Emanation thermal analysis and other radiometric emanation methods 9780444996596

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Emanation thermal analysis and other radiometric emanation methods

Table of contents :
1. Basic principles and historical development
2. Labelling of samples
3. Inert gas release from solids containing corresponding parent nuclides
4. Release of inert gas incorporated without parent in solids
5. Measurement of inert gas release and instrumentation
6. Applications of ETA
7. Analytical chemistry applications
8. Technical applications
Present state and future of radiometric emanation methods
Subject index

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JOINT EDITION PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V., A M S T E R D A M , THE N E T H E R L A N D S A N D A K A D Ι M I A I K I A D Σ , THE PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE H U N G A R I A N A C A D E M Y OF SCIENCES, BUDAPEST, H U N G A R Y The distribution of this book is being handled by the following publishers for the U.S.A. and Canada ELSFVIRR SCIENCE PUBLISHING C O M P A N Y , INC. 52, V A N D E R B I L T A V E N U E NEW Y O R K , N E W Y O R K 10017, U.S.A. for the East European Countries, Democratic People s Republic of Korea, People's Republic of Mongolia, Republic of Cuba and Socialist Republic of Vietnam K U L T U R A H U N G A R I A N FOREIGN T R A D I N G C O M P A N Y P.O.B. 149, H-1389 BUDAPEST 62, H U N G A R Y for all remaining areas ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS B.V. 1, M O L E N W E R F P.O. BOX 211, 1000 AE A M S T E R D A M , THE N E T H E R L A N D S

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Balek, V. (Vladimir), 1940Emanation thermal analysis and other radiometric emanation methods. (Wilson and Wilson's Comprehensive analytical chemistry ; v. 12, pt. C) Includes bibliographical references and index. 1. Radiochemical analysis. I. Tφlgyessy, Juraj. II. Title. III. Series: Comprehensive analytical chemistry ; v. 12, pt. C. QD75.W75 vol.12, pt.C 543s [543'.088] 83-1553 (QD605] L I B R A R Y OF CONGRESS C A R D NUMBER: 58-10158

ISBN 0-444-99659-1 (Vol. XII, Part C ) ISBN 0-444-41735-4 (Series) © A K A D Ι M I A I K I A D Σ , BUDAPEST 1984 All rights reserved. N o part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in Hungary




G. den Boef, PH.D. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Amsterdam A. Hulanicki, PH.D. Professor of Chemistry, University of Warsaw J. Inczιdy, PH.D., D.SC. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Chemical Engineering, Veszprιm H.M.N.H. Irving, M.A., D.PHIL., F.R.S.C. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cape Town G. Tφlg, PH.D. Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Max-Planck-Institute for Metal Research, Stuttgart D. W. Wilson, M . S C , F.R.S.C. Formerly Head of the Department of Chemistry, City of London Polytechnic



Alan Robinson, B.A. Department of Pharmacy, The Queen s University of Belfast

Volume XII A Sub-Series of Monographs on Thermal Analysis Edited by W. W. Wendlandt

Part A

Simultaneous Thermoanalytical Examinations by Means of the Derivatograph, by J. Paulik and F. Paulik, Institute for General and Analytical Chemistry, Technical University, 1502 Budapest X I , Geliert tιr 4, Hungary

Part Β

Biochemical and Clinical Applications of Thermometric and Thermal Analysis, edited by Neil D. Jespersen, Department of Chemistry, St. John's University, Jamaica, N Y 11439, U.S.A.

Part C

Emanation Thermal Analysis and Other Radiometric Emanation Methods, by V. Balek, Nuclear Research Institute of the Czechoslovak Atomic Energy Commission, Rez near Prague, Czechoslovakia and J. Tφlgyessy, Department of Environmental Chemistry and Technology, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

W i l s o n and W i l s o n ' s COMPREHENSIVE



Edited by G. S V E H L A , PH. D., D S C ,


Reader in Analytical Chemistry The Queen's University of Belfast



















Vol. I A

Analytical Process Gas Analysis Inorganic Qualitative Analysis Organic Qualitative Analysis Inorganic Gravimetric Analysis

Vol. IB

Inorganic Titrimetric Analysis Organic Quantitative Analysis

Vol. I C

Analytical Chemistry o f the Elements

Vol. I I A

Electrochemical Analysis Electrodeposition Potentiometrie Titrations Conductometric Titrations High-Frequency Titrations

Vol. I I B

Liquid Chromatography in Columns Gas Chromatography Ion Exchangers Distillation

Vol. lie

Paper and Thin-Layer Chromatography Radiochemical Methods Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Electron Spin Resonance Methods X - R a y Spectrometry

Vol. I I D

Coulometric Analysis

Vol. I l l

Elemental Analysis with Minute Samples Standards and Standardization Separations by Liquid Amalgams Vacuum Fusion Analysis o f Gases in Metals Electroanalysis in Molten Salts


Vol. ΝV

Instrumentation for Spectroscopy Atomic Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

Vol. V

Emission Spectroscopy Analytical Microwave Spectroscopy Analytical Application of Electron Microscopy

Vol. VI

Analytical infrared Spectroscopy

Vol. VII

Thermal Methods in Analytical Chemistry Substoichiometric Analytical Methods


Enzyme Electrodes in Analytical Chemistry Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy Photometric Titrations Analytical Applications of Interferometry

Vol. IX

Ultraviolet Photoelectron and Photoion Spectroscopy Auger Electron Spectroscopy Plasma Excitation in Spectrochemical Analysis

Vol. X

Organic Spot Test Analysis The History of Analytical Chemistry

Vol. XI

The Application of Mathematical Statistics in Analytical Chemistry Mass Spectrometry Ion Selective Electrodes

Vol. Χ٠Ι

Thermal Analysis Part A. Simultaneous Thermoanalytical Examinations by Means of the Derivatograph Part B. Biochemical and Clinical Applications of Thermometric and Thermal Analysis Part C. Emanation Thermal Analysis and Other Radiometric Emanation Methods


Analysis of Complex Hydrocarbon Mixtures Part A. Separation Methods Part B. Group Analysis and Detailed Analysis VII

Vol. X I V

Ion Exchangers in Analytical Chemistry

Vol. X V

Methods of Organic Analysis

Vol. X V I

Chemical Microscopy Thermomicroscopy of Organic Compounds

Vol. X V I I

Gas and Liquid Analysers

Vol. X V I I I

Kinetic Methods in Chemical Analysis Application of Computers in Analytical Chemistry



Interest in thermal analysis continues to increase. Although the emphasis has tended to move over the past decade or so from instrumentation and technique to applications — largely because of the introduction of an extensive range of reliable commercial equipment. The interest in what might be termed the less-common methods has led to those assuming increasing importance. Emanation thermal analysis, the principal method considered in this volume, originated in the work of Otto Hahn in 1936, but it was generally little known and investigations using it were relatively few and in a limited field until its wider potentialities were appreciated by Vladimir Balek In the late I960's. During the past decade Dr. Balek has brought the technique to the notice of all thermal analysts and the facts that commercial instruments are now available and that some 300 papers could be cited in a review of the method, its variants and its applications in 1978 are proofs of the success with which Dr. Balek and those he inspired have single-mindedly pursued developments in methodology and applications. No-one would indeed now deny that emanation thermal analysis, like other thermoanalytical techniques, can yield information that cannot readily be obtained otherwise. The Nomenclature Committee of the International Confederation for Thermal Analysis in their first report in 1969 made a general recommendation that the term "analysis" should not be used in the names of individual techniques if it could be avoided, since its inclusion tends to suggest a diagnostic quality that the methods do not necessarily possess. Exceptions had to be made to this rule from early on, because some names were so widely used and accepted that they could not be altered — e.g. it is difficult to conceive of "differential thermometry" being accepted in place of "differential thermal analysis", even although the former name is factually accurate. When the Committee came, in the period 1975-1977, to consider "emanation thermal analysis", they also had to accept the fact that, due to Dr. Balek's missionary enthusiasm, the name could not be supplanted despite the fact that it included the undesirable (from their viewpoint) IX

word: "analysis". The Committee have, however, never accepted the abbreviation E T A : their policy on abbreviations has been to list only a very few for general use with a rider that any others can be utilized provided they are adequately defined at the commencement of the paper or article — as is the case in this volume. Unfortunately, the abbreviation E T A is also widely used for "electrothermal analysis" and this can lead to much confusion: moreover, only time will tell whether the Committee's recommendation that "thermoelectrometry" replace "electrothermal analysis" is acceptable. Radiometric emanation techniques using radioactive Kryptonates, have found important applications in the field of analytical chemistry and technology. The development of these techniques has been promoted above all by scientists guided by Dr. Chleck in the U.S.A. and Prof Tφlgyessy, one of the authors of this book, in Czechoslovakia. The fact that a book with such a wide coverage as this can be published only some ten years after a technique has come into prominence — and is still, indeed, regarded by many as a "less-common" method — indicated the zeal with which Dr. Balek, Prof Tφlgyessy and their associates have worked. There is no doubt now that radiometric emanation methods are with us to stay — and that many thermal analysts will have to revise their views. Particularly is this so for those dealing with aspects other than surface properties and reactions, even though the potential of the method and its variants has not yet been fully explored in the latter context. W e can therefore, I believe, expect to hear much more of emanation thermal analysis and other radiometric emanation methods over the next few years and this book is likely to become a classic. R. C. Mackenzie The Macaulay Institute for Soil Research, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, Scotland.


In the past two decades the family of thermoanalytical methods has been complemented by the method of emanation thermal analysis based on inert gas release from solids. The emanation method known in radiochemistry for more than half a century has undergone in recent years a particularly important development in theory, instrumentation and application. Requirements of nuclear technology, i.e. to understand inert gas behaviour in irradiated nuclear fuels, as well as the rapidly increasing knowledge of the solid state, contributed to the development of the theory of the method. The requirements of more and more sensitive experimental techniques in the investigation- of solid state processes, together with modern nuclear instrumentation developed in recent decades, facilitated the expansion of the emanation method to various branches of science and technology. The method has found the advantageous application in solid state chemistry, physical chemistry, mineralogy, metallurgy, silicate chemistry and ceramics, polymer chemistry, etc. Inert gases have become the trace indicators of the solid state and its changes. They have also been widely used as universal indicators in analytical chemistry for the analysis of gases, liquids and solids. The number of publications dealing with the method has steadily been increasing since the beginning of this century. Review articles by Zimen [ 1 ] (1942, 1943) and Hahn [ 2 ] (1949) were followed by surveys of inert gas applications in various branches by Chleck et ai [ 3 ] (1963), Zhabrova and Shibanova [ 4 ] (1967), Ichiba [ 5 ] (1968), Balek and Zaborenko [ 6 ] (1968), Tölgyessy and Varga [ 7 ] (1970), Balek [ 8 - 1 0 ] (1964,1970,1973), Matzke [11,12] (1968, 1970), Bussiere [ 1 3 ] (1972), Felix [14, 15] (1970, 1973) and others. An important place was allocated to the emanation method and inert gas diffusion in solids in monographs by Hahn [ 1 6 ] (1936), Wahl and Bonner [ 1 7 ] (1951) and Adda and PhiUbert [ 1 8 ] (1966). Zimen and Freyer [ 1 9 ] (1966, 1968) and Zimen and Meckeley [ 2 0 ] (1973) issued the bibliography on the inert gas release from solids.

Nevertheless a summarizing and classifying survey of practical viability and limitations of the radiometric emanation methods for the solution of specific problems in various branches together with an outline of the state of present-day theories and their feasibility does not exist in recent literature. The present work aims at improving this situation and the facilitation of the further applications of the radiometric emanation methods. The subject matter is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 gives the definition and historical development of the method. Chapter 2 deals with techniques used for the labelling of solids by inert gases. Chapters 3 and 4 outline the theories of inert gas release from solids in cases of introducing inert gas or its parent into the solid. Chapter 5 deals with the measurement of inert gases. Possibilities and limitations of the methods as well as some important applications are given in Chapter 6. In Chapters 7 and 8 appHcations of radiometric emanation methods in analytical chemistry and various branches of technology are outlined. Finally, the present state and further perspectives of radiometric emanation methods are shown. The present work does not pretend to give an exhaustive bibliography on the radiometric emanation methods. It is rather intended to give instructive guide lines. Certain principles of radiochemistry and nuclear physics related to the methods are given in the work, since many readers may be unfamiliar with these concepts. REFERENCES

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]

K. E. ZiMEN, Z . Physik. Chem., A 191 (1942) 1, 95, A 193 (1953) 1 O. H A H N , J. Chem. Soc. Supp/., S 2 5 9 (1949) D. C H L E C K R. M A E H L and D. C U C C H I A R A , Int. J. Appl. ά Isotopes, 14 (1963) 581, 593 G. M. Z H A B R O V A and M. D. SHIBANOVA, Uspechi Khimii, 36 (1967) 1406 S. ICHIBA, Kagaku tokogyo, 19 No 4, (1968) 366 V . BALEK and K. B. Z A B O R E N K O , Soviet Radiochemistry, 10 (1968) 436 J. TÖLGYESSY and S. V A R G A , Talanta, 17 (1970) 659 V . B A L E K , Chem. listy, 58 (1964) 1201, Silikáty, 13 (1969) 39 V. B A L E K , Anal. Chem., 42 (1970) 16A V . B A L E K , High Temperatures—High Pressures, 5 (1973) 77 H . M A T Z K E , Can. J. Phys., 46 (1968) 621 H. M A T Z K E in B. N A V I N S E K (Ed.), Physics of Ionized Gases, Institut Josef Stefan, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, 1970, p. 326 P. BUSSIERE, in Proc 2nd Int. Conf. Fine Particles, Boston, USA, 1972, p. 69 F. W. FELIX, Report HMI-B 93 (1970) F. W. FELIX, J. de Physique, 34 (1973) C9-149 O. H A H N , Applied Radiochemistry, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N . Y . , 1936, pp. 191-257 A. C. W A H L and N . A. B O N N E R , Radioactivity Applied to Chemistry. J. Wiley & Sons Inc., N . Y . , 1951, pp. 284^320 Y. A D D A and J. PHILIBERT, La diffusion dans les solides. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 1966 K. E. Z I M E N , and H . D. FREYER, AED-C-21-01 (1966), AED-C-21-02 (1968) K. E. Z I M E N , and W. M E C K E L E Y , AED-C-21-03 (1973)

Chapter 1


1.1 Radioactive inert gases as universal trace indicators In the usual tracer methods, radioactive atoms easily traceable in minimum concentrations are used as indicators for the behaviour of chemical elements which are isotopic with radioactive atoms. The radioactive gaseous elements, however, can be used for other purposes too. If we have a sample of a solid which contains a radioactive inert gas, we may use the labelled sample for the analysis of other elements in gaseous or liquid states and for characterizing the solid state of the sample. Radioactive inert gas incorporated into a solid will be released by any process, chemical, physical or mechanical that disturbs the crystalline lattice or only the surface of the solid. It is this fundamental property which underlies the use of solids labelled by inert radioactive gases in analytical chemistry. Moreover, we can investigate the molecular state of the solid, its inner surface, or its deformations due to aging, to molecular and chemical conversions. W e can also study the processes of reactions in the solid state from the amount of the radioactive gas escaping from the solid sample. The application of the inert radioactive gases to the above aims is the general basis of the radiometric emanation methods. The group of the radiometric emanation methods covers the method for the determination of naturally radioactive elements, such as radium, thorium etc., methods for the analysis of various elements and compounds in gaseous or liquid state, as well as methods for the characterization of the properties of solids. The parameter measured is the total amount of inert gas released, or the velocity of inert gas release, from the solid. With the radiometric emanation methods the radioactive inert gas isotopes are usually used in trace concentrations, so the inert gases are sometimes called universal trace indicators. The radioactivity of the inert gases enables their easy and sensitive detection. The inert gases do not react with the solid matrix and their release from solids is controlled by physical and/or chemical processes taking place in the solid.

1.2 Terminology The name "radiometric emanation methods" is used in this monograph for the group of the methods based on the measurement of the inert radioactive gases released from the solids. For the methods described in the monograph various authors initially invented special names. The radiochemical method proposed by Hahn [ 1 ] for the investigation of solids by natural radon isotopes (emanation) has usually been called the Hahn emanation method. Later, when other labelling techniques and inert gases were used, various names for the method concerned were invented, such as the method of emanating power (la méthode du pouvoir d'émanation [ 2 ] , the evolution of radioactive inert gases (remission des gaz rares radioactifs [ 3 ] ) , the method of surface gas labelling [ 4 - 7 ] etc. A more general term, the radio-release method [ 8 ] , has sometimes been used in this connection. The radio-release method using the radioactive isotope of krypton for the labelling solids has been called dekryptonation thermal analysis [ 9 ] . In spite of the fact that various gases and various techniques of sample labelling can be used with the method in question, Balek and Habersberger [10, 11] have proposed the torm emanation thermal analysis, taking into account its historical development. The abbreviation of the term is E T A . Under the name emanation thermal analysis we understand the method by means of which information about solid state and its changes is obtained on the basis of inert gas release from solids measured at various tempera­ tures. The name ''emanometric analysis" [12, 13] is used for the radioanalytical method of the determination o f radon, radium, thorium, actinium and other natural radioelements, based on the measurement of inert gas radio­ activity.

1.3 Historical development The existence of radioactive emanation has first been described by M . Curie [14] in 1900, i.e. only a few years after the discovery of radioactivity. Rutherford [15] (1901) in Great Britain and Kolovrat-Chervinskii [ 1 6 ] (1907) working in the laboratory of M . Curie in Paris first showed that the release of radioactive emanation from radium salts depends on temperature. In the 1920s and 1930s Hahn and his co-workers developed in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in Berlin, the emanation method which enabled e.g. to investigate surface changes of precipitates [ 1 7 ] and modification changes of solids [ 1 8 ] .

Baranow and Gracheva [ 1 9 ] (1936) in the USSR were engaged in emanation measurements of soils. Many publications of that time came also from other laboratories, such as the Institute for Metallurgy in Stuttgart (Werner et al\ the Chemistry Institut of the Technical University in Stuttgart, F R G (Fricke and his co-workers), the Radiological Institute in Prague, Czechoslovakia (Béhounek and Santholzer [12]). In spite of the fact that after the discovery of uranium fission by Hahn and Strassman [ 2 0 ] (1938, 1939) the interest in naturally radioactive nuclides has declined, the emanation method has been further developed in Germany under Prof. O. Hahn. Flügge and Zimen [ 2 1 ] (1939) devised the first theory of emanation method, Zimen published papers [ 2 2 ] summarizing all the work concerning this subject matter. The research on emanation method was carried out even during the World War I I , particularly in the Institute for Silicate Research in Göteborg, Sweden, under Prof. J. Arvid Hedvgill (Jagitsch and others). After 1945, several research groups in Europe and Overseas were engaged in the application of inert gas release from solids, such as those at the Technical University Stuttgart under R. Fricke and at the University of Mainz, F R G , under Prof. F. Strassman, at the University of Graz, Austria under Prof. G. Hüttig, at the Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden (Zimen and his co-workers. Linder and his co-workers), at the University of Braunschweig, F R G (Lindner, Matzke et al.) at the U . K . Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, Great Britain (Gregory, M o o r bath and others), at the University of Melbourne, Australia (Anderson, Baulch and others) at the Nuclear Research Center Ispra, Italy (Kelly, Matzke et al.) and at the Hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research, Berlin-West (Zimen, Felix, Gaus and others). Numerous studies on emanation power of minerals were published at the Khlopin Institute of Radium in Leningrad, U.S.S.R., by Starik and his co­ workers. The release of inert gases of radiogenic origin concerning the determination of the absolute age of geological materials was studied at the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, (Gerling et al.) at Leningrad State University, U.S.S.R. (Murin et al.) and at Dagestan State University, Makhatschkala, U.S.S.R. (Amirkhanov et al). A number of experimental and theoretical papers were published by two research groups in Moscow; at Moscow State University (Zaborenko and co­ workers) and at the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (Zhabrova and co­ workers). In France, the emanation method has been experimentally and theoretically developed at the Institute for Catalysis Research, Villeurbanne-Lyon (Bussiere, Claudel and others).

In a number of laboratories all over the world various techniques for the labelling of solids have been developed. For example the labelling techniques based on the recoil effect of fission inert gases were developed at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, in Tokai-Mura (Yajima and his co-workers), at Nuclear Reactor Center, Seibersdorf, Austria (Koss), at the North Caroline State University and Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. (Morrisson, Elleman). The diffusion technique for labelling solids by krypton was established by Chleck and his co-workers at the Parametrics Inc. Mass., U.S.A. Other techniques of the inert gas incorporation into solids were developed at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Canada (Kelly and others), at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia (Jech) and at the University of Technology, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia (Tölgyessy and his co­ workers). Ion bombardment techniques, largely developed in the 1950s and 1960s for the purpose o f electronics, were successfully used also for the labelling o f solids by inert gases. The studies concerning this subject were carried out e.g. at the Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Canada (Davies et al.\ at the National Research Council, Canada (Kornelsen et ai), at the University of Aarhus, Denmark (Almen and Bruce, Lindhard and others) at the University of Liverpool, Great Britain (Carter et al). In this way, various problems of solid state chemistry, metallurgy, physical chemistry, catalysis and other branches have been investigated by means of inert gases. On the other hand, the inert gases brought about some problems in nuclear technology, e.g. swelling of nuclear fuel material. Numerous inert gas diffusion studies have been conducted in various laboratories — (like the Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S.A., the Nuclear Research Center, Saclay in France, Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Canada, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute) to improve the understanding and control of the process of swelling of nuclear fuel and the fission product release in nuclear reactor fuels. In place of reactor fuels non-fissionable solids, such as alkali halides and alkaline earth halides have been frequently investigated with the expectation of getting a better insight into more complicated fissionable material. For this purpose labelling techniques based on the neutron-activated nuclear reactions were suggested and developed in the Hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research, Beriin-West (Zimen, Felix and their co-workers), at the Nuclear Research Center, Karlsruhe, F.R.G. (Schmeling et al) and at the Nuclear Research Center, Studsvik, Sweden (Lagerwall). In the U . K . Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, and Oxford University, England, theoretical works were carried out by Lidiard and Norgett

(1968), which signified the beginning of a new view on the inert gas release processes from irradiated solids. Theoretical studies done by Kelly, Matzke and Jech at Nuclear Research Centre Ispra, Italy, M c Master University, Hamilton, Canada, and the European Institute for Transuranium Elements, Karlsruhe, F.R.G., between 1964-1970 estabhshed the bases for the evaluation of inert gas release measurements from solids labelled by ion bombardment. Thermoanalytical methods (such as D T A , T G / D T G , dilatometry). X-ray patterns etc., have often been used as supplementary methods of emanation thermal analysis. However, some questions arised concerning the comparison and interpretation of the results of the above mentioned methods. T o answer these questions, and to find new applications of the emanation thermal analysis, systematic work was undertaken by Balek and his co-workers at the Charles University, Prague and Nuclear Research Institute, Rez near Prague, Czechoslovakia. The devices enabling a simultaneous combination of measurements carried out by methods such as D T A , T G / D T G , E G A and dilatometry, were designed in various European laboratories and are commercially available from Messrs. Netzsch — Gerätebau Inc., Selb, F R G . These devices differ considerably from the laboratory apparatus used by Hahn in the twenties and thirties. Instead of the ionization chamber connected with an electroscope, scintillation or semiconductor detectors are used to measure the amount of radioactive inert gas released. Mass-spectrometric detection or thermal conductivity detection are used for non-radioactive gases. Recent devices are equipped with an automated temperature control and an automatic registration of all parameters measured. REFERENCES [1] O. H A H N , Applied Radiochemistry, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1936, pp. 191-257 [2] A. HEÉ, Compt. rend., 223 (1946) 749 [3] P. BUSSIERE, B. C L A U D E L , J. P. R E N O U F , Y . T R A M B O U Z E and M . PRETTRE, J. Chem. Phys., 58 (1961) 668 [4] V. B A L E K , Ph. D,Thesis, Moscow State University, 1967 [5] V. B A L E K , J. Radioanal. Chem., 2 (1969) 315 [6] V. B A L E K , J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 53 (1970) 540 [7] C. JECH, Int. J. Appl. Rad. & Isotopes, 8 (1965) 179 [8] C. JECH, Radioisotopes in Scientific Research, Vol. 2, Pergamon Press, London, 1958, p. 491 [9] M. V A N I S , §. V A R G A and J. TÖLGYESSY in W . G . W I E D E M A N N (Ed.), Thermal Analysis, Vol. 2, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, p. 515 [10] V. B A L E K and K . HABERSBERGER, Thermochim. Acta, 4 (1972) 457

[11] V. B A L E K , Analysis, 1 (1972) 445 [12] F. BÉHOUNEK and V. SANTHOLZER, Gerl. Beitr. 33 (1931) 60 [13] J. TÖLGYESSY and S . V A R G A , Nuclear Analytical Chemistry, II. Radioactive Indicators in Chemical Analysis, University Park Press, Baltimore-Veda, Bratislava, 1972 [14] M . CURIE, Dissertation, Paris, 1900 [15] E. RUTHERFORD,'P/I>;5. Z., 2 (1901) 429 [16] L. S. KoLOVRAT—CHERVINSKII, Compt. rend., 145 (1907) 425 [17] O. H A H N , Ann. Chem., 440 (1924) 121 [18] K. E. Z I M E N , Z . Physik. Chem., B37 (1937) 231 [19] W. I. B A R A N O W and E. G . G R A C H E V A , Tr. Ges. Radievogo Inst., 2 (1936) 61; 3 (1937) 117 [20] O. H A H N and F. STRASSMANN, Naturwiss., 26 (1938) 11; 27 (1939) 89 [21] S. F L Ü G G E and K. E. Z I M E N , Z . Physik. Chem., 842 (1939) 179 [22] K. E. Z I M E N , Z . Physik. Chem., A I 9 1 (1942) 1, 95

Chapter 2


In most cases materials to be examined by E T A do not contain inert gas, and therefore it is necessary to label the solid with inert gas in order to make possible the subsequent measurement of gas release from the sample. The techniques of labelling consist, in general, either in the introduction of the inert gas itself or in the incorporation of its parent nuclide (as the inert gas source) into the solid. The most common techniques of the incorporation of the inert gas itself are based on ( 0 the diffusion of inert gas into solid under high pressure and temperature, (ii) the inclusion of inert gas by sample during its preparation or phase transitions in the gas atmosphere, and (Hi) the bombardment o f the sample surface by accelerated ions o f inert gases. For introducing parent nuclides the so-called (i) incorporation technique, (ii) impregnation technique or (Hi) recoil technique are mainly used.

2.1 Inert gas sources Natural radioactive inert gases, such as radon isotopes or common non­ radioactive inert gases (e.g. argon, krypton, xenon) and their radioactive isotopes can generally be used for ETA-measurement. The radioactive inert gases are preferred because of their easy detection. Radioactive isotopes of inert gases which can be used in the E T A and their characteristics [ 1 ] are listed in Table 2-1. Nuclear reactions yielding inert gas nuclides can be used for the production of inert gases. Examples of nuclear reactions, producing inert gas of not too short half-life in an amount sufficient for the emanation measurement, are given in sections that follow.

TABLE 2-1 Radioisotopes of inert gases Inert gas nuclide ^He 2^Ne ^'^Ne ^^Ar

-0.8 s 38 s 3.38 min 35.1 day

^'^Ar ^'Ar

269 a 1.83 h


33 a 14.6 h 1.24 h

«•Kr ''"'KT




34.9 h 50 s 2.1x10^ a 13.3 s 1.83 h

Decay mode and energy -β 3.5 MeV -β4Λ MeV - y 439 keV -β 2.0 Me ν - 7 874 keV El. capture -β 0.6 Me ν -β 1.2 MeV y 1.3 MeV -β -0.6 MeV El. capture + ß 1.9 MeV γ 130 keV El. capture y 130 keV El. capture y 191 keV y 9 keV

4.48 h

-ßO.S MeV y 151 keV


10.76 a 76.3 min


2.80 h


3.18 min

- ^ 0 . 7 MeV -ß3.5 MeV y 403 keV -ßO.5 MeV y 2.39 MeV -ß 3.5 MeV y 221 keV -ß26 MeV y 1.19 MeV - ^ 4 . 6 MeV y 109 keV - ^ 4 . 6 MeV y 142 keV - ^ 6 . 2 MeV y 1.12 MeV


32.3 s


8.6 s


1.84 s


1.29 s


0.2 s 38.8 min


20.1 h

-ß + ß2.S MeV y 253 keV El. capture y 350 keV

Way of production ^Be(n, α) 22Ne(M, y); ^'Na{n, ρ), ^^Mg(n,a) ''Ne(f, p) '%ot, « ) ; ''C\{d, 2,1); ''C\{p, n) '''Kid, a) ^«Ca(,i, a) ^«Ar(n, y) ^^K(M, p)

^«Ar(i/, p), ^ « A r ( n , y ) ; ^ » K ( M , p) "^'Arin, y), parent ^^K «^Y(p, spallation) ^^Se(a, Π) '^Se(a, n), '^Brid, 2n); '^Br(p, M) ''Kvin, y) «>Br(p, n); «^Kr(,i, y) daughter « ' R b «°Se(a, ,1), '^Kr{d, p), ''Kr{n, y) X-rays on «^Kr, fission U, daughter «^Br, daughter »^Rb «2Se(a, ,1); '""Krin, y) «5Rb(M, p); »»Sr(,i, a), fission U, daughter «^Br «'^Krí/i, y), fission U «^Kr(M, y), «^Rb(M, p), fission U fission U, Th fission U, Pu fission U, Pu fission U, Pu fission U, Pu, Th fission U, Pu fission U ''Ί{ρ. In) '''\{p. 6n)

TABLE 2-1 (continued) Inert gas nuclide


2.08 h


5.7 s 16.8 h


70s 36.4 d



8.89 d 12.0 d 2.2 d 5.29 d

15.3 min ^^^Xe

9.17 h


3.83 min


14.1 min


39.7 s


13.5 s


1.79 s


0.83 s


5.67 min


9.3 min


24.4 min


30 min


2.4 h

Decay mode and energy El. capture Λ-β 1.5 MeV y 112 keV El. capture _L R +P y 188 keV y 125 keV El capture y 188 keV y 40 keV y 164 keV y 233 keV -j5 0.3 MeV y 81 keV 527 keV - ^ 0 . 9 MeV y 250 keV -j3 4.1 MeV y 455 keV -)5 0.8 MeV y 258 keV -β 4.6 MeV y 219 keV -β 2.6 MeV y 806 keV -β 4.9 MeV y 119 keV -β

Way of production

'''\{ρ, 5,1) '^Ί{(χ, 6,1), ^"'Cs; daughter ^^^Cs ^22Te(a, ,1); ^^*Xe(r, y)

^27l(a, 4,1) ^''Cs; daughter ^''Cs ^2*Te(a, ,1); '^'Md, 2,i) ''Ί{ρ, ,i); ^ 2 6 X e ( , i , y)

^''Xe(,i, y) ^3'Xe(,i, , i ' ) ; fission U '^2χβ(,ι, y); fission U » ^ 2 χ φ , y);>^2Xe(¿, p);»^^Xe(,i, 2,i) »^«Te(a, ,1); »"Cs(,i, p); ^^^Ba(,i, a) fission U ^^^Xe(,i, 2,1); ^^''Xei,!, y) ^'«Ba(,i, a) fission U »^^Xe(,i, y); ^^*Xe(i/, p); ^^^Xe(,i, 2,i) ^^«Ba(,i, a); fission U '^^Xe(,i, y); fission U fission U fission U, Th fission U, Th fission U fission U

y 572 keV α 6.26 MeV El. capture El. capture α 6.126 Me ν y 345 keV α 6.14 MeV El. capture El. capture

_^ β oi 6.039 MeV α 6.04 MeV El. capture y 458 keV

^^^Au(^*N, 5,1) ^^^Aui^-^N, 4,1)

Spallation Th; Pbi^^C, spall) Spallation Th; Pbi^^C, spall)

Spallation Th; Pbi^^C, spall)


T A B L E 2-1 (continued) Inert gas nuclide

Decay mode and energy



14.6 h

^^^Rn 2^^Rn

24 min 3.96 s


55.6 s

Spallation Th; Pb('^C, spall)

El. capture α 5.783 MeV y 684 keV α 6.264 MeV α 6.819 MeV y 271 keV α 6.288 MeV

Spallation Th; Pb(^^C, spall) Member of ^^^U decay chain Member of " ^ T h decay chain

y -β α -6.0 Me ν α 5.48966 MeV

25 min 3.824 d


V^ay of production

"2Th(p, spall) Member of ^^«U decay chain

TABLE 2-II Inert gas nuclides produced by α-decay


α 4.78 MeV




1.600 a 226Ra -

Active deposit

Inert gas





5.5 MeV




3.82 d

2'«Po,2»*Pb,^^^Bi, llApQ

220ji^ 2lOp^^

Half-life of the longest lived nuclide 210pt^

22 a

2^«Bi, 2^^Po 216pQ^ 212pb^ 212Bj^

1.91 a α 3.64 d "*Ra 21.8 18.7



2»2po, 2«»T1 220R



55 6


^»^Bi, 2 ^ ^ b , 2^^Bi 2»'Bi, 2^^Po, ^«''Tl 7.4 min 2^5po,

0.045 MeV


2'^Pb 1Ö.6 h

6.29 MeV

5.68 MeV


-β α


5.42 MeV α

6.04 MeV ^Rn

6.82 MeV

3.96 s

2.1.1 Nuclear reactions producing inert gases (a) Alpha decay The list of inert gas nuclides formed by alpha decay of their ancestors is given in Table 2-II. By subsequent decay of inert gas atoms, non-gaseous products called "active deposits" are formed. The naturally radioactive parent atoms, the proper inert gas atoms and the active deposit atoms belong to chains of successive decays which constitute radioactive families or series [ 2 ] . (b) Beta decay Artificially produced radioelements undergoing beta decay can also be used for the production of inert gas atoms. Some of the gases and parent nuclides are listed in Table 2 - I I I . TABLE 2-III Inert gas nuclides produced by /?-decay Ancestor nuclides

Halflife 69 s

Inert gas nuclides



25 min 2.4 h 54 min


.1.9 h


12.5 min

20.8 h


6.7 h








5.6 d

15.6 min 9.1 h

(c) Neutron-activated reactions Inert gas atoms can be formed in a number of solids by neutron irradiation in nuclear reactors. Neutron-activated nuclear reactions (n, p) (n, a) and (n, y) and fission (n, / ) occur in these cases. Table 2 - I V lists the inert gases which can be produced by fast neutron irradiation in compounds containing alkali and alkaline earth elements. 13

TABLE 2-IV Inert gas nuclides produced by (,i, ρ) and (Μ, α) nuclear reactions










^^Ne ^^Ar,
















The possibihties of (n, γ) nuclear reactions by thermal neutrons are shown in Table 2 - V — on the left. By (n, y) reactions radioactive halogen atoms are produced which are transformed by beta decay into stable inert gas atoms. During the reactor irradiation of the stable inert gas a second neutron activation process produces detectable amounts of radioactive inert gas nuclides (see Table 2-V — on the right). By fission reactions (n, / ) of uranium or thorium several K r and Xe isotopes (e.g. ^®Kr, ^^^Xe, ^-^^Xe) are formed amongst a large variety of other nuclides.

TABLE 2-V Inert gas nuclides produced by (M, γ) nuclear reactions

Χ(η,γ)Χ*^ G (stable intermediate products) lis

CI Br Br

37 min 4.5 h

36 h 25 min


Radioactive final products obtained by the reaction G(,i.y)g*

2«Ne 3«Ar

^^Ar 269 a

««Kr «^Kr 2«Xe

»^•"Kr 1.9 h •^^•"Xe 8.0 d

2.1.2 Labelling sources Parent nuclides producing inert gas by nuclear reactions are designated as labelling sources of inert gas atoms, and used either as external or internal labelling sources. The two cases of external labelling sources are: (1) Radium nuclide ^^^Ra is adsorbed on the sample surface and radon nuclide ^^^Rn is formed by its alpha-decay and introduced into the sample by recoil energy. (2) Uranium foil enriched by ^^^U surrounding the sample in the flux of thermal neutrons is an external source of fission inert gases. Inert gases are then introduced into the sample surface by the action of their recoil energy. The concept of an internal labelling source assumes the incorporation of inert gas parent nuclides into the lattice. In some cases ions of parent nuclides are constituting the lattice. In this chapter various techniques of labelling the solids with inert gases will be described. The techniques are divided into two groups: ( 0 techniques introducing the parent nuclide of inert gas, (ii) techniques introducing the inert gas without the parents.

2.2 Techniques introducing the parent nuclide of inert gas 2.2.1 Incorporation technique This technique proposed and developed by Hahn and his co-workers in the twenties and thirties of this century, should be named first of all. The technique consists in the incorporation of a parent nuclide producing the inert gas into the solid [ 2 ] . The introduction of the parent atoms into the labelled solid is usually accomplished by common crystallization or co-precipitation from the solution containing the radioactive parent nuclide in trace concentrations [ 3 ] , e.g. 10" ^ ^ n-solution of ^^^Th representing about 4 χ 10^ s~^ cm~^. For metal oxide hydrates of gel structure the adsorption of parent nuclide atoms in the precipitate can be used. In the case, when the specimen is a compound where crystallization or adsorption of the parent nuclide cannot be carried out, it is possible to label another compound from which the desired one can be prepared. In this way inorganic oxides were prepared by the thermal decomposition of hydroxides, carbonates, oxalates etc. [ 4 ] . Mixed oxides of the 15

spinel type were prepared [ 5 ] by heating the mixture of simple oxides, hydroxides oi carbonates. Metal nickel containing the parent nuclide ^^^Ra was prepared by the reduction of labelled N i O in hydrogen [ 6 ] . Zeolites (chabazite and heulandite) were labelled [ 7 ] by exchanging calcium ions for barium ions charged with ^^^Ra. It was shown that the ion exchange for radium actually takes place in the bulk of the mineral and that radium is not merely adsorbed upon the surface of the crystallites whose granular diameter was 0.13 mm. Radium was successfully incoφorated into metals by electrolysis or melting [ 8 ] . Incorporation of the parent nuclide into A g l can be carried out by its precipitation from a solution containing ^^^I. Labelling of alkali iodides with ^^^Xe was successfully accomplished [ 9 ] by growing the crystals from the melt containing ^^^I. The resulting specific activity of the labelled samples [ 1 0 ] amounted usually to 3.7 χ 10"*^ s"^ (i.e. 1 microcurie) of ^^^Th per gram of the sample. The distribution of the incorporated parent should obviously be uniform if it can be built isomorphously into the crystal lattice, e.g. as radium into barium salts. With regard to the spatial distribution of the inert gas atoms formed as daughter products of ^^®Th in a solid, the following considerations seem to be justified. When an atom of ^^®Th disintegrates, the resulting atom of ^^"^Ra is ejected along a recoil path of 20-30 nm in length; the same occurs when atoms of ^^"^Ra disintegrate into ^^^Rn, Irrespective of whether the parent ^^^Th was built in, isomorphously, on a proper cation site, or whether it was located on a surface or in an interstitial position, there is a very high probability that both daughters, ^^*Ra and ^^^Rn, end up in some interstitial positions, remote from vacant cation sites. This can lead to a random distribution of ^^"^Ra and ^^^Rn atoms within the lattice which, in a statistical way, can (but need not) result in a uniform spatial distribution. The final distribution is dependent on the structure of the labelled solid and can be changed as a result of diffusion by heating of the sample [ 1 1 ] . When the density of trapping sites for ^^"^Ra and ^^^Rn in the structure of a labelled solid is high enough, the uniform distribution of the parent should remain unchanged during heat treatment.

2.2.2 Impregnation technique In cases where there is no possibility of introducing the parent nuclide during the preparation of the sample the so-called impregnation technique can be used. This technique consists in treating a substance to be labelled with a solution containing the radioactive parent nuclides. The specific radioactivity of the commonly used labelling solutions containing ^^^Th and ^^"^Ra is of the order of 10* s~^ cm""^ (i.e. of several microcuries cm"-^). 16

The impregnation technique was successfully used for labelling minerals, various chemical products delivered commercially, etc. The resulting specific activity of the labelled samples is of the order of 10"^ s"^ g"^ (i.e. of several microcuries g ~ ^ ) . As to the distribution of the labelling atoms in the solid the following considerations can be made. W e can suppose that ^^^Th parent atoms are present after labelling by impregnation technique only on the surface of the solid (see Fig. 2-1). The daughter products ^^^Ra and ^^^Rn are immediately after their generation injected, as the result of their recoil, into the depth of the grains. The maximum depth of penetration of ^^^Rn achieves two path lengths of the recoil in the given substance. This is about 60 nm in the substance of a mean density of 3 g cm"-^ [ 1 2 ] . If no special homogenization measures are taken the impregnation technique usually yields a non-uniform distribution both of the parent nuclides and the inert gas atoms in the solid. In cases w^ere the dimensions of grains ofthe solid to be labelled are of the order of hundredths of a micrometer, the uniform distribution of the inert gas can be assumed. By heating solids to high temperatures, up to melting, the initially non­ uniform distribution of the parent nuclides obtained by the impregnation technique can be changed, in some cases, to the uniform one.

