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Index systematicus - Contents......Page 6
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ISBN 88-7653-621-3
2003 E.P.I.B. -
ISBN: 88-7653-621-3
EDITRICE PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO Brnuco Piazza della Pilotta, 35 - 00187 Roma, Ttalia
Urbes editionis-Cities of puhlication AA AnnArbor Amst Amsterdam B Berlin Ba/BA Basel/Buenos Aires Bare Barcelona Bo/Bru Bologna/Brussel C Cambridge, England CasM Casale Monferrato Ch Chicago CinB Cinisello Balsamo CM Cambridge, Mass. Co!Mn Collegeville MN Da: Wiss Darmstadt, WissBuchg DG Downers Grove Dü Düsseldorf E Edinburgh ENJ EnglewoodCliffs NJ F Firenze Fra Frankfurt/M FrB/FrS Freiburg-Br/Schweiz Gö Göttingen GR Grand Rapids MI Gü Gütersloh Ha Hamburg Heid Heidelberg Hmw Harmondsworth J Jerusalem K K0benhavn L/T ,ei T.ondun/Leiden LA Los Angeles Lp Leipzig LVL Louisville KY
Lv(N) Leuven (L-Neuve) M/Mi Madrid/Milano Mkn Maryknoll/ Mp Minneapolis MU/Müns('r) München/Münster N Napoli ND NotreDame TN Neuk Neukirchen/V erlag NHv New Haven Nv Nashville NY New York Oxf Oxford P/Pd Paris/Paderborn Ph Philadelphia R/Rg Roma/Regensburg S Salamanca Sdr Santander SF San Francisco Shf Sheffield Sto Stockholm Stu Stuttgart T/TA Torino/Tel Aviv Tü Tübingen U/W Uppsala/Wien WL Winona Lake IN Wrnr Warminster Wsb Wiesbaden Wsh Washington D.C. W sz Warszawa Wu Wuppertal Wü Würzburg Z Zürich
Punctuation: To separate a subtitle from its title, we use a COLON(:). Tue semicolon (;) serves to separate items that in other respects belong together. Hence, at the end of an entry a semicolon indicates a link with the following entry. This link may consist in the two entries having the same author or in the case of multiauthor works having the same book title; the author will be mtmliurwd in the first entry of such a group, the coininon book title in the last entry, that is thc onc which concludes w1th a fullstoy [periodl (.). Abbreviations: These follow S.M. Schwertner, IA TG (De Gruyter; Berlin 1992) as far as possible. A list of other abbreviations appears below. Price of books: This is sometimes rounded off ($10 for $9.95).
Index systematicus - Contents Pag.
Abbreviations, sigla 7 1. Bibliographica A1 Festschriften, opera collecta 13 A1.3 Plurium bibl„ theol., hist. 26 A2. l Acta, Meetings Biblica 39 A2.3 Theologica, archaeologica 42 A3 Opera consultationis 50 A4.0 Bibliographiae biblicae, etc. 54 II. lntroductio B1 Tota vel VT, whole or OT 57 B2 Hermcneutica 63 B2.4s Narratio 73 R3 In Ecclesia; inspiratio, canon 75 B4 Humanistica; Woman, family 82 B4.4 Bible-literature 85 B5 Methodus exegetica 90 lll. Textus, Versiones o 1 Textual criticism 94 02 Biblia Hebr„ Text, Targum 94 o3 Textus graecus; NT, LXX 97 o4s Versiones antiquae 99 06 Versiones modemae 102 o7 The art oftranslating 106 08 Concordantiae, synopses 107 IV. Exegesis totius VT vel cum NT o9 Commentary, whole Bible 108 V. Libri historici VT E1 Pentateuchus: Fontes JEDP 108 E1.4 Genesis textus comm. 111 El.6s Creation Myth Science 113 E1.9 Gn 3 Peccatum originale 118 E2 Gn 4s: Diluvium Flood 120 E2.3 Gn 12s Abraham Foedus 121 E2.6 Gn 22s: Isaac ... Joseph 124 E3 Exodus: text comm. Moses 128 E3.3 Ex 3,14: YHWH; Pascha 131 E3.5 Ex 20: Decalogus, NE Law 133 E3.6 Ex 24-40 Cultus 138 E3.7 Leviticus, Iubilaeum 140 E3.8 Numeri 144 E3.9 Deuteronomium 146 E4.l Josue; 12 tribus 149 E4.2 Judices Judges 154 E4.3s Ruth; 1-2 Samuel 156 E4.5s Kingship; David's Rise 158 E4.7 1-2 Rg; Salomo, Templum 164 E4.8 lRg 17 Elias, Elijah 167 E4.9 2Rg Elisaeus; Josias 169 E5.2 Chronica, genealogiae 171 E5.4 Esdrae: Ezra, Nehemiah 173 E5.5 Tobias, Judith, Esther 175
E5 .8 1-2 Macchabaeorum 177 VI. Libri didactici VT E6.1 Poesis, versification 179 E6.2 Psalmorum textus, themata 180 E6. 7 Psalmi singuli 190 E7 Job; Canticum, Song ofS 197 E7.5s Sapientiales Proverbia 204 E7.7ss Qohel.; Sap. Sol.; Sirach 211 VII. Libri prophetici VT E8.l Prophetismus 219 E8.2 Proto-Isaias; text. comm. 224 E8.4 Deutero(-Trito)- lsaias 230 E8.7s Jeremias Lam„ Baruch 234 E8.9 Ezechiel 241 Apocalyptica VT, Daniel 244 E9.3 Prophetae minores, Xll 247 VIII. NT exegesis generalis F1.1 lntroductio NT, hermeneut. 258 Fl .2s Origo, historicitas Evv 260 Fl.4s Jesus hist., Eccl., 'anorm.' 262 F2.2 Unitas NT & cum VT 278 IX. Commcntarii NT: Evangclia F2.6 Evangelia synoptica 280 F2.7 Problema synopticum 281 F3.l Matthaei text. comm. 284 F3.3 Mt ls (Lc ls), infantia 289 F3.5 Mt 5, Beatitudines, Pater 292 F4.1 Mt 8ss Miracula Jesu 296 F4.3 Mt 13ss, Parabolae Jesu 298 F4.5 Mt 16 Primatus Petri 301 F4.8 Mt 20, Eschatologia Regni 302 F5. ls Mt 26 Eucharistia; Passio 304 F6 Evangelium Marci 310 F7 Opus lucanum - Luke-Acts 323 F7.3 Evangelium Lucae 327 X. Actus Apostolorum F8. l Acts; die Urgemeinde 338 F8.7 Act.13s, ltinera Pauli 347 XI. Corpus Johanneum G1 Johannis communitas; Ev. 349 G1.5 Jn l Prologus 362 G1.8 Jn 13, sermo, passio 367 G2.1 Epistulae Johannis 370 G2.3 Apocalypsis, Revelation 372 XII. Paulus alii cr3 Pauli vita, comm„ themata 384 G4 Ad Romanos; Lex et Israel 401 G5.l Ad Corinthios 409 G5.5 ICor 12, charism., resurr. 415 G5.9 II ad Corinthios 417 G6. ls Gal-Eph-Phlp 419 G6.4s Col., Thess. 429 G7 Pastorales, Tim-Tit, Phlm 433 G8 Epistula ad Hebraeos 436 1-2 Petri, Jacobi, Judae 440
XIII. Theologia biblica H Deus 445 Hl.4 Fern. in Deo; God/Mother 448 Hl.7s Revelatio; Theol. fund. 450 H2 Anthropologia; oecologia 451 H3 Foedus; liturg./moral. VT 458 H3.8 Pax/bellum; OT-NT: War 462 H4.l Messianica, eschatologica 464 H4.5 Theologia totius VT 467 Deus Jcsu; Christol. NT 470 H5.3s Christo!. prae-Ref./post 473 H5.5s Spiritus Sanctus /Trinitas 476 H5.8 Regnum, Messias, Filius Hominis 477 H6 Creatio, fides, malum: NT 478 H7.0s Soteriologia, crux, sacrificium, sacramcnta, gratia NT 480 H7 .6 Ecclesia, missio; Church 484 H7. 7 CEcumenismus 488 H7.8 Amt; officium ecclesiastic. 488 H8.0 Spiritualitas; liturgia 490 H8.2 Theologia moralis NT 496 H8.5 'Theol. liberation.' lat.-am. 500 H8.7s Mariologia; fäminismus 502 H9.0 Eschatol. NT; spes, hope 510 II9.5 Theologia totius (V-)NT 512 XIV. Philologia biblica J 1.1 s Hebraica; gram„ general. 515 Jl.3 Voces hebraicae/semiticae 524 J 1.5 Phoenicia, ugar„ aram.-syr. 527 Jl.6s Aram.; Syr.; Akk.; Arab. 530 J3 Aegyptia, coptica, rethiopica 537 J4 Anatolica: hittita, armena 540 Graeca; Voces; epigraph. 541 J6.5 Latina 547 J 8 Language, writing 548 XV. Postbiblica Kls Pseudepigrapha; Philo 551 K3s Qumran; Esseni, Samaritani 565 K5ss Judaismus 585 K8 Philosemitismus 607 XVI. Religiones parabiblicae Ml Gnosticis.; Mani, Mandaei 617 M2 Nag I:Iammadi; Thomas, alii 621 M3.5 Religio comparata 623 M3.8 Mythologia 625 M4.0s Rel. rom.; Mithraismus 626 MS Rel. graeca; myst. 628 M6 Syr. aeg. mes. iran„. 632 XVII. Hist. Medii Orientis Biblici Q ls Canaan, Historiographia 646 Q3-5 Aegyp„ mes„ iran„ anat. 654 Q6. l Historia Graeciae classicae 664
Q6.5s Hellenismus; Josephus 665 Q8 Roma Caesaris et Herodis 671 Q9 Hist. rom. post christ. 675 XVIII. Archaeologia Gen. archaeol.; museums 678 r 1.3 Methodi: science 681 r 1.4 Exploratores, pioneers 682 r l .5s Materiae primae 683 r 1. 7 Technologia, architectura 684 r2. l s Anna, nautica 687 r2.4 Athletica, games; musica 688 T2.6 Textilia, omamenta 690 r2.8 Utensilia; weights, meas. 691 r3.0 Ars praechristiana 693 r3.1 Icones; theologia artis 696 r3.2s Sculpt.; ceramic„ lampas 702 r3.7 Cullica; funeraria (Sindon) 709 r3.9 Numismatica, coins 716 r4.3 Jerusalem: arch-hist 718 r4.4 Alphabetice: Juda; Negeb 723 r4.5 Samaria; Galilaea (Golan) 727 r4.8 Transjordan, Bast-Jordan 732 r 5.1 s Phoenic„ Liban, Carthago 73 7 737 T5.4ss Ugarit, Ebla; Syria r6 Mesopotamia; Arabia; Iran 741 r7-8 Aegyptus; Turchia, Arm. 744 Cyprus; Graecia; insulae 751 r9.6ss Roma; Imperium 753 XIX. Geographia biblica u l.Os Geographies; bist. geog. 756 ul.4ss Maps, guides; onomast. 758 u2.lss Geol„ clima, fauna, agri. 760 u2.9 Medicina in mundo biblic. 765 u3 XII Tribus; ideolog. Terrae 766 u4 Limitrophi; viae, routes 767 u5 Ethnographia, sociologia 768 u5.3 Commercium, economics 773 u5.7s Nomadismus, urbanismus 774 u6 Loca sancta; pilgrims 776 u7s Crucigeri; status quo 778 XX. Historia Scientiae Biblicae Yl.0 History ofExegesis 779 Y1.4 Patres Apost.; Orig„ Tert. 781 Y2.0 Patres graeci a saec. III 789 Y2.4s Augustin.; Jerome; Latini 795 Y3 Medium Aevum: gen./alph. 804 Y4. l ss Luther; (contra-) reform. 810 Y4.5 Post-reform. ad 1800 813 Y5 Saec. XIX; Modernismus 814 Y6 Saec. XX, exegetae, theol. 816 Y7 Breves nuntii congressuum 823 Y8 Periti (in memoriam) 824 Index 832; S.Scr. 916
The present volume contains all the 2000 material of the Elenchus. Thanks are due to the Catholic Biblical Association of America for subsidising the cost of publication and to the staff of the Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico which assures the publication of the Elenchus. I should also like to express gratitude to colleagues: Fr. Jean-Noel Aletti, S.J. for his patience and readiness to help in matters electronic and to Fr. Robert North, S.J. who contin ues to send data„ I fwther thank graduates of the Institute for their invaluable contribution. The materials for this volume were gathered from the libraries of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, the Pontifical Gregorian University and the University of Innsbruck. I thank the staff of these libraries for being so patient, courteous and helpful. The Department of Biblical Studies at the University of Innsbruck continues to supply abundant and accurate bibliographical information. Also to be mentioned is the patience and thoughtfulness of the staff in ensuring the smooth transfer of the data. We are meanwhile continuing to supply book reviews which may be accessed through BILDI on the intemet at the following electronic address: During the past year there has been progress in the long joumey towards the goal of an electronic version of the Elenchus.
Sigla, Acronyms: Periodica-Series
Acronyms: Periodica - Series (small). Sjig.=lSSN; lOjig.=lSBN. A: in Arabic. ABiG: Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte; Lp. AcBib: Acta Pontificii Instituti Biblici; R. ACCS: Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture; DG. . . ACPQ: American Cathohc Philosophical Quarterly; _W sh. . Acta Patristica et Byzantma; Pretona. Acta Theologica; Bloemfontein. ActBib: Actualidad Bibliografica; Bare. Ad Gentes; Do. AETSC: Annales de l'Ecole Theologique Saint-Cyprien; Yaounde, Cameroun. AtR: Archiv für Religionsgeschichte; Stu. Afrika Yetu; Nairobi. AHlg: Anuario de historia de la iglesia; Pamplona. AJPS: Asian Journal of Pentecostal Studies; AJSR: Association for Jewish Studies Review; Waltham, MA. Ä&L: Ägypten und Levante; Wien. Alei Etzion; Alon Shvut. Al-Mushir [Urdu]; Rawalpindi. Alpha Omega; R. Altemativas; Managua. AltOrF: Altorientalische Forschungen; B. AnaMnesis; Mexico. Ancient Philosophy; Pittsburgh. Ancient West & East; Lei. ANESt [: (CS). FolTh: Folia theologica; Budapest. Forum Religion; Stu. Forum. Sonoma, CA. Franciscanum; Bogota. Freiburger Universitätsblätter; FrB. Fundamentum; Basel. Furrow; Maynooth. Gema; Y ogyakarta. Georgica; Konstanz. G: in Greek. Gnosis; SF. Graphe; Lille. H: in Hebrew. Hagiographica; F. Hamdard Islamicus; Karachi. HBO: Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft; Halle. Hekima Review; Nairobi. Henoch; T. HIL: Das Heilige Land; Köln. History ofEuropean Ideas; Oxf. I:Iokhma; Lausanne. Holy Land; J. Horeb; Pozzo di Gotto (ME). Horizons; Villanova, PA. HorWi: Horizonty Wiary; Krak6w. Ho Theol6gos; Palermo. IAJS: Index of Articles on Jewish Studies; J. Ichthys IX@YL; Aarhus.
ICMR: Islam and ChristianMuslim Relations; Birmingham. ICSTJ: ICST Journal, Vigan, Philippines. [New 1999) Igreja e Missao; Valadares, Cucujaes. IHR: International History Review; Burnaby, Canada. IJCT: International Journal of the Classical Tradition; New Brunswick, NJ. IJSCC: International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church; E. Image; Seattle. INT AMS.R: INT AMS [International Academy for Marital Spirituality] review; Sint-GenesiusRode, Belgium. Inter Fratres; Fabriano (AN). lnterpretation(F). Journal of Political Philosophy; Flushing. Iran; L. Isidorianum; Sevilla. IslChr: Islamochristiana; R. ITBT: Interpretatie; Zoetermeer. ITE: lnformationes Theologiae Europae; Fra. lter; Caracas. Itin(M): Itinerarium; Messina. J: in Japanese. JAAT: Journal of Asian and Asian American Theology; Claremont, Calif. JAB: Journal for the Aramaic Bible; Shf. JAGNES: Journal of the Association ofGraduates in Near Eastem Studies; Berkeley, CA. Jahrbuch Politische Theologie; Mü. JANER: Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions; Lei. Japan Mission Journal; Tokyo. JBTSA: Journal of Black Theology in South Africa; Atteridgeville. JEarlyC: Journal of Early Christian Studies; ßaltimorc. Jeevadhara; Alleppey, Kerala. JEGTFF: Jahrbuch der Europäischen Gesellschaft für theologi-
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
sehe Forschung von Frauen; Mainz. JGRChJ: Journal of Graeco-Roman Christianity and Judaism; Shf. JHiC: Journal of Higher Criticism; Montclair, NJ. Jian Dao; Hong Kong. JMEMS: Journal of Medieval and Early Modem Studies; Durham, NC. JlntH: Journal of interdisciplinary history; f'.M.
JISt: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies; Pasadena, CA. JJTP: Journal of Jewish Thought & Philosophy; Ba. JKTh: Jahrbuch für kontextuelle Theologien; Fra. JNSL: Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages; Stellenbosch. Jota; Lv. Journal uf Ancient History; Moscow. Journal of Constructive Theology; Durban. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics; Tü. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, The;CM. Journal ofMedieval History; Amst. Journal of Psychology and Judaism; NY. Journal of Social History; Fairfax, VA. JPentec: Journal of Pentecostal Theology; Shf (S: Supplement). JPersp: Jerusalem Perspectivc; J. JPJRS: Jnanadeepa, Pune Journal of Religious Studies; Pune. JProgJud: Journal of Progressive Judaism; Shf. JRadRef: Journal from the Radical Reformation; Morrow, GA. JRTI: Journal of Religious and Theological Information; Harrisburg, PA. JRTR: Jahrbuch für Religionswissenschaft und Theologie der Religioncn; FrB. JSem: Journal for Semitics; Pretoria. .TSQ: Jewish Studies Quarterly; TU. JSSEA: Joi.lfllal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities; Toronto. JTrTL: Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics; Dallas.
Jud.: Judaism; NY. Kairos(G); Guatemala. KaKe: Katorikku-Kenkyu [J.]; Tokyo. Kerux; Escondido, CA. K: in Korean. K wansei-Gakuin-Daigaku; Japan. Labeo;N. Landas. Journal of Loyola School ofTheology; Manila. Laos; Catania. Literary and linguistic computing; Oxf. Living Light; Wsh. LSDC: La Sapienza della Croce; R. Luther-Bulletin; Amst. Luther Digest; C:rnstwoocl, Miss. M: Memorial. MAI: Masters Abstracts International; AA: 0898-9095. MastJ: Master's Seminary Journal; Sun Valley, CA. Mayeutica; Marcilla (Navarra). MEAH: Miscellanea de Estudios ~rabes y Hebraicos (MEAH.A: Arabe-Islam. MEAH.H: Hebreo ); Granada. MESA.B: Middle East Studies Association Bulletin; Muncie, IN. MethT: Method and Theory in the Study ofReligion; Toronto. Mid-Stream; Indianapolis. Miles Immaculatae; R. MillSt: Milltown Studies; Dublin. Missionalia; Menlo Park, Soulh . Africa. MissTod: Mission Today; Shillong, India. Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte; Saarbrücken. Mondo della Bibbia, 11; T. Moralia; M. MST Review; Manila. NABU: Nouvelles Assyriologiques Breves et Utilituires; P. NAC: New American Commentary; Nv. NAOTS: Newsletter on African Old Testament Scholarship; Stavanger [0808-2413]. Naval Research Logistics; NY.
Sigla, Acronyrns: Periodica-Series NEA: Near Eastern Archaeology; Boston. Nemalah; K. N eukirchener Theologische Zeitschrift; Neuk. NewTR: New Theology Review; Ch. NHMS: Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies; Lei. NIBC: New International Biblical Commentary; Peabody. Nicolaus; Bari. NlntB: The New Interpreter's Bible; Nv. NotesTrans: Notes on Translation; Dallas. NTGu: New Testament Guides; Shf. NTTRU: New Testament Textual Research Update; Ashfield NSW, Australia. 1320-3037. Nuova Areopago, II; Forli. Nuova Europa, La; Seriate (Dg). Nuova Umau.ita; R. Obnovljeni Zivot; Zagreb. Oecumenica Civitas: Livomo. Ornnis Terra; R. OrßibChr: Orbis biblicus et christianus; Glückstadt. OrExp: Orient-Express, Notes et Nouvelles d' Archeologie Orientale; P. Orient; Tokyo. Orientamenti pastorali; Bo. Orientamenti pedagogici; R. P: in Polish. Pacifica. Australian Theological Studies; Melbourne. Paginas; Lima. PaiC.: Paideia Cristiana; Rosario, ARG. Paleorient; P. Palestjinskji Sbomik [R.]; Moskva. Parabola; NY. Passaggi; Temi. Path; Citta del Vaticano. Pensiero politico, II; F. Phase; Bare. Philosophiques; Montreal. Physis; F. PoeT: Poetics Today; Durham, NC. PoST: Poznanskie studia teologiczne; Poznän (83-86360-18-6). PredOT: Prediking van het Oude Testament; Baarn. Presbyteri; Trento.
Presbyterion; St. Louis. PresPast: Presenza Pastorale, R. Prism; St. Paul, MN. ProcGLM: Proceedings of thc Eastern Great Lakes and Midwest Bible Societies; Buffalo. Pro dialogo; Citta del Vaticano. ProEc: Pro ecclesia; Northfield, MN. Prooftexts; Baltimore. Proverbium; Burlington, VT. Proyecci6n; Granada. ProySal: Proyecto Centro Salesiano de Estudios; BA. Prudentia [.S]; Auckland, NZ. Przegl~d Tomistyezny; Wsz. PzB: Protokolle zur Bibel; Klosterneuburg. Qol; Mexico. Quademi di azione sociale; R. Quaderni di scienze religiose; Loreto. Qumran Chronicle; Krak6w. QVC: Qüestions de Vida Cristiana; Bare. R: in Russian. R: recensio, book-review. Ragion Pratica; Genova. RANL.mor.: Rendiconti dell' Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, CL di scienze morali; R. RASM: Revue africaine des sciences de la mission; Kinshasa. RBBras: Revista Biblica Brasileira; Fortaleza. RßLit: Review of Biblical Literature; Atlanta. Reason and the Faith, The; Kwangju. Recollectio; R. Reformation, The; Oxf (Tyndale Soc.). Religion; L. Religious Research; Wsh. RelT: Religion and Theology; Pretoria. RenSt: Renaissance Studies; Oxf. ResB: Resefia Biblica; Estella. RevCT: Revista de cultura teol6gica; Sao Paulo. Revista cat6lica; Santiago de Chile.
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
Revue d'ethique et de theologie morale; P. RF(CR): Revista de filosofia: San Jose, Costa Rica. RGRW: Religions in the Graeco-Roman World; Lei.
Ribla: Revista de interpreta9ao biblica latino-americana; Petr6polis. RICAO: Revue de l'lnstitut Catholique de l' Afrique de l'Ouest; Abidjan. Ricerche teologiche; Bo. Rivista di archeologia; R. Rivista di science religiose; R. Roczniki Teologiczne; Lublin Romania; P. RRT: Reviews in Religion and Theology; L. R&T: Religion and theology = Religie en teologie; Pretoria. RTLit: Review of Theological Literature; Leiderdorp. RTLu: Rivista Teologica di Lugano; Lugano. S: Slovenian. SAAA: Studies on the Apocryphal Acts ofthe Apostles; Kampen.
SAA Bulletin: State Archives of Assyria Bulletin; Padova. SAAS: State Archives of Assyria, Studies; Helsinki.
Saeculum Christianum; Wsz. San Juan de la Cruz; Sevilla. SaThZ: Salzburger Theologische Zeitschrift; Salzburg. SBL.SCSt: Society of Biblical Literature, Septuagint and Cognate Studies; Atlanta.
Science and Christian Belief; Carlisle. Scriptura; Stellenbosch. Scrittura e civilta; F. SdT: Studi di Teologia; R. SEAP: Studi di Egittologia e di Antichita Puniche; Pisa. Search; Dublin. Sedes Sapientiae; Chemere-lc-Roi. Segni e comprensione; Lecce. SeK: Skrif en Kerk; Pretoria. Semeia; Atlanta. Seminarios; M. Semiotica; Amst. Sen.: Sendros; Costa Rica.
Servitium; CasM. SetRel: Sette e Religioni; Bo. Sevartham; Ranchi. Seve; P. Sewanee Theological Review; Sewanee, TN. Shofar; West Lafayette, IN. SIDIC: Service International de Documentation JudeoChretienne; R. Sinhak Jonmang; Kwangju, S. Korea. Societa, La; Verona. Soleriana; Montevideo. Soundings; Nv. Sources; FrS. Spiritual Life; Wsh. Spiritns(R); R11 ltimorn Spiritus; P. SPJMS: South Pacific Journal of Mission Studies; North Turramurra NSW. SRA TK: Studia nad Rodzina, Akademia Teologii Katolickiej; Wsz, 1429-2416. Stauros. Bolletino trimestrale sulla teologia della Croce; Pescara. Stßob: Studia Bobolanum; Wsz. StEL: Studi epigrafici e linguistici; Verona. Storia della storiografia; Mi. St Mark's Review; Canberra. StSp(K): Studies in Spirituality; Kampen. Studi emigrazione; R. Studia Textus Novi Testamenti; Osaka. Studi Fatti Ricerche; Mi. Stulos. Theological Journal; Bandung, lndonesia. StWC: Studies in World Christianity; E. SUBB: Studia Universitatis Babe~Bolyai; Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Synaxis; Catania. T: Translator.
Tanima; Kochi, Kerala. TCNN: Theological College of Northem Nigeria; Bukuru. Tcocomunicac;:äo; Porto Alegre, Brasil. Teologia lusi; Caracas. Ter Herkenning; 's-Gravenhage.
E3.8 Numbers, Balaam Tertium Millennium; R. TGr.T: Tesi Gregoriana, Serie Teologia; R.
TEuph: Transeuphratene; P. Themelios; L. Theoforum; Ottawa. Theologia Viatorum; Potenza. Theologica & Historica; Cagliari. Theologika; Lima. Theologiques; Montreal. Theologischer; Siegburg. ThLi: Theology & Life; Hong Kong. Theology for Our Times; Bangalore. Theotokos; R. ThirdM: Third Millennium: Pune, India. T&K: Texte und Kontexte; Stu. TMA: The Merton Annual; Shf. TrinJ: Trinity Journal; Deerfield, IL. TTE: The Theological Educator; New Orleans. Tychique; Lyon. lJmat Baru; Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Una Voce-Korrespondenz; Köln. Verbum Vitae; Kieke. Viator; Turnhout. Vie Chretienne; P. Vie, La: des communautes religieuses; Montreal. Vita Sodale; F. Vivarium; Catanzaro.
VivH: Vivens Homo; F. VO: Vicino Oriente; R. Volto dei volti, II; R. Vox latina; Saarbrücken. Vox Patrum; Lublin. VoxScr: Vox Scripturae; Sao Paulo. VTW: Voices from the Third World; Bangalore. WaW: Word and World; St. Paul, Minn. Way, Tbc; L. WBC: Word Biblical Commentary; Waco. West African Journal of Ecclesia! Studies; lbadan, Nigeria. WUB: Welt und Umwelt der Bibel; Stu. YESW: Yt:arbuuk uftht: Eurupt:au Society of Women in Theological Research; Lv. Yonsei Journal of Theology; Seoul. ZAC: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum; B. ZAR: Zeitschrift für altorientalischc und biblische Rechtsgeschichte; Wsb. ZME: Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik; Salzburg. ZNT: Zeitschrift für Neues Testament; Tü.
1. Bibliographica Al Opera collecta .1 Festschriften, memorials
3 4 5
ALONSO SCHÖKEL, Luis: Saberes y sabores. EMartin Rodriguez, Guillermo: 1998 =>14,3. RStLeg41(2000)313-314 (F/6rez, Gonzalo). ANDERSON, Richard Lloyd: Tue disciple as scholar: essays on scripture and the ancient world in honor of... ERicks, Stephen D.; Parry, Donald W.; Hedges, Andrew H.: Provo, Utah 2000, Young Univ. xiv; 669 pp. 0-934893-49-7 [NThAR 2000,310]. APPIGNANESI, Ennio: Theologia Viatorum: Annali dell'Istituto Teologico del Seminario Maggiore lnterdiocesano di Basilicata Anno IV - 1999. Potenza 2000, S.T.E.S. 273 pp. ASTOUR, Michael C.: Crossing boundaries and linking horizons. EYoung, Gordon Douglas, a/.: 1997 =>13,5; 15,3. ROLZ 95 (2000) 31-34 (Klenge/, Horst). A VIRAM, Joseph: Archaeological, historical and geographical studies: Joseph Aviram Volume. EBiran, Avraham: Erls 25: 1996=>12,2; 15,4. RJNES 59 (2000) 51-53 (Ha/lote, Rache/ S.).
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6 BAILLET, Maurice: Sapiential, liturgical and poetical texts from Qumran: proceedings of the third meeting of the International Organization for Qumran Studies, Oslo, 1998: published in memory of... Falk, Daniel K.; Garcia Martinez, Florentino; Schuller, Eileen M.: StTDJ 35: Lei 2000, Brill xx; 279 pp. 90-04-I 1684-2. Bibl. 7 BARRUFFO, Antonio: Credo ecclesiam: studi in onore di... Ecattaneo, Enrico; Terracciano, Antonio: N 2000, D'Auria 598 pp. 88709-2I840. 8 BAUMGARTEN, Joseph M.: Legal texts and legal issues: proc. of the 2nd · meeting ofthe Internat. Org. for Qumran Studies. EBernstein, Moshe J.; Garcia Martinez, Florentino; Kampen, John Irwin: StTDJ 23: I997 =>13,8; I5,8. RHenoch 22 (2000) 113-I I9 (Martone, Corrado). 9 BERGER, Klaus: Religionsgeschichte des Neuen Testaments: Festschrift für„. zum 60. Geburtstag. EDobbeler, Axel von; Erlemann, Kurt; Hciligcnthal, Roman: Tü 2000, francke xiii; 598 pp. 3-7720-2756-3. Bibl. 569-577. 10 BEUKEN, Willem A.M.: Studies in the book of lsaiah. EVan Ruiten, J.T.A.G.M.; Vervenne, Marc: BEThL I32: I997 =>I3,I2; 15,I2. RThLz I25 (2000) 711-713 (Becker, Uwe). II BINGEN, Johannes: Papyri in honorem Johannis Bingen octogenarii (P. Ringen). EMelaerts, Henri: Studia varia Bruxellensia.„ 5: Lv 2000, Peeters liv; 672 pp. 90-429-0867-X. III pi. RAeg. 80 (2000) 294-296 (Lama, Mariachiara). I2 BOARDMAN, John: Grcck offcrings: cssays on Greek art. EPalagia, Olga: · I997 :::>13,15. RAJA I04 (2000) 805-806 (Cohen, Beth); 13 Periplous: papers on classical art and archaeology presented to Sir John Boardman. ETsetskhladze, Gocha R.; Prag, A.J.N.W.; Snodgrass, A.M.: L 2000, Thames and Hudson 416 pp. 0-500-05097-X. Bibl. 14 BOGAERT, Pierre-Maurice: Lectures et relectures de la bible. EAuwers, Jean-Marie; Wenin, Andre: BEThL I44: I999 =>15,14. RRTL 3I (2000) 403-406 (Haelewyck, J.-Cl.). I5 BONNER, Gerald: AUGUSTINE and his critics: essays in honour of... EDodaro, Robert; Lawless, George: Christian origins: L 2000, Routledge xiii; 270 pp. 0-4I5-20062-8. RAugustinus 45 (2000) 468-473 (Anoz, Jose'). 16 BOROONI, Marcello: Gesu Cristo speranza del mondo: miscellanea in onore di... ESanna, Ignazio: Mi 2000, Mursia 534 pp. 88-465-0065-2. Bibi. di Marcello Rorcloni (1961-1998). 17 BREKELMANS, C.H.W.: Deuteronomy and Deuteronomic literature. EVervenne, Marc; Lust, Johan: BEThL 133: 1997 =>13,17; 14,14. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 82-83 (Eynikel, Erik). 18 BRINNER, William M.: Judaism and Islam: boundaries, communication and interaction: studies in honor of... EHary, B.H.; Hayes, J.L.; Asten, F.: Lei 2000, Brill 438 pp. 19 BUCHHOIZ, Hans-Günter: Periplus: Festschrift für Hans-Günter Buchholz zu seinem achtzigsten Geburtstag am 24. Dezember 1999. EAström, Paul; Sürenhagen, Dietrich: Studies in Mediterranean archaeology 127: Jonsered 2000, Aström 210 pp. 64 pi. 91-7081-101-6. 20 DUCK, C. Raymond: Missil,ms iu a m:w mille::nnium: change and challen~es in world missions. i::Glenny, W. F.dward; Smallman, William H.: GR 2000, Kregel 411 pp, $17 [BS 158,508-Blue, J. Ronald]. 21 BULLOUGH, Donald A.: Early medieval Rome and the christian west: essays in honour of... ESmith, Julia M.H.: The Medieval Mediterranean 28: Lei 2000, Brill xxxii; 446 pp. 90-04-11716-4. Bibi.
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22 BDRKLE, Horst: Die Weite des Mysteriums: christliche Identität im Dialog: Festschrift für.„ EKrämer, Klaus; Paus, Ansgar: FrB 2000, Herder 776 pp. €50.11. 3-451-27343-8. 23 CALMEYER, Peter: Variatio delectat: Iran und der Westen: Gedenkschrift für ... EDittmann, Reinhard, al.: AOAT 272: Münster 2000, UgaritVerlag xvii; 768 pp. 3-927120-89-8. 24 CARTER, Charles William: The Asia Minor connexion: studies on the pre-Greek languages in memory of... EArbeitman, Yoel"L.: Orbis Supplementa 13: Lv 2000, Peeters xii; 243 pp. 90-429-0798-3. Bibl. 25 CATCHPOLE, David R.: Christology, controversy and community: New Testament essays in honour of... Efforrell, David G.; Tuckett, Christopher M.: NT.S 99: Lei 2000, Brill xxi· 404 pp. 90-04-116796. 26 CHILDS, Brevard S.: Theological exegesis. 'Eseitz, Christopher R.; Greene-McCreight, Katlll'yn: 1999 ---:>15,16. RJThS 51(2000)167-169 (Coggins, Richard); Pacifica 13 (2000) 220-222 (Spykerboer, Hank); RcBQ 62 (2000) 190-191 (Biddle, MarkE.). 27 CHMIEL, Jerzy: Pan moim swiatlem: Ksiega pamiatkowa dla Ksiedza ... w 65. rocznice urodzin. EChrostowski, Waldemar: Wsz 2000, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Vocatio" 397 pp. 83-7146-162-3. Bibl. 13-47. 28 CIRRINCIONE, Vincenzo: Aedificare corpus in caritate: scritti in onore del vescovo„. Epassaro, Angelo: Piazza Armerina 2000, Centro Dioc.esano per la Formazione Permanente 525 pp. 29 CLEMENTS, Ronald Emest: In search qftrue wisdom: essays in Old Testament inte!])retation in honour of.„ Eßall, Edward JSOT.S 300: 1999 =:>15,18. RTheol. 103 (2000) 447-448 (Dell, KatharineJ.). 30 COUROYER, Bemard; POLOTSKY, Hans Jacob: The art of love lyrics: in memory of.„ first Egyptologists in Jerusalem. EModras, Krzysztof: CRB 49: P 2000, Gabalda 70 pp. 2-85021-127-3. 31 CRENSHAW, James L.: Shall not the judge of all the earth do what is right?: studies on the nature of God in tribute to„. EPenchansky, David; Redditt, Paul Lewis: WL 2000, Eisenbrauns xxxvi; 268 pp. 1-57506043-4. Bibl. 32 CROSS, Frank Moore, Jr.: Frank Moore Cross volume. ELevine, Baruch A.: Erls 26: 1999 =:>15,20. RBASOR 318 (2000) 94-95 (Aufrecht, Walter E.); DSD 7 (2000) 394-397 (Brooke, GeorgeJ.). 33 CZERKIEMU, Januszowi: "Sanctificetur nomen tuum" (Mt 6,9): ksiega pamiatkowa dedykowana: ksiedzu ... z Okazij 65. Rocznicy urodzin 1 38 lat pracy Naukowo-Dydaktycznej. EPolok, Bernard; Ziaja, Krystian: Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna 40: Opole 2000, Wydzial Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego 497 pp. 83-88071-03-3. P. 34 DILLARD, Raymond B.: The Chronicler as historian. EGraham, M. Patrick; Hoglund, Kenneth G.; McKenzie, Steven L.: JSOT.S 238: Shf 1997, Sheffield A. 336 pp. f.40/$60. 1-85075-651-1. RRBLit 1 (1999) 177-179 (Berquist, Jan L.). 35 EMERTON, John A.: Wisdom in ancient Israel. EDay, John, al.: 1995 =:>11/1,9 ... 15,27. RJThS 51(2000)183-186 (Weeks, Stuart). 36 FAIVRE, Alexandre: Anthropos lal.1rns: Melanges Alexandre Faivre a l'ucca1'iuu 15,29. RVJTR 64 (2000) 791-794 ~eagher, P.M); LouvSt 25 (2000) 169-171 (Koperski, Veronica); JThS 51
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(2000) 668-670 (Grayston, K.); CBQ 62 (2000) 594-595 (Byrne, Brendan). FESTORAZZI, Franco: Initium sapientiae: scritti in onore di Franco Festorazzi in occasione de! suo 70° compleanno. EFabris, Rinaldo: SRivBib 36: Bo 2000, EDB 431 pp. 88-10-30224-9. Bibi. FRERICHS, Emest S.: Hesed ve-Emet: studies in honor of... EMagness, Jodi; Titin, Seymour: BJSt 320: 1998 :::>14,28. RREJ 159/1-2 (2000) 276-278 (Mimouni, Simon C.); CBQ 62 (2000) 182-183 (Kier, Sheldon). Fusco, Vittorio: Mysterium regni ministerium verbi (Mc 4,11; At 6, 4): scritti in onore di... EFranco, Ettore: SRivBib 38: Bo 2000, Dehoniane 825 pp. €53.23. 88-10-30226-5. Bibl. 27-36. GADAMER, Hans-Georg: Hermeneutische Wege: Hans-Georg Gadamer zum Hundertsten. EFigal, Günter; Grondin, Jean; Schmidt, Dennis J.: Tü 2000, Mohr viii; 356 pp. €29.88. 3-16-147268-3. GELSTON, Anthony: New heaven and new earth prophecy and the millennium. EHarland, Peter J.; Hayward, Robert: VT.S 77: 1999 :::>15,35. RJSJ 31(2000)317-318 (Tigchelaar, Eibert). GILBERT, Maurice: Toute la sagesse du monde. EMies, Fran~oise: 1999 :::>15,36. RKemos 13 (2000~ 308-310 (Motte, Andre'); ScEs 52 (2000) 252-253 (Perron, Louis); ActBib 37 (2000) 205-206 (Boada, J.); FSCHOORS, A. (2000) 1-10 (Ries, Ju/ien); Treasures of wis15,37. RETR 75 (2000) 622-624 (Lys, Daniel). Gillespie, Thomas W.: Theology in the service of the church: essays in honor of... EAlston, Wallace M.: GR 2000, Eerdmans x; 281 pp. $35. 08028-3881-2 [ThD 47,389-Heiser, W. Charles]. GOEDICKE, Hans: Essays in egyptology in honor of... EBryan, Betsy M.; Lorton, David: San Antonio 1994, Van Sielen viii; 352 pp. 0-93317540-X. RArOr 68 (2000) 285-287 (Bares, Ladislav). GORDON, Cyrus Herzl: Boundaries of the ancient Near Eastem world. ELubetski, Meir; Gottlieb, Claire; Keller, Sharon: JSOT.S 273: 1998 :::>14,31. RCBQ 62 (2000) 180-181 (Higginbotham, Carolyn R.). GOTTLIEB, Gunther: Contra qui ferat arma deos?: vier Augsburger Vorträge zur Religionsgeschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit. 1997 :::>13,32; 14,32. RLatomus 59 (2000) 198-200 (Lipinski, Edward). GRANFIELDEPatrick: The gift ofthe church: a textbook on ecclesiology in honor of... Phan, Peter C.: ColMn 2000, Liturgical xiv; 530 pp. $40. 08146-5931-4. GREEN, Peter: Tue eye expanded: life and the arts in Greco-Roman antiquity. ETitchener, F.B.; Moorton, R.F.: 1999 :::>15,40. RClR 50 (2000) 259-261 (Goldhill, Simon). GUNDLACH, Rolf: Wege öffnen. ESchade-Busch, Mechtild: ÄAT 35: 1996 :::>14,34. RArOr 68 (2000) 288-291 (Bares, Ladislav). HAMILTON, Bernard: The Crusades and their sources. 1998 :::>14,37. RcHR 86 (2000) 660-661 (Gervers, Michael). HOFFMANN, Paul: Von Jesus zum Christus: christologische Studien. EHoppe, Rudolf; Busse, Ulrich: BZNW 93: 1998 :::>14,42; 15,45. RßiKi 55 (2000) 100-101 (Rodrfguez-Ruiz, Miguel). HÜBNER, Hans: Paulinische Christologie: exegetische Beiträge ... zum 70. Geburtstag. Eschnelle, Udo; Söding, Thomas: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 271 pp. €50.11. Collab. Labahn, Michael. ROrdKor 41(2000)480481 (Giesen, Heinz).
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55 JANKOWSKI, Augustyn B.: Przy stole Slowa: objasnienia czytan mszalnych na niedziele i swieta: Okres zwykly niedziele 18-34: Uroczystosci z ciagu roku. Krak6w 2000, Tyniec 227 pp. 83-87525-64-2. P. 56 JANSSEN, Jack J.: Deir EI-Medina in the third millennium BC: a tribute to„. Enemaree, R.J.; Egberts, A. Egyptologische uitgaven 14: Lei 2000, Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten ix; 373 pp. 90-6258214-1. 57 JEPPESEN, Knud: Alle der änder skal lovprise Herren!: det Gamle Testamente i tempel, synagoge og kirke. EHolt, Else K: 1998 =>14,46; 15,48. RRBLit2 (2000) 165-168 (Lindström, Fredrik). 58 KAHIL, Lilly: 'A;.aeoc; Liaiµcov: mythes et cultes, etudes d'iconographie en l'honneur de„. Bellefonds, Linant de: BCH.S 38: Athenes 2000, Ecole fran9aise d'Athenes 561 pp. RCRAI (2000/3) 1159-1160 (Chamoux, Franr;ois). 59 KALLAI, Zecharia: Studies in historical geography and biblical historiography: presented to„. EGalil, Gershon; Weinfeld, Moshe: VT.S 81: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 281 pp. 90-04-11608-7. Bibl. 60 KEE, Howard Clark: The social world of formative christianity and Judaism. IlNeusner, Jacob, a/.: 1988 =>4,77„. 7,e682. Ry JTR 64 (WOO) 799-802 (Meagher, P.M ). 61 KLAPPERT, Beitold: Hören und Fragen in der Schule des Namens: mit der Tradition zum Aufbruch. EDenker, Jochen; Marquardt, Jonas; Winkler-Rohlfing, Borgi: Neuk 1999, Neuk'er 374 pp. €29.90. 62 KNIERIM, Rolf: Problems in biblical theology. Esun, Henry T.C.; Eades, Keith L.: 1997 =>13,48„. 15,53. RJNES 59 (2000) 132-133 (Pardee, Dennis); CBQ 62 (2000) 191-193 (Cook, Joan E.). 63 KOESTER, Helmut: The future of early christianity. EPearson, Birger E.: 1991 =>8,104. RVJTR 64 (2000) 876-878 (Meagher, P.M) 64 KRAFr, Robert A.: A multiform heritage: studies on early Judaism and christianity. EWright, Benjamin G.: 1999 :::>15,54. RCBQ 62 (2000) 790-792 (Kelhoffer, James A. ). 65 KURTH, Gottfried: Jericho und Qumran: Neues zum Umfeld der Bibel. EMayer, Bernhard: ESt 45: Rg 2000, Pustet 326 pp. FS64.50. 3-79171731-6 [RB 108,317]. 66 LAMBERT, Wilfred George: Wisdom, gods and literature: studies in assyriology in honour of... EGeorge, A.R.; Finkel, Irving L.: WL 2000, Eisenbrauns viii; 462 pp. 1-57506-004-3. 67 LEROY, Herbert: Johannes aenigmaticus: Studien zum Johannesevangelium für„. ESchreiber, Stefan; Stimpfle, Alois: BU 29: Rg 2000, Pustet 231pp.3-7917-1746-4. 68 LIND, Millard: Peace and justice shall embrace: power and theopolitics in the bible: essays in honor of... EGrimsrud, Ted; Johns, Loren L.: Telford, PA 2000, Pandora 251 pp. $23 [ThD 47,281-Heiser, W. Charles]. 69 LIPINSKA, Jadwiga: Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lipmska. 1997 =>13,55. RBiOr 57 (2000) 39-41 (Malek, Jaromir). 70 LONG, Burke 0.: "A wise and discerning mind": essays in honor of... EOlyan, Saul M.; Culley, Robert C.: BJSt 325: Providence, RI 2000, Brown Univ. xvii; 320 pp. 1-930675-01-1. Bibl. xiii-xvi. 71 MARKUS, Robert A.: The limits ofancient christianity. EKlingshirn, William E.; Vessey, Mark: 1999 =>15,62. RJEarlyC 8 (2000) 309-311 (Tilley, MaureenA.); ChH 69 (2000) 873-875 (Cameron, Averil)_. 72 MARTINI, Carlo Maria: La parola di Dio cresceva (At 12,24). EFabris, Rinaldo: RivBib.S 33: 1998 :::>14,75; 15,63. RRivBib 48 (2000) 239244 (Manzi, Franco).
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73 MEEKS, Wayne A.: The social world of the first Christians. EWhite, Michael; Yarbrough, 0. Larry: 1995 =>11/2,20; 13,62: Rltin. 46 (2000) 163-164 (Lamelas, Jsidro). 74 MERKLEIN, Joachim: Die Macht der Nase: zur religiösen Bedeutung des Duftes: Religionsgeschichte-Bibel-Liturgie. EKügler, Joachim: SBS 187: Stu 2000, Katholisches Bibelwerk 191 pp. €24.44. 3-460-04871-9. 75 MERK, Otto: Wissenschaftsgeschichte und Exegese. EGebauer, Roland; Karrer, Martin; Meiser, Martin: BZNW 95: 1998 =>14,79. RThLZ 125 (2000) 369-371 (Frey, Jörg). 76 MIKAT, Paul: Rom und das himmlische Jerusalem: die frUhen Christen zwischen Anpassung und Ablehnung. EHaehling, Rabau von: Da:Wiss 2000, xii; 308 pp. 3-534-14592-5. 77 MIUK, Josef Ti:icieusz: .Josef Tadeusz Milik et cinquantenaire de la decouverte des manuscrits de la Mer Murte de Qumrän. EDlugosz, Dariusz; Ratajczak, Henryk: Wsz 2000, Centre Scientifique de l' Academie Plonaise des Sciences a Paris 85 pp. 83-88443-65-8. 11 pi. 78 MÜLLER, Hans Peter: Mythos im Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt. ELange, A.; Lichtenberger, H.; Römheld, D.: BZAW 278: 1999 =>15,66. RcBQ 62 (2000) 781-783 (Clifford, Richard J.). · 79 NICKELSBURG, George W.E.: Fora later generation: the transformation of tradition in Israel, early Judaism and early christianity. F.Argall, Randal A.; Bow, Beverly A.; Werline, Rodney Alan: Harrisburg, PA 2000, Trinity xviii; 333 pp. $40. 1-56338-325-X. Bibi. Nickelsburg 299-308. 80 NORTH, J.L.: The Old Testament in the New Testament: essays in honour of J.L. North. EMoyise, Steve: JSNT.S 189: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 302 pp. $82. 1-84127-061-X. RETR 75 (2000) 625-626 (Singer, Christophe). 81 NovAK, Frantisek: Sbomik Katolicke Teologicke Fakulty uk v Praze: k 80. narozeninäm Frantiska Noväka: Ton logon asphaleia (Lk 1,4). Eßroz, Jaroslav: Praha 2000, Univerzita Karlova v Praze Nakladatelstvi Karolinum 346 pp. 80-7184-939-1. Czech. 82 O'BRIEN, Peter: The gospel to the nations: perspectives on Paul's mission. Eßolt, Peter; Thompson, Mark: Leicester 2000, Apollos xiii; 429 pp. $40. 0-8511-14687. 83 ÜELSNER, Joachim: Assyriologica et Semitica: Festschrift für ... anläßlich seines 65. Geburtstages am 18. Februar 1997. EMarzahn, Joachim; Neumann, Hans: AOAT 252: Müns 2000, Ugarit-Verlag xi; 635 pp. 3927120-62-6. Mitarbeit von Andreas Fuchs; Bibi. 603-621. 84 PATHIKULANGARA, Varghese: Tue folly ofthe cross: Festschrift in honour of... EKochappilly, Paulachan P.: Bangalore 2000, Dharmaram xxxi; 371 pp. 81-86861-28-9. Bibi. Pathikulangara xvi-xxx. 85 PATHRAPANKAL, Joseph: Indian interpretation of the bible: Festschrift in honour of... EThottakara, Augustine: Bangalore 2000, Dharmaram 491 pp. Rs350/$22. 81-86861-27-0. Foreword Archbishop Alphonsus Mathias. RJDh 25 (2000) 418-419 [VJTR 65,70s-Gispert-Sauch, G.]. 86 PERLITT, Lothar: Liebe und Gebot: Studien zum Deuteronomium. EKratz, Reinhard Gregor; Spieckermann, Hermann: FRLANT 190: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 231 pp. 3-525-53874-X. 87 PERROT, Charles: Nourriture et repas dans !es milieux juifs et chretiens de l'antiquitc. EQucsncl, M.; Hlanchard, Y .-M.; Tassin, C.: LeDiv 178: 1999 =>15,7Ö. RCBO 62 (2000) 396-398 (Bernas, Casimir). 88 PESTMAN, P.W.: T~e two faces of Graeco-Roman E~~- 1':Yerhoogt, A.M.F.W.; Vleemmg, S.P.: PLB 30: 1998 =>14,88. BIOr 57 (2000) 606-609 (Rochette, Bruno).
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PIOVANELLI, Silvano: II vescovo fra storia e teologia: saggi in onore del Card. Silvano Piovanelli. Vivens Homo 1111: Bo 2000, EDB 371 pp. ~OPPI, An&elico: Inse~ava fr~ loro la parola: (At ~8,1 miscellanea m onore d1 fra Angehco Popp1 nel suo 70. compleanno. Cappelletto, Gianni: Percorsi teologici 8: Padova 2000, Messagero 399 pp. 88-2500840-6. Bibi. [NThAR 2000,341]. QUAEGEBEUR, Jan: Egyptian religion the last thousand years. EClarysse, Willy; Schoors, Antoon; Willems, Harco: OLA 84-85: 1998 =>14,94. RBiOr 57 (2000) 518-532 (Goyon, Jean-Claude). RATZINGER, Kard. Joseph: Im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Innovation. ESchmuttermayr, Georg: Rg 1997, Pustet 420 pp. 37917-1548-8. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 98-100 (Laberge, Leo). RAVANELLI, Virginio: Entrarono a Cafarnao: lettura interdisciplinare di Mc l. EAdinolfi, Marco; Kaswalder, Pietro: SBFA 44: 1997 =>13,74; 15,73. REstB 58 (2000) 419-424 (Urban, A.). RENDTORFF, Rolf: Mincha: Festgabe für„. zum 75. Geburtstag. Eßlum, Erhard: Neuk 2000, Neuk 271 pp. €34.77. 3-7887-1809-9. RENGER, Johannes: Munuscula Mesopotamica. EBlick, Barhara: AOAT 267: 1999 =>15,74. RArOr 68 (2000) 632-637 (Hruska, Rlahoslm1). RIAUD, Jean: De Jerusalem a Rome: Melanges offcrts a Jean Riaud par ses amis, ses collegues et ses anciens eleves. Eßord, Lucien-Jean: Hamidovic, David. P 2000, Geuthner 275 pp. 2-7053-3672-9. Preface de Andre Caquot; Bibi. 265-268. RICHARDSON, Peter: Text and artifact in the religions of Mediterranean antiquity: essays in honour of.„ EWilson, Stephen G.; Desjardins, Michel: Waterloo 2000, Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Pr. xvi; 612 pp. CAN$70. . RIIS, Poul Jorgen: Between Orient and Occident: studies in honour of P.J. Riis. ELund, John; Pentz, Peter: K 2000, The National Museum ofDenmark 239 pp. 87-89438-07-8. Bibi. 233-239. ROBINSON, Gnana: Bible speaks today: essays in honour of.„ EMuthunayagom, D.J.: Bangalore 2000, United Theological College xliii; 377 pp. Rs150/$14/fl 1 [Mission Today 3/1,104-Paykunnel, Shaji]. ROBINSON, James M.: From quest to Q: Festschrift James M. Robinson. EAsgeirsson, Jon Ma.; Troyer, Kristin de; Meyer, Marvin W.: BEThL 146: Lv 2000, University Pr. xxv; 345 pp. €60. 90-5867-009-0. Rocco, Benedetto: Abscondita in lucem: scritti in onore di mons. Benedetto. ERocco Manfredi, Silvana; Passaro, Angelo: Caltanisetta 2000, Sciascia 310 pp. Bibi. ROLOFF, Jürgen: Kirche und Volle Gottes: Festschrift für Jürgen Roloff zum 70. Geburtstag. EKarrer, Martin; Kraus, Wolfgang; Merk, Otto: Neuk 2000, Neuk'er x; 342 pp. 3-7887-1828-5. SAARISALO, Aapeli: From the ancient sites of Israel: essays on archaeology, history and theology in memory of Aapeli Saarisalo (1896-1986). EEskola, T.; Junkkaala, E.: 1998 ::>14,100. RIEJ 50 (2000) 268-271 (Kallai, Zecharia). SANDELIN, Karl-Gustav: A bouquet of wisdom: essays in honour of... Ernman, Karl-Johan: Rcligionsvctcnskapliga skrifter 48: Abo 2000, Abo Akad. 230 pp. 952-12-0626-8 [NThAR 2000,280]. SAUER, James A.: The archaeology of Jordan and beyond: essays in honor of... Estager, Lawrence E.; Greene, Joseph A.; Coogan, Michael D. Studies in the archacology and history ofthe Levant 1: WL 2000, Eisenbrauns xvi; 529 pp. $85. 1-57506-901-6 [RB 108,159].
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106 SCHMIDT, Johann Michael: Unter dem Fußboden ein Tropfen Wahrheit": Festschrift für Johann Michael Schmidt zum 65jährigen Geburtstag. EBarkenings, Hans-Joachim; Bauer, Uwe F.W.: Dü 2000, Presseverband d. Evang. Kirche im Rheinland 295 pp. 3-87645-093-4. 107 SCHMIDT'E Werner: Verbindungslinien: Festschrift für ... zum 65. Geburtstag. Gaupner, Axel: Delkurt, Holger: Neuk 2000, Neuk xi; 436 PP· €39.90. 3-7887-1813-7. Bibl. 427-:429. Rcv 42 c2000) 281-283 (Heller, Jan). . · · 108 SCHOORS, Antoon: Vieillesse, sagesse et tradition dans les civilisations orientales. Ecannuyer, Christian; Fredericq-Homes, D.; Mawet, Francine: Acta Orientalia Belgica 13: Bru 2000, Societe Beige d'Etudes Orientales xviii; 198 pp. Bibi. 109 SCHOTIROFF, Luise: Grenzgängerinnen. EJanssen, Claudia; Ochtendung, Ute; Wehn, Beate: 1999 =>15,82. RYESW 8 (2000) 289-290 (Berlin, Angela). 110 STECK, Odil Hannes: Schriftauslegung in der Schrift: Festschrift für ... zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. EKratz, Reinhard G. ; Krüger, Thomas; Schmid, Konrad: BZAW 300: B 2000, De Gruyter viii; 352 pp. 3-11016902-9. 111 STEINMETZ, David C.: Biblical interpretation in the era ofthe Reformation. EMuller, Richard A.; 'l'hompson, John L.: 1996 :::::;.12,86.„ 15,88 RVJTR 64 (2000) 802-803 (Meagher, P.M). 112 STENDAHL, Krister: Paul and 2olitics: ekklesia, Israel, imperium, interprctation: essuys in honur uf.. EHursley, Richard A.: Harrisbmg 2000, Trinity viii; 248 pp. $26. 15633-83233 [TD 48,283-Heiser, W. C.]. 113 TATE, Marvin E.: lntroduction to wisdom literature and the Psalms. EBallard, H. Wayne; Tucker, W. Dennis: Macon, GA 2000, Mercer Univ. Press ix; 242 pp. $20 [ThD 47,370-Heiser, W. Charles]. 114 TE VELDE, Herman: Essays on ancient Egypt in honour of... EVan Dijk, Jacobus: 1997 =>13,95. RDiscEg 46 (2000) 149-156 (Warburton, David). 115 TOWNER, W. Sibley: God who creates: essays in honor of.. Eßrown, William P.; Mcßride, S. Dean: GR 2000, Eerdmans xx; 273 pp. $24. 0-8028-4626-2. 116 VAN DIJK-HEMMES, Fokkclicn: On rcading prophctic tcxts. Rßccking, Bob; Dijkstra, Meindert: Bibl.Interp. 18: 1996 =>12,99; 15,93. RBz 44 (2000) 294-295 (Becker, Joachim). 117 VAN SETERS, John: Rethinking the foundations: historio!i,aphy in the ancient world and in the bible: essays in honour of.„ McKenzie, Steven L.; Römer, Thomas: BZAW 294: B 2000, De Gruyter xiii; 304 pp. €98. 3-11-016519-8. Collab. Hans Heinrich Schmid; Bibi. 118 VÄÄNÄNEN, Veikko: Latin vulgar y tardio: homenaje a... EGarcia-Hermindez, Benjamin: Bibliotheca Linguae Latinae (BLinLat) 2: M 2000, Clasicao; xxx; 237 pp. 84-7882-429-4. Bibi. Väänänen xix-xxx. 119 VELLI, Giuseppe: Studi vari di lingua e letteratura italiana: in onore di... Quaderni di ACME 41: Mi 2000, Cisalpino 2 vols. 88-323-4580-3. 120 VILLARD, frani;ois: Ccramiquc et pcinturc grccqucs: modcs d'cmploi: actes du colloque international 1995. cvmanueva Pui2. MarieChristine:: 1999 ~ 1"i,9"i R.A.T A 104 (?.000) 61 "i-617 (Srnith, Amy r:.) 121 WEGENAST, Klaus: Bibeldidaktik in der Postmoderne. ELämmcrmann, Godwin; Morgenthaler, Christoph; Schori, Kurt: 1999 =>15,98. RThRv 96 (2000) 395-397 (Dormeyer, Detlev).
Al. l Festschriften, memorial volumes
122 WIEGARD, Jesaja Michael: Texte und Steine: Biblisches Forum Jahrbuch 1999. ELeinhäupl-Wilke, Andreas; Lücking, Stefan: Müns 2000, Biblisches Forum 214 pp. 3-89811-876-2. 123 WINKLER, Gabriele: Crossroad of cultures: studies in liturgy and patristics in honor of... EFeulner, Hans-Jürgen; Velkovska, Elena; Taft, Robert F. OCA 260: R 2000, Pontificio lstituto Orientale 744 pp. 887210-325-8. Bibl. 31-42. . 124 WOLSKI, J6zef: Ancient Iran and the Mediterranean world. EDabrowa, Edward: Electrum 2: 1998 =>15,101. RClR 50 (2000) 208-209 (Drijvers, Jan Willem). 125 ZANARTU UNDURRAGA, Sergio: Sapientia Patrum: homenaje al... EMeis Wörmer, Annelise; Rehbein Pesce, Antonio; Fernandez Eyzagnirre, Samuel: Anales de la Fac. de Teologia 51, 2000,2: Santiago de Chile 2000, Pontificia Univ. Catolica de Chile 416 pp. Bibl. 13-15. Al .2 Miscellanea unius auctoris 126 Alonso Schökel, Luis The literary language of the bible: lhe collt:cted essays of... TSpencer, Harry; EHolm, Tawny: BIBAL Collected Essays 3: North Richland Hills 2000, BIBAL vii; 181 pp. $19. 0-941037-43-6. 127 Assmann, Jan Religion und kulturelles Gedächtnis: zehn Studien. Beck'sche Reihe 1375: Mü 2000, Beck 256 pp. 128 Aus, Roger David The stilling of the storm: studies in early Palestinian Judaic traditions. Binghamton, NY 2000, Global xiv; 245 pp. 1-586840-19-3. Bibi. 231-240. 129 Barthelemy, Dominique Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: P 2000, Cerf 320 pp. €28.19. 2-204-06408-4 [BCLF 625,2091]. 130 Beckwith, Roger T. Calendar and chronology, Jewish and christian: biblical, intertestamental and patristic studies. AGJU 33: 1996 ::::>12,112 ... 14,133. RRBLit 1(1999)394-396 (Paffenroth, Kirn). 131 Beilner, Wolfgang Texte 1997-1999. Vermittlung 68: Salzburg 2000, n.p. 274 pp. 132 Bergmeier, Roland Das Gesetz im Römerbrief und andere Studien zum Neuen Testament. WUNT 121: TU 2000, Muhr viii; 355 pp. €91. 3-16-147196-2. 133 Betz, Hans Dieter Gesammelte Aufäätzc. Antike und Christentum 4: 1998 ::::>14,134. RJSJ 31(2000)69-70 (Van der Horst, P.W.) ThLZ 125 ~2000) 251-253 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 83-86] (Horn, Friedrich W.) JThS 51 (2000) 304-307 (Carleton Paget, James). 134 Blazquez, Jose Maria Los pueblos de Espafia y el Mediterräneo en la antigüedad: estudios de arquelogia, historia y arte. M 2000, Cätedra 727 PP· 135 Borgen, Peder Early christianity and Hellenistic Judaism. 1996 => 12,116; 15, 107. RThR 65 (2000) 325-326 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 136 Brox, Norbert Das Frühchristentum: Schriften zur Historischen Theologie. EDiinzl, Franz; Fürst, Alfons; Prostmeier, Ferdinand R.: FrB 2000, Herder 443 pp. 3-451-26279-7. 137 Drueggemann} Walter Thc covenanted seif: explorations in law and covenant. EMi/ er. Patrick D.: 1999 ::::>15,110. RRRT 7 (2000) 272-274 (McKinley, Anne Fitzpatrick); 138 Texts that linger, words that explode: listening to prophetic voices. EMiller, Patrick D.: Mp 2000, Fortress xi; 140 pp. $16. 0-8006-32311.
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139 Deep memory, exuberant hope: contested truth in a post-christian world. EMiller, Patrick D.: Mp 2000, Fortress xii; 153 pp. $16. 08006-3237-0; 140 Buher, Martin On the bible: eighteen studies. E Glatzer, Nahum Norbert: Martin Buher Library: NY 2000, Syracuse Univ. Pr. xxxii; (2) 247 pp. 0-8156-2840-4. Introd. by Harold Bloom. 141 Burchard, Christoph Gesammelte Studien zu Josef und Aseneth. SVTP 13: 1996 =:>12,119. ROrChr 84 (2000) 246-247 (Van Esbroeck, Michel); 142 Studien zur Theologie, Sprache und Umwelt des Neuen Testaments. ESänger, Dieter: WUNT 107: 1998 =:>14,140. RThLZ 125 (2000) 893894 (Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm). 143 Cacitti, Remo Dal Gesu storico al cristianesimo imReriale: percorsi dentro la storia delle origini cristiane. 1999 =:>15,111. NRS 84 (2000) 503-505 (Agnoletto, Attilio). 144 Camp, Claudia V. Wise, strange and holy: the strange woman and the making of the bible. JSOT.S 320; Gender, Culture, Theory 9: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 372 pp. ±:53.50/$84. 1-84127-166-7/7-5. Bibi. 145 Classen, Carl Joachim RhetoricaJ criticism of the New Testament. WUNT 128: Tü 2000, Mohr vi; (2) 207 pp. €75.67. 3-16-147370-1. 146 Collins, John Joseph Seers, sybils [sie] and sages in HellenisticRoman Judaism. JSJ.S 54: 1997 =:>13,119; 15,113. RApocrypha 10 (1999) 302-303 (Provanelli, P.). 147 Dahl, Nils Alstrup Studies in Ephesians: introductory questions, text& edition-critical issues, interpretation of texts and themes. WUNT 131: Tü 2000, Mohr 548 pp. 3-16-147-197-0. 148 Daube, David Collected works of David Daube, 2: New Testament Judaism. Ecarmichael, Ca/um: Studies in comparative legal history: Berkeley 2000, Univ. of Califomia at Berkeley xxix; 923 pp. $50. 1882239-04-0 [ThD 48,265-Heiser, W. Charles]. 149 Delling, Gerhard Studien zum Frühjudentum: gesammelte Aufsätze 1971-1987. Eßreytenbach, Cilliers; Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 503 pp. 3-525-53647-X. 150 Downing, F. Gerald Making sense in (and of) the first christian century. JSNT.S 197: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 268 pp. fS0/$80. 184127-124-1. Bibi.; 151 Doing things with words in the first christian century. JSNT.S 200: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 268 pp. 1-84127-151-9. Bibi. 152 Drane, John Cultural change and biblical faith: the future of the church: biblical and missiological essays for the new century. Carlisle 2000, Paternoster 182 pp. fl 1. 0-85364-979-0. 153 Dunn, James D.G. The Christ and the Spirit: 1. christology; 2. pneumatology. 1998 =:>14,148; 15,121. Rlgreja e Missäo 53 (2000) 256-257 (Matos, Viriato); SeK 21 (2000) 452-453 [vol. l] (Joubert, S.J.). 154 Ellis, Marc H. Revolutionary forgiveness: essays on Judaism, christianity, and the future ofreligious life. Waco, TEX 2000, Baylor Univ. Pr. xviii; 337 pp. 0-918954-75-4. 155 Fee, Gordon D. Listening to the Spirit in the text. GR 2000, Eerdmans ix; 180 pp. $12. 0-8028-4757-9. 156 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Dead Sea scrolls and christian origins. Studies in the Dead Sea scrolls and related literature: GR 2000, Eerdmans xvii; 290 pp. $25. 0-8028-4650-5. RSeK 21 (2000) 453-454 (Wal.ff, E.).
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Miscellanea (One author, various topics)
157 Flusser, David Esejske dobrodruzstvi-zidovske spolecenstvi od mrtveho moi'e: ceho si lze povsimnout u Jezi§e, Pavia, Didache a Martina BUBERA. TS/ama, Petr: Praha 1999, Oikfunene 200 pp. Czech. 158 Fornberg, Tord The bible in a world of many faiths. Sto 2000, Tro & Tanke 154 pp. Svenska kyrkans forskningsräd [TTK 74,59s-Sandnes, Karl Olav]. 159 Freyne, Seän Galilee and gospel: collected essays. WUNT 125: Tü 2000, Mohr viii; 350 pp. €91. 3-16-147198-9. Bibi. RFgNT 13 (2000) 123-124 (Stenschke, Christoph). 160 Frye, Northrop Northrop Frye on religion: excluding 'The great code' and 'Words with power'. ELee, Alvin A.; O'Grady, Jean: Collected works ofNorthrop Frye 4: Toronto 2000, Univ. ofToronto Pr. xxxvii; 432 pp. i15!30. 161 Fuchs, Eric L'exigence et le don: un parcours ethique (1978-1997). Le champ ethique 35: Geneve 2000, Labor et F. 248 pp. FS38. 2-83090989-5. 162 Gadamer, Hans-Georg Hermeneutische Entwürfe: Vorträge und Aufsätze. Tü 2000, Mohr viii; 246 pp. €29.66. 3-16-147291-8. 163 Gllbert, Maurice 11 a parle par les prophetes: themes et figures bibliques. 1998 =->14,155; 15,129. RcBQ 62 (2000) 325-326 (Quits/und, SonyaA.); CivCatt 15111(2000)307-108 (Scaiola, D.). 16'1 Giussoni, L. EI atraotivo do Jesus. M 2000, Enouontro 338 pp. 165 Goldberg, Arnold Rahhinische Texte als Gegenstand der Auslegung: gesammelte Studien II. ESchlüter, Margarete; Schäfer, Peter: TSAJ 73: 1999 ::::>15,130. RJSJ 31(2000)97-100 (Teugels, Lieve). 166 Grabbe, Lester L. Sacerdoti, profeti, indovini, sapienti nell'antico Israele. 1998 ::::>14,157. RVetChr 37 (2000) 437-438 (Carnevale, Laura). 167 Grainger, John D. Aitolian Prosopographical Studies. Mn.S 202: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 339 pp. 90-04-11350-9. 168 Grottanelli, Cristiano Kings & prophets: monarchic power, inspired leadership, & sacred text in biblical narrative. 1999 ::::> 15, 132. RJR 80 (2000) 664-665 (Sweek, Joel). 169 Hartman, Lars 0. Text-centered New Testament studies: texttheoretical essays on early Jewish and early christian literature. EHellholm, David: WUNT 102: 1997 ::::>13,132. Rsal. 62 (2000) 182183 (Vicent, R.); Th43 (2000) 71-72 (Giesen, Heinz). 170 Hengel, Martin Judaica et Hellenistica: kleine Schriften 1. WUNT 90: 1996 ::::>12,128 ... 15,138. RThLZ 125 (2000) 627-630 (Lohse, Eduard); 171 Kleine Schriften II. WUNT 109: 1999 ::::>15,139. RßiKi 55 (2000) 9899 (Frenschkowski, Marco); ThLZ 125 (2000) 627-630 [Eng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 42-46] (Lohse, Eduard); RoLZ 95 (2000) 454-456 (Bull, Klaus M.); Sal. 62 (2000) 805-806 (Vicent, R.); RBLit 2 (2000) 285289 (Ulmer, Rikva). 172 Ilermisson, Hans-Jürgen Studien zu Pro~hetie w1d Weisheit: gesammelte Aufsätze. FAT 23: 1998 ::::>14,161. Barthel, Jörg; Jauss, Hannelore; Koenen, Klaus: RBiOr 57 (2000) 151-153 (Williamson, H.G.M.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 718-720 LEng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 32-35j (Van Oorschot, Jürgen). 173 Hinnells, John Russen Zoroastrian and Parsi studies: selected works of John R. Hinnells. Aldershot, Hampshire 2000, Ashgate vii; 430 pp. 0-7546-1501-4. Bibi. 429-430. 174 Hofius, Otfried Friedrich Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: Tü 2000, Mohr S. ix; 442 pp. €50.11. 3-16-147471-6.
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175 Holter, Knut Yahweh in Africa: essays on Africa and the Old Testament. Bible and Theology in Africa 1: NY 2000, Lang viii; 162 pp. $51. 0-8204-4934-2. Bibi. 127-148. ROTEs 13 (2000) 241-249 (Adamo, David T. ). 176 Kaiser, Otto Studien zur Literaturgeschichte des Alten Testamentes. FzB 90: Wü 2000, Echter 249 pp. €24.54. 3-429-02118-9. HansChristoph Schmitt und Karl-Friedrich Pohlmann zum 60. Geburtstag in vierzigjähriger Freundschaft. 177 Labuschagne, Casper J. Zin en onzin rond de bijbel-bijbelgeloof, bijbelwetenschap en bijbelgebruik. Zoetermeer 2000, Boekencentrum 244 pp. 90-239-0893-7 [ITBT 8/7,34-Snoek, Hans]. 178 Lanne, Emmanuel Tradition et communion des eglises: recueil d'etudes. BEThL 129: 1997 =>13,142. REThL 76 (2000) 184-186 (Fameree, J.). 179 Levine, Etan Heaven and earth, law and Iove: studies in biblical thought. BZAW 303: B 2000, De Gruyter xi; 242 pp. 3-11-016952-5. 180 Levinas, E. Nell'ora delle nazioni: letture talmudiche e scritti fisosofico-politici. EFacioni, S.: Mi 2000, Jaco xxiv; 220 pp. €19.63. 181 Loewen, Jacob A. Tht: bible in cross-cultural perspective. Pasadena 2000, Carey 334 pp. $23. 0-87808-266-2. 182 Lohfink, Norbert La opcion por los pobres. Santa Fe 1999, lJniv. lberoamericana 98 pp; 183 Studien zum Deuteronomium und zur deuteronomistischen Literatm, 4. SBAB 31: Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk 320 pp. €40.39. 3-460-06311-4 [NThAR 2000,310]. 184 Lohse, Eduard Das Neue Testament als Urkunde des Evangeliums: exegetische Studien zur Theologie des Neuen Testaments III. FRLANT 192: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 262 pp. 3-525-53876-6. Bibi. E. Lohse 1988-2000. 185 Luck, Georg Ancient pathways and hidden pursuits: religion, morals and magic in the ancient world. Ann Arbor 2000, Univ. of Michigan Pr. xii; 314 pp. $54.50. 186 Maggi, Alberto C6mo leer el evangelio„. y no perder Ja fe. 1999 =>15,150 REE 75 (2000) 135-137 (Ramirez, F.); 187 Comment lire l'evangilt: sans perdre la foi. 1999 =>15,149. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 349-350 (Dionne, Christian). 188 Malamat, Abraham Mari and the Bible. 1998 =>14,173; 15,151. RIEJ 50 (2000) 141-143 (Levine, Baruch A.). 189 Martyn, J. Louis Theological issues in the letters of Paul. 1997 =>13,146; 15,6477. RAThR 82 (2000) 813-814 (Grieb, A. Katherine). 190 Mathys, Hans-Peter Vom Anfang und Ende: fünf alttestamentliche Studien. BEAT 47: Fra 2000, Lan~ vi; 314 pp. 3-631-36959-X. 191 Miller, Patrick D. lsraelite relig1on and biblical theology: collected essays. JSOT.S 267: Shf2000, SheffieldA. 715 pp. 1-84127-142-X. 192 Mosis, Rudolf Gesammelte Aufsätze zum Alten Testament. FzB 93: 1999 =>15,156. RcBQ 62 (2000) 785-786 (Nogalski, James D.). 193 Moule, C.F.D. Forgiveness imcl reconciliation: biblical and theological essays. 1998 =>14,180; 15,158. RET 110 (1998-1999) 237-238 (Rodd, C.S.). 194 Mussner, Franz Jesus von Nazareth im Umfeld Israels und der Urkirche: gesammelte Aufsätze. hTheobald, Michael: WUNT 111: 1999 =>15,160. RJSJ 31 (200 14, 191. RRBLit 2 (2000) 179-182 (McEntire, Mark). 204 Saebo, Magne On the way to canon: creative tradition history in the Old Testament. JSOT.S 191: 1998 =>14,194. RThLZ 125 (2000) 271273 (Reventlow, Henning Graf); JThS 51(2000)175-178 (Noble, Paul R). 205 Sarna, Nahum M. Studies in biblical interpretation. JPS Scholar of distinction series: Ph 2000, Jewish Publication Society xxvi; 452 pp. 08276-0689-3. Bibi. 431-436. 206 Schenker, Adrian Recht und Kult im Alten Testament: achtzehn Studien. OBO 172: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. x; 208 pp. FS65. 3525-53731-X. 207 Schmitt, Armin Der Gegenwart verpflichtet: Studien zur biblischen Literatur des Frühjudentums. EWagner, Christian: BZA W 292: B 2000, De Gruyter viii; 328 pp. €101.24. 3-11-016820-0. Bibi. 208 Schroer, Silvia Wisdom has built her house: studies on the figure of Sophia in the bible. TMaloney, Linda M; McDonough, William: ColMn 2000, Liturgical xiii; 175 pp. $25. 0-8146-5934-9. 209 Schürmann, Heinz Wort Gottes und Schriftauslegung. 1998 => 14, 198. RThLZ 125 (2000) 78-79 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 29-31] (Lohse, Eduard); OrdKor 41 (2000) 84-85 (Giesen, Heinz). 210 Schwartz, Daniel R. Studies in the Jewish background of christianity. 1992 =>8,307. RThR 65 (2000) 324-325 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 211 Segovia, Fernando F. Decolonizing biblical sludies: a view frurn lhe margins. Mkn 2000, Orbis 177 pp. $24. 1-57075-338-S [BiTod 39,121-Hergant, Oiannel. 212 Seitz, Christopher R. Word without end: the Old Testament as abiding theological witness. 1998 =>14,200; 15,171. RProEc 9 (2000) 114115 (Patton, Corrine L.); AThR 82 (2000) 191-193 (Polk, Timothy).
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213 Ska, Jean-Louis Varia 2000-01: Miscellanea Ska 4: n.p. 2000, n.p. 18 fase. 214 Slenczka, Reinhard Altes und Neues: ausgewählte Aufsätze, Vorträge und Gutachten. EHerzog, Albrecht Immanuel: Neuendettelsau 2000, Freimund 3 vols; 419 + 342 + 287 pp [Bibi. Slenczka 309-330]. 215 Speyer, Wolfgang Frühes Christentum im antiken Strahlungsfeld: Kleine Schriften II. WUNT 116: 1999 ::::>15,176. RTThZ 109 (2000) 78-79 (Reiser, Marius). 216 Stalder, Kurt Sprache und Erkenntnis der Wirklichkeit Gottes: Texte zu einigen wissenschaftstheoretischen und systematischen Voraussetzungen für die exegetische und homiletische Arbeit. EArx, Urs von: ÖBFZPhTh 38: FrS 2000, Universitätsverlag 486 pp. FS60. 3-72781241-9. RFZPhTh 47 (2000) 507-509 (Duhied, Pierre-Luigi). 217 Stroumsa, Guy G. Barbarian philosophy: the religious revolution of early christianity. WUNT 112: 1999 ::::>15,177. RJThS 51 (2000) 324327 (Edwards, MJ.); IR 80 (2000) 315-316 (Frankfurter, David); RB 104 (2000) 612-613 (Callebaut, Bruno). 218 Studer, Basil Mysterium caritatis: Studien zur Exegese und zur Trinitätslehre in der Alten Kirche. 1999 --:> 15, 178. RRSLR 36 (2000) 335-338 (Pazzini, Domenico). 219 Thiel, Winfried Gclcblc Geschichte: Studien zur Sozialgeschichte und zur frühen prophetischen Geschichtsdeutung Israels. EMommer, Peter; Pottmann, Simone: Neuk 2000 Neuk'er viii; 232 pp. 3-7887-1823-4 [NThAR 2000,340]. 220 Van der Horst, Pieter W. Mozes, Plato, Jezus: studies over de wereld van het vroege christendom. Amst 2000, Prometheus 284 pp. 90-5333782-2 [Coll. 30,220-Hoet, Hendrik]. 221 VanderKam, James C. From revelation to canon: studies in the Hebrew Bible and second temple literature. JSJ.S 62: Lei 2000, Brill xi; 604 pp. 90-04-11557-9. 222 Veijola, Timo Moses Erben: Studien zum Dekalog, zum Deuteronomismus und zum Schriftgelehrtentum. BWANT 149: Stu 2000, Kohlhammer 284 pp. FS63. 3-17-016698-0 [RB 108,318]. 223 Westermann, Claus Der Mensch im Alten Testament. AT und Moderne 6: Müns 2000, LIT 128 pp. €15.90. 3-825845-877. Einführung von Hans-Peter Müller. Al.3 Plurium compilationes biblicae 224 EAbella, Josef Paolo: annuncio di vita per culture diverse. 1999 ::::> 15,187. REstTrin 34 (2000) 342-344 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime). 225 EAdam, A.K.M. Handbook of postmodern biblical interpretation. St. Louis 2000, Chalice 322 pp. $12 [BiTod 39, 117-Bergant, Dianne ]. 226 EAdna, Jostein; Kvalbein, Hans The mission of the early church to Jews and Gentiles. WUNT 127: Tü: 2000, Mohr ix; 313 pp. 3-16147242-X. 227 EAichele, George Culture, entertainment and the bible. JSOT.S 309: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 229 pp. f46/$73. 1-84127-075-X. Bibi. 228 EAichele, George; Pippin, Tina The monstrous and unspeakable: the bible as fantastic literature. 1997 ::::> 13, 169. RBibllnterp 8 (2000) 425427 (Hart, Trevor).
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229 EAlkier, Stefan; Brucker, Ralph Exegese und Methodendiskussion. TANZ 23: 1998 =:>14,208; 15,188. RThLZ 125 (2000) 60-62 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 36-39] (Lindemann, Andreas). 230 Eßaker, David W.; Arnold Bill T. The face of Old Testament studies. Leicester 2000, IVP 512 pp. f.28. 0-8010-2215-0 [Evangel 18,88-Dray, Stephen]. 231 Eßalch, David L. Homosexuality, science, and the 'plain sense' of scripture. GR 2000, Eerdmans xii; 318 pp. $20. 0-8028-4698-X P3iTod 38,256-Senior, Donald]. 232 Baldwin, John Templeton Creation, catastrophe, and Calvary: why a global flood is vital to the doctrine of atonement. Hagerstown, MD 2000, Review and Herald 219 pp. $15. RAUSS 38 (2000) 310-313 ~Standish, Tim). 233 Barkey, Michael B. Environmental stewardship in the JudeoChristian tradition: J ewish, catholic and protestant wisdom on the environment. GR 2000, Acton 124 pp. $10 [BiTod 39,313-Bergant, Dianne]. 234 EBarthe, Claude L'exegese chretienne aujourd'hui. P 2000, Fayard ~17 pp. €16.76. 2-213-60546-7 [BCLF 620,1009]. 235 Eßauckham, Richard J. The gospels for all christians: rethinking the grnspcl audicnccs. 1998 ::::>14,213; 15,194. RVJTR 64 (2000) 718 722 (Meagher, P.). 236 EBecking, Bob; Korpel, Marjo C.A. The crisis of Israelite religion: transformation of religious tradition in exilic and post-exilic times. OTS 42: 1999 =:>15,195. RBiOr 57 (2000) 663-670 (Smith, Mark S.). 237 EBellis, Alice Ogden; Kaminsky, Joel S. Jews, christians, and the theology of Hebrew scriptures. SBL Symposium 8: Atlanta, GA 2000, SBL xiv; 450 pp. $50. 0-88414-025-3. Bibl. 391-426. 238 EBen Zvi, Ehud; Floyd, Michael H. Writings and speech in lsraelite and ancient Near Eastem prophecy. Atlanta 2000, SBL xii; 317 pp. $45. 0-88414-023-7 [RB 108,314]. 239 EBerry, R.J. The care of ceation: focusing concern and action. Leicester 2000, Inter-Varsity 213 pp. RSeK 21 (2000) 461-462 (Ne/, M). 240 EBoeft, J. den; Van Poil-van de Lisdonk, M.L. The impact of scripture in early christianity. SVigChr 44: 1999 =:>15,199. RChH 69 (2000) 636 (Clark, Elizabeth A.). 241 EBor~en, Peder; Giversen, Seren The New Testament and Hellenistic Juda1sm. 1995=:>l1/1,67 ... 14,374. RThR 65 (2000) 326-328 ~Lüdemann, Gerd). 242 Brenner, Athalya Ruth and Esther. 1999 =:>15,203. RHeyJ 41 (2000) 465-465 (Van den Eynde, Sabine); CBQ 62 (2000) 579-581 (Sivan, Hagith); 243 Samuel and Kings. Feminist companion to the Bible, 2nd series 7: Shf 2000, Sheffield A.149 pp. 1-84127-082-2. 244 EBrooke, G.J. The birth of Jesus: biblical and theological reflections. E 2000, Clark 141 pp. !:10. RPIBA 23 (2000) 90-91 (Mangan, Celine). 245 Caron, Gerald, al„ Women also journeyed with Hirn: feminist perspectives on the Bible. ColMn 2000, Liturgical xi; 179 pp. $25. 08146-5892-X. 246 Ecarroll, R.M. Daniel Rethinking contexts, rereading texts: contributions frorn the social sciences to biblical interpretation. JSOT.S 299: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 273 pp. 1-84127-058-X. Bibl.
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247 Ecarson, D.A.. From Sabbath to Lord's Day: a biblical, historical, and theological investigation. Eugene, Oregon 1999, Wipf and S. 444 pp. 1-57910-307-3. 248 EChapa, Juan Historia de los hombres y acciones de Dios: la historia de la salvaci6n en la biblia. M 2000, Rialp 241 pp. 249 EChilton, Bruce David; Evans, Craig A. James the Just and christian origins. NT.S 98: 1999 ~15,208. RNT 42 (2000) 397-406 (Painter, John); LTP 56 (2000) 539-541 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). 250 Ecroatto, Jose Severino Os livros profäticos: a voz 11/1,86„. 13,201. REstB 58 (2000) 270-272 (Arambarri, J.). EHabel, Norman C. Readings from the perspective of earth. Tue Earth bible 1: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 279 pp. 0-8298-1406-X. Bibi. EHagner, Donald A. Conflicts and challenges in early christianity. 1999 ::::>15,236. RCBQ 62 (2000) 586-587 (Matera, FrankJ.). EHallbäck, Geert; Engberg-Pedersen, Troels Loesninger og tolkninger af det Nye Testamente. Tekst og teologi 2: Fredriksberg 2000, Anis 364 pp. Euermans, Michel; Sauvage, Pierre Bible et histoire: ecriture, interpretation et action dans le temps. Le livre et le rouleau 10: Bru 2000, Lessius 162 pp. 2-87299-093-3. EHess, Richard Samuel; Wenham, Gordon J. Zion, city of our God. 1999 ::::>15,238. RscrB 30 (2000) 48-50 (Prior, Michael); JThS 51 (2000) 602-604 (Eaton, J.H.); BASOR 318 (2000) 76-77 (Hunt, Joel H.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1246-1247 (Höffken, Peter); CBQ 62 (2000) 587-588 (Hobbs, T.R.); HebStud 41 (2000) 311-313 (Watts, John D.); OTEs 13 (2000) 239-141 (Venter, P.M). EHorsley, Richud A. Paul and politics. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity viii; 248 pp. $26. EJanowski, Bernd; Welker, Michael Opfer: theologische und kulturelle Kontexte. stw 1454: Fra 2000, Suhrkamp 320 pp. €12.50. 3518-29054-1. EJesson, Alan F.; Cignoni, Mario The impact of the word on the world: the bible from print to computer (1450-2000). Reading, UK 2000, United Bible Societies xviii (2) 228 pp. 88-237-8034-7. Bibi. 223-228. EJohnson, Maxwell E. Between memory and hope: readings on the liturgical year. ColMn 2000, Liturgical 454 pp. $40. EKapera, Zdzislaw The Polish Journal ofBiblical Research, vol I, no. 1, September 2000. Krak6w 2000, Enigma 152 pp. Keel, Othmar; Staub, Urs Hellenismus und Judentum: vier Studien zu Daniel 7 und zur Religionsnot unter Antiochus IV. ODO 178: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. xi; 147 pp. 3-525-53992-4. EKessler, Rainer; Loos, Eva Eigentum: Freiheit und Fluch: ökonomische und biblische Einwürfe. KT 175: Gü 2000, Kaiser 197 pp. 3-57905175-X [NThAR 2000,245]. EKnoppers, G.N.; McConville, J.G. Reconsidering Israel and Judah: recent studies on the Deuteronomistic History. Sources for biblical and theological study 8: WL 2000, Eisenbrauns xii; 650 pp. $40. 1-57506037-X. EKorpel, Marjo C.A.; Oesch, Josef M. Delimitation criticism: a new tool in biblical scholarship. Pericope 1: Assen 2000, Van Gorcum vii; 365 pp. 90 232 3656 '1. EKörtncr, Ulrich H.J. Glauben und Verstehen: Perspektiven hermeneutischer Theologie. Neuk 2000, Neuk'er vii; 99 pp. €19.90. 3-78871788-2. EKreitzer, Larry Joseph; Rooke, Deborah W. Ciphers in the sand: interpretations of the woman taken in adultery (John 7.53-8.11). BiSe 74: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 277 pp. $25. 1-84127-141-1.
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286 Lacocque, Andre; Ricoeur, Paul Thinking biblically: exegetical and hermeneutical studies. 1998 =>14,250; 15,250. RHebStud 41 (2000) 245-247 (Linafelt, Tod). 287 ELamadrid, Antonio G.; Campos Santiago, Jesus, al., Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. Introducci6n al estudio de la Biblia 3b: Estella ~avarra) 2000, Verbo Divino 558 pp. 84-8169-174-7. 288 Lemaire, Andre EI mundo de la bfblia. M. 2000, Complutense x; 525 84-7491-576-7. 289 Letis, Theodore P. The majority text: essays and reviews in the continuing debate. Ph 2000 , The Institute for Renaissance and Reformation Biblical Studies xvi; 210 pp. 290 ELinafelt, Tod Strange fire: reading the bible after the Holocaust. BiSe 71: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 304 pp. 1-84127-097-0. Bibi. L.91 ELohtink, Norbert; Zenger, Erich The God of Israel and the nations: studies in lsaiah and the Psalms. T Kalin, Everett R.: ColMn 2000, Liturgical vii; 234 pp. $40. 0-8146-5925-X [RB 103,477]. 292 Lohfink, Norbert Church dreams: talking against the trend. TMaloney, Linda M: North Richland Hills, TX 2000, BIBAL x; 150 pp. $16 fThD 47,376-Heiser, W. Charles]. 293 Long, V. Philips lsrael's past in present research: essays on ancient lsraelite historiography. 1999 => 15,252. RHenoch 22 (2000) 102-103 fSoggin, J. Alberto); AUSS 38 (2000) 335-336 (Li, Tarsee). 294 Louison-Lassabliere, Marie-Jol!lle Le recours a l'ecriture: polemique et conciliation du XV 0 siecle au XVII 0 siecle. Saint-Etienne 2000, Publications de l'Universite 232 pp. €22.86. 2-86272-185-9 fETR 76,284-Bost, Hubert]. 295 Luttikhuizen, Gerard P. The creation of man and woman: interpretations of the biblical narratives in Jewish and Christian traditions. Themes in biblical narrative 3: Lei 2000, Brill x; 214 pp. $67. 90-0411671-0. 296 EMayes, A.D.H. Text in context: essays by members ofthe Society for Old Testament Study. Oxf 2000, OUP xvii; 474 pp. f60. 0-19-826391-0 [ScrB 31/1,43s-O'Kane, Martin]. 297 EMazzarollo, lsidoro Sexualidade e homossexualidade na biblia. Estudos bfblicos 66: Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 88 pp [NThAR 2000,309). 298 EMcKenzie, Steven L.; Graham, M. Patrick The Hebrew Bible today: an introduction to critical issues. 1998 => 14,257; 15,256. RHebStud 41(2000)239-241 (Carroll R., M Daniel). 299 EMichel, Paul; Weder, Hans Sinnvermittlung: Studien zur Geschichte von Exegese und Hermeneutik 1. Z 2000, Pano (6) 520 pp. 3-90757632-2. 300 Des miracles et des hommes. Sens, enj~ux, formes, outils: P 2000, Societe centrale d'evangelisation 112 pp. Eglise reformee de France. 301 Moriconi, Bruno, al., Preghiera e Terra Santa. 1999 =>15,259. Rcredüg 119-120 (2000) 188-190 (Cappelletto, Gianm). 302 EMoxnes, Halvor Jesus 2000 är etter Kristus. Oslo 2000, Universitetsforlaget 299 pp. 303 EMuller, Jean-Jacques La Bible: lectures, temoignages. Valenciennes 2000, Association Bible et Culture [BuBB 35,74). 304 ENaldini, Mario La bibbia nei Padri della chiesa: il Nuovo Testamento. Letture patristiche 8: Bo 2000, EDB 188 pp. €15.49. 88-10-420446. RVetChr 37 (2000) 438-440 (Aulisa, Immacolata).
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305 F.Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm Grundinformation Neues Testament: eine bibelkundlich-theologische Einführung. UTB.W 2108: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht 418 pp. 3-8252-2108-3. 306 Eokure, Teresa To cast fire upon the earth: bible and mission collaboration in today's multicultural global context. Pietermaritzburg 2000, Cluster 248 pp. $25. 307 Eo•sullivan, Orlaith The bible as book: the Reformation. L 2000, British Library x; 182 P.P· 1-58456-025-8. Bibi. 169-179. 308 Eotto, Eckart Mose: Agypten und das Alte Testament. SBS 189: Stu 2000, Katholisches Bibelwerk 149 pp. €20.35. 3-460-04891-3. 309 EPippin, Tina; Aichele, George Violence, utopia, and the kingdom of God: fantasy and ideology in the bible. 1998 =>14,260. RRBLit 2 FOOO) 68-69 (Carey, Greg). 310 'Poorthuis, M.J.H.M.; Schwartz, J. Purity and holiness: the heritage of Leviticus. Jewish and christian perspectives 2: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 371pp.90-04-11418-1 [NThAR2000,217]. 311 EPope-Levison, Priscilla; Levison, John R. Return to Babel: global perspectives on the bible. 1999 =>15,269. RRBLit 2 (2000) 92-94 ~McEntire, Mark). 312 Porter, Stanley E.; Carson, D.A. Linguistics and the New Testament: criticaljunctures. JSN'f.S 168; Studies in New Testament Ureek 5: 1999=>15,271. RRBLit 2 (2000) 340-343 (Koperski, Veronica). 313 EPorter, Stanley E. Diglossia and other topics m New Testament linguistics. JSNT.S 193; Studies in NT Greek 6: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 305 pp. f50/$80. 1-84127-091-l. 314 La profezia. Eßianchi, Enzo PSV 41 (2000) 264 pp. 315 EPury, Albert de; Römer, Thomas; Macchi, Jean-Daniel Israel constructs its history: deuteronomistic historiography in recent research. JSOT.S 306: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 504 pp. 1-84127-099-7. 316 Quesnel, Michel; Gruson, Philippe La Bible et sa culture, 1: Ancien Testament, 2: Jesus et le Nouveau Testament. P 2000, Desclee de B. 575+606 pp. 317 ERhoads, David M.; Syreeni, Kari A. Characterization in the gospels: reconceiving narrative criticism. JSNT.S 184: 1999 =>15,275. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1259-1261 (Reinmuth, Eckart); CBQ 62 (2000) 590-592 ~Carter, Warren). 318 Ritter, Werner H. Religion und Phantasie: von der Imaginationskraft des Glaubens. BTSP 19: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 182 pp. 3-52561385-7. 319 Rois et reines de la bible au miroir des Peres. Cahiers de Biblia Patristica 6: 1999 =>15,277. RzKG 111 (2000) 389-391 (Reventlow, Henning Graf). 320 Rossi de Gasperis, Francesco; Carfagna, Antonella Prendi il libro e mangia! 2: dai Giudici alla fine del Regno. 1999 =>15,278. RCivCatt 151/4 (2000) 99-100 (Scaiola, D.). 321 ERömer, Thomas The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: Lv 2000, Peeters 265 pp. 90-429-0858-0. SBL Internat. Meeting, Lausanne, July 1997. 322 ERutgcrs, Lconard V. The use of sacred books in the ancient world. 1998 =>14,263; 15,279. REThL 76 (2000) 182-184 (Verheyden, J.). 323 Esaebo, Magne Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: the history of its interpretation, 1: from the beginnings to the Middle Ages (until 1300): part 2, the Middle Ages. Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 729 pp. €96.12. 3525-53507-4.
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324 ESchäfer, Peter; Cohen, Mark R. Toward the millennium: messianic expectations from the Bible to Waco. SHR 77: 1998 =>14,264. RRBLit 2 (2000) 504-507 (Cook, Stephen L.). 325 EScheuermann, Georg Das Jobeljahr im Wandel: Untersuchungen zu Erlaßjahr- und Jobeljahrtexten aus vier Jahrtausenden. FzB 94: Wü 2000, Echter xi; 221 pp. 3-429-02189-8. RNZM 56 (2000) 243-244 ~Schelbert, Georg). 326 Schmidinger, Heinrich Die Bibel in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. 1999 2 vols =>15,280. Rorien. 64 (2000) 115119 (Gellner, Christoph); ThRv 96 (2000) 199-202 (Fuchs, Gotthard); SaThZ 4 (2000) 213-216 (Tanzer, Ulrike); StZ 218 (2000) 711-714 &Kurz, Paul Konrad). 327 Scholtissek, Klaus Christologie in der Paulus-Schule: zur Rezeptions~eschichte des paulinischen Evangeliums. SBS 181: 1999 => 15,281. ITS 37 (2000) 341-3 (Legrand, L.). Kolloquium Müns 24-25.4. 1998. 328 ESchottroff, Luise; Wacker, Marie-Theres Kompendium feministische Bibelauslegung. 2 1999 =>15,283. RSaThZ 4 (2000) 216-218 &Nehring, Petra). 329 Scoralick, Roth Das Drama der Barmherzigkeit Gottes: Studien zur biblischen Gottesrede und ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte in Judentum und Christentum. SBS 183: Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk 240 pp. €30.17. 3460-048:.l 1-X. 330 Escott, James M. Exile: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian conceptions. JSJ.S 56: 1997 =>13,227; 15,717. RJSJ 31 (2000) 109-111 (Grabbe, Lester L.); CoTh 70 (2000) 226-230 (Chrostowski, Waldemar). 331 ESegovia, Fernando F. lnterpreting beyond borders. The bible and Rostcolonialism3: Shf2000, SheffieldA.191 pp.1-84127-104-7. 332 SevrinR. Jean-Marie The NT in early christianity 1989 =>5,606 ... 8,4190. ThR 65 (2000) 344-346 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 333 ESieg, Franciszek; Kasilowski, Piotr Studies on the bible: to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the publication of Jakuh Wujek's translation of the bible 1599-1999. Wsz 2000, "Bobolanum" 344 pp. 83-907392-8-3. 33'1 ESteins, Georg Schweigen wäre gottesliisterlich: die heilende Kraft der Klage. Wü 2000, Echter 175 pp. €12.68. 3-429-02212-6 [NThAR 2000,245). 335 Stoker, W.; Vroom, H. Verhulde waarheid: over het begrijpen van religieuze teksten. Zoetermeer 2000, Meinema 200 pp. €17. 90-2113808-5. RITBT 8/8 (2000) 32 (Sneller, Rico). 336 Estone, Jon R. Expecting Armageddon: essential readings in failed prophecy. L 2000, Routledge 284 pp. f14 [Theo!. 104,152s-Newport, Kenneth G.C.]. 337 Das Studium des Neuen Testaments, 2: exegetische und hermeneutische Grundfragen. ENeudorfer, Heinz-Werner; Schnah~I, F.ckhard J. Bibelwissenschaftliche Monographien 8: Wu 2000, Brockhaus 373 3-417-29462-2. 338 Thompson, W_illiam. M;; ~orse, David Lee VOEGELIN's Israel and rt':velatwu: 13,234 ... 15,293. RCrSt 21 (2000) 704-706 (Corsani, Bruno); LASBF 50 (2000) 543-545 (Casalini, Ne/lo).
Al.3 Biblical compilations ofvarious authors
340 EUbbiali, Sergio II sacrificio: evento e rito. 1998 =:>14,272; 15,2185. RAsp. 47 (2000) 242-247 (Falanga, Giuseppe). 341 EValente, Jose Angel; Fernändez Quesada, Nuria Anatomia de la palabra. Textos y pretextos 474: Almeria 2000, Instituto de Estudios Almerienses 292 pp. 84-8191-337-5. Bibi. 213-284. 342 EWest, Gerald O.; Dube, Musa W. The bible in Africa: transactions, trajectories and trends. Lei 2000, Brill xviii; 828 pp. $147. 90-0410627-8. 343 Willmes, Bernd; Zmijewski, Josef; Diez, Karlheinz Gott als Vater in Bibel und Liturgie. FHSS 34: Fra 2000, Knecht 125 pp. 344 EWimbush, Vinceut African Americans and the bible: sacred texts and social textures. NY 2000, Continuum xx; 876 pp. $100. 0-8264-12939. 345 EWonil, Kirn, al., Reading the Hebrew Bible for a new millennium: form, concept, and theological perspective, 1: theological and hermeneutical studies. Studies in antiquity and christianity: Harrisburg, PA 2000, Trinity ix; 389 pp. 1-56338-314-4. Al.4 Plurium compilationes theologicae 346 EAndcrson, Gary A.; Stone, Michael Edward; Tromp, Johannes Literature on Adam and Eve: collected essays. SVTP 15: Lei 2000, Brill xiii; 388 pp. $129. 90-04-116001. Bibi. 347 EAthanassiadi, Polymnia; Frede, Michael Pagan monotheism in late antiquity. 1999 =:>15,301. Seminar, Oxford, 1996. RREG 113 (2000) 688-689 (Foschia, Laurence). 348 EAvery-Peck, Alan J.; Neusner, Jacob Judaism in late antiquity, 4: death, life-after-death, resurrection and the world-to-come in the Judaisms of antiquity. HO 1/49,4: Lei 2000, Brill xi; 342 pp. 90-0411262-6. 349 EAyres, Lewis; Jones, Gareth Christian origins: theology, rhetoric and community. 1998 =:>14,284; 15,302. RRBLit 2 (2000) 477-479 kCarey, Greg). 350 Barton, Stephen C. Where shall wisdom be found?: wisdom in the bible, the church and the contemporary world. 1999 =:>15,303. RAThR 82 (2000) 394-395 (Evans, Diana); RTR 59 (2000) 84-85 (Shead, Andrew G.); TrinJ 21(2000)239-243 (Treier, Daniel J). 351 Eßraun, Willi; McCutcheon, Russen T. Guide to the study of religion. L 2000, Cassell xii; 560 pp. $25 [Numen 48, 117-Stuckrad, Kocku von]. 352 EBrown, Warren S. Understanding wisdom: sources, science & society. Laws of Life Symposia Series 3: Radnor 2000, Templeton Foundation Pr. xii; 445 pp. 1-89151-30-0. 353 EBrunner-Traut, Emma Os fundadores das grandes religiöes: Akhenaton, Zaratustra, Moises, Jesus, Mani, Maome, Buda, Confilcio, LaoTse. 1999=>15,309. RREB 60 (2000) 469-471 (Leparl{neur, Hubert). 354 EChristen, Eduard; Kirchschläger, Walter Erlöst durch Jesus Christus: Soteriologie im Kontext. Thllcr 23: FrS 2000, Paulusverlag 147 pp. €15.24. 3-7228-0419-1. 355 Ecoward, Harold Experiencing scripture in world religions. NY 2000, Orbis 178 pp. $16 [BiTod 39,118-Bergant, Dianne].
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356 Ecrociata, Mariano Gesu Cristo e l'unicita della mediazione. Cammini nello Spirito, Teologia 37: Mi 2000, Paoline 371 pp. 88-3151967-0. 357 EDempsey, Carol J.; Butkus, Russen A. All creation is groaning: an interdisciplinary vision for life in a sacred universe. 1999 => 15,312. RRBLit 2 (2000) 81-84 (McEntire, Mark). 358 EDescouleurs, Bernard; Nouailhat, Rene Approches des religions de l'antiquite. Franche-Comte 2000, CRDP 224 pp. €19.06. 222004582X. 359 EDorival, G.; Pralon, D. Prieres mediterraneennes hier et aujourd'hui. Textes et documents de la Mediterranee antique et medievale 1: Aixen-Provence 2000, Publ. de l'Univ. 340 pp. 360 Enormeyer, Detlev Lebenswege und Religion: Biographie in Bibel, Dogmatik und Religionspädagogik. Religion und Biographie 1: Müns 72000, Lit 309 pp. 3-8258-4226-6 [NThAR 2000,339]. 361 EFerngren, Gary B. The history of science and religion in the westem tradition: an encyclopedia. Garland Reference Library 1833: L 2000, Garland xxi; 586 pp. ±:90/$150. 362 EFrankemölle, Hubert Christen und Juden gemeinsam ins dritte Jahrtausend: das Geheimnis der Erlösung heißt Erinnerung. Pd 2000, Bonifatius 312 pp. 3-89710-152-1. 363 EFrey, Herbert La genealogia del cristianismo: t.orip;en de occidente?. Mexico 2000, Conncultn 278 pp. 364 EGerhards, Albert; Odenthal, Andreas Kölnische Liturgie und ihre Geschichte: Studien zur interdisziplinären Erforschung des Gottesdienstes un Erzbtstwn Köln. LW()t' 8'/: Müns 2000, Aschendorff 325 ~P· 3-402-04066-2. Bibi. 308-317. 365 Gerhards, Albert; Richter, Klemens Das Opfer-biblischer Anspruch und liturgische Gestalt. QD 186: FrB 2000, Herder 296 pp. 3-451-02186-2. 366 EGugliermetto, Gianluigi 1 molti nomi di Dio: riflessioni per un dialogo interreligioso. La Vite e i Tralci 7: Negarine di S. Pietro in Cariano (Verona) 2000, II Segno dei Gabrielli 189 pp. 88-86043-90-2. 367 EHiltebeitel, Alf; Erndl, Kathleen M. ls the goddess a feminist?: the politics of South Asian goddcsscs. Shf 2000, Shcfficld A. 287 pp. 184127-157-8. 368 Jerusalem: Stadt des Friedens: Jahrbuch Mission 2000. Hamburg 2000, Missionshilfe 304 pp. €5. 3-921620-60-0. Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland. 369 EKatz, Steven T. Mysticism and sacred scripture. Oxf 2000, OUP ix; 260 pp. $50. 370 EKochanek, Hermann Engel im Aufwind: Gottes Boten auf der Spur. Mödling 2000, St. Gabriel 327 pp. €25,51. 371 ELawler, Michael G.; Risch, Gail S. Practical theology: perspectives from the plains. Omaha 2000, Creighton Univ. Pr. x; 294 pp. $25. 1881871-36-3 [ThD 48,186-Heiser, W. Charles]. 372 EMathis, Claudia, al., Tage kommen: Zukunft der Theologie. Ulithiana 3: Innsbruck 2000, Studia 178 pp. FS18. 3-901502-26-2. 373 ENatale Terrin, A. Apocalittica e liturgia del compimento. Padova ?.000, Messae;ero 182 pp. 374 EPietri, Luce Histoire du christianisme, 1: le nouveau peuple (des origines a250). P 2000, Desclee 939 pp. 2-7189-0631-6. 375 EPorter, Barbara Nevling One God or many?: concepts of divinity in the ancient world. Transactions of the Casco Bay Assyriological Institute 1: Bethesda, MD 2000, CDL ix (2); 350 pp. 0-9674250-0-X.
Al.4 Theological compilations ofvarious authors
376 Esauter, Gerhard; Barton, John Revelation and story: narrative theology and the centrality of story. Aldershot 2000, Ashgate vii; 204 f14. 0-7546-1291-0. Collab. Univ. OxfandBonn. 377 Suprenant, Leon J. Catholic for a reason II: scripture and the mystery ofthe mothcr ofGod. Steubenvillc 2000, Emmaus 198 pp. Foreword by Bishop James S. Sullivan. 378 ETrueman, Carl R.; Gray, Tony J.; Blomberg, Craig L. Solid ground. Leicester 2000, IVP 319 pp. f15. 0-85111-465-2 [Evangel 18,88-Dray, Stephen]. ·
Al.5 Plurium compilationes philologicae vel archaeologicae 379 F.Ariel, Donald T. Excavations at the city of David 1978-1985 VL iuscriptions. Qedem 41: J 2000, Institute of Archaeology] x; 194 pp. $48. RLASBF 50 (2000) 590-591 (Kaswalder, Pietro). 380 EArts, Wil Through a glass, darkly: blurred images of cultural tradition and modemity over distance and time. Internat. Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology 75: Lei 2000, Brill (6) 97 pp. 90-04-11597-8. 381 EBell-Fialkoff, Andrew The rolc of migration in the history of the Eurasian steppe: sedentary civilization vs. "barbarian" and nomad. L 2000, Mttcmillim xi; 355 pp. 0-333-80027-J. Dibl. J 11-342. 382 Eßergmann, Bettina; Kondoleon, Christine The art of ancient spectacle. 1999 ~15,334. RAJA 104 (2000) 81-1-816 (Elsner, Jas}. 383 Bisconli, Fabriziu Tt:mi
15,345. RFJB 27 (2000) 167-171 (Kuyt, Annelies). 397 Denis, Albert-Marie, al., Introduction a la litterature religieuse judeohellenistique. Turnhout 2000, Brepols xxi; 1420 pp; 2 vols. 2-50350981-9. 398 Elayi, J.; Sapin, J. Quinze ans de recherche (1985-2000) sur la Transeuphratene a l'epoque perse. TEuph.S 8: P 2000, Gabalda 726 pp. €71.65. 2-85021-129-X. 399 EElman, Yaakov; Gershoni, Israel Transmitting Jewish traditions: orality, textuality, and cultmal diffusion. Studies in Jewish Culture and Society: Nllv 2000, Yale University Press xi; 353 pp. 0-300-08198-7. 400 EElsner, Jas Art and text in Roman culture. 1996 ::::>12,225; 15,350. RAJA 104 (2000) 143-144 (Kuttner, Ann). 401 EElwell, Walter A.; Yarbrough, Robert W. Readings from the firstcentuJy world: primary sources for New Testament study. 1998 ::::>14, 332. RRBLit 2 (2000) 487-490 (Youngquist, Linden). 402 EEvans, Craig A.; Flint, Peter W. Eschatology, messianism, and the Dead Sea scrolls. SDSSRL 1: 1997 ::::>13,276 ... 15,351. RABR 48 k2000) 77-78 (Sim, David C. ). 403 Frey, Herbert La genealogia del cristianismo: l,Origen de Occidente?. Mexico. D.F. 2000, Conaculta 278 pp. 970-18-4839-X. Bibi. 276-278. 404 EGasche, Hermann; Tanret, .Michel Changing watercourses in Babylonia: towards a reconstruction of the ancient environment in Lower Mesopotamia, 1. 1998 ::::>14,335; 15,355. RMes. 34-35 (1999-2000) 236-237 (Cellerino, A.). 405 EGoodman-Thau, Eveline Vom Jenseits: jüdisches Denken in der europäischen Geistesgeschichte. 1997 ::::>13,280. RThLz 125 (2000) 381382 (Becker, Hans-Jürgen). 406 EHallo, William W. Tue context of scripture: canonical compositions, monumental inscriptions, and archival documents from the biblical world, 2: monumental inscriptions from the biblical world. Lei 2000, Brill xxiv; 438 pp. €107. 90-04-10619-7. With K. Lawson Younger, Jr. ~ThAR 2000,278]. 407 'Hansen, Mogens Herman A comparative study of thirty city-state cultures: an investigation conducted by the Copenhagen Polis Centre. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabemes Selskab, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 21: K 2000, Reitzels 636 pp. 87-7876-177-8. Rpateorient 26 k2000) 168-170 (Yoffee, Norman). 408 Hetzron, Robert The Semitic languages. 1997 ::::>13,283. RBSOAS 63 (2000) 102-107 ( Ullendorff, Edwarcf); JSSt 45 (2000) 13 7-140 kLipifzski, Edward). . 409 Huskinson, J. Experiencing Rome: culture, identity and power in the Roman Empire. L 2000, Routledge xv; 378 pp. ±:17 [CIR 51,120ssRees, Roger].
Al.5 Compilations with various authors
410 Jahrbuch für Antilee und Christentum 41 (1998) =>14,341. RJThS 51 ,2000) 319-321 (Chadwick, Henry). 411 Karenberg, A.; Leiz, Chr. Heilkunde und Hochkultur. Müns 2000, LIT x; 295 pp. €25,46. 3-8258-5217-2. 412 EKaye, Alan S.; Daniels, Peter T. Phonologies of Asia and Africa: (including the Caucasus). 1997 2 vols =>13,8490; 14,343. RJNES 59 ,2000) 210-213 (Pardee, Dennis). 413 Kleiner, Diana E.E.; Matheson, Susan B. 1, Claudia: women in ancient Rome. 1996 =>12,228; 15,364. RHZ 271 (2000) 154-155 'Krause, Jens-Uwe). 414 Knight, Christ; Studdert-Kennedy, Michael; Hurford, James R. The evolutionary emergence of language: social function and the urigius oflinguistic form. C 2000, CUP xi; 426 pp. 0-521-78157-4. 415 EKorzen, lßrn; Marello, Carla Argomenti per una linguistica della traduzione. Gli argomenti umani 4: Alessandria 2000, Orso 157 pp. 887694-423-0. 416 ELehmann, Yves Religions de l'antiquite. Premier cycle: P 1999, PUF 591 pp. 417 ELemaire, Andre Les routes du Proehe-orient: des sejours d' Abraham aux caravanes de l'eneens. P 2000, Desclee de B. 144 pp. 2-22004765-2. Bibi. 418 ELessing, Almuth Jerusalem: Wege in die Heilige Stadt. Da:Wiss 2000, 160 pp. €49.90. 3-76302380-1. 419 ELim, Timothy H. , al.,The Dead Sea scrolls in their historical context. E 2000, Clark x; 309 pp. $50. 0-567-08707-7. Bibi. 420 ELoprieno, Antonio Anctent Egyptian literature: history and forms. 1996 =>12,230; 15,368. REstB 58 (2000) 192-200 (Frandsen, P.J.). 421 EMacleod, R. The library of Alexandria: centre of leaming in the ancient world. L 2000, Tauris xii; 196 pp. f'.39.50. 1-86064-428-7 [ClR 51,149ss-Lightfoot, J.L.]. 422 Mari 8. Annales de Recherches Interdisciplinaires. 1997. RSyria 77 (2000) 326-328 (Lebrun, Rene). 423 Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae VII. StT 396: Citta de! Vaticano 2000, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 505 pp. 88-2100703-0; 424 VIII. StT 402: Citta del Vaticano 2000, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana 564 pp. 88-210-0728-6. 425 EMontserrat, Dominic Changing bodies, changing meanings: studies on the human body in antiquity. 1998 =>14,352. RtlR 50 (2000) 536538 (Harlow, Mary). 426 EMüller, Hans Peter; Siegert, Folker Antike Randgesellschaften und Randgruppen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum: Ringvorlesung an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Münsteraner Judaistische Studien 5: Müns] 2000, LIT 221 pp. 3-8258-4189-8. 427 ENebes, Norbert Tempus und Aspekt in den semitischen Sprachen: Jenaer Kolloquium zur Semitischen Sprachwissenschaft. Jenaer Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient 1: Wsb 1999, Harrassowitz 192 pp. 3-44704257-5. 428 ENeusner, Jacob; Avery-Peck, Alan J. Judaism in late antiquity, 3: where we stand: issues and debates in ancient Judaism, 3. HO 1/53,3: Lei 2000, Brill xi; 179 pp. €57. 90-04-11892-6. 429 Eoren, E.D. The sea peoples and their world: a reassessment. Univ. Mus. Monograph 108: Ph 2000, University Museum 360 pp. 0924171-80-4.
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
430 EPatzek, Barbara Quellen zur Geschichte der Frauen, 1: Antike. Stu 2000, Reclam 344 pp. €7.67. 3-15-017022-2. 18 pi. 431 Epayne, Alina Alexandra; Kuttner, Ann; Smick, Rebekah Antiquity and its interpreters: antiquity transumed. C 2000, CUP xv; 324 pp. 0521-59400-6. 432 EPorter, Stanley E.; Evans, Craig A. The scrolls and the scriptures: Qumran fifty years after. JSPE.S 26: 1997 =>13,299; 15,379. RHenoch 22 (2000) 119-122 (Martone, Corrado). 433 EPorter, Stanley E.; Pearson, Brook W.R. Christian-Jewish relations through the centuries. JSNT.S 192; Roehampton Papers 6: Shf 2000, . Sheffield A. 503 pp. f'.60/$95. 1-84127-090-3. 434 EPotter, D.S.; Mattingly, D.J. Life, death, and entertainment in the Romanempire. 1999 =>15,380. RclR 50 (2000) 527-528 (O'Gorman, Ellen). 435 Epoyatos, Fernando Nonverbal communication and translation. Amst 1997, Benjamins xii; 361 pp. $94. 90-272-1618-5. RBiTr 51 (2000) 147-149 (Hodgson, Bob). 436 EPrice, Theron Uouglas Europe's first farmcrs. C 2000, CUP xv; 395 0-521-66572-8. Bibi. 319-376. 437 Rautman, Alison E. Reading the body: representations and remains in the archaeological record. Regendering the past: Ph 2000, University of Pennsylvania Press ix; 283 pp. 0-8122-3521-5. Bibi. 215-267. 438 ERichards, Janet; Van Buren, Mary Order, legitimacy and wealth in ancient states. New Directions in Archaeology: C 2000, CUP xiii; 163 ~P· $65/24. 0-521-77212-5/671-6. 37 fig.; 10 pi.; 7 maps; 9 charts. 439 Rova, Elena Patavina orientalia selecta History of the Ancient Near East, Monographs 4: Padova 2000, Sargon xvii; 290 pp. 440 ERowland, Christopher; Schofield, Malcolm The Cambridge history ofGreek and Roman political thought. C 2000, CUP x; 745 pp. 0-52148136-8. In association with Simon Harrison and Melissa Lane; Bibi. 441 Esasson, Jack M. Civilisations of the Ancient Near East. Peabody ~000 , Hendrickson xliii; 2966 pp; 2 vols. $170. 442 ESchäfer, Peter; Hezser, Catherine The Talmud Yerushalmi and Gracco-Roman culturc. TSAJ 79: Tü 2000, Mohr 291 pp. 3-16147244-6. 443 Esetälä, P.; Savunen, L. Female networks and the public sphere in Roman society. 1999 =>15,386. RHz 271 (2000) 717-718 (Dettenho.{~r, Maria H. ). 444 Siegert, Folker Israel als Gegenüber: vom alten Orient bis in die Gegenwart: Studien zur Geschichte eines wechselvollen Zusammenlebens. SIJD 5: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 584 pp. €99. 3-525-54204-6. 445 ESilberman, Neil Asher; Small, David B. The archueology of Israel: constructing the past, interpreting the present. JSOT.S 237: 1997 =>13,9790 ... 15,393. RHeyJ 41(2000)329-331 (Prior, Michael). 446 ETaplin, 0. Literature in the Greek and Roman worlds: a new perspective. Oxf2000, OUP xv; 596 pp. 0-19-210020-3 [REA 102,534-Verg:e-Borderolle, Jean-Marc]. 447 Tsetskhladze, Gocha R. Ancient Greeks west and east. Mn.S 196: 1999=>15,397. RCIR 50 (2000) 554-556 (Osborne, Robin). 448 EValantasis, R. Religions of late antiquity in practice. Princeton 2000, i:1rinceton Univ. Pr. xvi; 511 pp. f14. 0-691-05751-6. 449 EVogel, Petra M.; Comrie, Bernard Approaches to the typology of word classes. Empirical approaches to language typology 23: B 2000, De Gruytcr xiii; 514 pp. 3-11-016783-2.
Al.5 Compilations with various authors
450 EWebb, Vic; Kembo-Sure African voices: an introduction to the languages and linguistics of Africa. Oxf 2000, OUP xiv; 334 pp. 0-19571681-7. 451 EWhitman, Jon Interpretation and allegory: antiquity to the modern period. Brill's Studies in Intellectual History 101: Lei 2000, Brill xv; 513 pp. 90-04-11039-9.
A2. l Acta congressuum biblica 452 A Eucaristia: fonte de vida divina. Semana Biblica Nacional (23: Fatima: 2000). Biblica serie cientifica Ano IX; Novembro 2000, 9: Fatima 2000, Difusora Biblica 240 pp. 972-652-178-5. 453 EBartholomew, Craig; Greene, Colin; Möller, Karl Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: Carlisle 2000, Paternoster 400 pp. f20. 0-85364-034-3. 454 EBenyik, György Szegedi Biblikus Konferencia Szeged, 1998. augusztus 31-szeptember 3.: Csoda-elbeszelesek. Szeged 2000, JA TEPress 187 pp. 455 Eßron, H.; Lipschitz, 0. :i.m:i b1ll:J ol::i::i nll'(l:n:i :?C"ltl •n 1:iKivr i1:ir.i in C'1:iwii• ,nb1:Jl1:1 :1b'01:J'JlK:1 7w Kiitr.i1:i [David King of Israel alive and enduring?] 1997 :::::>13,319. RJSSt 45 (2000) 161-162 (Sasson, Victor). 456 EBrooke, George J. Jewish ways ofreading the bible. JSSt.S 11: Oxf 2000, OUP 326 pp. ;(40. 0-19-850918-9. British Assoc. for Jewish St:udies, Manchester 1999. 457 r:cavadini, John C. Miracles in Jewish and christian antiquity: imagining truth. Notre Dame studies in theology 3: Notre Dame, IN 2000, Univ. ofNotre Dame Press ix; 243 pp $35. 0-268-01217-2. Seminar, Notre Dame [ThD 47,379-Heiser, W. Charles]. 458 ECharlesworth, James H.; Weaver, Walter P. Jesus two thousand years later. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity xi; 130 pp. $14. 1-56338-303-9. Biblical Symposium, Florida Southem 1998. 459 ECharlesworth, James H. The Hebrew nible and Qumran, 1 North Richland Hills, TX 2000, BIBAL xxxvi; 359 pp. 0-9410-3756-8. Proceedings ofthe Jubilee celebration at Princeton Theological Seminary. 460 Eclarey, Ricardo; Nieto, Gustavo "De la escritura al sacerdocio": actas de las exposiciones. San Rafael (Argentina) 2000, Seminario Religioso "Maria, Madre del Verbo Encamado" 211 pp. 461 EDay, John King and messiah in Israel and the ancient Near East: proceedings of the Oxford Old Testament Seminar. JSOT.S 270: 1998 :::::>14,378. KCBQ 62 (2000) 173-175 (Launderville, lJale). 462 EDunn, James n.G. , a/.,Auslegung der Bibel in orthodoxer und westlicher Perspektive: Akten des west-östlichen Neutestamentler/innenSymposiums von Neamt vom 4.-11. September 1998. WUNT 130: Tü 2000, Mohr xii; 230 pp. €75.67. 3-16-147405-8. 463 EEmerton, J.A. Congress volume: Cambridge 1995. VT.S 66: 1997 :::::>13,323; 15,411. RRivBib 48 (2000) 353-356 (Minissafe, Antonino). 464 EExum, J. Cheryl; Moore, Stephen D. Biblical studies / cultural studies: the third Sheffield Colloquium. JSOT.S 266: 1998 :::::>14,380. RRivBib 48 (2000) 335-340 (Balzaretti, Claudio). 465 EFleer, David; Bland, Dave Preaching from Luke/Acts. Abilene, TX 2000, ACU 182 pp. $15. 0-89112-135-8. Seminar 1999, Rochester [ThD 50,87-Heiser, W. Charles].
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16, 2000
466 EFrerichs, Ernest S. Exodus-the Egyptian evidence 1997 => 13 ,325; 467
468 469 470
472 473 474 475 476
15,2083. Papers presented at a conference held at Brown University in 1992. RRBLit 2 (2000) 139-142 (Van Seters, John). EGetui, Mary; Holter, Knut; Zinkuratire, Victor Tnterpreting the Old Testament in Afir]ica: papers from the international symposium on Africa and the Old Testament in Nairobi, Kenya, October 1999. NY 2000, Lang ix; 246 pp. $58. 0-8204-4978-4. Republished as Interpreting the Old Testament in Africa. Nairobi: Acton (Biblical Studies in African Scbolarship). ISBN: 9966-888-14-4. $15 [BOTSA 10,16]. EGillaerts, P. Effata: beschouwingen over bijbelvertalen en stijl Nieuwe Cahiers voor Vertaalwetenschap 6: Antwerpen 2000, Katholieke Vlaamse Hogeschool 200 pp. EGolka, Friedemann W.; Weiß, Wolfgang Joseph: Bibel und Literatur: Symposion Helsinki/Lathi 1999. Oldenburgische Beiträge zu jüdischen Studien 6: Oldenburg 2000, Bis 124 pp. €7.67. 3-8142-0716-5. EGreenspoon, Leonard Jay; Leßeau, Bryan F. Sacred text, secular times: the Hebrew Bible in the modern world. Studies in Jewish Civilisation 10: Omaha, Nebraska 2000, Creighton Univ. Pr. xviii; (2) 295 pp. $25. 1-881871-32-0. Symposium ofthe Klutznick Chair in Jewish Civilization 10: 1997: Omaha, Nebraska. EGrenholm, Cristinai Patte, Daniel Readin~ Israel in Romans: 1egitimacy and plausibihty of divergent interpretat1ons Romans through history and culture. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity vi; 265 pp. $29. 1-56338308-X. EHengel, Martin; Mittmann, Siegfried; Schwemer, Anna Maria Die Stadt Gottes: 3' Symposiwn Strasbow-g, Tübingen, Uppsala;, Tü. WUNT 129: Tü 2000, Mohr x; 470 pp. 3-16-147200-4. EHouziaux, Alain Jesus: de Qumrän a l'evangile de Thomas: les judaYsmes et la genese du christianisme. 1999 =>15,418. RLTP 56 f2000) 155-157 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). Johnston, Philip; Walker, Peter The land of promise: biblical, theological and contemporary perspectives. Leicester 2000, Apollos 240 pp. !13. 0-85111-469-5. 1999 conf. örg. by Tyndale Fellowship. EKalms, Jürgen U. Internationales Josephus-Kolloquium Aarhus 1999. Münsteraner Judaistische Studien 6: Müns 2000, LIT 337 pp. 38258-4323-8. EKrasovec, Joze Interpretation of the bible: international symposium September 1996 Ljubljana, Slovenia. 1998 =>14,388 RJThS 51 (2000) 164-167 (Ellingworth, Paul) ZKG 111 (2000) 91-92 (Reventlow, Henning Graf) RivBib 48 (2000) 253-254 (Boschi, Bernardo Gianluigi); BiTr 50 (1999) 353-354 (Lind, Sarah E.). ELeBeau, Bryan F.; Greenspoon, Leonard J.; Hamm, M. Dennis The historical Jesus through catholic and Jewish eyes. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity xviii; 171 pp. $18. 1-56338-322-5. Seminars, Creighton Univ., 1997, 1998. ELemaire, Andre Congress volume: Oslo 1998. VT.S 80: Lei 2000, Brill vi; 507 pp. $154. 90-04-11598-6. ELombardi, Paolo Male, bibbia e occidente: atti del convegno "Colui ehe fa il bem: e crt:a il male (ls 45, 7), male, bibbia e occidente". Padova, 2:'i-26 iiprile 199lt Rresr.iii 7.000, Morcelliana 144 pp. 88-3721781-1. Assoc. Laica di Cultura Biblica; Pref. Piero Stefani; Bibi. EManicardi, Ermenegildo; Pitta, Antonio Spirito di Dio e sacre scritture nell'autotestimonianza della bibbia. RStB: Bo 2000, Dehoniane 328 pp. XXXV Settimana Biblica Nazionale, Roma 7-11 Sett. 1998.
A2.l Proceedings ofbiblical meetings
481 EMarguerat, Daniel; Curtis, Adrian Intertextualites: la bible en echos. MoBi 40: Geneve 2000, Labor et Fides 322 pp. €27.43. 2-83090949-6. Colloque Lausanne, 30.4-2.5.1998 [RB 104,637]. 482 EMoor, Johannes C. de; Van Rooy, Harry F. Past, present, future: the deuteronomistic history and the prophets. OTS 44: Lei 2000, Brill ix; 342 pp. 90-04-11871-3. Congress OTW/OTSSA Pretoria 2527.8.1999. 483 ENissinen, Martti Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastern context: Mesopotamian, Biblical, and Arabian perspectives. SBL.Symposium 13: Atlanta 2000, SBL xii; 160 pp. $30. 0-88414-026-1. SBL International Meeting, Lahti, Finland, 1999. RUF 32 (2000) 762-766 kDietrich, M). 484 Pndovese, Luigi Atti del VI Simposio di Tarso su S. Paolo Apostolo. Turchia: la Chiesa e la sua storia 14; Simposio di Tarso su S. Paolo Apostolo 6: R 2000, Pontificio Ateneo Antoniano 390 pp. 485 Räisänen, Heikki; Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler, al„ Reading the bible in the global village: Helsinki. Atlanta, GA 2000, SBL 180 pp. $20. 0-88414-019-9. SBL International Meeting (1999: Helsinki). 486 ESalanga, Victor R. Announcing a year of favor of the Lord: proceedings of the first annual convcntion. Manila 2000, Catholic Biblical Association 94 pp. Cath. Bibi. Association ofthe Philippines (CBAP). 487 SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: Atlanta 2000, Scholars ix; 823 pp ; 136th Annual Meeting, Nov. 17-21, 2000, Nashville [RB 108,317]. 488 Esorci, Pietro Viva ed efficace la parola di Dio: il lezionario romano a trent'anni dalla promulgazione. Caltanisetta 2000, Sciascia 278 pp. €15.50. Atti del VI convegno liturgico-pastorale della facolta teologica di Sicilia, Palermo 10-12 marzo 1999. 489 Estefani, Piero La gestualita e Ja bibbia. 1999 :::>15,437. Atti del Convegno "La gestualita e la bibbia'', Parma, giugno 1996; Associazione Laica di Cultura Biblica. RcivCatt 151/2 (2000) 531-533 (Scaio/a, D. ). 490 Estrus, Andrzej La tua parola e luce sul mio cammino: atti del IV Convegno Mondiale ABS su "Parola di Dio e formazione Salesiana", Cremisan 23 .08-2.09 .1999. Associazione Biblica Salesiana, Bollettino di collegamento 15: R2000, n.p. 222 pp. 491 Eswarlley, Willard M. Violence renounced: Rene GIRARD, biblical studies, and peacemaking. Studies in peace and scripture 4: Telford 2000, Pandora 343 pp. $24. 0-9665021-5-9. Conf. Elkhart, IND, 1994 fThD 48,93-Heiser, W. Charles]. 492 ~abet, Miguel Angel La sacra scrittura anima della teologia: atti del IV simposio internazionale della facolta di teologia. 1999 :::>15,440. RPhase 40 (2000) 191-192 (Latorre, J.). 493 ETottoli, Roberto Corano e Bibbia: atti del Convegno Internazionale "Corano e Bibbia" Napoli, Teatrino di Corte, 24-26 ott. 1997. Brescia 2000, Morcelliana 255 pp. 88-372-1768-4. Associazione Laica di Cultura Biblica RCivCatt 15114(2000)152-156 (Farahian, Edmond). 494 Evaage, Leif E.; Wimbush, Vincent L. Asceticism and the New Testament 1999 :::>15,441. Colloquium 1996, Toronto. RRRT 7 (2000) 175-176 (Bash, Anthony); NewTR 13/3 (2000) 77-78 (Wimmer, Joseph F. ); JR 80 (2000) 668-669 (Deming, Will). 495 EVan Heuten, Jan Willem Families and family relations as represented in early Judaisms and early christianities: texts and fictions. Studies in theology and religion 2: Lei 2000, Deo ix; 266 pp. $30. 90-58540146. Papers at a NOSTER colloquium in Amsterdam, June 9-11, 1998.
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A2.3 Acta congressuum theologica 496 Artola, Antonio Maria, al„ La Madre Agreda: una mujer del siglo XXI. Monografias Universitarias 15: Soria 2000, Univ. Internacional Alfonso VIII 279 pp. 497 EBaumgarten, Albert 1. Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: Lei 2000, Brill xv; 388 pp. 90-04-11879-9. 498 EBellelli, Gloria M.; Bianchi, Ugo Orientalia Sacra Urbis Romae: Dolichena et Heliopolitana: receuil d'etudes ... sur les cultes cosmoiolites d'origine commagenicnnc et syriennc. 1997 =>13,345; 14,409. Latomus 59 (2000) 728-730 (Malaise, Michel). 499 EBof, Giampiero; Battaglia, Vincenzo Gesu di Nazaret ... figlio di Adamo, figlio di Dio. Cammini nello Spirito, Teologia 38: T 2000, Paoline 431 (7) pp. 88-315-2034-2. Congresso delle Associazioni Teologiche ltaliane (CA Tl) 1. 500 Ecanobbio, Giacomo La fede di Gesu: atti del convegno tenuto a Trento il 27-28 maggio 1998. Scienze religiose N.S. 2: Bo 2000, EDB 163 pp. €11.36. 88-10-40375-4. 501 ECiardella, Piero; Gronchi, Maurizio Testimonianza e verita: un approcc10 mterdisc1phnare. Collana di teologia 39: R L.000, Citta Nuova 336 pp. 88-311-3339-X. Pref. di Piero Coda; Bibi. 291-299. 502 Ecompagnoni, Francesco; Privitera, Salvatore Vita morale e beatitudini: sacra scrittura, storia, teoretica, esperienza. CinB 2000, San Paolo 260 pp. €18.08. 18. Congr. ATISM, Palermo 1998. 503 EDavis, Stephen; Kendall, Daniel; O'Collins, Gerald The Trinity: an interdisciplinary syrnposium on the Trinity. NY 2000, OUP xxviii; 393 $40. 01982-69935. Symposium Dunwoodie 1998 [Interp. 54,340]. 504 De Fiores, S.; Vidau, E. Maria santa e immacolata, segno dell'amore ecumenico di Dio Trinita: prospettive ecumeniche. Biblioteca di Theotokos 2: R 2000, Monfortane 256 pp. €13.43. Atti del 3° collo~uio intern. di mariologia, Ascoli Piceno 5-7 ott. 1998 [RdT 41,479]. 505 Doglio, Claudio Cristo omega e alfa. 1999 :::>15,456. RStMor 38 FOOO) 591-594 (Alvarez Verdes, Lorenzo). 506 Dreyer, Elizabeth A. The cross in christian tradition: from Paul to Bonaventure. NY 2000, Paulist x; 262 pp. $24. 0-8091-4000-4. Seminars at St Mary's College, Notrc Dame, 1996, 1997. 507 EFenton, Paul B.; Goetschel, Roland Experience et ecriture mystiques dans les religions du livre: actes d'un colloque international tenu par le Centre d'etudes juives, Univ. de Paris IV-Sorbonne 1994. EJM 22: Lei 2000, Brill 248 pp. €86. 90-0411913-2. 508 EFinan, Thomas; Twomey, Vincent Studies in patristic christology. 1998 =:>14,412. Proc. ofthe Third Maynooth Patristic Conference, 1720 October 1996. RMillSt 46 (2000) 157-160 (Meredith, Anthony). 509 EFine, Steven Jews, christians and polytheists in the ancient synagogue: cultural interaction during the Greco-Roman period. 1999 =>15,459. RJThS 51(2000)693-695 (lieu, .ludith M.). 510 EFisichella, Rino Comitato Centrale del Grande Giubileo dell' Anno 2000: il Concilio Vaticano II: recezione e attualita alla luce del Giubileo. CinB 2000, San Paolo 766 pp. 88-215-4279-3. Convegno 2527.2.2000, Citta del Vaticano. 511 EGaleazzi, G. MONTINI e MARITAIN tra religione e cultura. TeFi 28: Cittä. del Vaticano 2000, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 244 pp. 88-2097024-4. Convegno Nazionale (1997: Roma).
A2.3 Proceedings oftheological meetings
512 EGoergen, Donald J.; Garrido, Ann The theology of the priesthood. ColMn 2000, Liturgical viii; 224 pp $25. 513 Elllanes, Jose Luis EI Dios y Padre de nuestro Sefior Jesucristo. Pamplona 2000, Ed. Univ. de Navarra 708 pp. 84-8081-004-1. Simposio Intemacional de Teologia [REB 241,262]. 514 EJordan, D.R.; Montgomery, H.; Thomassen, E. The world of ancient magic: papers from the first international Eitrem Seminar at the Norwegian Institute at Athens 4-8 May 1997. 1999 =:-15,463. RClR 50 (2000) 478-480 (Ogden, Daniel). 515 Judaismc, anti-judaisme et christianisme--colloque de l'Universite de Fribourg, 16-20.3.1998. Saint-Maurice 2000, Saint-Augustin 210 pp. 2-88011-153-6. 516 EKaempf, Bernard Rites et ritualites 2000. 448 pp. €30. 2-2040-63940. Actes Congr. Strasbourg. 517 ELederhilger, Severin J. Der Mythos der Zahl-das Jahr 2000: Apokalyptik in der Event-Gesellschaft. Linzer philosophisch-theologische ~eiträge 2: Fra 2000, Lang 161 pp. FS44. 3-631-35971-3. Erste Okumenische Sommerakademie, Kremsmünster 1999. 518 EMarcos, Sylvia Gender/hodies/religions. Mexico 2000, Aler 363 pp. 968-7866-03-9. Adjunct proceedings of the XVIIth Congress for the History of Religions. 519 EMerrigan, Terrence; Haers, Jacques The myriad Christ: plurality and the quest for unity in contemporary christology. BEThL 152: Lv 2000, Peeters xiii; 605 pp. 90-429-0900-5. Congress, Leuven, 1821.11.1997. 520 EMeyer, Marvin; Mirecki, Paul Ancient magic and ritual power. 1995 ==:> l l/2,472kl4,418. Conf. on 'Magie in the ancient world', 1992, Univ. ofKansas. JHS 120 (2000) 176-177 (Bodard, John-Gabriel). 521 EParappally, Jacob; Monteiro, Evelyn Hope at the dawn of a new century: proceedings of the 22nd annual meeting of the Indian Theological Association, 24-28 April 1999. Bangalore 2000, Dharmaram vi; 210 pp. Rs 140/$9. 8186861173 [VJTR 66,945s-Gispert-Sauch, G.]. 522 EPasini, S.M. Maria, modello di contemplazione del mistero di Cristo. Biblioteca di Theotokos 3: R 2000, Monfortane 186 pp. €12.91. Atti del 3° colloquio di mariologia, Cesena, 9-10 aprile 1999. 523 EPoudcron, Bernard; Dore, Joseph Les !!IJOlogistes chretiens et la culture grecque. ThH 105: 1998 =:-14,421. KREJ 159/1-2 (2000) 295296 (Mimouni, Simon C.). 524 Radici dell'antigiudaismo in ambiente cristiano: colloquio intra-ecclesiale: atti del simposio teologico-storico, Citta del Vaticano, 30 ottobre-1novembre1997. Grande Giubileo dell'anno 2000 Atti e Documenti 8: Citta del Vaticano 2000, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 367 pp. 88209-2798-5. RcoTh 70/2 (2000) 181-184 (Chrostowski, Waldemar). 525 Esarot, Marcel; Van den Brink, Gijsbert ldentity and change in the christian tradition. 1999 =:-15,472. RRelSt 36 (2000) 501-504 (Holmes, Stephen). 526 ETurner, John Douglas; Majercik, Ruth Dorothy Gnosticism and later platonism: themes, figures, and texts. SBL, Symposium 12: Atlanta 2000, SBL xiii; 338 pp. $45. 0-88414-035-0. Seminar, annual meeting ofSBL; Bibi. 319-338. 527 EVan den Broek, Roelof; Van Heertum, Cis From POIMANDRES to Jacob BÖHME: Gnosis, Hermetism and the christian tradition. Pimander 4: Amst 2000, Pelikaan 432 pp. $51. 90-71608-10-7. Symposium, Amsterdam on occasion of Gilles Quispe/'s 80th birthday.
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528 Wenin, A„ al., Quand le salut se raconte. Trajectoires 11: Bru 2000, Lumen Vitae 128 pp. €12.04. 28732-41454 [Conf. Lv fäv./mars 2000]. A2.5 Acta philologica et historica 529 Eßaumgarten, Joseph M.; Chazon, Esther G.; Pinnick, A vital The Damascus Docurnent: a centennial of discovery: proceedings of the third international symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea scrolls and associated Literature, 4-8 Febmary, 1998. StTDJ 34: Lei 2000, Brill viii; 227 pp. €64/$79. 90-04-11462-9. RJSJ 31 FOOO) 304-305 (Tigchelaar, Eibert). 530 Brancacci, A. La filosofia in cta imperiale: 1c scuolc c le tradizioni filosofiche: atti del colloquio, Roma, 17-19 giugno 1999. Elenchos 31: N 2000, Bibliopolis 326 pp. €31. 88-7088-399-X Bibi. 273-292. 531 Eßricault, Laurent De Memphis a Rome: actes du ler colloque international sur les etudes isiaques, Poitiers-Futuroscope, 8-10 avril 1999. RGRW 140: Lei 2000, Brill xxv; 216 pp. 90-04-11736-9. 532 Eßuxton, R.G.A. From myth to reason?: studies in the development of Greek thought. 1999 -:>15,482. Colloquium Bristol, July 1996. RREG 13 (2000) 687-688 (Yvonneau, Jean). 533 Cassuto, Philippe; Larchcr, Pierre La scmitologic, aujourd'hui: actes de lajournee de l'ecole doctorale de l'Universite de Provence du 29 Mai 1997. Travaux du Cercle linguislique u'Aix-eu-Pruvt::nct:: 16: Aix-en-Provence 2000, Publications de l'Universite de Provence 187 2-85399-459-7. 534 Cerri, Giovanni La letteratura pseudepigrafa nella cultura greca e romana: atti di un incontro di studi, Napoli, 15-17 gennaio 1998. AION, Dip„. classico, sez. filologico-letteraria 22: N 2000, Cangiano 543 pp. 535 Echazon, Esther G.; Stone, Michael Edward Pseudepigraphic perspectives: the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha in light of the Dead Sea scrolls: proceedings of the International Symposium of the Orion Center for thc Study ofthc Dead Sca Scrolls and Associated Literature, 1214 January, 1997. StTDJ 31: 1999 =>15,485. RApocrypha 11 (2000) 294-296 (Naef, T.). 536 EChirassi, Ileana; Seppilli, Tullio Sibille e linguaggi oracolari: mito, storia, tradizione. 1998 =>14,428. Atti del convegno intemazionle di studi Macerata-Norcia 20-24 sett. 1994. RKemos 13 (2000) 304-306 ~Suarez de la Torre, Emilia). 537 Cleary, John J.; Gurtler, Gary M. Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy Volume XV, 1999. Lei 2000, Brill ~xiv; 301 pp. 90-04-11704-0. 538 Ecooley, Alison E. The afterlife of inscriptions: rediscovering, reinventing and revitalizing ancient inscriptions. L 2000, Institute of Classical Studies xiii; 203 pp. ;(45. 0-900587-86-5. Conf. July 1998: Epigraphy and its afterlife. 539 RDeniaux, E. Rome antique: pouvoir des images, images 13,360; 14,429. RBiTr 50/1(1999)153-155 (E{lington, Paul).
A2.5 Philological and classical meetings
541 EFabre-Serris, J. Mythe et/ou philosophit: Jans 1t:s lextes grecs el latins sur les origines de l'humanite: actes des journees d'etudes des 13 et 14 novembre 1998. Uranie Villeneuve d' Ascq 2000, Univ. de Gaulle 134 pp. 2-84467-0i9-9. 542 EGoulet-Caze, Marie-Odile, al., Le commentaire entre tradition et innovation: actes du colloque international de !'Institut des Traditions textuelles (Paris et Villejuif, 22-25.9.1999). BHPh n.s.: P 2000, Vrin 583 pp. €44.97. 23 pl. 543 EHardmeier, Christof Ad fontes! Quellen erfassen-lesen-deuten: was ist Computerphilologie?: Ansatzpunkte und Methodologie Instrumente und Praxis: Beiträge zur Tagung "Computerphilologie", 5. - 8. Nov. 1998, Greifswald. Applicatio 15: Amst 2000, VU Univ. Pr. 197 pp. 90-5383-677-2. 544 EHorbury William Hebrew study from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda. 1999 ~15,240. RJSJ 31 (2000) 92-94 (Garcia Martinez, Florentino); BiOr 57 (2000) 684-686 (Van Peursen, Wido). 545 EJacquinod, Bernard Les completives en Grec Ancien: actes du Colloque international de Saint-Etienne (3-5 sept. 1998). 1999 ~15,494. RBSL 95/2 (2000) 174-175 (Petit, Daniel). 546 ELo Cascio, E.; Rathbone, W. Production and public powers in classical antiquity. Cambridge Philological Society.S 26: C 2000, Cambridge Philologkal Society iv; 99 pp. f15/$36. 0-906014-25-5. 1 lth Intern. Economic History Congress, Milan 1994. 547 EMartina, Antonio P. Atti del convegno internazionalt: St:neca e i cristiani. Aevum Antiquum 13 (2000) xviii; 451 pp. Univ. Cattholica del S. Cuore Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Mi, 12-14.10.1999; Collab. red. Andrea Martano. 548 Miliar, Fergus, al., La Revolution Romaine apres Ronald Syme: bilans et perspectives: sept exposes suivis de discussions. Fondation Hardt, Entretiens 46: Geneve 2000, Fondation Hardt xi; 342 pp. 2-60000746-6. 549 EMooren, Leon Politics, administration and society in the Hellenistic and Roman world: proceedings of the international colloquium, Bertinoro 19-24 July 1997. StHell 36: Lv 2000, Peeters xxii; 514 pp. f.95.44. RAcg. 80 (2000) 288-292 (Bearzot, Cinzia). 550 EMoreau, A.; Turpin, J.C. La magie: actes du colloque international de Montpellier 25-27 mars 1999, 1: du monde babylonien au monde hellenistique, 2: la magie dans l'antiquite grecque tardive; les mythes, 3: du monde latin au monde contemporain, 4: bibliographie generale. Montpellier 2000, Publications de la recherche Universite Paul Valery 328 + 336 + 353 + 169 pp. €83.85. 2-84269-3891/399-X/400-7/401-5. 551 EMuraoka, Takamitsu; Elwolde, J.F. Sirach, scrolls, and sages: proc. of a second international symposium on the Hcbrcw of the Dead Sea scrolls, Ben SiraR. and the Mishnah, Leiden University, 1997. StTDJ 33: 1999~15,497. .TS.T 31 (2000) 336-338 (Tigchelaar, Eibert); 552 Diggers at the well: proceedings of the third international symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea scrolls and Ben Sira. StTDJ 36: Lei 2000, Drill x; 307 pp. $9. 2 90-04-12002-5. Bibi. 553 liQllver, G.J. The. e.pigraphy uf tle.alh: slüdie.s i11 the histnry and ~ociety ofGreece and Rome. Liverpool 2000, Liverpool Univ. Pr. xiv; 225 pp. fl 7. 0-85323-915-0. Symposium, Univ. of Liverpool, 1995; 37 fig. 554 EParry, Donald W.; Ulrich, Eugene C. The Provo International Conference on the Dead Sea scrolls: technological innovations, new texts,
555 556 557
560 561
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[Bibliographica .
and reformulated issues. StTDJ 30: 1999 ~15,498. RThLZ 125 (2000) 510-513 (Frey, Jörg). EPrato, Giancarlo I manoscritti greci tra riflessione e dibattito: atti del V Colloquio Internazionale di Paleografia Greca (Cremona, 4-10 ottobre 1998). Papyrologica Florentina 31: F 2000, Gonnelli 3 vols. ERutter, N.K.; Sparkes, B.A. Word and image in ancient Greece. E 2000, Edinburgh Univ. Pr. xiv; 258 pp. f17. 0-7486-1405-2. Conf. Univ. ofEdinburgh, 1999. EValbelle, Dominique; Leclant, Jean Le 14,445; 15,504. JNSL 26/1(2000)196-200 (Muntingh, L.M). 568 EEmmerick, Roland E.; Sundermann, Werner; Zieme, Peter Studia Manichaica, 4: internationaler Kongress zum Manichäismus. BerlinBrandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Sonderband 4. B 2000, Akademie xiv; 666 pp. Berlin, 14-18.7.1997. 569 11 giubileo prima del giubileo: tempo e spazio nelle civilta mesopotamiche e dell'antico Egitto: atti del convegno internazionale Milano, 12 febbraio 2000. Mi 2000, Centro Studi del Vicino Oriente 91 pp. 570 EMilano, L., al., Landscapes: territories, frontiers, and horizons in the ancient Near East: papers presented to the XLIV Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale. Padova 2000, Sargon 76 + 254 + 196 pp. 571 Van Lerberghe, Karel; Voet, Gabriella Languages and cultures in contact: at the crossroads of civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian realm: proceedings of the 42th RAi. OLA 96: Lv 2000, Peeters xix; 532 pp. 90-429-0719-3. A2.9 Acta archaeulugica 572 EArgoud, Gilbert; Guillaumin, Jean-Yves Sciences exactes et sciences appliquees a Alexandrie: actes du Colfoiue International de Saint-Etienne (6-8 juin 1996). 1998 =>14,4)8. Latomus 59 (2000) A68-170 (Callataji, Godefroid de). 573 Balmuth, Miriam S.; Tykot, Robert H. Sardinian and Aegean chronology: proceedings of the international colloquium 'Sardinian stratigraphy and Mediterranean chronology'. 1998 =>14,461. RAJA 104 (2000) 131-132 (Knapp, A. Bernard). 574 Eßartoloni, Piero; Campanella, Lorenza La ceramica fenicia di Sardegna: dati, problematiche, confronti: atti del primo congresso internazionale sulcitano Sant'Antioco, 19-21 Settembre 1997. Collezione di studi fenici 40: R 2000, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerchc 370 pp. 575 Eßats, M.; d' Agostino, B. Euboica: l'Eubea et la presenza euboica in calcidica ein occidente. 1998 =>14,462. Atti del conv. internaz. di NaRoli, nov. 1996. RAJA 104 (2000) 134-135 (Papadopoulos, John K.). 576 'Bietak, Manfred The synchronisation of civilisations in the eastern Mediterranean in the second millennium B.C.: proceedings of an international symposium at Schloss Haindorf, 15th-17th of November 1996 and at the Austrian Academy, Vienna, 1 lth-12th ofMay 1998. DÖAW 19: W 2000, Akademie der Wissenschaften 179 pp 3-7001-2936-X 577 EBonatti, Franco; Manfredi, Antonio Niccolo V nel sesto centenario della nascita: atti del convegno internazionale di studi Sarzana, 8-10 ottobre 1998. StT 397: Citta del Vaticano 2000, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana xv; 699 pp. 88-210-0705-7. 578 Eßonatz, Dominik; Novak, Mirko; Oettel, Andreas Totenritual und Jenseitskonzeptionen: methodische Ansätze zur Analyse von Grabbefönclim. AltOrF 7.7/1 (2000) 1-20R pp. 1. Interdisziplinärer Workshop, 21-22.3.1998. 579 Borrmnns, M., al., 11 Corano: traduzioni, traduttori e lettori in Italia. Mi 2000, IPL 288 pp. 88-7836-4355. Atti convegno Padova nov. 1998.
