Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game
 9780140317091, 0140317090

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Thr woid or Fighting Fantasy,peot'lf,l by or.s, diagons, zombies inn ein' pircs, has .aptrrcd th€ inlgi'rilnnr nl nillions ol rcadersworld widc, lh'ill ing advcnrffcs oi sword and so'{(r .onc to lifc in the rightinB l:.!rli.rl Ginebooks, wherc th€ readcr ir ilx hero, dicing with death and deDnns in se.rch olvillains, h€asureor rr.Ldon,.



Now IOU .an .reale you own Fi,jhli,!t1 fnnlnsy ndventur€s and scnd your fri€nds off on dange(nE nisrionsl rn this clearlywritten handbook. thc(.,xr hints on devising c.mb.ts. nrnr\krs to use,tricks nnd ta.ti.s, rs w.ll is i$o mini-adv€'tu€sc.mpletewith Cn rs Mnst.r! notcs for you to slnit with.

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is tne ide.l nrl(llr, tion to thc fist-growinA world oi nnr plnying gnncs, .nd literallt .ounll(\,

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An lrt oducloryRole-Playin8Gane lllustntcd t1!Drren Snith

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