Festival Of Light Workshop available Here: https://my.mail.ru/mail/azurtanya/video/306
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Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
Festival of Light Phoenix - January 2, 2007 We just got in what's going to be the subject matter of this workshop. As often happens, we have no idea what we are supposed to be teaching until now, because it's been on security clearance and it's getting tighter and tighter, and by the end of today's workshop we should understand at least what's that's about. Now, for anyone that doesn‟t know - I know there are a lot of newcomers here this time - I am Asha Deane and this is Aza Deane, and we are Speakers on behalf of numerous Councils that are the Kristic Councils. I won't go into who they are, because it will take me til tomorrow to list them at this point. Now... if you are new people, I hope you've done some modules or something, so we just don't lose you in the vast... most of the time when we're dealing with the subject matter like we have to today, we would put a prequalification on the workshop, so we don't lose people. That's not to keep new people out. It's so we don't lose you when you come and say 'what in the world are they talking about?' This one was so important, as far as what is taking place with the planetary energy systems today and tomorrow, and the next day, that they didn't put any prequalifications on coming to this workshop, because it is a very safe place to be at the moment, as far as certain things that are happening energetically on the planet, and it is also... there was a calling put out from a group called the Aquari, and the Aquari put out a call on a set of frequencies that are called the Krystal River frequencies. The people who showed up here - some of them haven't seen the work probably before or hardly at all, but they have coding within their DNA templates that correspond with the Krystal River frequencies. They were kind of nudged to go, 'ok, we'll go to that workshop.' So we needed to keep it open for that purpose. So if you are new here and we start to lose you as far as how much information you might have about any of this, please know the information - the workshops that have come before this have sometimes in minute detail explained all sorts of things that you will hear briefly referred to today. What‟s most important by the end of this workshop is getting all of us to have at least a common understanding of the fact that there are extremely significant energy activations taking place in the planetary shields, which means in the planetary energy body and Krystal body, between now - well it started actually about a week ago, but they are building, and they will reach a crescendo between this afternoon and four days from now. Now, these are not all positive activations. If you are not familiar with the work, please don‟t be frightened if you hear us talk about black holes and Beast machines and those kinds of things. These have been technically described and explained, and the history around them has been technically described and explained to the point where I am really tired of history and probably also the people who have been here a long time are. We are not talking out of our hats. We are not making stuff up. We have a lot of info to back up what we‟re talking about. What is important right now is to recognize - we are at a certain stage on this planet, in a drama. Most of the people on this planet right now are in a condition called sleeping. They do not remember where they came from. They do not remember their soul history, their race history. They have been, since the Atlantian period, which last round was 9558 BC since that period there has been a memory wipeout here and the races have been raised under an illusion that tells them they are alone in the universe. They‟ve been raised on an illusion that tells them they evolved from apes. They are raised on an illusion that tells them they are in a God-less cosmos, and everything just kind of happened by accident when a few hydrogen atoms collided with each other and set in motion a Big Bang. What‟s interesting now is even science and its theories of quantum physics are beginning to understand that the Big Bang itself is a theory that was based upon a cosmic soup… and what it did to evolve and become what is here now. Now, there‟s nothing wrong with that theory, but even now they are recognizing, Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 1 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
and I believe it was in one of the new Discover magazines, not the usual one that is on the newsstand there is a special edition that had all sorts of photos of things from Hubble and whatever the other things are floating around up there taking pictures in outer space, and it was an astronomy issue. They had some very interesting theories in that and another magazine that came out about the same time about six months ago. There‟s something that they refer to as vacuum energy. Now vacuum energy in the way science is using it, is described to be a type of dark energy, or black matter, or black energy that you can‟t see but its influence is perceivable. That is the point that they are seeing now, from which the cosmic soup came from, in order for the Big Bang to occur and all of that. So, there‟s… even now there is a distinction in science, where they are starting to look into the concept of dark matter/dark energy. They only call it dark because you can‟t see it directly with the means they have right now of identifying different types of radiation and energy. So, when we are talking about some of the things that we have been learning for a number of years now, we refer to words like “templates.” We refer to all sorts of constructs that the cosmos and even our bodies are structured upon. What we‟re just learning now as we get through what‟s called the Starborn sequence, there is a point in the Starborn sequence of first creation/eternal life creation - creation keeps recreating itself. It is perpetual motion. It is eternal. Now the Starborn sequence has a period in which it goes through several phases of light body construction, and then there is a point that you could consider the pre-Big Bang. This is where science and our work are starting to meet - that point of vacuum energy, where dark energy, or that energy that they can‟t see but they can tell it exists because of the influence it has on the energy they can see. We‟ve talked about templates. We‟ve talked about partiki as being the first, beginning point of - the units of the consciousness of Source being the first point from which the Starborn sequence of eternal life creation evolves. We‟ve talked about all sorts of different parts of things that happen with partiki and partiki phasing, but there is one other thing that we haven‟t used the word yet, and it‟s called “PartEkE.” There are partiki grids that come first, and there are something called PartEkE grids that are the geomantic templates that are the stage that science is referring to as dark matter or vacuum energy. We now have the information where once we have like a four day workshop, or whatever where we can put them all together and show you a million graphs and take you from the pieces you may have seen of the Starborn sequence of the first creation mechanics that we do teach, where you can see where this new word - PartEkE grids, or the dark matter templates fit in. When we have in the understanding this level of physics - It‟s not that we‟re trying to get a physics degree. What we‟re trying to do is understand what is this structure of energy that we exist within right now, at this time. We started a long time ago with the Kathara grids, which are the bones of creation. The Kathara grid is simply the radiation matrix, the core mathematical program of the radiation matrix, upon which the rest of creation perpetually emerges. It‟s also the “bones” inside of our body forms. So, there is an entire paradigm that has been brought through piece by piece, quite painfully on occasion, because it is not easy to translate this data into English, particularly with the planetary problems that are here right now on this planet. So, I want the people who are new to understand that there is a sequence that takes it from - here is Source, and we do have the teachings that explain a bit about our perspective on what Source is. You can call it God if you want or you can call it God-Source. It is conscious. It is loving. We make a distinction between Kristic mechanics and anti-Kristic mechanics. Not to go, “______________ and all this kind of stuff.” It‟s not about that. It‟s about understanding what first creation mechanics that allow for eternal life perceptual motion, and an open circulation of energy, and therefore an open continual relationship with God/Source for anything in manifestation. Kristiac mechanics are what do that. The word Krist comes from Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 2 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
the first audible tones in terms of the first creation matrix. So, these - this is information that is way before what you call Christianity on this planet. It is information that belongs to far more than just Christians. It belongs to everyone on this planet and this universe and this cosmos. There are translations all over the cosmos of first creation mechanics and what that means in terms of science and spirituality. And there have been translations here too, as early as… as recent time as Atlantis 9558 BC there were records that taught the same thing we are teaching now. Those records have been taken from the people here, from all of you, and we have been put in this state by using advanced physics mechanics to alter the planetary electromagnetic fields. We have been put in a state of amnesia where we don‟t know who we are. We don‟t remember any of the processes by which we came here. What we are facing right now - it would be nice if we had 20 years to go through it and every time there‟s new people coming in, we could go through “this is a Kathara grid and this is a partiki. Partiki phase and do this.” We don‟t have time right now because we are at a crucial point in what has been since the year 2000, when the most recent Stellar Activation Cycle initiated. A Stellar Activation Cycle is a stargate opening cycle. This planet has stargates. All stellar bodies have some form of stargates on them. They have been closed since the Atlantian periods, and we have entered a Stellar Activation Cycle as of the year 2000. Now, what has happened since the year 2000 - and most people do not know - we have found ourselves in the middle of a drama that is huge. It is a drama between what we refer to as Fallen Angelic races. We refer to them as Fallen Angelic because everything started out angelic. Everything started out and originally came forth from Source into individuation through the Krist code. Everything started out as Kristic. But free will is a condition of this eternal life creation and in free will there can be choices made that have consequences in energy that can change the original eternal life status and have you go into a finite status, and when you lose the connection to Source in that way, the consciousness also suffers, as far as memory - not remembering Source, not remembering what it means to behave nicely. Not remembering what it means to not kill other things. So, we refer to Fallen Angelic races as particular races - and we‟re talking like billions of years ago. Humans are very young compared to many things that inhabit this cosmos and this local galaxy. So, we are talking about races that have been in conflict way before humans were even ever on the seen. We wouldn‟t have known about them for quite a long time if our gates didn‟t begin their opening cycle in the year 2000. During the Atlantian period, even before 9558 BC, it was known when the next Stellar Activation Cycle would occur. It was known that the year 2000, because there is a specific set of years, how long it takes, for a Stellar Activation Cycle to come around again. This is where we get into the yugas and all of those kinds of things as far as the time mechanics. It was known in Atlantis that this period was going to occur. There were dramas taking place in Atlantis that had to do with Fallen Angelic wars. This planet is a stargate planet. It is universal stargate 3, and therefore it has been a hotbed of that type of activity for many many eons. We lost track of that in Atlantis because we lost track of ourselves in Atlantis. Because we lost track of our gene code in Atlantis, and our DNA now blocks our cellular memory. From that period in the Atlantian drama, there was an agenda set by certain groups of Fallen Angelic races. We call it the “Atlantian Conspiracy Agenda” because it is. It was a conspiracy - there are two primary fighting groups who are trying to take over this particular planet because of its stargate and its relationship to the other stargates in this system. A big drama. They should make many movies about it. But it‟s a little late for that at this time. Because in the year 2000, when the gates did indeed begin their opening cycle, there were certain agreements that the Kristic and Guardian races had made, knowing this drama was going to flare up as soon as those gates started to open. There was something called the Treaty of Altair that was formed between one group of the Fallen Angelics that had control of a machine on this planet called the Beast machine, or the Beast Black Hole machine. It‟s not just a little machine in a box or Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 3 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