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580 Confini e frontiera nella grecita d'Occidente: convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia: atti del trentasettesimo Convegno di studi sulla Magna Grccia, Taranto, 3-6 ottobre 1997. Taranto 1999, Istituto per la storia e l'archeologia della Magna Grecia 2 vol. 581 ECurtis, John Mesopotamia and Iran in the Parthian and Sasanian periods: rejection and revival c.238 BC-AD 642. L 2000, .British Museum Pr. 96 pp. 0-7141-1146-5. Proc. of a seminar in memory of Vladimir G. Lukonin: 41 pl. 582 EDocter, Roald F. Proceedings of the xvth international congress of classical archaeology, Amsterdam, July 12-17, 1998, classical archaeology towards the third millemlium: refü:ctiuns an12,306 ... 15,532. RJNES 59 (2000) 215-216 (Chava/as, Mark W.). 584 EElm, Kaspar; Conseca, Cosimo Damiano Militia sancti sepulcri: idea e istituzioni. Citta del Vaticano 1998, Gran Magistern dell'Ordine Equestre del Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme. 521 pp. €31. Atti del colloquio internazionale tenuto presso la Pontificia Univ. del Laterane 10-12 aprile 1996. E~·cntI·cs!I, Elizabcth Romanization and thc city: creation, transformations, and fäilures: proceedings of a conference held at the American Aca14,481; 15,536. JESHO 43 (2000) 579-581 fWarburton, David). 588 Harvey, Steven The medieval Hebrew encyclopedias of science and philosophy. Amsterdam Studies in Jewish Thought 7: Dordrecht 2000, Kluwer xi; 547 pp. Symposium, Univ. Bar-Ilan, 1998. 589 EHägg, Robin Ancient Greek cult practice from the archaeological evidence. Acta Instituti Atheniensis Sueciae 15: 1998 =:>14,482. Proc. 4th Internat. Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult; Swedish Institute at Athens, 22-24 Oct. 1993. RKernos 13 (2000) 271-272 (Tassignon, Isabelle). 590 EHickmann, Ellen; Eichmann, Ricardo Studien zur Musikarchäologie, 1: Saiteninstrumente im archäologischen Kontext: Vorträge des 8. Symposiums der Study Group on Music Archaeology {TCTM), Limassol, 26.-30. August 1996 und andere Beiträge. Deutsches archäologisches Institut, Orient-Abteilung: Orient-Archäologie 6: Rahden 2000, Leidorfx; 145 pp. €48.57. 3-89646-636-4 166. ill., 7 tables. 591 Ellickmann, Ellen; Laufä, Ingo; Eichmauu, Ricanlu Slm.litm wr Musikarchäologie, 2: Musikarchäologie früher Metallzeiten: Vorträge des 1. Symposiums der International Study Uroup on Music Archaeology im Kloster Michaelstein, 18.-24. Mai 1998. Deutsches archäologisches Institut, Orient-Abteilung: Orient-Archäologie 7: Rahden 2000, Leidorfx; 145 pp. €76.59. 38964-66372 239. ill., 16 tables; CD-ROM.
A2.9 Proceedings ofarchaeological meetings
592 hHope, Valerie M.; Marshall, Eireann Death and disease in the ancient city. L 2000, Routledge xii; 194 pp. f45. 0-415-21427-0. Conf. Univ. ofExeter. 593 EHudson, Michael; Levine, Baruch A. Urbanization and land ownership in the ancient Near East. 1999 =>15,539. RAntiquity 74/283 ,2000) 240-242 (Postgate, JN). . · · 594 Hummel, Thomas; Hintlian, Kevork; Carmesund, Ulf Patterns of the past, prospects for the future: the christian heritage in the Holy Land. 1999 => 15,540. 2nd Internat. Conf. of the Christian Heritage in the Holy Land, J, July 1996. RRRT (2000/1) 52-54 (Need, Stephen W.). 595 EKleiner, Diana E.E.; Matheson, Susan B. I, Claudia II: women in Romanart and society. Austin 2000, Univ. of Texas Press xii; 179 pp. $?.8. Symposia Yale Univ.; 78 fig. 596 ELavagne, H.; Queyrel, F. Les moulages de sculptures antiques et l 'histoire de)' archeologie: actes du c91loque international Paris, 24.10.1997. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes III, 29: Geneve 2000, Droz 168 pp. 2-600-00446-7. 32 ill. 597 ELevy, Edmond La codification des lois dans l'antiquite. Travaux du Centre de Recherches sur le Proche-Orient et Ja Grece antiques 16: P 2000, Univ. Marc Bloch de Strasbourg, Actes du colloque de Strashourg 27-29 nov. 1997. 598 EMacDonald, A.; Riggs, C. Current research in Egyptology. BAR International 909: Oxf 2000, Archaeopress iv; 143 pp. f30. 1-8417207-8. Conf. Oxf2000. 599 EMatthiae, Paolo; Enea, Alessandra Proceedings of the first international congress on the archaeology of the ancient Near East Romt:, May 18th-23rd 1998. R2000, "La Sapienza" 2 vols. 600 EMorabito, Vittorio; Crown, Alan D.; Davey, Lucy Samaritan researches of the Societe d'Etudes Samaritaines: proceedings of the fifth congress of the SES (Milan, July 8-12, 1996) and of the special section of ICANAS Congress (Budapest, July 7-11, 1997). Samaritan Researches 5; Studies in Judaica 10: Sydney 2000, Mandelbaum pag. varia. 0-646-40044-4. 601 ENicolet, Claude; Ilbert, Robert; Depaule, Jean-Charles Megapoles mediterraneennes: gcographic urbaine retrospective. EFR 261; l' Atelier mediterraneen 1: P f 000, Maisonneuve et L. 1071 pp. Actes du colloque organise par l'Ecole fran~aise de Rome et la Maison mediterraneenne des Sciences de l'Homme, Rome, du 8-11 mai 1996; 112 ill.; Bibi. 986-1060. RCRAI 2 (2000) 750-755 (Nicolet, Claude). 602 ENiklasson, Karin H. Cypriote archaeology in Göteborg: symposium on Cypriote archaeology held in Göteborg, 20 May 1998. SIMA 157: 1999 =>15,549. RBiOr 57 (2000) 708-709 (Wright, G.R.H). 603 EPare, C.F.E. Metals make the world go round: the supply and circulation ofmetals in Bronze Age Europe: proceedings ofa conference held at the University of Birmingham in Junc 1997. Oxf 2000, Oxbow Books vii; 279 pp. $80. 1-84217-019-8. 604 FPerna, M:.miimo Administrative documents in the Aegean and their Near Eastern counterparts: proceedings ofthe international colloquium Naplcs, february 29-March 2, 1996. Pubblicaziuui tkl Ct:ulro Intemazionale di ricerche archeologiche antropologiche e storiche 1: T 2000, Paravia 436 pp. 88-395-6165-X. 605 EPhilip, Graham; Baird, Douglas Ceramics and change in the early Bronze Age of the southern Levant. Levantine Archaeology 2: Shf
607 608
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2000, Sheffield A. xii; 427 pp. $95. Workshop, Durham, 1995; 144 fig.; 28 tables. EPiccirillo, Michele; Alliata, Eugenio The Madaba Map-18971997: travelling through the Byzantine Umayyad period. SBF.CMa 40: 1999 :::>15,554. Proc. ofthe International Conf. Held in Amman, 7-9 April 1997; Bibi. RRivAC 76 (2000) 743-747 (Severini, Francesca) ERusso, Simona Atti del V convegno nazionale di egittologia e papirologia, Firenze, 10-12 dicembre 1999. F 2000, Vitelli vii; 267 pp. 8887829-20-9. ESchiffer, Michael Brian Social theory in archaeology. Foundations of archaeological inquiry: Salt Lake City 2000, Univ. of Utah Pr. viii; 237 pp. $55/25. 0-87480-641-0/2-9. Round table 1997 [AJA 106,317 Barrett, John C,]. ESchiffman, Lawrence H.; Tov, Emanuel; VanderKam, James C. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years after their discovery: proceedings of the Jerusalem Congress, July 20-25, 1997. J 2000, Israel Exploration Society xxi; 970 pp. $104. 965-22-038-2. Ill. [RB 108,159]. ~ollet, Daniel La mort et ses representations dans le judarsme: actes du colloque organise par le Centre d'etude juives de l'Universite de Paris IV-Sorbonne en decembre 1989. BEJ 9: P 2000, Champion 386 ~P· €65.55. 2-74530-213-2. Uehlinger, Christoph Images as media: sources for the cultural history of the Near East and the eastern Mediterranean (Ist millcnnium BCE). OBO 175: GO 2000, Vamlenhoeck & R. xxxii; 409 pp. 3-52553990-8. 60th anniv. 0. Keel; 60 pl. num. fig. EVaughan, Sarah J.; Coulson, William D.E. Palacodiet in the Aegean: papers from a colloquium held at the 1993 meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in Washington D.C. Wiener Laboratory Monograph 1: Oxf2000, Oxbow 121pp.1-900188-53-8. EWenig, Steffen Studien zum antiken Sudan: Akten der 7. Internationalen Tagung für meroitische Forschungen Sept. 1992, Gosen. Meroitica 15: 1999 :::>15,562. RwzKM 90 (2000) 321-327 (Hofmann, lnge). A3 .1 Opera consultationis-Rcfcrcncc works plurium infra
614 Catholicisme, hier, aujourd'hui, dcmain, fase. 74: Vocation-Zwingli. Eßaudry, G.H.; Mathon, G.: P 2000, Letouzey et A. 145 pp. €42.52. 2-7063-0207-0. 615 DHGE: Dictionnaire d'histoire et de geographie ecclesiastiques, 161: Jewe-Jonnart, 162: Jonopolis-Joseph-Marie de Naples, 163: JoscphMarie-Julien de Cividale. EAubert, R. P 2000, Letouze et A. [t.27] 1281-1512 +[t.28] l-256+257-511 col. 616 Lexicon iconographicum mythologiae classicae (LIMC), 4-7. EKahil, Lily: 1988·1994 =>10,521; 11/2,777. RGn. 72 (2000) 57-63 (Borbein, Ado/fH). 617 LThK 3 : Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, 9: San bis Thomas. EKasper, Walter: FrB 2000, Herder 14 pp; 1538 Sp. 3-451-22009-1 [NThAR 2000,121]. 618 Der Neue Pauly, 14: Fr-Ky. ELandfester, Manfred: Stu 2000, Weimar x; 1158 Sp. 3-476-01484-3. . 619 RAC: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum. EDassmann, E.: (a) Register der Bände Ibis XV. Stu 2000, Hiersemann;
A3 .1 Reference works with articles itemized below
620 (b) Supplement-Band 1, Lfg. 7/8: Barbar II (Fo1ts.)-Bibliographie II. Stu 2000, Hiersemann 961-1364 col. Mit Titelbogen u. Register zu Supplement-Band 1. 621 RGG4 : Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, 1: A-B. Eßetz, Hans Dieter: 1998 :::>14,496; 15,569. RJSJ 31(2000)111-112 (Van Ruiten, J.TA.G.M.); ETR 75 (2000) 294-296 (Askani, Hans-Christoph); AUSS 38 (2000) 134-136 (Hasel, Frank, M.); ET 111 (1999-2000) 89 (Rogerson, J.); 622 3: F-H. Tü 2000, Mohr lxviii pp; 1984 col. €199. 3-16-146943-7. 623 TRE: Theologische Realenzyklopädie, 31: Seelenwanderung Sprache/Sprachwissenschaft/Sprachphilosophie. EKra use, Gerhard; Müller, Gerhard: De-Gruyter-Studienbuch: B 2000, De Gruyter vi; 823 pp. 3-11-016657-7. A3.3 Opera consu/tationis biblica non excerpta infra-not subindexed 624 EAlexander, T.D.; Rosner, Brian S. The new dictionary of biblical theology. Leicester 2000, Inter-Varsity xx; 866 pp. f30. 0-8511-1976X [ScrB 31/1,39]. 625 Eßotterweck, C. Johannes, ai., TDOT: Jheological Dictionary ofthe Old Testament, 10: näqam-'äzab. 1Stott, Douglas W.: 1999 :::>15,976(b). RBS 157 (2000) 499-500 (Chisho/m, Robert B.); 626 TDOT 11: 'zz-'pyim. TGreen, David E.: GR 2000, Et::nlmans xxiv; 615 pp.$50. . 627 Calvocoressi, P. Who's who in the bible. NY 2000, Penguin 200 pp. $20 [TS 61,597]. 628 Cimosa, Mario, al., Gesu Cristo nella bibbia. DSBP 23: 1999 => 15,567. RcivCatt 151/2 (2000) 631 (Scaiola, D. ). 629 Diccionario esoterico de la biblia. T Gimenez Saurina, Migue/: Bare 2000, Abraxas 251 pp. 84-95536-01-3. 630 EElwell, Walter A.; Buckwalter, Douglas Baker lupical guide to the bible. GR 2000, Baker xiii; 847 pp. 0-8010-2255-X. 631 EEvans, Craig A.; Porter, Stanley .K The dictionary of New Testament background. Leicester 2000, Inter-Varsity xxix; 1328 pp. f:30. 08308-1780-8 [ScrB 31/1,39]. 632 Flor Serrano, Gonzalo Diccionario de la ciencia biblica. Instrumentos para el estudio de la Biblia 5: Estella (Navarra) 2000, Verbo Divino 197 pp. 84-8169-293-X. Bibi. Collab. Alonso Schäkel, Luis. 633 EFreedman, David Noel Eerdmans dictionary of the bible. GR 2000, Eerdmans xxxiii; 1425 pp. f:30. 0-8028-2400-5. RRExp 97 (2000) 382383 (May, David M). 634 Girdlestone, R.B. Girdlestone's synonyms of the Old Testament. Peabody, MASS 2000, Hendrickson 388 pp. 1-56563-558-2. 635 EGörg, Manfred; Lang, Bernhard Neues Bibel-Lexikon, Lfg. 13: Satan-Täuferbewegungen. 1999 :::>15,583. RThLZ 125 (2000) 11231125 (Stahl, Rainer). 636 Haag, Herbert Diccionario de la Biblia. EDe Ausejo, Serafin Bare 2000, Herder xvi; 2126 col. 84-254-0077-5. 637 EHayes, John H. Dictionary ofbiblical interpretation. 1999 :::>15,584. RET 111 (2000) 361-362 (Rodd, C.S.); BASOR 319 (2000) 84-85 kWright, J. Edward); AUSS 38 (2000) 325-326 (Hasel, Frank M.). 638 Koch, Klaus Reclams Bibellexikon. Stu 6 2000, Reclam 581 pp. [NThAR 2000,151].
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
639 Marlee, Alex; de Graaf, Anne; Alex, Ben Great men and women of the bible. Mahwah 2000, Paulist 516 pp. $30 [BiTod 40, 191-Bergant, Dirume]. 640 EMartin, Ralph P.; Davids, Peter H. Diction1!fY of the later New Testament and its developments. 1997 =:>13,430. RNT 42 (2000) 86-87 (Rodgers, Peter R.). 641 Oetinger, Friedrich Christoph Biblisches und emblematisches Wörterbuch, 1: Text; 2: Anmerkungen. Eschäfer, Gerhard; Schmidt, Martin: 1999 =:>15,592. RJud. 56 (2000) 53-57 (Morgenstern, Matthias); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1184-1187 (Weyer-Menkhoff, Martin). 642 Pilch, John J. The cultural dictionary of the bible. 1999 => 15,593. RBTB 30 (2000) 37-38 (Goodman, Daniel E.); Pacifica 13 (2000) 226227 (Doyle, B. Rod). · 643 Van Dalen-Oskam, Karina; Mooijaart, Marijke Dijbcls lexicon: woorden en uitdrukk:ingen uit de bijbel in het Nederlands van nu. Amst 2000, Prometheus 443 pp. €22.46. 90-5333-923-X [Streven 68,953-Beentjes, Panc]. 644 EVan der Toorn, Karel, al., Dictionary of deities and demons in the bible. 2 1999 =:>15,596. RVJTR 64 (2000) 316-318 (Meagher, P.M). 645 EvanGemeren, Willem A. New international dictionary of Old Testament theology & exegesis. 1997 5 vols =:>13,436. RET 111 (2000) 146148 (Rodd, CS.). A3.5 Opera consultationis theologica non excerpta infra 646 EAlberigo, Giuseppe Geschichte des Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzils, 2: das Konzil auf dem Weg zu sich selbst: erste Sitzungsperiode und Intersessio Oktober 1962-September 1963. EWittstadt, Klaus Mainz 2000, Grünewald xxi; 721 pp. €65.50. 3-7867-2227-7. 647 Eßautz, Traugott Biographisch-bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, 17: Ergänzungen IV. Hamm 2000, Bautz xxxix pp; 1600 col. 3-88309080-8 [NThAR 2000,277]. 648 Eßenazzi, Natalr. Archivum: ciocumenti ciella storia della chiesa dal T secolo a oggi. CasM 2000, Piemme 1253 pp. 88-384-4490-0. 649 Ecarey, Patrick W.; J_,ienhard, Joseph T. Biographical dictionary of christian theologians. Westport, CT 2000, Greenwood xiv; 589 pp. $125. 0-313-29649-9 [ThD 47,159-W. Charles Heiser]. 650 Coulter, Charles Russell; Turner, Patricia Encyclopedia of ancient deities. Chicago 2000, Dearbom x; 597 pp. 1-57958-270-2. Bibl. 527533. 651 Documentos dos primeiros oito concilios ecumenicos. TSkrzypczak, Otto: 22000, 127 pp. 85-7430-161-2. Introd. UrbanoZilles. 6'i2 Eoöpp, Siegmar; Geerlings, Wilhelm T,exikon der aritiken christlichen Literatur. 1998 =:>14,526; 15,601. RThR 65 (2000) 228-229 (Löhr. Winrich); 653 Dictionary of early christian literature. T 0 'Connell, Matthew: NY 2000, Herder & H. xvi; 621 pp. $75. 0-8245-1805-5 [ThD 49,66Heiser, W. Charles]. 654 Encyclopedia of millennialism and millennial movements. NY 2000, Routledge 478 pp.
A3.5 Theological reference works not subindexed
655 EFabella, Virginia; Sugirtharajah, R.S. Dictionary of Third World theologies. Mkn 2000, Orbis xxiv; 261 pp. $50. 1-57075-234-6 [VJTR 64,635s-Gispe1t-Sauch, G.]. 656 EFahlbusch, Erwin, al., The encyclopedia of christianity, 2: E-1. GR 2000, Eerdmans xxx; 787 pp. $100. 0-8028-2419-5. 657 EFahlbusch, Erwin; Bromiley, Geoffrey W. The encyclopedia of christianity, 1: A-D. 1999 :::>15,602. RBS 157 (2000) 104-106 (Horrell, J Scott); HeyJ 41 (2000) 87-88 (King, Ursula); JEarlyC 8 (2000) 107-8 (Kelly, Joseph F.); AUSS 38 (2000) 150-2 (Knight, George R.). 658 Grenz, Stanley J., al., Pocket dictionary of theological terms. 1999 :::>15,603. RAUSS 38 (2000) 154-155 (Abrahamson, Karen K.). 659 EHart, Trevor A. The dictionary of historical theology. GR 2000, Eerdmans xx; 599 pp. $50. 0-8028-3907-X. 660 EHastings, Adrian; Mason, Alistair; Pyper, Hugh The Oxford companion to christian thought. Oxf2000, OUP xxix; 777 pp. f40/$75. 661 O'Collins, Gerald Glynn; Farrugia, Edward G. A concise diction!!l"Y oftheology. E 2000, Clark xi; 304 pp. 0-567-08733-6. Rev. ed. 662 ESodi, Manlio; Triacca, Achille M. Dizionario di omiletica. 1998 => 14,533; 15,606. RRSCI 54 (2000) 209-210 (Negruzzo, Simona). 663 Vorgrimler, Herbert Neues theologisches Wörterbuch. FrB 22000, Herder 698 pp. 3-451-27340-3. Mit CD-ROM.
A3 .6 Opera consultationis generalia 664 Eßrunsr.hwig, Jacques; Lloyd,Geoffrey Diccionario Akal: el saber Rriego: diccionario critico. M 2000, Akal 781 pp. Pref. Michel Serres. 665 ·De Grummond, Nancy Thomson An encycl~edia of tlie history of classical archaeology. 1996 2 vols :::>14,537. AJA 104 (2000) 127128 (Shiple1, Graham). 666 Ferber, Michael A dictionary of literary symbols. C 2000, CUP x; 263 pp. 0-521-59128-7. Bibi. 667 Goulet, Richard Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques, 3: d'Eccelos a Juvenal. P 2000, CNRS 1071 pp. 2-271-05748-5. 668 Hnrjung, J. Dominik Lexikon der Sprachkunst: die rhetorischen Stilformen. Beck'sche Reihe 1359: Mil 2000, Beck 478 pp. 3406-42159-8. 669 Hazel, John Who's who in the Greek world. Who's who: L 2000, Routledge x; 285 pp. f20. 0-415-12497-2. 670 EHorbury, William; Davies, W.D.; Sturdy, John The Cambridge history of Judaism, 3: the early Roman period. 1999 :::>15,613. RET 111 (1999-2000) 307-308 (Coggins, Richard). 671 Hornblower, S.; Spawfortb, T. Who's who in the classical world. Oxf2000, OUP xix; 440 pp. 0-19-280107-4. 672 ELenman, Bruce P. Chambers dictionary of world history. NY 2000, ~hambers x; 950 pp. 0-550-11000-4. 673 Mattar, Philip Encyclopedia of the Palestinians. Ch 2000, Dearbom xi; 514 pp. 1-57958-208-7. Bibi. 487-500. 674 ENeusner, Jacob; Avery-Peck, Alan Jeffery The Blackwell Companiun tu Juuaism: Blackwell Companions to World Religions: Oxf2000, Blackwell xv; 553 pp 1-57718-058-5. 675 ENeusner, Jacob; Avery-Peck, Alan Jeffery; Green, William Scott The encyclopaedia of Judaism. Lei 2000, Brill 3 vols; 1992 pp. $476. 90-04-10583-2 v.l, A-1; v.2, J-0; v.3, P-Z. RRivBib 48 (2000) 249-250 (Pesce, Mauro); RBLit 2 (2000) 45-64 (Gilbert, Gary).
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
676 ESchoeps, Julius H. Neues Lexikon des Judentums. Gü 2000, Gütersloher 896 P.P· 3-579-02305-5. New ed. 677 EUeding, Gert Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik, 3: Eup-Hör. Tü 1996, Niemeyer 1610 Sp .. 3-484-68103-9. RlJCT 6 (2000) 447-449 ~Kallendorj Craig). 678 Watkins, Calvert The American Heritage dictionary of Indo-European roots. Boston 22000, Houghton Mifflin xli; 149 pp. 0-395-98610-9. A3.8 Opera consultationis archaeologica et geographica 679 Eßienkowski, Piotr; Millard, Alan Dictionary of the ancient Near East. Ph 2000, Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr. x; 342 pp. $50 0-8122-35576 ]ThD 47,166-W. Charles Heiser]. 680 Crown-Tamir, Heia How to walk in the footsteps of Jesus and the prophets: a scripture reference guide for biblical sites in Israel and Jordan. J 2000, Gefen 195 pp. 972-2-538-0247. Bibi. 189. 681 EEllis, Linda Archaeological method and theory: an encyclopedia. GRLH 1707: NY 2000, Garland xxxvii; 705 pp. 0-8153-1305-1. 682 EEn~els, Lodewijk J.: Hofmann, Heinz Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft, 4: Spätantike, mit einem Panorama der byzantinischen Literatur. 1997 ~14,8083. RIJCT 6 (2000) 633-6 (Van der Poel. M.). 683 Ginouv~s, Rene; Martin, Roland Dictionnaire methodique de l'architecture grecque et romaine, 3: espaces architecturau,x, bätiments et ensembles. CEFR 84: 1998 ::::>14,10106; 15,10907. RClR 50 (2000) 243-244 (Jones, Mark Wilson). 684 Medwid, Linda M. The makers of classical archaeology: a reference work. Amherst, NY 2000, Humanity 352 pp. 1-57392-826-7. Bibi. 331-338. 685 EMeyers, Eric M. The Oxford encyclopedia of archaeology in the Near East. 1997 5 vols :::::>14,10040; 15,626. RJNES 59 (2000) 36-38 (Biggs, Robert D.); Gn. 72 (2000) 374-376 (Wenning, Robert). 686 Neusner, Jacob The Halakhah: an encyclopaedia of the law of Judaism. Reference Library of Ancient Judaism 1/1-5: Lei 2000, Brill 5 vols. $l19pervol. 90-04-11617-6. 687 Olsen, Bradford C. Sacred places: 101 spiritual sites around the world. SF 2000, Consortium of Collcctive Consciousness 23 8 pp. $17 [ThD 47,183-W. Charles Heiser] ... 688 Rachet, Guy Lexikon des alten Agypten. TEHeyne, Alice 1999, Da:Wiss 399 pp. Bibi. 391-399. 689 Zahariade, Mihail Lexicon of the Greek and Roman cities and place names in antiquity, 5: Apollonia-Arados. Amst 2000, Hakkert col. 641799. A4.0 Bibliographiae, computers biblicae 690 EBoter, B.J.J., al., Bibliography [Peshitta, Targums]. JAB 2 (2000) 145-155. 691 Böhmisch, Franz Die Gottesbilder der digitalen Noosphäre: die religiöse Sprache des Internet. BiLi 73 (2000) 203-214. 692 BuBB: Bulletin de bibliographie biblique. EKaestli, Jean Daniel Lausanne 2000, Institut des sciences bibliques de l'Univcrsitc de Lausanne. 3 issues a year.
A4.0 Biblical bibliographies, computers
693 Catalogut: dt: l'Ecole biblique et archeologiquc de Jemsalem: catalogue of the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem. Lei 2000, Brill. $299 for one user. 90-04117016. On CD-ROM [NT 44, 100-Elliott, J.K.]. 694 Cornelius, Sakkie; Venter, Pierre J. (Cyber)space ... "The final frontier": the future of ancient studies in the digital world. JNSL 26/1 (2000) 153-169. 695 Court, John Recent continental New Testament literature. ET 110 (1998-1999) 295-296. 696 Dohmen, Christoph Mene Tekel?: wenn das Wort Gottes auf dem Bildschirm erscheint. BiLi 73 (2000) 214-219. 697 Elliott, James Keith A bibliography of Greek New Testament manuscripts. MSSNTS 109: C 22000, CUP xxv; 287 pp. f40. 0-521-77012'.l.. Hibl.
698 Gottes Volk auf CD-ROM: Bibel und Liturgie im Leben der Gemeinde. Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk €127. 3·460-01011-8. 699 Hieke, Thomas 153 große Fische und mehr ... die Bibel im Netz der Netze. BiLi 73 (2000) 220-232. 700 Holter, Knut Old Testament rescarchcrs north ofthe Limpopo: a bibliography of doctoral dissertalions. BOTSA 9 (2000) 6-21. 701 IZBG: International Review of Biblical Studies 4 7 (2000-200 l ): TLang, Bernhard: Lei 2002, Brill xvi; 540 pp. f.102/$119. 90-0412503-5. 702 LeMarquand, Grant A bibliography of the bible in Africa. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 633-800. 703 Lubetski, Edith Online resources for biblical studies: a sampling. CurResB 8 (2000) 134-146. 704 ELumini, Antonella La bibbia: edizioni del XVI secolo. Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana 162: F 2000, Olschki xxxix (2) 327 pp. 88-222· 4868-6. Bibi. 705 EMcKnight, Scot; Williams, Matthew C. The synoptic gospels: an annotated bibliography. GR 2000, Baker 126 pp. $12. 0-8010-2227-4 hBiTod 38,396-Senior, D.]. 706 "Mllls, Watson E. Index tu pt:riuifü;al lilt:ralwt: on Christ and the gos· pels: updating„.Bmce M. Metzger. NTTS 27: 1998 =>14,563. RNT 42 FOOO) 292-293 (Elliott, J.K.). 707 Neirynck, Frans; Verheyden, J.; Corstjens, R. The gospel of Matthew and the sayings source Q: a cumulative bibliography 1950-1995. BEThL 140: 1998 2 vols =>14,564; 15,647. RThLZ 125 (2000) 289291 (Luz, Ulrich); NT 42 (2000) 291-292 (Elliott, J.K.); RivBib 48 (2000) 364-367 (Poppi, Angelico). . 708 NTAb: New Testament Abstracts 44. i:;Harrin~ton, Daniel J.; Matthews, Christopher R. CM 2000, Weston .Tesmt School of Theology. 3 issues a year. 709 OTA: Old Testament Abstracts 23. Eßegg, Christopher T.: Wsh 2000, Catholic Biblical Association. 3 issues a year. 710 Rogerson, J. W. Recent continental Old Testament literature. ET 110 (1998-1999) 11-13; 711 ET 111 (1999-2000) 51-54. 712 La sacra scrittura: ipertesto. EMaggioni, B.: programma in CU-ROM (Witt). RAsp. 47 (2000) 269·270 (Castel/o, Gaetano). 713 The Society for Old Testament Study: book list 2000. EGrabbe, Lester R.: JSOT 89 (2000) vi; 1-241 pp.
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714 ZAW 112: Ewaschke, Ernst-Joachim; Köckert, Matthias: B 2000, De Gruyter 80-160; 258-320; 420-486. 715 ZNW 91: EWolter, Michael B 2000, De Gruyter 149-152; 293-296. A4.2 Bibliographiae theologicae 716 Bibliographia lntemationalis Spiritualitatis 35 (2000). R: Teresianum. 717 Bibliographia Missionaria 64 (2000). R: Urban University. 718 Eßraun, Rene, al., Chronica Tertullianea et Cyprianea 1975-1994. Coll. EAug.Ant 157: 1999 ::::>15,655. RJEarlyC 8 (2000) 587-588 (Slusser, Michael). 719 Elenchus bibliographicus 2000. ELust, J.; Verheyden, J. : EThL 76. Lv 2000, Peeters 698* pp. 720 English language bibliography of MOL TMANN's works. AsbTJ 55/1 (2000) 135-142. 721 Indici dei primi tredici numeri (1993-1999). Itin. 8 (2000) 115-215. 722 Moulinet, Daniel Guide bibliographique des sciences religieuses. P 2000, Salvator 487 pp. €30.18. 2-7067-0259-1. 723 NThAR: Tü 2000, Universitätsbibliothek, Theologische Abt. Monthly. 7211 Silver jubilee supplement: genernl informntion, back issucs, author index & subject index. JDh.S 25 (2000) 4-86. · 725 ThD 46: Theology Digest Book smvey. EHeiser, W Charles: Duluth, MN 2000, 4 times a vear. 726 Theologie im Kontext 21: Aachen 2000, Missionswissenschaftliches Institut. Two issues a year. 727 Van Belle, Gilbert Index generalis ETL/BETL 1982-1997. BEThL 134: 1999 ::::>15,663. REThL 76 (2000) 465-466 (Vermeylen, J.). 728 ZID: Zeitschrifteninhaltsdienst. Tü 2000, Universitätsbibliothek, Theologische Abt. Monthly. 729 Zmuda, Ryszard Bibliografia: produkcji wydawniczej zakon6w w Polsee 1945-1995: wyJawuicLwa zwarle pl. 1-2. Wsz 2000, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wyszynskiego 83-7072-152-4. P. A4.3 Bibliographiae philologicae et generales 730 Berard, Fran~ois, al., Guide de l'cpigraphiste: bibliographie choisie de~ epigraphies antiques et medieva\es. Guides et inventaires bibliograph1ques 6: P 32000, Presses de l'Ecole normale superieure 424 pp. €28.96. 2-7288-0254-8. 731 Bibliographie annuelle du Moyen-Äge Tardif 10. Turnhout 2000, Brepols 2-503-51003-5. 732 Calder, William M.; Smith, R. Scott A supplementary bibliography to the history of classical scholarship: chiefly in the XIXth and XXth centuries. Paradosis 2: Bari 2000, Dedalo 224 pp. 88-220-5802-X. 733 Dardano, Paola Un decennio di studi micenei: rassegna bibliografica (1990-1997). BRLF 51: R 2000, 11 Calamo 164 pp. 88-85134-52-1. Bibi. 734 Domhardt, Yvonne Auswahlbibliographie von Werken mit jüdischj u 15,690. RKeTh 51 (2000) 160-161 (Wolfensberger, G.H). 752 Briend, J., al., La loi et les prophetes: introduction critique a l' Ancien Testament. P 2000, Tequi 430 pp. €30.18. 2-7403-0820-5. Texte revu; Bibl. 14-19. 753 Chance, J. Bradley; Horne, Milton P. Rereading the bible: an introduction to the biblical story. Upper Saddle River, NJ 2000, Prentice Hall 438 pp. $35.75 [BiTod 38,186-Bergant, Dianne]. 754 Christianson, Eric S. Old Testament studies at year zero: some prominent contours ofthe landscape. Evangel 18 (2000) 49-54. 755 Cimosa, Mario L'ambiente storico-culturale delle scritture ebraiche. La Bibbia nella storia 1: Bo 2000, EDB 644 pp. 88-10-40268-5. Bibl. 604-605. 756 Delorme, J.; Briend, Jacques Les premiers livres prophetiques. La loi et les prophetes. 2000 =>752. 175-257. 757 Dillard, Raymond B.; Longman, Trcmper Inleiding op het Oude Testament. Heerenveen 2000, Groen 584 pp. €56.72. 90-5030994-1. RITBT 9/1 (2000) 29-30 (Schelling, Piet). 758 Eissfeldt, 0. Introducci6n al Antiguo Testamento, 1. TSicre, J.L.: M 2000, Cristiandad 804 pp. Introd„ complemento bibl. por J.L. Sicre. 759 Elevamkudy, Anthony Bible: its historicity and our salvation. Bangalore 2000, Asian Trading 468 pp. 81-7085-261-2 [VJTR 65,862 -Meagher, P.M.]. 760 Explorer la bible: vademecum pour le lecteur des ecritures. 1999 ::::>15, 695. Association Biblica. RsR 29 (2000) 508-509 (Vogels, Walter). 761 Geor~e, F.J. The bible truth: a fresh comprehensible reading experience m the new millennium. Bangalore 2000, l.J.A. xviii; 273 pp. Rs150. 981-04-2288-1. 762 Gibson, J.C.L. Language and imagery in the Old Testament. 1998 ::::> 14,1142. Rstudies in World Christianity 6/1(2000)118-119 (Campbell, Jan); RBLit 2 (2000) 163-165 (Bodner, Keith). 763 Gillingham, S.E. One bible, many voices: different approaches to biblical studies. 1998 ::::>14,605; 15,696. RHebStud 41 (2000) 242-244 (Knoppers, Gary N); RBLit 2 (2000) 84-88 (Edenburg, Cynthia). 764 Gordon, Cyrus H.; Rendsburg, Gary A. The bible and the ancient Near East. 4 1997 :::::>13,528. RHeyJ 41(2000)212-14 (McNamara, M.). 765 Hainz, Josef, al., A Biblia ex~licada: uma visao geral da biblia com explic~ao dos textos centrais. Giachini, F.nin Pauln: Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 200 pp. 85-326-1678-X [REB 60,489]. 766 Kaiser, Otto Abriß der nlttcstmncntlichen Literaturgeschichte. Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. FzB 90: 2000::::>176. 9-69. 767 Kaiser, Otto Die alttestamentlichen Apokryphen: eine Einleilung in Grundzügen. Gü 2000, Gütersloher 106 pp. 3-579-02661-5. 768 Kugel, James L. Traditions of the bible: a guide to the bible as it was at the start ofthe common era. 1998 ::::>14,611. RStPhilo 12 (2000) 143-147 (Runia, David T. ).
B 1.1
Introductions to the whole Bible or OT
769 ELamadrid, Antonio G.; Campos Santiago, Jesus, al., Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica: introducci6n al estudio de la Biblia, 3b. Estella (Navarra) 2000, Verbo Divino 558 pp. 84-8169-174-7. 770 LaSor, William Sanford, al., Old Testament survey: the message, form, and background of the Old Testament. 1996 ::::;.12,456; 13,540. RJNES 59 (2000) 140-141 (Long, Gary); JSSt 45 (2000) 155-157 (Gillingham, Sue).
771 Loader, James Alfred Hebrew Bible introduction and Old Testament theology design. OTEs 13 (2000) 186-203. 772 Maidame, Jean-Michel Un livre inspire, la bible: le livre ou Dieu se dit. 1998 ::::>14,613. RRB 107 (2000) 285-286 (Devillers, Luc). 773 Matthews, Victor Harold; Moyer, James C. The Old Testament: text and context. 1997 ::::>13,549. RRBLit 1 (1999) 102-105 (Hauer, Christian E. ).
774 Matthews, Victor H. Old Testament themes. St. Louis 2000, Chalice 130 pp. $16 [BiTod 39,120-Bergant, Dianne]. 775 Pardes, Ilana The biography of ancient Israel: national narratives in the bible. Contraversions 14: Berkeley, CA 2000, Univ. of Califomia Press xi; 211 pp. 0-520-21110-3. Bibi. [NThAR 2000,310). 776 Potin, Jean La bible rendue a l'hisloire. P 2000, Bayarcl 691 pp. €27.28. 2-227-35017-2. RcEv 113 (2000) 70-71 (Gruson, Philippe). 777 Ravasi, Gianfranco A narrativa do Ceu: as hist6rias, as ideias e os personagens do Antigo Testmento, 1. 1999 ::::;.14,712. RPerTeol 32 (2000) 416·418 (l'ampaloni, Massinro ). 778 Riches, John The bible: a very short introduction. Oxf 2000, OUP ii; 157 pp. 779 Rogerson, J.W. Una introducci6n a la biblia. Origenes 12: Bare 2000, Pa1d6s '.l7 l pp. 84-493-0845-3. Bibi. 247-253 [EtMex 19,131-Bonni Barcel6, Eduardo]. 780 Van Buren, Paul M. According to the scriptures: the ori~ns of the gospel and ofthe church's Old Testament. 1998 ::::;.14,626. ThTo 57 (2000) 114, 116-117 (Soulen, R. Kendall); OTEs 13 (2000) 253-254 (Stns.rnn, S.T•. ); RBLit 2 (2000) 103-105 (Williamson, C/ark)„ 781 Vermeylen, Jacques Diez claves para abrir la biblia. Bilbao 2000, Desclee 246 pp. 84-330-1460-9 [EstTrin 34,138-Aurrecoechea, J.L.]. 782 Watts, John D. W. Introduction to the psalms and wisdom literature. FTATE, M. 2000 ::::;.713. 1-9. 783 Wegner, Paul D. The journey from texts to translations: the origin and development of the bible. GR 2000, Baker 462 pp. $30 [ThD 48, 194Heiser, W. Charles]. 784 Zenger, Erich, al., Einleitung in das Alte Testament. KStTh 1,1: 1995 ::::>1112,1147 ... 14,630. RcrSt 21(2000)425-428 (Römer, Thomas); 785 II primo Testamento: la Bibbia ebraica e i cristiani. 1997 ~13,567 ... 15,725. RRivBib 48 (2000) 98-100 (Minissale, Antonino). B 1.2
'lnvitations' to Bible or OT
786 Adinolfi, Marco Alle limpide correnti della bibbia. Odorifera verba Domini, 1: Mi 2000, Dragonetti 318 pp. €18.08. RLASBF 50 (2000) 577-578 (Nottini, G. Claudio). 787 Bottighcimcr, Ruth B. The bible for children: from the age of Gutenberg to the present. 1996 ::::>12,495„. 15,727. RBiTr 51 (2000) 149-151 (Sanchez, Edesio).
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[II. Introductio
788 Brown, Michael Joseph What they don't teil you: a survivor's guide to biblical studies. LVL 2000, Westminster 157 pp. $11. 0-664-22220X [BiTod 39,118-Bergant, Dianne]. 789 Chavot, Pierre; Potin, Jean L'abcdaire de la bible. P 2000, Flammarion 120 pp. €9.60. 790 Fischer, Georg Wege in die Bibel: Leitfaden zur Auslegung. Stu 2000, Katholisches Bibelwerk xii; 195 pp. €20 ..35 3-460-32434-1. Bibi. 791 Gauci, Loren\'.o La biblia en las manos del pueblo. M 2000, CCS 231 pp. 792 Gibert, Pierre La bible, le livre, les livres. Decouvertes-Religions 392: P 2000, Gallimard 160 pp [LV(L) 248,76-Caumeil, H.J. 793 Kariamadam, Paul Questions people ask on the bible [Bombay] 2000 St. Pauls 182 pp 81-7109-441-4 Rihl. 794 Lamberigts, Sylvester Bijbelse verkenningen: markante figuren uit het Oude Testament. Averbode 2000, Altiora 266 pp [Coll. 30,330-Hoet, Hendrik]. 795 Lewis, Peter The message ofthe living God: bis glory, his people, his world. The Bible Speaks Today: Nottingham 2000, IVP 359 pp. 085111-509-8. Bibi. 11-14. 796 Linden, Nico ter Es wird erzählt, 2: Markus und Matthäus sehen die Geschichte .Tesu. THäring, Stefan: 1999 =>15,732. REK (2000/3) 52-53 (mit Bd. 1) (Herlyn, Okko). 797 Lis, Marek Bibbia e cinema: quando Wl film e fedele al testo biblico?: estratto della tesi dottorale. Univ. Pontificia Salesiana, Tesi 444: R 2000, Univ. Pont. Salesiana 70 pp. Bibi. 53-65. 798 Lum, Ada Discovcring Jesus: opcn biblc studics for opcn pcoplc-27 studies in 4 series. Nottingham 1999, IVP 154 pp. 0-85111-597-7. 799 Lys, Daniel La b1ble en otage: comment sortir des lectures heretiques. Poliez-le-Grand 2000, Moulin 77 pp. FS14.50. 2-88469-002-6 fETR 75,:298]. 800 Montes, Graciela; Valverde, Mikel Historias de la biblia. M 2000, SM 364 pp [RelCult 215,947-Bardon, Eliseo]. 801 Ravasi, Gianfranco T,a hihhia: risposte alle domande piU provocatorie. Le domande della fede 70: CinB 2000, San Paolo 123 pp. 88-2153705-6. 802 Ska, Jean Louis L'argilla, la danza eil giardino: saggi di antropologia biblica. Quademi di Camaldoli 17: Bo 2000, EDB 66 pp. €7. 7 5. 803 Umoren, Anthony Iffen The origin and use ofthe bible in the church: a bible guide for catholics. Port Harcourt, Nigeria 2000, Davis xvii; 107 pp. 978-33234-1-5. Bibi. 804 Van der Meer, Frits Die Harmonien Gottes in der HI. Schrift. Una Voce-Korrespondenz 39 (2000) 116-120. 805 Vermeylen, Jacques Dix cles pour entrer dans [ouvrir] la bible. 1999 =>15,744. RCEv 113 (2000) 71-72 (Gruson, Phi/ippe): 806 Ten keys for opening the bible. NY 2000, Continuum 192 pp. $17. 08264-1256-4. 807 Yuung, Lee Allams At 110me with GoJ: here and now. Ph 2000, Xlibris 438 pp. $25/18. Bl.3 Pedagogia biblica-Bible-teaching techniques 808 Alonso Schäkel, Luis Argument from scripture and biblical theology in theological teaching. Literary language. 2000 =>126. 149-167.
B 1.3
Bible-teaching techniques
809 Autane, Maurice Lire la bible, un defi permanent pour l'eglise: trente ans de pastorale biblique dans la mission de l'eglise. Cahiers de l' Atelier 487 (2000) 4-11. 810 Barber, Cyril J.; Krauss, Robert M. Jr. An introduction to theological research: a guide for college and seminary students. Lanham 22000, University Press of America xiii; 173 pp. 0-7618-1659-3. Foreword by J.P. Moreland: Bibi. 135-151. 811 Baud/er, Georg Einführung in eine biblische Science-Fiction-Welt?: zur gegenwärtigen Infragestellung des erfahrungsorientierten Religionsunterrichts. KatBl 125 (2000) 426-431. 812 Baum-Resch, Anneli Was gibt es über Kinderbibeln zu lesen?: Hinweise zur Sekundärliteratur. KatBl 125 (2000) 290-292. 813 Bee-Schroedter, Heike Wie lesen Kinder und Jugendliche neutestamentliche Texte?: Lesarten der Bibel aus entwicklungspsychoiogischer Perspektive. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 =>261. 158-166. 814 La bible et ses lecteurs. Cahiers de !'Atelier 487 (2000) 126 pp. 815 Bohmbach, Karla G.; Gravett, Sandra L. A tale oftwo teachers: how we adapted the same graduate school education to two different institutional realities. PRSt 27 (2000) 427-433. 816 Borchard, Therese Johnson Whitney stows away on Noah's Ark and learns how to deal with peer pressure. Emerald Bible Collection: Mahwah, NJ 2000, Pauiist 77 pp. $0. 817 Bozung, Christopher D. The questions of Jesus as a model for communicating biblical truth in ministry. 2000 174 pp. Diss. Rt::gt:ut; 9999499. 818 Braun, Josef Mit kritischem Rlick auf Kinderbibeln heute: Übersicht, exemplarische Fehlformen, Beurteilung. KatBl 125 (2000) 226-232. 819 Bw.„etti, Carlo You11g people's biblcs (YPil): is it possiblc to makc a good choice?. BiTr 51 (2000) 410-417; 820 Meditazione con la bibbia: tra farc cxcgcsi c farc catcchcsi: note di ermeneutica per Ja formazione aH'impiego della bibbia. La tua parola. 2000 ::::>490. 115-123. 821 Büttner, Gerhard Warum erzählen wir heute neutestamentliche Wundergeschichten?. Lebendige Katechese 22 (2000) 39-42. 822 Cragg, Kenneth The education of christian faith: critical and literary encounters with the New Testament. Brighton 2000, Sussex Academic xvi; 279 pp. 1-902210-49-2. 823 Crippa, Maria Antonietta La parola di Dio e la bibbia dei povcri. Com(I) 174 (2000) 63-70. 824 Dohmen-Funke, Christoph Kinderbibeln früher und heute: von den Veränderungen einer Buchgattung. KatBl 125 (2000) 248-251. 825 Donaldson, Terence L. What 1 leamed teaching New Testament 101. TJT 16 (2000) 251-265. 826 Ehrman, Bart D. A response to Robert Yarbrough's critique. PRSt 27 (2000) 371-373. 827 Fassion, Andre Catechese et exegese critique: pour un partenariat renouvele. RSR 88 (2000) 599-613. 828 Ganter, Christian J. South Park-krude Blasphemie oder zeitgemäße Bibelrezeption?: eine Zeichentrickserie als Herausfordenmg für den Religionsunterricht. rhs 43 (2000) 328-331. 829 (jarrett, Susan R. Bridging a chasm or buming bridges?: criticism vs confessionalism in beginning New Testament study. PRSt 27 (2000) 375-382.
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[II. Introductio
830 EGrabner-Haider, Anton Prontuario della bibbia. Bo 2000, EDB 833 pp.€25.82. 831 Günther, Matthias Interesse am Mitmenschen: lebensstilorientierte Bibelerschließung im biblischen Unterricht. Diss.-Habil. HannoverDNoormann, H.: 2000/01 [ThRv 98/4, xvii]. 832 Hanisch, Helmut "...manchmal träume ich, daß Gott eine Tochter hat, die sich um die Gedanken, Wünsche und Träume der Kinder kümmert... ". Religion und Phantasie. BTSP 19: =>318. 2000 89-112. 833 Harrison, Nonna V. Raising them right: early christian approaches to . child rearing. ThTo 56 (2000) 481-494. 834 EHess, Richard S.; Wenham, Gordon H. Make the Old Testament live: from curriculum to classroom. 1998 =>14,668; 15,771. RHebStud 41 (2000) 247-250 (Schneider, Tammi J.); AUSS 38 (2000) 327-328 ( Caesar, Lael). 835 Hilger, Georg; Braun, Josef Heikle Fragen gut gelöst: elementare Zugänge in Kinderbibeln. KatBl 125 (2000) 237-241. 836 Hofmann, Norbert J. La parola di Dio nella terra del Signore. La tua parola. 2000 =>490. 125-132. 837 Howell, David B. "For the bible tells me so": using developmental theory to teach the bible. PRSt 27 (2000) 399-4 l l. 838 Imbach, Josef Lust auf die Bibel: praxisorientierte Zugänge zur Heiligen Schrift. Wü 2000, Echter 283 pp. 3-429-02219-3. 839 Kalloch, Christina Das Alte Testament im Religionsunterricht der Grundschule: Chancen und Grenzen alttestamentlicher Fachdidaktik im Primarbereich. Diss.-Habil. Hildesheim 2000/01 °Werner, W. [ThRv 98/4, xvii]. 840 Kastning, Ruth Versöhnung durch Lernen: Anmerkungen zu einem immer noch aktuellen Thema. FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 =:>106. 257-261. 841 Kuntz, J.K. "And they let you do tliat?" : teaching the bible at a public statc univcrsity. PRSt 27 (2000) 383-397. 842 Lagarde, Claude: Lagarde, Jacqueline La bible, paroles d'amour. P ?.000, R11yiml 400 pp F.?.?.. 71 . 843 Mahnke, Hermann Der "Neue Bethel-Bibelkurs (NBB)": Zielsetzung und Arbeitsweise. Deutsches Pfarrerblatt 100 (2000) 428-430. 844 McNamara, Martin Irish gospel books and related texts. PIBA 23 f2000) 61-66. 845 Most, Glenn W. Editing Texts; Texte edieren. Aporemata 2: 1998 => 14,676. Rsc1 19 (2000) 328-330 (Winterbottom, Michael). 846 Nauerth, Thomas Abraham für Kinder: Sondierungen im "Kinderbibelwald". KatBl 125 (2000) 233-236. 847 nphnff, .TanP. Z.; Mar.VP.y, nP.hnrah G Illuminating picture hooks. ThTo 56 (2000) 576-591. 848 Orth, Peter Hilfen zum biblischen Erzählen: Beispiele aus Kinderbibeln. KatBl 125 (2000) 252-255. 849 Pazdan, Mary M Developing a wisdom community as a feminist hermeneutic: pedagogy for a new millennium. PRSt 27 (2000) 413-425. 850 Pi/eh, John J. Films that illuminate the bible. BiTod 38 (2000) 378-83. 851 Pizivin, Daniel Mission ouvriere qu'as-tu fait de la bible?. Cahiers de 1' Atelier 487 (2000) 12-18. 852 Quesnel, Michel Enseigner l'exegese du Nouveau Testament. CEv 112 (2000) 53-56. 853 Ritter, Werner H. Kindliche Religion und Phantasie-dargestellt an einem exemplarischen Kapitel der Religionspädagogik. Religion und Phantasie. BTSP 19 (2000) 151-180.
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854 Ruster, Thomas Die Welt verstehen "gemäß den Schriften": Religionsunterricht als Einführung in das biblische Wirklichkeitsverständnis. rhs 43 (2000) 189-203. . 855 Schoberth, Ingrid "Dinge machen, von denen wir nicht wissen, was sie sind": auf den Spuren ästhetischer Erfahrung im Religionsunterricht. Religion und Phantasie. BTSP 19: 2000 :::>318. 115-150.. · 856 Segovia, Fernando F. Pedagogical discourse and practices in contemporary biblical criticism ; 857 Pedagogical discourse and practices in cultural studies: toward a contextual biblical pedagogy ; 858 Notes toward refining the postcolonial optic . Decolonizing biblical studies. 2000 :::>211. 55-86/87-115/133-142. 859 Esegovia, Fernando F.; Tolbert, Mary Ann Teaching the bible: the discourses and politics ofbiblical pedagogy. 1998 :::>14,684; 15,285. RcBQ 62 (2000) 188-189 (Smith-Christopher, Daniel L.). 860 Siemann, Jutta Die Bibel im Religionsunterricht. Lebendige Katechese 22 (2000) 43-47. 861 Simian-Yofre, Horacio, al., Metodologia do Antigo Testamento. TCosta, Joiio Rezende: Biblica Loyola 28: Sao Paulo 2000, Loyola 200 pp. 85-15-01849-7 [PerTeol 86,126]; 862 [Metodologia dcll'Antico Testrunento.j TPahk, Johan Y«ong-Sik: Seoul 2000, Living with Scripturc 379 pp. 89-7635-102-9. K. 863 Skweres, Dieter Eduard Umgang mit der Bibel in Afrika. VSVD 41 (2000) 51-65. Sum., Res. 64s. 864 Smith, Jonathan Z. Bible and religion. CSRB 29 (2000) 87-93. 865 Snyder, H. Gregory Teachers and texts in the ancient world: philosophers, Jews and christians. Religion in the first Christian centuries. L 2000, Routledge xv; 325 pp. f.50/17. 0-415-21765-2/6-0. Bibl. 866 Stettberger, Herbert Die Seligpreisungen Jesu nach dem Lukasevangelium (Lk 6,20-23) als sprachdidaktische Herausforderungen im Religionsunterricht. BN 105 (2000) 28-38. 867 Van der Schyff, S.P.; Venter, C.J.H. Herderlike bediening aan die kind uit'n egskeidingsgesin. Acta Theologica 20/1 (2000) 49-72. 868 Van Rensburg, J. Janse The subject of pastoral care: an epistemological discourse. Acta Theologica.Supplementum 1 (2000) 1-25. 869 Woh/enberg, Dieter "Ich bin bei dir, und du bist bei mir": Sinnfrage und Transzendenz im Kinder- und Jugendbuch: eine Skizze. FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 :::>106. 262-269. 870 Yarbrough, Robert W. The power and pathos of Professor Ehrman's New Testament introduction. PRSt 27 (2000) 363-370; 871 Response to Professor Ehrman's review. PRSt 27 (2000) 359-362. 872 Zillessen, Dietrich Achtung des Bildes im Bilderverbot: Ende der Vorstellung?. FSCHMIDT1 J. 2000 :::>106. 270-284.
B2. l Hermeneutica 873 Abraham, Ulrike Wassermythen und Wnldesträume: die archetypische Symbol~prachc in der Naturlyrik Nikolaus Lenaus. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergllnge 38: 2000 :::>1079. 237-256. 874 Agourides, Savas The Orthodox Church and contemporary biblical research. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 =>462. 139-154. 875 Alkier, Stefan Fordert das Neue Testament die Absolutheit des Christentums?: Einleitung zur Kontroverse. ZNT 5 (2000) 36;
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876 Fremde Welten verstehen lernen: semiotische Bausteine einer interkulturellen Hermeneutik für die religionsgeschichtliche und religionsdialogische Arbeit. ZNT 5 (2000) 49-55. 877 Alonso Schökel, Luis; Bravo Arag6n, Jose Maria A manual of hermeneutics. BiSe 54: 1998 =>14,693. RAtK 134 (2000) 193-197 (Pawlowski, Zdislaw)„ 878 Anderson, Bernhard W. The bible in a postmodern age. HBT 22 (2000) 1-16. 879 Anum, Eric Comparative readings of the bible in Africa: some concems. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 457-473. 880 Arul Raja, A.M Reading the bible from a Dalit location: some points for interpretation. VFTW 23/1 (2000) 77-91. 881 Bachmann, Michael Vom Lesen des Neuen Testaments. Grundinfonnation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 =>305. 32-45. 882 Backhaus, Knut Über den Wahrheitsanspruch exegetischer Vernunft: zu einem neueren Entwurf. ThGl 90 (2000) 498-504. 883 Bader-Saye, Scott Post-holocaust hermeneutics: Scripture, sacrament, and the Jewish body ofChrist. CrossCur 50 (2000) 458-473. 884 Ba/eh, David L. Concluding observations by the editor, including a comparison of christian with Jewish hihlical interpretation. Homosexuality, science, and„. scripture. 2000 =>231. 278-304. 885 Baldau/, Christa Sprachliche Evidenz metaphorischer Konzeptualisierung: Probleme und Perspektiven der kognitivistischen Metapfiemtheorie im Ans9.hluss an George Lakoff und Mark Johnson. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 =>1079. 117-132. 886 Barr, James Evaluation, commitment, and objectivity in biblical theology. Reading the bible. 2000 =>485. 125-152. 887 Bartholomew, Craig Uncharted waters: philosophy, theology and the crisis in biblical interpretation; 888 Tnlruduclio11. Rtmewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 1-39/xxiii-xxxi; 889 Biblica1 and constitutional interpretation and thc rolc of originalism in '6th and 20th century societies. AThR 82 (2000) 537-545. 890 Eßarton, John The Cambridge companion to biblical interpretation. 1998 :::>14,699; 15,817. RHeyJ 41(2000)90-91 (Upton, Bridgat Gilfil /an); IBSt 22 (2000) 192-193 (Saliers, Robert B.); SvTK 76 (2000) 154-156 (Byrskog, Samuel); EvQ 72 (2000) 75-76 (Marshall, 1. Howard); ET 110 (1998-1999) 130-132 (Rodd, C.S.). 891 Basarab, Mircea Die kulturelle Dimension der Bibelhermeneutik und ihre Bedeutung für den Ost-West Dialog: einige Bemerkungen. OrthFor 14 (2000) 171-180. 892 Bautista, Erasmo lQue significa interpretaci6n?. Qol 23 (2000) 51-65. 893 ße,nsussan, Gerard Parole, langage et temporalites: la bible dans l'Etoile de la Redemption. RMM (2000) 461-479. Res.; Sum. 461. 894 Re.n-Chorin, Tovia Warum lesen Juden das Neue Testament?. ZNT 5 (2000) 11-19. 895 Bcuchot, Mauricio Sobrc Ja oportunidad y necesidad de una henneneutica anal6gico-ic6nica. Strom. 56 (2000) 309-322. 896 Blderman, Schlomo Scripture and knowledge: an essay on religious eJ>istemology. 1995 =>11/2,1266. RJThS 51 (2000) 706-707 (Lipner, Julius). 897 Bieritz, Karl-Heinrich Kränkungen und Klopfzeichen: Semiotik und Rezeptionsästhetik als Herausforderungen für Theologie und Kirche. BThZ 17 (2000) 217-237.
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898 Biezeveld, Kune E. Strepen. GThT 100/1(2000)14-18. 899 Boese/, Chris Rufture and context: the ethical dimensions of a postholocaust biblica hcrmcneutics. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 =>290. 36-51. 900 Bok, Nico W. den Of hier de allerhoogste hoorbaar is: een oude speurtocht door nieuwe vertaalregels„ KeTh 5-111 (2000) 24-35. 901 Böhme, Wolfgang Die Bibel-Gottes Liebesbrief an uns: was Leser von heute von der Mystik lernen können. ZW 71 (2000) 34-41. 902 Brox, Norbert Kirchengeschichte als "Historische Theologie" ; 903 Fragen zur "Denkform" der Kirchengeschichtswissenschaft . Das Frühchristentum 2000 => 136. 9-27/29-49. 904 Bruckstein, Almut Sh. Versuch einer Topographie zur jüdischen Hermeneutik. Jud. 56 (2000) 154-177. 90.) Brueggemann, Walter Reading as wounded and as haunted. Deep memory. 2000 =>139. 41-57 [1Sam15; Ps 89]; 906 A first retrospect on the consultation. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 :::>453. 342-347. 907 Burgess, John P. Why scripture matters: reading the bible in a time of church conflict. 1998 :::>14,719. RThTo 57 (2000) 125-126, 128 (Wharton, James A.). 908 Carroll R., M Daniel Introduction: issues of 'context' within social soicnoo nppronches to biblicnl studies. Rethinking cuntexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 13-21. 909 Currull, R.P. The reader and the text. Text In context. 2000 =>296. 334. 910 Cazel/es, Henri 'Penser Ja hihle' et 'La bible dans la pensee'. RICP 76 (2000) 131-142. 911 Cnockaert, Andre Le desire du face a face: le theme de la face et du visage dans la bible et en spiritualite chretienne. Telema l 02-103 (2000) 51-59. 912 Cook, John Granger The interpretation of the New Testament in Gn::cu-Ruman paganism. Studies and Texts in Antiquity and Christianity 3: Tü 2000, Mohr xvi; 385 pp. €65.45. 3-16-147195-4. Bibi. RFgNT 13 (WOO) 128-129 (Stenschke, Christoph). 913 Corti, Enrique C. Bosquejo del vocablo 'hermeneutica' (Descie SCHLEIERMACHER hasta HEIDEGGER). Strom. 56 (2000) 89-100. 914 Ecouch, Mal An introduction to classical evangelical hermeneutics. GR 2000, Kregel 371 pp. $16. 915 Crisp, Simon Orthodox biblical scholarship between patristics and postmodemity: a view from the West. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 =>462. 121-117. 916 Cunningham, Va/entine The best stories in the best order?: canons, apocryphas and (post)modem rcading. JLT 14 (2000) 69-80. 917 Davis, Ellen F. Critical traditioning: seeking an inner biblical hermeneutic. AThR 82 (2000) 733-751. 918 DeClaisse-Wa/ford, Nancy L. Moving from the stories ofthe church to the story of our fäith. RExp 97 (2000) 413-424. 919 Dohmen, Christoph; Stemberger, Günter Hermeneutik der jüdischen Bibel und des Alten Testaments. KStTh 112: 1996 =>12,604„.14, 74 l. Rsz 44 (2000) 131-132 (Schreiner, Josef). 920 Dorival, Gilles Exegese juive et exegese chretienne. Le commentaire. 2000 :::>542. 169-181[BuBB33,16]. 921 Downing, F. Gerald Shifting sands. Doing things with words. JSNT.S 200: 2000 =>151. 218-233.
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922 Interpretation and the 'culture gap' ; 923 A bas les aristos ; 924 'Honour' among exegetes . Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 ~ 150. 223-232/21-40/19-42. 925 Draper, Jonathan A. The bishop and the bricoleur: Bishop John William Colenso's Commentary on Romans and Magema Kamagwaza Fuze's The black people and whence they came. The Bible in Africa. 2000 ~342. 415-454. 926 Dunn, James D.G. Ex akoes pisteös. ExAu 16 (2000) 35-46. Resp. 4753-David P. Moessner; 927 Dunn, James D.G., al., Konvergenzen und offene Fragen. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 ~462. 217-224. 928 Dunn, John S. Reading the gospel. Notre Dame, Ind. 2000, Univ. of Notre Dame Pr. ix; 187 pp. 0-268-01667-4/8-2. 929 Eibisch, Frank Das fremde Wort-Dolmetscher Gottes sein. ThFPr 26/1 (2000) 24-41. 930 Engelhardt, Klaus Geistesgegenwärtige Kirche: von der Notwendigkeit, Theologie zu treiben und vom Glanz der Bibel. BThZ 17 (2000) 299-312. 931 Es/er, Phi/ip F. Models in New Testament interpretation: a reply to David Horrell. JSNT 78 (2000) 107-113. 932 Ewert, David How to understand the bible. Waterloo, Ont. 2000, Herald 238 pp. $15. 0-8361-9115-3. · 933 Fee, Gordon D. The bishop and the bible. Listening to the Spirit. 2000 ~155. 77-87. 934 Fodor, James Christian hermeneutics: Paul RICOEUR and the refiguring oftheology. 1995 ::::>11/2,6687. RJThS 51 (2000) 391-394 (Ford, DavidF.). 935 Fowl, Stephen E. Engaging scripture: a model for theological interpretation. 1998 ~14,750; 15,845. RModem Theology 16 (2000) 271272 (Gaventa, Beverly Roberts). 936 Frankemölle, Hubert Das Neue Testament: das bekannte Buch-das fremde Bur.h; 937 Was ist christlich am Neuen Testament?; 938 Gibt es eine neue Lesart im christlich-jüdischen Dialog?. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 ~261. 7-10/151/172-175. 939 Frey, Daniel Paul RICOEUR, lecteur du grand code. RHPhR 80 (2000) 263-282. 940 Frey, Jörg Die "Absolutheit des Christentums" und die Einzigkeit Jesu Christi. ZNT 5 (2000) 37-43. 941 Fuchs, Ottmar Kriterien gegen den Mißbrauch der Bibel. BiLi 73 (2000) 12-33. Gadamer, Hans-Georg Hermeneutische Entwurfe 2000 ~162. 942 Garcia-Treto, Francisco Hyphenating Joseph: a view ofGenesis 39-41 from the Cuban diaspora. Interpreting beyond borders. The bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 ~331. 134-145. 943 Guttwuld, Norman K. The bible in South Africa today. JTSA 108 (2000) 91-93. 944 Gowler, David B. Heteroglossic trends in biblical studies: polyphonic dialogues or clanging cymbals?. RExp 97 (2000) 443-466. 945 Greene, Co/in J.D. 'In the arms of the angels': biblical interpretation, christology and the philosophy ofhistory. Renewing biblical interpretation. 2000 ~453. 198-239.
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946 Green, Garrett Theology, hermeneutics and imagination: the crisis of interpretation at the end ofmodemity. C 2000, CUP xii; 229 pp. 0-52165048-8. Bibi. 947 Greisch, Jean L'hermeneutique est-elle une methode?: exegese biblique et poetique de la lecture. RICP 76 (2000) 111-129; 948 Penser la bible: l'hermeneutique philosophique a l'ecole de l'exegese biblique. RB 107 (2000) 81-104. 949 Grudem, Wayne A. Do we act as if we really believe that "the bible alone, and the bible in its entirety, is the word of God written"?. JETS 43/1 (2000) 5-26. 950 Grundmann, Christopher Interreligiöser Dialog und Neues Testament -eine Orientierung. ZNT 5 (2000) 2-10. 951 Habe/, Norman C. The challenge of ecojustice readings for christian theology. Pacifica 13 (2000) 125-141. 952 Hart, Trevor Imagination and responsible reading. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 307-334. 953 Hesse, Mary B. A response to Neil B. MacDonald. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 :::>453. 141-144. 954 Hintze, Markus Gottes Wort-Verstehen und Vermitteln: eine Untersuchung zur Theorie neutestamentlicher Exegese aus hermeneutischer und ästhetischer Perspektive. Diss. Bonn 2000/01, °Ftnd11ts, H.-J [ThRv 98/4, iv]. 955 Halter, Knut Africa in the Old Testament. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 569-581. 956 Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm Vielfalt und Einheit der neuteslamentlichen Botschaft. Grundinformation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 :::>305. 371-387. 957 Horrell, David G. Models and methods in social-scientific interpretation: a response to Philip Esler. JSNT 78 (2000) 83-105. 958 EHorrell, David G. Social-scientific approaches to New Testament interpretation. 1999 ::::> 1:1,241. R.JThS :) 1 (2000) 107-310 (Rash, Anthony). 959 Houlden, J.L. Enlightenment, establishment and the word. JSNT 78 (2000) 67-82. 960 Hull, Michuel F. The actualization of sacred scripture. HPR 101/3 (2000) 54-60. 961 Jgenoza, Andrew Olu Contextual balancing of scripture with scripture: Scripture Union in Nigeria and Ghana. The Bible in Africa. 2000 :::>342. 292-310. 962 Jngraffia, Brian D. Deconstructing the tower of Babel: ontotheology and the postmodern bible. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 284-306. 963 lsermann, Gerhard Widersprüche in der Bibel: warum genaues Lesen lohnt: ein Arbeitsbuch. BTSP 18: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 253 pp. 3-525-61383-0. 964 Jens, Walter Die Phantasie und die Bibel. Religion und Phantasie. BTSP 19: 2000 :::>318. 7-14. 965 Janker, Louis C. The influence of social transformation on the interpretation of the bible: a methodological reflection. Scriptura 72/l (2000) 1-14; 966 Towards a 'communal' approach for reading the bible in Africa. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 =>'167. 77-88. 967 Kahl, Werner Intercultural hermeneutics-contextual exegesis: a model for 21'1 century exegesis. IRM 89 (2000) 421-433.
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968 Kahl, Werner Zur Interpretation des Neuen Testaments im sozio-kulturellen Kontext Westafrikas. ZNT 5 (2000) 27-J5. 969 Kaiser, Otto Zwischen Interpretation und Uberinterpretation: vom Ethos des Auslegers. Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. FzB 90: 2000 => 176. 230-244. 970 King, Fergus J. Nyimbo Za Vijana: biblical interpretation in contemporary hymns from Tanzania. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 360-373. 971 Kittredge, Cynthia Briggs Diverse voices reclaim tradition. AThR 82 FOOO) 753-764. 972 Kitzberger, Ingrid Rosa The personal voice in hiblical interpretation. 1999 =>15,249. RCBQ 62 (2000) 777-779 (Adam, A.K.M). 973 Kochappilly, Paulachan The celebration as the key to the biblical hermeneutics. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 ::::>85. 305-328. 974 Kocher, Ursula "Der Dämon der hermetischen Semiose": Emblematik und Semiotik. Bildersprache verstehen. Übergänge 38: 2000 =>1079. 151-167. 975 Kwon, Jonathan S. lconoclasm in the pulpit: Rev Lee, Joong-Pyo's interpretation of the Bible in light of the Kingdom of God. Chongshin theologicaljournal 5/1 (2000) 34-67. 976 Labuschagne, Casper J. Numerical secrets of the bible: rediscovering the bible codes. N. Richland Hills, TX 2000, BIBAL xv; 192 pp. $20. 0-941037-67-3 [RB 108,638l. 977 Laux, Henri Retrouver la pu1ssance du texte biblique: les attentes d'un philosophe. RSR 88 (2000) 547-559. 978 Lee, Moonjang A post critical reading of the bible as a religious text. AJI'h 14 (2000) 272-285. 979 Leonhardt, Rochus; Rösel, Martin Reformatorisches Schriftprinzip und gegenwärtige Bibelauslegung: ein interdisziplinärer Gesprächsbeitrag zur zeitgemässen Schrifthermeneutik. ThZ 56 (2000) 298-324. 980 Liu, Ruhe/ Muriu W ahrhcit w1d Wirklichkeit des Dildes: zur Ontologie Bildes bei HEGEL und GADAMER. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 =>1079. 57-75. 981 Loader, J.A. Stromab-Gedanken zur Ilcrmeneutik biblischer Texte im Kontext der neueren angelsächsischen Diskussion. SeK 21 (2000) 277300. Sum. 277. 982 Lohse, Eduard Das Neue Testament-Urkunde des Evangeliums. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 11-22. 983 Lubac, Henri de Scripture in the tradition. Milestones in catholic theology: NY 2000 , Crossroad 244 pp. $30. Introd. by Peter Casarella [BiTod 39,313-Bergant, Dianne]. 984 Lundin, Roger; Thiselton, Anthony C.; Walhout, Clarence The promise of hermeneuties. 1999 => 15,887. RRRT 7 (2000) 310-313 (Kimura, K. W); ThTo 57 (2000) 403-404, 406 (Vanhoozer, Kevin J.). 985 MacDonald, Neil B. The philosophy of language and the renewal of biblieal hermeneutics. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scrlpture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 123-140. 986 Manickam, Thomas Biblical hermeneutics: an Indian approach. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 115-132. 987 Massa, Dieter Verstehensbedingungen von narrativen Bildern aus kognitiver Sicht. Bildersprache verstehen. Übergänge 38: 2000 =:>1079. 313-330.
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Mauelshagen, Franz Hieroglyphen entziffern: Bildverstehen und ~prachmctaphorik in der Kunstgeschichte. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 :::::>1079. 169-192. Mayordomo, Moises Rezeptionsästhetische Analyse. Das Studium des NT, 2. Bibelwissenschaftl. Monographien 8: 2000 =:>337. 33-58. McKnight, Scot Introducing New Testament interpretation. Guides to New Testament Exegesis 1: GR 2000, Baker 197 pp. 0-80106260-8. Bibi. 195-197. Mertin, Andreas Das Neue Testament in unserer Alltagswelt. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 =>261. 15-20. Meurer, Paul So what's the Meta for?: zur "Epistemologie des Heiligen" in Anknüpfung an Paul RICOEUR und Gregory BATESON. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergünge 38: 2000 =>1079. 133-148. Montague, George T. Understanding the bible: a basic introduction to biblical interpretation. 1997 =:>13,736. RVJTR 64 (2000) 940-941 (Lesser, RH.). Morgenstern, Matthias Jüdisch-orthodoxe Wege zur Bibelkritik. Jud. 56 (2000) 178-192, 234-250. Moritz, Thorsten Critical but real: reflecting on N.T. WRIGHT's tools for the task. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: :.woo :::::>45:3. r1:2-1 1n. EMueller-Vollmer, Kurt The hermeneutics reader: texts ofthe Gerrnan lradilion from Lhe Enlighleumeut lo lhe preseul. NY 2000, Continuum xi; 380 pp. 0-8264-0402-2. Bibi. 347-361. Mura, Gaspare La parola eil messaggio. ED 53/2 (2000) 67-87. Murphy, Roland E. Quaestio disputata: is the paschal mystery really thc primnry hermencuticnl principle. TS 61 (2000) 139-146. Müller, Markus; Schorn, Ulrike Von der Phantasie in der Bibel: Einladung in den Glnubcnskosmos. Gottes Religion und Phnntnsie. BTSP 19: 2000 :::::>318. 23-45. Neumann, Klaus Das Fremde verstehen-Grundlagen einer kulluranthropologischen Exegese: Untersuchungen zu paradigmatischen mentalitätengeschichtlichen, ethnologischen und soziologischen Zugangswegen zu fremden Sinnwelten, 1-2. Theologie 18/1-2: Müns 2000, Lit 1123 pp. 3-8258-4261-4. Nikolakopoulos, Konstantin Die 'unbekannten' Hymnen des Neuen Testaments: die orthodoxe Hermeneutik und die historisch-kritische Methode. Aachen2000, Shaker 172 pp. €19.94. 3-8265-7719-1. Norris, Richard A. Essential reading. AThR 82 (2000) 631-634. Oeming, Manfred Biblische Hermeneutik: eine Einführung. 1998 :::::>14,802. RThz 56 (2000) 281-282 (Weber, Beat). Okure, Teresa 'I will open my mouth in parables' (Matt 13,35): a case for a gospel-based biblical hermeneutics. NTS 46 (2000) 445-463. Oskui, Daniel Der Stoff, aus dem Metaphern sind: zur Textualität zwischen Bild und Begriff bei ARISTOTELES, R):~OEUR, ALDRICH und MERLEAU-PONTY. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 =:>1079. 91-116. 0.ft1m-Sack1?11, Pt?tt?r vo11 d~r Ab11olutheit und Ab11olutheit11anspruch des Christentums: kritische Uberlegungen mit dem Neuen Testament. ZNT 5 (2000) 44-48. Ostmeyer, Karl-He~ri-rich Typos-weder Urbild noch Abbild. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 :::::>1079. 215-236; Typologie und Typos: Analyse eines schwierigen Verhältnisses. NTS 46 (2000) 112-131.
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[II. Introductio
1009 Paximadi, Giorgio; Hauke, Manfred 'Spiego loro in tutte le scritture cio ehe si riferiva a lui' (Lc 24,27): note sul rapporto fra esegesi e dogmatica. RTLu 5 (2000) 19-46 Riass., Sum. 46. 1010 Persaud, Winston Hermeneutics of the bible and 'Cricket as text': reading as an exile. Interpreting beyond borders. The bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 =>331. 174-188. 1011 Picardo, Gerardo Fondamenti biblici veterotestamentari di una teologia della bellezza. Nuova Umanita 22 (2000) 247-260. 1012 Pinnock, Clark H. Biblical texts: past and future meanings. JETS 43/1 (2000) 71-81. 1013 Poorthuis, Marcel Rudolph Orro revisited: numinosity vis-a-vis rabbinic, patristic and gnostic interpretations of scripture. Purity and holiness. 2000 =>310. 107-127. 1014 EPorter, Stanley E.; Evans, Craig A. New Testament interpretation and methods. BiSe 45: 1997=>13,749. RABR 48 (2000) 78-80 (Lee, lJorothy A. ). 1015 Puykunnel, Shaji Joseph The need for an inculturated interpretation ofthe bible in Asla. MissTod 2 (2000) 42-44. 1016 Räisänen, Heikki Biblical critics in the global village. Reading the bible. 2000 =>485. 9-28. 1017 Reno, R.R. 'You who once were far off have been brought near': reflections in the aid of theological exegesis. ExAu 16 (2000) 169182. Resp. 183-185-Todd E. Johnson. 1018 Riches, John A response to Walter Sundberg. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 82-89. 1019 Ricoeur, Paul L'hermeneutique biblique. 1 Amherdt, Fran9ois-Xavier: La nuit survcillcc. P 2000, Cerf 377 pp. €24.38. 2-204-06331-2 [RB 108,478]; 1020 La mcmoirc, l'histoirc, l'oubli. L'ordrc philosophique: P 2000, Seuil (12) iv; 681pp.2-02-034917-5. 1021 Ritter, Werner H. "Wenn der Herr die Gefangentm Zions erlöstm wird. „": von der Macht der Phantasie; 1022 Ritter, Werner H.; Schoberth, Ingrid "Was mich staunen macht": ein Gespräch mit dem Literaturwissenschaftler Peter Horst Neumann über Phantasie-Religion-Bibel. Religion und Phantasie. BTSP 19: 2000 =>318. 15-19/46-59. 1023 Rohland, Edzard Die Bedeutung des Alten Testaments im afrikanischen Kontext. em 16/3 (2000) 88-93. 1024 Rudolph, Enno Metapher, Symbol, Begriff: Anregungen zu einem m?elichem Dialog zwischen Hans Rlumenherg und Ernst Cassirer. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 =>1079. 77-89. 1025 Sautcr, Gerhard "Scriptural faithfulness" is not a "scripture principle". Revelation and story. 2000 =>376. 7-28. 1026 Schmidt, Werner H. Vielfalt und Einheit alttestamentlichen Glaubens, 1: Studien zu Hermeneutik und Methodik: Pentateuch und Prophetie. EGraupner, A.; Delkurt, H.; Ernst, A.B. 1995 =>13,762. Kßz 44 (2000) 125-128 (Willmes, Bernd). 1027 Schott, r/ausdieter .Juristische Hem1eneutik im Wandel. Sinnvermittlung„. 1. 2000 =>299. 71-91. 1028 Schreiner, Josef Das Alte Testament verstehen. NEB.E.AT 4: 1999 =>15,928. RRivBib 48 (2000) 361-362 (Nobi/e, Marco); OrdKor 41 (2000) 338-340 (Heinemann, Franz Karl). 1029 Segovia, Fernando F. Interpreting beyond borders: postcolonial studies and diasporic studies in biblical criticism;
B2. l Hermeneutics
1030 Reading-across: intercultural criticism and textual posture. Interpreting beyond borders. The bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 => 1010. 11-34/59-83. 1031 Seitz, Christopher R. Scripture becomes religion(s): the theological crisis of serious biblical interpretation in the twentieth century. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 40-65. 1032 Sekine, Seizo Transcendency and symbols in the Old Testament: a genealogy of the hermeneutical experiences. BZA W 27 5: 1999 =>15,933. RQLZ 95 (2000) 179-184 (Revent/nw, Henning Graf); CBQ 62 (2000) 336-337 (Salyer, Gary D.). 1033 Silva Arevalo, Eduardo Andres Poetica del relato y poetica teol6gica: aportcs de la hcrmcncutica filos6fica de Paul Ricocur cn Temps et recit para una hermeneutica teol6gica. Anales de la Fac. de Teologia 51/1: Santiago 2000, Pontificia Univ. Cat6lica de Chile 346 pp. Bibi. 1034 Simon, Josef Philosophie critique et ecriture sainte. TLaunay, Marc de: RMM (2000) 441-460 Res.; Zsfg. 441. 1035 Smith, James K.A. The fall of interpretation: philosophical foundations for a creational hermeneutic. DG, IL 2000, InterVarsity 228 pp. no. o-8308-1574-o. 1036 Spinoza, Bcncdict Trnctutus theologico politicus: of the interpretation of scripture. The historical Jesus quest: introduction. TShirley, Samuel: 2000 =>252. 5-26. 1037 Springer, Demd Die antiken Grundlagen der neuzeitlichen Hermeneutik. EHS.T 1756: Fra 2000, Lang 401 pp. 3-631-36198-X. 1038 Stemberger, Günter Ermeneutica ebraica della bibbia. Studi Biblici 127: Brescia 2000, Paideia 250 pp. €21.69. 88-394-0599-2. 1039 Stendahl, Krister Dethroning biblical imperialism in theology. Reading the bible. 2000 -:-->485. 61-66. 1040 Strube, Werner Die litcraturwissenschaftliche Textinterpretation. Sinnvermittlung... 1. 2000 ::-:->299. 43-69. 1041 Sugirtharajah, Rasiah S. Asian biblical hermeneutics and postcolonialism. 1998=>14,839. RAJTh 14/1 (2000) 206-208 (England, John C.); CBQ 62 (2000) 166-168 (Khiok-khng, Yeo). 1042 ESuaj_rlharajah, Rasiah S. Vtirnacular htirrrwntiutics. 1999 ~15, 806. CBQ 62 (2000) 786-788 (Okoye, James C.). 1043 Sugirtharajah, R.S. Critics, tools, and the global arena. Reading the bible. 2000 =>485. 49-60. 1044 Sundberg, Walter The social effect of biblical criticism. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 66-81. 1045 Talbert-Wettler, Betty Can use of proper hermeneutical methods transcend gender bias in interpretations?. JETS 43/1 (2000) 53-69. 1046 Talstra, Eep Prediking tussen profeten en professionals: het einde vau cfo gtirnfumwtiruti tixt:gt:st:?. GThT 100/1 (2000) 18-30. 1047 Tanner, James P. Decoding the "Bible code". BS 157 (2000) 141-59. 1048 'läbet, Michelangelo l preludi in epoca patristica dei modemi trattati sulla natura e l'interpretazione della bibbia. Annales Theologici 14
(2000) 4.S-78. 1049
Th~iß~n, G~rd
Die Uberzeugungskraft der Bibel: biblische Herme· neutik und modernes Bewusstsein. EvTh 60 (2000) 412-431. 1050 Thomas, John Christopher Reading the bible from within our traditions: a pentecostal hermeneutic as test case. Between two horizons. 2000 =>268. 108-122.
1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057
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[II. Introductio
Totaro, Francesco L'eredita biblica nelle visioni occidentali del tempo. AnScR 5 (2000) 51-65. Tull, Patricia K. The rhetoric of recollection. IOSOT: Congress volwm: 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 -:>478. 71-78. Turner, Max Historical criticism and theological hermeneutics of the New Testament. Between two horizons. 2000 =>268. 44-70. Uhlmann, Herbert Biblische Hermeneutik-Theologie als Störfall!?. ThFPr 26/l (2000) 3-23. Ukpong, Justin S. Developments in biblical interpretation in Africa: historical and hermeneutical directions. The Bible in Africa. 2000 => 342. 11-28. Ukpong, Justin S. Developments in biblical interpretation in Africa: historical and hermeneutical directions. JTSA 108 (2000) 3-18. Vanhoozer, Kevin ls there a meaning in this text?: the bible, the reader, and the morality of literary knowledge. 1998 =>14,847; 15,957. RSdT 13 (2000) 108-110 (De Chirico, Leonardo); SJTh 53 (2000) 255-257 (Guthrie, Steven R.); TrinJ 21 (2000) 209-213 (Vidu, Adonis).
1058 Vedder, Ben Was ist Hermeneutik?: ein Weg von der Textdeutung zur Interpretation der Wirklichkeit. Stu 2000, Kohlhammer 194 pp. 3-17-015765-5 [ETR 76,295-Cottin, Jeröme]. .. 1059 Veijola, Timo Text, Wissenschaft und Glaube: Uberlegungen eines Alttestamentlers zur Lösung des Grundproblems der biblischen Hermeneutik. JBTh 15 (2000) 313-339. 1060 Vena, Osvaldo D. My hermeneutical journey into hermeneutics: meaning-making and biblical interpretation in the North American diaspora. Interpreting beyond borders. The bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 =>1010. 84-106. 1061 Voderholzcr, Rudolf Die Einheit der Schrift und ihr geistiger Sinn: der Beitrag Henri DE LUBACs zur Erforschung von Geschichte und Systematik christlicher Bibelhermeneutik. SlgHor 31: 1998 => 14, 11895; 15,12757. RThLZ 125 (2000) 46-48 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 115-118) (Klumbies, Paul-Gerhard). 1062 Voelz, James W Reading Scripture as Lutherans in the postmodern era. Luth268. 88-107. 1064 Watson, Francis Agape, eros, gender: towards a Pauline sexual ethic. C 2000, CUP x; 268 pp. !37.50/$60. 0-521-66263-X. RNBl 81 (2000) 249-251 (Leal, David). 1065 Werlitz, Jürgen Vom Rihelcocie und wie man ihn knackt. RiLi Tl (2000) 4-12. 1066 Westmoreland-White, Michael L. Reading scripture in the Baptist vision: James Wm. MCCLENDON, Jr., and the hermeneutics ofparticipation. PRSt 27 (2000) 61-69. 1067 West, Gera/d O.; Dube, Musa W lntroduction. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 1-8. 1068 West, Gerald 0. Gauging the grain in a more nuanced and literary manner: a cautionary tale conceming the contribution of the social sciences to biblical interpretation. Rethinking contexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 75-105; 1069 Contextual bible study in South Africa: a resource for reclaiming and regaining land, dignity and identity;
B2.1 Hermeneutics
1070 Mapping African biblical interpretation: a tentative sketch. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 595-610./29-53; 1071 Kairos 2000: moving beyond church theology. JTSA 108 (2000) 5578. 1072 Whaling, Frank Scripture and its meanings: a comparative perspective; scriptures as texts-or more. StWC 6/1 (2000) 78-90. 1073 Whitman, Jan Present perspectives: antiquity to the late Middle Ages. Interpretation and allegory. 2000 =>451. 33-70. 1074 Williamson, Peter S. Principles of catholic interpretation in the Pontifical Biblical Commission's 'The interpretation of the bible in the church' (1993). Diss. Gregorian 2000, 0 Swetnam, J. [RTL 32,593]. 1075 Wolterstorff, Nicholas A response to Trevor Hart Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture andhermeneutics 1: 2000 =>453. 335-341. 1076 Yim, Tae S. Interpretation ofthe Old Testament from the perspective ofMinjung theology. AJTh 14/1 (2000) 37-56. 1077 Zemka, Sue Victorian testaments: the bible, christology, and literary authori~ in early nineteenth-century. British culture 1997 =>13,805; 15,976. HeyJ 41(2000)125-126 (O'Gorman, Francis). 1078 Zimmermann, Ruben Einführung: BildersP.rache verstehen oder: die offene Sinndynamik der Sprach.bilder. Biidersprache verstehen. Übergänge 38: 2000 =>1079. 13-54. 1079 Ezimmermann, Roben Bildersprache verstehen: zur Hermeneutik der Metapher und anderer bildlicht:r Sprachformen. Übergänge 38: Mü 2000, Fink 391 pp. 3-7705-3492-1. 1080 Zimmermann, Ruben Struktur und Kontextualität des AndrogynieMythos: zur Mythe!)hermeneutik von Claude LEVI-STRAUSS. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergtingc 38: 2000 =::-1079. 259·292. 82.4 Analysis narrationis biblicae 1081 Agua, Agustin de/ Identidad narrativa de los cristianos segun el Nuevo Testamento. Conc(E) 285 (2000) 281-289; Conc(I) 36,320330; Conc(GB) 2000/2,91-99. 1082 Alter, Robert L'art du recit biblique. 1999 =>15,979. RNRTh 122 (2000) 106-109 (Sonnet, J.-P.); RTL 31 (2000) 78-82 (Wenin, Andre). 1083 Amit, Yairah Hidden polemics in biblical narrative. TChipman, Jonathan: Bibl.Interp. 25: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 286 pp. 90-04-10153-5. Bibi. 1084 Eßrooke, George J.; Kaestli, Jean-Daniel Narrativity in biblical and related texts; La narrativite dans la bible et lcs tcxtcs apparcntes. BEThL 149: Lv 2000, Univ. Pr. xxi; 307 pp. €75. 90-429-0877-7. 1085 Cavarero, Adriana Relating narratives: storytellering and selthood. T Kottman, Paul A.: Warwick Studies in European Philosophy. L 2000, Routledge xxxii; 146 pp. 0-415-20057-1. 1086 Crouch, Walter B. Dcath and closure in biblical uarrativt:. NY 2000, Lang ix; 247 pp. $57. 0-8204-3950-9. 1087 Downing, F. Gerald Words as deeds and deeds as words. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 41-56. 1088 Fokkelman, Jan P. Reading biblical narrative. 1999 => 15,983. RKerux 15/3 (2000) 31-35 (Dennison, James T. ).
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[II. Introductio
I 089 Georgakopoulou, Alexandra; Goutsos, Dionysis Mapping the world of discourse: the narrative vs. non-narrative distinction. Semiotica 13I (2000) I I3-I41. 1090 Goldfajn, Tal Word order and time in BiblicaI Hebrew narrative. I998 =>I4,865. RHebStud 4I (2000) 234-236 (Lowery, Kirk E.). 109I Gunn, David M New directions in the study ofBiblical Hebrew narrative. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 566-577; 1092 Hebrew narrative. Text in context. 2000 =>296. 223-252. 1093 Handy, Lowell K. Entertaining faith: reading short stories in the bible. St. Louis 2000, Chalice I60 pp. $I7 [BiTod 39,119-Bergant, Dianne]. 1094 EHauerwas, Stanley; Jones, L. Gregory Why narrative?: readings in narrative theology. I989 =>6,4I6* ... 9,10428. RVJTR 64 (2000) I46-l49 (Raj, MI.). 1095 Heimerdinger, Jean-Marc Topic, focus and fore~ound in ancient Hebrew narratives. JSOT.S 295: 1999 =>I5,984. Bib. 81 (2000) 574-578 (Van der Merwe, Christo H.J.). 1096 Hofmann, Norbert J. Die "nacherzählte" Bibel: Erwägungen zum sogenannten "Rewritten-Bible-Phänomen". Sal. 62 (2000) 3-17. 1097 Inch, Morris A. Scripture as story. Lanham 2000, University Press of America viii; 23 I pp. 0-7618- I 779-4. Bibl. 223-227. 1098 Jensen, Hans Jargen Lundager Den fortaerende ild: strukturelle anaiyser af narrative og rituelle tekster i det Gamle Testamente [The devouring fire: structural analyses of narrative and ritual texts in the Old Testament]. Aarhus 2000, Aarhus Universitetsforlag 653 pp. 877288-895-4. Diss. Aarhus 2000 [StTh 55,107]. 1099 Kevers, P. Koningen en profeten: bijbelverhalen van David tot de ballingschap. Lv 2000, Acco I27 pp. €14.75. 90-334-4596-4. 1100 Linden, Nico ter Es wird erzählt... 3: von Königen, Richtern und Propheten. THäring, Stefan: Gü 2000, Gütersloher 295 pp. 3-57902223-7 [NThAR2000,1~1]. I lOI Lowe, N.J. The classical plot and the invention ofwestem narrative. C 2000, University Press xiii; 293 pp. 0-521-77176-5 LBibJ. 269285]. 1102 Lux, Rüdiger, al., Erzählte Geschichte: Beiträge zur narrativen Kultur im alten Israel. BThSt 40: Neukirchen-Vluyn 2000, Neukirchener ix (2); 190 pp. 3-7887-I817-X. I I 03 Marguerat, Daniel; Bourquin, Yvan Pour lire les recits bibliques: initiation a l'analyse narrative. I998 =>I4,875; 15,989. RJ:lokhma 73 (2000) 66-67 (Barthetemy, Marc). 1104 C6mo leer los relatos biblicos: iniciaci6n al anälisis narrativo. Sdr 2000, Sal Terrae 325 pp. €21 [BiFe 27,154-Salas, A.]. 1105 Maurer, Ernstpeter Reading the bible theologically. Revelation and story. 2000 =>376. 61-78. 1106 Merenlahti, Petri Poetics for the gospels?: rethinking narrative criticism. Diss. Helsinki 2000, 0 Räisänen, H. 191 pp [StTh 55,110]. 1107 Parker, Simon Bruce Stories in scripture and inscriptions: comparative studies on narratives in Northwest Semitic inscriptions and the Hebrew Bible. 1997 =>13,823; 15,997. RBS 157 (2000) 374-5 (Chisholm, Robert B.); Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 438-41 (Hamilton, Mark W). 1108 Phillips, Elaine A. Serpent intertexts: tantalizing twists in the tales. BBR 10 (2000) 233-245.
B2.4 Narrative analysis
1109 Reinhartz, Adele "Why ask my name?": anonymity and identity in biblical narrative. 1998 => 14,883. RIIebStud 41 (2000) 255-256 (Melcher, Sarah J. ); RBLit 2 (2000) 177-179 ( Carey, Greg). 1110 Schröder, Caroline The productive vagueness of an untranslatable relationship. Revelation and story. 2000 =>376. 175-187. 1111 Smelik, Klaas A. Het verhaal als weg: waarom kiezen de bijbelschrijvers voor het verhaal om hun boodschap uit te dragen?. Analecta Bruxellensia 5 (2000) 38-48. 1112 Venema, G.J. Schriftuurlijke verbalen in het Oude Testament: Deuteronomium 9-10 en 3li:? Koningen 22-23; Jeremia 36; Nehemia 8. Diss. Amsterdam 2000, Deurloo, K.A.: Delft 2000, Eburon 280 pp. €27. 90-5166-804-X. Bibi. 244-259 [ITBT 9/2,20-Burger, H.]. 1113 Ward, Graham Allegoria: reading as a spiritual exercise. Revelation and story. 2000 :::>376. 99-125. 1114 Weitzman, Steven Song and story in biblical narrative: the history of a literary convention in ancient Israel. 1997 =>13,831; 15,1008. RFaith & Mission 17/3 (2000) 93-94 (Rooker, Mark). 1115 Youn~, Katharine Gestures and the phenomenology of emotion in narrative. Semiotica 131 (2000) 79-112. B3. l lnterpretatio ecclesiastica Bible and Church 1116 Ablondi, Alberto The continuity of the gospel story. The impact of the word. 2000 =>277. 9-14. 1117 EAlberigo, Giuseppe History of Vatican II, 3: The mature Council; second period and intersession, September 1963-Scptcmbcr 1964. Mkn 2000, Orbis xx; 532 pp. $80. 1-57075-153-6. Eng. ed. Komonchak, JosephA. [ThD47,271-Heiscr, W. Charles). 1118 Burigana, Riccardo La bibbia nel concilio: la redazione della costituzione 'Dei verbum' de! Vaticano II. TRSR21: 1998 =>14,895; 15 11012. RChH 69 (2000) 191-193 (Marrow, Stanley B.); RivLi 87 (2000) 639-642 (Crocetti, Giuseppe). 1119 Carron Perez, Ju/ian La Fides et Ratio y el problema de la exegesis. RET 60 (2000) 585-599. 1120 EFisichella, Rino II Concilio Vaticano II: recezione e attualitä alla luce del Giubileo. CinB 2000, San Paolo 766 pp. 88-215-4279-3. 1121 EGhiberti, Giuseppe; Mosetto, Francesco L'interpretazione della bibbia nella chiesa. 1998 => 14,906; 15, 1017. Commissio de re BibIica. RRivLi 87 (2000) 727-730 (Crnr.etti, 13,859 ... 15,1022. RHorizons 27 (2000) 187 (Aspan, Paul F.); 1131 Bibbia e teologia: dieci principi per l'uso teologico della Scrittura. Universo teologia 64: CinB 1999, San Paolo 278 pp. 88-215-3899-0. RAnnTh 13 (1999) 611-614 (Tabet, MA.); RAtK 134 (2000) 375-379 (K~dzierski, Jacek). 1132 Ratzinger, Card. Joseph; Bertone, Tharsicius Congregatio pro doctrina fidei: declaratio: de Jesu Christi atque ecclesiae unicitate et universalitate salvifica. AAS 92 (2000) 742-76~. 1133 Rivas, Luis H La 'cuesti6n biblica' desde Le6n XIII hasta Pio XI. Teol. 7511 (2000) 75-114. 1134 Rolo.f(, Jürgen Die Autorität der Kirche und die Interpretation der Bibel: eine protestantische Sicht; 1135 Segalla, Giuseppe Church authority and bible interpretation: a Roman Catholic view. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 => 462. 81-102/55-72. 1136 Theobald, Christoph Le developpement de la notion des "verites historiqucmcnt et logiqucmcnt connexes avec la revelation", de Vatican I a Vatican II. CrSt 21 (2000) 37-70. 1137 Tragan, Pius-Ramon Aportaci6 cclcsial de l'exegesi biblica: situaci6 aetual, problemes, perspectives. QVC 109-200 {2000) 109-152. 113& Van der Koot}, Arte The use ofthe Bible in Dutch Church documents on homosexuality: its background and setting. Scriptura 72/1 (2000) 105-110. 1139 Vanhoye, Albert La parola di Dio nella vita della chiesa: la recezione della Dei Verbum. RCI 81 (2000) 244-265 =II Concilio Vatican II: recezione, 2000 =>1120. 29-45. 1140 Zatelli, !da Una collezione a testmonianza della 'Questione biblica' cinquecentesca. La bibbia: edizioni del XVI secolo. 2000 =>704. xvii-xxiii. B3.2 Homiletica-The Bible in preaching 1141 Achtemeier, Elizabeth Rice Preaching from the Minor Prophets: texts and sermon suggestions. 1998 =>14,926. REvQ 72 (2000) 76-77 f13odner, Keith). 1142 Bakker, N.T., al., De noodzaak van de preek: bijbels-theologische en dogmatische serie. Om het levende woord 10: Kampen 2000, Kok 175 pp. €15.84. 90-435-0286-4 [ITBT 9/1,32-Doelman, Jan]. 1143 Bergant, Dianne Preaching the new lectionary: year C. ColMn 2000. Liturgical ix; 446 pp. $30. 1144 Black, C. Clifton Four stations en route to a parabolic homiletic. Interp. 54 (2000) 386-397.
B3.2 Tue Bible in preaching
1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156
1157 1158 1159 1160
1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166
1167 1168
Brueggemunn, Walter Preaching as sub-version ; Life-or-death: de-privileged communication ; Together in the Spirit beyond seductive quarrels 15,1037. RKerux 15/2 (2000) 40-47 (Olinger, Danny E.); RExp 97 (2000) 129-130 (Graves, Mike). Grevel, Jan Peter Hermeneutische Homiletik: biblische Sprachformen als strukturierende Instanz der Predigt. Diss. Heidelberg 2000/ 01, 0 Rau, G. [ThRv 98/4, ix]. Haynes, Bill Sermon: never alone in suffering: protected by God's sustaining grace: 2 Tirnothy 2: 1. Southem Baptist Convention 4/2 (2000) 92-98. Janowiak, Paul The holy preaching: the sacramentality of the word in the liturgical assembly. ColMn 2000, Liturgical xv; 203 pp. ±:25. Johnson, John E. The prophetic office as paradigm for pastoral ministry. TrinJ 21 (2000) 61-81 . Kleynhans, D.J.B.; Ke/lerman, J.S. Die sosiale konstruksie-model en die spanning tussen hoor en doen as reaksie op die prediking. Acta Theologica 20/1 (2000) 73-89. f,oerbroks, Matthias Predigtmeditation über Jes 62,6-12 zum lsraelsonntag, 10. Sonntag nach Trinitatis. TeKo 23/2 (2000) 3-13. EMartin, Lawrcnce T. Homiliarium Veronense. CChr.CM 186: Turnhout 2000, Brepols xxviii; 121 pp. 2-503-04861-7. McGlasson, Paul C. Canon and proclamation: sermuns for our times. GR 2000, Eerdmans 181 pp. $18 [BiTod 40,60-Bergant, Dianne].
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1169 McNamara, Martin Catechesis Celtica: homily on the resurrection narrative (Matt 28:1-15): some new evidence. PIBA 23 (2000) 67-89. 1170 Mistrorigo, Antonio Omelie semplici e brevi: Anno C: vangelo di Luca. Religione: CasM 2000, Piemme 219 pp. 88-384-5107-9. 1171 Old, Hugh Oliphant The reading and preaching of the scriptures in the worship ofthe christian church. The Medieval Church 3: 1999 :::::> 15,1047. RNewTR 13/3 (2000) 91-92 (Dujfy, Regis A.) 1172 Reid, Barbara E. Lucan parables for preachers. CThMi 27 (2000) 434-442. 1173 Robinson, Raddon W. Making a difference in preaching: Haddon ROBINSON on biblical preaching. EGibson, Scott M; Willhite, Keith 1999 ::::>15,75. RAUSS 38 (2000) 176-178 (Jones, Clifford R.). 1174 Runia, Klaas Preaching and the work ofthe Holy Spirit, part 1. RTR 59 (2000) 101-111. 1175 Saunders, Stanley P.; Campbell, Charles L. The word on the street: performing the scriptures in the urban context. GR 2000, Eerdmans 192 pp. $16 [CThMi 29,291-Graham, Paul]. 1176 Schöttler, Heinz-Günther Christliche Predigt und Altes Testament: Versuch einer homiletischen Kriteriologie. Diss.-Habil. Tübingen 2000, 0 Groß, W 1177 Smend, Rudolf Altes Testament christlich gepredigt. DA W 86: Gö 2000, Vnndenhoeck & R. 160 pp. 3-5255-93503 [NThAR 2000,185]. 1178 Sutcliffe, Terence Ta parole, Seigneur, est la lumiere de mes pas: homelies pour les dimanches de l'annee B. 200 pp; 1179 Benis le Seigneur, ö mon äme: homelies pour l'annee C. 226 pp. Palaiseau 2000, Ass. des Amis de Terence 2-912991-02-1. 1180 Theißen, Gerd Plaidoyer pour une relation renouvelee entre exegese et homiletique: un nouveau "primat" du texte dans la predication. ETR 75 (2000) 531-547. 1181 Thomson, Francis J. The Slavonic translation of the hitherto w1traued Greek Homilia in nativitatem Domini nostri Jesu Christi by ATTICUS ofConstantinople. AnBoll 118 (2000) 5-36. 1182 Thomsonf. Robert W Saint Ephrem and an Armenian homily on the Passion. 'WINKLER, G. OCA 260: 2000 ::::>123. 693-'/03. 1183 Tiede, David L. 'The God who made the world!': preaching Luke's gospel in an apostolic era. CThMi 27 (2000) 424-433. 1184 Waßmann, Harry" ... und das Meer ist nicht mehr ... " (V. 1): Predigt über Offenbarung 21. TeKo 23/1 (2000) 47-51. 1185 Webb, Joseph M A revolution in christian preaching: from the 'Old Testament' to the 'Hebrew Bible'. QR 20 (2000) 248-264. 1186 Weyerman, Andrew Biblical preaching. CThMi 27 (2000) 106-111. 1187 Wilson, Paul Scott The four Jiages of the sermon: a guide to biblical preaching. 1999 :::>15,1062. IBSt 22 (2000) 194-196 (Campbe/l, Dennis). 1188 Wright, Stephen 1. An experiment in biblical criticism: aesthetic encounter in reading and preaching scripture. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and henneneutics 1: 7.000 ::::>453. 240-7.67. B3.3 Inerrantia, inspiratio 1189 Achterneier, Paul J. Inspiration and authority: nature and function of christian scripture. 1999 ::::>15,1063. RHBT 22 (2000) 251-253 (Burgess, John F.); RBLit 2 (2000) 65-68 (MacCammon, Linda M).
B3.3 Inerrancy, inspiration
1190 Blei, Kare/ Die Heilige Schrift, ihre Autorität und ihre Inspiration in der reformierten Tradition. MdKI 51/3 (2000) 43-48. 1191 EBraaten, Carl E.; Jenson, Robert W. Reclaiming the Bible for the church. 1996 =>12,596. RSJTh 53 (2000) 124-126 (Provan, Iain). 1192 Citrini, Tullio Spirito Santo e bibbia dal punto di vista della teologia fondamentale. RStB 12 (2000) 321-328. 1193 Davis, Ellen F Losing a friend: the loss of the Old Testament to the church. ProEc 9 (2000) 73-84. 1194 Fabris, Rinaldo Lo Spirito Santo e le scritture in 2Tm e 2Pt. RStB 12 · (2000) 297-320. 1195 Hoover, Joseph People to reach with purity of speech. Stulos theological journal 8/1 (2000) 85-106. 1196 Karavidopou/os, loannis Offenbarung und Inspiration der Schriftinterpretation des Neuen Testaments in der Orthodoxen Kirche. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 =>462. 157-168. 1197 McKinsey, C. Dennis Biblical errancy: a reference guide. Amherst, NY 2000, Prometheus 852 pp. 1-57392-808-9. 1198 Monroe, Ann The word. LVL 2000, Westminster xi; 216 pp. $22 [BiTod 38,327-Senior, Donald]. 1199 Mühlenberg, Ekkehard Scriptura non est autentica sine authoritate ccclesine (Johannes Eck): Vorstellungen von der Entstehung des Kanons in der Kontroverse um das reformatorische Schriftprinzip. ZThK 97 (2000) 183-209. 1200 Nürnberger, Klaus Biblical authority bctwccn fundnmentnlism and postmodemism: elements of an evolutionary hermeneutics. R & T 7 (2000) 284-324. 1201 Rostagno, Sergio Autorevolezza dei testi sacri e apertura alla compremiione reciproca. Protest. 55 (2000) 221-226. 1202 Russel/, D.S. Searching the scripture: a question of authority. ET 110 (1998-1999) 173-176. 1203 Söding, Thomas Die Schriftinspiration in der Theologie des Westens: neutestamentliche Anmerk1mgen. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 =>462. 169-206. 1204 ESungenis, Robert A. Not by scripture alone: a catholic critique of the protestant doctrine of sola scriptura. Golet, CA 1997, Queenship 629 pp. $20. 1205 Vogels, Walter The role of the reader in biblical authority. ThD 47 (2000) 219-225 1082. RET 111(1999-2000)37-39 (Rodd, C.S.).
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1211 Brown, David Discipleship and imagination: christian tradition and truth. NY 2000, OUP viii; 448 pp. $45. 0-19827018-6. 1212 Fisichella, Rino Dei Verbum audiens et proclamans: su scrillura e tradizione come fonte della parola di Dio. Com(I) 174 (2000) 31-42. 1213 George, Timothy An evangelical reflection on scripture and tradition. ProEc 9 (2000) 184-207. 1214 Hart, Trevor Tradition, authority, and a christian approach to the bible as scripture. Between two horizons. 2000 ~268. 183-204. 1215 Thiel, John E. Senses of tradition: continuity and development in catholic faith. NY 2000, OUP x; 254 pp. $40. 83.5 Canon 1216 Abraham, William J. Canon and criterion in christian theology: from the Fathers to feminism. 1998 ~14,988; 15,1089. RModem 'fheology 16 (2000) 265-267 (Grijjiths, Paul J.); HeyJ 41 (2000) 220-221 (Heyduck, Richard). 1217 Alter, Robert Canon and creativity: modern writing and the authority of scripture. [Kafka, F.; Bialik, H.; Joyce, J.] NHv 2000. Yale Univ. Pr. 198 pp. $18.50. 0300084242 [BiTod 39,117-Bergant, D.]. 1218 ßarthelemy, Dominique L'etat de la bible juive depuis Je debut de notre ere jusqu'a la deuxieme revolte contre Rome (131-135). Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 ~129. 29-65. 1219 Barton, John How the bible came tobe. LVL 1997, Westminster xi; 100 pp. $10. RRBLit 1(1999)75-77 (Carr, David M.). 1220 Barton, J. Canons of the Old Testament. Text in context. 2000 ~ 296. 200-222. 1221 Beeby, H.D. No loose canon. IRM 89 (2000) 572-583. 1222 Brandt, Peter Das Arrangement der Schriften lsrat:ls in der jlldischen und christlichen Bibel: historische Materialien zur Frage nach der 'kanonischen Endgestalt'. Diss. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Hossje/d, F-L. fThRv 98/4, iv]. 1223 'Campbell, Jonathan G. 4QMMTd and the tripartite canon. JJS 51 (2000) 181-190. 1224 Carde/lini, lnnocenzo Antico e Nuovo Testamento: canone ed ermeneutica. RivBib 48 (2000) 435-441. 1225 Chapman, Stephen B. 'The law and the words' as a canonical formula within the Old Testament. The interpretation of scripturc. JSPE.S 33 (2000) 26-74. 1226 Chapman, Stephen B. The law and the prophets: a study in Old Testament canon formation. FAT 27: Tü 2000. Mohr xvii; 356 pp. €91. 3-16-147135-0. Bibi. 1227 Cross, Frank Moore From epic to canon: history and literature in Ancient Israel. 1998 ~14,1000. RJnterp. 54 (2000) 73-74, 76 (Gottwald, Norman K.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 253-255 (Koch, Klaus); BiOr 57 (2000) 385-387 (Wagenaar, JanA.); JJS 51(2000)319-320 (Williamson, H.G.M); RBLit 2 (2000) 131-134, 134-136 (Klingbeil, Gerald A.; Schniedewind, William M). 1228 Davies, Philip R. Judaism and the Hebrew scriptures. The Blackwell companion to Judaism. 2000 ~674. 37-57. 1229 Davies, Philip R. Scribes and schools: the canonization of the Hebrew scriptures. 1998 ~14,1001. RJR 80 (2000) 500-502 (Collins, JohnJ.).
B3.5 Canon
1230 Ellis, Edward Earle L'Antico Testamento nel primo cristianesimo: canone e interpretazione alla luce della ricerca modema. 1999 =:>15, 1104. RcivCatt 15113 (2000) 88-90 (Scaiola, D. ). 1231 Fishbane, Michael Types of biblical intertextuality. IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =:>478. 39-44. 1232 Frankemölle, Hubert Die Rolle der Heiligen Schrift für Theologie und Kirche. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 =:>261. 155-157. 1233 Gibert, Pierre Bible juive et bible chretienne. Approches des religions. 2000 =:>358. 113-121 [BuBB 32,138]. 1234 Gosse, Bernard Abraham, Isaac et Jacob, Morse et Josue, Elie et Elisee et l'unification du corpus biblique. EstB 58 (2000) 513-526 [Josh 24,2-4; 1Kgs18,36; 2 Kgs 13,23]; 1235 La constitution du corpus des ecritures. Henoch 22 (2000) 131-167 [Gen 2-3; 11,28-31; 2 Kgs 24-25; Mal 3,22-23]. 1236 Greenspahn, Frederick Does Judaism have a bible?. Sacred text. 2000 =:>470. 1-12. 1237 Halbertal, Moshe People of the book: canon, meaning, and authority. 1997 =:>13,956. RHeyJ 41 (2000) 218-220 (Rousseau, Philip). 1238 Jacobs, Andrew S. The disorder of books: PRISCILLIAN's canonical defense ofapocrypha. HThR 93 (2000) 135-159. 1?.39 Kae.stli, Histoire du canon du Nouveau Testament. Introduction au NT. EMargueratJ Daniel L.: MoBi 41: Geneve 2000, Labor et F. 449-474. 1240 Metzger, Bruce Manning II canone del Nuovo Testamento: origine, sviluppo e significato. 1997 =:>13,962. RProtest. 55 (2000) 142-143 (Ronchi, Sergio). 1241 Mil/er, Patrick D. The canon in contemporary American discussion. lsraehte relig1on. JSUT.S 267: 2000 =:>191. 603-628. 1242 Neusner, Jacob The canon of rabbinic Judaism. The Blackwell companion to Judaism. 2000 =:>674. 93-11 I. 1243 Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm Das Neue Testament als Schriftensammlung. Grundinformation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 =:>305. 11-31. 1?.44 Ohme, Heinz K1mon ~kklesil'lstikos: die Bedeutung des altkirchlichen Kanonbegriffs. AKG 67: 1998 =:>14,1018. RREAug 46 (2000) 296"297 (Dclcani, Simonc). 1245 Paul, Andre Et l'homme crea la bible: d'HERODOTE a FLAVIUS JoSEPHE. p 2000, Dayard 459 pp. f26.67. Rcath(P) 70 (2000-01) 141142 (Barthe, Claude). 1246 Perani, Mauro II processo di canonizzazione della bibbia ebraica: nuove prospettive metodologiche. RivBib 48 (2000) 385-400. 1247 Sanders, James A. The impact of the Judaean Desert scrolls on biblical studies: scripture in the first century. The Hebrew Bible and Qumran. 2000 ;;=>459. 29-42. 1248 Seckler, Max Uber die Problematik des biblischen Kanons und die Bedeutung seiner Wiederentdeckung. ThQ 180 (2000) 30-53. 1249 Sloyan, Gerard S. What kind of canon do the lectionaries constitute?. BTB 30 (2000) 27~35. 1250 Smith, D. Moody When did the gospels become scripture?. JBL 119 (2000) 3-20. 1251 Sperling, David S. The law and the prophet. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 =:>237. 123-136 (Josh 8,30-31; Neh 13,1-3]. 1252 Swarat, Uwe Die Entstehung des neutestamentlichen Kanons. Das Studium des NT, 2. 2000 =:>337. 267-289.
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1253 Trebo/le, Julia A "canon within a canon": two series of Old Testament books differently transmitted, interpreted and authorized. RdQ 19 (2000) 383-399. 1254 Unterman, Alan Sacred writings. Themes and issues in Judaism. 1999 =>15,9513. 110-135. 1255 VanderKam, James C. Revealed literature in the second temple period. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 1-30. 1256 Vermeylen, Jacques La bible: une bibliotheque constituee progressivement. La Bible: lectures. 2000 =>303. 15-41 [BuBB 35,120]. 1257 Volgger, David Heilige, kanonische Schriften. Anton. 75 (2000) 429459 Sum. 429. 1258 Wall, Robert W Canonical context and canonical conversations. Between two horizons. 2000 =>268. 165-182. 1259 Wegner, Paul D. The journey from texts to translations: the origin and development of the bible. 1999 => 15, 1138. RWThJ 62 (2000) 306-309 (Minton, Ron). 84.1 Interpretatio humanistica The Bible--man; health, toil, age 1260 Alonso Schökel, Luis A tu per tu con la bibbia: Dio, l'uomo, la famiglia e Ja societa. Spiritualita senza frontiere 44: Mi 2000, Paoline 347 pp. 88-315-1932-8. 1261 Barbaglio, Giuseppe II sonno: carrellata attraverso la bibbia. Servitium 34 (2000) 56-62. 1262 Bendor, Sönra The social structure of ancient Israel: the institution of the family (Beit 'Ab) from the settlement to the end of the monarchy. 1996 =>12,827 ... 14,1048. RBZ44(2000)121-123 (Kessler, R.). 1263 RP.rtalnt, Renzn The bible and modern culture. The impact of the word. 2000 =>277. 15-20. 1264 RriP.nd, .Jacques Krankheit und Heilun~ im Alten Testament. WUB 18 (2000) 84. 1265 Gärtner, Heiderose Theologischer Befund zum Alter: die Rewertung der Lebensphasen und die Grenze des Lebens. Evangelische Aspekte 10/3 (2000) 37-41. 1266 Klaus, Nathan Nipn:i O'n' m::i'iNi mp'T ,lPT ['Old man', 'old age' and 'füll of days' in the bible]. BetM 164 (2000) 41-61 Sum. 95. H. 1267 McDonnell, Rea; Callahan, Rachel Harvest us home: good news as we age. Cincinnati 2000, St Anthony Messenger xiii; 177 pp. 1268 Perdue, Leo G., al., Families in ancient Israel. 1997 =>13,219; 14,1060. RJR 80 (2000) 177-178 (Carter, Warren). 1269 Pi/eh, John J. lmproving bible translations: the example of sickness and healing. BTB 30 (2000) 129-134; 1270 Capelli. Sapore. 2000 =>200. 37-46. 1271 Guarigione. Sapore. 2000 =>200. 121-130. 1272 Lavoro. Sapore. 2000 =>200. 163-173. 1273 Malattia. Sapore. 2000 =>200. 175-185. 1274 Quesnel, Michel Krankheit und Heilung im Neuen Testament. WUB 18 (2000) 85. 1275 Rashkow, Ilona N. Taboo or not taboo: sexuality and family in the Hebrew Bible. Religion/ Old Testament: Mp 2000, Fortress x; 195 pp. $22. 0-8006-3085-8. Bibl. 1276 Ruether, Rosemary Radford Christianity and the making of the modern family. Boston 2000, Beacon 294 pp. $28.50. 0-8070-54046. The Bible and man; woman and family
1277 Savich, !gor The gospel in the past andin the present: obstacles and apprehensions. The impact ofthe word. 2000 =>277. 101-106. 1278 Thomas, John Christopher The devil, disease and deliverance: origins ofillness in New Testament thought. 1998 =>14,1067. RThLZ 125 (2000) 520-521 (Böcher, Otto); EvQ 72 (2000) 278-280 (Collinson, David J.). 1279 Tripaldi, Elia Rapha'el "Medicina Dei": la figura dell'angelo nell' accompagnamento pastorale del malato. Diss.: R 2000, Pont. Fac. Theol. Teresianum 226 pp. · · 1280 Van der Toorn, Karel Family religion in Babylonia, Syria, and Israel: continuity and change in the forms of religious life. 1996 => 12, 849 ... 14,1069. RJNES 59 (2000) 121-123 (Chavalas, Mark W). 1281 Wells, Louise Tue Greek language of healing from Homer to New Testament times. BZNW 83: 1998 =>14,1070; 15,1160. RThLZ 125 (2000) 633-635 (Mussies, Gerard). 1282 Wohlers, Michael Heilige Krankheit-Epilepsie in antiker Medizin, Astrologie und Religion. MThSt 57: 1999 =>15,1162. RBz 44 (2000) 268-270 (Klauck, Hans-Josef). B4.2 Femina,familia; Woman in the Bible [...;.B4.l; H8.8s] 1283 Aschkenasy, Nehama Woman at the window: biblical tales of oppression and escape. 1998 =>14,1074. RHcbStud 41 (2000) 256258 (Savage, Carl E.). 1284 EBach, Alice Women in the Hebrew Bible. 1999 =>15,1164. RRRT 7 (2000) 171-173 (Sherwood, Yvonne). 1285 Bach, Alice De-doxifying Miriam. ~LONG, B., BJSt 325: 2000 =>70. 1-10 rExod 151. 1286 Bar-Ilan, Meir Some Jewish women in antiquity. BJSt 317: 1998 '-'-> 14, 1075; 15, 1166. RRRJ 159/1-?. (?.000) ?.71-?.76 (Woog, Agnes). 1287 Brauch, Robin Gallaher Revealing strengths and weaknesses: how selected women in Samuel and Kings influence the biblical text. Dfos. Texas at Austin 2000, 293 pp. 3004220. 1288 Campbell, Antony F. Women storytellers in ancient Israel. ABR 48 (2000) 72-73. 1289 Camp, Claudia V. The (e)stranged woman in the wildemess: Miriam among the priests. Vom Anfang. BEAT 47: 2000 =>190. 227-278 ~um 11-12]. 1290 Dal Covolo, Enrico Donna e matrimonio alle origini della chiesa. BSRel 122: 1996 =>12,861. RVetChr 37 (2000) 191-192 (Bellifemine, Marta). 1291 EEltrop, Bettina; Hecht, Anneliese Frauenbilder. FrauenBibelArbeit 1: Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk 79 pp. €9.15. 3-460-25281-2. 1292 Fuchs, Lucy Women of destiny: the women of the Old Testament. Staten Island 2000, Alba 136 pp. $9 [BiTod 38,389-Bergant, D.]. 1293 Gaines, Janet Howe How bad was Jezebel?. BiRe 16/5 (2000) 13-23. 1294 Gaines, Janet Howe Music in the old bones: Jezebel through the ages. 1999=>15, 1175. RRBLit 2 (2000) 224-26 (Aubin, Melissa M). 1295 Gill, La Verne McCain Daughters of dignity: African women in the bible and the virtues of black womanhood. Cleveland, OH 2000, Pilgrim xxviii; 140 pp. 0-8298-1373-X. Bibi. 131-134. 1296 Giudici, Maria Pia Anna, la sterile umiliata e offesa ma da Dio benedetta. CoSe 49/11(2000)56-63 [l Sam 1,1-20].
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1297 Gossai, Hemchand Subsessive promises and the creation of a parallel sphere: divine encounters with Hagar and Rebekah. Interpreting beyond borders. Bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 ::::>1010. 146-160. 1298 Ilan, Tal Integrating women into second temple history. TSAJ 76: 1999 ::::>15,1179. RJSJ 31 (2000) 322-326 (Teugels, Lieve); FJB 27 (2000) 157-164 (Hezser, Catherine); RBLit 2 (2000) 289-292 (Knowles, Melody D. G. ). 1299 Johnson, E.T. Women of the bible: 24 characters. Delhi 2000 , ISCPK xxiii; 153 pp [Mission Today 3/1,104]. 1300 Kiesow, Anna Löwinnen von Juda: Frauen als Subjekte politischer Macht in der judäischen Königszeit. Diss. Humboldt, 0 Welten, P. Müns 2000, LIT 224 pp. €20.35. 3-8258-4653-9 . 1301 Lc.fcbvrc, Philippa Le. tombeau. qui donne la vie: trois femmes en travail. VS 154 (2000) 305-336 [Gen 35,16-20; 1 Sam 1,12-18; 2 Sam21,8-14; Jn 19,12-30.38-42]. 1302 Leneman, Helen Portrayals of power in the stories of Delilah and Bathsheba: seduction in song. Culture, entertainment ... bible. JSOT.S 309: 2000 =>227. 139-155 [Judg 16; 2 Sam 12]. 1303 Mark, Elizabeth Wyner The engendered shema: Sarah-echoes in the name oflsrael. Jdm 49 (2000) 269-276. 130'1 McKenna, Mei:an Leave her alone. Mkn 2000, Orbis vii; 247 pp ~BiTod 38,124-Senior, Donald]. no:'i Meyers, Carol; Craven, Toni; Kraemer, Ross S. Women in scripture: a dictionary of named and unnamed women in the Hebrew Bible, the apocryphal/deuterocanonical books, and the New Testament. Buslun 2000, Huughlon Mifflin 608 pp. $40. 0-395-70936-9 [BiTod 38,391-Bergant, D.]. 1306 Meyers, Carol Discovering women in scripture. BiRe 16/4 (2000) 8, 59. 1307 Neuenfeldt, Elaine G. Mulheres enganosas, traidoras ou provocativas: mulheres mäs!: redefinindo as imagens de mulheres no Antigo Testamento. Estudos biblicos 67 (2000) 52-57. 1308 Nicole, Jacques; Nicole, Marie-Claire Sara, soeur et femme d'Abraham. ZAW 112 (2000) 5-23 [Gen 12,13; 20,12]. 1309 Parra, Dolores Aleixandre Deine Mutter war eine umherziehende Aramäerin... YESW 8 (2000) 123-142. 1310 Rapp, Ursula Mirjam: eme feministisch-rhetorische Analyse der Mirjamtradition in der Hebräischen Bibel. Diss. Graz 2000/01, Fischer, !. [ThRv 98/4, viii]. 1311 Reisenberger, Azila T. Biblical women-the non-existent entity: a study in rape cases. Journal of constructive theology 6/2 (2000) 5566. 1312 Reis, Pamela Tamarkin Hagar requited JSOT 87 2000 75-109 1313 Rojas Solar, Mirtha Las mujeres biblicas en los escritos de Francisco Palau Quer en clave eclesial. R 2000, Carmelitas Misioneras Teresianas 170 pp. Bibi. 159-170. 1314 Schroer, 8ilvia 'And whcn the next war bego.n.. .': the wise woman of Abel ofBeth-maacah (2 Samuel 20: 14-22) ; 1315 Abigail: a wise wuman wurks for peace (1 Sam 25). Wisdom has built her house. 2000 :::>20R. 69-77/7R-R3 . 1316 Solvang, Elna Kristina A woman's place is in the house: royal women of Judah and their involvement in the House of David. Diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 2000, 264 pp.; 9970104.
B4.2 Woman in the Bible
1317 Streete, Gail C. The stranifte woman: power and sex in the bible. 1997 =>13,1043; 15,1193. HeyJ 41 (2000) 463-464 (Van den Eynde, Sabine). 1318 Wright, Alexandra Women in Judaism. Themes and issues in Judaism. 1999 =>15,9513. 192-218. 84.4 Exegesis litteraria-The Bible itself as literature 1319 Baek, Sung Chul Using literary types in bible study. Diss. Oral Roberts 2000, 177 pp .; 3026225. 1320 Biezeveld, Kune Symbooltaal en symboolgevoeligheid in het oude boek ende moderne cultuur. ITBT 8/ 8 (2000) 6-9. 1321 Connolly, Michele A. Imagination and the gospels. BiTod 38 (2000) 269-274. 1322 Dormeyer, Detlev The New Testament among the writings of antiquity. TKossow, Rosemarie: BiSe 55: 1998 =>14,1139. RRBLit 2 (2000) 323-325 (Pearson, Birger A.). 1323 Dorsey, David A. The literary structure of the Old Testament: a commentary on Genesis-Malachi. 1999 =>15,1664. RBiTr 51 (2000) 352-354 (Stine, Philip C.). 1324 Gabel, J.B.; Wheeler, C.B.; York, A.D. The bible as literature: an introduction. NY 42000, OUP xii; 357 pp. 0-19-512853-2. 1325 Haines-Eitzen, Kirn Guardians of letters: literacy, power, and the transmitters of early christian literature. Oxf 2000, OUP x; 212 pp. f.34.50. 0-19-513564-4. 1326 Herrmann, Siegfried The royal novella in Egypt and Israel: a contribution to the history of gt:un: iu hisluril.:al bouks uf lhe Old Testament. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 493-515 [2 Sam 7; l Kgs J,4-15]. 1327 Heyer, C.J. den; Schellihg, P. Symbolen in de bijbel: woorden en hun betekenis. Zoetermeer 2000, Meinema 586 pp. €44.92. 90-2113691-0 [Str. 68,375s-Beenttes, Panel. 1328 Holland, Glenn S. Divine '1rony. Selinsgrove 2000, Susquehanna Univ. Pr. 179 pp . .f26. 1-57591-032-2. 1329 Kirkpatrick, P.G. The Old Testament and folklore study. JSOT.S 62: 1988 =>4,2039.„ 6,2179. RRivBib 48 (2000) 340-342 (Balzaretti, Claudia). 1330 Krispenz, Jutta Stilstatistik und Literarkritik im Alten Testament. Diss.-Habil. Marburg 2000, 0 Jeremias, J. [RTL 32,595]. 1331 Lemaire, Jean-Pierre Entre l'ecriture et la vie: l'espace du poeme. NRTh 122 (2000) 87-91. 1332 Longman, Tremper Literary approaches to Old Testament studies. The face ofOT studies. 2000 =>230. 97-115. 1333 Moreschini, Claudio; Norelli, Enrico Histoire de Ja littt\ratnre chrt\tienne antique grecque et latine, 1: de Paul a l 'ere de Constantin. TRousset, Made/eine Geneve 2000, Labor et F. 510 pp. 28309-09~29 1334 Mosche, Brigitte Die Liebe in der altorientalischen Dichtung. 1999 ::::>15,1224. ROLZ 95 (2000) 275-277 (Haas, Volkert). 1335 Navone, John Garden and wildemess metaphors. BiTod 38 (2000) 297-299. 1336 Niditch, Susan Folklore and the Hebrew Bible. 1993 =>9,1879.„ 12,1446. RRivBib 48 (2000) 342-343 (Balzaretti, Claudia);
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[II. Introductio
1337 A prelude to biblical folklore: underdugs am.l lricksters. Urbana 2000, Univ. of Illinois Pr. xix (2) 186 pp. 0-252-06883-1. Bibi. 1338 ENoegel, Scott B. Puns and pundits: word. play in the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near Eastern literature. Bethesda, Md. 2000, CDL xvii; 337 pp. 1-883053-49-8. 1339 Norton, David A history ofthe English Bible as literature. A History ofthe Bible as Literature. C 2000, CUP xii; 484 pp. 0-521-77807-7. Bibi. 456-462. 1340 Pi/eh, John Simbolismo. Sapore. 2000 :::}200. 281-289. 1341 ERegt, Lenart J. de, al„ Literary structure and rhetorical strategies in lhc:: Hebrew Bible. 1996 ->12,901; 13,1064. RThLZ 125 (2000) 500-502 (Nitsche, Stefan Ark). 1342 Rendsburg, Gary A. Word play in Biblical Hebrew: an eclectic collection. Puns. 2000 :::}1338. 137-162. 1343 Stenger, Hermann M. Im Zeichen des Hirten und des Lammes: Mitgift und Gift biblischer Bilder. Innsbruck 2000, Tyrolia 368 pp. FS61. 1344 Stoellger, Philipp Metapher und Lebenswelt: Hans Blumenbergs Metaphorologie als Lebenswelthermeneutik und ihr rdigiunsphllnumenologischer Horizont. HUTh 39: Tü 2000, Mohr xv; 583 pp. 3-16147302-7. Bibi. Templeton, Dougl11s A. Tho New Tostmncnt ns true tlction: literature, literary criticism, aesthetics. 1999 =>15,1236. RRRT 7 (2000) 279-280 (Marsh, Clive). 1346 Tosaus Abadia, Jose Pedro A biblia como literatura. Tclasen, .laime A.: Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 240 pp. 85-326-2266-6. Bibi. [REB 237,252]. 1347 Van Seters, John Crentive imitntion in the Hebrew Bible. BCSBS 60 (2000) 5-21. 2000 CSBS presidential address; 1348 SR 29 (2000) 395-409 Res., i:iWtl. 395. 1349 Wahl, Harald Martin Das Motiv des "Aufstiegs" in der Hofgeschichte: am Beispiel vun Joseph, Eslher und Daniel. ZAW 112 (2000) 5974 [Gen 41,37-46; Est 8,1-15; 10,3; Dan 2,46-49]. 1350 Ewatton, Heather; Hass, Andrew W. Self/same/other: re-visioning the subject in literature and theology. Playing the Texts 5: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 214 pp. 1-84127-018-0. 1351 Weisman, Ze'ev Political satire in the Bible. SBL.Semeia Studies 32: 1998 :::}14,1154. RHebStud 41(2000)253-254 (Cohn, Robert L.). 1352 Wiersbe, Warren W. Index of biblical images: similes, metaphors, and symbols in scripture: based on the text ofThe New International Version ofthe Bihle. GR 2000, Baker 127 pp. 0-8010-9107-1. 1353 Zimmermann, Ruben Metapherntheorie und biblische Bildersprache: ein methodologischer Versuch. ThZ 56 (2000) 108-133. B4.5 lnßuxus biblicus in litteraturam profanam, generalia 1354 Anderson, Graham Fairytale in the ancient world. L 2000, Routledge xii; 240 pp. $80/28. 1355 Eßeaude, Pierre-Marie La bible en litterature. 1997 :::}13,315; 14,371. REstB 58 (2000) 283-284 (Navarro, M.). 1356 Bennett, Jim; Mandelbrote, Scott The garden, the ark, the tower, the temple: biblical metaphors of knowlege in early modern Europe. 1998 :::}14,1106. RJEH 51(2000)162-163 (Kusakawa, S.).
B4.5 The Bible and literature
1357 Black, Fiona C. Lost prophecies!: scholars amazcd!: wcckly world news and the bible. Culture, entertainment ... bible. JSOT.S 309: 2000 :::>227. 20-43. 1358 Davidson, Anika Inszenierung und Idolatrie: zur Hermeneutik von Bild und Text in Marien-"Bildern" der romantischen Literatur. Bildersprache verstehen. Übergänge 38:'2000 :::>1079. 193-214. 1359 Dinkova-Bruun, Greti Liber Ecclesiastes: an anonymous poem incorporated in Peter Riga's Aurora (Ott.Lat. 399). Miscellanea Bibi. Apost. Vat. 8. StT 402: 2000 :::>424. 159-172. 1360 Fisch, Harold New stories for old: biblical patterns in the novel. NY 1998, St Martin's 236 pp. RRBLit (1999) 98-100 (Glazer, Miriyam). 1361 Flinker, Noam The Song of Songs in English Renaissance literature: kisses of their mouth. Sh1dies in Renaissance Literature 3: C 2000, Boydell & B. 173 pp. $75. 0-8599-1586-7. 1362 Gellner, ChristoP.h Die Bibel ist wirklich ein Hammer: manchmal jedenfalls: zur Bibelrezeption in der deutschsprachigen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Orien. 64 (2000) 114-119. 1363 Gössmann, Wilhelm Im Spiegel der modernen Literatur: Judas und Pilatus. FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 :::>106. 215-232. 1364 Graham, Susan Lochrie Some day my prince will come: images of salvation in the gospel according to St W alt; 1365 Heard, R. Christopher They're not just bad, they're stupid and ugly, too: the depiction ofBaal worshipers in Nest Entertainment's Animatcd storics from thc biblc. Culturc, cntcrtainmcnt ... biblc. JSOT.S 309: 2000 :::>227. 76-88/89-103. 1366 Henrichsen, Janna Kay Deliverance for the 'daughters of Zion': allusions to the Mosaic Law in 'Jane Eyre', 'Daniel Deronda', and 'Dracula'. Diss. Claremont 2000, 237 pp; 9956036. 1367 EKnauer, Bettina Das Buch und die Bücher: Beiträge zum Vc.rhältnis von Bibel, Religion und Litc.n1tur. 1997 "")14,1123. RzRGG 52 (2000) 91-92 (Hildebrandt, Alexandra). 1368 Köhlmcicr, Michael Geschichten von der Bibel. Piper 3162: Mü 2000, Piper 268 pp. €8.64. 1369 Magalhäes, Antonio Carlos de Melo Deus no expelho das palavras: teologia e literatura em diälogo. Literatura e Religiäo: Sao Paulo 2000, Paulinas 216 Pe [REB 241,258]. 1370 EMies, Fran\:oise Btble et litterature: l'homme et Dieu mis en intrigue. Le livre et le rouleau 6: 1999 :::>15,258. RLV(L) 49 (2000) 8788 (Revellin, L.); ScEs 52 (2000) 250-252 (Hurley, Robert). 1371 Murdoch, Brian Adam's grace: fall and redemption in medieval literature. Woodbridge 2000, Boydell & B. x; 205 pp fCCMed 45,416 -Jean-Marc Pastre]. 1172 Oherhänsli-WidmP.r, Gabriel!P. Die Bindung Isaaks neu inszeniert: oder wie sich Frauen in der hebräischen Literatur einer biblischen "Männergeschichte" bemächtigen. Kul 15 (2000) 31-40. 1373 Olmo Lete, Gregorio del The Hebrew Bible and its influence on modern literature. JNSL 26/1 (2000) 1-17. 1374 Papka, Claudia Rattazzi The limits of apocalypse: eschatology, epistemology; and textuality in the Commedia and Piers Plowman. Last things. 2000 :::>388. 233-256. 1375 Pelletier, Anne-Marie La bibbia e l'occidente: letture biblichc alle sorgenti della cultura occidentale. 1999 :::>15,1268. RRivBib 48 (2000) 498-500 (Balzaretti, Claudia); CivCatt 151/2 (2000) 417-418 (Scaiola, D. ).
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[II. Introductio
1376 Pinchas Cohen, Chava Oleander-Essenz. Kul 15 (2000) 57-67. 1377 Pippin, Tina; Aichele, George The cut that confuses, or: In the penile colony [Ex 4,24-26]; 1378 Rowlett, Lori L. Disney's Pocahontas and Joshua's Rahab in postcolonial perspective [Josh 2]. Culture, entertainment ... bible. JSOT.S 309: 2000 =>227. 106-123/66-75. 1379 Scarcia, Gianroberto Storia di Josaphat senza Barlaam. Medioevo Romanzo e Orientale, Testi 4: Sovena Mannelli (Catanzaro)] 1998, Rubbettino 81 pp. 88-7284-664-1. Bibi. 51-55. 1380 Shaheen, Naseeb Biblical references in Shakespeare's plays. 1999 =>15,1316. RscJ 31 (2000) 290-292 (Nichols, Heidi L.). 1381 Skinner, Andrew The influence ofthe Hebrew Bible on the founders of the American Republic. Sacred text. 2000 =>470. 13-34. 1382 Steindler Moscati, Gabriella From collective memory to self-definition: biblical images in Israeli women's poetry. Henoch 22 (2000) 8799. 1383 Walsh, Richard G. Recent fictional portrayals of God, or: Disney, Shirley MacLaine, and Hamlet. Culture, entertainment „. bible. JSOT.S 309: 2000 =>227. 44-65.
84.6 Singuli auctores-ßible influence on individual authors Alter, Robert Canon and creativity: modern writing 2000 =>1217. 1384 Howlett, D.R. British books in biblical style. 1997 => 13, 1081. Rspec. 75 (2000) 700-702 (Eckhardt, Caroline D.). 1385 ALCIMUS: Gärtner, Thomas Zur Dibeldichtung "De spiritalis historiae gestis" des Alcimus Avitus. JAC 43 (2000) 126-186. 1386 Dol:IROWSK1: Seim, Jurgen Jüdische Dichterinnen: zu drei Widmungsgedichten von Johannes Bobrowski [Lasker-Schüler, E.; Sachs, N.]. FSCHMlUT, J. 2000 =>106. 233-24S. 1387 CHAUCER: Besserman, Lawrence L. Chaucer's biblical poetics. 1998 =>14,1158. RIJCT 6 (2000) 480-483 (Chance, Jane). 1388 CLAUDEL: Van den Reede, Philippe La presence de Job et Qohelet dans "Tete d'Or" de Paul Claude!. RTL 31 (2000) 362-393. 1389 DOSTOEVSKIJ: Salvestroni, Simonetta Dostoevskij e la bibbia. Spiritualita orientale: Magnano (Biella) 2000, Qiqajon 277 pp. 888227-078-5. Bibi. 1390 GOETHE: Rahe, Konrad Die Gestalt Christi in Goethes Venezianischen Epigrammen. NZSTh 42 (2000) 160-180. 1391 HAWfHORNE: Kreitzer, Larry J. 'Revealing the affairs of the heart': sin, accusation and confcssion in Nathanicl Hawthornc's Tbc Scarlct Letter. Ciphers. BiSe 74: 2000 =>285. 139-213. 1392 HOBBES: Overhojf, Jürgen The theology of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan. JEH 51 (2000) 527-555. 1393 JABEs: Nevo, Matthev.• del Edmond Jabes and the question of death. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 =>290. 121-134. 1394 KlERKEGAARD: Lee, Jung H. Abraham in a different voice: rereading Fear and trembling with care. RelSt 36 (2000) 377-400 [Gen 22]. 1395 KLEPPER; RILKE: Barkenings, Hans-Joachim Abermals: Jochen Klepr,er: drei Anmerkungen, nicht zuletzt auch zu Rainer Maria Rilke. SCHMIDT, J. 2000 =>106. 179-201.
B4.6 Bible-influence on individual authors
1396 KNur: r Johnson, Carla Elaine David Knut: biblical imagist in translation. Diss. Ohio State 2000, 373 pp.; 9962406. 1397 LAWRENCE: Wright, Terence R. D.H. Lawrence and the bible. NY 2000, CUP xx; 274 pp. $65. 0-521-78189-2. Bibi. 252-263. 1398 LOCKE: Pitassi, Maria C. John Locke lecteur de Saint Paul ou l'histoire d'une rencontre presque oubliee: un siecle d'etudes. ASEs 17 (2000) 265-273. 1399 MARGUERITE de Navarre: EMarczuk, Barbara Marguerite de Navarre: les comedies bibliques. Textes litteraires franyais 531: Geneve 2000 , Droz 353 pp. Collab. B. Skrzewska; P. Tylus. 1400 MILO von St. Amand: Gärtner, Thomas Der Selbstmord des Judas Iskariot bei Milo von St. Amand. Eranos 98 (2000) 123-127. 1401 MILTON: Stoll, Abraham Dylan Milton and monotheism. Diss. Princeton 2000, 325 pp.; 9984048; 1402 Wilcox, Helen "Two of far nobler shape": Milton's re-creation of Eve and Adam. The creation of man and woman. Themes in biblical narrative 3: 2000 =>295. 156-171. 1403 Kaye-Skinner, Thomas Lew 'The very words of the text': a rhetorical and comparative analysis of Milton's psalm renditions. Diss. Nebraska-Lincoln 2000. 212 pp.; 9967379. 1404 MORRISON: Hubbard, Mary Miller 'Redemption draweth nigh': biblical intertextuality in the novels of Toni Morrison. Diss. Arkansas 2000, 215 pp. 9987268. 1405 NIETZSCHE: Hübner, Hans Nietzsche und das Neue Testament. Tü 2000, Mohr 290 pp. 3-16-147489-9. Bibi. 282-284. 1406 PINGET: Barthelemy, Dominique Critique d'un exegete a propos de l"Apocryphe' de Robert Pinget. Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 =>129. 14'/-160. 1407 RILKE: Vita di Maria. EGobbi, L.; Nicolis, N.: Ma~ano 2000, Qiqajon 54 pp. €5.16 [Asprenas 49,457-LangelJa, Alfönsoj. 1408 SHAKESPEARE: Lupton, Julia R. Exegesis, mimesis, and the future of humanism in "The merchant ofVenice". RL 32 (2000) 123-139; 1409 Man, Steven Shakespeare and the bible. Oxf 2000, OUP 165 pp. $40. 0-19818-440-9. 1410 SIDONIUS: Daly, William M. An ndvcrsc conscnsus questioned: does Sidonius's Euchariston (Carmen XVI) show that he was scripturally naive?. Tr. 55 (2000) 19-71. 1411 SPENSER: Kaske, Carol Spenser and biblical poetics. 1999 => 15, 1317. RscJ 31 (2000) 1144-1145 (Ardolino, Frank). 1412 TAREEV: Röhrig, Hermann-Josef Kenosis: die Versuchungen Jesu Christi im Denken von Michail M. Tareev. EThSt 77: Lp 2000, St. Benno xxxiv; 308 pp. 3-7462-1334-7. Diss.-Habil. FrB. 1413 THIONU'O, Ngugi Wa: Mwikisa, Peter W. Rearticulation of difference: Ngugi Wa Thiong'o's redeployment ofbiblical signifiers in "A grain of wheat" and "I will marry when 1 want". JTSA 108 (2000) 95-113 == The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 163-183. 1414 THOMAS: Davis, William i-: "This is what art could do": an exercise in exegesis: R.S. Thomas's "Souillac: le sacrifice d'Abraham". Religion and the arts 4 (2000) 374-387 [Gen 22,1-19]. 1415 TRAKL: Jaeger, Stephan "Die Finsternis flammenden Sturzes": das Lesen dynamischer Bilder und .~eiktischer Räume in Georg Trakls Lyrik. Bildersprache verstehen. Ubergänge 38: 2000 =>1079. 363~85.
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[II. Introductio
1416 VOLTAIRE: Bessire, Fran~ois La bible dans la correspondance de Voltaire. Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century 367: Oxf 2000, Voltaire Foundation vii; 346 pp. 0-7294-0549-4. Bibl. 84.7 lnterpretatio psychiatrica 1417 Drewermann, Engen Psicologia del profondo e esegesi, 1: sogno, mito, fiaba, saga e legenda. BTCon 86: 1996 =>12,923; 13,1133. RHum(B) 55 (2000) 120-122 (Colombo, Adele); 1418 Psicologia del profondo e esegesi, 2: miracolo, visione, profezia, apocalisse, storia, parabola. BTCon 87: 1996 =>12,924; 13,1131. RHum(B) 55 (2000) 122-125 (Colombo, Adele); 1419 Parola ehe salva, parola ehe guarisce: la forza liberatrice della fede. 3 1994. RHum(B) 55 (2000) 125-132 (Colombo, Adele); 1420 Psychanalyse et exegese, 1: la verite des formes: reves, mythes, Contes, sagas et legendes. TTrierweiler, Denis: P 2000, Seuil 428 pp. 202-026058-1; 1421 Hat der Glaube Hoffnung?: von der Zukunft der Religion am Beginn cfos ?.1. Jahrhunderts. Dü 2000, Walter 327 pp. €25.46. 35301-69056. 1422 Etheber, Alfred Offenbarung und Psyche: das tiefenpsychologische Verständnis der Offenbarung bei C.G. JUNG. Pd 2000, Schöningh 342 pp. €39.88 [LebZeug 55,159s-Jungnitsch, Reiner]. 1423 Kille, D. Andrew Psychological biblical criticism. Guides to Biblical Scholarship, Old Testament: Mp 2000, Fortress Press xv; 161 pp. 08006-3246-X. Bibl. 143-161. 1424 Lang, Bernhard Eugen DREWERMANN, interprete de la bible. 1994 =>10,1257; 11/2,1934. RFV 99 (2000) 109-110 (Dubais, J.-D.). 1425 Merkur, Dan The mystery of manna: the psychedelic sacrament of the bible. Rochester 2000, lnm:r Trat.liliuns v; 186 pp. $17. 0-89282772-0 [Ex 16]. 1426 Reik, T. Psicanalisi della bibbia: la creazione della donna: la tentazione. Mi 1978, Garzanti 346 pp. RRivBib 48 (2000) 349-350 (Balzaretti, Claudia) [Gn 2-3; 22]. 85 Methodus exegeticus 1427 EMeiser, Martin, al., Proseminar II: Neues Testament-Kirchengeschichte. Stu 2000, Kohlhammer 317 pp. €18.30. 3-17-015531-8. 1428 Adam, Gottfried, al., Einführung in die exegetischen Methoden. Gü 2000, Kaiser 149 pp. €15.24. RThRv 96 (2000) 471-473 (Münch, Christian). 1429 Adam, Gottfried Zur wissenschaftlichen Arheitsweise. Einführung in die exegetischen Methoden. 2000 =>1428. 113-149. 1430 EAlkicr, Stefan; Brucker, Ralph Exegese und Methodendiskussion. TANZ 23: 1998 =>14,208; 15,188. RThLZ 125 (2000) 60-62 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 36-39] (Lindemann, Andreas). 1431 Amador, J. David Hester Academic constraints in rhetorical criticism of the New Testament: an introduction to a rhetoric of power. JSNT.S 174: 1999 :=>15,4505. RRBLit2 (2000) 312-5 (Carey, Greg).
B5 Exegetic method
1432 Armstrong, Karen The battle for God: fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. NY 2000, Harper C. xvi; 442 pp. 0-00255523-9. Bibi. 1433 Balzaretti, Claudia Scienze sociali ed esegesi. RivBib 48 (2000) 335-352. . 1434 EBarthe, Claude L'exegese chretienne aujourd'hui. P 2000, Fayard 217 pp. €16.76. 2-213-60546-7 [BCLF 620,1009]. 1435 Barthelemy, Dominique La critique canonique. Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 =:>129. 197-237. 1436 Barton, John Intertextuality and the "fmal form" of the text. IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =:>478. 33-37. 1437 Beauchamp, Paul L'interrogation de l'exegese. RICP 73 (2000) 8595. Reponse de F. Jacques 97-107. 1438 Becking, Bob No more grapes from the vineyard?: a plea for a historical critical approach in the study of the Old Testament. Congress volume: Oslo 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =:>478. 123-141 [l Kgs 21]. 1439 Bergmeier, Roland Einleitung. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 =:>132. 1-28. 1440 Buss, Martin J. Biblical form criticism in its context. JSNT.S 274: 1999=:>15,1341. RcBQ 62 (2000) 511-511 (T.nng, Rurkf~ 0 ). 1441 Cahill, Michael The history of exegesis and our theological future. TS 61 (2000) 332-347. 1442 Ecastelli, Elizabeth A., al., A biblia p6s-modema. TLambert, Barbara Theoto: Säo Paulo 2000, Loyola 383 pp. 1443 Childs, Brevard S. Toward recovering theological exegesis. ExAu 16 (2000) 121-129. 1444 Cor/ey, Jeremy Methods ofbiblical interpretation: a guide. ScrB 30/2 (2000) 2-15. Cf. 'Tht: Inlt:rp. oflhe Bible in the Church' §1 (1993). 1445 Corsi, Santi Tipologia e anagogia nella teologia biblica. DT(P) l 03/2 (2000) 4'.2-61 . 1446 Dias da. Silva, Cassio Murilo Metodologia de exegese biblica. Biblia e Historia: Säo Paulo 2000, Paulinas 526 pp. 85-J56-0643-2. 1447 Dillmann, Rainer Plädoyer für eine pragmalinguistische Exegese. BN 102 (2000) 5-8. 1448 Dunn, James n r; Sr.holarly methods in the interpretation of the gospels. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 =:>462. 105-121. 1449 Dyck, Jonathan E. A map of ideology for biblical critics. Rethinking contexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 108-128. 1450 Eriksson, Anders Retorisk analys av bibeltext. SvTK 76 (2000) 108111. 1451 Fowl, Stephen E. The role of authorial intention in the theological interpretation of scripture. Between two horizons. 2000 =:>268. 7187. 1452 Gemünden, Petra von Linguistik und Textauslegung. Proseminar II: NT. 2000 =:>1427. ?.60-7.75 [RuBB 33,42]. 1453 Gisel, Pierre; Zumstein, Jean Bible. DEP 7: Geneve 2000, Labor et F. 96 pp. FS13. 2-8309-0973 9. 1454 Gubler, Marie:Louise Im Haus der Pilgerschaft: Zugänge zu biblisd1t:u Tt:xlen. OBFZPhTh 37: 1999 ~1:5,13:5:5. RThPQ 148 (2000) 421-422 (Friedl, Alfred). 1455 Hahn, Eberhard Neuere Ansätze der Schriftauslegung. Studium des NT, 2. Bibelwissenschaftliche Monographien 8: 2000 =:>337. 13-32. 1456 Harris, Harriet A. Fundamentalism and evangelicals. 1998 => 14, 1197; 15,1356. RJThS 51(2000)408-411 (Barr, James).
