Financial Markets Theory: Equilibrium, Efficiency and Information (Springer Finance) 9781447110934, 9781447100898, 1447110935

A presentation of classical asset pricing theory, this textbook is the only one to address the economic foundations of f

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Financial Markets Theory: Equilibrium, Efficiency and Information (Springer Finance)
 9781447110934, 9781447100898, 1447110935

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Springer Finance

Editorial Board M. Avellaneda

G. Barone-Adesi M.Broadie M.H.A. Davis c. Klilppelberg E.Kopp W. Schachermayer

Springer-Verlag London Ltd.

Springer Finance Springer Finance is a programme of books aimed at students, academics and practitioners working on increasingly technical approaches to the analysis of financial markets. It aims to cover a variety of topics, not only mathematical finance but foreign exchanges, term structure, risk management, portfolio theory, equity derivatives, and financial economics.

M. Amman, Credit Risk Valuation: Methods, Models, and Application (2001)

N.H. Bingham and R. Kiesel, Risk-Neutral Valuation: Pricing and Hedging of Financial Derivatives (1998)

T.R. Bielecki and M. Rutkowski, Credit Risk: Modeling, Valuation and Hedging (2001) D. Brigo amd F. Mercurio, Interest Rate Models: Theory and Practice (2001) R. Buff, Uncertain Volatility Models - Theory and Application (2002) G. Deboeck and T. Kohonen (Editors), Visual Explorations in Finance with SelfOrganizing Maps (1998)

R.I. Elliott and P.E. Kopp, Mathematics of Financial Markets (1999) H. Geman, D. Madan, S.R. Pliska and T. Vorst (Editors), Mathematical FinanceBachelier Congress 2000 (2001) Y.-K. Kwok, Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives (1998) A. Pelsser, Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives (2000) M. Yor, Exponential Functionals of Brownian Motion and Related Processes (2001) R. Zagst, Interest-Rate Management (2002)

R.A. Dana and M. /eanblanc, Financial Markets in Continuous Time (2002)

Emilio Barucci

Financial Markets Theory Equilibrium, Efficiency and Information

With 14 Figures



Emilio Barucci Dipartimento di Statistica e matematica applicata all'economia Universita di Pisa Italy

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Barucci, Emilio Financial markets theory : equilibrium, efficiency and information. - (Springer finance) 1. Finance - Mathematical models I. Title 332'.015118 ISBN 978-1-4471-1093-4 ISBN 978-1-4471-0089-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4471-0089-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. Springer Finance series ISSN 1616-0533 ISBN 978-1-4471-1093-4 © Springer-Verlag London 2003

Originally published by Springer-Verlag London Limited in 2003

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To Teresa and my Parents


Non domandarci la formula che mondi possa aprirti, sl qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo. Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti, do che non siamo, do che non vogliamo. Eugenio Montale Ossi di Seppia (1925)

This is just another book on financial markets theory. Why another book? Most of the time an author will answer that there was no book covering the same topics with the same approach. This is also my answer . Organizing my lectures for an advanced financial markets theory course, I tried to make my students understand how financial markets theory was a body in continuous transformation animated both by a rich theoretical debate and by a strict interaction with real financial markets. I did not find a book with such an approach and so I decided to write this one. I hope my students were and will be fascinated by the picture. The book is driven by two perspectives: on the one side the theoretical debate about financial markets and agent's behaviour under risk, on the other the comparison of theoretical results with the empirical evidence. I intend to highlight how financial markets theory has developed during the last fifty years along these two perspectives. The first one has been a driving force for a long time, my personal reconstruction of the development of the theory includes Bachelier (1900), Arrow (1953), Modigliani and Miller (1958), Debreu (1959), Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965), Black and Scholes (1973), LeRoy (1973), Merton (1973), Jensen and Meckling (1976), Rubinstein (1976), Ross (1977), Lucas (1978), Harrison and Kreps (1979), and Grossman (1981). As a matter of fact, the classical asset pricing theory was almost fully developed by the mid-1980s, the debate then turned to the empirical evidence and hence the second perspective came into play. Results are mixed with some puzzles still alive after 20 years . These puzzles generated a debate with developments inside the classical asset pricing theory as well as outside with an attempt to build alternative paradigms (e.g. behavioural finance) . Classical asset pricing theory tries to explain asset pricing anomalies by changing agent's preferences , probability distributions for fundamentals , economic environment maintaining its traditional pillars, i.e. agents' rationality, equilibrium or no arbitrage arguments, rational expectations. According to the classical asset pricing theory, asset prices are explained through risk factors related to as-



set fundamentals. On the other hand, behavioural finance tries to build an alternative paradigm by relaxing some hypotheses on agents' rationality and introducing market frictions . The debate on asset pricing puzzles is one of the main topics of the book. On this point we follow the Kuhn (1970) perspective: a paradigm has never been rejected by falsification through direct comparison with the real world , a new paradigm should be accepted. The book is organized as follows, Chapters 2-7 and Chapter 10 cover the so-called classical asset pricing theory comprehensive of corporate finance and models with heterogeneous-private information. We present theoretical results together with their empirical evidence. Chapters 8, 9 and 11 are devoted to analysing the assumptions made in previous chapters, to discussing their relevance, how they ar e crucial , and to presenting recent developments. We will show how recent developments address asset pricing puzzles. Our approach is inspired by the Solow (1956) quotation placed at the beginning of Chapter l. Chapter 1 presents some prerequisities useful in the analysis. Results on decision theory, general equilibrium theory and welfare analysis under certainty are illustrated. The aim of this chapter is to render the book selfcontained as far as economic analysis is concerned. Chapter 2 deals with decision theory under risk. Expected utility theory, risk aversion, portfolio choices and insurance demand are analyed. The goal is to fully understand the behaviour of an agent under risk given some parameters (prices , returns). Given the (budget) constraint, the agent maximizes his expected utility (substantial rationality). Chapter 3 presents some classical results on stochastic dominance, mean variance analysis including the construction of the mean-variance frontier, and mutual funds separation results. In Chapter 4, we address agents' int eraction in a perfectly competitive financial market. We are interested in two main topics : Pareto optimality of equilibrium allocations and asset pricing results (risk premia). We use two main tools: equilibrium analysis and no arbitrage analysis. The notion of rational expectations equilibrium is introduced. A key point is the market completeness assumption. The fundamental asset pricing theorem and risk neutral evaluation are fully analyed. In Chapter 5 the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory are presented theoretically and are discussed from an empirical point of view. (Firm specific) anomalies in asset return risk premia are discussed. Chapter 6 extends equilibrium and no arbitrage analysis to a multiperiod setting. Efficiency of the equilibrium allocation is investigated as well as the fundamental asset pricing theorem. Asset time series implications are derived and compared with the empirical evidence. Evidence on return autocorrelation , the equity premium puzzle and the risk free puzzle are investigated.



Chapter 7 analyses financial markets assuming heterogeneous-private information . We investigate how prices transmit and aggregate private information providing a microfoundation to th e efficient market theory. Chapter 8 deals with the hypotheses considered in Chapters 1-7 about probability, agent's preferences representation, agent 's rationality, frictions , market incompleteness. We present developments of the classical asset pricing theory as well as theories relaxing agent's rationality (behavioural finance) . We evaluate the robustness of the results and how each piece of theory addresses asset pricing puzzles and results already explained by the classical asset pricing theory. Chapter 9 is devoted to financial markets assuming a non-perfectly competitive market. Perfect competition is far away from real financial markets. They are characterized by a precise microstructure and institutional setting involving dealers, brokers, specialists and financial intermediaries. We intend to analyse how the functioning of the market is affected by its architecture, the crucial point is the diffusion-aggregation of information and liquidity. Chapter 10 concerns corporate finance. We present the Modigliani-Miller theorem as well as recent developments based on information asymmetry and agency models . Chapter 11 deals with financial intermediation and financial market regulation-design. Most of the theory in previous chapters assumes atomistic agents, financial intermediation substantially changes the picture. The book is an adventure in modern financial markets theory with two plots: theoretical developments and real financial markets. There are two actors : classical asset pricing theory and heretics. Conclusions on the status of the theory are left to the reader. My personal belief is that classical asset pricing theory is a strong and flexible paradigm. Many anomalies can be reinterpreted inside the paradigm, but some of them are hard to kill. On the other hand, behavioural finance and alternative approaches provide useful insights into understand real financial markets day by day, but they are not an alternative paradigm. Agent's rationality is a simplification of human behaviour and therefore some anomalies are expected. The book can be used in several ways. It is an advanced financial markets theory textbook and it provides a handbook on recent developments of the literature. The book covers a wide spectrum of topics . We are not going to deal with mathematical finance topics (option pricing, term structure, interest rate derivatives) because in our view they are mainly an application of the fundamental asset pricing theorem; there are many interesting and hard to solve problems in this field, but they are mainly technical problems . We handle the topics in the simplest setting (finite states-discrete time) . Some parts of the book have been heavily inspired by Barucci (2000). The book owes a debt to Huang and Litzenberger (1988), which introduced me to the economic analysis of financial markets. I strongly believe that the advancement of the theory will be driven in the future by economic analysis , empirical evidence and the incorporation of the institutional setting in the


Prefac e

picture. This book testifies this belief. I hope the reader will find interesting hints in reading the book. It took five years to complete this book. During these years, the book has been a living companion for me with frustrations , worries, and many other emotions, now it is only printed paper. I have to thank many for their encouragement and help. First of all I would like to thank all my coauthors for having contributed a lot to this book. lowe enormous intellectual debt to them. Special thanks to Maria Elvira Mancino for her encouragement. I would like to thank my colleagues at the University of Pisa, and Bruce Marshall, and Claudia Neri for carefully reading the final manuscript. The book is first of all dedicated to my students in the past and in the future, to their enthusiasm which is a strong motivation for a teacher. The book is dedicated to all who sympathized, sympathize, or will sympathize with me, in particular my parents, Teresa and those who are not with me anymore.

Emilio Barucci Firenze-Pisa September 2002



Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Choices und er Certainty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 General Equilibrium Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Pareto Optimality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 1 4 8


Choices under Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,....... 2.1 Expected Utili ty Theory 2.2 Risk Aversion " 2.3 Portfolio Problem 2.4 Insurance Demand and Prudence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Notes , References and Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

13 16 19 25 34 39


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Stochastic Dominance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.2 Mean-Variance Analysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.3 Portfolio Frontier (risky assets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.4 Portfolio Frontier (risky assets and a risk free asset) 3.5 Mutual Funds Separation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6 Notes , References and Exercises.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

43 44 48 50 58 65 69


General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange. . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Risk Sharing and Pareto Optim ality 4.2 Asset Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Intertemporal Consumption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.4 The Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem I 4.5 Notes , References and Exercises

71 74 80 88 96 106


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory 5.1 Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) 5.2 Empirical Tests of th e CAPM 5.3 Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) 5.4 Empirical Tests of th e APT 5.5 Notes , Referen ces and Exercises

111 112 120 130 137 140

Multiperiod Market Models 6.1 Portfolio Choice, Consumption and Equilibrium 6.2 The Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem II 6.3 Risk Premium and Factor Models 6.4 The No Arbitrage Fundamental Equation and Bubbles 6.5 Empirical Tests : Price-Dividend Process 6.6 Empirical Tests: CCAPM, ICAPM and Risk Premium

143 146 160 169 174 179 206




6.7 Notes, References and Exercises



Information and Financial Markets 7.1 The Role of Information in Financial Markets 7.2 On the Possibility of Efficient Markets 7.3 On the Impossibility of Efficient Markets 7.4 Multiperiod Models 7.5 Empirical Analysis 7.6 Notes , Referen ces and Exercise s

217 222 228 235 243 247 250


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1 Uncertainty, Risk and Probability 8.2 On Expected Utility Theory 8.3 Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality 8.4 Bounded Rationality, Incomplete Information and Learning . . 8.5 Imperfect and Incomplete Markets

253 254 259 273 287 295


Financial Markets Microstructure 9.1 The Role of Information under non-Perfect Competition 9.2 Order Driven Markets 9.3 Quote Driven Markets 9.4 Multiperiod Market Models

309 310 314 320 324

10 Corporate Finance 10.1 Modigliani -Miller Theorem 10.2 Asymmetric Information 10.3 Agency Models

331 334 336 343

11 Intermediation and Regulation 11.1 Institutional Investors, Intermediation and Financial Markets 11.2 Market Design 11.3 Market Abuse: Insider Tradin g and Market Manipulation

357 357 371 383







All theory depends on assumpt ions which ar e not qu ite true. That is what makes it t heory. The art of successful theorizing is to make the inevitabl e simplifying assumptions in such a way that the final results ar e not very sensitive. A "cruci al" assumption is one on which th e conclusions do depend sensitively, and it is important that crucial assumptions be reasonably realistic. When the results of a th eory seem to flow specifically from a special cru cial assumption, then if the assumption is dubious, the results are suspect. Solow (1956) Once it has achieved the status of paradigm, a scientific theory is declared invalid only if an alternative candidate is available to take it s place. No process yet disclosed by the historical study of scient ific development at all resembles the methodological ste reotype of falsification by dir ect compar ison with nature .... t he act of judgem ent that leads scient ist s to reject a previously acce pte d t heory is always based upon more than a comparison of that theory with the world. The decision to reject one paradigm is always simult an eously the decision to accept an other , and the judgement leading to that decision involves th e compar ison of both paradigms with na ture and with each other. Kuhn (1970)


Choices under Certainty

Let us consider an agent who makes choices und er certainty. Choices in a certain environment can be analysed through two instruments: - set of choices X, - weak preference relation R representing agent's preferences over couples of elements of X .



In the standard consumption problem, choices concern baskets of goods, and therefore X will be a subset of ~L, where L is the number of goods, e.g. X == ~~ . A vector in ~~ identifies a basket of goods. 1 The preference relation is defined on X. Given x ,y E X, if xRy we will say that the vector of goods x is at least as good as the vector of goods y. The preference relation R allows us to deduce two relations: - the strong preference relation P defined as xPy

xRy but not yRx,

which stands for the vector of goods x is better than the vector of goods y; - the indifference relation I defined as xIV

xRy and yRx,

which stands for the basket of goods x and the basket of goods yare good in the same measure. The couple (X , R) completely characterizes the agent's choice problem: the choice set and his preferences. To derive a significative analysis, some hypotheses on preferences are needed. In all the analysis we will assume that the preference relation R satisfies the following rationality hypothesis. Assumption 1.1 The preference relation R is rational if it satisfies the following properties:

- Reflexivity: "Ix E X , xRx, Completeness: "Ix, y E X, xRy or yRx, - Transitivity: "Ix, y , z E X, if xRy and yRz then xRz .

According to this assumption, an agent is rational if he is able to rank any couple of alternatives and if he is consistent over the different choices. The transitivity of the preference relation in fact requires th at the agent be able to think big, not only with respect to the single couple of alternatives. To obtain interesting results, it is useful to introduce a utility function. To this end, one requires that the preference relation satisfies a technical hypothesis called the continuity hypothesis. Assumption 1.2 The preference relation R is continuous ifVy E X the sets {x EX : xRy} and {x EX : yRx} are closed.

We are looking for a utility function defined on X which represents the preference relation R. A utility function u : X -t ~ represents a preference relation R if and only if xRy u(x) ~ u(y), x,y E X. On this point, the following proposition holds. 1


denotes the set of non-negative vectors and vectors.

Rt+ the set

of strictly positive

1.1. Choices under Certainty


Proposition 1.1. A preference relation R defined on ~~ which satisfies Assumptions 1.1 and 1.2 can be represented through a continuous utility function u:~~-t~.

For a proof see [1242]. If Assumptions 1.1 and 1.2 hold, then the agent will be completely described by the couple (X,u) . Some interesting properties of the preference relation are the following : 2

- R is strictly monotone if "Ix, y E X such that y > x, then yPx; - R is strictly convex if "Ix, y , z E X with x t= y such that xRz and yRz , then tx + (1 - t)ypz "It E (0,1). If the preference relation satisfies these two properties, then the indifference curves of the utility function are strictly convex and are ordered in an increasing sense, the partial derivative of the utility function with respect to a consumption good is positive and the second partial derivative is negative. Monotonicity and convexity can be defined in a weak sense. Strict monotonicity and convexity of R together with Assumptions 1.1 and 1.2 will be assumed below except when it is differently specified. We dip the agent in a perfectly competitive market. Following the classical approach, the interaction of the agents in the market can be addressed in two steps. The first part of the problem is addressed in this section, the second in the next one. In a perfectly competitive market, agents do not affect market prices and so we can parametrize their behaviour with respect to good prices, i.e, agents are price takers. Prices are identified by a vector p E ~~. Following the Simon observation at the beginning of Chapter 2, we will assume that every agent is characterized by substantial rationality, i.e. an agent pursues his goals in the most appropriate way under the constraints imposed by the environment. In a perfectly competitive market, constraints are given by the budget constraint (market price and wealth). Given the wealth wand the price vector p E ~~+, the set on which an agent makes his choices is B = {x EX: p T X ~ w}. According to the substantial rationality hypothesis, the most appropriate vector of goods to represent agent's choice will be the one which comes from the maximization of the utility function under the budget constraint. A vector is obtained as the solution of the following problem (MPO):

max u(x),


x E B.

By the strict monotonicity of the utility function, it is never optimal for an agent not to spend all his wealth, therefore the budget constraint can be written as an equality constraint and the optimum problem can be handled through the Lagrange multipliers method. Given the Lagrangean 2


Given two vectors x, y E !R N , X ~ Y means that X n ~ Yn (n 1, ... , N), x > y means that X n ~ Yn (n = 1, .. . ,N) and x'" y , x » y means that X n > Yn (n = 1, . .. , N).



L(x, A)

= u(x) + A[W -

PT x],

where A represents the multiplier, first order necessary conditions for a strictly positive optimal consumption vector (z" E iR~+) become 3 Ux,(x")

= A"PI , 1= 1, . . . , L T W = p z",

and PI denote the amount of good I and its price. The gradient of the utility function must be equal to the price vector multiplied by the Lagrange multiplier. The Lagrange multiplier represents the derivative of the indirect utility function with respect to wealth. The indirect utility function is defined as v(w) == u(x") , where z" is solution of the optimum problem (MPO). A strictly positive optimal solution is obtained if the marginal utility for any good goes to +00 when the amount of the good tends to zero and if it goes to zero when the amount of the good goes to +00 (Inada conditions) . Optimality conditions for a vector z" >> 0 can be synthesized in the following classical condition (marginal rate of substitution equal to the price ratio) : Xl

U x ; (x")


U Xj


= Pi



= 1, . .. ,L.

When the utility function is strictly concave, the optimal consumption vector solution to the above problem is unique. The optimal consumption vector associated with the price vector P will be denoted through the function x(P). The demand of agent i, endowed with the endowment vector ei E iR~ (w = PT e"), is a function zi(p) = xi(p) - ei (z i : ~~ -t iR L ) . zj(P) > 0 means that the agent has a positive demand of good j , zj(P) < 0 means that the agent has a positive supply (negative demand) of good j. Maximization of the utility function under the budget constraint in a perfectly competitive market constitutes one of the pillars of our analysis. In what follows, we will refer to it as the internal consistency requirement.


General Equilibrium Theory

There are L > 1 goods and I > 1 agents in the economy. The economy is fully described by I couples (1~i, e'), i = 1, . .. ,I. ei E ~~ denotes the goods endowment of agent i and n: denotes his preference relation. Assume that each agent i has solved his optimal consumption problem in correspondence to the wealth w i = PT e' . His choices are synthesized through the demand function zi(P). 3

Given a function of N real variables 1('), I : R N -t R, the partial derivative with respect to the variable Xi will be denoted by Ix; . The partial derivative evaluated in x" ERN will be denoted by Ix; (x') .

1.2. General Equilibrium Theory


In a perfectly competitive market, the market is an anonymous fictitious place of centralized trades where agents exclusively communicate through prices. Economic theory has addressed market interaction favouring the equilibrium analysis, i.e. the analysis of the economy in correspondence of a price vector p* such that the market demand equates to the supply: I

z(P) == 2)x


- e



= O.


i= l

System (1.1) is made up of L equations in L unknowns (prices) , one for each good. z(P) is also said aggregate excess demand. A price vector p* solving system (1.1) is the equilibrium price vector. The couple (P*, z"}, where x* = (x 1(p*),X2(p*) , . .. ,x I(p*)), is called competitive equilibrium (x i ( . ) E lRt). x* E lRf is called equilibrium allocation. We will refer to (1.1) as the external consistency requirement. A competitive equilibrium is represented by a couple of price vector and allocation of goods which satisfies the two consistency requirements. (1.1) is required with strictly increasing preferences; under weaker assumptions (local non-satiation), it is substituted by z(P) ~ O. The concentrating of attention on equilibrium analysis is due to several reasons. In what follows we only propose some remarks, for a more comprehensive analysis see [70, 828, 955]. In the first place, equilibrium analysis has a methodological-historical motivation: economic theory is a young science in comparison with others. As a consequence, economics has borrowed methodologies and instruments from more mature sciences, e.g. physics. In those sciences, equilibrium analysis represents the classical tool of analysis. Definition of an equilibrium state implies the identification of a dynamics in the phenomenon, a dynamics which seems to be completely outside the picture described above. Actually, we have not proposed a dynamic system, but we can identify a dynamics in our context by referring to the two consistency requirements introduced above. If p ¥ p*, then one of the two consistency conditions is violated and one of the following situations is verified: (a) given the prices, not all agents maximize their utility, (b) there are no goods to satisfy the demand of all agents or some goods do not have a buyer. In these cases, it seems plausible that some forces inside the market move the prices. The main problem is how to describe these forces inside the above picture. If the economy stands exactly in p*, then there are no endogenous forces moving the prices. If agents trade in a perfectly competitive market and communicate exclusively through prices, then only p* can represent a stationary state of the economy. This interpretation appears very weak, nothing is said about the capacity of the market to converge to p* starting from a p ¥ p*. Stability analysis of the equilibrium requires introducing the time dimension in the above picture and to formalize the dynamics outside the equilibrium. Pursuing this



goal, general equilibrium theory shows all its limits , it is difficult in fact to represent internal and external consistency requirements through a dynamical system. The two consistency requirements, which represent a strong point to prove existence of the equilibrium and to characterize it analytically, constitute a serious obstacle to introducing dynamic elements inside general equilibrium theory. It is difficult to model a disequilibrium dynamics with consumption-exchange of goods. These problems have been avoided in the literature by extending the time for trade and admitting consumption only at the final time when an equilibrium is reached. In doing so, the internal consistency requirement is maintained, every agent during the bargaining declares his theoretical demand, at that time there is no trade and no consumption. Trade and consumption only occur in equilibrium. Prices change over time when demand and supply differ. The dynamics is modelled by assuming a tatonnement process: the price dynamics is described by a differential-difference equation defined through a function which preserves the sign of the excess demand and assumes zero value if the excess demand is equal to zero. If the excess demand function satisfies some additional hypothesis, typically goods are gross substitute (two goods i and j are gross substitute if for any price vector p it happens that Z~i (P) > 0 with i 1= j), then the competitive equilibrium will be stable with respect to the tatonnement process , see [1242, Proposition 17.H.9). The dynamic process described above formally represents the so-called demand and supply law. There is another reason for using an equilibrium analysis. Existence of a vector of equilibrium prices means that the decisions of the agents pursuing their self-interest are compatible in a perfectly competitive market . This motivation goes back to the axiomatic approach of general equilibrium theory developed in the 1930s as an answer to the following question: under what conditions are agents' decisions compatible? The question circulated for a long time in the environment of social scientists (since Adam Smith, if not before) , it was motivated by the fact that the market seemed able to coordinate the demand of all agents. It is obvious that in this perspective the accent is on equilibrium existence rather than on its dynamic features. To this end, consistency requirements simplify the analysis in a substantial way and allow to bring the problem of the compatibility of agents' decisions back to the solution of a system of L equations in L variables. In this perspective, a positive answer to the problem of the existence of a vector of equilibrium prices appears a complete success for general equilibrium theory. Probably only in this perspective is it possible to affirm that general equilibrium theory is a complete success. In this perspective, existence of a general economic equilibrium leads to interesting philosophical-moral-theoretical implications, but little implications on the real world. On this side, an implication is the following: if agents have a thorough knowledge of the economy and know all the couples (n i , e i ) , then they can cover the road described in these pages to identify the vector of

1.2. General Equilibrium Theory


equilibrium prices p* and to determine their demand consistently. This interpretation of general equilibrium theory requires very strong hypotheses: the two consistency conditions are satisfied, agents pursue their self-interest, they know the economic model, economic theory and they are endowed with a remarkable computational capacity. Recognizing the weakness of general equilibrium theory in interpreting the economy and the difficulties to model the disequilibrium dynamics, the problem which remains to be addressed is that of the existence of a vector of prices p* which solves system (1.1). On this point, the following theorem holds, for a proof see [1242, p.581-587]. Theorem 1.1. Let n i (i = 1, .. . ,I) be rational, continuous, strictly monotone, strictly convex and E~=l e i E ~~+, then there exists an equilibrium price vector p* E ~~+ . This result does not represent the end of story. Problems arise when the equilibrium is not unique, in this case coordination problems arise : on which equilibrium will agents coordinate? There are coordination failure and selection of equilibria problems. Provided that agents are endowed with the capacities described above, what equilibrium price will they choose among those compatible with the economy? In order to establish uniqueness of the equilibrium, some properties on the excess demand function are needed . As in the case of the stability of the equilibrium with respect to the tatonnement process, the fact that all the goods are gross substitute assures that the equilibrium is unique, see [1242, Proposition 17.F.3]. The main problem ofthese properties of the excess demand function is that they imply strong hypotheses on the initial allocation of goods and on the preference relations of the agents. In correspondence of a competitive equilibrium (P*, x*) with a strictly positive allocation of goods, it holds that U~h (x*i) p* -7'~---:7- - ....l.!:. ut(x*i) pj'

h, j

= 1, . . . ,L,


= 1, . .. ,I.


The marginal rates of substitution for a couple of goods of the agents are equal to the equilibrium price ratio and therefore they are equal among themselves. The condition can be written in the following way: given an equilibrium (x* ,p*) with a strictly positive allocation of goods, there exists a vector of positive real numbers (,V, A2 , .. . , >/) such that V'ui(x*i) = Aip* (i = 1, ... , I). Ai is the Lagrange multiplier of the optimum problem of agent i in correspondence of p*. In correspondence of the equilibrium prices, the gradients of the utility functions of the agents are proportional to the price vector.




Pareto Optimality

Equilibrium analysis provides us with the instrument for the analysis of the market. As economics is a social science, we need tools for the evaluation of the outcome of the market. The privileged tool is represented by the Pareto criterion. Given an economy described by I couples (Ri, e') , i = 1, . . . , I, e i E ~t, we define an allocation through x = (Xl , x 2 , .•. , xl) , x i E X (i = 1, .. . ,I). We will say that the allocation is feasible if xi E X and 2:1=1 xi ~ e = 2:1=1 e'. We can establish the following Pareto criterion to evaluate the efficiency of an allocation: given two feasible allocations of goods x, y, x Pareto dominates y if and only if xiRiyi (i = 1, . . . , I) and xipiyi for at least one agent j . We can give the following definition . Definition 1.1. The feasible allocation x is an efficient allocation (pareto optimal allocation) if no other feasible allocation z' exists that Pareto dominates x .

The following Welfare Theorems hold, they establish a connection between equilibria and Pareto optimal allocations. Theorem 1.2. First Welfare Theorem If (p' ,x') is a competitive equilibrium and the preference relations of the agents are strictly monotone, then the equilibrium allocation z" is a Pareto optimal allocation. Theorem 1.3. Second Welfare Theorem Let x· be a Pareto optimal allocation, xi. E a?t+ (i = 1, . .. , I) . IfR i (i = 1, .. . ,I) are continuous, strictly monotone and convex, then z" is a competitive equilibrium allocation once the initial allocation ei = Xi. (i = 1, . .. , I) is assigned to the agents.

For a proof see [1242, Chap.16]. The first theorem provides a formal proof of the presence of an invisible hand in the market: agents, maximizing their utility in a perfectly competitive market, lead to a result which is socially optimal. The two theorems can be read in opposite perspectives. The first Welfare Theorem is the crowning of the dreams of the supporters of the free market: a perfectly competitive market with agents maximizing their utility leads to an outcome which is optimal for the society according to the Pareto optimality criterion. On the other side, there are many Pareto optimal allocations (the criterion does not induce a complete order among feasible allocations) and therefore there is room for wealth redistribution, that is to choose among Pareto optimal allocations. The second Welfare Theorem establishes that we can reach as equilibrium result any Pareto optimal allocation if the resources are redistributed ex ante in an appropriate way (lump sum transfers). In particular, if the initial allocation of the goods is already a Pareto optimal allocation then the same one constitutes an equilibrium allocation and there is no incentive to trade.

1.3. Pareto Optimality x* is Pareto optimal if and only if x i * (i



= 1, . . . , I ) solves the following

max ui(x i), Xi E X xi

subject to



Lxt:s Let,

1 = 1, .. . ,L,

i= l i=l i) i*) ui(x ~ ui(x , j = 1, .. . , I , j

i- i.

The set of Pareto optimal allocations constitutes the well-known contract curve which can be described through the Edgeworth box in an economy with two agents and two goods. Identification of Pareto optimal allocations as equilibrium allocations provides us with an interesting tool for the analysis of the economy at the aggregate level and in particular of the equilibrium price vector: under some conditions, the equilibrium price vector of the economy can be determined through the choices of a representative agent or consumer. Let us consider an economy (u i , e'} , i = 1, . . . , I, and an associated competitive equilibrium (p*, x*). We want to characterize our representative consumer through a utility function so that his optimal choice in correspondence of p* will be the aggregate endowment e = I:{=1 ei . This choice means that if the agent is endowed with e, then his demand will be equal to zero in correspondence of the equilibrium prices of the economy with I agents. No trade in an economy with a unique agent is associated with the external consistency requirement and therefore p* is an equilibrium price vector for the economy with a unique (representative) agent (no trade equilibrium). We provide our representative agent with the utility function u(x) associated with the vector of goods x E iR~ which is obtained by maximizing the weighted sum with weights a i (a i ~ 0, i = 1, . . . ,1) of the utilities of the agents among the feasible allocations (Xl , x 2 , • • • , x l ) of x : u(x)

under the constraint

= x . max i=l ,.. .,I t


L xt :s Xl, i=l


L aiui(x i) ,

xi EX


i= l

1 = 1, . . . , L.

On this point the following proposition holds , for a proof see [1553, pp.207208]. Proposition 1.2. Given an economy characterized by resources X E iR~+ and utility junctions u i (i = 1, . . . , 1) with u i continuous, strictly monotone and concave, and u(x) defined as in (1.3), then :



(i) The allocation which defines u(x) with a i > 0, i = 1, . . . ,1, is Pareto optimal. (ii) Let (z!", x 2. , .. . , xl.) be a Pareto optimal allocation such that Xi. E ~~+ (i = 1, , I) ; there exists a set of weights a i • ~ 0 (i = 1, . . . , 1) such h 2 that (x , x . , , xl.) defines u(x) (not all the weights are null) . (iii) a i • (i = 1, ... , I) in (ii) associated with a strictly positive Pareto optimal allocation (x h , x 2 • , ••• , xl.) is equal to the reciprocal of the Lagrange multiplier of the optimum problem of agent i (MPO) in correspondence of the vector of equilibrium prices p. and of the allocation (z!" , x 2 . , .. • , xl.) lai.


ai •

= ~1 AU ) .

Thanks to this proposition, one establishes a set of strictly positive weights (i = 1, .. . , 1), then solving the problem

under the constraint L~=1 xI ~ ei, I = 1, .. . , L, an allocation (z!", x 2 . , • • • , xl.) is obtained as a solution which is Pareto optimal and therefore of equilibrium for an economy with I agents. FUrthermore ai • = A~.' where x- is the Lagrange multiplier of the optimal consumption problem of agent i in correspondence of the equilibrium price vector p" associated with the allocation (x h , x 2 • , • . • , xI.) . The above results allow us to affirm that the representative agent endowed with the resources of the economy (e) will not trade in correspondence of the equilibrium prices of the original economy with I agents. To show this, consider the problem max u(x), x E X (1.4) x

under the constraint p T (x - e) ~ O. Note that I


dxj = PI* , 1= 1, . . . ,L, U x / () e = ~ La i* u ix ' ( x i*) d i=1




where the second equality comes from the fact that xi. (i = 1, . . . , I) represents the optimal consumption vector for agent i in correspondence of the prices p. and from the fact that the allocation is feasible . (1.5) implies that the agent will not trade in correspondence of the prices p. (x· = e) defining a competitive equilibrium for an economy with a unique agent (no trade equilibrium). Equilibrium prices of the economy with I agents are obtained as equilibrium prices of an economy composed by a single agent endowed with a specific utility function and with the resources of the entire economy. The utility function u(x) defined in (1.3) depends on the weights ai (i = 1, . . . , 1) and therefore on the resource distribution. The utility function of the representative agent associates a Pareto optimal allocation xi. (i = 1, . .. ,1)

1.3. Pareto Optimality


with a vector of weights a i (i = 1, .. . , I) and, through the no trade equilibrium condition, with a vector of equilibrium prices p " , p. coincides with the equilibrium prices of the economy with I agents in which agent i is endowed with x i., i = 1, .. . , I . As the weights change, the Pareto optimal allocation and u change, what happens to the equilibrium prices? In general, equilibrium prices also change as the weights ai change and therefore the prices of the economy with I agents depend on the initial allocation and on income distribution. We will say that an economy enjoys the aggregation property or that there exists a representative agent in a strong sense if equilibrium prices exclusively depend on the resources of the whole economy and not on the weights and on the initial allocation. A sufficient condition so that the economy satisfies this property is that the utility functions of the agents are almost-homothetic: ui(x) = u(a i + f3x), i = 1, . . . , I, where u(x) is a homothetic function. 4 In this case the utility function of the representative consumer becomes u(x) = 'U(E~=l a i + f3x); the function depends on the weights assigned to the agents but the equilibrium prices defined through the no trade equilibrium condition depend neither on the weights nor on the allocation of the goods, but exclusively on the resources of the economy as a whole. Three classes of functions satisfy these requirements: logarithmic utility function, power utility function and exponential utility function. If the aggregation property holds, then the equilibrium prices of the economy can be identified through the optimum problem of the representative agent endowed with the resources of the economy and the no trade condition without taking care of the wealth distribution. The economy with I agents and that with the representative agent are observationally equivalent .


A function is homothetic if it is a monotone transformation of a homogeneous function.


Choices under Risk

Behaviour is substantively rational when it is appropriate to the achievement of given goals within the limits imposed by given conditions and constraints.... behaviour is procedurally rational when it is the outcome of appropriate deliberation. Simon (1976) The optimal consumption problem analysed in the previous chapter is about a very simple story. Agents live a unique time period, their choices concern baskets of goods . The characteristics of the goods are perfectly known ex ante. Introduction of risk in this picture requires at least two periods (t = 0,1) . The identification of two distinct periods is due to the necessity of describing agent's ignorance: in t = 0 he does not have a thorough knowledge of the world surrounding him, he only has some beliefs about it, the world is revealed completely only in t = 1. The ignorance of the agent in t = 0 with respect to the state of the world in t = 1 can concern many different features (meteorological conditions, economic conditions, quality of the goods, etc .). If the agent makes his choices in t = 1, once the state of world is revealed, then we relapse into the analysis developed in the previous chapter; we want now to analyse the choices of the agent in t = 0 when he does not have a complete knowledge of the world around him and therefore of the consequences of the choices made at that time . The true state of the world is observed by the agent only in t = 1. In this setting, we first of all have to describe the status of ignorance of the agent and then to analyse his choices through something similar to the couples (X,R) or (X, u) used in a certainty environment. To this end, we introduce two crucial elements: a probability space and agent's preferences represented through the expected utility. Agent's beliefs in t = 0 about the world in t = 1 are described through a probability space. Let (fJ, e,J.-L) be a probability space . fJ is the set of all the states of the world in t = 1; a state of the world or of nature (represented by w E fJ) provides a complete and exhaustive description of the world in t = 1. w is also called elementary event. The states of the world are mutually


Choices under Risk

exclusive. e is a a -algebra of a: If n is a finite set then a natural choice for e is given by the set of all the subsets of n. Unless it is differently specified, we will make this assumption. An event is an element e of 8 (e E 8) and therefore a subset of n. JL : e -t [0,1] is a probability measure , JL(e) is the probability of the event e. JL(e) represents the confidence the agent places on the realization of the event e. 2 In t = 0 the agent knows the probability space and therefore the set of elementary events (n) and the probability measure. In t = 1 the state of nature is completely revealed and the agent learns the elementary event which comes true. The probability of an event can have an objective and/or a subjective interpretation. The distinction is subtle, it also depends on the situation faced by the agent . In what follows, we will often assume that the probability has an objective interpretation. When the agent knows the probability space, we will say that he faces a risky situation. This condition differs from the case of an agent who does not perfectly know the probability of the events. In that case, we say that the agent faces an uncertain situation. In what follows , the word risk refers to a setting with known probabilities, the word uncertainty refers to a setting with unknown probabilities. We will return to the distinction in Chapter 8. I

e is a collect ion of subsets of following conditions:

n that includes the empty set

- if e E e then its complement eC belongs to - if el, .. . , ek , '" E e then Uf=lek E e. 2

and satisfies the


We will refer to classical probability theory, see [412). Let n be a finite set. According to such a theory, the following axioms on the probability measure JL are given:

1. JL(e)?: 0 "Ie E ej 2. Vel, e2 E disjoint (e, 3. JL(n) = 1.


n e2 = 0) we have JL(el U e2) = JL(et} + JL(e2) j

These axioms lead to some interesting consequences:


- "Ie E we have JL(e) :::; 1 and JL(e) + p.(e C ) = I : - Vel C e2 E e we have p.(et} :::; JL(e2) and p.(e2 - er) - Vel,e2 ,oo.,en E e we have

= p.(e2) -


with strict equality for disjoint events (finite additivity) .


If is not a finite set, then the finite additivity is replaced by countable additivity : for any countable infinite collection of disjoint events el, ez, . . . , ek,' " E it holds that



JL(Uf=lek) = l::>(ek) . k=l


A probability space describes the agent 's knowledge-beliefs about the world around him, it remains to evaluate how his choices are inserted in this picture. Choices are identified by real random variables or acts. On this point we follow [1439]. An act is an application a : ({}, e) -+ In, where !R (real numbers) is the space 0/ consequences. We denote by B(!R) the Borel a-algebra of !R, i.e. the a-algebra generated by all the intervals in !R. The application describes the "consequences" for the agent associated by the act a to the state of the world w. In the case of financial choices we can think of !R as representing wealth. We must understand now how an act introduces risk in the space of consequences of an agent . Given that an agent has chosen the act a, what is the probability of a Borel set b E B(!R)? The natural answer is to evaluate the probability of b as the probability of the event in e which constitutes the pre-image of bE B(!R) according to the act a (a- l (b)). As a consequence, the probability measure induced by a on !R is defined as 7I"(b) = p,(a-l(b)) . Note that this construction is possible only if for every b E B(!R) we have that a-I (b) E e, i.e. a is a random variable . Given the probability space ({}, e, p,), an act a determines a probability distribution on (!R, B(!R)) . Obviously, each act induces a specific probability measure . Given a probability space, in our analysis we will directly refer to acts and random variables and to their probability measures. For simplicity, we will often limit ourselves in the next pages to acts which can assume a finite set of values in !R. Specifying a priori a finite set of values in !R, [Xl,"" xs], Xi < Xi+l (i = 1, . .. , S - 1), we have a set M of random variables which we will call gambles valued on the finite support [Xl,. .. ,xs] . Each gamble a E M will be identified by a probability distribution [71"1, . .. ,7I"s] associated with the S realizations:


aEM {::::} a=[xl, ... ,XSj7l"1,···,7I"s]s.t.7I"s~O, L7I"s=1. s=l

M becomes the new choice set for the agent in place of X considered in the previous chapter under certainty. Therefore, our agent in the following pages will be identified by the pair (M, R) . Handling risk in this way is only apparently innocuous . The agent does not know for sure the future state of the world, but he pretends to describe in an exhaustive way his ignorance status through a probability space, therefore he knows all future st ates of the world and furthermore he is able to quantify his ignorance through a probability measure. The agent is able to translate into a number his confidence on the realization of an event. The number is the outcome of objective and subjective elements . According to our setting, probability assumes an objective interpretation in contrast with the subjectivist probability approach proposed by De Finetti and Savage amongst others.


Choices under Risk


Expected Utility Theory

The probability space and the random variables allow us to describe agent's choices under risk. In this setting, we would like to parallel the construction provided under certainty: to represent the preference relation R through a function of the random variable a. We limit our analysis to a single good (money); the analysis can be extended to several goods. The problem is more complex than the one we faced in the previous chapter. Our approach refers to the axiomatic Von Neumann-Morgenstern expected utility theory, see [1571]. Following this approach, we identify a set of hypotheses; if the preference relation 'R satisfies them then it can be represented through a function of a. The function is linear in the utility associated with wealth-consumption in the different states with weights represented by event probabilities. We consider acts-random variables defined on a finite set of monetary values ([Xl,.' . 'Xs]), The set of choices becomes M, the agent is endowed with a preference relation 'R defined on M. In order to represent R through the expected utility, we require 'R to satisfy the following hypothesis which is equivalent to Assumption 1.1. Assumption 2.1 (Rati~nality) . The preference relation 'R is rational if it satisfies the following properties: - (Reflexivity) Va E M, a'Ra; - (Completeness) Val , a 2 E M, a l'Ra 2 or a 2'Ra l; - (Iransitivity) Val, a2 , a 3 EM, if a l'Ra2 and a 2'Ra3 then a l na3 • This hypothesis is not enough for our purposes. We need two further hypotheses, one equivalent to the continuity Assumption 1.2 and a crucial one called the Independence Assumption. Assumption 2.2 (Continuity). The preference relation 'R is continuous if Val , a 2 , a 3 EM , such that a l'Ra 2 and a 2Ra3 , there exists an a E [0,1] such that aa l + (1 - a)a 3Ia2 • aa l + (1- a)a 3 represents the gamble [Xl, . . . , xSi mr} + (1- a)1T~, .. . , a1T1 + (1 - a)1T~], that is the gamble obtained as a convex linear combination with weights a and 1 - a of the probabilities assigned by the two gambles to the events . This hypothesis allows us to represent the order induced by 'R on M through a function from M to !R. The function will be the expected utility if R satisfies a further hypothesis. Assumption 2.3 (Independence). Val ,a2,a3 E M and Va E [0,1], a l na2 if and only if aa l + (1 - a)a 3'Raa2 + (1 - a)a 3 •

2.1. Expected Utility Theory


Note that if n satisfies Assumption 2.3, then also I and P do. Expected utility theory states that the preference relation over the gambles can be represented through a function that assigns to the gamble a = [Xl ,"" Xs; 11"1, "" 1I"sl the value S




1I" s u (x s ) ,

s= l

where U is the utility function that represents n for money obtained with certainty. Note that u does not depend on the state (state independent utility) . U (a) is a linear function of the utility that the agent gathers with certainty, the weights of the linear combination are the probabilities of the events. U(a) is linear in probabilities and is called the expected utility function. The main result of this section is the following. Theorem 2.1. Given the pair (M , n), if n satisfies Assumptions 2.1-2.3 then there exist S scalars u(x s ) , s = 1, ... , S , such that Val ,a2 EM, a lna2


U(a l ) 2: U(a2 ) .

Proof. By Assumption 2.1, there exist two gambles g, a E M which respectively represent the worst and the best gamble in M for R: ana and ang Va E M . Denote ax. (8 = 1, . .. , S) the gamble that assigns probability one to the monetary premium x; and probability zero to other values. Without loss of generality, we assume that the preference relation n for money obtained with certainty is monotone: (ax s na X S _ l R: . . . Ra x l ) ' The proof is composed of seven steps . Step 1. If aPa' and a: E (0,1), then aPa:a+(l-a:)a' and a:a+(l-a:)a'Pa'. Thanks to Assumption 2.3 the statement can be easily verified: a

= a:a + (1- a:)a P

a:a + (1 - a:)a' P a:a' + (1 - a:)a'

= a'.

Note that the result also holds for R: Step 2. a = ax s ' g = a X l ' Applying repeatedly the result established in the previous step, one shows that a is the gamble which assigns Xs with probability one and g is the gamble which assigns Xl with probability one. When n is not monotone, g and a will be two gambles which assign an amount of money different from Xl and Xs with probability one. If a'Ig, then all the gambles in M are indifferent among themselves for the agent and therefore the conclusion of the proposition follows in a trivial way; it is enough to consider a constant utility function. Let ZiPg, we want to show that there exists a function F : M -+ !R which represents n and is a linear function with weights defined by the probability


Choices under Risk

of the events and therefore it coincides with the expected utility. Step 3. If a, f3 E [0,1], then /37i + (1 - f3)g P aa + (1 - a)g ¢:=} f3 > a . Let f3 > a , by Step 1 we know that aPaa + (1 - a)g and that ¢a + (1 ¢)(aa + (1 - a)g)Paa + (1 - a)g for ¢ E (0,1). To show the result, it is enough to set ¢ = t~ . To show the inverse implication, suppose that f3 :s; a . If f3 = a then /37i + (1 - f3)g I aa + (1 - a)g and therefore a contradiction is obtained. If f3 < a, then a contradiction with the hypothesis is reached by using the argument used to prove the implication in the other direction. Step 4. Va E M, there exists a unique a* E [0,1] such that a*a + (1 a*)gIa. Existence comes from Assumption 2.2. Uniqueness comes from Step 3. Step 5. The function F : M -t lR defined as F(a) = a* represents the relation n. The statement comes from the definition of a* and from the double implication established in Step 3. Step 6. The function F is linear : Va, a' E M and Vf3 E [0,1], we have F(f3a + (1 - f3)a') = f3F(a) + (1 - f3)F(a') . By the definition of F , we have aIF(a)a + (1 - F(a))g,

a'IF(a')a + (1 - F(a'))g;

by Assumption 2.3 we obtain Ba + (1 - f3)a'If3(F(a)a f3(F(a)a

+ (1 -

+ (1 -

+ (1 -



+ (1 -


f3)(F(a')a + (1 - F(a'))g).

The indifference relation becomes f3a

+ (1 -


+ (1 -


+ (1- f3F(a) -

(1- f3)F(a'))g.

By the definition of F we obtain F(f3a + (1 - f3)a')

= f3F(a) + (1 -

f3)F(a') .

Step 7. Va E M, F coincides with U defined in (2.1). We define u(x s ) == F(a x.), s = 1, ... , S . A gamble a E M, identified through the vector of probabilities associated with the events (11"1,11"2, . .. , 11"5) can be rewritten as a = 2:;=1 11" sax, ' This observation allows us to write F(a)



s= 1


= F(2: 1I"sax. ) = 2: 1I"sU(X s ).

2.2. Risk A version


Therefore the function F is the expected utility function defined in (2.1).


Note that an expected utility function is unique up to a strictly increasing linear transformation. If a gamble-random variable x takes a non finite number of values in ~ with fx(z) as probability density, then the expected utility function becomes





In what follows, x denotes a gamble-random variable. U(X) and E[u(x)] will indifferently denote the expected utility. In a continuum setting the representation result of the preference relation n through an expected utility holds if Assumptions 2.1-2.3 hold together with an assumption named the sure thing principle (if a gamble is concentrated on a subset A of ~ and each amount of money in A is preferred to another gamble, then the first gamble is preferred to the second) and other technical hypotheses, see [670, 1081]. The expected utility theory and the probability space represent two important elements of our analysis. Their discussion will be addressed in Chapter 8 when we will have a complete picture of the results obtained by assuming that agent's preferences are represented by the expected utility.


Risk Aversion

In the above setting, an agent faces choices characterized by risk: he will not only consider the utility associated with an amount of money, he will also evaluate the probability of receiving that amount of money. The preference relation n implies an attitude towards risk. When the preference relation can be represented through the expected utility, the attitude towards risk can be established through the utility function u . In what follows, we assume that the preference relation n satisfies Assumptions 2.12.3. The propensity-aversion of an agent towards risk can be evaluated by considering actuarially fair gambles-random variables, i.e. gambles with zero expected value. A gamble a = [Xl , • . • , Xs; 7TI, •.. , 7Ts] is actuarially fair if L;;=l X s 7Ts = O. An agent is risk averse if he does not accept or is indifferent to any actuarially fair gamble at all wealth levels, an agent is risk neutral if he is indifferent to any actuarially fair gamble , an agent is risk lover if he accepts any actuarially fair gamble. An agent is strictly risk averse if he rejects any actuarially fair gamble . Note that these definitions refer to indeterminate initial wealth. In our analysis we will exclusively refer to risk neutral and risk averse agents. In the world there are also risk lover agents , but they are considered


Choices under Risk

to be a negligible minority not affecting financial markets. Exploiting concavity and the Jensen inequality, 3 we can establish that an agent is (strictly) risk averse if and only if u is (strictly) concave. The risk aversion hypothesis finds a denial in the fact that many agents at the same time buy insurance contracts and accept gambles which are not actuarially fair (roulettes, national lotteries, etc.). This behaviour can be explained by assuming that agents are characterized by a concave utility function for small wealth values, then convex and then again concave for large values, see [697]. [1011] instead concludes that investors maximize a function which is concave for positive outcomes and concave for negative outcomes, i.e, they are loss averse. We will return to this type of utility function in Chapter 8. The above definition implies that a risk averse agent will be willing to pay a positive price to move from a random variable describing his wealth to the expected value of that random variable obtained with certainty. Such a price is the risk premium.

Definition 2.1. The risk premium p,,(x) of a gamble x for an agent characterized by a utility function u is the maximum amount of money which the agent is willing to pay to receive instead of x its expected value with certainty: p,,(x) is such that u(E[x]- p,,(x» = U(x). In this definition, the payoff of the gamble includes the initial wealth of the agent. The definition of the risk premium leads to the one of certainty equivalent of x for the agent endowed with the utility function u (CE,,(x» . The certainty equivalent of a gamble is the amount of money which makes the agent indifferent to the gamble: CE,,(x) is such that u(CE,,(x» = U(x), note that the certainty equivalent of a gamble is unique if the function u is increasing. Therefore CE,,(x) = E[x]- p,,(x) . The certainty equivalent of a gamble can be interpreted as the maximum price that the agent intends to pay to receive the gamble. The properties characterizing a risk averse agent are summarized in the following proposition, see Figure 2.1.

Proposition 2.1. Given an increasing utility function u and a random variable x, the following statements are equivalent: 1. the agent is risk averse; 2. u is concave; 3. CE,,(x) ~ E[x]; p,,(x) ~



Equivalence between the first two statements holds also for a non increasing u . This proposition concerns an agent facing two choices, one characterized by certainty (the status quo) and one characterized by risk . 3

The Jensen inequality establishes what follows: given a random variable x with expected value E[x] and a concave function 9 : R ~ R, it holds that E[g(x)] ~

g(E[x]) .

2.2. Risk Aversion


u(x) U(i)

x-£ CEfl) X


Fig. 2.1. Risk averse utility function

The risk premium and the certainty equivalent of a gamble x are defined with respect to a specific utility function u . We now intend to put the risk premium in relation with the random variable x and the utility function u. To this end, we consider two particular cases: a gamble described by a random variable with additive noise and a gamble described by a random variable with multiplicative noise. Let x = x + i ; where € is a random variable with zero mean and variance (J'2 and therefore E[x] = x. We assume that u is twice differentiable and that the stochastic component is "small" with respect to x. By the definition established above we have that u(x - Pu(x))

= U(x).



Choices under Risk

Given a realization € of f, we can approximate u(x + e) through its Taylor expansion centred in x up to the second order, obtaining

u(x + e) ~ u(x)


+ w'(x) + €2 u"(x).

Using this expression to evaluate the expected utility, we obtain

U(x) ~ u(x)




If the stochastic component is "small" with respect to x, then also the risk premium will be "small" with respect to x, and therefore we can provide the Taylor expansion of the certainty equivalent centred in x up to the first order obtaining

u(x - Pu(x)) ~ u(x) - Pu(x)u'(x) . Using the two approximations in (2.2) , we obtain the following risk premium estimate:

_ Pu(X) ~


-2 u'(x) a




which can be rewritten as Pu(X) ~ !r~(x)a2, where

is the coefficient of absolute risk aversion of the function u in correspondence of wealth x . Thanks to this characterization, the risk premium is decomposed into two factors: the variance of the gamble and the risk aversion coefficient. The risk premium is increasing in both factors . !r~(x) is a local measure of the risk aversion and a measure of the mean-variance trade-off of the agent. In fact, this coefficient determines the expected wealth increase which renders the agent indifferent to a unitary increase in the variance of wealth in case of gambles with values in a neighbourhood of the expected wealth. A measure of this trade-off for more general gambles is provided by the global absolute risk aversion coefficient : () = U~, (~ • In [1371 it is shown that if x is a normal random variable then () represents the slope of the expected utility indifference curve in the mean-variance plane for non negligible risks. The inverse of the absolute risk aversion coefficient is called the absolute risk


tolerance: tu(x) = r::t.:j' Let x = x(l + f), where f is a zero mean random variable with variance

a 2 • We assume that u is twice differentiable. Using a procedure similar to

the one employed above, we provide an estimate of the relative risk premium p~(x) (xp~(x) =

Pu(x)): r(-)

P X u

1 u"(x) 2 u'(x)




2.2. Risk Aversion


which can be rewritten as p~(x) :::::: ~r~(x)a2, where

is the coefficient of relative risk aversion of the utility function u in correspondence of the wealth x . Observe that r~(x) = r~(x)x. The following classification of the utility function u can be given according to the behaviour of the coefficient of absolute risk aversion as wealth changes : - u is characterized by decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA) if r~(x) is

a decreasing function; - u is characterized by constant absolute risk aversion (eARA) if r~(x) is a constant function; - u is characterized by increasing absolute risk aversion (lARA) if r~(x) is an increasing function. If u is three times differentiable and is not lARA, then u lll > O. A similar classification can be given on the coefficient of relative risk aversion. Risk A version Comparison Let a and b be two agents characterized by utility functions u a and u b and the same initial wealth; we will say that agent a is more risk averse than agent b if agent b always accepts a gamble if agent a does. Equivalently (when the utility function is increasing) we can affirm that, for each gamble, the risk premium of agent a is larger than or equal to the risk premium of agent b. As far as the certainty equivalent is concerned, the opposite holds. On the comparison of the risk aversion of two agents we have the following result established in [505, 1369, 69]. Proposition 2.2. Given two increasing and strictly concave utility functions u a and u b, the following conditions are equivalent: 1. r~a (x) ~ r~b (x) Vx E R+;

2. there exists an increasing and concave function g(.) such that ua(x)


g(ub(x)) Vx E R+; 3. u a is more risk averse than u b, i.e. Pua(x+i) ~ Pub(x+i) Vx E R+ and for any random variable i such that E[i] = O.

Proof. We limit our attention to a twice differentiable utility function.

1 => 2. As u b and u a are increasing, there exists a twice differentiable increasing function g( .) such that ua(x) = g(ub(x)). Differentiating u a once and twice we obtain


Choices under Risk

Dividing the second expression by u Q ' (x) and using the relation between u and u b , we obtain


g"(ub(x)) b' rua(X)=rub(X)- g'(ub(x))u (x) VXER+, Q


and therefore r~a(X) ~ r~b(x) "Ix E lR+ g"(ub(x)) ~ 0 for every value ub(x). 2::} 3. We assume that the two agents are endowed with wealth x E R+ . For a random variable l with zero mean it is shown that

uQ(x - Pua(x + l)) = UQ(x + l) = E[g(ub(x ~ g(Ub(x

+ l))

+ f))]

= g(ub(x - Pub(x + l))) = uQ(x - Pub(x + l)),

where the inequality is due to the Jensen inequality. Since u is increasing, then pua (x + l) ~ Pub(x + l). Q

3 ::} 1. The proof is by contradiction, it comes from the two previous steps considering strict inequalities. Q.E.D. This proposition throws a bridge between the coefficient of absolute risk aversion, which is a local risk aversion measure, and a global characterization of risk aversion. If the coefficient of absolute risk aversion of an agent is larger than the risk aversion coefficient of another agent for any wealth level, then the first agent is more risk averse than the second agent. On the basis of this result, u(x) and a + bu(x) (b > 0) are equivalent as far as risk aversion is concerned. The above result can be used to analyse the attitude of an agent towards risk as his wealth changes . When an agent is characterized by an increasing DARA utility function, a desirable gamble cannot become undesirable as wealth increases. In fact, the risk premium of this gamble is a decreasing function of the agent's initial wealth and the certainty equivalent of the gamble is an increasing function . In [1412] a different risk aversion measure is proposed. Agent a is strongly more risk averse than agent b if . u (z) u Q ' (z) ~( ) ~ sup ---v--( )' inf z U Z z U Z Q


z E lR.


This condition implies that agent a is more risk averse than agent b, but the implication in the other direction does not hold . It can be shown that (2.4) is verified if and only if there exists a strictly positive constant>' and a non increasing and concave function g(.) such that

2.3. Portfolio Problem


Let a be strongly more risk averse than b, if the initial wealth is stochastic (x) then the risk premium of a gamble x + l such that E[llx] = 0 for agent a is larger than that for agent b, see [1412]. Note that risk aversion does not guarantee the result. We conclude this section with an analysis of some utility functions commonly used in financial markets theory:

- Exponential utility function: u(x) = _e- a x (a> 0). r~(x) = a, and therefore the function is CARA . - Quadratic utility function: u(x) = x - ~X2 (b > 0). r~' (x) = (1~;X)2 > 0, and therefore the function is lARA. Note that this function is increasing only if 0 < x < - Power utility function: u(x) = b~l x(1-t) (b > 0). r~' (x) = -~ < 0, and therefore the utility function is DARA, furthermore r~(x) = and therefore the coefficient of relative risk aversion is constant. - Logarithmic utility function: u(x) = In(bx) (b > 0). r~(x) = 1 and therefore the coefficient of relative risk aversion is constant (equal to one).




Portfolio Problem

In this section we analyse the optimal portfolio problem. Agent's choices concern random variables which represent returns of the assets traded in the market in t = O. The return of an asset is given by the dividend released in t = 1 divided by the price of the asset in t = O. There exists a market for each asset. An agent, endowed in t = 0 with wealth W o, faces the following portfolio problem: allocate W o among N + 1 assets. N assets are risky, the return of asset n in t = 1 is described by the random variable Tn (n = 1, . . . , N). Asset 0 is the risk free asset, its return is constant over all the states of the world and is equal to r I > O. If asset returns assume a finite number of values in lR (5 elementary events), then they can be represented through the 5 x N matrix R :


ru rl2

r21 r22

R = ..




ri» r2N


. ..




Column n represents the return of asset n in the 5 states of the world. Row s represents returns of the N assets in the state of the world s. The agent chooses the amount of money to be invested in each asset (wn , n = 1, ... , N). A vector W E lR N represents a portfolio. W n > 0 means that the agent holds the n-th asset, W n < 0 means that the agent sells the n-th asset short, i.e. he sells the amount -W n of the asset without owning it. The budget constraint


Choices under Risk

must be satisfied , so the amount of money W o - L~=l W n is invested in the risk free asset. We can think of the risk free asset as the bank account which guarantees a constant real interest rate. If W o - L~=l W n > 0, then the agent holds money in the bank account; if W o - L~=l W n < 0, then he borrows money at the risk free rate. The matrix R contains many pieces of information. The matrix is associated with a linear application which describes the wealth in the space ~s as a function of the investment choice in the N risky assets (w E ~N): y = Rw . The set of consumption plans obtained by trading in the N markets is not necessarily ~s. The linear subspace of consumption plans in ~s obtained by trading in the markets is the image associated with R (I(R)), the dimension of the image is less than or equal to S . A vector c E ~s (consumption plan or contingent wealth in t = 1) is said to be reachable through the N assets if c E I(R), 4 i.e. starting from enough wealth, it is possible to obtain consumption plan c by means of a portfolio choice for the N assets. The N assets are said to be non redundant if their returns are linearly independent (the vector which describes the return of an asset cannot be written as a linear combination of the returns of the other N -1 assets). The property is verified if N :::; Sand rank(R) = N; when N = S this property is equivalent to the condition det(R) t- O. The N assets enjoy the uniqueness of representation property if Vc E I(R) there is a unique vector w E ~N such that Rw = c. This property is satisfied if and only if dim Ker(R) = 0 and therefore if the assets are non redundant. We limit our attention to a full rank matrix R. The following cases are given:

- N> S : I(R) - N = S: I(R) - N

= ~s, Vc E ~s dim{w : Rw = c} = N = ~s, Vc E ~s dim{w : Rw = c} = 0;

< S: I(R) C ~s, Vc E I(R) dim{w : Rw


= c} = O.

In the last two cases, assets enjoy the uniqueness of representation property and are non redundant. In the first two cases any consumption vector in t = 1 turns out to be reachable. The wealth in t = 1 associated with portfolio wand with initial wealth Wo is described by the random variable W 4

= (Wo -







L wn)rf + L wnr n = Worf + L wn(rn -

rf) ·

An important subspace of R N is the kernel of R (Ker(R» : {x E R N : Rx = OJ. The following result holds: dim Ker(R)+dimI(R) = N (dimension theorem) . The dimension of the image of R is equal to the maximum number of linear independent row or column vectors of the matrix R, a number that represents the rank of the matrix R (rank(R)) : dimI(R) =rank(R) . Obviously rank(R) ~min{N, S} . R is of full rank if rank(R) =min{N, S'}; when N = S this condition is verified if and only if det(R) i= O.

2.3. Portfolio Problem

'1 is defined as the return of portfolio w (W

the expected utility: maxE[u(W)], w


= fWo). The agent maximizes


RN .


If the agent is risk averse, then his expected utility function is concave in W and w. In fact, given two portfolios wI and w 2, by the concavity of u we have that

If u is strictly concave, then the expected utility is strictly concave in W. First order necessary conditions for the optimal portfolio ui" (gradient of the expected utility equal to zero) imply E[u'(W*)(rn - rf))

= 0,


= 1, . . . , N.


Denote '1* the optimal portfolio return (W* = f*Wo). On the existence of an optimal solution to problem (2.5) see [1134). If uti < 0, then the maximization of expected utility renders a unique solution for the wealth and a set of portfolio solutions. The optimal portfolio will be unique if assets enjoy the uniqueness of the representation property. By the optimality conditions (2.6), we can obtain some interesting implications. r f represents the portfolio return if the agent invests all his wealth in the risk free asset (the equivalent to the status quo of the previous section) . Call E[f n ) - rf the return risk premium of asset n (n = 1, ... , N). In what follows, we will assume that assets are non redundant. The following proposition can be established about an optimal portfolio w* . Proposition 2.3. Consider a strictly risk averse agent with a strictly increasing utility function . A sufficient condition so that w* f/. ~;: is that the risk premium of all the assets is non positive and negative for at least one asset.

The statement easily comes from the concavity of u . If a strictly risk averse agent holds a portfolio with all positive weights, then at least one asset will have a positive risk premium. When there is a single risky asset with return '1 then w* ~ 0 if and only if E[f] - r f ~ OJ a risk averse agent invests in the risky asset if and only if its risk premium is positive. Note that the riskiness of the asset does not matter for the sign of the demand. When the return of the risky asset has a small "dispersion" , a Taylor approximation of (2.6) shows that the demand of the risky asset is an increasing function of the risk premium, decreasing in the coefficient of absolute risk aversion and in the return variance . By first order necessary conditions (2.6), the following result is easily obtained.


Choices under Risk


Proposition 2.4. A necessary and sufficient condition so that ui" 0 for an agent with a strictly increasing and strictly concave utility function is that E[fn]=rf (n=l, . . . ,N) . An agent invests all his wealth in the risk free asset if and only if all the assets have a null risk premium. The following result on the risk premium in correspondence of the optimal portfolio holds. Proposition 2.5. Given N risky assets with returns f n (n = 1, .. . , N) and a risk free asset r f > 0, let u be differentiable, strictly increasing and concave, then - E[fn]- rf ~ 0 - E[fn]- rf ~ 0

{=} {=}

cov(f n, u'(Wof*)) ~ 0; cov(f n, u' (Wof * )) ~ 0, n

= 1, .. . ,N.

Proof. By the optimality conditions (2.6) and exploiting the covariance definition between two random variables, we obtain 5 cov(u'(Wof*),fn)

+ E[fn]E[u'(Wof*)]

= rfE[u'(Wof*)],


= 1, ... ,N.

(2.7) This condition implies the following risk premium implicit in the optimal portfolio choice: - ]- _ cov(u'(Wof*) , f n ) E[ r n rf E[u'(Wof*)]' n

= 1, ... ,




The denominator in the right side is positive, therefore the double implication of the proposition is easily verified. Q.E.D. The risk premium of an asset is positive if the covariance of its return with the marginal utility of the wealth associated with the optimal portfolio of the agent is negative. Otherwise, the premium will be negative. If asset returns are distributed as a multivariate normal random variable, then we can use the Stein Lemma. 6 Interpreting g(.) like the marginal utility (decreasing function), we can affirm that - E[f n ] - rt ~ 0 - E[f n ] - rf ~ 0

{=} {=}

cov(fn,f*) ~ 0; cov(fn,f*) ~ 0, n

= 1, .. . ,N.

The same result is obtained if the utility function is quadratic, provided that the expected marginal utility of the optimal portfolio is positive. A risk averse agent wishes to reduce the variance of his wealth. An asset positively ,0;


Let X,fj be two random variables, it turns out that cov(x, fj) = E[xfj]- E[X]E(fj] . Given a differentiable function g and (x, fj) distributed as a normal random variable, the Stein Lemma affirms that cov(g(x) , fj) = E[g' (x)]cov(x, fj) .

2.3. Portfolio Problem


correlated with the optimal portfolio return does not contribute to reduce the variability of the wealth . For this asset the agent will ask a positive risk premium. Instead, an asset negatively correlated with the optimal portfolio return contributes to reduce the variability of the wealth. For this asset the agent is ready to accept a negative risk premium because the asset insures him against wealth variability. The result can be interpreted as follows: the agent aiming to reduce the variance of his wealth chooses a portfolio such that the wealth is positively correlated with positive risk premium assets and is negatively correlated with negative risk premium assets. Note that nothing is said about the optimal portfolio choice; there is no simple relation between portfolio choice and risk premia. In case of two assets (a risky asset and a risk free asset) one arrives to the result established above; a strictly risk averse agent holds a positive amount of the risky asset (positive covariance) if and only if its premium is positive, otherwise he sells it short. The above result can be obtained for returns with a "small" dispersion without relying on the normality assumption. Through a first order Taylor approximation of (2.8), as we have done to derive (2.3), one gets E[r n ] - "! ~ -

u"(E[W*]) u'(E[W*])


cov(rn , W*).

The risk premium of an asset is approximated through its covariance with the market portfolio multiplied by the agent's coefficient of absolute risk aversion . The above results tell us that there is no simple connection between the optimal portfolio and asset risk premia. Only with a single risky asset, an agent must invest in an asset with a positive risk premium, when there are many assets the agent will not necessarily invest in a positive risk premium asset. In some cases, the optimal portfolio can be written in a more explicit form. Let us consider a quadratic utility function u(x) = x - ~X2 . Denote through V the non-singular variance-covariance return matrix. By (2.6), it is easy to show that W

* _ 1 - bWoE[r*] V-I (E[-] 1) b r - rf ,

where E[f] denotes the vector of the expected returns of the N assets. Let us consider an exponential utility function _e- ax and returns distributed as a normal multivariate random variable with mean E[f] and a nonsingular variance-covariance matrix V. It is easy to show that 7 7

If W is distributed as a normal random variable N(x, y), then _e- a W is dis1

2 2

tributed as a lognormal random variable; its expected value is _e-ax+:!a y • Therefore maximization of expected utility leads to the maximization of a meanvariance utility function (x - tuy) with a coefficient given by the coefficient of absolute risk aversion (c),


Choices under Risk


When there is a single risky asset (V = a 2 ), this expression says that the wealth invested in the risky asset is increasing in the risk premium, decreasing in the coefficient of absolute risk aversion and in the return variance . The portfolio does not depend on the initial wealth. Risk aversion implies that the agent will diversify his wealth among several sources of risk, instead of concentrating it in a single source of risk. This result was shown for the first time in [1434) without a risk free asset. Proposition 2.6. If f n (n = 1, . . . , N) are identically and independently distributed, then the optimal portfolio for a risk averse agent is w~ = (n = 1, .. . ,N).


If returns of the risky assets are independently and identically distributed, then a risk averse agent will diversify the portfolio completely by investing the same amount of money in each asset . If two asset returns are independently distributed with positive variance and the same mean or identically distributed, then both assets must enter the optimal portfolio with a strictly positive weight, see [823, 825). The result has been extended in [824) to two interdependent risky assets provided that their marginal distributions are identical. The risk premium of the optimal portfolio for a risk averse agent is non negative. Proposition 2.7. If an agent is risk averse with a strictly increasing utility function, then E[f*)- Tf ~ O. Proof. The proof is by contradiction. Suppose that E[f*) < rs. then E[u(Wof*)) ~ u(E[Wof*)) < u(Worf) , where the first inequality comes from the Jensen inequality and the second from the strict monotonicity of the utility function u. Therefore w* is not the optimal portfolio. Q.E.D. Comparative Statics Results Limiting our analysis to a risky and a risk free asset, with return f and r f respectively, some comparative statics results hold on the risky asset demand. We denote by w(x) the risky asset demand of an agent endowed in t = 0 with the wealth x E lR+, i.e. x = WooThe following proposition can be established. Proposition 2.8. Let u be an increasing, three times differentiable and strictly concave utility function, if w(x) > 0 "Ix E lR+ then: T~f (z) - r~f (z) - r~f (z)


< 0 Vz E lR+ :::} w'(x) > 0 "Ix E ~+; > a Vz E ~+ :::} w'(x) < a "Ix E R+;

= 0 Vz E lR+

:::} w'(x)

= a "Ix E lR+.

2.3. Portfolio Problem


Proof. We only prove the first of the three implications. The risky asset demand for an agent endowed with the wealth x in t = 0 is implicitly defined by (2.6). By the implicit function theorem, dw dx


E[u"(W*)(r - rf)]rf E[u"(W*)(r - rf)2]

By the strict risk aversion hypothesis the denominator is negative, then

If w(x)

> 0 and

u is DARA, then it can be shown that u"(W*)(r-rf) ~ -r~(xrf)u'(W*)(r-rf)'

This inequality implies E[u"(W*)(r - rf)]

> -r~(xrf)E[u'(W*)(r - rf)]

= 0,

where the last equality comes from (2.6). Therefore it is proved that if r~' (xrf) < 0 and w(x) > 0 then w'(x) > O. Q.E.D. This proposition is an important one. If the utility function is DARA , then the risky asset is a normal good: the agent's demand is an increasing function of the wealth. If the utility function is lARA, then the risky asset is an inferior good: the agent's demand is a decreasing function of the wealth. As a consequence, a DARA utility function seems to be the most plausible hypothesis for a large part of the agents in the economy, see [69]. The coefficient of absolute risk aversion gives information about changes in the levels of the risky asset demand. Nothing is said about the percentage of the wealth invested in the risky asset. On this point, the following proposition holds. Proposition 2.9. Let u be an increasing, three times differentiable and strictly concave utility function , if w(x) > 0 Vx E ~+ then:

- r~' (z) > 0 Vz E ~+ => ~~ ~ < 1 Vx E ~+ ; < 0 Vz E ~+ => ~~ ~ > 1 Vx E ~+ ; - r~' (z) = 0 Vz E ~+ => ~~ ~ = 1 Vx E ~+ .

- r~' (z)

The proof of this proposition is similar to that of the previous proposition. When an agent is characterized by a DARA utility function and the coefficient of relative risk aversion is increasing then the percentage of wealth invested in the risky asset is a decreasing function of wealth. The percentage increases if the agent is characterized by a decreasing coefficient of relative risk aversion.


Choices under Risk

The analysis of the risky asset demand by a risk averse agent as r! and f change is complex because the substitution and the income effect go in opposite directions. Let E[f]- r! > O. An increase in rs does not lead necessarily to a smaller ~o' this is the case when ~o < 1 and the coefficient of absolute risk aversion is increasing or the coefficient of relative risk aversion is less than one. An increase of the expected return of the risky asset with constant variance induces a larger ~o if the coefficient of absolute risk aversion is decreasing. The results are derived by applying the implicit function theorem to (2.6), see [671] . What happens to the demand of the risky asset when its riskiness increases? The intuitive answer is: the risk averse agent's demand decreases. This is not always the case. Let us consider the above portfolio problem with two assets, a risk free asset with return r! and a risky asset with return f1 and a positive risk premium. Let us consider the same problem with a risky return f2 such that f2 =d f1 + f , where E[flf 1] = 0, i.e, the return is equal in distribution to the other plus a noise component. 8 In this case we will say that f2 is riskier than fl . In [1417] it was shown that the demand of the risky asset f1 by a risk averse agent can be greater or smaller than that of the risky asset f2. A sufficient condition for the (positive) demand of the asset f1 to be larger than that of the risky asset f2 is that the coefficient of relative risk aversion be less than or equal to 1 and non decreasing, and that the coefficient of absolute risk aversion be non increasing (which implies a positive third derivative) . In [1417], the above question has also been addressed in an intertemporal consumption problem. The agent's wealth in t = a is W o, which he wishes to allocate between consumption today and consumption in t = 1. Saving in t = a (sWo) is invested with a risky return f. The agent endowed with a utility function u solves the following saving-consumption problem: max u(Wo(1 - s» + JE[u(sWof)], s E [0,1] s


where a :::; J :::; 1 is the preference discount factor. First order conditions for an interior solution give us u'((l - s)Wo) = JE[u'(sWof)f] .

As the riskiness of the investment return (f) increases, s goes up if 2u"(x) + > a \/x > O. If the coefficient of relative risk aversion is greater than or equal to one and non-increasing then s goes up . A sufficient condition to observe a decrease in s is that u'" be non positive. We consider two risk averse agents a and b endowed with the same initial wealth in t = a and a portfolio problem with a risk free asset and a risky asset characterized by a positive risk premium. If agent a is more risk averse than agent b, then the (positive) demand of the risky asset of agent a is smaller ull/(x)x

8 =d

stands for equality in distribution.

