Geometric Integration Theory

Table of contents :
Table of Contents
A. The general problem of integration
B. Some classical topics
C. Indications of general theory
Part I: Classical theory
Chapter I. Grassmann algebra
Chapter II. Differential forms
Chapter III. Riemann integration theory
Chapter IV. Smooth manifolds
Part II: General theory
Chapter V. Abstract integration theory
Chapter VI. Some relations between chains and functions
Chapter VII. General properties of chains and cochains
Chapter VIII. Chains and cochains in open sets
Part III: Lebesgue theory
Chapter IX. Flat cochains and differential forms
Chapter X. Lipschitz mappings
Chapter XI. Chains and additive set functions
Appendix I. Vector and linear spaces
Appendix II. Geometric and topological preliminaries
Appendix III. Analytical preliminaries
Index of symbols
Index of terms

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Editors: MARSTON MORSE and A. W. TUCKER 1. The Classical Groups, Their Invariants and Representations.


HERMANN WEYL. 2. Topological Groups. By L. PONTRJAGIN. Translated by EMMA LEHMER. 3. An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Use of the Tensor Calculus. By LUTHER PPAHLER EISENHART. 4. Dimension Theory. By WITOLD HUREWICZ and HENRY WALLMAN. 5. The Analytical Foundations of Celestial Mechanics. By AUREL WINTNER. 6. The Laplace Transform. By DAVID VERNON WIDDER. 7. Integration. By EDWARD JAMES MCSHANE. 8. TheoryofLieGroups: I. By CLAUDE CHEVALLEY. 9. Mathematical Methods of Statistics. By HARALD CRAMER. 10. Several Complex Variables. By SALOMON BOCHNER and WILLIAM TED MARTIN. 11. Introduction to Topology. By SOLOMON LEFSCHETZ.

12. Algebraic Geometry and Topology. Edited by R. Fox, D. C. SPENCER, and A. W. TUCKER. 13. Algebraic Curves. By ROBERT J. WALKER. 14. The Topology of Fibre Bundles. By NORMAN STEENROD. 15. Foundations of Algebraic Topology. By SAMUEL EILENBERG and NORMAN STEENROD. 16. Functionals of Finite Riemann Surfaces. By MENAHEM SCHIFFER and DONALD C. SPENCER.

17. Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Vol. I. By ALONZO CHURCH. 18. Algebraic Geometry. By SOLOMON LEFSCHETZ. 19. Homological Algebra. By HENRI CARTAN and SAMUEL EILENBERG. 20. The Convolution Transform. By I. I. HIRSCHMAN and D. V. WIDDER. 21. GeometricIntegrationTheory. By HASSLER WHITNEY.




Published, 1957, by Princeton University Press London: Oxford University Press L. C. CABD 57-5463 All rights reserved


Preface In various branches of mathematics and its applications, in particular, in differential geometry and in physics, one has often to integrate a quan­ tity over an r-dimensional manifold M in w-space En, for instance, over a surface in ordinary 3-space. Considering M (or a portion of M) as the image of part of r-space Er, integration over M is reduced to integration in Er, where standard theory applies. However, it is important to know in what manner the integral over M depends on the position of M in E n , assuming the quantity to be integrated is defined throughout a region R containing M. Thus we must consider the integral over M as a function of the position of M in E". The main purpose of this book is to study this function, in a broad geometric and analytic setting. Starting with Chapter V, we use a postulational approach. Assuming the simplest properties of what r-dimensional integration in w-space should be like, we are led to a theory which turns out to be precisely the integra­ tion of differential forms, which may be of a very general character. Hence the role of differential forms in integration theory is more firmly fixed, and at the same time the scope of the theory is considerably increased. The subject requires an understanding of the geometric properties of the "direction" of an r-dimensional element in w-space, and of course the fundamentals of calculus in several dimensions. The classical treat­ ment, using coordinate systems, results in sometimes lengthy formulas, which do not make the underlying geometric ideas clear, and whose parts depend on the coordinate system employed. Hence in the first part of the book we give a full exposition of this material, in an elementary manner. The geometric approach is gradually coming into use at present; it is hoped that the early chapters may help in making the methods accessible to the general reader. An overall picture of what the book is about may be obtained from the introductory chapter; we show how the simplest hypotheses lead to the basic tools employed, and we illustrate these tools particularly in the 3-dimensional case. For a more complete outline of results, one may read the introductory pages to the different chapters. Preliminary material that is somewhat outside the scope of the study but is needed in various parts of the book is collected in the appendices. The body of the book falls into three Parts. The first Part, Classical theory, leads up to the theory of the Riemann integral; we include also a study of smooth (i.e. differentiable) manifolds. The early chapters should be accessible to the beginning graduate student. The second Part, General theory, gives a postulational approach. More maturity on the ν



part of the reader is assumed here. In the last Part, we continue the general study, using Lebesgue theory. Except where we consider smooth manifolds, we remain always in Euclidean «-dimensional space E". Since we use normed spaces as a tool, the metric of En is employed; however, the fundamental geometric ideas and theorems are independent of the metric. The study of smooth manifolds in Chapter IV lies outside the main stream of thought of the book; it is included because of its wide interest and application. We prove de Rham's Theorem by elementary means (much like de Rham's original proof). In this manner, the theorem lies close to a theorem deriving the cohomology properties of a complex from abstract integration theory; see § 12 of Chapter VII. For other expositions bearing some relation to our Part I, see the books mentioned below of Bourbaki (for Chapter I), Lichnerowicz (for Chapters I, II and III), and de Rham (for Chapter IV). We now give a brief description of our approach to the general problem of r-dimensional integration in «-space. An''integral'' is something defined over oriented /--dimensional cells, and over linear combinations of cells; it becomes a function of polyhedral r-chains. This function is linear, and hence we call it a "cochain." We define two norms in the linear space of polyhedral chains, the "flat" norm \A p and the "sharp" norm | A j*. The cochains which are bounded functions in one of these norms are "flat" or "sharp" correspondingly. A straightforward proof shows that a sharp cochain corresponds to a differential form, in that the value of the cochain on any polyhedral chain equals the integral of the form over the chain. Thus the theory of a certain class of differential forms is derived from the simplest assumptions about the integral. The similar theorem in the flat case is due to Wolfe. In the case of «.-dimensional integration in «-space, the "flat" theory is equivalent to the Lebesgue theory of bounded measurable functions. To obtain all locally summable functions, one should define a space of cochains more general than is possible through a norm. We know of no conditions expressible simply in the r-dimensional case which lead to differential forms in all cases, and to all measurable locally summable functions in the «-dimensional case. In the introductory pages of Chapter V we give conditions leading to arbitrary continuous forms. See also the introductory pages of Chapter VIII. The domains of integration are always oriented, for r > 0; we have J _ ^ a ) = — ω , or in the terminology of cochains, Χ · { — A ) = — X - A . In theories where orientation properties play no role, we prefer to consider the integration as O-dimensional; see the last section of the Introduction. Since the spaces of polyhedral chains have been given norms, we may "integrate" over any element of the completions of the



spaces, that is, over any "fiat chain" or "sharp chain". One type of flat chain is given by an oriented (curved) piece of an r-dimensional manifold in En. We show this in very general circumstances in Chapter X. Another type of flat chain is determined by a continuous summable function in En whose values are r-vectors; see § 7 of Chapter VI (also § 25 of the Introduction). In this case, an apparently w-dimensional integral may be interpreted as an r-dimensional integral. The differential forms ω coming from flat cochains are "flat" forms. They are measurable functions satisfying two boundedness conditions. Using properties of flat cochains, the standard properties of forms are derived; the exterior differential da> exists (though it may not be definable through differentiation), as does the image f*tο of ω if / is a Lipschitz mapping. Hence also cohomology with real coefficients in polyhedra (and in Lipschitz spaces, see below) may be studied through flat forms (as in de Rham's Theorem). In particular, the cup product of flat forms is anti-commutative, and obeys the other standard relations for products of cochains. The "mass" of flat and sharp chains is definable. In the last chapter, we study the structure of sharp chains A of finite mass. One may find the "part AQ of A" in any Borel set Q. Generalizing the notion of the r-vector of an oriented r-cell, one may define the r-vector {5} of any r-chain B. Now with A given, ¢(¢) = {AQ} is an additive function of Borel sets in En, whose values are r-vectors. It is shown that this set function characterizes the chain A. The theory of these chains now becomes the theory of these set functions. In the theory of distributions and currents in a manifold (due to L. Schwartz and G. de Rham, see the book of de Rham quoted below), one starts with a simple space of forms (cochains), and obtains the currents (which include smooth singular chains) as linear functions on the forms with some continuity conditions. We do just the reverse: starting with chains, cochains are obtained as linear functions. Because of this, the spaces of cochains and chains obtained are quite different from the above spaces of forms and currents; the explicit study of our chains and cochains has little relation to the standard theory of currents. On the other hand, starting with smooth singular chains in a Riemannian manifold and introducing sequences of semi-norms, one may obtain directly by a limiting process various spaces of currents and distributions. This procedure, offering certain advantages over the usual one, has been given by James Eells, Jr., in Geometric aspects of currents and distri­ butions, Proc. Nat. Ac. of Sci. 41 (1955), 493-496. This book had its beginnings in a study of integration in "Lipschitz spaces"; see Algebraic topology and integration theory, Proc. Nat. Ac. of Sci. 33 (1947), 1-6. The theory in Euclidean space was at that time


