igu re 20 . A Romanian peasant revolutionary. Barbu Iscovescu, Courtesy Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, Bucharest.


F igu re 21 . A Romanian revolutionary in 1848. Gheorge Tattarescu, N ico la e Balcescu. Courtesy Muzeul National de rta al Romaniei, Bucharest.

Figure 22 . Costache Petrescu, Demonstration fo r the Constitution in Romania. Reproduced from Florea, Romanian Art, 59. Courtesy Meridiane Publishing House, Bucharest.

Figure 23 . George Karajordje, the leader of the Serbian uprising in 1804. Courtesy Hadtorteneti Muzeum, Budapest.



said Shelley, “ is indeed . . . the centre and circumference o f knowledge; it is that which comprehends all science, and that to which all science must be referred.” “ Poetry is the genuine absolute Reality,” declared Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenbcrg), one o f the leading German initiators o f the trend. The artist thus “ stands above the human being,” because, Novalis said in his Blütmstaub, “ we are engaged in a mission: we are called to give shape to the earth . . . [and] poetry shapes the beautiful social order—the world fam ily—the beautiful establishment o f the universe” (Furst 1980, 5 7 - 5 9 , 63, 69).

Shelley called the poet a “ lawgiver for humanity.” Few people in E n ­ gland and in the West, Czeslaw M ilosz notes, took that claim seriously. However, when the German romantic F. W. J. Schelling (following Herder) explained the romantic notion “ that poets or painters may understand the spirit o f their age more profoundly and express it in a more vivid and last­ ing manner than academic historians” (Berlin 1978, 140), his view was taken at face value in Russia, Poland, and throughout the region. Was it a kind o f psychological idiosyncrasy o f the nations o f the area? Probably yes, and it grew out o f their special historical circumstances. Poets and writers had become the most important messengers o f West­ ern ideas in the East. Writers and artists, indeed, filled a social and intel­ lectual vacuum in these countries, where a modern citizenry and middle class had been unable to emerge from the rigid framework o f noble so­ ciety. N or was there a strong native elite in the “ incomplete societies” o f the Balkans under Ottoman rule. The small intelligentsia therefore played a central political role in the region. Moreover, Isaiah Berlin observes: The concept of intelligentsia must not be confused with the notion of intellectu­ als. Its members thought of themselves as united by something more than mere interests in ideas; they conceived themselves as being a dedicated order, almost a secular priesthood. . . . The notion o f the artist as a sacred vessel. . . was exceed­ ingly widespread. . . . He is a wholly dedicated being . . his fate is peculiarly sub­ lime and tragic. . , [to] sacrifice himself totally to his idea. (Berlin 19 7 8 , 117 , 128 - 2 9 ) A dedicated order o f self-sacrificing writers and artists became the fonts o f change. Borrow ing from Herzen, Berlin recalls that Russian litera­ ture is “ one vast bill o f indictment against Russian life.” Romantic lit­ erature and art, thus, acquired unique importance in the entire area: “A modified . . . romanticism,” Virgil Nemoianu asserts, “ is more evident and more significant in Eastern and Central European literature than any­ where else” (Nemoianu 1984,120). It was not easy to follow the Western transformation and get access to



its ideas, but the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars broke through the barriers in a fundamental way. “ Only the French Revolution and the revolutionary wars, the rise and fall o f Napoleon, madejfcistory a Europe-wide mass experience,” Gyorgy Lukács writes. “ Th^ people o f Europe experienced more changes between the decades o f 1789 and 1815 than they had for centuries. . . . People realized. . . that history influences everyday life and they are part o f it” (Lukács 1977, 22,25). However, the ideas o f the Enlightenment and the French Revolution were censored in most places. The intellectual isolation o f the Central and Eastern Euro­ pean countryside was pervasive, but capital cities soon emerged as intel­ lectual centers with access to Paris and “ French ideas.” People met with travelers, and got access to foreign books and papers. Vienna became an important center o f information for the peoples o f the H absburg em­ pire. The Slovene Bartolomeus Kopitar, the Czech Jo sef Dobrovsky, the Hungarian “ guardsmen writers,” such as G yorgy Bessenyei and Istvan Batsanyi, and the Serb Vuk Karadzic all learned the new Western Zeitgeist in Vienna. M ost o f the Polish and some o f the Romanian thinkers and writers made a pilgrimage to Paris. Others went to St. Petersburg. The great Polish romantic trio o f Adam Mickiewicz, Juliusz Slowacki, and Zygmunt Krasinski spent long years in the French capital. Pest-Buda (later Budapest) also played an important role for Slovak, Croat, and Serb writ­ ers. It was the first center o f Serb and Bulgarian book publication, and home to the first Serb newspapers. The Slovak Jan Kollar and the Croat Ljudevit Gaj studied and worked there. They became the pioneers o f the romantic cultural movement o f language reforms and the discovery o f the past.

LINGUISTIC NATIONALISM: FOLKLORE AND LANGUAGE REFORMS The German Johann Gottfried Herder, who was strongly influenced by Rousseau, was the first and most influential advocate o f the importance o f genuine folk poetry, folk song, and vernacular language. Herder strongly influenced his contemporaries in Central and Eastern Europe. In his twenty-volume Idem zur Philosophie der Geschichte derMenschheit, he developed the idea that the history o f the world or mankind is the his­ tory o f independent peoples, Vôlker, w ho have their unique individuality and communal pattern o f feeling based on inherited traditions, rituals, folk songs, and poetry, knit together by language. Individuals can think



freely only in one language, their native tongue, which determines their personality. Language and tradition carry the national soul, that is, the “ original national character.” Mankind is made up o f a series o f “ won­ derfully separated nations, not only by woods and mountains . . . rivers and climates, but more particularly by languages, inclinations, and char­ acters.” Cultural identity is based on a vernacular language. The ad­ vancement o f the nation is tied to the promotion o f the vernacular lan­ guage: “ The cultivation o f the mother-tongue alone can lift a nation out o f the state o f barbarism: and this very reason [the lack o f cultivation o f the mother tongue] kept Europe so long barbarous; a foreign language fetters. . . robbing them even o f th e . . . native code o f la w s. . . and a na­ tional history” (Herder [1784-91] 1968, 78, 328). Herder was an advocate for and a pioneer o f the collection o f folk po­ etry and folk songs; he published his Volkslieder in 1778 and his Stimmcn der Volker in 1807. Turning against the artificial imitation o f classicism, he launched the romantic renewal o f language and the drive toward the cre­ ation o f national poetry. Herder’s lifelong devotion to folk poetry com­ bined the national concept with the democratic idea. By making a fetish out o f folk poetry and the folk, Herder culturally incorporated the peas­ antry into the nation. H is work led to the concept o f “ cultural-linguistic nationalism,” a vital element o f Central and Eastern European nation­ building. Herder influenced the entire region. Slavic peoples echoed his ideas because Herder had a high view o f them.-His works also inspired Hungarians, despite his dark prophecy about the disappearance o f the endangered island o f the Hungarian language beneath a Slavic and Ger­ manic ocean. The national movement o f Central and Eastern Europe began with ro­ mantic folklorizing by a handful o f intellectuals. “ In the midst o f the il­ literate masses, there appeared one or two hundred striking figures, who, with their own hands, began to construct new edifices on the old foun­ dation” (Kadic 1983, 88). Miroslaw Hroch characterizes the beginnings o f the rising national movement as nonpolitical. It was cultivated by a small number o f enthusiasts who followed in Herder’s footsteps by col­ lecting folk poetry and songs (Hroch 1985). Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serb, Slovene, Bulgarian, and Hungarian collections were published. The Pol­ ish Zorian Dol^ga Chodakowski (born Adam Czarnocki) began collect­ ing folk tales and poetry in the 1810s: “ Happiness . . . to wander among the folk,” he noted in 1816, “ to live the poetical life o f the villagers! When they tell me their tales. . . . Virtue has its abode among the people, and poetry too.” Chodakowski developed a scholarly program: “ Let us un­



dertake a search for information among our own people. . . in the haunts o f our forefathers. . . . One must go to various remote localities and stoop beneath the peasant's thatched roof. One must be present at his feasts, at his play, and at the various events o f his life.” The wandering scholar be­ came a myth and model for the romantic generation in Poland (Brock 1992, 4, 5, 8 ,11-12). Vuk Karadzic, Chodakowskfs contemporary, published his influential collection o f Serbian and other Slavic folk poems, Mala prostonarodna slavenosrpskapjesmarica, which was admired even by Goethe (Halpern and Halpern 1972). Janos Arany discovered ancient Hungarian, while Pal Gyulai unearthed old Transylvanian folk ballads. Ivan Bogorov published a collection o f Bulgarian folk poetry and songs, Blgarski narodni pesni i poslovici. The Albanian literary renaissance also began with the publica­ tion o f folk poems and songs by Z e f Jubani (1871). Folk poetry was col­ lected, and sometimes even falsified and presented as a sensational dis­ covery. The Czech romantic poet Jo sef Linda reported the finding o f a thirteenth-century Czech ballad, “ Pisen Vysehradskâ,” in 1816 . The fol­ lowing year, Vaclav Hanka, the librarian o f the National Museum, “ dis­ covered” medieval Czech poems in the cellars o f the D vur Kralové cathe­ dral. The “ discovery” o f the “ Judgment o f Libusa” brought to light early written legislation. The falsification o f medieval manuscripts sought to “ demonstrate that the Czechs were both different from and superior to their German-speaking neighbors,” Hillel Kieval observes (Kieval 2000, 122-23). The Hungarian Kalman Thaly falsified “ early eighteenth century kuruc poems.” Young lyric poets, such as the Czechs Frantisek Celakovsky and Karel Macha, the Hungarian Sàndor Petofi, and the Bulgarian Hristo Botev, copied the rhythm and atmosphere o f folk songs, and based their poetry entirely on folk motifs (Sôtér 19 73,14 1-43). The birth o f national literature required the creation o f a standard lit­ erary language. Language renewal and reform took on a tremendous m o­ mentum. Multifunctional standardized languages already had a long his­ tory o f spontaneous and gradual development. In the West, from the Renaissance and Reformation to the nineteendi century, hundreds o f spo­ ken dialects were replaced by standard national languages. Both the re­ formed Church and the modern, centralized state, with its educational and legal institutions and emerging media, needed a standardized lan­ guage. These all led to the rise o f modern literary languages with stan­ dardized grammar, spelling, and orthographic rules. That did not hap­ pen in Central and Eastern Europe. A successful Counter-Reformation eliminated Protestantism there, and Greek Orthodoxy was not even chal­



lenged. The nations within the multiethnic empires o f Central and East­ ern Europe had separate official and popular languages. N oble and peas­ ant speech was also quite often different. Moreover, various ethnic groups used several distinct native languages. In most cases, cities were German­ speaking and legislation written in Latin, Nonvernacular languages served education, culture, scholarship, public life, and legislation. The written language o f much o f the Balkans was Old Church Slavonic, a petrified historic language, impenetrable to the people and far removed from all spoken Slavic dialects. The gap was even greater in Romania, where the Church used Church Slavonic while the peasants spoke vari­ ous dialects o f Wallachian, In Hungary, peasants spoke the Hungarian language, while the noble elite used Latin (even in the parliament) and German in everyday communication. The vernacular, spoken in a num­ ber o f dialects, was not developed enough to be anything but an infor­ mal peasant language. The official language o f the Czech lands was G er­ man. M any language reformers and advocates o f national language and history, such as the Slovene Bartolomeus Kopitar, the Czech Frantisek Palacky, and the Slovak Antony Bernolak, published their first works in German. A language-reform movement emerged with the mission to create a modern literary language in die service o f nation-building. “ One may see a nation in its language, as in a mirror,” the Bulgarian romantic nation­ alist Ljuben Karavelov wrote. “ Every nation should take pride in its lan­ guage . [and] purify it o f foreign garbage—namely, Turkish, Greek, Russian and Church Slavonic words.” To boost Bulgarian pride, Georgi Rakovski created the myth in his Pokazalec (1859) that the Bulgarian lan­ guage was older than Sanskrit, and thus superior to Greek {Monuments

Bulgaria* 1996, 445-47, 476-77). A standardized language was necessary to meet the demands o f mod­ ern life. Writers and political thinkers, who had turned toward the ideas o f the Enlightenment and romantic nationalism, elevated the importance o f their unique national languages and sought to create the linguistic ve­ hicle, the modem national language, that could spread their ideas. En ­ lightened romanticism thus became the initiator o f a vigorous movement o f language reform. “ I am happy to see that Hungarians begin under­ standing the importance o f cultivation o f their language. This is the only way for the most miserable peoples to emerge and hope in the coming more fortunate times,” the Hungarian poet Daniel Berzsenyi (1776-1836) wrote to his friend Mihaly Helmeczi on January 25,1814 (Berzsenyi 1938, 36). This intention, and not a spontaneous gradual development, created



the Polish, Czech, Slovak, Serbo-Croat, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and R o ­ manian languages as we know them today. A strong, “ linguistically mostly false assumption . . . [emerged that] nations are constituted by the mul­ tifunctional standardized literary languages they use and the culture they represent. . . . People belonging to a specific language and áilture con­ stitute a nation. . . . Foreign elements. . . o f language and culture threaten the genuine character o f a nation” (Radies 1997,18). Language reformers thus sought to purify the vernacular, purging for­ eign words and expressions and replacing them with ones they consid­ ered genuine. Dialectal and archaic elements were renewed, German and other foreign words were “ nationalized” by part-by-part translations, and loan words from “ brotherly” languages and “ nationalized” Latin, French, and other words were introduced. Turning to the peasant dialect—a Herderian approach—became the basis o f most o f the language-reform movements in the region. Several language reforms changed the alpha­ bet from the previously used Cyrillic (in Romania) and Gothic (in B o ­ hemia and the Baltic area) to the Latin, or at least modernized and sim­ plified the old Cyrillic script (in Serbia). The noble resistance to Josephinist reforms and forced Germanization gave special impetus to the cultivation o f the Hungarian language. The 1790-91 parliament enacted a law on compulsory Hungarian language education in all high schools and in higher education. To create a literary language, however, along with standardized grammar and spelling, re­ quired the introduction o f new words to refer to elements absent from simple everyday life. The scholarly works o f János Sajnovics and Samuel Gyarmathi cleared the way to understanding the history o f the language. Various grammars and dictionaries were published between the 1770s and i8ros. Dozens o f writers and scholars participated in this movement be­ tween 1772 and 1849. Ferenc Kazinczy, Ferenc Kolcsey, M ihály Vorosmarty, Ferenc Verseghy, and Miklós Rêvai played central roles in this ef­ fort. Tens o f thousands o f new words were created, partly by renewing old, unused words and partly by elevating words from local dialects into the standardized language. Various foreign words were also magyarized and translated, most via German, which represented the Western world. A small dictionary could be compiled o f the borrowed Latin words as well. Derivation, word composition, and w ord splitting also created new words. Although some vocabulary proved to be alien and artificial and never took hold, most o f these new words were gradually accepted. The publication o f Zalán jutása (1825) by Mihály Vorosm arty—poet laureate o f the romantic age—became a milestone in the breakthrough o f language



1840s, used between one and tw o th ousand n e w w o rd s in his poem s. A fte r 1825, various p ro ­ reform . S a n d o r Petofi, the m o st p o p u lar p o et o f the

fessional fields expanded their vocabularies, and legal, philosophical, sci­ entific, m athem atical, m ilitary, and eco n o m ic dictionaries w ere p u b ­ lished (B arczi


A m o dern ized, standardized H u n g a rian lan guage w as created and the results w e re sanctioned b y the M a g y a rT u d o sT a rsa sa g (H u n garian Sch o l­ arly S o c ie ty ), later renam ed the M a g y a r T u d o m an yo s Akadem ia (H u n ­

(1825). T h e A c a d e m y p roduced standard pub­ lications o n spelling and o rth ograp h ic rules (A magyar helyestrds, 1832), and g ram m ar (A magyar nyelv rendszere, 1845). A standardized everyd ay garian A c ad e m y o f Sciences)

spoken language gradually supplanted local dialects. B y the m id nineteenth century, a m o dern H u n garian literary lan guage had been elaborated and w as b ro ad ly used. T h e R o m an ian w a y to standardized lan guage w as so m e w h at different. W estern ideas arrived o n R o m an ian soil via G re e ce and Transylvania. L o c k e , Voltaire, and R o u sseau w e re translated in to G re e k alm ost im m e­ diately, due to G re e ce ’s geo grap h ic situation, its sh ip p in g and trading tra­ ditions, and G re e k trading colonies abroad. P hanariot o fficials— Greeks in the service o f the Su b lim e P o rte — and G reek m erchants and teachers all played im p ortan t roles in the R o m an ian principalities u n d er O tto m an rule. “ Bucharest so ciety,” acco rd in g to L . S. Stavrian o s, “ w a s essentially G re co -R o m a n ia n in character, and it w as directly and fully influenced b y intellectual currents in the G reek w o rld ” (Stavrianos

[1958] 1963,147). T h e

other determ inin g influence cam e fro m the Transylvanian R o m an ian co m m u n ity. T h e §coala A rdelean a, o r Transylvanian Sc h o o l, as it w as called later, initiated a discourse, a rom antic th eo rizing on national iden­ tity and culture. I t w as m ade u p o f a g ro u p o f p h ilologists, w riters, and historians, so m e o f them theological students in U n ia te sem inaries in R o m e and V ien na. T h e hypothesis that th ey w ere the descendants o f the R o m a n colo n iz­ ers o f ancient D a cia supplied R om anians w ith a vision o f past greatness and generated a radical lan guage reform . G e o rg e Sin cay, Petru M aio r, and Sam u il K le in -M icu becam e the aposdes o f this m ovem ent. Elementae lin­ guae Daco-Romanae sive Valachicae (Elem ents o f the D a c o -R o m a n o r W ailach L a n g u a g e ), the first m odern R o m an ian gram m ar, w as published in

1780, fo llo w e d b y the first History cfthe Origins o f the Romanians in Dacia (1812). T h e L a tin alphabet replaced the C yrillic, and Slavic w o rd s were p urged fro m the vocabulary, w hile tens o f thousands o f n ew ly created w o rd s based on L a tin , Italian, and French w ere added. T h e

Lexicon B u -



dense (1825), started b y K le in -M icu

and com p leted b y M aio r, w as the first

R o m an ian etym o lo g ical dictio n ary w ith a consistent Latin ist concept. Jenachita V acarescu and E lia d e R adulescu , in

1787 and 1828, respectively,

turned against latinization and used the Italian lan guage to m odernize R o m an ian orth ograph y, gram m ar, and v o ca b u la ry R adulescu inaintained that R o m an ian and Italian w ere m erely v different dialects o f the sam e lan-

guage. Italian and Spanish had developed as literary languages, he argued, but Romanian could not reach that level o f sophistication because o f bar­ barian (Slavic) influences. Thousands o f Italian and French words were adopted to replace Slavic ones. Consequently, only the Romanian language reform did not turn to a peasant language among the various efforts to codify literary languages in Central and Eastern Europe. Only in Rom a­ nia did language reformers not base the standardized language on one o f the original dialects. Instead, a new, initially artificial, literary language was created (Serban 1983-94). Romanian, which had been a mixed Slavic-Romance language written widi a Cyrillic Old Church Slavonic alphabet, be­ came a purified Romance language written with the Latin alphabet and replaced Greek as the language o f education and higher culture. Literature using and propagating the renewed literary Romanian lan­ guage flourished between the 1830s and 1870s. Grigore Alexandrescu, Dimitrie Bolintineanu, Vasile Alecsandri, the greatest poet o f the period, and, later in that century, Mihai Eminescu took leading roles in this ef­ fort (Dogaru 1982; Schifemet 1996). The modern Romanian language thus became established. The language-reform and cultural movement, influ­ enced by an emerging historical myth and national ideology, sought to prove that Romanian culture was an outpost o f Latin or Romance lan­ guage and culture. Outside influences also generated a Serbian, or rather a Serbo-Cro­ atian, language-reform movement. The first Serbian reformers came mostly from Serbian communities outside Serbia, especially from Hungary. Greek influence was important here as well. Dositej Obradovic, born in Hungary (at Temesvar), became the founder o f modern Serbian litera­ ture. H e had been a student o f the Greek school in Smyrna in 1765 and then studied in Vienna and Halle in the 1770s. Obradovic advocated “ ra­ tional piety” and “ enlightened virtue.” The ideas o f the Enlightenment, as in so many other cases, were mixed with passionate nationalism and a strong conviction that he had to create a Serbian literary language and literature that did not exist at that time. “ Let us cast a brief glance at the enlightened nations o f all Europe. At the present time every one o f those nations is striving to perfect its own dialect. . . . [W]hen learned men write



their thought in the general language o f the whole nation, then the en­ lightenment o f the intellect and the light o f learning are not confined to persons who understand die old literary language, but are spread abroad and reach even the villagers, being taught to the humblest peasant” (quoted in Stavrianos [1958] 1963, 242). The Serbo-Croatian language-reform movement gained a decisive im­ petus from the work o f the romantic-nationalist Vuk Karadzic, who spent years in Vienna and was inspired to collect Serbian folk poetry by Bar­ tolomeus Kopitar, a Slovene scholar who created the first Slovene gram­ mar and codified a Slovene literary language. Karadzic published a vol­ ume o f collected folk poems in 1814 and then an enlarged, four-volume work in 1824. As an accomplished linguist, Karadzic introduced phonetic reform to the Cyrillic alphabet, enriched and elevated the vernacular to the level o f a literary language, and selected a Herzegovinian dialect near­ est to both Serbian and Croatian as a common basis for a standardized Serbo-Croat language. His first Serbian dictionary and grammar were cru­ cial to Serbo-Croat’s success. K arad zic’s w o rk , although initially criticized by the O rth o d o x C h u rch , succeeded, partly because o f its association w ith the rising romantic-national, so-called Illyric m o vem en t o f the

1830s and 1840s. Its p ro gram w as based

on the idea o f S o u th Sla v ic u n ity traced back to the ancient Illyrioi o f the Balkan R o m a n province o f Illyricum . T h e Illyric con cep t gained a trem endous stim ulus w h e n N a p o le o n restored its old R o m a n nam e to the o ccu p ied Balkan province in

1809. T h is idea w o n great support in

C ro atia fro m L ju d e v it G a j, an enthusiastic journalist and w rite r w h o b ro ad ly p o pularized the S o u th Slavic idea and the c o m m o n “ Illyrian lit­

Novine Hrvatska and Ilirske Narodne Novine. In late-eighteenth-century C ro atia, there w ere three m ain d ia le as, the so-called hokaviem , cakavian, and kaykavian dialects, based u p o n the three distinctive pronunciations o f the w o rd what. Gaj advocated the south­ ern D alm atian stokavstina idio m , although it w as n ot the d ia le a spoken e rary lan guage” in his periodicals

in C ro atia. G a j believed it w o u ld help to create a co m m o n S e rb o -C ro a t language. T o m a M ik lo u sic’s Encyclopedia o rth og rap h ic w o rk s o f the

(1821) and various gram m ars and 1820s and 1830s assisted in the creation o f a

unified C ro a t lan guage. B y the m id nineteenth century, w ith the pub li­ cation o f Petar P e tro v ic-N je g o s’s novel

Gorski vijenac and o f Branko R a-

dicevic’s collection o f poem s Pjesme, m o d e m S e rb o -C ro a t became accepted as a w ritten language, replacing the O ld C h u rc h Slavo -Serb . T h e C ze ch and Slo vak lan guage-refo rm m ovem ents w ere also influ­ enced b y rom antic historical concepts. J o s e f D o b ro w sk y , a C zech Jesuit



priest, became a pioneer in language reform when he published his Old Slavic grammar, a dictionary, and a history o f the Bohemian language and literature. Jo sef Jungmann, an enthusiastic pan-Slavic nationalist, rfeaintained that “ language and nation live in symbiosis; when the first is de­ stroyed, the second dies.” H e advocated Slavic language unification through the creation o f a common literary language. The movement was sustained by his five-volume Czech-German dictionary (1834-39), which introduced Polish, Russian, Serb, and Croat expressions “ in order to pre­ pare the ground for the expected emergence o f a pan-Slavic language” (Kieval 20 00,120). H e also translated M ilton’s Paradise Lost, Goethe, and Chateaubriand into Czech. His struggle for Czech language education in the schools and the foundation o f an association for the scholarly culti­ vation o f the Czech language (1830) strongly contributed to the success o f the language movement. As a model, Jungmann turned back to the Kralicka Bible, a sixteenth-century translation. Jungmann also borrowed words and expressions from other Slavic languages, however, mosdy from Russian and Polish. A third leading figure, Pavel Jo sef Safarik, argued for the existence o f a common Slavic mother language, subdivided among the various Slavic tribes. As an “ enlightened pan-Slav” o f Slovak origin and professor o f Slavic philology in Prague, Safarik built a bridge between the Czech and Slovak language movements. Language standardization began in Slovakia, part o f H ungary at that time, with the pioneering work o f Father Antony Bernolak, who pub­ lished the first Slovak dictionary, Slowar slowenski cesko-latinsko-nemeckouherski, in six volumes in 1787, and a grammar in 1790. The dictionary was later enlarged by another priest, Juraj Palkovic. A Slavic mission in E u ­ rope was proclaimed by pan-Slavs in Slovakia, such as the poet and col­ lector o f Slavic folk songs Jan Kollar, who became one o f the initiators o f language reforms that would bring the Slovak and Czech languages nearer to one another. H is idea was to create a common, uniform Slavic language. Juraj Palkovic, a professor o f Czecho-Slovak languages and literature in Pozsony (Bratislava), published a rhyming geography, Vlastiveda, used the Czech Bible as a source and basis for the modern Czech or Czechoslovak language, and collected Slovak folklore. H e also advocated a unified Czecho-Slovak language. The west Slovak dialect, Palkovic argued, would be the best foundation for it. On the other hand, Ludevit Stur, a central figure o f the Slovak lan­ guage movement and also a collector o f folk songs and fairy tales, advo­ cated an independent Slovak language based on a mid-Slovak dialect, one more distant from the Czech (Matuska 1948). Stur started to use an in­



lycéc in 1843 and argued that the Slovak s constituted a nation entirely separate fro m the C zech s, narod slowmsky, a separate tribe (nation) w ith in Slavd o m . K o llár w ro te o f fou r dependent Slo v ak vernacular in the P ozso n y

Slavic tribes. S tu r claim ed that there w ere eleven, including the Slovaks. “ W e have o u r o w n lan gu age, w h ich is quite separate fro m the C z e c h ,” he said. T h e Tatrin society, fo u n d ed in

1844, initiated Slo v ak cultural activ­

ities “ o n the basis o f the n e w literary lan gu age.” O p p o sin g both C ze ch o slovakism and the con cep t that the Slovaks w ere p art, albeit an equal part, o f a greater H u n g a rian political nation, S tu r and his follo w ers argued fo r an independent S lo v ak nation. Slovaks, they m aintained, h ad settled their hom eland before the H u ngarian s reached the D a n u b e valley, and thus had b o th the rig h t to use the Slo vak lan gu age and to political autonom y. T h is

1848 (B ro ck 1984, 43, 48-50,53). From the 1770s to the 1840s, with few exceptions, all the Central and Eastern European languages were modernized and standardized literary languages were created. In several cases, these movements were closely connected to historical concepts, often myths, and ambitious national goals. Their practical importance, however, was overwhelming. They pro­ vided a vehicle for the creation o f national literatures and scholarship, ed­ ucation, journalism, and legislation. The same vehicle transmitted mod­ ern Western ideas and scholarship, conveyed burning national problems and dreams, and united the nation’s elite with the masses. Above all, it prepared the soil for a national cultural revival. From the 1820s and 1830s on, the major language obstacles had been eliminated and the road was open for a literary and poetic revolution. Its essence in Central and East­ ern Europe was the creation o f a national literature. All the trends in art, whether directly or indirectly, were at the service o f the national agenda. They attacked ossified medieval institutions and attitudes and played an important role in the diffusion o f national ideas and self-confidence. claim w as p u t fo rw ard p u b licly in

LITERATURE, MUSIC, ART, AND HISTORIOGRAPHY IN THE SERVICE OF THE NATIONAL IDEA T h e m ain road to n atio n -b u ild in g w as paved b y a cultural renew al in the oppressive fram ew ork o f m ultinational em pires. In contrast to the role o f the state in the W est, th e p opu lar G e rm an co n cep t o f the K ukurnation, w h ich stressed the im portance o f culture in nation-building, elevated the national-cultural m o vem en ts to a h igh er stage. T h e early apolitical, rom antic folk lo rizin g o n th e part o f a rather sm all g ro u p o f intellectuals



was followed —mostly up through the middle o f die nineteenth century— by a second phase o f the national movement, an aggressive cultural-national propaganda aimed at influencing the great masses o f the population and building a new national consciousness. Poets, composers, painters, and architects followed their romantic feelings and expressed thfnr personal beliefs, often deliberately hoping to mobilize the people. This second phase o f the national movement exhibited a strong drive for national and modernizing propaganda (Hroch 1985). Som e o f the romantic writ­ ers, artists, and freedom fighters clearly expressed this deliberate goal: “ Sci­ ence, as well as literature, poetry and journalism . . . should have the character o f political propaganda,” the Bulgarian poet-prophet Hristo Botev proclaimed (Botev 1976, 83). Poetry, in this interpretation, was a part o f political struggle. As the Hungarian Sandor Petofi wrote in a let­ ter to his friend and fellow poet Janos Arany in 1847: “ Let’s m ake. . . [the poetry o f the people] predominant in the realm o f literature. When the people are prominent in poetry, they are very near to power in politics” (Czigany 1984,191). Writing in the July and August 1847 issues o f the H un­ garian periodical Ektkepek, Jozsef Irinyi passionately confessed: “ I love our century because it attacks class walls with elemental strength and is leading the entire human race toward equality. Because o f the introduc­ tion o f machines, matter is ruled by the human spirit; guided by rational politics, philosophy penetrates the mud huts [o f the peasantry]” (Az Ektkepek 19 70,121). This purposeful sense o f mission, combined with a strong belief in rea­ son and the unlimited potential o f human action, generated a turning point. Central and Eastern Europe gave birth to new national literatures, music, and art, whose cultural-political impact was almost independent o f their international standing. A great many national cultural heroes who had a tremendous impact on the development o f their countries did not represent the highest standards o f contemporary art and literature. R e­ gardless o f their European importance, however, romantic literature and art in Central and Eastern Europe successfully propagandized the main idea o f enlightened romanticism: freedom, both in social and national terms. They advocated self-sacrificing struggle against the oppressors and raised the national consciousness and self-esteem o f the region’s peoples. Culture became the prime mover o f nationalism and nation-building in Central and Eastern Europe and gradually transformed the entire politi­ cal environment o f the region. A t its best, moreover, Central and Eastern European literature, scholarship, and art enriched the entire romantic movement and became part o f the international high culture o f the age.



T h e C z e c h scholar Frantisek Palacky, o n e o f the lead ing historians o f the age, studied original do cum ents and carried o u t research in m ore than seven ty E u ro p e a n archives. T h e first vo lu m e o f his m onum ental six-vol­ um e

History o f the Czech Nation appeared in 1836, b u t he needed th irty

years to co m p lete it. Palacky becam e w e ll k n o w n in G e rm a n y and E u ­ rope and chaired the first p an -Slav C o n gress. H is international stand ing m ade him all the m o re credible and influential at h o m e. H e presented an alternative interpretation to the fam ous G e rm a n nationalist historian L e o p o ld v o n R an k e’s analysis o f the contrast betw een the W estern, G e r ­ m anic, and E astern , Slavic, nations. In Palacky’s w o rk , the peaceful, co n ­ structive character o f the Slavs w as o p p o sed b y aggressive-expansionist G e rm an ic-R o m an qualities. I t strengthened th e feeling that “ w e are n ot w o rse , b u t actually even better than the so-called advanced n atio n s.” T h e auth or clearly expressed his ideological g o a l: “ I had n o h igh er w ish fo r m y earthly life than to serve m y beloved nation b y g iv in g a faithful ac­ co u n t o f its past, in w h ich it w o u ld recognize itself as in a m irro r and re­ gain consciousness o f w h a t it needs.” Palacky’s h isto ry ends in

1526, w h en

the H a b sb u rg s gained the C ze ch throne. O n e o f his m axim s sum s u p w h a t he so u g h t to p rove: ccW e w e re here before A ustria, and w e w ill also be here after it!” (q uo ted in Sa ye r

1998,128-29). Palacky reinterpreted C z e c h

h isto ry fro m a national p o in t o f v ie w and ascribed a national co m p o n en t to religious struggles. T h e H u ssite m o vem en t, in his interpretation, w as a part o f the Slav-G erm an conflict. Jan H u s w as cast as a national hero w h o stood u p “ against all.” T h e C zech s appeared as the v e ry first crusaders fight­ ing against au th o rity and hierarchy and fo r equality and freedom o f con ­ science. “ T h is interpretation o f C ze ch h isto ry m ade the C zech s the east­ ern o u tp o st o f the liberal W est, instead o f the w estern o u tp o st o f th e Sla v E a s t” (K o h n


E xce p tio n al achievem ent and international fam e also characterized the Serb V u k Stefan o vic K aradzic, w h o w as b o m into a peasant fam ily in a w estern Serbian village in

1787 bu t becam e a R enaissance-type scholar-

artist o n the E u ro p e an scale. K aradzic p ro d u ced the first g ram m ar and dictio n ary o f the vernacular Serbian lan guage, created a n ew , sim plified alphabet, translated the N e w Testam ent, and assem bled a m onum ental collection o f Serbian and S o u th Sla v oral poem s and folk so n gs, published in his Srpsktrnarodnepjesme in six volum es betw een

1824 and 1833. H is w o rk

w as com parable to H e rd e r’s. A ll these achievem ents led to early w o rld fam e: m u ch o f his collection o f folk p o e try and songs becam e part o f the E u ro p e an rom antic culture. T h e first G e rm a n translations appeared in

1818, then a h u g e collection d u rin g the 1820s, w h ich was adm ired b y



Goethe. In 1826, an English translation appeared. The next year, John Browning translated more than a hundred songs and ballads from Karadzic’s anthology (Holton and Mihailovich 1988,79-82). j f Karadzic accomplished two related goals: he elevated the sjatus o f the peasant language to a literary level and focused on the national question. The central themes o f the folk poems he collected were the fate o f the two Serbian insurrections, the heroic struggle for freedom, and the fighting spirit o f the nation. Karadzic “ consciously laid stress on this national­ ism and its political implications” (Barac 1955, 89). With publication o f folklore-epic poems on “ The Fall o f the Serbian Empire,” “ The M aid o f Kosovo,” and the “ Death o f the M other o f the Jugovici,” Karadzic’s Hajduk and the Uskok cycles became instrumental in establishing the Kosovo legend as the pillar o f Serb national self-consciousness (Antologija srpskt 1974; Novakovic 1995). Karadzic’s famous Srhi m isvuda (All Serbs and Serbs Everywhere) became a milestone in the development o f a South Slav, or Yugoslav, national ideology. Two charismatic musicians, outstanding international representatives o f romantic music, Liszt and Chopin, deserve special notice. Ferenc Liszt, best known by the German form o f his first name, Franz, was bom in Sopron, Hungary, to a German family. His father, Adam, was an official serv­ ing Prince Esterhazy, and the family lived in Hungary until Franz turned twelve years old. The young Liszt spent a great part o f his formative years in the country, though he never learned the Hungarian language. For most o f his life, Liszt lived in Paris, Weimar, and later Rome. H e was, however, considered Hungarian. M ihaly Vorosmarty, a leading Hungarian roman­ tic poet, addressed a poem “ To Ferenc Liszt,” the first lines o f which read: Renowned musician, freeman o f the world, and yet our kinsman everywhere you go, have you a cadence for the ailing land to set to strings that play in the marrow? (translated in M ak k ai 1 9 9 6 , 2 2 4 - 2 6 )

Liszt expressed his Hungarian patriotic feelings in a letter in 1843 to a prominent Hungarian reformer, Miklos Wesselenyi, in which he prom­ ised to learn Hungarian: “ I shall be happy and proud when I under­ stand and speak my mother tongue . . . that expresses the noble ideas o f Hungary. . . . I f H ungary accepts me as her own son . . . I do not need heaven—the goal o f my life has been realized” (Liszt 1989, 83-84). Liszt was a larger-than-life revolutionary composer and a virtuoso pianist, prob­ ably the greatest ever. Along with the somewhat older virtuoso violinist



Niccolo Paganini, he was welcomed in royal courts and the most elegant salons and concert halls o f Europe. Liszt was also a writer, an exquisite correspondent (with ten thousand published letters), an essayist whose works were published in six volumes, one o f the leading advocates o f pro­ gram music, and inventor o f a classic romantic genre, the symphonic poem. H e and Richard Wagner, his son-in-law, became the leading rep­ resentatives o f romantic music. Because o f his Hungarian pieces, the sym­ phonic poem Hungaria, the Hungarian Coronation Mass, Hungarian Rhapsodies, and “ Ungarische Sturmmarsch,” Liszt became an envoy o f ro­ mantic Hungarian music (based, in reality, mostly on Gypsy music). Fryderyk Chopin, who was born into a Polish-French family, left Poland in his early twenties after the defeat o f the Polish uprising o f 1830-31 and joined the great Polish emigration to Paris. H e spent the second half o f his short life abroad or, more accurately, in his second home. Yet his etudes, preludes, nocturnes, and other pianoforte compositions made their Polish melodies world renowned. His music expressed "alternating moods o f rousing protest and melancholic languor. For some, he translated Pol­ ish history into notes on the keyboard” ; Robert Schumann said o f what was perhaps Chopin's most famous piece, the “ Revolutionary Étude,” op. 10, no. 12, that it spoke o f “ guns buried in flowers” (Davies 1996,820). Polish romantic drama, which was central to Polish nation-building and became an integral part o f romantic European culture, was one o f the greatest achievements o f Central and Eastern European romanticism (Gutowski 1991). The legendary charismatic “ national bards” Mickiewicz, Slowacki, and Krasiriski played key roles in its birth, but after the defeat o f the 1830 uprising, all three emigrated to Paris (Piasecka 1992). Mickiewicz was bom in the Byelorussian-speaking region o f the Grand Duchy o f Lithuania into a Polish petit gentry family. Voltaire, Schiller, Goethe, and Byron were all influences on him. H is first book o f poems, Ballady i romanse, published in 1822, opened the romantic era in Poland. H is life was archetypically that o f a romantic hero, including imprison­ ment by the oppressive Russian authorities and forced emigration after the defeat o f the Polish uprising. H e lived in Paris, fought in Italy against Austrian oppression, and died in Istanbul in 1855 at the age o f fifty-seven while organizing a Polish legion o f liberation. Mickiewicz's world fame was established by his drama in verse, Dziady, or “ Forefather's Eve,” a forceful indictment o f Russian oppression. The pagan rite oïdziady preserved in Lithuanian folklore—calling on the dead and offering them food —offered a framework for the poet to “ in­ vite” ghosts and, by means o f their earthly and ethereal experiences, con­



vey his “ anti-Sarmatian,” antifeudal Enlightenment credo, combined with an exalted romantic nationalism (Kowalczykowa 1991). H e developed the messianic idea that Poland would reclaim the world and liberate it through her suffering and spiritual superiority In part three^pf Dziady, completed later, Konrad the poet, captive in a tsarist prison, is no longer preoccupied with his personal and social problems, but dedicated to the national cause. H e feels equal to God and challenges him: if G od allows suffering and injustice, he is “ not the father o f the world but a . . . , ” and a choir o f good spirits finishes the sentence, “ tsar.” Mickiewicz was con­ vinced o f his mission and believed that the strength o f words can build and destroy the real world. (He was actually right: his “ sacred national play” was able to generate an uprising against oppression in Poland even a century and a half later.) Juliusz Slowacki and Zygm unt Krasiriski, the two other members o f the “ H oly Trinity” o f Polish romanticism, were both rivals o f and com ­ plements to Mickiewicz. During his short life (he died at forty), Slowacki produced an impressive oeuvre o f passionate national dramas, such as his Kordian (1834), which is comparable to Mickiewicz’s Dziady. Unlike Mickiewicz, Slowacki was critical o f the failure and shortcomings o f the Polish noble uprising and the tragic neglect o f the peasantry: his hero Kordian symbolically realizes only at the end o f his life, while awaiting execution, that his peasant servant Grzegorz is actually his father. Krasiriski, an aristocrat and son o f one o f the tsaris generals, w ho be­ trayed the Polish cause, had by the age o f twenty-one written his “ Undivine Comedy,” Nteboska kotnedia (1833), and Iridion, which express their author’s disappointment and fears. Krasiriski took up social issues: in his works, democrats fight aristocrats, the poor fight the rich, and, above all, Christians fight non-Christians. Foreigners in the typical Central and East­ ern European drama embody immorality and sin (Ratajczak 1992). Pol­ ish romantic drama created a special concept o f “ Polishness,” an “ ethe­ real entity requiring loyalty and existing even without embodiment in a state” (Milosz 1983, 200). Poets, writers, and artists became sacrosanct national heroes, legends who influenced their nation even after their early deaths. Central and East­ ern European intellectuals became extremely influential in part because they themselves believed in their mission and in the myths they created. They believed in the victory o f their nation and the possibility o f trans­ forming it overnight: they lived in the world o f dreams and confused their daydreams with reality. They were dedicated to their mission, and the best o f them were thus very convincing. On the other hand, desperate peoples



wanted to believe in a glorious past, in the great potential o f their nation, and that it was an innocent victim o f other countries. They shared in selfpity and hatred o f the numerous foreign enemies o f the nation, which were held responsible for all o f their troubles. In this atmosphere, intel­ lectuals often became sacrosanct idols, burning torches to follow. Two strikingly similar cases illustrate this. Both the Hungarian Sandor Petofi and the Bulgarian Hristo Botev became quintessential national poets. Their poems, writings, and political activities placed them in the vanguard o f the revolutionary national struggles o f their countries. Each died on the battlefield (at the ages o f twenty-six and twenty-seven, re­ spectively). Their corpses were never found, and both became legends in the national pantheons o f their homelands. Petofi had a special role in the history o f Hungary, not only because o f his plebeian revolutionary po­ etry and his commitment to the romantic unity o f love and freedom, but also because the 1848 revolution began when he declaimed his “ Nemzeti Dal” (National Song) to a crowd on March 15,1848. The poet fought the invading Russian army and died for the revolution. Botev’s role in Bul­ garian history is equally central. As poet, writer, founder o f journals, and freedom fighter, he mobilized his nation. When the April uprising began in 1876, he raised money abroad, organized an armed group o f volunteers, crossed the river Danube at Kozlodui, and attacked Turkish troops in the Milinkamak area. Both Botev and Petofi sought out and prophesied their early deaths on the batdefield. Botev wrote: Perhaps I shall die in my youth But enough for me is this guerdon That people may say of me one day “H e died, poor fellow, for Justice, For the cause o f Justice and Freedom.” (q u o ted in T op en ch aro v 1 9 8 2 ,2 8 )

Petofi expressed his w orry and wish in a similar way: One thought torments me: that I lie Upon a featherbed to die! Slowly wither, slowly waste away, Flowerlike, the furtive earthworm’s prey; Like a candle, slowly to be spent In an empty, lonely tenement. N o death like this, my Lord Divine, No death like this, be ever mine!


ROMANTICISM AND NATIONALISM Let me be a tree through which the lightning flashes, O r the tempest plucks up by the roots and smashes; Let me be a rock from mountain rent asunder, Hurtled to the gorge by skyearthshaking thunder . . . When once they rise, all fettered folk WhoVe had enough o f chain and yoke, With faces red and banners red, in line Emblazoned there this sacred countersign: “World Liberty!” (Petofi [1948]


* /

1976, 30-31)

Romantic Byronic gestures became building blocks o f the nation. R o ­ mantic self-sacrificing heroism excluded pragmatic considerations and ra­ tional compromises. Central and Eastern European romantic national­ ism embodied the basic romantic attitude: “ the motive is more important than the consequences, the intention is more important than the effect” (Berlin 1999,10).

EMANCIPATING THE PEASANTRY-THROUGH ART Romantic literature and art were in the vanguard o f the struggle for so­ ciopolitical modernization. Following in Herder’s footsteps, collectors o f oral folk tales, proverbs, and poetry recognized the foundation for m od­ em poetry based on peasant dialect and the rhythms o f folk poetry. Po­ etry and music emancipated the peasantry before revolutionary politics was able to do so. The new national poetry built a new national identity. H uge collections o f folk poetry were published throughout the region: Kradzic’s six-volume anthology o f Serbian folk poetry; two volumes o f Bulgarian proverbs and sayings collected by Petko Slavejkov; Hadzi H a­ rden Jovanovic’s publication o f Bulgarian folk songs; and Ljuben Karavelov’s anthology o f three thousand Bulgarian sayings and proverbs (Mo­ nument* Buljjarica 1996, xxxviii-ix). The Czech romantic Karel Jaromir Erben published five volumes o f collected folk songs with piano accompa­ niment in the 1840s, a typical romantic ideal o f unifying poetry and music. Folk poetry became a model o f modem national poetry. One o f the earliest pioneers o f this new trend was the Czech Karel Hynek Macha, who published his first nineteen variations on the folk song “ The Dear Little M oon” during the 1830s. The breakthrough o f a neptes (peasant) style occurred in Hungary during the 1840s and 1850s. Sandor Petofi’s early poems were written in folk style, using the typical folk-song device o f an introductory line describing nature entirely unrelated to the sub­



ject. H is effortless rhym es p ro d u ced a natural effect, and th e p o em s dealt w ith e veryd ay life (C z ig a n y

1984,182). P e to ffs Janos Vitez (1844) estab­

lished the lo ve sto ry o f tw o village orphans, Jan csi and Iluska, as national p o e try and m ad e th em p o etic heroes w ith a dem ocratic m essage o f p o ­ etic justice. P e to ffs co n te m p o ra ry Jan o s A r a n y based his ballads on o ld folk ballad traditions:

Yea, swords do clash and armors crash And blood-red is the sun, And birds of prey descend to stay; Edward! this thou hast done. A thousand o f our race are slain In gory battle lost Who lives today may sadly say: “This is thy holocaust." sings a cou rageo u s o ld bard instead o f to astin g and p raising the o p pres­ sor k in g in his “ T h e Bards o f W ales” (A ran y

19 14 ,16 2).

U s in g rew o rd ed folk m o tifs and even the rh yth m o f folk so n gs, M ick iew icz expressed a classical rom antic credo:

Faith and love are more discerning Than lenses or learning. You know the dead truth, not the living, The world o f things, not the world o f loving. Where does any miracle start? Cold eye, look in your heart! (Milosz 1983, * ii ) T h e B ulgarians Petko Slavejk o v an d H r is to B o te v also d re w o n o riginal folk songs. B o te v 's p o e try recalls the sim p licity and rh yth m o f folk songs. In his “ H a d z h i D i m i t a r w i l d anim als take care o f the fallen hero:

By day a mother eagle lends him shade And a wolf meekly licks his wound, While on high a falcon—heroic bird— Keep[s] watch over her brother hero! T h e n the w o o d n ym p h s take o ver :

One binds his wound with herbs Another splashes him with water A third hastens to kiss his mouth As he gazes at her—lovely, smiling (Monumenta Butgarica 1996, 463)



A similar pattern may be found in Serbia, where from the 1860s on, Jovan Jovanovic-Zmaj adopted the rhythm and language o f folk poetry in his late romantic patriotic poems. As with poetry, romantic music drew inspiration from folk songs. In 1835, Liszt wrote in his manifesto “ Zur Stellung der Kunstler5Vabout the “ mission” o f music and musicians. One o f the expressions o f this mission was the cult o f the folk song, bom, as he phrased it, “ from the very wom b o f the "nation.5’11 Folk elements had appeared in music before: Bach, Tele­ mann, and Mozart had used the polonaise. Beethoven and Haydn had used Hungarian tunes. Folk-song motifs, however, served only for the enrichment o f melodies. In the romantic age, a methodical collection and publication o f folk songs began: the first volumes o f Scottish and G er­ man folk songs appeared in the late eighteenth century. Brahms published about fifty folk songs with German texts. One o f his own songs, “ In stiller Nacht,” was published as an anonymous folk melody. Liszt and Chopin, although entirely international, elevated Hungar­ ian and Polish folk songs to the highest level o f European music. Via Chopin’s work, Polish national dances, such as the polonaise, mazurka, and krakoviak, became part o f the international musical repertoire. Liszt, especially, with his Hungarian Rhapsodies and Piano Sonata in B Minor, made the Hungarian verbunkos and Gypsy music world renowned. R o ­ manticism, observed Alfred Einstein, thus “ began to separate the na­ tionalities in music.” Like other forms o f folk literature, “ folk songs” took on sacrosanct na­ tional importance, notwithstanding that m ost—perhaps 80 percent o f them—had actually been written during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as demonstrated by Bela Bartók, who collected Hungarian, R o ­ manian, Slovak, and other folk songs in the early twentieth century. Some 10 to 20 percent were nepies mudal—urban, folk-like art songs, often called “ Gypsy music,” which, as Bartók notes, was the “ song o f the noble elite” in nineteenth-century Hungary. H a lf o f these “ folk songs” were, more­ over, o f foreign origin—in the case o f Hungary, often adaptations o f G er­ man and Slavic songs. Slovene “folk music” was o f German origin, and many Czech folk songs also came from Germany. Folk songs o f neigh­ boring countries often closely resembled each other, and Bartók speaks o f an “ East European international musical jargon” (Bartók [1934] 1986, 310). In the Hungarian case, the most important songs were verbunkos (from the German Werbung, recruiting) dances originally used to persuade young men to join the army. During the first half o f the nineteenth cen­ tury, these songs became “ the national Hungarian instrumental music id­

ROMANTICISM AND NATIONALISM io m , in cludin g its transform ation into the


csdrdds dance fo rm s” (S u c h o ff

1995,20). T h e national profile o f m usic w as a n e w p h en o m en o n in th e ro m an ­ tic age. In earlier centuries, m usic had been entirely international, and, as A lfre d E in stein has noted , “ before

1800 a stro n g ly national co lo rin g w as

sh o w n o n ly b y those com posers w h o se stature did n o t reach the lo fty heights o f greatness” (Einstein

1947,18). B erlio z, h o w ever, w as strongly

French , and W a g n e r w as explicitly Teutonic. A total rom antic “ national­ ization” o f m usic characterized the m o st im p ortan t art genre o f the age in the C z e c h lands (ib id .,

296). T h e pioneer o f C ze ch national m usic was

B ed rich Sm etan a. Ju s t as rom antic dram a w a s a lead ing literary trend in P oland, C z e c h ro m a n tic m u sic and op era w e re a m o n g th e greatest achievem ents o f C en tral and Eastern E u ro p e an rom anticism and E u r o ­ pean rom anticism at large. Sm etan a established C ze ch national m usic w ith his pieces fo r piano, such as

Czech Dances and Memories o f Bohemia, and w ith his string q u ar­ From M y Life. Sm etana’s w o rk w as carried o n b y A n ­

tets, a m o n g them

tonín D v o ra k , w h o d re w extensively o n folk so n g and dances in his s y m ­ phonies, string quartets, Slavic rhapsodies, and, m o st o f all, songs and choruses. T h is national phase o f m usic ended w ith the end o f the rom antic age. In the C ze ch lands, it ended w ith L e o s Janacek (d.

1928). “Ja n u fa is not

a C z e ch national opera, it has n o th in g to d o w ith national historical dream s,” M a x B ro d argued in one o f his letters. “ T h e m usic, w h ich th ro u g h o u t has been o f sharply national ch a ra c te r. . . sud denly becom es really universal, purely m usical m usic” (quoted in Sp ecto r

2000,216). T h is

w as also true in the case o f H u n g a ry, w h ere, despite B a rto k ’s scholarly w o rk and co llectio n o f fo lk m u sic, he h im se lf h eralded a tu rn to w a rd

1890, the A H et (T h e W eek) expressed a sim ilar turn:

international m o d e m m usic. In an editorial in its first issue in H u n g a rian literary jo urnal

it w o u ld be a fo ru m o n ly fo r “ literature, and n o t the great force to form and create state and nation” (Frigyesi

1998, 95).

It sh o uld be recalled that m usic escaped in the ro m an tic era fro m the churches and the exclusive salons o f the aristocracy. H a n d e l’s “Messiah w as the first w o rk that w as g iven m ass-perform ances. . . . [ N ] e w festive au­ ditorium s had to co m e into existence, the secular, clear, free counterparts to the dark and so lem n halls o f th e church” (Einstein 1 9 4 7 , 1 3 - 1 4 ) . B efo re the rom antic era, m usicians had served the C h u rch , the k in g, a n d the aris­ tocrats (as co u rt co n d u cto r at K ism arto n and Esterh aza, A lfre d Einstein rem inds us, H a y d n w o re the prince’s livery), and co m p o se d th eir w o rk s



when they were ordered to do so. N o w they were free musicians. Beethoven was probably the very first among them (ibid., 12). Romantic music thus reached a broad audience and became a decisive vehicle for romantic feelings and ideas. As in music, romantic folklorization also generated national'styles in architecture. In Romania, the so-called neo-Romanian style used historicized folk decorative elements. Ion Mincu’s veranda, with arcades and round arches, the Lahovay Mansion (1886) and Girls5 Central School (1890) in Bucharest, and the Administrative Palaces o f Galap and Craiova all represented this romantic national style (Sasarman 1983). The H un­ garian Odon Lechner5s “ Hungarian55style, using tiled roofs and national decorative elements, richly decorated Budapest and Kecskemet around the turn o f the century and expressed a similar trend.

THE CREATION OF NATIONAL MYTHS T h e rivers and m ountains, w o o d s and plains, the landscape, the b e a u ty o f the fatherland inspired poets and painters alike. T h is feeling w as p as­ sionately expressed b y the A lban ian N a im Frasheri


Oh mountains of Albania and you, oh lofty trees! Broad blossoming plains, you are in my thoughts day and night! You fair highlands and you sparkling streams! Peaks, hills, slopes, cliffs and verdant forests! I shall sing o f the herds you hold and feed, Oh blessed places! How you nourish and delight me! You, Albania, bestow upon me honor and the name Albanian, You have filled my heart with flame and desire. (translated in Elsie 1 9 9 5 ,2 3 2 )

V ojislav Ilic sim ilarly links the scenery o f the fatherland w ith patriotic Serbianness in his p o e m “ O n the R iver V a rd a r55:

Oh waves, oh Serbian river! Centuries vanish so, And sink like waves into the sea of somber eternity. But your drops like pearls forever kiss the foothills O n which stand memorials o f the glorious national past. Some day, like the heavenly phoenix, freedom will dawn . . . (translated in D o rd e vic 1 9 8 4 ,3 )

K arel H . M a c h a , the m ain representative o f C z e c h rom anticism , w h o w as influenced

by B y ro n and S c o tt, visited 129 o ld castles in search o f the



g lo rio u s C z e c h past. T h e ruins o f B ezd ez inspired his The Evening at Bezdez> a “ p o e m in p ro se” (So u ck o va 1958, 49-50). R u in s also attracted rom antic painters: th e C z e ch Ju liu s M a fa k painted th e “ sacred places” o f his country. R u in s w ere likew ise the m ain them es o f the R o m anian s T h e o d o re A m an, N ic o la e G rig o re scu , and Io n A n d re scu . T h e Serbians D ju ra Jaksic, N o v a k R ak o n ic, Stefan T o d o ro v ic, and the C ro a t V jek o slav K aras p ainted the landscapes o f their native lands, village life, historical events, and national heroes. T h e Polish rom antic painters A leksander O rlow ski, P io tr M ich alo w sk i, Ja n M atejko , and A r tu r G ro ttg e r fo llo w ed the sam e pattern. E p ic p o e try w as one o f the m o st im portant genres fo r con stru cting national historical m yths, w h ich raised people’s self-confidence, gave them a sense o f b e lo n g in g to a national co m m u n ity, and form ed traditions (Bahlcke

2000). T h e m o st h allow ed task o f such ro m antic national p o ­

e try w as the “ d isco ve ry,” o r rather the construction, o f a glo rio u s national

Aeneid , and the c o m p u lso ry rh yth m the 1825, for exam ple, M ih a ly V o ro s m a rty p ublished his epic p o em Zaidnjutdsa (T h e F lig h t o f Zalan ), past. T h e m o del w as V irg il’s

heroic hexam eter. A t the age o f tw en ty-five, in

w h ich describes the conquest o f H u n g a ry b y the H u ngarian s under “ brave A r p a d , the no b le com m ander, w earin g the skin o f a leopard an d stro n g en o u g h to lead the natio n .” W ith the help o f H a d u r, th e g o d o f hosts, A rp a d defeats the B ulgarian ruler Zalan . T h e sto ry o f th e w in n in g o f the fatherland carried H u n g a rian s back to the ancient g lo r y o f their ailing na­ tion. T h e poet, accordin g to a typ ical rom antic pattern, seeks to m obilize the nation : “ W h e re are y o u , g lo ry o f old? L o s t deep in the n ig h t o f the sh ad o w s?” “ W h e re are y o u , A rp a d . . . in this im p o ten t age?” (M akkai

1996,214-15). D istin ctive rom antic-national features figure p o w e rfu lly in V o ro sm a rty ’ s p oem s. In Szozat (A p peal, 1836), the characteristic Central and E astern E u ro p e a n ro m antic vision o f nemzethaldl, the extinction o f the nation , is tragically exhibited:

Or there shall come, if come there must, a death o f fortitude; and round about our graves shall stand a nation washed in blood. Around the graves where we shall die a weeping world will come . . . F o r M a g y a rs, h ow ever, there is n o pjace bu t the fatherland,

/ for it has borne you and at death / will consecrate your dust! N o other spot in all the world /


ROMANTICISM AND NATIONALISM can touch your heart as home; let fortune bless or fortune curse, from hence you shall not roam!


(M akkai 19 9 6 , 228)


/ In

Zrinyi (1828), V o ro s m a rty expresses the tragic and heroic loneliness o f

the nation: " T h e H u n g a ria n looks W est, and then looks back to the E a s t w ith dism al eyes; he is an isolated, brotherless branch o f his race” (C z ig a n y

1984,128). R o m an tic national p o e try spread m essages o f freedom , liberty, and the rebirth o f the nation th ro u g h o u t the regio n (Topolski et al.

1991). R a th e r

than speaking o f the E n lig h te n m e n t o r rom anticism , C ze ch literary his­ torians call the p erio d betw een tional renaissance.” In

1780 and 1830 the ndrodni obrozeni, o r "n a ­

1802, in th e fo u rth v o lu m e o f an a n th o lo g y edited

b y Jaro slav Puchm ajer, the tw en ty-nin e-year-o ld Jo s e f Ju n g m a n n p u b ­ lished his

Tezke vybrdni\ the c o u n try ’s first rom antic poem . T h e m ission o f

national literature w as " t o arouse the national consciousness and to brin g

1958, 39). Ju n g m a n n , an adm irer o f Voltaire and G o e th e , w a s an em o tio n al

C ze ch culture to the level o f oth er E u ro p e an nations” (So u ck o v a

nationalist, w h o "rh ap so d ize d ab o u t a fantastically m odified past o f the Sla v s.” Ja n K ollar, a lead in g representative o f the "C z e c h renaissance” becam e an ardent p a n -S la v nationalist and, g lo rify in g th e Slavs, iden ­ tified the Slavic zo d iac w ith the In d ia n -E g y p tia n one and d evelo p ed a "p atrio tic-n atio n al vision o f Slavic g ran d eu r and m yth ical p o ten tial” (N e m o ia n u


Sim a M ilutinovic-Sarajlija

(1791-1847) published lyric and national epic Srbi-

p o em s g lo rify in g the sufferings, struggle, and g lo ry o f the Serbs. In

jonka (1826), he glam orized the first Serbian insurrection. T h e central topic o f M ilo v a n V id a k o v ic ’s w ritin g s — epic p o em s and novels, such as Korijo corica (1827)—w as Serb ian history. Jo v a n Sterija P o p o v ic ’s national epic p o e m s —Svetislav iM ileva , M ilos Obilic\ and Nahod Simeon — eulo gized the Serb ian past, the h o rro r o f the Turks, and the K o so v o legend. T h e patri­ o tic feeling o f Se rb d o m , the g lo r y o f th e m edieval Serb ian state, and fa­ natical hatred o f Serbia’ s enem ies, especially the Turks, m o tivated all o f these w ritings.

Sonetni venec, the Slo ven e Fran ce Preseren com bines the classic rom antic u n ity o f lo ve an d patriotism . H is K rstp ri Soviet, the Slo v e n e In his

“ F lig h t o f Z a la n ,” describes the last stru gg le o f the pagans w ith victo ri­ ous C h ristia n ity and th e christening o f th e nation. T h e C ro a t Iva n M a z u ranic, a believer in the m essianic role o f the Slavs and the Illyrian th e o ry



o f Slav unity, w ho later became banus (governor, sometimes called viceroy) o f Croatia, expressed the need to confront the common enemy (especially Hungarians) in poems such as Sm rt smailage cengica (1846) (Barac 1955,97,103, in ). The Vacarescu brothers and the §coala Ardeleana in Romania pioneered a poetic revolution focused on the national cause using heroic, nationalistic themes. The central topic o f Albanian poetry, drama, and novels was the fifteenth-century national hero George Kastrioti, known as Skanderbeg (a corruption o f the Turkish Iskander Bey). Poems by Jeronim D e Rada, Anton Santori, and Gabriel Dara all harked back to Albania’s “ ancient glory.” In Paradise (1894), a poetic narrative o f the glorious history o f the Albanians in batde with various enemies, the most important late romantic national poet o f Albania, Naim Frasheri, proudly proclaimed that in the past, Albanians had “ stood up to Turkey, honored Albania, took up arms and fought and saved all o f Europe” (Bihiku 1980, 38). In his extremely popular The History o f Skanderbeg (1898), Frasheri erected a monument to Albanian resistance to the Ottomans and the struggle for freedom. Albanians, Serbs, Hungarians, and Poles equally shared the belief that their country, and their country alone, was the bastion o f Christendom and Western civilization. This “ rampart” myth, based on a fourteenthcentury papal letter on the occasion o f the coronation o f Ladislaus I, the Short, became the backbone o f Polish historical myths in the nineteenth century In 1807, both Jan Pawel Woronicz and Andrzej Horodyski de­ scribed Poland as the strong przedmurze, or rampart, o f Europe, which “ repelled the Eastern storms from the rest o f the world” and made it pos­ sible that “ in the womb o f Europe human rights, religion, arts and knowl­ edge o f various kinds useful in social life could be preserved.” Stanislaw Staszic and Adam Mickiewicz maintained that all o f Slavdom was “ the unshakable rampart o f Europe’s rising civilization” (Tazbir 1983, 7, 10, I09> Hi).

The rampart myth included a sense that the rising nations o f Eastern Europe had borne the brunt o f defending the Continent, and, conse­ quently, that they deserved the gratitude o f the West, which, however, had “ repaid the debt with ingratitude,” although it ought to do so by restoring the victims’ independence. National drama and theater also played an exceptional role in propa­ gating the national cause. The nationalist drama and nationalist tragedy were responsible for creating a history with a glorious past, which is to be recaptured in a lackluster present. The topic and mission are found throughout the entire region: an idealized national past with exceptional



national kings and heroes representing truth and justice, often solitary romantic champions battling external enemies, with the nation’s very ex­ istence always at stake. Anyone who attacks the nation is evil anc^ireacherous. Politics becomes a moral struggle between good and evil, The char­ acters are not complex. Their morality is their goal, good or bad, according to whether they are defenders or enemies o f the nation. They are moved by passion, patriotism, love, and hatred. They do their heroic or evil deeds for a cause. M ost o f these historical tragedies are ahistorical: every his­ torical period and event seems analogous to the problems o f the present (Spiro 1986). T h e literary standard o f these genres w as rather uneven. G o o d plays and trash— bo th p ro du ced in great n u m b e rs— had the sam e m ission and played sim ilar political roles. A esthetic value, in this context, w as o n ly o f secon dary im portance. T h e national dram a attracted thousands o f people, a perform ance becam e a festive, alm ost religious event, and the m o b iliz­ in g effect w as extraordinary. H u n g a ria n national dram a w as b o rn d u rin g the K a to n a ’s

Bank ban,

1810s w ith Jo z s e f

w h ic h fo llo w e d the stereo typ ical pattern: w ic k e d

foreigners, in this case, the queen and h er bro th er (fro m “ M e ra n ” ) are punish ed b y rebellion an d th e assassination o f the q u een , an d an o ld peasant, T ib o rc , has a lo n g , passionate m o n o lo g u e a b o u t peasant m is­ e ry an d H u n g a r y ’ s decline. In B o h e m ia , the s to r y o f Ja n H u s inspired a p la y b y the actor-director J o s e f K ajetan T y l, as w ell as V a cla v B ro zik ’s m o num ental p aintin g The Sentencing ofM asterJan Hus. (T h e C z e c h p o et M ach a planned to w rite fo u r dram as a b o u t B o h em ia’s kings b u t failed to d o so.) M e an w h ile , typ ical C en tral and E a s t E u ro p e an national tragedies also flourished in m id -n in eteen th -cen tu ry R o m an ia, including, besides those o f M ich a i E m in e scu (see M a s s o ff 1964), Vasile A lecsan d ri’s Despot

Voda and

B o g d a n H a§d eu ’s Domnita an d


and the Slo v a k Jo nas

Z a b o rsk y, the C ro a ts M atija B a n and M irk o B o g o v ic , and the B u lg a ri­ ans D o b ri V o jn ik o v and Ivan V a z o v all p ro d u c e d — m o sd y s e c o n d -r a t e national tragedies.


S o m e o f the best national tragedies, h o w ever, w ere Serbian. P o p o v ic ’s

Smrt Stefan Decanskog exem plifies

Central and E a st E u ro p e an rom antic-

national dram a, and D ju ra Jak sic’s Jelizaveta>kneginja emogorska


although quite sim ilar to Bank ban, is a m u ch m ore m ature w o rk and rises above the stereotypical conflict between the bad foreign and g o o d national forces. Jaksic clearly realized that the real tragedy o f th e sm all nations o f the reg io n w as that th e y w e re the paw ns o f foreign p o w ers. W ith in each nation, ind igenous forces p layed h um iliating, suicidal satellite roles, ac­



cusing one another (with reason) o f treason and slaughtering one another, leading finally to total collapse. The message o f the national drama was forcefully repeated by the ro­ mantic genre o f so-called program music, which successfully merged lit­ erature with music to express not only emotions but ideas as well. The main advocates o f program music, among them Brahms and Liszt, argued that “ more and more, the masterpieces o f music will absorb the master­ pieces o f literature.” Liszt spoke about the “ fusion o f the two.” In this sense, Schubert’s Liedem created a new trend in art by merging the roman­ tic poem with romantic music. InM d Vlast (M y Native Land), a programmusic cycle o f six symphonic poems (a Lisztian genre), Smetana employed a musical dialect that was unmistakably Czech. Smetana’s eight operas, especiAlyTbeBrandenburgeninBohem ia (1862), The Bartered Bride (1864), D alibor (1867), and Libuse (1872), became the foundation o f Czech opera. In Hungary, Ferenc ErkePs H unyadi Ldszlo (1844) and Bank ban (1861), an opera based on Katona’s play, were highly patriotic too, and Polish patriotism is expressed in Stanislaw Moniuszko’s H alka (1847) and The H aunted Castle (1865). Romantic painters often chose the same topics that engaged writers and musicians: for example, the new Hungarian drama, opera, and paint­ ing all retold the story o f Laszlo Hunyadi, the older son o f Janos Hun­ yadi, who defended H ungary in the late fourteenth century and defeated an Ottoman army. The atmosphere o f tragic history is presented by Vik­ tor Madarasz’s The M ourning o f Ldszlo H unyadi, a large canvas depicting the victim o f a conspiracy that almost ended the continuous reign o f the great national dynasty o f the Hunyadis. The same heroic treatment was accorded to Skanderbeg in Albania, and to the role o f Kosovo in Serbian art. Rom ania’s glorious national history was embodied in M ihai the Brave, w ho briefly united Transylvania with Wallachia and is depicted on horseback by Mihai Lipaty and in the painting M ih ai the Brave Entering A lba Iu lia by Constantin Lecca, who also produced two huge paintings o f M ihai’s death in 1601 (Oprescu 1984). Historical myths were developed by national poet-prophets, mission­ ary artists, and, not least, pseudo-scholars. It was during these decades, from the late eighteenth century onward, that modem historiography was bom. Jacob Talmon speaks about a “ religion o f history” that actually was a “ structure o f ideas . . . an entity moving towards a pre-ordained goal” (Talmon i960,24-25). The publication o f medieval sources, codices, and various documents, as well as multivolume histories o f the nations o f the area, established m odem scholarship in most o f these countries. H ow ­



ever, even the m o st serious and scholarly w o rk s cou ld n o t avo id bolster­ in g historical m yths. M a n y others focused explicitly o n the latter goal o f m yth m ak in g, g lo rify in g the national past, but also insp iring a v igo ro u s n e w m o vem en t o f natio n -buildin g. Paradoxically, the m o st irratjonal na­ tional m yth s served the m o st rational m odern ization goals. T h e m yth o f an ancient, united “ Illyrian” nation o f southern Slavs m o ­ bilized Serbs, C ro ats, Slo ven es, and B o snians to jo in forces to regain their independence and build a m o d ern nation. H isto ries that hyp o th esized the Illyrian basis o f So u th Sla v u n ity appeared, one o f the earliest bein g the

History of Various Slavic Peoples, Namely, Bulgarians, Croats, and Serbs

(1794-95) by Jo v a n R ajic, an O rth o d o x m onk. A n exuberant nationalist m o vem en t also sprang u p to create a G reat R o m a n ia b y u n itin g all the R o m an ian s livin g under O tto m a n , H u n g a r­ ian, and R ussian authority. M ih a i the B ra ve and o th er R o m a n ia n h eroes had w a g e d a “ splendid struggle fo r freedom and national un ity,” N ico la e Balcescu w ro te in an unfinished w o rk ; “ the m e m o ry o f the heroic past has to generate the desire o f generations to co m e to enrich this brilliant le g a cy ” (q u o ted in A ra to

1971, 195). R o m an ian s believed that their na­

tio n had been b o rn fro m the interm ixin g o f R o m a n s and D acian s after Trajan’s co n q u est o f D a cia (Transylvania), the last p ro vince o f th e R o ­ m an em pire to be established; b u t “ fo reign authors « . . cast aspersions o n the R o m an ian s, the gran dso n s o f the ancient R o m a n s,” Petru M a io r

1812 History ofthe Origins ofthe Romanians in Dacia (q u o ted in ibid., 194). In fact, H e n ri Stah l notes, “ the first d o cu m en t co n firm in g the existence o f state-like form s set u p b y R o m an ian s dates fro m 1247,” and

said in his

it is likely th at a unified R o m an ian state w a s fo rm ed o n ly in the fo llo w ­ ing centuries w h en the

voivode (originally, c h ie f o f the w arrio rs)

“ declared

h im self au to n o m o u s and absolute m aster o f his territo ry” (Stah l


211-12). T h e con cep t o f the H u n origins o f the H u n g a rian s, and the Poles’ b e­ lie f in their descent fro m the ancient Sarm atae, a no m adic p eople related to the Scyth ian s, eq ually stressed (o r m ade up ) heroic m ilitary traditions and strengthened and prepared these nations to fight against oppressors o f o verw h elm in g pow er. T h e feeling o f lag g in g behind a rising W e st that haunted the reform ist elites o f these countries w as countered b y a sense o f national m oral su ­ periority. Slavophiles idealized the Slav peoples and ascribed a higher value system to them . In this vein, A d a m M ick ie w icz con dem ned W estern m a ­ terialism and the “ diabolic forces o f m o n e y ” in his Paris lectures, saying: “ T h e general idea o f political e c o n o m y is the en em y o f the S la v people,



for this idea is par excellence material.” The Slavs, he declared, had not “ given over their spirit to the work o f reason and industry,” so they still retained “ pure and profound religious feelings.” Like many other Polish and Russian political thinkers, Mickiewicz saw the Slav community o f property, embodied in the village commune, as the realization o f the ideal property relations hypothesized by the French utopian philosopher Charles Fourier (Walicki 1991,117-28). The concept o f the “ difference between German and Western thought” (Reiss 1 9 9 5 , 3), a central idea o f German romantics, also attracted various Slavic romantics, such as the influential Russian Slavophiles. “ M y thought is far from Western Europe,” Joachim Lelewel, the leading Polish romantic historian, proclaimed. “ M y entire attention is turned toward the east, to­ ward Slavdom.” H e differentiated between Western and Slavic heritages and emphasized that “ ancient Slavic communalism” was distinct from Western traditions. Bishop Jan Pavel Woronicz talked about a separate Slav civilization, superior to that o f the West. The Polish populists in their manifesto o f 1834 reformulated the German romantic concept o f “national individuality” and declared Slavdom to be the national individual, the “ new Christ o f the new faith” (Walicki 1991, 7,12 -13, 16)« “ It is tim e to realize that w e shall n ot purchase the favo r o f the W est,” w ro te Ivan A ksakov,

a R ussian Slavophile, “ [their] h a tre d . . . to w ard s the

E a s t and to w ard s O rth o d o x y is a traditional, instinctive . . . fe e lin g .. . . E v e ry th in g that is h app en ing in E u ro p e is no th in g b u t a p lo t against us. . . . T h e future E u ro p e w ill be divided into tw o cam ps: on th e one side R ussia, w ith all O rth o d o x Slavic tribes, on d ie o th e r— the e n tire . . .

[1952] 1965, 32,83-85). modem national identity remained to be created. It was very weak in the Balkans, where Greek Orthodoxy was the basis o f self-identification for non-Turkish peoples. This “ age o f theocracy,” however, was gradually replaced by an age o f nationalism. While Christianity—with a solid base o f supreme loyalty for centuries under M uslim Ottoman rule—still re­ mained an important factor in the Balkan self-image, a secular national concept also emerged and began playing an important role. A half-reli­ gious, half-ethnic “ confessional-nationality” became characteristic in the Balkans (Turczynski 1976). A new national identity gradually emerged among the various peoples o f the Habsburg empire. Derek Sayer cites a report o f the Prague Statis­ tical Commission from 1871 whose authors said that attempts to investi­ gate nationality in 1851 had been “ premature” because “ a clear con­ sciousness o f national identity among the majority o f Austro-Hungarian E u ro p e to geth er” (q u o ted in R iasan ovsk y A



nations was, so to speak, still in diapers” (Sayer 1998, 29). The Polish, H un­ garian, Serbian, Bulgarian, and even Albanian historical concepts o f be­ ing (each, o f course, alone) the “ Christian fortress and defendej^of E u ­ rope against the Asian horde” simultaneously served to strengthen national self-confidence and consciousness. Early historiography had great importance in this process. In 1762, a Bulgarian monk, Father Paisii Hilendarski, wrote one o f the earliest “ na­ tional histories” o f the region, although it remained in manuscript for eighty years. H e sought to strengthen national self-esteem: “ Why are you ashamed to be called a Bulgarian?” he asked. “ It is necessary and useful. . . to k n o w . . . about the deeds o f your fathers. . . . O f the whole Slavic race the most glorified were the Bulgarians: they were the first to appoint tsars, the first to have patriarchs, the first to be Christianized, and they con­ quered the most la n d . . . [they defeated the Greeks] many times and had taken tribute from them” (Monumenta Bulgaria* 1996, 340-41). A s an expression o f em erg in g Slo vak national consciousness, Ja n B altazar M a g in ’s Apologia reinterpreted S lo v ak history: instead o f a H u n ­ garian con qu ero r w h o defeated and subordinated the Slavs o f the D a n u b e basin, he posited an “ alliance” o f tw o coexistin g and equal nations. Juraj Papanek w e n t even further in his Slo vak h isto ry

(1780) and presented a

glo rio u s past o f the great M o ra via n em pire.

Polish historiography, beginning with Adam Naruszewicz’s six-volume History ofPoland (Naruszewicz 1780-86), was one o f the most developed in the area. The historical studies o f K. B. Hoffm an, Maurycy Mochnacki, and especially Joachim Lelewel became part o f the mobilization for con­ tinuous struggle. The historical myths were mixed with romantic heroicism. “ We are alone, an Eastern people in the West, without relatives,” Istvan Szechenyi declared in his . 4 kelet nope (People o f the East) (Szechenyi 1925). Rom a­ nians like Samuil Klein-Micu, Petru Maior, and other Daco-Roman the­ orists felt likewise: we are alone, the last outpost o f Latin culture, sur­ rounded by Slavic and Hungarian barbarism. We are subordinated at the moment, although we arrived in the area much earlier than all the others. T h e Polish credo after the partition o f the co u n try co u ld be sum m a­ rized as: “ W e d efended the W e st and are the C ru cified , the Jesus C h rist o f nations, w h o w ill rise again o r be resurrected and redeem the h um an race.” T h e w h o le nation shared the v ie w that Poland’s national po et A d a m M ick ie w icz expressed in his essay “ B o ok s o f the Polish N a tio n and P il­ grim ag e” in

1832: “ a satanic T rin ity . . . [Frederick I I o f Prussia, C ath e r­

ine I I o f R u ssia, and A u stria ’s M a ria T h eresa] fashioned a n e w i d o l . . .



political interest. . . . But the Polish nation alone did not bow down . . . the Kings crucified the Polish nation, and laid it in its g ra v e .. [But] the Polish nation did not die. Its body lieth in the grave; but its spirit has descended into the ab yss. . . the Soul shall return again to the Body; and the nation shall arise, and free all the peoples o f Europe from slavery” (Mickiewicz 1986,202). In sum , the p o p u lar eth os w e n t so m eth in g like this: “ W e w estern and southern Slavs have to accom plish the H ercu lean task o f u n itin g th e great Sla vic nation, w h ich lives in various countries and m o stly u n d er a fo reign yo k e .” R o m a n tic m issions, rom antic struggles, ro m antic rebellions w ere p u t o n the agenda.

The enemies, the despotic multinational empires and the unchange­ able establishment, however, were too numerous and strong, and the hope o f victory too small and distant. That was probably the reason for an ex­ panded, century-long, romantic age in Central and Eastern Europe. More­ over, the romantic attitude, gesture, and pose have inseparably mingled with the national cause and become an organic and permanent element o f it. The romantic attitude not only became part o f the national charac­ ter but penetrated personal lives and mentalities as well. Emotional over­ reaction, self-destructive lifestyles, and an extremely high rate o f suicide, these “ Wertherian gestures,” became the pattern. Theatrical emotion, heroic poses, and bombastic rhetoric became a requirement for discuss­ ing the national issue. Poets and writers continued to be self-appointed national prophets. Leadership required charisma, not m odem rational po­ litical institutions and procedures. Temporarily declining birthrates or other sociopolitical crises immediately revived the fear o f the extinction o f the nation. Confrontations with other countries and political and eco­ nomic losses in a difficult period, imagined or real, immediately gener­ ated a sense o f betrayal. A critical remark about the backwardness o f the nation or major policy mistakes made by a fellow citizen were often con­ sidered high treason. Self-pity, a kind o f romantic-national Weltschmerz, became a national characteristic. The nation was often considered a vic­ tim surrounded by enemies. National feeling was mixed with xenopho­ bia. Czeslaw Milosz comments on the “ abnormal” nature, not only o f Pol­ ish history during the period, but also o f thought and literature: “ [An] enormous talent for self-pity was displayed, and Poland was presented as an innocent victim suffering for the sins o f humanity” (M ilosz 1983,200). Otherness generated suspicion and hostility. I f the nation was at stake, reason was often suppressed by emotion. Because o f its “ tribal” ethno­ cultural character, a romantic, deformed, and pathetic national con-



sciousness in Central and Eastern Europe carried within it the seeds o f xenophobic, exclusive, aggressive nationalism, an ideology the German Eugen Diderichs called “ new romanticism” in the late nineteenth century (Mosse 1966,52). ^ Central and Eastern Europe became a hotbed o f various kinds o f ex­ tremism, wrong political decisions, and internal and international conflicts.

CULTURAL INSTITUTIONS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS The spread o f enlightened-romantic messages was assisted by important new “ national” cultural institutions. One o f the most important o f these was the school system, discussed in a later chapter. By its establishment and gradually increasing enrollment, the school system became a strong pillar o f national education, despite a rather limited curriculum. The new generations studied a common vernacular language and the same history o f the nation. The teachers, in most cases, played a central role in the ed­ ucation o f even the adult population in small towns. Various other national institutions were also established around this time, including national theaters, libraries, and museums. Theater in the West developed over centuries and was an integral part o f urban life and an institution o f entertainment. In Central and Eastern Europe, without that tradition, theater was not a consequence but rather a planned means o f creating urban development. The work o f cultural nation-building, however, made the need for “ national” theaters a central political issue. The principle o f the public, nonprofit Nationaltheater for serious drama and responsible programming emerged in Germany, appearing first in Ham burg (Senelick 1991, 231). The theater, the home o f the national drama, was essentially a church o f the national language and the national ideal, a cradle for the cultivation o f new historical myths, and a voice against oppression and for independent nationhood. Although an enter­ taining, cosmopolitan German theater, traveling French and Italian com ­ panies, and amateur theatrical companies were well established, H un­ garian, Romanian, Czech, Serbian, and Bulgarian theater did not exist before the romantic age. The need to create national theater as an insti­ tution emerged from German romantic national ideology. The building o f large national theaters became an obsession o f religious proportions that mobilized the best patriots o f the age. In the Czech lands, instead o f “ national theater,” they often spoke o f vlastenske divadlo, “ patriotic theater.” Som e independent nations o f the area established national theaters in

ROMANTICISM AND NATIONALISM the late eighteenth ce n tu ry — R ussia in in


1756, Poland in 1765, and A ustria

1776 (that is, nearly a ce n tu ry before the others). T h e se national the­

aters used native languages. T h e national theater w as P oland’ s m o st im ­ p ortant cultural institution u p until the

1820s. G e rm an theater and cul­

ture had no role in Poland. A ll o f the other nations p u t a national theater o n their list o f national requirem ents. N o b le m e n , such as C o u n t Frantisek A n to n ín N o stit-R ien eck , m aintained private and then p ub lic G e r­ m an theaters in B o h em ia, and in N o v e m b e r

1821, a g ro u p o f patriots sent

a petition to the em peror u rg in g the fou n datio n o f a C ze ch theater as a “ fundam ental m eans for the revival o f the C z e c h lan guage . . . [and] fer­ tile soil fo r C z e c h literature . . . w h ich w o u ld also deal w ith o u r patriotic p ast.” H o w e v e r, as late as A p ril

1849, H avlicek B o ro v sk y had to state in

the NarodniNovini, “ for a lo n g w hile w e have w o rk ed so that o u r nation w o u ld have w h at e ve ry cultured nation h as— its o w n theater.” D u rin g the

1850s, n atio n w id e fund -raising began , and in 1856, the site o f the theater 1862. T h e

w as acquired. M e a n w h ile , a p rovisional theater w a s op ened in

con stru ction o f the p erm anent build ing o n the bank o f the V lta v a R iv e r began in

1867. T h e fou ndatio n stone w as b ro u g h t fro m R ip M o u n ta in , a

sym b o lic gesture, since, accordin g to historic legend, th e ancestor o f the C z e ch nation, C e ch , had claim ed the su rro u n d in g c o u n try fo r his people at that place. B y decision o f the Transylvanian D ie t, the K o lo zsvar T h eater w as o p en ed in

1821. T w o years later, another H u n g a rian theater op ened its

do o rs in M isk o lc. T h e m o vem en t fo r a national theater in the capital, h o w ­ ever, w a s m o re protracted. T h e first draft o f a plan w as ready in

1819« E ig h t

years later, the national p o e t and politician F eren c K o lc se y argu ed that “ e v e ry refined E u ro p e an nation” had theaters, an d , i f H u n g a r y did “ no t w ish to be expelled fro m a m o n g the respected nations,” and because “ na­ tional life w ith o u t national lan guage is unthinkable,” it m ust create a na­ tional theater w ith “ the participation o f the nation.” In

1836, m otivated

b y the go a l o f “ advancem ent o f the nation, the refinem ent o f the lan­ g u ag e . . . and m orality,” the H u n g a rian reform parliam ent enacted a law o n the fou ndatio n o f “ a national theater to be erected in Pest.” In A u g u s t

1837, th e H u n g a rian T h eater o f Pest, renam ed th e N a tio n a l T h eater in 1840, w as op ened. A s a sym b o lic m essage, the o p e n in g perform ance pre­ sented A rpdd’s Awakening, a p lay b y M ih a ly V o ro s m a rty ab o u t the c o n ­ q ueror and fo u n d er o f H u n g a ry , A r p a d (Senelick 1991,285-86,293,296). T h e Belgrade T h eater sim ilarly o pened its doors w ith the historical play

SmrtStefanaDecanskog (T h e D eath o f Stefan D ecan sk o g) in 1841. In 1834, the R o m a n ia n H eliad e-R ad u lescu published an article in CurierulRom a -



ncsc u rg in g the “ establishm ent o f a national theater that w ill serve as a 1840, the W allachian general assem ­

m o d el to o th er peoples as w e l l ” In

b ly discussed a petition o n a state-subsidized theater, bu t the GreatÿTheater, w ith its th o usand seats, w a s o p en ed o n ly in N a tio n a l T h e a te r in

1852 and renam ed the

1877 (ib id ., 305-8).