anything. It is a set of implant networks that are throughout the mantle level of the planetary grids. They literally create black holes when they are activated. So, there was a machine planted here, in various stages during the Atlantian dramas. That machine has been dormant relatively. It has been actually holding the electromagnetic fields on the planet. It is actually responsible for the tilt of the planet, that is not natural. We won‟t go into that right now. It would take another day to cover that for newbies. That information is there. What we are dealing with - I‟m sorry if... I‟ve got the wave coming through so if I‟m talking fast and I get faster... I will try to slow that down so we can do that together, so you‟re listening and my speaking can start moving at the same rate. Anyway, we are in the middle of a drama now that began long before Atlantis, hit a hot spot in Atlantis that had some very very bad consequences for the evolution of the Angelic Human race here. In the year 2000, our gates began to open again, and the drama was right back in our faces, but nobody on surface knows about it except certain governments who have had for the last more than 75 years now direct treaties with certain extraterrestrial forces. They have an official denial campaign. That means they will not endorse, at all, any concepts of life being out there, or visitation with UFO‟s, and they try to discredit anyone speaking out about them. There have been treaties for 75 years, signed by some of our Presidents here, and by other leaders of other countries. So, this is not news to them. But what it is news to them, and why they still let us speak, is because we have an inside line to a group that they turned down a long time ago, and they are wishing they didn‟t. Because right now, Earth is stuck in the middle of two competing forces that are hell-bent on destroying each other and taking control of the stargates on this planet, and at this point neither of those groups really give a hoot about what happens to the Angelic Humans, or to their own hybrid races who walk here with us in half-human form. So, the Treaty of Altair fell through in the year 2000, when the races we called the Anu races broke their agreements here with the Kristic Councils. They then decided instead that they would go to war with the other group, which are, in simple terms, called the Draconian races, to see who would get control of the Beast machine. It has gone from bad to worse to worse, and how worse can it get before you just say, “I don‟t care anymore. I‟m going to go watch t.v.” (Laughter) When I „walked in,‟ - I‟m a walk-in, a Kristic agreement, I‟m an Indigo walk-in - when I walked in 1997, I was here... I have a real strong ambassador training. I had warrior training in the past... but when you‟re in certain dramas, you better know how to handle yourself when other things are deciding to have war around you. Fortunately, I had a bit of the Zena training back in... (laughter). I came in (as an ambassador). There was the small print at the bottom of my contract that said, “just in case the treaties fall through... then you are commissioned to do this.” (Laughter) I came in light, love and clueless, part of the New Age movement, just all happy being able to bring the Kristic knowledge through. There was supposed to be a pacing of the information. We‟d start with Kathara healing, then move into a little bit more advanced, where we‟d get to creation mechanics and all that. We were supposed to get along with all the other New Age groups out there, and... oh boy. I didn‟t come in with a conscious knowledge of the drama either. But some part of me knew it was there. It didn‟t tell me... We brought through the Voyagers books, Volume I and II, and then by September 2000, the Treaty of Altair was broken. They had to let me know, and we had to let you know that things weren‟t going to go as peaceful as we hoped. We have a series of things. Now, if I had three days to prepare for this - because I didn‟t know what they wanted me to talk about during this workshop - if I had three days to prepare, I would have time lines lined up all over the place. I have a basic one for orientation purposes later. But there‟s a whole series of things that our teachings would bring through to the groups who felt motivated to come. We‟re like crusaders for peace that kept going to different countries, going to different places, and doing first stands, which were - well they probably look kind of funny from outside, but there are ways of using Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 4 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
your bioenergetic fields and your DNA and your body to run frequency specifically and consciously in relation to the planetary grids. We had been working with those for a long time. We found ourselves in the middle - we being the Beloveds, Az and I, but also the people who felt a resonance with this work, and who came to collectively kind of refer to themselves as the Indigos, or Azurites, or whatever. We found ourselves in a position we didn‟t want to be in, which was, the more information that we were given about what was taking place on the planet - and we had to be given this information because there were things we could do energetically that had at least a chance of stopping the escalation of the drama, where it went into a worse scenario between the two competing forces that we are not one of. So, the other guys would do something - one of the other side, either the Anu side or the Draconian side would do something with the grids they have on the planet. They would activate something. Then the other side would activate something else, which was messing up the planetary frequencies and had the chance to blow the stargates apart, or take the planet out with it. So, we were asked to do certain things to try to counterbalance those things. We ended up in the middle, as the third point in a polarity drama, the third point that either one of them could have... if those two groups and their higher ones - it‟s not so much the groups of people on the planet that are being moved. It‟s the off-planet visitors, the Fallen Angelics that are actually orchestrating this whole thing. So, we‟ve been in this funny position of - if you think of partiki, partikA and particum - we‟re sitting there as the partiki, as the one point of union that the two polarities came out of, and the two polarities are right now planning to annihilate each other. And we are still in a position within this drama. There was a time when, as they progressively told us about the Beast machine... I didn‟t know what that consciously this time around, but, boy, when they brought the records through, boy did I remember. I remembered being taken out by the dramas on this planet, where it did not go well for the Angelic Humans that were serving a Guardian role. 208,216 BC was an example. The Fall of Brenuai. That was a mess, where part of what‟s considered the Indigo and the Azurite Shield was shattered into the planetary grids, and we had to re-evolve ourselves back up from being crystals. That‟s like before pond scum! (Laughter) So, we came to know this domain called Earth quite intimately. We passed through very quickly all of the stages of light development here just to get our own shields back together where we could function again in the capacity as a part of the Guardian that had been, a long time ago, granted - the ones that had not only control of the stargates, but guardianship of the stargates on this planet. So, right know, here we are in the middle of this drama. Actually, we‟re in the middle of the end of the drama. The „end times,‟ as far as when you see like Nostradamus‟ predictions about „end times‟ and those kind of things, all these end times predictions had to do with the Atlantian knowledge that we did once have, where there was going to be a final conflict drama. There was going to be something none of us really want to deal with, which is war between the Fallen Angelics, and Earth is stuck in the middle of that war. I won‟t trace the steps at this point, for the new people, of what has happened since the year 2000. Amazingly unpleasant things have happened with the planetary grids, but not just our planetary grids, but also the solar grids, our galactic grids - by the way, our galaxy has a black hole at its center. We are in the process of our literal Veca system falling, our Ecka/Veca system falling. If it weren‟t for a race called the Aquari, who we have very intimate knowledge of from a very very long time ago, that‟s even before the history that we‟ve been talking about for the last six years... if it weren‟t for the Aquari intervention directly know, even the Indigo Shield would not be able to pull out of the fall that is occurring in this universal Veca system. For those of you who might not know, the universal Veca system is a set of 12 universal stargates in the Kathara grid formation. Those stargates exist within specific planetary or stellar bodies actually. We are in a position right now, where if nothing else makes sense to the people who might have just come, there is one Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 5 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
thing that you at least need to understand about what the gridwork is that is going to be done tomorrow morning. And you can always participate if you want, whatever you prefer to do. What is happening tomorrow morning is ... well, it will appear on the outside, and it also is this, is a restatement of Az and my wedding vows to each other to what‟s called the Edonic Upgrade. We‟ve talked about before, in some of the more recent sacred sex workshops actually, the creation domains, where you have the core domains, the inner domains called the Hub domains, then the middle domains that are called the Edon domains, and the outer domains of creation. Our systems take place in the outer domains. The next step in, where you can‟t have falls happen, are called the Edon domains, the middle domains, and they are filled with light fields, just like you have the outer domains filled with light fields. Because the severity of the drama that this universal is caught in now, and this planet called Earth is in this universal Veca, because of the severity of the drama, the amount of frequency that is pulling us - if you look at it as current - pulling this system into fall is so great, that unless there were drastic measures taken, like opening the Edon levels to the outer domains, so the Edon frequencies could come through for anything and anyone who could hold them enough... those Edonic frequencies are Kristic frequencies, just like the natural frequencies that were in the outer domains before they got reversed and twisted. That is what happens when you talk about fall. It‟s when the core templates of things that are part of the natural creation become damaged to the degree where they cannot run the natural creation currents that flow inward and outward from Source to manifestation and back again. This system is going into fall. This is an evac that is taking place. It is not just an evac of Earth. It is an evac of anything that can still hold Kristic frequency out of this universal Veca system. Now, the evac... this is not something where spaceships are going to pick us up and we‟re going to run - because there‟s no where to run to close enough that we would be out in time anyway. There is a different type of evac that is a time pulse alignment with the natural point in the Starborn cycle that is called a Starfire cycle. Our planet and our universal Veca, but particularly our density one system, are aligned with what is called the Starfire point, which is a natural creation point from which... well... first there is a Starburst point. I‟ll use this to illustrate. A Starburst point is - if you are in the Edon middle domains, and then there is a light field that births out from there into the outer domains, that birth takes place through a process called Starburst. I said before we have four domains. We have core domain, inner domain, middle domain, outer domain. Once you‟re in the outer domain, it doesn‟t birth out to another one. Then you enter something called the Adashi cycles, which are when the outer domain pulls back into the middle, and the middle pulls back into the inner, and the inner pulls back into the core, and they all pull back into Source and then the creation breathes out again. We are in the outer domains, and the situation that our Ecka/Veca system is in, and the amount of frequency that is flying in this system at this point, both on the Kristic side and also on the anti-Kristic side that will take us to fall, is so great that it has accelerated the base pulse rhythm, the core vibrational rhythm of the planetary core and solar core enough where, if it‟s done carefully... our time wave that the planet functions on, which controls our time cycles, how often the stargates open and all that... can realign with the natural time wave in which this system would, if it wasn‟t going into fall, again realign with Starfire. And that‟s what the Starfire mission is about. We are moving toward Starfire. There was a time when they weren‟t sure if it was going to go really fast, by 2014, or if it was going to be the longer version, where between 2047 and 2051, this system, in our time translations, those dates correspond with a point when this system would naturally interface with its natural Starfire point. The Starfire point would be where the outer domains pull back into the Edons, return to the Edons. So, we‟re preparing for Starfire. We can‟t choose now to be a part of Starfire or not. If you are on this planet, if you are in this universe, you are going to do Starfire. You‟re going to do it one way or the other. You‟re either going to do it knowingly, where you have a chance of ending up where you want to in Starfire, Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 6 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
