“This book was designed to assist conscientious objectors facing a personal appearance before their draft boards. It add
210 51
English Pages 57 Year 1970
to Face wlth"your Draft Board Face
A Guide to Personal Appearances by Allan Blackman This book, designed for conscientious objectors, is useful to all men facing a personal appearance before their draft board and indispensible for draft counselors. It answers the following questions: How can a man obtain the classification he wants and deserves from a per.onal appearance before his draft board? What fundamentar value choices , fe involved in determining the purpose of his personal appearance? Despite careful attention to bureaucratic detall, Face to Face with Your Draft Board attempts to assure the registrant one positive benefit of a personal appearance before a draft board: becoming clear on his own fundamental beliefs and demonstrating them in action.
FACE TO FACE WITH YOUR DRAFT BOARD: A Guide to Personal Appearances 1624.
I Opportunity to
Persort (u) Everv registrant after his
clussilit'ation is tleternincd b.v the locol board... shall have an opportunity to uppcar in person beJr.tre the mernber or rnembers ol the local board dcsignated Jr.tr the purpose . . .
(b) At any sut'h oppeurance, Ihe rcgistrant may discuss his out the class or clusses in which he thinks he
clussilication, ma-v point
.yhould have been plu