D u rin g the sam e decades, sim ilar m ovem en ts advocated the fo u n d a­ tion o f national libraries and m useum s. In m o st cases, th ey w ere called “ national” :

orszdgos o r nemzcti in H u n g a r y ; narodna in Serbia. A s in the

case o f the national theaters, these libraries and m useum s w ere also es­ tablished b y the “ nation ,” that is, th ro u gh donation s, including entire co l­ lections do n ated b y enlightened aristocrats, such as the library and other collections o f the H u n g a rian Ferenc Széch en yi. In m an y cases, nation­ w id e fund -raising even financed the erection o f the buildings.

Besides the institutions, the buildings themselves served the same mis­ sion and gained symbolic importance in strengthening national con­ sciousness and confidence. Public buildings played an important role in mass education. This is equally true o f the exalted, religiously symbolic gothic, the pompous baroque, and the nationalist romantic-eclectic. A r­ chitecture was one o f the most influential art forms: accessible to all and visible every day in the centers o f emerging capital cities. In nations un­ able to keep step with the rise o f the West, the era o f industrialization gen­ erated a special effort to imitate modernization. John Kenneth Galbraith has called this phenomenon, so typical o f the nineteenth century, “ sym­ bolic modernization” (Galbraith 1964,5). Public buildings best fulfilled the desire for symbolic modernization. Monumental public buildings were constructed in the typical roman­ tic neostyles: neoclassical and neorenaissance museum buildings housed treasures o f the national past or collections o f international art. The neo­ renaissance National Museum in Prague by Jo sef Schulz, the neoclassi­ cal Hungarian National Museum by M ihaly Pollack (built in 1837-46), and the Museum o f Fine Arts in Bucharest are excellent examples. The Atheneul Roman (Romanian Atheneum) in Bucharest, designed by the French architect Albert Galleron and completed in 1888, is a typical ro­ mantic combination o f a neoclassical façade, with six huge ionic columns, and a neorenaissance interior. Neorenaissance or eclectic opera houses such as the Paris Opéra, theaters, and public libraries (e.g., the Budapest Opera by Miklos Ybl and the Czech National Theater in Prague by Joseph Zitek, both in neorenaissance style, and the eclectic Biblioteca Centrala in Bucha­ rest) attempted to elevate the stature o f national culture. These public build­ ings became secular cathedrals o f the nation.



Sp ecial m en tio n sh o uld also be m ade o f the co m p letio n o f S a in t V itus’s C ath ed ral in P rague. T h e cathedral, a gen uine g o th ic w o rk fro m the fo u rteen th and fifteenth centuries, had rem ained unfinished because o f the H u ssite w ars. In

1859, a so ciety w a s established fo r th e co m p le­ 1870s. T h e co n ce p t w as for a

tion o f the b u ild in g and w o rk began in the

“ re-goth icizatio n ” o f the chu rch , “ a quite breathtaking piece o f cultural hubris” — as D e re k Sayer calls the n eo go th ic plan. B u t th e sym bo lic m ean­ in g o f the enterprise w a s historical: “W h a t testim o n y to th e con tin u ity o f C z e ch id en tity co u ld be m o re com p ellin g than this realization o f C h arles I V ’s pro ject after a five-hundred year hiatus? It trium phantly con firm ed . . . that W e w e re here before A u stria, an d look , here w e are after it!5” (Sa y e r

1998,180). T h e sam e can be said a b o u t the im pressive,

eclectic n eo g o th ic H u n g a rian parliam ent b u ild in g (b y Im re Steindl). Its dim ensions alone w ere m eant to com m unicate a clear m essage. It w a s the secon d-largest parliam ent bu ild in g in E u ro p e , n ext to th e H o u se s o f Par­ liam ent in L o n d o n , at the end o f the nineteenth century. E v e r y passerby cou ld d eco de the m eaning: w e are p o w erfu l, inferior to none.

Impressive new public buildings played a central role in rebuilding and modernizing capital cities that had evolved from small, traditional com­ munities. The rebuilding o f Bucharest, for example, carried a strong mes­ sage, “ We belong to Europe!55 In the 1830s, the churches, dwellings, and public buildings along the main streets were those o f an oriental Balkan town, as captured in Charles Doussaulfs lithographs. In the Romanian Principalities—as in the Balkans in gen eral-goth ic and Renaissance ar­ chitecture did not exist. The dominant style was Ottoman-Byzantine. By the end o f the century, however, Bucharest had become a European city Romanians “ started adopting the Western way o f living, to assimilate as­ pects o f civilization and cultural assets characteristic o f . . . modem man,55 Vasile Fiorea observes. “ Giving up the patriarchal forms o f life o f the East­ ern type, people began to change even their houses55 (Fiorea 1984,12-13). M o n u m e n tal c ity halls and aristocratic palaces c o p y in g Versailles and Sch o n b ru n w ere erected all o ve r C entral and E astern E u ro p e to express national grandeur. A series o f neoclassical p alaces— the M ycielsk i palace in P ep o w , the R aczyn ski palace in R o g a lin , the L ip sk i palace in C zern ieje w o , and the Szech en yi, Esterhazy, and Festetics palaces in H u n g a r y sym bo lized Polish and H u n g arian noble p o w e r and tradition. T h e ro­ m an tic arts and a passionate secular rom antic national religion em erged and inspired the generations o f early- and m id-nin eteenth -cen tury C e n ­ tral and E astern E u ro p e . “ E n lig h ten ed rom anticism 55 fulfilled its m ission and transferred the



m o d ern w o rld v ie w o f th e W est to the eastern h a lf o f E u ro p e . A kind o f rom antic national religion w as bo rn , a stro n g, d evo u t b elief in selfsacrificing struggle fo r fre e d o m and ind epen dence and fo r the rejuve­ nation and elevation o f the ailing fatherland to W estern standards b y revolutions and radical reform s. T h e p eoples o f C entral and Eastern E u ­ rope, as equal m em bers o f the fam ily o f E u ro p e a n nations, w an ted to jo in E u ro p e . T h e national poet-m usician-m issionaries w ere no lon ger isolated, u n k n o w n eccentrics. T h e y becam e celebrated, h igh ly esteem ed national prophets, often haloed w ith legend ary fam e. T h e y began to influence a larger gro u p o f people, and their ideas gradually penetrated the intellectualpolitical elite, urban plebeian strata, and the yo u th .

SPREADING THE NATIONAL GOSPEL: THE MEDIA AND THE COFFEEHOUSES T h e p ro p agan d izin g phase o f the national m o vem en t increased the im ­ portance o f the m edia. H o w co u ld national prophets, a few d o zen poets, artists, com posers, and political thinkers, reach the public? P u blic bu ild­ ings, published p o em s, bo o ks (usually several h un dred co p ies), and dram a perform ances displayed and dissem inated their ideas, b u t definitely w ere not enough to m obilize a reform -oriented elite, m uch less the masses. M o d e m m edia w e re n eed ed — dailies, m agazines, calendars, and extensive correspondence— to reach thousands o f households and tens o f thousands o f people. M e e tin g s and gatherings in churches, clubs, saloons, and c o f­ feehouses had an equally im p ortan t role in facilitating public discourse. A ll these institutions w e re created aro u n d the tu rn o f th e nin eteenth century. M o d e m journals appeared in C entral and Eastern E u ro p e as early as the late eighteenth century. T h e v e ry first Polish paper, B ish o p Ig n a cy K rasic k fs W arsaw w eek ly the Monitor, w as first published in by

Zabawy ( 1 7 7 0 - 7 7 ) , andPamietnik (1782-92).

1765, fo llo w e d

Journalism gained m ajor

1830s and 1840s (K a w y n 1953). Polish dailies, w eek ­ lies, and m onthlies m ultiplied fro m 20 in the 1860s to 140 b y the early

im portance d u rin g the

tw entieth century, diversified accord in g to readers* interests. Illustrated m agazines such

wany w ere

as the Biesiada Literacka, Bluszcz, and Tygodnik Ilustro1859, had a circula­

h igh ly popular. T h e latter, established in

tion o f seven th ousand, bu t reached tw e n ty th ousand b y the early tw e n ­

Kurier Warszawski had

a readership o f

25,000 in

1896, w h ile Goniec attracted 60,000 subscribers (Porter 2000,

“ D e-

tieth century. T h e daily



spite their loss o f independence,” A lin a S io m o w sa k observes, “ Poles cou ld read and think in national term s, no t sub m ittin g to germ anification o r russification o r other attem pts at deracination” (Slo m o w sk a see also H o lm g re n

19 74,12;


O n e o f the first H u n g a rian biw eeklies, published b y Sam uel Szacsvay in V ie n n a , w as

sok (1806),

the Magyar K urir (1786). T h e

first w eekly, Hazai Tudósttá-

w h ich w as published in Pest b y István Kultsár, w as follo w ed

1801, o n ly eigh t journals existed 1830, there already w ere tw enty-three, and in 1848, fifty-

b y n u m erous journals and m agazines. In in the country. B y

nine. A m o n g th em , m o d e m political new spapers such as the liberal Pesti Hirlapy the conservative Vildg, and the religious Nemzeti Ujsdg represented various political trends. In the early nineteenth century, various Serb an d C ro a t journals w ere p ub lish ed as w ell. D im itrij D avidovichs

Srbske Novine w as

pub lish ed in

1814 and 1822. N in e hundred copies in all o f this journal and Sumodinka, a w o m e n ’s m agazine, w ere published in 1856. In that year, 138 foreign new spapers fro m various countries w e re sent to Serbia, as well as 600 n ew spapers in the Serbian lan guage fro m H u n g a r y and m ore than 200 papers in G erm an . A lto g e th e r m o re foreign new spapers w ere sent to Se rb ia than w e re prin ted at h o m e (K ara n o v ich 1995, 181). A scholarly­ literary journal, the Srbske Letopis, was fou nded in 1824, and the SrbskiNarodni List in 1835. In 1834, L ju d e v it G aj p ublished his Novine Hrvatske and

V ie n n a betw een

Danica. Journals also played an im portant role in in fo rm in g the intellectual and political elite in the R o m an ian Principalities and Transylvania. E liad e R á -

Curierul Románese, G h e o rg h e Baritiu’s Gazeta de Tmnsilvania (1836), Zahari-K arkaleki’s alm anac a n d ]oum ú Biblioteca Romaneasca, Io n B ara c’s Foaie de Dumineaca and its rival the Gazeta de Transylvania (1838) all had a fe w hundred subscribers: the Foaie, fo r exam ple, h ad 150, and the Gazetay 800. T h e first B u lgarian journal, Ljuboslovie, w as fo u n d ed in 1844 b y K o n ­ dulescu’s

stantin F o tin o v in Sm y rn a , fo llo w ed b y Ivan B o g o r o V s L e ip z ig in

Balgarski Orel in

1846. T h e Balgarskadnemica (1857) appeared in U jv id é k ( N o v i

Sa d ), H u n g a ry . S o m e papers expressed the orientation and m ission o f the jo urn al in th eir title, such as

Svoboda (Freed om )


Nezavisimost (In d e­

pendence). A lto geth er, sixty-six B ulgarian journals w e re fou nded before the liberation o f th e co u n try, m o re than h a lf o f th em in n e ig h b o rin g R o m an ia. Several hun dred journals, w ith a circulation o f a fe w thousand each, reached o n ly the m o st in vo lved and interested o f the urban elite. T h e



influence o f these periodicals w as, h o w ever, m u ch broader than the m ere n u m b er o f their copies. A jo u rn al o f w h ic h

8 00-900 copies w e re printed

often reached tens o f thousands o f people. T h e in fo rm atio n an d m e ssig e w ere in part orally transm itted and in part institutionally distributed. In vario us Balkan countries,

citaliste (readin g ro o m s) offered free access to 1843

the papers. A public reading place, kasina> w as op ened in Belgrade in

in the m o st beautiful n e w b u ild in g in the city, the Z d an ije kod Jelena. In three years, the Srbsk o citaliste u B e o g ra d u (Serbian R e a d in g C lu b in B e l­ grad e) o p en ed its do o rs. “ T h a n k s and h o n o r to th ose patriots w h o m ade p ossible the establishm ent o f this v e ry im p ortant institution,” M ak sim S im o n o v ic said in his o p e n in g speech. “ W e have m ade o n e step m o re to ­ w a rd E u ro p e an edu cation.” T h e reading d u b h ad , in the first year o f its existence,

358 m em bers, that is, 2.5 percent o f the p o pu latio n o f B elg rad e

in that year. T h e im portance o f these kinds o f institutions is clearly ex­ pressed b y the fact that th e d u b had its o w n library, the first d rcu la tin g lib rary in Serb ia, w h ich , accord in g to an o rd e r b y the M in is try o f E d u ­ cation, received a free c o p y o f e v e ry bo o k p rinted b y the state P rin tin g

1847, the d u b p ublish ed its o w n new spaper, Novine Citalista Beogradskog (K ara n o v ich 19 9 5, 179-83). In sm all

O ffice o f the Principality. In the

Balkan villages, priests and teachers o f the illiterate read new spapers aloud and discussed the im portant new s.

Calendars probably played an even more important role in spreading information and communicating a specific worldview. Calendars surfaced in average households, even in remote villages, and for many families, they represented the only source o f national literature and history. Short nov­ els, patriotic historical studies, poems, and popular scholarly writings be­ came very common and reached peasant families in this way. The Serb Vuk Karadzic published his views in his D anica pocketbook with a pop­ ular calendar (1826), and the Croat An tun N agy's calendar appeared in 1818. The most important messengers o f the Daco-Roman historical con­ cept were the calendars that published parts o f Petru M aior’s w ork and spread the national gospel among Romanians. The patriotic poems o f the Bulgarian Hristo Botev were published by The W all Calendar: “ Hadzhi Dimitar” in 1875, and “ The Hanging o f Vasil Levski” in 1876. The fol­ lowing lines from the latter poem were to be found in every home: Oh my Mother, dear Motherland Why weep you so mournfully, so plaintively? Ah, I know—-I know you’re weeping, Mother Because you are a dismal slave, Because your holy voice, Mother



Is a helpless voice—a voice in the wilderness. Weep) There, near the edge of Sofia town Stretches—I saw it—a dismal gallows And one o f your sons, Bulgaria Hangs from it with a terrible power. {M onum enta B u % a rica 19 9 6 , 4 6 9 )

Personal corresponden ce w as also o f m ajo r im portance in this era. T h e Slo ven e B arto lo m eu s K opitar, a pioneer linguist, and J o s e f D o b ro v sk y , the “ fath er” o f the C z e ch lan guage m o vem en t, corresp o nded fo r tw en ty years betw een

1808 and 1828. L is z t con d u cted a w id esp read corresp o n ­

dence w ith hundreds o f people, as his ten th o u sand pub lish ed letters p rove, and Ferenc K azinczy, the sp iritu aflead er o f H u n g a rian language reform and national literature, had an extensive correspondence w ith dozens o f intellectuals fro m his h o m e in rem ote Szep h alo m , w h ich thus becam e a cultural center. In the early stages o f th e A lb a n ian national m o v e ­ m en t, N a u m V eqilh arxh i reportedly circulated a letter in w h ich “ he p o inted to the backwardness and m isery o f the A lban ian s as a result of lo n g centuries o f Turkish rule,” and in

1844, he printed an eight-page A l ­

banian spelling b o o k , usin g a n e w thirty-three-letter A lb an ian alphabet he had inven ted (E lsie

1995, 213-14).

Besides printed journals and calendars, oral form s o f p reach in g the na­ tional and enlightened go sp e l and a n e w scientific v ie w o n th e universe also p layed an exceptional role. V ario us associations w e re fou n d ed and held regular m eetings. T h e C z e c h Sch o larly A sso ciatio n

(1770), fo r ex­

am ple, cultivated the C z e c h lan guage. C ultural associations also arose aro un d n e w ly established m useum s (in B rn o in 1817, an d in P ragu e in 1822), an d k n o w led ge o f the C z e ch lan guage w as a prerequisite for m e m ­ bership. T h e A sso ciatio n o f Friends o f Science, w h ic h m et tw ice a m o nth

1800 and h a d 185 m em bers 1828. B e m o la k established a Slo vak scientific so ciety in 1792, w ith var­

fo r discussions, w as established in W arsaw in by

ious branch o rganizations and a correspondence service, and a Slo vak lit­

1801. In R o m an ia, a scientific society and a literary association w ere established in Ia§i in 1833 a n d 1843, re­ spectively. A B ulgarian scientific so ciety w a s fo u n d ed in Istanbul in 1856. A S e rb cultural association, M a tica srpska, w as established in 1826. T h e C ro a t citaonka , a readin g association w ith a h uge netw o rk o f branches in erary association w as launched in

V arasdin , Z a g r e b , and o th er places, w as fo rm ed b y M etel O se g o v ic. T h e Slo vak Je d n o ta , un d er the enthusiastic leadership o f L u d e v it Stur, held m eetings tw ice a w eek to discuss literary, linguistic, an d historical q ues­



tions, began a collection o f folk so ngs, and o rg an ized yo u th program s. Its “ corresponden ce d ep artm en t” built u p a h u g e inform ation netw ork. Sim ilar organizations w e re fou n ded in L o c s e

(1832) and K ésm ark (1S38).

M la d a H rvatska w as a C ro a t organ ization o f the sam e kind. Freem aso n ry also offered an organizational netw ork. Its im portance w as exhibited b y the strength o f the Polish organ izatio n, w h ich had th irty-tw o local chap ­ ters and fo u r th ousand m em bers. Se cre t organizations w e re fo u n d e d in P oland, H u n g a ry , and Transyl­ vania as w ell. T h e A sso ciatio n o f Free B ro th ers, a Polish so ciety in V iln a ,

200 m em bers, w as active in the second h a lf o f the 1840s. T h e W arsaw (1817-24) (M oscicki 1924), and V M . Stefan sk fs “ Plebeian A sso ciation ” (1842-43) also created a huge

w ith

based “ Slav U n ity ,” the W ro d a w -b ase d Polonia

n e tw o rk th ro u g h o u t Poland. S. G o szczyn sk i established a Polish folk as­ sociatio n in

1835. T h e H u n g a rian Ig n a c M artin o v ics established the se­

cret A sso ciatio n o f R efo rm ers and the S o c ie ty o f F re e d o m and É g a lité in

1794 and recruited a b o u t 200-300 m em bers. T h e nu m b er w as n o t v e ry great, b u t the cream o f H u n g a rian intellectuals belo nged to these secret societies. A d o l f D a w id fo u n d e d a secret organ izatio n in Transylvania to m o b ilize the R o m an ian s fo r the creation o f a united R o m a n ia n republic, sen d in g emissaries to priests and teachers in the


T h e coffeehouses o f W arsaw , Prague, and, m ost o f all, Budapest w ere a m o n g the m ost im portant p ublic sources o f inform ation and a forum for the exchange o f ideas, discussions, and even lecture series. T h e coffeehouse em erged as the n e w urban agora, a m eetin g place fo r intellectuals, y o u n g people, and the urban m iddle class. T h e

1848 H u n garian revolution started

fro m the Pilvax C o ffe e H o u s e in Pest, w h ere poets m et and read their p o ­ ems. L a te r in the century, O k to g o n Sq uare, w ith its various coffeehouses, som e o f them open tw e n ty-fo u r hours a day, and the N e w Y ork C o ffe e ­ house, a fam ous gath ering place o f writers and intellectuals, played a cen­ tral role in intellectual-political life. T h e sam e w as true o f the Skadarlija neig h b o rh o o d , around U lic a Skadarska in Belgrade, w h ich resem bled “ a small M on tm artre teem in g w ith creative ferm ent” in the m id nineteenth centu ry (H o lto n and M ih ailo vich

1988,156-57). T h zkabvehm e, the Balkan

coffeehouses, traditional centers o f m ale social life since the sixteenth cen­ tury, played a sim ilar role. M e e tin g and discussing the new s o f the w o rld belonged to the m an d ato ry everyd ay p ro gram o f adult males. V ario u s urban clubs an d aristocratic and b o u rgeo is private salons also served as im p ortant institutions fo r cultural and political discourse. I t is im possible to estim ate the nu m b er o f people w h o read papers, jo in e d le­ gal o r secret societies, and gath ered and discussed issues in coffeehouses



and oth er pub lic o r private places. M o s t o f the new spapers, h ow ever, had o n ly a fe w hundred, o r at best a fe w th ousand, readers, and political as­ sociations and cultural organizations also generally attracted m em bers in sim ilar num bers. T h e nu m b er o f culturally and politically active people certainly reached a fe w th ousand in each c o u n try o f the region, h ow ever, thus co n stitu tin g a great and influential p art o f the cultural, political, and intellectual elite, especially a m o n g the urban yo u th . T h e list o f subscribers to the

Casopis Ceskebo M usea, the B o h em ian M u ­

seum ’s influential national-oriented publication, and the list o f do no rs to the C z e c h scholarly and scientific publication fu n d M atice ceska o ffer unique info rm atio n ab o u t th e em ergin g patriotic vangu ard in the C ze ch lands. A c c o rd in g to M iro sla w H r o c h ’s findin gs, ro u g h ly

2,800 patriots 1827

con trib uted to the abo ve-m en tio n ed national institutions betw een

1848. T h e ir n u m b er w as 175 in 1830 and 1,135 in 1848. In the begin­ 45 percent o f the con trib utors w ere clergym en and nearly 9 percent nob lem en, w h ile another 27 percent b elo n ged to o th er g ro u p s o f


n in g, nearly

educated p eople, such as teachers, students, and various kinds o f officials. L e ss than

10 percent b e lo n g e d to b u rg h e r an d artisan g ro u p s. B y the

m id nineteenth century, the n u m b er not o n ly increased significantly, bu t the social co m p o sitio n o f the van gu ard o f patriots h ad also chan ged. T h e co n tin g e n t o f n o b lem en virtu ally d isap p eared , and the p ercen tage o f clergym en declined to

29 percent. T h e m o st significant change w a s the 5 to 30 percent) and

dram atic increase in the nu m ber o f students (fro m

c o m m o n e rs— burghers, artisans, peasants, and w ork ers (fro m less than

10 to m ore than 15 percent). T h e intelligentsia played the determ inant role in the m o ve m e n t in the m iddle o f the century, alth ou gh 4 4 percent o f the activists o riginated fro m m erchant, artisan, and b u rgh er fam ilies and

20 percent fro m peasant and w o rk e r families. T h e m asses, in clu d in g the peasantry, jo in ed d u rin g and after the 1848 revolution and played an im ­ p o rtan t role at a n e w stage o f the national m o vem en t (H r o c h 1985,47,53). T h e institutional vehicles fo r spreading W estern ideas and the con cep t o f rom antic nationalism helped m obilize the m o st influential sectors o f society. T h e n e w ideas propelled a vanguard o f revolutionaries and re­ form ers into action and transform ed the o rigin ally apolitical folkloristic and cultural m o vem en t into an actively political and often m ilitant o r­ ganization. A n influential y o u n g e r generation, intellectuals, and an im ­ p o rtan t part o f the cultural an d political elite d evelo ped the w ill to form their people into a nation. Successful em otional indoctrination established a n e w lo yalty: d evo tio n to the nation. T h e m o dern , enlightened c o n cep t o f nation, in co rp o ratin g the entire p o pu latio n , in clu d in g th e peasantry,



an d th e idea o f equal citizenship em erged h an d in hand w ith a n e w basis fo r self-identification. Peoples o f the reg io n began to feel that th ey w ere m em bers o f a m ystic national c o m m u n ity — a nation that d e m a n d â t ab ­ so lu te and u n q u estio n ed loyalty. N a tio n a lism , furthered b y


stro n g

em otional-rom antic m o vem en t, thus arrived in the region before the nation actually w as b o m . A lth o u g h certainly “ im agin ed,” as B enedict A n ­ derson suggests, it becam e v e ry real once the n o tion to o k root. N a tio n ­ bu ild in g becam e the central issue o n the area’s political agenda. D u rin g th e se co n d h a lf o f the nin eteenth cen tu ry, the nation al m o ve m e n t o f C entral and Eastern E u ro p e entered into its third and m o st advanced sta g e — it becam e an o rgan ized and vig o ro u s political m o vem en t capable o f m o b ilizin g the masses. E a s t o f the river E lb e , nationalism becam e the param o u n t d rivin g force o f m o d e m history.


UPRISINGS AND REFORMS The Strugglefor Independence and Modernization

THE WESTERN CHALLENGE AND EASTERN WESTERNIZERS THE MODERN WESTERN ideals o f freedom, liberty, and the indepen­ dent nation-state gradually penetrated Central and Eastern Europe and sharpened the contrast between ideals and realities. M ost o f the countries o f Europe experienced the frustration o f remaining far behind the West in the early decades o f the nineteenth century. Between 1800 and i860, the Northwest European countries more than doubled their per capita gross national product—the most comprehensive parameter o f the level o f economic development. The Scandinavian and Mediterranean coun­ tries, as well as the Habsburg empire, however, increased their income level only by 40 percent. Russia and the Balkans experienced stagnation, achieving only a 10 percent increase, and many o f the Balkan countries saw a drop in G N P During the 1860s, all these countries, from Sweden and Spain to Poland and Bulgaria, remained almost unchanged in their traditional agrarian structure: between 70 to 85 percent o f the labor force continued to work in agriculture. While this caused continued landlessness, robot work on the big estates, illiteracy, suffering for the majority o f the population, and humiliation for the minority intellectual elite and enlightened nobility, it also produced a strong mobilizing effect. The broadening gap in economic development challenged the slow-moving countries, causing a frightening feeling o f stagnation, “ backwardness,” and even military danger, a fear o f the final “ extinction” o f the nation, as romantic poets and desperate reformers often expressed it (see introduction and chapter 1).



These countries nevertheless had a path to follow. They could adopt Western ideas and copy the legal systems, laws, and institutions o f the West. They could invite experts, court investors, import skilled porkers, and buy modern technology. ^ The challenge o f the West, meanwhile, offered tremendous opportu­ nities as well. The nonindustrializing countries could enjoy the advan­ tage o f an ever-growing Western marketplace and export potential. The rapidly industrializing West was hungry for food and raw materials. Agrar­ ian and raw material-producing countries could sell everything they pro­ duced; indeed, they were unable to deliver enough to the Western mar­ kets. Around 1830, 86 percent o f British wheat and 92 percent o f French w ool imports came from agricultural Europe, which, in the 1870s deliv­ ered more than 20 percent o f the world’s food and raw material exports. During the nineteenth century, Britain increased its imports by nearly thirty-twofold. The imports o f France and Germany increased by sevenand fourfold, respectively, between 1830 and 1914. In the late 1870s, nearly two-thirds o f world trade consisted o f food and raw materials (Kuznetz 1967). Meanwhile, more than two-thirds o f world trade remained intraEuropean trade. In 1831,86 percent o f the wheat imported by Britain was from the European agricultural countries, and 78 percent o f Holland’s im­ ports in 1880 came from Europe. World trade increased fiftyfold between 1750 and 1913, and ninefold during the sixty years between 1820 and 1880. The traditional division o f labor was intensified and an unlimited market was opened for the agricultural countries. “ The "puli’ o f industrialized Western Europe . . . opened the way. . . to joining in world trade. . . . The old socio-economic conditions, however . . . presented some fun­ damental impediments to progress. . . . For . . . [answering the Western challenge], the ancien regime had to be destroyed.. . . The temptation to do so was extraordinary” (Berend and Ranki 1982, 25). The enlightened Hungarian reformer Istvan Szechenyi dearly ex­ pressed this recognition in his landmark book Hitel (Credit), published in 1830: “ The annual wheat, rye, barley, and oat consumption o f Britain is much more than 200 million Pozsony measures! Only 1,2 million is transported to the West between Buda and Pest on the Danube. . . .A bit more or less rain and starvation follows, such as in 1816 and 1817.” “ H un­ gary,” Szechenyi wrote bitterly, “ has no commerce, and the landowners are poorer than they should be. . . . D id w e do enough to increase our output, improve its quality, and promote its marketing? Did we do our best to build connections with other nations?. . . We love harvesting but not plowing and sowing, . . . Many look down on commerce” (Szechenyi



18 30 ,131-32,139 -4 0 ,15 5 -5 6 ). Szech cn yi becam e an initiator o f social re­ form s attacking serfdom an d advocated the intro du ctio n o f m odern banking an d credit system s, railroads, and fo o d -p ro cessin g factories.

The Western markets and the English model similarly attracted en­ lightened Polish aristocratic landowners. Dezydery Chlapowski, who, like Széchenyi, traveled in England between 1811 and 1819, established his es­ tate as a model modern farm. Andrzej Zamoyski, the founder o f the Pol­ ish Agricultural Society in Warsaw in 1858, organized regular meetings at his Klemenson estate in the mid 1840s, demonstrated modern plowing, and held cattle shows (Trzecinkowski 1995,147-49). C o u n t C am illo di C avo u r, the leading Italian enlightened reform er, clearly realized w h at the im pact o f the op ening o f W estern markets w o u ld be o n the noble elite o f the nonindustrialized countries w h e n he w ro te in

1845: “ T h e com m ercial revolution w h ich is n o w taking place in E n ­

gland . . . w ill have a m ig h ty im pact on the C o n tin e n t. B y o p en in g up the richest m arket in the w o rld to foo dstuffs, it w ill en co u rage their p ro ­ du ction , the principal aim , that is, o f all agricultural industries. . . . Trade w ill then beco m e an essential elem ent in the p ro sp e rity o f the agrarian classes, w h o w ill then naturally tend to jo in the supporters o f the liberal system ” (q u o ted b y M o ri

1975, 91-92).

A risto cratic conservative-reform er lan dow ners, indeed, often becam e supporters o f the liberal system o f the W est, w h ile enlightened priests, radical intellectuals, and rom antic poets and artists so u g h t to fo llo w the F ren ch and E n g lish pattern o f social, e co n o m ic, and political m odern­ ization. T h e y all w ere students o f enlightened rom anticism , shared in the Zeitgeist, and believed in progress and the p o ssib ility o f chan ging h isto ry b y reform s fro m above and m o bilizin g the nation. T h e oppressive, anti­ q uated H a b sb u rg , R ussian, and O tto m an em pires, h o w ever, blocked the road to change. In the R ussian em pire, the expression o f progressive view s and “ con spiracy” to realize them w ere sufficient “ crim es” to w arrant de­ portation to Siberia. N e a rly too,000 Poles had suffered that fate in o c­ cu p ied “ R u ssian Poland” d u rin g the nineteenth century.

The peoples under Ottoman rule had no opportunity for realizing their dreams through independent actions, and they remained shackled to the most outmoded regime in Europe. Any attempt at revolt generated ruth­ less repercussions. Turkish garrisons kept Ottoman subjects in line. Two British ladies who traveled throughout the Balkans during the 1860s recorded: “ Having noted douai all we heard from the lips o f the speak­ ers, and compared all accounts together, we must give it as our testi­ mony [that] Christians represented the native Mussulmans as op-



pressing, robbing, and insulting the rayah [non-Muslim subjects o f the Ottoman empire] —for a rayah to be prosperous is to mark him out for destruction—thus industry is deterred and the country ruined55 (Macken­ zie and Irby 1867, 391). * Even the relatively more liberal Habsburg empire did not tolerate re­ forms that weakened the centralized regime. Although the Hungarians had limited autonomy and their noble Diet initiated halfhearted reforms during the 1830s and 1840s, most o f these were rejected by the Habsburg king, who long resisted introducing Hungarian as an official language in the Hungarian kingdom and flady refused to institute protective tariffs accepted by the Hungarian parliament in 1844 to promote industrial de­ velopment in the country The leading reformers were persecuted: intel­ lectuals w ho sympathized with the French Revolution, such as the out­ standing language reformer Ferenc Kazinczy and the “ guardsman-poet 55 Istvan Batsanyi, were arrested and sentenced to long prison terms in the 1790s. Those who openly argued for freedom o f speech, such as Baron Miklös Wesselenyi and the radical reformers Lajos Kossuth and M ihaly Tancsics, were all arrested and spent years in prison during the 1830s and 1840s. Reforms and national independence thus became inseparable. R o ­ mantic national poetry, drama, music, and art successfully propagated the powerful message o f freedom and equality. The oppressed peoples be­ came ever more convinced that they had to gain back independence in order to realize their dreams, implement the ideas o f the Enlightenment, introduce modern Western institutions, and create a modern economy and society. Their religious belief in historical progress tied nationalism and modernization to each other in Central and Eastern Europe.

THE POLISH UPRISINGS Oppression and military arbitrariness often provoked spontaneous revolts, sometimes no more than unorganized eruptions o f deep desperation by hopeless and humiliated peoples. The most steadfast resistance and agi­ tated reaction to foreign domination were found in Poland, a medieval great power that had preserved its independence up to the early eighteenth century. The numerous Polish nobility, Poland’s “ political nation ,55 proudly cultivated the “ golden freedom” o f their Rzeczpospolita, or “noble re­ public ,55 and jealously guarded their economic, social, and political priv­ ileges. The Russian victory in the Great Northern War, however, ended



an era and endangered Polish freedom: in 1717, Tsar Peter the Great gained the upper hand and imposed a Russian protectorate on Poland. “ Under the Russian protectorate,” Norman Davies writes, “ the need for radical reform became ever more pressing; but the chances o f achieving it be­ came ever more remote” (Davies 1986, 306). Eighteenth-century Poland was in a country in chaos. A t his election, the powerless king o f this “ noble republic” had to sign apacta conventa— “ legalization o f impotence,” Hans Kohn called it— guaranteeing the right o f the nobles to exercise the so-called liberum veto, permitting any mem­ ber o f the nobility to veto any legislation. A “ formal legalization o f an­ archy . . . Polish liberty expressed itself not in patriotic integration, but in chaotic egotism. . . .In this chaos, tumult, and stagnation Poland had existed for so long that the conviction spread that Poland lived by disor­ der” (Kohn 1944,519,521). In an attempt to protect the freedoms enjoyed by the nobles, the Con­ federation o f Bar was formed in 1768 under the banner o f the defense o f Catholicism against Greek Orthodoxy and precipitated a bitter war against Russia, for which Poland was ill-prepared. The fighting lasted four years and ended with the first partition o f Poland by the three neighbor­ ing powers, Russia, Prussia, and Austria, in 1772. This brutal awakening for the Poles generated a desperate attempt to modernize by the “ fouryear parliament” that convened in 1788. It culminated in the liberal con­ stitution o f M ay 1791, designed “ to ensure the freedom o f our mother­ land,” according to its preamble. Although the constitution declared that all power was based on the will o f the people, and that the members o f the Sejm represented the entire nation, Poland’s political regime preserved its traditional aristocratic character. Only the szlachta (nobility) were el­ igible to be members o f the parliament, and political rights were restricted to those w ho owned real estate, which entitled burghers to participate in the political process but excluded landless gentry. Representatives o f cities were only allowed to participate in the meetings, however, and had no voting rights. The serfs remained excluded from the political nation, and their conditions did not change. The only important concession granted to them was freedom o f movement. The overwhelming power o f the no­ bility was limited by the introduction o f a hereditary constitutional monarchy, but the ruler’s powers were further limited: he lost his right to ratify laws and appoint cabinet ministers. H e was a member o f the Sen­ ate but had only one vote. The crippling liberum veto was abolished, but decisions still required a two-thirds or four-fifths majority in the Sejm (Ring 2 0 0 1,18 7 -9 0 ; Materiaiy do dziejow sejmu Czteroletniego 1955-69).



Even these limited reforms brought on a vicious reaction from the high nobility, who formed the Confederation o f Targovvce to invalidate the constitution and sought help from the tsar Russia exploited the situation by sending in 100,000 troops, and a new partition o f Poland followed. In 1793, the Polish Sejm, “ protected” by Russian arms, appro vetfthis sec­ ond partition and abolished the constitution, leading to a series o f heroic uprisings and struggles for Polish independence. The sequence o f uprisings began on March 24 ,1794 , when the charis­ matic leader Tadeusz Kosciuszko, who had been a volunteer in the Amer­ ican Revolution between 1776 and 1784, returned to Krakow. Instead o f launching a noble insurrection, Kosciuszko sought to mobilize the na­ tion, including the urban population and peasants, formed a national mili­ tia, and proclaimed “ national self-rule” and “ general liberty.” By promising personal freedom and reduced labor service for the serfs in his Polaniec Proclamation, Kosciuszko was able to mobilize a sizable peasant army, which defeated the Russians at Raclawice on April 4. H e could not, however, control the agitated masses. Revolutionary courts were established in Warsaw, and traitors were sentenced. The streets o f Warsaw and Vilnius were occupied by the mob. In June, seven leaders o f the Targowce conservatives were lynched. These public hangings fright­ ened the nobility and weakened their resistance to foreign intervention. The way was open for a successful attack on Warsaw by the Prussians and Russians, which began on Novem ber 3,179 4 (Kowecki 1971). A Prussian attack from the west was combined with a strong Russian strike by Field Marshal Suvorov from the east. On October 10, at Maciejowice, Kosciuszko himself was wounded and captured. Suvorov’s troops arrived in the Praga district o f Warsaw, whose western sections were occupied by the Prussian army. The king was arrested and forced to ab­ dicate. The captured leaders o f the insurrection were executed or impris­ oned in Russian, Prussian, and Austrian prisons (Kosciuszko was freed two years later, however, by order o f the Russian emperor Paul). A third partition o f defeated Poland followed in 1795. The secret protocol o f the Treaty o f St. Petersburg stated that the “high contracting parties” agreed to “ abolish everything which could revive the memory o f the existence o f the Kingdom o f Poland . . . [which] will remain suppressed as from the present and forever” (quoted in Davies 1996, 722). M ost o f P o la n d 62 percent o f its territory, with 45 percent o f the population—was in­ corporated into the Russian empire. Prussia occupied the western part o f the country, roughly 20 percent, with 23 percent o f the population, and Austria, the third victor, acquired Galicia, the southern 18 percent o f Poland, with 32 percent o f its population.



All these Polish territories became districts and provinces o f the occu­ pying powers. Lwow, renamed Lemberg, became the headquarters o f the Austrian governor’s office. Wawel, the historic royal palace o f Krakow, was occupied by an Austrian garrison. German settlers arrived in Prus­ sian Poland, where confiscated land was sold to Prussian Junkers. Poznan, renamed Posen, was germanized, and the Prussian army recruited Polish peasants for twenty-year service. The occupied eastern territories o f the Polish kingdom, regarded as ancient Russian land, were organized as the western gubemiia, or administrative district, o f the empire. Polish peas­ ants had to serve twenty-five years o f military service in the Russian army. Each o f the great powers introduced its own legal system. Poland, as H ugo Koll^taj said and many Poles believed, “ ceased to belong to actually ex­ isting nations.” The legend was bom that the wounded Kosciuszko had cried, “ Finis Poloniae!” when he fell from his horse. Within two years, however, a Polish legion o f 6,000 troops had been formed in Lombardy to fight for revolutionary France under the com­ mand o f General Jan H enryk D^browski, one o f the military leaders o f the defeated uprising. Generals Jo zef Zaj^czek and Karol Kniaziewicz formed Italian and Danubian legions. The spirit o f struggle was kept alive. In 1806, the Polish legions participated in Napoleon’s campaign and en­ tered Warsaw. The next year, 40,000 Polish troops were fighting against Russia and Prussia under Napoleon’s leadership: a kind o f Polish state, the duchy o f Warsaw, was created. The “ Marseillaise” o f D^browski’s Pol­ ish legion, the legendary marching song that later became the Polish na­ tional anthem, began with the famous words: “ Poland is not yet lost as long as we live” (Wandycz 19 7 4 , 22-23). R o m a n tic Polish nationalism becam e a secular religion. Inspired b y A d a m M ick ie w icz ’s p opu lar national dram a


a great m an y Poles

espoused “ sacred sufferin g on earth” and self-sacrifice fo r the national cause. T h e y learned fro m the character o f K o n rad the p oet to challenge even G o d , calling H im a “ tsar” w h en H e allo w ed sufferin g an d injustice. O v e r the course o f nearly three-quarters o f a century, betw een 1 7 9 4 and

1864, rom antic Polish self-sacrificing heroism led to th e o rgan ization o f Polish legions abroad and illegal secret societies at h o m e. E a c h gen era­ tio n triggered a n e w uprising.

The summer and fall o f 1830 were pregnant with new revolutionary attempts: on July 28, Paris took the lead again, and, on October 14 , Bel­ gian independence was declared. This inspired the Polish revolutionary patriots to mobilize, and, on November 29, a group o f conspirators set out to kill Grand Duke Constantin, die brother o f Tsar Nicholas, and dis­ arm the Russian garrison. Although their plan failed, the spontaneous for­



mation o f a national militia and a series o f skirmishes liberated Warsaw, and the grand duke evacuated the country with his troops. A new chap­ ter was opened in the Polish struggle for independence. The Polish jjfrmy numbered 38,000 troops at the beginning, one-tenth o f the Russian army in the country. The Sejm and the national government, appointed by the Sejm, assumed leadership in mid-December, and General Jo zef Chlopicki, the “ dictator” o f the insurrection, recruited peasants into the national army, increasing the number o f troops to 57,000 by February and 85,000 by March. The ratio between the Polish and Russian armies changed from 1:10 to 1 :2. The readiness to fight against the Russians increased after Field Marshal Ivan Diebitch*s troops neared Warsaw in late January. The Pol­ ish army halted the Russians at Stoczek and Grochow. On January 25, the Sejm dethroned Tsar Nicholas from the Polish throne. The Polish nobil­ ity intensified the war o f national independence. The uprising spread to Lithuania in March, and the rebels gained control over the entire province, except the big cities. The Polish offensive was successful in April and May. M ost o f the military leaders o f the uprising did not, however, believe in the possibility o f a final victory. The five-member national government, headed by Prince Jerzi Adam Czartoryski, was divided between w o con­ servatives and w o liberals, while the fifth member, the left-wing Joachim Lelewel, was isolated. Both Czartoryski and the majority o f the Sejm sup­ ported the national uprising but opposed social revolution and rejected the radical social reform advocated by the Left. While the national struggle went its extreme radical way, social revolution did not accompany it. The up­ rising, consequently, remained a struggle bew een the Polish nobility and the Russian tsar, especially in Lithuania and the Ukrainian provinces, where the local peasantry was strongly znxi-szlachta and anti-Polish. Radicalization in the summer o f 1831 led to rioting in Warsaw, where a mob attacked the royal castle, killing noblemen and generals. The leader­ ship o f the uprising became even more uncertain and lost its anti-Russian radicalism. Czartoryski escaped from the capital, and General Jan Stefan Krukowiecki took over the government and army. Although the Polish forces were almost intact, Krukowiecki did not resist a new Russian offensive under General Ivan Paskievich in early September 1831, and the Russians surrounded Warsaw, ending the second uprising. In the repression that followed, the Polish noble elite was virtually deci­ mated. Seeking to avert further uprisings, the victorious Russians de­ ported some 80,000 Poles to Siberia. From Lithuania and Podolia alone, more than 50,000 Polish gentry were deported. The 1815 constitution was suspended and replaced by an “ Organic Statute” (1832). Poland became



a part o f the Russian empire. Viceroy Count Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich Erivansky instituted a harsh dictatorship. Education, transportation, all domestic Polish issues were directed by Moscow. The Polish army was immediately disbanded; youths were recruited into the Russian army and sent to the Caucasus. Russification began: the Russian monetary system (1841), criminal code (1847), and weights and measures (1849) were in­ troduced. Poland became a part o f the Russian tariff system (1851), and Russian became the official language (1864)« The institution o f viceroy was replaced by that o f governor-general (as in other provinces), and the country was governed as the western gubemiia o f the empire (Izdebski 1995, 83). The russification process was especially strong in the Lithua­ nian and Ukrainian parts o f the former Polish-Lithuanian kingdom. The most active part o f the Polish elite left the defeated country, mosdy for France. The roughly 9,000 Polish emigres, two-thirds o f them mem­ bers o f the szlachta, represented most o f the political and intellectual elite o f the country. The “ national bards,” including Mickiewicz, Chopin, po­ litical leaders such as Czartoryski and Lelewel, and military leaders such as General Jo se f Bern, all left Poland to serve the Polish national cause from abroad. Som e o f them learned the lessons o f failure. Mickiewicz describes the hunting, feasting, parasitic world o f the Polish nobility in his epic poem Pan Tadmsz (1834), whose hero liberates his serfs, unlike the real Polish nobility. Romantic poets advocated the modern concept o f the nation, opposing the traditional Polish political nation o f the nobility. The Left went much further to promote social radicalization o f the revolution. The Polish Democratic Society (1832) announced a program o f equality o f the nobility and peasantry and the need to emancipate the latter. The society sought to transform the “ military insurrection into a social revolution” (Brock 1977,7). Emigrant soldiers founded the General Assembly o f the Polish Emigration in London and stated in their Aktwiary (Declaration o f Faith) in September 1834: “ The sovereignty o f the people is unlim­ ited. . . .The people are infallible in their judgments and in their demands” (ibid., 10). A radical revolutionary left wing went even further: Stanislaw Worcell and Kazimierz Alexander Pulaski, for example, established the Gmina Londonska (London Commune), the “ first conscious populist [move­ ment] o f Eastern Europe,” in Peter Brock’s words. They declared prop­ erty to be “ at the center o f all evil which oppresses mankind at present,” quoting Rousseau, and demanded a “ dictatorship o f the people” with “ equality o f property for all” (Brock 19 7 7 ,11,17 , 27).



Conservative nationalists, led by Czartoryski, dreamed, however, o f an international intervention against Russia and carried on an enormous diplomatic activity from their Paris headquarters, the Hotel Laijibert. M ickiewicz advocated the formation o f a Polish legion and even trav­ eled to Turkey to organize one. The majority o f the Polish nobility, how­ ever, blinded by their “ tribal myth,” were convinced that Poland was the “ defender o f Europe,” which was accordingly in the debt o f the Poles. N ot only independence but also a culture enabling it to face reality were lacking in Poland, Jerzy Jedlicki argues (Jedlicki 1999, 35, 45, 223). Conspiratorial activity never stopped at home. Captain Szymon Konarski, an émigré emissary, established a network o f underground organiza­ tions, the Zwiazek Ludu Polskiego. The center o f national activity was shifted to Poznania and Galicia under the relatively less oppressive Prus­ sian and Austrian regimes. In 1845, the Poznan Central Committee decided to launch a new uprising in late February 1846. The plan, however, was reported to the Prussian authorities, and the leaders o f the conspiracy were arrested. An uprising nevertheless took place in Krakow, where about six thousand people joined and sought to mobilize the peasants. The Gali­ cian Polish peasantry, however, not without incentives from the Austrian authorities, turned against the Polish nobility. In certain districts, the ma­ jority o f the manors were looted and burned and landed nobility killed. Nearly two thousand noble estates and families were affected. This failed attempt at a new uprising clearly exhibited the deep social conflicts in Pol­ ish society and th eszlachta's lack o f understanding o f social problems and their connection to the national cause. Romantic Polish nationalism was not characterized by rational selfcontrol. Successive generations continued the heroic but hopeless struggle for the liberation o f Poland. Although the liberal Left continued to pro­ mote social emancipation o f the peasants, radicalization still characterized only the national movement. A new underground national government was established, called the National Central Committee. It even collected a voluntary “ national tax” in preparation for a new insurrection in 1862. On January 6 ,1863, the European correspondent o f xhcNew Tork Tribune reported: “A great conspiracy is hatching in Poland which has its ramifica­ tion everywhere there are Poles. An outbreak is expected” (quoted in Cole­ man 19 3 4 , 6 ). The committee decided to take the plunge without serious military preparation and proclaimed an uprising when the Russians and the puppet Polish government initiated the military conscription o f twenty thousand Poles in January 1863. It rapidly recruited about six thou­ sand volunteers, who attacked Russian garrisons and troops, but the



struggle was hopeless from the start. M ost o f the Western world was con­ vinced that it was actually counterproductive. Horace Greeley, editor o f the New Tork Tribune, wrote: “ Great and universal as the sympathy o f the civilized world with the wrongs inflicted upon unhappy Poland is, the re­ cent insurrection will be almost unanimously regretted. . . .This new out­ break, we greatly fear, wall postpone the realization o f the ardent national w ish" (quoted in ibid., 12-13). Unlike the previous insurrections, the Jan­ uary uprising remained a partisan war, although militarily quite success­ ful: fighting continued for nearly a year and a half. A n underground state apparatus was set up, including a police force. However, several factors contributed to eventual defeat: military operations remained uncoordi­ nated, Lithuania and Ukraine were not mobilized, and the peasants re­ mained hostile to the nobility. The historical turning point occurred in February 1864. The Russian tsar seemingly learned the historical lessons better than the Polish nobil­ ity and granted ownership rights to first the Lithuanian, then the Ukrai­ nian and Belarusian peasantry by mid 1863. The tsar ordered preparations for major reform and the liberation o f serfs in Poland in the fall o f the same year. The emancipation decree was announced on February 1864. Paradoxically, the archconservative Russian empire thus played the peas­ ant card against the Polish szlachta, isolated it from the peasant masses, and undermined the Polish national cause. In spite o f impressive peasant participation and the mobilization o f about 200,000 volunteers, the num­ ber o f Polish troops actually fighting never exceeded 30,000. An over­ powering Russian army, led by General Fedor Berg, proclaimed victory in M ay r864. Skirmishes continued, however, until the last “ dictator" o f the insurrection, Romuald Traugutt, failed in his attempt to reorgan­ ize the Polish partisan army in October 1864 and was captured and hanged. The uprising, hopeless from the very beginning, finally collapsed.

FROM REVOLT TO “ORGANIC WORK” Despite the fact that romantic heroism kept the national cause alive, Poland paid a very high price for these national revolts. As a consequence o f re­ peated defeats, however, reason gained ground over emotion, and the ma­ jority o f the Polish elite gradually realized the need for radical socioeco­ nomic change. Romantic nationalism, which had fueled the uprisings, was slowly rejected. The poet-philosopher Cyprian Norwid, who had been ten years old during the 1830-31 uprising, and, as a young adult, drew his



lessons from 1848, turned against Polish romantic messianism and, in a letter to General Jan Skrzynecki, called Mickiewicz “ horrible for Poland” and denounced his “ mystical heroic deeds.” Norwid’s Pwmethidionblearly expressed the ideas o f a new generation: ^ not the Tartar deed, a blood-stained bridge Thrown on a scaffold glowing with flames But daily work by love relieved Until the toil of toils is achieved. C reative w o rk to civilize the nation c o u ld lead to real progress, m ak in g m artyrd o m unnecessary, N o r w id said. H e accused rom antic nationalism o f bein g harm ful and cou nterproductive. P oland “ is a nation w h ich is u n ­ den iably great as far as patriotism is con cerned but w h ich resents nothing. . . . W e are

as a society rep­ no society at all. W e are a great national b an ­

ner.” Polish nationalism , in his view , served to “ identify nations w ith tribes. Su ch a no tion can b rin g us back to the barbarian hordes. . . . T h is is a re­ turn . . . fro m n atio n h oo d to tribalism .” In his “ T h e A n n ih ilation o f the N a tio n ,” N o r w id argued that the Polish “ unjustified [national] religion” destro yed all secular ideas (W alicki

[1982] 1994, 320-32).

N o r w id did n o t have a stro n g influence d u rin g his u n co m p ro m isin g spiritual struggle betw een

1848 and 1882. H is ideas, h o w ever, grad ually

gained gro u n d . R ealizin g that they had “ learned h o w to die m agnificently b u t never k n ew h o w to live rationally,” the p o st-u p risin g generations began to value the “ heroism o f reasonable life,” P io tr W a n d ycz observes (W an d ycz

1974, 207). T h e Polish “ political nation” w as ready to radical­

ize the national stru gg le o ve r m o re than a h a lf ce n tu ry b u t rem ained blind to the need fo r social revolution. A fte r repeated defeat, h o w ever, they o p en ed a n e w chapter in the nation’s h isto ry and started n atio n -bu ild in g the o th er w a y aroun d: a n e w con cep t o f “ o rg an ic w o rk ,” o r political, c u l­ tural, and eco n o m ic m odern ization, em erged. T h e leader o f the P oznan “ o rgan ic cam p ,” K aro l M arcin k o w sk i, de­ clared as early as

1842: “ E d u ca tio n and w o rk . . . these are the m eans fo r

p a vin g the path w e seek.” C o n tin u o u s con spiracy and insurrections h ad p ro ve d as disastrous in the nineteenth ce n tu ry as the

liberum veto had been

in Poland before the partitions, the G alician Polish historian J o z e f S z u jski observed in

1867. “ C o n sp ira cy is absolutely unjustified. O n ly norm al 1984,45)- N a tio n a l

o rg an ic w o rk is justifiable to d a y ” (q u o ted in B lejw as

ideas rem ained the prim e m o ve r o f Polish politics, b u t in a different way. Instead o f hopeless rom antic uprisings, a p ragm atic approach to n atio n ­ b u ild in g em erged: Poles h ad to realize, said the K ra k o w n ew spaper




(Time), that France's defeat by the Prussians at Sedan “ should put an end to all hallucinations which for the past hundred years have cost so much blood and sacrifice , . . [it] decidedly put an end to a policy based on the West” (ibid., 76). These were the years when Warsaw positivism emerged in the short­ lived Central School. The deep disillusionment o f the post-insurrection years and the influence o f Auguste Comte's empirical method led to the emergence o f an influential intellectual group. “ The most immediate task o f national work is not spreading ideas,” Jo zef Supinski, one o f the found­ ing fathers o f the movement, said in an article in Pisma. “ Our task is the formation and education o f our society. . . establishment o f reading rooms and schools, the improvement o f moral and material w ell-being.. [These] provide a hundred times greater guarantee for the future, than political societies” (quoted in Blejwas 1984,73-74). Supinski used the term pmea organiezna (organic work), which became the leading slogan and goal o f Polish positivism for half a century. Heroic messianism was re­ placed by sober realism (Ratajczak 19 92). As the spiritual leader o f the pos­ itivists, Alexander Swi^tochwski, put it in 1873, what was required was “ work at the foundations.” Rejecting uprisings and foreign intervention, he declared: “ It is necessary to create happiness and well-being” through commerce, industry, and agriculture (Blejwas 1984, 94)- ¿wiftochwski, Boleslaw Prus, Henryk Sienkiewicz, and other influential writers and scholars strongly and successfully advocated these ideas after the devas­ tating defeat o f 1864. As Swiftochwski argued in his Political Directions (1882): “ Dreams o f regaining external freedom should today be replaced with efforts to acquire an internal independence. Such an independence can stem solely from a strengthening o f mental and material forces, a com­ prehensive national progress, linked to general development and de­ mocratization o f social life.” H e spoke o f “ industrial and trade conquests” rather than military victory (Trzeciakowski 19 95,144-46 ). Boleslaw Prus published his novel Lalka (The Doll) in 1890 to prop­ agate positivist ideas. In it, he attacked the high-living, do-nothing Pol­ ish aristocracy, with their national standard o f misbehavior. Poland was burdened with antiquated values: “ [L]abor stands in the pillory, and de­ pravity triumphs! He who makes a fortune is called a miser, a skinflint, a parvenu,” says Wokulski, the hero, in one o f his monologues, “ he who wastes money is called generous, disinterested, open-handed.. . [ S im ­ plicity is eccentric, economy is shameful.” Wokulski, a veteran o f the 1863 uprising, comes from an impoverished gentry family. H e becomes a suc­ cessful businessman, because he can “ modulate his Polishness in order to



do g o o d business.” H e still cultivates nob le habits, b u y in g horses and figh tin g duels, but in his constant m o n o lo gu es, he struggles against these bad traditions: “ [A ]m I d o in g all this, I w h o despise it?” H is businejfc deal­ ings are m o tivated b y rom anticism and altruism , bu t he has to m ake m o n e y because it is “ the sole instrum ent fo r achieving his ideals” ( H o lm ­ gren 19 9 8 ,

7 0 - 7 4 , 77 ,

8 0 -8 4 ) .

“ The cultural and economic resources o f the Polish nation were as yet too underdeveloped to sustain an independent state,” the Warsaw posi­ tivists believed (Davies 1986,170). The Filomat (Philomathes) group in Lithuania and the Stanczyk group in Krakow shared the new rational approach toward nation-building through industrialization, railroad construction, trade, and urbanization. A half century o f peaceful modern­ ization followed in Poland. Industrial development and cultural and social modernization gradu­ ally transformed the country It took decades for the peasantry to be incor­ porated into the national camp at the end o f the nineteenth century The tragic abyss that separated the noble and peasant societies, however, was not properly bridged until World War I. The peasants in Wladyslaw Reymont’s tale remain suspicious: “ [I]t hath been so from all time: the gen­ try rebel and drive our folk to ruin . . . who has to pay, when payday comes? What are the people in their eyes. . . . I f they had their way, serf­ dom would be restored tomorrow! Let the nobles tear each other to pieces: ’tis no affair o f ours” (Reymont 1925, 4: 181-82). W in c e n ty W ito s, o n e o f the founders o f the Polish peasant p a rty Piast, confirm s R e y m o n fs accou n t in his m em oirs: “ T h e m ajo rity o f the peas­ ants w ere v e ry concerned, fearing that once the Polish state w a s restored, back w o u ld com e serfdom and the total enslavem ent to the nobles” (W ito s

1964,132). Stanislaw G rabski m aintained that the peasantry had been w o n over to the cause o f figh tin g fo r independence at the end o f the nineteenth cen tu ry in the Polish k in g d o m , and betw een (M o len d a

1905 and 1914 in G alicia

19 9 1,125,130 ).

THE PEACEFUL CZECH NATIONAL MOVEMENT A lth o u g h close neigh bors o f the Poles, the C z e c h people acted in a to ­ tally different w a y A fte r B o h em ia and M o ra v ia w ere incorporated into the H a b s b u rg em pire, fo llo w in g the b lo o d y defeat o f the C zech s in the B attle o f the W h ite M o u n ta in in

1620, and reduced to little m o re than a

province o f Austria, the native nobility, the C ze ch “ political nation,” ceased



to exist. The Czech “ revolutionaries” o f the mid nineteenth century con­ sequently had only limited goals and did not demand national indepen­ dence. On March 11,18 4 8 , motivated by the French and Italian revolu­ tions o f the previous weeks, the Czech elite, led by the moderate liberal intelligentsia, gathered at Saint Wenceslas Hall in Prague and received pe­ titions aiming at the reestablishment o f die Staatsrecbt—that is, the in­ dependent legal status o f the Czech kingdom under the H absburg monarch. They demanded free contract between the king and the nation, equal status for the Czech language in schools and government offices, and limited self-government for the confederated Czech lands of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia. After the Vienna and Pest-Buda revolutions, which followed within the week, equal status for the Czech language in public life and the establishment o f self-government in cooperation w idi the Czech National Committee formed at the Saint Wenceslas gathering were promised on April 8. The peaceful Czech rebellion soon failed, however. Within three months, a military dictatorship was established under an Aus­ trian general, Prince Alfred Windischgratz. There was no resistance. N o one took to the streets and built barricades. The Czech demands were dis­ missed and buried for decades. The “ revolution” was over. The Czech attitude was diametrically opposed to the emotional hero­ ism o f the Poles. First o f all, the Czech “ political nation” equivalent to the Polish szlachta had been entirely eliminated after 1620, and a new AustroCzech aristocratic landowning political elite had been created in its place. The lands o f the annihilated landowning class were confiscated and given to Austrian clients o f the emperor. The new aristocracy, such as Prince Schwarzenberg and Counts Chotek, Sternberg, and Kinsky, were all Austro-Bohemians. The lower nobility, the gentry, the real body o f the “ political nation” —so important in the Polish case—totally disappeared (Melville 1998). N o wonder neither the old nor the new Czech political elite sought national independence. The romantic Czech poets, scholars, intellectuals, and other members o f the emerging urban middle class who launched the Czech national movement were typically moderate. Frantisek Palacky and Frantisek Rieger, its acknowledged leaders, understood the geopolitical dimensions o f their struggle. Although they wanted to be rid o f Austrian oppression, they also worried about German expansionism. The year 1848 was the highpoint o f decades o f the German movement for national unification. The Grossdeutsch concept o f a united Germ any included the Czech lands as future parts o f the German empire. Palacky and the leaders o f the Czech movement accordingly decided not to participate in the Frankfurt pro­




Vorparlammtj and also bo ycotted the elections to the C on stitu en t

A sse m b ly in Frankfurt. T h e an ti-G erm an trend w as strengthened b y the fear o f the substan­ tial G e rm an m in o rity in the C ze ch lands. G e rm an nationalism a m o n g B o ­ hem ian G erm an s developed in parallel w ith C z e ch nationalism and sto o d in o p p o sition to it. In A u g u s t

1848, the B o h em ian G e rm an C o n g re ss in

T ep litz initiated the idea o f the partition o f B o h em ia into C z e ch and G e r ­ m an parts. T h is initiative w as, in a w ay, an answ er to the p an -Slav idea expressed b y the first p a n -S la v con gress, w h ic h gath ered in P ragu e in Ju n e

1848. A lth o u g h Palacky and the C z e c h political leaders w e re rather

cau tious regardin g an unqualified unification o f the “ S la v natio n /

5 th e y

advo cated an A u s tro -S la v con cep t. A u stria , in their view , w a s a crucially im p ortan t bastion against G e rm an expansionism , bu t it had to be reor­ gan ized to assure equal rights fo r the Sla v nations. A riot o n Ju n e

12, d u r­

in g the m eetin gs o f the co n gress, initiated b y C z e c h radicals like J o s e f F ric, w as easily suppressed b y im perial tro o p s and m ade V ie n n a m o re steadfast in rejecting an y C z e c h dem ands. W h e n the R eichsrat m et in V i ­ enna and then in K rem sier in the su m m er and fall o f

1848, Palacky gave

u p the idea o f con stitu tionally unified C ze ch lands o f B o h em ia, M o ra via , and Silesia, bu t d em an ded cultural a u to n o m y and an a u to n o m o u s legal status for all o f them . In Ja n u a ry

1849, he suggested the creation o f a C ze ch

un it w ith in the m onarchy, based o n ethnic principles, consisting o f the C zech -p o p u lated areas o f B o h e m ia and M o ra v ia (w ith o u t the G erm an p o pu lated territories), to geth er w ith Slo v ak territories fro m H u n g a ry . A harsh and despotic H a b sb u rg resistance crushed all o f these attem pts, h o w ­ ever, and a n e w absolutist regim e w a s introdu ced. T h e N e w Year’s E v e patent o f

1851 and the A le xa n d e r B ach regim e fro m A p ril 1852 on co n tin ­

ued a ruthless germ anization. E v e n the m o st m inim al C ze ch lan guage d e­ m ands w ere flad y rejected. A lth o u g h it w a s never conceptualized b y a C ze ch m o vem en t, p ara­ doxically en o u g h , C z e c h “ o rg an ic w o rk ” in econ om ic, social, and cultural m o dern izatio n advanced strikin gly d u rin g these decades. T h e C z e c h lands, politically and adm inistratively subordinated provinces o f A u stria w ith o u t any kind o f cultural o r political auto n o m y, flourished eco n o m i­ cally and culturally. T h e C ze ch provinces achieved b y far the h igh est level o f eco n o m ic advancem ent in C entral and Eastern E u ro p e . R a p id and suc­ cessful industrialization, social m odernization, and the highest literacy rate in the region m ade the C ze ch lands m o re sim ilar to the W e st than any o th er part o f it. In other w o rd s, B o h em ia and M o ra via profited a great deal fro m being a hereditary province o f th e H a b s b u r g em pire and as a rn rK m n p n r^ enioved an eaual status w ith A ustria p ro p e r



R a p id e co n o m ic progress certainly con trib uted to the further failure

1860s and 1870s. T h e b o yco tt o f 1867 in favo r o f the reestablishm ent o f

o f C ze ch national dem ands d u rin g the the im perial D iet and R eichsrat in the

stdtntprdvo, o r a Rechtsstaat, that is, equal legal-political status w ith 1868

H u n g a ry , w as again rejected. T h e B o h em ian D eclaratio n o f A u g u s t

that ren ew ed this dem an d generated m ass rallies o f su p p o rt around the country. T h e im perial cabinet o f C o u n t K arl H o h e n w a rt w as ready to ac­ cept the co n cep t o f a “ trialist” reorganization o f the em pire and gran ted cultural a u to n o m y to the C ze ch people, alth ou gh n o t equal status w ith H u n g a ry , in the fall o f 1871. E m p e ro r Fran z Jo se f, a h ard-n osed defender o f A u stro -H u n g a rian “ dualism ,” rejected the “ trialist” A u stro -H u n g a rian Sla v co n cep t, h ow ever, and dism issed the H o h e n w a rt cabinet. T h e B o ­ hem ian and M o ra via n representatives in the im perial D ie t ren ew ed their b o y c o tt o f it. A s before, such passive resistance w as ineffective. It d id n ot shake the em pire, and the prosperous C ze ch p rovinces w ere n o t ready fo r

1873, and a split 1874 led to th e reentry o f

violence. T h e M o ra via n C zech s gave up the b o y c o tt in in the C z e c h national m o vem en t in Sep tem b er

the “ Y o u n g C z e ch s,” a n e w ly organ ized N a tio n a l Lib eral party, into par­ liam ent. In the fall o f

1878, even the “ O ld C z e ch ” N a tio n a l p a rty jo ined.

T h e peaceful C ze ch national m o vem en t lo st m o m en tu m and dried u p fo r several decades. “ O rg a n ic w o rk ” nevertheless becam e m ore v ig o ro u s and successful than ever.

THE “AGE OF REFORMS“ AND THE HUNGARIAN REVOLUTION Around 1800, at a time when the Polish “ political nation” was fighting for its liberty, and before the Czech mass movement had begun, the H un­ garian noble elite embarked on its own long journey toward national in­ dependence and social reform. A t the outset, these two goals were not combined, but opposed to each other. The Hungarian nobility, like the Polish szlachta, had set out to safeguard its own “ golden freedom,” pro­ voked by the reforms in the 1780s o f the emperor Joseph II, an enlightened absolutist ruler seeking to adjust to a revolutionary era (Marie-Antoinette was his sister). W h a t m ost irritated the H u n garian nobles w as th e abolition o f serf­ do m . A lth o u g h this did n o t affect personal service in labor, kind, or m oney, it allo w ed free m igration , choice o f obligatio n, m arriage, and the elim ina­ tion o f nob le patrim onial jurisdiction in crim inal cases. N o b le tax exe m p ­ tions w ere n o t elim inated, b u t the n o b ility nonetheless felt its do m inance threatened. Jo sep h planned to destroy its institutional fortress, the m e­



dieval county (comitat) organization, and replace it with ten administra­ tive districts under royal commissioners. T h e H u n g a rian n o b ility counterattacked, exp lo iting the centralising and germ an izing attem pts o f the H a b sb u rg m onarch, w h o m th ey accused o f vio latin g the traditional agreem ent b y rejecting his oath to l i e H u n ­ garian con stitution, refusing to be officially cro w n ed w ith the H u n g a r­ ian c ro w n , and ru lin g b y royal edict w ith o u t the H u n g a rian D iet. T h e L a n g u a g e D ecree o f 1784 m ade the G e rm an language co m p u lso ry in p u b ­ lic offices and required H u n g a rian officials to learn it w ithin three years (K an n 19 74 )-

The nobility passionately proclaimed Hungarian national interests and organized national resistance, with the result that the dying Joseph II had to withdraw all o f his reforms but three on January 28,1790. Latin was reestablished as the official language o f legislation and higher education, while county administrations used Hungarian. A noble-national m ove­ ment emerged, led by the lower nobility. Peter ocsai-Balogh, a member o f the seven-member court, drafted and circulated a constitution. Its point o f departure was the broken agreement between monarch and “ people.” The rhetoric used the terms o f Rousseau's Social Contract but translated “ people,” “ popular sovereignty,” and “ national liberty” as the equivalents o f nobility, noble rights, and freedom. Because o f the unlawful rule o f Joseph II, ocsai-Balogh announced zfilum successions interruptum, or in­ terruption o f succession, and declared the need for a new agreement. Hungary's king, he maintained, had to swear to govern lawfully before his coronation. The draft clearly expressed the demands o f the nobility: Hungary was an independent country, not subordinate to any other. A foreign army could not be stationed on its territory Its administration was indepen­ dent o f that o f the other parts o f the empire. Decisions relating to war and peace were the exclusive right o f the Diet. Legislation was the exclusive right o f the “ people,” that is, the noble Diet. The king had veto power only once, but not in the case o f a second resolution o f the Diet. The “ people” were also part o f the executive power and controlled the king. Matters o f state would be conducted by a senate, elected by the Diet, con­ sisting o f representatives o f the lower nobility. The Diet sat every year, and its sessions could be delayed by its members, but not by the king (Merei 1983,49-50). T h e D iet, w h ic h op ened in Ju n e 1790, attem pted to im itate th e French C onstitutional A ssem bly, and the delegates to o k an oath not to leave w ith ­ o u t a n ew constitution. A royal agent sent an agitated report to V ie n n a



and warned: “A similar revolution to the French may erupt in Hungary55 (Marczali 1888,542). N othing similar happened, however. In the summer o f 1790, Leopold II, the younger brother o f Joseph II and the new king o f Hungary, took command, made an agreement with Prussia, and stabi­ lized his power. H e then mobilized the Hungarian peasantry against their lords, scared the “ traitors” with imprisonment, and rejected all the radi­ cal demands o f the Hungarian nobility, including official use o f the H un­ garian language. In the end, the Diet happily accepted a few concessions, such as the legal acceptance o f Hungarian independence, stating that the country was “ not subordinated to any other country and has its own laws and rules.” The most important concession was that the monarch and the Diet had to enact legislation joindy. Hungarian language teaching was also introduced in schools (Magyar Torvenytdr 1901). While the nobility promoted the national cause in its own interests, Hungarian radical intellectuals who had originally espoused Joseph’s re­ forms adopted the ideas o f the French Revolution. Secret societies were established in M ay 1794 to achieve their revolutionary goals, but by the summer, all o f the conspirators had been arrested. Within a year, their lead­ ers, Ignac Martinovics, Jozsef Hajnoczy, Ferenc Szentmarjay, and other Hungarian “ Jacobins” had been publicly executed in Buda, while others were handed down brutal prison sentences. The Habsburg empire, es­ pecially under Francis I, became a police state, with strict censorship and the suppression o f any liberal-enlightened views. T h e national and social causes coin cided again, h o w ever, in the “A g e o f R e fo rm s,” d u rin g the H u n g a rian

Vormärz (th e 1830s

decades before the revolution o f M a rch


1840s, the

15,1848). L in g u istic nationalism

and th e rom antic ideas spread th ro u g h o u t the public. C elebrated poets and artists fueled an increasingly p o w erfu l national m o vem en t. T h e first h a lf o f the nineteenth century, nevertheless, rem ained a period o f per­ m an ent surrender for the H u n g a rian n o b ility and a s lo w inching to w a rd m in o r reform s. T h e realization o f the dem and fo r H u n g a ria n as th e o n ly official lan guage o f legislation and in the courts to o k several decades. In

1826, the D ie t still dem anded bilingual legislation, b u t the m onarch al­ lo w e d o n ly the translation o f laws into M ag yar, L a tin alone b ein g accepted fo r the official text. H u n g a rian becam e the sole official language o f the D ie t an d legislation o n ly in


T h e D ie t called for equal status fo r H u n g a r y in trade w ith in the m o nar­ chy, b u t the k in g rejected this at the beginnin g o f the c e n tu ry In


influenced b y Friedrich L ist, the D ie t decided to introduce a H u n g a rian protective tariff against A ustrian com petition advocated b y L a jo s Kossuth,



but the king denied its right to decide upon the issue. Kossuth initiated a social movement to promote Hungarian industrial products. The mem­ bers o f the established Honi Vedegylet (founded in 1844), an association for protecting domestic markets, volunteered not to buy foreign mer­ chandise and “ introduce the tariff at their own threshold.” The results were only partially successful, but the national idea slowly became imbued in the majority o f the population, the Vedegylet became a sort o f national political party, and a strong national mass political movement emerged from it (Kosary 1942). So cial legislation w as sim ilarly slo w and even less conclusive. T h e D ie t

1833; in 1830s, the m ajo rity o f the n o b ility rejected a proposal that re­

d id gran t peasants the right to dispose o f their p ro p e rty at w ill in the m id

m ission o f feudal dues be perm itted b y free agreem ent betw een landlord and peasant, as w ell as legislation initiated b y the liberal lo w e r n o b ility o n personal freedom and p ro p e rty rights fo r the serfs. In

1836 and 1840,

in the m o st radical reform d u rin g this period, rem ission w as finally m ade possible b y the

dnkentes orokvdlts^ a m utual agreem en t betw een landlord

and serf, and the m ore w e ll-to -d o peasants (m o stly o n the G re a t H u n ­ garian Plain) liberated them selves and becam e o w n e rs o f the land th ey cultivated. Sm all measures lim itin g the privileges o f the no b ility w ere also con sidered breakthroughs: tax exem ption w as suspended fo r the lesser nobles k n o w n as

bocskoros, and, albeit largely o f sym bo lic im portance, n o ­

bles w e re subjected to the toll o n the n ew C h a in B rid g e sp an n in g the D a n u b e betw een B u d a and Pest. T h e need fo r general and p rop ortion ate taxation and equal rights to h o ld p ub lic office w as discussed, b u t no m ea­ sures to this effect w ere accepted o r introduced. T h e establishm ent rem ained intact, b u t the w a y o f thinking a b o u t it radically changed. T h e p io n eerin g w o rk s o f C o u n t Istvan Szech en yi and B a ro n M ik lo s W esselenyi h arsh ly criticized the outdated institution o f serfdo m . Szech en yi m aintained that th e p ro d u ctiv ity o f w a g e lab o r w a s three tim es higher than that o f se r f labor. H e con vin cin gly p ro ved that n o b le privileges w ere also cou n terp ro ductive, since, am o n g o th er things, th e y created an insurm ountable barrier to the introduction o f a m o d ern credit system , a prerequisite o f agricultural m odern ization. T h e bu rn in g agitation o f L a jo s K ossuth m o ld e d p ublic o p in io n and m o b ilized a large segm en t o f so cie ty in favo r o f the national cause and reform .

True, not only were the more radical demands rejected by the upper nobility and the royal court, but radical reformers such as Baron Miklos Wesselenyi and Lajos Kossuth were tried and imprisoned for years in 1839. It took a long time for the lower nobility to recognize the need for more



radical social reform. The nobility could not alone realize the badly needed reforms, Kossuth wrote in an editorial in his journal, entided “ Disap­ pointment,” in the winter o f 1843* Sterile disputes, unproductive sessions o f the parliament, and partial results characterized the “Age o f Reforms” in Hungary. The clear recognition o f the importance o f basic social re­ forms and economic modernization nonetheless took root. Moreover, a strong and enthusiastic political camp was formed, which continued the struggle for change. Only a spark was needed for a real revolutionary ex­ plosion, and it was provided by the new revolutionary wave in Europe in 1848. The news o f the Paris revolution mobilized the hesitant Hungarian Diet, which hurriedly accepted the recommendation o f Kossuth on March 3 and proclaimed the full emancipation o f the serfs, who became owners o f the urbarial plots, nearly 20 percent o f the cultivated land. The landlords received compensation from the state. Compensation for an­ other roughly 20 percent o f the land was paid by the liberated peasants themselves. About 60 percent o f the peasants, however, were liberated without land or with an unviable fraction o f a parcel, and the noble landowning class preserved its monopoly over nearly half o f the land in the country. In a few days, the radicalized program o f the revolutionary “ Opposition Circle” demanded freedom o f the press, civil rights, pro­ portional taxation, jury trials, and the total elimination o f feudal institu­ tions. Its “ Twelve Points” demanded the establishment o f an independent, representative Hungarian government and a national guard. T h e revo lu tio n ary cro w d to o k o ve r the streets o f Pest and B u d a o n M a rc h

15: the p o et S á n d o r Petófi, w ith 5,000 p eople, o ccupied th e p rin t­

ing h ouse o f L an d erer and H ecken ast and, rejecting censorship, printed the first p ro du cts o f the independent press: Petofi’s That is the question—choose your “Amen”! God o f Hungarians, we swear unto Thee, We swear unto Thee—that slaves we shall no longer be! (Makkai 1996, 319)



T h e c ro w d echoed the last tw o lines, the refrain, six times. T h e date w as M a rch

15,1848. T h e H u n g a rian revolution had begun.

A victorious revolution led to the fo rm atio n o f the first independent go vern m en t o f C o u n t L a jo s B atth any w ith the leading liberal^ioble re­ form ers, Lajo s K ossuth, Istvan Szechenyi, Jo z s e f E o tvo s, and Ferenc Deak. T h e frightened K in g Ferdinand sanctioned the revolution ary legislation o f th irty-o n e articles on A p ril 11. Feudal despotism had com e to an end in H u n g a ry.

Although the liberal lower nobility were ready to sacrifice their privi­ leges and liberate the serfs, they were unable to go any further when it came to the land question, the remaining feudal services, such as the vine tithe, and the continued existence o f the guilds and their political domi­ nance. The franchise, decided by the parliament, excluded roughly 93 per­ cent o f the population and, consequendy, the first “ democratic” elections in June elected a “ postfeudaT parliament: only one-tenth o f the delegates belonged to the revolutionary Left, which urged more radical social leg­ islation, while 72 percent o f the elected delegates belonged to the landown­ ing noble class. Although in April and May, local peasant uprisings and seizures o f estates clearly expressed the mass demand for more radical leg­ islation, the Kossuth-led lower nobility were basically unable to go fur­ ther down the road—making only minor compromises—and turned against the mass movements. Kossuth flady told the parliament on D e­ cember 14,1848: “ Everybody who agitates against the n ob ility. . . is the enemy o f the nation! Stirring up the people over the problem o f some pasture lands or anything else. . . at this time means weakening the forces we need to defend our fatherland” (Spira 1987,284-85). In contrast, they were ready to go to the most radical extreme on the road o f national revolution to confront the Habsburgs, mobilizing a rev­ olutionary army against the Austrian military offensive. The Diet rejected the newly appointed commander in chief, General Count Franz von Lamberg, and when he arrived in Pest, an agitated mob lynched him. The Hun­ garian revolution soon turned against the Habsburg monarchy, pro­ voked by the abdication o f the somewhat mentally retarded Ferdinand on December 2,1848, prompted by General Windischgratz, because Fer­ dinand had made compromises in recognizing Hungary’s revolutionary government and legislation in 1848 and was bound by his word. On Jan­ uary 7, the Hungarian parliament declared that it would not recognize the new Habsburg monarch, Ferdinand’s eighteen-year-old nephew, Franz Jo sef I, until he was legally crowned and had taken his oath to the Hungarian constitution and the April Laws. This did not happen, and on



April 14,1849, the Diet declared H ungary’s independence and dethroned the Habsburg monarch. Lajos Kossuth was elected governor-president. After having been invaded in the fall, the country launched a life-ordeath military struggle against Austria. The government mobilized all available resources, printed paper money, exactly like revolutionary France, and recruited peasants into the national army, which, after Windischgratz’s initial military successes, recovered the entire country. The Hungarian revolution became the most radical and important episode o f the European revolutions o f 1848. “ The European revolutionaries hailed the Hungarians as the Revolutionary nation par excellence” (Talmon i960, 484).

NATIONAL MINORITIES AND THE HUNGARIAN REVOLUTION T h e H u n g a rian radical nationalist lo w er n o b ility w ere unable, how ever, to understand that all o f the nationalities o f the H u n g a rian kingdom , C ro ats, R o m an ian s, Slovaks, Serbs, and others, altogether

46 percent o f

the popu latio n , h ad sim ilar national goals and dem anded th e sam e na­ tional rights as the H u n garian s. T h e nationalist g e n try w ere blinded b y their national am bitions and did n o t recognize the existence o f indepen­ dent C ro a t and R o m an ian nationalities w ithin the kingdo m . T h e y forced the various ethn ic m inorities to m agyarize, as K o ssuth had advocated in his the

Pesti Hirlapy and as the D ie t’s lan gu age legislation had p ro m o te d in 1840s. C o n fro n ta tio n w as unavoidable. C ro ats and Transylvanian R o ­

m anians, aw akened b y their rom antic lan guage reform ers an d national bards, revolted first.

As early as M arch 25,1848, p rovoked b y revo lu tion ary H u n g a rian leg­ islation that virtually incorporated C ro atia into H u n g a ry , L ju d e v it G a j’s C ro atian N a tio n a l p a rty elected a “ P rovisional N a tio n a l B o ard .”

A mass

m eetin g in Z a g re b endorsed a p etition dem anding national independence, including an independent go vern m en t, responsible o n ly to the C ro a t S o ­ ber, w h ich w as elected in M a y and held its first session in Ju n e. F r o m the outset, the S o b o r denied the legality o f th e law s o f the H u n g a rian par­ liam ent in C ro atia. B a ro n Jo sip Jelacic, n e w ly ap po in ted

ban o f C ro atia

b y the em p ero r Ferdinand, set up an interim go vern m en t, and rejected directives fro m H u n g a ry. T h e unification o f ethnically C ro atia n provinces thus created an adm inistratively G reater C ro atia. T h e C ro a t national m o vem en t intended to gain equal rights w ith the H u n g a rian s and feder­ alize the m onarchy. H o w e v e r, K ossuth and the H u n g a rian parliam ent



were not ready fo r m ajor compromises, and Jelasic occupied Rijeka at the end o f August and attacked H ungary w ith 40,000 troops on September 11. A declaration, then a law (Article V II.1848), on union with Trapkylvania passed by the Hungarian Diet prompted an immediate response from Transylvanian Romanians. A meeting on April 24, initiated by Avram Iancu, called on all Romanians to protest and demand full equality. On M ay 15, a mass meeting o f 4 0,000 in Blaj (Balazsfalva) rejected union with H ungary and adopted the slogan “ Nimic despre noi fara noi!” (“ N o de­ cision about us without us!39). The proclamation reformulated the famous SupplexLibellus Valacborum o f 1791, asking the emperor, the “ Great Prince o f Transylvania,53 to grant equal national rights to the “ fourth recognized nation,39the Romanians o f Transylvania. Stimulated by the Transylvanian Romanian national movement, a rev­ olutionary committee in Bucharest also announced its program and elected a cabinet that included the Golescu brothers, Nicolae Balcescu, and Maria Rosetti on June 23,1848. A crowd attacked and occupied the palace in Bucharest, with a death toll o f seven. A Romanian revolution was in the making, and the dream o f a greater Romania, among other illdefined concepts, such as a Danube confederation and an enlarged Habsburg monarchy, seemed to be a possibility (Bodea 1998)- Bucharest was, however, occupied by 20,000 Turkish troops. ARussian invasion followed, and the tsar’s troops remained in the Principalities until 1851. The revolu­ tionary attempts were defeated, and the Habsburg emperor remained the only hope o f the Transylvanian Romanians. Bishop §aguna submitted a proposal to the emperor at Olmiitz in February 1849 on the “ union o f all Romanians in the Austrian state as a single independent nation under the scepter o f Austria, and as an integral part o f the M onarchy33 (SetonWatson [1934] 1963,286). Transylvanian Romanians joined the emperor’s war against the Hungarian revolution. Avram Iancu organized fifteen peasant legions, massacred Hungarians in Zalatna and Korosbanya, and burned the famous Bethlen Library in Nagyenyed. The Slovak and Serb national minorities in Hungary also mobilized and rebelled. In the name o f the Slovak nation, a group o f national lead­ ers, led by Ludevit Stur and Jo sef Hurban, gathered in Liptovsky Mikulas (Liptoszentmiklos) and ratified a petition to the emperor calling for an autonomous Slovakia with its own parliament, language, and educational system. The Slovak delegation participated at the pan-Slav meeting in Prague in June 1848, and several Slovak nationalists preferred the AustroSlav idea o f forming a separate Slovak grand duchy or Czecho-Slovak crown land within the Habsburg monarchy. After failed negotiations, a


Ukrainian and Jewish musicians Courtesy Neprajzi Miizeum, Budapest.