I i


250 ^ Penetration depth [A]


Fig. 2-1. Distribution of ^^'Th, "*Ra and ^^^^Rn in a grain of solid labelled by impregnation technique

2.2.3 Recoil technique An interesting way for incorporating the ^^*Ra parent nuclide was pro­ posed by Jech [ 1 3 ] . This technique is based on the effect of recoil of radium (^^*Ra) atoms in the moment of their formation by alpha decay from thorium (^^^Th). Atoms of ^^'^Ra from the ^^^Th recoil source possess energies between 17

50-100 keV which are sufficient for their implantation into the surface layers of solids. The concentrations of 5 χ 10^ to 1 χ 10^ ^^"^Ra atoms cm~^ of surface were obtained which give radon concentrations of 8 χ 10^ to 4 χ 10"^ of ^^^Rn atoms cm"-^ of surface.

2.2.4 Use of inert gas radiogenic formation in minerals It is obvious that uranium, radium and thorium isotopes present in natural minerals can be considered as the parent nuclides of inert gases Inert gases of radiogenic origin are present in some cases in an amount sufficient for providing the emanation measurements. Analogically "^^Ar is formed in minerals by the decay of the natural radioactive isotope "^^K. Over a long period there accumulates a measurable amount of radiogenic argon which is often used for the determination of the absolute age of minerals and rocks [14, 15].

2.2.5 Production of inert gas atoms from corresponding parent nuclides (a) Spontaneous radioactive decay The amount of the inert gas atoms Ν2 formed as a daughter product from the parent atoms in time t can be expressed by the following equation [ 2 ] Ν2 = ίλΛλ2-λΜΝ>''''-€-'%


where denotes the amount of the parent atoms present in the sample at time i = 0 after labelling, and A2 denote the characteristic decay constants of the parent and daughter atoms, respectively*. As the parents ^^®Th, ^^^Ra and ^^^Ac are of longer half-life [Aj ί.2 and (ii/2)i ^(^1/2)2]» than the daughter inert gas atoms (^^^Rn, ^^^Rn and ^^^Rn, respectively) and the activity does not decrease measurably during many daughter half-lives, a state called radioactive equilibrium is reached in the sample after a certain time [ 2 ] (10 daughter halflives are usually taken). It can readily be seen from relation (2.1) that after this certain time e~^^^ is negligible compared with e'^'\ Since the amount of the parent atoms present in time t euqals toiVi = yV?xe"'^*' and >l ^ jS-cristoballite. The authors ascribe this fact to the different character of the phase transitions. In the last two cases only the valence angles change and the bonds are not actually broken. In the case of the conversion of jS-quartz to jS-cristoballite a completely new lattice is formed. Hidalgo and Sizmann [84] accomplished labelling of alumina powder AI2O3 by heating at temperatures higher than 1323 Κ in a gas atmosphere containing ®^Kr. The gas inclusion in this temperature range is explained by recrystallization, closure of pores^and sintering. 39

2.4 The choice of labelling technique Techniques used by various authors for labelling of solids with inert gases were summarized in this chapter. Techniques chosen for labelling the studied substance depend on the character of the substance and on the end to be reached by the inert gas release measurement. Techniques based on the introduction of parent nuclides of inert gases are usually applied to substances when information on changes of surface or structure in relation to temperature or time is required. Heating, cooling, re­ heating, etc. do not involve the danger that the inert gas will be exhausted. The sample labelled with the parent of inert gas can be used for E T A measurement many times, even after a long storage, as long as the parent of inert gas does not disintegrate. In contrast to these techniques, the amount of a gas introduced into the sample without a parent decreases with time. It decreases continuously during sample heating and can be exhausted even before high temperature changes occur in a substance. In this case a repeated labelling should be made after cooling the sample to room temperature. The labelling of samples by inert gas without parent is usually applied when the gas release is to be followed in one heating run only, without the necessity to follow the release behaviour during sample cooling. On the other hand, labelling based on the direct introduction of the inert gas makes it possible to use a greater variety of inert gases. Homogeneous labelling by nuclear reactions and ion bombardment found an advantageous use in studying the properties of the crystal lattice and its defects. By varying the conditions for labelling (e.g. neutron flux, type of the nuclear reaction, dose and energy in ion bombardment), it is possible to separate different release processes which otherwise could occur simultaneously leading to a release behaviour which would be difficult to interpret. By varying the ion dose in the ion bombardment, the gas concentration can easily be varied without changing the purity of the specimen thus avoiding the disturbing impurities produced during reactor irradiation. By varying the energy of gas ions, the position of the gas (or median range of the gas ions) with respect to the surface can be chosen thus enabling a separation of surface and bulk release processes. Moreover, the effect of radiation damage or specific impurities on release can easily be studied in double bombardments. Ion bombardment together with the diffusion technique are used for producing krypton-labelled compounds called Kryptonates. The latter have found wide application in analytical chemistry as very sensitive analyzers of gases and liquids. 40

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Chapter 3


Inert gas release from a solid depends not only on the properties of the studied solid, but also on the way of labelling, — i.e. whether the inert gas itself or its parent nuclide was introduced into the solid — and on their distribution. Therefore the inert gas release behaviour will be described separately (i) for solids containing a parent nuclide of the inert gas, and (n) for solids containing the inert gas without parent nuclide. In this chapter those cases of inert gas release are treated, where there are parent nuclides of inert gas atoms introduced into the solid. The cases discussed below deal with the samples of various grain shapes labelled by incorporation, impregnation and recoil techniques (for the description of labelling techniques see Chapter 2). In all cases parent nuclides which ai;e in the solid give rise to inert gas atoms.

3.1 Processes of inert gas release Generally, there are two processes which contribute to the release of inert gas from the solid containing corresponding parent nuclide: (1) The recoil of freshly generated inert gas atoms. If the parent atom lies close to the surface of the grain, the recoil energy of the order 100 keV, which the inert gas atom gains during the decay of the parent, may be sufficient to eject it from the solid. (2) The diffusion of inert gas in the solid. The schematic diagram of the processes of inert gas release from a spherical grain of solid is shown in Fig. 3-1. Both processes are affected by the physical properties of the solid and by the structural and chemical changes taking place in the solid. For the sake of simplicity, we shall first deal with the case when over the given temperature range there are no changes in the state of the solid studied. The theories of both recoil and diffusion processes have been developed first by Flügge and Zimen [ 1 ] . The authors assumed an assembly of uniform (spherical) 43

particles within which the distribution of the inert gas parent (e.g. Ra atoms) is uniform and constant. The recoil release of the inert gas from solids of various grain shapes with a non-uniform distribution of the parent nuclide was recently treated by Quet et al, [ 2 ] . Zaborenko and Kapustin [ 3 ] proposed solutions for inert gas release from solids with uniform, linear or exponential distributions of the inert gas. Cases are treated for both time-independent (stationary) and time-dependent concen­ tration profiles.

Fig. 3-1. The recoil and diffusion processes of inert gas release from a spherical grain

The formal treatment assumes that there is a continuous source of inert gas atoms provided that radioactive equilibrium is maintained; it means that the rate of inert gas formation by decay of the parent is equal to the sum of the rate of its decay and the rate of its escape from the grain. Experimental measurements give the total emanating power E, defined by Hahn [ 4 ] as (3.1) where N,^^ denotes the number of emanation atoms released from the solid in unit time, Nform denotes the number of emanation atoms formed within the solid in unit time. The total emanating power may be represented as the sum of two terms E = Efi-\- Ej)


where E^, the recoil fraction, represents the fraction (Ν^βΟκ/^Γοηη of emanation atoms for which the recoil tracks end outside the solid, and E^, the diffusion fraction, represents the fraction ( N r e i W ^ f o r m escaping by diffusion during the lifetime of the emanation atom. 44

3.2 Recoil emanating power, Ej^ 3.2.1 The spherical grain (a) Uniform distribution of the inert gas parent Flügge and Zimen [ 1 ] evaluated for a single spherical grain on the basis of the following model (see Fig. 3-2a). The parent nuclides of emanation (e.g. Ra atoms) are uniformly distributed within the grain. A recoil atom (e.g Rn) can escape from the surface of a grain only if its parent lies within the recoil range R of the surface. O f these only a fraction escapes by recoil. Only a half of those found at the surface escape and none of those formed at the distance R from the surface. The probability of inert gas escape by recoil from the position in depth r from the surface q{r) is given by the ratio of the surface of the spherical segment with a radius R, which protrudes outside the original spherical grain to the total surface of the sphere with radius R (see Fig. 3-2a) q(r) = 2πR(R-ξ)|2πR'





The total quantity of the emanation escaping by recoil through the surface of the grain with radius TQ in unit time is given by the following relationship {N,,,)^ = CAAn J



where C is the concentration of the parent, supposed to be constant in time and volume, A is the decay constant of the parent (Ra-atoms) product, CA means the number of emanation atoms formed in unit volume per unit time.

Fig. 3-2. Model of emanation release by recoil from a spherical grain, (a) Case of uniform distribution of inert gas parent ("*Ra); (b) case of non-uniform distribution of inert gas parent (^^^Th being situated on the grain surface) 45

By the solution of the integral the following expression was obtained: {N,,,)^ The

= CAn{Rrl-R'/l2)


quantity of the emanation atoms formed in the particle in unit time is: N,^,^

= 4nrlCA/3

For the emanating power due to recoil expression was obtained


of single particles, the follov/ing

Er = ( i V , e i ) K / N , _ = 3R/4ro - R'/l^rl


The expression (3.7) is valid for Γ ο > Κ / 2 . For r^^Rß, E¡^ = iN,M^(orm-^^^ i.e. every just formed emanation atom escapes by recoil. Since for the most usual granulometry of solids is around ^0.01 μm, this relationship can be used for particles of diameters equal or greater than 0.01 μm. For larger particles {tq ^ 1 μm) the second term becomes negligible and we can write ER = 3R/4ro


(b) Non-uniform distribution of the inert gas parent Quet et al [ 5 ] considered a simple spherical grain of solid labelled by ^^^Th using the impregnation technique. It means than ^^®Th atoms are situated on the surface of grain with radius Vq (see Fig. 3-2b). Recoiled atoms of radium ^^^Ra are generated by the decay of ^^^Th and stopped at the distance R' from the surface of the grain. The probability dP to find the recoiled Ra atom within r-\-dr from the surface (rR,R\ Expression for E^ corresponding to the case of paper [ 5 ] .


< Ä ^ Ivq is given in the

3.2.2 The cubic grain, slab and the cylindrical sample (a) Uniform distribution of the inert gas parent For a small cube having the side of a^lR, Kurbatov [ 6 ] derived the relationship E¡,= \.5ia- IRf R/a^ + 5.364(a - 2R)R^/a^ + 4 . 7 7 6 Ä > ^


For large cubes (aPR) Eq. (3.12) is reduced to Ej, = 3R/2a


For slabs of thickness e the following values of Ej^ were estimated [ 2 ] £^ = 0.5 E¡^^1 For a cylinder of radius derived:

ioTe = R íore ίJ of inert gas release at a definite temperature, when a thermal equilibrium is reached, the differential equation is reduced to the simple Pick type equation (cf. Eq. (4.2)), but with D^pp, which is smaller than D for undisturbed diffusion (4.8)

^app = [ ^ / ( l + ^ / i > ) ]

So whatever the initial conditions of the experiment are, reliable diffusion coefficients can be evaluated when thermal equilibrium is reached.

TABLE 4^1 Some ways for the evaluation of D

Type of release kinetics

Experiment diagram used

Slope of any part of the diagram is proportional to D

Ideal volume diffusion and step-wise heating (Curve i , Fig. 4-2) Volume diffusion hindered by presence of traps at the beginning of the experiment (Curve 5, Fig. 4^2)

Slope of the linear part of the diagram is proportional to D


Slope in the linear part is proportional to D

Overlapping of volume diffusion and "burst effect" at the beginning of the experiment (Curve y, Fig. 4^2) Step-wise heating overlapping processes in the first temperature step (Tj) (Fig. 4-2)


Procedure for D evaluation




Slope in the linear part pro­ portional to D for T2 and higher: Slope of the as­ ymptote to the curve is propor­ tional to D

This theory was found suitable for inert gas release evaluation in most solids labelled homogeneously by inert gas without a parent making possible the calculation of diffusion coefficient D from experimentally obtained F values at constant temperature. For the evaluation it is convenient to use the graphical representation of F = f{T) or F = f(y/t). Table 4-1 shows some ways recommended by Felix [ 3 ] for the evaluation of D. Figure 4-3 shows F plotted against ^ i —ί,·, for a step-wise heating experiment according to Lagerwall and Schmeling [ 6 ] , where i, is the time at which the temperature is changed. It represents the case of an initial burst at temperature Γ ι , but no burst release at and T3.



01 23 4 5 sU 0 1 2 3 A 5 6 7 , , , , , , , y/fT, 0 123 A 5 67 Fig. 4-3. Ideal inert gas release plotted as F against Jt-t^ superimposed by one single "burst" at the beginning of the anneal (cf. Ref. [ 6 ] )

41.2 Non-homogeneous gas distribution Cases of a plane source, an exponentially decreasing profile, linearly decreasing gas distribution, and peak distribution with an exponential tail, which are important with ion bombardment labeUing, were thoroughly analyzed by Kelly, Brown and Matzke [ 7 - 1 0 ] . Cases of linearly decreasing and rectangular profiles which occur in recoildoping technique of labelling, were theoretically treated by DiCola and Matzke [ 1 1 ] and the hnearly decreasing distribution also by Mears and Elleman [ 1 2 ] . Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] used the diffusion equations modified by Hurst [ 4 ] and Gaus [ 5 ] , but treated the problem using the discrete diffusion theory developed 77

by Kelly [8,13]. This theory involves making time continuous but space discrete. According to the above mentioned authors it is, in principle, better suited for discrete media such as the crystal lattice than the conventional diffusion theory (both time and space continuous) or random walk (both time and space discrete). Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] denoted the concentration of gas in the presence of trapping effect by c, concentration of permanent traps by m (both in fractional units), the diffusion length for permanent trapping by L (in atomic layer spacing units, a). The concentration of gas c and of traps m related to the distance from the surface can be either differential or integral, the relationship between the two forms being C^'^^= - ( ö / a x ) C ' " \ Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] defined the diffusion coefficient D as D=\/2ka^(\-f)^\/2ka^


and the diffusion path L as L^=(l-/)/(6/)^l/(6/)


where k = kQ Qxp ( — AH/RT) is the diffusion rate constant defined as the rate of jumping along a given line, / is the atomic fraction of atom-size traps, a is the atom layer spacing. It is of interest that the conventional diffusion theory by Hurst [ 4 ] gives a value of twice as high. Diffusion coefficient D and diffusion trapping length L are defined by Kelly and Matzke [10] in a more fundamental atomic parameter, narnely in the atom layer spacing a (denoted by the authors as λ). The mean atomic spacing a equals to (Λί/ρΝο)^^"^»0.25 nm, where Μ is the molecular weight, ρ the density and N o the Avogadro number. The following equation, describing diffusion with both permanent and weak trapping for unidimensional gradient, was proposed [ 1 0 ] dc/dt = (D/a^) (d^c/dt^) - (D/Oa^)c dm/dt = (D/L^a^)c

- bm

-h bm

(4.1 Oa) (4.1 Ob)

where c denotes the concentration of mobile gas atoms, m is the concentration of gas in traps, b gives the rate of detrapping and L is the diffusion trapping length or the spacing of the trapping centres. By the solution of Eq. (4.1 Oa) appropriate expressions were derived [ 10] for the fractional release in the absence of trapping ( F J and the fractional release in the presence of permanent trapping (F2). By the solution of Eq. (4.1 Ob) the fraction of permanent traps F„ was evaluated [ 1 0 ] . Expressions for F j considering different gas concentrations profiles and ideal volume diffusion kinetics are listed in Table 4 - I I . For expressions of F2 and F„ 78

TABLE 4-II Expressions for fractional release ( F J considering various gas concentration profiles Geometry




Plane source



Peak distribution with exponential tail


8, 10


1 -exp(0.480z2)erfc(0.480z2)»/2

7, 10

Linearly decreasing

l-{(2z2+l)erfc(l/2z) + 2z/π^/'· •[exp(-l/4z2)-2]}

11, 12


2ζ/π2{1 -exp(l/4z2)}+erfc(l/2z)

11, 12

Fig. 4-4. Theoretical fractional reíase curves for different initial gas distributions as listed in Table 4-IL Curve I: linearly decreasing; Curve 2: exponential; Curve 3: rectangular; Curve 4: peaked with exponential tail; Curve 5: plane source 79

assuming the trapping behaviour we recommend the original paper of Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] . In Table Φ-ΙΙ, stands for (Dt/R^), where R denotes the range of the gas which is the limit in penetrations in the cases of a plane source, a rectangular and a linearly decreasing concentration profile. In the case of a peak distribution with exponential tail, the most probable or peak range Rp is to be used, whereas with exponential distribution the median range R^ should be applied. Figure Φ-4 shows the results plotted in bilogarithmic scale as F = / ( z ) , z^ being (Dt/Ri). Theoretically, the inert gas distribution in ion bombarded solids will be determined by the energy of bombarding ions, by the properties of the solid (atomic mass, type of lattice, crystallinity, lattice defects, etc.). The gas distribution also depends on whether the solid is amorphous, polycrystalline .or monocrystalline, as well as on the dose of gas ions applied. Figure 4-5 shows differential forms of four idealized concentration profiles, suited for most cases of ion bombardment, recoil labelling and diffusion labelling: (a) Plane source assuming inert gas concentration in the vicinity of Rp, the most probable or peak range. It is suited for example (/) for low and high mass solids with very low bombardment energies (1 keV) so that equals only 1 or 2

Geometries in differential form Plane source

Fig. 4-5. Idealized concentration profiles suited for ion bombardment, recoil and techniques of labelling 80


atomic layers. It is also a possible representation of (ii) low-mass solids at very high bombardment energies (300 keV) [14, 15] and (Hi) for amorphous solids, where the distribution is generally compact due to the absence of channelling [15]. (b) Peaked with an exponential tail distribution (or " x e w h e r e the theoretically most probable 50% range is given by R^= IMRp. This geometry is suitable, for example, for polycrystalline material labelled by gas ions at energies, where R^ equals roughly 2 to 10 atomic layers, as can be seen, e.g. from the differential distribution curves of 2-100 keV Rn in aluminium [ 1 5 ] (cf. Fig. 2-8), (c) Exponential (or ""') distribution is suited (/) for polycrystalline solids and bombardment energies such as Ä , , , ^ 10 atomic layers [15-17] and (ii) for some solids labelled with diffusion technique [ 1 8 ] and many cases of diffusion which can be attributed to "bubble diffusion" [ 1 9 ] , (d) Linearly decreasing distribution is suited for solids labelled by recoil technique [ 9 ] and in some cases for diffusion technique [ 1 8 ] . (e) When high energy bombardments are used for labelling fine powders or with alpha Rn recoil or fission Xe recoil, the concept of a homogeneously labelled sphere [ 1 0 ] can be used. Equation (4.3) is applicable in this case. In most cases actual distribution lies between these idealized cases. With exponential or linearly decreasing distribution, most of the gas is close to the surface. It can be seen from Fig. 4—4 that with D and R^ being constant, most releases occur within short times. With peaked distributions, and especially with a plane source, the gas is deeper in the solid. Hence the release corresponding to the undisturbed volume diffusion starts at higher values of t. On the other hand, the exponential distribution contains some gas very deep in the solid, thus the values of F are not reached before high values of t are attained.

4 . 2 Inert gas release during non-isothermal heating In this section the fractional release F obtained in step-wise isochronal experiments and the release rate dF/di obtained under conditions of linearly increasing temperature will be analyzed. Figure 4-6 shows the temperature dependence of fractional release F (Curves 7,2) and of release rate dF/di (Curves i , 4). Curves 1 and 3 describe a process with one discrete value of the activation enthalpy of diffusion. Curves 2 and 4 describe a process with a uniform spectrum of activation enthalpies. The exponential distribution of inert gas in the solid and the absence of trapping effects are supposed in all cases. The F = / ( T ) curves show the expected, basically sigmoid shapes. The curves can be regarded as being characterized by the temperatures for 10%, 50% and 90% release.








Í \ •

Fig. 4-6. Temperature dependence of fraction release F (Curves / and 2) and of release rate áF/át (Curves 3 and 4)

600 Temperature ['C] Fig. 4-7. Theoretically expected release curves for volume diffusion process with AH= 1.95 eV/atom= 188.6 kJ/mole. The full curves are for Do = 0.3 cm^/s and bombardment energies of 1, 5,10,20,40,100 and 300 keV, assuming a linear relation between energy and median range of the ions. The dotted curves (a) and (b) are for 40 keV and Do = 0.03 and 3 cm7s

The dF/dt curves show the expected, basically peaked shapes for discrete values of activation enthalpy. The curves can be characterized by the temperatures T_i/2» ^+1/2 and which denote the half-heights and the maximum temperature of the peak, respectively. As it was shown in Section 4.1., the release curves strongly depend on the median range R„ of bombarded ions in the solid. Figure 4-7 shows some 82

theoretically expected release curves predicted by Matzke et al [20] for a volume diffusion with a discrete value οϊ ΔΗ (i.e. 45 kcal/mole = 188.6 kJ/mole) assuming an exponential distribution profile and Do ¡^0.3 cm^ s ^ The increasing of the bombardment energy (1,5,10,20,40,100 and 300 ke V ) shifts the release curves towards higher temperatures. (For these calculations a linear relationship between and energy was assumed.) Simultaneously, the release curves cover a wider temperature interval. The two dotted curves, a and b show the effect of change in Do (both curves are for 40 keV but for Do = 0.03 and 3 cm^ s" S respectively). Variation of the annealing time is expected to yield a similar shift in temperature. Similar shifts occur in the peaks of dF/di curves. For comparing the F-T and ( d F / d i ) - T plots we can suppose that heating with a linear temperature increase of 10 K/60 s corresponds to a step-wise heating with 60 s annealing time. M o r e complex F-T diagrams are obtained when the inert gas release is governed by trapping and mechanisms other than normal volume diffusion. Selected examples of such release behaviours are shown in Figs 4-8 and 4-9.

200 300 Temperature [*C] Fig. 4-8. Isochronal release of * •'^Xe from KBr single crystals following ion bombardment to a dose of 8 X 10^ ^ ions/cm^. By varying the energy of the incident ion beam between 0.5 and 40 keV the effect of surface proximity on gas release at low temperature is shown

Figure 4-8 shows F-T curve of ^^^Xe release from K B r single crystals following ion bombardment to a dose 8 χ 10^^ ions/cm^. By varying the energy of the incident beam between 0.5 and 40 keV, Matzke [ 2 1 ] proved the effect of surface proximity on the gas release at low temperature. It can be seen that with increasing energy a decreasing percentage of the gas is released at temperatures below 230 °C (i.e. 503 K ) which correponds to 0.5 melting point on the absolute 83

temperature scale. At an energy of 40 keV this release at low temperatures is negligible. This curve represents the normal volume gas diffusion which occurs for most materials at temperatures compatible with self-diffusion. When the inert gas release occurs at temperatures well below that for normal diffusion, it is supposed that the inert gas release is subject to the effect of diffusion along boundaries or diffusion pipes, release due to excess point defects.

200 300 400 Temperature ['C] Fig. 4-9. Isochronal releaseof'2^Xe(lowdoseof8 χ lO'^ions/cm^jand *^^Xe(highdoseof2x 10'^ ions/cm^) from pure and doped Κ Br single crystals

etc. This type of release process has been called "damage diffusion". The low temperature xenon release from K B r seems to be due to proximity of gas to the surface rather than to damage and annealing only. In some experiments a shift of the sigmoidal release curve to higher temperatures can be observed. This retarded release indicates a trapping of the inert gas on defects in the solid. Figure 4-9 shows F-T curves of pure and doped K B r single crystals. The ion energy in these experiments was kept constant at 40 keV to avoid influences of surface proximity. Using a very low dose (8 χ 10^^ Xe ions/cm^) Matzke [ 2 1 ] stated that the gas release corresponds to normal volume gas diffusion for all the three materials: K B r — pure, doped with 200 ppm K 2 C O 3 and doped with 500 ppm CaBr2 (Curve 7). At higher ion doses (2 χ 10^^ Xe ions/cm^) the release is retarded, i.e. is shifted to higher temperatures (Curve 2). The effect is more pronounced in the specimen doped with CaBr2 (Curve 3).


4.2.1 Approaches to evaluate release curves of the F-T type (a) For analyzing experimental release data of ion bombarded solids, it is often convenient to have F made explicit in AH/T. A correlation between the activation enthalpy AH and some recognized temperature Τ can then be found. Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] gave relations for cumulative gas release F = 0.1,0.5 and 0.9 assuming various gas distributions and geometries. The general form of these relations is AH/T = {A±5) +



where AH is in cal/mole (i.e. 4.187 J/moIe); the median range is in units of atomic spacings a, t denotes the annealing time at a given temperature in minutes, and >4 is a constant which depends on the geometry and F values. The cmVs);this uncertainty ± 5 arises from the assumptions of D Q values (3 χ 10"^ range of values agrees well for metals and quite well for halides and oxides with literature on diffusion [ 9 ] . The various values of A are given in Table 4 - I I I . The values obtained for AH differ only slightly for various geometries and shapes of the distribution curves. The relations are valid under the assumption that the values of F correspond to normal diffusion mechanism only, being not perturbed by damage diffusion or trapping. TABLE Φ-ΙΙΙ Values of A in Eq. (4.11) Distribution Plane source xe'"" (peaked with exponential tail) e'"" (exponential) Linearly decreasing Rectangular Sphere with radius

F = OA

F = 0.5

F = 0.9

78.8 80.9 83.3 91.2 86.8 89.3

75.2 75.2 75.5 83.7 76.5 82.2

68.5 67.9 67.2 75.9 70.7 78.8

For experiments conducted with step-heating, the width of a gas release peak was defined by Kelly, Jech and Matzke [ 2 2 ] as the difference between the temperatures for 90% and 10% releases, i.e. T 9 0 - T 1 0 , and can be estimated by rearranging the AH/T formulae of Eq. (4.11) and Table 4 - I I I . (b) Another approach of evaluating the release data was proposed by Matzke [21]. It is based on the relation between F and (Dt/Rl,) shown in Fig. 4-4. Using the respective curve according to the distribution geometry, it is possible to read the D values corresponding to each F value. By plotting these data to an 85

Arrhenius equation D = DQ exp ( — AH/RT), both AH and Do can be found. This approach does not assume a value for Do. The experimental errors of this method can easily be obtained by a least square fit. (c) Pronko and Kelly [23] used the relation for retained gas to evaluate D,AH and Do from the experimental release data. For the case of an exponential initial distribution the following expression was proposed for the fraction of gas retained after annealing: (1 - F) = exp (Dt/Ri)

erfc (Dt/Ri)'^'


where F is the fractional gas release, D denotes the diffusion coefficient, t gives the annealing time and R^ is the mean range. A graph of ( 1 - F ) plotted against Dt/R^^ was used to determine the actual value of D. The error in D as a result of this approach was less than 10%. Values of the activation enthalphy AH and the diffusion constant Do, can be obtained from the Arrhenius equation.

4.2.2 Approaches to evaluate release curves of the {dF/dt)-T


Various approaches to evaluate the temperature dependence of the release rate dF/dt for a linear rise of temperature are given in papers by Redhead [ 2 4 ] , Carter [25], and Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] . (a) Redhead [ 2 4 ] assumed that the release of gas lying close to the surface occurs in one jump, i.e. by the mechanisms of diffusion with a definite activation enthalpy, AH. Supposing the desorption as a reaction of first order, the rate of gas release can be expressed in a differential form as - (dN/dt) = V'N'expi-AH/RT)


where Ν is the number of atoms trapped in a unit surface, ν is a constant (the frequency of oscillation of atoms in the lattice is assumed to equal 10 " ^ s ~ ^) and AH represents the activation enthalpy of the inert gas and R gives the molar gas constant equaling 8.3143 JK~ ^ mole ^ A linear rise of temperature ( T = To -f ßt, where β is the heating rate) and AH as independent on N, was assumed. By differentiating expression (4.13) and equating it to zero the following expression for T^^x was obtained: AH/RT^ = (ν/β) exp (AH/RTJ


AH/T^ = \n(vTJß)-3.64


and The value of the activation enthalpy AH can be determined directly from the experimentally found temperature of the maximum T^, e.g. by means of 86

ΔΗ [kJ mole-'][eVat-^


AOO 600 800 Temperature [K]


Fig. 4-10. The relationship between activation enthalpy Δ Η and temperature of the maximum T„ on the release curve dF/di = f{T)

Fig. 4-10. The relationship between AH and over the given temperature range is close to linear [24, 25] (1 eV/atom = 96,427 kJ/mole). (b) Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] derived, on the basis o f the theory for constant temperature [ 7 ] a similar formula taking into account different gas distribution profiles in the sample and different types of diffusion. The (dF/di) curves generally exhibit peaks, the maxima ( T J of which are governed mainly by the value of AH, (one exception is a single jump diffusion with a uniform spectrum of AH's where, according to Grant and Carter [ 2 6 ] , there is no maximum). Figure 4-11 gives examples of peaks and shows that the shapes depend markedly on the type of diffusion and on the heating rate β and the median or 50% range R^^. The (dF/di) curves for linearly increasing temperature are given for ideal volume diffusion (without trapping) of a plane source and for single jump diffusion with discrete AH, in all cases with = 530 "C and with the value [TJRiß (in s)) as indicated in parentheses. The values TJRiß= 1 to 10.000 are typical for the usual experimental conditions with ion bombardment labelling, where it is assumed that 1 to 100 mean atomic spacings and jS = 5 to 20 K/min. The expression given by Kelly and Matzke [ 1 0 ] for AH/T^ is AH/T^^(A±5)^4.e\og,oTJRiß


where activation enthalpy AH is given in cal/mole (where 1 cal/mole = 4.187 J/mole) and heating rate β in K/min. Constant A depends on the distribution profile and the diffusion type. Values of A are listed for various 87


Exanrples of dF/df

// \ ^ S i n g l e jurrpsOOOOO) ^ Plane source (1) // i V

0.8 i








Plane source (10 000)





500 600 Temperature [*C]




r 800

Fig. 4-11. Examples of inert gas release peaks dF/di = / ( T ) for linearly increasing temperature. Curves are given for true diffusion of a plane source and for single jump diffusion with discrete J//, all cases with T„ = 5 3 0 X and with the values of TJB^^ (in s) as indicated in brackets TABLE 4^IV Values of A in Eq (416) and Β and C of Eq. (417) Distribution profile or type of diffusion Plane source

Single jump diffusion With discrete AH Sphere with radius ΓΟ

A for



69.5 68.3 67.5 69.5

0.0935 0.138 0.175 0.0673

0.0063 0.0092 0.0117 0.0044



d2F/dí2 = 0

distribution profiles and diffusion types in Table 4 - I V . is the median range in units of atomic spacings a, which for single jump mechanism equals 1 and for a sphere is taken as the radius r^. The uncertainty ± 5 arises from the assumption of Do values (Do = 3 χ 10 ^ * ^ cm^ s - ^ ) . Peak width. As can be seen from Fig. 4-11 the widths of the peaks depend mainly on the character of the gas distribution. The narrowest one (within a temperature range 60-100 °C) corresponds to a single jump mechanism, while a wider peak was obtained with a plane source, the width of the peaks being increased with the median range R„. Kelly, Jech and Matzke [ 2 2 ] defined the width of a gas release peak under conditions of linearly increasing temperature as the width at half-height, i.e. ATi/2. The expressions for z I T j ^ can be written in general form as follows:

AT,,2/T^ = B-C\og,oT^'




where Τ,,, is the maximum temperature, R^ gives the median range in units of atomic spacings a, β is the heating rate in K/min, DQ is assumed to equal 3 X 10'*^^ cm^ s ^ Β and C are constants which depend on the geometry. Different values of Β and C are given in Table 4 - I V for various shapes of the distribution curves. Estimation of errors. The evaluation of AH on the basis of Kelly's theory is subject to.a number of errors. The first error, — a minor one — (of the order of 8 to 12 kJ/mole) is caused by the uncertainty in the penetration depth and by the circumstance whether the distribution profiles are exponential or peaked. The second source of errors, estimated by the authors themselves as the greatest, is the use of an idealized range of values for D Q . The range DQ = = 3 X 10~ ^ ^ cm^ s ' Ms obeyed closely in metal diffusion [ 9 ] and also applies moderately well to self-diffusion in the ionic crystals as alkali halides. The formulae for AH/T reviewed above concern unperturbed volume diffusion. Other processes, namely trapping of the gas on the lattice defects, or interaction between inert gas atoms, may occur in the solid as it is heated and give rise to slight shifts in release temperature. This can be a third source of errors (of the order of 29 to 40 kJ/mole). A precaution should therefore be taken when AH values obtained from the experimental release data are compared with other inert gas release data, in comparison with self-diffusion and, with the discussion of diffusion mechanism.

4.2.3 Temperature dependence of diffusion Norgett and Lidiard [ 2 7 ] gave a complete description of the temperature dependence of gas diffusion with interaction of point defects in the extrinsic and intrinsic region of defects induced by radiation. They assumed the inert gas atoms to be interstitially incorporated in the crystal lattice and to diffuse via random walk interrupted by the trapping of these gas atoms in various imperfections existing in the crystal lattice. The same authors calculated energies of migration and trapping of the inert gas on the basis of the extended classical Born model of an ionic crystal [ 2 8 ] . Like Hurst [ 4 ] and Gaus [ 5 ] , the authors interpreted the interaction of the atoms and lattice defects as a quasi-chemical reaction G + T ^ GT


where G signifies the mobile gas, Τ the traps of various types and GT the immobile gas. 89

The equiHbrium partition of the gas atoms between mobile and immobile sites is now considered. For the simple case of undisturbed (untrapped) diffusion it can be written that D = DoCxp{-QJRT) (4.19) where is the activation energy for the fundamental diffusion process, Do the diffusion constant, R the molar gas constant. If the gas can be trapped, the average probability ρ of gas atoms remaining untrapped, the apparent diffusion coefficient observed experimentally can be written as D3pp = pD (4.20) The probability ρ is itself given as the fraction of the untrapped gas atoms, and was calculated by Norgett and Lidiard [ 2 8 ] with the help of the mass action law as p = G/(G-^GT) (4.21) T w o limit cases can be distinguished: — constant trap concentration (i.e. extrinsic region); — thermal equilibrium of traps (i.e. intrinsic region). In the first case a crystal containing a small fixed concentration of traps is assumed, which, in principle, can involve a number of j types. The probability ρ can than be written as P= 1/[1 + .1 {cj/kJ)txp{-Qsj/Rm


where Cj is the molar fraction of traps of the j-ih type, the pre-exponential factor of the trapping equilibrium constant, which for the j-th type of trap is kj = k^Qxp{-Qßj/RT\ QBJ is the binding energy between gas atoms and the lattice traps of the j-th type. Under the simplifying assumption of the traps of the /-th type being predominant in the crystal in the concentration c,, Dgpp can be expressed by D^ppMDokf/c)


[-ρ^,· + e«,,)/RT]


where k^ is the pre-exponential factor of the trapping equilibrium constant. In this case the apparent diffusion coefficient D^pp has a temperature dependence involving an activation enthalpy which is the sum of the activation energy for simple interstitial diffusion and a contribution for the binding energy into the trap. In the second case the traps are supposed to be present in a thermal equilibrium and their concentration c, is given by

c, = c ? e x p ( - e ^ , / R T ) 90


where , is the formation energy of traps of the i-ih type. In this case the concentration of the traps increases with the temperature: If QF,Í>QB,Í the diffusion coefficient is given by Eq. (4.19), if QB,Í>QF,Í the diffusion coefficient is Oapp«(OoOif)eXP

[ - ( ß M , , + ÖB.,-ßF..)/RT] ·


The observed activation enthalpy for diffusion thus involves the formation energy of the traps. [ogE, 1



"ν s l o p e = -





1 τ Fig. 4-12. Possible inert gas diffusion curves with gas trapping. Curve / correponds to the untrapped diffusion mechanism with an activation energy Q^, Curves 2 and 3 correspond to the diffusion mechanism with trapping In the intrinsic region (traps in thermal equilibrium) a simple Arrhenius type equation is valid, however, with activation enthalpy slightly larger than the value for pure undisturbed diffusion, namely corrected by the difference between the binding energy of the gas in the trap and the formation energy of the trap itself. The expressions for the apparent diffusion coefficient D^^^ are correct if this equilibrium is established rapidly compared with the rate of inert gas diffusion. This condition was fulfilled in many experiments. Figure 4-12 shows possible diffusion curves with inert gas trapping. Curve J corresponds to the undisturbed (untrapped) diffusion mechanism with an activation energy Qj^. The trapping occurs either when the binding energy Qg exceeds the energy of formation Qp of defects (Curve J), or, at low temperatures ( T < T o ) , when there is a fixed concentration of trapping centres associated with radiation damage of heterovalent ions (Curve 2). A t higher temperatures ( T > To) the term e x p ( Q f l / R T ) decreases and this corresponds to 91

the release of gas atoms from the traps. A t low temperatures the activation energy is (QM-^QFX which at high temperatures decreases to ßj^. Similar diffusion curves were obtained by Mears and Elleman [ 2 9 ] who assumed a mobile cluster diffusion mechanism for inert gas. In this case the inert gas atom is assumed to move with a defect cluster through the lattice and becomes immobilized when the cluster dissociated. The various mechanisms for inert gas diffusion in soHds are discussed in Section 4.4.3.

4,3 Inert gas release during surface destructions of labelled solid When studying the chemical or mechanical interaction of solids the release of the inert gas (e.g. ®^Kr) from the solid or the decrease of its activity during the process studied is measured. The measured parameter indicates the destruction of the surface of the labelled solid. The relationship between the degree of destruction of the surface and the decrease of activity of kryptonated solid depends on the distribution of radioactive krypton in the solid. The rate of the destruction of the surface of the labelled sample can be determined, e.g. by measuring the decrease of krypton activity. A t sufficiently low temperatures, labelled solids are stable against inert gas release by diffusion and so any release of inert gas is proportional to the destructed surface. The inert gas release can be investigated quantitatively only when the distribution function of inert gas in the solid is determined. This function depends on the methods of labelling and the structure of the solid. (A) Distribution function of inert gas. Experimentally determined inert gas distributions obtained by ion bombardment or diffusion techniques often differ from the idealized cases of homogeneous distributions or those given by limitingcase functions such as exp ( —x) or χ · exp ( — χ). Tölgyessy et al. [ 3 0 ] developed distribution functions which describe a large group of experimentally deter­ mined distributions. The distribution function is usually qualified by the following condition: {άσ/άχ)^=.φ σ > 0 . 0 5 . The expression for σ can be derived as follows: 92

The initial distribution of inert gas in the solid immediately after labelling can be expressed as c = c{x)


and radiation self-absorption by the relation ά\ηΑ/άχ=-μ


where A is a. measured activity of the solid, μ is the linear attenuation coefficient, X is the depth. The contribution of the total activity to a layer thickness dx at a depth χ can be expressed for a certain detector geometry as: άΑ=β€^χρ{-μχ)άχ


where β is a constant of proportionality which includes the decay constant and detector geometry factors. The total activity of the solid, AQÍS given by the expression: αυ

Αο = β ί c ( x ) e x p ( - ^ x ) dx


If a layer of the solid of Xp units thickness is removed from the surface of the solid — for example by chemical reaction or mechanically — the residual activity of the labelled solid will be: Α = β]




Using Eqs (4.30) and (4.31), the expression for σ is given by: σ = Α/Αο = J φ ) · e x p [ - μ ( x - X p ) ] d x / ? c ( x ) e x p ( - ^ x ) d x Xp δ


W e can consider two extreme cases: (a) Self-absorption is not significant (μ = 0). A krypton-labelled solid with a small depth of inert gas penetration approaches this condition; (b) Total self-absorption (μ = oo). In this case, krypton from the surface layers will only be detectable. In case (a) where μ = 0, the relative activity of the labelled solid is given by ^, = 0 = ? Φ ) c ^ x / ϊ φ ) d x




and for case (b) where μ = oo, we have σ,=

^ =




(4.34) 93

(Β) The rate of the chemical reaction of labelled solid. The rate of reaction of the kryptonated soHd will be proportional to the depth of layer reacting per unit time, d X p / d i , supposing that no solid products are formed. From the dependence of measured radioactivity of the solid on the reaction time, Í, we can derive the relationships for d / 1 / d í , da/dt or din σ/dt.

dxp/dt = IdA/AiXp) d i ] · [\/{dA/A(Xp)

dx,)] =

= [ d In / 4 / d i ] [ l / d In A/dXp] = = [d In σ / d í ] · [1/d In σ / d x J = [ d In σ / d í ] · φ{Χρ)


The function d In σ/dt can be determined by experimentation. The relation between these parameters and the rate of disturbance of the surface (rate of reactions at the surface) can be obtained from Eq. (4.32). From Eq. (4.35) it follows:

φ{Xp)=\/[d\nσ/dXp] Ct)




j c(x)exp[-/i(x-Xp)]dx/(d/dXp) ¡ c(x)exp[-μ(x-Xp)]dx = \/{p-cXp/

] c(x)exp[-M(x-x,)]dx}

= (4.36)


The correction function φ can be evaluated for zero disturbance of the labelled solid surface: 0(0) =\/Κ = \/{μ - c(0)/ J c(x) exp ( - μχ) dx] Since the destruction depth of the labelled solid is expressed by the relative activity σ of the labelled solid, it is advantageous to express the correction function φ in terms of σ. T o do this, it is necessary to evaluate the function c(x). For the extreme case of zero self-absorption (μ = 0) we can write da/G dxp = [ j c(x) dx/ J c(x) d x ] · [ - c ( x ) d x / ] c(x) d x ] = l / ( / > ( x ^ = o (4.37) The other extreme case is total self-absorption ( ^ = oo) where the following relation exists: da/a 94

d x , = [ l / c ( x , ) ] · [ d c(x,)/dx J = l / ( / > ( x , ) , . ^


4.4 Factors influencing the mobility of inert gas in solids Numerous experimental results proved the mobility of inert gas in solids being influenced by various types of radiation damage and their annealing, proximity of the gas to the surface, impurities, gas concentration and other factors. The importance of such individual factors depends on the labelling technique (reactor irradiation, recoil doping, ion bombardment, diffusion technique, etc.) applied. The factors influencing the mobility of inert gas will be critically discussed in this section in attempt to help investigators in evaluating and analyzing the inert gas release measurements. Inconsistencies in inert gas diffusion data reported in literature by various authors can mostly be explained by these factors.