or you‟re going to let it go by and find yourself in a black hole system. It would be a long time before your scientists figure out that they are indeed in a black hole system. And when that occurs, they will also probably simultaneously discover - oh, that means it will implode eventually. Yes, black hole systems occur when falls occur, and black hole systems, when they are not what is called metatronicked, will naturally burn out the amount of quantum energies at their cores. When that happens, they will collapse in on themselves, implode and then explode. Everything that is in that is not annihilated. It is returned to partiki units, or space dust, and then on the next natural Starfire cycle, and the Adashi wave that will take it back nothing is never lost is what I‟m trying to say. I‟m trying to get this across to people who might be new and find the whole concept of black holes and things freaky. Black hole systems do, and people who go down in them do, eventually return to Source. They just return without memory of who they were or what they were. Their consciousness returns. Now, there are ways to go through Adashi cycles where you don‟t lose your form at all. You don‟t fall in a black hole. Adashi cycles aren‟t about black holes. In fact, black hole systems can‟t do Adashi, cause Adashis are the cycles that after the creation domains expand outward from before their Big Bang point outward to the outer domains, then there is a frequency shift, and they start to contract again back into Source. It‟s a natural ebb and flow. When a system gets stuck in a black hole fall, it no longer becomes able to process the backflow currents that would able to bring it through an Adashi cycle naturally back into Source. That is the condition that our Ecka/Veca system is in right now. For people who are new, and might not know what I am talking about when I say Ecka/Veca system, there is a whole bunch of stuff on that, already done in various different workshops. It has to do with the Ecka maps of the God World gates. So, I suggest you look those up if you want to understand, because I‟m talking about a place on the cosmic map. An Ecka/Veca is specific. It‟s not just a funny word to describe the cosmos. What‟s most important that we need to get through - there‟s not going to be a lot of graphs today. In fact, there‟s not going to be to many at all. Which means I am going to talk to you a lot. Or they are, actually. I just got a nudge there, right? (Laughter) Tomorrow morning, between about 5 am and 5 am the next morning - I wont‟ remember these times, by the way. I will remember tomorrow‟s but I won‟t remember the end by the end of this workshop, so somebody write this down please. It‟s coming live now. There is going to be a blast of frequency that hits this planet from inside itself. It‟s coming from the grids that are connected to what is called the Beast Black Hole machine that is now plugged in to what is called the Threshold Spiral. The Threshold Spiral is the “Fib-ofNo-Chi Spiral” that runs reversed metatronic currents through the planetary grids, has reversed the planet‟s core light seed already - you can‟t bring it back once it happened. There is a progressive activation of implant systems that correspond to the Threshold that exists on this planet, and they have been dormant. This is a drama that has not flared up since Seeding 2. We are part of the Seeding 3 races here, and then again, that‟s in Voyagers, for anyone who doesn‟t know what those dates are. I‟m not going to try to reiterate those at this moment. We are going through a set of activations on this planet that are being orchestrated by what is called the Red Dragon crew, who are now in control of Threshold. The Threshold grid is plugged into a series of what are called “glass towers.” Now, these glass towers are - if you see them in the etheric, when they activate, they look like sheets of glass stacked on top of each other, and they are cone shapes. There are big tall ones that go way up into the atmosphere, and down into the core of the planet when they activate. They are just like a little tiny crystal seed when they are dormant. But once they activate, they turn into these towers. They are like sheets of glass that go, “chi chi chi chi,” but lots of them, and you can hear the sound in the etheric. If you‟re ever walking around, particularly in this area, in Arizona, and hear the “chi chi chi chi” like glass plates sliding across other, now you‟re hearing the towers. The towers are not natural towers. They are part of an implant system, a crystalline implant system that runs the Threshold reversed Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 7 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
metatronic fr4qeuencies that are meant to harness a black hole fall. They are meant to, first of all, create a wormhole into a natural system, and from that wormhole, they will be able to bring black hole currents in, so they can finally harness the entire system, and drag it through, using this Threshold spiral, into a harnessed fall, so it‟s not just a random somebody is going to fall and explode. It‟s how to harness the living system, kill it enough to drag it into your black hole so you can feed on it, to postpone the point at which your own black hole will implode. And that‟s what this system is going through now. On a smaller planetary level, we are dealing with a set of grids activating here, that even the Thothians are afraid of. The Thothians are an Anunnaki group. The Anunnaki were an avenger race created to destroy the Angelic Humans because they wanted to take control of this time matrix, and they helped to build the Beast machine. They lost control of the Beast machine, and at this point, the Red Dragon team are running it. There are certain races affiliated with the Red Dragon team. Off planet races and also races that they are influencing covertly on this planet to do their bidding, as far as foot soldiers. Toward the end of this, when we look at the history line, I‟ll talk a little bit more about the races that are involved, because what we are watching build in front of our eyes, and on our t.v.‟s, is an attempted World War III drama. This is not a drama between humans. The humans are going to think it is, but it‟s not. There may be some things that will help, at least temper the fulfillment of that drama. The Kristic races do not want to see that occur. However, we‟re at a point, at this point, where we‟re sitting on a planet, with our Indigos, with our Azurites, with our Angelic Humans, and going, “uh oh. They‟ve got the grids activated. They‟ve got the Threshold activated. You can‟t stop the Threshold once that Spiral has started to let loose on a planet, or a universal Veca system.” But what you can do is call for help. This gets into another thing that is going to be happening tomorrow morning to counteract the frequencies of the Threshold. There is going to be a blast coming from the Threshold that is meant to hit the Indigo Shield directly, because the Red Dragon has decided that it would be very very useful to reverse our shield, and use us because we have codes to what are called the Urtha gates, to invade Urtha. So, they can invade Urtha directly. There is a point somewhere in the cosmic dramas where enough is enough, where the line is crossed. That is the line. Urtha is the Host star into which Earth, the fragment of Tara that we call Earth, was placed. It is connected to Sala. Sala is USG 4. Urtha is USG 3. That‟s why Earth is USG 3, because it is directly sitting in the center of the larger star body called Urtha. There is an attack being launched on the Indigo Shield, in order to try to harness the Indigos, and the Azurites, and anything connected to them, so they can harness us - we have begun the process of running what‟s called the natural Kristic Spiral. They are going to try to harness us, bend that frequency back, and use it because we have codes that go with the Urtha codes, to use us to open the gates so they can invade and take out Urtha as well. That is not going to be allowed, for various reasons of high politics, when it gets into the Kristic races. But, one of the things that a call was put out for was to get as many Indigos who felt the need to maybe be here, because there is a safety in numbers, and there is a safety in the grids that you‟re on right now. It‟s not that Indigos elsewhere aren‟t safe. Safe as you can be as an Indigo walking on this planet... But, they said the safest place would be to be here, but we‟re not going to go scare people to death and say, “you gotta come here or you‟re gonna get zapped!” We‟re used to getting zapped at this point. We‟ve been getting hit with Beast activations since the year 2000, and we managed to transmute with a little turmoil in the field, and sometimes physical illnesses were purged out. But this is a direct assault on the Indigo Shield that is being done. The grids that you‟ve been asked to come onto now are connected to what is called Arc Gate 7, or Arc of the Covenant Gate 7. That is, at this point, the only viable gate left out to Urtha. It is the only viable gate system that can be used to open what are called Spanner gates. Spanner gates span between Earth and Urtha, and there would be a natural way for consciousness that evolved on Earth, it would go out next into the Urtha fields, and from there it could go to Tara or wherever. There are 12 natural planetary stargates. They have all been compromised. That happened quite a while Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 8 of 54
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ago. So, they activated the corresponding 12 Arc gates. Well, Arc 7 is the only one that is holding at this point. Which means, every one of those 12 natural planetary gates that interface with their Arc gate had a connection to one of the natural planetary stargates on Urtha. Because there is only one Arc gate left here that can open, it means there is only one of the Spanner gates to Urtha that can open - Spanner 7. There is some interesting politics happening lately, since July when the Thothian shield completely fell to Thetan control. There has been direct sneaky attacked on Indigos, not just the collective, but individuals. Anything from people that you thought were your friends will even torture you (?), or you go into a store, and someone is just really nasty. There is symbol stuff like that. You can get other types of drama too. The Thothian shield has been whittling away at the strength of individual Indigos whenever they can get at them, in order to weaken us for this three day period, so people would feel so fragmented, so tired, so frazzled, so exhausted, and biologically so tired that you wouldn‟t have the strength to run the currents to do what needs to be done. What is it that needs to be done is the question. And that‟s an interesting question. That is where the high security clearance came in. Because, there is something that was set a long time ago in this universal Veca. It is something that was set in by a race called the Aquari, and they are a Kristic Guardian race, and by the time I get through the time lines that are on mylars, you‟ll see where they fit in relation to the history that we‟ve already learned. They placed something in certain gates in this universal Veca that were called Gyrodome facilities. Gyrodome facilities were the bail out clause. If it got so bad and the system was going to fall, there was a certain set of natural Kristic technologies that could be used that would allow not an override of Threshold, but at least whatever could hold Kristic frequencies would have a chance to get pulled back into Urtha. If you are able to make it to the Urtha fields, you will not get caught in the fall that Earth is going to go through. What‟s interesting about the Gyrodome facilities - there‟s not just one of them, but there‟s one main, let‟s say, network of these crystalline implant systems that are on this planet. The one main network is in SG 5, which is Macchu Picchu. That‟s why all of a sudden we weren‟t going to Australia. Nope, because we lost Arc 6 and we won‟t be able to use Arc 6, so everything‟s focused on Spanner 7, and plugs into the Gyrodome facility directly that is in Peru. They couldn‟t even tell me a lot of this up until the last few days. It was in little pieces, because the groups that are running Threshold at this point - and I‟m not talking about people on the planet. I‟m talking about the higher groups that are moving people on the planet. The ones that are controlling Threshold know very little, if nothing, about the Gyrodome. They know very very little about that technology or even if it exists. Like, „Heard a rumor once that the Guardian groups had a big technology that could actually stop us from assimilating the living systems into a black hole.” There‟s pieces they still are not ready to let me release in this workshop. More will come out at the Easter workshop, because there‟s a three step activation process that has to occur, and if they let too much be known it will give the Threshold people enough of an understanding about how the currents work, to try to mess with the natural currents that would come from Arc 7 and come from Spanner 7. So, there are pieces that we can talk about during this workshop, and they have to do with what‟s coming in tomorrow. There is something coming in tomorrow in frequency from the Kristic side, as well as the nasty Threshold activations that are taking place and aiming at the Indigos. There is something called the Krystal River Flow. It‟s also known as the Arc of Aquari.