Nicolae Vermont, 'Romanian Emigrants, Oil on canvas. Courtesy Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, Bucharest,



Slo vak N a tio n a l C o u n cil w a s o rgan ized, as w ell as m ilitary detachm ents, w h ic h launched three m ilitary cam paigns against the revo lu tion ary H u n ­

1848 and the sum m er o f 1849. The Serb National Church Council also announced a sixteen-point po­ litical program in N ovi Sad (Ujvidek) on March 27,1848. On M ay 13, the Skupstina gathered in Sremski Karlovci (Karlovac) and declared the independence o f the “ Nation o f Hungarian Serbs” under the emperor’s rule. Their delegates, w ho adhered to the romantic “ Illyrian” concept o f South Slavic unity, arrived in Zagreb at the end o f May, where they pro­ posed a federal union o f the Voivodina with Croatia. A quasi-government called the Glavni Odbor was formed, and a sizable armed force was re­ cruited from among Serb peasant-soldiers o f the military borderland, un­ der the command o f George Stratimirovic. M ore than 10,000 partisans, led by Stefan Knicanin, joined from Serbia and attacked Hungary. On June 12,18 48 , skirmishes—a “ litde war” —began. garian arm y betw een Sep tem b er

T h e H u n g a rian liberal nationalists offered a broad range o f h um an and personal liberties, b u t exhibited a biased assimilationist, state-nationalistic v ie w and denied the existence o f any nation in H u n g a r y b u t the H u n ­ garians. “ I w ill n ever ever recognize an yth in g o th er than [the] H u n g a r­ ian nation and n ation ality u n d er the H u n g a ria n c ro w n ,” K o ssu th p ro­ claim ed to the D iet. “ I k n o w people . . . w h o speak o th er lan guages, but w e d o n o t have m o re than o n e nation here” (Sp ira

1987,164). H e was

ready to figh t those w h o d id n o t accept this. “ T h e sw o rd w ill decide be­ tw een us,” he told Stratim irovic w h en the latter m ade it clear that the Serbs w ere ready to turn to A u stria fo r their rights (K ap p er


T h e m ultinational H a b s b u rg m o n arch y offered an o utstanding o p ­ p o rtu n ity to

divide et impera. A s a co n tem p o rary joke w en t: “ T h e A u s ­

trian em p ero r m ade an alliance w ith the C ro a t king and attacked the H u n ­ garian k in g.” A ll three w ere, o f course, one and the sam e person, Fran z Jo s e f I , the H a b s b u rg em peror, k in g o f H u n g a r y and C ro atia. T h e C ro a t, Serb , R o m an ian , and Slo vak national revolutions in H u n g a r y turned against the H u n g a ria n national revolution w h en it becam e clear that their dem ands had all been rejected. A ll o f these nationalities had the sam e as­ pirations as the H u n garian s, b u t the nationalist H u n g a rian noble elite did n o t recognize their rights and regarded them as part o f the H u n garian nation. A desperate suggestio n fro m the radical L e ft to federalize H u n ­ g a r y d id n o t ga in g ro u n d , and the vain attem pt to con clude an alliance— K o ssu th reached agreem ent w ith the R o m an ian revo lu tio n ary Balcescu o n Ju ly

14 ,18 4 9 — p ro ved in vain. A p ro p o sed D a n u b e confederation w ith

the ethnic m inorities w e n t against the Zeitgeist: it w as to o little, to o late.


UPRISINGS AND REFORMS T h e revo lu tion ary H u n g a ria n arm y, h ow ever, w as victo rio u s, recap­

tu rin g the entire c o u n try an d even unsuccessfully attacking V ien n a. G e n ­ eral W in d isch gratz, com m an d er o f the A u stria n arm y, attacked fr $ m the w est. Fran z Jo s e f asked fo r m ilitary help fro m Tsar N ich o la s I, and R u s ­ sian tro op s invaded H u n g a r y fro m the east in Jun e. T h e H u n g a rian a rm y w as, at last, defeated an d surroun ded o n A u g u s t

13,1849. F o rm e r prim e

m inister L a jo s B atth an y w a s executed, alo n g w ith thirteen generals o f the revolutionary army. Th o usan ds m ore w ere im prisoned. K ossuth and m any others escaped the country. A n absolutist H a b sb u rg dictatorship follow ed, but all the revo lution ary law s, including the em ancipation o f the peas­ ants and the elim ination o f feudal institutions, w ere con firm ed b y a royal decree o f M a rch

1853. T h e nationalities th at had jo in ed the em p ero r in d e ­

feating revo lu tion ary H u n g a ry , as co n tem p o rary H u n garian s noted w ith satisfaction, g o t as a rew ard w h at the H u n garian s received as punishm ent. T h e ir political m ovem en ts and struggles fo r au to n o m y o r independence w e re also defeated. A fte r bein g defeated b y Prussia in

1866, a w eakened A u stria reached a

co m p ro m ise w ith the passively resistant bu t exhausted H u n g a rian noble elite. T h e A u stro -H u n g a ria n A greem en t,

or Ausgkichy o f 1867 reco gnized

a great part o f the H u n g a ria n national dem ands and gran ted far-reaching a u to n o m y to H u n g a r y w ith in the fram ew o rk o f a m o dern ized “ dualistic” A u stro -H u n g a ria n em pire. T h e H u n g a rian elite w as able to preserve its rule o ve r th e nationalities, nearly h a lf o f th e p o p u latio n o f the c o u n ­ try, and th e H a b sb u rg s saved the m o n arch y an d their rule o ver H u n g a ry.

FROM THE BROTHERHOOD OF NATIONS TO EXCLUSIVE, HOSTILE NATIONALISM The Central and Eastern European national movements reached their zenith in 1848: the heroic Hungarian revolution and the Polish, Czech, Slovak, Romanian, Croat, Slovene, and Hungarian-Serb struggles sig­ naled the turning point from a national educational-propaganda program led by enlightened nobles and an intellectual elite to a modern mass p o­ litical movement. The military defeat o f the uprisings o f 1848 could not save the multinational empires but only prolonged their existence by a few decades. The future o f independent nation-states was clearly heralded. A t this turning point, the national movements not only permeated en­ tire nations and mobilized huge masses but acquired new characteristics. Early nationalism had meant a euphoric unification o f the entire people.



C o m m o n e rs and proletarians w ere p ro m o ted to equal citizenship and be­ co m e inseparable parts o f the nation, w h ich because o f th e natural “ bro th ­ erh o o d o f nations” served m ankind, a universalism expressed in the P ol­ ish national slogan “ F o r o u r freedom and yo u rs.” “ [ S o lid a r it y w ithin one natio n ,” as Ja c o b T alm o n p u t it, “ w o u ld be extended to m em bers o f other nations. . . . L ib erated nation-churches w o u ld co m b in e into th e C h u rch

i960, 30). In 1848, and during the second half o f the nineteenth century, how ­ ever, European nationalism lost these early, deeply democratic and universalist revolutionary traits. Nationalism was henceforth socially con­ servative and exclusive. The concept o f the nation was often used against the social demands o f the lower strata o f society. Rulers and governments “ nationalized” nationalism for their own benefit. The nation became the “center o f loyalty” for the entire society, supplying “ a framework o f a more concrete and tangible nature than the airy heavenly cities o f the world proletariat or liberated humanity. National brotherhood makes class dif­ ferences irrelevant. We all fulfill ourselves in the nation” (Talmon i960, universal” (Talm on


The burgher middle class, which had been in the vanguard o f demo­ cratic nationalism in earlier decades, now shifted to the conservative camp. Frightened by the awakened masses, the burghers ceased struggling against the ruling noble elite. They wanted rule, and turned against the dissatisfied, often organized and violent workers and peasants. The French revolution o f 1848, which triggered the revolutionary wave o f that year, clearly exhibited this dilemma o f the revolutionary liberals. Already dur­ ing the revolutionary euphoria o f the February days, 12,000 people de­ manded the “ abolishment o f the exploitation o f man by man” and the es­ tablishment o f an “ organization o f labor.” In the mid nineteenth century, “ pauperism was the key issue o f the age,” and many were convinced that the “ revolution will not be complete without the solution o f the social question (Talmon 1960,427,455). Moreover, February was followed rather soon by June, when the “ slave war,” the uprising o f the “ new barbarians,” the workers and urban mob, shocked Paris and frightened the propertied classes. The bloody repression o f the class war “ had immense reper­ cussions all over Europe. In February, Paris gave the sign to begin the revolution; in June it provided an example o f the way to liquidate it” (ibid., 17 4 ). T h e G e rm a n bou rgeoisie, already frightened b y the p o ssib ility o f a so ­ cial revo lution before it revolted against the establishm ent and attem pted to unite G erm an y, m ade its com p ro m ise in advance and placed itself be­



hind the protective shield o f the absolutist Prussian state and noble army. T h e Polish and H u n g a rian political nations never fo rg o t to preserve their o w n “ historical rights” an d so u gh t to keep con trol o f th e lo w £ r social g ro u p s, w h ic h often equated w ith con tin u ed do m in atio n o f peasants o f U krain ian , Lith u an ian , R o m an ian , Slo vak , and o th er nationalities. A sw itch fro m early universalism , d eep solidarity, and the “ bro th er­ h o o d ” o f nations characterized the conservative, isolationist tu rn o f E u ­ ropean nationalism . T h e idea o f the liberation o f an oppressed nation help­ in g liberate others w as replaced b y exclusive nationalism . S o lid a rity w as replaced b y rivalry and m alice. Feelin gs o f b ro th erh o o d g ave w a y to xen o p h o b ic attitudes. A s K o n stan ty W zd u lsk i, a p ioneer o f Polish antiSem itism , phrased it, “ the idea o f b ro th erh o o d is a false idea . . . it has b ro u g h t those societies w h ich believe in it n o t gains, b u t losses” (Porter

20 0 0 ,16 6 ). T h is tran sform ation w as also co n n ected w ith the “ n a tio n ­ alization” o f n ation alism — that is, the m an ipulation and use o f national feelings b y go vern m en ts as a w e a p o n o f Aiacbtpolitik in m o b ilizin g the nation against rival nations and scapegoated m inorities. Th ese negative trends o f nationalism em erged in

1848 all o ver E u ro p e .

D u rin g the “ S p rin g o f N a tio n s ,” the year o f thirteen E u ro p e an revo lu ­ tions, the n e w forces n o t o n ly bitterly attacked the establishm ent, but also, fo r first tim e in history, often turned against each other. In spite o f universalist rhetoric o n the Italian and, m ost o f all, Polish questions, A lp h o n se de Lam artin e, the leader o f the Fren ch revo lution and m inister o f fo reign affairs, in his m anifesto to E u ro p e in M arch

1848, m ade it d e a r that France

“ com es before every other con sideration .” H e added in M a y that Fran ce’s “ m o st sacred” relations w ith the Poles w ere also the “ m o st rem ote and m o st im possible,” fo r w h ic h France m u st n o t sacrifice her interests. “ W e love Poland, w e love Italy, w e love all the oppressed peoples, b u t w e love France before all,” he said (Talm on

i960,473,478). T h e G e rm an national

struggle fo r unification collided h ead-o n w ith the D an ish and Polish na­ tional dem ands in Sch le sw ig -H o lste in and Poznania, respectively. T h e revo lution ary Fran kfurt parliam ent d e d a re d that all G erm an -sp eak in g people belo n ge d to the G e rm an nation irrespective o f the state in w h ich th ey lived. T h is w as a declaration o f w a r against som e n e ig h b o rin g c o u n ­ tries and also a denial o f Polish and other national dem ands in m ixedp o p u latio n areas. M o re o v e r, the G e rm an revolution d id n o t hesitate to declare a preference fo r “ G e rm an y ’s o w n secu rity” and, fo r “ healthy Volksejjfoismusy” sen d in g tro o p s against the D an es and the Poles. T h e Fran kfurt parliam ent thus d e a rly dem onstrated that G e rm a n nationalists rejected Polish nationalists’ attem pts to realize identical national goals. A u strian revolutionaries dealt M e tte m ic h ’s regim e a deadly b lo w bu t



simultaneously opposed the Czech, Hungarian, and Italian national move­ ments, Czechs nurtured pan-Slav compassion, toyed with the idea o f uni­ fying the Slavs, and felt scant sympathy for Hungarian national goals. Moreover, in proposing the unification o f the Czechs and the Slovaks, Palacky, the leader o f the Czech national movement, did not address the national ambitions o f the Slovaks, whom he regarded as Czechs. The Poles, while emphatically opposed to Russian, German, and Austrian domina­ tion, considered Polish dominance o f Ukrainians “ natural.” To the Hun­ garians, it was likewise “ natural” to preserve their rule over the Rom a­ nian minority in Hungary and Transylvania, and over the Croats in subordinated Croatia. All o f the nationalities o f the Hungarian kingdom realized that Hungarians strongly opposed their national goals. German, Austrian, Polish, and Hungarian assimilationist nationalism concerning peoples who lived within their states was no different from that o f the West, where British and French “ melting pots” amalgamated and assimilated various peoples into one single nation. They simply sought to follow the same pattern. However, it turned out to be impossible in the nineteenth century, when national consciousness emerged and national­ ism became a leading trend. Nations in revolt and m inority nationalities demanded their own nation-building rights. I f need be, they turned against oppressors who were themselves fighting their own oppressors. Ukrainians turned against Poles, just as Croats, Slovaks, Serbs, and R o ­ manians turned against the Hungarian revolution and, hoping to promote their own national goals, assisted the Habsburg counterrevolution. Nationalist movements emerged all over the region and mobilized even small national groupings that wanted to establish an independent na­ tionality. A typical example was the case o f the Ruthenians (Ukrainians) in Galicia, a former province o f Poland with a mixed Polish and Ruthenian population. In East Galicia, however, 70 percent o f the population was Ruthenian, and this part o f Galicia became the cradle o f “ South Ruthenian” nationalism. Here, as everywhere in Central and Eastern E u ­ rope, the national movement began as a linguistic, cultural-intellectual program. Ivan Mohylnytsky argued in his “ Discourse on the Ruthenian Language” (1829) that Ukrainian was a separate branch o f the Slavic lan­ guages, equal to Polish, Russian, and Czech, “just as the Ruthenian na­ tion is equal to the other Slavic nations.” During the 1830s and 1840s, Ivan Vahylevych in Rozprawy 0jezyku poludnioworuskim (1843) spoke about a separate “ South Rus” language, as did Jo sy f Levytsky, who published a grammar o f Galizian ruthenischen Sprache in 1834. M any Galician-Ruthenian nationalists considered Ukrainians to be one nation, separated into two empires. Levytsky spoke in 1831 o f Ukrainians



fo rm in g o n e nation ,

5 m illion o f w h o m lived in R u ssia, w h ile 1.9 and 0.5

m illion lived in G alicia and H u n g a ry , respectively B ish o p Iak h ym o vych and the E a ste rn O rth o d o x hierarchy, h o w e ve r, “ inclined to regarfi the lo ­ cal [G alician ] R uth en ians as a separate nation , different fro m rneir kins­

1986, 33, 85, m - 1 2 , 163). ^ In October 1848, the Holovna Rada Ruska, the national organization o f the Galician Ruthenians, sent a memorandum to the Austrian minister o f the interior demanding the partition o f Galicia: “ Poles and Ruthenians, it is clear, cannot live together in peace. The partition o f Galicia is a vital issue for the Ruthenians” (Kozik 1986,265). The Galician Poles, who gained autonomy from Vienna in 1867, reacted to Ruthenian nationalism much as the Hungarian elite did to minority nationalism in Hungarian lands when they tried to force an assimilation o f Ruthenians into the Polish na­ tion. A few enlightened Polish nobles, such as Prince Jerzy Lubomirski, argued “ against a repetition o f the Magyars’ errors” (ibid., 334). Nationalisms confronted one another sharply, and a “ national hang­ over” followed the revolutionary euphoria o f 1848. Xenophobic hatred and confrontation o f nationalisms became stronger and stronger in Cen­ tral and Eastern Europe. Romanian and Polish nationalism grew antiSemitic. In Romania, successive governments refused to grant Jews citizen­ ship. In late nineteenth-century Poland, a strong anti-Semitic movement equated Judaism with a mortal threat to the Polish nation. m en in the east” (K o z ik

W as such xen o ph o b ia specific to C entral and Eastern E u ro p e? M[T ]h e deep differences existing betw een the tw o parts o f E u r o p e . . . p ro d u ced different typ es o f n atio n alism — one based u p o n liberal m iddle-class co n ­ cepts and the con sum m ation o f a dem ocratic w o rld society, the o th er based u p o n irrational and pre-enlightened concepts and ten ding to w ard s exclusiveness,” H a n s K o h n m aintains, co m p arin g W estern and Eastern nationalism s in E u ro p e (K o h n

1944, 457)-

In the Western w orld . . . the rise o f nationalism was a predominantly political occurrence [that was] preceded by the formation o f the future national states. . . . In Central and Eastern Europe . . . the frontiers o f an existing state and o f a ris­ ing nationality rarely coincided; nationalism, there, grew in protest against and in conflict with the existing state pattern—no t primarily to transform it into a people’s state, bu t to redraw the political boundaries in conformity w ith ethno­ graphic d em an d s.. . . [In Germany and Central and Eastern Europe] the politi­ cal integration around a rational goal [in the West] was replaced by a mystical in ­ tegration around the irrational, pre-civilized folk concept. [Romantic nationalism was in] violent opposition . . . to the liberal and humanitarian character o f [the] nationalism o f 1776 and 1789. (Kohn 1944,329,351-52)



Hysterical xenophobia indeed became more characteristic o f the be­ lated national movements o f the “ belt o f mixed population” than in the West, which established its nation-states in an earlier period, based on a much luckier history o f nation-building. In the West, Istvan Bibo has ar­ gued, peoples conquered existing states, democratizing the previously ex­ clusive nation o f nobles. In Central and Eastern Europe, most o f the en­ ergy o f national movements went into destroying existing multinational imperial states. The difference between historical states and ethnic borders generated hostile relations among nationalities living together. While de­ mocracy was the main vehicle o f Western nationalism, it became danger­ ous for the elites o f the majority groups in Central and Eastern Europe. Democracy endangered national communities and strengthened separat­ ism. Rising Eastern nationalism thus became genuinely antidemocratic (Bibo 19 86 ,191-9 4,215-19). The contrast between Western and Eastern nationalism, however, was only partly an optical illusion. French, British, and other types o f West­ ern nationalism also lost their early liberal humanitarian, universalist char­ acteristics and turned against each other in the harsh rivalry for colonies and spheres o f interest. European self-confidence and the “ missionary” enterprise to enslave “ uncivilized” peoples had already been condemned by Herder in hisAdmstea (1802). Western nationalist ideology, however, became an agent o f national rivalry and imperialism a few decades later during the last third o f the nineteenth century Western national selfconfidence and strong belief in cultural superiority and the “ white man’s civilizing mission” was not better, only different, sometimes more hyp­ ocritical, than its Eastern petty xenophobic counterpart. True, the West did have a great period o f humanitarian and universalist nationalism around the turn o f the eighteenth century. Central and Eastern Europe emerged later on the road o f nation-building and reached the climax o f their national development in a period when a more controversial phase o f European nationalism began.

FROM RELIGIOUS TO NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BALKANS T h e Balkans presents an even m ore specific version o f nationalism and nation-building. T h e “ national” struggle began there, paradoxically enough, w ell befo re national consciousness w as b o m . U n d e r O tto m a n rule and in a chaotic, u n organized oppression b y local w arlo rd s and ro b ber janis­



sary bands, spontaneous local wars erupted. Armed self-defense spread like wildfire from the early 1800s on and characterized nearly the entire century. This struggle did not in the beginning have a national character, since the Slavic peoples o f the Balkans lived in a theocracy and identified themselves as Christians under Muslim rule. The armed struggle, how ­ ever, soon generated strong national feelings and belated nation-build­ ing efforts. T h e Balkan crisis d id n o t, how ever, rem ain local. T h e rising national goals and struggles in the Balkans im m ediately m et w ith cynical great p o w er aspirations. R ussia, Fran ce, Britain, and A u stria all had expansionist am ­ bitions and w an ted to counterbalance o n e another’s advances. T h e y all w an ted to gain con tro l o ver the B o sp o ru s, w h ich w as a strategic entrance to the Black Sea and exit to the M editerranean fo r R ussia an d also fo r the Balkans; a passage to the N e a r E a st fo r G e rm a n y ; a strategic base to the rear o f the G e rm an states and A u stria -H u n g a ry fo r Fran ce; and a natural zone o f expansion fo r A u stria -H u n g a ry . D ire ct great p o w e r intervention thus accom panied the national aw akenin g in the area and helped it m a ­ ture, but also subordin ated the national struggle to Machtpolitik. U n like in Central E u ro p e , w h ere a series o f d o o m ed national struggles follo w ed in succession, the Balkan crisis led to national sovereignty. T h e Balkan peoples achieved their independence and established their nation­ states in the late nineteenth century, at an early stage o f their national d e­ velopm ent. T h e w in d o w o f o p p o rtu n ity fo r g a in in g independence w a s o p ened b y the decline o f th e O tto m an em p ire, w h ich had d o m in ated the area fo r nearly five h u n d red years. T h e rigid prefeudal em pire, w ith its ex­ trem ely centralized m ilitary regim e an d lack o f private p ro p erty, began disintegrating after lo sin g its expansionist dyn am ism . T h e tu rn in g p o in t, w h ich closed the era o f O tto m a n con qu est, w a s the T reaty o f K a rlo w itz in

1699- T h e E u ro p e an counteroffensive forced the Porte to w ith d ra w and

refo rm , gen eratin g a crisis situation d u rin g the eighteenth c e n tu ry T h e crisis culm inated in th e first three-quarters o f the nineteenth c e n tu ry A s A lexis de To cqu eville clearly recognized, “ it often happens th at w h e n a p eople, w h ich has p u t u p w ith an oppressive rule o ve r a lo n g p eriod w ith ­ o u t protest sud den ly finds the go vern m en t relaxing its pressure, it takes u p arm s against i t , . . . experience teaching us that, generally speaking, th e m o st perilous m o m e n t fo r a bad go ve rn m e n t is one w h e n it seeks to m en d its w ays. . . . P atien d y endured so lo n g as it seem ed b eyo n d redress, a grievance com es to appear intolerable once the possibility o f re m o vin g it crosses m en ’s m inds. . . . A t the h eigh t o f its p o w e r feudalism did n o t inspire so m uch hatred as it did o n the eve o f its eclipse” (Tocqueville





T h e m o st visible sign o f O tto m a n decline w a s the progressive disinte­ gratio n o f the central adm inistration. T h e a lm ig h ty Su ltan , absolute ruler and sole “ o w n e r” o f all the land o f the vast em pire, lo st con trol o ve r the m ajo rity o f his do m ain. Selim I II , w h o rose to p o w e r in th e year o f the French R e vo lu tio n , recognized the need fo r action and aim ed to restore central p o w er, b u t insurgent janissaries assassinated h im in

1808. H is su c­

cessor, M a h m u d I I , con tro lled o n ly tw o p ro vin ces o u t o f the tw e n ty six adm inistrative units o f his em pire. L o c a l w arlo rd s, such as A li Pasha at Ioann ina in G re e ce and O svan P asvan -O glu in B u lgaria, respectively, go vern ed nearly the w h o le o f the Balkans unchecked. T h e dem oralized janissary arm y o f 20 ,000-30,000 soldiers declined in to an insubordinate bandit force, w h ich brutally ro b b ed the p o pu latio n , killed those w h o at­ tem pted to resist, and revolted against the Su ltan in

1808 and in 1826, w hen

he so u g h t to regain con tro l o ver it. M a h m u d II, the third ruler in ju st o ve r a year, d u rin g the m ost ch ao tic and b lo o d y p o w e r struggle in O tto m an history, defeated the rebels in


and grad ually reccntralized the em pire. H is m ilitary reform s created a m o d e m a rm y and the era o f disintegration and chaotic terrorism ended. R eestablished central p o w e r p aved the w a y fo r reform s in th e fo llo w in g decades. In N o v e m b e r

1839, Su ltan A b d u l M e jid sign ed an d issued a re­

fo rm , the H a tti S h e r if (royal m andate) o f G u lh an e, fo llo w e d b y a series o f m easures, c o m m o n ly called the Tanzim at reform s, prepared b y the W estern izin g statesm an R esh id M u stafa. T h e state adm inistration w as m o d ern ized , an d n e w penal codes, b o rro w e d and m o dified fro m the French system (first in

1840, then in 1858), gran ted equal status to all sub­

jects, including Christians. A n ew com m ercial cod e w a s also ad o p ted from the F re n ch system


In con nectio n w ith the T re a ty o f Paris in

1856, w h ic h rearranged E u ­

ropean p o w e r relations and recognized the O tto m a n em pire as a E u r o ­ pean partner, the Su ltan issued a n e w reform edict, the H a tti H u m a y u n , in F e b ru a ry

1856, g ran tin g m o re au to n o m y to his subjects. A s one o f the

six eth n o-religious units o f the O tto m an em pire, the R u m -m illet (“ R o ­ m an natio n” ), w h ich included all the C h ristian peoples o f the Balkans, w as g iven significant self-governm ent un der five G re e k O rth o d o x m et­ ropolitans. U n like the C ath o lic C h u rch , “ G reek O rth o d o x y ” w as n o t cen­ tralized bu t o rgan ized a lo n g “ state” lines: the R o m a n ia n , S e rb , and B u l­ garian O rth o d o x C h u rch es w e re independent. T h e last tw o had actually o riginally been subordinated to the patriarch o f C on stan tin o p le, an d thus placed under G re e k ecclesiastical con tro l, but th e y becam e independent in

1831 and 1870, respectively. “ T h e se ‘autoceph alous’ churches differ in

adm inistration, lan guage, custo m s, historical legacy, and o u tlo o k ,” M i-



chad Petrovich observes, maintaining that the Orthodox churches in the Balkans “ acted as a surrogate state for the people who had lost political independence” (Petrovich 1980,373,384). “ The whole tradition o f Balkan national historiography,” argues Paschalis Kitromilides, is “ premised on the assumption that Orthodox Christianity and , . . [the Orthodox] Church played a major role in nation-building” by cementing “ national identity in the years o f captivity. . . . The Orthodox Church, however, as an institution o f the Ottoman state remained a supranational organiza­ tion. . . . The Patriarchate, through a series o f acts and pronouncements o f its holy synod, made official and clear its opposition to nationalism.” As late as 1872, the ecumenical patriarch still denounced nationalism as “ discriminating on the basis o f different racial origins and languages. . . . The Christian Church . . . [is] predestined to contain all nations in one brotherhood o f Christ. . . . We renounce . . . [and] condemn racism . . . ethnic feuds and dissention within the Church” (Kitromilides 1994, 178,181). Ottoman reforms granted equal rights to non-Muslim minorities re­ garding taxation, justice, education, military service, and holding public offices, and generated a secular renaissance. Within two years, Christian delegates had gained places in the Grand Council o f the court. M odern­ ization was signaled by the provincial reorganization o f 1864, which cre­ ated large secular administrative units called vilayets, subdivided into sanjaks, with considerable self-government and indirectly elected advisory bodies. The local native elite was strengthened. The Bulgarian chorbaji and the Serb knezi were elected by the local Christian population and acted as local native representatives o f the Ottoman authorities. They worked as tax collectors and administrative agents, tried civil cases, and played an intermediary role between Ottoman officials and Christian subjects. They were also involved in trade and became rich pig traders in Serbia, a small, emerging elite, which played an important role in the armed uprising against Ottoman rule. Although the 1830-60 Ottoman reforms attempted to modernize, con­ solidate, and preserve Ottoman rule in the Balkans, they proved to be counterproductive and fueled a Balkan national awakening. Spontaneous revolts against early nineteenth-century Ottoman disorder, local despot­ ism, and extreme exploitation were gradually transformed into a national struggle for independence. All the religious and secular local self-governing institutions and their leaders, the local elite, played an important role in the nation-building to come. The first major uprising erupted in the pashalik o f Belgrade under



unchecked janissary rule in February 1804- Faced with janissary terror, the native population declared their loyalty to the Sultan and turned to him for help. The Sultan sent a message to the janissaries, threatening to mobilize the Serbs (as had already occurred in 1798, when Serb peasants, mobilized and armed by Pasha Hadji Mustafa, had massacred the janis­ saries). Several armed groups o f Serbian peasants under local priests and knezi attacked small janissary garrisons and began liberating the coun­ tryside, but they lacked coordination. As a preventive blow, the janissaries began to liquidate the local knezi in an attempt to preempt a potential Serb attack. The seventy-two victims were beheaded and their heads were staked on the citadel o f Belgrade. One o f the knezi, George Petrovic, pop­ ularly called Karadjordje (Black George), escaped and emerged as a charismatic leader o f the uprising. H e was an illiterate peasant who had joined the Austrian army in 1787 and got military experience as a sergeant o f the Freikorps during the Austrian campaign in western Serbia. Karadjordje’s well-organized forces became decisive by capturing several citadels in Belgrade in March 1804. H e ruthlessly recruited Serb peasants: as Aleksa Nenadovic, one o f the rebels, noted in his memoirs: "Gospodar George will send his men secretly through the villages and whomsoever they find at home they will kill him and break him on the wheel and bum his house." In two months, his army counted more than 30,000 men. The Serbs did not revolt against Ottoman rule, but against local robber rulers. In fact, the "insurgents” acted in the name o f the Sultan, who legitimized the re­ bellion. "T he leaders o f the uprising appealed not to any nascent desire for a revival o f Serbian independence,” Lawrence Meriage concludes, "but to their loyalty to the sultan” (Meriage 1987, 60, 62). They did not aim for independence but at the restoration o f Pasha Hadji Mustafa’s orderly regime and the expulsion o f the janissaries. The Serb guerrilla army was very successful, partly because o f assistance from Serbs from Hungary, as well as from the Russian tsar, who sent arms and officers. Karadjordje turned out to be an excellent strategist. As a buljukbasa, the head o f a Serb militia unit under Hadji Mustafa, he triumphantly attacked Belgrade in December 1806 and had liberated all the main Ottoman fortresses in Ser­ bia by the summer o f 1807. Vuk Karadzic, an eyewitness to the uprising, recognized the turning point in the struggle in 1807: Up to now the leaders had told the people that they were not fighting against the Turkish Sultan, but rather they were fighting at the Sultan’s command against the Janissary rebels and irregulars; not now [in the beginning o f 18 0 7 ], when they killed a vezir o f the Sultan and had baptized Turkish women and children in and around Belgrade and Sabac, this could no longer be said nor believed, but in­



stead . . . [they said] we can't fight the Turkish Empire alone . . . give us a tsar who will take our part. (Monummta Serbocroatica 1980,327, 329)

£ In March o f that year, the Serbs declared independence. The Serb cause at that point became a part o f a major international conflict: Multan Se­ lim’s effort to form an alliance with Napoleon provoked an immediate Russian ground offensive and British naval attack. The Sultan attempted to pacify Serbia by accepting Serb demands and offering autonomy. Rus­ sia, however, stepped in. The intervention was urged by a few sophisti­ cated Serb leaders, such as Metropolitan Stevan Stratimirovic, Bishop Jovan Jovanovic, and Archimandrite Arsen ije Gagovic, who worked out plans for a Slavo-Serbian empire and presented it to the tsar in St. Peters­ burg as early as November 1803. Adam Czartoryski, the tsar’s Polish for­ eign minister, welcomed the idea (Mcriage 1987,64-66). Pushed by sev­ eral local leaders, the overambitious Karadjordje, as Karadzic noted in his report, realized that without foreign assistance and guarantees, he would be unable to stabilize his power. H e accepted the Russian offer, which promised more than the Sultan’s: total independence with a Rus­ sian guarantee. The Palucci-Karadjordje Convention concluded with Russia in July 1807 also called for Russian military and economic aid, arrangements for garrisons in towns, and appointment o f Russian admin­ istrators in Serbia. The international setting dramatically changed, however, during the days when the Serb-Russian deal was being negotiated. A transitory Russian-French agreement (the Treaty ofTilsit), followed by an armistice with the Sultan in August 1807, freed the hands o f Sultan Selim and left Serbia on its own. Although the Russian-Ottoman war was renewed, it ended in the spring o f 1812 with the Treaty o f Bucharest, which Tsar Alexander ratified on June 23,1812, the very day Napoleon’s army invaded Russia. Karadjordje turned to Napoleon, but international assistance did not come from France either. An overpowering Ottoman military force o f three armies launched a deadly attack on three fronts in Serbia in July. In early October, Karadjordje escaped to Austria, followed by 24,000 Ser­ bian troops. The Sultan recaptured Belgrade and regained control over the pashalik at the end o f 1813. The enforced Ottoman rule could not endure for long. Janissary ter­ ror continued, as well as spontaneous local revolts. One o f them, in 1814, led to a bloody massacre o f more than two hundred Serb rebels. In April 1815, the oborknaz, or grand knaz o f three districts, M ilos Obrenovic, an enemy o f Karadjordje, who had obediently collaborated with the Sultan



and even helped to repress the spontaneous peasant revolt, decided to head the revolt and achieved four sudden victories against Ottoman troops. The Porte tried to pacify the Belgrade pashalik as soon as possible to avoid a new attack by Russia, which after Waterloo lacked military commitments in the West and had a renewed interest in the Balkans. Obrenovic, an il­ literate peasant, emerged as a prominent member o f the local Serbian ad­ ministrative-merchant elite. H e proved to be an outstanding diplomat. Unlike Karadjordje, he did not want to build upon Russian promises but accepted the offer o f Marasli Ali Pasha in November 1815. The agreement was enforced by an imperial decree, appointing Obrenovic supreme knaz o f the pashalik, granting amnesty to the rebels, and allowing the Serbs to retain their arms. It also authorized the creation o f the Skupstina, a state assembly, a national chancery, and a quasi-court and administration. Tax collection became a Serbian task, although the pashalik continued to pay tribute to the Sultan, and the Ottoman administration and garrisons re­ mained intact in the country Obrenovic stabilized his position within the empire and against any potential rival: as a gift to the Sultan, he sent him the head o f Karadjordje, who had returned to Serbia in 1817 but was im­ mediately assassinated. Although the compromise granted much less than full autonomy to Serbia, Obrenovic skillfully exploited the international situation, and Ser­ bia gained more autonomy in the years to come. An opportunity arose when a Greek secret society, the Philike Hetairia (Society o f Friends), started by Greek merchants in Odessa, prepared a general Balkan upris­ ing with Russian patronage. The ideal place to start was the Romanian Principalities, with their extremely weak Ottoman military presence and a so-called Phanariot Greek regime representing the Porte. The hospodar (lord) o f Moldavia, Michael Soutsos, was himself a member o f the H et­ airia. The organization successfully invited Alexander Ypsilantis, son o f a former hospodar o f Wallachia and general o f the Russian army, to com­ mand its forces. The planned uprising could count on the already ongo­ ing peasant revolt o f Tudor Vladimirescu, himself a member o f the Het­ airia. In the spring o f 1821, Ypsilantis’s troops entered the Principalities. The timing was excellent, since Istanbul was preoccupied with a war against the insubordinate warlord Ali Pasha o f Ioannina in Greece. The revolutionary attempt failed, however. Russia remained cautious and did not act, while Ottoman troops—despite the 1802 agreement with Russia, which forbade them to enter the Principalities without Russian consent— invaded. The local population, which traditionally hated the Greek Pha­ nariot proconsuls o f the Porte and ecclesiastical and financial overlords,



remained passive or even hostile to the Greek military action. Even Tu­ dor Vladimirescu betrayed the rising and engaged in negotiations with the Porte until the Hetairia kidnapped and executed him in M ay (Car&bis 1996). Ypsilantis’s “ sacred Battalion” suffered a devastating defeat at the Battle o f Dragasani. Ypsilantis fled to Austria, and the revolt collapsed within a few weeks. Although the grand plan for an organized Balkan revolution failed in the Principalities, a spontaneous Greek uprising followed in the Pelo­ ponnesus in the summer o f the same year. Massacres o f Turkish and Greek communities in bloody partisan warfare resulted. The impenetrable mountainous area proved to be ideal for the rebels, who gradually, by the summer o f 1822, gained control over the entire Peloponnesus, several is­ lands, and Athens. The “ Hellenic Republic,” with its own government and declared constitution, became undefeatable. Sultan Mahmud II, in a last bitter attempt, mobilized Mohammed Ali, pasha o f Egypt, to launch a naval attack against the Peloponnesus. Although the Egyptian troops landed successfully and the Ottoman army recaptured Athens, a combined British, French, and Russian armada destroyed the Ottoman-Egyptian fleet in Navarino Bay in August 1827. A Russian ground invasion crossed the Danube and reached the Balkan Mountains in 1828 as part o f the al­ lied design. The Ottoman defeat was accomplished. The signing o f the Convention ofAkkerman (1826), the Treaty o f London (1827), and, finally, the Treaty o f Edim e (Adrianople) in September 1829 guaranteed signifi­ cant Russian expansion around the Black Sea and gave autonomy to large areas o f the Balkans. The Sultan had to recognize the independent Greek kingdom in July 1832. M ilos Obrenovic did not risk participation in the planned Balkan up­ rising (unlike Karadjordje, who joined the Hetairia and was ready to par­ ticipate, which motivated his return to Serbia in 1817). H e nevertheless masterfully capitalized on the Ottoman defeat. In August 1830, the Sul­ tan granted full autonomy to Serbia and recognized Obrenovic as hered­ itary prince. Serbia had to pay an annual tribute in a lump sum, spahi landowners had to relinquish their estates, Serbian jurisdiction was rec­ ognized, and Ottoman garrisons disappeared from the country, except along the border. Serbia de facto became an independent state. Through tactical exploitation o f Balkan crises and repeated interna­ tional diplomatic and military interventions against the Ottoman empire, Serbia gradually achieved full independence over the next four decades. The milestones on the road to full independence were the late 1862 and the early 1867 agreements between Prince Michael Obrenovic, M ilos’s son and heir, and the Porte. In the summer o f 1862, an isolated confrontation be­



tween the Ottoman garrison and the Serb population in Belgrade pro­ vided an excellent opportunity to call for an international conference in Istanbul, The Porte had to agree to withdraw its troops from Serbia, aside from the Belgrade citadel and three other fortresses. In 1866, during the uprising against Ottoman rule on the island o f Crete, Prince Michael was again able to mobilize the great powers and forced the Sultan to evacuate Serbia. The last Ottoman troops left the country in early 1867. Yet Belgrade’s annual tribute to the Sultan, and the Ottoman flag over the Belgrade citadel, signaled the lack o f fall Serb independence. Inspired by the Italian unification, Prince Michael developed the am­ bitious “ Yugoslav” idea, with a central role for Serbia as the Piedmont o f the Balkans. Through a series o f agreements—with Romania in 1865 and 1868, with Montenegro in 1867, and with Bulgaria and Greece in 1867— Michael organized a Balkan League and prepared a coordinated revolt against the Ottoman empire. The plan failed, and Michael was assassi­ nated in the summer o f 1868. Like the Serbs, the Bulgarians also continually rebelled in self-defense against the intolerable Ottoman kleptocracy, joining invading Russian armies as volunteers in 1806,1811, and 1829. In 1834 and 1835, uprisings occurred in Tim ovo and along the Serbian border. In 1841, revolts spread across the country from Nis to Kirk-Kilissa and Shimla. In 1849-50, Vidin became the center o f warfare, with ,000 rebels. Bulgarian revolution­ aries also attempted to establish alliances with neighboring nations. In 1866, a joint Bulgarian and Romanian uprising and union was planned, followed by an agreement with Prince Michael o f Serbia in 1867 to or­ ganize a common Bulgarian and Serbian uprising and establish a “ Yugo­ slav kingdom.” All these plans, however, failed, as did a proposal—inspired by the Austro-Hungarian Compromise o f 1867—to form an OttomanBulgarian state with the Sultan as tsar. Romantic Bulgarian writers and freedom fighters such as Georgi Rakovski, Lyuben Karavelov, Vasil Levski, Hristo Botev, Stephan Stambulov, and George Benkovski praised self-sacrificing struggle and glorified the mystique o f dying for the fatherland. Botev wrote: t o

H e who falls in freedom’s fight Dies n o t—he’s mourned By earth and sky, nature and beast, And singers remember him in songs. {Monumenta Bulgaria* 1996, 463) A spontaneous anti-Ottoman uprising in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the summer o f 1875 resulted in renewed hostility to Ottoman rule through­



out the Balkans. “ [C]orpses were seen floating down the Save . . . hor­ rors took place a day or two after we reached Sarajevo,” a pair o f English woman travelers reported. “ M ore than one-third o f the whole Christi^i population fled over the frontier out o f Bosnia into the neighboring lands. . . . The number o f those who have perished . . . is unreck^ned” (Mackenzie and Irby 1877, 30, 35). In June 1876, bowing to strong popu­ lar sentiment, Serbia declared war on Turkey, followed a few weeks later by Montenegro. Although Serbia mobilized one-sixth o f its population, it suffered a devastating defeat. A major uprising that began in central Bulgaria in M ay 1876 was met with unimaginable reprisals by the Turks. The “ Bulgarian Horror,” as British journals and politicians called the massacre o f several thousand Bulgarians—-a British consular report spoke o f the murder o f 12,000 people—outraged the Western public and offered an excellent opportu­ nity for the great powers to intervene again in pursuit o f their centuryold goal o f pushing the Ottoman empire out o f Europe. After the failure o f diplomatic solutions, the Austrian-Russian agreements o f Reichstadt (1876) and Budapest (1877) cleared the road for Russian military inter­ vention. A Russian army crossed the Danube, reached Shipka Pass in June 1877, invaded Bulgaria, and liberated Sofia in January 1878, realizing the dream o f the Bulgarian romantics. Petko Slavejkov, one o f the leading na­ tional poets, welcomed the Russian troops with a poem: Kin defends kin Brother perishes for brother Hurrah! Let’s shout aloud “Welcome to our land!” Hurrah! Good luck Tsar, our savior. (Monumenta Bulgarica 19 9 6 , 4 19 ) Bulgaria de facto (but not yet de jure) became independent. The Treaty o f San Stefano between Russia and Turkey in March 1878 created an au­ tonomous Bulgarian principality under an independent prince, which in­ cluded most o f Macedonia and the lands between the Danube, the Black Sea, and the Aegean. Both the neighboring Balkan countries and the West­ ern great powers opposed this territorial arrangement, however, and in Ju ly 1878, the Treaty o f Berlin revised it. The autonomous Bulgarian prin­ cipality was pruned to one-third o f the territory it had been given at San Stefano, keeping only the area north o f the Balkan Mountains. South o f the mountains, Macedonia and the newly created autonomous Ottoman



province o f East Rumelia were returned to the Ottoman empire, albeit with different statuses. Bulgaria adopted a liberal constitution and invited a German prince, Alexander o f Battenberg, a nephew o f the Russian tsar who by marriage was also related to the British royal family, to be its king. Alexander, af­ ter the popular uprising in East Rumelia in 1885, peacefully united the two parts o f Bulgaria, and won a war against Serbia, which wanted to halt the enlargement o f Bulgaria. H e was forced to abdicate in 1886, however, and was replaced by another German prince, Ferdinand o f Saxe-CoburgGotha in 1887. Bulgaria’s borders and the unresolved Macedonian question gave rise in the years that followed to a series o f further confrontations with its neighbors, and the country achieved full independence in the midst o f this turmoil only in 1912. Ever since San Stefano, the dream o f a Greater Bulgaria had remained a burning issue on the nationalist agenda. As another consequence o f the Treaty o f San Stefano, Serbia regained full independence. Numerous Serbs nevertheless remained outside newly independent Serbia, mosdy in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in the so-called m il­ itary borderland and Voivodina, and in Austro-Hungarian Croatia. The creation o f a Greater Serbia and the unification o f all Serbs in a South Slav, or Yugoslav, nation remained to be accomplished. In 1878, Romania also gained full independence. This was the work o f the European great powers. Local rebellions in 1821 and 1848 had been easily suppressed by the Porte. The former, connected with Alexander Ypsilantis’s failed revolution, and led by Tudor Vladimirescu, did not even briefly challenge Ottoman rule in the Principalities, and the Ia§i uprising in early 1848 was also immediately crushed. Another revolt that June in Wallachia led to the formation o f a revolutionary government, which de­ clared: “All lands inhabited by Romanians should be called Rom ania and form one state.” With M oscow ’s consent, however, the Turks easily suppressed the revolt, which had, L. S. Stavrianos says, “ an opéra bouffe quality” ; all it did was demonstrate the existence o f an “ embryonic na­ tionalist spirit” (Stavrianos [1958] 1963, 348-49)* Although the great powers could not agree on how to resolve the R o ­ manian question, at the Paris Congress in 1857, they called for elections to be held in the Principalities to test the desire for union. These had to be nullified, because the results were falsified, but new elections that fall finally expressed the strong commitment o f the population to create a united Romanian state, albeit under Ottoman suzerainty. Between M ay and August 1858, the congress met again in Paris, with Napoleon III act­



ing as the chief advocate for Romanian national interests (Iordache 1987). In spite o f the opposition o f Istanbul and Vienna, the congress abrogated the Russian-imposed Règlement Organique and proclaimed the Lfcdted Principalities o f Wallachia and Moldavia, each under its hospodar, with separate but equal national assemblies, a supreme central commission, and a joint court o f appeal. The Sultan retained suzerainty, but the great pow ­ ers guaranteed the autonomy o f the Principalities. The Paris Congress also recommended land and social reforms along Western lines. Was Napoleon III trying to play a Napoleonic role by defeating rival great powers at the diplomatic table and redrawing the map o f the Balkans approved by the Vienna Congress in 1815? Or was he seeking to create a buffer state allied with France between the Russian and Ottoman empires? Probably both. His actions, in any case, sewed Romanian national in­ terests. Without making any significant internal revolutionary-military contribution themselves, the Romanians thus became independent. In January and February 1859, the Moldavian and Wallachian assem­ blies elected Colonel Alexander Cuza as hospodar, creating a union at least in the person o f the ruling prince. Austria, which was at war with France at the time, was not in a position to oppose the choice (Cojocariu 1995). Although no charismatic national leader, Cuza tactfully persuaded the Sul­ tan to combine the two parliaments and cabinets, thus uniting the two Principalities de facto in the spring o f 1861. In December o f the same year, the union was officially declared. Romania was inching toward full independence in a peaceful way. In February 1866, a coup removed Cuza and the Romanian political elite in­ vited Prince Karl o f Hohenzollern to the Romanian throne. The kingselect, a twenty-seven-year-old Prussian officer, was a cousin o f the king o f Prussia (on his father’s side) and a relative (on his mother’s side) o f Napoleon III. H e arrived in Bucharest in M ay 1866 and was soon recog­ nized by the great powers. Romania accepted a new constitution based on the democratic Belgian model. The Sultan’s suzerainty, however, was presewed for more than a decade longer (lacob and Iacob 1995)* In 1878, as a result o f the Treaty o f San Stefano, Romania became fully independent, but Romanian nationalists considered this success to be only partial. The dream o f unifying all the territories with Romanian popula­ tions into a single Greater Romania, according to the Daco-Roman con­ cept, remained unfulfilled. Transylvania, the cradle o f Romanian national consciousness, Bukovina, and Bessarabia, all o f them with mixed popu­ lations, and in some cases with a Romanian majority, remained parts o f neighboring empires. To incorporate these areas into the Romanian nation-state continued to be a demand on the national agenda.



Paradoxically enough, Bosnia-Herzegovina, which prom pted the liberation o f Romania and other Balkan nations, did not gain its inde­ pendence, but was instead annexed by Austria-Hungary and remained a part o f it until the end o f World War I. U nder H absburg rule, BosniaHerzegovina achieved the greatest m odernization and economic grow th it had ever known, but nationalists were n o t satisfied. Albania, the last among the Balkan countries to achieve independent statehood, did so in 1878. Albanians, m ost o f them Muslim, belonged to the m ilitary elite o f the O ttom an empire and did not revolt against it until the uprisings in other Balkan countries, the Russian-Ottom an war, and the Treaty o f San Stefano threatened their existence. Since territories inhabited by Albanians, but considered to be O ttom an, were given to neighboring Serbia, M ontenegro, and Bulgaria, a few Albanian intellec­ tuals, am ong them the Frasheri brothers, founded the League for the De­ fense o f the Rights o f the Albanian Nation. In June 1878, delegates from various parts o f the country gathered together in Prizren, formed the Lidhja e Prizrenit (League o f Prizren), worked out the Kararname, a resolu­ tion that refused to give up territories to Serbia, M ontenegro, and Greece, and called for autonom ous status for Albania w ithin the O ttom an em­ pire. In 1880, a provisional governm ent was set up and extended its au­ thority to include Kosovo. In 1899, one o f the Frasheri brothers, Sami, published his vision in a book cntitlcdAlbania—What Was It, What Is It and What Will Become of It? “As long as Turkey in Europe survives, we wish to remain under its sovereignty and we will never wish to be sepa­ rated from it,” he wrote. But he also recognized that the empire was in ruins: “It is a dead man and, however much we may love the deceased, we m ust pu t him under the earth” (quoted in Elsie 1995,247). A series o f nation-building steps followed, including language reform and estab­ lishment o f an alphabet, as recommended by the Bashkimi (U nity) liter­ ary society at the M onastir Congress in 1908. The Balkan war against the O ttom an empire in 1912 made it clear that, together w ith the Turks, the Albanians m ight be the absolute losers. The political elite therefore de­ cided to leave the sinking Ottom an ship and demanded full independence. The Congress o f Valona in Novem ber 1912 declared Albanian indepen­ dence and, according to the Balkan pattern, Prince William o f Wied, a German captain, was invited to rule the country. The borders were still unclear, since a great proportion o f the Albanians lived in Serbia and Mace­ donia. W hether to establish Greater Albania with all the Albanians, or a smaller independent state w ith a part o f the Albanian nation, remained undecided. An internationally accepted independent status for Albania was granted only after World War I.

UPRISINGS AND REFORMS Although all the Balkan nations gained independence during the last third o f the long nineteenth century, none o f them was able to unify the entire nation. The Greater Romanian, Greater Bulgarian, Greater Serbi«6i, and Greater Albanian dreams required major border corrections arjd led to immediate confrontation among the Balkan nations, with plans for new wars both against the failing Ottoman empire and against each other. The Serbian-Bulgarian war o f 1885, the new Bosnian crisis in 1908, and the two major Balkan wars o f 1912-13 were all part o f this struggle to re­ alize unfulfilled nationalist agendas, which even more fatefully guided the Balkan nations when they joined either the Entente or the Central Pow­ ers in 1914.

Between 1794 and 1914, triggered by romantic nationalism and the idea o f freedom, a series o f uprisings, revolutions, wars, and reforms signaled national awakening and the long task o f nation-building in Central and Eastern Europe. They went hand in hand with attempts to overturn the establishment and adopt m odern Western ideas and institutions—in short, to join Europe. A lthough m ost o f the revolts and revolutions were defeated, compromises granted im portant elements o f autonom y or at least introduced Western-style legal and institutional systems and op­ portunities for modernization. Several peoples were able to establish in­ dependent nation-states and introduce m odem , Western constitutions and political structures. Although the struggle for an independent m odern state often failed, there were significant partial successes. Some o f the m ost im portant prerequisites o f nineteenth-century modernization were be­ latedly created. Serfdom and noble privileges were abolished, and free ac­ cess to land, m odem property rights, m odern legal systems based on the Code Napoleon, parliamentary institutions, elections, m odem courts with equality before the law, and other basic elements of Western parliamen­ tary and market systems were introduced. These were major steps toward the ¿tat de droit that, as Rousseau phrased it, “places the law above m en” and embodied a movement “from status to contract.” In Central and Eastern Europe, however, all o f the newly created laws and institutions were controversial, often formally granted but essentially strongly limited. As Friedrich Hayek warns: “[T ]he possession o f even the m ost perfectly drawn-up legal code does not, o f course, insure . . . [what] the rule o f law demands; and it therefore provides no substitute for deeply rooted tradition.” Friedrich IBs Civil Code in Prussia in 1751 and the Napoleonic codes o f 1800-1810 established the rule o f law but



did not automatically guarantee the reign o f law. In Germany, “ the con­ stitution had been given, the Rechtsstaat proclaimed, in fact the police state continued” (Hayek 1976,195,199)Western institutions were introduced in Central and Eastern Europe only partially and after at least a century-long delay. The “ deeply rooted traditions” o f a democratic society were totally lacking, and the power o f the authorities remained intact. Leges (laws) could not replace privi-leges (Hayek 19 7 6 ,19 4 -9 5 )j> and the regime remained basically uncontrolled. Several major elements o f the Western system, such as the existence o f a strong nation-state with a modern bourgeois society and a real repre­ sentative parliamentary democracy, were entirely lacking. However, even partial realization o f the requirements o f the dual eco­ nomic and political revolution o f modernity had tremendous historical importance. The peoples o f Central and Eastern Europe, w ho were shifted to the periphery o f the emerging modem world system between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, had begun their journey on the Western road to modernization.



THE IMPACT OF WESTERN INDUSTRIALIZATION THE INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION affected all o f Europe. The crucial con­ cepts o f m odernity and progress were closely linked with railroads and industrial construction, which generated passionate patriotic feelings. M odernity became a central goal and a national program , and the eco­ nomic m odernization that resulted from failed revolutions and success­ ful reforms from above in the second half o f the nineteenth century, par­ tial and circumscribed though it was, created a footing—reasonably firm in some countries, but unstable in others—for the nations o f Eastern and Central Europe to join the economic rise o f the West. Meanwhile, an unlimited Western market for food and raw materials provided a major incentive to modernize old export sectors and create new ones, increasing their o utput in the region. The industrializing West grew from 45.1 million to 162.4 million people (i.e., by 360 percent) be­ tween 1800 and 1913 and multiplied its imports by leaps and bounds. U n ­ til the 1770s, British imports increased by 1 percent annually. Between 1800 and the 1860s, the annual grow th rate o f imports reached 5 percent. The value o f British imports jum ped from $118 million to $3.8 billion (U.S.$ 1913) between 1800 and 1913. M ore than one-quarter o f these imports con­ sisted o f agricultural products (Deane and Cole 1967). French imports in­ creased sevenfold between 1830 and 1913, and 7 percent o f these imports were o f grain and flour. Roughly 17 percent o f H olland’s and 12 percent



o f Switzerland’s imports were grain and flour in 1913 (Kindleberger 1962). Food and raw materials remained dominant in world trade through­ out the nineteenth century. Between the 1870s and 1913, according to Si­ mon Kuznets’s calculations, these items accounted for roughly 63 percent o f international trade. Meantime, world food and raw materials trade re­ mained largely an intra-European business. The handful o f Western E u ­ ropean industrialized countries imported roughly two-thirds o f the world’s food exports during the half century before the war (Kuznets 1967). Even though the percentage share o f world trade generated out­ side Europe climbed from 33 percent to 38 percent over the period, world trade in general remained mostly a European issue. In other words, a dra­ matically increased Western market opened tremendous export possi­ bilities for the agricultural countries on the periphery o f Europe. The greatest potential for expanding world trade was thus the trade between industrialized Western Europe and the agricultural and raw materialsproducing Mediterranean, Scandinavian, and Central and Eastern Euro­ pean countries. European exports between the 1860s and 1913 reached an annual average increase o f 2.8 percent, while some o f Europe’s agricul­ tural exporters had a 4 to 5 percent annual increase. The value o f exports, according to Paul Bairoch, reached 4 percent o f the aggregate European G N P in 1830. This share increased to 14 percent by 1913 (Bairoch 1973).

THE IMMIGRATION OF WESTERN ENTREPRENEURS AND SKILLED WORKERS The railroads and mechanized plants financed by agricultural exports were often directly serviced by Western managers and artisans, who played an important role in peasant countries with limited entrepreneurial and tech­ nological experience, notwithstanding that their numbers never exceeded a few thousand. Even in Bohemia, the most advanced area o f Central and Eastern Europe, the first industrialists and engineers moved in from the West. The first major industrial firm in Bohemia, a mechanized textile fac­ tory in Pottendorf, was founded by an Englishman, John Thornton, in i 8ot, and the first modern sugar factory in Zidlochovice was established by a French entrepreneur, Florentin Robert, in 1837. Edward and James Thomas, two brothers from Britain, and their partner Thomas Bracegir­ dle, who was from Leeds, founded machine-building plants at Liberec, Prague, and Jablonec. In 1830, three British engineers, David Evans, David Thomas, and William Jones, introduced modem puddling techniques at



the Vitkovice ironworks. George Woodward, an English mechanic, built a flax-spinning mill in Velké Losiny, and John Stapleton and Samuel Dicky introduced wool-spinning machines in Moravia in 1802. Two Württerfiburgers, Jan ReifF and H . A. Luz, established the machine-building in­ dustry o f Brno at the beginning o f the nineteenth century. “ By far the greater proportion o f the entrepreneurs in the machine-building indus­ try in Bohemia and Moravia in the early XIXth century were foreigners, especially Germans and Englishmen,” Am ost Klima observes. “Amongst the great entrepreneurs o f the first half o f the XIXth century there were no Czech names” (Klima 1991,156-57). It is small wonder that a great many pioneering industrialists, tech­ nicians, foremen, and skilled workers in the industrializing countries o f the region originated abroad. A Swiss, Abram Ganz, founded the first ma­ jor Hungarian iron and engineering company in 1844, and the company reached new heights under the leadership o f the Bavarian Andrew Mechwart after 1867. The Swiss Haggenmacher and Austrian Dreher families established the Hungarian beer industry. A Bavarian, Otto Steinbeis, founded the first Bosnian sawmill and pulp factory (with 10,000 work­ ers) in 1893, and the Moravian entrepreneurs Munch and Schumpeter es­ tablished Serbia's first modern woolen factory in Paracin in 1882. Thousands o f Western foremen and skilled workers were employed in Central and Eastern Europe during the first stage o f industrial develop­ ment. M ore than one-quarter o f the skilled labor force o f the Budapest engineering industry consisted o f German-speaking workers from G er­ many, Austria, and Bohemia in 1880. The first workers' weekly in H un­ gary, Arbeiter Wocbm Chronik, was published in German. German and Czech foremen trained and directed the local workforce in the Paracin mill in Serbia, where even around the turn o f the century, one-quarter o f the employees were foreigners. In Serbia's textile industry, even at the begin­ ning o f the twentieth century, nearly 20 percent o f the skilled labor force was foreign (Palairet 19 9 7 , 294-95).

THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMY Transportation o f goods and the movement o f people became much eas­ ier: the leading countries o f the continent, interested in the markets and raw materials resources o f the unindustrialized areas, began building an unbroken European transportation network. Railroads soon connected the most remote areas o f the continent to the core, and rural areas to lo­



cal industrial centers. After the first railroad line in the world was built in Britain in 1825, construction gained m om entum all over the continent. By 1850,23,500 kilometers o f track had been laid; by 1870, nearly 105,000 kilometers; and by 1910, m ore than 362,000 kilometers (Woytinsky 1925-28,2: 34-35)- D uring the first two-thirds o f the century, the Euro­ pean peripheral areas had only very short lines and hardly any network. In 1870, only 31,000 kilometers o f rail lines existed in the European pe­ ripheral areas, less than half o f the length o f those at the core. From the 1870s on, however, the peripheral areas’ rail netw ork grew more than five­ fold. Before World War I, the peripheries’ network was as long as the core’s (Berend and Ranki 1982, 98). The poor countries o f Central and Eastern Europe were unable to cover the vast expenses o f railroad and industrial construction, and Western banks and investors mostly financed it. The inflow o f foreign capital, partly direct foreign investments, for building railroads, opening mines and banks, and founding industrial firms, became the prime mover o f eco­ nomic modernization in the area. The volume o f exported capital from the core countries increased from $2 billion in 1850 to $46 billion by 1913 (Kuznets 1966, 324). During that period, until 1913, 26 percent o f this amount was invested within Europe. Britain lost interest in European invest­ ment in midcentury, with the result that only 5 percent o f British invest­ ment in 1914 was in Europe (Jenks 1927), but French and German investors preferred the European continent, and 28 percent o f French and 52 per­ cent o f German capital exports were channeled to Central and Eastern Europe (Cameron 1961; Hartner 1980). The fringe o f an unprecedented European prosperity carried the sleepy, stagnant, unindustrializedcountries along. In this respect, Europe was, indeed, “ one technological community. . . . Despite internal differ­ ences in the timing o f change . . . shared the fact o f change and must be treated as an interconnected whole” (Jones 1981,46).

Central and Eastern Europe thus became a part o f a “globalized” E u­ ropean economic system. Especially after John Stuart Mill’s Principles of Political Economy was published in 1848, free trade became an inseparable part o f the Zeitgeist. International organizations were established and in­ stitutionalized free trade. Britain became the main champion and framer o f a new European world system: during the 1840s, the British parlia­ m ent repealed the export duties on industrial goods and raw materials, then eliminated the C orn Law and the Navigation Act. Im ports became duty-free, and foreign ships were allowed to enter British ports. Tariff rev­ enues were replaced by other sources o f income in Gladstone’s budget in



i860. Britain became a free-trade country and soon made laissez-faire an international system. The breakthrough occurred in i860, when Britain and France signed the Cobden-Chevalier Treaty, which introduced rife “m ost favored nation clause.” Commercial concessions secured by one country were automatically extended to other trade partners. Conse­ quently, a multilateral free-trade system emerged. All the multinational empires introduced free trade and practically forced their oppressed na­ tionalities to join in. Newly independent Balkan countries were also forced to join: under international agreements, Serbia remained bound by the provisions o f the Habsburg-Ottom an Treaty o f 1718, which imposed a 3 percent tariff on im­ ports from the Habsburg empire. The Berlin Treaty o f 1878 expanded Bul­ garia’s 1860-62 treaty with the Porte, retaining an 8 percent duty on all Bulgarian imports. The country could not introduce an independent trade policy until the mid 1890s. Romania was bound by its treaty with AustriaH ungary until the mid 1880s and could not introduce protective tariffs. Trade relations were further internationalized by various “global” in­ stitutions and a unified m onetary system made possible by the adoption o f the gold standard. Britain, again, was the pioneer in introducing the gold standard as early as between the 1770s and 1810s. The International M onetary Congress in Paris in 1867 generated a strong m ovement to join: m ost o f the Western European countries introduced the system in the 1870s, and Austria-Hungary and Russia joined in the 1890s. Currencies became convertible and exchange rates remained stable during the entire period (Kenwood and Lougheed 1971)- International economic connec­ tions were strengthened by global European institutions such as the In ­ ternational Telegraph U nion o f 1865, internationalization o f the Rhine, Po, Danube, and Elbe during the 1860s, the M etric Standard International System and International Postal Association in 1875, international copy­ right and patent laws, adopted by m ost o f the European countries throughout the 1880s, and other measures (Pollard 1974). Free trade, an internationalized m onetary system, and international­ ized economic connections thus became dom inant in the period when modernization o f Central and Eastern Europe actually began in the 1860s. The countries o f the region, mosdy parts o f huge empires, evidently adopted the concept o f export-led industrialization as their moderniza­ tion strategy. They sought to export as many traditional agricultural items and raw materials as possible to their industrialized neighbors and the West to increase their incomes and develop the m odern industrial and service sectors o f their economies.



CORE-PERIPHERY RELATIONS AND ECONOMIC NATIONALISM IN THE MAKING The rising interconnection between Central and Eastern Europe and the West, however, can be interpreted as a core-periphery interrelation (Wallerstein 1974), and not merely as an integrated system “ where change in one ceil tended to communicate to the remainder,” as E . L. Jones puts it. The Central and Eastern European periphery, in this relationship, was dependent on the core: “ [I]ts foreign trade, balance o f payments, and pro­ duction development [were] tied to, influenced by and subordinated to the core countries. The relationship is fundamentally an unequal one and benefits the core. It is often destructive o f the periphery; but it can also be an inducement to development, serving—under appropriate conditions— to lift the area from its peripheral position” (Berend and Ranki 1982,9). The core-periphery relation was partly, but not exclusively, interpreted as an east-west (and north-south) link within Europe. The division o f la­ bor between highly industrialized and agricultural regions was not solely a world phenomenon or even a macro-European one. This relation was endlessly reproduced on the regional level. The core-periphery pattern was replicated between rising industrial metropolises and the unindus­ trialized agrarian regions within each country. Budapest and Bucharest versus the backward Hungarian and Romanian countrysides, respectively, epitomize this pattern. In several cases, advanced and backward regions coexisted and cooperated in the very same countries. The Italian north and south and the German east and west illustrate this configuration. In many respects, a core-periphery type o f division o f labor emerged in the framework o f the common market o f multinational empires. In the Russian empire, paradoxically, the occupied and politically subordinated Polish, Finnish, and Baltic provinces on the western rim became indus­ trial suppliers o f the more backward agricultural, but extremely large, Russian imperial market. St. Petersburg and M oscow, huge urban cen­ ters on a European scale, formed the core o f a backward empire. The huge nearby market o f Istanbul played an important role in the development o f the infant Bulgarian handicraft: industry. The imperial division o f la­ bor thus played a determinant role in the economic development o f the interrelated regions o f the empires. The Habsburg empire reproduced the classic East-West economic re­ lationship between the industrialized western and agricultural eastern provinces o f the same empire. An Austn an-Bohem i an core and the H un­ garian, Galician, Bukovinian, and Bosnian-Herzegovinian peripheries de­



veloped the well-known core-periphery type o f division o f labor. M ore­ over, as one o f the European great powers, the Habsburg empire, with its vast and relatively developed market, also became a quasi-core ffor neighboring peripheral Balkan countries such as Serbia and Romania. The complex core-periphery relations generated an early appearance o f—using a twentieth-century term—economic nationalism, or, regard­ ing the pre-World War I decades, as Thomas David and Elizabeth Spilman term it, “ proto-economic-nationalism” in Central and Eastern E u ­ rope (David and Spilman 1999). Quite a few influential politicians in the region advocated protectionism and state interventionism rather than a laissez-faire, noninterventionist free-trade policy. The Hungarian radical reformer Lajos Kossuth, who, until early 1841, had attacked both the Aus­ trian tariff policy and the customs border between Austria and Hungary and urged the introduction o f free trade, later that year changed his mind and became an advocate o f Hungarian protectionism. H e was strongly influenced by the German economist Friedrich List, who published his Das nationale System derpolitischen Ökonomie (The N ational Sys tern o f Po­ litical Economy) in 1841. List maintained that whereas free trade was ad­ vantageous for Britain (and for advanced core countries), latecomers to industrialization (peripheral countries) had to p ro tea their fragile in­ dustries and economies with protective tariffs until they caught up. List’s theory became extremely popular in Central Europe: Richard Cobden, the British signatory o f the Cobden-Chevalier free-trade treaty, noted in his diary during his trip to Vienna in the mid 1840s: “ Dr. L is t . . . the champion o f the protective system and ‘nationality’ . . . had obtained such influence in the public mind that professors o f political economy could not advocate free-trade in their lectures to the youth” (Cobden 1994,153). Kossuth argued for industrialization and protectionism from late 1841

on. Using List’s metaphor, he declared: “W ithout industry, a nation is a one-armed giant.” H e compared the economic relations between Austria and H ungary to the relationship o f the innkeeper and the barrel: the for­ m er could tap the latter freely. After a royal veto thwarted an initiative in the 1843-44 session o f the H ungarian parliament to introduce protective tariffs “to defend the development o f industry” (Merei 1983, 907), Kos­ suth initiated a social m ovem ent to introduce the tariffs “at everybody’s doorstep.” In O a o b e r 1944, the Orszägos Vedegylet (National Protec­ tive Association) was established. Those who joined committed themselves to buy only Hungarian and to boycott foreign industrial products (Kosäry 1942). The Hungarian nationalist elite thus turned to import substitution and protectionism instead o f an export-led industrialization policy. The emerging Central and Eastern European nations often turned to



state interventionism and self-help movements, characteristic elements o f economic nationalism, to counterbalance the lack o f independent eco­ nomic and tariff policy. Prince Drucki-Lubecki, minister o f finance in C on­ gress Poland during the 1820s, was one o f the initiators o f economic m od­ ernization through state intervention: the foundation of theTowarzystwo Kreditowe Ziemskie (Land Credit Society) and Bank Polski (Polish Bank) was followed by the creation o f state-owned industry. Bank Polski established and ow ned industrial enterprises on behalf o f the Polish gov­ ernment: state ironworks were established, for example, in the Kielce re­ gion, along the rivers Bobrza and Kamienna (Jedlicki 1964). Taking ad­ vantage o f limited autonomy, the Polish kingdom also imposed high protective tariffs in 1823, which remained in force until the end o f the 1840s (Szlajfer 1991,124-25). In later decades, when autonom y was withdrawn by Russia, a Polish movement analogous to the Hungarian Orszagos Vedegylet sprang up to boycott foreign products and buy Polish industrial goods as a substitute for protective tariffs, with the slogan “Swoj d o swego po swoje” (Everyone should get [buy] things only from their ow n [people]) (David and Spilman 1999,20). D uring the severe agricultural crisis in the closing decades o f the nine­ teenth century, “proto-economic-nationalism” with protective tariffs and state intervention for industrialization became widespread in the region. M ost o f the countries defected from the free-trade camp and introduced protective tariffs. Austria-Hungary was among the first in 1874 and did so again, m ore effectively, in 1887 and 1906. The 1887 tariff provided for an average o f 15 to 30 percent ad valorem duty on im ported goods. The 1906 duties ranged between 10 and 40 percent and were even higher for 260 specific items. Russia introduced its first protective tariffs as early as 1868 and increased them in 1891,1893, and 1900. Bulgarian tariffs in 1894 increased protection m ore than threefold. Romania, after its treaty with Austria expired, introduced protective duties, which averaged 10-15 per­ cent, in 1886. These were raised in 1904 and again in 1906, up to 25 per­ cent o f the value o f im ported goods. Serbia introduced protective tariffs in 1906. The Central and Eastern European countries were not alone: Ger­ many (1879 and 1902), the U nited States (1890 and 1897), and Spain, Italy, and France followed the same trend. By World War I, only Britain, H o l­ land, and Denmark remained comm itted to free trade. M ore effective state intervention for prom oting industrialization was carried ou t by a series o f “industry prom oting laws” in H un g ary While the tariff system of Austria-Hungary forcefully protected the empire’s market for Hungarian agriculture, the H ungarian elite sought substitutes for tariff protection against Austrian-Bohemian industrial competition in

14 2


the H ungarian market. The solution was found in the 18 81,1890,1899 , and 1907 laws on industrial prom otion, which provided tax exemptions, preferential railroad rates, and direct subsidies for establishing new fac­ tories o r enlarging old ones in Hungary. D uring the 1880s, the state paid annual subsidies totaling 126,000 crowns overall. This am ount increased to nearly 500,000 during the 1890s and to more than 1 million in the early twentieth century. Altogether nearly a thousand new factories were es­ tablished with state assistance between 1882 and 1913, and the M inistry o f Commerce was authorized to buy shares o f state-supported factories (Berend and Ranki 1955,48-52). “The law on industrial prom otion at least partially substitutes for the means that an independent tariff policy would otherwise provide,55a contem porary analyst observed (Krajcsi 1907,1). At the peak o f state support between 1900 and 1913, state subsidies alone rep­ resented nearly 6 percent o f industrial investments in joint-stock compa­ nies in the country. Similar legislation assisted industrialization in the Balkan countries. The Rom anian parliament in 1887 enacted a law authorizing direct govern­ m ent assistance to promote industry, providing exemption from taxes and tariff duties for fifteen years, subsidizing transport costs, and offering free building sites for industrial companies. M ore than 830 firms o f the exist­ ing 1,150 enjoyed state subsides before the war (Hitchins 1994,191). In Ser­ bia, the 1893 and 1898 laws granted duty-free im ports o f machinery, raw materials, and semifinished products, and also tax exemptions o r reduc­ tions for firms employing m ore than 50 workers. In 1910, nearly a quarter o f the firms in operation took advantage o f state assistance. In Bulgaria, a series oflaws—in 1894,1897,1905, and 1909—provided similar state assis­ tance for industrial firms, surpassing 4 percent o f total industrial invest­ ments (Gerschenkron 1962). By adjusting to the free-trade system and either following export-led industrialization policy or gradually using “proto-economic-nationalist” measures o f protective tariffs and state intervention for prom oting in­ dustrial development, Central and Eastern Europe emerged on the road o f economic modernization.

THE EARLY INDUSTRIALIZATION OF AUSTRIA AND THE CZECH LANDS The development o f the countries o f Austria-Hungary was determined m ost o f all by the interrelationship am ong the various regions and



provinces o f the Habsburg empire, the fifth greatest power in Europe, which functioned as a core region. These characteristics were mostly ow ­ ing to the impressive industrialization o f the western, Austrian-Bohemian provinces, which closely followed Western Europe after a delay o f a few decades. A modernizing Habsburg empire, in pitched competition with Prus­ sia, turned toward important internal reforms. During the second half of the eighteenth century, the enlightened absolutist rale o f Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II laid the groundwork for capitalist transformation along Western lines. The imperial edict o f 1728 significantly increased im­ port duties. The tariff on coarse woolen cloth, for example, was 100 per­ cent ad valorem. The loss o f Silesia to Prussia in 1742 provided an even stronger incentive to introduce mercantilist policies, and, at the same time, to promote Bohemian industry. Ageneral patent had already restricted the guilds in 1731, and these feudal institutions were significantly weakened and later abolished by Maria Theresa and Joseph II. In 1775, the queen elimi­ nated all internal tariffs and introduced a united national market through­ out the empire, except for Hungary. Internal tariffs were also abolished in Hungary in 1784, although because the noble tax exemption was preserved, Hungary remained outside the imperial common market. Between 1783 and 1796, Bukovina and Galicia also became part o f the integrated impe­ rial market. Some parts o f the empire joined during the nineteenth cen­ tury: Tirol and \brarlberg in 1875 and Istria and Dalmatia in 1880. Maria Theresa followed the French mercantilist policy and defended the imperial market through high tariffs, in general, one-third o f the value o f imported goods, and import quotas to encourage infant domestic in­ dustries. The traditional French mercantilist idea o f achieving a high for­ eign trade surplus by curbing imports o f “nonessentials” and increasing domestic output and exports as much as possible was combined with the special Central European concept o f Kamemlismus, which focused on the rise o f consumatio interna, domestic consumption (Bauer and Maris 1988, 268). Accordingly, the Habsburg policy o f self-sufficiency protected the Hungarian market for Austrian-Bohemian industry through a 30 percent tariff on foreign products as opposed to a 3 percent tariff on AustrianBohemian ones. Inasmuch as Hungary was not a part o f the imperial com ­ mon market until the mid nineteenth century, tariffs were assessed on its agricultural exports to Austria. In the interests o f imperial self-sufficiency, however, Hungarian exports were granted tariff exemptions from time to time (Pribram 1907; Eckhart 1922). From the 1770s on, free industrial enterprise was authorized. In 1773,



for example, cotton printing became a free industry and the paralyzing shackles o f the medieval guilds were loosened. According to mercantilist practice, Maria Theresa attracted Western industrialists with tax exemp­ tions and state loans for newly established industrial firms. After 1754/the state itself also founded industrial enterprises—including the erfipire’s largest textile factory in L in z—in imitation o f the classic Colbertian man­ ufactures royales. Maria Theresa undermined serfdom through her regu­ lations on the legal status o f peasants and their obligations. On crown es­ tates, the so-called Raab system introduced annual cash rental payments instead o f traditional dues and labor service. In 1781, Joseph II abolished serfdom, which granted freedom o f mobility and employment, at least in Austria and the Czech lands. Peasants were allowed to marry, leave the estate, and learn a skill. Peasant dues were transformed into rents o f 17 percent o f annual income. In addition, all land was taxed at the level o f 12 percent o f gross income. “As a result o f reform legislation in 1785 and 1789,” David G ood observes, “ the capitalist bases o f Habsburg agricul­ ture were laid” (Good 1984, 34).

In the early nineteenth century, m odern technological education was also established. The Prague Technical Institute, established in 1807, and the similar Vienna Institute o f 1815 were modeled on the French École Polytechnique. Various state interventions and legislation, including the introduction o f m odern patent law in 1810, modified in 1820 and 1832, gradually created a business-friendly environment. Exploiting state assistance, landowning aristocrats often became the first industrialists, among them Maria Theresa’s husband, Franz von Lotharingen. The early textile manufacturers in the empire, Count Bolza in Kosmonosy-Josefiiv Dul, Count Haugwitz in Namesti, Count Wallen­ stein in Horni Litvinov, and Count Kinsky at Sloup, well illustrate this widespread phenomenon. Count Bouquoy’s glass manufacture at Graz, Count Saim’s and Count Thurn und Taxis’s sugar factories on their B o ­ hemian estates, the Vitkovice ironworks belonging to the archbishopric o f Olomouc, and the Ostrava coal mines o f Count Larisch and Baron Wilczek are also good examples. Large-estate industry founded by aris­ tocratic entrepreneurs mostly processed the raw materials resources o f the estates, such as minerals, wool, wood, and agricultural products. “ Only in those cases,” concludes A m ost Klima, “ where production remained closely linked with landed property, as in the case o f coal or iron-ore min­ ing, did the nobility maintain an entrepreneurial function in the 19th cen­ tury” (Klima 1991,157).

The role o f the landed aristocracy in proto-industrial activity was not



only a Bohemian phenomenon but also a peculiarly Central and Eastern European form o f early manufacturing. These aristocratic “ industrial­ ists” were secure and well protected from the urban guilds. Moreover, they did not have to pay taxes and produced a variety o f raw materials themselves—mostly agricultural products for processing, but also min­ erals, wood, leather, and wool. They also had a great number o f serfs, who constituted a free workforce for performing unskilled labor such as pro­ ducing charcoal for ironworks, transporting raw materials and products, and working in flour mills and breweries. In Peter Zrinsky’s ironworks in Croatia in the mid seventeenth century, for example, some two hun­ dred serfs performed unskilled jobs. During the eighteenth century, sev­ eral Hungarian, Croat, and Polish landowners established industrial firms, exploiting the raw materials o f the land they owned. Mines, iron­ works, food-processing plants, and woolen mills were established. Count Sandor Karolyi established one o f the first noble manufactures, a woolen cloth factory in Hungary, in 1722. The Esterhazys and Palffys followed. Even Maria Theresa’s consort established textile (1743) and ce­ ramics (1749) factories in Hungary. All o f these, however, failed and were closed later in the century. This situation hardly improved until the mid nineteenth century A similar phenomenon characterized eighteenthcentury Poland: a great part o f the 338 factories were established by landed aristocrats in Urzecze, Nalibok, and Korzec. Around the royal estates in Grodno, Antoni Tyzenhaus, the top manager o f the estates, established industrial firms based on serf labor. “ [Industrial plants on the manorial estates, based on serf robot, were short-lived in Poland,” Jerzy Topolski notes (Topolski 1982,192). Bohemian-Moravian “ feudal” industrialization during the second half o f the eighteenth century, however, differed from that in Hungary and Poland in one major respect: the putting-out system enabled landed aris­ tocrats to base their enterprises on traditional peasant cottage industry Landless peasants and smallholders—that is between one-quarter and onehalf o f all villagers—made their livings by wage work. Population growth was certainly a factor in industrial development: by 1789, the number o f inhabitants per square kilometer in Bohemia-Moravia had increased to 55. People living on mostly unfertile land had to turn to piecework done at home to earn a living. Besides population pressure stimulating indus­ trialization, Bohemia gradually began to profit from its political hardships: being an integrated province o f the Habsburg empire, the Czech lands enjoyed the advantages o f the industrialization promoted by the H abs­ burg court. Moreover, Austrian, Silesian, and German merchants played



an important role in introducing the Verfag system, which integrated the rural population, working in their ow n homes, into organized capitalist industry J/ Arnost KJima lists a series o f examples. One obvious one is the textile factory at Linz, in Upper Austria, which depended in part on Bohemian domestic industry, employing nearly 12,000 spinners working at home in 1773, which had increased to 16,000 by 1790. A network o f agents sup­ plied the spinners with flax and transported the yarn to the central plant. Austrian merchant capital played a comparable role in the case o f the Viennese merchant J. M . Schmidt, who established a woolen-goods man­ ufacturing center in southern Bohemia in 1769. Within six years, 1,400 spinners were working for Schmidt’s factory at home, and only 300 were actually employed at the mill. An official who traveled through north­ eastern Bohemia in 1756 reported that yarn collectors and linen merchants were buying up the yarn and linen from the whole area to send to Sile­ sia, most o f all to Greifenberg (Klima 1991). According to Klima’s figures, in eighteenth-century Bohemia, a great number o f peasants, especially the landless ones—the so-called cottage owners—whose sons could not in­ herit their land, became wage employees working at home. Approximately one-quarter to one-half o f the villagers worked in the Verlag system, and as many as 80 percent in the mountainous areas o f northern Bohemia. Between 1780 and 1798, the number o f employees in the Czech textile industry doubled to nearly 700,000 people in Bohemia, Moravia, and Czech Silesia, out o f 4 million inhabitants. Textiles employed more than 80 percent o f workers; iron, glass, and other industries were less impor­ tant (Purs i960). In contrast to the entirely agricultural eastern provinces o f the monarchy, with a 90 percent agrarian population, Austria and B o ­ hemia had only a 75 percent agricultural population in 1790. The early decades o f the nineteenth century, especially the 1820s and 1830s, were a period o f accelerating textile boom. According to John Komlos’s calculations, the leading cotton industry grew 3.7 percent annually between 1784 and 1803, but by more than 11 percent annually between 1826 and 1835, and by 8.5 percent a year between 1835 and 1847 (Komlos 1983,99)- In the main textile centers o f the empire, 435,000 spindles were in operation in 1828. This number had more than doubled by 1841. In the Bohemian heartland, notably in Liberec, 355,000 spindles were in oper­ ation. In Low er Austria, the number o f spindles surpassed 388,000. D u r­ ing these decades, a third textile center emerged in Vorarlberg, which produced 14, 6, and 4 percent o f the output o f the Austrian spinning, weaving, and printing industries, respectively (Good 1984,51).