2.3. Portfolio Problem


than that of agent b. This result directly descends from Proposition 2.2. A similar result can be established for a portfolio problem with two risky assets or with a risky asset and stochastic initial wealth when an agent is strongly more risk averse than another agent, see [1412]. When two risky assets are considered, the first one with a higher expected return and riskier than the second (7;1 and f2 such that E[fl - f 21f2] 2: 0), the demand of the first asset by the strongly more risk averse agent is lower than the demand by the second agent. The strongly more risk averse agent will choose a less risky portfolio with a lower expected return. When the initial wealth is stochastic and the asset has a non negative risk premium conditional on wealth, the strongly more risk averse agent's demand will be smaller than that of the other agent. Two Mutual Funds Separation The above comparative statics results are obtained with a single risky asset . When there are N > 1 risky assets and a risk free asset, they cannot be established. There is no simple connection between wealth change and portfolio choice. An exception is represented by the case in which the agent chooses to hold the same portfolio of risky assets and only changes the proportion of the wealth invested in that portfolio as a whole and in the risk free asset. The portfolio built exclusively by risky assets represents a mutual fund. In this case, we say that a two mutual funds (monetary) separation result holds. For any wealth level, the agent always chooses to hold a linear combination of the risk free asset and of the mutual fund . For any wealth level, the portfolio problem consists only in determining the amount of money to be invested in the mutual fund . In [353], it has been shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for the two mutual funds monetary separation property to hold is u'(x)

= (a + bx)C or u'(x) = ae bx ,


where the parameters a, band c are such that u is increasing and concave. The generalized power, logarithmic and exponential utility functions satisfy conditions (2.11): u(x)


= (c + l)b (a + bx)C+l (c #- -1),


= In(a + bx),

Power and logarithmic utility functions are obtained for a = O. These utility functions constitute the class of hyperbolic utility functions, those characterized by a linear absolute risk tolerance: t,,(x) = A + Bx (B > 0). The coefficient of absolute risk aversion is r~ (x) = A';Bx ' For these utility functions , the comparative statics results obt ained in case of a single risky asset hold in case of N risky assets referring to the risky mutual fund, whose composition does not change with wealth. Set a = 0, the first and the second utility functions will be characterized by a constant coefficient of relative risk aversion . The exponential utility function is characterized by an increasing


Choices under Risk

coefficient of relative risk aversion. Therefore , the percentage of wealth invested in the mutual fund of risky assets is constant in the first two cases and decreasing in wealth in the third case. If indiv iduals of the economy have the same beliefs and the same parameter b then the optimal portfolio of risky assets will be the same for all individuals, see [1426]. If there is no risk free asset, then the above result still holds (two risky mutual funds separation) when markets are complete. When markets are incomplete, the class of utility functions is restricted so that the condition u'(x)

= bx" or u'(x) = a + bx,


is satisfied, i.e, quadratic utility function or constant relative risk aversion utility function (power and logarithmic utility function), see [353]. Note that if the two mutual funds separation result holds with money, then the demand (portfolio) for each asset is linear in initial wealth. Without money, it is proportional if the relative risk aversion is constant and linear if the utility is quadratic. As a matter of fact, when a risk free asset is exchanged, hyperbolic utility functions are characterized by a linear demand function, see [353]: w* = C + DWo. When the utility function is a power function then C = O. To prove this result, we consider the generalized power utility function u(x) = (C;l)b (a + bX)c+l. Without loss of generality, we consider a single risky asset, by (2.6) we have

It is easy to show that the optimal portfolio is w*

= k(a + bWoTI)

where k is a constant such that E[(r - TI)(l + kb(r - Tine] = O.


Insurance Demand and Prudence

In the previous sections we concentrated on a situation in which the agent chooses among N risky assets, in this section we consider the case in which the agent in t = 0 can trade a particular type of contract, i.e, Arrow securities. An Arrow security delivers one unit of wealth in t = 1 if an elementary event is realized and nothing otherwise. Consider a strictly risk averse agent endowed in t = 0 with an amount of money Wo > 0 who faces a possible monetary loss D > 0 in t = 1. The loss occurs with probability 7f E (0,1). Then the agent's expected utility is 7fu(Wo - D) + (1 - 7f)u(Wo), We assume that the agent can trade in an insurance market, where he can buy one unit of wealth contingent on the event "the loss happens" , i.e. he can buy an Arrow security which pays one unit of wealth if the loss occurs. The price of this unit of wealth is q > O.

2.4. Insurance Demand and Prudence


In order to decide how many insurance contracts to buy (w), the agent must solve the following problem: max 1ru(Wo - D - wq + w) w w*


+ (1 -

1r)u(Wo - wq), wE 3?+.

0 is a solution of the problem if and only if

1r(1 - q)u'(Wo - D - w*q + w*) - q(1 - 1r)u'(Wo - w*q) ::; 0 with equality if w* > O. The behaviour of the agent depends on q. The Arrow security can be interpreted as the gamble [1- q, -q j 1r, 1 - 1r]. The gamble is fair if and only if q = n , i.e. the price of one unit of money in correspondence of the loss event is equal to its probability. If the price of the Arrow security is actuarially fair (q = 1r), then U'(Wo - D

+ w*(1 - q)) - u'(Wo - w*q) ::; O.

As U is increasing and concave , the optimality condition can be verified only for w* > 0, which implies U'(Wo - D

+ w*(I- q)) = u'(Wo -


By the concavity of u we have a unique solution: w* = D. Therefore, if the insurance contract is fairly evaluated, then the agent will insure himself completely by removing future income variability. If the insurance contract is not fairly evaluated (1r =P q), then the agent will partially insure himself (w < D) if q > Jr and excessively (w > D) if q < Jr, see [1293]. It is easy to show that if the agent has a decreasing coefficient of absolute risk aversion and q =P 1r then the optimal insurance demand is lower the larger is his wealth. We now extend this analysis to the case of many events in t = 1 (S > 1). For simplicity, we consider S 2 and we remove the risk free status. In t 0 the agent faces a gamble a = [aI , a2; 1r, l-1r] . You can think of a farmer whose field of wheat will provide him a crop al if the weather is good and a2 if the weather is unfavourable. The expected utility function associated with this gamble is U(a) = 1ru(ad + (1-1r)u(a2) ' We first characterize the indifference curves of the expected utility U in the space wheat with favourable conditions and wheat with unfavourable conditions keeping Jr fixed. We represent a generic gamble x through the pair [Xl, X2] . The marginal rate of substitution of the agent in correspondence of the gamble [Xl , X2] (ratio between the marginal utilities in the two states of the world weighted by the probabilities of the two events) is equal to minus the slope of the tangent line to the indifference curve in [Xl, X2]:


__ dX2 1ru'(xd SMS( Xl, X2 ) - ) ,( ) . (1 - 1r U X2 dXI U(x)=u



Choices under Risk

In this setting, the space R~ is said state space. The bisectrix of the quadrant (Xl, 0, X2) represents an interesting place: the straight line (Xl = X2) is the certainty line, i.e, the locus of the gambles with the same amount of wheat (money) in both states (no risk). Along the certainty line, SMS(XI, X2) = I ~7r ' the marginal rate of substitution is equal to the ratio of the probabilities of the two elementary events. We can show an important property of utility functions characterized by risk aversion: if u is concave, then indifference curves in the state space are convex. To show this fact, we must prove that

This inequality holds if and only if d In( S~~1(Xl ,X2)) :::; O. Differentiating the logarithm of the marginal rate of substitution, we obtain d In(SMS(xI ,X2)) dXI

= ~[ln(rr) + In(u'(xd) -In(1- rr) -In(u'(x2))] = dXI

u"(xd U"(X2) dX2 u"(xd U"(X2) n u'(xd --- ----= --+---< 0, U'(XI) U'(X2) dXI U'(XI) U'(X2) (1 - rr) U'(X2) -

where the last inequality comes from the risk aversion hypothesis. Risk aversion implies that indifference curves of the expected utility function in the state space are convex. One can easily show that if an agent is risk lover then his indifference curves are concave. Figure 2.2 shows an interesting feature of risk aversion: the agent diversifies risk. As the indifference curves are convex, the convex linear combination of two gambles is always preferred or indifferent to the worse one between the two, if the two gambles are indifferent between them then their convex linear combination is preferred or indifferent to both. The opposite happens if the agent is risk lover: he concentrates his wealth only in one of the two gambles. We consider now an agent who can trade in two markets: a market for wealth contingent upon event 1 and a market for wealth contingent upon event 2. The price of one unit of wealth in the two states is respectively qi and q2 (both prices are positive) . We assume that the agent is provided with the initial endowment (e. , e2) in the two states of the world. The optimum problem for the consumer becomes

under the budget constraint qlXI +q2x2 :::; qlel +q2e2. Necessary and sufficient conditions for an interior solution (xi> 0, x; > 0) can be summarized as rru'(xi) (1 - rr)u'(x;)

ql q2

We note the analogy with the classical condition obtained under certainty, the main difference is due to the fact that the marginal utility in the two states of

2.4. Insurance Demand and Prudence


Fig. 2.2. Expected utility in the state space

the world is weighted by the probability of the state. As in the case of a unique damaging event, if ~ = 1~1r (assets are fairly evaluated) then the agent will choose the point where the certainty line intersects the budget constraint line. Therefore, if prices are fair, then the agent will reach an endowment with no risk . In this case, the budget constraint line identifies endowments with an expected value equal to that of (er .es) : choosing among lotteries with the same expected value, the agent trading in the market reaches an endowment characterized by no risk (xi = X2)' If ~ =j:. 1~ 1r' then the agent will not reach an endowment in the certainty line. If ~ > 1~1r' i.e. wealth contingent on state 1 has a price relative to wealth contingent on state 2 higher than the fair one, then xi < X2· If ~ < 1 ~1r' then xi > X2· The above reasoning can be extended to a more general risk Z. The agent can buy an insurance contract to offset it . The price of the contract


Choices under Risk

is (1 + >.)E[Z], where>. can be interpreted as the insurance premium. The agent solves the following insurance problem

max E[u(Wo - (1- w)Z - w(l + >.)E[Z])], wE [0,1]. w




The optimal insurance rate is w* 1 (full insurance) if>' 0 (fair price) and w* < 1 if >. > O. For>. sufficiently high, the agent does not buy insurance. If the agent has a decreasing coefficient of absolute risk aversion and>. > 0, then the optimal insurance rate is smaller the larger is his wealth (insurance is an inferior good) . An increase of agent's risk aversion increases the optimal insurance rate. Prudence and Precautionary Saving Let us consider the following intertemporal consumption problem. Given the wealth Wo in t = 0, a risk averse agent chooses consumption and saving (x) in t = 0 facing the risk Y in t = 1. The risk free rate is null. The agent with an increasing and concave utility function addresses the following saving-consumption problem :

max u(Wo - x) + E[u(x + Y)] . x First order necessary conditions for an interior solution give us

What happens to the saving rate if instead of Y there is Z such that Z =d Y + l, where E[l/Y] = 0, i.e. risk in the second period is higher? As in the

portfolio problem analysed in [1417] and discussed in the last section, the answer is not obvious. We will say that an agent is prudent if optimal saving increases, see [1048]. This is the case when u'" > 0. Note that a DARA utility function is prudent. Saving in the above setting is called precautionary saving. "Prudence is meant to suggest the propensity to prepare and forearm oneself in the face of uncertainty in contrast to risk aversion which is how much one dislikes uncertainty and would turn away from uncertainty if one could", see [1048]. Paralleling the construction of the absolute risk aversion measure through local approximation, a measure of the degree of absolute prudence is proposed to be - ~,': , similarly a precautionary premium can be defined. Given an increase of risk in the second period, a higher degree of prudence leads to a larger saving increase. A result similar to the one in Proposition 2.2 holds on prudence. Absolute prudence can be increasing or decreasing in wealth. Decreasing absolute prudence implies that wealthier agents are less inclined towards precautionary saving. Let us consider the insurance problem (2.13) when the agent faces a non insurable risk Y which is independent of the insurable risk (background risk) .

2.5. Notes, References and Exercises


The risk averse agent with an increasing utility function solves the following insurance problem max E[u(Wo + Y w


(1 - w)Z - w(1 + A)E[Z])] , wE [0,1).

As above, the optimal insurance rate is w** = 1 (full insurance) if A = 0 (fair price). Let A > 0, if the agent is prudent, absolute prudence and risk aversion are declining in wealth, then w· < u/" < 1. A prudent agent with a prudence degree and risk aversion declining in wealth will buy more insurance than the amount bought by the same agent without a background risk, see [603]. The optimal portfolio with a unique risky asset and background risk can be analysed (assume a zero risk free rate) : max E[u(Wo + Y w

+ wi)].

If u is increasing and concave, Y is independent of f and E[f) > 1 (positive risk premium), then w** > 0 confirming the result obtained without a background risk (w· > 0), see [548). Risk exposure decreases with respect to the no background case (w** < w·) if the prudence degree and risk aversion decline in wealth or absolute risk aversion is declining in wealth and is convex, see [602] .


Notes, References and Exercises

A comprehensive reference on decision theory under risk is provided in

[1081]. An interesting extension of expected utility theory is provided by the case of an agent whose preferences are state dependent, i.e. u depends on the state. A generalization of the expected utility representation result can be provided in this setting. Handling uncertainty as proposed at the beginning of the chapter is based on [1439] . We have identified conditions on the preference relation so that the same one can be represented by the expected utility. One often directly prefers to assume that an agent is characterized by a utility function instead of describing an agent through a preference relation. This procedure leads to a strong drawback, i.e. to consider a utility function and a class of gambles which are not compatible with a representation through the expected utility. The most famous example is the Saint Petersburgh paradox: an agent with a linear utility function evaluates a gamble with payoff 2n , where n is the progressive number of the first throw in which head appears in the repeated toss of a coin. In this case, expected utility would be +00. The problem arises because the utility function is unbounded and/or the expected value of the gamble is not finite. This drawback is avoided in the following cases: - bounded utility function;


Choices under Risk

- gambles defined on a finite set of monetary values; - gambles with a finite expected value, increasing and concave utility function u. The last case deserves to be verified. Given an increasing and concave utility function u defined in lR+ such that u is differentiable, we have that u(z) ~ u(x) + u'(x)(z - x) Vz E lR+ . If the expected value of the gamble z is finite, then E[u(z)] ~ u(x) + u'(x)(E[z]- x) < 00 and then the utility function u admits a representation through the expected utility. A subjective probability version of the expected utility representation has been provided in [1439] . In this setting agents do not know the probability of the events. The author starts from a complete preorder defined on M without prespecified probabilities to show that if the preorder satisfies some assumptions then there exists both a subjective probability distribution and a utility function such that the preorder can be represented through the expected value of the utility function , where the expectation is taken with respect to the subjective probability. Agents behave as if probabilities were assigned to events. On this approach see also [65]. A well-organized survey of portfolio theory is provided in [1261] . In a multiple goods setting, risk aversion has been characterized in [1038, 1040] . In the most recent literature, new characterizations of risk aversion have been proposed referring to the utility which an agent gathers from two gambles. The definition of proper risk aversion, see [1370] , can be summarized as follows: if two independent lotteries are individually unattractive, then the compound lottery offering both together is less attractive than either alone . The definition of standard risk aversion, see [1049] , extends the above definition to loss aggravating independent risks. See also [755]. For a survey of the recent literature on risk aversion see [753], on risk and portfolio choice see [602] . On insurance economics see [545] . Exercises 1. Show that the expected utility function is defined up to a strictly increas-

ing linear transformation. 2. Develop the Saint Petersburg paradox. [Hint: show that expected utility for a risk neutral agent is equal to +00 and that the expected utility with a logarithmic utility function is finite.] 3. Show that u(·) is characterized by constant relative risk aversion b::j:. 1 if and only if u(x) = ox 1 - b + f3 ( 0 ) 0, f3 E lR). 4. Show that u(·) is characterized by constant relative risk aversion equal to one if and only if u(x) = oln(x) + f3 (0 > 0, f3 E lR), and that xl-b 1( ) · 1Imb-tl I-b = n x . 5. Show that if agent a is strongly more risk averse than agent b then he is also more risk averse, but the converse is not true, see [1412] . [Hint: to prove that the converse is not true consider two agents with exponential utility functions .]

2.5. Notes, References and Exercises


6. An agent exhibits a decreasing coefficient of absolute risk aversion if and only if the risk premium associated with any lottery is decreasing in wealth. [Hint: apply Proposition 2.2.] 7. Prove Proposition 2.4. 8. Prove Proposition 2.6. 9. Consider the optimal portfolio problem with W o = 1 a risk free asset with return r f = 2 and two risky assets with returns rl, r2 such that rl is distributed as N(5,4) and r2 as N(4, 9) with corr(rl, r2) = p. Assume that the agent has an exponential utility function. Find conditions on p ensuring that a) W2 < 0, b) Wl ,W2 > o. 10. Consider the optimal portfolio problem with W o = 1 a risk free asset with return r f = 2 and two risky assets with returns rl, r2 such that rl is distributed as N(1'l,4) and r2 as N(4 , 9) with corr(rl,r2) = p. Assume that the agent has an exponential utility function. Find conditions on p and 1'1 such that a) 1'1 - rf > 0 and WI < 0, b) 1'1 - rt < 0 and WI > O. 11. a) Solve the optimal saving-consumption problem described in (2.10) assuming an exponential utility function with coefficient of absolute risk aversion a, initial wealth W o and r distributed as N(2 , 3) . b) Solve the problem assuming that in t = 1 the agent has a labour income fj distributed as N(I, 2) such that corrff, fj) = p. 12. Consider a strictly risk averse agent facing a portfolio problem. The agent can invest his wealth in a risk free asset and in a risky asset with a positive risk premium. Suppose the agent invests a positive amount of wealth in the risk free asset. Show that if his coefficient of absolute risk aversion is increasing in wealth then his demand of the risky asset is strictly decreasing in the risk free return. [Hint: apply first order conditions and the implicit function theorem.] 13. In the optimal portfolio problem with a risk free asset and a risky asset with a positive premium, show that a sufficient condition for an increase in the riskiness of the risky asset return (according to SSD) to decrease the risky asset demand is that relative risk aversion is less than or equal to one and non-decreasing, and that absolute risk aversion is non-increasing, see [1417]. 14. Show that an agent with a hyperbolic utility function holds the same optimal portfolio of risky securities independently of initial wealth, see [353]. [Hint: let the agent's risk tolerance be A + Bx and w(x), w(x) be the risky asset demand associated with x and x as initial wealth, show that wn(x) = ~~~:~/ wn(x), n = 1, ... , N] . 15. Show that an agent with a hyperbolic utility function choosing among investment in a risk free asset and investment in N risky assets is char-


Choices under Risk

acterized by a demand function linear in initial wealth. Show also that if the utility is a power function then demand is proportional to initial wealth, see [353] . 16. Let 'l/Ju(x, fi) be the precautionary premium defined as u'(x - 'l/Ju(x, fi)) = E[u'(x + fi)], show that it can be approximated through the variance of fi and the coefficient of absolute prudence. 17. Show that a DARA utility function implies that the coefficient of absolute prudence is larger than the coefficient of absolute risk aversion. [Hint: take the logarithmic derivative of absolute risk aversion.] 18. A farmer endowed with a constant absolute risk aversion utility _e- aW faces the following problem: the harvest in t = 1 is a random variable x, the spot price at that time is f>, the total revenue (assume no cost) s = xf> is distributed as a normal random variable N(s,O';), the farmer can trade an asset in t = 0 with price q delivering in t = 1 a dividend d which is distributed as a normal random variable N(d, O'~) such that corr(s, d) = p, Determine the optimal demand of the risky asset. 19. Consider an agent with a strictly increasing and risk averse utility function and the optimal portfolio problem with N risky assets and a risk free asset with return "t : Assuming that E[Tklfl , .. . ,Tk-l,Tk+l, ... ,TN] = E[Tk] , show that the optimal investment in asset k is positive if and only if E[Tk] - rf > O. 20. Consider the insurance problem (2.13) with Wo = 1, Z distributed as N(0.5,0 .2) and an exponential utility function with coefficient of absolute risk aversion 0.5. a) Given A > 0 compute w. b) Find A such that w = O.

3. Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

In Chapter 2 we have shown that portfolio problems can be very complex. In general, no explicit formula for the optimal portfolio exists . In this chapter we present some instruments useful to address the portfolio problem. The goal is to provide conditions on the probability distribution of asset returns so that the choice problem is simplified. We will use two main tools: stochastic dominance and mutual funds separation results. These instruments allow us to restrict the set of optimal portfolio candidates. A stochastic dominance criterion allows us to build an order among random variables which is shared by all the agents characterized by a utility function satisfying some properties. This criterion allows us to throwaway portfolios that will not be chosen by an agent with some characteristics. Three different stochastic dominance criteria are presented: first order stochastic dominance (non-decreasing utility function) , second order stochastic dominance (concave utility function) and second order stochastic monotonic dominance (non-decreasing and concave utility function). A criterion, related in part to stochastic dominance, is the mean -variance criterion discussed below. Mutual funds separation results present restrictions on agents' utility and/or on the asset returns distribution so that optimal portfolios can be obtained as portfolios of a limited number of mutual funds. We will present conditions for one, two and K (generic) mutual funds separation to hold. These criteria will allow us to build the portfolio frontier which is a cornerstone of modern portfolio theory and a basic ingredient of the most popular equilibrium model (Capital Asset Pricing Model) , see Chapter 5. The portfolio frontier represents a set of portfolios not dominated in the sense of second order stochastic dominance.


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

The economy is in two periods (t = 0, 1), there are N (N ~ 2) risky assets . The return in t = 1 of asset n is the random variable Tn (n = 1, .. . , N). Denote by W E L1N a portfolio of the N assets, where L1N = {x E ~N : L:~=l X n = I}. W E L1N means that the vector W represents percentages of wealth invested in each asset, or that the wealth is normalized and is equal to one (Wo = 1). If a risk free asset is exchanged, we will refer to it as asset n = 0 with return rl' Risky assets are characterized by different expected returns and finite variances. Returns Tn (n = 1, . . . , N) are almost surely linear independent random variables (no random variable can be written as linear combination of the others). Denote Y the variance-covariance matrix of the N assets:



cov(f l,f2) '" COV(fl'TN)] a~ ... COV(T2,TN) .. . .. ..

COV(T2,fl) .

[COV(TN' f








The matrix is symmetric. As asset returns are linearly independent, the matrix is nonsingular and positive definite. Let e be the vector of the expected returns of the N assets. Given a portfolio W E L1N, we denote by f its return; its expected return and its variance have the following expressions: N


=WTe = L

Wiei ,




(w ) = W Tyw =






i=l j=l

wE L1N can be rewritten as W Tl = 1, where 1 T = (1,1, ... ,1) . The variance and the covariance-correlation between portfolio-assets will indistinctly be identified through the portfolio return (f) or the portfolio (w).


Stochastic Dominance

Stochastic dominance criteria identify a portfolio order shared by all agents with a utility function satisfying some properties. The interesting feature of a stochastic dominance order is that it exclusively refers to some features of random variables describing asset returns and not to agents' preferences . Substantially, we would like to answer the following question: Is it possible to order portfolios through the order induced by the expected utility assuming that the utility function satisfies a few properties? The first criterion is the first order stochastic dominance. Definition 3.1. A portfolio WI dominates according to the first order stochastic dominance criterion the portfolio w 2 (WI !:FSD w 2 ) if and only if U(fl) ~ U(f2) for all the non-decreasing utility functions .

3.1. Stochastic Dominance


Without loss of generality, we consider portfolios with "normalized" returns described by random variables in the interval [0,1]. Denote F i (-) the cumulative distribution function of the return portfolio w i . Note that Fi(l) = 1, while Fi(O) may be different from O. We can establish the following proposition. Proposition 3.1. The following statements are equivalent: 1. wI tFSD w 2 ; 2. F1(x) F2(X) "Ix E [0,1];


3. fl ==d f2

+ l , where l is a positive random variable.

Proof. 1 => 2. The proof is by contradiction. Suppose that there exists an x E [0,1) such that F1(x) > F2(x) , then we can build a non-decreasing function u such that the expected utility of w2 is larger than the expected utility associated with WI . The function is defined as follows: u(x) = 1 "Ix > x , u(x) = 0 V x ~ X. Evaluating the expected utility difference of the two portfolios and integrating by parts we obtain

u(O)[Fl (0) - F2(0)] + u(z)(Fl (z) -




[F1 (z) - F2(z)]du(z) =

- [F1(x ) - F2(x)] < O.

Therefore a contradiction with the hypothesis is obtained. 2 => 1. We limit our proofto the case of a continuous u . A non continuous function can be handled by decomposing it into the sum of a non-decreasing continuous function and a set of non-decreasing functions with zero value up to a discontinuity point and then constant. Assume F1(x) ~ F2(x) "Ix E [0,1]. Integrating by parts we obtain U(fl) - U(f2)




u(z)d[Fl (z) - F2(z)]




1 (z)

- F2(z)]du(z).

As F1(x) ~ F2(x) "Ix E [0,1] and u is non-decreasing, we reach the conclusion that U(fl) ~ U(f2). 2 => 3. The implication easily comes from the monotonicity of the distribution function .


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

3 ::} 1. If fl =d f2 + e, where l ~ 0, then for every non-decreasing utility function it is easy to show that U(fl) = U(f2 + l) ~ U(f2). Q.E.D. This criterion is actually very poor. It induces a partial order on random variables. The class of utility functions is large and therefore the order induced on random variables is quite weak. The criterion simply establishes that return fl is preferred to return f2 by all agents with a monotone utility function if and only if the probability that the return of the first portfolio is smaller than a given value x (Yx E [0, 1]) is smaller than the probability that the return of the second portfolio is smaller than the same value. To the above question we can answer by assuming that agents are risk averse. In this case we obtain the second order stochastic dominance criterion. Definition 3.2. A portfolio WI dominates the portfolio w 2 (WI tSSD w 2 ) in the sense of second order stochastic dominance if and only if U(fl) ~ U(f2) for all concave utility functions . The following proposition holds. Proposition 3.2. The following statements are equivalent: 1.



2. E[fl] = E[f2], G(y) = f:(FI(Z) - F2(z))dz ::; 3. f2 =d fl + l , where E[llf l] = 0.


E [0,1];

Proof. 1 ::} 2. The proof is similar to that of the previous Proposition. The proof works by contradiction by applying the procedure described in the previous proposition to the first derivative of u and exploiting the fact that (3.1)

2 ::} 1. We limit our attention to the case of a function u with continuous first derivative; the case of concave functions with non continuous first derivative can be handled by applying to the first derivative the reasoning described in the proof of the previous proposition. Integrating by parts in (3.1) we obtain

the inequality is obtained by observing that the first term is equal to zero because G(O) = G(l) = 0, instead the second term is positive because u' is

3.1. Stochastic Dominance


decreasing and G(z) < O. 1 ~ 3. See (1416). 3 ~ 1. Because u is concave, by the Jensen inequality we have

where the second equality is established by the properties of the conditional expectation. Q.E.D. Note that no assumption on the monotonicity of the utility function is made . The third property is particularly interesting, it implies that if a portfolio is preferred to another one by all the risk averse agents then they have the same expected return and the first portfolio has a variance smaller than the second one:

Note that the reverse implication does not hold. The order induced by second order stochastic dominance is obviously partial, it allows us to compare only portfolios with the same expected return. Second order stochastic dominance is established with no assumption on the first derivative of the utility function. By restricting the class of utility functions by assuming non decreasing functions the second order stochastic monotonic dominance criterion can be defined. Definition 3.3. A portfolio WI dominates the portfolio w 2 in the sense of second order stochastic monotonic dominance (WI t~D w 2 ) if and only if U(fl) ~ U(f2) for every non-decreasing and concave utility function u.

With this criterion, the following proposition holds. Proposition 3.3. The following statements are equivalent: t~D w 2 ; 2. E[f 1) ~ E[f 2) and G(y) J~(Fl(Z) - F2(z))dz ~ 0 Vy E [0,1] ; 3. f2 =d fl + f, where E[flf 1 ] ~ 0; 4. f2 =d fl + + v, where is a non posit ive random variable and E[vlf2 +





= O.

We omit the proof which is similar to that of the previous propositions. If a portfolio dominates another portfolio according to tSSD, then it dominates it also according to t~D ' [1417, 826] evaluate the effects of an asset return distribution shift on the asset portfolio problem with a unique risky asset and a risk free asset . Let u be defined on 3?+ and 1'2 =d 1'1 + f , if E[flf1 ) = 0 (shift dominated


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

according to second order stochastic dominance), the demand of a risk averse agent associated with f2 is smaller than the demand associated with fl if the coefficient of relative risk aversion is less than one and non-decreasing and the coefficient of absolute risk aversion is non increasing. The same effect is observed if relative prudence is positive and less than two. If the shift induces a return dominated according to first order stochastic dominance, then demand decreases if the coefficient of relative risk aversion is less than one. !::ssn does not allow to establish that all risk averse agents reduce risk exposure after a shift dominated according to it . [751] presents a criterion (central dominance) that allows to establish that all risk averse agents reduce risky demand after a shift dominated according to it; the criterion entails that there exists a'"Y such that G(y) = J~hFl(Z) - F2(z»dz ~ 0 Vy E [0,1] . On these topics see [602]. According to Proposition 2.6, if N lotteries have payoffs independently and identically distributed, then full diversification dominates any other choice according to !::ssn.


Mean-Variance Analysis

The criteria presented in the previous section find their justification inside the expected utility theory. They allow us to establish an order on portfolios shared by all the agents characterized by a preference relation which satisfies some properties. In this section we present a criterion which has a weak motivation inside the expected utility theory paradigm. The criterion is the mean-variance criterion:

The meaning is simple . A portfolio dominates another portfolio if it has a higher expected return and a lower variance. The order is partial, it cannot compare portfolios characterized by differentials with the same sign in the expected return and in the variance. This criterion finds its justification inside the expected utility theory through the following arguments: a) Ifu is quadratic, then w l !::MV w2 {::::::} U(w l ) ~ U(w 2 ) , see [1235]. As a matter of fact, if u(x) = x - ~x2 (b> 0) then the expected utility of a portfolio with return f becomes

If E[f] belongs to the interval such that the utility function is increasing, then the expected utility is increasing in the portfolio expected return and decreasing in its variance. The drawbacks of a quadratic utility function are well known: the function is decreasing for high wealth levels and is characterized by an increasing coefficient of absolute risk aversion.

3.2. Mean-Variance Analysis


b) The expected utility of a portfolio can be approximated through its Taylor expansion up to the second order centred on the expected return of the portfolio : 1 E[u(f)] ~ u(E[f]) + 2ul/(E[f])a2(f). This approximation is exclusively a function of the expected return and of the variance . Under some conditions, the approximated expected utility is increasing with respect to the expected return and decreasing with respect to the variance . Obviously, the higher terms of the approximation of the expected utility are functions of higher moments of the random variable . Nevertheless, this argument suggests that the mean-variance criterion somehow represents agents' preferences in case of an investment with small dispersion . c) The mean-variance criterion has a motivation in terms of expected utility if asset returns are distributed as a multivariate normal random variable. In this case the moments of a random variable higher than the second can be expressed through the mean and the variance. The expected utility can be written as a function of the expected return and of the variance of the portfolio return: increasing in the first argument and decreasing in the second. We assume that u is defined in ~, continuous, increasing and concave. If the N asset returns are distributed as a normal multivariate random variable, then every portfolio return will be distributed as a normal random variable. The expected utility can be written as U(w) = E[u(f)] = E[u(E[f]+a(w)z)], where z is a standardized normal random variable: z == r~{~!fJ. This observation allows us to parametrize the expected utility through the expected return and the standard deviation of the return. We can define V(E[f],a(w)) = E[u(E[f] + a(w)z)] . Differentiating V with respect to the expected return we obtain amr] = E[u'(f)] 2:: 0, where the inequality is obtained by the monotonicity of u. Differentiating V with respect to the standard deviation we obtain a~0v) = E[u'(f)z] ~ 0, where the inequality is obtained by the monotonicity of u, its concavity and the symmetry of the density of z, see [954]. Therefore the expected utility is increasing in the expected return and decreasing in the standard deviation. These results imply an interesting property: indifference curves of the expected utility in the expected return-standard deviation plane are ordered in an increasing sense, they have a positive slope and are convex. The slope of the indifference curves of the expected utility is identified by setting equal to zero the total differential of V : E[u'(f)]dE[f] + E[u'(f)z]da(w) = O. By this condition, it is easy to show that an indifference curve in the standard deviation-expected return plane has a positive slope: :~~~ = - ~~'~fW > O. Convexity of indifference curves can be shown through a similar argument, see [954]. The foundation of the mean-variance criterion through the expected utility represented a challenging problem in the past. Assuming an increasing


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

and concave utility function, what are the probability distributions compatible with the mean-variance criterion? In [1543] , besides verifying that the normal multivariate distribution satisfies this property, the author claimed that every probability distribution characterized by two parameters makes the mean-variance criterion compatible with the expected utility. The conjecture was incorrect; the missing point is that a portfolio of assets with returns described by random variables belonging to a given family should have a return distribution belonging to the same family. The normal multivariate distribution is one of the distributions which enjoys this property; in general the distributions which enjoy this requirement constitute the elliptical distributions family, see [954, 1334]. In [368] a characterization of probability distributions is proposed such that the expected utility is a function only of the mean and of the variance of the portfolio return. An important property turns out to be that of spherical symmetry: a vector of random variables is spherically distributed about the origin if its distribution is invariant under orthogonal linear transformations that leave the origin fixed. If there is a risk free asset, then asset returns must be a linear transformation of a spherically distributed vector of random variables. If all assets are risky, then we must require that N - 1 returns conditioned to the Nth asset return be spherically distributed. Note that for this class of distributions, the expected utility with a utility function increasing and concave is not necessarily increasing in the mean and decreasing in the variance. Nevertheless, a two mutual funds separation result holds .


Portfolio Frontier (risky assets)

Let us consider an economy with N risky assets. The portfolio frontier is identified by the second order stochastic dominance criterion. Given the portfolio expected return (E[fPj), the portfolio w P associated with the smallest variance among all the portfolios with that expected return is identified. Therefore, w P is a portfolio which is not dominated by another portfolio according to second order stochastic dominance. In our exposition we follow [1258, 954, 923] . w P is determined by solving the problem ~n

1 T N 2w Vw , w E ~ ,

under the constraints WT

e = E[fP]'

w T 1 = l.

The two constraints respectively establish that the portfolio has the requested expected return and that the budget constraint is satisfied (w E Ll N ) . The problem can be handled through the associated Lagrangean: L(w, A,,) =

~w TVw + A(E[fP] -

W T e)

+ ,(1 - w T 1).

3.3. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets)

Necessary conditions on w P become

° °


= Vw P - Ae - 11 = ~f = E[fPj - w PT e =






~;;, denotes the N components of the gradient of L with respect to w. Because V is a positive definite matrix, conditions (3.2) and (3.4) are also sufficient for the minimum variance portfolio. By (3.2) we obtain an expression of w P in terms of A and 1 :


Replacing this expression in (3.3) and in (3.4), we obtain the following solution : \ _ CE[fP]-A


_ B-AE[fPj





= g + hE[fPj ,




B(V-l1) - A(V-le) C(V-le) - A(V-l1) D ' h= D .

Observe that B > 0, C > 0, D > 0. The portfolio frontier (PF) identifies a set of portfolios that are not dominated in the sense of second order stochastic dominance, i.e. given E[fPj, w P E P F is not dominated by another portfolio according to second order stochastic dominance. Note that we cannot say that the portfolio w P dominates all the portfolios characterized by the same expected return. The proposed portfolio is unique and is described in (3.8); the constants A, B, C, D, g, h are derived by the data of the problem. Note that only frontier portfolios can be written as in (3.8). The portfolio frontier enjoys some interesting properties. Property 1.

Given two portfolios belonging to the frontier , any portfolio belonging to the frontier is obtained through an affine linear combination (weights adding to one) of the two portfolios. As reference frontier portfolios we consider the one with expected return equal to zero (w· = g) and the one with expected return equal to 1 (WO = g + h). Given any frontier portfolio w q = g + hE[fq ],


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier



cr(W) Fig. 3.1. Portfolio frontier in the expected return-standard deviation plane

it is enough to combine ui" and WO with weights (1- E[r q ], E[r q ]) to generate w q. A linear affine combination of M ~ 2 portfolios of the frontier (Wi, i = 1, . . . , M) generates a frontier portfolio; its expected return is given by the linear combination of the expected returns of the portfolios . As a matter of fact, we have M

L i=1

Property 2.

Vwp,w q E PF,


Q:i W i


L i=1


+ hE[fi ])

= 9+h


L Q:iE[f i]. i=1

3.3. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets)



lIC Fig. 3.2. Portfolio frontier in the expected return-variance plane


= WPTVW q = DC (E[fP]-



= CD (E[fP]- CA)2 + C ~ = 2.(C(E[fP])2 - 2AE[fP] + B) D ·


cov(fP fq) ,

A)(E[fq]_ A)




These expressions are easily obtained by substituting the expressions for w P and wq in wPTVwq. Property 3 . P F is a hyperbola in the expected return-standard deviation space and a

parabola in the expected return-variance space . The proof of this fact comes from (3.10). In the expected return-standard deviation space , the hyperbola has centre in (0, ~) and asymptotes E[fP] = ~ ± ~a2 (wp), see Figure 3.1.



Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

An interesting portfolio is the one characterized by the minimum standard deviation (wM V P ) , a portfolio represented by the point (J1/C, ~) . In the expected return-variance plane, the parabola has its vertex in the minimum variance portfolio represented by the point (b, ~) , see Figure 3.2. The frontier portfolio with minimum variance is w M V P = V~ll . Property 4. Given the expe cted return, only a frontier portfolio is identified. Given a value of the variance larger than l/C, there are two portfolios on the frontier with different expected returns. The portfolios of the frontier are identified by the second order stochastic dominance criterion. Using the mean-variance criterion, a subset of the portfolio frontiers is identified, the subset is the efficient portfolio frontier. EPF

= {w E PF such that E(f] > ~} .

The EPF is made up of those portfolios which are not dominated according to the mean-variance criterion. In Figures 3.1 and 3.2, the efficient portfolio frontier is the upper branch of the hyperbola or of the parabola. Instead, the inefficient portfolio frontier is the lower branch. If agents maximize their expected utility, then the restriction to portfolios belonging to the EPF is justified if the expected utility is exclusively a function (increasing) of the expected return and (decreasing) of the standard deviation-variance of the portfolio return. These conditions are verified if asset returns are distributed like a normal multivariate random variable or if the utility function is quadratic. An affine linear combination with non negative weights of efficient frontier portfolios is still a portfolio belonging to the efficient portfolio frontier. The proof of this statement is based on Property 1. Property 5. Given any portfolio w P belonging to th e frontier , except that with minimum variance, there exists a unique portfolio belonging to the frontier (wzc(p») such that its covariance with w P is equal to zero. The portfolio wZc(p) is identified by setting equal to zero the expression of the covariance in (3.9); by doing so we have E[rz c(p)]





E[r P ] -

A '



Note that if w P is efficient, then the portfolio wZc(p) is inefficient and vice versa. The portfolio wZc(p) has an interesting geometrical interpretation. In the expected return-standard deviation plane, the expected return of the portfolio wZ c(p) is identified by the intersection with the vertical axis of the straight line tangent to the portfolio frontier on the point (a(wP),E[r P]). In the expected return-variance plane, the expected return of the portfolio

3.3. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets)


is identified by the intersection with the vertical axis of the straight line connecting (0'2 (W P), E[fP)) to the point (b, ~) .


Property 6. Let ui" be a portfolio belonging to the portfolio frontier different from w M V P and w q any other portfolio, then thanks to (3.5) we have that cov(wP,w q)

= wPTVw q = >"P eTV-1Vw q + ,PI TV-1Vw q = >..P E[fq] + ,P,

where >..P and ,P refer to the parameters associated with the portfolio ui" , These properties allow us to establish the following proposition which constitutes the most important result on the portfolio frontier. Proposition 3.4. Let w q be a portfolio and w P a portfolio belonging to the portfolio frontier different from the minimum variance frontier portfolio (wP "# w M V P ) : 1. if w q E P F then

2. if w q

f/. PF

fq -- (1 - fJqp f-I )fzc(p) + fJqp a fP ,

then fq

= (1 -

(3qp)f zc(p)

where cov(w P, lqp) = cov(wzc(p) , lqp) For any portfolio w q

+ (3qpfP + lqp,

= E[lqP] = 0

and fJqp f-I

= cov~wp ,wq). (wp) (7


Proof. First of all we prove the third statement. Given two portfolios, a generic one and one belonging to the portfolio frontier, by the expression of the covariance between two portfolios described in Property 6 and exploiting expressions (3.6) and (3.7), we get -q] _ AE[fP] - B E[r - CE[fP] _ A A =C


+ cov w



D CE[fP] _ A

DIC 2 (E[fP] - AIC)2 D cov(wP,w q) 1 E[fP]-AIC+ 0'2 (wp) [C+ DIC ]CE[fP]-A'

It is easy to recognize E[fzc(p)] in the first term and to recognize in the second term the coefficient (3qp which multiplies the difference between the expected return of the portfolio w P and the expected return of the portfolio wzc(p). These observations allow us to write


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier




f Zc(p)

are uncorrelated, we can always write fq

= (1 -

f3qp)f z c(p)

+ f3qpfP + €qp


where cov( w P , €qp) = cov(wzc(p) ,€qP) = E[€qP] = O. If the portfolio w q belongs to the frontier, then its return can be written as a linear combination of the returns of the two frontier portfolios w P and w Zc(p) and therefore the random variable €qp degenerates into the constant zero. Q.E.D. The expected returns relation (3.12) can be written considering wZc(p) as a reference portfolio on the frontier. This observation implies that f3qzc(p) = 1 - f3qp and therefore

The proposition allows us to affirm the following: - The return of a portfolio can be written as a linear combination of the return of a portfolio belonging to the frontier and of the return of the frontier portfolio which has zero covariance with the first frontier portfolio plus a random variable with zero mean and covariance with the above frontier portfolios equal to zero. If the portfolio belongs to the frontier, then the last component is null. - The coefficients of the linear combination at the previous point can be interpreted as the coefficients of the linear regression of fq on fP and fZc(p) • - The expected return of a portfolio w q is given by the linear combination of the expected return of a portfolio belonging to the frontier (wP ) and of the expected return of the portfolio on the frontier with covariance with the first portfolio equal to zero. The weights of the linear combination are f3qp and 1 - f3qp . - If w q = (w~ , . •. , w'fv), then f3qp = 2::=1 w~f3np. f3qp is linear in the f3 coefficients of the assets. The weights of the linear combination are provided by the weights of the portfolio ui" , Let us consider the case of two risky assets with return f 1 , f 2 • A portfolio is identified by the couple (w ,l - w) , w E lR. The expected return and the variance of the portfolio have the following expressions: (3.13) where p denotes the correlation between fl and f 2 : p = ~O:lW~,'::,~). Given the expected return, the identification of the frontier portfolio is a trivial problem: set (3.13) equal to E[f P] ; the unique portfolio with that 1'2 . w P = EE 1'- P -E expected return IS E T- 2 . Tl The frontier can be easily described in the expected return-standard deviation plane referring to the two assets represented by the points A and B

3.3. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets)


with coordinates (a(wd , E[fd) and (a(w2)' E[f2]) , see Figure 3.3. The frontier depends on the correlation between th e two asset returns (p). Three cases are given:



Fig. 3.3. Portfolio frontier

a) p = 1 :

E[f) = wE[fd + (1 - w)E[f2 1 a 2(w) = w2a2(wl) + (1 - W)2 a2(W2) + 2w(1 - w)a(wda(w2)' a(w)

= wa(wd + (1 -

w)a(w2) '

The portfolio frontier is represented by the straight line connecting the points A and B. b) p = -1 :


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

E[f] = wE[fI] + (1 - w)E[f2] a 2(w) = w 2a2(WI) + (1 - W)2 a2(W2) - 2w(1 - w)a(wda(w2), a(w)

= wa(wd -

a(w) = -wa(wd

. (1 - w)a(w2) If w 2: .

a(W2) () a WI +a W2


a(w2) () a WI + a W2

+ (1 - w)a(w2) If w < ( )

The portfolio frontier is identified by two half-lines originated from the point - ] + u(Wtl+U(W2) U(W2) E[-rl - r2 -]) WIt ' h sIopes ± u(wtl+U(W2) E[ft -f2J (0, E[ r2 ' c) - 1 < p < 1. The portfolio frontier is a hyperbola in an intermediate position with respect to the two cases considered above. The frontier belongs to the region identified by the straight line connecting A and B and the half-lines described in case b).


Portfolio Frontier (risky assets and a risk free asset)

Let us consider an economy with N + 1 assets, N risky assets and a risk free asset with return r j > O. Given the portfolio frontier with N risky assets described in the previous section (P F) , we now build the portfolio frontier with a risk free asset (P F*). Let w E iR N describe a portfolio in its risky asset component; w does not belong to fj,N because the budget constraint can be relaxed by borrowing-investing at the risk free rate. Given a wealth equal to 1, the budget constraint is imposed requiring that the amount 1 - w TI is invested in the risk free asset . In our exposition we follow [1258, 954, 923]. To identify the portfolio frontier, we must solve the following problem min W

1 T 2w Vw ,


iR N

under the constraint wTe+(l-wT I )r j =E[fP].

The problem can be addressed through the associated Lagrangean:

By necessary and sufficient conditions for the minimum we obtain the frontier portfolio w P E[fP]- rj w P = V-I(e - rjl) , (3.14) K where K = (e -lrj)TV-I(e -lrj) = B - 2Arj a portfolio belonging to the frontier is

+ Cr} > O. The variance of

3.4. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets and a risk free asset)


the standard deviation is a( w P)

= ElfJi T I

a(wP) = -

E[fP] - TI


if E[fP]

~ T I,

if E[fP]

< TI'

In the expected return-standard deviation plane, P F* is composed by two half-lines with slope /K and -/K starting from the point (0, TI) ' The halfline with positive slope represents the efficient frontier (EPF*). As in the above section with only risky assets, we can show that two portfolios be:longing to the frontier produce through linear affine combinations all the portfolios belonging to the frontier and that a linear affine combination of M ~ 2 portfolios belonging to the frontier still generates a frontier portfolio. It is interesting to evaluate the relation between P F* and P F . The relation depends on T I and $. If T I =1= $, then there is a unique portfolio which belongs to P F and P F* . In the expected return-standard deviation plane, the portfolio is identified by the tangency condition between one of the two half-lines describing PF* and PF. If the tangency condition is verified with the half-line having slope /K (-/K) then the portfolio is efficient (inefficient) . If TI > $ then the portfolio belonging to both frontiers is inefficient (we') , while if TI < $ then the portfolio is efficient (we). These facts are proved by showing that if T I =1= $ then the portfolio of the PF with covariance equal to zero with the portfolio belonging to the P F having expected return equal to T I is identified by the tangency point with the straight line having slope equal to /K or -/K. The slope of the straight line tangent to P F in correspondence of the portfolio w is C1~?~A ' We consider the portfolio w E P F with covariance equal to zero with the portfolio of the P F having expected return equal to T I ; its expected return will be equal to (3.15) Replacing this expression in the formula of the slope of the straight line tangent to P F in correspondence of the portfolio wand considering the expression for the standard deviation in (3.10), one verifies that the slope is equal to /K or - /K. (3.15) implies that if TI < $ then the portfolio belonging to the two frontiers will be efficient (we), if instead TI > $ then the portfolio will be inefficient (we'). Thanks to these properties of the frontier, all the portfolios of the frontier are obtained as a linear combination of the portfolio we (we') and of the


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

portfolio containing only the risk free asset (wO) . In correspondence of the first portfolio w Tl = 1, for the second portfolio w Tl = O. Depending on rf and ~, three cases are given; two of them are described in Figures 3.4 and 3.5.



cr(w'} Fig. 3.4. Portfolio frontier in the expected return-standard deviation space

a) rf < ~ . PF* is composed of two half-lines. The portfolio that belongs to P F and P F* is efficient (we). The frontier is divided into three regions. The segment connecting WO and we represents portfolios that are convex linear combinations of the two portfolios, i.e. portfolios with a positive investment in the risk free asset and in the portfolio we (0 < w Tl < 1). Portfolios on the right of we involve short selling the risk free asset and investing in the risky portfolio we more than one unit of wealth (w T 1 > 1). Inefficient portfolios

3.4. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets and a risk free asset)


involve short selling the risky portfolio we and investing more than one unit of wealth in the risk free asset wO (w T 1 < 0). b) Tf > ~ . PF* is composed of two half-lines. The portfolio that belongs to PF and PF* is inefficient (we'). The frontier is divided into three regions. The segment connecting WO and we' represents portfolios that are convex linear combinations of the two portfolios, portfolios with a positive investment both in the risk free asset and in portfolio we' (0 < W T 1 < 1). Portfolios on the right of we' involve short selling the risk free asset and investing an amount of money larger than one unit of wealth in portfolio we' (w Tl > 1). Efficient portfolios involve short selling we' and investing an amount of money larger than one in the risk free asset wO (w T 1 < 0).




Fig. 3.5. Portfolio frontier in the expected return-standard deviation space


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

c) r f = ~ . In this case K = ~ > 0 and P F* is given by the asymptotes of the PF. PF and PF* do not share any portfolio. Every portfolio belonging to the frontier involves a net investment in the risk free asset equal to one. In fact, considering a frontier portfolio w P with the expression in (3.14), setting rf = ~ and premultiplying by 1, one gets 1 T w P = 1TV- 1 (e _ ~1) E[fl- r t = O. The risky assets portfolio is self-financed. Given two frontier portfolios w P and ui", their covariance turns out to be

The following proposition, equivalent to Proposition 3.4, can be established. Proposition 3.5. Let w q be a portfolio and w P a portfolio belonging to the portfolio frontier such that E[r P] i: r f : 1. if w q E P F* then r-q -- (1 - j3qp )r f 2. if w q ~ P F* then r-q -- (1 - j3) qp r f

-Po + j3qpr,

+ j3qpr- P + f-qp ,

where cov(w P , lqp) = E[lqP] = 0 and j3qp = co:~(:~r) . For any portfolio w q, the following expression holds

(3.16) The proof is similar to that of Proposition 3.4. (3.16) expresses a portfolio risk premium through the risk premium of a frontier portfolio . The risk premium of a portfolio has sign equal to the risk premium of a frontier portfolio if the j3 coefficient is positive and the opposite sign if j3 is negative . Let us assume now that no risk free borrowing is allowed, i.e. w TIS l. The portfolio frontier depends on T f and ~. If T f < ~ , then the portfolio frontier with the risk free asset (P F*) is tangent to the portfolio frontier with no risk free rate (P F) in correspondence of an efficient portfolio we . A portfolio belonging to the frontier with the risk free asset is a linear combination of we and of the risk free asset (w = 0). According to the analysis developed above, on the straight line with positive slope borrowing occurs on the right side of we . As a consequence the portfolio frontier with a no borrowing constraint coincides with the portfolio frontier with a risk free asset (P F*) below we and with the frontier without the risk free asset above we . Three regions can be identified on the frontier, see Figure 3.6. Along the half-line with negative slope the agent invests in the risk free asset more than 1 and he sells short the portfolio we (w T 1 < 0). Along the segment connecting (O,rf) to We the agent holds both the risk free asset and the risky portfolio we. Above we, on the hyperbola, the agent only holds risky assets. A similar construction holds when Tf > ~.

3.4. Portfolio Frontier (risky assets and a risk free asset)




(I/C)I/2 Fig. 3.6. Portfolio frontier with a borrowing constraint

Let us assume now that there are two risk free rates: r b and r l • The first one is to borrow money, the second one to lend money (transaction costs) . We assume that r b > r l and that ~ > rb. Considering a risk free asset with return r b and one with return r l we can build two portfolio frontiers. We denote by w b the tangent portfolio of the first frontier and by wI the tangent portfolio of the second frontier. Note that the absolute value of the slope of the two half-lines defining the portfolio frontier with a risk free asset is decreasing in the risk free rate. The portfolio frontier is described in Figure 3.7. The portfolio frontier with transaction costs is composed of four regions. In region A agents invest in the risk free asset (rate r l ) more than 1 and sell short risky assets. In region B agents hold both the risk free asset (rate r l ) and the risky portfolio wI . In region C agents neither invest in the risk free asset nor borrow money, they hold a risky portfolio which is a linear convex


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

combination of w b and Wi . In region D agents sell short the risky portfolio w b and borrow money at the risk free rate r",



Fig. 3.1. Portfolio frontier with transaction costs

An index used to evaluate the performance of an asset -portfolio is the Sharpe ratio: (3.17)

The Sharpe ratio of a portfolio is given by the ratio between the risk premium and the standard deviation of the portfolio. Graphically, the Sharpe ratio of a portfolio is the slope of the straight line which joins the portfolio with the point (0, r I) in the standard deviation-expected return plane. A portfolio on the efficient frontier has the highest Sharpe ratio among all the portfolios.

3.5. Mutual Funds Separation



Mutual Funds Separation

Mutual funds separation results allow us to reduce the dimension of optimal portfolio problems. We would like to answer the following question: given a set of N assets, is it possible to identify K portfolios (mutual funds) such that for any portfolio of the N assets and for any agent's utility function satisfying some properties there exists a portfolio of the K mutual funds preferred to the above portfolio? Obviously, the composition of the portfolio of the K funds depends on the original portfolio and on the agent's utility function . To answer this question we can follow two roads: a) impose some conditions on the asset returns probability distribution, b) impose some conditions on the preference relations of the agents. Depending on the perspective, there are two main contributions in literature: [1410] for restrictions on asset returns distribution, [353] for restrictions on agents' preferences. The analysis and the results depend on the presen ce of the risk free asset . We have the following definition .

Definition 3.4. A set of N assets with returns r = (fn)[t=l satisfies the separation property through K mutual funds if there exist K portfolios (mutual funds) w 1 , . • • , w K such that for any portfol io w of the N assets with return f there exists a vector of weights (Al, . . . , AK) adding to one forming a portfolio of the K funds such that K

E[u(I: Ak f k)] ~ E[u(f)], V u(·) concave and non - decreasing. k=l

Given a portfolio , there exists a linear combination with weights adding to one of the K mutual funds which dominates the first one in the sense of second order stochastic monotonic dominance. The definition is in a strong sense because weights do not depend on the utility function; when weights are chosen according to the utility function then we have a definition in a weak sense, see [1410] . The two definitions coincide for K ~ 2. First of all, we consider restrictions on asset returns distribution. Conditions on asset returns for K funds separation with or without the risk free asset are established in [1410, 954]. In what follows we concentrate on K= 1,2 . If K = 1, then there is a unique mutual fund w* . A necessary and sufficient condition so that r = (fn)[t=l satisfies the one mutual fund separation property is that r=f*l+f, where f is a vector of N random variables such that E[flf*] = 0 and that there exists a vector of normalized weights (al , . . . , aN) (L~l ai = 1) such


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

that L:~l aifi = O. The vector (al, " " aN) constitutes the mutual fund w* with return '1*. The double implication can be directly verified using the definition of second order stochastic monotonic dominance (sufficiency) and the optimality portfolio conditions (necessity). A necessary condition for one mutual fund separation is that assets have the same expected return. A particular case is that of independently and identically distributed asset returns; in this case, w* is obtained by investing the same amount of money in each asset. Let us consider now K = 2. Conditions ensuring two mutual funds separation depend on the presence of the risk free asset. Let us assume first of all the exist ence of a risk free asset with return rJ > 0 acting as a mutual fund (money fund separation). A necessary and sufficient condition so that r = ('1n);;=l satisfy the two mutual funds separation property is that r=rJl+b'1*+f, where f is a vector of N random variables such that E[fl'1*] = 0 and b is a vector of N weights, and that there exists a vector of normalized weights (ai , . . . , aN) such that L:~l aifi = O. The two separating portfolios are represented by a portfolio without risk and by a risky asset portfolio. Let us consider an economy with N risky assets. A necessary and sufficient condition so that r = ('1n);;=l satisfy the two mutual funds separation property is that (3.18) r='1*l+b'1**+f, where b is a vector of N coefficients, f is a vector of N random variables such that E[fl'1* + 'Y'1**] = 0 for every 'Y belonging to an interval defined by the maximum w T b and the minimum w T b such that w is an optimal portfolio for a non-decreasing and concave utility function ; furthermore we require that there exist two vectors of weights a , c E ~N such that aT 1 = c T 1 = 1 and aT f = cT f = 0 with aT b oj; cT b. For a proof of these results see [954, 1410]. The class of elliptically distributed asset returns as well as the distributions implying a mean-variance utility function satisfy the two mutual funds separation property, see [1334, 368]. In particular, the normal multivariate probability distribution satisfies the conditions for two mutual funds separation, see [1410] . Let us assume concave utility functions as in Definition 3.4 (second order stochastic dominance). By Property 1 of the P F, it is easy to verify that the two mutual funds, if they exist, belong to the portfolio frontier. Consider the case of N risky assets. Suppose that one of the two mutual funds does not belong to P F and take a frontier portfolio; this is not dominated according to the second order stochastic dominance by a portfolio of the two mutual funds, so the two portfolios are not mutual funds . By the properties established in the previous sections, if the assets satisfy the two mutual funds separation property then any pair of portfolios belonging to P F constitutes a pair of mutual funds . As mutual funds we consider

3.5. Mutual Funds Separation


w P and the associated portfolio with covariance equal to zero (w zc(p»). By Proposition 3.4, it follows that the return of any portfolio wq can be written as qp fq = (1 - {3qp)f z c (p ) + {3qp f P + f , (3.19)

where w P =/:- wM V P , cov(fP, fqP) = cov(fz c(p) , fqP) establish the following result, see [923, 1168].

= E[fqP]

O. We can

Proposition 3.6. Given N assets with returns (f n );;=1, a necessary and sufficient condition so that they satisfy the two mutual funds separation property is that for every portfolio w q with return described in (3.19) , it holds that

Proof. We show the sufficiency of the condition. By the properties of the conditional expectation and of the Jensen inequality, the following result holds:

Therefore portfolios w P and w Zc(p) are two separating mutual funds. For a proof of the implication in the other direction see [923]. Q.E.D. The above proposition rewrites the conditions for two mutual funds separation established in (3.18). Then we can establish the following.

Proposition 3.7. If (f n );;=1 are distributed as a multivariate normal random variable with different expected returns, then the N assets satisfy the two mutual funds separation property. Proof. Consider a portfolio w P =/:- w M V P on the frontier and the associated portfolio on the frontier with covariance equal to zero (wzc(p»). fP and fZc(p) are distributed as a normal bivariate random variable. Let w q be a portfolio with return fq decomposed as in (3.19) , being asset returns distributed like a multivariate normal random variable, then f qp, fP, f Zc(p ) are not correlated and independent, therefore E[fqp l(l - {3qp)f z c(p) + {3qpfP) = E[€,qP) = O. Q.E.D.


Let us consider N + 1 assets, N risky assets with returns (fn)~=1 and a risk free asset with return > 0; one can easily verify that the two mutual funds, if they exist, belong to P F*. If < ~, then we can choose as mutual funds the one characterized by the risk free return and the portfolio we. The return of a portfolio w q can be written as




{3 ee - qe = (1 - {3) qe r, + qe" + f ,


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

where covtf", f-qe) = E[f-qe] = O. A necessary and sufficient condition so that the assets satisfy the two mutual (money) funds separation property becomes:

for every portfolio to", The same condition is obtained when T f > ~ considering the portfolio we' . If asset returns are distributed like a multivariate normal random variable, then they satisfy the two mutual funds separation property. If asset expected returns are the same , then the normality assumption is a sufficient condition for one mutual fund separation. Let us consider now K > 2 and again non-decreasing and concave utility functions. Sufficient conditions for K mutual funds separation (K - 1 risky funds and the risk free asset) are provided by the fact that the following decomposition holds, see [1410, 954]: K-l


bfzk +Ei, i = 1, ... ,N,


E[Eilz}, Z2 , . . . I ZK-I] = 0, i = 1, ... , N,


r« =




L W~Ei = 0,


= 1, ... , K

- 1,




L w~ = 1,

k = 1, ... , K - 1,






- 1,


where is the weight of asset i in the k-th mutual fund and A is a (K 1) x (K - 1) matrix such that amk = I:~l bfwfl, k, m = 1, . . . , K - 1. Mutual funds separation results can be obtained by restricting the class of utility functions, see [954]. Let us consider an economy with I agents characterized by utility functions (Ui){=l ' N assets satisfy the one mutual fund separation property if there exists a function u( ·) and coefficients ai, lJi E !R+ (j = 1, .. . , I) such that ui (x) = ai + lJiu(x). A set of assets satisfies the two mutual funds separation property if agents' utility functions are increasing linear transformations of one of two utility functions . [353] identify a class of utility functions so that the two mutual funds separation property holds . The analysis depends on the presence of the risk free asset and on market completeness. The conditions are those put forward in Section 2.3. The class of hyperbolic utility functions with the same B satisfies the two mutual funds separation result with a risk free asset and without it when markets are complete. If markets are incomplete then only power, logarithmic and quadratic utility functions render a two mutual funds separation result.

3.6. Notes, References and Exercises



Notes, References and Exercises

Stochastic dominance Theorems have been established by several authors. For a survey see [1153] . The P F has been derived allowing short sales. Imposing a no short sale constraint on risky assets (wn ~ O,n = 1, . .. ,N) , the portfolio frontier changes . If short sale constraints are introduced, then we can observe kinks in the PF, see [575] . Mutual funds separation results have been tested empirically. In particular two mutual funds (monetary) separation results have been tested empirically with negative results, see [1180] for an analysis based on trading volume and [337] for an analysis based on portfolio allocations proposed by financial advisors; for a reconciliation see [155] . [1083] present experimental evidence showing that people often choose inefficient portfolios and violate two mutual funds separation. Exercises

1. Show that agents with hyperbolic utility functions having the same B hold the same optimal portfolio of risky securities, see [1426] . 2. a) If two asset returns i\ and T2 are normally distributed and have the same expected return then Tl !::SSD T2 if and only if (it ~ (i~. b) Without the above restriction on asset return distributions, provide a counterexample to the above statement. 3. Propose a pair of random variables and an increasing and concave utility function not satisfying the mean-variance criterion. 4. Consider a lottery al = [0,1; 0.3, 0.7] and a lottery a2 = [0, Xj a, 1 - a]; provide necessary and sufficient conditions on x and a so that a) al !::FSD a2, b) al !::SSD a2, c) al !::~D a2, d) al !::MV a2· 5. Show that if Tl !::FSD T2 then E[Td ~ E[T2]; provide an example showing that the converse does not hold. 6. Derive the expression of w MVP . 7. a) Does Tl !::~D T2 imply (it ~ (i~? b) Does Tl !::~D T2 imply Tl !::MV T2 ? 8. Show that cov(w ,wMVP) = var(w MVP ) for any portfolio . 9. Given a portfolio on the P F, determine graphically the zero covariance portfolio in the expected return-variance plane . 10. Given a portfolio w P on the PF, compute the w zcP • Given the risk free asset return r f, compute the tangent portfolio we. 11. Let w P be a frontier portfolio and w q any portfolio with the same expected return; show that cov(wP,w q ) = var(w P) .


Stochastic Dominance, Mutual Funds Separation and Portfolio Frontier

12. Given two risky assets T}, T2 distributed as N(2 , 0.5) and N(3 , 0.8) with corr(T} , T2) = 0.4: a) Determine the mean-variance frontier. b) Determine the mean-variance frontier with a risk free rate 1.5. c) Determine the optimal portfolio for an agent with an exponential utility function (coefficient of absolute risk aversion equal to 2). 13. Show that among the utility functions satisfying the property of two mutual funds separation (without restrictions on the asset return distribution) only quadratic utility functions are increasing in expected return and decreasing in variance.


General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange

An economy is in equilibrium when it produces messages which do not induce the agents to mod ify the theories they believe in or the policies which they pursue. Hahn (1973)

In a rational expectations equilibrium, not only are prices determined so as to equate supply and demand, but individual economic agents correctly perceive the true relationship between the non price information received by the market participants and the resulting equilibrium market price . This contrasts with the ordinary concept of equilibrium in which the agents respond to prices but do not attempt to infer other agents' non price information from actual market prices . Radner (1982)

Relying on the perfect competition hypothesis, the analysis of the market under risk can be disentangled in two steps by firstly considering the agents' behaviour given prices-returns (internal consistency), and then studying the interaction among the agents in the market. At this level, attention is placed on the equilibrium price vector such that the market demand is equal to the supply and therefore agents' decisions are compatible among themselves (external consistency). In Chapter 2 we addressed the first part of the problem by assuming that the agent trades in t = 0 wealth contingent to specific events in t = 1 (Arrow securities) or assets with dividends described by generic random variables. In this chapter, we will address the second part of the problem, extending the analysis to an economy with many consumption goods and consumption in t = 0 and in t = 1. The topic of this chapter can be described by the following little story. A farmer owns a field. He sows in t = 0 and harvests in t = 1. In t = 0 the farmer makes consumption-investment decisions: he chooses how to allocate the crop obtained in t = -1 (investment decision) and how much to consume in t = 0 and in the states of the world in t = 1 (consumption decisions) . We will consider two different cases: investment decisions in t = 0 and consumption only in t = 1, investment decisions in t = 0 and consumption in t = 0 and t = 1. The farmer trades goods-assets in markets open in t = 0


General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange

(future markets) and in t = 1 (spot markets). To simplify the analysis, we will consider two stylized cases: when agents consume only in t = 1, there exist L > 1 goods; when agents consume in t = a and in t = 1 there exists a single good (wheat or wealth) (L = 1). We limit our attention to a finite number of elementary events in t = 1 (S > 1). Each elementary event describes the weather conditions between t = a and t = 1. The crop in t = 1 depends on them. There are I ~ 2 agents (farmers) in the market, an agent is fully described by a preference relation and by a wheat endowment. The probability space describing the uncertainty of the economy as well as agents' rationality are common knowledge among the agents. 1 The preference relation of each farmer satisfies the axioms for its representation through the expected utility. Most of the results established below can be restated assuming agents with heterogeneous beliefs. To develop our analysis, we introduce the concept of contingent good. Goods differ not only for their commercial features, but also for the state of the world in which goods will be available . A unit of wheat in t = 1 if weather conditions have been very bad and a unit of wheat if weather conditions have been very good are two different goods for a farmer in t = O. IT the farmer cultivates L > 1 goods, then there are L x S contingent goods. When consumption only occurs in t = 1, agent i (i = 1, . . . ,[) is endowed in t = a with a basket of contingent goods ei obtained as the crop of the field in t = 1. The basket of goods ei is an L x S matrix, arrow I (I = 1, .. . ,L) represents the crop of good I in different states of the world, column s (s = 1, . . . , S) represents the crop of the L goods in the state of the world W s ' Given a basket of contingent goods x E ~LS, we will denote by XIs the amount of good I in state of the world W s and by X s the vector of goods in state of the world W s (x s E ~L) . When consumption occurs in t = a and in t = 1 (L = 1), a basket of goods is described by a vector in ~S+l. In this story we have introduced two of the main features of financial markets: the intertemporal dimension of agents' decisions and the risk component. The forward-looking feature of economic decisions comes from the fact that in t = a an agent faces different states of the world in t = 1. Risk concerns the crop in t = 1 and market conditions in t = 1. On the first point, an agent describes his beliefs through a probability space and a probability measure. Without further assumptions, the probability space does not allow the agent to model market uncertainty. In this case, uncertainty not only concerns weather conditions but also the behaviour of other agents . Therefore, an agent is called to forecast the behaviour of other agents. This happens when there are both future markets in t = a (markets open in t = a for assets delivering goods or money in t = 1) and spot markets in t = 1. Making their 1

Some elements of the economy are common knowledge among the agents if each agent knows them, knows that the others know them, knows that the others know that he knows and so on. Agents cannot agree to disagree. For a more precise definition of common knowledge see [700] .


decisions in t = 0, agents have to forecast spot market prices. Those prices depend on the behaviour of all the agents of the economy. As in Chapter 1, we can always identify two different steps: decisions by an agent given asset prices and returns and market level interaction. It remains to understand how an agent forms his beliefs-expectations on future prices. In our analysis we will make the rational expectations hypothesis: a) the economic model is common knowledge among the agents of the economy (by economic model we refer to all those features which turn out to be relevant for the analysis we will develop), b) agents taking their expectations fully exploit all the information. These assumptions are common knowledge. An assumption similar to the rational expectations hypothesis was done in Chapter 1 to strengthen the capability of general equilibrium theory to describe the economic world under certainty. We assumed that the economic model as well as agents' rationality were common knowledge among the agents and that they fully exploit this hypothesis to solve the model. Note that without this assumption, general equilibrium theory under certainty is able to show that agents' choices are compatible in a perfectly competitive market when they pursue their self-interest. In a risky environment the rational expectations hypothesis plays a more relevant role. Different from the certainty environment, in a risky environment the rational expectations hypothesis is necessary to define the agent's behaviour and the (rational expectations) equilibrium. The rational expectations hypothesis is needed to define some parameters (expectations on future prices) that the agent takes as given to define his behaviour. Without this hypothesis, or a similar one, we would not be able to establish the compatibility of agents' decisions in a perfectly competitive market. The rational expectations hypothesis will be the third consistency requirement (informative consistency). We will show that in a rational expectations equilibrium, forecasts are self-confirming (perfect forecast) . Note that this type of equilibrium requires that agents fully solve the model to define their behaviour. We could substitute the rational expectations assumption with a more realistic assumption about agents' knowledge of the economy, but in that case agents' beliefs would not be self-confirming (biased forecasts) , i.e, there is space for learning. We will return to this topic in Chapter 8. For a critical introduction to rational expectations equilibria see [1377] . Our analysis is based on the equilibrium condition and on the classical Pareto optimality criterion to evaluate the efficiency of an allocation. The central topic of the chapter will be: What is the institutional setting of future and spot markets allowing us to confirm the relation between equilibrium allocation and Pareto optimality established in Chapter 1? To answer this question, we must first characterize a Pareto optimal allocation with contingent goods.


General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange


Risk Sharing and Pareto Optimality

Let us consider a two-period economy (t = 0,1), with I agents (i = 1, , I), L goods (l 1, ... , L) and S states of the world in t 1 (s = 1, , S). I ~ 2, L ~ 1, S ~ 2. Agents share homogeneous beliefs: the probability space and the probability measure are common knowledge among agents. Large parts of the analysis below can be generalized to an economy with heterogeneous beliefs. The elementary event W s is characterized by a positive probability 7fs to come true: 7f s > 0 (s = 1, . . . ,S), L~=1 7fs = 1. We consider two different cases: consumption in t = 1 and consumption in t = 0 and t = 1. We start from the first case. Let us consider an agent characterized by a preference relation that can be represented through the expected utility with a state independent utility function defined only on the basket of consumption goods in t = 1, i.e. u : lR~ --t lR. Agent i (i = 1, .. . , 1) is represented by a couple (e", u i ) , where u i is the utility function and ei E !R~S is his endowment of the L goods in the states of the world. In Section 1.2 we characterized a Pareto optimal allocation in two distinct ways: a) maximizing the agent's utility given the utility level of the others and the feasibility constraint imposed by the resources, b) maximizing a linear combination with positive weights of the agents' utility functions under the feasibility constraint. These two methods can also be employed in our setting with contingent goods . An allocation Xi E R~S (i = 1, ... ,1) is said to be feasible if it satisfies the resources constraint in every state of the world: ~I . ~I . L.."i=1 x~ ~ L.."i=1 e~, s = 1, . . . .S, We have two different Pareto optimality definitions.



Definition 4.1. A feasible allocation Xi (i = 1, optimal if there is no feasible allocation Xi ' (i = 1, S




L 7fsui(x~) ~ L 7fsui(x~),

, I) is ex ante Pareto ,I) such that

i = 1, ... ,I,

with at least a strict inequality. Definition 4.2. A feasible allocation X i (i timal if there is no feasible allocation X i' (i

= 1, = 1,

, I) is ex post Pareto op,I) such that

with at least a strict inequality.



The two definitions refer to different time instants (t 0 and t 1) and information to evaluate the efficiency of an allocation: ex ante (before the state of the world is revealed), ex post (after the state of the world is

4.1. Risk Sharing and Pareto Optimality


revealed). In what follows, we assume that agents' utility functions are strictly increasing and concave. A Pareto optimal allocation x* E ~~~s is characterized as in Chapter 1: the marginal rate of substitution between two goods is the same for all the agents of the economy. The condition applies to any couple of goods . Consider an ex ante Pareto optimal allocation x i *, i = 1, .. . , I, then:

i,j=l, . . . ,I, s,r=1 , . . . , 8 , k,l=l, . . . ,L. (4.1)

Consider an ex post Pareto optimal allocation, then: u zi I, (x i*) _ -:;.Z"...I'-,-----,ui (xi*) i i uXl.. (x * ) - (x i *) ,

i,j=l, . . . ,I, s,=1 , . . . ,8, k ,l=l, . . . ,L. (4.2)

The set of Pareto optimal allocations defines the contract curve of the economy. It is easy to verify that an ex ante Pareto optimal allocation is ex post Pareto optimal, in fact (4.1) for s = r becomes (4.2). Let us consider two agents (i = a, b), two states of the world (s = 1,2) and a unique good (wheat); the set of ex ante Pareto optimal allocations can be represented through the Edgeworth box. The field of the first farmer produces the crop e" (e~, e~) E ~~ in the two states of the world, the field of the second farmer produces the crop eb = (e~, e~) E lR~ . The probability of the two states of the world is equal to (11", 1 -11") . The expected utility of agent i is Ui(xi,x;) = 1I"ui (xD + (l-1I")u i (x; ) (i = a,b). An allocation x* E R++ is ex ante Pareto optimal if the following condition holds:


U:1 (x B * ) U;l (x b* ) U:2 (XB*) = U~2(xb*) ·

The condition identifies Pareto optimal allocations belonging to the contract curve as those allocations such that the indifference curves of the two agents are tangent. We now characterize the contract curve in three particular cases. a) e~+e~ = e~+e~ (no aggregate risk) . The aggregate crop of the economy is constant in the two states of the world. The Edgeworth box is a square, see Figure 4.1. The certainty line of agent a coincides with that of agent b. By the analysis developed in Section 2.4, in correspondence of the certainty line both farmers have a marginal rate of substitution for wheat in the two states of the world equal to the ratio of the probabilities of the two events ( 1 ~".) . Therefore, the certainty line of the two farmers is the contract curve. If there is no aggregate risk, then Pareto optimal allocations allow mutual full insurance between the farmers. There is no risk in Pareto optimal allocations. As a consequence, by the analysis developed in Section 2.4, prices in t = 0 for contingent wheat in the two states of the world implementing a Pareto optimal allocation are those actuarially fair: £!. = --". I" . P2


General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange

Fig. 4.1. Contract curve with no aggregate risk

b) e~ + et > e~ + e~. The aggregate crop of the economy in state of the world 1 is larger than that in state of the world 2. In this case there is aggregate risk; the Edgeworth box is a rectangle, see Figure 4.2. The certainty lines of the two agents do not coincide. The contract curve lies between the two certainty lines. The prices of the Arrow securities implementing a Pareto optimal allocation are not actuarially fair, they reflect aggregate risk . The ratio between the price of the contingent good in the first state of the world and the price of the contingent good in the second state is smaller than the actuarially fair relative price: ~ < l~7l". As a matter of fact, if ~ ~ 1~7l" then the tangency of the budget constraint with indifference curves of agent a would be on the left of his certainty line, the same thing happens for agent b, as a consequence there is no tangency between the indifference curves of

4.1. Risk Sharing and Pareto Optimality

the two agents. On the other hand, if verified inside the two certainty lines.