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When we talk about the Aquari races, it gets interesting. I think I will put this particular diagram up. You need a microscope to see this. And I have no idea what sequence of diagrams they wanted me to use or not for this, because of the security clearance. “Can you please tell me because I have to go down an hour ago?” I‟ll show you, when I talk about Aquari, a bit about location on the Ecka maps of the God-World gates. This is the cosmic light body structure. So, you‟ll see in relation to us, a bit where they are. (Laughter because the diagram is very small.) If anybody has not been in workshops before, this is the standard stuff. This is from Dance for Freedom. What I want you to look at is over here. You can look at these as the bones of creation. Again, we‟re looking at the cosmic Eckasha-Aah map. These are published all over the place in different workshops. For new people, there is a program called Science and Spirituality of Creation. I believe we have the Ecka maps in there, so you can see what they are. This is a microversion, where you make a map and you shrink it down really tiny on a photocopier, so you can fit it on with the other things you want to talk about. This, when you look at it really large, you find that there are layers upon layers of interwoven and embedded kathara grid structures that are the gate system structures of universes and 15 dimensional time matrices, and what they form when they go together. I‟m not going to go into trying to describe the Ecka maps of the God-World gates right now, especially without the picture. But we have a picture of the whole thing, which is called the cosmic Eckasha-Aah map. The cosmic Eckasha-Aah map has all these interwoven kathara grids, and what they are are stargate systems. Everywhere you see a kathara grid you see a sphere of energy around it, which would be a domain of energy, an electromagnetic domain. We have what is called - when I talk about Ecka/Veca systems, I‟m talking about the little tiny ones you can‟t even see on this map, that are embedded in it so far. But an Ecka/Veca system takes the form of this, where you have primal light field of the anti-particle, primal light field of the particle, particum particle density universe, and the partikA anti-particle universe. So, when I talk about Ecka/Veca, that is the four Veca quadrants, and in the center there is another small domain that is called the Ecka core domain. Now, these are the domain structures of the outer domains of creation. It is the outer core. There are maps that go in for each level, for the Edonic levels, for the Edamic levels, which is the inner Hub locations, and for the core creation, first creation domains that you don‟t have manifest life in solid form like we know it here. So, we are talking about the Ecka maps that are about - they are the map structures of the light body of the outer domains of the cosmos. There are specific numbers. Science will eventually figure out there are specific structures and numbers and form to what forms universes, to what forms galaxies. They already know there‟s an Ort cloud surrounding our local solar system. They know there are the spherical constructs, but they don‟t know where they fit. In the dark matter structures - and this is what we‟re dealing with here - the dark matter structures, what scientists call dark matter, they can see its effects, so they know something must be there, but they don‟t know what it is because they can‟t see it. You‟re not going to go into the cosmos with the Hubble and find a picture of this floating someplace in the air. First of all, you‟re inside of it. It looks a lot a different from the inside than if you were looking down on it. This is the mathematical structure of the Ecka maps of the outer domains, for the cosmic Eckasha-Aah domains. There would be a sphere around that, and spheres within spheres within spheres within the cosmic light body. We are way down here in this one. This isn‟t really clear but I didn‟t bring the other ones because they didn‟t tell me I needed them. We‟re down in - our position is Spectra 3, Corridor 4, Quadrant 4. So, Spectra is on the Eckasha-A level. You have the Eckasha-Aah, the whole thing, then there are four Eckasha-A, and they are called Spectra. Each one of those has an Eckasha Corridor, and each Eckasha has four Veca Quadrants. So, there are specific locations in these maps that can be expressed by saying, Spectra 3, Corridor 4, Quadrant 4. They would be our locations. And they would be in this part of the Ecka maps, or in the cosmic light body structure. This is where our 15 dimensional universe and its parallel, Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 10 of 54
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which would be the Quadrant level, form, and our larger Eckasha structure, which would be the next gate set that would come off this way from the Veca quadrants. I keep going back and forth so at least the new people might have a little bit of an idea of what I‟m talking about, and I can‟t go heavily into it because it will bore who have been here for ages to death, because they heard it so many times before, because we have covered it. So, we‟re here in a quadrant you can‟t even see - the quadrants are so tiny you can‟t even see them on this reduced copy, in this Eckasha Corridor here. If you look at the Eckasha Corridors - over here we have what is called the Wesedak Black Hole system. It fell. This little black spot here, this little kathara grid shape, that would have been the Wesedak Black Hole system. Their whole Ecka/Veca has not fallen. They have a portion of their Veca levels have fallen. Their particum particle and partikA anti-particle systems have fallen. They have formed what are called the Wesedak and the Wesedrak competing black holes. Now, they are way over here in a different Eckasha, in a different Eckasha-A. We‟re over here. They didn‟t start what‟s called wormhole technology. But there‟s a way from a black hole system, there are certain technologies that can be used to splice into the natural light body structures and syphon energy off the natural light body structure of living systems. The wormholes are different than the black holes. The black hole is a thing that has completely fallen, and it is self-contained in its own quarantine. When the natural system goes through what would be its natural Starfire - it does its birthing process and it does it Adashi cycles back - whatever can‟t run the Kristic frequencies anymore will get left in the same space where it fell, until it burns out, and the new creation will... Tape 1B ... and ours over here. That was not the beginning of the Beast, even though that‟s where our learning about the Beast Black Hole machine started. There‟s something that we‟re all going to learn about, that has to do with Threshold, that has to do with another group that hasn‟t been publically named before but needs to be at this time, because they are coming in on the scene. This is where - where did this whole mess start? This is where it started, and this is where it is going to end as well. There is a group that has to do with ... so we‟ve got here, our Eckasha. Here we have the Wesa Eckasha. It used to be called the WesaLA matrix before it fell to Wesedak and Wesedrak. There are two different Spectras and Corridors. This one, compared to this one, in relation to where we are, this one has been referred to as the adjacent Eckasha. Now, there is also a parallel adjacent Eckasha. The parallel adjacent Eckasha, which is the parallel to the adjacent Eckasha, over here is called the Aquius matrix. That‟s their Hub level, Aquius. Their outer domain races are called the Aquari. This is where the Aquari come from. They are a Kristic matrix. They are not fallen. There is another matrix that we haven‟t heard much about. This is where it started and this is where it will end. Here is where we are again, in our Eckasha back here. There is our parallel Eckasha, which would be this one, I think. It depends on which way things are spinning and I have to analyze the diagrams to figure it out, but it‟s either this one or this one, depending on which that the spin is going. I‟ll call it that one. (Laughter) They don‟t like to just say, “here, tell them this, it‟s this.” They show me, so then I can show you. Then I know and it makes sense, rather than just saying, “Oh, well they said it‟s this, or whatever.” So, they just don‟t do that, but that just did that. (Laughter) So here is our parallel Eckasha system. Here‟s our Eckasha system. The Eckashas themselves are not fallen. It‟s only the smaller Ecka and Veca systems within them. If they were all light balls within the bigger light balls of the Eckasha, it is the only the smaller Veca systems that are fallen. Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 11 of 54
Festival of Light – Phoenix 2007 – Transcending the Towers of Threshold; the Krystal River Union, and the Arc of Aquari
So, we have our Eckasha. We have our parallel Eckasha. The parallel Eckasha, a very very long time ago, went through an experience very similar to what our Ecka/Veca is going through now. This is where the first mess occurred, that culminated in our mess and in their mess. Yeah. Over in the parallel Eckasha ... they just gave me this stuff on dates and stuff, so I don‟t want to say the wrong ones. What I need to do is actually put it on so I can see it fast, but also see the dates. We‟re going to understand a little bit of the history so you can understand the players and the game now, because this is what we‟re dealing with now. These are also going to be names that you will see have to do directly with what we called the Victim/Victimizer game that is running on this planet, and it is being pushed by off-planet forces to try to create what appears to be a holy war between the Christians and Muslims, and the Christians aren‟t doing it and the Muslims aren‟t doing it. It is being moved through them, and they are being manipulated into creating a drama, based on defending their Gods. This is why understanding some of this history and some of these names, and at least the roundabout understanding of the Ecka/Veca maps will give you an idea of what this planet is in. We‟re not just joking when we say it is a huge massive drama. It is huge. We‟re not just talking about one universe. We‟re talking about what is called a tri-matrix system, where we have three matrices involved, three Eckasha matrices. That‟s big. This is where the mess started. Pardon the misspellings. They are probably all over the place. Trying to get these typeset cause it was in longhand... those of you who have seen me make mylars of my longhand stuff? Why bother! You can‟t read it and I can‟t either. They had me typeset it. This is how they gave me the information we needed to talk about today. They have been mentioning since July little bits about this group called the Borja. Little bits about this. Little bits about that. I had no idea where any of this fit in and what the Krystal River was and any of this information. We‟re supposed to teach it. “What are we teaching? I don‟t understand it either.” So, they finally put the history in, so we would understand the evolution of where this started, because it‟s where it‟s ending, and that‟s where we are now. We are facing the final point that this whole crazy history of building of the Beast machine, of the warring between the Fallen Angelic races, it all started with one problem that occurred in one matrix, and that was called originally the Boranthasala (sp?)matrix, or the Boran. What‟s interesting, for those of you who might have read Voyagers I, there is a race called the Borantesi, I believe they call it. They are connected with the Zetas and they have hybrid humans running around on planet now too, and they are really cute, actually. There are a couple of them that look like actresses and things. And they have a very particular Boran look to them. These aren‟t bad guys. These were a bioregenesis race that was taken out of what happened in this matrix. Now, this Borantesi matrix is the Ecka level of our parallel Eckasha. So, they were a core level race. I‟m trying to put this in simple terms for newbies. They have more shield coding than just the simple Veca density races. There was a race called the Boranthasala. They are a natural Kristic race of our parallel Eckasha Ecka. They experienced a natural fall, and I mean natural in that, yes, fall is a consequence of making energy decisions that culminate in your loss of being able to run Kristic frequency. And if you just cooperate with what the Elders always explain to you in the first place, there are certain ways to behave. It has to do with being loving and kind and not hoarding energy and all those things. There‟s always little pieces of that as consciousness tests out how far those rules apply. Well, they watched one of those little test-out things happen in their own matrix. Not in their Ecka level, but in their, I believe it was - I just learned this stuff too implosion of their density one through density three systems. So, they watched one Veca quadrant in their antiparticle system go into spacedust return, because of something that the predominant consciousness in that matrix had chosen to do with energy that they were advised not to do but they did it anyway. Now the way it was described to me - and it‟s written here too - and rather than just read it, I‟ll try to explain. This Kristic Ecka race, the Boranthasala, were so horrified by what they saw - because they loved those people. They were devastated. They knew grief, perhaps for the first time. When you‟re fully aligned with the Krist, grief isn‟t even something you experience, because you know that nothing is ever lost, and will always Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 12 of 54
