Git Prodigy : Mastering Version Control with Git and GitHub

If you want to master Git, GitHub, and the enriching world of open-source contributions, even without any prior knowledg

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Git Prodigy : Mastering Version Control with Git and GitHub

Table of contents :
Git Prodigy
1. Introduction to Version Control
What is Version Control?
Why is Version Control Important?
Introduction to Git
Other Version Control Systems
Installing Git
2. Getting Started with Git - Command Line and GUI
Basic Git Commands
CLI vs GUI: Understanding the Differences
Performing Basic Commands in VSCode
Creating Your First Repository and Making Your First Commit
Viewing the Commit History and Reverting To A Previous Commit
3. Branching and Merging in Git
Understanding Branches
Creating and Switching Between Branches
Merging Branches
Resolving Merge Conflicts
Branching and Merging Using VSCode
4. Introduction to GitHub
What is GitHub?
Creating a GitHub Account
Exploring the GitHub Interface
Creating Your First GitHub Repository
5. Remote repositories with GitHub
Understanding Remote Repositories
Connecting Git with GitHub
Cloning a GitHub Repository
Pushing to and Pulling from GitHub
6. Collaborating on GitHub
Understanding Collaborators and Permissions
Inviting Collaborators to a Repository
Forking a Repository
Pull Requests
Code Review and Merging on GitHub
7. Best Practices for Git and GitHub
Writing Good Commit Messages
Managing Branches Effectively
Repository Organization and READMEs
Things to Keep in Mind when Working with Git and GitHub
8. Licensing and Open Source
What is Open Source?
Open Source Licensing
Best Practices for Contributing to Open Source Projects
9. Advanced Git Features
Stashing Changes
Rebasing and Rewriting History
Using Git Hooks
Git Blame and Bisect: Tracing Changes and Debugging
10. Troubleshooting Common Git and GitHub Issues
Detached HEAD State
Authentication Issues
Recovering Lost Commits
11. Conclusion and Next Steps
Reflecting on Git and GitHub Concepts
Further Resources and Learning Paths
Appendix A: Git Command Cheat Sheet
Appendix B: Glossary of Git and GitHub Terms

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