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Elephant Company
 9780812981650, 9780679603993, 2013032280

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Save Lives in World War II



NOTABLE BOOKS (tl)c JCrlii IJork (times

Book Review 2014

ELEPHANT COMPANY "A sweeping tale, masterfully written.” — SARA G R U E N , author o f Water for Elephants





“I have to confess — my love of elephants made me apprehensive 'to review a book about their role in World War II. But as soon as I began to read Elephant Company, I realized that not only was my heart safe, but that this book is about far more than just war, or even elephants. This is the story of friendship, loyalty and breath-, taking bravery that transcends species. . . . Croke paints a rich and intimate portrait of a fascinating man living in extraordinary circumstances, and the even more extraordinary surrounding

people — and elephants —

him. . . . Although not without

tragedy, the story of

Elephant Bill, with his near mystical understanding

of elephants, is

ultimately uplifting. Elephant Company is nothing lessai sin or inseparable female

Fourteenth Army, 208, 222-23, 326n 256. See also Slim, Sir William

elephants, 41, 71 virtues of, xii, xiii, 30m 22

factors in beating Japan in Burma,

white elephants, 73, 3o6n 73

243 Flying Tigers, 223

wild, 24, 59, 67, 70, 72, 145-46, 192,

Fourth Corps, 222, 237, 241

282, 283, 3o6n 72 Williams and, post-war, 290, 328n 285, 328n 290 Williams’s farewell to, 286 Williams’s first four elephants, 32, 40 Williams’s observations


passionate study of, 46-50, 167, 31m 106 Williams’s photo album, 43, 61

as largest Commonwealth army, 223 Merrill’s Marauders, 223 retaking Southeast Asia, 243 Seventeenth Division, 206, 256 Fourth Corps Headquarters in Jorhat, 222, 237 Imphal and, 241 Williams as lieutenant colonel in, 222

Williams’s postmortem study of,

French Indochina, 36, 138

49-51, 59 Williams’s reform of training,

Gandhi, Mahatma, 144

treatment, 79-80, 89—96, 90, 95, 155-56 Williams’s reverence/love for, xii, xiii-xiv,

59, 77, 172, 180-81, 194,

259, 282, 3i3n 116


(Nazi Germany)

annexation of Austria and invasion of Czechoslovakia, 197 defiance of the Treaty of Versailles,

Williams’s shooting of, 77, 3070 77

195 increasing

Williams’s study of elephant

war declared on (1939), 197




ghost tigers, 9, 88, 89



“God Save the King,” 178 Gracey, Douglas, 250 Great Britain the Blitz, 201 Burma Corps, 220 Burma recovery strategy, 241 Burma retreat, 239 Burma’s colonial status increased to stand-alone territory, 196 colonial Burma, 16, 18-19, 136—39, 138, 144, 178, 196 (see also Burma; teak industry) declaration of war on Germany, 197 factors in beating Japan in Burma, 243 Fourteenth Army, 208, 222-23, 241, 326n 256 Gurkhas, 240-41 , 244 increasing militarism of Germany and, 196 Japanese invasion of Burma and, 206 Seventeenth Indian Division, 206, 256 Twenty-Third Infantry Division, 235 Great Depression, 189 Gurkhas, 240—41, 244 familiesjoin “Hannibal trek,” 256-79 Japanese torture of, 266 refugees’ safety in Assam, 280 Hann, C . W., 252 “Hannibal trek” with the elephants and, 253, 255, 256, 258, 264, 265, 267, 279 Harding, Willie (pseud.), 25-32 cricket playing with Williams, 81-82 elephant river crossing and, 130 goes on leave, 84 inspection of elephants and, 28—32 items prized by, 81, 3o8n 81 on nats (spirits), 89


relationship with Williams, 33—35, 37-40, 75, 76-80, 90, 127-28, 172, 3140 127 Terai hat, 153 Hepburn, William, 21 Hill, P. C., 3i2n 113 Hitler, Adolf, 195 Hong Kong, 201 Hopwood, Stephen “Uncle Pop,” 151-52, 156, 164, 180, 3i5n 151, 3i6n 160, 32on 195 Susan Rowland Williams and, 154, 156, 158-59, 161, 164, 173, 178, 180, 186, 3i6n 153, 3i6n 160 Hospital for Tropical Diseases, England, 195 Houlding, Geoffrey W., 167, 169, 3i7n 167 Imphal, India, 216-17, 222, 241, 254 Allied-Japanese clash in, 249, 251, 252-53, 32711 273 Plain of, 258 India. See also Shillong, India; specific places British evacuees from Burma and, 208, 209, 214-17 Far East Command, 220 Japanese planned invasion of, 249 plight of refugees in, 220 refugee camps, 216 refugees pouring into, 220 tea plantations, 216 Williams family in, 218, 240, 247, 248 World War II and, 206, 208, 220 Indian Army, Twenty-Third Infantry Division, 227 In Quest of a Mermaid (Williams), 289 Irrawaddy River, 9, 17, 35, 36, 142, 175, 184, 3250 242 Japanese invasion of Burma and, 3240 236 Mandalay and, 175