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return to Source. It just depends on which path of return. So, they knew all this already. But there is a connection with this particular group of Veca races that did go back through implosion, that the Boranthasalas couldn‟t let it go, because they were grief-stricken. Grief can be a very blinding thing. It can give you twisted thinking. And they began to get a bit of that. They decided what they wanted to do was find out what the core of that problem is. How can something like that happen? And what is the core problem? They analyzed that down to where they realized it was competition. So, they wanted to know - where does that come from? Extremes in polarity. Okay. They wanted to fix it. They wanted to first of all analyze extreme polarity. Once they identified competition between polarity extremes as the cause of the twisted thinking that leads to the abuse of the natural laws of physics, then they wanted to fix the Krist. And this is where they got messed up. They were Kristic races. They loved the Krist. But they thought it could be even better if Fall potential was eradicated. Where nothing could ever fall. It was kind of like a nanny state, where there is always somebody to take care of you and make sure you couldn‟t do that. They did know better at one point in their own evolution that Fall occurs when certain laws of natural energy are used and abused to a point where you get consequence directly to action. Consequence and action were the only temperance of the gift of free will that was put in this matrix. Something could come in and have free will. Source gave all of us free will. And when individuated, we have that gift, and we can use it any way we want to, even to the extreme of using it in opposite to divine will expression. But, in order to temper the abuses that could be done with free will, instead of Source or God sitting up there and judging, “You were bad. You were bad.” That‟s just a child‟s story. What was set in motion with the eternal life Krist code that allows for the natural creation and recreation to continually occur, was the part of energy dynamics that has to do with action and consequence, where there are certain consequences to certain actions, consequences in energy and consciousness. Falls result from a build-up of abuses of the natural laws of energy of the Krist, that culminate in consequences of energy that create the Fall condition. So, it isn‟t something terrible or bad. It is actually what allows eternal life creation to be eternal. Because it tempers free will. And free will needs to be tempered, because once you get out in the hologram, and you‟re no longer directly floating around without form in Source, as part of Source directly, you‟re still in the manifest body of Source, and you are still made of the units of consciousness of God. You can get really lost in holograms out here, forget who you are, forget what the rules are, and you can make some really bad mistakes. That‟s how Fall races end up Fall races. So, what the Boranthasalas tried to do, is because they were so devastated by the lost of those they loved, and they used to understand why Fall potential is there and absolutely essential to the functioning of the Krist code itself, so the potential motion of the regenerating light body would continually be there, and nothing could abuse it so badly that it wouldn‟t kick in with its own immune system and create consequences of energy that would stop whatever was trying to eat it alive. Like, if the Black Hole got to a certain level, it will experience consequences, and it will be imploded. And whatever is in that Black Hole will go on back to Source as units of consciousness of Source, as partiki spacedust on the next natural inhale or Adashi cycle. Everything goes home. Nothing is ever lost. And Source understand it that way. It is a loving system. It is something that the Boranthasalas lost track of understanding through the grief they experienced, by watching it in operation in their own Veca system. And what they tried to do - they decided they were going to do a quarantine experiment. First of all, they wanted to find out the ins and outs and all the nuances of how this thing called competition for energy, violence, how does this happen? How does something that starts out Kristic get so twisted, that it could take that way? So, they began what was called the Great 6-6-6-6 Quarantine Polarity Experiment in their matrix. Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 13 of 54
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This is how they described it in official written terms. In terms of Earth-time translation, it would be 480 billion years ago. “The Boranthasala of the Ecka in our Parallel Eckasha witnessed the organic Fall and implosion of the Density 3 through Density 1 PartikA Veca Quadrant within their Ecka/Veca system. Blinded by grief, the Boranthasala initiated the Great 6-6-6-6 Quarantine Polarity Experiment, in an attempt to discover the root cause of de-evolution, and improve upon the eternal life Krist code first creation program, in order to eradicate Fall potential.” Bad idea to start with. But, when you‟re broken-hearted and have a hard time seeing through your tears, I guess you could go there. And I guess there are people here who would probably go there. Cause it‟s almost like this is a lesson we need to learn. Because we‟re watching one. And when we get out, if we get out, we‟ll be watching it from that kind of perspective. It would be a good idea to realize it‟s not as merciless as it appears to be, no matter how much grief you‟re blinded by. Because if you get blinded by grief, you can do things that you really meant well in doing, but they can go really really bad in ways you never expected. That‟s what happened here. They created this polarity experiment. The Ecka Boranthasala races first devised the Victim/Victimizer game program. You play the bad guy, I‟ll play the good guy. The quarantine system - I believe they went from the Ecka into Density 4 and 3 to do this experiment. It was supposed to be quarantined only in the upper densities, a small area of the upper densities of their Veca system, in one Veca quadrant. So, they created the V-V game program, you play the victim, I play the victimizer, and let‟s see where that goes. But it was meant to be fair, where it would flip. You‟d have six cycles of Victim/Victimizer, then the next 6 cycle would be Victimizer/Victim, which means they‟d switch places. Whatever group was the victim in the first cycle would be the Victimizer in the next. And then it was supposed to flip back again twice, where you‟d have, say, Group A is the Victim, and B the Victimizer; then you‟d have Group B as the Victim, then Group A as the Victim. They‟d each get two six cycles of experiencing what it meant, what it felt like to be on that side of the polarity. They didn‟t take somebody from someplace else to do this with. They took their own Ecka group that wanted to do this experiment, and divided them up into three camps. One would be the control camp, that would retain sanity, and would retain a natural, what‟s called Triveca code. Their natural genetic matrix would be built on a Triveca. Just imagine, instead of two circles together, you have two circles plus a third. It‟s the natural trinity configuration of partiki units. It‟s the natural Kristic creation code core program. It‟s built on Triveca light units. All gene codes that are Kristic are built on Triveca light units. What they did, and here‟s where this part of what later became the Beast machine evolved from, was - they kept their normal control group with its natural Triveca coding, and then the other two groups of themselves, they agreed. They were doing this with themselves. “We‟ll put ourselves right in the line of fire and experience this, and then come back out and we‟ll know the solution. We‟ll know how to fix the Krist.” These decisions were being made in the Ecka level. They were agreeing to incarnate in a controlled situation, out of the Ecka into the density levels of density 4 and 3, and theoretically they heard that you could lose track of yourself if you got into density forms, but it was a theory. “Maybe. Maybe not. We‟ll find out.” That‟s why the control group was there. The control group was meant to make sure, if the polarity extremes went nuts or something, and they were losing their own, the ones with the Triveca coding were meant to pull them all back out, and they could hybridize with them and in one generation bring them right Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 14 of 54
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back around where they wouldn‟t have the mutation anymore. That‟s how the study of polarity was created. Two race lines of their own, modifying them genetically to a Biveca code, which means they took the third element of the trinity out. And they gave one a dominant charge and one a passive charge. So, they had extremes in gender polarity. They had extremes in energy running capacity. And they didn‟t foresee how bad it was going to go. It wasn‟t all put here, but earlier they gave me several pages of scribbled stuff explaining this much about what became the Borja races. In this polarity experiment, the Boranthasalas broke themselves into two groups. The name of the other polarity group doesn‟t matter - the one that took the victim stance. But the one that took the aggressor stance were called the Borjamusala. The Borjamusala were the ones who started with being the Victimizers here, not here, here, not here. Well, they got to here, and the Borjamusala strain of the Boranthasalas got so lost so fast, these guys didn‟t know what to do, because they couldn‟t even hear them anymore. When they were trying to telepath to them to guide them, they completely shut off. But what they did have were the density 3 and 4 level of awareness, and they created a time rip technology. Now, this is before wormholes. Wormholes are much more stable. They are much more constructed. But there are ways to blast holes with frequency, through the light body structure of matrices, or through a quarantine fence. They developed, on their own, with the intelligence that they did have, a crude, but very effective time rip technology. The Borja group destroyed the other, the Victim group. There was no time for a flip to occur, to change roles, there was no time. They hit 3 6's - they did one 6 cycle with the Borja dominant, another where the Borja were passive, and they dealt so poorly with being on the victim side of it, that by the time they got back to being the Victimizer again, that as it. They weren‟t going to see the next Victim cycle. So, they should have had four 6 cycles. They ended up with three 6 cycles, and right there, at the end of the 6th cycle, they broke out of their quarantine. They destroyed the other race completely. They broke out of the quarantine force field of the density 4 and density 3 system, and spread like a wildfire virus. They took out the control group. They very rapidly caused the Fall of the entire Ecka/Veca. Not the Eckasha, but the Ecka/Veca. And, while this was occurring, because it is our parallel Eckasha, we‟re neighbors. Our system, in our Eckasha, with our Ecka/Veca systems, are neighbors. The time rip that they used to rip all the way through their Ecka/Veca system, to literally take the whole thing into Black Hole fall, created an unnatural - it was almost like an accident - but it ripped into our Ecka just a little bit, just enough. If you were watching from another Veca, like the Aquari were. The Aquari actually were watching from their Eckasha. Now, this was happening over here. Our living system was here, and it had already been seeded. 