restricted principally to the case of sharp cochains (there called "tensor cochains"). The discovery by J. H. Wolfe, in Tensor Fields Associated with, Lipschitz Cochains, Harvard Thesis, 1948, that flat cochains (then called Lipschitz cochains) correspond to differential forms, caused a fundamental change in the point of view. The study in Euclidean space now became primary; having found that the theory of cochains could be built on norms of chains, these norms became the basic tool. For reasons of space, Lipschitz spaces were finally dropped out of the book; the author expects to give the theory for this case in a separate memoir. An account of the more recent state of the work (including results on Lipschitz spaces) may be found in r-dimensional integration in η-space, Proc. International Congress of Mathematicians, Providence, 1952. A study of the Riemann integral in a geometric manner similar to the early chapters of the book was made by Paul Olum in a Senior Thesis at Harvard in 1940. A choice of notations was sometimes difficult, owing to the overlapping of the fields of integration theory and algebraic topology. Since the operations of exterior differentiation of forms and of taking the coboundary of cochains coalesce in the present work, a single symbol should be used; we finally chose the d of analysis rather than the δ of topology. We use V in place of d for the ordinary differential to avoid confusion with the above d. The symbols Ν and Λ chosen for the products in Grassmann algebra corre­ spond exactly to the usual symbols ~ and ·~- in topology; see Chapter IX. We shall have occasion to refer to the following texts. This will be done by mention of the author's name. Banach, S. Theorie des operations liniaires, Subwencji funduszu kultury narodowej, Warszawa, 1932. Bourbaki, N. Miments de mathematique, Livre II, Algebre, Chapitre III, Hermann, Paris, 1948. Halmos, P. Measure Theory, Van Nostrand, 1950. Lichnerowicz, A. Algebre et analyse liniaires, Masson, Paris, 1947. de Rham, G. Variitis diffirentiables, Hermann, Paris, 1955. Saks, S. Theory of the Integral, Subwencji funduszu kultury narodowej, Warszawa, 1937. A reference such as (V, 10.4) applies to equation (4) in § 10 of Chapter V; (App. I, 7) means § 7 of Appendix I. The author wishes to acknowledge the permission of J. H. Wolfe to incorporate the results of his thesis into the book. He is indebted to Norman Z. Wolfsohn for much help in the manuscript, and to James Eells for collaboration in revising Chapter XI, for other help in the manuscript, and for aid in proofreading. May, 1956 Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, New Jersey


Table of Contents Preface




A. The general problem of integration 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The integral as a function of the domain Polyhedral chains Two continuity hypotheses A further continuity hypothesis Some examples The case r = η The /--vector of an oriented r-cell On r-vectors and boundaries of (r + l)-cells Grassmann algebra The dual algebra Integration of differential forms


3 5 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 13

B. Some classical topics 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Grassmann algebra in metric oriented w-space .... The same, η — 3 The differential of a mapping Jacobians Transformation of the integral Smooth manifolds Particular forms of integrals in 3-space The Theorem of Stokes The exterior differential Some special formulas in metric oriented E3 . . . . An existence theorem De Rham's Theorem

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 21 2 3 24 25

C. Indications of general theory 24. Normed spaces of chains and cochains 25. Continuous chains 26. On O-dimensional integration ix

27 28 30



Parti: Classicaltheory Chapter I. Grassmann algebra 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Multivectors Multicovectors Properties of Fw and Fw Alternating r-linear functions Use of coordinate systems Exterior products Interior products w-vectors in w-space Simple multivectors Linear mappings of vector spaces Duality Euclidean vector spaces Mass and comass Mass and comass of products On projections

35 37 38 39 40 41 42 44 44 46 47 48 52 55 56

Chapter II. Differential forms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

The differential of a smooth mapping Some properties of differentials Differential forms Smooth mappings Use of coordinate systems Jacobians The inverse and implicit function theorems The exterior differential A representation of vectors and covectors Smooth manifolds The tangent space of a smooth manifold Differential forms in smooth manifolds A characterization of the exterior differential ....

58 60 61 62 63 66 68 70 74 75 75 76 77

Chapter III. Riemann integration theory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The r- vector of an oriented r-simplex The r-vector of an r-chain Integration over cellular chains Some properties of integrals Relation to the Riemann integral Integration over open sets

80 81 82 83 84 85


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.


The transformation formula Proof of the transformation formula Transformation of the Riemann integral Integration in manifolds Stokes'Theorem for a parallelepiped A special case of Stokes' Theorem Sets of zero s-extent Stokes' Theorem for standard domains Proof of the theorem Regular forms in Euclidean space Regular forms in smooth manifolds Stokes' Theorem for standard manifolds The iterated integral in Euclidean space

87 89 92 92 94 96 97 99 101 103 106 108 110

Chapter IV. Smooth manifolds A. Manifolds in Euclidean space 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

The imbedding theorem The compact case Separation of subsets of Regular approximations Proof of Theorem 1 A, M compact Admissible coordinate systems in M Proof of Theorem 1A, M not compact Local properties of M in On redirections in The neighborhood of M in Projection along a plane

113 113 114 115 115 116 117 117 119 120 123

B. Triangulation of manifolds 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

The triangulation theorem Outline of the proof Fullness Linear combinations of edge vectors of simplexes . The quantities used in the proof The complex L The complex The intersections of M with The complex K Imbedding of simplexes in M The complexes Proof of the theorem



124 124 125 127 128 128 129 130 131 132 133 134



C. Cohomology in manifolds 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

//-regular forms Closed forms in star shaped sets Extensionsofforms Elementary forms Certain closed forms are derived Isomorphism of cohomology rings Periods of forms TheHopfinvariant On smooth mappings of manifolds Other expressions for the Hopf invariant

135 136 137 138 141 142 143 143 145 147

Part II: General theory Chapter V. Abstract integration theory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16 17. 18.

Polyhedral chains 152 Mass of polyhedral chains 153 The flat norm 154 Flat cochains 156 Examples 158 The sharp norm 159 Sharp cochains 160 Characterization of the norms 163 An algebraic criterion for a multicovector 165 Sharp r-forms 167 Examples 171 The semi-norms | A \A\^ are norms 173 Weak convergence 175 Some relations between the spaces of chains and cochains 177 The /o-norms 178 The mass of chains 179 Separability of spaces of chains 181 Non-separability of spaces of cochains 182

Chapter VT. Some relations between chains and functions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Continuouschainsontherealline O-chains in E 1 defined by functions of bounded variation . Sharp functions times O-chains The part is summable over R. Then (1) R EMARKS. We could assume merely that ω is regular instead of smooth in R; see § 16 and Theorem 18A below. If dco is bounded, then (c) holds automatically. In the usual applications, P will be of finite (n — 1)-volume (defined through integration; we need not go into this here); then (b) holds automatically. E XAMPLE 1. We cannot omit the assumption that ω is bounded, as we now show. Let R be the square 0 < a: < 1, 0 < i/ < 1, in the plane; let Q be the set of four corners. For each point ρ of R — Q, let 0(p) be its polar coordinate, 0 θ(ρ) ^ 77/2. Set ω(ρ) = V θ(ρ). Then all conditions are satisfied except that ω is not bounded. Clearly dco = 0 in R,

JpW = tt/2, so that (1) fails. E XAMPLE 2. If we weaken the hypothesis about Q too much, the theorem may fail. To show this, take R as above. On the bottom side A, form a closed set Q0 as follows. Remove the open interval of length 1/4 from the center of A. Next remove the central interval of length 1/42

* A very general theorem has been proved by H. Federer, The Gauss-Green Theorem, Transactions of the Am. Math. Society, 58 (1945) 44—76.

