Английско-български идиоматичен речник / English-Bulgarian Dictionary of Idioms and Expressions [2 ed.]

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Английско-български идиоматичен речник / English-Bulgarian Dictionary of Idioms and Expressions [2 ed.]

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Атанаска MumeSa



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Автор Атанаска Митева Художник Гворги Васев Коректор Евгения Паунова формат 32/70/100 Издателска къща "Везни - 4" София

Към читателите Всички, които’ изучават английски език, са се сблъсквали с факта, че колкото и добре да знаят и разбират значението на отделните думи, често не могат сами да осмислят фразите, изразите и изреченията, които me образуВат. Тези английски изрази и фрази, чието значение се различаВа напълно или донякъде от значенията на съставящите ги думи са така наречените идиоми. Сами разбирате колко важно е изучаВането им: me праВят речта no-изразителна и жиВа, а уместмата им употреба е сигурен критерий за степента на оВладяВането на английския език. Речникът, който предлагаме, съдържа около '1000 анелийски идиома и 2000 фразови глаеола, иреВадени на български език. 31 осноВен източник при подбора както на самитв идиоми, така и на иЪостратиВния материал пими използВани Oxford Dictionary of Current MirttMtlc English (vol.2); AP Cowie, R Mackin & IK Me t 'alg; Oxford Univ Press, 1984 u A Learner's Dictionary English Idioms; McCaig & Manser, Oxford Univ 1991, Ициомите са подредени no азбучен peg cnopeg ййчаттта букВа на пърВата дума. 11|шдимст6ото на този речник е, че преВодът н й идиомите и изразите на български даВа ВъзНмйшишп избор на базата на личния езикоВ мшт, рмширйВа употребата му. А негоВото обоto праВи най-пьлното издание от този f н й о Поне засега.


СЪКРАЩЕНИЯ И СИМВОЛИ 1. etc - 'a different matter etc* - и други, и пр. 2. sb - 'to dig a pit (for sb)' - някой; някого 3. sth - 'reap the benefits of sth' - нещо 4. S - подлог 5. V- глаголна фраза 6. / - 'rant and rave/roar’ - или 7. 0 ■ 'something has (got) to give' - компонент, който н присъстаа задължително I




A I abide by - съобразявам ca c; приемам/спазвам (npaвила, рвшения и пр.) Unless they abide by the rules of the club, they will have to leave. 2. ebound in sth - разполагам c; изобилствувам Modem industry abounds in opportunities for young men with imagination. ( above all (else) - преди всичко; отгоре на всичко; особено Above all, he is blessed with a gift rare in any company. 4 above and beyond - повече от; θ допълнение на Our soldiers did above and beyond what was expected of them, and they will be rewarded accordingly. n. above one’s station ~ държа се/действувам над noложението си/не според чергата си V. get, go; have, get ideas, educate In a close-knit community such as a village there is an established hierarchy; a farm labourer's wife is seldom allowed to get ideas above her station. i above/below par - състояние (на здраве. възмож-

ност за изява и npj, подобро/по-лошо от обичайното He said he'd been feeling a bit below par for a few weeks but he had not realized that there was anything wrong with him until the doctor told him he had cancer. 7T)accldents can happen всичко може да ce случи Don't commit yourself to completing the book this year - accidents can happen, you know. 6. according to/by one's lights - според собствените си виждания/критерии V. five, act; behave, manage things According to our own lights, we have played this game pretty clean so far. 9. account for sb - убивам/побеждавам/преодолявам някого He hoped to account for two or three of his attackers before he was captured. 10?account for sth - служа за обяснение на причините за нещо If he was in pain that would account for his bad temper. ГП) aches and pains - силни болки в мускулите (ставите, цялото тяло) 5

A He had become like an old man, continually complaining and full of imaginary aches and pains. 42~b an/one's Achilles' heel слабс/уязвимо място; Ахилесова пета V. be, become; have, expose, find, reveal A social climber can ill afford an Achilles' heel, and this particular weakness on Hutchin's part would probably be disastrous to him sooner or later. 13. the acid test of sth - трудна/жестока провврка на качества/възможности/способности He had done well as a student teacher under supervision. The acid test will come when he has to face a class by himself. 14. across the board - засягащ/отнасящ ce до всички и всичко (особ. тьрговия) S. cut, Increase, offer V. be, go, operate, bo Introduced If the Government accepts this argument, it will mean rises in steel prices of 13.4 percent across the board. '15) act for eb - двйствувам от имвто на някого; лредставлявам някого 6

Since old Mr Smith fell ill, his son has been acting for him in all his affairs. 16. act the fool/the giddy goat - държа ce като глупак; постъпвам несериозно Of course, if you will act the giddy goat in front of your friends, you must expect them to treat you accordingly. They may not take you seriously when you want them to. 17. \an) act of God - природh o бвдствие; божа работа (особ. за правосъдие, застраховка) ...insured against аД loss or damage, including those occasioned by act of God. 16. act/play up - правя бвли, лудувам The children are all right with me - they only start acting up when their parents come home. 19) actions speak louder than words (saying) - двлата roворят по-добре от думите 20. add fuel to the fire - наливам масло в огьня In an area where there are already strong feelings about discrimination, the smallest incident seems only to add fuel to the Are and produce even further discontent,

21. add up to sth - означавам (нещо) What all these new restrictions add up to is that ɪ cannot invite my friends here any more. 22. adjust oneself to sth приспособявам ce към нещо I don't think I shall ever be able to adjust myself to life in this remote place. 23. after a fashion - до известна степен; не съвсем; не много; криво-ляво; едва-едва V. (can) paint, skate, dance (a tango), he knots He plays the violin after a fashion, but nobody in their right mind would pay to listen to him. 24. after hours * след работното/установеното време Look, you know as well as I do that I'd lose my licence if I served you a drink after hours. 25. against all odds - въпреки всичко; напук на всичко Against aU odds he succeeded in regaining the camp before his strength gave out. 26. against one's/sb’s better judgement - въпреки собственото мнение (особено под натиск)

И. be, go; еск persuade, Influence, force, sb I hope you realize that I’m acting against my better judgement in allowing you to get engaged before you're 18. 27. against the/one’s grain насила И be, go; work; force, compel, ab Her will was forcing her nature against its grain. 28. agalnst/wlth the tide (of sb/sth) - движа ce epeщу/по течението (и прен.) V. flow, fight (against); go, swim He knew he would be unlikely to succeed in swimming against the tide in this controversial issue. 29. the age of miracles Is past (saying) - еремето на чудесата не е отминало; още стават чудеса The day that any politician stands up and tells us the real truth - on that day only will I believe that the age of miracles is not past. 30. agree to differ - взаимно съгласие асеки да запази собственото си мнение, възгледи и пр., за да бъде прекратен спор Т don't think you'll ever convince me.' 'OK - let's say we agree to differ .then,’

A 31. agree with sb - понася ми; 37. all agog - превъзбуден; подхожда ми (за климат, нетърлалив S. he, they, we, I; the crowd храна, дейност) V. be; seem, leave sb Greasy food doesn't agree The children were all agog with me. I always get indifor the show to begin and gestion afterwards. for the Santa Claus to ap32. the alm of the exercise pear. истинската причина/повод за нещо, "целта на занятие- 3fC all along - от началото (досега); през цялото врето" ме And that, ɪ take it, is the I've said all along that this aim of the whole exercise. would happen. 33. alr/parade one's know39. all and sundry - всякакви ledge - демонсгрирам/паxopa; "куцо и сакато" радирам със знания The place would be open The author seldom misses to all and sundry if her an opportunity to parade wishes were fulfilled. his knowledge. 40. all anyhow - небрежно; 34. airs and graces - маниермърляво ничене V. do, leave, arrange, fix V. g/Ve oneself, be full of He stuffed the papers all She’s kind-hearted enough anyhow in his folder. once you get behind all her 41y all at once - изведнъж; наairs and graces. веднъж 35. alarms and excursions AU at once she found herврява и суетня self telling them everything He wouldn't like staying about the evening. with us. He's not used to 42? all being well - ако всичко alarms and excursions, and e наред/какго трябва you know the chaotic way AU being weU, I'll see you we live. next week. 36. alive and kicking/well жив и здрав; в добро състо- ^4^) all the best - всичко найхубаво/добро яние AU the best to you, my V. be (very much); And sb dear, and to the lucky man. ‘Is your grandfather still alive?' 'Alive and kicking, f44?all but - почти; едва (ли) не I all but feU into the trap. I'm glad to say.'


A 45. all cats are grey In the dark (saying) - неразличими при определени обстоятелства, "всички котки са черни нощем" A libertine of the most cynical kind, he even affected not to remember whether a certain woman had been his mistress or not, saying that all cate were grey in the dark anyway. 46. all day and every day непрекьснато; no цял ден I worked all day and every day in my office caravan. 47. all days of one’s life през цялото време; през целия си живот They had known only oppression and bitter poverty all the days of their lives. 48^ all dressed up - облечен официално; натькмен, наконтен All dressed up, she waited for the bell to ring. 49. all ears/eyes - слушам/ гледам внимателно, целият съм слух/зрение И be, seem, become Now children, I want you to be all eyes and ears for the first part of the lesson. 50. all hell breaks loose - настава същински ад

When the soldiers fired shots into the crowd, all hell broke loose. 51^) all In all - всичко на всичко; като цяло V. taking It, considering it All in all the battle had achieved what I had wanted. 52. all Is fair In love and war (saying) - всички средства са позволени I'm sorry for poor Bill, Elsie, but I love you, and all’s fair in love and war. 53. all la gas and gaiters (saying) - всичко e наред; идеално e Do as Uncle Charles advises, and all will be gas and gaiters. 54? all Is not gold that glitters - не всичко, което блести, в злато When he grew older, he learned that all is not gold that glitters. 55. all Is (not) lost - (не) в с и ч к о e загубено All isn't lost yet. Though the judgement went against you, you can still take your case on appeal to a higher court. 56. all manner of - от всякакъв вид All manner of people went to the protest meeting, from housewives to old age pen9

A sioners, from stockbrokers to bricklayers. 57. all the more reason - още по-разумно (e); още noeeче; толкова повече (по-) V. It/there be; appear, seem; have (got) But if anything bad is going to happen, that’s all the more reason for being as happy as I can, while I can. 58. all one needs - (иронично) само това /този ми липсва All we needed now was to find that the hotel was full up. 59) all of a sudden - йзведнъж, внезапно AU of a sudden a November meteorite scorched its way across the sky. 60. all the go/rage - много модерен Electronic games were aU the go that year, and every child wanted one for Christmas. "бП all things considered - каt o ce има предвид всичко Weren’t you a bit harsh with the boy, aU things considered? 62. all this and heaven too (saying) - плюс всичко; на всичко отгоре A beautiful, devoted wife; two intelligent healthy children; a well-paid, interesting job; aU this and heaven 10

too - he has just inherited a villa on the French Riviera. 63?all thumbs - несръчен; неловък; нетактичен V. be, become, seem When ɪ was a kid, 1 was all thumbs. 64?all well and good - всичко това e добре, но ... That's all weU and good, but I had hoped they’d be more ambitious for themselves. 65?,all the year round - през Цялата година Buy a deep-freezer and enjoy fresh strawberries and other garden produce aU the year round, in season and out of season. 66. all too common, often etc. - твърде често и пр. The vegetables were overcooked - an all too common fault in British kitchens. 67? all’s well that ends well (saying) - всичко e добре, когато завършва добре I'm sorry you had such difficulty in finding us, but all's weU that ends weU and now we can enjoy ourselves. 68. along/on the lines - cnoред; сьобразно c; както Dave was to type the letter when he had drafted it along the lines we had agreed upon.

A 69. always supposing (that) 76. anglə/flsh for sth - търся ако допуснем, чв; ако си си/лрося си (комплимент, представим, ча; при поло- ■ покана); домогвам се до жение, че информация Then I will do a teacher I could tell from what he training course - always was saying that he was supposing I get my degree, fishing for information on of course. what business we were do70 ɔand all that - и други поing with Pane & Co. добни; и така нататък 77. another cup of tea - съвAh, but he's known her all сем различно от ...; съвсем his life. Childhood, sweetДруго hearts and all that. v. bo, find ath, regard ath aa Even if you read French 71. and all that jazz etc. - и друeasily, you’ll find it's an* ги подобни; и така нагагьк other cup of tea to make 'Man bites dog’ and all conversation in French that jazz. 76, answer/obey the call (of 72. and how - и още как duty) - no зова (на дълга) 'Would vou like a place in ɪ would like to speak to the teamr 'And howl’ you today about the soldier 73. and I don't know what (all) - about the fighting men - и какво ли не още who came from all parts of There are boxes of old letthe Empire to answer the ters and rags and tins of call of duty. paint and ɪ don't know 79. answer to the description what all. - отговарям на описанието 74. and no mlstake/error - h θ This car exactly answers съмнено; без грвшка; няма to the description of the грешка stolen vehicle. ɪ was properly scared and 60. the answer Is lemon - h θ no mistake when the bull задоволителен отговор/ре„began to move towards me. зултат; отказ; този номер 75? and so on/forth - и така не минава нататък The answer, my dear, was He went on about the a lemon - not unexpected, need to work harder, mod_ but it was worth a try. erate wage demands, invest 8? any and every - всичко/ more and so on and so forth. всички наред/подред 11

A Should a child be allowed to watch any and every programme that cornea his way. 82. any man's money - всеки може да (го) купи He showed no allegiance to the Party and made no secret of being any man'e money. 83. any old how - no какьвто и да е начин; както и да е I want this job done properly, not any old how. 84. any old place/where - навсякъдв; където и да е V. find, call In ...You choose - any old place will do for me as long as there is plenty of sun and food and wine. 85. any old time - no всяко време; винаги I told him he could drop in and see us any old time. 86. anything but - всичко друго, но не и... Huxly is anything but optimistic for the future of either man or plant on this planet. 87. anything for a quiet life готов съм на всичко за спокойствивто си He'll do anything for a quiet life. 8§? anything goes - всичко e привмливо, "става" 12

It is a situation which makes conventional fictional realism bizarrely unreal - all creation is creation from a void, so anything goes, everything can be fitted in helter-skelter. 89. an apology for sth - нвщо, което иска да мине за друго (нещо); жалко подобие He lost half of his savings when he backed that miserable apology for a horse. 90. an apple for the teacher подмазване; подкул That is probably an apple for the teacher, and best not accepted. 91. the apple of sb's eye - найскъп/любим (човек); "зеницата на окото ми" I won't talk about your father, but you, you were the apple of my eye. 92. apply oneself to sth - влагам всичките си възможности/сили за нещо If you apply yourself to the job in hand, you'll soon ,-finish it. 93?argue against sth - противопоставям ce на нещо Father argued fiercely against any Increase in expenditure for the children's annual party. 94. argue the toss ~ оспорвам A letter was sent to the then Minister for Industry. It

__________ A did not argue the toss over his ruling. It simply asked for a meeting with him to discuss the matter. 95. arise from - произтичам/ породен съм от; дължа се на *П1е company's losses this year arise almost entirely from the new taxes. 96. arm In arm - под ръка (c някого) I have just seen them going down the road arm in ДПП| ' 97? armed to the teeth - въоръжвн "до зъби" The Palestine Police Force was armed to the teeth? 98. around/round the clock цяло денонощиа; данонощно They worked around the clock and over the entire weekend to get the export order ready for dispatch on the following Monday. 99. art etc for art's etc sake заради самото нещо; "изкуство за самото изкуство" Ironically, the man who was one day to turn his back on art, rejecting it, stood up now as the champion of art for art's sake. 100. as bad etc as ever - лош и пр.; както винаги V. be, look, aeem No, doctor, in spite of the treatment, the pain is as bad as ever.

101. as bald as a coot - плешив (като яйце) V. be, look, appear All men in our family have been as bald as coots by the time they reached forty. 102>as best one can - според силите си/възможностите си V. atrugglo, proteat; resolve, aottlo, am modal - can, could, may, might If his last arrow was spent he still struggled as best as ho could. 103. (as) blg/round as saucers - широко отворени очи; "(очи) като палачинки" He was facing me and walking backwards, and I could see his eyes growing as round as saucers. 104. (not) as black as It Is painted - (не) толкова лош, колкото го представят V. bo; find am Conditions in our geriatric wards may leave a lot to be desired but they are not as black as they are painted. 105. as blind as a bat - съвсем сляп и прен. И. be, become; find ab I'm sorry, I can't read it. I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses, 106. (as) bold as brass смел, аграсивен, нахален V. be; come In, return, deny ath, accuse ab


A There she stood, denying everything as bold as brass. 107. aa bright ae a button -* (много) умен; находчив V. be, seem; find »b Be careful what you say in front of the boy. He's as bright as a button and can ask the most awkward questions. 106. as chance wlll/would have It - както ce случи; както стане; "ако е рекьл господ" I'm going to London myself tomorrow night as chance will have It. 109. (aa) cheap as dirt - mh o го/учудващо евтин; много вулгарвн V. be; buy, aell, get He bought a second-hand car, as cheap as dirt. 110. (as) dean aa a new pin МНОГО ЧИСТ S. house, room, clothe», he, It. they v. be; make, keep ,sth She kept her house as clean as a new pin. 111. (as) clean aa a bell - силен; чист; ясен (за звук) S. aound, voice, words, song V. be; hear eth, carry, ring out She has the voice of a natural iiinger, effortless and dean as a boll.


112. (as) clear aa a day/ daylight - много ясен; очевиден; ясен като бял ден S. night, moonlight; statement, argument V. be, become; make ath You know, really, it's as clear as daylight. 113. (ae) clear as mud - неясен, смътен; "ясно като в мъгла" S. explanation», Instruction» V. be, »еет, become Yes, he gave me directions how to get there. They were as clear as mud though. 114. (aa) clever aa sin -хитьр; лукав V. be, seem; find ab Don't trust him at all - he is as clever as sin and has never yet shown the slightest sign of having a conscience. 115. as close as an oyster некоцтактен; затворен; noтаен bo, become, remain; find »b You can never get to know George well; he is as close as an oyster about everything; even matters of no particular concern. 11B. (as) cold as charity - cryден; бвздушен; неотзивчив V. be, remain; find ab/ath I like our new doctor; the last one was very efficient, but as cold as charity.

A 117. (as) cool as a cucumber - хладнокръвен V. be, stay; find sb Not everybody can keep as cool as a cucumber. 118. as the crow files - no права линия He could see the jeep snaking round the hairpin bends that multiplied the crow-flight distance tenfold. 119. (as) dead as a doornail (съвсем) мъртьв V. be, seem Her father was a puritanical old tyrant, but though he has been as dead as a doornail for two years, she still acts as if any simple pleasure she allows herself is a kind of sin. 120. (as) deaf as a post - глух (налълно); "глух като пън* V. be; turn, go Fine, old gentleman he is. Can be as deaf as a post when it suits him. 121. (as) different as chalk from cheese - напълно различни /. be; find sb/sth The two brothers resembled each other physically, but were as different In their natures as chalk from cheese. 122. (as) drunk as a lord/newt - МНОГО ПИЯН Z be, seem; find sb

They went off down the road together half an hour ago, singing and swaying, drunk as lords. 123. (as) dull as ditch-water скучен; досаден; тьп S. he, she, It, they; the party, evening, him V. be; sound, find; sth Bestseller or not, the book sounds as dull as ditchwater to me. 124?as far as sb/sth Is concerned - що ce отнася до... Don't bring me into the argument. As far as I'm concerned, the boy can go to London If he likes. 12^ (as) easy/slmple as ABC Stc - много лвсно/просто за разбиране V. be, seem; find sth First lessons in every subject are usually designed to make you think the whole course is going to be as easy as ABC. 126. as far as sb/sth goes донякьде It is an excellent text-book as far as it goes, but it doesn't Include anything to interest the advanced student. 127. (as) fit as a flddle/flea - в добра/страхотна форма съм Z be, become


A I'll tell your parents that you are as fit as a fiddle and having the time of your life. 128. (as) flat as a board - mh o ro плосък; плосък като дъска S. face, cheat; landscape V. be, become Her breasts were not merely small; her whole chest was as flat as a board. 129. as for - a пък; колкото до/за The men there all looked as though they distrusted him, and as for the women, they were all intent on showing their contempt for this rather odd creature. iso) (as) fresh as a daisy свеж и енергичен, "кукуряк" V. be, look; feel It was six in morning, dawn was breaking, but Nick still felt as fresh as a daisy, ready to dance, drink and talk for hours. 131. (as) gay as a lark - безгрижен, весел V. be, seem, feel You can hardly expect Louise to be as gay as a lark with her boyfriend away in India. 132. (as) gentle as a lamb мил; кротък като агне V. be, seem He was a big rough-looking fellow but gentle as a lamb... 16

133. aa good aa gold - добричко като ангелче; "същинско злато" V. be, seem, remain I tell you, my children are as good as gold. Hava even came back to look after me when her mother died. 134. (as) good as new - почти като нов V. be, look: make sth If you care to spend 20 pounds on replacement parts for your washing machine I can make it as good as new. 135. (as) green as grass - наивен; неопитен; незрял; "зелен" She was as green as grass when she was sixteen but the other girls in the typing pool taught her the ways of their world. 136. (as) happy as a king - напълно щастлив И be, become, seem He was not a man who enjoyed social occasions, and did not even get well with his family; but in his laboratory he was as happy as a king. 137. (as) hard as a flint - h θ преклонен; безсърдечен, безмилостен; "корав като камък" She gave him a look as hard as a flint.

A 138. as if there were/was no tomorrow - като че ли това е лоследният ден/краят на света

Why people are spending as if there were no tomorrow.

139. as it happens/happened

- случайно; както ce случи As it happens, I have got the book you need.

MO. as it were - така да ce каже; като че ли; сякаш

She was, as it were, transfixed with amazement.

141. (as) large as life - естествен; истински; несьмнен 4 И be, seem, look But I saw him myself in a disco as large as life dancing with a girl half his age.

M2, (as) lean as an alley catMHoro слаб; "кожа и кости"

V. be, become, grow

Most of the tourist party rɪpent the afternoon lying on their beds with the shades drawn, but Jim, who was as loan as an alley cat, suffered much less than the others from the heat.

I 13. (as) like/likely as not - no псяка вероятност

The headmaster could make no promises, of course, but he did say the hoy was as likely as not to win a scholarship.

144. as like as two peas/peas in a pod - (приличат си) ка- ' t o две капки вода V. be, seem VJe haven't met before, but I'm sure you must be Alec Brown's brother from New Zealand; you are as like as two peas.

145) as/so long as - докато; колкото; стига да; ако

I don't mind where we go so long as there's sun, sand and sea.

146. as one makes one’s bed, so one must lie in it (saying) - поемам последствията; "на каквото си постелиш, на това ще легнеш"

Of course, she has made her bed and she's got to lie on it.

(l 47) as a matter of fact - в действителност; всъщност

I have two more things to do, three as a matter of fact.

148. (as) nutty as a fruit-cake - малоумен, ненормален V. be, seem Ben’s a real fruit-cake turning down that offer for his bike.