4.4.1 Natural crystal defects Elleman, Fox and Mears [ 3 1 ] showed that the natural defects of the crystal lattice influence the mobility of Xe in Csl homogeneously labelled with ^^^I. The "natural defects" were introduced into single crystals of Csl by using a high growing speed or by oscillating the melting temperature during the production of the crystals. These natural defects consist most likely of small voids or dislocation loops. Radioactive inert gas collected in open pores and microcracks of the specimen will of course be easily released by heating and this release has accelerated kinetics. Similariy, grain boundaries permit a higher diffusion rate than the lattice does [ 6 ] . The gas atoms located in grain boundaries are likely to leave the specimen upon heating before temperatures corresponding to a volume diffusion. Contrary to homogeneous labelling, in most ion bombardment or recoil labellings the "short circuiting" of inert gas by natural defects is considered to be unimportant. The reason is that for solids labelled by ion bombardment, the diffusion distance is much shorter (order of magnitude 10 nm) than the spacing of various pre-existing defects [ 9 ] , grain boundaries, dislocations, lines, pores, etc. (order of magnitude μm). In diffusion technique labelling, the release of inert gas atoms is supposed to be influenced by the presence of natural defects [ 1 8 ] . With a single crystal specimen the grain boundary effects are supposed to be absent.


4.4.2 Impurities Numerous investigators showed that impurities present in the lattice which change the concentration of cation or anion vacancies may influence the mobility of inert gases. The influence on gas mobility depends on the gas diffusion mechanism. For instance, it was observed that impurities influenced inert gas mobility in soHds labelled by ion bombardment or reactor irradiation, when higher ion or neutron doses were applied.

800 700 600





Fig. 4-13. Innuence of Sr^^ doping in KBr on Ar-release from KBr (cf. Ref, [33])

Matzke [ 3 2 ] studied the release of xenon from pure T h 0 2 , ThO2 + 0.1 m% N b 2 0 5 (to increase the cation vacancy concentration) and ThOa-hO.l and 0.5 m% Y 2 O 3 (to lower the cation vacancy concentration). The samples were labelled by 40 keV xenon bombardment to three doses of 8 χ 10^^, 4 χ 10^^ and 2 X 10^^ ions/cm^. FeHx and Müller [ 3 3 ] proved that the release of argon from neutronirradiated K B r is influenced by the presence of Sr^ ^ ions in concentrations 0.005 and 0.05 m%. Figure 4-13 (thick line) shows the Arrhenius diagram or argon release in pure K B r crystals. A dose of 10^^ neutron/cm^ was used for inert gas production. The comparatively high values of the diffusion coefficient and the low activation enthalpies in the high temperature region (indicating an interstitial diffusion mechanism) varied at about 400 °C explained by gas 96

trapping. In K B r crystals doped with Sr^ ions a decrease of argon mobility was observed. This behaviour is in conformity with the trapping mechanism mentioned in Section 4.2.3, By the addition of impurities, the concentration of extrinsic defects serving as traps for the inert gas atoms increased, and the trapping equilibrium shifted in favour of the trapped gas atoms. The resulting increase in the concentration of cation vacancies was determined by measuring the ionic conductivity. In Fig. 4-13 these values are transformed by the Nernst-Einstein relation into D values to enable direct comparison with the gas diffusion. Figure 4-13 clearly shows the double nature of cation vacancies in KBr, acting as diffusion carriers for self-diffusion and as traps to decrease gas mobility. The effect of impurities observed in the mobility of inert gas agrees fairly well with the theory of Norgett and Lidiard [ 2 7 ] . This theory allowed to state a direct correlation of the gas diffusion coefficient to the concentration of well defined lattice defects (4.39)

cation vacancies


Figure 4-14. gives the interesting case of K I , where the mobility of argon is obviously unaffected by an increase of cation vacancies, caused by Sr^"^ in concentration of 0.023 m%. n'c] 700 600 -5










υΕ -10 h

0.023 m 7 o S r 2 *

-15 10





Fig. 4-14. Influence of Sr^^ doping on Ar-release from K I (cf. Ref. [33]) 97


120011001000 900 800



Fig. 4-15. Theoretical temperature dependence of diffusion coefficient D = f(l/T) for Ar in CaFj single crystals (pure and doped with 0.5 m% Na"" or 2 m% Y ^ ^ )

Similarly, Largerwall and Felix [34, 35] found the mobility of argon in C a F 2 crystals not influenced by the presence of both 0.5 m% Na"^ and 2.0 m% (see Fig. 4-15). The effect of impurities on the gas mobility in a solid obviously depends on the mechanism of the gas diffusion. Diffusion in small vacancy clusters was assumed here.

4.43 Radiation damage and its annealing It is known that inert gas atoms are trapped when they meet specific defects while diffusing through a solid. Such defects may be large vacancy clusters, dislocation loops, pre-existing natural voids, gas filled bubbles, etc. Introducing the inert gas into the solid by bombardment with a beam of energetic inert gas ions, trapping of the gas is observed at high gas concentrations that coincide with high-damage concentrations. Kornelsen [ 3 6 ] studied the influence of the number and energy of bombarding ions on inert gas release curves. Figure 4-16 shows the release curves of polycrystalline tungsten after bombardment with N e and K r ions of various doses: 4 χ lO^S 4 χ 10^^ and 4 χ 10^^ ions/cm^. The 98



Τ [100 Κ]

Ne: 400 eV

20 2A


10 15 20 2Α Γ [100 Κ] Kr: 500 eV

Fig. 4-16. The influence of the number of bombarding ions on the inert gas release curves from polycrystalline tungsten

dependence of release curves on the ion energy is shown for the case of Xe release from polycrystalline tungsten in Fig. 4-17. As it follows from Fig. 4-16 the "lower temperature peaks" observed were almost independent of the ion energy but temperature for the "higher temperature peaks" slightly increases with increasing ion energy. It was shown by Matzke [ 3 2 ] that both high concentrations of the gas and the defects are needed for trapping to occur. In addition to the gas trapping, radiation-induced structural changes, excess of point defects in the lattice, proximity of the gas to a surface, etc. can influence the mobihty of inert gas. Their importance markedly depends on the condition of gas incorporation, as it has been discussed in Section 4.4. The effect of the radiation induced trapping has been described by various authors. The effect of pre-bombardment with various ions on the mobility of xenon in K C l crystals was studied by Matzke [ 3 7 ] . The high dose of 2 χ 10^^ ions/cm^ with beams of mass 2 (hydrogen), beams of 28 (nitrogen and C O ) and beams of chlorine and indium were used for pre-bombardement. Figure 4-18 shows the F-T release curve for crystals bombarded at a low dose (8 χ 10^^ xenon ions/cm^) which reflects undisturbed volume diffusion of xenon atoms as well as 99

AOOO 3000 2000 1500 Ion energy [eV]\

20 2A Target temperature [100 K] Fig. 4-17. Xenon release curves from polycrystalline tungsten labelled by ion bombardment with various energies



KCl. 8x10^° Xe-ions/cm2 prebombardment o None • In, 2x10^^ ions/cm^ • N2m2x10«ions/cm2^ - CI.

S0.6Í 5 0.AH 2



AOO Temperature ['C] Fig. 4-18. Isochronal release of Xe from KCl single crystals following various ion bombardment conditions that lead either to high damage concentration alone, or to a combination of high damage and high gas concentrations 100

the F-T release curve for the high dose (2.5 χ 10^^ xenon ions/cm^). The latter is shifted towards higher temperatures by more than 200 °C as compared to the release curve for low dose bombardment. This indicated a strong interaction of gas atoms with radiation damage, or interaction with other gas atoms or gas filled bubbles. Other examples can be given with neutron irradiated solids. The decrease in argon mobiHty of neutron-irradiated K B r by increasing the neutron dose is shown in Fig. 4-19. Within the limits of experimental errors, a parallel shift of the Temperature I'C] 500 400

700 600


-54 -6

s -8-9 -10




13 Κ

15 16 17 18

19 20

Fig. 4-19. Temperature dependence of diffusion coefficient D of Ar in KBr under various neutron .doses (cf. Ref. [3])

low temperature branch towards higher temperatures was observed [ 3 8 ] . A similar dose dependence of the inert gas diffusion coefRcient was found [ 3 8 ] also for other alkali halides (see Fig. 4-20). This author stated that (a) below a certain dose D^pp becomes independent of neutron dose, (b) with increasing neutron doses Dapp decreases in inverse proportion to the neutron dose. From this Felix [18] drew the conclusion that irradiation, in fact, induces a new type of gas trap. From the experimentally obtained expression D



a relation was proposed similar to that valid for chemically produced cation vacancies [ 3 8 ] , i.e. Oapp^lÄ"


where the defect concentration c^/J'p increases proportionally to the neutron dose. Sy Ong and Elleman [ 3 9 ] measured the release of ^^^Xe from C a F 2 crystals labelled through fission recoil and found the gas mobility also strongly 101






18 Ιοςφί

Fig. 4-20. Dependence of inert gas diffusion in alkali halides on neutron doses

TABLE 4-V Diffusion characteristics of Xe in CaFj Fission fragment concentration [flf/cm^] 3 xlO^^ 3 χΙΟ^' 2.4x10'^


[kJ/mole] 9.5x10^ 2.3 X 10^ 7.9x10-2

427 ± 1 2 355.8 297

influenced by trapping. Diff'usion characteristics of Xe in C a F 2 influenced by the fission fragment concentration are summarized in Table Φ-V. Normal volume diffusion results were supposed to be obtained at low gas fission fragment concentrations. At higher fission fragment concentration lower values of diffusion activation enthalpy resulted. Other types of radiation damage affecting the inert gas mobility will be discussed in Section 4.5.

4.4.4 Crystal lattice parameters and orientation Figure 4-21 shows Arrhenius diagrams of krypton release for Rb-halides labelled by neutron irradiation [ 4 0 ] (all Rb-halides have the N a C l lattice type). A low neutron exposure (1 χ 10^^ cm~^ s~^) was used for Kr-production. The parameters of the lattice and of krypton release measurements are summarized in Table 4 - V I . 102


11 12



15 16 17


19 20 21

Fig. 4-21. Temperature dependence of Kr diffusion in Rb-halides (cf. Ref. [ 3 ] )

It can be seen from Table 4 - V I that the activation enthalpy Δ Η and diffusion coefficient D of the inert gas are related to the lattice parameters d. The diffusion coefficient decreases and the activation enthalpy, in both high and low temperature regions, increases as the lattice parameters are reduced. The difference in gas diffusion with respect to the NaCKand CsCl lattices was very instructively shown by Felix and Meier [ 4 1 ] for CsCl with its α-*β phase transformation at 469 °C. Figure 4-22 shows an Arrhenius diagram for mobility of Ar, K r and Xe in the CsCl single crystal. In the low temperature CsCl phase all gases have practically the same mobility, but in the N a C l phase (above 469 °C) a tremendous separation of Ar,

TABLE 4-VI Lattice parameters and Kr-diffusion characteristics of Rb-halides High temperature region Sample

RbF RbCl RbBr Rbl

a [nm] 0.282 0.327 0.343 0.366

Dmd [cm^s-^] 4.5x10-^ 6.3x10-^ 1.0x10* 2.0x10-*

Low temperature region


ΔΗ [kJ/mole]


ΔΗ [kJ/mole]

2.5 7.5 X 10^ 5.0x10"^ 1.6x10-^

133.15 53.59 29.02 29.18

1.4x10"^« 4.0x10"' 1.3x10^

196.8 162.46 136.5 103


Temperature [*C] 500 A70


Fig. 4-22. Inert gas release from CsCl (cf. Ref. [41])

K r and Xe takes place, for Ar-diffusion e.g. by a 200 fold higher D than for X e diffusion. The much higher diflfusivities and the low activation energies of inert gas migration in ß-CsCl (NaCl phase) indicate an interstitial diffusion mechanism, which is well comparable with the inert gas diffusion results in the other N a C l type alkali halides. As the interstitial space is extremely small in the a-CsCl phase (CsCl lattice), the gas has to move by another mechanism. The calculations of Müller and Norgett [42,43] showed that (mobile gas/divacancy) associates quantitatively fit the exponential results. Crystal orientation effect. Several authors found that different crystal faces gave different gas release rates and apparent diffusion coefficients. Sy Ong and Elleman [ 3 9 ] for example, investigated C a F i crystals labelled with ^^^Xe through fission recoil technique and found that at all temperatures crystals with surfaces parallel to planes have higher gas release rates than crystals cut parallel to planes. A n Arrhenius diagram of the diffusion coefficients gave different activation enthalpies: 337 kJ/mole for < 111 > and 289 kJ mole for faces. The crystal orientation effect is emphasized for the ion bombardment and fission recoil techniques of labelling, i.e., where channelling of the inert gas atoms is possible. Kornelsen and Sinha [ 4 4 ] observed an effect of crystallographic direction of ion bombardment on the inert gas release from tungsten single crystals. Figure 4-23 shows variations of Xe-release spectra of tungsten crystals for identical 400eV-Xe bombardment of three different faces , and . 104

öFlöt Xe AOOeV ^X^^^


J 8


12 16 20 Temperature [100 Κ]


Fig. 4-23. Xenon release from three diíTerent faces of tungsten single crystals after 400 eV Xe bombardment

Similarly Matzke [ 4 5 ] obtained different values of diffusion activation enthalpy from release curves of SÍO2 crystals bombarded with 40 keV xenon. At low dose ( 8 x 1 0 ^ ^ ions/cm^) diffusion release along and perpendicular to the caxis dominated with activation enthalpies of 243 and 255.4 kJ/mole, respectively. A value of zlH = 301 kJ/mole was found for Xe-bombarded fused silica. Diffusion in the amorphous phase was markedly slower than diffusion in the crystalline phase.

4.4.5 Type of inert gas and its concentration Kornelsen and Sinha [ 4 6 ] observed that various gas atoms implanted at the same energy 600 eV into the face of tungsten crystals released differently. Figure 4-24 shows the release curves for N e , Ar, K r and Xe from tungsten bombarded by the dose of 5x10^^ ion/cm^. The results of Fig. 4-24 are interpreted under the assumption that atoms of different inert gases are released from positions in the lattice with different trapping energies. The gas release may pertain to a quite different trapping configuration than that in which the ion came to rest at the bombardment temperature, since annealing and re-trapping may occur as the solid is heated. 105

4 8 12 16 20 2A Temperature [100 Κ] Fig 4-24. Release curves for Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe from tungsten labelled by ion bombardment; the dose of 5 X 10^^ ions/cm^

It was reported by Matzke [ 4 7 ] , Felix and Meier [40,41] and others that the inert gas diffusion data (D, Do and AH) of a, solid could differ according to the inert gas used. A very instructive example of different mobility of argon, krypton and xenon atoms in j?-CsCl (NaCl-lattice) was already shown in Fig. 4-22. The mobility of inert gas atoms decreases in the order A r - K r - X e , i.e. in the same order as the atomic radii of diffusing gases increase [ 4 1 ] . Felix and Lagerwall [ 3 5 ] showed differences in the mobilities of argon, krypton and xenon on alkaline earth fluorides C a F j , S r F j and B a F j ( C a F 2 lattice). Figure 4-25 shows an Arrhenius diagram for Ar, K r and X e diffusion in C a F j . Similarly as in the N a C l lattice type, the gas mobility depends on the type of inert gas used for diffusion measurement and decreases in the order of increasing atomic radii: A r - K r - X e . At the melting point high D values were found again, however, with higher activation enthalpies with respect to the N a C l lattice due to the much denser 106






Fig. Φ-25. Temperature dependence of Ar, Kr and Xe diffusion in CaFj

Structure of the C a F 2 lattice. The lower mobility for argon and krypton in the low temperature region was interpreted by a trapping of the gas atoms in the lattice [27, 28]. For xenon atoms, with the relative largest atomic radius, the trapping takes place in the whole temperature region considered. The atomic radii, binding energies of the gas atoms in the lattice and other factors determine mainly the mobilities of inert gas in solids. Table 4 - V I I summarizes the main physico-chemical characteristics of inert gases [ 3 , 48] usually used in diffusion measurements.

TABLE 4^VII Physico-chemical characteristics of inert gases Gas






Atomic radius nm Boiling point (°C) Melting point (°C)

0.112 -246 -249

0.154 -186 -189

0.169 -153 -157

0.190 -107 -112

0.214 -65 -71 107

The effect of gas concentration on the mobiHty of inert gas, observed by a number of investigators, has already been mentioned. Mears and Elleman [ 2 9 ] studied the diffusion coefficient of xenon in K I using high concentrations of fission xenon (5 χ 10^^ Xe atoms c m " ^ ) and of xenon produced from ^^^I parent (4 X 10^ ^ Xe atoms cm " Lower values of xenon diffusion coefficient in K I were observed in both cases compared to its theoretical values. The labelling using ^^^I parent produces a negligible radiation damage so the lowering of the diffusion coefficient must reflect gas trapping from gas-gas interactions. For a gas release fraction F = 0.1 the released gas was estimated undergoing an average of 3000 gas-gas interactions, where gas atoms occupy adjacent lattice sites, prior to release. This is apparently a sufficient number of interactions to produce a measurable reduction in gas diffusion rates.

4.4.6 Evaporation of the sample Using ion bombardment, fission recoil or reactor irradiation technique for labelling, a possibility arises that the release of inert gases may be caused by the evaporation of the sample. Since the ranges (penetration depths) of the inert gas atoms in ion bombardment, fission recoil doping, etc. usually vary between a few tenths of nm up to about 1000 nm, evaporation losses of the order of one or few μg/cm^ surface can cause a release of the inert gas atoms located in this surface region. If the activation enthalpy AH for inert gas diffusion is lower than the AH for vaporization, evaporation will dominate the release at high temperatures. Therefore, and due to the short diffusion distances of inert gas atoms in solids labelled by ion bombardment, high temperature processes at or near the melting point cannot be usaly studied when ion bombardment is used for labelling. An

TABLE 4-VIII Minimum vaporization temperature " M V T " for some halides and oxides

Material BaFj CaFj KCl a-AlzOa ThOj UO2


MVT [°C] 5 atom layers in 5 min 775- 800 875- 900 365- 385 1690-1750 1775-1800 1450-1475

unambiguous interpretation of diffusion data is possible only if one knows whether or not inert gas is being released by vaporization of the sample. For this purpose, Kelly and Matzke [ 9 ] defined a "minimum vaporization temperature" or " M V T " for the beginning of vaporization of a sample. It is the temperature at which the amount of vaporization in the time scale of the experiment is comparable to the median range The simplest method of derivation proposed by Kelly and Matzke [ 9 ] is to use weight-loss data; the M V T then follows directly. In Table 4 - V I I I the Μ V T ' s are listed for some most common oxides and halides [ 9 ] . Kelly, Jech and Matzke [22] proposed formulae for evauatng the Μ V T ' s from experimental data obtained under both step heating and linear heating rate.

4.5 Classification and models of inert gas mobility 4.5.1 System of stages for inert gas mobility The application of the ion bombardment labelling technique with well defined ion beams makes it possible to separate the surface from the bulk release processes. By varying the ion energy, the position of the gas with respect to the sample surface can be chosen, by varying the ion dose the inert gas concentration in the solid can easily be provided. In this way a clear separation of various processes that contribute to the overall release is possible [45, 49, 50]. These processes were grouped into a system of stages, in analogy to the recovery stages observed in, e.g. electrical resistivity studies in quenched or irradiated materials. Figure 4-26 shows a schematic presentation of the stages. Similarly to the recovery of metals, the stages were grouped according to their temperatures, with respect to those of self-diffusion and are attributed to specific transport processes [45]. Stage I involves gas mobility at unusually low temperatures: Stage IA is due to gas fortuitously located in high mobility sites. Stage IB is due to annealing of the structural radiation damage, the most common form of which is radiation-induced amorphous state. Stage II involves gas mobility at "normal" temperatures, i.e. temperatures similar to those of self-diffusion of the matrix atoms. Stage IIA is due to unperturbed mobility of single gas atoms. Stage IIB is due to temporary trapping of gas, i.e. to weak interactions of gas atoms with radiation damage or pre-existing defects, or with other gas atoms. Stage III involves gas mobility at unusually high temperatures and is due to strong trapping of gas at pre-existing defects or in gas-filled bubbles. 109

System of stages in gas release

I range of self diffusion

stage ΙΠ

stage //





A " /I IIB




Fig. Φ-26. System of stages in gas release studies for the case of a linear temperature increase in the representation áF/dí against temperature T, refers to the temperatures of self-diffusion for the conditions of ion bombardment

In consequence, stages IB, IIB and / / / are dominant at high irradiation exposure leading to high concentrations of damage and gas. In contrast, stages IA and IIA dominate in the absence of damage and hence at low irradiation exposure. In general, stage IA will predominantly occur in layers near the surface and stage IIA in the bulk. Examples for all these stages will be given in this section and the possible mechanism of mobility will be discussed. Aluminium oxide (α-Αΐ2θ3) labelled by ion bombardment technique was selected to demonstrate the stages. Results published by Jech and Kelly [ 5 1 ] on α-Αΐ2θ3 single crystal bombarded with K r ions, which reveal the most typical features, are demonstrated in Fig. 4-27. Labelling in Tesla-discharge under 20 Pa of K r was accomplished. Discharge durations 0.6 and 9 s were used to obtain the various gas concentrations: 3 x 1 0 ^ ^ Kr/cm^ and 13 χ 10^"^ Kr/cm^, respectively. Depth distribution of K r ions in the sample was estimated to be about 1-2 nm. The respective amounts of the gas remaining after heating to 1100 °C were 10% and 4%, as indicated in Fig. 4-27. Gas release from high mobility sites (stage I A) This stage is the most prominent at low bombardment energies and low doses. It can be explained in terms of gas which is fortuitously located in high mobility sites. In Fig. 4-27 (upper curve) stage IA is represented by two peaks in the temperature region of 100-550 °C. The peak at 100-375 ° C was ascribed to the 110

AI2O3-O.6S Tesla

400 600 800 1000 1200 200 AI2O3-9 s Tesla 2 3 ^1 I Loops^ I Al-AlzO^


AOO 600 800 TemperaturerC]



Fig. 4-27. dF/di release curve for ^^Kr from a - A l j O j , labelled by ion bombardment, during heating in nitrogen at 20 °C/min (cf. Ref. [51]). The duration of the Tesla-discharge used for labelling and the percentage of activity remaining at 1000 °C are given for each curve. Also indicated are the stages of colour-centre annealing [57] (7,2,3) the temperature for the beginning of loop annealing [74] and the temperature for the beginning of atomic scale AI-AI2O3 diffusion

release of gas from the surface proximity. The peak at 375-550 °C possibly indicates the role of excess point defects. According to the authors [ 1 ] such release is also present at higher bombardment energies and doses, but its contribution falls off rapidly with increasing energy. The second sub-stage, with a maximum of 375-550 ° C corresponds to zdH = 228.2 kJ/mole (AH being evaluated by Eq. (4.16) under the assumption of single jump kinetics with a discrete AH), As the AH value is similar to that for point defect motion in α-Αΐ2θ3, a connection with excess point defects, presumably created in the bombardment process was suggested. For example, it was shown in various annealing experiments [42-54] on fast neutron irradiated a-AljOa, that the recovery of the lattice damage began at temperatures corresponding to AH's of roughly 205243 kJ/mole, while a value 243 kJ/mole has been proposed for extrinsic O - A I 2 O 3 diffusion [55]. Further comparisons were made with the density recovery data of Desport and Smith [ 5 6 ] and the colour-centre work of Levy [ 5 7 ] . The three stages distinguished in his work are indicated in Fig. 4-27. Ill

Other evidence for stage IA has been observed with K B r , K C l , FCiOa, SÍO2, T Í O 2 , N b 2 0 5 , Si and W (cf. Refs [8, 21, 51, 58-61]). The stage IA of inert gas release would as such be expected to be described by the equations for diffusion with irreversible trapping (Eq. (4.10)). These equations are vahd not only for stage IA release (some gas coming to react in high mobility sites and to rest ending up in either normal sites or deep traps), but also for the case of stages IIA and IIB, where one part of the gas moves via normal sites and the other part gets trapped in deep traps (e.g. radiation damage). Annealing of structural radiation damage (stage IB) The next stage encountered with increasing temperature is that where inert gas motion coincides with the annealing of a bombardment-induced structural change. Such behaviour has been reviewed for a number of anisotropic or covalent materials, as AI2O3, F e 2 0 3 , SÍO2, T Í O 2 , U 3 O 8 and semiconductors Ge, Si and G a A s (cf. Refs [ 9 , 46, 62, 63, 64]). Since the temperatures in all cases studied to date were well below those for self-diffusion or normal gas diffusion; gas motion involving a structural change is basically part of "damage diffusion", or stage IB. Probably the best understood example is α-Αΐ2θ3. As shown in Fig. 4-27 lower curve α-Αΐ2θ3 bombarded with krypton to high doses shows a narrow release peak at 600-8(X)°C. This peak is present [ 5 1 ] whenever the gas concentration exceeds about 10^"^ atom cm"^. Direct evidence of an amorphous crystalline transition was obtained by Matzke and Whitton [ 6 3 ] on the basis of electron diffraction patterns. A further indication of the structural transitions is the character of the peak at 600-800 °C, The width at half maximum of the peak A T^,2 has an observed value 6 0 ± 10 °C. It is to be compared with a predicted value [ 6 4 ] of about 60 ° C for release governed by single jump kinetics with a discrete AH. Release governed by diffusion kinetics would have given half-widths perhaps of double value [ 6 4 ] . A value 3 2 2 ± 8 k J / m o l e was obtained for the activation enthalpy AH by substituting the following data into the appropriate AH/T formula for single jump motion with a discrete AH{Eq. (4.16)): temperature of the maximum release rate: 700-760 °C, heating rate: 20 °C/min, and the usually assumed value for the diffusion pre-exponential term: Do = 0.3cm^s The gas release linked with the amorphous-crystalline transitions of α-Αΐ2θ3 ( z í / / = 3 2 2 ± 8 k J / m o l e ) has close analogies in the work on the annealing of colour centres in reactor-irradiated α-Αΐ2θ3 [ 5 7 ] and on the annealing of density changes [ 5 2 ] ; results of Jech and Kelly [ 6 5 ] on the solubility changes and the D T A exothermal effect accompanied the annealing of the neutron-irradiated sample [ 6 6 ] . 112

Stage IB is most readily observed with ion bombardment labelling. It is a common though not universal phenomenon and is due to having been swept out by the annealing of gross structural damage. Normal volume diffusion (unperturbed gas mobility) (stage IIA) Stage IIA is due to the unperturbed mobility of single gas atoms and will therefore be prominent at low doses. The self-diffusion of Kr-bombarded α-Αΐ2θ3 or normal gas diffusion begins at 800-900 °C as it can be seen in Fig. 4-27 (upper curve). Matzke [ 6 7 ] has shown that stage IIA of gas release starts between 0.4 and 0-5 T^eiting for a surprisingly big variety of ionic crystals of different lattice structure. The temperatures of peaks and temperature widths of stage IIA release could be interpreted in terms of activation enthalpies by means of Eqs (4.11) and (416) for experiments using stepwise or linear heating, respectively. Values of AH deduced from the gas release curves in relation to the melting point T^eitíng» shown in Fig. 4-28 for ionic crystals and metals of different lattice structure. • ThOz

Crystal structure o • • Δ


2000 Melting point,

rocksalt fco fluorite fee copper fee anisotropic




Fig. 4-28. Dependence of activation enthalpy Δ Η of normal volume diffusion (stage IIA release) on the melting point T„ 113

Evidently, ΔΗ values increase linearly with the melting point. This relation can be expressed by

^ ^ „ ^ = (,4±0.2) χ l O - T . , . , ,


where zlH is in eV /atom (1 eV /atom = 96.427 kJ/mole) and the two limits of error are indicated by dashed lines. Retarded gas release due to a weak trapping (stage IIB) Higher gas concentrations, hence higher damage concentrations, lead to a decreased mobility which is expressed by stage IIB. This stage occurs within the temperature range of self-diffusion of the matrix atom similarly to stage IIA. Since there are many types of defects, e.g. vacancy clusters of different size, dislocation loops, stacking faults, etc., one cannot necessarily expect the same trapping energies for different irradiation conditions. Examples for stage IIB include nearly every material labelled by ion bombardment or nuclear reactions by neutron irradiation, though the clearest are ion-bombarded C a F 2 , LiF, K C l , Pt, T h 0 2 , U O 2 , W , together with neutronirradiated K B r , K C l and RbCl. (cf. ref. [18, 20—22, 40, 48, 68, 69]) In Fig. 4-29 a typical example of stage IIB is shown, krypton bombarded K C l illustrating a dose dependent fine structure within the self-diffusion temperature range [49]. The peak IIB is more pronounced when higher doses are used. Gas Filled bubbles (stage / / / ) Stage / / / might be described as any gas release well above the temperature of volume self-diffusion. This stage is due to strong trapping of gas in pre-existing defects [ 7 1 ] (e.g. porosity) or in gas-filled bubbles. A pre-requisite for bubble formation is a sufficiently high gas concentration. Stage / / / was therefore found to be most prominent at very high doses and, moreover, with materials not subject to bombardment-induced disorder. Usually, bubbles are quite immobile before very high temperatures are reached. Inert gas atoms precipitated into bubbles can be released by one of the three mechanisms: ( 0 volume diffusion of the matrix atom, (ii) surface diffusion of the matrix atoms, or (Hi) vaporization-condensation mechanism. Insofar as bubble motion is involved, one would expect the same diffusion theory as for stage IIA to hold, including the same F and AH/T expressions, 114



Ö o

200 AOO Temperature ['C] Fig. 4-29. dF/dt release curves for '^^Kr from KCl after labelling by 2 keV ion bombardment. Heating rate is 10 C/min. The arrows show the temperatures where K - K C l self diffusion and vaporization should occur for a 2 keV (3.8 nm) distance scale

except D should be replaced by D^uboie- Thus we should use one of the following three expressions, depending on whether the rate controlling process involves surface self-diffusion, volume self-diffusion or vaporization-condensation [ 7 2 ] . ^bubble = Wnr^)D,,rUc.

= 3 / ( 2 π Γ » 0 , , , „ , , = Wnr')D^,,C,,y


Here r is the bubble radius in units of a, φ the correlation factor, and C g ^ ^ the equilibrium vapour concentration in atom cm~^. In addition, should be replaced by ( L · In 2), where L is the diffusion trapping length appropriate to bubble formation. Examples for stage / / / behaviour include the Xe-bombarded gold [ 7 2 ] and platinum [19]. Bubbles are most common in metals, but have been found [73, 74] in U O 2 , U C , M g O , A I 2 O 3 , etc. as well. Transmission electron microscopy is frequently used to study bubble nucleation, growth and mobility.


4.5.2 Possible diffusion mechanism Four diffusion mechanisms have been proposed at various times to explain inert gas migration in solids. Vacancy diffusion: The inert gas atoms are assumed to occupy vacancy sites in the lattice and diffuse through either the cation or anion sublattice by jumping into appropriate adjacent vacancies. Interstitial diffusion: Inert gas atoms occupy interstitial sites in the lattice and diffuse by jumping into adjacent interstitial sites. Interstitial diffusion plus trapping: Inert gas atoms diffuse interstitially but may be trapped at defects in the lattice such as vacancies. If the binding energy to the defect is sufficiently large, the rate-controlling step in diffusion will be the release rate from the defect and the measured diffusion activation energy will involve both the defect binding energy and the energy of migration of the gas atom. Mobile cluster diffusion: Inert gas atoms associate with mobile vacancy clusters and move through the lattice with the cluster. Dissociation of the gas atom from the cluster, which immobilized the gas atom, may occur until another vacancy cluster diffuses to the lattice position adjacent to the gas atom. Vacancy diffusion Self-diffusion usually occurs through a vacancy mechanism. The validity of this mechanism can be proved experimentally, e.g. if divalent impurities which substitute for lattice atoms in monovalent solids produce an increase in the diffusion coefficient. Presence of divalent impurities in a monovalent solid will create cation or anion vacancies to maintain the total charge balance in the solid. The impurity-generated vacancies may exceed the concentration of thermally generated vacancies, and an increase in the diffusion coefficient is observed, as it has been frequently observed in numerous self-diffusion studies. However, Mears and Elleman [ 2 9 ] , Sy Ong and Elleman [ 7 5 ] and Matzke [20,21, 32] failed to detect an impurity-increased inert gas diffusion with T h 0 2 , NaCl, KBr, Csl and other alkali iodides. Schmeling [ 7 0 ] and Felix and Müller [33] observed an impurity effect in SrCl2 doped crystals of K C l and K B r , respectively, with Ar as the diffusion gas. However, the impurity reduced the inert gas diffusion rate (due to a trapping), which is the opposite of the trend expected for vacancy diffusion. Another reason against the vacancy diffusion of inert gases is the large difference frequently observed between the inert gas and self-diffusion coefficient in a solid. For example, for Xe-diffusion in Csl the diffusion coefficient was reported by Mears and Elleman [ 2 9 ] at least two orders of magnitude higher 116

than the self-diflfusion coefficient measured by Lynch [ 7 6 ] , while the activation enthalpies are similar. Since the vacancy migration rates are controlled by selfdiffusion, diffusing gas atoms present in trace concentrations should exhibit values of D within an order of magnitude of the self-diffusion coefficients even if the gas atoms are always completed successfully for available vacancies with the host ions. The diffusion activation enthalpy AH in this model is AH = Qj^-\-Qf, i.e. the sum of the gas migration energy and the formation energy QfOi the cation, respectively anion vacancy. Matzke [ 7 8 ] and Matzke and Davies [ 7 9 ] studied the channeling of alphaparticles from ^^^Rn decay as a means for ascertaining the position of the ^^^Rnatoms in the lattice. They have concluded that the gas atom in K C l , C a F 2 or U O 2 does not occupy a lattice site and therefore apparently does not diffuse by a simple vacancy process. Interstitial difTusion Diffusion by a simple interstitial process also appears incompatible with many of the experimental results. Norgett and Lidiard [ 2 8 ] calculated values for the diffusion activation enthalpies for inert gas diffusion in alkali halides by the interstitial mechanism and obtained values in the range between 0.10 and 0.34 eV a t o m " ^ which corresponds to 9.64 and 32.73 kJ/mole. (The transformation factor is: 1 eV/atom = 96.427 kJ/mole.) The diffusion activation enthalpy for the interstitial mechanism AH = QM, i.e. corresponds to the gas atom migration energy only. Atoms in interstitial positions are supposed to produce lattice strain which lowers the migration energy for movement from one interstitial position to an adjacent position. However, measured values for Ar, K r and Xe-diffusion in alkali halides lie in the range 0.30 to 2.0 e V with most values above 0.8 eV. This disagreement with the calculated values is too great to explain inert gas diffusion in terms of an interstitial model. Interstitial diffusion plus trapping Norgett and Lidiard [27,28] have suggested a model in which inert gas atoms diffuse interstitially but are also trapped by lattice vacancies. The diffusion activation enthalpy AH will contain a term which reflects the binding of the gas atom to the vacancy trap, so it is possible to obtain large values of AH even though the gas migration energy Q M is low. The authors have used this model in 117

calculating expected values of Δ Η which satisfactorily agreed with experimental values in certain cases. This model has considerable flexibility in fitting experimental results and presents a number of obvious advantages. It is possible to explain Arrhenius diagrams with two activation enthalpies, such as those observed by Felix [ 7 7 ] in terms of different rate-controlling processes in the two temperature ranges. The high activation enthalpy region at low temperatures can be assumed to involve appreciable trapping, so that the diffusion activation enthalpy AH contains the trap binding energy Qg, the trap formation energy , and the gas migration energy Qj^: AH = Qi^ + Qg-{-Qp. The high temperature diffusion component is assumed to result from interstitial diffusion only, with no trapping. Different crystals with different lattice parameters, host ion sizes, and structures are expected to yield different interstitial activation enthalpies. The calculations of Norgett and Lidiard [ 2 8 ] do predict different activation enthalpies for different crystal/gas systems. The model also readily explains why the gas diffusion coefficient can greatly exceed the self-diffusion coefficient since the mechanisms are different. Also diffusion results with a single activation enthalpy; for example, K F / A r , R b F / K r may be explained by assuming that trapping dominates over the entire temperature range of measurement. The lowering of diffusion coefficients through the introduction of impurities, as observed by Schmeling [ 7 0 ] and Felix and Müller [ 3 3 ] , is also consistent with the model, but the results, in which no impurity effects were observed, would appear inconsistent if single vacancies act as traps. The lowering of the diffusion coefficient through the radiation-induced traps can also be consistent with the model: since the radiation-induced traps are believed to be defect clusters, one would expect a larger binding energy for a gas atom in a defect cluster than for a gas atom in a single vacancy. Mobile cluster diffusion Matzke [ 2 1 ] was the first to suggest that inert gas atoms could possibly associate with mobile defect clusters and move with clusters through the lattice. The size of the mobile vacancy cluster is unknown and presumably lies between a divacancy and the seven or eight vacancies postulated for stable void formation. One of the simplest possible cluster models, a Schottky defect consisting of one cation and two anion vacancies was described by Sy Ong and Elleman [ 7 5 ] . An inert gas atom is assumed to associate with the defect and move through the lattice with the clusters. The gas atoms may periodically dissociate from the 118

clusters to become trapped in the lattice; the observed gas difTusion coefficients may thus be lower than the cluster difTusion coefficients. An equilibrium between diffusion gas atoms in the clusters and immobile gas atoms is assumed. The equilibrium can be represented in terms of quasi-chemical equilibrium, with the equilibrium constant K^. The diffusion activation enthalpy for this diffusion model is given by: ^H =


where equals the migration energy for the mobile cluster, QM(C) is the migration energy for the mobile cluster containing an inert gas atom, Qf(c) the cluster formation energy, Q¿{c) represents the cluster dissociation energy with a contained gas atom. Like the trapped interstitial model, the mobile cluster diffusion qualitatively explains most of the features in inert gas diffusion experiments. An Arrhenius diagram with the break of the type observed by Felix [ 7 7 ] is explicable by this mechanism, too. The low temperature component results from appreciable gas dissociation of all of the gas that remains in the cluster. The straight Hne o f the Arrhenius diagram is also possible. The model is compatible with gas diffusion coefficients which are considerably higher than self-diffusion coefficients since the mechanisms are different. There may or may not be impurity effects for gas diffusion, since some cluster concentrations are altered by impurities while others are not. For example, in divalent salts, the divacancy concentration is impurity-independent (the product of cation and anion vacancy concentrations is unaltered by impurities), but the trivacancy concentration is impurity dependent. The model predicts a decreasing fraction of mobile gas atoms with increasing gas concentration which is compatible with the generally observed decrease in diffusion coefficients with increasing gas concentrations. The model is also compatible with the channelling of Matzke [ 7 8 ] and Matzke and Davies [ 7 9 ] which has shown that gas atoms are not affixed to single lattice sites. The problem with the model is that currently it does not appear possible to specify values of D Q , QM, QF(C) in advance, and it is therefore possible to fit almost any shaped curve by a suitable choice of parameters. The mobile cluster model has been found [ 7 5 ] to be the best explanation for diffusion of inert gas atoms, e.g., in C a F 2 .



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[63] H.


[64] C.


[65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79]


Chapter 5


5.1 Methods of inert gas release determination The inert gas release can be measured (Í) as the amount N{t) of gas released from the sample in time t. From the measured N(t) value the released fraction F of the gas is usually evaluated: F = N{t)/NQ, NQ being the total gas amount initially present in the sample, (ii) as the release rate Ñ{t) of the gas. The measured Ñ{t) value is usually expressed as the release rate dF/dt of the inert gas* but it can be used for evaluating the emanating power Ε {E = = ^ ( O r e i / ^ f o r m ) whcn a samplc labelled by parent of emanation was measured. Apart from the direct measurement of the inert gas release, the residual gas remaining in the sample can be measured and the release calculated. The latter case has been employed with samples labelled by the gas without its radioactive parent. The time or temperature dependence of the inert gas release can be therefore expressed by an integral release curve (z), and by a differential release curve (ii).