§ 15]



from each of the two remaining parts. Next remove the central interval of length 1 /4 3 from each of the four remaining parts, etc. T h e n i s the set of points remaining. Let Q be together with the remaining corners of R. (Clearly we could let be any closed set of positive Lebesgue measure; compare Lemma 13b.) Let be a real function which is smooth in such that

We may construct as follows. For each open interval of let qjf) be the point at a distance above the mid point of Hv Let be the part lying in R of the parabolathrough and Set and set in elsewhere in Define in by its components

Then (a) and (b) of the theorem clearly hold. I f i s the part of R with with top B and bottom Ah, then

and hence

is bounded.



clearly (c) holds. Take any


except in a finite number of open intervals, of total length = 1/2; hence Since

and (1) fails.

15. Proof of the theorem. Take

as in Theorem 14A. We

say is Q-free if in some neighborhood of Q. We prove the theorem first in the case that is Q-free, then in the general case. Suppose is Q-free; say Choose cubes about the points of as follows. For each let U(p) and be concentric cubes about p, with For each be the outward normal at be concentric cubes with center p and one face perpendicular to v(p);





if these are small enough, then we may choose rectangular coordinates in En so that the region is just the region R of 12. A finite number of the U(p) cover say these are andthe concentric cubes, Let be an smooth function in which is > 0 in and is 0 in a neighborhood of (App. I l l , Lemma lb). Set wherever defined. Then the are smooth in a neighborhood of and Set (1)


Consider any first suppose is about a point of P. Since and are bounded, is summable o v e r i s also, by Lemma 6c. By (II, 8.6) and (II, 8.2), (2)

this is summable over



and we may apply Lemma 12a, giving

then by Lemma 11a,

adding these relations gives

We now consider the general case. Take the subdivision of the open (not the set R) into cubes, and the corresponding functions as in § 13. m, set (3) sum being For the overeach all iinteger such that for some Set



Then is Q-free. Since and are bounded, so is since outside a compact subset of P, is summable over P. Using (2) for and the boundedness of we see that is summable over R. Hence we may apply the theorem to g i v i n g , We shall show that (5) will complete the proof. this


§ 16]





If P has finite (n — l)-volume, the first relation in (5) is evident. In the general case, the method of proof of Lemma 6a applies (see also Lemma 6c and 10). We now prove the second relation in (5). Let be the union of all cubes such that for some set Then by (4), (3) and (13.4), (6) Take any Since (see Lemma 6b)

is summable over R, we may choose

so that


Each point o f R is in at most b cubes for some fixed b. Say in R. With as in (13.5), set By Lemma 13c, there is an such that if then there are at most cubes in Since is covered by the c u b e s s u c h that and we have (8) For any Hence, by (13.5),

the sum in (3) contains at most b non-zero terms.


Since (10) Therefore (see (2)), (6), (9) and (10) give


completing the proof of (5) and hence of Theorem 14A.

16. Regular forms in Euclidean space. Since the definition of an r-form in a manifold M requires smoothness of M , and the definition of dco requires 2-smoothness, the study of forms in manifolds in (II, 12) applies only to 2-smooth ones. To obtain a similar theory for smooth manifolds, we enlarge the definition of this definition is due to E. Cartan. We shall need a lemma showing that a continuous form is determined by its integral over simplexes (we could equally well use parallelepipeds). See G. Papy, Formes différentielles exterieures • • • , Bull. Soc. Math. Belgique, 1953, pp. 62-69 (1954), and references given there. We follow the procedure given by H. Cartan, Notes of lectures delivered at Harvard University in 1948.



16a. Let

and suppose Take any simplexes





be continuous r-forms in the open set R,

for all oriented r-simplexes a in R. Then and any r-direction There is a sequence of oriented in R, with r-directions such that By (4.1) and (4.4), for any continuous r-form co,

hence (1) Applying this to and to r-directions hence An r-form in the open set and there is a continuous

shows that

for all

is regular if it is continuous there, in R such that



(we could use parallelepipeds). Then is uniquely determined, by Lemma 16a; we call it the derived form dco of Note that it is sufficient to prove (2) in some neighborhood of each point of R. One could give a definition of regularity without using integrals; see Lemma 16d below. If

is regular, then so is


for if

is an

simplex, then If is smooth, then (2) holds, with as previously defined; hence smooth forms are regular, and the present definition of day is an extension of the previous one. A regular r-form need not be smooth, if r > 0. For example, with set with real functions which are continuous but not differentiable. Then In general, if co is smooth but not 2-smooth, then dco will be regular but not smooth. For r = 0, a regular form is always smooth. To show this, take any point p and vector S e t A p p l y i n g (2) with and using (1) gives

This is linear in v and continuous in p, showing that is smooth. To prove various properties of regular forms we shall smooth them by taking averages as in ( A p p . I l l , 3). Recall that for a set is the set of points p such that and (1)

§ 16]



defined in if is defined in R. Also is continuous, (App. I l l , Lemma 3a) shows that


. Since



where "u.c.s." denotes "uniformly in compact sets". L E M M A 16b. If is regular in R, then (5)

For any (r + l)-simplex


(5) follows on using Lemma 16a. LEMMA

16c. If

are regular, and both u.c.s.,

(6) then is regular, and Because of the u.c.s. property, (2), we have


are continuous. To prove

16d. is regular and I if and only if there is a sequence of smooth forms such that lim and lim u.c.s. This follows from (4), (5), and the last lemma. T H E O R E M 1 6 A . If and are regular in R, so is and is given by (II, 8.6). In particular, is regular if is smooth and is regular. For LEMMA


Each point p is in a neighborhood U such that for some for The above limits are all u.c.s. in V; hence, b y Lemma 16c, is regular as required in U, and hence in R. In order to study smooth mappings / of open sets in into we first smooth them further, by applying B y (App. I l l , Lemma 3c), is smooth, and (7)

both u.c.s.






16e. Let f be as in the theorem below, and let


be continuous in


(8) Take any R and r-vector near p, and (7) gives

For i large enough,

Clearly the limits are u.c.s., and (8) follows. L E M M A 16f. With fas in the theorem below, lei inR'. Then

is defined

be continuous


The proof is similar to that of the last lemma. T H E O R E M 1 6 B . Let f be a smooth mapping of the open set into the open set and let OJ be regular in Then is regular in R, and (10) First suppose that / is 2-smooth. Applying (10) to the smooth form (II, 8.8) and using (5), (4), and the last lemma gives

also both limits are u.c.s. Now (10) follows from Lemma 16c. Now take the general case. Using (10) with the 2-smooth mapping A { f and applying Lemma 16e gives


both are u.c.s. Again Lemma 16c applies.

17. Regular forms in smooth manifolds. Let be an r-form in the open set R in the smooth manifold M. We say is regular if is continuous, and there is a continuous in R with the following property. For any coordinate system is regular (where defined), and Set is uniquely defined, and

If the property holds near p in one coordinate system near p in any other, For if t h e n using (16.10) gives as required.


it holds n d

§ 17]



A definition of regularity, using integrals, will be given in Lemma 17c below. If M is 2-smooth, then the condition of Lemma 16d could be used as a definition. The elementary properties of regular forms continue to hold. We prove the theorems o f 1 6 for smooth manifolds. T H E O B E M 17A. If CO and are regular in the open set then so is and (1)

For with any coordinate system so is their product, by Theorem 16A, and

a n d a r e regular, hence

Iff is smooth mapping of the open subset R of M into (both manifolds smooth), and is regular in a neighborhood of f (R), then (2) is regular in R, and For given p e M, choose coordinate systems about p and about f(p)\ then is smooth. Now is regular, and hence so is (Theorem 16B); since THEOREM 1 7 B .

the theorem follows. A smooth simplex fa in M is a one-one regular mapping / of a into M. Define LEMMA

We may d e f i n e s i m i l a r l y . 17a. If

is a smooth

is a regular r-form in the open set simplex in R, then

and fa





in M if and only i




smooth r-simplexes. Suppose the condition holds. With a coordinate system simplexes in the domain of definition of


by Lemma 16a, and


all and









be continuous forms in the open set

of degrees r and r + 1 respectively. Then co is regular and only if


for all smooth (r + l)-simplexes a in R.

The necessity of the condition

follows from Lemma



prove the sufficiency, note that the hypothesis gives for simplexes regular and

in the domain of any coordinate system

h e n c e i s

giving the result.

18. Stokes' Theorem for standard manifolds. A "standard manifold" is locally like a standard domain. By a partial standard domain in En, we mean a set of sets R, P, Q, which have the properties of a standard domain, except that is replaced by an open set 0. Thus R, and and Q are closed in 0, but in general are not closed in Again R is an oriented open set (which we need not assume connected), and P is a set of oriented smooth (n — l)-manifolds. Clearly the intersection of any standard domain with any open set is a partial standard domain. A standard n-manifold M is a system of the following sort. There is a connected compact topological space M, a closed subset of M, and a closed subset , There is a finite set of partial standard domains, being an open ball. For each is a one-one continuous mapping of into M, such that

There are interior concentric balls Ot such that the sets cover M. Set , where defined. Then is smooth where defined in having continuous boundary values in and (II, 4.14) is finite. Note that the coordinate systems make into a smooth manifold; we say M is oriented if is. By the hypothesis on is a set of smooth manifolds, all oriented if M is. We remark also that since is of zero (n — l)-extent a n d i s finite, each is of zero (n — l)-extent, by Lemma 13a. We may define /--forms in Say is continuous if each is. Since (1)

and is continuous where defined in the definition of continuity near a point of is independent of the coordinate system chosen. Say is bounded if each is. S i n c e i s finite, we again have independence of the coordinate system.