149. (as) obstinate/stubborn as a mule - упорит/инат като магаое

? Английско - български идиоматичен речник

A But this is the odd thing, though he's impulsive, he’s as obstinate as a mule. 150. as of now - отсега (нататьк); веднага You should stop doing that! As of now. 151. as of old - както някога/на времето Your Uncle James was at the wedding, flirting with all the good-looking girls, as of old. 152. as of right - no право One third of the total estate comes to you as of right, you know. 153. (as) old as the hills много стар; древен ’And anyway," Rose added, "I look as old as the hills.' 154. (as) plain as the nose on your face - съвсем очевидно V. be, look It's as plain as the nose on your face he is in love. 155. (as) poor as a church mouse - много беден; "беден като църковна мишка" V. be, look; leave sb Miss Pilchester was as poor as a church mouse. 155. (as) rich as Croesus прекалено богат; "богат като Крез" V. be, become, grow Our friend Querini is as rich as Croesus but dependent upon his father. 18

157. (as) right as rain - в добpo здраве V. be, took, feel All you want is rest and fresh air and good food and you'll be as right as rain. 155. as a rule - no правило; като правило; обикновено We don't as a rule give credit to customers. 159. (as) safe as houses много надежден; сигурен V. be, took, seem With Susan we feel as safe as houses. 160. (as) sober as a judge съвсем трезв V. be, look, sound They are an odd pair of friends; Sylvia always bubbling over with nonsense and Polly as sober as a judge. 161. (as) sure as death - съвсем сигурно; неизбежно V. be; happen, fall apart With these clouds gathering it's as sure as death to rain. 162. (as) thick as thieves много близки; неразДелни V. be, become, remain They are as thick as thieves, down to the last second cousin. 163. (as) ugly as sin - изключително грозен V. be; find sb/sth

Ugly as sin themselves, ihn two stepsisters hated i imlarella for her beauty. in (as) wise as an owl МНОГО мъдър (иронично) V. be, look, seem Although the technical dei iiln of the drainage scheme wore far beyond their uɪfifip, the City Councillors nnt. looking as wise as owls. i fi*. ask me another - не мога ци отговоря натози въпрос; ппмвпитай What's the population of Wales?' 'Ask me another.* n il ask sb out - каня някого u h обяд/вечеря на рестоIKIIIT Surprise, surprise! So Rob’s hiiiilly asked you out! I am pliuised! iiɪz at all - въобще, изобщо Were you at all surprised h> hear that Sarah decided io become a nun? iiih. at all costs - на всяка цеi hi But in so far as we are animals, our business is at all costs to survive. Hi'i. at all events - при всички енучаи I will come with you immediately, at all events. I /o at all times - винаги Don't strike back or curse buck if abused; show your-

self friendly and courteous at all times. 171. at any rate - поне; все пак There was a silence as the implication of these remarks dawned on the meeting, or at any rate on some of the scientists. 172. at best/worst - в най-добрия/най-лошия случай At best the army is regrouping, and at worst the advance continues by stealth behind a smooth front of official statements. 173. at sb’s bidding - no заловед на; no настояване на Remember I only invited the boy on holiday at your bidding. 174. at a/one (single) blow - c един удар; наведнъж Flies were crawling ah over the windows, but with a tightly folded wad of newspaper he was soon disposing of them, six or seven at a blow. 175? at bottom - в/от дъ н о т о на душата си; всъщност She never seemed to despise her brother’s success, but I suspect that at bottom she was a bit jealous. 176. at close quarters - много близо; на кьсо разстояние V. see, observe, sb/sth; meet


A I, for my part, was astonished to see a popular writer at dose quarters. 177. at one’s (own) discretion - no csoe (собствено) усмотрение; no лична преценка I have made out a programme of events for Sports Day, Mr Simpson, but do feel free to make any alterations at your own discretion. 178. at the drop of a hat - безпричинно I wonder at all those things that spring to my mind, at the drop of a hat. 179. at one’s ease - (чувствувам ee) спокойно/удобно V. be, look; do, take 'Why should I have to do all the fetching and carrying, while you sit there at your ease?’, she complained. 180. at one’s (own)/sb's expense - на свои/нечии разноски; за сметка на V. live, feed, travel He ate at other people’s expense as much as possible. 181. at (its/one’s) face value (вземам за) чиста монета V. accept, take, sth He always accepted at face value any friendly gesture that was offered to him. 20

182. at first glance - на пръв поглед It does not seem, therefore, that the content of the suggestion is as important as one might have thought at first glance. 183. at a (rough/wild) guess грубо (казано); наслуки He thought that at a rough guess there would still be about a hundred gallons of oil in the tank. 184. at sb’s heels - (следвам), no петите на ... j Ready for anything, anc especially for anything un welcome, Charles enterec Mr Frush's conference roon at the heels of Froulish. 185. at large - общо; като цяло That humanity at large will ever be able to dispense with artificial Paradises seems very unlikely. 186. at length - надьлго и широко V. speak, write, explain, dea with Robin talked at great length of John’s misconduct in the Pelican affair. 187. at long last - най-накрая, най-подир . ... he would merely bring in a rival for promotion to, W's vacancy when W (all long last) retires. '.1

A I ini, at (the) most - не повече г; най-много Your brother is not taller I han I am; he’s about one iɪɪotre seventy, or seventyi wo at the most. niil. at one time or another при един или другслучай He has indeed at one or another time argued both hɪr and against most of the hip changes in Turkey over i luɪ past thirty years. i Ю at one’s peril - на свой 11ИСК Y. go out, venture out; fly, go nfiiling I t,oɪd them they would be inking that old boat out at 1 heir peril. !-n at the outset (of sth) - в ничалото на That pleasant glow would hull! when the time came to »>'oik, but he was always iɪri(l at believing this at the iuilset. æ at random - случайно; нлпосока V. choose, select, pick out, ahoot, fire Thon I set off running at inniɪom down one of the Hvunues, looking to left and ɪ iuɪ it. i nt the risk of doing sth ■ рискда II h i men may grumble abinit. their conditions of

work, but are they prepared to make an open protest at the risk of losing their jobs altogether. 194. at that - при това They might still be good friends, at that. 195. at that/this rate - в такъв случай; при това положение; при тези условия 'At this rate,’ his father told him, 'you’re going to turn out an even greater disaster than your brother.’ 196. at (a) walking pace - c обикновена крачка V. go, move, progress; ride, drive It’s very hard to ride a bike steadily at walking pace. 197. attack is the best form of defence (saying) - нападението e най-добрата защита The best form of defence being attack he rose from his bed next day and rode down to the beach. 198. an Aunt Sally - посмешище The Party were not sorry to have an Aunt Sally in the person of the Hon Member for Lupton. 199. avoid sb/sth like the plague - избягвам/бягам от някого/нещо като от чума 21

в What's he so frightened of that he avoids women like the plague. 200. the ayes/noes have it печелят тези, които ca за/ против ’The ayes have it then', he said, 'the noes loose it’.

201. babes in the wood - невинни; без олит; "загубени деца" They were just two babes in the wood when they got married. 202. back away (from) - o t дръпвам ce; оттеглям ce As the men at the bar reached for their guns, the onlookers backed away. 203. back down - отказвам ce (o t твърдение, претенции, обвинение) The Prime Minister is not prepared to back down over his threat to withhold the money from the steel industry. 204. a back number - стар брой (на вестник и пр.) (и прен.) I spent the morning in the offices of the 'Cork Examiner’ in Patrick Street. For four long hours I was deep


in back numbers of that cosy old journal. 205. the back of beyond - далечно/глухо място; затьнтено място prep, at, from, in, to I just can't understand this craze for buying up derelict cottages at the back of beyond, and cutting oneself off from every thing and everyone. 206. back out (of sth) - оттеглям се/отказвам ce (от начинание, обещание, споразумение) After saying he would serve on the committee, he now wants to back out. 207. to back the right/wrong horse - подкрепям печеливш/губещ кандидат/партия/отбор и пр. Publishers, like other people, have their blind spots . and little manias; like other people they reject chances of backing a right horse, and obstinately back wrong ones. 206. back to front - наопаки, обратно The boy's got his pullover on back to front. 209. back sb up - обявявам ce в подкрепа на някого Can I rely on you to back me up if I propose these changes.

■io a back-seat driver - чоh o k , който ce меси в чужда рпбота, като дава ненужни сьвети I've no use for all these back-seat drivers teɪ]ing me how to run things without doing a stroke of real work «hemselves. /II. (the) backroom boys ipyna o t неизвестни за широката общественост хора (обикновено учени), които оьршат важна работа In the last analyses it’s the backroom boys who put a on lion in front. - i;* backwards and forwards ннпред-назад 11o rocked the stone backwards and forwards until it loosened enough to roll out. *1 I backward in coming forward - нерешителен; копобаещ ce; стеснителен V. be, seem; find sb I expect he was too bashhil. Poor old Alec! It’s the (lint time I’ve ever known him to be. He's not usually backward in coming forward. -i-i bad blood (between A and B) - неприязън; омраза (можду хора) V. there be; cause, create, make The unfair distribution of their father’s wealth made

for bad blood between the brothers. 215. bad/hard/tough luck лош кьсмет (израз на съчувствие) So she didn’t inherit a penny? That was hard luck, after all the years she'd worked for him. 216. bad news travel fast (saying) - лошото ce научава бързо The accident happened at five o’clock. By half past five everyone in the village knew about it. Bad news travel fast. 217. bag and baggage - c целия си багаж; напьлно Most people would have turned him out, bag and baggage, long ago. 218. a bag of bones - много слаб/кльощав човек; "едно джезве кокапи" Just what do you mean by a bag of bones? I saw her the other day and she looked swell. 219. a bag/bundle of nerves изнервен, "кълбо от нерви" И be, become; reduce sb to Ever since the break-in she had become a bundle of nerves, starting at the slightest sound in the house. 220. a bag of tricks - торба c фокуси


в I'll just go and get my bag of tricks from the van and have your television set repaired in no time at all, madam. 221. bail sb out - освобождавам под гаранция An anonymous well-wisher bailed the prisoners out. 222. a baker’s dozen - тринадесет There were twelve occupants of the Maud Long Medical Ward (aged people, female). The ward sister called them Baker’s Dozen, not knowing that this is thirteen... 223. a ball of fire - много енергичен; "огьн човек" Since her appointment, she's reorganized the sales force, halved the company’s debts, and worked out a profit-sharing scheme - a real ball of fire, in fact. 224. a banana republic - cnaбо развита страна (земеделска); "бананова република" Until recently there was a tendency to dismiss whatever happened, good or bad, in South America as just the sort of thing one would expect of banana republics... 225. band together - обединявам (ce); сплотявам (ce) 24

The village banded together to protect their homes and property from armed marauders. 226. bang goes sth - нещо ce проваля c гръм и трясък The car repairs cost me over a week's pay, so bang goes our evening out at the theatre. 227. bang one’s head against a brick wall - заемам ce c неразрешим проблем; "удрям си главата в стената“ I realized they were not even listening to my protests. ɪ was just banging my head against a brick wall. 226. bang/spot on - съвършеh o точен отговор/оценка/ описание What a mimic! His imitations of politicians, in particular, are bang on. 229. bank on sb/sth - разчитам на някого/нещо ’Is it going to stay diy for our fete this afternoon, Mr Smith?’ 'I wouldn't bank on it.’ 230. the bare bones (of sth) съществени, главни факти; контур V. be; give sb, reveal, get My husband just gave me the bare bones, that Roger had attacked his wife and

the police had to be called in. ЛИ. a bargain’s a bargain/a' promise is a promise (saying) ` "казана дума, хньрлен камьк" 'You are a fool to miss this chance of a higher salary.' 'May be, but a bargain's a bargain. When I took this job I promised to stay for at ɪoast three years.' /1? bargain for sth - очаквам нощо; включвам нещо в I |лановете си (living birth to triplets was certainly more than Jill itargained for. ʌi:l. sb’s bark is worse than his bite - "куче, което лае, on хапе“ All my friends were ternhod by my landlady, but I know her bark was worse than her bite. zM. bark up the wrong tree нлсочвам подозренията/обниненията си в грешна посока; "бъркам адреса" Evans may have been the obvious suspect, but I think ihiɪt the police were barking up the wrong tree that l ill io. battle it out - бия ce док|111И That’s just like you - try to battle it out on your own!

236. a battle of the wits - "война на умове" V. be... (between), engage tn, join in It’s the usual battle of wits between the cops and the robbers. 237. bay the moon - искам невъзможното You lost Sue entirely through your own fault and now she's come off with someone else. You’re just baying the moon if you expect to get her back now. 236. be abreast of - държа ce в течение на нещата; не изоставам He takes severed learned journals and manages to be abreast of developments in his field. 239. be all things to all men държа ce според случая; нагаждам се към компанията His efforts to be all things to all men make him look somewhat silly at times. 240. be afraid (that) - боя ce, че; съжалявам, но I'm afraid you’re wrong. The quotation is from Milton, not Shakespeare. 241. be afraid of one’s (own) shadow - “страхувам ce и o t сянката си" The Government may have only a slim majority of votes, but that does not ex25

в plain why it is so ineffectful and so afraid of its own shadow. 242. be eaviar(e) to the general - специален/особен съм; за специални хора The play, I remember, pleased not the million; it was caviare to the general. 243. be cruel to be kind - казвам/причинявам зло, за да направя добро ’I'm only cruel to be kind?’ the physiotherapist said. ’If I don’t keep you at this exercises now, you’ll lose the use of your shoulder muscles entirely.* 244. be dead against sth -категорично ce противопоставям на. She would have liked to adopt a baby but her husband was dead against it. 245. be dog tired - много съм изморен; изтощен съм Let him do a little housework if he offers, don’t insist that he washes up if he is dog tired. 246. be (just) the drink talking -"пиянски приказки" & it, that ’How on earth are we to live if Johny gives up his job in the market?’ 'He never will. That’s just the drink talking.’


247. be sb’s (own) funeral това си e моя (твоя и т.н.) грешка/проблем S. it, that If they’ve got into debt by splashing out on a house that’s far too large for them anyway, it’s their own funeral. 248. be glad etc to see the back of sb/sth - радвам ce да ce отърва от някого/нещо She must have been glad to see the back of you. 249. be good with one’s hands - сръчен съм There was a lot of banging and clanking and something broke. ’Rudy is not very good with his hands,* Beatrice said. 250. be (all) Greek to sb - неразбираем съм (особ. за говор или нещо написано) The cleaning women and other manual workers were chosen for their illiteracy, so that if they came on an engineering tool or a formula on a scrap of paper, it would be all Greek to them. 251. be here to stay - оставам завинаги That sort of thing has come to stay whether you approve or not. 252. behind the bars - в затвора съм; "зад решетките съм"

The thief was caught and spent the next two years behind the bars. be In collusion (with sb) - b тайно/незаконно cnopaзумение съм c някого The solicitor warned his client that he would not obtain a divorce if he was found to be in collusion with his wife. Л4. be new to* the game - h θ опитен съм; новак съм It was agreed of that since Bernard was new to the цате, we would not play poker for money that night. -*m> be no great shakes? средна работа съм The Metropolitan opera is no great shakes in general, but it has a resource never vɪɪt secured for Covent Garden: the service of Karl linhm in the orchestra pit. .•mi , be no picnic - труден/ ноприятен съм (за работа и lip.) Hi inning a house this size Im no picnic these days, believe me. ’>/ be/go off one’s food/oats 11«мам/губя апетит l'ɪn worried about Keith, i io's been off his oats for a wook now, feels tired after < long night's sleep and iui)lis as pale as the full nil lθll.

258. be on the ball - нащрек съм He is not really on the ball - he lets so many ehanðes slip by. 259. be an open secret - ясен съм; прозрачен съм; "обществена тайна" S. his whereabouts, her origin, it His hide-out, in the same gimcrack modem apartment where the baby has been staying recently, was an open secret in this small tight township. 260. be/make sb ripe for sth напълно готов/подготвен съм (за нещо); "узрял" съм за The hunger, cold and misery then pervading Germany had reached the point of exasperating the masses and making them ripe for revolution. 261. be ten/two a penny - евтин съм; достъпен съм One of the exceedingly dreary things about life these days is that one can never get any cooks - you’d think with all this unemployment around cooks would be two a penny but no. 262. be thankful/grateful for small mercies - доволен съм и на малко modal: must, should, ought to One ought to be thankful for small mercies.


263. be too good to be true твърде e хубаво, за да θ и с тина ’Too good to be true,' he said after I had shared with him my plans. 264. be/prove too hot to handle - твърде e опасно (за да го правя) I don’t defend people in cases that might prove too hot to handle. 265. be too true - за съжаление e истина ’Tom said you were an old fool not to invest in the scheme.’ 'Well, I’m old, that's only too true, but he’ll may be find it’s himself that's the fool.' 266. be top secret - строго секретно A colossal amount of paper was in circulation and everything was Secret or Top Secret. 267. be touch and go - на косъм съм от My lungs were lacerated. Nine of my ribs were broken. They phoned my wife, Barbara, and warned her that it was touch and go. 268. bear heavily on sb - o t разявам ce зле на някого; затруднявам някого The extra responsibilities of his new job bore heavily


on his health, and he had several heart attacks. 269. bear/carry one’s cross "нося си кръста" Poor soul, she has a heavy cross to carry with those young children and her husband out of work. 270. bear the brunt of sth - noемам най-тежката част от последствията The private motorist, as usual, has to bear the brunt of the increase in the tax on petrol announced yesterday. 271. bear up - понасям смело трудности/беди; държа ce I try to bear up, but it's awful to have to live in an institution after having had a home of your own. 272. bear with sb/sth - понасям, примирявам ce c; търпя I've borne with your drunkenness and bad tempers long enough, and now I’m going to leave you. 273. beard the lion/sb in his den - "хващам бика за рогата” And I would be late this morning of all mornings. I suppose the Old Man has been waffling around. I'll go and beard the lion. 274. beat about the bush - roворя със заобикалки; увъртам

Lot’s not beat about the bush, Miss Brown. I’ve sent ii >t you to discuss your work, which has become most unfintisfactory recently. beat one’s breast - скубя си косите (or мъка, вина и up). If anything happens to the children while you’re out en|oying yourself, don't come lraating your breast to me 11bout it afterwards. 7(i. beat etc one’s brains "блъскам" си главата V. beat, cudgel, rack I've been beating my brains to think of an excuse for not going to Martin's wedding. ;J/7. beat sb down - карам някого да свали цената The car is worth of all you are asking, so don't let him beat you down for the sake of a quick sale. 278. beat it - отивам си; "изчезвам" 'Beat it, you kids,' shouted the shop-keeper. 279. beat the drum (for sb/sth) - разгласявам; "бия барабана" The Prime Minister has beaten the drum for our exports on a recent trip abroad. 280. beat sb up - пребивам някого

The store was raided and an elderly night watchman beaten up, shortly after midnight. 281. one’s beauty sleep - сьнят преДи полунощ Come now, don’t get into a tantrum. You must get your beauty sleep for the photographer tomorrow. 282. beaver away - "работя като вол" He beavers away in his study every evening writing articles for learned journals. 283. beef about sb/sth - оплаквам ce o t някого/нещо She's always beefing about her neighbours. 284. before one knows where one is - много бързо; преди да ce усетя. I lost no time, took my coat from between my teeth, chucked it up to the wall and was sitting astraddle before I knew where I was. 285. beggars can’t be choosers - "на харизан кон зъбите не се гледат* I didn’t quite like the colour but beggars can't be choosers. 286. behind closed doors тайно; при закрити врати S. committee, council, meeting, discussion


в V. meet, gather, hold a meeting, take a decision, decide, be held While Parliament talks about the future of our economy, the vital decisions have already been made behind closed doors. 287. believe It or not - ако искаш вярвай, ако искаш не You know, believe it or not you’ve got a funny kind of resemblance to a bloke I once knew in Shoreditch. 288. believe (you) me - mo жеш/трябва да ми вярваш He's the worst singer in the world, believe you me. 289. bell the cat - лредприемам нещо опасно; "дърпам лъва за опашката" One can imagine the possible repercussions of a full judicial enquiry, but the need for such an enquiry is now unmistakable.Who will bell the cat. 290. below the belt - нечестно; не според правилата; "(удар) под пояса" Giving the workers the sack while they were on strike was very much below the belt. 291. bend/lean/fall backwards to do sth - престаравам ce Because he was the boy’s stepfather he bent over 30

backwards to be good to him. 292. be bent on doing sth решен съм да направя нещо I could tell the moment they went out, that those two boys were bent on mischief. 293. bet one's life on sth - залагам живота си I'll bet my life those were imitation pearls. 294. one’s/the better half съпруг/съпруга; "моята половинка" So we saw this fellow in the pub and he invites us, me and my better half, that is, round to his place. 295. better late than never (saying) - по-добре кьсно, отколкото никога Here’s a book for your birthday, Jane, ɪ know it was yesterday, but better late than never. 296. better (to be) safe than sorry - по-добре здрав и читав I think I had time to overcome that lorry, but I didn’t do so - better safe than sorry. 297. between ourselves, you and me etc - между нас да си остане (за тайна) I was speaking to him yesterday, and, between you

and me, Mary, ɪ think the man's going off his head. ?i»8. betwixt and between нещо средно между...; no средата Some of them were clever and some of them very stupid but most were betwixt and between. :•!>». between the devil and the deep blue sea (saying) между две злини; "от трън, ш на глог" V. be, find oneself; be caught Caught between the devil and the deep blue sea, he hesitated. «)(). beyond belief - h θ θ за нярване; невероятен V. be, seem The sunset last night was f a beauty beyond belief. 101. beyond one’s wildest dreams/hopes - надхвърля и най-смелите ми предстаi in/надежди/очаквания V. be, lie, succeed And so ended a remarkohly successful visit - successful beyond my wildest dreams. io?, bide one’s time - изчакiu im търпеливо подходящ mo mθ h t

Harold did not always spill i Ik j beans at once; he would bide his time and adopt a tiphinx-like air.

303. big deal - "голяма работа" There was I with a whole free weekend in front of me, no wife, no children - in a boarding house that described itself as a hotel but had no bar. Big deal. 304. (a) big hand - силни аплодисменти Here he is - James Townley - give him a big hand, ladies and gentlemen. 305. a big hit - голям (публичен)успех V. be; make, score It seems a very silly play to read now, yet it was quite a big hit in the West End forty years ago. 306. big talk/words - празни приказки/обещания I've heard a lot of big talk from her about other members of her family that never came to anything. 307. blnd/tle sb hand and foot (to sb/sth) - ограничавам силно действията на някого The daughter can only go out now for an hour or two, and if her aged parents become more senile, then she’ll be really bound hand and foot. 308. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush (saying) - noдобре врабче в ръката, отколкото заек в гората


в He had one quite reasonable offer for the manuscript, but turned it down. Then he could find no takers at all. He learnt with a vengeance that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 309. a bird of passage - човек, който не се застоява на едно място; прелетна птичка (и прен.) Three months' stay had proved me not to be a bird of passage, like every past pallid-faced visitor. 310. birds of a feather flock together (saying) - "краставите магарета през девет баира се подушват11 Т can’t understand why Jiz wants to spend most of her evenings in that disco.' 'Well, birds of a feather flock together, you know.’ 311. a bird’s eye view of sth (от) птичи поглед; общ поглед върху нещо In my opening lecture I propose to give you a bird's eye view of 18th Century French literature. In subsequent lectures we will explore various aspects of it in greater depth. 312. bit by bit - едно no едно, малко no малко Bit by bit a complete picture was built up of the


murderer's movements up to the moment of the crime. 313. a bit of a coward, fool, etc. - голям страхливец, глупак и пр. Joe’s a bit of an idiot, don’t you think? 314. a bit on the side - извънбрачни връзки; кръшкане Happily married or not, don't tell me you’ve never wanted a bit on the side. 315. bite the hand that feeds one (saying) - неблагодарен съм, "хапя ръката, която mθ храни" And we are astonished that Mr. Mackay, who in the past enjoyed our hospitality, should tum around and bite the hands that fed him by lending himself to the exploitation of a chimera. 316. bite one’s lip - замълчавам; "отхапвам си езика” Joe bit his lip and said no more for a while. 317. bite off more than one can chew - заемам се c нещо над възможностите си; "лапвам лъжица не за своята уста" Tom said he could easily build the sunporch himself, but, as usual, he found he had bitten off more than he could chew. 318. bite the dust - "убит съм"; съсипан съм; свършен съм

riaɪɪv more engineering i ..^iiih n h o s are likely to bite , i,n duet within the next .. .. yniuu. _i il»« biter bit - измаменият :l.-*• »»l I i in thinks he's fooling the ɪ..,vsi‘« lawyers in his nego,.»• iotin for the sale of his : hut ɪ told him he had i.^iint take care it didn't - ..■I nut to be a case of the l-lleɪ bit. hue end pieces - отделни >ч| «чп|и/части/дреболии iiiii i ticking bits and pieces r i lii« programme does not iɪɛ-ip io give idea of its rich< :

£5 £1

a bitter pill to swallow . ai i| 1интност/разочароваiiu h . ''к>рчив xan" iliH father's refusal to let inn. study law must have iir o h n bitter pill to swali A- black and blue - насиH"II, цолиятвсинини V be; beat sb i don’t think I'll go to the option. My arm is still block and blue and I ha‘ aii'ɪ got a suitable longHinnvnd dress. *-'i a black day (for sb) - не101|/"черен" ден t be, become, turn into if your superiors take the saiih i hopeless attitude as

________________________ B you do, Eliot, it will be a black day for this country. 324. a black look - лош/презрителен поглед; сърдито изражение V. give sb, cast I saw his wife giving him a black look when he brought out the second bottle of whisky. 325. a black mark - лоши данни в нечие досие; "черна точка" I don’t know if the firm will actually sack me for having lost the contract, but it'll certainly be a black mark against me. 326. black out - изпадам в безсъзнание; припадам; "изключвам" Fortunately I managed to get out of the bath before I blacked out. 327. black sth out - затъмнявам (и прен.) During the war we had to black out our windows and switch off the lights before opening an outside door. 328. the black sheep (of the family) - "черната овца" (на семейството) Every man in town knew he was considered the black sheep of his family. 329. bleed sb white - вземам всичките/последните пари на някого

* ’ццшиско - български идиоматичен речник


в He bled them white with Our business is on the dehis demands for more and cline and we can’t blink the still more money. fact any longer. 330. blacken sb’s charac335. a blood bath - кръвопролитие; "кървава баня" ter/name - "очерням" някоIt was generally considго ered that the invasion Then their names were would be a blood bath, with blackened in sensational fearful casualties. media coverage. 336. blood is thicker than 331. blacken the picture water - "кръвта вода не стаописвам в тъмни/черни ва" краски I wasn't too proud of him Sometimes Wormold felt a wanted to forget him - but tinge of jealousy towards blood is thicker than water. Paul and he tried to blacken the picture. 'He gets 337. one’s blood runs cold through a bottle of whisky a ужасен съм; "кръвта ми изстива/се смръзва" day,* he said. The way Alice talks of that 332. a blessing in disguise old man makes my blood всяко зло - за добро run cold. V. be, seem Mary nearly broke her 338. a bloody fool - глупак, heart when Chris lost interневежа est in her, but now she sees What can you expect of a Council consisting half of the way he treats the girl he scoundrels and half of went with, she realizes it bloody fools - all just askwas a blessing in disguise. ing to be led by the nose? 333. a blind alley - безизходи339. blot one's copybook ца; "задънена улица" V. be, turn out to be; find oneопетнявам (ce); развалям self in, turn Into мнението за себе си; разоIt wasn't for the first time чаровам that he found himself in a Though it has blotted its blind alley. copybook a little of late, the weather so far this year has 334. blink the fact (that) - npeнебрегвам истината, "затваbeen quite extraordinarily docile. рям си очите“


в blow by blow - мвтодич> > подробности; точка no

told me all about the '-niglo with her landlord hluw by blow. -ɪ < i blow sb’s/one’s cover рйжривам истинската (си) , амопиЧНОСТ л secret agent’s cover ■nay be blown without his i aware of it and he w«ny be used to pass on iaian information. i vfiH си разсъдъка Young people are blowing ɑielr minds on heavy rock 'iiiuiic. h =i blow sb a kiss - изпраii (k m вьздушна целувка You'd better just blow Paddy a kiss tonight, in blow over - преминаним/отшумявам бързо Ilin fits of temper soon blew over. h o blow sb/sth sky high кдигам във въздуха (и upcH.); разбивам на пух и прах

It was an Ш considered statement which blew his chances of being re-elected sky-high. 347. blow one’s .own trumpet хваля ce сам I don't like to blow my own trumpet, but I must say the sales conference would have been utter chaos if ɪ hadn't been there to organize it. 348. blow one’s top - избухвам (в ярост) She is particularly good in contrasting the AngloSaxon and Latin ways of life; usually it is her AngloSaxons who blow their tops, while hot-blooded Latins slyly keep their cool. 349. blow sth up - увеличавам фотография I want this photograph blown up on the front of the book, please. 350. a blue film etc - филм и пр., който съдържа нелристойни сцени; порнофилм и пр. In an odd sort of way, the wheel has come full circle in the film industry. The cinemas were sold as bingo halls, and now the bingo halls are becoming cinema clubs, which normally means they show blue films. 35

351. a blue collar job - рьчна работа; работа, която не изисква висока квалификация It’s not easy to find even a blue collar job these days. 352. eb’s/the blue-eyed boy любимец V. be, become; have She was a good mother to us all but there was no blinking the fact that George was her blue-eyed boy. 353. (and) Bob’s your uncle всичко ще бъде наред/както искаш; ще стане Once you’re across the border, Bob's your uncle. 354. a body blow - лош късмет; лоши новини; нещо, което ми обърква плановете He has had a good many ups and downs in his life but his wife's leaving him was a body blow. 355. body and soul - напьлно; изцяло; c цялата си душа; духом и тялом V. be sb's, belong to sb, own sb; devote oneself to sb/sth He had flung into the project body and soul and if the town did not have the beginnings of a Community Centre by next spring it • would not be his fault. 356. bog (sb/sth) down - затъвам/заглъзвам (и прен.) 36

I must have a part-time secretary if I'm not to get completely bogged down with correspondence. . 357. boll sth down - съкращавам размера на текст; обобщавам текст The article was returned to my desk with a request to boil it down to 150C words. 356, boil over - вбесявам се.разярявам ce; избухвам (за война и пр.) They wanted to get out of the country before things boiled over into civil war. 359. a bolt from the blue внезапно, неочаквано, "като гръм от ясно небв" У. be, seem (like); come Hke/as It was a bolt from the blue when he came down from Cambridge and said he’d like to come in the firm with me. 360. bone Idle - мързелив и в червата v. be, become, seem The boy has a good enough brain but he's bone idle and won’t study. 361. a bone of contention причина за спор/кавга A third bone of contention is the U.S. refusal to supply arms and the pressure put

______________________ B on other countries to refuse likewise. in.* a boon companion - друi up вьв веселието ʌ common interest in angling and the amenities of Ilin hotel bar had made imon companions of the I wo men for the period of ihoir holiday. w i the boot is on the other hiot/leg - нещата ce промепихн изцяло I In used to be the one that lirtil to obey orders, but now Um boot is on the other foot, ɪfiɪl boot sb out - ИЗГОНиим/уволнявам някого; из1>и1нам някого II there’s to be a cutback in stuff I’ll be one of those i ɪ be booted out. wn bore sb stiff/rigid - orerчппам някого до смърт That's not my kind of holi>1ny. I’d be bored stiff lying nl unit on a beach all day. inn born in the gutter - роден s нищета, "роден на улицата“ llom in the gutter and surviving first by ■ good luck end then by his own cunning, Emilio at sixteen was a i ɪɪj θ recruit for any of the uniigster mobs then prevalent in the city.