5.1.1 Released fraction F of inert gas The determination of the fraction F of the inert gas released (F = N{t)/NQ) can be made by collecting the gas in an activated charcoal trap at low temperature [ 1 , 2] or by using a closed circuit apparatus [ 2 ] . The amount N{t) of the collected gas may be measured continuously or periodically, e.g. every 5 min. The carrier gas flow or a circulation pump is used to transport the inert gas into the measuring chamber. The amount N{t) of the gas released was also determined [ 3 ] by counting the remaining radioactivity of the labelled sample after step-wise heating and cooHng to room temperature, using a flow-type proportional counter. * dF/át should be rigorously understood as Ñ{t)/No 122

T o express the fraction F of the inert gas released the total activity (NQ) of the inert gas present in the sample should be determined. Many investigators determine the value NQ by dissolving the sample in acid or another solvent. In order not to destroy the sample a second piece of the sample material labelled together with the specimen may be separately dissolved. Matzke [3] proposed to heat the sample to the temperatures when all the gas present is supposed to be released. For experiments lasting a relatively long time when compared with the halflife of the inert gas used, the decay of the measured inert gas should be taken into account. The fractional release F(t) is then expressed [ 1 ] F(0 = [N(i) + A } y V ( T ) d T ] / N o


where N{t) is the number of inert gas atoms presented in the charcoal trap and measured, NQ is the number of inert gas atoms present in the sample in time τ = 0, t

and the term λ ¡ Ν{τ) άτ represents the number of decayed atoms of the radioactive gas released in time i, λ being decay constant of radioactive gas.

5.1.2 Release rate dF/dt

of inert gas

When the release rate of the inert gas is to be determined, the amount of inert gas escaping from the sample in time unit is measured (Nrei = dF/di), and expressed in terms of emanation release rate or emanating power. The emanating power Ε (used with samples containing an inert gas parent nuclide as the source of inert gas) is defined as the ratio of the emanation release rate TV^ei and the emanation formation rate ATform» i e . E = Ñ,JÑf^,^. (1) Determination of gas formation rate Nf^rm and release rate Ñ^ei Several ways can be used for this purpose. Dissolution of the sample in acid, or another solvent and measurement of the inert gas release from the solution [4] is usually applied. The radon formed during the definite time interval is removed from the solution by a passing gas and measured (^^^Rn escapes quantitatively from hot acid solutions). A static or a flow method can generally be used for the measurement of the radon released. The static method (which can be applied for ^^^Rn measurement) consists of measuring the radioactivity or sample after radioactive equilibrium between radon and its active deposit (daughter products) has been established (^4h). 123

When the radioactivity of short-Hved nucHdes ^^^Rn and ^^^Rn is to be measured, the flow method is usually employed. In this method the escaping inert gas is swept through the measuring chamber at a constant rate. Alpha particles emitted by ^^^Rn or ^^^Rn decaying in the measuring chamber and by their immediate daughters ^^^Po (ii/2 = 0.158 s) or ^^^Po {ii/2 = 0.00183 s) are measured. The radioactivity measured is proportional to the rate of escape of inert gas from the sample measured. (2) Comparing to standard specimen [ 4 ] method The rates of inert gas release from the sample and standard, denoted by (ÑJ^ and ( N X , are measured. The rates of the inert gas formation in the sample and standard, (Ñp)^ and ( N ^ , are determined by measurement of their α and β activities in sealed containers after radioactive equilibrium has been attained. The emanating power then results from Eq. (5.2)


The method of comparing to standard specimen is usually employed for determination of the emanation formation rates when inert gas ^^^Rn and ^^^Rn are used, since they do not escape quantitatively from aqueous solutions. The emanating power of the standard E^t was determined by another way, e.g., by active deposit method. Emanating power of barium palmitate or stearate which are usually employed as the standards are Ε = 98-99%. (3) Active deposit method [ 4 ] This method (suited for samples of fairly high emanating power) consists in measurement of beta or gamma activity of the active deposit in equilibrium with the radioactive inert gas. A sample labelled with the inert gas parent (where the inert gas is in radioactive equilibrium with the parent) is thoroughly washed in a dry stream of nitrogen, until radioactive equilibrium between short-lived active deposit and inert gas remaining in the sample has been attained. The sample is then placed in a container and its beta and/or gamma activity is measured immediately after sealing the container. Measured radioactivity Ñ^ is proportional to the rate of decay of the radioactive inert gas in the sample. The inert gas escaping from the solid into the sealed container is then allowed to grow until radioactive equilibrium is reached between incorporated parent, escaping inert gas and active deposit on the walls of the sealed container. When ^^^Rn and ^^^Rn nuclides are employed, approximately 1 month and 10 min, respectively are needed. The activity of the sealed sample Ν 2 is then measured again. This activity is proportional to the rate of formation of radon in the solid. The 124

emanating power in absolute values can be calculated as E = iÑ2-Ñ,)/Ñ2


If conditions of steady radioactive equilibrium are not fulfilled, the measured ratio Ε is called "apparent emanating power".

5.2 The equipment for inert gas release measurement The E T A apparatus consists in general of several components, ensuring (/) inert gas detection, monitoring and recording, (ii) sample heating and temperature control and measurement, (Hi) carrier gas supply with flow stabilization and measurement, and (iv) measurement of complementary parameters.

5-2.1 Inert gas detection Various inert gas detectors have been proposed in the past to measure the amount of the inert gas released from the sample. If the inert gas used is a radioactive emitter, one of the methods for the detection of radioactivity can be used. If the inert gas is non-radioactive, a mass spectrometer (e.g. Omegatron type) can be employed for its detection and measurement. The experimenter faced for the first time with the problem of radioactivity detection must be referred to standart texts on the subject e.g. Ref [ 5 - 7 ] . Techniques which can be used for the detection and measurement of the inert gas radioactivity may be divided into several categories. All of them are nowadays commercially available: Geiger-Müller counters Ionization chambers Scintillation detectors Semiconductor detectors

(for a, (for a, (for a, (for a,

β and γ emitters). β emitters). β and y emitters). β and γ emitters).

The choice of the detector depends on the kind and energy of radiation, the half-life of inert gas^ nuclide and the information desired. Coupled detectors [ 8 ] are sometimes used for the simultaneous detection of several gaseous nuclides. Early investigators used the ionization chambers of volume 200-600 cm^ as detectors for measuring alpha-activity. The conditions for measuring ^^^Rn and ^^^Rn by means of an ionization chamber have been examined in most detail by Voltz and Adolff [ 9 ] . The use of ionization chambers for alpha-activity measurements ensures the high efficiency of measurement; however, the 125

efficiency of counting depends on the nature of gas used as the carrier gas and other gaseous components (e.g. moisture and organic impurities). The same drawback has to be taken into account when using flow-type G . M . counters. The efficiency of activity measurement by means of the end-face G . M . counters, scintillation and semiconductor detectors is almost unaffected by impurities in carrier gas. These detectors are therefore advantageously used when solids are studied which undergo decomposition accompanied by evolution of gases or water vapour. Measuring chambers The detector itself is usually placed in a measuring chamber, the shape and volume of which are designed according to conditions of the radioactivity measurement and the information desired. Figures 5-1 to 5-4 demonstrate principal types of measuring chambers. Figure 5-1 shows the classical ionization chamber [10] connected with an electroscope, used for measuring release rate of radon isotopes ^^^Rn (7) and ^^^Rn (2). Figure 5-2 shows the measuring chamber for ^^^Rn release rate using alpha-scintillation detector (ZnS) connected with a photomultiplier [11-13]. Various shapes of measuring chambers [8, 14] for krypton ^^Kr are illustrated in Fig. 5-3. Figure 5 ^ shows two measuring chambers for gamma-activity, e.g. of ^^^Xe. The chambers are equipped by a G . M . tube [ 2 ] (part (a)) or by a gamma-scintillation crystal connected to the photomultiplier [15, 16] (part (b)). Figure 5-5 shows the chamber Wtth charcoal trap [ 1 ] for measurements of released fraction F. A n endface G . M . tube or a scintillation detector can be used for the measurement of beta or gamma activity. The same types of detectors can be used for counting the residual radioactive inert gas in the sample.

Fig. 5-1. Schematic drawing of classical ionization chamber connected to an electroscope, used for measuring release rate of radon isotopes "®Rn and ^^^Rn. (After Hahn [10]) J — Condenser for ^^®Rn measurement; 2 — condenser for ^^^Rn measurement; 3 — electroscope 126

Fig. 5-2. Measuring chamber for ^^^Rn release rate using alpha-scintillation detector ( / ) connected to a photomultiplier (2). (After Quet and Bussiere [11] and Balek [13])


I /


m m






Fig. 5-3. Various shapes of chambers used for the measurement of beta active inert gases (e.g. ^^Kr). (a) Small volume chamber connected to one or two end-face G. M . tubes; (b) small volume chamber bored in a beta-scintillation crystal connected to a photomultiplier; (c) flow-type G. M . tube. (After Tölgyessy et al [14] and Balek [18]). I — End -face G. M . tube; 2—scintillator; i — photomultiplier; 4,5 — negative and positive electrodes, respective of the flow-type G. M . tube; 6 — electrode holder 127

Fig. 5-4. Chambers used for measuring release rate of gamma-active inert gases (e.g. * " X e ) , equipped (a) by an G. M. tube (after Lindner and Matzke [2]) or (b) by a gamma-scintillation crystal connected to the photomultiplier (after Ichiba [16]). 7 — G. M . tube; 2 — scintillator; i — photomultiplier; 4 — Pb-shielding

Fig. 5-5. Measuring chamber for measuring released fraction ¥ of inert gases beta or gamma active. (After Koss [1]). / — Charcoal trap cooled; 2 — end-face G. M . tube or scintillation detector; i — Dewar flask; 4 — Pb-shielding 128 Monitoring and recording of inert gas release The output of the radioactivity detectors (e.g. G . M . tube, scintillation and semiconductor detectors) is connected to a counts-meter or a counts-rate meter, or a spectrometer. The recording of the experimental results is provided by a printer, a recorder or recently by a punch tape printer which enables the immediate use of a computer for data evaluation.

5.2.2 Systems of carrier gas flow and stabilization The emanation thermal analysis of the sample is performed in a gas stream which serves as a gaseous medium for the solid sample and as a carrier gas for the inert gas and volatile products released from the sample. The carrier gas is usually supplied from a pressure vessel; in some cases it can also be drawn through the apparatus by a vacuum pump. When the emanation release rate is measured, the continuous flow system is usually employed to transport the inert gas released from the sample to the measuring chamber with a detector. The good stabilization of the flow rate is essential, otherwise false effects on the E T A curve can appear. In the cases of short-lived inert gas nuclides (as ^^^Rn) the gas flow rate must be sufficiently high to prevent too much loss by decay before the measuring chamber is reached. On the other hand, a high flow-rate means that the inert gas atoms spend less time in the chamber and the probability of detection by their disintegration is less. The maximum flow rate depends on the volume proportions of the flow system, the volume of the measuring chamber and the decay constant of the radioactive inert gas nuclide. Assuming linear flow in the system (which is a simplifacation of the reality), is the volume between the sample and the measuring chamber, V2 is the volume of the measuring chamber, u represents the rate of the gas flow, λ the decay constant of the radioactive inert gas measured, and UQ the number of the inert gas atoms released from the sample in unit time, the number of inert gas atoms a decaying in the measuring chamber in unit time can be expressed [ 1 7 ] α = ao exp ( - A Ki/u) [ 1 - exp ( - A VJu)^ The gas flow rate corresponding to the maximum efficiency measurement can be found as «.ax = [AK,/2][l+(l+4K./K2)"^

(5.4) of the

(5.5) 129


> 12





Flow rate [cmVmin]


Fig. 5-6. Experimentally determined counts-rate as a function of carrier gas (air) flow for small volume measuring chamber ( ^ 2 = 8.4 cm-*) and ^^^Rn counting. Working flow rate chosen W c xp = 20 cmVmin Figure 5-6 shows the experimentally found dependence [ 1 8 ] of the efficiency of the carrier flow system on the gas flow rate when radioactivity of ^^^Rn is measured. The curve can differ for different carrier gases. The working flow rate u^^^ is usually chosen on the descendent part of the curve where the activity measured does not change so much with the possible accidental changes of the flow rate. For the case given in Fig. 5-6 the working fiow rate i/exp = 20 cm^min. T o ensure the gas tightness of the carrier gas flow system two gas flow meters are usually built in the gas line; one at the beginning and one at the end of the system, as shown further in Fig. 5-7. The traps for purification and drying of the carrier gas can also be built in the gas line. After having passed the purifying traps, the carrier gas enters the reaction vessel and passes in close proximity of the sample measured. The inert gas released from the solid is carried by the carrier gas into the measuring chamber and then to the exhaust. For the radioactivity background determination the apparatus [ 1 9 ] should permit the measurement of the carrier gas flow directly to the measuring chamber (see Fig. 5-7).

5.2.3 Sample heating, temperature control and measurement The sample measured is placed into the reaction vessel heated by an electrical furnace, the temperature program of which is controlled by a temperature control unit. The common unit of D T A or T G devices [ 2 0 ] can be used for this purpose. The temperature is measured by thermocouples placed directly in the sample or the sample holder. 130

Fig. 5-7. Scheme of E T A - D T A simultaneous apparatus [19], 7 — Sample; 2 — D T A reference sample; 3 — furnace; 4 — detector; 5 — flow-rate meters, 6 — flow-rate stabilizer. The carrier gas piping during sample and background measurement are demonstrated by a full or dashed line, respectively

5.2.4 Complementary measuring systems The investigation of soHds needs the application of not only one but several experimental methods. T o ensure the identical experimental conditions some authors proposed devices enabling the simultaneous performance of the E T A and other thermoanalytical methods as D T A , dilatometry, T G , E G A etc. A conventional heating system is used in the simultaneous equipment and various parameters are measured together with the inert gas release. A multichannel recorder or digital output measuring unit can be used for the recording of experimental data. Figures 5-7 to 5-10 show diagrams of instruments permitting the simulta­ neous measurements using following thermoanalytical methods: E T A - D T A , ETA-DTA-dilatometry, E T A - D T A - E G A , and E T A - D T A - T G / D T G . The E T A - D T A apparatus [ 1 9 ] (see Fig. 5-7) commercially built by Messrs. Netzsch, Selb, Federal Republic of Germany, is equipped by a semiconductor detector. Labelled sample serves for the E T A as well as for the D T A measurement. The reaction vessel of the simultaneous E T A - D T A - d i l a t o m e t r y apparatus is schematically shown in Fig. 5-8. Figure 5-9 schematically shows the E T A - D T A - E G A , constructed by adaption the commercial N E T Z S C H high-temperature apparatus with the gas flow sample holder [ 2 1 ] . The E G A is performed by thermal conductivity detectors. Before entering the measuring chamber for the inert gas the carrier gas passes through the reference and sample celles equipped with the thermal 131

/ 2 3 Fig. 5-8. Reaction vessel of simultaneous ETA-DTA-dilatometry apparatus. (After Balek [18]). 1 — Labelled sample; 2 — DTA-reference sample; 3 — dilatometer sample; 4 — composite thermocouples; 5 — quartz dilatometer rod; 6 — quartz vessels; 7 — supporting pipes, AOO*C ^500*C 200

300 Time [min]



Fig. 6-3. ETA curves of NiO (ex-carbonate) during isothermal treatment in nitrogen at temperatures: 375, 400, 425, 450 and 500 C 150

measurement of surface area changes with a relative accuracy of about 2% for the sample treated. For about the first hour of the isothermal treatment, the following kinetic law has been proposed ^ dS/dt=-kS" (6.3) where S is the surface area, t denotes time, η is the apparent reaction order equal to 7. log/f




Fig. &A. Temperature dependence of kinetic constant k of N i O sintering during isothermal treatment in oxygen (Curve / ) and nitrogen (Curve 2)

A second stage of sintering beginning after one hour of initial heating and lasting several hours, was described by the equation \og(S-SJ

= kt


where S and are the surface area values at time t and after the equilibrium has been reached. The temperature dependence of the kinetic constants differ when N i O samples are heated in nitrogen or oxygen. The apparent activation energy evaluated from the Arrhenius plots in Fig. 6-4 equals to 276 and 155 kJ/mole (i.e. 66 and 37 kcal/mole) for nitrogen and oxygen treatment, respectively. The analogous evaluation of the kinetics of sintering first stages was made for MgO [9]. In cases where no simple relation between £ 2 5 « ^ has been found, the described method cannot be applied. For these cases, values of £^ have been proposed [ 1 1 ] to be used for evaluating the kinetics of the sintering process. 151


.705'C "825°C 5

10 15 20 25 30 35 AO Λ5 50 55 60 Time [min]

-\ Χ


1.0 10



2.0 iogt

20 30A05060 Time [mm]

Fig. 6-5. ETA curves of T h 0 2 (ex-oxalate) during isothermal treatment in air at temperatures: 705, 735, 780, 825 °C. (a) Values of emanation release rate £ , 0 , 3 , related to time; (b) Dependence log Eß = f (log time) where are evaluated as £ t o i a i - ^ 2 5 "

Evaluation of the sintering initial stage using £¿)-values was made for T h 0 2 powder in the temperature range between 700 and 825 °C. This temperature range corresponds to 0.30-0.34 absolute melting temperature. N o simple relationship has been found between £ 2 5 « and 5 ranging between 0.1 and \5m^g-\ Figure 6-5 shows the time dependence of total emanation release rate Ε measured during isothermal treatment at 705, 735, 780 and 825 °C. Figure 6-5 shows the dependence between the respective values of Ejy and time {E^ being determined as E¡y = E — E2so) plotted on a bilogarithmic scale. 152

As £^ = ^ 2 ^ , where Κ2 = (0/λγ^^ · ρ and S is the effective surface area, the followrng kinetic law is proposed for the thoria sintering first stage \ogS = n log t -f const.


The results obtained permitted the authors [11] to make the conclusion that the sintering of the sample studied in the respective temperature range is controlled by a single mechanism. The effective surface area used in Eq. (6.5) can differ from the surface area determined by adsorption methods. This value, resulting from the slowing down emanation release rate at the given temperature, involves information about the state of active surface controlling the sintering initial stages. The effective surface area reflected by the measurement of diffusion emanation release rate is therefore more convenient to describe the powder behaviour during sintering first stages, than the surface measured by an adsorption method. The E T A makes it possible to follow immediately the changes in the active surface, including its annealing, and to evaluate quantitatively the kinetics of these changes. By studying the temperature dependence of the kinetic constant Κ2, the activation energy of radon diffusion in thoria powder was determined [ 1 8 ] . The value AH = 222±20 kJ/mole (52.9±4.6 kcal/mole) supports the supposition of the grain boundary diffusion mechanism which controls the sintering first stage of thoria in the temperature range studied.

6.3 Investigation of single phase systems 6.3.1 Inert gas release as a probe of the state of solids Mobility of the inert gas atoms in relation to other properties of solids The mobility of inert gas atoms has proven to be a suitable parameter for describing the state of sohds and studying its changes. Generally speaking, the inert gas mobility is determined by the diffusion mechanism which takes place in the respective solid. The possible mechanisms of inert gas diffusion in ionic crystals are discussed in Section 4.4.2. The change in the mobility of inert gas in solids is usually connected with the change in other properties of the solids. Property changes normally occur when (i) the solid undergoes a phase change or sinters (see Section 6.2.3), (11) the solid reacts with the surrounding medium, {Hi) a change in the concentration of lattice defects takes place, (11;) the mechanism of diffusion changes. 153

Examples covered under items (/), (ii) and (///) have been given in Section 3.8. and 6.2.3. As this section is dealing with the investigation of single phase systems, the properties of solids will be discussed in relation to the inert gas mobility in solids, which do not undergo any structural or chemical change within the studied temperature range. (1) Diffusion properties of solids The diffusion properties of α - Α ΐ 2 θ 3 were demonstrated by Gregory and Moorbath [ 1 9 ] using ^^^Rn diffusion after homogeneous labelling of the samples. Figure 6-6 shows two independent processes which characterize the diffusion properties of the solid. The transition from one process to another takes place at 1198 Κ which is 0.52 absolute melting temperature, T^eit- Schreiner [ 2 0 ] reported that for metallic Cu, Fe and M o homogeneously labelled by ^^^Ra, the intersections of the lines corresponding to two radon diffusion processes have been found at temperatures between 0.3 and 0.4 Τ^βπlogD

,ot 11 12^

13 lAj






Fig. 6-6. Plot logD vs. l / T for α-Αΐ2θ3 preheated to 1350"C

At the temperature range 0.5-0.52 T^eit for ionic crystals and 0.3-0.4 7^^,^ for metals [ 2 1 ] , originally described by Tammann [ 2 2 ] , many physical effects dependent on diffusion begin to proceed at a rate which is readily measurable in a reasonable time. This temperature has a close connection with the speeding up of sintering, annealing, recrystallization, etc. From log D = / ( l / T ) curve on α - Α ΐ 2 θ 3 (Fig. 6-6) it was found that the activation energy of radon diffusion above the intersection point is = 2 5 0 + 2 kJ/mole (i.e. 59.6 + 0.5 kcal/mole), whereas the low energy-low temperature process has an activation energy of zl//2 = 33.5±8 kJ/mole 154

(i.e. 8.0 + 0.2 kcal/mole). The low temperature-low energy diffusion of radon below the intersection point is supposed to be controlled by non-equilibrium lattice defects. Such a structure-sensitive diffusion process is therefore dependent on the previous thermal history of the oxide. Similar radon diffusion behaviours have been observed with other oxides, such as TÍO2 and a-Cr2 0 3 and a-Fe2 0 3 [23, 24]. If the high activation energy-high temperature radon diffusion in the oxides quoted becomes the dominant factor at a temperature identical to that at which self-diffusion is known to become appreciable, a connection between the two processes has been suggested. For example, in α - Α ΐ 2 θ 3 there appeared to be a connection between inert gas diffusion and lattice defect equilibrium (see Section 6.3.3.). This connection cannot be, however, generally assumed in all solids, as the mechanism of impurity-diffusion of the inert gas in various lattice types can differ. There exists a possibility to evaluate radon diffusion characteristics of a solid directly from the emanation release measurements. Correct relative values of diffusion coefficient D and quite accurate diffusion activation energies Δ Η can be obtained. For the determination of diffusion characteristics see Sections 3.3 and 4.2. The diffusion properties of some organic solids and polymers have been studied on the base of inert gas release rate by Strassmann [ 2 5 ] , Müller [ 2 6 ] , Meares [27, 28], Zaborenko et al., [29-31], Gregory and Moorbath [ 3 2 ] and Balek et al. [33, 34]. Experimentally determined values of ratio E2S0/S were used for characterizing diffusion properties of barium salts of isomeric organic acids (phthalic, isophthalic and terephthalic) [ 3 4 ] . The positional isomerism of organic molecules was proved to markedly influence their diffusivity in the solid state. Table 6-1 shows the £25^/8 values determined for the organic positional isomers. Progressively rising emanating power has been reported [ 3 2 ] for barium salts of long chain monocarboxylic fatty acids. From barium acetate to laurate and palmitate the emanating power rose from 0.03 to 1.0. The increase in room-temperature emanating power, which was explained to be due to high diffusion release rate, may be better understood when looking at Fig. 6-7. Figure 6-7 shows the temperature dependence of emanating power for barium stearate (Ci7H35COO)2 Ba and barium caprate ( C 9 H i 9 C O O ) 2 Ba. These behaviours are typical for all barium salts of fatty acids, where no decomposition or phase transformation occurs. In general, the salts of lower fatty acids were displaced more to the right than the higher fatty acids were. At temperatures ranging from 0 °C with barium stearate to 50 °C with caprate, the emanating power reached a maximum and no further increase was observed with the rise in temperature. 155

TABLE 6-1 Emanation release rate measured at 25 ''C, surface area and values £250/5 for barium phtalate, isophtalate and terephtalate

Barium salt


Emanation release rate £250

Surface area


















210 270 Temperature [K]

Fig. 6-7. Temperature dependence of emanating power for barium stearate (Curve I) and barium caprate (Curve 2). (After Gregory and Moorbath [32]) 156

The rapid decrease in emanating power with decreasing temperature immediately shows that the high values of emanating power at room temperature are due to the high diffusion rate of radon. A t temperatures below 160 to 180 Κ the diffusion contribution to the emanating power is very small and one expect Ε values corresponding to the recoil fraction, dependent only upon the specific surface. However, at such temperatures and lower, an adsorption of radon on the surface of the solid took place and lower Ε values than expected were reported [32]. Relatively low values of activation energy for radon diffusion in all barium salts of fatty acids (ranging between 30 and 40.2 kJ/mole (i.e. 7.0 and 9.6 kcal/mole) have been found in the temperature range 200-300 K ) . The similar values of J// in all cases suggest that the mechanism of radon diffusion is the same for each barium salt. The high proportion of structural defects has been suggested to explain the high diffusion rate of radon in the barium salts of fatty acids. The lower the molecular weight of the barium salt studied, the better defined is the crystal structure, with less defects to provide low energy diffusion paths. The disorder in Ba-salts of long-chain fatty acids was explained as resulting from the fact that the molecule is firmly bound in the lattice at the polar end only. The disorder therefore becomes the greater, the longer the chain and the lower the proportion of the polar groups to hydrocarbon groups. The high-diffusion release rate in the barium salts of certain organic solids seems to be related to the presence of methyl groups in the molecules [ 3 5 ] . The replacement of a terminal methyl group in barium caprate by a carboxylate reduces the rate of diffusion one thousand-fold. (2) Mechanical properties of metals The release of inert gas incorporated by ion bombardment into a metal surface can serve as the indicator of plastic deformation in the metal [ 3 6 ] . Figure 6-8 shows the release rate of radon from Ni-foil during its mechanical treatment. Ni-foil labelled by ^^^Rn was vibrated with corundum powder at frequencies 4.2 and 7.2 H z under dry nitrogen stream. The release rate of the inert gas has been found to be dependent on the intensity of the exposure of the metal surface to the mechanical treatment. As shown in Fig. 6-8, 3-5 min after the onset of the mechanical treatment, a stationary stage of the radon release rate has been attained. (3) Electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, magnetical properties T o compare electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and magnetic susceptibility with the emanation release rate during linear rise of temperature, a sample of α-ferric oxide was chosen [ 3 7 ] . The measurements were not carried out 157

30 ¡ Time [min] Fig. 6-8. Release of ^^^Rn from nickel foil during vibration with corundum powder at room temperature (After Heinicke et ai [36]). α, α — at frequencies 4.2 Hz and 7.2 Hz, respectively; h — in the time interval after vibration 11



log κ

log E¡.


600 800 Temperature ['C]

Fig. 6-9. Comparison of electrical conductivity (Curve / ) ; emanation release rate (Curve 2) magnetical susceptibility (Curve i ) ; and thermal conductivity (Curve 4) of ferric oxide measured in the temperature interval from 400 to 900 °C

simultaneously [38, 39]. Figure 6-9 shows that changes of the above-mentioned properties take place in the same temperature range. When investigating the physical properties of solids and measuring the emanation release, it should be borne in mind that the state of diffusion equilibrium has to be maintained during sample heating or cooling. The rate of 158

the temperature rise or fall should be chosen after the evidence was obtained that the diffusion equilibrium is attained so rapidly that continuous heating or cooHng at the chosen rate is justified. For the oxides investigated ( α - Α ΐ 2 θ 3 , a-Fe2 0 3 and a-Cr2 0 3 ) the heating rate 5 K/min was justified and used. Emanation characteristics of rocks and minerals Natural rocks and minerals containing a known uranium concentration can be characterized by radon (^^^Rn) escape. Studies on radon release rate from uranium-rich minerals were reported by Holmes [ 4 0 ] , Giletti and Kulp [ 4 1 ] , Lind and Whitemore [ 4 2 ] and others. For example, the emanating power of carnotites ranges from 0.16 to 0.50. The emanating power of bröggerite has been found to increase with the decreasing grain size of the mineral. Data on emanation release rate from common rocks and soils are very scarce in literature [43-45]. Baretto [ 4 5 ] published ^^^Rn emanation char­ acteristics of some common rocks and minerals using alpha-scintillators combined with photomultiplier as the measuring system. Under identical laboratory conditions, rocks have the emanating power values ranging from 0.01 to 0.20 and a specific radioactivity of 7 χ 10~^ to 3 χ 10"* s"* h"* g~* (i.e. 2 to 80 X 10 pCi h" * g~ The higher £-values were found among granitic rocks, sandstone and conglomerates, whereas basic and calcareous rocks showed the lowest values of E. Accessory minerals, although rich in uranium, show very low radon emanating power (less than 0.01-0.02). The results clearly showed that the radon emanating power of a mineral is not correlated at all with the uranium concentration. Thus xenotime and monazite with 6000 ppm and 400 ppm uranium, respectively, show smaller radon emanating power than biotite, apatite or sphene with 11 ppm, 17 ppm and 84 ppm uranium, respectively. Figure 6-10 shows emanating power values of some minerals of constant grain size (60-115 mesh) measured at room temperature at constant humidity. Emanation release measurements of the minerals heated up to 1200 °C have demonstrated a progressive decrease in the emanation release rate with temperature. T w o examples of E T A curves, for granite (origin Minnesota, U.S.A.) and for monazite (origin Beach deposite, Brazil) are shown in Fig. 6-11. The decrease in the emanation release rate was suggested to be a result of annealing surface defects, mechanical damage and natural radiation damage. The temperature effect on the E T A curve may characterize the stability of the crystal structure of the mineral once damaged. Minerals whose atomic structure will retain the radiation damage effects especially when reaching the metamictic state exhibit high emanating power. 159

Radon-222 escape-to-production ratio('/β)

Gneiss Granodiorite Quartz-diorite Granite Dacite Gabbro Basalt Serpentinite Quartzite Conglomerate Volcanic tuff Sandstone Arkose Limestone

Radon-222 escape-to-production ratio (°/o)



Sphene Monazite Xenotime Apatite Biotite Allanite Magnetite (Ti) Glauconite

Fig. 6-10. Values of emanating power of some rocks and minerals. (After Baretto [45])

Minerals of self-annealing properties, by contrast, will show a small emanation power value. In this case the diffusion takes place mainly through grain surface and mechanical defects, cracks, dislocations, etc. 160

4 6 8 10 χ 10^ Temperature ['C] Fig. 6-11. Emanation release measurements of granite (Curve 2) and monazite (Curve 7) heated up to 1200 X . (After Baretto [45])

The emanation characteristics of minerals can serve as the indicator of the stability of their crystal structures. Because no chemical treatment is involved and soil samples can be analyzed as they are collected, the E T A has been proposed [ 4 5 ] as an attractive tool for the detection of any mixture of uranium-bearing industrial products, such as tailings, in the regional soil background, road-base and the selection of construction material for schools and hospitals. Evernden et al. [ 4 6 ] published data on diffusion of radiogenic argon in glauconite, microcline, sanidine, leucite and phlogopite. Measurements of the argon release during sample heating have revealed dynamic lattice changes taking place in the mineral. Glauconite and phlogopite were characterized by identical diffusion parameters. The argon diffusion measurements at elevated temperatures enable the dating of events which took place in the mineral a few million years ago.

6.3.2 Characterization of material properties Texture and morphology of materials and annealing of lattice defects As the recoil emanation release rate E¡^ strongly depends on the texture of the material (see Section 3.6 and 3.8), the ER value can be used for characterizing the texture of powder as well as compact materials. Emanation release rate of B a - Z n alloys (6-8 wt. % Ba) measured at room temperature after various degrees of plastic deformation can serve as an example [ 4 7 ] . Emanation release rate £250 161

was found dependent on the degree of deformation of alloys homogeneously labelled by ^^"^Ra. The initial increase in £ 2 5 ° found with increasing deformation degree was in good agreement with the decrease in density of the alloys. It has been shown [ 4 7 ] for Zn-1.5Ba alloy (50% deformation degree) that the emanation release rate values £ 2 5 « reflect changes in texture which have taken place during sample heating. The recovery of the deformation took place at about 250 °C, which was indicated by the decrease of £ 2 5 ° values, as shown in Fig. 6-12. The evaluation of the texture and its changes can be directly investigated when the inert gas release is measured during sample heating. Results of later investigations [ 4 8 ] which characterize the textures of cold-worked and soft silver on the base of ^^^Xe release during linear temperature rise are demonstrated in Fig. 6-13. The annealing of the texture of cold-worked metal — deformation degree was not indicated — is revealed when comparing Curves / and 2. These curves correspond to the cold-worked (deformed) and soft (nondeformed) silver samples, respectively. The diffusion emanation release rate, Ep when measured at temperatures where the surface and grain boundary diffusion are the controlling factors (see Section 3.7), makes the texture characterization possible. ΔΕ[%]




300 AOO

200 300 400 Temperature ['C] Fig. 6-12. Emanation release of Zn-1.5 Ba alloy [47] (50% plastic deformation) heated up to 410 X . / — recrystallized sample after heating up to 410 °C; 2 — cold-worked sample; 3 — differential curve obtained by the subtraction of curve b from a 162



600 800^ 1000 Temperature ['C]

Fig. 6-13. Released fraction F of *^^Xe from cold-worked (Curve 1) and soft silver (Curve 2) log£o 5-

1.A 500



1.8 300


2.2 1/Γχ10^[ΚΊ 200 Temperature CC]

Fig. 6-14. Plot logEß vs. \/T for ferric oxide (ex-hydroxide) obtained during cooling samples preheated to 350 (Curve / ) ; 410 (Curve 2) and 530 °C (Curve 3)

Figure 6-14 shows the E T A curves of a - F C i O j measured during cooHng at a hnear rate 2.5 K/min. Ferric oxide samples differing in morphology were prepared by heating Fe(III) hydroxide to 350, 410 and 530 °C. The E T A curve corresponding to the dispersed sample of more developed texture lies higher than that of the sample of a less developed texture, mainly because of the smaller mean grain size causing increased Ε ρ and E^, The E T A cooling curve has been proposed to be used for the characterization of the material preheated to temperatures where annealing of the textural defects occurred. Since the inert gas diffusion in the "low temperature range"is controlled by the texture defects (grain boundaries, dislocations and other non-equilibrium defects), the activation energy Δ Η of inert gas diffusion in this temperature range can be used as ä parameter characterizing the texture of dispersed solids. The Δ Η values evaluated from the slopes of log Ej) — f(\/T) plots in Fig. 6-14, equal 25, 35 and 55 kJ/mole (i.e. 5,9,8.34 and 13.1 kcal/mole) for ferric oxide samples preheated to 350, 410 and 530 °C, respectively. 163 Sinterability of materials As shown in the previous sections, the E T A heating curves reflect any surface area change and recrystalHzation in a sensitive manner. As sintering, namely its initial stage, is usually connected with these processes, E T A can be employed for estimating sinterability of materials. Figure 6-15 shows E T A heating curves of Fe2 0 3 samples. The samples were prepared by Fe(III) hydroxide decomposition and its pretreatment to 500, 900 E[cpm] 70-' 6050AO302010200

AOO 600 800 1000 Temperature ['C]

Fig. 6-15. ETA heating curves of ferric oxide (ex-hydroxide) preheated to 500 (Curve / ) ; 900 (Curve 2) and 1000 °C (Curve 3)

and 1000 °C. Each curve characterizes, in the low temperature region, the morphology of the powdered sample. The onset of the decrease in emanation release rate has been proposed to be taken as a characteristic of the actual sinterability of the sample [ 4 9 ] . The temperature of the change observed on the E T A curve can be taken as the parameter which characterizes the sinterability of the material. This method has been found suitable for characterizing sinterability of U O 2 droplets prepared by a sol-gel technique [ 5 0 ] as well as U O 2 pellets [ 5 1 ] . The sinterability of both powders and compact samples can be studied by E T A . Apart from ceramic materials, metal powders as Cu and (Cu -h Fe) mixture have been examined [ 1 6 ] and their sinterability estimated. Thus, E T A has become a suitable tool in powder metallurgy. 164 Characterization of heat-treated products The control o f technological processes frequently requires methods which enable to characterize the properties of the intermediate and final products of the heat-treatment. E T A has been succesfuUy used for characterizing the state of the solid material after heat-treatment. Several examples are quoted in the following. Emmerich and Balek [52] characterized by E T A the intermediate products of kaoline treatment in porcelain production. Structure properties of zinc ferrite prepared by heating the mixture of oxides was characterized by Balek [53]. Figure 6-16 shows the temperature dependence








Fig. 6-16. Log ED as a function of (1/Γ) for ^^®Rn release from zinc ferrite formed during heating of ZnO and FczOj to 1100 °C using Fe203 preheated to 700(#); 900( χ ) and 1100 "C (0)(After Balek [53])

log £p = f{\/T) obtained by E T A measurement of zinc ferrite samples. Samples were formed by heating the mixture (FCiOa -H Z n O ) to 1100 °C, where Z n O was labelled by ^^^Th and the Fe2 0 3 used was preheated to 700, 900 and 1100 °C. As follows from Fig. 6-16 in the temperature range 850-1000 °C the slope of the E T A curves is equal for all the three samples studied, however, diffusion coefficient values D differ. The relatively highest D value corresponds to ZnFe2 0 4 prepared from Fe2 0 3 heated to 1100°C. This statement was confirmed by X-ray diffraction patterns. The crystal lattice of ferrite formed was found more perfect when ferric oxide was preheated to 700 and 900 °C, which is consistent with the supposition that ferric oxide preheated to 1100 °C is more desactivated and has less ability to build a perfect spinel structure of Z n F e 2 0 4 than ferric oxide preheated to 700 and 900 °C. 165

The activation energy of radon diffusion in zinc ferrite samples above 850 °C (almost independent of the ferric oxide prehistory) is J// = 197 ± 20 kJ/mole (i.e. 47 ± 5 kcal/mole). At lower temperatures at which grain boundary diffusion and surface diffusion take place, a difference in activation energies is observed.

TABLE 6-II Characteristics of intermediate products, of ceramic nuclear fuel

Sample notation

3V 3D 3T 3S 05S 9S


Activation energy ΔΗ οΐ 22°Rn diffusion [kJ/mole]

Emanation release rate

34.1 72.8 76.6 75.9 66.6 76.9

106.8 54.4 71.6 82.2 69.6 41.1

0.07 0.17 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.18

Relative porosity


The characterization by E T A of the intermediate products for nuclear ceramic fuel was published by Balek et'al. [54-56]. Properties of the products prepared by so-called "sol-gel" technique depend on the time of gel washing and on drying conditions. Table 6 - I I summarizes the characteristics of the products obtained by heat-treatment of dried initial gelous material to 800 °C in air. The technological conditions of sample preparation are given in the original paper [ 5 4 ] . It is interesting to compare the values of the activation energy AH of radon diffusion evaluated from E T A cooling curves, the values £ 2 5 « for the cooled samples and the relative porosity of materials. The relatively highest AH= 108.6 kJ/mole (i.e. 25.9 kcal/mole) value was found with the material which exhibits the relatively lowest porosity and relatively lowest £ 2 5 ° value, and contrarily, the relatively lowest AH = 1\.6 kJ/mole value (i.e. 17.1 kcal/mole) corresponds to the material where the relatively highest porosity and relatively highest £ 2 5 0 value were found. The agreement is satisfactory, as in the considered temperature interval (between 25 and 800 °C) radon diffusion is controlled by a grain boundary mechanism.


6.3.3 Defect equilibrium changes at elevated temperatures in non-stoichiometric solids In this section the apphcabihty of E T A will be shown to reveal the changes in defect equilibrium taking place at elevated temperatures in non-stoichiometric solids. Figure 6-17a and b show the E T A curves of α-Αΐ2θ3 subsequently measured during heatings in various atmospheres affecting the stoichiometry of the sample. Aluminium oxide homogeneously labelled by ^^®Th and previously annealed was first heated in nitrogen containing a small amount (few kPa pressure) of oxygen [ 1 9 ] . Curves 1 and 2 in Fig. 6-17 correspond to this heating. As the two curves do not differ, it is possible to speak of the reversible defect equilibrium established during heating in oxygen-containing atmosphere. Curves 4 and 5 in Fig. 6-17 were measured during the heating of the sample to about 1400 °C in nitrogen-containing 5% hydrogen, i.e. they represent the defect equilibrium established in aluminium oxide during heating in the reducing atmosphere. The differences in the emanating power between Curves 7,2 and 4,5 in Fig. 6-17a appear at temperatures higher than the Tammann temperature of alumina, i.e. a change in the lattice defect equilibrium can be assumed. Curve 3 in Fig. 6-17 was measured in a reducing atmosphere during heating the sample, which had been previously annealed in oxygen-containing atmosphere. Curve 3 reflects therefore the process of the transition of one defect equilibrium into another. a-AljOa has been shown to be a metal excess semiconductor at high temperatures and the lattice becomes more defective on reduction of oxygen pressure. Excess metal ions are situated in interstitial positions. When the sample is reheated in nitrogen a peculiar transition curve {6) (Fig. 6-17b) occurs, and subsequent heating in nitrogen gives the reproducible curves (7, 8 and 9). As these curves are not identical with the original Curves 1 and 2, one can state that the effect of hydrogen of the aluminium oxide stoichiometry is only partly reversible. Since reduction of oxygen pressure enhances sintering and recrystallization [ 5 8 ] , Gregory and Moorbath [ 1 9 ] ascribed the irreversible effect to grain growth. The reversible effect is no doubt due to changes in the equilibrium defect concentration with variation in the oxygen pressure. The differences in the E T A curves corresponding to two various lattice defect equilibria can be explained using values of activation energy ΔΗ oi radon diffusion evaluated from Curves 7, 2 and 4, 5, being equal to 238 + 0.4 and 320 ± 2 k J / m o l e (i.e. 56.9 ± 0 . 1 and 76.6 ± 0 . 6 kcal/mole), respectively. If the excess metal ions occupy interstitial positions (Frenkel defects) in the corundum lattice, 167



900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1Α00


I 50


ΑΟ302010900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1Α00 Temperature ['C] Fig. 6-17. Dependence of emanating power of a-AlzOj on oxygen partial pressure (After Gregory and Moorbath [57]). Curves 1 and 2: successively measured E T A heating curves of a sample preheated to 1475 °C; Curve 3\ E T A heating curve of the same sample as in Curves / and 2 measured in nitrogen + 5 H j ; Curves 4 and 5: successive repetitions of Curve 3 in nitrogen + 5 H j ; Curve 6\ E T A heating curve of the same sample as in Curves 1-3 measured during repeated heating in commercial nitrogen; Curves 7,8, 9\ successive repetitions of Curve 5 obtained during subsequent heating in commercial nitrogen. Heating rate 5 K/min

an increase in their number may possibly hinder the interstitial movement of the inert gas atoms. Curves 5 and 5 reflecting the transitions from one state of lattice defect equilibrium to another may be used for the description of this process. E T A curves of similar shapes were described by Jagitsch [ 3 7 ] for a number of non-stoichiometric oxides and sulphides, as for example Cu^^O, M n O j _ χ , PbOj,, Ag2-;cS, Zni_^S, C d i _ , S and Cu2_jcS. Jagitsch [ 3 7 ] proposed a way for evaluating the degree of the lattice disorder on the base of E T A data. Another way is under investigation [ 5 9 ] .