950 billion years ago was the last life wave of our Founders race which came out from our Ecka and were put into our Veca systems. So, this was going along naturally here. These guys had a total blow-out of the Ecka/Veca system, and that blow-out ripped, created a very unstable rip between our Ecka core and what became the Borja Black Hole . That created a condition for everybody else who is watching, “uh oh.” They saw how fast the time rip technology had taken out the Ecka/Veca system, and fast in terms of cosmic years. It‟s a blink of an eye as far as what some eternal races experience as time passage. The quarantine broke 480 billion years ago. By 450 billion years ago, the whole matrix had fallen. The time rip had come into our Ecka system. That‟s quite a lot of billions of years, but it‟s short for something like this to occur. For, say, a raider race to take a time rip technologically and develop it enough where you can take out this much of the natural light body structure. That usually doesn‟t happen. It was a learning experience for everyone involved. The Aquari groups saw what was happening during this period. They knew it was so fast, they weren‟t going to be able to stop it. But what they were hoping to be able to do was quarantine it in that system until Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 15 of 54
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the next Starfire cycle on the Eckasha level, where it would be cut loose within its own system and it couldn‟t hurt anything. But, because of the rip into our system, if they had tried to quarantine it ... now the Aquari, again, here‟s the adjacent Eckasha and the parallel adjacent Eckasha. The parallel adjacent Eckasha is the Aquarion matrix. These guys were close enough to do something about it but far enough to not get sucked into it. The WesaLA matrix was here, and that didn‟t have a black hole in it yet. So, these guys got together with the Founders races, and the Ecka level races, our Eieyani and our AdonA races on the Eckasha levels, to form what was called the Tri-Matrix - one matrix, two matrix, three matrix - coalition. It was called the Krystal River Cooperative. What they were going to do was - what they wanted to do then, but they couldn‟t because of the rip into our Ecka, was they wanted to use the combined frequencies of their three Crystal Spirals to create enough frequency to create a seal on the Borja Black Hole system. It would be stronger than what they had learned how to amplify and bend with their time rip technology. It would have been fine and they wouldn‟t have gotten this all over then, if it hadn‟t been for the accidental rip and link that occurred into our Ecka. Because if they had quarantined the Borja Black Hole then, it would have sent us back to immediate spacedust. I say us, but most of us weren‟t even part of this drama at this point. Angelic Humans did not exist at this point. This was way before. We‟re talking 480 billion years ago to 450 billion years ago. So, instead they took the long way around. In order to let the life field that had been set into our Eckasha and Ecka/Veca system 950 billion years ago - there was a life field here. There was a lot of consciousness here and doing well. Instead of having them all end up going back as spacedust just to seal that rip, what they decided to do was several things. They formed the Krystal River Coalition. There would be a time, there would come a time, when it could be done. They did a whole bunch of interesting things, like doing hybridization plans. The Aquari were the leaders of this. The Hub level of the Aquari matrix, that‟s the core, the inner, the middle and the outer domains. The Aquari were the outer domain races that were seeded into the outer domains from two races of the Aquarion matrix - their Hub races, which are the Aquius races, and their Edamic middle domain races, which are called the Aquafari. The Aquafari and the Aquius got together and created the race line of their kind for the outer domains. They did this in cooperative with that Tri-Matrix Krystal River Cooperative. They seeded first their own outer domains in the Aquari Matrix. It became in shorthand the Aquari Matrix. It was actually the Aquarion Matrix, which would be the parallel adjacent Eckasha. The WesaLA then hybridized with some of them and brought them into the outer domains of the WesaLA matrix, then they were also brought in through some branches of our Founders races, into our EtorA and AdorA matrices. When I refer to EtorA and AdorA, I am referring to again, there is what is called in a Veca system, in the four quadrants of a Veca, you have the Ecka core. There‟s also on the flip side of the same creation - it has to do with a different angular rotation of particle spin, etc. - but there are two twin flames that form the cores of Eckas, so you end up with two Eckas born out of the same seed. One has certain characteristics of polarity and frequency. One has the other. So, when I talk about EtorA, I‟m talking about the side that our universal 15 dimensional matrix is in. The AdorA side, which is in the same place as we are, but a different angular rotation of particle spin. The EtorA/AdorA system is our twin flame system in our Eckasha‟s Ecka/Veca system. I‟m trying to fill in, cause I don‟t want to lose forever and forever the understanding of the people who were good enough to come and might be new to this work. Here we go... heat flashes. It gets unbearable when the frequencies start coming in. All of this history, and at least beginning to understand where these names fit, is important to what we‟re dealing with right here and right now. We have the Aquari line people coming from the parallel adjacent Eckasha. We have us over here in our Eckasha, and our now falling Ecka/Veca system, and we have still Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 16 of 54
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the viable portions of the WeseLA matrix that didn‟t fall black hole. Now, there is a whole history here that I may touch upon a little bit later. There is an activation coming through. Something is going on. They are going to let me know in a minute. By the way, if you are new here, we get this on occasion - “hold on a second, what?” Because live things will come through and they keep us updated that way. But, for now, I will go on with I was saying. We‟ve got our Aquari brothers here. There‟s a whole lineage that involved. I will probably just try to read it to you. I will do that, because it will be easier than me trying to bend myself in half reading here and looking at another mylar. I will read you what they gave me today as far as where these race lines fit. We got to where the first mess happened, and it had to do with the Great Polarity Experiment. This is where we ended with a 6-6-6 part of the Metatronic Beast machine, which came later. These events are what caused later the Fall of Metatron, the Fall of the Wesedak and Wesedrak matrices, and the fall of part of the outer domain Aquari races from the WeseLA(??) matrix, which became the Equari races. The Equari races then broke through into our EtorA Veca and hybridized with one of our fallen Seraphai groups called the Omicron Draconians, and created what are called the Dragon line races, that exist here and are very very intertwined with the Angelic Human gene code. I will read this to you, because it will help you understand pieces and bits, so you will see where it fits, and then we will be prepared - whose on our side anyway? Right? Do we have to be any side? Can‟t we just like stand back... call me when it‟s over. (Laughter) Not really! We are here on this planet, and we‟re not going to be getting off this planet unless we get the one Spanner gate to Urtha open, where we will become capable of riding the natural Starfire with Urtha, because Urtha and SG 4 Sala will be riding Starfire. They still have that natural capacity, and they are aligning with the base pulse rhythm of the organic Eckasha level Starfire wave so they can go into Starfire with the Eckasha. This is the one way out. Otherwise, you don‟t go back to spacedust immediately. No... you probably get a billion years living under the domain of the Wesedraks and the Red Dragon crew, because right now they are winning their little polarity war. I‟ll show you... by the time I get done reading this, you‟ll see how the polarity war developed into what basically you can look at in simple terms right now, are the Red Dragon and the Green Dragon camps. It is more than just Red Dragon and Green Dragon races. There are affiliations and you will see where they are, and we will be able to take back and remember the V-V game was a program that was created on purpose. We are in the middle of the end ... this last round of the 6-6-6 cycle in this twisted black hole program, and it is beginning to manifest. The Aquari, I think, may be able to influence - not just get us out, those that run the Krist, and not just Indigos, any of the Angelic Humans that can run Krist, or are Host to ride Krist. They They will still do their best to get as many people into the natural Urtha systems so they can do Starfire between 2047 and 2051. Anyway, I‟m going to read this. (Az volunteers to read it.) Yes! I would love you to read it! Az is going to read this, because he‟s much better at reading this way. At this point, my eyes are getting so bad from doing computer work or tiny closeup graphs - my distance vision was never very good, but even the closeup now, I have a very very hard time. The reason I don‟t look up at you to say something is because it takes me forever to find where I left off again. So, it‟s a bit annoying. So, it‟s better to listen to Az when he reads it. Anybody that gets bored with history, by the way, just remember, this little bit of history will help you orient to what you‟re actually dealing with tomorrow, and what we‟re in the middle of on the planet, and then you can at least make a more educated decision as to whether you want to participate in the gridwork that we‟re Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 17 of 54