The first m odern machines were introduced as early as 1797 by the Leitenberger Company; and in 1801, the Pottendorf works emerged as the first mechanized factory in the country, but mechanization remained sporadic. Austria and Bohemia's combined capacity o f 20,000 horsepower in 1840 am ounted to only half that o f Germany and Belgium, less than a quarter o f France's, and hardly more than 3 percent o f Britain's. Although more than half o f the steam engine capacity was used in the textile industry, hand spinning remained dom inant until 1840, and two-thirds o f the pro­ duction was done in traditional small-scale units. Although it employed hundreds and even thousands o f workers, the new large “m anufactory" o f this period was a transitory, pre-industrial Revolution “proto-factory," to use H erm an Freudenberger's term (Freudenberger 1977)* Weaving— with the exception o f the m ost m odern, Swiss-established Vorarlberg center—was done by hand in cottages. The woolen industry was even less modernized. In the Liberec textile center, o f the 3,000 looms in opera­ tion, only 40 were mechanized in 1841. In the Brno center, five-sixths of the woolen production was delivered by guilds in 1850. Spinning remained mostly done by hand in the woolen industry until the 1880s. Textiles represented 41 percent o f industrial output in 1841, and food processing another 21 percent. Coal mining began to rise after 1830, when output reached 180,000 tons. That increased to 880,000 tons by 1850. Coal consumption, however, did not surpass 43 kg per capita in that year, a fraction o f the 800 kg and 170 kg per capita coal consumption o f Belgium and Germany, respectively. With its 8.8 kg per capita output, the iron in­ dustry was stronger than its German counterpart (7.3 kg) in 1850, but dur­ ing the first half o f the century, it grew far more slowly than textiles: at one-third the rate between 1826 and 1835, and one-half between 1835 and 1847 (Brusatti 1973; N .T. Gross 1971; Komlos 1983). Based on contemporary statistics, factories produced two-thirds o f the Habsburg empire's industrial output in 1841, nearly seven-eighths o f it in the western provinces—that is, Austria and the Czech lands. The eastern provinces, including Hungary, remained far behind and produced only one-eighth o f the empire's industrial output. This has sometimes led to an oversimplified equation o f the Austro-Bohemian industrial advance with British progress during the Industrial Revolution (Purs 1960), which is clearly refuted by the low degree o f mechanization and the still dominant putting-out and “ proto-factory" systems in the Habsburg em­ pire. From around the turn o f the century through the 1830s, instead, a belated “ first or preparatory phase” o f industrialization took place in Aus­ tria and the Czech lands, which might be termed “ a successful proto-in­



dustrialization” or “industrialization before the industrial revolution” (Mendels 1972; 1982, 74). Proto-industrialization in the western provinces o f the H absburg en£ pire, led by the monarchy’s consistent mercantilist-kamamlist state pol­ icy, generated agricultural prosperity in the eastern provinces, m ost o f all in Hungary. While grain consum ption stagnated at around 175-77 kg pet year, grain production, inspired by export potential, increased from 28 to 67 million hectoliters, or by 139 percent, in H ungary and Croatia between 1789 and 1841 (Komlos 1983,55, 61). The rising industry in the western provinces and the agricultural prosperity in the eastern parts o f the monarchy were closely interrelated. The division o f labor in the empire had a mostly positive effect on both parts o f the monarchy, but mutual stimuli could not eliminate the separation and disparity o f the various ethnic-national regions (Berend and Ranki 1987, 399-40). Economic development was helped by a continuous reform process, especially after 1848. The liberation o f serfs and abolition o f noble privi­ leges, free access to land, introduction o f modern property rights, the es­ tablishment o f the com m on market o f the monarchy, extensive railroad construction, and the foundation o f a modern banking system facilitated the m odernization o f the entire empire from the m id nineteenth century onward. O n that very basis, prepared by the proto-industrialization o f the previous decades, true industrial takeoff began to accelerate in Aus­ tria and the Czech lands between i860 and 1880. During this second phase o f industrialization, food processing emerged as the new leading industrial and export sector. Textiles, formerly the lead­ ing sector in Austrian-Czcch early industrialization, could not cope with strong Western competition, but food processing could. Sugar-beet refining boomed in Europe during the Napoleonic wars, but temporar­ ily collapsed again when the continental blockade was lifted and cane-sugar imports resumed. From the 1830s and 1840s on, however, French and Ger­ man technology spread and the first sugar-beet refineries were established in Moravia. In 1837, the Belgian Florentin Robert moved to Moravia and established the first modern sugar-beet refinery in Zidlochovice. By 18 6 1-6 2,130 sugar refineries were in operation and produced more than 80,000 tons o f raw sugar in Austria and the Czech lands. Moreover, Aus­ trian entrepreneurs founded about a dozen sugar refineries in H ungary from the early 1850s onward. The dramatic increase in sugar-beet pro­ duction provided the raw materials for a rapidly growing number o f fac­ tories. M ost important, a revolutionary innovation boosted the AustrianCzech sugar industry: Julius Robert, the son o f the pioneering founder



o f die Zidlochovice factory, invented a new diffusion technolog)' that im­ mediately transformed the industry and inspired the rise o f a new branch o f engineering as well. Within a decade, over a hundred sugar refineries had introduced this new, much more efficient technolog)'. Large modern factories appeared. The average output per factory rose from 1,000 tons in 1871 to 6,500 tons in 1913. The sugar industry became the most m od­ ern and strongest branch o f Austrian-Czech industry More than 82 per­ cent o f the huge production capacity o f the empire was located in BohemiaMoravia. Output multiplied from 80,000 tons in 1848 to 1,783,000 tons by 1913. After Germany and Russia, Austria-Hungary became the thirdlargest producer in the world. In i860, the monarchy became selfsufficient in sugar, and by 1913, 60 percent o f the output was exported. The sugar industry, delivering nearly 10 percent o f total exports in the 19 ios, remained the leading industrial export sector o f the monarchy until World War I. Low er Austria and Bohemia were at the center o f a strong, modern, export-oriented brewing industry that developed in these decades. In 1851, nearly three thousand traditional small breweries produced 5.6 million hec­ toliters o f beer. In 1913, roughly one diousand large factories with m od­ em English technology produced more than 20 million hectoliters o f beer. Plzen, Budweis, and Schwechat emerged as legendary centers and inter­ national brands. Aside from domestic consumption, the brewing indus­ try also became an export sector, although the value o f its exports reached only one-tenth that o f the sugar industry Food processing’s percentage share o f Austrian-Czech industry in­ creased from it to 35 percent between 1865 and 1880, while during the same period, the role o f textiles decreased from 4 1 percent to 33 percent (N. T. Gross 1 9 7 3 ,2 7 4 ) .

The great spur o f the Grunderzeity o r era o f prom oterism , around 1870 was interrupted by the great depression o f the decade that followed. Af­ ter 1880, however, a Rostowian takeoff followed (R ostow 1963). The In­ dustrial Revolution arrived in Austria and the Czech lands. Coal, iron, and steel production illustrate the breakthrough o f industrialization. The foundation o f the Osterreichische-Alpine Montangesellschaft in 1881 con­ stituted a symbolic milestone. Anthracite production jum ped from 4.8 million tons to 27.4 million tons, and iron and steel output soared from 0.3 to 1.7 million tons, a nearly sixfold increase, between the mid 1870s and the early 1910s. The centers o f coal mining were located in Doubrava, Silesia (46 percent), Kladno, Plzen, and Ostrava in the Czech lands (41 percent), while the increasing output o f lignite was extracted mostly in



Bohemia (83 percent). The Skoda works employed six thousand work­ ers, and the Maschinen- und Waggonbau-Fabrik employed nearly four thousand before the war. The field o f engineering grew by 9 percent an­ nually during the twenty-five years before World War I. ^

Once again, the leading sector o f successful Austrian industrialization, the m odern mechanized textile industry, expanded rapidly. Between 1880 and 1913, the num ber o f cotton spindles—60 percent o f them in the Czech lands—increased from 1.6 million to 4.9 million. Cotton consumption per capita (6.2 kg) surpassed the French (3.4 kg), and approached the levels o f Belgium (6 .6 kg) and Germany (6.8 kg). The paper industry quadru­ pled production during these decades. The special boom in the consumer goods industries was based on the enormous market o f the agricultural eastern part o f the empire: m ore than 78 percent o f the cotton goods and nearly half the woolen production o f Austrian-Czech industry was sold in Hungary. As a consequence, the net industrial production o f AustriaBohemia increased by four times from 1.0 to 4.2 billion crowns (in con­ stant prices) between 1880 and 1911. Per capita output trebled. O ne quar­ ter o f industrial output was produced by the textile industry, another quarter by food processing, and one-fifth by the iron and steel and engi­ neering industries (Fellner 1916). The western provinces o f Austria-Hungary became industrialized. As in Western European countries, the workforce shifted from agriculture to industry: 60 percent o f the population in Low er Austria, 52 percent in the Czech lands, and 46 percent in Low er and Upper Austria combined worked in industry, while the agricultural population declined to roughly 35 percent o f the workforce (Milward and Soul 1977). GDP in the Aus­ trian and Czech territories was 80 and 4 4 percent higher, respectively, than the monarchy’s average. Bohemia-Moravia produced 56 percent o f the in­ dustrial output o f the hereditary provinces o f the empire. Its industrial­ ized western half made Austria-Hungary Europe’s fifth industrial power, with 6.3 percent o f the continent’s industrial output. The empire was also fifth in coal, iron, and steel production, and sixth in textile manufacture.

The Austrian and the Czech lands emerged as an industrialized regional core with agricultural peripheries within the monarchy and in the neigh­ boring Balkan countries. N o other country or area o f the region could repeat that example. The core-periphery interrelationship, however, initi­ ated the modernization o f the backward agricultural provinces o f AustriaH ungary and also, at least in part, o f the neighboring areas o f Central and Eastern Europe. The European regional and local cores exhibited a pull effect because o f their markets, investments, and other stimulating in­



puts. The long nineteenth century was a period o f building m odern infra­ structure, banking, education, the realization of a belated agricultural revo­ lution, and—in the relatively more advanced Central European countries— also the beginning o f industrial development.

RAILROADS AND BANKS: MODERNIZATION WITH FOREIGN INVESTMENTS The advanced areas required mass transportation to gain easy access, n o t only to markets, but also to the food and raw materials o f the unindus­ trialized areas. M odern transportation, first o f all railroads, arrived in Cen­ tral and Eastern Europe rather early. The H absburg empire’s first, 53kilometer-long railroad, on which horse-drawn trams plied between Linz and Budweis, was opened in 1832, and the first company to use steam en­ gines, the Kaiser Ferdinand Nordbahn, linked Vienna with Bochnia, Gali­ cia, in 1836, financed by the Vienna Rothschilds. The first part o f the line between Vienna and Brno was opened in 1839. The state bureaucracy pre­ pared a central long-term plan for railroad construction in 1841, focusing on the extension o f the N ordbahn and the building o f the Siidbahn. In the mid 1840s, the Vienna-Prague track was laid and the first part o f the Vienna-(B uda) Pest line was opened. The appearance o f the railroad received an enthusiastic reception. In the romantic age, it was not simply a means o f transportation, but the symbol o f speed, modern technology, progress, and culture. Poets, painters, and musicians celebrated railroads all over Europe. After the first, 40-kilometer-long railroads were opened in Hungary, the national poet, Sandor Petofi declaimed: Railroads by the hundreds, by the score! Keep building more and more! Cover the world with railways As the earth is covered with veins. They are the veins of the earth, Civilization pulsing through their girth. They carry far and wide The very juices o f life. (Petofi 1 9 8 5 ,7 0 1 )

By 1854,2,617 kilometers o f railroad had been laid in the Habsburg em­ pire. In that year, a new law guaranteed 5 percent interest on the fixed



capital o f railroad companies who received concessions to build. A huge railroad boom followed. By 1867, 6,430 kilometers, by 1873,15,597 kilo­ meters, and by 191З) 4 4 ,7 4 S kilometers o f rail lines were in operation in the monarchy. Their length increased by more than seven times between 1867 and 1913, creating a railroad density similar to that o f die West. In the six most advanced European countries, the ratio o f rail lines to land area was 1 kilometer to тол square kilometers, while in the Habsburg em­ pire, it was 1 to 13.5. The ratio o f rail lines to population was 9 kilometers per 10,000 inhabitants in both cases. This extensive railroad construction led to an unexpected railway boom in the agrarian part o f the empire as well. Nearly half o f the empire’s lines were built in Hungary, so that railroad density there became some­ what more developed than in Austria. Agrarian Hungary had a railroad network density ranked sixth in Europe, ahead o f Germany, Holland, and France. However, while the ratio between length o f lines and land area was 1:10 in Bohemia and H ungary and 1:8 in Austria, it was only 1:28 in Galicia, and r; 100 in Dalmatia. Nevertheless, backward though they were, the railroads o f the easternmost provinces o f Austria-Hungary were still at a higher level than those in various neighboring countries. Bosnian railways—calculated by kilometers o f passenger travel per head—were, for example, twice as developed as Serbia’s (Palairet 1997, 233). The Russian empire, having learned the lesson o f the Crimean War, initiated a considerable railroad construction program. “ Without railroads and mechanized industry, Russia cannot be secure within its boundaries,” Russia’s minister o f finance said. “ Its influence will decline in Europe to a degree irreconcilable with its international prestige and historical im­ portance” (Laue 1969, 7), Between i860 and 1913, nearly 70,000 kilome­ ters were built, the second-largest network in the world, which also con­ nected occupied Poland and the Baltic region to the empire and to the world. The first line in Polish territory was built between Wroclaw and Myslowice in 1847. The Warsaw-Vienna line was opened in 1848. In the Polish kingdom, however, railroad construction lagged behind. In 1862, only 635 kilometers o f track existed, but by 1887, more than 2,000 kilo­ meters had been laid, connecting Warsaw with Kiev, Moscow, and St. Pe­ tersburg. The industrial centers o f Lodz and die Dabravva Basin were linked by rail, and four lines connected the kingdom with Prussia and Aus­ tria. All in all, Poland had a sparse network o f railroads, although sur­ passing the railroad density o f Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. The Baltic area was first linked with the empire by a line to Riga. In the Balkans, railroad construction was meager. The poor, newly in-



dependent Balkan countries had had little money available and to some extent no real economic need to build railroads. Their traditional econo­ mies, mostly subsistence farming, did not spur the introduction o f m od­ ern transportation. Great power interests, needless to say, did. With the Vienna Conference o f 1883 and the Berlin Agreement, united Germany, anxious to enlarge its sphere o f interest in the Balkans, and nurturing colo­ nial aspirations, initiated the building o f the Orientalische Eisenbahnen, or Berlin-Baghdad line. All the Balkan countries committed themselves to completing their own section o f the line by 1886: the line between Bel­ grade and N is; from Nis to Pirot and Zaribrod to the Bulgarian border; from Vranje to the Turkish border; from Zaribrod through Sofia to the Turkish border; from Belovo to the Bulgarian border; and from Salonika through Mitrovica to the Serbian border. Between i860 and 1880, alto­ gether about 2,000 kilometers o f railroad were built in the Balkans, and 1,300 kilometers in Romania. Between 1880 and 1914, however, a further 6,000 kilometers were completed. Greece had 1,600; Romania 3,500; Ser­ bia 1,0 0 0 ; and Bulgaria 2,100 thousand kilometers before World War I. The 4 6 0 -kilometer-long Serbian and 697-kilometer-long Bulgarian sec­ tions o f the international Orientalische Eisenbahn’s Berlin-Istanbul line were those countries5 main railroads; in Serbia, only another 4 00 kilo­ meters o f branch lines were built before World War I (Berend and Ranki 1982, 96-97). F o r the rest, one can hardly speak o f rail networks in the prew ar Balkans. A c c o rd in g to M ich ael Palaireris calculations, rail transportation p ro du ced 8 .9 m illio n dinars o f valu e-add ed national in co m e in Serb ia, and


m illion in B ulgaria, w hereas cart and packhorse transportation p ro d u ced

34 and 77 m illion dinars, respectively (i.e., four to five tim es m ore). “A fte r the m ain lines had been com pleted (1888) it w as expected that the Balkan states w o u ld build branch netw orks. T h e y d id little o f the k in d . . . Balkan go vern m ents regarded the railw ay as a facility o f the adm inistration rather than as a p ro vider o f econ om ic services. . . . T h e im pact o f these railways w as barely felt before W o rld W a r I” (Palairet 1 9 9 7 ,3 2 8 - 3 0 ) .

In the mid 1870s, two Englishwomen in O ttom an Bosnia traveled by horse-drawn coach, there being only a “fragment o f m odern railway, ly­ ing detached and unconnected on the Bosnian plains. Along this railway, w ithout beginning and w ithout end, a train used to run once a day each way, conveying a ludicrously small average o f goods and passengers.” Be­ tween Salonika and Monastir, they also noted “trains o f patient horses car­ rying iron from Cardiff and cotton from Manchester to the markets o f inland towns55 (Mackenzie and Irby [1867] 1877,3, 91).



Romania, however, was an exception. The first, 70-kilometer-long line, financed by British investors, connected Bucharest to Giurgiu in 1869. The agricultural products o f the central plain could thus be transported^» the Danube ports and hence to the Black Sea. By the early 1870s, a, BritishAustrian consortium completed the Lem berg-Cernauti-Suceava line. In 1872, the German Bleichroder group opened the Rom an-GalaçiBucharest-Pitesti line, and by 1880, the Ploiesti-Predeal line was added, providing connections to the Hungarian railway system. In 1874, con­ nections to the Russian system were also established. By 1880,1,300 kilo­ meters were in operation. By 1914,2,250 kilometers were in place (Hitchins 1994,199). Prewar Romania had the largest railroad system in the Balkans. Railroad density in the Balkans reached only one-fifth to one-quarter o f that in Western Europe. The backward Balkan railroads, however, trans­ ported only one-sixteenth to one-thirty-second o f the goods carried in the West. Romania’s more advanced network transported one-sixth o f the volume o f goods relative to track o f Western Europe. Railroads in the area mostly served great power interests but undoubtedly contributed to do­ mestic economic development. Capital-intensive railroad construction was financed mostly by West­ ern investors, not only because o f poor domestic capital accumulation and insufficient internal sources, but also because Western interests initiated the work. In the Habsburg empire, foreign investments played an im­ portant role at the early stage o f modern economic transformation, es­ pecially in building a modern infrastructure. U p to 1900, 6.9 billion crowns in foreign investments were channeled into the monarchy’s econ­ omy. Roughly 6.4 billion crowns, 93 percent o f the total, were concen­ trated in two areas: state loans and railroad investments. Railroad shares were mostly sold abroad (72 percent). The western, advanced provinces, however, soon became capital “ exporters” to the less developed eastern provinces. Some 4.7 billion Austrian crowns were invested in Hungary, for example, and nearly 1 billion in the Balkans. M ore than two-thirds o f Austrian investments in Hungary (which were partly German in origin) between 1867 and 1913 supported railroad con­ struction. Russian railroad construction was almost entirely (94 percent) a foreign business until 1880. Foreign participation decreased to less than half after the turn o f the century. Nevertheless, in the prewar period, for­ eign money financed three-quarters o f Russian railroad investments. The Deutsche Bank financed the Orientalische Eisenbahnen in the Balkans, although the French Banque Impériale Ottomane also contributed to the construction o f the 66o-kilometer-long line east from Salonika.



In m ost cases, newly founded local banks also contributed to railroad investments. The m odem banking system in Central and Eastern Europe, however, was created mostly by foreign investments. In advanced AustriaBohemia, a genuine early banking system emerged during the first half' o f the nineteenth century. Aside from the Austrian National Bank (1816), private banks were founded, such as the Arnstein und Eskeles bank, and others by Salomon Rothschild, Georg Sina, and Samuel Wodianer. The first real m odem banks o f the Credit Mobilier type in the H absburg em ­ pire, the Niederösterreichische Escompte-Gesellschaft and the Österre­ ichische Creditanstalt, appeared in Vienna in the 1850s. Between the 1860s and 1880s, the Boden-Creditanstalt, the W iener Bankverein, and the Län­ derbank followed. The m ost im portant Bohemian credit institution, the Zivnostenska Banka pro Cechy a M oravu, was established in 1868. Only one-fifth o f the shares o f these big banks were in foreign hands, mosdy German, in 1900 {Tabellen zur Währungsstatistik 1902). The situation was entirely different in the agrarian areas and countries. In Hungary, m odern credit institutions hardly existed in the Vormärz period. Traditional private credit and, from the 1830s on, small local sav­ ings institutions chiefly served the economy. The very first banks—the Pesti Hazai Elsö Takarekpenztar and the Pesti M agyar Kereskedclmi Bank—appeared in the early 1840s. The Austrian N ational Bank opened a branch in (Buda)Pest in 1851. M odern banking, however, was insti­ tuted only after the A ustro-Hungarian Agreement o f 1867: the Vienna Rothschilds established the Magyar Altalanos Hitelbank (1867), and the Anglo -Österreichische Bank and the Franco-Österreichische Bank founded the Anglo-M agyar and Franco-Magyar Bank in 1868 and 1869, respec­ tively. Austrian financiers established the M agyar Altalanos Földhitel RT

(1871). From 1880 on, a reorganized banking system played an im portant role in financing the economic modernization o f Hungary. At that tim e, the leading role was played by the Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank, a part­ ner o f the Viennese Wiener Bankverein, which had a 40 percent share in die bank’s H ungarian businesses. In 1867, the H ungarian banks3total cap­ ital was 29 million crowns, and in 1913,2.6 billion, b ut they controlled up to 6.7 billion. Altogether, 55-56 percent o f the shares o f the leading H u n ­ garian banks were in foreign hands, including the 45-46 percent in Aus­ tria, around the turn o f the century. Similarly, 60 percent o f the capital o f the four biggest Russian banks and 45 percent o f the capital o f Russia’s ten largest banks were in foreign hands, mosdy French, but pardy German (Crisp 1967,227). The same was



true in Russian Poland. The leading financial institutions, such as the Bank Handlowy (1870) and the Bank Dyskontowy (1871), were established by the big financiers o f the country, Kronenberg and Epstein, but were closely connected with the French Crédit Lyonnais and the German Deutsche Bank, respectively. The origins o f Romanian banking go back to the late 1860s, when, af­

ter the unification o f the two Romanian Principalities, a new national m on­ etary system and a new currency, the leu, were introduced. The first pri­ vate banks, notably the M arm orosch Bank, the Creditul Funciar Rural (1864), and the Creditul U rban Bucuresti (1874), were founded. Prince Cuza also granted concessions to foreign—British, French, and A u stria n financial groups, w ho founded the Banca Romaniei (1865) (Pintea and Ruscanu 1995). The m ost im portant step in creating a modern banking system, however, was taken with the foundation o f the Banca Nationala a Romaniei by private Romanian financiers and the state (with a one-third share) in 1880. The am ount o f its loans increased from 66 million to 1,073 million lei between 1891 and 1914 (Axenciuc 1995). By 1914,215 banks were in operation in Romania, but nine o f th em —four o f which were in for­ eign hands—controlled 70 percent o f total resources (Hitchins 1994, 197-98). The German Discon to Gesellschaft, Lander Bank, and Deutsche Bank and the French Credit M obilier provided more than 60 percent of the capital o f these leading Romanian banks. French banks also introduced m odern Bulgarian banking; the Banque Générale de Bulgarie, the Crédit Foncier Franco-Bulgar, and the Banque des Balkans were founded by lead­ ing Paris banks (Berend and Ranki 1987,604,607). In Central and Eastern Europe, foreign capital thus played a decisive role in building a m odern infrastructure and banking system, major ele­ ments o f economic modernization. Capital from the more advanced West served the creation o f an economic sphere o f interest by opening up cheap food and raw materials resources and paving the road for a developed mar­ ket. In certain circumstances, in an appropriate domestic economic en­ vironm ent, the process also helped the m odern transformation o f the im ­ porter countries on the periphery The volume o f exported capital began to soar during the last third o f the nineteenth century, exactly the period o f major modernization efforts in Central and Eastern Europe. Between 1850 and 1870, exported capital increased from $2 billion to $6 billion, while between 1870 and 1913, it jum ped to $46 billion (U.S.S 1913). Britain, France, and Germany pro­ vided more than three-quarters o f the total. However, unlike Britain, France and Germany preferred European investments and channeled more than half o f their capital exports to Europe, including Central and East­



ern Europe: 28 percent o f French and 52 percent o f German capital ex­ ports went to this region. Roughly half o f the French capital consisted o f state, municipal, and public loans, partly for railroad construction, while another 15 percent went directly to railroad building, and 10 percent for the extracting and processing industries.

In the case o f Hungary, domestic capital accumulation reached roughly 22 billion crowns. Investments totaled approximately 17 billion crowns,

o f which 6.8 billion came from foreign (including Austrian) sources. Roughly 40 percent o f all investments in H ungary thus came either from the western provinces o f the monarchy or abroad during the half century before World War I (Berend and Ranki 1979, 77). Capital exports to the Balkans before the war reached almost U.S.$i.3 billion, nearly 3 percent o f total foreign investment worldwide. However, only 3 to 5 percent o f this amount was in the form o f direct investments in the extracting and processing branches. A great portion o f the foreign cap­ ital was used for building up a new state apparatus. Roughly 20 percent o f Romanian loans went for military purposes, and 40 percent o f Bulgarian loans served deficit financing. By World War I, Serbia had received twentysix foreign loans. Ten were used for repaying loans, another eight went to military expenditures, and only eight loans, less than one-third o f the for­ eign credits, constituted economic investment. As a consequence, most o f the Balkan countries, where the payment o f interest swallowed up nearly one-third o f the public revenue, were unable to repay the huge amount o f the loans and became insolvent: Serbia in 1895 and Bulgaria in 1901. ccEvery independent state can buy enough rope to hang itself if it is willing to pay the price,” Herbert Feis comments sarcastically (Feis 1965, 263). Some investors favored raw materials, and o f the small Western in­ dustrial investment in Serbia, 40 percent went into their extraction. The largest amount, U .S.$5-6 million, was for copper and iron-ore extraction. The most sensational investments in raw material extraction, roughly S80 million, were channeled into the Romanian oil fields, among the richest in Europe at that time. After the 1895 mining law was enacted, foreign in­ vestors were allowed to develop the Romanian oil industry. Between 1903 and 1914, the German Steua Romana, Standard O ils Romano-Americana, and Royal Dutch-Shell’s Astra Romana controlled 94.5 percent o f the R o ­ manian oil industry. Other industries were also mostly foreign-owned: gas and electricity (95.9 percent), sugar (94 percent), metallurgy (74 per­ cent), and forestry products (69 percent) (Hitchins 1994,188,193). M ore than 80 percent o f Romanian industry before World War I was established by foreign investments. Direct fnreiem investments nlaved an imnorfanr role in modernization

i 58


in Russia and in the eastern parts o f Austria-Hungary. In 1913, 2.1 billion rubles out o f total foreign investments o f 7.6 billion rubles—roughly onequarter o f Russia's total capital—were channeled into industry. A£>a con­ sequence, half o f all industrial investments and more than 8o^>ercent o f mining and smelting investments came from abroad. U nfortunately, our country is poor,” the Russian finance minister, Count Sergei Witte, wrote in a memorandum to Tsar Nicholas II in 1900, “ [and] there is no other way to develop our extraordinarily backward industry except through the direct cooperation o f foreign capital” (Laue 1969). A quarter o f all the in­ dustrial firms in Poland were in foreign hands, but they employed 54 per­ cent o f the industrial labor force and produced 60 percent o f industrial output, Witold Kula notes (Rula 1947,33). Before the war, similarly, a quar­ ter o f all industrial investments in Hungary came from Austria and the West. In modern fields such as engineering and the iron, steel, and chem­ ical industries, foreign participation reached 30 to 4 4 percent (Magyar Statisztikai Evkonyv 1915,123-24)« One-third o f industrial investments in Bosnia were initiated by the Austro-Hungarian Landesregierutgyor provin­ cial government, which established the Gewerkschaft Bosnia to extract the country's rich mineral deposits and founded tobacco factories (Palairet 1997,218,220). Bosnian industrialization was thus initiated from abroad. Foreign capital inflow stimulated Central and Eastern European economic transformation by providing additional investments equivalent to onequarter to one-third o f domestic capital formation, by creating the basic network o f transportation and banking, and also by initiating mining and processing. Dependence on foreign sources varied from country to coun­ try, as did the role o f foreign ownership and its positive or negative con­ sequences. In some cases, such as the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the Russian empire, foreign investments played a stimulating role, giv­ ing an “ initial push” to the domestic economy, while in other cases, such as, for example, some o f the Balkan countries, it resulted in paralyzing dependence and the creation o f isolated “ foreign enclaves” within the pre­ served traditional economic environment. Nonetheless, various degrees o f modernization were all connected with foreign capital investments in Central and Eastern Europe.

THE BELATED AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION Building railroads and founding banks, when combined with the previ­ ously introduced domestic reforms—liberation o f the serfs, free access to

FIGURE39 . The organizing committee for the 1896 millennium celebration in Hungary. Courtesy Magyar Ncmzeti Muzeum Torteneti Fenykeptara, Budapest.


Nicolae Grigorcscu, Romanian Great Boyar. Oil on canvas. Courtesy Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei, Bucharest.


67 . Hungarian village, 1900s. Courtesy Museum o f H ungarian Architecture, Budapest.



land, and the creation o f modern state institutions—provided the mini­ mal requirements for capitalist transformation in the region. Virtually all o f the achievements o f the eighteenth-century agricultural revolution were belatedly introduced in most parts o f Central and Eastern Europe between 1850 and 1913* Modern transportation direcdy connected the traditional food-producing regions with Western and imperial local markets. The ex­ panding and virtually unlimited markets o f rapidly industrializing West­ ern Europe (including the western provinces o f Austria-Hungary) became accessible. Railroads provided the link to export markets, as well as facil­ itating the importation o f modern tools and machinery, while banks pro­ vided loans for investment and trade. In Austria-Hungary, agricultural modernization was preceded by the transformation o f the landed estates o f the nobility. After the liberation o f the serfs, roughly 30 percent o f the land remained in the hands o f for­ mer noble owners in Austria, one-third in Bohemia (owned by 151 fami­ lies) and one-quarter (owned by 73 families) in Moravia. In Hungary, this share surpassed half o f the land. The estates o f the Princes Schwarzenberg, Lichtenstein, and Esterhazy remained quasi-empires. After losing the free serf labor and tax exemptions, however, they emerged as mod­ em capitalist estates. Because the liberation o f the serfs with their fief land was compensated for, the big estates received huge financial resources for modernization. Prince Schwarzenberg received 3.7 million crowns, and two Lichtenstein princes 3.2 million crowns. Altogether, the former no­ ble owners o f the big estates in the hereditary provinces received 450 mil­ lion crowns in compensation. During the first decade after 18 4 8 ,17 mil­ lion forints were paid to Hungarian landowners. Financing became abundant, however, only as a result o f the emergence o f a modern credit system. Mortgage credits in Austria-Bohemia and Hun­ gary increased from 2.2 billion and 0.1 billion crowns in 1858 to 13.4 bil­ lion and 2.8 billion in 1907, respectively. M ortgage loans for landed es­ tates reached 40 to 50 percent o f land value in early twentieth-century H ungary and Austria-Bohemia. Capital was thus supplied. Labor reserves were virtually unlimited. M ore than half o f all H un­ garian peasants were liberated without land or with tiny parcels, in­ sufficient to support whole families. Austria-Bohemia was not much bet­ ter o ff in this respect. A large proportion o f the landless peasantry and the increasing peasant population—39 percent o f the agricultural popu­ lation o f Hungary, 36 percent in Bohemia and Moravia, and 30 percent in Austria—became wage laborers on big estates. M ore efficient wage labor and independent peasant farming, espe-



dally in Austria, Bohemia, and in the H ungarian Great Plain, were in­ troduced hand in hand with the basic accomplishments o f the Westernstyle eighteenth-century agricultural revolution. The m ost im portant in­ novation was the introduction o f a modern crop-rotation system in place o f the ancient two- and three-field rotation system, with spring and fall crops each on one one-diird o f the land, while the remaining one-third remained fallow, which dominated agriculture in the region until the 1850s and 1860s. Adopting modern crop rotation meant a four- to seventeenround (Norfolk) crop rotation. W heat, barky, and other traditional crops were rotated with legumes, turnips, clover, sainfoin, alfalfa, ryegrass, peas, beans, and so on. This scientific system not only preserved but also enriched the soil, thanks to the nitrogen-fixing mechanism o f the legumes. As a consequence, the am ount o f fallow land radically declined: in H u n ­ gary, from 22 percent in 1871-75 to only 10 percent in 1901-5; in BohemiaMoravia from 22 percent in 1848 to 1 percent in 1908; and in U pper Aus­ tria from 14 percent in 1867 to 9 percent at the end o f the century. O ne does not see a similar change in Galicia and Dalmatia, where the per­ centage share o f fallow land remained almost unchanged and the tradi­ tional three-field crop rotation was preserved. The modern rotation system was combined with innovations such as canalization, drainage, manuring, and new methods o f soil conservation and management. In 1896,18 kg o f manure was used per acre in H un­ gary, enough to manure every ninth year. In the early twentieth century, artificial fertilizers also came into use: 17 kg per acre in Austria versus 5 kg per acre in Hungary in 1907. This amount increased nearly five times be­ fore the war.

Selected improved seeds, new, m ore efficient crops, and the beginning o f mechanization all improved performance. The primary machine o f the age, the steam engine, did not lead to the mechanization o f agriculture, except for threshing, which became fully mechanized in the hereditary provinces and 90 percent mechanized in H ungary by the early tw enti­ eth century. The num ber o f steam threshers per hectare, however, was only about one-tenth that in Germany. Steam plows were much less suc­ cessful, although their num ber increased from seven to a hundred and fifty-nine on large Hungarian estates during the second half o f the century. Heavier, steel-tipped plows, horse-drawn carts in place o f ox-wagons, and sowing and harvesting machines increased productivity from tento fifteenfold. In 1902, only 233,000 estates out o f the existing 2.8 mil­ lion used animal-powered machines, while 38,000 used steam engines. Thus, altogether 9 percent o f the estates introduced m odern technolncrv in Austria-Hu nffarv.



Regional differences were tremendous: in Bohemia, 49 percent o f the estates used machinery, but this included all o f the estates larger than 5 hectares (Tremel 1969). On the other hand, only 511 steam engines were in operation in Galicia, so only one out o f every 1,973 estates used one (in contrast with the western provinces, where one in every 342 estates did). Dalmatian subsistence farmers did not use machinery at all; more­ over, five or six families together generally owned a single plow and a cou­ ple o f draft animals. The area under cultivation was enlarged and yields significantly in­ creased. The yield o f wheat, for example, in the hereditary provinces o f Austria-Hungary increased by one-third between the first half o f the 1870s and the first decade o f the twentieth century, from 9.7 quintals to 12.6 quintals. Within this average, the Bohemian-Moravian yield per hectare was as high as 16.8 quintals, and the Austrian yield was 13.3 quintals, while Galician and Bukovinian yields were 11.6 quintals. Hungarian yields in­ creased from 9.7 to 12.6 quintals during the same period. Grain produc­ tion in Austria-Hungary, as a consequence, increased from 100.4 million quintals in 1844 to 138.1 million quintals by 1875-84, and to 217.6 million quintals by the prewar decade. While the output o f the hereditary provinces increased by 74 percent, H ungary’s output increased by more than one and a half times. H ungary emerged as the grain supplier o f the empire: 60 percent o f the arable land was given over to grain, half o f this to wheat. Sugar-beet production, the empire’s leading export industry, increased nearly threefold, from 22 million to 64.3 million quintals, in Austria-Bohemia, and nearly four times, from 6.7 million to 31 million quintals, in H ungary between the early 1870s and 1910s. Replacing the traditional pasturing and grazing o f animal stock also revolutionarized animal husbandry. The eighteenth-century agricultural revolution saw the introduction o f stabling and stall-feeding, using a great variety o f fodders, such as turnips, clover, and alfalfa, produced by the modern crop-rotation system. Peasants were no longer forced to slaugh­ ter a large proportion o f their stock in late winter for lack o f grazing. Sci­ entific research also led to breed improvements: milk cows instead o f oxen, meat pigs instead o f fat pigs. In Hungarian animal husbandry, the tradi­ tional working oxen, the magyarsziirkeyconstituted 78 percent o f the stock in 1884. By 1911, however, the ratio o f that breed had declined to 30 per­ cent, behind imported, improved Swiss breeds. The cattle and pig stocks o f the monarchy increased by two-thirds, and their value doubled, be­ tween 1850 and 1910. In Austria-Bohemia and the other hereditary provinces, there were 387 cattle and 123 pigs per 1,000 inhabitants. In Hun­ gary, the figures were 335 cattle and 288 pigs.



Land tenure was similar in Poland and Rom ania to that o f AustriaHungary. The tsar’s radical land reform in the final stage o f the Polish u p ­ rising in M arch 1864 (altogether 4 .4 million hectares w entjto nearly 700,000 freed serfs) affected only 40 percent o f the land. However, be­ tween 1864 and 1890, peasant property increased by 8 percent to 43 percent o f the total available land, while the share o f noble estates dropped from 46 to 30 percent. All peasant obligations and landowners’ control o f villages were liquidated. Unlike those in H ungary, Polish big estates were not the prime movers o f agricultural m odernization. Although mechanization o f large estates had begun even before 1864, with the appearance o f threshing machines, reapers, and the steam plow, “up to the 1880s, landowners had little in­ centive to engage in costly m ethods o f intensive farming,” Piotr Wandycz notes (Wandycz 1 9 7 4 , 200). N or did they have the financial resources, since the tsarist regime punished the Polish nobility, especially the gentry, the pillar o f Polish resistance, by paying only 64 million rubles in com pen­ sation for the land given to the peasants, while collecting nearly twice that in land taxes from the landowners. M ost o f the peasant farmers continued traditional farming. One-third o f the peasant estates were m uch smaller than two hectares and unsuit­ able for market production. Moreover, land reform postponed the con­ solidation o f peasant estates, leaving them scattered in various small strips, n o t unlike the medieval village communes. The peasant economy pre­ served the three-field rotation system and continued subsistence farming. The only progressive sector was the m ore well-to-do peasants, w ho in­ creased their landholdings following bankruptcies am ong the gentry, which led to a large proportion o f newly created small farms. Landlessness, pardy caused by insolvency, but mostly by very rapid population grow th, actually quadrupled during the quarter o f a century after land reform. H ow ­ ever, only 30 percent o f the estates were larger than nine hectares. O n av­ erage, yields increased only by 10-25 percent, and agricultural output in­ creased between 50 to 100 percent in the case o f the main crops, before the war. Grain output more than doubled; potato output increased by four times between 1861-70 and 19 11-13 (Kochanowicz 1995,127). Unlike in H ungary and some o f the eastern provinces o f Austria-Hungary, agri­ culture did no t become an export sector in Poland, b ut served to supply the rapidly increasing domestic market: the population o f the country in­ creased fourfold during the nineteenth century, more than doubling just between 1850 and 1900. In the united Romanian Principalities, in terms o f the Paris Treaty



(paragraph 46), serfs were liberated and all feudal services were abolished in 1864. The landed estates o f the monasteries, one-fourth o f the landed area o f Wallachia and one-third o f that ofM oldavia, were secularized, and all the i.8 million hectares o f land, cultivated by peasants, was granted to 468,000 families. The former serfs, clacasi, and free peasants, razesi and mosneni, however, owned only 30 percent o f the agricultural land: 250,000 out o f the 650,000 former serfs received no land at all or got only very small parcels; 85 percent o f the peasants either had no land at all or had very small parcels, not enough to support a family. O n the other hand, estates larger than 100 hectares, only 0.6 percent o f the total number o f estates, num bering at m ost five thousand large estates, occupied 55 per­ cent o f the agricultural land in Romania. Boyar and state estates together contained roughly 70 percent. From the eighteenth century on, a pecu­ liar leasing system emerged. The peasants were obliged to lease from the big estates, and m ore than half o f the estate land was leased out by the mid nineteenth century. In 1866, the law on agricultural contracts made five-year contracts obligatory. The governm ent enforced it and violators were fined, imprisoned, or drafted into the arm y “The eventual result was the establishment of a system o f rural servitude that is often com­ pared unfavorably with the feudal era,” Paul Michelson writes (Michelson 1987,113). The big landowners, the boyars, collected their rent via armda$i> les­ see managers, nearly half of w hom were Jewish and some others o f w hom were Greek grain merchants. The arendaji subleased the land to peasants through an exploitative sharecropping system, often in exchange for half o f the crop. The land reform o f 1864 actually strengthened this system. A round the turn o f the century, the system included 2.3 million hectares o ut o f a total 3.8 million, including 60 percent o f the area o f the big es­ tates, but 73 percent o f estates larger than 3,000 hectares. The peasants, besides paying rent for the rented land (m oney and/or produce), were also obliged to work for the landlord o r arenda$i, and provide plocoane (“gifts”). In addition to boyar and arendaji exploitation, the central gov­ ernm ent and the county (judef) also robbed the peasants. The 1882 law on tax collection granted 3 to 9 percent o f collected revenues to the tax collector. Consequently, taxes “in some parts o f the country amounted to 80 percent o f the peasants5 total annual production” (Hitchins 1994, 176). The Land Law o f 1889 perm itted the sale o f 1.2 million hectares o f state land to decrease land hunger, b ut many o f the new owners soon be­ came insolvent. Peasants, however, could not leave the village. The Rural Law made their land inalienable. This kept the nearly landless peasants in



the villages and permitted the boyars to impose whatever conditions they wanted, creating a “ monstrous regime,” as Henri Stahl calls it, in the decades before the war (Stahl 1980, 89)- Robert Seton-Watsoji calls these years “ the Golden Age o f irresponsible landlordism” ; “ in some respects the peasant found himself as much exploited, as fatally ti£d to the soil, as in the vanished days o f serfdom” (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963,369). Nothing had changed in Romania for centuries: peasants in the mid nineteenth century still used wooden plows, often without moldboards, or even just wooden hoes; the ground was not cleared, merely plowed twice, lengthwise and crosswise, and crop rotation was unknown (Stahl 1980,53). At the beginning o f the twentieth century, mechanization made its very first steps: only 4,600 steam threshers and 12,500 sowers, hardly more than half and one-quarter o f the Hungarian figures, respectively, were employed in the Romanian fields (Serban 19 14,10). Latifundia were cultivated with primitive technology by peasant smallholders using their own livestock and implements. The term “ latifundia fallow field” was used o f the big estates (Stahl 1980,92). Market opportunities, however, inspired a massive increase in cultivation. This process had already begun in the first half o f the century, when the land under tillage nearly doubled in Moldavia. Seminomadic transhumant animal husbandry was rapidly re­ placed by land cultivation after i860: arable land then represented only 20 percent o f the total, but it had increased to 47 percent by 1906. The land area devoted to grain in Romania increased from 2.5 million to 5.2 million hectares during the half century before World War I. The medieval exploitation o f peasants on this increased land area led to a dra­ matic increase in output, although m odem methods were hardly used, and there were no significant increases in yields—from 9.6 to 11.6 quin­ tals o f wheat per hectare over these fifty years. The newly cultivated land, which amounted to 86 percent o f the country’s arable land, was used for grain. Wheat and com output increased from 672,000 and 912,000 tons to 2,223,000 and 2,666,000 tons, respectively: nearly a fourfold increase for wheat and a threefold increase for corn between the 1860s and 1910s (Axenciuc 1996). The failure o f the Balkan countries to introduce the revolutionary meth­ ods o f modern agriculture was connected with the Ottoman legacy: ab­ sence o f a landed nobility and o f privately owned big estates; peasant smallholdings as the basic unit o f production; and a certain commitment to egalitarianism (Todorova 1997,172). The greatest obstacle facing the adoption o f Western agricultural methods was, however, the South Slav land-tenure system, the “ institution o f universal peasant landownership”



(Palairet 1997,308), with extremely small and overpopulated plots o f three or four hectares. Ottoman land, including the market-oriented Serbian and Bulgarian chifliks, was confiscated and sold; sometimes, it was bought by a community and divided. The zadrujja, a South Slav version o f the medieval village community, with collective property, large families, and common communal work (moba zn&pozaimitza), survived into the twen­ tieth century The Serbian law created a special inheritance system for members: “ Relationship in the house communion gives right o f inheri­ tance before even a higher degree o f relationship out o f die communion. The rights o f an adopted member precede in respect o f inheritance even those o f blood relations without the house communion” (Mackenzie and Irby [1867] 1877,2:330). This and other forms o f village communities, o f course, played a positive role in clearing woods and expanding cultivated land. The organized collective work o f the peasantry within the commu­ nities, using primitive technology, definitely helped the transition to agri­ culture from a pastoral econom y However, the zadruga was in perma­ nent decline after the mid to late nineteenth century, when the 184-4 Civil Code allowed its dissolution, which happened in m ost cases after 1878. An egalitarian community tradition, however, was strengthened by state regulations, which did not permit total pauperization o f the peasants. Laws o f i860 and 1861 prohibited foreclosure on basic farm instruments, draft animals, and one hectare o f land. Foreclosure for nonpayment o f taxes was also forbidden (Stavrianos [1958] 1963, 261). Illiterate Balkan peasants with noncapitalistic communal attitudes could not adjust to mod­ em requirements: “ Foreign visitors and government officials called it lazi­ ness, ethnographers associated this behavior with the 'heroic5 values o f pastoral society, and intellectuals sidestepped the issue by referring to the 'pre-capitalistic* attitudes o f the Balkan peasantry,” Michael Palairet ob­ serves (Palairet 1997, 311). The small parcels were largely incapable o f producing for the market and supplied only family consumption. Balkan subsistence farm ing—in the best o f cases, only one-third o f farm produce was sold at m a rk e tremained traditional and incapable o f structural and technological change. Nearly one-third o f Serbian peasant farms had no draft animals, and 40 percent o f them had no vehicles. Only one o f ten farms in Bulgaria and Serbia in 1900 had an iron plow. “ [I] ntensive crop cultivation and stock raising failed to materialize in any o f the prewar Balkan states,” say Lampe and Jackson (1982,183). O wing to the rapidly growing population, agri­ cultural productivity—that is, output per member o f the farm population— consequently decreased, and it represented only 72 percent o f the level o f



the early 1870s in Serbia and 62 percent in Bulgaria in the 1910s. “Grain agriculture never reattained the productivity of the late O ttom an period,” according to Palairet (i997> 186). // Was there an absolute failure o f agricultural modernization >N ot at all. Around the turn o f the century, major structural changes'emerged. The most important advance in Balkan agriculture was renewed cultivation o f plains and valleys thanks to the rapid transformation from transhumant animal husbandry, which had offered the only safe way o f life for cen­ turies in the Balkans. The cultivated area increased from 5.6 million to 8 million hectares, by 43 percent, in Bulgaria in less than a quarter o f a cen­ tury before World War I. In Serbia, the cultivated area was 0.39 million hectares in 1867, and 0.55 million hectares in 1889, but 1.05 million hectares in 1905, an impressive increase o f nearly 270 percent. Serbian peasants cut down one-third o f Serbia’s forests in twenty years around the end o f the century, thereby increasing the area o f arable land. The woodlands formed the basis o f pig raising, and the pig stock consequently dimin­ ished from 1.3 million in 1866 to 0.9 million head by 1890, a drop o f nearly one-third. The role o f livestock and animal products declined from 45 percent to 36 percent o f Serbian farm output in consequence o f the great transition from seminomadic animal husbandry to arable farming. Stockraising still remained very important: the roughly 400 and 600 cattle and 200 and 1,000 pigs per 1,000 inhabitants in Romania and Serbia, re­ spectively, constituted a much higher density than was found in the rest o f Europe.

The decline in the traditional pastoral economy was compensated for by grain and garden crop production, which increased by two and three times, respectively, between the early 1870s and 1910s. In Bulgaria, wheat and corn production doubled in the same period. Altogether, the Balkans became a major grain-producing area: wheat and com output in Rom a­ nia and Serbia, on the one hand, and Bulgaria, on the other, increased by three times and by one-third in the two decades around the turn o f the cen­ tury, reaching 37 million and 35 million quintals, respectively, in the early twentieth century. The grain economy became the m ost im portant sec­ to r o f the Balkan economy. Technological backwardness was partly coun­ terbalanced by higher manpower input. Given favorable climatic and soil conditions, output per unit o f land was comparable to the world average: the Romanian 1.29 tons per hectare topped the European average (1.28), while the Bulgarian 1.06 and the Serbian 0.88 tons per hectare outmatched N orth American (0.98) and Argentinian (0.66) levels. Agricultural modernization thus encouraged important export sectors,



mostly a cereal monoculture. At least half o f the cultivated land was given over to grain, producing 20 percent o f the entire European output. Even the mostly subsistence-farming Balkan countries participated in interna­ tional trade.

THE EXPORT SECTORS AND THEIR SPIN-OFF EFFECT Foreign trade exploded in the nineteenth century The value o f world ex­ ports at constant prices totaled U.S.$7*3 billion (in 1990 dollars) in 1820, and jumped to $56.2 billion, then to $236.3 billion by 1870 and 1913, re­ spectively (Maddison 1995, 236, 239). Europe’s exports increased by an unparalleled annual 2.8 percent during the last decades o f the century For­ eign trade expansion was one o f the most characteristic features o f the age. It was precisely between 1870 and 1913, when world trade increased fourfold, that Central and Eastern Europe became a factor in it. Capital­ izing on the geographical proximity o f the area to the European core and its phenomenal rise in import needs, Central and Eastern European coun­ tries expanded their exports faster than the European average. Bulgaria increased its exports by 5.3 percent annually between 1880 and 1910, the Russian empire by 4 percent, Romania and Serbia by 3.3-3.4 percent, and Hungary by 3 percent (Bairoch 1973)- Before World War I, Central and Eastern Europe contributed roughly 16 percent o f European trade, while the Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries’ trade combined totaled only 12 percent. Exports consisted o f a few agricultural products, primarily grain. Hungarian agricultural exports increased by more than twelve times, from U .S.$30 to $381 million (1913 dollars) between 1850 and 1913. Hungary, which exported two-thirds o f its wheat in processed form as wheat flour, became one o f the biggest global wheat and wheat-flour exporters, with 2.6 percent o f the world’s wheat, and 24 percent—second behind the United States—o f world wheat-flour exports. Until the end o f the nine­ teenth century, 70 percent o f the wheat-flour exports went to Western Europe, while 30 percent went to the western provinces o f the empire. After the turn o f the century, however, the Western European market was virtually conquered by American wheat flour, and Hungary’s exports were reoriented toward Austria-Bohemia, which “ imported” nearly 98 percent o f Hungary’s exports in the 1910s. Romania exported half o f its wheat and 4 0 percent o f its corn pro­ duction and became the fourth-biggest grain exporter in the world.



Wheat exports, more than 60 percent o f total exports, represented 8.3 per­ cent o f the world5« wheat exports* In the early 1860s, Serbia exported no grain, but by 1880,20,000 tons, and by 19 12,210,000 tons werfc exported, mostly from the Danube and Sava ports* Around the turn o f the century, more than one-quarter o f Bulgarian and 13 percent o f Serbian grain went to exports* Grain represented roughly 7 0 -71 percent o f Romanian and Bulgarian exports and one-third o f Serbian exports (Lampe and Jackson 1982,169). Livestock exports continued to play an important role in the Balkans5 trade. Serbia5s per capita production o f pigs and cattle ranked first and second in the world, respectively. Livestock and animal products re­ mained the number 1 export until the end o f the nineteenth century, repre­ senting roughly 40 percent o f total exports. By the early twentieth cen­ tury, however, this share dramatically declined to one-fifth o f total Serbian exports. A similar trend characterized the export o f prunes. During the 1880s, peasants harvested the fruit from the plum forests o f northern Ser­ bia and dried the plums in homemade mud-brick stoves (pusnica). This cottage industry produced one-quarter o f total Serbian exports. As a con­ sequence o f agricultural transformation and growing grain farming, prune exports dropped to 10 percent o f Serbia’s total exports by the 1890s. Besides grain, Bulgaria also produced and exported tobacco, which did not require sophisticated processing. Tobacco leaves were dried in the sun, then cut up. Roses, rose oil, and certain garden products also offered some export possibilities. Almost all o f the Central and Eastern European coun­ tries, however, lacked the necessary diversification in exports. The five lead­ ing export items o f these countries, all o f them agricultural products with low market elasticity, represented 75 to 80 percent o f exports. V ery few nonagricultural products were available for export. The Austrian-Bohemian provinces o f Austria-Hungary, o f course, ad­ hered to a rather different model. Because o f their successful industri­ alization and the industrial-agricultural division o f labor between the western and eastern parts o f the empire, processed industrial products dominated exports. The most important Austrian-Bohemian export to Western European markets was, however, sugar. Roughly 60 percent o f production was exported, accounting for nearly 10 percent o f total ex­ ports in 1910. Beer followed a distant second, with only 10 percent o f the value o f sugar exports. The most important market for the rapidly devel­ oping Austrian and Czech industries at the turn o f the century, especially for the leading sectors, textiles, iron, and engineering, was the agrarian half o f the empire: H ungary and the other unindustrialized eastern



provinces. M ore than 78 percent o f cotton products, 62 percent o f woolen products, 57 percent o f clothing, and 56 percent o f silk products were sold in H ungary in 1910. Around the turn o f the century, 85 percent o f H ungarian textile consumption was satisfied by Austrian and Czech products. This share declined to 70 percent before the war. In the case o f Galicia, Bukovina, Dalmatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, Austrian-Czech industrial products flooded and dom inated the entire market (Schwartz 1913; H ertz 1917). While Austria-Bohemia was the dom inant core o f Austria-Hungary, Poland, at the western rim o f the Russian empire, was repeatedly and bloodily defeated militarily, brutally oppressed politically, and much less industrialized than Bohemia. However, in 1851, Poland became a part o f the Russian tariff system, sheltered by Russian protectionism, which closed the huge market to Western goods in 1877. The extremely large Russian empire was m ore backward than Poland. This situation opened a great opportunity for Polish industry. Meanwhile, the Polish elite gave up their repeated attempts at armed uprising and turned to “organic work.” Boleslaw Prus's novel Lalka (The Doll) expressed and prom oted this change. The main hero, Wokulski, a noblem an who participates in the 1863 uprising, is imprisoned, exiled, and then, dissatisfied with his own traditional “Polishness,” turns to business and becomes a highly success­ ful businessman. “In relying on the power o f money, Wokulski comes to wield it as the sole instrum ent for achieving his ideals” (H olm gren 1998, 71). In the new environm ent, and with this new altitude to business, Poland could indeed exploit unlimited export possibilities. Poland's ex­ port goods to Russia were almost entirely industrial products such as tex­ tiles, coal, and iron. Polish foreign trade rocketed: in 1850, its value was 16 million rubles, by 1880,246 million, and by 19 10,1,213 million. Between 1890 and 1910, trade nearly trebled. In 1864, one-quarter o f Polish in­ dustrial output was exported to Russia. By 19 0 0 -19 10 , this share had in­ creased by two-thirds. According to Andrzej Jezierski, nearly 80 percent o f the 515 million rubles in Polish exports to Russia were textiles and iron goods in 1910. The textile and iron industries exported 80 percent and 40 percent o f their products to Russia, respectively. Agricultural and animal products, o n the other hand, constituted less than 12 percent o f Polish ex­ ports (Jezierski 1967,52-162; Kochanowicz 19 9 5,131,134 ). Export possibilities triggered relatively rapid industrialization. Between the 1870s and 1910, the num ber o f industrial workers increased m ore than fourfold, and industrial output eightfold (Kula 1947, 42). Poland's ex­ tremely rich, high-grade coal resources offered a great opportunity for



establishing an im portant export sector: coal output increased from 0.9 to 6.8 million tons, nearly sevenfold between 1878 and 1913. Raw materi­ als extraction, however, inspired processing as well. Traditionalliron-ore m ining was modernized and an efficient iron and steel industry was es­ tablished. Steel output increased from 0 .1 to 4.6 million tons^ctw een 1854 and 1903. Around Warsaw, m odern engineering industries produced transport and farming machinery. The value o f the output o f the Warsaw machine-building industry increased by sixfold between 1864 and 1880 (Kochanowicz 1995,133). M ining, iron, steel, and engineering industries embodied one-fifth o f industrial production in 1910. The textile industry became the leading export sector, however. Nearly half o f all industrial workers were employed in textiles, and they produced almost half o f the country's total industrial output (Kostrowicka et al. 1966, 218). Although rapid growth o f the domestic market was, as Ireneusz Ihnatowicz and Andrzej Jezierski stress, im portant for the development o f the Polish industry, especially textiles, the unique industrial development o f Poland was based on exports to the boom ing Russian market: after the elimination o f internal borders in 185т, Polish industrial output increased threefold in twenty years. D uring the next twenty years, production quadrupled again. Around the turn o f the century, Poland produced 40 percent o f the Russian empire's coal, 23 percent its steel, 20 percent o f its textiles, and 15 percent o f its iron, and Polish per capita industrial pro­ duction was twice that o f Russia. In Hungary, industrial exports accounted for only about 37-38 percent o f total exports. Two-thirds o f Hungarian exports fell into the category o f processed food, mosdy wheat flour for the western provinces ofAustriaHungary. The role o f wheat flour in Hungary's exports to Western Eu­ rope diminished dramatically, however, from 34 percent in 1880 to 9 per­ cent in 1910, while sugar (12 percent), processed wood products (9 percent), electric bulbs, and engineering products began to play a m ore im portant role (Berend and Ránki 1974). Hungary and Poland profited from the increase in agricultural and raw materials production. Both countries had safe, guaranteed markets within the empires to which they belonged. Additionally, prices were higher than world market prices. During the last quarter o f the nineteenth century, when world grain prices dropped by nearly one-third because o f Amer­ ican competition, H ungary enjoyed a 30 percent price increase for grain in the protected market o f Austria-Bohemia. These markets opened very early in the mid nineteenth century, and the rapid agricultural growth, 2 percent annually for half a century, soon generated massive investments



in grain processing. The first modem mechanized flour mill, Pesti Hengermalom Tarsasag, was established in 1838, but the real Gründerzeit, the age o f boosterism, began in the 1860s. The great grain merchants who sold the products o f the Hungarian estates in Austria-Bohemia soon realized that the best place to invest their accumulated capital was the mill indus­ try, which, at this early stage, paid about 50 percent interest, potentially doubling one’s assets in two years. By 1867, fourteen joint-stock export mills were in operation, and the horsepower o f the flour-mill industry in­ creased thirteenfold in a decade. Unique prosperity followed the AustroHungarian Compromise o f 1867. One-third o f the newly founded jointstock companies were flour mills. By 1866, the big Budapest export mills were grinding 50,000 tons o f wheat annually, and by 1879,430,000 tons. A t the end o f the century, their output was valued at 646 million crowns and embodied more than 4 4 percent o f H ungary’s industrial production. By 1913, the output o f Hungary’s food-processing industries had doubled again, but it now constituted only 39 percent o f the country’s industrial production. Hungary built up the world’s second-largest flour-mill in­ dustry, behind the United States. Unlike Russia and Romania, which ba­ sically exported their huge grain harvests unprocessed, Hungary processed two-thirds o f its exported grain. The impressive spin-off effect generated by the dramatically increased agricultural production and exports went far beyond processing grain. The flourishing flour-mill industry offered a good market for the domestic en­ gineering industry. In place o f the traditional millstones, for example, the innovative engineers o f the spectacularly rising Ganz Company introduced patented cast-iron-roller milling, a major technological improvement that contributed to the boom in the flour-mill industry. Rolling mills soon became an export item in and o f themselves. Starting with the relatively small Röck, Schlick, Vidats, and Ötl works, Hungarian companies pro­ duced everything from plows to threshing machines; and they were joined, after 1900, by the largest, the Austrian-English firm o f Hoffer, Schrantz, Clayton & Shuttleworth. In 1912, the Kühne Machine Factory sold its first tractors as well. Domestic production could not cover the entire demand, but, at the beginning o f the twentieth century, it met at least half o f it.

Industrial production for agriculture and food processing was not the only spin-off. Another important impact was the growing domestic cap­ ital accumulation from the grain trade and from processing, which led to investments in various branches o f industry. Two examples may illumi­ nate this process. Two Jewish merchant houses, the Weiss and Deutsch



families, founded their fortunes on the grain trade with Austria, and were among the first investors in the flour-mill industry. The Deutsch fam ily— later Baron Hatvani-Deutsch—pioneered the Hungarian sugaf industry. A d o lf B. Weiss, a former village pipe maker turned grain merchant and flour-mill owner, established the richest bourgeois dynasfy in the coun­ try. His two sons, Berthold and Manfred, later Baron Csepeli-Weiss, founded the first canning factory in the country in 1884. M ilitary con­ tracts inspired them to produce products other than food for the army, a guaranteed buyer, and munitions were an obvious choice. The factory moved to remote Csepel Island, south o f Budapest, where, by the early twentieth century, Hungary’s largest iron and steel and engineering com ­ panies employed 5,000 (during World War 1 , 30,000) workers. The grain trade and milling industry thus provided an opening to other branches o f industry. Agricultural prosperity and exports became a source o f fur­ ther industrialization and structural changes.

The same kind o f spin-off effect evolved from railroad construction. As we have seen, Austrian and other foreign investors in H ungary fi­ nanced railroads. D uring the 1850s and early 1860s, virtually everything needed to build them was im ported, from rails to locomotives. Exten­ sive railroad construction, however, created a huge and flourishing m ar­ ket for domestic entrepreneurs. The Austrian railroad and shipping companies first sought to open H ungarian coal mines so that a nearer and cheaper supply could replace coal from Bohemia. Austrian trans­ portation companies opened anthracite sources in the country, in Pecs and Stajerlak-Anina, and Resica-Doman in southern Transylvania. At the last site, the Austrian State Railway Com pany began the extraction o f iron ore as well and built up a significant iron- and steelworks. Hungarian entrepreneurs soon joined: in 1852, the Rimamurany Iro n w o rk s Co. was form ed from three smaller companies. The Ganz C o.’s m ain product in the 1850s, based o n a technological innovation, was the cast-iron railwaycarriage wheel. By the 1880s, the company produced railroad tracks as well. By the end o f the century, five large companies produced 28,000 pieces o f railroad tracks during the 1890s, twice as many as had been p ro­ duced in the previous decade. In 1873, the Hungarian State Railway C om ­ pany founded the Magyar Allamvasiiti Gepgyar (MAVAG), which d u r­ ing the first quarter century o f its existence built a thousand locomotives, and subsequendy won a gold medal at the Paris world exhibition in 1900. D uring the second half o f the nineteenth century, H ungary, unlike the Balkan countries, was able to supply and expand its large network of railroads with coal, rails, and locomotives w ithout im ports (Berend and



Ranki 1974)« Domestic capital accumulation, an entrepreneurial attitude, and a rapidly growing, skilled, educated labor force thus generated spin­ offs that included structural changes and the beginnings o f industrial­ ization from the agricultural boom and the external influence o f railroad investments. Additional factors such as cheap labor, and weak oversight o f working conditions, made the Hungarian and other Central and Eastern Euro­ pean industry more competitive. According to the Hungarian industrial and labor statistics report o f 1901, the work day exceeded ten hours in 7r .2 percent o f the factories (Uzemi es munkds statisztika 1901, 96). The statis­ tical report o f 1910 registered the characteristics o f an early capitalist fac­ tory system: o f 4,835 factories, only 109 had bathrooms with showers, and only 75 had cafeterias (ibid. 1910). At one textile factory, “ in one year,” re­ ported the government’s industrial inspector in 1910, “ one quarter o f the female workers got tuberculosis” (Iparfelugyeldijelentes 1910,895). The Balkan countries could not generate industrial development. Aside from a few unprocessed agricultural products, their only nonagricultural export items were unprocessed raw materials. Extraction began around the turn o f the century in Romania and Serbia. The discovery o f rich Serbian copper resources enticed French investors to open mines. Roughly 40 percent o f industrial investments were channeled into min­ ing before the war. Output, however, was not yet significant. Romanian oil played a much more important role. One o f Europe’s richest oil fields was discovered in Romania during the 1860s, but extraction could not begin before 1895, when a new mining law enabled foreign investment. The big German banks, headed by the Deutsche Bank, rushed into the business, followed by Royal Dutch Shell and Standard Oil. Between 1901 and 1914, Romanian oil production increased from 298,000 tons to r.8 million tons, and the country became the fifth-largest producer in the world. Next to grain, unprocessed crude oil was Romania’s second most important export, accounting for 12 percent o f total exports before the war (Lampe and Jackson 1982,264). The crude oil was processed mosdy abroad, and Romania still imported refined oil. From the 1870s and 1880s on, the peasant cottage industry that had sup­ plied most o f the demand for industrial consumer goods was gradually replaced by large-scale industry; flour mills and sugar refineries produced one-third o f Romania’s industrial output (Iacob 1996). Timber and oil extraction were responsible for more than 36 percent, while other branches hardly existed: textiles and metallurgy each represented 8 percent. A lto­ gether 54,000 small and medium-sized enterprises were in operation in



early twentieth-century Romania. Six large joint-stock companies con­ trolled 40 percent o f industrial capital stocks. Industry produced only 17 percent o f the national income (Hitchins 19 9 4 ,16 1,19 2 -9 3 )^ Austria-Hungary and the Russian empire were almost self-sufficient and offered the most important single market for the Czech lands, H u n ­ gary, and Poland. The Balkan countries were both part o f a large E uro­ pean division o f labor and also connected and integrated into a neigh­ boring imperial unit: during the 1870s and 1880s, Romania had a one-sided trade connection with Austria-Hungary and more than one-third o f its exports were sold there. By the early twentieth century, however, the share o f the Austrian-Hungarian market had dropped to 10 percent, while Belgium, Britain, and France absorbed more than half o f Romanian ex­ ports. Serbia, on the other hand, remained highly dependent on AustriaHungary during the 1870s and 1880s. Nearly 90 percent o f Serbian ex­ ports were sold in the neighboring empire. Although this overwhelming share had declined significandy by the early twentieth century, 40 per­ cent o f Serbian exports still went to Austria-Hungary in 1911. Germany, however, emerged as a major partner, buying 25 percent o f total Serbian exports. Independent Bulgaria remained dependent on Ottoman markets for a while: 4 4 percent o f the country’s exports were still sold there at the end o f the 1880 s. This share, however, declined to one-quarter by the early twentieth century, and to 16 percent in 1911, while Belgium, Britain, and Germany bought more than half o f Bulgaria’s export products. Central and Eastern Europe became an integral part o f the European economy, and exports were the driving force o f modernization. The central ques­ tion, however, is whether “ the countries o f [the] area had become trapped in the role o f raw material [and food] exporters, or rather, would be able to go on from there to build up a suitably developed economic structure” (Berend and Ranki 1982,119).

The Balkan countries, with their m onocultural grain economies, had very little chance. Grain and raw material prices declined by one-third dur­ ing the last third o f the nineteenth century. In addition to their lack of export diversity and the “complementary” role o f their economies, tied to much stronger partners, the Balkan countries’ technology for processing plums, tobacco, and even grain and hogs was rather primitive. Some o f these products were processed in a traditional cottage-industry style, financed and marketed by merchants. M ost important, however, the dom ­ inant subsistence farming and lack o f sufficient capital accumulation cre­ ated strong obstacles to adjusting to the demands o f the world market. In addition, the social environment o f bigoted, strongly comm unal, and



illiterate peasant societies, without a significant middle-class or entrepre­ neurial culture, overseen by a corrupt military-bureaucratic elite, ham­ pered the ability to adjust. Domestic preconditions for a spin-off effect were and remained rudimentary in the Balkans. The Balkans, as well as the entire Ottoman empire, also had to cope with devastating competition from the advanced Western countries. The Anglo-Ottoman Treaty o f 1838 fixed duties, eliminated monopolies, and led to an impressive increase in imports o f cheap foreign goods, especially until the 1860s. The Industrial Revolution in the core countries thus at least temporarily destroyed the traditional guild and cottage industries in the Ottoman periphery Deindustrialization had a long-lasting effect and could not be overcome before the last third o f the century (Keyder 1991, 166-68). As a consequence, agricultural modernization and radically increased exports could not generate structural changes in the economy. Rom ania— like Russia—continued exporting 98 percent o f its significant grain pro­ duction without processing. Unlike in Hungary, a modern flour-mill export industry was not created. Serbia—unlike Denmark—continued ex­ porting live and slaughtered pigs and catde, without introducing milk or meat processing or producing more sophisticated products, with lower prices as a result. This internal weakness played the primary role in a series o f defeats in trade wars and competition for markets. Austria-Hungary introduced pro­ hibitive tariffs against Romanian hogs in 1882 and launched a trade war between 1886 and 1889. Romanian exports to Austria-Hungary, as a con­ sequence, dropped from 34 percent to 7 percent from 1881-85 to 1886-90. In 1895-96, the empire closed its markets to Serbian hogs on a veterinary pretext, cutting Serbian pig exports to Austria-Hungary by half. This mea­ sure was repeated in 1906 and led to the five-year-long “ Pig War.” Serbian exports to Austria-Hungary dropped from 86 percent to 28 percent from 1901-5 to 19 0 6 -10 . In 1896 and 1906, the empire virtually closed its bor­ ders to cheap Balkan grain, which was imported by big Hungarian flour mills to mix with high-grade Hungarian grain, decreasing the cost o f production. The special orUsifingaiom, or milling customs-reimbursement system—a virtually tariff-free import system in which for every 70 kg o f wheat flour exported from 100 kg o f imported grain, the state repaid the import tariff—was first restricted, then entirely abolished (Berend and Ranki 1953,250-51). The Balkan grain exporters thus lost one o f their most important markets. For various reasons, the Balkan countries often lost their markets from one decade to the other: Bulgarian exports to the O t­



toman empire dropped from 4 4 to 29 percent between 1886-90 and 1891-95, and Romania lost a great part o f its British market—its exports declined from 54 to 19 percent—between 1886-90 and 1896-19(^3 (Lampe and Jackson 1982,174). Romania’s rich oil resources might have offered greater'opportunities for a major spin-off effect in structural changes in the economy. In real­ ity, this did not happen. Although the high price elasticity and mar­ ketability o f crude oil could have initiated the development o f process­ ing and established a modern chemical industry, the foreign investors, Royal Dutch Shell, Standard Oil, and the German banks, extracted the crude and transported it to their own countries. In 1915, they built a pipeline to the Black Sea. Domestic processing hardly developed: only 41 million lei was invested to build refineries—mosdy on the eve o f w ar— out o f the more than 400 million lei invested in the oil industry. Rom a­ nia’s second-largest key export sector thus remained an isolated enclave with no major impact on the transformation o f the national economy; in H . W. Singer’s words, it was “ an outpost o f the economies o f the more developed investing countries” (Singer 1950). The northernmost and southernmost provinces o f Austria-Hungary, such as Galicia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, experienced economic trends similar to those in the Balkans. Galicia’s monocultural potato plantations and low-quality beef cattle served only the export market (mosdy to the western provinces o f the empire). The same was true o f the newly dis­ covered rich oil resources. The Drohobycz and Polanka oil fields were ex­ ploited by international companies, and their output increased in a spec­ tacular way: Galicia produced 1.2 percent and 5 percent o f the world’s oil output in 1900 and 1909, respectively, and became the third-largest oil producer in the latter year, but production was not processed domesti­ cally (Topolski 1982). Bosnia-Herzegovina, liberated from centuries o f Ot­ toman occupation, and immediately occupied (1878), then annexed (1908) by Austria-Hungary, did not have the necessary domestic economic, so­ cial, and cultural forces to generate structural changes and industrializa­ tion from agricultural and raw material production and exports along Pol­ ish and Hungarian lines. Foreign investors were not attracted to the area, mostly because o f its lack o f infrastructure and educated labor. In the late 1860s, plums remained the province’s most valuable product, and only one man in a hundred could read (Mackenzie and Irby [1867] 1877,1). Bosnia, however, had rich resources: w ood, coal, rock salt, and met­ als. The Austrian Landesregierung, headed by Count Benjamin Kallay, continued a committed “ civilizing mission” according to the most en­



lightened colonial policies and initiated an embryonic semi-industrial­ ization process (Palairet 1997, 217-37)» Like the other Balkan countries, Bosnia was characterized by subsistence farming, and the literacy rate did not surpass 12 percent o f the population in the early twentieth century However, the empire’s railways connected the province with H ungary and with the sea at Fiume (Rijeka), and state investments developed raw material extraction and semimanufactured processing branches. By 1907, nearly one-third o f Bosnia’s industrial capacity (in terms o f labor force) was created by fully or partially state-owned companies. All significant mineral resources were provided to the Gewerkschaft Bosnia and Varaser Eisenindustrie A.G. Large chemical factories were founded at Lukavac and Jajce. Long-term concessions initiated a private forestry and timber in­ dustry and granted a de facto m onopoly—more than two-thirds o f cut­ ting rights—to two companies. The Bavarian Otto Steinbeis established his sawmills at Dobrljin and Drvar and employed 10,000 workers. The timber industry soon became the leading branch o f Bosnia’s infant in­ dustrial sector. Steinbeis expanded his business and built pulp mills in 1907. State-generated industrialization focused on export-oriented businesses: 86 percent o f the industrial labor force was employed by export indus­ tries, which produced m osdy semimanufactured products. During Bos­ nia’s quarter o f a century o f Austrian rule, annual industrial growth sur­ passed 12 percent, leading to a higher rate o f industrialization than that o f the other Balkan countries: by 1910, more than 17 percent o f the active population worked in large-scale industry, compared to 14 percent in Rus­ sia, 5.5 percent in Serbia, and only 3.5 percent in Bulgaria. Wage levels surpassed Serbian and Bulgarian wages by one-fifth and one-third, re­ spectively. With only 21 percent o f the population o f Bosnia, Serbia, and Bulgaria combined, Bosnia-Herzegovina had about 54 percent o f the region’s large-scale industry (Palairet 1997,237). Bosnia’s introductory structural changes, however, left most o f the tra­ ditional sectors intact. The two largest industries, clothing and food pro­ cessing, remained almost entirely small-scale. In 1907, more than 25,000 out o f a total o f 29,000 industrial establishments did not employ work­ ers at all, and nearly 4,0 00 others had only two employees on average. Only 187 firms represented large-scale industry. Small-scale handicraft in­ dustries, including the proto-industrial textile branches, collapsed as a re­ sult o f competition from Austrian industrial products. On the whole, Bosnia-Herzegovina’s transformation remained extremely fragile. The province, like most o f the unindustrialized countries o f the Balkans, ex­ hibited a dual economic structure: the export sectors formed isolated en­



claves within the Bosnian economy as a whole, while all the rest remained traditional and deeply backward, Domestic consumption o f industrial products was p artly covered by the traditional cottage industry o f peasant families. Clothing, shoes, and even furniture, home appliances, and instruments were often made at home or by local handicraft industries. The bulk o f the demand for machinery, industrial consumer goods, and transportation equipment, especially in urban centers, was satisfied by imports. The overwhelming majority o f imports consisted o f processed industrial products. In the case o f the eastern and southern provinces o f Austria-Hungary, Aus­ trian, Bohemian, and partly Hungarian industrial products flooded the domestic markets. In Rom ania and Bulgaria, roughly half o f total im ­ ports originated from Austria-Hungary and Germany, one-fifth to onequarter from France and Britain. M ore than two-thirds o f Serbia’s im ­ ports came from Austria-Hungary and Germany. Serbia could finance its imports from its export incomes, but Romania and Bulgaria ran huge trade deficits. Impressive increases in agricultural and raw materials exports gener­ ated higher imports, growth rates, and incomes but had little effect on the transformation and structural changes o f the Balkan economies. Galicia, Bukovina, Dalmatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina remained overwhelmingly agricultural- and raw materials-produdng areas without a significant spin­ o ff effect or the beginning o f industrialization.

REGIONAL DIFFERENCES Central and Eastern Europe exhibited extreme regional differences. In terms o f industrialization and per capita income, the region’s western rim —Austria and Bohemia-Moravia—approached Western European levels. On the other hand, the Balkans and the easternmost and south­ ernmost provinces o f Austria-Hungary remained unindustrialized and had the lowest per capita income levels in Europe (see table 2). H ungary and Poland, although remaining basically agricultural, demonstrated an im­ pressive beginning o f industrialization and, in terms o f per capita income level, stood in between the western and eastern rim countries o f the re­ gion (Milward and Soul 1977; Berend and Ranki 1982). Austria-Hungary’s G N P was only three-quarters that o f the advanced economies o f Western Europe. Within Austria-Hungary, however, the Austrian-Bohemian lands surpassed the empire’s average by roughly 60



T h e O ccupational Stru ctu re o f C e n tra l a n d E a stern E urope> 1910

(percentage o f population)

Austria Bohemia-Moravia-Silesia Hungary Poland Galicia and Bukovina Dalmatia Croatia Romania Serbia Bulgaria source:



35 34 64 63 73 83 79 75 82 75

46 51 23 24 18 9 13 10

7 10

Ivan T. Berend and Gyorgy Ranki, The European Periphery a n d In d u stria liza ­ (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 19 8 2 ), p, 15 9 .

tion, 1780-1914-

percent and were approaching the Western level, while Hungary reached only three-quarters o f the empire's average, and Galicia hardly exceeded half that level (Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung 1965,31). G N P in H ungary and Poland stood at 56-58 percent that o f Western E u­ rope, while the G N P o f the eastern and southern provinces o f AustriaH ungary and the Balkan countries hardly surpassed 40 percent o f that mark (Bairoch 1976a, 279). Economic modernization experienced significant successes in Central and Eastern Europe. M odem economic institutions were established, a belated agricultural revolution profoundly increased output and exports, m odem railroads connected the area to other parts o f the continent, and income levels rose conspicuously In some o f the countries, especially in the Austrian-Bohemian territories, industrialization broke through, and the area followed the historical structural changes o f the West. In others, such as H ungary and Poland, structural changes began transforming the countries5 economies, but they remained far behind and could not join the d u b o f the industrialized West. Their success was painfully limited. M ost o f the countries o f the region had dual economies. Witold Kula speaks o f the “co-existence o f asynchronism” between “ mechanized indus­ tries an d . . . industries which were technologically obsolete. We deal with a harmonic association o f large-scale industry with petty-commodity pro­ duction. These phenomena cannot be explained by the "lagging behind5 approach. Their character turned out to be a lasting one 55 (Szlajfer 1991,

i8 o


113, quoting Kula 1983, 75). The coexistence o f the traditional and m od­ ern, o f a preindustrial rural economy alongside industrial cities, turned out to be a lasting characteristic o f Central and Eastern Europe. The eastern and southern provinces o f Austria-Hungary and the Balkan countries, however, did not even reach this ddality. The phase o f modern structural changes remained a distant goal in the over­ whelmingly agricultural and raw materials-producing countries. Despite its economic progress and advances, the region humiliatingly failed to modernize.


SOCIAL CHANGES “Dual” and “Incomplete” Societies


industrial­ ization caused dramatic changes in traditional societies. The nobility, the former leading elite, lost its privileges and had to adjust to a new capi­ talist market economy. Its “ natural” political and military power was elim­ inated or severely weakened. A new elite emerged in the form o f the bank­ ing and industrial bourgeoisie, representing an overwhelming economic power. A similar transformation took place in the lower layers o f the so­ ciety: the peasantry became free, and its numbers and proportion in so­ ciety rapidly decreased. The peasantry, which had made up two-thirds to three-quarters o f the population o f agrarian societies, began to disappear. Britain’s radical social transfiguration epitomized the future: by the early twentieth century, the agricultural-peasant population had faded to just 5 percent o f Britain’s population. France, Germany, and other Western European countries remained far behind Britain, but the trend was the same. The real disappearance o f the peasantry was only complete fifty to seventy years later, during the second half o f the twentieth century.

The majority o f the rural population shifted to industry and became blue-collar workers. M ost o f them worked in big factories. They formed a relative m ajority o f the new society, often more than one-third, and in some cases even m ore than 40 percent, o f the population. In m id­ nineteenth-century Britain, at the height o f this spectacular transforma-



tion process, Karl M arx and Friedrich Engels described the propensity for social change and predicted the emergence o f a polarized class soci­ ety with an ever smaller and richer bourgeoisie accumulating the wealth. A t the other pole, they placed the growing number o f exploited indus­ trial proletarians lacking all “ means o f production” and accumulating nothing but poverty (Marx and Engels [1848] 1988). In reality, however, nineteenth-century Western class society—in the sense that xhcpbilosophes, Marx, and M ax Weber used this term—changed remarkably after 1870. A striking new phenomenon appeared: the rise o f a modern middle class. An army o f white-collar service workers and bu­ reaucrats emerged, including a new professional layer o f teachers, lawyers,, medical doctors, journalists, and entertainers. Although it would be nearly a century before they became a majority in die advanced societies o f the West, this growing middle class was the most rapidly expanding social group around 1900. Two layers became visibly different within a new entrepreneurial elite: a financially and socially higher-ranked upper middle class, and a steadily expanding modern lower middle class, including bureaucratic and pro­ fessional groups. This bourgeois middle class and the working masses characterized nineteenth-century Western society. The former nobility had to adjust to the new situation. The landowning aristocracy went through a gradual process o f embourgeoisement. The former middle class, most o f all the lower nobility, the gentry, with smaller landed estates, and the priv­ ileged urban patrician class became declasse and virtually disappeared into the various layers o f the new society. This new, “ ideal typical” social pattern, using a Weberian category, did not, however, break through entirely in the West before World War I. A m o M ayer clearly recognized the “ importance o f the modern forces that un­ dermined and challenged the old order.” H e rightly argued “ that until 1 9 1 4 the forces o f inertia and resistance contained and curbed this dynamic and expansive new society within the anctens regimes that dominated E u­ rope’s historical landscape” (Mayer 1981,6). The nobles retained much o f their wealth and status and dominated strategic economic stations, while compensating for their loss by moving into key positions in the new armies and state bureaucracies. They learned to adapt and renew themselves, pre­ serving their interests by a gradual embourgeoisement. The gmnds bour­ geois, the “ aristocratizing barons o f industry” in Britain, France, and Ger­ many, imitated the ways o f the nobility, built mansions on their country estates, and assumed aristocratic poses and lifestyles. The old elite, in Joseph Schumpeter’s words, remained a classe dirigente in “ active sym­



biosis” with the rising bourgeoisie (Schumpeter 1955). I f the aristocratic establishment was not yet passe in most o f nineteenth-century Western Europe, it remained vigorous in Central and Eastern Europe, which did not start to transform itself along Western lines until the last third o f the century, and then only in piecemeal fashion. The absence o f successful in­ dustrialization and the preservation o f agrarian economies buttressed the role o f the noble elite and perpetuated the status o f the peasantry, still somewhere between two-thirds and more than three-quarters o f the to­ tal population.