367. born in/to the purple - o t кралско/аристократично потекло From the way he talks and behaves you'd think he was bom to the purple or something. 368. born on the wrong side of the blanket - роден извънбрачно; незаконороден Some of the children of this country’s rulers have been bom on the wrong side of the blanket. 369. born under a lucky star роден под щастлива звезда V. be, appear, seem; must have been That’s how it goes, son; if you haven't been bom under a lucky star you just have to work all the harder to get what you want. 370. born with a silver spoon in one's mouth - роден съм c късмет; роден съм в заможно семейство The son of a Texas oil millionaire, young Elmer was certainly bom with a silver spoon in his mouth. 371. a bosom frlend/pal много близък приятел Jenny and Tina were bosom friends as girls and are still very fond of each other. 37

372. a bottle party - компания, в която всеки си носи пиенвто Let’s throw a bottle party on Friday; everything else is on me. 373. bottle ath up - подтискам/крия силни чувства He managed to keep his anger bottled up until they were alone. 374. bound up In sb/sth вглъбен; увлечен ɪ was so bound up in my book I didn’t notice the time. 375. bow and scrape - угоднича, любезнича A waiter approached us and, with much bowing and scraping, led us to a table in the dining-room. 376. bow out (of sth) - оттеглям ce (o t висок пост/кариepa) I’ve busied myself with municipal affairs for forty years, so I think it’s time for me to bow out and let younger women take over. 377. sb’s brain child план/идея - рожба на ума Nol This programme is my brain child and ɪ strongly object to somebody taking over the production of it. 376. the brain drain - изтичане на квалифицирани специалисти в друга страна по-


ради по-добро заплаща не/условия, "изтичане н; мозъци/сиво вещество" Most European countriei suffered the consequence! of the brain drain to thi

379. branch out - разклоня вам (ce) (и прен.); разви вам сходни дейности Owing to the reduced de mand for sewing-machines the firm is branching ou into other tight-engineering products. 360. the (top) brass - висш) военни Perhaps the top brasi didn’t confide in the journal ists quite enough; at an] rate, the U.S. govemmen has, on the whole, had th< worst press over the Indo China war that any govern ment has ever had any , where. 361. a brave show - проявен! (външна) смелост, "държ! ce" У. make, put on For a while the child madi a brave show of being unaf fected by his schoolmate’i taunts but in the end hi could not hold back hit tears. 362. bread and circuses * "хляб и зрелища" (основни те потребности на хората)

In a society of Mr Crosland's choosing, the Hignificance of education is that it serves in part as jobqualification, in part as a distraction - part bread, part circus. №3. break and enter - влизам b сграда c взлом You can have them on a charge of breaking and entering whether they actually stole anything or not. UM. break one's/sb’s back превивам си/превивам на някого гръбнака от работа I don't see why your mother should break her back dragging refuse-bins around, with you two boys m the house. witi. break a case - разкрипам престьпление/случай S. policeman, detective, investigator It was rather vainglorious of me to think that a private investigator could break a case that the police had aeemingly had to give up, but I was determined to try. ui(i, break cover - преставам дп ce крия; напускам скриналище The others, waiting on the grass, saw Jack and Ralph unharmed and broke cover into the sunlight. They for-

got the beast in the excitement of exploration. 387. break even - нито губя, нито печеля (търг.) The product is starting to sell well- but the initial launching costs are high and we are unlikely to reach break even point until the end of thie year. 388. break fresh/new ground - завземам нови територии (и прен.); откривам новото No fresh ground has been broken by this most recent study. 389. break one’s/sb’s heart причинявам (сърдечна) мъка/болка; "разбивам сърце" She'll break her little heart when she hears he’s going to Spain. 390. break Into laughter - избухвам в смях As soon as she read the letter Marcia just broke into laughter. 391. break out in(to) sth - обривам ce; изприщвам ce His arms have broken out in a rash of red blotches. 392. break the ice - првмахвам напрежение, "чупя ле.да" Virginia felt that if he did not come now and meet Spencer, and have dinner as one of the family, the ice might never be broken. 39

393. break the news (to sb/ about sth) - съобщавам (новина) I had a wonderful surprise this morning. Ann and David rang up from New Zealand to break the news that they’re having a baby. 394. break the peace - нарушавам мира/спокойствието 'If you break the peace in this way again, you'll go to prison,’ said the magistrate. 395. break the rules - нарушавам правилата As a diplomat he breaks every rule in the book but he is immensely popular everywhere he goes. 396. break the spell - развалям магията I wish something could break the spell that binds her to that worthless fellow. 397. (at) break-neck speed (c) главоломна скорост He flung himself into the car and drove off at breakneck speed to fetch the doctor. 398. breathe again (freely) отдьхвам си; услокоявам ce On a second reading he found his name on the Pass list and breathed again. 399. breathe one's last - издъхвам; умирам Her condition worsened during the night and to40

wards midday the following day she breathed her last. 400. breathe etc a sigh of relief - въздьхвам c облекчение И breathe; give, heave Brigit breathed a sigh of relief as she heard Nicky shrilly making some explanations, and then the rapid patter of feet approaching the door. 401. bridle one’s tongue сдържам (ce); премервам си думите His language is appalingly coarse sometimes. He might at least try to bridle his tongue in front of the children. 402. bright eyed and bushy tailed - много весел и доволен; "с навирена опашка" He came in bright eyed and bushy tailed, but you should have seen him when he left. 403. a bright spark - интелигентен, обещаващ млад човек V. be; regard sb as; think sb to be Tell them they’ve got to do the sum themselves, as an initiative test, and some bright spark’ll usually save your face by coming up with the answer.

_______________________ B *104. bring sb down to earth осъзнавам действителностга; "приземявам" (се) He says money isn't important to him but he'd be brought down to earth if he couldn’t pay his bills. 405. bring home the bacon връщам се c печалба The firm wants very much to get this contract, and we're looking to you to bring home the bacon. 'l()fl. bring sb in(to) sth - допускам/включвам някого да участвува (в проект, сделка и лр.); въвличам The local people, who are the ones who will be affected by the planned motorway, must be brought in on the proposals from the outset. 407. bring sb into the world раждам (на бял свят) He says people shouldn't bring children into the world unless they can provide for them. 4itn. bring sth off - успявам да осьществя It will be a very profitable tloaɪ if he can bring it off. iiio bring the house down докарвам публиката до ексIH3 ʌ comedy sketch that brings the house down in

London might be cooly received elsewhere. 410. bring sb to himself - карам някого да се осьзнае/да дойде на себе си His poverty brought him to himself and he realized he’d been silly to leave home. 411. bring oneself to do sth насилвам се да направя нещо I dislike him so much I can hardly bring myself to even say 'Good morning' to him. 412. bring sth to fruition - довеждам нещо до успешен край I have certain projects in mind but I don't know whether any of them will be brought to fruition. 413. bring sth up - споменавам/обръщам внимание върху нещо Can you think of something else I should bring up at the meeting. 414. (in) broad daylight - (nocред) бял ден The Eshobi path is bad enough in broad daylight, but by night it is a deathtrap. 415. broken/fractured English - развален английски 'Who are you?' they asked in French. 'Ah, English,' they


в murmured and changed gear into broken English. 416. a broken home - семейство, в което родителите ca разведвни/раздвлени Many of the boys who come before the Juvenile Courts are from broken homes, but by no means all of them. 417. the buck stops here - o t говорността e моя/наша Harry Truman had a sign on his desk reading ’The buck stops here*. 418. browned/cheesed off отегчен; раздразнен She'd now been describing her trip for a full halfhour and James was looking thoroughly browned off. 419. burn one's brldges/boats (behind one) - отрязвам си пътя назад He can’t go back to the Corporation for a job. He burned his boats there when he had a big row with his boss just before he left. 420. bum the candles at both ends - изтощавам At the end of each term I’d go home to my parents with all the symptoms of someone who has well and truly burnt the candle at both ends: a permanent hangover, not a penny in my pocket, and a desperate


need to catch up on lost sleep. 421. burn the midnight oil стоя до късно през нощта I expect you’ll be burning the midnight oil for the next week or two, getting ready for your exams. 422. the burnt child dreads/ fears the fire (saying) - "naрен каша духа" He would be better of getting married again, but I suppose it's a case of the burnt child fearing the fire. His first marriage was a disaster. 423. burst at the seams - npeпълнен съм; "пращя no шевовете" Our old offices are bursting at the seams, so we're moving to bigger premises. 424. burst Into tears - избухвам в сьлзи/плач . At this point in the opera, Sarah, playing Violetta, burst into tears. 425. bury the past - забравям/заравям миналото Well, let's admit there were mistakes on both sides; we'll bury the past and try to make a fresh start. 426. (the) bush telegraph неофициален източник на информация, "безжичен телеграф"

в By the way, I have it by 432. by/from all accounts - no bush telegraph that Davy, ’ всичко личи; доколкото е Brian and their pals are proизвестно posing to descend upon us The hotel was, from all acfor Whitsun. counts, very well run as far as the comfort of the guests 'i?7. business is business was concerned. "приятелството си е приятелство, сиренето е с пари" 433. by all means - разбира Certainly, I'll be sorry to co; при всички случаи see them put out on the Conscious now of the pitstreet. But business is busifalls spread around him, ness, and they haven’t paid Harold said warily, 'If you any rent for two months think there is anything to be now-. gained by telling me, by all 4?fl. but me no buts (saying) means do. no ми противоречи; не ми 434. by any chance - може "нокай" би; вероятно; случайно These are my orders; and I I was wondering if by any want to but me no buts, chance you could lend me just get along and do as I * five pounds until the end of way. next week. i:*9. buy it/that - (да) повяр435. by common consent - no пям; приемам общо съгласие; no тради'I'll tell him a pigeon flew ция In at the window and By common consent the knocked his precious vase ladies remained in the room over.’ ’And do you really after dessert. t hink he'll buy that.' 436. by design - предумишле (Г.пдинявам (ce),. "затягам родиците" н. workers, bosses; Civil •iorvlce, Cabinet The nations of the free w cats of hers. -4 cross one’s mind - идва ■in na ум; минава ми през

Tim thought of murder iiiiiMsed my mind, of course, and I put it out of my head.

655. cross one’s palm/hand with silver - поставям монета в ръката на някого Cross my palm with silver, Sir, and I will tell you what the future holds for you - and I can see you're a lucky gentleman by your facel 656. cross swords (with sb) счепкваме ce; "кръстосваме шпаги" It's nearly always the same with Meg and me. We start by exchanging opinions and end up crossing swords. 657. (to) crown It all - завършвам напълно; на всичко отгоре; накрая They gave us a delicious meal and, to crown it all, a very rare old brandy which must have cost a fortune. 656. crow one’s head off хваля ce; проглушавам ушите на хората The Tories crowed their heads off when they won the 1970 General Election against the predictions of all opinion polls. 659. the crowning success върховен успех; (на) върха на успеха In a lifetime of outstanding services to education, Sir Geoffry has told me that he considers the establishment

*нн1ийско - български идиоматмчен речник


с of this Institution to bo his crowning success. 660. a crumb of comfort мапка/слаба утеха I'm sure that the crumb of comfort for many readers over the budget is the assumption, 'Oh well, when we're (the Labour Party) back we'll repeal it.* 661., crumbs (that fall) from the (rich man's) table (saying) - "трохите от трапезата"; благоволение At least these programmes prove one thing; that the working man is not prepared to be pushed around and to be content with the crumbs of the rich man’s table. 662. the crux of the matter основният/неразрешенйят проблвм V. bo, become; make stft That, in fact, is the crux of the matter. If we believe in ourselves and our ability, we need not be afraid of economic competition or political integration. 663. cry wolf - вдигам фалшива тревога The people are told that they are in a more perilous condition than ever in the past. 'Wolf* has been cried time after time. No one is now going to pay attention


until the wolf gobbles hin up. 664. a crying evil etc - отявле но/крещящо зло и пр. V. be, bocomo; turn into Wilberforce awakened thi world’s conscience to th< iniquity of the slave trade but it was not until 180' that the Act was passer which put an end to thii crying evil. 665. (a voice) crying In thi wilderness - глас в пустиня He used to warn them.bu no one would listen - hit was the voice of one crying in the wilderness. 666. crystal clear - пределнс ясно; "ясно като бял ден" V. be, become; make sth The direct result of the meeting in Berlin on the 5tl June was to make the Rus sian position crystal clear. 667. a cuckoo In the nest * натрапник; "кукувиче"; чужд V. be, appear, become Paul Hogarth, himself t notable graphic journalist describes Houghton as 'ar uneasy cuckoo in the Victorian middle-class nest*... 668. sb's cup of tea - нещо, което обичам/правя добре Coombargana is my home and I would not willingly live-anywhere else, but architecturally I will admit

с the house isn't everyhoity’s cup of tea. • j curiosity killed the cat (buying) - много искаш да

lɪul n't you ask him why he'd stayed out so late?* • on, but all he said was < 'uriosity killed the cat'T - n cupboard love - корист■ >я обич/любов п'н only cupboard love Hint brings the boy round bom so often,* the old man “ahI sadly. ’He knows I'U alia ун give him a bit of n i< ii my when he leaves.' • < curry favour - опитвам ce спечеля благоволение нпддръжка in business or in politics P h i can get so far by currying favour with your bosses iɪɪit never to the top. lhe customer is always iiulil (saying) - клиентът виима право п>| mostly older people •s deal with - little old laOf course you get the .1 inn sort and then you i.^vu just to put up with it. Um customer's always light, isn’t she? ■ -1 out and dried - окончаiθɪiiio решено/урвдвно ii V ihe end of the evening ■ hey had their plans for cari , inu out the robbery all cut

and dried with nothing, they thought, left to chance. 674. cut both/two ways - "нож с две остриета" What you’ve just described as liberty can cut both ways you know. If A is to be at liberty to do whatever he likes short of harming others, B is equally at liberty to think A is harming himself and try to stop him. 675. cut one's cables - npeкьсвам връзките си There was still time to draw back, he reflected, before he cut his cables, became a 'defector*... 676. cut a caper - подскачам/танцувам от радост; щурвя Susie ran out to tell us the good news. Your mother was so delighted, she clapped her hands and cut a caper in the middle of the road. 677. cut one's coat according to one's cloth (saying) "простирам ce според чергата си" The British are scholarly and timid, cutting their coat to the measure of their threadbare cloth, devoid not only of money but often of imagination. 678. cut a dash - проявявам ce, изпъквам; елегантен съм


с Fashion is fun this Autumn - you'll be cutting a military dash in braids, brass buttons and swagger* ing guards-type greatcoats. 679. cut sb dead - не поздравявам; отминавам; правя се, че не виждам/познавам We women play such nonsensical games with men, cutting them dead as a play and doing awful things like that. 660. cut sb/sth down to size поставям някого/нещо на мястото му I've met him - a self-important man who badly needs to be cut down to size. 681. cut one’s eye-teeth проумявам; ставам мъ* дър/благоразумен You've no idea what you’ve talking about. Wait till you’ve cut your eyeteeth before you start advising the boss. 682. to cut a long story short накратко (казано) To cut a long story short, by the time Desmond came out (of prison) in October’ 53, they were firm friends, and Desmond had agreed to look out for a safe market in Europe for Sammy’s stones.


683. cut loose (from sb/sth) освобождавам се; "отвързвам се" It could be frightfully interesting, but one's kept so infernally busy, and, then again, once you are in on what's happening, it's difficult to cut loose. 684. cut one’s losses прекратявам недоходен бизнес We might have struggled a bit longer in the hope that trade would pick up, but when the council doubled the rates on our premises we decided to cut our losses and get out. 685. cut off one's nose to spite one's face - каквото сам си направиш, друг не може дати направи Keeping your class in after school is cutting off your nose to spite your face because you have to stay in with them. 686. cut sb/sth short - npeкъсвам (някого), когато roвори ɪ introduced myself again, but he cut me short with a kindly 'of course’; 687. cut-throat competition/ rivalry - жестоко сьперничестео One doesn't have to look far for instances of cut-

D iliroat rivalry among the • 'ommon Market countries. hHii (could) cut the alr/atnɪosphere with a knife - атмоссрера на силно емоционплно напрежение/притесноние Ав soon as John came in with Elaine, uninvited of ɪ nurse, on his arm - the conversation stopped and you could have cut the air with a knife. F.fiu cut sb to the quick - нарннявам жестоко чувствата ini някого, засягам някого 11< > дъното на душата му I’he widow had done her host to give her children a . ninfortaJble home, and it cut her to the quick to hear i hum compare it unfavourably with what they saw in 11ioir friends' houses. адо cut up nasty/rough - държн ce грубо/невъзпитано I didn't like asking Jo for soother loan, but my landIndy had cut up very nasty whon I asked her if she could wait a few more days h't the rent.

D fiyi one’s dally bread - на• ьщният хляб All the world knows what a f,-oft and merry life the film

reviewer leads, lounging back in the morning dark while outside others dig ditches and rob banks for their daily bread. 692. the daily round - ежедневни задължения I was as keen to get away as he was. After two summers the gulf becomes a jail and the daily round something of a drag. 693. the damage Is done (saying) - каквото в направено, не може да се върне; белята стана When it comes to preventing other people from interfering with their work, legal action can only be taken after the damage has been done. 694. damn with faint praise похвалвам no начин, който всъщност изразява неодобрение ‘But your book wasn’t so unkindly reviewed as you say.' 'Damned with faint praise - I would rather it had been violently attacked, which arouses people's interest, at least.* 695. danger/dirty money възнаграждение за риск No amount of danger money would tempt me to work on these oil rigs 69

D they're constructing in the North See. 696. (a) Darby and Joan (saying) - щастлива брачна двойка; верни съпрузи My parents won't mind the isolation of the cottage a bit. They are a real old Darby and Joan - there's no company they enjoy better than each other. 697. a dark horse - потайна личност/човек; сдържан човек V. be; find, think, sb Whatever the outcome of the election, Mr Michal Foot - the dark horse - emerges more and more as a figure of moderation and sound sense. 698. the darkest hour is that comes before the dawn - k o гато нещата ca най-лоши, започват да се оправят Don't give up. Try to believe that the darkest hour is that comes before the dawn. Tomorrow, or the next day, something may happen that will make you feel that life is worth living. 699. dash sb’s hopes - убивам надеждите на някого Any remaining hopes that a start would be made to the new museum this year were dashed yesterday when the council an70

nounced its plans to spend less money on arts. 700. dash sth off - написвам набързо (статия, писмо и пр.) I'm not one of those people who can dash off a book in just a few days. 701. Davy Jones’s locker - дъh o t o на морето To think of all the things one could find in Davy Jonee's locker. 702. the dawn chorus - песента на птичките сутрин I love to lie awake early on a summer's day and listen to the dawn chorus. 703. dawn on sb - става ми ясно; "загрявам" The extent of the damage caused by the fire is just beginning to dawn on them. 704. dawn/day breaks - зазорява се (и прен.) Dawn was breaking when we came in sight of the walls of Peking. 705. a day-dream - мечта; мечтание I sat thinking of New York, wondering whether I'd like it as a place to work in, one of those damned, stifling, dreadful summers, but those were day-dreams all right.

Hui day In and day out - все••u ден; ден следден Life on the tennis roundabout has its drawbacks. Vi h i see the same faces day I*», day out. h iz the day of the days - ваш>н/специален ден Now let the wine flow on ihln day of the days. Bring • •nt the golden goblets. the day of reckoning иннят на разплатата Whatever his majority, Mr iirmth has Mr Wilson’s un•P itiɪified assurance that the day of reckoning* has «iinrely been postponed. daylight robbery - надинсване в сметка; "пладНП1ПКИ обир" V. be; find sth l''niher is quite out of touch with prices these days. If eʧor he does a few errands hi me he always comes back muttering about dayllyht robbery. 10 the days of sb/sth are numbered - дните ми ca hi юброени Tommy feels that his days «re numbered and that a yrnndchild, once a possibility, is fast becoming a day• ii num.

11 dead and burled/gone о|дпвна умрял; забравен

S. wife, father, Mend; love, quarrel, hope You are forty years old. I hope to be dead and buried before I reach that age. 712. dead beat - пребит or умора Honestly, I'm dead beatl I shouldn’t have tried to finish off all the decorating todayl It was too much. 713. dead certaln/sure - напълно/абсолютно сигурен I am not saying that if you put on a clean shirt and brush your hair you’ll get the job, but it's a dead-sure thing you won't if you go for an interview looking the way you do now. 714. a dead duck - безплодна идея/план In his article he wrote that breakfast television was bound to prove a dead duck because it offered a service for which there was no demand. 715. dead easy/slmple ужасно лесно/просто V. be, look; make 8th He won’t even tackle a dead simple job like changing the battery though you couldn't fit the leads into the wrong connections if you tried. 71

716. a dead end - "сляпа" улица/път; положение без изход V. reach, come to I shall pass over the details of my quest shortly, because it ended in a complete dead-end. 717. dead from the neck up глупав; тьп S. boy, pupil, blonde, boxer; boss V. be; find; think And there they were - two ladies - dead from the neck up. 716. a dead heat - c минимална/незабележима разлика They can’t both take the chair of course, but it looks like a dead head between Ross and Clarke at the moment. 719. a dead loss - чистазагуба V. be; think, find, sb This job on the drill was a dead loss, and he was going to black Frank’s eye for him some day, but he would stick to it until he found something better. 720. dead men tell no tales мъртвите не говорят 'You won’t get away with this, you know.’ 'Why not? Dead men tell no tales.* 721. (In the/at) dead of (the) night - посред нощ 72

One thing I can’t stand in the dead of the night is a cat miauling. 722. dead on time - точно e уговореното време; точен до минута S. he, train; procession; customer V. be; arrive, pass by, walk In, appear The towing aircraft appeared dead on time, and far behind it a small winged object streaked across the sky. 723. dead silence - пълна/гробна тишина The darkness and the dead silence of the cave began to oppress him. 724. dead to the wide - капнал o t умора V. be, appear; find sb Day in and day out she’d worked her fingers to the bone at that fag-packing machine, coming home at night dead to the wide yet cooking his dinner and mending his britches. 725. dead to the world - потьнал в дълбок сьн 1/. be, appear; find sb Jane’s dead to the world at the moment. She’s been travelling for 48 hours with no chance to rest. 726. dead weight - непосилен товар; бреме (и прен.)

