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Table of contents :
Title Page
Copyright and Credits
About Packt
Table of Contents
Section 1: Getting Started with Design Patterns
Chapter 1: Design Patterns and Related Principles
The history of design patterns
The rise of design patterns
More thoughts about GoF patterns
How do we describe patterns in this book?
Software design principles
Single Responsibility Principle
Open/Closed Principle
Liskov Substitution Principle
Interface Segregation Principle
Dependency Inversion Principle
Software quality objectives
Characteristics of reusable components
Characteristics of high-performance code
Characteristics of maintainable code
Characteristics of safe applications
Section 2: Julia Fundamentals
Chapter 2: Modules, Packages, and Data Type Concepts
Technical requirements
The growing pains of developing applications
Data science projects
Enterprise applications
Adapting to growth
Working with namespaces, modules, and packages
Understanding namespaces
Creating modules and packages
Defining functional behavior
Exporting functions
Resolving conflicts
Creating submodules
Organizing files in a module
Managing package dependencies
Understanding the semantic versioning scheme
Specifying dependencies for Julia packages
Avoiding circular dependencies
What's the problem?
How do we fix this?
Designing abstract and concrete types
Designing abstract types
A personal asset type hierarchy example
Navigating the type hierarchy
Defining functions for abstract types
Descriptive functions
Functional behavior
Interaction between objects
Designing concrete types
Designing composite types
Mutable or immutable?
Supporting multiple types using Union types
Working with type operators
The isa operator
Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia
Proven solutions to common problems in software design for Julia 1.x
Tom Kwong, CFA
Hands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia Copyright © 2020 Packt Publishing All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book. Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information. Commissioning Editor: Richa Tripathi Acquisition Editor: Karan Gupta Content Development Editor: Tiksha Sarang Senior Editor: Afshaan Khan Technical Editor: Ketan Kamble Copy Editor: Safis Editing Project Coordinator: Francy Puthiry Proofreader: Safis Editing Indexer: Rekha Nair Production Designer: Nilesh Mohite First published: January 2020 Production reference: 1170120 Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. Livery Place 35 Livery Street Birmingham B3 2PB, UK. ISBN 978-1-83864-881-7
To my lovely family, Mei, Keith, and Karen.
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Foreword Design patterns are the negative space of a programming language. They are the techniques that programmers come up with to effectively leverage a language's strengths and compensate for its weaknesses. We all use them whether we mean to or not. The classic Gang of Four Design Patterns book took existing patterns that were already being used in the wild and catalogued and classified them. Perhaps even more importantly, it gave them names so that programmers could refer to common patterns easily and immediately understand each other. It gave programmers a lingua franca for the tools of their trade. Whereas classic design pattern books have focused almost exclusively on patterns themselves, assuming language proficiency as a given, Hands-on Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia weaves together both the positive and negative space images of Julia. It introduces the language features that patterns depend on as they are used, making the book accessible even for readers who are not already fluent Julia programmers. This approach provides a comprehensive introduction of the language, while also covering advanced subjects as the book progresses. The later chapters delve into the kinds of sophisticated design patterns used by Julia wizards, so by the time you get to the end, you will truly have mastered the language. Be forewarned, however, as with most of the best programming books, it may require more than one read through before you've fully digested the content. One of the more interesting aspects of creating a widely used programming language is seeing the remarkable and surprising things that people do with it. This includes incredible and sometimes world-changing applications that people have built in Julia—from specifying the FAA's next generation air collision avoidance system, to mapping all the visible universe's celestial bodies, to modeling climate change with unprecedented accuracy and resolution. But it also includes the clever programming tricks that people come up with to make it do their bidding. One of my favorites is the (Tim) Holy Trait Trick, discussed in Chapter 5, Reusability Patterns, which leverages the fact that Julia can efficiently dispatch on as many arguments as we want, to work around the language's lack of multiple inheritance. Not only does this technique get the job done, it goes well beyond: traits can depend on computed properties of types, allowing them to express relationships that multiple inheritance cannot. It turns out that the language already had the expressive power that was needed, it just took a clever design pattern to unlock it.