A m odern working class accounted for only one-tenth to one-fifth of the population. Although the traditional nobility lost its privileges, it pre­ served economic power through ownership o f 40 to 50 percent o f the land. Nobles continued m onopolizing political power. The emerging bour­ geoisie remained small and much less influential than its Western coun­ terpart. It could not, and did not even try to , share political power with the traditional elite o f the region. Similarly, a m odern middle class hardly emerged; the traditional gentry middle class preserved its social status. There was thus a special “symbiosis” between the old and new social strata, which coexisted in a unique “dual society.” The least industrialized Balkan countries were the former provinces o f the Turkish empire that became independent in the 1860s and 1870s, which long continued to bear the marks o f O ttom an rule and remained wholly peasant societies, with neither a m odern working class nor a modern m id­ dle class. The m ost peculiar feature o f the Balkan societies, however, was the almost total lack o f a national elite as a proprietor class or a politically dom inant layer. The former landowning military and political elite had consisted o f the occupying Turks, and, to a much lesser extent, of con­ verted, “O ttom anized” Bosnian, Albanian, and Bulgarian elites, subor­ dinated to the Sultan. After the liberation o f the Balkan countries led to the disappearance o f the bulk o f the previous elite, Balkan societies were left “incomplete,” “eliteless” societies. The gap began to be filled by m em ­ bers o f the military and bureaucratic classes o f the newly independent countries, but these soon followed the O ttom an pattern and became rich by exploiting the opportunity to hold office. U rban and rural peasantmerchants also became a substitute bourgeois layer and part of an emerg­ ing elite. Just as in economic m odernization, social transformation remained partial and unfinished in Central and Eastern Europe. “Dual” and “incom­ plete” societies represented both the dom inant traditional characteristics and the new elements o f a rather sluggishly modernizing society. While



in the West, a new society started to replace the old, in Central and East­ ern Europe, old and new lived in parallel, but the new was unquestion­ ably subordinated to the old. £

/ THE DUAL SOCIETY: THE SURVIVAL OF THE NOBLE ELITE Between 1848 and the 1860s, the serfs were liberated, noble privileges were abolished, and feudal institutions were m osdy eliminated. Nonetheless, C. A. Macartney exaggerates the decline o f the old elite when he charac­ terizes the aristocracy o f Cis-Leithania, the Austrian-Bohemian region o f Austria-Hungary (i.e., on the Austrian side o f the river Leitha), as no more than a decadent relic o f the past: By 18 9 0 the direct power of the aristocracy was a shadow of what it had been in 1 8 4 8 . . . . They formed a tight little clique in which everyone knew everyone else . . . and spent their time in gambling, horse-racing, exchanging scandal and seducing other people’s wives and daughters . . . [others] shut themselves up on their country estates, which they formed into . . . a dream-world which had been reality in the eighteenth [century]. (Macartney 19 6 8 , 6 2 0 ) Although several dements o f the above description are true, especially regarding the parasitic lifestyle o f the old elite, the old nobility in reality remained the dominant social class even in the most advanced western provinces o f Austria-Hungary. The reform measures did not threaten the socioeconomic command o f the noble elite. Unlike in Western Europe, big estates continued to dominate in the Czech lands, Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Romania. Because the reforms were introduced from above either by the old elite itself or by the absolutist governments o f the Habsburg and tsarist empires, they were socially ex­ tremely cautious. Even the most radical reforms carefully salvaged the lead­ ing positions o f the old elite and preserved “ law and order.” Large noble estates continued to occupy from one-third to one-half o f the land in these countries. Around the turn o f the century, big estates in Austria took up 8.7 million hectares, 29 percent o f the land. A few hun­ dred families o f the high aristocracy (Hocbadel) owned at least one-fifth o f the land. In Bohemia, 151 families owned nearly 1.5 million o f the province’s 5.2 million hectares. One-quarter o f Moravia’s land was in the hands o f seventy-three noble families. Moreover, post-1848 legislation in­ troduced thefidei-commissum, the legally institutionalized entailed landed estate, a clear continuation o f privileged feudal property. A t the turn o f



the century, fidei-commissa occupied roughly 2.2 million hectares o f land in Cis-Leithania. Big estates occupied 35 percent o f the land in Poland, 40 percent in the Czech lands, 45 percent in Hungary, and 50 percent in Romania. The aristocracy thus preserved the basis o f its economic power. Moreover, the aristocrats relatively easily transformed their estates from low-efficiency feudal manors to modern, more productive capitalist en­ terprises. Their income increased, because output grew about threefold, and, thanks to extensive railroad construction, they gained easy access to the market. After customs barriers were lifted between Austria and Hungary in 1851, competition from Hungarian agriculture caused serious trouble for the Austrian-Bohemian landed nobility, which skillfully adjusted to the new situation by reducing the land under cereals and focusing on cash crops, mosdy sugar beets, supplied to their own sugar refineries. Similarly, they modernized their forestry management and integrated production with the timber and paper industries. Consequently, a somewhat modernized aris­ tocracy held strong positions in modem industry as well. Three-quarters o f the distilleries, two-thirds o f the sugar refineries, and nearly 60 per­ cent o f the breweries—that is, the leading branches o f Czech in d u stry belonged to magnates in late nineteenth-century Bohemia. M ore than 400,000 workers, day laborers, foresters, and so on, worked for the B o­ hemian nobility Aristocrats also had a strong grasp on political power. They monopo­ lized the innermost circles o f the court o f Em peror Franz Jo sef and filled the leading positions o f high state bureaucracy: even in the early twenti­ eth century, 40 percent o f the top positions in the M inistry o f the Inte­ rior, nearly half o f the heads o f departments at the state railways, and all the heads o f the state governorships, the Stattkalterrien, were aristocrats. They were strongly overrepresented in the Herrenhaus, or upper house o f the Reichsrat. The Hochadel families were granted hereditary seats by the emperor, who also made lifetime appointments for more than 150 top representatives o f the old elite. It was only at the end o f the period un­ der discussion, in 1907, that the introduction o f universal male suffrage radically changed this situation. Until the introduction o f general mili­ tary service, aristocrats as a rule held at least the rank o f major or captain in the army, and they monopolized its upper ranks as well. The economic and political positions o f the Hungarian aristocracy were even stronger. At the beginning o f the twentieth century, fewer than four thousand people, 0.2 percent o f the landowners, owned 32 percent o f the land. One-fifth o f the land belonged to the biggest estates. The “ preserved”



feudal type o f property, ninety-two fidei-commissa (sixty o f them were sanctioned by the emperor between 1867 and 1912.), covered 35 percent o f the country (Magyar Statisztikai Evkonyv 1913). In 1905, more^han 150 aris­ tocrats had important positions on the boards o f leading Hungarian banks and industrial firms (Magyar Penziigy 1905). Legislation in 1886 granted life membership in the upper house to every male adult member o f an aristocratic family (with the rank o f count or baron)« H a lf o f the prime ministers and more than one-third o f all cabinet ministers in H ungary between the Austro-Hungarian Compromise (1867) and the Great War came from aristocratic families« The highly exclusive electoral system o f the country granted the right to vote to only 6 percent o f the population, including all noblemen. Small wonder, then, that 58 percent o f the deputies came from noble families, 16 percent o f them from the aristoc­ racy (Mayer 1981,173). The Romanian boyar class, although it lost its privileges in 1864, pre­ served its economic power. The mosierime, the large landowners, some 2,000 families, owned three million hectares, 38 percent o f the arable land. Later, they were able to enlarge their estates: the Land Law o f 1889 au­ thorized the sale o f state-owned estates, amounting to 1.2 million hectares o f land, and the bulk o f it, as Robert Seton-Watson noted, “ passed into wrong hands,” that is, to the landlords. “ The country was but a big es­ tate, administered like an estate—a complex o f latifundia in which pri­ vate law is public law, the inheritance o f landed wealth is the inheritance o f power in the State,” said the prominent Romanian writer Michai Eminescu (quoted in M itrany 1930,24). Romania was, indeed, characterized by “ irresponsible landlordism” (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963, 368-69). When the country became independent, the Romanian “ political nation” was composed entirely o f the propertied class o f 4,000 voters, whose fran­ chise was based on wealth and position. Their number was approximately equal to the upper-level bureaucracy. The new constitution o f 1864 introduced nearly universal male suffrage, but with the severe restriction o f a collegial electoral system under which the propertied class directly elected 80 percent o f the deputies, while the majority o f the population, the entire peasantry and other lesser taxpay­ ers, elected the remaining 20 percent via delegates. The upper chamber was entirely occupied by the landowning and top bureaucratic elite (Michelson 1987,27, 72,138). In Rom ania, the big “ landowner was him­ self the law” (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963, 389). The situation o f the nobility in partitioned Poland was somewhat dif­ ferent. The szlachta, the Polish nobility, was by far the largest noble elite



in Europe: probably 20 to 25 percent o f ethnic Poles, by some calcula­ tions, and 10 percent o f the overall Polish, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian pop­ ulation o f the kingdom. In principle, the entire szlachta had equal rights and privileges in the “ noble democracy,” leading public posts were not hereditary, and the tides o f “ baron” and “ count” did not exist. In reality, however, the noble elite formed three distinct layers. The first consisted o f landed nobles with serfs. At the end o f the eighteenth century, only roughly 4 0,0 0 0 nobles had more than ten serfs. Some fifteen families, among them the Radziwills, Czartoryskis, and Potockis, which had ac­ cumulated exceptional wealth and power, acquired the tide o f prince and virtually ruled the country, forming a real Polish grand aristocracy, total­ ing fewer than 2,000 people. Szlachta with ten to twenty serf families made up about 8 percent o f the nobility, or around 25,000 people. Finally, about a third o f the szlachta had around ten serfs. The largest number, however, belonged to the two lowest levels o f nobility: the peasant-nobles, with small parcels o f land they cultivated themselves, and the landless nobility who served the landed nobility and rich urbanites in various posts. This latter group numbered from 400,000 to a million (Korzon 1897-98,15961; R ing 2001, 69-95). Although the szlachta preserved economic power and most o f their landed property, their privileged position had been undermined. In C on ­ gress Poland, established under Russian rule after the 1815 Congress o f Vienna, the Polish nobility enjoyed local self-government at the provin­ cial (gubemiia) and district (uezd) levels, held assemblies, and elected ad­ ministrative and judicial functionaries every three years. Polish law and aristocratic institutions were abolished after the failed uprising o f 1830-31, however, when the constitution o f 1815 was replaced by an “ organic statute” (1832) that made Poland a part o f the Russian empire and excluded the Polish nobility from political power. Conversely, substantial auton­ omy was granted under Habsburg rule in neighboring Galicia in 1867, when the province became one o f the seventeen Kronldndery with a Sejm Krajowy (Galician Diet) dominated by Polish nobles (Izdebski 1995, 80-85). The survival o f the old elite was not, however, limited to the preserved economic and political power o f the aristocracy. The lower layers o f the nobility, the gentry and the so-called petty nobility, w ho cultivated small parcels o f land and lived as peasants, also preserved their noble privileges. Unlike the high aristocracy, the gentry were hit hard by the emancipation o f serfs, which deprived them o f the pillars o f their noble existence: a free labor force and tax exemptions. The ongoing changes, including the un-

18 8


bearable competition o f modernized large estates and the possibility o f losing their heavily mortgaged lands, undermined the economic position o f a broad layer o f the Central and Eastern European gentry. In this sit­ uation, the agricultural depression o f the 1870s and 1880s was a mortal blow for them, ^ As a consequence, the gentry gradually lost their landed property and became landless. In Hungary’s Saros County, 170 landed gentry families were recorded in mid eighteenth century, for example, but the 1895 cen­ sus registered only 34. Landowners with estates o f 200 to 1,000 cadastre yokes, or 114 to 570 hectares (a cadastre yoke was defined as the amount o f land that could be plowed with a yoke o f oxen in a day), were consid­ ered to belong to the gentry in Hungary. The number o f these landowner families decreased from 30,000 to 7,000 during the second half o f the nineteenth century. The Polish gentry, the most numerous gentry class in the world, was virtually eliminated as a landowning class. Moreover, in response to their leadership in the fight for independence, the Russian government deliberately launched devastating attacks against them. B e­ tween 1836 and 1861, the authorities carried out a “ legitimation” o f the Polish nobility by limiting the number o f privileged estates. The status o f the petty nobility—roughly 250,000 people—was not confirmed, thus eliminating them from noble status. As a consequence, the number o f the Polish nobility in the Polish kingdom under Russian rule dropped from more than 300,000 to nearly 50,000. In Prussian Poland, their number decreased by 40 percent during the nineteenth century. The bulk o f the Hungarian, Polish, Czech, and other Central and East­ ern European gentry—at least two-thirds in real terms—became déclassé. In a modem society, they would have lost their traditional positions in the political-economic elite o f their country and have become either pro­ letarians, service workers, or professionals, as often happened in the west­ ern provinces o f the Habsburg empire, in Austria proper, and partly in Bohemia, where the embourgeoisement o f society advanced the most. That was not, however, the case in most o f Central and Eastern E u ­ rope. The déclassé gentry found compensation in occupying prestigious positions in the new state bureaucracy and army. Although financially bankrupt and mostly with relatively low incomes, they were thus still able to preserve their status in the ruling new bureaucratic and political elite. In the case o f Hungary, the preservation o f the gentry's power through absorption into prestigious and often lucrative state positions has been well documented by Andrew G Janos in his portrayal o f the “ politics o f



backwardness” (Janos 19 8 2 ,108-n). After the Austro-Hungarian C om ­ promise o f 1867, especially during the 1870s and 1880s, the government o f Kalman Tisza (1875-90) built up a huge state bureaucracy, partly to res­ cue the declining gentry and create a haven for them. The 16,000 civil servants inherited from the Austrian administration had doubled by 1875 and then increased to more than 60,000 by 1890, and to 120,000 by 1910. Roughly 3.5 percent o f the labor force was employed in the civil service. “N o other age in Hungarian public life came to be so completely identified with the gentry as were the years o f Kalman Tisza’s premiership” (ibid., quoting Lippay 1919, 98). As a consequence, 57 percent o f the H ungar­ ian state bureaucracy was o f gentry origin in 1890. In the office o f the prime minister and in the M inistry o f Interior, they made up two-thirds o f the employees. Although this extremely high representation somewhat de­ creased during the next quarter o f a century, it was still 46 percent in 1910. Between 1875 and 1918, 61 percent o f the employees in the prime minis­ ter’s office, 64 percent in the M inistry o f Interior, and 38 percent in the Ministry o f Commerce were members o f the gentry; altogether, they oc­ cupied 48 percent o f the positions in the four most important ministries (Berend and Szuhay 19 79 ,14 1-4 2). The gentry continued to play a decisive role in the political arena: be­ tween 1887 and 1910, more than 48 percent o f the representatives in the Hungarian parliament belonged to the gentry. Janos identifies 27 percent o f the representatives as public employees and another 22 percent as at­ torneys (ibid., iio - i i , 138). The joint Austro-Hungarian army offered another possibility for pre­ serving elite positions. According to Karl Kandeelsdorfer’s calculations in 1896, nearly 29 percent o f the officer corps belonged to the nobility. Istvan Deak’s innovative calculations—based on a random sample o f 64 officers—show that 20 percent o f the officers were noblemen in 1870. O f them, 45 percent belonged to the old and 55 percent to the new service nobility, that is, families o f newly ennobled officers and state bureaucrats. Although more than three-quarters o f the officer corps o f nearly 18,000 career officers were o f German nationality, approximately 10 percent w'ere Hungarian, 5 percent Czech, 2.5 percent Polish, and 2.4 percent Croat. The Hungarian National Guard offered a better opportunity for the gen­ try than the joint army: in 1869-70, when the H onved army was created, 60 percent o f the newly appointed officers were from gentry families, and another 14 percent were aristocrats. It is true, however, that the heavy overrepresentation o f the gentry and the nobility at large gradually declined. Roughly 90 percent o f the high-



ranking generals o f the joint Austro-Hungarian army were noblemen in 1859. Their number decreased to 41 percent by 1908 and to 25 percent by 1918. The gentry contingent o f the officer corps o f the Hungarian H onvéd army also declined from 60 to 39 percent between 1870 and 1881 (Deak 19 9 2,161-63,18 3). / The genuine political “ home” o f the gentry, however, was county ad­ ministration. In Som ogy County, for example, between 1867 and 1910, nearly two-thirds o f the 79 top administrative officials were recruited from the gentry, while only 2 percent o f them belonged to the aristocracy and well-to-do landed gentry. The case o f Som ogy County was not unique: nationwide, two-thirds o f the leading county bureaucracy was from the gentry (Berend and Szuhay 19 78,141-4 2). The parliament, the state and county bureaucracy, and the army could not, however, absorb the entire déclassé gentry class. Twice as many im­ poverished gentry sought to occupy state offices as were actually employed during the last third o f the century. O f 400 gentry families in Som ogy County and 600 in Sàros County, only 50 and 49, respectively, found pres­ tigious positions in these institutions. A great many became managers on big estates or went into professional fields and became judges, attorneys, journalists, and even teachers. The Romanian déclassé gentry also found a safe refuge in the public offices o f the central administration and in th zjudefe. At the beginning o f the twentieth century, more than 100,000 people—2 percent o f the population—were employed thus. H alf o f them occupied lower positions, with incomes hardly better than that o f a salaried worker. Only 1 percent o f them, the higher echelons, earned a middle-class income, but social status, power, respect, and the possibility o f earning substantial additional income came with the office. Throughout, even the lowest layer, the petty nobility, struggled to maintain at least the decorum o f noble status. Both the Hungarian bocskoros nemes (“ bemoccasined noble,” squireen) and the similar Polish szlachta zasciankma (“ nobles behind the walls,” because o f their habit o f living together in exclusive communities) were in real terms peasantnobles who cultivated their own small pieces o f land and whose children served landowners on manorial estates. Petty noblewomen (“ household misses” ) served in manor houses. The peasant-szlachta, the “ middle brothers,” as aristocratic mentors called them, were addressed aspan and pant (lord and lady), they shook hands and were asked to sit down. In the petty noble villages, symbolic etiquette and outfits were preserved to demonstrate noble status: families used pompous language and aristo­



cratic manners. Their houses had porches and, if possible, a piano inside. Women wore gloves and short mantles lined with white fur and carried parasols. “ In dress and manners, the landowners’ patterns were obliga­ tory for the petty nobility55 (Chamerska 1996, 78).

Wladyslaw Reym onfs Nobel prize-w inning The Peasants, an encyclo­ pedic novel about Polish peasant life, describes the “nobility o f Rzepki,” the people o f a noble-peasant village, as very poor but pretentious people, who had “only a bag and a bundle, one cow for five and one cap for three.55 W hen these noble peasants arrived at a district peasant meeting, “they came all in one band, taciturn, looking down and askance at everyone they met. Their womenfolk, dressed like manor-people, very much pranced out, walked in their midst, and were treated by them with the utm ost cour­ tesy” (Reym ont 1925, 2: 89-90). In Central Europe, the elite o f the noble establishment thus hung onto their perm anendy weakened positions. The gentry remained the foun­ dation o f the “historic middle class55and influenced the manners, attitude, and national self-consciousness o f virtually the entire society. Their habits were considered “national characteristics.” The newly ennobled bureau­ cratic-military elite, and even part o f the intellectual elite, totally assimi­ lated into the gentry and enthusiastically adopted their lifestyle and man­ ners. Old and new nobility thus amalgamated. The preservation o f the old noble elite was only pardy the consequence o f the semisuccessful m odernization o f the economy and society. The old elite imposed themselves on the society by clinging to their landed estates and military-bureaucratic positions. Their role was legitimized for the society by the process o f failed, incomplete nation-building. The lack o f independent statehood, combined w ith conflicting claims by mixed nationalities within and w ithout state borders, led to a strong, aggressive, and traditional representation o f national identity. Military virtue and ex­ perienced leadership acquired special significance. People wanted a lead­ ing elite that represented national continuity, an asset when statehood and nationhood were lacking and required verification. The uncertain future o f independent nationhood and the troubled relations among all the neighboring nations and minorities created “ po­ litical hysteria55in the region (Bibo 1986). In this environment, where his­ torical and ethnic-linguistic borders did not meet, the old elite could rein­ carnate and reestablish their legitimate power as the national leadership. In Istvan Bibo’s assessment, the noble elite were totally out o f step with realities. They were accustomed to making unreasonable demands and to formulating policy based on what they wanted, rather than on what could



be accomplished, thus disengaging policy from a rationale o f cause and effect. In this deformed political culture, the irrational inclination o f the noble elite to propagate historical and national myths becameja source o f strength and charisma. The people o f the region sought to live in these myths and wanted to believe that national independence ¿hd the unifica­ tion o f the entire nation would automatically resolve all the country’s un­ solved and painful political, economic, and social problems. The prevalence o f myths actually prepared the way for the rise o f a na­ tional intelligentsia, pardy emerging from the declasse gentry, but also from commoners. The national intelligentsia consisted o f prophet-poets, writers, historians, linguists, ethnographers, teachers, and priests, those who cultivated the distinctive national culture and were able to substitute the missing national continuity and strengthen national self-confidence. They represented, or even produced, evidence o f deep national roots and historical rights against the existing multinational state formations and rival nations. Culture acquired eminent political importance, although this did n o t lead to its flourishing but rather to its overpolitization (Bibo 1986, 215-26). The old elite found a crucial new function to legitimize their power. A great part o f this elite, however, the historical gentry middle class, became totally anachronistic and collided head-on w ith the new require­ ments o f the m odem age o f capitalism and democracy. Late nineteenth-century realist writers o f the region often wrote about the declining, parasitic, passe, but still dom inating gentry. Chekhov fo­ cused on the twilight o f the old nobility. His heroes loiter in m anor houses and mansions in the countryside and are unable to change their lives and start working. A vain nostalgia for action substitutes for deeds. Real hu­ man dialogues are supplanted by the “nihilism” o f em pty m onologues, real hum an relations by empty illusions. That was also the world o f Stanislaw Wyspianski, a Polish contem porary o f Chekhov’s, who sought to destroy the Polish myth. In his Wesele (W edding 1900), the historic mis­ sion o f the noble intelligentsia, the typical embodiment of the declining gentry, is a wedding with the “people,” a symbolic mission to create na­ tional unity. Deed, here too, is only a pseudo-action. The impossibility o f a dialogue between the two social layers is even linguistically expressed: the peasants speak a m ountain (goral) dialect, the noble intelligentsia, the literary language. Their declamations are empty, pathetic words. The Poet meets his hero, an arm ored knight—the natural personification o f the nobility—and finds the arm or empty. The “W edding” symbolizes the re­ placement o f deeds by daydreaming. The spirits who appear have con­ sciousness but are unable to act (Spiro 1986).



The Hungarian Kalman Mikszath also said a nostalgic-critical farewell to the Hungarian gentry. In his The Gentry (1897), he presents the world o f Saros County, a place o f “ hallucinations,” where “ small men are great lords.” The event, here too, is a wedding at which once-illustrious fami­ lies create the illusion o f their lost wealth. The best food and wine are served; the guests arrive in elegant carriages, wearing diamonds. They gamble with nonexistent fortunes at the card table. When the celebra­ tion ends, the jewels and carriages are taken back to their real owners. Everything was pretense, and everyone returns to a simple office the next morning. In one o f Mikszath’s last novels, A Nosztyfiii esetea TothMarivsd ([ 1908 ] 1912) (The Young N oszty’s Affaire with M ary Toth), a poor gentry fam­ ily, the Nosztys, plot for young Feri Noszty to seduce the daughter o f a millionaire businessman, Mihaly Toth, to make their marriage unavoid­ able. The conspiracy is assisted by Baron Kopereczky, squire o f the ficti­ tious Bonto County. “ Well, you have to see the power o f the family [as being] like a fortress withstanding the decay o f centuries,” Kopereczky’s brother-in-law, old Noszty, explains. “ It has walls, bastions, towers, [but] alas, it also has cracks in the walls. . . . This fortress needs attention all the time, its weaknesses have to be supported, the cracks have to be repaired, sometime a strap o f iron is needed to hold it. ” The Toths represent mod­ em middle-class virtues in contrast to the corrupt gentry world o f the Nosztys. The plot comes to grief because o f the resistance o f Mihaly Toth. The young Feri N oszty shrugs its failure off, saying: “ The world is quite large. There are many more girls. . . . The main thing is, anyway, health and a little luck at the card-table” (quoted in Czigany 1984, 237,240-41).

The noble elite preserved their old manners and value system, a kind o f a “feudal anticapitalism,” although, like the Nosztys, they often sought to find “a strap o f iron” in mesalliances, marriages with rich commoners, to hold together their ruined “fortresses.” At the same tim e, however, they rejected m odern values and looked down on business as ungentlemanly. This rigid antibusiness attitude emerged mostly during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and evolved into a “national characteristic” dur­ ing the nineteenth and even twentieth centuries. Maria Bogucka sheds light on the Polish gentry’s attitudes from the seventeenth century to the early twentieth. In 1623, a representative o f the gentry, one Stanislaw Zaremba, accused the merchants (“ keen blood­ hounds” ) o f “ demoralizing society by importing luxury goods” and by their “ tricks and intolerable profits.” H e characterized townsmen as ene­ mies w ho “ are destroying and impoverishing Poland and robbing her



wealth while enriching foreign countries and themselves.” Jan Jurkowski, a teacher in Pilzno in the early seventeenth century, versified: a

Let yeomen till land, grow wheat for the daily bread Let women count profit from spinning a fine thread Let merchants have gold, let the Jew count his treasure You stick to [a] soldier’s prize, your only measure.

* /

An early twentieth-century writer echoed this attitude: “ Genuine no­ bility is a peculiar power and a genuine nest o f virtue, fame, dignity and integrity. . . .N obility soars up high with the eagles.” Bogucka concludes that according to these views, “ engaging in urban occupations was shame fill and dishonest by their very nature” (Bogucka 19 93,9 9-110). The gentry rejected the idea o f trade or even o f marketing their own products. When, in a pamphlet published anonymously in 1880, Jo sef Ig ­ nacy Kraszewski recommended m odem commerce as the road to nation­ building, Gfosszkubcicapolskiego (“ The Voice o f a Polish Gentleman” ) re­ sponded in vitriolic tones, calling Kraszewski a “ grave digger o f his own class,” who “ lived according to the customs o f their forebears, and not the customs o f shopkeepers.” The gentry rejected “ the worship o f the golden calf and utilitarianism” since they were “ the exclusive heir to the entire historic national p a s t. . . Religion, Motherland, Family and Tra­ dition.” Jan Ludwik Poplawski went even further in his Gios (1887) when he stated: “ Today, w e have already begun descending to the level o f the Jew s . . w e will soon turn completely into a nation o f profiteers and traders” (quoted in Jedlicki 1999, 218-19, 280). Strikingly similar attitudes emerged in Hungary. The mid-nineteenthcentury Hungarian historian Mihály Horvath said that in previous cen­ turies, “ the common opinion . . . at least that o f the noble classes . . . biased by prejudice. . . cherished the most absurd ideas concerning com­ merce.” Zsigm ond Pal Pach has masterfully analyzed the changed men­ tality o f the Hungarian nobility, which engaged in trade (like their E n ­ glish counterparts) in the sixteenth century, but turned against it during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Baron Lorinc Orczy expressed this view in a poem in 1780: Heated debates rage among us, Does shameless trade befit the Magyars? For it may indeed corrupt our morals, Say, where do you think it might lead us? In counties Zemplén, Szaboles, Ung and Bereg Much money, food and wine fill all the cellars.



Need we more? Should our lives be disconcerted? So that more money might stuff all our purses? All this influenced the entire society, including the peasantry, and led to the emergence o f an anticapitalist national character (Pach 1994,150-51, 155-56). Gyula Szekfii, a leading Hungarian historian o f the first half o f the twentieth century, hailed the “ anti-commercial and anti-capitalist talents o f the Hungarian race” ; according to him, history proved that “ the prin­ ciple o f trading and production for profit disagreed with the Hungarian

nature___ [B]ourgeois characteristics were quite far from the mental habit o f Hungarians, nobility and peasantry alik e,. . . Undoubtedly, the Hun­ garians may be listed among those peoples that have the least inclination to develop in a capitalist direction” (Szekfii 19 20,291; 1922,81-82), The same “ anti-capitalist character” was “ diagnosed” for the Rom a­ nians by the mid-nineteenth-century Romanian economist-statistician D. P. Martian, who criticized his countrymen for lacking the entrepre­ neurial spirit needed for economic modernization (Michelson 1987,30). “ [E]ducated Romanians have shown a tendency to avoid following a commercial career, leaving this field o f activity to alien elements . . . the co u n try. . . is thus deprived o f the opportunity o f building up an inde­ pendent middle class,” the English author G. C. Lo g io noted a century later. This attitude also had a toxic impact on business morale. Logio de­ scribes the Romanian view that “ elusion o f obligations is a mundane af­ faire and a fashionable art which should be cultivated assiduously” (Lo­ gio 19 3 2 ,115» n8).

The aristocratic establishment thus survived, not only by virtue o f the preservation o f the old noble elite, the principal role o f the big estate, and the determinant position o f the gentry as the backbone o f the “historic” or “gentleman middle class” (torténdmi or úri kdzéposztály)> but also be­ cause o f the elite's conservative “feudal anticapitalist” values and attitudes, which penetrated the society and figured as Polish and Hungarian “na­ tional characteristics.” The most visible feature o f the gentry's attitude was a “ gentlemanly” lifestyle, maintaining the pretense o f old noble wealth by spending much more than the never-enough income earned at an often-mediocre office job, “Ah, if I could only afford to live the way I live” was a typical Hun­ garian remark, reported by John Lukacs's mother (Lukács 1988,91). This irresponsible lifestyle led to heavy indebtedness and invited corruption as a means to fill the huge gaps in family budgets. Connections to relatives o f the upper nobility, the advantage o f having a “historic” name, and offices



with access to lucrative “gifts” became an inseparable part o f the gentry's way o f life. Business activity, entrepreneurship, and thrift were thought ungentlemanly and even shameful. The moral outlook o f thegentry was thus the antithesis o f Max Weber’s Protestant ethic. This “anticapitalist” character was regarded as an “elegant” national pattern to follow

DUAL SOCIETIES: THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW ELITE In parallel with partial economic m odernization, especially from the mid to late nineteenth century on, a new entrepreneurial, bourgeois elite and a m odem middle class slowly and gradually began to develop. Coexis­ tence o f the old and new elites under the unquestioned political and so­ cial leadership o f the old elite was a hallmark o f the dual society The modem new business, service, and intellectual elites formed a rather thin layer in Central European societies. Cis-Leithania, the rapidly industrializing Low er Austria, and Bohemia-Moravia-Silesia were ex­ ceptions. In contrast to the situation in other countries o f the region, the majority o f the population there left agriculture and relocated in indus­ try, commerce, and services. In Low er Austria and Bohemia-MoraviaSilesia, 60 and 52 percent o f the population, respectively, worked in the new nonagrarian sectors. In the strong industrial and service branches o f the economy, a nearly Western type o f bourgeoisie and middle class emerged. The self-conscious Czech-speaking merchants, industrialists, and intellectuals o f Prague envisaged their ow n club, the Mestanska Beseda, as early as 1844, and the institution was inaugurated in January 1846 (Sayer 1998,82-83). Vienna and even Prague became important financial centers. The Wiener Bankverein, the Creditanstalt, the headquarters o f the Vienna Rothschilds, and the Zivnostenska Banka o f Prague and their affiliates de­ veloped strong positions in the Balkans. The Austro-Czech textile, sugar, iron, and engineering industries supplied the entire empire and several neighboring countries besides. A strong financial and industrial upper middle class, an army o f clerks and employees in the business sector, and white-collar workers in services and professional fields made up between one-fourth and one-third o f Vienna and Prague society, respectively During the nineteenth century, more than 1,000 prominent Austrian and Bohemian bankers, industrialists, and merchants were ennobled (Mayer 1981, in ). This was a clear sign both o f the strength o f the modern business elite and o f its assimilation into the aristocratic establishment. Characteristically, the numerous Austrian-Bohemian bourgeoisie and



middle class still remained politically weak compared to the old elite and did n o t even seek to gain direct political power. The Austrian and Bo­ hemian societies, although nearest to their Western counterparts, still ex­ hibited the characteristics o f the dual society. The eastern half o f the empire did not see a similar rise o f a m odern middle class. By 1869, in Hungary, shortly after the Ausgleich, indepen­ dent entrepreneurs in banking, industry, trade, and transportation, in­ cluding the so-called petit bourgeois shopkeepers and artisans, whitecollar workers, and intellectuals, num bered roughly 600,000 people. In other words, the emerging upper and lower middle class represented only about 8-9 percent o f the country’s workforce. By 1910, their num ber had almost doubled, to nearly 1,10 0 ,0 0 0 , which embodied nearly 15 percent o f the workforce. The wealth and importance o f these newly emerging social layers, how­ ever, surpassed their number. Although Hungary’s Gross Domestic Prod­ uct increased more than threefold during the half century before World War I, the contribution o f agriculture declined from nearly 80 percent to just over 60 percent. Modern industrial and service branches produced nearly 40 percent o f domestic product before the war (Berend and R in ki 1979, 65, 77). The top 150-200 bourgeois families, w ho owned and ran much o f Hungarian banking, industry, transportation, and trade, accu­ mulated vast wealth, comparable to that o f the landowning aristocracy. The leading financial groups centered around the Pesti Magyar Kereskedelmi Bank (Commercial Bank) and the M agyar Altalanos Hitelbank (Credit Bank). Leo Lanczy, Fülôp Weiss, Ferenc Chorin, A d olf Ullmann, and the Kornfeld, Manfred Weiss Herzog, and Deutsch families were fa­ miliar names among the “ about fifty people at the top o f Hungarian bank­ ing and industry,” Jeno Varga observed; they “ controlled about 20 per­ cent o f the capital and nearly half o f the net income” o f these sectors (Varga 1912,10). B y providing mortgage credits for landowners, a highly indebted class, they also acquired their share o f the income from the landed estates. Moreover, the financial-merchant elite bought up one-fifth o f the landed estates over 200 cadastre yokes (114 hectares). The growing number o f medical doctors, teachers, journalists, enter­ tainers, and corporate clerks made up only a small fraction o f the soci­ ety. They became very important in the rising cities, most o f all in the capital city, however, where they formed a large and influential urban mid­ dle class. The largest segment o f the business middle class consisted o f hundreds o f thousands o f shopkeepers, a great many o f whom ran vil­ lage general stores and pubs. Tens o f thousands were tailors (20 percent



o f them self-employed), shoemakers (9 percent), and butchers and bak­ ers (23-24 percent). M ost o f them were small-business people, partly from premodem times. ^

An extremely fragile middle class emerged in Romania, where, even before World War I, three-quarters o f the population still fo rk e d in agri­ culture. In 1900, 78 percent o f the people were still illiterate. Even so, a small but rich and influential bourgeoisie and m erchant class emerged. The big taxpayers consisted o f more than 10,000 entrepreneurs, 1,300 lawyers, 150 engineers, and 42 bankers in 1903-4. They were concentrated in Bucharest, the rapidly growing capital city, where their main strength lay in banking. The Banca Agricolâ, Banca Româneascâ, and the Banca Marmorosch Blank were their strongholds. Romania’s significant role in world grain exports generated the largest incomes for the bourgeoisie en­ gaged in trade (Zeletin 1991). They were, however, totally excluded from public life and political power. Moreover, because o f their Jewish origins, a great num ber o f them were also unable to gain citizenship. Neverthe­ less, their wealth, combined with the widespread corruption that became an organic part o f the social and political life o f the country, opened a path into high politics for them. Alarge part o f the Romanian lower m id­ dle class remained traditional artisans. A round the turn o f the century, 166.000 families made a living in this way.

Another part of the old-fashioned, early-modern type o f petite bour­ geoisie, lower-middle-class merchants in Romania’s quiet, dusty little cities, originally small shopkeepers, innkeepers, and moneylenders in vil­ lages, became rather well-to-do by selling the products o f the big estates. As their most lucrative role, they became arendafi, leaseholders, or m id­ dlemen between the absentee boyars and the peasant renters. By 1900, more than half o f the land o f the big estates (above 500 hectares), and three-quarters o f the largest estates (over 3,000 hectares), was leased. O n average, an arendaç leased 700 hectares, but, mostly in Moldavia, gigan­ tic estates were leased: the Fischer Trust, founded in 1890, leased nearly 238.000 hectares.

The economic power o f the thin but strong m odem bourgeoisie and their command o f communication, education, culture, and also o f busi­ ness bureaucracy made the rising middle class bountiful partners for the old elite. Nevertheless, they could not compete w ith the political and ad­ ministrative power and social prestige o f the landed nobility and gentry. They looked for political representation and connections among the old elite and sought to p u t themselves on an equal footing with the nobility by buying noble ranks. A bout three hundred business people acquired



patents o f nobility, roughly one-tenth o f them even attaining baronial rank in Hungary. The nouveaux riches rushed to buy estates—not so much for economic advantage as for status—and built mansions in the country­ side. The effort to assimilate, however, could not change their social status. They remained second-class citizens or even noncitizens, outside the body o f the nation. The old noble elite looked dow n on them and rarely toler­ ated their company.

THE "JEWISH QUESTION" One o f the most important factors leading to exclusion, aside from the persistence o f the aristocratic establishment and its values, was the nonindigenous origin o f the new business and middle-class elite. In the rigid framework o f noble society, social mobility was extremely slow or nonexi­ stent. The declasse gentry could preserve their role in the sociopolitical elite by holding bureaucratic positions in the state and county apparatus and in the army. Even if they became intellectuals, a transformation that began in the first half o f the nineteenth century, the landless gentry oc­ cupied state-related positions. Lawyers, the majority o f gentry intellec­ tuals, did not engage in private practice or business law but became judges and prosecutors, part o f the bureaucracy. Downward mobility hardly ex­ isted. The same was true o f upward mobility, since the newly liberated serfs, although free peasants, were still excluded from the body o f the na­ tion. Uneducated and alien to the urban environment, the vast majority o f them could not merge into the rank and file o f the middle class. As a consequence, a gap characterized the middle layers o f the former noble societies. This gap was filled by nonindigenous elements: Greeks, Germans, and, most o f all, in the second half o f the nineteenth century, Jews. They were strongly urban and traditionally business- and educationoriented. When the need arose and possibilities opened up for business and intellectual positions, they appeared without competition, yearning to occupy these fields. Greeks played an important role in Romania, where the century o f Phanariot rule up to 1821 had established their pivotal power. B y represent­ ing the Ottoman Porte, the “ closed caste” o f the Phanariots, as the histo­ rian Nicolae Iorga (1933) characterizes them, formed the leading group o f the political and business elite, although their significance declined steeply after Romania gained independence. The Greeks5 role was also im­ portant in Hungary, especially in the early stage o f capitalist transforma-



tion, but it decreased, especially after Greece became independent in 1830, when a great many Greek businessmen repatriated. The traditional German-speaking patrician layer, the founders ofji great number o f Hungarian cities and townships, who played a pioneering role in early capitalist business activity, mostly turned toward intellectual and professional positions and rapidly assimilated, becoming Hungarian na­ tionalists during the nineteenth century and an organic part o f the rising middle class (Szelenyi 1998)* Partitioned Poland faced a different destiny. Germans became the back­ bone o f the entrepreneurial and middle class in Prussian Poland, where these groups became very strong. Although two-thirds o f the population o f Russian Poland and Galicia engaged in agriculture up until World War I, in Poznania, this share was only 42 percent. Nearly 60 percent o f the pop­ ulation o f Prussian Poland worked in industry and services. A deliber­ ate germanization, however, strengthened the German elements in big business and in various middle-class positions. “ There were hardly any Poles among [the] greater industrialists, bankers, or traders,53 Piotr Wandycz says. Only 28 percent o f traders were Polish. Polish participa­ tion was stronger in small-scale industry. Nearly half o f the entrepreneurs were Polish in Prussian Poland, but only a few employed more than 200 workers in the 1880s (Wandycz 1974,230).

In Prussian Poland, where the total num ber o f the Jews had dropped to 2.5 percent o f the population by 1900, they did n ot play a leading part in the middle class, but in Russian Poland and Galicia, where nearly one in ten inhabitants was Jewish, their role was pivotal. In the big, m odern cities Warsaw and Lodz, the industrial and administrative centers o f the country, where the entrepreneurial middle class was most concentrated, 33 and 30 percent of the population was Jewish, respectively (Sliwa 1997). Together w ith Germans, they were strongly overrepresented am ong the big banking and industrial bourgeoisie. Several families established their wealth through army contracting at the end o f the eighteenth century and the beginning o f the nineteenth. The majority o f the registered 156 war contractors in Warsaw were Jewish merchants (Kosim 1986,105,130). One o f them , Szymon Rosen, who settled in Warsaw in 1795, began business as a moneylender and continued as an army contractor. D uring the 1830s, he ran a leading commercial firm. H is son Mathias graduated from the Warsaw Lyzeum, and became one o f the pillars o f the m odern entrepre­ neurial class in Poland. Leopold Kronenberg became the richest financier and industrialist. M ost o f the business magnates, the Kronenbergs, Rosens, Epsteins, Natansons, Rotwands, Lilpops, and Wawelbergs, were



either Jews or Germans. A xenophobic attitude emerged, characteristi­ cally expressed in 1880 in TheJews, the Germans, and Us, a popular pam­ phlet by Jan Jeleriski, a right-wing radical (Jedlicki 1999, 279). The Ger­ mans, however, soon assimilated. “These Szlenkers, Temlers, Szweds, Pfeifers . . . Lilpops, Strassburgers are already blood from o u r blood,” a contem porary Polish baroness wrote one o f her friends (Kolodziejczyk 1986, 244).

The Jews, on the other hand, remained in many respects outside Pol­ ish society and were considered alien, and sometimes inimical. The posi­ tivists, represented by Boleslaw Prus, recognized assimilated Jews as Poles, since “ Jewishness does not so much refer to descent and religion, but rather to darkness, pride, separatism, laziness, and exploitation.” Afew years later, however, Roman Dmowski and Jan Poplawski rejected assimilation as an “intrusion o f Jewishness into the midst o f the nation,” saying that Jews remained foreign to Polish society because they could not “understand or feel its aspirations and interests” (quoted in Porter 2000,163,228). Jews, nevertheless, occupied m ore and more middle-class positions in the coun­ try. Am ong the merchants, especially small retailers, Jews became an abso­ lute majority: 65 percent o f shopkeepers in Warsaw were Jewish at the end o f the nineteenth century. They also played an im portant role in the grow­ ing, but still small, intellectual stratum (Wrobel 1991). The majority o f the Romanian entrepreneurial and middle class was Jew­ ish. M odern commerce was naturally concentrated in cities and towns, which, unlike the Romanian peasant countryside, were strongly Jewish. In 1900, 40 percent o f the urban population—some 280,000 people— were Jews engaged in commerce and handicrafts (Rosen 1995)* “They gained control over much o f the trade, industry, and finance. In time they even acquired a foothold in agriculture by leasing the large estates o f ab­ sentee landlords” (Stavrianos [1958] 1963,484). The Jews were also the m ost im portant nonindigenous element in Hungary, where their num ber rapidly increased tenfold and reached 5 per­ cent o f the population in the nineteenth century. O ne-third o f them were beggars, peddlers, and workers until 1848 (H anak 1992). The other twothirds, legally excluded from various activities and landownership, were innkeepers, small merchants, shopkeepers, and artisans. They easily ad­ justed to the economic booms that followed after 1848 and in 1867. True, in 1910, 30 percent o f the Polish Jews and more than 32 percent o f the H ungarian Jews were lumberjacks, skilled workers in printing and other industries, day laborers, and domestic servants. However, roughly 80 per­ cent o f the industrial magnates were Jewish around World War I.



In this environment, the ideal o f a native “ gentleman” entrepreneur emerged. In 1791, Jo zef Wÿbicki published his didactic novel Mysli polityczne 0wolnosci cymlnej (The Gentleman Turned Citizen), portraying im­ poverished Polish gentry who move to the city to open a factory. “ [I]n our recent romances, engineers were idealized as heroes; the/"made for­ tunes, they were loved, they [had] noble characters,” the enlightened Pol­ ish modernizer and writer Bolesiaw Prus remarked a few decades later (quoted in Jedlicki 1999,57,194). Prus himself introduced tradesmen he­ roes, however, in hisLalka (The Doll), in 1890. Wokulski, although a suc­ cessful businessmen, is also a philanthropist. M oney for him is always a means, not a goal. The idealized déclassé gentleman, a freedom fighter o f the 1863 uprising turned capitalist, offered a model for a new Polish atti­ tude (Holmgren 1998). In 1870, M or Jokai, the most popular writer o f nineteenth-century Hungary, similarly idealized the hero o f his Fekete £ yémdntok (Black Diamonds), a late romantic daydream about a model entrepreneur, a veteran o f the 1848 war o f independence, who is socially sensitive, wants to raise up his workers to be small businessmen and co­ owners, and struggles against bad foreign investors and their local agents (in this case, the Church). Jokai’s larger-than-life hero, Ivan Berend, a pa­ triot, inventor, and sportsman, embodied the nonexistent type o f mod­ em Hungarian gentleman-tumed-businessman. In fact, 54 percent o f self-employed people were Jewish in H ungary in 1910, and more than 36 percent o f the Jew s became self-employed in industry, trade, and transportation. M ore than 20 percent o f the Jews worked as clerks and employees in banking, industry, and other fields, or in the free professions. Their share among clerks and employees in banking and trade was more than 53 percent, and in industry, 43 percent. Nearly half o f the medical doctors, 45 percent o f lawyers, 42 percent o f journalists, 38 percent o f private engineers, and 23 percent o f actors were Jewish in 1910 (Katus 1992, 9 7-9 8 ,10 1-3 ). This highly urbanized popu­ lation played hardly any part in agriculture. M ore than 73 percent o f the Jew s worked in industry, handicrafts, commerce, and banking, and an­ other 11 percent in communications and the free professions. An in­ digenous, patriotic gentleman-entrepreneur was lacking in Central and Eastern Europe. The “ Jewish question” arose in Austria and to some extent in Bohemia as well. In the Czech lands, unlike in Poland, Romania, and Hungary, the Jewish minority was relatively unimportant. In 1850, only slightly more than 75,000 Jews lived in Bohemia, a number that increased to nearly 86,000 by 1910. These numbers represented only 1.7 and 1.3 percent o f



the contemporary population o f Bohemia, respectively. True, the eman­ cipation o f Jews occurred relatively early there; they gained the right to own landed property in 1841. Marriage and residence restrictions were lifted in 1848. Full legal emancipation was granted in 1867. A strong Jew ­ ish assimilationist movement was established in the very same year to “ spread love o f the homeland and o f the mother tongue among Czech Jews.” In 19 0 0 ,54 percent o f the Bohemian Jews used Czech as an every­ day language. In Moravia, where the number o f Jews was higher and some autonomy was granted them, the Czech-speaking layer constituted only 17 percent o f the Jews.

Regardless o f the relatively small num ber o f Jews, anti-Semitism fol­ lowed a familiar pattern. Two years after the legal emancipation o f Jews, Jan Neruda, the leading writer in the country, wrote in his pamphlet Pro starch zidovsy (O n the Jewish Fear): “The question is n ot the emancipa­ tion o f the Jews, but rather emancipation from the Jews, so that we m ight be able to free ourselves from the exploitation o f one’s fellow m an.” Rudolf Vrba accused the Jews o f dominating industry, banking, and the press, and demanded state control o f banks and the stock market. H e also urged ban­ ning Jewish immigration and removing Jewish students from public schools. Czech nationalism looked upon the mostly German-speaking Jewish m inority as a reserve o f German nationalism, a germanizing ele­ m ent, the enemy o f the Czech nation. In 1892, the Svuj k svemu (Each to His O w n) m ovem ent launched a boycott campaign against Jewish shops. D uring the 1897 anti-German riots in Prague, besides attacking and de­ stroying German stores, coffee shops, and the German Theater and Schulverein, the m ob also smashed the windows o f synagogues in Kralovske Vinohrady and in Zizkov. The “December storm ” was a major trauma for the Jews: “The carefully constructed plans and cherished hopes . . . lay strewn along the sidewalks o f Prague and tens o f smaller communities together with the shards o f glass and broken furniture o f Jewish homes and shops” (Kieval 1988,21, 69,72-73). Although an indigenous bourgeoisie was much stronger there than in Hungary, Poland, and Rom ania, Jews still played a profound role in CisLeithanian business and among the ranks o f the emerging middle class. According to William M cCagg’s pioneering calculations, Jewish partici­ pation in Viennese public institutions, including the N ational Bank, the Cham ber o f Commerce, and the Stock Exchange, grew from 25 percent in 1858 to 60 percent in 1913. Their real foothold, however, was in bank­ ing, where their participation reached 37 percent in 1858 and had increased to nearly 50 percent by 1913. In Austria, Bohemia-Moravia, Galicia, and



other non-Hungarian parts o f the monarchy, as o f 1917, Jews accounted for 30 percent o f the directors o f industrial stock companies and 41 per­ cent o f industrial magnates, defined as directors o f seven or njore com ­ panies (M cCagg 19 9 2,73578). In 1910, Jews were well represented in bank­ ing (15 percent). Am ong the Jews paying the highest taxes, 3^ percent were in trade and 33 percent in industry Prominent Jewish manufacturers such as Leopold Pollack von Parnegg, M ax Mandl, Isidor Mauthner, and the Brunner family played key roles in the leading Austro-Bohemian textile industry (ibid., 85-86).

Ethnic-religious divisions thus deepened the symbiosis and conflict be­ tween the surviving aristocratic establishment and the emerging m odern society. The influence o f the rising m odern elite was profoundly weak­ ened by its strong nonindigenous contingent.

INCOMPLETE SOCIETIES “Incomplete” societies were strikingly different from dual societies. The societies o f the newly independent Balkan nations emerged w ithout a tra­ ditional elite because their own elites had been physically eliminated or driven from these countries centuries earlier by the occupying O ttom an power. Instead, an alien elite, the Greek Phanariots in the Romanian Prin­ cipalities, and pashas, agas, spahis, ayans, and derebeyis in the other Balkan areas, ruled the countries. Due to the peculiar O ttom an system, where instead o f private landownership, the state’s (i.e., the Sultan’s) land and income were managed by an appointed bureaucratic-military elite, the lat­ ter constituted the Balkans5 political-economic and military “nobility.” This alien bureaucratic class was joined by domestic Serbian, Bulgar­ ian, Bosnian, and Albanian pseudo-elites. The subordinated native elite consisted, first o f all, o f the village and knezina chiefs who served as m id­ dlemen between the O ttom an authorities and the local population. Maria Todorova speaks o f a “lack o f continuity o f political elites in the Balkans (Todorova 1997,171). Balkan towns comprised an O ttom an nucleus, the garfija, with a small group o f assimilated merchants, artisans, and m on­ eylenders. “Those few Serbs who do live in towns as tradesmen dress as Turks and live according to Turkish customs . . . during revolts and wars they either shut themselves up with the Turks in cities or run away to G er­ many,” Vuk Karadzic said in the early nineteenth century (quoted in H alpem and Halpern 1972, *2)After gaining independence, the new states rushed to build huge bu-



reaucracies and armies. “ The new political class which carried out the rev­ olution in Serbia was made up o f many hajduks, o f some intellectuals, and o f the ‘better people, who were able to feed and arm two, ten, or twenty serving companions’ . . . xhegazdas” Traian Stoianovich says (Stoianovich 1963, 311). The hajduks, bold popular fighters and outlaw heroes, now became important elements o f the new “ governing class.” The extremely small educated class also gained important ground in the mostly illiterate countries. In countries o f mass illiteracy (70-80 percent), the few educated men were badly needed in state administration and business. The formerly subordinated native elite and the new military, adminis­ trative, and educated leaders followed the Ottoman tradition o f exploit­ ing bureaucratic offices to get rich in a few years. The leading writers o f the age in Bulgaria targeted this phenomenon. Ivan Vazov, in his Toj e rnlad, zdraVy inteligenten (He Is Young, Healthy, Cultured), satirized the rush for bureaucratic sinecures. H is antihero, a young man with every advan­ tage, refuses to consider any employment outside the bureaucracy. An­ ton Strasimirov’s drama Kasta (1908) bitterly attacked the corruption o f government officials (Moser 19 7 2,10 3,17 3). The new national elite cen­ tered on the city. Their number was limited. Including all the settlements with more than 2,000 inhabitants, that is, cities and large villages together, only 9 percent o f Montenegro’s, 10 percent o f Serbia’s, 13 percent o f BosniaHerzegovina’s, and roughly 20 percent o f Bulgaria’s population lived in towns. Serbian figures for 1910 illustrate the overwhelming predominance o f the peasantry in these countries. At that time, 5 percent o f the popu­ lation was employed in public offices and professions and 4 percent in trade. Some 7 percent o f the country’s inhabitants worked in industry, mosdy in handicrafts. Even in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which reached a higher degree o f industrial development than Serbia and Bulgaria to­ gether, more than 25,000 out o f 29,000 industrial establishments “ used only the labour o f their proprietors” (Palairet 1997, 229). In the Balkan countries overall, only r percent o f the active population was employed in large-scale industry. During the last two or three decades before World War I, an impor­ tant new social group emerged as part o f the new national elite, the wellto-do peasantry. These decades were characterized by an increased frag­ mentation o f peasant landed estates. B ig estates did not exist in most o f these countries, and at the turn o f the century, 97 percent o f Serbian peas­ ants had only small properties, insufficient for marketing produce. Nearly 60 percent o f the peasants owned fewer than five hectares o f land, and less than 4 percent owned more than twenty hectares (Tomasevich 1955,



206). This thin layer o f successful rich peasants became village merchants and moneylenders. They sent their children to school and became an in­ tegral part o f the new elite. In his social drama Partite (1^07), Petko Todorov bitterly attacked this village elite who wielded economic and po­ litical power. In a symbolic gesture o f social justice and unification, Milka, the daughter o f the rich corbadzi o f the village, leaves her family to join Dimitar, the teacher and leader o f popular forces (Moser 1972,177). The Balkan societies, which had lacked their own elites and been “ in­ complete” during Ottoman times, thus began establishing native bu­ reaucratic-military-merchant elites.

THE LOWER LAYERS OF DUAL AND INCOMPLETE SOCIETIES: PEASANTS AND WORKERS The duality o f traditional and modern characterized both the upper and lower layers o f the Central European dual societies. N ot only did the po­ sition and status o f the old elite remain in place, but the overwhelming majority o f the peasantry also endured. Their “ disappearance” distin­ guished the West, although only in Britain did this actually occur. In con­ tinental Western Europe, the peasantry remained a significant minority, and its upper layers merged into the ranks o f an ever-growing middle class. In Central and Eastern Europe, the reduction o f the peasantry in the active population had hardly begun. Well-industrialized Austria-Bohemia was an exception. Peasants constituted only 34-35 percent o f the popula­ tion o f Upper and Low er Austria and Bohemia-Moravia-Silesia in 1910. Although illiteracy had not disappeared, it was no longer perpetuated: as early as 1880,95-99 percent o f school-age children attended schools. The western provinces o f Austria-Hungary approached the Western European standard. The peasantry, however, constituted between two-thirds and threequarters o f the population in the other countries o f Central and Eastern Europe, including the eastern part o f Austria-Hungary. In Poland and Hungary, where the percentage o f peasants in the population decreased from 70-80 percent to 62-64 percent between the 1860s and 1910s, mod­ em social transformation had at least begun. In Galicia and Bukovina, 73 percent o f the active population still worked in agriculture in 1910; in Dal­ matia, 83 percent; and in Croatia, 79 percent. In Romania, this propor­ tion was 81 percent in i860 and 75 percent in 1910. These figures were typ­ ical o f the Balkans in general: the peasantry constituted 82 and 75 percent



o f the Bulgarian population in i860 and 1910, respectively, and 89 percent and 82 percent in Serbia in the same years. Traditional peasant societies continued to predominate. They suffered from the overwhelming presence o f the big estates. “ We village folk are pressed together as fish caught in a net: the manor-lands, stretching out on all sides, squeeze the life out o f us,” Reym onfs hero complains. “ Ye cannot throw a stone but it falls on the manor-lands . and ye are taken to the court—sentenced—fined—imprisoned.” In w in­ ter, “ famine was looking in at the byres . . . warm meals were served only once a day; and people went to the miller in ever-increasing numbers to borrow a few bushels o f flour that they were to pay for [with] later work. . . . Others went to Yankel, begging him to lend a screw o f salt, or a quart o f groats, or a loaf o f bread” (Reymont 1925, 2: 269, 252-53). Peasant life did not change much during the century: there was solid continuity in everything from working methods to eating habits and en­ tertainment, lifestyle, and all the superstitions o f the peasantry. In a story by Ivan Vazov from the 1870s, an old Bulgarian peasant woman takes her sick grandson to a monastery in search o f a cure. “ T h e devil take you! What businesses have you here, Iliitsa?’ The monk asked impatiently. cM y grandson is ill. . . . Where is the old ab b o t?. . . I want him to read over my grandchild.’ . . . ‘What can I do for him i f he’s ill!’ The monk angrily muttered. cYou can do nothing but G od can do everything5” {Balkan Range 1976,109). Although emancipated, peasant majorities still remained excluded from political society in their nations. With one insignificant exception, peasants did not have voting rights and could not influence politics on their ow n behalf. In Poland under tsarist rule, this possibility did not ex­ ist at all; in Hungary, only 6 percent o f the people had voting privileges. In Romania, out o f 5 million inhabitants, only 20,000 people gained di­ rect voting rights. This exclusion was connected to the educational level o f the peasants. At the end o f the nineteenth century, 70 percent o f the population o f Poland remained illiterate. The figure for unskilled workers and day la­ borers from villages rose to 75-80 percent. Although from the 1880s on, secret teaching societies, sometimes called “ flying universities,” were o r­ ganized by patriotic educational activists to cultivate Polish language, history, and religion, they rarely reached the countryside. According to Anna Zam owska’s striking figures, only 20 percent o f school-age children in Warsaw—the “ city o f illiterates,” as it was called—attended primary schools in 1880. The percentage had increased to only 25 percent by the



start o f World War I (Zam owska 19 9 6 ,139 ,14 2,14 4 )- “ In Vola,” says one o f Reym onfs peasants, “ there is a school, which my children attended for three winters running. What is the result? They cannot even^iead in a prayer book. Devil take such teaching!” (Reymont 1925,1: 220). The Hungarian educational situation was much better. Maria Theresa had taken the first important steps toward modern mass education in 1774. Her Ratio Educationis made com pulsory the establishment o f schools in every village and parish. However, in 1868, the year Jozsef Eotvos’s modern school act introduced free, compulsory elementary ed­ ucation, 68 percent o f the population was still illiterate. Before World War I, this figure decreased to 33 percent—that is, every third adult did not know how to read or write. The implementation o f the law was also incomplete. Around the m m o f the century, only 82 percent o f schoolage children attended primary schools. By the start o f the war, nearly 90 percent were enrolled. The schooling situation was much worse in the eastern and southern provinces o f Austria-Hungary: o f 6 million inhabitants o f Galicia in 1886, more than 4.8 million were illiterate. In 19 10,59 percent o f the popula­ tion remained illiterate, and nearly 70 percent o f school-age children did not attend schools (Himka 1988,59-60,64). In Dalmatia, Bukovina, and Bosnia-Herzegovina, respectively, only 67, 36, and 15 percent o f schoolage children attended school. The great majority o f the population in the countryside lacked basic reading and writing skills. The conditions in the latter provinces approached those o f the Balkans as a whole. Until the mid nineteenth century, virtually the entire population, roughly 90-95 per­ cent, was illiterate. During the last quarter o f a century before World War I, schooling made impressive progress in Romania. At the time o f unifica­ tion, Moldavia had no public primary schools at all, and Wallachia had 1,635 tural primary schools. The law o f 1864 introduced compulsory fouryear elementary education, but was not effectively enforced. Twenty years later, only 27 percent o f school-age children were enrolled in the coun­ tryside. N ew school laws at the turn o f the century resulted in important improvements: in 1900, only 40 percent o f school-age children were en­ rolled in schools, but by 1909, the number had reached 61 percent. The reality, however, remained stark because o f poverty and ignorance: fewer than two-thirds o f the officially enrolled students attended school. At the turn o f the century, only 11 percent o f the rural Romanian population was literate, compared to the 40 percent in urban areas (Ronnas 1984,227-32). The literacy rate o f the rural population over eight years o f age had in­ creased to 33 percent by 1912 (Hitchins 1994,171).



W hen two British wom en traveled from Pristina to Vuchitern in Ser­ bia in the 1860s, they visited a school that was, as they described it, “a lit­ tle low den, with earthen unsmoothed floor, and a few broken benches.’5 W hen they learned from their guide that none o f the Albanian girls they m et who “studied” at the school could read or write, they asked: “ ‘[T]hen what is it that you do learn there?’ ‘To say our prayers.’. . . ‘Can you un­ derstand these prayers?’ ‘N o.’” In another place, they visited a school where Serbian girls studied to “read Serbian and Old-Slavonic, and write a little. ‘That is all that we can teach them ,’ explained Katerina, the teacher, ‘for it is all we know ourselves’” (Mackenzie and Irby [1867] 1877, 277, 279,404). Around the turn o f the century, the illiteracy rate decreased to 79 percent in Serbia, b ut education was still in its infancy. In Bulgaria, the first schoolbook in modem Bulgarian appeared in 1824, the first secular school was established in 1835 in Gabrovo, and girls’ schools were opened in 1857 and 1862 in Stara-Zagora and Gabrovo, respectively. By World War I, however, only half o f the school-age generation was en­ rolled in schools (Peeters and Zlatanoff 19 0 9 * 22, 33,35, 211-17). The illit­ eracy rate stood at 72 percent o f the population. Even a little elementary education made people “ learned” and respected. Hadji Gencho, protag­ onist o f a story by Luben Karavelov, one o f the founders o f modern Bul­ garian fiction, typically justifies postponing a decision by saying: “ I must ask Naiden, too, because Naiden, you know, is a learned and clever m an— seven years he has studied” {Balkan Влпде 1976, 69). Even by the early twentieth century, in the best cases, only one-third o f the population was literate (Berend and Ranki 1982,56-58).

Persisting patterns o f rural life in the Balkans were clearly signaled by the slowly disintegrating village communities. In Rom ania in 1864, roughly one-third o f the peasantry was concentrated in free villages (тщг) and so-called mixed villages. The land o f these free villages, and o f some o f the mixed villages, was owned by the entire com m unity and administered by the obfiia, an assembly o f all the adult members o f the community, men and women alike. Ownership was granted on a firstcome basis. If somebody cleared the woods, the land belonged to him. In the m ost archaic cases, such as the tow n o f Cim pulung in 1846, when a ruling was published, peasants did not have unequal and hereditary shares o f the communal land. The entire property and its revenue belonged to the community. In other cases, there was unequal and hereditary dis­ tribution o f land within the community. Local policing and jurisdiction were also the assembly’s responsibility, as was the collection o f taxes, ex­ acted from the village as a lump sum, which the ob§tia then divided among

2 10


the households. These village communities practiced an ancient type o f pastoral and agricultural combined economy. The life o f the village was largely tied to the forests. They raised animals and from tinjfc to time cleared sections o f the woods and cultivated small pieces o f land. A c­ cording to Henri Stahl, it was a kind o f “ itinerant agriculture” —a vast pastureland, sprinkled with enclosed islets for cereal crops among the pas­ toral enclosures, both periodically moved. Even the plains remained ba­ sically pastureland. The community did not cultivate more than from onefortieth to one-third o f the arable land and did not even use plows until the second half o f the nineteenth century. Such communities survived into the early decades o f the twentieth century, especially in the hilly and moun­ tainous regions (Stahl 1980, 37~54,77, 211). In South Slav rural areas, traditional large families o f three generations and relatives, sometimes as many as from sixty to eighty or more people, worked together in household units called kuca or zadruga. The leading intellectual o f Serbian national revival, Vuk Karadzic, gave an excellent description o f this institution: “ The Serbs live mainly in zadrugas. In some houses there are four or five married men. There are as many vajats [sleep­ ing quarters] as there are married men, and the house itself is only for communal eating and the place in which the old wom en and men sleep .. . . Every household has a staresina [headman] who governs and guides the household and all its property” (quoted in Halpern and Halpem 1972,16). From this report, we know o f zadrugas with thirteen mar­ ried couples, but in 1863, in Orasac, the largest household had twentythree members. In later decades, however, successive divisions o f the zadruga took place. A great number o f married couples established their own households. Mutual help, nevertheless, continued: moba, or collec­ tive cultivation o f corn;pozajmica, mutual help with harvesting and other forms o f labor exchange; and sprega, reciprocal loans o f livestock, equip­ ment, and even cash (Halpern and Halpern 1972,43,52-53). H alf o f the Romanian landed peasant families owned fewer than 5 hectares o f land, and a further 14 percent owned 5 to 10 hectares. Thus nearly a million families lived in very poor conditions. The vast majority o f such Balkan poverty plots o f less than 10 hectares were able to sell only a marginal portion (in the best case, 20 percent) o f their products. Some 89 percent o f Serbian and 86 percent o f Bulgarian peasant economies in the early twentieth century practiced what was essentially subsistence farm­ ing. The deep poverty, lack o f political rights, and immobility o f the il­ literate peasant masses did not change much. N ot only were the peasantry’s numbers unquestionably dwindling,



especially in Austria-Hungary and Poland, but many o f the liberated peas­ ants were beginning to be transformed into urban workers. M ost o f these peasants in transition came from the landless peasantry—39 percent, for example, in Hungary, where those with too little land to make a living (1-3 hectares) made up roughly 30 percent o f the peasantry. Their rank and file was supplemented by new generations o f landed peasant families who either could not inherit land or, because o f the large number o f chil­ dren, inherited only small fractions. A great many o f these peasants became wage laborers, w ho at a mini­ mum sought seasonal work. In Ludm ila Podjavorinska’s novel The Woman, the Slovak peasant Stephan Zatko works “until Christmas load­ ing beets into the railroad wagons. After Christmas he took various jobs, ice-quarrying or wood-cutting, o r . . /propping the wall5in the city while waiting for one merchant or another to hire someone to carry a sack o f flour or sugar. . . .A t dawn he had to take the one-hour walk into the city in bone-biting cold. A t dusk he came home, happy if he had earned some forty or sixty farthings.” A large part o f the peasantry had to leave the vil­ lages and look for work as harvesters on big estates. The female heroine o f the same novel, Iva, “ had gone to the harvest three years a g o .. . . The farm agent transported the hired men and women out somewhere to the Hungarian Lowland” (Podjavorinska [1909] 1976, 158,148). Others looked for jobs in railroad construction, water regulation, and building work in the growing cities. During the second half o f the nineteenth cen­ tury, grandiose earthworks, waterworks, and railroad construction offered job opportunities for unskilled peasants all over the region. Som e o f them were employed by industrial firms as seasonal workers in flour mills, sugar refineries, and breweries, which needed a relatively large number o f sea­ sonal workers during the peak period o f three or four months around fall. Roughly 14 percent o f the Romanian peasantry, about 200,000 fam­ ilies, were landless and became wage laborers. The number o f poor small­ holders, however, was much larger: in 1900,472,000 peasant households, 40 percent o f the total, had no draft animals at all (Hitchins 1994,170). The number o f Romanian peasants who left the land to make their liv­ ings as wage earners remained much lower than in Poland and Hungary because o f the obligatory contractual work introduced by the 1866 law. According to the law, which the police and army enforced, peasants had to contract with a landlord or arendaj, leasing a piece o f land for payment in kind and labor service. This system was highly exploitative and bound peasants to the land, blocking their mobility. Nearly half o f the peasants in Poland and H ungary during much o f



the time period under discussion left their homes and gradually adjusted to the new workers* lifestyle. Some o f them moved to cities and became unskilled industrial workers. This kind o f mobility was also characteristic in the western provinces o f Austria-Hungary. In 1900, 30 percent o f the peasant population o f Austria and 36 percent o f that o f Bonemia became agricultural wageworkers. Altogether only about one-third o f the peasants had enough property to remain independent farmers. In Hungary, only 10 percent o f the peas­ ants became well-to-do and acquired quasi-middle-class status. Their num­ ber was less than 3 percent in Romania, where 36,000 peasant families owned farms o f 10 to 50 hectares, altogether nearly 700,000 hectares, or 18 percent o f all peasant lands. The native peasantry, in many cases, was confronted with landowners and employers o f different ethnic groups. In Poland and Hungary, peas­ ants often worked for Jewish entrepreneurs. Various minority groups, such as Ukrainians in Russian Poland and Galicia, worked on Polish big estates. Slovak peasants in northern H ungary and Romanian peasants in Transylvania worked for Hungarian landlords. Romanian peasants in the Romanian kingdom had to make contracts with the mostly Jewish arenda§i. The role o f the nonindigenous bourgeoisie and middle class gener­ ated class-based ethnic conflicts in most o f the countries in Central and Eastern Europe. The social conflicts and sharp polarization o f nineteenthcentury societies that in the West led to the formation o f Marxist work­ ers1 parties, mass trade unions, and class confrontation surfaced as eth­ nic-religious confrontation and hostility in Central and Eastern Europe. The most dramatic embodiments o f this social conflict were a midnineteenth-century jacquerie in Galicia and an early twentieth-century one in Romania. In western Galicia, in 1846, peasants slaughtered 728 land­ lords and destroyed 474 manors (Himka 1988,24), The Romanian peasant uprising was a consequence o f the exploitative agricultural system, a special mixture o f serfdom and capitalism, unique in modern Europe. As David Mitrany puts it, the landlords and renters enjoyed all the advantages, while the peasants suffered all the disadvantages o f both systems (Mitrany 1930, 80). The Romanian peasants, who had long tolerated subhuman living conditions, erupted in a bloody revolt in March 1907. Thousands o f peas­ ants turned against their boyar landlords, but most o f the absentee estate owners were invisible to them. Their real anger and brutal hostility were directed against the well-known middlemen, the Jewish renters, and often against Jewish shopkeepers and moneylenders. The uprising developed into an anti-Jewish pogrom, beginning in Boto§ani and expanding to in-



elude all o f Moldavia, and then Wallachia. A peasant army attacked Galap, and four thousand peasants marched on Bucharest. They burned Jewish houses and killed thousands o f Jew s, frightening the entire regime. At last, in April, 120,000 troops suppressed the uprising and killed about 10,000 peasants (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963,386-87). Ethnic-religious hos­ tility was widespread, however, and fueled extreme nationalist, right-wing populist movements and ideas all over the area. The duality o f the society in its upper layers was also clearly visible in the lower strata. While the traditional, slowly disintegrating peasant majority was preserved but excluded from political society, a modern industrial and service working class also appeared. Its numbers surpassed those o f the peasants only in Austria-Bohemia: 52 percent o f the BohemianMoravian-Silesian and 46 percent o f the Upper and Lower Austrian work­ ing population were employed in industry, trade, and transportation. Small wonder that late nineteenth-century Czech realist literature pro­ duced the first working-class writings in the literature o f the region. Jan Neruda, the “ Czech Dickens,’’ reported the atmosphere o f the first M ay Day celebration in Prague: “ With a peaceful yet iron step there marched on the First o f M ay, 1890, endless and boundless legions o f workers’ bat­ talions. . . . It was a mighty march, irresistible, as when the waves o f the ocean rush fo rw ard .. . . Red badges, red neckties . . . [the] color o f the world socialist m ovem ent. . . the colors fly today over the heads o f those who fight for full social equality” (Neruda 1983,211-12). Petr Bezruc’s selfconscious proletarian voice in his Silesian Songs (“ I am a hideous pitman just sprung from the mine” ) is equally unique: Ye lords o f the mines below; The mines flare and reck, and there comes a day, A day when we’ll take what we own. (Bezmc [1909] 1929,186,188)

The proportion o f industrial workers did not surpass 23-25 percent in Poland and Hungary, 19 percent in Galicia and Bukovina, 13 percent in Croatia, and 9 percent o f the active population in Dalmatia. In Romania, only 28,000 workers were employed by industrial firms, mosdy smallscale, in i860. The number increased to 200,000, or 10 percent o f the ac­ tive population, by 1913, and roughly half o f them worked in big indus­ trial firms with at least 100 workers (Constantinescu i960). The emerging modem industrial working class remained connected to the villages. Keith Hitchins rightly stresses that unskilled Romanian urban workers “ usually preserved their links to the village and continued to obtain a part o f their



income from agriculture” (Hitchins 1 9 9 4 , 163). The same was true all over Central and Eastern Europe. Illiteracy among workers, male and female alike, was high: 54 percent and 56 percent o f male and female workers, respectively, were illiterate in Poland around the turn o f the century. The proportion o f illiterates among unskilled workers and day laborers reached 75 percent among men and 80 percent among women (Zarnowska 1996,139)* Roughly half o f the industrial workforce o f Central and Eastern E u ­ rope worked in small-scale industries before World War I. These workers— half members o f the family, half servants—more closely resembled work­ ers prior to the Industrial Revolution than modern factory workers, who hardly existed at all in these incomplete societies, which preserved their peasant character. O f the 7 to 10 percent o f the industrial population o f the Balkan countries, only 1 percent worked in modern big factories, while the others were traditional artisans. This extremely small group o f work­ ers was essentially all male. Women were scarcely permitted to leave the household. Like the upper layers, the traditional and m odem lower strata o f soci­ ety in Central and Eastern Europe differed ethnically. The traditional layer o f the upper stratum was indigenous, but the modern layer was strongly recruited from nonindigenous members o f the society. Here, too, the lack o f mobility and proto-industrialization in the previous period caused a shortage o f trained, skilled urban workers. As documented earlier, a great part o f the skilled workers were German, Bohemian, and Jewish. In 1910, 43 percent o f the foremen and 4 4 percent o f the workers in Hungarian industry did not speak Hungarian. Roughly 30 to 35 percent o f the Jew ­ ish population o f Poland and Hungary became workers around the turn o f the century. “ Nearly half o f the organized masses o f the workers who moved to industrial centers were recruited from non-Hungarian ethnic­ ities,” the early twentieth-century Hungarian historian Gyula Szekfu ob­ serves (Szekfu 1920, 324). The distinction between indigenous and nonindigenous was both feeble and overpoliticized. The so-called native or national groups were in reality mixtures o f various ethnicities themselves. They had moved to and settled in these countries during the previous centuries, assimilating into the dominant ethnic groups. Slavs and Germans, for example, min­ gled with Hungarians and Romanians all over the Austro-Hungarian em­ pire. Various kinds o f Slavic peoples—Poles and Ukrainians, Serbs and Croats—also intermixed. Irrespective o f whether they had lived in the country for several generations or were relatively freshly settled new im­



migrants, unassimilated groupings o f Jews, Germans, and other nation­ alities were considered nonnative and treated accordingly. When the Jew ­ ish innkeeper sides with the Poles in an argument between Polish and Ger­ man peasants in a pub, one o f Wladystavv Reym ont’s peasants shouts: “ ‘ What, a Jew to side with our folk! Who ever heard o f such a thing!’ T ea, I am a Jew,5 said the innkeeper, ‘ b u t . . . born here as you were, as my father and grandfather were too! . . . Am I not, then, one o f you?5” (Reym ont 1925,3: 283). H e was, indeed, no doubt, not considered to be one o f them.

THE DEMOGRAPHIC REVOLUTION During the nineteenth century, Europe’s modern social transformation from a traditional agricultural society into an industrial one was insepa­ rable from the population explosion. The population began to grow rap­ idly in the eighteenth century, and its growth rate increased from 0.5 to 2 percent annually during the nineteenth. Birthrates in Western Europe decreased from 36-38 births per 1,000 inhabitants in the 1780s to 25-30 births by 1910, as a consequence o f rapid urbanization, increased educa­ tional level, and drastic changes in lifestyle and environment. Death rates declined even more dramatically. A better food supply and advances in medical practice, including the elimination o f medieval diseases such as cholera, plague, and smallpox, sharply reduced mortality after the 1740s. The death rate declined from 34-35 deaths per 1,000 inhabitants to 14 -20 during the century. Life expectancy at birth jumped from twenty-five to fifty years in Western Europe. The “ demographic revolution,” as the French demographer Adolphe Landry called it (Landry 1934), led to a population growth unparalleled in history. During a single century, population increased fourfold in Britain and nearly doubled in France. Western Europe altogether saw a population increase o f 360 percent. Did this impressive demographic change generate the Industrial Revolution because traditional agricultural economies could not feed the radically increased population? Or, con­ versely, did the revolutions in industry and agriculture lead to the demo­ graphic changes? This “chicken or egg” type o f question has been answered in contrasting ways, and the demographic revolution has been interpreted either as the cause or a consequence o f the Industrial Revolution. In Central and Eastern Europe, the causal connection between the two phenomena is much less ambiguous than in Western Europe. In that part



o f the continent, the demographic revolution clearly preceded the process o f industrialization. Revolutionary changes did not transform the econ­ om y until the last third o f the nineteenth century. Internal econom y fac­ tors thus did not induce or reinforce any radical change in demographic trends. However, while the population o f the European core Increased three and a half times, the population also trebled on the peripheries o f the continent between 1800 and 1914. Furthermore, the intracore and in­ traperipheral variation o f population growth rates was also comparable: Britain's fourfold, Holland’s threefold, and France’s less than twofold pop­ ulation growth was mirrored by Russia’s more than fourfold, Poland’s more than threefold, the Balkans’ and H ungary’s twofold, and Mediter­ ranean Europe’s less than twofold population increases (see table 3). Population growth had a slower start in Central and Eastern Europe during the first decades o f the century. The population o f the Habsburg empire, for example, increased by 5.3 percent between 1800 and 1820, but by 9.1 and 9.6 percent between 1880 and 1890 and 1890 and 1900, respec­ tively. Between 1830 and 1910, annual population growth in most o f the countries o f Central and Eastern Europe surpassed both that in Britain (0.80 percent) and Europe as a whole (0.82 percent). Russia grew at 1.13 percent per year, Romania at 1.02, Serbia at 1.08, and Bulgaria at 1.87 (Bairoch 1976b, 283). Despite the absence o f an industrial revolution in Central and Eastern Europe, a demographic revolution did occur there. However, the factors generating rapid population growth were radically different from those in the West. Marriage customs, for instance, changed significandy in West­ ern Europe. Based on a comparative demographic analysis, John Hajnal has differentiated Western European and Eastern European marriage patterns, separated along a dividing line from Trieste to St. Petersburg. In Western Europe, as a consequence o f rapid urbanization, industri­ alization, and changing lifestyles, more people remained unmarried and people married at a later age than previously. In contrast, marriage cus­ toms remained almost unchanged in Eastern Europe, which was charac­ terized by earlier marriage and a higher marriage rate (Hajnal 1965). B e­ tween 1778 and 1895, only 3.5 percent o f the women in Hungary who died at the age o f 50 and over were single. Only 10 percent o f the young women between the age o f 25 and 30 were unmarried in Hungary, while this num­ ber was 35 to 50 percent in Western Europe. Marriage rates in 1910 were much lower in Western Europe—fifteen to sixteen marriages per 1,000 inhabitants—than in Hungary (eighteen marriages) or in Serbia (twenty marriages). Furthermore, people married five or six years earlier in East­ ern Europe. In Hungary in the second half o f the nineteenth century,


2 17

TABLE 3 European Populations, 18 0 0 -19 10 (in m illions)

European Core Scandinavia Mediterranean Region Russia Poland Hungary Romania Serbia Bulgaria





45.1 5.0 30.5 35.5 9 .0 9.3 ( 2 .0 ) ( 0 .2 ) —

100.4 7.9 43.6 68.5

124.7 10.7 4 9.3 9 7 .7 16.9 15.7 4 .6

162.4 13.7 59.5 160.7 29.0 20.9 7.0 2.9 4.3

13.8 3.7 0.9 —

1 .8 2 .8

1 9 1 0 as % o f1800 360.1 274 .0 195.1 4 5 2 .7 322.2 224 .7 189.2 322.2 153.6

s o u r c e : Carlo Cipolla, ed., The Emergence o f industrial Societies (London: Collins/ Fontana Books, 1973), 7+7-48.

women’s modal age at marriage was eighteen, and that o f men was twentythree (Andorka 1994,318). In Serbia, from the 1880s up to the mid twen­ tieth century, the overwhelming majority o f men and women married be­ tween the ages o f sixteen and twenty-seven (Halpern and Halpern 1972,26). Birthrates and death rates exhibited major dissimilarities as well. The most visible difference was the almost unchanged birthrate in Eastern E u ­ rope. While birthrates sharply declined from 36-38 to 25-30 per 1,000 in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe, they at most decreased only from 35-40 to 36-37 per 1,0 0 0 inhabitants, and they remained at the previous level in the Balkans throughout the nineteenth century. In Hungary, the birthrate declined slightly, to 36 per 1,000 inhabitants. In Romania, the figure was 43; in Bulgaria, 4 1; in Serbia, 38; and in Russia, 46 (Armengaud 1973,56). This situation can be interpreted as a consequence o f the preserved rural-agricultural society and lower level o f education. Imported improvements in health care, especially vaccination and the progressive elimination o f medieval diseases such as smallpox, plague, and cholera, were the real reason for the population explosion in the hardly changed economic environment o f Central and Eastern Europe. Wide­ spread water regulations also halted malaria. In the Habsburg empire, M aria Theresa followed the modern West­ ern European model by introducing her Normativum Sanitatis, the ba­ sics o f a m odem health system. The Hungarian Public Health Act o f 1876 followed the Western European pattern o f registration o f deaths and in­ vestigation o f cause o f death. Sanitary norms were established for hous­



ing, schools, shops, and institutions. Prevention became the duty o f pub­ lic authorities. Medical practice was regulated, and childbirth became much safer. Cities and settlements with more than 6,000 inhabitant^ were required to employ medical doctors; small villages jointly employed a kororvos (district physician) w ho treated the poor free o f chafge. State food inspection, first aid, and ambulances were also introduced (Matlekovits 1898). Some form o f public health regulation was established all over the re­ gion. Health services reached from one-quarter to one-half the Western level in terms o f number o f medical doctors and hospital beds by the end o f the nineteenth century. There were 34 and 39 medical doctors per 100.000 inhabitants in Germany and France, respectively. The AustrianBohemian level matched this standard (35 doctors), while the Hungarian level remained somewhat below it (23 doctors). The number o f hospital beds in H ungary stood at half the Austrian-Bohemian level. Transylvania had 15 doctors per 10 0 ,0 0 0 people; Bukovina and Galicia, 12; and Croa­ tia and Russia, 9 (Katus 1979,1129). The results o f the imported agricultural revolution were equally im­ portant. Better food supply, improved nutrition, and a halt to famine had a significant impact on population growth. In Kiskunhalas, Hungary, de­ mographic crises in 16 79,170 9 , and 1739 reversed the entire population increase every thirty years (Melegh 2000, 278). Famines and epidemics also caused a dramatic increase o f death rates in Bohemia—from 30 to nearly 40 per 1,0 0 0 —during the last two decades o f the eighteenth cen­ tury. Calculations based on the 1777 census show death rates above 40 per 1,000 in Hungary, which climbed to 49 per 1,000 in 1784 (Gyula Benda 2000,131). The famines o f 1788-89 and 1816-17 in Hungary caused 100 .0 0 0 deaths, and cholera killed a quarter o f a million people in 1831 and 1873. In Romania, severe drought and famine in the countryside in 1873-74 and smallpox and cholera epidemics in urban areas in the same decade were probably the last “ medieval” scourges. In Poland, great epi­ demics dissipated from the late eighteenth century onward. As a result, death rates began to decline, although they remained at higher levels than in Western Europe: the death rate decreased to about 2$ per 1,000 inhabitants in Hungary, 26 in Romania, and 30 in Russia, as compared to 14-18 deaths per 1,0 0 0 in Western Europe. This more m od­ erate decline, and an even more moderate decline in the birthrate, was enough to generate high population growth. Declining death rates led to higher life expectancy. During the last decade o f the eighteenth century in Keszthely, Hungary, 62 percent o f



the population died by the age o f 19, while 20 percent lived at least to the age o f 50. In the mid nineteenth century, these percentages changed: 55 percent and 25 percent, respectively, died before the age o f 19 and lived after 50. Those who reached adulthood could expect to live at least until the age o f 40 to 50 (G. Benda 2000,133,143), A more impressive improve­ ment followed. Although the average lifespan remained 10 to 20 years shorter than the Western European average o f 50, it increased substan­ tially: at the beginning o f the twentieth century, the average lifespan o f Hungarians was 39 years; that o f Russians, 31; and that in the region as a whole, 30 to 40. These figures represented a 10- to-20-year increase com­ pared to the beginning o f the century. In the early nineteenth century, life expectancy in the north Hungarian township o f Eger was 20.7 years, and in Csongrad County, only 16.6 years, mostly because o f the extremely high rate o f infant mortality. Between the mid eighteenth and mid nine­ teenth centuries, every fourth or fifth newborn died before the age o f one (A. B. Lukács 1977; G. Benda 2000). Average life expectancy hardly sur­ passed 20 years anywhere in early nineteenth-century Central and East­ ern Europe. The demographic revolution not only preceded economic modern­ ization in the region but served as a major stimulus to it. Instead o f 25-30 million inhabitants at the beginning o f the nineteenth century, the region had to feed 70-75 million people in the early twentieth century, with proportionately more adults than before. The traditional economy was unable to accomplish this task. Higher productivity in both agriculture and industry was badly needed. The “ imported” demographic revolution forced economic modernization. The situation resulted in the emigration o f a part o f the increased pop­ ulation to the N ew World. During the century after 1820, about fifty mil­ lion Europeans emigrated, three-fifths o f them to the United States (H at­ ton and Williamson 1998, 533). First o f all, there were those who were landless and could not find employment elsewhere. M ore than two-thirds o f the emigrants from Austria-Hungary were peasants. When the great wave o f European emigration began, from the first decades o f the nine­ teenth century to 1850, more than three-quarters o f European emigrants to the United States were from Britain, and another 17 percent from G er­ many Between 1850 and 1880,82 percent o f the emigrants were still British and German. By then, however, emigration had started from Central and Eastern Europe, and 2.5 percent o f the European emigrants were from Austria-Hungary. From 1880 on, the peripheral regions o f the continent became the main source o f European emigration: in 1880,45 percent o f



the emigrants were Scandinavian, Italian, and Central and Eastern E u ­ ropean. B y 1890, this percentage had increased to 72 percent, and by the early twentieth century, to 80 percent. During a third o f a century, be­ tween 1880 and 1914, 24 percent o f European emigrants left from Italy, 13 percent from the Iberian Peninsula, and 6 percent from Scandinavia. Roughly one-quarter o f the emigrants originated from Central and Eastern Europe, including Russia. The share o f the latter was relatively low, only 9 percent o f the total (Ferenczi and Wilcox 1929-31). The massive emigration absorbed one-fifth to one-quarter o f the pop­ ulation increase in the Central European region. A t the end o f the century, the migrants were mostly young male adults. Between 1868 and 1910, three-quarters o f the immigrants entering the United States were between the ages o f 15 and 40. Two-thirds were male (Hatton and Williamson 1998, 536). The bulk o f the population o f the region, however, remained im­ mobile: in Croatia, 75 percent and 71 percent still lived in the place o f their birth in 1880 and 1910, respectively. The corresponding figures for H un­ gary were 75 percent and 69 percent (Danyi 2000, 31). Emigration from the Balkans remained insignificant. Deep poverty, lack o f mobility and information, and the surviving communal society blocked the road to mass emigration. However, political turmoil and the foundation o f in­ dependent nation-states led to mass emigration o f Muslims to Istanbul, Anatolia, and other Ottoman territories: during the last three decades o f the nineteenth century, more than a million Muslims departed from the independent states. This wave o f emigration continued during and after the Balkan wars (Todorova 1997, *75)* Even from Russia, more than 90 percent o f the emigrants belonged to various minority groups—Jew s, Poles, Finns, Lithuanians, and Germans—who left the empire mostly be­ cause they had been persecuted and oppressed. Immigration did not play a significant role in European population movements. The overwhelming majority o f emigrants sought a new life overseas. Russia, a frontier country with huge empty lands in the east, attracted 4.2 million immigrants, two-thirds o f them European, but the other Central and Eastern European countries did not experience mass immigration during the nineteenth century. The only massive inflow o f population was the immigration o f hundreds o f thousands o f Eastern European—Russian and Polish—Jews into Romania and Hungary. A c­ cording to Robert Seton-Watson, at the beginning o f the nineteenth cen­ tury, only about 2,000 Jewish families lived in the Romanian Principal­ ities. By 1859, the number o f Jews had increased to more than 127,000, and by 1900, to between 300,000 and 400 ,000 (Seton-Watson [1934]



1963, 347-49). A t the time o f Joseph IPs Edict o f Toleration, issued for Hungarian Jew ry in 1783, Hungary's Jewish population was about 80,000, By 1825, following the partition o f Poland and the annexation o f Galicia by the Habsburg empire, this number had increased to nearly 250,000. In 1910, nearly 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Jews lived in Hungary (Silber 1992, 3,10). Tens o f thousands o f skilled workers from Germany, Austria, and Bo­ hemia also settled all over Central and Eastern Europe. A few thousand engineers, managers, and entrepreneurs found new homes in these coun­ tries too. The number o f immigrants was limited, but their role in these societies became crucially important.