D John may be a good inucher but he is a dead weight socially. ;.7 the dead wood/welght излишен (баласт); ненужен U cut out, get rid of; leave; contain Opportunity was taken to U*»t rid of a great deal of inufficient material in the lower ranks, but in the higher ranks much dead wood was left untouched. .11. deal sb/sth a blow - нанасям удар на; удрям (и прон.) He was just beginning to lake heart again after.,the i loath of his wife when fate dealt him another blow. His younger son was drowned io a yachting accident. (the) dear (only) knows (saying) - никой не знае; пдин господ знае Dear knows when I'll get home tonight so don't wait up forme. /10. dear to sb’s heart - скъп, мил (на сърцето) The concept of individual freedom is dear to Tory hoarts. / il. a death blow - смъртоноc o h удар (и прен.) V. deal, give, deliver, Inflict The Company might have weathered the slump if that hud been all. But the with-

drawal of a government subsidy was a death blow. 732. (on) one’s death bed (на) смъртно легло By the end of the Wars of the Roses, English feudalism was already on its death bed. 733. death or glory - смърт или слава Jack treats all his business deals as death or glory contests - he doesn't know how to compromise. 734. (sign sb’s) death warrant - подлисвам смьртна присъда (и прен.) By revealing his knowledge of their plans the foolish fellow was signing his own death warrant. 735. deep down - дьлбоко в себе си She's very generous deep down, but this only comes out when you get to know her. 736. deep In thought etc - noтьнал в мисли и np. V. be, appear; sit, stand Some students scribbled away furiously, others sat deep in thought, and others glanced in all directions as if seeking inspiration horn any source. 737. (one’s) declining years напреднала възраст; стари години 73

D V. be In; save for, put sth aside for He does a pretty hard day's work for a man that's supposed to be in hie de* clinlng yean. 738. dereliction of duty - npeнебрегване на дълга Two minutes away from the accident or ten, Constable, it's dereliction of duty either way, as you'll find out when I get you back to the station. 739. the devll/Satan finds/ makes work for Idle hands (saying) - "на мързеливия дяволът му намира работа” The Devil finds work for idle hands - a lighthearted look at a serious subject in today's new series, ’Four Idle Hands'. 740. the devil’s advocate застъпник за неправа кауза; злоезичник; клеветник V. be; act, play Adamson loved a battle of wits and was willing to be a devil’s advocate on any subject just to keep a good argument going as long as possible. 741. a diamond etc of the first water - превъзходен, великолепен (за вещ); великолепен човек 'Oh, thank you,’ she enthused gratefully. 'You’re a 74

real gem, a diamond of the first water.* 742. die hard - трудно отмирам/изчезвам The notion that one is free to make any kind of postulation in psychology seems to die hard. 743. die In a ditch - умирам сам/изоставен A year ago, when Miss Taylor had been admitted to the ward, she had suffered misery when addressed as Granny Taylor and she thought she would rather die in a ditch than be kept alive under such conditions. 744. die in harness/one’s boots - умирам скоропостижно (на поста си) No, I’ll never retire. Actors die in harness. 745. the die Is cast (saying) "жребият θ хвърлен" • The country really does not know yet where it's going. The die has not yet been cast. 746. die like files - измират; мрат като мухи The epidemic was so bad that one week we scarcely had time to bury all the people - they were dying like flies. 747. die out - изчезвам; отмирам

D The British custom of reii iombermg Guy Fawkes’ plot to blow up Parliament ovory 5 November shows no «Igns of dying out. Hi), a different matter etc (гова e) друга работа/друго нощо Yet he still retains the capacity to make an important contribution towards the canity of this government. Whether he will ever summon up the energy to make it is a different matter. 4'1. dig one’s heels In - запъiiiim ce; заинатявам ce A number of councils’have «lug their heels in over the question of reducing spending to comply with the government’s request. r’>(). dig a pit (for sb) - "копая дулка/яма" (някому) I strongly object to the t ype of paper where examinees, instead of being given n straightforward chance to chow what they do know, have a pit dug for them in every question. /’>1. din sth Into sb - набивам нощо на някого в глааата I've had such Ideals dinned into me all my life, mo I know what’s right, oven when I don't always do it.

752. the dlrty/thlck end of the stick - "дебелият край на тоягата" V. get, have; be left with It's the care staff who have |he thick end of the stick in the running of the hostel and I think their salaries should be increased to match the teachers’. 753. a dirty etc trick - "мрьсен номер"; подлост V. be; play (on sb), do (on sb) There has been some suspicion over the last two years that the periodic explosions have been organized by a “dirty tricks" department to discredit the SNP. 754. a disaster area - бедствена зона V. be; declare sth (to be) The President declared the west coast of Florida a disaster area. 755. discretion Is the better part of valour (saying) - няма защо човек да се излага на ненужни рискове Collins ignored the tribunal's findings until one day a policeman arrived with a rail warrant and his marching orders. Reluctantly he decided that discretion is the better part of valour... 756. dish sth up - поднасям (особено информация) no неприятен/досаден начин 75

D Why do the television companies dish up the same boring mixture of old films and repeats all the time. 757. a dismal (etc) failure пълно разочарование/провал V. be, become; turn Into I didn't know John was a vegetarian until I served the roast lamb, and then I dropped the bottle of wine the evening was a dismal failure. 758. a disorderly house - незаконно заведвние (кръчма, публичен или игрален дом) V. run, keep Police raided the premises known as the Dean Club on the night of March 14th and found ample evidence that the proprietor had been running a disorderly house under the cover of this name. 759. a displaced person - изселено лице In addition there were about one million civilian refugees who had fled into our area from the advancing Russians; these and 'Displaced persons’ were roaming about the country, often looting as they went. 760. distance lends enchant* ment to the view (saying) - o t


разстояние не ce забелязват грешките; времето заличава лошото They are talking of California as if they were going to live in a paradise on earth. Distance lends enchantment to the view, I suppose. 761. a distressed area - paйон. b който има безработица и ниско жизнено равнище; западнала област You can still believe it's January 1933 when 4000 in the town are unemployed. The number didn’t decrease much until the war was well under way, and today Westhumberland, to the local workers, is still a distressed area. Officially, it's a development area. 762. divide and rule (saying) разделяй и владей . We are still struggling to overcome the vestiges of the feudal order and of the communalism which was encouraged by the policy of 'divide and rule*. 763. do a sb - подражавам (на известна личност) He had contemplated 'doing a Charles March' (a friend of mine who, years before, had given up society in order to become a doctor).

D ; < I Io as I say, not as I do гк'1Ш1й ме какво говоря, не I подай какво върша in it. despite his mother's '«11 meaning efforts, Simon ..... id s to the inevitable conpinion that parental guid.««•fi is really a case of Don't do as I do, do as I ■ay‘. n«ипо не искаш да ти праI >о as you would be done by is the surest method I tu iow of pleasing. x »nn do/try one’s best - опйтшim ce; старая ce Aunt Maud brought me up. She did her best for me, but she only had the money ahi» earned as a nurse. fh/ do one’s bit - правя/върtiia своето ɪ thought I ought to do my bit. I wasn’t much Use for anything, but they were uɪad to have anyone then. «Mi. do a bunk - отивам си г.оз предупреждение, изчозвам These boys have more cheek than courage. If a policeman appeared they'd noon do a bunk. /fiii. do the donkey work иьрша черната работа

I don't know anything about gardening, but ɪ could do the donkey work for you if you want to make a rockery. 770. do sb* a favour - правя услуга на някого I thought I was doing you a favour by coming to warn you, but it looks death for you might be the best solution. 771. do sb a good/bad turn правя добра/лоша услуга no собствено желание ` He's always very helpful ready to do anyone who needs it a good turn. 772. do sb a/the honour оказвам чест (на някого) They did me the honour asking me to chair the Commission. 773. do l/am I to understand да разбирам ли, че... 'Do I understand that you , are suggesting I should change my employment?' Charles asked-him with dignity. 774. do sb/sth justice - отдавам дължимото на някого/нещо To do it justice, the Africa Corps behaved itself commendably well amidst the current temptation to destroy.


р---775. do more harm than - по-скоро вредя, откс%г-’°а t o помагам 'ко' More harm than 1%. , would be done by puirPS**?0“ in pubhc money. Ъ1П0 776. do not/not do any h Ax не аредя; не преча 111" May be he can't helj V but it does no harm to 777. do or die - ако щеИ умра, победа или смър1, да I had to get down V\ rock face, do or die, nightfall. *ore 778. do/go the rounds ' K калям (при посещения Цгби’ пекция и пр.) ,нс’ Several high level delegations from Мса1^лУ have gone the rounds 4 ow spect the party organi^v toall over Italy, and they vɪ011 to have departed satisɪɪvθɪɪɪ 779. do the right thing -nhJ‘ каквото трябва ^вя 'Should we have until the morning touted you, doctor?’ 'No, y№ ^all the right thing. He neeq did go to hospital right atf^tɑ 780. do time - изле^/ присъда (в затвор) ^ам Sammy’s a well-^ Jew from Jo’burg. tfS/Wn doing time for illegal ɔras session. wos781. do you mind? нещо против ли


Do you mind my using your dictionary for a couple of days. 782. do’s and don’ts - подробни инструкции 'You Can Take It' is a useful manual of Do’s and Don’ts for the ambitious amateur photographer. 783. dodge/duck the Issue заобикалям (проблем, въпpoc) You then appear to be the one hovering and qualifying and dodging the issue while he stands there quivering with certainty and righteousness. 784. a dog’s breakfast/dlnner - ужасна бьркотия/каша This book is awful - poorly written and with many misprints - the problem is what is a publisher doing lending its name to this dog’s breakfast. 785. dog ears/-eared - подгьнати ъгьлчета (на книга) ’Don't do that', she snapped. '1 hate a book full of dog ears.' 786. dog eat dog - "ядат ce каt o кучета" Bluff Court was far too large to live in. You needed to keep twenty servants to wait on you and another twenty to wait on them. It was very dog eat dog.

D /Н7. a dog In the manger - за792. (for) donkey’s years нистлив човек; нито го измного отдавна; от години; много дьлъг период от врвползувам, нито на друг го давам ме V. be, become It's donkey's yean since Who would get the comI've* eaten semolina pudmission? None. That filthy ding. I didn't think people dog In the manger would made it any more. not have accepted any 793. dot and carry (one) - xothat was certain; and taken дя нвстабилно; клатя се; care to see that no one else накуцвам profited. If she rested in the day/ill), dog one’s/sb’s (foot) time, Lennie went dot and steps - вървя no дирите/пеcany up the stairs with титв на някого/нещо; следя cups of tea and vivid sugar отблизо case from the bakery on the Bad luck still seems to be corner. dogging the European 794. dot the I’s (and cross the Movement's footsteps. t’s) - изяснявам всичко c /iif). don’t do anything I подробности wouldn’t do - и умната There are so many i’s to Off on your holidays todot and t's to cross before morrow, are you? Be sure to we can be certain about the enjoy yourselves, but don’t exact relationships dedo anything I wouldn't do. scribed here in broad detail. ЛЮ. don’t mind me - не м и 795. a double cross - двойна обръщай внимание; не се игра; измяна; измама Madge is double crossed грижи за мене Father says to go to the cin- . by Sammy, who ditches her oma and don't mind him, for Sadie. lie’ll be perfectly happy with 796. double Dutch - неразбиhis bðok. раем (език) How can anybody under/01. don’t tell me - само не stand this Constitution? It's ми казвай, че... difficult enough for edu'Really, dear, ɪ couldn’t say cated Africans and Europewhen they went to the park. ans to understand it, but for Don't tell me they’re not the masses it must be absohome yet.’ Brigit shook her lute double Dutch. head. 79

D________________________ 797. double quick - ужасно бързо; светкавично If the machine stents making a hissing noise, then turn it off double quick. 798. double talk - двусмислица The managing director’s speech was a masterpiece of double talk. 799. a doubting Thomas ~ h θ верний Тома; скептик The workers have all been paid a month's wages, which will make Christmas a good deal brighter for them, and confound doubting Thomas like me. 800. down and out - "на улицата съм" What do you know of life among the city’s down-andouts. 801. down in the dumps - тьжен и безнадежден She lives • by herself and tends to feel down in the dumps quite often. 802. down on one’s luck - не ми върви I've been down on my luck for yearsl When am ɪ going to be rich? 803. a down payment - капаpo; начална вноска V. make; request, ask for The Building Society have agreed to give us 85 per cent loan which means we 80

shall have to make a down payment of nearly &500. 804. down the drain - (хвьрлен) на вятьра When John decided not to take up a career as a vet after his parents had spent a lot on a special education, they thought they'd been pouring money down the drain. 805. down tools - прекратявам работа The workers threatened to down tools if the manager didn't take any notice of their demands. 80S. down under - в Австралия или Нова Зеландия They say John went off to try his luck down under. 807. down with sb/sth - долу! (някой или нещо) 'Down with the Rich.' Berger’s writing is at its stirring best when predicting the overthrow of authority. 808. drag one’s feet/heels тьтря ce; влача ce (и прен.) How much longer can the government go on dragging its feet about whether to invest more money in the railways? 809. draw a blank - изтеглям празен билет; не успявам; удрям на камък Well, he might be at his club, but if you draw blank

D f hore, I don’t know where to nɪmgest. nio draw blood - пускам нръв; наранявам (и прен.) Dawson doesn’t care about the critics. Anyhow riitical disclaim can hardly draw blood from a man who wont through the swamp (over of the provincial clubs in the fifties. nil. draw breath - поемам дьх (и прен.) The warning signs were floar before the new government drew breath. HIdraw it mild - започврм дн говоря/да ce дьржа уме|)GHO Oh, come on, Bill. Draw it mild. That’s no sort of language to be using in front of kids. HI3. draw on/upon sth - ползнам ce от; позовавам ce на; правя нещо въз основа на; основавам се на All those taking part in the Heminars Will be expected to draw on their experience in presenting their talks. nl4. draw/point a moral - извличам поука Tales deliberately concocted so that we may draw a moral from them don't appeal greatly to children.

815. draw sth out (of sb) - измъквам (признание, изповед, информация) It took some hours of patient questioning to draw the full story out of him. 816. draw the line (at sth) - h θ прекалявам; не прекрачвам линията I may tell the occasional small lie at times but I draw the line at downright, blatant dishonesty. 817. dress sb down - скарвам ce на някого; давам на ня* кого да разбере Pete knew that he was in for a good dressing-down from his father for his rudeness. 818. dress the part - обличам ce подходящо (за случая) Charles seemed not to realize the sacred duty of dressing the part. Even as an undergraduate he had not worn corduroys or coloured shirts. •819. the dress rehearsal главна репетиция V. be; hold, stage The dress rehearsal didn’t go too well. 820. dressed to kill - облечен фрапантно Brenda Rawnsley, dressed to kill in the New Look, chartered a four-seater aeroplane, with money borrowed from

Английско - български идиоматичен речник


D the bank, and flew across the channel one summer Sunday in 1948. 821. drlnk/draln the cup of sorrow etc - изпивам чашата до дъно; "изпивам горчивата чаша" After all their high hopes for their sons, they’ve had a bitter cup to drink; one a drug addict, one in jail, and now the youngest diagnosed as a dangerous psychopath. 822. drink sth In - попивам (със зрение или слух) A packed audience just sat there, drinking in every word he spoke, with rapt attention. 823. drive sb mad - влудявам; подлудявам (някого) It’s always me who's the louse, and honestly, Jim, you're so God damn forbearing and unselfish that sometimes it’s enough to drive man mad. 824. drive sb up the wall вбесявам някого Your children are driving me up the wall! 825. drop a brlck/clanger изпускам/казвам нещо h θ тактично My series is honest - it really is, ɪ may have made a few technical blunders, politics are so complicated, even 82

the most seasoned MPs drop bricks. 826. drop dead - умирам внезапно I've got enough money in my pocket to last me the rest of my life - provided I drop dead this afternoon. 827. drop a hint - намеквам; подсказвам; загатвам Fiorella couldn’t help dropping a few hints. Gianpaolo, like a true working man, was utterly impervious to hints. 828. a drop In the bucket/ ocean - капка в морето In fact the total resource of the hospital services would furnish no more than a drop in the bucket by comparison with the needs of the community. 829.. drop Into one’s lap - naдам (като) от небето You won’t get a job by just sitting around waiting for one to drop into your lap, you know. 830. drop sb a line - драсвам няколко реда (на някого) Here, I’ll have to be going. As I say, may be we can do business together and make some money for both of us. I'll read it through again, and drop you a line.

Е drown one’s sorrows опиивам ce от мъка; удавям мькпта си They talk about drinking bl drown your Borrows, but tiifɪ more Andrew drinks the iik u h melancholy he gets. sij л drug on the market заложала стока V. be, become; make sth ffocond-hand cars were a .lino on the market in Kuil 11.

зн a dry/dummy run - "cyxa «рпнировка" A dummy run of rescue apparatus, with weighted 3Hi ks instead of people, had i.Hun organized for the fol1.1wing week.

dust and ashes - пух и npnx; мьртъв за някого He saw the dead writers and those they had written about as what they exactly ware at the present monun it: dust and ashes. 3 tn Dutch courage - смелост ипродена, от пиянство; ба-_ ПИИГЛЪК After my fourth drink it bejriɪɪ to seem possible that I * t m Id tell my wife what had happened, so I left the pub hoping that my Dutch courнцо would last till I got linllɪθ,

sir. n duty call - протоколна ви.чита

Any diplomat will tell you that most of the first couples of months of a new posting are taken up with tedious but necessary duty calls on the Foreign Ministry and on other diplomatic missions.

E 837. each and every - всеки поотделно; всички без изключение The astonishing thing was that each and every one of the patients thus treated made a better and quicker recovery than any patient in the control group. 838. each/every man for himself (and the devil take the hindmost) - всеки сам за ceбе си For years he had tried to justify to himself that final act of treachery. He no longer bothered now. ɪn Sefton’s world it was every man for himself. 839. an eager beaver - ентусиаст; човек, който ce престарава The House of Lords is now inhabited by a fascinating mixture of aged celebrities, public-spirited experts and political eager-beavers who would like to do something 83

useful if they knew what their function was. 640. early days yet - ощв e paHO ’I'm beginning to think I shall never be a grandmother?’ 'For goodness' sake it’s early days to be talking like that?' 641. eam/turn an honeat penny - печеля пари c чвстен труд This notion of earning an honest penny is all my eye. A man can work a whole lifetime and when he is 65 he considers himself rich if he has saved 1000 pounds. Riehl 842. earn one’a/lta keep струва си; заслужава си; плаща си (парите) Jill more than earns her keep. With the help she gives me about the house and looking after the children and so on. 843. earn a/one’a living - изкарвам си прехраната It's high time you were earning your own living, my boy. You can't expect me to support you for ever. 644. easier said than done лесно e да се каже, трудно e да се направи; лесно е да се говори И. be, took, аеет The essence of all reducing diets is to eat less 84

often easier said than dons - and keep eating less than before. 645. aa easy as ABC - npoc« то/лесно като фасул Surely you can understand how to put the table to« gether - it's as easy as ABC. 846. East, (or) West, homs’l best (saying) - кьдето и да отидеш, най-добре е в кьщи Т was bom there. It's a very small town, some old walls, a castle in ruins-* 'East or West, 'Beatrice said, 'home's best.* 847. easy game ~ лесна пляч* ка V. be, appear, become; make sb She was easy game or rich material, for satirists. 848. easy In one’s mind - enoкоен; със спокойна душа Phone us in the morning, •Lilian. Your mother won't be easy In her mind till shs knows you got back safely. 849. easy on the eye - приятен за окото И be; tint! eb Peggy is not quite so good-looking as her sister but very easy on the eye, all the same. 850. easy on sb's/the pocket - според възможностите ми в; според джоба ми е V. be, become, get; make sth

Е Package tours have made foreign travel, within a limihid range, surprisingly ■■ry on the pocket. ar>i easy terms - изгодни иихвени проценти при заам/кредит V. get, offer, let sb have Most easy terms cost the customer a great more than If he had been able to buy the goods outright. inz eat, drink, and be merry "иж, пий и си носи новите дрохи" Tm tired of feeling insemire, not knowing what'll lmppen tomorrow.' 'Why don’t you just eat, drink ■nd be merry and stop worrying about the future.* eat one's head off - ям нрекалено много; “набивам" The children came in from their long walk and they are now in the dining room eating their heads off. Ш. eat the humble pie - смирявам се; унижавам се If John's wife did take him back, would she have the sense not to make him eat the humble pie for the rest of his life. ɑhh. eat out of one's hand ноставям се/съм в пълна лависимост от някого

She's really got him eating out of her hand. He'll do anything she wants. 856. eat sb out of house and home - "изяждям и ушите на някого"’ These friends of yours are eating us out of house and home! When are they going to leave? 857. eat oneself sick (on sth) - преяждам (c); прилошава ми от ядена She'd eat herself sick on ice-cream if I let her. 858. eat one's words - принуден съм да се отрека от думите си/да си взема думита назад Nick boasted that he'd be picked for the team, but when he wasn’t chosen, he had to eat his words. 859. ebb and flow - прииждам и се отгеглям; на приливи и на отливи (и прен.) After such a heavy lunch he found it difficult to follow the course of the arguments as they ebbed and flowed around him. 860. egg eb on - насърчавам някого да извърши нещо (обикн. неразумно или рисковано); подкокоросвам някого The older children were egging the younger ones on to jump off the tree.


Е Я61. embark on/upon sth заемам ce с/започвам (проект, кампания и пр.) The government has decided it must embark on a new series of cuts in public expenditure. H62. an embarrassment of riches - неудобствата на изобилието But an embarrassment of riches is perennial on radio, (.hie of the problems of one with catholic tastes is that Inst Saturday, for example, he'd have to choose between the 'Arts Commentary1 on Radio 3 and ’The Entertainers' on radio 4. IHI3. the end justifies the means - целта оправдава сродствата The hazard to which revolutionaries are particularly prone is not that they will think that the end justifies the means. It is that they will allow the means to dictate the end. ii(i4 (at) the end of the rainbow h im, където ce осьществяtmr мечтите Since World War Two, unite than one and a quari nt million Britons have emiu i nuid to Australia, and for "illllons more it’s still the and of the rainbow. Di?

865. the end of one's tether краят на търпението; повс че не се тьрпи I've just about reached th end of my tether. I don think ɪ can stand any mor of your rudeness. 866. the enemy at the gate(i - непосредствена заплаха There is today a new er emy at the gate, ɪnfɪatio may become a capitalist be gey word - but in fact it is far more tonifying spectr for socialists than for an one else. 867. ends of the earth - затъь t θ h o м я с т о ; "краят на света I miss my daughter an grandchildren of course, bu it's not as if she was at th ends of the earth. I know can just get on a train an see them all again any tim Hike. 868. the end product - крае продукт/резултат Most of the assembi workers spread through this vast plant never get sight of the end product. 869. enough is as good as ; feast (saying) - щом им. достатьчно, не питай за пс вече 'Why can’t we have mor blackberries, Mummy?' 'Be cause enough is as good a a feast.'

Е 'i/o. enough Is enough - досштъчно и предостатьчно And for nearly four years the trio bam-atorxned the world, earning both cash nnd credit, until Niss Ross decided enough is enough. iv I. entertain the Idea, suggestion etc - възприемам идея, предложение и пр. I assured you that our firm h imply would not entertain the idea of advancing a loan without security. n/2. to err Is human (to for* give divine) (saying) - чонешко е да се греши To abandon him now would almost certainly lead to further terms of imprisonment. Your parents illustrate the old saying ’to err Is human, to forgive divine.’ n/3. even odds - равен шанс The odds are even that he'll be late. n/4. ever more - все повече и повече V. be, become, grow, seem Despite the scepticism of friends, they had grown over more attached to the life of the quiet little village they had retired to. ii/5. every cloud has a silver lining - всяко зло за добро; нинаги има надежда

I had to take an easier and less well-paid job, but I was able to spend more time with my family. Every cloud has a silver lining. 876. Every man Jack (of sb) всички, без изключение I think all the people who run the country are incompetent - every man Jack of them. 877. every now and again/ then - o t време на време Conscience stirs me every now and again. 878. every other/second man etc - всеки втори човек и пр. Second-hand cars were a drug on the market of Kuwait; every other semiskilled inhabitant tears sumptuously around in a Chevrolet or Mercedes. 879. every schoolboy knows и децата знаят Every schoolboy knows where to find Teeside. 880. every time - винаги; no всяко време People have different notions of how they like to spend a holiday but I'd settled for a quiet seaside place every time. 881. everything but the kitchen sink - всичко (от къщи), което може да се носи; прекапено много багаж


Е She was only coming to stay for a few days, but she brought with her everything but the kitchen sink. 882. everything In garden Is lovely/rosy (saying) - всичk o е чудесно/"розово" 'Bristol, Birmingham and Manchester are' taking an extra staff - simply cannot cope with the orders pouring in.1 'ɪn fact, everything in garden is lovely.’ 883. everything Is going/ coming one’s way - всичко става според желаниато на някого When I kissed her on Sunday it had seemed that everything was going my way. 884. the exception proves the rule (saying) - изключениеt o не оспорва правилото Englishmen are supposed to be very reserved, but Pete's the exception that proves the rule - he’ll talk to anyone. 885. exercise due/proper care (and attention) - вземам необходимите предпазни мерки Provided you exercise proper care there is no reason why you shouldn't live to a great age. 888. expense/money (is) no object (saying) - парите ня88

мат значение/нв са проблем Cooking, when money is no object, soon becomes ornate, over-elaborate, amazing. 887. explain sth away - разсейвам сьмнения/недоразумения George was left at the police station trying to explain away how he's got so many diamonds in his possession. 888. explode a myth - разрушавам мит Two myths about comedians: they all want to play Hamlet and they are all melancholic. Both are exploded by Richard Briers. 889. explore (every) avenue проучвам (всички) възможности I've explored a lot of avenues as they were always saying in the House (of Commons) when I was a member, but this time I'm barking up the right tree. 890. extremes meet - противоположноститв ce привличат Alec and his wife are not a bit like each other. I suppose it is a case of extremes meeting and actually finding they could live together. 891. the eye of the storm etc центърът на бурята

Not having proper navigaiioɪɪal aids the pilot had ɪ >oen unaware of the changing conditions and had flown the plane right into the eye of the tropical storm.

F iiD2. face (the) fact - обръщам лице към факгите I must as well face facts, good-bye Susan, good-bye a big car, good-bye the silly handsome dreams. H93. one’s face falls - променямУсмъквам" лице Then her face fell, ɪ was sitting there shivering and clutching for something else and she was suddenly sorry that she had failed. 894. face the music - приемам трудности/критика, които сам съм причинил Dr Werwoerd will have to face the music of his opponents' criticism of apartheid. 895. facts and figures - точна информация; факти и цифри V. give, provide, quote And this time the argument succeeded. The Cheddar teenagers talked facts and figures. They guaranteed to pay the rent.

896. fag sb out - изтощавам някого Walking home from town up the hill really fags you out. 897. faint heart ne’er/never won fair lady (saying) страхливият никога не печели; нерешителността е враг на успеха Don't give up. Faint hearts never won fair lady - or anything else worth having either. 898. a fair crack of the whip справедлив/заслужен шанс The conference speakers thought they'd not • really been given a fair crack of the whip - they’d only been allowed five minutes to present a summary of their reports. 899. fair enough - твърде справедливо/приемливо l/ be, seem; think sth ‘Look, I can't lower the price any further because of an agreement with the wholesalers. But we'll forget about any extra charges for delivery.* 'Fair enough, I'll write you a cheque.' 900. fair Is fair - нека да бъдем честни; което е вярно, вярно е You may not like old Jones, but fair's fair, he’s still a good worker.