1 agents. The result does not depend on the market completeness assumption. The crucial point is that the agents' endowment is spanned by the assets traded in the economy. Given an arbitrage free price-dividend couple, there exists an economy with I > 1 agents generating it in equilibrium if the equilibrium prices of the economy do not depend on the distribution of the resources among the agents of the economy, i.e. there exists a representative agent in a strong sense. A correspondence between an arbitrage free couple (q, D) and the equilibrium of an economy with I > 1 agents can be established in case of intertemporal consumption when agents have homogeneous beliefs, the same discount factor, time separable and state independent utility functions belonging to the generalized power, logarithmic or exponential classes with endowments spanned by the traded assets . A representative agent in a strong sense exists for this economy. When the economy does not allow the construction of a representative agent in a strong sense then we can use proposition 4.6 to prove that there is a single-agent economy generating in equilibrium the couple (q, D) . Considering a time separable and state independent utility function and a strictly positive optimal consumption plan, we have s


= 1, . . . ,5, -


qn = E[c5,--()dn 1. U o eo



Note that uh(eo) = rfc5 L,;=l 11'sU~ (es ) = A. A risk neutral probability measure can be written as *


that is

It is easy to show that


11'sU~ (es )


L,S=l 11'sU~ (es )



= 1, ... ,5,



General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange Zs



u~ (e.)




= 1, . . . ,5,


or Zs = r[:ou(~~y), S = 1, .. . , 5 . (4.30) and (4.31) suggest that the marginal rate of substitution of the representative agent provides a stochastic discount factor such that the asset price is the expectation of future dividends. In an equilibrium for an economy with complete markets or satisfying the aggregation property (effectively complete) , the above formulae for the state prices-security prices hold considering the representative agent utility.


Notes, References and Exercises

On general equilibrium under risk see [1242, 549, 1224, 478, 1222]. Our analysis concerns a finite state economy. The analysis with infinitely many states requires much more refined tools, see the special issue of the Journal of Mathematical Economics (1996). On the role of options in achieving market completeness in an economy with infinitely many states see [782,287, 1303] . An exhaustive analysis of the Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem is provided in [436, 549, 583, 561] . The theorem has been extended to an economy with states characterized by null probability in [1599]. An arbitrage opportunity is strictly related to the existence of a couple of consumption plans ordered according to the first order stochastic dominance criterion. In particular, an arbitrage opportunity implies the existence of a couple of consumption plans ordered according to the criterion, but not vice versa, see [971]. Exercises 1. Show that the Borch condition with strictly risk averse agents (and strictly increasing utility) defines a strictly increasing Pareto optimal sharing rule. 2. Prove expression (4.4). [Hint: differentiate the Borch condition.] 3. Consider a two-period economy with two states, two goods and two agents (L = 5 = I = 2). In t = 0 there is no consumption, agents only trade financial assets . Agent i is characterized by the expected utility function: I:;=l 7Ts(o:lln(xls)+o: ~ln(x2s)) , 0 < 7T s < 1, 0 < o:f < 1 and o:f +o:~ = 1. Agents' endowments are (in t = 0 agents have no endowment) : e1 = e2

[1 -

10 10] 1- 10 10 '

= [10 1 -

10] 10 1 - 10

4.5. Notes, References and Exercises


for 0 < € < 1; there are two future contracts for the two goods with payoff d1


6. 7. 8.

d2=[~~]. :j:. ~ and er~ :j:. err then no Radner equilibrium exists.

a) Show that if € b) When er~ = = ~, compute asset prices, consumption and portfolio choices. c) Assuming a system of complete contingent contracts in t = 0, determine the equilibrium prices. In a complete market economy with S states of the world, I agents with constant absolute risk aversion ai and homogeneous beliefs, determine state price formulae and optimal consumption choices. a) Let the agents be strictly risk averse, show that with no aggregate risk a Pareto optimal allocation is such that all the agents are fully insured. b) Assuming aggregate risk in a two states of nature economy with I agents, show that the equilibrium prices ratio is smaller than the probabilities ratio depending on the inequality between the aggregate endowment in the two states. c) In a two-agent economy, suppose that agent one is risk neutral, agent two is risk averse, and they have different subjective probabilities; is a Pareto optimal allocation characterized by full insurance for the second agent? Show that in a complete market with no aggregate risk, homogeneous beliefs, and a risk free rate equal to one, the price of an asset is given by the expectation of the dividend. Assuming that there is a risk neutral agent in the economy, what is the price of an asset in equilibrium? Consider an economy such that a bond and a stock are exchanged in t = O. In t = 0 and t = 1 the bond price is 1 and r f respectively. The stock price in t = 0 is s and in t = 1 is su with probability 71" and sd with probability 1 - 71". Show that a) there are no arbitrage opportunities in the market if and only if d ::;



= [~~] ,

rf ::; U;

b) the market model is complete; c) the risk neutral probability of the event u is 71"* = 9. a) Let F(s(l)) be a contingent claim written on the risky stock with dynamics defined in the last exercise, and denote a portfolio by (x, y), where x is the number of units of the bond and y is the number of units of the risky asset ; show that the replicating portfolio is


1 uF(sd) - dF(su) 1 F(su) - F(sd) , y=. s u-d u - d



10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange

b) Compute the hedging strategy and the no arbitrage price in t = 0 of a call option with strike price K. c) Compute the hedging strategy and the no arbitrage price in t = 0 of a binary option with strike price K (an option paying 1 if 8(1) ~ k and 0 otherwise) . Show that if there is an arbitrage opportunity in the market then the budget set is not compact. Show that if (q, D) does not allow arbitrage opportunities then the expectation of the payoff of a reachable contingent claim is constant for all the risk neutral probability measures. Show that if there are no arbitrage opportunities in the market then if there exists a vector 0: E ~N such that Do: = 0 then qT 0: = O. Show that the one-price law implies no arbitrage opportunity in the market but not vice versa and that it implies the existence of a linear functional (it need not be positive). Given the price-dividend couple q = (6,4,10)

a) Show that there are no arbitrage opportunities. b) Determine the state price vector. c) Determine the no arbitrage value of the consumption plan (1,0,3) . d) Determine the no arbitrage price of a call option written on the first asset with strike price 2. 15. Given the matrix D

= [ 31 k2 52] 217

provide conditions on k ensuring market completeness. 16. Given the matrix D

2 3 2] = [ 235 5 i3 3

and the prices of the assets q = (6,4, k): a) Provide conditions on k such that there are no arbitrage opportunities in the market. b) Find the no arbitrage price of a call option written on the first asset with strike price 3. c) Find the no arbitrage price of a call option written on the third asset with strike price 2.5. d) Given a k such that there is an arbitrage opportunity in the market, find an arbitrage opportunity.

4.5. Notes , References and Exercises


17. Show that the set of risk neutral probability measures is a convex subset of RS • 18. Given the price-dividend couple (q, D) not generating arbitrage opportunities, define qu(e) = infwE!RN{wTq : Dw ~ e} and q,(e) = SUPWE!RN{w T q : Dw ~ e} ' q,(e) if e fI. leD) . 19. Show that qu(e) is obtained by maximizing the discounted expectation of e, varying the probability measure among the risk neutral probability measures implicit in (q, D) . 20. Given an arbitrage free price-dividend couple (q, D) , let Tf be the risk free return and C the no arbitrage price of a call option written on an asset with strike price K and let P be the no arbitrage price of a put option written on the same asset with strike price K (the put option payoff is [K - elIJ+). Let the asset price-dividend be ell and its price q1' a) Show that the call option payoff is reachable if and only if the put option payoff it is reachable. b) Show that C - P = q1 - K (put-call parity). 21. Given the price-dividend couple q = (2, 2)


D~ [H] a) Show that the price-dividend couple does allow arbitrage opportunities. b) Determine the set of all state price vectors. c) Show that the consumption plan (2,3 ,2) cannot be replicated. d) Determine qu and q, for the above consumption plan. e) Prove numerically Exercise 19. f) Find an asset which allows to complete the market and its no arbitrage price. 22. Show that if agents are characterized by the same discount factor, homogeneous beliefs and utility functions belonging to one of the classes of the hyperbolic utility type (generalized power, logarithmic or exponential) with the same B then a) the representative agent's utility function belongs to the same class of the agents' utility functions. [Hint: given a set of weights, build the representative agent's utility function.] b) the aggregation property holds. [Hint: show that the Arrow security prices are independent of agents' weights .] c) if agents have an exponential utility function with coefficient of absolute .risk aversion ai , .i = 1, . .: ' l, then the representative agent has a coefficient of absolute risk aversion equal to (Li=l )-1. 23. Show that if agents are characterized by homogeneous beliefs and utility functions belonging to one of the classes of the hyperbolic utility type



General Equilibrium Theory and Risk Exchange (generalized power, logarithmic or exponential) with the same B then there exists a linear sharing rule, see [1601]. [Hint: exploit the Borch condition.]

24. Show that if ut(c) = ~-o . and e' belongs to the span of D Vi = 1, ... , I, then the equilibrium allocation with incomplete markets is Pareto optimal . 25. In a one-good-one-consumer economy with S states of the world, derive state price formulae and the risk free rate assuming that the agent has logarithmic, exponential or power utility function . 26. In a two-period-one-good economy show that any Radner equilibrium allocation is constrained Pareto optimal if the agents' utility functions are strictly increasing. [Hint: handle the asset as a good and then use the First Welfare Theorem.] 27. a) Show that the aggregation property does not hold if agents have generalized power-logarithmic utility functions with the same B and heterogeneous discount factors . b) Show that the aggregation property holds with heterogeneous discount factors-beliefs and an exponential utility function; compute the representative agent's discount factor. 28. Consider an economy with two agents, two states, two goods . Suppose there are no assets in t = 0, the endowment is the same for the two consumers (one unit of every good in every state), their utility function is state independent and the subjective probability of agent i of state 1 is 0 < 7ri < 1. There is a spot market in t = 1 for the two goods ; let p* ,p be the prices of two competitive equilibria in t = 1. Define two Radner equilibria with prices (p* ,p ) and (p,p*). Show that there is a pair of subjective probabilities 7r 1 , 7r2 such that (p* ,p ) Pareto dominates (p,p*), see [1242] . [Hint: equilibria p* and p are Pareto optimal; play with 7r1 , 7r2 to determine a Pareto rank.] .

l_o i


5. Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

If sto cks are priced rationally, systematic differences in average returns are due to differences in risk . Fama and French (1995)

In Chapter 4, analysing the role of the market in allocating risk among agents, we introduced two different tools for the analysis of price-returns: equilibrium analysis and no arbitrage analysis. In this chapter, we will exploit these two approaches to extract information on asset risk premia. We will present two models: the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) . The first model is based on equilibrium analysis , the second on no arbitrage arguments. The two models share the linearity: the risk premium of a portfolio is a linear function of some factor risk premia. The equilibrium analysis developed in Chapter 4 provides us with information about prices-risk premia of financial assets starting from the knowledge of all the elements of the economy (initial endowments and preferences of the agents) or referring to the representative consumer with strong assumptions on agents ' preferences. The CAPM and the APT allow information to be obtained on risk premia making weak assumptions on the endowments, on the preferences of the agents and on the distribution of asset returns. In the next section we analyse portfolio risk premia using results obtained in Chapter 3, where we determined conditions on preferences of the agents and/or on returns distribution, such that agents hold portfolios belonging to the portfolio frontier . If this is the case, then the Capital Asset Pricing Model is obtained in equilibrium. The no arbitrage hypothesis will be used in Section 5.3 to determine asset risk premia assuming th at returns are generated through a linear multifactor model. The empirical analysis of the two models will be discussed in Sections 5.2 and 5.4.


Risk Premium: Cap ital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory


Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)

We consider an economy populated by I agents (i = 1, . .. , I). The wealth of agent i in t = 0 is wj ~ O. Denote by w~ the percentage of wealth held by agent i in asset n (n = 1, . . . , N). The wealth of the economy is = L~=l wj . Denote w~ the percentage of wealth of the economy kept in asset n. The return of asset n is described by the random variable f n with finite variance . ui'" denotes the market portfolio. First we will consider an economy composed only by risky assets ; we will subsequently include a risk free asset. To derive the Capital Asset Pricing Model, we make the following hypotheses:



Perfectly competitive market; No transaction costs and taxes, assets are perfectly divisible; Agents' preferences can be represented through the expected utility; Agents are risk averse; The probabilistic framework of the model is common knowledge; The assets of the economy satisfy the two mutual funds separation property according to the second order stochastic dominance criterion or agents' optimal portfolios belong to the P F (e.g. quadratic utility functions); - The economy is closed.

In equilibrium, the market demand of an asset must be equal to its supply. As a consequence , I

vv. i

w m = '"' Wi _o_ n Z:: nvv.m· i=l


The vector w m E L).N denotes the percentages of wealth of the economy kept in each asset. The existence of two mutual funds belonging to the P F and the fact that agents hold portfolios belonging to the P F imply that w m belongs to the P F. Let ui'" be different from the minimum variance portfolio frontier. Then we can apply Proposition 3.4 to obtain the following expression for the expected return of a portfolio w q : (5.1)




= LW~fn , n=l

As pointed out in Chapter 3, /3qm is the covariance of the returns of the two portfolios normalized by the variance of the return of the second portfolio. The sign of /3qm is given by the sign of the correlation between the returns of the two portfolios:

5.1. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) {3qm








In the {3-expected return plane, (5.1) is a straight line. Its intersection with the vertical axis is E[fzc(m)] and its slope is E[fm] - E[fzc(m)]. We have established the following important result: in equilibrium, the expected return of a portfolio is a linear combination of the expected return of the market portfolio and of the expected return of the frontier portfolio which has zero covariance with the market portfolio, the coefficient of the linear combination is {3. The straight line described above is the Security Market Line. To evaluate the slope of the Security Market Line , we have to assess the efficiency of the market portfolio w m . If the market portfolio is efficient, then the Security Market Line has a positive slope ; if the market portfolio is inefficient , then the Security Market Line has a negative slope. In the first case, high expected returns correspond to high {3 coefficients and small expected returns correspond to small or even negative {3 coefficients. This result is very interesting: if the Security Market Line has a positive slope , then to get a high expected return in equilibrium an agent must look for very risky portfolios, i.e, portfolios with large positive covariance with the market portfolio return. If the Security Market Line has a negative slope, then high expected returns correspond to negative {3 coefficients and small expected returns correspond to high positive {3 coefficients. This last case seems to be quite unlikely. The efficiency of the market portfolio can be established when asset returns are distributed as a normal multivariate random variable, a hypothesis which is also a sufficient condition for the two mutual funds separation property, see Chapter 3. In this case the expected utility increases in the portfolio expected return and decreases in its standard deviation; furthermore indifference curves in the standard deviation-expected return plane are convex and ordered in an increasing sense. As a consequence, agents hold portfolios belonging to the efficient frontier. A similar conclusion is derived if agents have a quadratic utility function. As the market portfolio is a linear combination with positive weights adding to one of the portfolios of the agents, the market portfolio turns out to be efficient and the linear relation is established with a positive slope :

E[fqj = E[fzc(m)]

+ {3qm(E[f m]- E[fzc(m)j),

with E[f m] - E[fzc(m)] > O. This relation synthesizes the content of the Zero-B Capital Asset Pricing Model , see [216] . The efficiency of the market portfolio allows us to affirm that to get a high expected return in equilibrium we must look for a risky portfolio (positive and high covariance with the market portfolio return). An asset with a negative covariance is characterized by a low expected return, lower than the return of the portfolio with zero covariance with the market portfolio.


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

Let us consider now the case of N + 1 assets : N risky assets and a risk free asset with return r f > O. The market supply of the risk free asset is null. If the hypotheses pointed out above are satisfied and r f 1:- ~ , then the following relation in equilibrium holds for any portfolio ui":

(5.2) The relation synthesizes the content of the Capital Asset Pricing Model, see [1466, 1166, 1292] and Figure 5.1.



Fig. 5 .1. Security Market Line

If r f = ~, then the market equilibrium condit ion is not informative. In this case, each agent puts all his wealth in the risk free asset and holds a self-financed risky portfolio. As a consequence , to satisfy the equilibrium

5.1. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)


condition the risk free asset supply should be positive and the risky assets supply should be equal to zero. Under weak assumptions, the efficiency of the market portfolio can be established. Let risky assets be in strictly positive supply and let that of the risk free asset be null. If agents are risk averse with an increasing utility function and assets satisfy the two mutual funds separation property, then t he market portfolio is efficient. As a matter of fact, all agents hold a linear combination of the risk free asset and of a frontier portfolio made up exclusively of risky assets. If r f > ~ ' then the "risky assets" portfolio frontier is inefficient (we'); by Proposition 2.7 no agent will hold wealth invested in we' and therefore no equilibrium exists in the market of risky assets. Only if r f < ~ does there exist an equilibrium in the risky assets market. In this case, agents hold efficient portfolios and wealth in the "risky assets" portfolio frontier we, therefore the market portfolio turns out to be efficient. As a consequence, if agents are risk averse, risky assets are in positive supply and satisfy the two mutual funds separation property, then the Security Market Line has a positive slope. In equilibrium, the risk free asset demand is equal to zero, and the market portfolio is we. According to the CAPM, some interesting conclusions can be derived: - The Capital Asset Pricing Model is a one-factor model for portfolio risk premia. The factor is represented by the [3 coefficient. The risk premium of a portfolio is a linear function of the [3 coefficient. - The risk premium of a portfolio and the market risk premium share the same sign if and only if [3, which represents the covariance between the two returns normalized by the variance of the market portfolio, has positive sign (positive correlation). Risk premia have different signs if and only if [3 is negative (negative correlation). - The return of a portfolio can be decomposed into a constant, a risk component associated with the market return and a component with a null mean non correlated with the market return. The first component is called the systematic risk , the second is called the idiosyncratic risk. The CAPM is developed in a stylized framework. In the following, we relax two hypotheses by introducing transaction costs (the risk free lending rate is lower than the borrowing risk free rate) and a non borrowing constraint at the risk free rate. Let us consider an economy with a risk free lending rate ri lower than the risk free borrowing rate rb (rb > rl) ' We say that there are transaction costs in the risk free asset market. In this setting, the portfolio frontier has been analysed in Section 3.4, see Figure 3.7. We limit our attention to the most plausible case: ~ > rb > ri. Let agents hold efficient frontier portfolios; they will hold portfolios belonging to regions B , C or D. A frontier portfolio is a linear combination of w b , wi and of the risk free asset. Let the risk free asset be in null supply. Then the market portfolio is a linear convex combination of


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

w b and wi and belongs to the region of the hyperbola defined by portfolios w b and wi. The straight line tangent to the portfolio frontier in correspondence of the market portfolio has slope and intersection with the vertical axis, included between those obtained for the straight line tangent to the portfolio frontier in Wb and in WI. As a consequence, the risk premium model becomes the zero-{3 Capital Asset Pricing Model:


E[f m] - E[fzc(m») > 0 and rb 2: E[f zc(m») 2: ri .

The expected return of the frontier portfolio with zero covariance with the market portfolio belongs to the interval frt , rb) . The portfolio frontier without risk free borrowing has been analysed in Section 3.4 when r I < ~ , see Figure 3.6. Let agents hold efficient frontier portfolios. When the borrowing constraint is not binding, an agent holds a linear combination of the risk free asset and of the portfolio we . When the borrowing constraint is binding, an agent holds a frontier portfolio on the right of we . As a consequence, the market portfolio is a linear combination with positive weights of efficient portfolios on the right of we and therefore the market portfolio is on the right of we and the line tangent to the portfolio frontier in correspondence of the market portfolio has a slope smaller than the straight line tangent to the P F on the portfolio we and an intersection with the vertical axis higher than r I' The risk premium model is the zeto-B Capital Asset Pricing Model:


E[f m)- E[fzc(m») > 0 and E[fzc(m»)2:

rl '

The expected return of the portfolio with zero covariance with the market portfolio is larger than the risk free return. The CAPM is a general equilibrium model such that the risk premium of a portfolio is expressed through the {3 coefficient with the market portfolio. No Arbitrage Restrictions on Asset Returns Restrictions on asset expected returns can be obtained through the analysis developed in Section 4.4 imposing the no arbitrage condition on the price-dividend couple (q, D) . The risk premium of an asset-portfolio is defined through the covariance of its return with the random variable z describing the change of measure ratio. In what follows, we limit our attention to the case of a finite number of elementary events in t = 1 (8). In an arbitrage free market, there exists a set of risk neutral probability measures equivalent to the original one. A risk neutral probability measure

5.1. Capit al Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)


is denoted by a vector 1T* E 3?~ + and is defined through the likelihood ratio Z, i.e, 1T; = 1Ts Z s (8 = 1, . . . , 5 ). Consider an arbit rage free pr ice-dividend couple (q, D) ; the following resul t holds. Proposition 5.1. If the couple (q, D ) is arbitrage free, then for every risk neutral equivalent m easure 1T* it holds that

E[f n] - rf Proof. Given the return f n =

4n. (n qn

qn i\~r/ . Observe t hat E*[.]

= - cov(fn, z),


= 1, . .. ,N.

= 1, . . . , N) , it is eas y to verify that

= E[ z·]. By (4.27) ,

E[fn] - rf = -E[( z - l)(fn Ob serve that E[z] Q.e.D.



4n. - qn = r/

Tf )] .

= 1; by applying the covariance definition we obtain (5.3) .

In an arbitrage free economy, the risk premium of an as set is given by the covariance between it s return and a likelihood ratio. This result can be easily extended to the definition of the risk premium of a portfolio. Consider a complet e market economy. There exists a portfolio replicating the vector Z (w Z E 3?N such t hat Z = D w Z). Define fZ = viz) j by (5.3) it holds t hat E[f n] - rf = - V(z)cov(f n,f Z), n = 1, . .. , N; in particular E[ f Z1- T f = - V (z)var( f Z), and t herefore (5.4) where f3nz = cO:l~f:)Z) . The risk pr emium of an asset is equal to the risk premium of a portfolio replicating the likelihood ratio mul tiplied by the f3 of the asset. Note that (5.4) is different from the CAPM; the two charact erizat ions of the asset risk premium coincide if and only if z is perfectly correlated with the market portfolio return. The result established in a complete market economy can be extended to an economy with incomplete markets by means of the Riesz representation theorem. In this case, there are many change of measure vectors; when they are not spanned by the N assets traded in the market then z is replaced by a reference random variable spanned by t he N assets. The risk premium of an asset is obtained through t he risk pr emium of t his reference consumpt ion plan, see [549, 5611 . The risk premium expression in (5.4) allows us to rewri te the functional q(c) defined in (4.28). In an arbitrage free market ,


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory qn

set A =

1 = -E*(dnJ, n = 1, .. . , N j Tf

EJ::l;-.)', then by (5.4) it holds that

Given a consumption plan e E ~s, we have



= Tf + ACOV CTC,T-z)

A can be interpreted as the correction coefficient of the discount factor, a coefficient associated with the risk aversion of the agents in the market. T f + Acov(rn , £Z) is also called the risk adjusted discount factor. If agents are risk neutral, then A = 0 and all assets have the same expected return. Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model In an economy with complete markets or effectively complete markets, we can use the representative agent to further analyse returns in equilibrium. Results established below also hold for an economy with only one agent (independent of market completeness) supporting a no arbitrage price-dividend couple (q, D) . In these cases, the risk neutral probability is written as the marginal utility of the (representative) agent evaluated in correspondence of the resources of the economy (eo, e). In an intertemporal consumption setting we have 8u~ (e) (5.5) qn = E(-,-(-) d n] , n = 1, . .. , N. Uo eo If a risk free asset is traded in the market, then its price is

Dividing (5.5) by qn and exploiting the covariance definition, it holds that - E(8u~(e) - ] _ 1, ( ) r« -

Uo eO



(8u~(e) _) , ( ) ' Tn Uo eo


E(r n ] Tf


8u~ (e) ,T-n, ) n= 1, . . . , N . - ] -T/=-T/ COV ( -,-(-) E(Tn Uo eO


The risk premium of an asset is positive if and only if its return is negatively correlated with the marginal rate of substitution of the representative consumer in correspondence of the consumption of the economy as a whole. Note that an asset has expected return equal to the risk free rate if the covariance

5.1. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)


of its return with the marginal rate of substitution is equal to zero. (5.6) can be written as _] cov(u~ (e), Tn) [ -rf=- E[u~(e)] , n=l, . . . ,N. Ern As there are only two periods, the consumption of the representative agent in t = 1 coincides with the wealth of the economy (e = Wm ) . If the economy is closed with no labour income and the initial endowment of the agents is spanned by the assets, then the wealth of the economy is associated with the market portfolio (f m = The (representative) agent holds the market o portfolio which is traded in the market and satisfies (5.6) , therefore


_] cov(u~(e),fn)_m [ -rf= Ern ('(_) _m)(E[r ]-rf), n=l , . . . , N. cov u 1 e , r


(5.7) synthesizes the content of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM). Note that the market portfolio is supported as the optimal choice of a risk averse (representative) agent if markets are complete or two mutual funds separation holds, see [580, 1261]. We can further investigate the above relation in three particular cases, directly relating the risk premium of an asset to the wealth of the economy. If asset returns are distributed as a multivariate normal random variable, then applying the Stein lemma to (5.6) we obtain

see [452]. If agents have power utility functions with endowments spanned by the assets (Ui(X) = B~l (Ai + BX)l-i, i = 1, . .. , I) , then there exists a representative agent such that

If agents have quadratic utility functions with common B , then we obtain the CAPM:

Note that assuming agents with quadratic utility functions, homogeneous beliefs and aggregate endowments spanned by the assets, the CAPM is obtained also in an incomplete market. Th e CAPM with its distributional assumptions and/or restrictions on agents ' preferen ces and the complete markets economy with the representative agent provide us with two asset pricing theories. In general , they are


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

not compatible. [579] investigate the relation between the CAPM and the no arbitrage assumption-equilibrium in complete markets. The results are striking. If the CAPM holds for all assets , markets are complete and the market portfolio generates sufficiently high returns in some state of the world, then there exist arbitrage opportunities in the market. As a corollary we have that, if agents' utility functions are increasing, then in equilibrium we cannot have the CAPM for all the assets. The CAPM can hold in equilibrium with unbounded returns only if each investor has achieved his level of satiation. In a complete market setting with unbounded returns, if the CAPM holds for all assets in equilibrium then agents have quadratic utility functions. Summing up, in this section we have proposed three one-factor models for asset expected returns. The CAPM is based on an equilibrium analysis and on the two mutual funds separation hypothesis. The second model is based on the no arbitrage assumption. The CCAPM is based on an equilibrium analysis in an effectively complete market setting (through the representative agent). In the first two models, the asset risk premium is related to /3, in the first case with the market portfolio , in the second case with the change of measure random variable. In the third model, the risk premium is related to the covariance of the asset return with the stochastic discount factor of the (representative) agent.


Empirical Tests of the CAPM

The CAPM establishes a linear relation between the risk premium of a portfolio and its /3. This type of relation (ex ante) cannot be directly tested on financial time series. No time series of risk premia and /3 are available. Therefore, the classical methodology to test the CAPM includes two steps: a) estimate of beta and of expected returns, and b) test of the CAPM. To implement the first step, we must transform the ex ante CAPM model into an ex post model. The ex ante relation can be transformed into an ex post relation by making the rational expectations hypothesis: asset returns are generated by a stationary model which is common knowledge among the agents of the economy. Under this hypothesis, the expected return of an asset is equal to its historical mean . Asset returns can be written in the following form: fn(t) = E[fn(t)]

+ /3nm(f m(t) -


+ in(t),

n = 1, .. . ,N,


where E[i(t)] = 0, E[i(t)i T (t)] = E, fm(t) is the market portfolio return, E[(fm(t) - E[fm(t)])2] = a;' and cov(fm(t), in(t)) = 0 (n = 1, . . . , N). Note that if asset returns are stationary then (5.8) is always satisfied, independent of the validity of the CAPM. Under the rational expectations hypothesis, and imposing CAPM restrictions on (5.8), the CAPM in ex post form is obtained:

5.2. Empirical Tests of the CAPM


An equivalent expression is obtained for th e zero-/3 CAPM . The CAPM is derived in a two-period economy, therefore when testing the CAPM we implicitly assume that it holds period by period. This hypothesis implies a time stationary probability distribution for asset returns. The classical assumption is that asset returns are identi cally and independently distributed through time according to a normal multivariate probability distribution (an assumption consistent with the CAPM). The main advantage of the normality assumption is that finite sample properties of asset pricing models can be derived; on the other hand, the normal distribution is only one of those compatible with the CAPM , and there is a large literature on non-normality of asset returns (fat tails, heteroskedasticity). An alternative hypothesis compatible with the CAPM and with the fat tails phenomenon is that of returns distributed according to a multivariate Student-t distribution. [1208] , employing a generalized method of moments estimator, show that under this assumption the bias caused by the normality hypothesis is small, but it can be relevant in case the Sharpe ratio of the portfolio is high and/or the degrees of freedom are small . The market portfolio is not observable. To get around this problem, a proxy of the market portfolio is employed . Usually the proxy is represented by a stock index . Remember that the CAPM is a general equilibrium model for a closed economy, therefore the market portfolio should represent the composition of the wealth of the whole economy; any stock index is nothing more than a proxy of the market portfolio. On the problems due to the non observation of the market portfolio see [1397]. The risk free rate is usually set equal to the interest rate of short-term Treasury bills. The procedure adopted to test the CAPM is usually in two passes; seminal examples of this approach inspiring a large part of the subsequent literature are [649, 220, 233]. In the first step, on the basis of model (5.8), /3 coefficients are estimated through the ordinary least squares (OLS) estimator (time series regression), the asset and the market portfolio expected returns are computed as the mean of observed returns. Note that under heteroskedastic and correlated returns, OLS estimates are inefficient relative to generalized least square estimators. In the second step , a cross-sectional regression of portfolio (estimated) expected returns on /3 coefficients is performed. Setting r P and bP the expected return and the /3 coefficient of portfolio w P estimated in the first step, we can consider (5.10) We can test the following implications of the CAPM on (5.10): - validity of the linear relation (5.10) between the risk premium of a portfolio and the /3 coefficient; -'Yo=r/ ;

- /3 is the unique risk factor;


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pr icing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

- the market portfolio belongs to the EPF*, its (positive) risk premium is equal to 'Yl. [1397) points out that the first three implications are a direct consequence of the fact that the market portfolio belongs to the EPF*. So, the only hypothesis to be tested is that the market portfolio belongs to the efficient portfolio frontier. The above hypotheses cannot be tested independently. To test the zero-f3 CAPM , instead of the (observable) risk free rate there is the expected return of the frontier portfolio with zero covariance with the market portfolio, a portfolio with a non observable return. The two pass procedure is similar to the one described above for the CAPM, the hypotheses to be tested on model (5.10) become 'Yo 2:: and 'Yl > 0. CAPM restrictions can be tested by estimating (5.9) through a time series analysis. Under the hypothesis that the CAPM holds, an should be equal to zero. This fact is a direct consequence of the fact that the market portfolio (or its proxy) belongs to EPF* . Examples of this type of test for the CAPM and for the zero-f3 CAPM are provided in [220, 730, 728, 1465, 654).


Early Tests The CAPM could be directly tested on asset returns; unfortunately the noise component i(t) for a single asset is very large and therefore the estimates of (3 turn out to be biased (errors in variables problem). In [1274) it was observed that assets with high (low) (3 are characterized by a risk premium lower (higher) than that predicted by the CAPM. To get round this drawback (errors in the estimates of the (3 of single assets), [220, 649) proposed to proceed to an aggregation in the second step by building a set of asset portfolios with dispersed (3 by sorting assets based on estimated betas. On the one hand this aggregation pro cedure reduces measurement errors of (3 coefficients, on the other it reduces the power of regression tests. Moreover, an aggregation process induces selection bias problems (data snooping biases). Grouping assets to build portfolios based on some stocks' empirical characteristics (estimated beta, size, price-earnings ratio) creates potentially significant biases in the test statistics; in particular the null hypothesis is quite likely to be rejected even when it is true, see [1175) . Note that a twopass approach is by nature affected by the errors in variables problem. Results obtained in [220, 649, 233) report evidence consistent with the mean -variance efficiency of the market portfolio (the relation between a portfolio risk premium and (3 is linear and there is no other risk factor such as return variance) . The market risk premium is positive but 'Yl is significantly lower than th e market risk premium observed empirically (1.08 instead of 1.42 in [220)) , also 'Yo - rf turns out to be significantly different from zero (0.519 in [220)). However, these findings can be easily interpreted inside the zero-f3 CAPM. [220) suggest that results are in favour of the zero-(3 CAPM instead of the CAPM.

5.2. Empirical Tests of the CAPM


The use of a market portfolio proxy to test the CAPM can be the origin of a bias. [1397] points out the problem: negative empirical evidence for the CAPM simply means that the market portfolio proxy does not belong to the frontier ; nothing can be established about the CAPM without knowing something about the relationship between the market portfolio and the proxy (Roll critique). For example Roll argues that the negative results obtained in [220] for the CAPM are compatible with the classical CAPM and a misspecified market portfolio. A test with a proxy of the market portfolio provides implications on the fact that the "true" market portfolio belongs to the frontier only if its (3 coefficient is equal to one and fn(t) are not correlated with the market portfolio return. The relevance of the Roll critique has been analysed in two directions. In [1506] it is shown that the results of an empirical test do not vary in a sensitive way with the composition of the market portfolio proxy. In [1463, 1018] it is shown that a negative result on the CAPM with respect to a proxy of the market portfolio implies the rejection of the CAPM provided that the correlation of the two portfolios is high enough (larger than 0.7).

CAPM Anomalies Empirical evidence for the CAPM in the 1970s was substantially positive. In the 1980s a large literature showed that (3 is not the only risk factor. In particular, some characteristics of the stocks turn out to be significant in order to explain asset risk premia cross-sectionally (CAPM anomalies). Portfolios built by assets of companies with some characteristics turn out to have a Sharpe ratio higher than that of the market portfolio proxy. For a survey of this literature see [870, 871]. In [153, 1384] it is shown that the company's price-earnings ratio turns out to be relevant in order to explain the portfolio risk premium: assets with a low (high) price-earnings ratio have a mean return higher (lower) than that predicted by the CAPM. In [120] it is shown that the size of the company, represented by the market capitalization , explains portfolio risk premia better than (3. Size as a second risk factor, besides (3, contributes to explaining the residual returns variability. The relation is negative: returns of small companies are higher than those predicted by the CAPM. This result suggests the existence of a positive small cap premium which has inspired many small cap funds in the last twenty years. [544, 1448] observe that the small cap premium has been small or even negative in the last twenty years . In [193] it is shown that a positive relationship exists between leverage and asset returns. Employing leverage as a third factor together with (3 and size, helps to explain the residual returns variability. In [1508] it is shown that the ratio book value of equity to its market value is positively correlated with the mean return of the asset. In [500] it is shown that the past performance of the company turns out to be significant: portfolios built by assets with poor market performance in the past three to five years have a mean return higher than that predicted by the


Risk Premium : Capital Asset Pri cing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

CAPM ; the symmetric effect holds for companies with a positive recent performan ce (value effect). On the other hand, assets with high returns over the past three to twelve months continue to have high returns in the near future (momentum effect) , see [978] . Risk premia are related to market liquidity, expected return is an increasing and concave function in the bid-ask spread, see [55, 366]. In [871] it is shown that there is a high degree of commonality among the various effects. For international evidence on these effects see [870, 871, 644, 869]. These results were not welcome by the academic community. In the first place, these results have little theoretical foundation and the performance of multifactor models (APT and ICAPM for instance) is not necessarily better than that of the CAPM; moreover these results are undermined by several problems, e.g. data snooping, infrequent trading and liquidity bias of small stocks , selection bias , measurement errors in 13. The debate on these topics exploded in the 1990s after publication of [638]. According to [638], the positive relationship between portfolio risk premia and 13 established in early contributions is not confirmed in the period 1963-1990, see also [1384] . The average slope obtained by regressing returns on 13 is 0.15% per month with t-statistic 0.46 (flat relation) . For the sample 1981-1990, the market risk premium is even negative. In a cross-sectional regression of asset returns, 13 is less significant than factors like size, leverage, earnings-price ratio, book value of equity to its market value ratio. High-beta stocks have no higher returns than low-beta stocks of the same size or with the same book to market value ratio. Moreover, adding 13 as a second factor to size, book to market equity, leverage or earnings-price ratio, does not help to explain average returns; in the first case the coefficient of the regression is negative. Firms with high book to market equity, earnings to price or cash flow to price ratios (value stocks) have average returns higher than stocks with low ratios (growth stocks) . The size of the company and the book to market value ratio obscure the leverage and the earnings-price ratio effect. The book to market value ratio is more powerful than size to explain cross-sectional variability. Its average slope is 0.5% with t-statistic 5.71. Similar results are obtained in other (non-US) financial markets, see [1421 , 644]. Three different schools of thought can be identified in the literature about CAPM anomalies: those who attack robustness of the anomalies highlighting statistical flaws, those who interpret the evidence inside the classical asset pricing theory, i.e, anomalies subsume a risk factor not captured by 13, and those who interpret the evidence as a signal of market irrationality (behavioural finance). We follow [248] by identifying the three schools respectively as loyalists, revisionists and heretics. Loyalists The results in [638] have been discussed in several papers. In [1072], three different criticisms are put forward. In the first place, thanks to the low power

5.2. Empirical Tests of the CAPM


of the tests for a positive market risk premium, the results in [638] provide little support for rejecting the null hypothesis of a market risk premium equal to the one observed historically. This observation relies on the presence of a strong noise component in asset returns. The second point concerns the fact that an estimate of /3 based on annual returns (instead of monthly as in [638]) produces a stronger positive relation between average returns and /3 (the market risk premium is positive and significant) , see also [837] . The third point concerns the database (COMPUSTAT) employed in the analysis. New assets are inserted in this data set as time goes on; when an asset is inserted in the data set, its time series is integrated by several years before the year of insertion. This procedure introduces a survivorship bias: companies characterized in t by a high book to market value and subsequently by small returns , have a low survival probability and therefore a low probability to be inserted in the data set at time s > t, instead companies with high returns are more likely to survive and to be inserted in the data set . Adding some years to the time series when an asset is inserted in the data set introduces a bias towards the existence of a positive relation between the risk premium and the book to market value ratio. Moreover , authors observe that the COMPUSTAT database does not include many firms experiencing financial distress. Using a different database, authors show that the relation between risk premium and the book to market value ratio is much weaker than observed in [638]. An insignificant effect of the book to market value ratio was also detected in [259] . The results obtained in [638] and in particular the non existence of a relationship between {3 and expected returns, can be traced back to the statistical procedure employed to test the CAPM. A classical resolution relies on the Roll critique: if the market portfolio proxy does not belong to the portfolio frontier , then other factors besides {3 can be significant. [1404] show that there is a region delimited by a parabola inside the mean-variance frontier containing market index proxies with no relation to expected returns. The parabola is not far away from the mean-variance frontier, therefore a slight inefficiency of the market proxy with a market portfolio on the frontier may generate results in [638] . Moreover , there are proxies inside the frontier with a strong relation between {3 and expected returns. Therefore, there is no relation between the slope of the {3-expected returns relation and market proxy efficiency. The non relation between {3 and expected returns is not confirmed using generalized least squares instead of ordinary least squares, see [53] ; in this Case the estimated impact of /3 on expected returns is strong. When using this method, it can be shown that there exists a positive quasi-linear relationship, also under a grossly inefficient market portfolio proxy, a slope equal to zero occurs only when the mean return of the market proxy is equal to that of the global minimum variance portfolio, see [1021]. The relation becomes linear as the market proxy tends to the efficient frontier; the R 2 is positively related


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

to the efficiency of the portfolio. This fact may explain the difference in the results obtained with OLS and GLS. In [1041,;1042] it is shown that the results obtained in [638] are biased because of the two-pass procedure employed to test the CAPM. {3 estimate errors in the first step result in an underestimation of the price of {3 risk and in an overestimation of other factors associated with variables observed without error (size, book-market value ratio) . Correcting the estimate for the above problems, {3 has a statistically significant explanatory power for risk premia and the size factor becomes much less important, see also [977]; in some cases it is insignificant, see [1042] . On the other hand, the book to market equity ratio is still significant. [1014] show that because of the error in variables problem a useless factor (a factor independent of all asset returns) may be priced according to a two-pass procedure. [663,486, 1014] show that attribute-sorted portfolios chosen according to an empirically observed relation to cross-section stock returns can appear to be risk factors even when the attributes are completely unrelated to risk. [763, 175] show theoretically that cross-sectional dependency of returns to book to market ratio and to size can be rationalized as a {3 measurement problem. [763] provides a general equilibrium model linking expected returns to firm characteristics such as size and book to market ratio. A one-factor model with the market portfolio as the only factor is consistent with the fact that the above firm characteristics predict future returns because they are correlated with the true (stochastic) {3. [175] provides a similar argument on the basis of a two-factor model with time varying risk. Changes in risk are linked to firm-specific variables that cause the book to market value and the size effect. According to these papers, then' are no risk factors , factor loadings are only due to measurement errors and changes in investment opportunities, apparent risk factors are related to the market factor. On this interpretation see also [1255]. In [1056] it is shown that the size effect completely disappears when outliers are removed from the database. Evidence that the book to market value effect is driven by extreme observations is also provided. [219, 1206] suggest that the anomalies can be traced back to the statistical methodology employed (e.g, data snooping). In [1030, 1186, 871] it is shown that the above anomalies are mainly present in January ( January effect). The relevance of the survivorship bias has been discussed in other papers. [492], using a database free of survivorship bias, shows that the book to market value ratio and the earnings-price ratio are significant to explain asset returns. In [378, 641, 1042] it is shown that the survivorship bias originated by the COMPUSTAT database is not enough to explain the relationship between book to market value ratio and risk premium. Moreover, annual and monthly {3 estimates produce the same inferences about the existence of a positive risk premium. The size effect and the bad performance of {3 in a

5.2. Empirical Tests of the CAPM


cross-sectional regression are confirmed in a data set immun e to the problems associated with the COMPUSTAT data set , see [259). Revisionists and Heretics The debate illustrated above has shown that the anomalies put forward in [638) can only partially be explained through biases associated with the statistical procedure employed in testing t he CAPM. In [105, 374, 373, 639, 640, 642, 173, 393, 427, 175], the connection between book to market value ratio , size, earnings and returns is justified, arguing that th ese variables (and in particular prices) capt ure some risk components not represented by [3; in particular these variables well represent the financial distress conditions of a company (high book-market value ratio and small size) and are good proxies of future earnings. According to [640], the positive relation between book-market value ratio and average returns can be explained as follows: high book-market value companies are less profitable than low book -market value companies for at least five years before and after portfolios are formed, on this point see also [433); as a consequence in equilibrium high book-market value companies are characterized by high expected returns. Moreover high bookmarket value companies are riskier than low book-market value companies yielding a distress premium. A similar int erpretation has been proposed for the size of a company, see [373, 173). There is a common variation in earnings not capt ured by [3; on the basis of this observation [639, 642) propose a threefactor linear model: a factor associated with the market portfolio, a factor associated with firm size (excess return on a portfolio of small firms over a portfolio of large firms) and a factor with the book to market value ratio (excess return on a portfolio of high book to marke t sto cks over a por tfolio of low book to market stocks ). These factors are priced (wit h positive risk premium) ; they capture the size, book to market value and th e other anomalies highlighted in [638). Abnormal returns of portfolios sort ed by size, book to market value, earnings-price ratio ar e not significantly different from zero. [644) propose an international two-factor model with a factor for relative distress to capture the international evidence of a value effect. An international version of the three-factor model has been proposed in [786) . The three factor model captures the long-term reversals of returns but not th e momentum effect , see [642). In [344) a fourth factor associated with the stock performance over the past few months is inserted to capture the momentum effect. Note that the size and book-market premia diminished in recent years, see [427) . The risk factor interpretation can be rationalized inside th e APT (common factors in shocks to expected earn ings) or the ICAPM (variation in the investment opportunity set). [274, 1163) find empirical support for the second interpretation; [386) including also the momentum effect finds no support for it , only size may proxy changing of the investment opportunity set . There is little evidence that momentum is a risk factor.


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

An alternative interpretation of these anomalies is based on the presence of irrational agents in the market, see [500, 501, 1104, 869]. Anomalies are due to irrational traders who extrapolate the strong earnings growth of low book-market value companies too far into the future (high market price) and the poor growth of high book-market value companies (overreaction). Low book-market value companies then have low average returns because future earnings growth is weaker than expected and high book-market value companies have high average returns because future earnings growth is stronger than expected. See also Section 6.5. The two interpretations described above go in opposite directions. The first one brings the anomalies back to risk factors and therefore inside classical asset pricing theory, proposing a multifactor model for asset returns; the second stresses agents' irrationality and therefore the incapacity of classical asset pricing theory to explain asset risk premia (the stock market is not efficient, assets are incorrectly priced) . The empirical analysis in [639, 640, 642, 1154, 433] favours the first thesis. [1206] concludes that multifactor pricing models alone are not enough to address CAPM anomalies, there is space for other explanations: market imperfections, irrational agents or the inefficiency of the statistical methodology. [1289], analysing the contribution of size, book-to-market and momentum to the covariance matrix of asset returns, finds that size and market portfolio have a significant explanatory power, while the contribution of the book-to market ratio is weak and that of momentum is negligible. Momentum is a poor proxy of a risk factor. In [869, 1104, 1117], the empirical evidence favours the market overreaction thesis. Underperformance of stocks with low book to market ratios concentrates around earnings announcement dates, i.e. when agents revise their beliefs. In [1116] a similar conclusion is reached by analysing expectations by stock market analysts on earnings growth rates. The analysis shows that analysts' forecasts about future earnings growth are too extreme because they excessively extrapolate past earnings movements, i.e. they overreact, see also Chapter 11. A conclusion against the multifactor interpretation is also provided in [486, 488]; the authors argue that the three-factor model proposed in [639] does not capture risk components (there are no premia for these factors) , instead the model appears to explain average returns only because factor loadings are correlated with firms' characteristics (size and book to market value ratio) . It is simply the characteristic of the firm and not the covariance of its return with the factor to determine the expected stock return, e.g. firms grouped according to a characteristic show similar properties. Evidence is provided to show that after controlling for size and book-market ratio, returns are not related to loadings of the above multifactor model. This conclusion agrees with the irrational interpretation of the anomalies: firms with similar characteristics become incorrectly priced at the same time . Against this interpretation , see [493, 432, 1154] .

5.2. Empirical Tests of the CAPM


In recent years other anomalies have been detected. [265, 404,491) have shown a negative and significant relation between returns and turnover rate and trading volume, and its volatility, as a proxy of market liquidity. Similar results hold for other measures of market liquidity, e.g. price impact of trades and fixed-variable cost of trades (see also Chapters 7 and 9), see [271, 52). According to [271], there is an increasing relation between adverse selection, non liquidity costs (variable transaction costs) and asset returns. [589) find a positive relationship between the probability of information-based trades and returns (adverse selection premium), the probability of informed trading being lower for high volume stocks, see [592). In [1109) it is shown that there is a financial constraint factor, i.e. const rained firms earn lower returns than unconstrained firms. [1310,265) show that stock returns are increasing in dividend yields . [1356) shows that returns are linked to innovations in aggregate liquidity; stocks whose returns are more exposed to liquidity fluctuations are characterized by higher expected returns. [64, 63) show that returns are increasing in downside risk, i.e. risk that asset returns are more correlated with the market when it is failing than when it is rising . [865) show that conditional skewness helps to explain cross-sectional variation in expected returns; negative co-skewness with market return induces a positive risk premium. On the relationship between returns skewness and other anomalies, see [387) . [546) finds that kurtosis affects asset returns. Many of these anomalies are not captured by the model in [639] .

Conditional CAPM The above tests concentrate on an unconditional CAPM. The CAPM may hold conditionally but fail unconditionally. The CAPM has been tested allowing for time varying (3, time varying market variance and time varying risk premia (conditional CAPM). Allowing for time varying (3 and expected returns, conditional mean-variance efficiency of the stock index is rejected in [660], but a single risk premium model is not rejected if its expected premium is time varying and the factor is not restricted to correspond to a market factor. In [240], the CAPM is tested assuming a GARCH model for asset returns; it is shown that the conditional covarian ce of asset returns with the market portfolio return significantly changes through time with an autoregressive component, time variability is significant in order to explain time varying asset risk premia (time varying (3). Empirical evidence against the conditional CAPM (time varying expected returns and covariances) is provided in [238, 862, 863). Shifts in January are significant. Also allowing for time varying risk premia, the conditional CAPM does not capture size and book to market effects , see [876) . Allowing for heteroskedasticity in aggregate stock returns and time varying (3, results against the CAPM are obtained (large size effect) in [1449). Positive evidence for the international version of the conditional CAPM is obtained in [524). These papers are unanimous in


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

establishing that conditional covariances change over time . We will return to these topics in Section 6.6. The market portfolio misspecification hypothesis has been further investigated in [967]. In the papers discussed above, the proxy of the market portfolio is usually given by a stock index . In [967], the conditional CAPM allowing for time varying (3 and expected returns is tested by inserting human capital in wealth (labour income growth is a proxy for the return to human capital). Compared with the 1% of the cross-sectional variation in average returns explained by the classical CAPM, the conditional CAPM explains 30% allowing for time varying (3; when human capital is inserted in wealth the percentage of explained variation is larger than 50% and size and book to market value ratio have little explanatory effect. The model allows for three betas (for the market, human capital and time variability) . Positive results for the conditional CAPM, by inserting human capital in wealth, have been obtained in [965,316] and in [1148, 1438] by handling wealth or labour income over total consumption as a conditional variable. These models are able to capture the value effect. Several empirical tests of the CAPM suggest that a multifactor model is needed to explain asset returns. A multifactor model for asset prices has been proposed through no arbitrage arguments: Arbitrage Pricing Theory.


Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)

The Arbitrage Pricing Theory derives portfolio risk premia by the following hypotheses on agents' behaviour and on asset returns distribution: - there are no arbitrage opportunities in the market, - a multifactor linear model holds for asset returns. The APT goes back to the seminal contributions of Ross, see [1406, 1408]. The Main Result The existence of a linear multifactor model generating asset returns means that the return of an asset can be written as a weighted sum of a finite number of random variables (factors of the economy) plus a random component specific for each asset (idiosyncratic risk component). In an arbitrage free market, without the idiosyncratic risk component the APT provides an exact linear relationship between asset risk premia and factor risk premia; when there is an idiosyncratic risk component, an approximate relation holds. First of all we consider a linear multifactor model without idiosyncratic risk. Consider a two-period economy (t = 0,1) with N risky assets traded in t = 0 and a risk free asset with return r I > o. Returns in t = 1 are generated by K risk factors:

5.3. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) K


= en + 2: bnkJ k,


= 1, ... , N,




where Jk (k = 1, . . . , K) represent the risk factors of the model. Without loss of generality, we assume that E[JkJ = 0, k = 1, ... , K, so the expected return of asset n is en' The coefficient bnk is the weight of factor k in the asset return n. Obviously we assume N >> K . The multifactor linear asset return model can be rewritten in vector form as f

= e + BJ,

where e is the vector of the expected returns of the N assets, J is the K vector of risk factors and B is an N x K matrix of the coefficients of the multifactor model. The multifactor model generating asset returns is common knowledge among the agents in the market. Agents are endowed with rational expectations. In what follows we denote by B the N x (K + 1) matrix composed by the 1 vector as first column and by the B matrix for the other columns. Imposing the no arbitrage condition, see Definition 4.6, one can establish the following proposition. Proposition 5.2. Given the linear multifactor model for asset returns (5.11), without arbitrage opportunities in the market, there exists a vector A E iRK such that e - rll = BA.

Proof. Let W E lR N be a portfolio. The associated return is w T f = W T e + w T BJ. Given a portfolio w such that w T 1 = (null cost in t = 0) and w T B = 0, by no arbitrage arguments it follows that w T e = 0. The no arbitrage assumption means that the intersection of the kernels of Band 1 belongs to the kernel of e. Then, by linear algebra arguments we can deduce that e is a linear combination of B and 1:



= lAo + BA.

By no arbitrage arguments it is easy to show that AO

= rl ' Q.e.D.

On the return of asset n we have K

E[fnJ - rl =

2: bnkAk, n = 1,... , N. k=l


The interpretation of the A coefficients is immediate: Ak represents the risk premium of factor k . An asset such that bj = 0, j :P k and bk :P has a risk premium equal to bkAk . A linear relation between an asset risk premium and


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

factor risk premia can also be established without the risk free rate; in that case we cannot provide an interpretation of AQ . Assuming the presence of idiosyncratic risk in the multifactor model, the linear relation for the risk premium holds in approximate form and under some conditions in exact form. Consider an economy indexed by the number of traded assets (N); asset returns are generated by the following model : K

N r-N n = en

" bN '£N + '~ nkUk

-N n + €n'

= 1, .. . , N



and 0-;;'.' :::;0'2>0, n ,j=1, . . . ,N,

k=1 , . . . ,K.

N refers to the N economy. The idiosyncratic risk components are uncorrelated among themselves; they can instead be correlated with the K factors; in some versions of the APT it is assumed that E[f'NIJN] = O. Note that variances of residual risks are uniformly bounded. Asset returns can be written in vector form as fN = eN + B N IN + t",

where eN is the vector of expected returns of the N assets, IN is the vector of risk factors, B N is the N x K matrix of the weights of the factors and f'N is a vector of N random variables with zero mean . The return associated with the portfolio w N is

We consider a sequence of economies characterized by an increasing number of assets (N = 1,2, . . . ,00). An asymptotic arbitrage is a subsequence of portfolios w N ' such that wN'TI = 0, lim E[wN'T fN']


= +00


lim var[wN'T fN']


= O.

The expected return of a portfolio of such subsequence goes to +00 and its variance to zero. Without a risk free asset, the following proposition holds, see [1406, 930]. Proposition 5.3. Given the linear multifactor model (5.12) for asset returns, without asymptotic arbitrage there exist a scalar Art , a vector AN of dimension K for each N = 1,2, . . . and a positive constant A such that N




L(e;; - A~ - L b;;kA~)2 :::; A,


= 1,2 , ...


5.3. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)


Proof. Perform the orthogonal projection of eN on the subspace associated with B:

= >'~1 + B N >.N + c" ,


where >.N E ~K , eN E ~N , eNT 1 = 0, eNT B N = O. Note that



=2)e~)2 = ~)e~ ->.~ - 2:>.fb~k)2. N






Assume that there is no asymptotic arbitrage and that (5.13) does not hold, then there exists a subsequence (N') such that lim lieN' 11 2


= +00.


Define the portfolio d N' = oN,eN', where ON' = IIeN'I1 2 P for -1 < p < -~. By the properties of eN, it holds that dN'T 1 = O. The return of portfolio d N' is dN'T f N' = ON' lieN' 11 2 + oN,eN'T f N ' . By the definition of ON' we have that E[dN'T fN'] = IleN'112 (1+ p) . By (5.14) we have that lim E[dN'T fN'] = +00, N'--+oo

var( d N ' T f N ' ) ~ 0'2 o~, and therefore

lieN' 11 2 = 0'2 lieN' 112+4p

lim var(dN'TfN')


= O.

As a consequence, if (5.13) is not satisfied then there exists an asymptotic arbitrage. Q.E.D. In an economy with a very large number of assets, it holds that

The expected return of any asset can be written approximately as a linear combination of the coefficients b. In the case of a stationary economy (expected returns and b are constant for all the economies), it holds that K


2:(e n n=l


>'0 -

2: b


< 00.


If the risk free asset is traded in the market, then Proposition 5.3 can be established referring to asset excess returns (f~ - r,) obtaining the following bound in an asymptotic arbitrage free market (>'0 = r,):


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory N




L)e:; - Tj - L b:;k)..£,)2 ~ A


and then eN -ITj ~ BN)..N .

The mean quadratic approximation error for expected returns of the N assets is smaller than AIN and therefore it converges to zero as N ~ 00 . The key argument to prove the above result is that as a~N < (j2 the idiosyncratic risk En component can be diversified away by choosing a portfolio sequence w N such that limN-+oo L~==l (W:;)2 = O. )..N can be interpreted as risk premia of the risk factors. If there exist K portfolios such that the return of portfolio k (k = 1, . . . , K ) is perfectly correlated with factor k (mimicking portfolio), then ).. can be interpreted as risk premia of these portfolios , see [953, 12] . The uniqueness of these coefficients is not guaranteed; in [953] uniqueness is guaranteed if the return generating process is minimal (redundant and insignificant factors are eliminated). The above APT restrictions can be obtained by allowing for private information about asset returns among the agents under some distribution restrictions, see [1507, 838]. Extensions In [953] the APT has been generalized considering a factor representation characterized by bounded coefficients in the matrix B N . Allowing correlated residual risks and letting V N be its covariance matrix, no asymptotic arbitrage in the market implies that

If V is diagonal then




lim ~ cn )2 = O. N-+oo N n==l ait!


Note that this approximation result holds without assuming uniformly bounded variances for residual risk. Under some boundedness conditions on V and correlated residual risks, (5.16) holds. Correlated residual risks not correlated with risk factors have been considered in [370, 953]. Note that in this setting the idiosyncratic risk component is not eliminated by investing a small percentage of wealth in each asset. In order to establish a result similar to Proposition 5.3, two hypotheses on the idiosyncratic risk component and on risk factors are made . Define sequence of diversified portfolios w N (N = 1,2 , .. .) such that wNT I = 1 and limN-+oo L~==l (W:;)2 = O. The first hypothesis requires that the sequence of random var iables iN (N = 1,2 , . . .) can be diversified, i.e, limN-+ooE[(L~==l w;:' i;:') 2] = 0 for all sequences of diversified portfolios. The

5.3. Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)


portfolio limit of this sequence is called the well-diversified portfolio. The second hypothesis requires that risk factors satisfy a pervasiveness condition, i.e, every risk factor affects returns of a large set of assets. The first condition is equivalent to the fact that the maximum eigenvalue of the variance-covariance matrix of EN is bounded from above by a positive constant for every N . The second condition is equivalent to the fact that the minimum eigenvalue of B N T B N goes to 00 as N -+ 00. If these two conditions are satisfied , then we say that returns are generated by an approximate K -factor model and a result similar to that in (5.15) and (5.16) can be established. Under some conditions, the linear relation for asset risk premia holds in exact form. In [953), assuming an approximate factor model, it is shown that in the limit as the number of assets goes to 00 the return of a well-diversified portfolio satisfies the linear relation in exact form. Given an approximate factor model, in [367) it is shown that in the limit as the number of assets goes to 00 the linear pricing relation holds in exact form if and only if there is a well-diversified risky asset portfolio on the mean-variance frontier. A similar result is obtained in [792) for an economy with a finite number of assets and a risk free asset: consider N assets with returns that have a nonsingular covariance matrix and a set of K portfolios such that some weighted average of these portfolios is not the minimum variance portfolio of the assets; use these portfolios as factors for a linear multifactor model generating asset returns, then the linear relation established by the APT holds exactly if and only if there exists a portfolio of the K portfolios that belongs to the meanvariance frontier. [936, 933) have identified conditions for existence of these (mimicking) portfolios (the frontier portfolio with minimum variance w M V P has positive systematic risk). [933) discuss the relationship between exact arbitrage pricing and K mutual funds separation. An exact form relation holds if a portfolio of the factors-portfolios belongs to the mean-variance frontier of the risky assets (different from the minimum variance frontier portfolio). This observation provides a bridge between CAPM (the market portfolio belongs to the mean-variance frontier) and APT in exact form (a combination of mimicking portfolios belongs to the mean-variance frontier). Similar methods aiming at verifying the efficiency of a portfolio can be employed to test CAPM and APT, see [1463) . The APT cannot be easily tested in its approximate form; most of the empirical studies concentrate on testing the exact linear relation associated with the APT. A strong critique to testing the APT in exact form was put forward in [1461) (Shanken critique). The returns of two sets of assets generating the same set of portfolio returns may conform to different factor models (even the number of the factors can differ). The risk factors for a set of returns cannot be identified in a unique way; they depend on the assets generating them. As a consequence, the implications of the APT in exact form on portfolio risk premia change as reference assets (and factors) change, see also [734). The risk premia results are consistent only if the assets have the same expected


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

return. Transforming assets as in [1461], factor and idiosyncratic randomness are handled as idiosyncratic noise, rendering the factor model useless. In a finite economy, an approximation bound is a mathematical tautology with no economic content and therefore it is untestable. In [1385], this critique was further examined, showing that if the APT approximation is to be interpreted as an equality, then expected returns should be a linear function of the betas with respect to virtually any set of reference variables correlated with the true factors. The upper-bound to the approximation error increases as the correlation between the true factors and the reference variables decreases; [1314] has shown that under some conditions no loss in pricing accuracy occurs , decreasing the correlation with the true factors. The factor model can be manipulated rather arbitrarily by repackaging a given set of securities; factors are in practice indeterminate. This is an intrinsic limit for the APT in exact form. These results have been discussed in [791, 581]' where it is shown that if the APT in exact form holds then the factor models cannot be manipulated as suggested in [1461]: as the number of assets of the economy tends to 00, the variance of the returns of some assets becomes unbounded or the inverse of the transformed matrix explodes. [35] has shown that in a large economy repackaging identifies a unique factor model. For a reply to the above arguments see [1462] . The Shanken critique suggests considering the approximation error in empirically testing the APT and therefore testing models deriving an approximation error bound for each asset. This is accomplished through equilibrium versions of the APT. Equilibrium versions of the APT have been proposed in [391,435,574] . In an economy with a finite number of assets, the linear relation for risk premia holds in exact form if in equilibrium there exists a completely diversified portfolio (no idiosyncratic risk) representing the optimal choice for an agent endowed with a continuously differentiable strictly increasing and concave utility function, see [391] . As a matter of fact, condition (2.6) holds for this portfolio. Substituting (5.12) in the optimality condition and assuming that idiosyncratic risks have a zero mean conditional on the factors, a perfect linear relation for asset expected returns is obtained. In an economy with a finite number of assets, an approximation error bound for each asset has been provided in a general equilibrium set ting by [574, 790]. If markets are complete, idiosyncratic noise components are independent of 6k and each other, the (representative) agent has an increasing and strictly concave utility function with a non increasing and bounded from above coefficient of absolute risk aversion, each asset is in positive net supply, then the market portfolio is well-diversified, and a bound to the approximation error holds for each asset, see [574]. The bound to the approximation error of an asset depends on the variance of its idiosyncratic risk component, the bound to the coefficient of absolute risk aversion of the agent and its weight on the market portfolio. In an economy with an infinite number of assets, [435] provides an exact APT equilibrium version if the market portfolio is well diversified (null variance

5.4. Empirical Tests of the APT


associated with idiosyncratic risk) . In this case, every investor holds a well diversified portfolio (K mutual funds separation) . On these results see also [1278]. In this perspective, a problem is represented by the Roll critique: to test an equilibrium APT version, the market portfolio should be observable, see [1462] . Let consumption and idiosyncratic risk components be distributed as a bivariate normal; if the number of assets grows in such a way that the weight of each asset in the market portfolio tends to zero, then the residual also tends to zero , see [452].


Empirical Tests of the APT

Some methodological considerations on testing the CAPM also apply to APT tests. The APT is a two-period model, therefore we assume that the factor model holds period by period and that the model is stationary. The classical hypothesis is that the asset returns vector conditioned to the factors is identically and independently distributed through time as a multivariate normal random variable. As for the CAPM, the (approximate) linear relation established by the APT is an ex ante result , but the factor model is an ex post model. To test the model we assume that agents are endowed with rational expectations; under this hypothesis the expected return of an asset is equal to the historical mean return. In general, the APT does not provide an exact formula for asset risk premia. In a finite asset economy, the APT provides an approximate linear relation between asset risk premia and factor risk premia; an exact linear relation holds if a portfolio of the factors belongs to the mean-variance frontier or there exists a completely diversified optimal portfolio. Moreover, unless an equilibrium version of the APT is tested, the theory does not provide a bound to the pricing approximation error for each asset, but only a bound to the global approximation error. Empirically, the APT in exact form (e-Irf = B>..) is usually tested without checking for the validity of the hypothesis yielding an exact pricing relation. Because of the non uniqueness factor representation result obtained in [1461], it is difficutl to test a violation of the upper-bound to the approximation error. Imposing the restrictions of the APT in exact form on the multifactor model (5.12), the following ex post model is obtained: K

fn(t) = >"0



+ Jk(t)) + €n(t),

n = 1, .. . , N.


As for the CAPM, the APT in exact form concerns a nonlinear relation between asset risk premia, factor risk premia and the matrix B . There are two main classes of tests of the APT: cross-sectional regression, time series regression. Given a factor structure, in the first case risk premia (>..) are estimated taking as observed the matrix B, in the second case a joint estimation is


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pri cing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

performed, i.e. constrained time series estimate of Band A. The literature on empirical tests of the APT is quite large, for a survey see [441]. In what follows, we concentrate our attention on cross-sectional regression tests. A cross-sectional regression test consists of three steps : a) risk factor identification, b) estimate of the matrix B , c) test of a linear relation between risk premia and coefficients B. As for the CAPM , a two-pass procedure or a joint estimation procedure is adopted (betas and relative prices are simultaneously estimated). The methodology to estimate the matrix B and to test the APT depends on the nature of the factors , see [329] . In some cases, factors are traded portfolio returns; when this is not the case we can look for portfolios mimicking the factors . Given the multifactor model and the estimated matrix B, risk premia can be estimated by a variety of methods including ordinary least squares and generalized least squares. The two-pass procedure may induce an error in variables problem . The sequence of steps described above implies that a test of the APT is a joint test of three different hypotheses: a) risk factors are correctly identified, b) the matrix B is correctly estimated, c) the exact linear relation between asset risk premia and coefficients B holds. The risk factor identification problem is a selection model problem. Two main classes of factor models have been considered in the literature, depending on the selection approach: statistical factor and economic factor models. Let us first consider statistical factor models. There are two main statistical approaches to identify the factors : factor analysis and principal component analysis. In both cases, factors do not have an immediate economic interpretation. A factor analysis procedure has been used in [1403, 390, 1133], a principal component analysis procedure in [438, 994]. Both methods produce a consistent estimate of B in large samples; in finite samples there is no clear argument to choose between them. Factor analysis is more expensive computationally than principal component analysis. The number of selected factors is 3-4 in [1403, 380], 5 in [390, 1133], ~ 6 in [440] . Factors are chosen by repeating the estimation procedure and varying their number. A test on the number offactors has been proposed in [440]. No economic interpretation can be given to risk premia signs. There are two main classes of economic factor models: models with factors referring to firm characteristics and models with factors referring to macroeconomic or financial market variables. The first type of factor model was stimulated by empirical tests of the CAPM showing that factors such as size, book to market value ratio, dividend yield, cash flow to price ratio, turn out to be significant in order to explain asset risk premia, see [639, 642, 380]. Three factors (a market factor, one associated with size and one with book to market value ratio) explain sufficiently well the cross-section of asset risk premia. Building a linear model with macroeconomic factors, one tries to identify those macroeconomic-financial market factors affecting a company's value, i.e. affecting future earnings and the discount factor . In [392] the fol-

5.4. Empirical Tests of the APT


lowing five variables have been considered : industrial production growth, unexpected inflation, expected inflation , yield spread between long and short interest rates (maturity premium), yield spread between corporate high- and low-grade bonds (default premium). Aggregate consumption growth (as suggested by the CCAPM) , market factor (as suggested by the CAPM) and oil price are not significant . Many other macroeconomic factors have been considered in empirical studies. In other studies, an index of the market turns out to be significant. An APT model based on macroeconomic factors has been tested with positive evidence in [304, 610]. The APT can be tested in several directions. In a cross-sectional regression setting, given the factors identified through one of the procedures illustrated above we can verify that risk factors are priced (test the statistical significance of the risk premia associated with the factors) . In [1403] it is shown that factors are significant ; in the macroeconomic factor model analysed in [392] four factors are significant, only the term spread factor is marginally significant . Another test consists in verifying that other variables are not significant in explaining risk premia. In [1403] it is shown that the standard deviation of an asset return has no incremental power over the four factors . The result is confirmed in [390]. As far as the size of the company is concerned, results are controversial: in [390, 374] it is shown that the size anomaly is explained by the macroeconomic APT model proposed in [392], instead in [1383, 265] it is shown that the size anomaly is not explained by the APT. Also the evidence on the other anomalies relative to the CAPM (e.g. book-market value ratio) is mixed, see [265]. Another strategy to test the APT consists in verifying that the .A coefficients are constant as the set of returns of the economy changes. As reference returns vary, the multifactor model as well as risk premia change; however if there exists a risk free asset then .AD = T/ for every set of returns. In [1403], this hypothesis has not been rejected. A negative result has been obtained in [293]. Using the time series test approach, a testable implication of the APT in exact form is that .AD = T/ which is equivalent to the condition established in [792]; a restriction on the matrix B is derived using results in [933] . Mixed results for exact pricing restrictions were provided in [1133, 438]; the APT does not explain the size effect. In [438] the authors compare the APT with the CAPM; results are mixed with a slight preference for the APT. The same conclusion is reached in [1253]. In [390] the APT is compared with the CAPM in a cross-sectional regression setting. Expected returns are estimated according to the APT with five factors and to the CAPM; the APT explains returns better than the CAPM. Residuals from the CAPM cross-sectional regression can be explained by factor loadings employed in the APT, while residuals from the APT cannot be explained by the market portfolio {3. Data support the APT as a better model for asset returns. A similar conclusion is drawn in [642] .


Risk Premium: Capital Asset Pricing Model and Asset Pricing Theory

The performance of the three classes of factor models has been evaluated in [437]. The ranking is as follows: factor models based on firm's characteristics, statistical factor models, macroeconomic factor models. Firm-specific factors perform well compared with macroeconomic variables and statistical factors, see also [380, 1289]. Summing up, tests often reject exact linear APT pricing restrictions. Comparing the APT to the CAPM, the APT performs well in explaining crosssectional differences in asset returns; moreover the APT seems to explain some pricing anomalies relative to the CAPM.


Notes, References and Exercises

The CAPM has been extended in [260] to an economy with taxed dividends and in [1247] to an economy with non traded assets. An analysis of the CAPM with no short sales is provided in [1467]. In the above analysis, we have concentrated our attention on equilibrium risk premia. The existence of the equilibrium can be established by using results provided in Chapter 4. An assumption ensuring that agents hold frontier portfolios is that their preferences are represented by mean-variance expected utility functions (increasing in the first argument and decreasing in the second). This assumption can be a problem in establishing equilibrium existence because preferences are not monotone, see [1319]. Equilibrium existence in a market with a risk free asset is insured if all agents agree on asset expected returns or their coefficient of absolute risk aversion goes to infinity as the standard deviation of the portfolio goes to infinity. Without a risk free asset, a sufficient condition for the existence of the equilibrium is that agents agree on expected returns of the assets and that risk aversion coefficients are bounded from above. The last condition eliminates satiation problems. See [47, 1318]. Non monotonicity of preferences can originate negative prices in equilibrium. Imposing bounds to agents' risk aversion , we can prove the positivity of equilibrium prices, see [1320]. Surveys on econometric issues and techniques to test the CAPM are provided by [1465, 329]. For a survey of theoretical and empirical results on the APT see [436, 931, 441]. Under some conditions on the preference relation, there are no asymptotic arbitrages in the market. The conditions include the existence of an agent with strictly increasing and continuous preferences and of an optimal portfolio, see [972]. The models presented in this chapter are linear models, a nonlinear model with market return as unique factor has been proposed in [118] . A multifactor nonlinear model is introduced in [546]. The empirical performance is accurate. Human capital and market return are relevant factors.