FAMILY AND GENDER RELATIONS As described in Frederic Le Play’s classic six-volume study, Les Ouvriers européens, preindustrial familial relations changed drastically in nine­ teenth-century Western Europe. The continuity o f age-old relationships was undermined by industrialization, factory work, and urbanization. M ore and more women started working outside the fam ily M ore people remained unmarried, married much later, or moved from the traditional village family home to cities and small urban dwellings. The old-style famille souchCj or stem family, o f three generations—the parents, their married eldest son and his wife and children, and his unmarried siblings, living under the same roof—gradually disappeared. The new family struc­ ture became the nuclear family, two generations, parents and children, living together. Birth control, although still confined to coitus interruptus, significantly limited the number o f children. Traditional village families o f from twelve to thirty people were rapidly replaced by small families o f from five to six (Le Play 1877-79). N ew research has, however, strongly challenged this view. Michael Mitterauer and Reinhard Sieder speak o f the “ myth o f the large pre­ industrial family” and prove their statement mostly using English family statistics: the mean household in Britain consisted o f around five people throughout the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. In preindustrial Amsterdam (in 1755), the average family size was roughly three people; in Vienna in 1890, about five (Mitterauer and Sieder 1982, 27-28). “ The mean size o f co-resident groups remained remarkably con­ stant at about 4.75 persons per household across Northwestern Europe from the seventeenth to the early twentieth century,” Wally Seccombe ob­ serves (Seccombe 1992, 236). The Central and Eastern European family



structure differed markedly from that o f Northwestern Europe. John Hajnal speaks o f “ two kinds o f pre-industrial household formation system,55 the Northwest European type being characterized by late marriage, rel­ atively few married couples, and a high proportion o f servants in the fam­ ily, whereas in Eastern Europe (and elsewhere), large joint households dominated (Hajnal 1983). The difference between Western and Eastern European demographic patterns, with a Trieste-St. Petersburg dividing line, was thus undoubtedly reflected in family structures. Russian “ family communes,” consisting o f from thirty to forty people “ under the rule o f a stern patriarch,” have been broadly studied (Czap 1983,106). Mitterauer and Sieder present the figures for Rjazan province, Russia, in 1814: nuclear families were only one-third o f the total, while nearly 60 percent were three-generation families, and a further 7 percent comprised as many as four generations. In Lithuania, at the end o f the eighteenth century, 64 percent o f families were grouped around two or more married couples. In Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Albania, and Bulgaria, nineteenth-century extended families often comprised from twenty to thirty and in some cases as many as eighty people (Mitterauer and Sieder 1982,29-30). In Orasac, Serbia, single-couple families made up only 2 per­ cent o f the population in 1863 (Halpern and Halpem 1972,28). On the western rim o f Central and Eastern Europe, the situation in­ dicates a kind o f transitory situation, with strong regional differences within Bohemia and Hungary. In various parts o f these countries, twogeneration nuclear families dominated. However, in the agrarian parts o f Bohemia during the second half o f the nineteenth century, extended fam­ ilies continued to function where the married young couple had to ac­ cept the unmarried adult brothers and sisters o f the head o f the house­ hold to keep the land together. In early twentieth-century Slovakia, there was “ a pronounced tendency toward a common family household econ­ om y involving several marital couples—the parental couple with married sons and married brothers and sisters” (Horská 1 9 9 4 , 104-5). “ Patriarchal life is dom inant. . . the villagers usually still live together; in some villages, there are families with thirty or forty members under one roof,” a mid-nineteenth-century ethnographer wrote o f north H un­ garian villages (Pap 1865). According to the newest research, in thirteen villages in the same area and period, hardly more than one-fifth o f the families were nuclear two-generation families. Nearly three-quarters o f the families consisted o f grandparents, their married son and his wife and children, and married brothers and sisters, on average twelve, but in some cases as many as twenty-nine people. Ethnographic monographs also



record families o f from forty to sixty people (Danyi 1 9 9 4 , 3 9 4 , 3 9 8 ) . H o w ­ ever, in the northern Slovak areas, as reflected by the mid-nineteenthcentury census o f the small village Szolosardo, 40 to 50 percent o f the families were nuclear two-generation families, with an average o f three children (H eilig 20 0 0 ,24 1). The traditional large, three-generation family was preserved in most o f Central and Eastern Europe, albeit with striking regional differences and with a gradual change in later decades. Patriarchal relations also sur­ vived and changed only slighdy. The master, the paterfamilias, no longer governed all the relatives o f the large family, including his wife, adult chil­ dren, and their spouses. However, male domination was preserved, and women were not yet liberated in either society or the family. All over E u ­ rope, women were second-class citizens who had to obey their husbands. They remained less educated, highly subordinated, and dependent within the family. Although women were paid less (they earned only half what men did, according to Anna Zam owska [1996, 139]), female labor nevertheless gradually led to the erosion o f the old patriarchal relations. “Marriage lost its character as a property transaction. . . . Parental and community influence . . . declined” (Seccombe 1992,235). Women became more in­ dependent. They also became better educated, and female intellectuals be­ gan to play a role. The struggle for women’s political rights flooded tumof-the-century Western Europe, and, although European women gained voting rights only in Finland and N o w a y before World War I, women’s suffrage became widespread after the war. Only the beginnings o f these changes appeared in the peasant societies o f Central and Eastern Europe, which remained bound to the old functions o f the family. In Western European societies, the preindustrial family was above all the basic context o f the organization o f work, but its classic functions also included the protection o f its members, the socialization o f children, and the management o f leisure. In nineteenth-century Europe, all these func­ tions o f the family eroded. The “ functionless family” gradually led from domination within the “ rigidly hierarchical institution to a partnership o f individuals. Members o f the family . . . gained greater independence and the right to live their own lives” (Mitterauer and Sieder 1982, 88). Am ong peasants in rural Central and Eastern Europe, the family re­ mained an important—and in some cases, the dominant—form o f the or­ ganization o f work throughout the nineteenth century. Socialization and acculturation o f children remained mostly a family responsibility. In some backward areas o f the Balkans, among Albanian and Montenegrin fami­



lies, even the archaic “judicial* function o f the family, the duty o f blood revenge, survived. As a consequence, the hierarchical structure o f the fam­ ily was not strongly challenged either. The head o f a large rural fanjily was its unchallenged master, and his wife, children, and even married sons and their wives and children, as well as the unmarried members ^ f the fam­ ily, worked together. A marriage did not mean the establishment o f a new household. The division o f labor within the family was strict and tradi­ tional. The “ manager,” in many cases, the “ dictator,” o f the household was the patriarch, who ordered and controlled all the activities and work. The male adults worked in the fields, repaired and sometimes even made the tools, did construction work, and transported goods. The female folk did all the household work, including spinning, weaving, and making clothing, especially in the winter. They also had a major role in tending and milking the animals and assisting in the fields. Small children also had a role and had to work in the family household. The traditional patriar­ chal family remained nearly unchanged in rural areas. The first signs o f transformation appeared during the second half o f the nineteenth century: birth control led to a decline in the number o f children bom to a family to four or five. In some areas, a “ one-child sys­ tem” was practiced, mostly to keep the small parcel o f family land intact (Vasary 1989). “ We do not make beggars,” peasants in Ormansag said in justification o f early birth control, explaining: “ One parcel, one child” (Andorka 1978, 94-95). Families thus began to shrink. An even more important factor was the beginning o f urbanization and the emergence o f an urban lifestyle and family characteristics more sim­ ilar to the Western European pattern. These new phenomena remained marginal and influenced the lives o f only 10 to 25 percent o f the popula­ tion in the various countries o f the region. Moreover, the industrial work­ ing class, like the traditional peasantry, remained a male-dominated so­ ciety. The foremen and the vast majority o f skilled workers were male, as were the unskilled workers w ho did most o f the jobs requiring physical strength. A good worker did not allow his wife to take a job. The life o f a miner’s wife was, in fact, extremely similar to a peasant woman’s life in the household, including keeping some animals in the backyard. However, the partial success o f industrialization in some Central E u ­ ropean countries produced the first m odem female workforce. In Poland, 24 percent o f the industrial workers were female. U p to 33 percent o f un­ skilled workers and day laborers, and 78 percent o f service workers, were women. As many as 46 percent o f all textile workers were female, and three-quarters o f all women industrial workers worked in textiles before



the war (Zarnowska 1995,123-24). In Hungary, food processing employed 28 percent o f female workers, and textiles and clothing another 33 per­ cent. Women were mostly employed in unskilled jobs and in all made up 25 percent o f the industrial labor force in Hungary in 1910 (Uzemi es munkas statisztika 1910). “ We like to say that employment has freed millions o f women, but this freedom is only ostensible; the reality is different. . . [because women work for wages that] are insufficient to properly support them” the YugoslavCzech Milan Fric wrote in his O zenskej otdzke (On the Woman Question) (Fric [1907] 1991, r6i). That was definitely true. Wage differences con­ served gender hierarchy, especially because statistics did not count unpaid domestic work done by women as a contribution to GDP. “ The new ma­ terial basis o f patriarchal authority became the male control o f the pri­ mary wage. . . . Industrial capitalism brought limited gains to younger single women and setbacks to married women o f the working class” (Seccombe 1992,244-45). The appearance o f women working independently o f the family in cities and towns, and o f two-generation families with from four to five children, signaled the first changes in patriarchal dominance in Central and Eastern Europe. Hierarchical, male-dominated family life nonetheless remained a kind o f “ natural law.” Very few had the courage to question or attack this so­ cial injustice. Moreover, male domination was often brutal, and physi­ cal abuse o f women and children was an everyday phenomenon. “ Who eats her husband’s bread must do her husband’s will,” peasant women said. In Reym ont’s Boryna family, although Yagna “ defended herself tooth and n a il. . . daily the yoke grew heavier. . . . M any times she had wanted to return to her mother, but the latter. . . threatened to send her back . . . by force. . . She lived in continual terror, oppressed by such a sense o f injustice . . . that she often wept for the whole night” (Reymont 1925, 2: 260). Budapest was perhaps the most Western European city in Central and Eastern Europe, but there too, as John Lukács notes, “ around r9oo mas­ culinity and virility were still very dominant; the supremacy o f the male was unquestioned and unquestionable, sometimes to the detriment o f fem­ inine sensitivities.” Inequality was also given linguistic expression. Rather than saying aferjem, “ m y husband,” a Hungarian woman generally called her husband az umm, “ m y master,” or “ my lord” (Lukács 1989,106). Wayne Vucinich describes the Balkan situation for women in much darker tones. Women were “ generally treated as inferior beings.” M us­ lim and Christian women alike



lived in social isolation [and] deferred to men with blind subservience the man rules with absolute authority, and the wife obeys him slavishly . . [women] eating separately with the children and, when on a trip, walking laden wjth freight several steps behind their husbands.. . . The treatment of children (especially fe­ male) with indifference and inhumanity is also traceable to Ottoman influence. The children were brutally exploited for the labor power, particularly girls [,] who married young and became “someone else’s fortune.” The children were taught to serve their parents. . . They were put to work in their teens and subjected to iron discipline. (Vucinich 19 6 3 , 9 2 ) The woman’s situation was considered to be “ natural” and did not generate complaints for a long time. The gentry’s “ benign patriarchalism” in Poland gave the highest respect and esteem to women. During the 1820s, in her Pamiqtkapo dobrej matce (Legacy o f a M other to H er Daughter), Poland’s first recognized woman writer, KlementynaTanskaHofFmanowa, although demanding equal recognition for women, who play an equal role in the social division o f labor, denounced women’s ed­ ucation: “ Women certainly have less need to possess knowledge. . . study should not be an aim. . . . To know how to make her husband happy, to make his life pleasurable, to bring up their children properly, to find new . . . ways o f pleasing everyone: that is the system o f education for a woman” (quoted in Phillips 1999,207). “ [B]y existing human rights and standards [a woman i s ] . . . not even a human being but just a thing,” Eliza Orzeszkowa asserts, however, in her novel Marta, In the early twentieth century, Polish women’s rights advocates, such as Iza Moszczenska, flatly rejected the concept o f “ benign patriarchalism,” arguing that in spite o f obligatory aristocratic codes o f distinctive politeness to them, women were still the “ slaves o f their men folks” (quoted in Pietrow-Ennker 19 9 2 ,1-7 ,2 1). The education o f women, a main factor o f equality, languished dur­ ing the entire century. Illiteracy, as was noted earlier, remained high throughout the region. Girls in many cases were not even considered to be worth educating. In late nineteenth-century Romania, only 27 percent o f school-age children in the countryside were enrolled. Girls, in a telling illustration o f male domination and the general mentality, were almost entirely neglected: only 13 percent o f enrolled students were girls. When official enrollment increased in subsequent decades, the same general men­ tality kept girls out o f school: two-thirds o f all eligible students attended schools, but only slightly more than half o f the eligible girls attended. Fe­ male illiteracy, even at the turn o f the century, remained nearly absolute: only 3 percent o f rural and 7 percent o f the total female population could



read and write (Ronnas 1984, 227-32), In Poland around the turn o f the century, illiteracy remained very high even among female industrial work­ ers: 56 percent o f them could not read or write. Illiteracy reached 80 per­ cent among female unskilled workers. Am ong service workers, only onethird o f the male workforce was illiterate, but nearly 70 percent o f female service workers could not read or write (Zarnowska 1996,139)* The situ­ ation was not altered by the admittance o f the first few women to uni­ versities in 1900 (Homola-Skapska 1992, 82), Toward 1900, however, a vanguard group o f women, especially writ­ ers and other intellectuals, raised their voices for wom en’s education and equality, and Polish women in particular expressed ambitious educational aspirations (Szwarc 1993). Early feminist voices were also heard in the Czech lands. A series o f female realist writers illustrates this new trend. Bozena Nemcova demanded “public acknowledgement o f a woman’s right o f self-determination” as early as in the mid nineteenth century. Her follower Karolina Svetla, the daughter o f a Prague merchant and wife o f a professor, “ insisted on the right o f education, the free choice o f occu­ pation, and the social usefulness o f women” (Novak 19 76,16 4,183). Fe­ male writers denounced the lack o f equal education and rights for women (Rudinsky 1991). In the backward Slovakian part o f Hungary, Elena M arothy Soltesova’s Potreba vzdelanostipre zmu (The Need for Women’s Education) took aim at middle-class men: [T]he majority only want their wife to be beautiful, charming . . . and devoted to them body and so u l.. . . They require her to have only social skills . . . they follow their own pleasure and see a woman as only an object for themselves. . , , The other [lower-class] group o f men . . . believe that a woman exists. . . for her material use. They want first of all a housekeeper and . . . helpful labor. . . so that to the lower classes a wife is really a beast o f burden ordered to work without rest.. . . Any sort o f education . . . is a disadvantage, not a benefit. . . a husband is the ready-made enemy of his wife’s education through his conviction that it leads her away from her duty (Soltesova [1898] 1991,134-36) Milan Fric, the male feminist quoted above, demanded “giving women rights equal to men’s in every respect, and emancipating women’s moral­ ity from slavery to men’s passion” (Fric [1907] 1991,159). Feminist revolt went beyond the demand for education and even equal rights. Under a characteristic title, Vzpoura (Rebellion, 1901), Bozena Vikova-Kuneticka, later the first female member o f Czechoslovakia’s parliament, expressed aggressive feminism, attacked monogamy, and launched a “ dark and noisy revolt. . . not only against rigid social conventions, but also against emo­



tional and moral components within the author's own personality” (Novak 1976, 244-45). These were rare voices. The “Women Question” had scarcely b£en ad­ dressed. The liberation o f women was by and large tabled for a future agenda. H alf o f society, the female population, was totally dependent on the other, male half. This subordination was even more brutal and naked among the lower strata o f the society

THE GROWTH OF TOWNS AND CITIES The separation o f the traditional and the modern, and the beginning o f real social change, occurred first in the newly emerging, rapidly growing cities. City and countryside were two different worlds all over nineteenthcentury Europe. The antagonism o f these two worlds, however, was in­ comparably sharper and more hostile in Central and Eastern Europe than in Western Europe, where the majority o f the population became urban at the beginning o f the twentieth century. Rising modem metropolises increased in population: London, for example, went from 1.1 million in­ habitants in 1800 to 2.7 million by 1850, and then to 7.2 million by 1910. Paris had 0 .5 ,1.1, and 2.9 million inhabitants in 1800,1850, and 1910, re­ spectively This miraculous growth o f the capitals was accompanied by the development o f several other large cities: Manchester, Glasgow, and Liverpool increased in population roughly tenfold between 1800 and 1910, and each had more than 0.7 million inhabitants at the beginning o f the twentieth century Besides Paris, Marseille and Lyon grew fivefold and each had roughly 0.5 million inhabitants in 1910. Besides Berlin, with its more than 2 million inhabitants in 1910, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, and Munich also became large cities, with from 0.5 to 1.0 million inhabitants. Central and Eastern Europe could not follow the breathtaking pace o f Western Europe's urbanization. The growth o f some towns and cities there was nevertheless quite rapid. In Hungary, 1.1 million people lived in towns with more than 20,000 inhabitants in 1870. Their number in­ creased by nearly three times during the four decades ending in 1910, when it reached 3.1 million. The total population in Serbian towns with more than 2,000 inhabitants was 28,000 in 1834 and 310,000 in 1910. Unlike Western Europe, where the absolute majority o f the population already lived in cities before World War I, Central and Eastern Europe remained highly rural. The Czech lands were the only exception: 16 percent o f their population lived in towns with more than 2,000 inhabitants in 1843, but



this increased to 43 percent by 1900, and became more than half o f the entire population before World War L The share o f the real urban population (in cities with more than 2 0 ,0 0 0 inhabitants) in Hungary increased from 7 percent to 17 percent between 18 7 0 and 19 10 . Counting the entire population o f settlements with more than 2 ,0 0 0 inhabitants, Poland had an urban population o f 15 percent at the end o f the eighteenth century, which increased to 33 percent by 19 10 . Serbia's “ urban” population was 4 percent in 18 3 4 and it percent in 19 10 . Romania, Bulgaria, and Bosnia-Herzegovina had urban populations o f 17 ,18 , and 13 percent, respectively, in the early 19 10 s. Thus, a small segment o f the population in the region—one or two people out o f ten—lived in towns even before the war. The typical industrial city was rather rare in the region. Lodz, the “ Pol­ ish Manchester,” and Plzen, Brno, and Moravská-Ostrava in the Czech lands were exceptions. Ostrava, the coal and iron center o f northern M oravia, grew nearly sevenfold, to 150,000 inhabitants, during the last three decades before the war. The population o f Plzen jumped fourfold, to 100,000, by World War I. Brno grew to 180,000 inhabitants. The capital cities, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, and in some respects, Bucharest, became both modern industrial centers and the administra­ tive, transportation, and cultural nuclei o f their countries. Prague had only 150,000 inhabitants in 1851, but the number had increased to 225,000 by 1910. Around the old city, however, new, modern suburbs sprang up. Kar­ lin, Smichov, Zizkov, and Vinohrady concentrated more people than in Prague proper. Altogether, when Greater Prague was administratively con­ stituted after the war, the city had nearly 677,000 inhabitants (Sayer 1998, 85,177). Warsaw had 10 0 ,0 0 0 inhabitants both in 1800 and in 1850, but the stagnant city flourished during the second half o f the century: its pop­ ulation increased to 252,000 by 1880, and to 856,000 by 1910, when it be­ came the eighth-largest city in Europe. Budapest’s development was exceptional, comparable only to the American miracle: in 1800, three small cities, Buda, Pest, and Óbuda, on both sides o f the Danube River, had altogether 54,000 inhabitants. By 1850, the three cities had 14 0 ,0 0 0 inhabitants. Population took o ff after the Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich o f 1867 and the administrative unification o f the three cities in 1873: Budapest's population doubled, then doubled again during the next two decades. By 1880, Budapest had 370,000 in­ habitants, and by 1910,880,000. From 1870 on, a series o f industrial sub­ urbs began to encircle the capital city: Ujpest, Pesterzsébet, Kispest, Pestszentlorinc, Csepel, and other small adjacent settlements grew from



io o 3ooo inhabitants in 1900 to nearly 200,000 by 1910. Although ad­ ministratively they remained independent until 19 4 9 , in practice they merged with and became part o f Greater Budapest, with 1.1 million in­ habitants, the seventh-largest city o f Europe. ^ Bucharest emerged as a small settlement but grew rapidly from the late nineteenth century on. Though its growth was much less spectacular than that o f Prague, Warsaw, or Budapest, by the turn o f the century, the R o ­ manian capital had 276,000 inhabitants. B y 19 10-12, the population was more than 341,000. Modern Western-style metropolises thus developed but remained iso­ lated islands in rural Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, urban set­ tlements remained estranged from peasant societies. A great proportion o f the urban population was German and Jewish. Nearly half o f Prague’s population was German-speaking in the mid nineteenth century. Eduard Hanslick described this situation: “Aristocracy and bourgeoisie, the whole cultivated middle class in Prague, spoke only German, and knew only as much Bohemian as enabled them to make themselves understood by domestic servants.” H e also mentioned Czech-language performances at the Prague Theater (Standetheater) “ at around 4*00 in the afternoon, three hours before the German performance was due to begin. . . . One sent one’s domestic servants to these Bohemian performances; none o f our circle ever went to them” (quoted in Payzant 1991,39). German-speaking inhabitants assimilated rapidly, however, so that by 1880, only 22 percent o f the population spoke only German. By World War I, the figure had dropped to 7 percent. Budapest’s case was similar: in 1850, 80 percent o f the population spoke only German. The Buda city authorities ended their contract with the German Theater in the city in 1870, and the Pest authorities did so in 1880. The Budapest stage was thus “ de-Germanized” (Freifeld 1999, *68). The German-speaking population o f the city dropped to 54 percent by 1873, and to a marginal 4 percent by 1900. Germans made up 51 percent o f the population o f Temesvar (Timisoara), 30 percent o f the inhabitants o f Brasso (Brasov), and altogether 21 percent o f the pop­ ulation o f the Transylvanian Hungarian cities in 1900 (Ronnas 19 84 ,100, 341). In the Moldavian part o f the Romanian kingdom, 39 percent o f the urban population was Jewish. In Bucharest, and in Romania in general, 35 percent and 32 percent o f the urban population, respectively, were Jew ­ ish and German at the turn o f the century (ibid., 96). In Budapest, which the anti-Semitic mayor o f Vienna, Karl Lueger, calledJudapest, one o f four inhabitants was Jewish, in contrast to the country as a whole, where one out o f twenty was Jewish. Unlike Warsaw, Budapest, and Bucharest, which tv»virich minrM-iru nnnnlat-ions Pracnie remained an exception.



Although 22 percent and 33 percent o f Bohemian Jews lived in Greater Prague in 1880 and 1910, respectively, the share o f the Jewish minority in the city remained rather low: 6.3 percent in both 1869 and 1910 (Kieval 1988,13). The social structure o f the capital cities reflected a different world from the agricultural peasant countryside. Budapest was home to 54 percent o f the industrial workforce o f the entire country H a lf o f the city’s pop­ ulation consisted o f industrial workers. In 18 90,40,000 workers marched and celebrated M ay Day, responding to the call o f the Social Democratic International. In 1912, the first confrontation between the industrial work­ ers and the police force, “ Bloody Thursday,” illustrated the strength o f the labor movement. Two-thirds o f the intellectual and white-collar work­ ers o f the country were also concentrated in the capital city. Literacy was substantial: only 9 percent o f Budapest’s population remained illiterate, mosdy old people and young peasant housemaids serving middle-class families. In the country at large, more than one-third o f the population was illiterate. Bucharest also reflected this contrast: around the turn o f the century, only 15 percent o f the country's population was literate, while 63 percent o f Bucharest's population could read and write. The new metropolises mimicked their Western European counterparts. The spectacular reconstruction o f Paris under Napoleon III offered an at­ tractive example. Similar grandiose construction works were initiated in Vienna, Prague, and Budapest. The famous Ringstrasse and the spectac­ ular new public buildings at the end o f the century, and the first shock­ ing modern apartment houses and villas erected in the early twentieth cen­ tury, transformed Vienna into a modern European capital city. During the reconstruction o f Prague between 1885 and 1903, whole areas, including the old Josefov district and the Jewish ghetto, were destroyed in the name o f slum clearance. M ost o f the seventeenth- and eighteenthcentury baroque buildings, symbols o f the Counter-Reformation, were demolished. Various neogothic and neorenaissance public buildings formed the modern “ Golden Prague.” The new National Theater, the “ lit­ tle golden chapel on the Vltava,” was opened in r88i, then, after a fire, re­ opened in 1883. The former Horse Market, renamed Wenceslas Square, was crowned by the new neorenaissance National Museum in 1890. The major squares were decorated with important national statues: the foun­ dation o f the Jan Hus monument was laid in 1903 ; the statue o f the patron o f Bohemia, Saint Vaclav, was completed in 1913 (Sayer 1998,99,100-102). A vivid, flourishing fin de siècle Prague emerged (Witdich 1992). Budapest gained the status o f a European metropolis during the three decades before World War I. The N agykonit and Kiskorut, die two Ring-



strassen, and the crossing main boulevards, the Sugar lit (later Andrassy ut), ending in the monumental Hosok tere, and Rakoczy lit, created a new city structure. N ew public buildings, most o f all, the enofmous neogothic parliament building on the bank o f the Danube, the Opera House, and the headquarters o f the Customs Office, the spectacular new Danube bridges, the M argit hid, Ferenc Jozsef hid, andErzsebet hid, dec­ orated a real European capital. A t the millennium celebration in 1896 o f the arrival o f the Hungarian tribes in the Danube valley, Budapest inau­ gurated the Continent’s first subway line, two kilometers long, and a net­ work o f electric streetcar lines. The city became a railroad center, with or­ nate railway stations: Gustave Eiffel built the West station. Large parks, the Varosliget, Nepliget, and Margitsziget, and the Dunakorzo, created elegant, popular public spaces in die rapidly growing city The Hungar­ ian capital became one o f Europe’s most beautiful and representative metropolises. In the proud, impressive cities, full o f the symbols o f national revival and grandeur, a strongly Western European, cosmopolitan lifestyle de­ veloped. Like Paris and Vienna, Budapest in 1900, with its 600 coffee­ houses, some o f them open twenty-four hours a day, also became a cap­ ital o f coffeehouse culture. In 1894, Alajos Hauszman, the architect who rebuilt the royal casde, built one o f the most elegant coffeehouses, whose cosmopolitan name, N ew York, was symbolic. Writers and journalists had their favorite coffee shops and Stammtisch (the same table reserved for the same group o f people), where they read the newspapers. The coffeehouse became their study and its tables their desks. Som e o f them even received their guests there (Lukács 1988,148-51). The capital cities had vivid cultural lives. When the British statesman Richard Cobden visited Vienna in the mid nineteenth century, his pro­ gram self-evidently included visits with Prince Metternich, Count Moritz Esterhazy, and Baron Rothschild, as well as to the opera for a perfor­ mance o f Rossini’s Guillaume Tell (Cobden 1994,152-55). Upper-middleclass families kept boxes at the opera in Vienna, Prague, and Budapest. The inhabitants o f Warsaw in 1830 already had their choice o f seven news­ papers. During the second half o f the century, a “ theater mania” flooded the city. To see every single performance became chic (Wapinski 1994,154). The emerging big cities differed not only from the traditional peasant countryside but from sleepy, second-rate little towns o f the kind condemned by late nineteenth-century realist Czech writers for narrow-mindedness and prejudice, whose very air, said Svatopluk Cech, was “ poisoned with hate, envy and jealousy-gossip . hired assassins o f old women wait



behind every corner” (quoted in Novak 1976, 241). Some towns, how­ ever, preserved their traditional agricultural life. In 1910, Debrecen, on the Hungarian plain, with its 90,000 inhabitants, was, for example, still by and large just a “ big village.” The Balkan towns, including the capital cities, although home to most o f the thin modem social strata, consisting o f the new bureaucratic and merchant elite o f these countries, also remained typical quiet small towns. Before World War I, the largest o f them, Sofia, had a population o f 10 0 ,0 0 0 ; Belgrade had 90,000 inhabitants; Sarajevo, 52,000. In the 1870s, in the most “ urbanized” Balkan country, Bulgaria, only seven towns had more than 15,000 inhabitants. The Balkan cities, which had a long tradition dating from antiquity, had been incorporated into the Ottoman system and subordinated to the state. Guilds were restricted, but state sanctions and protection offered certain advantages for the producers. Cities, however, never gained an autonomous role in the Ottoman em­ pire (Todorova 1997, 173). Unlike the modern Central European me­ tropolises, the Balkan cities preserved their oriental townscapes. Raina Gavrilova presents a brilliant description o f this world. The narrow, mostly unpaved, interwoven streets do not serve for lively traffic but “ discour­ age the entrance o f outsiders” and “ control the access to different [reli­ gious] zones with [in] the town.” The quiet, green residential areas with gardens and orchards were totally separated from the modest town cen­ ter. Th eparjij the main street, a continuation o f the intercity road, served as a business street, in some cases enlarged to a district by a few neigh­ boring streets or blocks, mostly roofed. All the merchants and artisans had their shops here, the owner sitting in front. The barbershop, tavern, coffeehouses, the “ clubs o f the Orient,” and the public buildings—inns or caravansaries (hanlar), public baths, and courthouses—were all located on the $ar§i. Taverns and coffee shops (kabvehanelar), patronized only by wellto-do adult men, were the center o f an otherwise nonexistent social life, where all the important problems were discussed and decided. In the small township o f Strumitsa, Bulgaria, with 10,000 inhabitants, there were thirty-one coffeehouses. When postal service was introduced, the mail was also delivered to the coffeehouse. At the end o f the century, a new insti­ tution, the chitalisbta (reading rooms) were added to these central insti­ tutions. Women and girls gathered at thesbadravan^ the large public foun­ tain in the middle o f the city, to chat, gossip, and meet boys. The small, slow Balkan cities preserved their oriental characteristics for most o f the nineteenth century. Only the capital cities and bigger towns around the turn o f the century became somewhat “ European.” That was



the time when European suits and hats, alafranga (d la française), began replacing folk costumes and Turkish dress. High tables and chairs also started to supplant the safra, or low, round table, surrounded by cushions on the floor. The first courageous men and women started waiting side by side on the street. The “ Europeanization” o f the previously Ottoman Balkans gradually changed the costumes, attitudes, and lifestyles in the slowly growing cities (Gavrilova 1999)* Sofia, Belgrade, and some o f the smaller, “ second-ranked” cities grad­ ually became middle-sized, still slow and quiet, but visibly European cities. Unlike the Central European capitals, however, they did not become home to modern workers. In Belgrade, only 3,800 industrial workers were em­ ployed in 1908 (Halpern and Halpem 1972, 48). As a rather visible and symbolic factor o f Europeanization, all the Continent’s main architectural trends appeared. In Belgrade, the classic architecture o f the 1830s and 1840s was followed, especially between 1850 and 1880, by neoromanesque, neogothic, and neorenaissance structures, and around the turn o f the cen­ tury, by an eclecticism drawing on local color—Serbian traditions—and Serbian-Byzantine architecture. A series o f major public buildings were erected in these styles: the neorenaissance National Theater and the Old Court by Emiljan Joksim ovic; the monumental neorenaissance National Bank by Konstantin Jovanovic; and the Belgrade Cooperative and the Ser­ bian Academy o f Arts and Sciences building by Andra Stefanovic (with Nestorovic, then with Djordjevic). All o f the leading Serbian architects studied in Budapest, Vienna, or Munich. In addition, more than fifty Western architects worked in the city during the second half o f the nine­ teenth century. The most characteristic public buildings and the entire city landscape imitated the style o f the world’s capitals (Mladenovic 1995, 222-23,233). The Balkan capitals and several other smaller cities lost their oriental character and became more European. Budapest, Warsaw and Prague, and, to a lesser extent, Bucharest, together with their industrial suburbs, became modem working- and middle-class cities with highly literate populations. Ethnically, socially, and culturally, these big cities portrayed a transformed, modern, cosmopolitan world. They signaled the future. The present, however, was the traditional coun­ tryside, with its overwhelming peasant society. Central and Eastern E u­ rope might have begun social modernization but, even at the end o f the period under discussion, on the eve o f World War I, they stood at the be­ ginning o f a long, rough historical road toward Western European modernity.




Preziosi Amedeo, B ucharest F ish M a rk e t 1 8 6 9 Watercolors and pencil on paper. Courtesy MuzeuI National de Arta al Romaniei, Bucharest.


Market in Museum, Budapest,

aSlovak township. Courtesy Hungarian National


THE POLITICAL SYSTEM Democratization versusAuthoritarian Nationalism

SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS and the burning, unsolved national question had lasting political consequences in Central and Eastern Eu­ rope. The preserved agrarian character o f its peasant societies, lack o f in­ dustrialization and urbanization, and unfinished nation-building in the region in comparison with the western half o f the continent all influenced political institutions and practice alike. The political elite and intellectu­ als had faith in progress, however, and believed in the possibility o f learn­ ing from the most successful countries, adopting their institutions, and changing their own destiny and history. The main goal o f the nations o f the region was to join “ civilized Europe” (i.e., Western Europe), and this objective equally penetrated the economic, cultural, and political arenas. N o doubt, the introductions o f modern constitutions and a parliamen­ tary system were strongly influenced by Western European examples. Po­ litical parties also often imitated their Western European counterparts. Despite the attempt to follow Western Europe, however, the result was something different. Modern democracies emerged only in the industri­ alized, rich core o f the continent, where strong, well-established, selfconfident nation-states existed. The unindustrialized countries, struggling for independent nationhood, were unable to follow this road. Both the states and the governments were traditionally autocratic and remained au­ thoritarian, with an autocratic interpretation and practice o f law and civil rights. Unable to realize their national dreams, people became frustrated and militantly hostile toward the “ enemies o f the nation,” whether op­



pressor great powers or rival oppressed nationalities living in the same area. Fundamental nationalism penetrated politics and became the leit­ motiv o f foreign policy. Aggressive expansionism, police terror, andimilitary conflicts characterized endless attempts to unify the entire nation or create an indivisible "nationalizing” nation. The bulk o f the population was excluded from the political body o f the nation under these authoritarian regimes throughout the nineteenth century. Around the end o f the period, however, limited, but still par­ tially successful socioeconomic development awakened both an im por­ tant part o f the oppressed peasants and the emerging and geographically concentrated working class. This paved the way for radicalization and re­ volt. As an inseparable feature o f the politics o f modernization that either failed or enjoyed only partial success, radical right- and left-wing populism emerged and heralded future revolutions.

THE POLITICAL LEGACY OF AUTOCRATIC RULE The historic road toward democracy has been paved only in those coun­ tries that emerged in early modern times as the rich core countries o f the nineteenth-century world system. As Barrington M oore says in his oftenquoted work on the Social Origins ofDictatorship and Democracy, the "con­ tract as a mutual engagement freely undertaken by free persons, derived from the feudal relations o f vassalage . . . constitutes a crucial legacy to modern Western . . . free society.” In these countries, "a rough balance [emerged] between the crown and the nobility, in which the royal power . . . left a substantial degree o f independence to the nobility . . . [as] a decisive precondition for modern democracy.” However, the most important development, M oore maintains, is the commercial revolution in agriculture and "the ways in which the landed upper classes and the peasants reacted to the challenge o f commercial agriculture.” A success­ ful bourgeois transformation paves the way for political democracy. T h e lack o f these historical factors, the w eakness o f to w n s and to w n dw ellers, the réintroduction o f serfdo m , and the "m ano rial reaction” to the advance o f com m erce blocked the ro ad to attaining the prerequisites o f m odern dem ocracy in C entral and Eastern E u ro p e. T h e so cio econ o m ic and political d evelo pm en t o f these countries thus created the "so c ial o ri­ gins o f dictatorship” ( M o o r e 19 6 6 , xvii, 4 1 5 , 4 1 7 ) .

Together with far-reaching medieval and early-modern roots, nine­ teenth-century failures o f industrialization and social modernization were



the source o f further serious negative political consequences. The contin­ ued role o f the landed nobility, the emergence o f a pervasive bureaucraticmilitary elite, and the weakness o f modern burgher and well-to-do peas­ ant elements in the surviving uneducated peasant societies created formidable hurdles on the road to parliamentary democracy. The lack o f a viable, unified nation-state, and the seemingly insurmount­ able obstacles to creating one in an age o f exalted nationalism, was, how­ ever, the crucial impediment to democratic development. An existential fear for the national community penetrated the societies o f Central and Eastern Europe. All these countries, with their ethnically mixed popula­ tions, had lost their independence between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries and been incorporated into vast multinational empires. During the nineteenth century, all o f the elites o f the Central and Eastern Euro­ pean peoples, and, under their influence, gradually the peasant masses as well, reacted strongly against their oppression by foreign powers. Were the Balkan peasants in the Ottoman empire or the Czechs and Poles in the Habsburg and Russian empires, respectively, really more oppressed than ethnic Russians in the Russian empire or ethnic Serbs in indepen­ dent Serbia? Probably not. However, even well-to-do middle-class Czechs suffered national humiliation because they could not use their mother tongue in offices. Poles could not tolerate the fact that the official lan­ guage o f Poland’s public schools was Russian. Slovaks and Romanians felt like second-class citizens in Hungary. Moreover, in the age o f na­ tionalism, all socioeconomic pains were interpreted as consequences o f foreign oppression. People believed it, just as they believed that the “ imag­ ined” national community was indeed an existing strong community and that they had to give their supreme loyalty to it, had to live and die for it. Even if their oppression was, at least partly, only imagined, it thus be­ came a very real political factor in nineteenth-century Central and East­ ern Europe. In this political framework, nationalities began to fight for inde­ pendence from the Ottoman, Russian, and Habsburg empires. Unlike in Western Europe, where nations emerged within the boundaries o f ex­ isting states, state and nation were not coterminous in this region. In addition, subordinated nations, jumbled together in the “ belt o f mixed population,” became rivals in competition for the same goal: national in­ dependence. As a consequence, they confronted one another and often collided head-on. Central and Eastern Europe became a hotbed o f hos­ tile, fundamental nationalism. Reaching the ultimate goal o f independence, which was realized in



most parts o f the Balkans only at the end o f the nineteenth century, did not lead to the erosion or disappearance o f national hatreds. On the con­ trary, the strengthening o f the nation-state and the efforts to unitfe the entire nation in an area o f highly mixed populations permanently fueled further national goals. The struggle for autonomy and independence against germanizing Austria and russifying Russia in the Czech lands and Poland, the attempt to assimilate non-Magyar nationalities and create an “ indivisible M agyar nation35 in multiethnic Hungary, and the con­ cept o f creating a Greater Serbia, Greater Croatia, Greater Romania, and Greater Bulgaria by incorporating neighboring fellow nationals and the territories in which they lived led to permanent confrontation and war­ fare within the multinational empires and also among newly indepen­ dent nations. In István B ib o 5s analysis, this historical environm ent nurtured the de­ sire for strong governm ent. I t revitalized and legitim ized the unquestioned leading role o f an autocratic m onarch, d ie n o b le elite, state bureaucracy, and arm y, “ saviors o f the nation.55 T h e lo n g in g fo r a stro n g nation-state, w h ich m igh t be able to cure all b u rn ing national, social, and econ om ic ills, nurtured rom antic nationalism th ro u g h o u t the nineteenth century. R o m a n tic idealization o f prophet-intellectuals and the lo n g in g fo r charis­ m atic, all-pow erful leaders to lead the p eople to the P rom ised L a n d cre­ ated an atm osphere co n d u cive to authoritarianism . T h e ro m an tic idea o f self-sacrificing struggle fo r the nation w as translated into co m b a t against “ enem ies o f the nation55: oppressors, aliens, m inorities, an d rival neighbors. D efo rm ed , interrupted national developm ent led both to chau­ vinism and to autocratic, authoritarian regim es and policies (B ib o 19 8 6 ,

3 3 0 - 4 3 ).

All o f the dominating empires in nineteenth-century Central and Eastern Europe had inherited the tradition o f an autocratic, aggressive, expansionist bureaucratic and military state machine. Wars over neigh­ boring territories characterized the entire century. Accordingly, patriar­ chal, highly bureaucratic centralized states that embodied fundamental nationalism, conservative institutions, brutal political subordination, pa­ tronage, clientalism, and corruption were the main features o f the poli­ tics in the area. Paradoxically, after having gained their freedom from au­ tocratic and oppressive multinational empires, the formerly subordinated nations followed the only pattern they knew and built up similarly au­ thoritarian, corrupt, bureaucratic states. “ What emerged in Eastern Europe between the end o f the eighteenth century and roughly the middle o f the next was the autocratic, central­



ized state run by a more-or-less despotic ruler with the help o f a steadily growing bureaucracy,” Peter Sugar sums up. “ The next fifty years, roughly the second half o f the nineteenth century, saw the gradual weakening o f the power o f the autocrat, but not the diminishing o f authoritarian rule in Eastern Europe.” The emerging Western democratic great powers had a strong influence on die entire continent and often played a direct role in influencing political institutions in Central and Eastern Europe. Newly autonomous countries in the region introduced Western-style constitu­ tions and legal codes. “ [T] hat the inhabitants were considered citizens, that parties were permitted, that parliaments functioned, that rulers became "con­ stitutional monarchs’ are also clear indications o f the influence o f the West­ ern model. Yet, all these changes” were only a pseudo-transformation “ at best skin deep; under this thin layer o f Western veneer the reality remained unchanged” (Sugar 1999, vi, 9 -10 ,12 ). There was not merely a marked difference between adopted Western European law and Eastern European reality. East o f the river Rhine, as Laszlo Peter has attested, “ an autocratic principle o f the law” remained characteristic during the nineteenth century. “ This difference in the pre­ sumption o f the law between the two parts o f Europe had momentous consequences. While in western Europe where the law was silent, the cit­ izen was said to be free, in the legal systems beyond the Rhine, the op­ posite prevailed: where the law was silent [i.e., did not expressly p ro tea individuals and social groups],. . .it was the state authorities who w e r e .. , "free5 . . . [and] could lawfully issue decrees and a a at their own discre­ tion in matters which interfered with the individual and the group” (Peter 19 97-98,12-13). The government extended its authority to the sphere o f civil rights and preserved the right o f supervision over associations, ban­ ning those considered to endanger the security o f the state. In Hungary, assemblies were also supervised, and permission was often refused i f the meeting was not thought “ advisable” by the authorities. I f a gathering “ deteriorated into subversive agitation again st. . . public order,” it was disbanded, i f need be by force. Individual rights, in these systems, were concessions from the government. The autocratic principle o f law ob­ structed the freedom o f the citizens and remained an “ active ingredient o f the legal-political order” in the region (ibid., 18-28). Western freedoms and rights were only partially granted in the united German Reich (Wehler 1973) and post-Ausgleich Austria-Hungary too, but matters were even worse in other parts o f Central and Eastern Europe. In the crucial time o f transformation, the political destiny o f Central and Eastern Europe was still strongly determined by the three autocratic pow­



ers that had dominated it throughout the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eigh­ teenth centuries. '/ /

OTTOMAN AUTOCRACY AND BALKAN AUTHORITARIANISM The Ottoman empire ruled the Balkans for half a millennium. Its supreme ruler, the Sultan, governed according to the §eri (sharfah), the unchange­ able Sacred Law o f Islam, which regulated all aspects o f life and did not leave much room for secular laws. The Sultan’s administrative authority was unlimited, however, and he had the power o f life and death over his subjects. H e was served and assisted by a bureaucratic-military elite, re­ cruited originally from trained slaves who advanced on the basis o f merit. This system was later replaced by open, institutionalized bribery. During the later centuries o f the empire, the entire state administration was built on corruption: tax farming became pervasive, and concessions were sold to the highest bidders. Office-holding was considered an investment for high returns. “ Bribery is the beginning and root o f a ll. . . tyranny. . . the most vast o f evil,55 stated Mehmed Pasha, the treasurer o f the empire in the early eighteenth century. Bribery gave “ permission from the govern­ ment for every sort o f oppression55 (Stavrianos [19 58] 1963,120).

Two B ritish travelers, describing the situation a century and a h a lf later, observed:

N ext in authority to the Turkish governors comes the town-council, or medjlis.. . . In former days . . . the Christians had only to bribe him [the governor] in order to secure a certain amount o f protection. Now-a-days, the governor must still be bribed, b u t . . . all the medjlis must be bribed too. . . . The only chance is to play the foreign governor and the local Mussulmans against each other, but it is a dan­ gerous game. (Mackenzie and Irby [1867] 1877,257)

Expansionism was the essence and driving force o f the regime. It had a religious basis. H o ly war and colonization were the dynam ic elements in the O ttom an conquest, H a lil Inalcik m aintains ([1973] 1994). The O t­ tom an empire, w hich included present-day Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Algeria, and Tunisia as w ell as the Balkans, united the Sunni M iddle East. W hen further expansion became im possible, the decline o f the regime began, starting in the sixteenth century and closely linked to the emergence o f the A tlantic economy and the Industrial R evolution. The empire lost its dynamism and potential fo r expansion, and the European great powers imposed their w ill upon the Sultan, who was forced to open hitherto



closed frontiers. The Treaty o f Adrianople (1829) mandated freedom to navigate the Danube and the Black Sea and paved the way fo r Western commercial penetration. The Anglo-O ttom an commercial agreement o f 1838 w ent much further, im posing a free-trade system. Reforms to adjust to the new situation became unavoidable in Istanbul. Attem pts at reform around the turn o f the century aimed at recentralization, based on a re­ organized army and state. European-type reforms follow ed in the 1840s and 1850s, but they came too late and served to underm ine the regime rather than change it. The Tanzim at reforms gradually introduced new institutions: the Land Law o f 1858, fo r example, allowed private claims on abandoned land. Even foreigners were allowed to ow n private farms in 1867. A gricultural output significandy increased: between 1848 and 1862, it doubled, and then doubled again up to 1914- A t the same tim e, agri­ cultural exports increased elevenfold. In spite o f these achievements, the rig id ity o f the system, including the prim acy o f state ownership o f land, was preserved. O ttom an rule in the Balkans remained autocratic rig h t to the end: notw ithstanding efforts to recentralize the empire and transform its superstructure, it remained essentially unchanged, and the decline be­ came unstoppable (Adanir 1982,150-52). The Porte began to lose ground and gradually had to w ithdraw from large Balkan territories, m ostly be­ tween the 1860s and W orld W ar I. The w ithdraw al passed through vari­ ous transitory stages, however, before the Balkan nations gained inde­ pendence during the 1870s and 1880s. The O ttom an legacy is a broadly discussed topic. According to M aria Todorova “ the creation o f autonomous and independent Balkan states was not only a break w ith but a rejection o f the political past. This is evident in the attem pt to substitute new European institutions fo r the Ottom an state institutions.” O n this basis, she maintains that “ O ttom an legacy was insignificant” in the independent Balkans as far as political institutions were concerned (Todorova 1997,170). This may be true in a literal sense, but the im ported Western institutions were fitted in to O ttom an tra d i­ tions, which also m olded Balkan attitudes and m entalities. The O ttom an political legacy was thus ultim ately decisive in the newly established au­ tonom ous, then independent, states around the turn o f the century. In Romania, the road to independence, after a decade o f a kind o f West­ ern European protectorate over the Romanian Principalities, was opened in 1866 w ith the election o f a constituent assembly The constitution o f 1884 was modeled on the Belgian constitution o f 1831 and reflected m od­ ern Western democratic values. The architects o f transform ation believed in a spectacular change: Romania, the Bucharest newspaper Steaua D un -



dtii proclaim ed, w ould

be a true “ Belgium o f the East” (H itchins 1994, 19). C ivil liberties and freedom o f association and the press were legally protected. .'/

Form and substance, however, were essentially different. The regime remained highly authoritarian. First o f all, political rights Were granted to only a small part o f the citizenry. “ Politically the peasantry was an al­ most negligible quantity,” Robert Seton-Watson writes ([1934] 1963,357). Although the Romanian electoral system formally granted universal male suffrage, in reality the bulk o f the population was excluded from the po­ litical nation, because the electors were divided into three uneven cate­ gories. College I consisted o f people with large landed property (with an income o f at least 1,200 lei). This group represented 1.5 percent o f the el­ igible voters but elected 41 percent o f the representatives. College II re­ quired the payment o f a yearly tax o f 20 lei, and included professionals and primary school graduates, who altogether constituted 3.5 percent o f the voters but elected 38 percent o f the representatives. In other words, 5 percent o f the voters chose 79 percent o f parliamentarians. College III, 95 percent o f the voters, elected the remaining 21 percent o f the repre­ sentatives, but in two different groups: the first, which consisted o f 4 per­ cent o f the voters, either had to have landed property with a higher in­ come level or be schoolteachers or priests, regardless o f income. All the remaining 91 percent, all the poor and uneducated masses o f voters, be­ longed to the second group and had only indirect votes: fifty o f them elected a single elector. In the upper house, or senate, r percent o f the elec­ torate voted in 55 percent o f the senators. A second well-to-do group, also r percent o f the voters, selected the remaining 45 percent o f the senators, while 98 percent o f the electorate did not have the right to send delegates to the senate (Eidelberg 1974,15-16). The king, not parliament, formed the government. Elections were con­ trolled by the government through the minister o f the interior's ap­ pointments o f the prefects o f thejudefe (counties). They “ left no device unused in order to ensure a government victory, and afterwards the man­ dates o f numerous opposition deputies and senators were invalidated” (Hitchins 1994,96). Small wonder, then, that the government always had an absolute majority in the parliament and both chambers became obe­ dient ratifying bodies. A telling example: in the 1883 elections, the gov­ erning Liberal party gained more than 91 percent o f the votes.

In real terms, the government's responsibility to the parliam ent be­ came a mere form ality. Counties and communes were not allowed to make their own decisions; the central bureaucracy determined their budgets and



policies. T h e ju diciary, in practice, w as subordin ated to the executive and legislative branches o f pow er. State and C h u rc h w ere n o t separated. T h e Je w s, ro u g h ly 5 percent o f the popu lation , w e re excluded fro m citizen­ ship (W elter 19 89 ). In his 18 7 9 address to parliam ent, K in g C aro l w arn ed : “ T h e G re a t P ow ers dem and that w e should adapt ourselves to the ideas prevalent in civilized states, before th ey adm it us into the E u ro p e an fa m ­ ily o f states.” A parliam entary com m ission, h ow ever, declared: “ [T ]h c re are n o R o m an ian Je w s and never w ere, bu t o n ly such as w e re born in the country, bu t are assim ilated neither in lan guage nor custo m s and do n o t aspire to b e” (Seto n -W atso n [19 3 4 ] i 9 350-51)*

Romania introduced a two-party system, consisting o f the Partidul N a­ tional Liberal and Partidul Conservator. Although both Liberals and C on­ servatives experienced some factionalism for a while, the parties consol­ idated and dominated the political arena until the war (Capreanu 1994)* A few personalities played leading roles and monopolized power. The Conservatives were more closely connected with the landowning classes and were ardent defenders o f land tenure, the agricultural character o f the country, and, consequently, free trade. The Liberals were based in the ur­ ban middle class and advocated agricultural modernization, state inter­ ventionism, protection, and industrial development. M ore important, however, both parties sought unrestricted political power and were au­ thoritarian once in government, enriching their clienteles (Stan 1995). As prime ministers, the Conservative Lascar Catargiu, during the first half o f the 1870s, and the Liberal Ion Bratianu, during the 1880s, exercised au­ thoritarian, “virtually dictatorial power.” The Bratianu family established a leading political dynasty in the country: in 1908, Ionel Bratianu, the son o f Ion, became the leader o f the Liberal party and prime minister. H e would be the dominant figure in national politics for two more decades. Besides exclusive and corrupt party politics, authoritarian practices found favor with another important political player, King Carol. After Philip o f Flanders, the brother o f the king o f Belgium, declined the R o ­ manian throne, Ion Bratianu persuaded Prince Karl o f HohenzollernSigmaringen, an officer in the Prussian army and son o f a former prime minister o f Prussia, to accept it. Prince Karl, a foreigner in his new coun­ try, did not have much power in domestic politics during his first years o f rule after 1866 but strongly aspired to it (Pascu 1996). In November 1870, he tried to convince the great powers that Western European po­ litical institutions were inappropriate in unindustrialized Romania, which lacked a strong middle class. H e proposed revision o f the Paris Treaty (1856) to favor a “ powerful regime” under a king wielding autocratic au­



th o rity, in which a council o f state and senate, appointed by him , w ould play merely advisory roles. This attem pt failed. Crowned K ing Carol o f Romania (r. 1881-1914) after the country gained fu ll independence, K arl realized his goal in a different way. U sing nis con­ stitutional authority to appoint and dismiss m inisters and governments, he successfully m anipulated power. The parties and politicians grew dependent upon him , and Carol strengthened his role by frequently changing governments, replacing Liberals w ith Conservatives and then sw itching back again. M oreover, he could take advantage o f the existence o f various factions in both parties (Neagoe 1995; Hossu 1995). In the course o f eight years after 1899, fo r example, he dismissed and appointed five governments. In this exclusive political system, the tactical division o f the small political elite and the a b ility to exploit their rivalries guaranteed a key role fo r the king. The leading parties and the king both used the “ spoils system” o f political corruption. Carol's role was unquestioned in m ilitary and foreign policy issues (Scurtu 1988). The king’s personal authority in foreign policy matters is clearly exhibited by the crucial alliance w ith the Central Powers in 1883, which he personally arranged w ith o u t discussion in parliam ent or even by anyone but a few insiders. Carol kept the only copy o f the treaty in his private safe. O nly upon its renewal in 1892 did the king have to inform his m inister o f foreign affairs, and then, tw o m onths later, the prim e m inister, o f the existence o f the treaty. Parliament and the public, however, were not even inform ed about its existence un­ til the war. Autocratic rule was nevertheless somewhat lim ited by the free­ dom o f the Romanian press and the presence o f a parliam entary opposi­ tion. M ore im portant, the great powers' behavior always lim ited the rulers’ freedom o f action. Bulgaria, sim ilarly under the tutelage o f the great powers under the terms o f the B erlin Treaty, enacted a W estern-style liberal constitution at Tirnovo in 1879. Universal male suffrage, parliam entary power in a onechamber system, and civil liberties were guaranteed. The next day, Alexan­ der von Battenberg, a German prince related to both the B ritish and Rus­ sian royal families, was elected prince o f Bulgaria. The young soldier-prince was dissatisfied w ith the democratic constitution. The scenario was strik­ ingly sim ilar to the Romanian one. “ The present constitution is n o t suited to the country. I t places the person o f the Ruler in continual opposition to the N ational Assembly . . . the people lack the most elementary req­ uisites fo r constitutional life . . . I wish . .. the necessary authoritative powers . . . [to defend] the interest o f the State,” Prince Alexander com ­ plained (Koch 1887, 70-72). H e did n ot hesitate: fo llo w in g a coup on



M ay 9 , 1 8 8 1 , he dismissed the government and demanded extraordinary powers for seven years. Parliament, “ elected” under overt and strict mil­ itary control, unanimously accepted Alexander's demands in July: the prince became a dictator. In the delicate international situation o f the coun­ try, resistance to Russian patronage, however, led to the restoration o f the previous Tirnovo constitution in short order (Manolova 19 89 ). M ore­ over, in August 1886, a military coup—the kidnapping o f the prince from the palace—led to his abdication. This time real power was concentrated in the hands o f Stefan Stambolov, the hero o f the unification o f Eastern Rumelia and Bulgaria, whose National party gained an absolute majority at the October elec­ tions o f 1886. Three commissioners were sent to Western Europe to find a new prince. Finally, Prince Ferdinand o f Saxe-Coburg-Gotha accepted the Bulgarian throne and was crowned in August 1887. During the first years o f his rule, Stambolov dominated the political arena o f the coun­ try. “ H e believed that the end justified the means, and he never hesitated to employ force and even brutality in order to have his way,” L. S. Stavrianos writes. “ [H]e remained a peasant—rough, impatient, and offensively blunt. . . . H is critics accused him o f instituting a reign o f terror” (Stavrianos [1958] 19 6 3, 4 3 5 , 4 3 7 ). King Ferdinand, however, outsmarted Stambolov, w ho served as prime minister between 18 8 7 and 18 9 4 . U sing political manipulation, in­ trigue, and political bribery, the king gradually became the master o f the country. H e believed that “ every man has his price,” which in Bulgarian politics turned out to be true. The political elite were allowed to grow rich so long as they “ remained faithful servitors o f the throne” but were ruined i f they ceased to serve (Seton-Watson [ 19 3 4 ] 1 9 6 3 ,3 5 8 - 6 0 ) . G ov­ ernment officials were blackmailed by a law threatening prosecution if they possessed “ more than they ought.” Although Stambolov, as usual, won 9 0 percent o f the vote in the 1893 elections, Ferdinand dismissed him within a few months and refused to give him a passport when he wanted to go abroad. Within a year, the former almighty prime minister had been murdered and brutally mutilated in the street. The police did not even make an effort to find the assassins. The Bulgarian two-party system lost its importance. Both the Liberal and Conservative parties were in the hands o f the king, w ho frequently appointed and dismissed officials. The Constantine Stoilov cabinet gov­ erned between 1888 and 18 8 9 , followed by the Vasil Radoslav cabinet for another two years, and then by Stoyan Danev for two more years. Cor­ ruption, dientelism, and concentration o f power in the hands o f King Fer-



dinand characterized the politics o f Bulgaria. Ferdinand rebaptized his son Boris in the Greek Orthodox faith to strengthen the position o f his dy­ nasty (Stoianov 1989). fy Serbian politics was defined by wars, coups, and assassinations. E x­ ploiting the Bosnian crisis, autonomous Serbia declared w ir on the O t­ toman empire in the summer o f 1876. Although Serbia was immediately defeated, Russian intervention and great power politics at the Treaty o f Berlin (1878) led to its territorial enlargement and recognition o f full Ser­ bian independence. Prince Milan Obrenovic became king o f Serbia (1882). The political arena was characterized by the rivalry between the Austrophile Progressive party, connected with the Obrenovic dynasty, and the Russophile Radical party, linked to the exiled Karadjordjevic dynasty. “ From 1882 on, Serbian political parties . . gradually ceased to distin­ guish between issues o f . . . democratization and modernization on the one hand and the national ‘mission5o f all-Serbian u n ity. . . on the other,” Ivo Lederer writes (1969,407). The 1869 constitution, which was enacted after Prince Michael Obren­ ovic had been assassinated, established autocratic rule in Serbia. Unlike most o f the other countries o f the region, it granted a liberal franchise, but strongly limited the role o f the Skupstina (parliament), which did not have the right to initiate laws or m odify government bills. The go v­ ernment was not responsible to the Skupstina and could legislate pro­ visionally and promulgate budgets by decree. The prince, who had the right to appoint and dismiss governments, thus had the upper hand. This was illustrated when the Radical party won the 1883 elections. King M i­ lan refused to appoint a Radical government and formed the Conserva­ tive Hristic government instead. Brute force and murder often settled the contest between the political elite and the king. The question was not one o f democratic or autocratic rule, but rather o f who would exercise au­ thoritarian power. After losing his war against Bulgaria in 1885, King Milan tried to gain public support by introducing a liberal constitution (1889), which guar­ anteed democratic institutions and rights. H e could not save his throne, however, and was forced to abdicate in favor o f his thirteen-year-old son, Alexander. In four years, the young king dismissed the governing regents, abolished the liberal constitution in favor o f the previous autocratic one, made himself commander in chief o f the army, brought in laws restrict­ ing freedom o f the press and o f association, and harshly attacked the op ­ position Radical party. When this party, with the support o f an almost revolutionary opposition, won a majority at the July 1901 elections, agi­



tated mass demonstrations filled the streets o f Belgrade. The police cal' lously arrested and killed demonstrators. N ew elections were held in an atmosphere o f unbridled police terror in M ay 1903. The Radical party withdrew from the ballot. Accounts, however, were settled in June: twenty-eight officers invaded the royal palace, killed the royal couple, and threw their bodies from the palace windows. The conspirators also killed the prime minister, the minister o f interior, loyal officers, and two broth­ ers o f the queen. The old parliament, not the newly elected one, restored the liberal constitution and elected the exiled Peter Karadjordjevic king o f Serbia (Subotic 1992). In September 1903, the Radical party, led by Nikola Pasic, w on a majority o f the seats and, for the first time in Serbian history, established a constitutional government with democratic freedoms. Although the first signs o f peasant representation in politics and more constitutional rule narrowed the huge gap between democratic forms and authoritarian substance in prewar Balkan politics, the short period o f au­ tonomy and independence was characterized by a lack of*“pluralism o f eco­ nomic, political and ideological power. . . . All power was concentrated in the hands o f those who managed the governm ent.. . . [The de facto po­ litical systems were] centralized autocracies dominated by narrowly re­ cruited bureaucracies” (Sugar 1999, vi, 13-14). Real parliamentary democ­ racy remained lacking, and there was a serious deficit in civil liberties.

THE “NATIONAL MISSION" OF EXPANSION TO UNITE THE NATION Although the “national mission” of a government strengthened and united the nation, it also legitimized authoritarian rule. In Bulgaria, for exam­ ple, the main nationalist goal subsequent to the Treaty o f Berlin (i.e., af­ ter July 1878) was the liberation o f “all Bulgarian territories”—that is, East­ ern Rumelia, Thrace, and M acedonia—and the reestablishment o f the Greater Bulgaria o f the Treaty o f San Stefano (March 1878). This nation­ alist program became the basis o f an alliance between the king and the army. Macedonia was claimed by Greece and Serbia in addition to Bulgaria. A Central Macedonian Revolutionary Committee was formed in 1893, which established the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IM R O ), led by two schoolteachers, Damian Gruev and Gotse Delchev. Armed bands launched constant attacks on the Turks in Macedonia in preparation for a general uprising in 1903. When it came, this was put



dow n by an O ttom an army, which in the process destroyed two hundred villages, killed thousands, and forced thirty thousand refugees to flee into Bulgaria. J/ In 1908, however, the so-called Young Turks seized power to renew the empire; Austria proclaimed the annexation o f Bosnia-Herzegovina; and Bulgaria declared full independence. The turmoil spawned the for­ mation o f a Balkan League o f Bulgaria, Serbia, and Greece against Turkey in 1912. In a few weeks, the First Balkan War led to a spectacular allied victory and the conquest o f most o f Turkey in Europe. The Treaty o f Lon ­ don sanctioned this result in M ay 1913. Bulgarian forces occupied eastern Thrace, and Greek and Serbian troops liberated Macedonia. In June, how­ ever, in a major miscalculation, the Bulgarians attacked Serbian and Greek troops to conquer Macedonia, starting the Second Balkan War. E x­ ploiting the opportunity, Romania and Turkey attacked Bulgaria from the north and east, while the Greeks and Serbs did so from the south and west. After a humiliating defeat for the Bulgarians, the Treaty o f Bucharest (August 1913) gave the largest parts o f Macedonia to Serbia and Greece, while Romania took southern Dobrudja and Turkey regained much o f Thrace, including the city o f Edim e (Adrianople). The dream o f a Greater Bulgaria, which had permeated the history o f independent Bulgaria tor a third o f a century before World War I and generated almost continual warfare, faded away. Serbia was more successful in realizing the dream o f a Greater Serbia. The entire Serbian political elite espoused the goal o f all-Serbian unity under the banner o f Srpstvo. After the country had won its independence, the central goal o f Serbian politics was the territorial acquisition o f Mace­ donia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. Serbia also established connections with Serbs in Dalmatia and the Voivodina, and with South Slavs in the Habsburg empire. The guiding principle o f Serbian politics was to play the role o f a “ Balkan Piedmont” and liberate all South Slavs from Ottoman and Habsburg rule. All o f the leading political parties, from Jovan Ristic’s Liberals to Nikola Pasic’s Radicals, shared this mission. This led to per­ manent warfare, a military campaign in Bosnia in 1876, a war against Bul­ garia in 1885, and participation in the two Balkan wars o f 1912-13. Serbian nationalism was genuinely mixed, then, later gradually trans­ formed from Great Serbianism into Yugoslavism. Uniting all the Serbs within and without Serbia or uniting all the South Slavs (i.e., the Yugoslav idea) was the leitmotiv o f Serbian politics during the entire nineteenth century. Ilija Garasin’s Nacertanije (The Program), his 1844 program for Serbian national policy, and Vuk Karadzic’s Srbi svi isvuda (Serbs All and



Everywhere) already exhibited this mixed concept o f Great Serbianism and Yugoslavism. Ivo Banac interprets these as expressions o f Great Ser­ bianism, “ the purpose o f which was to assimilate the vast majority o f Catholic Croats and all Bosnian Muslims” (Banac 1984,80). M any Serbs, however, envisaged a South Slavic nation. That was also true o f the Croats, who also blurred the concepts o f Croat and South Slav nations when, in the new program o f the party o f Croatian Right, they declared in 1894: “ [W]e want to unite the entire Croat nation, which lives in Croatia, Slavo­ nia, Dalmatia, Fiume, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Istria, into one sin­ gle state within the Habsburg monarchy” (Kemény 1956, 2: 288). They naturally sought to incorporate the Serbs who constituted a quarter o f the population o f Croatia proper into the Croat nation. These overlapping and conflicting national ambitions were amalga­ mated in the Illyric concept o f Yugoslavism. Its initiators were mosdy Croats and Serbs outside Serbia. From language reformers in 1800 to politicians and idealistic national movements in 1900, proponents o f South Slavism called for the unification o f Serbs and Croats. The Dal­ matian Frano Supilo and the Croat Ante Trumbic initiated a meeting o f leading Croat and Serb politicians at Fiume (Rijeka) in 1905, where the Hrvatsko-Srpske Koalicije, which became the majority party in Croatia, was created and a common plan o f action was agreed on (Gross i960). After the annexation o f Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria in 1908, vari­ ous ultranationalist and paramilitary organizations—Slovenski Jug, Narodna Odbrana, Mlada Bosna, and the dramatically named Ujedinjenje ili Smrt (Unity or Death)—were founded in Serbia with the central goal o f the creation o f a united Yugoslav state. The Croat political elite, which orig­ inally advocated autonomy and a “ trialist” —Austrian, Hungarian, Slav— reorganization o f the Habsburg monarchy, gradually lost confidence in the emperor. After 1907, Croatia was governed by absolutist methods. The Sabor (parliament) did not sit, and the new barms, Slavko Cuvaj, ruled au­ tocratically. In March 1912, this state o f affairs was institutionalized : Franz Jo se f suspended the Croat constitution, along with freedom o f assembly and o f the press, and the banus became a royal commissioner. Under the banner o f revolutionary Yugoslavism, young Croat nationalists attempted to assassinate Cuvaj, and then the newly appointed banus, Baron Ivo Skerlecz. The Serb victories in the two Balkan wars fueled Yugoslav ambitions and hopes o f a war against the Habsburg empire.

The legitimacy o f the authoritarian regime in Romania was guaran­ teed by a continuous struggle for independence and the call for a “Ro­ mania for the Romanians.” Such slogans were com m on in the Balkans,



and similar goals were proclaimed in Bulgaria and Serbia. In Romania, however, the call was aimed, not only at foreign tutelage, but also at “ aliens” within the country, especially Jews, who, partly because o f heavy immigration from the east during the nineteenth century, ha& grown to be 5 percent o f the country's population. “ Chauvinism wiih particularly strong anti-Semitic overtones became an integral part o f the national creed. . . . In fact, nationalism became synonymous with anti-Semitism for Romanian politicians,” Stephen Fischer-Galati observes (1969,385-86). Virtually alone in Europe, Romania refused to grant citizenship to Jews almost up until World War I. An unparalleled early twentieth-century jacquerie, a spontaneous peas­ ant uprising, also turned out to be the deadliest anti-Jewish pogrom o f the period. The uniquely exploitative Romanian agrarian system led to an unavoidable bitter and violent peasant revolt. Unrest in the Rom a­ nian countryside became a common phenomenon. The first major up­ rising occurred in 1888, followed by “ almost permanent tension.” Local conflicts became everyday events, accompanied by strong eruptions such as those in 1892,1894 (which spread across one hundred localities), and again in 1900. Tensions intensified between 1904 and 1906. In the latter year, various isolated outbursts signaled the coming climax (Ilincioiu 1991, 40). The last straw was the introduction a new tax o f 5 lei on the peas­ antry in November 1906. Peasants refused to pay the extra tax and threat­ ened tax collectors. People became extremely agitated in January and early February, the regular time for the renewal o f annual contracts. Dissatis­ faction erupted on the Flaminsi estate in Boto§ani, northern Moldavia. This estate belonged to Dimitrie Sturdza, grandson o f a former hospodar, who lived in Western Europe and had never seen his estate, but rented it out, mostly to the bigger arendaç company, the Fischer brothers. The peas­ ants rejected the exploitative contract offered by the Fischer brothers and nearly lynched their administrator on February 8,1907. Students o f Romanian social and agricultural history agree with the contemporary analyst Radu Rosetti, who maintained that the revolt was a reaction against the latifundia and contract system (Rosetti 1907). In February, the peasant unrest spread to other setdements, where peasant communities filed various petitions and sent delegates to discuss their needs. Flat-out refusals often generated violent reactions: the M axut and Feredeeni forests were occupied, the guards were removed, and the arenda§ family was expelled on February 21. Within a week, peasants from Boto§ani villages clashed with army units. In early March, in Stânceni, peas­ ants from neighboring villages attacked the town, looted and destroyed houses and shops, and were confronted by hundreds o f soldiers.



Fighting continued for several days. “The ferment has spread out to nearly all communes and hamlets in the district,55 the district attorney re­ ported from the Dorohoi district on March 8. “Everywhere the rebels have devastated the houses o f the landlords, arendaqi and shopkeepers.55 In ad­ dition to destroying buildings and shops and abusing shopkeepers, renters, and landlords, in early March, peasants turned to lynching and killing. In the O lt district, estates and manors were destroyed, and the landlord Ion Momicenau was killed. The governm ent sent troops under General Nasturel, who ruthlessly suppressed the rebels, either “killing the offenders or burning their houses dow n.55 cc[T ]he artillery fire was effec­ tive on 150 houses in Vieru and about 200 houses in Stane§ti,” the pre­ fect o f Ghica wired the ministry. The peasants “demand land and justice, they pillage towns and b oroughs. . . the authorities are helpless and the troops insufficient,55the Russian consul-general reported from Iasi. “There are many dead and wounded. . . . The peasants [have] seized the whole of Moldavia” (Ilincioiu 19 9 1,5 4 ,138 ,17 9 , 275-76). The uprising was a desperate struggle for land and “just contracts55and against an intolerably exploitative agricultural system and irresponsible landlordism. The absentee boyar estate owners were largely invisible to the peasants, so the jacquerie was directed chiefly against the highly vis­ ible middlemen: the arenda$i, especially Jewish renters, village shop­ keepers, and innkeepers, w ho were traditionally also moneylenders. Since roughly half o f the arenda§i and shopkeepers in Romania were Jewish, the peasant revolt amounted to an anti-Jewish pogrom . Anti-Semitism had deep traditional roots in Romania, and the pop­ ulist movement that articulated the demands o f the peasantry also agi­ tated against the Jews. Three days before the uprising, a populist news­ paper, Moldova de Sus, which had already declared in an editorial on December 3 0 , 1 9 0 6 , that the “Yids” were the enemies o f the Romanian people, urged a mass uprising against the Jews: “Perhaps o u t o f impov­ erished ancient Moldavia, today overwhelmed and stifled by Yids, once more a man . . . will rise up and start a new hetairia against the Yids. . . . All true Romanians will give it assistance and will struggle until they have achieved such a crucial victory, so as to save our ancestral land and our race from the plague and the infernal plans o f the Yids” {Moldova de Sus, March 1, 19 0 7 , quoted in Eidelberg 19 7 4 , 2 0 6 - 7 ) . Pogroms destroyed thousands o f shops and houses. Jews were beaten and killed, and thou­ sands escaped only by leaving everything behind and taking refuge at army headquarters and in big cities. The peasant armies frightened the entire regime and evolved to the point where not only local estates, manors, villages, and small towns were



attacked but also big cities such as Gala$i. Four thousand peasants even marched on Bucharest. Finally, in April, an army o f 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 troops sup­ pressed the uprising, killing some to ,0 0 0 peasants in the process, ac­ cording to Scton-Watson ( [ 1 9 3 4 ] 19 6 3 , 3 8 6 -8 7 ) . Political anti-Semitism, channeling social dissatisfaction ifito the reser­ voir o f xenophobia, gained a tremendous impetus. Leading Romanian intellectuals, such as the historian Nicolae Iorga, the economist Alexan­ der Cuza, and the poet Octavian Goga, launched vitriolic anti-Semitic at­ tacks. The right-wing populist Constantin Stere denounced the Jews as the embodiment o f alien “ plundering capital,” a “ parasite group,” and a heavy burden on Romania. The bloody pogrom was seen as a patriotic popular outburst and a victory for the national cause (Ioanid 19 9 2). An equally strong factor in Romanian nationalism, part o f the general trend in the Balkans, was the goal o f creating a Greater Romania and unit­ ing all Romanians. In the “ belt o f mixed population,” various ethnic groups were hopelessly intermingled, and many Romanians lived together with Ukrainians, Hungarians, and Bulgarians in Bessarabia, Buko vina, Transylvania, and Dobrudja. Both the loss o f southern Bessarabia to Rus­ sia in 1878 and the acquisition o f southern Dobrudja from Bulgaria in 1913 fueled Great Romanianism and the call for the unification o f all Rom a­ nians living in neighboring Transylvania, Bukovina, the Banat, Cri§ana, Maramurej, and Bessarabia. The main enemy, in this respect, as in the case o f Serbia, was Austria-Hungary. Transylvanian Romanians did not share the concept o f Greater R o ­ mania for long. Instead, they demanded complete equality with the other nations o f Transylvania, as the Transylvanian Diet in Sibiu declared in 1861. The Romanians did not challenge the unity o f the monarchy. After 1867, when the Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich eliminated all hopes for autonomy and equal rights, the Pronunciament de la Blaj\ a statement in M ay 18 6 8, rejected the compromise and demanded the reestablishment o f Transyl­ vanian independence. The Romanians, however, followed the same tac­ tic o f passive resistance that other minorities had used and abstained from political activity during the last quarter o f the century. National activism, o f course, had little chance in Transylvania, where the franchise was so limited that out o f the three million Romanians, only about 2 0 ,0 0 0 had voting rights. This number increased after 19 0 5, but only 3 5 ,0 0 0 o f 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 voted for national candidates in 19 0 6 . However, the Romanian National party was revitalized in 1905 and dropped the demand for au­ tonomy from its program. M ore ambitious goals emerged. Aurel Popovici, in his 19 0 6 book Die Vereinigten Staaten von Gross-Österreichadvocated



the concept o f an ethnically organized federal Austria, M any Transylva­ nian Romanian intellectuals shared this view and considered including an independent Romanian state in this federation (Boc§an 1998).

Authoritarian power, fundamental, violent nationalism, and the ex­ pansion o f the nation-state at the expense o f its neighbors thus charac­ terized the politics o f the Balkans.

RUSSIAN AUTOCRACY AND POLISH NATIONALISM The second major player in nineteenth-century Central and Eastern E u ­ rope was Russia. The Russian principalities had emerged from under the rule o f the M ongolian Tatar “Golden H orde” in the late fourteenth cen­ tury and evolved into a united Russian empire, which by some accounts inherited some characteristics o f the brutal Tatar system. The empire cer­ tainly rose through consistent centralization o f power and ruthless sub­ ordination o f the entire society. In the sixteenth century, Tsar Ivan TV, known to history as Ivan the Terrible, brutally crushed the boyars and confiscated a great part o f the big estates as a basis for a military service nobility, the oprichnina. The huge country was strictly centralized and ruled by the tsar’s governm ent and the appointed governors o f the provinces, who, from 1837 on, were subordinated to the M inistry of In ­ terior. W hen a late eighteenth-century reform imposed local noble self­ administration, the gentry were required to serve in various bureaucratic positions, w ithout political rights or independence. In the m id nineteenth century, the gentry-bureaucratic service class num bered roughly 900,000 people (Starr 1972, 8). Decentralization o f the tsarist regime m eant only delegation o f authority under central control. W hen the ministerial sys­ tem was introduced in the early nineteenth century, the ministers reported directly to the tsar. “Autocratic power was the one unmistakable reality o f Russian political life” and “favored personal authority and discretionary action over formal regulations,” so that “personalized, paternalistic” rule characterized Russia throughout the nineteenth century (Pearson 1989, 19,257).

As the “Third Rome” and leader of the Greek Orthodox world, Moscow nurtured a sense o f mission and an aggressive expansionism. The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries saw consistent Russian expansion to the east, south, and west alike. Russia annexed much o f Central Asia, Georgia, a great part o f Armenia, the Crimean peninsula and the adjacent Black Sea region, the area north o f the river Amur to the Chinese frontier, N orth



Sakhalin, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Autocratic Russian rule had a strong impact on Central and Eastern Europe. During the eighteenth century, Russia acquired a protectorate over Poland, and t h e n t h e end o f the century, occupied two-thirds o f the country. Polish autonomy, which had existed until 1831, was eliminated after the 1830-31 uprising, and Rus­ sian Poland became the western gubcmiia o f the tsarist empire. Continual warfare with the Ottoman empire opened the gate to a fur­ ther southward expansion, and the annexation o f Bessarabia under the Bucharest Treaty o f 1812 was an important milestone on this road. Bessara­ bia, with its mixed Romanian (54 percent), Ukrainian (28 percent), G er­ man, and Jewish population, was progressively russified, and in 1908 most o f the land became Russian property, Russian became the official language, and power was placed in the hands o f a military governor.

Russian authority was expanded to the two Romanian principalities under O ttom an rule by the Treaty o f Kiitchlik Kainardji (1774), which guaranteed the tsar’s right to intervene there. A new victory and the Treaty o f Adrianople (1829) made Russia a co-ruler: Russian troops were sta­ tioned on Romanian soil, and the Russian commander, General C ount Paul Kisselev, established a constitution for the Principalities. Russian troops suppressed the 1848 revolution in the area, but eventually were forced to give up their positions by European great power politics. After having launched a new and successful military campaign against the declining O ttom an empire, Russia liberated Bulgaria and attempted to create a Russian protectorate there, or, as many thought, a trans-Danubian gubem iia. The tsar’s emissary, Prince Dondukov-Korsakov, presented a draft constitution for the country, and General Peter Parensov took command o f die Bulgarian army, whose officers above the rank of lieutenant were all Russian. The colonization o f the Balkans, however, failed. The Euro­ pean great powers, as in the case o f Romania, blocked the road to further Russian expansion. Tsarist Russia, in spite o f halfhearted reforms and the introduction o f local semi-self-government, then a semiparliament (duma\ did not change much during the entire “long” nineteenth cen­ tury. “U p to 19 17, the tsar was the father o f his people, an irresponsible autocrat,” Eugen Weber observes (Weber 1 9 7 2 , 4 2 3 ) . “Sometimes com ­ promises were forced upon the autocracy . . . but in Poland, [and] the U kraine. . . Russian rule was characterized by repression, intolerance and contem pt,” Paul Hayes adds. “By the early twentieth century the violent overthrow o f the system was increasingly seen as the only answer to au­ tocracy” (Hayes 1 9 9 2 ,6 4 ,6 7 ) . Although this expansionist, autocratic Rus­ sia, with its powerful military machine, failed to conquer the Balkans, it



kept a firm hold on its Baltic possessions and Poland and thus influenced Central and Eastern Europe throughout the nineteenth century. Oppressive Russian rule generated a series o f bloody revolts in occu­ pied Poland. The courageous, if often irrational, armed revolts against Russia launched by three consecutive generations up to the 1860s were, as we have seen, later replaced by “ organic work.” Boleslaw Prus, a leading intellectual and writer, asked in one o f his weekly articles: “ What is one to think o f a society in which poetry obscures all other spheres o f life?” (Donskov and Sokoloski 1991, 60). The successful struggle o f the new, realist political forces against Polish romantic and messianic heroism led to an impressive economic and social modernization o f Poland. This trans­ formation undermined the romantic noble national resistance. The national cause, however, was not dead at all. Based on the mod­ ernized country, it renewed and modernized itself into an integral na­ tionalism that included an awakened peasantry. The Polish peasantry had been alienated from the nobility and hostile to the “ nobles’ cause” throughout decades o f rebellion. As Jan Poplawski wrote in the Warsaw paper Ghsy “ two nations,” w o separate civilizations, “ the folk and the priv­ ileged” existed in Poland. Toward the end o f the nineteenth century, how ­ ever, after members o f the “ Great Emigration” and veterans o f the Janu­ ary insurrection established the Polish League in Switzerland in 1887* a new nationalist camp emerged that not only preserved the legacy o f ro­ mantic nationalism but also turned toward and sought to recruit the peasant masses. The old and new nationalisms were tightly bridged. N ew folk nationalists now celebrated the peasantry as the guardian o f genuine Polishness. In 1893, the league was reorganized and renamed the National League, then, in 1897, the National Democratic Movement (Endecja) by Roman Dmowski. Born to a suburban bourgeois family, Dmowski was impris­ oned while a student at Warsaw University before becoming the leading ideologue and publicist o f reborn Polish nationalism. Based on intense and exclusive nationalism, Dmowski, Poplawski, and Zygm unt Balicki launched successful propaganda to strengthen the national spirit through their popular periodicals Przejjlyd Wszechpolski and Polak and a network o f further education. Enamored o f the Polish language and Catholicism as a basis o f Polish culture, as well as o f the peasantry for carrying Poland “ on their shoulders,” they advocated an independent Polish state. A l­ though they shunned direct struggle and insurgence, they sought to pre­ pare the nation for struggle. As a central factor o f preparedness, they ar­ gued, the nation must revitalize its struggle, “ the basis o f life,” Dmowski



said, using the well-known social Darwinist concept. In his book Mysli nowoczesnego Polaka, which became “the bible o f Polish nationalism” (Wandycz 1974, 291), Dmowski maintained that w ithout struggle, a na­ tion “degenerates morally and disintegrates.” The “noble nation* loses its virtues and becomes an outdated, “feminine nation.” Polandm ust defeat its internal enemies and guard against racial contam ination, he argued, and he launched an attack on Jews, calling for strengthening the national spirit by boycotting Jewish business and “spiritually isolating Polish life from Jewish influence.” H e made the mass emigration o f Jews, as a “final solution,” a tenet o f the exclusive nationalist Narodowa Demokraczja, or Endeks program . Polish nationalism henceforth, like Romanian nation­ alism, became inherendy anti-Semitic. This was n o t the case before the 1880 s, when “good patriots considered it vulgar . . . to reinforce antiJewish stereotypes or to encourage Polish-Jewish conflict” (Porter 2000, 159). The m ost extreme expression o f Polish anti-Semitism was the cru­ sade launched after 1881 by the magazine Pala, whose editor, Jan Jelenski, published proto-fascist brochures, Our World of Finance (1874) and The Jews, the Germans, and Us (1876). Jelenski and Rola made the concept o f the struggle for national survival fashionable and advocated a ruthless tribal struggle against the Jews. One o f Jelenski’s close collaborators, Konstanty Wzdulski, demanded the immediate expulsion of Jews. A t the end o f 1881, a bloody anti-Jewish pogrom engulfed Warsaw. Two people were killed, two dozen were injured, and about a thousand families were finan­ cially ruined by looting. Soon afterwards, a thousand Jews emigrated from Warsaw to the U nited States. “The main reason for antipathy toward the Jews,” stated an editorial in Gios in 1886, “is not that they are worse or better, but mainly that they are different.” Jews were perceived as a foreign body that infected the so­ cial organism. “One cannot deny,” wrote an anonymous writer in Przglqd Wszechposlki in 1895, “that one o f the m ost im portant phenomena o f our life recently is the incredible increase in anti-Semitism in all spheres . . . and in all possible form s.” Oppressed over centuries, Jan Poplawski wrote, the Jews “have in their blood the desire for revenge. . . they want to destroy everything.” Dmowski alleged that there was a well-organized Jewish conspiracy that, “according to a plan” and based on a “very welldeveloped internal organization,” wanted to conquer Poland to create a “settlement for the Jewish nation” (Porter 2 0 0 0 ,16 4 -6 6 ,17 6 -7 9 , 229). The nation, he m aintained, “was compelled to insulate itself behind high walls o f exclusion and hostility, and the open, universalistic, idealist na­ tion o f Mickiewicz was lost,” Brian Porter writes (ibid., 182).