§ 18J



T H E O R E M 1 8 A . Let M be an oriented standard n-manifold, and let be an (n — I)-form stick that (a) is defined, continuous, and bounded i n a n d is regular in (b) is summable over (c) dm is summable over Then

(2) To prove the theorem, we first reduce it to a local problem, as follows. For each i, let be a smooth function in which in 0l and Set = 0 in a neighborhood of - 0 elsewhere in M. Now

is continuous in M and smooth in and

The same is true of Set


W We shall prove (5) (6)

everything being summable; this will prove (2) for and summing over i gives (2) for First, since is summable over and is bounded, is summable over (Lemma 6c, 10). Also outside By Theorem , is summable over and the first part of (6) holds. Next, set where defined in R t . Then and since

and are bounded, so is (outside Also showing that is bounded. By hypothesis, is bounded; therefore so is Since . is bounded, is summable over Applying Theorem 10A to this form and the smooth mapping gives




Since dm is summable over over




is bounded,

is summable

Applying Theorem 10A to the mapping


Since and similarly for , adding these relations gives the rest of (6). By the hypothesis of the theorem, (a) of Theorem 14A holds for the form and the partialstandard domain with Rx\ also in a neighborhood U of We have just proved (b) and (c) for OJ[ . We now follow the proof of Theorem 14A. Using only cubes Uj so small that any touching lies in we prove (5) in the case that col is #,-free. The last part of the proof of Theorem 14A goes through for the present case; hence (5) follows, and the present theorem is proved. 19. The iterated integral in Euclidean space. Let and be polyhedral regions in and respectively; their Cartesian product is a polyhedral region in If co is a continuous n-form in Q, we wish to give meaning to, and prove, (1)

The partial integral (2) must be defined in a generahzed sense; it is not a number, but an w2-covector in . Using s u b d i v i s i o n s w h o s e meshes —>0, and taking we define (3)

using the interior product of (I, 7). Now to be proved is

is an w2-form, and the formula

(4) Given any w2-vector f} in E™2, we may write (5)

To show this, note that, by (I, 7.2) and (I, 6.2),

(5) now follows from Lemma 4a.

as an integral:

§ 19]




To prove (4), take any Set we see that is continuous; hence we may choose

Now let Take If p and


be subdivisions of then

are in the same




From (5) so that

respectively, of meshes By Lemma 4a,

then, by (I, 12.13) and the proof of (I, 14.4),

hence, by (5) and Lemma 4a, Therefore




is a subdivision of Q of mesh

combining the above inequalities gives proving (4).

Suppose the spaces are oriented. Let be the unit Then for a n y u s i n g (5) gives an expression f o r a s integral: (6)

of a Riemann

IV. Smooth Manifolds This chapter is divided into three parts, each being devoted to a basic theorem in the theory of smooth (i.e. differentiable) manifolds. (Definitions and elementary properties of smooth manifolds are given in §§ 10-12 of Chapter II.) The third part is the only one concerned directly with integration theory. Its purpose is to prove the Theorem of de Rham, which gives the cohomology structure of a smooth manifold M in terms of the differentiable forms in M. Integrating a closed form over cycles gives the periods of the form; through this, the cohomology spaces defined by differential forms become the Unear functions on the homology spaces. Moreover, the products of forms correspond to the products in the algebraic cohomology spaces. For the use of very general forms in de Rham's Theorem, see the end of the introduction to Chapter IX. It is habitual these days to treat algebraic topology from a very abstract point of view; using some basic properties of differential forms, de Rham's Theorem becomes a corollary of general theorems. However, the difficulty of grasping the large body of theory required for this, and the resulting lack of evident geometric meaning, makes a direct proof by elementary means desirable. The proof we give is closely related to de Rham's original proof. A proof making use of currents (and also a proof of the imbedding theorem) may be found in de Rham's book. The initial topological study of a smooth manifold JW by H. Poincarii was carried out with the help of a triangulation of M (cutting M into cells); that this can in fact always be done was first proved by S. S. Cairns. Perhaps due in part to the difficulty of the proof, using triangulations has gone out of fashion. However, both for the sake of geometric intuition and for various applications, triangulations are very useful. The definitions and proofs in the third part of this chapter are based on them. For this reason, the second part is devoted to the proof of existence of triangulations. The method of proof should bring the theorem into the position of being intuitively reasonable; the methods may clearly be used to prove related theorems. In the triangulation theorem, we assume M is imbedded in Euclidean space E. That this is no restriction is proved in the first part. The relation of M to the surrounding space is also studied here. This imbedding





theorem is of importance because it enable^ the simple analytic tools existing in E to be carried over to the subset M. We end the chapter with a discussion of the Hopf invariant of a smooth mapping of a sphere into a sphere A.


1. The imbedding theorem. Let / be a smooth mapping of the smooth manifold M into Euclidean w-space (II, 10). We say / is regular at p (compare (II, 5)) if independent vectors in M at p are carried into independent vectors in (II, 11); / i s regular if it is regular at all points of M. If M is compact, we say / is an imbedding if it is one-one and regular. To consider the non-compact case, we introduce a further definition. The limit set of the mapping / is the set of points with the following property. There is a sequence of points in M without limiting point in M, such that (If M is compact, then is void.) For instance, if md / is the identity, then is void; but if / is a one-one mapping onto the open interval then contains t = 0 and t = 1. The mapping / is proper if If, for instance, / maps into a figure 6 in then contains a point i n / ( M ) , and / is not proper. It is easy to see that a one-one mapping/is proper if and only if the inverse is continuous i n / ( J f ) , or, if and only if carries compact sets into compact sets. An imbedding is a one-one proper regular mapping. THEOREM 1 A . Let M be smooth manifold of dimension n, or Then there is smooth regular mapping f of M into , without limit set, if , and there is a fi-smooth imbedding of M into without limit set, if m 2. The compact case. We give here a quick proof that if M is compact, it may be imbedded in some Let be the open ball of radius about 0 in and let be an oo-smooth non-negative function in which equals 1 in is < 1 in and is zero in (App. I l l , Lemma lb). Let be coordinatesystems in M, defined in so that the cover M. In each , set (1) * It is then possible (if to project into some to give an imbedding in see H. Whitney, Annals of Math. 38 (1937) 809-818, Appendix I, and Chapter I of de Rham. The proof of Theorem 1A we give below is a somewhat simplified version of the author's proof in Annals of Math. 37 (1936) 645-680. See this paper for further theorems relating to imbedding and approximation. In particular, the imbedded manifold may be made analytic.





let the vanish in This is a set of smooth real functions in M. Arranged in order, they are the components of a smooth mapping F of M into this is the required imbedding. To show that F is regular, take any say Let be the mapping of M into whose components are, In the mapping has components

thus is an isometric mapping of into and hence is regular there. Therefore and hence F is regular at p. To show that F is one-one, let p and q be distinct points of M. If they are both in some then the proof above shows that F(p) If not, say p is in while q is not. Then and and again 3. Separation of subsets of We prove two lemmas, which form the essential parts of the imbedding theorem. Say a subset S of is nowhere dense in if int (S) = 0. L E M M A 3a. Let f be a Lipschitz mapping (II, 4) of a subset Q of into nowhere dense in Take a cube D in of side length we shall find a point First suppose Q is bounded; let C be a cube containing Q, of diameter Choose k so that Cut C into v equal cubes of diameter then Set Then diam (Q'{) if and hence 1 lies in some cube Dt of side length . Now the sum of the volumes of the Dt is

Hence there is a point (in fact, a cube) in D touching no Dl and hence not touching/(Q). Now consider the general case. Let • be concentric cubes in such that diam By the proof above, we may find a (closed) cube ^ not t o u c h i n g a closed cube not touching , etc. There is a point p in all the Dt\ this is in Given a set and a vector v, let denote the set of points (translation of S by v). L E M M A 3b. Let Q and be subsets of . and . respectively, let f and f be Lipschitz mappings of Q and Q' respectively into and suppose Then there is an arbitrarily small vector v in such that does not intersect this s a Lipschitz mapping of the Cartesian product into By the last lemma, there is an arbitrarily small vector v not in this is the required vector.