Irwin, Noel Mackintosh Stuart, 222 Williams and, 223—24 Italy alliance with Germany and Japan, 199 annexation of Ethiopia, 196

Karl (dog), 152 Kayem, Colin, 113, 190 rescue of Williams, 126-27 kheddaring, 66-68 Kingdon-Ward, Frank, 3i8n 182 Kipling, Rudyard, 17, 27, 35, 67, 186, 2

Jabo (dog), 84, 84, 308n 84 death of, 115-16 Japan Allies declare war on, 200-201 atrocities committed by, 250, 265-66 bombing of Pearl Harbor, 200 bombing of Rangoon, 201, 205 Burma as jigoku, or “hell,” 243 defeat of, 284 elephants desired by, 235-36 elephants mistreated by, 244—45, 2 ®7 fighting ability of, 238 increasing militarism, 196 invasion of British Malaya, 200 invasion of Burma, xi, 206, 218, 222, 237, 241, 242, 243, 252-53, 3240 236, 32411 237 joining Axis powers, 199 plans to invade India, 249 Singapore, Manila, and Kuala Lumpur taken, 208-9 surrender of Hong Kong to, 201 Jorhat, India, 222, 237 Joseph (cook), 115, 158, 175, 177, 178, 207, 213, 3i2n 115, 3i8n 178 Jungle Tide (Still), 169 Kabaw Valley, Burma (Valley of Death), 237 “kah” (bamboo cargo basket), 4, 40 Kahn, E. J., Jr, 285 Kalemyo, Burma, 249 Kanchaung, Burma, 251, 252 Karens, 55, 187, 196, 207, 236, 3150 144 “Hannibal trek” with the elephants and, 258-59, 260 safety in Assam, 279—80

59 “Toomai of the Elephants,” 230 Kya Sine, 97, 99 Lahore, India, 10 leeches, 182, 3i8n 182 leopards, 178 Life magazine, 246 London Daily Mail, xii, 235—36 Ma Chaw, or Miss Smooth (elephant), 104-7 MacVittie (of Williams’s irregulars), 229 Mahoo Nee, or Fire Opal (elephant), 109-12, 286 mahseer or “Indian salmon,” 156 malaria, 7, 179, 183, 235, 237, 3i2n 113 attacks of, on “Hannibal trek,” 261 Susan Williams and, 196 Williams and, 84, 85, 87, 125, 194, 194 World War II, soldiers and, 242, 3250 242 “Mandalay” (Kipling), 17 Mandalay, Burma, 9, 170, 175, 201 bombing of, 220 fall to the Japanese, 222 Fort Dufferin, 139 Japanese attack on, 208 Manipur, India, 3, 206, 207, 209, 214, 216, 241 Ma Shwe, or Miss Gold (elephant), 286 as Bandoola’s mother, 70 calf in danger, bravery of, 106-9 Matangalila (ancient Sanskrit manual on elephants), 97 Maugham, W. Somerset, 164 Mawlaik, Burma, 121, 136, 175-76, 207


British families depart from, 209-10 bugs and lizards, 186 Japanese occupation of, 231 march by British to Manipur, India from, 206-17 Williams family home in, 176, 185, 186, 189, 3i8n 189 Ma Yay Yee, or Miss Laughing Water (elephant), 106-9 Maymyo, Burma, 198-99, 205, 207, 32on 198 Millie (boss), 84, 127, 130 Mintha, Burma, 251, 252, 253 Molly Mia (dog), 114, 115, 151, 152, 159-60, 160, 167, 3i6n 159 death of, 170, 171, 173 Susan Rowland and, 154, 156, 158, 159, 160-61, 165, 170, 3160 159 monsoon, 3, 5, 124, 125, 185-86, 218, 3°9n 87 wartime Burma (1943), 238—39, 240 Monywa, Burma, 207 Moreh, Burma, 227 Elephant Company in, 231, 232, 249 Gurkhas in, 240—41 Moulmein, Burma, 17 Mountbatten, Louis Lord, 223 musth, 96-100, 172, 3070 77, 3ion 96, 3ion 98, 31m 99 four stages of, 97-98 Matangalila (ancient Sanskrit manual on elephants) on, 97 Myitkyina, Burma, 36 “nats” (jungle sprites), 8, 88, 89, 91, 196, 3O9n 89 Naw Lah (nanny), 196, 207, 284,