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[II. Introductio
1457 Herghelegiu, Monica Geistliche und / oder historisch-kritische Schriftauslegung?: ein Diskussionsüberblick über das Symposium von Neamt. Auslegung der Bibel. WUNT 130: 2000 :::>462. 207-216. 1458 Hoeres, Walter Weltraumfahrt und Weltgericht-Kritisches zur kritischen Exegese. Theologisches 30 (2000) 459-464. 1459 Jenni, Ernst Textinteme Epexegese im Alten Testament. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 :::> 110. 23-32. 1460 Jonker, Louis C. Exclusivity and variety: perspectives on multidimensional exegesis. Contributions to Bibi. Exegesis & Theology 19: 1996 :::>12,958; 14, 1201. RRBLit 1 (1999) 82-83 (Buss, Martin.!.). 1461 Kaiser, Otto Die alttestamentliche Exegese. Einführung in die exegetischen Methoden. 2000 :::>1428. 11-70; 1462 Literarkritik und Tendenzkritik. Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. FzB . 90: 2000 :::>176. 200-217. 1463 Kim, Jung W. The historical-critical method and twentieth century Old Testament studies in Korea. Chongshin theological joumal 5/1 (2000) 17-33. 1464 Klint, Stefan After story-a reh1m to history?: introducing reception criticism as an exegetical approach. StTh 54 (2000) 87-106. 1465 Kok, Johnson T. Historical critical paradigm: the beginning of an end. AJTh ltl/2 (2000) 252-271. 1466 EKrey, Philip D.; Smith, Lesley J. NICHOLAS ofLyra: the senses of scripture. SHCT 90: Lei 2000, Brill xiv; 344 pp. €88/$108. 9004-11295-2. Bibi. RCFr 70 (2000) 590-592 (De Armellada, Bernardino). 1467 Kümmel, Werner Georg Die neutestamentliche Exegese-durchgesehen und ergänzt von Otto Merk. Einführung in die exegetischen Methoden. 2000 :::> 1428. 71-111. 1468 LaVerdiere, Eugene Fundamentalism: a pastoral concem. ColMn ?.000, T.itnrp;ic:nl ?.O pp $2 rBiTod 38,395-Senior, D.]. 1469 Lim, Johnson Teng Kok Historical critical paradigm: the beginning of an end. A.TTh 14 (?.000) ?.5?.-?.71. 1470 Lowe, Malcolm The critical and the skeptical methods in New Testament research. Gr. 81 (2000) 693 721. 1471 Meurer, Thomas Einführung in die Methoden alttestamentlicher Exegese. 1999 "'->15,1374. RBiLi 73 (2000) 76-77 (Steins, Georg). 1472 Mojola, Aloo Osotsi The social sciences and the study of the Old Testament in Africa: some methodological considerations. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 :::>467. 89-99. 1473 Möller, Karl Renewing historical criticism. Renewing biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics 1: 2000 :::>453. 145-171. 1474 Neudorfer, Heinz-Werner "Historisch-theologische Auslegung des Neuen Testaments": Projektbericht über eine neue Kommentarreihe. JETh 14 (2000) 157-160. 1475 0 'Neill, J. C. The irresponsibility of New Testament scholarship in the twentieth century. NBl 81 (2000) 60-67. 1476 Oestreich, Bernhard Vergleich der historisch-kritischen mit der biblisch-historischen Mcthod,e. Spes christiana 11 (2000) 23-45. 1477 Osborne, Grant R. Historical criticism: a brief response to Robert Thomas's "other view". JETS 43/1 (2000) 113-117. 1478 Ostwall, Conrad Celluloid religion: reading religion scholars watching films: a supplementary response to Alice Bach's 'Cracking the production code: watching biblical scholars read films'. CurResB 8 (2000) 146-161.
B5 Exegetic method
1479 Papafragou, Anna Modality: issues in the semantics-pragmatics interface. Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface 6: Amst 2000, Elsevier xii; 239 pp. 0-08-043634-X. Bibi. 1480 Pesce, Mauro 1 limiti delle teorie dell'unita letteraria del testo. MFusco, V., SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 89-107. 1481 Poirier, John C. Some detracting considerations for reader-response theory. CBQ 62 (2000) 250-263. 1482 Robbins, Vernon Kay Exploring the texture of texts: a guide to socio-rhetorical interpretation. 1996 =:>12,970. RRBLit l (1999) 215217 (Horrell, David G. ). 1483 Schmel/er, Thomas Sozialgeschichtliche Auslegung. Proseminar II: NT. 2000 =:>1427. 276-285 [BuBB 33,40]. 1484 Schmid, Konrad Tnnerbiblische Schriftauslegung: Aspekte der Forschungsgeschichte. FSTECK, 0., DZA W JOO: 2000 ~ 110. 1-22. 1485 Schnelle, Udo Einführung in die neutestamentliche Exegese. UTB 1253: Gö 52000, Vandenhoeck & R. 214 pp. 3-525-03230-7. 1486 Schröter, Jens Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft: methodologische Aspekte und theologische Perspektiven. NTS 46 (2000) 262-283. 1487 Segovia, Fernando F. 'And they began to speak in other tongues': competing modes of discourse in contemporary biblical criticism ; 1488 Cultural studies and contemporary biblical criticism: ideological criticism as mode of discourse ; 1489 Biblical criticism and postcolonial studies: toward a postcolonial optic . Decolonizing biblical studies. 2000 =:>211. 5-33/3452/119-132. 1490 Shedinger, Robert F. Kuhnian paradigms and biblical scholarship: is biblical studies a science?. JBL 119 {2000) 453-471. 1491 Snyman, S.D. Die eksegese van die Ou Testament-terugblik en vooruitskouing?. Acta Theologica.Supplementum 1 (2000) 76-93. 1492 Söding, Thomas Wege der Schriftauslegung: Methodenbuch zum Neuen Testament. 1998 =:>14,1220. Rstz 218 (2000) 501-502 (Repschinski, Boris). 1493 Spawn, Kevin L. "As it is written" and other citation formulae in the Old Testament: their use, development, syntax, and significance. BZAW 311: B 2000, De Gruyter xvii; 301 pp. 3-11-017161-9. 1494 Stenschke, Christoph Soziologische Analyse. Das Studium des NT, 2. 2000 =:>337. 59-86. 1495 Thomas, Robert L. Historical criticism and the evangelical: another view. JETS 43/l (2000) 97-111. 1496 Thomas, Robert L.; Farnell, F. David The Jesus crisis: the inroads of historical criticism into evangelical scholarship. 1998 => 14, 1224. RBS 157 (2000) 232-236 (Bock, Darrell L.). 1497 Troeltsch, Ernst Historical and do~matic method in theology. The historical Jesus quest: introduction. Adams, James L.; Bense, Walter F: ?.000 - :::>7.57„ ?.9-5'.l, 1498 Tull, Patricia K. The rhetoric ofrecollection. Congress volume: Oslo 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =:>4"/8. '/ 1-'/8; 1499 Intertextuality and the Hebrew scriptures. CurResB 8 (2000) 59-90. 1500 Wansbrough, Henry Jewish methods of exegesis in the New Testament. SNTU.A 25 (2000) 219-244. 1501 Weren, Wim Windows on Jesus: methods in gospel exegesis. 1999 =:>15,4514. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1270-1272 (Labahn, Michael).
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[II. Introductio
1502 Young, Frances Margaret Biblical exegesis and the formation of christian culture. 1997 =>13,1219 ... 15,1408. RsvTK 76 (2000) 153154 (Bokedal, Tomas).
III. Critica Textus, Versiones
n 1 Textual Criticism 1503 Barthe/emy, Dominique Critique textuelle et critique litteraire. Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 =>129. 141-145. 1504 Cox, Claude E. Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotion in Armenia. SBL.SCSt 42: 1996 =>12,984. RHebStud 41 (2000) 324-329 (Cook, Johann). . 1505 Elliott, J.K. Biblical manuscripts in Manchester. ET 110 (1998-1999) 50-51. 1506 Letis, Theodore P. The ecclesiastical text: text criticism, biblical authority and the popular mind. Ph 72000 , Insl. fur Rtmaissance and Reformation Biblical Studies xiii; 232 pp. $20. 0-96586070-1. 1507 Oesch, .lnsPf M Skizze einer synchronen und diachronen Gliederungskritik im Rahmen der alttestamentlichen Textkritik. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 =>283. 197-229. 1508 Parker, David C. The living text ofthe gospels. 1997 =>13,1273; 15,1481. RProEc 9 (2000) 115-117 (Peterson, Dwight N.); RBLit 1 (1999) 227-229 (Vinson, Richard B.). 1509 Rouse, Richard H.; Rouse, Mary A. Manuscripts and their makers; commercial book producers in medieval Paris 1200-1500. Turnhout 2000, Harvey Miller ?. vols. 1-872501-41-9. 111. pl. 1510 Seeligmann, Isaac L. Studies in the history ofthe biblical text. Textus 20 (2000) 1-30. 1511 Tov, Emanuel The background of the sense divisions in the biblical texts. Delimitation ctiticism. Pt:ricupt: 1: 2000 =:>283. 312-3:'50. D2.1 Biblia Hebraica Hebrew text 1512 Barco de/ Barco, Francisco Javier de/ La funci6n sintäctica y poetica de los acentos de la masora: ejemplos en el libro de Am6s. Sef. 60 (2000) 3-18 Res„ sum. 18. 1513 Barthelemy, Dominique Les traditions anciennes de division du texte biblique de la torah. Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 =>129. 265-290 1514 Cardellini, lnnocenzo L"'Antico Testamento" e la hebraica veritas: una breve nota sulla problematica. FBORDONI, M. 2000 =>16. 35-45. 1515 (a) Chiesa, Bruno Filologia storica della bibbia ehraica, 1: da ÜRIGENE al Medioevo. StBi 125: Brescia 2000, Paideia €20.66. 88394-0596-8. (b) Chiesa, Bruno II fenomeno del k"tiv-q"re secondo Ya'qüb al-QirqisänI (ca 927 d.C.). MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 8194.
o2. l Hebrew text
1516 EDahmen, Ulrich; Lange, Armin; Lichtenberger, Hermann Die Textfunde vom Toten Meer und der Text der Hebräischen Bibel. Neukirchen-Vluyn 2000, Neukirchener vi; (2) 147 pp. 37887-1811-0 1517 Dempsey, Deirdre The Hebrew Bible: where do we begin?. BiTod 38 (2000) 104-107. 1518 Fernandez Marcos, Natalio; Fernandez Tejero, Emilia Sobre la antigüeded de la puntuaci6n hebrea: un documento inedito de Candido Maria Trigueros. CDios 213/1 (2000) 295-312. 1519 EFreedman, David Noel; Beck, Astrid B.; Sanders, James A. The Leningrad Codex: the facsimile edition. 1998 => 14, 1241. RNT 42 (2000) 99-100 (Elliott, J.K. ). 1520 Fuller, Russell Notes on the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible and a critical cdition of the Hebrew text. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =>609. 1-7. 1521 Gibert, Pierre La formation de la bible. Approches des religions. 2000::::>358. 67-75 [BuBB 31,4]. 1522 Groves, J. Alan The Biblia Hebraica Quinta: preparing an electronic critical apparatus to the MT. Ad fontes!. Applicatio 15: 2000 =>543. 183-197. 1523 Hendel, Runuld S. The most original bible text: how to get thcrc: comhine the hest ftom each tradition. BiRt: 16/4 (2000) 27-39; 1524 Tue text of the Torah after Qumran: prospects and retrospects. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 ::::>609. 8-11. 1525 Himbaza, lnnocent Le nßn marginal et la petite massore. Textus 20 (2000) 173-191. 1526 Korpel, Marjo C.A. Introduction to the series Pericope. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 =>283. 1-50. 1527 Mathys, Hans-Peter Bücheranfänge und -schlüsse. Vom Anfang. BEAT 47: 2000 -:>190. 1-29. 1528 Ortegu-Munusteriu, Muriu Teresa Some cases in the Masorah of Spanish manuscripts. Sef. 60 (2000) 295-303 Res ; sum 101. 1519 Penkower, Jordan S. Verse divisions in the Hebrew Bible. VT 50 (2000) 379-393. 1530 Revell, E.J. Jewish Bible interpretation in early post-talmudic times: the interpretative value of the Massoretic punctuation. Hebrew Bible, 112. 2000 =>323. 64-73. 1531 Sanders, James A. Tht: mosl original bible text: how to get there: keep each tradition separate. BiRe 16/4 (2000) 40-49, 58. 1532 Sarna, Nahum M lntroduction to the Hilleli manuscript. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 239-251. 1533 Talmon, Shemaryahu The transmission history of the text of the Hebrew Bible in the light of biblical manuscripts from Qumran and other sites in the Judean desert. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =>609. 40-50. 1534 Tov, Emanuel The textual basis ofmodem translations ofthe Hebrew Bible: the argument against eclecticism. Textus 20 (2000) 193-211. 1535 T1'ebolle-Barrera, Julia Qumran evidence for a biblical standard text and for non-standard and parabiblical texts. The Dead Sea scrolls in their historical context. 2000 =>419. 89-106. 1536 Ulrich, Eugene The Qumran scrolls and the biblical text. Tue De;:icl Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 ::::>609. 51-59. 1537 Walters, Al The text of the Old Testament. Tue face of OT studies. 2000 =>230. 19-37.
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[III. Critica Textus, Versiones
D2.2 Targum 1538 Bardski, Krzysztof Swiatynia Salomona w Targumie do Piesni nad piesniami 3,7-5,1. CoTh 70/2 (2000) 79-92. 1539 Barrado Feriiandez, Pedro Targum e palabra de Dios. REsp 59 (2000) 415-441. 1540 Eissoli, Giovanni La bibbia in Aramaico: verso una mutua definizione di giudaismo e cristianesimo. LASBF 50 (2000) 167-180. 1541 Brady, Christian MM The role of ~J'1 m~ in the targumim. The interpretation of scripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 =>257. 364-374. 1542 Chilton, Bruce D. Four types of comparison between the Targumim and the New Testament. JAB 2 (2000) 163-188. 15'13 Diez Merino, Luis Targum del profeta Zacarias en la tradici6n sefardi. Auür 17-18 (1999-2000) 269-285. 1544 Ego, Beate God as the ruler of history: main thematic motifs of the interpretation of Megillat Esther in Targum Sheni. JAB 2 (2000) 189-201. ' 1545 Flesher, Paul V.M The resurrection of the dead imd the sources of the Palestinian targums to the pentateuch. Judaism in late antiquity, 4. HO 1/49,4: 2000 =>348. 311-331. 15'16 EFlesher, Paul V,M. Targum Studies, II Targum and Peshitta. SFSHJ 165: 1998 =>14,238; 15,230. RCBQ 62 (2000) 177-178 (Mathews, Edward G.); RBLit 2 (2000) 306-308 (Chilton, Bruce). 1547 Grossfcld, Bernard Targum Ncofiti, 1: an cxcgctical commcntary to Genesis including füll rabbinic parallels. NY 2000, Sepher-Hermon; 506 pp. $65. 0-87203-158-6. Diss. Johns Hopkins 1968; Text of Targum ed. by L. Schi{fman. RJAB 2 (2000) 141-144 (Van Staalduine-Sulman, Eveline ): 1548 Hofius, Otfried Kennt der Targum zu Jes 53 einen siindenvergebenden Messias?. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 :::::.174, 70-107. 1549 Houtman, Alberdina Planning a new Targum edition: look before you leap. JAB 2 (2000) 213 231; . 1550 Sin and illness in the targum of the prophets. Purity and holiness. 2000 =>310. 195-206. 1551 Kasher, Rimon Eschatological ideas in the toseftot targum to the prophets. JAB 2 (2000) 25-59; 1552 Different approaches to mythical descriptions in the targums to the prophets. JAB 2 (2000) 61-74. 1553 Klein, Michael L. An updated bibliography of manuscripts and editions of Palestinian targum to the pentateuch from the Cairo genizah. HUCA 70-71(1999-2000)167-181. 1554 Launderville, Dale Translations: the targums. BiTod 38 (2000) 239242. 1555 Menn, Esther M Targum of lht: Song of Songs anü tht: üynarnics of historical allegory; 1.S.S6 Ribera-Florit, Josep The use ofthe derash method in the Targum of Ezekiel. The interpretation of scripture JSPE.S 33: 2000 =>257. 42344.5/406-422; 1557 EI genero litcrario rabinico llamado targum: estudio sobre las tecnicas de traducci6n en el targum de Ezequiel. AuOr 17-18 (1999-2000) 307-314.
D2.2 Targum
1558 Saldarini, Anthony J. 'Is Saul also among the scribes?': scribes and prophets in Targum Jonathan. The interpretation of scripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 ~257. 375-389. 1559 Sa/vesen, Alison Symmachus and the dating of Targumic traditions. JAB 2 (2000) 233-245. 1560 Shepherd, David Will the real Targum please stand up?: translation and coordination in the ancient Aramaic. JJS 51 (2000) 88-116. 1561 Syren, Roger The Targum as a bible reread: or, how does God communicate with humans?. JAB 2 (2000) 247-264. 1562 Wilson, E. Jan 11 QtgJob and the Peshitta Job. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 ~609. 411-417.
D3 .1 Textus graecus-Grcck NT 1563 Ammassari, Antonio Bezae Codex Cantabrigiensis; vangelo di Matteo, Marco, Luca, Giovanni. 1996 ~12,1025; 14,1278. RNT 42 (2000) 284-286 (Elliott, J.K.). 1564 Barr, George K. Scalometry and the dating of the New Testament ~istles. IBSt 22 (2000) 71-90. 1565 Berger, Klaus; Nord, Christiane Das Neue Testament und frühchristliche Schriften. 1999 ~15,1462. RThPh 75 (2000) 262-263 (Knauer, P.); BiKi 55 (2000) 99-100 (Kasch, Daniel). 1566 Blawat, Bogu_#aw Archäologie der Gliederung: kann uns die handschriftliche Uberlieferung der neutestamentlichen Schriften die Gliederungsarbeit erleichtern?. FwmaARD, J. 2000 =>122. 185-192. 1567 Clarke, Kent D. Textual optimism: a critique of the United Bible Societies' Greek New Testament. JSNT.S 138: 199"/ ~13,1255; 14, 1282. RBiTr 50 (1999) 346-350 (Parsons, Mikeal); RBLit 1 999) 218-220 (Richards, W. Larry). 1568 Comfort, Philip W. The complete text of the earliest New Testament manuscripts. 1999 ~15,1466. RJSNT 78 (2000) 117-118 (Porter, Stanley E.). 1569 Ellingworth, Paul Text, translation, and theology: the New Testament in the original Greek?. FgNT 13 (2000) 61-73; 1570 "(His) disciples". NT 42 (2000) 114-126. 1571 Elliott, J.K. Seven recently published New Testament fragments from Oxyrhynchus. NT 42 (2000) 209-213. 1572 Elliott, Keith Manuscripts and the text of the New Testament: an introduction for English readers. 1995 ~11/2,2563 ... 15,1469. RRBLit 1(1999)220-221 (Mullen, Roderic). 1573 Frankemölle, Hubert Die neutestamentlichen Texte. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 ~261. 104-120. 1574 Head, Peter M Some recently published NT papyri from Oxyrhynchus: an overview and preliminary assessment. TynB 51 (2000) 1-16. 1575 Mathews, Susan F. The Greek New Testament. BiTod 38 (2000) 306-309. 1576 Mullen, RUlh:ric L. The New Testament text of CYRIL of Jerusalem. SBL The NT in the Ureek Fathcrs 7: 1997 ::::-13,1268; 14,1285. RRBLit 1 (1999) '.2:.!4-226 (Holmes, Michael W.). 1577 Nestle-Aland: 100 Jahre Novum Testamentum Graece 1898-1998. 27 1998 ~14,1286; 15,1478. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 673-674. 1578 Nicklas, Tobias Eine Skizze zu Codex Coridethi (TH 038). NT 42 (2000) 316-327.
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[III. Critica Textus, Versiones
1579 Parker, David C. Manuscripts of the gospels in the electronic age. RestQ 42/4 (2000) 221-231. 1580 Payne, Philip B.; Canart, Paul The originality of tcxt-critical symbols in Codex Vaticanus. NT 42 (2000) 105-113. 1581 Saute/, Jacques-Hubert Aspects de la mise en page des manuscrits grecs a chaines exegetiques (Paris, BnF, Fonds Coislin). Le commentaire. 2000 =:>542. 89-98 [BuBB 32,139]. 1582 Skeat, T.C. The last chapter in the history of the Codex Sinaiticus. NT 42 (2000) 313-315. 1583 ETaylor, David G.K. Studies in the early text of the gospels and Acts. 1999 =:>15,292. RJThS 51(2000)310-312 (Elliott, J.K.). 1584 Trobisch, David The first edition of the New Testament. NY 2000, OUP viii; 175 pp. $30. 0-19-511240-7. Bibl. 153-171. D3.2 Versiones graecae-VT, Septuaginta etc. 1585 Barthi/emy, Dominique L'enchevetrement de l'histoire textuelle et de l'histoire litteraire dans les relations entre la Septante et le Texte Massoretique. Decouvrir l'ccriturc. LeDiv: 2000 => 129. 161-183. 1586 Beck, John A. Translators as storytellers: a study in Septuagint translation technique. Studies in biblical literature 25: NY 2000, Lang viii; 227 pp. $36. 0-8204-4850-8. 1587 Briskin, Lawrence Septuagint vocabulary in the gospels and Acts. JBQ 28 (2000) 1~0-197. 1588 Cimosa, Mario E possibile scrivere una "teologia" della Bibbia Greca (LXX)?. FFESTORAZZI, F., SRivBib 36: 2000 ::::>JS. 51-64 fProv 1,7; 2,5; 13,14-15; 14,27; 30,03]. 1S89 C:::olllns, Nina L. Tht: liuiary in Alexandria and the Diblc in Grcck. VT.S 82: Lei 2000, Brill 190 pp. $70. 90-04-11866-7. 1590 Cousin, Hugues Les chretiens et la Septante. Aux origines. 2000 =:>264. 83-92 [BuBB 35,1291. 1591 Cox, Claude Translations: the Septuagint (LXX). BiTod 38 (2000) 170-173. 1592 Fernandez Marcos, Natalio Oriente y occidente en la Biblia de Alejandrfa. EE 75 (2000) 3-21. 1593 Fernandez Marcos, Natalio Introducci6n a las versiones griegas de la Biblia. TECC 64: 2 1998 =:>14,1301; 15,1492. RBZ 44 (2000) 305307 (Schenker, Adrian); 1594 La Bibbia dei Settanta: introduzione alle versioni greche della bibhia. Ezoroddu, Donatella lntroduzione allo studio della Bibbia, Supplt:menti 6: Brescia 2000, Paideia 377 pp. 88-394-0589-5; 1595 The Se.ptuagint in context: introduction to the Greek versions of the bible. Watson, Wi/fred G F.: T.ei 2000, Brill xv; 394 pp. 90-0411574-9. 1596 Gosling, Frank A. The innccessible lexicon of J.F. Schleusner. JNSL 26/1 (2000) 19-31. 1597 Hanhart, Robert Studien zur Septuaginta und zum hellenistischen Judentum. EKratz, Reinhard Gregor: FAT 24: 1999 :::>15,1493. RJud. 56 (2000) 45-47 (Ego, Beate); CBQ 62 (2000) 776-777 (Adler, William); RBLit 2 (2000) 283-285 (Rösel, Martin). 1598 Harl, Marguerite; Dogniez, Cecile La Septante est nee a Alexandrie. Aux origines. 2000 =:>264. 71-82 [BuBB 35,129].
D3.2 Greek versions: VT, Septuagint
1599 EHengel, Martin; Schwemer, Anna Maria Die Septuaginta zwischen Judentum und Christentum. WUNT 72: 1994 ::::>10,323a; 14,1304. RAnnales Theologici 14 (2000) 278-280 (Limburg, K.). 1600 Hertog, Cornelis G. den De betekenis van de Septuaginta voor de bijbelwetenschap: opgedragen aan prof. dr. dr. dr. hc Robert Hanhart ter gelegenheid van zijn vijfenzeventigste verjaardag op 6 juli 2000 in dankbaarheid en respect. ThRef 43 (2000) 208-225. 1601 Jobes, Karen H.; Silva, Moises Invitation to the Septuagint. GR 2000, Baker 351 pp. $30. 0-8010-2235-5. 1602 Joosten, Jan Une theologie de la Septante?: reflexions methodologiques sur l'interpretation de la version grecque. RThPh 132 (2000) 31-46. 1603 Muraoka, Takamitsu How to analyse and translate the idiomatic phrase 113~ 'l,l. BIOSCS 33 (2000) 47-"52. 1604 Muraoka, Takamitsu Hebrew/Aramaic index to the Septuagint: keyed to the Hatch-Redpath concordance. 1998 ::::>14,1308. ROTEs 13 (2000) 396-398 (Naude, J.A.). 1605 Müller, Mogens The first bible of the church: a ~lea for the Septuagint. JSOT.S 206: 1996 ::::>12,1075 ... 14,1309. RBLit 1 (1999) R3-R5 (Pnwery, Emersnn B.). .. 1606 Siegert, Folker Die Septuaginta-Ubersetzung und die Sprache der Theologie. FBERUER, K. 2000 ::::::-9. 289-323. 1607 Sipilä, Seppo Between literalncss and freedom: translation technique in the Septuagint of Joshua and Judges regarding the clause connection introduced by waw and ki. Diss. Helsinki 2000 [StTh 55,111]. 1608 Talmon, S. Textual critics: the ancient versions. Text in context. 2000 ::::>296. 141-170. 1609 Tov, Emanuel The text-crilical use of the Septuagiul iu bibli1.;al research. 2 1997 ::::>13,1304; 15,1534. RCBQ 62 (2000) 344-345 (FVright, Benjamin G.). 1610 Wade, Martha L. Evaluating lexical consistency in the Old Greek bible. BIOSCS 33 (2000) 53-75. 1611 Zipor, Moshe A. The Septuagint as a textual witness: some considerations in its use. Shnaton 12 (2000) 203-220 [Gn 22,2; 26, 17; Prov 4,3]. H. D4 Versiones orientales 1612 TAlvarez Maestro, Jesus TACIANO: la vida mas antigua de Jesus: Diatessaron. Vidas de Jesus, Edibesa 2: M 2000, Edibesa 269 pp. Introd., notas; Pr6logo de Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, Card.Arzobispo de Madrid. 1613 Greenberg, Gillian A kindly interpretation of;i::iiol:l and ::i::iio?. JAB 2 (2000) 203-212. 1614 Hogan, Martin The Sermon on the Mount in St. EPHREM's commcntary on thc Diatcssaron. Ephrem. 1999 ::::>15,1542. RscrB 30 (2000) 43-44 (Turner, Geoffrey). 1615 Kiraz, George Anton Comparative edition of the Syriac gospels, aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshittä & Harklean vers1ons. NTTS 21/1-4: 1996 4 vols ::::>12,1090 ... 15,1547. RJAOS 120 (2000) 103-105 (Sokolojf, Michael).
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
[III. Critica Textus, Versiones
1616 Luisier, Philippe Les citations vetero-testamentaires dans les versions coptes des evani§iles: recueil et analyse critique. COr 22: 1998 :::::>14,1335; 15,1548. EThL 76 (2000) 174-76 (Dehandschutter, R.). 1617 Martin, Alain-Georges Traduction ancienne et traduction moderne: quelques remarques sur la bible syriaque. CTrB 34 (2000) 3-9. 1618 Mathews, Edward G. The Syriac versions of the bible. BiTod 38 (2000) 374-377. 1619 Mikre-Sellassie, G.A. The early translation of the bible into Ethiopic/Geez. BiTr 51(2000)302-316. 1620 Moriferrer Sala, Juan Pedro Dos antiguas versiones neotestamentarias ärabes surpalestinenses: Sin. ar. 71, Vat. arc. 13 y sus posibles Vorlagen respectivas greco-alejandrina y siriaca de la Pesittä. CDios 213 (2000) 363-387. 1621 EMüller-Kessler, Christa; Sokoloff, Michael A corpus of christian Palestinian Aramaic, IIA: the christian Palestinian Aramaic New Testament version from the early period: gospels; IIB: Acts of the Apostles and epistles. Groningen 1998-1999, Styx vi; 271 + v; 305 pp. €72.60 + 72.60. 90-5693-018-4/9-2. 1622 Polliack, Meira The Karaite tradition of Arabic Bible translation: a linguistic and exegetical study of K araite translations of the pentateuch from the tenth and eleventh centuries C.E. 1997 :::::> 13, 1321; 15,1550. RVT 50 (2000) 275-276 (Shivtiel, Avihal). 1623 ESchüssler, Karlheinz Das sahidische Alte und Neue Testament: vollständiges Verzeichnis mit Standorten sa 93-120. Hiblia Coptica 114: Wsb 2000, Harrassowitz vii; 168 pp. €60.33. 3-447-04281-8. Lfg. 4; . 1624 Das sahidische Alte und Neue Testament, 1/3: sa 49-92 Biblia Coptica 1/3. 1998 :::::>14,1338. ROLZ 95 (2000) 189-191 (Feder, Frank). 1625 Shedini:er, Robert Frederick TATIAN and the Jewish scriptures: a textual and philological analysis of the Old Testament cilalions in Tatian's Diatessaron. Diss. Temple 2000. 251 pp.; 9969948. 1626 Taylor, Richard A. The Syriac Old Testament m recent research. JAH 2 (2000) 119-139. 1627 Weitzman, Michael Perry The Syriac version ofthe Old Testament: an introduction. UCOP 56: 1999 :::>15,1552. RJRAS 10 (2000) 85-88 (Williams, P.J.); JJS 51 (2000) 162-164 (Hayman, A. Peter); RRT 7 (2000) 168-170 (Taylor, David); ChH 69 (2000) 404-406 (Brock, Sebastian P.); JThS 51 (2000) 619-623 (Hayward, C.T.R.); CBQ 62 (2000) 541-542 (Owens, Robert J.). D5.0 Versiones latinae; Citationes apud Patres-The Patristic Bible 1628 Adkin, Neil Biblia Pagana: classical echoes in the Vulgate. Aug. 40 (2000) 77-87. 1629 Barthelemy, Dominique Origine et rayonnement de la Bible de Vatable. Decouvrir l'ecritme. LeDiv: 2000 :::::>129. 109-122. 1630 Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice Bulletin de la bible latine, VII: quatrieme serie. RBen 110 (2000) 135-155. 1631 Eßrecht, Martin; Zwink, Eberhard Eine glossierte Vulgata aus dem Umkreis Martin LUTHERS. VB 21: 1999 :::::>15,1555. RLuther Digest 8 (2000) 37-38 (Hagen, Kenneth); Luther (2000) 105-106 (Dobschütz, Detlefvon).
o5 Latin versions
1632 Burton, Philip The Old Latin gospels: a study of their texts and language. Oxford Early Christian Studies: Oxf2000, OUP xi; 232 pp. 019-826988-9. Bibi. 201-212. 1633 Codex Biblicus Legionensis. Le6n 1999, Secretaria del Consejo de Edici120. 125-138. 1639 Kockelkorn, Rene Evangeliorum quattuor codex Petropolitanus (Lat. F.v.l N 8): das hibemo-sächsiche Evangeliar in der Russischen National Bibliothek von Sankt Petersburg. Luxembourg 2000, Bibliotheque Nationale 31 pp. 2-87980-060-9. Ill. 16'10 Longo, Valentina; Magrini, Sabina; Palmo, Marco Bibliogrnfin della Bibbia Amiatina (1990-1999). R 2000, Viella 56 pp. €10.33. 88-833'1-020-5. Univ. d1:1gli Cmisinu [RB1:1n 112,154 Bugaert, P.-M.]. 1641 Maniaci, Muileua; Orolino, Giulia Lt! bibbit! atlanliche: il libro delle scritture tra monumentalita e rappresentazione. Venezia 2000, Tibaldi 351 pp. Ill. [RBen 112,155-Bogaert, P.-M.]. 1642 Overgauw, Eef; Müller, Markus Der 'Codex Henrici': lateinische Bibelhandschrift Westfalen, 1. Viertel des 14. Jahrhunderts. Müns 1998, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek 95 pp. Ill.; RBen 112,157 -Bogaert, P.-M.]. 1643 Pisano, Stephen 1 vangeli nella Vetus Latina e nella Vulgata. I vangeli dei popoli. ED' Aiuto, F.: Citta del Vaticano 2000, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. 31-35; 1644 La Vulgata di Lione del 1569-The Lyons Vulgate of 1569 Edizione fascimile della biblia sacra, Lugduni MDLXIX. Sassari 2000, Scriptorium. i-viii [AcBib 10,805]. 1645 Ricci, Luigi G.G.; Castaldi, Lucia; Miriello, Rosanna La Bibbia Amiatina/The Codex Amiatinus: riproduzione integrale su CD-ROM del manoscritto Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea-Laurenziana, Amiatino 1. F 2000, Galluzzo [RBen 112,154-Bogaert, P.-M.]. 1646 Rossi, Marielisa 1 fondi di provenienza delle bibbie. La bibbia: edizioni del XVI secolo. 2000 ~ 704. vii-xvi. 1647 Schaab, Rupert Bibeltext und Schriftstudien in St. Gallen. Das Kloster St. Gallen im Mittelalter: die kulturelle Blüte vorn 8. bis 12. Jahrhundert. Eochsenbein, Peter: Stu 1999, Theiss. 119-136, 248-253.
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[III. Critica Textus, Versiones
Verkerk, Dorothy Hoogland Moral structure in the Ashbumham Pentateuch. Image and belief: studies in celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the index of christian art. EHourihane, Colum: Princeton, NJ 1999. 71-88 [RBen 112,159-Bogaert, P.-M.]. 1649 Vetus Latina ... Beuron: 44. Arbeitsbericht der Stiftung; 33. Bericht der Instituts. Beuron 2000, Vetus Latina Institut 48 pp.
1650 Pautler, Andre Biblica patristica: index des citations et allusions bibliques dans la litterature patristique, 7: DIDYME d' Alexandrie. P 2000, CNRS 230 pp. 2-2710-57272 [Museun 113,222s-Cuulit~, B.]. D6 Versiones modernae .1 romanicae, romancc 1651 Barthelemy, Dominique La bible franc;:aise depuis ses origines jusqu'a la fin du XVIe siecle. Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 =>129. 67-108. 1652 La Bible: Ancien et Nouveau Testament: edition interconfessionnelle avec les livres deuterocanoniques. Villiers-le-Bel 2000, Societe biblique franc;:aise [BuBB 33,56]. 1653 La bible, parole de vie: nouvelle traduction P 2000, Bayard. 1654 Ecostecalde, Cl.-H.; Hassonville, Henry de; Hari, A. Nouveau T.: le Nouveau Testament traduit du grec en franc;:ais courant. Strasbourg 2000, Signe 618 pp. €9.05. 2-7468-0040-3. III. 16:'i5 38. 21-35. 1657 Konings, Johan Bfblia da CNBB ou tradu~ä'.o da Bfblia da CNBB. REB 60 (2000) 369-376. 1658 ELeonardl, Llno La bibbia in italiano tra Medioevo e Rinascimento. 1998 => 14,390. Atti del convegno internazionale; Firenze 8-9 novembre 1996. RAevum 74 (2000) 637-640 (Brambilla, Simona). 1659 Eo•callaghan, Jose Nuevo Testamento griego-espafiol. BAC 574: 1997 :::>13,1348; 14-,1387. REstB 58 (2000) 265-266 (Urban, A.). 1660 Sagrada Biblia: Antiguo Testamento: libros hist6ricos. Pamplona 2000, EUNSA 1489 pp. 84-313-1772-8. 1661 Sagrada Biblia: Nuevo Testamento 1999 :::>15,1583. RAnnales theologici 14 (2000) 253-255 (Estrada, B.). D6.2 Versiones anglicae-English Bible Translations 1662 Barker, Kenneth L. The balance of the NIV: what makes a good translation. GR 1999, Baker 139 pp. $14. 0-8010-6239-X. 1663 Beam, Kathryn L.; Gagos, Traianos The evolution of the English Biblc: from pnpyri to King James. 1997 :::>14,1400. RNT 42 (2000) 411-412 (Elliutt, J.K.). 1664 Tht: calhulic yuulh biblt: [NRSV]. Winuna 2000, Sl Mary's 1,550 pp. $28 [BiTod 38,389-Bergant, D.]. 1665 Cimosa, Mario Translating the Old Testament II: text-base: standard Hebrew text (MT) or Old Greek translation (LXX)?: again some examples from Genesis (Gen 18,2; 22,5; 24,26-27.48-52). Sal. 62 (2000) 363-376.
o6.2 English Bible translations
1666 Ecooper, W.R. William TYNDALE: The New Testament: the text of the Worms ed. of 1526 in original spelling. L 2000, British Library xvii; 555 pp. 0-7123-4664-3. Edited for the Tyndale Society; Pref. by David Daniel/ [NThAR 2000,341]. 1667 Daniel!, David William TYNDALE, the English bible, and the English language. The bible as book. 2000 =>308. 39:..50. 1668 Ellington, J. Problem pronouns in private letters. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 219-227. 1669 Gilmore, Alec A dictionary ofthe English Bible and its origins. BiSe 67: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 192 pp. $20. 1-84127-068-7. Bibi. 1670 Gutjahr, Paul C. An American Bible: a history ofthe Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880. 1999 =>15,1591. RchH 69 (2000) 445447 (Schmidt, L€igh Eric); ASSR 112 (2000) 93.95 (Fath 1 Sebastien). 1671 Hadfield, Andrew The revelation and early English colonial ventures. The bible as book. 2000 :-:>308. 145-156. 1672 Higman, Francis 'Without great effort, and with pleasure': sixteenthcentury Genevan bibles and reading practices. The bible as book. 2000 =>308. 115-122. 1673 Holman christian standard bible: experiencing the word through the gospels. Nv 2000, Holman 272 pp. $10. Notes by Henry Blackaby [ThD 47,256-Heiser, W. Charles]. 1674 Kendrick, W.G. The treatment of gender issues in the Good News Study Bible. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 201-207. 1675 Kohlenberger III, John R.; Swanson, James A. The HebrewEnglish cum::ordarn.:t: to tht: Old Tt:slaint:nl: with lht: Nt:w lnlt:rnational Version. 1998 =>14,1404. RRBLit2 (2000) 124-125 (Williams, Tyler F.). 1676 Latre, Guido The 1535 Coverdale bible and its Antwerp origins. The bible as book. 2000 =->308. 89-102. 1677 ELiuzza, R.M. The Old English version of the gospels, 2: notes and glossary. Early English Text Society: original series 314: Oxf 2000, OUP xxii; 369 pp. ±:45. 0-19-722313-3 [NThAR 2000,281]. 1678 Morey, James H. Book and verse: a guide to Middle English biblical literature. Urbana 2000, Univ. oflllinois Press xii; 428 pp. $35. 1679 Moser, Barry The Hol}_'. Bible: King James Version. 1999 =>15, 1592. Ill. RcrossCur 50 (2000) 136-144 [ill.] (Madsen, Catherine). 1680 Norton, David Imagining translation committees at work: the King James and the Revised versions. The bible as book. 2000 =>308. 157-168. 1681 Norton, David A history ofthe Engllsh Bible as llterature. A Hlstory ofthe Bible as Literature: C 2000, CUP xii; 484 pp. 0-521-77807-7. Bibi. 456-462. 1682 O'Sullivan, Orlaith The bible translations of George JOYE. Tue bible as book. 2000 =>308. 25-38. 1683 Pilch, John J. Choosing a bible translation. ColMn 2000, Liturgical 24 pp. $2 [BiTod 38,397-Senior, D.]. 1684 EPorter, Stanley E.; Hess, Richard Samuel Translating the bible: problems and prospects. JSNT.S 173: 1999 =>15,272. KNT 42 (2000) 299-301 (Ellingwnrth, Paul); CRQ 62 (?.000) 194-196 (Mr.nnnald, Patricia M). 1685 Poythress, Vern S.; Grudem, Wayne A. The gender-neutral bible controversy: muting the masculinity of God's words. Nv 2000, Broadman and H. xxix; 377 pp. $20.
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[III. Critica Textus, Versiones
1686 Sarna, Nahum M; Sarna, Jonathan D. Jewish bible scholarship and translations in the United States. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 ~205. 173-207. 1687 ETscherman, Nosson Tanach: the torah: the twenty-four books ofthe bible. The Stone Edition. Brooklyn, NY 2000, Mesorah 0-88906-. 1688 Schulman, Shoshana Jordan Diversity in modern Jewish bible translations. Diss. Jewish Theol. Sem. of America 2000. 170 pp. 9964810 .. 1689 Sheeley, Steven M.; Nash, Robert N. The Bible in English translation: an essential guide. 1997 ~13,1369; 14,1411. RBiTr 50 (1999) 344-346 (Omanson, Roger L ). 1690 Sheeley, Steven M Re(:)Englishing the Bible. RExp 97 (2000) 467484. 1691 Tstern, David II. Complctc Jcwish biblc. Clarksvillc, MD 1998, Jewish NT Publications 1682 pp. 965-359-015-4/8-9. RBiTr 51 (2000) 151-155 (Ellington, John). 1692 Thuesen, Peter J. In discordance with the scriptures: American Protestant battles over translating the bible. 1999 ~15,1606. RBiTr 51 (2000) 354-356 (Ellingworth, Paul). 1693 TWauck, Mark A. The New Testament: St. Paul catholic edition. Staten Island, NY 2000 , Alba 654 pp. $15. 0-8198-5139-6 [ThD 48,354-Hciscr, W. Charles]. 1694 Worth, Roland H. Church, monarch and bible in sixteenth century England: the political context of biblical translation. Jefferson, N.C., 2000, McFarland v; 202 pp. 0-7864-0746-8. Bibi. 185-194. 1695 Wright, David John KNOX's bible. The bible as book. 2000 ~308. 51-63. D6.3 Versiones germanicae~Deutsche Bibelübersetzungen 1696 Bouretz, Pierre L'ecriture entre la lettre et la loi. RMM (2000) 481515 Res.; Sum. 481. 1697 Eßöckler, Annette Die Tora. T Mendelssohn, Moses: B 2000, Jüdische Verlagsanstalt 528 pp. 3-934658-10-5. Mit den Prophetenlesungen Im Anhang; hrsg. im Aufrag des A. Geiger Kollegs und des M. Mendelssohn Zentrums. Potsdam; Vorwort Tovia Ben-Chorin. 1698 Branitzky, Leora Idolatry and representation: the philosophy of Franz ROSENTHAL reconsidered. Princeton 2000, Princeton Univ. Pr. 280 pp. $43.50/±:30. 0-691-04850-9. 1699 Britt, Brian Romantic roots of the debate on the Buher-Rosenzweig bible. Prooftexts 20 (2000) 262-289. 1700 TBuber, Martin; Rosenzweig, Fragz Die Bibel: das Buch im Anfang. Audio Books: Mü 2000, DerHORverlag €47.04. 38958-48212. 5 CD, Laufzeit ca. 295 Min. RThGI 90 (2000) 544-545 (Hattrup, Dieter). 1701 Heinrich, Bettina Frühmittelalterliche Bibeldichtung und die Bibel: ein Vergleich zwischen den altenglischen,althoclideutschen und altsächsischen Bibelparaphrasen und ihren Vorlagen in der Vulgata. EHS 1769: Fra 2000, Lang xii; 369 pp. €50.10. 3-631-36310-9. 1702 Himmighöfer, Traudel Die Zürcher Bibel bis zum Tode ZWINGLIS (1531). VIEG 154: 1995 ~1112,2705 ... 15,1611. RThLZ 125 (2000) 534-537 (Rogge, Joachim).
o6.3 German Bible translations
1703 EJoerg, Urs; Hoffmann, David Marc Die Bibel in der Schweiz: Urspnmg und Geschichte. 1997 =:>13,1378 ... 15,1612. RAt. 88 (2000) 293-296 (Chiesa, Bruno). 1704 EPivernetz, Karin Otfried von Weißenburg: das 'Evangelienbuch' in der Überlieferung der Freisinger Handschrift (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München, cgm. 14), 1: Edition, 2: Untersuchungen·. Göppinger Arbeiten zu Germanistik 671: Göppingen 2000, Kümmerte var. + 141pp.3-87452-917-7. Diss. München 1998 [NThAR2000,281]. 06.4 Versiones slavoniae et variae 1705 Rihlia: Konkiui 2000. Mangalure 2000, Codialbail 2223 pp. 1706 EEber, lrene, a/., Bible in modern China: the literary and intellectual impact. 1999 =:>15,1627. RCoTh 70 (2000) 223-226 (Wodecki, Bernard); ASSR 110 (2000) 114-115 (Aubin, Franr;oise); OLZ 95 (2000) 496-498 (Co//ani, Claudia von); CFr 70 (2000) 633-635 (Vadakkekara, Benedict). 1707 Frankowski, Janusz Biblia ks. Jakuba Wujka SJ [La bible de l'abbe Jakub Wujek SJ]. PrzPow 941 (2000) 90-97 Som. 7. P. 1708 Henau, Ernest De nieuwe bijbelvertaling als voorleestekst. PrakTh 27 (2000) 24-34. 1709 Himbaza, Innocent Transmettre In bible: critiquc cxcgctiquc de la traduction de l'Ancien Testament: le cas du Rwanda. 1998 =:>14, 1453 Diss. RcTrB 33 (2000) 21-23 (Küng, Helene). 1710 The Holy Bible: the book oflsaiah. Tokyo 2000, Studium Biblicum Fnmdsc.anum ii; vi; 508; 3* pp. ~5.500. 48056-04530 [RB 108,475]. 1711 Meili, Jose/Die Bibel in China. NZM 56 (2000) 44-48. 1712 Mnjnla, Aloo Osotsi Thc Swnhili biblc in East Africa from 1844 to 1996: a briefsurvey with special reference to Tanzania; 1713 100 years ofthe Lugnndn biblc (1896-1996): a gcncral survey. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =:>342. 511-523/524-537. 1714 Mukherjee, Alisun Bengali bible translation. ArOr 68 (2000) 407-18. 1715 Neudecker, Hannah Ordinal numbers in Bobowski's Turkish bible translation (1662-1664). FolOr 36 (2000) 219-225. 1716 Noss, Philip Traduire 'la neige' en gbaya. CTrB 34 (2000) 10-q. 1717 Scharlipp, Wolfgang E. Einige Termini der neuuigurischen Ubersetzung des Neuen Testaments mit einem vergleichenden Blick auf die osmanisch-türkische Version. FolOr 36 (2000) 281-292. 1718 Sieberhagen, Charl Francois The publication, by the Bible Society of South Africa, of the bible in the indigenous languages of South Africa: a missiological study. 2000. Diss. Pretoria. 1719 Werk in uitvoring, 2: deeluitgavn van de [Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling], Genesis, 31 psalmen, Zacharia, Tobit, Marcus, 1 Kointhiers, Openbaring, 2000. Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap. €13.61. 0-6126-857-5. 1720 Yau-yuk, Choni: A study of the phenomenon of authoritativeness in the Chinese tran~lations ofthe Protestant bible. lBS.MS: '.2UUU. International Bible Society. 1721 Zowczak, Magdalena Biblia Ludowa: interpretncje wntk6w biblijnych w kulturze ludowej. Monografie fundacji na rzecz Nauki polskiej: Wroclaw 2000, Wroclawska Drukamia Naukowa PAN 527 pp. 83-88631-00-4. Bibi. 487-511. P.
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[III. Critica Textus, Versiones
D7 Problema vertentis-Bible translation techniques
1722 Bauer, Uwe F. W. Das sogenannte "idiolekte" Prinzip der Bibelübersetzung-wesentliche Charakteristika und einige praktische Beispiele. FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 ::::>106. 19-34. 1723 Eissoli, Cesare Translating the gospel for a Roman Catholic reader· ship. The impact ofthe word. 2000 ::::>277. 83-9L 1724 Branitzky, Leora The problem of translation: risking the present for the sake of the past. Idolatry and representation. Ment. Rosenzweig, F.; Buher, M: 2000 =:>1697. 105-141. . 1725 Caraza, Ioan Translating the gospel for an Orthdox readership. The impact ofthe word. 2000 =:>277. 67-74. 1726 Clark, David J. Vocative dispJacement in Acts and Keve1ation. Bi'l'r 50/1(1999)101-110. 1727 Ellington, John Afterthought or emphasis?: subject supplements as a translation problem. BiTr 50/1(1999)110-135. 1728 Ellingworth, Paul The United Bible Societies helps for translators and readers. The impact ofthe word. 2000 =:>277. 50-56. 1729 Fougeras, Didier Integrer le lecteur dans l'ecriture: une tentative de la Nouvelle Bible Segond. CTrB 34 (2000) 14-20. Resume par Christian Bonne!. 1730 Guillaume, Ph. Caution: rhetorical questions!. BN 103 (2000) 11-16 fJub 2, 10; Juuah 4, 111. 1731 Heikens, Henk Woora verwoorden, auteur of lezer, gisteren of morgen?. ITBT 8/8 (2000) 18-20. 1732 Kalugila, Leonidas Central issues of Old Testament translation in Africn. Interpreting thc OT in Africn. 2000 =>467. 205-215. 1733 Koops, Rob Translating 'cotton' and 'linen' in the bible. BiTr 50 (1999) 438-441. 1734 Marco, Josep Register analysis in literary translation: a functional appruach. Babt:l 46 (2000) 1-19. 1735 Mundhenk, Norm A. User-friendly translation. BiTr 51 (2000) 401409. 1736 Naude, J.A. Translation studies and bible translation. Acta Theologica 20/1 (2000) 1-27. 1737 Noss, Philip A translator's reflection on the vine. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 241-243. 1738 Nowell, /rene Translations: what are they?: why do we make them?. BiTod 38 (2000) 50-52. 1739 Raahe, Paul R. Translating for smmd. RiTr 51 (2000) 201-207. 1740 Renju, Peter M United Bible Societies' strategies for Old Testament translation in Africa. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 =:>467. 195203. 1741 ERobinson, Douglas Western translation theory from HERODOTUS to NIETZSCHE. 1997 ::::>15,1649. RIJCT 7 (2000) 99-100 (Lloyd-Jones, K.). 1742 Schleiermacher, Friedrich Sobre los diferentes metodos de traducir. TGarcia Yebra, Valentin M 2000, Grcdos 143 pp. 84-249-2272-7. 1743 Sofer, Morry The translator's handbook. Rockville, MD 3 1999, Schreiber 407 pp. $25. 1-887-563-482. 1744 Stine, Philip C. Translating the gospel. The impact ofthe word. 2000 =:>277. 57-65. 1745 Tunbridge, Dorothy J. Languages in contact: issues for sign language (video) bible translation. BiTr 51 (2000) 220-224.
n7 Rible translation techniques
1746 Van der Kooij, A. Vertalen is een kunst. ITBT 8/1 (2000) 22-23. 1747 Vries, Lourens de Bible translation and primary orality. BiTr 51 (2000) 101-114. 1748 Waldinger, Albert The primal scream of Glückl and the Frauenbibel. Babel 46 (2000) 154-175. 1749 Watters, James K. Contrastive discourse pragmatics and translation: with implications for training. BiTr 51 (2000) 124-134. 1750 Wem-li, Ke How can semantics work to help translation?. Babel 46 (2000) 158-174. 1751 Will, Timuthy Lloyd 'Oracle ofYahweh': translating a highly marked expression. BiTr 50 (1999) 301-304. 1752 Yorke, Gosnel/ Bible translation in Africa: an Afrocentric perspective. BiTr 51 (2000) 114-123. D8 Concordantiae, lexica specialia-Speclalized dictionaries, synopses 1753 Brisman, Shimeon History and guide to Judaic dictionaries and concordances. Jewish research literature 3,1: Hoboken, NJ 2000, KTAV xxiii; 337 pp. 0-88125-658-7. Bibl. xiii-xxiii. 1754 Browning, W.R.F. Oxford dictionary ofthe Bible. 1996 =>12,338. RRBLit 1 (1999) 81-82 (Kannaday, Wayne). 1755 Cervaules Gabarron, Juse Siuopsis bilingüe de los tres primeros Evangelios con los paralelos del evangelio de Juan. 1999 :::>15,1656. REE 75 (2000) 567-568 (Mufioz Leon, Domingo); Sal. 62 (2000) 584-585 (Vicent, R.). 1756 Ecocncn, Lothar; Haackcr, Klaus Theologisches Begriffslexikon zum Neuen Testament, 2: 1-Z. Wu 2000, Brockhaus. €89. 3-41724842 6. NtiubtiarlJtiittilti Ausgabe. 1757 Hatch, Edwin; Redpath, Henry Adeney A concordance to the Septuagiut: aml the other Greek versions of the Old Testament. 2 1998 :::>14,1522. RBIOSCS 33 (2000) 31-35 (Cook, Johann). Hoffmann, Paul; Hieke, Thomas; Bauer, Ulrich Synoptic concordance: a Greek concordance to the first three gospels in synoptic arrangement. ..including occurrences in Acts, 1: introduction; A-D. 1999 :::>15,1658. RJThS 51 (2000) 641-645 (Tuckett, C.M): NT 42 (2000) 394-396: (Elliott, J.K.) ZKTh 122 (2000) 410-412 (Huber, Konrad). 1759 Hörner, Petra Zweisträngige Tradition der Evangelienharmonie: Harmonisierung durch den "Tatian" und Entharmonisierung durch Georg Kreckwitz u.a. Germanistische Texte und Studien 67: Hildesheim 2000, Olms 381 pp. 3-487-11237-X. Bibi. 358-375. 1760 Militarev, Alexander; Kogan, Leonid, al., Semitic etymological dictionary, vol. 1: anatomy of man and animals. AOAT 278/1: Müns 2000, Ugarit-Verlag cliv; 425 pp. 3-927120-. RUF 32 (2000) 760-762 (Trapper, J). 1761 Wh1taker, Richard E.; Kohlenberger, John R. The analytical concordance to the New Revi$ed Standard Version of thc New Testament. GR 2000, Eerdmans vii; 789 pp. $60. 0-8028-3883-9 [ThD 47, 194-W. Charles Heiser].
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
[IV. Exegesis generalis VT vel cum NT
IV. Exegesis generalis VT vel cum NT D9 Commentaries on the whole Bible or OT 1762 EFarmer, William R. The international bible commentary. 1998 => 14,1535; 15,1665. RBTB 30 (2000) 36-37 (Lillie, BettyJane). 1763 EKeck, Leander E. NlntB 2: Numbers, Deuteronomy, introduction to nruTative literature, Joshua, Judges Ruth, 1&2 Samuel. 1998 :::>14, 1538; 15,1668. RRBLit 2 (2000) 169-172 (Lee, Won); 1764 NlntB 11: 2 Cor, Gai, Eph, Philip, Col, Thess, Tim, Titus, Phlm. Nv 2000, Abingdon xviii; 916 pp. $60. 0 687~278211-11. 1765 EMays, James Luther The HarperCollins bible commentary. NY 2000, HarperSanFrancisco xxvi; 1203 pp. 0-06-065548-8. Rev. ed.. 1766 Miedzynarodowy komentarz do Pisma Swietego: komentarz katolicki i ekumeniczny na XXI wiek. EFarmer, William Reuben; Chrostowski, Waldemar: Wsz 2000, Verbinum xxxv; 1877 pp. 83-7192105-5. Bibi. 1775-1835. P. 1767 Newsom, Carol A. La bibbia delle donne: un commento, 2: da Ester ai Deuterocanonici. 1998 =>14,1539; 15,1672. RRSEc 18 (2000) 117-118 (Carreri, Anna). 1768 EVusluu, Wil; Van Rensbu1·g, Fika J. Die Bybellennium eenvolumekommentaar: die Bybel uitgele vir eietydse toepassing. 1999 =>15,1675. REThL 76 (2000) 237-240 (Beuken. W.A.M); SeK 21 (2000) 448-449 (Eynikel, E. ). 1769 Walton, John H.; Mntthcws, Victor H.; Chnvnlns, Mark W. The IVP bible background commentary: Old Testament. DG 2000, InterVarsity 832 pp. $30. 0-8308-1419-1. 1770 nzinkuratire, Victor; Colacrai, Angelo The African bible. 1999 => 15,1588. RAffiR42/1-2 (2000) 100-101 (Zinkuralire, Vi15,1676. RMillSt46 (2000) 141-144 (Rogers, Patrick). 1774 Jamgotchian, I'h.IIS Samaritans in Cairo: an cxtinct commmunity[!] underestimated. Samaritan researches, 5 2000 =>600. 1.48-1.50.
1775 Mondschein, Aaron c101::i]' mnK ;-io'lll'-n7lll'r nwi::i7 lrJN1 lllW!J [C1J?li':l [Abraham Ibn EZRA's commentary on Parashat Vayishla}Janother recension (preliminary edition)]. BetM 162 (2000) 200-223 Sum. 288.
El.l Pentateuch: text, commentaries
1776 EMortari, Luciana Il pentateuco. La Bibbia dei LXX 1: 1999 => 15, 1682. RED 53/1 (2000) 203-206 (Rizzi, Giovanni); Henoch 22 (2000) . 367-369 (Sacchi, Paolo). 1777 ENodet, Etienne La bible de Josephe, 1: le pentateuque. Josephe et son temps 1/1: 1996 =>12,1250; 14,1550. REstB 58 (2000) 123-124 (Precedo, MJ). 1778 Rizzi, Giovanni Il pentateuco nella versione dei Settanta: un nuovo strumento ermeneutico e didattico. ED 53/1 (2000) 203-206. 1779 (a) ERogerson, John William The pentateuch. BiSe 39: 1996 =>12, 1253. Rlgreja e Missao 53 (2000) 240 (Couto, A.). (b) Sarna, Nahum M Writing a commentary on the torah. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 253-267. 1780 Schorch, Stefan The significance of the Samaritan oral tradition for the textual history ofthe pentateuch; 1781 Tal, Abraham Observations on the orthography ofthe Samaritan pentateuch. Samaritan researches, 5. 2000 =>600. 1.04-1.17./1.26-1.35. 1782 Van Seters, John The pentateuch: a social-science commentary. 1999 =>15,1689. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 625-626. 1783 Voitila, Anssi Some text-critical remarks on the Greek text of the Pentateuch. Textus 20 (2000) 31-38. El.2 Pentateuchus Introductio: Fontes JEDP 1784 Artus, Olivier Les enjeux de la datation du pentateuque. MoBi 124 (2000) 48-49 [BuBB 31,5]. 1785 Auld, A. Graeme Samuel and Genesis: some questions of John van Seter's 'Yahwist'. FVAN SETERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000 =>117. 23-32. 1786 Bauks, Michaela La signification de l'espace et du temps dans 'l'hlstorlographie sacerdotale'. The future of the Deuteronomislic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 29-45. 1787 Cazelles, H La torah ou pentateuque. La loi et les prophetes. 2000 =>752. 25-174. 1788 De Caro/is, Francesco La difesa del pentateuco in Bonaventura LUCHI OFMConv. MF 100/1-2 (2000) 137-167. 1789 Frevel, Christian Mit Blick auf das Land die Schöpfung erinnern: zum Ende der Priestergrundschrift. Herders Biblische Studien 23: FrB 2000, Herder xii; 422 pp. 3-451-27251-2. Bibi. RThQ 180 (2000) 318-319 (Groß, Walter). 1790 Gnuse, Robert K. Redefining the Elohist. JBL 119 (2000) 201-220. 1791 Gooder, Paula The pentateuch: a story of beginnings. NY 2000, Continuum 144 pp. $16 [BiTod 39,314-Bergant, Dianne]. 1792 Grau~ner, Axel Der Elohist. Diss.-Habil. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Schmidt, W.H LThRv 98/4, xvi]. 1793 H"nd"/, Ronald S. "Begetting" and "being bom" in the pentateuch: notes on historical linguistics and source criticism. VT 50 (2000) 3846. ! 1794 Houtman, 176. 70-133; 1798 The Pentateuch and the Deuteronomistic History. Text in context. 2000 =>296. 289-322. 1799 Knauf, Ernst Axel Die Priestschrift und die Geschichten der Deuteronomisten. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 101-118. 1800 Kratz, Reinhard Gregor Die Komposition der erzählenden Bücher des Alten Testaments: Grundwissen der Bibelkritik. UTB 2157; UTB.W: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 336 pp. 3-525-03231-5. 1801 Kugel, James L. The Bible as it was. 1997 =>13,1477„. 15,1702. RJNES 59 (2000) 135-137 (Col/ins, John J.); JSPE 22 (2000) 123126 (Van Ruiten, J.T.A.G.M). 1802 Lernehe, Niels Peter Prelude to Israel's past: background and beginnings oflsraelite history and identity. TManisca/co, E.F. 1998, =>14, 1578. RRBLit2 (2000) 149-152 (No//, K.L.). 1803 Mullen, Everett Theodore, Jr. Ethnic myths and pentateuchal foundations: a new approach to the formation ofthe pentateuch. 1997 => 13,1482.„ 15,1707. RJSSt 45 (2000) 158-159 (Whybray, R.N.): CBQ 62 (2000) 129-130 (Hillmer, Mark). 1804 Nicholson, .Ernest W. The pentateuch in the twentieth century: the legacy of Julius WELLHAUSEN. 1998 =>14,1584; 15,1708. RRBLit 2 (2000) 184-189 (Sommer, Benjamin D.). 1805 Nobile, Marco Esegesi e metodologia: punti caldi di un dibattito attomo al pentateuco e alla storia deuteronomistica (DTR). FFESlORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =>38. 37-49. 1806 Rure, Alexander La composizinne de! pentaleuco: un'intmduzione. CSB 35: 1999 =>15,1711. RLat. 66 (2000) 558-559 (Cardelli, lnnocenzo); Rd'l' 11 l ('.lOOO) 923-92'1 (Ska, Jean Louis). 1807 Ska, Jean-Louis Introduzione alla lettura del pentateuco: chiavi per l'interpretazione dei primi cinque libri della bibbia. Biblica: Bo ?.000, EDB 315 pp. 88-10-22101-X. Bibl.; 1808 Introduction a la lecture du pentateuque. Le livre et le rouleau 5: Bru 2000, Lessius 391 pp. €29.62 [NRTh 123,99s-Luciani, D.]. 1809 Wenham, Gordon J. Pondering the pentateuch: the search for a new paradigm. Thc facc ofOT studies. 2000 =>230. 116-144. 1810 Wynn-Williams, Damian J. The state of the Pentateuch: a comparison of the approaches of M. Noth and E. Blum. BZA W 249: 1997 =>13,1491...15,1721. RVT 50 (2000) 141-142 (Emerton, J.A.). El.3 Pentateuchus, themata
1811 Bark, Franziska The God who will be nnd the generntions of men: time and the torah. Jdm 49 (2000) 259-268. 1812 Cuffaro, Vincenzo II pentateuco: quale antropologia?. FRocco, B. 2000 =>101. 55-72. 1813 Fitzpatrick-McKinley, Anne The transformation of Torah from scribal advice to law. JSOT.S 287: 1999 =>15,1728. RJThS 51 (2000) 600-602 (Phillips, Anthony); CBQ 62 (2000) 723-724 (Patrick, Dale).
El.3 Pentateuch: topics
1814 Hillman, Jordan Jay The torah and its God: a humanist inquiry. Amherst, NY 2000, Prometheus 581pp.1-57392-820-8. 1815 Laffey, Alice Thc Rcntateuch: a liberation-critical reading. 1998 ;.;;:> 14,1599; 15,1730. CBQ 62 (2000) 127-128 (Gorman, Frank H); RBLit 2 (2000) 182-184 (Watts, James W). 1816 Levine, Etan Addendum: a sage's reflection on Torah study. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 =>179. 205-218. 1817 Nicholas, Dean Andrew Deception as a motif in the pentateuch. Diss. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Ohio) 2000, 183 pp. 9964812. 1818 Schmidt, Ludwig Gesammelte Aufsätze zum Pentateuch. BZA W 263: 1998 =>14,195. RCBQ 62 (2000) 184-186 (Ska, Jean Louis). 1819 Sperling, S. David The original Torah: the political intent of the Bible's writers. 1998 =>14,1603; 15,1740. RRBLit 2 (2000) 189-192 (Levenson, Jon D. ).
1820 Watts, James W. Reading Iaw: the rhetorical shaping of the pentateuch. BiSe 59: 1999 =>l),l'/4:.;. Rlllixp 9'/ (1000) 107-108 (Biddle, Mark E. ); RBLit 2 (2000) 192-194 (Grundke, Christopher L.K. ). E 1.4 Genesis; textus, commentarii
1821 Arnold, Bill T. Encountering the book ofGenesis. 1998 =>14,1606; 15,1745. RRExp 97 (2000) 384-38:'> (Drinkard, Joel F.). 1822 Asendorf, Ulrich Lectura in biblia: LUTHERS Genesisvorlesungen (1535-1545). FSöTh 87: 1998 =>14,1601. RscJ 31 (2000) 299-302 (Hagen, Kenneth); Luther Digest 8 (2000) 2-18 (Asendorf, Ulrich); ThLZ 125 (2000) 530-532 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 91-94] (Peters, Christian).
1823 Barr, James Rcmcmbrnnccs of 'historical criticism': SPEISER's Genesis commentary and its history ofreception. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 59-72. 1824 EBrenner, Athalya A feminist companion to Genesis. 1993 =>9, 1769„. 12,1313. RVJTR 64 (2000) 233-236 (Raj, MI.); 1825 Genesis. The feminist companion to the Bible 2/2: 1998 =>14,1610. RCBQ 62 (2000) 170-171 (Mandel/, Sara). 1826 Cappelletto, Gianni Genesi (Capitoli 1-11). Dabar-Logos-Parola, AT: Padova 2000, Messaggero 213 pp. 88-250-0921-1. Bibi. 1827 Croatto, J. Severino Exilio y sobrevivencia: traiciones contraculturales en el pentateuco (comentario de Genesis 4:1-12:9). 1997 =>13, 1504. RRstR :'iR (?.000) 417-419 (Garcia Santos, A.). 1828 Hartley, John E. Genesis. NIBCOT: Peabody 2000, Hendrickson xvii; 393 pp. $12. 1-56563-211-7. 1829 Hendel, Ronald S. The text of Genesis 1-11: textual studies and critical edition. 1998 =>14,1618; 15,1759. RJThS 51 (2000) 188-190 (Moberly, R. WL. ).
1830 Hiebert, Robert J. V. Translation technique in the Septuagint of Genesis and its implications for the NETS Version. BIOSCS 33 (2000) 76-93. 1831 Jacob, Benno tl945 Das Buch Genesis: das erste Buch der Tora, übersetzt und erklärt. Stu 2000 , Calwer 1055 pp. €125 [BiLi 75207s-Dohmen, Christoph].
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
[V. Libri historici VT
1832 Koudougueret, David Poetique et traduction biblique: les recits de la Genese dans le systeme litteraire Sango. CNWS Publications 92: Lei 2000, Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies (12) 236 pp. 90-5789-046-1. Bibl. 225-236. 1833 EMacGinty, Gerard The reference bible-das Bibelwerk: pauca problesmata de enigmatibus ex tomis canonicis: nunc prompta sunt Praefatio et Libri de Pentateucho Moysi. CChr.CM 173; Scriptores Celtigenae Pars 3: Turnhout 2000, Brepols xli; 345 pp. 2-503-047319. Bibl. RRßen 110 (2000) 385-386 (Bogaert, P.-M). 1834 O'Loughlin, Thomas Teachers and code-breakers: the Latin Genesis tradition, 430-800. Studia Patristica 35: llJIJIJ =>15,1766. RAugSt 31 (2000) 281-286 (Teske, RolandJ.). 1835 Ostinelli, Caterina Alle origini del popolo d'Israele (Gen 12-50): i patriarchi padrl e modelll nella fede. ClnB 2000, S. Paolo 79 pp. 1836 Plaut, W. Gunther Die Tora in jüdischer Auslegung, 1: Bereschit, Genesis. TBöckler, Annette 1999 =>15,1769. RJud. 56 (2000) 41-43 (Ego, Beate); KuI 15 (2000) 88-89 (Kirchberg, Julie). 1837 Rottzoll, Dirk U. Rabbinischer Kommentar zum Buch Genesis: Darstellung der Rezeption des Buches Genesis in Mischna und Talmud unter Angabe targumischer und midraschischer Paralleltexte. 1994 => 10,1629„. 13,1524. RJJS 51(2000)145-148 (/Jamely, Alexander). 1838 Trimpe, Birgit Von der Schöpfung bis zur Zerstreuung: intertextuelle Interpretationen der biblischen Urgeschichte (Gen 1-11). Osnabrücker Studien zur Jüdischen und Cliristlichen Bibel 1: Osnabrück 2000, Rasch 238 pp. €24.54. 3-934005-56-X. Diss. Osnabrück 2000, 0 Dohmcn, C.; Bibl. 1839 Turner, Laurence A. Genesis. Readings: Shf 2000, Sheffield Academic 229 pp f:35/14; $57.50/23.75. 1-84127-033-4. Bibl. El.5 Genesis, topics 1840 Barsotti, Divo 11 Dio di Abramo: l'esperienza di Dio nella Genesi. Piemme religione: CasM 2000, Piemme 375 pp. 88-384-4962-7. 1841 Brett, Mark G. Reading the bible in the context of methodological pluralism: the undermining of ethnic exclusivism in Genesis. Rethinking contexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 48-74 [Gen 17]; 1842 Genesis: procreation and the politics ofidentity. NY 2000, Routledge 174 pp. $30. 0-415-14150-8. 1843 Bultmann, Christoph Die biblische Urgeschichte in der Aufklärung: HERDERs Interpretation der Genesis als Antwort auf die Religionskritik HUMEs. BHTh 110: 1999 =>15,1780. RzKG 111(2000)131-132 (Reventlow, Henning Graf); BZ 44 (2000) 285-287 (Baumgart, Norbert Clemens); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1180-1182 (Beutel, Albrecht). 1844 Caiiellas, Gabriel La mujer: la epoca patriarcal. BiFe 26 (2000) 356379. 1845 Caquot, Andre Supplements Qoumrilniens ä 1a Genese. RHPhR 80 (2000) 339-3~8. 1846 Carr, lJavid Untumuble tcxt of un untumublc üod: Genesis und rethinking the character of scripture. Interp. 54 (2000) 347-362. 1847 Carr, David M. Reading the fractures of Genesis: historical and literary approaches 1996 =>12,1345 ... 15,1781. RJNES 59 (2000) 232-233 (Pardee, Dennis).
El.5 Genesis: topics
1848 EHabel, Norman C.; Wurst, Shirley The earth story in Genesis. The Earth bible 2: Shf2000, Sheffield A. 236 pp. 0-8298-1407-8. Bibi. 1849 EKvam, Kristen E.; Schearing, Linda S.; Zlegler, Valarie H. Eve & Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim readings on Genesis and gender. 1999 =>15,1785. RHorizons 27 (2000) 185-186 (Laffey, Alice L.); NewTR 13/3 (2000) 75-77 (Boadt, Lawrence) [Gen 1-5]. 1850 Laurien, Hanna-Renate Laßt uns Menschen machen als unser Abbild. AnzSS 109 (2000) 398-400. 1851 Loader, James Alfred Rhythm in the primeval narrative. OTEs 13 (2000) 204-217. 1852 Lurie, Yuval Cultural beings: reading the philo~ophers of Genesis. Value inquiry book 89: Amst 2000, Rodopi vii; 217 pp. 90-4200469-X Bibi. 1853 McEntire, Mark Surviving Genesis: dangerous worlds both narrative and real. Sacred text. 2000 =>470. 215-226 [Gen 34]. 1854 Millard, Matthias Genesis als Eröffuung der Tora: Annäherungen an das erste Buch Mose. Diss.-Habil. Bethel 2000, °Crüsemann, F. [RTL 32,596]. 1855 Mil/er, James E. Sexual offences in Genesis. JSOT 90 (2000) 41-53 [Gen 19,30-38; 20; 38; Lev 18; 20]. 1856 Pelikan, Jaroslav What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?: Timaeus and Genesis in counterpoint. The Jerome Lectures 21: 1997 =>13, 1555; 15,1787. RStPhilo 12 (2000) 218-222 (Runia, David). 1857 Salas, Antonio Los origenes: del Eden a Babel. Biblia y vida 2: M 2000, San Pablo 151pp.84-285-1489-5. 1858 Sarna, Nahum M The anticipatory use of information as a literary feature of the Genesis narratives. Studies in biblical interpretation: 2000 =>205. 211-220. 1859 Schmitt, Armin Interp~etation der Genesis aus hellenisti~ch~m Geist. Der Gegenwatt verpfltd1teL RZA W 292: 2000 --!>207. 7o-1U:L 1860 Vogels, Walter Nos origines: Genese 1-11. Montreal 2000, Bellannin 228 pp. 1861 EWeber, Dorothea AUGUSTINUS: de Genesi contra Manich11fä1s. CSEL 91: 1998 =>14,1639. RAugSt 31(2000)277-9 (Teske, RJ.). 1862 Witte, Markus Die biblische Urgeschichte: Redaktions- und theologiegeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Genesis 1, 1-11,26. BZAW 265: 1998 =>14,1640; 15,1796. RzKTh 122 (2000) 90-91 (Oberforcher, Robert); OTEs 13 (2000) 254-255 (Terblanche, MD.). El.6 Creatio, Genesis Js 1863 Auffret, Pierre L'ouvrage qu'il avait fait: etude structurelle de Gn 1 a 2,4a. SJOT 14 (2000) 28-55. 1864 Barker, William S. Th~ Westminster assembly on the days of creation: a reply to David W. Hall. WThJ 62 (2000) 113-120. 1865 Bef!iamins, HS. Keeping murriugc out of paradise: the creation of man and woman in patristic literature. The creation of man and woman. Tl1t:mu~s in biblical narrative 3: 2000 =>'.295. 93-106. 1866 Bolognesi, Pietro II riposo de! tempo: il sabato. SdT 14 (2000) 152160. 1867 Bremmer, Jan N Pandora or the creation of a Greek Eve. The creation ofman and woman. 2000 =>295. 19-33.
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[V. Libri historici VT
1868 B:isson1ß. Carson The gates of dawn: reflections on Genesis 1: 1-1 O; 2.l-4a. TOWNER, W. 2000 :::::>115. 53-58. 1869 Dexinger, Ferdinand "Wir alle sind das Werk deiner Hände" (Jes 64,7): die Schöpfung als Tat Gottes in der biblischen Religion. ThPQ 148 (2000) 226-239. 1870 Engelen, Jan De eerste woorden II: Gen. 1:1-3. ITBT 8/7 (2000) 2021. 1871 Euve, Fran\!ois Penser la creation comme jeu. CFi: P 2000, Cerf v; 408 pp. €28,97. 1872 Gallego, Epifanio La mujer: los relatos de la creaci6n. BiFe 26 (2000) 329-355. 1873 Garcia-Ja/6n de /a Lama, Santiago Reiteraciones: ritmo y diseminaci6n en Genesis 1, l-2,4a. ScrTh 3?. (?.000) 719-755. 1874 Gibert, Pierre Les recits de la creation-problematique generale et application pour l'enseignement de l'histoire. Approches. 2000 :::::> 358. 59-66 [BuBB 35,69 j. 1875 Gichaara, Jonathan What's in a name?: African versus Old Testament nomenclature. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 :::::>467. 119123 [Gen 2,18-23]. 1876 Goldberg, Sylvie Anne La Clepsydre: essai sur la pluralite des temps dans le judarsme P ?.000, Michel 384 pp. €22.87 RMoBi 129 (2000) 62 (Pouthier, Jean-T.ur.). 1877 Gräßer, Erich Ge:führten der Einsamkeit: die Tiere sind Mitgeschöpfe des Menschen. EK 33/4 (2000) 10-12. 1878 Groß, Walter Gen 1,26.27; 9,6: Statue oder Ebenbild Gottes?: Aufgabe w1d Würde des Menschen nach dem hebräischen und dem griechischen Wortlaut. JBTh 15 (2000) 11-38. 1879 rnHabel, Norman The rambow spirit in creation: a reading of Genesis 1. ColMn 2000, Liturgical 26 pp. $15. Ill. by Jasmine Corowa LBiTod 39,119-Bergant, Dianne]. 1880 Hanak, Werner Die Zeit wird Zukunft: Judentum zwischen Erinnerung und Utopie. Alpha & Omega. Epetschar, Hans: W 2000, Springer. 213-217 [BuRR 3'i, 1l'i]. 1881 Hasel, Gerhard F.; Hasel, Michael G. The Hebrew term 'ed in Gen 2,6 and its conncction in nncient Near Eastem literature. ZAW 112 (2000) 321-340. 1882 Hendel, Ronald S. Teaching creation in Kansas. BiRe 16/1 {2000) 12. 1883 Jennah, Daniel L'homme cree i\ l'image Dei: essai d'une theologie de la ressemblance. Diss. Strasbourg 2000, 0 Heintz, J.-G., 307 pp [RTL 32,595]. 1884 Jongsma-Tie/eman, P.E. The creation of Eve and the ambivalence betweenthe sexes. The creation ofman and woman. Themes in biblical narrative 3: 2000 :::::>295. 172-186. 1885 Klement, Herbert H Menschlich-Sein: biblisch-theologische Gedanken zur Gottesebenbildlichkeit. EurJT 9 (2000) 107-116 [Gen 1,2627]. 1886 Koch, Klaus Imago Dei: die Würde des Menschen im biblischen Text. Berichte„. Jungius-Gcscllschaft Hamburg Jahrgang 18 2000 4: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R 68 pp. 3-525-86306-3 [Gen 1,26-27]. 1887 Le Boulluec, Alain L'exegese de Genese 2,24 dans le christianisme antique (tradition grecque principalement). Le commentaire. 2000 :::::> 542. 233-240 [BuBB 31, 11 ].
El .6 Genesis, the Creation narrative
1888 Levy, Shimon The performance of creation, creation in performance. The creation ofman and woman. 2000 =>295. 187-205. 1889 Löning, Karl; Zenger;.Erich To begin with, God created ... : biblical theologies of creation. Kaste, Omar: ColMn 2000, Liturgical x; 200 pp. $40. RPIBA 23 (2000) 96-97 (Mangan, Celine). 1890 Mangan, Celine The bible: salvation or creation history?. PrPe 14 (2000) 55-59. . . 1891 Martinez Fresneda, Francisco Cristologia y creaci6n. Anton. 75 (2000) 653-680. 1892 McBride, S. Dean Divine protocol: Genesis 1: 1-2:3 as prologue to the pentateuch. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 3-41. 1893 Mil/er, Patrick D. Creation and covenant. Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 =>191. 470-491. 1894 Murray, Robert The image of God: delegated and responsible authority. PrPe 14 (2000) 49-54 [Gen 1,26-28]. 1895 Neusner, Jacob Judaism's story of creation: scripture, halakhah, aggadah. Brill Reference Library of Ancient Judaism 3: Lei 2000, Brill xix; 296 pp. 90-04-11899-3. Bibl. xvi-xix. 1896 Ouro, Roberta The earth of Genesis 1:2: abiotic or chaoti1.:? III. AUSS 38 (2000) 59-67 .1897 Pagels, Elaine H Exegesis of Genesis 1 in the gospels of Thomas andJohn. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 196-215. 1898 Parmentier, Elisabeth Genese 2,24: autre chose a vivre. Lire et Dire 45 (2000) 3-12 [BuBB 31,11]. 1899 Poirier, Jean-Michel; Drouot, Sophie; Lacome, Marie-Anne Gn 1,12,4a: proposition d'u!le traduction. BLE 101 (2000) 367-382. 1900 Rudman, D. Reflect1ons on a half-created world: the sea, night and death in the bible. DBM 19/2 (2000) 33-42. 1901 Rüterswörden, Udo Dominium terrae: Studien zur Genese einer alttcstnmcntlichcn Vorstellung. DZAW 215: 1993 ~·9,1863 ... 13,1604. RThRv 96 (2000) 378-382 (Neumann-Gorsolke, Ute) [Gen 1,28]. 1902 Sailhammer, John Creation, Genesis 1-11, and the canon. BBR 10 (2000) 89-106. 1903 Schenker, Adrian Die Segnung des siebten Schöpfungstages: zum besonderen Segen in Gen 2,3. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 =>206. 41-51. 1904 Tomren, Tom S. 0kologisk teologi i det 3. tusenäret: et färsok pä ä vise hvordan teologi basert pä en hebraisk. Ung teologi 3311 (2000) 55-70. 1905 Trub/et, Jacques La ereation selon l'Ancien Testament. Christus 47 (2000) 61-70. 1906 Van Bekkum, Wout Jac. Eve and the matriarchs: aspects of woman typology in Genesis. The creation of man and woman. Themes in biblical narrative 3: 2000 =>295. 128-139. 1907 VanderKam, James C. Genesis l in Jubilees 2. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 500-521. 1908 Van Wolde, Ellen J. Racconti dell'inizio: Genesi 1-11 e altri rac:c:ontl di creazione. BiBi(B) 24: 1999 -;.15,1838. RRdT 41 (2000) 135136 (Fanuli, Antonio); RivBib 48 (2000) 362-364 (Heller. Karin); 1909 Stories of the befinning: Genesis 1-11 and other creation stories. 1997 =>13,1615. CTJ 35 (2000) 164-167 (Leder, Arie C.). 1910 Van Wo/de, Ellen Perfiles de la creaci6n como gracia. Conc(E) 287 (2000) 509-519; Conc(I) 2000,585-597; Conc(P) 287,507-517; Conc(D) 2000,385-394; Conc(F) 287,13-24.
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[V. Libri historici VT
1911 Vischer, Lukas Un tempo della creazione. RSEc 18/1 (2000) 11-22. 1912 Wasike, Anne Nasimiyu Genesis 1-2 and some elements of diversion from the original meaning of the creation of man and woman. Interpretin_g the OT in Africa. 2000 =>467. 175-180. 1913 Weinfeld, Moshe mJ::i itll (Gen. 2:18, 20). Les. 63 (2000-2001) 167168. Sum. X. H. 1914 Wilfong, Marsha M Human creation in ·canonical context: Genesis 1:26-31 and beyond. FTOWNER, w. 2000 =>115. 42-52. El.7 Genesis ls: Bible and myth [=>M3.8] 1915 Alonso Schäkel, Luis Mythical and symbolic language in the Old Testament. Literary language. 2000 =>126. 41-63. 1916 Atwell, James E. An Egyptian source for Genesis 1. JThS 51 (2000) 441-477 [Memphis: Heliopolis; Hermopolis Magna]. 1917 Bickel, Susanne La cosmogonie egyptienn11 avant le Nouvel Empire. OBO 134: 1994 =>10,1718; 12,1430. RCEg 75 (2000) 91-98 (Favard-Meeks, Christine). 1918 Dibeela, Moiseraele Prince A Setswana perspective on Genesis 1:110. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 384-399. 1919 Lambert, W.G. Thc apsu. Landscapes, 3. 2000 =>570. 75-77. 1920 Leach, E.; Aycock, D.A. Structuralist interpretations of biblical myth. 1983 ->64, 1282 ... 2,931. RRivBib 48 (2000) 345-34 7 (Balzaretti, Claudia). 1921 Leach, E. Genesis as myth and other essays. 1969 =>52,1616. RRivBib 48 (2000) 348-349 (Balzaretti, Claudia). 1922 Mazzinghi, Luca 'In principio Dio creo il cielo e la terra': il racconto della creazione come profezia. PSV 41 (2000) 11-23. 1923 Mtlle1•, Patrick D. Eridu, Dwm~ and Babel: a study in comparativc mythology. Israelite religion. JSuT.S 267: 2000 =>191. 115141. 1924 Müller, Hans-Peter Der Welt- und Kulturentstehungsmythos des PHILON Byblios und die biblische Urgeschichte. ZAW 112 (2000) 161-179. 1925 Neiman, Phyllis G. The myth of chaos: implications for Jewish religion. Diss. Jewish Theol. Sem. of America 2000, 290 pp. 3011874. 1926 Noor!, E. The creation of man and woman in biblical and ancient Near Eastem traditions. The creation of man and woman. Themes in biblical narrative 3: 2000 =>295. 1-18. 1927 Page, Hugh R. The myth of cosmic rebellion: a study of its reflexes in Ugaritic and biblical literature. VT.S 65: 1996 =>12,1448 ... 15,1848. RRBLit 1(1999)117-121 (Smith, MarkS.). 1928 Röcke, Lutz Die Erschaffung der Welt: Schöpfungserzählung 1999, frei nach Genesis 1 und 2. Zeitschrift für Theologie und Gemeinde 5 (2000) 11-17. 1929 Wenin, Andre Le mythique et l'historique dans le premier Testament. Bible et histoire. 2000 =>273. 31-56 lGen 2-3]. 1930 Wright, J, Edward Tbc carly history of heaven. NY 2000, OUP xviii; 318 pp. $35. 0-19-513009-X. Bibi. 1931 Wyatt, Nick Myths of power: a study of royal myth and ideology in Ugaritic and biblical tradition. UBL 13: 1996 =>12,1454. RzRGG 52 (2000) 169-170 (Herr, Bertram).
El.8 Bible, Church and science
El.8 Gen 1s, Jos 10,13 ... : The Bible, the Church and science 1932 Campbell, Antony F. La teoria de la evoluci6n y el discurso biblico. Conc(E) 284 (2000) 113-124; Conc(I) 36,126-139; Conc(D) 36,8191; Conc(P) 284,113-125; Conc(GB) 2000/1,92-101. 1933 Cazeaux, Jacques Le refus de la guerre sainte: Josue, Juges et Ruth. LeDiv 174: 1998 =>14,1699; 15,1856. RNRTh 122 (2000) 464-466 (Radermakers, J. ). 1934 Evers, Dirk Raum-Materie-Zeit: Schöpfungstheologie im Dialog mit naturwissenschaftlicher Kosmologie. HUTh 41: Tü 2000, Mohr Siebeck xi; 437 pp. 3-16-147412-0. Bibi. 399-420. 1935 Fantino, Jacques La notion de chaos en science et dans la bible. RevSR 74 (2000) 292-303. 1936 Greene-MacCreight, Kathryn E. Ad litteram: how AUGUSTINE, CALVIN and BARTH read the "plain sense" of Genesis 1-3. 1999 => 15,1859. RJThS 51 (2000) 787-789 (Gunton, Co/in); AThR 82 (2000) 842-3, 845 (Vanhoozer, Kevin J.); HBT 22 (2000) 254-255 (Partee, Charles). 1937 Griffin, David Ray Religion and scientific naturalism: overcoming the conflicts. Albany 2000, State University xvii; 345 pp $30. 1938 Harrison, Peter The Bible, Protestantism, and the rise of natural science. 1998 =>14,1703; 15,1860. RHeyJ 41 (2000) 377-379 'Deane-Drummond. Celia). 1939 Hayward, James L. Creation reconsidered: scientific, biblical, and theological perspectives. Roseville, CA 2000, Association of Adventist Forums 382 pp. $20. 1940 Maidame, Jean-Michel En travail d'enfantement: creation et evolution. Sciences et Spiritualite: Epistemologie: Saint-Etienne 2000, Aubin 160 pp. €18.29. 1941 Middleton, J. Richard Creation founded in love: breaklng rhetorical expectations in Genesis 1:1-2:3. Sacred text. 2000 =>470. 47-86. 1942 Moffat, Russel In the beginning God: an examination of the relevance of Genesis chapter one within the context of contemporary worship in the light ofNeo-Darwinian thought and modern scientific and tcchnological achieven1ent. Diss. Aberdeen 2000, nJuhnstune, W. [RTL 32,596]. 1943 EMotta, Franco GALILEO Galilei: lettera a Cristina di Lorena sull'uso della bibbia nelle argomentazioni scientifiche. Genova 2000, Marietti 173 pp. Introd. di Mauro Pesce. 1944 Pennock, Robert T. Tower of Babel: the evidence against the new creatiuuism. 1999 =>15,1864. RPerTeol 32 (2000) 272-275 (Libanio, Joäo Batista). 1945 Roberts, Noel Keith From Piltdown Man to Point Omega: the evolutionary theory of TEILHARD de Chardin. Studies in European Thought 18: NY 2000, Lang xii; 239 pp. 0-8204-4588-6. 1946 Rose, Seraphim Genesis, creation and early man: the Orthodox christian vision. Platina, CA 2000, St Herman 709 pp. 1947 Van Iersel, Bas Evoluci6n y biblia: dos c6digos, 1111,302; 13,1658. RAnCI 69 (2000) 421-423 (Deman, Albert).
EI .9 Peccatum originale, the sin of Eden, Genesis 2-3 1950 Batto, Bernard F. The institution of marriage in Genesis 2 and in Atrahasis. CBQ 62 (2000) 621-631. 1951 Baud/er, Georg Das Leben in Fülle: zum heutigen Verkündigungsgehalt der biblischen Überlieferungen von Paradies und Gottesreich. AnzSS 109 (2000) 562-566. 1952 Baudry, Gerard-Henry Le peche dit originel. Theologie historique: P ?000, Rea11cl1t:s111:: 412 pp. €44. 82. 1953 Bioeber, Henri Original sin: illuminating the riddle. 1997 =>13,1666; 15,1873. REvQ 72 (2000) 182-183 (McGowan, A.T.B.): RBLit 2 (2000) 74-77 (Odendaal, Marietjie). 1954 Brandseheid!, Renate Der Mensch und die Bedrohung durch die Macht des Bösen: zur Traditionsgeschichte der Sündenfallerzählung von Gen 3. TThZ 109 2000 1-23. 1955 Buber, Martin The tree ofknowledge (Genesis 3). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 14-21. 1956 Buscemi, Maria S. De luas, cobras, mulheres e tamareiras: uma leitura de Gn 2,4b-3,24. Estudos biblicos 67 (2000) 58-75. 1957 Callender, Dexter E. Adam in myth and history: ancient Israelite perspectives on the prima! human. Diss. Harvard 1995, 0 Hackett, Jo Am1 HSSt 48: WL 2000, Eiscnbrnuns xviii; 244 pp. $30. 1··57506902-4 [RB 108, 155]. 1958 Cappelletto, Gianni Le risposte dell' Antico Testamento. Male, bibbia, e occidente. 2000 =>479. 37-77. 1959 Caquot, Andre Satan: antecedents, noms et fonctions en Israel et dans l'ancienjudai'.sme. Graphe 9 (2000) 11-22. 1960 Ceccherelli, Ignazio Marino Memento homo quia pulvis es et in pulverem rnvP.rtP.ris RP.0 4?. (?.000) 49-:)(i [Gen 1, 19]. 1961 Cerbelaud, D. II diavolo: storia, religione, credenze popolari, letternturn. CinB 2000, San Paolo 84 pp. €7.23 [RdT tl 1,'179]. 1962 Chung, Tae Whoe David The developmeiit of the concept of Satan in Old Testament and intertestamental literature. Diss. Fort Worth 2000, 0 Johnson, R. 2000, 253 pp [RTL 32,594; 9991289]. 1963 Collins, John J Models of utopia in the biblical tradition. FLONG, D. BJSt 325: 2000 =>70. 51-67. 1964 Colombo, Arrigo II diavolo: genesi, storia, orrori di un mito cristiano ehe avversa la societä di giustizia. 1999 =>15,1876. RRivista di scienze religiose 14 (2000) 238-239 (Lorusso, Giacomo). 1965 Couto, Antonio A teologia da morte no Antigo e no Novo Testamento. Brot. 150 (2000) 255-266. 1966 Craig, Kenneth M Jr. Misspeaking in Eden, or, fielding questions in Ll11: Oanlt:u (Ot:m:i;ii; 2: 16-3: 13). PRSt 27 (2000) 235-247. 1967 Delumeau, Jean Storia del paradiso: il giardino delle delizie. 1994 =>1112,2427. RfüvLi 87 (2000) 665-667 (Troia, Pasquale); 1968 Que reste-t-il du paradis?: P 2000, Fayard 535 pp IAnnales )6/ 1, 271ss-Boutry, Philippe]; 1969 History of paradise: the Garden of Eden in myth and tradition. TO'Connell, Matthew Urbana 2000, Univ. of Illinois Pr. x; 276 pp. $15.
El.9 Genesis 2s: Paradise, the Devil and Original Sin
1970 Dubarle, Andre-Marie Le peche originel: ecriture et tradition. 1999 =>15,1878. Rcontacts 52 (2000) 281-284 (Larchet, Jean-Claude). 1971 Eddy, G. T. The proofs of original sin: an eighteenth century critique [Augustinus]. ET 110 (1998-1999) 285-288. 1972 Fingernagel, Andreas Paradiese. Alpha & Omega. EPetschar, Hans: W 2000, Springer. 198-202 [BuBB 35,102]. 1973 Grove, A.H. Ou metodes van die Satan in 'n moderne samelewingmet besondere verwysing na Openbaring 2 en 3. Acta Theologica 20/2 (2000) 42-69. 1974 He/tzer, M Some questions about royal property in the Vth satrapy and profits ofthe royal treasury. TEuph 19 (2000) 127-129. 1975 Hultgard, Anders Das Paradies: vom Park des Perserkönigs zum Ort der Seligen. Die Stadt Gottes. WUNT 129: 2000 =>472. 1-43. 1976 Husser, Jean-Marie Entre mythe et philosophie: la relecture sapientielle de Genese 2-3. RB 107 (2000) 232-259. 1977 Johnston, Caryl Consecrated venom: the serpent and the tree of knowledge. E 2000, Floris 158 pp. 0-86315-309-7. Bibi. 153-155. 1978 Kien, Vania M Gn 3 as rela~öes de genero dentro do patriarcado. Estudos biblicos 66 (2000) 25-28. 1979 Lavatori, R. II diavolo tra fede e ragione. Bo 2000, EDB 196 pp. €14.46 [RdT 42,480]. 1980 ELuttikhuizen, Gerard P. Paradise interpreted: representations of biblical paradise in Judaism and Christianity. 1999 =>15,422. RBiOr 57 (2000) 675-676 (Holland, P.J.). · 1981 Maidame, Jean-Michel Mieux dire le peche originel gräce aux sciences de la nature. EeV 7 (2000) 8-15. 1982 Norris, Pamela Het verhaal van J;:va: een geschiedenis van vrouwetijke ongehoorzaamheid. Amst 2000, Wereldbibliotheek: 439 pp. €31.54. 90-2841-855-5 [ITBT 9/2,3 l~Deenik-Moolhuizen, J. M.]. 1983 Pfeiffer, Henrik Der Baum in der Mitte des Gartens: zum überlieferungsgeschichtlichen Ursprung der Paradieserzählung (Gen 2,4b3,24). ZA W 112 (2000) 487-500. 1984 Ravasi, Gianfranco Para uma teologia da morte. Brot. 150 (2000) 241-253. 1985 Sasson, Jack M "The mother of all ... ": etiologies. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 =>70. 205-220 [Gen 3; Prov 8,22-26]. 1986 Spieckermann, Hermann Ambivalenzen: ermöglichte und verwirklichte Schöpfung in Genesis 2f. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 =>107. 363-376. 1987 Stordalen, Terje Echoes ofEden: Genesis 2-3 and symbolism ofthe Eden garden in Biblical Hebrew literature. Contributions to biblical exegesis and theology 25: Lv 2000, Peeters 582 pp. €45. 9042908548. Diss. Norwegian Lutheran School of Theology 1998 [NThAR 2000,340]. 1988 Sulowski, Julian Zwei Weisheiten-mit Gott oder ohne Gott?. The Polishjournal ofbiblical research 111(2000)51-88 [Gen 2,25-3,7]; 1989 Zweierlei Weisheit-mit oder ohne Gott. Studies on the Bible. 2000 =>333. 189-294 [Gen 2,25-3,7]. 1990 Tournay, R.J. Satan, le diable. RB 107 (2000) 146-150. 1991 Wenin, Andre Satan ou l'adversaire de l'alliance: le serpent, pere du mensonge. Graphe 9 (2000) 23-43 [Gen 3,1-5]. 1992 Williams, Patricia A. Sociobiology and original sin. Zygon 35 (2000) 783-812.
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1993 Zimmermann, Ruben " ... und sie werden ein Fleisch sein": Gen 2,24 in der frühjüdischen und urchristlichen Rezeption. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 553-568. E2. l Cain and Abel; gigantes, longaevi; Genesis 4s 1994 Balmary, Marie Abel ou la traversee de l'Eden. 1999 :::>15,1900. RRThPh 132 (2000) 102-103 (Schwab, Emmanuel). 1995 Butting, Klara Kain und Abel-und Set: Genesis 4,1-26. JK 61 (2000) 433-437. 1996 Camp, Claudia V. Of lineages and Levites, sisters and strangers: constructing priestly boundaries in the postexilic period. Vom Anfang. BEAT 47: 2000 ::::>190. 191-226. 1997 Drinkard, Joel F. Mr. Srnith's story: a rnonologue. RExp 97 (2000) 79-89 [Gen 4,1-16). 1998 Kalinowski, EdwardNumbers in the bible. HPR 100/4 (2000) 17-23. 1999 Lefevre, Frans Waarorn doodt Karn Abel?: bij een boek van Marie Balrnary. Coll. 30 (2000) 243-268. 2000 Lenchak, Timothy A. Puzzling passages (Genesis 4:15). BiTod 38 (2000) 53. 2001 McEntire, Mark Cain and Abel in A:frica: an Ethiopian case study in cornpeting herrneneutics. The Bible in Africa. 2000 ::::>342. 248-259. 2002 Moko, Jose Le rnythe cai"nite: une figure syrnbolique de la violence: lecture de Genese 4,1-26. Diss. Lyon 2000, 0 Abadie, Ph. [RTL 32,596). 2003 Rhodes, James N. The LORD's reply to Cain: a concession or a rebuke? (Genesi~. 4.15). BiTr 51(2000)243-245. 2004 Schmitt, Armin Ubersetzung als Interpretation: die Henochüberliefernug der Septuaginta (01:11 ),'.21-'.24) im Licht dt:r ht:llt:nistischen Rpoche. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 ::::>207. 1-20. E2.2 Diluvium, the Flood; Gilgames (Atral}asis); Genesis 6•.• 2005 Afanasyeva, V.K. The tale of Gilgarnesh, Enkidu, and the netherworld in the light of Surnerian cosmogony. Journal of Ancient History 233 (2000) 53-63 Swn. 63. R. 2006 Baldacci, Massimo II diluvio: rnito e realta del piil grandc cataclisma di tutti i ternpi. 1999 ::::>15,1918. RcivCatt 151/1 (2000) 97-99 (Scaiola, D.). 2007 Briffard, Colette Sem, une cle de lecture pour Babel (Gn 11/1-9) ou de l'irnportance du contexte. ETR 75 (2000) 411-414. 2008 Brown, William P.; Carroll, John T. The garden and the plaza: biblical images ofthe city. Interp. 54 (2000) 3-12 [Gen 11,1-10; 19). 2009 Cavigneaux, Antoine; Al-Rawi, N.H La fin de Gilgarnes, Enkidu et les enfers d'apres les manuscrits d'Ur et de Mcturan (tcxtes de Tell Haddad VIII). Iraq 62 (2000) 1-19. 2010 Cavlgneaux, Antolne; Al-Rawl, N.H. Gilgames et la mort: textes de Tell Haddad VI: avec un appendice sur les textes funeraires sumeriens. Cuneiforrn Monographs 19: Groningen 2000, STYX v; 87 pp. €81.68. 90-5693-024-9. 2011 (a) Cazelles, Henri Table des peuples, nations et rnodes de vie. MVATIIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 ::::>15,94. 67-79 [Gen 10].
E2.2 Genesis 6ss: Tue Flood
2012 2013
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
(b)Chafograck, Jean-Jack Les relectures de Genese 11:1-9 dans la litterature chretienne des premiers siecles et le symbolisme de Babel. Diss. Strasbourg 2000, 0 Prieur, J.-M [RTL 32,594]. EGarcia Martinez, Florentino; Luttikhuizen, Gerard P. Interpretations of the flood. 1999 =>15,1928. RBiOr 57 (2000) 387-390 (Harland, P.J.) .. Görg, Manfred Die "Söhne Agyptens" in der sogenannten Völkertafel: ein weiterer \'.'.ersuch zur Identität ~d Komposition der ~amens liste Gen 10,13f. Agypten und der östhche Mittelmeerraum. AAT 44: 2000 =>586. 23-46. Hirsch, Hans Die Heimkehr des Gilgamesch. Archivium Anatolicum 3 (1997) 173-190. Kass, Leon R. The humanist dream: Babel then and now. Gr. 81 (2000) 633-657 [Gen 11). Klein, Jacob; Abraham, Kathleen Problems of geography in the Gilgames epics: the journey to the 'cedar forest'. Landscapes, 3. 2000 =>570. 63-73. Larsson, Gerhard Remarks concerning the Noah-flood complex. ZAW 112 (2000) 75-77 [Gen 6,9-09,28). Le Morvan, Michael The Flood revisited. ScrB 30 (2000) 34-42. Moherly, R. W. f,. Why did Noah send out a raven?. VT 50 (2000) 345-356 (Gen 8, 7-12]. Mutius, Hans-Georg von Neues zur Textkritik von Genesis 6, 17 und 7,6 aus judaistischer Sicht. BN 104 (2000) 38-41. (a) Parker, Paula Genesis 11: 1-9. Interp. 54 (2000) 57-59. (b) Prato, Gian Luigi Dalla geografia neutrale alla mappa ideologica centralizzata: la 'tavola dei popoli' (Gn 10) da testo delle origini a immagine nonnativa. MVATllUNl, F. 1999 :::>15,94. 511-546. Ridley, Ronald T The saga of an epic: Gilgamesh and the constitution ol"llruk. Or. 69 (2000) 341-367. Schoon, Simon Noachidische geboden-een joodse uitnodiging aan christenen'!. lTBT 8/4 (2000) 18-20. Vicari, Jacques La tour de Babel. QSJ 3555: P 2000, PUF 127 pp. 2-13-050701-8. Bibi. 121-122 [Gen 11). Westenholz, Aage; Koch-Westenholz, Ulla Enkidu-the noble savage?. FLAMBERT, w. 2000 =>66. 437-451. Wurst, Shirley God's face in the Flood story. BiTod 38 (2000) 218222. E2.3 Putriurchuc, Abraham; Genesis 12s
2027 Anlezark, Daniel An ideal marriage: Abraham and Sarah in Old English literature. MAe 69 (2000) 187-210. ?.07.8 Baschet, Jeröme Le sein du pere: Abraham et sa posterite dans l'Occident medieval. Le temps des images: P 2000, Gallimard 416 pp. €38.10. 2-07-075705-6. 2029 Briend, Jacques Progogue: Abraham ou la naissance d'un ancetre. Les routes du Proche-Orient. MoBi: 2000 =>417. 15-19. 2030 Buher, Martin Abraham the seer (Genesis 12-25). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 22-43. 2031 DeSi/va, David A. Why did God choose Abraham?. BiRe 16/3 (2000) 16-21, 42-44.
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2032 Duarte Castillo, Rau/ lC6mo vieron los patriarcas a Dius?. Qol 23 (2000) 67-78. 2033 Engelen, Jan Om to beginnen Abraham (Genesis 12). ITBT 8/8 (2000) 21-22. 2034 Evdokimov, Michel Abraham. Contacts 52 (2000) 100-106. 2035 EHamman, Adalbert Gauthier AMBROSIUS: Abraham. CPF 74: 1999 ~15,1962. RRSPhTh 84 (2000) 672-674 (Meunier, Bernard). 2036 Heard, R. Christopher Dynamics of diselection: ambiguity and ethnic identity in Genesis 12-36. Diss. Southem Methodist 2000, 314 pp. 9968500. 2037 Kaminsky, Joel S. Humor and the theology of hope: Isaac as a humorous figure. Interp. 54 (2000) 363-375. 2038 Lnfon, Guy Abrahän o el descubrimiento de la fä. M 2000, PPC 211 pp. 8'1-288-1659-X. 2039 Lemaire, Andre Vues nouvelles sur la tradition biblique d'Abraham. Les routes du Proche-Orient. MoBi: 2000 ~417. 21-32. 2040 Lipton, Diana Revisions of the night: politics and promises in the patriarchal dreams ofGenesis. JSOT.S 288: 1999 ~15,1967. RCBQ 62 (2000) 525-526 (Humphreys, W Lee). 2041 Miller, Patrick D. Syntax and theology in Genesis 12.3a. lsraelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 ~191. 492-496. 2042 Naumann, Thomas Ismael-Abrahams verlorener Sohn. Bekenntnis zu dem einen Gott?: Christen und Muslime zwischen Mission und Dialog. EWeth, RudolfNeuk 2000, Neuk. €17.90. 3-7887-1761-0. 70-89 [Gen 16; 17; 21]. 2043 Pa/umbieri, Sabino Abramo: lo 'homo viator' e Ja storia. Sal. 62 (2000) 683-700. 2044 Pury, Albert de Abraham: the priestly writer's 'ecumenical' ancestor. FVAN SEI'ERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000 ~117. 163-181. 2045 Reiss, Moshe Archetypes in the patriarchal fämily. JßQ 28 (2000) 12-19. 2046 Remaud, Michel A cause des peres: le "M~rlte des Peres" dans la tradition juive. 1997 ~13J775;, 15,1978. RNRTh 122 (2000) 110112 (Radermakers, J.); OLz 95 l2000) 458-460 (Ego, Beate). 2047 Reno, Brian S.; Reno, R.R. Abraham and the problems of modern heroism. Sacred text. 2000 ~470. 135-162. 2048 ERömer, T. Abraham: nouvelle jeunesse d'un ancetre. 1997 ~13, 1776. RPtotest. 55 (2000) 53-54 (Bottazzi, Roberto). 2049 EShanks, Hershel Abraham and family: new insights into the patriarchal narratives. Wsh 2000, Biblical Archaeology Society xvii; 181 pp. $15 [BS 160,116-Chisholm, Robert B.]. 2050 Ska, Jean Louis Abramo nella tradizione ebraica. CivCatt 151/4 (2000) 341-349; 2051 L'etema giovinezza di Abramo. CivCatt 151/3 (2000) 213-221. 2052 Spem, Shuhert Abraham's trials: tests of strength or learning experiences?. JBQ 28 (2000) 73-79. 2053 Sprin[J, Chaim The patriarchal family in the light of the midrash, 1: Abraham and Sarah. JBQ 28 (2000) 169-176. 2054 Villegus M, Beltriln Abraham, Moises y David en C':l judaf~mo y en el Nuevo Testamento. AFTC 51(2000)19-40 Res. 40. 2055 Warning, Wilfried Terminologische Verknüpfungen und Genesis 12,1-3. Bib. 81(2000)386-390. 2056 Williamson, Paul Abraham, Israel and the Church. EvQ 72 (2000) 99-118.
E2.4s Genesis 14ss: Melchisedech, the Covenant
E2.4 Melchisedech: Genesis 14 2057 Aschim, Anders Melchizedek and Levi. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =>609. 773-788. 2058 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. Melchizedek in the MT, LXX, and NT. Bib. 81 (2000) 63-69 [Gen 14,17-20; Ps 110,4]. 2059 Mane, Jean-Pierre La figure de Melchisedek dans le Codex IX de Nag Hammadi. CRAI 1(2000)259-291. 2060 Manning, Philip Melchizedek's eucharist. ET 111 (1999-2000) 158160. 2061 Margalith, Othnie/ The riddle of Genesis 14 and Melchizedek. ZA W 112 (2000) 501-508. 2062 McNamara, Martin Melchizedek: Gen 14,17-20 in the targums, in rabbinic and early christian literature. Bib. 81 (2000) 1-31. 2063 Starobinski-Safran, Esther La figure de Melchisedek et ses interpretations. FRIAUD, J. 2000 =>96. 11-28. 2064 Thomas, T.K. Melchizedek, king and priest: an ecumenical paradigm?. ER 52 (2000) 403-409. . 2065 Van Reeth, Jan MF. Melchisedech, le roi qui n'a pas d'äge, et son grand interprete JEAN d' Apamee. FSCHOORS, A. Acta orientalia belgica 13: 2000 :::>108. 135-150. E2.5 The Covenant (alliance, Bund): Foedus, Genesis 15...
2066 Chase, Emily Promises, blessings, & curses: Hagar and the wild ass. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 214-219 [Gen 16,11-12]. .. 2067 Edel, Elmar Der Vertrag zwischen Ramses II. von Agypten und Hattusili III. von Hatti. WVDOG 95: 1997 =>13,1790 ... 15,1990. RDiscEg 46 (2000) IJ-22 (Dreyer, Francis Amadeus Kad). 2068 Eisen, Robert The education of Abraham: the encounter between Abraham and God over the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. JBQ 28 (2000) 80-86 [Gen 18,17-33]. 2069 Exum, J. Cheryl Desire distorted and exhibited: Lot and his daughters in psychoanalysis, painting, and film. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 =>70. 83-108 (Gen 19,30-38]. 2070 Jacobs, Steven L. Avraham, Emil and Andre: re-reading Avraham's monologue with the divine in light ofFackenheim and Neher. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 ==>290. 136-145 [Gen 18,16-33]. 2071 Lanoir, Corinne Genese 16. Lire et Dire 43 (2000) 3-12 [BuBB 31,15]. . 2072 Levine, Etan The land of milk and honey. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 =:>179. 45-66. 2073 Muutuki, Joseph Using the Kamba culture to interpret Old Testament covenants. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 =:>467 .125-129 . 2074 Rendtorff, Rolf The covenant formulary: an exegetical and theological investigation. 1998 :::::-14,1873. RJThS 51 (2000) 181-183 (Noble, Paul R.); JR 80 (2000) 485-486 (Kaminsky, Joe/ S.); JJS 51 (2000) 326-327 (Hugedurn, Ariselm C.); BiOr 57 (2000) 658-661 (Van den Eynde, S.). „ .. 2075 Ruppert, Lothar Uberlegungen zur U berheforungs-, Kompositionsund Redaktionsgeschichte von Genesis 15. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 => 107. 295-309.
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2076 Sarna, Nahum M Genesis 21:33: a study in the development of a biblical text and its rabbinic transformation. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 :::>205. 221-227. 2077 Schenker, Adrian L'origine de l'idee d'une alliance entre Dieu et Israel dans l'Ancien Testament. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 :::>206. 67-76. 2078 Shisanya, Constance A retlection on the Hagar narratives in Genesis through the eyes of a Kenyan woman. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 :::-467. 147-151 [Gen 16,1-16; 21,9-21]. 2079 Ska, Jean Louis Genese xviii 6-intertextualite et interpretation: "tout fait farine au bon moulin". IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 :::>478. 61-70 [Gen 18,6]. 2080 Thompson, John L. Hagar, victim or villain?: three sixteenth-century views [Cajetan; Calvin; Luther]. ELevy, Jan Christopher: Luther Digest 8 (2000) 1997] 46-150 [Gen 16; 21]. 2081 Vietor, Mary Het verbondsteken: een cultuursociologisiche studie over de besnijdenis in verschillende perioden van het jodendom. Diss. Leiden 2000, 0 Stroeken, H. Delft 2000, Eburon 203 pp. 90-5166798-1 [RTL 32,600]. 2082 Warning, Wilfried Terminological patterns and Genesis 17. HUCA 70-71 (1999-2000) 93-107. 2083 Williamson, Paul R. Abraham, Israel and the nations: the patriarchal promise and its covenantal development in Genesis. JSOT.S 315: Shf 2000 Sheffield A. 309 pp. :€53.50/$84. 1-84127-152-7. Bibl. 268-292 [Gen }15; 17]. E2.6 The 'Aqeda, Isaac, Genesis 22•.. 2084 Gerhard, Romana Die Opferung Isaaks in der jüdischen und christlichen Literatur und in der Kunst des 11. bis 13. Jahrhunderts in Italien. Diss. Bochum 2000-2001, 0 Berg, W. 2085 Kalimi, Isaac Zion or Gerizim?: the association of Abraham and the Aqeda with Zion/Gerizim in Jewish and Samaritan sources. Snmnritan rcscarchcs, 5. 2000 ::::.600. 2.32-2.46 [Gen 22,14]. 2086 Kundert, Lukas Die Opferung, Bindung Isaaks: 1. Gen 22,1-19 im Alten Testament, im Frühjudentum und im Neuen Testament. WMANT 78: 1998 :::>14,1894; 15,2008. RJud. 56 (2000) 212-213 (Jansen, Reiner). 2087 Kundert, Lukas De 'binding van Isaak' in de joodse traditie. ITBT 8/1 (2000) 26-27. 2088 Ladin, Jay Akedah 5760. CrossCur 50 (2000) 131-135. 2089 Launay, Marc de La ligature d'Isaac: Genese XXIl,1-19. RMM (2000) 517-533 Res.; Sum. 517. 2090 Olumpiou, Nikolaou P. 'Am) i-lj 0ucr\a wß 'Aßpaaµ cri-ljv 'Akedah Yitzhak: i-6 rsv. 22,1-19 cri-ljv öia01)KTJ Kai 'tov nponvo 'Iouoa'icrµ6 Athens 2000, 526 pp. G. 2091 Queiruga, Andres Torres Dei terror de Isaac al Abba de Jesus: hacia una nueva imagen de Dios. Estella 2000, Verbo Divino 388 pp. €15.25. 84-8169-360-X [Gen 22] [ActBib 37,236-Vives, J.]. 2092 Sharp, Donald B. The courting of Rebecca: a Y ahwistic portrait of the ideal "bride-to-be". IBSt 22 (2000) 26-37 [Gen 24]. 2093 Spero, Shubert The Akedah machloket l 'shem shamayim. JBQ 28 (2000) 56-59.
E2.6 Genesis 22ss: The 'Aqedä
2094 Steins, Georg Die "Bindung Isaaks" im Kanon (Gen 22): Grundlagen und Programm einer kanonisch-intertextuellen Lektüre. 1999 :::>15,2011RThGl90 (2000) 701-702 (Seip, Jörg). 2095 Strauß, Hans Zu Gen 22 und dem erzählenden Rahmen des Hiobbuches (Hiob 1,1-2,10 und 42,7-17). FSCHMIDT, w. 2000 =>107. 377-383. 2096 Van den Bos, Daniel De binding [Roman]. MozaYek: Zoetermeer 2000, Boekencentrum. RITBT 8/8 (2000) 29-31 (Jobsen, Aarnoud). 2097 Van der Horst, Pieter W.; Parmentier, Martien F.G. Een nieuw oudchristelijk geschrift over het offer van lzaäk [ early christian poem on the sacrifice of Isaac] [Papyrus Bodmer 30]. Bijdr. 61 (2000) 243-260 Sum. 334. 2098 Weber, Hartwig Abraham: das Opfer des Sohnes: die Botschaft der Gewalt und des Opfers zwischen den Generationen. ReHe 43 (2000) 146-151. 2099 Wenin, Andre Isaac ou l'epreuve d' Abraham: approche narrative de Genese 22. 1999 =>15,2013. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 236-237 (Laberge, Uo ). E2.7 Jacob and Esau: ladder dream; Jacob, somnium, Gen 25.„ 2100 Bakon, Shimon Jacob: father of a nation. JBQ 28 (2000) 38-44. 2101 Blum, Erhard Noch einmal: Jakobs Trawn in Bethel-Genesis 28, 10-22. FVANSETERS, J. BZAW294: 2000 =>117. 33-54. 2102 Fretheim, Terence E. Which blessing does Isaac give Jacob?. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 =>237. 279-291 [Gen 27,27-29: 28,34]. 2103 Heck, Christian L'echelle celeste dans l'art du mo~en äge: un image de la qutlte uu ciel. 1997 =>13,1825„. 15,2018. Spec. 75 (2000) 696-698 (Burin, Elizabeth) [Gen 28,10-22]. 2104 Husser, Jean-Marie Dreams aml llream narratives in the biblical world. BiSe 63: 1999 :::>15,2019. RCBQ 62 (2000) 521-522 (Gnuse, Robert Karl). 2105 Isaacs, Ronald H. Lungo la scala di Giacobbe: Angeli, demoni e spiriti maligni nella visione ebraica. TBracchitta, Massimo: Judaica: Genova 2000, ECIG 158 pp. 88-7545-876-6. Bibi. [Gen 28,10-22]. 2106 Kaempf, Bernard Lecturc Jungicnnc de l'histoire de Jacob. ETR 75 (2000) 565-584. 2107 Klein, Renate-Andrea Leseprozeß als Bedeutungswandel: eine rezeptions-ästhetisch orientierte Erzähltextanalyse der Jakobserzählungen der Genesis. Diss. Hamburg 2000/01, DWilli-Plein, 1. [ThRv 98/4, viii]. 2108 Marc-Bousquet, Isabelle; Bres, Olivier Genese 27,1-29. Lire et Dire 44(2000)3-11 fBuBB31,17]. 2109 Noegel, Scott B. Drinking feasts and deceptive feats: Jacob and Lahan's double talk. Puns. 2000 => 1338. 163-179 [Gen 28, 10-32,3]. 2110 Pury, Albert de Der priesterschriftliche Umgang mit der Jakobsgeschichtc. FSTECK, 0. DZA W JOO: 2000 => 110. 33-60. 2111 Recker, Christoph Erzählungen vom Patriarchen Jakob-ein Beitrag zur mehrperspektlvlschen Bibelauslegung. Müns 2000, LIT 440 pp. €40.80. 3-8258-4828-0.
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2112 Sanchez Cetina, Edesio Two proposals for translating narrative texts from 'The bible in simple language'. BiTr 51 (2000) 245-248 [Gen 26,1-6; 31,17-19]. 2113 Taschner, Johannes Verheissung und Erfüllung in der Jakoberzählung (Gen 25,19 - 33,17): eine Analyse ihres Spannungsbogens. Diss. Bethel 1999, °Crüsemann, F. Herders biblische Studien 27: FrB 2000, Herder 600 pp. 3-451-27341-1. 2114 Wahl, Harald Martin Die Jakobserzählungen: Studien zu ihrer mündlichen Überlieferung, Verschriftung und Historizität. BZAW 258: 1997 =>13,1830; 15,2023. RBz 44 (2000) 107-110 (Fischer, Jrmtraud). E2.8 Jacob's wrestling, the Angels: Gen Jl-36 & 38 2115 Arbeitman, Yoel L. Tamar's name or is it? (Gen 38). ZA W 112 (2000) 341-355. 2116 Camp, Claudia V. The (e)stranged woman in the land: sojourning with Dinah. Vom Anfang. BEAT 47: 2000 =>190. 279-322 [Gen 34]. 2117 Dombrowski, Bruno W Three books and Jacob and Israel. The Polishjournal ofbiblicalresearch 1/1 (2000) 133-146. 2118 Fleishman, Joseph Why did Simeon and Levi rebuke their father in Genesis 34:31 ?. JNSL 26/2 (2000) 101-116. 2119 Frolov, Serge The other side ofthe Jabbok: Genesis 32 as a fiasco of patriarchy. JSOT 91 (2000) 41-59. 2120 Gieschen, Charles A. Angclomorphic christology: antecedents and early evidence. AGJU 42: 1998 =>14,1921; 15,2028. RJThS 51 (2000) 230-236 (Hannah, Darrell D.). 2121 Hayward, C.T.R. PHILO, the Septuagint of Genesis 32:24-32 and the name 'Israel': fighting the passions, inspiration and the vision of God. JJS 51 (2000) 209-226. 2122 Heidtmann, Dieter Die Engel: Grenzgestalten Gottes: über Notwendigkeit und Mö~!Jchkeit der christlichen Rede von den Engeln. 1999 =>15,2033. OR 50/1(2000)141-142 (Hai/er, Martin). 2123 Hoekveld-Meijer, Gerda Esau: salvation in disguise: Genesis 36. 1996 => 12, 1706; 14, 193 7. RBz 44 (2000) 110-11 (Becker, Joachim). 2124 Hurowitz, Victor Avigdor Who lost an earring?: Genesis 35:4 reconsidered. CBQ 62 (2000) 28-32. 2125 Hyman, Ronald T. Final judgment: the ambiguous moral question that culminates Genesis 34. JBQ.28 (2000) 93-101[Gen34,31]. 2126 Krauss, Heinrich Die Engel: Uberlieferung, Gestalt, Deutung. Mü 2000, Beck 127 pp. €7.57. 2127 Levin, Christoph Dina: wenn die Schrift wider sich selbst lautet. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 =>110. 61-72 [Gen 34]. 2128 Macchi, Jean D. Amour et violence: Dina et Sichern en Genese 34. FV 99/4 (2000) 29-38 [Gen 34]; 2129 Les interpretations conflictuelles d'une narration (Genese 34,1-35,5; 49,5-7). Narrativity. BEThL 149: 2000 =>1084. 3-15. 2130 Margolies, Morris H. A gathering of, angels. Northvale, NJ 2000, Aronson xiii; 273 pp. 0-7657-6048-7. Bibi. 268-273. 2131 Menn, Esther Marie Judah and Tarnar (Genesis 38) in ancient Jewish exegesis.: studies in literary form and hermeneutics. JSJ.S 51: 1997 =>13,1846; 15,2042. RCBQ 62 (2000) 526-528 (Bel/avance, Eric); RBLit 2 (2000) 308-309 (Vogels, Walter A.).
E2.8 Genesis 3 lss, 38: Jacob's wrestling, the Angels
2132 Müller-Trufaut, Susanne Genese 38 et ses inter-textualites: d'une approche synchronique a l'evaluation diachronique. Diss. Neuchätel 2000 [RTL 32,596]. 2133 Parry, Robin Source criticism and Genesis 34. TynB 51 (2000) 121138. 2134 Pigeaud, Olivier; Beltrami, Roberto Genese 32,23-32. Lire et Dire 44 (2000) 13-24 [BuBB 31,18]. 2135 Scholz, Susanne Rape plots: a feminist cultural study of Genesis 34. Studies in biblical literature 13: NY 2000, Lang xv; 232 pp. 0-82044154-6. Bibi. 187-217. 2136 Simmers, Uary Who is 'the angel of the Lord'?. Faith & Mission 17/3 (2000) 3-16. 2137 Tarlin. Jan William Tamar's veil: ideology at the entrance to Enaim. Culture ... bible. JSOT.S 309: 2000 =>227. 174-181 [Gen 38). 2138 Warning, Wi(friedTerminological patterns and Genesis 38. AUSS 38 (2000) 293-305. 2139 Wessner, Mark D. Toward a literary understanding of "Face to face" (panlin el-panlin) in Genesis 32:23-32. RestQ 42/3 (2000) 169-177. 2140 Wiens, Hart Angels. BiTr 51 (2000) 224-232. 2141 Zipor, Moshye A. o•:in i1•:in 'i:iJ imi• 'Yj?:l 11jllJnp:i :inilm :iw:iy•lj [The pursuit ofLaban after Jacob as reflected in the Septuagint]. Beit Mikra 164 (2000) 1-27 Sum. 96 [Gen 31]. E2.9 Joseph; Jacob's blessings; Genesis 37; 39-50 2142 Ben Nasr, Mostari Le recit de Joseph fils de Jacob est-it un affrontement?: gräce a un miroir biblique et coranique l'exegese peut-elle amorcer un dialogue interreligieux constructif?. Lausanne 2000, Fac. de theologie, Univ. [RuRR 11, 18]. 2143 Beyerle, Stefan Joseph und Daniel-zwei "Väter" am Hofe eines fremden Königs. FSCHMIDT, w. 2000 =>10'/. 1-18; 2144 Joseph and Daniel: two fathers in the court of a foreign king. Joseph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 =>469. 55-65. 2145 Boskovits, Mikl6s La storia di Giuseppe e dei suoi fratelli nel Battistero di Firenze. ACr 88 (2000) 329-340. 2146 Bouhallier, Anthony La sentence josephite dans le Testament de Jacob (Gen 49,22-26). FRlAuo, J. 2000 =>96. 29-36. 2147 Endo, Yoshinobu The verbal systcm of classical Hebrew in the Joseph story. SSN 32: 1996 =>13,1864. RThR 65 (2000) 31-32 (Jenni, Ernst); Biür 57 (2000) 138-140 (Van der Merwe, Christo HJ.). 2148 Florentin, Moshe ZJ;:J'.tfi;;il,l Oljn •'i:> as reflected in Samaritan tradition. Le~. 63 (2000-2001) 189~202 Sum. 1[Gen49,5]. H. 2149 Fox, Michael V. Wisdom in the Joseph story. Joseph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 -:>469. 45-53. 2150 Fung, Yiu-Wing Victim and victimizer: Joseph's interpretation of his dcstiny. JSOT.S 308: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 222 pp. 1-8'1127103-9. Hibl. [Gen 45,5-11]. 2151 Golka, Friedemann W. Joseph, Tammuz and Thomas MANN. Just:ph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 =>469. 67-71. 2152 Görg, Manfred Der gefärbte Rock Josefs. BN 102 (2000) 9-13 lUen 37,3]; 2153 Josef, ein Magier oder Seher?. BN 103 (2000) 5-8;
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2154 Josef in Untersuchungshaft. BN 104 (2000) 16-19 [Gn 39,20; 40,3]; 2155 Die Lade als Sarg: zur Traditionsgeschichte von Bundeslade und Josefssarg. BN 105 (2000) 5-11 [Gn 50,26; Exod 13, 19]. 2156 Hoop, Raymond de Genesis 49 in its literary and historical context. OTS 39: 1999 =>15,2050. RJThS 51 (2000) 190-193 (Lipton, Diana); OLZ 95 (2000) 436-441 (Seebass, H.); CBQ 62 (2000) 517518 (Walsh, Jerome T.); RBLit2 (2000) 195-196 (McLay, Tim). 2157 Jacobson, Howard LXX Genesis 43:23: D.troc; uµtv. Textus 20 (2000) 39-41. 2158 Kalimi, Isaac Joseph in midrash psalms in the light of earlier sources: a comparative study on Jewish exegesis. Joseph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 =>469. 93-124. 2159 Lisewski, Krzysztof Dariusz Studien zu Motiven und Themen zur Josefsgeschichte der Genesis. Diss. Graz 2000/01. 0 Marböck, J. 2160 Lux, Rüdiger Geschichte als Erfahrung, Erinnerung und Erzählung in der priesterschriftlichen Rezeption der Josefsnovelle. Erzählte Geschichte. BThSt 40: 2000 =>1102. 147-180. 2161 Moor, Johannes C. de Genesis 49 and the early history of Israel. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 =>482. 176-198. 2162 RP.ndtarjf, RolfDie Josefsgeschichte-Novelle ohne "Quellen". Joseph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 =>469. 37-43. 2163 Ron, Zvi The preference of Ephraim. JBQ 28 (2000) 60-61 [Gn 48]; 2164 The significance of Joseph's agrarian policy. JBQ 28 (2000) 256-259 [Gn 47,13-27]. 2165 Römer, Thomas C. La narration, une subversion: l'histoire de Joseph (Gn 37-50*) et les romans de la diaspora. Narrativity. DEThL 149: 2000 =>1084. 17-29. 2166 Sarna, Nahum M The divine title 'abhir yctaqobh. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 3-11 [Gn 49,24]. 2167 Seebass, Horst Zur Quellenscheidung in der Josephsgeschichte. Joseph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 =>469. 25-36. 2168 Seebass, Horst Genesis, 3: Josephsgeschichte (37,1-50,26). Neuk 2000, Neuk viii; 239 pp. f.34.77. 1-7887-1 )84-7 [NThAR 2000,279]. 2169 Shenhar-Alroy, Aliza Einen Hebräer hat er uns hergebracht, sein Spiel mit uns zu treiben. Kul 15 (2000) 47-56 [Gn 39,11-18]. 2170 Soggin, J.A. Dating the Joseph story and other remarks; 2171 Steiger, Johann A. Martin LUTHERS geistliche Lektüre der Josephsgeschichte. Joseph: Bibel und Literatur. 2000 =>469. 13-24/83-91. 2172 T469. 73-81. E3.1 Exodus event and theme; textus, commentarii 2174 Ashby, Godfrey Go out and meet God: a commentary on the book of Exodus. 1998=>14,1959. RVJTR 64 (2000) 153-54 (Heck, Milianus). 2175 Eßeretta, Piergiorgio Esodo: ebraico, greco, latino, italiano. TDoveri, Cristiana Bibbia Ebraica Interlineare 2: CinB 2000, San Paolo 17*; 283 pp. 88-215-4418-4.
E3.l Exodus event and theme; textus, commentarii
2176 Coats, George W. Exodus 1-18. FOTL 2A: 1999 =>15,2066. RJThS 51 (2000) 193-195 (Johnstone, W.); CBQ 62 (2000) 113-114 (Owens, J. Edward); LouvSt 25 (2000) 158-159 (Eynikel, Erik); HebStud 41 (2000) 273-275 (Walsh, Richard); RBLit 2 (2000) 201203 (Dozeman, Thomas B.). 2177 Coggins, Richard The book of Exodus. Epworth Commentaries: Peterborough 2000, Epworth xxi; 130 pp. 0-7162-0536-X. Bibi. 2178 Currid, John D. Exodus. Darlington 2000, Evangelical 415 pp [Evangel 18,88-Dray, Stephen]. EFrerichs, E.S. Exodus-the Egyptian evidenc~„ 1997 =>466. 2179 Houtman, Cornelis Exodus, 3: chapters 20-40. 1 Woudstra, Sierd. Historical commentary on the Old Testament: Kampen 2000, Kok xiii; 737 pp. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 159-161 (Van den Eynde, Sabine). 2180 Janzen, J. Gerald Exodus. 1997 =>13,1884; 15,2071. RRBLit 2 (2000) 197 (Mullen, E. Theodore); 2181 Janzen, Waldemar Exodus. Believers Church Bible Commentary: Waterloo 2000, Herald 496 .12P· $25. 0-8361-9134-X. Bibi. 467-477. 2182 Krochmalnik, Daniel Schriftauslegung: das Buch Exodus im Judentum. Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar.AT 33/3: Stu 2000, Kathol. Bibelwerk 183 Pll. €18.97 (Abo). 3-460-07333-0. Bibi. 2183 ETLockshin, Martin L. RASHBAM's commentary on Exodus: an annotated translation. 111. BJSt 310: 1997 =>13,1885; 15,2072. RRBLit 1(1999)207-209 (Goldenberg, Robert). 2184 Oswald, Wolfgang Israel am Gottesberg: eine Untersuchung zur Literargeschichte der vorderen Sinaiperikope Ex 19-24 und deren historischem Hintergrund. OBO 159: 1998 =>14,2069; 15,2074. RJThS 51 (2000) 199-201 (Nicholson, E. W. ). 2185 TPetit, Fran~oise La chaine sur l'Exode. Fragments de SEVERE d'Antioche. 1999 =>15,2075. RocP 66 (2000) 244-245 (Poggi, V,). 2186 EPlaut, Wolfgang Gunther Die Tora: in jüdischer Auslegung, 2: Schemot: Exodus. TBöckler, Annette: Gü 2000, Kaiser 480 pp. €29.66. 3-579-02647-X. RJud. 56 (2000) 211-212 (Ego, Beate). 2187 TRottzoll, Dirk U. Abraham Thn RSRAs langer Kommentar zum Buch Exodus v.1: Parascha Schemot bis Beschalach (Ex 1-17); v.2, Parascha Jitro bis Pekudej (Ex 18-40). SJ 17,1-2: B 2000, De Gruyter 2 vols. €203.50. 3-11-016475-2. Bibi. 2188 Colltns, John J. The Exodus and biblical theology. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 =>237. 247-261; 2189 Reinventing Exodus: exegesis and legend in Hellenistic Egypt. ENickclsburg, G. 2000 =>79. 52-62. 2190 Gertz, Jan Christian Tradition und Redaktion in der Exoduserzählung: Unlersuchungen zur Endredaktion des Pentateuch. FRLANT 186: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 438 pp. 3-525-53870-7. Bibi. 2191 Gonzalez, Antonio EI evangelio de la fe y de la justicia. RLA T 17 (2000) 167-190. 2192 Grabbe, Lester L. Adde praeputium praeputio magnus acervus erit: if the exodus and conquest had really happened. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 23-32. 2193 Hacohen, David Ben-Gad 'J::l l107J 717o?J7 n11l1:1 :'1:V 11~lq'l ':1QlO:jl ::liJl' ::lKl?J::l 7K1lll' ('Waheb in Suphah' and 'the settled country of 'Ar': comments on the route ofthe lsraelites in Moab]. Cathedra 95 (2000) 7-24 Sum. 185.
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2194 Hoffmeier, James Karl Israel in Egypt: the evidence for the authenticity of the Exodus tradition. 1997 =:>13,1912; 14,1970. RJThS 51 (2000) 195-199 (Mast in, B.A. ); Faith & Mission 17/3 (2000) 103-105 (Rooker, Mark). 2195 Johnstone, William Chronicles and Exodus: an analogy and its application. JSOT.S 275: 1998 =:>14,1973. RJThS 51(2000)201-203 (Nicholson, Ernest). 2196 Larsson, Göran Bound for freedom: the book of Exodus in Jewish and Christian traditions. 1999 => 15,2088. RJSJ 31 (2000) 94-95 (Van Ruiten, J.T.A.G.M); IThQ 65 (2000) 195-197 (Maher, Michael); Faith & Mission 17/2 (2000) 83-85 (Bodner, Keith); CBQ 62 (2000) 329-330 (West, James E.); HebStud 41 (2000) 270-273 (Garber, Zev); HBT 21(2000)214-215 (Gowan, Donald E.). 2197 Millard, Alan How reliable is Exodus?. BArR 26/4 (2000) 50-57. 2198 Nielsen, Flemming A.J. Tue Exodus story according to Ezekiel the tragedian and the Exodus manuscripts from Qumran. Diss. Copenhagen 2000, 0 Lemche, N.P. 189 pp [StTh 55,108]. 2199 Ninow, Friedbert Indicators of typology within the Old Testament: the Exodus motif. Diss. Andtews 2000, 359 pp. 9979890. 2200 Noll, K.L. An alternative hypothesis for a historical Exodus event. SJOT 14 (2000) 260-274. 2201 Oblath, Michael D. Of Pharaohs and kings-whence the Exodus?. JSOT 87 (2000) 23-42 [Exod 1; 1 Kgs 12]. 2202 Särkiö, Pekka Concealed criticism of King Solomon in Exodus. BN 102 (2000) 74-83 [Exod 1-2; 5; 32]. 2203 Utzschneider, Helmut Gottes langer Atem; die Exoduserzählung (Ex 1-14) in ästhetischer und historischer Sicht. SBS 166: 1996 =:> 12,1793 ... 15,2096.,RRBLit 1(1999)121-123(0tto, Eckart). 2204 Vo.g_els, Walter D'Egypte a Canaan: un rite de passage. ScEs 52 (2000) 21-35. ' 2205 Volokhine, Youri L'Egypte et la bible: histoire et memoire: apropos de la question de l'Exoae et de quelques autres themes. BSE.G 24 (2000) 83-106. 2206 Vonach, Andreas Der "Exodus"-physische Anstrengung oder geistige Leistung?: Implikationen der Ortsnamen von Ex 1-15 auf die Entstehung und Bedeutung des Exodusbuches. PzB 9 (2000) 123-131. E3.2 Moyses--Pharaoh, Goshen-Exodus 1... 2207 Alexander, J.H. Morse, prince, berger et prophete. Preverenges 1999, Maisonde la Bible 294 pp. FS21.40. 2-8260-3343-3. 2208 Assmann, Jan Moses the Egyptian: the memory of Egypt in westem monotheism. 1997 =:>13,1935 .... 15,2100. RJNES 59 (2000) 202-204 (Teeter, Emily); 2209 Mose l'egizio: decifrazione di una traccia di memoria. 11 ramo d'oro 35: Mi 2000, Adelphi 303 pp. 88-459-1579-4. 2210 Azevedo, Joaqutm Exodo 1:11: su evidencia Lexlual y arqueol6gica. Theologika 1) (2000) 228"257. 2211 Briend, Jacques Mose, ritratto di un legislatore. 11 Mondo della Bibbia 51(2000)5-7; 2212 Mose--der Mensch, der die Gebote entgegennahm. WUB 17 (2000) 5-7.
E3 .2 Exodus 1ss: The call of Moses
2213 Britt, Brian Moses, monotheism, and m:emory. RStR.26 (2000) 313317. 2214 Calabi, Francesca Galeno c Mose. RSF 55 (2000) 535-546. 2215 Di Castro, Carlo Mose ed Aronne: l'eterno dilemma tra idea e rappresentazione. Raslsr 66/3 (2000) 103-111. 2216 Dozeman, Thomas B. Masking Moses and Mosaic authority in Torah. . JBL 119 (2000) 21-45. 2217 Fischer, Georg Das Mosebild der Hebräischen Bibel. Mose. SBS 189: 2000 ::::>307. 84-120. 2218 Fuchs, Esther A Jewish-feminist reading of Exodus 1-2. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 ::::>237. 307-326. 2219 Görg, Manfred Mose-Name und Namensträger: Versuch einer Annäherung.. Mose. SBS 189: 2000 ::::>307. 17-42 [Exod2,l-10]. 2220 Hays, J. Daniel Moses: the private man behind the public leader. BiRe 16/4 (2000) 16-26, 60-63. 2221 Krauss, Rolf Das Moses-Rätsel: auf den Spuren einer biblischen Erfmdung. Mü 2000, Ullstein 352 pp. €24. 3-550-07172-8. 2222 Machinist, Peter The man Moses. BiRe 16/2 (2000) 18-19, 53. 2223 Mi/gram, Jacob The truth of Mosaic origins. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 ::::>94. 187-191. 2224 Otto, Eckart Der historische, der biblische und der historisch-kritische Mosc: Probleme ihrer Relation und Wirkungsgeschichte: 2225 Mose und das Gesetz: die Mose-Figur als Gegenentwurf politischer Theologie zur neuassyrischt:m KOnigsic.leulugie im 7. Jh.v.Chr. Mose. SBS 189: 2000 ::::>307. 9-16/43-83. 2226 Pincherle, Mario II Mose proibito: profeta o astuto ingannatore dell'umanita?. Diegaro 2000, Macro 159 pp. 88-7507-255-8 Ill. 2227 Sabbah, Mcssod; Sabbah, Roger Lcs sccrcts de l'Exode: l'origine egyptienne des hebreux. P 2000, Godefroy 556 pp. 2228 Spcrlin~, S. David Miriam, Anron nnd Moses! sibllng rivnlry. IIUCA 70-71 (1999-2000) 39-55. 2229 Stein, Hannes Moses und die Offenbarung der Demokratie. 1998 :::::> 14,2012. REK (2000/5) 54-55 (Crüsemann, Frank). n:;u Strauss, Leo FREUD sur Moi"se et le monotheisme. RMM (2000) 540562. Pres. 535-539 de O/ivier Sedeyn, 2231 Van de Water, Rick Moses' exaltatfon: pre-christian?. JSPE 21 (2000) 59-69. Villegas M, B. Abraham, Moiscs ... cn cl NT. 2000 ::::>2054. 2232 Wenin, Andre Moise: entre fiction et histoire. LV(L) 248 (2000) 1927. E3.3 Nomen divinum, Tetragrammaton; Exodus 3, 14... Plagues 2233 Assmann, Jan Monotheismus und Ikonoklasmus als politische Theologie. Mose. SBS 189: 2000 ::::>307. 121-139. 2214 RrP.tnn, Stnnislns Est-je suis: Parmenide ou Moise. RPL 98 (2000) 235-249 [Exod 3,14]. 2235 Buher, Martin Tbc burning bush (Exodus 3). On the bible. 2000 ::::>140. 44-62. 2236 Farstad Dahl, Torill K. Hvilket navn bar Gud?: teologiske problemer ved oversettelsen av det Gamle Testamentes gudsnavn til nye spräk. Ung teologi 33/1, 3 (2000) 5-19, 93-107.
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2237 Gnuse, Robert Karl No other gods: emerient monotheism in Israel. JSOT.S 241: 1997 =>13,1990 ... 15,2132. CBQ 62 (2000) 725-726 (Hendel, Ronald). 2238 Görg, Manfred YHWH-ein Toponym?: weitere Perspektiven. BN 101(2000)10-14. 2239 Lenchak, Timothy A. Puzzling passages: Exodus 4:24. BiTod 38 (2000) 316-317. 2240 Mankowski, Paul The gender of lsrael's God. This is my name forever: the Trinity and gender language for God. EKimel, A.H. DG 2000, Intervarsity. 77-101[AcBib10,652]. 2241 Mazzinghi, Luca Mose pastore del gregge di letro (Es 3,1): esegesi e tradizione. Vivens Homo 1111 (2000) 19-44 Som., Sum. 43. 2242 Moor, Johannes Cornelis de The rise ofYahwism: the roots oflsraelite monotheism. BEThL 91: 2 1997 =>13,1997 ... 15,2143. RßiOr 57 (2000) 140-142 (Caquot, Andre}; RivBib 48 (2000) 199-209 (Prato, Gian Luigi); ZRGG 52 (2000) 170-172 (Herr, Bertram); RB 103 (2000) 452-454 (Nodet, Etienne); OLZ 95 (2000) 609-612 (Rösel, Martin). 2243 Römer, Thomas Le monotheisme dans la bible. MoBi 124 (2000) 4346. 2244 Rösel, Martin Adonaj-warum Gott 'Herr' genannt wird. FAT 29: Tü 2000, Mohrx; 257 pp. €75.67. 3-16-147193-8. Bibi. 2245 Stefani, Piero 1 nomi di Dio nella bibbia. Corano e bibbia. 2000 => 493, 65-85. 2246 Süss, Rene El sjaddaj. ITBT 8/8 (2000) 25-26. 22'17 Van Wijk-Bos, Johanna WH Writine on the water: the ineffäble name ofGod. Jews, Christians. SBL Symp. 8: 2000 =>237. 45-59. 2248 Williams, Catrin H. 1 am He: the interpretation of 'An! Hü' in Jewish and early christian literature. WUNT 2/113: Tü 2000, Mohr xiv; 408 pp. 3-16-147098-2. Bibl. RRDDras 17/4 (2000) 708-709. E3.4 Pascha. sanguis,
Passover, blood, sacrifice, Ex 11 ...
2249 Alves, Herculano Os sacrificios no Antigo Testamento. A Eucaristia. 2000 =>452. 13-36. 2250 Brett/er, Marc Zvi The many faces ofGod in Exodus 19. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 =>237. 353-367. 2251 Buher, Martin Holy event (Exodus 19-27). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 63-79. 2252 Davies, John A. A royal priesthood: literary and intertextnal per~ectives on an image of Israel in Exodus 19:6. Diss. Sydney 2000, Young, Jan [TynB 53,157-159]. 2253 Eberhart, Christian Studien zur Bedeutung der Opfer im Alten Testament: die Signifikanz von Blut- und Verbrennungsriten im kultischen Rahmen. Diss. Heidelberg 2000-2001, 0 Rendtorff, R. [RTL 32,594]. 2254 Ketterer, Eliane La Päque dans la tl'adition juivc du 8ccunu Lemple. Cahiers Ratisbonne 8 (2000) 29-64 Riass., sum. 64. 2255 Klein, David J. Proving and provision at Marah: Exodus 15:22-27. Kerux 15/1 (2000) 24-29. 2256 Knauf, Ernst Axel Der Exodus zwischen Mythos und Geschichte: zur ~riesterschriftlichen Rezeption der Schilfmeer-Geschichte in Ex 14. STECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 => 110. 73-84.
E3 .4 Exodus 11...: Passover, Sinai
2257 Kupper, Christian Daniel Mit Israel auf dem Weg durch die Wüste: eine leserorientierte Exegese der Wüstenerzählungen im Ex 15,2217,7 und Num 11,1-20,13. Diss. Kampen 2000, 0 Houtman, C. [RTL 32,595]. 2258 Lempert, Bernard Critique de la pensee sacrificielle. La couleur des idees: P 2000, Seuil 238 pp. 2259 Maccoby, Hyam L'executeur sacre: le sacrifice humain et le legs de la culpabilite. 1999 =:>15,2174. RREJ 159 (2000) 516-518 (Couteau, Elisabeth). 2260 Marx, Alfred Les sacrifices de l' Ancien Testament. CEv 111 (2000) 5-54· 2261 Opf~rlogik im alten Israel. Opfer. stw 1454: 2000 =>276. 129-149 iBuBB 31,25]. '2'26'2 Mello, Alberto Rabbi JISHMA'EL: il cantico presso il mare: commento a Es 15, 1-21: Mekhilta di Rabbi Jishma'el. Magnano 2000, Qiqajon 185 pp. €12.91. 88-8227-091-2. Introd., trad., note; Comunira de Bose. 2263 Remaud, Michel 'Telle est la circoncision du Christ': du sang de la Päque a la mort du Christ. Cahiers Ratisbonne 8 (2000) 65-83 Riass., sum. 83 [Eph 2,11-14; Col 2,11]. 2264 Schenker, Adrian Les sacrifices dans Ia bible ; 2265 Drei Mosaiksteinchen: "Königreich von Priestern", "und ihre Kinder gingen weg", "wir tun und wir hören" (Ex 19,6; 21,22; 24,7) ; 2266 Keine Versöhnung ohne Anerkennung der Haftung für verursachten Schaden: die Rolle von Haftung und Intentionaliät in den Opfern hatta't und 'a§am (Lev 4-5) . Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 =:>206. 7-21/90-103/113-122. 2267 Schramm, Brooks Exodus 19 and its christian appropriation. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 =:>237. 327-352. 2268 EShire, Michael Die Pessach Haggada. 1998 =:>14,2065. RfrRu 7 k2000) 222-223 (Gerl-Falkovitz, Ranna-Barbara). 2269 Ubbiali, Sergio 11 sacrificio: evento e rito. 1998 =:>14,272; 15,2185. RAsp. 47 (2000) 242-247 (Falanga, Giuseppe). 2270 Ventura, Fernando 0 'calendario' da Päscoa judaica. A Eucaristia. 2000 =>452. 3-12. 2271 Wagenaar, Jan A. The cessation of manna: editorial frames for the wilderness wandering in Exodus 16,35 and Joshua 5,10-12. ZAW 112 (2000) 192-209. 2272 Willi-Plein, Ina Opfer im Alten Testament; 2273 Opfer und Ritus im kultischen Lebenszusammenhang. Das Opfer. QD 186: 2000 =>365. 48-58/150-177 [BuBB 35,24]. E3.5 Decalogus, Ex 20=Dt 5; Ex 2Iss; Ancient Near Eastern Law 2274 Artus, Olivier I due decaloghi nella bibbia. 11 Mondo della Bibbia 51 (2000) 9-13. 2275 Assmann, Jan Der Dekalog und die ägyptischen Nonnen des Totengerichts. WTTR 17(2000)10-14, 2276 Avishiir, Yitzhak The narrative ofthe revelation at Sinai (Ex 19-24). FKALLAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 =:>59. 197-214. 2277 Beauchamp, Paul La loi de Dieu: d'une montagne a l'autre. 1999 => 15,2232. RLV.F 55/1 (2000) 112-114 (Widart, J.-M).
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2278 Berlin, Adele Numinous Nomos: on the relationship between narrative and law. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 =>70. 25-31. 2279 Eßoyer, Frederic 1 dieci commandamenti. TBertalozzi, Raffaella 11 Mondo della Bibbia 51(2000)1-55. 2280 Briend, Jacques 1 Padri della chiesa di fronte alla legge dell' Antico Testamento. II Mondo della Bibbia 51 (2000) 33-36. 2281 Briend, Jacques Wie die Kirchenväter mit den Zehn Geboten umgehen. WUB 17 (2000) 53-54. 2282 Buher, Martin The words on the tablets (Exodus 20). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 93-117. 2283 Buher, Martin What are we to do about the ten commandments?. On the bible. 2000 =>140. 118-121. 2284 Dcrshowitz, Ahm M. Tue genesis of justice: ten stories of biblical injustice that led to the ten commandments and modern law. NY 2000, Warner xi; 273 pp. 0-446-52479-4. 2285 Ego, Beate "Freiheit auf den Tafeln". WUB 17 (2000) 37-41. 2286 Freedman, David Noel The nine commandments: uncovering a hidden pattem of crime and punishment in the Hebrew Bible. NY 2000, Doubleday xix; 217 pp. $25. 2287 Frevel, Christian Gottes Grundgesetz. WUB 17 (2000) 17-23. 2288 Gaziaux, Eric Entre exegese et ethique: la problematique de la loi. RTL 31(2000)321-343. 2289 Graupner, Axel Vom Sinai zum Horeb oder vom Horeb zum Sinai?: zur Intention der Doppelüberlieferung des Dekalogs. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 =>107. 85-101[Ex20,1-17; Dt 5,6-22). 2290 Hentschel, Georg Lesens des commandements dans l'Ancitm Te::stament. Com(F) 25 (2000) 39-51[Exod20,17; Dt 5,21). 2291 Hossfe/d, Frank-Lothar Der Dekalog als Grundgesetz-eine Problemanzeige. FPERLITT, L. FRLANT 190: 2000 =>86. 46-59. 2292 Juckson, Bemard S. Law, wisdom, and narrative. Narrativity. DEThL 149: 2000 =>1084. 31-51. 2293 Jackson, Bernard S. Studies in the semiotics of biblical law. JSOT.S 314: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 332 pp. l-8'1127-150-0. Bibl. 298-317. 2294 Kuiser, Ottu The law as center of the Hebrew Bible. Studien zur Lit· eraturgeschichte. FzB 90: 2000 =>176. 218-229. 2295 Lenzen, Verenu Die Zehn Gebote im Rahmen theologischer Ethik. WUB 17 (2000) 61-65. 2296 Marguerat, Daniel Die Zehn Gebote und Jesus. WUB 17 (2000) 4951. 2297 Meynet, Roland 1 due decaloghi, legge di liberta (Es 20,2-17 & Dt 5,6-21). Gr. 81(2000)659-692. 2298 Otto, Eckart Der Dekalog im Horizont des Alten Orients. WUB 17 (2000) 25-29. 2299 Pilch, Juhn J. The ten words. BiTod 38 (2000) 109-113. 2300 Pinker, Aron Decalogue or dodecalogue?. JBQ 28 (2000) 233-244. 2301 l'izzorni, Reginaldo Commandamenti e lcgge naturale (omelia di Giovanni Paolo II al Monte Sinai del 26 febbraio 2000). ED 53/3 (2000) 127-137 Sum. 127. 2302 Pöhlmann, Horst Georg; Stern Marc Die zehn Gebote im jüdischehristlichen Dialog: ihr Sinn und ihre Bedeutung heute: eine kleine Ethik. Fra 2000, Lembeck 227 pp. 3-87476-372-2 [ActBib 38,l 14sBoada, J.].