6.4 Physical changes in multi-phase systems 6.4.1 Phase transitions in solids Phase transitions caused by the heating of soHds and investigated by E T A are, e.g.. — aragonite-calcite transformation in CaCOa [ 6 0 ] , — rhombic-hexagonal lattice transformation in BaCO^ [ 6 1 ] , — orthorhombic-rhombohedric lattice transformation in K N O 3 [ 6 2 ] , — transitions [63, 19] 7 - F e 2 0 3 to a - F e 2 0 3 and 7 - A I 2 O 3 to α - Α ΐ 2 θ 3 ,

— transition in N a N 0 3 corresponding to the rotation change of N O 3 anion about the trigonal crystal axis [ 6 2 ] , — polytypic transition [ 6 4 ] of 2H type P b l 2 , etc. Modification changes in minerals, metals, polymers and other materials have been revealed by means of E T A . In most cases, E T A confirmed the results obtained by other physical or physico-chemical methods, and sometimes yielded more detailed information about the onset of the solid state process, its mechanism, etc. Figure 6-18 shows the E T A curves of K N O 3 labelled by ^^^Th measured during heating and cooling a sample at linear rate. The heating curve shows the increase in emanation release rate up to 128 °C where the structure breaks up. The point of maximum change in the emanation release rate was reported by Balek and Zaborenko [ 6 2 ] as corresponding to the maximum rate of the modification change. Moreover, the log £ = / ( l / T ) curve enables to estimate the temperature where the deviation of the basic exponential starts. This temper(b)

(a) AOOO3000i. 2000Uj



200 300 300 ^ 200 Temperature [*C]





200 150 100 ^ 50 Temperature ['C]

Fig. 6-18. ETA curves of K N O 3 in the region of polymorphic transformation (a) when plotted Ε vs. temperature (b) when plotted log E^ vs. 1/T. Curves / and 3 are measured during sample heating, Curve 2 — during sample cooling (After Balek and Zaborenko [62]) 169

ature (110 °C) corresponding to the formation of the first nuclei of the new phase, is difficult to be obtained so quickly by another method. According to the mechanism of the transformation proposed by Frenkel [ 6 5 ] , a continuous creation of nuclei of the new phase and the desintegration of the old phase take place in the solid during the sample heating from this temperature to the breaking point of the curve. Observation of the first stages of the modification change was made possible by E T A , especially when using the surface impregnation technique for sample labelling. On cooling a sharp step appears at the E T A curve at 120-115 ° C corresponding to the reversible modification change. The large drop in emanation release rate suggests that the low temperature structure is more compact [ 6 6 ] .

6.4.2 Crystallization and recrystallization of solids E T A as a structure-sensitive method makes it possible to reveal even fine changes in the structure of solids. Using the surface labelling method the state of the surface layers of the solids can be investigated separately from the bulk of the solids. T w o examples of this are given below. Figure 6-19 shows the E T A curve of Z r O i labelled by ^^^Rn ion bombardment during heating [ 6 7 ] . The crystallization of the initially amor­ phous phase at about 420 °C is demonstrated by a sharp maximum.

2000H I 1500H § loooH 500H



250 350 Temperature CCl


Fig. 6-19. Radon release rate of amorphous ZrOz (ex-hydroxide) during heating (After Jech et al. [67]) 170


Fig. 6-20. (a) Electron micrographs of surfaces of alumina single crystals bombarded with 2x10^^ Al ions/cm^ 7 — As bombarded; 2 —annealed at 600 °C, i — annealed at 700 °C, 4 — annealed at 1000 °C. The annealing time was 5 min (After Matzke [1]). (b) Temper­ ature dependence of *^Kr release rate from alumina after bombardment with 5 χ 10** Kr ions/cm^. (After Jech and Kelly [68])




AOO 600 800 Temperature ['C]

1000 171

Another example, presented by Jech and Kelly [ 6 8 ] , is α-Αΐ2θ3 single crystal bombarded with 5 χ 10^"* K r ions/cm^ (see Fig. 6-20). The ion bombardment caused an intensive radiation damage in the surface layers and formation of a quasi-amorphous solid. The damaged layer of the solid is annealed during sample heating at 600-1000 °C, as shown by Matzke [ 1 ] (see Fig. 6-20a). As the recovery of the original structure is accompanied by the instantaneous release of the incorporated krypton *^Kr, this process can be observed by means of E T A immediately in dynamic conditions of the heat treatment (see Fig. 6-20b). Results important for silicate research, [69, 70] as well as in the investigation of polymers [ 2 9 ] and inorganic pigments [ 7 1 ] have been obtained by E T A . The processes of crystallization of glasses [ 7 2 ] , terylen [ 2 9 ] and the recrystallization of anatas [ 7 3 ] can serve as examples of the above-mentioned applications.

6 A 3 Melting Melting is usually accompanied by a change in lattice type or the transformation of an amorphous structure, with the sudden release of the gas incorporated in the solid. A n increase in the emanation release rate is usually


760 770 780 790 Temperature [*C]

Fig. 6-21. Heating curves of KCl measured in the temperature range between 750 and 790 °C: Dilatometry, D T A and ETA curves of a powdered sample are represented by Curves 7, 2 and i , respectively. ETA curve during reheating of previously molten sample is given by Curve 4 Ml

observed some degrees before the melting point, arising from the increased mobility of the lattice components. Figure 6-21 shows the melting of K C l powder [ 7 4 ] labelled by ^^^Th impregnation, as investigated by dilatometry (Curve 7), D T A (Curve 2) and E T A (Curve 3). The melting of the powdered K C l is characterized by an endothermic effect on the D T A curve, a volume shrinkage is observed on the dilatometric curve. The E T A curve exhibits a decrease of the emanation release rate in the temperature range 770-775 ""C, i.e. before the melting point. The decrease of the emanation release rate before the melting point does not appear on the E T A curve of a repeatedly heated or previously molten sample (Curve 4, Fig. 6-21). The decrease of Ε has been ascribed [ 7 4 ] to the surface annealing of powdered sample, annealing of irregularities, cracks and other molecular defects in the lattice. Actually, the steep fall of the E T A curve with powdered samples overlaps the rise of the curve in the beginning of the melting process. This effect has been observed by a number of authors investigating the melting of solids, as N a 2 C 0 3 [75],

L Í 2 C O 3 [ 7 5 ] , K N O 3 [62, 77], K 2 S O 4 [ 7 7 ] and G e - S e - T e semiconductor

glass [ 7 8 ] . (a)




2 0 AO 60 KCl [·/·!



V — \ / v


AOO 800 Temperature CC]

Fig. 6-22. (a) Phase diagram of the salt KCI-CaCIj. O-points obtained by means of ETA curves are demonstrated in part (b), (b) ETA curves of KCI-CaClz mixtures in various molar ratios: Curve / : 75:25; Curve 2: 60:40; Curve 3: 40:60; Curve 4: DTA curve of KCl-CaClj mixture (40:60). (After Zaborenko et al. [80]) 173

6.44 Phase diagrams of multícomponent systems As it follows from Section 6.4.3., the phase changes are reflected by E T A curves in a very sensitive manner. The E T A curves can therefore be used for the determination of phase diagrams in multicomponent systems. The phase diagram [ 7 9 ] of the system K C l - C a C l 2 is given in Fig. 6-22a. The points indicated by o were obtained by Zaborenko et al. [ 8 0 ] by means of E T A curves shown in Fig. 6-22b for various mixtures of the two components. The phase diagram of C a O - F e 2 0 3 system was determined analogously [ 8 1 ] . The application of E T A is most advantageous for determining the phase diagrams of poorly crystalline or glass-like systems where conventional methods do not provide satisfactory result in the determination of phase change temperatures. The systems N a B e F j - N a P O j and N a B e F 3 - K P 0 3 investigated by Levina et al. [ 8 2 ] and system pyrophosphoric acid H4P207-carbamid CO(NH2)2 investigated by Czekhovskich et al. [ 8 3 ] should be mentioned here.

6.5 Chemical reactions in solids 6.5.1 Dehydration and thermal decomposition Numerous investigators measured the E T A curves during dehydration of crystal hydrates e.g. [84-89], metal hydroxides e.g. [7, 8, 23, 24, 89-92] and zeolites [ 1 0 ] , in the course of thermal decomposition of carbonates e.g. [13, 93,

Fig. 6-23. Isothermal ETA curves of Ca-hydroxide at temperatures, (a) 105 (Curve 7), 205 (Curve 2), 350 (Curve i ) , (b) 500 (Curve 4) and 600 (Curve 5) (After Zaborenko and Thätner [92]) Values £250 corresponding to initial hydroxide and final hydroxide-oxide product are given by O- Chemical compositions of the respective samples isothermally treated are: CaO · 1.1 H 2 O (7), CaO · 1.1 H j O (2), CaO · 1.03 H 2 O (i), CaO · 0.15 H 2 O {4\ CaO · 0.05 H 2 O (5) 174

AOO 800 Temperature ['C]

30 60 90 Time [min]

AOO 800 Temperature ['CI

Fig. 6-24. ETA heating curves of Th-propionate measured, (a) During heating initial salt (Curve / ) at linear rate 6 K/min; (b) during isothermal heatings initial salt at 300 (Curve 2), 400 (Curve 3) and 500 °C (Curve 4). The respective portions of the initial salt decomposed after the isothermal treatment are 86, 93 and 95%; the respective £25° values are indicated by • ; (c) during heating at linear rate 6 K/min of the samples preheated to 300 (Curve 5) and 500 °C (Curve 6). (After Thätner and Zaborenko [100])

94] oxalates e.g. [87,95,96], nitrates e.g. [84,97,98], sulphates [97,98], iodates [99] and other substances e.g. [31-33, 100-104]. E T A with great similarity to D T A , T G and E G A , evaluated the temperature intervals where the decomposition processes take place and the loss of differently bound water molecules. Moreover, structure changes accompanying the dehydration and decomposition of solids have been sensitively reflected on the E T A curves, even in cases where conventional methods were not sensitive enough. Zaborenko and Thätner [92, 100] used E T A for investigating thermal decomposition of metal hydroxides and salts of inorganic and organic acids. ^^^Th has been used for labelling samples by both incorporation and impregnation techniques. Some of the E T A curves are reproduced in Figs 6-23 and 6-24.

175 Revealing structure and texture changes and the active state of solids Figure 6-23 shows E T A isothermal curves of Ca-hydroxide measured [ 9 2 ] at the temperatures of 105, 205, 350, 500 and 600 X . The curves yield information on the state of texture and structure of the hydroxide-oxide product in any instant of the isothermal treatment. The emanation release rate is expressed in relative units E/E2S0 where £ 2 5 « is the Ε value measured at room temperature. The activity of the finely dispersed hydroxide-oxide product can be directly followed. As the dehydration of Ca-hydroxide takes place in the temperature interval between 400 and 500 °C, the E T A isotherms measured at lower temperatures must have reflected the change in the state of the solid due to the departure of physically bound (adsorbed) water. The isotherm at 500 °C reflects the proper decomposition process of Ca-hydroxide. During the first 20 minutes, the loss of structural water from the solid is reflected by the increase of the emanation release rate. A t 600 ° C the dehydration proceeds so quickly that it is reflected on the E T A curve by a sharp maximum occurring after a few minutes of the isothermal treatment. Figure 6-24 shows the decomposition of thorium propionate in air [100]. Figure 6-24a shows the E T A curve of the initial salt during heating at the linear rate of 6 K/min. The peak effect observed between 300 and 420 °C corresponds to the decomposition of the salt. Figure 6-24b shows the E T A curves measured when Th-propionate was isothermally heated at 300,400 and 500 °C. N o change in emanation release rate was observed during isothermal heating at 300 °C, despite the decomposition of the salt proceeded (86% of the salts decomposed after 90 min isothermal heating at 300 °C). As the Ε250 value of the solid measured after the isothermal treatment does not significantly change comparing to £ 2 5 ° of the initial salt, it can be supposed that annealing the active T h 0 2 formed during decomposition does not practically occur. The annealing took place, however, at 400 and 500 °C, the rate of which could be determined from the E T A isotherms. The portions of the initial salt decomposed during the treatment at 400 and 500 °C rose, as it is indicated in Fig. 6-24b. Figure 6-24c shows E T A curves of samples pre-treated at 300 and 500 °C in isothermal conditions, according to Fig. 6-24b. The heating at linear rate has been employed in this case. During the heating of the sample which was preheated to 300 °C the decomposition of the remaining 14% of Th-propionate is completed and the annealing of active thorium oxide takes place. Both processes are reflected by a sharp drop on the E T A (Curve 5) at temperatures between 400 and 580 °C. As shown in Curve 6, no more decomposition and annealing have been observed during this heating in the sample pre-treated at 500 °C. 176


200 Temperature [°C] Fig. 6-25. ETA (Curve 2) and D T A (Curve 7) of CuSO^ · O (ex-CuSO^ · 5 H 2 O ) during heating at linear heating rate 6 K/min. (After Zaborenko and Balek [88])

Thus, when combining the E T A curves measured subsequently at (i) linear temperature rise, (11) suitably chosen constant temperatures and (iii) linear temperature rise again, more complete information on the active state of solids formed by thermal decomposition can be obtained. Metastable pseudostructures of solids can be revealed when investigating the intermediate decomposition products by E T A . Figure 6-25 shows E T A and D T A curves of CUSO4 · H 2 O (radon ion bombardment used for sample labelling). The first peak on the E T A curve (Curve 2) to which no effect on the D T A (Curve 7) corresponds, has been attributed [ 8 8 ] to the conversion of metastable pseudostructure of trihydrate preserved after its dehydration at 120 °C to monohydrate. The second peak on the E T A (Curve 2) corresponds to dehydration of monohydrate to the anhydrous salt. This process is reflected by an endothermic effect on the D T A (Curve 7). Mutual positions of the effects on the E T A and D T A curves will be discussed next. Relation of E T A , D T A and T G curves The idealized curves [103] E T A , D T A and T G which result in the course of a one-step endothermal decomposition are given in Fig. 6-26. The solid is supposed to be homogeneously labelled by a parent of inert gas, e.g. ^^^Th. The beginning of weight loss (point A of Curve 7) corresponds to the onset of endothermic effect on the D T A (point a of Curve 2) and to that of the increase of emanation release rate (point α of Curve 3). 177

Fig. 6-26. Idealized curves ETA ( i ) , DTA (2) and T G ( / ) of a one-step endothermic decomposition

The end of thermal decomposition process is denoted by point Β of the T G (Curve / ) which can have the same temperature as point β of the E T A (Curve i ) , provided that the gas transport retardation effect was eliminated. Due to the thermal inertia the D T A peak (Curve 2) is usually prolonged to point c beyond point Í), which corresponds to points Β and β. The shape of the effect on the E T A curve is dependent on the kinetics of the decomposition as well as on the inert gas distribution within the solid. For example, the E T A curve of a solid, where the inert gas was incorporated in the surface layers differ from the curve obtained with homogeneously labelled


500 600 Temperature ['C]

Fig. 6-27. ETA and D T A curves ( / , / ' and 2, 2' respectively) obtained during heating P b 3 0 4 in nitrogen (After Fouqué et al. [104]). Curves / and 2 represent ETA and D T A curves measured at linear heating rate 2.5 K/min. Curves / ' and 2' represent ETA and D T A curves measured at heating rate 5 K/min 178

solid. The difference is due to the topochemical nature of the decomposition process and gives the possibility to distinguish the initial stage of a topochemical process of the centripetal type from its next stages — the decomposition in bulk. The influence of the heating rate employed for the decomposition study by E T A is demonstrated below. Figure 6-27 shows E T A and D T A curves obtained when thermal decomposition of Pb304 to Pb02 in nitrogen was investigated [104]. The solid was labelled by ^^^Rn without parent using ^^^Rn alpha-decay. If two different heating rates (2.5 K/min and 5 K/min) were employed, shifts to higher temperatures for greater heating rate were observed both on the E T A and D T A curves. As it appears from Fig. 6-27, the shape and height of the E T A peaks depend on the heating rate, also. When analyzing the shape and height of the effects on E T A curves for solids labelled by a parent of emanation, it shall be taken into account that the equilibrium between the parent and emanation is destroyed during the decomposition of the solid. This leads to higher values of emanating power and the "apparent emanating power" shall be used in this case. For details see Section 3.5.

6.5.2 Solid-gas reactions Kinetic study of reduction and oxidation The reaction: N i O [ 2 2 2 R n ] + H2 ^ N i + H 2 O + 222Rn


was investigated by Quet et al. [105]. The reaction kinetics can be followed by means of ^^^Rn released from labelled N i O (^^^Ra alpha-recoil was used for sample labelling). During heating N i O in hydrogen atmosphere, a peak appears on the E T A curve at temperatures between 230 to 300 °C (see Fig. 3-7 in Section 3.8.6.). A similar peak of water release was simultaneously recorded by a catharometer. In the kinetic study N i O was heated isothermally at various temperatures in this range, the heights of the water peaks being taken proportional to the maximum rate (da/dO^^^ of the solid-gas reaction, where α is the degree of transformation in time t. Analogously, the heights of the maxima of E T A isotherms were considered proportional to the maximum rate of radon release (dF/di)^^^ at the given temperatures. Figure 6-28 shows the peak heights of the E T A isotherms as well as the peak heights of water release isotherms (measured simultaneously at several temperatures between 230 and 300 °C) plotted in logarithmic scale against \/T. The similarity of the plots log idF/dt)^^^=f{\/T) and l o g ( d a / d i ) „ , a x = / ( V 7 ^ ) 179







1.9 Ι/ΓχΙΟΜΚ-^]

Fig. 6-28. Kinetic stud ν of NiO reduction by hydrogen in the temperature range between 230 and 300 X . (After Quet et ai [105])

proved that the E T A can be successfully used for the kinetic study of this solidgas reaction. Values of apparent activation energy of the reaction evaluated from the slopes of both plots in Fig. 6-28 equal 117.2 kJ/mole (28 kcal/mole). The application of the E T A becomes especially advantageous for studying gas-solid reactions with industrial gases, such as hydrocarbons where the gaseous products of the reaction can hardly be detected. Various gas-solid reactions have been investigated by E T A from the viewpoint of chemical kinetics and reaction mechanism. As one of the most important reactions, the oxidation of metals should be mentioned. Surface oxidation of metallic copper labelled by ®^Kr was studied by Chleck and Cucchiara [106] and reaction rate, reaction order, concentration and temper­ ature dependence were determined. The loss of ®^Kr has been proved to be directly proportional to the rate of oxidation process taking place on the metal surface. The measurement of inert gas released as well as residual ®^Kr activity in the sample can be used for this investigation. Figure 6-29 shows results of the experiments by Chleck and Cucchiara [106]. The percent loss of ^^Kr activity of labelled copper expressed as d(NyNo)/di, was found linearly dependent on the log of the oxygen concentration over the range 10"^ to 10"^ ppm O 2 . From the Arrhenius dependence log [d(N,/iVo)/di] vs. l / T the reaction order was determined. 180

ppm 10-'^ 1000


10-^ 10-2




02 10


10-^ 10-^ 10-











Fig. 6-29. Inert gas release kinetics of kryptonated Cu metal as response to oxygen at various temperatures. (After Chleck and Cucchiara [106])

The temperature dependence of the metal oxidation was given [106] by the expression d(NJNo)/dt=



where the value of is 0.085% min"^ ppm^/^ As the rate of oxidation and the surface temperature have a combined effect on the release of ®^Kr a "thermal stabilization" of the labelled sample is required before the oxidation itself could be investigated. The "thermal stabilization" is made by sample heating in an inert atmosphere to a temperature about 50 °C higher than the maximum surface temperature expected during the oxidation process. Oxidation during friction wear can be measured by comparing ® ^Kr loss in air and then in an inert atmosphere. The difference in the activity loss obtained during experiments in air and in inert atmosphere would be due entirely to the degree of oxidation. Matzke [107] used ^^"^Xe-release measurements to establish the temperature dependence of the growth of the oxide layers on stainless steel, Ti, N i , Cu and α-brass, 40 keV-Xe ion bombardment being used for labelling metals. 181 Application to heterogeneous catalysis A special kind of solid-gas reactions are catalytic reactions taking place on solid surface. Figure 6-30 shows emanation release rates and temperatures of Zr02 and M g O catalysts [108] during their interaction with acetone vapours added to a nitrogen stream. As seen from Fig. 6-30, acetone vapours differently influence the emanation release rate of Zr02 and M g O heated to 300 and 400 °C, respetively. With Zr02, the interaction leads to the decrease of emanation release rate, with M g O to its increase. Zhabrova et al [108] explained the different character of the E T A curves by the different character of catalytic interaction. The increase of M g O emanation release rate during the reaction of acetone is thought to be accompanied by a partial decomposition of acetone. The subsequent flow of pure nitrogen leads to the decrease of emanation release rate of M g O catalyst. The regeneration of the catalyst in the air is accompanied by the increase of both the emanation release rate and the temperature of the catalyst surface layer. The release of inert gas was also observed by Jech [109] when hydrogenoxygen mixture was allowed to react on the Pt-foil labelled by ^^^Rn. The ZrO,

MgO (b)


0 AO Time [min]



Fig. 6-30. Emanation release rate áF/át and temperature measured during interaction ZrOi (a) and MgO (b) with acetone vapour at 300 and 400 °C, respectively. (After Zhabrova et al [108]) 182

increased rate of radon release during the first stage of the catalytic reaction on Pt-foil was supposed to be very probably due to the reduction of chemisorbed oxygen, which is the first step of the catalytic hydrogen oxidation. The E T A measurements carried out by Bekman [110] in the course of various catalytic reactions supported the theoretical considerations about the selectivity of the active centres in the catalyst surface.

6.5.3 Solid-liquid reactions Hydration Figure 6-31 (Curve 7) shows the time dependence of emanation release rate which takes place during interaction [108] of Th02 labelled by ^^^Th with water vapour, at 150 and 300 °C. The dotted line (Curve 2) shows time dependence of the same Th02 during analogous heating, but without interaction of water vapour. The increase of emanation release rate demonstrated in Fig. 6-31 is, therefore, caused by the surface hydration of Th02. After the pulse of the water vapour has been added to the nitrogen flow, the emanation release rate of the sample falls to the value corresponding to the temperature. The E T A was also succesfully used [85, 88J for studying hydration CaS04 · 1/2 H2O.

6.5.4 Solid-solid reactions After examples given in the preceding sections on the application of the E T A for the investigation of solid state processes, it is natural to apply the method to the study of chemical reactions in which mixtures of two or more components react with one another at elevated temperatures. A number of publications deal with the application of E T A to the investigations of the mechanism of reactions in mixtures of solids. Information on reaction mechanisms Jagitsch and Maschin [112, 113] obtained qualitative information about the interaction at elevated temperatures between the mixtures of S i 0 2 - C a C 0 3 , Al203-CaC03, and CuO-Fe203. A quantitative approach to evaluate the kinetics of the reaction P b O + Si02-^PbSi03 was made [114] by using isothermal E T A heating curves of the reaction mixture, where SÍO2 was labelled 183

120 160 Time [min] Fig. 6-31. Time dependence of emanation release rate dF/dt for ThOz during its interaction with water vapour (Curve 1) and in the absence of water vapour (Curve 2). Time dependence of the temperature of the sample measured during ETA (Curve 1) is demonstrated in Curve 3

by ^^®Th. Figure 6-32 shows decrease in apparent emanating power of the mixture P b O - S i 0 2 during isothermal heating at 510, 600, 705 and 780 °C. Apparently, the lead silicate, formed during the reaction, exhibits lower £ 2 5 0 and Ej) or both. The radon diffusion in the solid, containing P b O , SÍO2 and PbSiOa, is rather complex, and therefore the quantitative interpretation of the E T A data given by Jagitsch [114] seems unwarranted. Schröder [23,115,116] and Kittel [117] investigated the formation of spineltype compounds (CdFe204, ZnFe204, BeAl204, CuFe204 and MgFe204) from reaction of metal(II) oxides and metal(III) oxides at elevated temperatures. At first, single components (hydroxide, carbonate or oxide) were checked as to their behaviour during heating and after successive sudden cooling to room temperature the £25o-val^^s measured. Afterwards the molecular mixtures were 184



30 40 50 60 Time [min]

Fig. 6-32. Isothermal ETA curve of SÍO2 (labelled by ^^^Th) in the mixture with PbO (1:1). (After Jagitsch [114])

checked in the same way. Besides E T A , conventional methods were used to show that E T A gives results which cannot be obtained simply, if at all, by other methods. Other solid-solid reactions investigated by E T A are the reactions of the mixtures: Be02-Fe203 [111], Ζ η Ο - Α ΐ 2 θ 3 [119], U 0 2 - Z r 0 2 - C a O [120], U 3 O 8 - T Í O 2 and U 3 0 8 - Z r 0 2 [121], T i 0 2 - B a C 0 3 [122], C a O - S i 0 2 [123]. In the following, E T A curves of the mixture Z n O - F e 2 0 3 ( Z n O being labelled in bulk by ^^^Th) will be described and compared with results of other methods [53]. Figure 6-33 shows results of the Z n O - F e 2 0 3 mixture obtained by E T A , D T A , dilatometry and chemical analysis. E T A curves of the starting components [10, 124] were exponential over the temperature range studied. Zinc and iron(III) oxides interact in a series of stages [125-127]. The initial layers of the product begin to form by surface diffusion at the most favourable sites [125-127] at 250 °C to 400 °C; their formation is reflected by an increase in the rate of emanation release (Fig. 6-33. Curve 3), The D T A and dilatometry curves (Curves I and 2, Fig. 6-33) did not change at these temperatures. Changes in catalytic activity, adsorption properties, magnetic and other properties of the mixture have been reported [125] in this temperature range. At 500 °C, 1.5% of the Z n O has reacted. A sharp change in all of the curves of Fig. 6-33 was observed at 670 to 700 °C. X-ray patterns of the mixture heated to 730 °C confirmed the sharply increased amount of Z n O (37%) which is reacting. The D T A (Curve 2) shows a small exothermic effect. Interaction between the basic mass of the initial oxides occurs by volume diffusion above 750 °C. On the E T A curve a slowing down of the emanation release rate appears at 790 °C, indicating that the reaction is completed. The dilation of the sample which is probably caused by the formation 185







ο VI ^



/i 4


957ο Α ^ ΙΟΟΟΗ






100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Temperature [°C]

Fig. 6-33. ETA (Curve i ) , DTA (Curve 2) and dilatometry (Curve / ) of Z n O - F e z O j mixture when heated at 10 K/min rate. The ETA curve of the mixture during reheating after it was heated to 1100 ""C and cooled to 400 °C is shown by Curve 4. ZnO component was labelled by ^^*Th. Percentage of ZnO taking part in the reaction is shown for samples I-VI (After Balek [53])

of very fine reaction products ceases at this point and at higher temperatures (up to the sintering temperature of the zinc ferrite) remains constant. At 850 °C the X-ray patterns indicate the presence of zinc ferrite only in the sample. Further increase in temperature is accompanied by diffusion release of Rn from the sample. The exponential shape of the E T A curve of the Z n O - F e 2 0 3 mixture during the second heating (Curve 4, Fig. 6-33) shows that the reaction was terminated in the course of the first heating. The reaction of the mixture Z n O - F e 2 0 3 was also investigated by Ichiba [128] ( Z n O labelHng by xenon produced at uranium fission was used), and analogous results were yielded. Valuable information regarding the mechanism of the solid-solid reactions could be obtained by means of E T A . In many cases where the E T A has been used to investigate solid-solid reactions, the investigators stated higher sensitivity of the E T A method than X-ray patterns or other methods. Estimating reactivity of components in reaction mixtures A method has been proposed by Balek [129,130] for estimating the reactivity of ferric oxide in the solid state reaction between Z n O and Fe203. The method consists in measuring emanation release rate during heating the reaction mixture where one component at least has to be labelled by ^^®Th. 186

The labelled component ( Z n O in this case) was mixed in a stoichiometric ratio (1:1) with the component to be tested (Fe203 in this case) and the homogenized mixture heated to 1100 °C at a constant rate of 10 K/min. The E T A curves of mixtures, containing different types of ferric oxide exhibited the differences between the initial surface stage and the volume stage of the solid state reaction Z n O + Fe203 described in Section The temperature of the most pronounced effect on the E T A curves, i.e. the start of slowing down emanation release rate after the zinc ferrite formation, was chosen as a characteristic parameter for testing the ability of ferric oxide to react with Z n O . The higher the temperature of the peak, the lower reactivity of the ferric oxide was assessed. In this way, ferric oxide powders prepared by thermal decomposition of various iron salts to 700, 900 and 1100°C as well as commercial ferric oxide specimens have been tested [129]. Comparing the E T A results with those obtained by means of current methods, based on surface area and catalytic activity measurements, it has been stated that the current methods do not always give a true picture of the reactiyity of ferric oxide relevant to the solid state reaction. The method based on the E T A offers a more objective assessment of this property. Table 6 - I I I lists the reactivity characteristics of ferric oxide samples prepared by thermal decomposition of iron(II, I I I ) carbonate at 700,900 and 1100 °C and of three commercial ferric oxide samples of unknown history, (made in the U.S.S.R.) denoted "D.F.", "P.P.G.", "C.D.A.". TABLE 6-III Comparing reactivity characteristics of ferric oxide samples


Specific surface area [m^g ^ ] Effect on ETA-curve [ ° C ]

FcjOj (ex-carbonate) heated to [ ° C ]

Commercial samples




D. F.

5.9 790

0.9 925

0.3 980

3.8 720

P. P. G. C. D. A. 14.8 880

7.8 920

By comparing the E T A results obtained and the specific surface areas we can see that the ferric oxide (ex-carbonate) loses its reactivity with the decreasing surface area. With the commercial ferric oxide, sample "D.F." exhibits the relatively highest reactivity even though its surface area is relatively low (3.8 m^ g ' ^ ) . The reactivities of the three commercial ferric oxide samples decrease in the sequence: "D.F." — " P . P . G . " — "C.D.A.". N o dependence between reactivities and specific surface areas of these commercial samples was found. 187


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[ 6 4 ] I. N . ODIN, V. BALEK, B. A. POPOVKIN and A. V. NOVOSELOVA, Vest. Mosk. Univ.,Sov. Chim.,{\910) 115

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[ 8 4 ] P. BUSSIÉRE, B. CLAUDEL, J. P. RENOUF, Y . TRAMBOUZE and M . PRETTRE, J. Chem. Phys., 58 (1961) 668


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[ 9 7 ] R. THÄTNER and K . B. ZABORENKO, Radiokhimiya, 8 (1966) 485 [ 9 8 ] V. BALEK, J. Mater. Sci., 5 (1970) 166 [ 9 9 ] V. BALEK and J. JULÁK, J. Thermal Anal., 4 (1972) 293 [ 1 0 0 ] R. THÄTNER and K . Β. ZABORENKO. Vest. Moskov. Univ., Ser. Khim., (1966) 54 [ 1 0 1 ] K . B. ZABORENKO, T. I. SHCHERBAK, Z . M . BABESKHINA and L. I. MARTYNENKO, Zh. Neorg. Khim., 11 (1966) 1744 [102] P. FouiLLOLix, P. BUSSIERE and B. IMELIK, C. R. Acad. Sci.. 256 (1963) 3682 [ 1 0 3 ] B. CLAUDEL, Ph. D. Thesis, Lyon, 1962 [ 1 0 4 ] D . FouQuÉ, P. FouiLLOux, P. BUSSIERE, D . WEIGEL and M . PRETTRE J. Chim. Phys., 52 (1965) 1088

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K . B. ZABORENKO, R. THÄTNER and L. L. MELIKHOV, Radiokhimiya, 5 (1963) 360 V. BALEK, J. Mater. Sci., 4 (1969) 919 G. F. HÜTTIG, Z . Elektrochem., 41 (1935) 627 R. FRICKE and W . DÜRR, Z . Elektrochem., 45 (1939) 254 J. BERETKA, M . J. RIDGE, Nature (London), 216 (1967) 473 S. ICHIBA, Oyobi Funmatsuyakin, 9 (1962) 169 V. BALEK, J. Appl. Chem., 20 (1970) 73 V. BALEK, J. Thermal Anal., 12 (1977) 111

Chapter 7


7.1 Determination of natural radioelements The emanation method serves for a quantitative determination of radon (^^^Rn), thoron (^^^Rn), actinon (^^^Rn), and their mother substances, and elements which are in radioactive equilibrium (Th, Ra, A c ) with them. Such indirect determinations require both components (e.g. Ra and Rn) to be in equilibrium, or in a generally well definable ratio. Hence, the ratio of their amounts must be known. If these conditions are observed, we may calculate the total quantity of the mother element in the analyzed sample from the measured inert gas activity. The method is likewise suitable for the analysis of preparations with a low activity, where gamma activity' determination would no longer achieve its purpose. Emanometric analysis is characterized by a high degree of sensitivity and a relatively good accuracy in view of the favourable conditions of ionization detection of alpha radiation, with suitable detecting geometry. Emanometric analysis, however, has also its drawbacks: it involves work with radioactive gas, which requires experimental skill and it is time-consuming. Sample preparation and the analysis proper may,last, in some cases, several days. Reliable and comparable results can be attained only when the gas in the ionization chamber is in a state of radioactive equilibrium — a state achieved between radon and its decay products only after 3 to 3.5 hours [ 1 - 4 ] .

7.1.1 Methodical procedures Emanometric analysis is based on measurement of radioactivity of the released inert gas by means of a suitable detector. This method requires the quantitative removal of emanation (inert gas) from the analyzed carriersubstance prior to measuring its radioactivity. T o this end, the substance to be analyzed is converted into the liquid state (melt), either pure or in solution. If direct melt fails to meet the purpose, the sample is fused with potassium or 191

sodium carbonate, borax, sodium phosphate, etc. [ 5 - 8 ] . Dissolving depends on the properties of the analyzed sample. Inert gas escapes from the melt or solution either completely or partially. In the latter case we need to know the ratio of the total to the released amount of inert gas. T o release inert gas from solution, various procedures may be employed. Bubble method. The vessel containing the inert gas solution is connected through a trap filled with a desiccating agent, to an evacuated ionization chamber. In this manner, air bubbles through the solution and carries along released inert gas which accumulates in the ionization chamber [ 5 ] . Air stream method. This procedure is especially suitable for short-lived radioactive inert gas. A constant air stream is allowed to flow through the sample solution and thus to take up and carry away inert gas into the ionization chamber through which it passes [ 9 , 10]. Spraying method. Movement of the solution and increase of its contact surface with air speeds up the release of inert gas from the liquid. The solution may be sprayed by means of a small air-screw [5, 11, 12]. Shaking method. This is, to a certain extent, a modification of the spraying method and consists in shaking the inert gas solution with air. In view of the small volume of inert gas and large volume of air, the proportion of inert gas retained in the solution may be neglected. Determination of individual radioactive inert gases (radon, thoron, actinon) is methodically governed by their half-life. Determination of radon ^^^Rn ( T = 3.824 d) presents no problem, despite its relatively long half-life, and in reality belongs among the most sensitive radiometric methods. It is not possible technically to measure thoron ^^^Rn ( T = 55.6 s) integrally, i.e. by filling the ionization chamber, on account of its short half-life. Thoron may suitably be measured by means of the stream method. Measurement of activity of actinon ^^^Rn ( Γ = 3.96 s) is even more difficult because of its extremly short half-life.