A portion o f the intellectual elite and the disaffected masses they were able to mobilize turned against enlightened romanticism. Modernization, a central element o f romantic dreaming in the area, had extremely uneven results. It could not create prosperity on a scale that would enable Poland to catch up with the West. However, Poles at the end o f the century had to face the destruction o f patriarchal communities and the selfish ruth­ lessness o f financial circles and the market economy. Modern capitalism lost its attractiveness for the losers. Market capitalism seemed foreign and Jewish in their eyes. German and French irrational philosophies and rightw ing populism, especially the German Völkisch movement, offered an al­ ternative concept: a conservative, strongly anti-Western romanticism op­ posed to both materialism and fin de siècle modernism. Eugen Diederichs, the eccentric, mystical right-wing editor o f the German periodical Die Tat (The Deed), called this irrational, xenophobic, antimodernist trend the “ new romanticism.” It had deep roots in Central and Eastern Europe, es­ pecially among Slavic peoples. Traditionalism, rejection o f the power o f money, and the idealization o f pure village life and the peasantry, the un­ touched communal society with its “ inner values,” the importance and supreme value o f spiritual life, emotion, and instinct, paved the way for proto-fascist movements. Besides the Jews, other ethnicities were also hated. Poland’s Russian oppressors were regarded as Asiatic barbarians. “ W ho can deny that M oscow is the h e ir. . . o f the Golden Horde?” Zygm und Milkowski de­ manded in his WolnePolskie Sfowo. Lithuanians and Ukrainians were con­ sidered part o f the Polish nation. Poland had a “civilizing mission” in Lithuania and Ukraine, which had “ been our property for five cen­ turies. . . . Nearly everything that has any lasting value [there] at a ll. . . is the result o f Polish thought and Polish will.” Dm owski argued that Ruthenians (Ukrainians) did not exist; they were only a “ pitiful type o f Pole.” “ Ukraine never did exist, does not exist, and will not exist.” Ukrainian nationalism in Galicia was declared to be a “ purely artificial cre­ ation.” Instead, the Polish nationalists offered polonization, or assimila­ tion, as an alternative (Porter 2000,184,223-25). The Endeks, whose headquarters were located in Posnan and Lw ow , had originally painted the Russian autocracy as the main enemy When the tsar introduced his semiconstitutional regime after 1905, however, they argued for the reestablishment o f Polish autonomy within Russia. In German Poland, Germany, with its assimilationist policy, became the main enem y

Nationalism was a leading concept even for Polish socialism. Along­



side general socialist statements, the first draft o f the program o f Ludwik Warinski’s socialist m ovem ent in 1879 declared: “We also believe deeply that the Polish people, mobilized in the name o f social-revolutionary prin­ ciples, will demonstrate irrepressible strength and steadfast energy in the struggle with the partitioning governments, which have joinecfeconomic exploitation with unprecedented national oppression* (Porter 2000, 106). Unlike Dmowski’s exclusive xenophobic nationalism, the other ma­ jor new force o f national independence, the Polish Socialist party (PPS), established from four socialist groups in 1893, advocated an “independent democratic commonwealth . . . [with] complete equality [o f all nation­ alities] on the basis o f a voluntary federation” and accepted the idea o f insurrection. Rosa Luxemburg’s separate Social Democratic party o f the kingdom o f Poland (SD K P), which became the PPS-Lewica (Left) after a 1906 PPS split, maintained that proletarian revolution in the Russian empire would automatically eliminate national oppression. Josef Piisudski and the PPS-Rewolucja, or “social patriots,” as Rosa Luxemburg lam pooned the nationalist socialists in the PPS, argued that social progress was impossible w ithout national independence. The homeland’s independence, Piisudski insisted, was “a condition charac­ teristic o f socialism’s victory in Poland” (Brock 1969, 346-48). The son o f an impoverished Lithuanian Polish gentry family, Piisudski studied medicine in Kharkov, was deported to Siberia for five years in 1887, then became one o f the founders of the PPS and editor o f Robotnik. After an­ other arrest in 1901, he gradually devoted himself entirely to the national cause and turned toward violent action. Although n ot a trained soldier, Piisudski began preparing cadres and officers for a future Polish army for action against Russia. His paramilitary units launched various attacks dur­ ing the revolutionary crisis o f 1905-6, and in 1908, he moved to Galicia, in Habsburg Poland, as an outlawed terrorist, where he founded his First Brigade.

HABSBURG AUTHORITARIANISM AND CZECH NATIONALISM Although the Habsburg empire was the most enlightened absolute power in Central and Eastern Europe, it was nonetheless unquestionably auto­ cratic for the first two-thirds o f the nineteenth century, with heavy cen­ sorship, an army o f police spies, and a politically influential Catholic Church. With the revoking o f the liberal constitution that resulted from the revolution o f 1848, the “ entire administrative system [became] purely

FIGURE87. The Berlin Conference, 1 8 7 8 , Courtesy Hadtörteneti Miizeum


FIGURE96. Archduke

Franz Ferdinand o f Austria-Hungary and his wife, Sophie, whose assassination triggered World War I. Courtesy Hadtorteneti Muzeum, Budapest.


Serbian soldiers in the trenches, World War I. Courtesy Hadtorteneti Muzeum, Budapest.



authoritarian.” As late as October i860, Emperor Franz Jo sef wrote to his mother: “ We shall, indeed, have a litde parliamentary government, but the power remains in my hands” (Macartney 19 68 ,44 0,49 9). H o w ­ ever, unlike the Russian and Ottoman regimes, the Habsburg monarchy introduced Western European legal institutions at the end o f the 1860s: censorship was abandoned, and freedom o f speech, press, property, be­ lief, and association were granted. Citizens became equal before the law, and the judiciary was separated from executive power. The empire, nevertheless, preserved its autocratic character: “ The Crown in fact emerged with its power not greatly shorn,” C. A. Macart­ ney observes; the new laws left it “ in a very strong position dejure, and de facto it was even stronger.” The monarch and his government claimed the right o f supervision o f associations and assemblies. H e remained the commander o f the army and had virtually no limits with respect to for­ eign affairs. H e retained the right to veto legislation and the right to dis­ solve parliament. His supremacy was based on the bureaucracy and the army, the “ cement” o f the monarchy. Regarding Hungary, the king-em­ peror did not have veto power, but “ the unofficial right o f ‘preliminary sanction’ filled the gap.” The monarch was entitled to appoint the prime minister o f his choice and to retain him in office in the face o f an adverse parliamentary majority. In Austria, the emergency clause allowed the gov­ ernment to enact necessary measures if the Reichsrat was not in session. These measures required a retroactive endorsement by the Reichsrat, but it was a formality, since there was no case o f refusal. “ The Reichsrat had be­ come in fact litde more than. . . an advisory body to the Crown.” Although the parliament, which was elected by 5.9 percent o f the population, had some control, “ w here. . . fundamentals were at issue, the Monarch’s will was enforced, if necessary, over Parliament’s head” (Macartney 1968, 561-67). “ The malfunctioning o f the representative system produced in practice a transfer o f power to the bureaucracy. Political and administra­ tive functions were intertwined and were not uncommonly identified as one and the same,” Paul Hayes adds. A huge, self-serving bureaucracy o f three million people (in 1914), preoccupied with its own advancement and preservation o f privileges, grades, and ranks, became a major, authorita­ tive player (Hayes 1992, 69). Although less expansionist than Russia, the Habsburg empire launched various wars to maintain and enlarge the monarchy. It participated in the partition o f Poland at the end o f the eighteenth century and gained Gali­ cia. In 1775, it took over Bukovina, with its mixed Romanian, Ukrainian, German, and Jewish population, and it participated in the French wars



and in the struggle with Prussia to lead German unification. It fought wars to hold onto northern Italy and Hungary in the mid nineteenth century and enlarged the Habsburg domains by first occupying (i875^and then annexing (1908) Bosnia-Herzegovina. Even after the creation o f the dual kaiscrlich und koniglich (imperial and royal, or k. und ¿.), system, Austria's first reaction to the 1905 electoral victory o f the nationalist opposition in Hungary was to use military force. A plan called the Losung der ungarischen Krise durch Wajfengewalt (solution to the Hungarian crisis by military force) was prepared and discussed in the emperor's hunting mansion in Bad Ischl at a meeting chaired by Franz Jo sef on August 22,1905. In 1879, the empire became a partner with Germany in the Dual Al­ liance (which was enlarged by Italy in 1882 and became the Triple Alliance),

an aggressive political and military agreement that was a part of war prepa­ ration. Austria-Hungary was also a pillar o f the Dreikaiserbund, the al­ liance o f the three emperors o f Russia, Germany, and Austria (1881) to maintain the status quo they had created in 1815 and harmonize expan­ sion in the Balkans. The H absburg empire's authoritarian character was especially clearly exhibited in its relations with the subordinated nations. Prince Felix Schwarzenberg established the concept o f an absolutist, centralized state, leader o f a reorganized German Confederation, in 1848. After the sup­ pression o f the revolution o f 1848-49, absolute power w ithout differen­ tiation among subordinated nationalities was established by the Sylvester Patent o f December 31,1851. As was sarcastically noted and often quoted, those w ho were loyal to the H absburgs in 1848 received the same treat­ m ent as a reward that those who had fought the empire got as punish­ m ent. In 1854, in order to create an “Austrian nation,” the “nationaliz­ ing” monarchy made German the empire's only official language. After the dream o f Gwssdeutscb unification vanished in 1866, however, and Aus­ tria made its compromise with the empire's strongest nationality, the H un­ garians, in 1867, Habsburg subjects fell into three separate categories: priv­ ileged Germans and Magyars; semiprivileged Poles and Croats, in Galicia and Croatia, respectively; and nonprivileged peoples, such as the Czechs (until 1910), Serbs, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Romanians, Slovenes, and Croats living outside Croatia. Roughly a quarter o f the population belonged to the latter category, and another quarter to the semiprivileged group. Approximately 60 percent of H apsburg subjects—whether German, Pol­ ish, Romanian, or Serb—had “brother” co-nationals living outside the empire, and some 40 percent even had a “m otherland” nation-state not far off.



The Czech lands and Bukovina did not enjoy any important elements o f political, linguistic, or cultural autonomy. The Czech national move­ ments traditional demand since Frantisek Palacky’s Old Czech movement, which was taken up by his son-in-law, Frantisek Rieger, was the restora­ tion o f tht Böhmisches Staatwecht—xht old constitution o f the Czech king­ dom as an autonomous unit within the monarchy. After 1863, following the prototype o f Hungarian passive resistance during the years o f abso­ lutism, the Czechs withdrew from the Reichsrat and boycotted it for six­ teen years. A new hope rose in 1871, when Count Siegmund Hohenwart, the newly appointed prime minister, in cooperation with the Old Czech party, worked out the Fundamental Articles. The plan was to establish a Diet o f the Czech Lands, so that Bohemian representatives would not sit in the Reichsrat, but would instead participate in a joint congress o f the dele­ gates o f the Austrian, Hungarian, and Czech parliaments (Scharf 1996). Autonomy was planned for the Bohemian administration in economic affairs as well. A drafted nationality law would have conferred equal official status for the Czech language with the German in each district where at least 20 percent o f the population spoke Czech as their native language. Government officials would have been required to speak both languages. This reasonable compromise, however, failed. G yula Andrassy, the prime minister o f Hungary, angrily defended the dual structure o f the monar­ chy and opposed any movement toward federalism. The emperor him­ self preferred the structure created by the Ausgleich. The defeat o f the Old Czech concept led to the decline o f the move­ ment itself and the rise o f the Young Czech movement, organized in 1874, following a break with the Old Czechs. The Young Czechs used different tactics and stressed cultural and educational programs. Aided by the flour­ ishing Czech economy, the Matica Ceska and Matica Skolska patriotic so­ cieties and the sports organization Sokol developed into an increasingly radical national mass movement. The language war was not easily resolved. In Bohem ia—according to the 1910 census—while 63 percent o f the pop­ ulation was Czech, 37 percent was German. In Moravia, the Czech ma­ jority constituted 72 percent o f the population, and the German minor­ ity only 28 percent. In the third “ Czech land,” Silesia, however, the Germans were most numerous, 44 percent, and even the Poles outnum­ bered the Czechs (32 and 24 percent, respectively). TheTaaffe government, during the 1880s, made some concessions by reinstating Czech as the socalled external language o f the judiciary and public administration, and then, as the internal language o f the Prague and Brno superior courts when



processing Czech cases. Prague’s venerable Charles University was also divided into Czech and German units. Endless debates and various res­ olutions yielded no solutions, Austrian Germans who oppose# the cre­ ation o f a “ Slav state” within the monarchy founded a pan-German party, whose Linz program proposed Anschluss—union—with Germany. “ It was among the Germans, in reaction to the concession made primarily to the Czechs, that the first movement [that] advocated the dissolution o f Austria-Hungary emerged,” Peter Sugar writes (Sugar 1999, iv, 26). The deadlock helped the Young Czechs, who turned to the “ average” Czech o f the rising middle class rather than to their rivals’ constituency o f aristocratic landowners. Under the leadership o f Karel Kramar, a be­ liever in Slav unity, the Young Czechs performed well in the 1891 Reichsrat elections, winning three times as many votes as the O ld Czechs. An organized filibuster paralyzed the work o f the parliament. Riots raged in Prague, and the Austrian authorities introduced a state o f emergency, banned several Czech national organizations, and arrested many o f their members.

Paradoxically, to preserve national oppression, the Austrian govern­ m ent democratized the electoral system: to counterbalance the restive Czech middle class, the num ber o f eligible voters was tripled in 1893. The emperor appointed a Polish count, Casimir Badeni, an experienced and loyal administrator in Galicia, as prim e minister in 1895. H e sought to cut the Gordian knot o f debate over language with a new regulation: both German and Czech would become official languages throughout the for­ mer Czech kingdom, and state employees would have to learn both lan­ guages within three years. The new effort to find a compromise led vir­ tually to civil war; the German nationalists organized a filibuster, then even violence in parliament and on the streets o f Vienna and Graz. The emperor dismissed Badeni and dropped the plan. A Czech revolt followed and paralyzed the work o f the Reichsrat Bohemia remained in a state o f perm anent unrest. The political dom ination o f the Young Czechs gradually evaporated during the 1890s and early 1900s. The enfranchisement o f the lower ur­ ban and rural classes, owing partly to electoral reform in 1896, but mostly to the introduction o f universal male suffrage in 1907, broadened the so­ cial base o f some new parties that advocated lower-class interests, such as the Social Democratic party, the National Socialists, and the Agrarians. In the 1911 elections, the Young Czechs won only 19 seats compared to the 52 w on by the Social Dem ocrats and Agrarians com bined (Oskar Krejci 1995). However, the national question remained in focus, and the



various Czech parties formed a consultative National Council in Prague in 1900.

It was in this context that the former Young Czech deputy and pro­ fessor o f sociology Tomas Masaryk form ed his nationalist and left-ofcenter Realist party in 1 S 9 0 . For the first time in the decades-long history o f the Czech national movement, the traditional demand for the réintro­ duction o f Czech Staatsrecbt was rejected. Masaryk regarded it as unreal­ istic and advocated a democratic federal reorganization o f the monarchy instead. Almost alone in the region, the new Czech national movement, with its middle-class backing, linked the national question with democ­ racy and hum an rights. Masaryk was a unique national leader in Central and Eastern Europe. This highly cosmopolitan intellectual—who had a Moravian-Slovakian father, a Moravian-German mother, and an Ameri­ can wife—was a firm believer in the ethnic identity o f Czechs and Slo­ vaks. H e maintained that the Slovaks were Slovak-speaking Czechs, while the Czechs were Czech-speaking Slovaks. Small wonder, then, that he gradually turned toward a new national concept: Czechoslovakism, the unification o f Czechs and Slovaks w ithin the monarchy. Similarly, he en­ dorsed Serbo-Croat unity. The Slovak national movement declined after the Austro-Hungarian Compromise o f 1867. As early as 1861, at the Turciansky Svaty Martin meet­ ing, Slovaks demanded equality o f language and Slovak as the official lan­ guage in the H om ouhorské Slovenské Okolie, the “N orth Hungarian Slo­ vak District,” but the tactic of passive resistance and abstention from political activities between 1875 and the mid 1890s proved counterpro­ ductive. Slovak nationalism staged a comeback in the mid 1890s. The most ardent new advocate o f the traditional demand for Slovak autonom y within H ungary was Father Andrej Hlinka, who established a Slovak wing o f the H ungarian N éppàrt (People’s party) in 1896. This embryonic party became the Slovak People’s party after the turn of the century and w on seven seats in the Hungarian parliament in 1906. The party organized credit cooperatives, people’s banks, and reading rooms, and propagan­ dized am ong Slovak peasants, inter alia using anti-Semitic slogans. A Slo­ vak intellectual group in Budapest led by Milan H odza, a member of the Hungarian parliament, worked for universal suffrage and federal reor­ ganization o f the monarchy based on a “trialism” that included Slavs to replace the “dualist” Austro-Hungarian structure o f the empire. Union with the Czechs was not, however, on the agenda am ong the Slovak pop­ ulation o f northern Hungary. Slovak students at Charles University, the youngest generation, none­



theless started the Ceskoslovenska Jednota, or Czechoslovak Society, and given that Masaryk was the most prestigious intellectual leader o f the Czech national movement before the war, Czechoslovakismfr gained ground. It was popularized, moreover, by the journal Hlas (i 898), founded by Vavro Srobar, who was influenced by Masaryk. After 19 0 ^ all the Slo­ vak political parties built contacts with the Czechs. In the spring o f 1914, the Slovak National party, a kind o f umbrella organization o f all the par­ ties, amended its program by stressing close cooperation with the Czechs and endorsing the concept o f democratic federal reorganization o f the monarchy (Kann and David 1984,384).

HUNGARIAN NATIONALISM Slovak nationalism in northern Hungary, Romanian nationalism in Tran­ sylvania, Croat nationalism in Croatia, and Serb nationalism in the Voivodina all met stubborn opposition from Hungarian nationalism. The Carpatho-Ukrainian religious movement that sprang up in the late nine­ teenth century and led to a mass conversion o f Ukrainian peasants from Greek Catholicism to Greek Orthodoxy provides a telling example. The Hungarian authorities, worried by pan-Slavism, responded with mass arrests and charges o f treason and antistate activity. A t a mass trial in Maramarossziget in 19 13-14 , thirty-two Ukrainian peasants were sentenced and jailed. The Hungarians were more fortunate than other peoples in the Habsburg empire with respect to the national question. Even though their 1848-49 revolt suffered both defeat and retribution, it led to the com­ promise o f 1867. The Hungarian noble elite, exhausted by passive resis­ tance against Austria and hungry to reassert their political domination in the country and fill lucrative public positions, were ready to negotiate. They sought to stabilize their power over the nationalities and consolidate the multiethnic state. The same was true o f the emperor and his Austrian po­ litical elite, especially after Austria’s defeat by Prussia in 1866 dashed its hopes o f leading German unification. The Austrian-Hungarian Ausgleich o f 1867 restored the constitutional integrity o f Hungary and guaranteed the country quasi-independent, autonomous self-government. This found symbolic expression in the personality o f Count G yula Andrassy, H un­ gary’s first prime minister (1867-71). As a colonel in the revolutionary army, Andrassy had fought against Austria in 184S and was sent to Istan­ bul by Kossuth in 1849 to try to persuade the Porte to intervene against



the Habsburgs. While in exile after the defeat o f the rebellion, he had ac­ tually been sentenced to death in absentia by the Austrians in 1851.

“Today is the day o f festive joy and national pride,” the German-lan­ guage Budapest newspaper Pester Lloyd proclaimed on May 9, 1867: Franz Josef had allowed himself to be crowned king o f H ungary in the Mathias Church in Buda. A decade before, in 1857, the poet Janos Arany had “welcomed” Franz Josef with his m etaphoric “The Bards o f Wales,” in which one of the bards tells the visiting king: O ur brave were killed, just as you willed, O r languish in our gaols: To hail your name or sing your fame You find no bard in Wales (Makkai 19 9 6 ,

280 )

Franz Josef now had a rather different welcome. Thousands jammed the railway station to greet the emperor. A thick cordon o f people lined the route and showered the royal couple with flowers. The entire political elite attended the ceremony, and Liszt's H ungarian C oronation Mass was played (Freifeld 2000,215,218-19). The hated butcher o f 1848, whose bed­ room in the H ofburg in Vienna was decorated with paintings o f the ma­ jor battles that had defeated the Hungarian revolution, would henceforth be the beloved father o f the Hungarians. The compromise reestablished Hungarian dom ination over all ethnic minorities in the country. They altogether represented half o f the popu­ lation that had actually allied itself with the em peror to defeat the H u n ­ garian revolution in 1848-49. An independent H ungarian government was formed, responsible to the Hungarian parliament. The monarchy was transformed into a dual state, renamed Austria-Hungary. The Austrian emperor was crowned king o f Hungary, and the m ost im portant portfo­ lios o f the government o f the dual m onarchy—defense, foreign affairs, and finance—became “com m on affairs.” The joint army used German as the language o f comm and, although small national m ilitary units, the H onved army in H ungary and the landsw ehr in Austria, were also es­ tablished. Com m on finances included a com m on Central Bank in Vienna. The three ministers o f com m on affairs were responsible to delegates rep­ resenting the two parliaments. One o f the three common ministers was almost always Hungarian, and four o ut o f eleven ministers o f finance and four o u t o f ten ministers o f foreign affairs were Hungarians during the period o f the dual regime. A so-called economic compromise retained a customs union and di­



vided common expenditures and payments o f state debts according to a quota. (Three-tenths o f the expenditures were covered by Hungary.) The economic compromise, including the renewed customs union, wsjs signed for only ten years, however, and renegotiated every tenth yean Transyl­ vania, the Voivodina, and the so-called M ilitary Frontier, rdostly popu­ lated by ethnic minorities, became integral parts o f Hungary. Relations between Hungary and Croatia were, however, regulated by a separate Hungarian-Croat compromise in 1868. It was modeled on the Austro-Hungarian system, but contained more restrictions. The franchise was even more limited than in Hungary: instead o f 24 percent, only 8 percent o f the adult male population had voting rights in Croatia. This situation changed only in 1910, when 32 percent o f the male population gained voting rights. The compromise provided less autonomy for Croa­ tia, since common affairs were directed by the Hungarian parliament. The king, based on the recommendation o f the Hungarian prime minister, appointed Croatia's chief executive, the banns. Autonomous Hungary introduced a modern European parliamentary system. The franchise was limited to about 6 percent o f the population, which was not unusual at that time in Europe. This percentage, how ­ ever, did not change with time. Besides, an open ballot made elections controllable by the administration. The legislative, executive, and judi­ cial branches were each given separate powers. Liberal European insti­ tutions and legislation were introduced. Basic human rights, equality be­ fore the courts, and equal rights for all citizens, including minorities, were guaranteed. A liberal law (Law X L IV o f 1868) regulated the rights o f the nationalities, which were allowed to use their native languages at vari­ ous local levels and in schools and were equally eligible to hold any p o ­ sition. Jews were emancipated. Personal freedom for minorities was thus guaranteed. Collective national rights and representations were, however, rejected. “ In Hungary there is only one, indivisible political nation, the H ungar­ ian,” declared Ferenc Deák, the father o f the compromise. Consequently, the official language o f legislation and government, as well as o f the higher courts, was Hungarian. Compulsory free basic education was introduced (Law X X X V III o f t868), accompanied by intensive school construction and teacher training. “ [L ib e ral values were not only legalized and insti­ tutionalized but also realized in practice” in Austria-Hungary, making it “ the eastern border o f Europe,” in Péter Hanak’s words (Hanák 1988,31). The liberal generation o f Ferenc Deák and Jozsef Eotvds, the main ar­ chitects o f the system, left its mark on autonomous Hungary.



Political practice and die autocratic principle o f law, however, differed from institutionalized freedoms. The authoritarian reality o f power, the most important characteristic o f the politics o f backwardness, was inde­ pendent o f constitutional and legal formalities. Hungarian governments ruled by fiat. Under Law X IX o f 1869, judges were required to enforce government decrees as well as statute law and lawful custom. The author­ ity o f the government was strengthened because statutory law only par­ tially secured personal and civil rights. A government decree o f 1875 reguincluding the right to disband them. A decree o f the minister o f interior in 1868 ordered all local authorities to “ follow with attention the proceed­ ings o f meetings,” and, if need be, to disband the gathering. The use o f red flags at meetings and the holding o f strike meetings were banned in 1874 and 1894, respectively. In 1878, a confidential circular o f the prime min­ ister ordered local authorities to permit assemblies “only if six to ten ‘dis­ tinguished citizens5 stood surety for the meeting” (Peter 1997-98,17, 22, 25-27). Civil rights were thus closely controlled and limited. Kalman Tisza’s governing Szabadelvii Part (Liberal party), founded in 1875, was virtually unchallengeable and had a comfortable absolute ma­ jority for thirty years. In 1881,225, in 1887,261, and in 1910,258 represen­ tatives out o f 413 belonged to the government party. Only once during nearly fifty years in power did the government party fail to secure a par­ liamentary majority. When the united opposition, the Fuggetlensegi es 48-as Part (Independence and 1848 party), won the elections in 1905, the emperor rejected the result and appointed the captain o f his Darabont bodyguard unit, Geza Fejervary, prime minister o f Hungary. Parliament was surrounded by troops, mostly non-Hungarian units, in February 1906, and a uniformed colonel read a royal decree dissolving it. The for­ mer united opposition was allowed to form a government only after it gave up its major demands for an independent Hungarian army and tar­ iff system in a humiliating compromise with the crown. In new elections in 1906, the victorious opposition used the same excessive force as its arch­ enemies had before, resulting in thirty-two election-related deaths. After the reestablished Liberal party regained power as the Nemzeti Munkapart (National Work party), brutal violence marked the 1910 elec­ tions: 194 infantry battalions and 114 cavalry squadrons terrorized voters in 380 constituencies. M ilitary force, o f course, was only the ultima ratio to save the situation. In most cases, corrupt county administrations, sub­ ordinated to the government, closely controlled and successfully manip­ ulated the open ballot elections. “ Electoral corruption—the purchase o f



votes, the use o f forgery, and intimidation— . . . became routine,” A n ­ drew Janos says o f the liberal Hungarian era o f the 1870s and 1880s. I f need be, the authorities provoked unrest and arrested opposition voters. The administrative bureaucracy was welded into a single, powerful machine . . . “making” the elections and perpetuating the . . . m ajority.. . . The political ma­ chine emerged as the single most important actor on the Hungarian political stage. The autocratic tendencies . . . were further mitigated . . . by a number of habits, conventions, and quasi-institutions that operated as correctives in the absence of free competition and represented built-in restraints on the arbitrary exercise of pow er. . . they were most effective in protecting the personal and political rights o f the members of the establishment. . . they were also instrumental in blunting the harshness o f the bureaucratic regime towards the lower classes and the na­ tional minorities. (Janos 1982, 97-101) Democratic institutions, such as freedom o f the press and parliamen­ tary opportunities for the opposition, also served to restrain the arbitrary exercise o f power. Corrupt practices were made public, and use o f the fili­ buster placed some limits on the majority’s law-making machinery. Even the “ almighty” Kalman Tisza twice lost elections in his district. Opposi­ tion parties, although unable to win elections, played some role in H u n ­ garian political life. The “ left” opposition parties united as the Fiiggetlensegi es 48-as Part in 1884 to provide real parliamentary opposition. Originally, they had rejected the compromise o f 1867, but they gradually came to accept it. Still, they demanded even more autonomy, including independent Hungarian tariffs to p rotea the country from Austrian-Bohemian industrial competition, and also called for the joint army to be divided. In the early 1880s, they formulated an alternative policy on na­ tionalities. Lajos Mocsary, a representative o f the liberal old guard, sharply criticized forced assimilation. This party gradually lost its anti-Austrian radicalism, however, as well as its more cooperative attitude toward ethnic minorities. It made more and more compromises and turned out to be quite similar to the gov­ ernment party. In order to assume power after it won the 1906 elections, the Fiiggetlensegi es 48-as Part gave up all its electoral demands. In par­ liamentary struggles, it nevertheless still often publicly unmasked the au­ tocratic features o f the regime. The “ right” aristocratic-religious opposition, which combined into the heterogeneous Egyesiilt Ellenzek (United Opposition) in 1878 (renamed the Moderate Opposition in 1881), did not have a genuinely indepen­ dent program, but advocated a less tolerant minority policy. Political anti-



Semitism took root in H ungary around that time and followed the same course as in Austria and Germany. Wilhelm Marias Der Sieg desJudenthums über das Germanenthum was published in 1873, and Gyözo Istoczy, who delivered his first anti-Semitic speech in the Hungarian parliament in 1875, launched a coherent anti-Semitic program, characterizing Jew ry as an “ at­ tacking caste” that was flooding the country. The goal o f the Jews, “ a race with a national religion,” Istoczy maintained, was “ to conquer the E u ­ ropean nations and, i f possible, eliminate them, not by sword and fire,” but through money and economic power. According to Janos Gy urgyak’s convincing and detailed description o f the birth o f Hungarian political anti-Semitism in his A zsidokerdes Magyarorszdgon (Gyurgyak 2001), Istoczy declared that anti-Semitism was a natural defense against panJudaism and Jewish world hegemony. Unless H ungary waged “ a strug­ gle o f life or death,” it would become “ a Jewish state” in a matter o f a few generations, a “ new Palestine,” where Hungarians would be second-class citizens. A vitriolic campaign was launched against Jewish immigration and the theory o f a “ Jewish conspiracy against the Christian nation” was popularized. In a speech o f June 1878, Istoczy developed a Zionist con­ cept as a solution to the “ Jewish question” : “ the reestablishment o f a Jew ­ ish state in Palestine” with national institutions and sovereignty. In the event that the legal, political struggle failed, however, “ if there were no other ways and means, as the ultima ratio, physical strength [meaning vi­ olence and power] would matter and, in that case, it is not we who would lose.” The foundation o f the far-right Orszagos Antiszemita Part (National Anti-Semitic party) in 1883 was an attempt to create a coalition that would rise above the existing parties, but it was unable to establish itself. It won only seventeen seats in the Hungarian parliament in 1884, and an internal crisis led to its disappearance in the early 1890s. Political anti-Semitism did not, however, remain an isolated episode in late nineteenth-century Hungary. From that time on, it had a permanent place in the political and intellectual life o f the country. In 1882, one o f Istocz/s comrades-in-arms, Geza Onody, played a cen­ tral role in launching a vicious anti-Semitic campaign by reinventing the medieval blood libel, charging that a Christian girl had been ritually mur­ dered in Tiszaeszlar. That fall, anti-Semitic atrocities led to states o f emer­ gency in several counties. In the summer o f 1883, however, the religious murder trial failed spectacularly, and exposure o f police manipulation re­ sulted in a major liberal victory. The anti-Semitic atrocities that had en­ gulfed the country were forcefully suppressed (Szasz 1987,1222-31,1271-77). A series o f anti-Semitic writings, papers, and cartoons nonetheless



sought to mobilize the population. In 1882, Károly Nendtvich’s book Die JudenJrage in Osterreich-Ungam repeated the charge that the goal o f a Jew ­ ish conspiracy was Untergrabung und Vemichtung—to undermine and eliminate Christian society and conquer the country for themselves. In 1894, skewering the “ Judaization” o f Budapest, the anti-Seriútic satirical journal HerkoPdter dubbed the city Juda-pest and published a caricature o f the uj honfoglalds, the conquest o f the Danube valley by Jew s in 1896. Miklós Bartha, in 1910, developed a popular concept by distinguish­ ing “Hungarian Jew s” from the Kazárs, as he called the immigrant Pol­ ish Jews from Galicia, who had the same Mosaic religion, but, he main­ tained, differed ethnically from their Hungarian counterparts. A Cél (The Target), an anti-Semitic journal founded in 1910, launched unceasing at­ tacks to “ defend the nation.” Sándor Kiss became a frontrunner in the spread o f racist, social Darwinist ideas in Hungary by separating nation and race. H e accused Hungarians o f “ racial laziness,” saying that nature demanded that the race be kept alive, if necessary by rejecting equality, fraternity, and liberty Béla Dáner, o f the same group and journal, pro­ posed the introduction o f a Jewish nationality in Hungary and urged that Jews emigrate to Palestine. The maximum number o f Jews Hungary could accept, he argued, was no more than 40,000-50,000. Although its ideology and arguments were in place, political anti-Semi­ tism did not become an integral part o f Hungarian nationalism at this stage. Antiminority, assimilationist nationalism nonetheless dominated Hungarian politics. As Kálmán Tisza, the opposition leader at the time, put it in the parliamentary debate on the Law on Education in N ovem ­ ber 1868, the entire liberal Hungarian political elite o f the 1860s was con­ vinced that assimilation was in the best interest o f the minorities. Under the rubric o f the “ indivisible unitary M agyar nation,” autonomous H u n ­ gary’s half century in the dual monárchy was characterized by a forced assimilation policy. Against the letter and spirit o f the nationality law, minority representatives were effectively excluded from high official po­ sitions. Although in eighteen o f sixty-two counties (excepting Croatia), between 66 and 96 percent o f the population belonged to Romanian and Slovak majorities, thefoispdn (high sheriff) and his deputy in these coun­ ties were always Hungarians. In 1870, although 60 percent o f the population o f Transylvania was Romanian, only one-third o f the officials were ethnic Romanians, a pro­ portion that had declined to 6 percent by 1891. A total o f 3 to 4 percent o f those appointed to positions in district courts, government ministries, university chairs, and education supervision were Romanians. Although



the use o f native languages was allowed in district courts by the N ation­ ality Law o f 1868, the reorganization o f the judicial system in 1869 prac­ tically eliminated this right and magyarized the entire justice system. Vir­ tually the same thing happened in primary and secondary education, where the use o f mother tongues was guaranteed in the Nationality Law. In practice, however, the entire school system became the main tool o f assimilation. A t the secondary level, all state schools became entirely M a­ gyar. The German, Slovak, Romanian, and Ukrainian languages were not used at all. Even the three existing Slovak denominational secondary schools were closed in 1874, and the Romanian churches were allowed a total o f five secondary schools. In 1903, only 14 secondary schools out o f 190 in H ungary were nonMagyar. As Bela Griinwald stated at the time: “ The secondary school is like a huge machine, at one end o f which the Slovak youths are thrown in by hundreds, and at the other end o f which they come out as Magyars” (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963,400). Primary schools were partly run by mi­ nority churches. For example, in 1870, the Orthodox Church maintained 1,604, and the Uniate Church, 2,058 schools. Even in these schools, how­ ever, 18 to 24 hours o f 26-hour units were reserved for M agyar education according to a 1902 ministerial decree. In 1907, a new law on education demanded spoken and written fluency in Hungarian after four years. In the end, only 20 percent o f all primary schools provided non-Magyar lan­ guage education, and only one-third o f all minority children were taught in their mother tongue, in a country where half the population belonged to ethnic minorities (Dolmanyos 19S8, 640-41). Successive Hungarian governments suppressed any national movement that threatened the indivisible Magyar national state and the dual struc­ ture o f the monarchy. Their task was relatively easy, since all the ethnic minorities used the counterproductive weapon o f passive resistance be­ tween 1875 and 1906. Organizations considered dangerous to Magyar su­ premacy were persecuted and closed down, among them the Matica Slovenska, in 1875, and the Transylvanian Romanian National party, in 1894. The most ardent advocates o f Romanian, Slovak, Croat, and Serb national self-determination were persecuted, and ethnic unrest was blood­ ily suppressed if need be. Special jury courts were employed between 1871 and 1885 to handle press offenses. The Kolozsvar court frequently charged the Transylvanian Romanian press with “ incitement o f national hatred.” Between 1886 and 1908, Seton-Watson notes, 362 Romanians were sen­ tenced to a total o f 134 years’ imprisonment and fined about 100,000 crowns for political offenses (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963,405 n. 1). When



Svetozar Miletic recruited volunteers in the Banat to help the South Slav cause in 1876, despite his parliamentary immunity, he was arrested (with another Serb, Kazapinovic) and sentenced to five years for separatism. Aurel Popovici, a Romanian student and author o f a pamphlet entitled “ The Romanian Question in Transylvania and Hungary,” was sentenced in 1891 to four years’ imprisonment. Fifteen Romanians were sentenced to thirtytwo years5 imprisonment for writing the Memorandum o f the Rom a­ nian National party in 1894. Three Slovak representatives in the H u n ­ garian parliament, among them Milan Hodza, future prime minister o f Czechoslovakia, were arrested and imprisoned in 1906. A show trial was arranged against Vavro Srobar and Andrej Hlinka in the same year. When the Slovaks built a church in the village in Csernova (Cernova) where Hlinka had been born and wanted him to consecrate it, the gendarmerie opened fire and killed thirteen peasants in 1907. Another show trial was held in Hajdudorog in March 1914, when Father Mure§an and fourteen Romanians were sentenced for resisting the transfer o f seventy-five par­ ishes from the Romanian Uniate Church to M agyar control and the in­ troduction o f the Magyar language into the liturgy. The Romanian elec­ torate was more severely restricted than the Magyar: only about 3 percent o f the population o f Transylvania gained voting rights. In 1910, when Romanians sought to elect their representatives, ten voters were killed. The number o f minority representatives declined from 26 to 8 in the H un­ garian parliament as a result. Less than 2 percent o f the representatives represented half o f the population, the ethnic minorities. Parliament should be unanimous in “ patriotic jo y ” because the elections had “ virtu­ ally wiped the nationalist agitators out o f public life,55 Prime Minister Istvan Tisza declared (Seton-Watson [1934] 1963,428). The Hungarian regime was nonetheless still incomparably more lib­ eral than those o f Russia and several Balkan nations. Its assimilationist policy and discrimination against minorities were not marked by terror­ ism, and punishments were in most cases relatively mild. The methodi­ cal magyarization and continual frustration o f strongly national-minded people and institutions that sought to advance their national causes were, however, offensive and oppressive. The M agyar political elite no doubt sought to follow the English and French historical examples by assimi­ lating other ethnicities and creating a homogeneous nation-state with a single official language, but this was doomed to fail in the age o f nation­ alism. The Romanian nationalist Aurel Popovici expressed the feeling o f ethnic intellectuals when he called H ungary “ a Bastille o f nationalities.” Forced assimilation did not work at all. Although, according to Peter



Hanak’s calculations, the share o f the “ Hungarian” population increased by nearly 8 percent during the last three decades o f the kaiserlich und kdnigl&h system, 30 percent o f that increase (a million people) was the re­ sult o f assimilation. M ost o f this figure was attributable to Germans (400,000) and Jew s (200,000) in urban areas. The homogeneous and closed Romanian and Slovak peasant communities, however, preserved their languages and identities. Between 1880 and 1910, the numbers o f the Hungarian-speaking minorities doubled, but still only 22 percent o f the m inority peoples spoke Hungarian (Hanak 1988,414-18). Authoritarian power and overwhelming nationalism were thus every­ where dominant in Central and Eastern European politics. Autocracy was self-evident in militarized states, especially in the case o f the Ottoman and Russian empires, where war was a commonplace activity o f the state ma­ chine. It was also a natural legacy in noble societies where the landed aris­ tocracy and gentry preserved economic and political power. The situa­ tion was basically the same in the formerly “ incomplete” Balkan societies, where a newly emerged military-bureaucratic elite took over. These closed elites monopolized the right to elect representatives and determined who was elected. By the early twentieth century, only 5 to 7 percent o f the pop­ ulation had voting rights, representing mostly rich landowners and bu­ reaucrats. The leaders o f the bureaucratic-military elite had almost un­ limited, practically uncontrolled authoritarian power. The poor and uneducated bulk o f the population was excluded from politics. Nationalism was the triumphant political mainstream that legitimized authoritarian regimes. These trends characterized politics in the region o f unfinished nation-building. Nationalism motivated oppression, as­ similation, and political and armed conflict both among nationalities and am ong the newly created nation-states.

THE SEEDS OF REVOLT I f failed or semisuccessful modernization and unfinished nation-building were fertile soil for authoritarian rule and national hatreds, the conditions were also conducive to revolt. People rebelled against oppressive, au­ thoritarian, exploitative regimes, against petrified social conditions, land­ lessness, poverty, and the sociopolitical exclusion o f the bulk o f the pop­ ulation from the body politic. Representatives o f the peasant and worker masses and part o f the political elite shared the Enlightenment belief in progress and the possibility o f changing the course o f history by rational



action. However, they harbored rather different social ideals and concepts o f progress. Politics in turn-of-the-century Central and Eastern Europe was thus characterized by various types o f right- and left-wing gdpulism and revolt. This was also a consequence o f the partial success o f modernization, the rise o f a small, educated intelligentsia, partly emerging from the ranks o f the new burgher and white-collar strata, partly from the peasantry, workers, and various minority groups virtually excluded from the soci­ ety, One could, however, find déclassé gentry-intellectuals and sometimes even aristocrats in their ranks. The mass leaders, right or left, neverthe­ less, mostly belonged to the modem urban intelligentsia and had an im­ portant impact on politics. A new peasant intelligentsia, mostly teachers, became instrumental in educating and mobilizing the peasants. They stood behind various self-help organizations and, sometimes, radical peasant movements. Self-educated peasants also played an important role in or­ ganizing, not only village reading rooms, but also strikes by harvesters and political demonstrations. The same was true o f educated workers who became local leaders in urban working districts. The Jewish minority, which suffered special segregation, also played an important role. When legal emancipation was followed by continued social exclusion, a part o f the Jewish intelligentsia turned to political move­ ments and parties that offered full and real emancipation—often to rad­ ical democratic movements, and even more often to socialism, which re­ jected nationalism and was, in principle, internationalist. Unlike the early nineteenth-century noble-gentry intelligentsia, this was a new, modern layer, but it still displayed the Central and Eastern European legacy o f prophetic public intellectuals with missionary zeal. Around the turn o f the century, various types o f mass leaders emerged. Charismatic politicians, the Czechs Tomas Masaryk and Edvard Benes, both modem intellectuals, the Hungarian Mihaly Karolyi, an aristocrat turned democrat and later socialist, and Oszkar Jaszi, an emancipated bap­ tized Jewish intellectual, were uncompromising democrats who, after the war, formulated the futures o f their countries. Peasant teachers such as the Romanian Ion Mihalache and the young Hungarian teacher Dezso Szabo became advocates o f populism. Two Bulgarian schoolteachers, Damian Gruev and Gotse Delchev, founders o f the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IM R O ), were leading nationalist leaders. The history professor Nicolae Iorga, the economics professor Alexandru Cuza, and the poet Octavian G oga, modern intellectuals partly educated in France and Germany, became the initiators, ideologues, and organiz­



ers o f right-w ing populist movements in Romania. Several leaders o f the left-w ing socialists in Poland and H ungary were Jewish intellectuals, in ­ cluding the legendary Rosa Luxem burg, Leon Jogiches-Tyszko, and Fe­ lix Kon, as w ell as Em o Garami, M ano Buchinger, Jeno Varga, and Béla Kün. Déclassé gentry-tum ed-intellectuals also played a role. The Pole Ludw ik W arinski, one o f the founders o f the first Polish workers5organiza­ tio n , and Constantin Stere, the father o f Romanian populism , came from such fam ilies. Whereas in the age o f rom antic nationalism , the gentry intelligentsia had been missionaries o f nationalism , the new intelligentsia called for an end to authoritarianism and the prom otion o f democracy; real emanci­ pation o f the peasants by parceling o ut the large estates and granting them equal political rights; and the liberation o f workers from bourgeois ex­ ploitation through international solidarity and socialist revolution. W ild, xenophobic right-w ing populists offered other alternatives, substituting foreign capital and domestic Jewry fo r the class enemy, but were, how ­ ever, just as rom antic as their early nationalist counterparts and ready to meet their fates fu lfillin g their mission. Political anti-Semitism emerged in the late nineteenth century as part o f rising ethno-cultural, xenophobic nationalism. Its main argument fo­ cused on the role o f Jews in the modern economy: their domination in banking and industry, their role and “overrepresentation” in trade, busi­ ness, and intellectual occupations. The main argument was that a Jewish conspiracy was undermining the nation. Although political anti-Semitism replaced medieval religious anti-Semitism and looked on the Jews not as a religion but as an alien nation, it also used the arsenal o f traditional re­ ligious anti-Semitism. One o f the most interesting connections between the two was the explosion o f a ritual murder mania, the medieval blood libel, during the 1880s and 1890s. In 1882, the dramatic Tiszaeszlar ritual murder accusation and trial in Hungary fostered a whole series o f simi­ lar accusations. “ The Jews need blood for their challah bread,55 a placard in Mlada Vozice in the Czech lands proclaimed. In 1891, a ritual murder was reported from Corfu, and next year from Xanten, in the Prussian Rhineland. The Kolin case in 1893 and the Hilsner case in 1899 in the Czech lands generated a “ small industry o f anti-Semitic, propagandists litera­ ture.” In all these cases, Jew s were accused o f murdering young Chris­ tian girls, often servants o f Jewish families, around Jewish holy days to take their blood for the special holy day bread. These accusations could mobilize the mob and “ added important psychological dimensions to the [anti-Semitic] rhetoric. . . Jews were not only stranglers o f the nation but

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also sexual predators and murderers in a literal sense” (Kieval 2001,183-87, 197). The revival o f traditional religious anti-Semitism heralded the era o f a new political anti-Semitism. One o f the first signs o f political change and the opening o f a new era was the rise o f a self-conscious peasantry. It happened after long decades o f political marginalization when the peasant majority o f the population had neither political organizations nor representation. Peasant parties and movements were formed around the end o f the century throughout Cen­ tral and Eastern Europe. The demand for a second and full emancipation o f the peasantry suddenly filled the air. The emancipation o f the peasantry began in literature, in accord with the Zeitgeist at the turn o f the century. The Polish Nobel laureate Wladislaw Reym onfs The Peasants created the first peasant literary heroes at the turn o f the century. With its detailed description o f peasant customs, rituals, family life, and work, it was also a perfect encyclopedia o f peasant life. The book was translated into all E u ­ ropean languages and played an important role in the literary emancipa­ tion o f the peasantry. With Zsigmond Moricz’s early twentieth-century novel Sdrarany, Hungary's rebellious, oppressed landless peasants, living a life o f Asiatic backwardness in their villages, entered Hungarian litera­ ture. The energetic hero, Dani Tun, seeks to help his fellow peasants get land. Although he exhibits genuine, mythic strength, he inevitably suc­ cumbs to the brutality o f a barbaric world (Szabolcsi 1965,166-67). Endre Ady, the leading and most influential prophet-poet o f early twentieth-century Hungary, called himself “grandson o f G yorgy Dozsa,” the sixteenth-century leader o f the Hungarian peasant revolt. A d y warned about a bloody revolution: The summer is hot and the scythe cuts straight. Ah, you landlords . . what will happen if Ddzsa’s vagabond people should spill over in angry, menacing might? (Makkai 1996,403-4)

Early twentieth-century Central and Eastern European m odem m u­ sic also discovered the peasantry. The Czech-Moravian Leos Janacek com­ posed his first opera, Janufa, in 1903, using Moravian peasant speech and folk song, and launched a musical war against traditional harmony with dissonance and broken melodies. Folk song also became the basis for the revolutionary new music o f Bela Bartók, who, together with Zoltán Kodaly, collected peasant songs. The publication o f their Hungarian FolkSongs in 1906 established their theory o f peasant music. Bartók used the Asian pentatonic structure o f genuine Hungarian folk music as the first,



pentatonic theme o f his opera A kekszakdllu herceg vdm (Bluebeard’ s Cas­ tle). Genuine peasant music, without variety o f rhythm, without orna­ mentation or dynamic changes, became the music o f revolt (Frigyesi 1988, 7 2 , 253). Literature and music exhibited a new intellectual responsibility for and a new way o f thinking about the peasantry. This new trend clearly ex­ pressed the rising o f the masses. The previously immobile and passive peas­ antry stepped onto the political stage with elemental strength. In Rom a­ nia, Constantin Dobrescu-Arge§, a young teacher in Muntenia, initiated and organized public lectures, evening courses, established libraries, vil­ lage cooperatives, and credit banks for peasants. His pdrdnism, or politi­ cal peasantism, opened a new chapter in Romanian history. In 1880, he also established a peasant committee, and the next year, a weekly journal, 'fdrrn u l (Peasant). H is activity led to the foundation o f the first Partida Jaraneasca (Peasant party) in 1895. Although this party was soon dis­ banded, the peasant movement gained ground. One o f its main advocates was Spiru H arefs influential journal Sdmdndtorul (1901), which mobilized schoolteachers and promoted self-help activities in villages. Samanatorism became an important movement in the country Popomnismul {popor means people) also emerged as a mass movement, advocated mostly by teachers and lower-middle-class people, and soon turned to right-wing populism. The adherents condemned Westerniza­ tion and capitalist transformation, industrial development, and “ non­ productive” trade in Romania and worked to preserve the country’s peas­ ant character. The influential populist leader Constantin Stere dreamed o f a future Romania o f smallholders. Born into a Bessarabian landown­ ing family, Stere was deported to Siberia, then settled in Romania and became one o f the leading advocates o f the cause o f the peasantry In Viafa Romdneasca, Stere published excellent analyses o f the situation o f the peas­ ant who “ sells his labor at famine prices and pays an exorbitant rate for his land,” and whose “ condition is increasingly miserable.” Stere saw im­ proving the situation o f the peasantry as the only way to preserve tradi­ tional Romanian values, which he claimed were undermined and endan­ gered by the “ plundering capital” o f “ parasite Jews.” Populism was strongly mixed with anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Populism was also strongly represented by peasant intellectuals, one o f whose most important organizations was the Teachers’ Association, which in 1913 elected the radical populist Ion Mihalache as its president. In 1906, Alexandru Valescu and Vasile Kogalniceanu founded a new Peas­ ant party. The masses had made their appearance in Romanian politics.



Peasant movements and riots also flooded H ungary during the 1890s. The landless pick-and-shovel men o f the south Hungarian Oroshaza or­ ganized a socialist association and celebrated M ay Day. The ideal au­ thorities used the gendarmerie to disperse the demonstration, and over a hundred peasants were killed or wounded by gunfire. The next day, in nearby Bekescsaba, the army suppressed an actual uprising, and martial law was introduced. In June, Csanad County became the scene o f a ma­ jor riot, and again army units killed and wounded peasants. The wave o f riots was finally quelled in September, after more than three months o f skirmishes. A major trial imprisoned 112 peasants, 93 o f them landless. “ Peasant socialism” spread like wildfire in the Great Plain area. In 1893, a reading association was founded in Hodmezovasarhely, which organ­ ized a gathering in February 1894* The authorities reacted with force, and the charismatic peasant leader Janos Szanto Kovacs was arrested. When the peasants attacked the city hall, the cavalry was used against them. In the trial that followed, twenty-seven peasant leaders were sentenced to thirty-seven years5 imprisonment. The next year, a similar riot exploded in Szeged. In the summer o f 1897, a well-organized harvest strike o f 15,000 peas­ ants swept through fourteen counties in the Great Plain and transDanube area. Several atrocities, brutal gendarmerie actions, and blood­ shed mobilized the peasants. This movement led to the formation o f a landless-peasant-workers5party, the Fuggetlen Szocialista Part (Indepen­ dent Socialist party) in 1897 by Istvan Varkonyi, who was expelled from the Social Democratic party. Spontaneous movements sprang up to par­ cel out large estates in Nyirkalasz, Mandok, and Gyiire. In the winter and spring o f 1898, peasant uprisings erupted around the country. The gov­ ernment retaliated brutally. Istvan Varkonyi was arrested and his news­ paper was banned. By year’s end, the country had been pacified (Hanak 19 88 ,135-37,14 4-4 7,19 0 -9 6 ). Peasant movements, populist organizations, peasant parties, and strikes were launched throughout the region. In partitioned Poland, the first peas­ ant party, the Zwi^zek Stronnictwo Chlopskiego (Union o f Peasants party), appeared in Galicia in 1893. Two years later, the Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, a Polish populist party, began to liberate uneducated peasants from the patronage o f the clergy. At their Rzeszdw Conference in 1903, the populists demanded universal and equal balloting. Their social and economic demands were rather moderate, however, and their influence was limited. M ost peasants were influenced by Dmowski’s national slo­ gans, and the more active landed peasants shared conservative principles.



In eastern Galicia, however, the rising political awareness o f the peasantry was clearly exhibited by a widespread agricultural strike o f Ukrainian and Polish farmhands in 1902 (Wandycz 1974, 279,294-95). Large estates did not exist in post-1878 Bulgaria, because the Ottoman estates had been parceled out among peasants in an egalitarian fashion. Partly because most o f them were tiny and partly because farming meth­ ods remained medieval, Balkan poverty plots were, however, unable to support peasant families adequately. In 1899, after several bad harvests, the government introduced a new tax in kind. The 10 percent tax increase was the last straw: riots fanned out across the Bulgarian countryside. The Radoslavov government used the army, which killed several rebels. The turbulent end o f the century led to the formation o f the most important political organization o f the peasantry, the Blgarski Zemedelski Naroden Sojuz, or Agrarian Union. In a few years, the highly energetic and tal­ ented Aleksandur Stamboliski became the leader o f the party, which would be a decisive factor in postwar Bulgaria (Jelavich and Jelavich 1977,194). Throughout rural, peasant Central and Eastern Europe, the bulk o f the peasantry, still uneducated and under the influence o f landlords and the Church, remained passive or joined the nationalist camp. Significant peasant masses, first o f all landless farmhands, but also well-to-do farm­ ers, peasant intellectuals, and especially teachers, established the first po­ litical peasant parties and organized revolutionary populist movements, national demonstrations, and strikes, resulting in conflict with the gen­ darmerie and army. The emerging politicized peasantry were, however, unable to influence prewar Central and Eastern European politics as yet. Nonetheless, their rise and activities heralded the future o f the region. The mobilized peasantry became the mass base o f revolutionary radicalism in various countries o f the region, whose successful twentieth-century revolutions led either to left-wing dictatorships or bolstered right-wing populist movements. The deep disappointment and rebellion o f the peasants fueled extremism on both the left and the right. It was World War I, however, that literally mo­ bilized the peasants, armed them, taught them to fight in a disciplined way, and, above all, gave them the experience and euphoric feeling o f strength in an organized struggle. The peasantry dominated the societies o f agricultural Central and East­ ern Europe. A semisuccessfiil industrialization, however, created a few big industrial centers and rapidly growing cities. Tum-of-the-century Cen­ tral and Eastern European realist literature discovered not only the peas­ antry but also the urban masses and their poverty. Writing under the pen



name CCB. Prus,” Alexander Glowacki, a member o f the great Polish real­ ist trio, presented an authentic picture o f Polish middle-class and profes­ sional life in his Dickensian descriptions o f Warsaw. The Croats Apte Kovacic social problems into South Slav literature. Village and small-town life are portrayed in Bora Stankovic’s 1911 Serbian realist novel NecistaKrp (Im ­ pure Blood). The capital cities, with their industrial workers and modem middleclass population, with a new, modern intellectual layer and cosmopoli­ tan fabric, were fertile soil for a fast-growing socialist movement. In Poland, even the socialist organizations were bom out o f the national struggle. Émigré “ Reds,” radical veterans o f the 1863-64 insurrection, founded the International Workers5Association in London. Two gener­ als o f the uprising, Jaroslaw D^browski and Walery Wroblewski, partic­ ipated in the Paris Commune. The latter became a friend o f Karl M arx and the Polish delegate to the General Council o f the First International. Marxist theories spread in Poland. The first socialist circles and trade unions were established in Galicia, and the first organized strikes hit Poz­ nan in 1872. As the imperial Chancellery’s Third Section (the political po­ lice responsible for the security o f the tsar) declared in the summer o f 1873: “ The Kingdom o f Poland more than any other constitutes a favor­ able ground for the International.” The members o f the first socialist groupings were mostly students, but Ludwik Warynski established the first workers’ organization in 1876. After a forced escape to Galicia, he re­ turned to Warsaw and established the first socialist party, the Proletariat, in 1882. The internationalist character o f the party immediately led to the foundation—by Boleslaw Limanowski—o f a rival, patriotic workers5or­ ganization, the Polish People. The dichotomy between the interna­ tionalist and patriotic wings o f the Polish labor movement marked the nineteenth-century socialist movement in the country. The first mass strikes o f several thousand workers in Zyrardow, Lodz, and Warsaw in 1883 were suppressed by military force, which killed three and wounded fifteen people. Hundreds o f arrests followed, and in Janu­ ary 1886, the first Polish socialists were hanged at the Warsaw citadel. A major breakthrough and the foundation o f the Social Democratic party occurred in 1892. Galician and Silesian Polish socialists founded the Polish Social Democratic party o f Galicia and Silesia in Lwôw, while four small socialist groups in Paris founded the Polish Socialist party (PPS) o f Russian Poland. Its program applied the Erfurt program o f the German socialists but also demanded independence and advocated the education



o f workers to elevate their class and national consciousness. Social justice and national independence became twins in the program o f the PPS. The next year, an internationalist group, headed by Ignacy Daszyriski and Rosa Luxemburg, harshly confronted the “ social patriots,” split off, and founded the Social Democratic party o f the kingdom o f Poland (SDKP). This party accepted the “ organic incorporation” o f Poland (with territorial auton­ omy) into the Russian state and argued for close collaboration with the Russian socialists for constitutional democracy and workers5 rights, fol­ lowed by proletarian revolution. The party had a limited base in Lithua­ nia and Warsaw, while the PPS dominated the socialist movement in the Polish kingdom. The PPS’s emerging charismatic leader, Jo se f Pilsudski, rejected strikes, incorporated the tradition o f insurrection and terrorist activities into the movement, and considered Russia the main enemy o f the Polish people. The PPS, or at least a part o f it, under PilsudskFs lead­ ership, rapidly shifted toward a nationalist program. Confrontation be­ came unavoidable during the revolutionary crisis o f 1905-6.

Although the PPS refused to participate in a series o f strikes and a May Day dem onstration in 1 9 0 4 , a revolutionary wave emerged in Warsaw, Lodz, Radom , and other industrial centers, which culminated in a gen­ eral strike in January 1905, accompanied by major demonstrations against autocracy and in favor o f a democratic republic and workers5rights. A civil war was in the making. May Day demonstrations turned into a riot in 1905, unleashing the bloodiest confrontation between organized social­ ist workers, the authorities, and rightist groups, which organized pogroms. Dm owski’s National Democratic party organized its National Workers5 Association into squads, which frequently clashed with PilsudskPs so­ cialists. M ore than a hundred people were killed. On June 22-23, barri­ cades were built in Lodz, and a three-day street fight took several hun­ dred victims. In November, a renewed fight led to the introduction o f martial law.

The revolutionaries were exhausted, and the movement declined after 1906. PilsudskPs “perm anent insurrectionist” faction was isolated within the PPS, which, at its eighth congress in Lwow in 1906 condemned this strategy and returned to the concept o f social revolution in an au­ tonom ous Poland. PilsudskPs military organization was expelled from the party in Novem ber, and he gradually distanced himself from socialism. In 1908, he formed the U nion o f Active Resistance and began preparing his cadres for a coming armed national uprising (Dziewanowski 1959,4-5, 11-4 9 ).

Strong labor movements grew up all over Central and Eastern Europe.



The Austrian socialist movement became the cradle o f similar movements throughout the monarchy. The first workers5 associations, self-help and educational groups, including the important Arbeiterbildungsferein, were established between 1848 and the 1860s. A mass demonstration o f 20,000 in Vienna in 1869 clearly exhibited the strength o f the rising move­ ment. In 1874, the Congress o f Neudörfl established the Sozialdemokratis­ che Partei Österreich. As an answer to violent demonstrations and actions, a state o f emergency was introduced in 1884, and more than 300 work­ ers were expelled from Vienna. Antisocialist legislation (the anarchist law o f 1886) and strong police pressure led to a split between moderates and radicals, but the party was reorganized and united by Viktor Adler and Karl Kautsky, the author o f the party program at the Heinfeld Congress in December 1888-January 1889«

The Austrian Social Democratic party emerged as a real political force. From the outset, it had been a multiethnic Cis-Leithanian organization, and Czech socialists had participated in its foundation and work, but in 1878, seven distincdy autonom ous national sections—German, Czech, Croat, Slovene, Italian, Polish, and U krainian—were created w ithin it. Directed by a federal executive and a joint parliamentary faction, the Czech section o f the party had 20,000 members in 1906. In 1913, this figure rose to 31,000, while the nearly half million strong Austrian trade unions in­ cluded 70,000 Czech members. The separatist Czech Trade U nion, ad­ ditionally, counted more than 107,000 members (Macartney 1968, 684, 797). M ajor strikes were jointly organized throughout the industrial re­ gions o f Austria and Bohemia during the 1890s. Although the party’s Brünn (Brno) program called for a solution to the nationality problem and demanded territorial autonom y for the various nationalities in 1899, its Czech branch gradually broke away and eventually became the Czech Social Democratic party in 1911. The first Hungarian workers’ organization, the Altalanos Munkasegylet (General Workers5Association) was modeled on Ferdinand Lassalle’s Ger­ man movement immediately after the Ausgleich, in February 1868. Marx­ ist socialism, however, was a child o f the Second International, founded in Paris on July 14 ,18 89 , followed by a gathering o f Austrian and H u n ­ garian socialists in Pozsony (Bratislava) in September. This led to the foun­ dation o f the Magyarorszagi Szocialdemokrata Part and the celebration o f the first May Day in 1890. This party was so heavily under the tutelage o f the Austrian party and so internationalist that its Declaration o f Prin­ ciples, a kind of party program , repeated the general slogans o f the E u­ ropean socialist m ovement w ithout even m entioning the m ost crucial so­ cial and political issues in Hungary, the agrarian and national questions.



In the early twentieth century, however, social democracy became a significant political factor in Hungary. In 1906, the num ber o f unionized w orkers—only 10 ,0 0 0 in 19 0 1—reached 130,000, and 200,000 workers participated in the nationwide strikes o f 1907. The party daily, Nepszava, had a circulation o f 25,000. The party also published various local week­ lies, and its theoretical periodical, Szocializmus, organized and educated rank-and-file socialists. Police terror against the socialist m ovem ent be­ came an everyday phenom enon from the end o f the nineteenth century on: between the sum m er o f 1897 and 1899, more than 300 meetings were banned, one-third o f the local organizations were abolished, 51 workers were killed, and 300 were sentenced to a total o f 178 years imprisonm ent (H anak 1988, 107-8, 206-7). Oppression strengthened the movement, however, and became a motivating factor after 1906. In May 1912, a gen­ eral strike and demonstration called in support o f the parliamentary strug­ gle o f the opposition clearly exhibited the strength o f the Social D em o­ cratic party: a hundred thousand people dem onstrating in Budapest were attacked by the police, who killed six (Erenyi 1988,674,825-27). The poet Endre Ady wrote a poem dedicated to the socialist leader Erno Garami entitled “We Are Running toward a Revolution!” The international labor movement strongly influenced even the unin­ dustrialized Balkan countries. The first workers5 organizations appeared in Romania in the 1880s, and Constantine Dobrogeanu-Gherea spread Marxist theories. The Romanian Social Democratic party was founded in 1893 but dissolved in 1899. The socialist unions gained ground in 1907, however, and the party was reorganized under the leadership o f the rad­ ical Christian Rakovski in 1910 (Niculae 1993). The father o f the Bulgarian socialist movement, D im itur Blagoev, led in the founding o f the Bulgarian Social Democratic party in 1891 and launched a struggle for comprehensive nationalization o f private prop­ erty, “from the biggest machine to the tailor’s needle.” Ianko Sakazov’s “Broads,” w ho advocated daily struggle for better working conditions and an alliance w ith the peasantry, opposed Blagoev’s “N arrow ” wing. From the 1890s on, strikes were organized, including a major railroad strike in 1907. Socialists became members o f the parliament between 1899 and 1902, and, in 1913, thirty-seven socialist representatives were voted in. H ow ­ ever, before the war, membership in the socialist-organized unions was less than 10,000, m osdy teachers and white-collar workers. The Serbian Social Democratic party was established in 1903, but at­ tracted only a few hundred people. Just before the war, it still had fewer than three thousand members (Jelavich and Jelavich 1977, 204-5).

The socialist workers’ movement put down strong roots in Central and



Eastern Europe. The workers’ struggle for political rights and better work­ ing conditions established them as an im portant political force. A m ong the socialist rank and file, small but im portant radical groupings enjerged with revolutionary programs and a readiness to fight the ruling regimes. Like contemporary peasant movements and parties, they had only limited influence at the tim e, but in a few countries o f the region, these workers5 organizations were the seeds o f revolt that, in the fertile soil o f despera­ tion at the end o f the war, gave rise to revolution.



EXPANSIONIST PLANS AND CONFLICTS in the “ age o f empire” (Hobsbawm 1987) between 1870 and 1914 led to bloody confrontations between the main players. According to Cecil Rhodes’s characterization o f this epoch, “ expansion was everything.” J. A. Hobson spoke o f the “ conscious policy o f imperialism” (Hobson [1905] 1938,19)* The two rival groups had been formed and prepared by the 1880s. The overture to an interna­ tional w ar—the Bosnian crisis and the two Balkan w ars—sent repercus­ sions through the explosive Balkans, the dangerous “ powder keg” o f E u­ rope. That area was actually the topic o f discussion between Wilhelm II, emperor o f Germany, and Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir apparent o f the aging emperor o f Austria-Hungary, in the Bohemian Kanopiste after a long hunting party on June 4 ,19 14 . They agreed to arrange provoca­ tive military exercises by the Austro-Hungarian army in Bosnia near the Serbian border. Franz Ferdinand arrived in Sarajevo in his general’s uni­ form to participate in the maneuvers on June 28, The events that followed are well known: as Franz Ferdinand rode to a festive reception in an open car, a young Bosnian Serb nationalist, Gavrilo Princip, who belonged to a terrorist organization, known as the Black Hand, that sought to prevent a “ trialist” reorganization o f Austria-Hungary and espoused the dream o f a Greater Serbia, assassinated the archduke and his wife. The murder was an excellent excuse to begin the long-awaited show­ down. On July 6 , Wilhelm II, via Ambassador Szogyen-Marich, urged Austria-Hungary to act and, at the Potsdam meeting o f the war council, ordered the German army on alert. The next day, a joint session o f the Austrian and Hungarian cabinets decided to send an ultimatum that was



clearly unacceptable to Serbia. The plan worked. On July 28, Emperor Franz Jo sef entered the study o f his Bad Ischl hunting lodge. The future o f Europe was hammered out in this small, 15- by 30-foot roonfc where he sat at his comer desk between two windows—surveyed by a bust o f his dead wife, “ Sisi,” the empress Elisabeth, at the age o f fifteen—and signed a declaration o f war. Within three days, Wilhelm I I had mobilized the Ger­ man army. The origins o f the war were, however, much more complex, and seek­ ing to explain them is far beyond the scope o f this book. “A reader who commanded a knowledge o f the main European languages could spend a lifetime on the books and articles which have been produced on the sub­ ject without getting near to the end; and the stream shows no sign o f dry­ ing up,” Philip Bell observed (Hayes 1992,106).

The outbreak o f the war, whatever the explanation, was a watershed. It was greeted with euphoria in Europe. M ost people believed in the pu­ rifying effect o f war and regarded it as a vehicle o f renewal. Wilhelm II declared proudly that he no longer knew parties, but only Germans, and spoke o f the "liberation and blessing” o f the war, which broke dow n the barriers separating social classes. M ost o f the social democratic parties and the masses shared his view. “European culture is fighting against Russian barbarism,” the Hungarian Social Democratic party proclaimed, exhort­ ing its members to participate enthusiastically (Nepszava 1914). The war seemed like a carnival, a great experience, and everybody believed it would end in a few m onths. The troops w ould return, Franz Josef said, “before the trees have shed their leaves.” The German military machine thought so too and planned a blitzkrieg, as it was later called. The essence of the Schlieffen Plan was a well-prepared, sudden attack against France, via Belgium, as fast as lightning, to knock France o u t first, and then turn against slow-moving Russia to win the war in two brief campaigns. This plan, however, failed in the fall o f 1914. The German troops were held at the river Marne, about forty miles from Paris, as early as September, and an Anglo-French counterattack caused trem en­ dous German losses. Instead o f a rapid advance, trench warfare followed. The Germans were deadlocked in the west. Both sides dug endless trenches between the Swiss border and the English Channel. Along the French front line o f about 270 miles, there were 6,250 miles o f trenches— a front line, a second line o f support trenches, and a third reserve trench. Both sides made several attempts to break through. All these attempts foiled and made the western front a slaughterhouse, especially at Verdun, where 800,000 men died, and on the Somme River, where the British lost 400 ,0 0 0 and the Germans 200,000.



The eastern front was in permanent movement but w ithout a decisive victory. A Russian offensive at the beginning o f the war was successful, and Austria-Hungary nearly collapsed, but a German counteroffensive pushed the Russians back, conquering Poland. Austria-Hungary was more successful against Serbia and Romania b ut was deadlocked on the Italian front. The losses were shocking. The interminable war offered some hope for Germany in 1917-18: the Russian revolution and armistice made possible a major regrouping o f the German army and a decisive new offensive in the west. In February 1918, 3.7 million German soldiers, 44,0 0 0 big guns, and 3,670 airplanes attempted to break dirough the Allied front between Arras and Le Fere. The Entente, however, gathered 5 million soldiers, 4,500 airplanes, and 800 tanks and caused 1 million losses for the Germans. In July, an Allied counteroffensive ended the German endeavor. The last German offensive in early July on the Reims-Mame front also collapsed. The tem porary success o f the Central Powers on the Italian front at Caporetto in 1917 was followed by the disaster at Piave in June 1918. Aus­ tria-Hungary lost 150,000 men and virtually collapsed; 2,100,000 o f its soldiers and 55,000 officers were already in Russian PO W camps. That summer, the num ber o f deserters from the army reached 800,000. The populations o f the defeated countries lost hope and patience. In­ tellectuals and artists revolted against the war and the regimes that had initiated it. The Romanians Tristan Tzara and Marcel Janko left the coun­ try in protest and, with other artists, established the Dada movem ent in neutral Switzerland. Nihilist Dada, as Tzara interpreted it, was "a pri­ vate guerrilla war” against the irrational reality o f war-ridden Europe. D adaist poetry, Tzara explained, reflected a w orld in which “ words should n o t be believed . . . [because] they express th e opposite . . . [o f what they should mean, in a world where] lies circulate” (Tzara 1959,295). The H ungarian Lajos Kassák, with László Moholy-Nagy, Victor Vasarely, and others, founded the avant-garde artists5 circles Tett (D eed) and then M a (Today) during the war. “The artist and w riter,” Kassák w rote, “will again be worker am ong workers and fighter am ong fighters.” They protested n o t only “against the war, but against the society that toler­ ated such a war, and against an art that had its source in such a society” (Kassák 1972,243). Desperate masses protested through strikes and often occupied the streets. In January 1918, half a million workers staged a strike in Berlin. In the same m onth, 700,000 workers struck in Vienna, and 10 0 ,0 0 0 people dem onstrated in Budapest. T he strikes spread to Bo­ hemia and Galicia. In May, the Serb soldiers o f the Sixth Infantry Reg­ im ent o f the Austro-Hungarian army retreated from the front and be­



gan an armed uprising in the southern H ungarian city o f Pecs. H ungarian miners joined in. In the early fall o f 1918, after the last failed offensives, it because evi­ dent that the Central Powers could not survive another winter, and their military and political leaders were forced to accept the impossibility o f continuing the war. The decision was reached on September 27,1918, in Vienna, and on September 29 in Berlin, and both the German and the Austro-Hungarian governments requested an armistice on October 4. On October 17, Istvan Tisza, prime minister o f H ungary at the beginning o f the war, the embodiment o f the old regime, told the parliament tersely: “ The war is lost!” On the last day o f that month, two military vehicles stopped in front o f Tisza’s house; four soldiers went in, and, after a brief, furious argument, shot and killed him. A German revolution dethroned the Hohenzollern dynasty and the Kaiser left the countryThe Great War was a unique historical event. It was the first war in which trucks, tanks, airplanes, and modern submarines were used, and in which the industrial capacity and technological preparedness o f the countries influenced the outcome o f battles. The human cost was in­ credible. Twenty-five percent o f the 1891-95 French cohort was killed, al­ together 1.4 million Frenchmen. Nearly 2 million Germans, 1.7 million Russians, 1.2 million Austrian-Hungarians, and nearly 0.8 million British died. During the five years o f the war, 8 million people in all lost their lives, twice as many as in all previous conflicts between 1789 and 1914 (Gra­ ham 19 98,104). The victors were bankrupt, and the losers were on the brink o f final collapse. N oting that wars were usually not fought to the death or to total ex­ haustion, Eric Hobsbawm righdy asks: “ Why was the First World War waged by the leading powers on both sides as a zero-sum game [i.e., as a war that could only be totally won or totally lost]?” The reason, he ar­ gues, was “ that this w a r . . . was waged for unlimited en ds. . . global po­ litical and maritime” power. “ It was an absurd and self-defeating aim, which ruined both victors and vanquished” (Hobsbawm 1994, 29-30). Moreover, it destroyed the European community o f nations and the struc­ ture o f nineteenth-century European civilization. Hannah Arendt speaks o f the “ weird atmosphere o f a Strindbergian family quarrel,” o f a “ per­ vasive hatred o f everybody and everything,” and o f an atmosphere o f dis­ integration (Arendt 19 66,268). “ Europe and large parts o f Asia and Africa became one vast battlefield on which after years o f struggle not armies but nations broke and ran,” Winston Churchill noted after the war. “ When all was over, Torture and Cannibalism were the only two expedients that



the civilized, scientific, Christian States had been able to deny themselves: and they were o f doubtful utility” (quoted by Johnson 19 83,13-14). The war spectacularly closed the “ long” nineteenth century, because it destroyed all the pillars o f its world system. “Nineteenth-century civi­ lization,” Karl Polanyi writes, “ rested on four institutions. The first was the balance-of-power system, which for a century prevented the occur­ rence o f any long and devastating war between the Great Powers. The second was the international gold standard, which symbolized a unique organization o f world economy. The third was the self-regulated market, which produced unheard-of material welfare. The fourth was the liberal state” (Polanyi [1944] 19 64,3). All these stable and interrelated institu­ tions collapsed as a consequence o f the war.

Along with the nineteenth-century European system, the entirety o f the old Central and Eastern Europe exploded and submerged. As had rarely happened before in history, all the conflicts, internal and interna­ tional, unsolved national-m inority and social problem s, exploded to­ gether and slashed the old empires and societies to pieces. The masses, previously unable to realize or even articulate their interests and demands, disenfranchised, deprived o f the use o f their m other tongue, and forced to cultivate their masters9 land, became masters o f their own destiny. The horror o f the war offered im portant lessons and educated the masses. They learned about their strength acting together. They learned to or­ ganize and use weapons. Violence became the order o f the day. In this chaotic situation, form er members o f m inority elites, Tomas Masaryk, Edvard Benes, Iuliu M aniu, and Jozef Pilsudski, peasant advocates such as Ion Mihalache and Alexander Stamboliski, workers9 leaders such as Rosa Luxem burg and Bela Kun, quite a few o f them outlaws, persecuted, arrested, o r forced to emigrate a few years earlier, now took over. Those w ho were able to address the masses from one day to the next became masters o f the situation. They were elevated by the rising masses, and they elevated the masses. The dream o f an independent nation-state, un­ realistic in the shadow o f huge, invincible empires, was suddenly real­ ized. From the N o rth Sea to the Adriatic, a series o f national revolutions reestablished independent nation-states in place o f huge multiethnic em­ pires. Poland was reunited and, together with the Baltic states, became independent. The vision o f Greater Romania was realized, and new state form ations, which had never existed before, such as Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, were easily forged together by active national elites and hap­ pily recognized by the victorious great powers. The dissolution o f the empires left a rum p Turkey, Austria, and H ungary in place of the O t­



toman empire and Austria-Hungary. The dreams o f land reform, o f a just society and equal rights for all, unrealistic in the petrified old socialpolitical structures, seemed to be within reach. Minorities, national and social alike, successfully revolted against oppressive majorities^National and social revolutions engulfed the entire region and sparked national and social euphoria. The crisis culminated in the Bolshevik revolution in Rus­ sia and the formation o f workers5and peasant governments in Hungary and Bulgaria. Although most o f the social revolutions were suppressed, and various nineteenth-century institutions were reestablished, nineteenth-century Central and Eastern Europe, as contemporaries knew it, had come to an end. A new Central and Eastern Europe, transformed by successful na­ tional revolutions, emerged in the transitory power vacuum. “ Recent po­ litical evolution has been favorable to the small peoples,55 Masaryk said confidendy; “ in a new E u ro p e . . . the independence o f even the smallest national individuality can be safeguarded55 (Masaryk 1927,371)- All o f the newly independent countries turned to protectionism and import sub­ stitution to achieve rapid industrialization. Quite a few introduced new constitutions to establish democracies. Like the war euphoria o f a few years earlier, however, the national and revolutionary euphoria soon faded, along with national independence and economic and social moderniza­ tion. In Central and Eastern Europe, the new era failed to open a new chapter o f development and catching up with the West: instead, decades o f crises followed (Berend 1998).