5.5. Notes, References and Exercises


Exercises 1. Assuming that agents have quadratic utility functions, estimate the mar-

2. 3. 4.


ket risk premium according to the CCAPM. [Hint: by first order conditions and summing over agents .] Show that in a complete market, if asset returns are distributed as a normal multivariate random variable and the representative agent is not satiated then in equilibrium the CAPM does not hold, see [579] . Show that the CAPM holds in an incomplete market if agents have quadratic utility functions and the endowment of each agent belongs to the span of the assets' payoffs. Let returns be generated according to the multifactor model f n = K en + Lk=1 bnkiSk + In, n = 1, . . . , N , such that E[ln] = E[iSk] = 0, n = 1, . . . ,N, k = 1, . . . , K, E[lIJ] = a and the covariance matrix of e is diagonal. Show that a sufficient condition for the exact pricing relation of Proposition 5.2 to hold is that there exists a portfolio whose return is free of idiosyncratic risk which is the optimal portfolio for some expected utility maximizer with a continuously differentiable, increasing, and strictly concave utility function, see [391] . a) Let asset returns be normally distributed. Given a security market line with a risk free asset, and an agent with an exponential utility function and Wo = 1, define the optimal portfolio expected return and the variance of the optimal portfolio. b) Given two agents with coefficient of absolute risk aversion al and a2 (al > a2), does E[fl] < E[f2]1


Multiperiod Market Models

It is perfectly true, as philosophers say, that life must be understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition, that it must be lived forwards .... And if one thinks over the proposition it becomes more and more evident that life can never really be understood in time simply because at no particular moment can I find the necessary resting-place to understand it backwards. Kierkegaard (Journal of the year 1843)

The analysis developed in previous chapters referred to a stylized twoperiod model. Real financial markets span more than two periods. In this chapter we will analyse an economy alive for more than two periods. In a multiperiod setting, we have to choose how to handle the time dimension. Continuous time and discrete time models have been proposed in the literature. In the most recent literature, many continuous time models have been proposed, e.g. the Black and Scholes formula , interest rate models , etc . The main advantage of continuous time modelling is that very elegant models can be developed using stochastic differential equation tools; on the other hand the techniques to handle discrete time models are much easier. Moreover, from an economic point of view, continuous time models do not add anything to discrete time models. For these two reasons , we will limit our analysis to discrete time multiperiod models. Our economy lasts for T + 1 periods: t = 0,1 , . . . , T. There is only one good in the economy (consumption or wealth), the good can be consumed or traded in every t. In the analysis developed in Chapter 2, agents in t = 0 do not know the state of the world; the state of the world is revealed only in t = 1; in t = 0 agents' beliefs on the state of the world are described by a probability space. In a multiperiod setting, information and beliefs of an agent on states of the world change through time. The true state of the world is partially revealed to agents over time and is fully revealed by the final date of the economy. To represent agents' beliefs-information, we introduce an information structure or filtration F . Let us consider a probability space (fl,e,j.l) . fl is the finite set of all the states of the world (elementary events) . A partition of fl is a collection of events (subsets of fl) , pairwise disjoint such that their union coincides with fl .


Multiperiod Market Models

Each element of a partition of n is an event. A partition is finer than another partition if every event of the first partition is a subset of an event of the second partition. Denote F = {Ft, t = 0,1, . .. , T} an information structure or filtration , where F t is a partition of n finer than F, (s < t) (Fs ~ F t ) , F o = {0, n} and FT is the partition represented by all the elementary events. The analysis can be extended to an economy with F t represented by a (1algebra. F describes agent's information. As in Chapter 2, in t = 0 an agent only knows the set of states of the world. In t = T the agent will know the actual state of the world. An event at E F t represents agent's information, i.e, if at is realized in t then the agent knows that the "true" state of the world belongs to at . The true state of the world is partially revealed over time and completely only in T, agent's information becomes more precise (finer) as time goes on. An information structure is described by the events tree in Figure 6.1. An event tree is constituted by knots ordered from the left (t = 0) to the right (t = T); knots are connected through segments (branches) . A knot represents an event . The set of the knots in t describes the partition in t (Ft, 0 :S t :S T) . An event contains the events-elementary events that can be reached through the branches of the tree. Given the information contained in the knot at, an event as (s > t) contains the "true" state of the world if and only if as is reachable through the branches of the tree starting from at (as ~ at). If as ~ at and at comes true in t then as does not contain the true state of the world. Define security contingent on the event at (Arrow security) as the security delivering one unit of wealth in t if the event at (at EFt) is realized and nothing in correspondence of other events. This type of security is the natural generalization in an economy with T > 1 periods of the Arrow security introduced in a two-period economy. Assume that agents are characterized by homogeneous beliefs on elementary events (probability measure 11) . As in the two-period economy, we limit our attention to the case of a finite number of elementary events (8 > 1) with homogeneous beliefs and the same information structure for all the agents. These assumptions can be easily relaxed in some parts of the analysis presented below. Each elementary event wEn has a strictly positive probability of coming true (1r w > 0). The probability of the event at is 1ra , = L:wE a, 1rw · The probability of the event as E F, conditioned on the event at EFt (t < s) is denoted by 1ra • (at). By the Bayes rule, 1ra • (at) = 0 if as ~ at and 1ra .(ad = ~ if as ~ at . 1 ?fa , There are I agents in the economy. Agent i is characterized by an initial endowment of the good and by a preference relation over consumption plans . The initial endowment of agent i (e") is described by a non negative amount of the good in t = 0 (e' (0)) and by a non negative amount of Arrow securities contingent on the events of the information structure F (ei(ad): J

Let A and B be two events of a probability space (n ,e, 11); the probability of the event A conditioned on the event B is defined as follows: Jl(AIB) I'~~~~) with Jl(B)


O. The Bayes rule affirms that Jl(AIB) =








Fig. 6.1. Event tree

e i is called the endowment process; in an analogous way it is possible to define a consumpt ion process. We assume that the agent's preference relation over consumption processes satisfies the Von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms and that the utility fun ctional is time additive with a geometric discount factor , i.e, utility associated with consumpt ion in t does not depend on other vari ables (e.g. consumption in other events ) and depends on t only through the discount factor. In this set t ing, t as tes do not change over time. Given a consumption process c' = {ci(O) , ci(at) , at EFt, t = 1, . .. ,T }, the preferences of agent i in t = 0 are represented by the time additive exp ected utility:


Multiperiod Market Models U

i (ci (0))


+ "" L...J st U


" " 7rat U i ( Ci ( at )) , L...J



where 8 represents the discount factor (0 < 8 ~ 1). 8 < 1 means that utility in the future is worth less than utility today. Unless it is differently stated, we will assume that u is increasing, concave and satisfies the Inada conditions. We will discuss the assumptions behind this utility functional in Chapter 8. By the above construction, the endowment and the consumption processes are adapted to the filtration :F, i.e. the random variables ei(t) and ci(t) are measurable with respect to :Ft (t = 0,1, . . . ,T) (they ar e constant on each set of:Ft and therefore are known in t). Let X, X+, X++ denote respectively the space of the adapted bounded processes, the adapted bounded non negative processes and the adapted strictly positive processes. We limit our attention to a pure exchange economy. In this setting, asset pricing theory has been mainly developed in contributions such as [1138,1428, 1191, 852]. Equilibrium models with production are presented in [279, 470, 423]. We will concentrate our attention on the relation between equilibrium allocations and Pareto optimality, on the asset risk premium and on the Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem.


Portfolio Choice, Consumption and Equilibrium

Pareto optimal Allocations First of all we intend to characterize Pareto optimal allocations in a pure exchange economy populated by I > 1 agents with preferences represented by an expected utility function (6.1) and initial endowments {ei(O),ei(at), at E :Ft , t = 1, ... , T} (i = 1, . . . ,I). Pareto optimal allocations can be identified referring to the representative consumer. Assigned a vector of positive weights a i (i = 1, .. . , I), the maximization problem to determine a Pareto optimal allocation is:

Xi (0), xi(ad E ~+, under the feasibility constraints I

L:xi(ad i= l


s L: ei(at)'

'Vat E



= O, .. . ,T.

i= l

By the strict monotonicity of utility functions , feasibility constraints can be express ed as equalities, i.e. in a Pareto optimal allocation resources are completely allocated. The problem can be addressed through the associated

6.1. Portfolio Choice, Consumption and Equilibrium


Lagrangean with multipliers ¢o, ¢a" at E Ft, t = 1, .. . , T. Conditions identifying a strictly positive ex ante Pareto optimal allocation are given by the full allocation of resources and by

aiu i' (xi(O)) ai7l"a,c5tUi'(xi(at))=¢a"

= ¢o, i = 1, . . . .L;

i=1, .. . ,1, Vat EFt, t=l, ... ,T.

The conditions can be rewritten as equality of the marginal rates of substitution of the agents:

~t7l"a,Ui'(xi(ad) = ¢a, ui'(xi(O)) ¢o' i


= 1, ... ,1,

Vat EFt, t

~t-s 7l"a,U i' (xi(ad) = ¢a, . = 1

,/, ' Z x as)) w«, Vat E Ft, as E F s, t > s, t, s U

7l"a. U

i' ( i (

, .. . ,

= 1, ... ,T.





= 1, ... , T.

In correspondence of a Pareto optimal allocation, all the agents have the same marginal rate of substitution for consumption in correspondence of two events. The Pareto optimal allocation identified by solving the above problem obviously depends on the weights a i (i = 1, ... , /) . Let us analyse now the relation between equilibrium allocations and Pareto optimality. Following the analysis developed in Chapter 4, we first assume that in t = 0 an agent can trade Arrow securities for each event in F , then we will introduce more complex assets (long-lived securities). As in a two-period economy, an important role is played by the notion of market completeness (every consumption process can be reached by trading the assets in the market provided enough money in t = 0). Arrow Securities, Complete Markets Assume that in t = 0 there is a market for each Arrow security, i.e. the number of markets open in t 0 is equal to the number of events in the information structure C£]=1 #(Ft )) . Note that in this setting markets are complete, i.e. every consumption process can be obtained by trading in t = 0 with enough money. Denote qa, the price of the Arrow security contingent on the event at and suppose that wealth in t = 0 acts as a numeraire (qo = 1). The optimal consumption problem for a consumer endowed with an initial wealth e i becomes


under the budget constraint

xi(O) +



t=1 a, EF,



= ei(O) + L


t=1 a, EF,



Multiperiod Market Models

Let Ai be the Lagrange multiplier associated with the problem of agent i. optimality conditions for a strictly positive optimal consumption process become u i' (xi(O)) = Ai, (6.4) lra,~


u t (xt(ad) ~


. = Nqa, ,

Vat EFt, t

= 1, ... , T.


A competitive equilibrium is described by consumption processes

{ci*(O),ci*(at), at EFt, t = 1,00.,T} (i = 1'00 .,1) and prices q~, (at E

Ft, t = 1, .. . , T) of the Arrow securities such that conditions (6.4) and (6.5) are satisfied by all agents and that markets for consumption in any event of the information structure are in equilibrium: I




Lci*(o) = Lei(O), Lci*(ad = Lei(ad , at EFt, t = 1, .. . ,T. i=l i=l i=l i=l

An equilibrium allocation is a Pareto optimal allocation. As a matter of fact , optimality conditions (6.4) and (6.5) coincide with Pareto optimality conditions (6.2) and (6.3) (q~, = ~) . By allowing agents to trade all Arrow securities, a Pareto optimal allocation is reached in t = O. Is the equilibrium allocation still an equilibrium allocation by allowing agents to trade Arrow securities in t > O? In this setting, the optimal portfolio-consumption problem becomes a dynamic problem . As markets are open in T periods, an agent making his choice in t has to form expectations about future asset prices. In line with the analysis developed in a two-period economy, we assume that agents are characterized by rational expectations and therefore in equilibrium they perfectly forecast future prices (Radner equilibrium) . Denote qa. (at) the price of the Arrow security contingent on the event as at time t in correspondence of the event at, after the asset has delivered the dividend. The rational expectations hypothesis implies that the price conditioned on at of a security contingent on an event which is not a subset of at is equal to zero: qa. (at) = 0 if t ~ s or t < s and as ~ at . Let us assume that markets for all contingent securities are open in correspondence of every event of F . We can build a rational expectations equilibrium (Radner equilibrium) such that the equilibrium allocation corresponds to the one implemented in e~uilibrium with a number of markets in t = 0 for Arrow securities equal to Lt=l #(Ft), see [923]. The prices q~" at EFt (t = 1, . . . , T) (6.6) q;.(at) = q:.


if t < s and as

~ at

are associated with a rational expectations equilibrium with this property.

6.1. Portfolio Choice, Consumption and Equilibrium


To verify this, it is enough to show that for every event at E F, (t = 0, 1, ... , T) , the consumption process {c i*(as), as E F s, as ~ at, S 2: t} is the solution to the problem

under the budget constraint xi(at) - ci*(at)





q;.(at)(xi(a s) - ci*(a s))

= 0,

s=t+l a. EF.,a. ~at

where 1Tat (ad = 1. The proof comes from the optimality conditions. As a matter of fact, setting the Lagrange multiplier of the optimum problem of agent i in correspondence of the event at equal to (}~: ~; the process at i* {c (as), as E F s, as ~ at, S 2: t} turns out to be the solution of the optimum problem. If an equilibrium allocation is reached in t = with complete markets, then the same one will be a rational expectations equilibrium allocation even when agents are allowed to trade Arrow securities in t > 0. If an equilibrium with complete markets is reached in t = 0, then there will be no incentive for the agents to trade in t 2: 1 in a rational expectations equilibrium.


Optimal Consumption and Portfolio Choice We define long-lived (LL) security as a security delivering a positive dividend at least in correspondence of an elementary event in FT . These securities are traded in every t (t = 0, . .. , T) . The number of LL securities traded in the economy is set equal to N. We borrow notation from [923] . Given the events tree-filtration described in the introduction, the LL security n is identified by a pair of processes adapted to F: Sn, d n . sn(ad (at E Ft, t ::; T) is the price of asset n in correspondence of the event at, after the asset has delivered the dividend in that event (dn(ad) . The dividend is a non negative process , with a positive value in correspondence with at least one event. Assets are in strictly positive supply. Denote Pn(ad the cum dividend price: Pn(ad = sn(ad + dn(ad (at E F t, t ::; T). We define the initial endowment of agent i in terms of asset endowment it(O), where ~(O) (n = 1, ... , N) describes the amount of the security n owned by agent i in t = O. This assumption implies that agent's wealth only comes from the assets traded in the economy, there is no labour income. This assumption will be relaxed in Chapter 8. Assume that it (0) 2: and without loss of generality normalize the supply of each security (L:;=l ~(O) = 1, n = 1, . . . , N) . The initial endowment of agent i in t is ei(t) = L:~=l dn(t)~(O). The resources





Multiperiod Market Models

of the whole economy in t are therefore e(t) = L:~=1 dn(t), i.e. the wealth of the economy is equal to the dividends delivered by all assets. Define trading strategy as a process () = {(}n(t), n = 1, ... , N, t = 1, . . . ,T} , where the process (}n(t) represents the quantity of the security n detained in the time interval [t -1 , t ). (}(t) , which is also called the portfolio in t, is chosen by an agent in t - 1, so we only require that it is F t - 1 measurable (() is predictable) . Denote S, D , () the three processes of dimension N describing prices, dividends and the portfolio. S, D are positive and adapted to F, they belong to X+. A trading strategy () is admissible if it is predictable and there exists a consumption process c E X such that (}T (t

+ l)S(t) = (}T (t)(S(t) + D(t)) - c(t) , t = 0, .. . , T (}T


(T)D(T) = c(T).



Since the economy ends in T, asset prices at that time are null, i.e. S(T) = O. The two conditions define a dynamic budget constraint; the condition in T establishes that dividends in T are fully consumed as the economy ends. We say that a consumption process satisfying the dynamic budget constraint (6.7)-(6.8) is financed by (). Let W(t) = (}T (t)(S(t) + D(t)) = c(t) + (}T(t + l)S(t) denote wealth at time t. The budget constraint (6.7) can be written as:

W(t + 1) - W(t) =

(}T (t

+ l)(S(t + 1) + D(t + 1) - S(t)) - c(t) .


Given the pair of processes (S, D) , denote by T the set of admissible trading strategies and by F((}) the consumption process financed by an admissible trading strategy (). Given the pair of processes (S, D) , denote C the space of consumpt ion processes financed by an admissible trading strategy. C is a linear subspace of X. rand C are two spaces defined independently of the initial asset endowment. The optimum problem of agent i in t = 0 becomes (PMI): T



ui(c(O)) + E[L Jtui(c(t))] t=l


under the constraint (}(O) = 1(0); obviously c E en X+. Note that c(T) = W(T). The solution of this optimum problem is represented by the pair of processes ie-, ci * ). A rational expectations equilibrium (Radner equilibrium) is represented by I pairs of trading strategy-consumption process ((}i*, ci*) and N pairs of price-dividend processes for the LL securities (S* , D*) such that (}i* solves (PMI) (ci* = F((}i*)) and asset markets are in equilibrium: L:~=1 (}~*(t) = 1 (t = 1, ... , T , n = 1, . . . , N). By the Walras law , in equilibrium consumptiop in by ~ll ~ents is equ~l to the dividends delivered by the N assets: L:i=l c (t) - L:n=l dn(t) , t - 1, . .. ,T .


6.1. Portfolio Choice, Consumption and Equilibrium


The optimal consumption problem (6.10) is a dynamic one; as a matter of fact, decisions are sequential. The optimal consumption problem with LL securities is different from the one analysed above assuming E'{=l #(Ft} markets for Arrow securities open in t = O. In that setting we have shown that the analysis of sequential decisions with markets open in every t and rational expectations can be brought back to a static optimization problem . At first glance, this is not the case with N LL securities; we will see in Section 6.2 that the problem in a complete market setting can be reduced to a static maximization problem by changing properly the probability measure. The solution to the multiperiod portfolio choice problem coincides with the solution to the static problem (myopic portfolio choice) if the agent has a logarithmic or power utility function and returns are independently and identically distributed through time, see [1435, 1256]. With a power utility function and returns identically and independently distributed through time, the optimal portfolio decision is independent of wealth and of consumptionsaving decisions; consumption is proportional to wealth. Assuming a logarithmic utility function , portfolio decisions do not depend on investment opportunities, consumption only depends on wealth. Otherwise, the solution to the optimal consumption-portfolio problem depends on asset return processes and on wealth and therefore the static and the dynamic solution do not coincide. We stress that the optimal solution depends on asset returns predictability, see [336] and the end of Section 6.5. Allowing for time varying risk premia-non-constant investment opportunities, the optimal consumptionportfolio problem may change substantially with respect to the static problem solution or to the dynamic solution with independent and identically distributed returns. In this framework, an agent faces risk associated with adverse changes in future investment opportunities. There is a an intertemporal hedging motive in the risky asset demand, see [1259]. If asset returns are distributed independently over time , the utility function of the agent is logarithmic, exponential or power, and he lives an infinite life, then consumption and portfolio weights are linear in wealth, see [829]. A turnpike result for a finite horizon economy with an agent maximizing expected utility of final wealth is proved in [937]; the optimal policy converges to an independent one as T -t 00 if the coefficient of relative risk aversion converges as wealth tends to 00 . In a continuous time model with a constant risk free rate, a single risky asset whose expected return follows a mean reverting process and an agent with a HARA utility defined only over terminal consumption, a closed form solution to the portfolio problem is obtained in [1047] . Allowing for a risk premium varying with the volatility, a solution is proposed in [1170]. The relation between risk aversion and portfolio can be highly nonlinear, yielding a non monotonic relation between portfolio and risk aversion-risk premium. Allowing for consumption over time in a complete market with mean reversion, a closed form solution is obtained in [1576]. General results on the optimal port-


Multiperiod Market Models

folio with time varying investment opportunities are derived in [1257, 1259]. Time varying investment opportunities generate hedging demand in addition to the demand originated in the standard one period model. An approximate solution approach to portfolio problems with time varying investment opportunities has been proposed in [334]. A method based on perturbation analysis is provided in [1063] . We will return to portfolio choices in Chapter 8. Research on dynamic portfolio choices has been motivated by empirical studies on household portfolios , see [819]. First of all an asset allocation puzzle is detected. [337], analysing stocks, bonds and cash allocations recommended by four financial advisors in the US, find that young people (long horizon) and less risk averse people are advised to invest in risky assets (high stocks-bonds ratio) more than old-strongly risk averse people; the opposite behaviour is suggested for bonds (horizon effect). Note that these asset allocation recommendations contradict the two mutual funds separation theorem and the optimal consumption-portfolio obtained assuming returns identically and independently distributed over time and a power or a logarithmic utility function. Assuming that the agent seeks to maximize expected utility of terminal wealth in a complete market with no labour income, [757] show that young agents hold more risky assets than old agents if and only if the absolute risk tolerance is convex and is null on zero. Empirical analysis on portfolio holdings presents mixed results on the relationship between age and stock holding; in many cases an increasing or hump-shaped pattern in age is observed, see [50, 186, 821, 1367]. The fraction of investment in risky assets reaches a peak in the interval 50-59 years. While there is a hump-shaped pattern with age for ownership of risky assets , conditional on shares ownership risky asset holding is almost constant with age, see [50] . Limited diversification of households' portfolios and a high degree of heterogeneity of households ' portfolios are observed . A low participation rate in the stock market is also detected (participation puzzle). [1231] have shown that at that time only 1/4 of the United States population hold stocks. Since then, the proportion of agents trading in the market has increased, but still, a large part of the population does not hold stocks (1/2 now in the US, see [186, 50, 830]); the percentage is even lower in other countries. There is no country where the majority of households holds stocks. The percentage does not increase very much by including agents holding stocks through pension funds. Entrance to the stock market occurs late in the life-span of an agent . It is difficult to explain the low participation in financial markets through a model like the one described above. Empirically it is observed that ownership of risky assets and the participation rate rise with wealth. This fact contradicts the optimal portfolios suggested in [1435, 1256] . For a synthesis of household portfolios' theoretical contributions, see [752]. We will return to these topics in Section 6.5 and in Section 8.5. Static optimization techniques are not suitable to solve the optimal consumption problem (PMI), nonetheless the optimal trading strategy-

6.1. Portfolio Choice , Consumption and Equilibrium


consumption pair (e*, CO) defined in t = 0 given the price-dividend processes pair (8, D) turns out to be optimal for any t > O. Obviously this holds true also in correspondence of a rational expectations price-dividend pair. This property is called the dynamic programming principle: given the price-dividend pair (8, D) and the optimal trading strategy consumption pair (e*, CO), at each time t 2: 1 there does not exist another consumption plan for s 2: t financed by an admissible strategy with initial asset endowment e*(t) which improves the conditional expected utility of the agent. We follow [1435, 923].

Let (e*, CO) be the optimal trading strategy-consumption process pair. This process satisfies the dynamic programming principle. We prove the above statement by contradiction. Suppose that there exist at> 0, an event at E F t and an admissible trading strategy-financed consumption process (e(t + k), c(t - 1 + k)) (k = 1, . . . , T - t) with an endowment of assets e*(t) such that T


s=t a. L


s=t a. t) and coincides with e for as ~ at (s > t), while c turns out to be equal to c: for s < t and as ~ at (s 2: t) and equal to c for as ~ at (s 2: t). One verifies that Bis admissible and finances c. It is easy to show that the expected utility associated with the consumption process c is larger than that associated with the consumption process c". Denote E['IFtl the expectation operator conditioned on F t (expectation with respect to the probability measure conditioned on the a-algebra F t ) . By the construction of c we have that T




E[L 8s-tu i(c(s))IFt] 2: E[L 8s-tu i(c*(s))!Ft] with a strict inequality in correspondence of at. By the law of iterated expectations and by the construction of c and c", we have 2






+ E[L 8tu i(c(t))] > u~(c*(O)) + E[L 8tu i(c*(t))].

So the consumption process c" is not optimal, and therefore a contradiction is reached. The optimal strategy in t = 0 must be optimal starting from every event (knot) of the event tree F. 2

Let :F and 9 be two o-algebras of events such that :F ~ 9 (9 finer than :F)j for every random variable x we have E[E[xI9]1:F] = E[xl:F]. Therefore


= E[xl:Ftl.


Multiperiod Market Models

The dynamic programming principle provides us with a hint for solving the optimal consumption-portfolio problem. The trick is to solve the problem backwards in time. As a matter of fact , the optimal strategy is optimal in every subtree (part of the tree starting from a knot of the tree) . In t - 1 one solves the optimal consumption investment problem for the last period conditional on wealth W(T - 1) and the event aT-l E FT-l determining c*(T - 1), O*(T) and then c*(T) = OT*(T)D(T). This optimal consumption investment strategy will be part of the optimal strategy for any t. Denote by J(W(T - 1)) the expected utility conditional on FT-l associated with the optimal strategy, i.e, J(W(T -1)) = u(c*(T -1)) +E[6u(c*(T))IFT-d . Then the optimal strategy in T - 2 is given by max

c(T-2) ,II(T-l)

u(c(T - 2))

+ 6E[J(W(T -


subject to the dynamic budget constraint. Proceeding backwards, the optimal problem of the agent can be rewritten as follows at time t: J(W(t))

= c(t),II(t+l) max u( c(t)) + 6E[J(W(t + 1))IFt ]


under the dynamic budget constraint (6.9) . W(t) is the state variable and J is called the value function. By the dynamic programming principle, the original optimal consumption problem can be rewritten as a sequence of problems in which the agent in every t maximizes with respect to c(t) and O(t + 1). In correspondence of the optimal consumption-trading strategy (c*, 0* , t = 0, . .. , T), the following functional equation (Bellman equation) holds: J(W*(t))

= u(c*(t)) + 6E[J(W*(t + 1))!Ft],


where W*(t) = BoT (t)(S(t)+D(t)). The determination ofthe value function is a complex problem; only for some utility functions u is an explicit expression allowed. Denote by Tn(t + 1) the return of asset n (n = 1, .. . , N) between t and t + 1: Tn(t + 1) = P::t(~)l). By exploiting the budget constraint, the optimality condition for problem (6.12) becomes u'(c*(t))

= 6E[J'(W*(t + I))T n (t + 1)IFtl,


= 1, . .. ,N.


Let us assume that J is differentiable; differentiating (6.13) with respect to W(t) and using the Envelope Theorem we obtain J'(W*(t))

= u'(c*(t)) .


Along the optimal solution, the marginal utility associated with consumption at time t is equal to the indirect marginal utility at that time. The meaning is immediate: along the optimal trajectory (c* (t), W * (t)), an additional unit of wealth dedicated to consumption must involve a marginal instantaneous

6.1. Portfolio Choice, Consumption and Equilibrium


utility equal to the one obtained in terms of indirect utility dedicating one more unit of wealth to investment in LL securities. Writing the first order condition in t + 1 and exploiting (6.15) one gets the so-called envelope condition or Euler conditions:

Sn(t)11.'(c'(t)) = 0 if e > O.

6.2. The Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem II


Given a consumption process c E C, we have


=- L



t2: 1 a, EFt

and c(O) = -B(l)T 8(0), therefore c(O) is the cost of the trading strategy financing {c(l) , ... , c(T)} and is equal to minus the expected value with respect to a risk neutral probability measure of the process {c( 1), . . . , c(T)} discounted in t = O. c(O) can be interpreted as a price functional. Assuming no arbitrage opportunities in the market, uniqueness of the risk neutral measure and of the functional H is ensured if and only if markets are dynamically complete; when markets are incomplete there exist many risk neutral measures and functionals. We can conclude that the results established above under a risk neutral probability measure can be derived assuming no arbitrage opportunities in the market. The pri ce of the Arrow security contingent upon the event at (qat) implicit in the pair of processes (8, D) not generating arbitrage opportunities is equal to U at and therefore 1r~

qa. = ----::-' qa.(at) = T


lr*(aslat) s- t · T


The relation between risk neutral probability measure and Arrow security prices established in a two-period economy is confirmed in a multiperiod setting. If markets are complete, then Arrow security prices are uniquely determined by the pair (8, D). Market incompleteness implies that the prices of the Arrow securities implicit in the pair (8, D) are not uniquely determined, uniqueness is maintained for Arrow securities replicated through the N LL securities. Unlike a two-period economy, the dynamic market completeness condition does not exclusively depend on the dividend process but also on the price process . We can affirm that markets are dynamically complete only in correspondence with a specific pair of price-dividend processes (8, D). On this point, an important result due to [1080] holds. A competitive equilibrium with complete Arrow security markets can be implemented through a competitive equilibrium with N long-lived securities for almost all dividend processes provided that N :2: 11*. Note that in equilibrium the price-dividend pair does not generate arbitrage opportunities and therefore equilibrium prices are determined according to (6.29). Provided that N :2: 11*, in equilibrium dynamical completeness is a generic result. In [564] this result has been extended in continuous time to the case of price-dividend processes described by diffusions. Consider a pair of strictly positive price-dividend processes (8, D) for N LL securities not generating arbitrage opportunities, suppose that in t = 0 a new market is open to trade an asset delivering the adapted dividend process {c(l), c(2), . .. ,c(T)}. We want to determine the no arbitrage price of this asset in t = 0, Le. the price not generating arbitrage opportunities. The price


Multiperiod Market Models

is denoted V(e(l), e(2),. . . , e(T)) . The problem is to determine the price so that no arbitrage opportunity is generated by trading the new asset at that price. We distinguish two cases: complete and incomplete markets. In a complete market economy, C X therefore {e(l) , e(2), . . . ,e(T)} can be replicated by trading the assets of the economy. By no arbitrage arguments , the cost of the trading strategy financing {e(l) , e(2), . . . , e(T)} is equal to -V(e(1),e(2) , ... ,e(T)) : V(e(1),e(2), . . . ,e(T)) = -e(O) = OT(1)8(0), where 0(1) is the portfolio in the time interval [0,1) allowing to replicate the consumption process. Therefore,


V(e(l), c(2), . .. , e(T)) =

1 L tE*[e(t)] . T


t=1 T,

The price of the asset is unambiguously determined as the expectation of the discounted dividend process of the asset ; the expectation is computed according to the risk neutral measure. As in a two-period economy, the budget constraint of an agent in a complete market economy without arbitrage opportunities can be rewritten by imposing that the expectation of the discounted consumption plan is less than or equal to the expectation of the discounted endowment process . The expectation is computed according to the risk neutral probability measure, see [469] . In an incomplete market setting we distinguish two cases: the dividend process is spanned by the assets, the dividend process is not spanned. The pair (8, D) not admitting arbitrage opportunities is compatible with a set of risk neutral probability measures. If {e(l), e(2),... ,e(T)} can be replicated by trading the N LL securities, then all the risk neutral probability measures give the same expected value ("£'['=1 ;}E*[e(t)]) ; this value is the no arbitrage price of the asset. The no arbitrage price is unique and is equal to the value in t = 0 of all the strategies replicating the dividend process. If the dividend process cannot be replicated by the LL securities, then there exists an interval of no arbitrage prices for the asset; each price is computed as in (6.37) according to a risk neutral probability measure. To the upper-bound and to the lowerbound of the no arbitrage interval we can give an interpretation similar to that given in a two-period economy. The upper-bound is the in! amount of money necessary in t = 0 to build a trading strategy generating a consumption process greater than or equal to that of the asset. There is a large literature on the determination of an asset value in an incomplete market, see [1298]. The idea is to manage the residual risk due to non complete hedging according to some criterion (e.g. expected utility, mean-variance) . The asset described above is called a contingent claim. A contingent claim is said to be European if it exclusively delivers dividends in T. The above described evaluation method of a contingent claim is known in the literature as risk neutral evaluation . Risk neutral evaluation in a finite state-multiperiod economy is an easy task by assuming a binomial process for asset prices, see

6.2. The Fundamental Asset Pricing Theorem II


[471]. We consider two assets, a risk free asset with return r/ and a risky asset . The risky asset price dynamics is S2(t + 1) = s2(t)l(t + 1), where let) is a sequence of independently and identically distributed random variables such that let) E {u ,d} (u> d » 0). This process can be described by a binomial tree as in Figure 6.1, with the asset price on the vertical axis. The condition ensuring no arbitrage opportunities in the market is u > r / > d. According to the risk neutral probability measure, the probabilities of an up movement and of a down movement are respectively rf~ and :-:-} . There exists only one risk neutral probability measure. The no arbitrage price in t = 0 of an European contingent claim delivering in T a payoff g(s2(T)) turns out to be (6.38)

For an European call option with strike price E we have that g = max{O, s2(0)ui d!- i - E}. As in a two-period economy, contingent claims may help to complete the market in a multiperiod setting. Unlike a two-period economy, in a multiperiod setting European call options are not useful to complete the markets, see [156]. Exotic options (the final payoff is a function of the asset price path) allow instead to dynamically complete the market. However, in a continuous time economy, European call options still represent a useful tool to complete the market. Equilibrium Analysis Let us consider now the second part of the theorem: the connection between economic equilibrium and no arbitrage condition in the market. The equivalent of Proposition 4.4 can be established. Proposition 6.6. In a Radner equilibrium for an economy with agents characterized by time separable strictly increasing utility functions, the adapted equilibrium price-dividend processes (8, D) do not offer arbitrage opportunities. The proof follows the steps of that of Proposition 4.4. The proof that a price-dividend pair (8, D) not generating arbitrage opportunities is an equilibrium for an economy with more than one agent is more complex. The equivalent of Proposition 4.5 can be established. Proposition 6.7. A pair of processes (8, D) not generating arbitrage opportunities is associated with a rational expectations equilibrium of an economy populated by I 2: 1 risk neutral agents with a strictly increasing utility function, beliefs described by a risk neutral probability measure and a discount factor equal to r1f'


Multiperiod Market Models

As in a two-period economy, if agents are risk neutral with a discount factor equal to the inverse of the risk free rate then the original probability measure is a risk neutral probability measure. All the assets have an expected return equal to the risk free return. Consider an economy with risk averse agents. Let us first of all consider the optimal consumption problem of an agent. Agent's preferences are represented by the time additive expected utility function (6.1) (u is strictly increasing, continuous), his endowment is e E X++. Let (S, D) be a pair of price-dividend processes; the agent will solve the following problem: T

maxu(c(O)) (JEr

+ E['" 8t u(c(t ))] L.J



under the constraint c - e = F(O) and c E X+. A proposition equivalent to Proposition 4.6 can be established: a pair of price-dividend processes (S, D) does not admit arbitrage if and only if the optimal consumption problem (6.39) admits a solution. The results are similar to those obtained in a two-period economy. Given a pair (S, D) not generating arbitrage opportunities, there exists an economy composed by a unique agent generating S as equilibrium price process (no trade equilibrium) in correspondence of the dividend process D. Exploiting the results established in the previous section on the existence of a representative agent and on the aggregation property, we can establish that if the agents' endowment is spanned by the assets traded in the economy, agents are characterized by homogeneous beliefs , the same discount factor and time additive utility functions belonging to the generalized power, logarithmic or exponential class with the same B, then there exists an economy with I > 1 agents generating in equilibrium the prices S. Given a pair of price-dividend adapted processes (S, D) not generating arbitrage opportunities, independently of the markets being complete and of the aggregation property being satisfied, there exists an economy with a unique agent endowed with a strictly increasing, continuous and concave utility function u satisfying the Inada condition and an endowment of assets such that in equilibrium (no trade) the pair (S, D) is obtained and the prices of the Arrow securities implicit in the pair are defined as in (6.22) and (6.23) and therefore



I ) - s_t1l"a.8 su'(e(a s)) as at - r I 1I"a, oJ:t U '( e ( at ) ) ' t < s, as ~ at,

where e is the (strictly positive) endowment and the optimal consumption process of the agent. Note that

6.3. Risk Premium and Factor Models • 1l"a.


u' (e(a8 )) E[u'(e • )] , Vas E F 8 , s = 1, . . . , T.



As in a two-period economy, the likelihood ratio marginal rate of substitution of the agent: 1l"~



= 1l"a: =


r S aS u' (e(a 8 ) ) f u'(e(O)) ,Vas E F 8 , s

1f* 11"

is given by the

= 1, . .. , T.

Again o·::.'(~W»)) is a stochastic discount factor. We can establish that

u'(e(t + 1)) sn(t) = E[a u'(e(t)) (dn(t + 1) + sn(t + l))IFtl, n = 1, . .. , N,


~E[dn(t+s)IFt] L....J 8=1

rS f



= E[~ a

u'(e(t + s)) u'(e(t)) dn(t + s)IFt] =

(6.40) (6.41)

~ (.I"Su'(e(t+s)) d ( )I'L') + L....J cov u'(e(t)) , n t + s .rt , n=l, ... ,N U


and that V(c(l), c(2), .. . , c(T)) assumes the following expression: T

V(c(l), c(2), ... , c(T))

" t u'(e(t)) = E[t:-: a u'(e(O)) c(t)].


If markets are complete, then we can make u coincide with the utility function of the representative agent (u). If the aggregation property is satisfied by the economy and markets are effectively complete, then the prices are in equilibrium in an economy with I agents and u is the utility function of the representative agent. e(t) is the endowment and the consumption process of the economy. Assuming that wealth comes entirely from the financial market, then the equilibrium condition on the market implies that e(t) = L~=l dn(t), t = 0, .. . , T. There is no labour income in the model.


Risk Premium and Factor Models

In a two-period economy, the risk premium of an asset-portfolio has been characterized through a general equilibrium model (CAPM and CCAPM). The CCAPM can be established also in a multiperiod setting. In a two-period economy, the consumption in t = 1 coincides with the wealth of the economy and so it is perfectly correlated with the market portfolio return (when wealth is spanned by the assets); in a multiperiod economy,


Multiperiod Market Models

this relation does not hold in t < T , at that time consumption is not equal to wealth . We refer to an economy with a unique agent endowed with the resources of the economy and a time additive utility function . By the Euler condition (6.40), it follows that

u' (e(t)) 1 = E[8u'(e(t _ 1)) rn(t)IFt-d u'(e(t)) = cov(8 u'(e(t _ 1))' Tn(t)IFt-d


u'(e(t)) 1)) IFt-dE[Tn(t)IFt-d,

+ E[8u'(e(t _

where e(t) is the endowment process of the agent. Note that the above expression holds both in an (effectively) complete market and in an incomplete market economy. In the first case the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution is the same for all the agents of the economy, and the above expression holds for the representative agent. Then

E[rn(t)IFt-d For the risk free asset (n


1 - cov(8 u~'l(~(~)ll», Tn(t)IFt-d u'(e(t» E[8 u'(e(t-l)) IFt-d

= 1), (6.17) becomes

1 r/(t)



= E[8u'(e(t _ 1)) 1Ft - d.

This condition characterizes the risk free rate. Note that (6.44) determines a time varying , predictable risk free rate process (T/(t)). The discount factor without risk is equal to the expected intertemporal rate of substitution. A constant risk free rate is obtained if the agent is risk neutral, i.e. ..L = 8. et-l is an :Ft - 1 measurable random variable, so (6.43) and (6.44) allow us to affirm that


E[u'(e(t))(rn(t) - r/(t))!Ft-d =



Note that in a risk neutral economy, all risk premia are null, all risky assets have an expected return equal to r/(t) . Substituting (6.44) in (6.43), one gets

u'(e(t)) E[rn(t)IFt-d - r/(t) = -r/(t)cov(8 '( ( ))' rn(t) - r/(t)IFt-d. (6.46) u et- 1 Setting m(t) (6.43) gives

= 8 u~/lt/~\\)

and zn(t)

E[zn(t)IFt-d a[zn(t)l:Ft-ll

= -corr(Zn ()t ,m ()) t a[m(t)IFt-d .


= rn(t)

- r/ the excess return, then


6.3. Risk Premium and Factor Models


The conditional risk premium of an asset is expressed through the conditioned covariance between its return and the consumer's intertemporal rate of substitution. The risk premium of the asset will be positive if its return between t - 1 and t has a negative covariance with the intertemporal rate of substitution between consumption in t - 1 and consumption in t of the agent. We have established a connection between the risk premium and a function of the consumption process. The connection can be written with respect to the wealth process if we can write the optimal consumption process in feedback form of the wealth process . Unfortunately, as we have shown above , the optimal consumption process can be written as a function of wealth only in some specific cases. More explicit valuation formulae are obtained by assuming a specific utility function for the agent or that the random variables are distributed according to a specific distribution. Assuming a time additive power utility function (6.47) the intertemporal rate of substitution is (6.48) and the risk free rate is (6.49) In general e(t) -a E[ 0: S*(t) = ...£.-D· 1-0 ' - announcement in to of dividend change (from D to D) starting from time I> to : S*(t) = l~oD, t < to, S*(t) = l~o(D + (i-t(D - D)), to::; t < I, S*(t) =...£.-D >, I· 1 - 0 -' t - D(t) - D = p(D(t - 1) - D) + i(t) Tit ~ 0 (E[i(t)IFt-d = 0):


S*(t) - D(t)

= /3D(t -

1) (/3

r,(1 - p) D + -p-D(t)j (T,-p)(r,-I) T,-p

> 1, Ba < 1), see [771) : S*(t) =

a/3 /3D(t),



In(D(t)) = p. + In(D(t - 1)) + i(t) ,


where i(t) is a sequence of independent and identical random variables 2 distributed as a Normal with zero mean (N(O, a 2 ) ) ; if In(T,) > p. + "; then


el'+u2 / 2

= T, - el'+





Bubbles Provided condition (6.61) is satisfied , a speculative bubble can be any adapted process. We can have a speculative deterministic bubble (B(t) = aB(t + 1) Tit ~ 0) or stochastic bubbles. In [226) the following stochastic speculative bubble has been proposed: B(t

+ 1) =

B(t + 1)

T, B(t) + i(t + 1) 1r

= i(t + 1)

with probability

with probability 1 -



where 1r E (0,1) and E[i(t + 1)IFtl = O. This type of speculative bubble (bursting bubble) well describes a bubble in financial markets: a process not associated with fundamentals that can grow up as time goes on or collapses in a sudden way. A particular type of bubble is an intrinsic bubble, a bubble

6.4. The No Arbitrage Fundamental Equation and Bubbles


which only depends on fundamentals (th e dividend process), see [698]. Assuming a random walk process for the logarithmic dividend, it can be shown that there is an intrinsic bubble of the type B(D(t)) = CDA(t). There is no reason to privilege the fundamental solution to a bubble solution . Some theoretical arguments against the presence of a bubble have been put forward in the literature. In the first place, a speculative bubble for an asset in strictly positive supply cannot be negative . Remember that S(t) = S*(t) + B(t) . As a matter of fact, by (6.62) the conditional expectation of S*(t) grows asymptotically at a rate smaller than r/, while the expectation of B(t) grows with a rate equal to rl' As a consequence, if B(t) < 0 then at least in some events of Fin the future the asset price with a negative speculative bubble will be negative . A negative price for an asset delivering non negative dividends is in contrast with market equilibrium, i.e. the demand of the asset by the agents of the economy would be +00 . This observation does not imply that the price of an asset characterized by a speculative bubble is larger than its fundamental value, that is true if the dividend process and r I are not affected by the presence of a speculative bubble . If instead a speculative bubble has an effect on them, then the price of an asset characterized by a positive bubble can be smaller than S*(t), see [1584]. In an overlapping generations model, a positive bubble can make r I increase and so it induces a decrease of the fundamental value of the asset. By (6.61), a speculative bubble cannot exist in a finite time economy (T < 00). As a matter of fact, if B(T) = 0 then S(T-1) = o:E[D(T)IFr-d, B(T1) = 0 and recursively B(t) = 0 for t < T, see [1541] . By the same argument and by the fact that a bubble cannot be negative, if B(t) = 0 with probability 1 then B(s) = Vs E ~,see [540, 542]. Once a bubble bursts it cannot restart. A bubble should be alive in (-00, +00) . In a complete market economy with infinite living agents, non existence of a bubble can be shown by a no arbitrage argument. Given an event at E Ft, if S(at) > S*(at) then an agent could realize an arbitrage by selling the asset and buying D(a s) Arrow securities contingent on as, Vas E F s (s > t) such that as C at. This strategy renders a positive amount of money in at (S(at) - S*(at) > 0) and a null cost in s > t (no arbitrage opportunity) . Note that assuming an infinite number of agents, a bubble can be observed (the so-called Ponzi games), but it is difficult to define it as an equilibrium with a bubble. In a finite agents economy, a bubble can originate by a payoff stream that occurs at infinity (lack of countable additivity in asset valuation) , see [1140, 734, 737] . The above no arbitrage argument works if the agent can trade an infinite number of times in the market and the sequence of trades form a convergent series. An arbitrage argument can be used to prove non existence of a bubble when the asset price is bounded from above (European call option for instance) or a perfect substitute of the asset is traded in the



Multiperiod Market Models

market. A bubble is likely to exist for assets whose fundamentals are not clearly defined. The presence of a speculative bubble implies that the asset price will diverge (+00) as t -+ 00 and so the transversality condition (6.62) is not satisfied by S(t). In an intertemporal complete markets economy with a representative agent living an infinite life, speculative bubbles cannot exist in case (6.62) must be satisfied by the optimality of the agent's choices, see [279] . In [1541] it was shown that a speculative bubble cannot exist for an asset delivering a dividend which is independent of the price in an economy with a finite number of agents living an infinite life. The non existence result holds also with asymmetric information among the agents and short sale constraints. A bubble can exist if agents are myopic (short-run optimization) . In [1060], it is shown that a bubble can exist in a deterministic sequential economy with a finite number of infinitely living agents by assuming constraints on debt accumulation. A key point to prove equilibrium existence is that agents do not engage in Ponzi games. To this end, short sale constraints or wealth constraints are introduced, then under some conditions a bubble can exist. Recently, conditions for non existence of bubbles in asset pricing models have been established in several papers. In [1284], non existence of a bubble is established with a short sale constraint as long as agents exhibit uniformly bounded relative risk aversion; a generic non existence result is established regardless of agents' preferences. Unbounded risk aversion is needed to construct a bubble. Under short sale constraints, non existence results with an unbounded utility function (including logarithmic and power utility) have been established in [1013] ; conditions depend exclusively on the asymptotic behaviour of marginal utility at zero and infinity. In [1437, 1221, 924, 925] , authors have established bubble non existence results for an economy with sequential (potentially incomplete) markets, incomplete participation and (price-time dependent) borrowing constraints: bubbles cannot exist for an asset in positive net supply when the aggregate endowment is finite, a speculative bubble can exist for an infinitely living asset in zero net supply. In [924], considering a sequential market, it is shown that a bubble may arise independent of the lack of countable additivity of valuation. In [1538], it is shown that there is no bubble when there is a feedback of prices on dividends. The presence of a feedback effect of prices on dividends is motivated by studies such as [1165, 1238] showing that many managers define the dividend as a proportion of the fundamental value of the company which is reflected by the market price of the company (efficient market hypothesis) . A model with feedback effects admits multiple rational expectations equilibria and no speculative bubble. In [1542] it is shown that a bubble can exist in a deterministic overlapping generations economy (agents with a finite life) if the rate of growth of the economy (number of asset holders) is larger than the long-run equilibrium bubbleless real interest rate (dynamically inefficient economy) . If the interest

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


rate exceeds the growth rate of the economy, then no bubble can exist in equilibrium. A similar result was obtained in [1582] for a stochastic type economy. In an overlapping generations model with agents living more than two periods, we can observe a non divergent bubble similar to that proposed in [226], see [1126] . In conclusion, we can affirm that there are many theoretical arguments against the presence of speculative bubbles in asset prices. The arguments are mainly based on equilibrium/no arbitrage and on agents' rationality. Also the hypothesis of common priors among the agents is crucial, in Chapter 7 we will discuss the existence of bubbles in an economy with asymmetrically informed agents .


Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process

Unlike two-period asset pricing models, which can be tested empirically only by assuming that they hold period by period, results obtained in a multi period economy can be directly tested on financial time series. We will refer to the theory described in this chapter as classical asset pricing theory or efficient markets theory. A specification of the classical asset pricing theory consists of two ingredients: a) an equilibrium model, b) the information set available in the market at time t, information represented by the filtration F. Any specification of the asset pricing theory makes some hypothesis on agents' preferences and on the technology of the economy: agents' utility functions, endowment in a pure exchange economy, investment opportunities. Depending on them, different implications are derived . Moreover, results depend on the reference probability. We can either work under the historical probability measure, i.e, the probability measure governing the economic model, or under a risk neutral probability measure. Note that heterogeneous beliefs ( "private" probability measures) are allowed provided that they are equivalent. Under a risk neutral probability measure, all the risk premia are null and the discounted asset price is a martingale. If the risk free rate is constant, then returns are serially non correlated and future returns cannot be predicted on the basis of information available in the market. The discounted wealth of a self-financed portfolio is a martingale. If the risk free rate is time varying, then future returns are not constant and can be predictable. Under the historical probability measure, the above results in general do not hold. Note that if agents are risk neutral, then the historical probability measure is also a risk neutral probability measure, the risk free rate is equal to the inverse of the agents' discount rate, and the risk free rate can vary over time only if the discount rate changes. If agents are risk averse, then the risk free rate and asset risk premia are time varying; they depend on agents' preferences and on the technology of the economy; in a pure exchange econ-


Multiperiod Market Models

omy they are determined by (6.44) and (6.46). In this setting, future returns could be predictable on the basis of the information available in the market and can be serially correlated; both the risk free rate and risk premia vary over time. These phenomena are due to changes in agents' preferences and/or to changes in the technology of the economy, i.e. investment opportunities. According to the above observation, returns unpredictability should be observed in a risk neutral market economy with no preference changes or in an economy with risk averse agents and constant preferences-investment opportunities (under some conditions). A test showing returns predictability is not per se a result against the classical asset pricing theory. It only means that agents are not risk neutral and that the investment opportunities set changes over time . Then the open question becomes: does an equilibrium model exist that generates returns predictability? The literature on empirical tests of the classical asset pricing theory can be classified in three main areas, depending on restrictions investigated: - restrictions on asset price-dividend-return time series; - restrictions on asset risk premia, risk free rate and consumption process; - the role of information in the market. The first group of contributions concentrates on verifying restrictions imposed by the no arbitrage-equilibrium condition on financial time series (prices, dividends, returns) . Contributions of the second group mainly test the structural restrictions established in Section 6.3 on asset risk premia, consumption and interest rate. The third group of contributions concerns the role of information on asset price restrictions obtained in equilibrium or under no arbitrage. Negative evidence for the classical asset pricing theory can be attributed to two causes: a) a specification of the theory is not confirmed in the real world, b) the set of information on which the theory is tested is not correctly specified. In this section and in the next one we will discuss empirical studies belonging to the first and to the second area. The role of information in financial markets will be analysed in the next chapter. The first group of contributions can be classified in three subgroups: studies on the presence of bubbles in financial markets, i.e. prices are in agreement with the fundamental solution of the no arbitrage equation; studies on the volatility of financial time series; studies on returns predictability. In many cases, the analysis concentrates on a specific asset pricing model: risk neutral economy with constant investment opportunities-discount factor . We stress that evidence against the implications of this model (returns predictability) is not evidence against the classical asset pricing theory. Empirical analysis of financial time series is older than modern financial markets theory. The conjecture that the no arbitrage condition implies unpredictability of price changes goes back to Bachelier, see [84]. The author suggested that French government bonds were characterized by an evolution which is well described by a process that is now called a random walk stochastic process . Bachelier's contribution was unrecognized for a long time.

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


The academic and the financial community were skeptical about a stochastic asset pricing theory. Financial practitioners, well represented by [777], identified the fundamental value of an asset as the discounted flow of future dividends (fundamentalist approach). The price of the asset fluctuates around this fundamental value. The stochastic component is not in the picture. A stochastic approach to the analysis of financial markets was also outside the economic theory paradigm. At that time , neoclassical economics was looking for an equilibrium foundation of market prices; according to this theory, prices are only related to the technology and the preferences of the economy. There is no probabilistic element in the analysis. The contribution which marks the reconciliation between the fundamentalist approach and Bachelier 's intuition is [1433]. Assuming risk neutral agents, using no arbitrage arguments and the law of iterated expectations, it was shown that prices should satisfy the no arbitrage equation. Bubbles vs Fundamental Solution The literature on the presence of bubbles in financial time series is quite large ; for a survey see [1594, 681]. First of all, note that the condition established in [1542] for the existence of a bubble in a growing economy (dynamic inefficiency) is not confirmed empirically in developed countries, see [7] . A consequence associated with the presence of a bubble in financial time series is that prices grow at a rapid rate; if the dividend grows more slowly, then the dividend-price ratio should fall. Empirically there is little support for this phenomenon. The presence of a bubble has been associated with the so-called excess volatility phenomenon, i.e, asset price volatility is too high and is not compatible with the no arbitrage equation, see below. In [226, 1542], depending on the correlation of innovations of the bubble with those of the fundamental solution, authors claim that a violation of volatility bounds as observed for example in [1470] (see below) can be traced back to the presence of a bubble. If innovations in the bubble are positively correlated with dividend innovations, then a bubble increases price variance. In {951], considering an intrinsic bubble, it is shown that the volatility of the price with a bubble can be larger or smaller than that of the fundamental solution. In [558] it is shown that assuming non correlated asset returns, the volatility of the price with an intrinsic bubble can be smaller or greater than the volatility of the fundamental solution depending on agent 's risk attitude. However, [680, 682] observe that many excess volatility tests include bubbles under the null. A test on speculative bubbles in a constant discount rate model based on the comparison of two sets of estimates of the parameters needed to calculate the expected discounted value of a dividend stream, was proposed in [1593]. The author finds evidence in favour of the presence of a speculative bubble and claims that a bubble can be the origin of the excess volatility phenomenon. The same conclusion is suggested in [226], observing violations


Multiperiod Market Models

of volatility bound tests. Observe that a test on the presence of a bubble may be ambiguous . It is difficult to distinguish empirically between bubbles and other phenomena such as irrationality, noise, structural changes, nonstationarities, (rational) contribution to the asset price of fundamentals observed by agents but not by econometricians, etc ., see [836, 681, 1594]. The null hypothesis of many tests is composite. According to [836], the presence of a bubble in the asset price dynamics is empirically untestable; a bubble can be interpreted inside the classical asset pricing framework through unobservable fundamentals. Moreover, the power of many tests is very low. If dividends are generated by a linear nonstationary stochastic process, then the linearity of the no arbitrage equation implies that if bubbles are absent then stock prices and dividends are cointegrated. In the presence of bubbles they are not . This feature of a financial time series can be tested empirically. A stationarity test based on the non cointegration property of a bubble solution immune to the problems pointed out in [836] has been proposed in [541]. Empirical evidence is against the presence of a bubble in stock prices. The result is confirmed by a large part of the literature. Results in favour of the presence of an intrinsic bubble in stock prices time series are obtained in [698]. Stationarity tests are not able to detect periodically collapsing bubbles of the type proposed in [226], see [623] . A new non cointegration test of stock prices and dividends with small distortion is proposed in [1533]; the results are against the presence of a collapsing bubble in US stock prices. Excess Volatility

The literature on asset price excess volatility is based on the observation that asset prices are more volatile than levels compatible with the no arbitrage equation (6.60). The literature on this topic originated from [1143, 1470]; well-organized surveys are provided in [1139, 421, 1475, 1594, 735]. The fundamental solution S· (t) of the no arbitrage equation with a constant risk free rate is

=L 00


oj E[D(t

+ j)/Ftl ·



Define seCt) as the ex post rational asset price, i.e. the value obtained in case the future dividends of the asset are known exactly:

L 00

seCt) =

o j

D(t + j) .


j= l

By (6.66) and (6.67), it follows that

s eCt)

= S·(t) + u(t)




where u(t) = L:l o Se(t + s) is the sum of the discounted unexpected oneperiod asset return components (e(t + s) = S·(t + s) + D(t + s) - O-lS·(t +

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


s - 1)). Observe that E[u(t)/Ft ] = 0, S*(t) is an unbiased forecast of se(t) and therefore (J2(se(t)IFt _ j ) = (J2(S*(t)IFt _ j ) + (J2(u(t)IFt _ j


j = 1, . ..

(J2(se(t)IF t _ j ) ~ (J2(S*(t)IFt _ j ) , j = 1, . . .

(6.68) (6.69)

If the time series are stationary then

(6.70) and (6.71)

The intuition behind inequality (6.71) is the following: the fundamental solution is an unbiased forecast of se(t), therefore its variance is smaller than the variance of the rational ex post price. Note that inequality (6.71) does not depend on the information of the agents and on the dividend stochastic process provided that the second moment exists . These features make easy the empirical test of (6.71). However, without specifying a model for asset dividends it is not possible to evaluate the statistical significance of a violation of (6.71). Note that (J2(U(t)) depends on the variance of the unexpected one-period stock return, a component that can be observed . If the latter is constant then (J2(U(t))

= (J2(e(t)) rJ -



It is observed in [1143] that the larger the amount of information the agents have, the greater will be the variance of prices and the lower will be the variance of unexpected returns. Consider two information sets in t, H, and Ki, such that the first one contains less information than the second tH, C Kt, t = 1' 00 '); let SHU) and SK(t) be the forecasts of se(t) based on the two information sets. Then it can be shown that

In [1470], the rational ex post price se(t) is estimated as se(t) =





+ j) + aT se(T) ,


where se(T) is the mean of the prices observed historically or S(T) , see [808]. Note that this way to truncate th e rational ex post price allows for a bubble under the null hypothesis. Then the sample variance of s e(t) is taken as an estimate of the variance of the ex post rational price. Inequality (6.71) was tested on the Standard and Poor time series for the period 1871-1979 . The


Multiperiod Market Models

author verified in the first place that the time series is characterized by an exponential trend. Removing this component, inequality (6.71) turns out to be violated; the volatility of the stock index is equal to 6.7 against 1.6 for the rational ex post price (excess volatility) . As no model for dividends was assumed (the test is model free), the author does not assess the statistical significance of the inequality violation. Nonetheless, the remarkable difference between the two values pushes the author to affirm that we are in front of a strong violation of the classical asset pricing theory. This conclusion is reinforced by the comparison between the time series of the index and that of the rational ex post price ; the latter is strongly smoother than the first one. In [1470], other inequalities on the variance of price innovations and of price time difference are proposed. All were violated. In [1143], excess volatility was detected. The authors assumed that dividends and stock prices, adjusted for trend, are generated by a covariance stationary bivariate linear process. They test inequality (6.71) and the orthogonality between prices and return forecasting errors, a property which allows us to establish (6.68) and (6.70). Inequality (6.71) is reversed empirically. The null hypothesis of the orthogonality test is that (6.72) holds. The null hypothesis is rejected but the statistical test has very little power and rejection is of borderline statistical significance. These results, in particular those reported in [1470], stimulated a debate on the excess volatility phenomenon. First of all the results were discussed on the statistical methodology ground. Two points deserve attention: stationarity of the price-dividend time series and the methodology to estimate the volatility of the two time series. In [678], it is observed that the variances of S(t) and se(t) are estimated with a downward bias in small samples because of serial correlation; the bias is stronger for the ex post rational price. The bias comes by estimating the population mean through the sample mean. Moreover, the methodology employed by [1470] to compute se(t) introduces a further downward bias, see also [735]. The downward bias can be large enough to provide a potential explanation of the apparent violation of the bounds. The variance bound test is biased towards rejection. Without specifying the dividend generator model , it is difficult to quantify the bias and therefore to correct it properly. A further problem comes from the presence of nuisance parameters due to the fact that the inequality between volatilities holds independently of agents' information (e.g. the dividend model representing agents' information). The sample distribution of the test statistic is affected by parameters unrestricted under the null. Agents' information turns out to be relevant in order to establish a critical value of the volatility bound test; as a consequence unless agents' information is defined, it is not possible to evaluate the statistical relevance of a volatility bound violation, see [1142, 1144]. [1052] deeply criticizes results obtained in [1470]. The criticism concerns two different points: the distinction between the relative smoothness of se(t)

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


and S*(t) and the variance inequality, and the stationarity of the dividend process. The criticisms do not depend on the sample size of the observations. In the first place , the author points out that the procedure adopted by (1470) to build the rational ex post price refers to information available only in T (trend component, average value of S(t) as a proxy for se(T)), therefore the estimate of the conditional variance of the ex post rational price can be biased. If dividends follow an autoregressive linear process and conditional variances are calculated properly, then inequality (6.69) is satisfied and the time series of the rational ex post prices calculated according to the Shiller procedure can be smoother than that of prices computed according to the fundamental solution. The smoothness effect is obtained when the autoregressive component is strong. If logarithmic dividends are nonstationary (random walk), then the time series of the rational ex post prices is always smoother than that of rational prices and the inequality between the conditional variances is satisfied even if the unconditional variance cannot be defined. There is no relation between the relative smoothness of the two time series and the variance inequality. A variance inequality is a cross-sectional evaluation; one simple plot of the two time series and a comparison of their smoothness is uninformative. This observation is particularly severe when the dividend time series is nonstationary. The author uses this argument to explain the results in [1470], arguing that a geometric random walk for dividends is a good model for the time series at hand. In this case, variance is not constant over time and the Shiller test is uninformative. Besides, the author shows through a Monte Carlo analysis that the Shiller procedure for the computation of the unconditional variance on a small sample assuming a lognormal process for dividends leads to a violation of inequality (6.71). A violation occurs in 70% of the cases; in many of these the size of the violation is similar to that detected in Shiller, while a conditional variance test for the Standard and Poor time series is not violated. Such a violation should be traced back to the nonstationarity of the detrended time series investigated by Shiller. An unconditional variance test is uninformative; variance is not defined in this case, instead a conditional variance inequality is satisfied. (1474) shows, using Monte Carlo simulations, that violations with a size equal to that detected in (1470) happen with small probability (smaller than 1%) in case of a lognormal process of the dividends with realistic values for the price-dividend ratio and in case of other dividend processes with unit roots. Small sample biases in the methodology employed by Shiller were quickly recognized . Then the debate turned to the stationarity of the dividend process. [1238] consider the case of a stochastic process for dividends which depends on the asset price stochastic process. This type of dividend process is motivated by the empirical analysis provided in [1165], where it is shown that managers set dividends having a target pay-out ratio as a long-run objective (the dividend is a fraction of earnings), and they choose policies which


Multiperiod Market Models

smooth the time path of dividend changes . As a consequence, the dividend is a weighted average of past earnings. Assuming a constant expected real return and that the stock price reflects investor beliefs which are given by the expectation of discounted future dividends then the detrended dividend can be written as a moving average of current and past detrended stock prices, see also [1239]. For a microfoundation of this feedback effect see [1538]. According to this policy, the manager perceives an earnings-price change as a permanent change and accommodates it by changing smoothly the dividend. Assuming this type of dividend policy, inequality (6.71), computed according to the procedure proposed by Shiller , holds in the opposite direction. The violation is due to the fact that the detrended dividend time series is nonstationary. The authors strengthen this result, claiming that a dividend policy of this type well describes the dividend time series. However, other dividend smoothing policies in the spirit of [1165] do not generate a violation in the volatility inequality, see [1473] . In conclusion of this debate we can affirm that a violation of the test proposed by Shiller is a sign that prices do not agree with the fundamental solution (excess volatility) in case dividends, once the trend component is removed, are stationary. This conclusion cannot be drawn in case dividends or the logarithm of the dividends, once the trend component is removed, are nonstationary (random walk process) . In this case, the variances estimated on small samples do not often satisfy inequality (6.71). Stationarity of the dividend time series has been deeply investigated. [1471, 1473, 1474, 331] found evidence in favour of a trend stationary dividend time series, [1052, 1238] against. If the time series has a trend , then a geometric random walk test (without a trend component) is biased towards accepting the null hypothesis of a unit root. Including a trend component, still the test has a low power against trend stationary alternatives, see [510]. [510] , using a Bayesian approach, conclude that the dividend and the US price time series are more likely to be trend-stationary than integrated. The first generation of volatility tests suffers for small sample biases and nonstationarity problems. A second generation of volatility tests immune to these problems was proposed in the literature, see [1227, 1595, 331, 1228]. In [1227], a "naive forecast" of the future discounted flow of dividends is considered. The forecast is based on a subset of the information available in t (Sf(t)). By construction, the following inequalities hold: E(se(t)_sf(t))2 ~ E(se(t)-S*(t))2, E(se(t)_sf(t))2 ~ E(S*(t)-Sf(t))2.

(6.73) As no mean estimate is needed in (6.73), this test does not suffer for small sample biases observed in [678]; furthermore the test does not depend on the stationarity of dividends. The rational ex post price is constructed as in [1470] ; the naive estimate of the price in t is calculated assuming that future dividends are constant and equal to that in t. The two inequalities are violated in the empirical analysis developed in [1227]; a test on the significance of the

6.5. Empirical Tests : Price-Dividend Process


result is not proposed . In (1228), a Monte Carlo sampling distribution of the test is proposed. It is shown that assuming a constant discount factor smaller than 6%, the' violation of the inequality turns out to be significant; assuming higher discount factors the violation is not statistically significant. In [226, 1595), a test based on agents ' information is proposed. Consider two information sets in t as H, and K t , such that the first one contains less information than the second (Ht C Ki , t = 1, . ..); let SH (t) and SK (t) be the forecasts of se(t) based on the two information sets; the quadratic forecasting error on the basis of these two information sets satisfies the inequality (6.74) A similar inequality can be established about the return variance (conditional and not) , see (1143) . In (1595) , a test of the inequality (6.74) was proposed. The test does not require to know the rational ex post price and does not depend on the stationarity of dividends. The two information sets are represented by the information present in the market in t (K t ) and by the time series of the dividends (Hd . The inequality is violated empirically. The violation is statistically significant . Monte Carlo simulations show that the test does not suffer for small sample biases. In [10], this test has been implemented when the cash flow measure also includes share repurchases and takeover distributions. No sign of excess volatility is detected. The presence of excess volatility can be tested by running a linear regression of se(t) on S*(t) . It can be shown that this type of test is analogous to an orthogonality test on prices volatility. If asset prices agree with the classical asset pricing theory, then the intercept must be equal to zero and the coefficient of S*(t) must be equal to 1. This hypothesis is not empirically verified, see [1451]. The test is well defined in case of stationary dividend-price time series; if this is not the case, then a similar test can be implemented for the price-dividend ratio. The analysis has shown again that the intercept is positive and the coefficient of S*(t) is not different from zero in a significant measure. To avoid nonstationarity problems , we can look for excess volatility in the price-dividend ratio time series which is more likely to be stationary. Both orthogonality and volatility bound tests can be performed for the pricedividend ratio time series. Excess volatility is detected, see (424) for a result showing weak excess volatility and [331 , 332, 1142) for results showing excess volatility. Summing up, the second generation of volatility tests showed in general excess volatility, but the significance of the results is not always strong. Excess volatility is detected also allowing for unit roots in the time series. A large debate grew up on excess volatility. As for the CAPM, we can identify three schools of thought. The first school points out statistical biasespitfalls , see the above discussion. Those who support classical asset pricing


Multiperiod Market Models

theory look for an explanation assuming non constant expected returns; on the other side there are those who believe that excess volatility comes from some form of irrationality in the market (behavioural finance). Non-constant expected returns can be introduced by modelling discount rates through an interest rate model-proxy or by introducing risk aversion through a representative agent. As a matter of fact, a constant discount rate is obtained in a risk neutral setting or assuming a constant investment opportunities set. In [1141, 808, 1595], risk aversion is introduced. Asset pricing theory establishes that the equilibrium price of an asset is equal to the discounted expected value of future dividends; the discount factor in t for wealth in 8 (8 > t) is equal to the marginal rate of substitution of the representative agent between consumption in t and consumption in 8. As a consequence, the discount factor is stochastic. In case the risk free rate is constant, (6.60) is obtained by changing properly the probability measure. If agents are risk neutral, then their discount factor is equal to one over the risk free rate and risk neutral probability measures coincide with agents' measures. (6.41) suggests that if the discount rate is identified by the marginal rate of substitution of the representative agent then the variability of ex post rational prices could be larger than that associated with a constant discount factor . The discount factor is linked to the consumption process of the representative agent. Risk aversion of the representative agent causes a more volatile asset price. The argument goes as follows. In a pure exchange economy, the representative agent consumes the endowment of the economy (no trade equilibrium). The price system should accommodate this choice. A risk averse agent would like to smooth consumption over time; this cannot be done at the aggregate level. To induce the agent not to save in good periods and not to save in bad periods, stock prices should be very high and very low respectively and therefore highly volatile, see [1139] . In [808], assuming a power utility function, it is observed that the variability of rational ex post prices increases with the agent's risk aversion . Asset prices are supposed to be coherent with (6.41) . Assuming a coefficient of relative risk aversion equal to 4, a time series of the rational ex post price compatible with what is observed empirically can be reproduced (high volatility). These results have been confirmed in [429], where it is shown that time variability of expected returns allows to explain excess volatility if agents are strongly risk averse or are characterized by a habit formation process . As the consumption time series is smooth, the risk aversion coefficient should be very high to reconcile the model with the data, a result consistent with the equity premium puzzle, see below. [1252] show that fluctuations in the subjective discount factor and in the attitude towards risk may explain excess volatility. A methodology that allows investigation of the presence of excess volatility with time varying expected returns was developed in [331, 332]. The methodology is based on a loglinear approximation of the fundamental no arbitrage equation. Set R(t + 1) = In(S(t+l1~tf(t+l» the logarithmic return

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


of the asset ; the following loglinear approximation with respect to the average value of the logarithmic return is obtained R(t

+ 1) ~ k + ps(t + 1) + (1 -


+ 1) -



where s(t) and d(t) are respectively the logarithm of the price and of the dividend. p and k are two parameters obtained by linearizing the return centred on the average value of the logarithm of the dividend-price ratio. The precision of the approximation (6.75) is quite good; the relation holds exactly if the dividend-price ratio is constant through time. Solving recursively (6.75) and imposing the transversality condition, the following expression for the logarithm of the price is obtained:


s(t) = ~ p


+ E[L l((l -


+ 1 + k) -

R(t + 1 + k))IFt ].



The relation can be rewritten through the logarithm of the dividend-price ratio: d(t) - s(t)



= -1-p - + E[" l( -L1d(t + 1 + k) + R(t + 1 + k))IFtl, 0



where L1d(t + 1 + k) = d(t + 1 + k) - d(t + k). The dividend-price ratio is therefore equal to the conditional expectation of future discounted expected (logarithmic) returns and of future dividend rates of growth. The dividendprice ratio is high if dividends grow slowly or future expected returns tend to be high . An approximate expansion can be obtained also for the logarithmic return. Exploiting the linearity of the above approximation, a VAR is estimated for the logarithm of the dividend-price ratio, first difference of the logarithm of dividends, logarithm of earnings relative to price. (6.76) and (6.77) imply restrictions on the coefficients of the model that are rejected by the data. The dividend-price ratio time series is not in agreement with the theoretical model assuming constant and non constant discount rates. This test does not suffer for nonstationarity problems. Monte Carlo simulations showed that the test works well in small samples. Excess volatility is detected assuming a constant or a variable expected rate of return (a constant plus the expected real return on commercial paper) . Positive evidence on time varying discount rates as a source of excess volatility is provided in [424]. [117] show that cash flow growth rates can be modelled as a stationary ARIMA(l,O,l) process, i.e, they contain a small predictable long-run component. By assuming this process joined by time varying systematic risk, authors account for 70% of the volatility of asset prices. The second school of thought on excess volatility suggests that time varying returns are not enough to explain asset price volatility. In [1470, 1228, 331], variance inequalities of asset prices have been tested assuming a non


Multiperiod Market Models

constant rate of return (risk free rate or commercial paper rate plus a constant time varying risk premium) . In spite of the fact that the time varying discount factor allows to explain part of the excess volatility, inequalities between the volatilities are still violated and excess volatility emerges. To reproduce the historical asset price volatility, discount rates should have a high standard deviation (higher than 5%), see [1470] ; similar results are obtained in [1368]. Negative results, introducing risk aversion and a representative agent, are obtained in [1595]. According to the fundamental solution, changes in asset prices are due to changes in dividend expectations and in discount rates. This observation generated a large literature on checking the relationship between ex post changes in economic fundamentals and ex post changes in stock price-returns. In [1399], the orange juice future contract time series is analysed. Because of the peculiarity of this commodity, its fundamental is well proxied by weather conditions in Florida. Future contract prices should reflect the predictable part of weather patterns and therefore future prices should change in response to predictable changes in weather patterns. Instead, the author finds that prices react to unanticipated weather changes, but these surprises explain only a small part of daily price variation. 90% of daily price variability cannot be explained by economic fundamentals. Similar results have been obtained for stock returns in [1401], examining economy, industry and firm specific factors . Considering both CAPM and multifactor models and including an industry factor, less than 35% of daily-monthly variations of individual stock returns can be explained through changes of economic fundamentals. Similar results have been obtained in [331, 476]. Positive evidence on the capability of fundamentals to explain asset return variations comes from [629]. The author identifies three sources of return variations: shocks to expected cash flows, shocks to expected returns, time varying expected returns. Variables that measure these components account for 58% of the variation in ex post annual sto ck returns. Proxies for market expectations of future dividends explain over 70% of return variations through time, see [1070] . [626] , allowing for non stationary aggregate dividends and discount rates, establishes that changing forecasts of future dividends growth account for 90% of predictable variations in the dividend-price ratio. In [314, 320, 317, 426], using the loglinear approximation (6.75), it is shown that aggregate unexpected returns variance is explained through variability and persistence of expected returns-risk premia (expected return news) rather than variability offuture cash flows (dividend news); the opposite holds for individual firms, see [1573], and for the book to market ratio, see [433] . [331] show that the dividend-price ratio predicts future expected returns rather than dividend changes . These results confirm that returns are time varying and that their variability is important to explain price-return movements .

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


As a conclusion, we observe that a large part of excess volatility tests concerns a model with a constant discount factor and therefore risk neutral agents. The analysis has shown that a model with constant expected returns is not able to explain the magnitude of the volatility observed in financial time series. However, the empirical evidence can be in part explained through a rational asset pricing model by assuming risk averse agents and time varying returns. However, the recent literature has shown that either agents are strongly risk averse or discount rates are much more variable than observed, otherwise the volatility observed in financial markets cannot be explained. According to this interpretation, excess volatility results simply point out that asset returns vary over time and that their variability (and in particular risk premium variations) is not well described by classical asset pricing models (specifically the CCAPM). Returns are predictable and we do not have a good model to explain their dynamics; this is the origin of excess volatility results, see [630, 421, 424]. An alternative interpretation of excess volatility is proposed in [1472]. According to this interpretation, excess volatility is due to market inefficiency; there are some forms of irrationality, noise traders, feedback trading, irrational expectations in the market that deviate market prices from rational prices . We will return to this topic in Chapter 8. As a matter of fact , independent of the interpretation of the results, excess volatility test rejections are strictly related to the predictability of future returns, see [332] . Both volatility bound tests and orthogonality tests come from the fact that u(t) and S*(t) are non correlated. If this is not the case, then future returns can be predicted through information in t. A volatility bound violation is due to the fact that S*(t) and future returns are negatively correlated; with some caution this result can be interpreted as an evidence of negative serial correlation of returns, see [1139]. Returns Predictability: Univariate Models The literature on excess volatility animated the debate on testing the efficient market hypothesis in the 1980s, then the debate switched to the more general theme of asset returns predictability. Surveys on this topic can be found in [1139, 630, 1027] . Note that according to the asset pricing theory presented above , returns unpredictability is obtained when agents are risk neutral with a constant discount rate or (under some conditions) when they are risk averse and the investment opportunity set is constant (stationary consumption time series, stationary returns distribution, no preference shocks) . If this is not the case, then returns unpredictability is not necessarily implied by the classical asset pricing theory. We stress this point because returns predictability has often been erroneously interpreted as a result against market efficiency. This is true only if agents are risk neutral and the risk free rate does not vary over time. Let us assume that a risk free asset is traded with a constant risk free rate rf > 0 and agents' risk neutrality with a constant discount factor. Define


Multiperiod Market Models


r(t + 1) = S( t H the asset return between time t and time t + 1 and z(t) = r(t) the excess return. It is easy to verify that equation (6.60) implies (6.78) E[z(t + l)IFtl = o.