7.1.2 Determination of individual elements Radon and radium Radon occurs in numerous sites in nature, for it is an accompanying element of radium and uranium. As an indirect decay product of uranium, radon is found in uranium ores. Radon is absorbed from rocks and minerals containing uranium and radium in underground waters which appear as radioactive springs. Radon samples attain radioactive equilibrium in about 3 hours. When measuring radon activity, we must take into account also its decay during the measurement. When radioactive equilibrium with short-lived products is 192

attained, the number of alpha particles measured will be about three times the real value. For each alpha particle from radon decay there will be approximately one alpha particle of RaA (^^^Po) and one of R a C (^^^Po). The decay of R a C gives rise to R a D (^^^Pb) with the relatively long half-life of 22 years, hence, its quantity accumulated in the course of measurement may be neglected. Its decline per hour is about 0.7%. Determination of radon serves indirectly also to calculate the amount of radium. Besides water, various minerals, rocks, and soils contain radium. However, radium cannot be determined by a radiometric procedure directly in the mineral or rock where it occurs, but the sample has to be first suitably adjusted. Hence, the first step in radium assay consists in dissolving the sample. The different nature of the chemical composition of samples rules out any uniformity in their preparation, and the solution of every sample requires an inidividual procedure dictated by its chemical composition and its properties. Correct results are, of course, dependent on a complete dissolution of the sample so that no precipitate can fall out, nor colloids form, even when the sample is left to stand for a longer period [ 1 , 2 ] . Radium determination by the emanation method is an indirect method based on the determination of radon resulting from radium decay. The radon thus released is transferred from the sample (solution) to the detector of alpha radiation (ionization chamber, scintillation counter). Radium determination by the emanation method is suitable for samples that are transferable into a solution. Radon is expelled from the solution by bubbling an inert gas through the solution, or after attainment of equilibrium, or during the time of measurement. The radium solution is transferred to a radon bubbler. Radon is expelled with a fast stream of carrier gas (15% H2 and 85% N 2 ) in about 10 min. The time when bubbling is stopped is regarded as the beginning of radon formation in the sample. The accumulated radon is then transferred by means of the carrier gas from the radon bubbler to the detector at a rate of about 250 cm^ per min. W e may use an alpha scintillation cell as a detector (Fig. 7-1). The detector has a metal jacket 1 phosphor-coated on the inside 2 and the frontal part is of silica or borsilicate glass coated with tin(IV) oxide. However, other equipment may likewise be used as a detector. The time when radon begins to be flushed out of the bubbler marks the end of the period of radon accumulation. Radon transfer is improved if the acid or neutral solution is kept in a refrigerator before bubbling. The scheme of the radon bubbler used in the standard method is shown in Fig. 7-2. A t the bottom of the glass vessel there is a sintered glass 1 for dispersing the carrier gas. 193


Fig. 7-1. Alpha scintillation cell. / — Forging metal; 2 — phosphorus coating; 3 — silicate or borsilicate glass window with a coating of SnOj [13] t

4 -


7— Fig. 7-2. Radon bubbler. 7 — frit planchette [13]

The method is comparative in character and the standard used is a solution containing ^^^Ra. The way of preparation of the standard solution has been normalized. Figure 7-3 presents a scheme of the experimental arrangement for determining radium with the aid of radon in an ionization chamber [9, 10]. The first step in the analysis is calibration of the electrometer by means of the radium standard [15-18], to find the amount of radium corresponding to the scale of the electrometer. Radon that accumulates in the standard solution is introduced into the ionization chamber L This ionization chamber is first evacuated, then 194

• Vacuum

Fig. 7-3. Emanation equipment for the determination of radium. 1 — Ionization chamber, 2 — ampoule for radon development; 3,4 — tube; 5 — stop-cock; unsealed; 6 — C a C l 2 ; 7 — electrometer [ 9 ]

connected with the ampoule containing the standard 2 by opening the sealed tube 5. After opening the tube < we allow air to bubble through the standard solution by opening stop-cock 5, whereby the entire quantity of radon is gradually transferred into the measuring chamber 1. The ionization chamber is then sealed, and after 3 hours, during which a radioactive equilibrium is attained, radioactivity is measured. The number of units on the electrometer scale per gram of radium is calculated from the formula η =



where Ρ is the amount of radium in the standard (g), / denotes the ionization current after three hours corrected for an eventual decline. In the second stage, radium is determined in the sample by measuring the radon radioactivity. Radon is expelled from the standard in the ampoule by air bubbling. The time when bubbling is stopped is noted, and the solution is left to stand for several days to allow radon to accumulate. Further procedure is identical with that followed in the determination of radium in a standard. Radium content in the solution is calculated according to the following equation Ρ =

al (i-^'^r


where a is the number of units on the electrometer scale expressed in grams of radium, / the ionization current of the solution during 3 hours, t the time of radon accumulation in the solution. If the conditions for radon accumulation, washing and determination in the standard and the sample are kept identical, the results do not require any 195

correction, nor do we need to know the constant of the experimental arrangement. Sensitivity of the method is determined by the properties of the measuring installation. The lowest quantities of radium determined so far by this method were in the order of 10"^^ g; error ± 2 % . The scintillation method for radium determination by means of radon was applied also for radium assay in water [19]. Radium was precipitated together with barium as sulfate and evaporated after having been converted to chlorides. The released radon was expelled from the sample by the bubbling technique and transferred into the scintillation detector cell. When equilibrium was attained, alpha activity of radon was measured and expressed in terms of ^^^Ra. The error of the method is ±0.21%. Determination of radium by means of the measurement of radon activity in various ores, minerals and meteorites is dealt with in Ref. [ 1 - 4 ] . Actinium Actinon has a very short half-life, therefore the emanometric procedure may be used solely as a dynamic method. Determination of actinium by means of actinon is carried out by comparing the activity of the sample with that of a standard with a known content of ^^^Ra (AcX). The standard is suitably prepared from uranium ore without any thorium content. Such ore permits to assume the ratio ^^^U ( A c U ) : ^^^U ( U I ) to be constant and is equal to 0.007, for the isotopic composition of naturally occurring uranium corresponds to 0.7% of ^^^U, which is a basic member of the actinium decay series. The amount of the standard is usually around 10 mg of uranium. In view of the short-lived decay products, equilibrium is attained within 1 min [5, 7,10,20,21]. The sensitivity of emanometric determination of actinium is about 3 χ 10"^"^ g [ 2 2 ] . Thorium The only gaseous decay product of the thorium series is thoron, with a very short half-life. A measurement of the activity of this member in the series enables not only thoron but also the basic mother isotope ^^^Th to be determined. Thorium is determined by comparison with a standard, but the time factor of decay must also be taken into account. Naturally occurring thorium is unsuitable for use as a standard, because it cannot be separated from isotope ^^^Th. In the absence of a radioactive equilibrium, the activity contributions from long-lived isotopes ^^^Ra ( M s T h i ) and ^^^Th (RaTh) must be known. The 196


Fig. 7-4. Emanation equipment for the determination of thoron. / — Thoron developer; 2 — glass frit; i — filter with glass wool; 4 — ionization chamber; 5 — electrometer [ 1 ]

activity of thoron, in view of its half-hfe, is measured dynamically, hence in the stream of the carrier gas. If the conditions of measurement are kept constant, thoron activity is proportional to the content of ^^^Th in the samples. Figure 7-4 shows schematically the arrangement for a dynamic measurement of thoron activity. The sample to be assayed is in the container 7, air dispersed by a sintered glass frit 2 is made to stream through it and is then filtered through glass wool 5, before entering the ionization chamber 4, connected to an electrometer 5. Care must be taken that droplets from the active liquid sample should not get into the measuring devices. This is assured by filtration, by means of desiccating tubes, electric ion trap, etc. The rate of flow of the carrier gas should be relatively high in order that the time needed by thoron to pass from the container 1 into the ionization chamber 4 be lower than the average value of the life of thoron atoms. The amount of thoron which decays in the space of the ionization chamber in 1 s is calculated according to the following equation [ 9 ] . (7.3) where is the amount of thoron formed in the sample in 1 s, Κ the quantity of gas passing through the system in 1 s, Τ the half-life of thoron, Kj the volume of the connecting tubes, V2 the volume of the ionization chamber. A maximum sensitivity of the method requires a maximum value for c in the preceding equation. This value, however, indicates simultaneously the rate of flow of the carrier gas 0.69 K2 (7.4) V = Tin


The rate of gas flow is constant throughout the measurement. As a standard in thorium determination, we may use a solution with a known content of the element (1-10 mg), which is in equilibrium with the decay products. Into the emanation vessel of the measuring equipment, we first pour the standard solution and set the rate of gas flow to correspond to a maximum detecting capacity of the released thoron. In the second stage, the rate of flow being kept constant, we measure the activity of thoron from the sample investigated. The thorium content ( M J in the analyzed sample is obtained by a simple calculation

M^ = Mjf


where represents the quantity of thorium in the standard, and are values of the ionization current for the sample and the standard, respectively, the rate of gas flow being the same. When determining thorium, we presume it to be in equihbrium with its decay products [ 9 , 10, 20, 23]. The emanometric method was used also for determining thorium in monazit sand [24]. A comparison of the results of the emanometric and the gravimetric procedures showed a difference of 2% when expressed in terms of thorium dioxide. Both methods are approximately equally accurate, but the emanometric technique is less time-consuming. Determination of thorium and thoron by the emanometric method is treated in a number of studies [25-33]. Radon (^^^Rn) and thoron (^^^Rn) in the presence of each other Determination of radon ^^^Rn and thoron ^^^Rn in the presence of each other is relatively simple, due to the great difference in their half-lives: T222R„ = 3.824 d; T 2 2 0 R n = 55.6 s. Here several techniques may be adopted. One of them is based on a two-stage determination of both components. Radon is determined in the first stage by the following procedure: the ionization chamber is filled with the investigated gas and left for 10 min before beginning the measurement. This period is sufficient for the thoron to decay. In the second stage, we determine thoron by flushing it at such a rate that the portion of thoron activity is negligible [ 5 ] . A second technique for determining radon and thoron in the presence of each other consists in measuring the simultaneous activity of both these elements immediately following the filling of the ionization chamber with the investigated gas. The measured value of the common activity of both components decreases first. This decrease corresponds to the half-life of thoron. After reaching a minimum value, the curve rises moderately with time, as a result of an 198



4 Tirme [min]



Fig. 7-5. Time curve of radon and thoron activities side by side [ 5 ]

accumulation of radon decay products [ 5 ] . The proportion of both components that is, from may be determined as shown in Fig. 7-5 from the ratio OT.OR, segments on the ordinates obtained by an extrapolation of the curves for zero time.

7.2 Applications of solids labelled by inert radioactive gases Analytical chemistry applications of solids labelled by inert radioactive gases depend on the selective reaction of the non-radioactive component being determined or the auxiliary reagent (for example the titration solution) with the radioactive labelled solid agent. During the selective reaction the surface layers are disturbed, causing the release of radioactive inert gas, e.g. krypton ^^Kr. Krypton-85 is widely used in analytical chemistry applications because of its suitable half-life (10.76 a) and its i?-emission (0.7 M e V ) . The determination can be made: — with a calibration curve, — by comparison with a standard (using an instrument calibrated by the standard beforehand), — by titration. The radiometric emanation methods do not require expensive instrumenta­ tion — simple and inexpensive instruments are all that is required. In the following, examples of the use of solids labelled by radioactive krypton, so called "Kryptonates", will be given which give evidence of the importance of these materials in analytical chemistry.


7.2.1 Analysis of non-radioactive gases Papers published about the applications of radioactive Kryptonates up to now have been directed mostly to the determination of gaseous components and traces of impurities in air. Methods have been developed for the determination of ozone ( O 3 ) , oxygen (O2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), fluorine (F2), chlorine (CI2), nitric oxide ( N O ) , amines (NH2), mixed hydrazine fuel ( M H F ) , hydrogen fluoride ( H F ) , water vapour, benzene ( Ο ^ Η ^ ) , carbon tetrachloride (CCI4), carbon monoxide ( C O ) , hydrogen sulphide (H2S), hydrogen (H2), etc. Some of these methods are intended for the determination of these components in the atmosphere of other planets (e.g. Mars and/or Venus). These methods are also of great importance in industrial hygiene for the determination of components (explosive and/or toxic) in the atmosphere of various hazardous workplaces. Oxygen [34^381 Radioactive Kryptonates (kryptonated graphite, pyrographite, or copper) release ^^Kr during their oxidation because of the chemical destruction of the surface layers. The amount of released ®^Kr is proportional to the degree of oxidation and thus to the concentration of oxygen. The oxidation rate of a substance is generally a function of the temperature and oxygen concentration. It is an important limitation in using the most oxidable substances that they are coated with an oxide film, or in the presence of oxygen an oxide film is quickly formed which prevents further oxidation. In practice, the oxidation rate becomes independent of the oxygen concentration and approaches a reaction of zero order. Carbon (spectroscopically pure graphite rods) was proved to be a suitable material for the determination of oxygen. Extensive tests were made of oxygen determination by means of radioactive Kryptonate of pyrolytic graphite at various temperatures, pressures and oxygen concentrations. Figure 7-6 shows these dependences. It is obvious that changing the oxygen concentration will cause a change in the rate of activity decrease of the Kryptonate. At high oxygen concentrations, the decrease of activity with time is not linear. The rate of activity decrease of pyrolytic graphite Kryptonate as a function of the logarithm of the oxygen concentration was found to be linear at constant temperature for various temperatures (Fig. 7-7). The figure shows that the rate at 1050 °C is sufficient for the determination of oxygen in the concentration range usually required (0.1 vol.% and total pressure of 13-130 mbar, which corresponds to 0.01-0.13 mbar partial pressure of oxygen). The rate of loss of Kryptonate activity and decrease in oxygen concentration can be related by the 200

Temperature 800'C Pressure 1 Aim





AO 48 56 Time [min]






Fig. 7-6. Decrease in activity of Kryptonate of pyrolytic graphite at various O 2 concentration [36]








Fig. 7-7. Response of pyrolytic graphite Kryptonate to O 2 at various temperatures [36]

following equation: (7.6) By using radioactive labelled pyrolytic graphite it has been possible to determine 2.2 ppm of oxygen in argon. By the use of radioactive copper Kryptonates at different temperatures oxygen can be determined in the concentration range 10~^-10^ ppm. This Kryptonate reacts faster with oxygen than the pyrolytic graphite Kryptonate does. 201

Chleck and co-workers [35-37] proposed copper Kryptonate (which releases ®^Kr at a lower temperature than graphite or pyrographite) for the deter­ mination of the oxygen content in the atmosphere of Mars and other planets. Results of experiments showed that other components of the earth's atmosphere (carbon dioxide and nitrogen), which may also occur in the atmosphere of Mars, do not interfere, nor does the density of the Mars atmosphere. The device monitors the activity of a Kryptonate by means of a sodium iodide crystal connected to a photomultiplier, power-supply, and read-out. Knowledge of the elemental composition of the moon and planets, such as Mars, commands both academic and practical interest, associated with manned space missions.



t I



I\ I I I I t \ I




Fig. 7-8. Ultimate arrangement for heating Kryptonate sample for Martian sensor [34]. / — Mica; 2 — Nichrome wire; 3 — ®'Kr copper foil

It is of interest to mention the practical problems involved in adapting the radioactive Kryptonate technique to a possible Martian sensor. The solutions or attempted solutions include the following [ 3 4 ] : (1) Minimization of electrical power to heat the radioactive Kryptonate to the temperature required to achieve adequate sensitivity for oxygen at the low levels expected for the Martian atmosphere. The optimum configuration for the kryptonated copper is of sandwich-type, in which the Nichrome wire (which has a resistivity 100 times that of copper) is electrically insulated from the exterior kryptonated copper foil by two sheets of mica (Fig. 7-8). (2) Measurement of a wide range of oxygen concentrations. The more desirable method appears to be the use of two sources at different temperatures with separate G . M . tubes monitoring each source. Another possible approach is the arrangement of two sources at different temperatures, but with the total activity monitored by one detector. A t a high oxygen concentration the more sensitive source would lose its ®^Kr rapidly until deplated, the less sensitive source would lose its activity slowly; the measured rate of loss of activity, or average, would be the measure of the oxygen concentration. 202

(3) Improvement in sensitivity. A comparison of the reaction rates of copper samples indicated a factor of 6 to 7 increase in sensitivity of bombardmentprepared over diffusion-prepared samples; hence the decision to use ionbombarded kryptonated copper samples in the oxygen analyzer. (4) Effect on long-term exposure to high vacuum. The experiments showed that long-term exposure to high vacuum has no discernible effect on the sensitivity of copper Kryptonate as a detector for oxygen. (5) Possibility of measuring ozone with the same kryptonated copper oxygen detector, since earlier work had shown copper to react at much lower temperatures with ozone than with oxygen. Although the radioactive Kryp­ tonate of copper prepared by ion-bombardment demonstrated a greater sensitivity to oxygen, increased sensitivity to ozone could not be achieved. The higher source temperature that appears necessary for adequate sensitivity at very low ozone levels would promote reaction with oxygen as well. (6) Selection of a radiation detector that would withstand the contemplated pre-flight sterilization procedure (150 °C for 24 h). Hydrogen [34, 3 » - 4 8 | The accelerated use of hydrogen in industry and military requires reliable instrumentation capable of measuring hydrogen, because it reacts with oxygen and halogens explosively under certain conditions. Chleck and co-workers [ 4 4 - 4 8 ] at Panametncs Inc. U.S.A. developed a method for detecting hydrogen in concentrations < 1% (one-fourth of the Lower Explosive Limit (4%) of hydrogen) aboard aerospace flight vehicles with the aid of radioactive Kryptonates. Hydrogen as a reducing agent reacts with many oxidizing agents. Among all investigated radioactive Kryptonates of metal oxides, the best hydrogen sensor seems to be platinum dioxide: 2 H2 + P t 0 2 [ ' ' K r ] - ^ 2 H 2 O + Pt + »^KrT


The kinetics of the process are described [ 4 7 ] by: ^^^ψ^

= -3.29X lOTO^-^-^«^^^'/'^^


During the measurement in the hydrogen detection system (Fig. 7-9) the reaction vessel containing the radioactive Kryptonate of platinum dioxide was filled with gases of different hydrogen concentrations, at room temperature as well as at higher temperatures. For work at higher temperatures the Kryptonate was preheated in a furnace. By preheating, the Kryptonate becomes thermally stable 203

Fig. 7-9. Hydrogen detection system [34]. 1 — Air; 2 — pump; 3 — H2, N j ; ^ — source; 5 — ventil; 6 — G. M . tube; 7 — reaction vessel; 8 — exhaust

at the furnace temperature and lower temperatures. Therefore, the activity of the Kryptonate will decrease only when reaction takes place. By measurement of the activity losses of the Kryptonate, the rate of ®^Kr loss was determined. The work was carried out with milligrams of metal oxide Kryptonates with specific activities 37-185 kBq/mg. The logarithm of the rate of activity loss of the Kryptonate in [%/min] is directly proportional to the logarithm of concentration of hydrogen above the Pt02[®^Kr], when the measurements are made at room temperature in an atmosphere of nitrogen (Fig. 7-10); with air as the diluting gas, no decrease of activity was detected, because the hydrogen was oxidized by oxygen on the






Fig. 7-10. Response of P t 0 2 [ ® ' K r ] to hydrogen at room temperature in nitrogen gas medium [44] 204

surface of the oxide:

2 H , + 0,í'2líüííL2H,0


During this oxidation, the surface of the oxide is not disturbed, and so no krypton is released. For the measurement of hydrogen concentration in its mixtures with oxygen, e.g. in air, this catalytic oxidation must be avoided. When the oxide is coated with an inert material such as aluminium oxide, the oxygen is excluded from the reaction, and once again reduction occurs with subsequent release in activity: 2 H2 + c o a t e d P t 0 2 [ ' ' K r ] ^ coated Pt + 2 H20 + «^KrT


These coatings probably act by delaying the arrival of the relatively larger atoms at the surface of the Kryptonate Pt02[®^Kr]. The catalytic oxidation of hydrogen is thus inhibited. The hydrogen arrives at the fresh surface at a slower rate in the coated than in an uncoated Kryptonate for the same hydrogen concentration in an oxygen-free atmosphere. It was necessary to raise the temperature of the coated sample to 350 °C to obtain the sensitivity displayed by the uncoated sample at room temperature. Mixtures of kryptonated platinum dioxide and various inert materials were prepared to determine the optimum reagent material for hydrogen. The mixtures showing the greatest sensitivity, Hgl2, A g l , PbS, M0S2, and A I 2 O 3 , were then intensively investigated as to their ability to detect hydrogen under varying conditions of temperature and pressure (Table 7-1). Although A I 2 O 3 was the least sensitive of the five mixtures tested, it was the only reagent that did not lose sensitivity with increasing time, flow rate, or temperature. The prototype of hydrogen sensor is shown in Fig. 7-11 and Fig. 7-12; the basic component consists of an end-window G . M . counter and a sensor element ( P t 0 2 [ ® ^ K r ] - A l 2 0 3 on a Nichrome wire, fixed on a ceramic ring). The radiation detector is aimed directly at the Kryptonate and the reaction of the hydrogen with the Kryptonate is shown by the activity loss. The counter is connected to a ratemeter, which in turn is coupled to a recorder. With a mixture of Pt02[®^Kr] and A I 2 O 3 at the maximum working temperature of 435 °C (thermal stability of Pt02), 1% hydrogen can be determined in 2 ClO^ + N a 2 S 0 2


(This equation is an oversimplification, since experimentally it was found that one molecule of sulphur dioxide releases between 4 and 8 molecules of chlorine dioxide). C102 + [ Q H ^ ( O H ) 2 ] 3 [ ' ' K r ] ^ « ^ K r r (7.13)

A [cpm] λ 60000-




20 000H




Observed 50»/o

relative humidity

^ Observed 25"/o relative humidity Δ


2 4 6 5 O 2 concentration [ppm]


Fig. 7-15. Calibration curves for determination of sulphur dioxide at two relative humidities [56] 212

The activity of the released ®^Kr is linearly dependent on the concentration of sulphur dioxide, which can be determined down to 0.001 ppm (Fig. 7-15). The diagram of the apparatus for the determination of sulphur dioxide in air is given in Fig. 7-16. The only gases that should interfere with the operation of this analyzer are those which can oxidize either sodium chloride or the hydroquinone in the clathrate. The oxides of nitrogen and ozone are the only commonly occurring atmospheric gases that should cause any trouble.

Fig. 7-16. Scheme of instrument for determination of sulphur dioxide [56]. 1 — Indicating meter, 2 — power supply, 3 — vent, 4 — detector, 5 — sensing head, 6 — pump, 7 — G. M . tube, 8 — power and signal connectors, 9 — signal cable, 10 — lead, 11 — air intake

Chromatographic papers impregnated with hydroquinone and kryptonated by diffusion were used for the determination of SO2 [ 6 2 ] . The activity of the released ®^Kr is Hnearly dependent on the concentration of sulphur dioxide, which can be determined down to 0.001 ppm. In another method, S O 2 has been determined in air with the use of a radioactive Kryptonate of iodine [63, 64] S02 + l 2 [ ' ' K r ] + 2 H 2 0 ^ H 2 S 0 4 + 2 H I + «^KrT

(7.14) Fluorine, hydrogen ttuoride |42, 65-701

Fluorine, fluorides and hydrogen fluoride can give rise to significant problems. They are produced from several sources, including steel, aluminium mills, phosphate mills, pottery and glass works, etc. They can concentrate in food chains, and it has been demonstrated that they cause damage to terrestrial plants 213

and algae. In severe pollution, forage can become so contaminated as to produce fatal fluorosis in cattle, but the effects of long exposure to low concentrations is largely unknown. Fluorides are used to help preventing tooth decay, but excessive amounts lead to severe discoloration. Fluorine and fluorine-containing oxidizers can be determined by means of radioactive hydroquinone Kryptonate. In the apparatus described by Hommel and co-workers [ 6 7 ] a radioactive Kryptonate with a specific activity of 16.65 GBq/g was used. An instrument that is capable of measuring both hydrogen fluoride and fluorine, using radioactive Kryptonate of silver iodide and hydroquinone, has been developed by Panametrics and submitted to the Air Force for testing [ 6 5 ] . The following reactions are involved: AgI[«^Kr] ^ HF-^ AgF + HI + «^Krj


decomposition of [ C 6 H 4 ( O H ) 2 ] 3 [ ^ ^ K r ] by F 2· With this instrument it is possible to determine fluorine at concentrations 0-10 ppm and hydrogen fluoride at concentrations 0-50 ppm. Jesenák et al. [68, 69] suggested an emanometric method for hydrogen fluoride based on its reaction with kryptonated silica: S i 0 2 [ ' ' K r ] + HF-.SÍF4 + H2O + «^Krj


Disks of monocrystalline silica (13 mm diameter and 1mm thick) were kryptonated by ion bombardment. Stripping with H F vapour showed that the bombarded targets had a ®^Kr distribution which could be given by the equation: /_(x_^)2\ C = CoCxp{-^^^] (7.17) where C is the concentration of the tracer at a distance χ from the surface, while and a are constants. The exponential tail of this function can be approximated C = Coexp(-/cix)


where is related to the mean penetration depth of the tracer in the target. A series of H F solutions were prepared in the molar concentration range 0.0-0.15, which provided equilibrium vapour pressures of the H F in the range 0.0-10.0 ppm. Ten cm^ portions of the appropriate solutions were equilibrated in 50 cm^ plastic bottles at 25 °C for two hours. The kryptonated silica disks were suspended inside the bottle and allowed to react with the H F vapour. The time dependence of the activity of each disk was determined and the results are shown in Fig. 7-17. A calibration curve for H F was plotted (Fig. 7-18) for an exposure time of six hours. 214

Fig. 7-17. Time dependence ofthe relative residual activity of the targets; experimental ( - ). [68] theoretical (



Á 6 HF[ppm]



Fig. 7-18. Concentration dependence ofthe relative residual activity after 6 h [68] 215

Jesenák and Valtyni [ 7 0 ] have shown that by stripping off a surface layer of from a target with a tracer distribution given by Eq. (7.18), the thickness relative residual activity (.4^) will decrease according to: A, = A/Ao = txp{-k2X,)


where A^is the original activity of the target, and A is the activity after stripping off a layer χ p. If the stripping is done by a chemical reaction with the formation of soluble products, the thickness of the removed layer is linearly related to the exposure time t: Xp = k,t


where is the rate constant of the reaction. Substitution of Eq. (7.20) into Eq. (7.19) gives the expression A, = exp ( - /C2/C3Í) = exp ( - K, t) In A,=



In other words, the logarithm of the relative residual activity is proportional to the exposure time of the target in the stripping solution, and the proportionality constant is a function of the stripping agent. The rate constant was evaluated from the data: K , = 0.0166 l o g ( 1 - 0 . 0 7 2 C )


where C is the concentration of H F in ppm. Substitution of this value into Eq. (7.21) gives: log A,= -0.0072Í · log (1 -0.0072C)


This equation is plotted for various values of concentration in Fig. 7-17. The comparison between actual and theoretical values is satisfactory. This means that if the targets are kryptonated reproducibly, the analytical determination of H F can be made by a calculation according to Eq. (7.23) after a preliminary determination of the constants. Figure 7-18 indicates that A^ is linearly related to the concentration of H F in the concentration range 0-2 ppm. Equation (7.22) should allow one to calculate the required exposure time for H F concentrations in this lower range. This method may also be suitable for the determination of the average effective H F concentration over longer exposure times. It was found that H B r will not interfere in this method at concentrations up to 150 ppm; H C l at 115 ppm decreased A^ by less than 1%. 216 Mercury |71I

Air pollution by H g vapour is a highly localized problem, but when it occurs it is a serious matter. The material is moderately toxic, but fortunately it seems to have a short retention time in the human system. Methyl mercury, on the other hand, is extremely toxic, complicated by its long retention time. Evidence suggests that certain microorganisms are capable of converting elemental H g into the methylated form. It has been demonstrated by N a o u m et al. [ 7 1 ] that mercury vapour can be determined by an emanometric method using kryptonated selenium sulphide.

Fig. 7-19. Diagram of the apparatus used for the determination of mercury vapour. / — Mercury bubbler; 2 — rubber tubing wound around cylindrical flask; 3 — cotton filter; 4 — reaction vessel; 5 — sensor; 6 — flowmeter; 7 — thermometer; / — thermostat at 55 °C; / / — variable temperature thermostat [71]

Freshly prepared selenium sulphide was kryptonated by a microdiffusion technique and applied as a coating to a paper. Upon exposure to air containing H g vapour, a black colour (mercuric sulphide and mercuric selenide) was produced and the radioactivity of the paper decreased. The decrease in the radioactivity divided by its initial specific activity was found to be directly proportional to the H g vapour concentration and to the exposure time. The apparatus used is shown in Fig. 7-19. Air was bubbled through a pool of H g in thermostat / at 55 °C. The gas saturated with H g vapour was then passed through thermostat / / to reduce the concentration of H g vapour to that corresponding to the temperature of thermostat / / . After passing through a cotton filter to remove any particulate H g , the gas flowed into reaction vessel D at 55 °C. The flow rate of the gas was measured and controlled by a flowmeter F. The concentration of the H g vapour could be varied by changing the temperature of thermostat / / . 217

Papers impregnated with a known amount of kryptonated selenium sulphide were thermostated at 55 °C to achieve thermal stability for the Kryptonate. They were counted, and a relative specific activity was calculated. In a given experiment, the activity of the sensor was monitored as a function of time for different H g vapour concentrations. The authors included some theoretical considerations of interest. If χ is the amount of selenium sulphide which has reacted with H g vapour, SQ denotes the initial specific activity of the sensor, and -ΔΛ represents the decrease in its activity, we have: -AA=XSQ

(7.24) At constant flow rate, temperature, and exposure time, χ should be directly proportional to the H g vapour concentration; hence we may write x=



where depends on the reaction temperature, gas flow rate, and exposure time. Substitution of Eq. (7.25) into Eq. (7.24) gives ΔΛ

- ^ = f c i C H g


Analogously, at constant H g vapour concentration, temperature, and flow rate, X should be proportional to the exposure time: x = k2t

- ^ = k ^ t



where ^2 depends on Cng, temperature, and gas flow rate. Combining the equations, we have: ΛΑ --^-k,C^,t (7.29) where k^ depends on the reaction temperature and flow rate. The exposure time dependence of -AA/Sq for different CHJ is shown in Fig. 7-20. For an exposure time of 15 min, the concentration dependence of -AA/So is shown in Fig. 7-21. The curve was used to calculate a value for fe^, giving . . -^=0.012CHg (7.30)


15 30 45 Time of exposure [min]


Fig. 7-20. Time dependence of the relative decrease in the residual activity { - A A / S q ) at different concentrations [71]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Mercury vapour contrentration [ppm] Fig. 7-21. Concentration dependence of the relative decrease in the residual activity ( - A A / S q ) for an exposure time of 15 min [71] 219



60 80 100 120 CHg-f[ppnn min]


Fig. 7-22. The relationship between ( - z l / l / S o ) and CHgi at constant experimental conditions (55 °C reaction temperature, 125 cm^min flow rate of the gas) [76]

Similarly, -AA/SQ

is plotted vs. C^^t in Fig. 7-22. The slope of the line was used

to evaluate k^: AA




where t is in minutes, and H g in ppm. The excellent linearity of the curves implies that the method is reproducible. A test of the accuracy of the method gave the results listed in Table 7 - I I I .

TABLE 7-1II Results of emanometric determination of mercury vapour Error of determination

Mercury Taken [ppm] Determined [ppm] 8.50 6.00 4.10 2.80 1.84


8.60 8.40 6.15 6.10 4.25 3.98 2.60 2.58 1.95 1.85



-1-0.10 -0.10 + 0.15 + 0.10 + 0.15 -0.12 -0.20 -0.22 + 0.11 + 0.01

+ 1.18 -1.18 + 2.50 + 1.67 + 3.66 -2.93 -7.14 -7.86 + 5.98 + 0.60 Carbon monoxide |72, 73]

Incomplete combustion of fuels, primarily in motor vehicles, is one of the greatest man-made sources of C O . Its toxicity to animals including man, is due primarily to its affinity for hemoglobin. It forms carboxy-hemoglobin, which reduces the ability of blood to carry O 2 . Levels of C O H b at 2-5% cause noticeable effects to the central nervous system of humans such as impairment of time interval discrimination and visual acuity. Other effects include cardiac and pulmonary functional changes. Concentrations of 10-15 ppm for 8-h periods are common in downtown streets of urban areas. The World Health Organization has suggested an 8-h per day exposure limit at 50 ppm in industry. Carbon monoxide is thought to be involved in the complex set of chemical reactions responsible for photochemical smog. Naoum et al [72,73] studied the utilization of several oxidizing agents for the emanometric determination of C O , including hopcalite, I2O5; PdCl2 and H g O . Hopcalite is a general name for a group of catalysts which can convert C O to C O 2 at ambient temperatures. A cheap and widely used hopcalite consists of 60% Μ η θ 2 and 40% C u O . Samples of this material were kryptonated by microdiflfusion, heated to 250 °C and exposed to a stream of gas containing various amounts of C O . The temperature of the gas was gradually increased from 20 °C to 250 °C. N o release of ®^Kr was observed, even when exposed to pure C O . Apparently the surface of the hopcalite was not destroyed in the oxidation. The radioactive Kryptonate of N i was tested in the same way up to 500 °C, but the results obtained were completely unusable, in agreement with earlier work. In studies of the radioactive Kryptonate of P d C l 2 , a fritted glass disk was impregnated with the Kryptonate, placed in a flow chamber, and exposed to a gas containing various concentrations of C O . The concentration dependence of the relative residual activity on the disk under conditions of constant flow rate and exposure time (15 min) was found to be Hnear in the range 25-100 ppm. Iodine pentoxide was kryptonated by diffusion, spread over a sintered glass disk, and subjected to reaction with C O at different concentrations. The minimum detectable concentration of C O was found to be 100 ppm, but results were not sufficiently reproducible because of the difficulty in the preparation of the hygroscopic iodine compound. Kryptonated H g O , prepared by microdiflfusion and heated to 210 °C, was allowed to react with C O . The ®^Kr released was monitored by a G . M . gas counter. However, the counter was found to be unreliable, apparently because of the introduction of unreacted C O . In another study, filter paper was impregnated with H g O , kryptonated at 180 °C, and exposed to C O at 180 .°C for 5 min. It was noted that the radioactivity on the paper decreased. This indicated that kryptonated H g O may be suitable for the determination of C O . 221 Water vapour |74, 76|

Naoum et al. [ 7 4 ] have demonstrated that kryptonated disks of sihca gel can be used for the emanometric determination of water vapour in the concentration range of 1-3 vol. %. Silica gel powder was kryptonated by diffusion and pressed into pellets of 1 cm diameter and 1 mm thick, resulting in a pseudohomogeneous distribution of ®^Kr. A series of H 2 S O 4 solutions was prepared in the concentration range 1-14 N , which have equilibrium water vapour concentration of 1-3 vol. %. In a study, 10 cm*^ of the appropriate H 2 S O 4 solutions were placed in 50 cm^ plastic bottles and allowed to stand overnight in a thermostat at 25 °C to achieve liquid-vapour equilibrium. The silica gel disks were placed inside the bottles in a plastic holder suspended by the bottle stopper and allowed to react with the water vapour inside the bottle for various periods of time. The time dependence of the disks was monitored and the relative residual activities were plotted against exposure time in Fig. 7-23. A calibration curve for an exposure time of 8 hours (Fig. 7-24) is quite linear.



6 8 Time [h]

10 12

Fig. 7-23. Time dependence of the relative residual activity at different concentrations of moisture [76] Ar







3 0

Vapour concentration [Vol.7o] Fig. 7-24. Concentration dependence of the relative residual activity of silica gel after 8 h [76]

It was found that the experimental conditions could be approximated by a model of diffusion into an infinite plane sheet of thickness 21 and diffusion coefficient D [ 7 5 ] : Μ


8 f




r-(2"+l)VDi" 41'


where Μ and denote the amounts of sórbate released from the sheet after time t, and infinite time, respectively. For the initial period of diffusion, the equation can be simplified to =



where a is a constant, and t is time. The term M/M^ (relative amount of tracer released) is related to the relative residual activity of the sample, and we may write M


A plot of against shows that Eq. (7.34) is vaHd for times up to 4 h (Fig. 7-25). For longer exposure times, deviates from linearity and tends toward the equilibrium values of an absorption isotherm.



Fig. 7-25. Dependence of the relative activity on the square root of time for the starting period [76] 223

A plot of the slopes allowed the constant term (a) to be evaluated fl=-0.065CH,o

Hence the dependence of written as



on both time and water vapour concentration can be


\ -(0.065CH,O-0.024)Í^/2

(7 36)

T o confirm the validity of Eq. ( 7 . 3 6 ) , values of A, were calculated for measured values of C H ^ O and plotted in Fig. 7 - 2 6 . The agreement between experimental

2 Time [h] Fig. 7-26. Comparison between calculated and experimental results; the line corresponds to the theoretical, while the circles to the experimental values [76]

and calculated values is quite good. Rearrangement of Eq. (7.36) leads to the expression:

\-A CH20 —'^i


where and depend on the characteristics of individual silica disks and the temperature. Naoum et al [ 7 6 ] studied the effect of temperature on the determination of water vapour by the above method. As found earlier, for up to 4 h, the relative rest activities of the silica gel disks were found to be linearly related to the square root of the exposure times. The slopes of the lines after 8 h were found to be linearly related to the temperature. The calibration curves for 8 h exposure were constructed for each temperature and plotted as in Fig. 7-27. The slope of each curve ( d y 4 / d C H 2 o ) i = 8 plotted against temperature in Fig. 7 - 2 8 , which demonstrated the linear temperature dependence. The dependence of the relative residual activity upon the vapour concen­ tration and temperature for a constant exposure time of 8 h can be summarized by the equation: = 1.00 - (0.254 - 0 . 0 0 4 4 8 í ) C H , O

where t is in ° C and C H ^ O has units of vol. %. 224


Water vapour concentration [Vol 7< Fig. 7-27. Concentration dependence of the relative residual activity of silica gel after 8 h at different temperatures [76]

25 26

27 28 29 ^30 31 32 Temperature [*C]

Fig. 7-28. Temperature dependence of the slopes (áA/áC) at constant time of 8 h [76] 225

It must be emphasized that the absorption isotherm of water vapour on sihca gel is complex (eg. it has a hysteresis loop). Therefore the equations developed are semi-empirical and the constants must be evaluated for a given set of experimental conditions.

7.2.1 J . 7 Benzene and carbon tetrachloride |77|

The radioactive Kryptonate of silica gel was tested as a means for determination of C^H^ and C C I 4 in air for various times. The relative residual activities of the disks were found to be only slightly decreased (20%), independent of the concentration of the vapour and exposure time. The method seems to be unsuitable for such a determination. It was suggested by the authors that the reason why ^^Kr was not released was that the C^H^ or C C I 4 molecules cannot replace ®^Kr atoms imbedded in small pores of the gel, and that silica gel with large pores cannot retain ^^Kr atoms for sufficiently long times to be useful as a sensor.

Fig. 7-29. The flow diagram for the N O 2 monitor [61]. / — Input; 2 — clathrate cell; 3 — red dot or arrow; 4 — counting chamber; 5 — flowmeter; 6 — Tee; 7 — pump; 8 — Tee; 9 — exhaust; 10 — panel; 11 — flow control; 12 — panel

3 4



Ί γ"


\ W

(Χ) 12

-14 Fig. 7-30. The flow diagram for the U D M H monitor [61]. 7 — Input, 2—NaClOz cell, i—clathrate cell, 4 — red dot or arrow, 5 — counting chamber, 6 — flowmeter, 7 — Tee, 8 — pump, 9 — Tee, 10 — exhaust, / / — panel, 12 — flow control, 13 — cracking oil, 14 — panel 226 Analyzers |41, 61, 7 8 ^ 1 ] T w o types of apparatus for the determination of oxidizing or reducing atmospheric impurities (F2, CI2, CIF3, S O . , N O 2 , N O , RNH2, O3), in concentrations of the order of ppm, have been developed in the research laboratories of Tracerlab. These are the NO2 detector, which represents one of the simplest devices, and the U D M H (unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine), which is much more complicated. With these instruments, gases which can react directly or indirectly by chemical, catalytic, or thermal reactions with radioactive Kryptonates are measurable. The flow diagrams for the NO2 and U D M H monitors are shown in Figs 7-29 and 7-30. The basic system contains a sampling pump, flow-adjust valve, counting chamber, and radioactive Kryptonates (clathrates). Chemical and catalytic cells are included when necessary (Fig. 7-30). The sample gas is pulled through the system by the pump. As the gas of interest enters the instrument, it immediately comes into contact with the chemical and catalytic cells if they are required, and then reacts with the radioactive Kryptonate. The ®^Kr released enters a counting chamber of known volume where its concentration per unit

Fig. 7-31. The internal view ofthe N O j monitor [61]. / — Ratemeter, 2 — H. V. supply, 3 — charge monitor, 4 — discharge monitor, 5 — O R W and alarm, 6 — pump, 7 — G. M . tube, 8 — counter, 9 _ flowmeter control valve, 10 — clathrate cell, 11 — flowmeter, 12 — sound allert 227

volume is determined. This concentration can be related directly to the volume concentration of the gas of interest entering the system. An internal view of the N O 2 monitor is shown in Fig. 7-31, and of the U D M H in Fig. 7-32. Experience has shown that a multigas system has much poorer operational characteristics than the single-gas units. With these apparatus, the commonly used rocket fuels and oxidizing agents can be analyzed. The output of both apparatus is a simple electrical signal, which can be used not only for the control of the measuring device and recorder, but also for the switching of control and warning devices (mainly for personnel safety). A lower detection limit of 0.5 ppm has been detected. The upper limit of the instrument is dependent on the required cell life and the saturation character­ istics of the G . M . tube. A schematic drawing of an instrument for the detection of three different gases ( C O , NO^, and hydrocarbon vapours) in automobile exhausts is shown in Fig. 7-33 [ 8 1 ] . Sensing substrates are:

Fig. 7-32. The internal view of the U D M H monitor [61]. 1 — Ratemeter, 2 — Η. V. supply, i — charge monitor, 4 — discharge monitor, 5 — PWR and alarm, 6 — cracking oil power supply, 7 — counting chamber, ZnS03 + 2HF + " K r T


Attempts are being made to improve the sensitivity to less than 0.4 ppm SO 2, and to reduce the measurement time to less than tens of minutes. Apparatus |87-90, 96)

Tölgyessy, Dillinger et al. [87-90,96] developed various types of analyzers for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water (at constant p H ) and the determination of p H (at constant oxygen concentration). The same analyzers can be used for the determination o f various pollutants with the aid o f appropriate 237

A, rio]












Fig. 7-42. Calibration curve for hydrochloric acid determination [95]





Fig. 7-43. Analyzer for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water based on discontinuous measurement of the residual activity of the thallium Kryptonate [96]. (a) / — Suction device (5 cm^ syringe); 2 — reaction cell (2 cm^); 3 — radioactive thallium Kryptonate; 4 — analyzed solution; (b) / — reaction cell support; 2 — lower part of reaction cell, 3 — radioactive thallium Kryptonate, ^ — G. M . counter, 5 — connection to recording device 238


Photograph of apparatus illustrated in Fig. 7-43 [96]


radioactive Kryptonates. The specific activity of the radioactive Kryptonates must be high, since the determinations are made on the basis of measurements of residual activity after contact with the sample. Analyzer for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water, based on discontinuous measurement ofthe residual activity of thallium Kryptonate (Fig. 7-34, Fig. 7-44) Procedure: The lower part of the measuring cell 2 (with the radioactive thallium Kryptonate in place 3) is counted to determine the initial activity. The time necessary to accumulate 10,000 counts is recorded as í q . With the aid of a suction device /, the reaction cell 2 is filled with the solution to be analyzed (2 cm^). After 60 s, the solution is discharged and the cell is disassembled. The dried thallium Kryptonate is again counted for the same time, ίο· This number of counts can be used to calculate the residual activity as a percentage of the original activity. The oxygen concentration can then be read from an appropriate calibration chart. Analyzer for the determination of dissolved oxygen by measurement of the activity of the water after reaction with the radioactive thallium KryptonateJiF'ig. 7-45, Fig. 7-46) Procedure: The suction device / is used to pull the sample 7 into the reaction cell (2 cm^ volume) 4, which contains the radioactive thallium Kryptonate 5. After a 60 s contact time, the solution is passed

Fig. 7-45. Analyzer for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water by the measurement of ®^Kr in the water [96]. 1 — Suction device (15 cm^ syringe); 2 — inlet for nitrogen or air; 3 — T-bore stop-cock; 4 — reaction cell (2 cm^ volume); 5 — radioactive Kryptonate with homogeneous distribution (spiral form); 6 — two-way stop-cock; 7 — analyzed sample; 8 — lead shielding; 9 — photomultiplier; ¡0 — scintillation measuring cell with a bored channel; 11 — bored channel (2 cm^); 12 — outlet for analyzed solutions 240

Fig. 7^6. Photograph of apparatus illustrated in Fig. 7^5 [96] 241

Fig. 7-47. Analyzer for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water by the measurement of the activity of ^^Kr released from the aqueous solution [96]. Items 1-8 as in Fig. 7-45; 9 — glass filter; 10 — outlet for analysed solutions; U — cell for purging of ®^Kr; 12 — photomultiplier; 13 — detection cell; 14 — scintillation detector; 15 — water seal; 16 — safety valve; 17,18 — stop­ cocks

Fig. 7-48. Photograph of apparatus illustrated in Fig. 7-47 [96] 242

to the measuring cell 10. The activity of the dissolved ^'Kr is measured with a scintillation detector, and the oxygen content is determined from the activity by means of a calibration curve. After the measurement, the sample is discharged from the measuring cell through outlet 12. Analyzer for the determination of dissolved oxygen in water by the measurement of the activity of^^Kr released from thallium Kryptonate (Fig. 7-47, Fig. 7-48) Procedure: The suction device / is used to pull the sample to the reaction cell ^ (2 cm-* volume), which contains the thallium Kryptonate 5. After 60 s, the solution is passed to the purging cell / / (2.5 cm^ volume), using pressure applied by the suction device. Stop-cock 77 is closed and stop-cock 18 is opened. Nitrogen gas is used (through inlet 2 and valve 3) to purge the gaseous ® *Kr from the aqueous sample into the detection cell 13. After purging, stop-cock 18 is closed, and the activity of the gaseous ^^Kr in the detection chamber is measured. After the measurement, the aqueous sample is discharged from the purging cell 11, through stop-cock 17. The observed activity is used to determine dissolved oxygen by means of a calibration curve.