E3.5 Decalogue, Biblical Law, Exodus 20.„
2303 Sarna, Nahum M The decalogue. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 229-238. 2304 Schenker, Adrian Die Reihenfolge der Gebote auf der zweiten Tafel: zur Systematik des Dekalogs. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 =>206. 52-66. 2305 Schwienhorst-Schönberger, Ludger Die Zehn Gebote-der Freiheit eine Form geben. WUB 17 (2000) 9-15. 2306 Tappy, Ron E. The code of kinship in the ten commandments. RB 107 (2000) 321-337 [Ex 20,12-17; Dt 16-21]. 2307 Gre/ot, Pierre Deux poemes arameens sur Exode 20,1-2. REJ 159/12 (2000) 49-61 Res., sum. 49. 2308 Amiet, Pierre La proibizione dell'imagine: una formulazione tardiva?. 11 Mondo della Bibbia 51(2000)23-27. 2309 Assmann, Jan Monotheismus und Ikonoklasmus als politische Theologie. Mose. SBS 189: 2000 =>307. 121139. 2310 Besan~on, Alain Tue forbidden image: an intellectual history of iconoclasm TTodd, Jane Marie Ch 2000, Univ. ofCh. Pr. viii; 423 pp. $40. 0-226-04413-0 [ThD 48,257---Heiser, W. Charles]. 2311 Fine, Steven lconoclasm: who defaced this Jewish art?. BiRe 16/5 (2000) 32-43. 55. 2312 Haug, Kari Storstein; Halter, Knut No graven image?: reading the second commandment in a Thai context. AJTh 1411 (2000) 20-36 [Exod 20,4]. 2313 Mettinger, Tryggve N.D. No graven image?: Israelite aniconism in its ancient Near Eastern context. CB.OT 42: 1995 =>11/1,6'/2 ... 15,2208. RoLZ 95 (2000) 617-620 (Stahl, Rainer). 2314 Nitsche, Stefan Ark Verfilmung biblischer Texte, oder: die ästhetische Begründung des Bilderverbots. BiLi 73 (2000) 233-240. 2315 EVan der Toorn, Karel Tht: imagt: aml tht: book: iconic cults, aniconism, and the rise of book religion in Israel and the ancient Near East. 1997 =>13,2073; 14,2087. ROTEs 13 (2000) 129-131 (Ne/, P.J.).
2316 Elßner, Thomas R. Das Namensmißbrauch-Verbot (Ex 20,7, Dtn 5,11): Bedeutung, Entstehung und frühe Wirkungsgeschichte. EThSt 75: 1999 =>15,2215. RzAR 6 (2000) 351-353 (Otto, Eckart). 2317 Co/e, HR. The sabbath and the alien. AUSS 38 (2000) 223-229 [Ex 23,12]. 2318 Dohmen, Christoph "Der siebte Tag soll ein Sabbat sein". WUB 17 (2000) 43-47. 2319 Fontana, Raniero 11 sabato degli ebrei. Cahiers Ratisbonne 8 (2000) 95-116 Riass., sum. 116. 2320 Nikiprowetzky, Valentin Le sabbat et les armes dans l'histoire ancienne d'Isra(!l. REJ 159/1-2 (2000) 1-17 Res., sum. 1. 2321 Jungbauer, Harry 'Ehrt: Vater und Mutter'-der We!bdes Elterngebotes in der biblischen Tradition. Diss. Tü 2000/01, Jeremias, G. [ThRv 98/4, xivj. 2322 Millard, Matthias Das Elterngebot im Dekalog: zum Problem der Gliederung des Dekalogs. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 =>94. 193-215. [Exod 20,12; Dt 5,16]. 2323 Scanu, Maria Pina 'Non rubare' (Es 20,15=Dt 5,19). PSV 42 (2000) 31-47.
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2324 Dölken, Clemens Das 9. und 10. Gebot-wider eine Kultur der Begehrlichkeit?: eine Anwendung für die Gegenwartsgesellschaft?. IKaZ 29 (2000) 40-49. 2325 Hentschel, Georg Das Lebensrecht des Nächsten: Beobachtungen zum neunten und zehnten Gebot des Dekalogs. IKaZ 29 (2000) 2639. , 2326 Levine, Etan You shall not covet. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 ~179. 141-159. 2327 Ruspi, Walter II IX eil X comandamento. Com(I) 169 (2000) 15-28. 2328 Anderson, Cberyl Barbara Women, ideology, and violence: critical theory and the construction of gender in the book of the covenant and the Deuteronomic law. Diss. Vanderbilt 2000, 253 pp. 9970029. 2329 Boecker, Hans Jochen "Feindesliebe" im alttestamentlichen Recht?: Überlegungen zu Exodus 23,4-5. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 ~107. 19-25. 2330 Cardellini, Innocenzo Sör naggäb: un caso emblematico in Es 21,2832. Lat. 66 (2000) 295-308. 2331 Cardellini, Innocenzo 11 toro ehe scoma in Es 21,28-32. MVAmONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 ~15,94. 47-60. 2332 Curmic:huel, Cu/um M Thi: Lhri:i: laws 011 Lhi: ri:li:ast: uf slavi:s (Ex 21,2-11; Dtn 15, 12-18; T.ev 25,39-46). ZAW 112 (2000) 509-525. 2333 Fleishman, Joseph On the legal relationship between a father and his natural child. ZAR 6 (2000) 68-81. 2334 Groß, Walter Die alttestamentlichen Gesetze zu Brache-, Sabbat-, Erlaß- und Jubeljahr und das Zinsverbot. ThQ 180 (2000) 1-15 [Ex 23; Lev 25]. 2335 Houtman, Cornelis Dac; Rundeshnch: ein Kommentar. DMOA 7.4: 1997 =:>13,2081; 14,2097. Rßior 57 (2000) 372-376 (Otto, Eckart). · 2336 Knight, Douglas A. Village law and the book ofthe covenant. FLONG, B. BJSq25: 2000 ~70. 163-179. 2337 Levine, Etan Women's marital rights. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 ~179. 97-140. 2338 Levine, Etan Defending the people's constitution. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 ~179. 161-181. 2339 Levinson, Bernard M. Deuteronomy and the hermeneutics of legal innovation. 1997 ~13,2083; 15,2228. RREJ 159/1-2 (2000) 271 (Lemaire, Andre'); VT 50 (2000) 131-132 (Harland, P..l) [Exod 20,2223,33; Dt 12-26]. 2340 Limbeck, Meinrad Das Gesetz im Alten und Neuen Testament. 1997 ~13,2092; 15,2241. RJThS 51(2000)171-3 (Bockmuehl, M). 2341 EMatthews, Victor H.; Levinson, Bernard M.; Frymer-Kensky, Tikva Gender and law in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near Bast. JSOT.S 262: 1998 ~14,256; 15,2246. RThLz 125 (2000) 4952 (Otto, Eckart); JSSt 45 (2000) 160 (Lancaster, lrene); HeyJ 41 (2000) 327-329 (Van den Eynde, S.). 2342 Ost, Fran~ois Du Sinar au Champ-de-Mars: l'autre et le mt!me au fondement du droit. Donner raison 7: Bru 1999, Lessius 128 pp. €13.50. 2-87299-084-4 [RTL 34,23ls-Wenin, Andre]. 2343 Rothenbuscb, Rnlf Die kasuistische Rechtssammlung im 'Bundesbuch' ( Ex 21,2-11.18-22, 16) und ihr literarischer Kontext im Licht altorientalischer Parallelen. AOAT 259: Müns 2000, Ugarit Verlag 681 pp. RzAR 6 (2000) 371-377 (Otto, Eckart).
E3.5 Decalogue, Biblical Law, Exodus 20...
2344 Ruwe, Andreas Das Zusammenwirken von "Gerichtsverhandlung", "Blutrache" und "Asyl": Rechtsgeschichtliche Erwägungen zu den todesrechtsrelevanten Asylbestimmungen im Hexateuch. ZAR 6 (2000) 190-221 [Ex 21,13-14; Num 35,1-34; Dt 19,1-13; Josh 20,1-9]. 2345 Schenker, Adrian Zeuge, Bürge, Garant des Rechts: die drei Funktionen des "Zeugen" im Alten Testament. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 ~206. 3-6. 2346 Schenker, Adrian Dynamique de depassement dans la loi ancienne. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 ~206. 33-38. 2347 Schenker, Adrian Les sacrifices d'alliance, Ex xxiv,3-8, dans leur portee narrative et religieuse: contribution a l'etude de la berit dans l'Ancien Testament. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 ~206. 77-89. 2348 Schenker, Adrian The biblical legislation on the release of slaves: the road from Exodus to Leviticus. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 ~206. 134-149. 2349 Schenker, Adrian La diffärence des peines pour les vols de betail selon le Code de l'alliance (Ex XXI, 37 et XXII, 3). RB 107 (2000) 18-23. 2350 Schenker, Adrian La plus ancienne formulntion de In pcinc nvcc sursis dans l'histoire du droit: la notion de peine avec sursis dans la Bible?. ZAR 6 (2000) 113-126 [Ex 20,5-6; 34,6-7; Num 18; Dt 5,910]. 2351 Shemesh, Yael oiip;i n1r1J;i •pm? ;i~mizm::i. ,'N1p1J;i pm::i. m•TJ 1lJ:> ;i1•1J o•m::i.;i •pin?1 ['Measure for measure' in biblical law, compared to the laws of the ancient Near East and Bedouin law]. Beit Mikra 161 (2000) 146-167 Sum. 190. 2352 Siegwalt, Gerard La portee universelle de la Torah: pour que le droit soit etabli. ETR 75 (2000) 395-409. 2353 Ska, Jean Louis 'La scrittura cra parola di Dio, scolpita sulte tavole' (Ex 32,16): autorita, rivelazione e ispirazione nelle leggi del pentateuco. RStB 12 (2000) 7-23. 2354 Ska, han Louis La legge in lsraele. Firmana 2'1 (2000) 95-116. 2355 Wafawanaka, Robert African perspectives on poverty in the Hebrew law codes. The Dible in Aftica. 2000 .....;,342. 490~497. 2356 Wagenaar, Jan A. 'A woman who practices sorcery, shall not sustain her soul': a note on the text and interpretation ofExodus 22,17. ZAR 6 (2000) 186-189. 2357 Wenin, Andre Una legge di liberta per vivere l'alleanza. II Mondo della Bibbia 51 (2000) 15-18. 2358 Ziegler, Karl-Heinz Biblische Grundlagen des europäischen Völkerrechts. ZSRG .K 117 (2000) 1-32. 2359 Anbar, Moshe Les rapports entre les lois cuneiformes, les lois bibliqucs et les nomades du lac Tchad. ZAR 6 (2000) 172-174. 2360 Arnaoutoglou, Ilias Ancient Greek laws: a sourcebook. 1998 ~ 14, 2125. Rsc1 19 (2000) 297-299 (Herman, Gabriel); ZSRG.R 117 (2000) 728-730 (Thür, Gerhard). 2361 Dombradi, Eva Die Darstellung des Rechtsaustrags in den altbabylonischen Prozessurkunden, 1. FAOS 20: 1996 --:>12,2011; 15,2258. RJNES 59 (2000) 123-124 (Van de Mierogp, Marc). 2362 Dombradi, Eva Studien zu mitbarum/mitharg und die Frage des Duplums: II, Poenaler Zweck oder sozio-ökonomisch motivierte Regu-
2363 2364
2365 2366 2367 2368 2369
2370 2371 ?.'.17?.
2373 2374
2375 2376 2377 :23'/8
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Iierung des Vertragsbruchs?-KÜ.BABBAR mitbaris liddin und Verwandtes in den Rechtsurkunden ans Emar. ZAR 6 (2000) 16-34. Franke, Sabina "Magische Praktiken" im Codex Hammurapi. ZAR 6 (2000) 1-15. Friedl, Corinna Polygynie in Mesopotamien und Israel: sozialgeschichtliche Analyse polygamer Beziehungen anhand rechtlicher Texte aus dem 2. und 1. Jahrtausend v.Chr. AOAT 277: Müns 2000, Ugarit-Verlag (4) 321 pp. 3-927120-95-2. Bibi. 287-305. Haase, Richard S~aqu im Codex ijammurapi. ZAR 6 (2000) 54-60. Haase, Richard Uber Bemühungen um öffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung in keilschriftlichen Rechtscorpora und in der Torah. ZAR 6 (2000) 61-67. Hölkeskamp, Karl-Joachim Schit:usrichlt:r, Gt:st:lzgt:bt:r unu Gt:setzgebung im archaischen Griechenland. 1999 ::::>15,2265. RzAR 6 ,2000) 358-361 (Kaiser, Otto). Joannes, Francis Rendre la justice en Mesopotamie, archives judiciaires du Proche-Orient anc1en (III 0 -1° millenaires avant J.-C.). P 2000, Pr. Univ. de Vincennes 270 pp. Lafont, Sophie Femmes, droit et justice dans l'antiquite orientale: contribution a l'etude du droit penal au Proche-Orient ancien. OBO 165: 1999 :::;-15,2266. RETR 75 (2000) 262-263 (Smyth-Flurentin, Fran9oise); EstAg 35 (2000) 151-152 (Mielgo, C.); CBQ 62 (2000) 728-729 (Laffey, Alice L. ). Matthews, Victor H.; Benjamin, Don C. Old Testament parallels: laws and stories from the ancient Near East. 2 1997 :::;-13,2094. RcBQ 62 (2000) 540-541 (Spencer, John R.). Mishaly, Aya/a The bei dame's role in the neo-Assyrian legal process. ZAR 6 (2000) 35-53. Mnlinn, M. T.n lt~y mn~ nntienn M ?000, Trottn 186 pp 84-8164352-1. Richardson, M.E.J. Hammurabi's laws: text, translation and glos~ sary. BiSe 73; Semitic Textsand Studies 2: Shf2000, Academic 423 pp. $90. 1-84127-030-X. Roth, Martha Tobi Law collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. EMichalowski, Piotr SBL Writings from the Ancient World 6: Atlanta 2 1997 , Scholars xviii; 283 pp :::;-11/1,716 ... 14,2138. RJNES 59 (2000) 119-121 (Levinson, Bernard M.). Sand, Efraim The judicial documents from Nuzi. Diss. Bar-Ilan 2000, 0 skaist [RTL 32,597]. Seiz, Gebhard J. 'Wirtschaftskrise-Legitimationskrise-Staatskrise': zur Genese mesopotamischer Rechtsvorstellungen zwischen Planwirtschaft und Eigentumsverfassung. AfO 46-47 (2000) 1-44. Simonetti, Cristina Die Nachlaßedikte in Mesopotamien und im antiken Syrien. Das Jobeljahr. FzB 94: 2000 :::;-325. 5-54. Westbrook, Raymond Codex Jjammurabi and the ends of the earth. Landscapes, 3. 2000 =>570. 101-103.
E3.6 Cultus, Exodus 24-40 2379 Adamthwaite, Murray R. A twin calendrical system at Emar and its implications for the Israelite calendar. ANES 37 (2000) 164-182.
E3.6 Cultus, Exodus 24-40
2380 Balentine, Samuel Eugene The Torah's vision of worship. 1999 => 15,2274. RThTo 57 (2000) 270, 272, 274 (Schramm, Brooks); CBQ 62 (2000) 713-714 (Wiggins, Steve A.). 2381 Barbiero, G. Ex. xxxiii 7-11: eine synchrone Lektüre. VT 50 (2000) 152-166. 2382 Braulik, Georg Von der Lust Israels vor seinem Gott: warum Kirche aus dem Fest lebt. Den Himmel offen halten: ein Plädoyer für Kirchenentwicklung in Europa. Eßaumann, Isidor, al.,: Innsbruck 2000, Tyrolia. 92-112. Paul M Zulehner gewidmet. 2383 Dalley, Stephanie Hebrew tabas, Akkadian duhsu, faience and beadwork. JSSt 45 (2000) 1-19 [Ex 25,14]. 2384 Derby, Josiah The saga ofthe ark. JBQ 28 (2000) 28-33. 2385 Dt:Nillers, Luc Ilistoire et theologic de la fütc des Tcntcs (Sukkot). RThom 100 (2000) 469-503. 2386 Domnitch, Larry The Jewish holidays: a journey through history. Northvalc, NJ 2000, Aronson xii; 243 pp. 0-7657-6109-2. Bibl. 2387 Ellington, John A calendar table: an essential readers' help for the Old Testament. BiTr 51(2000)208-213. 2388 Fleming, Daniel E. Mari's large public tent and the priestly tent sanctuary. VT 50 (2000) 484-498. 2389 F.Frankfurter, David T.M. Pilgrimage and boly space in late antique Egypt. RGRW 134: 1998 :::-14,2153. RChH 69 (2000) 407-409 (LrJyarle, Blake). 2390 Gleis, Matthias Die Bamab. BZAW 251: 1997 ::::>13,2137; 15,2281. RcBQ 62 (2000) 122-123 (Wiggins, SteveA.). 2391 Ureenstein, KL. Recovering "the women wbo served at the entrance". FKALLAI, Z.: VT.S 81: 2000 ::::>59. 165-173 [Ex 38,8]. 2392 Heger, Paul The development of the incense cult in Israel. BZAW 245: 1997 ::::>13,2138. RRBLit 1(1999)116-17 (Anderson, GaryA.). 2393 Homan, Michael M Tbc divinc warrior in bis lcnt: a mililary modd for Yahweh's tabemacle. BiRe 16/6 (2000) 22-33. 2394 Kitchen, Kenneth A. The desert tabemacle: pure tiction or plausible account?. BiRe 16/6 (2000) 14-21. 2395 Leithart, Peter J. Making and mis-making: poiesis in Exodus 25-40. International j ournal of systematic theology 2/3 (2000) 307-318. 2396 Nurmela, Risto The Levites: their emei;&ence as a second-class priesthood. SFSHJ 193: 1998 =>14,2162. Biür 57 (2000) 670-674 (Labahn, Antje). 2397 Olyan, Saul M. Rites and rank: hierarchy in biblical representations of cult. Princeton, NJ 2000, Princeton Univ. Press xii; 190 pp. 0-69102948-2. 2398 Orlov, Andrei A. Ex 33 on God's face: a lesson from the Enochic tradition. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 130-147. 2399 Peretz, Yitzchaq Leib; Aleichem, Sholem Le feste ebraiche, 1: Rosh Hashanah Yom Klppur. Alla vlta!-LeChalm! 4: Mi 2000, Paoline. 88-315-. Saggio introduttivo alle feste di Daniel Lffschitz. 2400 Ray, Walter Dean August 15 and the development ofthe Jerusalem Cillr:ncfar ni~~. Notrn Oiimr: ?.000, 177 pp 996711 'i. 2401 Renaud, Bernard L'iilliance, un mystere de misericorde: une lec.tnre d'Exode 32 34. LeDiv 169: 1998 ::::>14,2165; 15,2295. Rßib. 81 (2000) 269-271 (Dohmen, Christoph). 2402 Ritmeyer, Leen; Ritmeyer, Kathleen From Sinai to Jerusalem: the wanderings ofthe holy ark. J 2000, Carta 72 pp. 965-220-434-X.
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2403 Rooke, Deborah W. Zadok's heirs: the role and development ofthe high priesthood in ancient Tsrael. OTM: Oxf2000, OUP xiii; 386 pp. f55. 0-19-826998-6. Diss. Oxford 1996; Bibi. [NThAR2000,310]. 2404 Rubenstein, Jeffrey L. Tue history of Sukkot in the second temple and rabbinic periods. BJSt 302: 1995 =>1111,734„. 15,2291. RRThom 100 (2000) 477-490 (Devillers, Luc). 2405 Sanz Gimenez-Rico, Enrique '„.y la gloria de Yahveh lleno el tabernäculo' (Ex. 40,34). Diss. Madrid 2000, 0 Sicre Dfaz, Jose-Luis [RTL 32,597]. 2406 Schäfer-Lichtenberger, Christa "Sie wird nicht wieder hergestellt werden": Anmerkungen zum Verlust der Lade. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 ::::>94. 229-241. 2407 Schmitt, Hans-Christoph Die Erzählung vom Goldenen Kalb: Ex 32* und das Deuteronomistische Geschichtswerk. Fy AN SETERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000 =>117. 235-250. 2408 Scoralick, Ruth Die Gottesprädikationen in Exodus 34,6f und ihre intertextuellen Beziehungen zum Zwölfprophetenbuch. 0 zenger, E. Diss.-Habil. Münster 2000/01 [ThRv 98/4, xviii]. 2409 Soggin, Jan Alberto lsraele in epoca biblica: istituzioni, feste, cermonie e rituali. Strumenti 4: T 2000, Claudiana 197 pp. €14.98. 88-7016-358-X. 2410 Sommer, Benjamin D. Translation as commentary: the case of the Scptuagint to Exodus 32-33. Textus 20 (2000) 43-60. 2411 Sterk, Jan Months and seasons. BiTr 51(2000)438-440. 2412 Ulfgard, Hcrkan The story of Sukkot: the setting, shaping, and se~uel ofthe biblical feast ofTabernacles. BGBE 34: 1998 ::::>14,2168. Sal. 62 (2000) 190-191 (Vicent, R.); JSJ 31 (2000) 115-117 (Van Ruiten, J.T.A.G.M); JThS 51(2000)208-210 (Goulder, Michael). 2413 Vasciaveo, Chiara La tenda luogo dell'incontro. Horeb ?.5/1 (?.000) 28-34. 2414 Viccnt, Rafael Ln ficstn judin de las Cnbnfins (Sukkot): inter pretaciones midrasicas. 1995 ::::>11/2,3213; 13,2158. NRThom 100 (2000) 469-477 (Devillers, Luc). 2415 Wade, Martha L. Consistency of translation techniques in the tabernacle accounts of Exodus in the Old Greek. Diss. Virginia, Union 2000, 0 McBride, S., 370 pp. 9978445 [Ex 25-31] [RTL 32,598]. E3.7 Leviticus, Jubilee 2416 Büchner, Dirk Translation technique in the Septuagint Leviticus. Diglossia. JSNT.S 193: 2000 ::::>313. 92-106. 2417 Milgrom, Jacob Leviticus 17-22: a new translation with introduction and commentary. AncB 3A: NY 2000, Doubleday 1265-1892 pp. $40. 0-3851-1434-6. 2418 Douglas, Mary Impurity of land animals. Purity and holiness. 2000 ::::>310. 33-'15 [Lev 11]. 2419 Douglas, Mary Leviticus as literature. 1999 ::::>15,2306. RRRT 7 (2000) 276-279 (Neusner, Jacob); JJS 51 (2000) 323-326 (Houston, WalterJ.);ET 111 (1999-2000)218-220(Rodd, C.S.). 2420 Fabry, Heinz-JosefThe reception of the book of Leviticus in Qumran. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 ::::>609. 74-81.
E3. 7 Leviticus, jubilee
2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 7.47.9 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437
Maccoby, Hyam Ritual and morali~: the ritual purity system and its place in Judaism. 1999 :::>15,2310. JJS 51 (2000) 151-152 (Campbell, Jonathan); BTB 30 (2000) 113 (Craghan, John F.). Milgrom, Jacob Impurity is miasma: a response to Hyam Maccoby. JBL 119 (2000) 729-733 [Lev 5,4]; The dynamics of purity in the priestly system. Purity and holiness. 2000 :::>310. 29-32. Monshouwer, Dirk Rein en onrein in Leviticus. ITBT 8/1 (2000) 1921. Neuenfeldt, Elaine G. Menstrua~ao, parto e impureza no Levitico: controle de corpos e liquidos das mulheres. Estudos biblicos 66 (2000) 29-35 [Lev 12; 15,19-33]. Poorthuis, Marcel; Schwartz, Joshua Purity and holiness: an introductory survey. Purity and holiness. 2000 :::>310. 3-26. EPoorthuis, M. Purity and holiness 2000 :::>310. Schwartz, Baruch J. lsrael's holiness: the torah traditions. Purity and holiness. 2000 :::>310. 47-59. Warning, Wilfried Literary artistry in Leviticus. Bibl.Interp. 35: 1999 :::>15,2314. RNRTh 122 (2000) 114-115 (Luciani, D.).
Alves, Herculano Ano jubilar: reflexöes biblico-pastorais. Humanistica e lt:ulugia 21 (2000) 223-248 [Lev 25]. Bianchi, Enzo Lc jubile dans l' Ancien Testament; Le jubile dans le Nouveau Testament. Tychique 143 (2000) 15-24/ 25-29; Bianchi, Francesco Das Jobeljahr in der hebräischen Bibel und in den nachkanonischen jüdischen Texten. Das Jobeljahr. FzB 94: 2000 :::>325. 55-104 [Lev 25]. Bony, Paul Le jubile biblique: histoire et sens. EeV 5 (2000) 18-24. Bullini, Laura Das Jobeljahr bei zwei arabisch-christlichen Autoren. Das Jobeljahr. FzB 94: 2000 :::>325. 173-187. Cabrido, John Aranda A matter of the heart: the meaning of the biblical jubilee. PhilipSac 35 (2000) 227-245. Cervantes Gabarr6n, Jose Sentido social del jubileo biblico. ResB 25 (2000) 52-58. Chrostowski, Waldemar Jubileusze w Starym Testamencie (1) [Les jubiles dans l'Ancien Testament (I)]. PrzPow 941 (2000) 9-18 Som. 6.P.;
2438 Jubileusze w Starym Tcstamencie (dokoil.czenie) [Les jubiles dans l' Ancien Testament (fin).] PrzPow 942 2000 187-199 Som. 142. P. 2439 Collado, Vicente Fundamentos biblicos del jubilco. MisEx(M) 175176 (2000) 5-11 [Lev 23; 25]. 2440 Correiu, Juiiu Albertu Sousa 0 jubileu no Antigo Testamento. Theologica 35 (2000) 17-37 [Lev 25]. 2441 Crüsemann, Marlene; Crüsemann, Frank Das Jahr, das Gott gefüllt. BiKi 55 (2000) 19-25 [Lev 25; Dt 15]. 2442 Hennaux, Jean-Marie L'indulgence du jubile. NRTh 122 (2000) 92102. 2443 Johnstone, William Hope of jubilee: the last word in the Hebrew Bible. EvQ 72 (2000) 307-314 [Lev 25; 26; 2 Chr 36,22-23]. 2444 Kasilowski, Piotr Rokjubileuszowy [L'annee dujubile]. PrzPow 941 (2000) 19-28 Som. 6. P.
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2445 Kinsler, Ross; Kinsler, Gloria The biblical jubilee and the struggle for life: an invitation to personal, ecclesial and social transfonnation. 1999 =>15,2334. RRRT 7 (2000) 324-325 (Vinten, Gerald). 2446 Kuhn, Hanni L'annee sabbatique et l'annee du jubile. CTrB 33 (2000) 12-15 [Lev 25). 2447 Lefebvre, Jean-Franr;ois En marge du grand jubile, l'annee sabbatique. Sources 26 (2000) 134-140. 2448 Lefebvre, Jean-Fran~ois Le jubile biblique: memorial de la creation et de la redemption. Diss. Fribourg 2000, 0 Schenker, Adrian [RTL 32,596]. 2449 Lowery, Richard H. Sabbath and jubilee. St. Louis 2000, Chalice 162 pp. $17. 0-8272-3826-6 [BiTod 39,120-Bergant, Dianne]. 2450 Lugo Rodriguez, Rau! H. El afio jubilar en la biblia. Qol 22 (2000) 37-51 [Lev 25]. 2451 Madaro, Paola Das Jobeljahr in der Deutung der griechischen Kirchenväter. Das Jobeljahr. [Origenes; Cyrillus A.; Eusebius C.] FzB 94: 2000 =>325. 145-171 [Lev 25]. 2452 Moloney, Francis J. The scriptural basis of jubilee, part 1: the First Testament-the end of servitude. IThQ 65 (2000) 99-110. 2453 Morjino, Mauro Maria 11 'como del clamore' ehe annuncia liberazione: l'anno giubilare in Levitico 25. Theologica & Historica 9 (2000) 9-75. 2454 Nieuviarts, Jacques Le jubile dans la bible ou l'encoche de Dieu dans le temps des hommes. Carmel(T) 95 (2000) 3-24. 2455 North, Robert The Biblical Jubilee: ... after fifty years .AnBib 145: R 2000, E. P .l.B. 167 pp. Bibl. 2456 Osborne, Thomas P.; Stricher, Joseph L'annee jubilaire et la remise des dettes: reperes bibliques. 1999 =>15,2337. RRTL 31 (2000) 87-88 (Wenin, A.). 2457 Pettinato, Giovanni Il giubileo biblico e i suoi antecendenti mesopotamici e siriani. II giubileo. 2000 =>569. 7-21. 2'158 Pitta, Antonio L'anno della liberazione: il giubileo e le sue istanze bibliche. 1998 =>14,2223. RRivBib 48 (2000) 248-249 (Priotto, Michelangelo). ?.4'i9 RnhP.l!n, AlfrP.dn MnrdP.r.hni Aspetti clello yovel o giuhileo ehraico. Raslsr 66/2 (2000) 1-24 [Lev 25]. 2460 Schenker, Adrian Der Boden und seine Produktivität im Sabbat- und Jubeljalu: das Jominium ltarat: in Ex 23.10-11 und Lev 25:2-12. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 =>206. 123-133. 2461 Silva R., Santiago El gran jubileo del afio 2000: reflexi6n bfblico-pastoral. Revista ca~6lica 100 (2000) 7-15. 2462 Stricher, Joseph L'annee jubilaire et Ja tradition catholique. FV 99/5 h2000) 73-86. 2463 'Ucko, Hans The jubilee challenge: utopia or possibility?: Jewish and christian insights 1997 =>13,2178. RCThMi 27 (2000) 131-132 (Kjeseth, Peter). 2464 Valdes, Arie! Alvarez 0 ano santo de Israel e o ano santo da lgreja. REB 60 (2000) 363-368 [Lev 25]. 2465 Zappella, Marcu Rt:lt:clurt: t:iI1t:s LekLUrnwegt:s. Das Jubt:ljahr. FzB 94: 2000 =>325. 189-212. 2466 Rendtorff, Rolf Priesterliche Opfertora in jüdischer Auslegung. Opfer. stw 1454: 2000 =>276. 178-190 [BuBB 31,27] [Lev 1-7].
E3. 7 Leviticus, jubilee
2467 Knierim, Rolf P. Text and concept in Leviticus 1:1-9. FAT 2: 1992 :=>8,2630 ... 11/1,760. RBiOr 57 (2000) 380-383 (Levin, Christoph). 2468 Kirn, Eui W An exegetical study of the peace offering (Lcv 3). Chongshin theological journal 511 (2000) 3-16. 2469 Klingbeil, Gerald The anointing of Aaron: a study of Leviticus 8: 12 in its OT and ANE context. AUSS 38 (2000) 231-243. 2470 Cook, Joan E. Community, cult, sacrament and priesthood: a response to Karen Eliasen's 'Aaron's war within: story and ritual in Leviticus 10'. ProcGLM 20 (2000) 101-105 [Lev 10]. 2471 Eliasen, Karen C. Aaron's war within: story and ritual in Leviticus 10. ProcGLM 20 (2000) 81-98. 2472 Houston, Walter Tragedy in the courts of the Lord: a socio-literary reading of the death of Nadab and Abihu. JSOT 90 (2000) 31-39 [Lev 1O].
2473 Jürgens, Benedikt Fremdes Feuer: das Scheitern eines Ubergangsritus (Lev 10). FWIEGARD, J. 2000 :=>122. 193-206. 2474 Moskala, Jiri The laws of clean and unclean animals of Leviticus 11: their nature, theology, and rationale (an intertextual study). Advenlisl Theol. Soc. Diss. Ser. 4: Berrien Springs, MI 2000, Adventist Theological Society Publications] (6) xiv (2); 484 pp. Bibi. 382-484. 2475 Rouwhorst, Gerard Leviticus 12-15 in early christ1anity. Purity and holincss. 2000 ~310. 181-193. 2476 Schwartz, Joshua On birds, rabbis and skin disease. Purity and holiness. 2000 :=>310. 207-222 [Lev 14]. 2477 Carmichae/, Ca/um M The origin of the scapegoat ritual. VT 50 (2000) 167-182 [Lev 16]. 2478 De Roo, Jacqueline C.R. Was the goat for Azazel destined for the wrath ofGod?. Bib. 81(2000)233-242 [Lev 16]. 2479 Jürgens, Benedikt Heiligkeit und Versöhnung: Levitikus 16 in seinem literarischen Kontext. Diss. Münster 2000, 0 zenger, E. Ilcrders Biblische Studien 28: FrB 2000, Herder xi; 518 pp. 3-45127557-0. Biul. 494-518. 2480 Mojo/a, Aloo The Chagga scapegoat ritual and the goat of azaze/ in Leviticus 16. BiTr 50 (l 999) 43)-438. 2481 Gutmann, Joseph The strange history of the kapporet ritual. ZAW 112 (2000) 624-626 [Lev 16,11-16]. 2482 Britt, Brian; Creehan, Patrick Chiasmus in Leviticus 16,29-17,11. ZAW 112 (2000) 398-400. 2483 Achenbach, Reinhard Das Heiligkeitsgesetz im nachpriesterschriftlichen Pentateuch: zu einem Buch von Klaus Grünwaldt. ZAR 6 (2000) 341-350. 2484 Joosten, Jan People and land in the holiness code: an exegetical study of the ideational framework of the law in Leviticus 17-26. VT.S 67: 1996 :=>12,2127; 15,2354. RzAR 6 (2000) 361-365 (Otto, Eckart). 2485 Ruwe, Andreas "Heiligkeitsgesetz" und "Priesterschrift": literaturgeschich liche 11nci rer.htssystematische Untersuchungen zu Leviticus 17,1-26,2. FAT 26: 1999 :=>15,2356. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1009-1012 (Reventlow, Jienning Graf); ZAR 6 (2000) JJ0-340 (Otto, Eckart). 2486 Stewart, David Tabb Ancient sexual laws: text and intertext of the biblical Holiness Code and Hittite law. Diss. Califomia, Berkeley, 2000, 421 pp. 9979821.
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2487 Carmichael, Calum M. Law, legend and incest in the bible: Leviticus 18-20. 1997 =>13,2191; 14,2182. RRBLit 2 (2000) 203207, 207-208 (Ellens, Deborah; Klingbeil, Gerald). 2488 Joosten, Jan La non-mention de la fille en Levitique 18: exercice sur la rhetorique du code de saintete. ETR 75 (2000) 415-420. 2489 Melcher, Sarah J. Sexual intercourse, land, and inheritance: a sociological context for Leviticus 18 and 20. Diss. Emory 2000, 273 pp. 9968389. 2490 Miller, James E. Notes on Leviticus 18. ZAW 112 (2000) 401-403. 249J Wang, Tai-i!Family, law, and ethos in Leviticus 18: lessons.from and for Asia/Korea. AJBI 25-26 (1999-2000) 3-20 [Lev 18]. 2492 Schwartz, Baruch J. The molek prohibition. Shnaton 12 (2000) 65-81 [Lev 18,21; 20,1-5]. H. 2493 Di Pinto, Luigi Prossimo, straniero, nemico: il comandamento dell'amore in Lv 19. FBARRUFFO, A.: 2000 =>7. 13-35. 2494 Lichtheim, Miriam "Love your neighbor": in Leviticus 19 andin ancient Egyptian. MCOUROYER, B.-POWfSKY, H.: CRB 49: 2000 => 30. 49-54. 2495 Neudecker, Reinhard 'Care for your neighbour (who wronged you), he is like you .. .' Leviticus 19:18 in Jewish interpretation. Bulletin of Research ofChristian Culture 22 (2000) 44-63. J. 2496 Olyan, Saul M. The biblical prohibition of the mouming rites of shaving and laceration: sever~l prop?sals. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 ;;;>70. 181-189 [Lev 19,27-28, 21,05, Dt 14,1). 2497 Chavel, Simeon At the boundary of textual and literary criticisms: the case of•:i in Lev 20:9. Textus 20 (2000) 61-70. 2498 Chinitz, Jacob Divine and human curses. JBQ 28 (2000) 87-92 [Lev 26). 2499 Porter, J.R. Lev. xxvii 20: some further considerations. VT 50 (2000) 569-57 1. E3.8 Numeri; Numhers, Ralaam 2500 Elwolde, John Distinguishing the linguistic nnd the exegeticnl: thc biblical book ofNumbers in the Damascus Document. DSD 7 (2000) 1-25. 2501 Levine, Baruch A. Numbers 21-36: a new translation with introduction and commentary. AncB 4A: NY 2000, Doubleday xxii; 614 pp. $45. 0-385-41256-8. 2502 Olson, Dennis T. Numbers. 1996 :....>12,2147; 13,2209. RRBLit 1 (1999) 125-127 (Gruber, Mayer l). 2503 Wevers, John William Notes on the Greek text of Numbers. SHL. SCS 46: 1998 =>14,2244. RHebStud 41 (2000) 281-283 (Buchner, Dirk L.); RBLit 1 (1999) 109-111 (Rösel, Martin). 2504 Cohen, Jejfrey !vf. Leadership iu Lht: buuk uf Numbers. JBQ 28 (2000) 125-129. 2505 Leveen, Adriane ßeth Monumental tasks: the problem of memory in the book of Numbers. Diss. California, Berkeley; 2000 304 pp. 9979701.
E3.8 Numbers, Balaam
2506 Gass, Erasmus 'Ein Stern geht auf aus Jakob': Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse der Bileampoesie. Diss. Würzburg 2000/ 01, 0 seidl, T. [ThRv 98/4, xvi]. 2507 (a) Scbüle, Andreas Israels Sohn-Jahwe's Prophet: die kanonische Theologie und Religionsgeschichte der Bileam-Perikope (Num 2224). Diss. Heidelberg 2000/01, 0 Schmid, K [ThRv 98/4, ix]. (b) Tosato, Angelo The literary structure of the first two poems of Balaam (Num. xxiii 7-10, 18-24). Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. Eorton, David E. Lei 2000 , Brill. 130-138. 2508 Heinzerling, Rüdiger On the interpretation of the census lists by C.J. Humphreys and G.E. Mendenhall. VT 50 (2000) 250-252 [Num 1; 26]. 2509 Humphreys, Co/in J. The numbers in the exodus from Egypt: a further appraisal. VT 50 (2000) 323-328 [Num 1; 26). 2510 Haberman, Bonna Devora The suspected adulteress: a study oftextual embodiment. Prooftexts 20/1-2 (2000) 12-42. Sum. 224 [Num 5,11-31). 2511 Laras, Giuseppe II Dio delle benedizioni nella tradizione d 'lsraele (Numeri 6,24-27). Studi Fatti Ricerche 89 (2000) 5-7. 2512 Cushing, Ralph D. The healing ofMiriam (Numbers 12:1-15; 20:1). JFSR 16/2 (2000) 71. 2513 Knipping, Burkhard R. Die Kundschaftergeschichte Numeri 13-14: synchrone Beschreibung-diachron orientierte Betrachtung-fortschreibungsgeschichtliche Verortung. THEOS 37: Hamburg 2000, Kovac 532 pp. 3-8300-0088X. Diss. Bonn 1999 [NThAR 2000,340). 2514 Rabe, Norbert Vom Gerücht zum Gericht: die Kundschaftererzählung Num 13.14 als Neuansatz in der Pentateuchforschung. THLI 8: 1994 =:>9,2494 ... 14,2260. RThRv 96 (2000) 384-390 (Frevel, Christian). 2515 Beck, J.A. Geography and the narrative shape ofNumbers 13. BS 157 (2000) 271-280. 2516 Cattaneo, Enrico 'II Signore conosce i suoi': Ia rivolta di Core, Datan e Abiram (Nm 16) nella prima letteratura cristiana. FBARRUFFO, A. 2000 =:>7. 211-226. 2517 Goodnick, Benjamin Korah and his aspirations. JBQ 28 (2000) 177181 [Num 16). 2518 Schorn, Ulrike Rubeniten als exemplatrische Aufrührer in Num. 16f*/Deut. 11. FyAN SETERS, J.: BZAW 294: 2000 =:>117. 251-268. 2519 Runions, Erin Hysterical phalli: Numbers 16, two contemporary parallels, and the logic of colonization. Culture, entertainment „. bible. JSOT.S 309: 2000 =>227. 182-205. 2520 Wiesel, Elie Korah. DiRe 16/J (2000) 12-15 [Num 16). 2521 Oswald, Wolfgang Die Revision des Edombildes in Numeri xx 1421. VT 50 (2000) 218-232 [Dt 23,2-9). 2522 Bertrand, Marianne Zimri et Kozbi, deux personnages symboliques de Nombres 25. FRIAUD, J. 2000 =>96. 37-49. 2523 Seebass, Horst Zu Numeri 25,1-18. FSCHMIDT, W.: 2000 :::::>107. 351362· 2524 zur'juristischen und sozialgeschichtlichen Bedeutung des Töchtererbrechts nach Num 27,1-11und36,1-12. BN 102 (2000) 22-27. 2525 Levene, Dan; Rothenberg, Beno !z.iK:J K:J' in the ancient versions and rabbinic literature: a fundamental aspect of the nature of metal. JAB 2 (2000) 75-87 [Num 31,22-23).
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2526 Peters, Mark Allen Numbers 35:9-34. Interp. 54 (2000) 60-62. E3.9 Liber Deuteronomii 2527 Braulik, Georg Studien zum Buch Deuteronomium. SBAB 24: 1997 ::::>13,2240; 14,2272. RThRv 96 (2000) 390-391 (Bouzon, Emanuel). 2528 TMcNamara, Martin Targum Neofiti 1: Deuteronomy. Tue Aramaic Bible 5A: 1997 ::::>13,2234; 15,2400. RRBLit 1 (1999) 107-108 (Rendsburg, Gary A. ). 2529 Smend, Rudolf Ein Göttinger Deuteronomiumkommentator: Alfred BERTIIOLET (1868-1951). FPERLlTI, L. 2000 ~86. 173-189. 2530 Wevers, John W. Notes on the Greek text... Deuteronomy. SCSt 39: 1995 ::::>1111,826; 13,2238. KJSSL45 (2000) 177-9 (Lee, JuhnA.L.). 2531 Eynikel, Erik The reform of King Josiah and the composition of the deuteronomistic history. OTS 33: 1996 ~12,2184; 13,2246. Rßiür 57 (2000) 144-151 (Uehlinger, Christoph) 2532 Fanuli, Antonio Memoria biblica tra teologia ed ermeneutica. Mpusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 ::::>40. 229-246. 2533 Finsterb~ph, Karin Das gesetzesparänetische Schema im Deuteronomium: Uberlegungen zu Definition und Funktion im Anschluss an N. Lohfink. BN 103 (2000) 53-63. 2534 Graf, .Fritz Magie in the ancient world. 199'/ ::::>13,2249; 15,2411. REmerita 68 (2000) 378-380 (Garcia Teijeiro, Manuel). 2535 Kaiser, Otto Das Deuteronomium und PLATONs Nomoi: Einladung zu einem Vergleich. FPERLlTI, L.: FRLANT 190: 2000 ~86. 60-79. 2536 Knight, Douglas A. Whose agony?: whose ecstasy?: the politics of Deuteronomic law. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 ~31. 97-112. 2537 Levin, Christoph Uas Deukrunomiwn wul Jer Jahwisl. rPERLlTI, L.: FRLANT 190: 2000 ::::>86. 121-136. 2538 Levinson, Bernard M. The hermeneutics oftradition in Deuteronomy: a reply to J.G. McConyille. JBL 119 (2000) 269-286. 2539 Lohfink, Norbert Die Attesten Israels und der Bund: zum Zusammenhang von Dtn 5,23; 26,17-19; 27,l.9fw1d 31,9 ; 2540 Bund als Vertrag im Deuteronomium ; 2541 Zur Fabel des Deuteronomiums ; 2542 Geschichtstypologisch orientierte Textstrukturen in den Büchern Deuteronomium und Josua . Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 ~182. 265-283/285-309/247-263/75-103. 2543 McConville, J. Gordon Deuteronomy's unification of passover and massöt: a response to Bernard M. Levinson. JBL 119 (2000) 47-58. 2544 Miliar, J. Gary Now choose life: theology and ethics in Deuteronomy 1998 ~14,2287. RSeK 21 (2000) 463-465 (Vos, H. de); RExp 97 (2000) 513-514 (Biddle, MarkE.). 2545 Mil/er, Patrick D. Deuteronomy and Psalms: evoking a biblical conversntion; 2546 God's other stories: 011 the margins of Deuteronomic theology. lsraeUte rellgion .. JSOT.S 267: 2000 ::::>191. 318-336/:593-602. 2547 Minette de Tillesse, Gaetan TU & VOUS dans le Deuteronome. FPERLlTI, L.: FRLANT 190: 2000 ~86. 156-163. 2548 Morrow, William S. Mesopotamian scribal techniques and Deuteronomic composition: notes on Deuteronomy and the hermeneutics of legal innovation. ZAR 6 (2000) 302-313.
E3.9 Deuteronomy
2549 Otto, Eckart Das Deuteronomium: politische Theologie und Rechtsreform in Juda und Assyrien. BZAW 284: 1999 =:>15,2417. RzAR 6 (2000) 368-371 (Lohjink, Norbert); 2550 Das Deuteronomium im Pentateuch und Hexateuch: Studien zur Literaturgeschichte von Pentateuch und Hexateuch im Lichte des Deuteronomiumrahmens. F AT 30: Tü 2000, Mohr Siebeck x; 326 pp. 316-147388-4. Bibi. 275-304. 2551 Otto, Eckart Deuteronomium und Pentateuch: Aspekte der gegenwärtigen Debatte. ZAR 6 (2000) 222-284; 2552 Mose der Schreiber: zu "poetics" und "genetics" in der Deuteronomiumsanalyse anhand eines Buches von Jean-Pierre Sonnet. ZAR 6 (2000) 320-329; 2553 Zwischen sozialer Verantwortung des Einzelnen und Filrsnr~~ cl~s Staates: das biblische Fremdenrecht im Buch Deuteronomium. ITE 9 (2000) 25-34 Res., sum., Zsfg. 25. 2554 Press/er, Carolyn A response to Bemard Levinson's 'Deuteronomy and the hermeneutics of legal innovation'. ZAR 6 (2000) 314-319. 2555 Robinson, Bernard P. The God of Deuteronomy. ScrB 30/2 (2000) 16-29. 2556 Roje, Alexander Ephraimite versus Deuteronomistic history. Reconsidcring Israel. 2000 :::::-282. 462-474. 2557 Römer, Thomas Deuteronomy in search of origins. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =:>282. 112-138. 2558 Silva, Domingos Savio da Responsabilidad moral en el Deuteronomio: una llamada a la vida. Paginas 161 (2000) 59-70. 2559 Spieckermann, Hermann Mit der Liebe im Wort: ein Beitrag zur Theologie des Deuteronomiums. FPF.RT.TTI, T.. FRT.ANT 190: 2000 =:>86. 190-205. 2560 Kratz, Reinhard G. Der literarische Ort des Deuteronomium. FPERLIIT, L.: FRLANT 190: 2000 =:>86. 101-120 [Dt 1-3]. 2561 Heckl, Raik Die 'Ich-Erzählung des Mose': eine Studie zu Kohärenz, literarischer Intention und Punktion von Dtn 1,1-3,29. Diss. Leipzig 2000/01, 0 Lux. R. [ThRv 98/4, x]. 2562 Mtller, Patrick D. The wilderness joumey in Deuteronomy: style, structure, and theology in Deuteronomy 1-3. Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000:::::>191. 572-592. 2563 Lohfink, Norbert Narrative Analyse von Dtn 1,6-3,29. FRENDTORFF, R.: 2000 =:>94. 121-176; 2564 Die Stimmen in Deuteronomium 2 ; 2565 Zum "Numeruswechsel" in Dtn 3,2lf. Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 =:>182. 47-74/35-45. 2566 Brett/er, Marc Zvi A "literary sermon" in Deuteronomy 4. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 =:>70. 33-50. 2567 Krüger, Thomas Zur Interpretation der Sinai/Horeb-Theophanie in Dtn 4,10-14. FSTECK, 0.: BZAW 300: 2000 =:>110. 85-93 [Exod 19-
24]. 2568 Gerhardsson, ßirger The Shema in the New Testament: Deut 6:4-5 in significant passages. 1996 =:>12,2213; 14,2295. REstB 58 (2000) 12'1-127 (Urban, A.); JThS 51(2000)239-241 (Horbury, William). 2569 Hardmeier, Christo/ Das Schema' Jisra'el in Dtn 6,4 im Rahmen der Beziehungstheologie der deuteronomistischen Tora. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 =:>94. 61-92.
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2570 Herrmann, Wolfram Jahwe und des Menschen Liebe zu ihm: zu Dtn. . vi 4. VT 50 (2000) 47-54. 2571 Mutius, Hans-Georg von Sprachliche und religionsgeschichtliche Anmerkungen zu einer neu publizierten samaritanischen Textfassung von Deuteronomium 6,4. BN 101 (2000) 23-26. 2572 Shedinger, Robert F. Notes and observations: a note on the variant form ofthe Shema in the writings of JUSTIN Martyr. HThR 93 (2000) 161-163. 2573 Kaiser, Otto Der eine Gott und die Götter der Welt. FSTECK, 0.: BZAW 300: 2000 => 110. 335-352 [Dt 6,4-9]. 2574 Loretz, Oswald Des Gottes Einzigkeit: ein altorientalisches Argumentationsmodell zum 'Schma Jisrael'. 1997 =>13,2253; 14,2296. RzRGG 52 (2000) 172-174 (Herr, Bertram). 2575 Lohjink, Norbert Mose als Fürbitter in Dtn 9, 1-10, 11: zu einem Buch von Erik Aurelius. Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 =>182. 107-130. 2576 Veijola, Timo Bundestheologie in Dtn 10,12-11,30. FPERLITT, L.: FRLANT 190: 2000 =:>86. 206-221. 2577 Na'aman, Nadav The law ofthe altar in Deuteronomy and the cultic site near Shechem. FVAN SETERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000 =>117. 141161 [Dt 11,26-30; 27; Josh 8,30-35; 24]. 2578 Lolifink, Norbert Kultzentralisation und Deuteronomium: zu einem Buch von Eleonore Reuter [Dt 12]; 2579 Fortschreibung?: zur Technik von Rechtsrevisionen im deuteronomischen Bereich, erörtert an Deuteronomium 12, Ex 21,2-11 und Dtn 15,12-18 . Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 =>182. 131-161/163-203. 2580 Veijo/a, Timo Wahrheit und Intoleranz nach Deuteronomium 13. Moses Erben. BWANT 149; 2000 =>222. 109-130. 2581 Morrow, William S. Scribing the center: organization and rcdaction in Deuteronomy 14:1-17:13. SBL.MS 49: 1995 ::::>11/1,887„. 14, 2299. RBZ 44 (2000) 111-114 (Lohjink, Norbert). 2582 Schenker, Adrian Die Freilassung der hebräischen Sklaven nach Dtn 15,12 und Jer 34,8-22. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 => 206. 150-157. 2583 Kirn, Young-Uk The ideal king according to Deuteronomy 17:1420. Diss. Kampen 2000, 0 Hnutman, C. [RTL 32,595]. 2584 Köckert, Matthias Zum literargeschichtlichen Ort des Ptophetengesetzes Dtn 18 zwischen dem Jeremiabuch und Dtn 13. FPERLITI, L. FRLANT 190: 2000 =>86. 80-100. 2585 Bovati, Pietro 11 profota fratello (Dt 18,9-22). PSV 41(2000)25-36. 2586 Sprinkle, Joe M Deuteronomic "just war" (Deut 20,10-20) and 2 Kings 3,27. ZAR 6 (2000) 285-301. 2587 Veijola, Timo 'Fluch des Totengeistes ist der Aufgehängte' (Dtn 21,23). UF 32 (2000) 543-553. 2588 Harland, P.J. Menswear and womenswear: a study of Deuteronomy 22:5. ET 110 (1998-1999) 73-76. 2589 Buber, Martin The prayer of the tirst fruits (Denteronomy 26). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 122-130. 2590 Gertz, Jan Christian Die Stellung des kleinen geschichtlichen Credos in der Redaktionsgeschichte von Deuteronomium und Pentateuch. FPERLm, L. FRLANT 190: 2000 =>86. 30-45 [Dt 26,1-11].
E3.9 Deuteronomy
2591 Lohfink, Norbert Moab oder Sichern-wo wurde Dtn 28 nach der Fabel des Deuteronomiums proklamiert?. Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 :::>182. 205-218. 2592 Aurelius, Erik Heilsgegenwart im Wort: Dtn 30,11-14. FPERLITI, L.: FRLANT 190: 2000 :::>13-29. 2593 Britt, Brian Deuteronomy 31-32 as a textual memorial. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 358-374. 2594 Garcia L6pez, Felix La muerte de Moises, la sucesi6n de Josue y la escritura de la törah (Deuteronomio 31-34). The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 :::>321. 85-99. 2595 Lohjink, Norbert Zur Fabel in Dtn 31-32. Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 :::>182. 219-245. 2596 Roje, Alexander The end of the Song of Moses (Deuteronomy 32:43). FPERLITI, L. FRLANT 190. 2000 :::>86. 164-172. 2597 Beyerle, Stefan Der Mosesegen im Deuteronomium: eine text-, kornpositions- und form.kritische Studie zu Deuteronomium 33. BZAW 250: 1997 :::;.13,2290 ... 15,2446. RCHQ 62 (2000) 314-315 (Morraw, William S.); RBLit 1(1999)127-129 (Romer, Thomas, C.). 2598 Mosis, Rudolf Pentateuch als Bahnlesung und Tod des Mose: zu einer aktuellen Kontroverse. TThZ 109 (2000) 139-160 [Dt 34]. 2599 Römer, Thomas C.; Brett/er, Marc Zv1 Deuteronomy 34 and the case for a Persian Hexateuch. JBL 119 (2000) '10 l -'119.
E4. l Origo Israelis in Canaan: Deuteronomista; Liber Josue 2600 Berger, Paul-Richard Israel in der Sicht der alten Ägypter, Assyrer und Babylonier nach den erhaltenen historischen Inschriften. Israel als Gegenüber. 2000 :::>444. 26-52. 2601 Bieberstein, Klaus Josua-Jordan-Jericho: Archäologie, Geschichte u. Theologie der Landnahmeerzählung Josua 1-6. OBO 143: 1995 :::>11/1,948 ... 15,2512. RThLZ 125 (2000) 385-387 (Görg, Manfred). 2602 Fritz, Volkmar 0. Die Entstehung Israels im 12. und 11. Jahrhundert v. Chr. 1996 :c-:>12,2244„. 15,2454. RBz 44 (2000) 314-315 (Engel, Helmut). 2603 Hubbard, Robert L. Jr. Only 11 distnnt mcmory: Old Testament allu- · sions to Joshua's days. ExAu 16 (2000) 131-148. 2604 Schmid, Konrad Erzväter und Exodus: Untersuchungen zur doppelten Begrl\ndung der Ursprünge Israels innerhalb der Geschichtsbücher des Alten Testaments. WMANT 81: 1999 ::::>15,2463. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1012-1014 (Schmidt, Ludwig); Bib. 81 (2000) 579-583 (Carr, David); RBLit 2 (2000) 198-201 (Berge, Kare).
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2605 Thompson, Thomas L. The mythic past: biblical archaeology and the myth of Israel. 1999 ~ 15,2464. RCBQ 62 (2000) 534-536 (Mil/er, Robert D. ); RBBras 17/4 (2000) 626-627. 2606 Younger, K. Lawson Early Israel in recent biblical scholarship. The face ofOT studies. 2000 ~230. 176-206. 2607 Albertz, Rainer In search of the deuteronomists: a first solution to a historical riddle. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 ~321. 1-17. 2608 Auld, A. Graeme Prophets shared-but recycled. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 ~321. 19-28. 2609 Auld, Graeme The Deuteronomists between history and theology. IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 ~478. 353-367. 2610 Boshoff, Willem Jeroboam ben Nebat in the Deuteronomistic History: recovering the Northem Kingdom from the Deuteronomistic historians against the hackground of recent South African history; 2611 Botha, Phil 'No king like him ... ': royal etiquette according to the Deuteronomistic Historian. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 :..:>482. 19-35/36-49. 2612 Campbell, Antony F.; O'Brien, Mark A. Unfolding the Deuteronomistic History: origins, upgrades, present text. Mp 2000, Augsburg Fortress vi; :'iO:'i pp. $:17. 0-8006-2878-0 [RR 108,114]. 2613 Cortese, Enzo Deuteronomistic work. ASBF 47: 1999 ~15,2473. RAnton. 75 (2000) 759-761 (Volgger, David}. 2614 Dietrich, Walter History and law: Deuteronomistic historiography and Deuteronomic law exemplified in the passage from the period of the Judges to the monarchical period. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 -:>315. 315-342. 2615 Dietrich, Walter Prophetie im deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk. Future ... Deuteronom.istic History. BEThL 147: 2000 ~321. 47-65. 2616 Fabian, Dapila N Prophetie fulfilment: an examination of 'true' and 'false' prophecy in the Deuteronomistic works. OTEs 13 (2000) 9-26 [DL 13,2-6; 18,21-22; 2 Sam 7]. 2617 Gonzalez Lamadrid, Antonio Historia deuteronomista. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 ~287. 17-216. 2618 Gosse, Bernard Du rejet de Yahve par Israel au rejet d'lsrael et de Juda par Yahve dans les livres de Samuel et les livres des Rois. ZA W 112 (2000) 550-563 [1 Sam 8,7; 15,23-26]. Kaiser, 0. Pentateuch und Deuteronomistisches Geschichtswerk. 2000 ~ 1797. 2619 Knauf, Ernst Axel Does 'Deuteronomistic historiography' (DtrH) exist?. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 ~315. 388-98.
E4.l Israel in Canaan; 'Deuteronomist'; Joshua
2620 Knoppers, Gary N Is there a future for the Deuteronomistic History?. Future ... Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 119-34. EKnoppers, G. Reconsidering Israel and Judah 2000 =>282. 2621 Kratz, Reinhard Gregor Die Komposition der erzählenden Bücher des Alten Testaments: Grundwissen der Bibelkritik. UTB 2157; UTB.W: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 336 pp. 3-525-03231-5. 2622 Lohfink, Norbert Der Zorn Gottes und das Exil: Beobachtungen am deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk. FPERLITI, L. FRLANT 190: 2000 =>86. 137-155. 2623 Mayes, Andrew D.H. Deuteronomistic ideology and the theology of the Old Testament. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 => 315. 456-480. 2624 McKenzie, Steven L. The divided kingdom in the Deuteronomistic History and in scholarship on it. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 135-145. 2625 Ne/, Philip J. Social justice ns religious rcsponsibility in N ear Eastem religions: historic ideal and ideological illusion. JNSL 26/2 (2000) 143-153. 2626 Nelson, Richard D. The role ofthe priesthood in the Deuteronomistic history. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 179-193 (1 Sam 3,11-14; l Kgs 2,27]. 2627 Nelson, Richard Donald Tbc historical books. Interpreting Diblical Texts: 1998=>14,2335. RRBLit 2 (2000) 172-174 (Becking, Bob). 2628 Noth, Martin The central theological ideas. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::>282. 20-30. 2629 Pakkala, Juha Intolerant monolatry in the Deuteronomistic history. 2000 Diss. Helsinki, 0 Veijola, T. [StTh 55,111]. 2630 Plöger, Otto Speech and prayer in the Deuteronomistic and the Chronicler's histories. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 3146 (2 Sam 7,18-29; 1Chr17,16-27; 29,10-19]. 2631 EPury, Albert de; Römer, Thomas; Macchi, Jean-Daniel Isral;ll construit son histoire: l'historiographie deuteronomiste a la lumiere des recherches recentes. MoBi 34: 1996 =>12,199„. 14,2326. RRTL 31 (2000) 86-87 (Wenin, A.). 2632 Rose, Martin Deuteronomistic ideology and theology of the Old Testament. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 =>315. 424-455. 2633 Römer, Thomas C. L' ecole deuteronomiste et la formation de la Bible hebraique. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 179-193. 2634 Römer, Thomas C. Du temple au livre: l'ideologie de la centralisation dans l'historiographie deuteronomiste. FyAN SETERS, J. BZA W 294: 2000 :::>117. 207-225.
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2635 Römer, Thomas; Pury, Albert de Deuteronomistic historiography (DH): history ofresearch and debatcd issucs. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 =>315. 24-141. 2636 Rösel, Harmut N. Does a comprehensive 'Leitmotiv' exist in the Deuteronomistic History?. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 195-211. 2637 Rösel, Hartmut N. Von Josua bis Jojachin: Untersuchungen zu den deuteronomistischen Geschichtsbüchern des Alten Testaments. VT.S 75: 1999 =>15,2489. RRB 104 (2000) 620-621 (Langlamet, F.). 2638 Sacchi, Alessandro I libri storici: Israele racconta la sua storia. Cammini nello Spirito, Biblica 42: Mi 2000, Paoline 483 pp. 88-3152001-6. Bibl. 2639 Schmid, Hansjörg Das Königtum Ahabs als deuteronomistische Botschaft. BN 104 (2000) 95-105. 2640 Smend, Rudolf The law and the nations: a contribution to Deuteronomistic tradition history. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 95-110. 2641 Van Seters, John The Deuteronomist from Joshua to Samuel. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 204-239. 2642 Van Seters, John The Deuteronomistic History: can it avoid death by redaction?. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 213-222. 2643 Vermeylen, Jacques L'ecole deuteronomiste aurait-elle imagine un premier canon des ecritures?. The future ofthe Deuteronomistic Ilistory. BEThL 147: 2000 :::::.321. 223-240. 2644 Weippert, Hel!{a "Histories" and "history": promise and fulfillment in the Deuteronomistic historical work. Reconsidering Israel. Sources for biblical and theological study 8: 2000 ::::>282. 47-61. 2645 Woljf, Hans Walter The kerygma of the Deuteronomistic historical work. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 62-78 [Dt 4,29-30; 30,1-10; 1 Kgs 8,46-53]. 2646 Harris, J. Gordon: Brown, Cheryl A.; Moore, Michael S. Joshua, Judges, Ruth. NIBCOT: Peabody 2000, Hendrickson xvii; 398 pp. 1~ 56563-214-1. 2647 Hawk, L. Daniel Joshua. Berit Olam: ColMn 2000, Liturgical 287 pp. $40. 0-8146-5042-2. Bibi. 283-287 [ScrB 31,I 12]. 2648 Moatti-Fine, Jacqueline Le livre de Josue: les choix et les enjeux de la traduction des Scptantc. REJ 159 (2000) 603-613. 2649 TMoatti-Fine, Jacqueline La Bible d' Alexandrie, 6: Jesus (Josue). 1996 =>12,2279; 14,2333. REstB 58 (2000) 567-570 (Urban, A.). 2650 Niessen, Friedrich Eine samaritanische Version des Buches Yehosua' und die Sobak-Erzählung: die samaritanische Chronik Nr. II,
E4.l Israel in Canaan; 'Deuteronomist'; Joshua
Handschrift 2: JR(G) l 168=Ryl. Sam. MS 259, Folio 8b-53a. TSO 12: Hildesheim 2000, Olms viii; 446 pp. 3-487-11060-1. Diss. Köln 1998 [NThAR2000,311]. 2651 Noort, Edward Das Buch Josua: Forschungsgeschichte und Problemfelder. EdF 292: 1998 :::::>14,2336; 15,2497. ROLZ 95 (2000) 5962 (Stahl, Rainer); CBQ 62 (2000) 333 (Winther-Nielsen, Nicolai); Bib. 81 (2000) 116-119 (Sicre, Jose L.). 2652 Sipilä, Seppo Between literalness and freedom: translation technique in the Septuagint of Joshua and Judges. Diss. Helsinki 2000, 0 Sollamo, R. 236 pp [RTL 32,598]. 2653 Alexander, J.H. Josue et le secret de sa reussite. Preverenges 1999, Maisonde la Bible 195 pp. FS16.90. 2-8260-3368-9. 2654 Auld, A. Graeme Joshua retold: synoptic perspectives. 1998 :::::>14, 2341. RßiOr 57 (2000) 153-156 (Van der Meer, MN); JR 80 (2000) 494-495 (Coate, Robert B.). 2655 Auld, Graeme Joshua and 1 Chronicles. FKALLAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 :::::>59. 132-140. 2656 Noort, Ed Joshua: the history of reception and henneneutics. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 :::::>482. 199-215. 2657 Partner, Peter God of battles: holy wars of christianity and Islam. 1997 :::::>13,2346; 15,7558. RJR 80 (2000) 362-363 (Johnson, James Turner). 2658 Wenham, Gordon J. The Deuteronomic theology of the book of Joshua. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::::>282.194 203. 2659 Erbes, Johann E. The Peshitta and the versions: a study of the Pcshitta variants in Joshua 1-5 in rclation to thcir equivalc11ts i11 thc ancient versions. AUU.SSU 16: 1999 :::::>15,2513. RoLZ 95 (2000) 446-452 (Hertog, Cornelis G. den); WZKM 90 (2000) 352-355 (Segert, Stanislav); OrChr 84 (2000) 253-254 (Wehrle, Josef); RBLit 2 (2000) 208-210 (Cox, Claude). 2660 Briend, Jacques The sources of the Deuteronomistic History: research on Joshua 1-12. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 :::::>315. 360-386. 2661 Nentel, Jochen Trägerschaft und Intentionen des dcutcronomistischen Geschichtswerks: Untersuchungen zu den Reflexionsreden Jos 1;23;24; 1Sam12 und 1Kön8. BZAW 297: B 2000, De Gruyter xv; 338 pp. €101.24. 3-11-016864-2. Bibi.; Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg. 2662 Porter, J. Roy The succession of Joshua. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::::>282. 139-162 [Dt 17,14-20; Josh 1,1-9]. 2663 George, David B. Yahweh's speech at Jos 1,2-6 and Deut 11: semantics, intertextuality, and meaning. ZAW 112 (2000) 356-364.
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2664 Lerner, Berel Dov Rahab the harlot and other philosophers of religion. JBQ 28 (2000) 52-55 [Josh 2,9-11]. 2665 Kraus, Hans-Joachim Gilgal: a contribution to the history ofworship in Israel. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 ::::>282. 163-178 [Josh 3-4]. 2666 Briend, Jacques Le tresor de YHWH en Jos 6,19.24b. TEuph 20 (2000) 101-106. 2667 Clements, R.E. Achan's sin: warfare and holiness. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 ::::>31. 113-126 [Josh 7,24-26]. 2668 Kasten, Douglas L. Narrator devices in Joshua's ruse: translating Joshua 8:15. JOTT 13 (2000) 1-13. 2669 Kruger, Hennie Sun and moon marking time: a cursory survey of exegetical possibilities in Joshua 10:9-14. JNSL 26/1 (2000) 137-52. 2670 Assis, Elie The summaries of the conquest narrative in the book of Joshua (Jos. 11 :16-12:24). Tarbiz 70 (2000) 5-15 Sum. v. ?.671 Wimmer, Stefan $eret has-Sal)ar be-har ha-'emeq (Jos 13,19). BN 103 (2000) 39-42. 2672 Wazana, Nili The tribal boundaries in light of Tarhuntassa border descriplion. Shnalon 12 (2000) 165-186 [Josh 15-19]. 2673 Kitz, Anne M Undivided inheritance and lot casting in the book of Joshua. JBL 119 (2000) 601-618 [Josh 15, l]. ?674 Roje, Alexander Clan sagas as a source in settlement traditions. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 ::::>70. 191-203 [Gen 48,22; Num 32,3942; Josh 15,14-19; 17,1; 1Chr7,20-27]. 2675 Galil, Gershon The historical context of Joshua 19:40-48. BN 104 (2000) 11-15. 2676 Sperling, S. David Joshua 24 re-examined. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 ::::>282. 240-258.
E4.2 Liber Judicum: Richter, Judges 2677 Amlt, Yalra The book of Judges: the art of editing. Biblical interpretation 38: 1999 ::::>15,2519. RHebStud 41 (2000) 286-288 (Greenspahn, Frederick E. ); 2678 Judges: introduction and commentary. Mikra Leyisra'el: 1999 ~15, 2520. RHebStud 41(2000)283-286 (Carasik, Michael). 2679 Eßrenner, Athalya Judges. 1999 ::::>15,2522. RHeyJ 41 (2000) 464465 (Van den Eynde, Sabine); CDQ 62 (2000) 578-579 (Green, Burbara). Harris, J.G. Joshua, Judges, Ruth 2000 ::::>2646. 2680 Schneider, Tammi J. Judges. Berit Olam: ColMn 2000, Liturgical xxi; 317 pp. $35. 0-8146-5050-3 [RB 103,479].
E4.2 Judges
Sipilä, S .... Translation technique in the Septuagint of Joshua and Judges 2000 =>2652. Smelik, Willem F. The targum of Judges. OTS 36: 1995 =>1111,983 ... 14,2389. RJSSt 45 (2000) 184-187 (Stec, David M).
2682 Ackerman, Susan What if Judges had been written by a Philistine?. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 33-41. 2683 Exum, Cheryl J. The centre cannot hold: thematic and textual instabilities in Judges. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 578600. 2684 O'Connell, Robert H. The rhetoric ofthe book of Judges. VT.S 63: 1996 =:>12,2303 ... 15,2530. RRBLit 1(1999)131-4 (Hauser, AlanJ.). 2685 Alvarez Barredo, Miguel La iniciativa de Dias. Cart. 16 (2000) 433437 [Judg 1-8]. 2686 Alvarez Barredo, Miguel La iniciativa de Dios: estudio literario y teol6gico de Jueces 1-8. Puhlicaciones Inst. Teol6gico Franciscano, Serie Mayor 31: Murcia 2000, Esplgas 327 pp. €21.04. 84-86042-461. ßibl. REstTrin 34 (2000) 547-549 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime). 2687 Van Bekkum, Koert De historiografie van Israels vestiging in Kanaän aan de hand van Richteren 1:1-2:5. NedThT 54 (2000) 295-309. 2688 Amit, Yairah Bochim, Bethel, and the hidden polemic (Judg 2, 1-5). FKALLAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 =>59. 121-131. 2689 Hartmann, Thomas A.U. gmd in Richter 3,16 oder die Pygmäen im Dschungel der Längenmaße. ZAH 13 (2000) 188-193. 2690 Guillaume, Ph. Deborah and the seven tribes. BN 101 (2000) 18-21. 2691 Vincent, Mark A. The song of Deborah: a structural and literary considcration. JSOT 91 (2000) 61-82 [Judg 5]. 2692 Ugasse, Simon Exegese juive et exegese patristique: le cycle biblique de Gedeon. LASBF 50 (2000) 181-262 [Judg 6-8]. 2693 Rudman, Dominic The second bull in Judges 6:25-28. JNSL 26/1 (2000) 97-103. 2694 Alvarez Barredo, Miguel Perfiles literarios y teol6gicos de Jue 7. Anton. 75 (2000) 3-40. 2695 Jans, Edgar Abimelech und sein Königtum: diachrone und synchrone Untersuchung zu Ri 9*. 0 Tübingen 2000, 0 Groß, W. 2696 Greer, Fann D. The archetypal story of the sacrifice of the young fominine. Diss. Union Institute 2000, 171 pp. 9995582 [Judg 11]. 2697 Römer, Thomas La fille de Jephte entre Jerusalem et Alhen~s: reß~ xions apartir d'une triple intertextualite en Juges 11. Intertextualites. 2000 =>481. 30-42. 2698 Alomia, Haroldo La tragedia de la hija de Jefte: una interpretaci6n de Jueces 11 :29-40. Theologika 15 (2000) 156-185.
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2699 Lenchak, Timothy A. Puzzling passages: Judges 11 :30-31. BiTod 38 (2000) 248. 2700 Houtman, Cees; Spronk, Klaas Jefta's dochter: tragiek vvan een vrouwenleven in theologie en kunst. 1999 :::>15,2544. RITBT 8/4 (2000) 33-34 (Siertsema, Bettine) [Judg 11,34-40]. 2701 Camp, Claudia V. Riddlers, tricksters and strange women in the Samson story. Wise, strange and holy. JSOT.S 320: 2000 :::>144. 94-143 pudg 13-16]. 2702 Witte, Markus Wie Simson in den Kanon kam: redaktionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Jdc 13-16. ZAW 112 (2000) 526-549. 2703 Di Lella, Alexander A. Tue book ofTobit and the book of Judges: an intertextual analysis. Henoch 22 (2000) 197-206 [Judg 13,2-20: Tob 12,11-22]. 2704 Keilenbach, Katharina von Am 1 a murderer?: Judges 19-21 as a parable ofmeaningless suffering. Strange fire. HiSe 71: 2000 :::>290. 176-191.
E4.3 Liber Roth, 'V Rotuli', the Five Scrolls Harris, J.G. Joshua, Judges, Ruth 2000 :::>2646. 2705 Lowden, John The making of the bibles moralisees, 1: the manuscripts; 2: the book ofRuth. University Park, PA 2000, Pennsylvania State Univ. Pr. 2 vols; xvi; 360; xiv; 298 pp. $85 + 85. 0-271-019190 [ThD 47,376-Heiser, W. Charles]. 2706 Reid, Debra Ruth and Esther. Crossway Bible Guide: Leicester 2000, Crossway 157 pp. f5. 1-85684-199-5. Bibi. 157. 2707 TERottzoll, Dirk U. Abraham Ibn Esras Kommentare zu den Büchern Kohelet, Ester und Rut. SJ 12: 1999 :::>15,2557. RThLZ 125 (2000) 611-614 (Maier, Johann). 2708 Vilchez Lindez, Josc Rut y Ester 1998=>14,2420; 15,2559. Rar. 81 (2000) 175-178 (Prato, Gian Luigi); Bib. 81 (2000) 275-277 (Avalos, Hector). 2709 Zakovitch, Yair Das Buch Rut: ein jüdischer Kommentar. SBS 177: 1999 :::>15,2560. RCBQ 62 (2000) 744-746 (Moore, Michael S.). 2710 Chittister, Joan D. The story of Ruth: twelve moments in every woman's lifo. GR 2000, Eerdmans xii; 92 pp. $28. 111. by John August Swanson [BiTod 39,118-Bergant, Dianne]. 2711 Haggai, Moshe Dialogue in the hook of Rnth: structure and meaning. Diss. Jewish Theo!. Sem. of America 2000, 171 pp. 3008628. 2712 Leshem, Yossi Book of Ruth: date of composition. Beit Mikra 163 (2000) 353-368 Sum. 382. H.
E4.3 Ruth
2713 Navarro Puerto, Mercedes Narraciones biblicas: el libro de Rut. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 =:>287. 381-401. 2714 Nielsen, Kirsten Jntertextuality and Hebrew. Bible IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =:>478. 17-31 [1 Kgs 21]. 2715 Korpel, Marjo C.A. Unit division in the book ofRuth: with examples from Ruth 3. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 =:>283. 130-48. 2716 Roje, Alexander Ruth 4:11 LXX-a midrashic dramatization. Textus 20 (2000) 129-140.
E4.4 1-2 Samuel 2717 Hester, David Charles First and Second Samuel. Interpretation Bible studies: LVL 2000, Gem:va viii; 118 pp. 06645-00730. Bibi. 108. 2718 Peterson, Eugene H. First and Second Samuel. 1999 =:>15,2600. RThTo 57 (2000) 284, 286 (Middleton, J. Richard). 2719 Evans, Mary J. 1 and 2 Samuel: based on the New International Version. New Intemational Biblical Commentary, OT 6: Peabody, MASS 2000, Hendrickson xiv; 267 pp. $12. 0-85364-727-5. Bibi. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 338-339 (Vogels, Wulter). 2720 Jobling, David 1 Samuel. Berit Olam: 1998 =:>14,2427; 15,2599. RRßLit 2 (2000) 210-214, 214-6 (Frolov, Serge; Linville, James R.). 2721
2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727
Armington, Shawn Aaron Recurrent narratives in 1 Samuel: art and intention in the redaction process. Diss. Princeton 2000, 181 pp. 9970090. Breytenbach, Andries Who is behind the Samuel narrative?. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 =:>482. 50-61. Garsiel, Moshe Word play and puns as a rhetorical device in the book ofSamuel. Puns. 2000 =:>1338. 181-204. Goldingay, John E. Men behaving badly. Carlisle 2000, Paternoster vi; 327 pp 1-84227-012-5. Bibi. 326-327. Jobling, David What, if anything, is 1 Samuel?. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =:>282. 601-614. Polak, Frank The structure of the book of Samuel and its place in ancient Israelite historiography. Shnaton 12 (2000) 13-47. H. Schroer, Si/via; Staublt, Thomas "Jonathan aima beaucoup David": l'homocrotismc dnns lcs rccits bibliques concernant Saul, David et Jonathan. FV 99/4 (2000) 53-64. Steussy, Marti J. The problematic God of Samuel. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 =:>31. 127-161.
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2729 Eynikel, Erik The relation between the Eli narrative (1 Sam. 1-4) and the ark narrative (1 Sam. 1-6; 2 Sam. 6: 1-19). Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 ::::>482. 88-106. 2730 White, Marsha "The history of Saul's rise": Saulide state propaganda in 1Samuel1-14. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 271-292. 2731 Adair, James R. An inductive method for reconstructing the biblical text: illustrated by an analysis of 1 Samuel 3. JNSL.MS 2: Stellenbosch 2000, Univ. of Stellenbosch vii; 380 pp. 0-7972-0785-6. Bibi. 2732 Buher, Martin Samuel and the ark (1 Samuel). On the bible. 2000 ::::>140. 131-136. 2733 Stirrup, A. "Why has Yahweh defeated us today before the Philistines?": the question of the ark narrative. TynB 51 (2000) 81-100 (1 Sam 4,1-7,1]. 2734 Collins, Jack Miqreh in 1 Samuel 6.9: 'chance' or 'event'?. BiTr 51 (2000) 144-147. 2735 Rudman, D. The commissioning stories of Saul and David as theological allcgory. VT 50 (2000) 519-530 [1Sam9; 16-17]. 2736 Piedad, Jorge (.Dos tradiciones en 1 Sam 16,14-23?. Qol 22 (2000) 59-91.
E4.5 1 Sam 7„.Jnitia potestatis regiae, Origins of kingship 2737 Couffigual, Rul.Jerl Salll, ht:rus lragi4ue c.le la bible. 1999 ~ 15, 2615. RETR 75 (2000) 614-616 (Lys, Dani(d), 2738 Hamilton, Mark Wade The body royal: the social poetics of kingship in ancient Israel. Diss. Harvard 2000, 350 pp. 99'/24'/9. ?.739 Moenikes, Ansgar Die grundsätzliche Ablelmung des Königtums in der Hebräischen Bibel: ein Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte des Alten Israel. BBB 99: 1995 ::::>11/1,1060; 12,2391. RBz 44 (2000) 311-314 (Willmes, Bernd). 2740 Nihan, Christophe Le(s) recit(s) dtr de l'instauration de la monarchie en 1 Samuel. The fuLw·e uflhe Deuleronumislic Hislory. BEThL 147: 2000 ::::>321. 147-177. 2741 Schefjler, Eben Saving Saul from the Deuteronomist. Past, present, füture. OTS 44: 2000 ::::>482. 263-271. 2742 Sembrano, Lucio La regalita di Dio: metafora ebraica e contesto culturale del Vicino Oriente antico. RivBib.S 32: 1997 ::::>13,2444; 15,2625. RRivBib 48 (2000) 232-237 (Bianchi, Francesco). 2743 Wyatt, Nick Myths of power: a study of royal myt:h and ideology in Ugaritic and biblical tradition. UBL 13: 1996 ::::>12,1454. RzRGG 52 (2000) 169-170 (Herr, Bertram).
E4.5 1 Sam 7... The origins ofkingship
2744 McKenzie, Steven L. Tue troubJe with kingship. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 =>315. 286-314 [1Sam8-12]. 2745 Nihan, Christophe De Ja Joi comme pre-texte: tours et detours d'une allusion dans le debat exilique sur Ja royaute en !Samuel 8-12. Intertextualites. 2000 =>481. 43-72. 2746 (a) Lefebvre, Philippe Le retour vers le pere: SaüJ et les figures paternelles. VS 154 (2000) 295-304 [1 Sam 9,1-6; 2 Sam 19,9-15]. (b) Parker, Simon B. Possession trance and prophecy in pre-exilic Israel. Prophecy in the Hebrew BibJe. 2000 =>3742. 124-138 [1 Sam 10,05-07; 19,20-24]. 2747 Kurz, William S. Biblical farewell addresses. BiTod 38 (2000) 68-73 [1 Sam 12].
E4.6 1Sam16... 2 Sam: Accessio Davidis. David's Rise 2748 Epury, Albert de Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte Davids: neue Einsichten und Anfragen. OBO 176: FrS 2000, Univ.-Verl. 189 pp. FS59. 3-7278-1290-7. 2749 Bietenhard, Sophia Des Königs General: die Hccrführertraditionen in der vorstaatlichen und frühen staatlicher Zeit und die Joabgestalt in 2 Sam 2-20; 1 Kön 1-2. OBO 163: 1998 =>14,9503; 15,2629. RRB 103 (2000) 412-417 (Wiener, Claude); RDLit 2 (2000) 216-218 (McKenzie, Steven L. ). 2750 Blum, Erhard Ein Anfang der Geschichtsschreibung?: Anmerkungen zur sog. Thronfolgegeschichte und zum Umgang mit Geschichte im alten Tsrnel. Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte. OBO 176: 2000 =>2748. 4-37. 2751 Eßron, H.; Lipschitz, 0. 1'1l1:J Ol::l:J mN:iti;i :?o,,p, ,n ?N11Zl' 1?7.) 111 o,?ll.'11, ,111'1:J'.l.l:i :iö,01:J'l1N:i ?lll N1J?I'.)? :i.m;i [David King of Israel alive and enduring?]. 1997 =>13,319. RJSSt 45 (2000) 161-162 (Sasson, Victor). 2752 Cohen, Laurent Le roi David: une biographie mystique; suivie de 'David, poete parfait'. P 2000, Seuil 143 pp. €16.76. 2-02-033840-8. Dialogue avec Elie Wiesel [BCLF 625,2100]. 2753 Derby, Josiah Prophetie views of the Davidic monarchy. JBQ 28 (2000) 111-116. 2754 Eßesrousseaux, Louis; Vermeylen, Jacques Figures de David a travers la bible. LeDiv 177: 1999 =>15,410. XVIIe congres de l'ACFEB (Lille, sept. 1997). RRTL 31 (2000) 542-545 (Haelewyck, J.-Cl.). 2755 Dietrich, Walter Das Ende der Thronfolgegeschichte. Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte. OBO 176: 2000 =>2748. 38-69 [1 Kgs 1; 2];
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2756 Die David-Abraham-Typologie im Alten Testament. FSCHMIDT, w. 2000 =>107. 41-55. 2757 Dietrich, Walter; Naumann, Thomas The David-Saul narrative. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 276-318. 2758 Edelman, Diana The Deuteronomist's David and the Chronicler's David: competing or contrasting ideologies. The future of the Deuteronomistic History. BEThL 147: 2000 =>321. 67-83. 2759 Gavron, Daniel König David und Jerusalem-Mythos und Realität. Jerusalem: Wege in die Heilige Stadt. 2000 =>418. 14-17. 2760 Gottlieb, Mel 1. King David's joumey into wholeness: an archetypical study. Diss. Pacifica Gra70. 153-161 [2 Sam 2-20; 1Kgs1-2]. 2763 Kaiser, Otto Das Verhältnis der Erzählung vom König David zum sogenannten Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk: am Beispiel von 1 Kön 1-2 untersucht: ein Gespräch mit John Van Seters. Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte. OBO 176: 2000 =>2748. 94-122; 2764 Beobachtungen zur sogenannten Thronfolgccrzöhlung Dnvids. Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. FzB 90: 2000 => 176. 165-82. 2765 Kessler, John Sexuality and politics: the motif of the displaced husband in the books of Samuel. CDQ 62 (2000) 409-423 [1 Sam 25; 2 Sam 3,1-16; 11-121. 2766 Keys, Gillian The wages ofsin: a reappraisal ofthe 'Succession Narrative'. JSOT.S 221: 1996 ~12,2442 ... 14,2463. RRBLil 1 (1999) 134-138 (Kleven, Terence). 2767 Kirsch, Jonathan King David: the real life of the man who ruled Israel. NY 2000, Ballatine xi; 368 pp. 0-345-43275-4. Bibl. 349-355. 2768 Klein, Johannes Vergleich zwischen Saul und David: ein Element des Erzählsystems der Samuelbücher und dessen literaturgeschichtliche Einordnung. Diss. Bern 2000/01, 0 Dietrich, W. [ThRv 98/4, iii]. 2769 Kreuzer, Siegfried" ...und der Herr half David in allem, was er unternahm": die Davidgeschichte in ihrem inneren Zusammenhang und im Licht der westsemitischen Königsinschriften. FSCHMiur, W. 2000 => 107. 187-205. 2770 Kunz, Andreas Die Frauen und der König David: Studien zur Figuration von Frauen in den Daviderzählungen. Diss.-Habil. Leipzig 2000/01, 0 Lux, R. [ThRv 98/4, xviii]. 2771 MacKenzie, Steven L. King David: a biography. Oxf 2000, OUP viii; 232 pp. $25. 0-19-513273-4;
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2772 König David: eine Biographie. B 2000, De Gruyter viii; 253 pp. 311-017196-1. 2773 McKenzie, Steven L. The so-called succession narrative in the Deuteronomistic History. Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte. OBO 176: 2000 =>2748. 123-135. 2774 Pyper, Hugh S. David as reader: 2 Samuel 12:1-15 and the poetics of fatherhood. Bibl.Interp. 23: 1996 =>12,2450 ... 15,2666. RBibllnterp 8 (2000) 441-443 (Nicholson, Sarah); VT 50 (2000) 276-277 (Lipton, Diana). 2775 Reiss, Moshe Strife in the household of King David. JBQ 28 (2000) 227-232. 2776 Roje, Alexander The reliability ofthe sources about David's reign: an outlook from political theory. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 =>94. 217-227. 2777 Schmitt, Rüdiger Der König sitzt im Tor: Überlegungen zum Stadttor als Ort herrschaftlicher Repräsentation im Alten Testament. UF 32 (2000) 475-485. 2778 Schroer, Si/via; Staubli, Thomas Saul, David and Jonathan-the story ofa triangle?: a contribution to the issue of homosexuality in the First Testament. Samuel and Kings. Tue feminist companion to the bible 2/7: 2000 =>243. 22-36. 2779 Seiler, Stefan Die Geschichte von der Thronfolge Davids (2 Sam 920; 1 Kön 1-2). BZAW 267: 1998 =>14,2469; 15,2664. RRB 107 (2000) 273-279 (Langlamet, Franfois); ThLZ 125 (2000) 609-611 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) JJ-J6] (Dietrich, Wulter); CBQ 62 (2000) 335-336 (Miscall, Peter D. ). 2780 Shanks, Hershel King David-serial murderer: new biography compan:s Isradite king to Saddam Hussein. BiRe 16/6 (2000) 34-3'/, )3. 2781 Steussy, Marti J. David: biblical portraits of power. 1999 =:>15, 2644. RTS 61 (2000) 147-48 (Fulco, William J.); HebStud 41 (2000) 268-270 (Klingbei/, Gerald A.). 2782 Thompson, Thomas L. IfDavid had not climbed the Mount ofOlives. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 42-58. 2783 Van Seters, John The court histot1' and DtrH: couflicliug perspectives on the house of David. Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte. OBO 176: 2000 =>2748. 70-93. 2784 Vermeylen, Jacques La loi du plus fort: histoire de la redaction des recits davidiques, de 1 Samuel 8 a 1 Rois 2. BEThL 154: Lv 2000, Peeters xiii; 746 [8] pp. 90-429-0919-6. Bibi. 695-730. Vill«gas M., B. Abraham, Moises y David 2000 =>2054. 2785 Wu, Timothy Wen-Chiu The Deuteronomist's use of epithets in the characterization of David. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 220 pp. 9987546.
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2786 Kaiser, Otto David und Jonathan. Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. FzB 90: 2000 =>176. 183-199 [1Sam16-20]. 2787 VanderKam, James C. Davidic complicity in the deaths of Abner and Eshbaal: a historical and redactional study. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 31-52 [1Sam16,1-2 Sam 5,3]. 2788 McCarter, P. Kyle The apology of David. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 260-275 [1Sam16,14-2 Sam 5,10]. 2789 Garin, Norberto C. Jönatas e Davi: paixäo reconhecida!: uma reflexäo sobre lSm 18,1-4 e 2Sm l,25b-26. Estudos biblicos 66 (2000) 36-40. 2790 Freymond, David 1 Samuel 18,17-30: David dans la tourmcntc des passions. Lire et Dire 46 (2000) 5-12 [BuBB 31,47]. 2791 Klein, Lillian R. Michal, the barren wife. Samuel and Kings. Feminist comp. to the bible 2/7: 2000 =>243. 37-46 [1 Sam 18,20-9; 19,9-18]. 2792 Kalmin, Richard Doeg the Edomite: from biblical villain to rabbinic sage. The interpretation of scripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 =>257. 390405 [l S11m ?.1 ,8]. 2793 Gordon, Robert P. David's rise and Saul's demise: narrative analogy in 1 Samuel 24-26. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 319339. 2794 Schwartz, Joshua Dogs, "water" and wall. SJOT 14 (2000) 101-116 [1Sam25]. 2795 (a) Piedad Sanchez, Jorge El lamento funerario (qinah) en 2Sam 1,17-27: anälisis ret6rico-estilistico. Qol 24 (2000) 65-97. (b) Holladay, William L. Form and word-play in David's lament over Saul and Jonathan. Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. EOrton, David E. Lei 2000 , Brill. 53-89. 2796 Rudman, Dominic A note on 2 Samuel 1:23. IBSt 22 (2000) 38-40. 2797 Kunz, Andreas "Soll das Schwert denn ewig fressen?": zur Erzählintention von 2 Sam 2,8-32. Erzählte Geschichte. BThSt 40: 2000 => 1102. 53-79. 2798 Kaiser, Otto Das Verhältnis der Erzählung vom König David zum sogenannten Deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerk. Studien zur Literaturgeschichte. FzB 90: 2000 =>176. 134-164 [2 Sam 3; 1Kgs1-2]. 2799 Rudman, Dominic David's lament for Abner (2 Samuel 3:33-34). IBSt 22 (2000) 91-94. 2800 Pisano, Stephen 2 Samuel 5-8 and the Deuterunumist: textual criticism or literary criticism?. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 =>315. 258-283. 2801 Gelio, Roberto L'ingresso di Davide in Gerusalemme capitale: studio letterario, storico e teologico su II Sam 5,6-8; 6,1-23. 1997 =>13, 2488. RRdT 41 (2000) 299-300 (Fanuli, Antonio).
E4.6 David's rise
2802 Garsiel, Moshe David's warfare against the Philistines in the vicinity of Jerusalem (2 Sam 5,17-25; 1 Chron 14,8-16). FKALlAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 =>59. 150-164. 2803 Sasson, Jack M 'The Lord of hosts, seated over the cherubs'. FyAN SEIERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000=>117. 227-234 [2 Sam 6,2]. 2804 Gakuru, Griphus An inner-biblical exegetical study of the Davidic covenant and the dynastic oracle. Mellen Biblical Press Series 58: Lewiston, NY 2000, Mellen xx; 275 pp. 0-7734-7743-8. Bibi. 237257 [2 Sam 7]. 2805 Pietsch, Michael 'Dieser ist der Sproß Davids ... ': Studien zur Rezeptionsgeschichte der Nathanverheißung. Diss. Hamburg 2000/01, 0 Timm, S. [2 Sam 7] [ThRv 98/4, viii]. 2806 Schniedewind, William M. Society and the promise to David: the reception history of 2 Samuel 7:1-17. 1999 =>15,2662. RRRT 7 (2000) 282-284 (Fitzpatrick-McKinley, Anne); JR 80 (2000) 486-488 (Collins, John J.); RBLit 2 (2000) 219-221 (McKenzie, Steven L.). 2807 Lepore, Luciano Lettura critica di 2 Sam '/,Sb-17, (1): i1 nucleo originario dell'oracolo (vv. 8b.9.llb.17b); (II): le riletture del tempo escatologico-messianico (vv. 12-16). BeO 42/1, 42/4 (2000) 3-32, 189-217. 2808 Kunz, Andreas Zum rechtlichen Hintergrund der ammonitisch-aramäischen Militärkoalition in 2Snm 10,1-19. ZAR 6 (2000) 127-154. 2809 Klein, Li/lian R. Bathsheba revealed. Samuel and Kings. The feminist companion to the bible 2/7: 2000 =>243. 47-64 [2 Sam 11]. 2810 Naumann, Thomas David als exemplarischer König: der Fall Urijas (2 Sam 11) vor dem Hintergrund altorientalischer Erzähltraditionen. Die sogenannte Thronfolgegeschichte. OBO 176: 2000 =>2748. 136167. 2811 Dorn, L. 0. Untranslatable features in the David and Bathsheba story (2 Samuel 11-12). BiTr 50 (1999) 401-406. 2812 Naumann, Thomas David als Spiegel und Gleichnis: ein Versuch zu den Wirkweisen alttestamentlicher Geschichtserzählungen am Beispiel von 2Sam I lt: Erzählte Geschichte. BThSt 40: 2000 =>1102. 29-51. 2813 Eynikel, Erik The parable ofNathan (II Sam. 12,1-4) and the theory ofsemiosis. Fy AN SETERS, J. DZAW 294: 2000 =>117. 71-90. 2814 Bledstein, Adrien Janis Tarnar and the 'coat ofmany colors'. Samuel and Kings. The feminist companion to the bible 2/7: 2000 =>243. 6583 [2 Sam 13,1-22]. 2815_ A/onso Schäkel, Luis David and the woman ofTekoa: 2 Samuel 14 as a hermeneutic model. Literary language. 2000 =>126. 1-15.
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2816 Klement, Herbert H. II Samuel 21-24: context, structure and meaning in the Samuel conclusion. EHS.T 682: Fra 2000, Lang 292 pp. 3631-35710-9. 2817 Simon, Laszl6 T. Identity and identification: an exegetical and theological study of 2Sam 21-24. Diss. Gregorian 2000, °Conroy, Charles TGr.T 64: R 2000, E.P.U.G. 382 pp. 88-7652-861-X. Bibl. 2818 McNaughton, Daniel Lee A comparative analysis of three versions of 2 Samuel 21:1-14. Diss. Toronto, St Michael's 2000, 0 Walters, S.D. 146 pp. [RTL 32,596; NQ54050]. 2819 Fouts, David M Who really killed Goliath?: 2 Samuel 21:19 versus 1 Chronicles 20:5. JOTT 13 (2000) 14-24. 2820 Gosse, Bernard L'insertion de 2 Samuel 22 dans les livres de Samuel, et l'influence en retour sur les titres davidiques du psautier. JANES 27 (2000) 31-47. 2821 Greenberg, Gillian Tue Peshitta to 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18: one translation or two?. JAB 2 (2000) 15-23. 2822 Githuku, Sammy Taboos on counting. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 :::::::.467. 113-118 [2 Sam 24,1-10].
E4.7 Libri Regum: Solomon, Temple: 1 Kings... 2823 Barrera, Julio Trebolle Redaction, recension, and midrash in the book ofKings. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::::::.282. 475-492. 2824 Brucggcmann, Walter 1 and 2 Kings. Smith & H. bible comm. 8: Macon 2000, Smith & H. 645 pp. $65. 15731-20650. Incl. CD-ROM. 2825 Cross, Frank Moore The themes of the book of Kings and the strucLun:: of the Dcutcronomistic history. Rcconsidcring Israel. 2000 :::::::.282. 79-94. 2826 Elgavish, David Objective of Baasha's war against Asa. FKAILAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 :::::::.59. 141~149. 2827 Fretheim, Terence E. First and Second Kings. 1999 :::::::.15,2674. KcBQ62 (2000) 120-121 (White, Marsha C.); RBLit 2 (2000) 221223, 223-224 (Mullcn, E. Theodore; McKenzie, Steven L.). 2828 Knauf, Ernst Axel Filling in historical gaps: how did Joram really die?, or, the invcntion ofmilitarism. Dibllntcrp 8 (2000) 59-69. 2829 Lemaire, Andre Toward a redactional history of the book of Kings. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::::::.282. 446-461. 2830 EMartinez Borobio, Emiliano Targum JonatAn de los Profetas Primeros en tradici6n Babil6nic14, 2497. RßiOr 57 (2000) 171-172 (Smelik, Wilfern).
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McKenzie, Steven L. Dog food and bird food: the oracles against the dynasties in the book of Kings. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::>282. 397-420. Mulder, Martin Jan 1 Kings 1-11. TVriend, J. 1998 =>15,2683. RBib. 81 (2000) 418-419 (Nelson, Richard D.). Parker, Simon B. Did the authors ofthe books ofKings make use of royal inscriptions?. VT 50 (2000) 357-378. Provan, lain W. 1and2 Kings. 1995 :::>1111,1154. RRBLit 1 (1999) 138-140 (McKenzie, Steven L.). Schmid, Hartmut Das erste Buch der Könige. WStB.AT: Wu 2000, Brockhaus 630 pp. 3-417-25336-5. Bibi. TVogüe, Adalbert de GREooIRE le Grand: commentaire sur le premier livre des Rois tome III (IIl,38-IV,78). SC 432: 1998 :::>14,2499; 15,2689. RzKG 111 (2000) 252-254 (Kessler, Stephan Ch.); ScEs 52 (2000) 244-246 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). Vulgger, David Vtirbindliche Tora am einzigen Tempel: zu Motiv und Ort der Komposition von 1.2 Kön. ATSAT 61: 1998 :::>14,2523. RThLZ 125 (2000) 888-891 [Eng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 28-32] (Conrad, Dietludm). Wilson, Robert R. Unity and diversity in the book of Kings. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 :::>70. 293-310.
2839 Camp, Claudia V. Reading Solomon as a woman. Wise, strange and holy. JSOT.S 320: 2000 :::>144. 144-186. 2840 Niemann, Hermann Michael Megiddo and Solomon: a biblical investigation in relation to archaeology. TelAv 27 (2000) 61-74. 2841 Särkiö, Pekka Exodus und Salomo: Erwägungen zur verdeckten Salomokritik anhand von Ex 1-2; 5; 14 und 32. SESJ 71: 1998 :::>14,2504. RThLZ 125 (2000) 608-609 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 3233] (Schmidt, Ludwig)). 2842 Veijola, T Solomon: Bathsheba's firstbom. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 :::>282. 340-357. 2843 Adna, Joslein forusalt:mt:r Ttimptil und Tempelmarkt im 1. Jahrhundert n. Chr. ADPV 25: 1999 :::>15,2698. RJud. 56 (2000) 43-45 (Deines, Roland). 2844 Barkay, Gabriel What's an Egyptian temple doing in Jerusalem?. BArR 26/3 (2000) 48-57; 67. 2845 Cavedo, Romeo Tempio e denaro. PSV 42 (2000) 97-107. 2846 EEgo, Beate; Lange, Armin; Pilhofer, Peter Gemeinde ohne Tempel: community without temple: zur Substituierung und Transformation des Jerusalemer Tempels und seines Kults im Alten Testament,
2848 2849
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antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum. WUNT 118: 1999 =>15, 218. RAnton. 75 (2000) 558-559 (Nobile, Marco). Faßbeck, Gabriele Der Tempel der Christen: traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur Aufnahme des Tempelkonzepts im frühen Christentum. TANZ 33: Tü 2000, Francke xi; 317 pp. 37720-2825X. Hadas-Lebel, Mireille Die Zerstörung des Tempels und ihre Folgen: Katastrophe-Erinnerung-Transformation. WUB 16 (2000) 21-25. Kaufman, Asher S. The courts ofthe first temple and ofthe temple in the Temple Scroll. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 :=:>609. 684-690. Levi, Abramo La bibbia fuori dal tempio: "Gesu si nascose e uscl dal tempio" (Gv 8,59). Quademi di ricerca 12: Sotto il Monte (BG) 2000, Servitium 166 pp. 8881660334. Pref. di David Maria Turoldo. Martin, E.L. The temples that Jerusalem forgot. Portland 2000, ASK 485 pp. 0-945657-95-1. Monson, John The new 'Ain Dara temple: closest Solomonic parallel. BArR26/3 (2000) 20-35; 67. Rabello, Alfredo M Tbc 'Lex de templo hierosolymitano', prohibiting gentiles from entering Jerusalem's sanctuary. The Jews in the Roman Empire. 2000 :=:>202. Illa-b, 28-32, 28-32 [Lev 25]. Ritmeyer, Leen; Kaufman, Asher Where was the temple?: the debate goes on. BArR 26/2 (2000) 52-61; 69; 72.
2855 Dietrich, Walter Das Ende der Thronfolgegeschichte. Die sogenannte Tlu·uufulgegesd1ichle. OBO 176: 2000 ~2748. 38-69 [1 Kgs 1-2]. 2856 Vermeylen, Jacques David a-t-il ete assassine?. RB 107 (2000) 481494 [1Kgs1-2]. 2857 Bösenecker, Jobst Text und Redaktion: Untersuchungen zum hebräischen und griechischen Text von 1 Könige 1-11. Diss. Rostock 2000, °Knauff, E.A. 270 pp [RTL 32,594]. 2858 Frisch, Arnos The Exodus motifin 1Kings1-14. JSOT 87 (2000) 321. 2859 Schenker, Adrian Septante et texte massoretique dans l'histoire la plus ancienne du texte de 1Rois2-14. CRB 48: P 2000, Gabalda xxi; 159 pp. 2-85021-122-2. 2860 Talshir, Zipora The reign of Solomon in the making: pseudoconnections hetween 3 Kingdoms and Chronicles. VT 50 (2000) 233249 [1Kgs3-11; 2 Chr 1-9]. 2861 Bums, John Barclay nie function ufthe gib/im in 1 Kings 5.18. BiTr 50 (1999) 340 344. 2862 Jansen-Winkeln, Karl Anmerkungen zu 'Pharaos Tochter'. BN 103 (2000) 23-29 [1 Kgs 7,8].
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2863 Schipper, Bernd Ulrich Salomo und die Pharaonentochter~zum historischen Kern von 1 Kön 7,8. BN 102 (2000) 84-94. 2864 Hollenback, George M The dimensions and capacity of the 'Molten Sea' in 1 Kgs 7,23.26. Bib. 81 (2000) 391-392. 2865 Knoppers, Gary N. Prayer and propaganda: Solomon's dedication of the temple and the Deuteronomist's program. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 =>282. 370-396 [1 Kgs 8]. 2866 O'Kennedy, D.F. The prayer of Solomon (1 Ki 8:22-53): paradigm for the understanding of forgiveness in the Old Testament. OTEs 13 (2000) 72-88 [2 Chr 6, 12-421. 2867 McConvtlle, J.G. 1 Kings 8:46-53 and thc Dcutcronomic hope. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 ::::>282. 358-369 [Dt 30,1-10]. 2868 Bosshard-Nepustil, Erich Hadad, der E110. 95-109. 2869 Becker, Uwe Die Reichsteilung nach 1 Reg 12. ZAW 112 (2000) 210-229. 2870 Frisch, Amos Jeroboam and the division of the kingdom: mapping contrasting biblical accounts. JANES 27 (2000) 15-29 [1 Kgs 12]. 2871 Weinfeld, Moshe The counsel of the "elders" to Rehoboam and its implications. Reconsidering Israel 2000 ::::>282. 516-539 [1 Kgs 12,6-7; 2 Chr 10,7]. 2872 Schenker, Adrian Jeroboam and the division of the kingdom in the ancicnt Scptuagint: LXX 3 Kingdoms 12.24 a-z, MT 1 Kings 11-12; 14 and thc Dcuteronomistic Ilistory. Israel constructs its history. JSOT.S 306: 2000 =>315. 214-257. 2873 (a) Blum, Erhard Die Lüge des Propheten: ein Lesevorschlag zu einer befremdlichen Geschichte (1 Reg 13). FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 =>94. 27-46. (b) Van Winkte, D. W. 1 Kings XIII: true arid false prophecy. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 211-223. 2874 Schmidt, Uta Center or fringe?: positioning the wife of Jeroboam (1 Kings 14.1-18). Samuel and Kings. The feminist companion to the biblc 217: 2000 ~24J. 86-97.
E4.8 1 Regum 17-22: Elias, Elijah 2875 Baker, Tony Elijah: a man just like us-a God just like his. Evangel 18 (2000) 70-72. 2876 Betz, Margaret Bridget Merton's images of Elias, wisdom, and the inclusive God. TMA 13 (2000) 190-207.
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2877 Brodie, Thomas L. The crucial bridge: the Elijah-Elisha narrative as an interpretive synthesis of Genesis-Kings and a literary model for the gospels. ColMn 2000, Liturgical xiii; 114 pp. $12. RBTB 30 (2000) 158 (Gnuse, Robert Karl). 2878 (a) Carroll, R.P. The Elijah-Elisha sagas: some remarks on prophetic succession in ancient Israel. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 56-71. (b) Chang, Yue-Ming Joseph A rhetorical analysis of the ElijahElisha stories within the Deuteronomistic History. Diss. Dallas Theol. Sem. 2000, 367 pp. 9976774. 2879 Goulder, Michael Elijah with Moses, or, a rift in the pre-Markan lute. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 =>25. 193-208. 2880 Hoffeditz, David A prophet, a kingdom and a messiah: the portrayal of Elijah in the gospels in the light of first-century Judaism. Diss. Aberdeen 2000, 0 Bond, HK. [RTL 32,602]. 2881 Landesmann, Peter Die Himmelfahrt Elijas (2 Kön 2,1-18), ihre Wirkw1gsgeschichte w1d ihre Ikonologie bis in das 5. Jahrhundert. Diss. Wien 2000/01, 0 Wischmeyer, W [ThRv 98/4, xiv]. 2882 Übler, Markus Elia im Neuen Testament. BZNW 88: 1997 =>13, 2610„. 15,2746. RLuThK 24 (2000) 74-75 (Stolle, Volker). 2883 Poirot, Sr. Eliane Les prophetes Elie et Elisee dans la litterature chretienne ancienne. 1998 =>14,2544; 15,2749. RApocrypha 10 (1999) 317-320 (Piovanelli, P.). 2884 Vreugdenhil, L.M. Elia: een mens zoals wij. Zoetermeer 2000, Boekencentrum 103 pp. €8.85. 90-239-0719-1 [ITBT 9/1,32 Doelmnn, Jan]. 2885 Thiel, Winfried Könige. BK.AT 9,2: Neuk 2000, Neuk 80 pp. 3-7887-1714-9. Lieferung 1: 17,1-24 [1Kgs17,1-24]. 2886 Charriau, Corinne; Renouard, Christine Le miracle de la vie: 1 Rois 17,17-24. Des miracles. 2000 =>300. 66-83 [BuBB 31,54]. 2887 Schmitt, Armin Die Totenerweckung in 1 Kön. XVII 17-24: eine form- und gattungskritische Untersuchung. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 =>207. 261-281. 2888 Roberts, Kathryn L. God, prophet, and king: eating and drinking on the mountain in first Kings 18:41. CBQ 62 (2000) 632-644. 2889 Hernandez, Dominique 1 Rois 19, 19-21: parole qui prend et surprend. Lire et Dire 43 (2000) 13-23 [BuBB 31,55]. 2890 Brcnncman, James E. Debnting Ahnb: chnrnctcrization in biblicnl theology. Reading the Hebrew Bible, 1. Studies in antiquity and christianity: 2000 =>345. 89-107 [1 Kgs 20-22].
E4.8 l Kings 17-22: Elijah
2891 Becking, Bob No more grapes from the vineyard?: a plea for a historical critical approach in the study of the Old Testament. IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =:-478. 123-141 [1Kgs21]. 2892 Blum, Erhard Die Nabotüberlieferungen und die Kompositionsgeschichte der Vorderen Propheten. FSTECK, 0. BZA W 300: 2000 =:-110. 111-128 [1Kgs21; 2 Kgs 9]. 2893 Lange, Jan Die Gleichniserzählung vom Mordfall Nabot. BN 104 (2000) 31-37 [1 Kgs21]. 2894 Sarna, Nahum M Naboth's vineyard revisited (1 Kings 21). Studies in biblical interpretation: 2000 =:-205. 271-280. 2895 Van Dam, Kees lzebel in Zimbabwe: 1 Koningen 21 gelezen in een Afrikaanse context. ITBT 811 (2000) 14-15. 2896 Dafni, Evangelia G. rualJ sqr und falsche Prophetie in 1 Reg 22. ZA W 112 (2000) 365-385. 2897 Firth, David G. Backward masking: implicit characterisation of Elijah in the Micaiah narrative. OTEs 13 (2000) 174-185 {1Kgs22]. 2898 Anbar, Moshe "L'airc a l'cntrcc de la porte de Samarie" ( 1 R. XXII 10). VT 50 (2000) 121-123.
E4.9 2 Reg 1... Elisaeus, Elisha ... Ezechias, Josias 2899 Bergen, Wesley J. Elisha and the end of prophetism. JSOT.S 286: 1999 =:-15,2758. RcDQ 62 (2000) 112-113 (Murphy, Roland E.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 881-882 (Schmitt, Hans-Christoph). 2900 Blenkinsopp, Joseph Miracles: Elisha and HANINA ben Dosa. Miracles in Jewish and christian antiquity. 2000 =:-457. 57-81. 2901 Carroll, Robert P. The loss of Armageddon, or, 621 and all that: biblical fiction, biblical history and the rewritten bible. Vittual histoty. 2000 =:-258. 104-114. 2902 Cohn, Robert L. 2 Kings. Berit Olam: ColMn 2000, Liturgical xvi; 186 pp. $35. 0-8146-5054-6. Bibi. 2903 Lernehe, Niets Peter What if Zedekiah bad remained loyal to bis master?. Virtual history. 2000 =:-258. 115-128. 2904 Terblanche, Marius No need for a prophet like Jeremiah: the absence ofthe prophet Jeremiah in Kings. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 =:-482. 306-314. 290:'5 ETVogtl~, Adalbert de GREGOIRE lt: Grand (1'11:Jrre de Cava): commentaire sur le premier livre des Rois, 4: IV,79-217. SC 449: P 2000, Cerf334 pp. €32.61. 2-204-06465-3. Rpoc so (2000) 207-208 [with vol. 3] (Attinger, D.).
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2906 (a) Long, Burke 0. 2 Kings III and genres of prophetic narrative. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 72-83. (b) Moreno Hernandez, Antonio En torno a la interpretaci6n de Vetus Latina, 2 Reyes 3,4. MVÄÄNÄNEN, V. 2000 =>120. 187-194. 2907 Fewell, Danna No/an The gift: world alteration and obligation in 2 Kings 4:8-37. FLONG, B. BJSt 325: 2000 =>70. 109-123. 2908 Schmitt, Armin Die Totenerweckung in 2 Kön 4,8-37: eine literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 =>207. 282-306. 2909 Shields, Mary E. Subverting a man of God, elevating a woman: role and power reversals in 2 Kings 4; 2910 Self-response to 'Subverting a man of God, elevating a woman: role and power reversals in 2 Kings 4; 2911 Siebert-Hommes, Jopie The widow of Zarephath and the great woman of Shunem: a comparative analysis of two stories . Samud aud Kings. The feminist companion to the bible 2/7. 2000 => 243. 115-124/125-128/98-114 [2 Kgs 4,8-37]. 2912 Roncace, Mark Elisha and the woman of Shunem: 2 Kings 4.8-37 and 8.1-6 read in conjunction. JSOT 91(2000)109-127. 2913 Baumgart, Norbert Clemens Gott, Prophet und Israel: eine ... Auslegung (2 Kön 5). EThSt 68: 1994 =>10,2726; 11/1,1270. RBz 44 (2000) 292-293 (Thiel, Winfried). 2914 Rhee, Syngman 2 Kings 6:8-23. Interp. 54 (2000) 183-185. 2915 Lanner, Laure/ Cannibal mothers and me: a mother's reading of 2 Kings 6.24-7.20. Samuel and Kings. The feminist companion to the bible 2/7. 2000 =>243. 129-137. 2916 Lohfink, Norbert Welches Orakel gab den Davididen Dauer?: ein Textproblem in 2 Kön 8,19 und das Funktionieren der dynastischen Orakel im deuteronomistischcn Geschichtswerk. Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 11-34. 2917 Lohfink, Norbert Which oracle granted perdurability to the Davidides?: a textual problem in 2 Kings 8: 19 and the function of the dynastic oracles in the Deuteronomistic historical work. Reconsidering Israel. 2000 ->282. 421-443 [2 Sam 7,5-16]. 2918 Chang, Peter Manseok The significance of Jehu's revolution (2 Kings 9-10) in the literary and theological development of Deuteronomic/Deuteronomistic History. Diss. Virginia, Union 2000, DMcBride, S.D. 220 pp [RTL 32,594; 9978437]. 2919 Tomes, Roger "Come and see my zeal for the Lord": reading the Jehu story. Narrativity. BEThL 1'19: 2000 =>1084. 53-67. 2920 Walsh, Jerome T. 2 Kings 17: the Deuteronomist and the Samaritans. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 =>482. 315-323.
E4.9 2 Kings
2921 2922 2923
2926 2927 2928 2929 2930
2931 2932
2934 2935 2936
Galpaz-Feller, Pnina ls that so? (2 Kings XVII 4). RB 107 (2000) 338-347. Becking, Bob From Exodus to exile: 2 Kgs 17,7-20 in the context of its co-text. FKALLAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 ~59. 215-231. Machinist, Peter The Rah Siiqeh at the wall of Jerusalem: Israelite identity in the face ofthe Assyrian 'other'. HebStud 41 (2000) 151168 Sum. 151 [2 Kgs 18-19]. Van der Kooij, Arie The story ofHezekiah and Sennacherib (2 Kings 18-19): a sample of ancient historiography. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 ~482. 107-119. Edelman, Diana What if we had no accounts of Sennacherib's third campaign or the palace reliefs depicting his capture of Lachish?. Virtual history. 2000 ~258. 88-103 [2 Kgs 18-20]. Rudman, Dominic Is the Rabshakeh also among the prophets?: a rhetorical study of2 Kings xviii 17-35. VT 50 (2000) 100-110. Na'aman, Nadav New light on Hezekiah's seconc.l pruphetic story (2 Kgs 19,9b-35). Bib. 81 (2000) 393-402. Rudman, Dominic A note on the personal name Amon (2 Kings 21,19-26 // 2 Chr 33,21-25). Dib. 81 (2000) 403-405. Heltzer, Michael Some questions concerning the economic policy of Josiah, King of Judah. IEJ 50 (2000) 105-108 [2 Kgs 22]. Hardmeier, Christo/ König Joschija in der Klimax des DtrG (2Reg 22f.) und das vordtr Dokument einer Kultreform am Residenzort (23,4-15). Erzählte Geschichte. BThSt 40: 2000 ~1102. 81-145. Willson, Patrick J. 2 Kings 22: 1-23:3. Interp. 54 (2000) 413-415. Smyth, Francoise When Josiah has done his work or the kin1' is properly buried: a synchronic reading of2 Kings 22.1-23.28. Israel constmcts its hislury. JSOT.S 306: 2000 ~315. 343-358. Nakanose, Shigeyuki Uma hist6ria para contar: a pascoa de Josias. TMarques, Fatima R.D. Partilhando a Biblia: Säo Paulo 2000, Paulinas 344 pp. Centro Bibi. Verbo [REB 239,765] [2 Kgs 22,1-23,30]. Cardellini, lnnocenzo Lo scritto normativo dimenticato e ritrovato (2Re 22,3-23,3). RStB 12 (2000) 39-57. Toloni, Giancarlo Qualc archetipo per la Vetus Latina di 2Re 23,4b5?. Sef. 60 (2000) 177-196 Res., sum. 196. Barrick, W. Boyd Burning bones at Bethel: a closer look at 2 Kings 23,16a. SJOT 14 (2000) 3-16.
E5 .2 Chronicorum libri-The books of Chronicles 2937 Auld, A. Graeme What ifthe Chronicler did use the Deuteronomistic History?. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 137-150.
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2938 Ben Zvi, Ehud About time: observations about the construction of time in the book ofChronicles. HBT 22 (2000) 17-31. 2939 Campos Santiago, Jesus Historia cronista. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 =>287. 217-334. 2940 Dennerlein, Norbert Georg Die Bedeutung Jerusalems in den Chronikbüchem. BEAT 46: 1999 =>15,2799. RLuThK 24 (2000) 72-73 (Stolle, Volker). 2941 Dyck, Jonathan E. The theocratic ideology ofthe Chronicler. BiblInterp. 33: 1998 =>14,2570. RcBQ 62 (2000) 114-115 (Throntveit, MarkA.). 2942 Eisemann, Moshe Divrei Hayamim 1 / 1 Chronicles: a new translation with a commentary anthologized from talmudic, midrashic and rabbinic sources. Artscroll Tanach: Brooklyn, NY 2000, Mesorah 1, (2) 492 pp. 0-89906-091-9. Collab. Scherman, Nosson. 2943 EEndres, J.C. Chronicles and its synoptic parallels in Samuel, Kings, andrelated biblical texts. 1998 =>14,2571. RCBQ 62 (2000) 116-117 (Schniedewind, William M ). 2944 Hanspach, Alexander Inspirierte Interpreten: das Prophetenverständnis der Chronikbücher und sein Ort in der Religion und Literatur zur Zeit des zweiten Tempels. ATSAT 64: St. Ottilien 2000, EOS (8) 234 pp. 3-8306-7049-4. Bibl. 216-234. 2945 Johnstone, William 1 and 2 Chronicles. JSOT.S 253-254: 1997 ;:;:;, 13,2647; 15,2790. RJThS 51 (2000) 203-208 (Williamson, HG.M); 2946 Chronicles and Exodus: an analogy and its application. JSOT.S 275: 1998 =>14,1973. RJThS 51(2000)201-203 (Nicholson, Ernest). 2947 Kalimi, Isaac Zur Geschichtsschreibung des Chronisten: literarischhistoriographische Abweichungen der Chronik von ihren Paralleltexten in den Samuel- und Königsbüchem. BZAW 226: 1995 => 11/1, 1308; 13,2648. Rfüor 57 (2000) 160-166 (Kegler, Jürgen). 2948 Knoppers, Gary N The preferential status ofthe eldest son revoked?. FVAN SETERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000 =>117. 115-126. 2949 Laubach, Fritz Das erste Buch der Chronik. WStB.AT: Wu 2000, Brockhaus 280 pp. 3-417-25237-7/337-3 [NThAR 2000,246]. 2950 Malchow, Bruce V. Tt::lling the truth: the Chronicler, a case in point. CThMi 27 (2000) 112-120. 2951 Mathys, Hans-Peter Chronikbücher und hellenistischer Zeitgeist; 2952 Die Ethik der Chronikhiicher: ein Entwurf. Vom Anfang. BEAT 47: 2000 =>190. 41-155/156-255. 2953 Wilkinson, Bruce The prayer of Jabez. Sisters, OR 2000, Multnomah 93 pp. $10 [l Chr4,9-IO].
E5.2 Chronicles
2954 Demsky, Aaron The Chronicler's description of the common border ofEphraim and Manasseh. FKALLAJ, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 =:>59. 8-13 [1 Chr7,14-27]. 2955 Anbar, Moshe 'Joab fils de Cerouya monta le premier' {lCh 11:6) a la lumiere des Archives royales de Mari. UF 32 (2000) 23-26. 2956 Dirksen, Piet B. 1 Chron 22:12: the Chronicler in actu scribendi. JNSL 26/2 (2000) 135-141. 2957 Fuchs, Uziel 01'? ;miT7J?or!J'1?:i nim? : the talmudic evidence for 1 Chronicles 26:17. Textus 20 (2000) 169-172. 29.58 Rainey, Anson F. Mesha's attempt to invade Judah (2 Chron 20). FKALLAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 =:>59. 174-176. 2959 Klein, Ralph W. The ironic end of Joash in Chronicles. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 116-127 [2 Chr 24,1-3]. 2960 Beentjes, Pancratius C. 'They saw that his forehead was leprous' (2 Chr 26:20): the Chronicler's narrative on Uzziah's leprosy. Purity andholiness. 2000 =>310. 61-72. 2961 Vaughn, Andrew G. Theology, history, and archaeology in the Chronicler's account of Hezekiah. 1999 =:>15,2814. RJR 80 (2000) 663-664 (Schniedewind, William M) [2 Chr 29-32]. 2962 Ellington, John When footnotes aren't enough: the case of 2 Chronicles 33,19. BiTr 50 (1999) 417-421. 2963 Barrick, W. Boyd Dynastie politics, priesdy succession, and Josiah's cighth ycar. ZAW 112 (2000) 564-582 [2 Chr 34,3].
E5.4 Esdrae libri-Ezra, Nehemiah 2964 Balzaretti, Claudio Esdra-Neemia. 1999 =:> 15,2828. RED 53/3 (2000) 235-237 (Bianchi, Francesco); CivCatt 151/2 (2000) 101-102 (Scaiola, D. ). 2965 Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice Les livres d'Esdras et leur numerotation dans l'histoire du canon de Ja bible latin. RBen 110 (2000) 5-26. 2966 Böhler, Dieter Die heilige Stadt in Esdras a alpha und Esra-Nehemia: zwei Konzeptionen der Wiederherstellung Israels. OBO 158: 1997 :::::-13,2674; 15,2837. RyT 50 (2000) 263-264 (Williamson, HG.M). 2967 Davies, Gordon F. Ezra and Nehemiah. 1999 =>15,2829. RGr. 81 (2000) 171-173 (Conroy, Charles); CBQ 62 (2000) 721-722 (Kclly, BrianE.). 296R Na'aman, Nadav Roy11l vassals or govemors?: on the status of Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel in the Persian Empire. Henoch 22 (2000) 3544.
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2969 North, Robert Civil authority in Ezra ; 2970 Ezra and the origins of our bible. Medicine. 2000 =>196. 107134/135-175. 2971 Schaper, Joachim Priester und Leviten im achämenidischen Juda: Studien zur Kult- und Sozialgeschichte Israels in persischer Zeit. FAT 31: Tü 2000, Mohr x; 352 pp. 3-16-147409-0. Diss. Tü; Bibi. 309-343. 2972 Serandour, Arnaud Hebreu et arameen dans la bible. REJ 159 (2000) 345-355 Res.; sum. 345. 2973 Talshir, Zipora Ezra-Nehemia and First Esdras: diagnosis of a relationship between two recensions. Bib. 81 (2000) 566-573. 2974 Van Wyk, Wouter Cornelis Theology and ideology in Ezra-Nehemiah. 2000 Diss. Pretoria. Afrikaans. 2975 VanderKam, James C. Ezra-Nehemiah or Ezra and Nehemiah?. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 60-80. 2976 Willi, Thomas Sernbbabel. TRE 31(2000)171-173. 2977 Dyck, Jonathan E. Ezra 2 in ideological critical perspective. Rethinkine contexts . .TSOT.S ?.99: 7.000 ~?.46. 17.9-14'i 2978 Schwiderski, Dirk Handbuch des nordwestsemitischen Briefformulars: ein Beitrag zur Echtheitsfrage der aramäischen Briefe des Esrabuches. Diss. Münster 2000, 0 Müller, H.-P. BZAW 295: B 2000, De Gruyter xiii; 420 pp. 3-11-016851-0. Bibi. 383-403 [Ezra 4]. 2979 Matzal, Stefan C. The structure ofEzra iv-vi. VT 50 (2000) 566-569. 2980 Achenhach, Reinhard Der Titel der persischen Verwaltungsbeamten in Esra 4,9b (MT). ZAH 13 (2000) 134-144. 2981 Janzen, David The "mission" of Ezra and the Persian-period temple community. JBL 119 (2000) 619-6113 [Ezra 7,12-26]. 2982 Blum, Erhard Esra, die Mosetora und die persische Politik. Trumah 9 (2000) 9-34 [Ezra 7,12-26; Neh 8]. 2983 Zlotnick-Sivan, H. The silent women of Yehud: notes on Ezra 9-10. JJS 51(2000)3-18. 2984 Alonso Schake/, Luis 'We are equal to our brothers': an exegesis of Nehemiah 5:1-13. Literary language. 2000 =>126. 17-27. 2985 Dalla Pozza, Luigi Nehemia e la memoria. SdT 14 (2000) 184-188 [Neh 7]. 2986 Glatt-Gilad, David A. Reflections on the structure and significance of the 'amanah (Neh 10,29-40). ZAW 112 (2000) 386-395. 2987 Knoppers, Ga1y Sources, revisions, and editions: the lists of Jemsalem's residents in MT and LXX Nehemiah 11 and 1 Chronicles 9. Textus 20 (2000) 141-168.
E5.4 Ezra, Nehemiah
2988 Bergren, Theodore A. Prophetie rhetoric in 6 Ezra. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 25-32. 2989 Bergren, Theodore A. Sixth Ezra: the text and origin. 1998 =>14, 2625; 15,2867. RNT 42 (2000) 197-198 (Elliott, J.K.). 2990 Comerro, Viviane Le quatrieme Esdras et la litterature islamique. RHPhR 80 (2000) 137-151. 2991 Hamilton, Alastair The apocryphal Apocalypse: the reception of the second book ofEsdras (4 Ezra) from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. OWS: 1999 =>15,2864. RBHR 62 (2000) 419-421 (Backus, /rena). 2992 O'Neill, John C. The woman whose son died as he entered his bridal chamber (4 Ezra 9 and 10). IBSt 22 (2000) 50-70. 2993 Talshir, Zipora 1 Esdras: from origin to translation. SBL.SCSt 47: 1999 =>15,2859. RNT 42 (2000) 199-200 (Elliott, J.K.); CBQ 62 (2000) 738-739 (McLay, Tim). 2994 Tiller, Patrick Anti-apocalyptic apocalypse. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 258-265 [4 Ezra].
E5.5 Libri Tobiae, Judith, Esther 2995 Graf-Stuhlhofer, Franz Das betende Volk Gottes vor Jesu erstem Kommen: die große Bedeutung des Gebets in den Deuterokanonika. EuA 76 (2000) 149-152. 2996 Bucker, Barbara P. Lectura femenina del libro de Tobias. Medellfn 26 (2000) 9-20. 2997 Costa, Michi Gerusalemme ricostruita: il racconto di Tobia e Sara. Haggadot 5: N 1999, Grafitalica 173 pp. 88-87773-07-6. 2998 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The significance of the Hebrew and Aramaic texts of Tobit from Qumran for the study of Tobit. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =>609. 418-425. 2999 Navarro Puerto, Mercedes Narraciones biblicas: el libro de Tobias. Historia, narrativa, apocalfptica. 2000 =>287. 403-423. 3000 Schüngel-Straumann, Helen Tobit. Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum Alten Testament: FrB 2000, Herder 198 pp. 1-45126819-1. Bibl. REstAg 35 (2000) 632-633 (Mielgo, C.). 3001 Skemp, Vincent T.M. The Vulgate of Tobit compared with other ancient witnesse's. SilL.DS 180: Atlanta 2000, SDL xi; 486 pp. $45. 1-58983-005-9. Bibl. 471-479. 3002 Urbrock, William J. Angels, bird-droppings and fish liver: the earth story in Tobit. Readings:. 2000 =>270. 125-137.
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3003 Vilchez Lindez, Jose Tobias y Judit. Narraciones 3; Nueva Biblia Espafiola: Estella (Nav.) 2000, Verbo Divino 491 pp. 84-8169-363-4. 3004 Schmitt, Armin Die Achikar-Notiz bei Tobit l,2lb-22 in aramäischer (pap4QTobaar-4Q196) und griechischer Fassung. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 =:;.207. 103-123. 3005 Auwers, Jean-Marie Tobie 2,12-18 (Vulgate) et la tradition latine d' interpretation du livre de Tobie. L'esegesi dei padri latini. ESimonetti, M. SEAug 68: R: Inst. Patristicum Augustinianum 2000. 77-82. Di Le/la, A.A. Tobit and... Judges 2000 =:;.2703 [12,11-22]. 3006 Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice Un emprunt au judaisme dans la tradition medievale de l'histoire de Judith en langue d'oil. RTL 31 (2000) 344361. 3007 EGriffith, Mark Judith. Exctcr Medieval English Texts and Studies: 1997 =:;.14,2633. Poem. RSpec. 75 (2000) 932-33 (Hili, Thomas D.). 3008 Navarra Puerto, Mercedes Narraciones biblicas: el libro de Judit. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 =:;.287. 425-451. 3009 Reinhartz, Adele Better homes and gardens: wormm and domestic space in the books of Judith and Susanna. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 -::::;, 97. 325-339. 3010 Stocker, Margarita Judith, sexual warrior: women and power in westem culture. 1998 =:;.14,2635; 15,2889. RTS 61 (2000) 148-150 (Aposto/os-Cappadona, Diane). 3011
3012 3013 3014
3015 3016 3017 3018
Beal, Timothy K. The book ofhiding: gender, ethnicity, annihilation and Esther. 1997 =:;.13,2703. RRBLit 2 (2000) 271-273 (Bergant, Dianne). Christe, Yves Le livre d'Esther dans les bibles moralisees et les vitraux de la Sainte-Chapelle, 1-2. ACr 88, 89 (2000) 411-428, 19-22. De Troyer, Kristin Once more, the so-called Esther fragments of cave 4. RdQ 19 (2000) 401-422. Dickson, Charles Richard The role and portrayal ofthe king in the Esther narrative: a narratological-synchronic reading ofthe Masoretic Text ofthe Esther narrative. 2000 Diss. Pretoria. Dickson, C.R.; Botha, P.J. The role and portrayal of the king in Esther. OTEs 13 (2000) 156-173. Friedberg, Albert D. A new clue in the dating ofthe composition of the book ofEsther. VT 50 (2000) 561-565. Giudici, Maria Pia Ester, sola a angosciata ma pienamente fiduciosa in Dio. CoSe 4 (2000) 40-47. Heikens, Henk Kanttekeningen bij de NBV-tekst van Ester: wetenschap ofideologie?. ITBT 8/4 (2000) 7-9.
E5.5 Tobit, Judith, Esther
3019 Jobes, Karen H. The Alpha-text of Esther: its character and relationship to the Masoretic Text. SBL.DS 153: 1996 =>12,2620 ... 15,2909. RRBLit 1(1999)111-113 (McLay, Tim). 3020 Kossman, Ruth Die Esthemovelle: vom Erzählten zur Erzählung:: Studien zur Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte des Estherbuches. VT.S 79: Lei 2000, Brill viii; 400 pp. $97.50. 90-04-11556-0. 3021 Kuan, Jeffrey Kah-jin Diasporic reading of a diasporic text: identity politics and race relations and the book of Esther. Tnterpreting be yond borders. The bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 :::>331. 161-73. 3022 Laniak, Timothy S. Shame and honor in the book of Esther. SBL. DS 165: 1998 :::>14,2651. RHebStud 41 (2000) 303-306 (Thelle, Rannfrid I. ); RBLit 2 (2000) 273-275 (Jobes, Karen H. ). 3023 Navarra Puerto, Mercedes Narraciones biblicas: el libro de Ester. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 :::>287. 453-478. Reid, Debra Ruth and Esther 2000 =>2706. TERottzoll, D. ION ESRAs Komm. zu... Ester 2000 :::>2707. 3024 Steck, Odil Hannes; Kratz, Reinhard Gregor; Kottsieper, Ingo Das Buch Baruch; der Brief des Jeremia; Zusätze zu Ester und Daniel. ATD.Apokryphen 5: 1998 :::>14,2653; 15,2921. RThLZ 125 (2000) 42-46 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 48-54] (Herzer, Jens). 3025 Treloar, Richard Making a difference: translating the scroll of Ahasuerus. ABR 48 (2000) 17-30. Vilchcz Lindez, Jose Rut y Ester 1998 :::>2708. 3026 Wahl, Harald Martin "Jahwe, wo bist Du?": Gott, Glaube und Gemeinde in Esther. JSJ 31 (2000) 1-22. 3027 Himbaza, lnnocent Entre culture et theologie, une lecture d'Esther 1. ETR 75 (2000) 71-79. 3028 Wahl, Harald M. Der Prozeß Hamans (Esther 7,1-8,1): zur königlichen Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Testament. EThL 76 (2000) 105-112. 3029 Troyer, Kristin Mimi Lieve Leen de The end of the alpha text of Esther: translation and narrative technique in MT 8: 1-17, LXX 8: 117, and AT 7:14-41. SBL.SCSt 48: Atlanta, GA 2000, SBL (10) 453 pp. 0-88'1 M-036-9. Bibl. 413-435.
E5.8 Machabaeorum libri, 1-2[3-4] Maccabees 3030 Cafias Reillo, Jose Mnnucl Glosns mnrginalcs de Vetus Latina en hihlfafl vulgatas espaiiolas: 1-2 Macabeos. TECC 65: M 2000, Instituto de filologia del CSIC 322 pp. 84-0007851-9. Rsef. 60 (2000) 436-438 (Fernandez Marcos, N.).
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3031 Ma, John Seleukids and speech-acts: performative utterances, legitimacy and negotiation in the world of the Maccabees. SCI 19 (2000) 71-112. 3032 Oegema, Gerbern S. Portrayals of women in 1 and 2 Maccabees. Transformative encounters. EKitzberger, Ingrid R. Bibl.Interp. 43: Lei 2000, Brill. 245-264. 3033 Schneider, Ariane Jüdisches Erbe in christlicher Tradition: eine Kanon-geschichtliche Untersuchung zur Bedeutung und Rezeption der Makkabäerbücher in der Alten Kirche des Ostens. Diss. Heidelberg 2000, 0 Ritter, A.M [RTL 32,597]. 3034 VanderKam, James C. Hanukkah: its timing and significance according to 1 and 2 Maccabees. ; 3035 People and high priesthood in early Maccabean times . From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 128-144/201-223. 3036 Aguilar, Maria !. Rethinking the past: questions of history and a social archaeology of memory in the first book of the Maccabees. BTB 30 (2000) 58-67. 3037 Williams, David Salter The structure of 1 Maccabees. CBQ.MS 31: 1999 =>15,2935. RcBQ 62 (2000) 743-744 (Gruen, Erich S.). 3038 Haag, Ernst Die Theokratie und der Antijahwe nach 1 Makkabäer 12. TThZ 109 (2000) 24-37. 3039 Canas Reil/o, Jose Manuel Fragmentos espailoles de la Vulgata de 12 Macabeos: el fragmento de Vieh y Ja biblia de Valvanera; edici6n y estudio. Sef. 60 (2000) 19-41 Res., sum. 41 [1 Macc 1,46-2,12]. 3040 Keel, Othmar l Makk 2-Rechtfertigung, Programm und Denkmal für die Erhebung der Hasmonäer: eine Skizze. Hellenismus und Judentum. OBO 178: 2000 =>280. 123-133. 3041 Schenker, Adrian Die zweimalige Einsetzung Simons des Makkabäers zum Hohenpriester: die Neuordnung des Hohepriestertums unter dem Hasmonäer Simon (1 Makk 14,25-49). Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 =>206. 158-169. 3042 Adino/fi, Marco Kaw.Uacmro in 2 Mac.: un confronto con il 'Corpus Paulinum'. VI simposio di Tarso. 2000 =>484. 7-14. 3043 Van Renten, Jan Wilem The Maccabean martyrs as saviours ofthe Jewish people: a study of2 and 4 Maccabees. JSJ.S 57: 1997 =>13, 2732; 15,2941. RJJS 51(2000)157-158 (llohak, Gideon). 3044 VanderKam, James C. 2 Maccabees 6,7a and calendrical change in Jerusalem. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 105-127.
3045 DeSilva, David Arthur 4 Maccabees. 1998 ~14,2667. RJThS 51 (2000) 217-218 (Bartfett, J.R.).
VI. Libri didactici VT
E6.l Poesis metrica, Biblical and Semitic versification
3046 Eorton, David E. Poetry in the Hebrew Bible: selected studies from Vetus Testamentum. Brill's readers in biblical studies 6: Lei 2000, Brill x; 253 pp. 90-04-11161-1. Bibi. 3047 Arduini, Stefano Prolegomenos a una teoria general de las figuras. Murcia 2000, Univ. de Murcia 200 pp. 1048 Cross, Frank Moore, Jr.; Freedman, David Noel Studies in ancient Yahwistic poetry. 1997 ~13,2736; 14,2669. RJNES 59 {2000) 13'1-135 (Pardcc, Dennis). 3049 Eshel, Hanan; Strugnell, John Alphabetical acrostics in pre-Tannaitic Hebrew. CBQ 62 (2000) 441-458 [Ps 9-10; 25; 34; 37; 111; 112; 119; 145; Sir 51,13-30; Lam 1-4; Nah 1,2-8). 3050 Fokkelman, Jan Dichtkunst in de bijbel: een hanleiding bij literair lezen. Zoetermeer 2000, Meinema 261 pp. €17.92. 90-211-3093-7; 3051 Major poems of the Hebrew Bible: at the interfäce of hermcncutics and structural analysis. SSN 37: 1998 ~14,2670; 15,2947. RBib. 81 (2000) 271-275 (Berry, Donald K.) [Ex 15; Dt 32; Job 3]; 3052 Major poems of the Hebrew Bible: al the inlerface of prosody and structural analysis, 2: 85 psalms and Job 4-14. SSN 41: Assen 2000, Van Gorcum 547 pp. €113.45. 90-232-3381-6 [RB 108,473]. 3053 Hoop, Raymond de The colometry of Hebrew verse and the Masoretic accents: evaluation of a recent approach (1-2). JNSL 26/1 & 26/2 (2000) 47-73/65-100. 3054 Korpel, Marjo C.; Moor, Johannes C. de Thc structurc of classical Hebrew poetry: Isaiah 40-55. OTS 41: 1998 ~14,3405. RThR 65 (2000) 276-280 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3055 Kosmala, Hans Form and strncture in ancient Hebrew poetry (a new nppronch) ; 3056 Fonn and strucrure in ancient Hebrew poetry (continucd) . Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 ~3046. 1-23/24-52. 3057 Mil/er, Patrick D. Meter, parallelism, and tropes: the search for poetic style ;
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3058 The theological significance ofbiblical poetry . Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 :::::>191. 250-258/233-249. 3059 Mynatt, Daniel S. The poetry and literature ofthe psalms. FTATE, M. 2000 :::::>113. 55-66. 3060 Reve/l, E.J. Pausa} forms and the structure of biblical poetry. Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 :::::>3046. 172-185. 3061 Sanders, Paul Ancient colon delimitations: 2 Samuel 22 and Psalm 18 Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 :::::>283. 277-311. 3062 Walker, Jeffrey Rhetoric and poetics in antiquity. Oxf 2000, OUP xii: 396 pp. 3063 Watson, W.G.E. Hebrew poetry. Text in context. 2000 :::::>296. 253285; 3064 Interna} or half~line parallelism in classical Hebrew again ; 3065 Problems and solutions in Hebrew verse: a survey of recent work ; 3066 Willis, John T. The juxtaposition of synonymous and chiastic parallelism in tricola in Old Testament Hehrew psalm poetry ; 3067 Yoder, Perry B. A-B pairs and oral composition in Hebrew poetry . Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 :::::>3046. 198-220/221233/156-171/90-109. 3068 Zurro Rodriguez, Eduardo EI umi:pov-7tpoti:pov en la poesia biblica hebrea. EstB 58 (2000) 399-415.
E6.2 Psalmi, textus 3069 EAejmelaeus, Anneli P.M.; Quast, Udo Der Septuaginta-Psalter und seine Tochterübersetzungen: Symposium in Göttingen 1997. MSU 24; AAWG.PH 230: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 415 pp. €101.24. 3-525-82502-1. 3070 TAmoroso, Fiorenza Monti Salmi tehillim. 1999 :::::> 15,2958. RRivLi 87 (2000) 713-715 (Troia, Pasqua/e). 3071 Austermann, Frank Thesen zur Septuaginta-Exegese am Beispiel der Untersuchung des Septuaginta-Psalters. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24: 2000 :::::>3069. 381-386. 3072 Austcrmann, Frank Von der Torn zum Nomos: Untersuchungen zur Übersetzungsweise und Interpretation im Septuaginta-Psalter. Diss. Göttingen 2000, 0 Aejmelaeus, A .. [RTL 32,594]. 3073 8 Barber, Charles Theodore psalter: electronic fascimile. Champaign, IL 2000, Univ. of Illinois Pr. $75. 0-252-02585-7. BL Add. 19352; CD-ROM with booklet [ThD 48,388-Heiser, W. Charles].
E6.2 Psalms text
3074 Eßarberi, Claudio Psalterium Egberti: fascimile del ms. CXXXVI del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cividale del Friuli. Friuli 2000, Archivio di Stato di Trieste 2 vols. 1 CD-ROM. 3075 Bogaert, Pierre-Maurice Le psautier latin des origines au Xlle siecle: essai d'histoire. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24; AAWG.PH 230: 2000 ~3069. 51-81. 3076 Cloete, T. T. Teologiekroniek-Totius se vertaling van die psalms in die Bybel en sy beryming daavan. SeK 21(2000)194-200 Sum. 194. 3077 Cox, Claude E. The Armenian version and the text of the Old Greek Psalter. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24: 2000 ~3069. 174-247. 3078 Dahmen, Ulrich Psalmentext und Psalmensanunlung: elne Auseinandersetzung mit P.W. Flint. Die Textfunde vom Toten Meer. 2000 ~ 1516. 109-126. 3079 Denis, Philippe A late seventeenth century translation of the psalms at the Cape. The Bible in Africa. 2000 ~342. 205-222. 3080 Flint, Peter W. The Dead Sea Psalms scrolls and the book of Psalms. StTD.T 17: 1997~13,2757; 15,2965. RcBQ 62 (2000) 118120 (Mil/er, Patrick D.); JThS 51 (2000) 626-628 (Campbe/l, Jonathan). 3081 Flint, Peter W. Variant readings of the Dead Sea Psalm scrolls against the Massorctic tcxt and thc Scptuagint Psalter; 3082 Fraenkel, Det/efHexapla-Probleme im Psalter. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24; AAWG.PH 230: 2000 ~3069. 337-365/309-322. 3083 Freeman Sandler, Lucy Der Ramsey·Psalter: vollsfü~adige Paksimi· Je-Ausgabe von Codex 58/1 der Stiftsbibliothek St. Paul im Lavanttal (cols. 2-5, 11-174) und Ms M.302 der Pierpont Morgan Library, New York (fols. 1-:'5 "'fols. 6-10 der Orlglnalhandschrlft): commentary; codices selecti 103. Graz 1999, Akademische D. u. V. 343 pp. $165. 3-201-01661-6 (Codices selecti); 3-201-01668-3 (Commentary). Ill. 3084 Green, Roger P.H Davidic psalm and Horatian ode: five poems of George Buchanan. RenSt 14 (2000) 91-111. 3085 EGroß, Walter; Janowski, Bernd Psalter-Synopse: Hebräisch-Griechisch-Deutsch. Stu 2000, Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft 265 pp. 3-43805255-5 fLuThK 25, 129-Salzmann, Jorg Christian]. 3086 Gzella, Holger Studien zum anthropologischen und theologischen Profil des Septuaginta-Psalters. Diss. Milnster 2000/01, 0 zenger, E. [ThRv 98/4, xii]. 3087 Hiebert, Robert J. V. The "Syrohexaplaric" Psalter: its text and textual history; 3088 Horn, Jürgen Die koptische (sahidische) Überlieferung des alttestamentlichen Psalmenbuches-Versuch einer Gruppierung der Textzeugen für die Herstellung des Textes. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24; AAWG.PH 230: 2000 ~3069. 123-146/97-106.
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3089 Ingebrand, Sven Swenske songer 1536: vär första bevarade evangeliska psalmbok. 1997 :::>13,2758. RSvTK 76 (2000) 112-114 (Westin, Gunnar T.). 3090 Jenner, Konrad D. Syrohexaplarische und proto-syrohexaplarische Zitate in syrischen Quellen außer den individuellen Exemplaren des syrohexaplarischen Psalters. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24; AAWG.PH 230: 2000 :::>3069. 3091 Kharanauli, Anna Einführung in die georgische Psalterübersetzung; 3092 Knibb, Michael A. The Ethiopic translation ofthe Psalms; 3093 Nagel, Peter Der sahidische Psalter-seine Erschließung und Erforschung neunzig Jahre nach Alfred RAIILFS' Studien zum Text des Septuaginta-Psalters; 3094 Pietersma, Albert The present state of the critical text of the Greek Psalter. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24; AAWG.PH 230: 2000 => 3069. 147-173/248-308/107-122/82-96/12-32. 3095 Pietersma, Albert The Psalms: a new English translation of the Septuagint and the other Greek translations traditionally included under that title. NY 2000, Ol JP 149 pp. $11. 3096 Quast, Udo Einführung in die Editionsarbeit. Der SeptuagintaPsalter. MSU 24; AA WG.PH 230: 2000 :::>3069. 38'/-399. 3097 Reuben, Catherine La traduction des Psaumes de David par Clement MARoT: aspects poetiques et theologiques. P 2000, Champion 288 pp. €36.60. 2-7453-0472-0. 3098 Ulrich, Eugene The Dead Sea scrolls and their implications for an edition of the Septuagint Psalter; 3099 Van der Kooij, Arie Zur Frage der Exegese im LXX-Psalter: ein Beitrag zur Vcrhtiltnisbcstimmung zwischen Original und Übersetzung. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24: 2000 :::>3069. 323-336/366-380.
E6.3 Psalmi, introductio 3100 Anderson, Bernhard W.; Bishop, Steven Out of the depths: the psalms speak for us today. LVL 32000, Westminster xiv; 249 pp. $25 [ThD 47,353-Heiser, W. Charles]. 3101 Barbiero, Gianni Das erste Psalmenbuch als Einheit: eine synchrone Analyse von Psalm 1-41. ÖBS 16: 1999 :::>15,2973. RRivBib 48 (2000) 223-227 (Scaiulu, Dunulellu); ETR 75 (2000) 618-619
(Bauks, Michaela). 3102 Bellinger, William H Portraits of faith: the scope of theology in the psalms. r'l'ATE, M. 2000 :::>113. 111-128.
E6.2 Psalms: introduction
3103 Hßre1111er, Athalya; Fontaiue, Carnle R. Wisdom and Psalms. The Feminist Companion to the Bible 2/2: 1998 =>14,220. RRBLit 2 (2000) 252-255 (Steussy, Marti J.). 3104 Brucggemann, Walter EI mensaje de los salmos. Santa Fe 1999, Univ. Iberoamericana 268 pp. 3105 deC/aisse-Wa/ford, Nancy L. The canonical shape ofthe psalms; 3106 Drinkard, Joel F. The ancient Near Eastem context of the book of Psalms. FTATE, M. 2000 =>113. 93-110/67-92. 3107 Gunkel, Hermann An introduction to the psalms: the genres of the religious lyric of Israel. TNoga/ski, James D. 1998 =>14,2696. RRBLit 2 (2000) 256-258 (Tanner, Beth LaNeel). 3108 Howard, David M Recent trends in Psalms study. The face of OT studies. 2000 =>230. 329-368. 3109 Matheney, M Pierce An introduction to the history of interpretation. FTATE, M. 2000 =>113. 129-153. 3110 McNamara, Martin The psalms in the early Irish church. JSOT.S 165: Shf 2000, JSOT 492 pp. $85. 1-85075-925-1.RPIBA 23 (2000) 98-102 (6 Neil/1 Padraif{ P.). 3111 Nogalski, James D. From psalm to psalms to psalter. FTATE, M. 2000, -> 113. 37-54. 3112 Polish, Daniel F. Bringing the Psalms to life: how to understand and use the book of Psalms. Woodstock, VT 2000, Jewish Lights xv; (1) 176 pp. 1-58023-077-6. Bibi. 167-168. 3113 Sarna, Nahum M Prolegomenon to an edition of the Psalms ; 3114 The psalm superscriptions and the guilds . Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 313-333/335-356. 3115 Whybray, R. Norman Reading the psalms as a book. JSOT.S 222: 1996 =>12,2693 ... 14,2705. RRBLit 1 (1999) 168-170 (Howard, DavidM). 3116 Wi/son, Gera/d H A first century C.E. date for the closing of the book of Psalms?. JBQ 28 (2000) 102-110. 3117 Zenger, Erich Psalmenforschung nach Hermann GUNKEL und Sigmund MOWINCKEL. IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =>478. 399-435.
E6.4 Psalmi, commentarii 3118 Eßaker-Smith, Dominic ERASMUS: expositions ofthe Psalms: Enarratio in primum Psalmum ... in Psalmum 2 ... 3 ... 4. THeath, Michael J. Cullt:cle13,2788; 15,2984. RERSY 20 (2000) 69-73 (Witke, Charles).
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3119 Eßarratt, Alexandra Tue Seven Psalms: a commentary on the penitential psalms. THull, Eleanor: EETS 307: 1995 =>11/1,1457; 13,2789. RSpec. 75 (2000) 890-891 (Jeffrey, David Lyle); MAe 69 (2000) 308-310 (Gillespie, Vincent). 3120 Blaumeiser, Hubertus Martin LUTHERS Kreuzestheologie ... Operationes in Psalmos (1519-1521). KKTS 60: 1995 =>1111,1458 ... 13, 2790. RThZ 56 (2000) 187-189 (Beintker, HorstJ.E.). 3121 Bortolini, Jose Conhecer e rezar os salmos. A Biblia e o Povo. Sao Paulo 2000, Paulus 624 pp [REB 240,1022]. 3122 ECapalbo, Battistina 1 salmi commentati dai Padri della chiesa: miniature del XTTT-XV secolo. Mi 2000, Paoline 429 pp. 3123 EDoignon, Jean Sancti HILARII Pictaviensis episcopi tractatus super psalmos: instructio psalmorum: In psalmos 1-XVI. CChr.SL 61: 1997 =>13,2797; 15,2987. Sancti Hilarii Pictaviensis episcopi opera 1,1: RJEarlyC 8 (2000) 118-119 (Burns, Paul C.). 3124 Eaton, John H. Psalms ofthe way and the kingdom. JSOT.S 199: 1995 =>1111,1465; 13,2798. RJSSt 45 (2000) 168-169 (Curtis, A.HW.). 3125 Goulder, Michael D. Studies in the psalter, IV: the psalms of the return (Book V, Psalms 107-150). JSOT.S 258: 1998 :::>14,2714; 15,2989. RThZ 56 (2000) 86-87 (Weber, Beat); Bib. 81 (2000) 119122 (Schniedewind, William M). 3126 TGruber, Mayer Irvin RAsHI's commentary on Psalms 1-89 (Books 1-III). SFSHJ 161: 1998 =>14,2715. RJud. 56 (2000) 213-214 (Bültmann, Dirk). 3127 THin, Robert Charles THEODORET of Cyrus: commentary on the Psalms, 1: Psalms 1-72. FaCh 101: Wsh 2000, The Catholic Univ. of America Press xiv; 437 pp. $40. 0-8132-0101-2. Bibi. 3128 Hossfcld, Frank-Lothar; Zenger, Erich Psalmen 2: 51-100. Herders Theologischer Kommentar zum AT: FrB 2000, Herder 727 pp. €101.24. 3-451-26826-4. 3129 Kuntz, J. Kenneth Wisdom psalms and the shaping of the Hebrew Psalter. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 144-160. 3130 Lifschitz, Daniel E tempo di cantare: il grande salterio: Salmi 1-50. Testi e commenti 9, 10: 1998 2 vols =>14,2718. RRivBib 48 (2000) 100-102 (Lorenzin, Tiziano); RivLi 87 (2000) 693-694 (Troia, Pasqua/e); AnnTh 14 (2000) 592-595 (Garcia Urefia, L.). 3131 Limburg, James Psalms. Westminster Bible compunion: LVL 2000, Westminster John Knox xviii; 509 pp. $30. 0-664-25557-4. 3132 Lorenzin, Tiziano 1 salmi: versione, introduzione e commento. 1 libri biblici-Primo Testamento 14: Mi 2000, Paoline 637 pp. €31. 88-315-2060-1 [PaVi 46/1,62s-Cappelletto, Gianni].