Tom's background gives him an expertly nuanced and balanced perspective on programming languages and their design patterns. He started programming in BASIC. But since those early days, he's used a broad variety of languages in professional settings, including: C++, Java, Python, TypeScript, Scheme and—of course—Julia. The set of technological sectors he's applied these languages in are equally diverse: finance, search engine, e-commerce, content management, and currently asset management. Perhaps not coincidentally, Julia is gaining significant traction in many of these sectors, especially those which are computationally demanding. Our backgrounds shape how we see the world and sometimes you find a new tool that feels like it was made for you. Sometimes you encounter a new programming language and think This is how I've always wanted to write programs! Julia has been that language for Tom and for many others. Hopefully it will be for you as well. Whether you are just trying Julia for the first time, or have used it for years and want to level up with more advanced techniques, you will find what you're looking for in this book. Enjoy and happy coding! Stefan Karpinski Co-creator of the Julia programming language Co-founder of Julia Computing, Inc.
Contributors About the author Tom Kwong, CFA, is an experienced software engineer with over 25 years of industry programming experience. He has spent the majority of his career in the financial services industry. His expertise includes software architecture, design, and the development of trading/risk systems. Since 2017, he has uncovered the Julia language and has worked on several open source packages, including SASLib.jl. He currently works at Western Asset Management Company, a prestige asset management company that specializes in fixed income investment services. He holds an MS degree in computer science from the University of California, Santa Barbara (from 1993), and he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation since 2009. I would like to thank my colleagues at Western Asset, especially Team Nebula, the DevOps Team, and some of the risk managers, for their encouragement and support in my enthusiasm for the Julia language. This includes Sal Kadam, Chandra Subramani, Rony Chen, Kevin Yen, Khairil Iqbal, Michael Li, Anila Kothapally, Porntawee Nantamanasikarn, Ramesh Pandey, Louie Liu, Patrick Colony, John Quan, and many others. I also want to thank Jacqueline Farrington for teaching me valuable life lessons, such as having a growth mindset and keeping myself challenged. I would like to thank the community members from the JuliaLang Slack and Discourse forum for being so kind in teaching me and enlightening me about various programming techniques in Julia. There are too many to mention here, but the first ones who come to mind are Tamas Papp, David Anthoff, Scott P. Jones, David P. Sanders, Mohamed Terek, Chris Elrod, Lyndon White (oxinabox), Cédric St. Jean, Twan Koolen, Milan BouchetValat, Chris Rackauckas, Stefan Karpinski, Kristoffer Carlsson, Fredrik Ekre, and Yichao Yu.
About the reviewer Zhuo Qingliang (also known as KDR 2 online) is presently working at paodingai.com, which is a start up FinTech company in China that is dedicated to improving the financial industry by using artificial intelligence technologies. He has over 10 years of experience in Linux, C, C++, Python, Perl, and Java development. He is interested in programming, doing consulting work, and participating in, and contributing to, the open source community (including the Julia community, of course).
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Table of Contents Preface
Section 1: Getting Started with Design Patterns Chapter 1: Design Patterns and Related Principles The history of design patterns The rise of design patterns More thoughts about GoF patterns How do we describe patterns in this book?
Software design principles SOLID
Single Responsibility Principle Open/Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Segregation Principle Dependency Inversion Principle
Software quality objectives Reusability
Characteristics of reusable components
Characteristics of high-performance code
Characteristics of maintainable code
Characteristics of safe applications
Summary Questions
10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 25
Section 2: Julia Fundamentals Chapter 2: Modules, Packages, and Data Type Concepts Technical requirements The growing pains of developing applications Data science projects Enterprise applications Adapting to growth
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Table of Contents
Working with namespaces, modules, and packages Understanding namespaces Creating modules and packages Defining functional behavior Exporting functions Resolving conflicts
Creating submodules Organizing files in a module
Managing package dependencies
Understanding the semantic versioning scheme Specifying dependencies for Julia packages Avoiding circular dependencies What's the problem? How do we fix this?