7.23 Radiometric titrations Volumetric analysis with radiometric end-point indication (so-called radio­ metric titrations) have assumed greater importance recently, because of the development of new methods for separating titration components and new titration procedures [97-99]. The use of radioactive Kryptonates for end-point indication was first suggested by Chleck and co-workers [44,47,100], and there are many possibilities for further development. This area is being intensively developed by Tölgyessy et al. [50, 78, 79, 95, 101-115]. Essence of the method In the application of radioactive Kryptonates to end-point indication, an auxiliary reaction of the radioactive Kryptonate with an excess of the titrant is used in which radioactive krypton is released. Since the reaction product is a gas, it can be relatively easily separated from the other components of the reaction, which are in the solid (Kryptonate indicator) and liquid (titrant and titrand) phases. Radioactive Kryptonates can only be used as end-point indicators, if the kryptonated solid material does not react with the solution being titrated. Substances reacting with the Kryptonate indicator could interfere with the end-point determination by releasing ®^Kr prematurely. If this interfering reaction is slow, it will increase the background count, but the end-point will be detectable. If the interfering reaction is so quick that it is impossible to determine the exact start of the ®^Kr release during titration, either the interfering ion must be removed, or a different Kryptonate must be used. 243

TABLE 7-IV Some radioactive kryptonated end-point indicators

Radioactive Kryptonate

Relative specific activity

Titration type




1.75MNaOH 0.10 m NaOH

1.75 Μ HCl 0.10 Μ HCl


0.01 Μ N a O H

O.Ol Μ HCl



O.Ol Μ Th(N03)4


neutral­ ization neutral­ ization precipi­ tation




107, 110


109, 110















Glass [ « ^ K r ] "




Glass [ « ^ K r ] "




Glass [ » ^ K r ] "


H 2 S O 4 , HCl, H N O 3

0.1 Μ N a O H 0.5 Μ N a O H








ascorbic acid

O.Ol Μ FeCl3

Cd-amalgam [ « ^ K r ] "

Refe­ rences

10-3 ^

KjCr^O^ lO-^N


44, 100

complexometric precipi­ tation precipi­ tation neutral­ ization precipi­ tation

95, 105





106 115 112 111

" — prepared by difTusion technique * — prepared by bombardment with accelerated ions ^ — specific activity in cpm/g — specific activity in cpm/mm^




of radioactive





emanation of the proper Kryptonate under different conditions is of great importance. Therefore, before a certain Kryptonate can be used as an indicator, an investigation must be made of the radioactivity decrease of the Kryptonate in air under laboratory conditions, and by reaction with the titration medium and the titrant. 244

The greater the stabihty of a given radioactive Kryptonate in the air and titration medium, and the easier the release of incorporated ®^Kr, the better it is for volumetric analysis. Table 7 - I V lists radioactive Kryptonates which have been used as indicators. Apparatus and procedures of titrations Radiometric titrations using radioactive Kryptonates as end-point indicators may be performed discontinuously or continuously. Discontinuous titrations

During discontinuous titrations, the radioactivity of the solid indicator or of the krypton released is measured after each addition of the titrant. The titration curve is plotted as count rate vs. volume of titrant. The radioactivity of the krypton released can be measured if the radioactive Kryptonate has a high specific activity. The following methods have been used to date: (1) In radiocomplexometric and redox titrations, the apparatus shown in Fig. 7-49 was used [104, 107]. The titrand is placed in the titration vessel 6, which is put into a double-shield case 5 that has an inside wall of polymethylmetacrylate

Fig. 7-49. Device for discontinuous titration [107]. 7 — Nitrogen bomb; 2 — throttling valve; 3 — flowmeter; 4 — G . M . counter; 5 — shielding case; 6 — titration vessel; 7 — burette; 8 — sonde; 9 — measuring device, recorder 245

and an outside wall of lead. The G . M . tube 4 in the measuring gauge 8 is put into this casing to lower the background and provide constant geometrical conditions. Pulses from the G . M . counter g o to the proper recording device 9. The titrant is added by a burette 7. During titration nitrogen from a tank 1 is bubbled through the solution. The flow of nitrogen is monitored with the flowmeter 3 and adjusted by the throttling valve 2.

Fig. 7-50. Titration vessel for discontinuous titration (activity measurement of radioactive Kryptonate) [107]. 1 — Mica foil; 2 — nitrogen inlet tube; 3 — conical narrowing of the vessel

The titration vessel is shown in Fig. 7-50. It is a glass tube with a narrowed bottom, built to assure constant geometrical conditions during activity measurement of the radioactive Kryptonate. The bottom of the tube is made of a thin mica foil 1. Nitrogen is bubbled through tube 2; it mixes the solution and carries off the released ®^Kr. For a titration, soHd radioactive Kryptonates, such as A g l O a C ^ ^ K r ] , Y 2 ( C 2 0 4 ) 3 [ » ^ K r ] , A g I [ » ^ K r ] , A g S C N [ 8 ^ K r ] are added to the solution in the titration vessel. The Kryptonate forms a continuous layer at the bottom of the narrowed part of the titration vessel. Titration is begun 5 min after the addition of the radioactive Kryptonate. During titration, a steady flow of nitrogen is bubbled through the solution, which carries off the released ®^Kr. The activity of the radioactive Kryptonate is measured regularly 2 min after each addition of the titrant. From the measured activity a titration curve is plotted; activity is expressed vs. the activity measured at the start of titration. (2) T w o types of titration using a radioactive glass Kryptonate (kryptonated cover glass) or a silver Kryptonate (kryptonated silver plate) have been used [95, 105, 111]. (a) The sample and the radioactive silver or glass Kryptonate are placed in a titration vessel fitted with a bubbHng tube. During titration, nitrogen is bubbled through the system, which carries off the released ® ^Kr. After each addition of the titrant, the radioactive Kryptonate is left in the solution for 3 min and then 246

removed and dried for a predetermined time. Its radioactivity is measured under constant geometrical conditions with an end-window counter. (b) The radioactivity of the silver or glass Kryptonate is measured directly in the solution with a cylindrical beta-counter fitted with a plexiglass ring. The radioactive Kryptonate is placed into the spare place of the ring (Fig. 7-51).

Fig. 7-51. Measuring head of titration device [111]. 7 — G. M . counter; 2 — plexiglass holder; i — kryptonated cover glass or silver plate

Three minutes after each addition of the titrant solution, the Kryptonate activity is measured for 2 min; additional titrant solution is added during 1 min. Continuous titration is also possible with this method. (3) The diagram of a titration apparatus used in the determination of fluorides is shown in Fig. 7-52. The main component of the device is the titration vessel with a magnetic mixer, used to contain the solution and the radioactive Kryptonate. The titration is carried out stepwise. Nitrogen is bubbled through the solution, which carries off the ^^Kr released to a tube below the G . M . counter. The radioactivity is measured for 4 min after each addition of the titrant solution. Continuous titrations

The titrant solution is added continuously to the test solution and the released ®^Kr is carried off by nitrogen or other suitable carrier gas into a flow-through detector connected to a ratemeter and recorder. The basic scheme of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 7-53 [106]. The titrant solution is added by means of a metering device. The main part of the apparatus is the storage vessel 7 with a sintered disk 75. Equal level height is 247

Fig. 7-52. Titration device for use of radioactive Kryptonates [44, 100]. 1 — Reduction valve; 2 _ nitrogen bomb; S — reaction vessel; 4 — burette; 5 — magnetic mixer; 6 — G. M . tube; 7 — counting chamber; 8 — flowmeter; 9 — ratemeter; 10 — recorder



o -o


o o



o U


o o o o o

Fig. 7-53. Device for continuous titration [106]. / — Nitrogen bomb; 2 — throttling valve; i — flowmeter; 4 — auxiliary tube for filling of the storage flask, connected to suction; 5 — storage flask; 6 — funnel; 7 — storage vessel; 8 — titration vessel; 9 — G. M . counter; W — sonde; 77 — ratemeter; 72 — recorder; 13 — radioactive Kryptonate; 14 — titrated solution; 75 — sintered disk; 16 — inlet of titrant solution 248

assured by filling the storage flask 5. The storage vessel is filled by a funnel 6, and the accessory tube 4 is connected to suction. The titrant solution is fed to the titration vessel by a capillary 16 at a steady rate. The titration vessel 8 with the titrated solution 14 and the radioactive Kryptonate 13 are schematically illustrated in Fig. 7-54.

/f Fig. 7-54. Titration vessel for continuous titration (activity measurement of ^^Kr released) [106]. a — Ground joint, b — nitrogen inlet, c — outlet of ^*Kr released, d — opening for tube for titrant solution inlet

The titration vessel consists of two parts connected by a ground joint a for washing. In the lower part there is a bubbling tube b\ in the upper part there are two openings. The capillary for the titrant solution is placed into opening d\ opening c serves for the gas outlet into the flow-through G . M . tube. The solution in the vessel is mixed with nitrogen from the storage tank 7. The throttling device 2 adjusts the proper nitrogen flow, measured by a flow meter 3. The nitrogen not only mixes the solution, but simultaneously flushes the *^Kr released into the flow-through G . M . tube 9, which is connected to an analyzer 10 and ratemeter 77. Measurements are automatically recorded by the recording device. Types of titrations and applications Specific titrations using radioactive Kryptonates for end-point indication will be discussed on the basis of the reaction used. Radiocomplexometric titrations

Radioactive Kryptonates are suitable as end-point indicators in complexometric titrations [103, 106, 107, 109, 110]. The titration of cation Μ with complex-forming agent (titrant) C can be written as the reaction: 249



The end-point is determined by means of the soHd radioactive Kryptonate ABC^^Kr]. After the determination of reaction (7.43), the excess titrant reacts with the indicator and forms a soluble compound according to the reaction: AB[»^Kr] +

A C + Β + «^Kr t


whereby gaseous radioactive krypton is released. The equilibrium of reaction (7.44) is characterized by the stability constant of the M C complex and by the solubility product of the radioactive Kryptonate A B [ ® ^ K r ] . The titration can be carried out if the following conditions are satisfied: (a) The formation constant for M C is much greater than that for A C . (b) The ratio between the stability constant of A C and the solubility product of the kryptonate A B [ ® ^ K r ] allows the dissolution of the Kryptonate by the complex-forming agent according to reaction (7.44). During titration to the end-point, reaction (7.43) takes place. The radioactivity of the Kryptonate is constant. After the end-point excess complex-forming agent C reacts with component A and simultaneously dissolves the radioactive Kryptonate A B [ ® ^ K r ] , releasing ®^Kr. Therefore, the radioactivity of the Kryptonate proportionally decreases with the amount of C added in excess (Curve 7, Fig. 7-55). As already mentioned, during titration the activity of the released krypton can also be measured (Curve 2, Fig. 7-55). Based on this principle, radiocomplexometric titrations can be carried out with a suitable complex-forming agent which reacts quantitatively with the ions of the element determined, and a suitable radioactive Kryptonate.



ΑΒ(β^ΚΓ]+ C ^ A C + B + »5Kr

\ \


« K r ^^^^




Clcm3] Fig. 7-55. Theoretical titration curves of complexometric titration [103]. I — measurement of indicator activity; 2 — measurement of released ®^Kr activity 250

In the determination of calcium (and similarly of strontium and magnesium) [107], the p H of the solution is adjusted to 9.0-10.0 with 0.1 Ν N a O H . The radioactive Kryptonate A g I 0 3 [ ® ^ K r ] is added and discontinuous titration is carried out with 10"^ Μ E D T A . U p to the end-point, the reaction is: Ca^^+Y^'-CaY^-


After the end-point the following reaction becomes predominant: A g I 0 3 [ « 5 K r ] + Y ^ - - A g Y ^ - +IO3- + « ^ K r t


The reproducibility of the determination is good, but there is a negative bias which suggests that ®^Kr is released just before the equivalence point. This agrees with the results of Lieberman and co-workers [116] who determined calcium by ^^^""AglO^. titration with a 0.05 Μ E D T A solution and the solid indicator Probably this bias is caused by the relatively close values of the stability constants (log K c a Y 2 - = 10.7; log K^gys - = 7.3), so that silver begins to react with the E D T A before complete complexation of calcium. Iron has been determined by the discontinuous method [109]. The radioactive Kryptonate Y 2 ( C 2 0 4 ) 3 [ ^ ^ K r ] is added to the solution tested, which is titrated with 10~^ Μ E D T A . U p to the end-point the reaction is: Fe^ ^ + E D T A - > F e ( E D T A )


Y 2 ( C 2 0 4 ) 3 [ ^ ' K r ] + 2 E D T A - ^ 2 Y ( E D T A ) + 3 € 3 0 ^ + ®'Kr Τ


and after the end-point

Since the logarithm of the conditional stability constant of the i r o n - E D T A chelate (9.1) and that ofthe y t t r i u m - E D T A chelate (17.8-18.1) are appreciably different, the accuracy of the titration can be good enough. The system is buffered with sodium acetate ( p H 5.0) and tartaric acid is added to keep iron in solution. The method is suitable for the determination of iron in cement. The determination of iron and aluminium in one solution is possible by radiochelatometric titration. First, Fe(III) is titrated at p H 5.0 with E D T A and the indicator Y 2 ( C 2 0 4 ) 3 [ ® ^ K r ] . Secondly, the indicator is filtered off, the p H is adjusted to 9.0 and aluminium is titrated with E D T A and the indicator AgI03[«'Kr]. For the determination of nickel [106], the radioactive Kryptonate A g I [ ® ^ K r ] was used as an indicator and 0.1 Μ K C N as the titrant. The titration was carried out in ammoniacal medium by the discontinuous and continuous methods. U p to the end-point, the reaction is: Ni^^ + 4 C N - ^ [ N i ( C N ) 4 ] 2 -


After the end-point, the reaction which takes place is: A g I [ « ^ K r ] -h 2 C N " ^ [ A g ( C N ) 2 ] " + 1 " + « ^ K r j

(7.50) 251

The soHd kryptonated indicator dissolves and its activity decreases with increasing the volume of the titrant added. This increase is not always linear, especially with Kryptonates of low specific activity. According to diffusion theory, there exists a certain concentration gradient in the kryptonated substance. This gradient probably causes the non-linear decrease of the activity when the titrant is added; however, in practice this is not important, since it is the relative activity change of the indicator after the end-point that is of concern.

7 . 2 3 3 . 2 Precipitation titrations

The sensitivity limit of precipitation titrations is generally of the order of 1 mg depending on the solubility product of the precipitate formed during titration. In spite of this, precipitation reactions are often used in titrations. Several types of radioactive Kryptonates have been used as indicators in precipitation titrations. Use is made of the dissolution of the surface of a radioactive Kryptonate of a metal, or of the disturbance of the surface of the radioactive Kryptonate of glass, or of redox reactions on the surface of the radioactive Kryptonate caused by the titrani after the end-point.

Use of radioactive Kryptonates of metals U p to now, one case has been reported in which a metal Kryptonate has been used as an indicator in a precipitation titration (determination based on the dissolution of a surface). This was the determination of fluoride ions. Fluorides [44, 47, 100] have been determined by titration with T h ( I V ) with kryptonated zinc foil as the indicator. After the titration of the F ~ ions, the excess T h ( I V ) ions are hydrolyzed, and the hydrogen ions formed react with Z n [ ® ^ K r ] , releasing ®^Kr. Readily evaluated end-points were obtained down to lO"'* M, and as little as 2 μg of fluoride per cm^ could be determined. It is known that the end-point in this titration is not stoichiometric. Therefore, a calibration curve of moles of fluoride vs. cm^ of standard thorium consumed was used (Fig. 7-56). The method was reproducible and gave satisfactory results over the range 0.001-0.1 Μ fluoride concentration

Use of radioactive kryptonates of glass The destruction of a glass surface to release krypton is complete and varies according to the action of atmospheric moisture, acids, bases, the composition of the glass, etc. The loss of surface material is initially significant, but it decreases as 252










4 6 θ 10 12 14 0.01 Μ ThíNOj)^ lcm3]

Fig. 7-56. Titration of NaF with T h í N O j U titrant solution using radioactive zinc Kryptonate as end-point indicator [44]

the surface particles become exhausted to such an extent that decomposition is stopped. The destruction with bases is 200 times as great as with acids, so radioactive glass Kryptonates can be used with advantage as indicators in the titration of acids with bases. Hydrofluoric acid readily attacks glass; this has been exploited in precipitation titrations where the precipitate is a sligthly soluble fluoride. Cadmium, calcium [115] have been titrated with 0.2 Μ sodium fluoride solution using radioactive fused silica Kryptonate as an indicator. The solubihty product of calcium and cadmium fluoride are such that mg amounts can be determined. For calcium, the best results were obtained at p H 7.0; for cadmium, at p H 6.0. After the end-point, hydrofluoric acid attacks the glass vigorously, with the consequent release of ®^Kr and decrease in the radioactivity of the glass. Thorium [112] has been determined by discontinuous titration with 0.2 Μ sodium fluoride as the titrant, using radioactive glass Kryptonate as the indicator. The T h ( I V ) solution was acidified with 1 Ν H2SO4 before titration to p H < 1. The mechanism of the indicator action is the same as in the previous case (determination of calcium and cadmium). Since this titration has no stoi­ chiometric end-point — as already mentioned for the determination of fluo­ rides — a calibration curve nust be used. 253

Use of redox indicators Some radioactive Kryptonates, for instance A g [ ® ^ K r ] , may be used as redox indicators. Their surface is decomposed by oxidizing agents after the end-point, with consequent release of ®^Kr. Barium [95, 105] has been titrated with 0.002 Ν K2Cr2 07 with radioactive silver Kryptonate as the indicator. U p to the end-point, the precipitation reaction is: 2 Ba^ ^ -f Cr2 o r + H2 0 ^ 2 BaCrO^ + 2 Η ^ (7.51) After the end-point, redox reaction (7.40) occurs. The activity decrease of the silver Kryptonate is measured after each addition of the titrant. The titration curve for such a titration is illustrated in Fig. 7-57. 4,1·/.]




Fig. 7-57. Titration curve for titration of Ba^"^ with 0.002 Ν K 2 C r 2 0 7 using radioactive silver Kryptonate as indicator [105] Neutralization titrations

Radiometric neutralization titrations can now be achieved with the develop­ ment of radioactive Kryptonates. Use of radioactive Kryptonates of metals [100] Radioactive Kryptonates of magnesium and zinc have been used as indicators in the titration of a strong base (1.75; 0.1; and 0.01 Μ sodium hydroxide) with a strong acid (hydrochloric acid of the same molarity). Released ®^Kr was determined after each addition of the titrant. Typical titration curves are shown in Fig. 7-58. 254

12 cm^HCl Fig. 7-58. Acid-base titration curves [100]. 7 — 1.75 Μ NaOH, Mg-Kryptonate; 2 — 0.1 Μ N a O H , Mg-Kryptonate; 3 — 0.01 Μ NaOH, Zn-Kryptonate; (for all titrations — 10 cm^ is taken)

Use of radioactive Kryptonates of glass [111] The radioactive Kryptonate of glass is a suitable indicator in the titration of acids with strong bases. After the equivalence point, the excess of bases decomposes the surface layers of glass, with the consequent release of ®^Kr and decrease in the radioactivity of glass. For illustration. Fig. 7-59 shows the titration curve obtained in the determination of 97.95 mg of H2SO4 by titration with 0.1 Ν N a O H (Curve / ) , and with 0.5 Ν N a O H (Curve 2). The end-point can be determined readily, and coincides with the equivalence point. Redox titrations

When oxidizing ions, OX2, are titrated with reducing ions, R e d j , in the presence of a radioactive Kryptonate indicator, M B [ ® ^ K r ] , radiometric endpoint indication is possible provided that Redi can form complexes with M , i.e., after the reduction of all the OX2, additional Redj ions added to the system dissolve some M B [ ® ^ K r ] by the complexing reaction: Redl + M B [ » ^ K r ] ^ M R e d i + Β + « ^ K r \


The necessary conditions for this to occur are as follows: (1) The values of the normal redox potentials of the systems 0x^/0x2 and Redi/Red2 and the stability constant of the complex MRed^ should be chosen so that 0x2 be completely reduced by Redi before Μ is complexed by R e d j . 255

! 2Λ

2A 36 cm^O.lNNaOH —I


48 7.2 cm30.5NNaOH

Fig. 7-59. Titration curves for the determination of H2SO4 (97.95 mg) with 0.1 Ν NaOH (Curve 1) and 0.5 Ν N a O H (Curve 2) titrant solution [111]

(2) The value of the stability constant of M R e d i and the solubility product of M B [ ® ^ K r ] should be such that the addition of the titrant during the titration results in the dissolution of the precipitate by complex formation, thus releasing radioactive krypton. On the basis of these considerations, the titration of a 10"^ Ν iodine solution was carried out by using the radioactive Kryptonate A g S C N [ ® ^ K r ] as the indicator [104]. The radioactive Kryptonate A g S C N [ ® ^ K r ] is added to the iodine sample, and titrated with Na2 S2 O 3 . After each addition of the titrant solution, the activity of the radioactive Kryptonate is measured. The following reaction takes place first: l2 + 2 S 2 0 r ^ 2 r + S 4 0 2i -


After the quantitative reaction of iodine, the excess Na2S2 03 reacts with silver ions, and dissolves the radioactive Kryptonate according to the reaction: m A g S C N [ » 5 K r ] + n S 2 0 2i -

^[AgJS203)„]^^"-"*^- + m S C N - + « ^ K r Τ (7.54)

Consequently, the addition of the Na2S2 03 titrant solution causes proportional decrease in the radioactivity of the Kryptonate. The titration curve obtained in 256

the determination of 1.90 mg ¡2 by titration with 10~^ Μ N a 2 S 2 0 3 is illustrated in Fig. 7-60. As the curve indicates, the end-point can be determined quite well. The determination of iodine in various pharmaceuticals has been carried out by titrations using A g S C N Kryptonate as the end-point indicator [113].






15 16

lO-^N Να2 52θ3 [cm^]

Fig. 7-60. Titration curve obtained when titrating 1.90 mg ¡2 with 10 ^ Μ Na2S203 [104]

The feasibility of using radioactive Kryptonates of amalgams as end-point indicators for redox titrations has been demonstrated in the titration of ascorbic acid solutions with FeCla, using a kryptonated Cd-amalgam as the indicator. The basis for such a technique is the following reaction: Ox2 + M ( H g ) , [ « ^ K r ] - . R e d 2 + M " ^ + xHg + « ^ K r Τ


where OX2 is the oxidizing agent used as the titrant, and M ( H g ) ^ [ ^ ^ K r ] is the kryptonated amalgam of the metal M , Red2 is the species formed from OX2, M " is the metal ion formed in the reaction of OX2 with the amalgam. This reaction allows to determine reducing agents (Red J with oxidants. If a reducing substance is titrated with an oxidizing agent in the presence of a radioactive Kryptonate of a suitable amalgam and the redox couple is chosen in such a way that the titrant solution should first quantitatively oxidize the reducing substance and then react with the radioactive Kryptonate of the amalgam, at the end-point the radioactive krypton ^^Kr will release. Thus the activity of the amalgam is constant during the titration until the endpoint is reached and then it decreases due to the release of ^^Kr (Fig. 7-61, Curve J), Using amalgams of high specific activity the titration can be performed continuously by measuring the activity of the released ^^Kr (Curve 2). 257


Red, + O x 2 ^ 0 x i + Red2 Ox2+M(Hg), [ö^Kr]—Bed2+M"* + xHg+ «^Krt

0x2 [cm^

Fig. 7-61. Theoretical titration curves of redox titration using radioactive Kryptonate of amalgams as indicators [117]

¡2.0 1.96 0.01 Μ FeCla [cm^j Fig. 7-62. Titration curve obtained by titrating ascorbic acid with the titrant solution of FeClj

Figure 7-62 shows the titration curve obtained by titrating an ascorbic acid solution with a standard solution of F e C l j using 50% Cd-amalgam K r y p ­ tonate as the indicator. In the work reported, Cd-amalgams (15-50 wt. % C d ) were kryptonated by ion bombardment. The Kryptonates were found to lose 40-60% of their initial activity within 24^30 hours, and then become fairly stable [117-120].


7.23.4 Thermoradiometric titrations |121-127] In classic thermometric titrations, the conversion of chemical energy to heat is followed as a function of the titrant added. Constancy or a slight decrease in temperature indicates the end-point of the titration. In a new type of end-point determination, called thermoradiometric titrations, the conversion of chemical energy to heat is followed by means of an inert radioactive gas. The determination is based on the fact that the solubility of an inert gas decreases with increasing temperature. The sample is saturated with a radioactive inert gas (e.g. ®^Kr) and the titrant is added continuously or discontinuously. Owing to the heat of reaction, the temperature of the sample will increase and radioactive gas will be liberated during the titration. The amount of released ^^Kr, or alternatively the decrease in the activity of the sample, may be measured as a function of the amount of the titrant added. Apparatus developed for radiometric titrations using Kryptonates as indicators may be used. The titration curve can be graphed manually, or automatically recorded. The method has been applied to different types of reactions, including neutralization (0.1 Ν H C l with 1 Ν N a O H ) , precipitation (0.1 Ν A g N O j with 1 Ν H C l ) and redox reactions (0.015 Ν AS2O3 with 0.1 Ν Κ Μ η θ 4 ) . Experiments have shown that the end-point can be detected sensitively and precisely, and the method should be applicable to neutrahzation, precipitation and complexometric titrations. The procedure for a neutralization titration is as follows: One cm^ of distilled water saturated with ®^Kr was added to 9 cm^ of HCl solution, and the mixture was thermostated at 4 °C. The 1 Ν N a O H solution was added from a ther­ mostated burette. After each addition of N a O H , the sample was stirred for 2 min and the residual activity of the sample was measured. The titrant could also be added continuously to the sample, and the released ®^Kr flushed with N 2 to a flow-detector connected to a ratemeter and recorder.

REFERENCES [1] J. TÖLGYESSY, Nuclear Radiation in Chemical Analyis, (in Slovak), SVTL, Bratislava—SNTL, Praha 1962 [2] J. TÖLGYESSY: Nuclear Radiation in Chemical Analysis, (in Hungarian), Müszaki Könyvkiado, Budapest, 1965 [3] J. TÖLGYESSY and §. VARGA, Nuclear Analytical Chemistry II., Radioactive Indicators in Chemical Analysis, University Park Press, Baltimore—Veda, Bratislava, 1972 [4] J. TÖLGYESSY and §. VARGA, Nuclear Analytical Chemistry, (in Slovak), Alfa, Bratislava, 1976 [5] V. MAJER, Radiometric Analysis, (in Czech), Cs. Spol. Chem., Praha, 1949




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Isotopenpraxis, 4 (1968) 223 and D . H R O N C O V Á , Chem, zvesti, 22 (1968) 3 TÖLGYESSY, B. SÍLES, S . V A R G A and V . JESENÁK, Isotopenpraxis, 4 (1968) 368 TÖLGYESSY, B. SÍLES, V . JESENÁK and S. V A R G A , Isotopenpraxis, 4 (1968) 429 TÖLGYESSY, J. PRU2INEC and P. D I L L I N G E R : Coli Sei Papers CHTF SVST, (1971), p. 131 TÖLGYESSY and P . D I L L I N G E R , Radiochem. Radioanai Utters, 13 (1973) 117 TÖLGYESSY, B. SILES, V . JESENÁK and S. V A R G A , Isotopenpraxis, 4 (1968) 383




J. T Ö L G Y E S S Y , §. V A R G A , V . JESENÁK J. J. J. J. J.


R. L I E B E R M A N N , C H . W . T O W N L E Y , C H . T. B R O W N , J. E. H O W E S ,

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BMI-1508, March 1961 J. TÖLGYESSY and P. D I L L I N G E R , Radiochem. Radioanai Utters, 13 (1973) 117 J. TÖLGYESSY, P. D I L L I N G E R , Czechoslovak Patent 165850 J. TÖLGYESSY, P. D I L L I N G E R , Czechoslovak Patent 166337 J. TÖLGYESSY, P. D I L L I N G E R and J. LESN4[cpm] 1600-^ I



1200H r150t-!i^~300 'C-



*j Cooling



• ol ^oooooqoOooo

hO.A 4 Time [h]



Fig. 8-1. Loss of ®^Kr from Al-foil with increasing temperature [ 5 ]

period of 9 hours, while the temperature was increased in steps to a maximum temperature of 450 °C. It should be noted that the aluminium retained about 45% of the original ®^Kr content (45% of the original activity), and did not lose any ^^Kr activity at temperatures below the maximum temperature of 450 °C. Significant problems of temperature measurement occur in the designing and testing of jet engine components. The construction material, configuration, lubrication, cooling technique, etc., of an engine component can be developed properly only if the temperature profile of the component is accurately known. The ultimate test of the value of the above technique was the determination, by Chleck el al [ 9 ] in conjunction with an engine manufacturer, of the maximum temperature profile of the surface of turbine blades mounted in an operating engine. The following is an illustration of the application of the Kryptonate technique: T w o kryptonated turbine blades were mounted in a jet engine, and the engine was operated for about three hours in the laboratory. The loss in activity was dependent on the maximum temperature attained by the blades during operation. The blades were removed from the engine and reheated in stages. After each reheating cycle, seven sections of each blade were counted with an end-window G . M . tube and then reheated at a higher temperature. N o release of ®^Kr was observed until the maximum temperature at which that section of the blades had been subjected to in the engine, was exceeded. A graph of counts per minute vs. temperature is given in Fig. 8-2; temperature data are given as the fraction of the maximum temperature value attained by the given blade. The maximum temperature was determined by the intersection of the horizontal line, where no activity was lost and by the sloping line, where activity was lost. 265

A [cpm]


320- o 28024020016012080400.25

0.5 0.75 Normalized temperature

1.0 γ—

Fig. 8-2. A typical temperature determination plot [ 5 ]

Fig. 8-3. Temperature profile of turbine blade [ 5 ]

One of the temperature profiles obtained on an actual blade is shown in Fig. 8-3. The temperature profiles obtained for the two blades are shown in Fig. 8-4. These blades were identical in composition, and hence were expected to demonstrate the same heat transfer characteristics. The almost identical temperature profiles shown in Fig. 8-4 are in complete agreement with this expectation. 266


CI 09γοθI



I ι



0.302 0 0 02 OA 06 0.8 1.0 1.2 U 1.6 1.8 Distance from shoulder [inch]

2.0 2.2 2.4

Fig. 8-4. Temperature profile of two turbine blades [ 5 ]

Tests of this type have made possible measurement of maximum attained temperatures within ± 5 % at temperatures of 1100°C. It was shown [ 5 ] that maximum surface temperatures of engine components, whether or not they have undergone corrosion or wear, can be determined with excellent accuracy. Cucchiara and Goodman [ 2 - 3 ] suggest that the two factors which determine the accuracy of the technique are the magnitude of the temperature interval in the reheating cycle, and the accounting statistics. The accuracy was shown by a large number of temperature determinations to be ± 15 °C for 55 °C temperature intervals, and ± 5 °C for 28 °C intervals. Unless counting times are very long, samples of low initial activity give statistical deviations so great that the temperature breakpoint is completely masked. Also, the higher the initial activity of the sample, the smaller the surface over which the temperature can be determined. For high-activity samples ( > 37 kBq/in^), previous maximum temperatures have been determined for sample areas as small as 0.03 in^. Wisnieflf and Bardach [13, 14] propose that, for determining maximum temperatures, a gas-evolution method of counting the activity is superior to the residual-activity method, in that more extensive counting data can be accumulated in a shorter time. However, temperature measurements of various areas of a kryptonated material are to be determined by this method — e.g. a temperature profile of a turbine blade — it is necessary that the material be cut into small sections and thus destroyed. The Kryptonate technique is now being used routinely by several aircraft companies to determine temperature profiles of turbine blades, vanes, nozzels, and other engine components [ 5 , 10]. Industrial Nucleonics Corp. [ 1 , 4 ] is 267

working with the U.S. Air Force on the use of ® ^Kr-impregnated bearings as selfcontained thermal alarms; i.e., a rise in bearing temperature causes a release of ^^Kr from the bearing and entrainment in the closed lubricating oil system. A simple beta detector is sufficient to monitor all the critical bearings in an engine. The types of bearings supplied to Industrial Nucleonics by the Air Force have a history of failure caused by cavitation which leads to ultimate loss of bearing surface and, in some cases, to catastrophic destruction of the engine.

8.2 Investigation of friction The energy lost through friction is dissipated mainly as heat and results in an increase in temperature. The measurement of this temperature is an acute problem in the design and operation of engine components. Such considerations as the materials of construction, configuration, and lubrication and cooling systems of an engine component can be evaluated properly only if the temperature of the component is accurately known. Knowledge of the temperature is basic to the understanding of the mechanism of friction and the associated mechanism of wear. Chleck et ai [ 1 6 ] worked out several techniques for determining maximum temperature based on the radiometric emanation method. These techniques make possible separate determination of surface temperature and other factors of friction that contribute to the loss of ^^Kr.

8.3 Investigation of the wearing process [2, 3, 5, 17] Chleck [ 5 ] , Cucchiara and Goodman [ 2 , 3, 17] showed that the wearing process can be followed in detail by the application of the radiometric emanation method. Such studies can be performed during actual operation of the part in an airplane engine. The condition of the kryptonated component can be determined without removal of this part from the main assembly. The Kryptonate technique allows one to follow the wearing process during actual mechanical operation. In order to ascertain the degree of wear, the purely thermally induced losses of ®^Kr must first be eliminated by preheating the source to a temperature higher than the expected average maximum temperature during the wearing process. If protective oxide layers are not formed, that is, if oxidation or corrosion is severe during the wearing process, then the kryptonated part must be operated in an inert atmosphere. Under these conditions, the loss in activity will be solely a function of the amount of wear. If the distribution of activity within the sample is known, or if the activity loss is calibrated with the amount of wear determined by a standard method (weighing), 268

Fig. 8-5. Apparatus for determination of wear by *^Kr loss [5], 1 — Flywheel; 2 — motor; 3 — crank; 4 — crank arm; 5 — teflon bearing; 6 — guide; 7 — lead weights; 8 — rider; 9 — readout; ¡0 — G. M . counter, 11 — kryptonated copper sample; 12 — guide wheel

then the absolute amount of wear of similarly prepared samples can be determined. Preliminary experiments have been conducted by Chleck [ 5 ] to demonstrate the applicability of this technique. The apparatus used in these experiments is shown in Fig. 8-5. The system consists of a stationary metal block in contact with a sliding metal block. The moving block is actuated by a cam attached to a shaft on a motor. The stationary block is kryptonated and measured continuously with a G . M . tube. In Fig. 8-6, the activity loss during wearing of kryptonated copper ( 1 x 1 x 1 / 4 in stationary block) by a stainless steel rider is shown as a function of time. The loss in activity with time followed a smooth curve, indicating that for the particular system under study, wearing followed a regular pattern. In Fig. 8-7, the activity loss during wearing of a kryptonated rough copper surface (1 χ 1 χ 0.005 in foil) by a brass block is shown as a function of time. The rate of loss in activity is very slow until the projections on the foil are completely worn. After this, complete contact of the two surface occurs, and the rate of loss greatly increases, indicating the onset of severe wear. The formation of surface oxides or other corrosion products on rubbing surfaces considerably influences friction. A reduction or increase in wear can occur depending on the nature of the oxide formed and on the thickness of the oxide layer [ 2 , 3, 5, 8, 10, 17]. If an oxide or other corrosive film is formed during a wearing process, the rate of formation of this film can be determined by the rate of loss of ^^Kr from the surface of a Kryptonate source. The rate of oxidation and the surface temperature will have a combined effect on the release of ®^Kr from the surface of the Kryptonate. T o follow ®^Kr losses from oxidation alone [ 2 , 3.17], first it is 269



AO 60


100 120 Κ Ο 160 180 200 220 240 Time [min]

Fig. 8-6. Activity loss during wearing of kryptonated copper by stainless steel rider [5]




40 50 60 Time [min]



90 100

Fig. 8-7. Activity loss during wearing of kryptonated rough copper surface by brass block [5]

necessary to stabilize thermally the Kryptonate. For this the test sample is heated in an inert atmosphere to a temperature ~ 5 5 ° C higher than the average maximum surface temperature expected during the oxidation process. A t this point, there would be no further activity loss caused by the temperature used in the experiment. Force monitoring or effluent counting can be used to measure the activity losses as they occur, since the rate of loss of ®^Kr is directly proportional to the rate of oxidation process at the surface of the part. 270



Fig. 8-8. O 2 consumption and gas phase



Time [min]

Kr activity increase at 550 °C [ 5 ]

The ability of the Kryptonate technique to follow the oxidation process is illustrated by the oxidation of a kryptonated tantalum foil at a constant temperature of 550 °C. In Fig. 8-8 both the fraction of total activity released in the gas phase (the effluent activity) and the oxygen consumption are plotted vs. time. Effluent activity levels are atypical because the temperature of oxidation is very low, with a consequent reduction in the rate of both oxidation and ®^Kr release. There is a considerable structure in the two curves. The simultaneous changes in slope of both the effluent activity and oxygen consumption curves provide evidence that the release of ®^Kr is a direct measure of the rate of oxidation. Oxidation during friction wear can be measured by comparing ®^Kr loss in air and then in an inert atmosphere. The difference in the activity loss obtained in air and in an inert atmosphere would be due entirely to the degree of oxidation.