4. Regular approximations. We shall show how to find a regular mapping of (see 2) into approximating a given mapping. Let and be smooth mappings of a neighborhood of the set into and let rj(p) be a positive continuous function in Q. Using a fixed coordinate system in we say approximates if the components of the function , together with all partial derivatives of, order are at most r}(p) in absolute value at each point L E M M A 4a. Let be smooth mapping of into . Then for any there is a (i-smooth mapping ofinto which approximates and is regular in If let be a 2-smooth mapping of which approximates determined below (App. I l l , Lemma 4a); if set We shall find in turn so that approximates and the vectors are indedependent i n t h e are smooth in sup I f i s small enough, is the required mapping. Suppose is found; we show how to find Set (1)


are independent in


be the set of all vectors


and let P be the union of the small vector not in P, and shall set

We shall find an arbitrarily


Then for v small enough,



For each since v is not in is not a linear combination of Hence has the required properties. Since is 2-smooth, the are smooth; therefore is smooth in the Cartesian product Since Lemma 3a shows that there is an arbitrarily small vector v not in completing the proof. 5. Proof of Theorem 1A, M compact. Let systems of 2.Choose and set Supposing we shall define in M, so that is regular i n is regular in M.

be the coordinate is smooth. each being smooth t h e n



Supposing we have



we find as follows. Set


For a certain such that:

we shall find a

smooth mapping


Then if we set (2) will be smooth in M and regular in Also, s i n c e i s regular in the compact set will be also for small enough For a certain choose in by Lemma 4a. With as in § 2, set (3)

Then (a) holds if is small enough, (b) holds, and since (c) holds. Thus we find and hence and finally, Supposing now that; we find the imbedding / . Since is regular, it is one-one in a neighborhood of each point (II, Theorem 7B). Hence we may choose new coordinate systems such that (with and as before) the cover M, and such that if then is one-one in denote the pairs (i, j), i < j, such that arranged in some order. Set We shall find smooth regular mappings so that each is one-one in each and such that for each then . Then is the requiredimbedding. Having found , we find as follows. Say Set (4) For a certain that

choose a vector v by Lemma 3b with


set and define by (3). (Thus As before, this gives in M ; then in in particular, in Now For small enough, the required conditions o n c o n t i n u e to hold; thus is constructed. This completes the proof. 6. Admissible coordinate systems in M. We say a set of coordinate systems in M (each defined in is admissible if they are finite or denumerable in number, the cover M, and any compact subset of M touches but a finite number of the (notations as in 2). L E M M A 6a. M has an admissible set of coordinate systems.


§ 8]



Since M may be covered by a denumerable set of coordinate systems, we may clearly find compact subsets of M such that int and For each i there is a finite set of coordinate systems suchthat the corresponding cover (using and the do not t o u c h t h e set of all of these forms an admissible set. 7. Proof of Theorem 1A, M not compact. set of coordinate systems in M . With the notations of

be an admissible 2, set



and a vector

and set


this is a smooth mapping of M into without limit set. Define as in 5; is regular in Since the set of coordinate systems used is admissible, exists and is regular in M , and has no limit set. Now choose new coordinate systems as in the second part of 5; it iseasy to see that we may take these denumerable in number, and with the compact. As in 6, we may require these to be admissible. Define as before; but we use only pairs (i, j) such that and Since the are admissible and is void, each integer i occurs at most a finite number of times in pairs We now define as before. this is the required imbedding.

As above we may set f(p) = lim

8. Local properties of i f in Let be a smooth manifold of dimension n, and let / be a smooth imbedding of in We wish to show how the set of points has a "difiFerentiable structure" equivalent to that determined by Take any set Since / is regular at the images of all vectors v in at form a vector space of the same dimension n as these are the tangent vectors to M at The set of points form the tangent plane to M at Let denote the orthogonal projection of onto , and set Since is regular at hence there is a neighborhood of in which maps under in a one-one manner onto a neighborhood U of in (II, Theorem 7A). Let be the


inverse of . onto


mapping U o Then















identity in U;

thus and are inverses of each other. Both are smooth. and the projection in M are defined by the point set The plane M alone. We may consider the inverse in U, as a coordinate system in M. The corresponding mapping of V into is since this is smooth, the coordinate system in M is differentiably related to the coordinate systems in We may call M a smooth manifold in The following lemmas will be used in the proof of the triangulation theorem. For convenience, we assume M is compact. In the contrary case, we would use a positive continuous function in M in place of the number etc. Set (2)

the latter being defined if L E M M A 8a. Let M in is defined for all

is small enough. be compact. Then there is Moreover,

such that


It is clear that for each there is an such that is defined for in some neighborhood of p in M; since M is compact, exists for some Choose so that


i 0 has the required property. As in (I, 15), let be the orthogonal projection i n t o o f the vector v, this is for any L E M M A 8b. Let M in be compact. Then for any there is with the following property. For any and any vector v tangent to (4)

As a consequence, tangent planes at nearby points are nearly parallel. Since for vectors v tangent to M at p, exists for a given Since M is compact, exists as required.


§ 9]



A secant vector to a point set Q in is a vector of the form a(q — p), p and q in Q, real. L E M M A 8C. Let M, and be as in Lemma 8b. Then any secant vector v to satisfies (4). Moreover, (5)

(6) Suppose


Since is the identity i to shows that












(II, 1.3)

Since is a tangent vector to (4) holds for it; therefore it holds also for v, and hence for any secant vector Now take a n y T h e n v is a secant vector, and hence

proving (5). Relation (6) follows from this. in

9. On w-directions in Now an w-vector there are

Take a fixed orthonormal coordinate system in is given by naming its components a* of these (I, 3). Thus a corresponds

to a point o f a n d vice versa. By (I, 12.7), the metric in agrees with that in A certain subset of corresponds to w-vectors which are ndirections (I, 12). We shall show that is an analytic manifold in Take any w-direction and choose an orthonormal set such that Now take any w-direction such that Write the orthonormal. Let denote orthogonal projection into the subspace P of and set Then (I, 15.7) gives

and hence, by (I, 12.17),




proving Therefore maps the subspace . in a oneone manner onto P, and we may find vectors in such that Now is orthogonal to P, and hence is a linear combination of for some c. Therefore


Now take any similar expression


proving and Thus the expression (1) for is unique. Any choice of a set of numbers determines an w-direction by (1). Hence a neighborhood of in is determined by a mapping of an open subset 0 of into , We use this for a coordinate system in Using (I, 2.5) to f i n d w e see that this is an analytic (in fact, algebraic) function of the This gives an analytic mapping of 0 into which is easily seen to be regular. Hence also the relation between overlapping coordinate systems is analytic, and is analytic. We shall find a "projection" of a neighborhood of in onto details of proof of properties of are as in the proof of Theorem 10A below. Since is compact, we may choose with the following property. For each , let be the normal plane to at p, and set fill up a neighborhood of in in a one-one manner, a n d i s an analytic mapping of onto Since the t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s e n d s w-directions into redirections, it is clear that (2) 10. The neighborhood of M in Let M be smooth in For each let . be the normal plane to M at orient it, and let be its (m — w)-direction. With as in 9 (but w i t h n replaced by m — »), we consider as a point of Orienting the similarly in a neighborhood U of p, thisis a mapping of U into Since depends on first derivatives in M, may be only smooth in M. Phrasing


§ 10]



this statement differently, may be only smooth in M. We shall define a family of approximately normal planes, which will be a /^-smooth function. (For we may t a k e R e c a l l the notations in § 8. T H E O R E M 1 0 A . Let M be a /u-smooth n-manifold in and suppose Then there is /i-smoothfamily of (m — n)-planes and positive continuous function with the following properties. For each contains p, and (1)

Set (2) The

fill out a neighborhood

of M in a one-one way. Set


This is a /j,-smooth mapping of

onto M, and


We may choose

so that, with

etc. as in



Since is continuous in M, we may choose an admissible set of coordinate systems in M (§ 6) such that for a chosen point and chosen orientations of the (6)

Let as in

be a corresponding //-smooth partition of unity. (With then in and Given define as follows. Let be the containing . Orient and orient t h e s i m i l a r l y (this is determined by (6)). Using as a vector space, set (7.1),



the existence of is proved below. Let be the (m — n)-plane through p which, with proper orientation, has the (m — w)-direction If we had used the opposite orientation of then, because of (9.2), the same would be found. Since the and are //-smooth, is //-smooth in M. Because of



(6), and since and (5) gives


we have therefore


(8) Let denote orthogonal projection into (I, 15.7) gives which is (1). Take any projection into

Then, for any v in

Define as in 8, and let For any vector v in write

denote orthogonal

and define the m a p p i n g o f a neighborhood of 0 in into by setting (9) (We may suppose t h e n i n t e r s e c t s i n a single point.) Since and are smooth, so is and so is Since is regular at 0. Therefore (II, V Y is the identity at v = 0; hence Theorem 7A) has a smooth inverse near 0; we may write (10)

Set (11) near this is a smooth mapping of a neighborhood of into M, such that This showsthat, given exists such that the required properties of hold in Hence clearly exists as required. (This would not be so if M were the image of a manifold under an improper mapping.) Clearly we may suppose and small enough so that (4) will hold. The proof may be given as follows. Take Using find by Lemmas 8a and 8c (non-compact case). Take Now suppose Then

and hence (4) holds.