Excess return of an asset is a fair game: in every t the conditional expectation of the asset return is equal to the risk free rate. (6.78) also holds with risk averse agents under a risk neutral probability measure. Asset pricing theory imposes ex ante restrictions on the asset price time series. (6.78) translates in the ex post restriction: r(t

+ 1) =

r, + v(t + 1),


where v(t ) is a sequence of random variables such that E[v(t + l)IFtl the asset does not deliver dividends, then (6.79) can be written as

= O. If

= J.L + s(t -


s(t )

1) + E(t) ,

where s(t) = In(S(t)) and E(t) has the same characteristics as v(t) . Define R(t) = s(t ) - s(t -1) the logarithmic return. If E(t) is distributed as a normal random variable with zero mean and constant variance, then the logarithmic price follows a random walk process and the price follows a geometric random walk process. Following [329], depending on the features of the random variables v(t) and E(t), three different random walk forms can be identified : independently and identically distributed increments, independently distributed increments, serially non correlated increments. The first random walk form implies the second and the second implies the third. The second random walk form allows for unconditional heteroskedasticity in the time series. The no arbitrage condition with a constant risk free rate requires that s(t) is a random walk in the weakest form (non-correlated increments) , no condition is imposed on higher moments, therefore heteroskedasticity is compatible with the efficient market hypothesis. There is a large literature on time varying volatility, e.g. see [1447]. Financial time series are characterized by conditional heteroskedasticity. Volatilit y is highly persistent with clustering phenomena. The phenomenon is particularly relevant in high frequency data and is well described by ARCH and GARCH models, see [34,1336,1335,329] . Returns and conditional volatility are negatively correlated. (6.78) implies some interesting properties on asset prices-returns time series: no information contained in F t allows to predict future returns, returns are not serially correlated, all assets-portfolios have a null risk premium, there exists no trading strategy with returns higher than the market or beating the buy and hold strategy, the return variance is linear in the return horizon. The no correlation result can be derived also for logarithmic returns. The return non correlation result can be verified easily. As a matter of fact , (6.78) implies that corr(r(t) , r(t - k)) = 0, k = 1, . . . , t.


6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


In order to verify that return serial correlation is equal to zero for every order, it is enough to show that the covariance is equal to zero for k = 1, then conditional expectation properties allow us to extend it to any order. For k = 1 actually we have cov(r(t + 1), r(t)) = E[z(t

+ 1)z(t)]

= E[z(t)E[z(t

+ 1)IFt J] =


The non serial correlation of asset returns result hinges on the hypothesis that the asset expected return is equal to the risk free rate which is constant through time. A straightforward test of the classical asset pricing theory consists in verifying no serial correlation of asset returns. In [1368] it has been shown that this type of test has a very low power against the alternative hypothesis of a persistent autoregressive component in stock prices. More powerful tests have been proposed exploiting the linearity of the variance with respect to the return horizon. If l(t) are independently distributed with zero mean, then the variance of the k-period return divided by k multiplied by the one-period return variance should be equal to one (variance ratio test), see [420, 1173, 1174, 329]. Variance ratio tests are strictly related to serial correlation tests; as a matter of fact the variance ratio is equal to one plus a positively weighted sum of return autocorrelations. Depending on the information contained in F t , we have three different market efficiency definitions: strong, semi-strong, weak; see Chapter 7. The role of information in asset pricing theory will be discussed in the next chapter; in what follows we concentrate on restrictions imposed by the asset pricing theory on asset price-dividend processes and therefore on weak-semistrong efficiency with information exclusively provided by the asset pricedividend time series and other public information (macroeconomic factorsaccounting variables). (6.81) means that it is not possible to predict excess returns different from zero on the basis of the price-dividend time series. In fact if (6.81) is not satisfied, then it is possible to forecast future returns through past returns. The first empirical results on efficient markets theory were positive, see [628]. Weak form efficiency was repeatedly tested in the 1960s with positive evidence. No returns serial correlation was detected in the data; in [627] it was shown that first order serial correlation of daily -monthly returns is positive, but in general only weak significance of serial correlation was detected. Negative results were only obtained for strong form efficiency. Also the analysis of trading rules widely adopted by practitioners provided support for market efficiency. In [633] a filter trading strategy was analysed. The strategy consists in buying an asset when it goes up a fixed percentage and in selling it when it goes down the same percentage. A filter with a reference percentage between 0.5 and 1.5 was able to produce excess returns , but it is enough to consider small transaction costs to cancel them . Jensen well represents the feeling at that time on the topic: "I believe there is no other proposition in


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economics which has more solid empirical evidence supporting it than the Efficient Hypothesis Market. That hypothesis has been tested and, with very few exceptions, found consistent with the data in a wide variety of markets ..." , see [983). In the 1980s the debate on market efficiency blazed up. Many anomalies came out in the literature. We first concentrate on the so-called seasonality effects. Depending on the frequency of the time series, some calendar anomalies have been detected. On a monthl y basis, the so-called January effect was observed: stock returns are higher in January than in other months (especially those of small stocks), e.g. see [1423). The effect is due in part to turn-of-the-year tax related trading (tax loss selling). On a daily basis a weekend effect was observed : average returns are on average negative from the close of trading on Friday to the opening of trade on Monday, e.g. see [693). Returns are higher on the day before a holiday, on the last day of the month and before the end of the year, see [1105) . Some of these phenomena are due to window dressing by institutional investors, see Section 11.1. Returns seasonality is robust across many different markets, for a survey see [870, 630). On intraday patterns see Chapter 9. Results in favour of returns unpredictability obtained in the 1970s focused on short horizon returns; in the 1980s, returns predictability was observed in many studies by looking at long horizon returns. Probably the first paper inducing strong doubts inside the academic community on market efficiency was [500) . In this paper it is shown that portfolios formed by extreme "winning" assets over the past three to five years (return higher than the market return) underperform in the future, and portfolios formed by extreme "losing" assets in the past outperform in the future. The excess return difference of the two portfolios in three years is 25%: "winning" portfolios average return is 5% less than the market return, whereas "losing" portfolios is 20% more than the market. These results agree with CAPM anomalies associated with size, earnings-price ratio and book to market value ratio, i.e. firms with high ratios tend to be losers in the past (value stocks), see [501) and Section 5.2. Authors attribute these results to market irrationality and in particular to overreaction: agents overreact to unexpected and dramatic events, and violate the Bayes rule by assigning a large weight to recent observations, see [1012) and Chapter 8. These results suggest that asset prices are not well described by a random walk stochastic process; there is a mean reversion effect and stock prices may contain autoregressive components with a small decay rate. Winner-loser reversals have also been observed in national stock market indices, see [1388). In [1527) it was shown that short horizon return correlation tests have a very small power against the hypothesis that prices depart from their fundamental value for a temporary component with slow decay (mean reversion) . The model proposed for asset prices was Set) = S*(t)

+ u(t) ,

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


= o:u(t -


1) + ii(t) ,

where 0 ~ 0: < 1 and ii(t) is a sequence of independent random variables with zero mean and constant variance . 0: = 0 represents the null hypothesis, i.e, market efficiency. This model well describes the Shiller conjecture according to which the price is given by the sum of the fundamental solution and of an autoregressive stochastic component describing irrationality. When 0: is near to 1 (persistent price departures) it is unlikely that serial correlation tests of monthly returns will reject the null hypothesis (serial correlation over short horizons is almost null). It is difficult to detect mean reversion in short horizon returns and therefore no return serial correlation results should be taken with extreme caution. The debate was animated by the results obtained in [1368, 635, 1173]. In [1368, 635] , it is shown that returns computed for a horizon longer than one year are negatively serially correlated; in [1173] positive serial correlation is detected for weekly and monthly returns. In [1368, 1173] a variance ratio test was conducted; in [635] the test instead concerns returns serial correlation. Starting from the model proposed in [1527], in [635] the following model was assumed for the evolution of the logarithm of the price:

s(t) q(t)

= q(t) + z(t),

= JL + q(t -

1) + ij(t) ,

z(t) = tPz(t - 1) + l(t), where ij(t) , l(t) are two white noise components and JL is the drift parameter . tP is a parameter near to one. The logarithmic price is given by the sum of a random walk component (q(t)) and of a stationary component (z(t)) . z (t ) describes deviations from the fundamental value of the asset, deviations which tend to disappear as time goes on (mean reversion) . If the asset price time series is generated according to the above model, then the serial correlation of logarithmic returns computed for a small horizon is almost null and is negative over a longer interval. Authors tested this model by evaluating serial correlation of logarithmic returns of some asset portfolios changing the return horizon. While serial correlation of one year returns is almost null, for horizons longer than one year negative serial correlation is observed ; correlation has a U shape as a function of the return horizon with upward concavity; when the horizon is larger than 10 years then its value is again non significant. The highest degree of correlation is obtained in correspondence of a 3-5 year horizon; in this case the predictable returns variation due to mean reversion is about 35%. Returns are more predictable for portfolios of small firms (40%) than for large firms (25%). However, mean reversion was weak after the Second World War. The sample is small; authors establish the significance of the results through Monte Carlo simulations. Similar results have been obtained in [1368] through a variance ratio test; the main difference is that the highest degree of mean reversion is observed for a 6-8 year horizon . [635] explain


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these results through time varying equilibrium expected returns generated by changing investment opportunities and not through market irrationality. Long horizon negative serial correlation is also detected in [476] . Short horizon serial correlation is a cont roversial topic. [695, 1173] find that weekly and monthly up to one year asset returns show small negative serial correlation; significant negative correlation was instead discovered in [443, 1132, 975]. According to these studies, there is a mean reversion also in weekly and monthly returns. On the same horizon, returns of a stock index (in particular an equally-weighted index) and of an asset portfolio (in particular a small companies portfolio) show significant positive serial correlation, see [1173, 1177, 1368, 476, 978, 377]. In [1173] it is shown that the first order serial correlation of an equally weighted index is equal to 30%. In [1177] it is shown that the serial correlation of a small size companies portfolio is equal to 33%. Serial correlation is strong for small companies portfolios and weak for large companies portfolios. The different behaviour of asset and portfolio returns calls for an explanation. Non-serial correlation of asset returns can be explained through a large noise component in single asset returns, while negative serial correlation can be due to lack of liquidity (bid-ask spread) and to short-term price pressure; then a strong positive cross-covariance between returns of individual stocks is needed to generate a positive serial correlation of an index and of portfolios. [447] solve the puzzle by assuming that security returns are made up of a positively autocorrelated common component (time varying returns) and of a negatively autocorrelated idiosyncratic component due to microstructure effects (transaction costs). At the single security level market microstructure effects dominate, whereas portfolios are affected only by the common component. The model is able to reproduce the regularities observed empirically. An alternative explanation is provided by nonsynchronous trading; as a matter of fact assets are exchanged in different time periods and with different frequency, and therefore they incorporate the new information at different times. This fact can induce positive serial correlation in stock index returns (in particular equally weighted) . [1249] has shown that transaction costs , bidask spreads may cause portfolio serial correlation joined by null correlation for single asset returns. However, [1173, 1176,476, 1177, 1249] have shown that nonsynchronous trading accounts only for a small part of the observed positive serial correlation in portfolio returns. On the other hand, [248, 26] suggest that the effect of nonsynchronous trading on serial returns correlation of small stocks has been underestimated. Note that returns positive serial correlation cannot be generated through the model proposed in [635]. Summing up, there is evidence that short-term (up to one year) past returns and long-term (three-five years) past returns are negatively related to future average returns, while intermediate returns (three-twelve months) of portfolios are positively related to future average returns.

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


Trading Strategy-Portfolio Tests The predictability of future returns can be assessed by evaluating the profitability of trading strategies. If asset prices follow a random walk, then no strategy should generate excess returns on average. On the other hand, if future returns are predictable, then it is possible to build a strategy which exploits predictability to produce returns higher than the market or than the buy and hold strategy. Jensen clearly states: "a market is efficient with respect to information set 8, if it is impossible to make economic profits by trading on the basis of 8. By economic profits we mean the risk adjusted rate of return, net of all costs" , see [983] . In this perspective, market efficiency has been evaluated by assessing excess returns of technical analysis trading strategies. In [284] it is shown that technical trading rules based on two moving averages and resistance-support levels generate returns that are not consistent with random walk, AR(l) and GARCH models. Technical analysis helps to predict future returns. [301] evaluate a trading strategy based on excess volatility consisting in buyingselling the market portfolio when it is far away from its mean; excess returns are obtained. [1178] have shown that classical technical analysis may have a predictive power. Results in [500] suggest that a trading strategy consisting in buying an asset portfolio of past losers and in selling an asset portfolio of past winners (contrarian strategy) should produce excess returns in the long-run. Pioneering advocates of this strategy are [777] . Excess returns of a short horizon contrarian strategy have been observed in [975, 1132]. According to studies identifying momentum effects, a strategy buying (selling) winners (losers) in the recent past should generate excess returns, exploiting short horizon trends (momentum strategies). The capacity of momentum strategies to generate excess returns over a medium horizon has been documented in [978] for the US financial market: stocks with high returns over the past three-twelve months outperform stocks with low returns. After twelve months or later, performance tends to reverse, see [980] . Profits are not due to changing risk of the assets or to delayed stock price reaction to common factors. Profitability of momentum strategies has been confirmed in [379] . The same evidence is observed for European countries and emerging countries, see [1420] (past winners outperform past sellers for one year) and for portfolios of international stock indexes joined by reversals over a longer horizon, see [377, 204] . The profitability of momentum strategies is confirmed by investment strategies adopted by many mutual fund managers, whose performance is evaluated over a short horizon . The momentum is stronger and persistent in small firms, growth firms (rather than value firms), low trading volume firms, high volume markets, firms with low analysts' coverage, see [1420, 1290, 915, 1130, 377]. After taking into account the price impact induced by trades, no excess returns of momentum-based strategies are ob-


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tained in [1431]. Tax-loss selling may induce a momentum effect around January, when agents sell poor performing assets to offset capital gains. However, the effect is limited, see [789]. In [446] it is shown than contrarian and momentum strategies have the same probability of producing profits : contrarian strategies earn profits in the long-run (in a significant measure only in 26-47 months) ; a momentum strategy is usually profitable over a medium horizon (3-12 months).

An Evaluation The debate on mean reversion, positive and negative returns serial correlation and on the profitability of the contrarian-momentum trading strategies is intense. Again there are three different schools of thought on the above results: the classical risk factor based asset pricing theory, behavioural finance, and those who point out statistical pitfalls. Studies showing negative serial correlation for long horizon returns have been criticized from a statistical point of view. The main point is the fact that the sample of long horizon returns can be very small when the return horizon is large compared with the length of the time series, moreover considering long horizons there are overlapping observations. Because of these features , both variance ratio and serial correlation tests have a low power and are downward biased towards rejection of the random walk hypothesis, see [1390, 1391, 1043]. Taking account of these effects, results obtained in [635, 1368] are not confirmed. In [1389] it is shown that the results obtained in [635] can also be generated when the logarithmic price follows a random walk process. In [1043, 976] it is shown that mean reversion is entirely a pre-war phenomenon . After the Second World War , no mean reversion is observed ; rather persistence in long horizon returns is detected (mean aversion) . In [976] it is shown that an equally weighted index of stocks exhibits mean reversion, but there is little evidence of mean reversion for a value-weighted index, moreover mean reversion is concentrated in January (January effect). A Bayesian analysis assuming the model proposed in [635] is in favour of the random walk hypothesis, see [1111] . However, [111, 1156] discover mean reversion in postwar data for national equity indexes of well-developed countries, taking into account many of the statistical problems presented above. Strong mean reversion effects are detected in [479] . Short horizon contrarian strategy profits, i.e. those exploiting weeklymonthly mean reversion, may be due to order imbalance-lack of liquidity and price pressure, see [1132, 975]. In [445] it is shown that long-run excess returns of a contrarian strategy (computed as cumulative short-term returns) are overestimated because of bid-ask spreads, price discreteness, nonsynchronous trading; considering these effects and computing portfolio returns using a holding period up to three years, excess returns of a contrarian strategy can even be negative. Contrarian profits are associated with the January effect, see also [1611, 501]. Against this result see [1188] . [157], using

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


the above methodology to compute excess returns, find that contrarian profits are positive in non US financial markets. In [109], authors point out that measurement errors may affect contrarian strategy long-run performance. Microstructure effects (liquidity, spreads, etc .) and mispricing may generate part of contrarian profits. Moreover, they observe that profits depend on the month the contrarian st rategies end: contrarian strategies ending in December have positive excess returns, those ending in June-August have negative excess returns. There is again a January effect. Assets overreact mainly in January. On the other hand, momentum strategies in January earn negative profits , while positive profits are associated with all other months. There is seasonality in profits of momentum and contrarian strategies and on returns predictability through past returns, seasonality is associated with December and January and therefore they can be traced back in part to tax loss selling, see [789, 949] (sell pressure of past losers concentrated at the end of the year , stocks with strong selling pressure in December have higher returns in January). Momentum strategies produce their greatest profits at the end of the year and their greatest losses at the beginning of the year. The opposite occurs for contrarian strategies. [500, 501] suggest that long-run mean reversion is due to agents' overreaction to recent observations: loser assets are excessively underestimated by non rational agents because of bad recent earnings performance and winner assets are excessively overestimated because of a very good earnings performance (overreaction). [157, 11321 support this interpretation. This explanation is similar to the "irrational" explanation of CAPM anomalies presented in Section 5.2. An alternative interpretation has been proposed in [108, 371], where it is shown that asset expected returns change over time , their (3 are correlated with the market portfolio expected return, and change over time . Between the period in which portfolios are built and the period in which their performance is evaluated expected returns and (3 of winner portfolios decrease and expected returns and (3 of loser portfolios increase , so winner assets will actually be less risky and loser assets will be riskier than in the period in which portfolios are built. Riskiness changes mainly for asset leverage, i.e, a negative series of abnormal returns will increase leverage and (3. The opposite occurs for winner assets . They observe that (3 of losers exceed (3 of winners of 0.76 following the portfolio formation period. Capturing the change of expected returns through an equilibrium model (e.g. the CAPM with time varying (3), it can be shown that contrarian strategies produce non significant excess returns. In [1610, 1611] no sign of overreaction is detected; the author shows that profits of contrarian strategies are due to the size effect detected in testing the CAPM, therefore an appropriate model should be able to capture this risk component (not captured by the (3) . [642] argue that the multifactor model proposed in [639] captures contrarian profits but not momentum profits.


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[401] address the robustness of contrarian profits with respect to the above criticisms (January effect, changing /3 and size effect). By allowing for changing /3 of winner and loser portfolios , adjusting the analysis for size effect, and considering January and non January strategies, they still find contrarian strategies profits (5-10% in excess return per year) . The phenomenon is much stronger among small firms than among large firms and there is a strong January seasonal pattern in returns. They conclude that profits of contrarian strategies are due to non rational agents overreacting to news. [1132] reached a similar conclusion, analysing contrarian strategies over a week horizon. The positions presented above resemble those encountered on CAPM anomalies: non rational agents in the market (behavioural finance), e.g. see [1104], non correct specification of the risk factor model, e.g. see [642]. Some of the arguments presented in Section 5.2 about the CAPM can be proposed again on return predictability. Assuming a behavioural finance point of view, negative serial correlationmean reversion and profits of contrarian strategies are often referred to as overreaction of asset prices to news; on the other hand a positive serial correlation-momentum effect is referred to as underreaction or delayed overreaction of asset prices to news. Both phenomena at different horizons are present in financial markets. Supporters of the classical asset pricing theory stress the relevance of expected return variability. They assume serially correlated expected returns with mean reversion, see [635, 108,371 ,629, 1070, 175] . In [355] , authors propose an intertemporal general equilibrium model producing mean reversion in asset returns. Agents are characterized by constant relative risk aversion and consumption is a Markov switching type process. An intertemporal equilibrium model producing similar results is proposed in [1020]. A model allowing for time varying expected returns has been tested in [443]: r(t) = E[r(t)I.1't-d + i(t), E[r(t)/.1't-d = J.l

+ 1/'E[r(t -

1)I.1't -


+ u(t

- 1),

where 1/' < 1 and i(t), u(t) are two white noise components. The expected return is evaluated through the Kalman filter. Constancy of expected returns is rejected by the data. Empirical analysis has shown that this model adequately describes weekly returns time series. Time variation in expected returns explains up to 26% of returns variation of a portfolio of small firms. The percentage strongly decreases when considering large stocks. Changes in expected returns quickly decay. Similar results were obtained in [444] for monthly returns. Following [1104, 1117], those who are inclined to the second interpretation claim that contrarian strategies produce excess returns because there are non rational agents in the market who form expectations on future returns through an extrapolation of recent earnings growth rates, i.e. they outweigh recent earnings growth rates. [1116, 504] show that analysts' earnings growth

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


forecasts are significantly and systematically biased (overreaction), i.e. they are too extreme, see also Section 11.1. Analysts' forecasts provide a proxy of agents' forecasts . This phenomenon may explain half of the returns to contrarian strategies. Exploiting analysts' forecasts to build a contrarian strategy, excess returns are obtained. Note that long horizon overreaction in analysts' recommendations is detected in [1116, 504, 502], while short horizon underreaction is detected in [1, 379, 1269] . Negative-positive serial correlation of asset returns has also been explained through the presence of heterogeneous agents in the market (feedback and noise traders), see [476] and Chapter 8. A severe criticism of the behavioural finance literature came from [631] . The author stresses that underreaction is as frequent as overreaction, moreover long-term anomalies are sensitive to the risk factor model and to the statistical methodology employed. By choosing them properly, anomalies are not detected. Almost all the studies on market anomalies test market efficiency against inefficiency without specifying the alternative, i.e. without satisfying the Khun methodology approach. Many of the behavioural finance models explain an anomaly but predict other facts that are not confirmed in financial markets. His evaluation of the empirical literature and of the recent financial markets literature is in favour of the efficient markets theory. He suggests that "the expected value of abnormal returns is zero, but chance generates apparent anomalies that split randomly between overreaction and underreaction", see [631, p.287]. [1177] suggest that returns generated by a contrarian strategy are due to a lead-lag relation among assets (covariance across stocks) and not to mean reversion-overreaction. They attribute over half of the expected profits of a contrarian strategy to cross effects. The profitability of contrarian investment strategies does not necessarily imply overreaction. They show the presence of a positive correlation (28%) between weekly returns of small size companies and lagged returns of large size companies with a lead-lag relation (but not vice versa). This effect also generates positive serial correlation in weekly return indexes joined by weak asset returns serial correlation, as documented in [1173]. The phenomenon can be explained by differentiated diffusion of information concerning common risk factors: quick diffusion for large size companies and slow diffusion for small size companies, see also [1248]. In [979] it is shown that stock prices react with a delay to common factors, and overreact to firm-specific factors; this difference generates the size-related lead-lag relation in stock returns. However, contrarian profits are mainly due to overreaction to firm-specific information and not to delayed reaction to common factors. Lead-lag response to common factors is also a source of profits of momentum strategies, see [1604, 1155]. Against delayed reaction of small stocks to news and time varying returns as a source of the lead-lag relation, see [248] . Nonsynchronous trading and transaction costs may generate the effect. However, [1248, 1177] provide evidence against transaction costs, nonsynchronous trading, time varying re-


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turn interpretations and in favour of delayed reaction of small firms to news. [90] show that past returns on stocks held by informed institutional traders is positively correlated with contemporary returns on stocks held by noninstitutional uninformed traders. [266] show that stocks followed by many analysts tend to lead stocks followed by fewer analysts. [4051 show that there is a lead-lag relationship between returns of high trading volume stocks and returns of low trading volume stocks. All this evidence is in favour of delayed diffusion of information among agents and stocks . The lead-lag relation between large size firms and small size firms suggests to build a trading strategy buying and selling portfolios of large and small companies. In [1055] it is shown that a strategy of this type generates excess annual returns of 15%. However, effective spreads cancel these gains. In [979] a size sorted contrarian strategy does not generate abnormal returns. The profitability of momentum strategies cannot be explained according to mean reversion, size and book to market effects, see [642, 815]. A risk-based explanation of momentum strategy profits is proposed in [446, 175] through cross-sectional variations in (constant) expected returns (winner stocks are risky with high expected returns), in [402, 175] through cross-sectional variations in time varying (conditional) expected returns and f3 driven by macroeconomic variables related to the business cycle (rather than stock-specific factors) and in [447, 1604] discovering momentum in common factors affecting returns. Also results in [1290] (momentum strategy profits are driven by an industry momentum) may be interpreted in favour of the cross-sectional correlation interpretation. A risk adjusted analysis of momentum strategies based on industry factors explains a large part of momentum profits , see [28]. [64, 865] have shown that returns of momentum strategies are related to their sensitivity (high exposure) to downside risk . [815] provide evidence against the above risk-based explanations. [981] show that the explanation of momentum profits through cross-sectional differences in expected returns provided in [446] is due to small sample biases; taking them into account there is no evidence to support this interpretation. [379, 978, 980, 915, 815, 1289, 949, 1130, 1305] suggest and find positive evidence that momentum strategy profits are due to market underreaction or overreaction and delayed overreaction to firm-specific news and in particular to earnings news; see [9491 on the relevance of the two components. [980, 1130] find reversals in momentum portfolio returns after one year, a result that contrasts with a risk-based explanation and is in favour of the delayed overreaction explanation. Underreaction to firm-specific information (slow diffusion of information) as the origin of the momentum effect is supported by the observed negative relation between the momentum effect and the number of analysts following the asset, see [915]. In [1155] , no sign of underreaction to news-positive serial correlation in single asset returns is detected; negative cross-serial correlation among stocks is the main source of

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


momentum profits (lead-lag effect); a model generating this phenomenon is proposed in the paper. Predictability through Predetermined Variables and Event Studies The small power of univariate tests induced many researchers to move their attention towards the capability of some firm-specific or macroeconomic-monetary variables to predict future returns. Remember that if the asset price follows a random walk, then no piece of information in F t allows to predict future returns , but again predictability is compatible with the classical asset pricing theory if investment opportunities change over time. As far as monetary and macroeconomic variables are concerned, see for example [110,650,389, 1033,313,636,637,476, 1240, 1357, 1359, 1147, 1438, 995]. Useful variables to predict future aggregate returns are (expected) inflation , money growth, short-term int erest rates, term spread, default spread, changes in industrial production, output, aggregate consumption-wealth ratio, labour income-consumption ratio, market liquidity, bid-ask spread. The capacity of the dividend-price ratio (dividend yield) , earnings-price ratio, and book to market value to predict future market returns was established respectively in [1422, 1472, 332, 1071]. These results have been confirmed in many papers, see e.g. [636, 331, 637, 476, 905, 682, 333, 1365, 317, 1154, 1157]. A theoretical foundation of the predictability of future returns through the dividend yield comes from the dividend growth model (6.63) or (6.77). In general, price is low when expected returns are high . High dividend yields predict high returns. The predictability of future returns through these variables increases in the return horizon . In correspondence of a four-year period , the dividend-price ratio explains 25% of the returns variance, see [636]. Note that it is easy to reconcile this evidence with negative serial correlation of returns. Weak predictability in the 1990s and a bad out of sample performance because of parameter instability have been detected in [426,776,1448]. Earnings are too volatile, however a moving average of earnings allows to predict future returns. In [1107] it is shown that also the dividend-earnings ratio predicts future returns, earnings forecast future earnings. Accounting variables that are useful to explain asset returns cross-sectionally are useful at the aggregate level to predict market returns. The predictability of future returns through variables such as dividend yields, earnings and interest rates has been criticized from a statistical point of view, see [1027] . There are two main problems, see [1050, 905, 1391, 1389, 746, 1315]. Overlapping observations induce serial correlation in errors and therefore the validity of the statistical procedure may be affected . Regression on endogenous lagged variables (regressors are not predetermined) is not unbiased in finite samples. These biases may induce apparent predictability. Considering these biases , weak predictability through the dividend yield and earnings yield is detected, see [746, 62, 329]. [1315, 905] still find some evidence of predictability. A skeptical view on statistical biases is expressed in


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[1157]. As for serial correlation, predictability seems to be a pre-World War II phenomenon, see [1315) . All the analysis showing predictability of future returns through variables such as past returns, dividends and earnings suffer from a strong survivorship bias. The ex post observed structural relationship is conditional on survival of asset series. Ex post, over a long period we only observe assets surviving over the period; this fact introduces a bias towards mean reversion and predictability. As a matter of fact, among the firms performing badly in the past only those with recent good performance are present today and included in the data set. The problem is similar to that identified by [1072) for the CAPM. In [747) it is shown that the survivorship bias generates predictability of future returns through the dividend-price ratio. Taking it into account, only marginal predictability of returns through the dividend yield is observed . On the survivorship bias see [292). As on other market anomalies, there are two schools of thought on predictability of future returns through dividend yield and other fundamental variables . On one side, there are those who conceive dividends and earnings as fundamental variables and their ratio as an indicator of future expected returns-earnings, see [1422, 636, 637, 630, 427, 1365). According to [1422), change in dividend yield is a proxy of variations in the risk premium of stocks. An equilibrium monetary asset pricing model relating inflation to returns is provided in [1240). An intertemporal equilibrium model relating asset returns to macroeconomic fluctuations (output) is provided in [110) . On the other side, there are those who interpret these results as evidence of noise trading and irrationality, see [1472, 331, 476). According to this interpretation , low dividend yields are associated with overvalued stocks and therefore with lower future returns on stocks . Underreaction-delayed reaction has been discovered in some public event studies (there is a post-event drift, event date average stock return of the same sign as the average subsequent long-run abnormal performance up to 3-5 years), see [480, 631, 896, 1069, 1207) for a review: earnings announcementssurprises, see [107, 178, 978, 379); dividend initiations and omissions, see [1266); seasoned issues of common stocks and initial public offerings (IPO), see [950); stock market repurchases, see [952). In particular, a post-earnings drift is observed : stocks with surprisingly good news outperform those with bad news. Analysts' earnings forecasts and stock recommendations underreact to earnings news, see [1, 1602, 1269, 379). Stock underreaction can be related to analysts' underreaction. On statistical problems in measuring abnormal long horizon returns associated with event studies see [631, 122, 1073, 1069); there is a bias towards rejection of market efficiency. Investment strategies based on analysts ' recommendations earn abnormal gross returns, see [379, 121) and Section 11.1. This result can be interpreted as evidence against market efficiency, either mispricing or analysts' inside information. Mutual funds performance is highly persistent; again this can

6.5. Empirical Tests: Price-Dividend Process


be interpreted as evidence against market efficiency. Literature on the topic is impressive, see for example (290). Returns Predictability and Asset Portfolio The predictability of asset returns has generated a large literature on asset portfolio-optimal consumption, see (336). Allowing for time varying risk premia-non constant investment opportunities set , the optimal consumptionportfolio problem may change substantially with respect to the solution obtained with independent and identically distributed returns. In this framework, an agent faces risk associated with adverse changes in future investment opportunities. There is an intertemporal hedging motive in the risky asset demand, see (1259). The effect is null if the utility function is logarithmic. When there is mean reversion in asset returns, the intertemporal hedging component is positive and quite large if the relative risk aversion coefficient is larger than one, see [334, 322, 1576, 250) for models with intertemporal consumption. The agent's horizon affects portfolio choices: when the coefficient of relative risk aversion is higher than one an investor with a long time horizon allocates more wealth to risky assets than an agent with a short time horizon. The rationale for this behaviour is that mean reversion in stock returns lowers the variance of cumulative returns over long horizons, see also [1047, 125, 269) for models with utility derived only from final consumption. The result is confirmed considering transaction costs , see (1200). These results help to explain the asset allocation puzzle pointed out in (337) and discussed above. When the horizon is long, long-term bonds with a stochastic interest rate are similar to a non-risky investment. As a consequence, allocation to bonds rises with risk aversion. A similar result is obtained with stochastic inflation. These effects (assuming a coefficient of relative risk aversion higher than one) contribute to explain the asset allocation puzzle, see [335, 322, 1574,275,276). It is optimal for conservative long-term investors to buy (inflation indexed) long-term bonds. Agents should invest heavily in risky assets when they are young and then scale back their exposure when they age , see [321, 155, 154). Also stochastic volatility, i.e, ARCH and GARCH models , induces an intertemporal hedging demand, see (360). If relative risk aversion is larger than one, then the sign of the hedging demand is the same as the instantaneous correlation between changes in volatility and excess stock returns. The costs of ignoring predictability of asset returns can be substantial, see [334, 102, 345). The gains from exploiting short-run predictability are small once we consider transaction costs or short selling constraints, see (760). (839) have shown through simulated asset allocation strategies for US financial time series in the period 1954-1998 that asset returns predictability does not improve portfolio performance. (1199) has analysed portfolio choices with firmspecific features assuming return predictability through the dividend yield . Compared with the investors' allocation in their last period, predictability


Multiperiod Market Models

causes the investor early in life to tilt his portfolio away from high bookto-market stocks and from small stocks. Portfolio returns exhibit both the size and the book to market effect. Utility costs associated with ignoring predictability of returns are relevant.


Empirical Tests: CCAPM, ICAPM and Risk Premium

Intertemporal general equilibrium models presented in this chapter have been tested empirically in many papers. Broadly speaking there are three classes of tests: - tests verifying the relationship between asset returns and the intertemporal rate of substitution (stochastic discount factor) of the representative agent of the economy (Euler conditions) ; - tests on intertemporal risk premium factor models (CCAPM, ICAPM); - calibration exercises: preference and technology parameters are determined in order to match some empirical asset return moments. The literature on empirical tests of multiperiod asset pricing theory is extremely rich; good surveys are provided in [1495, 654, 662, 1061, 317, 318, 319]. A large part of the empirical literature on multiperiod asset pricing theory refers to the time separable power utility function (6.47). This type of utility function suffers from an important drawback: 0: is the coefficient of relative risk aversion and the reciprocal of the elasticity of the intertemporal rate of substitution, see [835]. The identification through a single parameter of the willingness of the agent to diversify wealth through different states and to substitute wealth intertemporally is not justified behaviourally, see [141] where it is shown that they are uncorrelated. This feature constitutes a strong constraint in an applied perspective. Considering a time separable utility with a non power instantaneous utility function, the relation between risk aversion and the inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal rate of substitution is confirmed but not in exact form. Risk averse agents are unwilling to substitute interternporally; they dislike growth in their consumption, i.e. they desire to transfer wealth from periods with high consumption to periods with low consumption.

Euler Condition Tests Euler conditions such as (6.40), (6.43) and (6.45) derived in a representative agent economy setting can be tested empirically. A generalized instrumental variable estimation methodology has been developed in [844] . The Euler condition is an orthogonality condition that depends in a nonlinear way on state variables (consumption, asset returns) and on unknown preference parameters (discount factor, utility function). Any variable known in t

6.6. Empirical Tests : CCAPM, ICAPM and Risk Premium


should be orthogonal to marginal utility increments, in case of a power utility to e5r n(t + l)c- a(t + 1) - c- a(t ). Assuming a lognormal stationary joint distribution of consumption and monthly returns and a power utility function, Euler restrictions (6.57) have been rejected . In [845) , excluding results on value-weighted portfolios, empirical evidence is against Euler restrictions. The coefficient of relative risk aversion is between 0 and 2. A semi-nonparametric test performed in [708) rejects the joint hypothesis that consumption and returns are distributed as a multivariate normal random variable and that utility is time separable. Evidence is in favour of the presence of durable goods in the utility function. Evidence against a time separable utility is provided also in [805) ; authors suggest considering a utility function identifying risk aversion and elasticity of intertemporal substitution through different parameters. Mismeasurement (in particular of consumption) provides little explanation of the poor performance, see [1495) . A non-parametric methodology to test asset pricing models has been developed in [841), see also [429, 357, 705, 100, 842, 664, 1150, 27) and [840) for an extension to an economy with transaction costs and market imperfections. The test exclusively exploits Euler conditions with no utility function hypothesis and therefore with no assumption on the intertemporal rate of substitution. The Euler conditions impose a constraint from below on the standard deviation-mean ratio of the intertemporal rate of substitution. Consider the Euler condition (6.43), denote m(t) the stochastic discount factor which coincides with the intertemporal rate of substitution assuming a time separable utility function ; the following constraint is easily derived : E[lzn(t)IIFt-tl < O"[m(t)IFt-tl O"[zn(t)IFt-tl - E[m(t)IFt-tl


where zn(t) = rn(t) - rf is the excess return. Asset Sharpe ratios provide a lower bound to the volatility-mean ratio of the stochastic discount factor. It is possible also to derive unconditional bounds. On bias towards asset pricing model rejection by this type of test (in particular of an unconditional test) see [665) . The bound from below describes a mean-variance frontier for the intertemporal rate of substitution with slope being determined by first and second moments of asset returns. Further restrictions are derived imposing that m(t) be positive. Evidence in [100, 841, 357, 429) is against an intertemporal equilibrium model with additive expected utility, the stochastic discount factor is insufficiently volatile. They have shown that an intertemporal equilibrium model with a time separable power utility agrees with the data only for a very high coefficient of relative risk aversion. Intertemporal complementarity in preferences (habit formation) may help to satisfy the volatility bound. CCAPM, ICAPM and Returns Predictability


Multiperiod Market Models

An empirical test of the CCAPM with positive evidence has been provided in [257]. After adjusting consumption data for aggregation-measurement errors , authors have tested cross-sectionally that expected returns are linear in {3 with a portfolio return highly correlated with the consumption process. The risk premium of the portfolio is positive and the relation is almost linear. These results have been confirmed in [1598, 837, 359] assuming a very high risk aversion coefficient. Consumption aggregation and measurement errors lower the variance of consumption growth; this effect reduces covariance with asset returns inducing a bias towards rejection of the CCAPM. The above results are mainl y based on seasonally adjusted data; using unadjusted data [658] still obtain a rejection of th e model. Again , an implausible high coefficient of risk aversion is required to fit the data. [116] propose an intertemporal equilibrium model explaining cross-sectional asset returns through the exposure of asset dividends to aggregate consumption (with a leverage component). The model explains up to 65% of the cross-sectional variation in risk premia across portfolios (momentum, size and book-to-market sorted portfolios). Consumption is modelled through an ARIMA(l,l,l) with a small predictable component in growth rates. The CCAPM has been tested against the CAPM; the hypothesis that asset expected returns are proportional to the consumption {3 is tested against the hypothesis that they are proportional to the market portfolio {3. Results are mainly against the CCAPM. [1230, 71,325] have shown that the CAPM performs better than the CCAPM in explaining cross-sectional mean returns. [392] have shown that the multifactor APT performs better than the CCAPM in explaining returns cross-sectionally. The main reason for the failure of the CCAPM is the lack of variability of the intertemporal rate of substitution of consumption (consumption growth) and the lack of covariance of consumption growth with asset returns. A conditional version of the CCAPM explains the cross-section of average returns on size and book-market sorted portfolios when the consumptionwealth ratio or the consumption-labour income ratio are used as conditioning variables, see [1148] and [1438] respectively. These variables summarize investors ' expectations of asset returns. [100, 103] show that multibeta factor models can be tested through a mean-variance test it la [841]. [100] find evidence against the model proposed in [639] ; [103] find that several macroeconomic factors are indeed priced by the market with a positive and significant risk premium (return on a stock market proxy, consumption growth, slope of the term structure, interest rate, default premium); overall the ICAPM performs better than the CAPM, the CCAPM and the model in [639]. In the last section we have shown that returns are predi ctable. In an efficient market, predictable returns are due to changing investment opportunities. This feature should be captured by an intertemporal general equilibrium asset pricing model. In [110] a general equilibrium model is provided

6.6. Empirical Tests : CCAPM, ICAPM and Risk Premium


such that returns are related to macroeconomic fluctuations. Returns depend on consumption which is linked to aggregate output and as a consequence returns can be predicted if the output is predictable. For an intertemporal asset pricing model with fluctuating mean and variance of consumption growth generating mean reversion in asset returns, see [1019, 355]. Both consumption growth moments and risk premia exhibit business cycle effects. [657] employ a macroeconomic multifactor model (ICAPM) of the type described in [392] to capture time variation of returns. The stock market is the most important factor to capture predictable variations of stock portfolio returns. [661] have shown that a macroeconomic or a statistical multifactor model captures long horizon returns predictability. The models allow for time varying beta and risk premia. Variations in risk premia are the primary source of predictability. Five factors are enough to explain 80% of return variations. The same task is accomplished in [625] with a two-factor model (stock market and corporate bonds) , time varying j3 and risk premia. [71], allowing for time varying first and second moments , is able to show that the traditional CAPM accounts for predictability of returns through the dividend yield. Mixed results are obtained in [1051]. Also [934] provide positive evidence on the capability of an intertemporal equilibrium model to capture returns predictability through time varying returns. [652] shows that conditional j3 changes are associated with interest rates, providing an explanation of return predictability through interest rates. [83] fails to explain predictability in asset returns through the three-factor model proposed in [639] and the model based on firm characteristics proposed in [486] . [659] show that predetermined variables used to predict the time series of stock and bond returns also provide cross-sectional explanatory power for stock returns over the three factors used in [639] . The conditional three-factor model is not able to capture common dynamics in returns (those captured by the variables used in (636)) . In [729, 656, 653, 654, 159], returns time variability has been described through latent variable models. Expected returns and j3 are conditional on a set of latent variables. Expected returns vary over time but conditional j3 are fixed parameters. In the first paper a one latent variable model is not rejected empirically, instead subsequent papers are in favour of the presence of two or three latent variables . Equity Premium and Risk Free Rate Puzzle We start from the following observations on US data, see [317] : - the asset mean return is high. In the postwar period , the average real annual stock return has been 7.6%; - the average risk free rate is small . In the postwar period, the three-month Treasury bills average rate has been 0.8% per year; - the consumption time series shows low variability. The standard deviation of the consumption growth rate in the United States is around 1%;


Multiperiod Market Models

- volatility of interest rate is small. The standard deviation of the real return on US Treasury bills is 1.8%; - correlation between consumption growth and real asset returns is weak, 0.22 for US quarterly data. It is not easy to explain through the classical asset pricing theory a high equity premium (equity premium puzzle , see [1251]), a low risk free rate (risk free rate puzzle, see [1583]) and the low variability of consumption growth (consumption smoothing puzzle, see [835, 326]). Consumption growth is too smooth compared with income growth . Note that consumption growth should be orthogonal to predictable and lagged income changes. Assuming a power utility function, the first two puzzles are related to each other through the relative risk aversion coefficient 0: which is the inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal rate of substitution. (6.58) and (6.59) show that increasing 0: the equity premium goes up, while the effect on the risk free rate depends on the mean consumption growth rate and on its variance. Because the consumption growth rate variance is small, a large 0: increases the risk free rate obtaining a risk free rate much higher than the historical value. In the setting described above, it is difficult to solve the equity premium puzzle and the risk free rate puzzle together. A high risk aversion coefficient implies that the agent is unwilling to substitute consumption over time ; he wishes to smooth consumption over time . Note that an inverse relation between risk aversion and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution holds in general for any time additive expected utility, therefore the puzzles do not depend on the specification of the (time separable) utility function. The above equity premium estimate has been questioned from a methodological point of view. Note that the estimate of the risk premium depends on the estimation methodology and on the time series. In [1251] , the risk premium has been estimated as the average historical return; the precision of this estimate positively depends on the length of the time series; on the other hand a long time series is more sensitive to structural breaks (e.g. the 1929 crisis). Incorporating structural breaks in the time series, [1355] find a risk premium fluctuating between four and six percent in the last two centuries with a sharp decline in the last half century. [683], using a conditional variance model, shows an equity premium around 5-6% with countercyclical behaviour. Moreover, the arithmetic average overestimates the risk premium when returns are mean reverting and noisy, see [1488] . [1489] argues that the historical average of returns with a long time series both overestimates stock returns and underestimates fixed income return with respect to recent observations. In recent years the equity premium has declined. To take into account these effects, model-based estimates of the risk premium have been proposed. These methods still find a positive risk premium, but smaller than the figure computed as the average historical return, e.g. see [225] . A decline of the equity premium in recent years is established in [645, 966] by using a dividend-earnings growth model (Gordon type model) to estimate

6.6. Empirical Tests: CCAPM, ICAPM and Risk Premium


the equity premium through fundamentals: the equity premium in the last half century is around four, half the value estimated according to the average return. Simply, returns have been higher than expected in the late 20th century (unexpected capital gains) . [333], using price-dividend ratio, predict a conditional equity premium below its sample average. Even considering a model estimate, [454] finds a large unconditional premium. A survival problem similar to that detected in [292] for asset returns can be the origin of the high equity premium for the US economy; survival of the time series introduces an upward bias. In [748] authors show that the US had the highest uninterrupted real rate of appreciation of all countries (5% per a year); for other countries the median real appreciation rate has been 1.5% per a year. For an analysis showing that the above phenomena are pervasive in many financial markets see [317] . [1251] report that the average annual real rate of return on short-term bills was 0.8% and the average annual real rate of return on stocks was 6.98% in the US during the period 1889-1978. They calibrated a representative agent economy with a time separable power utility function E[E~o r5 t cll-~lt)] , 0: > 0, and a two-state Markov chain for consumption growth rates with average growth rate, standard deviation and first order serial correlation matched on the consumption time series. In equilibrium, consumption coincides with dividends. The parameters of the agent's preferences (0: and 15) are calibrated in order to reproduce the average equity premium and the risk free rate observed empirically. Assuming a discount factor smaller than 1, authors verify that it is not possible to reproduce the observed risk premium with 0: ~ 10; the highest compatible premium is 0.35 (equity premium puzzle). The coefficient of relative risk aversion must be larger than 20 to match the asset equity premium. The covariance of returns with consumption is driven by the variance of the consumption growth rate which is low, and therefore a large risk aversion is needed to reproduce the average equity return. It is the smoothness of the consumption rate of growth rather than the low correlation between stock returns and consumption that generates the puzzle. These results agree only in part with those in [835], where it is shown that the consumption growth rate in the postwar years had a small variance while the risk free rate was low, equity returns and risk free rate variations through time were large. These results can be explained only by assuming a low elasticity of intertemporal substitution (0.1), a value confirmed through experimental results in [141] (0.18), which is higher than the reciprocal of the risk aversion coefficient needed to match the historical equity premium. These observations suggest adopting a utility function with different parameters for risk aversion and elasticity of intertemporal substitution. The main drawback of a high coefficient of relative risk aversion as needed to reproduce the equity premium observed historically is a very high risk free, larger than the observed 1% (risk free rate puzzle). The risk free rate puzzle can be synthesized as follows: given a high risk aversion (low elasticity of intertemporal substitution) the


Multiperiod Market Models

agent prefers a flat consumption path, but this contrasts with the historical upward drift in consumption. This phenomenon can be explained with a negative time preference (8 > 1) or with a very high risk free rate, but this is not observed historically. A low risk free rate and a low elasticity of intertemporal substitution can be explained only with a consumption growth rate much lower than the 2% observed historically, see [499, 1061, 1583). Risk averse agents are willing to substitute intertemporally; given a low riskless interest rate they would like to redu ce the average consumption growth rate. Note that risk aversion and elasticity of intertemporal substitution are inversely related assuming a time separable power utility function, while a high risk aversion coefficient is not plausible, there are no theoretical arguments against a low elasticity of intertemporal substitution. The connection between the coefficient of risk aversion and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution induced by an additive expected utility and in particular by a power utility function is a strong limit of this specification. The only way to explain the low risk free rate is to assume a low or a negative rate of time preference. To overcome this problem, it can be useful to employ a utility functional representing the coefficient of risk aversion and the elasticity of intertemporal substitution through different parameters, see Chapter 8. The risk aversion estimates obtained above have been confirmed by many other calibration experiments, e.g. see [359, 1058) (a = 13,7), (1583) (a ~ 20), [1020) (a = 29) and (1019) . Seasonality adjustment of consumption is not the origin of the puzzle. Seasonally unadjusted consumption data still require high risk aversion to solve the puzzle, see (658) . These results agree with the test proposed in (841), where a high risk aversion is needed to satisfy the volatility bound on the intertemporal rate of substitution. The high equity premium can be explained only by assuming enough volatility of the stochastic discount factor. Note that (233) have estimated through a panel data analysis a low risk aversion coefficient (around 3); experimental analysis in (141) has shown higher values but not enough to match the historical risk premium. However, these estimates have been questioned by [1598, 1058, 1019, 1020) suggesting that a higher risk aversion coefficient may be plausible. One of the key hypothesis of the analysis in (1251) is that consumption coincides with dividends. In (356) , this assumption has been relaxed. A bivariate lognormal process with a two-state Markov drift is estimated for consumption and dividend growth. Note that this specification of the model allows for labour income in the agent's wealth and leverage. The risk premium and the risk free rate observed empirically can be reproduced through plausible parameters, but the model is not able to match first and second moments of returns together. Treating equity as a levered claim on aggregate consumption and calibrating the degree of leverage to match the volatility of stock returns, [165, 1019, 1020) match first and second moments of the risk free rate and of equity returns. (244) estimate a heteroskedastic joint bivariate

6.7. Notes, References and Exercises


Markov process for consumption and dividends to reproduce first and second moments of returns, negative serial correlation of excess returns and the predictive power of the dividend price ratio. The main failure comes from excess returns; the premium is still low with no evidence of negative serial correlation and no forecasting power for the dividend-price ratio. The equity premium puzzle has been addressed by introducing a small probability of a future crash. In [1392], introducing an event crash where output falls by 50% of its value with a probability of 0,4%, the US risk premium can be matched with a risk aversion coefficient equal to 5. The intertemporal rate of substitution is consistent with the bound determined in (841), however volatility of excess returns is much less than observed in the data, see (1432) . In (1097) , the effects of stochastic inflation on the equity premium are investigated. Assuming a cash in advance constraint, inflation risk increases the equity premium, explaining part of the puzzle. An intertemporal general equilibrium asset pricing model with time separable utility is not able to reproduce the sign, the magnitude and the variability of the risk premia observed in forward rates over spot rates, see (89). In particular, the classical model does not explain the existence of a positive relation between maturity and risk premium unless a very high risk aversion coefficient is considered, i.e, 8 or 10 (term premium puzzle) .


Notes, References and Exercises

There are some intrinsic limits to the no arbitrage analysis, see (1478). The classical analysis is based on the assumption that the agents' horizon is equal to that of the economy. If the agent 's horizon is shorter than that of the economy, then a buy and hold strategy may not work and an agent may decide not to exploit an arbitrage opportunity. In this case, the agent may not fully appreciate the dividend stream delivered by the asset in the future; he will consider also the price of the asset in the future. In this setting, an arbitrage opportunity may persist in the market. (551) show that a limited horizon may induce an agent with private information not to trade on an arbitrage opportunity. The informed trader trades if there is a chain of informed agents trading in the future spanning the event date, i.e, at the end of his horizon there is an informed trader who makes the price move in the direction of the information. This effect induces the agent not to trade until the event date is close. No arbitrage arguments do not work well when systemic risk should be hedged, e.g. market index. A partial equilibrium production-based asset pricing model has been proposed in [423,425,1161). Instead of explaining asset returns through marginal rates of substitution, asset returns are explained through marginal rates of transformation and therefore through the firm's investment demand and investment returns. The model allows to link asset returns to economic fluctu-


Multiperiod Market Models

ations. The model performs well in explaining variations in expected returns cross-sectionally and over time . The factors are returns on physical investment . The model is not rejected empirically. Its performance is similar to that of the CAPM and to that of the APT in the version implemented by [392) and better than the performance of the CCAPM . The existence of a bubble solution in continuous time asset pricing models has been addressed in [1182). For positive net supply assets, there are no bubbles under weak conditions. Bubbles may exist for zero net supply assets . For a characterization of intrinsic type bubbles (fundamental dependent bubbles) in continuous time see [951) . In our analysis we have not investigated puzzles arising when testing international asset pricing models. In this perspective a home bias puzzle has been dete cted both in equities and consumption: the proportion of foreign assets held by investors is too small and investors do not share risk with foreigners (consumption growth in a country depends on the output growth rate of the country), see [1160) . There are puzzles in agents' portfolio choices. Agents mainly hold domestic assets (home bias), see [694) . A lack of diversification is observed . [932) finds a geographical bias, i.e. shareholders of a regional bell operating company live in the area which it serves. [466, 467) show that mutual funds and stockholders invest locally. Agents invest a lot in their employer's stock, see [162). This behaviour is not based on inside information. A general equilibrium model with agents who care for their consumption relative to the per capita consumption in their community explains the above portfolio bias: agents bias their portfolios towards the (undiversified) portfolios of other members of the community, see [518) . [1291) show that private equity is extremely concentrated with low return (lower than publicly traded equity), nevertheless agents invest substantial amount of money in a single privately held firm. Exercises 1. a) Let us consider the binomial model described in Section 6.2. Show that

the properties established in Exercise 8 of Chapter 4 are confirmed. b) Prove the pricing formula (6.38). 2. Given the binomial model described in Section 6.2 and a contingent claim with payoff F(S2(T)), define a recursive formulation for its no arbitrage price and for the replicating portfolio . 3. Let us consider a three-period model t = 0,1 ,2 with four states of nature {WI , W2 , W3 , W4} and the following information structure

6.7. Notes , References and Exercises


F2 = {{wIl, {W2}, {W3}, {W4}}' Two assets are traded in the market, dividends in t = 2 are

4. 5.

6. 7.


9. 10. 11.


the prices of the two assets are (3,2) in F 11 , (2,3) in F 12 , and (1.1,0.9) in Fo. a) Does there exist an arbitrage opportunity? b) Are markets dynamically complete ? c) Find the risk neutral probability measure. d) Determine the no arbitrage price of the call option written on the first asset with strike price 3 in t = 2. Prove Proposition 6.1. Show that in a complete market with no arbitrage opportunities, the dynamic optimal portfolio-consumption problem can be rewritten as a static maximization problem under the constraint that the discounted expectation with respect to the risk neutral measure of the consumption process is less than or equal to the discounted expectation of the endowment process. Prove (6.57) and (6.58). Show that if the agent has a utility function of the type ""T 8t_1_c(t)I-Q 0: ..J. 1 then wt=O l-Q ;a) the value function is of the type J(Ft , t) = b(Ft , t)(W(t»I-Qj b) consumption is proportional to W (h(Ft, t)W(t». c) How does the policy change assuming a constant investment opportunity set? Show that if the agent has a utility function of the type 2:;=08iIn(c(t» then a) the value function is of the type J(Ft, t) = b(t)ln(W(t» + l/t(Ft); b) consumption is a deterministic fraction of wealth (h(t)W(t» . Derive expression (6.65). Derive expression (6.77). Assuming a standard deviation of the logarithmic consumption growth rate equal to 1% per a year and an average logarithmic consumption growth rate equal to 2%, play with (6.58) varying 8 and 0: to illustrate the risk free rate puzzle. Consider a one-consumer economy; the agent expected utility is E[2:~o 8t c(:~: Q], the endowment of the economy e(t) is such that the growth rate g(t) satisfies a two-state Markov process with values h, l (h > l) and transition probabilities 1r1l 1r1h] [ 1rhl 1rhh


Multiperiod Market Models

where 7r1l = prob(g(t + 1) = llg(t) = l). Compute a) the risk free rate in the two states; b) the market price (the price of the asset delivering the endowment as dividend) ; c) the expected return of the above asset (market risk premium) ; d) compute the risk free rate, and the market risk premium assuming 8 = 0.99, ttu = 7rhh = l = 1, h = 1.02, varying the coefficient of risk aversion between 3 and 10, see [428]. Consider a one-consumer economy, the agent expected utility is E[l:i=o 8Qn(c(t))] and the aggregate endowment is e(t) . Compute the market price (the price of the asset delivering the endowment as dividend) and its one-period return. Assume that consumption growth rate is lognormally distributed and that the representative agent's preferen ces are represented by the expected utility E[l:~o 8t c(:~:Q]. a) Compute the bound (6.82). b) Show that the upper-bound is approximated by o:a(8In(e(t))) . c) Illustrate the equity premium puzzle. Suppose that log dividends are generated according to the process d(t + 1) = /-L + d(t) + E(t + 1), /-L > and E(t) is a sequence of independent and identically distributed normal random variables with zero mean and variance a 2 . Show that there is an intrinsic bubble of the form B(t) = cD(tV" where c is a constant and .x is the solution of the quadratic equation .x2 a 2/2 +.x/-L -In(r!) = 0, see [698]. Suppose that log dividends are generated according to the process d(t + 1) = d(t) +E(t + 1) where E(t) is a sequence of independent and identically distributed normal random variables with zero mean and variance a 2 , and that the representative agent 's preferences are represented by the expected utility E[l:~o 8t c(:~:Q] . Compute the fundamental asset price. [Hint: use the properties of a lognormal distribution to show that the asset price is proportional to the dividend.]








Information and Financial Markets

We must look at the price system as a ... mechanism for communicating information if we want to understand its real function . Hayek (1945) Noise trading is essential to the existence of liquid markets .... Noise makes financial markets possible , but also makes them imperfect .... Noise creates the opportunity to trade profitably, but at the same time makes it difficult to trade profitably. Black (1986)

Chapters 1-6 have been devoted to the analysis of models with agents characterized by homogeneous beliefs. The probability space and the random variables describing prices, dividends and asset returns are common knowledge among the agents of the economy. Agents are price takers and rational, but do not recognize any informational content to asset prices as regards the uncertainty around them. This assumption is certainly plausible when agents have homogeneous beliefs, but it becomes a strong limit in an economy with private and asymmetric information. In this chapter we differentiate agents' information. They do not refer to the same random variables to describe returns, dividends and prices. Agents are endowed with private information. Agents are rational and therefore they are able to identify the informational content of prices . The topic of this chapter is centred around the following question: In a perfectly competitive market, when agents have private-asymmetric information , can the price of an asset transmit and aggregate private information? The mechanism we wish to analyse can be described as follows in a two period economy (t = 0,1). When agents take their investment-consumption decisions in t = 0, they have to evaluate the probability distribution of their income in t = 1 and therefore the probability distribution of the random variables describing asset prices and dividends. Information is heterogeneous because agents have observed private signals and have different evaluations concerning the probability distributions of the random variables associated with investment opportunities. An agent maximizes his expected utility in


Information and Financial Markets

t = 0 and therefore his choices and in particular his asset demand will depend on the probability distribution of these random variables . This fact implies that an agent trading in the market will somehow show his beliefs. Investment decisions and therefore the resulting market prices transmit private information . We seek to understand to what extent prices in a perfectly competitive market transmit, make public and aggregate private information. If this is the case, then we have an aggregation phenomenon which tends to render agents' beliefs homogeneous . By observing asset prices, agents can learn information from other agents and as a consequence they update their beliefs. Does this process of price observation-beliefs revision lead to homogeneous beliefs among the agents ? The relevance of these phenomena of transmission-aggregation of private information depends on the organization of the markets. In this chapter we concentrate on a perfectly competitive market; in Chapter 9 we will extend our analysis to other market forms. When the answer to the above question is positive , we will say that markets are efficient from the informational point of view. It is useless to observe that a positive answer would be an important point in favour of supporters of the free market: not only does the market allocate resources in an efficient way, it also transmits private information thereby destroying competitive advantages associated with private information. Obviously, it is sufficient to look at the insider trading legislation adopted in developed countries and at the amount of money spent in resear ch by investors to understand that the message from the efficient markets theory is unsatisfactory. Our goal is to analyse the transmission-aggregation function of prices and to evaluate under which conditions markets are efficient-inefficient from the informational point of view. The recognition of the transmission-aggregation of information by prices implies that the Arrow-Debreu equilibrium concept is no longer adequate to describe a quiet condition in the market. The concept employed in our analysis will be the one of Green-Lucas equilibrium. The limits of the Arrow-Debreu equilibrium in a model with private information can be shown by the following example, see [923] . Let us consider a two-period economy (t = 0,1). Only one good (wheat) is exchanged in t = 0 and consumed in t = 1. States of the world in t = 1 are : WI, W2, W3, W4, ws. In t = 0 we have five markets for Arrow securities, each paying wheat in one of the five elementary events (complete markets). Agents are characterized by different beliefs in t = O. In particular, there are two agents (a and b), both have ex ante the same opinions with a positive probability for every state of the world, in t = 0 they observe the same signal with value L or H. If the signal is L , then agent a perceives that the state of the world in t = 1 belongs to the set {WI, W2, W3}, whereas agent b perceives that the state of the world in t = 1 belongs to the set {WI, W2}. Instead, if the signal is H, both agents perceive that the state of the world belongs to the complementary


set . Therefore the beliefs of agent a, once he has observed his private signal, will be described by the partition {{WI ,W2,W3} , {W4,WS}}, whereas those of agent b will be described by the partition {{WI, W2}, {W3, W4, ws}}. The two partitions are common knowledge among the agents of the economy. We say that agents ' beliefs in t = 0 are heterogeneous. After observing the private signal and updating their beliefs through the Bayes rule, agents are characterized by heterogeneous beliefs. In particular, their beliefs differ about the state of the world W3. If the signal L occurs, then agent a assigns a positive probability to W3 , whereas agent b assigns a null probability to it . The reverse occurs if the signal is H . Let agents be risk averse with a strictly increasing utility function. It is easy to show that in t = 0 there is no equilibrium by adopting the definition presented in Chapter 4. Indeed, let the state of the world be Wi or W2 ; the signal in t = 0 will be L. States of the world WI and W2 can occur for both agents, whereas state of the world W3 can occur only for agent a, it cannot occur for agent b. This difference of beliefs implies that there exists no equilibrium price for the Arrow security paying wheat in W3' For example, let its price be positive; then agent b sells short +00 of the asset because he knows that he does not have to deliver the promised wheat . The gain from this trade can be used to buy wheat for consumption in t = 0 or Arrow securities paying in W i or W2. Agent a could be interested in buying a positive amount of the asset paying in W3, but certainly his demand will not balance that of agent b. The market for this security cannot be in equilibrium. A similar argument can be presented for a null price to conclude that an Arrow-Debreu equilibrium cannot exist in this market. Following the classical definition of equilibrium, agents consider prices as a datum. By the example discussed above, we realize that this equilibrium concept, employed to analyse market models with homogeneous beliefs, is inadequate for a model with asymmetric information. As a matter of fact, if agent a knows the partition of agent b, it is difficult to believe that a supply equal to +00 from agent b for any positive price of the Arrow security paying in W3 will not lead agent a to change his belief about this event . In the following, we will introduce the Green-Lucas equilibrium concept, which is a rational expectations equilibrium. In a Green-Lucas equilibrium, all agents determine their behaviour by fully exploiting the information contained in prices. A Green-Lucas equilibrium of the economy with q3 = 0 can be built. Let q3 = 0; agent b will find this price coherent with his information. Agent a, knowing the partition of agent b, learns from this price that agent b knows for sure that W3 cannot occur and therefore he concludes through the Bayes rule that the event has a null probability. In what follows, we distinguish between opinions (probability distribution not conditioned to the observation of private signals informative about the economic environment) and beliefs (probability distribution conditioned to the observation of private signals informative about the economic envi-


Information and Financial Markets

ronment). Typically, information about the economic environment concerns asset payoffs. The difference is subtle but relevant in our analysis. An agent does not care about the fact that another agent has a different probability distribution not motivated by private information; on the other hand, he will be interested in it if the difference is due to private information. Difference of opinions can be handled inside the paradigm described in the previous chapters provided that agents agree on the set of events with null probability. [1377, p.941] points out that "an agent who has a good understanding of the market is in a position to use market prices to make inferences about the (non-price) information received by other agents .... These inferences are derived, explicitly or implicitly, from an individual's 'model' of the relationship between the non-price information received by market participants and the market prices .. . An equilibrium of this system, in which the individual models are identical with the true model, is called a rational expectations equilibrium .. . The concept of equilibrium is more subtle, of course, than the ordinary concept of the equilibrium of supply and demand. In a rational expectation equilibrium, not only are prices determined so as to equate supply and demand, but individual economic agents correctly perceive the true relationship between the non-price information received by the market participants and the resulting equilibrium market prices . This contrasts with the ordinary concept of equilibrium in which the agents respond to prices but do not attempt to infer other agents ' non-price information from actual market prices ." Efficient markets theory goes back to the beginning of the financial markets literature with interesting implications from an empirical point of view. A microeconomic analysis of the topic is more recent, going back to the contribution of the rational expectations theory, see [801] . From an empirical point of view, the analysis of the efficiency of a market is reduced to the following question: given an equilibrium market model, do prices reflect information in the market? An answer to this question requires a joint test of the validity of an equilibrium model and of the fact that prices reflect a set of information. The role of information in financial markets is strictly related to the fundamental no arbitrage equation presented in Section 6.4 and discussed from an empirical point of view in Section 6.5. From this equation, and in particular from the associated fundamental solution, the no arbitrage price of an asset is determined through two key elements: the information contained in F t and the dividend process . It is not possible to predict excess returns at time s on the basis of information represented by F t (t < s): expected returns can only be equal to r f. Remember that the above results hold only with risk neutral traders, otherwise the no arbitrage equation holds with respect to a risk neutral measure. If an information set does not allow successful forecasts of future asset returns different from r f, then their prices reflect information contained in


that set and they are said to be efficient with respect to that information set. If this is the case, then it is not possible to build a trading strategy to earn returns higher than the market or than the buy&hold strategy. In a market with risk averse agents or time varying investment opportunities, a market is efficient if it is not possible to build a trading strategy earning risk adjusted returns higher than the market. Following a classification widely accepted in the literature, we identify three different forms of efficiency, see (628): - Efficiency in weak form: the information set includes prices and returns time series. - Efficiency in semi-strong form: the information set includes all public information. - Efficiency in strong form: the information set includes all public and private information.

Three different filtrations are associated with the above information sets, the last one being a refinement of the second and the latter again a refinement of the first. Through properties of the conditional expectation it is easy to show that strong efficiency implies semi-strong efficiency, which implies weak efficiency. A standard way to test the efficiency of a market consists in using information contained in one of the three information sets determined above to build a trading strategy earning returns higher than the market. If such a strategy exists, then that information is not reflected by asset prices: indeed that strategy is able to predict future returns. In the last chapter, analysing the empirical literature on the implications of the fundamental no arbitrage equation, we have discussed weak and semistrong efficiency. The literature has shown that asset returns are predictable. This result is not necessarily due to market inefficiency or to the presence of non rational agents; as a matter of fact returns can be predictable because investment opportunities are time varying and/or agents are risk averse. The literature testing strong efficiency has mainly given negative results: markets are not efficient in strong form , trading strategies justified by private information generate returns higher than the market return. A classical test concerns trades by managers on assets of their own firm (insider traders). In [961, 1458, 1459, 982) it is shown that managers trading assets of their firm gain excess returns, see also Chapter 11. In some studies it is shown that agents trading on the basis of observation of insider trades earn excess returns. In [634], semi-strong efficiency has been tested with positive results referring to the split of a firm into two or more firms; similar results are obtained for merging firms.


Information and Financial Markets


The Role of Information in Financial Markets

The role of information in financial markets can be analysed through the story of the farmer presented in Chapter 4 by introducing an intermediate period between the sowing and the harvesting day. In the intermediate time, farmers observe private signals that differentiate their opinions. To this end , we anticipate the sowing day to t = - 1. The crop is harvested and consumed in t = 1. In the analysis below we follow [1099]. Farmers sow wheat in t = -1. At that time farmers have homogeneous opinions about the state of the world in t = 1. Their opinions are described by the probability space (fl, e, 11"). In t = 0, agent i (i = 1, . . . , I) observes a private signal represented by the realization of the real random variable iii (i = 1, .. . , I) ; iii is a random variable that contains information about the state of the world in t = 1 and in particular about the harvest. The probability distribution of iii is known in t = -1 by agent i. Moreover, we assume that in t = -1 the probability distribution of y = (ih, Y2, ... ,YI) is common knowledge among the agents of the economy. We distinguish three different dates: - t - t - t

= -1: ex ante, nature selects the state of the world; = 0: interim, agents observe private signals ;

= 1: ex post, the state of the world is revealed.

Considering the case of a finite number of elementary events in t = 1 (ws , s 1, .. . , S) , the probability distribution for all the agents in t -1 of the elementary events is described by the probability vector [11"1,11"2, . •. ,1I"S]. We will refer to this distribution as 11". This distribution is common knowledge among the agents of the economy. When the vector of signals yl E rR 1 comes true in t = and agent i observes y~ E rR he will revise his opinions about the states of the world in t = 1. The most efficient method to revise opinions is given by the Bayes rule. Once agent i has observed his probability distribution of the elementary events in t = 1 becomes







where v~(yD = 1I"(W s llii = (s = 1, . . . , S), or simply v~(yl), represents the probability of the event W s for agent i conditional on the observation y~ . Differentiation of beliefs among the agents is due to the fact that agent i only observes y~ . Agent i (i = 1, . . . , I) is represented by a pair (e', u i ) , where u i : rR+ ~ R is a utility function strictly increasing and strictly concave that satisfies the Inada conditions; e i E rR~+ represents the initial endowment of agent i in the S states of the world in t = 1. A consumption plan of agent i is described by a non negative vector of dimension S (x~ , s = 1, . . . , S) . Agent's preferences are represented by the expected utility function . In this section, to simplify

7.1. The Role of Information in Financial Markets


the notation, we assume that the random variable y = (Yl, Y2, ... , iiI) can assume a finite number (J) of values in ~I . A third definition of Pareto optimal allocation is added to the two (ex ante and ex post) presented in Chapter 4. Definition 7.1. A feasible allocation xi E ~~ (i = 1, Pareto optimal if there is no feasible allocation xi' (i = 1,





,1) is interim , 1) such that

L v~(yi)ui(X~) ;::: L v~(yi)Ui(x~) , i = 1, .. . ,1, j = 1, . .. , J, with at least a strict inequality.

No Trade Theorem The following no trade result due to [1270] holds. Proposition 7.1. Given an economy (ei,u i), i = 1, .. . ,1, if(e 1,e2 , .•• ,e I ) is an ex ante Pareto optimal allocation and therefore an equilibrium allocation in an economy with 8 markets open in t = -1 for 8 Arrow securities, then that allocation cannot be Pareto improved through trades contingent on the state of the world W s and to the signal vector y. Moreover (e!, e2 , ••• , e I ) is interim Pareto optimal and of equilibrium if the 8 markets are open again in t = O. Proof. The proof of the proposition is by contradiction. Let us assume that there exists a vector of feasible contingent trades zi(s,yi) E ~ (i = 1, .. . ,1, j = 1, .. . ,J, s = 1, ... ,8) such that S



L L>'(s ,yi)ui(e~ + zi(s, yi)) ;::: L 1rsui(e~), s=1 i=1



= 1, . .. , 1,



L zi(s, yi) ::; 0, s = 1, . . . ,5, j = 1, . . . , J, i=1

where 1r(s, yi) is the joint probability of W s and of the realization yi of the vector of signal Y, with a strict inequality for at least one agent. zi(s,yi) denotes the trade by agent i contingent on W s and yi. Let us consider the feasible vector of trades J




1r(yi l s)zi(s, yi), s

= 1, .. . ,8,


= 1, . . . , 1.

By the strict concavity of utility functions (Jensen inequality),


Information and Financial Markets S


L 1I"8ui(e~


+ Zi(S)) ~ L L 1I"(s, yj)ui(e~ + Zi(S, yj))





~ L 1I"8ui(e~), 8=1

i = 1, .. . , I, yielding a contradiction with the hypothesis that (e", e 2 , • • • , e I ) is an ex ante Pareto optimal allocation. If (e! , e2 , •• • , eI ) is not interim Pareto optimal, then there exists a set of trade vectors zi(s ,YI) E ~ (i = 1, . . . . L, j = 1, 00 .,J, s = 1' 00.,3) , such that


L v~(yl)ui(e~

+ zi(S, yl))



~ L v~ (yl)ui(e~), i = 1' 00 . , I , j = 1, . .. , J, 8= 1



Lzi(s,YI):s 0, s = 1, . . . ,3, j = 1, . . . ,J, i=1 with a strict inequality in (7.3) for at least one observation and one agent. By (7.3), S




L 1I"(YI) L v~(yl)ui(e~+zi(s, yl)) ~ L 1I"(YI) L v~(yl)ui(e~) j=1 8=1 j=1 8=1





i = 1, .. . ,1, where 1I"(YI) is the probability that the agent observes v{. Let us consider the trade vector zi(s) = L:;=111"(vlls)z i(s,vl) (i = 1, ... ,1, s = 1, . . . , 3); by the strict concavity of the utility function we get S

L 1I"8ui(e~ 8=1







+ zi(s)) ~ L 1I"(vl) L v~(vl)ui(e~ + zi(S ,vt)) ~ L 1I"8ui(e~),

(7.4) i = 1, . . . , I. (7.4) contradicts the ex ante Pareto optimality of the allocation (e", e 2 , • . • , eI ) . By the Second Welfare Theorem, this result implies that an ex ante Pareto optimal allocation is also an equilibrium in t = O. Q.E.D. Ex ante Pareto optimality implies interim Pareto optimality. Note that the result holds independent of the market completeness assumption. The intuition of the no trade result relies upon the rational expectations hypothesis, the common prior and the common knowledge of the economy and of trades assumptions. Trades are fully observed and their feasibility detected by the agents; this fact as well as ex ante Pareto optimality of the initial endowment are common knowledge. These assumptions allow agents to go through the above proof. If, before information among agents becomes heterogeneous, an ex ante Pareto optimal allocation is reached with agents characterized by the same opinions, then as information becomes heterogeneous the only reason for a

7.1. The Role of Information in Financial Markets


trade is given by the revision of their beliefs. In a complete market setting, at least one agent will suffer a loss from trading. No trade allows an interim Pareto improvement, therefore agents suffering an expected utility loss will not participate in the trade. This argument leads to the no trade result. This result establishes that if markets are complete in t = -1 and an equilibrium is reached at that time with agents characterized by the same opinions (ex ante Pareto optimal allocation) , then a differentiation of information in t = fully described and common knowledge in t = -1 does not lead agents to trade again at that time. Therefore, allowing agents to trade in a complet e market before information becomes heterogeneous (t = -1), the equilibrium allocation reached in t = -1 represents an ex ante, interim and ex post Pareto optimal allocation, and no trade occurs in t = and t = 1. A similar result has been obtained for an economy with a unique asset in [1078, 1541]: if the initial endowment of each agent is not correlated, relative to his information, with the asset return , then no trade will occur; on this result see also [1427]. If agents are risk neutral, then they can trade, but the expected gain is null. In [1541], the author claims that the no trade theorem cannot be extended to an economy with heterogeneous opinions (priors) in t = -1. While heterogeneous beliefs arising from different information are informative for the agents, difference of opinions is uninformative and therefore trade may occur in equilibrium. The conjecture has been verified in [1554, 1460, 207]. If agents have different prior beliefs (different priors about the asset's intrinsic value or about the relationship between the signal and the value of the asset) , then the no trade result breaks down and agents want to trade. In [918, 387] it is shown that difference of opinions among agents joined by short sale constraints can generate a crash of the market in case of bad news (strong price drop). The reason is that short sale constraints prevent pessimistic agents' beliefs being reflected by asset prices. When bad news arrives, a cascade effect can occur , i.e. pessimistic agents enter the market causing a downward revision of the market and a crash. Negative beliefs come out during market declines. High trading volume (due to difference of opinions) forecasts strong negative skewness. The main conclusions of the model are confirmed empirically in [387, 388]. [1443] confirms the above results, showing that dispersion in agents' opinions is associated with low future returns. Volume and volatility are positively related to dispersion of expectations-beliefs, volume and price changes are correlated, see [1460, 207, 918]. [2] show that heterogeneity in opinions helps to solve the equity premium puzzle; both the risk free rate and the equity premium increase in agents ' heterogeneity. In [1287] it is shown that even with different opinions in t = -1 the no trade result holds under some conditions. Differences in prior beliefs of observing one's own signal will not lead to trade; allowing agents to make trades contingent on some event before the arrival of information, then differences in prior beliefs about that event will not lead to trade; differences in beliefs




Information and Financial Markets

where agents undervalue their own signal will not lead to trade; differences in beliefs about events which are not publicly revealed will not lead to trade. In [850, 1017] it is shown that the no trade theorem does not hold when agents are characterized by common priors and receive public information but differ in the way they interpret this information (again there is no private information but only difference of opinions). Lastly, in [552] it is shown that the no trade result does not hold when agents cannot buy the market portfolio.