8.4 Testing of corrosion endurance of materials Kryptonates have been used to study solid phase-gas or solid phase-liquid reactions involved in corrosion. Previous experiments were focused on corrosion study of metals [5, 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 20], and silicate materials [21-23]. Kryptonated substances are very sensitive to all chemical influences that cause changes in the surface of a crystalline lattice. Current methods used to evaluate anti-corrosive or protective agents are generally unreliable, and in many cases take several months to complete. Kryptonate technique can be used to carry out 271

- Initial surface attack-

-Loss assocbtedwith long-term corrosion





3 A 5 6 8 1.0

2 3 A 5 6 8 100 Time [min]


3 4 5 6 8 100

Fig. 8-9. Aluminium 7075-T73 activity loss upon corrosion in N a C l - H j O j solution [5]

such studies relatively quickly and simply. The kryptonated metal is put into various anti-corrosion solutions which will react with the uppermost layer of metal. The most affective anti-corrosion agents will react with thinner layers and in a shorter time, thus preventing corrosion of deeper layers. A plot of residual activity of the kryptonated foil vs. time will have a steep curve initially, which then flattens out to a horizontal line (Fig. 8-9). Corrosion imperceptible to the human eye can be demonstrated by this method within several hours. F r o m obtained curves it is possible to judge the time sequence of the corrosion process. The method is suitable primarily for relative measurements, or for the comparison of various substances using a qualitative scale. Chleck et al. [ 1 6 ] exposed kryptonated aluminium alloy samples (Al 7075-T6 and A l 7075-T73-tempered) to 10% N a C l . The two sides of each alloy sample were counted, and the data were plotted as the activity loss vs. exposure time. The scatter among data points for the two sides of the same alloy sample was much greater for the tempered sample, as was expected, because of the additional inhomogeneities introduced on the specimen surface by the tempering treatment. Whereas the activity loss for the Al 7075-T6 alloy continued for the duration of the test, the activity loss for the A l 7075-T73 alloy decreased markedly only during the 20 to 100 min time interval. The conclusion that the A l 7075-T73 tempered alloy has a greater corrosion resistance was in accord with prior experience. 272

The claim that a paint was protective to 425 °C was verified [ 9 , 1 9 ] in a study of the relative oxidation rates of painted and unpainted kryptonated iron samples. Whereas the unpainted sample was oxidized at a relatively rapid rate at the lower temperatures, the painted sample did not attain a comparable rate of oxidation until the temperature limit of protection was reached. Studies of correctiveness of atmospheric or liquid media on silicate materials are especially interesting. The goal of these studies was to develope a method for the determination of the chemical resistivity of these materials [15, 21-23]. At a waterglass interface, alkali metal ions from the glass are exchanged for hydrogen ions: (glass-Me) + H O H ^ ( g l a s s - H L , „ , i , „ -f M e O H along with the formation of a film of silicic acid. A t temperatures below 80 ""C, further alkali extraction proceeds by diffusion through the growing layer of this film. Above this temperature, deeper destruction of the glass occurs by release of alkali earths and a gradual destruction of the glass silicate frame. After long water-glass reaction times, a destruction of the silicic surface film is perceivable. One hour exposure of kryptonated glass to distilled water caused a considerable decrease in the relative activity per hour of the samples. This decrease was sufficient to compare the resistivity of different glasses: silica glass 0.7% reduction, Sial 15% reduction (1st resistance class), Jena-Schott 1.7%, sheet glass 3% (4th resistance class) (see Fig. 8-10). At 100 °C, the rate of the process is two to four times greater. Examination of Kryptonates is quick and convenient, and they correspond to all of the processes of surface destruction. The effect of acids on glass surfaces is similar to that of water, with the difference that the Si—O—Si bonds do not change, and the glass surface is gradually covered by a layer of silicic acid. Further, in contrast to water, acids can extract A P ^ ions, alkali earth ions, and other components. The effects of strong mineral acids are similar, with the exception of hydrofluoric and phosphoric acids, which destroy the glass-silicate structure. After one hour contact with 1 Μ HCl, the relative activity of silicic glass Kryptonate decreased by 2%, Jena-Schott by 5%, Sial by 6% and sheet glass by 10.3% (Fig. 8-11). The same order of reactivity was found at long contact time. Basic media destroy the silicious glass structure, causing the other glass components also to go into solution. Because jof this type of action, the entire glass surface is destroyed leaving no residue; therefore a linear decrease of sample weight with time is observed. A plot of the time dependence of the activity of a kryptonated glass in contact with 1 Ν N a O H is given in Fig. 8-12. The resistance against alkalis can be determined by the Kryptonate method in one minute. After 10 min, the relative activity of sheet glass decreased by 16%, Sial glass by 26%, Jena-Schott glass by 32%, and silica glass by 41%. The results obtained 273


20 Time [days]

Fig. 8-10. Glass-Kryptonate activity loss upon corrosion in water [21]. / — Silica glass; 2 — Jena-Schott; 3 — Sial; 4 — sheet glass

Fig. 8-11. Glass-Kryptonate activity loss upon corrosion in 1Μ HCl [21]. 7 — Silica glass; 2—JenaSchott; 3 — Sial; 4 — sheet glass 274


200 Time [min]


Fig. 8-12. Glass-Kryptonate activity loss upon corrosion in 1 Ν NaOH [21]. 1 — Silica glass; 2 — Jena-Schott; 3 — Sial; 4 — sheet glass

correspond to those obtained by classical methods, according to which sheet glass belongs to the first, Sial and Jena-Schott glass to the second, and silica glass to the third resistance group. It should be emphasized that this method is basically conventional; it depends on the total amounts of components dissolved from the surface. The resistance order of two samples of glass can be different depending on the determination method used. The Kryptonate method is sensitive to the destruction of as little as tenths of micrograms per square centimeter of the surface being studied. The Kryptonate method gave the same order of resistivity as the CSSR standard method except in the case of the acid resistance of sheet glass, which seemed to be less resistant than chemical glasses by the radiometric emanation method. The emanation method [ 2 3 ] is applicable also for the study of the chemical resistance of enamels and glass; a very important parameter for equipments in the chemical industry. In dental practice, it is very important to determine the corrosion endurance of metal wires used for the preparation of dentures, and to make accurate comparisons of various wire materials. Tölgyessy et al [ 2 0 ] studied the corrosion endurance of orthodental wire materials (Osteofix (hard), Wipla, Remanit, Rubo) by radiometric emanation method. Results are given in Figs 8-13,8-14,8-15,8-16; these figures show the rate of decrease of the activity of the samples at different p H values. (The p H range of saliva is from 5 to 7.8; the 275

10 Time [days] Fig. 8-13. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of Osteofix Kryptonate wire at different pH values [20]. 7 — 5.16, 2 — 7.26; 3 — 8.84

10 Time [days] Fig. 8-14. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of Wipla Kryptonate wire at different pH values. 7 — 5.16; 2 — 7.26; 3 — 8.84

normal value is around 6.8, which can increase to 7.2 under stimulation). It can be seen that Osteofix wire is the most stable at p H 5.16, but the least stable at p H 7.26 (Fig. 8-13). The Wipla wire (Fig. 8-14) showed good stability at p H 8.84, but at p H 5.16 and 7.26, it corroded rapidly. It is interesting to note that Wipla wire showed the least stability of all the materials at lower p H values. Remanit was more stable at p H 7.26, and the least stable at p H 8.84 (Fig. 8-15). Rubo wire was just the opposite (Fig. 8-16). 276

10 Time [days] Fig. 8-15. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of Remanit Kryptonate wire at different pH values. 7 — 5.16; 2 — 7.26; 3 — 8.84 Ar

10 Time [days]


Fig. 8-16. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of Rubo Kryptonate wire at different pH values. J — 5.16; 2 — 7.26; 3 — 8.84

A comparison of the stabiHty of the wires at various p H values is given in Figs 8-17,8-18,8-19. At p H 5.16, Osteofix and Remanit are the most stable materials; Rubo is less stable and Wipla the most reactive (Fig. 8-17). At p H 7.26 (Fig. 8-18), the most stable is Remanit; less stable are Osteofix and Rubo, and surprisingly, Wipla was again the most reactive. In as little as 10 days contact with a solution of p H 7.6, the Wipla Kryptonate lost 50% of its original activity. At p H 8.84, the 277

10 Time [days] Fig. 8-17. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of dental metal wires. / — Osteofix; 2 — Wipla; 3 — Remanit; 4 — Rubo at pH = 5.16

Time [days] Fig. 8-18. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of dental metal wires. / — Osteofix; 2 — Wipla; 3 — Remanit; 4 — Rubo at pH = 7.26

Stability of the materials decreased in the order Wipla, Rubo, Osteofix and Remanit (Fig. 8-19). Many of the results are surprising because they are in contradiction to what had been assumed previously. They also demonstrate that newer, faster, more sensitive methods can indicate differences in stability more accurately than previously available ones. 278

10 Time [days] Fig. 8-19. Time dependence of the relative residual activity of dental metal wires. 1 — Osteofix; 2 — Wipla; 3 — Remanit; 4 — Rubo at pH = 8.84

These experiments were made in acetate buffer solutions (sodium acetate and acetic acid), and it is recognized that this is not the same as saliva, which is a very complex mixture of inorganic and organic materials. Probably mucous and other organic materials present in saliva have a protective, anticorrosive effect, because experience from dental practice has shown that wires used in dental pieces are not corroded significantly while in use. On the other hand, emanation methods are extremly sensitive, and can detect corrosion changes not measurable by visual inspection. ^ Radioactive Kryptonates can be used in the study of those degradation processes which cause a significant damage to the structure of the studied substance. Reflective coatings for aerospace vehicles are known to be degraded by photochemical reactions [ 1 , 7 , 9 ] . In a study to determine whether or not kryptonated homologs of thermal control coatings could be used to investigate degradation by ultraviolet irradiation samples (e.g. titanium dioxide-silicone), were kryptonated and thermally stressed under simulated environmental conditions. The samples were then illuminated with ultraviolet radiation and the activity losses were observed. The samples lost activity in a smooth fashion as a result of the photochemical degradation. The radiometric emanation technique was shown to be more sensitive than the standard technique (measurement of spectral reflectivity) [ 1 , 7 , 9 , 2 4 ] , which is currently being used to investigate this degradation.


8.5 Determination of the rate constant of corrosion [25| Methods for the measurement of corrosion rates described in Section 8.4 are based on the labeUing of test samples with radioactive nuclides by diffusion or bombardment. The resulting distribution of nuclides in the direction per­ pendicular to the surface, and average depth of nuclides in the test sample are not considered. For this reason, these methods are suitable in special cases only for a qualitative comparison of the corrosion resistance of various materials; it is not possible to determine quantitatively the rate constants of corrosion reactions. The method developed by Jesenák and Tölgyessy [25, 26] eliminates this disadvantage. Bombarding a sample target under particular conditions by ions of a radioisotope (e.g. ®^Kr, Rn) it is possible to prepare labelled targets with the depth distribution of the target [27, 28] C(,) = C o e x p | ^ - ^ j


where c, CQ are the concentrations of the tracer in the depth χ and at the surface of the target, respectively, and R is the mean penetration range of the tracer. After stripping a surface layer of thickness Xp from the labelled target by corrosion or in general by a physical or chemical process, the radioactivity of the target (A) will be

Α= β

Cix) exp [ - //(x - X p ) ] dx = ßco



- ^



Xp where μ is the linear coefficient of self-attenuation of radiation in the target, defined by

and is a coefficient done by conditions and geometry of the measurement of the target activity. Introducing the dimensionless depth ( X ) , thickness of the stripped layed (Xp) and self-attenuation coefficient (a), respectively, defined by the relations: X=^',


^ p = ^ ;

α = Κμ


and introducing them into Eq. (8.3) we obtain


exp [ - (α + 1)X + aXp] dX = ^

exp ( - X , )


In a similar way we find for the initial activity of the sample target (before stripping) 00

Ao = ß




Xp = 0

Thus the fractional decrease of activity will be a=^=Qxp{-Xp)





When corrosion proceeds linearly with time x, = kt


where k is the rate constant of the corrosion reaction, the fractional decrease of activity will change (8.10)

σ = expl — Rearranging Eq. (8.10) In

/T =


and finally we obtain the rate constant: 2.305R log




The procedure of the rate constant determination consists of the following steps: (1) The samples of test materials are bombarded with radioactive isotopes of inert gases (e.g. K r , Xe, Rn) under such conditions that the resulting depth distribution of radionuclides is given by Eq. (8.1). 281

(2) The initial activity of the sample is measured under defined geometrical conditions (AQ). (3) Test samples are exposed to the corrosive medium under defined conditions of time, temperature, pressure and composition of the solution. After exposure, the sample is removed from the solution and carefully cleaned; the cleaning method depends on the solution used. (4) The radioactivity of the sample (A) is determined under the same conditions as in step 2. (5) The mean penetration range of radionuclides in the target (R; /ig c m " ^ ) , is determined by a relation of the Linhard-Scharff-ShÍ0tt theory [ 2 9 ] . The corrosion rate constant (L; μgcm~^ min ~ ^) is calculated according to Eq. (8.12). Preconditions for the correctness of the proposed method are the following: (a) The corrosion reaction attacks the surface of the tested material homogeneously. (b) The surface of the sample target must not be destroyed by the bombardment, i.e. the applied dose of the tracer may be less than 10^ ions/cm^. The method can be used. (i) For the determinations of the absolute value of rate constants of very slow reactions of the type using Eq. (8.12). (II) For comparing of corrosion rates of different materials. In the second case the relation of rate constants of different materials — bombarded and tested under the same conditions using (Eq. 8.12) — becomes

k,:k,:k,: ...=R,

log^:R,log-^:R,log^:... ^10




A more simple case occurs, when materials being tested are of the same chemical compositions or their composition differes only in the quality and content of the microcomponents, i.e. the average atomic weights of the materials tested are the same. From Linhard-Scharff-Schiott's theory follows, that in this case the mean penetration range of the tracer ions will be also the same: ^1=^2 = ^3...


and Eq. (8.14) simplifies to

k,:k2:k,:... = l o g A : i o g A : i o g A:... ^10 282





A disk from a single crystal of silica (diameter 30 mm) was cleaned in a solution of 1 Ν NaOH at 55 °C, washed with distilled water and ethanol, and then dried. It was kryptonated with ^^Kr ions accelerated to 5.0 keV with a dose of 360 ^As"* and at a pressure of 10"^ torr. Under these conditions, the depth distribution of the radionuclide is given by c = Co exp (-kx). The net initial activity of the disk (Aq) was 3620 cpm. The disk was rinsed with distilled water for one minute and placed into 50 cm^ of a well mixed 1.0 Ν NaOH solution thermostated at 55 °C. After exposure, it was washed with distilled water and ethanol, and counted under the same conditions as used earlier. The net activity of the disk (A) was 3197 cpm. Under the described bombardment conditions, and using the Linhard-Scharff-Shiott theory, the mean penetration range of **Kr was found to be 1.37 /¿g cm"^. Substituting this as R into Eq. (8.12) we have 2.305x 1.37log3620/3197 . _^ k= J =0.171 μί/cm ^ mm . The accuracy of the result was checked by the spectrophotometric determination of SÍO2 in the NaOH solution. The corrosion rate constant obtained as an average of 10 determinations with 5 min exposure was: Λ„ρ = 0.1698 μgcm"^ min


The difference between the two values is only 0.6%.

The significance of this method is that it makes possible the rapid determination of extremely slow corrosion rates in those cases where the test sample is homogeneous, and the corrosion reaction takes place uniformly over the surface. By this method as little as 1-2 μg c m " ^ corrosion losses can be detected and corrosion rate constants on samples of as small as 2-5 cm^ can be determined.

8.6 Testing of building materials During the production and further treatment o f building materials it is necessary to know the quahty of raw materials as well as the conditions under which the products of required quality can be obtained. Thus, for the production of concrete we usually test the velocity of the cement paste hydration, mechanical properties of the hardened cement paste, its chemical and thermal endurance, etc.

8.6.1 Characterization of cement hydration processes Methods commonly used for investigation of the velocity of cement paste hydration are based on the measurement, e.g. of the evolution of hydration heat, the propagation of ultrasonic waves or electrical conductivity measurement which only indirectly describe phenomena taking place in the cement paste during its hydration. Direct investigation of the cement paste hardening by 283

3 A567 Time [h]




10 15 24

48 72


A 567 Time [h]


Fig. 8-20. Characterization of the hydration of cement [30] PC-400. Time dependences of the following parameters were measured: (a) Emanation release rate (Curve 7); (b) inner surface area (Curve 2), porosity (Curve 3)

measurements of porosity or surface area necessitate the interruption of the hydration process in the sample studied, which may cause additional undesired changes in the structure of the material and finally leads to the false results. Balek et ai [30-32] demonstrated that valuable information about processes taking place during setting and hardening of the cement paste can be obtained by E T A . The radon release rate from the cement paste sample, labelled with ^^^Th and ^^"^Ra, was measured. 284

(c) 2



1 —








3 A 5 10 15 2A Time [h]




A8 72


J l . .•OH


A5 Time [h] Fig. 8-20. {continued) (c) propagation rate of ultrasonic waves (Curve 4)\ (d) penetration force (Curve 5) and compressive strength (Curve 6)

Figure 8-20 shows the time dependence of the emanation release rate of the cement paste sample (w/c=0.27) during hydration at 20 ° C in air of the relative humidity 95 ± 2 % . The onset of the setting period is indicated on Curve 1 ( E T A ) by an intense increase of the emanation release rate. By the E T A determined onset t\ and end if of the setting period are a bit earlier than the onset tf[ and the end Í2 determined independently by standard Vicat test. In Fig. 8-20 we demonstrate also the changes of the inner surface area (Curve 2) and the porosity (Curve i ) of the cement paste sample during setting. From the analogical course of Curves I 285

and 2 the conclusion can be drawn that the radiometric emanation method indicates changes of the surface area, i.e. theoretical suppositions were confirmed. It is known that the cement hydration products possess a surface area by one order of magnitude greater than initial cement powder before hydration, which explains the intensive increase of emanation rate (Curve 7) during this stage of hydration. Curve i indicates a porosity decrease of the cement paste during hydration. Curve 4 in Fig. 8-20 indicating the time dependence of the propagation rate of ultrasonic waves, is in good agreement with the E T A result (Curve 7). From Curve 4 it is possible to estimate the onset of the setting period, its end, however, cannot be estimated by the ultrasonic method. Curves 5 and 6, demonstrating changes of mechanical properties of the cement paste during setting, confirm the supposition of the authors [ 3 0 ] that the increase of penetration resistance is due to the structure changes of the cement paste indicated as the increase of the emanation release rate on Curve 7. The radiometric emanation method has been recommended for estimating the onset

Fig. 8-21. The dependence of emanation rate Ε of the hardened cement parte [31] (age = 14 days) on the time of storage in air with various water vapour pressure, x-axis — Time of storage (min) in air of 95 ± 3% humidity; y-axis — time of storage (min) in air of 65 ± 3% humidity; z-axis — emanation rate Ε of sample (cps) 286

and the end of setting period and for investigation of setting and hardening processes in general. The influence of additives [ 3 1 ] and temperature [ 3 2 ] on the hydration of cement has also been successfully investigated by E T A . The results enabled us to evaluate kinetics of the early stage of cement hydration. It has been shown that testing cement samples, with regard to application of the cement type for optimum technological regimes of the precast concrete production, can be made by means of radiometric emanation method. The advantage of this method is its versatility and the automatic continuous measurement of the samples in required conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.). The radiometric emanation method has also been advantageously used for continuous investigation of the sensitivity of the structure of hardened cement paste to changes of humidity of surrounding gas medium. Figure 8-21 shows the dependence of emanation release rate, £, of the hardened cement paste sample (the age of 14 days) on the time of keeping the sample in the air with various water vapour pressure. The results proved that continuous changes of the diffusion properties of hardened cement paste take place during the saturation of the samples by water and during their drying. The concept of the reversibility of the structure changes in the hardened cement paste was corroborated, the structure changes being caused by the more or less packed arrangement of the structure of hydrated cement gel.

8.6.2 Thermal stabihty of mortar and concrete Thermal stability of the hardened cement paste is commonly evaluated by measuring mechanical properties and chemical composition of samples heated or cooled to extreme temperatures. The radiometric emanation method enables us to evaluate the thermal stability of building materials immediately during heating or cooling samples in the required conditions. The measured changes of the emanation release rate indicate the changes of surface and structure. Due to the high sensitivity of the method, rehydration of the previously annealed samples can easily be estimated, directly in the conditions of required temperature and humidity of the gas atmosphere. Figure 8-22 shows E T A (7), D T A (2), and T G (3) curves measured during heating of a sample of the hardened cement paste up to 1000 °C in the air [ 3 3 ] . By comparing the three curves in Fig. 8-22, it is possible to obtain valuable information about the processes taking place during heating of the material studied. Thermogravimetrical data indicate the decrease of the content of water and C O 2 in the sample heated from 20 to 1000 °C. The E T A completes the information given above by that about the changes of the surface and structure. 287

16H u _ 12I 10¿¿ 86


^ 2 OH exo AT] enclol

100 mg


500 Temperature [*C]


Fig. 8-22. Results of ETA (Curve 7), D T A (Curve 2) and T G (Curve 3) of hardened cement paste [33] during heating in air (heating rate 5 K/min)

The release of water from the sample in the temperature range of 250-300 °C is not accompanied by changes of structure or surface. This result agrees well with the mechanical properties measured, which do not change substantially during heating in the temperature range of 250-300 °C.

8.6.3 Chemical endurance of hardened cement paste The chemical endurance of hardened cement paste has been usually evaluated on the basis of a number of samples conserved for a given time in experimental conditions which simulate enhanced corrosive effects of liquids and gases towards the samples tested. Actually, the changes of the mass or chemical composition of the samples or changes of mechanical strength of the hardened cement paste due to the corrosive action are measured and the chemical endurance of the materials is evaluated. The application of the radiometric emanation method to this purpose consists in the continuous measurement of emanation release rate from the sample put in contact with the corrosive medium. Reaction vessel used for this measurement is shown in Fig. 8-23. The chemical endurance of the tested material towards the agressive medium in given concentration is evaluated [ 3 4 ] from the time dependence of the emanation release rate. 288

Fig. 8-23. Reaction vessel for testing the chemical endurance of building materials by radiometric emanation method

Figure 8-24 shows the time dependence of emanation release rate of two specimens of the cement stone put into the contact with nitric acid solution of concentrations 0.2 and 1.0%. The two samples tested differed in the water/cement ratio of the cement paste used in their preparation. The cement paste of sample 289



30 40 Time [min]

Fig. 8-24. Testing endurance of hardened cement paste towards nitric acid. Time dependences of emanation rate {E/EQ) for two samples measured in nitric acid solution of 0.2% (Curves / ' , 2') and 1% (Curves 7, 2). Curves 7 and 7' correspond to sample N o . 1, Curves 2 and 2' correspond to sample No. 2; E/EQ signifies the emanation release rate Ε (in time ή related to values of release rate EQ (in time t = 0)

N o . 1 had w/c = 0.55, for that of the sample N o . 2 w/c = 0.27. Consequently, sample N o . 1 possessed a greater porosity [ 3 0 ] (about twice) than sample N o . 2. As it follows from Fig. 8-24, sample N o . 2 is characterized by relatively higher chemical endurance towards nitric acid compared to sample N o . 1. The advantage of the radiometric emanation method is due to its versatility. Due to the extraordinary sensitivity of the radioactive indicators to the chemical changes which occur in the sample, the difference in the chemical endurance of materials tested can be estimated within a few minutes (instead of several months or years when common methods are used). Radiometric emanation method makes it possible to evaluate the endurance of mortars, hardened cement paste and other building materials towards both liquid and gaseous aggressive media.

8.7 Characterization of materials in conditions required by technology The emanation release rate has been successfully applied by a number of authors e.g. [35-37] as a parameter characterizing the changes of surface area and structure of materials. The equipments for radiometric emanation method and mainly the commercial devices by Netzsch, ensure the emanation release measurements to be carried out under required experimental conditions (temperature programme, gas medium and flow-rate, etc.). In this way various 290

conditions required by the technology of industrial processes can be simulated and the technological processes continuously investigated. The changes in the materials treated, especially the changes of surface area and structure can be continuously investigated. Three examples of technological applications of emanation thermal analysis are given in the following paragraphs.

8.7.1 Calcination and fíring of oxide mixtures for ferrite production Balek and Voboril [ 3 8 ] applied the emanation thermal analysis to the characterization of initial materials and intermediate products of ferrite production. Figure 8-25 shows E T A curves of two samples of Z n O - F c j O j mixture (noted sample N o . 1 and 2.) tested during calcination up to 1100 °C in air. Both samples were prepared by mixing Z n O and Fe2 03 (1:1) in the same way: Z n O was previously labelled with ^^^Th, various Fe2 03 specimens were used as delivered by producer (Bayer A . G.). N o difference in the surface area of both ferric oxide samples was found and their reactivity has been declared by the producer as identical. However, the following differences in behaviour o f Z n O F c j O a mixtures were indicated by E T A during heating up to 1100°C at the constant heating rate of 0.1 K/s: The reaction in its initial stage, indicated by an increase of the emanation rate, £, in the temperature range of 450-600 °C, is more intensive with sample N o . 1 (Curve 7) in comparison to sample 2 (Curve 2). In the temperature range of 600-950 °C the structure arrangement of the Zn-ferrite formed proceeds,






400 600 ^800 Temperature [°C]


Fig. 8-25. ETA curves of Z n O - F c j O j mixtures [38] measured during calcination in air (heating rate 5K/min). Curves 7 and 2 correspond to samples 1 and 2, respectively 291

indicated by slowing down of emanation release rate. This process takes place with sample N o . 1 in the temperature range narrower than with sample N o . 2. The calcined Zn-ferrite samples were cooled in air at the rate 0.04 K / s as required by technology. The firing of the Zn-ferrite pre-calcined samples was carried out by heating to 1300 °C at the rate 0.1 K / s followed by isothermal treatment at 1300 °C, lasting 3 hours and by subsequent cooling down at the given velocity 0.04 K/s. The gas atmosphere was nitrogen containing 10% of oxygen. The E T A measurements were carried out during all the firing process in the required atmosphere. Figure 8-26 shows E T A curves of samples N o . 1 and 2. measured during the isothermal treatment at 1300 °C. The decrease of the emanation release rate is due to the structure arrangement (sintering) of the pre-calcined Zn-ferrite. As it follows from Fig. 8-26, this process occurs more intensely with sample N o . 1 in comparison to sample N o . 2. This dynamic characterization of the intermediate product for ferrite production agrees well with density measurements and technological tests performed. The above mentioned example demonstrated the ability of E T A to distinguish the reactivities and thermal behaviours of oxide mixtures for ferrite production, directly in the conditions required by technology. From the differences in thermal behaviours of the samples tested, the suitability of delivered ferric oxides for ferrite production has been evaluated. The E T A data can also be used for optimization of the technology from the viewpoint of the production of ferrites of required properties.

8.7.2 Preparation of nuclear ceramic fuel materials It has been shown by Balek and other authors [39-41] that dried uranyl gels as intermediate products for urania fuel can be characterized by E T A immediately during the thermal treatment of the material in required conditions of technology. Figure 8-27 shows the E T A curves of dried uranyl gel samples measured on heating up to 1200 or 1300°C in argon containing 5% of hydrogen. The recrystallization of very fine crystallites of the initially gelous sample, taking place in the temperature range of 600-900 °C, is indicated by slowing down of the emanation release rate E. The increase of £, starting at 1050 °C, is due to the thermal diffusion of radon. In this temperature range the onset of the shrinkage of urania spheres was observed by thermodilatometry [ 4 1 ] . A t 1250 °C, where the abrupt decrease of the emanation rate Ε starts, the structure arrangement (sintering) of urania attained the stage causing the decrease of radon diffusion rate in the sample. 292





Time [h] Fig. 8-26. ETA curves of pre-calcined Z n O - F e 2 0 3 mixtures [38] measured during firing in nitrogen containing 10% of oxygen (isothermal heating at 1300°C). Curves 1 and 2 correspond to samples 1 and 2, respectively (cf. Fig. 8-25)


600 800 1000 1200 Temperature [*C]


50 100 Time [min]

Fig. 8-27. ETA curves of dried uranyl gel samples [41]. (a) Heated up to 1200 X and 1300 °C (Curves 2 and 7, respectively) at the constant rate 0.1 K/s (b) heated isothermally at 1300°C and 1200°C (Curves 7 and 2, respectively) in argon containing 5% of hydrogen 293

Moreover, during the isothermal treatment of the sample at 1200 °C characterized by Curve 2 in Fig. 8-27b, a decrease of Ε wa3 not observed whereas during its isothermal treatment at 1300°C the decrease of £ takes place (see Curve 1 in Fig. 8-27b). The great difference in behaviours of dried uranyl gel samples during heating at 1200 and 1300 °C, indicating the sintering process, was confirmed by density measurements. The density values of produced inter­ mediate urania for nuclear fuel at 1200 and 1300 °C was 36.4 and 62.9% of the theoretical value for U O 2 , respectively. E T A is most preferable to other methods. T G and D T A , do not provide any information about the behaviour of the material when treated above 600 °C, the thermodilatometry indicates only processes accompanied by the dimension changes. The continuous measurement of the emanation release rate, when the solid is heated in the required gas media, makes it possible to distinguish the quality of the intermediate products for urania spheres. The course of E T A curves during recrystallization or sintering measured under isothermal heating can be used for characterization of the sample. In this way it is possible to test the quality of the intermediate of final products. An example is given in Fig. 8-28. E T A curves of Fig. 8-28 characterize two samples of dried uranyl gel (noted N o . 1 and 2) pre-calcined to 1200 °C, which differ merely in the concentration of

Time [min] Fig. 8-28. ETA curve of pre-calcined uranyl gel samples as intermediate products [41] for urania spheres heated isothermally at 1200 X in argon-containing 5% of hydrogen. Samples differed in the concentration of uranium(VI) in the feed solution: Samples No. 1 and No. 2 were prepared from feed solution of 1.366 and 1.527 mole/dm uranium(VI), respectively, corresponding to Curves 1 and 2, respectively 294

uranium(VI) in the feed solution for uranyl gel. The concentration of U ( V I ) in the feed solution for sample N o . 1 and 2 were 1.366 and 1.527 mole/dm-', respectively. The E T A curves of Fig. 8-28 were measured during isothermal heating of the sample at 1200 °C in argon containing 5% of hydrogen. As it follows from Fig. 8-28, the samples N o . 1 and 2 differ in the sinterability at 1200 °C. The sintering proceeds more intensely with sample N o . 2 than with sample N o . 7, i.e. the higher concentration of uranium(VI) is more favourable for the sinterability of pre-calcined urania spheres. The density measurements confirm these results: the values of density of sample N o . 1 and 2 measured after the two-hours isothermal treatment at 1200°C were 78.7 and 96.5% of theoretical values, respectively. The E T A represents a means of the objective characterization of intermediate solid phases, advantageously of poor crystalline as are the gelous materials or amorphous ones, where X-ray patterns do not provide satisfactory results. E T A has been supposed [ 4 1 ] as a simple and rapid method for the operative control on the intermediate products for urania nuclear fuel.

8.7.3 Fixation of radioactive waste The process of solidification of highly radioactive nuclear wastes has become an important technological problem in the nuclear energy industry in recent years. Radioactive waste incorporated into a suitable matrix has to form a stable product for long-term disposal. The work with highly radioactive biotoxic isotopes makes, however, the experiments in this field difficult. E T A , enabling to investigate the fixation process continuously, has been succesfully used for this purpose [42]. Materials representing models for suitable matrix (e.g. glass) containing the elements of waste of nuclear power station, have been investigated by E T A in the conditions recommended for fixation. The E T A curves enables us to detect sintering, the release of reaction products of the solidification process, as well as other processes taking place during the solidification radioactive waste. Characteristics of "closing" and "opening" solid state structure of glassy matrix have been obtained and used for the optimization of the process. Vojtech et al [42,43] gained from E T A curves valuable information about the technological parameters of the solidification process, as the temperature of the release of volatile elements of radioactive waste (mainly Ru and Cs), the temperature of chemical and phase changes. Optimum temperatures of the thermal treatment of various matrix types have been proposed [ 4 3 ] .


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The radiometric emanation methods have become an important tool in basic research as well as in the solution of pratical problems of chemical technology, metallurgy, production of plastics, pharmaceuticals; in nuclear science and technology, in environmental research, cosmochemistry, etc. The recently increased interest in the radiometric emanation methods is due to their high versatility and sensitivity in comparison with other chemical and physical methods. Emanation thermal analysis has been widely applied to the investigation and characterization of solids, mainly for the characterization of powders, gelous materials, glasses and crystalline solids. By means of E T A it is possible to evaluate the active state of solids, their degree of this order. Investigation of multicomponent systems by E T A has been especially advantageous in the case of poorly crystalline or amorphous solids, where commonly used methods, as X ray patterns, do not provide satisfactory results. The possibility to bring about continuously the information about the development of surface area of solids and the changes in their structure enables us to use E T A for the study of kinetics of sintering and related phenomena. E T A has been successfully applied in investigating behaviour o f materials immediately during the processes of their treatment in conditions required by technology. The characterization of the intermediate products was made at the same time. In this way E T A enables us to provide the operative control of the industrial processes. This has been proved by the investigation of the processes of fabrication of ferrites from initial oxide powders and the processes of preparation of ceramic nuclear fuels by treatment at high temperature in a required atmosphere. Radiometric emanation methods can be used in the determination of toxic pollutants in the atmosphere of hazardous workplaces and geographic regions, in waste liquids, in the water of rivers and seas, in soils and biological materials. The radiometric emanation methods of analysis retain all the precision and 298

accuracy inherent to volumetric titration while providing an objective end-point by using the radioactive Kryptonates. The increasing interest in radiometric emanation methods is characterized by the number of papers dealing with the application of these methods. They have experienced a renaissance in the post-war years. Between 1950 and 1960 the number of papers was 215, in the time between 1960 and 1970 930 and their number published since 1970 up to now exceeds 1300. The improved measuring apparatus and the actual problems of science and technology have all contributed to the renewed interest and usefulness of radiometric emanation methods. Easy automation of the radioactive inert gas measurement promises the radiometric emanation methods a bright future.



actinium, determination of 196 activation enthalpy of inert gas diffusion 57, 70, 119 — evaluation of 85 active deposit 17 active state of solids, investigation of 176 adsorption method for surface area measure­ ment 153 adsorption of inert gas on SÍO2, charcoal, etc. 60 adsorption of liquids 60 aging of precipitates, investigation of 69 air pollutants, determination of 206-226 air stream method 192 alkali halides, investigation of diffusion of inert gases in 102 alloys, investigation of, Zn-1.5 Ba 21, 162 Cu-Fe 164 aluminium, distribution of Kr and Xe ions in 32 — distribution curves of Rn in 31 aluminium oxide, defect equilibrium changes of 167 — diffusion properties of 154 — emanation power, temperature depend­ ence of 57 — radiation damage, annealing of 112, 171-172 alpha decay 21 analyzer of gases 227-229, 237-242 ancestor nuclides 13 annealing of radiation damage, investigation of 112 apparatus response constant 136


apparent activation energy of NiO, MgO, T h 0 2 , sintering, determination of 151 apparent diffusion coefficient of inert gas 90, 101 apparent emanating power 53-54, 63 — time dependence of 53 ascorbic acid, determination of 257-258 atomic stopping power 48 barium, determination of 254 barium salts of fatty acids 155-157 benzene, determination of 226 beta decay 13-14 bubble diffusion 114-115 bubble method 192 building materials, testing of 283-290 — thermal stability of 286 — chemical endurance of 288 cadmium, determination of 253 C a F 2 , diffusion of Ar in 98 — diffusion of Xe in 101-102 calcium, determination of 251-253 calcium hydroxide, thermal decomposition of, investigation of 176 carbon monoxide, determination of 221, 229 carbon tetrachloride, determination of 226 carrier gas flow 129 — the rate of 137-141 CaS04-1/2 H 2 O hydration of, investigation of 177 catalytic reactions, investigation of 182 cement hydration, investigation of 283 channeling effect 30, 33, 34

chemical reactions of solids, investigation of 62-63, 17Φ-187 chemical resistivity of glass, testing of 273 chemical transformation of solids, investiga­ tion of 63 clathrate 38 copper metal, oxidation of, investigation of 180 corrosion endurance of materials, testing of 271-281 — rate constant of 102, 280-283 cresol labeUing 36 crystal lattice parameters 102 crystal orientation effect on inert gas release 104 crystallization of glass, investigation of 172 — of ZrOz, investigation of 170 CsCl phase change, investigation of 104, 106 defect equilibrium, investigation of 65, 68, 70 defect region extrinsic, intrinsic 89 dehydration, investigation of 174 dichromate, determination of 235 differential thermal analysis 69, 131 — DTA-curves compared to E T A 179 — of C U S O 4 · H 2 O dehydration 177 diffusion coefficient of inert gas, evaluation 85, 97 diff'usion emanation power 49-57 — of cylindrical sample 52 — of spherical grain 49 diff'usion mechanism 116-118 diff'usion of inert gases, activation enthalpy of 58 diff'usion properties of solids 154 diff'usion technique of labelling 34-37 dilatometry 69, 131 distribution of inert gas in solid 45 distribution curve 32 — function 92 — proñle 30 electrical conductivity of ferric oxide 157 electromagnetic separator, application of 24 emanating power (E.P.) — apparent E.P. 53, 54 — diff'usion E.P. 48, 49-53, 57 — factors influencing E.P. 58-69 — of finely dispersed solids 54 — recoil E.P. 56, 45-49

— temperature dependence of 56 — total E.P. 53-54 emanation thermal analysis — apparatus for 125-136 — apparatus response 136-141 — application of 141-297 — historical development of 4-7 — recommendation for practice of 142-143 — terminology of 4 emanometric analysis 191-199 equilibrium, radioactive 44, 53, 63, 70, 125, 146 equipment for inert gas release measurements 125 evaporation of samples 108 Fe(III)hydroxide, surface changes of, investigation of 149, 291 Fe(III)oxide — active state estimation of 163 — catalytic activity of, measurement of 187 — diffierences in moφhology of, investiga­ tion of 163 — radiation effiect on, investigation of 64-65 — reactivity of, testing of 186 — sinterabiHty of, testing of 164 — structure memory of 66 — surface changes of, investigation of 66, 187 — texture of, investigation of 163 ferrites production 291 ferrite structure characterization 165 — calcination and firing of, investigation of 291-292 fluoride, determination of 252-253 fluorine, determination of 213-216 fractional release of inert gas 72, 77-86, 112 friction, investigation of 268 Geiger-Müller counter 125-128 geleous materials, investigation of 148 gels, aging of, investigation of 150 glass system Ge-Te-Se, investigation of 173 — NaBeFa-NaPOj, investigation of 174 — Pyrex-trapping probability of inert gas in 28 gold, distribution of Xe ions in 32 Hahn emanation method 4 heat treated products, characterization 165 301

hydration of CaS04 · 1/2 H 2 O 183 hydrocarbon vapours, determination o f 229 hydrochloric acid, determination o f 237, 238, 255, 259 hydrogen, determination o f 203-208 hydrogen fluoride, determination o f 213-216 hydroquinoline labelling 38 technique f o r labelling 9, 15 inert gas distribution 30-33 — formation 45 — homogeneous 73-77 — introduction into zeolites 18, 40 — labelling techniques, choice o f 9-40 — mobility in solids 58, 66-67, 95, 109-119 — non-homogeneous 77-81 — release, kinetics o f 43, 73-84 measurements of 122-129 mechanisms o f 43-44 temperature dependence o f 89 — sources, application o f 9 impregnation technique of labelling, applica­ tion of 16 impurities 67, 96-98 iodine, determination of 256-257 ion bombardment 23-37 — labelling by 109-115 — apparatus f o r 23, 231 ionization chambers, application o f 125-126 iron, determination o f 251 ironilll) oxide — ion bombardment of 65 — differences in texture, investigation of 62 incoφOΓation

KBr, diffusion of Ar in, measurement of 83,84 — diffusion of Xe in, measurement of 96, 101 KCl diffusion of Kr in, investigation of 115 — diffusion of Xe in, investigation of 100, 172 — melting of, investigation of 173 K I diffusion of A r in, investigation of 97 K N O 3 modification of 169 Kryptonate 199 labeUing of samples 9-40 lattice defects, annealing of 97, 161 lattice traps, formation energy of 90, 101


magnesium, determination of 251 magnetical susceptibility of ferric oxide 158 material properties, characterization of 161 measurement of inert gas release 142 mechanical properties of metals 157 mechanical treatment 64, 157 melting, of KCl, Na2C03, L Í 2 C O 3 , Ge-Se-Te glass, investigation of 172 mercury, determination of 217, 220 metal oxide hydrates, labeUing of 16 MgO, surface area of, investigation of 148 — interaction with acetone vapour, inves­ tigation of 182 microdiffusion technique of labeUing 37 migration energy 89, 117-119 mobility of inert gas in solids 95, 96, 156 — classification and models of 109 — in relation to other properties of solids 153 modification changes 169 morphology of solids, investigation of 61 mortar and concrete — chemical endurance of 288 — thermal stability of 287 natural crystal defects 95 natural radioelements, determination of 191-199 NETZSCH apparatus 131 neutralization titrations 254-255 neutron activated reactions 13, 22 neutron irradiated soHds 101 nickel, determination of 251 nickel oxide — sintering of, investigation of 150-151 — surface area, investigation of 148 — reduction of, kinetic study 179 N02-monitor 226-228 non-aqueous solution, analysis 230 non-equilibrium defects 65 non-stoichiometry 68 nuclear reactions 21 organic compounds labelling 36 oxide layers, growth on Ti, N i , Cu, stainless steel surface 181 oxide mixture, calcination and firing, in­ vestigation of 291 oxygen, determination of 200-203, 231-233 ozone, determination of 209-211

parent nuclides — distribution of 17 — introduction into solids of 15-18, 40 peak width of inert gas release curve 88 penetration depth of inert gas 21, 28-33 penetration range, estimation of 48 pH, measurement of 233-234 phase diagram, construction of 174 phase transformation, transition, investiga­ tion of 103, 169 plastic deformation, annealing of, investiga­ tion of 161-162 polymers labelling 39 porosity 58-59 — of hardened cement paste 284 — of urania gel 166 powder metallurgy, application of 164-168, 290-295 production of inert gases 18 Pt-catalyst, investigation of 183 pulses of activity, input 139 radiation damage, annealing of 171 — of solids 98-102 radiation safety of ETA 133 radioactive decay 21 radioactive Kryptonates 199-258, 264-283 — technical application of 264-271 radioactive waste fixation 295 radiocomplexometric titration, application of 249-252 radiogenic argon, diffusion of 161 radiogenic inert gases, behaviour in solids 18 radiometric emanation methods 1-8, 298 radiometric titrations 242-259 — discontinuous 245-247 — continuous 247-249 — types of 249-259 radium, determination of 192-196 radium isotopes 10-12 radon, determination of 192-196, 198-199 radon isotopes 10-12, 16-18 range curve, differential, integral 30 rate constant of corrosion, determination of 280-281 rate of chemical reaction 94 reaction mechanism, information on 183 reactivity of solids, estiaation of 186-187 recoil emanating power 45-48 — related to surface area 48

recoil range estimation 48 recoil technique of labelling 17 redox titrations 255-258, 259 release rate of inert gas 72, 86-123 rocks and minerals, emanation characteristics of 159-161 rubidium halides, diffusion of Kr in 102-103 sample heating 130 sample labelling 9-42 saturation value 33-45 scintillation detectors, application of 125 semiconductor detectors, application of 125 self-diffusion 116 silver metal, investigation of 162-163 sinterability of powders, determination of 164 sintering, investigation of 150 SÍO2, diffusion of Xe in, investigation of 105 sodium, determination of 254-255 S O 2 , determination of 212-213, 237, solid-gas reactions, investigation of 179 solid-liquid reactions, investigation of 183 solid-solid reactions, investigation of 185 spraying method 192 sputtering, investigation of 33 structure changes of solids 60, 62 structure memory 67 surface area, investigation of 48, 60-61, 147, 153 Tammann temperature 58, 65, 70, 144 — of aluminium oxide, determination of 167 temperature control 130 — measurement 130-131 thermal decomposition of solids 174 thermogravimetry 69, 131 thermoradiometric titration, application of 259 thorium, determination of 196-198, 253 thorium hydroxide, surface changes, inves­ tigation of 149 thorium oxide — diffusion of Xe in 96 — surface area of, investigation of 158 thorium propionate, thermal decomposition of, investigation of 176 thoron, determination of 196-199 titanium oxide, non-stoichiometry of, inves­ tigation of 68 303

— Rn diffusion in 68-69 trapping efficiency 26 trapping probability 28 tungsten, inert gas release from 99-100 — trapping efficiency of inert gas ions in 27

water, determination of 230-231 water pollutants, determination of 231-232 water vapour, determination of 222-226 wearing process, investigation of 268-271 X-ray analysis 69

U D M H monitor 226-228 uranium oxide, calcination, investigation of 166 — geleous products, investigation of 294 vacancies 69 vacancy diffusion 116 vanadium, determination of 236

zeolites, labelling of 16, 59 zinc oxide, effect of impurities on 67 — reactivity with ferric oxide 185 — milling effect on 64 Zr02 crystallization of, investigation of 170 — interaction with acetone vapour, inves­ tigation of 182