F_______________________ 901. (In) fair (weather) and/or 906. a fairy story/tale - (вълшебна) приказка; измислиfoul - b добро и лошо вреца, лъжа, фантазия mθ (и прен.) I'm not going to hide It is not everybody that things from her, or feed her would stick by a man with fairy stories that will through fair and foul as you make it easier for her any have. more. 902. fair play - честна игра (и 907. one's faithful hound - b θ прен.) рен (като кучв) It is perhaps a tribute to Carter patted his tobaccoyour British instinct for fair pouch as though it were a play that what came immedog's head. 'My faithful diately to my mind did not hound shall bear me comalso occur to yours. pany.’ 903. a fair question - законен 908. fall behind (sb) - изоставъпрос вам (от някого) V. be; find, think, sth I don't like to admit it, but 'Before agreeing to purit is clear that our company chase, can you assure me has fallen behind our rivals that the house isn't in an inin the production of quality dustrial development area.' boxes. 'It’s a fair question and my 909. fall behind (with sth) honest answer must be that изоставам (c работа, плаI don't know.' щане на сметки и пр.) 904. fair and square - открито, They stopped delivering честно; без лъжа и измама * the equipment as I’d fallen We won't have a local behind with the payments. referee for the replay, and 910. fall between two stools then if we beat them again “от два стола, та на земята“; everybody will know it’s от двете, та нито едното been fairly and squarely The show fell between done. two stools - it was neither a complete historical exhibi905. fair to middling - горе-доtion nor a proper dramatic лу; средна работа production. The Cocktail Lounge was almost empty but there was 911. fall by the wayside - npoa fair to middling number of валям ce; криввам от правия път drinkers in the Public Bar. 90

After the series of special meetings, this church had a congregation of 150, but members gradually declined to about 100 as some fell by the wayside. 912. fall for sb/sth - падам си no някого/нещо As soon as he met Ingrid, he fell for her in a big way. 913. fall In with sb - срещам някого; запознавам ce c някого On holiday she often falls In with someone staying at the same hotel. 914. fall off the back of the lorry - нещо откраднаТо Where did you get these cameras? I bet they fell off the back of the lorryl 915. fall over oneself to do something - престаравам ce I was surprised to find when we moved here that people were falling over themselves to be kind to us. 916. fall quiet - замлъквам; умълчавам ce The strangeness of these words struck the two young people. And they fell quiet. 917. to fall short (of eth) - h θ стигам, не достигам; недостатъчен съм There is no point at which we can say anybody beyond this point is tall, or intelligent, or fat, and any-

body who falls short of It is the opposite. 918. a false alarm - фалшива тревога V. be; sound, give Even- though a warning system may give some false alarm, it is probably worthwhile since quite minor precautions should be able to reduce the number of casualties. 919. a false dawn - измамни надежди U be, prove, turn out to be Alas, it proved a false dawn and for over 20 years he suffered almost total neglect. 920. false modesty - престорена/фалшива скромност I don't like people who have this false modesty. I know that I am beautiful. 921. (make) a false move (правя) погрешен ход/стъпка; (допускам) грешка I always had the fear of doing the wrong thing, of making a fool of myself in front of the higher grades. The rich were my enemies, I felt; they were watching me for the first false move. 922. fame and fortune - слава и богатство Scott started the journal in the winter of 1825 when he was at the height of his fame and fortune. 91

F______________________ 923. (on/under) false pretences - под чуждо име I wouldn't have cared if his father was an earl or a fishmonger. It's people making false pretences that I don't like. 924. a family feud - война на родовете; семейна война A dispute over an inheritance fifty or sixty years ago led to a family feud which exists to this day. 925. a family man - семеен; добър съпруг и баща И be, become, turn into Oh, George's quite different from when you knew him. He's settled down and is quite the family man now. 926. fan the flames (of sth) раздухвам/разпалвам огьня (и прен.); ентусиазирам You can't put into a student what is not there, but where ability and enthusiasm is already present a good teacher can fan the flames. 927. fancy oneself - въобразявам си; мисля св за 'Oh, he is good-looking all right,’ Tracy, agreed, 'but he fancies oneself a bit too much for my taste.' 928. far/out and away - много; b голяма степвн 92

Axel Springer owns far and away the most influential newspaper empire in Central Europe. 929. far be It from me to - далече съм от мисълта да И interfere, disagree, pass Judgement ɪ did not add the sick kids, with the drains and more personal plumbing, in the dispatches of the last two weeks; far be it‘from me to indulge in self pity. 930. a far cry from sth - дапечна прилика; жалко подобие V. be; make sth The room is chilly, but full of light - a far cry from his Oxford digs, described by Stephen Spender as a 'darkened room with the curtains drawn, and a lamp on a table...' 931. far and near - (от) близо и далеч; (от)всякьде V; come, arrive, make one’s way from; take, get, sth from One was able to pick up good furniture quite cheaply at rural auctions, but now dealers come from far and near and force the prices up. 932. far out - страхотен This music's far out, manl 933. fast/sound asleep - дълбоко заспал V. be, fall I looked into the children's bedroom while I was up-

stairs and they were both fast asleep. 934. fast bind, fast find (saying) - лрибирай си нещата, за да ги намираш бързо My wife’s a stickler for putting things back in their places. 'Safe bind, safe find’, she's always saying. 935. ths fat years and the lean years -лоши и добри години Like all highly successful writers, he has to pay a huge percentage of his earning to the Inland Revenue, regardless of the fact that the lean years for the self-employed outnumber the fat years. 936. a feast for the eyes etc наслада за очите V. bo; find, make, sth Bales of cheap printed cottons in gay colours made a feast for the eyes. 937. a feather In one's cap голямо постижение; триумф V. be; make ath, get Obviously it would be a feather in their cap, if they could get this scheme off the ground without a public inquiry. 938. feather one's (own) nest - "оплитам си кошницата“; осигурявам ce I’m sure she feathered her nest well after they got too old and confused to be

bothered with household accounts. 939. feel the drought - (пред) усещам промяната It (America) is on the way out. Finished. Doomed. And then will you fellows in Europe feel the drought. 940. feel like (doing) sth прави ми ce (нещо); иска ми ce (нещо) They clustered round Mr Roderick eagerly, and some of the other guests, those who felt like hearing the story again came over and added themselves to the audience. 941. feel/look like nothing on earth - чувствувам ce зле; изглеждам зле; на нищо не приличам That dreadful period when you're just coming out of an anaesthetic and feeling like nothing on earth is not the time when you want a visitor, however well-intentioned. 942. feel sth In one's bones предчувствувам; подозирам That's funny - I felt In my bones that there'd be an accident - and now you tell me there was one today. 943. feel one's oats. - b θ сал/оживен (съм) 93

F They're a bit rough and noisy but no real trouble just a bunch of healthy lively kids feeling their oats. 944. feel/look small - чувствувам ce пренебрегнат/унизен Sue was made to feel small by being told off in front of all the other students. 945. feel one’s way - "опипвам пътя" (и прен.) ɪt was the first training scheme of its kind and we would have to feel our way carefully to avoid unforeseen difficulties. 946. the festive season - дниt θ около и no времв на Koлвда He expressed the desire that if it met with your convenience you should remain as guest over the festive season. 947. few and far between малко на брой; рядко срещан You see, in a town this size the number of people who take any interest in intellectual pursuits, politics and arts and that, they're pretty few and far between. 946. fiddle while Rome burns (saying) - забавлявам ce в критична ситуация 94

They say that things are so bad, nothing can be done. This is awful. The situation must be shown to have some hope, or we might as well start fiddling while Rome bums. 949. fight like Kllkennycats бият ce свирепо/до смърт They fought like Kilkennycats - and the only result of their quarrel was that they both lost the respect of those who had supported them. 950. fight a losing battle - b o дя безполезна/безнадеждна борба We too will be joining the rush into suburbia as our hopes and energies rapidly diminish in the losing battle we've been fighting. 951. fighting fit - готов за битка (и прен.); в добра форма V. be, become; get Mailer scarcely yields to his 50 years. His middleaged spread has all but vanished. If less disposed to fight, he is fighting fit again. 952. a figure of fun - посмешище V. be,become, turn Into, look To him the novelist was, if not exactly a figure of fun, then at any rate someone who was playing at life and

therefore not to be taken seriously as a man. 453. fight ehy of sb/flght shy of (doing) sth - дьржа ce настрана от/вьздържам ce or I can understand some of you fighting shy of signing the statement. I don't think I'd want to either. 954. fit/fill the bill - отговарям на всички изисквания; подходящ съм; задоволителен съм I would stand there in my sensible shoes, that ’would fit the bill' on most occasions. 955. fill sb’s shoes - заемам място/изпълнявам функция, за която съм подкодящ/годен We face, moreover, impending changes in the political leadership of the world’s most influential states. The men who fill their shoes, at whose identity we could only guess, may make an unexpected imprint upon world politics. 956. filthy lucre - презрени пари Inside that safe - packets and packets of lovely, filthy lucre. 957. find/get one’s bearings осъзнавам положението си When we set foot ashore off the boat, it took a mo-

ment or two to find our bearings. 958. find one’s feet - добивам опит, "сгьпвам на крака" It was good experience for her to find her feet in the new country and to leam a little of its ways. 959. find one’s vocation - намирам призванието си With two films under his belt Jeffries was directing his third with all the eclat and exhaustion of a man who’d find his vocation late in life. 960. find sb/sth wanting - намирам някого/нещо за недостатьчен/незадоволителен Shaw applauded Nietzsche for laying low false ideals, but found him wanting politically. 961. fine feathers make fine birds (saying) - дрехите правят човека ’Fine feathers make fine birds,' I tell him 'If Susan had as much time and money to spend on her appearance as those Quidley girls have, she'd soon put them in the shade.* 962. fine words butter no parsnips - (добрите) думи h θ помагат Mr Carter reminded everybody at the so-called 'summit-meeting* in London that 95

F___________ ,___________ fine words butter no pars* nips... 963. fire the flrst/openlng shot - давам старт/започвам (състезание, битка, кавга, противоборство) A letter from the owner's lawyer to the tenant, demanding the vacation of the property within 6 weeks, was the first shot fired in a long and tiresome legal battle. 964. a firm offer - твърдо предложение No, we haven’t sold the boat yet. Several people seemed very interested but nobody has made us a firm offer. 965. the first fine (careless) rapture - първоначален възторг/ентусиазъм (обикн. нетраен) In an exclusively male party, men feel a special kind of happy-go-lucky contentment, yet they cannot do without women entirely. Gianpaolo himself, when the first fine rapture had worn off, seemed none too pleased. 966. first and foremost - npeди всичко; първо на първо •Will we now let cars eat men and our cities? First and foremost people want


space to live in at a price they can afford. 967. first and last - всички заедно; (от) първия до последния; всичко на всичко; от начало до край I’d go back to Canada if I had the chance. First and last, the ten years I spent there were the happiest of my life. 968. first come, first served спазвам (си) реда The rule for going into hospital should be a matter of first come, first served. But there seem to be some people who want to jump the queue. 969. first thing (in the morning) - първото, което правя; първата ми работа сутрин (като стана) Don’t suppose you could lend me a pound. Pay you back first thing tomorrow. 970. first things first - найнапред най-важното To represent the many good things in a society massively at odds with itself is difficult for the mass media to do. But first things first. Is the case for it even recognized? 971. fish In troubled waters "ловя риба в мътна вода" When nations go through hard time there are always

F people who try to fish In troubled waters. at?, a fish out of water - "(каɪo) риба на сухо“; неловко V. be, seem; feel (like) In my patched jeans and torn leather jacket I felt like n fish out of water. a/3. a fit of laughter - пристьп на смях V. be In; dissolve In, collapse In; have sb in, keep sb in By this time, the audience wore rolling about in fits of lnughter. УМ fit for human consumption (храна) годна за xopa V. be; think, consider,sth Mow I think there’s a lot to |> said for us all having lunch here, don’t you? I think there might be one or two scraps still just about fit for human consumption И I can contrive to locate them.

9lh. fit and proper - съвсем 1ЮДХОДЯЩ As George introduced Pehn to Sarah it is only fit and proper that he should be l lie best-man at their wedding.

=1/(1 fit like a glove - прилепва Kino ръкавица Aren’t I lucky? The only diess in the shop that I liked fitted me like a glove.

977. a flash in the pan - неуслешен опит да приалвка внимание; нетраен успех V. be; think sth, regard sth It soon became clear that he would' have to follow his success with a new play, but when 'Badger’s green*' was shredded by the critics, Sheniff decided that ’Journey’s End* was a flash in the pan. 978. flay/skin sb alive - наказвам (някого) жестоко; критикувам (някого) безмилостно; "одирам му кожата" Harold Wilson is still stick in one of his bad patches. The pro-Marketeers who dominate Fleet Street have seized the chance of flaying him alive. 979. a flea pit - евтино, мръсно кино/театьр The local cinema is a proper little flea pit. 980. to flex one’s muscles подготвям ce (за бой, решителни действия), "помпам си мускулите" S. fighter, army, indusby, union The first sign that Russia was flexing its muscles came in 1961 when Soviet war-ships carried out exercises in the Norwegian Sea. 981. a flight of fancy - полет на фантазията/въображението

’ Ah i ли й с к о - български идиоматичен речник


In my opinion this poem so homely and spontaneous and apt and accurate - is worth a hundred flights of fancy. 982. flog a dead horse - правя безполезни усилия; подхващам изтьркана теза/спор You may have amazed people by your advanced views on education forty years ago but now you’re just flogging a dead hone. 983. flood the market - "наводнявам" пазара c даден вид стоки In Western economies if the market shows signs of 1з mt.r fl^j^j^i^j d lɔʒ^ commodity, be it wheat, coffee or butter, production will be cut back. 984. flourish like a green bay tree (saying) - преуспявам; процъфтявам The wicked, he thought, did in fact flourish like the green bay tree. 985. flutter the dovecotes изплашвам/стряскам ("гьлъбите") The proposal is bound to flutter the legal dovecotes. There is nothing these fellows cling to* like established practice. 986. fly high - имам големи амбиции, "летя нависоко“ 98

He’d have to tell Ma, he thought, about the Master of Foxhound lark. No, he wouldn't though; she'd say he was flying too high. 987. fly in the face of sth противореча (обикн. на нещо разумно, доказано, прието и пр.) But such a view flies in the face of all evidence. 988. fly off the handle - губя самообладание; "хвръква ми чивията" There’s no need to fly off the handle. 989. a fly on the wall - невидим/незабелязан свидетел The idea of the programme was to give a fly-on-thewall account of life in an ordinary school. 990. a flying start - великолепно/силно начало • The campaign to raise 1 000 000 pounds for the heart machine at the hospital got off to a flying start with a gift of 22 000 pounds from local citizens’ groups this week. 991. a flying/lightning visit кратко посещение A few weeks later, as Robin was leaving the Works after a flying visit from the London Office, he met Donald.

F yu2. follow one's (own) bent следвам собствените си икусове/наклонности The more individuals there are following their own bent the healthier we are as я society. y»3. follow In one's footsteps - вървя no стьпките на някого He followed in hie father's footsteps and joined the navy, U94. follow sb's lead - следвам (нвчии) указания/съввти; подражавам; следвам примвр Most of the people didn't know a thing about the scheme; but somebody made an objection and from then on it was a case of follow' my-laad. 905. follow one's (own) nose вървя право напред; вървя наслука/където ми видят очите The leader of men, .the best and the worst, live from hand to mouth, from hour to hour, following nothing but their own noses, and the people follow after, usually with much too much obedience. 996. follow suit - играя карта от същия цвят; подражавам; повтарям нечия постъпка

The Ministry of Labour is already engaged on a campaign to make factories safer; the Ministry of Education would be well advised to follow'Suit. 997. food for thought - повод за размисъл I'd not considered it like that before; there ie food for thought in what you say. 998. a fool’s errand - бвзсмислено действие; работа навятьра И be on, go on, send 8b on No harm in trying, ɪ suppose, but you're going on a fool's errand in my opinion. 999. a fool's paradise - рай на глупците; илюзорен свят/ првдстави V. ba; live In The 'fool's paradise* in which Maxwell lived is one in which many managers have basked. 1000. foot the bill (for sth) плащам (сметката) за... No one who cares for architecture can have much doubt that the state should intervene to save this neoclassical masterpiece and should foot the bill for its preservation. 1001. footloose and fancy-free - необвързан; нвангажиран; волен като птичка


F ɪ don't feel that I'm too dedicated, or that ɪ miss out on anything. I did all the socializing bit when I was younger and footloose and fancy-free. 1002. for ages (and ages) дълъг пвриод от врвмв; много отдавна He's going in less than three weeks, and I shan't see him for ages and ages. 1003. for all one carea - що ce отнася до мене; к о лк о т о за мене; доколкото това (въобще) ме засяга If you haven't found anyone before that who's fool enough to take you In, you can go and sleep on the Embankment for all I care. 1004. for all the difference it makes - доколкото има (някаква) разлика Whisky is a fantastic price anyway, so for all the difference a pound or two makes on the price of a bottle I prefer to buy the best. 1005. for all one/lt Is worth доколкото мога; c всички сили With the wind blowing for all it was worth against them they had a hard time of it at the oars. 1006. for all one's efforts etc независимо от/вьпрвки усилията и пр. 100

.For all Mr Foot's efforts, the 'image* of the Labour Party is slightly less secure. 1007. for all I know etc - доколкото (въобще) зная; доколкото мога да кажа и пр. V. know, toll, notice How was I to know you would come back tonight? For all I knew you were never coming back. 1008. for all (the world) to see - првд очитв на всички; "пред цвлия свят" You stay where you are. I’m not having you wandering down the street drunk for all the world to see. 1009. for all that - въпреки това; обаче; при това I'm not going to pretend that I spent all my time at Aunt Emily's in a state of outraged sensibility. For all that, I was beginning to find certain details of living in Dufton a bit too sordid to be funny. 1010. for appearances' sake за приличие 'He has a mistress,' I said. "They (i.e. he and his wife) only live together for the sake of appearances.' 1011. for the best - (уж) за добро Your sister shouldn’t have interfered, I agree. But she

F meant it for the boat, SO don’t be too cross with her. 1012. for a change - за разнообразив ɪ suppose you’ll be spending your holiday in Devon as usual. Don’t you ever think of going somewhere else for a change? 1013. for dear life - отчаяно; "на живот и смърт“ When I left the restaurant the fat man in the comer was still gobbling food for dear life. I oi 4. for ever - завинаги The colour TV boom IB still strong though it will not keep up the pace of the last year for ever. 1015. for fear of that/eth - o t страх Virginia could understand that Mollie dared not leave the house for fear of what Paul might do. 1016. for free - безплатно Many fishmongers still give you an assortment of fishy bits and pieces for free. 1017. for fun - на швга; за забаапение People don't work on the factory shop floor, or down a mine just for the fun of it. 1018. for good (and all) - завинаги; за постоянно

Alan's been away five years, but from what they say he's definitely coming home for good now. 1019. (Just) for the hell of It (просто) ей така There is a difference between speaking necessary truths and embarrassing people for the hell of it. 1020. for keeps - завинаги; за постоянно • Supposing he wants to keep her here, in what I believe is called a love-nest, for occasional visits. It isn't likely he would want her for keeps. 1021. (just) for love/the love of sth/eb - o t любов; за нищо As a matter of fact he's one of my best informers. The beggar's name is Miguel. He really does all this for love... 1022. for my money - според MBH This performance has a distinguished company headed by the marvellous Ben Luxon and Janet Baker who, for my money, is just about the top singer we've got. 1023. for old time's sake - заради доброто старо време I'd never been to Inverness before, so I decided to 101

F______________________ drop in on Gordon for old

time's lake.

1024. for onoo * само веднъж; поне веднъж; no изключение You’re early for once, thank God. 1025. for once In a way - за разнообразив; поне веднъж 'What on earth ie the idea, Chris?* 'Oh, just a hunch, a crazy idea I suppose. Sut perhaps you'll indulge me

for once in a way?

1026. for one reason or another - no една или друга причина; така или иначе Even motorists may feel some guilt about leaving a car the whole day in a city street, but for one reason or another many of them really depend on their cars. 1027. for real - истински; неподправен; естествен; непринуден И be, see, hit, ee//, sail, fly As Mr. MacIntyre said, with a touch of Celtic extravagance, 'ɪt (modem Ireland) is a dream in which only the knives are for real.' 1026. for the rest - иначе; във всяко друго отношение For the rest, she had submitted without protest to every thing that was arranged for her.


1029. for that matter - всъщ ност You oughtn't to have spo ken like that to Bernard'^ friends, or to anybody fol that matter, ; 1030. for want of a better name etc - поради липса на по-добра дума и пр. ! The story regarding these beings, whom we are calling ’demons' for want of a better name states that once upon a time there were two kinds of people. 1031. for what eth Is worth такова, каквото e; така, както e But I'm only giving you the evidence for what It is worth. I am not giving any interpretation. 1032. for years to come - за години напред Take a good lookl It’s the Ronson C.F.L., the new • shaver that sets the pace for yean to come. 1033. forbidden fruit (le sweetest) (saying) - най-сладък e забраненият плод • Forbidden fruit is always sweetest and there are some people who enjoy sex more if they feel guilty. 1034. force of clrcumetancee - (no) силата на обстоятелствата

F It was force of circumstances that led to their getiitig married. a force to be reckoned with - сила, c която трябва /щ ce съобразяваш V. be, become; make sb Despite the protests about truckling to terrorists, the Provisionals are a political force to be reckoned with. ККЮ. (from) force of habit no силата на навика Then I did the thing the research man always does. I wondered why I took the (rouble. But force of habit dies hard. 1037. a foregone conclusion ясен край/рвзултат и пр.; предварително решен проблем V. be, become; make sth How can a students’ union, or a nation, hold a great debate if the result is a foregone conclusion. Ю36. forewarned is forearmed - предупреденият e по-малk o уязвим Forewarned is forearmed. Many of the thousands of holiday makers travelling abroad would be spared the risk of injury or death if more publicity were devoted to the problems of foreign motoring.

1039. fork out sth - плащам (c неудоеолствие); "изръсвам ce" T wonder how much I would have to fork out this time,* I thought as the collection plate came round at the meeting. 1040. forlorn hope - опасна задача/начинание; отчаян опит; слаба надежда It is this theatre that Mr Tumel wishes to attach Racine - a forlorn hope indeed. He wants us to engage with Racine as we do with Shakespeare. 1041. fortune favours the brave - на смелия господ му помага Miller made a daring, and dangerous manoeuvre to overtake, and once again proved that Fortune often favours the brave. 1042. forty winks - кратък сън; дрямка I drew my chair up to the fire and thought I'd just have forty winks before the children came home from school. 1043. the four corners of the world - най-отдалечените краища на земята The news of the President’s assassination reached all four corners of the earth 103

F within minutes of it happening. 1044. foul play - нечестна/безскрупулна игра/постъпка It seemed to the spectators that the referee was letting a fair amount of foul play go unchecked. 1045. four-letter(ed) words неприлични, нецензурни думи Risks have to be taken even if it does mean die occasional person with an opinion actually getting on the air, let alone the occasional nut-case or four-letter words. 1046. the fourth estate - npeсата като "четвърта власт" The gallery in which the reporters sit has become a fourth estate of the realm. 1047. a freak of nature - грешка на природата At the far end of the fairground stood the booths where dwarfs, a giant, a bearded woman, and other breaks of nature could be viewed for 20 p. a visit. 1048. a free hand - свобода на дейстаията My boss gives me a free hand in deciding which outside contractor to use. 1049. a free loader - "използвач”; навлек


There were, the usufl free-loaders, already armfl with our free hold-alls aɑ drinks, steering headfl around for something ell| to free-load... 1050. free with one's moneys щедър/разточителен (съм)' И be; Hnd sb Johnson earns more, in ɪsf opinion, than any man has | right to, but I've alwayl found him very free with lu| money - which is more than you can say of many in hil position. 1051. (make) a fresh start • започвам наново; ново на* чало The death in a Paris parM brings two people together, Both are unhappy in marriage - but is it too late for • fresh start. 1052. fret and fume - силно съм ядосан; беснея/фуча - He spent ten minutes at the phone while the others fretted and fumed. At length he put the receiver down. 1053. from head to foot - o t rope до долу (за човек) And with another explo sion the water hit him from head to foot. He shook it from his face. 1054. from here to eternity - o t тук до "края на света"

F But screw all that from here to eternity. Trying not to be a bad man took up far more energy than he could, or was prepared to spare from trying not to be a nasty man. 1055. from log cabin to White House - да ce издигна от нищото It was Bemie who so constantly urged him to control and limit his fantasies by achievement. Trom log cabin to White House, my dear,’ Bernie had said, 'isn’t done on a broom-stick any more.' ч 1056. from pillar to post - напред-назад; нагоре-надолу V. rush, move; drive, push, chase And having crossed the Rhine, we will crack about the plains of Northern Germany, chase the enemy from pillar to post. 1057. (right) from the start - от самото начапо Right from the start it was a lovely friendship. We went everywhere together. 1058. from that day to this - от тогава до cera/до днес V. (not) see, speak to, hear of, sb I haven’t really got the heart to describe Robert’s wedding. I hated it all so much that from that day to

this I've never gone down Park Lane, except in a taxi with my eyes shut. 1059. from/eince time immemorial - от незапомнени времена All the vegetable sedatives and narcotics, all the euphorics that grow on trees have been known and systematically used by human beings from time immemorial. 1060. from top to bottom навсякъде; от rope до долу V. search, study, examine s,th She searched the house from top to bottom behind sofas, under beds. 1061. frown on/upon sth - не одобрявам/мръщя ce на нещо The committee does not forbid political involvement by club members but frowns upon it strongly. 1062. (at/in) full blast - (c) пълна сила V. work (away); go; talk, argue We were able to display to him an orderly British excavation in full blast, the first of its kind, I suppose, in the annals of Breton archaeology. 1063. full In sb’s/the face право b лицето V. strike, hit sb; look sb 105

G The sun struck over the wall at the comer. It shone full In her face. 1064. full of beans - здрав; пълен със сили/енергия V. be, look, feel I had a good night's sleep in a hotel and was feeling very full of beans. 1065. full of the joys of spring -жизнерадостен; весел V. be, look, feel She's tiresome, really down in the dumps one day and full of the joys of spring the next. 1066. full of oneself - имам прекалено високо мнение за себе си Now she’s gone to university she's so full of herself that she scarcely has time to think about the fiends she used to have at home. 1067. fully stretched - напрегнат до краен предел V. be, feel He was ambitious for his sons and felt that they were not being fully stretched in the local secondary school. 1068. (at) full tilt/pelt - c пълна скорост/сила The police were chasing him so he ran full pelt down the road. 1069. the fur (begins to) fly голям скандал/разправия; "хвърчи перушина" 106

I replied that the 1500 pounds had been spent. I produced the receipts. The fur then began to fly...

