Handbook of ancient water technology 9789004111233, 9004111239

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English Pages [752] Year 2000

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Handbook of ancient water technology
 9789004111233, 9004111239

  • Commentary
  • Pages split, rebound, OCRed, Bookmarked - 2 Pages missing from References - Desperately needs better scanning

Table of contents :
I. Water-Supply
1. Geological Background, Climate, Water Resources
2. Collection of Water
3. Wells
4. Qanats
5. Aqueducts
6. Engineering Works
7. Purity of Water
II. Urban Use
1. Urban Water Transport and Distribution
2. Industrial Uses of Water
3. Drainage and Sanitation
III. Irrigation and Rural Drainage
1. Irrigation
2. Water-Lifting
3. Land Drainage
IV. Larger Hydraulic Infringements on Nature
1. Canals
2. Reservoirs and Dams
V. Water-Power
1. Theoretical Hydraulics, Automata, and Water Clocks
2. The Water-Mill
3. Industrial Applications of Water-Power
VI. Water as an Aesthetic and Recreational Element
1. Fountains and Nymphaca
2. Water Landscaping
3. The Water Management of Greek and Roman Baths
VII. Water Legislation in the Ancient World (C. 2200 B.C. - C. A.D 500)
1. Mesopotania, the Hittites and the Arabian Peninsula
2. Egypt
3. The Greek World
4. The Roman World
VIII. Historical Context, The Socio-Economic Background and Effects
1. The Neolithic and Bronze Ages
2. The Iron Age, and the Archaic and Classical Periods
3. The Hellenistic Period
3. The Roman Empire
1. Index of Ancient Texts
2. Index of Personal Names
3. Geographical Index
4. Subject Index
Technology and Change in History

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