§ 11]

LEMMA 10a. Take and Take any such thai unique point, and



as in


8, and suppose Then intersectsin


if vis in

Write gonal to

Take any unit vector u in Since w is orthoBy (8.3), hence (8.4) gives

Therefore , Also b y ( l ) , These relations give (12). If the statement about intersections were false, then there would be a unit vector u in both a n d B u t then (12) would give a contradiction. EXAMPLE. Let M be the smooth 1-manifold in given by Then the normal line at the origin intersects neighboring normal lines in points arbitrarily near the origin. 11. Projection along a plane. Let P and P' be planes of dimensions n and m — n respectively in with just one point in common. Then to each point corresponds a unique point such that q — p is a vector in We call the projection into P, along Recall the definition of ind (P, P') in (App. II, 14). LEMMA 11a. Given M in let and be as in Lemma 8c. Take and let be an (m — n)-plane such that (1)


considered in

is an imbedding in

We have

(2) (3)

First, let be any tangent or secant vector to Then (8.4) holds, and since is not in Therefore is regular and one-one in and hence is an imbedding. Next, take any

Then v is in and hence Using (8.5) gives




Suppose (3) were false; then take p' e Pj,,η not in ττ' (MpJ. The segment pp' contains a point p* which is a limiting point of points in and points not in ι /(M pt ). Since this set is compact, there is a q e P , ( with ir'(q) = p*. If qe Mp i, then since ν•' is regular at q, a neighborhood of p* is covered; but this is not so. Hence | 71P(q) — p \ — ξ. But M

I ρ — -"Μ) I ^ I ρ — p* I +1 "•'(?) —

< c + λξ/λ' = ξ,

again a contradiction; hence (3) holds.

B. TBIANOULATION OF MANIFOLDS 12. The triangulation theorem. Let M be a μ-smooth manifold. By a μ-smooth triangulation of M we mean the pair consisting of a simplicial complex K and a homeomorphism π* of K onto M, with the following property. For each «-simplex a of K there is a coordinate system χ in M (defined in some open set in 51") such that χis defined in a neighbor­ hood of π*(σ) in M, and X-1TT* is affine in a. THEOREM 12A.f Every μ-smooth manifold M has a μ-smooth triangula­ tion. REMARKS, ( a ) In the proof below, M is a manifold in Em. It should not be hard to extend the proof to show that there is a (curvilinear) triangulation of Em, of which a subcomplex corresponds to M. ( b ) Suppose M is a "manifold with boundary": It is composed of pieces of manifolds Mrl of different dimensions, fitting together in a simple manner. One might first imbed this in Em, and then triangulate it. ( c ) One might ask if there is a triangulation of M with the following property. For each vertex pt of K, there is a coordinate system χ con­ taining St(p{), such that χ^ττ* is affine in each simplex of the star. This cannot be done in general; it is impossible for any compact simply connected manifold, for instance, for the 2-sphere.J

13. Outline of the proof. By Theorem 1A, we may suppose 'M is an «-manifold in Em (m = 2« + 1), without Umit set. We give the full details for the case that M is compact; this will save some minor complications (see below). t S. S. Cairns, On the triangulation of regular loci, Annals of Math. 35 (1934) 579-587; Triangulation of the manifold of class 1, Bulletin Am. Math. Soc., 41 (1935) 549-552. (The affine property is not discussed here.) For an improvement in the proof, see J. H. C. Whitehead, On Cl-Complexes, Annals of Math. 41 (1940) 809-824. J If M, of dimension n, is "locally affine" in this sense and is simply connected, it is easily seen that there is a mapping of M into En which is locally affino and locally one-one; hence M is not compact. (For this proof I am indebted to A. Nijenhuis.)




A fine subdivision L 0 of E m into cubes is chosen; let L be the regular subdivision of L0 (App. II, 3). We move the vertices of L slightly, forming a new triangulation L* of Em, which will be "in general position" with respect to M. In particular, M intersects no simplexes of L* of dimension




r = 0,



2 b ^k '


b k = i f r = L

In §§ 2-5, we discuss a different correspondence between O-chains and real functions. We show that there is a one-one correspondence between O-chains of finite mass and normalized functions of bounded variation. If we replace the function of bounded variation γ by the corre­ sponding additive set function β, defined by β(Ι Λ ) = y(b) — γ (a) (Iab = interval (a, b)), we have the special case η = 1, r — 0 of the more general theory in Chapter XI. We give further relations with standard theorems of analysis in § 6. In § 7 we show how a cellwise continuous summable function α(ρ) in En whose values are r-vectors defines a flat r-chain A. Chains A of this sort are dense in the space of chains (sharp or flat); hence norms of cochains X are determined by their values X-A on these "continuous chains". Using these in place of polyhedral chains gives an analytic rather than a

§ 1]




geometric background to the theory; this is of importance in various ways. More general chains will be used in (IX, 15) and (XI, 14). After some lemmas in 8, we show in 9 that if a is smooth, then the boundary of the corresponding chain A is given in terms of the partial derivatives of this is the"dual" of the operation of exterior differentiation of forms. A brief discussion of integration in smooth manifolds (where polyhedral chains are not defined) is presented in § 10. This relates the exposition to methods such as are used in the theory of harmonic integrals (see de Rham). 1. Continuous chains on the real line. Recall (V, Theorem 7B) that in E1, both sharp 0-cochains and sharp 1-cochains correspond to real-valued sharp functions in a one-one manner. We shall show that a cellwise continuous summable function (App. I l l ) corresponds both to a sharp 0-chain and to a sharp 1-chain. The converse is not true; see the end of this section for a summary of facts. We use here a particular namely itself. For both r = 0 and r = 1, we say the cellwise continuous summable function corresponds to the sharp or flat r-chain A if (1)

for all sharp cochains X of the same dimension. (Define Dx(t) as in (V, 10).) This corresponds to a real-valued function as in (V, 10.14), for r = 1; for Clearly A is unique; we denote it by and call it a continuous chain. For r = 1, given we define approximating polyhedral chains • • • as follows. Given the integer k, choose an interval in so that

Express as the union of a set of non-overlapping subintervals so that t, t' in the same int We may suppose and that each interval of is the union of intervals of Say Let be a number nearest 0 which is a limit of values with int set (2) With the oriented like this is a polyhedral 1-chain. We now prove that. exists, and hence is a flat (hence also a sharp) chain. Take any k, and any For some set of indices j,



the interval

Let and the


is cut into intervals

denote the part of


We have the inequality on mass

outside of

By the choice of

Combining these inequalities gives (3)

proving the existence of Take any 1-cochain X. Since

we find at once


gives (1). Hence 1A. The mapping is a one-one linear mapping of ceUwise continuous summable functions into flat (and hence sharp) 1 -chains. We have THEOREM


and for the approximating polyhedral chains



The 1 -chains with continuous are dense in and hence in Clearly the mapping is one-one and linear. Since

we have Theorem 1 6 B ) . ( W e could prove this also by using a sharp X such that To prove the reverse inequality, take any sharp X such that Then

which gives the result.The inequalities (5) are clear. To show that the are dense, we need merely find one arbitrarily near a 1-simplex and

§ 1]






let and let be linear in the two remaining intervals. Comparing with for any sharp X shows that is as close to as desired (see (V, 10.3)). We now show that the boundary of a smooth 1-chain is found simply by differentiating: T H E O R E M I B . If is smooth and summable, and is summable, then (6) First we prove (7)



choose 6 so that

exists. Since

Then for

is summable, the limit is 0; similarly

Now let X be any 0-cochain with s m o o t h T h e n , (V, 10.16),


which proves (6). A flat 0-chain need not correspond to a summable function if its mass is not finite. There may be a function simply related to the chain, but the chain need not be uniquely determined by the function. For example, consider first the function

with elsewhere. This is summable; even though it is not cellwise continuous, it clearly determines uniquely a flat 1-chain . Since

we may think of the function as corresponding to any of the 0-chains We may define as the limit of a sequence of 0-chains each corresponding to a function which equals




1/i in (—1, 1), except in an interval Q ai about 0, where y> ai = 0; but the intervals depend on a. For a = 0, we may take the intervals with center at 0. Compare (V, 5(d)). There is an extension of Theorem IB to the case that ψ is Denjoy integrable, convergent from — oo to oo; compare Saks, Chapter VIII, in particular, the theorem on p. 246. We shall show in (IX, Theorem 15B) that flat 1-chains in E 1 (in fact, flat «-chains in En) correspond in a one-one manner to measurable summable functions. Recall that the flat norm equals the mass in this case. We show in the sections below that 0-chains (for which the flat and sharp norms are the same) of finite mass in E1 correspond in a one-one manner to normalized functions of bounded variation (equivalently, to additive set functions; see Chapter XI). In Chapter XI we show that sharp r-chains of finite mass in E n correspond in a one-one manner to additive set functions whose values are r-vectors; flat r-chains of finite mass correspond to a subset of these. WARNING : For E n C E m (m > n), there can be sharp r-chains φ 0 in n E (r > n); for instance sharp r-chains "at a point"; see (VII, 7) below. This cannot happen in the flat norm; see (VII, 9).