Green-Lucas Equilibrium Because of the no trade theorem result, we concentrate our attention on an economy with markets only open in t = 0, once agents have observed their private signals and therefore they are characterized by asymmetricheterogeneous information. We consider an economy such that N markets are open in t = 0 for N assets. The dividend of asset n is described by the random variable dn with a finite number of realizations (8). The problem of agent i becomes ;max; %1 ' o." z N





L v~(yDui(e; + L z~dns),

z~ E~, n

= 1, . .. , N,


where the vector of trades zi = ( z~, . .. , zfv) satisfies the classical budget constraint and y~ represents the i-th component of the realization yl of y. Denote by q E ~N equilibrium prices of the assets and by zi(q, vi(yD) the solution to problem (7.5). Let us assume that all the relevant elements of the economy are common knowledge among the agents (initial allocation, utility functions of the agents, ex ante probabilistic distribution of the endowment in t = 1 and of private signals, etc .). Different from the analysis developed in Chapter 4, the prices of the N assets in t = 0 do not have a deterministic nature for the agents. Agents' beliefs are heterogeneous and each agent does not know private signals observed by the others. This fact implies that asset prices in an Arrow-Debreu equilibrium are functions of private signals y: q = ¢(y). The acknowledgement that prices in equilibrium are functions of private signals and therefore are stochastics is within everybody's means. In fact, agents are characterized by rational expectations and they know all the relevant elements of the economy, excluding private signals. This allows them to reconstruct the equilibrium price functional ¢ : A ~ ~N, a functional that associates the vector of private signals belonging to the set A {yi, j 1, . .. , J } to equilibrium prices. Knowledge of the price functional ¢ allows each agent to recognize that prices contain inform ation about private signals observed by the others. Prices transmit information. Observing q, agents will identify the set of vectors of private signals compatible with q according to ¢( .): y E ¢-l (q). The vector will be uniquely determined if ¢ is invertible, otherwise agents will determine a set of vectors compatible with q. Exploiting



7.1. The Role of Information in Financial Markets


the information contained in one of these vectors of signals (¢ -1 ( q)), agent i will update his beliefs according to the Bayes rule and he will identify a new probability distribution:

[VI (yL ¢-1 (q)) , v2(yL ¢-t (q)), ... , vs(yL ¢-1 (q))].


The probability distribution (7.6) will be in general different from (7.1). This implies that the optimum problem (7.5) with this new probability measure will in general have a solution different from the one previously obtained and therefore prices q and the functional ¢ will not be of equilibrium. From these arguments we have that q is not a vector of equilibrium prices under the assumption of rational expectations because it induces agents to revise their beliefs and therefore to change their behaviour. Let vs(yL q, ¢), 8 = I, . . . , S, be the probability measure of agent i observasset prices q and exploiting all the information contained ing the signal in the functional ¢(.) relating information to prices. Following [1190,781], we introduce the notion of Green-Lucas equilibrium.


Definition 7.2. A Green-Lucas equilibrium is made ul of a price functional ¢* : ~I --t R N such that q* = ¢* (y), Ei=1 Zl (q*, ¢*, yD = 0, EJ=1 x~(q*, ¢*, yD = EJ=1 e~ (s = 1, . . . , S , l = 1, ... , L) , where z i(q*, ¢*, yD is the solution of problem (7.5) for agent i with a probability distribution vs(yL q*, ¢*) (8 = 1, . . . , S , 1 = 1, ... , L) and x~(q*, ¢*, yD = N dnsZni ( q* , 'I' A.* , Yi ') . eis + "0 L.m=1 A Green-Lucas equilibrium is the natural extension of the Radner equilibrium to an economy with heterogeneous beliefs. The above definition says that Green-Lucas equilibrium prices transmit private information. We have to evaluate the extension of this phenomenon and in particular the capacity of prices to aggregate private information, thereby making agents' beliefs homogeneous and thus perfectly revealing private information (fully revealing equilibrium) . To find a rational expectations equilibrium in closed form, we can proceed as follows: - define agents' prior beliefs and eventually other non observable components (noise) affecting prices and specify a conjectured price functional ¢; - assuming that agents take ¢ as given, derive each agent 's posterior beliefs about the unknown variables conditional on price observation under the rational expectations hypothesis and his demand; - impose the market clearing condition to derive the actual price functional; - impose the rational expectations hypothesis, i.e, the conjectured price functional coincides with the actual price functional. Under some conditions a closed form rational expectations equilibrium exists. Classical conditions to find a closed form rational expectations equilibrium are the multivariate normality assumption for the random variables and exponential utility function .


Information and Financial Markets


On the Possibility of Efficient Markets

To analyse the information aggregation of Green-Lucas equilibrium prices in an economy with asymmetric-private information, it is worthwhile to introduce the associated artificial economy. The associated artificial economy is the economy where each agent observes all private signals. A competitive equilibrium for an artificial economy is obtained by assuming that each agent solves the optimum problem (7.5) by knowing the signals observed by all agents; therefore the probability distribution of the elementary events will be v(y) = [V1(y) ,V2(Y), " "vs(Y)] for all agents. Equilibrium prices of the artificial economy are functions of private signals observed by all agents and therefore they are described by a functional ¢Ja (.) : ~I -+ ~N . In what follows, we assume ~I to be the space of signal vectors. Sufficient conditions for Green-Lucas equilibrium asset prices to fully reveal agents ' private information have been proposed in a series of papers by Grossman, see [797, 798, 799]. In [799] the economy with private information discussed in the above section has been analysed, assuming that in t = 0 there exist 5 markets for 5 Arrow securities (complete markets). Agents are characterized by strictly increasing-strictly concave utility functions . Given the prices q of the assets, denote z i(q, v(y)) the demand by agent i obtained by solving problem (7.5) in the artificial economy. The following proposition establishes a sufficient condition for ¢Ja to be invert ible. Lemma 7.1. Let vs(y) > 0 (8 = 1, .. . , 5 ) Vy E ~I. Given two signal vectors ya and yb such that v(ya) i' v(yb), if there is an agent h such that z h(q, v(ya)) i' zh(q,v(yb)) then ¢a(ya) i' ¢a(yb) . Proof. The proof is by contradiction. Let ¢a(ya) = ¢a(yb) = q; these two signal vectors generate the same budget constraint; as a consequence we have





Lvs(ya)ui(e~+z~(q,v(ya))) ~ Lvs(ya)ui(e~+z~(q ,v(yb))) , i

= 1, .. . ,1,

with a strict inequality for agent h. Let z~s = z~(q , v(ya)) and z~s z~(q, v(yb)). By the strict concavity of the utility function we have


L vs(ya)(z~s - zts)u i' (e~ + zts) ~ 0, i s=1


= 1, . .. , I ,

with a strict inequality for agent h. Conditions for the optimum of problem (7.5) establish that

vs(y)u (e s + Zbs) - >. qs, b








-1, .. . ,5,

. t

= 1, .. . ,1,

7.2. On the Possibility of Efficient Markets


where Ai is the Lagrange multiplier of the optimum problem for agent i. As a consequence,



"L...J Vs(a)( i - zbs i )A'qs Y zas ( b) s=1

Vs Y

~ O,

z' = 1,..., I .

Dividing by Ai and adding with respect to i we obtain

which is in contradiction with the fact that (market equilibrium) . Q.E.D.

"I . w i=1 z~s

= "w Ii=1 zibs =


We can now establish the following result . Proposition 7.2. Let vs(y) > 0 (s = 1, .. . , 3 ) Vy E lR1 . A competitive equilibrium for the artificial economy ¢a is a Green-Lucas equilibrium of the economy with agents characterized by asymmetric information. Proof. If ¢a is invertible, then every agent of the economy observing the price q = ¢a (y) will identify the vector of the signals observed by all agents (y). Since E[·IYi, y] = E['ly] , we have that the demand by agent i formulated according to the observation of Yi and of q coincides with the demand formulated according to the knowledge of y , and therefore ¢a is a Green-Lucas equilibrium. Let ¢a be non invertible. We want to show that

We limit our attention to the region of lR1 where ¢a is not invertible. Consider a vector of prices q such that ¢a is not invertible. First of all we observe that if no pair of signals ya, yb exists such that ¢a(ya) = ¢a(yb) = q with at least one common component (the same observation for an agent) then there exist no problems to show that (7.7) holds. In fact, every agent will identify more than one signal compatible with q but each vector will be compatible only with a specific private signal observation by all agents ; as a consequence the vector of private signals is uniquely identified by all the agents and (7.7) holds. Let us consider now the case when there exists a price vector q, a y and an agent i such that the set Y = {y E ~I: Yi = y, ¢a (y) = q} includes more than one element . V ya, yb E Y such that v(ya) = v(yb) we have zi(q, v(ya)) = zi(q , V(yb)); by Lemma 7.1, V v", yb E Y such that v(ya) :f:. V(yb) we have zi(q,v(ya)) = zi(q,v(yb)). In both cases, zi(q,¢a,yi) is well defined. Therefore agent i, observing q compatible through ¢a with


Information and Financial Markets

more than one vector of private signals, singles out these vectors but he is induced to hold the same behaviour for all the price vectors . Q.E.D. If cPa is not invertible, then we can have more than one vector of signals compatible with equilibrium prices. These vectors can induce different beliefs for each agent but the behaviour associated with these beliefs is the same and therefore cPa represents a Green-Lucas equilibrium. An equilibrium of this type is said to be fully revealing. The result proved above is useful to prove the existence of a Green-Lucas equilibrium for the original economy. To this end, we can refer to the existence results for a competitive equilibrium of the artificial economy. The connection between Green-Lucas equilibria of the economy with private information and competitive equilibria of the artificial economy can be investigated in a more general setting by introducing the notion of sufficient statistic. Let us consider three random variables i, x, iii. i is a sufficient statistic for the conditional probability distribution !(Yi, ilx) if there exist two functions 91(-) and 92(-) such that !Uh, ilx) = 91 (iii, i)g2(i, x). By means of the Bayes rule it can be shown that the conditional probability density h(xllii, i) is independent of iii- This definition can be applied to Green-Lucas equilibrium prices. We say that q" is a sufficient statistic if the probability distribution of dividends (d) conditional on the signal observed by agent i (Yi) and on prices q* does not depend on Yi. If Green-Lucas equilibrium prices are a sufficient statistic, then the information contained in them makes private information superfluous (redundant) . Under some conditions, this feature implies that the equilibrium prices are fully revealing. [798] considers an economy where N + 1 assets are exchanged in t = 0, N risky assets with dividends are described by the random variable d and a risk free asset with return r f. Let (d, ii) be distributed as a multivariate normal random variable. The following results are proved : - There exists a Green-Lucas equilibrium price for the economy with private information which is a sufficient statistic if and only if there exists an equilibrium price for the artificial economy which is a sufficient statistic. - The vector of expected dividends conditional on the observation of ii (E[dliiD is a sufficient statistic. - The equilibrium price of the artificial economy depends on ii only through

E[dlii] .

- Assets satisfy conditions for two mutual funds separation; if the demand of the risky mutual fund is a decreasing function of its price (it is not a Giffen good), then there exists an equilibrium price of the artificial economy which is an invertible function of E[dlii] and it is a sufficient statistic. Therefore there exists a rational expectations equilibrium for the economy with private information which is a sufficient statistic (fully revealing equilibrium) . To satisfy the non Giffen good condition, it is enough that the coefficient of absolute risk aversion of the agents is non increasing. The normality as-

7.2. On the Possibility of Efficient Markets


sumption on dividends and private signals together with the assumption on the coefficient of absolute risk aversion allow us to state that in an economy with or without complete markets there exists a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium. Fully revealing equilibria are a subset of Green-Lucas equilibria. In some market models there exist non fully revealing equilibria. For an economy which, depending on preference parameters, does not admit fully revealing equilibria, admits fully revealing equilibria or non fully revealing equilibria, see [1376] . The existence of a Green-Lucas equilibrium and its fully revealing property have been addressed in [1376] for an economy with a unique good, incomplete markets, real assets , a finite number of elementary events and a finite number of vectors of agents' signals. Under quite general assumptions on the economy, it is shown that generically there exists a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium. The assumption on the finiteness of the states of the world and of the signals observed by the agents has been relaxed in [37], where it is shown that the existence of a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium is a generic result if the dimension of the signal space is less than the number of relative prices (N - 1). The dimension of the signal space can be interpreted as the number of sources of information for each agent. This result applies to a model with an infinite number of states and-or with signals having continuous distribution. In [1002] it is shown that if N - 1 is equal to the dimension of the signal space, then there exists an open set of economies with no equilibrium, and open sets of economies admitting fully revealing equilibria. This result implies that a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium may not exist in an economy with a risky asset, a risk free asset and a private signal with values in ~. If the dimension of the signal space is larger than the number of relative prices, then the existence of a Green-Lucas equilibrium is ensured for a dense set of economies, but the full revelation result is not generic. The Green-Lucas equilibrium is generically partially revealing, and is approximately fully revealing, see [1000]. The equilibrium is fully revealing if there is a risk neutral agent in the market, all agents have identical constant relative risk aversion or all agents have constant absolute risk aversion, see [1001] . Examples of non existence of fully revealing equilibria in an incomplete market have been presented in [1078, 1376, 1002]; in the latter paper a generic non existence result has been obtained. The analysis has been extended in [1360] to more than one good, finite states-signals and numeraire assets showing that all rational expectations equilibria are fully revealing for a generic subset of economies. Classes of economies characterized by (robust) non fully revealing equilibria are identified in [79, 520]. [520, 519] identify a class of economies with private information (quasi-complete economies) always admitting a unique fully informative equilibrium and under some conditions partially revealing equilibria. An economy is quasi-complete if an equivalent martingale measure exists and given private information and infor-


Information and Financial Markets

mation revealed by prices, equilibrium allocations are interim efficient. Under asymmetric information, assuming agents' linear risk tolerance (HARA utility functions with common B) and that endowments are tradable, demand aggregation holds even under partially revealing equilibria and the economy is quasi-complete, see also [1220] . In this case, when agents have quadratic utility functions a conditional CAPM holds. Assuming that nominal assets are traded, it has been shown that non fully revealing rational expectations equilibria exist in an incomplete markets economy with a finite signal and state space, see [1364] . It can be shown that any information structure revealed by prices (from fully revealing to fully non revealing equilibria), that is consistent with the absence of arbitrage opportunities, can be obtained in a rational expectations equilibrium, see [1379, 417]. Observe that the existence of a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium is close to a no trade result: agents do not trade in the market because they have heterogeneous beliefs, they only trade to hedge their position. There is no speculation. In a complete market economy, a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium is associated with an ex post Pareto optimal allocation, see [799] . Interim efficiency (and therefore ex ante) is not guaranteed, see [1098]. Partially revealing equilibria are in general not ex post Pareto optimal, see [1098]. The interim inefficiency of a fully revealing equilibrium can be due to the socalled Hirshleifer effect, see [902]. This effect is associated with non optimal risk sharing. The Hirshleifer effect can be interpreted inside the optimal risk sharing analysis without aggregate risk presented in Section 4.1. Let us assume that agents are not privately informed; the analysis does not change too much if agents have private information. In a complete market economy, agents are willing to trade in order to improve their risk sharing-expected utility, i.e, they can fully eliminate risk from their future endowment. If the true state of the world is revealed before trade, then the agent getting more wheat in that state will not trade. A Green-Lucas equilibrium revealing information on the state of the world may not be interim Pareto efficient. More information can induce no trading in the market and a loss for some agents; it is impossible to trade risks that have already been resolved; in some cases it would be better in terms of interim efficiency to have a partially revealing equilibrium. Similar results are obtained in [1332] for an overlapping generations model: informationally efficient prices with incomplete markets do not lead to constrained Pareto optimal allocations. In the same model, information may be socially harmful. On efficiency of rational expectations equilibria see also [773]. Because of the Hirshleifer effect, in an economy with asymmetric information (informed and uninformed agents), an incomplete financial structure may be optimal, see [1237] . Uninformed agents face an adverse selection problem because of the presence in the market of informed agents. Revelation of in-

7.2. On the Possibility of Efficient Markets


formation in an economy with asymmetric information induces two different effects: the Hirshleifer effect and an adverse selection reduction. The first effect leads to negative welfare consequences for the agents of the economy, the second one to positive consequences for uninformed agents. In the model, less information is revealed by prices when markets are incomplete (partially revealing equilibrium) than in a complete market economy (fully revealing equilibrium) . The welfare effect of passing from an incomplete market economy to a complete market economy depends on the adverse selection-Hirshleifer effect trade-off. If private information is almost perfect then the second one outweighs the first and therefore it is optimal to have an incomplete marketnon fully revealing equilibrium. Note that the two effects also affect market volume. In order to add noise in the information transmitted by prices , it may be optimal to introduce a speculative security unrelated to endowments and preferences, see [1236] . Similar results are obtained in [554], assuming that the asset is not perfectly correlated with the initial risk exposure (agents' endowment). Information revelation about endowment risk induces a negative Hirshleifer effect, instead revelation about extraneous uncertainty has a positive welfare effect. The Grossman (1976) Example Existence and uniqueness of a fully revealing equilibrium have been established for a specific model in [797]. Let us consider a two-period economy (t = 0,1), a unique good and consumption in t = 1, I agents (i = 1, .. . ,1), two assets, one with a risk free return r I and one with risky dividend d in t = 1. The price of the risky asset in t = is q, market supply of the risk free asset is null. Agent i has wi as initial endowment of the risky asset; total supply of the risky asset (I::=l wi) is normalized and is set equal to 1. Given the quantity wi of the risky asset in t = 0, wealth in t = 1 is given by


W; = (wi - Wi)qrl + wid.

Agent i is characterized by a negative exponential utility function:


= _e-a'w; ,


> 0.

In t = -1 agents believe that d is distributed as a normal random variable with mean d and variance (12 (N(d, (12)). In t = 0, agent i observes a realization of the random variable ih = d + fi' where fi (i = 1, .. . , I) is a random variable with distribution N(O, (1;J independent of d. Moreover, we assume (d, fl ' f2, . ·· , f[) is distributed as a multivariate normal distribution with null covariances. In t = 0, agent i observes the signal Yi and he revises his beliefs on the dividend of the risky asset through the Bayes rule . The expectation and the variance of the dividend become


Information and Financial Markets

where f3dY i

. In t = 0, agent

= q2~::


i solves the portfolio problem

max Wi

The optimal portfolio is


To simplify the notation, we set r I = 1. The market equilibrium condition for the risky asset in t = 0 C2:{=l wi = 1) leads to the equilibrium price

The equilibrium price of the risky asset is a weighted average of the dividend expectation by the agents of the economy less an adjustment risk factor . The weight of agent i is given by the inverse of the coefficient of absolute risk aversion multiplied by his estimate of the variance of the dividend (aiq2~dlll;)) ' The more an agent is risk averse and the higher is his variance of the dividend, the smaller is his weight. The rationale for this result is that an agent endowed with a large coefficient of absolute risk aversion and with a high variance will be also characterized by a small demand of the risky asset in absolute terms. Therefore, the price of the asset in equilibrium will weakly reflect his estimate of the expected dividend . Let us assume that (J~i = (J~. The conditions ensuring existence of a fully revealing equilibrium are satisfied thanks to the normality assumption on the return of the asset and on the private signal and to the assumption of a constant coefficient of absolute risk aversion . There exists a unique fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium. Denote by y = Ef/, iii the random variable describing the mean of the signals observed by all agents. In [797] it is shown that y is a sufficient statistic for the joint probability of (iii, y) conditional on d. This implies that (J


(dIYi, y)




(1 - f3cIy),

where (3cIy = q2';:: I I' 1

If W is distributed as a normal random variable N(x, y) , then _e- aW is distributed as a lognormal random variable; its expected value is _e-az+~a2112 . Therefore maximization of expected util ity leads to the maximization of a meanvariance utility function with a coefficient given by the coefficient of absolute risk aversion (a) .

7.3. On the Impossibility of Efficient Markets


The unique fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium is the equilibrium of the artificial economy (agents observe y) . The equilibrium has the expression ¢* (y)

= d + f3dfj(Y - d) -


0- 2 (1 - f3dfjH'" ~ i=1

~ )-1 . a~


Observe that one of the limits of the model analysed above is represented by the fact that the agent's demand does not depend on his wealth. [519] show that the above equilibrium is unique , but minor changes in the normality assumption lead to indeterminancy and partially revealing equilibria.


On the Impossibility of Efficient Markets

In the previous section we have presented conditions under which GreenLucas equilibrium prices transmit private information and make agents' beliefs homogeneous, thereby providing a microfoundation to the efficient markets theory. Partial revelation of a rational expectations equilibrium is obtained in an incomplete market setting when the dimension of the signal space is larger than that of relative prices or for some specific classes of economies. Among the assumptions of the models presented in the previous section, we can look for market inefficiency causes. The literature focuses on the following points: random supply of the assets , costly observation of private information, imperfect competition. In what follows , we concentrate our attention on the first two aspects; the role of information in non perfectly competitive markets will be discussed in Chapter 9. Noise Supply and Traders Let us consider the model analysed in [797] under the assumption that the aggregate risky asset supply is unknown ex ante to the agents and is described by a random variable tV. Supply can be random because of random trading in the market by agents trading for liquidity reasons (noise or liquidity traders) . (el, tV , €I, €2, .. . '£1) is a multivariate normal random variable with mean (d, w, 0, .. . ,0) ; variances of the random variables are (0- 2 , I o-~, 0-;1 ' ... ,0-;1) and correlations are zero. In t = -1 agents have the same opinions and know that the asset supply in t = will be a realization of the random variable tV. In [886] it has been shown that there exists a linear Green-Lucas equilibrium



¢(Yl, . .. , Y1, w)

= 'Yo + L

'YiYi - 'YW , 'Yi

> 0,


= 0,1, . .. ,1 .



The noise component from the supply side makes equilibrium prices non fully revealing. The price is related not only to private signals but also to


Information and Financial Markets

market supply. Supply influences the equilibrium price. If a~ -+ 00, then the equilibrium price converges towards that obtained in an economy where each agent conditions his expected utility only on his private signal . If a~ -+ 0, then the equilibrium price converges towards that obtained in (797) without noise from the supply side of the market. "Ii is negatively affected by the agent's risk aversion and by the private signal variance. As the number of agents goes to infinity, the private information effect vanishes and the price only depends (positively) on d and (negatively) on w. The model described above has been further analysed in (536) assuming that noisy aggregate supply is equal to the sum of agents' random asset endowments. Each agent observes only his private endowment. Setting = 1, a i = 1 (i = 1, ... ,1) and rf = 1, equilibrium (7.9) becomes •


4>(Y, w) where

- "I w ,


a 2 (a~

+ 1) a= 1+1a2+a~(1+a2)' TJ-1+1a2+a~(1+a2)' a~


= ad + TJ L:~=1 Yi 1

"I =


a 2(a2 + 1) 1(1 + 1a2 +wa~(1 + a2))

The equilibrium price is an increasing function of the mean of the signals observed by the agents and a decreasing function of the aggregate supply of the risky asset. In (11), the analysis of the model with random supply has been extended to the case of N > 1 risky assets. Note that assuming a random supply, the no trade result breaks down. (218) claims that only in this case the no trade result fails in a significant way; difference of opinions is not enough. It is difficult to detect agents ' information through prices in a single period noisy market. If agents trade repeatedly in the market, then they can learn more information. In [286, 816) it is shown that if agents are allowed to trade twice, then they will eventually identify the market information through the market price. This result provides a theoretical foundation for the use of technical analysis trading strategies. Prices are a noisy signal of private information; by observing them at more than one date it is easier to identify the market information; the agent's trading strategy depends on the twoperiod prices , see also [297). A similar conclusion is drawn in [232, 179) by allowing agents to observe market volume. Agents can use market volume to learn information in a noisy rational expectations model (technical analysis based on price and volume). In equilibrium, it is shown that absolute price changes and volume are positively correlated. It is shown that prices converge to full information in the limit but volume is bounded away from zero. On technical analysis in models with partial revelation of information see also [298). [571] shows that mean and variance of volume are increasing in the

7.3. On the Impossibility of Efficient Markets


precision of informed traders' information and in the variance of the liquidity shock; price informativeness is increasing in the precision of information and decreasing in the liquidity shock variance . Costly Private Information The impossibility of market efficiency when information is costly has been pointed out in [809] . The paper concerns the following phenomenon: information is costly (paying a consultant to ascertain the health of a firm for example), on the other hand thanks to the transmission of information by market prices it can be convenient for some agents not to buy information and instead to learn it through prices that reflect (at least in part) the information bought by other agents. The model analysed in [809] is a two-period model (t = 0,1), with 1 agents (i = 1, ... , I), two assets, one with a risk free return > 1 and one with random return d. d consists of two components d = do + u. In t = 0 an agent can observe do by paying the cost c> 0, whereas u is not observable. In t = -1 agents have to choose whether to buy information or not. In what follows we denote by 1 an agent who buys information and by U an agent who does not. A E [0, 1] denotes the percentage of informed agents. Given the wealth of agent i in t = 0 (Wd) and the quantity of the risky asset held by agent i (wi), we have the following wealth in t = 1:



= (WJ -


+ wid.

Agent i is characterized by a negative exponential utility function: u(wf) = _e- aW: (a > 0). The coefficient of absolute risk aversion is the same for all the agents. Supply of the risky asset in t = 0 is a random variable s with mean s. (do, u) is distributed as a bivariate normal random variable such that E[u] = E[udo ] = O. Let us denote by a;, a~, a3 and a3 the variances of the four random variables. Since (u, do) are two non correlated random variables, then var(dldo ) = a~ > O. Agent i makes two choices: first he has to decide whether or not to buy information, second he has to define his demand for the risky asset (Wi). As an equilibrium concept we employ the Green-Lucas equilibrium. An equilibrium is represented by a percentage of informed agents A* and by a function ¢* for the equilibrium price of the risky asset, where ¢* is a function of do, A, s: ¢*(do,A,s). Informed agents (I) maximizing expected utility define the following demand of the risky asset as a function of its price and of do that represents the expected value of d conditional on do: 0

I( d) _ do - r,q 0 2' aa u

w q,

Following the definition of the Green-Lucas equilibrium, uninformed agents (U) maximize the expected utility and define the demand of the risky asset


Information and Financial Markets

as a function of q and of the price functional ¢* : w

u( "'*) _ E[dl¢*(d,A,s) = q]- r/q q,'I' _ . a(12(dl¢*(do, A, s) = q)

Equilibrium in the market of the risky asset implies that (7.11) Define the random variable

_ - _ w(\do,s)


= do -

a(1~ _ _ T(s - s) , A> 0,

W(O, do, s) = s. If (il, do, s) is a non degenerate multivariate normal random variable and il, do, s are independent of one another, then there exists a linear function for the price ¢*(A, do, s) solution of (7.11): ¢*(A,do,s)

= 0:1 (A) +0:2(A)W(A,do,s}, "'*(0 d


) _ E[do] - as(1~

'o,s -


A>O, 0:2>0, ,


A = O.

The equilibrium price is not fully revealing. Observing q = ¢* (A, do , s) , an uninformed agent endowed with rational expectations identifies w instead of do . The noise of the information contained in the price is measured by

_ a2(1~ 2 var(wldo) = >;2(18 ' A high variance of the aggregate supply induces a price system with small informational content; a small risk aversion by the agents leads to a price with a high informational content about private information. Lastly, the precision of the price signal is an increasing function of the percentage of informed agents. The equilibrium price (7.12) is a function of A. The percentage of agents buying information is not an exogenous datum: it is endogenously determined by the comparison between the expected utility that agents associate with the hypothesis of acquiring information and that associated with non buying information. We define -Y(A) = :t(~f:~)J)" It can be shown that -Y(A) is increasing in A, a function that assumes the expression (12 (dido) (12


An equilibrium is made up of the functional in (7.12) and of A* such that

7.3. On the Impossibility of Efficient Markets

- if 0 < A* < 1 then .,,(A*) - if .,,(0) < 1 then A* = 0; - if .,,(1) > 1 then A* = 1.


= I:


n is proportional to the quality of information, while m is inversely proportional to the informational content of the equilibrium price. The informational content of the equilibrium price, defined as the square of the correlation between the price q in (7.12) and do, has the expression: p2= _1_ =I q 1 +m

e2ac - _ 1 n

Some comparative statistics results can be established for A* E (0,1): - p~ is an increasing function of n and a decreasing function of c and aj - set n constant, p~ does not depend on a; and a~; - A* is an increasing function of a; and a~ , with constant n, and a decreasing

function of Cj - there exists an fi such that for n > fi we have that A* decreases as n increases, the opposite effect occurs for n < fi; - there exists c such that for c < c we have A* = I; - if a~ -t 0 and a~ is constant, then the price system becomes fully revealing and A* -t OJ - if -t 0, then A* -t 0 and the informational content of prices does not change ; - if a; = 0 and eac < VI + n, then there is no equilibrium, if the inequality is satisfied in the other direction then an equilibrium exists with A* = OJ - if a~ = 0, then no equilibrium exists; - for C sufficiently high or low and n -t 00 , the mean and the variance of trading volume goes to zero.


The model analyses the transmission of information by prices, rather than its aggregation. The rationale behind the above results is a free-riding argument: as more agents acquire information, prices become more informative and it is easier for uninformed agents to free-ride on their information and as a consequence uninformed agents have a lower incentive to acquire information. The informational content of equilibrium prices is high if the quality of information is good (n high) , the cost of information low and the coefficient of absolute risk aversion is small. The percentage of agents buying information is an increasing function of the variance of the supply of the risky asset, of the variance of the asset dividend (with fixed n) and a decreasing function of the cost of information.


Information and Financial Markets

As far as the informational content of prices is concerned, an increase in the percentage of informed agents completely balances the (negative) effect associated with an increase in the variance of the supply and of the noise component of the dividend of the asset (with n fixed). The fourth result affirms that the percentage of agents buying information is an increasing function of the quality of information if it is sufficiently poor, otherwise it will be a decreasing function. The last results appear to be a paradox (Grossman and Stiglitz pamdox). As the market tends to ideal conditions of absence of noise (a; = 0) or of complete information (a~ = 0), no agents buy information. As the market tends to ideal conditions, the asset price becomes fully revealing and provides a very accurate estimate of the dividend; these considerations lead agents to behave as free-riders. They do not pay e and learn private information by observing the price of the asset, but few agents buy information. Non existence results of the equilibrium and existence with A* = 0 in case of absence of one of the two noise components drive this paradox to the extreme. The result on trading volume confirms these results. A model with costly information acquisition and fully revealing equilibrium prices has been proposed in [1077] . Some of the above comparative statistics results do not hold when assuming constant relative risk aversion preferences and lognormally distributed stock returns, see [180]. In [138], it is shown that the above argument does not work when removing the normality-exponential utility assumption, i.e, when prices can too often be extreme for liquidity reasons . In the same model, uninformed agents may generate a crash, see [139] . If they observe a low price generated for example by pure liquidity trading, then they can extrapolate that informed agents have observed a bad signal, and adjust their expectations downward, generating a selling panic among uninformed traders. Uninformed rational agent's demand may be upward sloping, a phenomenon similar to that caused by portfolio insurance traders generating a discontinuous equilibrium price function , see Section 11.1. A market with costly private information has been analysed in [1562] through the model proposed by [886] . The dividend of the risky asset J is distributed as a normal random variable with mean d and variance a 2 ; agent i is characterized by a constant coefficient of absolute risk aversion ai, he observes a realization of the random variable iii = J + €i . Asset supply is a normal random variable with zero mean . €i is a normal random variable with zero mean and variance !;-. All the variables are independent of one another. Since s, is the inverse of the variance of the noise component in the signal observed by agent i, it represents an index of the precision of the information observed by the agent . The quality of the information is endogenously determined by the agents ; before trading they choose the signal precision . A piece of information with precision S costs e(s) > 0 (e' > 0, e" ~ 0). Uncertainty about aggregate supply of the risky asset yields a non fully revealing equilibrium. It is shown that there exists a Green-Lucas equilibrium with

7.3. On the Impossibility of Efficient Markets


an endogenously determined level of precision of information. The level of precision of the information bought by agent i is a non increasing function of his coefficient of risk aversion, of the informational content of the equilibrium price which is a decreasing function of the variance of the noise supply and of the cost of information. Assuming the precision of the signal and the cost to be constant, in equilibrium all the agents can decide not to buy information (high cost and low precision of the signal) or all the agents buy information (small cost and very precise information) ; in intermediate cases, only a fraction of the agents buy information, see [533] . Introduction of derivative assets provides an incentive to the agents to acquire costly information and price efficiency is positively affected, see [338] . Public Announcement and Information Disclosure In [533] it is shown that public announcements by firms can induce a Pareto improvement, i.e. more efficient risk sharing, less costs for information buying and for issuing capital, see also [538]. In general, disclosure leads to liquid and efficient markets, more efficient investment decisions and reduces the cost of capital for firms; as a consequence firms should voluntary disclose their information to the market. Competition by firms to capture the attention of the traders may induce overdisclosure of information, see [672]. Also in [245] it is shown that voluntary disclosure is beneficial for the economy and the firm, but when information disclosed complements information already in the market, agents buy more private information. However, in financial markets full voluntary disclosure is quite rare. [20] build a model on regulation of firm disclosure based on an externality that causes individual firms not to internalize the full social value of the information they release. Externality comes from correlation in firms' value, as a consequence disclosures made by one firm are used by investors to evaluate other firms. The Nash equilibrium of a voluntary disclosure game is often inefficient; both underinvestment and overinvestment in disclosure are possible, it depends on the correlation among firm values. There is room for a regulation encouraging firm's disclosure . On corporate disclosure, corporate behaviour and capital markets see [877, 1563]. Under some conditions, high type (low type) firms withhold good (bad) news and disclose bad (good) news, see [1535] . [1045] analyse a model with costly private information similar to that proposed in [1562]. There are two trading periods; in the first one agents with common priors and private information with different precision trade in the market, in the second there is a public announcement about the dividend of the stock . Supply in the market is noisy. The anticipated impact of the public announcement affects acquisition of private information. The main result of the analysis is that trading volume in the second period is equal to the absolute price change from period 1 to 2 multiplied by an aggregate measure of agents ' individual idiosyncracy. This measure is mainly due to the differential quality of private information across agents, adjusted


Information and Financial Markets

for investors' preferences for risk. It can be interpreted as a proxy of information heterogeneity. Volume sensitivity to price changes is increasing in agents' information heterogeneity. There is a positive relationship between volume and absolute price changes (volatility) . Information asymmetry first increases with the precision of the public announcement and then decreases, so volume is sensitive to absolute price changes when the public announcement precision is neither too high nor too low. The variance of price changes and expected volume are decreasing in the quality of prior information and increasing in market noise and in the precision of the public announcement. Similar results are obtained in [1113, 687] by allowing agents to acquire private information after a public announcement. Both volume and volatility depend on the public announcement, volume is positively serially correlated. Public announcements create trading volume also in a world without private information. In [850, 1017] it is shown that difference of opinions among agents (agents differ on the interpretation of a public announcement) creates a positive correlation between absolute price changes and volume and a positive serial correlation in volume. Volume is positively related to the degree of opinion disagreement. In [1017] , it is shown that volume can be positive with a public announcement even when prices do not change , as observed empirically. Different evaluations originated by tax heterogeneity may generate volume around ex-dividend days, see [1268, 1267]. Market for Information In the above models , it is assumed that information is a good with features and cost defined ex ante. In [13] , these hypotheses have been removed by assuming that there is a market for information with a monopolistic agency selling information about the dividend of the asset (a noisy observation of the dividend) . The agency can man ipulate information, by personalizing it, by adding a noise component, by limiting the number of buyers , by forbidding subsequent resale. There is a noise component in the market that makes prices non fully revealing (random aggregate supply). Although prices are partially revealing , some agents could behave as free riders: they do not buy information in the market and learn it through equilibrium prices . This phenomenon is more severe when prices reveal information in a precise manner (noise due to the random supply is small) and information is accurate. In this case informed agents will trade aggressively in the market. The agency can contrast this phenomenon by making imprecise the information sold in the market. If the agency sells the same piece of precise information to all customers, then the agency adds to it a noise component; if the noise component in the market is small , then the agency sells information only to a part of the market. When information is precise and prices accurately reveal information, the agency will sell information only to a part of the market and the information will be made imprecise . If the noise in the market is high and the signal is

7.4. Multiperiod Models


imprecise, the agency sells it to all the market without inserting noise. The agency can decide to personalize information. Personalization of information increases the informational content of prices and therefore encourages a freerider behaviour; on the other hand personalization makes information more appetising for agents. As a matter of fact , when information is the same for everybody the price has no informational content for informed agents. This is not the case when information is personalized. These two phenomena have opposite effects on agency profits. The two effects are balanced when noise is added to the signal in such a way that it does not affect the equilibrium price. When the economy is large, it is better for the agency to personalize information through additive noise components identically distributed rather than through the same noise component. When the variance of the noise component is high or information is very imprecise, the two policies give the same result: the agency does not add a noise component and sells information to all the market. Competition among sellers of information has been analysed in [1493], if signals are substitutes (complements), competition decreases (increases) the price for information with respect to that in a monopolistic setting. The agency can also act as a mutual fund by building a portfolio exploiting its information and then by selling its shares in the market. In this case information is provided indirectly. This way of providing information has been analysed in [17]. In an economy with homogeneous agents there is no incentive to introduce a noise component when information is sold indirectly. A sale achieved indirectly is more profitable than a sale achieved directly if the agency can establish a per share price and a fixed participation fee. When agents are heterogeneous, an indirect sale can be more or less profitable than a direct one. On the optimal contract for indirect sale of information through a mutual fund see [209]. Under some conditions, it is optimal for a broker to sell information in return for a brokerage commission, see [264]. On incentives for an informed trader to sell private information see [675] .


Multiperiod Models

Information Aggregation The no trade result has been extended to a multiperiod economy. The topic is strictly related to that of the existence of speculative bubbles in financial markets. If the initial allocation is ex ante Pareto optimal and agents have common priors , then in a rational expectations equilibrium there are no speculative bubbles with or without a short sale constraint, see [1541]. As a consequence , there is no incentive to buy an asset hoping to resell it subsequently at a higher price (no trade). Maintaining the common prior assumption and requiring interim instead of ex ante Pareto optimality, a bubble


Information and Financial Markets

can exist for an asset with no fundamental value (a common knowledge feature) if the agent's initial endowment is private information, see [201]. In [851, 1288, 1442], it is shown that if agents are risk neutral, have heterogeneous expectations-priors (a feature that is common knowledge), do not update their beliefs and cannot sell short the asset, then the equilibrium price is greater than or equal to the maximum among the prices that agents are prepared to pay to hold the asset forever. A bubble arises because agents do not learn through prices on other beliefs. In a finite horizon economy, [45] show that asymmetric information, short sale constraints and non common knowledge of agents' trades and beliefs are necessary for the existence of a bubble. Non common knowledge of other agents' beliefs plays a crucial role. Even if all agents realize that a stock is overpriced, if each agent attaches a positive probability to some other agent assigning a higher price to the asset in some future contingency then a bubble may arise and the no trade theorem breaks down provided that every agent is or will be short sale constrained. In [959, 958] it is shown that a sunspot equilibrium can exist in an overlapping generations economy with agents conditioning their behaviour on variables not informative about future dividends (sunspot), e.g. information about the psychology of the market. Based on this information, agents trade aiming to obtain a gain which is not motivated by asset fundamentals. In equilibrium the price can be larger than the fundamental value of the asset. A bubble exists and the no trade theorem breaks down. The main difficulty in a discrete time multiperiod model with privateasymmetric information is the definition-computation of the rational expectations equilibrium. If agents observe private signals on asset fundamentals, then the reference space of the equilibrium is quite large; in some cases its dimension is infinite. Agents try to forecast the forecast of others: they try to identify others' information and their expectations by observing prices. When information is correlated across time, this attempt leads to an infinite regression problem. Models of this type are quite complex; in some cases they can only be solved numerically, see [948, 1494]. Dynamic models with private information and noise supply can reproduce some financial market anomalies: serial returns correlation, excess volatility, mean reversion, large trading volume, etc . Aggregation of information through equilibrium prices in a multiperiod model has been analysed in some papers. [528] analyse a continuous time economy with agents having heterogeneous beliefs about the expected rate of aggregate production growth. Agents have different initial priors , and update their beliefs rationally; they disagree on the interpretation of economic news. As a consequence there is persistent disagreement among the agents ; posterior beliefs differ. The risk free rate and asset prices in equilibrium are a weighted average of those obtained in equilibrium for the corresponding homogeneous economies. The weights are determined by the wealth distribution among the agents of the economy. In a similar setting, incomplete informa-

7.4. Multiperiod Models


tion and heterogeneous beliefs about a process which is unrelated to asset fundamentals can produce under some conditions a small risk free rate and excess volatility in equilibrium (agents believe that this process may affect economic conditions) , see [146) . In [565], for a continuous time economy, it is shown that in a complete market the no arbitrage assumption eliminates any private information asymmetry (fully revealing price system) . The existence of a martingale measure is also established. In [888) it is shown that if agents condition their expectations on market prices at the previous instant of time and the time interval between two instants goes to zero, then the equilibrium price will converge towards the one with rational expectations (full revelation) but returns of being informed are bounded away from zero. The model in [886) has been extended to a continuous time market in [1306) with a continuum of infinitely living agents endowed with a constant absolute risk aversion utility. If the asset supply is noisy and agents observe a private signal on the growth rate of the dividend process , including a noise component which is never revealed, then the stationary equilibrium price with rational expectations reflects the information common to a large set of signals but private information does not become redundant. The equilibrium is not fully revealing . Similar results are obtained in [875) for a discrete time multiperiod model. In [1307) the above model is analysed assuming the presence in the economy of a monopolistic seller of information. It is shown that the best choice for him is to sell information only to a part of the market, without adding a noise component to the information. Transmission of information in a continuous time economy with informed and uninformed traders is analysed in [1579). Some agents are informed about the future dividend growth rate. Supply of the risky asset is stochastic. In equilibrium, prices do not fully reflect private information. The presence of uninformed agents increases the asset risk premium, can increase price volatility and generate negative serial correlation in returns. The risk premium is increasing in the number of uninformed agents because of the adverse selection problem faced by uninformed traders (they ask a higher risk premium because price is less informative). Price volatility with uninformed and informed agents depends on two effects: uninformed agents are characterized by a less volatile expected cash flow, on the other hand future cash flows are more uncertain, investors demand a higher risk premium for noise trading and prices become more sensitive to supply shock. The first effect tends to reduce price volatility, the second to increase it . If noise trading is relevant , then price volatility increases with the number of uninformed traders. A high risk premium and a low risk free rate with a plausible level of risk aversion have been obtained in a model with asymmetric information when some agents cannot trade the market portfolio, see [1618) . Again, the adverse selection is the engine of the result.


Information and Financial Markets

Volume and Volatility In [875] it has been shown that in a multiperiod model with private information and noisy supply the non fully revealing equilibrium is characterized by trading volume highly correlated with the inflow of information (private and public) in the market. Asset supply is stochastic. When information is private and dispersed, agents trade in the market even after the arrival of information and therefore volume is serially correlated and may lag behind information inflow; when information is publi c, agents trade only simultaneously with the arrival of information. Information inflow (private and public) generates volume and price changes. Price changes can be motivated by the imperfect aggregation of the equilibrium rather than by the arrival of public information, see also [817, 1405]. In [327] a model to analyse the relationship between trading volume and returns is proposed, see [707] and the next section for empirical evidence. There are two classes of agents; volume arises for two reasons: public information and preference shocks (risk aversion of one of the two classes). There is no private information. By construction, in equilibrium volume is positive only for a preferences shock. In equilibrium, asset returns autocorrelation is negatively affected by volume. The rationale of this result is simple : if trading volume is high , then the price change is due to preference-hedging shocks (uninformative trades) , while if trading volume is small then the price change is due to the inflow of new (public) information. Because of this fact , returns serial correlation is decreasing in trading volume , price changes accompanied by high volume will tend to be reversed (negative serial correlation); this is less likely if volume is low. Liquidity trading joined by heterogeneous-asymmetric information may generate high trading volume . The point is made in [1580] analysing a model with informed and uninformed agents. Informed agents trade for informational reasons and for liquidity reasons inside and outside the market (private opportunity). Informational trading is due to information about the asset cash flow; liquidity trading is due to changes in private investment opportunities. Uninformed agents only trade in the market for liquidity reasons; they rationally extract information from prices. The aggregate supply of the risky asset is constant. In this model the no trade theorem fails because uninformed agents do not know whether informed agents are trading for informational reasons or for liquidity reasons. They face an adverse selection problem. Trading is always accompanied by price changes and is positively correlated with absolute changes in prices and dividends. Public information always induces trading. As information asymmetry among agents increases, volume decreases, but the correlation between trading volume , public news inflow, excess returns and absolute price-dividend changes goes up . The relationship between volume and future returns depends on the trading motivation. High returns accompanied by high volume motivated by informational

7.5. Empirical Analysis


trading may imply high future returns (returns are positively correlated) ; if volume is motivated by liquidity trading, then only low returns in the future are expected' (returns are negatively correlated with price reversals), results are similar to those obtained in (327) . A momentum effect associated with informative trading is due to the fact that prices do not fully reveal information . Similar implications are obtained and tested with positive evidence in [1172) . Note that in almost all the models , volume is related to price changes and the size of trades is positively related to the quality of information. In models with symmetric-private information, heterogeneous opinions or with public information arrival, volume is increasing in the degree of agents heterogeneity; in models with asymmetric information (informed-uninformed traders) high volume results when the degree of asymmetry is low (adverse selection effect). If the adverse selection effect is severe (the variance of the informational variable exceeds a critical value) and the agent with private information acts as a monopolist, then uninformed agents can refuse to trade because adverse selection outweighs hedging motive to trade and a market breakdown occurs , see (202) . If uninformed traders do not know the variance of the informational variable , then the probability of a market breakdown increases and the equilibrium is nonlinear, see [1505) . In this setting, public disclosure by the firm mitigates adverse selection . In (176), it is shown that with enough heterogeneity agents may choose to release information early (at a sufficiently small cost), resulting in incompleteness of the market. Therefore markets are unlikely to be complete if the timing of information is endogenous. Equilibrium may even not exist, see [174) . (342) have shown that diffusion of information is limited if agents change their behaviour infrequently. In this setting, the evolution of information is discontinuous and a small additional piece of information may generate a market crash.


Empirical Analysis

It is difficult to test market information efficiency. The goal is to evaluate to what extent private information is transmitted by prices and to what extent they aggregate agents' beliefs. Information Aggregation In (667) it is investigated whether horse quotes reflect professional bidders' opinions. The analysis provides positive evidence. In (1113) , a test has been developed based on the analysis of trading volume and in particular of its correlation with prices and some variables describing agents' expectationsbeliefs. The test allows distinguishing among four equilibrium models pre-


Information and Financial Markets

sented above : competitive equilibrium, competitive equilibrium with random supply, Green-Lucas equilibrium, Green-Lucas equilibrium with random supply. The test concerns the market behaviour when earnings announcements are made by firms. The empirical evidence is consistent with an equilibrium with rational expectations and random supply: asset prices reveal only part of private information. Therefore agents are rational, they use private information and identify information within prices, but there is a noise component in the market which prevents a complete transmission-aggregation of private information. Similar results on the capacity of financial markets to aggregate dispersed information have been obtained in [938]. Information transmission by asset prices can be evaluated by looking at the insider trading phenomenon, see Section 11.3. An insider trader uses private information to trade before the information is made public. In [477, 463, 1263], it is shown that insiders incorporate a large fraction of their information in prices before the information is made public . This evidence can be interpreted in favour of transmission of information by asset prices . Some interesting results come from experimental economics, see [310, 685, 1530, 1499, 1362]. Noisy rational expectations equilibria sufficiently well describe the market behaviour if part of the agents is informed and part is not. The same equilibrium does not behave well if every agent observes a signal with a private noise component; in this case, aggregation of agents' information is not always reached in experimental markets. When this is the case, aggregation is reached after many periods. With a monopolistic position by the agent holding private information, before convergence is obtained, we can observe bubbles and crashes . In this context, it is difficult to observe a behaviour of the market compatible with a rational expectations equilibrium. To get convergence towards a rational expectations equilibrium, agents have to know some features of the model (agents' preferences, random variables for asset prices and dividends). Summing up, experimental results confirm at least in part theoretical results obtained under rational expectations.

Volume and Volatility In Chapter 6, we have already shown that classical asset pricing models fail to explain the volatility of asset prices. The analysis concerned low frequency data (monthly data); by analysing high frequency data it is shown that asset prices-returns are much more volatile during trading hours than during non trading hours , see [695] : the variance of stock returns from the opening to the close of trading is higher than the variance from the close to the opening. Three explanations of this phenomenon are proposed by the authors: more public information arrives during normal business hours, private information that affects prices only during trading hours, pricing errors. For a model relating asset price volatility to the rate of flow of information to the market see [1415]. Examining returns during trading holidays, it turns out that a large part of the variance difference is due to private information. Ex

7.5. Empirical Analysis


post, public information about fundamentals explains only a small part of returns variance. This finding has been confirmed by many other studies, see [1281, 135, 136, 184, 1399, 1401, 476]; an opposite interpretation in favour of public information as a major source of volatility has been proposed in [601, 996, 1516]; a large part of daily return volatility occurs without trading and after macroeconomic announcements. [1215] show that both public information and trading frictions are important factors in explaining intraday price volatility. Empirical analysis of financial markets has put forward the high volume puzzle. The empirical literature has discovered a strong positive correlation between trading volume and contemporaneous and delayed return volatilityprice changes (price changes lead to volume movements) , and that volume is positively autocorrelated, e.g. see [1026, 706, 707]. Actually in [997, 591, 376] it is shown that the number of transactions rather than volume is related to volatility. These observations suggest that volume and volatility are driven by the same factors; empirical models of this type (mixture of distribution hypothesis) have been proposed and tested with positive evidence, see [418, 57]. Note that the above regularities confirm empirically some theoretical models presented in this chapter based on random supply and heterogeneous beliefs-opinions, see [1045, 232, 850, 687, 1460, 1580, 875, 179]. Volume in the market can be a result of differences in endowments, liquidity trading, differences-shifts in preferences, heterogeneous information, heterogeneous valuation-opinion-priors, public information arrival. While endowment difference alone is not enough to explain the large volume observed in the market, the other explanations have been investigated empirically. According to [1045,1017,1113,850,687,918,875], the arrival of public information in the market causes trading. Volume is positively related to price changes ; the intensity of the relation increases in the differential of the quality of private information, in the intensity of disagreement (opinions, evaluations, beliefs) and in market noise, see [112] for empirical evidence . The relation between news and volume has been tested empirically with positive evidence in [184, 1017, 189] and with mixed results in [1281] . Volume is related to returns. In [327] it is shown empirically and theoretically that returns autocorrelation tends to decline with past volume. This regularity has been confirmed empirically in [442]: at weekly intervals, price reversals are observed for highly traded stocks , while returns of low transactions securities are positively autocorrelated. The implications derived in [1580, 1172] on the relationship between return dynamics and informationalliquidity trading have been confirmed empirically in the second paper: informational trading causes positively autocorrelated returns and liquidity trading causes negatively autocorrelated returns. We can investigate the relation between trading volume and profits of momentum strategies; in [1130, 377] it is shown that assets with high trading volume in the past earn lower return


Information and Financial Markets

in the future and exhibit faster price reversals than assets with low trading volume. This result confirms [327) . [265, 404)' establish empirically a negative cross-sectional relationship between volume and expected returns. [726) find a positive premium for trading volume shocks (high volume premium): stocks with unusually large (small) trading activity tend to experience large (small) subsequent returns. [405) show that volume is a significant determinant in lead-lag patterns in stock returns: weekly returns of high volume portfolios predict returns of low volume portfolios. The effect is due to differentiated diffusion of market wide information. In [918,387, 1443) it is shown theoretically and empirically that in a model with difference in opinions and short sale constraints, negative skewness in returns is more likely to occur in periods with high trading volume which is a proxy of intensity of disagreement.


Notes, References and Exercises

Asymmetric information has been invoked to explain the home bias puzzle: investors overweight the domestic market in their portfolio with little international diversification , i.e, they hold inefficient portfolios . The point is that foreign investors are less informed than domestic investors; as a consequence domestic investors hold a large part of their portfolio in domestic assets . A (noisy rational expectations) model to explain this puzzle through asymmetric information (domestic investors have privileged information) has been proposed in [263, 1617], see also [1023). According to this model, there should be a positive correlation between contemporaneous local equity returns and the net purchase of equity made by foreign investors (trend-follower pattern) . Foreigners are more likely to buy when the price is running up. The trend-follower pattern of foreign investors has been confirmed empirically. Exercises 1. Consider an exchange economy with two goods, two agents and two states

of nature. Agents' preferences are represented by expected utility with functions ui(xLx~,s) = a~ln(xL) + (1 - aDln(xl s ) ' i = 1,2 . Initial endowments are el s = el > 0, et = e~ > 0, s = 1,2, i = 1,2. State 1 occurs with probability 0 < 11"1 < 1. In t = 0, agent 1 receives a signal which informs him perfectly about the state of nature, agent 2 receives an uninformative signal. Markets are incomplete, in t = 0 markets for non contingent good 1 and good 2 are organized. Show that four cases are allowed, depending on the parameters of the economy: existence of a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium, existence of a non fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium (Arrow-Debreu equilibrium with no revelation

7.6. Notes , References and Exercises


of information), existence of both a fully revealing and of a non fully revealing equilibrium, non existence of an equilibrium, see [1376]. 2. Consider a one-good economy with two groups of individuals which are equal in numbers of informed and uninformed agents (normalize the number of agents to one). Each agent has constant absolute risk aversion (_e- aW ). The good is available only in t = 1 with price ij which is assumed to be normally distributed. Agents can trade in t = 0 a future contract delivering one unit of the good in t = 1; its price is p. The possible states of the world are partitioned in two sets (fh , .a2 ) • .a1 and .a2 are of equal probability. Conditional on w E .as, S = 1,2, ij is normally distributed with mean m s , S = 1,2 (m1 =I m2) and variance (12. Conditional on w E .as S = 1,2, the uninformed agent is endowed with k, unit of the good (k 1 =I k2 ) , while the informed agent is endowed always with k units. Before trading the informed agent knows exactly the subset .as to which w belongs, the uninformed agent does not receive any information. Show that if m1 = 4, m2 = 5, k 1 = 2, k 4 = 4, and (12 = 1 there is no fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium, see [1078]. [Hint: show that there is no equilibrium in the artificial economy with different prices in the two events.] 3. Consider an exchange economy with two goods, two agents and two states of nature. The two states of nature are equally probable. In both states the two consumers' endowments are e 1 = (1,0) for consumer 1 and e2 (0, 1) for consumer 2. Agents ' preferences are represented by the same expected utility with state dependent utility functions (in state 1 (2) the second (first) good is worthless): U(Xsl,X

s2) = 13sfi;l + (1- 13s).;x;:i., 131

= 1,


= O.

There is no security market, but only a spot market (agents trade immediately before the realization of the state of nature). Assume first no private information. Show that in equilibrium each agent gets half of each commodity and has an expected utility of ~ . Assume that agents know perfectly the state of nature before trading in the market, then show that each consumer consumes his endowment receiving a utility of 1 in one state and 0 in the other. Show that ex ante agents get a utility level of ~ which is lower than ~ (Hirshleifer effect), see [1242]. 4. Prove the comparative statics results in the Grossman-Stiglitz model.


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

If you consider men as infinitely egoistic and infinitely farsighted . The first hypothesis can be accepted in first approximation, but the second would maybe need a few reserves. Poincare to L. Walras (letter of October 1st , 1901).

Investment based on genuine long-term expectation is so difficult as to be scarcely practicable. He who attempts it must surely lead much more labourious days and run greater risks than he who tries to guess better than the crowd how the crowd will behave ; and given equal intelligence, he may make more disastrous mistakes. Keynes (1936)

In this chapter and in the next one we will evaluate the results illustrated in the previous chapters by discussing the assumptions made about agents' behaviour and the economic system. We follow the perspective illustrated in the two quotations by Solow and Kuhn at the beginning of Chapter 1. We will evaluate the relation between results and hypothesis. We will evaluate both the realism of a hypothesis per se and its relevance in generating a theoretical result, in explaining an empirical fact or in producing a puzzle. Recalling the Kuhn statement at the beginning of Chapter 1, alternative behavioural assumptions will be evaluated not only on their capability to explain the anomalies encountered in testing the theory developed in previous chapters but also on their capability to provide an alternative paradigm and to explain what the classical asset pricing theory is able to explain. The main drawback associated with escaping the full rationality assumption is the multiplicity of theories. In many cases, a theory is only able to explain a puzzle arising in testing the classical asset pricing theory but not to reproduce other facts (new puzzles arise). The robustness of the results with respect to behavioural assumptions should also be carefully checked. We divide the analysis into two chapters. This chapter concerns the hypotheses made on agents ' behaviour, in Chapter 9 we will analyse the market functioning on relaxing the perfect competition hypothesis. In order to develop our analysis, we made a few crucial hypotheses about the agent. They can be summarized as follows: - classical probability theory;



Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

expected utility theory; substantial rationality; rational expectations; homogeneous agents.

We will discuss these assumptions below. The last Section of this chapter is devoted to market imperfections under perfect competition.


Uncertainty, Risk and Probability

In the analysis developed in previous chapters we have assumed that agents know the probability space governing the economy. We implicitly assumed existence of an objective probability measure and we referred to the classical axiomatic probability theory. The results presented in the previous chapters obviously depend on these assumptions. In what follows, we will evaluate their relevance by analysing experimental evidence on agents' behaviour and results obtained by relaxing them. Description of agents ' beliefs-opinions through a probability space calls for a discussion. While a sigma algebra of events seems an indispensable tool to describe beliefs under risk , a more delicate assumption is that on the existence of an objective probability measure satisfying the axioms of the classical probability theory. On this topic, many philosophers, economists, mathematicians (Ramsey, Keynes , Knight , De Finetti, Savage among others) have pointed out all the limits of the classical axiomatic probability theory. The approach referring to an objective probability has a long tradition which goes back to the birth of probability theory, i.e. the study of risky games. In this setting, the likelihood of an event is given by the ratio favourable cases-possible cases; all elementary events are often evaluated to have the same likelihood. This definition is actually a tautology because it assumes that all the elementary events have the same probability of occurring. This approach, refined mathematically and defining the probability of an event like the limit of the relative frequency, has generated the so-called frequentist probability interpretation. This interpretation refers to an objective probability distribution as in the classical axiomatic probability theory. This interpretation of probability is not well suited in an economic environment where experiments cannot be reproduced to assess the probability of an event. The subjectivist approach seems to be more promising. According to it, the likelihood of an event is given by the confidence that the agent feels about the realization of the event . According to this interpretation, which goes back to Ramsey, De Finetti and Savage, the probability of an event E for an agent is given by the price that he considers fair for the contract delivering one unit of good (one-good economy) when the event E comes true, see [506] . The probability of an event is therefore the certainty equivalent of a particular gamble and in cases of elementary events it is the price of an Arrow

8.1. Uncertainty, Risk and Probability


security. De Finetti imposes that the probability evaluation be consistent: a probability evaluation is consistent if no combination of bets allows to realize a gain greater than zero with certainty. The subjectivist and the classical axiomatic approaches have some points in common (the probability of two incompatible events is equal to the sum of the probabilities of the two events, J.L(!2) = 1 and J.L(O) = 0), but they often do not share, at least in the De Finetti version, the countable additivity. Expected utility theory is based on the existence of a probability distribution known ex ante by the agent (risk). Savage has extended expected utility theory to a setting with unknown probabilities, in which agents do not know ex ante the probabilities of the events, see [1439]. According to Savage, agents do not have beliefs quantifiable in events probability, nevertheless they have preferences over gambles and choose among them. If the preference relation R satisfies some axioms, then it is possible to infer a subjective probability distribution and a utility function such that R is represented through the expected utility of this function according to the subjective probability distribution. Note that probabilities are derived from preferences. For an analysis of this approach to decision theory see [1081]. Note that in this setting, R not only represents an agent 's preferences but also his beliefs. The subjectivist probability-expected utility approach pointed out an agent's inability to define ex ante a probability distribution, but ex post expected utility theory works. Agents behave as if probabilities were known. This type of behaviour is not observed empirically. A deep criticism came from Knight who distinguished between uncertainty and risk (uncertainty in a strong sense and in a weak sense), see [1057] . In some cases, an agent is unable to assign a probability to an event because of objective reasons or of missing information (information ambiguity) and does not behave (ex post) according to expected utility with a subjective probability. The Ellsberg paradox illustrated in [608] represents an enlightening example of violation of the (subjective) expected utility theory under uncertaintyinformation ambiguity. Consider an agent who faces an urn containing 9 balls: 3 red balls and 6 yellow or black balls. The situation is not described in the setting presented in previous chapters; the agent knows the probability to extract a red ball (1/3), but he does not know the probability to extract a yellow or a black ball. The probability of one of these two events is between o and 2/3. Information is ambiguous. Let us consider the following gambles with outcomes depending on the colour of the extracted ball (R, Y, B event) : -

gamble gamble gamble gamble

A: 1 if Rand 0 if Y, B ; B: 0 if R, 1 if Band 0 ifY; C: 1 if R, 0 if B and 1 if Y; D: 0 if Rand 1 if Y or B.

The payoffs of the first and of the fourth gamble are not affected by the incapacity of the agent to evaluate the probabilities of the elementary events.


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

Instead, the payoffs of the second and of the third gamble are affected by information ambiguity. Most of the agents choose according to the following order: A P Band D P C. This preference order is not compatible with expected utility theory in the Savage version. As a matter of fact, if an agent's preferences are represented by the expected utility, then A P B implies that an agent considers the probability of the event B less than ~ and the probability of the event Y larger than ~ . Instead, D P C means that he estimates the probability of the event B to be larger than ~ and the probability of the event Y to be less than ~. For a survey on experimental evidence on decision making under information ambiguity see [312] . This experimental result has shown that expected utility theory, even in its subjectivist version (a la Savage), is unable to describe agents' behaviour under information ambiguity (uncertainty). Agents show aversion towards gambles characterized by payoffs with uncertain probability. Empirical evidence of this type motivated a new field of decision theory aiming at explaining agents' behaviour under information ambiguity, see [312] for a survey. In what follows, we will briefly present two approaches to decision making in an information ambiguity setting. Both approaches are based on an axiomatization of agents ' preferences . By relaxing the Independence Axiom, the two approaches incorporate the distinction between risk and uncertainty; in case of no information ambiguity they reduce to the expected utility. The first one ends up with showing that agents choose by using a set of probabilities compatible with available information, the second shows that agent's preferences can be represented through non additive probabilities. In [733] the maxmin expected utility or expected utility in the worst scenario has been proposed to represent agents ' preferences in an information ambiguity setting. Let us consider the two period economy analysed in Chapter 2 with a finite number of elementary events (8 > 1). Under information ambiguity, a set of probability measures are compatible with the information available to the agents . In case of the Ellsb erg paradox there are seven probability measures compatible with the available information. Denote these probability measures by 1I"1,1I"2 , • • • ,1I"K , where 1I"k E ~~, = 1 (k = 1,.. . , K ), and by II the set of these measures. Assuming that the agent's preference relation satisfies some axioms and that the agent is uncertainty averse, see [733] for a definition, the certainty equivalent of the gamble x is that amount of money which renders the agent indifferent to


min ElT[u(x)].


Under information ambiguity, an agent is risk averse and averse to (second order) uncertainty-information ambiguity caused by incomplete knowledge of the probability measure governing th e economy. This attitude induces the agent to evaluate a gamble referring to the probability distribution rendering the lowest level of expected utility among those compatible with the available

8.1. Uncertainty, Risk and Probability


information. The choice problem of the agent in front of a set X of gambles becomes !pax min E"[u(x)]. xEX


It is easy to show that the maxmin expected utility allows us to reproduce the Ellsberg paradox. [732, 1444] axiomatized subjective expected utility with non additive probability distributions. Weakening the Independence Axiom , the authors show that an agent's preferences can be represented through the expected utility with a monotonic non additive subjective probability distribution JL (JL(A) S; JL(B) if A C B, JL(A) + JL(B) S; JL(A U B) + JL(A n B)) . An agent is uncertainty averse if 1 - JL(A) - JL(Ac) ~ O. The inequality reduces to an equality when the agent faces a standard risky situation. Note that JL is not an objective measure, its role is to allow a representation of the agent's preferences through a non additive expected utility. Note also that this approach allows us to rationalize the Ellsberg paradox. Information Ambiguity: Asset Prices The literature on financial markets and information ambiguity is quite large . In [556] an interesting result is shown. Consider a two period economy (t = 0,1) and an agent with a utility function u such that u' > 0 and u" S; 0 who can invest in a risky asset with dividend x in t = 1. The risk free return is equal to one. If the probability measure representing the agent 's preferences through the expected utility is additive (no information ambiguity) , then the agent buys the asset if the expected dividend is higher than the price, as the intensity of the investment decreases in his risk aversion . If the agent's preferences are represented by a non additive probability distribution and he shows uncertainty aversion , then the above result does not hold . In case of uncertainty aversion and of a non additive probability distribution, induced for instance according to the axiomatic approach [1444]' it happens that -E[-x] > E[x]. This inequality means that a risk neutral-averse agent will buy the asset for a price p such that p < E[x] and will sell it for p > -E[-x] . For p E (E[x], -E[-x]) the agent will neither buy nor sell the risky asset. There exists an interval of prices within which the agent neither buys nor sells the asset, see also [1295] . The above argument has been further investigated in [1296] . The authors show that information ambiguity may lead to market incompleteness. In a complete markets economy with information ambiguity, agents can decide not to trade financial assets which ar e affected by idiosyncratic risk (part of the payoff does not depend on realized endowments) . Under ambiguity, agents have less opportunities to diversify idiosyncratic risk. The equilibrium allocation does not correspond to that of the complete market economy. Note that the no trade result holds under information ambiguity when the initial allocation is Pareto optimal. Ambiguity aversion contributes to explain the


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

rare use of indexed debt; under some conditions only non indexed debt is traded in equilibrium, see [1294]. In [557], high price volatility is obtained under information ambiguity if (uncertainty averse) agent's preferences are represented through an expected utility with a non additive probability measure. In [1035] it is shown that the equilibrium version of the APT obtained in [435] can be extended to an economy with uncertainty averse agents whose preferences are represented by an expected utility with a non additive probability measure. In [615, 616] the maxmin expected utility has been extended to a multiperiod setting using the recursive utility framework, see the next section. Under information ambiguity, in correspondence of an event at EFt an agent does not believe in a unique conditional probability distribution of the events in Ft+l, he believes in a set of conditional probability distributions forming a probability kernel correspondence. The existence of utility in a discrete time setting is established in [615]. The certainty equivalent of future utility inserted in the recursive utility formulation is defined as the minimum among the certainty equivalents associated with probability distributions belonging to the kernel. Equilibrium existence for a representative agent economy is established and asset prices are characterized through an Euler inequality. Equilibria may be indeterminate, there may exist a continuum of equilibria for given fundamentals, in each state an equilibrium asset price is not a singleton but belongs to an interval. Prices may be discontinuous, inducing high volatility. Uncertainty aversion may invalidate the existence of a risk neutral measure representation for prices, see [616]. A continuous time utility functional incorporating information ambiguity with multiple priors has been proposed in [395] . Under information ambiguity, it is shown that the equity premium is given by the sum of a risk premium and an ambiguity premium. This decomposition could be an interesting perspective to address the equity premium puzzle and the home bias puzzle in asset portfolios and consumption (foreign securities are more ambiguous than domestic assets), see [614, 1551]. Allowing for model uncertainty, a two factor model explains asset returns cross-sectionally; there is an uncertainty premium, see [1064]. Asset pricing results under information ambiguity have been obtained by relying on a robust-risk sensitive control theory approach, see [843, 58]. More properly, authors refer to model uncertainty rather than ambiguity. The approach is motivated by the Ellsberg paradox and is proposed as an intertemporal formalization of the Gilboa-Schmeidler maxmin approach. Agents facing model uncertainty fear specification errors and make decisions that are robust (insensitive) to this type of uncertainty. Specification errors are due to stochastic components acting as perturbations to the state equation of the economy. The agent makes choices in the worst case scenario with respect to model perturbations. Risk sensitivity and preference for robustness contribute (positively) to generate a high risk premium with a positive model

8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


misspecijication premium. Preference for robustness also induces a precautionary saving motive . Portfolio choices with ambiguity averse investors and predictable returns have been analysed in [29] . As ambiguity aversion increases, the agent holds less stocks; the horizon effect on the portfolio is ambiguous. Pareto optimal allocations and sharing rules under uncertainty aversion have been investigated in [383] . When agents believe in the same convex set of probability distributions, the set of Pareto optimal allocations coincides with those obtained assuming a standard expected utility with agents having homogeneous beliefs. Pareto optimal allocations depend only on aggregate risk. Conditions for full insurance are defined. In [612], it is shown that agents ' consumption levels are only positively correlated with aggregate shocks (under risk they are perfectly correlated), see [614] for a continuous time extension.


On Expected Utility Theory

In Chapter 2 we assumed that the agent's preference relation is represented by the expected utility. This hypothesis was maintained in a multiperiod setting by assuming that the agent 's preferences are constant through time and that they are represented by the time additive expected utility (6.1). In this section , we will evaluate the relevance of this hypothesis in the analysis developed above. Representation of the agent 's preferences through expected utility is based on a set of axioms; if the agent's preferences satisfy them then they can be represented through the expected utility: there exists a utility function and a probability distribution (objective or subjective in the Savage framework) such that the expected utility renders the order induced by the preference relation. In what follows, we will discuss the validity of the axioms and their relevance in reaching the results presented above. We will also discuss the assumption of time additivity and of constant preferences through time . The rationality assumption implies completeness and transitivity of R . In practice it means two things: for any couple of gambles, the agent is able to compare them (preference or indifference evaluation); transitivity means that the agent not only compares gambles two by two, but he is also able to provide a full ranking in such a way that he will be "coherent" varying the couples of gambles. Note that the continuity hypothesis plays a technical role; the main inconvenient of this hypothesis is that some preference relations do not satisfy it, e.g. lexicographic preferences . The Independence Axiom is the crucial assumption: it implies that the functional representing the agent's preferences is linear in probabilities. The independence hypothesis requires that the order between two gambles is not affected by the fact that they are combined with a third gamble through the same weight. An agent considers


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

two gambles only for their differentiating components; preferences over what would occur in an event do not depend on what would occur in another event . This hypothesis has been deeply discussed in the decision theory literature, the driving force of the debate being experimental (labouratory) evidence showing that agents do not behave according to the Independence Axiom. The Allais paradox [36] is the classical experimental result showing that agents do not behave according to the expected utility theory under risk and in particular do not satisfy the Independence Axiom. Let us consider gambles defined over the monetary values [0, 1.000, 5.000]. The gambles are described by the following probability distributions: -

gamble gamble gamble gamble


= [0, 1, 0]; = [0.01, 0.89, 0.1]; = [0.9, 0, 0.1]; = [0.89, 0.11, 0].

The experiment conducted by Allais has shown that most individuals choose according to the following preference order: A P Band C PD . This order involves a violation of the Independence Axiom. Denote by X, Y, Z the gambles which confer with certainty a monetary premium respectively equal to 0, 1.000.000, 5.000.000. The contradiction with the Independence Axiom is easily verified:

The transitivity of the relation P implies that 11







+ 100Y P 100(li X + liZ) + 100Y.