Designing abstract and concrete types Designing abstract types
A personal asset type hierarchy example Navigating the type hierarchy Defining functions for abstract types Descriptive functions Functional behavior Interaction between objects
Designing concrete types
Designing composite types Immutability Mutability Mutable or immutable? Supporting multiple types using Union types
Working with type operators The isa operator The A.
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Modules, Packages, and Data Type Concepts
Chapter 2
We can then take this code and move it to a new package F. After this change, packages A and E would both depend on package F, effectively removing the cyclic dependency:
After this refactoring, when we make changes to C, we can just test the package with its dependencies, which would be D, E, and F only. Packages A and B can both be excluded. In this section, we learned how to leverage semantic versioning to clearly communicate the impact of new versions of a package. We can use the Project.toml file to specify the compatibility of the current package with its dependent packages. We also reviewed a technique for resolving circular dependencies. Now we know this, we will look into how to design and develop data types in Julia.
Designing abstract and concrete types Julia's type system is the foundation of many of its language features, such as multiple dispatches. In this section, we will learn about both abstract types and concrete types, how to design and use them, and how they are different from other mainstream object-oriented programming languages. In this section, we will cover the following topics: Designing abstract types Designing concrete types Understanding isa and 100 ? Val(:high) : Val(:low)
2. Create two celebrate functions with respect to the Val parametric types. They simply use the logx function to print some text. We call it with the value of v so that the hotness argument is passed downstream if we ever want to do more work after celebration: celebrate(v::Val{:high}) = logx("Woohoo! Lots of hot topics!")(v) celebrate(v::Val{:low}) = logx("It's just a normal day...")(v)
3. Build the check_hotness function, which uses a functional pipe pattern. It uses the average_score3 function to calculate the average score. Then, it uses the hotness function to determine how to change the execution path. Finally, it calls the celebrate function via the multiple dispatch mechanism: check_hotness(n = 10) = average_score3(n) |> hotness |> celebrate
Let's test this out:
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Miscellaneous Patterns
Chapter 9
This simple example demonstrates how conditional logic can be implemented in functional pipe design. Of course, in reality, we would have more complex logic than just printing something to the screen. An important observation is that functional pipes only handle linear execution. Hence, whenever the execution splits conditionally, we would form a new pipe for each possible path. The following diagram depicts how an execution path may be designed with functional pipes. Each split of execution is enabled by dispatching over the type of a single argument:
Functional pipes look fairly simple and straightforward from a conceptual point of view. However, they are sometimes criticized for having to pass intermediate data between each component in the pipe, causing unnecessary memory allocation and slowness. In the next section, we will go over how to use broadcasting to overcome this issue.
Broadcasting along functional pipes In a data processing pipeline, we may encounter a situation where the functions can be fused together into a single loop. This is called broadcasting and it can be conveniently enabled by using the dot notation. Using broadcasting may make a huge performance difference for data-intensive applications.