2. 0-chains in E 1 defined by functions of bounded variation. Our object in the next few sections is to show that there is a one-one corre­ spondence between 0-chains (for which the flat and sharp norms are the same) and normalized functions of bounded variation on the real line E1 = 2C; see Theorem 5A below. We recall some facts about functions of bounded variation. Let y(t) be defined for all real t. Given a set of points i„ < < · * · < tm, consider the expression m

21 v w


~ Ύν*- 1)


the variation j γ | of γ is the least upper bound of all such sums. The function γ is of bounded variation if | γ j is finite. In this case, γ is con­ tinuous except at an at most denumerable set of points; the right and left hand limits exist at these points, and the sum of the jumps is | γ j. We shall say γ is normalized if (1)

γ(—oo) = Iim γ(ΐ) = 0, t—*· — oo

Iim y(t — λ) = γ(ί) λ—>-0 +

(all t).

If φ is bounded and continuous, then there is a uniquely defined number φ dy, the integral of φ with respect to γ, with the following property.



For every and


there is a and



such that, if for each i, then

dy, we may either take

tion with any


or use the above defini-

large enough; similarly

f o r a n d A

different normalization of y would not affect the integral. We say the function y of bounded variation corresponds to the 0-chain A if (in contrast to the definition in 1) (2) for all 0-cochains X. If exists and is continuous, then corresponds to A, as in (1.1). Clearly A is unique. To prove the existence of A, let be the subdivision of the interval into equal intervals of length For any number t, let denote the point t, considered as a 0-chain. (Thus is a number, is a 0-chain.) Set


If (t) exists, then (in contrast to (1.2), the case r = 1) (4)

Let us denote by

the variation of y from a to b, i.e. the least upper

bound of the sums defining [ y j, except that we require We prove (5)

Write corresponding to the parts of At to the left of the parts in Q, and the parts to the right of Q, respectively. Clearly

Take a typical interval of divided into intervals of Letting denote the sum over such values of j, define the 1-chains









we find that side of (5); hence (5) follows. Because of (5),

is bounded by the right hand exists. For any X,


by definition of the integral,

hence y corresponds to A. Let

denote the 0-chain corresponding to

We prove


If exists and is continuous, and sponding 0 chain, (7) gives (as in (1.4) for 1-chains)

denotes the corre-


Since, by (6),

we have see (V, 16.1). To prove the reverse inequality, we note first that because of the normalization (1),


for and for and is linear in the two remaining intervals. Then it is clear from the above that

Now given

choose points

such that

§ 3]






For small enough define as above in each interval if but with the minus sign otherwise; set elsewhere. This defines a 0-cochain with Then

and it follows t the proof of (7).








This completes

3. Sharp functions times 0-chains. We shalldefine a chain for any sharp function (V, 4) and any 0-chain A in for the case of r-chains, see (VII, 1). The following inequalities will hold: (1)


The operation will be bilinear. First, for any polyhedral chain



clearly (1) holds. To prove (2) for so that Say

choose D

non-overlapping. Set


Part of the last expression is simply

. Hence, using (1),

which gives (2). Now any 0-chain. thecase. polyhedral. Then lim set of gives the sup sequence (1)let forA be chosen. Because because Now (2)Say ofholds of(2),(V, in thethe 16.1), limit general applying exists and (1) We is to may independent each suppose







As a further consequence of (2), we see that if not necessarily polyhedral), then exists, and




We give a condition under which the mass of the sum of two 0-chains equals the sum of the masses; see (VII, 3.22) for a generalization. The support spt (ip) of y) is the closure of the set of points where is not zero. L E M M A 3a. For any sharp and 0-chain A in (5)


dist (spt

We suppose that are finite; an easy modification of the proof takes care of the contrary case. Given choose. so that i = 1, 2. The definition of rp{A shows that if we alter outside will be unchanged. Hence we may suppose outside a set with Now a n d t o g e t h e r form a sharp function, and hence a 0-cochain X, with Hence proving

in (5). The reverse inequality is clear, and the lemma is proved.

4. The part of a chain of finite mass. Given a 0-chain A of finite mass in and a number T, we shall define the "part of A which is We shall define the part of an r-chain of finite mass (defined in En) which lies in a given Borel set in (XI, 13). E X A M P L E (a). Let A = T (notation in 2 ) . Then naturally the part of A which is is 0, while the part is A ^ 0. If A is continuous (see § 1), it is easy to see with the definition below that the part equals the part E X A M P L E (b). Let A be the 0-chain in Example (c) of (V, 5). We cannot define divergent. EXAMPLE

for it would have to consist o f , w h i c h (C).

so that


as in (V, 5(c)), set We cannot d e f i n e t o

then be

for With T fixed, define continuous functions (1)


as follows:

§ 41

and let


sufficient to insure that w be a flat form. The condition of8 will appear in a form using coordinate intervals instead of simplexes. A coordinate interval of t y p e i s defined by a set of relations

Say an s-interval is Q-good if and each is measurable in A; it is Q-excellent if it and each of its faces of dimension is Q-good. For any set (1)

using all full sequences of Q-excellent intervals of type containing p and converging to p. The integral over each face of uses the corresponding component T H E O R E M 9A. Let the be bounded measurable functions, defined in the open set Let be bounded in R. Then the are components of aflat r-form in R, and hence define uniquely a flat r-cochain in R. The flat r-cochains in R correspond to the equivalence classes of sets of in R. Say We show first that (2) Suppose not; say

for Q-excellent coordinate intervals A. A of type

We may find

§ 9]




a coordinate r-interval Bi cutting A approximately in half, so that is Q-good, being orthogonal to for i = 1, • • •, r + 1. Thus A is cut into Q-excellent intervals each approximately of the same shape as A. As in the proof of Theorem 8A, for some i. Cut Au into Q-excellent intervals etc. As in the proof of Theorem 8A, we are led to a contradiction with (1). For any we shall show that is a flat r-form in with fixed bounds N, N' f o r t h e n the same is true in R itself. For each we may define the p-average of (App. Ill, 3). Set this is a smooth r-form in There is a set with and (3)


correspond to

(V, Theorem 10A); then

corresponds to

Theorem 10B). We shall find a bound for First, take any coordinate (r -f l)-interval A. With slightly condensed notation, we have

compare the proof of (5.6). Applying (2) gives (since almost all the are Q-excellent) Given and using a full sequence of intervals of type fi shows that Hence by (I, 13.3), (I, 12.18) (for covectors) and (V, 10.4), (4)

We now prove (c) of

6, using Q. Since

using (3)

gives, for any Q-excellent

Hence is a flat r-form in is clear.

and hence in R. The rest of the theorem







In the plane, set

Then is flat, but is not, as we see by considering small squares with diagonal on the line x + y — 0. 10. Approximation to by In the definition (4.1) of sequences of simplexes were used, each simplex having p as a vertex. The limit might not exist if more general p-full sequences were used. However, for given p, if the covector exists, then exists, for all using p-full sequences, as the following theorem shows. For r = n, the theorem is standard (App. Ill, 5); for r = 0, it is trivial. As an application of the theorem, we find the theorem on total differentiability of the next section. THEOREM 1 0 A . Let X be a flat r-cochain in the open set Let be such that exists for all r-directions and is extendable to aU r-vectors defining an r-covector Then for each and there is with the following property. For any r-simplex (1)

Dividing by



Suppose the hypothesis holds, restricting a to he in a plane containing p. Then the conclusion holds, restricting to lie in For we need merely apply the theorem to X, restricted to the open subset of the space We first define the affine approximation W to X at p, by REMARK.


any flat r-chain A in

Using (III, 2.3), we find (4)