G 1070. gain ground - печеля надмощие (особ. в битка) Our men began to gain ground, forcing the enemy back towards the river. 1071. gall and wormwood (to/for sb) - силно неприятен The mere mention of another artist’s success was gall and wormwood to Petersen, starving for recognition. 1072. the game Is up - играта свърши Mr Sykes, we know that you’ve been stealing money from the firm; nobody else has the financial knowledge to alter the accounts. The game is up; you’ve been caught. 1073. the game Is (not) worth the candle (saying) - (h θ ) с и струва трудът In business, I ruminated, I’d have to soft-soap people whom I despised. But the game was worth the candle. If I sold my independence, at least I’d get a decent price for it.

1074. a game that two can play - ще видим кой ще надвие; мога да си върна със същото Sulking until you get your own way is a game that two can play, you know. 1075. gamekeeper turned poacher - смяна на ролите A police-officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him. 1076. to gather dust - "събирам прах"; оставам ненужен/неизползуван; пренебрегнат съм And then she played us an unfunny snatch from an old Victor Borge record that has been gathering dust on my shelves for the past twenty years. 1077. gather ye rosebuds while ye may (saying) - cera му e времето да живееш/да ce веселиш; живей, докато си млад Young people like to be together, don't they! At least in the stage you two are in at the moment. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, remember. 1078. (all) sb’s geese are swans - много ce хвапя;

________________________ G "нашето гардже e най-хубавото" It's a common maternal failing to think one's geese are swans but some mothers have the sense to keep that belief to themselves. 1079. generate/contribute more heat than light - "вдигам napa" (повече, отколкото трябва); неефектмвен съм Maybe the most cogent comment on a topic which so far has generated more heat than Ught came horn Mr Mark Bonhan Carter. 1080. the generation gap различия между поколенията; неразбирателство между родители и деца Hoover is a victim of the generation gap. Today, the young revolutionaries preach hate and want to destroy the society. Hoover serves and loves. 1081. get above oneself - надминавам себе си; самозабравям се He's getting above himself! He's only just joined the firm and already he's giving people orders. 1082. get away (as) clean as a whistle - изчезвам без (да оставя) следа Despite the tip-off the police arrived too late. The bank raiders got away as 107

G clean as a whistle, leaving nothing- behind but an empty safe. 1083. get back at sb - (от)връщам си; отмъщавам You can’t get back at your boss if you think he has treated you unfairly. 1084. get/put sb’s back up оскърбявам/ядосвам някого неволно He's completely tactless his rudeness really gets my back up. 1085. get/glve sb the bird освиркан съм; освирквам One's known applause and one's known getting the bird, and I don't think either is of any importance really. 1086. get one’s breath back отдъхвам си; възстановявам се Once you've done all the exams, it may take you a few weeks to get your breath back. 1087. get one’s cards - уволняват ме; губя си работата Where I work I'd get my cards if ɪ spoke to a customer like that. 1088. get cold feet - обхваща ме страх/нерви; "изстивам“ She had agreed to lead the delegation. Whether she was genuinely ill on the day 108

or simply got cold feet, we'll never know. 1089. get/glve sb the chop/ chopper - уволнен съм/съкратен съм; уволнявам/съкращавам; закривам A lot of families living here will have to leave if the fish processing station gets the chopper. 1090. get down to (doing) sth - залавям се c нещо ɪ think we've discussed the plans for long enough. Now let's get down to actually carrying them out. 1091. get sth down to a fine art - стигам до съвършенство (в правенето на нещо) Changing nappies was tough at first - but we've got it down to a fine art now. 1092. get down to brass tacks - обсъждам нещо в практически план We must stop being so theoretical and get down to brass tacks. First of all, how much will it cost. 1093. get down to business започвам сериозни разговори (особено след лек разговор на общи теми) Well, time's moving on - I suppose we’d better get down to business now.

G НШ4. get even (with sb) уреждам си сметките c; отплащам/ разплащам се During all my childhood I listened to her hating him and planning to get even with him. I was frightened nf my mother. 1096. get/pull one’s finger out преставам да мързелуиим; размърдвам се Stop criticizing other реоplnl Get your finger out and do something yourself. iɪtiifl, get etc e falr/square deal - получавам според зислугите си (справедлиност) V. get, have; give ab; ask for I low can postmen be convinced that they are getting e fair deal, when others in du* public service receive an increase that is inflationary, though it may be justified on other grounds. iou7. get etc a free hand - noпучавам свобода на действио V. get, have; need; give sb, allow sb The Marketeers claim a victory, the anti-Marketeers aɪn prepared to concede a defeat. Mr Wilson had a free hand, which is all he wanted all along. djgil. get sb’s goat - ядосшам/нервирам някого

I rather like a good argument. What gets people's goat about Andrew is that he doesn't bother to listen to what they have to say. 1099. get going - започвам (да функционирам) The new hotel is open but it hasn't really got going yet, and won't until the summer season. 1100. get etc a good/bad press -• получавам добри/лоши отзиви в пресата V. get, have, enjoy, suffer Business men and financiers have never enjoyed a particularly good press. 1101. get hold of the wrong end of the stick - разбирам точно обратното на казаното You've got hold of the wrong end of the stick - it's not me who owes him the money, it's him who owes me. 1102. get Ideas (Into one's head) - въобразявам си 'If I ask you up for a cup of coffee before you drive home,' Linda said to Frank, 'don't go getting ideas, will you?’ 1103. get/have (got) the Idea схващам; разбирам 'Well, do you think you could change a tyre yourself 109

u______________________ now?' 'Yes, I think I’ve got the Idea.’ I KM get knotted/lost/stuffed! мнхай cel; не м и досаждпи1

(let lost, Suel I’m trying to tinbih my workl 1101» got etc moral support нонучавам морална подн I Nina V. get, have (got); want, demend; give 8b l'tnhaps it was the lack of moral support from me that inrulo Ned give in. At any min, the next thing was we w«to in a taxi again. I ion got etc more kicks than hn’ponce/halfpence - (noh v `iiu iu m) ловече загуба, откоикото печалба V. get; (there) be 'llioro is more kicks than halfpence in editing a collection of contemporary vntrm. I'll never do it again. I io/ get sth off one’s chest iifhiKiiH ми след казването it.i нощо; казвам си; "камък ми ппда от гьрдите" (.'nine on, Mabel, don't just ail thorel Something is wori yinu you, I can tell. The eoonor you get it off your fheet,the better. i ion got out of bed (on) the wrong side - събуждам ce в Hoiiio настроение; "ставам 1ШК|)ИВО" i io

What's wrong with Viv? He seems so irritable and touchy this morning. He must have got out of bed on the wrong sidel 1109. get out of hand - излизам от контрол How can we stop increases in prices and wages getting out of hand? 1110. get one’s own back "връщам си"; отмъщавам си I’U get my own back on you for what you did to. my brother. 1111. get/be past It - вече не ме бива I'm afraid the storekeeper, old Arnold, is getting past it. We give him in■ structions about running the stores, but he just carries on in his own way, taking no notice of what we •tell him. • 1112. get etc a raw deal - не получавам според заслугитеси V. get, have; give ab Devereal had a very raw deal from the Secretary of State for War, Hore-Belisha, and was turned out after lθ months in office. 1113. get a slap In the face "получавам шамар" V. get, have; give ab; be (for ab/ath)

Bill assumed he was next in line for the editorship. He got a real slap In the face when they appointed an outsider. 1114. get a standing ovation посрещат/поздравяват ме на крака V. get, have, receive; give sb He gets a standing ovation and as he moves off stage people are pleading, chanting and stomping for more. 1115. get sth straight - разбирам точно и ясно; уреждам Let's get it straight: it is the times that have changed, not the men. 1116. get one’s teeth Into sth заемам ce сериозно c h θ ЩО I find that when I get my teeth into a translation, it often isn't as bad as I thought. 1117. get there (in the end etc) - постигам целта си; изпьлнявам задачата си I thought we would have the house ship-shape by now but we're still living in the same muddle. I suppose we’M get there eventually. 1118. get (sth) through to sb влизам във връзка c някого; общувам с някого ɪ can’t get through to my children any longer. They

seem to speak a different language. 1119. get to the bottom of sth - стигам до същината на/ причината за нещата The police soon managed to get to the bottom of the mystery. 1120. get the upper hand (of sb) - надвивам (някого); надделявам I/. get, have, gain I try to be cool and sensible but sometimes my feelings get the upper hand of me. 1121. get etc one’s own way постигам своето; налагам ce V. get, have; give sb, let sb (have) If he still hesitated it was because he didn’t want to yield to the other man’s pressure, to Alec’s gift for getting his own way. 1122. get/take what’s coming to one - "каквото си надробиш, това ще сърбаш"; каквото има да става, ще стане I don't believe in health fads and all those ways of avoiding this disease or that. You take what’s coming to you, whatever you do.


G 1123. get sb where he lives засягам слабото място на някого This, as they say, gets George where he lives. He now finds himself in direct contact with men who want to dump him. 1124. get wind of sth - разбирам нещо no заобиколен начин; подразбирам We must do our best to make sure that the managers don’t get wind of our plans to hold a strike. 1125. get one’s wires crossed - разбирам грешно думитв на някого ’Sorry - I think we’ve got our wires crossed. When I said next Tuesday, I was talking about the day after tomorrow.' ’Oh, I thought you meant Tuesday of the next week.’ 1126. get wise (to sb/sth) разбирам; схващам; наясно съм There aren’t many shoplifters who escape my eye. I’ve got wise to their little tricks. 1127. get sb wrong - разбирам (някого) погрешно Don't get me wrong. 1128. gild the lily - опитвам ce (неуспешно) да направя съвършеното по-съвършено 112

The country that does not depend one moment on gilding the lily, but glories rather in craggy individualism. 1129. gild/sugar the pill - облекчавам; "подслаждам" неприятности (горчивия хап) The danger here is of the personality more familiar in the world of showbiz used as the sugar on the pill of a solid programme. Such false casting will only disappoint the viewers. 1130. gilded youth - "златна младеж”; мамини синчета Sporting a boater, a striped blazer and the aggressive look of a visitor come to hate, Gosling watched disdainfully as gilded youth did its bright young thing. 1131. a gin palace - евтина кръчма This looked a more cheerful pub. He went in and got -a drink and carried it to a seat. He had been wrong. It was a gin palace when you got inside. 1132. give oneself airs - придавам си важност They’re all snobs, even Julie who's only ten years old. You never saw such airs as that child gives herself.

G 1133. give sth all one's got отдавам всичките си сили и онергия If he does take on the editorship, he'll give it all he's got. 1134. give (sb) (back) as good as one gets - отвръщам на някого със същото; "каквото повикало, това се обадило" Old Sunce does beat the girls, but the few times he has beaten Mrs Bunce she lias given him as good as ■he got. 1135. give sb/get a big hand шумно аплодирам/аплодиран съм A big hand, by the way, lor Mr Crosland for managing no effective criticism of the Walker proposal. 1136. give sb/get a blank look - отправям/получавам "npaзен поглед" ɪ don't think the secondyear Russian group have had any conversation practice at all. All ɪ get is blank looks when ɪ make the simplest remark in the language. 137. give sb a break - давам (някому) почивка/отдих Do you want me to give you a break?

1136. give sb the cold shoulder - от^ягвам (някого); отблъсквам (някого) As soon as it became clear that his business was likely to fail, his so-called friends started giving him the cold shoulder. 1139. give credit where credit Is due - отдавам дьлжимото I don't like the man but credit should be given where it is due - he is very good at his job. 1140. give a dog a bad/ill name (and hang him) - иди доказвай, че не си "камила"; каже ли се, че едно куче е бясно, бясно си остава Jim Kent's known as a persistent offender, but he's never been accused of violence. Now he's accused of assaulting two police officers. It's a case Of 'give a dog a bad name'. 1141. give sb a good run for his money - предизвиквам; съревновавам се c някого при почти равни сили We may not beat Mr Thomas in the election on 9th June but we'll certainly give him a good run for his money. 1142. give sb/sth etc full play - давам пълна воля (на нещо/някого)

Английско - български идиоматмчен речник


u ____________________ V. give, allow, grant, ab/ath; M ab/ath have In 'Clocks and Clouds' I -lunti gives his taste for ambiyulty full play; a profusion ■ J (1 nt ail is in a state of conMiMiit metamorphosis. i мл give sb furiously to think озпдачавам ‘llils witness's deliberate pmvoeation of the Court ueve the Inspector furiously to think. 11-И glve/lose ground (to eb/atn) - "губя почва лод н| шкита си"; отстьпвам ппед... 1 hide John's very ill - he's losing ground every day. Tim doctors reckon he'll be «lead in a week. i Mh give (eb) a (helping) hand - помагам на някого; шщкрепям You took me on here as ■ amtnker. ɪ was going to give you a helping hand. ii the light of reason. 1506. In the long/short run края на краищата V. agree, cooperate; heh benefit, sb Dublin, London and Bn fast are all concerned i Northern Ireland’s futui and in the long run trips tite agreement must I sought. 1507. in name (only) - ca& по/на име Finally a compromise wi arrived at. Nura wou marry Rati, but be a hu band in name only. 1506. In the nick of time - съ сем навреме; точно на м мента; точно навреме V. arrive; save, rescue Hess was convinced th there must be statesmen Britain who could I

I benight to see reason in the «lek of time. * ''j In no time at ail - много fihpjo/скоро; за нула време In no time at all they were buckling at their safety ɪɪelin and coming down to Woodbourne Aerodrome. sin. In a nutshell - накъсо; накратко; c няколко думи ... this problem which, in • nutshell, is a problem of ihn relation between body aiul mind generally. ɪii i In one piece - цял (целеничьк) I was so glad to see the i er back in one piece that ! f< it got to ask him if he had tilled the tank again. ■ si? in the ordinary way оьикновено; обичайно And although in the ordinary way these books would cost 4, 5 or more, inombers of the Club are privileged to buy them for only 1 pound. tftl:i. In passing - случайно; мимоходом; междудругото I/. note, observe (sth); state I note in passing that it wns the judges, who now condemn it, who invented the ritual in the first place. ifil4. In peace - необезпокояппн; на спокойствие; в мир V. live, die; sleep, work

The main object of the couple's lives, the one thing they still had to do before they could die in peace, was to guide Robert into a job where he'd be safe from the sack. 1515. In a pig's ear - никога; "когато си видиш ушите" ’As a local resident you'll be expected to give a donation.' 'In a pig's ear I willl Let the church-goers see to their own church roof.' 1516. In plain English - напраb o : без заобикаляне; на прост английски V. express oneself; make one’s point If you want the fiat to yourself for some reason this afternoon, why don’t you say so in plain English. 1517. In point of fact - всъщност, в действителност; истината e, че There had been rumours of a Turkish invasion. Now in the point of fact the rumour of the arrival of the Turks was entirely true. 1516. In private - насаме; тайно; поверително V. argue, fight, discuss, arrange, sth I could feel that he was waiting for Luke to leave. He had something to say to me in private. 149

1519. In public - публично; пред хората V. argue, brawl; dabata, disease She could have thrashed both James and Bernard for losing their tempers in public. 1520. In the raw - груб; натуралистмчен ɪ admire Ibsen's statecraft but I find it more and more difficult to sit through hours of life In the raw. 1521. In return (for ath) - a o t говор/замяна на; срещу Let me buy the gin in return for all your kindness while I have been staying here. 1522. In the round - в цялосt θ h в и д ; като цяло; триизмерен V. see, vfew; describe, мрfure sb/sth One does not expect from anyone's diary history inthe-round. What, however, one is entitled to ask for is some kind of easily recognizable impression of the author. 1523. In a row - последователно; едно след друго; подред/ наред Which jockey rode 11 winners in a row in the 1959*60 National hunt season? 150

1524. In self-defence - при ca мозащита/самоотбрана I felt I had to leave home In self-defence, ɪ simply wasn't being allowed to grow up. 1525. In 80 far as - ДОТОЛКОВ8, доколкото; в смисъл, че But in so far as we are animals, our business is at all cost to survive. 1526. In succession - подред; последователно This'll be the fourth year in succession that we've not had a proper holiday. 1527. In the teeth of - въпреки She won a travelling fellowship to Turkey in the teeth of stiff competition from fifteen men. 1526. In this respect - в това отношвние In this respect, of course, he ran counter to one of the most important traditions in the Labour Party. 1529. in/lnto towering passion/ rage - неудържими чувства/ гняв V. be (in); get, go, fall, Ify, (Into) In a towering passion of having his new car damaged he dragged the other driver and pinched him several times. 1530. In (one’s/lts) turn - на свой ред

I Mrs Mangham was her porlmother and she in turn Ьж;ате godmother to the poet Lehmann. iMl. In the twinkling of an •ye - за миг; докато мигма V. change; vsnfoh, disappear Iler moods could (mange from sweet to sour, in the twinkling of an eye. iMZ In vain - напразно Z d/e, sacrifice oneself, suffar In vain Sarah had striven to reassure him. nil In view of sth - c оглед на In view of the numbers expected to attend, special parking facilities have been arranged. «914. In word and (In) deed i tn само на думи, но и на допа The Victorians viewed all this with that old blend of humbug and charity that marks them in word and deed. 1135. the Ins and outs (of sth) подробностите (no даден вьпрос); от игла до конец I knew there had been a tremendous row between thorn but I never did hear lire ins and outs - not that I want to. '!№. an Interested party - заиктервсована страна

Perhaps he held no shares in that particular Company, but if his wife did that makes him an interested party. 1537. an Iron fist/hand In velvet glove - любезност, зад която ce крие непреклонност; "вадя на някого душата с памук" ’Bernard’, says Lady Dartmouth, ’this kind lady and I are just discussing whether I have an iron hand in a velvet glove.’ 1538. It/sb boats me - не мога да ce справя с нещо/някого His teacher at school seems to be able to handle him but ho boats mo. 1539. It can't be helped - нищо на може да ce направи; нищо не помага Sufferers from indigestion have surprised me by suggesting that it can’t be helped. 1540. It does not do to do sth - не бива/не си струва да правя (нещо) In the old days it would never have done for a professor to be on such familiar terms with his students 1541. It Is Idle to deny etc (that) - глупаво e да отричаш, че V. deny, protest; hope, expect


I It would bo idle to deny that when Lydia had a letter from Lady Pomfred asking if they would dine at Pomfret Towers on Saturday week, she felt slightly uplifted. 1542. It/that Is just as wall добре, че стана така As a revolutionary Buchner was a failure. Perhaps that is Just as well, or we shouldn’t have had the plays. 1543. It Is a question of - стаaa дума за; работата e, че; това е въпрос на ... 1 can't tell you if James will be free to help you this summer. It’s a question of whether he’s accepted for this training course or not. 1544. It never rains but it pours (saying) - нещастието никога не идва само First Bill lost his job, then his wife had to go to hospital; It never rains but it pours. 1545. It/that remains to be seen - още (нищо) не ce знае; ще видим дали What Mr Laird is trying to do - and it remains to be seen whether he will succeed - is to reduce the risk of waiting for trouble.


1546. It shouldn't happen to a dog - на никого да не ое случва 'Echoes of a Summer*: glu> tinous slob about a ɪdd dying of a bad heart and her divided parents; shouldn't happen to a dog, certainly not to Jodie Foster. 1547. it takes all sorts (to make a world) - всякакви (xopa и пр.) има; хората (и np.) ca различни People have their own ideas. Some like danger. Some like security. It takes all sorts to make a world. 1548. It takes two to do sth нужни ca двама (за да стане нещо) Remembering that it takes two to make a quarrel ɪ , held my tongue. 1549. It/that will never do - точ ва е невъзможно; така не* може J In 1864 Theodore had| clapped in chains one of; Her Majesty's Consuls. This clearly would not do and a | British rescue mission was I mounted with a field-marshal at its head. : 1550. It's the thought that! counts - важно е желание- ɪ TO s '1 came down to help you ! cut the sandwiches, but I| see you've done it already.*]

_______________________ J ‘Never mind, it's the thought that counts.' . (an) Ivory town - (акадвмичен) живот; живот, откьснат от действителността Many people think that university lecturers, living in their ivory towers, should have the harsh realities of life brought home to them.

J 1t>52. jack sth In - прекратявам да върша нещо; зарязвам (работа, учение и пр.) He didn’t like his college course so jacked it in after only a few days. 1553. a jack In office - дрвбен началник; бюрократ One meets insufferable pretensions in every Jack in Office. 1554. a Jack of all trades - чоb θ k , когото го бива за всич* ко; специалист no всичко' Wolfenden described the background of a typical rural policeman. ’He has to be a Jack of all trades. For minor crimes like petty theft, he sometimes has to change into civilian clothes and act as his own CID.11 1555. jack sth up - увеличавам (цени, заплати и пр.)

The company's profits were so good that everybody's wages were jacked up by 5%. 1556. a jaundiced eye - (rneдам c) предубежденив V. have, cast on; take Perhaps I was still looking at the world through jaun* diced eyes but I soon became unable to concentrate, to feel enthusiastic about the exam, or to see any future in the medical profession at all. 1557. one's jaw drops - зяпвам от учудване People's jaws drop when Don Ferguson tells them what he does for a living. 1558. the jig Is up - всичко e свършено; край A week or so later, when the spokesman finally had to admit that the jig was up in the East, one local newsman conceded to me that perhaps the BBC hadn’t been lying after all. 1559. a job of work - трудна/важна работа/задача To vary the pace and tone of your reading to suit a wide range of stories over almost half an hour is a hard job of work. 1560. jobs for the boys - работа за xopa c привилегии 153

J или c връзки; работа за мамини синчета No more Jobe for the boys in the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, allowing them to bow and blow us their repertoire of TV programme theme music. 1561. jockey for sth - домогвам ce до нещо The election is still three months away, but already some of the members are Jockeying for the position of chairman. 1562. to Jog one’s/sb’s memo* ry - припомням (си); "разчовърквам (си) паметга/мозъка" He empties his pocket of the notes and scraps he had used to jog his memory and document his story over the previous days. 1563. a Johnny-come-lately кьсно присъединил ce (към дадена група xopa) It is a sad, but safe, bet that when die first Nobel award is given for research into extra-sensory perception it will not go to any long-serving member of the Society for Psychical Research but to some Johnny* come-lately convert. 1564. join forces with sb/sth обединявам силите си 154

The tourist offices in the regions have agreed to Join forces with the office in the capital to try and attract more interest and also to reduce cost. 1565. join up - постьпвам/залисвам ce в армията ɪ joined up before the war because I knew that I'd be called up anyway when it came. 1566. a jot or tittle - най-малките подробности And no Jot or tittle of this morning ritual was ever omitted. 1567. Juggle with sth - подправям (факти, цифри и пр.) He spent hours Juggling with the figures to make it appear that the company made a profit. 1568. Jump on sb - нахвърлям ce върху някого (c критика) • I hated it at school when the geography master used to jump on anyone who wasn't paying attention. 1569. Jump/cllmb on the bandwagon - присъединявам ce в последния момент (към нещо, което има успех); "хващам влака в последния момент" When one publisher brings out a book on the Royal Family and it becomes a bestseller, you

чооп find lots of other pub` Ushers jumping on the liandwegon and bringing out books on the same sublet, in the hope that they’ll sell as well. i MO, jump out of one's skin изненздвам св силно изведнаж; стряскам се The shock of seeing her again made me nearly jump out of my skin. iMI, jump the gun - правя нещо преждевременно; избързвамс нещо The men jumped the gun by building the garage before permission had been given. 1572. jump the queue - npeреждам The sailor looked, and was, very strong. If someone jumped the queue he would give them a sharp crack on the head with his enormous spoon. 1573. jump/rush to conclusions - прибързвам със заключения You seem to have jumped to the conclusion that because he was the last in the office, it was he who stole the money. 1574. jump to ltl - побързай! You’ve got to leave in ten minutes to catch the bus. Come on, jump to itl

1575. just about - почти I have taken just about all I can stand from dear, simple, kind Derek. 1576. (go to the funeral) just for the ride (saying) - правя нещо просто ей така (за удоволствие) Things were to get tougher from that on and if anybody had thought he was coming on this expedition just for the ride, he ` was soon disabused. 1577. just the job/tlcket - точh o този/това, който/което ми трябва It is easy, of course, to see how he was a success with patients. For a certain type of mentally ill person Cannon was just the job. 1578. just like that - просто (ей) така Oh yes, he has dreadful moods, and then he'll come out of them, just like that, and be as happy as Larry. 1579. (lt/that Is) Just one's luck - такъв ми е/бил късметът ’The plumber called while you were out.' 'Oh, isn't that just my luck. I've waited in all day for him and he comes just when I slip out to the shops for a few minutes.' 155

к______________________ 1500. just* what the doctor ordered - точно каквото/какго трябва Ah, a long, cool, refreshing drinkl Just what the doctor orderedl

K 1581. keel over - накланям ce; обръщам ce; губя равновесие; клюмвам People who are not used to the heat in this part of the world sometimes keel over if they stay outside for too long. 1582. (as) keen as mustard много енергичен; "огън човек“ Roger is just the boy to be our next Scout leader - he's as keen as mustard and very popular with the other boys. 1583. keen on sb/sth - увличам ce, обичам (някого, h θ що) V, be, get, become; moke sb He rarely switches on to hear any of the classical music he professes to be so keen on. 1584. keep/hold sb/sth at arm’s length - държа някого/нещо на (една ръка) разстояние There's an art in managing to be polite whilst keeping 156

your neighbours at arm'» length. 1585. keep/hold sb/sth at bay - не допускам наблизо държа надалеч The doctors have success fully held the disease at bay for several years, but they cannot keep it up for much longer. 1586. keep bad etc company събирам ce c лоши и пр. xopa Counsel said that the youth was of weak eharaɑter and had been keeping bad company. 1587. keep body and soul together преживявам/оцелявам (трудно) The family managed to keep body and soul together somehow on his low wages. 1588. keep one’s ehln/peeker up - не губя смелост/надежда; държа ce Keep your Chin upl We'll soon be home. 1589. keep/bear sb company - правя компания (на някого) I'm really glad my father has married again. He needs someone to keep him company in that lonely old house

к keep one’s cool - заiiHiiiQM спокойствие/при• |.стеие на духа There followed three MPs end Robin Day, all of them keeping their cool as if nothing had happened. ifiUL keep sth/lt dark (from sb) - крия (нещо от някого); нязя (нещо) в тайна Any way Strother wanted his identity kept dark and for Hiscock that meant keeping It dark from everybody. ib02. keep a dog and bark oneself (saying) - сам си върша работата, която друг трябва да свърши; върша работата на своите подчинени I don't believe in keeping « dog and barking myself, so I'm perfectly happy to let my husband go out and start my car in the morning, 1593. keep one’s ear(s). (close) to the ground - държа ce в течение на нещата; осведомен съм какво става наоколо Why don't ask Marge what the rest of the students think? She certainly keeps her ears close to the ground. 1594. keep early etc hours лягам си рано (и пр.)