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Miscellaneous Patterns
Chapter 9
Consider the following scenario, where two vectorized functions have already been defined, as follows: add1v(xs) = [x + 1 for x in xs] mul2v(xs) = [2x for x in xs]
The add1v function takes a vector and increments all the elements by 1. Likewise, the mul2v function takes a vector and multiplies every element by 2. Now, we can combine the functions to create a new one that takes a vector and sends it down the pipe to add1v and subsequently mul2v: add1mul2v(xs) = xs |> add1v |> mul2v
However, the add1mul2v function is not optimal from a performance perspective. The reason for this is that each operation must be fully completed and then passed to the next function. The intermediate result, while only needed temporarily, must be allocated in memory:
As depicted in the preceding diagram, besides the input vector and the output vector, an intermediate vector must be allocated to hold the results from the add1v function. In order to avoid the allocation of the intermediate results, we can utilize broadcasting. Let's create another set of functions that operate on individual elements rather than arrays, as follows: add1(x) = x + 1 mul2(x) = 2x
Our original problem still requires taking a vector, adding 1, and multiplying by 2 for every element. So, we can define such a function using the dot notation, as follows: add1mul2(xs) = xs .|> add1 .|> mul2
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Miscellaneous Patterns
Chapter 9
The dot character right before the pipe operator indicates that the elements in xs will be broadcast to the add1 and mul2 functions, fusing the whole operation into a single loop. The data flow now looks more like the following:
Here, the intermediate result becomes a single integer, eliminating the need for the temporary array. To appreciate the performance improvement we get from broadcasting, we can run a performance benchmark for the two functions, as shown in the following screenshot:
As you can see, the broadcasting version ran twice as fast as the vectorized version in this scenario. In the next section, we will review some considerations about using functional pipes.
Considerations about using functional pipes Before you get too excited about functional pipes, let's make sure that we understand the pros and cons of using functional pipes. From a readability perspective, functional pipes can possibly make the code easier to read and easier to follow. This is because the logic has to be linear. On the contrary, some people may find it less intuitive and harder to read because the direction of computation is reversed as compared to nested function calls.
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Miscellaneous Patterns
Chapter 9
Functional pipes require single-argument functions, for which they can be easily composed with other functions. When it comes to functions that require multiple arguments, the general solution is to create curried functions – higher-order functions that fix an argument. Previously, we defined a take function that takes the first few elements from a collection: take(n::Int) = xs -> xs[1:min(n,end)]
The take function is a curried function made out of the getindex function (with a convenient syntax of using square brackets). The getindex function takes two arguments: a collection and a range. Because the number of arguments has been reduced to 1, it can now participate in the functional pipe. On the flip side, we cannot utilize multiple dispatch for single-argument functions. This could be a huge disadvantage when you are handling logic that requires consideration of multiple arguments. While functions can only accept single arguments, it is possible to work around the issue by using tuples. Tuples have a composite type signature that can be used for dispatch. However, it's not recommended because it is quite awkward to define functions that take a single tuple argument rather than multiple arguments. Nevertheless, functional pipes can be a useful pattern under certain circumstances. Any data-processing task that fits into a linear process style could be a good fit.
Summary In this chapter, we learned about several patterns that can be quite useful in application design. We started with the singleton type dispatch pattern. Using a command processor example, we successfully refactored the code from using if-then-else conditional statements to utilizing dynamic dispatch. We learned how to create new singleton types using the standard Val type or rolling our own parametric type. Then, we switched gears and discussed how to implement automated testing effectively using the stubbing/mocking pattern. We took a simple use case of a credit approval process and experimented with a simple way to inject stubs using keyword arguments. We weren't very satisfied with the need to change the API for testing, so we leaned on the Mocking package for a more seamless approach. We then learned how to replace function calls with stubs and mocks in our test suite and how they work differently.
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Miscellaneous Patterns
Chapter 9
Finally, we learned about the functional pipes pattern and how it can make the code easier to read and follow. We learned about composability and how the compose operator works similarly to the pipe operator. We went over how to develop efficient code using functional pipes and broadcasting. Finally, we discussed the pros and cons of using functional pipes and other related considerations. In the next chapter, we will turn around and look at some anti-patterns of Julia programming.
Questions 1. What predefined data type can be used to conveniently create new singleton types? 2. What are the benefits of using singleton type dispatch? 3. Why do we want to create stubs? 4. What is the difference between mocking and stubbing? 5. What does composability mean? 6. What is the primary constraint of using functional pipes? 7. How are functional pipes useful?