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running. So, for the people who are new, if you don‟t like history, there‟s a lot that goes with this work. You don‟t have to memorize it all, but it at least gives you context, so you understand the drama you are in right now, right here. There‟s a stand to do tomorrow morning. There is an Arc of Aquari to anchor tomorrow morning, the Krystal River Flow. And if I can get across to you what the Krystal River is and its significance, it‟s kind of like a no-brainer. If I don‟t do well getting that information across to you where you can see the situation we‟re in in a black hole system... if you can understand the important of anchoring the Krystal River Spiral, it will probably motivate you to want to participate in the gridwork and activations that will take place tomorrow. If you don‟t, that‟s okay, and you can even see “I don‟t trust that stuff.” That‟s fine too. You‟re not judged for that. But, if you make that decision, I almost feel like I didn‟t do my job well enough. If you could understand the significance of this - the Indigo Shield is under direct attack right now, because they want to use us as a tool, as a weapon, to open the Urtha gates so they can run the Threshold Spiral into Urtha, and take Urtha and Sala, gate 4, down with them. This is our chance to stop that, and we are needed on the ground as well. Because if we don‟t anchor this frequency, it‟s not going to anchor on this planet, and if that doesn‟t happen, Threshold will win and we will be eventually under the control of the Red Dragon groups. In terms of 3D, that means you‟ll see communism and similar types of government that will eventually win these dramas, possibly in the generations we‟re in. You may not have to worry about our children‟s generation. Az: I just had an idea that you are the cavalry. (Unclear) Az reading: 950 billion years ago, the Ecka Eieyani (?) seeded into the Ecka domains of the EtorA Ecka system. 950 billion years ago the density 5 Brenaui and density 4 Elohei, Seraphai and Braharama Founder‟s races seed into this Veca from the EtorA Ecka/Veca races. 480 billion years ago, the Boranthasala races of the Ecka in our Parallel Eckasha witnessed organic fall and implosion to the Density 3 to Density 1 PKA Veca quadrant, within their Ecka/Veca system. Blinded by grief, (tears are the rainbow of the soul, I hear), the Boranthasala initiated the great 6-6-6-6 quarantine experiment in an attempt to discover the root cause of de-evolution, and improve upon the eternal life Krist code, first creation program, in order to eradicate fall potential. The Ecka Boranthasala devised the original Victim-Victimizer game program and seeded themselves into three density 4 Veca grids within the PCM Veca of our Parallel Eckasha Ecka/Veca system, two groups taking on biveca genetic distortions to explore the polarity extremes in competition. One control group remained with organic triveca genetic coding, intending to pull the polarity groups back out of mutation, once the four evolutionary six cycles of the experiment were completed. The Boranthasala lost control of the experiment at the end of the third 6 cycle, when one of the polarity groups, called the Borjamusala, fell into extreme polarity disorientation, destroyed the competing polarity group, and developed a time-rip technology, by which they were able to break space-time quarantine of the great experiment, invading their PCM Veca and assimilating the Boranthasala control group. The fallen Borjamusala adopted a prime objective of advancing their time-rip technology for use in assimilating all of creation into their black hole domain. Once freed from the quarantine of the great experiment, and set loose upon the creation, the Borjamusala time raider teams renamed themselves the Borjamusala Alama, meaning the assimilators of the Borjamusala. 450 billion years ago, the fallen Borjamusala Alama further developed their time rip technology, culminating in black hole fall of the Parallel Eckasha‟s entire Ecka and Veca systems, and formation of an unnatural, Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 18 of 54
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unstable time rip between the fallen Ecka of the Parallel Eckasha and the Kristic Ecka of the AdorA side of our Eckasha. 450 billion years ago, continuing - The Trimatrix Krystal River Cooperative Intervention Team was established by Kristic races in neighboring Eckasha Ecka/Veca systems, for the purpose of re-establishing the quarantine on the fallen Borja Ecka/Veca system of the Parallel Eckasha, to prevent the Borja from using their time rip technology to fulfill their anti-Kristic objective of assimilating all other living time matrices in their vicinity into their black hole system. The Aquari on the Parallel adjacent Eckasha, the WeseLA adjacent Eckasha, and AdonA/EyanA Founders races of our Eckasha system developed the Kristic Gyrodome technology to re-establish the fallen Borja matrix quarantine. This solution could not be applied while the unnatural Borja time rip continued to connect the Parallel Eckasha fallen Ecka/Veca to our Ecka. Our Ecka would go in spacedust fall if the Gyrodome technology were applied at this point 450 billion years ago. The Trimatrix Krystal River Team voted instead to initiate a very long term evolutionary option called the Aquarian(??) Transmission, by which the Ecka/Veca races of our Eckasha would have time to evolve sufficiently to seal our Ecka time rip from within, or would at least have sufficient time to naturally evolve the life field of our Ecka/Veca out of density before our Ecka/Veca fell, if fall could not be avoided. The Aquarian (Aqualean???)Transmission referred to a specific collective of Edonic Middle Domain Kristic races called the Aquafari, from the parallel adjacent Eckasha, and their corresponding outer domain (?) collectives called the Aquius. The Aquafari incarnated out into the outer domains of their Parallel adjacent Eckasha Ecka/Veca system, seeding a Trimatrix Kristic Ecka/Veca race line called the Aquari, which would be capable of running the Trimatrix Krystal River currents of the Gyrodome within the Trimatrix system when the time for completing the fallen Borja matrix quarantine finally arrived. Ash: That time is now! This is what we‟re in the middle of. It is the time when they are going to put the quarantine in as this Ecka/Veca is falling anyway. So, what are in the middle of is the final quarantining of the Borja matrix and the running of the Krystal River currents, which are the natural Kristic Krystal Spirals of those three Kristic matrices combined, that will have enough power to bend Threshold backwards, 2/3 of it, to form around Earth a quarantine which will allow Earth, even though it‟s still going to fall, it will not fall Wesedrak. Only a third of the currents will go with the Threshold down to Wesedrak at this point. We will be able to create a quarantine fall system, called the LoneStar fall path. There are two other systems in our Ecka/Veca system that have Gyrodome technologies that are still functional. They can also experience that. That means they won‟t be assimilated - not into the Wesedrak black hole, not into any. So, at least they will still have the opportunity in fall to have about three billion years left of their own evolutionary thrust, and they‟ll have to work out their issues together, but it means this planet, and our solar system basically, because this planet can be used as an anchor for our immediate solar system, so this solar system and two others - one, I believe, is the Sirius B system, and one - I don‟t think they said the other one - it is part of Andromeda, and we‟re going to get into something on Andromeda, that is what they wanted to get me to in this history, because it‟s on high security. So, as we go on in the reading, you‟ll see something none of knew until today about Andromeda. There is part of Andromeda that will fall Wesedrak at this point. There is a part that will fall Lonestar fall. And there is part of it, that something else happened to it a long long time ago. And this is why, it‟s from that system that we see as Andromeda galaxy far far away that used to be part of our universal Ecka/Veca system. The Arc of Aquari will come into our matrix from that direction. So, we are in the middle of what was just described there - when the point in time came when they could finish the quarantining of the Borja matrix, without wiping out the life field in our Eckasha‟s Ecka/Veca. At this point... This system has done a pretty good job of facilitating its own wipe out, but it had a lot of help. The problem was the Borja experiment that got set loose all along, that created the whole fall drama here, Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 19 of 54
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back to the fall of Lyra, etc. We are in that time now. We have the Gyrodome Krystal River technologies that are going to be opened. What they will simply do is interface with the Threshold Spiral, and they will bend 2/3 of it back and reverse the reverse current, which means that it will go forward, which means it will turn part of its coding back into Kristic, enough to create a loop on itself to make the Spiral... to bend part of it back so it goes this way and creates a loop on itself, so it creates a self-quarantine effect around whatever is running the Threshold Spiral. A third of it will still be able to pull, a third of the grids of whatever Threshold is running in... down into Wesedrak. But 2/3 will still stay in the LoneStar fall. So, this is very very good news, compared to the news we were getting when Threshold was activated. Basically, (we were told) the whole thing was going down the Wesedrak black hole and we can‟t do anything about it. What the Borja wanted to do over in their matrix, was actually first pull this matrix into Wesedrak, because it was the easiest way to go first, and then Wesedrak and Wesedak into theirs. So, it was a big assimilation plan. By doing this, it will not only stop this whole system from going Wesedrak and then Borja; it will also prevent certain other systems, that are already in the black hole, but they will not be pulled into the Borja matrix, which means the Borja will not be able to continue their habit of eating living things anywhere near them. There is also a consequence to this. When the Threshold reaches a certain point of turning back on itself, it builds up so much frequency that will cause of the implosion of the Borja matrix. It will go back as spacedust. And that won‟t be instant as far as when it happens. But once they are quarantined - they‟re throwing current, and all the Gyrodome is meant to do is bend it back, and make it circle their own system. If they stop the current, they postpone their own implosion, but it‟s not going to change the fact that they are a black hole system, they created that, and they will ultimately experience what that means as far as spacedust return. But this will accelerate the process. The harder they push Threshold, the more we will get 2/3 of that frequency turned back around into the quarantined states. Earth will have a quarantined state that will be modulated by the Arc of Aquari, the Krystal River. That will allow enough of a link - even before we had talked about when the earth system/this Veca system fell, there would be a possibility of Krist fall with the Hub connection. We lost that with the fall of the Rainbow Bridge and the Thothian Shield. But, they still have the ability - the Earth system, and the Sirius system, and some part of the Andromeda system - will still have the ability to have the Threshold currents kept in the reverse of the reversal, keeping it in quarantine where the others can‟t get at it - it‟s actually protecting it from the Borja, as the Borja are getting part of their Threshold Spiral back around them, making it so they can‟t break out like they are used to doing. So, nobody‟s shooting energy at anybody here, except for the Borja and the ones who are doing the Dragon agendas, the Red guys and Green guys are throwing energy at each other. The Red Dragons have sided with the Borja. They don‟t realize what the Borja have in store. They think, oh, they‟re going to help us unify, and take over the Wesedak matrix. Yes, but what do you think they are going to want to do then? So, this is the one way out for anybody who is not interested in participating in these war games anymore, and wants to get out of the Victim-Victimizer pattern that is running on these currents. You‟re going to see the Threshold currents kick up the V-V program just as if it were a persona profile program on a virtual reality game. And it‟s going to be running in people bio-networks, because our DNA, and therefore what we‟re composed of here, our elemental, on a molecular level, will be running programs that create impulses that create chemical reactions in the body and trigger the flight or fight response that are going to move large amounts of people into behaving very badly toward each other. I do believe the Reds are in the Victimizer position right now, and the Greens are in the Victim position. And that‟s the stance that we‟re entering politics beginning to unfold that is meant to be pushed to a Holy War type of thing on both sides. Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 20 of 54
