This is a study of medieval Spain and its historians, from the chroniclers of the middle ages to the revisionists of the
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English Pages 748 [768] Year 1993
Table of contents :
List of Plates
1 Ways of Looking Back (Philip II and Hermenegild—III Toledo and the historians—Stubbs and Sánchez-Albornoz—Reconquest or ‘Reconquest’?—the Spanish Middle Ages since 1975—terms of reference)
2 The Catholic Century (III Toledo and its legacy—Leovigild and Reccared—Arians and Catholics—the Visigothic councils—the seventh-century episcopate—IV Toledo c. 75—V and VI Toledo—Church and government—Isidore of Seville and Braulio of Zaragoza)
3 711 (King Wamba and XII Toledo—the rise of Toledo—Julián of Toledo—the papacy and the Jews—the silent Church—711—from the Mozarabic Chronicle to the Chronicle of Alfonso III—the rise of Oviedo—Alfonso II, Mozarabs, and Adoptionists)
4 The Invention of the Reconquest (The Chronicle of Alfonso III—Covadonga—cleansing the past—Asturias in the eighth century—resettlement—Oviedo and Santiago—bishops and kings in the ninth century—Sampiro and Pelayo of Oviedo: episcopal historians and the question of royal anointing)
5 Oviedo to León (The reign of Ordoño II: from Oviedo to León—the anointing of Alfonso II: fact or fiction?—the León Antiphonary—evidence from the Leonese chancery—Catalans in the kingdom of León—Abbot Oliba and royal incest—Sancho III)
6 Spain and the Wider World (León and Castile in the eleventh century—the Palencia forgeries—kings, churchmen, and reformers—the Council of Coyanza—clerical morality and modem nationalism— ecclesiastical reform and Spanish feudalism since 1975—Gregory VII and Alfonso VI—the uses of history)
7 1085-1135 (The reconquest of Toledo 1085—the ideology of reconquista—the role of Toledo—the implications of ecclesiastical primacy—the Mozarabs of Toledo: mosque and cathedral—D. Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada and the 1090s—Mozarabs and Frenchmen—feudalism—the imperial coronation of Alfonso VII 1135: fact and fiction—F. de Berganza and the ‘Ceremonial de Cardeña)
8 Aspects of the Twelfth Century, I (1147—bishops and history in the twelfth century—the fate of reform—royal marriages: two ‘models1—Innocent III and the argument from expediency—monks, churches, and the frontier)
9 Aspects of the Twelfth Century, II (Toledo and the political fragmentation of the peninsula—Alfonso VII and Portugal—Romanist symptoms—1147: the apostolic Eugenius—the minority of Alfonso VIII—Mozarabs again—1166: the Synod of Segovia—1179— from maiestas to Christianitas—Las Navas de Tolosa: a Castilian victory—strenuitas—D. Rodrigo's ideal king—Pere de Cardona, foreigners, and Patencia—the cost of Holy War)
10 History and the Historians, I (Toledo after 1182—D. Rodrigo his De rebus Hispanie—D. Rodrigo and Las Navas de Tolosa—the ‘Poem of the Cid1—D. Rodrigo in 1215—Toledo vs. Braga—‘Zucketa1— the ‘Ordinatio ecclesie Valentine)
11 History and the Historians, II (The history of Spain according to De rebus Hispanie—the problem of the seventh century—Lucas of Túy and Isidore of Seville—‘Notule de primatu1—'Liber de miraculis Sancti Isidori1—law and history—history and the historians—the unspeakable Theodisclus—the problem of the 640s—‘Cum longe lateque)
12 History and the Historians, III (D. Rodrigo and D. Lucas—D. Rodrigo and the anointing of Wamba—primatial issues—king-making in thirteenth-century Spain—‘regnum et sacerdocium1 according to D. Rodrigo—1230 and the eclipse of Toledo—king-making since 711 : Oviedo and León—the 1135 coronation again—the history of these years in retrospect)
13 The Thirteenth Century, I: Assurance (The later thirteenth century—the tasks of reconquest—Alfonso X and official history—the invention of the past—1252: the accession of Alfonso X—anointing and invisible anointing: the Alfonsine evidence—Sancho IV and the crown—Gonzalo Pérez Gudiel—Seville and Toledo—Wamba comes to Toledo—the new-model Wamba)
14 The Thirteenth Century, II: Uncertainty (Yet again the coronation of 1135: the Estoria de España—the apotheosis of Toledo—Sancho IV and Archbishop Gonzalo Pérez—David and Solomon in the General estoria—‘felix Sancius’: the sacral reputation of Sancho IV)
15 Difficult Years (Toledo after 1295—social engineering on the frontier— popular religion—the king's bishops—friars—1295: the Cortes of Valladolid—the Cortes and the historians—Libro del Cavallero Zifar—the minority of Fernando IV—council and Cortes—the case for ecclesiastical co-operation— ecclesiastical co-operation thwarted—libertas ecclesiastica)
16 The Fourteenth Century, I: A New Order? (AI varus Pelagius his Speculum regum—1332: the coronation of Alfonso XI—the new chivalry—the mechanical Santiago—the protest of Alvarus Pelagius)
17 The Fourteenth Century, II; The New Deal? (The Chronicle of Alfonso XI and its author—its picture of Alfonso XI—the pope’s foot—letrados—abadengo and realengo—Guadalupe—Alfonso XI enters Seville—1329, the Cortes of Madrid—xenophobia—sovereignty—Córdoba MS 40—Toledo again—the Infante Juan de Aragón and D. Juan Manuel)
18 Epilogue