E6.4 Psalms: commentaries
3133 TNi Riain, Ide M. Commentary of Saint AMBROSE on twelve psalms. Dublin 2000, Halcyon xv; 319 pp. f20. 1-902232-20-8. RDR 118 (2000) 306-310 (Carroll, Thomas K. ). 3134 O'Keefe, John J. 'A letter that killeth': toward a reassessment of Antiochene exegesis, or DIODORE, THEODORE, and THEODORET on the Psalms. JEarlyC 8 (2000) 83-104 Sum. 83. 3135 Oeming, Manfred Das Buch der Psalmen, v.l, Psalm 1-41. Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar, AT 13: Stu 2000, Kathol. Bibelwerk 232 pp. €22.50. 3-460-07131-1. Bibl. RCBQ 62 (2000) 734-735 (Murphy, Roland E.). 3136 Reemts, Christiana Schriftauslegung: die Psalmen bei den Kirchenvätern. Neuer Stuttgarter Kommentar.AT 33/6: Stu 2000, Katholisches Bibelwerk 216 pp. €21 (Abo). 3-460-07336-5. Bibl. 3137 Risse, Siegfried Deutsche Übersetzung und Erklärung der Psalmen, herausgegeben von den Kölner Kartäusern 1535: eine katholische Anleitung zum Psalmengebet aus der Reformationszeit. EuA 76 (2000) 321-336. 3138 Seybold, Klaus Die Psalmen. HAT 115: 1996 :::::>12,2714 ... 15,2994. RBib. 81(2000)277-282 (Hossfe/d, Frank-Lothar). 3139 Stadelmann, Luis I.J. Os salmos. Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 727 pp [REB 61,508]. 3140 Tromp, Nico Psalmen 1-50. Den Bosch 2000, Katholieke Bijbelstichting 268 pp. €15.88. 90-6173-884-9. 3ltl1 Zenger, Erich Die Nacht wird leuchten wie der Tag: Psalmenauslegungen. 1997 =:>13,2812. RThRv 96 (2000) 391-393 (Kaiser, Otto).
E6.5 Psalmi, themata 3142 Alonso Schäkel, Luis The imaginative language of the Psalms. Literary language. 2000 :::::> 126. 65-80. 3143 Austermann, Frank Thesen zur Septuaginta-Exegese am Beispiel der Untersuchung des Septuaginta-Psalters. Der Septuaginta-Psalter. MSU 24; AA WG.PH 230: 2000 =:>3069. 381-386. 3144 Auwers, Jean-Marie La composition litteraire du Psautier: un etat de la question. CRB 46: P 2000, Gabalda 230 pp. €38.10. 2-8.5021. 119-2. REThL 76 (2000) 471-472 (Lust, J.); ScEs 52 (2000) 371-372 (Auffret, Pierre). 3145 Bader, Günter Psalterium affectuum palaestra: prolegomena zu einer Theologie des Psalters. HUTh 33: 1996 =:>12,2719 ... 14,2722. RLASBF 50 (2000) 511-512 (Cortese, Enzo).
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3146 Ballhorn, Egbert Zum Telos des Psalters: der Textzusammenhang des vierten und fünften Psalmenbuches (Ps 90-150). Diss. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Hossfeld, F.-L. [ThRv 98/4, iv]. 3147 Bazylifzski, Stanislaw L'unita nel primo libro dei Salmi. ED 53/3 (2000) 18.7-192 [Ps 1-41]. 3148 Berges, Ulrich Die Knechte im Psalter: ein Beitrag zu seiner Kompositionsgeschichte. Bib. 81(2000)153-178; 3149 Who were the Servants?: a comparative inquiry in the book of Isaiah and the Psalms. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 =>482. 1-18. 3150 Boniface-Malle, Anastasia Interpreting the lament psalms from the Tanzanian context: problems and prospects. Diss. Luther Sem. 2000, 311pp.3013474. 3151 Boyd, Jejfrey H. The "soul" of the Psalms compared to the "seif' of Kohut. JPsC 19 (2000) 219-231. 3152 Crenshaw, James L. Wisdom Psalms?. CurResB 8 (2000) 9-17. 3153 Curtis, Adrian H. W. La mosaique de l'histoire d'Israel: quelques considerations sur les allusions 'historiques' dans les psaumes. Intertextualites. 2000 =>481. 13-29. 3154 Doeker, Andrea Die Funktion der Gottesrede in den Psalmen: eine poetologische Untersuchung. Diss. Bonn 2000/01, °Fabry, H.-J. [ThRv 98/4, iv]. 3155 Eggenberger, Christoph Une autre forme d'exegese des psaumes: l'enluminure carolingienne tardive a l'abbaye de Saint-Gall. Le rayonnement spirituel et culturel de l'abbaye de Saint-Gall: colloque tenu au Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris, 12 octobre 1993. Heitz, Carol, al., P 2000, Univ. de Paris X-Nanterre. 91-113 [RBen 112,164Dogaert, P.-M.]. 3156 Emmendörffer, Michael Der ferne Gott: eine Untersuchung der alttestamentlichen Volksklagelieder vor dem Hintergrund der mesopotamischcn Literatur. FAT 21: 1998 =>14,2732; 15,3010. RBiOr 57 (2000) 383-384 (Becking, Bob). 3157 Forster, Christine Begrenztes Leben als Herausforderung: das Vergänglichkeitsmotiv in weisheitlichen Psalmen. Diss. Zürich 1999, 0 Spieckermann, H. Z 2000, Pano xi; 277 pp. €16.36. 3-907576-24-1 [Ps 39; 40; 90]. 3158 Garcia Cordero, Maximiliano EI mesianismo en los salmos. CTom 127 (2000) 1-58. 3159 Goldingay, John Death and afterlife in the Psalms. Judaism in late antiquity, 4. HO 1/49,4: 2000 =>348. 61-85. 3160 Goulder, Michael D. Studies in the Psalter, 3: the psalms of Asaph and the pentateuch. JSOT.S 233: 1996 =>12,2746; 14,2736. RJThS 51(2000)214-216 (Hunter, Alastair G.).
E6.5 Psalms: topics
3162 3163 3164 3165
3170 3171 3172 3173
3174 3175 3176
Green, Barbara Gail Like a tree planted: an exploration of the Psalms and parables through metaphor. 1997 =>13,2826; 15,3016. RRßLit 1(1999)235-237 (Brueggemann, Walter). Grelot, Pierre EI misterio de Cristo en los Salmos. Agape 12: S 2000, Secretariado Trinitario 263 pp. 84-88643-57-8. Grelot, Pierre 11 mistero del Cristo nei salmi. Tcestari, Giuseppe CSB 38: Bo 2000, EDB 271 pp. 88-10-40739-3. Hossfeld, Frank-Lothar; Zenger, Erich Psalmenauslegung im Psalter. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 =>llO. 237-257. Jacobson, Rolf Andrew 'Many are saying': the function of direct discourse in the Hebrew Psalter. Diss. Princeton 2000, 263 pp [RTL 32,595; 9970099]. Jinkins, Michael In the house of the Lord: inhabiting the psalms of lament. 1998 =>14,2744. RPacifica 13 (2000) 215-217 (Wallace, HowardN.). Klingbeil, Martin Yahweh fighting from heaven: God as warrior and as God ofheaven in the Hebrew Psalter and ancient Near Eastem iconography. OBO 169: 1999 =>15,3023. RETR 75 (2000) 265-266 (Smyth-Florentin, Franr;oise); BiOr 57 (2000) 656-658 (Spronk, Klaas). Knigge, Carsten Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von altägyptischer Hymnik und alttestamentlicher Psalmendichtung: zum Versuch einer diachronen und interkulturellen Motivgeschichte. PzB 9 (2000) 93122 [Ps 10'1]. Mandolfo, Carleen The dialogue between experience and faith: the didactic voice in psalms of lament. Diss. Emory 2000, 0 Hayes, J.H. 291 pp [RTL 32,596; 9993471]. Mays, James L. 'Maker ofheaven and earth': creation in the psalms. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 75-86. McFall, Leslie The evidence for a logical arrangement of the Psalter. WThJ 62 (2000) 223-256. Mil/er, Patrick D. Psalms and inscriptions. lsraelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 =>191. 210-232. Mitchell, David Campbell The message ofthe psalter: an eschatological programme in the book of Psalms. JSOT.S 252: 1997 =>13, 2836; 15,3028. RRBLit 2 (2000) 258-260 (Gillingham, S.). Monshouwer, Dirk 'Zingt een nieuw lied!': de psalmen naast Numeri. ITBT 8/2 {2000) 7-9. Obenhaus, Stacy R. The creation faith of the psalmists. TrinJ 21 (2000) 131-142. Raja, R.J. Lord of the universe: lover of the humans (universalism in the Psalms). FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 201-210.
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3178 Ravasi, Gianfranco Ricchezza benedetta e condivisa, ricchezza tentatrice e maledetta nel salterio. PSV 42 (2000) 67-81. 3178 Riede, Peter Im Netz des Jägers: Studien zur Feindmetaphorik der Individualpsalmen. Diss. Tübingen 1998, 0 Janowski, B. WMANT 85: Neuk 2000, Neuk x; 438 pp. 3-7887-1751-3. 3179 Rösel, Christoph Die messianische Redaktion des Psalters: Studien zu Entstehung und Sammlung Ps 2-89*. CThM.BW 19: 1999 =>15,3036. RThLz 125 (2000) 1007-1009 (Süssenbach, Claudia). 3180 Scaiola, Donatella "Una cosa ha detto Dio, due ne ho udite": fenomeni di composizione all'interno del Salterio Masoretico, con particolare riferimento al prhno libro (Sal 1-41 ). Extr. Diss. Pont. Ist. Biblico 2000, 0 Bovati, Pietro R 2000, Sum. AcBib 10,723-724. 3181 Schwalbe, Johanna Der Weg. EuA 76 (2000) 139-146 [Ps 25; 37; 67; 77; 95; 119; 139; 142]. 3182 Starbuck, Scott R.A. Court oracles in the Psalms: the so-called royal psalms in their ancient Near Eastern context. SBL.DS 172: 1999 => 15,3039. RCBQ 62 (2000) 736-Tl& (T.aundP.rvillP., Oa!P.); ?. (2000) 260-262 (Jacobs, Mignon R. ). 3183 Sticher, Claudia 'Die Lampe der Prevler erlischt': die Rettung der Guten durch Gott und die Selbstzerstörung des Bösen-ein theologisches Denkmuster im Psalter und im Buch der Sprichwörter. Diss. Passau 2000/01, 0 Schwienhorst-Schönberger, L. [ThRv 98/4, xiii]. 3184 Torti, Rita Quando interrogare e pregare: la forza pragmatica delle proposizioni interrogative nel Salterio alla luce della letteratura accadica. Extr. Diss. Pont. Ist. Biblico 2000, 0 Bovati, Pietro R 2000, E.P.l.B. 117 pp. Bibi. 23-57. Sum. AcBib 10,727-728. 3185 Zenger, Erich A God of vengeance?: understanding the psalms of divine wrath. 1996 =>12,2779; 13,2851. RRßLit 1 (1999) 170-172 (Bellinger, W.H). 3186 Zenger, Erich The God of Israel' s reign over the world (Psalms 90106). The God oflsrael. 2000 =>291. 161-190.
E6.6 Psalmi: oratio, liturgia--Psalms as prayer 3187 Adamo. David Tuesday The use of psalms in African indigenous churches in Nigeria. The Bible in Africa. 2000 =>342. 336-349. J 188 JJarkley, Roy The g1oria patri: atlinnation in joy am.l wue. HPR 100/4 (2000) 24-30. 3189 Barnard, A. C. Die besondere betekenis van die Psalms in die christelike kerk. SeK 21 (2000) 214-227 Sum. 214. 3190 Beauchamp, Paul Salmer-nat og dag. TChristiansen, Erik Frederiksberg 1999, ANIS 269 pp.
E6.6 Psalms as prayer
3191 Beck, Eleonore Psalmen beten. LS 51(2000)200-203. 3192 Berkelmans, Frans De ideale psahnvertaling voor liturgisch gebruik. TLi 84 (2000) 117-123. 3193 Bieter, Andrea Psalmengottesdienste als Klageräume für überlebende sexueller Gewalt: poimenische und liturgische Überlegungen. EvTh 60 (2000) 117-130 [Ps 55]. 3194 Billman, Kathleen D.; Migliore, Daniel L. Rachel's cry: prayer of lament and rebirth ofhope. 1999 =>15,3049. RCThMi 27 (2000) 126127 (Poling, James N). 3195 Bottai, Monica La Paraphrasis in triginta psalmos versibus scripta di Marcantonio FLAMINIO: un esempio di poesia religiosa del X V 1 secolo. Rinasc. 40 (2000) 157-265. 3196 Buher, Martin 11 cammino del giusto: riflessioni su alcuni salmi [1; 12; 14; 73; 82]. 1999 =>15,3050. Rstudi Fatti Ricerche 89 (2000) 1213 (Doni, Martina). 3197 Buchinger, Harald Zur Hermeneutik liturgischer Psalmenverwendung: methodologische Überlegungen im Schnittpunkt von Bibelwissenschaft, Patristik und Liturgiewissenschaft. HID 54 (2000) 193222. 3198 Dell'Orto, Giuseppe; Moretti, Giuseppe 1 salmi: canti per Dio: parlare a Dio con parole di Dio. Quademi di Evangelizzare 43,15: Bo 2000, EDB 160 pp. 88-10-60716-3. 3199 Dietrich, Wolfgang Es ist ein Gesang in der Welt: ein Psalter dieser Tage. Eschbach 1999-2000, Am Eschbach 192 + 192 pp. 3-88671-1919/209-5. Bilder von Max Hunziker [ThZ 58,190-Klaus Seybold]. 3200 Driscoll, Michael S. The seven penitential psalms: their designation and usages from the Middle Ages onwards. EO 17 (2000) 153-201 [Ps 6; 31; 37; 50; 101; 129; 142]. 3201 EFiume, Emanuele; Iafrate, Daniele C. 1 salmi della Riforma. 1999 =>15,3054. RSdT 12 (2000) 195-196 (Castellina, Paolo). 3202 Fuchs, Ottmar Dass Gott zur Rechenschaft gezogen werde-weil er sich weder gerecht noch barmherzig zeigt?: Überlegungen zu einer Eschatologie der Klage. Das Drama der Barmherzigkeit. SBS 183: 2000 =>329. 11-32. 3203 Hamlin, Hannibal Psalm culture in early modern England. Diss. Yale 2000, 372 pp. 9973692. 3204 Inch, Morris A. Devotions with David: a christian legacy. Lanham 2000, Univ. Pr. of America v; 193 pp. 0-7618-1~97X. Bibi. 18~-189. 3205 Jaki, Stanlcy L. Praying the Psalms: a commentary. GR 2000, Eerdmans v; 138 pp. 0-8028-4771-4. 3206 Le Gall, Robert La saveur des Psaurnes: entrer en psalmodie. Chambray 2000, C.L.D. 267 pp. €22.71. 2-85443-368-8. REO 17 (2000) 462-463 (Leikam, Ruhen).
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3207 Leikam, Ruhen M Las oraciones sälmicas de los salmos "imprecatorios". EO 1711(2000)9-52 [Ps 58; 83; 109]. 3208 Menichelli, Ernesto II salterio confessione dell'alleanza. VM 54/1 (2000) 57-73. 3209 Mil/er, Patrick D. Dietrich BONHOEFFER and the Psalms. lsraelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 =:>191. 345-354 [Ps 42; 74; 119). 3210 Minissale, Antonino II lessico della preghiera nel primo libro dei Salmi (1-41): compenetrazione dei diversi generi letterari. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =:>38. 95-112. 3211 Murphy, Roland Edmund The gift ofthe Psalms. Peabody, MASS 2000, Hendrickson xiv; 178 pp. $17. 1-56563-474-8. Rev. ed. of: Tue Psalms are yours, c1993. 3212 O'Donnell, Desmond; Mohen, Maureen Psalming the New Testament. Dublin 2000, Veritas 215 pp. f.9. 3213 Otieno, Pauline Interpreting the book of Psalms in the Coptic Orthodox Church of Kenya. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 => 467. 159-163. 3214 Tromp, Nico Psalmvertaling en liturgie. TLi 84 (2000) 106-109. 3215 EVan Midden, P.J., al., Psalmen. ACEBT 18: Maastricht 2000, Shaker 176 pp. €13.50. 90-423-0110-4. 3216 Wahl, Thomas Peter The Lord's song in a foreign land: the Psalms as prayer. 1998 =:>14,2795. RCBQ 62 (2000) 132-133 (Polan, Gregory J.). 3217 Ward, Anthony The psalm collects of the new rite of exorcisms. EL 114 (2000) 270-301. 3218 Watts, John D. W. A history of the use and interpretation of the psalms. FTATE, M. 2000 =:>113. 21-35.
E6.7 Psalmi: versiculi-Psalms by number and verse 3219 Ebach, Jürgen Freude an der Tora. BiKi 55 (2000) 2-5 [Ps l]. 3220 Mil/er, Patrick D. The beginning of the Psalter. Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 =:>191. 269-278 [Ps l]. 3221 Bar-Asher, Moshe Psaumes i-iv dans un rituel bayonnais pour le Grand Pardon: textes et commentaire linguistique. REJ 159/1-2 (2000) 199-208 Res„ smn. 199. 3222 VanderKam, James C. Bhl in Ps 2:5 and its etymology. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =:>221. 53-59. 3223 Loretz, Oswald Psalm 3 im Blickfeld der Ugaritologie. FOELSNER, J. AOAT 252: 2000 =:>83. 245-261. 3224 Schroeder, Christoph Psalm 3 und das Traumorakel des von Feinden bedrängten Beters. Bib. 81(2000)243-251.
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3225 Sarna, Nahum M Legal terminology in Psalm 3:8. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 ~205. 357-364. · 3226 Auffret, Pierre Dieu juste!: etude structurelle du psaume 7. JANES 27 (2000) 1-14. 3227 Car/ey, Keith Psalm 8: an apology for domination. Readings. 2000 ~270. 111-124. 3228 Cortese, Enzo; Niccacci, Alviero L'attesa dei poveri non sara vana: il Sal 9/10 attualizzato. MVAmONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 ~15,94. 127149. 3229 Au.ffret, Pierre YHWH, qui sejournera en ta tente?: etude structurelle du Psaume xv. VT 50 (2000) 143-151. 3230 Mil/er, Patrick D. Poetic ambiguity and balance in Psalm 15. lsraelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 ~191. 259-268 = Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 ~3046. 129-147; 3231 Kingship, Torah obedience, and prayer: the theology of Psalms 1524. lsraelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 --:>191. 279-297. 3232 Aparicio Rodriguez, Angel Tu crcs mi bien: analsis exegetico y teo16gico del Salmo 16: aplicaci6n a la vida religiosa. 1993 ~9,3100. Rsalm. 47 (2000) 156-158 (Pikaza, Xabier). 3233 Peels, Hendrik G.L. Sanctorum communio vel idolorum repudiatio?: a reconsideration of Ps 16,3. ZAW 112 (2000) 239-251. 3234 Lorenzin, Tiziano L'uso delle regole ermeneutiche al tiqre e gezerah shawah nel Salmo 18. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 ~38. 8393. 3235 Arneth, Martin Psalm 19: Tora oder Messias?. ZAR 6 (2000) 82-112. 3236 Au.ffret, Pierre De l'oeuvre de ses mains au murmure de mon coeur: etude structurelle du Psaume 19. ZAW 112 (2000) 24-42. 3237 Hoffmeier, James K. 'The heavens declnre the glory of God': the limits of general revelation. Trin.T 21 (2000) 17-24 [Ps 19]. 3238 Klouda, Sheri L. The dialectical interplay of seeing and hearing in Psalm 19 and its connection to wisdom. BBR 10 (2000) 181-195. 3239 Oeming, Manfred Auf der Suche nach Verbindungslinien-Psalm 19 als Ganzheit betrachtet. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 ~107. 249-263. 3240 Sarna, Nahum M Psalm XIX and the Near Eastem sun-god literature. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 ~205. 365-375. 3241 Au.ffret, Pierre Qu'il te reponde, YHWH, aujour de detresse!: etude structurelle du psaumc 20. BN 101 (2000) 5-9. 3242 Bazylinski, Stanislaw l Salmi 20-21 nel contesto delle preghiere regali. 1999 =>15,3092. RRivBib 48 (2000) 454-7 (Lorenzin, Tiziano). 3243 Rösel, Martin Israels Psalmen in Ägypten?: Papyrus Amherst 63 und die Psalmen xx und lxxv. VT 50 (2000) 81-99. 3244 Menn, Esther M No ordinary lament: relecture and the identity ofthe distressed in Psalm 22. HThR 93 (2000) 301-341.
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3245 Strawn, Brent A. Psalm 22: l 7b: more guessing. JBL 119 (2000) 439451. 3246 Barbiero, Gianni L'eucaristia degli 'anawim: Sal 22,23-32. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =>38. 113-127. 3247 Ravasi, Gianfranco 'Tutti i confini della terra ricorderanno e si converitiranno': l'universalismo nella finale del Salmo 22. MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 563-570 [Ps 22,28-30]. 3248 Dennison, James T. The Shepherd-Lord: Psalm 23. Kerux 15/1 (2000) 50-55. 3249 Keller, Philippe Un berger medite le Psaume 23. Tychique 148 (2000) 29-36. 3250 Craigie, P. C. Psalm xxix in the Hebrew poetic tradition. Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3046. 110-118. 3251 Auffret, Pierre De cris joyeux de liberation tu m'entoures: etude slructurelle du Psaume 32. RivBib 48 (2000) 257-280. 3252 Lolifink, Norbert The covenant formula in Psalm 33. The God of Israel. 2000 =-291. 85-122. 3253 Wainwright, Geoffeey Psalm 33 interpreted of the triune God. ExAu 16 (2000) 101-120. 3254 Margerie, Bertrand de Insinuations trinitaires dans le psaume 33 (32),6 chez les Peres de l'Eglise et notamment chez Saint BASILE. Aug. 40 (2000) 35-41. 3255 Pemberton, Barbara Butler lslamic and Judaic perceptions of the inheritance ofthe righteous in the 'Qur'an' and 'Tanakh': a rhctorical study ofSura 21 and Psalm 37. Diss. Baylor 2000, 253 pp. 9989160. 3256 Clifford, Richard J. What does the psalmist ask for in Psalms 39:5 and 90:12?. JBL 119 (2000) 59-66. 3257 Marin Hsrsdia, Francisco EI Salmo 40 y la lcy. Cart. 16 (2000) l· 13. 3258 Naude, E. Psalm 40: een oftwee psalms?. SeK 21 (2000) 115-134. Swn. 115. 3259 Ozaeta, Jose Maria i,La parafrasis del 'Salmo 41' es del P. Fr. Jose de Siguenza?. CDios 213/1 (2000) 281-293. 3260 Dockner, Thomßs 'Sicut cerva... ': Text, Struktur und Bedeutung von Psalm 42 und 43. Diss. Wü. 2000/01, 0 Seidl, T. [ThRv 98/4, xvi]. 3261 Kimmitt, Francis Xavier The shape of Psalms 42-49. Diss. New Orleans Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 306 pp. 9991965. 3262 Arzt-Grabner, P.; Ernst, M Psalm 43,21-24.27 und Psalm 44,1-2. FßINOEN, J. 2000....:.>11. 79-84. 3263 Hunter, David G. The vir~in, the bride, and the chnrch: reading Psalm 45 in AMBROSE, JEROME, and AUGUSTINE. ChH 69 (2000) 281-303.
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3264 Manicardi, Luciano II salmo 45 (44) e il Cantico dei Cantici. Theotokos (2000) 569-600 Sum. 599. 3265 Witte, Markus "Aber Gott wird meine Seele erlösen"-Tod und Leben nach Psalm xlix. VT 50 (2000) 540-560. 3266 Olofsson, Stajfan Death shall be their shepherd: an interpretation of Psalm 49.15 in the Masoretic Text and Septuagint. The interpretation ofscripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 ~257. 75-105. 3267 Gonis, Nikolaos Two Psalm-fragments in the Duke papyrus collection. APF 46/1 (2000) 14-18. Ps 50 frag. pict. in the internet: ; Ps 88 frag.: Pir.t. in the internct: [Ps 50,17-20; 88,4-8.15-18]. 3268 Dell'Orto, Giuseppe "Nella tua grande bonta, cancella il mio peccato ... ": una rilettura del peccato e della misericordia alla luce del Salmo 51 (50). Ambrosius 76/2-3 (2000) 170-186. 3269 Anaparambil, James Psalm 58, a song of the marginalized. Living Word 106 (2000) 253-267. 3270 Knauf. Ernst Axel Psalm lx und Psalm cviii. VT 50 (2000) 55-65. 3271 Ellington, John Psalm 62.2: was the psalmist absolutely unshakeable?. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 243-246. 3272 ETMüller, Hildegund Eine Psalmenpredigt über die Auferstehung: AUGUSTINUS: enarratio in Psalmum 65. DÖA W.PH 653; VKCLK 15: 1997 ~13,2915. RAugSt 31 (2000) 279-280 (Teske, Roland J.). 3273 ßecker, Joachim Elliptisches hesib (nrepre~) in Ps 68,23 und 73,10. BN 103 (2000) 43-52. 3274 Obinwa, lgnatius Yahwe my refuge: a critical analysis of Ps 71. Diss. St. Georgen, Fra., 2000/01, 0 Jüngling, H.-W. [ThRv 98/4, vi]. 3275 Folliet, Gf!urgf!s TERTULLIEN, JERÖME et AUGUSTIN: tcmoins latins de versions grecques differentes de Ps. 71, 18-19 (LXX). RBen 110 (2000) 181-198. 3276 Arneth, Martin 'Sonne der Gerechtigkeit': Studien zur Solarisicrung der Jahwe-Religion im Lichte von Psalm 72. Diss. Mü 1999, 0 0tto, Eckart ZAR.B 1: Wsb 2000, Harrassowitz ix; 244 pp. €50.11. 3277 Baarda, Tjitze A 'Hexaplaric' rnbric in Psalm 72 in an early Syriac manuscript (VK 0631). JAB 2 (2000) 3-13. 3278 Sdppa, Vincenzo Il salmo 72 e i1 regno messianico di Cristo: annlisi strutturale e simbolico-retorica. FBARRUFFO, A. 2000 ~7. 37-62. 3279 Buher, Martin The heart determines (Psalm 73). On the bible. 2000 ~140. 199-210. 3280 Mil/er, Patrick D. Psalm 73 as a canonical marker. Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 ~191. 298-309. 3281 Wendland, Ernst R. Aspects of the structure, style, and transmission of Psalm 73. BiTr 50/1 (1999) 135-149.
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3282 Cole, Robert L. The shape and message ofbook III: (Psalms 73-89). JSOT.S 307: Shf2000, Academic 264 pp. f'.50. 1-84127-100-4. Diss. UCLA 1996; Bibl. 3283 Dell 'Era, Antonio Ps 73 (72), 23-28. BCl 21 (2000) 115-118 [Ps 73, 23-28]. 3284 Weber, Beat Zur Datierung der Asaph-Psalmen 74 und 79. Bib. 81 (2000) 521-532; 3285 Psalm 78: Geschichte mit Geschichte deuten. ThZ 56 (2000) 193214. 3286 Lohfink, Norbert Noch einmal fJoq umispa( (zu Ps 81,5t). Studien zum Deuteronomium, 4. SBAB 31: 2000 => 182. 105-106. 3287 Weber, Beat Psalm 83 als Einzelpsalm und als Abschluss der Asaph- Psalmen. BN 103 (2000) 64-84. 3288 Vorndran, Jürgen 'Alle Völker werden kommen': Studien zu Psalm 86. Diss. Münster 2000/01, 0 zenger, E. [ThRv 98/4, xii]. 3289 Terrinoni, Ubaldo La preghiera del salmista: 'unifica il mio cuore' (Sal 86,11). RVS 54 (2000) 596-605. 3290 Emerton, J.A. Tue problem of Psalm lxxxvii. VT 50 (2000) 183-199. 3291 Zenger, Erich Zion as mother ofthe nations in Psalm 87. The God of Israel. 2000 =>291. 123-160. 3292 Sarna, Nahum M. Psalm 89: a study in inner biblical exegesis. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 377-394. 3293 Müller, Hans-Peter Sprachliche Beobachtungen zu Ps. xc 5f. VT 50 (2000) 394-400. 3294 Sarna, Nahum M. The psalm for the sabbath day (Ps 92). Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 395-410. 3295 Vogel, Dan A psalm for sabbath?: a literary vicw of Psalm 92. JBQ
28 (2000) 211-221. 3296 Zenger, Erich Kanonische Psalmenexegese und christlich-jüdischer Dialog: Beobachtungen zum Sabbatpsalm 92. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 =>94. 243-260. 3297 Tucker, W. Dennis Psalm 95: text, context, and intertext. Bib. 81 (2000) 533-541. 3298 Mare, L.P. Psalm 100-uitbundige lof oor die Godheid, goedheid en grootheid van Jahwe. OTEs 13 (2000) 218-234. 3299 Dohmen, Christoph Vom Sinai nach Galiläa: Psalm 103 als Brücke zwischen Juden und Christen; 3300 Rendtorff, Rolf Er handelt nicht mit uns nach unsern Sünden: das Evangelium von der Barmherzigkeit Gottes im Ersten Testament. Das Drama der Barmherzigkeit. SBS 183: 2000 =>329. 92-106/145-156. 3301 Alonso Schäkel, Luis Technology, ecology, contemplation: Psalm 104. Literary language. 2000 =>126. 121-131.
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3302 Köckert, Matthias Literargeschichtliche und religionsgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu Ps 104. FSTECK, 0. BZA w 300: 2000 => 110. 259-279. 3303 Miller, Patrick D. The poetry of creation: Psalm 104. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 87-103. 3304 Voicu, Sever J. CRISOSTOMO, In Psalmum 104 (CPG 4413,4): una citazione dimenticata. Aug. 40 (2000) 59-63. 3305 Crutchfield, John Charles Circles of context: an interpretation of Psalms 107-118. Diss. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (Ohio) 2000 209 pp. 9978808. 3306 Davis, Rarry C. Is Psalm 110 a messianic psalm?. BS 157 (2000) 160-173. 3307 Vincent, Jean Marce/ "Qu'est-ce que la theologie?": une approche par l'interpretation du Ps 116. RB 107 (2000) 495-525. 3308 Tramp, Nico Psalm 118: een veelzijdig lied. TLi 84 (2000) 117-123. 3309 Hamidovic, David "Les portes de justice" et "la porte de YHWH" dans le Psaume 118,19-20. Bib. 81 (1000) 542-550. 3310 Berder, Michel "La pierre rejetee par les bätisseurs": psaume 118, 22-23 el son emploi dans les traditions juives et dans le Nouveau Testament. 1995 =>12,2891... 15,3157. RLASBF 50 (2000) 545-548 (Manns, FrMP.rir.). 3311 TRiain, lde Ni Homilies of Saint AMBROSE on Psalm 118(119). 1998 =>14,2885; 15,3164. RIThQ 65 (2000) 81-84 (Clancy, Finbarr G.). 3312 Nielsen, Kirsten Why not plough with an ox and an ass together?: or: why not read Ps 119 together with Pss 120-134?. SJOT 14 (2000) 56-66. 3313 Nagel, Rlizaheth M Words ofwar and peace. BiTod 38 (2000) 145149 [Ps 120]. 3314 Crow, Loren D. The Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134): their place in Israelite history and religion. SBL.DS 148: 1996 .=>12,2899; 15,3166. RJSSt 45 (2000) 169-170 (Curtis, A.H W. ). 3315 ELenzi, Giovanni l salmi del pellegrinaggio: Shirei ha-Ma'alot (canti dei gradini). Pref. di Lucio Pardo: Tradizione d'Israele: R 2000, Citta Nuova 251 pp. 88-311-4921-0. 3316 Polan, Gregory J. Tue pilgrim feasts and the songs of ascent; 3317 Schaefer, Konrad R. The pilgrim's path to God. BiTod 38 (2000) 133-138/139-144. 3318 Luciani, Ferdinando Sal 121 (122),6 secondo la traduzione araba della bibbia poliglotta di Londra. Aevum 74 (2000) 533-538. 3319 Nicklas, Tobias Der Text und die Texte: Berührpunkte von Textkritik, Textgeschichte und Interpretationsgeschichte am Beispiel von Ps 126. Bib. 81 (2000) 252-261.
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3320 Booij, Th. Psalm 127,2b: a return to Martin LUTHER: KJ1Zl 11'1'? 1n' p: to his beloved one He gives it in sleep. Bib. 81 (2000) 262-268. 3321 Flor, Gerson L. Salmo 128: monogamia como elemento da critica sapiencial a monarquia. Estudos biblicos 66 (2000) 41-48. 3322 Browne, Gerald M Old Nubian sogkt- Or. 69 (2000) 139-140 [Ps 129,7]. 3323 Sweet, Anne Marie Pilgrimage and reconciliation. BiTod 38 (2000) 151-155 [Ps 130]. 3324 Weber, Martin Psahn 130 und seine Rezeption in der abendländischen Musik: zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie und Methodik der literaturwissenschaftlichen Exegese biblischer Psalmen. Diss. Neuendettelsau 2000/01, 0 Utzschneider, H [ThRv 98/4, xiij. 3325 Vall, Gregory Praying in the Messianic spirit. BiTod 38 (2000) 156161 [Ps 132]. 3326 Bremmer, Jan N. Meditatie. KeTh 51/2 (2000) 90-91 [Ps 133]. 3327 Weiss, Meir Psalm 133. Shnaton 12 (2000) 61-64. H. 3328 Levin, Christoph Psalm 136 als zeitweilige Schlußdoxologie des Psalters. SJOT 14 (2000) 17-27. 3329 Macholz, Christian Psalm 136: exegetische Beobachtungen mit methodologischen Seitenblicken. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 ~94. 177186. 3330 Burdziej, Bogdan Super flumina Babylonis: Psalm 136(137) w literaturze polskiej XIX-XX w 1999 ~15,3175. RCoTh 70 (2000) 230233 (Chrostowski, Waldemar). 3331 Savran, George "How can we sing a song ofthe Lord?": the strategy oflament in Psalm 137. ZAW 112 (2000) 43-58. 3332 Elwolde, John F. iJljj:i11 in the Damascus Doctunent and Ps 119:11. Diggers at the well. StTDJ 36: 2000 ~552. 65-83. 3333 Seybo/d, Klaus Formen der Textrezeption in Psalm 144. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 ~110. 281-289. 3334 Miller, Patrick D. The end ofthe Psalter: a response to Erich Zenger. Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 ~191. 310-317 [Ps 146-150]. 3335 Sedlmeier, Franz Jerusalem-Jahwes Bau: Untersuchungen zu Komposition und Theologie von Psalm 147. FzH 79: 1996 ~12, 2914 ... 14,2907. RMThZ 51 (2000) 92-94 (Wehrle, Josef). 3336 Mathys, HP. Psalm cl. VT 50 (2000) 329-344 [Ps 148; 150].
Van Rooy, HF. Psalm 151 in three Syriac Psalm commentaries. ZAW 112 (2000) 612-623. 3338 Lemaire, Andre Attestation textuelle et critique litteraire: 4Q448 col. A et Psalm 154. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 ~609. 12-18.
E7. l Job: text, commentaries
E7 .1 Job, textus, commentarii 3339 Asurmendi,.Jesus Job. 1999 =:>15,3181. RRICP 73 (2000) 179-181 (Turiot, Cecile). 3340 EHagedorn, Ursula; Hagedorn, Dieter Die älteren griechischen Katenen zum Buch Hiob, 3: Fragmente zu Hiob 23,1-42,17. PTS 53: B 2000, De Gruyter viii; 415 pp. €128/$141. 3-11-016843-X. 3341 Japhet, Sara The commentary of Rabbi Samuel Ben Meir (RA.SHBAM) on the hook of .loh. Pnhlic11tions ... Perry Found. for Bihlical Research in the Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem. J 2000, Magnes 487 pp. 3342 Murphy, Roland Edmund The book of Job: a short reading. 1999 =:>15,3185. RBTB 30 (2000) 40-41 (Bossman, David M); VJTR 64 (2000) 722-723 (Meagher, P.); OTEs 13 (2000) 398-400 (Fischer, S.); RBLit 2 (2000) 262-265 (Carasik, Michael). 3343 ERabinovitch, G. Le livre de Job. TLemaitre de Sacy: Mille et une nuils 280: P 2000, Fayard 103 pp. €1.52. 2-84205-472-5. 3344 Radermakers, J. Dieu, Job et la sagesse: lecture continue et texte. 1998 ::::::> 14,2921. RRBLit 2 (2000) 265-267 (De Troyer, Kristin ). 3345 Strauß, Hans Hiob, 2. Teilband: 19,1-42,17. BK.AT 16/2: Neuk 2000, Neuk 424 pp. €119. 3-7887-1454-9. 3346 Wharton, James A. Job. 1999 =:>15,3188. Rstudies in World Christianity 6 (2000) 287-288 (Gibson, John C.L.). 3347 Whybray, Norman Job. 1998 =:>14,2925; 15,3189. RCBQ 62 (2000) 348-349 (Ceresko, Anthony R.).
E7.2 Job: themata, Topics ... Versiculi, Verse numbers 3348 (a) Aimers, Geoffrey J. The rhetoric of social conscience in the book ofJob. JSOT 91(2000)99-107. (b) Berrigan, Daniel Job: and death no dominion. Frankltn 2000, Sheed & W. xxi; 368 pp. $25. 1580510744 [ThD 48,60: Heiser, W.]. 3349 Bochet, Marc Job apr~s Job: destinee Utteralre d'une flgure biblique. Le livre et le rouleau 9: Bru 2000, Lessius 180 pp. €17.72. 2-87299092-5. 3350 Buher, Martin Job. On the bible. 2000 ::::::>140. 188-198. 3351 Carson, Donald A. Job: mystery and faith. Southem Baptist Convention 4/2 (2000) 38-55. 3352 Chardonnens, Denis L'homme sous le regard de la Providence: providence de Dieu et condition humaine selon l'exposition litterale sur le livre de Job de Tu:OMAS d'Aquin. BiblThom 50: 1997 =:>13,3009. RTE 44 (2000) 93-94 (Velasco, Argimiro).
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3353 Conerly, Rodrick Evan An examination ofthe Hebrew term 1!'.lll in the book of Job: a rhetorical and anthropological analysis. Diss. New Orleans Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 249 pp. 9991962. 3354 Dietzel, Gabriele Hiob-Trauer und Verzweiflung. Deutsches Pfarrerblatt 100 (2000) 118-119. 3355 Drodge, Edward N. A cognitive-embodiment approach to emotioning and rationality, illustrated in the story of Job. The international journal for the psychology of religion 10/3 (2000) 187-199. 3356 Fischer, S. How God pays back-retributive concepts in the book of Job. Acta Theologica 20/2 (2000) 26-41. 3357 Goodchild, Philip Job as apologetic: the role of the audience. Religion 30 (2000) 149-167. 3358 Habe/, Norman La cosmologia inversa de Job: L,una opci6n digna de celebraci6n?. Conc(E) 287 (2000) 521-531; Conc(I) 2000,598-609; Conc(P) 287,518-527; Conc(D) 2000,394-402; Conc(F) 287,25-34. 33S9 Heymel, Michael Hiub als Schutzpatron der Musik: die scclsorgerliche Bedeutung der Musik. PTh 89 (2000) 206-218. 3360 Homann, Ursula Hiobs Frage und die Unbegreiflichkeit des Leids. Die Zeichen der Zeit--Lutherische Monatshefte 3/3 (2000) 15-18. 3361 Kepnes, Steven Job and post-holocaust theodicy. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 :::::>290. 252-266. 3362 Köhlmoos, Melanie Das Auge Gottes: Textstrategie im Hiobbuch. FAT 25: 1999 :::::>15,3210. RThLZ 125 (2000) 885-887 [Eng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 35-39] (Witte, Markus). 3363 Kraus Reggiani, Cluru La figura di Giobbe in tre documcnti del giudaismo ellenistico. VetChr 36 (2000) 165-192. 3364 Luc, Alex Storm and the message of Job. JSOT 87 (2000) 111-123. 3365 Mack, Hananel Were the children of Job sinners or innocent viclims?: the issue of their death in ancient sourccs and in medieval Jewish exegesis. Shnaton 12 (2000) 221-239. H. 3366 Moretto, Giovanni Franz KAFKA e il processo jobico. Hum(B) 55 (2000) 377-403. 3367 Müller, Hans Peter Das Hiobproblem: seine Stellung und Entstehung im Alten Orit:ml unu im Alten Testament. EdF 84: 3 1995 ::::} 11/1, 1739; 12,2964. ROLZ 95 (2000) 184-186 (Pfeifer, Gerhard). 3368 Penchansky, David Job's wife: the Satan's handmaid. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 :::::>31. 223-228. 3369 Reventlow, Henning Graf Skepsis und Klage: zur Komposition des Hiobbuches. FSCHMIDT, w. 2000 :..;;.;>107. 281-294. 3370 Rubenstein, Richard L. Job and Auschwitz. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 :::::>290. 233-251. 3371 Sarna, Nahum M Epic substratum in the prose of Job. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 :::::>205. 411-424.
E7.2 Job: topics
3372 Sasson, Victor In defence of Job. UF 32 (2000) 465-474. 3373 Scherer, Andreas Relative Gerechtigkeit und absolute Vollkommenheit bei Hiob: Überlegungen zu Spannungsmomenten im Hiobbuch. BN 101 (2000) 81-99. 3374 Souzenelle, Annick de Job sur le chemin de la lumiere. 1999 =>15, 3230. RETR 75 (2000) 434-435 (Couteau, Elisabeth). 3375 Speidell, Todd H. God, Woody Allen, and Job. CScR29 (2000) 551561. 3376 Susaimanickam, J. An Indian problem of evil: the caste system: a Dalit reading of the book of Job. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 181-200. 3377 Tan, See S. A double reading ofthe "wildemess" narratives: implications for Old Testament theology. RestQ 42/3 (2000) 155-168. 3378 Terrien, Samuel The iconography of Job through the centuries: artists as biblical interpreters. 1996 => 12,298'1; 13,3037. RJThS 51 (2000) 210-214 (Murmy, R11hP.rl); 1 (1999) 172-174 (Val/, Gregory). 3379 Urbano Delgado, Maria C. EI itinerario de Job y el creyente de hoy. VyV 58 (2000) 541-554. 3380 Vries, Jan de Liefde of lijden?: over het boek Job. ITBT 8/8 (2000) 10-11. 3381 Wallis, Gerhard Das Hiobbuch-Komplexität und Kontingenz. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 =>107. 413-426. 3382 You, Xi/in Virtue does not promise happiness: Job and the decline of the concept of reward and retribution in ancient times. Logos & Pneuma 13 (2000) 173-183. C. 3383 Breitbart, Sidney Implications ofthe wager in the book of Job. JBQ 28 (2000) 119-124 [Job 2]. 3384 Loretz, Oswald 'Schwarze Magie' des Tages in Hi 3,8 und KTU 1.6 VI 45b-53; 1.14 I 19-20; 1.4 VII 54-56: zur Überlieferung der 'schwarzen Magie' in Altsyrien-Palästina. UF 32 (2000) 261-287 [Job 3,8]. 3385 Snoek, Hans Antwoorden op het lijden: een bijdrage aan de discussie over contextueel bijbellezen: Job 4-5 in het licht van opvattingen van Nicaraguaanse pinkstergelovigen. Diss. 2000, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 0 Leene, H. Gorinchem 2000, Narratio 252 pp. €13.16. 90-5263-912-4. RITBT 9/1 (2000) 28-29 (Jobsen, Aarnoud). 3386 Brown, William P. Creatio corporis and the rhetoric of defense in Job 10 and Psalm 139. FTOWNER, w. 2000 =>115. 107-124. 3387 Oeming, Manfred "Leidige Tröster seid ihr alle" (Hiob 16,2): das Hiobbuch als provokativer poimenischer Traktat. Auf dem Weg zu
3388 3389 3390 3391
3393 3394 3395 3396
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einer seelsorglichen Kirche: theologische Bausteine. EJosuttis, Manfred; Schmidt, Heinz; Scholpp, Stefan Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 295 pp. €32. 3-525-60403-3. 211-222. Sarna, Nahum M The mythological background of Job 18. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 =>205. 425-429. Scibona, Rocco Giobbe 18,14: lettura semitico nord occidentale: nota critica. BeO 42/1 (2000) 33-39. Curtis, John Briggs Reflections on Job 31:15. ProcGLM 20 (2000) 73-79. Myre, Martha Vail The speeches of Elihu in the book of Job: reading the first reader. Diss. Dallas 2000, 0Pow~r, W.J. LRTL 32,596] [Job 32-37). Ritter-Müller, Petra Kennst du die Welt?-Gottes Antwort an Ijob: eine sprachwissenschaftliche und exegetische Studie zur ersten Gottesrede ljob 38 und 39. Altes Testament und Modeme 5: Müns 2000, Lit 312 pp. 3-8258-4268-1. Pidcock-Lester, Karen 'Barth has no sorrow that earth cannot heal': Job 38-41. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 125-132. Bimson, John J. Who is 'this' in "'Who is this ... ?"' (Job 38.2)?: a response to Karl G. Wilcox. JSOT 87 (2000) 125-128. Nam, Duck Woo Job 42:7-9 and the nature of Uod in the book of Job. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem.2000, 298 pp. 9987544. Hamman, Jacobus Johannes The restoration of Job: a study based on D.W. Winnicott's theory of object usage and its significance for pastoral theology. Diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 2000, 0 Winnicott, D. 392 pp. 9970097 [Job 42,10-17). Oeming, Manfred "Ihr habt nicht recht von mir geredet wie mein Knecht Hiob": Gottes Schlusswort als Schlüssel zur Interpretation des Hiobbuchs und als kritische Anfrage an die moderne Theologie. EvTh 60 (2000) 103-116 [Job 42,7).
E7 .3 Canticum Canticorum, Song of Songs, Hohelied, textus, comm. 3398 Eßrenner, Athalya; Fontaine, Carole R. The Song of Songs. The Feminist Companion to the bible 2/6: Shf 2000, Sheffield A. 211 pp. !:28.50/17. 1-8412-7052-0. Bibi. 3399 Arbe/, Duphnu V "My viueyanl, my very uwn, is fur mysdI''. The Son~ of Son~s. The feminist coropanion 2/6; 2000 => 90-101 · 3400 Bekkenkamp, Jonneke Into another scene of choices: the theological value of the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs. The feminist companion 2/6: 2000 =>3398. 55-89.
E7.3 Canticle I Song ofSolomon
3401 Bonetti, R., al., Lezione d'amore: legono il Cantico dei Cantici una copia, un esegeta, un pastoralista. Nuovi Saggi: Brescia 2000, Queriniana 188 pp. €9.30. 88-399-0978-8. 3402 Cimosa, Mario LXX dictionary entries on the Song ofSongs. MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 :::::>15,94. 96-110. 3403 Cocchini, Francesca Osservazioni su alcuni brani dal 1.2 del commentario al Cantico dei Cantici di ORIGENE. AFTC 51 (2000) 117133. 3404 Davis, Ellen F. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song ofSongs. Westminster bible companion: LVL 2000, Westminster x; 306 pp. $22. 0664-25522-1. Bibi. 3406 DeSimone, Russen J. The bride and the bridegroom of the Fathers: an anthology of patristic interpretations of the Song of Songs. SuPa 10: R 2000, lstituto Patristico Augustinianum 140 pp. 88-7961-0295. Bibi. 3406 Exum. J. Cheryl Ten things every feminist should know about the Song of Songs. The Song of Songs. The feminist companion 2/6: 2000 :::::>3398. 24-35. 3407 Fenton, Paul B. A mystical commentary on the Song of Songs in the hand of David MAIMONIDES the second. Tarbiz 69 (2000) 539-589 Sum. vii. H. 3408 Fernandez Eyzaguirre, Samuel 'A manifestis, ad occulta': las realidades visibles como l'.inico camino hacia las invisibles en el comentario al Cantar de los Cantares de Origenes. AFTC 51 (2000) 135-159. 3409 Fontaine, Carole R. Thc voice of the turtle: now it's MY Song of Songs. The Song of Songs. The feminist companion 2/6: 2000 :::::>3398. 169-185. 3410 Guyon, Madame La vita interiore: i torrenti: il commento al Cantico dei Cantici. 1999 :::::>15,3248. RRivLi 87 (2000) 684-685 (Crocetti, Giuseppe). 3411 LaCocque, Andre, al., Un poeme biblique: le Cantique des cantiques. MoBi 128 (2000) 34-47. 3412 (a) Murphy, Roland E.; Huwiler, Elizabeth Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs 1999 :::::>15,3284 RAUSS 38 (2000) 165-166 (Miller, Jim E.) NewTR 13/3 (2000) 73-74 (Burns, Camilla) CBQ 62 (2000) 732-733 (Christianson, Erle S. ). (b) Ostriker, Alicia A holy of holies: The Song of Songs as countertext. Song of Songs. Feminist companion 2/6: 2000 :::::>3398. 36-54. :;413 ETschlageter, Johannes Petri Johannis OLIVI: expositio in Cauticwn Canticorum. 1999 =:-15,3260. RcFr 70 (2000) 242-243 (Maranesi, Pietro). 3414 Häusl, Maria "You are beautiful my love": the Song of Songs of women. Song ofSongs. Feminist comp. 2/6: 2000 :::::>3398. 186-195.
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3415 rnvregille, Bernard de; Neyrand, Louis APPONIUS: commentaire sur le Cantique des Cantiques: explanationes in Canticum canticorum. Tome II: livres IV-VIII. SC 421: 1997 ~13,3083 ... 15,3262. RBLE 101 (2000) 184-186 ( Vigne, Daniel); 3416 Tome III. SC 430: 1998 ~14,3026; 15,3262 RscEs 52 (2000) 109110 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert).
E7.4 Canticum, themata, versiculi 3417 Baildam, John D. Paradisal love: Johann Gottfried HERDER and Song of Songs. JSOT.S 298: 1999 ~15,3264. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1243-1246 (Reventlow, Henning Graf). 3418 Barthelemy, Dominique Comment le Cantique des Cantiques est-il dcvcnu canonique?. Decouvrir l'ecriture. LeDiv: 2000 ~ 129. 239-251. 3419 Black, Fiona C. Ileauty or the biest?: the grotesque body in the Song ofSongs. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 302-323. 3420 Boer, Roland The second coming: repetition and insatiable desire in the Song ofSongs. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 276-301. 3421 Bot, Jean-Marc Le plus beau poeme d'amour: une lecture spirituelle du Cantique des Cantiques 1999 ~ 15,3267. RCahiers de spiritualite ignatienne 96 (2000) 283-285 (John, Petit Frere). 3422 Brenner, Athalya "My" Song ofSongs. Song ofSongs. 2000 ~3398. 154-168. 14?.1 r:aininn, lvory J. An analogy of the Song of Songs and Genesis chapters two and three. SJOT 14 (2000) 219-259. 3424 Campbe/J, lain JJ. The song of David's son: interpreting the Song of Solomon in the light of the Davidic covenant. WThJ 62 (2000) 1732. 3425 Carr, David Gender and the shaping of desire in the Song of Songs and its interpretation. JBL 119 (2000) 233-248. 3426 Castellano F., Antonio Amor, sabiduria y ciencia en el comentario al Cantar de los Cantares, de ORiGENES. AFTC 51(2000)161-182. 3427 Cnockaert, Andre Le Cantique des cantiques dans la tradition spirituelle chretienne. Telema 101 (2000) 59-67. 3428 Di Bianco, Nicola Un'interpretazione drammatica del Cantico dei cantici. Asp. 47/1 (2000) 27-42. 3429 Dove, Mary Literal stmse in the Song of Songs. NICHOLAS of Lyra. SHCT 90: 2000 =:::.1466. 129-146. 3430 Elliott, Mark W. The Song of Songs and christology in the early church 381-451. Studies in Antiquity & Christianity 7: Tü 2000, Mohr x; 206 pp. €44.99. 3-16-147394-9. Bibl.
E7.4 Canticle: topics, verses
3431 TFernandez Eyzaguirre, Samuel ORIGENES: homilias sobre el Cantar de los Cantares. Biblioteca de Patristica 51: M 2000, Ciudad Nueva 124 pp. 84-89651-85-X. Bibl. 39-40. Rsalm. 47 (2000) 537-538 (Trevijano, R.). 3432 Genovese, Armando S. AGOSTINO e il Cantico dei Cantici: ricerche sull'esegesi biblica e sulla teologia agostiniana. Extr. Diss. Pont. Univ. Lateranensis, °Cipriani, Nello R 2000, 96 pp. 3433 Höjfken, Peter Das Hohelied und Salomoliteratur. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 ::::>107. 125-135. 3434 Hunter, Jannie H. The song of protest: reassessing the Song of Songs. JSOT 90 (2000) 109-124. 3435 Keel, Othmar Un poeme biblique: le Cantique des cantiques: paralleles litteraires. MoBi 128 (2000) 38-43 [BuBB 31,114]. 3436 Krahmer, Shawn M The virile bride of BERNARD of Clairvaux. ChH 69 (2000) 304-327. 3437 Lacocquc, Andre Romancc shc wrotc: n hermeneutical essay on Song of Songs. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity xvi; 240 pp. 3438 Lavoie, Jean-Jacques Woman in the Song of Songs. Women also journeyed. 2000 ::::>245. 75-81. 3439 Lora~chi, Celso Quem e esta que sobe do deserto e vem encostada ao seu amado?. Estudos biblicos 67 (2000) 45-51. 3440 Moore, Stephen D. The Song of Songs in the history of sexuality. ChH 69 (2000) 328-349. 3441 Murphy, Roland E. The unity of the Song of Songs. Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 ::::>3059. 148-155. 3442 Müller, Hans-Peter Zum magischen Hintergrund des Hohenliedes. ZDMG 150 (2000) 409-424. 3443 Pelletier, Anne M Vus du jardin du "Cantique des cantiques", l'homme et la femme. FV 99/4 (2000) 67-76. 3444 Pelletier, Anne-Marie Un poeme biblique: le Cantique des cantiques: l'amour: nouveaute biblique. MoBi 128 (2000) 44-47 [BuBB 31,114]. 3445 Reinhardt, Klaus La percepci6n de lo bello segful la Exposici6n de/ Cantar de los Cantares de Fray LUIS de Le6n. RevAg 41(2000)487503. 3446 Rossi, Rita Un etemo dialogo d'amore: spunti di meditazione sul Cantico dei Cantici. Castelpetroso 2000, Mariana 276 pp. 3447 Ruwe, Andreas Zur Analyse der Redeformen im Hohenlied mit QUEST 2. Ad fontes!. Applicatio 15: 2000 ::::>543. 171-181. 3448 Verbaal, Wim Realites quotidiennes et fiction litteraire dans !es Sermons sur le Cantique de BERNARD de Clairvaux. Citeaux 51 (2000) 201-217.
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3449 Walsh, Carey Ellen Exquisite desire: religion, the erotic, and the Song of Songs. Mp 2000, Fortress 245 pp. $19. 0-8006-3249-4. Bibi. 235-239 [BiTod 39,122-Bergant, Dianne]. 3450 Zakovitch, Yair Song of Songs-riddle of riddles. FCOUROYER, B.-POLOTSKY, H. CRB 49: 2000 ~30. 11-23 [Cant 1,5-6; 2,1-3; 2,15; 8,8-10; 8,13-14]. 3451 Butting, Klara Go your way: women rewrite the scriptures (Song of Songs 2.8-14); 3452 Black, Fiona C. Unlikely bedfellows: allegorical and feminist readings of Song of Songs 7. l-8. The Song of Songs. The feminist companion 2/6: 2000 ~3398. 142-1511104-129. 3453 Uehlinger, Christoph Achabs "Elfenbeinhaus" und der "Elfenbeinturm" in Hld 7,5: Archäologie und Poetik. BN 102 (2000) 95-111 fl Kgs 22,39].
E7.5 Libri sapientiales-Wisdom literature 3454 Bergant, Dianne The greening of the tradition: the wisdom tradition and creation, ThD 47 (2000) 124-134 ~13,3118; 3455 Israel's wisdom literature and the intrinsic integrity of creation. Understanding wisdom. 2000 ~352. 103-119. Eßrenner, A. Wisdom and Psahns 2000 ~3103. 3456 Rmwn, Warren S. A scientific study of wisdom (or its contributing parts). Understanding wisdom. 2000 ~352. 107-115; 3457 Wisdom and human neurocognitive systems: perviewing and practicing the laws of lite. Understanding wisdom. 2000 ~352. 194-213. 3458 ßrown, William P. Cha1a1.:k:r in 1.:risis: a fn:sh approach to the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. 1996 ~12,3058; 13,3121. RVJTR 64 (2000) 236-239 (Beck, Millianus). 3459 Canellas, Gabriel La mujer: literatura sapiencial y judaismo. BiFe 26 (2000) 380-407. 3460 Ceresko, Anthony R. The encounter of cultures and the growth of the biblical tradition: examples from the books of Wisdom and Sirach. Announcing a year of fävor. 2000 ~486. 46-58 = BiBh 26 (2000) 271-283. 3461 Ceresko, Anthony R. Introduction to Old Testament wisdom: a spirituality for liberation. 1999 :::> 1:'i,1100. nTTS 37 (2000) 348-350 (Legrand, L. ). 3462 Clements, R.E. The source of wisdom. Understanding wisdom. 2000 ~352. 15-34.
E7.5 Wisdom literature
3463 Collins, John Joseph Jewish wisdom in the Hellenistic age. 1997 => 13,3129 .. .15,3302. RJAOS 120 (2000) 106-07 (Crenshaw, James L.). 3464 Crenshaw, James L. Unresolved issues in wisdom literature. FTATE, M. 2000 =>113. 215-227. 3465 Crenshaw, James L. Old Testament wisdom: an introduction. 2 1998 =>14,3064; 15,3304. RHebStud 41(2000)261-264 (Jefferies, Dary[). 3466 Damon, William Setting the stage for the development of wisdom: self-understanding and moral identity during adolescence. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 339-360. 3467 Dell, Katharine J. Get wisdom, get insight: an introduction to Israel's wisdom liLeralun:. L 2000, Darlun, L. & T. xi; 203 pp. 0-23252266-9. Bibi. 3468 Dell, K.J. Wisdom in Israel. Text in context. 2000 =>296. 348-275. 3469 Fischer-Eifert, Hans-Werner Die Lehre eines Mannes für seinen Sohn: eine Etappe auf dem "Gottesweg" des loyalen und solidarischen Beamten des Mittleren Reiches. ÄA 60: 1999 2 vols =>15, 3307. RRiOr 57 (2000) 534-541 (Quack. Joachim Friedrich). 3470 Furrow, James L.; Wagener, Linda Mans Lesions leamed: the role of religion in the development of wisdom in adolescence. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 361-391. 3471 Gilbert, Maurice Sagesse et histoire. Bible et histoire. Le livre et le rouleau 10: 2000 =>273. 57-82. 3472 Goldingay, John Wisdom on death and suffering. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 121-134. 3473 Golka, Friedemann W Wisdom by (the) people for (the) people: eine Anlworl an J.A. Loader. ZAW 112 (2000) 78-79. 3474 Grizzard, Curul S. The scupe uf lheolugy in wisdom literature. FTATE, M. 2000 =>113. 195-214. 3475 Guinan, Michael D. Images of God in the Wisdom literature. BiTod 38 (2000) 223-227. 3476 Harrington, Daniel J. The Qumran sapiential texts in the context of biblical and second temple literature. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =>609. 256-262. 3477 Hinman, Lawrence M Seeing wisely: learning to become wise. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 413-424. 3478 Horn, John L.; Masunaga, Hiromi On the emergence ofwisdom: expertise development. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 245-276. 34 79 Horowitz, Victor Avigdor Literary observations 011 'ln praise of the scribal art'. JANES 27 (2000) 49-56. 3480 Keown, Gerald The canonical shape of the wisdom literature. FTATE, M. 2000 =>113. 181-193. 3481 Kraft, Robert A. Early developments ofthe 'Two-ways tradition(s)' in retrospect. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 136-143.
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3482 Lacombe-Unal, Franr;oise Les notions d'acquis et d'inne dans le dialogue de l'Enseignement d'Ani. BIFAO 100 (2000) 371-381 . 3483 Lugo Rodriguez, Rau! H. Los dones del Espiritu Santo: un comentario biblico. Qol 23 (2000) 79-100. 3484 Murphy, Nancey A hierarchical framework for understanding wisdom. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 1-11. 3485 FMURPHY, Roland E.Wisdom, you are my sister. EBarre, Michael L. CBQ.MS 29: 1997 =>13,69; 15,3322. RBz 44 (2000) 117-119 (Marböck, Johannes). 3486 Murphy, Roland E. The tree of life: an exploration of biblical wisdom literature. 2 1996 =>12,3080; 14,3079. RVJTR 64 (2000) 152153 (Raj, MI). 3487 Murphy, Roland E. Death and afterlife in the wisdom literature. Judaism in late antiquity, 4. HO 1/49,4: 2000 =>348. 101-116; 3488 Wisdom and Yahwism revisited. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 =>31. 191200. 3489 Ne/, Philip Johannes Righteousness from the perspectivc of the wisdom literalure ofthe Old Testament. OTEs 13 (2000) 309-328. 3490 Perdue, Leo G. Revelation and the problem ofthe hidden God in second temple wisdom literature. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 =>31. 201-222. 3491 Precedo Lafuente, Manue/ Jesus EI bestiario de los libros sapienciales. Comp. 45 (2000) 11-38. 3492 Ramachandran, V.S. The science of art: how the brain responds to beauty. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 277-305. 3493 Schloss, Jejfrey P. Wisdom traditions as mechanisms for organismal integration: evolutionary perspectives on homoestatic "laws of life". Understanding wisdom. 2000 :::>352. 15'1-191. 3494 Schroer, Si/via Wisdom on the path ofrighteousness (Proverbs 8:20); 3495 Divine wisdom and postexilic monotheism ; 3496 Wise women and counselors in Israel: prototypes for personified hokmä . Wisdom has built her house. 2000 =>208. 1-14/15, 51/52-68. 3497 Seminara, St. Le istruzioni di Süpe-amelf: vecchio e nuovo a confronto nella 'sapienza' siriana del Tardo Bronzo. UF 32 (2000) 487529. 3498 Sheppard, Gerald T. Biblical wisdom literature at the end of the modern age. IOSOT: Congress volume 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =>478. 369-398. 3499 Sherman, Nancy Wise emotions. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 319-337. 3500 Simoens, Yves Sagesse et violence. Telema 102-103 (2000) 91-98. 3501 Smothers, Thomas Biblical wisdom in its ancient Middle Eastern context. FTATE,'M. 2000 =>113. 167-180.
E7.5 Wisdom literature
3502 Spens, Renaud de Essai de comparaison sur l'education lettree en Chine et en Egypte ancienne. FSCHOORS, A. Acta orientalia belgica 13: 2000 ::::>108. 21-30. 3503 Spieckermann, Hermann Die Prologe der Weisheitsbücher. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 ::::>110. 291-303 [Prv 1,1-9; Sir 1; Wis 1,1-15]. 3504 Täbet, Michelangelo Introduzione alla lettura dei libri poetici e sapienziali dell' Antico Testamento. Biblioteca di scienze religiose: R 2000, Apollinare Studi ix; 212 pp. 88833-30560 [NThAR 2000,311 ]. 3505 Tucker, W Dennis Literary forms in the wisdom literature. FTATE, M. 2000 ::::>113. 155-166. 3506 Waltke, Bruce K.; Diewert, DavidWisdom literature. The face ofOT studies. 2000 ::::>230. 295-328.
E7.6 Proverbiorum liber, themata, versiculi 3507 EBellia, Giuseppe; Passaro, Angelo Libro dei Proverbi: tradizione, redazrone, teologia. 1999 ::::>15,403. RRivBib 48 (2000) 458-464 (Pesce, Mauro); CBQ 62 (2000) 575-576 (Di Le/la, Alexander A.); CivCatt 151/3 (2000) 556-557 (Scaiola, D.). 3508 Bizjak, Jurij Proverbi discussi: la traduzione nuova di alcuni proverbi con i riferimenti di Ugarit e di Ebla. Extr. Diss. Urbaniana, 0 Testa, Emmanuele R 2000, 94 pp. 3509 Brooks, David Lee The ideological relationship between Old Testament law and the book of Proverbs. Diss. Dallas Theol. Sem. 2000, 280 pp. 9962181. 3510 Camp, Claudia V Wise and strange: woman as trickstcr in Proverbs. Wise, strange and holy. JSOT.S 320: 2000=>144. 72-89. 3511 Chen, Yiyi Israelian Hebrew in the book of Proverbs. Diss. Comell 2000, 321 pp. 9967480. 3512 Cherix, Pierre Lexique analytique du parchemin pBodmer VI version copte du livre des Proverbes. Instruments pour l'etude des langues de l'Orient ancien 2: Prahins 2000, Zehre ix; 313 pp. FS135. 2-9700235-0-4 [RB 108,314]. 3513 Clifford, Richard J. Proverbs: a commentary. OTL: 1999 ::::>15, 3344. RRRT 7 (2000) 223-224 (Norton, Gerard J.); JR 80 (2000) 305-306 (Burkes, Shannon); TS 61(2000)348-349 (Murphy, Roland E.); Interp. 54 (2000) '123-424 (Brown, William P.); BS 157 (2000) 500-501 (Chishnlm, RnhP.rt R.); CRQ 62 (2000) 513-514 (Farmer, Kathleen A.); Studies in World Christianity 6 (2000) 288-289 (Gibson, John C.L. ). 3514 Cook, Johann Textual problems in the Septuagint version of Proverbs. JNSL26/1(2000)171-179;
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3515 Lexical matters in LXX Proverbs. JNSL 26/2 (2000) 163-173. 3516 Corley, Jeremy Social responsibility in Proverbs and Ben Sira. ScrB 30 (2000) 2-14. Davis, E. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes ... 2000 =>3404. 3517 Ernst, Alexander B. Karikaturen in der alttestamentlichen Spruchweisheit: oder warum man den Dummen nicht zu verspotten braucht. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 =>107. 57-64. 3518 Fox, Michael V. Proverbs 1-9: a new translation with introduction and commentary. AncB ISA: NY 2000, Doubleday xix; 474 pp. $42.50. 0-385-26437-2. 3519 Gosse, Bernard L'etablissement du droit (m§pt) et de la justice (~dqh), et les relations entre les redactions d'ensemble des livres d'lsaie et des Proverbes. SJOT 14 (2000) 275-292. 3520 THamonville, David-Marc d' La Bible d' Alexandrie, 17: Les Proverbes. P 2000, Cerf 357 pp. 2-204-06486-6. Introd., nolt:s; collab. Soeur Epiphane Dumouchet [RB 108,315]. 3521 Kassis, Riad Aziz The hook of Proverbs and Arabic proverbial works. VT.S 74: 1999 =>15,3355. RTynB 51 (2000) 151·154 (Williams, P.J.); RBLit 2 (2000) 268·270 (Steinmann, A11drew E.). 3522 Long, James Eastem proverbs and emblems: illustrating old truths. Trülmt:r's orit:nlul st:ries 4: L 2000 , Routledge xv; 280 pp. 0415-24459-5. 3523 Luc, Alex The titles and structurc of Proverbs. ZAW 112 (2000) 252255. 3524 Masenya, Madipoane Wisdom and wisdom converge: selected Old Testament and Northern Sotho proverbs. Interpreting the OT in Africa. 2000 =>467. 133-146 . 3525 Mazzinghi, Luca 1 saggi e l'uso della ricchezza: il libro dei Proverbi. PSV 42 (2000) 83-96. 3526 Lelievre, Andre; Maillot, Alphonse Commentaire des Proverbes, 3: chapitres 1-9 LeDiv Comment. 8: P 2000, Cerf 313 pp. €34.90. 2204-06365-7. RETR 75 (2000) 621-622 (Lys, Daniel). Murphy, R., al., Proverbs, Ecclesiastes ... 1999 =>3412. 3527 Murphy, Roland E. Proverbs. WBC 22: 1998 =>14,3101. RTS 61 (2000) 543-544 (McCreesh, Thomas P.); Bib. 81 (2000) 420-422 (Gilbert, Maurice). 3528 Nussbaum, Stan W. Profundity with panache: the unappreciated proverbial wisdom of sub-Saharau Africa. Understanding wisdom. 2000 :::::-352. 35-55. 3529 Owan, K.J.N. Woman's rights in human rights. African Proverbial Wisdom 1: Enugu 2000, Ambassador 64 pp. 978-049-104-X [BOTSA 13,20-Holter, Knut].
E7.6 Proverbs
3530 Pasini, Cesare Resti della Catena sui Proverbi di PROCOPIO di Gaza in un frammento pergamenaceo nel Codice Ambrosiano B 85 sup. Aevum 74 (2000) 421-429. 3531 Perdue, Leo G. Proverbs. Interpretation: LVL 2000, Westminster 289 pp. $30. 0-8042-3116-8. Bibl. 281-289. 3532 Schwartz, Arthur J.; Power, F. Clark Maxims to live by: the art and science of teaching wise sayings. Understanding wisdom. 2000 => 352. 392-412. 3533 Schwartzmann, Julia Gender concepts of medieval Jewish thinkers and the book of Proverbs. JSQ 7 (2000) 183-202. 3534 Shehab el-Din, Tahia Ancient Egyptian proverbs. ASAE 76 (20002001) 157-171. 3535 Sticher, Claudia 'Die Lampe der Frevler erlischt': die Rettung der Guten durch Gott und die Selbstzerstörung des Bösen-ein theologisches Denkmuster im Psalter und im Buch der Sprichwörter. Diss. Passau 2000/01, Schwienhorst-Schönberger, L. [ThRv 98/4, xiii]. 3536 Van Lancker, Diana A neurologuistic perspcctivc on proverbs and the laws oflife. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 215-243. 3537 Waard, Jan de The Septu11gint of Proverbs as a translational model. BiTr 50 (1999) 304-314. 3538 Whybray, R. Norman The book of Proverbs: a survey of modern study. History ofBiblical Interpretation Series 1: 1995 => 11/1, 1904 ... 14,3108. RJSSt 45 (2000) 171-172 (Golka, Friedemann W.). 3539 Schäfer, Rolf Die Poesie der Weisen: Dichotomie als Grundstruktur der Lehr- und Weisheitsgedichte in Proverbien 1-9. WMANT 77: 1999 =>15,3369. RThLZ 125 (2000) 273-275 (Krispenz, Jutta). 3540 Camp, Claudia V. The strange woman of Proverbs. Wise, strange and holy. JSOT.S 320: 2000 =>144. 40-71[Prov1-9]. 3541 Gargiulio, Massimo L'uso di modelli ellenistici in Proverbi 1-IX. RSO 74 (2000) 9-23 Sum 23. 3542 Müller, Achim Proverbien 1-9: der Weisheit neue Kleider. BZAW 291: B 2000, De Gruyter ix; 356 pp. €96.12. 3-11-016755-7. Bibi. 3543 Yoder, Christine Elizabeth Roy Wisdom as a woman of substance: a socioeconomic reading of Proverbs 1-9 and 31:10-31. Diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 2000, 173 pp. 9970108. 3544 Harris, Scott L. Proverbs 1:8-19, 20-33 as "introduction". RB 107 (2000) 205-231 [Ps 1-2]. 3545 Overland, Paul Did lhe sage draw from the Shema?: a study of Proverbs 3:1-12. CBQ 62 (2000) 424-440 [Dt 6,4-9]. 3546 Chisholm, Robert B. 'Drink water from your own cistem': a literary study of Proverbs 5:15-23. BS 157 (2000) 397-409.
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3547 Di Fazio, Anna Note sulle fortuna patristica di Prv 6,11. VetChr 37 (2000) 183-189. 3548 Fry, E. Translating 'numerical proverbs': Proverbs 6.16-19; 30.1533. BiTr 50 (1999) 427-432. 3549 Hurowitz, V.A. Two terms for wealth in Proverbs viii in light of Akkadian. VT 50 (2000) 252-257 [Prov 8,18.21]. 3550 Salzmann, Jorg C. "Als er die Himmel bereitete, war ich da": Prov 8,22-31 und der Gedanke der Schöpfungsmittlerschaft. LuThK 24112 (2000) 2-13. 3551 Zimmermann, Miriam; Zimmermann, Ruben Vom "Hätschelkind" zur 'Himmelsbraut': eine 'relecture' zum Weisheitverständnis in Spr 8,22-31. BZ 44 (2000) 77-91. 3552 Minissafe, Antonino La struttura formale e logica dei mesha/im in Pro 10. FRocco, B. 2000 :::>101. 89-102. 3553 Giorgievski, Gjoko Un contributo allo studio della composizione della raccolta salomonica (Pr. 10,1-22,16). Diss. Grcgoriana 2000, 0 Meynet, R. 482 pp. publ. no. 4858: R 2001, 298 pp [RTL 32,595]. 3554 Scherer, Andreas Das weise Wort und seine Wirkung: eine Untersuchung zur Komposition tmd Redaktion von Proverbia 10,1-22,16. WMANT 83: 1999 :::>15,3377. ROLZ 95 (2000) 444-446 (Meinhold, Arndt). 3555 Rapa/lo, Umberto Gli antefatti di Pr 23,6 e la tradizione-traduzione del 'primitivo'. MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 :::>15,94. 547-561. 3556 Hurowitz, Victor Avigdor An often overlooked alphabetic acrostic in Proverbs 24:1-22. RB 107 (2000) 526-540. 3557 Shlomo, Sigal The interpretation of the verb ??inn in the verse mi ni;i9 lilli? c·~:m c·~~~ eo/~ 77inI;l li!l'.$ (Prov. 25:23). Le~. 63 (20002001) 183-187 Sum. I. H. 3558 Reich, Rache/ ,'il CJ'U!lWl] i111J1 m'lllJ "1.nqto1? ?iiP~"1 ,"nil71~ ~·i~:;i" 7:l7 [K';J [Proverbs XXVI 4-5]. BetM 161(2000)171-176 Sum. 189. H. 3559 Johnston, Robert K. lt takes wisdom to use wisdom wisely. Understanding wisdom. 2000 :::>352. 137-150 [Prov 30,24-28]. 3560 Milani, Marcello 11 poema acrostico di Pr 31,10-31 eil libro di Rut: un'intcrprctazionc dcl Tcsto Masorctico?. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 :::>38. 65-74. 3561 Walters, Al Proverbs xxxi 10-31 as heroic hymn: a form-critical analysis. Poetry in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 :::>3059. 186-197. 3562 Kassis, Riad A. A note on?. 7. lli (Prov. xxxi llb). VT 50 (2000) 258-259.
E7.7 Qohelet
E7.7 Ecclesiastes-Qohelet; textus, themata, versicu/i
3563 Brown, William P. Ecclesiastes. Interpretation: LVL 2000, Knox xiii; 143 pp. $22. 0-8042-3146-X. Bibi. [TS 61,597). Davis, E. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes ... 2000 ~3404. 3564 Fabrega, ValentiEl Eclesiastes o el libro de Qohelet objeto de intensa investigaci6n actual. ActBib 37 (2000) 174-184. 3565 Krüger, Thomas Kohelet (Prediger). BK.AT (Sonderband) 19: Neuk 2000, Neuk xxi; 376 pp. 3-7887-1783-1. Bibi. 3566 Lavoie, Jean J.; Mehramooz, Minoo Le texte hebreu et la traduction judeo-persane du Qohelet: a partir des manuscrits 116 et 117 de la Bibliotheque Nationale de France. LTP 56 (2000) 489-508. 3567 Longman III, Tremper The book of Ecclesiastes. NICOT: 1998 ~ 14,3125; 15,3384. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 85-86 (Eynikel, Erik). Murphy, R. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes ... 1999 ~3412. 1'i68 Puech, Emile Le livre de Qohelet a Qumrdn. Ho Thcol6gos 18 (2000) 109-114; 3569 Un nouveau fragment du manuscrit b de l'Ecclesiaste (4QQoheletb ou 4Q110). RdQ 19 (2000) 617-621. TERottzoll, D. Ibn Esras Komment. zu Kohelet... 1999 ~2707. 3570 ESchoors, Antoon Qohelet in the context of wisdom. BEThL 136: 1998 ~ 14,266; 15,3387. Colloque International 1995 Lv. RThLZ 125 (2000) 52-54 (Kaiser, Otto); LouvSt 25 (2000) 83-84 (Eynikel, Erik); BZ 44 (2000) 301-304 (Backhaus, Franz Josef). 3571 Anderson, William H. U. A note on in' for Qoheleth. JNSL 26/1 (2000) 133-136; 3572 Historical criticism und thc value of Qohelet's pessimistic theology for postmodern christianity through a canonical approach. OTEs 13 (2000) 143-155; 3573 Ironie correlations and scepticism in the joy statements ofQoheleth?. SJOT 14 (2000) 67-100. 3574 Anderson, William H.U. Qoheleth and its pessimistic theology. 1997~14,3131. RRBLit 1(1999)174-176 (Seow, C.L.). 3575 Azize, Joseph Considering the book of Qohelet afresh. ANES 37 (2000) 183-214. 3576 Backhaus, Franz Josef Kohelet und die Ironie: vom Umgang mit Widersprüchen durch die Kunst der Ironie. BN 101(2000)29-55. 3577 Bartholomew, Craig G. Reading Ecclesiastes: Old Testament cxegesis and hermeneutical theory. AnBib 139: 1998 ~14,3139; 15, 3396. RSdT 13 (2000) 95-96 (Manzi, Roberta); Interp. 54 (2000) 195-196, 198 (Fox, Michael V.).
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3578 Beieber, Richard P. Divine retribution in Ecclesiastes: an analysis of the deed-consequence relationship with implications for the interpretation of the book. Diss. Westminster Theol. Sem. 2000 299 pp. 9969849. 3579 Brandscheidt, Renate Weltbegeisterung und Offenbarungsglaube: literar-, form- und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zum Buch Kohelet. TThSt 64: 1999 :::>15,3399. RCBQ 62 (2000) 718-720 (Betlyon, John W. ). 3580 Bühlmann, Alain La structure logique du livre de Qohelet: ou comment etre sage sous les ptolemees?. BN.B 12: Mü 2000, Görg 98 pp. Dibl. 95-98. 3581 Christianson, Eric S. A time to tell: narrative strategies in Ecclesiastes. JSOT.S 280: 1998 :::>14,3142. RCBQ 62 (2000) 720-721 (Rudman, Dominic C. ). 3582 D'Alario, Vittoria L'assurdita del male nella teodicea del Qohelet. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 :::>38. 179-197. 3583 Delsman, Wilbelmus Cornelis Die Datierung des Ruches Qohelcth: eine sprachwissenschaftliche Analyse. Diss. Nijmegen 2000, 0 versteegh, C.H.M Nijmegen 2000, Nijmegen Univ. Press 300 pp. 90373-0514-8 [NThAR 2000,278]. 3584 Fox, Michael Vass A time to tear down and a time to build up: a rereading of Ecclesiastes. 1999 :::>15,3405. RJR 80 (2000) 488-489 (Burkes, Shannon); CBQ 62 (2000) 323-324 (Sneed, Mark); JThS 51 (2000) 616-619 (Wood, David); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1139-1141 (Krüger, Thomas); LASBF 50 (2000) 512-526 (Niccacci, Alviero). 3585 George, Mark K. Death as the beginning of life in the book of Ecclesiastes. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 :::>290. 280-293. 3586 Grossberg, Daniel Form and content and their correspondence. HebStud 41 (2000) 47-52 Sum. 47. 3587 Kamano, Naoto Cosmology and character: Qoheleth's pedagogy from a rhetorical critical perspective. Diss. Virginia, Union 2000, 0 Brown, W.P. BZAW 312: B 2000, De Gruyter xvi; 308 pp. 3-11017242-9 [RTL 32,595; 9978440]. 3588 Lange, Armin Eschatological wisdom in the book of Qohlet and the Dead Sea scrolls. Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 :::>609. 817-825. 3589 Lavaturi, Renzo; Sole, Luciano Qohelet: l'uomo dal cuore libcro. 1997 =>13,3236. RGr. 81 (2000) 174-175 (Prato, Gian LuiRi). 3590 Lavoie, Jean-Jacques; Mehramooz, Minoo Etude de quelques mots obscurs du Qohclct a 111 lumicre de l'histoire de l'exegese et des manuscrits judeo-persans de la Bibliotheque nationale de France. SR 29 (2000) 183-197 Res„ sum. 183. 3591 Levine, Elan Qohelet's law: don't be a fool!. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 :::>179. 183-204.
E7. 7 Qohelet
3592 Marti, Kurt Nimm und lies: Prediger Salomo. Reformatio 49 (2000) 238-240 [BuBB 31,116]. 3593 Mil/er, Douglas B. What the preacher forgot: the rhetoric of Ecclesiastes. CBQ 62 (2000) 215-235. 3594 Mosetti Casaretto, Francesco 11 tempo curvo del contadino: per una lettura qoheletica dei "Versus de Unibove". StMon 42/1 (2000) 65-
112. 3595 Müller, Hans-Peter Die Wirklichkeit und das Ich bei Kohelet angesichts des Ausbleibens göttlicher Gerechtigkeit und Barmherzigkeit. Das Drama der Barmherzigkeit. SBS 183: 2000 =>329. 125-144; 3596 Das Ganze und seine Teile: Anschlußerörterungen zum Wirklichkeitsverständnis Kohelets. ZThK 97 (2000) 147-163. 3597 Negele, Manfred Ein Skeptiker im Alten Testament: das Buch Kohelet philosophisch gelesen. FLEROY, H. BU 29: 2000 =>67. 13-30. 3598 Orlandini, Guerrino Non c'e niente di nuovo sotto il sole: "Qoelet". Sussidi biblici 68: Reggio Emilia 2000, San Lorenzo 90 pp. 88-8071095-8. 3599 Rogerson, John W The potential of the negative: approaching the Old Testament through the work of Adorno. Rethinking contexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 24-47. 3600 Rose, Martin Rien de nouveau: nouvelles approches du livre de Qoheleth. OBO 168: 1999 =>15,3386. RETR 75 (2000) 430-431 (Smyth-Florentin, Franroise); RHPhR 80 (2000) 300-302 (Lys, D.). 3601 Schoors, Antoon Qohelet: la ambigüedad del disfrutar. Conc(E) 287 (2000) 533-540; Conc(I) 2000,610-618; Conc(P) 287,528-535; Conc(D) 2000,403-409; Conc(F) 287 ,35-41; 3602 Mis)use of intertextuality in Qoheleth exegesis. IOSOT: Congress volwne 1998. VT.S 80: 2000 =>478. 45-59; 3603 The verb häya in Qoheleth. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 => 31. 229-238. 3604 Seow, C.L. Beyond mortal grasp: the usage of hebel in Ecclesiastes. ABR 48 (2000) 1-16. 3605 Steyn, J.J. Die boek Prediker: alles is nie sinloos nie!. SeK 21 (2000) 326-334 Sum. 326; Sum. ofDD Diss., Pretoria 1997. 3606 Tamez, Eisa Cuando los horizontes se cierran: relectura del libro de Eclesiastes o Qohelet. San Jose de Costa Rica 1998, Dept Ecumenico de Invcstigaciones 228 pp.; 3607 When the horizons close: rereading Ecclesiastes. TWifde, Marl{aret Mkn 2000, Orbis 170 pp. $18 (BiTod 38,392 Bergant, D.]. 3608 Van der Toorn, Kare/ Did Ecclesiastes copy Gilgamesh?. BiRe 1611 (?.000) ?.?.-10, 'iO.
Vigno/o, Roberta La poetica ironica di Qohelet: contributo allo svilupo di un orientamento critico. Teol(Br) 25 (2000) 217-240.
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3610 Wahl, Harald M Zweifel, Freude und Gottesfurcht als Glaubensgewissheit: zum aspektivischen Denken Kohelets. ThZ 56 (2000) 1-20. 3611 Willmes, Bernd Menschliches Schicksal und ironische Weisheitskritik im Koheletbuch: Kohelets Ironie und die Grenzen der Exegese. BThSt 39 Neuk 2000, Neuk x; 278 pp. 3-7887-1825-0. Bibi. 3612 Zamora Garcia, Pedro Lectura politico-econ6mica de Qohelet en el marco del can6n. Diss. Madrid 2000, Dßusto Saiz, J.R. 279 pp [RTL 32,599]. 3613 Jarick, John The Hebrew book of changes: reflections on hakkol hebel and lakkol zeman in Ecclesiastes. JSOT 90 (2000) 79-99 [Qoh 1,2; 3,1]. 3614 Tin-sheung, Wang Qoheleth 1:3-11: prose or poetry?. Jian Dao 14 (2000) 25-47 Sum. 47. 3615 Mazzinghi, Luca II mistero del tempo: sul termine 'olam in Qo 3,11. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 ::}38. 147-161. 3616 Stolze, Jürgen "Die Schrift mit der Schrift auslegen": ein Versuch zur Auslegung von Kohelet 3, 16-22. ThFPr 26/1 (2000) 42-61. 3617 Bianchi, Francesco C'e una "Teologia della prova" in Qohelel?: osservazioni filologiche e bibliche su Qo 3,18. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 :::::>38. 163-178. 3618 Buh/man, Alain The difficulty of thinking in Greek and speaking in Hebrew (Qoheleth 3.18; 4.13-16; 5.8). JSOT 90 (2000) 101-108. 3619 Laurent, Fran~oise Les biens pour rien ou la traversee d'un contraste: Qo 5,9-6,6. Diss. Strasbourg 2000, DKuntzmann, R. 400 pp [RTL 32,595]. 3620 Pahk, Johan Yeong-Sik Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zu Koh 8, 16-9,10 und Gilg. Me. iii. MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 417-455. 3621 Mazzinghi, Luca "Date da un solo pastore" (Qo 12,11): l'epilogo del Qohelet e il problema dell'ispirazione. RStB 12 (2000) 59-74 [Qoh 12,9-14]. 3622 Shields, MA. Re-examiuing lhe warning of Eccl. xii 12. VT 50 (2000) 123-127.
E7.8 Liber Sapientiae-Wisdom of Solomon 3623 Bergant, Dimme The Wisdom of Solomon. Readings. 2000 =>270. 138-150. 3624 Don~, Daniel Le livre de la Sagesse de Salomon. CEv 113: P 2000, Cerf68 pp. €5.79.
E7.8 BookofWisdom
3625 Hübner, Hans Die Weisheit Salomons: Liber Sapientiae Salomonis. ATD, Apokryphen 4: 1999 :::> 15,3442. RJSJ 31 (2000) 321-322 (Beentjes, P.C.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1247-1250 (Schmitt, Armin). 3626 Scarpat, Giuseppe Libro della Sapienza, 3. 1999 :::>15,3445. RRivBib 48 (2000) 227-230 (Marconcini, Benito); Anton. 75 (2000) 761763 (Volgger, David). 3627 Cheon, Samuel The Exodus story in the Wisdom of Solomon: a study in biblical interpretation. JSP.S 23: 1997 :::>13,3281; 15,3448. RRBLit 1(1999)181-183 (Wright, Addison G.). 3628 Dihle, Albrecht Zur Datierung der Sapientia Salomonis. FBERGER, K. 2000 :::>9. 43-47. 3629 Gilbert, Maurice Ben Sira and the Wisdom of Solomon: their interpretative significance: Wisdom of Solomon and scripture. Hebrew Bible, 112. 2000 :::>323. 606-617. 3630 Jospeh [Joseph]. T.A. The book of Wisdom and the Jnana Marga. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 :::>85. 211-230. 3631 Ponizy, Bogdan Ksiega Madrosci: od egzegezy do teologii Uniwersytet Im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydzial Teologiczny„ Biblioteka Pomocy Naukowych 17: Poznan 2000, Uniwersytet Im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu 251 pp. 83-86360-43-7. Bibi. 232-242. P. 3632 Raurell, Frederic La filantropia divina: base d'obertura cultural en el judeo-heHenisme. RCatT 25 (2000) 59-80. 3633 Schmitt, Armin Alttestamentliche Traditionen in der Sicht einer neuen Zeit: dargestellt am Buch der Weisheit. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 :::>207. 185-203. 3634 Schroer, Si/via Personified sophia in the book of Wisdom. Wisdom has built her house. 2000 :::>208. 98-112. 3635 Smith, Daniel A. The 'assumption' of the righteous dead in the Wisdom of Solomon and the sayings gospel Q. SR 29 (2000) 287-299. Res., sum. 287. 3636 Schmitt, Armin Zur dramatischen Form von Weisheit 1,1-6,21. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 :::>207. 143-165. 3637 Fornara, Roberta Lo Spirito del Signore riempie l'universo: riflessioni sullo Spirito di Dio a partire da Sap 1,7. Firmana 24 (2000) 117-128. 3638 Schmitt, Armi11 Komposition, Tradition und zeitgeschichtlicher Hintergrund in Weish 1,16-2,24 und 4,20-5,23; 3639 Der frühe Tod des Gerechten nach Weisheit 4,17-19 und die griechisch-römische Konsolationsliteratur;
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3640 Struktur, Herkunft und Bedeutung der Beispielreihe in Weish 10. Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 =>207. 166-184/204-222/ 223-244. 3641 Enns, Peter Exodus retold: ancient exegesis of the departure from Egypt in Wis 10:15-21 and 19:1-9. HSM 57: 1997 =>13,3291; 15, 3450. RBZ 44 (2000) 119-120 (Schroer, Si/via). 3642 Schenker, Adrian La loi de la divinite, le rachat des fils premiers-nes et le sens de la Päque en Sag xviii,9. Recht und Kult. OBO 172: 2000 =>206. 173-177. 3643 Ponizy, Bogdan Logos in the Book of Wisdom (18:14-16) between personification and theologization. The Polish journal of biblical research 1/1 (2000) 27-49. 3644 Passaro, Ange/o Escatologia, profezia e apocalittica: indagine su Sap 19. FRocco, B. 2000 =>101. 103-117.
E7.9 Ecc/esiasticus, Siracides; Wisdom of Jesus Sirach 3645 Beentjes, Pancratius C. Five years ofBen Sira research (1994-1998): an annotated bibliography. Bijdr. 61 (2000) 76-88. 3646 Eßeentjes, Pancratius C. The book of Ben Sira in modern research. BZAW 255: 1997 =>13,3298; 14,3226. RRivBib 48 (2000) 211-213 (Minissafe, Antonino); NT 42 (2000) 301-304 (Lowe, A.D. ). 3647 Coggins, Richard J. Sirach. 1998 =>14,3228; 15,3474. RRBLit 2 (2000) 279-280 (Ba/lard, H., Wayne). 3648 Marböck, Johannes Sirach/Sirachbuch. TRE 31(2000)307-317. 3649 Minissafe, Antonino Convegni e studi su Ben Sira. RivBib 48 (2000) 211-217. 3650 Sauer, Georg Jesus Sirach /Ben Sira. ATD.Apokryphen 1: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 351 pp. €37.84. ROrdKor 41 (2000) 349350 (Heinemann, Franz Karl). 3651 Vralmon, Shemaryahu Masada VI, the Yigael Yadin excavations 1963-1965 final reports [1] Hebrew fragments from Masada; [2] Ben Sira Scroll from Masada. 1999 =>15,3482. RNEA(BA) 63 (2000) 114-115 (Parry, Donald W.); RBArR 26/3 (2000) 60, 62 (Shanks, Hershel); BASOR319 (2000) 81-82 (Crawford, Sidnie White). 3652 Aitken, James K. Biblical interpretation as political manifesto: Ben Sira in his Seleucid setting .JJS 51 (2000) 191-208. 3653 Beentjes, Pancratius C. Ben Sira and the Wisdom of Solomon: their interpretative significance: canon and scripture in the book ofBen Sira (Jesus Sirach / Ecclesiasticus). Hebrew Bible, 112. 2000 =>323. 591-605.
E7.9. Sirach/Ecclesiasticus
3654 Calduch-Benages, Nuria Los titulos griegos y latinos de Siracida 1-2. MVATI10NI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 39-45. Cor/ey, J. Social responsibility in Prv... Ben Sira. 2000 =>3516. 3655 Dihi, Haim Non-biblical verbal usage in the book of Ben Sira. Diggers at the well. StTDJ 36: 2000 =:>552. 56-64. 3656 EEgger-Wenzel, Renate; Krammer, Ingrid Der Einzelne und seine Gemeinschaft bei Ben Sira. BZAW 270: 1998 =>14,3230. RRivBib 48 (2000) 214-216 (Minissale, Antonino). 3657 Himmelfarb, Martha The wisdom of the scribe, the wisdom of the priest, and the wisdom of the king according to Ben Sira. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 89-99. 3658 J/an, Tal Ben Sira's attitude to women and its reception by the Babylonian Talmud. JewSt 40 (2000) 103-111. 3659 Lavoie, Jean-Jacques Ben Sira le voyageur ou la difficile rencontre avec l'hellenisme. ScEs 52 (2000) 37-60. 3660 Matti/a, Sharon Lca Ben Sira and the Stoies: a reexamination of the evidence. JBL 1 19 (2000) 473-501. 3661 McKechnie, Paul The career of Joslma Ren Sira. JThS 51 (2000) 126. 3662 Niccacci, Alviero Siracide o Ecclesiastico: scuola di vita per il popolo di Dio. La Bibbia nelle nostre mani 27: CinB 2000, San Paolo 86 pp. 88-215-4098-7. Bibl. 3663 Prato, Gian Luigi Scrittura divina e scrittura umana in Ben Sira: dal fenomeno grafico al testo sacro. RStB 12 (2000) 75-97. 3664 Reitemeyer, Michael Weisheitslehre als Gotteslob: Psalmentheologie im Buch Jesus Sirach. BBB 127: B 2000, Philo (4) vii; 435 pp 38257-0210-3. Bibl. 415-435. 3665 EReiterer, Friedrich Vinzenz Freundschaft bei Den Sira. DZA W 244: 1996 =>12,3224; 14,3248. RRivBib 48 (2000) 213-214 (Minissa/e, Antonino). 3666 Rogers, J.F. ls wisdom a mediatrix in Ben Sira?: a study ofthe wisdom poems. Diss. Stelllenbosch 2000, 0 cook, Johann [BIOSCS 32,18-19]. 3667 Schroer, Si/via The one Lord and male dominance in the book of Jesus Sirach: the image of woman and the image of wisdom in a misogynist document. Wisdom has built her house. 2000 =>208. 84-97. 3668 Smith, Mark S. The infinitive absolute as predicative verb in Ben Sira and the Dead Sea scrolls: a preliminary survey. Diggers at the well. StTDJ 36: 2000 =>552. 256-267. 3669 Wagner, Christian Die Septuaginta-Hapaxlegomena im Buch Jesus Sirach: Untersuchungen zur Wortwahl und Wortbildung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des textkritischen und übersetzungstechni-
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[VI. Libri didactici VT
sehen Aspekts. BZAW 282: 1999 =>15,3485. RJSJ 31 (2000) 357359 (Beentjes, Pancratius C.); PzB 9 (2000) 133-140 (Schrader, Lutz); CBQ 62 (2000) 537-539 (Corley, Jeremy). 3670 Wicke-Reuter, Ursel Göttliche Providenz und menschliche Verantwortung bei Ben Sira und in der frühen Stoa. Diss. Marburg 2000, °Kaiser, 0. BZAW 298: B 2000, De Gruyter xii; 338 pp. €101.24. 311-016863-4 . Bibl. 3671 Gilbert, Maurice Voir ou craindre le Seigneur?: Sir l,lOd. MVATTIONI, F. 1999 =>15,94. 247-252 [AcBib 10,802]. 3672 Rogers, Jessie As ploughing and reaping draw near to her: a reading ofSirach 6:18-37. OTEs 13 (2000) 364-379. 3673 Spatafora, Andrea Intelligent or sensible woman (Sir 25:8)?. Theoforum 31(2000)267-281. 3674 Calduch-Benages, Niiria Es mejor perdonar que guardar rencor: estudio de Sir 27,30-28,7. Gr. 81 (2000) 419-439. 3675 Martini, Carln Maria I 'consiglieri' nel libro del Siracide. Orientamenti Pa 221. 224-240 [50,1-21].
E7.9 Sirach/Ecclesiasticus
3684 Passoni dell'Acqua, Anna L'inno di Sir 51,12a-o e le preghiere del III libro di Maccabei: affinita di scelta negli attributi divini da celebrare. MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 457-478.
VII. Libri prophetici VT
E8.l Prophetismus 3685 3686
3688 3689
3690 3691
3694 3695
Josef Profeti: percbe i1 popolo viva. Parola-Missione 2: Bo 1998, EDB 381 pp. 88-10-20142-6. Abma, R. Bonds of love: methodic studies of prophetic texts with marriage imagery (Isaiah 50:1-3 and 54:1-10, Hosea 1-3, Jeremiah 23). SSN 40: 1999 ~15,3522. RITBT 8/1 (2000) 30-32 (Spijkerboer, Armi: MurijA.!!): EThL 76 (2000) 169·170 (Lust, J.); RiOr 57 (2000) 661-663 (Höj}ken, Peter). Amaral, Roberval Marques do Profecias biblicas a luz da hist6ria e da ciencia. Paulo Ap6stolo 27: Aparecida 2000, Santuario 128 pp [REB 239,768]. Angelini, Giuseppe 11 giudizio e la promessa: l'immagine del futuro nella parola dei profeti. RCI 81 (2000) 507-528. Applegate, John Narrative patterns for the eommunieation of commissioned speech in the prophets: a three-scene model. Narrativity. BEThL 149: 2000 =>1084. 69-88. Baker, David W Israelite prophets and prophecy. The face of OT studies. 2000 ->230. 266-294. Barstad, Hans A1. Comparare necesse est?: ancient lsraelite and ancient Near Eastem prophecy in a comparative perspective. Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastem context. SBL.Sym. 13: 2000 =>483. 3-11. Baumann, Gerlinde Liebe und Gewalt: die Ehe als Metapher für das Verhältnis JHWH-lsrael in den Prophetenbüchern. SBS 185: Stu 2000, Katholisches Bibelwerk 261 pp. E25.46. 3-460-°'18851-4. Bibl. RöR 5011 (2000) 136-137 (Berlis, Angela). Behrens, Achim Prophetische Visiom;schilderungen im Alten Testament: sprachliche Eigenarten, Fwlktion w1d Geschichte einer literarischen Gattung. Diss. Mainz 2000, 0 zwickel, W. [RTL 32,594]. Ben Zvz, Ehud lntroduction: writings, speeches, and the prophetic books-setting an iie;encfa. Writine;s and speech. 2000 =>238. 1-29. Blenkinsopp, J. Prophecy and the prophetic books. Text in context. 2000 =>296. 323-347. EAbella,
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
3696 (a) Eßoadt, Lawrence The Hebrew prophets: visionaries of the ancient world. Class Bible: NY 1999, St Martin's 220 pp [BiTod 38, 387-Bergant, D.]. (b) Boggio, Giovanni La profezia: parola rivolta al presente, fondata sul passato e aperta verso il futuro. PSV 41 (2000) 73-89. 3697 Bosshard-Nepustil, Erich Rezeptionen von Jesaia 1-39 im Zwölfprophetenbuch. OBO 154: 1997 =>13,3364; 15,3533. RThLZ 125 (2000) 601-605 (Zapff, Burkard M.); RBLit 1 (1999) 22-27 (Sweeney, Marvin A. ). 3698 Brauer, Bernd Das Bild der Unheilsprophetie Israels in der frühen soziologisch orientierten Forschung. 1999 =>15,3535. KThLZ 125 (2000) 733-735 (Kessler, Rainer). 3699 Buher, Martin Prophecy, apocalyptic, and the historical hour. On the bible. 2000 =>140. 172-187. 3700 ßutting, Klara Prophetinnen gefragt: die Bedeutung der Prophetinnen im Kanon aus Tora und Prophetie. Diss.-Ilabil. Bochum ?.000/01, DF.fwr.h, .1 [ThRv 9R/4, xvi]. 3701 Chary, T Le propMtisme a l'epoque perse (538-332). La loi et les propheteit. 2000 -:':>752. 370-405. 3702 Clements, Ronald Old Testament prophecy: from oracles to canon. 1996 =>12,3263.„14,3275. RoTEs 13 (2000) 235-36 (Stassen, S.L.). 3703 Conrad, Edgar W Messengers in lsaiah and the Twelve: implications for reading prophetic books. JSOT 91 (2000) 83-97. 3704 Cragg, Kcnncth The weight in thc word-prophcthood: biblical and Qur'anic. 1999 =>15,3541. RRRT 7 (2000) 490-2 (Marshall, David). 3705 Crenshaw, James L. Transmitting prophecy across generations; 3706 Culley, Robert C. Orality and writtenness in the prophetic texts; 3707 Davies, Philip R. 'Pen ofiron, point of diamond' (Jer 17:1): prophecy as writing. Writings and speech. 2000 :::-238. 31-44/45-64/65-81. 3708 Dempsey, Carol J. The prophets: a liberation-critical reading. A liberation-critical reading of the O.T.: Mp 2000, Fortress 211 pp. $20. 0-8006-3116-1 [TS 61,597]; 3709 Hope amid the ruins: the ethics of lsrael's prophets. Saint Louis 2000, Chalice 160 pp. $20. 3710 DeVries, Simon J. From old revelation to new: a tradition-historical and redaction-critical study of temporal transactions in prophet prediction. 1995 => 11/1,2109 „.14,3281. RBz 44 (2000) 115-17 (Schenk, Wolfgang). 3711 Eaton, John Misteriosos mensageiros: curso de profecia hebraica. TBartalotti, Cecilia Camargo Säo Paulo, 2000 Loyola 220 pp [REB 240,1020].
E8.1 The Hebrew prophetic movement
3712 Floyd, Michael H. 'Write the revelation!' (Hab 2:2): re-imagining the cultural history ofprophecy. Writings and speech. 2000 =>238. 103143. 3713 Gabriel, K.J. The cultic and prophetic cultures in the bible. BiBh 26 (2000) 230-242. 3714 Ge/in, A.; Monloubou, L. Les livres prophetiques posterieurs. La loi et les prophetes. 2000 =>752. 259-369. 3715 Gibert, Pierre Aux racines du prophetisme biblique. MoBi 131 (2000) 21-24 [BuBB 35,58]. 3716 Gowan, Donald E. Theology of the prophetic books: the death and resurrection oflsrael. 1998 =>14,3289; 15,3556. RThLZ 125 (2000) 387-388 (Schart, Aaron). 3717 Grabbe, Lester L. Ancient Near Eastem prophecy from an anthropological perspective. Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastem context. SBL.Symposium 13: 2000 =>483. 13-32. 3718 Grilli, M. 11 pathos della parola: i profeti di Israele. Mi 2000, Paoline 1281)1' [Rivnih 4R,?.51-Md11, Roberto]. 3 719 Hameen-Anttila, Jaakko Arabian prophecy. Prophecy in ils ancient Near Eastem context. SBL.Symposium 13: 2000 =>483. 115-146. 3720 (a) Haran, Menahem From early to classical prophecy: continuity and change. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 102-114. (b) Howel/, Maribeth Images of God in the prophets. BiTod 38 (2000) 200-205. 3721 Huffmon, Herbert B. A company of prophets: Mari, Assyria, Israel. Prophecy in its ANE context. SBL.Symp. 13: 2000 =>483. 47-70. 3722 Junco Garza, Carlos Palabra sin fronteras: los profetas de Israel. Deleg. Coyoacan - Mexico 2000, San Pablo 748 pp. 970-612-399-7. Bibl. 719-733. 3723 Kaniarakath, George A Dalit reading of the prophetic writings. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 231-250. 3724 Kietliiiski, Krzysztof Zobowi107. 165186. 3726 Laato, Anttl J. History and ideology in the Old Testament prophetic literature. CR.OT 41: 1996~1 ?.,3?.82; 14,3298. RVT 50 (2000) 130131 (Williamson, H.G.M). 3727 Lambert, Jean La breche prophetique. MoBi 131 (2000) 15-19 [BuBB 35,59].
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
3728 Lange, Armin Vom prophetischen Wort zur Schriftauslegung: Studien zur Traditions- und Redaktionsgeschichte innerprophetischer Konflikte im Alten Testament. Diss.-Habil. Tü 2000/01, 0 Blum, E. [ThRv 98/4, xix]. 3729 LaRocca-Pitts, Mark Andrew The Day of Yahweh as rhetorical strategy among the Hebrew prophets. Diss. Harvard 2000, 384 pp. 9972488. 3730 La Source, Soeur Isabelle de Lire la bible avec les Peres, 6: lsaie (lsaie, Ruth, Michee, Baruc). Biblica: P 2000, Mediaspaul 239 pp. €14.48. 2-7122-0803-X [RB 108,476]. 3731 Laurant, Sophie Les prophetes dans la bible. MoBi 131 (2000) 28-29 [BuBB 35,59]. 3732 Marconcini, Benito Profezia: e apocalittica. PSV 41(2000)91-101. 3733 Meagher, Paddy Comparable religious figures: the prophets oflsrael and rsis oflndia. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 ::::>85. 251-278. 3734 Mendenhall, George E. Prophecy nnd poetry in modern Yemen. FSAUF.R, J. 2000::-:>105. 340-343. 3735 Mil/er, Patrick D. The divine council and the prophetic call to war Lisa 13,1-22; 40,26; 45,12; 2 Kgs 6,5-19; Jer 51,27-28; Joel 4,9-21]; 3736 The prophetic critique ofkings ; 3737 Toward a theology of leadership: some clues from the prophets [1Kgs19,9-18; 2 Kgs 5,1-19; Ezek 33,7-9; Arnos 7,10-17]; 3738 Tue world and message ofthe prophets: biblical prophecy in its context . Israelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 ::::>191. 397-405/ 526-54 7/658-666/508-525. 3739 Nissinen, Martti The socioreligious role of the Neo-Assyrian prophets. Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastem context. SBL.Symposimn 13: 2000 ::::>483. 89-114; 3740 Spoken, written, quoted, and invented: orality and writtenness in ancient Near Eastem prophecy. Writings and speech. 2000 ::::>238. 235-271. 3741 O'Kennedy, D.F. Were the prophets really intercessors?. OTEs 13 (2000) 329-347. 3742 Eorton, David E. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible: selected studies from Vetus Testamentum. Brill's readers in biblical studies 5: Lei 2000, Brill x; 282 pp. 90-04-11160-3. Bibl. [NThAR2000,184]. 3743 Paas, Stefan Schepping en oordeel: een onderzoek naar scheppingsvoorstellingen bij enkele profeten uit de achste eeuw voor Christus. 1998 ::::>14,3312. RRBLit 2 (2000) 227-230 (Wagenaar, Jan A.). 3744 Paolini, Piergiorgio II profeta come testimone nell' Antico Testamento. Testimonianza. 2000 ::::>501. 83-99.
E8.1 The Hebrew prophetic movement
3745 Papone, Paolo Quando il profeta diventa mimo. PSV 41 (2000) 5571. 3746 (a) Parker, Simon B. Official attitudes toward prophecy at Mari and in Israel. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 245263. (b) Parpola, Simo Assyrian prophecies. 1997 =>13,3409; 15,3581. RHenoch 22 (2000) 104-108 (Picchioni, Sergio Angelo). 3747 Petersen, David L. Defining prophecy and prophetic literature. Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastem context. SBL.Symposium 13: 2000 =>483. 33-44. 3748 EPouthier, Jean-Luc Prophetes et visions du futur. MoBi 131 (2000) 1-57. 3749 Prevost, Jean-Pierre Pour lire les prophetes. 1995 =>1111,2146 ... 13,3412. REstB 58 (2000) 268-270 (Asenjo, J.). 3750 Scalise, Pamela J. Circling the prophets: refocusing the definitions of who they were and what they did. RExp 97 (2000) 433-442. 3751 Schorch, Stefan Between science and magic: the function and roots of paronomasia in the prophetic books of the Hebrew Bible. Puns. 2000 =>1338. 205-222. 3752 Schnitz, Richard L. The search for quotation: verbal parallels in the prophets. JSOT.S 180: 1999 =>15,3588. RJThS 51 (2000) 613-616 (Mason, Rex). 3753 Sheriffs, Deryck Five prophetic snapshots of the land. The land of promise. 2000 =>474. 51-61. 3754 Simon, Uriel Reading prophetic narratives. 1997 =>13,3421. RFaith & Mission 17/3 (2000) 89-91 (Rooker, Mark); RBLit 1 (1999) 12913 l (Mitchell, Christine). 3755 Steck, Odil Hannes Die Prophetenbüchcr und ihr theologisches Zeugnis: Wege der Nachfrage und Fährten zur Antwort. 1996 =>12, 3309; 14,3321. RJSSt45 (2000) 163-165 (Mason, Rex); 3756 The prophetic books and their theological witness. St. Louis 2000, Chalice 246 pp. $30. 0-8272-2957-7 [BiTod 39,121-Bergant, D.]. 3757 Stiebert, Johanna Shame and prophecy: approaches past and present. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 255-275. 3758 Surmar, Bohumil Die Unterscheidung zwischen den wahren und falschen Propheten: eine Untersuchung aufgrund der Lehre des Rabbi MAIMONIDES. EHS.T 615: 1997 =>13,3426. RThLZ 125 (2000) 397399 (Schreiner, Stefan). 3759 Tuell, Steven S. Haggai-Z1::d1ariah: prophecy after the manner of Ezekiel. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 263-286. 3760 Utzschneider, Helmut Michas Reise in die Zeit: Studien zum Drama als Genre der prophetischen Literatur des Alten Testaments. SBS
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3763 3764
[VII. Libri prophetici VT
180: 1999 =:>15,3598. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1014-1016 (Zapff, Burkhard M); CBQ 62 (2000) 739-740 (Biddle, Mark E.). Van Dam, Cornelis Tue Urim and Thummim: a means ofrevelation in ancient Israel. 1997 =:>13,3431... 15,3599. RJNES 59 (2000) 220223 (Noegel, Scott B.). Van der Toorn, Kare/ Mesopotamian prophecy between immanence and transcendence: a comparison of Old Babylonian and NeoAssyrian prophecy. Prophecy in its ancient Near Eastern context. SBL.Symposium 13: 2000 =:>483. 71-87; From the oral to the written: the case ofüld Babylonian prophecy; Van Seters, John Prophetie orality in the context ofthe ancient Near East: a response to Culley, Crenshaw, and Davies. Writings and speech. 2000 =:>238. 219-234/83-88. Vanderhooft, David Stephen The Neo-Babylonian empire and Babylon in the latter prophets. HSM 59: 1999 =:>15,3600. RArOr 68 (2000) 621-622 (PeCirkova, Jana); RA 94 (2000) 190-191 (Lemaire. Andrif).
3767 3768
VanderKam, James C. Prophecy and apocalyptics in the ancient Near East. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 =>221. 255275. Virgili, Rosanna 11 profeta e la parola. PSV 41 (2000) 37-54. Vondergeest, Craig Arien Prophecy and divination in the Deuteronomistic History. Diss. Virginia, Union 2000, 0 McBride, S. 325 pp [RTL 32,598; 9978444]. Wagner, Andreas Prophetie als Theologie--die alttestamentlichen so-spricht-Formeln und ihr Beitrag für das Grundverständnis der Prophetie. Diss.-Habil. Mainz 2000/01, 0 zwickel, W. [ThRv 98/4, xviii]. (a) Weinfeld, Moshe Ancient Near Eastem pattems in pro[p]hetic literature. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =:>3742. 84101. (b) Wiesel, Elie Profetisch eerbetoon: portretten en legenden. Baam 2000, Gooi en Sticht 267 pp. el.6.77. 90-304-0962-2 [ITBT 8/7,33Siertsema, Bettine]. Williamson, Hugh G. Hope under judgement: the prophets of the eighth century BCE. EvQ 72 (2000) 291-306.
E8.2 Proto-Isaias, textus, commentarii 3772 Beuken, Willem A.M. Isaiah, part 2, vol. 2: Isaiah chapters 28-39. T Doyle, Brian Historical Commentary of the OT: Lv 2000, Peeters xxxi; 420 pp. €45. REThL 76 (2000) 170-171 (Lust, J.).
E8.2 Isaiah text and commentaries
3773 Blenkinsopp, Joseph Isaiah 1-39: a new translation with introduction and commentary. AncB 19: NY 2000, Doubleday xix; 524 pp. $50. 0-385-49716-4. Bibi. 115-167. 3774 Brueggemann, Walter Isaiah. 1998 2 vols =>15,3705; 15,3608b. RBS 157 (2000) 111-113 (Merrill, Eugene H); BTB 30 (2000) 37 (Craghan, John F.); RBLit 2 (2000) 230-232 (Hague, Stephen T.). 3775 Calvin, Jean Isaiah. Crossway Classic Commentaries: Wheaton, IL 2000, Crossway xiii; 15-400 pp. 1-58134-156-3. 3776 Childs, Brevard S. Isaiah: a commentary. OTL: LVL 2000, Westminster John Knox xx; 555 pp. 0-664-22143-2. Bibi. xix-xx. 3777 Conrad, Edgar W. Reading Isaiah. 1991 =>7,3143 ... 9,3503. RRB 104 (2000) 617-619 (Gon~alves, Francolino J. ). 3778 Gosse, B. L'insertion des psaumes des chantres-levites dans l'ensemble redactionnel livre d'Isaie-psautier et les revendications des levites. TEuph 19 (2000) 145-158 [1Chr16; Ps 42-44; 96]. 3779 Hollerich, Michael J. EUSERIUS of Caesarea's commentary on Jsaiah: christian exegesis in U1t: agt: uf Cuuslaulim:. l!J99 =>15,3611. RJJS 51(2000)164-165 (Lange, Nicho/as de). 3780 Kaiser, Otto Isaia, 1: capp. 1-12. TFlorioli, Paola Antico Testamento 17: Brescia 1998, Paideia 364 pp. €32.54. 88394-05593. 3781 Koole, Jan L. Isaiah, 2: chapters 28-39. Eßeuken, Wim Rist. comm. on the OT: Kampen 2000, Kok xxxi; 420 pp. 90-429-0813-0. 3782 Motyer, Alec The prophecy of Isaiah. 1993 =>9,3512 ... 12,3332. RSdT 12 (2000) 190-191 (Finch, Paul). 3783 ERamis Darder, Francesc La profecia de Isaias. ResB 25: Estella 2000, Verbo Divino 2-51 pp. 3784 Sweeney, Marvin Alan Isaiah 1-39: with an introduction to prophetic literature. FOTL 16: 1996 =>12,3346 ... 15,3619. RJNES 59 (2000) 56-58 (Pardee, Dennis); LouvSt 25 (2000) 161-162 (Doyle, Brian). 3785 Wildberger, Hans Isaiah 13-27: a continental comm. TTrapp, Thomas H 1997 => 13,3461. RRBLit 2 (2000) 233-235 (Park, Aaron W ).
E8.3 lsaias 1-39, themata, versiculi 3786 F.Bosman, Hendrik Jan; Van Grol, Harm Studies in Isaiah 24-27: the Isaiah Workshop-de Jesaja Werkplaats. OTS 43: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 277 pp. 90·04~ 11269-3. BibL 3787 Asurmendi Ruiz, Jesus Maria lsaie, un citadin de haut rang. MoBi 131 (2000) 26-27 [BuBB 31,60].
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
3788 Becker, Uwe Jesaja-von der Botschaft zum Buch. FRLANT 178: 1997 =>13,3463; 14,3341. RoLZ 95 (2000) 186-189 (Beuken, WillemA.M). 3789 Berges, Ulrich Die Zionstheologie des Buches Jesaja. EstB 58 (2000) 167-198. 3790 Blenkinsopp, Joseph The prophetic biography of Isaiah. FRENDTORFF, R. 2000 =>94. 13-26. 3791 Buber, Martin Redemption (lsaiah and Deutero-Isaiah). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 160-165. 3792 Clements, R.E. The prophecies of Isaiah and the fall of Jerusalem Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 148-163. 3793 Davies, Andrew Double standards in lsaiah: re-evaluating prophetic ethics and divine justice. Bibl.Interp. 46: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 226 pp. 90-04-11581-1. Bibl. 3794 Edwards, C/iff Van Gogh's Bible: finding a mcssage of hope in Isaiah. BiRe 16/1 (2000) 18-21. 3795 Gosse, Bernard L'influence du livre du prophete lsale (ys'yhw) sur la presentation du "salut (y~w'h)" par les cantiques et recits bibliques, et la chute de Jerusalem comme archetype des catastrophes des origines. Henoch 22 (2000) 3-34. 3796 Kraft, Tomas La paz, obra de la justicia: un estudio de la paz en el libro de Isaias. RTLi 34 (2000) 567-584. 3797 Lohfink, Norbert Covenant and torah in the pilgrimage ofthe nations (the book of lsaiah and Psalm 25). The God of Israel. 2000 =>291. 33-84. 3798 Rendtorff, Rolf Israels "Rest": unabgeschlossene Überlegungen zu einem schwierigen Thema der alttestamentlichen Theologie. FSCHMIDT, Wt:rner H. 2000 .:>107. 265-279. 3799 Schleicher, Marianne Dmre, skeger og m0dre i Jahves haender. DTT 63 (2000) 161-180. 3800 Schmidtgen, Beate Die Stadt als Frau im Buch Jesaja. Diss. Basel 2000/01, 0 Mathys, H-P. [ThRv 98/4, iii]. 3801 Sweeney, Marvin A. Isaiah am.l theodicy after the Shoah. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 =>290. 208-219. 3802 Trenshaw, Cynthia A live coal: Isaiah and initiation in The Tenderloin of San Francisco. Way 40 (2000) 272-281. 3803 Van Steenbergen, Gerrit J. The semantic domain of negative moral hehaviour in parallelism in Isaiah. BiTr 50 (1999) 314-323. 3804 Wodecki, flernard Jerusalem-Zion in the texts of Proto-Isaiah. The Polish joumal ofbiblical research l/l (2000) 89-107.
E8.3 Isaiah topics, verses
3805 Cohen, Chaim A philological reevaluation of some significant DSS variants ofthe MT in lsa 1-5. Diggers at the well. StTDJ 36 (2000) 40-55. 3806 Gitay, Yehoshua Reflections on the study ofthe prophetic discourse: the question of lsaiah 1 2-20. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 173-187. 3807 Vargon, Shmuel The historical background and significance of Isa 1,10-17. FKALLAI, Z. VT.S 81: 2000 =>59. 177-194; 3808 The setting and implications of lsaiah 1:10-17. BetM 163 (2000) 289-304 Sum. 384. H. 3809 Bartelt, Andrew H. The book around Immanuel: style and structure in lsaiah 2-12. 1996 =>12,3362; 14,3353. RRBLit 1 (1999) 143-145 (Boadt, Lawrence). 3810 Roberts, J.J.M The meaning of"';i n7:)X" in Isaiah 4:2. JBQ 28 (2000) 20-27. 3811 Fechter, Friedrich Enttäuschte Erwartungen: die Sprache der Bilder in Jesaja 5, 1-7. BN 104 (2000) 69-82. 3812 Kloppenborg Verbin, John S. Isaiah 5:1-7, the parable ofthe tenanti:i and vineyard leases on papyrus. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 =>97. 111134. 3813 Brueggemann, Walter Rereading the book of lsaiah. Texts that linger. 2000 =>138. 21-33 [Isa 5,20; 43,15-21; 49,15-16; 55,8; 65,17-25]. 3814 Buber, Martin PLATO and lsaiah {lsaiah 6). On the bible. 2000 =>140. 151-159. 3815 Hartenstein, Friedhelm Die Unzugänglichkeit Gottes im Heiligtum: Jesaja 6 und der Wohnort JHWHs in der Jerusalemer Kulttradition. WMANT 75: 1997 =>13,3501; 14,3358. RThLz 125 (2000) 495-500 (Irsigler, Hubert). 3816 Barthel, Jörg Prophetenwort und Geschichte: die Jesajaüberlieferung in Jes 6-8 und 28-31. FAT 19: 1997 =>13,3525; 15,3624. RJThS 51(2000)606-609 (Williamson, HG.M). 3817 Sacchi, Alessandro Israele e i gentili: riletture neotestamentarie di Jsaia 6, 1. AnScR 5 (2000) 131-151. 3818 Clements, R.E. The prophet as an author: the case of the lsaiah memoir. Writings and speech. 2000 =>238. 89-101 [Isn 6,1-9,6]. 3819 Harvey, Barry A. On seeing: Isaiah 6: 1-12. RExp 97 (2000) 97-104. 3820 T,ehnert, Volker A. l>ie Provokation Israels: die paradoxe Funktion von Je~ 6,9-10 bei Ma1kus wul Lukas: ein textpragmatischer Versuch im Kontext gegenwärtiger Rezeptionsästhetik und Lesetheorie. 1999 =>15,3673. ROrdKor 41 (2000) 478-479 (Giesen, Heinz) [Mk 4,1013; Lk 8,9-10).
3821 3822 3823
3824 3825 3826 3827 3828 3829
3830 3831 3832
3833 3834
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
Virgulin, Stefano 1 nomi dei figli del profeta Isaia. MVATIIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 :::-15,94. 675-680 [Isa 7,3; 8,1; 8,3]. Velasco Triviflo, Emilia ' ... Le pondrän por nombre Enmanuel' (ls 7, 10-17): historia de un oraculo. ResB 25 (2000) 33-42. Gelio, Roberta II vaticinio della nascita dell'Emmanuele {ls 7,14): dalla lettura storico-temporale a quella regale-messianica. FBORDONI, M. 2000 :::>16. 47-64. Adamthwaite, Murray lsaiah 7:16: key to the Immanuel prophecy. RTR 59 (2000) 65-83. Williamson, H.G.M lsaiah 8:21 and a new inscription from Ekron. BAIAS 18 {2000) 51-55. Lepore, Luciano Nemesi, ironia ed esaltazione aulica nella stesura originaria di ls (8,23b); 9,1-4. RivBib 48 (2000) 3-26. Bahar, Shlomo The setting of lsaiah 10:28-32. Shnaton 12 (2000) 49-60. H. Ritchie, Jan D. The nose knows: bodily knowing in lsaiah 11.3. JSOT 87 (2000) 59-73. Beuken, Willem Andre Maria The prophet leads the readers into praise: lsaiah 25:1-10 in connection with lsaiah 24:14-23 seen against the background oflsaiah 12. Studies in Isaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 :::>3786. 121-156. Jeremias, Jörg Der "Tag Jahwes" in Jes 13 und Joel 2. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 :::-110. 129-138. Goldstein, Jonathan A. The metamorphosis of lsaiah 13:2-14:27. NICKELSBURG, G. 2000 :::>79. 78-88. Van der Kooij, Arie Tue oracle of Tyre: the Septuagint of lsaiah XXIII as version and vision. VT.S 71: 1998 :::>14,3375. RJSJ 31 (2000) 328-331 (Fernandez Marcos, Natalio). Bosman, Hendrik Jan Syntactic cohesion in Isaiah 24-27; Bosman, Hendrik Jan; Van Grol, Harm W.M Annotated translation of lsaiah 24-27; Studies in lsaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 :::>3786. 1950/3-12. Doyle, Brian Isaiah 24-27 metaphorically speaking: a study of the use, function and significance of metaphors in Isaiah 24-27. Diss. Leuven 1999, 0 Beuken, W. BEThL 151: Lv 1999, Peeters xii; 473 pp. €75. 90-429-0888-2. Jenner, Konrad D. Petucha and setuma: tools for interpretation or simply a matter of lay-out?: a study of the relations between layout, arrangement, reading and interpretation of the text in the Apocalypse oflsaiah (Isa. 24-27). Studies in Jsaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 :::>3786. 81-117.
E8.3 Isaiah topics, verses
3837 Polaski, Donald C. Authorizing an end: the lsaiah Apocalypse and intertextuality. Bibllnterp 50: Lei 2000, Brill xv; 415 pp. 90-0411607-9. 3838 Scholl, Reinhard Die Elenden in Gottes Thronrat: stilistisch-kompositorische Untersuchungen zu Jesaja 24-27. BZAW 274: B 2000, De Gruyter xi; 300 pp. €96.12. 3-11-016377-2. Bibi. 3839 Van der Kooij, Arie lsaiah 24-27: text-critical Notes; 3840 The cities oflsaiah 24-27 according to the Vulgate, Targum and Septuagint; 3841 Van Grol, Harm W.M An analysis ofthe verse structure oflsaiah 2427. Studies in lsaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 =>3786. 13-15/183-198/ 51-80. 3842 Rudman, Dominic Midrash in the lsaiah Apocalypse. ZA W 112 (2000) 404-408 [Isa 24,6-7; Jer 23,10]. 3843 Loete, .Joseph A premature hymn of praise: the meaning and function of Isaiah 24: l 4- l 6c in its present context. Studies in Isaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 :::>3786. 226-238. 3844 Herrmann, Wolfram Die Implikationen von Jes 25,8aa. BN 104 (2000) 26-30 =FOELSNER, J. 2000 =>83. 111-116. 3845 Van Wieringen, Archibald L.H.M "1" and "We" before "Your" face: a communication analysis oflsaiah 26:7-21. Studies in lsaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 :::>3786. 239-251. 3846 Beuken, Willem Andre Maria "Deine Toten werden leben" (Jes 26,19): "Kindliche Vernunft" oder reifer Glaube?. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 :::>110. 139-152. 3847 Leene, Hendrik Isaiah 27:7-9 as a bridge between vineyard and city; 3848 Jenner, Konrad D. The big shofar (Isaiah 27: 13): a hapex legomenon to be understood merely as a metaphor or as a crux iterpretum for the interpretation of eschatological expectation?. Studies in lsaiah 24-27. OTS 43: 2000 =>3786. 199-225/157-182. 3849 Blenkinsopp, Joseph Judah's covenant with death (Isaiah xxviii 1422). VT 50 (2000) 472-483. 3850 Landy, Francis The covenant with death. Strange fire. BiSe 71: 2000 =>290. 220-232 [Isa 28,15]. 3851 Höfjken, Peter Bemerkungen zu Jesaja 31,1-3. ZAW 112 (2000) 230-238. 3852 Miscall, Peter D. lsaiah 34-35: a nightmare / a dream JSOT.S 281: 1999 =>15,3699. RCBQ 62 (2000) 331-332 (Strang, John T.); RBLit 2 (2000) 235-237 (McGinnis, Claire Mathews). 3853 Petit, Olivier Un parcours d'Isare 36-37. SemBib 99 (2000) 3-22. 3854 Botha, P.J. lsaiah 37:21-35: Sennacherib's siege of Jerusalem as a challenge to the honour ofYahweh. OTEs 13 (2000) 269-282.
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
Van Wieringen, Archibald L.H.M Notes on lsaiah 38-39. BN 102 (2000) 28-32.
E8.4 Deutero-lsaias 40-52: commentarii, themata, versiculi 3856 Baltzer, Klaus Deutero-Jesaja. KAT 10,2: 1999 =>15,3704. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1004-1007 (Labahn, Antje); ThR 65 (2000) 387-394 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen); BiOr 57 (2000) 509-514 (Höffken, Peter); RBBras 17/4 (2000) 648-649. 3857 Beuken, Wim A.M. Jesaja, IIA/IIB 1983 =>60,4815 ... 1,3514. RThR 65 (2000) 380-382 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3858 Eiliger, Karl Deuterojesaja: 40,1-45,7. BK 11/1: 2 1989 => 52,2077 ... 60,4816. RThR 65 (2000) 379-380 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3859 Grimm, Werner; Dittert, Kurt Jesaja 40-55. 1990 =>6,3809„. 9, 3589. RThR 65 (2000) 403-405 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3860 Hanson, Paul D. Isaiah 40-66. 1995 => 11/1,2252. RThR 65 (2000) 398-401 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3861 Koole, Jan L. Isaiah III: lsaiah 49-55. Hist. Comm. on the OT 2: 1998 =>14,3403; 15,3709. RBiOr 57 (2000) 156-58 (Höfjken, Peter). 3862 Marconcini, Benito EI libro de lsaias (40-66). Guia espiritual del Antiguo Testamento: 1999 =>15,3710. Rcart. 16 (2000) 223-224 (Alvarez Barredo, M); San Juan de la Cruz 16 (2000) 120-121 (Noguera, Juan Luis). 3863 Oswalt, John N. The book of lsaiah: chapters 40-66. New international commentary on the Old Testament: 1998 =>14,3409; 15,3711. Rsal. 62 (2000) 388-389 (Vicent, R.); Bib. 81 (2000) 422-425 (Simian-Yofre, Horacio); RBLit 2 (2000) 237-240 (Lind, Millard C.). 3864 Steck, Odil Hannes Gottesknecht und Zion: gesammelte Aufsätze zu Deuterojesaja. 1992 =>9,239; 11/1,2259. RRTL 31 (2000) 264-265 (Vermeylen, J); ThR 65 (2000) 423-427 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3865 Albani, Matthias Der eine Gott und die himmlischen Heerscharen: zur Begründung des Monotheismus bei Deuterojesaja, im Horizont der Astralisierung des Gottes Verständnisses im Alten Orient. Diss.Habil. 2000 Lp, 0 Lux, R. Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte 1: Lp 2000, Evangelische ix; 307 pp. 3-374-01820-3. 3866 Barstad, Hans M. The Babylonian captivity of the book of lsaiah: 'exilic' Judah and the provenance of lsaiah 40-)). 199'/ =>13,3388 ... 15,3714. RJSSt 45 (2000) 167-168 (Coggins, Richard); ThR 65 (2000) 282-284 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen); JNSL 26/1 (2000) 195196 (Bosman, Hendrik).
E8.4 Deutero-Isaiah 40-52
3867 Glassner, Gottfried Vision eines auf Verheißung gegriindeten Jerusalem. ÖDS 11: 1991 ;;.;;;..7,3220„. 9,3620. RThR 65 (2000) 408-410 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen).
3868 J/1Zrmisso11, Hans-.!ürp,1m Gibt es die Götter btli Dtlulerojesnjn?. FSCHMIDT,
W. 2000 =>107. 109-123;
3869 Neue Literatur zu Deuterojesja. ThR 65 (2000) 237-284, 379-430. 3870 Hessler, Eva Das Heilsdrama: der Weg zur Weltherrschaft Jahwes. 1988 =>5,3541... 7,3196. RThR 65 (2000) 263-266 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen).
3871 Kapelrud, Arvid S. The main concem of Seeond Isaiah. Propheey in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 164-172. 3872 Koenig, Jean Oracles et liturgics de l'exil babylonien. 1988 :....>4, 3713„. 7,3215. RThR 65 (2000) 427-430 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürf{en). 3873 Ko1·pel, Ma1·jo C.; Moor, Johannes C. de The structure of' classical Hebrew poetry: Isaiah 40-55. OTS 41: 199R =>14,1405. RThR 65 (2000) 276-280 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3874 Kratz, Reinhard Gregor Kyros im Deuterojesaja-Buch. FAT 1: 1991 =>7,3199„. 9,3593. RThR 65 (2000) 239-247 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen).
3875 Labahn, Antje Wort Gottes und Schuld Israels: Untersuchungen zu Motiven deuteronomistischer Theologie im Deuterojesajabuch mit einem Ausblick auf das Verhältnis von Jes 40 - 55 zum Deuteronomismus. BWANT H. 143: 1999 =>15,3724. RThLz 125 (2000) 735737 (Höffken, Peter); ThR 65 (2000) 254-257 (Hermisson, Hans.Jürgen).
3876 Leene, Hendrik De vroegere en de nieuwe dingen bij Deuterojesaja. 1987 =>5,3544„. 7,3200. RThR 65 (2000) 258-263 (Hermisson, Hans-JfJrgen).
3R77 Mann, Thomas W. Stars, sprouts, and streams: the creative redeemer ofSccond Isaiah. 1'TOWNER, W. 2000 ::::>115. 135-151. 3878 Matheus, Frank Singt dem Herrn ein neues Lied: die Hymnen Deuterojesajas. SBS 141: 1990 =>7,3201; 8,3728. RThR 65 (2000) 266269 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3879 Ramis Darder, Francisco Una vez de zarzas crecer6 el cipres: el trionfo de Yahve sobre los idolos (ls 12,1-44,23). Diss. Barcelona 2000, 0 Ribera, R. [RTL 32,597]. 1RRO Rosenbaum, Michael Word-order variation in Isaiah '10-55. 1997 :::::> 13,3548„. 15,3712. RThR 65 (2000) 274-276 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen); Theology & Life 23 (2000) 357-361 (Tsoi, Jonathan T.P.); RBLit 1 (1999) 145-148 (Meier, Samuel A.). 3881 Schreiner, Stefan Galut oder Vom Sinn des Exils. BiKi 55 (2000) 147-151.
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
3882 Sheriffs, Deryck Hermeneutical spectacles and the return to the land. Tue land ofpromise. 2000 :::>474. 62-80. 3883 Sommer, Benjamin D. A prophet reads scripture: allusions in Isaiah 40-66. 1998 :::>14,3413; 15,3734. RHebStud 41 (2000) 292-294 (Hayes, Katherine M); JThS 51 (2000) 609-611 (Clements, R.E.); Bib. 81 (2000) 426-429 (Van Wieringen, Archibald L.H.M ). 3884 Streibert, Christian Schöpfung bei Deuterojesaja und in der Priesterschrift. BEAT 8: 1993 :::>9,3596. RThR 65 (2000) 412-414 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3885 Struppe, Ursula Exil-Krise als Chance. BiKi 55 (2000) 110-119. 3886 Van Oorschot, Jürgen Vom Babel zum Zion. BZAW 206: 1993 => 9,2594; 10,3453. RThR 65 (2000) 247-53 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3887 Vincent, Jean M. Studien zur literarischen Eigenart und zur geistigen Heimat von Jesaja, Kap. 40-55. 1977 :::>58s,3979; 60,4824. RThR 65 (2000) 280-282 (Hermi.wm, Han.~... ff.lrgRn). 3888 Willey, Patricia Toll Remember the former things: the recollection of previous texts in Second lsaiah. SBL.DS 161: 1997 =>13,3552; 15,3737. RJSSt 45 (2000) 165-167 (Gelston, A.); RBLit 1 (1999) 148-150 (Halter, Knut). 3889 Sznol, Shifra A Judeo-Greek translation of 'Haftarat Ve'ethanan' for the 'Consolation Sabbath' (lsaiah 40:1-26). Textus 20 (2000) tl-lb; 212. 3890 Schwartz, Daniel R. Whence the voice?: a response to Bruce W. Longenecker. JSJ 31 (2000) 42-46 [Isa 40,3]. 3891 Merendino, Rosario Pius ls 40,3-5: un'analisi del materiale documentario. MVATIIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 :::>15,94. 339-384. 3892 Holter, Knut Second Isaiah's idol-fabrication passages. BeitBExT 28: 1995 ~11/1,2265; 13,3558. RThR 65 (2000) 410-412 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen) [Isa40,19-46,7]. 3893 Höfjken, Peter Abraham und Gott, oder: wer liebt hier wen?: Anmerkungen zu Jcs 41,8. BN 103 (2000) 17-22. 3894 Spencer, Bradley J. The "new deal" for post-exilic Judah in lsaiah 41,17-20. ZAW 112 (2000) 583-597. 3895 Franke, Chris Isaiah 46, 47 and 48. 1994 :::>10,3463; 12,3413. RThR 65 (2000) 472-474 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen).
E8.5 Jsaiae 53ss. Carmina Servi YHWH: Servant Songs Berges, U. Who were the Servants? 2000 :::>3149.
E8.5 Servant Songs
3896 Ekblad, Eugene Robert Isaiah's servant poems according to the Septuagint: an exegetical and theological study. 1999 => 15,3751. RETR 75 (2000) 616-617 (Lys, Daniel). 3897 EGryson, Roger Vetus Latina, 12: Esaias, pars 2, fase. 8-11, Is 54,17-fin; conclusion. 1996-1997 =>14,3434. RcBQ 62 (2000) 347348 (Cody, Aelred). 3898 Haag, Herbert Der Gottesknecht bei Deuterojesaja. EdF 233: 1985 =>l,3537 ... 6,3836. RThR 65 (2000) 414-415 (Hermisson, HansJürgen). 3899 Laato, Antti The Servant ofYHWH and Cyrus. CB.OT 35: 1992 => 8,3725 ... 11/1,2284. RThR 65 (2000) 417-421 (Hetmisson, HansJürgen). 3900 Scharbert, Josef Deuterojesaja - der "Knecht Jahwes" ?. 1995 => 11/1,2287. RThR 65 (2000) 415-417 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3901 Singgih, E.G. The character of the Servant's mission in lsaiah 42. AJTh 14 1(2000)3-19. 3902 Kinnamon, Michael Ministry in a time of cxile: Isaiah 42: 1-9. LexTQ 35 (2000) 15-21 [BuBB 35,80]. 3903 Ausin Olmos, Santiago EI canto del Siervo sufriente (Is 52,13-53,12) y sus relecturas. ResB 25 (2000) 43-51. 3904 Barre, Michael L. Textual and rhetorical-critical observations on the last servant song (lsaiah 52: 13-53: 12). CBQ 62 (2000) 1-27. 3905 Wendland, Ernst; Hachibamba, Salimo "Do you unterstand what you are reading [hearing]?" (Acts 8:30): the translation and contextualization oflsaiah 52:13-53:12 in Chitonga. The Bible in Africa. 2000 => 342. 538-556. 3906 Hojius, Otfried Das vierte Gottesknechtslied in den Briefen des Neuen Testaments. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 =>174. 340-360 [Isa 53]. 3907 EJanowski, Bernd; Stuhlmacher, Peter Der leidende Gottesknecht: Jesaja 53 und seine Wirkungsgeschichte mit einer Bibliographie zu Jes 53. FAT 14: 1996 =>12,3432„. 14,3441. RThR 65 (2000) 421423 (Hermisson, Hans-Jürgen). 3908 EEngammare, Max Jean CALVIN: la famine spirituele: sermon inedit sur Esare 55. THigman, Francis Geneve 2000, Droz 76 pp. Pref. Daniel Levesque [BCLF 624,1889]. 3909 Fischer, Irmtraud Der Schriftausleger als Marktschreier: Jes 55, l-3a und seine innerbiblischen Bezüge. FSTECK, O. BZAW 300: 2000 => 110. 153-162.
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
E8.6 [Trito]Isaias 56-66 3910 Arango, Jose Roberta 'Si te entregas al hambriento .. .': la salvaci6n segful lsaias 58:1-12. ThX 50 (2000) 59-70. 3911 Bossman, David M lsaiah 56: 1-8 and the redefining of the Restoration Judean community. BTB 30 (2000) 46-57. 3912 Campos Santiago, Jesus EI Tercer lsaias. ResB 25 (2000) 25-32. 3913 Diebner, Bernd Jerg Jes 56,1-8 entsprechend Jes 66,18-24 und die prophetische Überbietung der Torah: Yad wa-Schem. FBERGER, K. 2000 =:>9. 31-42. 3914 Groß, Walter Jes 64,4: "Siehe, du hast gezürnt, und dann haben wir gesündigt": zu 2000 Jahren problematischer Rezeption zweier brisanter Sätze. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 =:>110. 163-173. 391~ H '?:il 1tz!N 1'l1;-t 1T N'?' •110;-i ['This is not the city which 1 have carved on the palms of my hands': the heavenly Jerusalem in II Baruch]. Zion 65/1 (2000) 5-44 Sum. iv-vi. H. Steck, 0. Buch Baruch; der Brief des Jeremia... 1998 =:>3024. 4009 Herzer, Jens Direction in difficult times: how God is understood in the Paralipomena Jeremiae. JSPE 22 (2000) 9-30. 4010 Jonge, M de Remarks in the margin ofthe paper 'The figure of Jeremiah in the Paralipomena Jeremiae', by J. Riaud. JSPE 22 (2000) 4549. 4011 Riaud, Jean The figure of Jeremiah in the Paralipomena Jeremiae Prophetae: his originality; his 'christianization' by the christian author ofthe conclusion (9.10-32). JSPE 22 (2000) 31-44. 4012 Schaller, Berndt ls the Greek version of the Paralipomena Jeremiou original or a translation?. JSPE 22 (2000) 51-89; 4013 Parnlipomena Jeremiou: annotated bibliography in historical order. JSPE 22 (2000) 91-118. 4014 Schaller, Berndt Paralipomena Jeremiou. JSHRZ 1/8: 1998 =:>14, 3533. RBZ 44 (2000) 135-137 (Heininger, Bernhard). 4015 Van Henten, Jan Willem; Schaller, Berndt Introduction [Paralipomena Jcrcmiac]. JSPE 22 (2000) 3-8.
E8.9 Ezekiel
E8.9 Ezekiel: textus, commentarii; themata, versiculi 4016 Azevedo, Joaquim The textual relation of the Peshitta of Ezekiel 112 to MT and to the ancient versions {Tg and LXX). Ann Arbor, MI 2000, University Microfilms International xix; 337 pp. Bibi. 4017 Block, Daniel I. The book of Ezekiel: chapters 25-48. 1998 =>14, 3535; 15,3902. REE 75 (2000) 138-140 (Ram[rez, F.); BZ 44 (2000) 296-298 (Konkel, Michael). 4018 Clements, Ronald E. Ezekiel. 1996 =>12,3533; 13,3710. RRBLit 1 (1999) 154-156 (Tue//, Steven S.). 4019 Ecohen, Menachem Mikra'ot Gedolot 'Haketer': Ezekiel. Ramat Gan 2000, Bar-Ilan Univ. Pr. xviii; 339 pp. 965-226-230-7. Revised ed. based on Aleppo Codex & early medieval mss [RB 108,637]. 4020 Maier, Gerhard Der Prophet Hesekiel: 2. Teil: Kapitel 25 bis 48. WStB: Wu 2000, Brockhaus 384 pp. 3-417-25234-2. 4021 EQdell, Margaret S.; Strong, John T. The book of Ezekiel: theological and anthropological perspectives. SBL Symposium 9: Atlanta 2000, SBL xiii; 270 pp. $40. 0-88414-024-5 [RB 108,317). 4022 Schwagmeier, Peter Untersuchungen zu Textgeschichte und Entstehung des Ezechielbuches in masoretischer und griechischer Überlieferung. Diss. Zürich 2000, °Krüger, T. [RTL 32,597]. 4023 Wright, Benjamin G. Notes on 4Q391 (papPseudo-Ezekiele) and biblical Ezekiel. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 289-298. 4024 Angelini, Giuseppe II profeta ammutolito: meditazioni su Ezechiele. Contemplatio 16: Mi 2000, Glossa 171 pp. €10.33. 88-7105-106-8 [Gr. 82,187-Conroy, C.]. 4025 Block, Daniel 1. Divine abandonment: Ezekiel's adaption of an ancient Near Eastem motif; 4026 Cal/ender, Dexter E. Jr. The primal human in Ezekiel and the image ofGod. Book ofEzekiel. Symposium 9: 2000 =>4021. 15-42/175-93. 4027 Daschke, Dereck M. Loss, fantasy, and recovery in ancient Judaism: Ezekiel, 4 Ezra, and the Baruch Apocalypses as texts of mouming. Diss. Chicago 2000, 0 Homans, P. 267 pp [RTL 32,594; 9965072). 4028 Fechter, Friedrich Priesthood in exile according to the book of Ezekiel. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 673-699. Friebel, K. Jeremiah's and Ezekiel's sign-acts 1999 =>3942. 4029 Kessler, Stephan Ch. GREGOR der Große als Exeget: eine theologische Interpretation der Ezechielhomilien. IThS 43: 199 5 => 11 / l, 2404; 14,3546. RBz 44 (2000) 132-134 (Dassmann, Ern4021. 143-173. 4034 Lapsley, Jacqueline E. Can these bones live?: the problem of the moral self in the book of Ezekiel. BZAW 301: B 2000, De Gruyter xi; 208 pp. 3-11-016997-5. Bibl. 4035 Naude, J.A. The language ofthe book of Ezekiel: Biblical Hebrew in transition?. OTEs 13 (2000) 46-71. 4036 Nobile, Ma1'co Considerazioni esegetiche sulle date del libro di Ezechiclc. MVATTIONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 397-416. 4037 Patton, Corrine Priest, prophet, and exile: Ezekiel as a literary construct. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 700-727. 4038 Schwartz, Baruch J. Ezekiel's dim view of lsrael's restoration. Tue book of Ezekiel. Symposium 9: 2000 =>4021. 43-67. 4039 Strang, John T. God's kaböd: the presence ofYahweh in the book of Ezekiel. The book ofEzekiel. Symposium 9: 2000 =>4021. 69-95. 4040 Sweeney, Marvin A. Ezekiel: Zadokite priest and visionary prophet of the exile. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 728-751. 4041 Tuell, Steven S. Divine presence and absence in Ezekiel's prophecy. The book ofEzekiel. Symposium 9: 2000 =>4021. 97-116. 4042 Vianes, Laurence Aspects de Ja mise en page dans !es manuscrits de chaines sur Ezechiel. Le commentaire. 2000 =>542. 79-88 [BuBB 31,79). 4043 Virgili, Rosanna Ezechiele: il giomo dopo !'ultimo. Quad. di Camaldoli 16; Medit. 9: Bo 2000, EDB 168 pp. 88104-11153. Bibl. 4044 Wong, Ka Leung The idea of retribution in the book of Ezekiel. Diss. Edinburgh 2000, 0 Reimer, D.J. 253 pp [RTL 32,598). 4045 Zimmerli, W. The special form- and traditio-historical character of Ezekiel's prophecy. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 => 3742. 11-23. 4046 Liss, Hanna 'lt is not permitted to ponder the deeper meaning ofthe verse': an interpretation of the merkava-vision in Ezekiel according to the commentaries of Rabbi Shelomoh JITZCHAQI (Rabbi) and Rabbi Eli'ezer BEAUGENCY. JSQ 7 (2000) 42-64 [1,1-28; 3,12-15; 10,1-22).
E8.9 Ezekiel
404 7 Garcia-Jal6n de la Lama, Santiago Lectura anagramatica de Ezequiel 4,1-3. EstB 58 (2000) 199-209. 4048 Lust, J.; Hauspie, K.; Ternier, A. Notes to the Septuagint: Ezekiel 6. EThL 76 (2000) 396-403. 4049 Gross, C.D. Ezekiel and Solomon's temple. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 207214 [Ezek 8]. 4050 Sarna, Nahum M Ezekiel 8:17: a fresh examination. Studies in biblical interpretation. 2000 :::::>205. 305-310. 4051 Nay, Reto Jahve im Dialog: kommunikationsanalytische Untersuchung der Ältestenperikope Ez 14, 1-11 unter Berücksichtigung des dialogischen Rahmens in Ez 8-11 und Ez 20. AnBib 141: 1999 :::::>15, 3938 REThL 76 (2000) 171-172 (Lust, J.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1250-52 (Krüger, Thomas); LASBF 50 (2000) 526-541 (Niccacci, Alviero). 4052 Day, Linda Rhetoric and domestic violence in Ezekiel 16. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 205-230. 4053 Day, Peggy f.ynne Adulterous Jerusalem's imagined demise: death of a metaphor in Ezekiel xvi. VT 50 (2000) 285-309; 4054 The bitch had it coming to her: rhetoric and interpretation in Ezekiel 16. Bib!Interp 8 (2000) 231-254. 4055 Kamionkowski, S. Tarnar Gender ambiguity and subversive metaphor in Ezekiel 16. Diss. Brandeis 2000, 256 pp. 9967606. 4056 Lenchak, Timothy A. Puzzling passages: Ezek 16: 15. BiTod 38 (2000) 182. 4057 Bosset, Luc-Olivier Ezechiel 18,1-4.20-32: les peres ont mange du raisin vert. Lire et Dire 46 (2000) 13-21 [BuBB 31,81] [Ezek 18,1-4; 18,20-32]. 4058 Braulik, Georg Ezechiel und Deuteronomium: die "Sippenhaftung" in Ezechiel 18,20 und Deuteronomium 24, 16, unter Berücksichtigung von Jeremia 31,29-30 und 2 Könige 14,6. BZ 44 (2000) 206-232. 4059 Gosse, Bernard Le livre d'Ezechiel et Ex 6,2-8 dans le cadre du pentateuque. BN 104 (2000) 20-25 [Ezek 20]. 4060 Patton, Corrine L. 'Should your sister be treated like a whore?': a response to feminist critiques of Ezekiel 23; 4061 Odell, Margaret S. Genre and persona in Ezekiel 24:15-24. The book ofEzekiel. Symposium 9: 2000 :::::>4021. 221-238/195-219. 4062 Peels, Hendrik G. Een verbijsterend rouwverbod. ThRef 43/2 (2000) 65-71 [Ezek 24, 15-27]. 4063 Bidlack, Beth A. lmagery in Ezekiel's oracles against foreign nations and rulers (Ezekiel 25-32). Diss. Boston Univ. 2000, 408 pp . 9965667. 4064 Renz, Thomas Proclaiming the future: history and theology in prophecies against Tyre. Ment. Plutarch. TynB 51 (2000) 17-58 [Ezek 2628].
4065 4066 4067 4068 4069
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
Ulrich, De an Dissonant prophecy in Ezekiel 26 and 29. BBR 10 (2000) 121-141. Anderson, Gary A. Ezekiel 28, the fall of Satan, and the Adam books. Literature on Adam and Eve. SVTP 15:'2000 =>346. 133-147. Ebach, Jürgen Ezchiels Auferstehungsvision (Ez 37). BiKi 55 (2000) 120-126. Andresen, Dieter Bibelarbeit zu Ezechiel 37,1-14. TeKo 23/2 (2000) 15-30. Rudnig, Thilo Alexander Heilig und profan:. redaktionskritische Studien zu Ez '10-'18. BZAW 287: B 2000, De Gruyter xiii; 411 pp. €116.58. 3-11-016638-0 Bibi. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 653-654. Stevenson, Kalinda Rose Vision of transformation: the territorial rhetoric ofEzekiel 40-48. SBL.DS 154: 1996 =>12,3585 ... 14,3573. RJNES 59 (:2000) )!>-.S6 (Halverson, Jan Wiersma); Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 443-444 (Larkin, Katrina). Tuell, Steven The rivers of paradise: Ezekiel 47:1-12 and Genesis 2:10-14. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 171-189.