His friends do not keep late hours: he left their house soon after ten. 1595. keep one's ears/eyes open - енимавам; "отварям ce очите/ушите11 I want you to keep your eyes and ears open and report to me. 1596. keep faith (with sb/sth) - оставам верен на някого/ нещо The government has failed to keep faith with the voters by breaking a number of promises it made. 1597. keep one’s fingers crossed - стискам палци нещо да (не) стане There's a possibility that we'll be able to get Joe Gordon over to sing for us next week, so let’s keep our fingers crossed that he can make it. 1596. keep oneself/sb fit поддържам ce в добра форма Apart from squash, Rae keeps fit with early morning runs around Clapham Common, London, which borders his home. 1599. keep the flag flying държа ce; не ce предавам It's true that newer crime writers like Julian Symons and Edmund Crispin kept the flag flying.


к____________________ 1600. keep eb guessing -държа някого в неведение Of course, we were kept guessing as to their real intentions. 1601. keep one’s hand In поддържам форма Wallace taught history for years at school, and now he's retired he keeps his hand in by giving the occasional lecture. 1602. keep one's head down работя упорито/съсредоточено You'll have to keep your head down for several weeks, as you've got so much preparation to do before the exams. 1603. keep one’s mouth shut "държа си езика зад зъбите" I saw you take the money, but I'll keep my mouth shut if you give me 100 pounds. 1604. keep mum - мълча (си); премълчавам Keep mum during all his favourite TV programmes don't chatter when he's playing his best loved disk. 1605. keep one’s nose clean h b си търся белята; не ce замесвам Thank you very much. Kindly learn to keep your nose dean in future, will You. 168

1606. keep one’s nose out H sth - "не си навирам но» където не ми е работата Keep your nose out of m* business. It's got nothing ii ight it up together. 'W loose talk - празни приин ik h ; клюки Wo must make sure that thin loose talk doesn't develop into a serious leak of act rot information.

1803. lose one’s bearings - не зная кьде ce намирам; нямам представа кьде съм She'd lost her bearings after lying- unconscious for a few moments, and it took a while for her to know where she was. 1804. lose heart - загубвам смелост/ентусиазъм She's doing quite well, I must admit that - but so was Golding, and one day something like that will happen to her, and she’ll lose heart like the rest of us. 1805. lose/keep one’s/its looks - загубвам/запазвам външния си вид I know how it is, old man: Christine's older than you; she's lost her looks; and you get restless. 1806. lose one’s marbles - загубвам си ума; откачам 'May be I’m an old woman,' she said, 'but that doesn't mean I've lost all my marbles.* 1807. lose one’s nerve - изпускам контрола над себе си; изпадам в паника In the 1950’s Labour may have lost the battle but only because it first lost Its own nerve. 1808. lose one’s shirt - губя всичко, което имам; загубвам и ризата от гьрба си

Аншийско - български идиоматичен речник


L Not many industries manage to run up a near-record order book and then proceed to lose their shirts. But British Shipbuilding has. 1809. lose the thread of sth "загубвам нишката" He stopped, and for a moment, appeared to have lost the thread of his remarks. 1810. lose one’s touch - o t виквам; губя формата си Margaret used to make lovely cakes every week, but she seems to have lost her touch now that she rarely does any baking. 1811. a lost cause - начинание без перспективи за успех; загубена кауза V. be, prove; support, further Then leaning towards his brother, he said deliberately, *She*s incurably romantic, of course. The avantgarde's a lost cause and that's enough for her.' 1812. loud and clear - ясно и недвусмислено The government was overwhelmingly defeated in the election - and the Prime Minister got the message loud and clear from the voters. 1813. love at first sight - лю6q b o t пръв поглед 'Love’s Labour Lost' was one of Shakespeare's early

plays and it's brimming over with the excitement or love at first right. 1814. love sb and leave sb * кратка любовна връзка 'It’s case of love me anti leave me with the touristi and summer visitors,' the village postmaster ex* plained. 1815. love me, love my dog ако обичаш мен, трябва дя приемеш и моите близки. 'She'd take it as a personal insult if I said those regular Sunday visits to her parent* were getting a bit of a bore.' 'Love me, love my dog, eh?' 1816. love not wisely but too well - голямата любов/обич вреди понякога It is a small, young and poor organization of lay vol* unteers and sympathetic clerics of all creeds, which * gives advice and comfort tflf couples who love each other well, but not toe wisely. 1817. one’s luck holds - щас» тието пак ми ce усмихва I’ve never seen so little traffic on this route. If our luck holds we shan't be late after all. 1818. the luck of the draw съдбата на едни дава, на други отнема; какьвто късмет изтеглиш

м But the luck of the draw uhiained that Billy had the stɪbum curls, and his sisters ihoɪr father's lank locks. •al'), a lucky dip - торба c м>смети But for the last month ilmy've been delving into a lucky dip of political ideas, pulling out a strange array i>f disconnected decisions. I I io people wait hungry for action. ifl.'O. lump It - приемам/прег...... нещата такива, какниго са (и прен.) 11 you don’t like the food here then you'll just have to lump it, that’s all; there’s i и «thing else.

M i|?l. a mad dog - бясно куче (и прен.) II. has always been ac«'opted that the Emperor I hoodore was a mad dog lnt loose, a sort of black reincarnation of Ivan the Terrible. (not) made of money (no) MHoro богат That's not my Rolls Roycel fin not made of money, you knowl *&*;i a mald/boy of all work момиче/момче за всичко

Lennie was their assistant. Barman, pot-boy, maid of all work, he had worked in the Olive Branch since he left school. 1824. make a/one’s appearance - явявам ce; появявам ce Already a very ill man, he made his last public appearance at a CND rally in August. 1825. make bold to sth - ocмелявям се/рискувам I make so bold to say Bobby Jone’s feat of the socalled Grand Slam will not happen again because today golf has turned into a money-making industry. 1826. make one’s bow/debutпоявявам ce за първи път (пред публика); дебютирам It was not till her father’s death that, at the age of eighteen, she made her debut in a small part at the Lyceum. 1827. make bricks without straw - заемам ce c трудна, безполезна работа; мьча се напразно Sheila has lovely hair anyway. The best hair-dresser in the World couldn't do much with mine. You can't make bricks with straw. 179

м______________________ 1828. make a capital out of 8th - възползвам ce от нещо; "правя капитал от нещо" The media made great capital out of his careless remarks in the interview. 1829. to make a cat laugh как да не ce смееш; "да умреш от смях" You should hear the upper-class accent she puts on for the benefit of customers. It’s enough to make a cat laugh. 1830. make certaln/sure проверявам; убеждавам/уверявам ce Check that the price of your package tour includes medical insurance. Making certain of that before you go on holiday can save you a lot of money later. 1831. make a change - внасям разнообразие; това e съвсем различна работа ...His gadgets too, make a good change from the usual' ’craftsmen only’ things. 1832. make a clean breast of sth - признавам си всичко честно/докрай Joe and Phil were caught actually stealing the money, so they decided to make a clean breast of It and tell the police everything. 1833. make sb’s day - правя някого щастлив 180

Thanks for sending me those flowers. It really made my day. 1834. make sth clear/plain (tð sb) - изяснявам; давам д| ce разбере We made It quite clear te him that they must include a visit to all or any diamond mines in Liberia. 1835. make do (with sth) - за< доволявам ce c; стига ми I didn't have to buy any food today. You'll have to make do with the left-over cold meat from yesterday. 1836. make (both) ends meet - свързвам двата края I also took odd jobs - telephonist, clerk, so on. Eventually, I just couldn’t make both ends meet and I had to go back home. 1837. make an example of sb ` - наказвам някого за нази« дание на останалите The headmaster made an example of Jones to try to stop misbehaviour by the other pupils. 1838. make eyes at sb - флиртувам; "въртя очи" Just look at Marial There she goes making eyes at Ray again. 1839. make one’s farewells сбогувам ce; вземам си сбогом

м Dy the evening she had made all her farewells, including the most difficult of All. П40. make (sth) fast - завършам/закрепвам/заключв ам здраво The butler had the rounds of the ground floor as usual about 11 p.m. making all fast for the night before he, loo, retired. iui. make one’s flesh creep/crawl- тръпки ме побиват He makes my flesh crawl; his cat-like walk, his husky voice, his black clothes, his perpetual grin - there's Homething really sinister nbout him. iM2. make free with sb/sth държа ce свободно c; фамилиарнича His idea was that it didn't do for an officer to make too free with the men under his command. И43. make friends (with sb) сприятелявам ce (c някого) Chuck's made friends with several people at work. H44. make great etc strides правя големи крачки (и прен.) I thought Johnny was just ntupid but he's made such

tremendous strides since he went to his new school. 1845. make one’s hair stand on end - "карам да настръхне-косата на някого" Jane's gone rock climbing with her new boy-friend once or twice. She says that it makes her hair stand on end when she looks down at hundreds of feet of empty air. 1846. make hay while the sun shines (saying) - правя нещо, когато му е времето; "желязото се кове, докато е горещо" I've heard about making hay while the sun shines but it’s a bit mean to start chatting up your brother's girlfriend while he’s in hospital. 1847. make headway - напредвам; постигам напредьк A course of Thackery, that’s my prescription, soon weeds out these little faults. Then you might make some real headway. 1848. make it - успявам (навремв) I should be up at half past seven tomorrow morning. I'll never make it. I’ll just have to be late. 1849. make (sb/sth) a laughing stock - ставам за посмешище 181

м I wouldn't argue with a man like that in public. He'd make a laughing stock of me. 1850. make (sb’s) life a misery - съсипвам живота на (някого) The lives of those women, already far advanced, were made a misery by the Matron who treated them with unremitted despotism. 1851. make no mistake (about sth) - не ce лъжа; не си правя илюзии Alison looks very quiet and retiring but make no mistake about it, she’s a very determined career woman. 1852. make one’s mark - nocтигам успех; ставам прочут Malcolm, who is a quiet but determined young rider has now made his mark on the international show jumping front. 1853. make a meal of sth придавам на нещо по-голямо значение; престаравам се ɪ thought John was going to say sorry quickly but he seems to be making a meal of it. 1854. make a mountain out of a molehill - "правя от мухата слон" 182

You're making a mountain out of a molehill, Marianne, I don't know why you're sQ worriedl Sheila is only bob rowing your video recorder not stealing itl 1855. make a/one’s name упвам състояние/пари Sometimes self-made men would have Grand Ten wives whom they’d been hooked by before they'd made their pile. make one's point - даh o m да ce разбере какво мисля/имам предвид; изяснивам позицията си Dr. Bothwick with the air ■ »f a debater who has made Ida point, sat back in his chair complacently enough., i mi I make the punishment fit the crime - давам наказапие, което съответства на нрестъплението ‘Molese over-reacted - but then so did Julius Rudel in tiring him. Did the punishment really fit the crime?’ ho asked. iMffi. make the running - налпгам темпо (и прен.); водя Johnson after having made most of the running previously had left himself with nothing in reserve for I he last sprint. ii(iɜ. make etc a speech нроизнасям реч V. make, deliver, give I made some eighty speeches in four weeks,

most of them impromptu and all fully reported. 1864. make/take a stand - заемам твърда позиция; не отстьпвам He shook his head. He had taken his stand and he was not going to be persuaded to change his mind. 1865. make up for sth - k o mпенсирам Your kind behaviour now more than makes up for youi* rudeness last week. 1866. make up one’s mind решавам; вземам решение Look, I’ve thought about it a lot, and now I've made up my mind - you can borrow my car. 1867. a man after one’s own heart - тъкмо човек за мене; no сърце ми е John’s a man after my own heart, he likes music, poetry, wine and long-distance walking in the mountains. 1868. the man at the top - изднгната личност; "голяма клечка"; шеф In the case of unusual complaints, it is best to try to go straight to the man at the top. 1869. man bites dog - сензация; сензационна новина That sort of thing, though it undoubtedly descends to 183

м the level of ’man bites dog’ journalism, is perhaps unfavourable nowadays. 1870. man and boy - (почти) првз целия си живот Bert Thomas has worked for British Leyland, Longbridge, man and boy for thirty years. 1871. the man for the job (човек) подходящ за дадена работа/задача In three tests ɑrenidge opened with Frederics, without ever looking quite the man for the job. 1872. the man In the street обикновеният човек The miners are talking about the necessity of strike action to defend their industry. This puzzles the man in the street. 1873. a man/woman of few words - човек, който не говори много Admiral Blanchard was always a man of few words, so his speech at the dinner was quickly finished. 1874. a man/woman of his/her word - човек, който държи на думата си You are a woman of your word, I see. Most people wouldn’t have visited a grumpy old man like me in such bad weather as this. 184

1875. a man of letters - учем човек; писател All at once respectable men of science and letters can think of nothing so ex* citing as to go off on a military expedition in Egypt. 1876. a man of (many) parts човек c много дарби/интвpeen It follows that a good psychologist must be a man of several parts. He must be original and creative, but ho must also be critical and destructive. 1877. a man of substance -* състоятелен човек V. be; become; make sb Ideally, the candidate we'd like to put forward would be a man of some substance, already known in the country. 1878. a man/woman of the . world - светски човек He belonged to a good club but Harold was man of the world enough to know that obscurity was sometimes a safer passport to a club than fame. 1879. man proposes but god disposes (saying) - човек предполага, господ разполага In life, man proposes, God disposes. In the plastic arts the proposing is done by

м the subject matter; that which disposes is ultimately the artistic imagination. i nnŋ. a man’s man - този, който обича мъжка компания In many ways he was limited. He was a man’s man who thought that the roar of male laughter was one of the sweetest sounds on earth. 1881. many are called but few are chosen (saying) - mh o зина ca призвани, малцина ca избраните Many are called and few are chosen, we know, but 38% is too gɪeat a second year drop-out for any university. IH82. many a mickle makes a muckle (saying) - "капка no капка вир става" Prudent and earnest savers, well schooled in the doctrine that many a mickle makes a muckle, and that if the pence are looked after the pounds will look after themselves, find that... 1883. a mare’s nest - празна работа; много шум за нищо Visit of A.S. seems perfectly above board. Showed no uneasiness on consciousness of being fol-

lowed. And if you ask me I think it’s all a mare's nest. 1884. mark time - тьпча на едно място (и прен.) The soft-drinks makers have sociology on their side. The drift from the pubs, the lure of TV, and the new generation of rich teetotal teenagers have all helped them to go up, while beer marks time. 1885. (you) mark my words запомни какво ти казвам Know wheris he’s gone? Off to see that ex-wife of his in Ostberg. Mark my words, they’ll make a match of it again some day. 1886. a marriage of convenience - брак no сметка Friendship, a more lasting commodity than love, is as likely to result from a marriage of convenience as from any other. 1887. marry in haste, repent at leisure (saying) - който ce жени набързо, дълго ce разкайва ’Many in haste, repent at leisure,’ she thinks. But how much and how often will she disappoint him. ` 1888. a matter of fact - безспорно; реален факт No man can take it out of himself as he did when he was twenty or thirty, and 185

м that's a matter of fact you should accept for your own good. 1889. a matter of opinion въпрос на мнение V. be, become; seem 'The sprouts are halfcooked again?' 'ɪ call them perfectly cooked, nice and crisp. It's all a matter of opinion.' 1890. a matter of time - въпрос на време She tries to keep cheerful and hopes she's getting better, but we all know it's only a matter of time before she dies. 1891. may/might (just) as well do sth - спокойно мога да... I might as well go home. I don't see why I should stand around. He's over an hour late already. 1892. may (very) well - (mh o го) вероятно e Her intentions may well be to instil respect by creating apprehension and suspicion. 1893. mean business - имам сериозни намерения/плаh o bθ за нещо By sending their top people to meet our leaders at the summit conference, they really showed they meant business. 186

1894. mean well - имам добри намерения I find her terribly interfer ing. It’s not enough that she means well. 1895. a/the means to an end начин за постигане на цел та Harold felt that converse tion should either be a means to an end, a business deal, or taking sound ings for one. 1896. meanwhile, back at the ranch - a през това време Meanwhile, as the Inspector pursues his special mission in Amsterdam, back at the ranch his pupil and protege comes under suspicion of bent practice. 1897. measure up to sth проявявам ce на ниво The job is difficult, but I think he’ll measure up to it * all right. 1898. meet sb half way - nocтигам компромис/споразумение Unprogressive managements which had made little attempt to meet the workers half way and sort out real grievances would be driven to put their house in order. 1899. meet one’s match - "намирам си майстора"

м The chap wasn’t as week an he looked, and I began to wonder if I had finally met my match. tyix). method In sb's madness - има някаква ло|ика (в действията на няко-

I don’t understand Josephine at all - she seems h o illogical - but otherpeople loll me there’s method in her madness. 1U01. might ls/makes right правото e на страната на силния The chief French grumble about Dr Kissinger’s speech lit that he is applying 'the low of the jungle’ or 'the doctrine that might is right’. 11102. milk and water - безцвеiθ h (и rɪp-): безобиден The clergy subscribe to the new pragmatism in religion, their approach is conciliatory and their sermons are milk and water. 1903, milk/suck sb dry - получавам/вземам всичко от някого; “изстисквам" някою I spent the evening with the old man in his home and milked him dry of every last historical detail for my research.

1904. mince one’s words - меря си думите Sir John Dray, not a man to mince his words, spoke frankly and critically of the government's present economic policies at a dinner in London last night. 1905. mind one's manners внимавам за обноските си Mrs Robertson isn't really used to children. I hope you told them to mind their manners. 1906. mind one’s own business - гледам си работата Tony, mind your own bloody business. I’ve never interfered with any thing you did. 1907. mind/watch one’s p's and q’8 - говоря/действам предпазливо; спазвам приличив Matron’s not very keen on a man for this job, so you’d better mind your p’s and q’s if you want to keep it. 1908. mind/mark you - h o имай предвид 'We spent a lot of money last month.' ’Yes, but mind you, it was Christmas, and we did have all the presents to buy.' 1909. a ministering angel - ангел-хранител She hurriedly recombed her hair so as to make it 187

м less exuberant and more keeping with the robe of ministering angel and experienced traveller. 1910. miss the boat/bus - изпускам случая/възможността I have an intense awareness of the opportunity the Open University offers to chaps who like me have perhaps missed the boat. 1911. a miss la as good as a mile (saying) - неуспехьт си e неуспех ’You couldn’t have failed the exam by much according to this list.' ’A miss is as good as a mile. I’ve got to do the whole year over again.' 1912. miss the point (of sth) не разбирам смисъла на нещо The capacity for missing the point has, of course, always been characteristic of philosophers. 1913. miss pne’e vocation сгрешавам професията си I’m not convinced Sam's right but I can see he’s missed his vocation. He should have been a lawyer. 1914. a mixed blessing - няма добро без зло; и добро, и лошо Her coming early was a mixed blessing; it was nice 188

to see her, but it meant I did less work. 1915. mixed up - объркан (чо век) Mary's all mixed up at ths moment; she needs to go away for a few months to get herself sorted out. 1916. moan and groan - onлаквам ce; недоволствам; мърморя He dresses pretty well foɪ a man who's always moaning and groaning about how little he earns. 1917. money for old rope - noлучавам пари за нищо работа Being paid for cleaning the office once a week is money for old rope - it only takes me half an hour. 1919. monkey around/about (with sth) - играя си c нещо, c което/както не трябва Stop monkeying about with the fire extinguisher! 1919. more by good luck than (by) good management успехьт ce дължи по-скоро на кьсмет V. succeed, win; survive, be rescued If this reception doesn't end up as a fiasco it'll be more by good luck than by good management.

______________________ М iy;'O the more fool you - колm) си глупав, какъв глупак h'red told his parents that i Im new teacher didn't give homework - and the more fools they to believe him without checking with the Hchool. n»2l. (one must not be) more royalist than the king - "noюлям католик и от папата" What is one to do? One must not be more royalist than the king. 11122. the more so because (In) that - още повече че; особено защото I'm extremely angry with James for telling you this, and the more so because in that he'd promised me he wouldn't. 1023. more than a blt/llttle доста; в значителна степвн Like everyone else, I was more than a bit curious to hear what he had to say. 1H24. more than one can say/tell - много дълбоко (за чувство); много силно V. miss; love; be sorrier; be more grateful I don’t know if you will rniss me, but I will miss you more than I can say. HI25. more than likely - повече от/много вероятно/възможно

You'll find your Grandpa in the pub, more than likely. 1926. more to the point - още по-важно What is more to the point, the London firm can’t give us any guarantee on delivery dates. 1927. more’s the pity - за нещастие/съжаление Girls do not, more’s the Pity. want to sleep with a man because he writes good novels. 1928. the morning after (the night before) - махмурлук (на сутринта) Most of the cast look as they were living through a perpetual morning-after. 1929. one’s mother’s apron strings - "(държа ce) за noлата на майка си" V. be tied to; be free of; escape from Sig boy now! But he'll have to go a long, long way to escape mother’s apron strings. 1930. one’s mouth waters устата ми ce напълва (със слюнка) The mussels were bigger down there. Hunger contracted under his clothes like a pair of hands. But as he hung there, his mouth watering, a lump rose in his throat. 189

1931. move heaven and earth (to do sth) - "преобръщам света" (за да направя нещо) Brezhnev made a very fundamental change of policy back in about 1971, when they decided that the Soviet citizenry would be treated with better consumer goods. And he's moving heaven to earth to get this accomplished. 1932. move house - премествам ce да живея на друго място; сменям жилището си They felt they simply couldn’t face the bother of moving house again so soon. 1933. Mr/Mlss Right - идеален партньор за брак I’ll know when Mr Right comes along - but I'm still waiting. 1934. much as I do sth - колk o t o и да... V. admire, enjoy, want I felt that Hugo’s personality could very easily swallow up mine completely and as much I admired him I don’t want this to happen. 1935. much of a muchness почти еднакви And it is a matter of fact that to the well-trained reader, or eater, these judgements become pretty 190

exact, people being much of a muchness. 1936. muck In (with sb) - cpn ботвам ce If we all muck in, we'll gai the job finished more quickly 1937. muddle along/through живуркам Without a definite plan foi national recovery, this coun try will continue just to muddle along. 1938. mug up (on) sth - на зубквам We've got the French exam tomorrow so I’d better mug up irregular verbs. 1939. mum’s the word - мълча си/трая си; не издавам I’m not supposed to be here, you know, so mum's the word.

N 1940. nail one’s colours to the mast - обявявам ce явно в подкрепа на някого/нещо The Prime Minister nailed his colours firmly to the mast on the question of nuclear disarmament. 1941. to name (but/only) a few - да спомена (само) няколко Keneth Harris, who this week reports on a visit to Barbados, is best known to

It,iiders for his conversant uis with celebrities - Calinfi, Olivier, Piggott, Rigg, Thatcher to name a few. iu-12 name (no) names - (h θ ) сноменавам имена Now it is easy enough to write about such-and-such politician’s supporters but Il's more convincing to name names. iu43. the name of the game к1кава e играта Survival is the name of the ʧame in the jungle. ii)44. narrow sth down to sth намалявам/ограничавам, проя на нещо At the first interview the number of candidates for the job was narrowed down from twelve to three. 11)45. a narrow escape - избягвам "на косъм съм" от... Tom had a narrow escape from the clutches of Barbara last year. 1946. nature abhors a vacuum - лриродата не тьрпи празно място/пространство I filled the vacant place, nature thus waywardly expressing her abhorence of a vacuum. 1947. near/close to the bone/ knuckle - извън границите на приличието V. be, come, get, go; perform, act

Another pointed out that, in a recent British book, the therapist was said to have bathed his patient. This, he thought, was a bit near the bone. 1948. near and dear to sb много близък/скъп; мил и драг There was no need for questions; she talked as any woman talks on that old, old subject nearest and dearest to hers. 1949. a near miss - почти улучвам/оцелвам '4000 kilometres?' ’That’s such a near miss,’ the quizmaster said, 'that I think we'll give you the mark. The correct answer is 3982.’ 1950. near the mark - почти в целта Your boss was near the mark when he said the job would take six months to complete - in fact it took five. 1951. a necessary evil - необХОДИМО ЗЛО V. be, become; make, find, sth Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil, in its worst state, an intolerable one. 1952. necessity is the mother of invention (saying) - неволята учи 191

N_______________________ He successfully lied his way out of the situation with an invention bom of necessity. 1953. neck and crop - заедно c всичко, c целия багаж/ "c парцалите" She was a Victorian servant girl who had been turned out neck and crop by her employers when they discovered she was going to have a baby. 1954. neck and neck (with eb/sth) - един до друг; peдом; направо Sales analysis shows these two products vying neck and neck to comer the market. 1955. neck or nothing - отчаяно; без да мисля за последствията At the next throw he doubled his stakes in a neck-ornothing bid to recoup his losses. 1956. (look for) a needle in a haystack - "(търся) игла в купа сено" 'The Odessa File’ looks likely to pull of a very similar coup. The plot concerns another needle lost in an* other haystack and our young hero has to find it before the balloon (or in this case a rocket) goes up. 192

1957. needless to say - разбиpa ce; очевидно e; h θ θ нужно да ce споменава The playing of the English Chamber Orchestra is superb. Needless to say, Peter Pears gives a highly perceptive account of the hero himself. 1956. needs must (when the devil drives) (saying) - обстоятелствата ме принуждават I could no more have climbed that wall, in ordinary circumstances, than flown over it, but needs must when the devil drives. 1959. neither fish, flesh nor good red herring/fresh meat (saying) - ни риба, ни рак A man may consider himself an atheist, an agnostic or a believer, and good luck to him. But to call yourself a religiously-minded man without professing a religion is to be neither fish, flesh nor good red herring. 1960. neither here nor there няма значение; неуместно; "ни в клин, ни в ръкав" The fact that he’s rich is neither here nor there he’s still an unpleasant person. 1961. neither hide nor hair of sb/sth - ни следа; ни косъм

The place seemed to stink of cats, but I never saw hide nor hair of one all the time ɪ lived there. 11>62. never say die - h θ ce o t чайвам Those gutsy little ladies just never say die. Ш63. never a word etc - нито дума и пр. They watched and listened but spoke never a word. 1064. new/freeh blood - h o ви/свежи сили V. have, get; need, want; inject Into this somewhat hidebound 'staff atmosphere* it was vital to inject new blood. 1065. a new broom (sweeps clean) - h o b началник, нови порядки Some officers from the War Office were present at the conference; they evidently regarded me as a new broom and an unpleasant one at that. 1066. a new deal - програма ɜa реформа (икономическа, политичвска и пр.) V. offer, promise, ensure, secure At the start of 1935, Lloyd George launched his 'New Deal*, which proposed....