By the Independence Axiom we have

A P ~X 11

lOZ. + 11


Again by the Independence Axiom, (8.1) implies

That means D P C, reaching a contradiction. Starting from the choices on two couples of gambles, repeatedly applying the Independence Axiom, it is shown that agents' choices are inconsistent with a representation of preferences by the expected utility. A second set of experiments contradicting the expected utility paradigm has been illustrated in [1011] . When agents are asked to choose between a lottery offering a 25% chance of winning 3.000 and a lottery offering a 20% chance of winning 4.000,

8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


65% of the agents chooses the latter, while when agents are asked to choose between a 100% chance of winning 3.000 and an 80% chance of winning 4.000, 80% chooses the former. Expected utility theory predicts that agents should not choose differently in the two cases (probabilities change by a common ratio). The above distortion is called the certainty effect, i.e. agents prefer certain outcomes . Preferences are in general nonlinear in probabilities. There are by now many experimental paradoxes of this type; for a survey of the most significant see [1204, 1205, 311]. In defence of expected utility theory, note that many of these experiments (including the Allais paradox) are obtained for gambles with extreme probabilities, i.e. probabilities near to zero or one. Expected utility theory works well for gambles without extreme probabilities. The Independence Axiom has been widely discussed in the decision theory literature. This hypothesis has been weakened in several directions by introducing nonlinearities in the probability of the utility functional through different preference axiomatizations. [1011] propose a utility functional that is additive but nonlinear in probabilities such that a zero (one) weight is assigned to extremely low (high) probabilities (prospect theory). This type of utility functional well captures the certainty effect. [1373] propose a utility functional which is the expectation of a utility function with respect to a transformation of the probability distributions based on the rank of the outcome (rank dependent expected utility) . For a survey on this topic see [1204, 1205]. [1011] suggest that the utility functional is steeper around a reference point (e.g. the status quo) for losses than for gains (loss aversion) and that the utility function is concave for gains (risk averse) and convex for losses (risk seeking); the focus is on changes rather than wealth levels. In [1203] , the Independence Axiom is substituted by a smoothness condition of the utility functional, i.e. the utility functional is Frechet differentiable on the space of probability distribution functions. The above utility functionals explain Allais type paradoxes and other experimental evidence. Some useful properties of expected utility (first and second order stochastic dominance, risk aversion, Arrow-Pratt risk aversion comparison) can be derived without the Independence Axiom under plausible assumptions, see [1203, 399]. In [399] it is shown that higher aversion with a rank dependent utility function induces a smaller risky asset demand with a single asset (but not vice versa); in [511] it is shown that risk aversion with a utility functional Ii la Machina does not imply risk diversification. In [1035] it is shown that APT results obtained in [435] can be extended to an economy with agents characterized by preferences satisfying the smoothness condition imposed in [1203] or represented by the rank dependent utility function. In Chapter 6 we have modelled agent's preferences through a time additive expected utility with constant tastes. The utility functional (6.1) is time separable and the instantaneous utility does not change through time, utility associated with consumption in t does not depend on consumption in


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

s ::J t. Moreover future utility is discounted exponentially. This hypothesis has a weak behavioural motivation, see [12051. Moreover, the utility functional (6.1) makes u and in particular its curvature determine both the degree of risk aversion and the agent's willingness to substitute across time, e.g. if u is nearly linear (risk aversion is very low), then the rate of intertemporal substitution is almost insensitive to consumption levels, indicating a large willingness to substitute intertemporally. (6.1) can only model high risk aversion/low substitution or low risk aversion/high substitution. If u is a power utility, then relative risk aversion is exactly the opposite of the elasticity of the intertemporal rate of substitution. There is no behavioural motivation for a connection of this type: risk aversion determines risk diversification across states and intertemporal substitution determines willingness to tolerate variations through time . Experimental results in [141] have shown that there is no relation between risk aversion and the intertemporal rate of substitution. There are two roads to reconcile asset pricing theory and real financial markets removing time separability of the utility functional. The first one removes separability with respect to the state (utility) , the second removes separability with respect to time assuming that instantaneous utility is a function of past consumption or of other variables (time varying preferences) . Recursive Preferences Separability with respect to the state has been removed by introducing the recursive utility function (generalized expected utility), see [617, 1583]. The recursive utility associated with the consumption process {c(O), c(I), ... , c(T)} is defined through an aggregator W. At time t, W relates utility associated with the consumption process {c(t), .. . , c(T)} (V(t)) with the consumption in t (c(t)) and a certainty equivalent for random future utility associated with ({c(t + 1), . . . , c(T)}) (GV (t + 1)): V(t) = W(c(t), GV(t + 1)). Utility associated with the consumption plan {c(O) ,c(I) , ... ,c(T)} is the solution in t = 0 (V(O)) of a backward stochastic difference equation. This way of representing an agent's preferences allows us to characterize independently risk aversion and the intertemporal rate of substitution. The first attitude is captured through the conditional expectation of future utility, the second through W . A formulation in continuous time has been proposed in [562] . In [6171 the following utility function has been proposed:

= {(1-8)cl-P(t)+8E[~~lQIFtI~} \':P,

8 E (0,1) , a. p > 0, P,o:::J 1. (8.2) 0: is the coefficient of relative risk aversion, and is the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption. The above utility function is characterized by constant elasticity of intertemporal substitution in consumption and constant relative risk aversion. If p = 1, then the logarithmic utility function is obtained. Time additive expected utility with a power function is obtained



8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


for 0: = p. If 0: = P = 1, then the additive logarithmic utility function is obtained. Euler conditions become (0: :f 1):

where y = ~=~ and M(t + 1) is the optimal portfolio return. If 0: p:f 1 (logarithmic risk preferences) , then Euler conditions become

E[M- 1(t + l)r n(t

+ 1)IFt] = 1, n =

= 1 and

1, . . . , N.

[738] have shown that the portfolio choice is myopic (Samuelson's result) when a: = 1 for any value of p, On the other hand, if p = 1 then ~n) is constant over time for any 0:. Asset risk premia depend on the covariance between excess returns and the geometric average of consumption growth rate (CCAPM) and market return (CAPM). The CCAPM is obtained for 0: = p, the CAPM for 0: = 1. By approximating the geometric average in (8.3) through the arithmetic average and assuming returns and consumption conditional homoskedastic, an approximating formula for the risk premium is obtained. The formula is a combination of the CAPM and of the CCAPM:


+ 1)IFt] - rf


c(t + 1) 'YPcov( c(t) , rn(t + 1)IFt) + (1 - 'Y )cov (M (t + 1), rn(t + 1)IFt) . Again the CCAPM is obtained for 0: = P and the CAPM when decisions are myopic , i.e. 0: = 1. Similar results are obtained in continuous time, see [563]. A specification of Euler conditions through the expected utility associated with the optimal consumption has been proposed in [1061] . In [1721 an ICAPM is obtained with a recursive utility function characterized by a discount factor which is a function of consumption (Uzawa utility) . If consumption and returns are jointly lognormal and homoskedastic, then the logarithm of the risk free rate is


'Y - 1 1 = -In(8) + pE[ln(c(t + 1)) -In(c(t))IFtl + -2-0'12'Yp2O'~

where O'~ and 0'1 denote respectively the unconditional variance of logarithmic consumption innovations and of logarithmic wealth innovations. The logarithmic risk premium becomes

E[ln(rn(t+l))-ln(rf(t))IFJ t] = -~O'~+ 'YpO'cn+(I- 'Y)O'Mn, n Again the CAPM is obtained when decisions are myopic CCAPM when 0: = p,


= 1, ... ,N.

= 1)


and the


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

The above utility functional does not impose a relation between risk aversion and elasticity of the intertemporal rate of substitution. This feature seems to be promising in order to reconcile asset pricing theory with real financial markets and in particular to explain the equity premium and the risk free rate puzzle. Comparing (6.58) and (6.59) with the above formulae , we observe that assuming the utility function (8.2), a high risk aversion does not necessarily imply a high risk free rate. Moreover, a high risk aversion is no more mandatory to solve the equity prem ium puzzle , there are two factors instead of one, consumption variability is no more the unique risk factor. Returns covariance with wealth can be higher than covariance with consumption, helping to explain the equity premium puzzle. Unfortunately this is not the case empirically. [1583, 1059, 613] assuming identically and independently distributed aggregate consumption growth rates, show that a representative agent model with utility as in (8.2) is observationally equivalent to a model with additive expected utility. a and p cannot be identified separately; the equity premium only depends on the coefficient of relative risk aversion . Non equivalence is obtained in [1581] assuming that endowment growth rates follow a first order Markov process. The equity premium puzzle cannot be easily solved through this utility functional, see [1583, 1020, 1059, 1061]. Unlike the risk free rate puzzle, the equity premium puzzle does not depend on the relation between risk aversion and the intertemporal rate of substitution imposed by the additive utility. The puzzle comes from the fact that the consumption process is too smooth and ' therefore risk aversion has to be high to generate in equilibrium the risk premium observed historically. However, this utility function may help to address the risk free rate puzzle, see [1061] . The elasticity of the intertemporal rate of substitution is not the inverse of the risk aversion coefficient and therefore to generate a low risk free rate it is enough to choose an appropriate value for the elasticity of intertemporal rate of substitution. In [1583, 1020] it is shown that the risk premium is increasing in risk aversion and decreasing in the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, while the risk free rate is decreasing in risk aversion and in the elasticity of intertemporal substitution. To fit both the risk free rate and the risk premium, [1583] chooses a risk aversion coefficient equal to 45 and an elasticity of intertemporal substitution equal to 0.10 which is higher than 1/45. A low elasticity of intertemporal substitution produces asset returns predictability and high volatility of equity returns. The model allows to solve the risk free rate puzzle and the equity premium puzzle but it is difficult to reproduce first and second moment of returns together, see also [1020] . A non parametric version of recursive utility with respect to risk preferences is considered in [613]. Assuming positive serial correlation in consumption growth, they show that the model addresses the equity premium and the risk free rate puzzle but is not able to match second order moments of returns. Increasing the elasticity of intertemporal substitu-

8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


tion, th e risk free rate and equity volatility decrease . Confirming [1020], it is not possible to match together the risk free rate and the volatility of equity returns. Therefore we can affirm that recursive utility does not help us to reproduce three phenomena together: high risk premium, low risk free rate and high volatility-predictability of asset returns. [119] reproduce these phenomena together including return predictability through the price-dividend ratio (dividends contain a small long-run predictable component with time varying growth rate volatility). A plausible level of risk aversion allows to explain the above phenomena. Euler conditions derived by assuming a recursive utility function have been tested in [619] on consumption-monthly returns time series by applying a methodology similar to that employed in [844] ; the evidence is positive with some problems associated with the choice of instrumental variables . The additive expected utility hypothesis (a = p) is rejected by the data. The elasticity of substitution is small and less than 1, confirming [835] , and the coefficient of relative risk aversion is near to 1 (logarithmic preferences) . The discount factor is often greater than one. For an empirical analysis showing that a recursive utility function does not improve the performance of a time additive utility function see [1003]. Tests of intertemporal asset pricing models require consumpt ion time series. Consumption data are measured with errors and are time-aggregated. These features may have serious consequences on asset pricing tests with a bias towards rejection. In [315], employing a loglinear approximation to the budget constraint when the conditional joint distribution of asset returns and consumption is lognormal and homoskedastic, consumption is substituted by wealth in risk premium formulae . The approximation is accurate when the variation of the consumption-wealth ratio is small. The model assumes a recursive utility function. Manipulating (8.4), a linear expression of the logarithmic excess return of an asset is obtained through the variance of the logarithmic return of the asset , its covariance with the logarithmic return of invested wealth (market portfolio) and its covariance with news about future returns on invested wealth (changing of investment opportunities) . Under some conditions, the last term can be ignored (a = 1 or constant investment opportunities) , obtaining an approximate risk premium expression only through the market risk premium. Otherwise, a multi factor model is obtained; among the factors is the market portfolio and not consumption. Factors should be chosen according to their capability to forecast stock market returns (e.g. dividend yield, interest rates). The results can be derived also assuming heteroskedasticity. In [316] the above pricing model has been implemented by inserting human capital as a factor. The author proposes a multifactor model including the market return and variables that help to predict future stock returns and future labour income growth. Aggregate stock market is the main factor in the model. The model is able to explain cross-


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

sectional returns and to capture mean reversion effects. Positive evidence on this model is provided in [906]. In [618] , the authors consider a recursive utility characterized by first order risk aversion, i.e, a non expected utility function introduced in [1452] such that the risk premium for a small gamble is proportional to its standard deviation rather than to its variance. As the aggregate consumption process is smooth, its standard deviation is larger than its variance, and therefore this seems to be a promising way to address the equity premium and the risk free rate puzzle. Different from a standard utility function, a high equity premium is compatible with a low risk free rate. Calibrating the model, authors show that a low risk free rate is compatible with a risk premium larger than the one associated with a standard utility function but still strongly smaller than the historical value. In [160] an equilibrium model with a utility function characterized by first order risk aversion is employed to model time varying risk premia and to reproduce the degree of excess returns predictability observed empirically. Increasing first order risk aversion substantially increases risk premia variance , but the effect on returns predictability is not enough to match the time series evidence . [620] extend the recursive utility function by relaxing the Independence Axiom. This generalization does not enhance the performance of the asset pricing model. On the other hand, first order risk aversion helps to satisfy the volatility bound proposed in [841]. Experimental studies by psychologists have shown that the rate of time preference declines as a function of the horizon (hyperbolic discounting). [1197] describe the equilibrium of a pure exchange economy in which agents have hyperbolic discounting; the model produces interesting results to address the excess volatility and the equity premium puzzle. [1084] show that a model with borrowing constraints and a set of agents with a negative short run rate of discount (short run "urge to save") may generate in equilibrium a low risk free rate and a high risk premium. Habit Formation and Durable Goods Time non separability has been introduced in the utility functional by assuming that the instantaneous utility in t is a function of the contemporaneous consumption and of a process which is a function of past consumption (z(t)). The most natural candidate for z(t) is a weighted average of past consumption, e.g. exponential average . Given a consumption process c(s), z(t) = c(O)e-l'/t + J~ e-l'/(t-s) c(s)ds (7] > 0) and in discrete time z(t) = ac(t) + bz(t - 1) (a, b > 0). Two different interpretations can be given to this process depending on its effect on instantaneous utility. If the utility is an increasing function with respect to z(t) , then durable goods are modelled : z(t) represents cumulative services that the agent gathers in t from having consumed c(s), s ;:; t. If the utility is a decreasing function with respect to z(t), then a habit persistence effect is modelled : the agent having experienced in the past a high consumption level is familiar with it, compares consump-

8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


tion with it and therefore his utility decreases with respect to the habit level. z(t) represents the agent's standard of living. An exponential smoothing of past consumption well represents the fact that the effect of past consumption is declining over time and that the habit depends on recent rather than remote behaviour. By introducing z(t) in the utility function , complementarity or substitutability among goods consumed at different dates are modelled. In the first case the mixed partial derivative is negative, in the second case the mixed partial derivative is positive. When goods are durable, consumption at nearby dates are almost perfect substitutes. Simplifying, we can describe the habit persistence effect through the following utility function, see [1061] :

E[t 68 (c(t + s) -

~c~: s -

1))1-0 \.rd, A> O.



The agent having consumed c(t - 1) in t - 1 becomes familiar with that consumption level and therefore he wishes to consume more in t. Utility in t is a decreasing function of consumption in t-1 if c(t) - AC(t -1) > O. Lagged consumption determines the subsistence level. The utility functional described above implies that the marginal utility associated with consumption in t is N(t) = (c(t) - AC(t -1))-0 - 6AE[(c(t + 1) - Ac(t))-ol.rt] . Euler conditions for the optimal consumption process become

N(t + 1) 6E[ N(t) (r n(t+l)-rf)l.rt] =0, n=I , . . . ,N. The habit formation process makes the coefficient of relative risk aversion differ from the inverse of the elasticity of intertemporal substitution, see [453]. The instantaneous utility function with habit persistence is usually described by u(c(t), z(t)), where z(t) is a weighted sum of consumption in s < t, with a negative derivative of u in the second argument. A utility function with a habit persistence effect allows a resolution of the equity premium puzzle. In [453], the author shows that assuming that z(t) is an exponential weighted average of past consumption and that u(c(t), z(t)) = (c(t)~~~»I-Q if c ~ z and u(c(t) , z(t)) = -00 if c < z (a > 0) (difference model), the asset risk premium observed historically is matched with a < 3. A similar result was obtained in [3] assuming u(c(t) , z(t)) = (c(t)I:~r>I-Q , 'Y E [0,1] (ratio model) . The difference model allows for time varying risk aversion, while the ratio model generates constant risk aversion. In Section 6.6, it was observed that consumption is smooth (low standard deviation of the consumption growth rate), an observation which does not agree with asset pricing results obtained with a time separable utility. [1529] has shown that a utility function with habit persistence produces a consumption process less sensitive to wealth shocks (excess smoothness) . These results have been confirmed in [530] under


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

some conditions for a generic utility function u( c, z) with negative derivative in the second argument. Similar results are obtained assuming that the instantaneous utility negatively depends on the contemporaneous habit and on the conditional expectation of future habit, see [66]. In [530, 1529] a twofactor and a multifactor CCAPM are derived . In general , habit persistence increases the risk premium with respect to the time separable utility; moreover the marginal rate of intertemporal substitution becomes more volatile . However, solution of the risk premium puzzle comes at the cost of a poor performance in reproducing the variance of asset returns and in particular of the short-term interest rate (larger than observed empirically) see [879, 882, 426], and is not compatible with addressing the term premium puzzle, see [27] . Habit persistence disentangling risk aversion and the intertemporal rate of substitution helps to solve the risk free rate puzzle, see [483, 1061]. The rationale is that the elasticity of the intertemporal rate of substitution can be set higher than in the additive case. In [989, 239] habit formation has been inserted in a (one and two sector) real business cycle model (endogenous endowment process) . Assuming capital adjustment costs or limited inter-sectoral factor mobility, the model can explain the historical equity premium, the mean risk free rate and the asset Sharpe ratio. The models incur some problems in reproducing second moments of asset returns, in particular of the risk free rate. Note that some form of input market inflexibility is necessary to obtain the above results, otherwise consumption will be smoother than in a pure exchange economy, see [239, 1149]. Standard business cycle properties are replicated by the models. In the decision theory literature, it was recognized that agents' tastes may be affected by what they expect about future consumption or utility. This may happen in two different and opposite directions, creating either disappointment or anticipation. Agents may experience disappointment comparing an outcome with its past expectation. On the other hand, agents may anticipate future utility and therefore the expectation of future utility positively affects utility from consumption. In [67] a utility functional modelling these effects is proposed. Disappointment and anticipation are modelled by assuming that the habit process is affected by past expected utility. When u is increasing (decreasing) in the habit, we model the anticipation (disappointment) effect. In the first case, when savouring in the past a high level of expected utility, the agent gets a high level of satisfaction-utility from the current consumption rate. In the second case a high level of expected utility in the past induces the agent to ask for a higher consumption rate today. Asset pricing results show that an anticipation effect generates a risk premium smaller than the one obtained with an additive expected utility, whereas the disappointment effect leads to a higher risk premium. Therefore, a disappointment effect provides us with an interesting perspective to solve the equity premium puzzle. [343] have shown that anxiety (the agent is anxious for future wealth-consumption) contributes to explain both the risk free and

8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


the equity premium puzzle. Asset pricing results obtained in [61] assuming a utility function capturing a disappointment aversion (good outcomes are down-weighted relative to bad outcomes) confirm that disappointment may help to solve the equity premium puzzle and to explain a low participation rate in the market. Disappointment aversion displays first order risk aversion and has effects similar to loss aversion. Consumption with durable goods has been investigated in several papers, see [570, 606, 474, 804, 894]. The optimal consumption policy is derived . In some models, there is a unique durable good, in others there are non durable and durable goods. In the first case utility may be a function only of z(t). As in the habit persistence case, durability introduces a wedge between risk aversion and the intertemporal rate of substitution. Durable goods and habit persistence produce different and sometimes opposite effects on asset prices. In [894], the risk premium with durable goods turns out to be smaller than in the time separable utility case. As a matter of fact, when consumptions at nearby dates are substitutes, agents are "less" risk averse. The CAPM holds and the CCAPM does not , see [804, 894, 474]. Empirical research on the presence of a habit persistence effect-goods durability and consumption intertemporal complementarity-substitution is quite large . [570, 606, 607, 708], testing Euler conditions on monthly time series, find evidence of durable good effects (substitutability over short periods) rather than of habit persistence; no sign of a habit formation effect has been detected with annual data in [587]. The analysis in [655, 252] on monthly, quarterly and annual data shows that habit persistence effects dominate durable good effects. [655, 6581 show the presence of seasonal time non separability; seasonal habit persistence rather than goods durability is empirically detected (consumption the year before in the same quarter), the habit persistence model performs better than the one with a time additive utility and is not rejected by Euler conditions tests. The mean-variance bound on the intertemporal rate of substitution is much likely to be satisfied by a habit persistence utility showing intertemporal complementarity than by a utility with durable goods characterized by intertemporal substitution, see [841, 705, 357, 658]. Consumption durability helps to satisfy the Euler conditions, while habit persistence helps to match the first two moments of asset returns. Consumption durability lowers the volatility of the marginal rate of substitution. [878, 879] show that the performance of the intertemporal optimal consumption model is sensitive to the frequency of consumption data and to their aggregation (monthly-quarterly observations). Consumption changes are predictable and are at odds with the martingale model. Using seasonally (un)adjusted observations of consumption, there is strong evidence in favour of durable goods-local substitution with no evidence of habit persistence alone. Over short periods there is a substitution effect (less than four months) . Some evidence of habit persistence over longer periods joined by the


Uncertainty, Rationality and Het erogeneity

presence of durable goods is observed, i.e. a slowly developing habit forming process over services flow associated with durable goods . Local substitutability of consumption improves th e fit of a long-run habit persistence model and vice-versa . These results suggest the combination of consumption subst it ution over short periods and consumption complementar ity over longer periods (the habit develops slowly). A utility of this type satisfies the volatility bound introduced in [841] , generates a low volatility of the risk free rate, generates returns autocorrelation but is rejected using a simulated methods of moments approach and is unable to reproduce the historical equity premium and the volatility of stock returns. A utility function capturing local substitution (durability) over short periods and long-run complementarity (habit formation) has been proposed in [895, 526]. Habit and durability also provide an explanation of consumption excess sensitive to past income changes. [1229, 607] have introduced leisure in the utility function. Empirical tests have shown that leisure does not help to improve the fit of the intertemporal equilibrium model. Loss A version Loss aversion refers to the tendency of individuals to be more sensitive to reductions in their levels of consumption-wealth than to increases, see [1011] . This asymmetry has been modelled through prospect theory by assuming a kink in the utility function at a reference point such as the status quo , i.e, the slope of the loss function is steeper than that of the gain function. In some cases the loss function is convex (risk loving) and the gain function is concave (risk aversion) . In [1549], the following utili ty function has been proposed u(W) = -l(W - W)b for W < Wand u(W) = (W - W)b otherwise, where W is the reference wealth level and l > 1 (b = 0.88 and l = 2.25). Note that for b = 1 the agent is risk neutral but still loss averse. The reference point can be defined with respect to consumption, wealth , capital gains , etc. Prospect theory rationalizes the so-called disposition effect, i.e. the tendency to hold loser assets too long and to sell winner assets too soon , see [1468, 651, 1327, 761, 788]. The rationale of this behaviour is that for a winner asset the agent is in the concave region and therefore he is risk averse, while for a loser asset he is in the convex region and therefore he is risk lover. Intraday empirical evidence supporting an agent's loss aversion is provided in [468] . The disposition effect may generate a momentum effect in stock returns and underreaction to news, see [787]. When wealth reaches a certain threshold, the agent may follow a portfolio insurance strategy, see [761]. In the same paper it is shown that the presence of loss averse investors in the market induces trading volume and volume is positively correlated with return volatility. Loss aversion also generates a horizon effect on portfolio choices when returns are predictable, i.e. a long horizon induce s agents to hold more stocks, see [29] .

8.2. On Expected Utility Theory


In [164], the authors show that a utility function accounting for loss aversion allows to solve the equity premium and the risk free rate puzzle. To this end, they assume a short investor's evaluation period (myopic loss aversion), in this case losses are realized more often than when assuming a long evaluation horizon and therefore the investor is extremely risk averse (a one-year evaluation horizon is enough to explain the equity premium puzzle); for experimental evidence on myopic loss aversion and risk taking see [1536]. A long evaluation horizon induces the agent to take more risk; agents are sensitive to changes in financial wealth. In [127, 126], the above puzzles are addressed by assuming loss aversion with respect to changes in financial wealth, with a loss after prior gains less painful than a loss after prior losses. This model generates high returns volatility, a high Sharpe ratio on the aggregate stock market, returns predictability, low correlation between returns and consumption growth and low variability of the risk free rate, and explains some of the puzzles encountered in testing the CAPM (size, price-dividend, book to value effects). On the cross sectional performance of the model see also [1485]. As in a habit formation model, risk aversion changes through time (low risk aversion after a market run up and high risk aversion after a market fall), introducing a risk premium for downside risk. Keeping up with the J oneses In [3, 4, 704] the utility function of an agent is a function of the aggregate consumption per capita (keeping or catching up with the Joneses). As an example, consider the utility function

Ed=: 8

8 C(t

+ S)l-OC(\+_s~-YC(t + s -


1F t],



0, I, x < 1,


where c(t) is the per capita consumption in t, see [1061] . 1 and>. model the agent's evaluation of his consumption level with respect to the per capita contemporaneous and lagged consumption level. This utility function captures consumption externality: if an agent is jealous, then 1 and>. will be negative (negative externality), if instead an agent is altruistic, then the coefficients will be positive (positive externality). In the first case, the marginal utility is decreasing in per capita consumption and in the second case it is increasing in per capita consumption. While solving the optimal consumption problem, the agent considers per capita consumption as an exogenous datum, in equilibrium agent's consumption coincides with the per capita consumption (homogeneous economy). Euler conditions become 8E[(

c(t + 1) -y-o c(t) A c(t)) (c(t-1)) (r n(t+1)-rf)IFtl=0, n=l, . . . ,N.

It is easy to identify the externality effect. Considering a consumption process with identically and independently growth rates calibrated on the US economy, [3] has shown that both the risk premium and the risk free rate


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

observed empirically can be reproduced with a coefficient of relative risk aversion equal to 6 and 'Y = O. As for the habit persistence utility, the main drawback is that returns variance (in particular that of the risk free rate) is much larger than the historical value. In [4] it is shown that this drawback can be avoided by introducing a leverage factor in the wealth of the economy. Setting A = 0, [704] has shown an inverse relation between 'Y and the risk premium; high enough negative externality ("( < 0) allows to solve the equity premium puzzle. However, a negative 'Y induces a large risk free rate. A consumption negative externality makes the agent more risk averse. [324] consider a utility function with an external habit, i.e. the agent compares his consumption with the history of aggregate consumption. By modelling consumption growth as an independently and identically distributed lognormal process, a wide variety of asset price phenomena are reproduced. The agent's utility is (c(t)s(t»l-'Y -1 where s(t) = c(t)-z(t) is the surplus ra1-1'


tio and z(t) is the external habit (a nonlinear function of the history of aggregate consumption). This type of habit process allows to replicate the historical risk free rate, the mean excess stock return and its variance. The model replicates the equity premium without generating a high volatility in the risk free rate as in a traditional habit formation model and generates high asset price-return volatility. Moreover, the model explains business cycle movements of asset prices and risk premia (high risk premia during recessions and small risk premia during booms, i.e. counter-cyclical time variation in the Sharpe ratio of stock returns), and returns serial correlation and predictability through the price-dividend ratio. The rationale is that during a recession an agent's consumption decreases towards the habit increasing risk aversion and therefore the risk premium. Implicitly, the model assumes high and time varying risk aversion. According to this model, there is an inverse relation between consumption surplus and expected returns. The model also generates a low correlation between asset returns and consumption growth as observed empirically. On asset pricing models with this type of preferences see also [426, 1532, 1575, 1162]. This type of model may explain the poor performance of the CCAPM relative to the CAPM, see [325]. The model performs well also in explaining the cross-sectional variation in conditional expected returns; there is space for asset characteristics, see [1255, 1575]. Countercyclical variation in the Sharpe ratio of stock returns is obtained in [382] by assuming a ratio model with external habit, heterogeneous preferences and constant risk aversion. Agents' risk aversion is constant over time but varies across the population. A different formulation of the catching up with the Joneses phenomenon has been proposed in [96], i.e. it is the wealth level of the agent that is compared to a social wealth index. A volatility bound test of the type described in [841] and a generalized method of moments test provide positive evidence for the model, see also [1498].

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality


If agents care about their consumption relative to per capita consumption in their community, then agents hold undiversified portfolios similar to those of other members of their community, see [518] .


Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality

In this section we address two different topics: agents heterogeneity and non (substantial) rationality. No, bounded or near rationality means that agents do not necessarily maximize an (utility) objective function representing their preferences and/or that they do not behave according to traditional substantial rationality dictates, e.g. Bayes rule. Agents heterogeneity is investigated together with non rational behaviours because only in this case does it matter. As a matter of fact, if agents ' preferences satisfy some conditions and markets are complete , then an aggregation result holds such that the economy with heterogeneous agents is observationally equivalent to an economy with a representative agent. In what follows, agents heterogeneity does not concern their resources, preferences, or information, but their goals and the instruments they use to pursue them. For a survey on psychology, decision making and finance see [311, 131, 482, 896] . The substantial rationality hypothesis and the rational expectations hypothesis imply some behavioural rules: agents maximize expected utility (or a functional as described in the previous section representing their preferences), they use the Bayes rule to update their beliefs, etc. In this section and in the next one we will evaluate the role of these hypotheses inside the analysis developed in previous chapters. Alternative behavioural assumptions are motivated by two main arguments. First, substantial rationality and rational expectations seem inplausible to psychologists and economists, second full rationality leads to very complex solutions and in some cases no closed solution is available, e.g. intertemporal consumption strategies. Based on this observation, [1491] proposes a satisfying approach: limited calculating power and complexity of decision problems lead the agent to adopt what is inproperly defined as a non fully rational behaviour, e.g. rules of thumb. Before analysing alternative behavioural assumptions, we point out that asset pricing theories based on full rationality and rational expectations will always play an important role in a normative and in a descriptive sense. They represent the main reference point because they show what happens in the market when agents fully exploit their information. As a consequence, it is mandatory to compare asset pricing theory based on alternative behavioural assumptions with the classical asset pricing theory. Recalling the Kuhn quotation at the beginning of Chapter 1, alternative behavioural assumptions will be evaluated not only on their capability to explain anomalies encountered in testing the classical asset pricing theory but also on their capability to provide an alternative paradigm explaining what the classical asset pricing


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

theory is able to explain. The main drawback associated with escaping the full rationality assumption is the multiplicity of theories. In many cases, a theory is only able to explain a puzzle arising in testing the classical asset pricing theory but not to reproduce other results and generates other embarrassing puzzles. The robustness of the results with respect to the behavioural assumption should also be carefully checked. Apart from the normative interpretation, [696] proposes two arguments that we should consider in favour of full rationality and rational expectations. The first is that a theory should be evaluated on the validity of its implications and not on the validity of the assumptions. This point is clearly made in the two statements by Solow and Kuhn at the beginning of Chapter 1. The second line of defence is that irrational agents will loose money in favour of rationalsmart agents: irrational agents do not survive in the market. In what follows, we will carefully evaluate these arguments. We will consider markets with agents who define their behaviour without maximizing a utility functional representing their preferences or who do not update their beliefs according to the Bayes rule , i.e, they do not fully exploit their information. We do not intend to provide a complete survey of the topic, but only to highlight the main results. We will consider markets characterized by the presence of the following types of non rational agents: a) noise traders, b) noise traders with distorted beliefs, c) overconfident agents, d) agents who do not update their beliefs according to the Bayes rule , e) agents who trade in the market according to the price dynamics. Noise Traders The presence of noise traders in the market as introduced in Chapter 7 and in [1472] (price inelastic random demand) has been analysed in [328] through a continuous time model. There are two classes of agents: infinite living rational agents who maximize an exponential utility function with a constant coefficient of absolute risk aversion and noise traders. Noise traders' demand is described by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck stochastic process. Changes in the levels of detrended dividends and prices are modelled as normal random variables with constant variance. Noise traders affect the behaviour of risk averse rational agents, i.e, they introduce a further risk component. The analysis allows identification of three components in asset price volatility: a component associated with information on future dividends contained in the dividend time series, a component associated with information on future dividends not contained in the dividend time series and a component associated with noise traders. They calibrate the model on the Standard&Poor time series. The noise traders' effect depends on the interest rate. Stock price movements can be explained by assuming a low discount rate (lower than 4%) and a high risk aversion coefficient or in case of a discount factor larger than 5% by assuming the presence in the market of a relevant noise traders ' component highly correlated with the fundamental value. Noise traders induce

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality


a price volatility increase, overreaction and mean reversion . A low level of noise demand is needed in a multiple security overlapping generations model to generate a high volatility of asset prices, see [1503]. In [514, 515, 1478], an economy with noise traders has been analysed. Noise traders have wrong beliefs on the fundamental value of the asset. They underestimate or overestimate future expected price. In [514] a two-period overlapping generations model is analysed. An agent makes a portfolio decision when he is young . Two assets are traded in the economy. The supply of the first asset is perfectly elastic, the asset delivers in the subsequent period the risk free dividend r I, its price is normalized be equal to 1. The second asset delivers the dividend of the first asset, but its supply is fixed (equal to 1). We will refer to the first asset as the safe asset and to the second as the risky asset. The price of the second asset in t is p(t) . If all agents in the market are rational, then prices of both assets will be equal to 1. In the market there is a fraction 1 - J.L E [0, 1] of rational agents and a fraction J.L of noise traders. Agents belonging to the two classes are identical. They know the economic model and maximize the expected exponential utility with a coefficient of absolute risk aversion equal to 2" but a noise trader has a wrong evaluation of the future price of the risky asset. In t, a young noise trader evaluates the expected price of the risky asset in t + 1 to be E[P(t + 1) 1Ft ] + p(t) , where p(t) is a realization of a random variable p(t) . p(t) (t 2: 1) is a sequence of random variables distributed independently and identically as a Normal (N(p, a~)) . p(t) is a measure of the bullishness of noise traders in t. Define a 2(t) = E[(p(t + 1) - E[P(t + 1)IFt])2/Ft ] the variance of the price in t + 1 conditional on information in t. Agents of the two classes differ for the conditional expectation of the future price, but they agree on the same estimate of the conditional variance . Agents of both classes maximize their expected utility. The demand of rational agents is TI

+ E[P(t + 1)1Ft ] -

(1 + TI )p(t)

2,a 2 (t ) the demand of noise traders is equal to that of rational agents plus the additive term 2~J;1t)' When a noise trader overestimates the future expected price, his demand will be larger than that of a rational agent. A stationary equilibrium is obtained by imposing that the unconditional distribution of p(t + 1) is equal to that of p(t) . In equilibrium,

p( t ) = 1 + J.Lp(t) - P + J.L P _ 1 + TI




2'J.L2a~ + TI )2



and a (t) = (l+rf)2 ' If p(t) converges to a point mass at zero, then the risky asset price converges to its fundamental value (1). The first term in (8.6) is the fundamental value of the asset, the other three terms are due to the presence of p.2


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

noise traders in the market; the relevance of these components increases in the percentage of noise traders (p,). Noise traders affect the risky asset price in three different ways. As noise traders have a wrong estimate in mean of future price (15 "I 0), the asset price today changes in the same direction (third term). If the generation of noise traders in t is characterized by an evaluation mistake of future price different from its average (p(t) "115), then the asset price will be affected in the same direction (second term). These two effects derive from the noise traders' portfolio choice (price pressure), i.e, if p(t) > 0 then noise traders' demand of the risky asset is higher than that of rational traders, the opposite effect is obtained if p(t) < O. The last term plays a crucial role: because of the noise traders' presence in the market, the future price of the risky asset is random and therefore its return is risky; this fact induces rational and noise traders to ask a positive risk premium to hold the asset, a premium which drives the price down and the return up. The premium is proportional to the conditional variance of the future price. This last component means that noise traders create their own space in market: as the future price is random because of the presence of noise traders, noise and rational agents buy the risky asset in exchange of an adequate risk premium which drives its price down and therefore the risky asset return up. There is a noise traders' risk in the market. These effects depend strongly on the fact that rational agents are characterized by a finite time horizon. If rational agents live for two periods, then they care about the tomorrow price and ask a premium for noise traders' risk; but if they live for more than two periods and in particular have an infinite life then they will not care about the tomorrow price and they will adopt strategies aimed at exploiting arbitrage opportunities created by noise traders, e.g. buy&hold strategy. However, [205] have shown in a mean-variance context that myopia is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for noisy prices. They show that a unique noisy equilibrium price exists (noise traders affect prices) only if agents are rational regarding volatility and irrational regarding expected returns and can hold infinite positions. If these two hypotheses, which are satisfied in [514] , are not verified, then noise equilibria coexist with the fully rational equilibrium. Noisy equilibria exist only on a subset of the parameter space , while the rational equilibrium exists for all parameter values. The presence of non rational traders in the market has often been denied on the basis of an evolutionary argument, e.g. see [696] : non rational agents experience less favourable income dynamics than that of rational agents (lower returns) , and therefore in the long-run only rational agents will populate the market. The default probability of non-rational agents is higher than that of rational agents . This conjecture is only in part confirmed in this context. In [514]' the authors have shown that the expected return differential between noise and rational agents is equal to (8.7)

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality


A necessary condition so that the noise traders' expected return is larger than that of rational agents is p > O. The reason is simple: if p > 0 then noise traders on average hold more risky assets and therefore more risk than rational agents and may earn a higher expected return. In fact, because of p(t), the risky asset guarantees an expected return higher than the risk free rate; such a return is in favour of noise traders in case they hold more risky assets than rational agents. When p < 0, the noise traders' expected return is lower than that of rational agents. The first term of the numerator in (8.7) captures the fact that bullish noise traders' demand drives up the risky asset price, decreasing the return of the risky asset and therefore the expected return differential. The second term of the numerator captures the fact that noise traders have the worst possible market timing, i.e, they buy the asset when all noise traders do it (high price and low return). The more variable p(t) is, the stronger the bad market timing effect is. These two effects cause an expected return loss to noise traders. The denominator describes the effect identified above according to which an increase in the variability of p(t) leads to a higher risk premium. The first term and the denominator in (8.7) tend to raise noise traders' relative expected return, whereas the numerator terms tend to decrease it. The differential expected return is quadratic and convex in p: noise traders have an expected return lower than rational agents if in mean they are bearish or if they are too bullish (large p). For an intermediate bullish tendency, the noise traders' expected return is higher than that of rational agents. However, noise traders always gather an expected utility lower than that of rational agents. In an imperfectly competitive market, [1347] has shown that noise traders may earn higher expected returns and higher expected utility than rational traders. In [514] the evolution of the population in the market is analysed. Population dynamics based on imitation among agents is considered: p,(t + 1)

= max{O,min[l,p,(t) + ~(t)(RN (t) -



where R N (t) and RR(t) respectively denote wealth return in t of noise traders and rational traders. The percentage of noise traders increases if they earn a positive return over the return of rational agents. Such a dynamics can be interpreted as the outcome of an imitation process , i.e. the most profitable behaviour (between being rational and non rational) is adopted by more agents with some inertia represented by ~(t). If ~(t) ~ 0, then asymptotically only one of the two classes of agents survives in the market: there exists a p,* such that for p, > p,* rational traders disappear in the long-run, while for p, < p,* noise traders disappear. If the risky asset is characterized by a random dividend r/ + i(t), where i( t) (t 2: 1) is a sequence of identically and independently distributed random variables distributed as a normal with zero mean, then still the expected return of noise traders can be larger than that of rational agents. According to the dynamics for p, described above , in the long-run either noise traders


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

dominate the market or It converges to an equilibrium such that both classes of agents exist in the market. However, if the imitation process is based on the comparison of the utility obtained in the previous time instant, then in the long-run noise traders disappear. In [515] , analysing a slightly different model (noise traders do not affect market prices) , the dynamics of the population is analysed. There are noise and rational traders in the economy. Noise traders misperceive asset return distribution and in particular its mean and variance. If noise traders only misperceive the return variance, then they earn expected returns higher than rational traders. If noise traders' utility is more risk averse than a logarithmic utility and they misperceive the asset return variance in a limited way, then they survive in the market, i.e. their share of the economy's total wealth does not approach zero almost surely as time passes. Under some conditions they dominate the market, i.e, after sufficient time the probability that they have a share of wealth higher than that of rational traders is greater than 1/2. If noise traders strongly underestimate the return variance, then they are more likely to default. This model provides interesting insights to solve-explain some of the regularities-anomalies observed in financial markets. First of all, noise traders induce excess variability of pet) with respect to what is observed in a fully rational economy. The volatility of p(t) is not related to changes in the asset fundamental. Therefore, noise traders may help to explain excess volatility in financial markets. If pet) (t ~ 1), instead of being a sequence of independent random variables, is a mean reverting process then the asset price too is characterized by mean reversion and future returns can be predicted through the dividend yield. In this setting, a contrarian strategy earns excess profits . As misperceptions become persistent, the price variance increases. Finally, bullish noise traders induce a positive risk premium, which can help to explain the equity prem ium puzzle. A model of this type has also been proposed to explain the difference between the closed end fund price and the net value of the assets held in the fund, see [1129]. They provide evidence that the small investor sentiment affects the risk of common stocks , i.e. it is priced by the market. Against this interpretation see [611]. The presence of noise traders in the market has been confirmed empirically in [1034] by looking at agents' participation to the market. The author tests with positive evidence that noise traders participation should be a negative predictor of future stock returns. In [512], the welfare consequence of noise t raders is evaluated, it is shown that in many cases their presence in the market reduces the stock of capital-consumption with respect to an economy populated exclusively by rational agents . Consumption is also more volatile. The engine of these results is again the risk associated with the presence of noise traders. In many cases, the wealth of rational agents is negatively affected by the noise traders ' presen ce, advantages associated with arbitrage

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality


opportunities caused by their presence are less than the costs due to the extra risk component. As a variant of the above definition of noise traders, we can consider traders who trade according to a signal that they think is relevant , but it is not. On the relevance of this component on trading volume see [783, 1597) . Overconfidence Models with overconfident agents have been proposed in some recent papers . The models are interesting because th ey are able to generate both overreaction and underreaction of asset prices. Note that almost all the models presented above are able to explain long-run mean reversion but not a momentum effect. Overconfidence stands for many different phenomena: agents overestimate the precision of their knowledge, agents overestimate their ability to do well and their own contribution to past positive outcomes, most individuals see themselves above the average, etc. In the financial markets literature, it is assumed that agents are overconfident about information, i.e. they overestimate its precision . In particular, agents overestimate the precision of their private information, see [1326, 480); instead, they are not usually overconfident on public information, see [480) . Agents can also be overconfident on their knowledge of the signals of others, see [166). Overconfidence dynamically changes over time, i.e. it increases with success, see [480, 727) . In these models , posterior beliefs are too precise with a weight on private (public) information larger (smaller) than predicted by the Bayes rule . Therefore overconfidence induces a suboptimal portfolio choice: as posterior beliefs are too precise, overconfident agents end up with more risk exposure than rational agents. [1326) analyses some models with private information: a perfectly competitive market with noisy supply and disseminated information of the type in [536), strategic insider trading in a market with concentrated information of the type in [1094). Agents overweight their private signal and underweight market price signals and common priors . In a perfectly competitive market, trading volume and volatility increase in agents ' overconfidence. Overconfidence worsens the quality of prices and overconfident agents' expected utility is lower than that of rational agents. If overconfident agents underestimate (overestimate) new information, then price changes exhibit positive (negative) serial correlation and underreaction (overreaction). In a strategic market model with an insider, trading volume, market depth, volatility and quality of prices increase in insider 's overconfidence, see also [166). Insider's expected profits decrease in his overconfidence. However, in a similar model [166, 1096, 669) show that an overconfident trader may get higher expected profit-utility than a rational trader; as a consequence, overconfident agents may survive in a market with a market maker. The same result is obtained in [898] for a perfectly competitive market: overconfident traders taking more risks do better than rational traders at exploiting arbitrage opportunities ere-


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

ated by liquidity traders. Assuming a replicating dynamics as in (8.8), overconfident agents constitute a substantial positive fraction of the population; similar results are obtained in [669] . The higher the noise volatility (level of overconfidence), the larger (lower) the proportion of surviving overconfident traders. Increasing the precision of public disclosure, the expected utility of overconfident agents declines. In a multi period market, overconfidence generates disagreement among agents, see [1442]. Disagreement causes a bubble (prices are above the fundamentals) , trading volume, excess volatility and return predictability. A model based on investor overconfidence and variations in confidence arising from biased self-attribution has been proposed in [480]. Agents are overconfident about their private information and therefore overreact to private information and underreact to public information. This overreactionunderreaction pattern generates long-run negative serial correlation in excess returns (agents overreact to their private information and then gradually revise their beliefs according to public information) and excess volatility. Biased self-attribution means that agents are biased in updating their confidence in their own ability: they tend to attribute their success to it and bad events to external forces. When agents receive a public signal that confirms their behaviour, their confidence rises, while confidence is only modestly affected by a non confirming public signal. On average, the overconfidence level rises. Such a process generates a short-run momentum effect with long-run reversals. There are two classes of agents in the market: informed risk neutral agents (I) and uninformed risk averse agents (U). Informed agents overestimate the precision of observed signals. There are four periods in the model (t = 0,1 ,2,3) . In t = 0 agents have homogeneous beliefs on the value of the asset and exclusively trade for hedging needs. In t = 1 informed agents observe the same signal about the asset dividend, in t = 2 all agents observe a public signal on the asset dividend. In t = 3 the dividend is declared to all agents. The variables describing the model are distributed as independent normal random variables. The dividend in t = 3 is a realization of the random variable 0 with distribution N(O,I1~). The signal observed in t = 1 is a realization of the random variable 81 = 0 + i, where f is distributed as N(O, 11;). Uninformed agents correctly estimate the variance of the noise component, whereas informed agents underestimate it (11~ with 11~ < 11;). The public signal in t = 2 is 82 = 0 + il, where il is distributed as N(O, 11~). All agents have a correct estimate of the variance of this signal. As informed agents are risk neutral, prices in t = 1,2 are equal to the expected value of 0 conditioned on the information available to informed agents at that time, i.e, PI




= I1n2 + I12 (0 + to), c

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality



2 2 2 2 _ a(J2( aTJ2 + a c2) a(JaTJ _ a(Ja c 2a 217. a2(a2+a2)+a2a20+ a2(a2+a2)+a2a2€+ a2(a2 +(2) +a (J TJ c TJc (J TJ C TJ c (J TJ C TJC

Price overreaction to the private signal and underreaction to the public signals are observed . In equilibrium, price changes are negatively serially correlated. The volatility caused by private information is higher than the volatility observed in a fully rational economy, whereas the volatility caused by the arrival of public information can be higher or lower than the volatility in a fully rational market. Overconfidence increases unconditional volatility. By assuming that overconfidence changes through time by the above-described biased self-attribution mechanism, short horizon returns and price changes are positively serially correlated and long-run returns are negatively serially correlated. Positive return autocorrelation comes from continuing (delayed) overreaction. The model provides an explanation of post-event continuation documented in Chapter 6, e.g. post-earnings announcement drift. This model can help to explain several cross-sectional anomalies discovered when testing the CAPM, see [481] . Assuming multiple securities and risk aversion it is shown that overconfidence explains the ability of dividend yield, size, earnings/price and book to market value to predict cross sectional differences in future returns. These variables dominate {3 in explaining the cross section of expected returns. The rationale is that overconfidence leads to a misvaluation which is reflected by the price and by the above ratios. Misvaluation due to overreaction to favourable news leads to a high price, low ratios and low future returns. Note that underreaction would imply the opposite relationship. CAPM anomalies are in favour of overreaction. A variant of the above model with agents overconfident about intangible information (management decisions' information) and not about tangible information (firm performance information) predicts that agents overreact to intangible private information and possibly underreact to tangible public information, see [487]. These predictions are confirmed empirically. Assuming that agents have confidence on information that depends on its reliability, [227] show through experiments that agents tend to moderate their confidence towards their prior expectation of reliability, as a consequence agents overreact to unreliable information (overestimate its reliability) and underreact to reliable information (underestimate its reliability). Evidence of underreaction to cash flow news by individuals and not by institutions is provided in [431]. Overconfidence leads to a lot of trading and to suboptimal portfolio choices (large risk exposure) and therefore to smaller returns-expected utility. These implications have been tested empirically with positive evidence . In [123] it is shown that households who trade frequently earn an annualised geometric return smaller than the return of those who trade infrequently. Psychological research has shown that women are less overconfident than men; in [124] it is shown that men trade more frequently and that their return is smaller than that gained by women. In [1328], it is shown that securities purchased by small traders underperform those they sell. They trade too


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

much in the wrong direction. Note also that the tendency of agents to hold losers and to sell winners can be explained through overconfidence. [465] document strong persistence in the performance of trades of individual investors, suggesting that skilful individual investors exploit market inefficiencies and earn abnormal returns. Some evidence of agents ' overconfidence is observed around disclosures of insider trades, see [547]. We have pointed out that overconfident agents may survive in the long-run (higher profits -utility than rational agents); in [727] it is shown that agents may learn to become overconfident by overestimating the degree to which they are responsible for their own success (self-serving attribution bias) . As a consequence, there is an endogenous tendency to overconfidence: the process of becoming wealthy can make traders overconfident. These models supply an interpretation of the positive returns serial correlation and of the success of momentum strategies through delayed overreaction . The empirical analysis in [980] provides support to this interpretation. Difficulties arise in producing a mean reversion effect in the long-run, see [631]. Feedback Traders Price dynamics with feedba ck traders has been analysed in [513, 475]. Feedback traders buy or sell an asset on the basis of its dynamics. Positive (negative) feedback traders buy (sell) an asset after a run up. Positive feedback trading could result from the use of stop loss orders, portfolio insurance, technical analysis trading rules, risk aversion decreasing in wealth, positive wealth elasticity of demand for risky assets, contagion among the agents in the market, asset price extrapolation, trend chasing . Negative feedback trading can be the outcome of profit taking strategies or of strategies targeting a constant share of wealth in different assets. We will further discuss the origin offeedback trading in Chapter 11. In [475] the authors have shown that the presence of feedback traders allows to explain positive serial correlation in asset returns over short horizons and negative serial correlation over longer horizons . The model describes the dynamics of the price of a future contract assuming three classes of agents in the market: rational agents, fundamentalists and feedback traders. The model is linear , the percentage of the three classes of agents in the market does not change over time . Rational (risk neutral) agents determine their risky asset demand in ton the basis of the future expected return:

S1(t) = '}'(E[r(t + 1)I.1't ] - r/)

b > 0).


If there are no arbitrage opportunities (the expected return is equal to the risk free return), then the agent will not trade. The agent's excess demand of the asset is linear in the expected excess return, i.e. the rational agent holds future contracts if its expected return is larger than the risk free rate.

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality


Fundamentalist agents base their demand on the comparison between the price and the fundamental value of the asset. If p(t) is the logarithm of the price and f(t) is the logarithm of fundamental value of the future contract, then their demand is

S2(t) = (3(p(t) - o:(L)f(t)) ((3 < 0), where o:(L) is a delay polynomial operator defining the weights assigned to f(t-s) (s :::: 0). This type of demand function means that the agent estimates the value of the asset be equal to a weighted average of past realizations of f(t). Let us assume that f(t) follows a random walk: f(t) = f(t - 1) + €(t), where €(t) (t :::: 1) is a sequence of independently and identically distributed random variables with zero mean and constant variance. The feedback traders' demand is

S3(t) = c5(L)(r(t) - r,), where c5(L) is a delay polynomial operator; the sign of the weights of this operator characterizes the feedback trader as positive or negative. Imposing the equilibrium condition in the market (Sl (t) + S2(t) + S3(t) = 0), the following difference equation for the asset price is obtained

E(P(t + l)IF(t)]- p(t)


= -~(p(t) -


o:(L)f(t)) - c5(L) (p(t) - p(t - 1)).

Solving this equation under the rational expectations hypothesis, there is more than one fundamental solution in which the asset price at time t is a linear function of f(t - s) and p(t - s) (s :::: 0). This model provides an explanation of positive serial corr elation in asset returns for short horizons through two different channels. As fundamentalists learn with delay news on the fundamental value of the asset, the market price will gradually move towards the new fundamental value. As a consequence, returns will be positively serially correlated until the new information is incorporated in the asset price. Negative feedback traders are a source of positive serial correlation in returns. Following an increase of the price (positive return), negative feedback traders reduce their demand of the risky asset, in equilibrium rational agents have to buy more risky assets (assume no fundamentalists in the market); this happens if the expected return is higher than in the past. On average subsequent returns will therefore be higher and returns will be positively serially correlated. In both cases, the initial price reaction to news will be incomplete. On the other hand, positive feedback traders induce price overreaction to news, and in the long-run returns are negatively serially correlated. A model of this type with fundamentalists and feedback traders provides an explanation of serial correlation regularities (underreaction-overreaction at different horizons) by acting on two factors : delay in the dissemination of news among


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

fundamentalists and feedback trading effects, see also [513]. A similar dynamics is obtained in [917] assuming two classes of agents with limited rationality: newswatchers and momentum traders. The first class of traders make forecasts based on private information but not on asset prices. Information gradually diffuses among agents. Momentum traders use only past prices through a univariate forecasting function. The first class induces an underreaction phenomenon (firm-specific information is incorporated into prices gradually), momentum traders induce an overreaction effect (their trading strategy conditioned to past prices is similar to that of positive feedback traders) . Price changes are positively correlated over short horizons and negatively correlated over longer horizons. The model has been tested with positive evidence in [915] . [1453] find that when volatility is low returns are positively autocorrelated and when volatility is high returns exhibit negative autocorrelation. This result suggests that there are positive feedback traders when volatility is high and negative feedback traders when volatility is low. Infrequent feedback trading has been analysed in [98] . Motivated by trading strategies obtained assuming transaction costs, the authors assume that feedback traders buy and sell a fixed quantity of the asset at discrete times . There are rational agents and feedback traders in the market. Positive feedback traders make returns volatility increases, whereas negative feedback traders induce the opposite effect. Feedback trading causes predictability and heteroskedasticity in asset returns even though dividend growth rates are assumed independent and identically distributed. Positive feedback trading increases stocks' price response to dividend news, negative feedback trading instead reduces it . [99] consider an economy with agents maximizing their expected utility and agents buying and selling assets when the price reaches a certain level. This type of market behaviour derives from optimal strategies with transaction costs or portfolio insurance strategies, it generates resistance-support levels, jumps in asset prices and volatility when the price barrier is reached. Agents' Heterogeneity, Market Evolution and Speculation In the financial markets literature we find two well-established conjectures: a) rational agents with sophisticated information earn more profits than those with less information; b) rational agents (speculation) stabilize the market. The first conjecture can be extended to an economy with rational and non rational agents : non rational agents earn less profits than rational agents and they are more likely to default. Therefore, in the long-run only rational agents and well-informed agents will survive. These conjectures have been formulated by many authors, among them see [696] (Friedman conjecture) . Their validity depends on the composition of the population in the market. If there are only rational agents in the market, then these conjectures contain many elements of truth. Rational agents exploit arbitrage opportunities

8.3. Heterogeneous Agents and Substantial Rationality


and therefore they stabilize the asset price around its fundamental value. After news, rational agents move the price towards its new fundamental value. The second conjecture is based on an evolutionary argument, i.e. the market mechanism selects the best ones (with more information and/or non irrational) , their wealth increases as time goes. However, these conjectures are not necessarily confirmed in a heterogeneous agents economy. The evolution of the market and in particular of its population has been analysed considering wealth dynamics or the evolution of the trading strategy adopted by the agents through methods developed in the evolutionary game literature: the trading strategy earning higher returns-utility is adopted by more agents in the market, as in (8.8). In [666], the first conjecture was in part verified considering an economy with two classes of agents observing a private signal containing a noise component with zero mean and different variances. If agents maximize an expected utility function parametrized only by the mean and by the variance of future wealth, then at least in the short run wealth distribution is in favour of those agents with better information, but the long-run wealth distribution is different from the weights associated with the information quality, however in the long-run more informed agents hold more wealth than less informed agents . A model showing convergence towards market efficiency has been proposed in [1193]. We have already shown that overconfident and noise traders may survive in the market earning returns higher than rational agents and in some cases they may dominate the market. Similar results are obtained in [213] considering an imperfectly competitive market with rational agents and overoptimistic sellers (pessimistic buyers) . Considering the evolution of the agents' type based on realized utility, in the long-run irrational agents are concentrated on one side of the market generating under or overpricing . Irrational traders survival reduces risk sharing and induces a welfare loss. Agents not using the Bayes rule to update their beliefs may also survive in the market, see [231, 1469] . An evolutionary approach has been proposed to motivate the adoption by the agents of a rule of thumb in order to address a forecasting problem. The agent has to choose the forecasting model. In a simple asset pricing problem, [281] have analysed an economy with heterogeneous agents: fundamentalists and agents who forecast future price by looking at lagged deviations of the price from the fundamental price (trend followers, contrarians, technical analysts) . As in (8.8), switching of the agents to more successful forecasting models is determined by their past performance. The evolution of this type of economy is characterized by highly irregular, chaotic asset price fluctuations when the switching intensity is high. This is not the case when the switching rate is small. The result is confirmed in [1127] modelling agents' evolution through a genetic algorithm. A model of this type allows reproduction of returns serial correlation, time series properties of returns volatility


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

and of volume, see [285, 282, 712) . In [1418) adaptive learning is analysed in the model proposed in [809) . Agents must choose whether or not they wish to become informed on the asset dividend. The percentage of informed agents in the economy evolves through experimentation-imitation, i.e, successful behaviour is copied and therefore if being informed renders a higher expected utility than being uninformed more people will buy information in the next period. The equilibrium defined in [809) is asymptotically stable with respect to this learning procedure. [128) have analysed a market with a class of fundamentalist (rational) agents and a class of agents adopting a style investing strategy, l.e. they classify assets in some groups (according to size, industry or other characteristics) and switch among them according to the past performance of the assets (investors get into styles that have performed well in the past relative to other styles) . Stocks belonging to the same style move together, asset returns are positively autocorrelated at short horizons and mean revert in the long-run. Prices deviate from fundamental values, but there is a long-run pressure towards fundamentals. Volatility is higher than in an economy with only fundamentalist agents . The model captures comovements among assets , see [129) . The Friedman conjecture on speculation does not hold in general; even speculation with storage in a commodity market may destabilize the market, see [857) . [1509) shows that introducing a new group of speculators into a market may destabilize prices with welfare costs. The analysis developed in [514) suggests that the market strategy in a market populated by noise traders characterized by an autoregressive p(t) is not necessarily that based on asset expected return (rational speculation). The optimal trading strategy seems to be that proposed by Keynes in the quotation at the beginning of this chapter: buy when noise traders want to sell and sell when noise traders want to buy. This strategy is similar to the one adopted by feedback traders. If the agents in the market are heterogeneous, then rational agents must consider the beliefs and behaviour of non rational agents. In this context, conjecture b) is not always verified. The stabilizing effect of rational agents ' trading (speculation) has been analysed in a large literature. [513) show that speculative activity can destabilize the market when there are positive feedback traders in the market. Feedback traders and rational agents induce an increase in asset price volatility. The rationale of this effect can be traced back to the quotation by Keynes. Suppose that rational agents receive positive news about the asset and buy it, making the price climb up , then positive feedback traders react to this price increase by buying the asset and therefore making the price increases further. Rational agents anticipate feedback traders ' behaviour, they act to increase the price well above the fundamental value in order to sell the asset at a price higher than the fundamental value. The fact that feedback traders will buy the asset in the future induces rational traders to make the price of

8.4. Bounded Rationality, Incomplete Information and Learning


the asset move more than the change due to the information arrived in the market. The combined effect of these two classes of traders also produces positive returns serial correlation. Rational agents buy an asset when it is likely to run up, this may occur also when it is above the fundamental value. In this case speculation destabilizes the market. Similar results have been obtained by [899) in case the agents acquire the same information sequentially. Speculation by rational traders in a market with convergence traders has been analysed in [1609) . Convergence trad ers bet that the price difference between two assets with similar characteristics will narrow in the future. Under some conditions, they destabilize the market, i.e, they unwind their positions by buying (selling) when prices are high (low) after a capital loss. Their trading strategy acts as an amplification mechanism. Our analysis points out that rational agents may have two reasons to trade in the market: buy (sell) an undervalued (overvalued) asset in a buy&hold perspective to enjoy future dividends , buy (sell) an asset in order to trade it sequentially at more favourable pric es. If in the market there are rational agents who have a horizon equal to that of the economy and liquidity traders (price inelastic demand), then the first motivation for trade is the more relevant and therefore speculation stabilizes the market. In a market with rational agents (in particular with a short time horizon) and non rational agents, the second motivation plays an important role and speculation may destabilize the market , see [513, 514).

8.4. Bounded Rationality, Incomplete Information and Learning One of the main hypotheses in the analysis developed in previous chapters was that of rational expectations. The rational expectations hypothesis is built on two assumptions: a) agents fully know the economic model , b) agents efficiently elaborate available information and update their beliefs according to the Bayes rule. In this setting we address three different topics: - Bounded rationality and learning: agents believe in a simplified model and they update their beliefs through a learning mechanism, convergence of beliefs towards the rational expectations equilibrium is evaluated. - Agents believe in a wrong model or have distorted beliefs. - Incomplete information, learning and portfolio choices.

Bounded Rationality, Learning and Rational Expectations Radner assesses the rational expectations and the perfect foresight assumption as follows: "t he perfect foresight approach is contrary to the spirit of much of competitive market theory in that it postulates that individual


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

traders must be able to forecast, in some sense, the equilibrium prices that will prevail in the future under alternative states of the environment.... this approach still seems to require of the traders a capacity for imagination and computation far beyond what is realistic. An equilibrium of plans and price expectations might be appropriate as a concept ualization of the ideal goal of indicative planning, or of long-run steady state toward which the economy might tend in a stationary stochastic environment" , see [1377] . The rational expectations hypothesis has been weakened by relaxing one of the two hypotheses pointed out above. Recently, a large literature on bounded rationality has grown up . The approach is based on two assumptions: a) agents do not know the complete model, they believe in a simplified model which is misspecified unless for the rational expectations parameters of the model; b) agents use this model to formulate their expectations and update their beliefs (parameters of the model) through a recursive learning mechanism. On this literature see [624]. Let us consider the fundamental no arbitrage equation (6.60); suppose that the dividend in t + 1 is known by the agents at time t (D(t)) and that the same one follows a first order autoregressive process:

S(t) D(t)

= 2-(se (t + 1) + D(t)), rf

= a + 1/1D(t -

1) + u(t), 11/11

< 1,

where u(t) (t 2:: 1) is a sequence of independently and identically distributed random variables with zero mean and constant variance. a and 1/1 are parameters unknown to the agents of the economy. S" (t + 1) is the price at time t+ 1 expected by the (representative) agent on the basis of his information at time t. According to the rational expe ctations hypothesis, the agent formulates his expectation on the future pri ce as the expected value conditioned to F t exploiting the full knowledge of the model , where F t contains the information generated by full observation of th e economy. In a bounded rationality framework , the agent formulates his expectations on the basis of a simplified misspecified model which coincides, when it is correctly specified , with the rational expectations solution (fundamental solution) :

S*(t) = ( rr :

1)~ rr :

1/1) + ~D(t) + v(t). rr w



The simplified model therefore is

S(t + 1)

= 130t + 13lt D(t + 1) + v(t) .


The parameters of (8.11) (13ot> 13lt ) are estimated through the price-dividend tim e series according to a learning rule such as ordinary least squares. The asymptotic behaviour of (13ot> 13lt ) is described by a system of differential equations having as equilibrium the rational expectations values in (8.10) .

8.4. Bounded Rationality, Incomplete Information and Learning


In [621, 622] it is shown that the fundamental soluti on is stable without restrictions on the parameters of the mod el. Redefining properly the model (8.11) , the capability of the agents to learn a bubble solution can be analysed. It is shown that agents cannot learn a bubble solu tion. The bounded rationality analysis provides int eresting results. In the simplest asset pri cing model, without full knowledge of t he model by the agents but assuming that t hey use all the available (public) information and update their beliefs through a learning algorit hm, it is shown that they learn the fundamental solution associated with the rational expec t at ions equilibrium. The solution which defines t he asset pri ce as the expec tat ion of discounted future dividends. This result provides an evolutionary explanat ion to rational expectations and efficient market s theory. The convergence result is also established when D(t + 1) is observed onl y in t + 1, see [1537, 1540, 1500]. In this case, the agent must estimat e the expected dividend and the expected price; to this end, he uses an autoregressive misspecified model for dividends and a model of the type described above for the asset price. Instead, the convergence result is not confirmed assuming a feedback effect of the price on the dividend , see [1539]. In [143], the convergence of the agent's learning pro cess is analysed in the model proposed in [475], as presented in the previous section (a model with rational, fundamentalist and feedback traders). Agents are able to learn the fundamental solution without restrictions on the parameters of the model. The above analysis points out that in the long-run agents learn to believe in t he rational expec tations solution ; asymptotically an economy with bounded rationality behaves according to the ration al expectat ions solution. However , in t he transient period, a bounded rationality econo my may differ from the rational expectations economy. [300] sugg est that bounded rationality may explain excess volatility. They observe that many excess volatility tests ar e deri ved by assuming that agents know the true model (rational exp ectations in strong form ), e.g. in [1470] the detrending procedure is based on the full observation sample, they suggest to test excess volatility by assuming a weak form of rationality (bounded rationality) ; according to thi s int erpretation agents form expec t at ions through a model estimated by historical data using unbiased t echniques. They propose a volatility test similar to that in [1470] by computing the conditional price expectation using only information available up to the date at which expect at ion is formed , i.e, they estimate the mean of the exponential growth of dividends at each t by only using past observations. The volatility bound proposed by the authors is not violated on UK data. Part of the excess volatility can be attribut ed to revisions of the parameters of the dividend model by agents endowed with bounded ration ality, i.e. t hey do not know the true parameters of the model. However , the inequality is rejected on US data, see [1475].


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

In [1539], before convergence to the rational expectations equilibrium, high prices volatility is observed . In [1537], dividends are assumed to follow a geometric random walk process : In(D(t))

= J1, + In(D(t -

1)) + l(t),


where l(t) is a sequence of random variables identically and independently distributed as a N(0,a 2 ) . Agents know that the dividend process is of the form (8.12), but they do not know J1, and a 2 • Parameters are estimated recursively on the basis of dividend observations. The fundamental solution of the asset price is equal to a fixed percentage of the dividend, see (6.65). In the long-run, agents learn the parameters in (8.12), in the transient period the learning process induces high prices volatility and correlation between returns and lagged dividend yield. The rationale behind these results is simple. An agent estimates the dividend growth rate. Let us assume that he has underestimated it in t, as a consequence the price in t (computed as the expected value of discounted future dividends according to the estimated parameters) is less than the value computed on the basis of the knowledge of the true rate of growth of the dividends, instead the dividend-price ratio is higher . The dividend in t + 1 is (with high probability) higher than expected, this event induces the agent to revise the parameters of the dividend process upward, this updating increases the price and the returns in t + 1. This learning effect produces a positive correlation between dividend yields and future stock return, while returns display only weak evidence of serial correlation. The learning effect on volatility is more controversial. Note that if dividends follow a geometrical random walk, then the fundamental value of the asset in t is proportional to the dividend in t. Under rational expectations, the coefficient is constant, instead under bounded rationality it changes over time. Recursive estimation-learning may enhance volatility. Simulations accomplished in [1537] confirmed this effect. These results are confirmed assuming an autoregressive stationary process for dividends, see [1540] . Similar results are obtained in [1158] with Bayesian learning in a constant expected returns setting; they show that learning also contributes to explain CAPM anomalies and predictability of the market return through the aggregate dividend yield. In [140], bounded rationality is invoked to explain overreaction of prices to dividends, i.e. the price elasticity of the market index with respect to dividends is greater than one. Assuming that logarithmic dividends follow a random walk, the dividend yield is constant and the above phenomenon is not reproduced. To explain it, the authors assume that the expected growth rate of the logarithm of the dividend follows a random walk, a shock to the dividend growth rate has a direct effect on the dividend and an attenuated permanent effect on future dividend growth rates. Agents learn about the dividend growth rate through an adaptive scheme , i.e. by extrapolating past dividend growth rates into the future, and then computing the price as the

8.4. Bounded Rationality, Incomplete Information and Learning


expectation of future dividends according to the estimated dividend growth rate. Time varying dividend growth rates joined by extrapolative learning reproduces overreaction effects observed in financial time series, i.e, long swings in prices after a shock in dividends. In [144], assuming an autoregressive stationary process for dividends, the authors analyse a bounded rationality economy when agents update their price cum dividend expectation according to an adaptive scheme. They show that the learning procedure introduces returns serial correlation and correlation between lagged dividend yields and returns. Serial correlation is positive when returns are computed over a small time window and negative when the window is long. Therefore, the bounded-rationality learning mechanism generates positive-negative serial correlation in returns as shown in the asset prices empirical literature. Overreaction and delayed overreaction of prices to dividend news induce the above serial correlation effects. The memory of the learning mechanism plays a crucial role. A longer memory induces a smaller degree of dependence when the horizon of the return is long (the mean reversion effect is weaker), while over a short horizon the serial correlation of returns and their correlation with the dividend yield is always significant and positive. The interesting point is that long-run dependencies in financial time series can be explained by short memory in the learning mechanism of the agents . When the dividend at each time can be zero or a constant with uncertain probability, Bayesian learning induces mean reversion in asset returns, see [354] . [1559] analyses an economy where the rate of growth of dividends follows a non observable two-state Markov process (high and low). The agent estimates the dividend growth rate by observing dividends . The equilibrium price of the asset is an increasing and convex function of the investor's posterior probability of the high state. This effect is due to the fact that when the posterior probability is near to 0.5 the agent requires a positive risk premium for high uncertainty which is absent under full observability of the model (probability near to 0 or I) . As a consequence, prices show overreaction to (bad) news in good times and underreaction to (good) news in bad times, an asymmetric behaviour widely observed empirically. Nonlinearity and the above effects increase in the investors' degree of risk aversion. The model also generates persistence in volatility changes , excess volatility (with a maximum when there is a high degree of uncertainty and in recessions) and time varying expected returns. In a similar model, assuming a very small probability for the economy entering a very long recession (small probability of a switching to a low dividend growth rate), [1560] shows that if the deep recession does not occur, then the model may generate ex post a high equity premium as suggested in [1392]. A model of this type also generates time varying and cross-sectional covariance of stock returns, see [1387]. Assuming heterogeneous agents endowed with diverse correlated beliefs and bounded rationality (agents do not know the true probability distribution of the dividend process) , it is possible to address the equity premium,


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

the risk free rate puzzle and excess volatility, see [1091, 1092]. There is a premium for heterogeneous beliefs. In a model with heterogeneous agents endowed with bounded rationality, there is both learning uncertainty (agents update their beliefs about fundamentals) and dispersed beliefs, [1243] show that empirically only learning uncertainty is priced, but both contribute to explain time variation of asset risk premia.

Distorted Beliefs A bounded rationality model explaining underreaction-overreaction and therefore positive-negative serial correlation of returns has been proposed in [130]. The model is based on two well-grounded behavioural attitudes: representative heuristic and conservatism. According to representative heuristic, agents view events as representative of some specific class and ignore the probability law of the process, conservatism is due to slow updating of models in face of new evidence . Earnings of the asset (N(t)) follow a random walk, i.e. N(t) = N(t - 1) + iJ(t), where iJ(t) can assume two values (-y and y). Earnings coincide with dividends. However investors do not know that. They believe that the behaviour of earnings moves between two states-regimes. In the first state, earnings are mean reverting (model 1), in the second they trend (model 2). Both models are Markov chains with weights fixed over time . According to the first model, pr(y(t + 1) = ±yly(t) = ±y) = 7rL, according to the second model pr(y(t+ 1) = ±yly(t) = ±y) = 7rH . The difference between the two models is captured by the fact that 7r H > 0.5 > 7r L. Agents know these weights and know also the switching process between the two models which is still governed by a Markov chain , i.e. the probability of changing from model 1 to model 2 in the next period is Al and the probability of changing from model 2 to model 1 in the next period is A2 . Al and A2 are small and Al > A2. Agents observe y(t) and make a guess about the regime he is in. The probability of being in a model 1 regime is updated according to the Bayes rule as q(t) = pr(model lly(t) , y(t - 1), q(t - 1)). The rational equilibrium price (discounted expectation of future earnings) is




r/ -

+ y(t)(Pl - P2q(t))

where PI,P2 are constants related to th e above switching probabilities. Under some conditions, the model exhibits both underreaction (over short horizons) and overreaction (over long horizons) to earnings announcements, as depicted in [178] . The model also causes forecasting power for scaled-price ratios. Uncertainty on the dividend growth rate with incomplete information and different learning mechanisms has been analysed in [251] . Authors analyse the effect on the risk premium and volatility due to near rational learning, optimism, pessimism, conservatism, limited memory. When agents are conscious of their limits and compensate them, the economy with rational learning and

8.4. Bounded Rationality, Incomplete Information and Learning


that with suboptimal learning are indistinguishable. Conservatism (prior beliefs receive excessive weights) and representativeness heuristic (agents overweight recent observations) when investors have to estimate an unknown valuation-relevant parameter has been analysed in [254] . It is shown that overreaction and underreaction arise in both cases. Distorted beliefs with no learning have been modelled in [358]. In a pure exchange economy, agents observe that the endowment shifts stochastically between high and low growth states. Agents believe in distorted probabilities of transition between high and low growth states, i.e, they deviate from the maximum likelihood estimates obtained from US data. Assuming pessimism about the persistence of the expansion state and optimism about the persistence of the contraction state, the risk free rate and the risk premium observed historically are matched with a time separable utility function and a low coefficient of risk aversion. If beliefs about transition probabilities fluctuate randomly, then also returns volatility and their serial correlation is reproduced. Similar results are obtained in [6] assuming pessimism or doubt about the distribution of growth rates of aggregate consumption. A model with optimists and pessimists may generate time varying conditional variance of asset returns and may explain the relationship between volume and volatility, see [308] . [711] analyse a model with two classes of traders maximizing the expected utility; some agents believe in the true lognormal price distribution and some agents believe in a mean reversion dynamics (they have a wrong model in mind). The optimal trading strategies of both classes of agents can be a contrarian strategy (demand for stocks is decreasing in price) or a momentum strategy (demand for stocks is increasing in price). The results provide a rationale for the profitability of contrarian and momentum strategies. The terminal wealth of the first class of agents is not necessarily larger than that of the second class. Incomplete Information-Observation and Learning The optimal portfolio-consumption problem in an intertemporal setting has been analysed in Chapter 6 assuming that the agent knows the economic model and fully observes the state of the economy. These assumptions have been removed in the recent literature. The optimal portfolio-consumption problem under incomplete information-observation of the state of the economy has been analysed in several papers. In this setting, portfolio-consumption decisions are based on estimates of the model. Assuming parameter uncertainty, portfolio results obtained in Chapter 6 with predictable returns change, see [1022] for an analysis in a two period economy. In this setting, there is an estimation risk and a learning risk. [82] introduces model uncertainty, i.e. the agent is uncertain about the model for prediction of asset returns, and shows that this component significantly affects portfolio choices. Estimation risk refers


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

to the fact that the agent does not know with certainty the parameter values, learning risk refers to the fact that the agent will learn more in the future, there is a risk that he may learn bad news in the future (low mean returns). In a continuous time setting, [550, 717, 525] show that a certainty equivalence result holds such that the optimal consumption and portfolio problem is solved substituting the unknown parameters by their estimates. In this setting there is only a learning risk, the estimation risk disappears. In a discrete time setting the above result does not hold, because of the estimation risk; it is shown that the horizon effect obtained with predictable asset returns (young agents invest more in risky assets) is less prominent, in some cases it is reversed, see [125) . In [262) the continuous time portfolio problem is analysed assuming that the investor knows that the investment opportunity set is constant but is uncertain about the mean return of the risky asset (the volatility instead is known). He learns about the mean rate of return by observing historical returns. This learning activity affects the portfolio problem, it induces a learning risk and a hedging demand because the investor attempts to protect himself against learning bad news. This hedging component is null when the utility function is logarithmic. The investor takes a larger or a smaller position in the risky asset than in the full information case, depending on whether he is more or less risk tolerant than the logarithmic investor. This effect increases with the investor's time horizon. The learning parameter effect joined by possibly predictable returns renders the relationship between horizon and risky allocation quite complex, see [1608): it is no more true that young agents should hold more risky assets than old agents. Ignoring estimation and learning risk may result in a substantial utility cost, see [101] . Incomplete information-observation helps to address some asset pricing puzzles. [277) analyse a representative agent economy with dividends described by a stochastic process with a mean-reverting drift that is not directly observable by the representative agent but must be estimated from the realized growth rates of dividends and aggregate consumption. The learning procedure increases stock price volatility and allows the reproduction of the interest rate level and of the equity premium observed in US capital markets with a coefficient of relative risk aversion of 15. Incomplete information about the state of nature, which is perfectly correlated to the dividend growth rate and is characterized by structural breaks, has been analysed in [1561] . In a pure exchange economy with an agent endowed with a sort of state-dependent utility function, and introducing aversion to state uncertainty, i.e, aversion to a more diffuse distribution on the unknown state of nature, it is shown that the model has the effect of increasing the equity premium, lowering the risk free rate, increasing return volatility and of generating time varying expected returns. It is uncertainty of the drift of consumption that generates a high equity premium.