Palel, India, 216, 254 Pin Wa, or Mrs. Fat Bottom, also known as Ma Oh, or Old Lady (elephant), 28, 38—39, 46 death of, 49 Williams’s autopsy of, 49-51 Po Lone, 174, 186 attempt to poison Susan Williams, 187- 88 pone nar (astrologer), 73, 74 Poo Ban (elephant), 307n 77 Po Pyan, 26 Po See, 3040 56 Po Sin (elephant), 177 Po Toke, 53-54 attempted tusk trimming of Bandoola, 101—2 Bandoola and, 54-55, 70-75, 95, 116, 133, 147, 182, 187-89, 190-91, 228-29, 259, 274 Bandoola’s death and, 286—88 Bandoola’s disappearance and, 142, 145 death of Bandoola’s rider and, 133—35 firing of, 287 “Hannibal trek” with the elephants and, 259, 267, 269-70, 273, 274, 275, 3270 270 Harding’s dislike of and warning to Williams about, 83-84, 142, 147 marriage to Ma Pyoo, 74 as master mahout, 74, 219 mating by Bandoola witnessed, 100-101 as nationalist rebel, 135, 136, 145, 147 relationship with Williams, 74,

324n 233 New Yorker, The, 285 “Notes on Elephants and Their Care” (Hepburn), 21

3°7 n 74 restoration of position singuang, 188- 89 second wife taken by, 134 tusker with an infection and, 83 Williams’s elephant school and, 90,

Orwell, George, 114

94.95 World War II and, 219, 229



Pyinmana, Burma, 136, 147, 31411127, 3ijn 145 as Bandoola’s birthplace, 3061170 Palway Creek, 145, 31511145 python, 189 radio (wireless), 178, 186 news of militarism of Germany, 196 war news, 200, 214 Rangoon, Burma, 17, 303n 35 Barnett Bros, in, 156 Bombay Burmah Trading Corporation’s offices in, 15-16, 84, 162 British in, 114, 157, 162-64, >74 colonial clubs in, 157 fall to the Japanese, 214-15 i6 Hopwood in, 157, 162-63, 4 houses of prostitution in, 114 Indian population of, 139 Japanese attack on, 201, 205, 208, 32m 208 Williams in, 15-19, 84-85, 114 Williams in hospital in, 127 Rangoon River, 15, 17 Russell’s viper, 194 San Din, 129, 134 San Pyu, 115, 187, 188, 207, 217, 219, 3i2n 115 Savory, Reginald, 239 Saw Pa Soo, 187 Saya San, 137, 144, 147, 3i5n 144 Scoones, Geoffrey, 241, 250 scorpions, 186 Second Anglo-Burmese War, 138-39 Senussi (Muslim guerilla fighters), 10 Seventeenth Indian Division, 206, 256 Shackleton, Ernest, 84-85 Shan Ma (elephant), 146 Sharpe, Thomas Arthur “Tim,” 261 Shillong, India Williams family in, 218, 222, 240, 247, 248

Williams returns, after “Hannibal trek,” 280 Williams on leave in, 247, 247-48 Shwebo, Burma, 189, 193-94 Shwe Dagon Pagoda, 15, 164 Shweli Forest, Burma, 199 Silchar-Bishenpur Track, 256, 264, 265, 273. 3270273 Sinclair, James, 278—79 Sittang River, 206 Slim, Sir William, xii, 220, 223, 232-33, 238, 241, 243, 249-50, 252 doubts about “Hannibal trek,” 257 philosophy of, 223 on Williams and elephants, 275-76 Smith, A. W., 34 South East Asia Command, or SEAC, 223 Special Operations Executive, 225 Williams in, 225, 225 Spotted Deer, The or The Scent of Fear (Williams), 289 Steel Brothers, 12 Still, John, 169 Stilwell, Joseph “Vinegar Joe,” 222 sun bear, 3i8n 179 Supayalat, Queen of Burma, 139 Supermarine Southampton flying boats, 168, 3170 168 Sutherland, Steve, 258 Tamenglong, India, 256, 261 Tamu, Burma, 209, 211, 220, 223, 249 burning of corpses in, 228 death in, 226-27 Elephant Company in, 232 fighting near, 254 Japanese attack on, 252 Taw Sin Ma (elephant), 140-41, 286 teak (Tectona grandis),16-17 characteristics of, 17 demand for, 60