1967. next to nothing - почти НИЩ0 It has also been mentioned that next to nothing is definitely known about the trace itself or about the way it continues to exist. 1968. the nigger In the woodpile - има нещо тьмно в тази работа; нещо не е в ред (в тази работа) He thought the English revolution was just around the comer Then suddenly he found you were the nigger In the woodpile. You could have got him run out of this country.'May be even got him hanged. 1969. a nine day(s’) wonder всяко чудо за три дни V. be, become; regard sb/sth as If the General Strike of 1926 had been more than a nine-day wonder, Chancellor Churchill would simply have wanted to take BBC over. 1970. nip sth In the bud - npeкьсвам/унищожавам нещо в зародиш/в самото начало Their friendship was soon nipped in the bud when Sheila had to go away to college, leaving Rob by himself at home. 1971. the nitty gritty (of sth) o c h o b h o t q ; същественото

13 Английско - български идиоматичен речник


N________________________ All this, of course is the nitty gritty of Industrial relations. 1972. no chance - невъзможh o (e); няма как; няма начин Peter and I wanted to persuade the others that there was no need for the stuffed shirt formality of previous years. No chance. We were both ordered to wear eve. ning dress. 1973. no dice - няма начин 'Can you lend me some money till after the weekend?' ’Sorry, Pete, no dice.’ 1974. no fear! - как ли (пък) не! ’Did you see Robert off at the station?’ 'What, at halfpast six in the morning? No fearl We said goodbye last night.' 1975. (there are) no files on sb - не съм вчерашен; "ceче ми пипето" Look, I’m a bright boy. There aren't many flies on me, and when I was younger I was even brighter. 1976. (there Is) no fool like an old fool - "да не ce запали старо бунище" 'Surely Tom’s thinking of making a match of it with the tailor’s widow, he goes there so often.' 'Don’t you believe it. It’s the daughter 194

he’s after - no fool like an old fool.’ 1977. no go - невъзможно e; не e разрешено V. be, seem, look A child could wriggle through the 20 inch gap, but it was clearly no go for a man of his weight. 1978. no good - това не стру ва нищо; нищо няма да излезе; не стигам до добър край He was deceitful even as a child. I knew he would come to no good. 1979. no half measures - без половинчати мерки; безкомпромисно We’ll pull the place down and re-build. No half measures. 1980. (with) no holds barred c всички средства и методи;всичко e позволено Surely a lot of these blokes would like to see a real noholds-barred nude show? 1981. no joke - няма шега; не e шега работа Preparing fourteen pounds of meat when the temperature is over a hundred in the shade is no joke. 1982. no laughing matter - не e смешно; не (ми) е до смях V. be; think sth; regard sth as

Cut laughed but you could 3fat) it was no laughing metier an i no man’s land - ничия w mh (и прен.) l(o was not clever and he >1l«l not bother about administration, his whole soul w iih in the battle and especially in the actions of fightiuii patrols in no man’s land. ffl»l no news is good news («laying) - щом няма извес1ин, значи всичко е наред; лпиюто се научава бързо like was too worried to go • toss the passage for Mrs tiriiey’s comfort. Mrs Batey would tell her that no news wne good news and that if ihore had been an accident, aht! would have heard shout it all too soon. aflb. no picnic - неприятна рпьота; не е кой знае колко нпсело да... Looking after a house of θi(jlɪt children is no picnic, I nan tell you. Iflti. no room to swing a cat (anyjng) - няма къде да се ппьрнеш II. was supposed to be my work-shed but there isn't room to swing a cat now, iny wife’s filled it so full of household gear.

N 1987. (there is) no smoke without fire (saying) - няма дим без огън But there is seldom any smoke without fire and it was clear to me that the rumours were being spread in London by a colonel that I had removed from my Tac Headquarters. 1988. no stranger to sb/sth добре познат/известен But of course Prissie was no stranger to him. No indeed, he counted on Prissie for everything now. 1989. (there are) no two ways about It (saying) - няма две мнения no този въпрос What was my decision? There were no two ways about it. I must try to get back my typescript at once. 1990. no way - няма начин; няма как; no никакъв начин They was no way that vast treasures of wealth were going to be stored there. 1991. nobody’s fool - не могат да ме излъжат (така) лесно I'm sure you won't be able to trick Jack into helping you with the robbery or anything else illegal - he's nobody’s fool. 1992. none the less - въпреки това; обаче 195

N________________________ ɪ felt the lesson to be salutary, but was sorry, none the less, that it had had to be administered at this moment and in this form. 1993. none too soon - твърде кьсно V. leave, arrive; find sth There were eventually spotted by a helicopter team, and none too soon. 1994. nooks and crannies кътчета Every nook and cranny of this peaceful 18th-century house held tangible memories of Marcean. 1995. not altogether - h θ с ъ в сем; не особено The Chief Constable said that he was not altogether satisfied with the proposed security arrangements for the Royal visit. 1996. not at any price - на никаква цена; въобще не I wouldn't want him on my stuff at any price. 1997. not/never bat an eyelid - запазвам самообладание; "не ми трепва окото" The sound of the crash brought everyone to their feet - except John who never even batted an eyelid and solidly went on eating his dinner. 1998. not a/one (little) bit - ни най-малко, никак 196

She must be a coin hearted creature. As far si could see the news dldn upset her one bit. 1999. not do a hand’s turn не си (по)мръдвам npw та/ръцете; не правя нищо She’s never done a hand« turn for me in her life. 2000. not far to seek - не > трудно да открия/да се дь сетя Gwynfor Evans drives hln to a very unacademic frenit The reason is not far to мев Mr Wright is a centralist; tthim Welsh nationalism is pa rochial, narrow and claustrn phobic. 2001. not for want of trying h θ mθ не съм опитвал He’s taken hundreds of si posures. If he doesn't get» few first-class photograph* to submit it won’t be fsi want of trying. 2002. not harm/hurt a fly смирен/хрисим съм; "ни мравката гтьт правя" While everybody has beaiɪ moralizing about Best, wife hasn't hurt a fly though he may have hurt himself, nð body has as much as ns ticed the utter disgrace st our display in Berlin. 2003. not have a bean - нямш* пукната пара

I hardly ever have a bean a me and have to borrow ni'iRt of the time. м not have/wlthout a care hi the world - нямам никакм 1рижа ɪ i nee ɪ was a happy young rimn, not a care In the world. Nowl I'm trapped Hit (i a barbaric cult - matrifiloiiy. not have a leg to atand on нямам сериозни основания/оправдания ii would sort itself out. he prided, no one wanted a i'vpiss, the council didn't have a leg to stand on. not have/wlthout a penny to rub against another - нямнм и пукнат грош II юу can gamble until they haven’t one penny to rub tgahist another. There’s no Is ii lowing from the house йн». not have a word of truth № ɪlh - няма и капчица ис«unit ɪ don’t know who started Hile rumour of us going bankrupt but there isn't a word of truth in it. mb not know sb from Adam ньобще не г о познаашм/не зная кой е Isn’t that your old girlfiɪeiid Linda there!' 'Don't faiiiw her from Adam.*

________________________ N 2009. not know lf/whether one Is coming or going - не зная какво по-напред да направя What a morning! I don't really know whether I'm ' coming or going. This is the first I've sat down since arriving. 2010. not know/be sure where one's next meal/penny Is coming from - живея s материална несигурност/на ръба на бедността They would not have expected a man with a full belly to have the same look as one who did not know where his next meal was coming from. 2011. not to mentlon/speak of sb/sth - също така; да не говорим за It was a vast territory, consisting not only of built-up areas, but also of fields, woods and a number of lakes, not to mention three airports. 2012. not mince mattered/ (one's) words - "не му цепя басма"; не се церемоня; говоря направо A letter from Carson, written in his old age (1933) when he no longer needed to mince his words, tells it all.


N________________ 2013. not much of a sth - неумел; некомпетентен Doctori He's not much of a doctor if he’s been treating you for three months for an illness you haven’t got. 2014. not the only pebble on the beach - не с ъ м единствен на света V. be; look like Peggy’s just playing hard to get. Let her see she's not the only pebble on the beach and she’ll act very differently. 2015. not say boo to a goose "и на мравката път правя" Oh, she looks as if she can't say boo to a goose but some of these quiet little things can be wonderfully stubborn. 2016. not see the wood for the trees - губя ce в подробности и не виждам цялото A wise historian usually stops twenty or thirty years before his time, because like the rest of us - he can't see the wood for the trees. 2017. not/hardly sleep a wink - не мигвам; не спя Many said they would not sleep a wink but in fact they slept more soundly that night than on most nights. 198

2018. not/never suffer foðh gladly - не мога да понаса^ глупаци Mark was obsessed will hard work and problem» He didn't suffer fools gladh and anybody not prepar*’ to work 100 percent Mark was a fool to him amhe could be hard on them. 2019. not waste words - не воря много; не говоря на празно; не си хабя думите Once she starts a story itone can stop her from fill ishing, but she does пж waste words. 2020. nothing could be furthtɪ from one’s mind - въобщ» не ми минава/не ми е мина вало през ума 'Did you go to his nx№ with the intention of killing Mrs Samson?’ 'Honestly nothing could be furthll ' from my mind -1 just weffl there to collect a parcel.' 2021. nothing doing - не c t i ва; няма да стане ’Can you give me a rooffi for tonight?* 'Sorry, nothing doing.* 2022. nothing If not sth - неще ro освен; безспорно be; think, consider sb And those are only two e* amples of the type of report ing that clogs every paflt

Michner is nothing if not (lie master of the banal. M‘3. nothing In particular нищо особено V. be; do, notice, buy, enjoy, want Professor Mathew’s talk on the Fourth Piano Concerto was about nothing in particular. 4)24. nothing/not anything like въобще нв; далеч не/от At the same time, many forces have been at nothing like full strength. 4)25. nothing of the klnd/sort нищо подобно V. be, prove; do, know, say. Theodore claimed that he was of royal blood and in the direct line of kings deneending from Solomon and Alexander the Great. He was nothing of the sort. He was the son of a small local chieftain. -'026. nothing succeeds like success - успехьт влече/ носи след себе си други успехи Nothing succeeds like success - for a while at least and publishers can be fairly certain of a good response to that book of an author’s which immediately follows his bestseller. 2027. (there's) nothing to choose between A and B -

________________________ N няма никаква/голяма разлика между (две неща) It's only the golden lettering on the front of this book that makes it more expensive. Otherwise there is nothing to choose between them. 2028. nothing to touch sth не мога да ce сравнявам c; нищо b сравнение c V. (there) be, seem; find, meet Dad’s one of the older generation of football enthusiasts and thinks there’s no one playing now to touch the old pros like Stanley Matthews. 2029. nothing to write home about - не e кой знае какво; няма с какво да се похваля чак толкова The play was OK, I suppose, but nothing to write home about. 2030. nothing venture/risk, nothing gain - който не рискува, не печели By midday Tuesday I had the answers, a neat, typed list of names and addresses, and muttering nothing venture, nothing gain, I dictated a letter to go to all the club secretaries. 2031. now and again/then - o t време на врвме; понякога Now and again he shook his head, as if to clear it, 199

о like a boxer recovering from a knock-out. 2032. nurse a grievance etc тая b душата си лоши чувства (обида, мъка, болка и пр.) Amongst the criminals employed by her husband had been one who nursed a grievance. The French court had sentenced him to no less than eight years* imprisonment and that was a gross miscarriage of justice. 2033. the nuts and bolts (of sth) - дребни, h o важни h θ ща He is a Party Man. The unloved and unthanked amateur politician who keeps the nute and bolts of the political machine well oiled between elections.

o 2034. an object lesson - нагледен урок We had at least been treated to an object lesson in how not to beach the boat. 2035. an odd fish/bird ■"странна птица" И be, seem, be thought This is not to say that Mr Hughes is anything but an extremely odd fish, if we are to believe what we have 200

been told. He has not been seen in public for 16 years. 2036. odd jobs - случайна, врвменна работа At the age of 17 he went out to New Zealand. Before long - it was during the slump - he was wandering about the country getting odd jobs. 2037. (the) odd man/one out излишен; неподходящ Nine was an awkward number for a weekend of bridge games because it meant that one of us was always the odd man out. 2038. the odds are (that) - има голяма вероятност In the old days a pop star would approach his 30s with some trepidation, because the odds were that he would be abandoned by his public. .2039. odds and ends - дребо* лии; вехтории It is one of those thoughts which make you realize how long it is since you rearranged the lumber in the attic of your brain, and threw out all the odds and ends you've been saving. 2040. of the first magnitude o t първа величина Both Hirch and Chaton, stars of the first magnitude,

о respond to the delicate guidance they are getting. •041. of (good) standing - c (добро) положение The objections on this occasion came, not from malcontents and rabblerousers, but bom men of standing in the locality. sM2. of a kind/sort - някакьв (си) There is a road of a kind from the lakeside to the forester's hut. A jeep could do It but not that car you have there. ?()43. of late - напоследьк You’ve been very irritable of late. If you feel tired or unwell you should do something about it. ,’()44. of/to little avail - без полза/резултат V. be, seem; consider sth to be ɪ tried to persuade him not to resign but it was of little avail. Now he's going to have difficulty finding a new job. P045. of necessity - no необходимост; задьлжително Though of necessity accepting the need for new roads through the central area, it puts these on a more modest scale. ?046. of note - забележителен; известен

The next event of note was the kidnapping on the 20th January of an ex-Army officer and a British judge. 2047. of the order of sth - or порядька на; приблизително A saving in fuel of the order of 15 percent is expected after the installation of the new machinery. 2048. of one’s/lts own accord - доброволно; no собствена инициатива Meanwhile, in the drawing-room Edith had, of her own accord, told her cousin Sally that she was sorry. 2049. of one’s own free will no собствена воля V. surrender; follow, accompany, sb He walked straight into the prison of his own free will and shut the door behind him. 2050. of the same stripe - "o t същия десен" There is one in our school of the same stripe - slam them down, show them who’s boss. They don’t make the best teachers. 2051. off the cuff - без предварителна подготовка V. speak, reply; do sth This is a checklist which a builder may use or may put 201

о aside, playing his estimate off the cuff instead. 2052. off one's own bat - caмостоятелно; без чужда ломощ Off her own bat, at home, she worked out the whole operation - vehicles, staff, finance, building. 2053. off the record - неофициално The camera followed the delegates even when they visited each other’s missions for semi-private, offthe-record talks. 2054. oil and water (do not mix) (saying) - непримирими противоположности; "два ocтри камъка брашно не мелят" Oh, she means well, but she's not my sort. Oil and water don't mix, no good trying. 2055. old before one’s time сьстарен преждевременно; изглеждам стар за годините си /. be, seem, get She made all the other girls I’d been out with seem dingy and clumsy and old before their time. 2056. the old-boy network система or приятелски връзки ɪ just don’t know anybody who works there, and the 202

only way to get in seems to be by the old-boy network. 2057. the old brlgade/guard "старата гвардия" This transition period - th* old brigade don't lik* change. They don't like loa* of authority. 2056. an old flame - "старв любов" He is due to be quizzed by a local lady correspondent for the Washington 'Daily News', an old flame whose political-convictions are at odds with her sexual ones. 2059. an old fogey - човек c остарели/закостенели разбирания (обикн. възрастеи човек); изкуфял дъртак I’m not such an old fogey that I don't remember what it was like being a teen ager. 2060. an old hand at (doing) sth - човек c опит; "стара кримка" Mr Jackson is an old hand at negotiating our contracts - he’s been with the firm fot nearly twenty years, so he knows all the procedures. 2061. old hat - (нещо) доб ре/отдавна известно Let me state again the main events in the history of the war, though I expect this will be old hat to many of you.

Л162. an old head on young shoulders - твърде млад, a мьдър He has an old head on young shoulders - one of the most mature 25-yearolds I know. 1'063. an old maid - стара мома 'I’ve been too busy in my life to think about love,' Miss Mellings answered in a superior tone. And there spoke a real old maid. ?064. an old wives’ tale - 6aбини девитини Eating carrots to help you see in the dark is an’ old wives' tale - it doesn't make any difference at all. 2065. on account of sb/sth поради; заради The Browns will be higher up the housing priority list on account of their children. 2066. on all fours - "на четири крака"; на ръце и крака V. move, crawl, crouch He ran downstairs. Lotte was still on all fours, reddening the tiles. 2067. on (an/the) average средно; едно на друго V. eat, drink, consume, use Each one of us uses, on average, 180 pounds of paper products every year.

2068. on sb’s/sth’s behalf - o t името на I will be attending tomorrow’s county council meeting and, if necessary, will speak on my wife's behalf. 2069. on the cheap - евтино; на по-ниска цена V. get, buy; make sth There was no real difference of principle between those who wanted to shelter on the cheap behind the nuclear weapons of others. 2070. on (the) condition that при положение че V. agree, cooperate; play; lend, borrow Press representatives were allowed to take photographs on the condition that none would be published before he had seen the prints. 2071. on the face of it - на пръв поглед; очевидно Pervis's description of him as a gentleman is right. Na■ tionality, on the face of it, British. But I have a hunch that he might not be. 2072. on the ground/(the) grounds of sth - въз основа на; no причина на; под предлог The Board agreed to Jenkin's retirement on grounds of Ш health without loss of pension rights. 203



2073. on sb's merits - no собствени заслуги/достойнства V. fudge, decide, select, appoint I judge goods like people, on their merits and not by their expensive packaging. 2074. on moral etc grounds no морални и пр. съображения V. agree; refuse, object; admit sb Parents are more likely to object to operations or blood transfusions on religious grounds than any other. 2075. on no account - в никакъв случай; заради нищо On no account would she speak to any of them, though afterwards she wanted to discuss what the prospective buyers looked like. 2076. on occasion - понякога; o t време на време If on occasion he mistrusted his own powers, it was not a mistrust that he intended others to share. 2077. on the off chance (that) - ако имам кьсмет; надявам се (че) I called at their house on the off chance that they’d let me stay, but they weren’t at home. 204

2078. on the one hand ... on the other (hand) - от една страна... отдруга страна On the one hand it is s movement very much in tune with the general social changes which have gained enormous ground during the seventies; and, on the other, it is an attitude to the instant, throw-away fashion styles which dominated the sixties. 2079. on one's/lts own - сам; сам за себе си The thought of the voyage was enough on its own to make her feel sick without ever going on board. 2080. on one’s own (account) - самостоятелно; независиMO V. set up, open shop; start, launch out All the customers want their car jobs done by Brian. It's a pity he can't find the capital to set up on his own account. 2081. on one's own admission - според собствените (ми) признания The authorities concerned have on their own admission been lax in enforcing the anti-litter regulations and in prosecuting those who infringe them.

.•OB?, on pain of death - под jannaxa със смърт; c риск :ia живота Civilians were forbidden to give food or shelter to eɪr nmy soldiers on pain of death. -’0B3. on paper - на теория The idea sounds good on paper, but I'm not sure it will really work. ?ой4. on sb's part - o t страна на (някого) The international position of the country is difficult. Since the end of last year there have been endeavours on her part to patch up peace with the neihgbour* ing countries. .'085. on purpose - умишлено I didn’t do it on purpose. How could I know you’ll be busy for a whole week with those people. 2086. on the quiet - тайно; t v i хомълком; под секрет И work, Inform, sb; borrow I warned a few of my regular customers, strictly on the quiet, that they'd better fill their tanks now because there would be no petrol by the weekend. 2087. on reflection - (след) като размисля The suspicion did cross my mind, even has he spoke, that the man was ly-

ing and on further reflection I was sure of it. 2088. on a shoestring - (saпочвам) c много мапък капитал V. make, produce, operate, work, run sth So tire organization grew but still lacking the sort of influential and wealthy support so characteristic of that around Stansted and Cublington. We still had to operate on a shoestring. 2089. on the spot - на мястото на събитието The news item was followed by an on the spot report from the scene of the fire. 2090. on the spur of the moment - под напора на момента; веднага I've taken a job at Coombargana, as a parlourmaid. I did it on the spur of the moment. 2091. on the strength of sth no силата на/на основание на They experience a thrill and they call it love. They get married on the strength of this feeling and they still call it love. 2092. on that score - no този въпрос; в това отношение; no тази причина V. dislike, resent, sb; object 205

о He would do all that we sought and would see it was done at once. I had no doubt on that score. 2093. on these terms - при тези условия (за договор и пр.) The children promised to sit quietly and go to bed immediately afterwards, and on these terms they were allowed to sit up and watch the film with their parents. 2094. on top of sth - на всичk o отгоре It was unthinkable that he should be handed over to the attentions of a disciplinarian father on top of everything else. 2095. on one’s/its own - сам; сам no себе си A bowl of thick vegetable soup can be a meal on its own. 2096. on the whole - общо казано; като цяло To pretend, however, that the struggle to gain his own way had been wholly unpleasant would be untrue. He had, on the whole, enjoyed it. 2097. once and for all - веднъж и завинагм Will the cameras prove, once and for all, that the dream of finding people on 206

other planets is completely without foundation? 2098. once bitten, twice shy "парен каша духа" 'Do you always check applicants’ references?' ’Once bitten, twice shy. I always do now.1 2099. once In a blue moon много рядко; "от дьжд на вятьр" He never looked through the view-finder or watched the daily rushes, and consulted the script once in a blue moon. 2100. once In a lifetime - веднъж в живота It's only once in a lifetime that you get the chance to see someone as famous as one of the Beatles - so I made sure that I did. 2101. once In a while - понякога; от време на време There's not much cleaning to do -1 just dust the furniture and vacuum the carpets once in a while. 2102. (only) once removed (from sth) - много малко ce различава The whole essay was a skilled exercise in plagiarism once removed. 2103. once seen etc never/not forgotten - незабравим V. seen, heard, read

о It was at Tavistock that I hist met Lady Ottoline Morin 11, who, once seen, could not be forgotten. =404. once upon a time - mh o io , MHoro отдавна; (имало) одно време Once upon a time there was a wife who ran her house with the organized precision of an electric

dock. =•105. one and all - всички

(без изключениа) The boss came in and wished us happy Christmas, one and all. ` -■106. one day - някога; един ден

One day I will be famous. /107. one degree under - леk o неразположан ɪ was feeling one degree under when I got up, but by lunch-time I was all right again. »4 08. one for the road - една чашка за no път Don't press a driver to have one for the road, unless it is in the form of black coffee or hot soup. 2109. one good turn deserves another (saying) - на доброго c добро ce отвръща I'll dig over that patch for you on Saturday. You’ve just about kept us hr fresh vegetables these last two

months, and one good turn deserves another. 2110. one hell/neck of a страхотен/ужасен I'd been drinking the previous night and woke up with one hell of a hangover. 2111. one in the eye for sb страхотен провал/разочарование за някого A further by-election defeat is one in tire eye for the government. 2112. one man’s loss is another’s gain (saying) един губи, друг печели Fancy you liking smoked salmon - and I got it as a special treat for youl Ah, well, your loss is my gain, as the fox said to the farmer when he ran off with the chicken. 2113. one man’s meat is another man’s poison - roва, което e добро за един, е лошо за друг; всеки има свой вкус But there is no such agreement with respect to experiences of 'beautiful' and 'ugly', one man’s meat is another man's poison. 2114. one of these days - c k o * po; тези дни It's been nice talking to you. We must meet up again one of these days. 207

о_______________ 2115. one and only - единствен; един единствен Charles, whose nerves had been sorely tried by inactivity and pain, made his one and only scene with me. 2116. one swallow does not make a summer (saying) "една птичка пролет не прави" The revival of Scottish football fortunes - which Tomy Docherty seems to be inspiring - is long overdue. But Docherty himself is cautious: 'We will have setbacks - and one swallow doesn't make a summer.' 2117. (In) one way and/or another - така или иначе The full scandal had not got into the papers, but one way and another his carrier was at an end. ‘ 2118. only too aware/ conscious of sth/that - съвсем наясно c V. be, appear, make sb. The boy is only too aware that he is less able than others of his age. 2119. open the ball - откривам бала (и првн.) Though the incident was unlikely to end in anything other than a shooting match neither besiegers nor besieged were keen to open the ball. .208

2120. open the door to sb/sth - давам/отварям възмож ност The success of the opera tion on his legs opened the door to a whole new life for him. 2121. open sb’s eyes (to sth) "отварям на някого очите" (за нещо) The trip to third-world countries really opened the eyes of the delegation to the problems there. 2122. open the floodgates of sth - отприщвам Five minutes of dead silence is going to open the floodgates of their indignation like the bottom coming out of a bag of cement. 2123. open to sth - подлежащ на; предразлоложен към; уязвим V. be, become, seem The scheme is, of course, open to abuse. Laws of this type, however liberally conceived, will always be open to being used oppressively. 2124. open to sth - готов съм да приема (предложение, съвет и пр.) I'm open to any advice you want to give me. 2125. open to question - под въпрос (e); съмнителен V. be, seem, remain

о Hut it must be open to question whether the nation got good value for the money Labour spent.