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


The APT assuming incomplete information on the parameters of the model generating asset returns has been analysed in [838) (estimation risk). Under some conditions, there exists a linear expected returns relation. Agents attribute more systemic risk to an asset with low information than to an asset with high information. Estimation risk causes relatively lower betas for high information assets as compared with low information assets. The reverse holds true for prices. In an equilibrium model [434) show that for low information securities betas and expected returns tend to be higher than without estimation risk; the opposite is verified for high information assets.


Imperfect and Incomplete Markets

In this section we investigate the sensitivity of the results presented in previous chapters to the complete markets hypothesis and to market imperfections. Incomplete Markets In a complete market setting, agents ' heterogeneity is not a problem. Under some conditions, a result holds such that the economy with N agents is observationally equivalent to the representative agent economy. In a complete market economy, agents fully insure against idiosyncratic shocks and marginal rates of substitution for any pair of states are the same for all the agents, see (6.3). Agents ' consumption is not affected by idiosyncratic risk components, but only by aggregate risk factors . In an incomplete market setting, things are different : individual consumption variability may exceed that of aggregate consumption and asset prices are not those obtained with a representative agent. As a consequence , market incompleteness and heterogeneous agents are an interesting perspective to reconcile asset pricing theory with the anomalies described above, e.g. [1251) suggest that market incompleteness may help to explain the equity premium puzzle. Let us consider the two period model with incomplete markets proposed in [1585) in the version analysed in [560], see also [1226, 756) . Agents (i = 1, ... ,1) have the same utility u(xo) + E[U(Xl))' The endowment of agent i is eb = Yo > 0, i = 1, . . . , I , and (d, ...,eO is a symmetrically distributed and non degenerate positive random variable with finite expectation . Symmetry implies that full risk sharing (complete markets) induces the allocation x('; = Yo and xi = (et + ... + eO/ I. Let us assume an incomplete market economy with N securities and payoffs D = (D 1 , • • • , D N) such that ((eL D) , .. . , (eL D)) is symmetrically distributed. In an incomplete market equilibrium E[u'(xDD) q= ' U'() Yo adding across the agents and dividing by I : A


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

In a complete market setting q



E[u/(xi)D] u/(Yo) .

By applying the Jensen inequality it can be shown that if u/ is convex and xi - xi is not spanned by the assets then Ii ~ q* and expected returns are higher in the complete market setting than in an incomplete market. When u" > 0, there is a precautionary saving motive: the presence of uninsurable risk increases the demand for both the risk free asset and the risky asset. As a consequence , both the risk free rate and asset expected returns are higher in the complete market setting without considering the non diversifiable endowment component. Note that this provides an explanation of the risk free rate puzzle. On this point see also [1061] . As far as the equity premium is concerned, it is smaller in a complete markets setting if the agents are characterized by decreasing absolute risk aversion and decreasing absolute prudence. [754] investigates the effect of wealth inequality (heterogeneity) on asset prices. In a two period model he shows that wealth inequality affects asset prices with respect to an egalitarian economy if and only if the absolute risk tolerance is nonlinear (non-hyperbolic utility functions). Wealth inequality increases the equity premium when absolute risk tolerance is concave; introducing a precautionary saving component, wealth inequality also decreases the risk free rate if the inverse of absolute prudence is concave. The above two period economy results do not necessarily hold in a multiperiod economy with dynamic trading. In an incomplete multi period market, an agent can dynamically self-insure himself. Incomplete markets are modelled by assuming a labour income component in wealth. In all the intertemporal equilibrium models presented above , there is only financial wealth, assuming the presence of an idiosyncratic and non diversifiable labour component results may change substantially. Wealth dynamics is no more (6.9), on the right side there is a labour income component Y(t). In this setting, a precautionary saving motive emerges for a prudent agent: he holds wealth to face future uncertain labour income. In what follows we address the effects of market incompleteness on saving-consumption, portfolio choices and asset prices. Precautionary saving has been invoked in the macroeconomics literature to reconcile consumption time series with a general equilibrium model of the type described in Chapter 6. As a matter of fact, there are some anomalies in interpreting consumption data through the classical life cycle-permanent income hypothesis, see [499] and Chapter 6. The relevance of a precautionary motive in explaining consumption data is disputed. Some authors stress the relevance of precautionary saving quantitatively and in explaining some

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


puzzles such as excess sensitivity of consumption to anticipated and lagged income changes, excess smoothness of consumption to unanticipated income changes, high growth of consumption with a low risk free rate (the counterpart of the risk free rate puzzle), see [1614, 307,114,1496,348,351,347,588,775]. [347, 350] show theoretically and empirically that agents with greater predictable income uncertainty have lower current consumption and hold more wealth, wealth retained to face future income fluctuations is a relevant percentage of total wealth. This component helps to explain a high consumption growth rate with a low risk free rate. Impatient and prudent agents with a borrowing constraint adopt a "buffer stock" behaviour, see [498, 348]: impatient agents have a wealth target, below that level prudence and precautionary saving dominate (the agent saves), above that level agents consume and do not save . The buffer stock model well describes consumer behaviour up to the age of 50, then the standard life cycle hypothesis describes the agent's behaviour, see [775]. On the other hand, [31, 820] show that the contribution of uninsured idiosyncratic risk to aggregate saving is modest and [586] has estimated a small coefficient of relative prudence and therefore a small precautionary motive. Portfolio choices with (uninsurable) labour income have been analysed in [237, 336]. Uninsurable labour income has three different effects on portfolio choices: mean effect, variance effect, and correlation effect. An exogenous non-risky labour income is equivalent to a holding of risk free assets, as a consequence this type of labour income increases demand of risky assets in particular when the agent is young, generating a horizon effect (mean effect), see also [964]; on the other hand labour income perfectly correlated to stock returns should induce the agent to invest more in the risk free asset. Assuming correlation between labour income shocks and stock market returns, the hedging demand of risky assets has a sign which is the opposite of that of the correlation (correlation effect). Ex post labour supply flexibility induces the agent to take more risk ex ante providing an explanation to the asset allocation puzzle , i.e, young agents have more labour supply flexibility (e.g. retirement date choice) and therefore they invest in risky assets more than old agents. In a two-period saving-portfolio setting a prudent agent with decreasing absolute prudence and decreasing risk aversion facing an uninsurable risk in the future (background risk) reduces his demand of the risky asset (variance effect), see Section 2.4 and [609]. In [609] it is shown that the above restrictions on preferences imply that a reduction in labour income risk (which is statistically independent of returns of risky assets and does not make the agent worse off) leads the agent to invest more in risky assets. The result is confirmed in a multiperiod setting, an increase in labour income risk induces the agent to save more and to reduce risky asset holding, see [1065, 1565,336]. Non financial wealth has a (positive) mean effect and a (negative) variance effect on the risky asset demand. For empirical evidence on these effects see


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

[821, 830, 350, 1567]; small effects of labour income risk on portfolio choices are detected in [1145]. Multiperiod portfolio choices assuming an idiosyncratic labour income component uncorrelated with stock returns show that young (employed) agents hold more risky assets than old (retired) agents, see [1565]. They borrow to invest in risky assets (full specialization). The stock demand of a young agent increases if human capital decreases over the life span and is increasing in the expected retirement date. Introducing labour supply flexibility (labour-leisure choice), the horizon effect and the correlation effect are confirmed, see [381]. Positive correlation between non financial wealth and asset returns induces a negative hedging demand and the young agent may hold less risky assets than a retired agent; see [884] for positive evidence on the correlation effect, weak evidence is detected in [1567]. [884] observe that households with high and variable proprietary business income, which is highly correlated with stock returns, hold less risky assets than other similarly wealthy people, but they still hold a lot of risky assets (contradicting the variance effect). If markets are complete, then full insurance implies that consumption should not vary across agents in response to idiosyncratic shocks. Considering a power utility function, agents' consumption growth rates should not respond to idiosyncratic variables, they should be highly correlated and more highly correlated than income growth rates. [422] has regressed consumption growth rates on a set of idiosyncratic variables. Full insurance is rejected for long illness and involuntary job loss, but not for spells of unemployment, and involuntary move. Negative results for full insurance have been obtained also in [74, 114] analysing the effects of relative hourly wage movements across birth cohorts and education groups on household consumption distribution. Perfect risk sharing among agents of different countries is also rejected when analysing consumption growth rates of different countries (risk sharing home bias), see [1160, 1159]. Introducing high risk aversion near subsistence level and decreasing risk aversion in its neighbourhood, positive evidence for risk sharing is obtained in [1329]. The complete market hypothesis implies complete insurance towards idiosyncratic risk components, instead consumption choices should be affected by systematic (aggregate) risk factors. Assuming homothetic preferences, [1202] tests the complete insurance hypothesis by regressing individual consumption on aggregate consumption and other idiosyncratic risk variables . All variables other than the change in aggregate consumption are predicted to be insignificant in explaining changes in agents' consumption. Results agree with full insurance for an exponential utility but do not for a power utility. The representative agent hypothesis can be tested by looking at aggregation problems. Considering a power utility function and joint lognormality for the real interest rate and consumption growth rates, (6.58) can be tested for the representative agent (aggregate consumption) and for cohort data. Results point out aggregation problems, i.e, the estimates of the elasticity

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


of the intertemporal substitution obtained from aggregate data are substantially lower than those obtained from average cohort data, see [76) . Euler conditions are rejected on aggregate data, but they are not on average cohort data. Similar results are obtained in [77) for non durable expenditure in US. Nonlinearities and demographic factors cause the difference. Aggregation may also explain excess sensitivity of consumption to income, the effect disappears when including demographic variables , see [73) . Non relevance of market incompleteness is claimed in [960) . Euler conditions for a time separable constant relative risk aversion utility function are tested for individual consumers. If markets are complete, then conclusions of tests on an individual consumer should agree with those employing a representative agent (rejection of the intertemporal equilibrium asset pricing model). The empirical evidence indicates restrictions are rejected. Similar results were obtained in [1534) assuming a non diversifiable idiosyncratic component in agents' endowments. A limited set of securities is enough to approach almost perfect risk sharing. This result is reinforced if idiosyncratic risk is correlated with the market return. Market incompleteness introduces very little variability in the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution, i.e. the test proposed in [841) is violated. [1152) propose a single good general equilibrium model showing little relevance of market incompleteness (on welfare, prices, consumption) when agents are patient, have a long horizon, a risk free bond is traded and shocks are transitory. While there is empirical evidence in favour of market incompleteness, its effect on asset prices in a multi period economy is limited because agents can trade repeatedly, see [253, 1061, 946, 1189, 881, 882, 426, 1146, 1234, 381). It is difficult to explain asset pricing anomalies (e.g. the equity premium puzzle) by introducing uninsurable endowment components. In almost all the models, market incompleteness and precautionary saving induce a risk free rate lower than in a complete market economy (precautionary saving) but the reduction depends on the set of available asset markets and on the presence of other market frictions. The effect on the equity premium is not relevant. A common feature of many of the above models is that the time series of the ratio of each consumer's labour income to aggregate labour income is a stationary Markov process with low persistence. If this is the case, then agents can effectively self-insure in the asset market against temporary income changes. [456) have relaxed the above hypothesis by assuming that individual income processes are heteroskedastic with a high degree of persistence, e.g. idiosyncratic income shocks follow a random walk. Moreover, they assume that idiosyncratic risk variance rises when the market declines (countercyclical conditional variance) . If labour income shocks are permanent, agents cannot self-insure easily against them in an incomplete market. Under this assumption, agents' heterogeneity and incomplete insurance help to solve asset pricing puzzles without inserting other market frictions. Assuming a time additive utility function with constant relative risk aversion and


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

given a set of processes of arbitrage free asset prices, dividends and aggregate income satisfying some restrictions, they show that there exist individual consumption processes matching security and bond prices and therefore Euler equations of households hold. The result has been extended relaxing distributional restrictions in [1076]. The result provides an explanation of asset pricing anomalies. The pricing density is affected by the aggregate consumption growth and by the cross-sectional variance of consumption growth. IT the variance of idiosyncratic shocks is negatively correlated with equity returns and with aggregate shocks , then the economy with incomplete markets generates a larger equity premium and a lower risk free rate than the complete market economy. The model also addresses the countercyclical behaviour of the equity premium. The key features are strong heterogeneity and high persistence in shocks to consumers' income with high volatility during recessions . The equity premium is positively affected by the covariance of security returns with the cross-sectional variance of individual consumers' consumption growth rates. Moments of the cross-sectional distribution of the household consumption growth affect equity returns. Empirical evidence in favour of persistence in idiosyncratic shocks and higher volatility during recessions is provided in [1517, 1518]. Introducing life cycle effects (young agents face more idiosyncratic risk than old agents), they account for the US equity premium and Sharpe ratio with a plausible level of risk aversion. However, [882] estimating the processes for idiosyncratic shocks on US data find a low degree of persistence and obtain a risk free rate similar to that obtained under complete markets, see also [1061, 426, 1146]. [430] shows that cross-sectional dispersion of log consumption growth is only weakly correlated with stock returns and is not strong enough to generate an equity premium as observed in the US financial market. [1085] show that with a plausible degree of heterogeneity (equilibrium distribution of income and wealth is matched with that of US data), the model does not address the equity premium puzzle . In [1010], imperfect insurance is inserted in the market model by assuming imperfect information-moral hazard. A risk averse agent supplies unobservable labour to produce output. If labour is observable, then complete risk sharing is obtained; if it is not observable, then there is imperfect insurancemarket incompleteness. In equilibrium agents bear idiosyncratic risk in consumption, the variance of a representative agent's consumption is larger than the variance of per capita consumption; this fact contributes to a partial resolution of the equity premium puzzle . [1062] analyses the model with moral hazard assuming complete markets and that all trades are public information, the equity premium is lower than the one obtained with a representative agent. Market Imperfections

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


Market imperfections stand for several things: borrowing constraints, short sale constraints, transaction costs , solvency constraints, bid-ask spreads. On asset pricing implications of these constraints-imperfections see [881]. The fundamental asset pricing theorem has been extended to a market characterized by transaction costs (bid-ask spread) in [1004, 1309]: a market characterized by a bid-ask spread does not allow arbitrage opportunities if and only if there exists at least an equivalent probability measure that transforms some process between the bid and the ask price into a martingale. The probability measure can be interpreted as stochastic discount factor (linear pricing rule) and as intertemporal marginal rate of substitution of a maximizing agent. It allows to define arbitrage bounds on a contingent claim price. For a version of the fundamental asset pricing theorem under short sale constraints see [1005], under solvency constraints see [893], under credit constraints see [1183]. Holding costs allow an asset price to deviate without allowing non risky arbitrage opportunities, see [1548]. For a general equilibrium model with portfolio constraints generating incorrect pricing in equilibrium see [149]. For an extension of the no arbitrage analysis to an economy with taxes see [582, 1413]. On the optimal consumption-portfolio problem with capital gains taxation see [450]. A general equilibrium model with taxes has been proposed in [148, 151]. [1268, 1267] show that taxation generates volume around exdividend days , transaction costs reduce it, volume is positively related to the degree of tax heterogeneity. Supporting empirical evidence is provided. [451] has shown that proportional transaction costs (a cost proportional to traded risky assets) induce agents to reduce frequency and volume of trades in the risky asset, i.e. there is a no trade region increasing in transaction costs; however the effect on agent 's utility is limited, the (positive) liquidity premium and therefore the effect on asset prices induced by transaction costs is small. The result has been confirmed in [1555] assuming an overlapping generations model , it is also shown that a stock price may increase in transaction costs. Empirical evidence supporting these results (transaction costs induce a small positive risk premium and reduce volume) is provided in [134]. A strong discount effect on asset price-large risk premium has been derived in [1179] assuming fixed transaction costs . When asset returns are predictable, ignoring transaction costs induces a substantial utility cost, see [102]; in this setting there is a state-dependent no trade region, the region is higher and wider than with no predictability and the classical horizon effect on portfolio is obtained, see [1200]. The horizon effect (an agent with a long horizon holds more stocks) is obtained also in a model with transaction costs and a finite horizon. [1185] analyse the intertemporal optimal consumption problem under the constraint that trading strategies have bounded variation. The optimal trading strategy consists in trading as much as possible, the investor


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

acts as if he faces borrowing and short selling constraints. mean-variance portfolio strategies under solvency constraints are determined in [1317]. Transaction costs in consumption have been analysed in [474, 804], the effect is consumption smoothing. Fixed adjustment costs in consumption can account for much of the discrepancy between the observed low variance of aggregate consumption growth and predictions of the CCAPM. Adjustment consumption costs make agents respond to changes in asset prices with a lag and therefore consumption growth covaries weakly with equity returns. Adjustment costs help to address the equity premium puzzle, see [701, 1198, 1241]. Adjustment costs originate a strong upward bias in estimating the coefficient of relative risk aversion through an Euler equation. Taking account this effect, Euler equation tests do not reject the classical CCAPM. Bid-ask spread is a proxy for the liquidity of the stock and is related positively to its expected return, see [55, 271]. The rationale is simple: an agent anticipates the cost associated with trading in the future a non liquid asset and asks a higher risk premium. An equilibrium model explaining the empirical result has been proposed in [926] . Transaction costs have a relevant effect on returns if agents are constrained from borrowing against future income, a similar effect is obtained in [1185]. Market liquidity as a predictor of future returns (increases in liquidity predict lower future returns) is explained by [95] through a model with irrational traders and short sale constraints. [400] show that allowing agents to choose assets to trade with trading costs then lead-lag effects of the type described in [1177] arise between size sorted portfolios. Asset prices with transaction costs in an incomplete market have been analysed in [32]. Agents are exposed to idiosyncratic shocks to their income with no aggregate shocks, this risk component cannot be hedged in financial markets. Two types of assets are traded in the market: stocks and short-term government bonds. There are transaction costs in trading stocks . Market incompleteness generates a low risk free rate and transaction costs enlarge the equity risk premium. This type of model produces a smooth aggregate consumption and a highly variable individual consumption. However, very large transaction costs are needed to match historical values. Borrowing , credit and liquidity constraints are relevant for agents' decisions; many empirical studies have shown that they are binding for some groups of people, i.e. low income-young agents in the market for consumer loans see [75] ; [968] estimates that 20% of families are rationed in the credit market, see also [872, 796] for evidence supporting that liquidity constraints are binding. For Euler conditions-tests on consumption showing that liquidity-borrowing constraints are binding see [1613, 970] . For a test with non relevance results see [1430] and [1250] (except for young households) . The so-called buffer stock model with precautionary saving motives, impatience and restrictions on borrowing allows to explain both excess sensitivity, life cycle and business cycle patterns, and excess smoothness of consumption

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


growth, see [347, 498, 348, 1192, 796, 295, 499, 349]. When borrowing constraints are binding (wealth is below a given target) , agents do not save and consume asset wealth. Assets act like a buffer stock protecting consumption against low income. The marginal propensity to consume is higher than in the standard model. [775] show that agents behave like buffer stock consumers early in life and then according to the life-cycle hypothesis. [947] show that idiosyncratic income shocks and liquidity constraints induce positive precautionary saving independently of the third derivative of u. A generalization of the model with a hyperbolic discount factor has been proposed in [846] . An extension of the model including portfolio choices is found to be inconsistent with the life-cycle portfolio profile, see [702]. [821] show that in a setting with labour income risk, liquidity constraints reduce investment in risky assets and increase the saving rate: liquidity constrained agents hold less risky assets than households who are not . The rationale is that liquidity constraints reduce the effect of labour income and the agent detains more of the risk free asset to prevent future income shocks, see also [969, 1065]. Portfolio choices in an incomplete market (labour income) with borrowing and short sale constraints have been analysed in [883, 419, 831]. Unless returns and labour income shocks are (significantly) positively correlated, agents hold only stocks (full specialization). If they are not constrained, then they short the risk free asset. The empirical evidence on a significantly positive correlation is weak. With low positive correlation, labour income is a close substitute for the risk free asset and therefore it induces the classical horizon effect, i.e. a young agent holds a large fraction of wealth invested in risky assets and then he reduces his stock holding when ageing, see [419]. Including return predictability (mean reversion), it is shown that there are substantial effects on the optimal consumption but only limited effects on portfolio choices (a result similar to the one in [883] is obtained), see [323] . On the relevance of the hedging demand with returns predictability, incomplete markets and borrowing constraints see [1264]. Asset prices with short sale and borrowing constraints in an incomplete market have been analysed in [1189] . The model incorporates non diversifiable labour income idiosyncratic (serially uncorrelated) shocks. The incomplete market assumption reduces the risk free rate, but it is not enough to solve the equity premium puzzle. Only when asset markets are closed or the borrowing constraint is severe, can the model reproduce both the observed risk free rate and the equity premium; with limited access to capital markets, asset prices will be similar to those of the representative agent economy. Individual consumption is highly correlated with aggregate consumption and volatility of pricing kernels is increased. Similar results are obtained in [1234, 1534, 1085, 529]. On the other hand, strong borrowing constraints allow to match mean and variance of discount bond returns but not higher moments (skewness and kurtosis), see [1616]. Assuming heterogeneous preferences, i.e, different degrees of risk aversion among the agents


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

with a time additive utility function, heterogeneous borrowing constraints, incomplete markets and a stochastic investment opportunity set, a low risk free rate and a high risk premium are obtained in equilibrium tightening the borrowing constraint, volatility increases with the cross-sectional dispersion of risk aversion, see [1063] . Capital market restrictions help to explain the lack of international consumption risk sharing, see [1159]. [880, 882] analyse an incomplete market model assuming systematic and idiosyncratic labour income risk. There are borrowing constraints, short sale constraints and transaction costs . If there are (large) transaction costs both in the stock and in the bond market and there is a binding borrowing constraint, then the risk free rate is low and a large equity premium can be reproduced, see also [946, 455]. [455] show that a borrowing constrained overlapping generations economy (young are precluded to borrow) generates a risk premium higher than that of an unconstrained economy. Again market incompleteness alone does not help to solve the puzzles. The main drawbacks of these models is the high volatility of the risk free rate. [1195, 874] show that a combination of proportional transaction costs , short-sale constraints, borrowing constraints and solvency constraints helps to explain consumption data with a standard intertemporal equilibrium asset pricing model , i.e, they generate low comovements in consumption and returns and reduce the required volatility in the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution to satisfy the bound in [841] . A power utility function with a low risk aversion cannot be rejected by the data. [115] propose a monetary model with transaction costs, which is able to explain the equity premium, the risk free rate and the term premium puzzle. If transaction costs and frictions affect asset prices, then they should primarily affect high frequency returns with weak effects on long horizon returns. This claim is confirmed empirically in [483,484], where it is shown that asset pricing models with catching up with the Joneses or habit formation preferences are rejected on quarterly data but perform well at a longer horizon . Correlation between consumption growth and market return increases with respect to the time horizon . Both the equity premium and the risk free rate are reproduced at longer horizons. In order to reproduce the observed equity premium and the risk free rate, transaction costs must be very high. Under some conditions, [1196] estimates a fixed costs of at least 3% of monthly per capita consumption for a logarithmic utility function. The estimated fixed cost decreases if risk aversion is increased, if preferences exhibit habit persistence or if short sale constraints or bid-ask spreads are assumed. The decline of the US risk premium in the last three decades can be traced back to a reduction of market imperfections. Liquidity constraints, margin requirements, and in general financial constraints may weaken no arbitrage arguments causing return predictability, overreaction, excess volatility, arbitrage opportunities, inefficient allocations, and in case a financial crisis with divergence of prices from their fundamen-

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


tals, see [33, 408, 1482, 1171, 795, 1089, 922, 1090). When short sale constraints bind, assets have high valuations and low subsequent returns, see [998). Considering the model in [918) with differences of opinions as well as short sale constraints, [388) show that the number of short sale constrained agents proxies pessimism in the market and therefore predicts low future returns. Moreover, the above proxy and therefore short sale constraints are strictly related to the momentum effect. On the relevance of firm's financing frictions-constraints in cross sectional analysis of asset returns see [1109), non relevance is observed in [764] . [1482) show that if arbitrageurs invest wealth of outsider investors , who direct their funds according to past performance of arbitrageurs, then their activity may not be effective in exploiting arbitrage opportunities and therefore in reducing the gap between fundamentals and prices . The reason is that performance-based funds inflow induces the agent not to take risky investment (arbitrage opportunities) . The arbitrage argument is particularly ineffective in extreme circumstances. Market Participation The analysis proposed above assumes that all agents of the economy participate in the market. This hypothesis is not confirmed in the real world. [1231) have shown that at that time only 1/4 of the US population held stocks (participation puzzle) . Since then, the proportion of agents trading in the market is increased, but still there is a large part of the population not holding stocks (1/2 now in the US, see [186, 50)). In other countries the percentage is even lower, see [819) . The percentage does not increase too much by including agents holding stocks through pension funds. Participation in the stock market increases with wealth. In the above analysis it is also shown that there is a high degree of heterogeneity in portfolio choices, agents change their portfolio infrequently, their entry in the financial market does not occur early in the life span and there is a hump shape (or increasing) age profile of the share of stocks in household portfolios . The above results constitute a puzzle, the standard model also with precautionary saving predicts strong stock holding, early entrance in the market and large participation. Note that the low participation rate also contrasts with the observed high equity premium, i.e, given a high risk premium agents should hold a large fraction of their wealth invested in stocks. Fixed (information) participation costs, non expected utility maximization, borrowing constraints and uninsurable labour income may contribute to explain portfolio choices heterogeneity, the low participation rate and the decision to enter late in the stock market, see [830, 831, 762, 1567, 185, 455, 1517]. [1345] shows that a small fixed participation cost allows to reconcile the choice of holding no equity despite the high premium. [5] analyses a model with a fixed cost to participate in the stock market and borrowing constraints for young agents ; in equilibrium only high income consumers trade in financial markets, young agents are inclined not to enter the market.


Uncertainty, Rationality and Heterogeneity

These observations suggest to introduce limited participation in the analysis. The main source of the equity premium puzzle is that consumption growth covaries too little with asset returns or that the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution is not variable enough. [1231, 253, 72] have shown that stockholders' consumption is more volatile and more highly correlated with the stock market. This fact reduces the risk aversion level needed to match the data (1/3 of that based on consumption of all agents) providing a partial resolution to the equity premium puzzle. Limited market participation contributes towards an explanation of the equity premium puzzle. [253] show that the unexplained equity premium decreases as limited participation and incomplete insurance are assumed. Considering only asset holders with total assets exceeding a certain threshold, the coefficient of relative risk aversion needed to explain the equity premium decreases with the threshold. Euler conditions of household consumption are not rejected with a coefficient of risk aversion between two and four. In [72] it is shown that the CCAPM tested with respect to consumption of stockholders is not rejected. A plausible degree of risk aversion to replicate the observed equity premium is obtained in [30] considering luxury and basic goods with non-homotetic preferences (a certain amount of basic goods is required in every period) and consumption only of wealthy people. [1568] shows that the elasticity of intertemporal substitution estimated considering only assetholders is larger than the value obtained considering also non assetholders. The value for asset holders is around 0.4, while for non asset holders it is insignificantly different from zero. [1260] has shown that limited participation allows an explanation of some of the CAPM anomalies. Limited participation and agents ' heterogeneity-market incompleteness are analysed in [104] ; empirically it is shown that these two features reduce the coefficient of risk aversion needed to explain the historical equity premium, moreover the model passes Euler condition tests with plausible risk aversion coefficients. Similar conclusions are reached in a similar setting (limited participation and incomplete markets) by [489] introducing wage negotiation between workers and firms. [150] have proposed an asset pricing model confirming the above results. A risky asset and a risk free asset are traded in the market, some agents endowed with a logarithmic utility function cannot invest in the risky asset because of frictions-information costs. The historical risk premium and the risk free rate can be reproduced in equilibrium with a coefficient of relative risk aversion of the representative agent equal to 1.3, also the risk free rate is much smaller than in the standard model. Unrestricted agents' consumption volatility is higher than that of per capita consumption. Stock market participation may be inserted as an endogenous variable in asset pricing models. In [40, 1337] the participation of the agents in the financial market is determined endogenously assuming a fixed entry cost . Volatility and financial market size are strictly related. Each additional trader in the market by increasing market depth generates a positive externality for others

8.5. Imperfect and Incomplete Markets


by reducing asset volatility; this effect attracts other traders in the market, lowers risk, increases the asset price and therefore it induces the firm to issue more stocks. This effect generates multiple equilibria: low volatility-small markets and high volatility-large markets. An equilibrium with a large market Pareto dominates an equilibrium with a small market. When the fixed cost is small, there is full participation. [1333] analyses an overlapping generations model with fixed costs of stock market participation and dividends following a Markov process; it is shown that in equilibrium market participation is positively correlated with past dividends and contemporaneous prices (positive feedback trading) . Endogenous participation in the market contributes to raise asset price volatility and produces a mean reversion effect. For a model on stock market participation with social interaction and multiple equilibria see [914] ; social households are more likely to invest in stocks . Incomplete risk sharing has been modelled in [1029, 1615, 49, 48] by inserting a participation constraint such that agents would at no time be better off reverting permanently to autarchy (consuming their private endowment) . An intertemporal asset pricing equilibrium model with such an endogeneous participation constraint-solvency constraint is analysed. An agent goes out of the financial market, defaults on his debt and reverts to autarchy if the expected utility derived from consuming the future private endowment without trading in financial markets is larger than the expected utility derived from participating in the market. Imposing this participation constraint (autarchy is never favourable), interest rates are smaller than in an economy without constraints. Under some conditions, non full risk sharing is obtained in equilibrium. Under plausible conditions on the endowment process (relative shocks are correlated with aggregate shocks) and on risk aversion coefficients, the model satisfies the variability constraint on the intertemporal rate of substitution established in [841] and produces a large equity premium, see [49, 48]. [1454] obtains similar results in a production economy.


Financial Markets Microstructure

Financial markets are not an idealized entity, they are characterized by a well-defined institutional setting. It would be difficult to understand the functioning of financial markets without considering their institutional setting, in particular it is important to understand the role of market makers, dealers, and brokers who have a well-defined role in the market. They run their own business but they also act to coordinate and supervise the market by helping demand and supply to meet . The regulation and the design of financial markets is an important topic. Much attention has been devoted to this topic after the 1987 crash when it was observed that the crash was accentuated by market malfunctioning due to its structure. On market design we refer to Chapter 11, in this chapter we concentrate our attention on financial market microstructure by considering the effects of different institutional settings on market functioning. Leaving aside the Walrasian-perfectly competitive market model, a market has its own features; the following are the main characteristics: a) Order-price driven market. In the first case, orders arrive in the market and then prices are defined through an automatic mechanism matching them or through market makers who supervise the market and define a price with the commitment to satisfy the net market order at that price. In the second case, some agents (dealers) quote in continuous time bid (sell orders) and ask (buy orders) prices; under some conditions, they are committed to satisfy market orders applying those prices. b) Continuous-discrete time market. In the first case it is possible to trade continuously in the market, while in the second case trades occur in discrete time . An auction market can work in discrete or in continuous time . In the first case orders, specified in the most different forms, arrive in the market


Financial Markets Microstructure

and are satisfied between themselves automatically or thanks to the intervention of market makers . In the second case orders arrive in the market. In correspondence of usually ex ante defined dates, market makers determine the trading price and clear the net market order at that price (batch auction). c) Consolidated-fragmented market. In some cases, trades occur in a single market, in other cases it is possible to trade an asset in more than one market . d) Broker-dealer market. The distinction concerns the fact that brokers act only for their own customers while dealers can also trade on their own account. e) Competition among market makers (dealers) . An asset can be supervised by one or more market makers. The most interesting perspective for market mechanism analysis is that of welfare analysis. This is not always an easy task, e.g. when there are noise traders, for this reason it can be useful to evaluate some features of the market : a) Information revelation. Diffusion-aggregation of information in a non perfectly competitive market is one of the main topics of this chapter. b) Price discovery. In some markets an agent does not observe the trading price before sending an order to the market. c) Execution risk. In some markets an agent does not know when the order will be executed and the execution price. d) Market liquidity. The liquidity of a market is proxied by the cost which an agent must support in buying and selling an asset at the same time. When it is available, the bid-ask spread is a measure of market liquidity, but the effective spread is usually larger and increases in the trade size. Market liquidity can be measured implicitly through the method proposed in [1398] when the market is efficient in strong form: the bid-ask spread is related to the asset return covariance. e) Market depth. Market depth deals with its capability of absorbing large market orders without large price changes. f) Transparency. Transparency of a financial market deals with the capability by the agents to recover information concerning trades in the market (prices of executed trades, bid and ask prices, trading volume, identity of the agents, etc.). In this chapter we concentrate on the analysis of a market under different institutional settings. For a survey on market microstructure see [1212, 1330].

9.1. The Role of Information under non-Perfect Competition In Chapter 7 we have shown that equilibrium prices transmit agents' private information and aggregate private information in a perfectly compet-

9.1. The Role of Information under non-Perfect Competition


itive market. Under some conditions, equilibrium prices render homogeneous agents' beliefs (fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium). The market is perfectly competitive with price taker agents . In a non perfectly competitive market, asset prices are affected by agents' demand. Agents are conscious of this effect and therefore they do not behave as price takers but act strategically, exploiting the dependence of prices on their demand. This argument induces a rational agent to maximize his expected utility considering the effect of his demand on market prices. In [1095], a non perfectly competitive market with private information has been analysed, assuming that agents can submit to an auctioneer a demand function which depends on the asset price and on a private signal. The model is similar to that introduced in [797]. There are three classes of agents: noise traders, uninformed agents (M) and informed agents (N). The noise traders' demand is described by the random variable z. Informed and uninformed agents are characterized by an exponential utility function with a coefficient of absolute risk aversion equal to a i and a", respectively. A risky asset with dividend d in t = 1 is traded in t = a at the price q. An informed agent n (n = 1, . . . , N) observes in t = a a realization of the random variable tin = d + En. The N + 2 random variables (d, Z,El, . . . ,EN) are independently distributed as normal random variables with zero mean and variances ...L, 1... T, can be interpreted as an index of the precision Td T of the information. An informed agent (n) , solving the optimum problem, defines a demand which is function of the asset price (q) and of the observed signal Yn (x n = Xn(ij, tin)). An uninformed agent (m) , solving the optimum problem, defines a demand which is exclusively a function of the asset price (tim = ym(q)). Weak regularity conditions are imposed on demand functions, they allow for classical order types: limit orders, market orders, stop orders, etc. Equilibrium in the market implies that







L Xn(q, tin) + L


+ Z = O.


Demand functions (Xl, X 2, . . . , X N, Y1 , . . . , YM) and the price function q = ¢(til, . .. ,tiN, z) constitute a perfectly competitive Green-Lucas equilibrium if (9.1) is satisfied and for every informed agent n and uninformed agent m (n = 1, . . . ,N, m = 1, ... , M) it holds that E[un((d - q)Xn(q,tin))lq,¢,Yn]:::: E[un((d - q)X~(q,tin))lq,¢,Yn], E[um((d - q)Ym(q))lq, ¢] :::: E[um((d - q)Y~(Q))lq, ¢], where X~, Y~ are two (any) demand functions different from X n , Ym . With an abuse of notation we have conditioned an agent's expectation on ¢, that is agents use the price functional to extract information from th e observed equilibrium price. This equilibrium definition corresponds to that given in


Financial Markets Microstructure

Chapter 7, the only difference is that agents ' choices concern the demand schedule. q contains information on private signals observed by the agents, a rational agent fully exploits this information. In a non perfectly competitive market, asset prices are a function of agents ' private information (¢) and of the agents' market behaviour. Setting X = (X 1 ,X2 , . . . , XN) and Y = (Y1 , . .. , YM), we have that q = 'ljJ (X, Y, z) . A conjectural and an institutional int erpretation can be given to 'ljJ and ¢. The conject ur al interpretation follows the steps pointed out in Chapter 7 to build a rational expectations equilibrium. Agents , knowing that market prices will be affected by their behaviour, conject ure a functional form relating their market demand to the market price, then they take their decisions according to it (knowing also others' conjectures and that the others do the same) and exploiting it strategically. In equilibrium conjectures should be confirmed . In equilibrium with agents trading strategically (knowing e) and exploiting information contained in q through ¢, prices should satisfy the two functional forms. The second interpretation makes 'ljJ derive from a specific price setting rule defined by the market institutional setting. Agents know it and exploit it in defining their market behaviour. (X 1,X2 , .. • , X N,Y1, ... ,YM), q = ¢(fh , . .. ,fiN, Z) and the associated function 'ljJ constitute an imperfectly competitive Green -Lucas equilibrium if (9.1) is satisfied and for every informed agent n and uninformed agent m (n = 1, . . . , N, m = 1, . .. , M ), it holds that E[un((d - 'ljJ (X ,Y, z))Xn)lq, ¢ , Yn ) 2: E[un((d - 'ljJ (X ', Y, z))X~)lq, ¢' , Yn), E[um((d - 'ljJ (X, Y, z))Ym(q)) lq, ¢) 2: E[um((d - 'ljJ (X ,Y' , z))Y~(q))lq, ¢'), where X~, Y~ are two demand functions different from X n , Ym and X' and Y' differ from X and Y respe ctively for the n component and the m component. ¢' is the function associated with 'ljJ in case of X' and Y'. In [1095], the author concentrates his attention on the class of linear non perfectly competitive equilibria. The demand of the informed agent n (n = 1, .. . , N) and that of th e uninformed agent m (m 1, . .. , M) have the following expressions: Xn(q, fin) = Jin


+ (3Yn

- 'Ynq,

Ym(q) = Jim - 'Ymq·


(9.2) (9.3)

Assuming > 0, T f > and under some conditions on the number of informed and uninformed agents, there exists a unique non perfectly competitive Green-Lucas linear equilibrium. The equilibrium is described by a vector of parameters (Ji~ , (3* , 'Y~, Ji;",'Y;" ). An equilibrium of this type can be obtained assuming that each agent acts as a monopsonist facing a linear residual supply. In correspondence of a linear equilibrium, agents (informed and uninformed) exploit the equilibrium price functional to update their beliefs rationally. Set TU = (a 2 (dlq))- 1 and T[ = (a 2 (dlq,Yn))- 1 the precision level on

9.1. The Role of Information under non-Perfect Competition


the dividend reached by an uninformed and by an informed agent after he has observed the price q and he has updated his beliefs consistently with demands (9.2) and (9.3). In an artificial economy, the precision level is equal to TA = (0"2(dIYll'" ,YN))-l = Td + NT,. (9.2) and (9.3) induce in equilibrium the following precision levels

where (u


N(3*2 N (3*2 + O"Z2T f '

(N - 1)(3*2 (I

= (N - 1)(3*2

+ O";T


(u represents the fraction of the precision of the signals of the N informed agents transmitted by the asset price to an uninformed agent. (I represents the fraction of the precision of the signals of the N - 1 informed agents transmitted by the asset price to an informed agent. In [1095] it is shown that the value of (I associated with a non perfectly competitive equilibrium is lower than that obtained in correspondence of a competitive equilibrium. The intuition for this result is simple : an informed agent facing an increasing residual supply curve will be characterized by an elasticity of the demand with respect to private information smaller than that under perfect competition (flat residual supply curve) . This effect implies that in a non perfectly competitive market less information is revealed by prices than under perfect competition. The incidence of private information on the equilibrium price can be measured by (= T IN1'" T:fM "'Ym.). ( measures the change in q associated with a unitary change in the evaluation of the asset by the informed agent n (Yn). In correspondence of an imperfectly competitive equilibrium, it is shown that 0 ::; (I ::; ( ::; ! and (I < (u . Therefore, under imperfect competition the equilibrium price does not reveal more than half of the precision of the informed agents' information. Uninformed agents learn from prices more than informed agents. As the demand variance of noise traders goes to zero (0"; -+ 0), a i goes to zero or the information precision goes to 00, it can be shown that (I -+ 1 under perfect competition (the price is fully revealing) , while under non perfect competition (I remains below! (there is no complete revelation) . Non fully revealing equilibrium prices under imperfect competition are also obtained in [1100]. (I and (u increase in M and decrease in aU. The rationale for this result is that an increase in M and a decrease in o" flatten the residual supply curve faced by informed agents, as a consequence they will have a more aggressive market behaviour and therefore prices will be more affected by private information. If M -+ 00, then E[dlq] = q, the price becomes an unbiased signal of the asset dividend. When the information of informed agents becomes perfect (T, -+ 00), (3* -+ 00, the price becomes infinitely accurate (TU -+ 00) and converges in mean square to d, the market becomes very deep and profits E


Financial Markets Microstructure

of informed agents tend to zero. (/ increases with N. Under some conditions, if N -t 00 then the non perfectly competitive equilibrium converges to the perfectly competitive equilibrium as far as information transmission is concerned. Note that in this model, agents trade both for speculative and hedging reasons . Prices reveal more information when agents trade for both reasons , see [1349] . In a perfectly competitive economy the following paradox is observed , see Chapter 7: in correspondence of a fully revealing Green-Lucas equilibrium no agent is interested in buying costly information. Under some conditions, there is no equilibrium with costly private information. The result strongly depends on the perfect competition hypothesis. In [957], assuming that the asset dividend is distributed as an exponential random variable and that agents are risk neutral, it is shown that in a model similar to the one above there exist fully revealing equilibria with costly information acquisition. Since the price is fully revealing , buying information does not give an advantage to an agent; in fact agents who acquire information are worse off than those who do not . However, they would be even worse off if they did not buy information, given that others expect them to do it. There is a negative externality associated with the decision of non buying information that induces agents to buy it . If the adverse selection effect is severe (variance of the informational variable exceeds a critical value) and the agent with private information acts as a monopolist, then uninformed agents can refuse to trade because adverse selection outweighs hedging motive to trade and a market breakdown occurs, see [202]. Adverse selection and market breakdown can be avoided in a non competitive model by introducing derivative assets, see [210] .


Order Driven Markets

In an order driven market, there is a market maker who handles a book (specialist book) . In a batch auction market, orders arrive to the market maker, he looks at the order book and then sets a price at which he clears the market (he accommodates net demand by the market) . A model analysing this type of market has been proposed in [1094]. The Kyle (1985) Model In a two period economy, a risky asset is traded in t = 0, its price is q and its dividend in t = 1 is described by th e random variable d distributed as a normal with mean d and variance a~ . There are two classes of agents in the economy: an insider trader and a set of noise traders. The risky asset demand by noise traders is described by the random variable z distributed as a normal with zero mean and variance d and z are independently distributed. The price formation mechanism in t = 0 consists of two steps. In the first step, demand by noise traders is determined (z) and the insider trader learns


9.2. Order Driven Markets


the asset dividend (d), on the basis of this information the insider trader determines his risky asset demand (x). Market demand is equal to x + z, on the basis of this observation the market maker sets the price q (second step) . The market maker does not observe the two demand components. At the price q the market maker clears the market satisfying the market demand x+z. The insider trader is risk neutral, his discount factor is set equal to one, therefore his objective function is E[(d - q)xldJ. The market maker sets the asset price equal to the expected value of the dividend conditional on the observation of the aggregate market demand (x + z):

q = E[dlx + z].


This price formation rule means that the market maker's expected profit is equal to zero. The price formation mechanism (9.4) can be justified by assuming an institutional constraint, competition among risk neutral market makers or the threat of the entry of market makers in the market. The risky asset demand by the insider trader is a function of d (x = X(d)) , the price defined by the market maker is a function of the total market demand (if = Q(x + z)). An equilibrium is defined by a pair (X (d), Q(x + z)) such that (9.4) is satisfied and the insider trader maximizes his expected utility. In [1094] it is shown that there exists a unique linear equilibrium: x(d)

= j3(d-


Q(x + z) = d + A(X + z),


(9.5) (9.6)

2 1~2 where j3 = ::t and A = -2 :;to Note that the higher the variance of the Ud Uz noise traders' demand, the higher the coefficient j3 defining the sensitivity of the insider trader's demand to the dividend. The rationale of this result is very simple: if the noise traders' demand can be very large (high variance), then the insider trader can actively trade in the market knowing that his private information will be more easily hidden to the eyes of the market maker and therefore not reflected in the market price. Without imposing the linearity condition or the normality assumption, there are multiple equilibria. Independently from the normality hypothesis on the random variables, uniqueness of the equilibrium is obtained if the insider trader can observe noise trades, see [1394] . This model provides several interesting implications. In the first place, 2 (dlq) = !a~. Note that the insider trader knows the asset dividend exactly before trading, while for noise traders the dividend has a variance equal to a~. One-half of the insider 's trader private information is incorporated by prices; as a matter of fact after trading noise traders reach a precision which is half the insider trader's precision. The equilibrium is not fully revealing. Unlike the results established in the previous section, the estimate of the



Financial Markets Microstructure

dividend variance once the asset price is observed does not depend on the noise traders' demand variance. This result is due to the fact that the insider trader is risk neutral: as the noise traders' demand variance increases, the insider will behave more aggressively and therefore information contained in the price is unchanged. measures the depth of the market, i.e, the order flow necessary to induce the price to rise or fall by one unit. This coefficient is proportional to the variance of the noise traders ' demand and to the precision of the signal observed by the insider trader. Sensitivity of the insider trader's demand ({3) is proportional to market depth. The expected profit of the insider trader conditioned to d is equal to therefore it is proportional to the market depth. Instead, the expected profit of the insider trader ex ante is equal to h/(7~(7~ . The model has been extended to a multisecurity setting in [306]; some of the above results hold in that context. Release of public information on the asset dividend observed by the insider trader and by the market maker reduces the insider's profit and the noise traders' loss, see [1194].



Extensions In [1523] the model has been extended to the case of N 2: 1 risk averse insider traders with a constant coefficient of absolute risk aversion equal to A. The risky asset dividend is described by the random variable d = d + u. An insider trader observes a realization of the random variable u + f. U, f, Z are assumed to be mutually independent and normally distributed with zero mean and variances equal to (7~, (7;, (7;. The market maker is risk neutral. There exists a unique linear equilibrium with a positive relation between price and an order flow of the type described in (9.5) and (9.6) . In equilibrium oX is strictly decreasing in the noise traders' demand variance, it is a unimodal function (first increasing and then decreasing) or strictly decreasing in N, A and (7; . Therefore, the market depth is an increasing function of the variance of volume generated by noise traders and in many cases of the number of insiders in the market, of their risk aversion and of the variance of their private signal. (72(dlq) is increasing in A and (7;. If insider traders are strongly risk averse, then the equilibrium price reflects their information in a weak form . Unlike the Kyle model, the equilibrium price reveals less information if the noise traders' demand variance is high. The result is confirmed if the market maker is risk averse. The model has been further generalized in [1504] by considering an economy characterized by three classes of agents: K risk neutral insider traders, N risk averse uninformed agents and a risk neutral market maker. The risky asset dividend in t = 1 is described by the random variable d = d + U. Insider trader k (k = 1, . .. , K) observes a realization of the random variable U + fk; U, f1," " fK are independent random variables, U is distributed as a normal random variable with zero mean and variance (7~, f1, " . ,fK are identically and normally distributed with zero mean and variance (72 . The uninformed

9.2. Order Driven Markets


agent n has a risky asset endowment tUn and a negative exponential utility function with constant coefficient A. Endowments of uninformed agents are random variables independent of each other and of signal random variables, tUn is distributed as a normal random variable with zero mean and variance (1~. Agents submit their orders to the market maker who sets the price according to (9.4) . If A2N (1~((1~ + 2(12)2 > 4K((1~ + (12) , then there exists a unique linear equilibrium: q =d+ AQ ,

Xk=!3(U+fk), k=l , . . . , K,

Xn = ,tUn , n = 1, . . . , N, where Xk and xn describe the risky asset demands of the agents and Q is the total market demand. If the inequality is not satisfied, then a linear equilibrium does not exist. It can be shown that A is decreasing in A and (1~ , the market depth is increasing in the coefficient of absolute risk aversion of uninformed agents and in the variance of their risky asset endowments. The shape of A with respect to N, K, (12 and (1~ is not necessarily monotone. However, the market becomes infinitely liquid (A ~ 0) if (12 ~ 00 or N ~ 00, and infinitely illiquid (A -+ 00) if (1~ -+ 00. As in the Kyle model, the information revealed by the price is not affected by (1~ . The expected profit of informed agents is increasing in A and (1~ and the welfare of uninformed agents is decreasing in K and (1~. There exists a K* such that the market becomes infinitely illiquid, if K > K* then a linear equilibrium does not exist. If there are too many insider traders, then the adverse selection effect is too strong and there is no equilibrium. A large number of hedgers, large variance of their endowment and high risk aversion ensure existence of the equilibrium. Welfare of uninformed agents is decreasing in K . In [14], direct and indirect sale of information is investigated inside the Kyle model. An insider trader can sell information to other agents in the market or exploit it by trading the asset. Private information consists in the observation of a signal about d. In the market, there are N potential buyers and noise traders. The insider trader sells the information without manipulating its content. Agents who do not buy the information quit the market because they know that the price being determined according to (9.4) is unfair. Therefore, the number of agents in the market, excluding noise traders, is equal to the number of those who buy information. Agents have a constant coefficient of absolute risk aversion. If the information owner is risk neutral, then he does not wish to sell his information to any other trader. This is due to the fact that insider traders compete with each other, reducing their total profits. If the information owner is risk averse, then it can be profitable for him to sell the information. Competition with other insider traders reduces profits associated with speculation but creates risk-sharing opportunities (with a positive effect for the insider's welfare). There is a trade-off between competition among insider traders and risk-sharing advantages. For


Financial Markets Microstructure

plausible values of the parameters of the model, the profit of informed agents is a unimodal function of the number of agents acquiring information (growing and then decreasing), therefore the optimal number of insider traders is uniquely determined. Typically, if risk aversion of the information owner is low then he does not sell the information, preferring to trade in the market; if potential buyers are weakly risk averse then the information owner sells the information and commits not to trade. For intermediate risk aversion coefficients, the information owner at the same time trades in the market and sells the information to other agents. Less precise information is sold to more traders, and leads to lower profits. Indirect sale of information through a mutual fund is analysed. By setting appropriate fees (a fixed fee and a per share fee), the information owner can control the effects of competition among informed traders and increases his profits. The strategy of a market maker endowed with private information has been analysed in [774] . The market maker sets a price and then a trader chooses the quantity he wants to trade. Both the market maker and the trader in the market can be privately informed . Provided that the market is privately informed , the market maker will introduce a noise component in the price with respect to the one that maximizes his expected profit. In [1219] , the model has been extended to an economy populated by noise traders and risk averse insider traders endowed with private and heterogeneous information. In this setting, the (bid-ask) prices posted by the market maker aggregate information in the market with some noise. The risk neutral market maker sets prices to maximize expected profits conditional on the observation of market orders. Prices always reveal information but never fully. The equilibrium price is a discontinuous function of market orders , a slight change in the parameters of the model can induce a crash in the market. In [1094] the market maker sets the equilibrium price in such a way that expected profits are null. This price setting rule can be motivated by the perfect competition assumption on the market maker 's side. In some markets, the market maker operates as a monopolist and therefore he does not behave according to the above price-setting rule. He maximizes his expected profits . Remember that the market maker faces an adverse selection problem because there are insider traders in the market. Competition among market makers implies two different welfare effects. On the one hand, competition should offer better prices to liquidity traders, on the other hand the adverse selection effect induces a negative effect. As a matter of fact, facing insider traders, a monopolist market maker has two main advantages with respect to market makers operating under perfect competition. A monopolist market maker observes a large part of the trades in the market and therefore he can learn insider trader beliefs better than market makers under perfect competition. Moreover, a monopolist market maker can average losses due to insider traders' orders with profits associated with liquidity traders' orders . Because of these effects, a monopolist market maker can guarantee a

9.2. Order Driven Markets


more liquid market. Under some conditions, welfare of informed and liquidity traders is higher in a monopolistic market maker economy than in a perfectly competitive market makers economy. This is the point made in [740]. Under perfect competition, the market is more likely to break down when adverse selection is severe (market makers refuse to trade) than in a monopolistic setting. On this point see also [212]. The model in [740] can be described as follows. There is an informed w and a risky asset endowment trader endowed with a utility function _e- P 'Iii which is independent of the dividend of the risky asset and is distributed as N(O , l/'rr w ) , a risky asset is traded delivering a payoff in t = 1 described by the random variable x distributed as N(m ,l/1fx ) , the informed trader observes a signal s = x + € where € is independent of x and is distributed as N(O, l/1f s ) . The risk free return is equal to l. The informed trader defines his demand schedule (Q) maximizing the expected utility conditional on 5, wand the price schedule defined by the market maker (P). As in [1094], the competitive market maker sets Pc(Q) = E[xIQJ, the monopolistic market maker sets the price schedule to maximize expected profits exploiting the functional form of the insider trader's demand. The equilibrium is of a Nash-Bayesian type. Considering a competitive market maker there exists an equilibrium if 2 and only if p2 'Tr z +11".1I'w P 1r~( 1r + ) > 0.5, otherwise the market is closed down. If z this is the case, then all traders will prefer a monopolistic market maker to a perfectly competitive market maker. In a dynamic setting, [1125] show that a monopolistic market maker can also help the diffusion of information by experimenting with prices, i.e, by setting prices different from the conditional expectation of the liquidation value in order to learn agents' information (by observing market order flow). This activity is costly, but costs can be recovered in an intertemporal dimension by a monopolistic market maker. Obviously this is not the case when there are many market makers in the market. 7['.

Limit Order Book A limit order book has been proposed in recent years to increase liquidity in the market. There are two main types of orders: market order (an order executed immediately at the best price posted in previously posted limit orders) and limit order (an order specifying the execution price of the order). Limit orders provide liquidity to future traders. A market order guarantees immediacy of execution with no certainty of the price; it is well suited for liquidity trades. Conversely, limit orders are characterized by uncertain execution time (non execution in case) and certain price; they are well suited for patient traders. These features expose traders adopting limit orders to adverse informational price changes (ex post mispriced and therefore winner's curse). There is a cost of delayed execution-winner's curse associated with better prices (limit orders) and a cost of immediate execution with prices


Financial Markets Microstructure

determined by the market (market orders) , see [690, 691, 1352] on this tradeoff and on the choice between the two types of orders. The limit order book (usually a screen visible to all the traders) contains all the limit orders previously posted. Transactions against the book pick limit orders on the screen with their prices and their quantities. An analysis of a limit order book market system has been proposed in [741], see also [211] . The author shows that the system works well under strong adverse selection with as much liquidity as possible, it allows to average profits and gains across trades as in [740] . Limit order traders gain from small trades and liquidity driven price changes but lose from information driven price changes . The bid-ask spread for small trades is small. The system is immune to competition from market dealers. In some markets, e.g. the NYSE, a specialist or a dealer market faces competition from limit order traders, competition contributes to lower bid-ask spreads and to an increase in price efficiency, see [1457, 288]. [208] show that a limit order market provides better risk sharing and narrower spreads than a dealer market. [413,414] confirm that limit orders decrease execution costs of the NYSE relative to the NASDAQ. Insufficient depth in the limit order book relative to theoretical predictions is found in [1436] . Under some conditions, risk averse agents prefer a hybrid market (dealer market and a limit order book) to a dealer market or to a limit order book. Small size trades are directed toward the limit order book , while large orders are handled by dealers , see [1569]. A limit order book is preferred by risk neutral traders; the dealer market is preferred when there are many market makers.


Quote Driven Markets

Many financial markets work through dealers who quote bid and ask prices for a set of assets . A bid price is for a sell order, an ask price is for a buy order . The dealer is committed to satisfy orders applying the quoted price under some conditions. In many cases the commitm ent holds only for orders smaller than a certain amount, for large orders the dealer can revise the quoted prices. A dealer market usually works in continuous time . By quoting bid-ask prices the dealer provides a service to the market. The peculiarities of a dealer market are immediacy and quick price discovery. As a matter of fact , a trader in a dealer market knows market conditions exactly and expects his orders to be satisfied promptly. This service exposes the dealer to two different costs : a) the dealer is forced to accept a non optimal portfolio, b) the dealer faces an adverse selection problem towards informed traders. The dealer asks a remuneration for the service described above and for the two forms of cost . The remuneration is given by the bid-ask spread. The literature on dealer markets and in particular on the determination of the bid-ask spread can be divided into two classes, depending on the relevance

9.3. Quote Driven Markets


of the cost types described above, see [1330] . The literature stressing the fact that the dealer is forced to accept a non optimal portfolio assumes that he is risk averse. The dealer manages an asset inventory quoting bid and ask prices facing a stochastic order flow, typically described by a Poisson process. The dealer faces an intertemporal problem, he concentrates his attention on the risk of the inventory position with respect to a target portfolio. Optimal inventory management and bid-ask strategies are determined in [54, 903, 1331,206] . Both bid and ask prices are decreasing in inventory. The spread is increasing in the dealer's risk aversion, but is independent of the inventory. The dealer manages to achieve the desired inventory position and revises bid and ask quotes to this end . The adverse selection faced by the dealer has been analysed in [91, 459, 743]. In [459] a two period model is analysed. The dealer in t = 0 has an evaluation of the asset price equal to So, he also knows that the value of the asset is a realization of the random variable S with probability density 1(5). The dealer and the agents of the economy are risk neutral; in the market there are informed agents who know the value 5 of the asset and uninformed agents who exclusively trade for liquidity needs (noise traders). Once a trader arrives in the market, he can decide not to trade, to buy one unit of the asset or to sell one unit of the asset. The nature of the agent and his decision to buy, sell or not trade (when he is uninformed) are determined according to a probability distribution which does not depend on the distribution of S; the probability of an agent being informed is 1rt • the probability of an agent being uninformed is 1 - 1rf, an uninformed agent buys with probability 1rB, sells with probability 1rS and he does not trade with probability l-1rB -1rs. The dealer determines a bid price (5B) and an ask price (SA) to maximize the objective function

The first component comes from the profit obtained by trading with an uninformed agent. The second component describes the cost the dealer bears when trading with an informed agent. A bid-ask spread arises in this model. As long as there is a small probability that some traders are informed, the dealer sets a positive bid-ask spread. Bid-ask spread in a monopolistic market is larger than in a competitive market. Risk aversion by the dealer increases the spread. The same effect is observed if the percentage of informed agents increases. A dealer facing adverse selection in the market addresses an intertemporal problem which is not fully described in the above model. In particular, the dealer may learn insider's information by observing trades. A dynamic version of the above model well describing these effects has been proposed in


Financial Markets Microstructure

[743]. In a dynamic context, the dealer after having satisfied a buy or a sell order can update his beliefs on insider's information and may change the bid and the ask price. The model is a discrete time model; there is a finite number of trading dates. At each trading date, agents (uninformed and informed) are selected to trade according to a stationary (exogenous) probability law; an agent can exclusively trade one unit of the asset. The dealer and the agents are risk neutral. The dealer sets prices such that the expected profit on any trade is zero. The rationale for this behaviour is dealers' competition. Prices are set equal to the dealer 's conditional expectation of the asset value given the type of trade that occurs. Type of trade has a signal value. A buy order pushes the dealer expectation upward, a sell order causes the opposite effect. Incorporating the dealer's beliefs update, it is shown that transaction prices form a martingale relative to the dealer 's information and to public information. A market with large volume is associated with small spreads. The dealer learns through time, the conditional expectation of the final value of the asset of the dealer converges to the conditional expectation of the insider trader. Price impact of trades is increasing in the degree of adverse selection. The bid-ask spread increases in the precision of insider trader's information, in their relevance in the market, in the information asymmetry degree, in the asset value uncertainty and decreases in the extent of uninformed trading. These results have been confirmed in [1209]. If the adverse selection problem is severe, then the dealer may set prices in such a way that no trade occurs (market breakdown) . Allowing an informed trader to time his trades, [86] show that he times his orders randomly. The above models consider standardized trades, by endogenizing the trade size some interesting insights can be obtained. A model of this type in the spirit of [743] has been proposed in [593]. Trade size induces an adverse selection problem because informed traders who act competitively prefer to trade quantities larger than those of uninformed agents. As a consequence, in equilibrium spreads vary across trade size. The model provides an explanation for the fact that large trades transact at worse prices. Volume provides a signal to the dealer. In equilibrium, informed traders submit either only large trades or both large and small trades. Information ambiguity affects the bid-ask spread. [1419] show that information ambiguity (model uncertainty) increases the bid-ask spread set by an uncertainty averse monopolist market maker and reduces the market liquidity. Disclosure by firms reduces the bid-ask spread and increases volume, see [1151] . Competition among dealers affects the bid-ask spread. Inventory based models predict that the bid-ask spread is a decreasing function of the number of dealers in the market, see [54, 806, 904, 206]. Asset substitution in a multisecurities market with monopolistic dealers contributes to decrease the bid-ask spread, see [827] . The effect of competition among dealers in a market with asymmetric information is more ambiguous. In [523], assuming

9.3. Quote Driven Markets


risk neutral insiders, it is shown that a growing number of risk neutral market makers leads to a higher risk exposure for the individual market maker and therefore to larger bid-ask spreads and transaction costs. The rationale for this effect is that the amount of uninformed liquidity trading is limited and remains unchanged and therefore the adverse selection problem for each dealer becomes stronger as their number increases. Moreover, in a competitive dealers market the dealer 's informational advantage is smaller than in a monopolistic dealer market (the effect described in [740]). Under some conditions, liquidity traders prefer a monopolistic market maker. A similar result is obtained in an order driven market by allowing agents to send orders to more than one risk neutral market maker, see [183) . Narrow spreads with adverse selection and dealers' competition is obtained in [1209). In [1577) the author provides empirical evidence in favour of a reduction of the bid-ask spread as competition among market makers increases. In [573), it is shown that no form of collusion is possible under free entry if dealers are sufficiently impatient, see also [807], but implicit costs such as establishing reputation and forming relationship to gain access to order flow (preferencing arrangements) are enough to reduce price competition and to ensure tacit collusion, i.e, agents do not explicitly collude, they act noneaoperatively by setting a bid-ask spread higher than in a competitive market . When dealers receive preferenced order flow, in equilibrium the bid-ask spread increases. Collusion is more frequent in an actively traded market and when dealers are of similar size. [411, 410, 132, 187, 1015, 134) observed the absence of odd-eighth quotes for 70 of the 100 most capitalized NASDAQ stocks (the phenomenon is not observed in the NYSE) and that spreads are quite large (at least $0.25). There is a positive relation between spread and price rounding, see [132, 187, 1015), and internalization-preferencing of order flow, see [928, 744). Some authors suggested that dealers tacitly collude to set wide spreads. For a model on dealers ' competition with payments for order flow and preferencing arrangements see [1016) . [228] show through experiments that order preferencing can increase bid-ask spreads and reduce informational efficiency. On collusion among market makers at the London Stock Exchange see [236). Dealer 's market power is a source of illiquidity generating a positive risk premium, see [543) . Dealers provide immediacy to the market. In [806) , by assuming that traders experience liquidity needs, an equilibrium model for the number of dealers in the market is built. The number of market makers will adjust until in equilibrium dealers ' costs of maintaining a continuous presence equate to expected return of trades. As the number of market makers increases, market liquidity increases. On the number of dealers in equilibrium see also [206) . [1577) shows that the number of dealers is increasing in the trading intensity. According to the analysis presented above, there are three cost components in the bid-ask spread: order-processing costs , inventory holding costs,


Financial Markets Microstructure

adverse information costs. A cross sectional analysis shows that volume, risk, price and firm size explain most of the variability of the bid-ask spread. While the relevance of order-processing costs is widely recognized, the relevance of the other two components is a disputed topic. On the relevance of the adverse selection effect see [742, 866, 927, 868, 1216, 1217], the adverse selection effect increases with trade size; evidence on the relevance of inventory costs is provided in [927, 929]. [1218] suggest that dealers manage their inventory by timing the size and the direction of their trades rather than by adjusting their quotes . Note that quote adjustments due to adverse selection and inventory management are in the same direction (e.g. a buy order causes a price increase), however quote adjustments due to inventory management tend to be reversed over time (the dealer wants to reconstruct the optimal inventory position), while quote adjustments for adverse information are not. Therefore, inventory effects induce negative serial correlation in orders, price changes and returns at high frequencies , on the other hand under asymmetric information quotes revision is persistent. Confirming [743, 593], large trades have a large price impact (it is an increasing and concave function of trade size) and widen the spread, see [866, 867]. The price impact is increasing in the degree of adverse selection, see [1067]. The increasing relation detected empirically between bid-ask spreads and expected returns, see [55] , can be explained through the adverse selection component (higher probability of information based trades and therefore higher expected return) widening the bid-ask spread, see [594] for a theoretical model and [271, 52, 589] for empirical evidence. The probability of informed trading is lower for high volume stocks, see [592, 1597]. There is a positive premium for information trading. A decrease of the bid-ask spread and of its adverse selection component is observed in [783] when the noise traders component increases in the market.


Multiperiod Market Models

The model analysed in Section 9.2 has been extended to a multiperiod setting in [1094] . Let us assume that trades take place through the batch auction mechanism described above in N + 1 dates: 0 < tl < . .. < tN = l. Let the process Un describe the amount of the risky asset traded by noise traders up to the n-th auction, L\u n = Un - Un-l is the amount of the risky asset traded by noise traders in the n-th auction. We assume that Un follows a Brownian motion : L\u n is distributed as a normal random variable with zero mean and variance I + P ; the new breakeven state is Sb > Sa' The firm's value in t = 0 is VD =

roo (V(s) -


I)q(s)ds .

Assuming P > 0, then Sb > Sa and VD < VE. Debt financing induces the manager to pass investment with a net present value (underinvestment) and induces a smaller firm value. Capital structure and in particular debt change the profitability of an investment opportunity for managers-shareholders. Debtholders will receive nothing if the growth option is not exercised, therefore debt value in t = 0 is Vd = Pq(s)ds . VD is decreasing in P and Vd < VD, but limp.-+oo VD = limp.-+oo Vd = O. Vd has a maximum, i.e. the maximum amount of debt that the firm can borrow. After some interest rate level, the firm cannot borrow more by offering to pay a higher interest rate. As VD is decreasing in P , if the manager's objective is the maximization of the value of the firm then he will not issue debt . Debt is detrimental to the exploitation of investment opportunities in the future . Underinvestment and the asset substitution phenomenon represent two agency costs implicit in the stockholder-bondholder conflict. According to the first phenomenon the manager-shareholder will tend to avoid projects with a safe positive net present value, according to the second effect the



Corporate Finance

manager will tend to accept risky projects with a negative present value. [1354) provide an estimate of these agency costs, they confirm that they are increasing in leverage. According to the above analysis, debt has a discipline effect on managers in curbing their tendency to overinvestment, on the other hand debt induces underinvestment. [860, 1521) build on this trade-off to determine the optimal debt-equity ratio. Property Rights, Control and Incomplete Contracts Some authors pointed out that agency problems inside the firm are difficult to address because contracts are necessarily incomplete. It is difficult to establish ex ante all the events relevant for the firm's life. In this setting, property rights and residual rights of control become relevant in assessing the firm's life. There is a need to allocate control rights when an event is not specified in the contract regulating the firm. Control of an asset is identified with its ownership or with the right to withdraw it, see [858). Control and power of shareholders include the fact that they can change directors or can stop an important project. [25) , extending the argument in [984) , show that debt plays an important role in allocating control rights when contracts are incomplete by limiting the misallocation of resources by the manager. They consider a three-period model (t = 0, 1,2) similar to that in [986) . The entrepreneur looks for funding (K) from an investor. The return r of the project in t = 2 is stochastic and depends on action a chosen by the entrepreneur after the realization of the state of nature W in t = 1. There are two states of nature (WI, W2) and two feasible actions (aI, a2)' The return of the project can only be or 1, it depends on the action chosen by the manager. The entrepreneur (E) and the investor (1) are risk neutral, their utility functions are respectively


UE(r,a) = r

+ l(a ,w) ,


= r.

l (a, w) denotes private benefits of the entrepreneur associated with the action

a. a is therefore similar to perks analysed in [986) . Denote lj the private benefits of the entrepreneur in state Wi when action aj is chosen. Denote yj = E[rla = aj , W = Wi) the expected final return in state Wi when action aj is chosen. Contracts are incomplete because the state of nature W is very difficult to describe ex ante and therefore it is not possible to write a contract contingent on it . The contract should guarantee to the investor an expected return higher than K. However contracts can be written on a public signal s observed in t = 1 which is imperfectly correlated with w. There are two possible outcomes for the signal s : or 1. Let (3w be the probability of s = 1 given W ((31 > 1/2, (32 < 1/2) . The first best solution to this problem is provided by a*(w) which is obtained by maximizing E[rla,w) + l(a,w). By convention we assume that


10.3. Agency Models


is the first best solution in Wi and a2 is the first best solution in W2 (yt + it > y~ + i~ and y~ + q > Yf + The contract includes a compensation scheme for the manager t(s, r) and a control allocation rule. As contracts are incomplete, i.e, they are not contingent on w, it is necessary to specify who will decide the action in t = 1 after observing w. Three different types of control allocation rules are considered: unilateral (always the manager or the investor) , contingent (the manager or the investor depending on the state), joint (the manager and the investor together). Let the action be not verifiable. Conditions for unilateral control (by the manager or the investor) to implement the first best solution are provided. Assume that in t = 0 the entrepreneur makes a take-it-or-leave-it offer to the investor specifying a compensation schedule and control. Unilateral control by the manager implements the first best solution if private benefits l are co-monotonic with total > i~ and i~ > or the expected investment cash flow revenues Y + i is higher than K in all states and for all actions . Unilateral control by the investor implements the first best solution if monetary benefits yare comonotonic with total revenues Y + l (yt > y~ and y~ > yn or K satisfies some conditions. When neither private benefits nor monetary returns are co-monotonic with total revenues, the above conditions for first best implementation by unilateral control are not satisfied and yt < y~ , i~ < if, then the investor control implements the first best solution in state W2 and the entrepreneur control implements the first best solution in state Wi . In this case, unilateral control is dominated by a contract assigning control to the entrepreneur when s = 1 and to the investor when s = 0 as ((31 , (32) -t (1,0). This type of contingent allocation of control rights provides an approximately efficient outcome. As a general comment, the investor should have the control when value maximization is least inefficient and the manager should have the control when value maximization is most inefficient. The contingent control allocation can be interpreted as a control allocation associated with debt or venture capital financing. The signal can be interpreted as a default-no default signal: the manager gets the control as long as he does not default, investors get the control on the event of default. This analysis points out an important role for debt as a control allocation device: it allows the manager to gather some private benefits and provides protection to the investor . The action can be interpreted as continuation or liquidation of the firm. On this function of debt see also [859, 861]. It is interesting that this type of (state contingent ) cash flow and control rights allocation is observed in the venture capital sector, see [1025, 856]. Control rights are appreciated by investors; [1619, 1620] show that a large premium is attributed to voting shares in contestable firms. Also controlling blocks are sold with a premium, see [585]. Private benefits of control are associated with less-developed capital markets. al




Corporate Finance

Executive Compensation Agency problems between managers (CEOs) and shareholders can be solved by properly designing an incentive contract for the manager. The aim of an incentive contract is to align the manager's interest to that of shareholders in order to mitigate the conflict of interest pointed out in [986] .

In many companies, management ownership is too small to make managers interested in profit maximization. To mitigate this effect, it is mandatory to grant a manager a highly contingent contract sensitive to firm's performance: share ownership , stock options, bonus , etc. On executive compensation and incentive contracts see [1297, 1371, 731]. The design of an optimal incentive contract can be addressed through the analysis in [910] . Let us consider a two period model (t = 0,1) . The value of the firm is x = e + £, where e is the executive effort, £ is a random variable distributed as N{O , 0- 2 ) . Let us assume that the manager's payoff is linear in the firm performance w{x) = a + bx, where a and b are two fixed constants to be determined by the contract. b measures the performance sensitivity of the compensation. Let us assume that the owner (principal) is risk neutral and that the executive has an exponential utility _er(w- c(e», where c{e) is a convex disutility function associated with the executive's effort. The optimal contract establishes that b = l+ r