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The people on this planet, there is the saying, „forgive them cause they know not what they do,‟ because they don‟t. Most of us have no clue about that stargates existed - forget that we‟re in the middle of this combat zone of a trimatrix war. It is basically what has gone on for a long time in these three Ecka/Veca systems in three Eckashas, because of this one experiment that went very very wrong. All of this that you are hearing about now, and we‟ll get back to the reading, is directly related to what we are likely to see unfold on this planet politically, as well as what is unfolding in the stars and in larger - like star Trek dramas. So, it‟s very real and very sci-fi all at once. Welcome to our sci-fi novel. (Laughter). It is very real. It‟s not really a drama. It‟s a documentary. So, we are in the last phase of this, where the Aquari races have, and the Krystal River cooperatives of the Eckasha levels, have all agreed to open the Krystal River flow. That means it will be the final quarantining and the implosion of the Borja time rip. It will mean that they will get much more rapid cruise back to spacedust than they might have had, if they hadn‟t tried to eat everything around them. It means we will still be able to, if we can hold these activations, first of all stop reversal of the Indigo Shield, which means they won‟t be able to use the reversal of the Indigo Shield to access on the Threshold currents the Urtha gates. We still have Arc 7 partially. It‟s surface level is compromised. It‟s core level is still partially viable, so it can still plug into Spanner 7, but it will plug into urtha gate 7. So, we still have the 7 set open. If we are able to anchor the Arc of Aquari tomorrow morning, the first Krystal River run, and that is... This is why we are throwing a lot of data at you. Even the people who have been with this for a long time haven‟t heard any of this stuff. You guys who are new, it‟s kind of amazing. Hmmm, who might you be that you got sent here to anchor this work at t his level? Interesting. Consider that. Tomorrow will make the difference between what we teach thereafter or not. If we‟re successful in anchoring the Krystal River, the Arc of Aquari, tomorrow, we will be able to move forward with the Spanner program, which means Spanner 7 will still be able to be open and it will get stronger, because it is the one gate left that can get people out physically if it stays viable, to Urtha, when the time comes for Starfire. It means there will be training for some people who are biologically capable of gate passage. Some people aren‟t, and they have too much DNA stuff that they have to clear, and there‟s not enough time to do it. That‟s okay, because even if a person goes through a natural bardo, which means they drop the bardo at their natural time, like whenever - everybody‟s body has a couple of points in time where you could leave and go into spirit, and then into your next life. Many people won‟t be able to do the walk through on the physical. Their bodies won‟t be strong enough and fast enough to handle that kind of frequency. There will be a natural time when your own bodies, when you normally die, but when you die you wake up, and you‟re not in your body anymore. You‟re in a lighter version of it. Then you realize you can make a change, like if you had an arm cut off, you could make it there again. And you realize you‟re a lot more free once you get out. So, when you die you don‟t really die. Before my walk-in, the person, the other part of myself from Density 2 that had run the body until the age of the walk-in, it had a near-death experience, so she had those doors open. It really doesn‟t matter if you get out with the body or if you get out through the natural, what would appear to be the natural translation of death, from here. What matters is where you go either with your body or with just your spirit. We can ride Krystal Spiral so you‟re capable of being hosting through Urtha into the Adashi cycles that will take us back into Source again, and then back out for the rebirth, and the new creation, where we will still be in the Eternal life matrix of the outflow from Source, and the backflow... or we can get caught in the Threshold Spiral, which will pull you into black hole fall of one kind or other. The worst black hole fall that you don‟t want to get involved with is that one third that will still be pulled into Wesedrak, because Wesedrak will be a sitting duck for the Borja. Even if Borja get partial quarantine, they already have wormholes into that black hole system on the Wese side. So, the other option for those who won‟t be able to ride any Krystal, because there‟s not enough coding in the DNA template of the shield, there is still the opportunity of the Lonestar fall, which means there is still that quarantine, where the Threshold is turned around and that keeps the Threshold running Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 21 of 54
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unnaturally for itself, which means running more like the Krist frequencies. It‟s just doesn‟t have as many frequencies as the Krist dimensional structure would. At least they will get about three billion years left of solar systems evolution of things working out on this planet. It means the planet won‟t get blown to smithereens, when we encounter in between 2047 and 2051 the Starfire cycle, because without out that buffer, that quarantine fence around it, this planet was going to fall, and it was not going to be here anymore. This was going to be the annihilation point of what we know as life on Earth, because Earth was falling elsewhere, and what was on it was going to be turned to spacedust, but in an ________ way by the Threshold. So, at this point, because the Aquari have agreed that they would release their part of the Krystal Spiral, we have the Krystal River currents available. It means we can do Lonestar fall. It means Earth and the solar system can be kept stable. So can the Sirius B system. They have the Gyrodome that can be used to do this, and it‟s a better option than the others. There‟s still the option of getting out of it, and being able to ride the natural Kristic Starfire rebirth process back. That‟s what we‟re aiming for. That is what we are aiming for. That is the work - when you come to our workshops, that will be the path that we are trying to get as many people _________ on. That is what ... if somebody hears the word Krist, and says, yeah, the *Krist, and Christ, it is important to me. That means something to me. Most people who can say that don‟t even realize what that word meant, where it came from. It‟s about the eternal life creation code. It‟s something that Jesus did teach and a lot of other people before Jesus as well. This is what Christian religion was originally supposed to be built on. We are not Christian. We are Kristic. Christians became something else. So, on the Kristic path, you never surrender the highest ideal, and that is riding the Krystal. Now, we need to learn to ride the Krystal River, which are three Eckasha level Krystal Spirals that run together as one very strong, very protective, Krist current. That is what we‟re beginning to anchor tomorrow. If, for whatever reason, we are unsuccessful, the Threshold grids are activating. The chance of the Indigo Shield getting ripped apart is pretty good, because it would not be able to buffer the blast of Threshold that the people who are running Threshold, the Borja, are planning to hit the Indigo Shield with tomorrow. If the Indigo Shield reverses, it means that the Urtha gates can be compromised by the Borja. If that occurs, what we will see very rapidly is all those official denial contracts of those governments down here ripped up very fast, because we‟ll find ourselves in a trimatrix war with things flying like we‟ve never seen. We heard in Morocco briefly about how things got worse during our time when we were trying to do gridwork in Morocco, because something happened in Density 2, and we said the Budhara had attacked directly, physically attacked Tara, which is Alcyon when you look at it from down here, and used the templar and the stargates to reverse the Staff, and because of that, that was it. This matrix was falling and Earth‟s Staff was going to reverse at that point. That‟s when the Tauren on Earth had no chance of not activating on the Threshold. What they hadn‟t clarified before was the distinction of Budharas. There are regular Budharas that we know have sided with the Anunnaki, and they‟ve made hybrids of the Anunnaki that were called Shantar-Els, and that they have stood against Kristic races a lot since their fall, but there‟s another group called the Borja Budhara. These guys side with the Red Dragon side. They are Borja hybrid race, and the regular Budhara despise them. So, at least right now, knowing all this, we have Budhara that were once opening wormholes ______. They did that because they were afraid that this was going to happen. So, they are at least helping at this point. So the Budhara are going to weaken Threshold, because they can‟t access the Krystal Spiral, but what they can do is siphon energy off the Threshold enough to weaken that, as we bring in the Krystal River frequencies, which create the balance that will allow the link to occur. (Audience wowing) The Budhara do not want the Borja to rule, because they don‟t want to live ___________. So, it is becoming hilarious, if you look at this. Is there anybody else out there in any matrix....? (laughter) that we Copyright A'shayana & A‟zahyana Deane, 2007, All Rights Reserved; Part of the MCEO Freedom Teachings™ Series Page 22 of 54
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don‟t know of yet... It‟s got to stop somewhere, and the ______ of this V-V game. Can we just have all the players so we can understand what is going on? Anyway, what we‟re doing now... once upon a time the Budhara were a Kristic race, just like once the AdonI were a Kristic race. Both of them fell. Guess why? We‟ll see that soon. But tomorrow we have a stand to make like never before. We are in the grids that are directly connected to interface to amplify by the Beloveds into Arc 7. We are going to open Spanner 7 tomorrow, with the anchoring of the Arc of Aquari, which is the Krystal River current of the three Eckashas. So, anybody who wants to be there with us is very welcome. We‟ll probably do that about six in the morning to start. You will see a wedding done for the first time with six ministers present. It is a wedding alright. It is the wedding of the three streams, the Eckasha Krystal Spirals, and we have to anchor that. So, we will be also exchanging our vows and opening the Edamic level here, because it will not only run into the outer domains here. It will run from here into the Edamic levels to make a full link into the Edons so they can link it through that. This is big. It is a big time and a long time coming. 480 billion years is a very long time on Earth. For them it could have been like two days, but here it seems like forever. This is the beginning of the drama and this is the end of the drama. The Aquari are coming up with the Krystal River flow. That means that the V-V game is going to be stopped, and it won‟t be perpetuated into other matrices, like it has been. So, this is a long time coming. Anyway, I will let Az finish reading so you can get a bit more of an idea of the evolution here. We are still at 450 billion years ago. (Laughter) Az: Just a little footnote to what Ash is saying, and that is that __________ optimistic _____ direct bearing on the kind of mess that World War III _____________. We were at the point of 450 million, The Aquafari _____ outer domains to seed the Trimatrix Ecka/Veca race line called the Aquari. So, the Aquari race lines were expanded from their Aquarion home matrix in the Parallel adjacent Eckashato the WesaLA matrix of the adjacent Eckashand into the AdorA and EtorA Ecka/Veca systems of our Eckashaeating a _____ Kristic Krystal River Aquarion lineage within the organic Kristic race lines in the outer domains of the three systems in the Krystal River cooperative. Ash: They responded to the Aquarion call. This is a long time ago, way before humans. But these race lines were stepped down so there are the Aquarion force here among us. That‟s the call That was put out. They are the only ones capable of anchoring the three Eckasha level Krystal River. So, just so you know. These races from long long ago, they are our ancestors, and there are versions of the Azurites that were crossed with them. There are versions of the Founders races that were crossed with them. There are versions of the Angelic Humans that were crossed with them. And there is something that later they are going to talk to us about, probably either in the next workshop here, or in Peru, and I‟m not sure, but it gets into solving some mysteries about what are called the 12 Feathers, which happens to be Aquarion lineage races that came up in our native peoples, and they have a whole lot to do with Native Amer history as well as Aboriginal history and Inca and Peruvian Indian history. So, these races that you‟re hearing about now, from a billion years ago, these were created, this is a race line that was brought into our race lines hee, and there is a force of us on the planet that carry these codes, that will be able to run the KR, and that will allow for the