E9. l Apocalyptica VT 4072 Abadie, Philippe L'apocalyptique juive. CEv.S 112 (2000) 5-12. 4073 Agus, Aharon R.E. Innere Zeit und apokalyptische Zeit. Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: 2000 =>497. 87-111. 4074 Asurmendi, Jesus M Daniel y la apocaliptica: la apocaliptica. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 =>287. 521-542. 4075 Barash, Moshe Apocalyptic space. Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: 2000 =>497. 306-326. 4076 Bedenbender, Andreas Der Gott der Welt tritt auf den Sinai: Entstehung, Entwicklung und Funktionsweise der frühjüdischen Apokalyptik. ANTZ 8: B 2000, Institut Kirche und Judentum 310 pp. €15.24. 3-923095-90-2. Bibi. 4077 Cohn, Norman Cosmos, chaos et le monde qui vient: du mythe du combat a l'eschatologie. TTorcijman, Gil/es P 2000, Allia 375 pp. 4078 Collins, John Joseph Apocalypticism in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1997 =>13,3751; 14,3580. RDSD 7 (2000) 115-121 (Fuller, Michael E.); 4079 The apocalyptic imagination: an introduction to Jewish apocalyptic literature. 2 1998 =>ltl,3581; 15,3952. RAnton. 75 (2000) 555-556 (Nobile, Marco). 4080 Koenen, Klaus; Kühschelm, Roman Zeitenwende: Perspektiven des Alten und Neuen Testaments. 1999 =>15,3957. REstTrin 34 (2000) 335-337 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime).
E9. l Old Testament Apocalyptic
4081 Nanz, Christian Der Blick in den geöffneten Himmel: Wege zum Verständnis der apokalyptischen Bildersprache. rhs 43 (2000) 234241. 4082 Niemand, Christoph Wie apokalyptisch ist das Christentum?: Apokalyptik im Frühjudentum, bei Jesus und in der Urkirche. Der Mythos der Zahl. 2000 =>517. 12-26. 4083 O'Leary, Stephen D. When prophecy fails and when it succeeds: apocalyptic prediction and the re-entry into ordinary time. Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: 2000 =>497. 341-362. 4084 Oswalt, John N. Recent studies in Old Testament apocalyptic. The face of OT studies. 2000 =>230. 369-390. 4085 Schmidt, Thomas Das Ende der Zeit: Mythos und Methaphorik als Fundamente einer Hermeneutik biblischer Eschatologie. BBB 109: 1996 =>12,3604. RThRv 96 (2000) 473-475 (Nanz, Christian). 4086 VanderKam, James C. The prophetic-sapiential origins of apocalyptic thought. From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62 (2000) 241254. 4087 Walter, Michael 'Revelation' and 'story' in Jewish and Christian apocalyptic. Revelation and story. 2000 =>376. 127-144. 4088 Zillhardt, Marc "Et ibidem vidi alias mulieres pendentes „. ": avatars de la figure apocalyptique de la mauvaise mere. RHPhR 80 (2000) 187-197.
E9.2 Daniel: textus, commentarii: themata, versiculi 4089 Eßonwetsch, Georg Nathanael Hippolyt Werke: v.1,1: Kommentar zu Daniel. ERichard, Marcel GCS N.F. 7: B 2000, Akademie xlvii; 408 pp. 3-05-003456-4 2. 4090 Haag, Ernst Daniele. L' Antico Testamento commentato: Brescia 2000, Morcelliana 132 pp. €12.91, 88-372-1761-7. 4091 Jenner, K.D. The unit delimitation in the Syriac text ofDaniel and its consequences for the interpretation. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 =>283. 105-129. 4092 Koch, Klaus Europa, Rom und der Kaiser vor dem Hintergrund von zwei Jahrtausenden Rezeption des Buches Daniel. 1997 =>13,3781; 14,3600. RHZ 270 (2000) 121-126 (Stahl, Michael). 4093 Koch, Klaus; Rösel, Martin Polyglottensynopse zum Buch Daniel. Neuk 2000, Neuk (4) J22 pp. €101..24 3·7887·1741·6. 4094 Marion, Denis Le livre de Daniel. EeV.P 110 (2000) 17-23, 54-59. 4095 Schmitt, Armin Die griechischen Danieltexte ('th' und o') und das Theodotionproblem;
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4096 Die Danieltexte aus Qumran und der masoretische Text (M). Der Gegenwart verpflichtet. BZAW 292: 2000 =:>207. 47-75/124-142. Steck, 0. Buch Baruch ... Zusätze zu„~Daniel 1998 =:>3024. 4097 EThompson, J. David A critical concordance to the Septuagint: Daniel. The Computer Bible 77,1-2: Lewiston 2000, Mellen 2 vols. 0-7734-4003-8/5-4. 4098 Asurmendi, Jesus M Daniel y la apocaliptica: el libro de Daniel. Historia, narrativa, apocaliptica. 2000 =:>287. 481-519. 4099 Azzam, Jean Daniel ou le dechiffrement d'une souffrance devenue excessive: tout le monde souffre. Extr. Diss. Pont. Ist. Biblico 1991, 0 vanni, Ugo R 2000. 4100 Bakon, Shimon Daniel. JBQ 28 (2000) 156-162. 4101 Gianto, Agustinus Sejarah, apokaliptik, dan kebijaksanaan Daniel [History, apocalyptics, and wisdom thinking in Daniel]. Forum Biblika 12 (2000) 3-9 [AcBib 10,801]. 4102 Koorevaar, Hendrik J. Beltschazzars Sprache: der Wechsel von Hebräisch zu Aramäisch im Buch Daniel (Teil 2). JETh 14 (2000) 3562. 4103 Lucas, E.C. Daniel: resolving the enigma. VT 50 (2000) 66-80. · 4104 Martin de Vivies, Pierre de Apocalypses et cosmologie du salut. Diss. Sorbonne 2000, 0 Blanchard, Yves-Marie P 2000, 552 pp. RRlCP 76 (2000) 188-191 (Blanc:hard, Yves-Marie). 4105 Ne/, Marius; Human, D.J. Die Danielboek: enkele inleidingsprobleme vanuit 'n laat datering. OTEs 13 (2000) 293-308. 4106 Olyan, Saul M. A thousand thousand served him: exegesis and the naming of angels in ancient Judaism. TSAJ 36: 1993 =:>9,2205 ... 13, 3786. RRdQ 75 (2000) 457-459 (Puech, Emile). 4107 Pae, Chong Hun The 'Book ofWatchers' and the 'Book ofDaniel': apocalypses engaged in the interpretation of the canonical torah. Diss. Graduate Theol. Union 2000, 262 pp. 9969459. 4108 Shepherd, David mn qdm: deferential treatment in Biblical Aramaic and the Qumran Targum ofJob?. VT 50 (2000) 401-404. 4109 Stuckenbruck, L. T. The book of Daniel and the Dead Sea scrolls: the making and remaking of the biblical tradition. Tue Hebrew Bible and Qumran. 2000 =:>459. 135-171. 4110 Van Deventer, Hans The end of the end or, What is the Deuteronomist (still) doing in Daniel?. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 =:> 482. 62-75; 4111 Die spel gaan voort: in gesprek met prof 1 J J Spangenberg. OTEs 13 (2000) 380-395. 4112 Wilson, Robert R. Creation and new creation: the role of creation imagery in the book ofDaniel. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =:>115. 190-203.
E9.2 Daniel
4113 Arnold, Bill T. Word play and characterization in Daniel 1. Puns. 2000 =>1338. 231-248. 4114 Di Lella, Alexander A. EI libro de Daniel (1-6). Tlargo Domfnguez, P. Guia Espiritual del AT: M 2000, Ciudad N. 187 pp. €45.86. 8489651- RTE 44 (2000) 350-351 (Garcia Santos, Angel). 4115 Koch, Klaus Die Winde des Himmels über dem Völkermeer (Dan 7, lt): Schöpfung oder Chaos? FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 =>106. 46-55 [Dn 2]. 4116 Keel, Othmar Die Tiere und der Mensch in Daniel 7. Hellenismus und Judentum. OBO 178: 2000 =>280. 1-35 [Dn 4-5]. 4117 Eggler, Jürg Influences and traditions underlying the vision of Daniel 7:2-14: the research history from the end ofthe 19th century to the present. OBO 177: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. vii; 143 pp. 3-525-53991-6. Bibl. 115-130. 4118 Staub, Urs Das Tier mit den Hömem: ein Beitrag zu Dan 7,7f. Hellenismus und Judentum. OBO 178: 2000 =>280. 37-85. 4119 Kratz, Reinhard G. Die Visionen des Daniel. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 =>110. 219-236 [Dn 8-12]. 4120 Redditt, Paul L. Daniel 9: its structurc and meaning. CBQ 62 (2000) 236-249. 4121 Shea, William H. Cuando comenzaron la setenta semanas de Daniel 9:24?. Theologika 15 (2000) 122-155. 4122 Stevens, Daniel E. Daniel 10 and the notion of territorial spirits. BS 157 (2000) 410-431. 4123 Wong, G.C.I. Faithful to the end: a pastoral reading ofDaniel 10-12. ET 110 (1998-1999) 109-113. 4124 Bailey, Daniel P. The intertextual relationship of Daniel 12:2 and lsaiah 26:19: evidence from Qumran and the Greek versions. TynB 51 (2000) 305-308. 4125 Fabre, Marie-Louise Suzanne ou les avatars d'un motif biblique: avec soixante dessins de Jean Fabre. P 2000, L'Harmattan 256 pp. €22.86 [RThPh 133,102s-Römer, Thomas] [Dn 13]. 4126 Wysny, Andreas Die Erzählungen von Bel und dem Drachen: Unter-' suchungen zu Dan 14: SBB 33: 1996 =>12,3646; 13,3812. RRBLit 1 (1999) 179-181 (Henze, Matthias).
E9.3 Prophetae Minores, Dödekaprophetön ...Hosea, Joel 4127 Coggins, Richard James Joel and Arnos. NCeB: Shf2000, Sheffield Academic xii; 170 pp. $17. 1-84127-095-4. Bibl. 4128 Tnominguez Garcia, Avelino San JERONIMO: Obras completas, Illa: comentarios a los Profetas Menores. M 2000, BAC 949 pp. €33.52. 84-7914-491-2. Edici6n bilingüe: introd., trad., notas.
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4129 Ego, Beate The repentance of Nineveh in the story of Jonah and Nahum's prophecy of the city's destruction: aggadic solutions for an exegetical problem in the book of the Twelve. SBL.SP 2000. SBL. SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 243-253. 4130 Floyd, Michael H. Minor prophets, part 2. FOTL 22: GR 2000, Eerdmans xviii; 651 pp. 4131 Gerstenberger, Erhard Psalms in the book of the Twelve: how misplaced are they?. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 254-262. 4132 Guenther, Allen Hosea, Arnos. Believers Church Bible Commentary: 1998 =>14,3622. RcBQ 62 (2000) 326-327 (Starbuck, Scott R.A.). 4133 House, Paul R. The character of God in the book of the Twelve. Reading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =>4127. 125-145. 4134 Jaruzelska, lzabela The officials in the kingdom of Israel in the t::ighth 12,3669 ... 14,3624. RRBLit 1 (1999) 156-157 (Begg, Christopher). 4136 Jones, Bany A. The book ofthe Twelve as a witness to ancient biblical interpretation Reading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =>4127. 65-74. 4137 McComiskey., Thomas Edward The minor prophets, 3: Zephaniah, Haggai, Zcchariah, and Malachi. 1998 =>14,3627; 15,4004. RHebStud 41(2000)295-297 (Androphy, Ronald L.). 4138 Mondini, Umberto Introduction to the Minor Prophets, v.1: Hosea, Joel, Arnos, Obadiah; v.2: Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk. R 2000, Universitas Intemationalis Studiorum Superiorum "Pro Deo". 4139 Neef, Heinz-Dieter JHWH und die Völker: Beobachtungen zur Theologie der Bücher Nahum, Habakuk, Zephanja. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 8291. 4140 ENogalski, James; Sweeney, Marvin Alan Reading and hearing the Book ofthe Twelve. SBL Symposium 15: Atlanta, GA 2000, Society ofBiblical Literature xviii; 235 pp. $40. 0-88414-021-0. 4141 Petersen, David L. A book of the Twelve?. Reading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =>4127. 3-10. 4142 Petersen, David L. The world of creation in the book ofthe Twelve. FTOWNER, W. 2000 =>115. 204-214. 4143 Redditt, Paul L. The production and reading of the book of the Twelve. Reading and hearing. Symposium 15: 2000 =>4127. 11-33. 4144 Rendtorff, RolfHow to read the book ofthe Twelve as theological unity. Reading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =>4127. 75-87. 4145 Scaiola, Donatella 11 libro dei dodici profeti minori nell'esegesi contemporanea: status quaestionis. RivBib 48 (2000) 319-334.
E9.3 Dodekapropheton
4146 Schart, Aaron Reconstructing the redaction history of the twelve prophets: problems and models. Reading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =>4140. 34-48. 4147 ESgargi, Giorgio Gioele, Arnos, Abdia: versione ufficiale italiana confrontata con ebraico masoretico, greco dei Settanta, siriaco della Peshitta, latino della Vulgata; Targum Jonathan. BIBLIA. AT 32-34: 1998 =>14,3632. RCBQ 62 (2000) 339-340 (Pisano, Stephen). 4148 Tslavitt, David R. The book of the Twelve Prophets. Oxf 2000, OUP xv; 133 pp. f14. 0-19-513214-9 [RB 104,639). 4149 Sweeney, Marvin A. Sequence and interpretation in the book of the Twelve. Reading and hearing. Symposiwn 15: 2000 -->4140. 49-64. 4150 Sweeney, Marvin A. The Twelve Prophets, 1: Hosea ... Jonah; 2,: Micah ... Malachi. Berit Olam: ColMn 2000, Liturgical 2 vols; xlii; 802 pp. $90. 0-8146-5095-3/1-0. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 654-656. 4151 Watts, John D. W. Superscriptions and incipits in the book of the Twt:lve. Reading and hearing. Symposium 1.S: 2000 -?4140. 110-24. 4152 Wendland, Ernst R. The discourse analysis of Hehrew prophetk literature: determining lhe larger textual units of Hosea and Joel. 1995 :::>14,3646. ROTEs 13 (2000) 131-133 (Kruger, P.A.). 4153 Yu, Kyu-Sang Die Entstehungsgeschichte des 'Dodekapropheton' und sein Kanonisierungsprozess. Diss. Mil 2000, 0 Baltzer, K. 325 pp. [RTL 32,599). 4154 Braaten, Laurie J. God sows the land: Hosea's place in the book of the Twelve. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 218-242. 4155 Bulgarelli, Valentino L'immagine della rugiada nel libro di Osea: uso molteplice di una figura nella bibbia ebraica e nella Settanta. Diss. Angelicum 2000, 0 Agius, J. 196 pp. [RTL 32,594). 4156 Carew, M. Douglas To know and not to know: Hosea's knowledge in discourse perspective. Diss. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School 2000, 306 pp. 9963189. 4157 Dozeman, Thomas B. Hosea and the wildemess wandering tradition. FyAN SETERS, J. BZAW 294: 2000 =>117. 55-70. 4158 Fuß, Barbara "Dies ist die Zeit, von der geschrieben ist. .. ": die expliziten Zitate aus dem Buch Hosea in den Handschriften von Qumran und im Neuen Testament. Diss. Mü 2000, 0 Gnilka, J. NTA 37: Müns 2000, Aschendorffxiii; 299 pp. €44.99. 34020-47853. Bibi. 4159 Hacham, Noah i1~)! [Response to Shclomo Morag, 'The "Great metaphor" ofHosea]. Tarb. 69 (2000) 441-444 Sum. vi. H. 4160 Hentrich, Thomas Die Kritik Hoseas an der kanaanäischen Religion: eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Analyse. Diss. Montreal 2000, °Couturier, G. 301; xxxvii pp. [RTL 32,595; NQ52157].
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[VII. Libri prophetici VT
4161 Jeremias, Jörg Osea. TRonchi, Franco Anti eo Testamento 24/1: Brescia 2000, Paideia 276 pp. 88-394-0582-2. 4162 Lundbom, Jack R. Poetic structure and prophetic rhetoric in Hosea. Prophecy inthe Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 139-147. 4163 Macintosh, Andrew Alexander A critical and exegetical commentary on Hosea. ICC: 1997 =>13,3887„. 15,4021. RETR 75 (2000) 125-126 (Macchi, Jean-Daniel). 4164 Regt, Unart de A genre feature in biblical prophecy and the translator: person shift in Hosea. Past, present, future. OTS 44: 2000 => 482. 230-250. 4165 8018, Tcrcsu; Raurcll, Frcdcric Osens, teologia renovadora des d'u na hermeneutica d'amor. Bare 2000, Facultat de teologia de Catalunya 254 pp. 84-86065-64 [RB 104,639]. 4166 Vi?rmeylen, Jar.ques Osee 1 et les prophetes du VIIIe siecle. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 =>110. 193-206. '1167 GmN;in, Richurd Osee 1-3: un amour en proces. Lire et Dire 45 (2000) 15-23[BuBB 31,83]. 4168 Lanoir, Corinne Mariages, conflits et violences: les amours difficiles de Yhwh pour Israel. FV 99/4 (2000) 17-27 [Hos 1.3; Jer 3,1-15; Ezek 16; 23]. 4169 Martin, Francis Israel as the spouse of Yhwh: a story of sin and renewed love, Anthropotes 16 (2000) 129-154 [Hos 1-3]. 4170 Esiebert-Hommes, J. Hosea 1-3. Kampen 2000, Kok 120 pp. €13. 61. 90-242-6239-9. 4171 Watts, John D. W. A frame for the book ofthe Twelve: Hosea 1-3 and Malachi. Reading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =>4140. 209-217. 4172 Frisch, Arnos ;iN11;i ;'!Jllll.l-[17 ::i 'i;i] ';irmn' [';im:in' (Hosea 2: 17)an ambiguity. Tarb. 69 (2000) 445-447 Sum. vii. H. 4173 Dorn, Louis 0. ls Gomer the woman in Hosea 3?. BiTr 51 (2000) 424-430. 4174 Grätz, Sebastian Die vergebliche Suche nach Gott: traditions- und kompositionsgeschichtliche Überlegungen zu Herkunft und Funktion der Strafvorstellungen in Hos iv 1-vi 6. VT 50 (2000) 200-217. 4175 Cohn, Herbert King of princes: an exegesis of Hosea 8: 10. JBQ 28 (2000) 34-37. 4176 Lima, Maria de Lourdes Correa Salva~ao entre juizo, conversao a gra~a: a perspectiva escatol6gica de Os 14,2-9 [Salvation within judgment: conversion and grace: the eschatological perspective in Hos 14,2-9]. TGr.T 35: 1998 =>14,3663. IlThLZ 125 (2000) 605-607 (Bons, Eberhard).
E9.3 Dodekapropheton
4177 Oestreich, Bernhard Metaphors and similes for Y ahweh in Hosea 14:2-9 (1-8): a study of Hoseanic pictorial language. 1998 =>14, 3664. RBib. 81 (2000) 583-585 (Eidevall, Göran). 4178 Wagenaar, Jan A. "I will testify against them and challenge them": text and interpretation ofHosea 14:9. JNSL 26/2 (2000) 127-134. 4179 Meinhold. Arndt Zur Rolle des Tag-JHWHs-Gedichts Joel 2, 1-11 im XII-Propheten-Buch. FSCHMIDT, w. 2000 =>107. 207-223. 4180 Nogalski, James D. Joel as "literary anchor" for the book of the Twelve. Reading and hearing. Symposium 15: 2000 =>4140. 91-109. 4181 Wacker, Marie-Theres Gottes Groll, Gottes Güte und Gottes Gerechtigkeit nach dem Joel-Buch. Das Drama der Barmherzigkeit. SBS 183: 2000 =>329. 107-124.
E9.4 Arnos
4182 Andrew, ME. Places, times and identities in the book of Arnos. AJTh 14 (2000) 328-344. 4183 Barriocanal G6mez, Jose Luis La ubicaci6n de la tradici6n del Exodo en el libro de Am6s. Burg. 41(2000)327-344. 4184 Barriocanal G6mez, Jose Luis La relectura de la tradici6n del Exodo en el libro de Am6s. Diss. Gregoriana, 0 Simian-Yofre, Horacio TGr.T 58: R2000, E.P.U.G. 327 pp. €17. 88-7652-852-0. 4185 Brueggemann, Walter Arnos' intercessory formula. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 41-55. 4186 Carroll R., M Daniel 'For so you love to do': probing popular religion in the book of Arnos. Rethinking contexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 168-189. Guenther, A. Hosea, Arnos 1998 =>4132. 4187 Jaruzelska, Izabela Arnos and the officialdom in the Kingdom oflsrael: the socio-economic position of the officials in the light of the biblical, the epigraphic and archaeological evidence. 1998 => 14, 3680. RCBQ 62 (2000) 327-328 (Dearman, J. Andrew). 4188 Jeremias, Jörg The book of Arnos: a commentary. OTL: 1998 =>14, 3674. RJnterp. 54 (2000) 304-305 (Tucker, Gene M); RBLit 2 (2000) 245-248 (Linvil/e, James R.); 4189 Arnos. TRonchi, Franco Antico Testamento ?.417: Rrnscia ?000, Paideia 229 pp. €W.66. 88-394-0591-7. 4190 JobUng, Vavid; Loewen, Nathan Sketches for earth readings of the book of Arnos. Readings. 2000 =>270. 72-85.
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Möller, Karl "Hear this word against you": a fresh look at the arrangement and the rhetorical strategy of the book of Arnos. VT 50 (2000) 499-518 [Arnos 3]. 4192 Rottzoll, Dirk U. Studien zur Redaktion und Komposition des Amosbuchs. BZAW 243: 1996 ::::>12,3716; 14,3687. RRBLit 1 (1999) 158-159 (Biddle, Mark E.). 4193 Schart, Aaron Die Entstehung des Zwölfprophetenbuchs: Neubearbeitungen von Arnos im Rahmen schriftenübergreifender Redaktionsprozesse. BZAW 260: 1998 ::::>14,3689; 15,4060. RRBLit 1 (1999) 32-37 (Sweeney, Marvin A.); ETR 75 (2000) 126-128 (Vincent, Jean Marcel).
4194 Linville, James R. What does 'lt' mean?: interpretation at the point of no return in Arnos 1-2. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 400-424. 4195 Fischer, Charis Studie zur Eigenart und Intention der Fremdvölkersprtlche in Am 1,3-2,3.4fund Jes 13,1-16,14. Diss. Augsburg 2000/ 01, °Ki!ian, R. [ThRv 98/4, iii]. 4196 Thiel, Winfried Arnos 2,6-8 und der Einfluß Hoseas auf die AmosTraditionen. FSCHMIDT, w. 2000 ::::>107. 385-397. 4197 Linville, James R. Arnos among the "dead prophets society": rereading the lion's roar. JSOT 90 (2000) 55-77. 4198 Simian-Yofre, Horacio Arnos 5,4-6.14-15 nel libro dei Dodici Profeti. FRocco, B. 2000 ::::> 101. 73-87. 4199 Opocenska, Jana Wie ein Strom, der nie austrocknet: Arnos 5,21-24. JK 61(2000)101-104. 4200 Bergler, Siegfried "Auf der Mauer-auf dem Altar": noch einmal die Visionen des Arnos. VT 50 (2000) 445-471 [Arnos 7-9]. 4201 Chung, Hyun Jun Die theologische Botschaft des Visionszyklus in der Amosschrift. Diss. Mainz 2000/01, 0 Zwickel, W. [ThRv 98/4, x] [Arnos 7-9]. 4202 Hermanson, Eric A. Translating the vision of Arnos 7.7-8. BiTr 51 (2000) 440-444. 4203 Vincent, Jean M "Visionnaire, va-t'en!": interpretation d'Amos 7/1017 dans son contexte. ETR 75 (2000) 229-250. 4204 Werlitz, Jürgen Arnos und sein Biograph: zur Entstehung und Intention der Prophetenerzählung Am 7, 10-17. BZ 44 (2000) 233-251. 4205 Brueggemann, Walter Exodus in the plural (Arnos 9:7). Texts that linger. 2000 ::::>138. 89-103. 4206 Halter, Knut ls Israel worth more to God than Cush?: an interpretation of Arnos 9:7. Yahweh in Africa. 2000 ::::>175. 115-125.
E9.5 Jonah
E9.5 Jonas
4207 Auneau, Joseph Un conte theologique et satirique. CEv.S 110 (2000) 5-IO. 4208 Avril, Anne-Catherine Les donnees rabbiniques. CEv.S 110 (2000) 2I-48. 4209 Avril, Anne-Catherine, al., Jonas: un conte theologique. CEv.S 110: P 2000, Cerf 13I pp. €9.I4. 42IO Beck, Bruce Neil 'You lifted me up from the pit alive': exegetical and theological trajectories from the book of Jonah in Jewish and Christian sources. Diss. Harvard 2000 249 pp. 997052 I. 4211 Berger, Benjamin Lyle Picturing the prophet: focalization in the book of Jonah. SR 29 (2000) 55-68 Sum., Res. 55. 42I2 Bayer, Frederic Jonas dans la litterature moderne, ou l'evangile de Ia baleine. CEv.S I 10 (2000) I I5-124. 42I3 Chow, Simon The sign of Jonah reconsidered; a study ofits meaning in the gospel traditions. CB.NT 27: I995, => 11/I,3092 ... 13,3886. RRBLit I (I999) 233-235 (Matson, Mark A.) [Mt 12,39-41; Lk I I,29-32]. 42I4 Dahan, Gilbert L'exegese medievale du livre de Jonas. CEv.S 110 (2000) 91-100. 42I5 Declais, Jean-Louis Jonas en Islam: une exception chez les prophetes. CEv.S 110 (2000) 85-90. 42 I 6 Hyman, Ronald T. Thoughts on an allegorical reading of Jonah. JBQ 28 (2000) I43-I45. 42 I 7 Koenen, Klaus Biblisch-theologische Überlegungen zum Jonabuch. ZNT 6 (2000) 3 I-39. 42I8 Lenchak, Timothy A. God in the book of Jonah. BiTod 38 (2000) 206-210. 42I9 Levine, Etan Reopening the case of Jonah vs. God. Heaven and earth. BZAW 303: 2000 :::>I79. 67-96. 4220 Mora, Vincent Jonas. CB: Fatima 2000, Biblica 60 pp. 422 I Sherwood, Yvonne A biblical text and its afterlives: the survival of Jonah in westem culture. C 2000, Univ. Pr. xii; 32I pp. $64/25. 052I-79I74-X/56I-3. Bibi. 293-3I4. 4222 Sion, Daniele Explications voltairiennes. CEv.S II 0 (2000) 105-1I0. 4223 Stamp, Richard Jonah: the wayward dove: a new look at an old prophet. ET I 1 I (1999-2000) 80-82. 4224 Steffen, Uwe Die Jona-Geschichte: Darstellungen aus achtzehn Jahrhunderten. Mün. 53/I (2000) 2-15. 4225 Varoqui, Jacques L'apologue de Jonas: un antique exemple d'inculturation chretienne. NZM 56 (2000) 8I-95.
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4226 Villey, Lucile La lecture des Peres. CEv.S 110 (2000) 49-79. 4227 Weimar, Peter Eine Geschichte, die mit einer Frage endet: die literarische Eigenart der Jonaerzählung (Teil l); 4228 Eine Geschichte, die ein Rätsel aufgibt: literarische und kompositorische Gestaltung der Jonaerzählung (Teil 2); 4229 Eine Geschichte, die voller Anspielungen ist: literarisch-theologisches Profil der Jonaerzählung (Teil 3); 4230 Eine Geschichte, die dem Rätsel von der Barmherzigkeit Gottes nachspüren will: theologische Aspekte der Jonaerzählung (Teil 4). BiLi 73 (2000) 54-59/129-136/183-188/240-246. 4231 Mulzer, Martin spjnh (Jona 1,5) "(gedeckter) Laderaum". BN 104 (2000) 83-94. 4232 Mutius, Hans-Georg von Eine nichtmasoretische Lesung in Jona 1,5 bei Ahraham Bar Chijja von Barcelona (11./12.Jrh.). BN 105 (2000) 12-15. 4233 Opgen-Rhein, Hermann J. Jonapsalm und Jonabuch: Sprachgestalt, Entstehungsgeschichte und Kontextbedeutung von Jona 2. SBB 38: 1997 => 13,3904. RRBLit 2 (2000) 248-250 (Hauser, Alan J. ). 4234 Farmer, David Albert Jonah 3-4. Interp. 54 (2000) 63-65. 4235 Kahn, Pinchas The epilogue to Jonah. JBQ 28 (2000) 146-155 [Jonah 4]. 4236 Ilöffken, Peter Das Ende des Jonabuches: eine Anmerkung zu Jona 4, 11. ThZ 56 (2000) 289-297.
E9.6 Micheas, Micah 4237 Andersen, Francis I.; Freedman, David Noel Micah: a ncw translation with introduction and commentary. AncB 24E: NY 2000, Doubleday xxv; 637 pp. $42.80. 0-385-08402-1. 4238 Ben Zvi, Ehud Micah. FOTL 21B: GR 2000, Eerdmans xvi; 189 pp. $35/±:24. 0-8028-4599-1. 4239 Biddle, Mark E. "Israel" and "Jacob" in the book ofMicah: Micah in the context ofthe Twelve; 4240 Cuffey, Kenneth H. Remnant, redactor, and biblical theologian: a comparative study of coherence in Micah and the Twelve. Rcading and hearing. SBL Symposium 15: 2000 =~4127. 146-165/185-208. 4241 Kessler, Rainer Zwischen Tempel und Tora: das Michabuch im Diskurs der Pernerzeit. BZ 44 (2000) 21-36. 4242 Kessler, Rainer Micha. HThK.AT: 1999 =>15,4097. REstAg 35 (2000) 398-399 (Mielgo, C.); RBBras 17/4 (2000) 657-658.
E9.6 Micah
4243 McKane, William The book of Micah: introduction and commentary. 1998 ::::>14,3713; 15,4100. RBz 44 (2000) 298-300 (Kessler, Rainer); EvQ 72 (2000) 273-274 (Bodner, Keith); RBLit 2 (2000) 23-31 (Wagenaar, Jan A.). 4244 Van der Woude, A.S. Micah in dispute with the pseudo-prophets. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 ::::>3742. 24-40. 4245 Wood, Joyce Rilett Speech and action in Micah's prophecy. CBQ 62 (2000) 645-662. 4246 Zapff, Burkard M. Redaktionsgeschichtliche Studien zum Michabuch im Kontext des Dodekapropheton. BZAW 256: 1997 ::::>13, 3908; 15,4105. RJHR 75 (2000) 129Ml30 (Vincent. Jean Marcel); RBLit 1(1999)27-32 (Sweeney, Marvin A.). 4247 Strydom, J.G. Being a prophet in the new South Africa: can we learn from the Old Testament prophets?. OTEs 13 (2000) 103-118 [Mic 25]. 4248 Wagenaar, Jan A. "From Edom he went up ... ": some remarks on the text and interpretation ofMicah ii 12-13. VT 50 (2000) 531-539. 4249 Jeremias, Jörg Tradition und Redaktion in Micha 3. FSCHMIDT, W. 2000 ::::>107. 137-151. 4250 Barthel, Jörg Ein Himmel, der nach Erde riecht: Exegetisches und Besinnliches zu Micha 4,1-5. ThFPr 26/l (2000) 62-78. 4251 Wessels, WJ. Cheating at the market place-impressions from Micah 6:9-16. SeK 21(2000)406-415. Sum. 406. 4252 Moor, Johannes C. de Micah 7:1-13: the lament of a disillusioned prophet. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 ::::>283. 149-196.
E9.7 Abdias, Sophonias ...Obadiah, Zephaniah, Nahum 4253 Ben Zvi, Ehud A historical-critical study of the book of Obadiah. BZAW 242: 1996 =:>12,3781... 15,4111. RRBLit 1 (1999) 160-161 (Watts, John D. W). 4254 Raabe, Paul R. Obadiah. AncB 24D: 1996 ::::>12,3784. Rfirmana 24 (2000) 147-149 (Nepi, Antonio). 4255 Renkema, Johan The literary structure of Obadiah. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 ::::>283. 230-276; 4256 Data relevant to the dating of the prophecy of Obadiah. Past, present, futme. OTS 44: 2000 ::::>482. 251-262. 4257 Bcrncking, Steven W. From sounds of wailing to songs of joy: a textual-rhetorical analysis of the Masoretic Text and Septuagint of Zephaniah. Diss. Union Theol. Seminary 2000, 348 pp. 9965267.
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4258 Pinker, Aron The book of Zephaniah: allusions to the tower of Babel. JBQ 28 (2000) 3-11 4259 Ruthofer, Andreas Zefanja und die Reform König Joschijas. Diss. Wien 2000/01, 0 Brau/ik, G. [ThRv 98/4, xv]. 4260 Striek, Marco Das vordeuteronomistische Zephanjabuch. BET 29: 1999 =>15,4123. RJThS 51(2000)611-613 (Mason, Rex). 4261 Snyman, S.D. In search oftradition material in Zephaniah 1:7-13. Acta Theologica 20/2 (2000) 111-121; 4262 Violence and deceit in Zephaniah 1:9. OTEs 13 (2000) 89-102. 4263 Nogalski, James D. Zephaniah 3: a redactional text for a developing corpus. FSTECK, 0. BZAW 300: 2000 =:>110. 207-218. 4264 Curtis, Byron G. The Zion-daughter oracles: evidence on the identity and ideology ofthe late redactors ofthe book ofthe Twelve. Reading and hearing. Symposium 15: 2000 =:>4127. 166-184 [Zeph 3, 14-20]. 4265 Karns/er, Harold Nahum: the little-known prophet. JBQ 28 (2000) 182-184.
E9.8 Habacuc, Habakkuk 4266 Bellis, Alice Ogden Habakkuk 2:4b: intertextuality and hermcncutics. Jews, Christians. SBL Symposium 8: 2000 =:>237. 369-385. 4267 Sweeney, Marvin A. Structure, genre, and intent in the book of Habakkuk. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =:>3742. 224-44. 4268 Van der Kooij, Arie Textual witnesses to the Hebrew Bible and the history of reception: the case of Habakkuk 1:11-12. Die Texlfunde vom Toten Meer. 2000 =>1516. 91-108.
E9.9 Aggaeus, Haggai-Zacharias, Zechariah-Malachias, Malachi 4269 Boda, Mark J. Haggai: master rhetorician. TynB 51 (2000) 295-304. 4270 Mason, R.A. The purpose ofthe 'editorial framework' ofthe book of Haggai. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =:>3742. 115123. 4271 Van Amerongen, Marianne Structuring division markers in Haggai. Delimitation criticism. Pericope 1: 2000 =:>283. 51-79. 4272 Conrad, Edgar W. Zechariah. 1999 =:>15,4141. RETR 75 (2000) 130-131 (Vincent, Jean Marce/); Pacifica 13 (2000) 213-215 (Hili,
E9.9 Zechariah, Malachi
4273 4274
4275 4276 4277 4278 4279 4280 4281
John); ThLZ 125 (2000) 1136-1138 (Präcke/, Tilmann); CBQ 62 (2000) 515-516 (Cook, Stephen L.); ANESt 37 (2000) 229-240 (Andersen, Francis /. ). De/kurt, Holger Sacharja und der Kult. FSCI-IMIDT, W. 2000 =>107. 27-39. Delkurt, Holger Sacharjas Nachtgesichte: zur Aufnahme und Abwandlung prophetischer Traditionen. BZA W 302: B 2000, De Gruyter (8) 364 pp. 3-11-016934-7. Bibi. [Zech 1,7-6,08]. Mason, Rex A response to Al Wolters. Renewing biblical interpretation. 2000 ::>453. 118-122. Moseman, R.D. Reading the two Zechariahs as one. RExp 97 (2000) 487-498. Petersen, David L. Zechariah's visions: a theological perspective. Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible. 2000 =>3742. 188-199. Pola, Thomas W.W. Die Bedeutung des Priestertums bei Sacharja. Diss.-Habil. Tübingen 2000, DJanowski, B. [RTL 32,597]. Rossi, Luiz Alexandre Solano Corno ler o livro de Zacarias; Säo Paulo 2000, Paulus 52 pp [REB 240,1022]. Walters, Al Confessional criticism and the night visions ofZechariah. Renewing biblical interpretation. 2000 ::>453. 90-117; Word play in Zechariah. Puns. 2000 ::>1338. 223-230.
4282 Lajfey, Alice L. Zechariah 1: a vision of compassion; 4283 Hoppe, Leslie J. Zechariah 3: a vision of forgiveness. BiTod 38 (2000) 4-9/10-16. 4284 VanderKam, James C. Joshua the high priest and the interpretation of Zechariah 3 From revelation to canon. JSJ.S 62: 2000 => 221. 157-176. 4285 Nash, Kathleen S. Zechariah 4: a vision of small beginnings. BiTod 38 (2000) 17-22. 4286 Rudman, Dominic Zechariah 5 and the priestly law. SJOT 14 (2000) 194-206. 4287 LaRocca-Pitts, Beth Zechariah 6: a vision ofpeace. BiTod 38 (2000) 23-27. 4288 Moseman, R. David Interpreting the dissonance and unity of Zechariah: a holistic reading with special attention to chapter 9. Diss. Baylor 2000, 243 pp. 9989159. 4289 Leske, Adrian M Context and meaning of Zechariah 9:9. CBQ 62 (2000) 663-678. 4290 Rudman, Dominic The warhorse ofthe Lord. JBQ 28 (2000) 163-168 [Zech 10,2-3]. 4291 Clark, David J. Discourse-driven exegesis: Zechariah 11,4-17. BiTr 50 (1999) 323-339.
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4292 Hili, Andrew E. Malachi. AncB 25D: 1998 =>14,3761; 15,4157. RTrinJ 21(2000)213-217 (Collins, C. John); Bib. 81(2000)122-124 (Redditt, Paul L.); EvQ 72 (2000) 171-172 (Bodner, Keith). 4293 Hugenberger, G.P. Marriage as a covenant: a study of biblical law and ethics goveming marriage, developed from the perspective of Malachi. VT.S 52: 1994 =>10,3795 ... 14,3762. RRBLit 1(1999)163165 (Hamilton, Mark W.). 4294 Meinhold, Arndt Maleachi. BK.AT 14/8: Neuk 2000, Neuk 80 pp. 3-7887-1715-7 Fase. 1: Kap. 1,1-2,9. 4295 Weyde, Karl W. Prophecy and teaching: prophetic authority, form problcms, and the use of traditions in the book of Malachi. BZAW 288: B 2000, De Gruyter xvii; 455 pp. €121.69. 3-1101-66925. Bibl. 4296 Redditt, Paul L. The God who loves an190. 30-40.
VIII. NT Exegesis generalis
Fl .1 New Testament introduction 4299 Baum, Armin Daniel Die Einleitung ins Neue Testament; 4300 Baumert, Manfred Die Wirkungsgeschichte als Zugang zwn Neuen Testament. Das Studium des NT, 2. 2000 :::>337. 87-118/291-313. 4301 Eßenetti, Santos La bibbia tematica, 2: Nuovo Testamento. 1996 => 13, 3957, RBen. 47 (2000) 257-258 (D'Arienzo, Matteo). 4302 Boismard, Marie-Emile A l'aube du christianisme: avant la naissance des dogmes. 1998 :::>14,3770. RJren. 73 (2000) 222-223. 4303 Brown, Raymond E. Que sait-on du Nouveau Testament?. TMignon, Jacques P 2000, Bayard 922 pp. €44.96. 2-227-35020-2. Pres. Pierre Deberge. RCEv 113 (2000) 72-73 (Runacher, Caroline); 4304 An introduction to the New Testament. 1997 :::>13,3961... 15,4168. RHeyJ 41 (2000) 97-98 (McNamara, Martin). 4305 Bruce, Frederick Fyvie The New Testament documents: are they reliable?. Leicester 2000, InterVarsity 154 pp. 0-85111-525-X. Bibi. 143-147.
Fl. l New Testament Introduction
4306 Conzelmann, Hands; Lindemann, Andreas Guide pour l'etude du Nouveau Testament. MoBi 39: 1999 =>15,693. RLTP 56 (2000) 151153 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). 4307 Court, John M. Reading the New Testament. New Testament Readings: 1997 =>13,3966; 14,3777. RRBLit 1 (1999) 209-211 (Graham, DavidJ.). 4308 Ecousin, Hugues, al., Le monde ou vivait Jesus. 1998 =>14,3778. RREJ 159/1-2 (2000) 289-291 (Mimouni, Simon C.); RHPhR 80 (2000) 303-304 (Grappe, Ch.); SR 29 (2000) 99-101 (Poirier, PaulHubert). 4309 Ehrmnn, Bart D. The New Testament: a historical introduction to the early christian writings. NY 22000, OUP xxix; 465 pp. 0-19512639-4. 4310 Ellis, Edward Earle The making of the New Testament documents. Bihl.Tnterp. 39: 1999 => 15,4171. RBz 44 (2000) 263-264 (Klauck, Hans-Josef). 4311 Elwell, Walter A.; Yarbrough, Robert W. Encow1tering the New Testament: a historical and theological survey. 1998 =>14,3782; 15, 4172. RPRSt 27 (2000) 353-358 (Ehrman, Bart D.). 4312 Garrison, Roman The Graeco-Roman context of early christian literature. JSNT.S 137: 1997 :::>13,3981... 15,4174. RRBLit 1 (1999) 414-416 (Maclean, Jennifer K. Berenson). 4313 Grayston, Kenneth The New Testament-which way in?. L 2000, Darton, Longrnan & Todd xii; 130 pp. 0-232-52388-6. 4314 Harrington, Daniel J. Who is Jesus?: why is he important?: an invitation to the New Testament. 1999 =>15,4175. RNewTR 13/4 (2000) 82-83 (Reid, Barbara E. ). 4315 Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm; Feldmeier, Reinhard Die Katholischen Briefe. Grundinformation NT UTB.W 2108: 2000 =>305. 315-345. 4316 Hurtado, L.W New Testament studies at the turn ofthe millennium: questions for the discip1ine. Evange1 18 (2000) 55-63. 4317 Jackson, Jerry Addison Show me Jesus!: a study ofthe gospels for new christians. Diss. United Theo!. Sem. 2000, 280 pp. 9967559. 4318 Johnson, Luke Timothy The writings of the New Testament: an interpretation. 2 1999 :::>15,4180. RRBLit 2 (2000) 329-331 (Gillman, Florence Morgan). 4319 Lohse, Eduard Umwelt des Neuen Testaments. Grundrisse zum Neuen Testament 1: Gö 102000, Vandenhoeck & R. 224 pp. 3-52551360-7. 4320 Lopez Vigil, Jose Ignacio; Vigil, Maria Lopez The scandalous gospel of Jesus ofNazareth, 1: a people starving for love. TongtangeoRegala, TrinidadNY 2000, Crossroad xiv; 369 pp. $19.
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[VIII, Exegesis Generalis NT
4321 EMainville, Odette Ecrits et milieu du Nouveau Testament: une introduction. 1999 => 15,4182. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 341-349 (Dionne, Christian); SR 29 (2000) 499-500 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). 4322 EMarguerat, Daniel L. Introduction au Nouveau Testament: son histoire, son ecriture, sa theologie. MoBi 41: Geneve 2000, Labor et Fides 489 pp. FS60. 2-8309-0941-0. 4323 McDonald, Lee Martin; Porter, Stanley E. Early christianity and its sacred literature. Peabody 2000, Hendrickson xxvii; 708 pp. $40. 1-56563-266-4. 4324 Meiser, Martin, al., Neues Testament-Kirchengeschichte: ein Arbeitsbuch. Proseminar 2: Stu 2000, Kohlhammcr 317 pp. €18.30 [NThAR 2000,124]. 4325 Nodet, Etienne; Taylor, Justin The origins of christianity: an exploration. 1998 ::::>14,3803; 15,4185. RTS 61 (2000) 556-558 (McGowan, Andrew B. ). 4326 Omodeo, Adolfo Storia delle origini cristiane, 1: Gesu, 2: Prolegomeni alla storia dell'eta apostolica, 3: Paolo di Tarso apostolo delle genti. lstituto italiano per gli studi storici, ristampe anastatiche 13: Bo 2000 , Mulino xli; 452; viii; 445; viii; 444 pp [RSLR 37,347ss-Bolgiani, Franco]. 4327 Piiiero, Antonio; Pelaez, Jesus EI Nuevo Testamento: introducci6n al estudio de los primeros escritos cristianos. En los origenes del cristianismo 8: 1995 ::::>11/2,2182; 12,3899. RNT 42 (2000) 100-101 (Silva, Maises). 4328 Ryder, Andrew Following Christ: models of discipleship in the New Testament. 1999 ::::>15,8081. RNewTR 13/4 (2000) 83-84 (Osiek, Carolyn). 4329 Sicre, Josc Luis EI cuadrante: introducci6n a los evangelios. 19961999 3 vols ::::>15,5778. REccl(R) 14 (2000) 543-545 (Izquierdo, A.). 4330 Tarazi, Paul Nadim Tue New Testament: introduction, 1: Paul and Mark. Crestwood, NY 2000, St Vladimir Seminary Pr. 249 pp. 4331 Theissen, Gerd A theory ofprimitivc christian religion. 1999 =>15, 4201. RRRT 7 (2000) 177-182 (Carleton Paget, James); ET 111 (1999-2000) 271 (Marshall, 1. Howard). 4332 Untergaßmair, Franz Georg Handbuch der Einleitung, 1-2: Evangelien.. Offenbarung. Vechtaer Beiträge zur Theologie 4/1-2: 1999 :=>15,4202. RBz 44 (2000) 264-166 (Dschulnigg, Peter).
Fl.2 Origo Evungeliorum, the origin of the Gospels 4333 Baarda, Tjitze Een verborgen evangelie?. NedThT 54 (2000) 185191.
Fl.2 Origin ofthe Gospels
4334 Burridge, Richard A. Gospel genre, christological controversy and the absence of rabbinic biography: some implications of the biographical hypothesis. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 =>137-156. 4335 Classen, Carl Joachim Rhetorical observations on the introductory sections of the four gospels. Rhetorical criticism. WUNT 128: 2000 =>145. 69-98 [Mt 1; Mk 1; Lk 1; Jn l]. 4336 Frickenschmidt, Dirk Evangelium als Biographie: die vier Evangelien im Rahmen antiker Erzählkunst. TANZ 22: 1997 =>13,4024; 15,4210. RTuLz 125 (2000) 514-517 (Sänger, Dieter). 4117 Hengel, Martin The four gospels and the one gospel of Jesus Christ: an investigation of the collection and origin of the canonical gospels. L 2000, SCM xii; 354 pp. $23. 0-334-02759-4. 4338 Manns, Frederic The oldest sources for studying christianity: a problem ofmethodology. La tua parola. 2000 =>490. 21-39. 4339 Marshall, J. Howard Who were the evangelists?. The mission ofthe early church. WUNT 127: 2000 =>226. 251-263. 4340 Morton, Andrew Queen The gathering ofthe gospels: from papyrus to printout. 1997 =>13,4026; 15,4211. RRBLit 1 (1999) 244-246 (Vinson, Richard). 4341 Powell, Mark Alan Fortress introduction to the four gospels. 1998 =>14,3823. RRBLit 2 (2000) 355-357 (Greenwald, Michael R.). 4342 Sicre, Jose Luis 0 quadrante, 1: a busca-introdu~äo aos evangelhos; 2, a aposta-o mundo de Jesus; 3, o encontro-o quarto evangelho. Säo Paulo 2000, Paulinas 332 + 336 +331 pp.
Fl.3 Historicitas, chronologia Evangeliorum 4343 Byrskog, Samuel Story as history-history as story: the gospel tradition in the context of ancient oral history. WUNT 123: Tü 2000, Mohr xix; 386 pp. €91. 3-16-147305-1. Bibl. RThGl 90 (2000) 687689 (Backhaus, Knut). 4344 Hengel, Martin Quattro vangeli, unico vangelo. StCatt 44 (2000) 103-109. 4345 Thiede, Carsten Peter Ein Fisch für den römischen Kaiser: Juden, Griechen und Römer: die Welt des Jesus Christus. 1998 =>14,3833; 15,4222. RRSCI 54 (2000) 211-216 (Ramelli, Jlaria). 4346 Trocme, Etienne Quatre evangiles, une seule foi. Petite bibliothequc protestante: P 2000, Les bergers c.100 pp [FV 101/2,84-Flichy, O.].
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Fl.4 Jesus historicus-The human Jesus 4347 EKitzberger, Ingrid Rosa Transformative encounters: Jesus and women re-viewed. Bibl.Interp. 43: Lei 2000, Brill xiv; 418 pp. 9004-11311-8. 4348 Lüdemann, Gerd Jesus after 2000 years: what he really said and did. L 2000, SCM viii; 695 pp. 0-334-02776-4. Collab. Schleritt, Frank; Janßen, Martina [NThAR 2000,312]. 4349 Ahrens, Matthias Christus nach dem Fleisch: die schwierige Suche nach dem historischen Jesus. Evangelische Aspekte 10/4 (2000) 4-6. 4350 Allison, Dale C. Jesus ofNazareth: millenarian prophet. 1998 =>14, 3837. RTS 61 (2000) 353-354 (Plevnik, Joseph); RBLit 2 (2000) 344-345 (Powel/, Mark Al/an). 4351 Andres, Rafael de El otro evangelio: relectura de las cartas apost6licas. M 2000, Edibesa 371 pp. RRF 242 (2000) 362-363 (Valencia, Juan de). 4352 Atangana, Dieudonne E. Jesus et Jonas. AETSC 5 (2000) 205-215. 4353 Barbaglio, Giuseppe Le emozioni e i sentimenti di Gesu. Servitium 34 (2000) 251-262. 4354 Barker, Margaret The time is fulfilled: Jesus and the jubilee. SJTh 53 (2000) 22-32. 4355 Barnett, Paul William Jesus and lhe logic of hislory. 1997 =>13, 4063. Ren 35 (2000) 333-334 (Karman, Yonky). 4356 Barragan Quintero, Javier La comensalidad de Jesus, criterio de comuni6n. Qol 24 (2000) 13-21. 4357 Barth, Karl Church dogmatics 1/2: §19: the word of God for the church. The historical Jesus quest, 7: the dialectical theology. TThumsun, G.T.; Knight, Harold 2000 =>252. 270-275. 4358 Bauckham, Richard J All in the family: identifying Jesus' relatives. BiRe 16/l (2000)20-31. 4359 Baudart, Anne Socrate et Jesus: tout les separe„.tout les rapproche. Essais, a contre-courant: 1999 =>15,4227. RRThom 108 (2000) 121122 (Antoniotti, Louise-Marie). 4360 Baum, Armin Daniel Die Authentizität der synoptischen Worte Jesu. Das Studium des NT, 2. 2000 =>337. 155-177. 4361 Beaude, Pierre-Marie La flction necessaire: memoire et recit. LV(L) 248 (2000) 29-37. 4362 Bel/ia, Giuseppe Possibilita di un profilo di Gesu nel Nuovo Testamento. Anthropotes 16 (2000) 339-364. 4363 Benetreau, Samuel Les prieres de Jesus: l'unique et l'imitable. Theologie: Meulan 2000, Edifac 224 pp. 2-911260-97-X.
Fl.4 The human Jesus
4364 Biffi, Card. Giacomo Gesu di Nazaret, centro del cosmo e della storia. T 2000, ElleDiCi 155 pp. REcc. 14 (2000) 131-2 (lzquierdo, A.). 4365 Bock, Darrel/ L.; Webb, Robert L. Introduction of the IBR Jesus group. BBR 10 (2000) 259-260. 4366 Bolyki, Jänos Jesu Tischgemeinschaften. WUNT 2/96: 1998 =>14,3855; 15,4233. RThLZ 125 (2000) 891-893 (Vogel, Manuel); RBLit 2 (2000) 345-347, 347-349 (Taussig, Hai; Reed, Jonathan L.); 4367 Eßorg, Marcus Jesus at 2000. 1998 =>14,373. RRSPhTh 84 (2000) 548-549 (Cerbelaud, Dominique) 4368 Borg, Marcus J.; Wright, N.T. The meaning of Jesus: two visions. SF 2000, HarperSanFrancisco xi; 288 pp. 0-06-060875-7/6-5. Bibl. [NThAR 2000,340]. 4369 Barrel/, Agusti Jesus de Natzaret: a la recerca d'una biografia. QVC 109-200 (2000) 81-108. 4370 Brambilla, Franco Giulio Gesu autore e perfezionatore della fede. La fede di Gesu. Scienze religiose n.s. 2: 2000 =>500. 69-124. 4371 Broshi, Magen Matrimony and poverty: Jesus and the Essenes. RdQ 19 (2000) 629-634. 4372 Brumberg-Klaus, Jonathan D. Jesus as other people's scripture. The historical Jesus. 2000 =>477. 155-166. 4373 Bueno, Carmelo El jubileo de Dios es Jesus: lectura actualizada de cuatro llamadas evangclicas, quc llenaron de gozo el coraz6n de la humanidad. MisEx(M) 175-176 (2000) 12-23. 4374 Bultmann, Rudolf Liberal theology and the latest theological movement. The historical Jesus quest, 7: the dialectical theology. TSmith, Louise Pettibone 2000 =>252. 242-268. 4375 Bultmann, Rudolf Karl Historia de la tradici6n sin6ptica. TRuisGarrido, Constantino Biblioteca de estudios biblicos 102: S 2000, Sigueme 494 pp. 84-301-1370-3. Pr6logo deXabier Pikaza; Epilogo de Gerd Theissen. RSalTer 88 (2000) 760-762 (Pikaza, Xabier)„ 4376 Burke, Dave Jesus unplugged. Leicester 2000, Inter-Varsity vi; 184 pp [Mission Today 3/1, 100-Varickasseril, Jose]. 4377 Cain, Marvin Jesus the man: an introduction for people at home in the modern world. Santa Rosa 1999, Polebridge xii; 194 pp. 0944344-79-8. 4378 Charlesworth, James H. The historical Jesus: sources and a sketch. Jesus 2000 ycars. 2000 ::::>458. 84-128. 4379 Childs, Hai The myth of the historical Jesus and the evolution of consciousness. Diss. Graduate Theol. Union 1997, 0 Rambo, Lewis SBL.DS 179: Atlanta 2000, SBL xiii; 278 pp. $45. 0-88414-029-6. 4380 Chilton, Bruce D. Pure kingdom: Jesus' vision of God: studying the historical Jesus. 1996 =>12,3958„. 15,4241. RRB 103 (2000) 464466 (Taylor, Justin); RBLit 1(1999)231-233 (Blomberg, Craig L.).
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4381 Chouraqui, Andre Gesu e Paolo: figli d'Israele. Spiritualita ebraica: Magnano (Biella) 2000, Qiqajon 98 pp. 88-8227-087-4. 4382 Ecopan, Paul Will the real Jesus please stand up?: a debate between William Lane Craig and John Dominic Crossan. GR 2000, Baker 186 pp. 0-8010-2175-8. Moderated by William F. BuckleyJr. Responses. 4383 Crossan, John Dominic Why is historical Jesus research necessary?. Jesus 2000 years. 2000 =>458. 7-37. 4384 Crossan, John Dominic Tue birth of christianity: discovering what happened in the years immediately after the execution of Jesus. 1999 =>15,4248. RRRT 7 (2000) 151-155 (Campbell, Jonathan): SJTh 53 (2000) 72-91 (Wright, N.T.); 4385 Jesus: en revolutionrer biografi. 1999 =>15, 4249. RTTK 71 (2000) 301-303 (Sandnes, Karl Olav). 4386 Dawes, Gregory W. The divorce between history and faith. Tue historical Jesus quest. 2000 =>252. 1-tl. 4387 Deat', John Jesus the n:bt:l: bearer uf Oud's pt:act: and justice. Franklin, WI 2000, Sheed & W. xvi; 196 pp. $17 [ThD 47,361: Heiser, W. Charles]. 4388 Dreyer, Yolanda; Van Aarde, Andries G. Tue institutionalization of Jesus' charismatic authority, part 1: indirect christology-direct christology. HTS 56 (2000) 697-722. 4389 Dunn, James D.G. Jesus in oral memory: the initial stages of the Jesus tradition. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 287-326. 4390 Duquoc, Christian L'interet theologique de la quete du Jesus historique. RSR 88 (2000) 491-511. 4391 Edelmann, Eric Jesus parlait arameen: a la recherche de l'enseignement originel. Gordes 2000, Relie 461 pp [VS 81, 163-RousseLacordaire, Jeröme]. 4392 Ehrman, Bart D. Jesus as an apocalyptic prophet. PRSt 27 (2000) 153-166. 4393 EEngberg-Pedersen, Troels Den historiske Jesus og hans betydning. 1998 ::::>14,3886. RSvTK 76 (2000) 156-157 (Gerhardsson, Birger). 4394 Epalza, Mikel de Jesus entre judios, cristianos y musulmanes hispanos (siglos VI-XVII). 1999 ::::>15,4267. RAJA 60 (2000) 195196 (Lourido Dfaz, Ram6n). 4395 Erlemann, Kurt Hat sich Jesus geirrt?: Überlegungen zur Endzeiterwartung im Neuen Testament. rhs 43 (2000) 215-233. 4396 Falgueras Salinas, Ignacio Aclaraciones teol6gicas sobre la oraci6n de Cristo. Burg. 41 (2000) 345-369. 4397 Fillion, Louis Claude Vida de Nucstro Sefior Jesucristo, 1: infancia y bautismo, 2: Via publica, 3: pasi6n, muerte y resurrecci6n. M 2000 , RIALP 384 + 475 + 268 pp [Mayeutica 27,254-Romero, Jose Manuel].;
Fl.4 Tue historical human Jesus
4398 Nuestro Seilor Jesucristo segful los evangelios. Vidas de Jesus 6: M 2000, Edibesa 447 pp. 4399 Fisichella, Rino Gesil di Nazaret: profezia del Padre. Saggistica Paoline 1: Mi 2000, Paoline 277 pp. 88-315-2065-2. Bibi. 269-274. 4400 Forward, Martin Jesus: a short biography. 1998 ~14,3890. RET 110 (1998-1999) 201-203 (Rodel, C.S.). 4401 Fraij6, Manuel Jesus: compromiso con la sociedad. BiFe 26 (2000) 75-98. 4402 Frankemölle, Hubert Was wissen wir von Jesus?. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 ~261. 96-103. 4403 Fredriksen, Paula Jesus ofNazareth King ofthe Jews: a Jewish life and the emergence of christianity. NY 2000, Knopf 327 pp. $26. 067944-6753. Bibi. RAmerica 182/20 (2000) 25-6 (Johnson, Luke T.). 4404 Freyne, Sean Archaeology and the historical Jesus Galilee and gospel WUNT 125 2000 160-182 4405 Freyne, Sean Jesus the wine-drinker: a :friend of women. Galilee and gospel. WUNT 125: 2000 ~159. 271-286 = Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. 43: 2000 ~4347. 162-180 [Lk 7,33]. 4406 Fuzeau-Braesch, Suzel Le Dieu unique et le recit de Jesus: analyse des mythes fondateurs. Religion et sciences humaines: P 2000, L'Harmattan 238 pp. 2-7384-8670-3 [NThAR 2000,183]. 4407 Gallego, Epifanio Jesus: compromiso con el enfermo. BiFe 26 (2000) 44-74. 4408 Geyser, P.A. Hermeneutiese uitgangspunte in historiese-Jesus navorsing, deel 1: sosiaalwetenskaplike vooronderstellings; 4409 Hermeneutiese uitgangspunte in historiese Jesus navorsing: metodologiese vooronderstellings; 4410 Waarom Jesus-studies?. HTS 56 (2000) 527-548/1146-1170/63-83. 4411 Giannoni, P. Gesil orante: lectio divina sull'esperienza di Gesil. Mi 2000, Paoline 316 pp. €12.40 [RdT 41,319]. 4412 Girlanda, Luigi II 'problema Gesil': fede e ragione in Jean GUITTON. II Nuovo Areopago 19/1 (2000) 67-84. 4413 Gnilka, Joachim Jesus de Nazare: mensagem e hist6ria. TPereira, Carlos Almeida Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 312 pp [REB 240, 1012]. 4414 Gonzalez Echegaray, Joaquin Jesus en Galilea: aproximaci6n desde la arqueologia. Agora 5: Estella (Navarra) 2000, Verbo Divino 228 pp. 84-8169-384-7. Bibi. 4415 Grandmaison, Leonce de Jesucristo. Vidas de Jesus, Edibesa 4: M 2000, Edibesa 643 pp. 4416 Grant, Co/in The greying of Jesus. ET 110 (1998-1999) 246-248. 4417 Gräßer, Erich Noch einmal: "Interimsethik" Jesu?. ZNW 91 (2000) 136-142.
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4418 Grelot, Pierre Jesus de Nazareth, Christ et Seigneur: une lecture de l'evangile. LeDiv 167, 170: 1997-1998 2 vols =>13,4305 ... 15,4471. RLTP 56 (2000) 171-173 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert); RHPhR 80 (2000) 305-306 (Grappe, Ch.). 4419 Griffith-Jones, Robin The four witnesses. SF 2000, HarperSanFrancisco x; 404 pp. $25 [BiTod 38,258-Senior, Donald]. 4420 Guijarro Oporto, Santiago Dios Padre en la actuaci6n de Jesus. EstTrin 34 (2000) 33-69. 4421 Guillet, Jacques Gesu nella fede dei primi discepoli. 1999 =>15, 4293. REstTrin 34 (2000) 550-551 (Vcizquez Allegue, Jaime). 4422 Haacker, Klaus Die moderne historische Jesus-Forschung als hermeneutisches Problem. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 60-74. 4423 Häring, Hermann L'histoire de Jesus comme origine et fondement de l'identite religieuse. Conc(F) 285 (2000) 123-137. 4424 Hedrick, Charles W. When history and faith collide: studying Jesus. 1999 =>15,4295. RRExp 97 (2000) 111-112 (Bridges, Linda McKinnish); RTR 59 (2000) 41-42 (Chapple, Al/an); RBLit 2 (2000) 326328 (McMahon, Christopher). 4425 Heiligenthal, Roman Der verflilschte Jesus: eine Kritik moderner Jesusbilder. 2 1999 =>15,4296. RActBib 37 (2000) 213-214 (Boada, J.). 4426 Hellwig, Monika Historical Jesus research: its relevance to thoughtful christians and systematic theologians. The historical Jesus. 2000 => 477. 85-93. 4427 Herzog, William R. Jesus, justice, and the reign of God: a ministry ofliberation. LVL 2000, Westminster xv; 316 pp. $27. 0-664-256767 [ThD 48,173-Heiser, W. Charles]. 4428 Heyer, C.J. den La storicita di Gesu. Tsoggin, Thomas PBT 54: T 2000, Claudiana 224 pp. €15. 88-7016-359-8. 4429 Hojius, Otfried Jesu Tischgemeinschaft mit den Sündern ; 4430 "Unbekannte Jesusworte". [Eusebius Caesarea] ; tJllJ 1 Jesu Leben, Tod und Auferstehung nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments . Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 =>174. 19-37/161-188/3-18. 4432 Horsley, Richard A. Arqueologia, hist6ria e sociedade na Galileia: o contexto social de Jesus e dos rabis. Sao Paulo 2000, Paulus 196 pp. 85-349-1567-9. 4433 Horsley, Richard A.; Silberman, Neil Asher A mensagem e o reino. TLambert, Barbara Theoto Biblica, Loyola 29: Sao Paulo 2000, Loyola 287 pp. 85-1502102-1 [REB 240,1020]. 4434 Jacobson, Arland D. Jesus against the family: the dissolution of family ties in the gospel tradition. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 => 100. 189-218.
Fl.4 Tue historical human Jesus
4435 Jaros, Karl Jesus von Nazareth: Geschichte und Deutung. Mainz 2000, Von Zabem x; 381 pp. €34.77. 3-8053-2595-9. 4436 Johnson, Luke Timothy Critical scholarship embracing the community offaith: a review essay. PRSt 27 (2000) 201-205; 4437 The real Jesus: the challenge of current scholarship and the truth of the gospels. The historical Jesus. 2000 =:>477. 51-65; 4438 Johnson, Luke Timothy Living Jesus: learning the heart of the gospel. SF 2000, HarperSanFrancisco.210 pp. 0-06-064282-3/3-1 [NThAR2000,218]; 4419 .Tesm; sims parti pris: Ja quete chimerique du Jesus historique et Ja verite des evangiles. TWitt, Fabienne P 2000, Cerf 232 pp. €24.38. 2204-06397-5. Pref. Michel Quesnel [BCLF 625,2094]. 4440 Jones, Naomi The miracle maker. 2000 S4C Films, 86 min., U classification; dir. Stanislav Sokolov; Derek Hayes. RScrB 30/2 (2000) 50 51 (Corlay, Jcrcmy). 4441 Jonge, Marinus de God's final envoy: early christology and Jesus' own view ofhis mission. 1998 =>14,3922; 15,4306. RRBLit 2 (2000) 350-352 (Vinson, Richard B.). 4442 Jossa, Giorgio Sul metodo storico-critico e la ricerca del Gesu storico. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 109-117. 4443 Kato, Kei Why the quest for the historical Jesus is necessary. KaKe 69 (2000) 1-27 Sum. i-iii. 4444 Kähler, Martin The so-called historical Jesus and the historic, biblical Christ. The historical Jesus quest, 6: rejection of the quest. Tßraaten, Carl E. 2000 =>252. 216-238. 4445 Käsemann, Ernst The problem of the historical Jesus [1953]. The historical Jesus quest, 8: reopening the quest. TMontague, W.J. 2000 =>252. 279-313. 4446 Kealy, Seim P. Reflections on the third quest for the historical Jesus: 'Sir, we would like to see Jesus' (John 12.21). The myriad Christ. 2000 =>519. 45-60. 4447 Keck, Leander E. Who is Jesus?: history in perfect tense. Studies on personalities of the NT: Columbia 2000, Univ. of South Carolina Press x; 207 pp. $25. 1-57003-338-2 [BiTod 38,258-Senior, D.]. 4448 Kieffer, R. Jesus raconte: theologie et spiritualite des evangiles. 1996 =>12,4008; 13,4147. REstB 58 (2000) 133-135 (Navarra, M). 4449 Kloppenborg Verbin. John S. A dog among the pigeons: the "Cynic hypothesis" as a theological problem. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 73-117. 4450 Kranenborg, Reender De Essenen en Jezus binnen de moderne esoterie. KeTh 51/l (2000) 36-51.
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4451 Kreplin, Matthias Das Selbstverständnis Jesu: hermeneutische und christologische Reflexion, historisch-kritische Analyse. Diss. Zürich 2000-2001, 0 Weder, H. 396 pp [RTL 32,603]. 4452 Krumenacker, Yves Histoire, historicisme et foi. LV(L) 248 (2000) 39-48. 4453 Kuhn, Heinz-Wolfgang Qumran texts and the historical Jesus: parallels in contrast. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =:>609. 573580. 4454 Lagrange, Joseph M. Vida de Jesucristo segful el evangelio. 1999 =:>15,4318. RTE 44 (2000) 237-239 (Martinez Puche, Jose A.). 4455 La Potterie, Ignace de La oraci6n de Jesus. 1999 ::::> 15,4317. REccl(R) 14 (2000) 549-550 (Jzquierdo, A.). ELeBeau, B. The historical Jesus 2000 =:>477. 4456 Leroy, Herbert Jesus: Überlieferung und Deutung. EdF 95: 3 1999 =:>15,4320. ROrdKor41(1000)8'/-88 (Giesen, Heinz). 4457 Levine, Amy-Jill The word becomes flesh: Jesus, gender, and sexuality. Jesus 2000 years. 2000 =:>458. 62-83. 4458 Leon-Dufour, Xavier Au foyer de l'agir de Jesus selon l'evangile. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 569-580. 4459 Lindemann, Andreas Analyse und Abrechnung: Gerd Lüdemanns kritische Jesus-Studie. EK 33/4 (2000) 32-34. 4460 Loader, William Jesus and the fundamentalism ofhis day. 1998 :::::> 14, 3934. RPacifica 13 (2000) 222-224 (Dicker, Uordon). 4461 Loewe, William P. From the humanity of Christ to the historical Jesus. TS 61(2000)314-331. 4462 Lohse, Eduard Jesu Worte im Zeugnis seiner Gemeinde. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000:::::>183. 23-38. 4463 Luis, Juliu Jt:sus: cumprumisu cun t::l pubn:. BiFt: 26 (2000) 7-32. 4464 Lüdcmann, Gerhard Jesus nach 2000 Jahren. 1999 =:>15,4324. RLM 3/2 (2000) 34-36 (Jsermann, Gerhard); BK (2000/4) 32-34 (Lindemann, Andreas). 4465 Luneau, Rene Jesus, el hombre que 'evangeliz6' a Dios. TPablos, Gregorio de Presencia teol6gica 107: Sdr 2000, Sal Terrae 207 pp. €10.82. 84-293-1371-0 [BiFe 27,153,~Salas, A.]. 4466 Magdalena, Enrique Miret Jesus: compromiso con el hombre. BiFe 26 (2000) 122-142. 4467 Magnani, Giovanni Jesus: construtor e mestre: novas perspectivas sobre seu ambiente de vida. 1998 =:>14,3938. RPerTeol 86 (2000) 102-104 (Vitorio, Jaldemir). 4468 Manns, Frederic Les Juifs et Jesus: 2000 ans d'interrogations 20 ans de recherches exegetiques. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 157200.
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4469 !:!Marguerat, Daniel; Norelli, Enrico; Poffet, Jean-Michel Jesus de Nazareth: nouvelles approches d'une enigme. MoBi 38: 1998 =>14, 253; 15,4330. RLTP 56 (2000) 160-164 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert); Apocrypha 11 (2000) 299-300 (Bauckham, R.). 4470 Martin, Raymond The elusive Messiah: a philosophical overview of the quest for the historical Jesus. 1999 =>15,4333. Rlnterp. 54 (2000) 427-428 (Peters, Mark); RBLit 2 (2000) 352-355 (McKnight, Scot). 4471 Martinez Garcia, Jesus Quien es Jesus?. Libros mc 95: M 2000, Palabra 208 pp. €9.63. 84-8239-470-3. 4472 Martfnez Puche, J.A. Las vidas de Jesus: una idea editorial. TE 44 (2000) 339-345. 4473 EMartinez Poche, Jose A. Fray LUIS de Granada: Vida de Cristo. Vidas de Jesus, Edibesa 3: M 2000, Edibesa 366 pp. 4474 Mclver, Robert K. The four faces of Jesus: four gospel writers, four unique perspectives, four personal encounters, one complete picture. Nampa, Idaho 2000, Pacific 320 pp. $15. 0816317224 [RB 108,158]. 4475 McKnight, Scot Jesus and prophetic actions. BBR 10 (2000) 197232. 4476 Meier, John P. Are there historical links between the historical Jesus and the cbristian ministry?. ThD 47 (2000) 303-315. 44th Bellarmine lecture, Saint Louis; 4477 Jesus and the Essenes on wealth and property: comparisons and contrasts. MFusco, V. SRivßib 38: 2000 =>40. 201-214; 4478 The historical Jesus and the historical Samaritans: what can be said?. Bib. 81 (2000) 202-232; 4479 The historical Jesus and the historical Herodians. JBL 119 (2000) 740-746. 4480 Merrigan, Terrence The historical Jesus in the pluralist theology of religions. The myriad Christ. 2000 =>519. 61-82. 4481 Mesters, C. Avec Jesus a contre-courant. Connaitre Ja bible 16-17: Bru 2000, Lumen Vitae 112 pp. 2-87324-120-9. 4482 Meyer, John R. Mary of Nazareth and Jesus' brothers and sisters. AnnTh 14 (2000) 447-466. 4483 Mielgo, C. Jesus y los cinicos (II). EstAg 35 (2000) 237-270. 4484 Miller, John W. Jesus at thirty: a psychological and historical portrait. 1997 =>13,4182. RRBLit 1(1999)241-244 (Telford, W.R.). 4485 Moingt, Joseph Reponses prealables a quelques interpellations; 4486 L'interet de la theologie pour le Jesus de l'histoire. RSR 88 (2000) 513-522/579-597. 4487 Mordillat, Gerard; Prieur, Jeröme Jesus contre Jesus. 1999 =>15, 4345. RcEv 112 (2000) 57-63 (Schlosser, Jacques); ETR 75 (2000) 436-437 (Cuvillier, Elian).
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4488 Morrice, William G. Hidden sayings of Jesus: words attributed to Jesus outside the four gospels. 1997 =>13,4186; 14,3955. RSBET 18 (2000) 214-215 (Bond, Helen K.). 4489 Moxnes, Ha/vor Placing Jesus ofNazareth: toward a theory ofplace in the study ofthe historical Jesus. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 =>97. 158175. 4490 Müller, Karlheinz Forschungsgeschichtliche Anmerkungen zum Thema "Jesus von Nazareth und das Gesetz": Versuch einer Zwischenbilanz. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =>102. 58-77. 4491 Nautin, Pierre L'evangile retrouve: Jesus et l'evangile retrouve. 1998 =>14,3959. RLTP 56 (2000) 176-179 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert); ASEs 17 (2000) 667-668 (Rescio, Mara). 4492 Neumann, Johannes Historischer Jesus und Altes Testament: hellenistische Quellen der jüdischen Bibel und die Angst der Theologen vor dem wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt. Radebeul 2000, Neumann xi; 189 pp. 3-9801264-2-0. Bibl. 4493 O'Neill, J.C. The events around the birth and resurrection The point of it all. 2000=>198. 117-126. 4494 O'Neill, John Who did Jesus think he was?. Bibl.Interp. 11: 1995 => 11/2,2174; 13,4193. RRBLit 1(1999)246-248 (Casey, P.M). 4495 O'Neill, J.C. The mocking of Bar Kokhba and of Jesus. JSJ 31 (2000) 39-41. 4496 Onimus, Jean Jesus en directo. TAres Fondevila, Suso Sdr 2000, Sal Terrae 142 pp. €8.41. 84-293-1337-0. RRF 241 (2000) 660-661 (Andres, R. ). 4497 Penna, Romano La figura reale di Gesu e quella virtuale dell"'uomo divino" (AEioc; nvTJp): un confronto sbilanciato. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =>38. 295-310. 4498 Perrot, Charles A la recherche du Jesus de l'histoire. MoBi 125 (2000) 13-15 = Aux origines 2000 =>264. 220-226. 4499 Perrot, Charles Jesus. 1998 =>14,3967. RLTP 56 (2000) 166-168 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). 4500 EPerez Escobar, Jose EI Jesus hist6rico. ResB 28 (2000) 2-70. 4501 Pfüller, Wolfgang" ... uns in allem ähnlich, die Sünde ausgenommen"?: die Behauptung der Sündlosigkeit und das Menschsein in Jesu. ThZ 56 (2000) 215-232. 4502 Piana, Giannino Fede e liberta: orrizonte cristologico e prospettive etiche. La fede di Gesu. Scienze religiose n.s. 2: 2000 =>500. 145-63. 4503 Pilch, John J. 'How do you read?'. BiTod 38 (2000) 44-49. 4504 Poirier, John C. On the use of consensus in historical Jesus studies. ThZ 56 (2000) 97-107. 4505 Poirier, Paul H. Jesus et les origines chretiennes: quinze ouvrages recents. LTP 56 (2000) 151-181.
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4506 Porter, Stanley E. Jesus and the use ofGreek: a response to Maurice Casey. BBR 10 (2000) 71-87. 4507 Porter, Stanley E. The criteria for authenticity in historical-Jesus research: previous discussion and new proposals. JSNT.S 191: Shf 2000, Sheffield Academic 299 pp . .€50/$85. 1-84127-089-X. Bibi. 4508 Powell, Mark A. The Jesus debate~ 1999 ::::>15,4378. RRRT 7 (2000) 156-158 (Goodacre, Mark); 4509 Jesus as a figure in history: how modern historians view the Man from Galilee. 1998 ::::>14,3974. RTS 61(2000)151-153 (Maloney, Elliott C.); CBQ 62 (2000) 154-156 (Murphy, Frederick J.); ET 110 (1998-1999) 310-311 (Rodd, C.S.); Apocrypha 11 (2000) 297-299 (Laus, T.). 4510 Pragasam, Arul La bllsqueda del Jesus historico en los estudios contemporaneos. TEMo/inero, Eugenia SelTeol 39 (2000) 109-115 264. 199-208/191-198. 4518 Rau, Eckhard Jesus Freund von Zöllnern und Sündern: eine methodenkritische Untersuchung. Stu 2000, Kohlhammer 181 pp. €25.94. 3-17-016608-5. 4519 Repschinski, Boris Trends in der modernen Leben-Jesu-Forschung. StZ 218 (2000) 455-466. 4520 Ricciotti, Giuseppe Vida de Jesucristo. Vidas de Jesus, Edibesa 12: M 2000, Edibesa 595 pp. 4521 Ritsch/, Albrecht Instruction in the christian religion. The historical Jesus quest, 4: the kingdom of God. THefner, Philip 2000 ::::>252. 154-171. 4522 Rochais, Gerard Jesus: entre evenement et fiction. LV(L) 248 (2000) 7-18. 4523 Rocheman, Lionel Jesus: enigmes & polemiques. P 2000, Grancher 312 pp. €18.29. 2-7339-0678-X [BCLF 623,1688]. 4524 Roloff, Jürgen Jesus. Beck'sche Reihe 2142: Mü 2000, Beck 126 pp. 3-406-44742-2.
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4525 Rosenberg, John 'But, pastur.„ ': the Jesus Seminar comcs to church. CThMi 27 (2000) 245-252. 4526 Salguero, Jose Vida de Jesus seglin los evangelios sin6pticos. Vidas de Jesus, Edibesa 5: M 2000, Edibesa 356 pp. 4527 Salibi, Kamal Who was Jesus?: a conspiracy in Jerusalem. 1998 => 15,4389. RTrinJ 21 (2000) 217-218 (Turner, David L.). 4528 Sanders, E.P. How do we know what we know about Jesus?. Jesus 2000 years. 2000 =>458. 38-61. 4529 Schlosser, Jacques Jesus de Nazareth. 1999 =>15,4395. RLTP 56 (2000) 168-171 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert); RdT 41 (2000) 778-780 (Penna, Romano). 4530 Schweitzer, Albert The mystery ofthe kingdom ofGod [1914; 1925]; My life and thought [1931; 1933]. The historical Jesus quest, 5: consistent eschatology. TLowrie, Walter; Campion, C.T. 2000 =>252. 187-212. 4531 Schweitzer, Albert The quest ofthe historical Jesus. EBowden, John L 2000, SCM xlv; 562 pp. f'.30. 0-334-02791-8. First complete edition. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 679-681. 4532 Scott, Bernard Brandon New options in an old quest. The historical Jesus. 2000 =>477. 1-49. 4533 Sequeri, Pier Angela Fede di Gesu e filiazione divina. La fede di Gesu. Scienze religiose n.s. 2: 2000 =>500. 13-41. 4534 Shankv, Hershel The bad boy ofhistorical Jesus studies. [Crossan, J.] BiRe 16/5 (2000) 24-28, 50. 4535 Sheler, Jeffrey L. ls the bible true?: how modern debates and discoveries affirm the essence ofthe scriptures. 1999 =>15,4403. RBiRe 16/1 (2000) 48-49 (Saldarini, Anthony J.); RBLit 2 (2000) 101-103 (Becking, Bob). 4536 Sicre, Jose luis Jesus y la politica de su tiempo. RF 241 (2000) 367382. 4537 Sintas, Louis "Venite e vedrete ... ": un libro di meditazioni sulla vita di Gesu. Bibbia e Preghiera 37: R2000, ADP 148 pp. 88-7357-2197. 4538 Sölle, Dorothee; Schottroff, Luise Jesus von Nazareth. DTV Portrait: Mü 2000, DTV 160 pp. €8.95. 3-423-31026-X. 4539 Stewart, Robert Byron The impact of contemporary hermeneutics on historical Jesus research: an analysis of John Dominic Crossan and Nicholas Thomas Wright. Diss. Southwestern Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 0 Dominy, B. 310 pp. 9968731. 4540 Strauss, David Friedrich The life of Jesus critically examined, §3, 4, 16, 150, 151. Thc historical Jesus quest, 2: history and myth. TEvans, Mary Ann; Eliot, George 2000 =>252. 87-111. 4541 Strobel, Lee The case for Christ. 1998 =>14,4014. RBS 157 (2000) 241 (DeMoss, Matthew S. ).
Fl.4 The historical human Jesus
4542 ETalbert, Charles H REIMARUS: fragments. The historical Jesus quest, 1: the gospels as fraud. TFraser, Ralph S. 2000 =>252. 57-86. 4543 Tamayo-Acosta, J.J. Dios y Jesus. Hacia la comunidad 6: M 2000, Trotta 182 pp [BiFe 27,156-Salas, A.]. 4544 Theissen, G.; Merz, A. EI Jesus hist6rico: manual. 1999 =>15,4415. RRevAg 41 (2000) 758-760 (Sabugal, Santos); Studium 40 (2000) 355-356 (L6pez, L.); Salm. 47 (2000) 475-486 (Guijarro, Santiago); 4545 The historical Jesus: a comprehensive guide. 1998 =>14,4019; 15,4416. RLTP 56 (2000) 164-166 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert); RBLit 2 (2000) 361-363 (Robinson, James !vf.); 4546 II Gesu storico: un manuale. BiBi(B) 25: 1999 =>15,4417. Rar. 81 (2000) 793-795 (Dupuis, Jacques). 4547 Thiede, Carsten Peter Wer bist du, Jesus?: Schlaglichter auf den Mann, der in kein Schema paßt. Basel 2000, Brunnen 136 pp. 37655-1216-8. 4548 Tigcheler, Jo Jezus: hoe hij staande bleef. Kampen 2000, Kok 133 pp. €12.14. 90-435-0184-0 [ITBT 817,32-Schelling, Piet]. 4549 Tiwald, Markus Wanderradikalismus: Jesu erste Jünger-ein Anfang und was davon bleibt. Diss. Wien 2000/01, °Kühschelm, R. [ThR.v 98/4, XV]. 4550 Toniolo, Andrea Dalla fede di Gesu alla fede dei discepoli. La fede di Gesu. Scienze religiose n.s. 2: 2000 =>500. 125-143. 4551 Taus, Lorenzo Jesus: compromiso con el marginado. BiFe 26 (2000) 33-43. 4552 Van Aarde, Andries G. Jesus and Perseus against the background of common Greco-Roman thinking. Acta patristica et Byzautina 11 (2000) 177-196; 4553 Die relevansie van die historiese Jesus-ondersoek vir kerklike teologie. HTS 56 (2000) 549-571. 4554 Van Bruggen, Jakob Christ on earth: the gospel narratives as history. TForest-Flier, Nancy 1998 =>14,4024. RTrinJ 21 (2000) 219221 (Turner, David L.); RBLit 2 (2000) 363-366 (Green, Joel B.); CTJ 35 (2000) 315-322 (Deppe, Dean B.). 4555 Van Voorst, R. Jesus outside the New Testament: an introduction to the ancient evidence. Studying the historical Jesus: GR 2000, Eerdmans 248 pp. $22. 0-8028-4368-9. REThL 76 (2000) 503-504 (Van Balla, G. ).
4556 Van Wyk, D.J. Twee onversoenbare konstrukte in resente historiese Jesus-navorsing: R W Funk en W Sehmithals; 4557 Van Wyk, D.J.; Van Aarde, A. Twee versoenbare konstrukte in resente historiese Jesus-navorsing, deel 1: John Dominic Crossan;
274 4558
4559 4560 4561
4563 4564 4565
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Van Wyk, D.J. Twee versoenbare konstruk.Le in resente historiese Jesus-navorsing, deel 2: Andries van Aarde. HTS 56 2000) 12231253/795-813/814-835. Vignolo, Roberta 'Amen, io vi dico!': una formula originale del 'profeta' Gesu. PSV 41(2000)121-134. Walker, Peter W.L. The land and Jesus himself. The land ofpromise. 2000 ::::>474. 100-120. Weaver, Walter P. The historical Jesus in the twentieth century, 1900-1950. 1999 ::::>15,4429. RRßLit 2 (2000) 358-361 (Hedrick, Charles W. ). Weiss, Johannes Jesus' proclamation of the kingdom of God, 5 The historical Jesus quest, 4: the kingdom of God. THiers, Richard H.; Holland, David L. 2000 ::::>252. 173-184. Winger, M Why didn't Jesus write?. ET 111(1999-2000)259-261. Witherington, Ben, III Jesus the seer: the progress of prophecy. 1999::::>15,4433. RcBQ 62 (2000) 770-772 (Maloney, Elliott C.). Wrede, William The messianic secret. The historical Jesus quest, 3: consistent scepticism. TGreig, J.C.G. 2000 ::::>252. 114-150. Wright, N.T. The challenge of Jesus. L 2000, SPCK 163 pp. RNBI 81 (2000) 303-30'1 (Ounsworth, Richard J.); Mayeutica 26 (?.000) 234-237 (Fuente, Alberto). Wright, N.T.; Borg, Marcus The meaning of Jesus: two visions. 1999 =:>15,4439. RRRT 7 (2000) 159-160 (Goodacre, Mark); HeyJ 41 (2000) 468-470 (Turner, Geoffrey); ET 111 (1999-2000) 73-74 (Rodd, C.S.).
Fl.5 Jesus et Israel-Jesus the Jew 4568 Alexander, Philip S. Yeshu/Yeshua ben Yosef ofNazareth: disceming the Jewish face of Jesus. The birth of Jesus. 2000 ::::>244. 9-21. 4569 Arnold, Matthieu Jesus de Nazareth, le Judaisme de son temps et les debuts du christianisme: un aspect des recherches neotestamentaires a la Faculte de Theologie protestante de Strasbourg, 1888-1958. RHPhR 80 (2000) 119-135. 4570 Brown, Michael L. Answering Jewish objections to Jesus: general and historical objections. GR 2000, Baker xxvii; 270 pp. $16. 08010-6063-X. 4571 Cook, Michael J. Jewish reflections on Jesus: some abiding trends. The historical Jesus. 2000 ::::>477. 95-111. 4572 De Rosa, Giuseppe Gesu di Nazaret e l'ebraismo di ieri e di oggi: dal rifiuto all'appropriazione esclusiva. CivCatt 151/2 (2000) 535-548.
Fl.5 Jesus et Israel - Jesus the Jew
4573 Downing, F. Gerald Deeper reflections on the Jewish cynic Jesus. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 122-133. 4574 Flusser, David Jesus. 2 1997 =>13,4264. RDSD 7 (2000) 110-115 (Evans, Craig A. ). 4575 Grunewald, Jacquot Chalom, Jesus!: lettre d'un rabbin d'aujourd'hui au rabbi de Nazareth. Spiritualites: P 2000, Michel 240 pp. 2226-11508-0. RRSPhTh 84 (2000) 552-553 (Cerbelaud, Dominique). 4576 Harrington, Daniel J. Retrieving the jewishness of Jesus: recent developments. The historical Jesus. 2000 =>477. 67-84. 4577 Levine, Amy J. Putting Jesus where he belongs: the man from Nazareth in his Jewish world. PRSt 27 (2000) 167-177. 4578 Malka, Salomon Gesu riconsegnato agli ebrei. CasM (AL) 2000, Piemme 243 pp. €17.56. 88-384-4747-0. Bibl. RcredOg 119-120 (2000) 194-196 (Cappelletto, Gianm). 4579 McKnight, Scot A new vision for Israel: the teachings of Jesus in national context. 1999 ::::> 15,4448. RThLZ 125 (2000) R00-90?. (Rau, Eckhard). 4580 Mitescu, Adriana Edith STEIN e Gesu ebreo--"storia di un rapporto fatto di soffärenzu e di spcranzn". Tcr. 51 (2000) 85-126. 4581 Moberly, R.W.L. The bible, theology, and faith: a study of Abraham and Jesus. Cambridge studies in christian doctrine: C 2000, CUP xii; 263 pp. f'.15/$23. 0-521-78646-0. Bibl. 4582 Mußner, Franz Jesus von Nazareth: vere homo judaeus. Cath(M) 54 (2000) 200-207. 4583 Segal, Alan F. Jesus in the eyes of one Jewish scholar. The historical Jesus. 2000 =>477. 147-154. 4584 Sobe/, Henry!. Jesus et le judai:sme. SIDIC 33/2 (2000) 9-15. 4585 Vermes, Geza The changing faces of Jesus. L 2000, Lane 274 pp. fl9. 0-713-99193-3. RET 111 (2000) 398-400 (Rodd, C.S.). 4586 Vidal, Marie Unjuifnomme Jesus: une lecture de l'evangile a la lumiere de la Torah. Spiritualites: 1996 =>12,4108„. 14,4058. Pref. Dujardin, Jean; Abecassis, Armand RLV(L) 49 (2000) 246-247 (Revellin, L. ). 4587 Vidal, Marie Um judeu chamado Jesus. TTeixeira, Guilherme Joiio de Freitas Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 236 pp [REB 239,756]. 4588 Vollmer, Jochen Der Jude Jesus: warum die Kirche Israel nicht vergessen dart: EK 3317 (2000) 38-39.
Fl .6 Jesus in Ecclesia-The Church Jesus 4589 Freeman, Laurence Jesus the teacher within. NY 2000, Continuum 266 pp. f15/$25. 0-8264-1223-8.
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4590 Gonzalez, Luis Jorge II cristiano: segno della presenza di Cristo nel mondo. RVS 54 (2000) 510-560. 4591 Helewa, Giovanni Cristo vangelo vivo della fedeltl di Dio. RVS 54 (2000) 426-438. 4592 Hernandez Araujo, Enrique Jesus de Nazaret y el Cristo de la fe como una unica realidad: propuesta cristiana frente a los nuevos movimientos religiosos: en tomo al articulo "Nueva era: Cristo di sempre", de A. Olivieri Pennesi. Labor Theologicus 25 (2000) 41-73. 4593 Heyward, Carter Saving Jesus from those who are right: rethinking what it means tobe christian. 1999 =>15,4473. RsvTK 76 (2000) 203-204 (Grenholm, Cristina). 4594 Hili, Brennan R. Jesus center of christianity. Cincinnati 2000, St. Anthony Messenger ix; 119 pp. $8 [BiTod 38,193-Senior, Donald]. 4595 Holmgren, Frederick C. The Old Testament and the significance of Jesus: embracing change-maintaining christian identity. 1999 =>15, 4474. RNewTR 13/1 (2000) 80-81 (Lillie, Betty Jane); CBQ 62 (2000) 357-359 (Smiga, George M); AsbTJ 55/2 (2000) 93-95 (Matlock, Michael D.); RBLit 2 (2000) 88-92 (Hague, Stephen). 4596 Laudazi, Carlo Cristo, identita dell'uomo. RVS 54 (2000) 465-483. 4597 Recinos, Harold J. Who comes in the name of the Lord?: Jesus at the margins. 1997 =>13,4313. RAUSS 38 (2000) 175-176 (Moyer, Bruce Campbell). · 4598 Ruck-Schöder, Adelheid Der Name Gottes und der Name Jesu: eine neutestamentliche 8tudie. WMANT 80: 1999 =>15,4478. RThLZ 125 (2000) 407-408 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 61-63] (Kiejfer, Rene). 4599 Ugenti, Antonio Gesu cuore del mondo. R 2000, Vivere In 142 pp.
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Jesus 'annormalis ': to atheists, psychoanalysts, romance..•
4600 Badrinath, Chaturvedi Finding Jesus in Dharma: christianity in India. Delhi 2000, ISPCK xii; 217 pp. $12. 4601 Ba, Harnpate Amadou Gesu visto da un musulmano. T 2000, Bollati Boringhieri 102 pp. €9.30 [La Critica Sociologica 135,112-Della Pergola, Giuliano]. 4602 Bcrgesen, Albert J.; Greeley, Andrew M. God in the movies. New Brunswick (U.S.A.) 2000, Transaction ix; 186 pp. 0-7658-0020-9. Pref. by Roger Ebert. 4603 Capps, Donald Jesus: a psychological biography. St. Louis 2000, Chalice xiii; 288 pp. $30 0-8272-1713-7 [BiTod 39,123-Senior, Donald]. 4604 Chilton, Bruce Rabbi Jesus: an intimate biography. NY 2000, Doubleday xxii; 330 pp. $25 [BiTod 39, 124-Senior, Donald].
Fl.7 Jesus to psychologists, novelists
4605 Duquoc, Christian Jesus therapeute?: relecture theologique d'un dossier de la RETM 'apropos du transfert en psychanalyse'. Revue d'ethique et de theologie morale Suppl. 215 (2000) 119-133. 4606 Garske, Volker Jesus in der modernen Literatur-zum Beispiel: Heinrich Böll. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 =>261. 31-34. 4607 Jaschke, Helmut Jesus der Mystiker. Mainz 2000, Grünewald 200 pp. €16.36. 3-7867-2242-0. 4608 Kroll, Thomas Les multiples visages de Jesus dans le cinema contemporain. LV.F 55 (2000) 403-416. 4609 Kuschel, Karl-Josef Jesus im Spiegel der Weltliteratur: eine Jahrhundertbilanz in Texten und Einführungen. 2 1999 =>15,4493. Rorien. 64 (2000) 188 (Gellner, Christoph); RSPhTh 84 (2000) 402403 (Schneider, Andre'); HerKorr 54 (2000) 647 (Schilson, Arno). 4610 Langenhorst, Georg Jesus ging nach Hollywood: die Wiederentdeckung Jesu in Literatur und Film der Gegenwart. 1998 =>14,4087. RLM 3/2 (2000) 46 (Friedrichs, Lutz); ThLZ 125 (2000) 197-198 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 66-67] (Zweigle, Birgit). 4611 Magers, Martin; Osterfeld, Petra Jesus-vierundzwanzigmal in der Sek"Unde: Momentaufnahmen einer filmischen Karriere. Lebt:ndigt: Welt Jesu. 2000 =:>261. 21-30. 4612 Maqsood, Ruqaiyyah Waris The mysteries of Jesus. Oxf 2000, Sakina 288 pp. :€13. 0-9538056-7-0. 4613 Orth, Stefan Jesus 2000: der Nazarener in der Popkultur. HerKorr 54 (2000) 255-259. 4614 Reinhartz, Adele Jesus ofHollywood: Jewish perspective. The historical Jesus. 2000=:>477.131-146. 4615 Repstad, Päl Images of Jesus among Norwegians. ITE 9 (2000) 355362 Res„ sum„ Zsfg. 355. 4616 Rosenthal, Peggy The poetc;' Jesus: representations at the end of a millennium. Oxf 2000, OUP 189 pp. $30. RAmerica Nov. 4 (2000) 26 (Feeney, Joseph J.). 4617 Salzmann, Bertram Spiegelschriften: der Jesus der Literaten. Evangelische Aspekte 10/4 (2000) 27-28. 4618 Schmitt, Eric-Emmanuel L'evangile selon Pilate. P 2000, Michel 340 pp. 4619 Scholl, Norbert Mein Bruder Jeshua: Erinnerungen des Jakobus an die Zeit in Galiläa und Jerusalem. Müns 2000, LIT 217 pp. €15.24. 4620 Urban, Christina Jesustypen im Film: gibt es den typischen Jesusfilm?. ZNT 6 (2000) 54-63.
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F2.2 Unitas VT-NT: The Unity ofOT-NT 4621 Aibl, Martin C. "And scripture cannot be broken": the form and function of the early christian testimonia collections. NT.S 96: 1999 =>15,4162. RETR 75 (2000) 628-629 (Rüsen-Weinhold, Ulrich). 4622 Barth, Heinz-Lothar Wie hat ein Christ das Alte Testament zu lesen?. Theologisches 30 (2000) 395-416. 4623 Beauchamp, Paul Lecture christique de l'Ancien Testament. Bib. 81 (2000) 105-115. 4624 Dohmen, Christoph No trace of Christmas?: discovering Advent in the Old Testament. TMaloney, Linda M ColMn 2000, Liturgical viii; 92 pp. $12. 0-814627-15-3 [BiTod 39,381-Bergant, Dianne]. 4625 Evans, Craig A. From language to exegesis. The interpretation of scripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 =.-257. 19-23. 4626 Frankemölle, Hubert Von der Wurzel getragen (Röm 11, 18): das Neue Testament im "Alten" verwurzelt lesen-am Beispiel des Matthäusevangeliums. BiKi 55 (2000) 14-18. 4627 Gäde, Gerhard "Antico" o "Primo" Testamento?. Ho Theol6gos 18 (2000) 255-276. 4628 Gordon, Edwin The road to Emmaus. HPR 100/8 (2000) 25-32. 4629 Hanson, James The endangered and reaffirmed promises of God: a fruitful framework for biblical theology. BTB 30 (2000) 90-101. 4630 Herrmann, Christian Christologische Auslegung des Alten Testaments: sachgemäß oder antijudaistisch?: zu drei neueren Darstellungen der Exegese Wilhelm Vischers. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 92-96. 4631 Longenecker, Richard N. Biblical exegesis in the apostolic period .. 2 1999 -:>15,12274. RseK 21(2000)201-202 [Eng.] (Venter, P.M). 4632 Manfredi, Silvana Ferche leggere oggi l'Antico Testamento: una riflessione biblico-ecclesiologica. Ho Theol6gos 18 (2000) 115-127. 4633 Mil/er, Patrick D. The Old Testament and christian faith. lsraelite religion. JSOT.S 267: 2000 =>191. 648-657. 4634 Motyer, J. Alec Look to the rock: an Old Testament background to our understanding ofChrist. Nottingham 2000, Inter-Varsity 255 pp. 0-85111-168-8. Bibi. 231-240. 4635 Moyise, Steve Intertextuality and the study of the Old Testament in the New Testament. FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 =>80. 14-41. 4636 North, J. Lionel Katva Kat an account of the British seminar on the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament. FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 =>80. 278-281. 4637 Penna, Romano Appunti sul come e perche i1 Nuovo Testamento si rapporta all'Antico. Dib. 81(2000)95-104.
F2.2 Unity ofthe Old and New Testaments
4638 Rapisarda, Grazia Continuita tra Antico e Nuovo Testamento in CROMAZIO di Aquileia. Aug. 40 (2000) 291-302. 4639 Reim, Günter Vom Hebräerbrief zum Johannesevangelium, anhand der Psalmzitate. BZ 44 (2000) 92-100. 4640 Renker, Alwin Das Alte Testament lesen. BiKi 55 (2000) 33-41. 4641 Schnabel, Eckhard J. Die Verwendung des Alten Testaments im Neuen. Das Studium des NT, 2. 2000 :::>337. 207-232. 4642 Söding, Thomas Das Jüdische im Christentum-Verlust oder Gewinn christlicher Identität?. TThZ 109 (2000) 54-76. 4643 Thirion, W.G. 'n prakties-teologiese model vir die verhouding Ou Testament/Nuwe Testament. SeK 21 (2000) 335-352 Sum. 335. 4644 Thirion, Willem Gabriel A practical theological model for the relationship Old Testament/New Testament. Diss. Pretoria 2000. Afrikaans. 4645 "Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-meme 11 : les citations de Levilique 19,18b dans le Nouveau Testament. FV 99/4 (2000) 79-93. Inst. Prot. de Theologie de Ndoungue. 4646 Weidemann, Hans-Ulrich Kanon und Christuszeugnis-B.S. Childs' Antwort auf eine alte Frage. BiKi 55 (2000) 26-32. 4647 Zenger, Erich Die grund-legende Bedeutung des Ersten Testaments: christlich-jüdische Bibelhermeneutik nach Auschwitz. BiKi 55 (2000) 6-13. 4648 Aletti, Jean-Noel Jesu-Cristo lfactor de unidad del Nuevo Testamento?. TLera Barrientos, Jeremlas Agape 22: S 2000, Secretariado Trinitario 277 pp. 84-88643-60-8. Bibi. 259-268.
F2.5 Commentarii-Commentaries on the whole NT 4649 Alonso Schökel, Luis A Biblia do peregrino: Novo Testamento. TBortolini, Jose; Storniolo, lvo; Vidigal, Jose Raimundo Sao Paulo 2000, Paulus 747 pp. 85-349-1598-9 [REB 239,767]. 4650 Eßray, Gerald Lewis James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, NT 11: Ch 2000, Dearbom xxx; 288 pp. 1-57958-292-3. 4651 D 'lmperio, F.S. Le glosse ai quattro vangeli nel ms. St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 50. StMed 41 (2000) 549-590. 4652 EDrane, John Tue New Testament epistles. NY 2000, St Martin's 382 pp. $14. 4653 EGorday, P. La biblia comentada por los padres de la iglesia: Nuevo Testamento, 9: Colosenses, 1-2 Tesalonicenses, 1-2 Timoteo, Tito, Filem6n. M 2000, Ciudad Nueva 500 pp.
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[VIII. Exegesis Generalis NT
4654 EGorday, Peter Ancient Christian commentary on scripture: New Testament 9: Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon. DG 2000, InterVarsity xxxiv; 346 pp. $40. 1-57958-134X [BiTod 38,257-Senior, Donald]. 4655 Hübner, Hans An Philemon: an die Kolosser: an die Epheser. HNT 12: 1997 =>13,4404; 15,4538. RCBQ 62 (2000) 145-146 (Wild, RobertA.). 4656 EMills, Watson Early; Wilson, Richard Francis General epistles and Revelation. Mercer Commentary on the Bible 8: Macon, GA 2000, Mercer Univ.Pr. lxiv, 128 pp. 0-86554-513-8. 4657 The Navarre Bible, 1: The gospels and Acts ofthe Apostles. Dublin 2000, Four Courts 908 pp. RSV with comm. by Fac. of Theol. of Univ. ofNavarre; Readers edition [ThD 48,281-Heiser, W.C.]. 4658 Reynier, Chantal; Trimaille, Michel; Vanhoye, Albert Lettere di Paolo II: Efesini, Filippesi, Colossesi, 1-2 Tessalonicesi, 1-2 Timoteo, Tito, Filemone, Ebrei: commento pastorale. Lettura pastorale del NT 30: CinB 2000, San Paolo 541 pp. 88-215-4170-3. Bibl. 4659 Stuttgarter Neues Testament: Einheitsübersetzung mit Kommentar und Erklärungen. Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk 589 pp. €19.84. 3920609-43-3. 4660 Tufii, Josep-Oriol; Alegre, Xavier Scritti giovannei e lettere cattoliche. 1997 =>13,4407; 14,4123. RPaVi 14/5 (2000) 61-63 (Doglio, Claudia). 11661 EVigini, G. Tl Nuovo Testamento con testo e note di commento a fronte. Mi 2000, Paoline 1080 pp. Riv. R Fabris. 4662 Wesley, John Explanatory notes upon the New Testament. L 2000, Epworth 1055 pp. 1-858-52165-3.
IX. Evangelia
F2.6 Evangelia Synoptica: textus, synopses, commentarii 4663 Allen, 0. Wcslcy Rending the synoptio gospels. St Louis 2000, Chalice x; 134 pp. $15 (BiTod 38,393-Senior, D.]. 4664 Casey, Maurice An Aramaic approach to the synoptic gospels. ET 110 (1998-1999) 275-278. 4665 Feldmeier, Reinhard Die synoptischen Evangelien. Grundinformation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 :=>305. 75-142. 4666 EHoffmann, Paul; Hleke, Thomas; Bauer, Ulrich Synoptic concordance: a Greek concordance to the first three gospels in synoptic
F2.6 The Synoptic Gospels: text, commentary
arrangement, statistically evaluated, including occurences in Acts, 2: E-1; 3: K-0; 4. P-Omega. B 2000, De Gruyter xviii; 957 + xvii; 997 + xix; 1066 pp. €152.37 +152.37 + 152.37. 3-11-016617-8/86/9-4. REThL 76 (2000) 481-483 [vols 2-3] (Neirynck, F.). 4667 Lasserre, Guy Les synopses: elaboration et usage. SubBi 19: 1996 =>12,4196; 13,4410. RRdT 41(2000)139-140 (Marucci, Corrado). 4668 Meynet, Roland Un'introduzione ai vangeli sinottici. Bo 2000, EDB 192 pp. 88-10-25101-6. Bibi. 187-190. 4669 Eschefers, Hermann Das Lorscher Evangeliar: Biblioteca Documentara Batthyaneum: Alba Iulia, Ms R 11 1 + Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Codex Vaticanus Palalit1u11 Lalitius 50. Codices e Valicanis selecti, series maior 44: Luceme 2000, Faksimile vol. 2: 279 pp. 385672-078·2. Vol. 1 Faksimile; Vol. 2 Kommentar; 166 ill. [RBen 112,171-Bogaert, P.-M.].
F2.7 Problema synopticum: Tbc Synuptic Problem 4670 Allison, Dale C. The intertextual Jesus: scripture in Q. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity xi; 306 pp. $28. 1-56338-329-2. Bibi. 245-270. 4671 Attridge, Harold W. "Seeking" and "asking" in Q, Thomas, and John. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 295-302 [Mt 7,7-11; Lk 11,9-13; Jn 14,13-14; 15,7; 16,24 ]. 4672 Baarlink, Heinrich HERDERs These eines schriftlichen Urevangeliums: Revision einer gängigen Darstellung. ZNW 91(2000)274-278. 4673 Baum, Armin Daniel Experimentalpsychologische Erwägungen zur synoptischen Frage. BZ 44 (2000) 37-55 . 4674 Crook, Zeba Antonin The synoptic parables ofthe mustard seed and the leaven: a test-case for the two-document, two-gospel, and FarrerGoulder hypotheses. JSNT 78 (2000) 23-48 [Mt 13,31-33; Mk 4,3032; Lk 13,18-21]. 4675 Downing, F. Gerald Compositional conventions and the synoptic problem. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 152-173; 4676 A paradigm perplex: Luke, Matthew and Mark ; 4677 A genre of Q and a socio-cultural context for Q: comparing sets of similarities with sets of differences ; 4678 Word-processing in the ancient world: the social production and performance of Q . Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 174-197/95-117 /75-94. . 4679 Dungan, David Laird A history of the synoptic prob lern. 1999 =>15,4559 RNT 42 (2000) 187-190 (Tuckett, Christopher); ThTo 57 (2000) 149-150, 152 (Adam, A.K.M); EThL 76 (2000) 485-9 (Friedrichsen, T.A.); CBQ 62 (2000) 752-753 (Derrenbacker, Robert A.).
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4680 Frenschkowski, Marco Welche biographischen Kenntnisse von Jesus setzt die Logienquelle voraus?: Beobachtungen zur Gattung von Q im Kontext antiker Spruchsammlungen. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 => 100. 3-42. 4681 Frenschkowski, Marco Q-Studien: historische, religionsgeschichtliche und theologische Untersuchungen zur Logienquelle. Diss.-Habil. Mainz 2000/01, 0 Böcher, 0. [ThRv 98/4, xviii]. 4682 Fuchs, Albert Gethsemane: die deuteromarkinische Bearbeitung von Mk 14,32-42 par Mt 26,36-46 par Lk 22,39-46. SNTU.A 25 (2000) 23-75. 4683 Goodacre, Mark The synoptic Jesus and the celluloid Christ: solving the synoptic problem through film. JSNT 80 (2000) 31-43; 4684 A monopoly on Marcan priority?: fallacies at the heart of Q. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 583-622. 4685 Graf-Stuhlhofer, Franz Die Bruchstellen der gemeinsamen Perikopen-Reihenfolge als Indiz für vier gemeinsame Quellen der Synoptiker. EurJT 9 (2000) 117-129. 4686 Head, Peter M. Christology and the synoptic problem: an argument for Markan priority. MSSNTS 94: 1997 =>13,4427 ... 15,4569. RThLZ 125 (2000) 404-405 (Koch, Dietrich-Alex). 4687 Hollander, Harm W. The words of Jesus: from oral traditions to written record in Paul and Q. NT 42 (2000) 340-357. 4688 Kirk, Alan The composition ofthe sayings source: genre, synchrony, and wisdom redaction in Q. NT.S 91: 1998 =>14,4142; 15,4585. RNT 42 (2000) 185-187 (Goodacre, Mark); CBQ 62 (2000) 147-148 (Crawford, Barry S.); JR 80 (2000) 492-494 (Boring, M Eugene). 4689 Kloppenborg Verbin, John S. Is there a new paradigm?. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 =>25. 23-47. 4690 Kloppenborg Verbin, John S. Excavating Q: the history and setting ofthe sayings gospel. E 2000, Clark xii; 546 pp. $32. 0-567-08728-X [RB 108,158]. 4691 Marguerat, Daniel Le probleme synoptique. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 11-33. 4692 Neirynck, F. Na~apa in Q: pro and con. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =:>100. 159-169. 4693 Onuki, Takashi Tollwut in Q?: ein Versuch über Mt 12.43-5/Lk 11.24-6. NTS 46 (2000) 358-374. 4694 Peterson, Jeffrey A pioneer narrative critic and his synoptic hypothesis: Austin FARRER and gospel interpretation. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 651-672. 4695 Piper, Ronald A. Wealth, poverty, and subsistence in Q. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 219-264.
F2. 7 Tue Synoptic Problem
4696 Racine, Jean-Frani;ois Three approaches to the position ofwomen in the Q document: Hai Taussig, Luise Schottroff, and Amy-Jill Levine. Women alsojourneyed. 2000 =>245. 99-116. 4697 Richardson, Peter First-century houses in Q's setting. FCATCHPOLE, R. NT.S 99: 2000 =>25. 63-83. 4698 ERobinson, James M.; Hoffmann, Paul; Kloppenborg, John S. The critical edition of Q: synopsis including the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Mark and Thomas. Lv 2000, Peeters cvii; 581 pp. €70. 90429-0926-9. English, German, and French trans. of Q and Thomas. REThL 76 (2000) 483-485 (Neirynck, F.). 4699 Schröter, Jens Erinnerung an Jesu Worte: Studien zur Rezeption der Logienüberlieferung in Markus, Q und Thomas. WMANT 76: 1997 =>13,4438; 15,4601. RThLZ 125 (2000) 75-78 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 62-65] (Zeller, Dieter). 4700 Sieger!, Folker Jesus und sein Volk in der Quelle Q. Israel als Gegenüber. 2000 =>444. 90·124. 4701 Verheyden, J. Documenta Q: the reconstruction ofQ 22,28-30. EThL 76 (2000) 404-432. 4702 Williams, Matthew C. Thc Owen hypothesis: an essay showing that it was Henry Owen who first formulated the so-called "Griesbach hypothesis". JHiC 7/1(2000)109-125. 4703 Winger, Michael Word and deed. CBQ 62 (2000) 679-692. 4704 Wright, NT. Resurrection in Q?. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 => 25. 85-97.
F2.8 Synoptica: themata 4705 EAbella, Josef Vangeli sinottici e Atti degli Apostoli: il regno e qui. 1999 =>15,4611. REstTrin 34 (2000) 341-342 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime). 4706 De Virgilio, G. II messaggio dei vangeli sinottici. CinB 2000, San Paolo 81 pp. 4707 Guijarro Oporto, Santiago Fidelidades en conflicto: la ruptura con la familia por causa del discipulado y de la misi6n en la tradici6n sin6ptica. 1998 =>14,4160; 15,4620. RBTB 30 (2000) 38-39 (Osiek, Carolyn). 4708 Gundry-Volf, Judith M "To such as these belongs the reign of God": Jesus and children. ThTo 56 (2000) 469-480. 4709 Hermant, Dominique Les redites chez Marc et les deux autres Synoptiques (Ile partie). RB 107 (2000) 348-382. 4710 Kowalczyk, Andrzej Pr6ba nowej interpretacji niekt6rych liczb w Ewangeliach. CoTh 70/1 (2000) 37-49. P.
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4711 Ugasse, Simon Jean-Baptiste et Jesus dans les evangiles synoptiques. Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 183-190 [BuBB 33,77]. 4712 Marconcini, Benito I vangeli sinottici: formazione, redazione, teologia. 1997 =>13,4454. RRdT 41(2000)137-138 (Marucci, Corrado). 4713 Nova, Alfonso EI hijo del hombre en los evangelios sin6pticos. EE 75 (2000) 23-78. 4714 Raja, Retchaganathan Jesu The gospels with an Indian face. 1996 =>12,3902. RITS 37 (2000) 95-96 (Legrand, L.). 4715 Rosik, Mariusz Ku radykalizmowi ewangelii: studium nad wsp6lnymi logiami Jezusa w ewangeliach wedlug sw. Mateusza i sw. Marka. Wroclaw 2000, PAN 188 pp. 83-85989-03-X. Bibi. 183-188. P. 4716 Salas, Antonio Evangelios sin6pticos: Jesus: proclamador del reino. Biblin y vidn 6: M 22000, San Pablo 18'1 pp. 8'1-285-1586-7. 4717 Stricker!, Fred Jesus' true family: the synoptic tradition and Thomas. FNICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 246-257. 4718 Van Bruggen, Jakob Jesus the Son ofGod: the gospel narratives as message. 1999 =>15,4632. RcTJ 35 (2000) 337-339 (Deppe, Dean). 4719 Wilk, Florian Jesus und die Völker in der Sicht der Synoptiker. Diss.-Habil. Jena 2000, 0 Niebuhr, W. BZNW 109: B 2000, De Gruyter 360 pp. 3-11-017179-1[RTL32,606].
F3.1 Matthaei evangellum: textus, commentarll 4720 Augsburger, Myron s.-Mastering the New Testament, 1: Matthew. L 2000, Word 336 pp. f9 [Evangel 18,89-Baxter, Tony]. 4721 rBenyik, György [AQUINAS] Catena Aurea I: Kommentar Mate cvnngcliumtihoz. Szcged 2000, JATEPress 850 pp. 963-482-345·9. 4722 Buchanan, George Wesley The gospel ofMatthew. 1996 2 vols => 12,4267; 13,4462. RRBLit 1(1999)251-253 (Carter, Warren). 4723 Carter, Warren C. Matthew and the margins: a socio-political and religious reading. JSNT.S 204: Mkn 2000, Orbis xx; 636 pp. $40. 184127-169-1. 4724 Cuvillier, Elian L'evangile selon Matthieu. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 63-81. 4725 EDnnicli, Mnrin Ignnzin ÜRIGENE: commento nl vangelo di Matteo, 2: libri XIII-XV. TScognamiglio, R. CTePa 151: 1999 =>15,4640. RCivCatt 151/2 (2000) 308-309 (Cremascoli, CI.). 4726 Davies, W.D.; Allison, Dale C. The gospel according to Saint Matthew II: Matthew VIII-XVIII. ICC 2: 1991 =:>9,4446 ... 15,4641. RThLZ 125 (2000) 66-68 (Wrege, Hans-Theo); 4727 Tue gospel according to Saint Matthew III: XIX-XXVIII. ICC 3: 1997 =>13,4465 ... 15,4641 RJThS 51(2000)645-49 (Jones, /vor H).
F3. l Matthew's Gospel: text, commentaries
4728 Frankemölle, Hubert Matthäus-Kommentar. 1994-1997 2 vols =>13,4467„. 15,4646. RBz 44 (2000) 139-144 (Roloff, Jürgen). 4729 Hewitt, James G. A philological investigation ofthe Hebrew Vorlage ofthe Hebrew version ofthe gospel ofMatthew in Shem-Tob Ben Shaprut's 'Eben Bohan'. Diss. Temple 2000, 358 pp. 996892. 4730 Ignatius catholic study bible: the gospel of Matthew. SF 22000, Ignatius 58 pp. $10. 0-89870-817-6. RSV; Introd., commentary and notes by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch; study questions by Dennis Walters [ThD 48,274-Heiser, W. Charles]. 4731 Joosten, Jan The Syriac language ofthe Peshitta and Old Syriac versions of Matthew: syntactic structure, inner-Syriac developments and translation technique. SStLL 22: 1996 =>12,4275; 14,4187. RNT 42 (2000) 201-204 (Taylor, David G.K.); RBLit 1 (1999) 221-224 (Falla, Terry C.). 4732 Keener, Craig S. A commentary on the gospel ofMatthew. 1999 => 15,4652. RscrB 30/2 (2000) 43-48 (Robinson, Bernard P.); SeK 21 (2000) 454-455 (Joubert, S.J.). 4733 Leonardi, Giovanni Vangelo secondo Matteo: traduzione strutturata, analisi letteraria c narrativa, mcssaggio c problcmi introduttori. Sussidi biblici 63-64: 1998 =>14,4188. RCivCatt 151/1 (2000) 310311 (Scaiola, D. ). 4734 Minear, Paul Sevier The good news according to Matthew: a train~ ing manual for prophets. St. Louis, Mo. 2000, Chalice xi; 175 pp. 08272-1245-3. 4735 Overman, J. Andrew Church and community in crisis: the gospel according to Matthew. New Testament in Context: 1996 =>12,4282. RRBLit l (1999) 263-26) (Hagner, Donald A.). 4736 Epefia, Roberto JERONIMO: comentario al evangelio de Mateo. TBianchi de Carcano, B.; Suarez, Maria Eugenia Fuentes Patristicas 45: 1999 =>15,4661. REThL 76 (2000) 188-189 (Leemans, J.). 4737 Racine, Jean-Fran~ois The text of Matthew's gospel in the writings of BASIL of Caesarea. Diss. Toronto, St. Michael 2000, °Fedwick, P.J. 442 pp [RTL 32,605; NQ54055]. 4738 Saldarini, Anthony J. A comunidade judaico-cristä de Mateus. TLambert, Barbara Theoto Biblia e Hist6ria: Säo Paulo 2000, Paulinas 360 pp [REB 241,258]. 4739 Schenke, Hans-Martin Das Matthäus-Evangelium in einer Variante des mittelägyptischen Koptisch auf Papyrus (Codex Schk!ytu1). Enchoria 26 (2000) 88-107 [Mt 8,29-9,5; 14, 1-14]. 4740 Senior, Donald Matthew. 1998 =>14,4199; 15,4663. RCBQ 62 (2000) 162-163 (Witherup, Ronald D.); 4741 The gospel of Matthew. 1997 =>13,4483. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 165167 (Harrington, Jay M).
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4742 Sepmeijer, Floris Ibn AL-TAYYIB's commentary on Matthew 1-9:3234. Parür 25 (2000) 557-564. 4743 Thiede, Carsten Peter; D' Ancona, Matthew The Jesus papyrus. 1996 :::>12,4289. RRF 241(2000)203-209 (Rodriguez Carmona, A.). 4744 Wiefel, Wolfgang Das Evangelium nach Matthäus. ThHK 1: 1998 :::>14,4203; 15,4666. RThLZ 125 (2000) 170-172 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 60-62) (Broer, Ingo). 4745 Witherup, Ronald D. Matthew: God with us. NY 2000, New City 213 pp. $13.
F3.2 Themata de Matthaeo 4746 Agourides, Savas Ma't0aios o Euayyt:A.tcr'tfJS (ötMcrKaA.oc; 't11S apxtKTJS Kat 't11S crriµt:ptviJc; EKKA.11criac;) [Matthew the Evangelist (teacher of the primitive and today's church)]. Athens 2000, Artos Zoes 313 pp. RDBM 19 (2000) 103-109 (Karavidopoulos, John). 4747 Carter, Warren Evoking Isaiah: Matthean soteriology and an intertextual reading oflsaiah 7-9 and Matthcw 1:2J and 4:15-16. JDL 119 (2000) 503-520. 4748 Carter, Warren Matthew: storyteller, interpreter, evangelisl. 1996 :::>12,4299; 14,4209. RRBLit 1 (1999) 253-255 (Garland, David E.). 4749 Charette, Blaine B. Restoring presence: the Spirit in Matthew's gospel. JPentec.8 18: 8hf2000, Sheflield A. 160 pp [NThAR 2000,311). 4750 Cousland, J. Robert C. Thc crowds in the gospel ofMatthew. NT.S 102: Lei 2000, Brill xii; 361 pp. 90-04-12177-3. 4751 Di Bianco, Nicola La strategia narrativa del vangelo secondo Matteo: il ruolo dei personaggi. Diss. Pont. Univ. Lateranensis, 0 Penna, Romano R 2000, Pont. Univ. Lateranensis 106 pp Extr. 4752 Dobbeler, Axel von Die Restitution Israels und die Bekehrung der Heiden: das Verhältnis von Mt 10,5b.6 und Mt 28,18-20 unter dem Aspekt der Komplementarität: Erwägungen zum Standort des Matthäusevangeliums. ZNW 91(2000)18-44. 4753 Edwards, Richard A. Matthew's narrative portrait of disciples: how the text-connoted reader is informed. Valley Forge 1997, Trinity vii; 151 pp. $15. 1-5633-8205-9. RRBLit 1(1999)255-257 (Van Tilborg, Sjej). 4754 Fairhurst, Alan M Matthew's hell: from Percy Dearmer to David Sim. ET 110 (1998-1999) 138-140. 4755 Feldmeter, Reinhard Israel als Gegenüber des Judenchristentums: das Beispiel des Matthäusevangeliums. Israel als Gegenüber. 2000 :::>444. 140-146.
F3.2 Matthew's Gospel: Topics
4756 George, James Wesley Significance ofthe original audience ofMatthew: a comparison ofthe general-audience approach and the criticalconsensus approach. Diss. Mid-America Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 225 pp. 9989309. 4757 Gnilka, Joachim Das 'verstockte' Israel nach dem Matthäusevangelium. Radici dell'antigiudaismo. 2000 =>524. 81-94. 4758 Grassi, Joseph A. Matthew's gospel of justice. BiTod 38 (2000) 234238. 4759 Green, Michael The message of Matthew: the kingdom of heaven. The Bible Speaks Today: Nottingham 2000, Inter-Varsity Press 343 pp. 0-85111,536-5. Bibl. 15-18. 4760 Grilli, Massimo Maria alla luce della teologia di Matteo. Theotokos 8 (2000)709-731. Sum. 731. 4761 Gundry, Robert H. In defense ofthe church in Matthew as a Corpus Mixtum. ZNW 91 (2000) 153-165; 4762 Salvation in Matthew. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 402414. 4763 Hare, Douglas R.A. How Jewish is the gospel ofMatthew?. CBQ 62 (2000) 264-277. 4764 Hoppe, Leslie J. A retreat with Matthew: going beyond the law. Cincinnati 2000, St. Anthony Messenger 146 pp. $10 [BiTod 39,125Senior, Donald]. 4765 Jackson, Glenna S. Are thc "nations" prcscnt in Matthew?. HTS 56 (2000) 9~5-948 LMl 15,21-28; 18,16-20]. 4766 Kampen, John Aspects of wisdom in the gospel of Matthew in light of the new Qumran evidence. MBAILLET, M. StTDJ 35: 2000 =>6. 227-239; 4767 The sie11ificance of the scrolls for thc study of thc book of Matthcw. The Dead Sea scrolls fifty years. 2000 =>609. 157-169. 4768 Kowalczyk, Andrzej Typological cycles of episodes in the gospel of Matthew and Matthew as the new Hexateuch. Ang. 77 (2000) 223274 [Mt 3,13-19,1]. 4769 Kvalbein, Hans Has Matthew abandoned the Jews?: a contribution to a disputed issue in recent scholarship. The mission of the early church. WUNT 127: 2000 =>226. 45-62 [Mt 27,25]. 4770 Loh~e, F,dunrd "Vollkommen sein": zur Ethik des Matthäusevangeliums. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 44-
52. 4771
Luomanen, Petri Entering the kingdom of hcaven: a study on the structure ofMatthew's view ofsalvation. WUNT 2/101: 1998 =>14, 4237. RThLZ 125 (2000) 287-289 (Feldmeier, Reinhard); ThG 43 (2000) 73-75 (Giesen, Heinz).
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4772 Manicardi, Ermenegildo Dio Padre nella prospettiva del vangelo secondo Matteo. Lat. 66 (2000) 81-106. 4773 Manrique, Andres La iglesia: perspectiva de Mateo. BiFe 26 (2000) 155-172. 4774 Marecek, Petr La preghiera di Gesu nel vangelo di Matteo: uno studio esegetico-teologico. Diss. Gregorian 2000, 0 Stock, K. TGr.T 67: R2000, E.P.U.G. 241 pp. €12.91. 88-7652-864-4. 4775 Mari, Pietro Gesu, profeta del regno: leggere e pregare il vangelo secondo Matteo. 1999 =>15,4696. RPalCl 79 (2000) 159-160. 4776 Meiser, Martin Vollkommenheit in Qumran und im Matthäusevangelium. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =>102. 195-209. 4777 Miler, Jean Les citations d'accomplissement dans l'evangile de Matthieu: quand Dieu se rend present en toute humanite. AnBib 140: 1999 =>15,4697. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1254-1256 [Eng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 54-57] (Mayordomo, Moises); Bib. 81 (2000) 589-593 (Menken, Maarten J.J.). 4778 Müller, Markus Proskynese und Christologie nach Matthäus. l'RoLOFF, J. 2000 =>102. 210-224. 4779 Neyrey, Jerome H. Honor and shame in the gospel of Matthew. 1998 =>14,4244. RTS 61 (2000) 150-151 (Barta, Karen A.); AUSS 38 (2000) 166-168 (deSilva, David A. ). 4780 Nortje-Meyer, Lil/y Gentile female characters in Matthew's story: an illustration of righteousness. Transformative encounters. Dibl.Interp. 43: 2000 c....:>4347. 54-76. 4781 Park, Jeongsoo Sündenvergebung: ihre religiöse und soziale Dimension im Matthäusevangelium. Diss. Heidelberg 2000/01, 0 Theißen, G. [ThRv 98/4, ix]. 4782 Radiga/es, .laume Rstetica, paraula i musica en // vange/o secondo Matteo de Pier Paolo PASOLINI. QVC 109-200 (2000) 49-68. 4783 Regazzi, Mark B. The delimitation of pericopes: a case study in Matthew. Diss. Andrews 2000, 0 Johnston, Robert M 788 pp. Sum. [AUSS 38,307; 9979891]. 4784 Repschinski, Boris The controversy stories in the gospel of Matthew: their redaction, form und relevance for the relationship between the Matthean community and formative Judaism. Diss. Loyola, Chicago 1998, 0 Tobin, Thomas H. FRLANT 189: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 373 pp. €65.45. 3-525-53873-1. Bibi. 4785 Rowan, Peter The relevance of the concept of discipleship for the Matthean church. Evangel 18/3 (2000) 1-8. EMA Occasional Paper; 4'/86 Uiscipleship and mission: toward an integral mission theology in the gospel of Matthew, 1. Evangel 18/2 (2000) 1-8. EMA Occasional Paper6.
F3.2 Matthew's Gospel: Topics
4787 Scheuermann, Georg Gemeinde im Umbruch: eine sozialgeschichtliche Studie zum Matthäusevangelium. FzB 77: 1996 =>12,4339 ... 15,4708. REstB 58 (2000) 135-136 (Alegre, X). 4788 Siker, Judy Yates Polemic and the politics of identity: Jewish selfdefinition in the gospel of Matthew. Diss. North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2000, 225 pp. 9993379. 4789 Sim, David C. The gospel ofMatthew and christian Judaism: the history and social setting ofthe Matthean community. 1998 =>14,4253; 15,4711. RJThS 51 (2000) 242-246 (Beaton, Richard); HeyJ 41 (2000) 334-336 (Goodacre, Mark); CBQ 62 (2000) 375-377 (McKnight, Scot); JSJ 31 (2000) 349-351 (Tomson, Peter J.). 4790 Smith, Gordon Louis Shifting boundaries: religious conversion in the matrix of Matthean christianity. Diss. Iliff-Denver 2000, 289 pp. 9991254. 4791 Stoka, Petr Jezusov odnos do zensk v vsakdanjem zivljenju, TTT. Tretji dan. Krscanska revija za duhovnost in kulturo 29/10 (2000) 814[Mt12,41-44; 21,31-32; 25,21·28]. S. 4792 Thirukudumbam, Xavier The metaphor of the reign of God in the gospel of Matthew and 'Sri Ramacaritan1anas': a study in comparati ve hermeneutics. Diss. Cath. Univ. of America 2000, 264 pp. 9986796. 4793 Vahrenhorst, Martin Vom Schwören: Matthäus im halachischen Diskurs: eine untersuchung zur innerjüdischen Verortung des Matthäusevangeliums unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der matthäischen Schwurperikopen und ihre Kontexte im Rahmen der antiken jüdischen Diskussion über Schwur und Eid. Diss. Wuppertal 2000, °Karrer, M. 353 pp [RTL 32,606]. 4794 Wainwright, Elaine M "Your faith has made you well": Jesus, women, and healing in the gospel ofMatthew. Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. 43: 2000 =>4347. 224-244. 4795 Wansbrough, Henry The new Israel: the community of Matthew and the community ofQumran. SNTU.A 25 (2000) 8-22. 4796 Yang, Yong-Eui Jesus and the Sabbath in Matthew's gospel. JSNT.S 139: 1997 =>13,4543; 15,4719. RRBLit 1(1999)265-267 (Verseput, DonaldJ.).
F3.3 Mt Js (Lc ls=:>F7.5) Infantia Jesu-lnfancy Gospels 4797 Ecousin, Hugues Les mages et les bergers. CEv.S 113: P 2000, Cerf 131 pp. 4798 Graham, Elaine 'The story' and 'our stories': narrative theology, vemacular religion and the birth of Jesus;
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[IX. Evangelia synoptlca
4799 Jantzen, Grace M Nativity aml natality. The bitth of .Tesn.o;. 2000:::;;. 244. 89-98/111-121. 4800 Mason, Steve Where was Jesus bom?: 0 little town of ... Nazareth?. BiRe 16/1(2000)31-39, 51-54. 4801 Mason, Steve; Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome Where was Jesus bom?: response and surresponse. BiRe 16/1 (2000) 46, 54. 4802 Mayordomo-Marin, Moises Den Anfang hören: leserorientierte Evangelienexegese am Beispiel von Matthäus 1-2. FRLANT 180: 1998 =>14,4276; 15,4735. RBz 44 (2000) 144-147 (Dobbeler, Stephanie von); ThLZ 125 (2000) 405-407 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 5961] (Reinmuth, Eckart); CBQ 62 (2000) 149-151 (Bauer, David R.). 4803 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome Whtmi was Jt::sus !Jurn?: Hethlehem ... of course. BiRe 16/1 (2000) 40-45, 50. 4804 Peacocke, Arthur DNA of our DNA. The birth of Jesus. 2000 =>244. 59-67. 4805 Penicaud, Anne Lecture de l"'evangile de l'enfance" chez Matthieu (I & II): weekend de l'Association Cadir des 11 & 12 Mars 2000. SemBib 98 (2000) 3-30. 4806 Romaniello, Giuseppe La scrittura apocrifa dei primi due capitoli del vangelo secondo Matteo e controrevisione della datazione della nascita di Cristo. Latina 2000, Phos 207 pp. €25.83. Bibi. 4807 Stramare, Tarcisio Vangelo dei misteri della vita nascosta di Gesu. 1998 =>14,4282; 15,4737. RDivinilas 43 (2000) 200-204 (Gherardini, B.); Sal. 62 (2000) 390-391 (Gamba, Giuseppe Giovanni); RTLu 5 (2000) 319-321 (Orsatti, Mauro). 4808 Ward, Graham Uncovering the corona: a theology of circumcision. The birth of Jesus. 2000 =>244. 35-44. 4809 Erickson, Richard J. Joseph and the birth of Isaac in Matthew 1. BBR 10 (2000) 35-51. 4810 Weaver, Dorothy Jean Rewriting the Messianic script: Matthew's account ofthe birth of Jesus. Interp. 54 (2000) 376-385. [Mt 1]. 4811 Puig i Tarrech, Armand 1 prolegomeni del vangelo secondo Matteo (1,1-4,25). MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 447-462. 4812 Ostmeyer, Karl-Heinrich Der Stammbaum des Verheißenen: theologische Implikationen der Namen und Zahlen in Mt 1.1-17. NTS 46 (2000) 175-192. 4813 Kyallo Mutua, Charles 'Salmon was the father of Boaz by paxaß' Mt 1,5a: a study of Rahab traditions, their 're-elaboration' and significance in the 'genealogy' of Mt l, 1-17. Extr. Diss. Pont. Univ. Urbaniana 2000, D Rizzi, Giovanni R 2000, xvii; 103 pp.
F3.3 Mt ls (Lk ls)-lnfancy gospels
4814 Carter, Warren 'To save his people from their sins' (Matt 1:21 ): Rome's empire and Matthew's salvation as sovereignty. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 ~487. 379-401. 4815 Pasquetto, Virgilio 'II bambino si chiamera Emmanuele' (Mt. 1,23): incamazione di Gesu, presenza di Dio per gli uomini. RVS 54 (2000) 409-425. 4816 Boochs, Wolfgang Die Flucht nach Ägypten: 'Aus Ägypten rief ich meinen Sohn' (Hosea 11, 1). Grevenbroich 2000, Bemardus 100 pp. €7.57. 3-934551-18-1 [Mt2]. 4817 Alvarez Valdes, Arie! De sacra scriptura: lexistieron los reyes Magos?. CuesT 68 (2000) 167-ITJ. 4818 Cardini, Franco 1 re Magi: storia e leggende. Venezia 2000, Marsilio 159 pp. €14.98. 88317-75553 [QFIAB 82,803s-Szab6, Thomas] [Mt2,l-12]. 4819 Jong, Albert de Traditions ofthe Magi: Zoroastrianism in Greek and Latin literature. RGRW 133: Lei 1997, Brill xii; 496 pp. Bibi. RJAC 43 (2000) 206-210 (Frenschkowski, Marco). 4820 Molnar, Michael R. The star of Bethlehem: the legacy of the Magi. New Brunswick, NJ 2000, Rutgers Univ. Pr. xvi (2); 187 pp. $25. 08135-2701-5. Bibi. 4821 Paciorek, Piotr L'adoration des Mages (Mt 2,1-12) dans la tradition patristique et au Moyen Age jusqu'au Xlle siecle. Aug(L) 50 (2000) 85-140. 4822 Powel/, Mark Al/an Tht: Magi as kings: an adventure in readerresponse criticism. CBQ 62 (2000) 459-480 [Mt 2, 1-12.]; 4823 The magi as wise men: re-examining a basic supposition. NTS 46 (2000) 1-20. 4824 Marifredi, Silvana Tl bambino e sua madre (Mt 2,11.14.20): In lucc dei profeti su Matteo 1-2. FRocco, B. 2000 ~101. 119-144. 4825 Menken, Maarten J.J. The quotation from Jeremiah 31 (3 8) .15 in Matthew 2.18: a study of Matthew's scriptural text. FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 ~80. 106-125.
F3.4 Mt 3 ... Baptismus .Jesu, Beginnings of the Public Life 4826 Cipriani, Settimio Tratti "apocalittici" nella predicazione e negli attegginmcnti di Uiovanni Ballisla?. FFESTORAZZl, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 ~38. 229-239. 4827 Eckert, Lowell Edgar The baptism of Jesus in the canonical and Jewish-Christian gospels: an intertextual study. Diss. Lutheran School ofTheology 2000, 580 pp. 9968525.
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4828 Puech, Emile Jean-Baptiste etait-il essenien?. Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 171-176 [BuBB 30,48]. 4829 Schwartz, Joshua John the Baptist, the wildemess and the Samaritan mission. FKALLAI, z. VT.S 81: 2000 =>59. 104-117. 4830 Tassin, Claude Jean-Baptiste et les baptistes. Aux origines. 2000 => 264. 177-182 [BuBB 30,48]. 4831 Taylor, Joan The lmmerser: John the Baptist within Second Temple Judaism. 1997 =>13,4601... 15,4759. RJR 80 (2000) 306-307 (Shaver, Brenda J.); RB 103 (2000) 462-463 (Taylor, Justin). 4832 Wainwright, Elaine M. Reading Matthew 3-4: Jesus-sage, seer, sophia, son ofGod. JSNT 77 (2000) 25-43. 4833 Webb, Robert L. Jesus' baptism: its historicity and implications. BBR 10 (2000) 261-309. 4834 Hunssen, Olav Versuchung Jesu-Überwindung Satans: Aspekte einer religionsgeschichtlichen Interpretation von Mt 4, l..; 11 par. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 119-135. 4835 Mulloor, Augustine Mt. 4.1-11: an Indian re-reading. FPATHRAPANKAT., .T. 7.000 :::>85. 179-392. 4836 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome Was Jesus tested?. PrPe 14 (2000) 92-95 [Mt 4, 1-11]. 4837 Szalanda, Tomasz Kuszenie Jezusa na pustyni (Mk 1, 12-13; Mt 4,112; Zk 4,1-13) w posoborowym przepowiadaniu Polskim: studium egzegetyczno-homiletyczne [La tentation de Jesus au desert (Mc 1,12-13; Mt 4,1-12; Lk 4,1-13) dans la predication postconciliaire polonaise: etude exegetique et homiletique]. Diss. Lublin 2000, 0 Bielecki, St. 283 pp LRTL 32,605j.
F3.5 Mt 5 ... Sermon on the Mount [... plain, Lk 6,17] 4838 Eßauer, Dieter Die Bergpredigt entdecken: Lese- und Arbeitsbuch zur Bergpredigt. Bibel im Jahr ... : Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk 143 pp. 3-460-20013-8. 4839 Bauer, Dieter Befreiende Rede auf dem Berg: Gestaltung und Aufbau der Jesusüberlieferung in der Bergpredigt. Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr ... : 2000 =>4838. 14-27. 4840 Betz, Hans Dieter The sermon on the mount: a c.omment11ry on the sermon on the mount, including the sermon on the plain (Matthew 5:3-7:27 and Luke 6:20-49). ECollins, Adela Y. Hermeneia: 1995 => 11/1,2966 ... 4,4307. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1152-1155 (Broer, Ingo). 4841 Frankemö/le, Hubert Die Rolle des Paulus für das Christentum. Lebendige Welt Jesu. 2000 =>261. 132-137.
F3.5 The Sermon on the Mount
4842 Leicht, Robert Die Bergpredigt: Zusage oder Gebote?. Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr ... : 2000 =>4838. 6-11. 4843 Loader, William R.G. Jesus' attitude towards the law. WUNT 2/97: 1997 =>13,4622; 15,4776. Rsal. 62 (2000) 387-388 (Vicent, R.); CBQ 62 (2000) 366-368 (Sterling, Gregory E.); EvQ 72 (2000) 274275 (Kim, Paul D.J.). 4844 Machinek, Marian Die Auslegung der Bergpredigt bei L.N. TOLSTOJ im Kontext seines ethisch-religiösen Systems. 1998 =>14,4320. RcoTh 70 (2000) 235-239 (Narcol, Alojzy). 4845 Marion, Denis Le sermon sur la montagne. EeV 7 (2000) 20-29. 4846 Morgan, Robert Towards a critical appropriation of the sermon on the mount: christology and discipleship. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 =>25. 157-191. 4847 Pathrapankal, Joseph The christian programme: a theological and pastoral study ofthe Sermon on thc Mount. 1999 ::::>15,4781. RITS 37 (2000) 343-345 (Legrand, L.). 4848 Ritter, Werner H. Maßstab für die Nachfolge: wie man mit der Bergpredigt Schule machen kann. EK 33/5 (2000) 37-39; 4849 Von der bildenden Kraft der Bergpredigt für Kinder und Jugendliche. PTh 89 (2000) 302-316. 4850 Söding, Thomas Die Predigt Jesu und die Kirche auf dem Berg der Seligpreisungen. GuL 73 (2000) 405-415. 4851 Wudel, B. Diane Enticemcnts to community: formal, agonistic and destablizing [sie] rhetoric in the Sermon on the Mount. SR 29 (2000) 275-285 Res., sum. 275. 48.52 Wilckens, John Matthew 5.17-19 and aboriginal christians, 1. ACR 77 (2000) 449-459. 4853 Remmert, Hans-Joachim Um Gottes willen-für den Menschen!: ein Stammtischgespräch zu Mt 5, 17-20. Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr ... : 2000 =>4838. 46-57. 4854 Kot, Tomasz Accomplir lajustice de Dieu: Mt 5,17-48-analyse rhetorique. Studies on the Bible. 2000 ::::>333. 73-187. 4855 Ortkemper, Franz-Josef "Ich aber sage euch ... ": die Antithesen der Bergpredigt 1 (Mt 5,21-37). Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr ... : 2000 =>4838. 60-71. 4856 Marguerat; Daniel l dieci commandamenti di Gesu. Il Mondo della Bibbia 51 (2000) 29-31 [Mt 5,21-48). 4857 Ebner, Martin Feindesliebe-ein Ratschlag zum Überleben?: sozialund religionsgeschichtliche Überlegungen zu Mt 5,38-47 par Lk 6,27-35. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 ::::>100. 119-142. 4858 Eltrop, Bettina Auge um Auge?: die Antithesen der Bergpredigt II (Mt 5,38-48). Die Bergpredigt entdecken. 2000 ::::>4838. 74-85.
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4859 (a) Bergmeier, Roland 'Und deinen Feind hassen'. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 ~132. 122-128 [Mt 5,43]. (b) Hofius, Otfried Nächstenliebe und Feindeshaß: Erwägungen zu Mt 5,43. Neutestamentliche Studien. 2000 ~174. 137-144. 4860 Maggioni, Bruno Gesu e il denaro. PSV 42 (2000) 111-118 [Mt 6,19-34]. 4861 Puttkammer, Annegret "Lernt von den Lilien, die auf dem Felde wachsen „.": falsche und rechte Sorge (Mt 6,19-34); 4862 Kaiser, Helga "Sie haben da etwas im Auge „.": vom Richten (Mt 7,1-5). Die Bergpredigt entdecken. 2000 ~4838. 104-115/118-129. 4863 Wattles, Jeffrey H. The golden rule. 1996 ~12,4447. Rstwc 6/1 (2000) 107-108 (McDonald, Jan) [Mt 7,12]. 4864 Porsch, Felix "Wer diese meine Worte hört „.": der Ruf in die Entscheidung (Mt 7,13-27). Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr .„: 2000 ~4838. 132-142. F3.6 Mt 5,3-11 (Lc 6,20-22) Beatitudines 4865 Aparicio, A. Las Bienaventuranzas evangelicas en la vida consagrada: un nuevo pueblo en exodo. 1998 ~14,4347. Rclar. 40 (2000) 453 (Gonzalez Silva, Santiago M'). 4866 Calduch-Benages, Nuria Le beatitudini cammino di conversione e di fclicita. CoSc 49/3 (2000) 32-45. 4867 Et!,le, Im "Selig seid ihr ... ": die große Einladung (Mt :i, 1-1 b). Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr „.: 2000 ~4838. 30-43. 4868 Fabry, Heinz-Josef Die Seligpreisungen in der Bibel und in Qumran. HBO 29 (2000) 25-38. 4869 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. A Palestinian Jewish collection of beatitudes. Dead Sea scrolls and christian origins. 2000 ~156. 111-118. , 4870 Häring, Bernhard Die Ethik der Bergpredigt: die acht Seligpreisungen. Graz 2000, Styria 156 pp. 3-222-12785-9. 4871 Manns, Frederic Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. LASBF 50 (2000) 37-51Mt5,4]. 4872 Pinckaers, Servais The pursuit ofhappiness-God's way: living the beatitudes. 1998 ~14,4356; 15,4801. RJCSTJ 2 (2000) 94-95 (l.ofredo, Marion Patrfr:k). 4873 Cereti, Giovanni Divorzio, nuove nozze e penitenza nella chiesa primitiva. 2 1998 ~14,4360. RVetChr 37 (2000) 441-443 (Aulisa, Immacolata). 4874 Janzen, David The meaning of Porneia in Matthew 5.32 and 19.9: an approach from the study of ancient Near Eastern culture. JSNT 80 (2000) 66-80.
F3.6 The Beatitudes
4875 Levine, Amy-Jill Jesus, divorce, and sexuality: Jewish critique. The historical Jesus. 2000 =>477. 113-129. 4876 Machinek, Marian "Klauzula Mateuszowa" (Mt 5,32, 19,9) jako problem pastoralny. CoTh 70/3 (2000) 5-21. P.
F3.7 Mt 6,9-13 (Lc 11,2-4) Oratio Jesu, Pater Noster, Lord's Prayer 4877 Balabanski, Vicky An earth bible reading of the Lord's Prayer: Matthew 6:9-13. Readings. 2000 =:>270. 151-161. 4878 ßlasi, Rocchina Maria Abbondanza Tra evangelismo e riforma cattolica: le prediche sul Paternoster di Girolamo SERIPANDO. 1999 => 15,4811. RTheologia Viatorum 5 (2000) 198-99 (Messina, Gerardo). 4879 Brown, Michael Joseph 'Panem nostrum': the problem of petition and the Lord's Prayer. JR 80 (2000) 595-614. 4880 Diez, Karlheinz Das Vaterunser in Eucharistiefeier und Stundengebet. Gott als Vater in Ribel und Liturgie. FHSS 34: 2000 =:>343. 89125. 4881 Dube, Musa W. To pray the Lord's prayer in the global economic cra (Matt. 6:9-13). The Bible in Africa. 2000 =:>342. 611-630. 4882 Froidure, M. Rezar el Padre Nuestro hoy. Santander 2000, Mensajero 74 pp [BiFe 26,318-Säenz Galaehe, M.]. 4883 Guardini, Romano Das Gebet des Herrn. Topos plus 366: Mainz 82000 , Grünewald 113 pp. f.5.52. 3-7867-8366-7. 4884 Lang, Bernhard The 'Our Father' as John the Baptist's political prayer: a ritual response to the absence of God's kingdom. FCRENSHAW, J. 2000 =:>31. 239-253 [Lk 11,1-4]. 4885 Le Saux, Henri (Abhisiktonnndo) 11 Padre nostro: un cammino iniziatico. Spirito e vita 6: Sotto il Monte (BG) 1999, Servitium 49 pp. 88~8166-104- 7. Testi scelti e presentati da Odette Baum er Despeigne, pref. Nicola Manca. 4886 Loza Vera, Jose EI Padre Nuestro. Qol 24 (2000) 31-46. 4887 Minear, Paul S. The home ofthe "Our Father". Worship 74 (2000) 212-222. 4888 EMoreno Garcia, Abd6n; Nocon, Arkadiusz [Pedro de Valencia:] EI Padrenuestro de un humanfotn: un mnnuscrito incdito. 1999 ~15, 4827. RAnnTh 14 (2000) 600-602 (Aranda, A.). 4889 II Padre Nostro, preghiera di tutti Itinerari. Bo 2000, Segretariato per l'ecumenismo eil dialogo/CEI. 178 pp. €15.50. 4890 Park, Soon-Ja La tempete apaisee: Matthieu 8,23-27. SemBib 99 (2000) 33-51. 4891 Perrenoud, Andre Matthieu 6,11: le petit-dejeuner. Lire et Dire 47 (2000) 12-20 [BuBB 33,84] D Cor 13].
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4892 Epiazza, Orazio Francesco Padre nostro ... liberaci dal male: teologi in dialogo. RdT Library, Saggi 5: CinB 2000, San Paolo 373 pp. 88215-4210-6. 4893 Pierno, Franco Appunti sull'evoluzione testuale del Padre nostro nelle versioni bibliche italiane del quattrocento-cinquecentesche. RivBib 48 (2000) 55-68. 4894 Scarpat, Giuseppe II Padrenostro di San FRANCESCO. AClCr 33: Brescia 2000, Paideia 73 pp. €6 ..20 88-394-0600-X. 4895 SporCif:, Ivan Ocenas: program evandeoskog stila fviota: biblijskoteoloski pogled na molitvu gospodnju [Das Vaterunser-das Programm des evangelischen Lebensstils]. EthF 15/1 (2000) 29-44 Zsfg. 44 [Lk 11,2-4]. Croatian. 4896 Stevenson, Kenneth Abba, Father: understanding and using the Lord's Prayer. Norwich 2000, Canterbury vi; 202 pp. 1-85311-382-4. 4897 Wellmann, Bettina "So sollt ihr beten ... ": das Vaterunser und die Frömmigkeit (Mt 6, 1-18). Die Bergpredigt entdecken. Bibel im Jahr „.: 2000 =>4838. 88-101. 4898 Werbick, Jürgen Rette uns davor, eine Beute des Bösen zu werden (Mt 6,13): dio Bitto um Erlösung in der Sprachnot gegenwärtiger Glaubenserfahrung. rhs 43 (2000) 96-102.
F4. l Mt 9-12: Miracula Jesu-The Gospel miracles 4899 Alana, O.E. Jewish-Hellenistic magical influence on some of Jesus' healing techniques: an appraisal. DBM 19/1(2000)90-102. G. 4900 Bernheim, Pierre-Antoine Jacques, frere de Jesus. 1996 =>12,6613. RRSPhTh 84 (2000) 559-560 (Cerbeluud, Duminique); LTP 56 (2000) 535-537 (Poirier, Paul-Hubert). 4901 Bruners, Wilhelm Wie Jesus Kranke heilt. LS 51 (2000) 142-147. 4902 Cotter, Wendy Miracles in Greco-Roman antiquity: a sourcebook. The context of early christianity: 1999 =>15,4853. RRBLit 2 (2000) 485-487 (Twelftree, Graham H.). 4903 Dore, Joseph La signification des miracles de Jesus. RevSR 74 (2000) 275-291. 4904 Earman, John HUME's abject failure: the argument against miracles. NY 2000, OUP xi; 217 pp. $40/25. 4905 Elbert, Paul Tbc dcvil, disease and deliverance: origins of ilh1ess in New Testament thought-an appreciation and critique. Asian journal of Pentecostal studies 3/1 (2000) 139-154. 4906 Fischer, Klaus P. 'Er heilte ilire Kranken' (Mt 14,14): Heilung und Heil-eine verlorene Einheit?. Orien. 64 (2000) 251-257.