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10 Anti-Patterns Over the last five chapters, we have looked in great detail at reusability, performance, maintainability, safety, and some miscellaneous design patterns. These patterns are extremely useful and can be applied to various situations for different types of applications. While it is important to know what the best practices are, it is also beneficial to understand what pitfalls to avoid. To do this, we are going to cover several anti-patterns in this chapter. Anti-patterns are bad practices that programmers may do unintentionally. Sometimes, these problems are not severe enough to cause trouble; however, it is possible that an application may become unstable or have degraded performance due to improper design. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics: Piracy anti-pattern Narrow argument types anti-pattern Nonconcrete field types anti-pattern By the end of this chapter, you will have learned how to avoid developing pirate functions. You will also be more conscious and smart about the level of abstraction when specifying the type of function arguments. Finally, you will be able to leverage more parametric types in your design for your own composite types for high-performance applications. Let's start with the most interesting topic—piracy!
Technical requirements The sample source code is located at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-onDesign-Patterns-and-Best-Practices-with-Julia/tree/master/Chapter10.
The code is tested in a Julia 1.3.0 environment.
Chapter 10
Piracy anti-pattern In Chapter 2, Modules, Packages and Data Type Concepts, we learned how to create new namespaces using modules. As you may recall, modules are used to define functions so that they are logically separated. It is possible, then, that we can define two different functions—one in module X and another in module Y, with both having exactly the same name. In fact, these functions do not even need to mean the same thing. For example, in a mathematics package, we can define a trace function for matrices. In a computer graphics package, we can define a trace function for doing ray tracing work. These two trace functions perform different things, and they do not interfere with each other. On the other hand, a function can also be designed to be extended from another package. For example, in the Base package, the AbstractArray interface is designed to be extended. Here's an example: # My own array-like type for tracking scores struct Scores join join([io::IO,] strings, delim, [last])
The purpose of the join function is to take multiple strings and put them together separated by some kind of delimiter. So the call to the join function in the preceding code ended up using the Party object as a delimiter.
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Chapter 10
Let's think a little bit about how we got into trouble. When we defined the function using our own type (Party), we did not expect our function to be used by any other code except our own. However, that is not true here. Our function was clearly utilized by the string concatenation logic from the Base package. It turns out that we are an unfortunate victim of duck typing. If you look into the source code of Julia, you will find that some join functions are defined without specifying any type in the arguments. So, when we pass a Party object to the join function, it leaks into the original join logic. Worse yet, no error was thrown because everything just worked. It is best to avoid type III piracy altogether. In the preceding example, we could have defined the join function in our own module rather than extending the one from Base. If we are bothered by the name conflict issue, we can also choose a different function name—for example, register. We have to realize that the meaning of joining a party is not the same as joining strings together. All three types of piracy are bad, and they can cause bugs that are surprisingly difficult to find or debug. We should avoid them as much as possible. Next, we will go over another anti-pattern related to specifying argument types in function definitions.
Narrow argument types anti-pattern When designing functions in Julia, we have many options about whether and how to provide the type of arguments. The narrow argument types anti-pattern refers to the situation in which the types of the arguments are too narrowly specified, causing the function to be less useful unnecessarily. Let's consider a simple example function that is used for computing the sum of the products of two vectors: function sumprod(A::Vector{Float64}, B::Vector{Float64}) return sum(A .* B) end
There is nothing wrong with this design, except that the function can only be used when the arguments are vectors of Float64 values. What are the other possible options? Let's take a look at that next.
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Chapter 10
Considering various options for argument types Julia's dispatch mechanism can select the right function to call as long as the type of the arguments being passed matches the signature of the function. Based upon the type hierarchy, we can possibly specify abstract types and the function still gets selected properly. Such flexibility gives us many options. We can consider any of the following: sumprod(A::Vector{Float64}, B::Vector{Float64}) sumprod(A::Vector{Number}, B::Vector{Number}) sumprod(A::Vector{T}, B::Vector{T}) where T