teak industry, xi, 55-57, 56, 57, 59-61, 61, 62, 86, 98, 114, 139, 189, 190, 3O5n 60 Andaman Islands and, 167, 169,

in Elephant Company, 231-32 elephant river crossing and, 129-32 of British from Burma

and, 210, 215, 216

British companies,

12, 15, 60, 136 (see

Burmah Teak


families of, 3O4n 56 “Hannibal trek” with the elephants and, 252, 255, 257, 279

Burma and, 16, 136


Burmese-owned companies, 60 elephants and, 17, 23, 52—53, 54, 61,

life of, 42, 53

coersion of, 228

loyalty to Williams,

232-33, 323n 231

61-62, 62, 68, 74, 98, 104, 155, 167,

musth and, 97-98

224, 290, 298n 4

opium addiction and, 133, 134

extraction of trees and forestry


16-17, 59> 60, 60-61, 119, 156, 190 European teak men, 7, 8, 16, 59, 100, 114, 144, 154, 224 (see also Bostock, Geoff) Great Depression

and, 189

l°gg in g camps, 4, 55-56 nationalist uprising and, 143—44 rainy season and, 106, 108 World War II and, 198, 201, 208,

education of Williams

safety of families,

World War II, 252,

255 tattoos of, 63-64, 305n 63 Williams’s elephant school and, 90,90 Williams’s knowledge of elephants from, 47-49 worldview and mysticism of, 88, 88-89 Waziristan, 10


White, Stanley “Chindwin,” 228, 233,

Tha Yauk, 40, 51-52 and, 57,

58-59. 65 Thibaw, King of Burma, 138-39 Third Anglo-Burmese War, 139 “tiger hour,” 156 tigers, 35, 59, 248-49, 3O3n 35, 305n 59 attacks on elephants, 66, 71, 72, 103, 104, 31m 104

252 arrival in Assam, 279 “Hannibal trek” with the elephants and, 256, 258, 261, 264, 267 loss of elephants and, 236-37 Williams, Diana (niece), 199, 240, 247 Williams, James Howard “Billy” or «t. ” Jim

insignia for bus routes, 15


uzi tattoos of, 63


tinea sin u>ai, or elephant itch, 125, 125

trip (1948), 285 nature, and, 12, 21, 44, 59,

156, 157, 180

typhoid fever, 183


Uyu river, elephant hospital on banks,

153. 157, 289 as artist, 44, 87, 88, 282, 286

245 uzis or mahouts (elephant handlers), 4, 47,66 communication with elephants, 47-49


elephant care by, 63-65, 65, 181, 181


3i?n 169 also Bombay

3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 113, 152,

birth, 20, 70 character and personality,

xiv, 10, 11,

14, 19, 20, 21, 40, 52, 156, 157, 159, 162, 170, 171, 195, 201, 267, 284, 290, 3i3n 116



Williams, James Howard “Billy" or “Jim” (cant’d): Chipperfield’s Circus and, 285, 288, 328n 285 death of, 290 dogs owned by, 84, 84, 114, 115-16, 143, 151, 152, 154, 159-60, 165, 167, 170, 171, 173, 194, 247, 258, 3050 62, 3O8n 84, 3150 143 (see also Ba Sein; Cobber; Jabo; Molly Mia) education, 21 family and home in Cornwall, 13, 20-21, 43, 63, 164, 174, 193, 284, 285, 30m 20 fast cars and, 174 father’s death, 193, 195 gun accident as child, 157, 30m 20 ideology of, and superstitions, 70, 88-89, 164 jungle uniform of, 272 as legend, xi polo playing, 113, 114, 175, 176 post-war work with elephants, 285, 288-89, 2 9°, 328n 285 post-war years, 284-90 return to England (1946), 284 vertigo and fear of heights, 265, 267, 271, 272, 273 women during single years and dating, 15, 19, 43, 81, 113-14, 3i2n 114 in World War I, 9-11, i t , 12, 21 writings of, 285, 286, 289, 289, 328n 285 1920-1932 (Burma, pre-war), 3-147 arrival in Burma, 9 assignment in Burma, one year trial, 17-18 attacked by worker, 118-23, 168, 3130 118, 3i3n 123 Aung Net and, 5, 8, 62-63, 88, 115, 120, 124, 125-26, 127, 3O5n 63 Bandoola, first meeting with, 69-70

Bandoola, killing of his rider and investigation, 132—35 Bandoola, recapturing of, 146 Bandoola, relationship with, 82, 100, 116-17, 129, 145, 146-47, 155 Ba Sein (dog), murder of, 143, 3