Because of (4), IT is a sharp cochain. (It is a coboundary; see (VII, Lemma 10b).) We start by proving a special case of the theorem: LEMMA 10a. The theorem holds if we require that a have p as a vertex. With as in (3.9), choose r-directions such that any r-direction is within o f o n e of these. Using and choose to satisfy (4.2). Let be the smallest of Now take any a with p as vertex, satisfying the last relations in (1). Choose i so that



and let


denote the projection o n t o S u p p o s i n g

(3.10) gives, if

the same inequality holds with W, because of (4). By (4.5), Therefore, by the choice of and the definition of TV, These inequalities give (2). We now prove the theorem. Set

Choose by the lemma, with and t] replaced by and respectively. Now take any with denote the (r — 1)-faces of a, and define the s i m p l e x e s ( s o m e may be degenerate). We shall show that (5)

Given i, suppose first that

Then the lemma gives

Moreover, using (2.4), these inequalities give (5). Suppose next that


and hence these give (5) again. We have, furthermore, Since (App. II, 10.3)

and dW = 0,

Combining this with the above inequalities gives (1), completing the proof. 11. Total differentiability of Lipschitz functions. As an application of

Theorem 10A, we shall prove Rademacher's Theorem:* * H. Rademacher, Ueber partielle und totale Differenzierbarkeit I, Math. Ann. 79 (1919) 340-359. See S. Saks, p. 311.





T H E O R E M 1 1 A . Letf(p) be a real valued function in an open set which satisfies a Lipschitz condition. Then there is a measurable set with such that: (a) For each exists (II, 1.1) and is linear in v. (b) is measurable in R; that isl each is. (c) For each there is with the following property:


If we prove the theorem in any open bounded part of R, it will follow for R. Set Y-p =f(p) in R'; this defines a flat 0-cochain Y in Theorem 4B). Set X — dY. Let Q be the set where exists; by Theorem 5A, | R — Q \ = 0. We shall show that (2)

Set is in

Then if t is small enough so that ppt

Property (a) now holds; (b) follows from Theorem 5A. To prove (c), given set by Theorem 10A, using Now take any may suppose then

and choose as in (1). We

and hence diam Then and the above inequality gives Hence we may apply (10.1), which gives (1), completing the proof. THEOREM 11B. Let f be a mapping of an open set into which satisfies Lipschitz condition. Then for some Q with the following is true. exists and is linear in is measurable in R\ property (c) of Theorem 11A holds. On writing f(p) in terms of its components in an affine coordinate system, as in (II, 5.20), the theorem follows at once by applying the last theorem to each 12. On the exterior differential of r-forms. Let a) be a flat r-form in the open set Let be the corresponding flat r-cochain in R. Write By Theorem 7C, we have (6)

§ 12]


We can define




by the formula


it is a fiat form, defined a.e. in R, and Because of (1) and (2).



Because of Theorem 5A and (2), we have Stokes' Theorem for the flat forms Dx: (4)

all simplexes


We could replace a by more general regions by the methods of Chapters III and X. For flat forms define (see (App. I l l , 5.1)) (5)

Then, by (5.3), (6)

if X and a> are associated.

Let be flat r-form in the convex open set and let in R. Then there is a flat in R such that in R. Set then By (VII, Lemma 10b), there is a flat (r — l)-cochain Y in R with dY = X. Set Then by (3) and (1), THEOREM 1 2 A .

a.e. Recall the analytical formula (II, 8.1) for the moment:

which we call



We shall show that for sharp forms (V, 10), this has meaning and equals a.e. T H E O R E M 1 2 B . Let be a sharp r-form in the, open set Then is a flat form, and equals in R. Let then is the (r + l)-form corresponding to dX. By Theorem 11B, there is a set with and with the following property: For the mapping of R into exists and is linear in v, for it is measurable, and satisfies (c) of Theorem 11A in Q. Now is linear in all the vectors for hence is an covector It is measurable in R. Let





denote the component If we show that for each a.e. in R, the theorem will follow. First we show the following. Let be any plane with the direction of and with such that is measurable in Then for any and there is a with the following property. Let A be any coordinate interval in Then (8) Set and choose for by Theorem 11B. Let be the edge vectors of A. Let be the faces of A ; then

Take any





diam (A). Then


Therefore, applying (11.1) to to, and hence Letting p run over and integrating gives summing over i gives (8), since Take a plane orthogonal to For almost all has the properties of above. Take any and let be a full sequence of intervals as above. Then (10.1) (applied to the regular subdivision of each At) and (8) give Hence completes the proof.a.e. i





consequently a.e. in R. This





13. On averages of r-forms. Given the flat r-form average in Let Since Therefore also, by (12.1),

let be its a.e., (5.6) gives

Thus (1)

These relations, with (12.2) and (5.5), give (2)

Given and let f be the mapping which agrees with / at the vertices and is afline in each ak. We must require the ak to be reasonably shaped; see the example of Schwarz mentioned in (IV, 14). Then the f'ak are in general close to the fak, both in position and direction, and the polyhedral chain f'A is an approximation to the desired chain fA. We define fA = Iim^ ftA, for a sequence of such approxi­ m a t i o n s . T o s h o w t h a t I f i A — f ( A Jb i s s m a l l f o r l a r g e i , j , d e f o r m f t into fj along line segments; this defines a mapping F of I x P into Em (I = unit interval). The image F(IxP) is not polyhedral in general; but with a simplexwise afline approximation F' to F, we obtain polyhedral chains F'(IXA), F1(IxdA), of small mass, which may be used to give the desired result. Next we consider Lipschitz mappings / of open sets (see above). If / maps En into Em, we do not need the considerations of Chapter VIII; but the proofs in the general case are hardly more difficult. For an example of the situation we deal with, let R be the set of all points (r, 0) in the plane (using polar coordinates) such that 0 < 0 < 2n, r~> 0; set f(r, 0) = (r, 0/2). This is not Lipschitz; for the points (1, 0), (1, In — 0), for θ small, are close together, but are mapped into points not close together. But if we use a new metric in R, with distance between two




points equal to the lower bound of lengths of curves in R joining them, then with this metric, / is Lipschitz; we say that / is "ii-Lipschitz". If this conditions holds, then flat chains A of R go into flat chains f A of 8 , as noted above. Besides the usual properties of mappings, we give a continuity theorem. The theory of f*X for flat cochains X in S follows easily. Let ω be a flat r-form in S . Then there is a corresponding flat r-cochain X in S, this gives a flat cochain X* = f*X in R, and this corresponds to a flat form D x , in R , which we call f*a>. The desired properties of this f * hold; in particular, df*m = f*doj. In the usual analytical formulation, both ω and / are assumed differentiable. Though one cannot expect the analytical formula for /*co to have meaning for a general flat to, we prove (Theorem 9B) that if we replace ω by the equivalent flat form Dx, then the formula actually gives f* 0), f(x) = 0 (ζ has values in a Euclidean space E', we may introduce an orthonormal coordinate system into E', and apply the lemma to each coordinate separately, thus obtaining it for For is assumed merely to be continuous. We may phrase the conclusion in the form approximates to in together with partial derivatives of order with an error or, approximates j

Choose so that Take a cubical subdivision of with cubes of diameter and let P be the set of all points of cubes touching then Set in P and in ; then in . For any ' is defined as in § 3, and is oo-smooth in For m = 0, we may use for a sufficiently small , as follows directly from Lemma 3a. For use integration by parts in (3.13) to give (1)

that is,

Applying Lemma 3a to each of • • • shows that we may use again. Repeating the process gives the lemma for general m.

5. Lebesgue theory. In the last chapters of the book, we assume a familiarity with the Lebesgue integral. We describe here a few terms and facts of special importance. We write "a.e." for "almost everywhere" (everywhere except in a set of measure 0). In Chapters I X and X , the term "measurable" means "Lebesgue measurable"; we let denote the measure of the set However, we often consider an s-plane in the space if we say ' is measurable in P*", we mean that considering in Ps alone, is measurable there. Also, if we let denote the Lebesgue measure of Q, using measure in the space P'. If is a real measurable function defined in the measurable set Q, we let denote its essential supremum: (1)

this agrees with the former definition if is continuous or cellwise continuous. The definition is the same if has values in a normed linear space. If has values in or . and we use mass or comass as norm (I, 13), we write in place of The theorem on term by term integration is important: Suppose is measurable and summable in the measurable set




are measurable in R






R, and lim

a.e. in R. Then

We recall some facts from the theory of derivation (see Saks, Chapter IV). For a bounded measurable set set (2)

(see (IV, 14), (IX, 2)). Let in the measurable set. (3)

be a countably additive real set function such that for some N, all measurable

or more generally, assume that is absolutely continuous. For any take any sequence of measurable sets in R which contain