F4.1 The Gospel miracles
4907 Guijarro Oporto, Santiago La dimensi6n politica de los exorcismos de Jesus: la controversia de BelcebU desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales. EstB 58 (2000) 51-77 [Mk 3,22-27]. 4908 Miranda, Valtair A. A cristologia dos demönios. Vox scripturae 10/1 (2000) 3-18. 4909 Neyrey, Jerome H Miracles, in other words: social science perspectives on healings. Miracles in Jewish and christian antiquity. 2000 ~ 457. 19-55. 4910 Perrot, Ch.; Souletie, J.L.; Thevenot, S. I miracoli: fatti storici o genere letterario?. CinB 2000, Paoline 170 pp. €11.36. 4911 Pilch, John J. Healing in the New Testament: insights from medical and Mediterranean anthropology. Mp 2000, Fortress xiii; 180 pp. $18. 0-8006-3178-1. Bibi. RRExp 97 (2000) 381-382 (Galindo, Israel). 4912 Schlavo, Lufs; Sllva, Valmor da Jesus, milagreiro e exorcista. Slio Paulo 2000, Filhas de Silo Paulo 127 pp [REB 61,516]. 4913 Schnelzer, Thomas "So etwas haben wir noch nie gesehen" (Mk 2,12): neutestamentliche Wunder und naturwissenschaftliches Weltbild im Kontext katholischer Theologie. Glaube und Denken 13 (2000) 105-132. 4914 Twelftree, Graham H. Jesus the miracle worker. 1999 ~15,4869. RBS 157 (2000) 503-505 (Bock, Darrell L.); AsbTJ 55/2 (2000) 9597 (Green, Joel B.). 4915 Wander, Bernd Biblische Wundergeschichten als Zeugnisse wiederkehrenden Lebens von Noah, Ezechiel, Jesus und anderen. FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 ~106. 77-86. 4916 Warrington, Keith Jesus the healer: paradigm or unique phenomenon?. Cnrlisle 2000, Paternoster xvi; 192 pp. 0-85364-822-0. BibJ. 166-177. 4917 Woodward, Kenneth L. Tue book of miracles: the meaning of the miracle stories in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam. NY 2000 Simon & S. 429 pp. $28. 0-684-82393-4. Bibi. 409-419 [ThD 47,293-Heiser, W. Charles]. 4918 Yoo, Myung Kwon Increasing knowledge and response toward the miracles through bible study. Diss. Oral Roberts 2000, 191 pp. 989296. 4919 Zachman, Randall C. Tue meaning ofbiblical miracles in light ofthe modern quest for truth. Miraeles in Jcwish and christian antiquity. 2000 ~457. 1-18. 4920
Varickasseril, J. What sort of labourers do we need to pray for?: (a study ofMt 9:36-38). MissTod 2 (2000) 77-82.
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4921 Sim, David C. The sword motif in Matthew 10:34. HTS 56/1 (2000) 84-104. 4922 Wainwright, Elaine M A transformative struggle towards the divine dream: an ecofeminist reading of Matthew 11. Readings. 2000 :::}270. 162-173. 4923 Viviano, Benedict T. The least in the kingdom: Matthew 11: 11, its parallel in Luke 7:28 (Q), and Daniel 4:14. CBQ 62 (2000) 41-54. 4924 Notley, R. Steven The kingdom of heaven forcefully advances. The interpretation of scripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 :::}257. 279-311 [Mt 11,12;Lk 16,16]. 4925 Ekelund, Aasold "... da er jo Guds basileia kommet til dere": en kritisk vurdering av Sverre Aalens og Hans K valbeins syn pä Guds rike i lys av Matteus 12:28. Ung teologi 33/3 (2000) 23-39. 4926 Ring, Th.G. Die 'unvergebbare' Sünde wider den Heiligen Geist in Mt 12,3 lf nach der Deutung des hl. AUGUSTINUS. Cassiciacum 48: Wü 2000, Augustinus 119 pp. 4927 Baudoz, Jean-Franr;ois Le Nouveau Testament et le signe de Jonas. CEv.S 110 (2000) 11-16 [Mt 12,38-42] [:::}4213]. 4928 Bazzana, Giovanni Battista 11 segno di Giona: l'evoluzione dell'imagine del Salvatore nel mediogiudaismo. NRS 84/1 (2000) 1-30 [Mt 12,38-42].
F4.3 Mt 13 ...Paraboiae Jesu-The Parables 4929 ELongenecker, Richard N. The challenge of Jesus' parables. McMaster NT Studies: GR 2000, Eerdmans xii; 324 pp. $28. 4930 In verita vi dico ... : Gesu racconta oggi le sue parabole. Piemme, Religione: CasM 2000, Piemme 174 pp. 88-384-4922-8. Anonima; Presentazione di Raniero Cantalamessa. 4931 Buttrick, David Speaking parables: a homiletic guide. LVL 2000, Westminster 254 pp. $25. 0-664-22191-2. RRExp 97 (2000) 268-269 (Graves, Mike). 4932 Carter, Warren; Heil, John Paul Matthew's parables: audienceoriented perspectives. CBQ.MS 30: 1997 '713,4738; 15,4899. RJThS 51(2000)247-249 (Hunter, Alastair G.). 4933 Casciaro, Jose Maria Para una hermeneutica de las paräbolas evangelicas. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 323-343. 4934 Evans, Craig A. Parables in early Judaism. Tue challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 :::}4929. 51-75. 4935 Fabiny, Tamäs Erzählte Dramen: dramaturgische und kommunikative Strukturen in den Gleichnissen Jesu unter besonderer Berück-
F4.3 The parables of Jesus
4936 4937 4938 4939
4944 494 5
4948 4949 4950
sichtigung rabbinischer Parallelen. Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1998, 0 Roloff, J. Acta theologica Lutherana Buadapestinensia 1: Budapest 2000, 291pp.963-00-3804-8 [NThAR2000,341). Gerhardsson, Birger The earthly Jesus in the synoptic parables. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 ~25. 49-62. Glancy, Jennifer A. Slaves and slavery in the Matthean parables. JBL 119 (2000) 67-90. Gourgues, Michel Les paraboles de Jesus chez Marc et Matthieu. 1999 ~15,4906. RScEs 52 (2000) 383-385 (Michaud, Jean-Paul). Gowler, David B. What are they saying about the parables?. Mahwah 2000, Paulist 150 pp. $1 l. 0-8091-3962-6. Bibl. [BiTod 38,257-Senior, D.). Green, Barbara G. Like a tree planted: an exploration ofthe Psalms and parables through metaphor. 1997 ~13,2826; 15,3016. RRBLit l (1999) 235-237 (Brueggemann, Walter). Hiroishi, Nozomu Zwischen Gleichnishomiletik und Gleichnishermeneutik: Bemerkungen zur homiletischen Gleichnisauslegung Martin Duizamnns unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von japanischen Gleichnispredigten. AJBI 25-26 (1999-2000) 91-134. Hiroishi, Nozomu Performatives Reden von Erfahrung: eine hermeneutisch-exegetische Studie zur narrativen Metaphorik der Gleichnisreden Jesu. Diss. Zürich 2000, 0 Weder, H [RTL 32,602]. Hultgren, Arland J. The parables of Jesus: a commentary. Tue bible in ils wurlll: UR 2000, Et:rllmans xxix; 522 pp. $35/!:22. 0-80284475-8. Bibi. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 685-687. John, V.J. Ecology in the parables: the use of nature language in the parables ofthe synoptic gospel. AJTh 14 (2000) 304-:f.l'/. Massa, Dieter Verstehensbedingungt:u vuu Olt:idmisst:n: Pru:tt:sst: und Voraussetzungen der Rezeption aus kognitiver Sicht. TANZ 31: Tü 2000, Francke 389 pp. 3-7720-2823-3. EMell, Ulrich Die Gleichnisreden Jesu 1899-1999: Beiträge zum Dialog mit Adolf JüLICHER. BZAW 103: 1999 ~15,4893. RETR 75 (2000) 627-628 (Gloor, Daniel). Meynet, Roland Vedi questa donna?: saggio sulla comunicazione per mezzo delle parabole. Fede e comunicazione 9: Mi 2000, Paoline 175 pp. €9 30. 88-315-1968-9 [Gr. 82,189]. EMills, Watson Early Parables. Bibliographies on the life and teachings of Jesus 4: Lewiston 2000, Mellen xiv; 60 pp. 0-7734-2452-0. O'Neill, J.C. The parables of Jesus. The point of it all. 2000 ~198. 97-116. Palmer, Humphrey Seeking verdicts for parables. ET 111 (19992000) 262-265.
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4951 Parker, Andrew Painfully clear: the parables of Jesus. BiSe 37: 1996 :::>12,4533. REvQ 72 (2000) 81-84 (Bauckham, Richard). 4952 Pratesi, Marco 1 sinottici: le parabole di Gesu nella lettura dei padri. La bibbia nei padri della chiesa. 2000 :::>304. 23-43. 4953 Pronzato, A. Las paräbolas de Jesus: sali6 el sembrador a sembrar, 1: Marcos y Mateo. S 2000, Sigueme 307 pp. REstTrin 34 (2000) 554-555 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime). 4954 Snodgrass, Klyne R. From allegorizing to allegorizing: a history of the interpretation of the parables of Jesus; 4955 Stein, Robert H The gerne of the parables. The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 :::>4929. 3-29/30-50. 4956 Venetz, Hermann-Josef The God in Jesus' parables. ThD 47 (2000) 11-14 L 15,4925]. 4957 EVigano, Dario E. II cinema de!le parabole, 1: 1999 => 15,4926. RCredOg 119-120 (2000) 188-190 (Paris, Giancarlo). 4958 Vineeth, V.F. The parables of Jesus, the path to realizational knowledge ofGod. l'PATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 :::>85. 343-356. 4959 Wright, Stephen 1. The voice of Jesus: studies in the interpretation of six gospel parables. Paternoster Biblical and theological monographs: Carlisle 2000, Paternoster xiv; 280 pp. 0-85364-975-8. Foreword by James D. G. Dunn. 4960 Young, Bradford H. The parables: Jewish tradition and christian interpretation. 1998 :::>14,4451. RffhQ 65 (2000) 76-78 (Viviano, Benedlct T.); HebStud 41(2000)321-324 (FrilinJ{us, Chris). 4961 Hagner, Donald A. Matthew's parables of the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-52). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 102-124. 4962 Kodlyil, Job The parable of the mustard seed (Mt 13,31-32) as actualized in the Shimoga Mission-India. Extr. Diss. Angelicum 2000, 0 Juric, Stipe R 2000, Angelicum viii; 119 pp. Bibl. 73-111. 4963 Fortin, Anne L'esprit du don: semiotique de l'exces Mt 14,l a 15,39. SemBib 99 (2000) 23-32. 4964 Karakole, Chrestos K. The death of John the Baptist. Theol(A) 71/1 (2000) 247-307 [Mt 14,1-12]. G. 4965 Scott, J. Martin C. Jesus walking on the sea: the significance ofMatthew 14,22-33 for the narrative development of the gospel. Narrativity. BEThL 149: 2000 :::>1084. 91-104. 4966 Veerkamp, Ton Gespenster von Jesus. TeKo 23/3 (2000) 18-31 [Mt 14,22-33]. 4967 Bailey, Jon N. Vowing away the fifth commandment: Matthew 15:36//Mark 7:9-13. RestQ 42/4 (2000) 193-209. 4968 Kloeden, Gesine von Jesus und die Syrophönizierin: eine ökumenische Auslegung von Mt 15,21-28. RKZ 141/6 (2000) 196-201.
F4.3 Tue parables of Jesus
4969 Patte, Daniel The Canaanite woman and Jesus: surprising models of discipleship (Matt. 15:21-28); 4970 Shomanah, Musa W. Dube Divining texts for international relations: Matt. 15:21-28. Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. 43: 2000 ~ 4347. 33-53/315-328.
F4.5 Mt 16 ...Primatus promissus-The promise to Peter 4971 Bessiere, Gerard Jesus, Pierre et le pape. P 2000, L'Atelier 186 pp. 2-7082-3501-X [NThAR2000,247]. 4972 Brox, Norbert Probleme einer Frühdatierung des römischen Primats. Das Frühchristentum. 2000 ~ 136. 179-200. 4973 EDonati, Angela Pietro e Paolo: la storia, il culto, la memoria nei primi secoli. Mi 2000, Electa 257 pp. 88-435-7337-3. Bibl. 247-256. 1971 Gibert, Pierre Le ministere de Pierre. Croire aujourd'hui 84-85 (2000) 30-31. 4975 La Due, William J. The chair ofSaint Peter: a history ofthe papacy. 1999 ~15,4952. RcHR 86 (2000) 480-482 (Noble, Thomas F.X). 4976 Perkins, Pheme Peter: apostle for the whole church. Mp 22000 , Fortress 209 pp. $20. 0-567-08743-3 [TS 61,598]. 4977 Schickendantz, Carlos Hacia una nueva forma de ejercicio del ministerio de Pedro: consideraciones hist6ricas y teol6gicas. TyV 41 (2000) 164- 187. 4978 Schima, Stefan Caput occidentis?: die römische Kirche und cler Westen von den Anfängen bis Konstantin. Kirche und Recht 23: W 2000, Plöchl iv; 182 pp. 3-9014-0727-8. Bibl. 156-182. 4979 Wiardn, Timothy Peter in the gospels: pattem, personality and relationship. WUNT 2/127: Tü 2000, Mohr S. xiv; 276 pp. 3-16-1474228. Bibl. 237-258.
Viviano, Benedict T. Peter as Jesus' mouth: Matthew 16.13-20 in the light of Exodus 4.10-17 and other models. The interpretation of scripture. JSPE.S 33: 2000 ~257. 312-341. 4981 Marucci, Corrado Simon Pietro e Ja chiesa di Cristo: l'esegesi di Mt 16,17-19. FBARRUFPO, A. 2000 ~7. 93-130. 4982 Nikitopoulos, Fozio Pietro e la pietra della fede: un riferimento interpretativo negli Atti del Niceno II su Mt. 16,18. Theol(A) 71 (2000) 551-558. 4983 Nunes, Jeronimo La lglesia y los cachorrillos. MisEx(M) 175/176 (2000) 103-104 [Mt 16,21-28].
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
4984 Heil, John Paul The transfiguration of Jesus: narrative meaning and function ofMark 9:2-8, Matt 17:1-8 and Luke 9:28-36. AnBib 144: R2000, E.P.l.B. 367 pp. 88-7653-144-0. 4985 Kudasiewicz, J6zefManifest misyjny Jezusa (Mt 18,16-20) [Jesus' missionary manifesto (Mt 18:16-20)]. Ethos 49-50 (2000) 52-60. P. 4986 Keesmaat, Sylvia C. Strange neighbors and risky care (Matthew 18:21-35; Luke 14:7-14; Luke 10:25-37). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 =:>4929. 263-285. 4987 Meynet, Roland "E Ia egli 1i guari" (Mt 19-20). MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 463-480. 4988 Sanchez Navarro, Luis Mt 19,3-9: una nueva perspectiva. EstB )8 (2000)211-238. 4989 Göbel, Christian Üher die Fri\mmigkeit, den Vater zu verlassen: Mt 19,29 und PLATONs Euthyphrön. EuA 76 (2000) 367-378.
F4.8 Mt 20 ...Regnum eschatologicum-Kingdom eschatology 4990 Adna, Jostein Jesu Stellung zum Tempel: die Tempelaktion und das Tempelwort als Ausdruck seiner messianischen Sendung. Diss. Tübingen-Stavanger 1993. WUNT 2/119: Tü 2000, Mohr xvii; 502 pp. FS89, 3-16-146974-7. Bibi. [Mt 21, 12-13; 24]. 4991 Berger, Klaus Die biblische Botschaft vom Reich Gottes: neu bedacht. Ren. 56/2 (2000) 60-67. 4992 Castillo, Jose M. EI reino de Dios: por la vida y la dignidad de los seres humanos. 1999 =:>15,4967. RSalTer 88 (2000) 757-759 (Castillo, Jose M ); RLA T 17 (2000) 314-31; (Sivatte, Rajael de); San Juan de Ja Cruz 16 (2000) 7.69-270 (Linares, Silvestre). 4993 Riniker, Christian Die Gerichtsverkündigung Jesu. EHS.T 653: 1999 =:>15,4969. RThLZ 125 (2000) 902-904 [Eng. RTLit2/3 (2000) 51-54] (Reiser, Marius). 4994 Söding, Thomas Feuer und Schwert: Gottes Gericht in der Verkündigung Jesu. rhs 43 (2000) 213-224. 4995 Wright, N. T. Judgment and mercy. BiRe 16/2 (2000) 10, 51. 4996 Grappe, Christian Royaume de Dien, Temple et Cite de Dieu dans la predication de Jesus et a la lumiere de Matthieu 5,13-16. Die Stadt Gottes. WUNT 129: 2000 ::::>472. 147-193. 4997 Dietschy, Beat Die Umkehrung des Gewohnten: (oder: eine Provokation). ZMiss 26 (2000) 242-243 [Mt 20, 1-16]. 4998 Joseph, MJ. A case for 'the least and the last' in God's kingdom (biblical reflections based on St. Matt. 21: 1-16). FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =:>85. 393-402.
F4.8 Mt 20 ... Kingdom eschatcilogy
4999 Nieuviarts, Jacques L'entree de Jesus a Jerusalem (Mt 21,1-17): messianisme et accomplissement des ecritures en Matthieu. LeDiv 176: 1999 =>15,4976. RBib. 81(2000)586-589 (Carter, Warren). 5000 Martens, Allan W 'Produce fruit worthy of repentance': parables of judgment against the Jewish religious leaders and the nation (Matthew 21:28-22:14 par.; Luke 13:6-9). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 151-176. 5001 Montagnini, Felice La parabola del banchetto di nozze in Mt 22,110.11-14. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 345-354. 5002 Keith, Pierre A propos de Matthieu 22,34: l'histoire a l'ombre du texte: negligence, flction ou intertextualite?: de quelle histoire et de quel texte parler?. Intertextualites. 2000 =>481. 121-160. 5003 Keith, Pierre 'Or le second lui est semblable ... ': etude d'une pericope dans l'evangile de Matthieu (Mt 22,35-40). Diss. Strasbourg 2000, 0 schlosser, J. 396 pp [RTL 32,603]. 5004 Hartin, Patrick J. The woes against the pharisees (Matthew 23,1-39): the reception and development of Q 11,39-52 within the Matthean community. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 265-283. 5005 Newport, Kenneth G. The sources and Sitz im Leben of Matthew 23. JSNT.S 117: 1995 =>1111,3174; 15,4980. RRBLit 1(1999)260262 (Siker, Judy Yates). 5006 Cardellino, Lodovico Mt 23,29-32 e i1 preteso antigiudaismo di Matteo. RivBib 48 (2000) 27-53. 5007 Carter, Warren Matthew 23:37-39. Interp. 54 (2000) 66-68. 5008 McNicol, Allan J. Jesus' directions for the future: a source and redaction-history study of the use and eschatological traditions in Paul and the synoptic accounts of Jesus' last eschatological discourse. 1996 ::;.12,4606; 14,4509. RRBLit 1 (1999) 239-241 (Luper, Michael) [Mt 24]. 5009 Nelson, Neil David 'Be ready, for the hour is unknown': a literary critical exegesis of Matthew 24. Diss. Dallas Theol. Sem. 2000, 356 pp. 9988723. 5010 Young, Robert D. Matthew 25: 1-13. Interp. 54 (2000) 419-422. 5011 France, Richard T. On being ready (Matthew 25: 1-46). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 177-195. 5012 Salvatore, Emilia La parabola dei talenti: appunti per un approccio narrativo a Mt 25,14-30. FBARRUFFO, A. 2000 =>7. 131-150. 5013 Fumagalli, Anna Gesu crocifisso, straniero fino alla finc dci tcmpi: una lettura di Mt 25,31-46 in chiave comunicativa. Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 Grilli, M EHS.T 707: Fra 2000, Lang 276 pp. 3631-37103-9. 5014 Theißen, Gerd Universales Hilfsethos im Neuen Testament?: Mt 25,31-46 und Lk 10,25-37 und das christliche Verständnis des Helfens. GILem 15/1 (2000) 22-37.
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F5.1 Redemptio, Mt 26, Ultima coena; The Eucharist [=>H7.4] 5015 Alappatt, Vincent Pauline perspective on 'the Lord' s Supper'. BiBh 26/1-2 (2000) 62-81. 5016 Alcock, Anthony The Agape. VigChr 54 (2000) 208-209. 5017 Alonso Schökel, Luis [L'Eucarestia] TSon Iong, Li Seoul 2000, Catholic Publishing 206 pp. 89-321-0460-3 [meditazioni bibliche]. K. 5018 Alves, Herculano A eucaristia, Päscoa cristll?; 5019 Ritos da celebra~ao eucaristica: perspectiva hist6rica. A Eucaristia. 2000 ::::>452. 103-126/181-204. 5020 Buzzetti, C. ' ... In memoria di me': lectio divina sull'eucaristia. 1999 =>15,4992. RRivBib 48 (2000) 492-494 (Crocetti, Giuseppe). 5021 Casalini, Nello II pasto del Signore, alla mensa del Signore: alcuni problemi sulle tradizioni della 'Eucarestia'. LASBF 50 (2000) 53113. 5022 Clark, Stephen, B. Catholics and the eucharist: a scriptural introduction. AA 2000, Servant 274 pp. $12. 5023 Correa-Pinto, M' Concei~iio 0 desejo de Jesus: a comunhao. Convergencia 35 (2000) 607-618. 502'1 Crocetti, Giuseppe Questo e i1 mio corpo e lo offro per voi: la donazione esistenziale e sacramentale di Gesu alla sua Chiesa. Studi biblici 3'1: 1999 =>15,4993. RRivBib 48 (2000) 489-491 (De Virgilio, Giuseppe). 5025 Fiedler, Peter Pascha-Mahl, Schabbat-Mahl und Eucharistie. LS 51 (2000) 197-200. 5026 Gerlach, Karl The antenicene Pascha: a rhetorical history. 1998 => 14,4525. RJThS 51 (2000) 321-322 (Bradshaw, Paul). 5027 Grelot, Pierre Corps et sang du Christ en gloire. LeDiv 182: 1999 :::>15,4997. REeV (2000/7) 34-35 (Cothenet, Edouard'). 5028 Ham, Clay The last supper in Matthew. BBR 10 (2000) 53-69 [Mt 26,26-29]. 5029 Hofius, Otfried "Für euch gegeben zur Vergebung der Sünden": vom Sinn des Heiligen Abendmahls. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 ::::>174. 276-300. 5030 Hohnjec, Nikola Euharistija, solidamost i zajednistvo: biblijskoteoloski i socjalni pristup. BoSm 70 (2000) 773-786. Croatian. 5031 Joncas, Jan Michael Tnsting thc kingdom of God: the menl ministry of Jesus and its implications for contemporary worship and life. Worship 74 (2000) 329-365. 5032 Kiernikowski, Zbigniew Eucharystia i jednosc. Biblioteka "Niedzieli" 98: Czestohowa 2000, Kuria Metropolitalna w Czestochowie 381 pp. 83-883 89-18-1. Bibi.
F5. l The Redemption: Institution ofthe Eucharist, Mt 26
5033 Koenig, John Tue feast of the world's redemption: eucharistic origins and christian mission. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity xvi; 301 pp. $25 [BiTod 38,326-Senior, Donald]. 5034 Lamelas, Jsidro A eucaristia nos documentos cristäos primitivos (sec. I-11). A Eucaristia. 2000 =>452. 141-180. 5035 Long, Edward LeRoy To liberate and redeem: moral reflections on the biblical narrative. 1997 =>13,4887. RJR 80 (2000} 156-157 (Clum, Linda). 5036 Mannarkulam, Antony The current trends in Eucharist theology. BiBh 26/1-2 (2000) 37-61. 5037 Nfurtu, Antuniu Augustu dus Suntus A eucaristia, sacrificiu t:: banquete de comunhäo. A Eucaristia. 2000 =>452. 2000 127-140. 5038 Mnzzn, Enrico Ln celebrnzione eucnristicn: gcnesi del rito c sviluppo dell'interpretazione. 1996 => 14,4527. REL 114 (2000) 523-526 (Barba, Maurizio); 5039 The celebration of the eucharist: the origin of the rite and the development ofits interpretation. 1999 :.::>15,5003. RJEarlyC 8 (2000) 467468 (Meconi, David Vincent). 5040 Monteiro, Joaquim A eucaristia, pascoa semanal: aspectos pastorais. A Eucaristia. 2000 =>452. 205-230. 5041 Mulloor, Augustine Eucharistie traditions: a biblical rereading. BiBh 26/1-2 (2000) 5-2 l. 5042 Rota Scalabrini, Patrizio Convocati dalla parola. RPLi 38/ l (2000) 5-10.
5043 Sanchez Mielgo, Gerardo Los relatos de la Cena: historia, interpretaci6n y sentido. EscrVedat 30 (2000) 7-86. 5044 Swetnam, James A institui~äo da eucaristia nos evangelhos sin6pticos. A Eucaristia. 2000 =>452. 37-58 Engl. version 59-75. 5045 Vellian, Jacob Eucharist: oriental theological perspectives. BiBh 26/1-2 (2000) 22-36. 5046 EWagner, Andreas Sühne--Opfer-Abendmahl: vier Zugänge zum Verständnis des Abendmahls. 1999 =>15,5013. RLuThK 24 (2000) 176-179 (Behrens, Achim). 5047 Welker, Michael What happens in Holy Communion?. THoffmeyer, John F. GR 2000, Eerdmans xi; 192 pp. $18.
F).3 Mt 26,30 .. .//Passio l:hristi; Passion narrative
5048 EAmarelli, F.; Lucrezi, F. 11 processo contro Gesu. 1999 ::::::>15,400. RLabeo 46 (2000) 273-274 (Giuffre, Vincenzo).
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5049 Barth, Gerhard 11 significato della morte di Gesu Cristo: l'interpretazione del Nuovo Testamento. PBT 38: 1995 =>1111,3212. RProtest. 55 (2000) 56-57 (Bottazzi, Roberta). 5050 Battaglia, Vincenzo La passione di Cristo nei commenti al Cantico dei Cantici (4). LSDC 15 (2000) 7-19. 5051 Bond, Helen Katharine Pontius Pilate in history and interpretation. MSSNTS 100: 1998 =>14,4544. Rfaith & Mission 17/2 (2000) 81-83 (Williams, H. Drake); CBQ 62 (2000) 351-352 (0 'Loughlin, Thomas); RBLit 2 (2000) 318-320 (Karris, Robert J.); ET 110 (1998-1999) 309-310 (Rodd, C.S.). 5052 Brown, Raymond E. La morte del Messia: un commentario ai racconti della passione nei quattro vangeli. BTC 108: 1999 =>15,5018. REE 75 (2000) 140-143 (Ramirez, F.); Gr. 81 (2000) 611-614 (Galot, Jean); CivCatt 15114 (2000) 415-416 (Scaiola, D.) 5053 Cardenas Pallares, Jose Muerte de Jesus, paso a la gloria de dios. EtMex 18 (2000) 175-208. 5054 Chapman, David W. Perceptions of crucifixion among Jews and christians in the ancient world. Diss. Cambridge 2000, 0 Horbury, William [TynB 51,313-316]. 5055 Cohn, Chaim Processo e morte di Gesu: un punto di vista ebraico. Ezagrebelsky, Gustavo T 2000, Einaudi 442 pp. €25.82. 5056 Crossan, John Dominic Wer tötete Jesus?: die Ursprünge des christlichen Antisemitismus in den Evangelien. 1999 =>15,5019. RBiKi 55 (2000) 159-160 (Kosch, Daniel). 5057 Dauzat, Pierre-Emmanuel Le suicide du Christ: une theologie. 1998 =>14,4549. RRHPhR 80 (2000) 311-313 (Pfrimmer, Th.). 5058 Dianich, Severino 11 messia sconfitto: l'enigma della morte di Gesu. 1997 ~14,4551; 15,5022. RfilTco 14/1(2000)223·224. 5059 Ewertowski, Ruth Judas: Verräter und Märtyrer: seine Gestalt im Spiegel der Bewußtseinsgeschichte. Stu 2000, Urachhaus 170 pp. 38251-7298-8. 5060 Gangemi, Attilio 'Dovra patire molte cose': un possibile sviluppo dalla professione di fede alla narrazione della passione, 1. Synaxis 18 (2000) 7-50. 5061 Gonzalez Regorigo, Rene Agonia de Getsemani. Mayeutica 26 (2000) 377-473. 5062 Gooch, Paul W lrony, text and artifact: cross and superscription in the passion narrative. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 =>97. 176-191. 5063 Herzer, Jens Synoptische oder johanneische Passionschronologie?: Bemerkungen zu einer Tendenz der neueren Forschung. FRJAUD, J. 2000 =>96. 93-113.
FS.3 The Passion narrative, Matthew 26,30
5064 Hesemann, Michael Titulus crucis: la scoperta dell'iscrizione posta sulla croce di Gesu. Attualita e Storia 25: CinB 2000, San Paolo 423 pp. 88-215-4296-3. Pref.di Carsten Peter Thiede; Bibi. 5065 Kozar, Joseph Vicek Bad boy bad boy what are you going to do when they come for you?: Matthew's scenes of Judas' betrayal of Jesus and Judas' suicide. ProcGLM 20 (2000) 1-15. 5066 Lemonon, Jean-Pierre La mort du prophete abandonne des siens. MoBi 125 (2000) 25-29; 5067 Jesus face au pouvoir politique. Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 209-215 [BuBB 32,22]. 5068 Ugasse, Simon Les recits de la Passion. CEv 112 (2000) 5-52. 5069 Losada Espinosa, Joaquin Historia de la Pasi6n y catequesis primitiva. Staur6s 34 (2000) 41-49. 5070 Oliver Roman, Miguel Pontius Pilatus praefectus Iudaeae. lsidorianum 9 (2000) 385-434 Sum. 385. 5071 Schmidt, Johann Michael Die Passion Jesu als historische Frage: wer trägt die Schuld am Tod Jesu?. FrRu 7 (2000) 99-106. 5072 Senior, Donald La passion de Jesus Christ. TMontarlot, Louis de Vivre la parole: P 2000, Mediaspaul 128 pp. CAN$26. 27122-07807. 5073 Stock, Alex Überlieferung: zum Bild des Judas. FSCHMIDT, J. 2000 => 106. 246-253. 5074 Stock, Klemens Il racconto della passione nei vangcli sinottici. R 2000, E.P.l.B. 5075 TThomson, Robert W. A homily on the Passion of Christ attributed to ELISHE. Eastem Christian Texts in Translation 5: Lv 2000, Peeters xiii; 183 pp. 90-429-0841-6. Introduction and notes; Bibi. 5076 Smith, Craig A. A comparative study of the prayer uf Gethsemane. IBSt 22 (2000) 98-122 [Mt 26,34-46; Mk 14,32-42; Lk 22,39-46]. 5077 Michniewicz, Wojciech Czy "wypellnienie sie Pism" jest wlasciwym znaczeniem zwrotu "hetaire, efho parei" u Mt 26,50a?. CoTh 70/1 (2000) 51-61. P. 5078 Watt, Jonathan M. Of gutturals and Galileans: the two slurs ofMatthew 26.73. Diglossia. JSNT.S 193; Studies in NT Greek 63: 2000 =>313. 107-120. 5079 Bedenbender, Andreas "Sein Blut komme über uns ... ": Überlegungen zum Passionstext Matthäus 27,1-26. TeKo 23/3 (2000) 32-48. 5080 Jankowski, Gerhard "Sein Blut komme über uns und unsere Kinder": Erwägungen zu Mt 27,25. TcKo 23/4 (2000) 16-29. 5081 Crowder, Stephanie R. B. Simon ofCyrene: a case ofRoman conscription. Diss. Vanderbilt 2000, 209 pp. 9970041 [Mt 27,32].
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5082 Abramowski, Luise NARSAI, EPHRÄM und KYRILL über Jesu Verlassenheitsruf Matth. 27,46. FWINKLER, G. OCA 260: 2000 =>123. 4367. 5083 LaCocque, Andre Le grand cri de Jesus dans Matthieu 27/50. ETR 75 (2000) 161-187.
F5.6 Mt 28//: Resurrectio 5084 Barker, Margaret The risen Lord 1996 :::>12,4725; 13,4969. RSJTh 53 (2000) 403-406 (Uood, lJeirdre); RHLit l (1999) 229-231 (Jack, Alison). 5085 Baugh, Lloyd La pienezza del mistero: la risurrezione di Gest) nel cinema. CoSe 4 (2000) 48-59. 5086 Beasley-Munay, Paul The message of the resurrection: Christ is risen!. The Bible Speaks Today: Nottingham 2000, IVP 269 pp. 085111-508-X. Bibl. 13-14. 5087 Bendemann, Reinhard von Die Auferstehung Jesu von den Toten als "basic story". GlLem 15 (2000) 148-162. 5088 Bernabe, Carmen 'Yo soy Ja resurrecci6n'. Y vosotras. 2000 =>269. 281-325. 5089 Boismard, Marie-Emile La nostra 'vittorill snll14,4661; 15,5109. RRBLit 2 (2000) 371-373 (Ferguson, Thomas S. ). 5126 Cirignano, Giulio; Montuschi, Ferdinando Marco: un vangelo di paura e di gioia: esegesi e psicologia di sentimenti contrapposti. CSB 37: Bo 2000, EDB 218 pp. 88-10-40738-5. Bibi.
F6.1 Mark's Gospel: Text, commentaries
5127 Combet-Galland, Carina L'evangile sefon Marc. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 35-61. 5128 Couto, Antonio 'E v6z, quem dizeis que eu sou?' (Mc 8,29): uma leitura do evangelho de Marcos. Igreja e Missllo 53 (2000) 345-353. 5129 Dowd, Sharyn Reading Mark: a literary and theological commentary on the second gospel. Macon 2000, Smyth & H. xx; 171 pp. $19 [BiTod 39,319-Senior, Donald]. 5130 Eckey, Wilfried Das Markusevangelium: Orientierung am Weg Jesu: ein Kommentar. 1998 ::::>14,4664. RZNT 3 (2000) 59-60 (Erlemann, Kurt). 5131 llubaut, M. Donne nouvelle pour les annces 2000: l'avcnture de la foi selon saint Marc. P 2000, Bayard 378 pp. €20.58. 2-227-43691-3. 5132 Ignatius catholic study bible: the gospel of Mark. SF 2000, Ignatius 58 pp. $8. 08987-08184. Introd., comm., notes: Scott Hahn; Curtis Mitch; study questions: Dennis Walters [ThD 48,274: Heiser, W.C.]. 5133 Lamarche, Paul Evangile de Marc: commentaire. EtB 33: 1996 => 12,4778 ... 14,4667. RRThom 100 (2000) 504-509 (Grelot, Pierre); LASBF 50 (2000) 548-550 (Casalini, Nello). 5134 LaVerdiere, Eugene Tue beginning of the gospel: introducing the gospel according to Mark, 2. 1999 ::::>15,5122. RDoLi 50 (2000) 118119 (McBride, Denis). 5135 Legasse, Simon L'evangile de Marc. LeDiv.Commentaires 5: 1997 2 vols ::::>13,5020; 15,5125. RLTP 56 (2000) 179-181 (Poirier, PaulHube1·t); RThom 100 (2000) 504-509'(Grelot, Pierre); 5136 Marco. Commenti biblici: R 2000, Borla 898 pp. €62.50. 88-2631321-0. Bibl. 5137 Marcus, Jocl Mark 1-8: n ncw trnnslntion with introduction nnd commentary. AncB 27: NY 2000, Doubleday xix; 569 pp. 0-38542349-7. 5138 EMarocco, Augusto C. Vangelo secondo Marco: versione nella parlata gradese. Monfalcone (Gorizia)] 2000, Laguna 110 pp. 88-8345031-0. 72 ill. 5139 Martini, Carlo Maria Meditations sur l'evangile de Marc. TVulliez, H. Saint-Maurice 2000, Saint-Augustin [BuBB 32,75]. 5140 Mateos, Juan; Camacho, Fernando El evangelio de Marcos: anälisis lingüistico y comentario exegetico, 2. Los origenes del cristianismo 11: C6rdoba 2000, Almendro viii; 518 pp. 84-8005-041-1 [RB 103,477]. 5141 Eoden, Thomas C.; Hall, Christopher Alan Mark. 1998 =>14, 4673. RProEc 9 (2000) 244-245 (Layton, Richard A.); JEarlyC 8 (2000) 297-298 (Hull, Robert F.); 5142 Evangelio segiln San Marcos. La Biblia comentada por los Padres de la Iglesia, NT 2: M 2000, Ciudad N. 359 pp. €30. 8489651795. Bibi.
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5143 Pellegrini, Silvia Elija-Wegbereiter des Gottessohnes: eine textsemiotische Untersuchung im Markusevangelium. Herders Biblische Studien 26; FrB 2000, Herder xiii; 445 pp. 3-451-27801-4. Bibl. 393-430. 5144 Reid, Stephen Robert Preaching Mark. St. Louis 1999, Chalice xii; 199pp 5145 Rhoads, David M.; Dewey, Joanna; Michie, Donald Mark as story: an introduction to the narrative ofa gospel. 2 1999 :::>15,5135. RcThMi 27 (2000) 127-129 (Brawley, Robert L.). 5146 Sacchi, Alessandro Un vangelo per i lontani: come leggere Marco. 1999 ;;_;,, 15,5136. RTer. 51 (2000) 602-603 (Pasquetto, Virgilio); LASBF 50 (2000) 550-551 (Bottini, G. Claudia). 5147 Shaleta, Emanuel lsho Il commento d'ISO'DAD di Merv all'evangelo di Marco. Extr. Diss. Urbaniana, °Federici, T. R 2000, 95 pp. 5148 Smith, Stephen H. A lion with wings: a narrative-critical approach to Mark's gospel. BiSe 38: 1996 :::>12,4788. RRBLit 1 (1999) 269271 (Maibon, Elizabeth Struthers). 5149 Sweetland, Dennis Mark: from death to life. Spiritual commentaries on the bible. NY 2000, New C.ity 216 pp. $13 [BiTod 38,195Senior, D.]. 5150 Trocme, Etienne L'Evangile selon saint Marc. Commentaire du NT 2: Geneve 2000, Labor et F. 413 pp. FS60. 2-8309-0972-0. RFV 99/5 (2000) 95-97 (Grob, Francis); RBBras 17/4 (2000) 693-694. 5151 Tvan Bladcl, .Frans Hct Murkuscvnngclic. Lv 2000, Dnvidsfonds 128 pp. €22.19. 90-5826-069-0. Tine Ruysschaert speaks it on CD [Str. 67,953-Beentjes, Panc]. 5152 Van Ie.-sel, Bas M.F. Mark: a reader-response commentary. JSNT.S 164: 1998 :::>14,4676. RThLZ 125 (2000) 284-285 (Pokornj, Petr); BZ 44 (2000) 147-149 (Klauck, Hans-Josef); Bib. 81 (2000) 285290 (Struthers Maibon, Elizabeth); 5153 Marco: la lettura e la risposta: un commento. Commentari biblici: Brescia 2000, Queriniana 512 pp. €40.29. 88-399-1131-6. Bibi. 5154 Wilkens, Hermann Kata Markon: judenchristliches Evangelium in hellenistischer Kultur. EHS.T 674: Fra 2000, Lang 116 pp. 3-63134879-7. Bibl. 113-116.
F6.2 Evangelium Marci, Themata 5155 Baum, Armin D. Der Presbyter des PAPIAS über einen 'Hermeneuten' des Petrus: zu Eusebius, Rist. eccl. 3,39,15. ThZ 56 (2000) 21-35. 5156 Bedenbender, Andreas Orte mitten im Meer: die geographischen Angaben des Markusevangeliums. TeKo 23/2 (2000) 31-60.
F6.2 Mark's Gospel: Topics
5157 Bissoli, Giovanni II figlio dell'uomo in Marco: problema insolubile?. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 597-604. 5158 Boismard, Marie-Emile Jesus, un homme de Nazareth: raconte par Marc l'evangeliste. 1996 =>12,4796. REstB 58 (2000) 137-138 (Huarte Osacar, J. ). 5159 Bonilla, Max Minor characters in the gospel of Mark: a narrative analysis towards a theology of discipleship. Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 Swetnam, J. 387 pp [RTL 32,600]. 5160 Bosetti, Elena Marco: il rischio di credere. Bibbia e catechesi: Bo 2000, EDB 153 pp. 88-10-20215-5. Bibi. 5161 Broadhead, Edwin K. Naming Jesus: titular christology in the gospel ofMark. JSNT.S 175: 1999 =>15,5151. RThLZ 125 (2000) 11551156 (Pokorn.v, Petr); RBLit 2 (2000) 373-376, 376-378 (Pearson, Brook W.R.; Smith, C. Drew). 5162 Casey, Maurice Aramaic sources of Mark's gospel. MSSNTS 102: 1998 =>14,4688. RNT 42 (2000) 286-291 (Col/ins, Nina L.); CBQ 62 (2000) 139-140 (Fitzmyer, Joseph A. ); RBBras 17/4 (2000) 690-692; ET 110 (1998-1999) 273-275 (Rodd, C.S.). 5163 Cipriani, Settimio La cristologia dello "stupore" nel vangelo di Marco. Asp. 47/1 (2000) 5-26. 5164 Collins, Adela Yarbro Mark and his readers: the Son of God among Greeks and Romans. HThR 93 (2000) 85-100. 5165 Coole, John Crnngcr The structure nnd persuasive power ofMark: a linguistic approach. SDL Semeia Studies 28: 1995 ::..:.;.11/1,3337; 12, 4801. RRBLit 1(1999)267-269 (McKnight, Edgar v.). 5166 Dawson, Anne Freedom as liberating power: a socio political reading of the txouata texts in the gospel of Mark. NTOA 44: FrS 2000, Universitätsverlag xiii; 245 pp. FS76. 1-7?.7R-17.85-0. 5167 Dechow, Jens Gottessohn und Herrschaft Gottes: der Theozentrismus des Markusevangeliums. WMANT 86: Neuk 2000, Neuk xii; 323 pp. 3-7887-1779-3. 5168 Delorme, Jean Les sommaires en Marc: problemes de methode et de sens. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 119-136. 5169 Dormeyer, Detlev PLUTARCHS Cäsar und die erste Evangeliumsbiographie des Markus. FMIKAT, P. 2000 =>76. 29-52. 5170 Downing, F. Gerald A rival to Romulus. Ooine; thines with words. JSNT.S 200: 2000 =>151. 133-151; 5171 Markan intercalation in cultural context. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 118-132 (= Narrativity. BEThL 149: 2000 => 1084. 105-118]. 5172 Ebner, Martin Im Schatten der Großen: kleine Erzählfiguren im Markusevangelium. BZ 44 (2000) 56-76.
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5173 Feneberg, Rupert Der Jude Jesus und die Heiden: Biographie und Theologie. Jesu im Markusevangelium. Herders Biblische Studien 24: FrB 2000, Herder 385 pp. €45. 3-451-27250-4. Bibi. 5174 Freyne, Sean Locality and doctrine: Mark and John revisited. Galilee and gospel. WUNT 125: 2000 ~159. 287-298. 5175 Hanson, James S. The endangered promises: conflict in Mark. SBL.DS 171: Atlanta, GA 2000, SBL x; 273 pp. $45. 0-88414-0342. Bibl. 255-264. 5176 Huber, Konrad Jesus in Auseinandersetzung. FzB 75: 1995 ~11/1, 3357; 12,4815. RRBLit 1(1999)257-260 (Moeser, Marion C.). 5177 Johnson, Philip Rcubin God in Mark: the narrative function of God as a character in the gospel ofMark. Diss. Luther Sem. 2000, 449 pp. 9968511. 5178 Kelber, Werner H. L'histoire de Jesus racontee par Marc: des cles pour une autre lecture de l'evangile. TGrob, F. Antananarivo 22000, Wellprint [BuBB 33,46]. 5179 Klumbies, Paul G. Die Markusforschung und der Mythos: methodische wid inhaltliche Neuansätze bei der Forschung am ältesten Evangeliun1. Evangelische Aspekte 10/4 (2000) 45-48. 5180 MacDonald, Dennis Ronald The Homeric epics and the gospel of Mark. NHv 2000, Yale Univ. Pr. ix; 262 pp. $30. 0300-080123. Bibl. 5181 Maggi, Alberto Jesus y BelcebU: Satan y demonios en el evangelio de Marcos. Temas biblicos: Bilbao 2000, DesclCc de B. 206 pp. €11. 42. 5182 Maibon, Elizabeth Struthers In the company of Jesus: characters in Mark's Gospel. LVL 2000, Westminster xx; 244 pp. $30 [BiTod 39, 126 Senior, Donald]. 5183 Manicardi, Ermenegildo La madre di Gesil nel vangelo secondo Marco. Theotokos 8 (2000) 691-707. Sum. 707. 5184 Marcus, Joel Mark-interpreter of Paul. NTS 46 (2000) 473-487. 5185 (a) Martinez, Ernest R. La sequela di Gesu Cristo nel vangelo secondo Marco. R 22000, E.P.U.G. 131 pp. Bibl. (b) Mathew, Sam P. Discipleship in the gospel ofMark and the GuruSishya relationship in Sankara's teaching. FPATIIRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =:}85. 357-378. 5186 Matjai, Maksimilijan Kristoloski pomen motiva strahu v Markovem evangeliju [The christological mcaning of the motif of fear in St Mark's gospel]. Ilogoslovni Vestnik 60 (2000) 407-425. Pov., sum. 425. S. 5187 Minette de Tillesse, Gaetan Le martyre de Pierre et Paul en Saint Marc. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 ~40. 699-704.
F6.2 Mark's Gospel: Topics
5188 Müller, Peter Mit Markus erzählen: das Markusevangelium im Reli-. gionsunterricht.1999 => 15,5184. RThLz 125 (2000) 220-223 (Buschmann, Gerd). 5189 Naluparayil, Jacob Chacko Jesus ofthe gospel ofMark: present state ofresearch. CurResB 8 (2000) 191-226; 5190 Self-sacrificing exousia of Jesus and ahimsa of Gandhi. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 419-436. 5191 Naluparayil, Jacob Chacko The identity of Jesus in Mark: an essay on narative christology. SBFA 49: J 2000, Franciscan Printing Press xviii; 636 pp. Bibi. RLASBF 50 (2000) 551-556 (Casalini, Nello). 5192 N oufold, Diotmar Jesus' eating transgressions nnd socinl impropricty in the gospel ofMark. BTB 30 (2000) 15-26. 5193 Painter, John Mark's gospel: worlds in conflict. 1997 =>13,5080; 15,5189. RRBLit 2 (2000) 378-379 (Longstaff, Thomas R. W.). 5194 Park, Roh Sik The genre of the gospel of Mark: a critical assessment. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 318 pp. 9987545. 5195 Petersen, Norman R. Elijah, the Son ofGod, and Jesus: some issues in the anthropology of characterization in Mark. FN°ICKELSBURG, G. 2000 =>79. 232-240. 5196 Peterson, Dwight N. The origins ofMark: the Markan community in current debate. Bibllnterp 48: Lei 2000, Brill ix; 220 pp. 90-0411755-5. Bibi. 5197 Petraglio, Renzo "Quclli dclla via": il cammino dei cristiani nel vangelo di Marco. Horeb 9/2 (2000) 47-53. 5198 Phillips, Victoria Full disclosure: towards a complete characterization of the women who followed Jesus in the gospcl according to Mark. Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. '13: 2000 =>4347. 13 32. 5199 Pikaza, Xabier La iglesia: perspectiva de Marcos. BiFe 26 (2000) 173-230. 5200 Porter, Stanley E. Register in the Greek of the New Testament: application with reference to Mark's gospel. Rethinking contexts. JSOT.S 299: 2000 =>246. 209-229. 5201 Pöttner, Martin Die Zeit der zerbrechlichen Evangeliumskommunikation: semiotische Studien zur markinischen Erzählung. Diss.-Habil. Heidelberg 2000, 0 Theissen, G. [RTL 32,605]. 5202 Priest, Michael Ray The comforting king: a socio-literary analysis of Mark's prescntntion of Jesus as king. Diss. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 2000, 186 pp. 9968214. 5203 Reitl, .Barbara E. Parables for preachers: the gospel of Mark, Year B. 1999 =>15,5194. RCBQ 62 (2000) 761-762 (Donahue, John R.).
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5204 Reiser, William Jesus in solidarity with his people: a theologian looks at Mark. ColMn 2000, Liturgical xvii; 233 pp. $20. 0-81462717-X. Bibi. 217-223 [BiTod 39,59-Senior, Donald]. 5205 Robert, Francine La seconde conversion aDieu selon saint Marc. VS 736 (2000) 415-428. 5206 Santos, Narry F. Jesus' paradoxical teaching in Mark 8:35; 9:35; and 10:43-44. BS 157 (2000) 15-25. · 5207 Schenke, Ludger Gibt es im Markusevangelium eine Präexistenzchristologie?. ZNW 91(2000)45-71. 5208 Schildgen, Brenda Deen Power and prejudice: the reception of the gospel ofMark. 1998 =>14,4722. RJThS 51(2000)250-254 (Te/ford, W.R.); HeyJ 41(2000)333-334 (Costigan, Richard F.); 5209 Crisis and continuity: time in the gospel ofMark. JSNT.S 159: 1998 =>14,4723. RFaith & Mission 17/2 (2000) 85-86 (Estes, Doug/as). 5210 Silva, Valmor da Apocaliptica Marcos. Estudos biblicos 65: Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 87 pp [NThAR 2000,247]. 5211 Steiner, Claire-Antoinette Le lien entre le prologue et le corps de l'evangile de Marc. Intertextualites. 2000 =>481. 161-184. 5212 Stock, Klemens Jezus-veselo oznanilo: razmisljanja ob Markovem evangeliju. Beseda zivljenja 1: Maribor 2000, Slomskova zalozba 215 pp. 961-6227-48-3. 5213 Telford, William R. The theology ofthe gospel ofMark. 1999 =>15, 5206. RThTo 57 (2000) 280, 282, 284 (Blount, .Brian K.); RBLit 2 (?.000) 3R0-1R1 (McRntire, Murk). 5214 Van Eck, Ernest A Sitz for the gospel ofMark?: a critical reaction to Bauckham's theory on the universality ofthe gospels. HTS 56 (2000) 973-1008. 5215 Watts, Rikkl E. Isaiah's new exodus and Mark. WUNT 2/88: 1997 =>13,5106 ... 15,5214. RSal. 62 (2000) 191-192 (Vicent, R.); EvQ 72 (2000) 79-81 (Hojfeditz, David M); 5216 lsaiah's new exodus in Mark. Biblical Studies Library: GR 2000, Baker xvi; 484 pp. $33. 5217 Wördemann, Dirk Der bios nach PLUTARCH und das Evangelium nach Markus: eine Untersuchung des Charakterbildes des Helden und des Christusbildes im Evangelium Jesu Christi. Diss. Dortmund 2000 /01, 0 Dormeyer, D. [ThRv 98/4, v].
F6.3 F.vangelii Marci versiculi 5218 Elliott, J.K. Mark 1.1-3-a later addition to the gospel?. NTS 46 (2000) 584-588.
F6.3 Mark's Gospel: 1,9...
5219 DeMaris, Richard E. Possession, good and bad-ritual, effects and side-effects: the baptism of Jesus and Mark 1.9-11 from a crosscultural perspective. JSNT 80 (2000) 3-30. 5220 Carre, Pierre-Marie Regards sur l'evangile selon saint Marc, 4: la tentation de Jesus au desert. EeV 20 (2000) 15-19 [Mk 1,12-13]; 5221 Regards sur l'evangile selon saint Marc, 5: la tentation de Jesus au desert en Matthieu et Luc. EeV 21(2000)9-13 [Mt 4,1-11; Mk 1,1213; Lk4,1-13]. 5222 Buetube/a, Balembo Le commencement des temps nouveaux selon Marc 1,14: lecture contextuelle d'un texte biblique. Telema 102-103 (2000) 99-103. 5223 Philonenko, Marc Marc l,15a et 4Q215a: la prehistoire essenoqoumränienne d'une proclamation eschatologique. RHPhR 80 (2000) 213-220. 5224 Heindl, Bernhard Jesus, der Arzt, der Sünder heilt: eine leserorientierte Auslegung von Mk 1, 16-?., 17. niss. Innsbruck 2000/01, 0 Hasitschka, M [ThRv 98/4, ix]. 5225 Aus, Roger David Jesus' calling the first four disciples in Mark 1:1620 and Judaic traditions on Elijah's calling Elisha as his disciple in 1 Kgs 19: 19-21. Stilling ofthe storm. 2000 =>128. 89-135. 5226 Peron, Gian Paolo Seguitemi!: vi faro diventare pescatori di uomini (Mc 1, 17): gli imperativi ed esortativi di Gesu ai discepoli come elementi di w1 loro cammino fonnativo. Diss. Pont. Ist. Biblico 2000, 0 srock. Klemens [Sum. AcBib 10,725-726]. R 2000, LAS 324 pp. €18.08. 88-213-0455-8. RJter 23 (2000) 143-146 (Pa.'ltnre, Corrado), 5227 Stock, Klemens La purificazione del lebbroso (Mc 1,40-45): un dilemma fondamentale dell'opera di Gesu. Mfusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 ::::-40. 393-405. 5228 Umoren, Anthony Tffen Jesus and miracle healing today: a study in the light of Mark 1:40-45 (the healing of a leper). Iperu Remo, Nigeria 2000, Ambassador xix; 157 pp. 978-2107-62-X. Bibl. 5229 Hojius, Otfried Vergebungszuspruch und Vollmachtsfrage: Mk 2,112 und das Problem priesterlicher Absolution im antiken Judentum. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 =>174. 57-69; 5230 Jesu Zuspruch der Sündenvergebung: exegetische Erwägungen zo Mk 2,5b. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 15,94. 281-301. 5234 Derrett, J.D. Modes ofrenewal (Mk. 2:21-22). EvQ 72 (2000) 3-12. 5235 Cardenas Pallares, Jose Jesus satanizado, fundador de una nueva clase de familia (Mc 3,20-35). Qol 24 (2000) 3-11. 5236 Mieder, Wolfgang "A house divided": from biblical proverb to Lincoln and beyond. Understanding wisdom. 2000 =>352. 57-102 lMt 12,25; Mk 3,22-27; Lk 11,17]. 5237 North, Robert How loud was Jesus' voice? (Mk 4,1). Medicine. 2000 =>196. 73-80. 5238 Hooker, Morna D. Mark's parables of the Kingdom (Mark 4: 1-34). The challenge ofJesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 79-101. 5239 Rendle, Ludwig Der Traum vom Reich Gottes: handlungsorientierte Bausteine zum Gleichnis vom Senfkorn Mk 4,30-32. KatBI 125 (2000) '11'1-'117. 5240 Aus, Roger David The stilling of the storm: Jesus, Jonah and Julius CAFBAR in Mark 4:35-41. Stilling ofthe storm. 2000 =>128. 1-87. 5241 Strelan, Rick A greater than Caesar: storm stories in LUCAN and Mark.ZNW91(2000)166-179 [Mk4,35-41]. 5242 Avotri, Solomon K. The vemacularization of scripture and African beliefs: the story ofthe Gerasene demoniac among the Ewe of West Africa. The Bible in Africa. 2000 :::>342. 311-325 [Mk 5, 1-20]. 5243 Berliet, Gerard Des tenebres A la lumiere. Vie Chretienne 449 (2000) 4-8 [Mk 5,1-20]. 5244 Cebulj, Christian Topographie und Theologie im Neuen Testament: Anmerkungen zu einer komplexen Beziehung am Beispiel der Dekapolis. BN 105 (2000) 88-99 [Mk 5,1-20]. 5245 Dormandy, Richard The expulsion of lcgion: 11 political rcading of Mark 5:1-20. ET 111 (1999-2000)335-337. 5246 Harnist, Sandrine La foi deplace les limites: Marc 5,21-34. Des miracles. 2000 =>300. 86-99 [BuBB 32,92]. 5247 Correia, Joäo Luiz 0 poder de Deus em Jesus: um estudo de duas narrativas de milagres em Mc 5,21-43. Biblia e Hist6ria: Säo Paulo 2000, Paulinas 204 pp [REB 239,766]. 5248 D 'Angelo, Mary Rose Gender and power in the gospel of Mark: the daughter of Jairus and the woman with the flow ofblood. Miracles in Jewish and christian antiquity. 2000 =>457. 83-109 [Mk 5,21-43]. 52'19 Van der Kaaij, Edward De vrouw, het doohtertje ende Zoon. ITBT 8/4 (2000) 15-17 [Mk 5,21-43]. 5250 Metternich, Ulrike Sie sagte ihm die ganze Wahrheit: die Erzählung von der "Blutflüssigen"-feministisch gedeutet. Mainz 2000, Matthias-Grünewald 256 pp. €24.54. 3-7867-2234-X [Mt 9,20-22; Mk 5,25-34; Lk 8,43-48].
F6.3 Mark's Gospel: 5,25 ...
5251 Rosenblatt, Marie-Eloise Gender, ethnicity, and legal considerations in the haemorrhaging woman's story Mark 5:25-34. Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. 43: 2000 =>4347. 137-161. 5253 Bagnall, Roger S. Jesus reads a book. JThS 51 (2000) 577-588 [Mt 13,54-58; Mk 6, 1-6; Lk 4, 16-30]. 5254 Enste, Stefan Kein Markustext in Qumran: eine Untersuchung der These: Qumranfragment 7Q5 = Mk 6,52-53. NTOA 45: FrS 2000, Univ.-Verl. viii; 163 pp. FS55. 3-7278-1286-9. Bibi. 144-163. RRdQ 19 {2000) 639-640 (Puech, Emile). 5255 De/arme, Jean Deconstruire le texte, construire la lecture: un sommaire en Marc (6,53-56). SemBib 100 (2000) 50-65. 5256 Svartvik, Jesper Mark and mission: Mk 7:1-23 in its narrative and historical contexts. CB.NT 32: Sto 2000, Almqvist & Wiksell xvii; 459 pp. SEK342.40. 91-22-01863-8. Bibi. 5257 Potrter, John C. The inleriuriLy oflrue religion in Mark 7,6-8: with a note on Pap. Egerton 2. ZNW 91 (2000) 180-191. 5258 Barraclough, Ray Being pharisaic christians: a study of Mark 7: IOb and Matthew 15:4b. IBSt 22 (2000) 2-25. 5259 Ottenheijm, Eric Impurity between intention and deed: purity disputes in first century Judaism and in the New Testament. Purity and holiness. 2000 =>310. 129-147 [Mk 7,14-15]. 5260 Mazzucco, CfamBntina Gesu e la donna sirofenicia (Mc 7,24-30): \m dibattito con due vincitori. Mpusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 407429. 5261 Van Veldhuizen, Piet De rijke .Tezus en het arme kind: Markus 7:2430 enLukas 16:19-31. ITBT 8/7 (2000) 8-9. 5262 Downing, F. Gerald The woman from Syrophoenicia, and her doggedness: Mark 7.2'1-31 (Matthew 15.21-28). Making sense. [Chrysostom]. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 102-121. 5263 Van den Eynde, Sabine When a teacher becomes a student: the challenge of the Syrophoenician woman (Mark 7.24-31). Theol. 103 (2000) 274-279. 5264 Grass, Philippe Marc 7,31-37. Lire et Dire 45 (2000) 25-36 [BuBB 32,92]. 5265 Seybold, Klaus Dalmanutha (Mk 8, 10). ZDPV 116 (2000) 42-48. 5266 Monnier, Nicolas Marc 8„22-26: un miracle en deux temps. Lire et Dire 46 (2000) 23-30 [BuBB 33,96]. 5267 Rius-Camps, JosBp EI ciego de Bet5aida/Betania (Mc 8,22-26). EstB 58 (2000) 289-307. 5268 Carvalho, Jose Omelas de Caminho de morte, destino de vida-o projecto do Filho do Homem e dos seus discipulos a luz de Mc 8,279, 1. 1998 =>14,4762. RSalm. 47 (2000) 149-152 (Pikaza, Xabier).
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5269 Turner, Geoffrey Jesus' prophecies of his death and resurrection: an exercise in henneneutics. ScrB 30 (2000) 15-22 [Mk 8,31]. 5270 Goulder, Michael Elijah with Moses, or, a rift in the pre-Markan lute. FCATCHPOLE, R. NT.S 99: 2000 ~25. 193-208 Mk 9,2-8]. 5271 Rosato, Vincenzo La rivelazione del mistero di Cristo nel racconto della trasfigurazione: centralita di Mc 9,2-8 nella comprensione della persona e dell'opera di Gesu, figlio di Dio. Diss. Rome, Angelicum 2000, 0 De Santis, L. [RTL 32,605]. 5272 Pöttner, Martin "Denn jeder wird mit Feuer gesalzen werden" (Mk 9,49): hermeneutische und semiotisch-philosophische Erwägungen zu einem markinischen Rätselwort. Bildersprache verstehen. Übergänge 38: 2000 ~1079. 293-312 [Mk 9,30-50]. 5273 Hendersnn, !an H. 'Salted with fire' (Mark 9.42-50): style, oracles and (socio)rhetorical gospel criticism. JSNT 80 (2000) 44-65. 5274 Sutter Rehmann, Luzia Sozialgeschichtliche exegetische Untersuchungen zur Nachfolgeproblematik von Ehepaaren (Mk 10,112par). Diss.-Habil. Basel 2000/01, 0 Stegemann, E. [ThRv 98/4, xv]. 5275 Brewer, David!. Jesus' Old Testament basis for monogamy. FNOR1H, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 ~80. 75-105 [Mk 10,2]. 5276 Pathrapankal, Joseph The way to the kingdom of God: a semiotic reading of Mk 10:2-16. Dimensions of the word. 2000 ~199. 84103. 5277 Van Ve/dhuizen, Piet Knutfol versus knicval: lichaamstaal in Marcus 10:13-27.1'1'8'1' 8/1(2000)16-18. 5278 Hellerman, Joseph H. Wealth and sacrifice in early chrstianity: revisiting Mark's presentation of Jesus' encounter with the rieb young ruler. TrinJ 21 (2000) 143-164 [Mk 10,17-22 ]. 5279 Landgrave G., Duniel R. Marginales teol6gicos sobre la riqueza (Mc 10,17-31 como tel6n de fondo). Qol 24 (2000) 23-30. 5280 Lohse, Eduard Jesu Bußruf an die Reichen: Markus 10,25 Par. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 ~183. 39-43. 5281 Guijarro, Santiago Healing stories and medical anthropology: a reading ofMark 10:46-52. BTB 30 (2000) 102-112. 5282 Schlumberger, Sophie Marc 10,46-52. Lire et Dire 43 (2000) 25-37 [BuBB 33,97]. 5283 Chavez, Emilio G. Exorcism, exousia, the widow and the temple: the meaning of Jesus' temple action and teaching (Mark 11 : 15-17). Diss. Angdicum, 0 Taylor, Richard R 2000, xiii; 207 pp. Bibl. 195207. 5284 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome Jesus and the money changers (Mark 11:15-17; John 2:13-17). RB 107 (2000) 42-55. 5285 Segalla, Giuseppe Gesu e il tempio: una distruzione annunciata e/o minacciata del santuario (NAOS) e una sua misteriosa riedificazione.
F6.3 Mark's Gospel: 11,15 ...
FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 ~38. 271-293 [Mt 26,61; Mk
11,15-17]. 5286 Seeley, David Jesus' temple act revisited: a response to P.M. Casey. CBQ 62 (2000) 55-63 [Mk 11,15-18]. 5287 Sweeney, James P. Jesus' temple action (Mark 11:15-18) in recent discussion: an examination of its character; meaning, and role in Jesus' death. Diss. Trinity Evang. Div. School 2000, 376 pp. 3003774. 5288 Arnal, William E. Tue parable of the tenants and the class consciousness of the peasantry. JiRICHARDSON, P. 2000 ~97. 135-157 [Mk 12, 1-9]. 5289 Medala, Stanislaw "Kr6lestwo Boze bedzie warn zabrane" (Mt 21,43): Przypowiesc o sprzeniewierczych dzierzawcach (Mk 12,1-12 i par.). CoTh 7012 (2000) 7-34 [Mt 21,33-46; Mk 12,1-12; Lk 20,919]. P. 5290 Weihs, Alexander Die Eifersucht der Winzer zur Anspielung auf LXX Gen 37,20 in der Parabel von der Tötung des Sohnes (Mk 12,112). EThL 76 (2000) 5-29. 5291 Li Zhixiang, Pietro Dio eil Cesare in Mc 12,13-17 e nel NT. Extr. Diss. Pont. Univ. Urbaniana, 0 Biguzzi, Giancar/o R 2000, xvi; 63 pp. 5292 Meier, John P. The debate on the resurrection of the dead: an incident from ministry ofthe historical Jesus?. JSNT 77 (2000) 3-24 [Mk 12,18-27]. 5293 Bucher, Otto Tue scribe of Mark 12. BiTod 38 (2000) 95-97 [Mk 12,28-34]. 5294 Detering, Hermann Tue Synoptic Apocalypse (Mark 1, p1u): a document from the time ofBar Kochba. JHiC 7 (2000) 161-210.
F6.8 Passio secundum Marcum, 14, 1... [F5.3] 5295 Bara, Shailendra J.G. Mark's passion as story: the presence and absence of the twelve: narrative and reader-response criticism of Mk 14:1-16:8. Diss. Innsbruck 2000/01 °Hasitschka, M [ThRv 98/4, ix]. 5296 Focant, Camille Verita storica e verita narrativa: il racconto della passione in Marco. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 ~40. 431-445; 5297 V erite historique et verite narrative: le recit de la Passion en Marc. Bible et histoire. Le livre et le rouleau 10: 2000 ==>273. 83-104. 5298 Buscemi, Maria S. "E ela derramou seu perfume ... " (Mc 14,3-9): sexualidade de mulher em cantos, contos e encantos. Estudos biblicos 66 (2000) 49-61. 5299 Landau, Rudolf"„. das duftet uns so süß:" (Markus 14,3-9). ThBeitr 31(2000)169-173.
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[IX. Evangelia synoptica
5300 Ossom-Batsa, George The function of the institution account in the gospel ofMark (Mark 14,22-25). Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 vanhoye, A. 358 pp [RTL 32,604]. 5301 Perez Herrero, Francisco La ultima cena de Jesus segun San Marcos (Mc 14,22-25). Burg. 41 {2000) 279-326. 5302 Schlier, Heinrich Das neue Passa Mk 14,22-25 (aus: Die Markuspassion). IKaZ 29 (2000) 155-159. 5303 lzquierdo, Antonio La f6rmula sobre el cäliz en Mc 14,24b. Alpha Omega 3 (2000) 73-105. 5304 Cardenas Pallares, Jose Mäs allä del derrumbre (Mc 14,26-31). Qol 22 (2000) 53-57. 5305 Perego, Giacomo La nudita necessaria: il ruolo del giovane di Mc 14,S 1-:52 nel raccunlu marciano della passione-mortc-risurrczionc di Gesu. Parola di Dio 19: CinB 2000, San Paolo 316 pp. 88-215-42270. Bibl. 271-290. 5306 Bock, Darren L. Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism: the charge against Jesus in Mark 14:53-65. GR 2000 , Baker 237 pp. $27. 5307 Borrell, Augusti The good news of Peter's denial: a narrative and rhetorical reading of Mark 14:54.66-72. 1998 =>14,4808. RBib. 81 (2000) 125-128 (Sisson, Russell B.); RBLit 2 (2000) 369-371 (Tucker, Je.ffrey T.). 5308 Dunn, James D.G. "Are you the Messiah?": is the crnx of Mark 14:61-62 rcsolvable?. FCATCHPOLE, R. NT.S 99: 2000 =>25. 1·22. 5309 Bock, Darrell L. Blasphemy and exaltation in Judaism and the final examination of Jesus: a philological-historical study of the key Jewish Lhemes impacting Mark 14:61-64. WUNT 2/106: 1998 :::>14, 4809. RThG 43 (2000) 152-154 (Giesen, Heinz); CBQ 62 (2000) 137-139 (Matera, FrankJ.). 5310 Grelot, Pierre La reponse de Jesus aCaiphe. FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 581-595 [Mt 26,64; Mk 14,62; Lk 22,69]. 5311 Loba-Mkole, Jean C. Mark 14:62: substantial compendium of New Testament christology. HTS 56 (2000) 1119-1145. 5312 Rodriguez Roca, Jose Antonio El ultimo grito de Jesus y el clamor de la humanidad. RET 60 (2000) 5-63 [Mk 15,37]. 5313 Adicbilath, Sebastian The function and meaning of the Marcan climax: a redaction critical study of Mark 15:37-39. Diss. Extr. Pont. Univ. Gregoriana 2000, 0 Martinez, Ernest R R 2000, 113 pp. 5314 Johnson, Earl S. Mark 15,39 and the so-called confession of the Roman centurion. Bib. 81(2000)406-413. 5315 Shiner, Whithney T. The ambiguous pronouncement of the centurion and the shrouding of meaning in Mark. JSNT 78 (2000) 3-22 [Mk 15,39).
F6.8 Mark's Gospel: Resurrection
5316 Kelhoffer, James A. Miracle and mission: the authentication ofmissionaries and their message in the longer ending of Mark. WUNT 2/112: Tü 2000, Mohr xix; 530 pp. €65.45. Bibl. [Mk 16,9-20]. 5317 Lefebvre, Philippe Le recit de Marc: resurrection et commencement: Adam et Eve, CaYn et Abel (Mc 16,9-13). VS 154 (2000) 247-254. 5318 Le recit de Marc: resurrection et commencement: Joseph et ses fü~res (Mc 16,14-15). VS 154 (2000) 255-265.
X. Opus Lucanum
F7.l Opus Lucanum-Luke-Acts 5319 Alexander, Loveday C.A. What if Luke had never met Theophilus?. Bibllnti::rp 8 (2000) 161-170 [Lk 1,1-4]. 5320 Allen, Oscar Wcsley, Jr. The death of Herod: the narrative and theological function of retribution in Luke-Acts. 1997 =>13,5215; 14,4819. RRBLit 1(1999)281-283 (Chance, J. Bradley). 5321 Bonz, Marianne Palmer The past as legacy: Luke-Acts and ancient epic. Mp 2000, Fortress x; 230 pp. $18. 0-8006-3225-7. Bibl. 5322 Buttinl, Gtovannt Claudia; Casa/ini, Nello Maria nella storia della salvezza in Luca-Atti. Theotokos 8 (2000) 733-768 Sum. 768. 5323 Brawley, Robert L. Ethical borderlines between rejection and hope: interpreting the Jews in Luke-Acts. CThMi 27 (2000) 415-423. 5324 Bruni, Giancar/o Lo Spirito Santo nelhl Je:tte:rntura lucana. Credüg 119-120 (2000) 99-110. 5325 Burton, William L. The murder ofthe prophets and other themes in Luke/Acts. Diss. extr. Gregoriana, 0 Swetnam, James R 2000, xviii; 99 pp. 5326 Cadbury, Henry J. The making of Luke-Acts. 1999 =>15,5322. RTheoforum 31(2000)78-80 (Dumais, Marcel). 5327 Crocetti, Giuseppe La madre di Gesu e l'eucaristia nella prospettiva lucana (Lc 1-2; At 1,14; 2,42-47). RivBib 48 (2000) 401-434. 5328 Denova, Rebecca 1. The things accomplished among us: prophetic lra 13,5224; 15,5331. RRRJ .it 1(1999)284-285 (Brawley, Robert L.). 5329 Dougherty, Damien R. Isaian Servant, Lucan Savior: the use of Isaiah 52,13-53,12 (LXX) in Luke-Acts and the meaning ofthe death of Jesus. Diss. Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, Jerusalem 1999; 0 Bottini, G.C. xviii; 321 pp [LASBF 50,614].
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[X. Opus Lucanum
5330 Downing, F. Gerald Theophilus' first he,aring of Luke-Acts. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =:>150. 198-217. 5331 EFanton, Alberto La teologia narrativa di san Luca. CredOg 119120 (2000) 3-186. 5332 Flichy, Odile L'oeuvre de Luc: l'evangile et les Actes des Apötres. CEv 114 (2000) 5-57. 5333 Fusco, Vittorio Da Paolo a Luca: studi su Luca-Atti, l. StBi 124: Brescia 2000, Paideia 283 pp. €22.73. 88-394-0594-1. Bibi. 5334 Ganser-Kerperin, Heiner Das Zeugnis des Tempels: Studien zur Bedeutung des Tempelmotivs im Lukanischen Doppelwerk. NTA 36: Müns 2000, Aschendorff x; 410 pp. €52.15. 3-402-04784-5. Bibi. RRBBras 17/4 (2000) 695-697. 5335 Ghiberti, Giuseppe II popolo giudaico nell'opera lucana: la dialettica dei rapporti. VI simposio di Tarso. 2000 =:>484. 63-88. 5336 Gourgues, Michel Les deux livres de Luc: cles de lecture du troisieme evangile et des Actes. 1998 =:>14,4832; 15,5339. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 80-81 (Dumais, Marcel). 5337 Gourgucs, Michel Los dos libros de San Lucas: el tercer evangelio y los Hechos de los Ap6stoles. Colccci6n Cauces 24: Bilbao 2000, Mensajero 104 pp. 84-271-2321-3. 5338 Hagene, Sylvia Dorothea Zeiten der Wiederherstellung (Apg 3,21): Studien zur lukanischen Geschichtstheologie als Soteriologie. Diss. Münster 2000/01, 0 Löning, K. 2000/01 [ThRv 98/4, xii]. 5339 Heil, Christoph Arius DIDYMUS and Luke-Acts. NT 42 (2000) 358393. 5340 Henrich, Sarah Luke-Acts: how do you read? (Luke 10:25). CThMi 27 (2000) 406-414. 5341 Heusler, Erika Kapitalprozesse im Lukanischen Doppelwerk: die Verfahren gegen Jesus und Paulus in exegetischer und rechtshistorischer Analyse. NTA 38: Müns 2000, Aschendorff viii; 294 pp. 3402-04786-1. Bibi. 268-284. 5342 Hoet, Hendrik De weg van het Woord: over de opbouw van LucasHandelingen. Coll. 30 (2000) 357-372. 5343 Hui, Archie W Spirit-fullness in Luke-Acts: technical and prophetic?. JPentec 17 (2000) 24-38. 5344 Hutcheon, Cyprian Robert 'God is with us': the temple inLuke-Acts. SVTQ 44 (2000) 3-33 [BuBB 32,134]. 5345 Kayama, Hisao Luke's understanding of Israel: a scquential reading ofLuke-Acts. AJBI 25-26 (1999-2000) 21-48. 5346 Koet, Bart J. Purity and impurity of the body in Luke-Acts. Purity and holiness. 2000 =:>310. 93-106.
F7.l Luke-Acts
5347 Kurz, William S. Reading Luke-Acts: dynamics of biblical narrative. 1993 ~9,5083 ... 11/1,3580. RJian Dao 14 (2000) 191-195 (Cheung, Paul W.). 5348 Leonardi, Giovanni Struttura letteraria, narrativa e teologica unitaria dell'opera lucana (vangelo e Atti). CredOg 119-120 (2000) 5-28; 5349 Quattro componenti principali nell'orditura letteraria e narrativa di Luca. CredOg 119-120 (2000) 29-97; 5350 Congressi e monografie sull'opera lucana: uno sguardo (1998-2000); 5351 Invito alla lettura. CredOg 119-120 (2000) 175-179/181-186. 5352 Leonardi, Giovanni Opera di Luca, 1: il vangelo; 2, Atti degli Apostoli. Reggio Emilia 2000, San Lorenzo 271 + 243 pp. 88-8071-1059. Bibi. 5353 Marton, Franco L'impegno etico complementare all'annuncio. CredOg 119-120 (2000) 131-136. 5354 Mathieu, Ivan La figure de Pierre dans l'oeuvre de Luc (evangile et Actes des apötres): une approche synchronique. Diss. Ottawa 2000, 0 JJumais, M. 585 pp LRTL 32,604; NQ57056J. 5355 Müller, Christoph Gregor 'Mehr als ein Prophet': die Charakterzeichnung Johannes der Täufer im lukanischen Erzählwerk. Diss.Habil. Würzburg. 2000/01, °K!auck, H.-J. [ThRv 98/4, xx]. 5356 Nave, Guy, Jr. The role and function ofrepentance within the narrative of Luke-Acts and within the social world depicted by that narrative. Diss. Yale 2000, 0 Meeks, W. 326 pp [RTL 32,604; 9991200). 5357 Nielsen, Anders E. Until it is fulfilled: Lukan eschatology according to Luke 22 and Acts 20. Diss. Aarhus 1998, 0 Nielsen, H.K. WUNT 2/126: Tü 2000, Mohr xvii; 326 pp. 3-16-147188-1. 5358 Norris, David S. No other name: a socio-historical approach to the argument ofLuke-Acts. Diss. Temple 2000, 0 Bourdieu, P. 295 pp. 9990343. 5359 Owczarek, Krzysztof 'Sons of the Most High': love of enemies in Luke-Acts. Diss. Gregorian 2000, 0 0'Toole, R. 318 pp [RTL 32, 605). 5360 Penney, John Michael The missionary emphasis ofLukan pneumatology. JPentec. S: 12: 1997 ~13,5241. RRBLit 1 (1999) 286-288 (Denova, Rebecca). 5361 Pokorny, Petr Theologie der lukanischen Schriften. FRLANT 174: 1998 ~14,4849; 15,5385. RNT 42 (2000) 191-193 (Stenschke, Christoph); CBQ 62 (2000) 153-154 (Karris, Robert J.); JR 80 (2000) 495-497 (Ba/eh, David!.). 5362 Prete, Benedetto Evangelizzazione e salvezza: loro rapporto negli scritti di Luca. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 ~38. 345-372.
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[X. Opus Lucanum
5363 Price, Robert M. Tue widow traditions in Luke-Acts: a feminist-critical scrutiny. SBL.DS 155: 1997 =>13,5244; 14,4850. RRBLit 1 (1999) 288-290 (Thurston, Bonnie). 5364 Reinhardt, Wolfgang Das Wachstum des Gottesvolkes. 1995 =>111 1,3589„. 13,5246. RRBLit 1 (1999) 290-2 (Stenschke, Christoph W.). 5365 Rigato, Maria Luisa La donna valorizzata nell'opera di san Luca. Credüg 119-120 (2000) 111-120. 5366 Roth, S. John Tue blind, the lame, and the poor: character types in Luke-Acts. JSNT.S 144: 1997 =>13,5248; 15,5392. RRBLit 1 (1999) 292-294 (Matthews, Christopher R). 5367 Rusam, Dietrich Alles muss(te) erfüllt werden: Intertextualität im lukanischen Doppelwerk. Diss.-Habil. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Wolter, M [ThRv 98/4, xvi]. 5368 Segalla, Giuseppe Rapporto fra etica ed escatologia nell'opera lucana: una synkrisis fra Giovanni Battista e Gesu. Teol(Br) 25 (2000) 305-319. 5369 Seim, Turid Karlsen Approaching Luke: glimpses of a gospel. CThMi 27 (2000) 444-452. 5370 Stenschke, Christoph W. Luke's portrait of gentiles prior to their coming to faith. WUNT 2/108: 1999· =>15,5396. 3-16-147139-3. Rcv 42 (2000) 181-182 (Pokorny, Petr). 5371 Stricher, Joseph Les parallelismes hommes-femmes 15,5406. RCBQ 62 (2000) 569-70 (Talbert, Charles H. ). 5376 FTYSON, Joseph B. Literary studies in Luke-Acts. EThompson, Richard P.; Phillips, Thomas E. 1998 =>14,120. RCBQ 62 (2000) 193-195 (O'Tnnle, Rnhert F.). 5377 Van Staalduine-Sulman, Eveline Over Lukas ende boeken Samuel. ITBT 8/8 (2000) 23-24. 5378 EVerheyden, Joseph The unity of Luke-Acts. BEThL 142: 1999 => 15,5410. RNRTh 122 (2000) 473-474 (Radermakers, J.); CBQ 62 (2000) 788-790 (Reid, Barbara E. ).
F7.l Luke-Acts
5379 Wenk, Matthias Community-forming power: the socio-ethical role of the Spirit in Luke-Acts. JPentec.S 19: Shf 2000, Sheffield Academic 368 pp. 1-84127-125-X. Bibi. 5380 Zwiep, Arie W. The ascension ofthe Messiah in Lukan christology. NT.S 87: 1997 =>13,5257; 15,5414. RRBLit 1 (1999) 297.-298 (Mclver, Robert K. ). ·
F7.3 Evangelium Lucae-Textus, commentarii 5381 5382 5383
Bagni, Arcangelo Vangelo secondo Luca. Dabar ... N.T.: Padova 2000, Messaggero 189 pp. 88-250-0929-l. Bibi. 181-185. Bock, Darren L. Luke 1994 =>10,4921... 13,5258. RKerux 15/1 (2000) 59-64 (Collett, Don). Bovon, Fran~ois Das Evangelium nach Lukas, 2: Lk 9,51-14,35. Evangelisch-Katholischer Kommentar zum NT 3/2: 1996 =>12,5033. RThLZ 125 (2000) 153-154 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 68-70] (Ernst, Josef); RBLit 1 (1999) 274-276 (Bock, Darrell L.). Bruners, Wilhelm; Schwarz, Wolfgang Und es kam die Zeit: ein Weg durch das Lukas-Evangelium. Fra 2000, Beerenverlag 112 pp. €9.20. 111. von Resi Borgmeier lBiLi 75,73-Untergaßmair, F.G]. Dillmann, Rainer; Mora Paz, Cesar Alejandro Das Lukas-Evangelium: ein Kommentar für die Praxis. Stu 2000, Katholisches Bibelwerk 435 pp. €15.24. 3-460-33126-7. Bibi. Elliott, J Keith A survey of the International Greek New Testament Project's work on the gospel ofLuke. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 39-53. 8 Faes de Mottoni, Barbara San BONAVENTURA: commento al vangelo di San Luca, 1: 1-4. TMüller, Paola; Martignoni, Silvana 1999 =>15,5421. Rcart. 16 (2000) 232-233 (Chavero Blanco, F.); AFH 93 (2000) 535-536 (Sanz, R.). Georgeot, J.-M. Evangile de Saint Luc: texte grec en refärence ä. Mt (de 1 ä. XII, de XIII ä. fin). De Saint-Marc jusqu'ä. Tertullien l.5a-b: n.p. 2000 n.p. 2 vols. Green, Joel B. The gospel of Luke. NICNT 1997 =>13,5269; 14,4872. RRB 103 (2000) 456-458 (Taylor, Justin); RBLit 1 (1999) 279-281 (Tannehill, Robert C.). Hendrickx, Herman The third gospel for the third world, 3-A: travel narrative-! (Luke 9:51-13:21]. Michael Glazier Book: ColMn 2000, Liturgical viii; 314 pp. $20 [BiTod 38,395-Senior, D.]; 3-B: travel narrative-II (Luke 13:22-17:10). Glazier Book: ColMn 2000, Liturgical viii; 314 pp. $20 [ThD 48,273-Heiser, W.C.].
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[X. Opus Lucanum
5392 Marguerat, Daniel L'evangile selon Luc. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =:>4322. 83-104. 5393 Mazzinghi, Luca; Tarocchi, Stefano Luca: il vangelo della salvezza: guida alla lettura. Bo 2000, EDB 143 pp. 88-10-90439-7. 5394 Mesters, Carlos; Lopes, Mercedes Querido Te6filo: encuentros biblicos sobre el evangelio de Lucas. Estella 2000, Verbo Divino 200 pp. €6.61. 84-8169-402-9 [Proyecci6n 47,212]. 5395 Nickle, Keith F. Preaching the gospel of Luke: proclaiming God's royal rule. LVL 2000, Westminster x; 266 pp. $22. RRExp 97 (2000) 389-390 (Graves, Mike). 5396 Perrotta, Kevin Luke: the good news of God's mercy, Ch 2000, Loyola 96 pp [BiTod 38,125-Senior, Donald]. 5397 Schürmann, H. 11 vangelo di Luca 2/1. CTNT 3/2.1: 1998 ==>14, 4879. RRivBib 48 (2000) 102-105 (Rosse, Gerard) [Lk 9,51-11,54]. 5398 Schweizer, Eduard II vangelo secondo Luca. NT 2. ser. 3: Brescia 2000, Paideia 370 pp. 88-394-0598-4. Bibl. 5399 Van de Linde, D.M. Lukas, deel 3. Kampen 2000, Kok 222 pp. €14.29. 90-435-0270-7 [ITBT 9/1,32-Doelman, Jan] [Lk 17-24]. 5400 Venetz, Hermann-Josef Der Evangelist des Alltags: Streifzüge durch das Lukasevangelium. FrS 2000, Paulus 198 pp. €16.77. 3722-80499-X. 5401 Walker, Thomas W. Luke. Interpretation Bible Studies: LVL 2000, Geneva 114 pp. $10.
F7.4 Lucae themata--Luke's Gospel, topics 5'102 Abign14,4885. RBz 44 (2000) 149-151 (Melzer-Keller, Helga). 5405 Bonneau, Normand Luke's distinctive Sunday lectionary profile. BiTod 38 (2000) 337-342. 5406 Borghi, Ernesto La responsabilita della gioia: vivere il vangelo secondo Luca. Cammini nello Spirito, meditazione 26: Mi 2000, Paoline 270 pp. Pref. di Gustavo Gutierrez.
F7.4 Luke's Gospel: Topics
5407 Bridge, Steven Leonard 'Where the eagles are gathered': the deliverance ofthe elect in Lukan eschatology. Diss. Marquette 2000, 180 pp. 9977745. 5408 Buckwalter, H. Douglas The character and purpose ofLuke's christology. MSSNTS 89: 1996 =:>12,5049„. 15,5439. RRBLit 1 (1999) 276-279 (Chance, J. Bradley). 5409 Byrne, Brendan The hospitality ofGod: a reading ofLuke's gospel. ColMn 2000, Liturgical vi; 209 pp. $20. 5410 Forbes, Greg W. The God of old: the role of the Lukan parables in the purpose of Luke's gospel. JSNT.S 198: Shf 2000, Sheffield Academ.ic 388 pp. 1 84127·1314. Bibi. 5411 Francis, Leslie J.; Atkins, Peter Exploring Luke's gospel: personality type and sc:ripture. Personality Type and Script1.1re Series: L 2000, Mowbray x; 244 pp. 0-264-67524-X. Bibi. 243-244. 5412 Ghidelli, Carlo Gesu ehe lotta, consola e salva: alcuni tratti della cristologia lucana. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 715-725. 5413 Herwartz, Oskar Johanna und ein Gespräch mit Lukas. Langwaden 2000, Bemardus 231 pp. €9.90 [GuL 75,155-Herwartz, Christian] [Lk 8,3]. 5414 Karris, Robert J. Food in the gospel of Luke. BiTod 38 (2000) 357361. 5415 Kurth, Christina "Die Stimmen der Propheten erfüllt": Jesu Geschick und "die" Juden nach der Darstellung des T.ukas. RWANT 148: Stu 2000, Kohlhammer 264 pp. 3-17-016620-4. Bibi. 237-254. 5416 Lee, David Luke's storics of Jesus: theological reading of e;ospel narrative and the legacy ofHans FREI. JSNT.S 185: 1999 =:>15,5455. RCBQ 62 (2000) 757-758 (Spencer, F. Scott). 5417 Magnante, Antonio Prospettive missionarie nel vangelo di Luca. Omnis Terra 62 (2000) 31-43. 5418 Martini, Carlo Maria L'evangelizzatore in San Luca. Mi 2000, Ancora 184 pp. €12.91. Pref. S. Fausti. 5419 Melzer-Keller, Helga Maria im Lukasevangelium: Glaubensvorbild, JUngerin und Hoffhungszeichen. GuL 73 (2000) 416430. 5420 Mendoza Alvarez, Carlos La pratica reveladora de Jesus. Qol 23 (2000) 105-114. 5421 Meyer, E.E. Interpreting Luke with the Confession of Belhar. Scriptura 72/1 (2000) 113-120. 5422 Mineshige, Kiyoshi Besitzverzicht und Almosengeben: Wesen und Forderung des lukanlschen Vermögensethos. Diss. Bern :WUU/01, 0 Luz, U. [ThRv 98/4, iii]. 5423 O'Toole, Robert F. How does Lµke portray Jesus as servant of YHWH?. Bib. 81 (2000) 328-346.
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5424 Pathrapankal, Joseph Mary as the model disciple in the theology of Luke. Dimensions ofthe word. 2000 =>199. 185-205. 5425 Pereira, Francis Jesus: the human and humane face of God: a portrait of Jesus in Luke's gospel. Bandra 2000, St Pauls 215 pp. Rs75. 81-7109-461-9. Bibi. 215. 5426 Quelle, Constantino La iglesia: perspectiva de Lucas. BiFe 26 (2000) 231-253. 5427 Reid, Barbara A retreat with Luke: stepping out on the word of God. Cincinnati 2000, St. Anthony Messenger 118 pp. $9 [BiTod 39, 127-Senior, Donald]. 5428 Reid, Barbara E. Lukan parables in the lectionary. BiTod 38 (2000) 343-348. 5429 Rosse, Gerard Il denaro e la ricchezza nell'evangelista Luca. PSV 42 (2000) 119-130. 5430 Schubert, Judith Joy and praise in the gospel of Luke. BiTod 38 (2000) 349-355. 5431 Sergeant, John M The ox unmuzzled: a new beginning. ET 110 (1998-1999) 46-49. 5432 Soravito, Lucio Il metodo narrativo dell'annuncio di Luca. CredOg 119-120 (2000) 153-163. 5433 Trainor, Michael 'And on earth, peace .. .' (Luke 2.14): Luke's perspectives on the earth. Readings. 2000 =>270. 174-192. 5434 Trentin, Giuseppe La misericordia e il chiedere perdono. CredOg 119-120 (2000) 165-173. 5435 Tuckcr, Jcffrcy T. Exumple stories: perspectives on four parables in the gospel of Luke. JSNT.S 162: 1998 =>14,4915; 15,5469. RJThS 51 (2000) 254-257 (Beck, B.E.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 767-769 (Aletti, Jean-Nvel); Bib. 81 (2000) 430-433 (Puig I TUrrech, Armand). 5436 Uthuppan, Thaijasa 'Be compassionate as your father is compassionate' (Lk 6:36): a study ofthe concept of compassion in Luke and its significance to the Sisters of the Destitute. Extr. Diss. Angelicum, 0 Henchey, Joseph R 2000, x; 144 pp. Bibi. 109-137. 5437 Weissenrieder, Annette Krank in Gesellschaft-Krankheitskonstrukte im Lukas-Evangelium auf dem Hintergrund antiker medizinischer Texte. Diss. Heidelberg 2000/01, 0 Theißen, G. [ThRv 98/4, ix].
F7.5 lnft:mtiu, cunticu-Magnificat, Denedictus: Luc. 1·3 5438 Boismard, Marie-Emile L'evangile de l'enfance (Luc 1-2) selon le Proto-Luc. EtB 35: 1997 =>13,5334 ... 15,5473. RRBLit 1 (1999) 272-274 (Chartrand-Burke, Tony).
F7.5 Luke's Infancy Gospel
5439 Coleridge, Mark Nueva lectura de la infancia de Cristo: la narrativa como cristologia en Lucas 1-2. TValiente, J. C6rdoba 2000, Almendro 261 pp. 5440 Dillmann, Rainer Die lukanische Kindheitsgeschichte als Aktualisierung frühjüdischer Armenfrömmigkeit. SNTU.A 25 (2000) 76-97. 5441 Garcia Perez, Jose Miguel; Herranz Marco, Mariano La infancia de Jesus segtin san Lucas. M 2000, Encuentro 146 pp. 84-7490-5591. RVyV 58 (2000) 625-627 (Alvarez Barredo, Miguel); LASBF 50 (2000) 556-560 (Chrupcala, Leslaw Daniel). 5442 Johnson, Elisabeth Ann Barrenness, birth, and biblical allusions in Luke 1-2. Diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 2000, 293 pp. 9970100. 5443 Klutz, ToddThe value ofbeing virginal: Mary and Anna in the Lukan infancy prulugue. The birth of Jesus. 2000 -:>244. 71-87. 5444 Redalie, Yann Zaccaria e Maria: 2 annunci. Protest. 55 (2000) 205210. 5445 Guyaz, Anne Luc 1,26-38: une annonce extra-ordinairement banale. Lire et Dire 46 (2000) 31-40 [BuBB 33,102]. 5446 Scanu, Maria Pina Dio salvatore, fedele nell'amore: Esodo e alleanza evocati nel Magnificat (Lc 1,46b-55). Theotokos 8 (2000) 403-412 Sum. 412. 5447 Auffret, Pfone La memoire de la m.isericorde: etudc structurcllc du Magnificat et de son rapport au contexte. Theoforum 31/l (2000) 2140 [Lk 1,46-55]. 5448 Boff. Lina A fala de Maria no "Magnificat" aos povos do terceiro milenio: para uma mistica evangelica. REB 60 (2000) 619-640, 859878 [Lk 1,46-55]. 5449 Palumbieri, S. Un 'Magnificat' per i1 terzo millennio: dimensione antropologica del cantico. 1998 => 14,4950; 15,5498. RMar. 62 (2000) 492-495 (Peretto, Elio) [Lk 1,46-55]. 5450 Ponce Cuellar, Miguel EI Magnificat, canto al Padre de las misericordias. EstMar 66 (2000) 49-82 [Lk 1,46-55].. 5451 Ruiz Lopez, Demetria EI Magnificat: un cantico para el tercer milenio. BAC 2000, 35: M 2000, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos 121 pp. 84-7914-553-6 [Lk 1,46-55]. 5452 Fry, Euan He (Guu) has visiteu his people (Luke 1.68, 78; 7.16; Acts 15.14). BiTr 50 (1999) 444-448. 5453 Maluf, Leonard The prophecy of Zechariah: a study of the Benedictus in thc contcxt of Luke-Acts. Exc. Diss. Pont. Univ. Gregorianae; R2000, E.P.U.G. vii; 142 pp. Bibi. [Lk 1,68-79]. 5454 Tremolada, Pierantonio Conoscenza della salvezza e remissione dei peccati: considerazioni sulla soteriologia lucana a partire dal Cantico di Zaccaria (Lc 1,68-79). ScC 128 (2000) 21-49.
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5455 Diefenbach, Manfred Historische Geburtsgeschichte oder Geschichten um Jesu Geburt: ein fonnkritischer Zugang für Lk 2,1-5. MThZ 51 (2000) 1-6. 5456 Smith, Mark D. Of Jesus and Quirinius. CBQ 62 (2000) 278-293 [Lk 2, 1-5]. 5457 Legrand, L. Caesar Augustus (Lk 2:1): Jesus' nativity and politics. FPATHRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 403-418 LLk2,l-20J. 5458 Wolter, Michael Erstmals unter Quirinius!: zum Verständnis von Lk 2,2. BN 102 (2000) 35-41. 5459 Reid, Barbara E. Puzzling passages: Luke 2:7. BiTod 38 (2000) 114115. 5460 Walter, Michael Die Hirten in der Weihnachtsgeschichte (Lk 2,8-20). FßERGDR, K. 2000 =>9. 501-517. 5461 Serra, Aristide Memoria e contemplazione (Lc 2,19.51b). Theotokos 8 (2000) 821-859 Sum. 859. 5462 Derrett, J. Duncan M An apt student's matriculation (Lk 2,39-52). EstB 58 (2000) 101-122.
F7.6 Evangelium Lucae 4,1... 5463 5464
5466 5467
5468 5469
Cadrin, Daniel L'epreuve ou le combat de Jesus. VS 734 (2000) 1323 [Lk '1,1-2.9-13; 22,39-46]. Hieke, Thomas Schriftgelehrsamkeit in der Logienquelle: die 11lttestamentlichen Zitate in der Versuchungsgeschichte Q 4, 1-13. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 43-71. Bueno, Carmelo EI jubileo de Dios es Jesus: lectura actualizada de cuatro llamadas cvangclicas, quc llcnaron de gozo cl coraz6n de la humanidad. MisEx(M) 175/176 (2000) 12-23 [Mt 4,23-9,35; Mk 1,913; Lk 4,14-30; Jn 4,5-42]. Bar/et, Louis Jesus aNazareth. Cahiers de l' Atelier 490 (2000) 86-91 [Lk 4,16-28]. lrudhayasamy, Raymond J. The prophetic character of Jesus: analysis of Lc 4,16-30 in the background of lsaianic citation and ElijaElisha rcferenccs. Diss. Innsbruck 2000/01, 0 Hasitschka, M Matthey, Jacques Luke 4:16-30: thc Spirit's mission manifcsto--Jcsus' hermeneutics-and Luke's editorial. IRM 89 (2000) 3-11. Moloney, Francis J The scriptural basis of jubilee, part II: the Second Testament: at what price?. IThQ 65 (2000) 231-244 [Lk 4, 1630]. Montagnini, Felice Dopo l'incidente di Nazaret (Lc 4,30). FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =>38. 241-250 [Lk 4,16-30].
F7.6 Luke 4,16 ...
5471 Scheuermann, Georg Das Jobeljahr im Neuen Testament. Das Jobeljahr. FzB 94: 2000 =>325. 105-143 [Mt 18,23-34; Mk 10,45; Lk 4,16-30; Col 2,14]. 5472 Co, Maria Anicia B. Reading the lsaiah quotation in Luke 4:18-19 intertextually. Announcing a year offavor. 2000 =>486. 33-45. 5473 Buetubela, Paul Proclamer une annee d'accueil par le Seigneur: note exegetique sur Lc 4,19. Telema 101(2000)75-77. 5474 Matson, Mark A. Luke's rewriting of the sermon on the mount. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 623-650 [Lk 6,20-49]. 5475 Knowles, Michael P. 'Everyone who hears these words ofmine': parnbles on discipleship (Matthcw 7:24-27 // Luke 6:47-49; Luke 14: 28-33; Luke 17:7-10; Matthew 20:1-16). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 ::::>4929. 286-305. 5476 Badet, Christian Luc 7,11-17. Lire et Dire 44 (2000) 37-48 [BuBB 32,122]. 54 77 Bendemann, Reinhard von Liebe und Sündenvergebung: eine narrativ-traditionsgeschichtliche Analyse von Lk 7,36-50. BZ 44 (2000) 161-182. 5478 Hornsby, Teresa J. The gendered sinner: the appropriation of a woman's body in the interpretations of Luke 7:36-50. Diss. Vanderbilt 2000, 267 pp. 9970053. 5479 Kilgallen, John J. Luke 7:41-42 and forgiveness of sins. ET 111 (1999-2000) 46-47. 5480 Hojius, Otfried Fußwaschung als Erweis der Liebe: sprachliche und sachliche Anmerkungen zu Lk 7,44b. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 =>174. 154-160. 5it81 Bcrnabc Ubicta, Carmen Mary Mngdnlcnc and thc scvcn demons in social-scientific perspective. Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. 43: 2000 =>4347. 203-223 [Lk 8,1-3]. 5482 Longenecker, Richard N. Luke's parables ofthe Kingdom (Luke 8:415; 13:18-21). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 125147. 5483 Charriau, Corinne Recontre du quatrieme type: Luc 8,40-56. Des miracles. 2000 =>300. 99-111 [BuBB 32,92]. 5484 Trummer, Peter Wer hat mich berührt? (Lk 8,45): Jesusbegegnung einmal anders. CPB 113 (2000) 25-29. 5485 Peter, .lean-Yves Donnez-leur a manger vous-memes: Luc 9,1-27. Des miracles 2000 :::>300. 24-45 [BuBB 33,105]. 5486 Cardenas Pallares, .lose Jesus alimento del pueblo con hambre (Lc 9,12-17). Qol 23 (2000) 101-104.
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F7.7 /ter hierosolymitanum-Lc 9,51„.-Jerusalem journey 5487 Panthamackel, Thresia The radical demands of discipl~ship: an exegetico-theological study on Luke 9:57-62. Diss. Angelicum 2000, 0 JuriC, S. R 2000, ix; 107 pp. Bibl. 72-101. 5488 Reid, Barbara E. Puzzling passages: Luke 9:60. BiTod 38 (2000) 384-385. 5489 Burn, Geoffrey Hospitality and incamational vulnerability in Luke 10.1-12. Theol. 103 (2000) 445-446. 5490 Pagadut, Natividad B. The mission ofthe seventy(-two) (Luke 10:120). Japan Mission Journal 54 (2000) 256-269. 5491 Meyer, Marvin W. Did Jesus drink from a cup?: the equipment of Jesus and his followers in Q and al-Ghazzali. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 143-156 [Lk 10,2-4]. 5492 Hultgard, Anders La chute de Satan: l'arriere-plan Iranien d'un logion de Jesus (Luc 10, 18). RHPhR 80 (2000) 69-77. 5493 Marx, Alfred La chute de "Lucifer" (EsaYc 14,12-15; Luc 10,18): prehistoire d'un mythe. RHPhR 80 (2000) 171-185. 5494 Es/er, Philip F. Jesus and the reduction of intergroup conflict: the parable of the good Samaritan in the light of social identity theory. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 325-357 [Lk 10,25-37). 5495 Burn, Geoffrey The parable of the bad exegete: a note on Luke 10:29-37. ET 111 (1999-2000) 299-300. 5496 Thimmes, Pamela Narrative and rhetorical conflict in Luke 10:38-42: a cautionary tale. ProcGLM 20 (2000) 51-60. 5497 Bumpus, Mary Rose The story of Martha and Mary and the potential for transformative engagement: Luke 10:38-42. Diss. Graduate Theological Union 2000, 458 pp. 9969453. 5498 Christ-von Wedel, Christine Die Perikope von Martha und Maria bei ERASMUS und den Reformatoren. Zwing. 27 (2000) 103-115 [Lk 10,38-42]. 5499 Mary, Martha and the kitchen maid. BiRe 16/6 (2000) 12-13 [Lk 10,40-42]. 5500 Irigoin, Jean La version lucanienne du notre pere. RHPhR 80 (2000) 207-212 [Lk 11,1-4]. 5501 Liefield, Walter L. Parables on prayer (Luke 11:5-13; 18:1-14). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 240-262. 5502 Emmrich, Martin The Lucan account of the Beelzebul controversy. WThJ 62 (2000) 267-279 [Lk 11,14-23]. 5503 Uro, Risto "Washing the outside of the cup": Gos. Thom. 89 and synoptic parallels. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 =>100. 303-322 [Mt 23,26; Lk 11,41].
F7.7 Luke 12,8 ...
5504 Tuckett, Christopher M Q 12,8 once again-"Son of Man" or "1"?. FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 :::>100. 171-188. 5505 Uchenna, Okpalaunegbu Charles The foolish use of riches in Luke 12:13-21. Extr. Diss. Urbaniana 2000, xxiv; 87 pp. Bibi. 57-86. 5506 Wright, Stephen /. Parables on poverty and riches (Luke 12:13-21; 16:1-13; 16:19-31). The challenge of Jesus' parables. 2000 :::>4929. 217-39. 5507 Cardenas Pa/lares, Jose Jesus, restaurador de la mujer, restaurador de la ley de Dios (Lc 13,10-17). EfMex 18 (2000) 413-418. 5508 Kinukawa, Hisako The miracle story of the bent-over woman (Luke 13: 10-17): an interaction-centred interpretation. Transformative encounters. Bibl.Interp. 43: 2000 =>4347. 292-314. 5509 Löning, Karl Gottes Barmherzigkeit und die pharisäische SabbatObservanz: zu den Sabbat-Therapien im lukanischen Reisebericht. Das Drama der Barmherzigkeit. SBS 183: 2000 =>329. 218-240 [Lk 13,10-21]. 5510 Bovon, Franfois Tracing the trnjectory ofLuke 13,22-30 back to Q: a study in Lukan rcdaction FROBINSON, J. BEThL 146: 2000 :::>100. 285-294. 5511 Hermanson, E.A. Kings are lions, but Herod is a fox: translating the metaphor in Luke 13.32. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 235-240. 5512 Braun, Willi Feasting and social rhetoric in Luke 14. MSSNTS 85: 1995 =>1111,3741... 15,55'17. REstB 58 (2000) 140-142 (Urban, A.). 5513 Sauge, Andre Traduirc l'evangile sans perdre sa saveur?: retlexions critiques sur la traduction de Luc 14. RThPh 132 (2000) 47-68. 5514 Passakos, Demetrios Luk. ltl,1)-14: early christian suppers and the s~lf-mnsdousness ofthe Lukan community. DBM 19/2 (2000) 22-32 G. 5515 Fletcher-Louis, Crispin H. T. Jesus inspects bis priestly war party (Luke 14.25-35). FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 :::>80. 126-143. 5516 Bartolome, Juan Jose La alegria del Padre: estudio exegetico de Lc 15. Assoc. Biblica Espailola 37: Estella 2000, Verbo Divino 134 pp. 84-8169-414-2. 5517 Barton, Stephen C. Parables on God's love and forgiveness ((Luke 15:1-32). The challenge ofJesus' parables. 2000 =>4929. 199-216. 5518 Rogic, Tomislav Prispodoba o milosrdnom ocu (Lk 15,1-32) [Das Gleichnis über den barmherzigen Vater]. EthF 15/1 (2000) 45-64 Zsfg. 64. Croatian. 5519 Larsen, /. A point ofirony [Lk 15,7]. BiTr 50 (1999) 411-417. 5520 Berder, Michel; Foerster, Jean-Luc-Marie, al., A parabola do Filho Pr6digo (Lc 15,11-32). CB 68: Fatima 2000, Biblica 100 pp.
5522 5523
5525 5526
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Blessing, Kamila Murray Bowen's family systems theory as bible hermeneutic illustrated using the family of the prodigal son. JPsC 19/1(2000)38-46 [Lk 15,11-32]. Hoet, Hendrik De vader, de zonen ende broers. Coll. 30 (2000) 115125 [Lk 15, 11-32]. Hofius, Otfried Alttestamentliche Motive im Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn. Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 =>174, 145-153[Lk15,11-32]. Marcheselli-Casale, Cesare "Allora si mise a riflettere sulla sua situazione e (si) disse": una difficile interrelazione familiare spiazzata, si rilancia (su Lc 15, 11-32). FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =.>40. 355378. Nagel, Peter Das Gleichnis vom verlorenen Sohn (Lk 15,11-32) im syrischen Liber Graduum. HBO 29 (2000) 115-121. Wallmann, Ingrid Vergeben lässt neu anfangen: Themenblatt zu Kurs III 1 (7). Christenlehre-Religionsunterricht-Praxis 53/1 (2000) 53-58 [Lk 15,11-32]. Baudiquey, Paul Le pere prodigue selon REMBRANDT. UnChr 137 (2000) 14-16. [Lk 15,25-32].
5528 Bejczy, lstwin Prudence chretienne: ODON de Tournai et la parabole de l'intendant infidele. RBen 110 (2000) 284-300 fLk 16,1-81. 5529 Landry, David; May, Ben Honor restored: new light on the parable of lhe prudent stewnrd (Luke 16:1-Sn). JBL 119 (2000) 287-309. 5530 Vandebrake, Timothy Robert The unjust steward: representations on the early modern page and stage. Diss. Alabama 2000, 214 pp. 9996504 [Lk 16,1-8]. 5531 Cardenas Pallares, Jose De como ganarle a don dinero (Lc 16:1-13). EfMex 18 (2000) 79-92. 5532 Chung, Woo-Hong The function ofLuke 16:14-18 in its Lukan context. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 253 pp. 9974094. 5533 Grammaglia, Pier Angelo Osservazioni linguistiche su Lc 16,16. MVAmONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =>15,94. 253-280. 5534 Fattorini, Gina 1 servi inutili (Lc 17,7-10): la forma della parabola. FFESTORAZZI, F. 2000 =>38. 251-262. 5535 Reid, Barbara E. A godly widow persistently pursuing justice: Luke 18: 1-8. BR 45 (2000) 25-33. 5536 Downing, F. Gerald Thc ambiguity of 'Thc phariscc and thc toll collector' (Luke 18.9-14) in the Graeco-Roman world of late antiquity. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 78-101. 5537 Tan, Betty O.S. The parable of the Pharisee and the Tax-collector in Luke 18:9-14: a study on the practice ofprayer. AJTh 14 (2000) 286303.
F7.7 Luke 18,31...
5538 Bottini, Giovanni Claudia Luca 18,31-33: il mistero del figlio dell'uomo. FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 :::>40. 705-714. 5539 Lambrecht, Jan Le parabola del pretendente al tomo (Lc 19,11-27). FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 379-390. 5540 L6pez Rosas, Ricardo Un totem salvffico caduco: expresi6n, contenido y sentido de la expulsi6n lucana de los vendedores del templo: Lc 19,45-46. EfMex 18 (2000) 305-330. 5541 Nellickal, Abraham History and prophecy in Luke's great eschatological discourse (21,5-38). Diss. Excerpta Gregoriana 2000, 0 swetnam, James 121 pp.
F7 .8 Passio-Lc 22 ... 5542 Prete, Benedetto La passione e la morte di Gesu nel racconto di Luca, 1: i racconti della passione: l'arresto. StBi 112: 1996 :::>12, 5164; 13,5480. RCrSt 21 (2000) 436-438 (Steiner, ClaireAntoinette); RAsp. ~7 (2000) 205-206 (Castello, Gaetano). 5543 Rius-Camps, Frederic La fracci6 del pa (sense copa eucaristica), gest distintiu de les comunitats lucanes?. RCatT 25 (2000) 81-93 [Lk 22,17-20]. 5544 Gramaglia, Pier A. Analisi linguistica di Lc XXTT,24-27: ministero di presidenza ed eucaristia. ATT 6/2 (2000) 25-57. 5545 Tuckett, Christopher Q 22:28-30. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 => 25. 99-116. 5546 Tremolada, Pierantonio "E fu annoverato fra iniqui": prospettive di lt:Llura tlella Passione secondo Luca alla luce di Lc 22,37 (ls 53,12d). AnBib 137: 1997 ::::-13,5485; 14,5071. REstB 58 (2000) 424-427 (Urban, A.); RBLit 2 (2000) 385-387 (Hanges, James C.). 5547 Harrington, Jay M. The Lukan passion narrative: the Markan material in Luke 22,54-23,25: a historical survey: 1891-1997. Diss. Leuven 1998. NTTS 30: Lei 2000, Brill xiii; 1003 pp. $206. 90-0411590-0 [NThAR2000,281]. 5548 Mikolajczak, Mieczyslaw Kr6lewskie wyznanie Jezusa przed Sanhedrynem (Lk 22,66-71 ). CoTh 70/3 (2000) 23-30. P. 5549 Blum, Matthias ' ... denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun': zur Rezeption der Fürbitte Jesu am Kreuz (Lk 23,34a) in der antiken jüdischchristlichen Kontroverse. Diss. PU Berlin 2000/01, °Kampling, R. [ThRv 98/4, iii]. 5550 Giesen, Heinrich "Und das Volk stand und sah zu": Lukas 23,35. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 57-59.
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5551 Patella, Michael The death of Jesus: the diabolical force and the ministering angel: Luke 23,44-49. CRB 43: 1999 =>15,5589. RcBQ 62 (2000) 372-373 (Witherup, Ronald D.); ThLZ 125 (2000) 116566 (Beutler, Johannes); RBLit 2 (2000) 383-385 (Tyson, Joseph B.). 5552 Guinot, Jean-Noel L'exegese ambrosienne des apparitions pascales (Lc. 24). Aug. 40 (2000) 145-171. 5553 Tremolada, Pierantonio Profezia delle scritture e fede pasquale (Lc 24). PSV 41 (2000) 135-145. 5554 Van Tilborg, Sjef; Chatelion Counet, Patrick Jesus' appearances and disappearances in Luke 24. Bibl.Interp. 45: Lei 2000, Brill vii; 279 pp. 90-04-11757-1. Bibl. 5555 Aus, Roger David The road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). Stilling of the storm. 2000 =>128. 137-229. 5556 Fianu, Emmanucl Kofl A nurrutive-critical and theological study of Luke 24,13-35. Diss. Exc. Gregoriana, 0 Aletti, Jean-Noel R 2000, vii; 90 pp. 5557 Maggioni, Bruno 1 due discepoli di Emmaus (Lc 24,13-35). FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =>38. 263-270. 5558 Marion, Denis Luc 24,13-35: le repas d'Emmaüs: l'eucharistie, presence du ressuscite. EeV.P 110 (2000) 1-4. 5559 Tremblay, Real Pane e vino eucaristici, volto del risorto nella chiesa: nella scia di Lc 24,13-35. RdT 41(2000)261-270; 5560 Le pain rompu a manger et le vin verse a boire, visage du crucifie ressuscite dans le temps de l'eglise: dans .le sillage de Lc 24, 13-35. StMor 38/1 (2000) 127-140. 5561 MacDonald, Dennis R. The endh1g of Luke and the ending of the Odyssey. FNTCKF.l.'\RllRO, G. 2000 =>79. 161-168 [Lk 24, 13-53]. 5562 Mekkattukunnel, Andrews George The priestly blessing of the risen Christ in Luke 24,50-53: an exegetico-theological analysis. Diss. extr. Gregoriana, 0 Swetnam, J. R 2000, x; 85 pp.
F8. l Actus Apostolorum, Acts-text, commentary, topics 5563 Barrett, Charles Kingsley A ... commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, 2: introduction and commentary on Acts XV-XXVIII. ICC 1998 =>14,5082. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 381-384 (Verheyden, Joseph). 5564 Eßateman, John J. In Acta apostolorum paraphrasis [Paraphrase on the Acts of the Apostles]. TSider, Robert D. Collected works of Erasmus 50: 1995 =>1111,3783 ... 13,5499. RChH 69 (2000) 63-85 (Pabel, Hilmar M); ERSY 20 (2000) 66-68 (Donge/l, Joseph R.).
F8.l Acts ofthe Apostles, text and commentaries
5565 Boismard, Marie-Emile Le texte occidental des Actes des Apötres. EtB 40: P 2000, Gabalda 432 pp. 2-85021-124-9. 5566 Co, Maria Anicia Chave para os Atos dos Ap6stolos. Chaves da Biblia 5: Aparecida 2000, Santmirio 94 pp [REB 239,769]. 5567 Custer, Stewart Witness to Christ: a commentary on Acts. Greenville, SC 2000, Bob Jones Univ. Pr. xxi; 470 pp. $32. 5568 Eckey, Wilfried Die Apostelgeschichte: der Weg des Evangeliums von Jerusalem nach Rom, 1: Apg 1,1-15,35; 2: 15,36-28,31. Neuk 2000, Neuk xii; 340 + ix; 339 pp. €24.54 + 24.54. 3-7887-17807/96-3. 5569 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Acts of the Apostles. AncB 31: 1998 =>14,5086; 15,5603. RThLZ 125 (2000) 157-160 (Roloff, Jürgen); JThS 51 (2000) 261-264 (Barrett, C.K.); NRTh 122 (2000) 472-473 (Radermakers, J. ). 5570 Gargano, Innocenzo Lectio divina sugli Atti degli Apostoli, 3. Conversazioni bibliche: Bo 2000, Dehoniane 189 pp €12.91. 88-1070974-8. 5571 Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm Die Apostelgeschichte. Grundinformation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 :::>305. 173-195. 5572 Jervell, Jacob Stephan Die Apostelgeschichte. KEK 3: 1998 :::>14, 5087; 15,5607. RThLZ 125 (2000) 157-162 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 72-80] (Roloff, Jürgen); FrRu 7 (2000) 299-300 (Oberforcher, Robert); SeK 21(2000)204-206 (Joubert, S.J.). 5573 Liefeld, Walter L. Interpreting the book of Acts. Guides to NT Exegesis 4: GR 2000, Baker 141 pp. 0-8010-2015-8. Bibi. 129-141. 5574 MacAdam, Henry /. "The true and lively word": the Acts of the Apostles at the end ofthe twentieth century: (a review article). ThRev 21(2000)170-212. 5575 Marguerat, Daniel Les Actes des apötres. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 105-128. 5576 Masini, Mario Atti degli Apostoli: una guida alla lettura. Lettura pastorale della Bibbia, Bibbia e spiritualita 15: Bo 2000, EDB 263 pp. 88-10-21108-1. Bibi. 255-258. 5577 Moda, Aldo II problema testuale degli Atti, iere e oggi. FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 55-86. 5578 Niccum, Lnrry Thc book of Acts in Ethiopic (with critical texts and apparatus) and its relation to the Greek textual traditions. Diss. Notre Dame 2000, 0 Stcrling, G. 367 pp [RTL 32,604; 9969793]. 5579 Rius-Camps, Josep Las variantes del texto occidental de los Hechos de los Ap6stoles (XI) (Hch 6,1-7,22). FgNT 13 (2000) 89-109. 5580 Rius-Camps, Josep Comentari als Fets dels Apostols, 4: d'Efes a Roma, amb marrada a Jerusalem, tercera i quarta fases de la missio al
5583 5584 5585 5586 5587
:5:593 5594
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paganisme (Ac 18,24-28,31 ). Sant Pacia 68: Bare 2000, Fac. de Teol. de Catalunya 404 pp. 84-86065-61-5 [NThAR 2000,342]. Rolojf, Jürgen Ein Buch, das aus dem Rahmen füllt: die Apostelgeschichte: ihr Ziel, ihre Eigenart, ihre Tendenzen. BiKi 55 (2000) 6267. Rosse, Gerard Atti degli Apostoli: commento esegetico e teologico. 1998 =>14,5092; 15,5610. RNuova Umanita 22 (2000) 127-134 (Penna, Romano). Spencer, F. Scott Acts 1997 =>13,5538; 15,5611. RRBLit 1 (1999) 324-326 (Kurz, William S.). Taylor, Justin Les Actes des deux apötres, 4: commentaire historique (Act. 1, 1-8,40). EtB 41: P 2000, Gabalda xxxii; 245 pp. €28.97. Walaskay, Paul W. Acts. 1998 =>14,5096. RRBLit 2 (2000) 406409, 409-410 (Matthews, Christopher R.; Mclver, Robert K.). Williamson, Charles C. Acts. Interpretation Bible Studies: L VL 2000, Geneva 98 pp. $8 [BiTod 39,128-Senior, Donald]. Witherington TH, Ben The Acts of the Apostles: a socio-rhetorical commentary. 1998 =>14,5097; 15,5616. RCThMi 27 (2000) 60-61 (Kauppi, Lynn Al/an); RB 103 (2000) 458-459 (Taylor, Justin); SeK 21 (2000) 459-460 (Joubert, S.J.); Bib. 81 (2000) 128-132 (Kurz, William S.).
Alewnder, T.oveday C. Tntertextualite et la question des lectcurs: retlexions sur l'usage de la bible dans les Actes des ApOlres. Iutertextualites. 2000 =>481. 201-214. Avemarie, Friedrich Ernst Die Tauferzählungen der Apostelgeschichte: Theologie und üeschichte. Uiss.-Habil. Tübingen 2000, 0 Hengel, M [RTL 32,600]. Beutler, Johannes Strukturen der Entscheidungsfindung in der Apostelgeschichte. MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 555-566 [Acts 6,1-7; 13,1-3; 15,1-35]. Campbell, William Sanger Who are we in Acts?: the first-person plural character in the Acts of the Apostles. Diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 2000, 215 pp. 9970093. Cifrak, Mario Die Beziehung zwischen Jesus und Gott nach den Petrusreden der Apostelgeschichte: ein exegetischer Beitrag zur Christologie der Apostelgeschichte. Diss. FrB, 0 0berlinner, L. [ThRv 98/4, vi]. Erlemann, Kurt Lizenz zum Reden: die lk. Apostel zwischen Geist und Rhetorik. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 79-91. Filippini, Roberta Per una teologia lucana della testimonianza: un'indagine nel libro degli Atti degli Apostoli. Testimonianza. 2000 =>501. 101-118.
F8. l Acts of the Apostles, topics
5595 Guillet, Jacques Les evangiles de Jesus et les Actes des apötres. Croire aujourd'hui 90 (2000) 30-31. 5596 Harness, Steven Thomas The Holy Spirit's empowerment for evangelism in the book of Acts. Diss. Southwestern Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 263 pp. 9991293. 5597 Hintermaier, Johann Die Befreiungswunder in der Apostelgeschichte: Motiv- und formkritische Aspekte sowie literarische Funktion der wunderbaren Befreiungen in Apg 5,17-42; 12,1-23; 16,1140. Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 Aletti, Jean-Noel R 2000, 342 pp. 5598 Jeska, Joachim Stephanus-zentrale Gestalt oder Randfigur der Apostelgeschichte?. BiK.i 55 (2000) 68-73; 5599 Alte und neue Hilfsmittel für die Beschäftigung mit der Apostelgeschichte. RiKi 'i'i (2000) 92-93. 5600 Kee, Howard Clark To every nation under heaven: the Acts of the Apostles 1997 =>13,5517; 15,5632. RAUSS 38 (2000) 159-162 (Me/bourne, Bertram L.); RBLit 1 (1999) 320-323 (Witherington, Ben). 5601 Klauck, Hans-Josef Magie and paganism in early christianity: the world ofthe Acts ofthe Apostles. TMcNeil, Brian E 2000, Clark xii; 132 pp. f:19. 0-567-08749-2 [RB 108,475]. 5602 Kollmann, Bernd Philippus der Evangelist und die Anfänge der Heidenmission. Bib. 81(2000)551-565. 5603 Latham, Tony Glenn Affinning the witness: T.uke's narrative techniqucs of affirmation in thc book of Acts. Diss. Fort Worth 2000, °Corley, B. 258 pp [RTL 32,603J. . 5604 Lucchesi, Enzo Des Actes des Ap6tres au Martyre de Pierre d'Alexandrie. AnBoll 118 (2000) 266. 5605 Marguerat, Daniel The God ofthe book ofActs. Narrativity. BEThL 149: ?.000 ;;:;;> 1084 159-181. 5606 Marguerat, Daniel L. La premiere histoire du christianisme: les Actes des apötres. LeDiv 180: 1999 =>15,5357. REtudes (fäv. 2000) 260-262 (Guillet, Jacques); RTL 31 (2000) 534-537 (Focant, Camille). 5607 EMarshall, 1. Howard; Peterson, David Witness to the gospel: the theology of Acts. 1998 =>14,5126; 15,5638. RseK 21 (2000) 206207 (Joubert, S.J. ). 5608 Martin-Asensin, Gustavo Transitivity-based foregrounding in the Acts ofthe Apostles: a functional-grammatical approach to the Lukan perspective. Stw.lit:s in New Testament Greek 8: JSNT.S 202: Shf 2000, SheffieldAcademic 198 pp. 1-84127-164-0. Bibi. 178-189. 5609 Metzer-Keller, Helga Frauen in der Apostelgeschichte. BiKi 55 (2000) 87-91.
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5610 Nodet, Etienne; Taylor, Justin Essai sur les origines du christianisme. 1997 =>13,5527 ... 15,5640. RJSJ 31(2000)341-343 (Tomson, PeterJ.); 5611 Le origini del cristianesimo. Piemme, Religione: CasM 2000, Piemme 592 pp. 88-384-4749-7. 5612 O'Toole, Robert F. Are there passages in Acts ofthe Apostles which could lead to an anti-Jewish interpretation?. Radici dell'antigiudaismo. 2000 =>524. 147-162. 5613 Öhler, Markus Barnabas-die historische Person und ihre Rezeption in der Apostelgeschichte. Diss.-Habil. Wien 2000/01, 0 Pratscher, W. [ThRv 98/4, xx]. 5614 Pao, David W. Acts and the Isaianic new Exodus. WUNT 2/130: Tü 2000, Mohr x; 311 pp. 3-16-147420-1. Bibl. [= GR: Baker 2002, $30, 0-8010-2496-X]. 5615 Penner, Todd In praise of christian origins: Stephen and the Hellenists in Lukan apologetic historiography. Diss. Emory 2000, 0 HOLLADAY, C. 636 pp [RTL 32,605; 9982481]. 5616 Prete, Benedetto La testimonianza dei dodici e la testimonianza di Paolo negli Atti degli Apostoli. FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 529-553. 5617 Rese, Martin Wer war Israel als Gegenüber der ersten Heidenchristen?. Israel als Gegenüber. 2000 =>444. 147-157. 5618 Richard, P. El movimiento de Jesus antes de la iglesia: una interpretaci6n libl:lradora dl:l los H1:1chm; de los Ap61>toles. Sdr 2000, Sal Terrae 191 pp. 84-293-1360-5 [BiFe 27,155-Salas, A.]; 5619 0 movimento de Jesus depois da ressurreic;ao, uma interpretac;äo libe1tadora dos Atos dos Ap6stolos. Sao Paulo 1999, Paulinas 218 pp fEstudos Biblicos 71,78-Farias, Jacir de Freitasl5620 Serrao, Vicente La iglesia y la mujer: los origenes del cristianismo. BiFe 26 (2000) 438-468. 5621 Strange, W.A. The Jesus-tradition in Acts. NTS 46 (2000) 59-74. 5622 Vouga, Fran~ois Les premiers pas du christianisme. MoBi 35: 1997 :::>13,5545; 14,5142. RLTP 56 (2000) 157-158 (Poirier, PaulHubert). 5623 Wander, Bernd "In Gefahr durch Heiden, durch das eigene Volk": Apologien und Unschuldsbeteuerungen als besonderes Mittel des Lukas. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 465-476.
F8.3 Ecclesia prtmaeva Actuum-Dle Urgemelnde 5624 Eßecker, Jürgen Die Anfänge des Christentums 1987 =>3,326; 5,5257. RThR 65 (2000) 151-158 (Lüdemann, Gerd).
F8.3 The primitive Christian community of Acts
5625 Eßillon, Gerard Les premiers chretiens. DosP 84 (2000) 8-30. 5626 Burtchaell, James Tunstead From synagogue to church. 1992 =>8,8306 ... 11/2,4340. RThR 65 (2000} 174-175 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5627 Clevenot, Michel Von Jerusalem nach Rom: Geschichte des Christentums im l.Jahrhundert. 1987 =>7,e972. RThR 65 (2000) 170-172 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5628 Crossan, John Dominic Earliest christianity in counterfäctual focus. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 185-193. 5629 Downing, F. Gerald Cynics and christians, Oedipus and Thyestes. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 134-147. 5630 Erlemann, Kurt Die Einheit der Urgemeinde-Fiktion oder Wirklichkeit: Einleitung zur Kontroverse. ZNT 6 (2000) 40. 5631 Frend, W.H.C. The rise of christianity. 1984 =>65,dl91... 3,g86. RThR 65 (2000) 163-166 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5632 Goulder, Michael A tale oftwo missions 1995 -:-::>10,5108a... 13, 5550. RThR 65 (2000) 172-174 (Lüdemann, Gerd). :5633 Grappe, Christian D'un temple a l'autre: Pierre et l'eglise primitive de Jerusalem 1992 =>8,5512; 9,5318. RThR 65 (2000) 176-178 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5634 Guillet, Jacques L'enfance de l'eglise a Jerusalem. Croire aujourd'hui 92 (2000) 30-31. 5635 Hamman, Adalbert Die ersten Christen. 1985 =>2,9946. RThR 65 (2000) 161-163 (Ltldemann, Gerd). 5636 Heiligenthul, Rumun Die Kontrovt:rst: um das frühe Christentum. ZNT 6 (2000) 41-45. 5637 Hyldahl, Niets The history of early Christianily. ARGU 3: 1997 => 13,3988; 15,4179. RThR 65 (2000) 166-170 (Lüdemann, Gerd); Latomus 59 (2000) 697-699 (lnf{lebert, Herve'). 5638 Klauck, Hans J. Die christliche Urgemeinde. Edith-Stein-Jahrbuch 6 (2000) 102-106. 5639 Link, Christian; Luz, Ulrich; Vischer, Lukas 'Sie aber hielten fest an der Gemeinschaft... '. 1988 =>4,596; 5, 7995. RThR 65 (2000) 158160 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5640 Lohse, Eduard Die Struktur urchristlicher Gemeinden nach dem Zeugnis des Neuen Testaments. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 175-190. 5641 Lüdemann, Gerd Das Urchristentum. ThR 65 (2000) 121-179, 285349. 5642 Manns, Frederic L'lsraele di Dio: sinagoga e chiesa alle origini cristiane. CSB 32: 1998 =>14,5151. RCivCatt 15112 (2000) 88-89 (Prato, G.L.).
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5643 Padovese, Luigi 11 problema della politica nelle prime comunita cristiane. 1998 =>14,5154. RCivCatt 151/3 (2000) 96-98 (Cremascoli, G.). 5644 Pistone, Rosario II cristianesimo prini.itivo di fronte alla religiosita ebraica. Ho Theol6gos 18 (2000) 33-55. 5645 Schenke, Ludger Die Urgemeinde. 1990 =>6,5527„. 10,5115. RThR 65 (2000) 133-136 (Lüdemann, Gerd); 5646 La comunidad primitiva: historia y teologfa. 1999 =>15,5660. RRevAg 41 (2000) 757-758 (Rodriguez, Vicente); EfMex 18 (2000) 425-426 (Castillo Torres, Roberto). 5647 Sehmithals, Walter Theologiegeschichte des Urchristentums. 1994 =>10,13938; 11/2,g140. RThR65 (2000) 136-139 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5648 Ströher, MarKa J. Entre a afirma~äo da igualdade e o dever da submissäo: relai;öes de igualdade e poder patriarcais em conflito nas primeiras comunidades cristäs. Estudos biblicos 67 (2000) 37-44. 5649 Taylor, Nicholas H. Paul, Antioch and Jerusalem. JSNT.S 66: 1992 =>8,5534.„ 12,5233. RThR 65 (2000) 333-334 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5650 Theobald, Michael "Der römische Zentralismus" und die Jerusalemer Urgemeinde. ThQ 180 (2000) 225-228. 5651 Tremolada, Pierantonio Carisma e istituzione nella chiesa primitiva per la chiesa di oggi. CredOg 119-120 (2000) 121-129. 5652 Vouga, Fran~ois Geschichte des frühen Christentums. 1994 => 10, 11335 ... 14,9972. RThR 65 (2000) 141-145 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5653 Vouga, Franr;ois Einheit und Vielfalt des frühen Christentums. ZNT 6 (2000) 47-53. 5654 Vögtlc, Anton Die Dynamik des Anfangs. 1988 =>5,371; 7,4666. RThR 65 (2000) 146-147 (Lüdema1111, Gerd). 5655 Walsh, Michael Christen und Cäsaren. 1988 =>5,b803; 7,b445. RThR 65 (2000) 150-151 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 5656 Wander, Bernd Auf den Spuren des "Frühen Christentums"-eine Problemanzeige. ZNT 6 (2000) 2-10.
F8.5 Ascensio, Pentecostes; ministerium Petri-Act 1... 5657 Beilner, Wolfgang Sie wurden Christen genannt. Vermittlung 81: Salzburg 2000, n.p. 188 pp. 5658 Fransen, Paul-lrenee Pierre qui passait partout... Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 251-255 [BuBB 30,137). 5659 Guillet, Jacques De Päques a la Pentecöte: de Jesus a !'Esprit. Croire aujourd'hui 91 (2000) 30-31.
F8.5 Acts l...
5660 Penna, Romano II racconto lucano della pentecoste: dalla teofania del Sinai al dono dello Spirito di Cristo. FBOROONI, M. 2000 => 16. 65-86. 5661 Kilgallen, John J. 'The apostles whom he chose because ofthe Holy Spirit': a suggestion regarding Acts 1,2. Bib. 81 (2000) 415-417. 5662 Marguerat, Daniel Le coeur inquiet du christianisme. MoBi 131 (2000) 35-37 [Acts 2]. 5663 Chereau, Georgette De Babel a la Pentecöte: histoire d'une benediction. NRTh 122 (2000) 19-36 [Gen 11,1-9; Acts 2,1-8]. 5664 Rigato, Marta-Lutsa II valore inclusivo di navn:c; nella narrazfone del'evento di Pentecoste in Luca (At 2,3-4): apostoli-testimoni pentecostali. RivBib 48 (2000) 129-150; 5665 L'evento della pentecoste secondo At 2,3-4 alla luce di ls 6,5-8. RivBib 48 (2000) 443"451. 5666 Hengel, Martin 'lo'l'U~>ata in the geographical list of Acts 2:9-11 and Syria as "Greater Judea". BBR 10 (2000) 161-180. 5667 Scott, James M Acts 2:9-11: as an anticipation of the mission to the nations. The mission of the early church. WUNT 127: 2000 =>226. 87-123. 5668 Estrada, Bernardo L'cucaristia nclla vita della primitiva comunita cristiana: a proposito di At 2,42-47. Annales Theologici 14 (2000) 81-101. 5669 Leonas, Alexis A note on Acts 3,25-26: the meaning of Peter's Genesis quotation. EThL 76 (2000) 149-161 [Gen 12,3; 18,18; 22,18; 26,3-5; 48,20]. 5670 Ascough, Richard S. Benefactions gone wrong: the 'sin' of Ananias and Sapphira in context. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 =>97. 91-110 [Acts 5,1-11]. 5671 Combet, Corina Pourquoi Satan a-t-il rempli ton coeur?: Actes 5,111. Des miracles. 2000 =>300. 46-63 [BuBB 33,136]. 5672 Dobbeler, Axel von Der Evangelist Philippus in der Geschichte des Urchrislt:mlums: t:int: prosopographische Skizze. TANZ 30: Tü 2000, Francke 335 pp. €50.11. 3-7720-2822-5. Diss.-Habil. [Acts 21,8-9; 6,1-6; 8,4-40). 5673 Kilgallen, John.!. The uniqueness of Stephen. Ffnsm, V. SRivRih 38: 2000 =>40. 481-496 [Acts 6-7). 5674 Sha:fer, Grant R. Further Samaritan motifs in Stephen's speech: Acts 7:2-53. Samaritan researches, 5. 2000 =>600. 2.03-2.12. 5675 Jeska, Joachim Lukanische Summarien der Geschichte Israels: Apg 7,2b-53 und 13,17-25 im Kontext antik-jüdischer Parallelen. Diss. Münster 2000, °Koch, D.-A. 256 pp [RTL 32,603].
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5676 Dohle, Peter Something greater than Solomon: an approach to Stephen's speech. FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 ::::}80. 181-207 [Acts 7,47]. 5677 Bergmeier, Roland Die Gestalt des Simon Magus in Act 8 und in der simonianischen Gnosis-Aporien einer Gesamtdeutung. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 ::::}132. 238-246. 5678 Heintz, Florent Simon "le Magicien": Actes 8, 5-25 et l'accusation de magie contre les prophetes thaumaturges dans l'antiquite. CRB 39: 1997 ::::} 13,5573 ... 15,5686. RRB 103 (2000) 460-462 (Taylor, Justin). 5679 Logan, Alastair H.B. Simon Magus. TRE 31 (2000) 272-276 [Acts 8,9-24]. 5680 Zangenberg, Jürgen öUvaµts 'tOß 0eoß: das religionsgeschichtliche Profil des Simon Magus aus Sebaste. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 519540 [Acts 8,9-24]. 5681 Horton, Fred L.; Blakely, Jeffrey A. "Behold, water!": Tell el-Hesi and the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). RB 107 (2000) 56-71. 5682 Brossier, Fran~ois Paul sur le chemin de Damas. Aux origines. 2000 ::::}264. 351-356 [BuBB 33,137] [Acts 9]. 5683 Dobbeler, Axel von Die Macht der Briefe und die Kraft des Geistes: eine Antithese in Apg 9 und 2 Kor 3 und ihr religionsgeschichtlicher Hintergnmd. FRRRGRR, K. 2000 :::;>9. 49-65. 5684 Peace, Richud V. Conversion in the New Testament: Paul and the Twelve. 1999 ::::}15,5688. RThTo 57 (2000) 446, 448-449 (Skinner, Matthew L.) [Acts 9,1-22]. 5685 Cascy, Thomas Thc story of Pnul's convcrsion in Acts 9,22, und 26: its historical value in light of its theological and literary perspectives. Diss. Georgetown 2000, °Fitzmyer, J.A. 283 pp. 9969573. 5686 Debat, Felicite Actes 9,36-42. Lire et Dire 43 (2000) 38-48 [BuBB 33,138]. 5687 Brossier, Fran9ois Corneille, le premier paien converti. Aux origines. 2000 =:>264. 264-268 [BuBB 32,110] [Acts 10]. 5688 Kliesch, Klaus Der revolutionäre Schritt des Urchristentums: Petrus und die Heidenmission (Apg 10,1-11,18). BiKi 55 (2000) 74-78. 5689 Trocme, Etienne Pierre a Cesaree Maritime. Aux origines. 2000 => 264. 256-263 [BuBB 33,138] [Acts 10,1-11,18]. 5690 Pursuns, Mikeul C. "Nothing defiled AND unclean": the conjunction's function in Acts 10:14. PRSt 27 (2000) 263-274. 5691 Taylor, Nicholas H. CALIGULA, the church of Antioch and thc gentile mission. R & T 7/1 (2000) 1-23 [Acts 11]. 5692 Marguerat, Daniel L'evasione di Pietro e la morte del tiranno: echi intertestuali in At 12. FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 497-515;
F8.5 Acts 12
5693 L'evasion de Pierre et la mort du tyran (Actes 12): un jeu d'echos intertextuels .. Intertextualites. 2000 ~481. 215-236. 5694 Harrill, J. Albert The dramatic function of the running slave Rhoda (Acts 12.13-16): a piece of Greco-Roman comedy. NTS 46 (2000) 150-157.
F8.7 Act 13 .. .Jtinera Pauli; Paul's journeys 5695 Bauckham, Richard J. What if Paul had travelled East rather than Wt:sl?. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 171-184. 5696 Breytenbach, Cilliers Paulus und Barnabas in der Provinz Galatien: Studien zu Apostelgeschichte 13f.; 16,6; 18,23 und den Adressaten des Galaterbriefes. AGJU 38: 1996 ~12,5270; 14,5198. RRBLit 1 (1999) 331-333 (Scott, James M). 5697 Brossier, Franr;ois Paul et les Actes. Aux origines. 2000 ~264. 333340 [BuBB 33,131]. 5698 Burf~ind, Carst~n Paulus muß nach Rom: zur politischen Dimension der Apostelgeschichte. NTS 46 (2000) 75-91. 5699 Carrington, C/if!The peregrinations ofPaul. JHiC 7 (2000) 233-241. 5700 Kanachikuzhy, Augustine The theology of Paul in the Acts of the Apostles. Diss. Gregorian 2000, °Kilgallen, J.J. 2000, 334 pp [RTL 32,603]. 5701 Marshall, I Howard Lukc's portrait ofthe Pauline mission. FQ'DRlEN, P. 2000 ~82. 99-113. 5702 Porter, Stanley E. The Paul of Acts: essays in literary criticism, rht:luric, am! Lht:ulugy. WUNT 115: 1999 =:>15,5694. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1021-1024 [Eng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 67-71] (Stenschke, Christoph); CBQ 62 (2000) 565-566 (Gowler, David B.). 5703 Sartre, Maurice Dans quel monde Paul a-t-it voyage?. Aux origines. 2000 ~264. 341-350 [BuBB 32,35]. 5704 Thompson, James W. Paul's preaching ministry: evangelistic and pastoral preaching in Acts. RestQ 42/4 (2000) 19-26. 5705 Weiser, Alfons Das Paulusbild der Apostelgeschichte. BiKi 55 (2000) 83-86. 5706 Wenham, David From Jesus to Paul-via Luke. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 ~82. 83-97. 5707 Deutschmann, Anton Synagoge und Gemeindebildung: christliche Gemeinde und Israel in der Apostelgeschichte des Lukas untersucht am Beispiel von Apg 13. Diss. München 2000, 0 Laub, F. 5708 Campbell, Douglas A. Paul in Pamphylia (Acts 13.13-14a; 14.24b26): a critical note. NTS 46 (2000) 595-602.
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[X. Opus Lucanum
5709 Wall, Robert W. The function ofLXX Habakkuk 1:5 in the book of Acts. BBR 10 (2000) 247-258 [Acts 13,41; 15,03]. 5710 Strelan, Rick Recognizing the gods (Acts 14.8-10). NTS 46 (2000) 488-503. 5711 Bechard, Dean Philip Paul outside the walls: a study of Luke's socio-geographical universalism in Acts 14:8-20. AnBib 143: R 2000, E.P.I.B. 541 pp. €36. 88-7653-143-2. Bibi. 439-468. 5712 Adna, Jostein James' position at the summit meeting of the apostles and the elders in Jerusalem (Acts 15). The mission of the early church. WUNT 127: 2000 :::>226. 125-161. 5713 Buil, P.M du; lvli!yer, lvfurvin W. T.e concile de Jerm;alem. Aux origines. 2000 :::>264. 283-288 [BuBB 33,139] [Acts 15]. 5714 Krieger, Klaus-Stefan Die erste Abendmahlsgemeinschaft: das Apostelkonzil-Modell einer Verst1indigung. BiKi 55 (2000) 79-82 [Acts 15; Gai 2]. 5715 Okoronkwo, Michael Enyinwa The Jerusalem compromise as conflict-resolution model: a rhetoric-communicative analysis of Acts 15 in the light of modern linguistics and lgbo ethnolinguistics. Diss. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Gielen, M [ThRv 98/4, iv]. 5716 Schnelle, Udo Muß ein Heide erst Jude werden, um Christ sein zu können?. FROLOFF, J. 2000 :::>102. 93-109 [Acts 15]. 5717 Wehnert, Jürgen Die Reinheit des "christlichen Gottesvolkes" aus Juden und Heiden: Studien zum historischen und theologischen Hintergrund des sogenannten Aposteldekrets. FRLANT 173: 1997 ~13, 5595 ... 15,5705. RRBLit 1 (1999) 328-330 (Blomberg, Craig L.) [Acts 15]. 5718 Stiefel, Jennlfer Haynes Dragged before the authorities: a rhelorical and social reading of christians, Paul, and the Roman Empire in Acts 16-19. Diss. Union Theol. Sem. 2000, 410 pp. 9965276. 5719 Jewett, Robert Paul and the caravanners: a proposal on the mode of 'passing through Mysia'. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 :::>97. 74-90 [Acts 16,6-8]. 5720 Sterck-Degueldre, Pierre Eine Frau namens Lydia-die lukanische Komposition von Apg 16,11-15.40. Diss. Greifswald 2000/01, 0 Pilhofer, P. [ThRv 98/4, viii]. 5721 Brenk, Frederick E. The exorcism at Philippoi in Acts 16.11-40: divine possession or diabolic inspiration?. FgNT 13 (2000) 3-21; Y/2'2 EI exorcismo en Fiiipos en Hechos 16.11-40: posesi6n divina o inspiraci6n diab61ica. Seres intermedios: angeles, demonios y genios en el mundo mediterräneo. EPerez Jimenez, A.; Cruz Andreotti, G. Mediterranea 7: M 2000, Cläsicas. 151-176 [AcBib 10,800]. 5723 Hintermaier, Johann Grundlage und Entwicklung der paulinischen Mission am Beispiel von Apg 16,11-40. SNTU.A 25 (2000) 152-75.
F8.7 Acts 16,23 ...
5724 Dörr, Elfriede Freiheit heißt bleiben können: Apostelgeschichte 16,23-34. JK 61 (2000) 225-228. 5725 Ober/inner, Lorenz Paulus auf dem Areopag (Apg 17,16-34). LS 51 (2000) 234-237. 5726 Busse, Ulrich Apollos: ein Geist-licher im Lernprozess (Apg 18,2428). FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =:>40. 517-527. 5727 Thompson, Richard P. "Say it ain't so, Paul!": the accusations against Paul in Acts 21 in light ofhis ministry in Acts 16-20. BR 45 (2000) 34-50. 5728 Brossier, Franfois La fin de Paul aRome. Aux origines. 2000 =:>264. 383-389 [BuBB 33, 142] [Acts 25, 11-12]. 5729 Hummel, Adrian Factum et fictum: literarische und theologische Erwägungen zur Romreise des Paulus in der Apostelgeschichte (Apg 27,1-28,16). BN 105 (2000) 39-53. 5730 Montagnini, Felice II processo romano di Paolo nella finale degli Atti. MVAmONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 =:>15,94. 385-396 [Acts 28]. 5731 Deutschmann, Anton Die Hoffimng Israels (t\pg 28,20). BN 105 (2000) 54-60. 5732 Karrer, Martin "Und ich werde sie heilen": das Verstockungsmotiv aus Jes 6,9finApg 28,26f. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =:>102. 255-271.
X. Johannes
Gl.1 Corpusjohanneum: John and bis community
5733 Lindars, Barnabas; Edwards, Ruth B.; Court, John M. The Johannine literature. Shf 2000, Sheffield Academic 324 pp. $25. 184127-081-4. Introduction by R. Alan Culpepper. 5734 EAbella, JosefVangelo di Giovanni, Lettere e Apocalisse: confessare e testimoniare la vita in un mondo ostile. Parola-Missione 5: Bo 2000, EDB 510 pp. 88-10-20145-0. Bibi. 29-35. 5735 Alegre, Xavier La tradici6n joänica y su evoluci6n: un llamado a saber conjugar la fidelidad a Jesus con la creatividad del Espiritu en In iglesin. RLAT 17 (2000) 117-141. 5736 Arockiam, Michaelsami The concept of joy in the Johannine literature. Diss. Loyola, Chicago 2000, 313 pp. 9964773. 5737 Bianchi, Mansueto La testimonianza nella tradizione giovannea, vangelo e lettere. Testimonianza. 2000 =:>501. 119-137.
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[XI. Corpus Johanneum
5738 Borghini, Bonifacio 'Padre mio-Padre vostro. RAMi 69 (2000) 193-205. 5739 Casalegno, Alberto Peccato e penitenza negli scritti giovannei. RdT 41 (2000) 347-365. 5740 Cazelles, Henri Jean, fils de Zebedee, "pretre" et apötre. RSR 88 (2000) 253-276. 5741 Co/oe, Mary Households of faith (Jn 4:46-54; 11: 1-44): a metaphor for the Johannine community. Pacifica 13 (2000) 326-335. 5742 Cou/ot, Claude Pierre dans la tradition johannique. Aux origines. 2000 ~264. 276-282 [BuBB 32,47]. 5743 Culpepper, R. Alan An introduction to the Johannine writings. The Johannine literature. 2000 ~5733. 9-27. 5744 Culpepper, R. Alan John, the son of Zehedee: the life of a legend. Studies on personalities of the NT: Mp 2000 , Fortress xix; 376 pp. $24. 0-8006-3167-6. Pb rpr. [ThD 48,264-Heiscr, W.C.]; 5745 The gospel and the letters of John 1998 ~14,5229. RBiTr 51 (2000) 350-2 (Jillingworth, Paul); RßLit 2 (2000) 388-391 (Boer, M.C. de). 5746 Dettwiler, Andreas Le phenomene de la relecture dans la tradition johannique: une proposition de typologie. Intertextualites. 2000 ~ 481. 185-200. 5747 Dreyfus, Paul San Juan: tras las huellas de! evangelista. M 2000, Palabra 399 pp. 5748 Engel, Werner Die Gemeinde des Johannes: Untersuchungen zur Ekk:lesiologie un14,5251. REThL 76 (2000) 177-179 (Van Belle, G.). 5757 Scholtissek, Klaus In ihm sein und bleiben: die Sprache der Immanenz in den Johanneischen Schriften. Herders biblische Studien 21: FrB 2000, Herder xi; 436 pp. €50.11. 3-451-27096-X [{Jn 13,31-14, 31; 6; 15-17; 10]. 5758 Scibona, Rocco La comunita-ekklesia di Giovanni nell'esegesi di BULTMANN e della sua scuola. FBARRUFFO, A. 2000 =>7. 171-209. 5759 Segalla, Giuseppe La forma cristologica della verita nella letteratura Giovannea. StPat 47 (2000) 77-92. 5760 Esegovia, Fernando F. What is John?', 2: literary and social readings ofthe fourth gospel. 1998 =>14,5254. RcBQ 62 (2000) 186-188 (Koe.vter, Craig R.). 5761 Vidal, Senen Los escritos originales de la comunidad del discipulo 'amigo' de Jesus: el evangelio y las cartas de Juan. 1997 =>13,5630; 14,5256. REstTrin 34 (2000) 134-135 (Aurrecoechea, J.L.). 5762 Weidmann, Frederick W. Polycarp and John: the Harris fragments and their challenge to the literary tradition. Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity 12: 1999 :::::-15,5739. RJEarlyC 8 (2000) 117-118 (Holmes, Michael W); ThLZ 125 (2000) 528-530 (Buschmann, Gerd); RBLit 2 (2000) 402-404 (Kealy, Seän P. ). 5763 Wi/c:kens, Ulrich Zum Kirchenverständnis der johanneischen Schriften. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =>102. 225-254. 5764 Zumstein, Jean "Dieu est amour". FV 99/4 (2000) 95-106.
Gl.2 Evangelium Johannis: textus, commentarii 5765 Ahn, Jinsup An analyis ofthe textual relationships ofselected manuscripts from the K(l) group in the gospel ofJohn. Diss. New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary 2000, 363 pp. 9968208. 5766 Bazzi, Carlo Vangelo di Giovanni: testo e commento. Religione: CasM 2000, Piemme 267 pp. 88-384-4974-0. Bibl. 5767 Blanchard, Yves-Marie Saint Jean. 1999 =>15,5744. RRICP 73 (2000) 181-183 (Runaohar, Carolina). 5768 Borghesi, Fabio La liberta del Verbo incarnato: i commentari al vangelo di Giovanni, di TEOOORO di Mopsuestia, CIRILLO di Alessandria e AGOSTINO di Ippona. Diss. Lateranum, R 2000 187 pp. Bibl. 179183.