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A b d u l M e jid , Su ltan , 121

An d rassy, G y u la , 2 6 1 , 2 6 4

absolute/absolutist state, m onarchy, 7 ,8 ,

A n d rescu , Io n , 6 9

14- 15, 2 0 , 35, 93 , 1 0 5 ,



A d an ir, Fikret, 2 2 , 2 4 A d ler, V icto r, 282 A d y , E n d re , 2 7 6 ,2 8 3 age o f reform s, H u n g a ry , 1 0 5 , 1 0 7 , 1 0 9

A n g lo -O tto m a n A g re e m e n t (1838), 175,

241 anti-capitalism , anti-business attitude, 2 0 2 1, 2 8 , 1 9 3 - 9 6 an ti-G e rm a n riots/trends, 1 0 4 , 2 0 3

A g rarian Party, 2 6 2

an ti-Sem itism . See Je w s

agricultural an d ra w m aterial expo rts,

A p p leb y , Jo y c e , xi, xvi

markets for, 1 3 6 , 1 3 8 , 1 4 3 , 1 5 0 , 1 5 4 , 1 6 7 ,

A p ril L a w s , H u n g a r y (18 4 8 ) , n o

1 7 2 ,1 7 8 , 2 4 1

A ra n y, Ja n o s, 5 0 ,5 8 ; The B a rd s o f W ales,

agricultural con tract system , R om an ia, 16 3, 2 11, 250

agricultural depression, 1870S-80S, 141,188 agricultural economy/revolution, xiii-xv, 8, 9 - 1 1 , 2 5 - 3 1 , 4 0 , 8 9 , 9 0 , 1 3 9 , 1 4 1 , 1 4 8 ,

6 5 ,2 6 5 architecture, p u b lic b u ildin gs, 38, 4 6 , 6 8 , 7 8 ,8 0 - 8 2 , 2 3 1 - 3 4 ; neostyles, 2 3 4 ; O tto m an -B yzan tin e, 8 1; Serbian B yzan tin e, 2 3 4

1 5 0 - 5 1 , 1 5 8 - 6 7 , 1 7 0 , 1 7 8 - 8 1 , 1 8 3 , 2 1 8 , 24 1-

arendafi, 1 6 3 , 1 9 8 , 2 1 1 , 2 5 0 - 5 1

itinerant agriculture, 23, 2 1 0

A re n d t, H an n ah , 288

agricultural population /societies, 4 0 , 1 4 6 , 1 5 0 , 1 5 9 , 1 9 6 - 9 7 , 1 9 9 , 2 1 1 , 2 i j, 2 17 A g ricu ltu ral So cie ty , W arsaw , 91 A lb an ia, 68, 71, 7 3 , 1 2 1 , 1 3 1 , 2 0 4 , 2 2 2 - 2 3 Alecsandri, Vasile, 5 4 ; Despot Voda, 7 2 Alexander, K in g , 2 4 6 A lexan d er o f Batten berg, 12 9 , 2 4 4 A lexand rescu , G rig o re , 54 A li Pasha o f Ioan n in a, 1 2 1 ,1 2 5 alphabets, ch an gin g, 5 2 -5 4 A ltalan o s M u n k a se gyle t, 28 2 A m a n , T h e o d o re , 6 9

aristocrats/aristocracy, enlightened, xvi, 1,

33- 34 , 91 ,

io i, 1 0 3 , 144 -

45 , 1 8 2 , 1 8 4 - 8 7 ,

1 8 9 - 9 0 , 1 9 5 - 9 7 , 1 9 9 , 2 2 6 , 23 0 , 2 6 2 , 2 6 9 ,

273-75 artists, w riters, poets/poetry, 1, 2, 4 , 1 4 ,

4 4 , 4 6 - 47 , 5 0 - 5 2 , 5 4 , 56 - 59 , 6 1 - 6 6 , 6 8 73, 79 , 8 2 , 8 9 , 9 1 - 9 2 , 95 , 9 9 > 1 0 3 ,1 0 7 , 1 0 9 , 1 2 8 , 1 4 8 - 4 9 , 1 5 1 , 192- 93 , 2 5 2, 255, 265, 275, 2 7 7 , 2 8 4 , 28 7 assim ilation, assim ilationist policy, 113, 117 , 2 0 0 - 2 0 1 , 2 0 4 , 2 1 5 , 2 3 8 , 2 5 7 , 2 6 4 ,


A m erican co m p etitio n , 1 6 7 ,1 7 0

A sso ciatio n o f F ree B ro th ers, V iln a, 86

A m ste rd am , 7 , 2 1 , 2 2 1

A sso ciatio n o f Frien ds o f Scien ce, W arsaw ,

A n d erso n , Ben ed ict, 4 4 , 8 8




A sso ciatio n o f R eform ers, H u n g a ry , 86 A stra R o m an a,


A tlan tic E u r o p e , econ o m y/trad e o f,

Baltic co un tries, trade in, 7 , 1 8 , 1 9 , 1 5 2 , 2 5 5 , 28 9



7,11,16 -17,22, 240 A u sg k ich . See A u stro -H u n g arian C o m p ro m ise

59 ,79 ,81,9 3,9 4,10 2,10 4, h i , 113-14 ,12 4 ,12 6 ,136 ,14 0 -4 1, 143- 44 , 146-48,152,160,172,179,185,188, 203,248-49, 253,259-60, 264, 282, 289; Lower, 146,149-50,196, 206, 213; U p p er, 146, ijo , 160, 206, 213 A u stria-B o h em ia , C is-L eith a n ia , 146-50, 155,159,167-68,170,179,184-85,196, 203,206,218,268,282 A u stria -H u n g a ry , 39,114,120,131,138, 141-42,149-50,158-59,162,168-70, 174-76,178,180, 206, 208, 211-12,219, 252, 260, 265, 285, 287,290 A u strian State R a ilw a y C o m p a n y , 172 A u strian -Prussian w a r (1866), 264 A u stria,

B a n , M a tija , 7 2


B an ac, Iv o , 2 4 9 banks/banking, 9 1 , 1 0 8 , 1 4 8 , 1 4 9 , 1 5 1 ,

155, 158- 59 , 1 8 6 , 1 9 7 - 9 8 , 2 0 2 - 3 7 Â n g lo M a g y a r B a n k , 155; A n g lo -Ô sterre ich ische B ank, 155; A u strian N a tio n a l B an k , 155; B an ca A g rico la , 19 8 ; B an ca N a t io nala a R o m an iei, 156 ; B anca R o m â neasca, 19 8 ; B an ca R o m an iei, 156 ; B a n k D y sk o n to w y , 156; B an k H a n d lo w y , 156 ; B a n k Polski, 1 4 1 ; B a n q u e des Balkans, 156 ; B a n q u e G én érale de Bu lgarie, 156 ; B a n q u e Im périale O tto m an e , 15 4 ; B leich ro d cr B ank, 15 4 ; B o d en Creditanscalt, 155; C ré d it F o n cie r F ran co -B u lgar, 156 ; C ré d it Ly o n n ais, 156 ; C ré d it M o b ilie r, 15 5 -5 6 ; C re d it­ anstalt, 1 9 6 ; C re d itu l F u n cia r R ural, 156 ; C re d itu l U rb a n Bucuresti, 156;

A u stro -H u n g arian C o m p ro m ise {A u sgleich;

D eu tsch e B a n k , 1 5 4 , 1 5 6 , 1 7 3 ; D isco n to

1867), 3, H 4,127,171,186,189,229, 239, 252,260-61,263-64; e co n o m ic co m p ro m ise, 265 A u stro -S la v con cept, 104,112

G esellschaff, 156 ; F ra n co -M a g y a r B ank, 155; F ran co -Ô sterreichische B ank, 155; L a n d C re d it So cie ty , 1 4 1 ; L a n d e r B an k , 156 ; M a g y a r A ltalano s F old h itel R T ,

authoritarian/autocratic/absolutist regim es,

155; M a g y a r Altalan o s H itelb an k , 155,

104, 235-36, 238-39,243-44,246, 249 , 253, 258,267,273 autocratic rule, and principle o f law , 23536, 239,241,243-44, 247, 253-54,257, 259, 267-68, 273

19 7 ; M a rm o ro sc h B an k, 1 5 6 ,1 9 8 ;

xii, xv,

au to n o m y: o f C h ristian s, 12 1; o f C ro a tia , 2 4 9 , 2 6 6 ; o f the C ze ch lands, 1 0 4 - 5 ,

203,261,283; o f G alicia, 119,187; of H u n g a ry , 92,114,268,273; o f Poland, 141,254, 258; o f R o m an ia, 131,252; o f Serb ia, 124,126; o f Slovakia, 57,263 au to n o m y/in d ep en d en ce, stru ggle for, 89, 95-96, 98,103,122,132, 237-38, 249

N iedcrosterreich isch e E sco m p te G eseU schaft, 155; Pesti H a z ai E ls o Takarékpénztâr, 155; Pesti M a g y a r K ereskedelm i B a n k , 1 5 5 ,1 9 7 ; W ien er Bankverein, 1 5 5 ,1 9 6 ; Z ivn o ten sk a Banka, 15 5 ,19 6 bonus, 7 1, m , 2 4 9 , 2 6 6 Barac, Io n , 83 B aritiu , G h e o rgh e, 83 Barth a, M ik io s, 2 7 0 B arto k, Béla, xiii, 6 6 - 6 7 , 2 7 6 - 7 7 ; A kékszakdüû herceg vd m , 2 7 7 B atsan yi, Istvan, 2, 4 8 , 9 2

104 262 B airo ch , Paul, 11,38,135 B alcescu, N ic o la e , xiv, 74,112-13 Balicki, Zygmunt, 255 Balkans, xii, xv, 18,21-25, 28, 31,35,39, 47, 51,55, 75, 81, 86, 89, 91,119-22,125-28, 130-32,138,140,142,152-54, 157-58,16467,172-75, 177- 80 ,183,196, 204-5, 2089, 216-17, 220, 223, 233-34,238,240-41, 248-49, 252-54,260, 272,285 B a ch , Alexander, Badeni, C asim ir,

Batten berg, A lexan d er vo n , 2 4 4 - 4 5 Batthany, Lajo s, n o , 1 1 4 battles: o f D ragasan i, 12 6 ; o f N a va rin o B ay, 12 6 ; o f R a d a w ic e , 9 4 ; o f Sto cze k an d G ro c h o w , 9 6 ; o f the W h ite M o u n ta in (16 2 0 ) , 1 9 , 1 0 2 B eeth oven , L u d w ig van, 68 B elg iu m , xiii, 3 8 , 1 4 7 , 1 7 4 , 2 4 2 , 286 Belgrad e, 2 1, 25,

233- 34 , 2 4 7 Bell, Philip, 28 6

79 ,

8 4 ,1 2 3 -2 4 ,1 2 7 ,1 5 3 ,

INDEX Bern, Jo se f, 9 7

B ro zik , V dclav,

Ben es, E d v a rd , 2 7 4 , 289

Jan Hus,


The Sentencing ofMaster


B en kovski, G e o rg e , 1 2 7

Bru n n er fam ily, 2 0 4

B e rg, F ed o r, 99

Bucharest, xiii, 4 , 2 1 , 6 8 , 8 1 , 1 1 2 , 1 3 0 , 1 3 9 ,

Berlin , Isaiah, xix, 4 2 , 4 7

1 5 4 ,2 1 3 ,2 3 0 -3 1 ,2 3 4 ,2 4 1

B e rlio z, H e cto r, Sym phonic fiw ta stiqu e, 4 1

B u chin ger, M a n o , 275

B ern o lak, A n to n y , 5 1 ,5 6 , 85

B u d ap est (P est-B uda), xiii, 2 1 ,3 4 » 4 8 ,6 8 ,

Bertalanffy, Pal, 31

8 6 , 9 0 , 1 0 3 , 1 0 7 - 1 0 , 1 3 6 , 1 3 9 , 1 5 1 , 1 7 2 , 225,

Berzsenyi, D an iel, 51

2 2 9 -3 1 ,2 3 4 ,2 6 3 ,2 6 5 ,2 7 0 ,2 8 3 ,2 8 7

Bessarabia, 130 , 252, 2 54 , 2 7 7

B u d w eis, 1 4 9 , 1 5 1

B essen yei, G y o rg y , 4 8

B u ko vin a, 1 3 0 , 1 4 3 , 1 6 9 , 1 7 8 - 7 9 , 2 0 6 , 2 0 8 ,

B e zru c, Petr, Silesian Songs, 213 B iblio teca R om an easca, 83 B ib o , Istvan , 1 1 9 , 1 9 1 , 2 3 8

2 1 3 ,2 1 8 ,2 5 2 ,2 5 9 ,2 6 1 B u lgaria, 8 5 , 8 9 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 8 - 2 9 , 1 3 8 , 1 4 2 , 1 5 2 5 3 , 157, 1 6 6 - 6 7 , 174 , 1 7 7 , 1 7 8 - 7 9 , 205,

B lack Se a , 1 2 0 , 1 2 6 , 1 2 8 , 1 5 4 , 1 7 6 , 2 4 1 , 2 5 3

216 -17 , 2 2 2 ,2 2 9 ,2 3 3 ,2 4 4 - 4 8 ,2 5 0 ,2 5 2 ,

B lag o cv, D im itu r, 283

2 7 9 ,2 9 0

Blgarski Z em edelski N a ro d e n S o ju z (A grarian U n io n ), 2 7 9 b lo o d liable: o f 1 8 8 2 ,2 6 9 ; o f Tiszaeszlar, H u n g a ry , and o f the C z e ch lands, 275

B u lgarian H o rro r, 128 bureaucratic-m ilitary elite/regim es, 2 5 ,1 8 6 , 1 8 8 - 8 9 ,1 9 1 , 2 0 4 , 2 0 6 , 2 3 6 , 2 4 0 , 2 j 9 , 2 7 3 B y ro n , G e o rg e L o r d , 3 , 4 5 , 6 1 , 6 4 , 68

B o g o r o v , Ivan , 5 0 ,8 3 B o g o v ic , M irk o , 7 2 B o g u ck a, M a ria , 1 9 3 - 9 4 B o h em ia, B o h em ia -M o ravia-Silesia, C ze ch lands, xiii, 1 8 ,1 9 , 2 6 , 2 9 , 3 2 - 3 3 , 3 5 ,5 1 , 67,

72 , 79 ,

8 1, 8 7 , 1 0 2 - 5 , 1 3 J - 3 6 , 1 4 2 - 5 0 ,

15 2 ,15 9 -6 1,16 9 ,17 2 ,17 4 ,17 8 -7 9 ,18 4 8 5 , 1 8 8 ,1 9 6 , 2 0 2 - 3 , 2 0 6 , 2 12 , 2 1 4 , 2 2 2 , 2 2 7 - 2 9 , 2 3 1, 238, 2 6 1 - 6 2 , 2 7 5 , 2 8 0 , 28 2 , 28 7

capital accum ulation , 1 1 , 1 5 4 , 1 5 8 , 1 7 1 ,

173-74 capital expo rts/im po rts, 1 3 7 , 1 5 4 - 5 7 capitalist tran sform ation , capitalism , 1 1 - 1 2 , 1 9 -2 0 ,1 4 3 ,1 4 6 ,1 5 9 ,1 8 1 ,1 9 2 ,1 9 9 ,2 5 7 C a ro l, K in g (K arl o f H o h e n z o lie m Sig m arin ge n ), 1 3 0 , 2 4 3 - 4 4 2 0 4 , 233 C atarg iu , Lascar, 2 4 3

B o h em ian G e rm a n C o n g re ss, 1 0 4

C ath o lic C h u rch , C ath o licism , 3 3 ,1 2 1 , 258

B o lin tin ean u, D im itrie, 5 4

C e ch , Svato p lu k , 2 3 2

B o lsh evik revo lu tio n , 2 9 0

C elak ovsk y, Frantisek, 50

B o ris, prince o f B u lgaria, 2 4 6

Qelebi, K a tib , 35

B o ro vsk y , H a vlice k , 7 9

Cen tral M a c e d o n ia n R ev o lu tio n a ry

B o sn ia -H e rze g o v in a , 1 2 7 - 2 9 , 1 3 1 - 3 2 , 1 5 3 ,

C o m m itte e , 2 4 7

1 6 9 , 1 7 6 - 7 8 ,1 8 4 ,2 0 4 - 6 , 2 0 8 ,2 2 2 ,2 2 9 ,

Cen tral P o w ers, 1 3 2 , 2 4 4 , 2 8 7 -8 8

2 4 8 - 4 9 ,2 6 0 ,2 8 5

Ceskosiovenska Jed n o ta, 2 6 4

B o tev , H ris to , 4 , 4 6 , 5 0 , 5 8 , 6 3 , 1 2 7 ; H a d z i

Charles U n iversity, 2 6 2 - 6 3

D im ita r, 6 5 , 8 4 ; “ T h e H a n g in g o f Vasil

C h ekh o v, A n to n , 1 9 2

L e v s k i," 8 4

chiflik system , 29

Boto§ani, 2 1 2 , 2 5 0

C h iro t, D an iel, xix

bou rgeo isie,

C h lap o w sk i, D ezyd e ry, 9 1


1 8 1 - 8 3 ,1 9 6 - 9 8 ,2 0 0 ,2 0 4 ,

2 1 4 ; em bourgeoisem entj 1 8 2 ,1 8 8 bo yars, b o ya r lan d, R o m a n ia , 1 6 3 - 6 4 , 1 8 6 , 2 12 , 253 b o yco tts: o f fo reign go o d s, 1 4 0 - 4 1 ; o f Je w is h sh o p s, 2 0 3 , 256 ; o f the Reichsrat, 105, 26 1

C h lo p ick i, Jo z e f, 9 6 C h o d a k o w sk i, Z o ria n D o l^ g a (A d a m C z a m o c k i), 4 9 , 5 0 C h o p in , F ry d e ry k , 6 0 , 6 6 , 9 7 ; “ R e v o lu ­ tion ary E tu d e ,” 61 chorhajiy 12 2

B ratianu , I o n an d Io n e l, 3, 2 4 3

C h o rin , Ferenc, 19 7

B rn o , 8 5 , 1 3 6 , 1 4 7 , 1 5 1 , 2 2 9 , 2 6 1

Ch ristian C h u rch , 12 2

B ro ck , Peter, 9 7

ch urch an d state, separation of, 2 4 3



C h u rch Slavo n ie, 5 1 ,5 4 - 5 5

1 1 7 ,1 2 9 ,1 4 5 ,1 4 8 ,1 7 9 ,1 8 4 , 2 0 6 ,2 13 ,2 18 ,

C ip o lla , C a rlo , 5

2 2 0 ,2 2 2 ,2 4 9 ,2 6 0 , 2 6 4 ,2 7 0

citalistey kasina (read in g ro o m s), 8 4 -8 5

C ro atian dialects, 55

citizenship w ith equal rights, 88, 2 3 9 , 2 4 3 ,

cro p -ro tatio n system , 1 0 - 1 1 , 2 8 , 3 9 , \$i>

250 , 2 6 6


cultural m ovem ent/revival, cultural

C iv il C o d e ( 1 8 4 4 ) , Serb ia, 165

nationalism , cultural institutions, xiv,

co al, output/con sum ptio n /in du stry, 7 , 8 ,

4i, 4 9 , 54, 57- 58, 7 8 , 8 7 , 10 4 -5, 255

37- 39, 144, 147, 149, 1 6 9 - 7 0 , 172-73, 17 6 , 2 2 9

C u v a j, S lavk o , 2 4 9 C u z a , A lexand er, 1 3 0 , 2 5 2 , 2 7 4

C o b d e n , R ich ard , 1 4 0 , 2 3 2

Czarto rysk i, Jcrzi A d am , 3 2 , 9 6 - 9 8 , 1 2 4 , 1 8 7

C o b d e n -C h e va lie r T reaty, 1 3 8 , 1 4 0

C ze ch an d Slo vak lan guage reform , 5 5-57

C o d e N a p o le o n , 3 6 ,1 3 2

C ze ch N atio n al C o m m ittee , 10 3

coffeehouses, 8 2 , 86, 2 3 2 - 3 3 ; kahvehane,

C z e ch national renaissance (n drodn i

86; New York Coffeehouse, Budapest, 86; Pilvax Coffee House, Pest, 86, 10 9 colonial empires, colonization, “civilizing mission,” 7, 8, 2 1, 2 3 , 176-77, 2 4 0 , 2 4 3 , 254, 2$7

obrozeni)y 7 0 C ze ch Sch o larly A sso ciatio n , 85 C z e c h o s lo v a k unification, 1 1 2 , 1 1 7 , 2 6 3 C zecho slo vakia, 2 2 7 , 289

com m ercial revo lutio n, 2 6 , 3 5 ,9 1 , 236

D ab raw a Basin, 152

com p en sation , fo r land, 1 5 9 ,1 6 2

D ^ b ro w sk i, H e n ry k , 95

co m p le m en tary econ o m ies, 1 7 4

D ^ b ro w sk i, Jaroslaw , 2 8 0

C o n fed eration o f Bar, 93

D a co -R o m a n theory, 5 3 , 7 4 , 7 6 , 8 4 , 1 3 0

congresses: o f V ien n a (1815) 18 7 ; o f V alo n a

D alm atia, 1 4 3 , 1 5 2 , 1 6 0 - 6 1 , 1 6 9 , 1 7 8 - 7 9 ,

(19 12 ), 131

2 0 8 ,2 1 3 ,2 4 8 ,2 4 9

C o n n elly, Jo h n , xii

D aner, B éla, 2 7 0

C o n servative Party o f Bu lgaria, 2 4 5

D an ev, S to y a n , 2 4 5

C o n servative P arty o f R o m an ia, 2 4 3 - 4 4

D an u b e C o n fe d e ratio n , 1 1 2 - 1 3

C o n sta n tin , G ran d D u k e , 95

D an u b e R iver, D an u b e valley, 4 , 5 6 , 6 3 ,

con stitution s, con stitution al m on arch y, 6, 8,

14 , 35, 39 , 93 - 9 4 , 97 , 1 0 5 - 6 ,


76, 9 0 ,1 0 8 ,1 12 - 13 ,1 2 6 ,13 8 ,1 5 4 ,1 6 8 , 2 0 3 ,2 2 9 ,2 3 2 ,2 4 1 ,2 7 0 , 279

1 2 1 ,1 2 7 , ¡ 3 0 , 1 3 2 , 1 8 6 , 235, 2 3 9 , 2 4 1 , 2 4 4 -

D ara, G ab rie l, 71

47 , 2 4 9 , 254 ,

D a rto n , R o b e rt, xvi

2 5 8 -5 9 , 26 1, 26 5, 26 7, 28 1,


D aszyriski, Ign acy, 281

co n su m e r g o o d s industries, 1 4 4 , 1 4 6 , 1 5 0 ,

173, 1 7 8

D a v id o v ic, D im itrij, 83 D avies, N o rm a n , xix, 35, 93

co n su m p tio n , 6 , 1 6 , 2 1 , 3 2 , 9 0 , 1 4 3 , 1 4 7 , 1 7 8

D a w id , A d o lf, 86

con tin ental blockade, 3 1 , 1 4 8

D e R a d a , Jcro n im , 7 1

C o n v e n tio n o f Akk erm an (18 2 6 ), 126

D eak, F eren c, n o , 2 6 6

corbadzi, 2 0 6

D eâk, Istvân , 189

co re-p erip h ery relation, xii, 1, 3 , 6 , 2 1 , 2 3 , 25, 3 6 ,

39 , 133- 34 , 1 3 7 - 4 2 , 1 4 8 , 1 5 0 , 1 5 6 ,

1 6 7 , 1 6 9 ,1 7 5 , 205, 2 16 , 2 1 9 , 2 3 5 -3 6 co rru p tio n , clientalism , bribery, 3 5 ,1 9 6 , 198, 20 5 , 238 , 2 4 0 , 2 4 3 - 4 6 , 2 6 7 - 6 8 co tta ge in dustry, 12, 3 0 - 3 1 , 1 4 5 , i 4 7 , 16 8,

173- 75, 1 7 8 C o u n ter-R efo rm atio n , 3 2 , 5 0 , 2 3 1 - 3 3 c o u n ty adm inistration, 1 0 6 , 1 6 4 , 1 9 0 , 1 9 9 , 2 4 3 ,2 6 7

D eclaratio n o f the R ig h ts o f M a n , 36 D elchev, G o ts e , 2 4 7 , 2 7 4 dem ocracy, d em ocratization , 6 , 3 4 , 3 9 , 4 9 , 6 2 ,6 5 ,9 7 ,1 0 1 , n o , 1 1 4 ,1 18 -19 ,1 3 1 ,1 3 3 , 18 7 ,1 9 2 ,2 3 5 ,2 4 6 ,2 8 5 dem o graph ics, dem o graph ic revolution, 8 - 1 2 , 2 6 - 2 7 , 7 7 , 2 1 5 - 2 2 , 2 2 4 ; stem and nuclear fam ily, 2 2 1 - 2 3 ; T rieste-St. P etersburg d ivid e, 2 2 2 D en m a rk , 3 8 , 1 4 1 , 1 7 5

co u p d’etat, 1 3 0 , 2 4 4 - 4 7

D escartes, R e n é , D iscours de la méthode, 1 2

C rim e an Peninsula, w ar, 152, 253

despotism , 2 0 , 2 5 , 3 4 , 7 2 , 7 7 , 1 0 4 , 1 1 0 , 1 2 2 ,

C ro atia, xiii, 2 9 , 3 0 , 33, 5 5 , 7 0 - 7 1 , m , 113,


INDEX D eu tsch fam ily,



Em in e scu , M ich ai, 7 2 ,1 8 6

D ieb itch , Ivan , 96

E n ge ls, Friedrich , 182

D icderich s, E u g e n , 7 8 ,2 5 7

engineerin g in dustry, 13, 3 8 ,1 3 5 ,1 4 8 - 5 0 ,

D iet/parJlam en t, H u n g a ria n , 1 0 5 - 1 3 , 1 4 0 , 189

1 5 8 ,1 6 8 ,17 0 -7 2 ,1 9 6 En glan d . See G reat Britain

diseases, m edieval, 8 - 9 , 2 1 5 ,2 1 7 - 1 8 divisio n o f labor, 6 , 1 0 , 1 2 , 1 6 , 2 8 , 9 0 , 1 3 9 -

En ligh ten m en t, xiv, 1 , 1 2 , 1 3 - 1 5 , 3 1 - 3 7 , 4 1 4 2 , 4 8 ,5 1 ,

54 , 6 2 ,

70 , 92, 274

En ten te, 13 2 , 287

4 0 , 14 S, 1 6 9 ,1 7 4 ,2 2 4 ,2 2 6 D m o w s k i, R o m a n , 2 0 1 , 2 5 5 - 5 8 ,2 7 8 , 28 1; M ysli nowoczesnego P oiaka, 256 D o b rescu -A rge §, C o n sta n tin , 2 7 7 D o b ro g e a n u -G h e re a , C o n sta n tin , 2 , 2 8 3

entrepreneurial class/entrepreneurs, 1 2 - 1 3 , 2 9 , 4 i>

135- 36 , 144 , 148 , 1 7 2 - 7 3 , 175,1 8 2 ,

1 9 5 -9 8 , 2 0 0 - 2 0 3 , 2 1 2 , 2 2 1 ; ennobled, 19 6 ,19 9

D o b ro v sk y , Jo se f, 4 8 , 55

E o tv o s , Jo zse f, 3, 4 5 - 4 6 , n o , 20 8 , 2 6 6

D o b ru d ja , 2 4 8 ,2 5 2

Ep ste in fam ily, 2 0 0

D o n d u k o v-K o rsa k o v, Prince, 2 54

E rb e n , Karel Jaro m ir, 6 4

D o m e , Jo h n , 10

E rk el, F erenc, B a n k ban and H u n ya d i

D o u b rava , 14 9

Ldszld, 73 esnajy system , 26

D o zsa , G y o rg y , 1 9 , 2 7 6 D rch e r family, 136

estates, large. See latifundia

D reikaiserbun d (18 8 1), 2 6 0

Estcrhazy, Prin ce, 6 0 , 6 7 , 1 4 5 , 1 5 9 , 2 3 2

D ru ck i-L u b eck i, Franciszek K ., 1 4 1

ethnic-religious hostility, 2 13

dual e co n o m y, 1 7 7 ,1 7 9 - 8 0

eth no-cultural nationalism , 7 7

dual revo lutio n, 3 5 - 4 1 , 1 3 3

E va n s, D a v id , 135

dual society, xv, 1 8 1 , 1 8 3 - 8 4 , 1 9 6 - 9 7 , 2 0 6 ,

expansionism , 1 0 3 - 4 , 2 3 6 , 2 3 8 , 2 4 0 , 2 4 7 -


5 4 ,2 5 9 -6 0 ,2 8 5

du alism , A u stria -H u n g a ry , 1 0 5 ,1 1 4 , 2 6 0 ,

export sectors/cxp orts, xv, 7 , 1 6 , 2 0 - 2 1 , 2 6 , 2 9 , 3 1 , 1 3 4 ; o f fo o d and ra w m aterials,

26 3, 265, 27 1 D v o ra k , A n to n ín , 6 7

9 0 ,1 3 5 ,

137- 38, 1 4 0 , 1 4 2 - 4 3 , 147- 4 9 , 154,

1 5 6 - 5 7 , 159, 1 6 1 , 1 6 3 , 1 6 7 - 7 9 , 1 9 8 , 2 4 1 e co n o m ic nationalism , 1 3 9 - 4 2

export-led industrialization, 1 3 8 , 1 4 0 , 1 4 2

E d ic t o f T oleration (17 8 3 ), 2 2 1

extinction o f n ation s, 6 9 , 7 7 , 8 9 ,1 0 0

education , 1, 2, 33, 38, 4 4 , 5 0 , 52, 54 , 5 6 -

extrem ism , 7 8 , 2 3 6 , 2 7 9 - 8 0 ; proto-fascist

5 7 ,7 8 , 8 0 , 8 4 , 9 6 , 1 0 0 - 1 0 1 , 1 0 6 , 1 1 2 , 1 1 4 ,

m o ve m e n t, 2 5 7 ; revo lutio nary left-w in g

1 2 2 , 1 4 4 , 1 5 0 , 1 9 9 , 2 0 8 - 9 , 2 1 5 ,2 2 6 —27,

radicalism , 9 7 , 2 7 9

256, 2 6 2 , 2 7 0 - 7 2 , 2 8 1 - 8 2 E g ye siilt Ellen zek (U n ite d O p p o sitio n ), H u n g a ry , 26 8

fa cto ry system , 12 , 3 0 , 1 4 7 fa llo w land, 10 , 2 8 , 1 6 0 , 1 6 4

E iffe l, G u stav, 232

fam ine, 8, 25, 20 7 , 2 18 , 278

Ein ste in , A lfre d , 6 6 - 6 7

F eis, H e rb e rt, 157

E lb e R iver, xii, 21, 8 8 ,1 3 8

Fejervary, G e z a , 2 6 7

elections, 10 3 , n o , 1 3 0 , 2 0 7 , 2 4 1 - 4 3 , 2 4 5 -

fem inism , 2 2 2 - 2 8

4 7 , 2 5 2 , 2 6 2 - 6 3 , 2 6 6 , 2 6 7 - 6 9 , 2 7 2 ; open

F en yes, E lek , 30, 31

ballot, 2 6 6 - 6 7

Ferdinand o f S a x e -C o b u rg -G o th a , n o - n ,

elite, o ld an d new , xih , xv, 1 , 4 , 1 5 , 1 9 , 2 3 -

45 - 47 , 51, 57, 6 6 , » 7, 89 , 91 , 9 6 - 97 , 9 9 , 1 0 3 , T05,

2 6 , 3 2 , 3 4 -3 5 , 38, 4 1 - 4 2 , 74, 8 2 -8 4 ,

113 -15 ,1 ¡8 - 1 9 ,1 2 2 - 2 3 ,1 2 5 ,1 3 0 - 3 3 , H O 4 i , 1 7 5 , 1 8 0 , 1 8 4 - 9 9 , 2 0 4 - 6 , 2 3 3 , 2 3 5 ,2 3 7 38, 2 4 0 ,

2 4 4 - 4 6 , 2 4 8 -4 9 ,

2 5 7 ,2 6 4 , 2 7 0 ,

2 7 2 , 2 7 4 , 289 em igratio n /cm igran ts, 6 0 - 6 1 , 9 7 , 2 1 9 - 2 0 ,

255- 56 ,


12 9 , 2 4 5 - 4 6 feudal industrialization, industrialist aristocrats, 1 4 4 - 4 5 feudalism , feudal sevices, 6 , 9 - 1 0 , 1 7 - 2 0 , 2 3 - 2 4 , 2 9 , 3 2 ,1 0 8 , n o , 1 2 0 , 1 3 3 , 1 6 3 , 1 8 4 fidei-com m issum } 1 8 4 - 8 6 F ilo m at gro u p , 1 0 2 Fischer T ru st, 1 9 8 ,2 5 0 F iu m e (R ijeka), 1 7 7 , 2 4 9



F lin n , M ich ael, 11 F lo rea , V asile, Si fo lk p o ctry /so n g s, 4 8 - 5 0 , 54 -

56 , 5 9 , 6 4 - 6 7 ,

8 5 , 2 7 6 - 7 7 ; falsified, 50 folklore, folklorizin g m o ve m e n t, xiv, 4 8 -

4 9 , 56 - 57, 59 ,

6 i, 68, 87

fo o d and raw m aterial resources, su p p ly o f, 1 3 5 , 1 5 6 , 174-

75,2 1 5

fo o d processing, 3 0 , 9 1 , 144 -

45 , H 7 - 5 0 , 157, 159, 1 6 1 , 1 6 8 , 1 7 0 - 7 2 , 174 - 75, 177,1 8 5 ,

2 12 ,2 2 4 fo reign capital/investm ents, 1 3 7 , 1 4 4 , 1 5 ^ 1 5 4 - 5 8 , 1 7 2 - 7 3 , 1 7 6 , 2 7 6 ; enclaves, 158,

177-78 75, 1 7 8


16 2 ,1 8 2 - 8 3 ,18 8 - 9 6 ,1 9 8 - 9 9 ,2 0 2 ,2 2 6 , 253,

259 , 273-75

germanization, 5 2 , 1 0 3 - 4 , 1 0 6 , 2 0 0 ; German settlers, 95 G erm an y, xi, xiii, xiv, 4 3 , 7 8 , 9 0 , 1 0 3 , 1 1 6 , 1 5 6 .1 6 0 .1 7 4 .1 7 8 .1 8 1 -

82, 2 0 4 , 2 1 8 - 1 9 ,

239, 2 5 7 ,2 6 0 ,2 6 4 ,2 7 4 ,2 8 5 ,2 8 7 - 8 8

F ran ce, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 1 2 ,


16 , 2 7 , 3 2 , 3 6 , 3 8 -

95, 97 , 1 0 1 , i n , 1 1 6 , 1 2 0 , 1 2 4 , 1 3 0 , 1 3 8 , 1 4 1 , 1 5 2 , 1 5 6 , 174, 1 7 8 , 1 8 1 - 8 2 , 2 1 5 - 1 6 , 90,

218 , 2 7 4 , 286 F ran cis 1 , 1 0 7 Fran kfu rt parliam ent, 116 F ran z Ferd in an d , 285 F ran z Jo se f, 105, n o , 1 1 3 - 1 * 1 8 5 , 2 4 9 , 2 5 9 6 0 ,2 6 5 , 2 8 5 - 8 6

Naim, 2,

Gewerkschaft Bosnia, 1 5 8 ,1 7 7 Gmina Londonska, 9 7 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 5 0 ,5 6 , 6 0 -6 1 ,7 0

franchise system , n o , 1 3 3 ,1 8 6 , 2 4 6 , 2 6 6


33-35, 6 1 , 9 3 , 9 6 , 1 0 1 - 3 , 1 0 6 , 1 0 8 ,

1 1 8 ,1 2 0 ,1 3 2 ,1 3 6 ,14 1 ,1 4 7 ,1 4 9 -5 0 ,1 5 2 ,

fo re ign trade, 8, n , 1 3 8 , 1 4 3 , 1 6 7 , 1 6 9 , 1 7 4 -

39 ,

Ganz, Abram, and Co., 1 3 6 , 1 7 1 - 7 2 Garanti, Erno, 2 7 5 ,2 8 3 Garasin, Ilija, N acertanije> 2 4 8 f Gavrilova, Raina, 233 General Assembly of the Polish Emigra­ tion in London, 97 ^ gentry, lower nobility, déclassé gentry,

4 , 6 8 ; The H istory

c f Skanderbeg and Paradise, 7 1

Frasheri, Sami, 131 free trade, laissez-faire system , 1 4 , 4 3 , 1 3 7 -4 2 ,2 4 1, 243 freed o m o f press/specch, 1 0 9 , 2 4 2 , 2 4 4 , 2 4 6 , 2 4 9 , 2 5 9 , 268 freem asonry, 3 3 ,3 4 , 86 F ren ch R evo lu tio n : o f 17 8 9 , xv, 2 , 3, 3 6 -3 8 , 4 2 , 4 7 - 4 8 , 9 2 , 1 0 7 , 1 2 1 ; o f 1 8 4 8 ,1 1 5 - 1 6 Freud en berger, H e rm a n , 1 4 7 F ric , Jo se f, 1 0 4 F ric , M ila n , 2 2 5 , 2 2 7 F ried rich I I , 13 2

Ftiggcdensegi es 4 8 - a s Part (Independence and 18 4 8 Party), Hungary, 2 6 7 ,2 6 8 G a g o v ic , Arsenije, 1 2 4 G a j, L ju d e v it, 4 8 , 5 5 , 8 3 , 1 1 1 G a la p , 252

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 80 Galicia, 9 4 , 9 8 , 1 0 2 , 1 1 7 - 1 8 , 1 4 3 , 1 5 2 , 1 6 0 6 1 ,1 6 9 ,1 7 6 ,1 7 8 - 7 9 ,1 8 7 , 2 0 0 ,2 0 3 ,2 0 6 , 2 0 8 , 2 1 2 - 1 3 , 2 1 8 , 2 2 1, 2 5 7 - 5 9 , 2 6 2 , 2 7 0 , 2 7 9 -8 0 ,2 8 7

Galleron, Albert, 80

Goga, Octavian, 2 5 2 , 2 7 4 gold standard, 1 3 8 ,2 8 9 Golden Horde, 2 5 3 ,2 5 7 Golescu, Stefan and Nicolae, 112 Good, David, xii, 1 4 4 Grabski, Stanisiaw, 1 0 2 grain economy, 2 0 , 2 2 - 2 3 , 2 8 , 1 3 4 , 1 4 7 - 4 8 , 16 1—6 2 , 1 6 3 - 6 4 , 1 6 6 - 6 8 , 1 7 0 - 7 6 , 1 9 8

Great Britain, England, 2 , 3 , 6 , 8 - 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 6 , 2 6 -2 7 ,

34 , 36 - 37, 39 , 9 0 , 1 2 0 , 1 3 5 ,

1 4 0 . 147. 1 5 6 .

174.1 7 8 . 1 8 1 -

13 7-3 8 ,

82, 2 0 6 , 2 1 5 -

1 6 , 219 , 2 21

Great Northern War, 92 great powers, 1 8 ,2 3 , 9 2 , 9 5 , 1 2 0 , 1 2 7 - 2 9 , 13 0 -3 1,13 9 ,

153- 54 ,2 3 5 ,

2 3 9 ,2 4 1, 2 4 3 - 4 * ,

2 4 6 , 2 5 4 - 5 5 ,2 8 9

Greater Albania, 1 3 1 - 3 2 Greater Bulgaria, 1 2 9 , 1 3 2 , 2 3 8 , 2 4 7 - 4 8 Greater Croatia, 238 Greater Romania, 1 1 2 , 1 3 0 , 1 3 2 , 2 3 8 , 2 5 2 , 28 9

Greater Serbia, 1 2 9 ,1 3 2 , 2 3 8 , 2 4 6 , 2 4 8 - 4 9 Greece, 2 9 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 5 , 1 3 1 , 1 5 2 - 5 3 , 2 0 0 , 2474 8 ; Hellenic Republic, 12 6 Greek Catholicism, 2 6 4 Greek Orthodoxy, 33, 3 5 ,5 0 ,3 5 , 75, 9 3 , 118 , 1 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 4 6 , 253, 2 6 4 , 2 7 1

Grigorcscu, Nicolae, 69 Grossdeutsch concept, 10 3, Grottger, Artur, 6 9 G rutiderzeit, 1 4 9 , 1 7 1

Gruev, Damian, 2 4 7 , 2 7 4


INDEX G ru n w a ld , B éla, 271 gu ilds, 1 6 , 2 9 , 3 0 , 3 6 , 1 1 0 , i 43 -

45 > 147, 1 7 5 ,


Holland, 6 , 7, 14 1,152, 2 16


9 , 1 0 , 1 2 , 1 6 , 34,38 , 9 0 ,


H o lo v n a R a d a R u ska, 118

G ya rm ath i, Sam u el, 52

H o rn o u h o rsk c Sloven ske O k olie, 26 3

G y p s y m u sic, 6 1 ,6 6

H o ro d y sk i, A n d rz ej, 71

G y u r g y a k , Ja n o s, 2 6 9

H o rv a th , M ih a ly , 2 1 , 1 9 4 H ro c h , M iro slaw , xix, 4 9 , 87

Habsburg empire/Habsburgs, 1 9 , 2 0 , 33- 34 , 4 », 59 , 7 6 , 89 ,

30 ,

9 1-9 2 ,1 0 2 -4 ,1 0 6 -

7 , 1 1 0 - 1 4 , 1 3 1 , 1 3 7 - 4 0 , 143-

45 , 147,


5 2 , 1 5 4 , 1 8 4 , 1 8 8 - 8 9 , 2 1 6 - 1 7 , 2 2 1, 2 3 7 -3 8 , 2 4 8 - 5 0 , 2 5 8 -6 1 , 2 6 4 - 6 5

H rvatsk o-Srp sk e K oalicje, 2 4 9 H u g o , V icto r, 3, 4 2 , 4 6 ; Hemani,


H u n o rigin s, o f H u n g arian s, 3 2 , 7 4 H u n g arian (H o n v e d ) arm y, 1 1 4 , 1 8 9 - 9 0 265, 26 7

Habsburg-Ottoman Treaty (17 18 ), Hadji Mustafa Pasha, 123 Haggenmacher family, ¡3 6 Hajden, Hadzi, 6 4


H u n g arian R evo lu tio n (18 4 8 ), 8 6 ,1 0 5 - 1 4 ^ 117 ,2 6 4 -6 6 H u n g a ria n -C ro a t co m p ro m ise (18 6 8 ), 266 H u n g a ry , xii, xiii, 18, 2 2 , 2 7 - 2 8 , 3 0 , 3 2 ^

hajduks, 2 8 ,2 0 5

4 0 , 4 5 ,5 1 , 5 4 , 6 0 , 6 7, 72, 81, 86, 9 0 , 1 0 4 -

Hajnal, John, 2 1 6 , 2 2 2 Hajnoczy, Jozsef, 1 0 7 Halil Pasha, 3 Hanak, Péter, 2 6 6 , 2 7 2 - 7 3 Handel, Georg Friedrich, M essiah, 6 7 handicraft/artisan industry, 2 6 , 3 0 , 8 7 ,1 3 9 ,

7 , 1 0 9 , 1 1 1 - 1 2 , 1 1 4 , 1 1 8 , 1 2 3 , 1 3 6 , 1 4 0 —4 3 > 1 4 8 ,1 5 0 - 5 2 ,1 5 5 ,1 5 8 - 6 1 ,1 6 7 - 7 1 ,1 7 7 - 7 9 , 1 8 4 -8 5 ,1 8 8 ,1 9 7 ,1 9 9 , 2 0 1-3 , 2 0 6 -7 , 2 111 4 , 2 1 6 - 1 7 , 2 2 0 , 2 2 2 , 225, 2 2 7 - 2 9 , 2 3 9 , 2 6 1 , 2 6 4 - 6 6 , 2 6 9 , 275, 2 7 8 , 2 8 2 -8 3 , 2 8 9 90 H u n t, L y n n , xi, xvi

17 8 ,2 0 1 -3 ,2 0 5

Hanka, Vaclav, 50 Haret, Spiru, 2 7 7

H u rb a n , M . Jo se f, 112

Hus, Jan, and Hussite movement/wars,

H a §d eu , B o g d a n , Domnita an d Rosanda,

59, 7 2, 8 1 ,2 3 1

72 H a iti S h e r if o f G ulh an é, 121

Iak h ym o vych , B ish o p , 118

H a tv an i-D e u tsch fam ily, 172

Ian cu , A v ra m , 112

H a u szm a n , A lajo s, 2 3 2

Ia^i, 4> 8 5 , 1 2 9 ,2 5 1

H a y d n , Jo se p h , 6 7

Ilic, V ojislav, On the River Vardar, 68

H a ye k , Fried rich , 13 2

illiteracy, 8 9 ,1 6 5 ,1 7 5 , 205, 2 0 7 - 9 , 2 1 4 , 2 2 6 -2 7 ,2 3 1

H a y e s, Paul, 2 5 4 ,2 5 9 H e g e l, G e o r g W . F ., 3

Illyrian th eo ry/m ovem en t, 5 5 , 7 0 , 7 4 , 2 4 9

H e rd e r, Jo h a n n G o ttfried v o n , 4 7 , 5 9 , 6 4 ;

im m igration , 1 3 5 ,2 2 0 - 2 1 , 250

Adrastea, 119 ; Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, 4 8 ; Stimmen der Völker an d Volkslieder, 4 9 H e r z o g fam ily, 19 7 h id algo attitude, 1 6 , 2 1 , 32 historicism , historians, historical m yth s, 46,

51, 54 - 55, 57,

6 2, 6 8 - 7 8 , 1 9 2 - 9 3

H itch in s, K eith , 213

16 9 -7 0 im perialism , 1 1 9 ,2 8 5

imports, 2 1 , 9 0 , 134,137-38,142-43,148, 156, 173, > 7 5 , 178; import-substitution, 2 9 0 InaJcik, Halil, 2 4 0 income level, 8 9 , 1 7 8 - 7 9 , 2 4 2 incomplete society, 2 5 , 4 7 , 1 8 1 , 1 8 3 , 2 0 4 , 2 0 6 ,2 7 3

H lin k a , A d re j, 26 3, 2 7 2 H o b b e s , T h o m a s , 3, Leviathan,

im perial co m m o n m arket, 1 3 9 , 1 4 3 , 1 4 8 ,


independence: o f A lb an ia, 1 3 1 ; o f Balkans,

H o b s b a w m , E ric , xv, xix, 3 6 - 3 7 ,2 8 8

H9 -

H o b s o n , J. A . , 285

ina, 12 7 ; o f B u lgaria, 12 9 ; o f the C z e ch

H o d z a , M ila n , 26 3, 2 7 2

lands, 1 0 3 ,2 9 0 ; o f G reece, 1 2 6 , 2 0 0 ; o f

H o ffe t, Sch ran tz, C la y to n & Sh u ttle w o rth ,

H u n g a ry , n o ; o f P o land , 255; o f R o m a ­

171 H o h e n w a rt, C o u n t K arl, cabinet of, 105

34 , 2 4 1 , 2 4 7 ;

o f B o sn ia -H e rz e g o v -

nia, 1 2 9 - 3 0 ; o f Se rb ia, 12 9 ; o f T ran ­ sylvania, 253



industrial centers, 137,152, 215, 229, 279, 282 industrial development/output/growth, 150, T7 0 - 7I, *73- 74,177 Industrial Revolution (British), xv, 2, 3639, 42, 134, 147- 49 , 175, 214-16, 240 industrializarion/manufaentring, xv, 7, 8,12, 30-31, 8 0 ,10 2,10 4 ,134,138 ,140Si, 158,168-70,172-73, 175- 79 ,181,183, 196, 216-17,221, 224, 228, 236-37, 280, 290; semi-successful, 191,273-74,27980; small-scale, 146,177-78, 200,213-14 infrastructure, 151,154,156,176 insolvency of Serbia and Bulgaria, 157 intdlectuals/intelligentsia, 1, 34, 4 2 ,4 6 47, 49 , 53- 54, 57, 6T-63, 83, 85-87, 91-92, 101,10 3,10 7,131,165,19 1-9 3, 196- 97, 199-201,205,210, 223, 227, 231, 235,238, 252-53, 255,257, 263-64, 270, 273- 75, 277-80, 287 Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization, 274 internationalization, in Europe, 138 investment/investors, 90,137,142,150-51, 158,171-73,176 Iorga, Nicolae, 23,199,252, 274 Irinyi Jozsef, Eletkepek, 58 iron and steel industry, output and con­ sumption, 11,37-38,136,140,144-47, 149- 50, 153, 168-69,170-72,229 Istanbul (Constantinople), 31,61, 85,121, 125,130,139,220, 241 Istoczy, Gyozo, 269 Istria, 143,249 Italy, xiii, 9 ,16 ,6 1,116 ,14 1, 220,260 Jacob, Margaret, xi, xvi jacquerie, 2T2, 250-51 Jaksic, Djura, 69, Jelizaveta, kneginja emogorska, 72 Janacck, Leos, Janufa, 67,276 janissary, 26, 28, 31,123-24 Janos, Andrew C., 188,268 Jaszi, Oszkar, 274 Jedlicki, Jerzy, 98 Jelacic, Josip, 111-12 Jclenski, Jan, The Jews, the Germans, and Us, 201,256 Jesuits, 31-33

Jews, “ Jewish Question,wxv, 36,116,118, I63, 172, 193- 94 , 198- 204 , 212- 15, 220“ 21, 230-31, 243, 250-52, 254, 256-60,

263, 266 - 67, 269 - 71, 274- 77, 281 Jezicrski, Andrzej, 169-70 r Jogiches-Tyszko, Leon, 275 joint-stock companies, 142,171,174 Jokai, Mör, Feketegyandntok, 2 0 2 Joksimovic, Emiljan, 234 Jones, E. L M10,139 Jones, William, 135 Joseph II, Josephinist reforms, 34 ,52, 105-7,143,221 journals, 82-83; Arbeiter Wochen Chronik, 136; Balgarski Orel, 83; Casopis Ceskeho M usea, 87; Gazeta de Transylvania, 83; GFos, 256; H azai Tudositdsok, 83; A H et, 67; H las, 264; Ilirske Narodne, 55; K urier Warszawski, 82; M agyar Kurir, 83; Monitor, 82; N arodni Novini, 79; N em zeti Ujsdg, 83; Nepszava, 283; Novine Hrvatska, 55, 83; Pamietnik, 82; Pesti Htrlap, in ; Srhske Letopis, 83; Srbskc Novine, 83; D ie Tat, 257; Tygodnik Ilustrvwany, 82 Jovanovic, Konstantin, 234 Jovanovic-Zmaj, Jovan, 66 Jubani, Zef, 50 Jungmann, Josef, 56; Tezke vybrdnt, 70 Jurkowski, Jan, 194 Kahk, Juhan, 18 Kallay, Benjamin, 176 Kamemlismus, 14 3 ,148 Karadjordje (George Petrovic), 123-26 Karadjordjevic, Peter, exiled dynasty of, 246,247 Karadzic, Vuk Stcfanovic, 28, 48,55,5960, 64, 84,123-24, 204, 210; M ala prostonarodna slavenosrpska pjesmarica,

50; Srbi svi i svuda, 248; Srpske narodne pjesme, 59 Karas, Vjekoslav, 69 Karavelov, Ljuben, 51,64,127, 209 Karolyi, Mihaly, 274 Karolyi, Sandor, 145 Kastrioti, George (Skanderbeg), 71 Katona, Jozsef, Bank ban, 72 Kautsky, Karl, 282 Kazinczy, Ferenc, 52,85, 92 Kersnik, Janko, 280 Kiss, Sandor, 270 Kisselev, Paul, 254 Kitromilides, Paschalis, 122

INDEX Klcin-Micu, Samuil, 53,54, 76 Klima, Arnost, 136,144,146 knaZj 25,122-25,204 Kniaziewicz, Karol, 95 Knicanin, Stefan, 113 Kogälniccanu, Vasile, 277 Kohn, Hans, 45, 93,118 Kölcsey, Ferenc, 52,79 Kollar, Jan, 48,56,70 Kofl^taj, Hugo, 34, 95 Kolozsvar, 79, 271 Komlos, John, 146 Kon, Felix, 275 Konarski, Stanislaw, 2 ; Collegium Nobilium, 32 Kopitar, Bartolomeus, 48,51,55,85 Kornfeld family, 197 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, 94-95 Kosovo Polje, 19; legend of, 70, 73 Kossuth, Lajos, 92,10 7-10 ,113-14,140, 264 Kovaäc, Ante, 280 Krakow, 94—95,98,100, T02 Kralicka Bible, 56 Kramaf, Karel, xiv, 262 Krasinski, Zygmunt, 48,61,62; Iridion and Nieboska komedia, 62 Kraszewski, Josef Ignacy, 194 Kronenberg, Leopold, 200 Krukowiecki, Jan Stefan, 96 Kühne Machine Factory, 171 Kula, Witold, 158,179 Kultsar, Istvan, 83 Kulturnation, 44,57 Kün, Bela, 275,289 Kuznets, Simon, 135

labor force/workers, 11, 87,90,109,115,

135- 37, 145-46,150,159-60,169-70, 173- 74»177- 78,181-83,185,187,189, 197, 201, 207, 211-14, 221-25, 231, 234, 236, 275, 280-81, 284 labor movements, 231,281-83 Labor Service Decree (1680), 19

Lamberg, Franz von, no Lampe, John, and Marvin Jackson, 24,165 Lanczy, Leo, 197 land distribution/tenure, 162,164,205; land reform, 162-63, 275 land law: Ottoman (1858), 241; Romanian (1889), 163,186 landless gentry, 93,187-88, 199


landless peasants, 89,145-46,160,162-64, 211-12, 276-79,280 landlords, xv, 9,19, 20, 9 1,108-9» i4 5 ,159, 16 2-6 4 182-83,185-86,188,201, 212-13, 243,251, 262,277, 279-80 Landry, Adolphe, 215 Language Decree, legislation in Hungary, 106, ui language renewal/reform(ers), xiv, 48-57, 60, 85,92, h i , 131, 2 4 9 Lassalle, Ferdinand, 282 latifundia, 1 8 , 19, 1 4 4 , 16 0 ,16 2-6 5,18 4, 18 6 ,18 8 ,190 ,19 5,19 8 , 205, 207, 212, 250,

253 Le Play, Frédéric, 221 League for the Defense of the Rights of the Albanian Nation, 131 League of Prizen, 131 Lecca, Constantin, M ih a i the Brave Entering A lb a lu lia , 73 Lechner, Odon, 68 Lederer, Ivo, 246 Leitenberg Co,, 147 Lelewel, Joachim, 75-76,96-97 Leopold II, 107 Levski, Vasil, 127 Levytski, Josyf, 117 Lexicon Budense, 53-54 Liberal Party: of Bulgaria, 245; of Romania, 242, 244; of Serbia, 248 Libérée, 135,146 liberum veto, 93,100 Lichtenstein family, 159 lifestyle, peasant and parasitic noble, 32, 182,184 19 1,195» 207,212, 217, 224 Lilpop family, 200 Limanowski, Boleslaw, 280 Linda, Josef, 50 Linz, 14 4 146, iji, 262 Lipaty, Mihai, 73 Liptovsky Mikulás (Liptószentmiklós), 112 List, Friedrich, 107; D as nationale System derpolitischen Ôkonomie, 140 Liszt, Franz (Ferenc), 1,60 -61,73, 85; H ungatia, 61; H ungarian Coronation M ass, 61,265; H ungarian Rhapsodies, 61, 66; “Zur Stellung der Künstler,” 66 literacy, 104,177, 208-9, 231 Lithuania, 2 2,9 6 ,9 9 ,10 2,2 54 257,281 Locke, John, 3» 15, 34, 53; Two Treatises on Government, 14 Ixxlz, 152,200,229, 280-81



London, 7>15, 2i, 37,46, 81, 228, 280 Lotharingen, Franz von, 144 Lubomirski, Jerzy, 118 Lukács, György, 48 Lukács, John, 195, 225 Luxemburg, Rosa, 258, 275, 281, 289 Luz, H. A., 136 Lwow, 95, 257, 280-81

Macartney, C. A., xiii, 184,259 Macedonia, 23,24,29,128-29,131, 247-48 Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IM RO), 247 Mächa, Karel Hynek, 50, 68-69,72; “The Dear Little Moon” variations, 64; The Evening at Bezd_z, 69 Machtpolitik, 116 ,120 Madarasz, Viktor, The M ourning ofLdszlo H unyadi, 73 Maddison, Angus, 40 Magin, Jan Baltazar, Apologia, 76 Magna Valachia, 23 Magyar A llam vasuti Gepgyar (MAVAG), 172 Magyar Tudös Tarsasäg (later Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia), 53 Mahmud II, 121 Maior, Petru, 53,54,76,84; History o f the O rigins o f the Romanians in D acia , 53,74 Maiorescu, Titu, 4 Malthus, Thomas, 9 Mand, Max, 204 Manet, Eduard, 38 Maniu, luliu, 289 manorial system, 18-19, 21, 29, 39 ,14 5, 19 1, 236 Marak, Julius, 69 Marasli Ali Pasha, 125 Marcinkowski, Karol, 100 Maria Theresa, T9,32-33,143-45,208, 217 market, 6,7, 9 - 1 L * 4 , 1 6 , 1 8 , 20-21,26, 29-

3L 37- 38, 44, 9 0 - 9 1 , 1 0 8 , 133- 34, 1 3 6 , 1 3 9 , 1 4 2 - 4 3 , 148, 1 5 0 - 5 1 , 153, 156, 159, 162-66,168-69,170-72,174-76,178, 181,185, 19 4 , 203,206, 237, 288

Mardthy Soltesova, Elena, Potreba vzdelanosti pre zenu, 227 Marr, Wilhelm, D er Sieg des Judenthum s über das Germanenthum, 269 marriage customs/rates, 27,105, 203, 216-17,221, 223-24 Martinivics, Ignac, 86,107

Marx, Karl, and Marxist theories, 2,182, 280, 282-83 Masaryk, Tomas, 263-64, 274, 289-9o/ Maschinen- und Waggonbau-Fabrik, Masonic lodges, 33, 34, 86 Matcjko, Jan, 69 ^ Matica Ceska, 87, 261 Matica Skolska, 261 Matica Srpska, 85 Mauthner, Isidor, 204 May Day celebration, 231, 278, 281-82 Mayer, Arno, xix, 182 Mazuranic, Ivan, Sm rt smailage cengica, 70 McCagg, William, 203 mechanization of agriculture, 160-61,164 mechanized factories/industry, 37, 40,147 Mcchwart, Andrew, 136 Mediterranean Europe, 6, 9,16, 89,135, 216 Mehmed Pasha, 240 Mehmed II, 24 Meinecke, Friedrich, 44 mercantilism, 8,143,148 merchants, merchant capital, 6 ,7,11-13, 18,26,29-31, 53, 87,125,146,163,1717 2 ,17 4 ,18 4 , 193,196,197-98,200-202, 204-6, 211, 227, 233 Metternich, Klemens, 116 Michalache, Ion, 274,277 Michalowski, Piotr, 69 Michelson, Paul, 163 Mickicwicz, Adam, 48,61-62,65, 71, 74-75, 98,100,256; Bailady i romanse, 61; “Books o f the Polish Nation and Pilgrimage,” 76-77; Dziady, 6t, 62, 95; Pan Tadeusz, 97 middle class, 47,48,86, 87,103,115,175, 182-83,190-93,195-201, 204,206,212, 227,230-32, 234,237, 243-44, 262-63, 277, 280 Mihai the Brave, 73-74 Miklousic, Toma, Encyclopedia, 55 Mikszath, Kalman, The Gentry and A Noszty fiu esete a TothM arival, 193 Miletic, Svetozar, 272 Mittkowski, Zygmund, 257 Mill, John Stuart, Principles o f Political Economy, 137 Milosz, Czeslaw, 47,77 Milutinovic-Srajlija, Sima, Srbijanka, 70 Mincu, Ion, 68 minorities, nationalities, 24,104, m -14,

INDEX I l 6 - l 8 , 122, 191, 2 0 2 -3 , 212, 220, 231,

236, 238, 253, 26l, 264-75, 290 Minority Law (1868), Hungary, 266 Mitchell, B. R., 27 Mitrany, David, 212 Mitterauer, Michael, 221-22 Mlada Bosna, 249 Mlada Hrvatska, 86 Mlada Vozice, 275 Mochnacki, Maurycy, 76 Mocsary, Lajos, 268 modernization/modernizing, economic and social, xii, xiv, xv, 25,40,90,102, 104,108—9 ,122,131-34,13$, 142-43,148, 150-51, 155- 59,166,179,183,196,219, 236, 246, 255,257; symbolic, 80 Mohammed Ali Pasha, 126 Mohylnytsky, Ivan, 117 Mois, Roger, 9,27 Monastir, IJ3 Monastir Congress (1908), 131 monetary system, 97,138,156 Moniusko, Stanislaw, H aiku and The H aunted Castle, 73 Montenegro, 131,205 Montesquieu, Baron de (Charles-Louis de Secondât), j, 15,3+ Moore, Barrington, 236 Moravskà- Ostrava, 229 Moricz, Zsigmond, Sdm rany, 276 mortgage credit, 159,197 Moscow, 97,129,139,152,253,257 Moszczenska, Iza, 226 multiethnic/multinational empires, mixed population, 2 0 , 45,50 -51, 57, 77, IIJ-I 4 , 116, II9 , 130, l 3* - 39, 191- 92, 214, 237- 38,

252, 265, 289

Mureçan, Father, 272 Muslims, 131, 220, 225,240 Mustafa Reshid Pasha, 3 Nagy, An tun, 84 Napoleon 1, 36, 41,55, 95,124 ; Code Napoléon, 36,132; Napoleonic wars, 31, 48,148 Napoleon III, 129-31,231 Narodowa Demokracja, National Democratic Movement (Endecja), 255-56,281 Narodna Odbrana, 249 Naruszewicz, Adam, History o f Poland, 76 Natanson family, 200


national consciousness/identity/ community, 39, 44, 53, 57-58, 64, 67, 69-70, 75-76, 88,117,120,122, 128,131,192; characteristics of, 20-21, 28, 44 , 48, 67, 77,1 2 0 , 191- 93,195 National Council, Prague, 263 National Educational Committee, Poland,

33 National League, 255 National Liberal Party, 105 national movement, 58, 82, 85, 87-88,98, 102-7, in -12 ,114,117,119,247,249,261, 263-64,272 national theaters/Jibraries/muscums, 46, 49-50,78,80-81,85,87,109,231-32 national question, 235,262,264 National Socialist Party, 262 National Workers* Association, 281 nationalism, xii, xv, xvi, 41, 44-45, 48-49, Ji, 54- 55, 64, 74- 75, 78, 87-88, 92, 95, 9 8-99,10 0,10 4,107,111-20,122,130-32, 191, 203, 213, 235-38,248, 250, 253, 25558, 262, 264-74,279,285; “nationalized” nationalism, 115,116 Nationality Law (1868), 269-71 nation-state, nation-building, xiv, 7,20, 39, 4 L 43- 45, 49 , 5L 57, 61, 74, 78, 8889, 97,100,102,108,114, II7,119-20, 123,129 -32,19 1, 194, 220, 235, 237-38, 253, 260-61, 273-74,289 Nemcova, Bozena, 227 Nemeth, Laszlo, xiv Nem2eti Munkapart, Hungary, 267 Nenadovic, Aleksa, 123 Nendtvich, Karoly, DieJudenfrage in Österreich-Ungarn, 270 Neppart, 263 Neruda, Jan, 213; Pro starch zidovsy203 Netherlands. See Holland new romanticism, 78,257 New York, 232 Newton, Isaac, 13,15,32; Newtonian worldview, 13,33, 37,41; Philosophiae naturalisprindpia mathematics, 13 Nis, 25,127,153 nobility, noble society, noble attitudes, 20, 21, 32-35, 44 , 81, 87, 8 9 , 92- 94 , 96 9 9 ,102-3,105-10 ,118,144,159,162,164, 181-88,190-96,198-99, 204, 236-37, 253,255,264,273 noble manufactures, 1 4 4 - 4 5 noble palaces, 81



noble peasants, 187,190-91 noble privileges, 32,34,36,39,42,10 5,10 8, 132,143,148,184,187

non-indigenous groups, bourgeoisie,



Norwid, Cyprian, 99-100; Protnethidion, 100 Nostit-Rieneck, Frantisek Antonin, 79 Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), Blutenstaub, 47 Obradovic, Dositej, 54 Obrenovic, Milos, 124-25,126 Obrenovic, Prince Michael, 126,127, 246 Obrenovic, Prince Milan (later King), 246 occupational structure, n, 37,40,179,181, 183,189,194,196,198, 200-202, 205-7, ^ 213, 227, 276 Ocsai-Balogh, Peter, 106 oil industry/resources, 157,173-74,176 Old Czech Party, 105, 261 Onody, Geza, 269

Orczy family, 3 4 Orczy, Lorinc, 194 Organic Statute, 96,187 organic work (pmea organiezna), xv, 99, 100

Orlowski, Aleksander, 69 Orszagos Antiszemita Part, Hungary, 269 Orszagos Vedegylet, 140-41 Orzeszkowa, Eliza, M arta, 226 Osegovic, Metel, 85 Osterreichische-Alpine Montangesellschaft, 149 Ostrava, 149,229 Osvan Pasvan-Oglu, 121 Ottoman Empire, ¡7,19,20, 22-26, 29,31,

35,4 0 , 47, 71, 91-92,122,124-32,175-76, 183, 204, 233, 237,240, 248, 254, 289-90 Ottoman legacy/influence, 164,226,241 Pach, Zsigmond Pal, xix, 20 ,21,22,19 4 Pacta convmta, 93

Paisii Hilendarski, 76 Palacky, Frantisek, 51,59,103-4; History o f the Czech Nation, 59

Palairet, Michael, 27,153,165 Palffy family, 145 Palkovic, Juraj, Vlastiveda, 56 Palucci-Karadjordje Convention, 124 Pan-German Party, 262 pan-Slavism, xiv, 55-56,59,70,104,112,

117, 264; Slav nation/unity, 71,74, 77> 104, 262 Papanek, Juraj, 76 Paris, 2,15, 2i, 46,48, 60-61, 74, 95, 98,. / 109,115,156, 228,231-32, 280, 286 Paris Congress (1857,1858), 129-30 / parliament/Diet, Hungarian, 105-13,140, 189 Partida Jaraneasca, 277 partisan (guerilla) army/war, 99,113,123, 126 Pashalik of Belgrade, 122 Pasic, Nikola, 247-48 Paskicvich, Ivan, 96-97 passive resistance, 105, 252, 261,264-65, 271 patriarchal family relations, 81, 221-26,238 257 *peasant movements/parties, 18, 94,102, no, 125,213, 247,250-51,274,276-79, 280, 284 peasant plots, farming, 159,162,165 peasant society, xiii, xv, 25,26,29,64,87, 94 , 95-96, 98- 99 ,10 2 ,10 7 ,10 9 ,114 ,123, 144,161,163-65,175,181,183,186,191, 199, 205-7, 210-11, 223-24, 234-37,242, 251, 255, 264,273, 275-76, 279 peasantry, landless and well-to-do, 159, l62, 2II-T 2, 279 Pesti HcngermalomTarsasag, 171 Péter, Laszlo, 239 Petofi, Sandor, 46,50,53,58,63-65, 109-10,151 yJanos Vitéz, 65; “Nemzeti Dal,® 63,109; “ Twelve Points,” 109 Petrovich, Michael, 121-22 Petrovic-Njegos, Petar, Gorski vijenac, 55 Phanariot Greek regime, 125,199,204 Philikë Hetairia, 125-26 Piast Party, 102 Pig War, Austria-Hungary and Serbia, 175 Pilsudski, Josef, 258,281,289 “Plebeian Association,” 86 Plzen, 149, 229 Podjavorinska, Ludmila, 211 Podmaniczky family, 34 poets/poetry, writers, artists, 1, 2, 4,14 , 44* 46 - 47, 50-52, 54, 56- 59, 61-66, 6873, 79, 82, 89, 9 1-9 2, 95, 99 ,103,107, 109,128,148-49, 151, 192- 93, 252,255, 265, 275, 277, 284, 287 Polak, 255 Poland, nation-state, partition, 18,20,27,

INDEX 28, 30, 32, 34-35, 40, 47, 61-62, 71, 7 6 -

77, 79, 86, 89, 91, 93- 99, iOi, 116 ,I4 I, 145, 152,156 ,158 ,16 2,16 9 -70 , 174,178 79,184,186-88,200, 202-3, 206-7, 211- 14, 216-18, 221, 224, 226-27, 229, 237-38, 254-58, 275, 278, 280-81, 289 Polaniec Proclamation, 94 Polanyi, Karl, 289 Polish army/legion, 95-99,258 Polish Democratic Society, 97 Polish Folk Association, 86 political democracy, xiii, xv, 14-15, 39,132, 235-37,242,247,259, 262-63, 266-69 Polish émigrés, 97 Polish nobility. See szlachta Pollack, Leopold, 204 Pollack, Mihaly, 80 Pollard, Sydney, xiii Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe, 278 Poniatowski family, 34 Poplawski, Jan Ludwik, 201; Gios, 194,255, 256 Popovic, Jovan Sterija: Milos Obilic, Nahod Simeon, and Svetislav tMiUva, 70; Smrt Stefan Decanskog, 72 Pbpovici, Aurel, 272; “ The Romanian

Question in Transylvania and Hungary,” 272; Die Vereinigten Staaten von GrossÖsterreich, 252 population growth/density, 9-11,19-23, 25, 27, 30, 32-35, 37- 38, 4 0 ,50,57, 78, 84, 87, 89,94,108, iio-n, 114,116-17, II9, 121-23, 125, 127, 129- 31, 145, l62, I6j, 186-87, 190, 196, I98>200-203, 205-9, 212- 22, 224 , 227- 31, 233, 236- 38, 242- 43 , 250, 252, 254, 260-62, 264 , 266, 270-74, 276, 280,287 populism, 32,66, 75,96-97, 213, 251-52, 257, 274-76, 277, 278-79; Völkisch movement, 257 Porte, 53,125-27,129,138,199,241, 264 Porter, Brian, 256 Potocki family, 187 Pottendorf, 135,147 poverty', poverty plots, 12,210,273,279 Poznan, 95,100,257,280 Poznan Central Committee, 98 Pozsony (Bratislava), 56, 282 Prague, 21, 33,56,75, 80, 85-86,103-4,112, 135,151,196,20 3,213,227,229-31,234 Prague Technical Institute, 144 precapitalist^ attitude, 165


preindustrial family, 221-22 Preseren, France, Krstpri Savici, 70 Princip, Gavriio, 285 private property/property rights, 15,18, 120,148, 284

productivity, 10,12,16,25,27-28,37,10 8, 161,165-66, 219

Progressive Party, Serbia, 246 Pronunciament de la Blaj (1868), 252 protectionist measures, tariffs, 7,14, 26, 9 2 ,10 7 , 139- 41,169, 290; Honi Vedegylet, 108 Protestantism, Protestant ethic, 6,20, 32, 43,196

proto-industrialization, proto-factory, 8, 26, 29,

30-31 > 147- 48 , 177, 214

Prus, Boleslaw (Alexander Glowacki), 201, 255,280; Laika, 10 1-2 ,169,202

Prussia, 93- 95,10 7 ,130 ,132 ,143> 152, 243, 260,264 Przeglqd Wszechpolski, 255-56

Public Health Act, Hungary (1876), 217 Puchmajer, Jaroslav, 70 Pulaski, Kazimierz A., 97 putting-out system (Verlag), 12, 30,146 Raday family, 4 Radical Party, Serbia, 246-48 Radicevic, Branko, Pjesme, 55 Radoslav, Vasil, 245 Radoslavov government, Bulgaria, 279 Radulescu, Ion Eliade, 54, 83 Radziwill family, 187 railroad, construction of, xiv, xv, 1,4, 38-40,91,102,134,136-37,141,148, 151- 55, 157, 159,1 7 2 -7 3 , 177, 179,185,211, 232,265,284; Berlin-Baghdad, lines of, 153; Berlin-Istanbul, 153; BucharestPitesti, 154; Hungarian State Railway Co., 172; Lemberg-Cemauti-Suceava, 154; Nordbahn, 151; Orientalische Eisenbahnen, 153-54; Ploesri-Predeal, 154; Südbahn, 151; Vienna-Brno, 151; Vienna-Budapest, 151; Warsaw-Moscow, 152; Warsaw-Vienna, 152 Rajic, Jovan, History of Various Slavic Peoples, Namely, Bulgarians, Croats, and Serbs, 74 Rakonic, Novak, 69 Rakovski, Christian, 283 Rakovski, Georgi, 127; Pokazalcc, 51 Ranki, György, xi, 23



Ratio Educations (1774), 208

raw material production/exports, 90, 134-38» 14 2 , 145» 148,151,156,158, 170, 173- 74,176-79 Realist Party, 263 realist writers/literature, 192,279 Rechtsstaat (stätniprdvo)^ 14,105,133 Reformation, 33,35,50 reforms/reformers, 1-4 ,3 2 -3 4 ,4 0 ,4 2 ,4 5, 5 2 ,6 0 , 75»82, 87, 89, 90-94, 96,99, 105-9, no, 121-22,130,132,134,140, 14 2 , 144, 148,159,162-63,181,184,241, 255,263, 289 regional differences, 161,178-81, 222-23 Règlement Organique, 130 Reichsrat, 259,262 Reichstadt Agreement (1876), 128 Reiff, Jan, 136 Reshid Mustafa, 121 Rêvai, Mildos, 52 revolutions/uprisings, 2-3,6-7,25, 35-36, 46 , 59, 63,70, 86-87, 8 9 ,9 2, 94 - 96 , 97-103,105-14,116-17,122-23,125-27, 129,132,134,181,187,205, 236, 247, 25051, 254-55, 258-59, 262, 265-66,276, 280-84, 286-90 Reymont, Wladislaw, The Peasants, 102, 191, 207, 208,215,225,276 Rhine River, 138,239 Rieger, Frantisck, 103 Rimamuranyi Iron Works Co., 172 Ristic, Jovan, 248 Robert, Florentin and Julius, 135,148 robot labor service, 19, 20, 39,89 Romania, Romanian principalities (Moldavia and Wallachia), xii, xiii, 3, 4 ,4 0 ,51, 68,71-74, 81, 83,85-66,112, i2j, 127,129-31,138,140-41, 153- 54,156, 16 2-6 4 ,16 6 -6 7,171, 174,176,178-79, 184-86,198,202-4, 206-9,213,216-18, 220,226, 229-30,241,243-44, 248-52, 254,259,270,275,277 Romanian agricultural system, 212,251 Romanian National Party, 252 Romanian revolution (1848), 112,129 Romano-Americana, 157 romantic age, ideas of, 7-78,107,151,255 romantic art/literature, xiv, 3,10, 34, 4 347, 50,53-58, 61-64, 66-67, 69 - 73, 7780, 84-85, 91, 97,103, 213,276-77, 280 romantic music/composers, 46,58,60, 66-68,73

romantic nationalism, 82, 87,95, 98,99, 100,118,132

romanticism, “enlightened” (French, German), xii, xiv, 41^89, 9 1 ,1 0 2 ,1 2 ^ 5 7 Rosen, Symon and Mathias, 200 Rosetti, Maria, 112 f Rosetti, Radu, 250 Rothschild family, 151,196 Rothschild, Salomon, 155,232 Rotwand family, 200 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 3, 34,53,97,132; Social Contract, 15-16, 36,106

Royal Dutch Shell, 157,173,176 rural economy/society, 21,145,179,180, 182,184,209-11,224,227-28,263

Russia, Russian empire, xi, xiii, 18, 20,26, 30, 40, 47, 75, 79 , 89, 91, 93- 95, 97- 99 , 118,120,124-26,128,138-39,141,149, 152,154- 55,158 ,16 7,16 9 -71, 174- 75, 177, 184,187-88,216-18, 220, 237-38, 252-55, 258-60, 272, 281, 286, 290 Russian army, 96-98,114,125,127-28, 254 Russian expansion, 112,124,126 Russian- Ottoman war, 131 Russification, 97,254 Ruthenian national movement, 117 Rzeczpospolita, Polish, 92 Rzeszow Conference (1903), 278 Safarik, Pave! Josef, 56 §aguna, Andreiu, 112 Sajnovics, Janos, 52 Sakazov, Ianko, 283 Salonika, 31, 15 3 -5 4 Samanatorul, 277 sanjaks, 24,122 Santori, Anton, 71 Sarajevo, 128,233,285 Sarmarian origin of Polish nobility, 32, 6 2 ,7 4

Sava River, 128,168 Saver, Derek, 75, 81 Scandinavia, 135,220 Schelling, Friedrich W. J. von, 47 Schiller, Friedrich von, 3,45-46, 61 Schlegel, Friedrich von, Ludnde, 42-43 Schlick factory, 171 Schliffen Plan, 286 Schubert, Franz, 41,73 Schulz, Josef, 80 Schumann, Robert, 61 Schumpeter, Joseph, 182



Schwarzenberg family, 103,159,260 scientific revolution, 12-13, 4* §coala Ardeleana (Transylvanian School), 53, 7i Scott, Walter, 3, 46,68 Seccombe, Wally, 221 secret organizations, 86,107,125 Sejm Krajowy, 187 Sejm, Polish, 19, 93-94, 96,188 self-sufficiency, 29,143, *49 semi-nomadic/transhumance/pastoral economy, 22-23, 24, 28,166,210 separation of church and state, 243 Serbia, 21,28,40,54, 66, 8o, 83-84,113, 123-26,129,131,136,140-41,152-53, 157,166-68, 173- 75, 177- 79 , 2 0 4 - 5 , 209, 216-17,222, 246-50 Serbian-Bulgarian war, 132,246

Bartered Bride, The Brandenburgers in Bohemia, Dalibor, and Libuse, 73 Smith, Adam, 12,16,34; Theory ofMoral Sentiment and Wealth ofNations, 14 Sobor, in social banditry, outlaws, 25,28, 205 social contract, 12,14,15 social democratic parties, 231, 258, 262-63, 278, 281-84, 286; Polish Socialist party and Erfurt program, 280 social structure/transformation, 3,15-18, 20,32, 37, 4 i> 64, 77, 90-91, 96, 98,102, 104-5,10 7-10,181 , 183-84,187, 199, 207, 210,212-13, 214-15, 220,228,231, 237,255 socialists/socialism, 115,213,231,257-58, 274- 75,278-79,280-84,289 Society of Freedom and Égalité, Hungary,

Serbo-Croat language reform and unity,

Sofia, 85,128,153,233-34 soil conservation/management, 10-11, 160 Sombart, Werner, 20 Souts, Michael, 125 spahis, 24,26,126,20 4 Spain, 6 ,9 ,16 ,2 1,8 9 ,14 1 Spencer, Herbert, 43 spin-off effect, 167-78 Spinoza, Benedict (Baruch), 12 Srobar, Vavro, 264,272 St. Petersburg, 139,152, 216 Staatsrecht, 103, 263 Stahl, Henri, 23,74,164 Stamboliski, Aleksandur, 279,289 Stambulov, Stephan, 127,245 Stanczik group, 102 Standard Oil, 157,173,176 Stanislaw-August, King, 34 Stankovic, Bora, Necista Krv, 280 Staszic, Stanislaw, 71 state interventionism, 8 ,14,139 ,14 1-4 2, 144,177,243; industry-promoting laws, 141-42; manufactures royales, 144 state-owned estates/industry, 8,141,177, 186, 241 Stavrianos, Leften S., 53,129, 245 steam age/engine, 30, 37,39,146,160-62 Stefanovic, Andra, 234 Steinbeis, Otto, 136,177 Steindl, Imre, 81 Stere, Constantin, 252, 275,277 Steua Romans, 157 Stoilov, Constantin, 245

5 4 - 5 5 , 263 serfdom/serfs, 7,10,18-21,23, 29, 32, 36, 39, 42, 45, 47, 9 i, 93-94, 97, 99 ,1 0 2 ,105, 108-10,132-33, 143- 45, 148, 158- 59, 16264,184,187-88,199, 212, 236; second serfdom, 18,19 Seton-Watson, Robert, 164,186,220, 242, 271 Siedcr, Reinhard, 221-22 Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 101 Simonovic, Maksim, 84 Sina, Georg, 155 Sincay, George, 53 Skanderbeg (George Kastrioti), 71, 73 Skerlecz, Ivo, 249 Skoda Works, 150 Skrzynecki, Jan, 100 Skupstina (Serb parliament), 113,125, 246 Slavejko, Petko, 64-65,128 Slavophiles, 74-75 Slavo-Serbian empire, 124 Slicher van Bath, B. H., 27 Slovak Jednota, 85 Slovak National Council, 113 Slovak National party, 264 Slovak People’s party, 263 Slovakia, 112,222 Slovenski Jug, 249 Slowacki, Juliusz, 48,61 \ Kantian, 62 small-scale industry, 146,177-78,200, 213-14 Smetana, Bedrich: Czech Dunces, Memories ofBohemia, and From M y Life, 67; The




Stokavian-j cakavian, and kaykavian dialects, Croatia, 55 Strasimirov, Anton, Kasta} 205 Stratimirovic, George, 113 Stratimirovic, Stevan, 124 strikes/demonstrations, 267,275,279-84, 287 Stiir, Ludevit, 56-57,85,112 Sturdza, Dimitrie, 250 subregions, of Central and Eastern Europe, xii, 18 subsistence economy/farming, 26, 28, 31, 39>153» 161-6 2,166-67, 174, 177, 210 suffrage, universal male, 185-86,244, 262-63,278 Sugar, Peter, xix, 239,262 Sultan, 24,121,123-28,130 ,183,204,240 Supilo, Frano, 249 Supinski, Josef, 101 Suvorov, Marshal, 94 Svetla, Karolina, 227 Swi^tochwski, Alexander, Political Directiony 101 Switzerland, 38,135,255,287 Sylvester Patent (1851), 260 Szabadelvu Part, Hungary, 267 Szabo, Dezsu, 274 Szacsvay, Samuel, 83 Szantö Koväcs, Janos, 278 Szatmari Paksi, Mihaly, Pbysica contmcta, 31-32 Szechenyi, Ferenc, 34,80 Szechenyi, Istvan, 3,39,91,108, no; Hitel, 3, 90; A keletnepe, 76 Szekfii, Gy ula, 21-22,195, 214 Szentmarjay, Ferenc, 107 szlachta (Polish nobility), 32 ,3 4 ,9 3,9 6 99,103,105,186-187,190,194 Szücs, Jeno, 18 Szujski, Josef, 100 Taaffe government, 261 takeoff, industrial, 38,149 Talmon, Jacob, 73,115 Tancsics, Mihaly, 92 Tanska-Hoffmanowa, Klementyna, Pamiqtka po dobrtj matce, 226 Tanzimat reforms, 121,241 täränism} 277 tariffs/tariff wars, 14, 92, 97, 107-8,13738,140-43,169, 175- 76, 268 Tatrin Society, 57

tax collection law (1889), Romania, 163 taxation/tax farming, 24-26, 98,105,1089 ,122 ,12 5,14 1-4 3, 144- 57,162,164-65, 187-88,198, 20 4 ,20 9 ,2 4 0 ,24 2 ,250 ,^ 9 Teachers’ Association, Romania, 277 technology, 10, 25,38, 90,135,148-4), 151, 160-61,164-65,174 Tcleki, Jozsef, 31 Temesvar (Timisoara), 54,230 textile industry, 7-8, n, 16, 29,31-32, 37- 38, 135- 36,142-50,153,168-70,173, 177-78,196,204, 224-25 Thaly, Kalman, 50 theocracy, age of in Balkans, 75,120 Thomas, Edward and James, 135 Thornton, John, 135 Thum und Taxis, Count, 144 timar system, 24 timber and pulp industry, 158,185,173,177, 202 Tirnavos, 31,127 Tisza, Kalman and Istvan, 189,267-68, 270,272, 288 tobacco industry, 7,158,168,174 Tocqucville, Alexis de, 120 Todorov, Petko, Parvitc, 206 Todorova, Maria, 22,23, 204,24T Todorovic, Stefan, 69 Topolski, Jerzy, 18,145 trade unions, 212,281-83 transportation, 6, 31, 38, 95,135-36, i ji , 153, 158-59,172,178,197, 202, 213,224, 229 Transylvania, 73-74, 79, 83, 86,112,117, 130,172,218, 252, 266, 270 Transylvanian Romanian community, 53, in-12 Traugutt, Romuald, 99 travelers, 28, 41,48,127,153,176,209, 240 treaties: o f Adrianople (1829), 241, 254; of Berlin (1878), 128, 246-47; of Bucharest (1913), 248; of Edime (1829), 126; of Karlowirz (1699), 120; of Kütchük Kainardji (1774), 254; of London (1827), 126; of Nystad (1721), 19; of Paris (1856), 121,162, 243; of San Stefano (1878), 12831,247; of St. Petersburg, 94; of Tilsit, 124 Treitschke, Heinrich von, 59 trialist Austria-Hungary, 105, 249,263 tribal nationalism/myth, 77-78,98,100 Triple Alliance, 260 Trumbic, Ante, 249

INDEX tsars, Russian, 19,93-96, 99,114,123,129, Ij8,162, 253-55, 257 Turciansky Sväty Martin, 263 Turkev/Turkish empire, 3, 71, 85,98,124, 128,131,152,183,248, 289 Tyl, Josef Kajetan, 72 Tyzenhaus, Antoni, 145 Ujedinjenje ili Smrt, 249 Ukraine/Ukrainian nation, 117,257 Ulica Skadarska, Belgrade, 86 Ullman, Adolf, 197 Uniate Church, 271-72 Union of Active Resistance, 281 United States, 141,167,171,219-20,256 universal male suffrage, 185-86,244, 26263,278 urban devclopment/population/market, xv, 21-22,29-31,39, 66, 78, 82, 84, 8687, 94 ,102-3, 139, 144,156,182-84, 187,194,197-99,201-2, 205, 211, 213, 214-18, 221, 224-25, 228-34, 280 Väcärescu brothers, 71 Vacarescu, Jenachita, 54 VahyJevych, Ivan, ¡17 Välescu, Alexandru, 277 Varaser Eisenindustrie A.G., 177 Varazdin, 29, 85 Varga, Jeno, 197, 275 Varkonyi, Istvan, 278 Vay family, 34 Vazov, Ivan, 72,207; Toj e m lad, zdrav\ inteligtntcn, 205 Velke Losiny, 136 Veqilharxhi, Naum, 85 Verdi, Giuseppe, Nabucco, 42 Vershegy, Ferenc, 52 Vla^a Romaneaska, 277 Vidakovic, Milovan, K arija carica, 70 Vidats factory, 171 Vienna, xiii, 2, 20, 4 8 ,53~54,83,103-4, 106,118,130,140,151-52,155,196,221, 230-32, 234,262,265,282, 287-88 Vienna Conference (1883), 153 Vienna Congress (1815), 130 Vienna Technical Institute, 144 Vikova-Kunetickä, Bozena, Vzpoum, 227 village, family community, zadrttßa, 10,18, 23, 25, 75,162,165,174-75, 209-10, 220, 222, 257; moba zndpozaim itza, 165, 210 Vitkovice ironworks, 136,144


Vladimirescu, Tudor, 125-26,129 Vltava River, 79,231 Voivodina, 113,129, 248 Vojnikov, Dobri, 72 Voltaire (Arouet, François-Marie), 3,13, 34, 43, 53, 61, 70 Vorarlberg, 143,146 Vormarz, 107,155 Vordsmarti, Mihaly, 52; ArptitfsAw aken­ ing, 79; “ To Ferenc Liszt,” 60; Szozat, 69; Zaldn fittdsa, 52, 69; Z rin yi, 70 Vorparlamenty 104 Vrba, Rudolf, 203 Vucinich, Wayne, 225 Wagner, Richard, 61, 67 Wandycz, Piotr, 100,162,200 Waririski, Ludwik, 258,275, 280 warlords, 28,29,119,121-26 Warsaw, 21, 33, 82, 85-86, 94-96,170, 200, 207, 228, 230, 232, 234, 256, 280-81 Warsaw positivism, 4 ,10 1-2,20 1 water regulations, 211,217 Wawelbcrg family, 200 Weber, Eugcn, 254 Weber, Max, 20,182,196 Weiss family, of Csepel, 172 Weiss, Fiildp, 197 Werbôczy, Istvan, 32 Wesselényi, Miklos, 3,39 ,60 ,92,10 8 Western imports/competition, 90,134,175 Western markets, 90-91, >34-35,159, 16768,176 Western values/institutions, as model for the East, 1-4, iz, 41, 48 ,57, 90,132-33 Westernization/westernizers, 89,277 white-collar workers, 182,196-97,231,274, 283 Wilhelm II, 285-86 William of Wied, Prince, 131 Windischgratz, Alfred, 103,110-11 Witos, Wincenty, 102 Witte, Sergei, 158 Wodianer, Samuel, 155 Woodward, George, 136 Worcell, Stanislaw, 97 world trade, 90,135,167 World War I, xv, 102,131,134,137,140 -415 >50,153, >57,16 4,16 6 -6 7,172,18 2,19 798,200-201,205,208-9, 228-31, 234, 241, 248, 279,285, 288 Woronicz, Jan Pavel, 71,75



writers, artists, poets/poetry, i, 2 ,4 ,14 , 44, 46—47» 50-52,54,56-59» 61-66, 68— 73, 79, 82, 89, 91-92,95, 99» 103,107, 109,128, 148- 49 ,15 1, 192- 93»252, 255, 265, 275,277, 284» 287 Wroblewski, Walery, 280 Wybicki, Josef, M yslipoliticzne 0 wolnosci cymtnejy 202 Wyspanski, Stanislaw, Wesde, 192 Wzdulski, Konstanty, 116,256

Ypsilanris, Alexander, 125-26,129 Yugoslav concept, 60,129, 248-49; South Slavic unity, 55,113; Yugoslavia, 249 Yunimea movement, 4 x

xenophobia, 77-78,116,118-19,201, 252, 257-58,275, 2 7 7

Zidlochovice, 135,148-49 Zitek, Joseph, 80 Znam e, 4 Zrinsky, Peter, 145 Zwiazek Ludu Polskiego, 98 Zwi^zek Stronnictwo Chlopskiego, 278

Yble, Miklos, 80 Young Czech Party, 105,262-63 Young Turks, 248

Zaborsky, Jonas, 72 Zagreb, 29, 85,111,113 Zaj^czek, Jozef, 95 Zamoyski, Andrzej, 91


Zaremba, Stanislaw, 193 Zarnowska, Anna, 207,223


10/13 Galliard G a llia rd In te g ra te d C o m p o s itio n S y ste m s E d w a r d s B ro th e rs, In c.