Elenchus of Biblica 16, 2000
[XI. Corpus Johanneum
5769 Draper, Charles William An analysis ofthe textual relationships of selected minuscule manuscripts from group Ilb in the gospel of John. Diss. New Orleans Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 355 pp. 9991963. 5770 Konings, Johan Evangelho segundo Joäo: amor e fidelidade. Comentärio Biblico: Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 452 pp. 85-326-2305-0 [REB 60,490]. 5771 Kysar, Robert Giovanni: il vangelo indomabile. Piccola collana modema, serie biblica 84: T 2000, Claudiana 249 pp. 88-7016-3326. Bibi. 5772 Landon, Charles A research proposal for a new commentary on John. HTS 56/1 (2000) 314-321. 5773 Leloup, Jean-Yves 0 evangelho de Joäo. TTeixeira, Guilherme Joäo de Fraitas UNIPAZ: Petr6polis 2000, Vozes 300 pp. 85-326-2320-4 [REB 239,756]. FLEROY, H. Johannes aenigmaticus 2000 =>67. 5774 ETLivrea, Enrico Di Panopoli NONNO: parafrasi del vangelo di san Giovanni: canto B. BPat 36: Bo 2000, Dehoniane 317 pp. 88-1042043-8. Bibi. 11-38. 5775 Malina, Bruce J.; Rohrbaugh, Richard L. Social-science commentary on the gospel of John. 1998 => 14,5271. RJR 80 (2000) 175-177 (Attridge, Harold W); CBQ 62 (2000) 368-369 (Love, Stuart L.). 5776 Mannucci, Valerio Giovanni. LoB.NT 2/4: 1995 -?11/1,3971; 12,5345. RPaVi 45/1 (2000) 62-63 (Doglio, Claudia). 5777 Merk, Otto Beobachtungen zu Wilhelm HEITMOLLERs Auslegung des Johannesevangeliums. FLEROY, H. BU 29: 2000 =>67. 173-181. 5778 Osculati, Roberto L'evangelo di Giovanni: commento. Mi 2000, IPL 218 pp. €10.33. 5779 Parkar, D.C. The Principio Project: a reconstruction ofthe Johannine tradition. FgNT 13 (2000) 111-118. 5780 TPautrat, Bernard L'evangile de Jean. P 2000, Rivages Poche 220 pp. €8.38. Pref.; annot. [MoBi 133,63-Boyer, Frederic]. 5781 Sagne, Jean-Claude L'evangile de Jean: le Pere, le Fils et l'Esprit. Versailles 2000, Saint Paul 307 pp. 2-85049-831-9 [LV(L) 49,246Brunat, Amaud]. 5782 Schneiders, Sandra M. Written that you may believe: encountering Jesus in the fourth gospel. 1999 =>15,5756. RRRT 7 (2000) 295-297 (Jasper, Alison). 5783 Schwank, Benedikt Evangelium nach Johannes, erläutert für die Praxis. 1996 =>12,5351; 13,5653. RRivBib 48 (2000) 237-239 (Ghiberti, Giuseppe); EstB 58 (2000) 273-275 (Rodrfguez Ruiz, M). 5784 Simoens, Yves Secondo Giovanni: una traduzione e un'interpretazione. Tcozzi, M Testi e commenti: Bo 2000, EDB 932 pp. 88-1020602-9. Bibi. 895-916.
Gl.2 John's Gospel: Text, commentaries
5785 Smith, D. Moody John. 1999 ::>15,5761. RThLZ 125 (2000) 12611263 (Haldimann, Konrad). 5786 Vuyst, J. de Het evangelie naar Johannes: een inleiding, vertaling en toelichting. Kampen 2000, Kok 114 pp. €13.57. 90-435-0202-2 [ITBT 8/4,34-Monshouwer, Dirk]. 5787 Wengst, Klaus Das Johannesevangelium, 1. Teilband: Kapitel 1-10. TKNT 4/1: Stu 2000, Kohlhammer 400 pp. €30.60. 3-17-016696-4. 5788 Wilckens, Ulrich Das Evangelium nach Johannes. NTD 4: 17 1998 => 14,5280. RLM 3/6 (2000) 43-44 (Asendorf, Ulrich); GuL 73 (2000) 394-395 (Scholtissek, Klaus); ThLZ 125 (2000) 769-771 (Wehr, Lothar). 5789 EWilson, Andrew Conceptual glossary and index to the Vulgate translation of the gospel according to John. Alpha-Omega, A 211: Hildesheim 2000, Olms xviii; 398 pp. 3-487-11083-0 [NThAR 2000,282].
G 1.3 Introductio
in Evangelium Johannis
5790 Ashton, John Comprendere il quarto vangelo. Letture bibliche (Vaticano) 14: Citta del Vaticano 2000, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 566 pp. 88-209-2801-9. Bibi. 5791 Bauckham, Richard The Qumran conununity and the gospel of John. The Dead Sea scrolls fifiy years. 2000 ::>609. 105-115. 5792 Farmer, Craie S. The gospcl of John in the sixteenth cenh1ry: the Johannine exegesis of Wolfgang Muscuws. 1997 ::>13,5662„. 15,5767. RproEc 9 (2000) 117-118 (Farthing, John L.). 5793 Frenschknwski, Marco Ta ßaf T 15,5724. RCBQ 62 (2000) 588-590 (Boer, Martinus C. de). O'Grady, John F. According to John: the witness of the beloved disciple. 1999 :::>15,5772. RVJTR 64 (2000) 716-717 (Meagher, P.). Rakotoharintsifa, Andrianjatovo Chronique johannique. ETR 75 (2000) 81-102. Rein, Matthias Das Johannesevangelium. Grumlinfonnation NT. UTB.W2108: 2000 =>305. 143-172. Riesner, Rainer Rückfrage nach Jesus, Teil 2: Neue Literatur zum Thomas- und zum Johannesevangelium. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 152-162. Scholtissek, Klaus Johannes auslegen II: methodische, hermeneutische und einleitungswissenschaftliche Reflexionen. SNTU.A 25 (2000) 98-140; Relecture und reecriture: neue Paradigmen zu Methode und Inhalt der Johannesauslegung aufgewiesen am Prolog 1,1-18 und der ersten Abschiedsrede 13,31-14,31. ThPh 75 (2000) 1-29. Simoens, Yves L'evangile selon Jean: positions et propositions. NRTh 122 (2000) 177-190. Stock, Klemens lsus-syn boshij: svidchennja Ivana [Jesus-der Sohn Gottes: die Botschaft des Johannes]. Ivano-Frankivsk 2000, Samizual 73 pp [AcBiU 10,806]. Ukrainian. Van Belle, G. Intemational interdisciplinary seminar on the fourth gospel. EThL 76 (2000) 216-218. Zumstein, Jean L'evangile selon Jean. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 345-370.
G 1.4
Themata de evangelio Johannis-John 's Gospel, topics
5812 Acharya, Kala Symbolism in the gospel of John. Pro Dialogo 104105 (2000) 215-220. 5813 Almeida, A.J. de La questione gnostlca e l'enlgma del quarto evangelo. Protest. 55 (2000) 105-113. 5814 Anderson, Paul N. The christology of the fourth gospel: its unity and disunity in the light of John 6. 1996 :::>12,5375 ... 14,5295. RRBLit 1 (1999) 38-42, 42-48, 48-53, 53,56, 56-61, 62-72 (Kysar,
Gl.4 John's Gospel: Topics
5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820
5822 5823
5825 5826
Robert; Schneiders, Sandra M; Culpepper, R. Alan; Stanton, Graham; Padgett, Alan G.; Anderson, Paul N). Barton, Stephen C. Christian community in the light ofthe gospel of John. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99 (2000) 279-301. Barus, Armand The faith motif in John's gospel: a narrative approach. Diss. Aberdeen 2000, 0 Watson, F. [RTL 32,600]. Baudoz, Jean-Fram:;ois Mystique et ethique dans le quatrieme evangile. Revue d'ethique et de theologie morale, Sup. 214 (2000) 35-44. Beauchamp, Paul La typologie dans l'evangile de Jean. Radici dell'antigiudaismo. 2000 ~524. 95-109. Becker, Jürgen Die Hoffnung auf ewiges Leben im Johannesevangelium. ZNW 91 (2000) 192-211. Berlingieri, Giovanni A proposito dell'anonimato dell'autore del IV Vangelo: chi e l'anonimo o perche e anonimo?. RivBib 48 (2000) 6972. Bieringer, Reimund The Johannine women and the social code of their time: a response. Families and family relations. Studies in theology and religion 2: 2000 ~495. 213-219. Bowe, Barbara E. Drama and storytelling in the gospe\ of John. BiTod 38 (2000) 275-281. Brown, R.E. Un ritiro spirituale con l'evangelista Giovanni: 'perche ahhiamo la vita'. Meditazioni l :11: Queriniana 2000, Rrescia 198 pp. €11.88 [RdT 41,479]. Carmichael, Calum M. Th!! slmy 111' cn:ali1111: ils migin amJ ils inkrpretation in PIIILO and the fourth gospel. 1996 ~12,1373; 13,1575. RRBLit 1(1999)299-301 (Runia, D.1'.). Casey, Maurice Is John's Gospel true?. 1996 ~12,5390„. 15,5793. 1 (1999) 301-304 (Just, Felix). Cebulj, Christian Ich bin es: Studien zur Identitätsbildung im Johannesevangelium. Diss. München 1999, 0 Lauss, F. SBB 44: Stu 2000, Kath. Bibelwerk xi; 329 pp. €40.39. 3-460-00441-X. Chang, Jeabong Spiritualita e morale della 'Via': un confronto tra prospettiva del Tao nel 'Tao te ching' e quella di Gesu-Via nel quarto vangelo. Diss. Gregorian 2000, 0 Demmer, K. 397 pp [RTL 32,640]. Chatelion Counet, Patrick John, a postmodern gospel: introduction to deconstmctive exeeesis appliecl to the fourth gospel. Oiss. Nijmegen 1995, 0 Van Ti/borg, Sje/Bibl.lnterp. 44: Lei 2000, Brill viii; 364 pp. $121. 90-04-11661-3 [Jn 6; 17; 21,24-25]. Cilumba Cimbumba Ndayango, Antoine Wunder, Glaube und Leben bei Johannes: eine exegetisch-hermeneutische Studie am Beispiel von Johannes 2,23-3,21 und 3,22-36 im Hinblick auf die Inkulturationsaufgabe. Diss. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Gielen, M [ThRv 98/4, iv].
Elenchus ofBiblica 16, 2000
[XI. Corpus Johanneum
5830 Clark-Soles, Jaime A. Scripture cannot be broken: the social function of the use of scripture in the fourth gospel. Diss. Yale 2000; 0 Meeks, W. [RTL 32,601]. 5831 Combs, Rodney The inherent evidence for supporting the historical reliability of the gospel of John. Diss. Fort Worth 2000, °Crutchley, D. 284 pp [RTL 32,601; 9968723]. 5832 Conway, Colleen M. Men and women in the fourth gospel: gender and Johannine characterization. SBL.DS 167: 1999 ::::)15,5796. RcßQ 62 (2000) 548-549 (Thomas, Carolyn). 5833 Crosby, Michael H. 'Do you love me?': Jesus questions the church. Mkn 2000, Orbis xxvii; 255 pp. $20 [BiTod 38,324-Senior, D.]. 5834 Dagron, Alain Le temps de la revelation. SemBib 98 (2000) 50-60. 5835 Daly-Denton, Mar1:aret David in the fourth gospel: the Johannine reception ofthe Psalms. AGJU 47: Lei 2000, Brill xiv; 375 pp. $112. 90-04-11448-3. RJRAS 10 (2000) 367-369 (Derrett, J. Duncan M); MillSt 46 (2000) 168-169 ( 0 'Mahony, Kieran J. ); CBQ 62 (2000) 747-749 (Swetnam, James). 5836 Demke, Christoph Das Evangelium der Dialoge: hermeneutische und methodologische Beobachtungen zur Interpretation des Johannesevangeliums. ZThK 97 (2000) 164-182. 5837 Derrett, J.D.M St. John's Jesus and the Buddha. Arür 68 (2000) 7182. 5838 Destro, Adriana; Pesce, Mauro Come nasce una religione: antropologia ed cscgcsi dcl vangclo di Giovanni. Percorsi 8: R 2000, Latt1r:.t.a xvi; 208 pp. €19.63. 88-420-5962-5. Bibi. 5839 Destro, Adriana; Pesce, Mauro II discepolato e l'iniziazione di Pietro nd vangdu 9. 263287. 6005 Vcrburg, Winfried Passion als Tragödie?: die literarische Gattung der antiken Tragödie als Gestaltungsprinzip der Johannespassion. SBS 182: 1999 =>15,6072. RCBQ 62 (2000) 765-766 (Neufeld, Dietmar).
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[XI. Corpus Johanneum
6006 Brouwer, Wayne The literary development of John 13-17: a chiastic reading. SBL.DS 182: Atlanta, GA 2000, SBL 185 pp. $45. 0-88414038-5. Bibl. 171-185. 6007 Dietzfelbinger, Christian Der Abschied des Kommenden: eine Auslegung der johanneischen Abschiedsreden. WUNT 2/95: 1997 :::::>13, 5866 ... 15,6037. RThLZ 125 (2000) 622-624 (Labahn, Michael). 6008 Gillieron, Bernard Le disciple que Jesus aimait: temoin d'un avenir pour le christianisme (Jean 13-17). Poliez-le-Grand 2000, Moulin [BuBB 32,34]. 6009 Neugebauer, Johannes Die eschatologischen Aussagen in den johanneischen Abschiedsreden: eine Untersuchung zu Johannes 1317. BWANT 140: 1995 :::::>11/1,4234 ... 15,6040. RRBLit 1 (1999) 314-318 (Lampe, Stephen J.). 6010 Pazdan, Mary Margaret Gifts, challenges, and promises in John 1317. BiTod 38 (2000) 75-80. 6011 Pilch, John J. Final words and family loyalty. BiTod 38 (2000) 8185 [Jn 13-171. 6012 Rahner, Johanna Vergegenwärtigende Erinnerung: die Abschiedsreden, der Geist-Paraklet und die Retrospektive des Johannesevangeliums. ZNW 91 (2000) 72-90 [Jn 13-17]. 6013 6014 6015 6016 6017
Briend, Jacques La signification du lavement des pieds (Jn 13,1-20). Cahiers Ratisbonnc 8 (2000) 9-28 Riass., sum. 28. Zumstein, Jean Le lavement des pieds (Jean 13,1-20): un exemplc de la conceptionjohannique du pouvoir. RThPh 132 (2000) 345-360. Timm, Hermann Des Vaters Haus: das Wohnen ist ein Urbild des christlichen Glaubens. EK 33/~ (2000) 12-14 [Jn 14; Rev 21]., Le Christ, un chemin de foi (Jean 14,1-6). UnChr 139 (2000) 9-13. Shrumm, Donald Arthur Choosing a more loving way: a postmodern, missional reading of John 14:6. Diss. Dubuque Theol. Sem. 2000, 145 pp. 9975196. Haldimann, Konrad Rekonstruktion und Entfaltung: exegetische Untersuchungen zu Joh 15 und 16. BZNW 104: B 2000, De Gruyter ix; 444 pp. €116.58. 3-11-016794-8. Chni, P. Richard 1 am the vine: an investigation of the relations between John 15: 1-6 and some parables of the synoptic gospels. BR 45 (2000) 51-75. Bunyakiri Mukengere, Crispin L'emploi johannique de l'expression 'µtvstv tv' en Jn 15,1-11. Extr. Diss. Urbaniana, Dßiguzzi, Giancarlo R 2000, vii; 130 pp.
Gl.8 Last Supper Discourse; Passion, John 13...
6021 Schwank, Benedikt Weinberggleichnis (Mk 12,1-12 parr) und Weinstockrede (Joh 15,1-17) im Licht von 4Q500 fr.l. FLEROY, H. BU 29: 2000 ;:;:;,67. 91-101. 6022 Veerkamp, Ton Der Sieg des Titus: oder: der Abschied vom Messias. TeKo 23/3 (2000) 3-17 [Jn 16,5-15]. 6023 Derrett, J. Duncan M Advocacy at John 16:8-11. ET 110 (19981999) 181-182. 6024 Clark, D.J. The word kosmos 'world' in John 17. BiTr 50 (1999) 401-406. 6025 Milewski, Douglas J. Nos locus Dei sumus: AUGUSTINE's exegesis and theology of John 17 in the light of In evangelium Johannis tractatus CIV-CXI. Diss. Lateranum, 0 Lawless, George R 2000, xvii; 307 pp. Bibl. 285-307. 6026 Scholtissek, Klaus Das hohepriesterliche Gebet Jesu: exegetisch-theologische Beobachtungen zu Job 17, 1-26. TThZ 109 (2000) 199-218. 6027 Van der Merwe, D.J. Tue protection believers can expect from God in the fulfilment oftheir mission. SeK 21(2000)135-155 [17,9-16]. 6028 Scaturchio, Vincenzo La preghiera di intercessione (Gv 17,9-19). Vivarium 8 (2000) 113-122. Som. 13. 6029 De Boer, Martinus C. The narrative function of Pilate in John; 6030 Tuckett, Christopher M Pilate in John 18-19: a narrative-critical approach. Narrativity. BEThL 149: 2000 ~1084. 141-158/131-1110. 6031 Lang, Manfred Johannt:s und die Synoptiker: eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Analyse von Joh 18-20 vor dem markinischen und lukanischen Hintergrund. FRLANT 182: 1999 ;:;:;,15,6069. RordKor 41 (2000) 89-90 (Giesen, Heinz); Sal. 62 (2000) 238-248 (Moloney, Francis J.); CBQ 62 (2000) 364-366 (Moloney, Francis J.). 6032 Esca.lfre, Bernadette Pierre et Jesus dans Ja cour du grand pretre (Jn 18,12-27). RTL 31(2000)43-67. 6033 Gonzalez, Francisco Javier El disciupado [sie], primicia de la consumaci6n de la obra reveladora del Hijo: anälisis exegetico-teol6gico de Juan 18,15-27. Iter 23 (2000) 130-142. 6034 Gniesmer, Dirk F. In den Prozeß verwickelt: erzählanalytische und textpragmatische Erwägungen zur Erzählung vom Prozeß Jesu vor Pilatus (Joh 18,28-19,16a.b). EHS.T 688: Fra 2000, Lang 461 'PP· 3631-35870-9. 6035 Kollmann, Hanjo-Christoph Die Kreuzigung Jesu nach John 19, 1622: ein Beitrag zur Kreuzestheologie des Johannes im Vergleich mit den Synoptikern. EHS.T 710: Fra 2000, Lang viii; 392 pp. 3-63137132-2. Bibl. 365-392. 6036 Badiola Saenz de Ugarte, Jose Antonio Tipologia pascual en el relato joänico de la muerte de Jesus. ScrVict 47 (2000) 5-19 [Jn 19,1637].
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[XI. Corpus Johanneum
6037 Coloe, Mary Raising the Johannine temple (John 19:19-37). ABR 48 (2000) 47-58. 6038 Vanhoozer, Kevin J. Body-piercing, the natural sense, and the task of theological interpretation: a hermeneutical homily on John 19:34. ExAu 16 (2000) 1-29. Resp. 31-34-David S. Cunningham. 6039 George, Larry Darnell Keading the tapestry: a literary-rhetorical analysis ofthe Johannine resurrection narrative (John 20-21). Studies in Biblical Literature 14: NY 2000, Lang xix; 195 pp. 0-8204-44448. Bibi. 153-192. 6040 Kowalski, Beate Der Gang zum leeren Grab (Joh 20,1-18) aus pragmatischer Sicht. GuL 73 (2000) 113-128. 6041 Skamp, Ann "But Mnry stood weeping outside the tomb" (John 20:11). Colloquium 32/1(2000)23-30 [Jn 20,1-181. 6042 Seitz, Wende/in Eugen Philologische Bemerkungen zu einer problematischen Bibelübersetzung: Joh 20,22-23. MThZ 51 (2000) 55-61. 6043 Campbell, W. Thomas The relationship of the Thomas pericope to signs and beliefs in the fourth gospel. Diss. Fort Worth 2000, Dcorley, B. 224 pp [RTL 32,601] [Jn 20,24-29]. 6044 Kaniarakath, George Person and faith of apostle Thomas in the gospels. New Delhi 2000, Intercultural xviii; 200 pp. Rs250. 8185574-42-1. RJDh 25 (2000) 422-424 (Pudussery, Paul S.) [Jn 20,24-29]. 6045 Fiddes, Paul S Story and possibility: reflections on the last scenes of the fourth gospel and SHAKESPEARE's The Tempest. Revelation and story. 2000 =>376. 29-51 [Jn 21]. 6046 Blaskovic, Goran Die Erzählung vom reichen Fischfang (Lk 5,l-l l; Joh 21,1-14): wie Johannes eine Erzählung aus dem Lukasevangelium für seine Zwecke umschreibt; 6047 Werlitz, Jürgen Warum gerade 153 Fische?: Überlegungen zu Joh 21,11. FLEROY, H. BU 29: 2000 =>67. 103-120/121-137. 6048 Gangemi, Attilio Un problema di critica testuale in Gv 21, 15-17. FRocco, B. 2000 =>101. 145-159.
G2. l Epistulae Johannis 6049 Beutler, Johannes Die Johannesbriefe. Regensburger Neues Testament: Rg 2000, Pustet 216 pp. €24.90. 3-7917-1657-3. 6050 Edwards, Ruth B. The Johannine epistles. The Johannine literature. 2000 =>5733. 109-203.
G2. l Tue Epistles of John
6053 6054
6055 6056
Kadan, Roland LAMBERTs von Geldern Auslegung der Johannesbriefe: eine textkritische Edition. 1995 ::::> 11/1,3968. RJThS 51 (2000) 360-362 (Backus, Irena). Kruse, Colin G. The letters of John. Pillar NT Commentary: GR 2000, Eerdmans xxii; 255 pp. $28 0-8028-3728-X. Bibi. xvii-xxii [BiTod 38,327-Senior, Donald]. Nakano, Chiemi Le manuscrit des Epitres Catholiques BNF copte 129(11) F.112-127. Etudes coptes VI (2000) 147-153. Palmer, Earl F. Mastering the New Testament, 12: 1,2,3 John & Revelation. L 2000, Word 259 pp. f9 [Evangel 18,89-Baxter, T.]. Rensberger, David l John, 2 John, 3 John. Abingdon NT Commentaries 1997 ::::>13,5908. RRBLit 1(1999)388-390 (Grayston, K.). Strecker, Georg Thfl .Tohannine Jetters: a commentary on 1, 2, and 3 John. TMaloney, Linda M Hermeneia: 1996 ::::>12,5643; 13,5909. RRBLit 1(1999)390-392 (Smith, D. Moody). Zumstein, Jean Les epitres johanniques. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 ::::>4322. 371-386.
6058 Black, C.C. Short shrift made once more. ThTo 57/3 (2000) 386-394. 6059 Giurisato, Giorgio Struttura e teologia della prima lettera di Giovanni: analisi letteraria e retorica, contenuto teologico. AnBib 138: 1998 ::::>14,5528; 15,6108. RBz 44 (2000) 152-155 (Reut/er, Johannes); RivBib 48 (2000) 115-118 (Manini, Filippo); Bib. 81 (2000) 132135 (Fabris, Rinaldo). 6060 Kenny, Garrett C. Tue relation of christology to ethics in the first epistle of John. Lanham, MD 2000, Univ. Pr. of America x; 54 pp. $29. 0-7618-1867-7 [ThD 49,178-Heiser, W. Charles]. 6061 Lavatori, Ren7.o; Sole, Luciano Gesu Cristo venuto nella carne: il criterio dell'identitä. cristiana secondo la Prima Lettera di Giovanni. 1998 ::::>14,5530. RAnnales Theologici 14 (2000) 282-3 (Blanco, A.). 6062 Lietaert Peerbolte, Lambertus J. The antecedents of antichrist: a traditio-historical study of the earliest christian views on eschatological opponents. JStJudS 49: 1996 ::::>12,5661... 15,6112. RRBLit 1 (1999) 421-423 (Royalty, Robert M). 6063 Van der Watt, Jan Gabriel Der Geist macht lebendig: die LektUre von lJoh im afrikanischen Kontext. PzB 9 (2000) 1-22. 6064 Wheeler, James 'Asi como Aquel somos en este mundo': relaci6n entre etica y cristologia en lJn. De la escritura. 2000 ::::>460. 39-47. 6065 Wilckens, Ulrich Die Gegner im 1. Johrumcsbrief. FßERGER, K. 2000 ::::>9. 477-500.
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G2.3 Apocalypsis Johannis-Revelation: text, commentaries 6066 Arens, Eduardo; Diaz Mateos, Manuel Apocalipsis, la fuerza de la esperanza: estudio, lectura y comentario. CEP 218: Lima 2000, Centro de Espiritualidad lgnaciana 541 pp. 9972-816-12-5 [NThAR 2000,340]. 6067 Aune, David Revelation. WBC 52a-c: 1998 =>14,5549-5551; 15, 6129. RNT 42 (2000) 196-197 (Elliott, J.K.); BZ 44 (2000) 278-280 (Kowalski, Beate); Interp. 54 (2000) 312, 314, 316 (Boring, M. Jiugene); JIBLit 2 (2000) 467-469 (Afzal, Cameron). 6068 Bachmann, Michael Die Johannesoffenbarung. Grundinformation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 --:>305. 346-370. 6069 Bandera, Armando La Iglesia de Roma: leyendo el Apocalipsis. 1999 =>15,6155. RDiEc 111 (2000) 199-202 (Pikaza, Xabier); 6070 La profecia del Apocalipsis. Glosas 31: S 2000, San Esteban 386 pp. 84-8260-072-9 [NThAR 2000,311]. 6071 Barnstone, Willis The Apocalypse. New Directions Bibelots: NY 2000, Bibelot 63 pp. 0-8112-1446-X. 6072 Beale, Gregory K. The book of Revelation: a commentary on the Greek text. NIGTC: GR 1999, Eerdmans lxiv; 1245 pp. 0-80282174-X. Bibi. xxviii-lxiv. Rlnterp. 54 (7.000) 79-RO, R?. (CarP.y, Greg); Bib. 81(2000)439-442 (Biguzzi, Giancarlo); JThS 51 (2000) 295-297 (Court, John M.): ThLZ 125 (2000) 746-747 (Holtz, Traugott); WThJ 62 (2000) 143-144 (Poythress, Vern Sheridan); TrinJ 21 (2000) 109-112 (Luter, A. Boyd); ABR 48 (2000) 91-92 (Sim, David L'.); AUSS 38 (2000) 313-315 (Paulien, Jon); TlK ·11 (2000) 303-307 (Synnes, Martin); LASBF 50 (2000) 575-577 (Casalini, Nello). 6073 Biguzzi, Giancarlo La trama narrativa e l'impianto letterario. PaVi 14/1(2000)13-19. 6074 Buby, Bertrand A. A journey through Revelation. NY 2000, Alba xv; 158 pp. $15 [BiTod 38,191-Senior, Donald]. 6075 Chauvin, Daniele, al., Lire l' Apocalypse. CEv.S 112: P 2000, Cerf 131 pp. €9.14. 6076 Cuvillier, Elian Les apocalypses du Nouveau Testament. CEv 110: P 2000, Cerf67 pp. €5.33. 6077 Cuvil/ier, Elian L'Apocalypse de Jean. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 387-403. 6078 Desrosiers, Gilbert An introduction to Revelation. Continuum Biblical Studies: L 2000, Continuum v; 129 pp. fI0/$16. 0-8264-5002-4 [RB 108,472].
G2.3 Apocalypse/Revelation: Text, commentaries
6079 Durham, James A commentary on Revelation. Willow Street, Pa. 2000 Old Paths xii; 1024 pp. $50. Introd. David C. Lachman [CTJ 36,383s-Muller, Richard A.]. 6080 Emonet, Pierre-Marie L'eglise dans les images de l' Apocalypse: son mystere contempte dans les tableaux et les couleurs. 1999 ~15, 6193. RNV 75/2 (2000) 101-104 (Cagin, Michel). 6081 Faley, Roland J. Apocalypse then and now: a companion to the book of Revelation. 1999 ~15,6132. RVJTR 64 (2000) 715-716 (Meagher, P. ). 6082 Forte, Bruno Apocalisse. CinB 2000, San Paolo 130 pp. €9.30. 88215-4176-2. 6083 Foucher, Daniel Brftlante actualite de l'Apocalypse: commentaire pas Upas du livrc lc plus insolite flamboyant, SUlfW'eUX t:l prumt:tteur de notre litterature. Collection Reponses aux questions 42: La Chapelle Montligeon 2000, Montligeon 382 pp. 2-908129-44-2. 6084 Giesen, Heinz Die Offenbarung des Johannes. RNT: 1997 ~13, 5935 „. 15,6134. RBiKi 55 (2000) 101-102 (Miranda, Juan Peter); 6085 Studien zur Johannesapokalypse. SBAB 29: Stu 2000, Verlag Katholisches Bibelwerk 318 pp. 3-460-06291-6. Bibi. 6086 EGroote, Marc de OECUMENII commentarius in Apocalypsin. 1999 ~15,6135. RJThS 51(2000)746,748 (North, J.L.). 6087 EGryson, Roger Apocalypsis Johannis: 1. Lief„ Einleitung. BVLI 26/2: FrB 2000, Herder 1-80 pp LRB 108,1601; 6088 2. Lief., Einleitung (Fortsetzung und Schluss) Apc 1,1-2,7. BVLI 26/2: FrB 2000, Herder 81-160 pp [RB 108,474]. 6089 Le Moignan, Christina Following the Lamb: a reading of Revelation for the new millennium. L 2000, Epworth x; 141 pp. 0-71620537-8. 6090 ELupieri, Edmondo L'Apocalisse di Giovanni. 1999 ~15,6138. RRSLR 36 (2000): 473-481 (Charlesworth, J.H); 483-486 (Collins, Ade/a Yarbro); 487-489 (Sievers, Joseph); 491-494 (Lupieri, Edmondo); Henoch 22 (2000): 325-328 (Lupieri, Edmondo); 328335 (Sacchi, Paolo); 335-360 (Corsini, Eugenio); 360-362 (Doglio, Claudia). 6091 Malina, Bruee J.; Pilch, John J. Social-science commentary on the book of Rcvelation. Ph 2000, Fortress viii; 288 pp. $20. 0-80063227-3. Bibi. 6092 Mounee, Robert H. Thc book of Revelation. 7 1998 =:>14,5560; 15,6142. RTrinJ 21(2000)107-111 (Luter, A. Boyd). Palmer, E. 1,2,3 John & Revelation 2000 ~6054. 6093 Parker, David C. A new Oxyrhynchus papyrus of Revelation: Pl 15 (P. Oxy. 4499). NTS 46 (2000) 159-174.
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6094 EPate, C. Marvin Four views on.„ Revelation. 1998 ::::>14,5569. RFaith & Mission 17/2 (2000) 86-9 (Köstenberger, Andreas J. ). 6095 EPikaza lbarrondo, Xabier El libro del Apocalipsis. ResB 27 (2000) 2-68. 6096 Prevost, Jean-Pierre Les Peres et l' Apocalypse. CEv.S 112 (2000) 13-49. 6097 Prigent, Pierre L' Apocalypse de Saint Jean. CNT 14: Geneve 22000, Labor et F. 507 pp. €45.41. 2-8309-0114-2. Bibl. 9-11 [RB 108,317]. 6098 Ravasi, Gianfranco Apocalisse. CasM 2000, Piemme 230 pp. 88384-4546-X. Bibl. 6099 Rossing, Barbara R. The choice between two cities: whore, bride, and empire in the Appocalypse. HThS 48: 1999 ::::>15,6244. RcBQ 62 (2000) 567-569 (Osiek, Carolyn) [Rev 17-19; 21,1-22,5]. 6100 Rozman, France Apokalipsa-razodelje: kumenlar. Ljubljana 2000, DZS 291 pp. 6101 Saout, Yves Je n'ai pas ecrit l'Apocalypse pour vous faire peur!: par Jean de Patmos. P 2000, Bayard 230 pp. €18.29. 2-227-36903-5. 6102 Smith, Robert H. Apocalypse: a commentary on Revelation in words and images. ColMn 2000, Liturgical 96 pp. $15. Ill. by Albrecht Dürer [ThD 47,387-Heiser, W. Charles]. 6103 Walhout, Edwin Revelation down to earth: making sense of the Apocalypse of John. GR 2000, Eerdmans viii; 254 pp. $20. 0-80284889-3.
G2.4 Apocalypsis, themata-Revelation, topics , 6104 Backus, Irena Dorota Reformation readings of the !Apocalypse: Geneva, Zurich, and Wittenberg. Oxford studies in historical theology: Oxf2000, OUP xx; 182 pp. $45. 0-19-513885-6. Bibl. 169-174. 6105 Bagni, Arcangelo L'idolatria nell' Apocalisse; 6106 Per leggere l'Apocalisse: rassegna bibliografica 1. PaVi 14/5 (2000) 38-43/47-49. 6107 Bandera, Armando La iglesia de Roma en el Apocalipsis: un proyecto que espera desarrollo. CTom 127 (2000) 197-217. 6108 Barker, Margaret The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to him to show to his servants what must soon take place (Revelation 1.1). E 2000, Clark xiii; 447 pp. fl 7. 0-567-08716-6 [RB 104,633]. 6109 Beale, Gregory K. John's use of the Old Testament in Revelation. JSNT.S 166: 1998 =>14,5575. RJThS 51 (2000) 295-297 (Court, John M); WThJ 62 (2000) 144-6 (Poythress, Vern Sheridan); RBLit 2 (2000) 469-470, 471-472 (Newport, Kenneth; West, James E.).
G2.4 Apocalypse/Revelation: Topics
6110 Biguzzi, Giancarlo La profezia nell'Apocalisse di Giovanni. PSV 41 (2000) 173-181; 6111 I numeri nell 'Apocalisse di Giovanni e il loro linguaggio. LASBF 50 (2000) 143-166. 6112 Blachos, Constanatinos S. lstorika ichne kai dialektike tes Theias Apokalypseos: Symbole sten ereyna tes istorias kai theologias tes P. Diathekes. Athena 2000, Gkelmpeses 283 pp. Bibi. 270-283. G. 6113 Blount, Brian K. Reading Revelation today: witness as active resistance. Interp. 54 (2000) 398-412. 6114 Bolgiani, Franco Confronti sull"'Apocalisse" di Giovanni. RSLR 36 (2000) 467-471. 6115 Brandt, Anja Apokalypse: zwischen Anklage und Trost: Elemente einer Unterrichtsreihe für die 9./10. Jahrgangsstufe. rhs 43 (2000) 255-262. 6116 Briggs, Robert A. Jewish temple imagery in the book ofRevelation. 1999 ~15,6179. RAUSS 38 (2000) 317-319 (Paulien, Jon). 6117 Büsser, Fritz H. BULLINGERs 100 Predigten über die Apokalypse. Zwing. 27 (2000) 117-131. 6118 Carrez, Maurice L'Apocalypse et l'Ancien Testament: y-a-t-il des analogies avec l'evangile de Matthieu?. Mfusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 ~40. 303-320. 6119 Carrol/, John T Creation and Apocalypse. FTOWNER, W. 2000 ~ 115. 251-260. 6120 Char/esworth, James H. The power of the millennium and the mystery ofthe Apocalypse ofJohn. RSLR 36 (2000) 473-481. 6121 Chauvin, Daniele Apocalypses blakiennes. CEv.S 112 (2000) 89-96; 6122 Le mythe litteraire de l'apocalypse. CEv.S 112 (2000) 97-110. 6123 Ciliberto, Michele BRUNO e l' Apocalisse: per una storia intema degli Eroici Furori. Rinasc. 40 (2000) 45-74. 6124 Cline, Eric H. Why Megiddo?. BiRe 16/3 (2000) 22-31, 46 [Rev 16, 16; 19]. 6125 Cook, David The apocalyptic year 200/815-16 and the events surrounding it. Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: 2000 ~497. 41-67. 6126 Corcoran, Paul E. Awaiting Apocalypse. L 2000, Macmillan ix; 212 pp. 0-333-74174-9. 6127 Corsini, Eugenio Lo Spirito nell'Apocalisse. RStB 12 (2000) 269296. 6128 Court, John M. Revelation. The Johannine literature. 2000 ::>5733. 205-307. 6129 Court, John M. The book of Revelation and the Johannine apocalyptic tradition. JSNT.S 190: Shf 2000, Sheffield Academic 181 pp. f35. 1-84127-073-3. Bibi.
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6130 Cunningham, Andrew; Grell, Oie Peter Tue four horsemen ofthe Apocalypse: religion, war, famine, and death in Reformation Europe. NY 2000, CUP xiii; 360 pp. $63/23. 6131 Cuvillier, Elian La Reforme et l' Apocalypse: quelques temoignages. CEv.S 112 (2000) 75-88; 6132 L'actualite de l'Apocalypse de Jean. La Bible: lectures. 2000 ::::>303. 97-108 [BuBB 34,45]. 6133 Diez Merino, Luis La numerologia en el Apocalipsis: un principio de hermeneutica. CTom 127 (2000) 59-98. 6134 Doglio, Claudia L'ambiente vitale dell' Apocalisse. PaVi 14/1 (2000) 4-12; 6135 L'autore dell' Apocalisse e la tradizione giovannea. PaVi 14/3 (2000) 4-14; 6136 L'Apocalisse rilegge l'Antico Testamento. PaVi 14/4 (2000) 4-10; 6137 Duemila anni di tentativi: storia dell'interpretazione dell'Apocalisse. PaVi 14/6 (2000) 4-12. 6138 Donegani, Isabelle "A cause de la parole de Dieu et du temoignage de Jesus„.": le temoignage comme parole de senset d'esperance dans l'Apocalypse de Jean. EtB 36: 1997 ::::>13,5977 ... 15,6191. RRevSR 74 (2000) 247-249 (Claude/, Gerard); EThL 76 (2000) 499-501 (Verheyden, J.). 6139 Duff. Paul B. Reading the Apocalypse at the millennium. RStR 26 (2000) 217-221. 6140 Ferrari, Pier Luigi La chiesa nell'Apocalisse. PaVi 14/2 (2000) 4246. 6141 Filippini, Roberta La testimonianza nell'Apocalisse. PaVi 14/4 (2000) 39-44. 6142 Fisher, Thomas Wilson The dragon/serpent in Revelation: the rhetoric of an apocalyptic motif. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 254 pp. 9974096. 6143 Gangemi, Attilio 'L'albero della vita' nel libro dell' Apocalisse: 'al vincitore daro da mangiare dell'albero della vita ehe [e] nel paradiso di Dio' (Ap 2,7). PaVi 14/6 (2000) 25-31. 6144 Gelinas, Yvon-D. L'Apocalypse au Moyen Äge. CEv.S 112 (2000) 51-73. 6145 Giesen, Heinz Zur Christologie der Johannesapokalypse. ThG 43 (2000) l 85-197 [Rev l ]; 6146 Christusbotschaft in apokalyptischer Sprache: Zugang zur Offenbarung des Johannes ; 6147 "Das Buch mit den sieben Siegeln": Bilder und Symbole in der Offenbarung des Johannes ; 6148 Der Christ und das Gericht: Heilsaussagen in der Johannes-Apokalypse ;
G2.4 Apocalypse/Revelation: Topics
6149 Symbole und mythische Aussagen in der Johannes-Apokalypse und ihre theologische Bedeutung ; 6150 Kirche in der Endzeit: Ekklesiologie und Eschatologie in der Johannesapokalypse ; 6151 Das Römische Reich im Spiegel der Johannes-Apokalypse ; 6152 Ermutigung zur Glaubenstreue in schwerer Zeit: zum Zweck der Johannesoffenbarung . Studien zur Johannesapokalypse. SBAB 29: 2000 ~6085. 9-24/25-33/ 34-47/48-67/68~99/100-213/214-227. 6153 Glonner, Georg Zur Bildersprache des Johannes von Patmos: Untersuchungen der Johannesapokalypse anhand einer um Elemente der Bildinterpretation erweiterten historisch-kritischen Methode. NTA 34: 1999 ~15,6199. RJThS 51(2000)300-301 (Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria); ThLZ 125 (2000) 625-626 (Holtz, Traugott); BZ 44 (2000) 280282 (Giesen, Heinz); CBQ 62 (2000) 555-557 (Just, Felix). 6154 Guritschnig, Ingrid Johann Caspar LAVATERs Apokalypse: 'Jesus Messias, oder die Zukunft des Herrn: nach der Offenbarung Johannes'. Alpha & Omega. Epetschar, H.: W 2000, Springer. 182-185 [BuBB 34,46). 6155 Grassn, Santi T~mpo ~ storia nell'Apocalisse. PaVi 14/5 (2000) tl-7. 6156 Hahn, Ferdinand Jahrtausendwende: was sagt uns die Johannesoffenbarung zur Zukunft der Welt?. ZW 71(2000)7-18. 6157 Harland, Philip A. Honouring the emperor or assailing the beast: participatiun in civic life among associations (Jewish, Christian and other) in Asia Minor and the Apocalypse of John. JSNT 77 (2000) 99-121. 6158 Heinze, Andre Johannesapokalypse und johanneische Schriften: geschichtliche und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. BWANT 142: 1998 ==>1'1,5607; 15,6208. RRßLit 2 (2000) 472-474 (Koester, Craig R.). 6159 Hofius, Otfried Das Zeugnis der Johannesoffenbarung von der Gottheit Jesu Christi ; 6160 apviov-Widder oder Lamm?: Erwägungen zur Bedeutung des Wortes in der Johannesapokalypse . Neutestamentliche Studien. WUNT 132: 2000 ~174. 223-240/241-250. 6161 Holmes, Raymond La adoracion en el libro de Apocalipsis. Theologika 15/1 (2000) 4-32. 6162 Howard-Brook, Wes; Gwyther, Anthony Unveiling empire: reading Revelation then and now. 1999 ~15,6211. RRRT 7 (2000) 288290 (Duckett, Helen); Theo!. 103 (2000) 369-70 (Knight, Jonathan). 6163 Korner, Ralph J. "And T saw „.": an apocalyptic literary convention for structural identification in the Apocalypse. NT 42 (2000) 160-83. 6164 Lassus, Alain M de La Trinite dans l'Apocalypse. Aletheia 17 (2000) 91-110;
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6165 L'adoration dans l'Apocalypse. Aletheia 18 (2000) 123-163. 6166 Lohse, Eduard Wie christlich ist die Offenbarung des Johannes?. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 191-205; 6167 The Revelation of John and Pauline theology ; 6168 Synagoge des Satans und Gemeinde Gottes: zum Verhältnis von Juden und Christen nach der Offenbarung des Johannes . Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 206-213/214-231. 6169 Lupieri, Edmondo, al., L'Apocalisse di Giovanni: una discussione. Henoch 22 (2000) 325-362. 6170 Malina, Bruce J. On the gerne and message of Revelation. 1995 => 11/1,4386 ... 14,5619. Rßibllntcrp 8 (2000) 43'.l-433 (Bauckham, Richard); 6171 The New Jerusalem in the Revelation of John: the city as symbol of life with God. Zacchaeus Studies: NT. ColMn 2000, Liturgical x; 100 pp. $12. 0-8146-5938-1. Bibl. 6172 Marino, Marcello II simbolismo dell'Apocalisse. PaVi 14/1 (2000) 20-25; 6173 Ascoltare e custodire la testimonianza nell' Apocalisse. Testimonianza. 2000 =>501. 139-159. 6174 Marino, Marcello II verbo 0PEIN nell' Apocalisse alla luce della 'tradizione giovannea'. Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 Vanni, U. 627 pp [RTL 32,604]. 6175 Mazzeo, Michele La liturgia nell'Apocalisse. PaVi 1411 {2000) 41-5; 6176 Cristoredentore universale (Ap 1,5-7; 5,1-14). Vivarium 8 (?.000) 17-36 Som. 11. 6177 McDonough, Sean M Of beasts and bees: the view of the natural world in VIRGIL's Georgics and John's Apocalypse. NTS 46 (:2000) 227-244. 6178 Meeks, Wayne A. Apocalyptic discourse and strategies of goodness. JR 80 (2000) 461-475. 6179 Michael, Thomas Evangelistic motifs in the book of Revelation: a critical analysis of the book of Revelation with regard to its various evangelistic motifs .. Diss. Southeastem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 262 pp. 9964715. 6180 Moriconi, Bruno 11 Cristo agnello, senso e compimento della storia: 'tu sei degno di prendere il libro e di aprime i sigilli' (Ap 5,9). RVS 54 (2000) 439-464. 6181 Nakhro, Mazie The worship ofGod in the Apocalypse: its function for the corporate worship of the church. Diss. Dallas Theol. Sem. 2000, 341 pp. 9962182. 6182 Nardi, Carlo L'Apocalisse nella lettura dei padri. La bibbia nei padri della chiesa. Letture patristiche 8: 2000 =>304. 165-188.
G2.4 Apocalypse/Revelation: Topics
6183 Navascues, Patricio de De montibus Sina et Sion: judios, magos y märtires entre apocalfptica y donatismo. VetChr 37 (2000) 271-315. 6184 Newport, Kenneth G.C. Apocalypse and millennium: studies in biblical eisegesis. NY 2000, CUP xx; 252 pp. $55. 0-521-77334-2. Bibi. 237-246. 6185 Petschar, Hans Apokalypsen. Alpha & Omega. EPetschar, H.: W 2000, Springer. 167-181[BuBB34,46]. 6186 Pezzoli-Olgiati, Daria Täuschung und Klarheit: zur Wechselwirkung zwischen Vision und Geschichte in der Johannesoffenbarung. FRLANT 175: 1997 =>13,5996; 14,5638. RRBLit 1 (1999) 392-394 (Ford, J. Massyngbaerede). 6187 Preez, Jannie du Die rol van die see in die Patmos-visioene. Acta Theologica 20/2 (2000) 1-25. 6188 Prevost, Jean-Pierre L'exegese au siecle. CEv.S 112 (2000) 111-118; 6189 L'Apocalypse, livre prophetique. MoBi 131(2000)39-41. . 6190 Prigent, Pierre L'interpretation de l'Apocalypse en debat. ETR 75 (2000) 189-210. 6191 Ralph, Margaret Nutting A biblia e o firn do mundo. Tßartalotti, Cecilia Camargo Sao Paulo 2000, Loyola 190 pp [REB 240,1020]. 6192 Resseguie, James L. Revelation unsealed: a narrative critical approach to John's Apocalypse. Bibllnterp 32: 1998 =>14,5642. RThLZ 125 (2000) 168-169 (Karrer, Martin); CBQ 62 (2000) 156-157 (Neufeld, Dietmar). 6193 Reynold::;, Edwin The feast of Tabernacles and the book of Revelation. AUSS 38 (2000) 245-268. 6194 Roland, Martin Apokalypse-Zyklus einer neapolitanischen Bibel. Alpha & Omega. EPetschnr, H.: W 2000, Springer. 186-193 [BuBB 14,47]. 6195 Roose, Hanna Das Zeugnis Jesu: seine Bedeutung für die Christologie, Eschatologie und Prophetie in der Offenbarung des Johannes. TANZ 32: Tü 2000, Francke 252 pp. 3-7720-2824-1. Bibi. 234-249. 6196 Royalty, Robert M. The streets ofheaven: the ideology ofwealth in the Apocalypse of John. 1998 =>14,5646; 15,6247. RThTo 56 (2000) 628, 630 (Wheeler, Sondra Ely); JThS 51 (2000) 297-299 (Sweet, J.P.M); JR 80 (2000) 312-313 (Collins, Adela Yarbro); CBQ 62 (2000) 159-160 (Harrington, WilfridJ.). 6197 Segalla, Giuseppe La memoria simbolica del Gesu terreno nel libro dell'Apocalisse. LASBF 50 (2000) 115-141. 6198 Sheets, Dwight David The Sitz im Leben of the Apocalypse: realized eschatology and apocalyptic expression. Diss. Fuller Theol. Sem. 2000, 383 pp. 9970563.
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[XI. Corpus Johanneum
6199 Smoller, Laura A. Of earthquakes, hail, frogs, and geography: plague and investigation of the Apocalypse in the later Middle Ages. Last things. 2000 ~388. 156-187. 6200 Spatafora, Andrea From the 'temple of God' to God as the temple: a biblical theological study of the temple in the book of Revelation. TGr.T 27 1997 ~13,6013. RRBLit 2 (2000) 475-477 (Thompson, Leonard L.). 6201 Vanni, Ugo "Divenire nello Spirito": l' Apocalisse guida di spiritualita. Bibbia e Preghiera 36: R 2000, ADP 234 pp. 88-7357-218-9. 6202 Williams, John The illustrated BEATUS: a corpus of the illustrations of the commentary on the Apocalypse. 1994-1998. 3 vols ~ 14, 10340; 15,11119. RcCMed 43 (2000) 74*-75* (Palazzo, Eric). 6203 Worth, Roland H. The seven cities ofthe Apocalypse & Roman culture. 1999 ~15,6268. RCBQ 62 (2000) 379-381 (Thompson, Leonard L. ).
G2.5 Apocalypsis, Revelation 1,1... 6204 Mazzucco, Clementina 11 prologo (Ap 1,1-8). PaVi 14/1 (2000) 2631. 6205 Rossetti, Marco L 'Apocalittica giudaica e l 'Apocalisse di San Giovanni (Ap 1,1-8). PaVi 14/2 (2000) 4-10. 6'.2.06 McDonough, Sean M. YHWH at Patmos: Rev. 1:4 in its Hellenistic and early Jewish setting. WUNT 2/107: 1999 -:>15,6270. RJThS 51 (2000) 682-684 (Lieu, Judith M); CBQ 62 (2000) 559-560 (Mowery, Robert L.). 6207 Thompson, Leonard L. Lnmcntntion for Christ ns n hcro: Rcvclntion 1:7. JBL 119 (2000) 683-703. 6208 Bovon, Franr;ois John's self-presentation in Revelation 1:9-10. CBQ 62 (2000) 693-700. 6209 Doglio, Claudia La rivelazione del Cristo risorto (Ap 1,9-20). PaVi 14/1 (2000) 32-40. 6210 Gangemi, Attilio 1 messaggi alle sette chiese. PaVi 14/2 (2000) 12-18 [Rev 2-3]. 6211 Pellegrini, Rita Ln lettern nlln chicsn di Lnodiccn (Ap 3,14-22). PnVi 14/2 (2000) 19-25. 6212 Dog/io, Claudia II trono nel oielo 'Tu hni orento tutte le ornie' (Ap 4); 6213 II libro e l'agnello 'Sei stato immolato e ci hai redenti' (Ap 5). PaVi 14/2 (2000) 26-34/35-41. 6214 Bergmeier, Roland Die Buchrolle und das Lamm (Apk 5 und 10). Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 ~132. 283300.
G2.5 Apocalypse/Revelation 6 ...
6215 Biguzzi, Giancarlo Il rotolo sigillato e l'agnello rivelatore (Ap 6,18,1). PaVi 14/3 (2000) 15-19. 6216 Guerra Suarez, Luis Maria El caballo blanco en el Apocalipsis (Ap 6,1-2/19,11-16) y la presencia de Cristo resucitado en la historia: investigaci6n teol6gico-biblica. Exc. Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 Vanni, Ugo R 2000, 227 pp. 6217 Giesen, Heinz Im Dienst der Weltherrschaft Gottes und des Lammes: die vier apokalyptischen Reiter (Offb 6, 1-8). Studien zur Johannesapokalypse. SBAB 29: 2000 =:>6085. 260-285. 6218 Kaczmarek, Janusz 11 mistero del grande giomo dell'ira dell' Agnello: messaggio teologico del sesto sigillo dell' Apocalisse (Ap 6,127,17). Diss. Gregoriana 2000, 0 vanni, U. 376 pp [RTL 32,603]. 6219 (a) Mosetto, Francesco Una moltitudine immensa (Ap 7). PaVi 14/3 (2000) 20-24. (b) Bergmeier, Roland 'Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt'. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 =>132. 262-282 [Rev 7,13-17]. 6220 Biguzzi, Giancarlo 11 settenario della trombe e l'idolatria (Ap 8,211, 19). PaVi 14/3 (2000) 25-31. 6221 Perini, Giovanni L'angelo e il libro (Ap 10); 6222 Filippini, Roberta 1 due testimoni (Ap 11,1-13). PaVi 14/3 (2000) 32-37/38-43. 6223 Bergmeier, Roland Altes und Neues zur 'Sonnenfrau am Himmel (Apk 12)'. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 => 132. 249-261. 6224 Bianchi, Enzo Lectio divina su Apocalisse 12; 6225 Biguzzi, Giancarlo La donna, il drago e il messia in Ap 12; 6226 Casale, Umberto Ln donnn vestitn di sole: per una teologia del popolo di Dio e una mariologia ecclesiale. Theotokos 8/1(2000)181-196/ 17-66/113-127. 6227 Heller, Karin La donna e il serpente (Ap 12). PaVi 14/4 (2000) 1118. 6228 Masciarelli, Michele Giulio La donna di Ap 12 e il futuro ultimo dell'esistenza cristiana. Theotokos 8/1 (2000) 165-179 Sum. 179. 6229 Masini, Maria Una rassegna di interpretazioni di Apocalisse 12. Mar. 62 (2000) 263-269. 6230 Muzi, Maria Giovanna lconografia medievale della Mulier amicta .wie. Theotokos 8/1 (2000) 219-2'1'1. Sum. 2'1'1 [Rev 12). 6231 Paul, Andre La dimension christologique d'un drame existentiel (Ap 12). MFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 635-651. 6232 Paul, Jan The use ofthe Old Testament in Revelation 12. FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 =>80. 256-276.
6233 6234 6235 6236 6237 6238 6239
6240 6241 6242 6243 6244 6245
6246 6247 6248
6249 6250 6251 6252
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[XI. Corpus Johanneum
Rosso, Stefano Ap 12 nella liturgia romana; Sebastiani, Lilia Una pagina di luminosa oscurita [Rev 12]; Serra, Aristide Echi di Apocalisse 12 nel 'Transitus Mariae'?; Soranzo, Micaela Panorama iconografico della donna di Ap 12. Theotokos 8/1(2000)85-112/129-164/245-260/197-218. Shea, William H.; Christian, Ed The chiastic structure of Revelation 12:1-15:4: the great controversy vision. AUSS 38 (2000) 269-292. Corsato, Celestino Ap 12,1-6: riletture patristiche. Theotokos 8/1 (2000) 67-84. Bergmeier, Roland Die Erzhure und das Tier: Apk 12,18-13,18 und 17f.: eine quellen- und redaktionskritische Analyse. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 =>132. 301-320. Priotto, Michelangelo Le due bestie (Ap 13). PaVi 14/4 (2000) 1925. Van de Water, Rick Reconsidering the beast from the sea (Rev 13.1). NTS 46 (2000) 245-261. Michael, Michael G. 'For it is the number of n man'. DBM 19/1 (2000) 79-89 [Rev 13,18]; 666 or 616 (Rev. 13:18). DBM 19/2 (2000) 77-83. Rossetti, Marco Seguono l'agnello ovunque egli vada (Ap 14,1-5). PaVi 14/4 (2000) 26-32. Giesen, Heinz Evangelium und Paränese: zum Verständnis der Gerichlsaussagen in Offb 14,6-13. Studien zur Johannesapokalypse. SBAB 29: 2000 =>6085. 228-259. Mazzinghi, Luca La vendemmia e la mietitura (Ap 14,6-20). PaVi 14/4 (2000) 33-38. Biguzzi, Giancar/o 11 settenario delle coppe e l'idolatria della bestia (Ap 15-16). PaVi 14/5 (2000) 8-15. Gamberoni, Giovanni "II canto di Mose, servo di Dio, e i1 canto dell'Agnello" (Ap 15,3a): continuita dei Testamenti e rilettura liturgica di Salmi. FFESTORAZZI, F. SRivBib 36: 2000 =>38. 129-44 [Dt 32]. Montagnini, Felice La prostituta condannata (Ap 17); Orsatti, Mauro II lamento sulla caduta di Babilonia (Ap 18); Heller, Karin II canto di nozze dell'agnello e la vittoria del Messia (Ap 19). PaVi 14/5 (2000) 16-23/24-31132-37. Longenecker, Bruce W. Revelation 19,10: one verse in search of an author. ZNW 91(2000)230-237.
G2.7 Millenniarismus, Apc 20„. 6253 Milenarismos y milenaristas en la Europa medieval. 1999 =>15,6338. RAEM 30 (2000) 1196-1199 (Hernando, Maxima Diago).
G2.7 Millenarianism; Apocalypse 20...
6254 Baumgartner, Frederic J. Longing for the end: a history ofmillennialism in westem civilization. 1999 =>15,6313. RCHR 86 (2000) 300-301 (Garrett, Clarke). 6255 Eßock, Darren L. Three views on the millennium and beyond. GR 1999, Zondervan 330 pp. $17. 6256 Burton, Keith A. The millennium: transition to the final aeon. AUSS 38 (2000) 207-222. 6257 Chopineau, Jacques Les temps derniers: duree symbolique et nombre-racine-un aspect de l'usage des nombres dans la bible. Analecta Bruxellensia 5 (2000) 49-71. 6258 Contreras Molina, Francisco La nueva Jerusalen: esperanza de la iglesia. 1998 =>14,5696; 15,6319. REstB 58 (2000) 285-286 (Rodriguez Ruiz, M). 6259 Filoramo, Giovanni Memory and the metamorphosis of apocalyptic time in an Italian millenarian movement: the case of Davide LAZZAREITI and his followers; 6260 Fried, Johannes Awailing lhe:: lasl days ... mylh and disenchantment; 6261 Hazani, Moshe Apocalypticism, symbolic breakdown and paranoia: an application ofLifton's model to the death-rebirth fantasy; 6262 Heine, Peter I am not the Mahdi, but ...... Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: 2000 =>497. 363-372/283-303/15-40/69-78. 6263 ELandes, Richard A. Encyclopedia of millennialism and millennial movements. NY 2000, Routledge xii; 478 pp. $125. 6264 McKelvey, R.J. The millennium and the book of Revelation. 1999 =>15,6324. Rrnst 22 (2000) 41-42 (Campbell, G.). 6265 Motzkin, Gabriel Abnormal and normal time: after the apocalypse Apocalyptic time. SHR 86: 2000 =>497. 199-214. 6266 Noratto G., Jose Alfredo Apocaliptica y mesianismos: tras la interpretaci6n del Apocalipsis de san Juan. ThX 50 (2000) 337-352. 6267 Pettegrew, Larry D. The rapture debate at the Niagara Bible Conference. BS 157 (2000) 331-347. 6268 Seibold, Jorge R. La sagrada escritura y la independencia americana: el jesuita LACUNZA y su milenarismo profätico. Strom. 56 (2000) 227-251. 6269 Vanni, Ugo L'Apocalypse est-elle millenariste. Com(F) 25/1 (2000) 107-124; RCIC 222,440-457. 6270 White, R Fowler Agony, irony, and victory in inaugurated eschatology: reflections on the current amillennial-postmillennial debate. WThJ 62 (2000) 161-176. 6271 Rossetti, Marco II millennio (Ap 20,1-21,8). PaVi 14/6 (2000) 13-19. 6272 Noce, Carla La Citta di Dio di Sant'AGOSTINO. PaVi 14/1 (2000) 4648 [Rev 20,1-6].
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[XI. Corpus Johanneum
6273 Ford, J. Massyngbaerde Millennial modesty: a study of miraculous fertility as portrayed by commentators on Apocalypse 20:4-6. Miracles in Jewish and christian antiquity. 2000 ~457. 193.-213. 6274 Hovdelien, Olav Tusenärsriket: et grunnriss av tolkningshistorien. Ung teologi 33/1 (2000) 45-53 [Rev 20,4-6]. 6275 MacLeod, David J. The fourth "last thing": the millennial Kingdom ofChrist (Rev. 20:4-6). BS 157 (2000) 44-67; 6276 The fifth "last thing": the release of Satan and man's final rebellion (Rev. 20:7-10). BS 157 (2000) 200-214. 6277 Lambrecht, Jan Final judgments and ultimate blessings: the climactic visions of Rcvclation 20,11-21,8. Hib. 81 (2000) 362-385. 6278 MacLeod, David J. Expositional studies of the seven last things' in the book ofRevelation: Rev. 20:11-15; 21,1-8. BS 157 (2000) 315330, 439-451. 6279 Philonenko, Marc La Nouvelle Jerusalem et le Vara de Yima. Die Stadt Gottes. WUNT 129: 2000 ~472. 139-146 [Rev 21-22]. 6280 Hahn, Ferdinand Das neue Jerusalem: die Darstellung der Heilsvollendung im Rahmen der Schlußvision der Johannesoffenbarung. FRoLOFF, J. 2000 ~102. 284-294 [Rev 21,1-22,5]. 6281 Reid, Duncan Setting aside the ladder to heaven: Revelation 21.122.5 from the perspective of the earth. Rea76. 53-84. 6296 Pincherle, Mario Paolo il falso: discepolo di Gesu. Diegaro (Forll Cesena) 2000, Macro 105 pp. 88-7507-?.95-7. 6297 Porter, Stanley E. Was Paul a good Jew?: fundamental issues in a current debate. Christian-Jewish relations. JSNT.S 192: 2000 :::>433. 148-174. 6298 Quesmd, Michel Paula Damas. Aux origines. 2000 :::>264. 357-361 [BuBB 30,132]. 6299 Riesner, Rainer Die Frühzeit des Apostels Paulus: Studien zur Chronologie, Missionstrategie und Theologie. WUNT 2/71: 1994 => 10,5588 ... 14,5814. RSJTh 53 (2000) 130-132 (Towner, Philip H). 6300 Paul's early period: chronology, mission strategy, and theology. 1998 :::>14,5740. RNT 42 (2000) 296-297 (Dunn, James D.G.). 6301 Roetzel, Calvin J. Paul: the man and the myth. 1998 :::>14,5742; 15,6381. RDialog 39 (2000) 156-157 (Aageson, James W.); IBSt 22 (2000) 95-96 (Campbe/l, Dennis); CBQ 62 (2000) 566-567 (Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome). 6302 Sanders, E.P. Paulus. Kampen 2000, Kok 172 pp. €13.57. 90-4350074-7 [Coll. 30,330-Hoet, Hendrik]. 6303 Terra, Joiio Evangelista Martins A vida e a obra de Säo Paulo. RCB 95/96 (2000) 9-17. 6304 Trimail/e, Michel Que sait-on de Paul aujourd'hui?. Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 307-320 [HuBB 32,43]. 6305 Vanhoye, Albert La vocazione apostolica in Paolo. Vita Consacrata 36 (2000) 229-244.
6306 6307 6308
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
Vouga, Fran~ois Chronologie paulinienne. lntroduction au NT. MoBi41:2000=>4322.131-138. Wallace, Richard; Williams, Wynne The three worlds of Paul of Tarsus. 1998 =>14,5745. RRBLit 2 (2000) 421-23 (Given, MarkD.). Wenham, David Paul: follower of Jesus or founder of Christianity?. 1995 =>1111,4500 ... 13,6094. RVJTR64 (2000) 73-75 (Raj, MI.) [l Cor 9; 1 Thess 4-5]; Paulus: Jünger Jesu oder Begründer des Christentums?. 1999 =>15, 6385. RQrdKor 41(2000)91-92 (Giesen, Heinz); EK (2000/1) 51-52 (Lohse, Eduard). Witherington, Ben The Paul quest: the renewed search for the Jew of Tarsus. 1999 =>15,6387. RSdT 13 (2000) 100-101 (Ciniello, Nino); Interp. 54 (2000) 77-78 (Gorman, Michael J.); HeyJ 41 (2000) 215-216 (Corley, Jeremy); Pacifica 13 (2000) 217-218 (Kruse, Colin J.). Wright, N. T. Paul, leader of a Jewish revolution. BiRe 16/6 (2000) 8.
G3.2 Corpus paulinum; genera/ia, technica epistularis 6312 Aageson, James W. Paul and Judaism: the apostle in the context of recent interpretation. Word and world 20 (2000) 249-256. 6313 Adams, Edward Constructing the world: a study in Paul's cosmological language. Studies of the NT and its world: E 2000, Clark xx; 300 pp. $50. 0-567-08689-5. Bibi. RWiWei 63 (2000) 136-137 (Klauck, Hans-Josef); Theol. 103 (2000) 368-69 (Horrell, David G.). 6314 Agustu, Efruin The politics of commcndation. SBL.SP 2000. SBL. SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 415-435. 6315 Akenson, Donald Harman Saint Saul: a skeleton key to the historical Jesus. NY 2000, OUP x; 346 pp. $27.50. 0-19-514157-1 [BiTod 39, 123-Senior, Donald]. 6316 Badiou, Alain Saint Paul, fondateur du sujet universel. ETR 75 (2000) 323-333. 6317 Barbaglio, Giuseppe Paolo: i suoi scritti e le scritture. RStB 12 (2000) 189-227. 6318 Bony, P. San Pablo: el evangelio 'sin ley'. Bilbao 2000, Mensajero 224 pp. 84-271-2313-2 [EstAg 35,401s-Cineira, D.A.]. 6319 Briggs, Sheila Paul on bondage and freedom in imperial Roman society. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000=>112. 110-123. 6320 Bruun, Lars Kjaer Naervaerets (u)mulighed: Paulus og brevgenren i spaendingsfeltet mellem tale og skrift [The (im)possibility of presence: Paul and the letter genre between speech and writing]. Diss. Aarhus 2000 [StTh 55, 107].
G3.2 The Pauline corpus
6321 6322 6323 6324 6325 6326 6327
6330 6331 6332 6333
Clabeaux, John J. Paul and christian imagination. BiTod 38 (2000) 283-288. Classen, Carl Joachim Paul's epistles and ancient Greek and Roman rhetoric ; Paul and the terminology of ancient Greek rhetoric . Rhetorical criticism. WUNT 128: 2000 =>145. 1-28/29-44. Dahl, Nils Alstrup Welche Ordnung der Paulusbriefe wird vom Muratonischen Kanon vorausgesetzt? ; The origin ofthe earliest prologues to the Pauline letters ; 0230 (=PSI 1306) and the fourth century Greek-Latin edition of the letters of Paul ; The particularity of the Pauline epistles as a problem in the ancient church. Studies in Ephesians . WUNT 131: 2000 =>147. 147163/179-209/211-230/165-178. Dodd, Brian J. Paul's paradigmatic 'I': personal example as literary strategy. JSNT.S 177: 1999 =>15,6399. RSalm. 47 (2000) 168-171 (Trevijano, Ram6n); ABR 48 (2000) 89-90 (Watson, Nigel M); ThLZ 127 (2002) 517-518 (Vollenweider, Samuel). Downing, F. Gerald Cynics, Paul and the Pauline churches: Cynics and christian origins 11. 1998 =>14,5752. RBZ 44 (2000) '27 l-'273 (Sehmeiler, Thomas). Elliott, Neil Paul and the politics of empire: problems and prospects. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 =>112. 17-39. Fabris, Rinaldo Per leggere Paolo. TPahk, Johan Yeong-Sik Seoul 2000, St. Pauls 275 pp. 89-8015-412-7. K. Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schüssler Paul and the politics of interpretation. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 ;:;;;> 112. 40-,'ff Gamba, Giuseppe Giovanni II carteggio tra Seneca e San Paolo: il 'problema' deUa sua autenticita. MVATilONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 15,94. 175-216. Güting, Eberhard W.; Mealand, David L. Asyndeton in Paul: a text-critical and statistical enquiry into Pauline style. SBEC 39: 1998 =>14,5754. RcBQ 62 (2000) 354-355 (Clabeaux, JohnJ.). Harvey, John D. Listening to the text: oral patteming in Paul's Letters. ETS Studies 1: 1998 =>14,5756; 15,6402. RCBQ 62 (2000) 142143 (Jaquette, James L.); TrinJ 21 (2000) 221-225 (Luter, Boyd); BiTr 50 (1999) 350-352 (Thomas, Kenneth J.); RBLit 2 (2000) 412415 (Ramsaran, Rol/in A. ). EHawthorne, Gerald F„ al., Dizionario di Paolo e delle sue lettere. 1999 =>15,6403. REE 75 (2000) 133-135 (Busto, J.R.); SdT 12 (2000) 192-193 (Ciniello, Nino); RAMi 69 (2001) 607-609 (Pedrini, Arnaldo).
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6337 Heil, Johannes Kompilation oder Konstruktion?: die Juden in den Pauluskommentaren des 9. Jahrhunderts. 1998 =>14,5757. RFrancia 27/1 (2000) 307-309 (Contreni, John J.); Aevum 74 (2000) 605-606 (Potesta, Gian Luca). 6338 Horrell, David G. An introduction to the study of St. Paul. Continuum Biblical studies: NY 2000, Continuum x; 145 pp. 0-8264-4921-2. Bibl. 135-140. 6339 Hughes, Frank W. The rhetoric ofletters; 6340 Tue social situations implied by rhetoric. The Thessalonians debate. 2000 =>255. 194-240/241-254. 6341 Jabloiiski, Ludwig Specyfika funkcyjna rzeczownikowych samookreslen Sw. Pawla w jego listach [La specificite fonctionnelle des autodeterminations nominales de saint Paul dans ses lettres]. Diss. Lublin 2000, 0 Langkammer, H 256 pp [RTL 32,602]. 6342 Judge, Edwin A. Tue impact of Paul's gospel on ancient society; 6343 Köstenberger, Andreas J. Women in the Pauline mission. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 297-308/221-247. 6344 Kreitzer, Larry Joseph Pauline images in fiction and film: on reversing the henneneutical flow. BiSe 61: 1999 =>15,6408. RRRT 7 (2000) 287-288 (Ortiz, Gaye). 6345 Ugasse, Simon Paul et les Juifs. Mfusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 =>40. 215-226. 6346 Lim, Timothy II. Iloly Scripture in the Qumran commentaries and Pauline letters. 1997 =>13,6111... 15,6412. RRB 107 (2000) 300-301 (Murphy-O'Connor, J.); RBLit 2 (2000) 418-421 (Wagner, J. Ross). 6347 Lindemann, Andreas Paulus, Apostel und Lehrer der Kirche: Studien zu Paulus und zum frühen Pnulusverstöndni3. 1999 => 15, 147. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1160-1161 (Becker, Jürgen). 6348 Lohse, Eduard Petrus und Paulus. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 144-159. 6349 Müller, Markus Vom Schluss zum Ganzen: zur Bedeutung des paulinischen Briefkorpusabschlusses. FRLANT 172: 1996 => 12, 5847; 14,5771. RRBLit 1 (1999) 347-351 (Weima, Jeffrey A.D.). 6350 Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm Die Paulusbriefsammlung. Grundinformation NT. UTB.W 2108: 2000 =>305. 196-293. 6351 Pelser, Gert M Dualistiese antropologie by Paulus?. HTS 56 (2000) 409-439. 6352 Perriman, Andrew Speaking of women: interpreting Paul 1998 :::;. 14,5776. RET 110 (1998-1999) 1-2 (Rodd, C.S.). 6353 Reed, Jeffrey T. Language ofchange and the changing oflanguage: a sociolinguistic approach to Pauline discourse. Diglossia. JSNT.S 193; Studies in NT Greek 63: 2000 =>313. 121-153.
G3.2 Tue Pauline corpus
6354 Ries, J., al., Le epistole paoline nei Manichei, i Donatisti e il primo AGOSTINO. Sussidi patristici 5: R 22000 , lstituo Patristico Augustinianum 198 pp. 6355 Schreiner, Thomas R. Interpreting the Pauline epistles. Guides to NT Exegesis 5: GR 2000, Baker 167 pp. 0-8010-8302-8. 6356 Strom, Mark Reframing Paul: conversations in grace & community. DG, IL 2000, InterVarsity 255 pp. 0-8308-1570-8. Bibl. 244-247. 6357 Terra, Jofio Evangelista Martins As cartas de Säo Paulo; 6358 As grandes epistolas; 6359 As epistolas do cativeiro. RCB 95/96 {2000) 5-8/27-79/80-109. 6360 Trocme, Etienne Paul, fondateur du christianisme?. Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 390-399 [BuBB 30,132] [Acts 10,1-11,18]. 6361 Tronier, Henrik Abenbaring, hirnmelrejse og opstandelse hos Paulus: en skitse til et afinytologiseringsprogram. [Bultmann, R.]. DTT 6311 (2000) 36-63. 6362 Vouga, Fran9ois Le corpus paulinien. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 139-156. 6363 Wanamaker, Charles A. Epistolary vs. rhetorical analysis: is a synthesis possible?. The Thessalonians debate. 2000 =>255. 255-286.
a3.3 Pauli theologia 6364 Alonso Diaz, Jose La mujer: perspectiva de los escritos paulinos. BiFe 26 (2000) 469-488. 6365 Backhaus, Knut Evan&elium als Lebensraum: Christologie und Rthik bei Paulus. FHÜBNER, H. 2000 =>54. 9-31; . 6366 'Mitteilhaber des Evangeliums' (l Kor 9,23): zur christologischen Grundlegung einer 'Paulus-Schule' bei Paulus. Christologie in der Paulus-Schule. SBS 181: 2000 =>327. 44-71. 6367 Barbaglio, Giuseppe La teologia di Paolo: abbozzi in forma epistolare. 1999 =>15,6433. RSdT 13 (2000) 101-102 (Ciniello, Nina); EstTrin 34 (2000) 545-546 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime); LASBF 50 (2000) 563-567 (Buscemi, Alfio Marcello); CivCatt 151/4 (2000) 510-512 (Scaiola, D.). 6368 Bendemann, Reinhard von 'Frühpaulinisch' und / oder 'spätpaulinisch'?: Erwäenngen zu der These einer Entwicklung der paulinischen Theologie am Beispiel des Gesetzesverständnisses. EvTh 60 (2000) 210-229. 6369 Berciano Villa/ihre, Modesto Esperando su venida: comentarios heideggerianos de escatologfa paulina. NatGrac 47 (2000) 429-459. 6370 Betz, Hans Dieter The human being in the antagonisms of life according to the apostle Paul. JR 80 (2000) 557-575;
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6371 The concept ofthe 'inner human being' (6 taco av0pconoc;) in the anthropology ofPaul. NTS 46 (2000) 315-341. 6372 Bovon, Franfois Israel in der Theologie des Apostels Paulus. Israel als Gegenüber. 2000 =>444. 125-139. 6373 Burgos Nuiiez, M. de Pablo, predicador ·de"l evangelio. 1999 => 15, 6436. RCTom 127 (2000) 187-188 (Huarte Osacar, Juan). 6374 Buscemi, A.M. Gli inni di Paolo: una sinfonia a Christo Signore. SBFA 48: J 2000, SBF 189 pp [Phil 2,6-11; Eph 1,3-14; 2,14-18; Col l,15-20]. 6175 Rutting, Klara Pauline variations on Genesis 2.24: speaking of the body ofChrist in the context ofthe discussions oflifestyles. JSNT 79 (2000) 79-90. 6376 Cho, Gwang-Ho Die Vorstellung und Bedeutung von 'Jerusalem' bei Paulus. Diss. Bethel 2000, 0 vouga, F. [RTL 32,601]. 6377 Cöte, Julienne L'eclosion du christianisme: voyage au pays de l'apötre Paul. P 2000, Cerf 506 pp.; 6378 Cent mots-cles de la theologie de Paul. Quebec 2000, Novalis 503 pp. €29.87. 2-89507-089-X [NThAR 2000,340]. 6379 Daniel/, Anne The spiritual body: incarnations of Pauline and Butlerian embodiment themes for constuctive theologizing toward the parousia. JFSR 16/1 (2000) 5-22. 6380 De Lorenzi, Carlo Paolo: la gratuita dell'annuncio. PSV 42 (2000) 131-141. 6381 Dunn, Jurnes D.G. The Jew Paul and his meaning for Israel. FHÜBNER, H. 2000 =>54. 32-46. 6382 Dunn, James D.G. The theology of Paul the apostle. 1998 =>14. 5800; 15,6446. RAnton. 75 (2000) 159-161 (Nobile, Marco); EE 75 (2000) 569-572 (Pastor-Ramos, Federico); ET 110 (1998-1999) 14 (Proctor, John); 6383 La teologia dell'apostolo Paolo. 1999 =>15,6445. RSal. 62 (2000) 578-579 (Heriban, J.); RivBib 48 (2000) 484-486 (Barbaglio, Giuseppe); RivBib 48 (2000) 488-489 (Segalla, Giuseppe). 6384 Eisenbaum, Pamela Paulas the new Abraham. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 =>112. 130-145. 6385 Ellis, E. Earle Performed traditions and their implications for Pauline christology. fCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 =>25. 303-320. 6386 Fatehi, Mehrdad The Spirit's relation to the risen Lord in Paul: an examination of its christological implications. WUNT 2/128: Tü 2000, Mohr S. xvi; 375 pp. 3-16-147371-X. Bibi. 335-353. 6387 Fee, Gordon D. Gender issues: reflections on the perspective of the apostle Paul. Listening to the Spirit. 2000 (1999) =>155. 56-76; 6388 Paul and the Trinity: the experience of Christ and the Spirit for Paul's understanding ofGod. The Trinity. 2000 =>503. 49-72.
G3.3 Paul's theology
6389 Frazier, William B. Reconciliation rediscovered: the unfolding of a doctrine and a sacrament. Liturgical ministry 9/4 (2000) 196-207. 6390 Fredriksen, Paula Allegory and reading God's book: Paul and AUGUSTINE on the destiny of Israel. Interpretation and allegory. 2000 =:> 451. 125-149. 6391 Gager, John G. Reinventing Paul. NY 2000, OUP x; 198 pp. $25. 019-513474-5 [BiTod 39,57-Senior, Donald]. 6392 Galot, Jean La parusia nell'epistolario paolino. CivCatt 151/4 (2000) 431-443. 6393 Gaukesbrink., Martin Die Sühnetradition bei Paulus: Rezeption und theologischer Stellenwert. 1999 =:>15,6453. RThPQ 148 (2000) 91-93 (Niemand, Christoph); ThLZ 125 (2000) 401-404 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 77-81] (Hojius, Otfried). 6394 Gielen, Marlis Grundzüge paulinischer Anthropologie im Licht des eschatologischen Heilsgeschehens in Jesus Christus. ffiTh 15 (2000) 117-147. 6395 Gieniusz, Andrzej "Identity markers" o "solus Christus" quale posta in gioco nella dottrina della giustificazione per fede in Paolo?. ED 5313 (2000) 7-27. 6396 Gignac, Alain Paul le passeur, hier et aujourd'hui: pedagogie rhetorique et lectura initiatique. ScEs 52 (2000) 61-85. 6397 Gonzalez Faus, Jose Jgnacio Jesus y Pablo: reino de Dios y justificaci6n por la fe. SalTer 88 (2000) 833-840. 6398 Gonzalcz Ruiz, Jose Maria La cruz en Pablo: su eclipse hist6rico. Sdr 2000, Sal Terrae 134 pp. €5.41. 84-293-1356-7 [ActBib 38,67Fondevila, J.M.l. 6399 Gonzalez Ruiz, Jose Maria Arbitraje de San Pablo para el diälogo oflcial cat6lico-luterano. TE 44 (2000) 5-22. 6400 Gräbe, Petrus J. The power of God in Paul's letters. WUNT 21123: Tü 2000, Mohr S. xiii; 305 pp. 3-16-147372-8. Bibi. 269-284. 6401 Hecke!, Ulrich Gottes Allmacht und Liebe: paulinische Überlegungen zur Theodizee-Problematik. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 237-242. 6402 Hillert, Sven Hilding Limited and universal salvation: a textoriented and hermeneutical study oftwo perspectives in Paul (Saint). Diss. Uppsala 2000, 272 pp. . 6403 Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm Kyrios und Pneuma bei Paulus. 'HÜBNER, H. 2000 =:>54. 59-75. 6404 Horrell, David G. "No longer Jew or Greek": Paul's corporate christology and the construction of christian community. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 =:>25. 321-344. 6405 Hotze, Gerhard Paradoxien bei Paulus: Untersuchungen zu einer elementaren Denkform in seiner Theologie. NTA 33: 1997 =:>13,
6409 6410 6411
6415 6416
6417 6418 6419
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6156„. 15,6458. RThRv 96 (2000) 475-480 (Hübner, Hans); RBLit 2 (2000) 415-418 (Dehsen, Christian D. von). Janse, S. Paulus en Jeruzalem: een onderzoek naar de heilshistorische betekenis van Jeruzalem in de brieven van Paulus: met bijzondere aandacht voor de achterliggende tradities en de hermeneutische implicaties. Diss. Utrecht 2000, 0 Van der Horst, P. W Zoetermeer 2000, Boekencentrum 496 pp. €34. 9023907019. Eng. sum. [NThAR 2000,312]. Jewett, Robert Saint Paul returns to the movies: triumph over shame. 1999 =>15,6461. RThTo 57 (2000) 142, 144-145 (Bowman, Donna); SvTK 76 (2000) 157-158 (Grenholm, Cristina). Julius, Christiane-Barbara Die ausgeführten Schrifttypologien bei Paulus. EHS.T 668: Fra 1999, Lang 373 pp. 3-631-35079-1. Bibi. 347-373. Kertelge, Karl Christologie bei Paulus. Christologie in der PaulusSchule. SBS 181: 2000 -?327. 37-43. Kollmann, Bernd Paulus als Wundertäter. FHÜBNER, H. 2000 =>54. 76-96. Koluthara, Varghese Law-a liberating reality in the Pauline writings andin the Yanjnavalkya smrti. FPATIIRAPANKAL, J. 2000 =>85. 437-468. Labahn, Antje; Labahn, Michael Jesus als Sohn Gottes bei Paulus: eine soteriologische Grundkonstante der paulinischen Christologie. FHORNRR, H. 2000 :::::>54. 97-120. . Lohse, Eduard "Die Juden zuerst und ebenso die Griechen". Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 :::::>183. 117-128 [Rom 1,16]. Matand Bulcmbat, Jcan-Bosco Noyau et enjeux de l'eschatologie paulinienne: etudes rhetorico-exegetique de 1 Co 15,35-58; 2 Co 5,110 et Rm 8,18-30. BZNW 84: 1997 =>13,6170 ... 15,6478. RcrSt 21 (2000) 707-709 (Barbaglio, Giuseppe); RBLit 2 (2000) 411-412 (Vos, Johan S.). Mount, Christopher Pauline christianity. NT.S 104: Lei 2000, Brill x; 207 pp. 90-04-12472-1. Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome 'Even death on a cross': crucifixion in the Pauline letters. Tue cross in christian tradition. 2000 ~506. 2150. Müller, Magens Christus als Schlüssel der biblischen Hermeneutik des Paulus. FHÜBNER, H. 2006 =>54. 121-139. Nardi, Carlo Paolo: la giustificazione nell'esegesi patristica. La bibbia nei padri della chiesa. Letture patristiche 8: 2000 =>304. 123-63. Nikopoulos, Vassilios The legal thought of St. Paul in his central teaching onjustification. DBM 19/2 (2000) 84-132. G.
G3.3 Paul's theology
6420 Olson, Jon C. Which differences are blessed?: from Peter's vision to Paul's letters. JES 37 (2000) 455-460. 6421 Oslic, Josip HEIDEGGEROVI rani pristupi Pavlovu razumijevanju 'prakr~canske religioznosti' [Heidegger's early approaches to Paul's understanding of 'primitive christian religiosity']. BoSm 70 (2000) 65-94 Sum. 94. Croatian. 6422 Penna, Romano Paul the apostle: a theological and exegetical study. TWahl, Thomas P. 1996 2 vols =>12,5904; 13,6174. RRBLit 1 (1999) 341-343 (Given, Mark D.). 6423 Plevnik, Joseph Paul and the parousia: an exegetical and theological investigation. 1997 =>13,6176. RSBET 18 (2000) 207-208 (Carson, Marion L.S.). 6424 Riches, John Gerechtigkeit-Gesetz-Christus. FHOBNER, H. 2000 =>54. 140-158. 6425 Ridderbos, Hernan El pensamiento del ap6stol Pablo. BA 2000, Desafio 779 pp. 6426 Schneider, Nelio 'Cristo Jesus, o qual se tomou sebedoria de Deus para n6s, isto e, Justica, Santi54. 220245. 6432 Stuhlmacher, Peter Eschatology and hope in Paul. EvQ 72 (2000) 315-333. 6433 Taubes, Jacob La teologia pulilica di San Paolo. EAssmann, Alejda; Assmann, Jan; TDal Santo, Petra Mi 1997, Adelphi 240 pp. f.24.79. RfilTeo 14/1(2000)208-210 (Cuniberto, Flavlo). 6434 Thuren, Lauri Toumas Derhctorizing Paul: a dynamic perspective on Pauline theology and the law. WUNT 124: Tü 2000, Mohr ix (2); 213 pp. €70.56. 3-16-147290-X. Bibl. 6435 Vanhoye, Albert Coherencia e incoherencia en San Pablo. De la escritura. 2000 =>460. 49-63.
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6436 Vanlandingham, Christopher Kayle ' ... According to each one's deeds': the criteria and function of judgment by works in light of God's mercy as it relates to early Jewish and Pauline conceptions of etemal salvation. Diss. lowa 2000, 446 pp. 9996172. 6437 Vignolo, Roberto La fede portata da Cristo: 7tt54. 246-271. 6440 Wan, Sze-Kar Collection for the saints as anticolonial act: implications of Paul's ethnic reconstruction. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 => 112. 191-215. 6441 Watson, Francis The triune divine identity: reflections on Pauline God-language, in disagreement with J.D.G. Dunn. JSNT 80 (2000) 99-124. 6442 Wiles, Virginia Making sense of Paul: a basic introduction to Pauline theology. Macon, GA 2000, Hendrickson xiii; 160 pp. $17. 1-56563-117-X. Bibi. 6443 Williams, David John Paul's metaphors: thcir contcxt and chnracter. 1999 =>15,6504. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 238-239 (Cloutier, Barbara); CBQ 62 (2000) 769-770 (Pi/eh, John J.). 6444 Willi-Plein, Ina Zu A. Behrens, Gen 15,6 und das Vorverständnis des Paulus, ZAW 109 (1997), 327-341. ZAW 112 (2000) 396-397. 6445 Witherington III, Ben Paul's narrative thought world: the tapestry of tragedy and triumph. 1994 =>10,5591... 12,5924. RVJTR 64 (2000) 75-77 (Raj, MI.). 6446 Wright, N. T. Paul's gospel and Caesar's empire. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 =>112. 160-183.
G3.4 Pauli stylus et modus operandi-Paul's image
6447 Castelli, Elizabeth A. lmitating Paul, a discourse ofpower. 1991 => 7 ,5112 ... 10,5662. RVJTR 64 (2000) 72-73 (Raj, MI.). 6448 Eisenbaum, Pamela M Is Paul the father ofmisogyny and antisemitism?. CrossCur 50 (2000) 506-524. 6449 Havemann, Daniel Der Apostel der Rache: NIETZSCHES Deutung des Apuslt:ls 'Paulus'. Diss. Greifswald 2000/01, 0 m!debrandt, B. [ThRv 98/4, viii]. 6450 Legasse, Simon L'antipaulinisme sectaire au temps des peres de l'eglise. CRB 47: P 2000, Gabalda 94 pp. €16. 2-85021-120-6.
G3.4 Paul's image
6452 6453 6454
6455 6456
Malina, Bruce J.; Nerey, Jerome H. Portraits of Paul: an archaeology of ancient personality. 1996 => 12,5940„. 14,6511. RRB 107 (2000) 294-297 (Murphy-O'Connor, J.); SVTQ 44 (2000) 35-60 (Stramara, Daniel F.); RBLit 1 (1999) 333-337 (Elliott, John H.). Polaski, Sandra Hack Paul and the discourse of power. BiSe 62: 1999 =>15,6513. RCBQ 62 (2000) 760-761 (Wiley, Tatha). Tassin, Claude Saint Paul et les medias. Spiritus 41 (2000) 434-444. Walton, Steve Leadership and lifestyle: the portrait of Paul in the Miletus speech and 1 Thessalonians. MSSNTS 108: C 2000, CUP xiv; 256 pp. 0-521-78006-3. Bibi. [Acts 20,17-38]. Wright, Nicbolas T. What Saint Paul really said. 1997 =>13,6205; 14,5865. RRBLit 1 (1999) 343-345 (Orr, Mary C.); Che cosa ha veramente detto Paolo. PBT 48: 1999 =>15,6514. RSdT 13 (2000) 97-100 (Ciniello, Nina); Protest. 55 (2000) 141-142 (Ronchi, Sergio).
G3.5 Apostolus Gentium [=>G4.6, Israel et Lex/Jews & Law] 6457 Alvarez Cineira, David Die Religionspolitik des Kaisers CLAUDIUS und die paulinische Mission. 1999=>15,6515. RThRv 96 (2000) 299302 (Backhaus, Knut). 6458 Barnett, Paul W. Jewish mission in the era ofthe New Testament and the apostle Paul. FQ'BRIEN, P. 2000 :::::>82. 263-283. 6459 Baslez, Marie-Franr;oise Paul et Barnabe, apötres de Chypre. Aux origines. 2000 -:>264. 378-382 [BuBB 30, 131]. 6460 Beckheuer, Burkhard Paulus und Jerusalem: Kollekte und Mission im theologischen Denken des Heidenapostels. Diss. Göttingen 1996/97, 0 Lohse, E. EHS.T 611: Fra 1998, Lang 287 pp. €42.95. 3631-32093-0. 6461 Ben-Chorin, Schalom Paul, un regard juif sur l'apötre des gentils. 1999 =>15,6516. Rpy 99 (2000) 96-98 (Giniewski, Pauf); RSPhTh 84 (2000) 554-555 (Cerbelaud, Dominique). 6462 Bernard, Ch.A. San Paolo mistico e apostolo. CinB 2000, San Paolo 94 pp. €6.20 [RdT 41,159]. 6463 Boyarin, Daniel A radical Jew: Paul and the politics of identity. 1994 :::::>10,5677.„ 13,6212. RRSPhTh 84 (2000) 557-559 (Cerbelaud, Dominique). 6464 Carson, Donald A. Paul's mission and prayer. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 --:> 82. 175-184. 6465 Chae, Daniel Jong-Sang Paul as apostle to the gentiles: his apostolic self-awareness and its influence on the soteriological argument in
6466 6467 6468
6470 6471
6473 6474
6476 6477 6478
6479 6480
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
Romans. Carlisle 1997, Paternoster xiv; 378 pp. f'.25. RRBLit 1 (1999) 352-354 (Campbe/l, William S.). Frankemölle, Hubert Die Rolle des Paulus für das Christentum. Lebendige Welt. 2000 =>261. 132-137. Goldsworthy, Graeme Biblical theology and the shape of Paul's mission. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 7-18. Gonzalez M, Jose Luis Claves para occidente: Pablo de Tarso y su aporte a la formaci6n del imaginario cultural. La genealogia del cristianismo. 2000 =>363. 158-195. Hafemann, Scott 'Because ofweakness' (Galatians 4:13): the role of suffering in the mission of Paul. FQ'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 131-146 [= The mission ofthe early church. WUNT 127: 2000 =>226. 165-184]. Klutz, Todd E. Paul and the development of Gentile christianity. The earlychristian world, 1. 2000 =>256. 168-197 [BuBB 36,116]. Kraus, Wolfgang Zwischen Jerusalem und Antiochia: die 'Hellenisten', Paulus und die Aufnahme der Heiden in das endzeitliche Gottesvolk. SBS 179: 1999 =>15,6526. RThPQ 148 (2000) 207-208 (Niemand, Christoph); ThLZ 125 (2000) 630-631 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 72-74]; (Mell, Ulrich) ITS 37 (2000) 350-352 (Legrand, L.). Krug, Johannes Die Kraft des Schwachen: ein Beitrag zur paulinischen Apostolatstheologie. Diss. Heidelberg 2000-2001, 0 Berger, K. [RTL 32,603]. Kruse, Co/in G. Ministry in the wake of Paul's mission. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 205-220. Lohse, Eduard St. Pete1's apustlt:ship in tht: jut.lgt:mt:nl of St. Paul, the apostle to the gentiles: an exegetical contribution to an ecumenical debate. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 129-143. Longenecker, Richard N 'What does it matter?': priorilit:s ant.l lht: adiaphora in Paul's dealing with opponents in his mission. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 147-160. Peerbolte, L.J. Lietaert Paulus en zijn zending. NedThT 54 (2000) 112-124. Peterson, David G. Maturity: the goal ofmission. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 185-204. Scho/tissek, Klaus Paulus als Lehrer: eine Skizze zu den Anfängen der Paulus-Schule. Christologie in der Paulus-Schule. SBS 181: 2000 =>327. 11-36. Seccombe, David The story of Jesus and the missionary strategy of Paul. FQ'DRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 115-129. Seung, Ho Lee Die Mission des Paulus: forschungsgeschichtliche Studien zu den anerkannten paulinischen Briefen. Diss. Erlangen 2000, 0 Merk [RTL 32,605].
G3.5 Apusllt: ufthe Gentiles
Thompson, Mark D. The missionary apostle and modern systematic affinnation. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 365-382. 6482 White, John Lee The apostle of God: Paul and the promise of Abraham. 1999 =>15,6530. RJThS 51 (2000) 675-680 (Longenecker, Bruce W.). 6483 Winter, Bruce W. Dangers and difficulties for the Pauline missions. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 285-295. 6481
G3.6 Paulifundamentum philosophicum [=>G4.3] et morale 6484 Agamben, Giorgio Le temps qui reste: un commentaire de l'Epitre aux Romains. Bibliotheque Rivages: P 2000, Payot 271 pp. €18.29. 2-7436-0686-X. 6485 Alvarez Verdes, Lorenzo Caminar en el Espiritu: el pensamiento etico de S. Pablo. Quaestiones Morales 12: R 2000, Editiones Academiae Alphonsianae 544 pp. €28.41. RStMor 38 (2000) 577-58'1 ( Vidal, Marciano ). 6486 Aune, David Charles Pnul nnd thc pnssions: mornl disintcgrntion in the religious other. ProcGLM 20 (2000) 17-32. 6487 Bolt, Peter G. The philosopher in the hands of an angry God. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 327-343. 6488 Brenk, Frederick E. Deum. .. comitari: retorica, virtU e progresso in SENECA e Paolo. Aevum Antiquum 13 (2000) 87-112. 6489 Carter, Timothy L. Paul and the power of sin: redefining 'beyond the pale'. MSSNTS 115: C 2000, CUP xiv; 241 pp. 0-521-81041-8. 6490 Downing, F. Gerald Le probleme du choix de l'intertexte: Paul s'oppose-t-il radicalement ou superficiellement a la culture de son temps?. Intertextualites. 2000 =>481. 237-250. 6491 Engberg-Pedersen, Troels Paul and the Stoies. Diss. Copenhagen 2000, E 2000, Clark xi; 435 pp. f20. 05670-87123. RPIBA 23 (2000) 92-94 (6 Floinn, Gerard); DTT 63 (2000) 267-280 (Hyldahl, Niels). 6492 Gibson, Richard J. Paul and the evangelization ofthe Stoies. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 309-326. 6493 Heyer, Cornelis J. den Paul: a man oftwo worlds. L 2000, SCM vii; 11?. pp $?.9 0-114-0?.756-X. 6494 Hjort, Birgitte Graakjaer The irreversible sequence: Paul's ethics: their foundation and present relevance. Fra 2000, Lang 216 pp. 3631-37026-1. Bibi. 193-216. 6495 Joubert, Stephan Paul as benefactor: reciprocity, strategy and theological reflection in Paul's collection. WUNT 2/124: Tü 2000, Mohr xiv; 248 pp. €50.11. 3-16-147346-9. Bibi.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6496 Knust, Jennifer Wright The politics of virtue and vice in the Pauline epistles. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 :::>487. 436-451. 6497 Lohse, Eduard Die Berufung auf das Gewissen in der paulinischen Ethik ; 6498 Changes of thought in Pauline theology?: some reflections on Paul's ethical teaching in the context of his theology . Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 :::>183. 53-63/75-88. 6499 Mara, Maria Grazia L'epistolario apocrifo de SENECA e San Paolo. Aevum Antiquum 13 (2000) 41-54. 6500 Margerie, Bertrand de NEWMAN on the conversion of St Paul. Month 33 (2000) 151-153. 6501 Matlock, R. Barry Unveiling the apocalyptic Paul: Paul's interpreters and the rhetoric of criticism. JSNT.S 127: 1996 :::>12,5969; 13, 6229. RRBLit 1 (1999) 337-340 (Elliott, Neil). 6502 Schoedel, William R. Same-sex eros: Paul and the Greco-Roman tradition. Homosexuality, science, and ... scripture. 2000 :::>231. 43-72. 6503 Tucket!, Christopher M Paul, scripture and ethics: some reflections. NTS 46 (2000) 403-424. 6504 Vidal, Marciano Caminar en el Espiritu: el pensamiento etico de S. Pablo. MoraJia 23 (2000) 473-480. 6505 Warne, Graham John Hebrew perspectives on the human person in the Hellenistic era: PHILO and Paul. 1995 :::>11/1,4653; 12,5974. RRBLit 1(1999)426-428 (Sterling, Gregory E.).
G3.7 Pauli communitates et spiritualitas 6506 Copan, Victor Pauline imitation and the contempporary practice of spiritual direction: an analysis of the imitation of Paul with implications in applications to the practice of spiritual direction today. Diss. Wien 2000/01, 0 Heine, S. [ThRv 98/4, xiv]. 6507 Dauer, Anton Paulus und die christliche Gemeinde im syrischen Antiochia. 1996 :::>14,5199. RThR65 (2000) 331-32 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 6508 De Vos, Craig Steven Church and community conflicts: the relationships of the Thessalonian, Corinthian, and Philippian churches with their wider civic communities. SBL.DS 168: 1999 :::>15,6550. RCBQ 62 (2000) 750-752 (Ascough, Richard S.). 6509 Fee, Gordon D. Some reflections on Pauline spirituality ; 6510 The Holy Spirit and worship in the Pauline churches. Listening to the Spirit. 2000 :::>155. 33-47/91-104. 6511 Gebauer, Roland Paulus als Beter: exegetische Anmerkungen zur Praxis des Gebets im christlichen Leben und im pastoralen Dienst. ThFPr 26/2 (2000) 139-153.
G3.7 Paul's communities and spirituality
6512 Helewa, Giovanni Vita interiore e impegno apostolico nell'esperienza di San Paolo. RVS 54 (2000) 606-619. 6513 Kuschnerus, Bernd Die Gemeinde als Brief: exegetische und hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur kommenden Funktion der Metaphorik bei Paulus. Diss. Marburg 2000, 0 Schunack, G. [RTL 32,603]. 6514 Lattanzio, Marcelo La vida cristiana a la luz de la parusia. De la escritura. 2000 =>460. 11-37. 6515 Lin, Rong-Hua Jefferson Paul: deviant or reformer of Judaism?: a study of Jewish and christian identity in Asia Minor. Diss. Fort Worth 2000, 0 corley, B. 198 PP [RTL 32,603; 9991295]. 6516 Macdonald, Margaret Y. Tue Paulinc churchcs. 1988 =>4,5296 ... 8, 5521. RThR 65 (2000) 300-301 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 6517 Malik, Debora K. The quest for unity-in-diversity: identity and growth in Paul, Erikson, and the churches of Santapan Rohani Indonesia. Diss. Roston lTniv. 2000, 240 pp. 9972178. 6518 Martinez, Ernest R. La vita cristiana e la spiritualita secondo San Paolo. R 42000, E.P.U.G. 161 pp. Bibi. 6519 Meeks, Wayne A. Urchristentum und Stadtkultur: die soziale Welt der paulinischen Gemeinden. 1993 => 13,6248. RThR 65 (2000) 295298 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 6520 Meier, Hans-Christoph Mystik bei Paulus: zur Phänomenologie religiöser Erfahrung im Neuen Testament. TANZ 26: 1998 =>14,5902. RThLZ 125 (2000) 760-76:1 [Rng. RTLit 2/3 (?.000) 76-80] (Wischmeyer, Oda). 6521 Merk, Otto Gemeinde-Fürbitte-Mission: Aspekte ihrer Zuordnung in den Deuteropaulinen. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =>102. 163-175. 6522 Michnlski, Tomnsz Swi~tosc wedlug npostoln Pnwln [Ln snintctc sclon l'apötre Paul]. Diss. Warsaw 2000, 0 Werbinski, I. 269 pp [RTL 32,653]. P. 6523 Moral, Alejandro de/ La iglesia: perspectiva de Pablo. BiFe 26 (2000) 280-315. 6524 Ravasi, Gianfranco Ritratti di chiese: splendori e miserie delle comunita del Nuovo Testamento. Le ancore: Mi 2000, Ancora 153 pp. 88-7610-810-6. 6525 Reck, Reinhold Kommunikation und Gemeindeaufbau: eine Studie zu Entstehung, Leben ... paulinischer Gemeinden ... SBB 22: 1991 => 8,6172; 9,5910. RThR 65 (2000) 302-303 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 6526 Schmidt, Joel L'apötre et le philosophe: Saint Paul et SENEQUE, wie amitie spirituelle?. Spiritualites vivantes: P 2000, Michel 219 pp. 2226-11428-9 [NThAR 2000,312]. 6527 Segal, Alan F. Response: some aspects of conversion and identity formation in the christian community of Paul's time. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 =>112. 184-190.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6528 Sprague, William D. Paul's servant-lord analogy for the relationship of a believer to Christ. Lanham 2000, University Press of America 211 pp. $42.50. 0-7618-1537-6 [Interp. 54,338]. 6529 Tannus, Roberto Andrade Livres de toda maldi~ao: aprendendo a plantar palavras de vit6ria. Paulo Ap6stolo 26: Aparecida 2000, Santuärio 80 pp. 85-7200-672-9 [PerTeol 86,126]. 6530 Umbach, Helmut In Christus getauft-von der Sünde befreit: die Gemeinde als sündenfreier Raum bei Paulus. FRLANT 181: 1999 ::::> 15,6568. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1265-1267 [Eng. RTLit 2/3 (2000) 8183] (Schnelle, Udo); OrdKor 41 (2000) 92-93 (Giesen, Heinz). 6531 Vanhoye, Albert La vocazione cristiana insan Paolo. VitaCon 36 (2000) 451-458. 6532 Vanni, Ugo L'ebbrezza nello Spirito (lCor 12,13, Ef 5,18): una proposta di spiritualita paolina. Bibbia e Preghiera 38: R 2000, ADP 238 pp. 88-7357-229-4.
G3.8 Pauli receptio, history ofresearch
Cuvillier, Elian La recherche paulinienne: quelques travaux recents. ETR 75 (2000) 391-394. 6534 Horsley, Richard A. Krister Stendahl's challenge to Pauline studies. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 ::::>112. 1-16. 6535 Sutter Rehmann, Luzia Gennan-language feminist exegesis of the Pauline Ietters: a survey. JSNT 79 (2000) 5-18. 6533
03.9 Themataparticularia de Pau/o, details 6536 Bash, Anthony Ambassadors for Christ: an exploration of ambassadorial language in the New Testament. WUNT 2/92: 1997 ::::>13, 6261.. .. 15,5912. RcBQ 62 (2000) 544-546 (Krentz, Edgar). 6537 Harris, Judith Putting Paul on the map: apostle's name found on Cyprus inscription. BArR 26/1 (2000) 14. 6538 Metzner, Rainer Paulus und der Wettkampf: die Rolle des Sports in Leben und Verkündigung des Apostels (1 Kor 9.24-7; Phil 3.12-16). NTS 46 (2000) 565-583. 6539 Punt, Jeremy Some perspectives on Paul's economic vision amidst globalisation. R & T 7 (2000) 325-354. 6540 Vos, Johan S. "The Letter of Simon to Amion": a hotly debated antipauline document. GThT 100 (2000) 184-189. 6541 Winter, Bruce W. PHILO and Paul among the sophists. MSSNTS 96: 1997 ::::>13,6273 ... 15,6576. REvQ 72 (2000) 89-91 (Runia, David).
G4.1 Romans: Text, commentaries
G4. l Ad Romanos Textus, commentarii 6542 Agamben, G. II tempo ehe resta: un commento alla lettera ai Romani. T 2000, Bollati-Boringhieri 177 pp. €18.08. 6543 Barth, Karl Carta a los Romanos. BAC 583: 1998 =>14,5924; 15, 6580. RPhilipSac 35 (2000) 358 (Mina, Macario Ofilada). 6544 Bellinato, Guilherme Importäncia da carta aos Romanos. RCB 95/96 (2000) 141-159. 6545 Eßray, Gerald Romanos. La Biblia comentada por los Padres de la Iglesia, NT 6: M 2000, Ciudad N. 560 pp. €28.85. 8489651876 Bibl; 6546 Romans 1998 =>14,5925. RAUSS 38 (2000) 138-9 (Mil/er, Chris A.). 6547 Bryan, Christopher A preface to Romans: notes on the epistle in its literary and cultural setting. NY 2000, OUP xviii; 278 pp. $50. 0-19513023-5. 6548 Coffey, David Romans. Crossway Bible Guide: Leicester 2000, Crossway 236 pp. 1-85684-200-2. Bibi. 235-236. 6549 Cranfield, C.E.B. La lettera di Paolo ai Romani: cap. 1-8. 1998 => 14,5927; 15,6583. RRivBib 48 (2000) 105-108 (Romanello, Stefano); ED 53/2 (2000) 223-224 (Geniusz, A.); 6550 La lettera di Paolo ai Romani (9-16). T 2000, Claudiana 222 pp. RProtest. 55 (2000) 332-333 (Anziani, Giovanm). 6551 Haacker, Klaus Der Brief des Paulus an die Römer. ThHK.NT 6: 1999 =>15,6585. RThLz 125 (2000) 164-166 [Eng. RTLit 2/1 (2000) 80-82] (Lohse, Eduard). 6552 Lopez de las Heras, L. Pastoral del comentario de Sto. ToMAs a Rom. Sluuium 40 (2000) 205-234. 6553 EParker, T.H.L.; Parker, D.C. loannis CALVINI: commentarius in epistolam Pauli ad Romanos. Opera Omnia 2/13: 1999 =>15,6592. RRSLR 36 (2000) 591-592 (Conconi, Bruna). 6554 TPeppermüller, Rolf ABAELARD: Römerbriefkommentar. FC 26,1-3: FrB 2000, Herder 3 vols. 3-451-. Bibi. 901-932. 6555 Sacchi, Alessandro Lettera ai Romani. NT commento esegetico e spirituale: R 2000, CittA Nuova 246 pp. 88-311-3772-7. Bibi. 6556 Schreiner, Thomas R. Romans. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the NT: 1998 =>14,5940. RRih. 81 (2000) 436-439 (Du Toit, Andric). 6557 Tstroobant de Saint-Eloy, Jean-Eric THOMAS d' Aquin: commentuirc de l'cp'i'tre aux Romaius: imivi de lettre ABernard Ayglier. 1999 =>15,6596. RAng. 77 (2000) 343-345 (Gonzalez Fuente, Antolin). 6558 Theobald, Michael Der Römerbrief. EdF 294; Da:Wiss 2000, xviii; 339 pp. €25.51. 3-534-10912-0. 6559 Vouga, Fran9ois L'epitre aux Romains. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 159-178.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6560 Zeller, Dieter La lettera ai Romani. 1998 =:>14,5942; 15,6599. RRivBib 48 (2000) 108-110 (Romanello, Stefano).
G4.2 Ad Romans: themata, topics 6561 Byrne, Brendan The problem of v6µo~ and the relationship with Judaism in Romans. CBQ 62 (2000) 294-309. 6562 Chapman, Dean W 1 am somebody: Paul's Roman rhetoric. PzB 9 (2000) 23-45. 6563 Draper, Jonathan A. Bishop John William COLENSO's interpretation to the Zulu people of the Sola Fide in Paul's letter to the Romans; 6564 Eisenbaum, Pamela "A remedy for having been bom of woman:" Jesus, gender, and genealogy in Romans. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =:>487. 465-493/494-519. 6565 Gaston. Lloyd Reading the text and digging the past: the first audience ofRomans. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 =:>97. 35-44. 6566 EGrenholm, Cristina; Patte, Daniel Reading Israel in Romans: lcgitimncy nnd plnusibility of divergent interpretations. Romans through history and culture: Harrisburg 2000, Trinity vi; 265 pp. $29. l-563-38308-X. · 6567 Hartwig, Charlotte Die korinthische Gemeinde als Nebenadressat des Römerbriefs: eine Untersuchung zur Wiederaufnahme von Themen aus dem 1. Korintherbrief im Römerbrief. Diss. Heidelberg 2000/01, 0 Theißen, G. [ThRv 98/4, ix]. 6568 Hili, Michael Theology and ethics in the letter to the Romans. ro'BRIEN, P. 2000 =:>82. 249-262. 6569 Hornsby, .T. The gendered sinner in Romans 1-7. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =:>487. 520-558. 6570 Iversen, Gertrud Y de Et brev til styrkelse i troen og häbet: en receptionsaestetisk laesning af Romerbrevet [a reader-response interpretation of Romans on the basis of Wolfgang lser's literary theories]. Diss. Copenhagen 2000, 0 Hallbäck, G. 2000, 276 pp [StTh 55, 108]. 6571 Jewett, Robert Response: exegetical support from Romans and other letters [=:>6332]. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 =:>112. 58-71. 6572 Lohse, Eduard E'lla.yyf.'>..tov 0wß: Paul's interpretation ofthe gospel in his epistle to the Romans. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 :::>183. 89-103. 6573 Machura, Jacek Die paulinische Rechtfertigungslehre: Positionen deutschsprachiger katholischer Exegeten in der Römerbriefauslegung des 20. Jahrhunderts. Diss. Regensburg 2000/01, 0 Schmuttermayr, G. [ThRv 98/4, xiii].
G4.2 Romans: Topics
6574 Mainville, Odette Un plaidoyer en faveur de l'unit1~: la lettre aux Romains. 1999 :::>15,6612. RsR 29 (2000) 242-243 (Oignac, Alain); Theoforum 31 (2000) 240-241 (Bonneau, Normand); CBQ 62 (2000) 759-760 (Tyler, Ronald L.). 6575 Miller, James C. The obedience of faith, the eschatological people of God, and the purpose of Romans. SBL.DS 177: Atlanta 2000, SBL xi; 238 pp. $45. 0-88414-027-X [RB 108,317]. 6576 Penna, Romano L'origine della chiesa di Roma e la sua fisionomia inziale. Lat. 66 (2000) 309-322. 6577 Porter, Stanley E.; O'Donnell, Matthew Brook Semantics and pattems of argumentation in the book of Romans: definitions, proposals, data and experiments. Diglossia. JSNT.S 193: 2000 :::>313. 154-204. 6578 Quesnel, Michel Les chretiens et la loi juive: une lecture de l'epitre aux Romains. LiBi 116: 1998 :::>14,5965. RRICP 73 (2000) 204-208 (1'assin, 487. 559-582.
G4.3 Naturalis cognitio Dei, Rom 1-4 6585 Lohse, Eduard Das Präskript des Römerbriefes als theologisches Programm. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 :::>183. 104-116 [Rom 1,1-7]. 6586 Lach, Jan Wyznanie wiary zapisane w liscie do Rzymian 1,3-4 [Confession offaith in Rom 1:3-4]. SPC 36/2 (2000) 137-55 Zsfg. 154. P. 6587 Ugasse, Simon Fils de David et fils de Dieu: note sur Romains 1,3-4. NRTh 122 (2000) 564-572. 6588 Söding, Thomas Davidssohn und Gottessohn: zur paulinischen Christologie von 1 Röm l,3f. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 325-356.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6589 Sonnet, J.-P. Le Christ et l'accomplissement de la loi: la halakha du Juif, l'ethique du Gentil. NRTh 122 (2000) 353-368 [Rom 1,16]. 6590 Dabourne, Wendy Purpose and cause in Pauline exegesis: Romans 1.16-4.25 and a new approach to the letters. MSSNTS 104: 1999 => 15,6622. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 260-274 (Lambrecht, Jan); RBLit 2 (2000) 426-428 (Reasoner, Mark). 6591 Benware, Wilbur A. Romans 1.17 and cognitive grammar. BiTr 51 (2000) 330-340. 6592 Bell, Richard H. No one seeks for God: an exegetical and theological study ofRomans 1.18-3.20. WUNT 106: 1998 =>14,5978. RThLz 125 (2000) 62-64 (Bendemann, Reinhardvon); ThG 43 (2000) 68-69 (Giesen, Heinz); RBLit 2 (2000) 423-426 (Johnson, Luke T.). 6593 Man, Ronald E. Falsc and truc worship in Romans 1:18-25. BS 157 (2000) 26-34. 6594 Testaferri, Francesco Una breve riflessione sul significato di Rom 1, 18-32 per la teologia delle religioni. ConAss 2 (2000) 31-48. 6595 Fredrickson, David E. Natural and unnatural use in Romans 1:24-27: Paul and the philosophic critique of eros; 6596 Jewett, Robert The social context and implications of homuerotic references in Romans 1:24-27. Homosexuality, science, and ... scripture. 2000 =>231. 197-222/223-241. 6597 Whitsett, Christopher G. Son ofGod, seed ofDavid: Paul's messianic exegesis in Romans 2:3-4. JBL 119 (2000) 661-681. 6598 Maertens, P. Une etude de Rm 2.12-16. NTS 46 (2000) 504-519. 6599 Berkley, Timothy W. From a broken covenant to circumcision of the heart: Pauline intertextual exegesis in Romans 2:17-29. SBL.DS 175: Atlanta, Ga. 2000, Scholars x; 260 pp. $45. 0-88414-015-6. 6600 Choi, I'. Richard Tue problcm of translnting tv -rip auwß atµan in Romans 3:25a. AUSS 38 (2000) 199-201. , 6601 Lambrecht, Jan Paul's logic in Romans 3:29-30. JBL 119 (2000) 526-528. 6602 Brawley, Robert L. Multivocality in Romans 4. Reading Israel in Romans. 2000 =>471. 74-95 [BuBB 33,15]. 6603 Neubrand, Maria Abraham-Vater von Juden und Nichtjuden: eine exegetische Studie zu Röm 4. FzB 85: 1998 =>14,5989. RBz 44 (2000) 151-152 (Eckert, Jost).
Gtl .'I Redemptio cosmica: Rom 5-8
6604 Reed, Thomas Marvin Admission into grace: Rom. 5:1-11 as the nexus of justification by faith and participation in Christ. Diss. Southwestem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 295 pp. 9991300.
G4.4 Romans 5-8
6605 Seitz, Erich Korrigiert sich Paulus?: zu Röm 5,6-8. ZNW 91 (2000) 279-287. 6606 Bray, Gerald Adam and Christ (Romans 5:12-21). Evangel 18 (2000) 4-8. 6607 Röhser, Günter "Inklusive Stellvertretung"?: Überlegung am Beispiel von Röm 6 und 2 Kor 5. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 237-253. 6608 Agersnap, Soren Baptism and the new life: a study of Romans 6.114. 1999 =>15,6645. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1016-1018 (Horn, Friedrich Wilhelm). 6609 Bray, Gerald Dead to sin and alive to Christ (Romans 6:1-23). Evangel 18 (2000) 72-76. 6610 Winandy, Jacques La mort de Jesus: une mort au peche?. EThL 76 (2000) 431-434 [Rom 6,10]. 6611 Szorc, Jerzy Relacja mi((dzy wolnoscil! i posluszenstwem: studium egzegetyczno-teologiczne Rz 6, 16-18 [La relation entre liberte et obeissance: etude exegetique et theologique de Rm 6, 16-18]. Diss. Warsaw 2000, 0 Lach, J. 245 pp [RTL 32,606]. P. 6612 Bahr, Frank 'Als aber das Gebot kam' (Röm 7,9b): Funktion und Wirkung des Gesetzes in der Röm-7 Deutung vor ORIGENES Römerbriefkommentar. Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 2000/01, 0 Brennecke, HC. [ThRv 98/4, v]. 6613 Causse, Jean D. Le renversement diabolique du symbolique: reflexions apartir de Romains 7. ETR 75 (2000) 363-372. 6614 Hildebrand, Stephen The letter kills but the Spirit gives life: Romans 7 in the early works of AUGUSTINE and in RUFINUS's translation of ORIGEN's commentary. AugSt 31(2000)19-39. 6615 Burton, Ke1th Augustus The argumentative coherency of Romans 7:1-6. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 ~487. 452-464. 6616 Sutter Rehmann, Luzia The doorway into freedom: the case of the 'suspected wife' in Romans 7.1-6. JSNT 79 (2000) 91-104. 6617 Bergmeier, Roland Röm 7,7-25a (8,2): der Mensch-das GesetzGott-Paulus-die Exegese im Widerspruch?. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 =>132. 103-112. 6618 Shogren, Gary S. The "wretched man" ofRomans 7:14-25 as reductio ad absurdum. EvQ 72 (2000) 119-134. 6619 Frary, StP.phen W. Who will deliver me?: an exegesis of Rom. 7:248: 11. Faith & Mission 17/3 (2000) 3-16. 6620 Bayes, J.F Tue lranslation of Romans 8:3. ET 111 (1999-2000) 1416. 6621 Penna, Romano Come interpretare la 'giustizia della legge' in Rom 8,4. VI simposio di Tarso. 2000 =>484. 25-46. 6622 Lambrecht, Jan The implied exhortation in Romans 8,5-8. Gr. 81 (2000) 441-451.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6623 Byrne, Brendan Creation groaning: an earth bible reading of Romans 8:18-22. Readings. 2000 =>270. 193-203. 6624 Gieniusz, Andrzej Romans 8: 18-30: "suffering does not thwart the future glory". 1999 => 15,6659. RASEs 17 (2000) 288-289 (Szarek, Gene). 6625 Chang, Hae-Kyung Die Knechtschaft und Befreiung der Schöpfung: eine exegetische Untersuchung zu Römer 8,19-22. Diss. Tübingen 1998. Bibelwissenschaftliche Monographien 7: Wu 2000, Brockhaus 397 pp. 3-417-29461-4 [NThAR 2000,247].
G4.6 Israel et Lex; The Law and the Jews, Rom 9-11 6626 Bergmeier, Roland Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. Das Gesetz im Römerbrief. WUNT 121: 2000 =>132. 31-102. 6627 Gignac, Alain Juifs et chretiens a l'ecole de Paul de Tarse: enjeux identitaires et ethiques d'une lecture de Romains 9-11. 1999 => 15, 6666. RRSPhTh 84 (2000) 555-557 (Cerbelaud, Dominique); ScEs 52 (2000) 239-243 (Theriaitlt, Jean-Yves). 6628 Kim, Johann D. God, Israel, and the gentiles: rhetoric and situation in Romans 9-11. SBL.DS 176: Atlanta, Ga. 2000, Scholars xvii; 178 pp. $45. 0-88414-014-8. 6629 Klenicki, Leon Ambiguity and the hope for a meaningful JewishChristian cncountcr: a personal reflection on Romans 9-11. FSCI-IMIDT, J. 2000 =>106. 35-45. 6630 Kruse, Colin G. Paul, the law and justification 1996 =>12,6112 ... 15,6669. RJThS 51 (2000) 274-276 (Hal'lma1111, John J.); RDLit 1 (1999) 345-347 (Moo, Douglas). 6631 Lindner, Helgo Antwort und Trost aus der Schrift für einen Angefochtenen: zwei Beobachtungen zu Röm 9-11. JETh 14 (2000) 63-73. 6632 Lodahl, Michael E. Arguing 'according to the scriptures': a path toward christian affirmation of God's people Israel. QR 20 (2000) 265-280. 6633 Lohfink, Gerhard Antijudaismus bei Paulus?: die Kirche und Israel in l Thess 2,14-16 und Röm 9-11. Radici dell'antigiudaismo. 2000 => 524. 163-196. 16634 Mußner, Franz Die "Verstockung" Israels nach Röm 9-11. TThZ 109 (2000) 191-198. 6635 Nanos, Mark D. Challenging the limits that continue to define Paul's perspective on Jews and Judaism. Reading Israel in Romans. 2000 =>471. 212-224 [BuBB 34,10] [Rom4].
G4.6 Romans 9-11
6636 Sonntag, Holger voµ082. 161173 [Rom 11,11-24]. Shae, Gam Seng Translating 'But life from the dead' in Romans 11.15. BiTr 50/2 (1999) 227-235. Frankemölle, Hubert 'The root supports you' (Rom 11:17-18). ThD 47 (2000) 227-231[.1
.tpistulae ad Corinthios 1 (vel 1-11), textus, commentarii
6672 Eßieringer, Reimund The Corinthian correspondence. BEThL 125: 1996 =>12,6143; 13,6389. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1018-1020 (Wischmeyer, Oda). 6673 Eßray, Gerald 1-2 Corinthians. Ancient Christian Commentary on Sr.ripture, NT 7: 1999 ;.15,6699. Ras 157 (2000) 378-379 (DeMoss, Matthew S. ). 6674 Gillieron, Bernard Pour l'amour de Corinthe: l'apötre Paul dicte ses souvenirs. 1999 =>15,6702. Rl;Iokhma 74 (2000) 81-82 (Jacot, Pierre-Alain). 6675 Pratt, Richard L. 1 & II Corinthians. Holman New Testament commentary 7: Nv 2000, Broadman & H. xi; 449 pp. 0-80540-207-1. 6676 Brunini, Marcello Lettura pastorale della Prima Lettera ai Corinzi. Lettura pastorale della Bibbia: Bo 2000, EDB 369 pp. 88-10-201531. Bibl. 353-362. 6677 Collins, Raymond F. First Corinthians 1999 =>15,6705. RPacifica 13 (2000) 219-220 (Watson, Nigel M); EThL 76 (2000) 179-181 (Verheyden, J.); LouvSt 25 {2000) 172-174 (Koperski, Veronica); CBQ 62 (2000) 546-547 (Marrow, Stanley B.). 6678 Fabris, Rinaldo Prima Lettera ai Corinzi. 1999 =>15,6706. RED 5312 (2000) 222-223 (Geniusz, A.); CivCatt 151/1 (2000) 631-632 (Scaiola, D. ). 6679 Fisk, Bruce N. First Corinthians. Interpretation Bible Studies: LVL 2000, Geneva 114 pp. $8 [BiTod 39,125-Senior, Donald]. 6680 Hays, Richard B. First Corinthians. 1997 =>13,6396; 15,6709. RTrinJ 21 (2000) 102-107 (Balla, Peter); RBLit 2 (2000) 430-434 (Witherington, Ben). 6681 Hendrickx, Herman Chave para a Primeira Carta aos Corintios. Chaves da Biblia 6: Aparecida 2000, Santuario 112 pp [REB 239, 769].
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6682 Horsley, Richard A. 1 Corinthians. 1998 :::::>14,6059. RCBQ 62 (2000) 143-145 (Pascuzzi, Maria). 6683 Lindemann, Andreas Der erste Korintherbrief. HNT 9/1: Tü 2000, Mohr ix; 389 pp. €34.77. 3-16-147473-2. 6684 Lockwood, Gregory L. 1 Corinthians. Concordia commentary: St. Louis 2000, Concordia xxxi; 648 pp. $35. 0-570-006314-0 [ThD 48, 278-Heiser, W. Charles]. 6685 Merklein, Helmut Der erste Brief an die Korinther, 2: Kapitel 5,111,1. ÖTBK 7/2: Gü 2000, Mohn 290 pp. 3-579-00512-X. 6686 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome 1 Corinthians. 1997 :::::>13,6401; 14,6061. RCBQ 62 (2000) 151-152 (Marrow, Stanley, B.). 6687 Rodrfguez Herranz, J.C. Carta a una comunidad imperfecta: una lectura popular de 1 Corintios. Sdr 2000, Sal Terrae 176 pp. 84-2931333-8 [BiFe 26,323-Säenz Galaehe, M.]. 6688 Soards, Marion L. 1 Corinthians. NIBC 1999 :::::>15,6716. RTheoforum 31 (2000) 351-353 (C/outier, Barb). 6689 Thiselton, Anthony C. The first epistle to the Corinthians: a commentary on the Greek text. NIGTC: GR 2000, Eerdmans xxxiii; 1446 pp. $75. 0-8028-2'149-8. Bibi. RLASBF 50 (2000) 560-563 (Chrupcala, Leslaw Daniel). 6690 Vouga, Franrois La premiere epitre aux Corinthiens. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 :::::>4322. 179-198.
G5.2 1 & 1-2 ad Corinthios-themata, topics 6691 Callahan, Allen Dwight Paul, ekklesia, and emancipation in Corinth: a coda on liberation theology. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 :::::>112. 216-223. 6692 Clark Wire, Antoinette Response: Paul and those outside power; 6693 Response: the politics of the assembly in Corinth. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000:::::>112. 224-226/124-129. 6694 Horrell, David G. The social ethos of the Corinthian correspond~ cncc: interests and ideology from 1 Corinthians to 1 Clement. 1996 :::::>12,6167 ... 15,6717. REvQ 72 (2000) 280-184 (Clarke, Andrew D.). 6695 Horrell, David G. Restructuring human relationships: Paul's Corinthian letters and Habermas's discourse ethics. ET 110 (1998-1999) 321-325. 6696 Hunt, Allen Rhea The inspired body: Paul, the Corinthians, and divine inspiration. 1996 :::::>12,6168 ... 14,6076. RRBLit 1 (1999) 356358 (Gillespie, Thomas W.). 6697 Jillions, John Love and curses: St. Paul and ecumenism. ThD 47 (2000) 109-116 [102. 42-57. 3-7887-1828-5. 6699 Roetzel, Calvin J. Response: how anti-imperial was the collection and how emancipatory was Paul's project?. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 :::>112. 227-230. 6700 Ackerman, David Allen 'Lo! 1 tell you a mystery': cross, resurrection, and paraenesis in the rhetoric of 1 Corinthians. Diss. Iliff-Denver 2000, 262 pp. 9970559. 6701 Dybvad, Peter John Imitation and gospel in First Corinthians. Diss. Trinily Evangelical Divinity School 2000, 296 pp. 3003775. 6702 Eriksson, Anders Traditions as rhetorical proof: Pauline argumentation in I Corinthians. CD.NT 29: 1998 :::>14,6068; 15,6723. RThLZ 125 (2000) 154-157 (Aejmelaeus, Lars). 6703 Furnish, Victor Paul The theology of the First Letter to the Corinthians. 1999 =>15,6724. RLouvSt 25 (2000) 87-88 (Koperski, Veronicu); CBQ 62 (2000) 352-353 (Gillman, John); ThTo 57 (2000) 402-403 (Cousar, Charles B.). 6704 Horsley, Richard A. Rhetoric and empire-and 1 Corinthians. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 -:> 112. 72-102. 6705 Ker, Donald P. Paul and Apollos-colleagues or rivals?. JSNT 77 (2000) 75-97. 6706 Kittredge, Cynthia Briggs Corinthian women prophets and Paul's argumentation in 1 Corinthians. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000 -:>112. 103-109 [1Cor14]. 6707 Lanci, John R. A new temple for Corinth: rhetorical and archaeological approaches to Pauline imagery. 1997 :::>13,6415; 15,6719. RCrSt 21 (2000) 438-439 (Barbaglio, Giuseppe); RDLit 1 (1999) 359-361 (Friesen, Steve.). 6708 Newton, Derek Deity and diet: the dilemma of sacrificial food at Corinth. JSNT.S 169: 1998 :::>14,6082. RRBLit 2 (2000) 434-436 (Aubin, Melissa M). 6709 Oropeza, B.J. Situational immorality: Paul's 'vice lists' at Corinth. ET 110 (1998-1999) 9-10. 6710 Ramsaran, Rollin A. Liberating words: Paul's use ofrhetorical maxims in 1 Corinthians 1-10. 1996 :::::.12,6177; 14,6085. RRDLit 1 (1999) 361-363 (Watson, Duane F.). 6711 Voss, Florian Die entsoteriologisierte Vernunft: die Begründung des Glaubens durch das Wort vom Kreuz als Begrenzung und Befreiung der menschlichen Vernunft: eine Untersuchung zum 1. Korintherbrief. Diss. Zürich 2000/01, 0 Weder, H [ThRv 98/4, xvi].
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
G5.3 1Cor1-7: sapientia crucis ... abusus matrimonii 6712 Lips, Hermann von Weisheitliche Traditionen im NT. 1990 =>6, 3564 ... 8,4152. RThR 65 (2000) 320-321 (Lüdemann, Gerd). 6713 Pate, C. Marvin The reverse of the curse: Paul, wisdom, and the law. WUNT 2/114: Tü 2000, Mohr xxii; 536 pp. 3-16-147286-1. Bibi. 6714 Pöttner, Martin Realität als Kommunikation: Ansätze zur Beschreibung der Grammatik des paulinischen Sprechens in 1 Kor 1,4-4,21 im Blick auf literarische Problematik und Situationsbezug des 1. Korintherbriefs. 1995 =>1111,4862; 13,6437. RThLZ 125 (2000) 518520 (Schenk, Wolfgang). 6715 Lamp, Jeffrey S. First Corinthians 1-4 in light of Jewish wisdom traditions. SBEC II 1: Lewiston 2000, Meilen xiv; 2113 pp. 0-7734-7833· 7. Bibi. [NThAR2000,341]. 6716 Williams, Demetrius K. Paul's anti-imperial "Oiscourse ofthe Cross": the cross and power in 1 Corinthians 1-4. SBL.SP 2000. SBL.SPS 39: 2000 =>487. 796-823. 6717 Speyr, Adrienne von Premiere epitre de saint Paul aux Corinthiens: meditations sur les chapitres 1 a 9. 1999 =>15,6732. REeV 20 (2000) 31-32 (Mesnard, Guy). 6718 Sasse, Markus Weisheit und Torheit im Kontext frühchristlichen Taufverständnisses: Überlegungen. FBERGER, K. 2000 =>9. 255-261 [1Cor1,18). 6719 Sänger, Dieter Der gekreuzigte Christus-Gottes Kraft und Weisheit (lKor 1,2Jt): paulinische theologica crucis im Kontext fiühchristlicher interpretatio crucis. FHÜBNER, H. 2000 =>54. 159-177. 6720 Healy, Mary 'What the heart ofman has not conceived': a theological approach to lCor 2,6-16. Diss. Extr. Gregoriana 2000, 0 vanni, Ugo 131 pp. 6721 Kuhn, Heinz-Wolfgang The wisdom passage in 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 between Qumran and Proto-Gnosticism. MBAILLET, M. StTDJ 35: 2000 =>6. 240-253. 6722 Triebe/, Johannes Die im Geheimnis verborgene Weisheit Gottes: !.Korinther 2,7. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 225-228. 6723 Martos, Levente Balazs Heiligkeit und Freiheit: Heiligkeit als Schlüssel paulinischer Ethik in Kor 5-7. Oiss. Univ. Cath. Pazmany; Budapest 2000-2001 [ FolTh 12,211 ]. 6724 Neufeld, Dietmar Acts of admonition and rebuke: a speech act approach to 1 Corinthians 6: 1-11. Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 375-399.
G5.3 1 Corinthians 6 ...
6725 Schottroff, Luise Euer Leib ist Tempel Gottes: 1Korinther6,9-14.1820. JK 61 (2000) 563-565. 6726 Scarpat, Giuseppe Nisi forte ex consensu ad tempus: a proposito di npoc; Kmpov di 1Cor7,5. RivBib 48 (2000) 151-166. 6727 Braxton, Brad Ronnell The tyranny of resolution: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24. Atlanta 2000, SBL xi; 302 pp. $45. 0-88414-031-8 [RB 108,314]. 6728 Prado, Jess S. An exegetical analysis of 1 Corinthians 7: 17-24. ICSTJ 2 (2000) 81-93. 6729 Hurley, Robert To marry or not to marry: the interpretation of 1 Cor 7:36-38. EstB 58 (2000) 7-31.
G5.4 Jdolothyta... Eucharistia: 1Cor8-11 6730 Cardnsn, Arnaldo Pinto A eucaristia nos Actos, em Paulo e em Joäo. A Eucaristia. 2000 =:>452. 77-102. 6731 Cbeung, Alex T. Idol food in Corinth: Jewish background and Pauline legacy. JSNT.S 176: 1999 =:>15,6755. RRBLit 2 (2000) 428-430 (Brunt, John). 6732 Klinghardt, Matthias Gemeinschaftsmahl und Mahlgemeinschaft: Soziologie und Liturgie frühchristlicher Mahlfeiem. TANZ 13: 1996 ~13,6457. RRBLit 1(1999)436-437 (Taussig, Hai). 6733 McGowan, Andrew Ascetic eucharists: food and drink in early christian ritual meals. 1999 =:>15,6775. RChH 69 (2000) 403-404 (Penn, Michael Philip); SJTh 53 (2000) 243-244 (Spinks, Bryan D.); JThS 51(2000)715-717 (Hall, Stuart G.). 6734 Smit, Joop F.M. "About the idol offerings": rhetoric, social contcxt and theology of Paul's discourse in First Corinthians 8: 1-11: 1. Contributions to Biblical Exegesis and Theology 27: Lv 2000, Peeters (4) 201 pp. 90-429-0905-6. Bibi. 185-194: 6735 Summary. 181-184; 6736 Rhetoric, social context and theology. 167-180; 6737 Agenda: a briefreview ofselected literature. 5-27; 6738 Coherence and political position of Paul's discourse. 149-165; 6739 The rhetorical situation. 47-65; 6740 Searching for the coherence ofFirst Corinthians 8: 1-11: 1. 29-46. 6741 Still, Elias Coye The rationale behind the Pauline instructions on food offered to idols: a study of the relationship between 1 Corinthians 4:6-21 and 8:1-11:1. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 2000, 236 pp. 3008647.
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6742 Smit, Joop F.M The function of First Corinthians 8: 1-6: a rhetorical partitio. ::::>6734. 67-81. 6743 Hofius, Otfried Christus als Schöpfungsmittler und Erlösungsmittler: das Bekenntnis 1Kor 8,6 im Kontext der paulinischen Theologie. FHÜBNER, H. 2000 ::::>54. 47-58. 6744 Smit, Joop F.M The rhetorical disposition of First Corinthians 8:79:27. ::::>6734. 83-98. 6745 Palma Paul, Victor Hugo Pablo apostol, libre y servo: lCo 9: teologia de la libertad y del apostolado cristianos. Diss. Extr. Gregoriana, 0 vanni, Ugo Guatemala de la Asuncion 2000, 220 pp. 6746 Vignolo, Roberta Vangelo e comunicazione: riflessioni biblico-teologiche sul modello paolino di "comunione al vangelo". RdT 41 (2000) 325-346 [l Cor 9]. 6747 Smit, Joop F. M "You shall not muzzle a threshing ox": Paul's use of the law ofMoses in 1 Cor 9,8-12. EstB 58 (2000) 239-263; 6748 Paul's use of the law of Moses in First Corinthians 9:8-12. ::::>6734. 99-120. 6749 Sumney, Jerry L. Tue place of 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 in Paul's argument. JBL 119 (2000) 329-333. 6750 Oropeza, B.J. Paul and apostasy: eschatology, perseverance, and falling away in the Corinthian congregation. WUNT 2/115: Tü 2000, Mohr xiii; 318 pp. 3-16-147307-8. Bibi. REstAg 35 (2000) 638 (Cineira, D.A.) [l Cor 10]. 6751 Ostmeyer, Karl-Heinrich Taufe und Typos: Elemente und Theologie der Tauftypologien in 1. Korinther 10 und 1. Petrus 3. Diss. Humboldt 1998/99. WUNT 2/118: Tü 2000, Mohr xvi; 283 pp. €50.11. 3-16-147308-6. Bibi. RFgNT 13 (2000) 126-128 (Stenschke, Christoph). 6752 lnostroza Lanas, Juan Carlos Moises e Israel en el desierto: el midräs paulino de lCor 10,1-13. Plenitudo Temporis 6: S 2000, Publicaciones Univ. Pontificia 245 pp. €15.56. 84-7299-478-3. Bibi. 6753 Smit, Joop F.M The rhetoric of First Corinthians 10:1-22. ::::.6734. 121-134. 6754 Catastini, Alessandro Una proposta di interpretazione del calice eucaristico. MVAmONI, F. SMDSA 59: 1999 ::::>15,94. 61-65 [1 Cor 10,16-22]. 6755 Smit, Joop F.M The function ofFirst Corinthians 10:23-30: a rhetorical anticipation. ::::>6734. 135-147. 6756 Ince, Gwen Judge for yourselves: teasing out some knots in 1 Corinthians 11 :2-16. ABR 48 (2000) 59-71. 6757 Peerbolte, L. J. Lietaert Man, woman, and the angels in 1 Cor 11 :216. The creation ofman and woman. 2000 ::::>295. 76-92.
G5.4 1 Corinthians 11...
6758 Watson, Francis The authority ofthe voice: a theological reading of 1Cor11.2-16. NTS 46 (2000) 520-536. 6759 Gautestad Norheim, Kjersti Kan embetsteologi vaere inkarnasjonsteologi?: "Jeg vil dere skal vite at Kristus er enhver manns hode, mannen er kvinnens hode, og Kristi hode er Gud" l.Kor.11:3. Ung teologi 33/3 (2000) 57-71. 6760 Mercy, K.J. Mutuality and interdependence of man and woman: an exegetical study of 1Cor11,11-12. BiBh 26 (2000) 196-204. 6761 Maleparampil, Joseph The account of the Lord's Supper (1 Cor 11,17-34) and the marginalized in Corinth. Living Word 106 (2000) 268-275. 6762 Schottroff, Luise Holiness and justice: exegetical comments on 1 Corinthians 11.17-34. JSNT 79(?.000):;1-60.
G5.5 1Cor12s••• Glossolalia, charismata 6763 Berding, Kenneth Confusing word and concept in "spiritual gifts": have we forgollen James Barr's exh01tations?. JETS 43/1 (2000) 3751. 6764 Cartledge, Mark J. Tue nature and function ofNew Testament glossolalia. EvQ 72 (2000) 135-150 [Acts 2]. 6765 Chan, Simon Pentecostal theology and thc christian spiritual tradition. JPentec.S 21: Shf2000, Sheffield Academic 129 pp. 1-84127144-6. Bibl. 120-126. 6766 Fee, Gordon D. Toward a Pauline theology of glossolalia. Listening to the Spirit. :.woo =>155. 105-120. 6767 Forbes, Christopher Prophecy and inspired speech in early christianity and its Hellenistic environmcnt. WUNT 2/7 5: 1995 =:> 11/2, 2072 „. 14,6121. RRB 107 (2000) 197-300 (Murphy-O'Connor, J.). 6768 Gebauer, Roland Charisma und Gemeindeaufbau: zur oikodomischen Relevanz der paulinischen Charismenlehre. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =:>102. 132-148. 6769 Giannarelli, Elena Paolo: i carismi nell'esegesi patristica. La bibbia nei padri della chiesa. Letture patristiche 8: 2000 =:>304. 93-121. 6770 Grudem, Wayne The gift of prophecy: in the New Testament and today. Wheaton, Ill. 22000 , Crossway 400 pp. $21 [CTJ 38, 172-DeBoer, Willis P.]. 6771 Norelli, Enrico 1 profeti nella comunita cristiana (I secolo). PSV 41 (2000) 147-172. 6772 Powers, Janet E. Missionary tongues?. JPentec 17 (2000) 39-55. 6773 Ruiz Jurado, Manuel Los carismas en la iglesia. StMiss 49 (2000) 191-205.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6774 Segalla, Giuseppe 11 compimento della profezia: nel Nuovo Testamento. PSV 41(2000)103-119. 6775 Vauchez, Andre; Pouthier, Jean-Luc Prophetie et sens de l'histoire. MoBi 131 (2000) 55-57. 6776 Jester, Stephen Charles How to increase the knowledge of, and proficiency in, the Holy Spiril's manifestions in 1 Corinthiaus 12. Diss. Oral Roberts 2000, 183 pp. 9966203. 6777 Winterer, Angelika Das Verständnis von Gemeinde und 'Amt' bei Paulus: die charismatisch strukturierte Gemeinde von 1 Kor 12. BN 105 (2000) 77-87. 6778 Walther, Friedrich E. Dem schenkenden Gott begegnen: 1.Korinther 12, 1-11. ThBeitr 31 (2000) 113-116. 6779 Cuvillier, Elian Entre theologie de la croix et ethique de l'exces: une lecture de 1 Corinthiens 13. ETR 75 (2000) 349-362. 6780 Wild, Thomas 1 Corinthiens 13: s'il me manque l'amour. Lire et Dire 45 (2000) 25-34 [BuBB 32,50]. 6781 Downing, F. Gerald Reflecting in the first christian century: 1 Corinthians 13.12. Making sense. JSNT.S 197: 2000 =>150. 233-235. 6782 Klauck, Hans-JosefMit Engelszungen?: vom Charisma der verständlichen Rede in 1Kor14. ZThK 97 (2000) 276-299. 6783 Gourgues, Michel Who is misogynist: Paul or certain Corinthians?: note on l Corinthians l4:33b-36. Women also journeyed. 2000 => 245. 117-124. 6784 Crüsemann, Marlene lrredeemably hostile to women: anti-Jewish elements in the exegesis of the dispute about women's right to speak (1 Cor. 14.34-35). JSNT 79 (2000) 19-36. 6785 Odell-Scott, D. W. Editorial dilemma: the interpolation of 1 Cor 14:34-35 in the western manuscripts of D, G and 88. BTB 30 (2000) 68-74.
G5.6 Resurrectio; 1 Cor l 5 ... [=>F5.6] 6786 Longenecker, Richard N. 'Good luck on your resurrection': Beth She'arim and Paul on the resurrection of the dead. FRJCHARDSON, P. 2000 =>97. 249-270. 6787 Park, Joseph S. Conceptions of afterlife in Jewish inscriptions: with special reference to Pauline literature. WUNT 2/121: Tü 2000, Mohr xi; 227 pp. €50.11. 3-16-147373-6. Bibi. 6788 Pietrobelli, Maria La nostra risurrezione nel Corano e nella bibbia. FilTeo 14 (2000) 379-407,
G5.6 Resurrection: 1 Cor 15 ...
6789 Quesnel, Michel Les premieres confessions du Ressuscite. MoBi 125 (2000) 36-37. 6790 Asher, Jeffrey R. Polarity and change in 1 Corinthians 15: a study of metaphysics, rhetoric, and resurrection. HUTh 42: Tü 2000, Mohr Siebeck xii; 250 pp. €85.09. 3-16-147411-2. Bibl. 211-228. 6791 Janssen, Claudia Bodily resurrection (1 Cor. 15)?: the discussion of the resurrection in Karl BARTH, Rudolf BULTMANN, Dorothee SöUE and contemporary feminist theology. JSNT 79 (2000) 61-78. 6792 Verburg, Winfried Endzeit und Entschlafene: syntaktisch-sigmatische, semantische und pragmatische Analyse von 1 Kor 15. 1996 => 12,6269; 13,6517. RRBLit 1(1999)363-367 (Vorster, Johannes N). 6793 Lambrecht, Jan Just a possibility?: a reply to Johan S. Vos on lCor 15,12-20. ZNW 91 (2000) 143-145. 6794 Viviano, Benedict T. Apocalypse et culture: l'interpretation de 1 Co 15,20-28 dans l'exegese protestante allemande de 1870 a 1960: une hypothese sur la sociologie de l'exegcsc. FFusco, V. SRivBib 38: 2000 :::::>40. 739-756. 6795 Garcia, Jose Miguel Acontecimientos despues de la venida gloriosa (1 Cor 15,23-28). EstB 58 (2000) 527-559. 6796 Teani, Maurizio L'argomentazione paolina in lCor 15,35-49. RdT 41 (2000) 537-550. 6797 Brodeur, Scott The Holy Spirit's agency in the resurrection of the dead: an exegetico-theological study of 1 Corinthians 15,44b-49 and Romans 8,9-13. TGr.T 14: 1996 :::::>12,6264; 14,6152. RRBLit 1 (1999) 354-356 (Hawthorne, Gerald F). 6798 Schneider, Sebastian Vollendung des Auferstehens: eine exegetische Untersuchung von 1 Kor 15,51-52 und 1 Thess 4,13-18. FzB 97: Wü 2000, Echter 353 pp. 3-429-02264-9. 6799 Chmiel, Jerzy La semiotique de la formule arameenne 'maranatha'. FolOr 36 (2000) 63-65 [1 Cor 16,22].
G5.9 Secunda epistula ad Corinthios 6800 Amador, J.D.H. Revisiting 2 Corinthians: rhetoric and the case for unity. NTS 46 (2000) 92-111. 6801 Corsani, Bruno La seconda lettera ai Corinzi: guida alla lettura. Piccola Collana ... biblica 83: T 2000, Claudiana 186 pp. €12.40. 6802 Hafemann, Scott J. A caH to pastoral sutforing: the need for recovering Paul's model of ministry in 2 Corinthians. Southem Baptist Convention 4/2 (2000) 22-36.
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6803 Harvey, Anthony Ernest Renewal through suffering: a study of 2 Corinthians. 1996 :::>12,6279.„ 14,6158. RRBLit 1 (1999) 367-368 (Tatum, Gregory). 6804 Lambrecht, Jan Second Corinthians. 1999 :::>15,6826. REThL 76 (2000) 181-182 (Verheyden, J.); CBQ 62 (2000) 755-757 (Fitzgerald, John T.); RBBras 17/4 (2000) 714-715. 6805 Larsen, /ver Variant readings in 2 Corinthians. BiTr 51 (2000) 342348 [2 Cor 3,2; 5,3; 8,7]. 6806 Martin, Ralph P. Theology and mission in 2 Corinthians. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 :::>82. 63-82. 6807 Sampley, J Paul The second letter to the Corinthians. NlntB 11 (2000) 1-180. 6808 Schmidt, Ulrich Nicht vergebens empfangen!: Erwägungen zum Zweiten Korintherbrief als Beitrag zur Frage nach der paulinischen Einschätzung. Diss. Basel 2000, 0 Stegemann, E. [RTL 32,605]. 6809 Thrall, Margaret E. A critical... commentary on the second epistle to the Corinthians, 1: introd. and comm. on II Cor. 1-VII. ICC: 1994 :::>10,5953 ... 12,6275. RSJTh 53 (2000) 114-115 (Towner, Philip H.); 6810 2: commentary on II Corinthians VIII-XIII. ICC: E 2000, Clark xvi; 503-978 pp. f.40. 0-567-08543-0 [RB 108,318]. 6811 Vouga, Fran~ois La deuxieme epitre aux Corinthiens. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 :::>4322. 199-212. 6812 Wan, Sze-kar Power in weakness: conflict and rhetoric in Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians. Harrisburg 2000, Trinity vi; 176 pp. 6813 Back, Frances Verwandlung durch Offenbarung: 2 Kor 2,14-4,6 im Kontext paulinischer sowie jüdisch-hellenistischer und paganer Texte. Diss. Tübingen 2000/01, 0 Lichtenberger, H. [ThRv 98/4, xiv]. 6814 Gruber, M. Margareta Herrlichkeit in Schwachheit: eine Auslegung der Apologie des zweiten Korintherbriefs 2 Kor 2,14-6,13. FzB 89: 1998 :::>14,6165; 15,6841. RBz 44 (2000) 273-276 (Dautzenberg, Gerhard). 6815 Scholtissek, Klaus "Ihr seid ein Brief Christi" (2 Kor 3,3): zu einer ekklesiologischen Metapher bei Paulus. BZ 44 (2000) 183-205. 6816 Baker, William R. Did the glory of Moses' face fade?: a reexamination ofKa:rapytw in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. BBR 10 (2000) 1-15. 6817 Winandy, .Jacques L'cnigmc de 2 Co 3,17: unc bevue de scribe?. RB 107 (2000) 72-80. 6818 Gräßer, Erich Der Schatz in irdenen Gefäßen (2 Kor 4,7): existentiale Interpretation im 2. Korintherbrief?. ZThK 97 (2000) 300-316.
G5.9 2 Corinthians 4...
6819 Plevnik, Joseph The destination of the apostle and of the faithful: Second Corinthians 4:13b-14 and First Thessalonians 4:14. CBQ 62 (2000) 83-95. 6820 Vogel, Manue/ Warum "nicht nackt"?: sozialanthropologische Erwägungen zu 2 Kor 5,3. FBERGER, K. 2000 ~9. 447-463. 6821 Mi/ler, G/enn T. 2 Corinthians 5:11-6:13. Interp. 54 (2000) 186-188. 6822 Lambrecht, Jan Tobe a new creation: 2 Cor 5:14-21 and the jubilee. Announcing a year of favor. 2000 ~486. 9-22. Reactions R. Repole, N. Vargas. 6823 O'Mahony, Kieran J. Pauline persuasion: a sounding in 2 Corinthians 8-9. JSNT.S 199: Shf 2000, Sheffield Academic 203 pp. 184127-149-7. Bibi. 184-190. 6824 Wodka, Andrzej Una teologia hihlica clel dare nel contesto deUa colletta paolina (2Cor 8-9). Diss. Gregoriana 1997, 0 o 'Too/e, R.F. TGr.T 68: R 2000, E.P.U.G. 349 pp. 88-7652-867-9. Bibi. 6825 Aejmelaeus, Lars J.T. Schwachheit als Waffe: die Argumentation des Paulus im Tränenbrief (2.Kor. 10-13). SESJ 78: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R 436 pp. 3-525-53504-X. Bibi. 408-436. 6826 Fuchs, Eric La faiblesse, gloire de l'apostolat selon Saint-Paul: etude sur 2 Corinthiens 10-13. L' exigence. 2000 =:> 161. 201-226 [BuBB 34,22]. 6827 Peterson, Brian K. Eloquence and the proclamation of the gospel in Corinth. SBL.DS 163: 1998 ::::}14,6184. RRIJLit 2 (2000) 436-438 (Gordon, J.Dorcas) [2 Cor 10-13]. . 6828 Bagalawis, Manue/ A. Ministry as warfare: an exegesis of2 Corinthi· ans 10:2b-6. Asianjournal of Pentecostal studies 3/1(2000)5-18. 6829 Guebel, Hans T. Zwischen Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung. RKZ 141/4 (2000) 97-99 (2 Cor 12, 1-10].
G6.l Ad Galatas 6830 Be/linato, Gui/herme Carta aos Gälatas. RCB 93-94 (2000) 36-44. 6831 Borse, Udo La lettera ai Galati II Nuovo Testamento commentato. Brescia 2000, Morcelliana 383 pp. 88-372-1724-2. Bibi. 6832 EEdwards, M. Biblia comentada por los Padres de la iglesia: Nuevo Testamento 8: Galatas, Efesios, Filipcnses. M 2000, Ciudad Nueva 382 pp. €30.05. 6833 Hays, Richard B. The letter to the Galatians. NlntB 11 (2000) 181348. 6834 Legasse, Simon L'Epitre de Paul aux Galates. LeDiv Commentaires 9: P 2000, Cerf496 pp. 2-204-06417-3.
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6835 Martins, A.A. Introdu~1io a epistola aos Gälatas. RCB 93-94 (2000) 29-35. 6836 Martyn, J. Louis Galatians. AncB 33a: 1997 =>13,6561... 15,6869. RJThS 51 (2000) 264-270 (Stanton, Graham); JR 80 (2000) 309-312 (Hübner, Hans; Dale, Donald). 6837 Pitta, Antonio Lettera ai Galati. SOCr 9: 1996 =>12,6333; 14,6195. RRivBib 48 (2000) 111-115 (Sacchi, Alessandro). 6838 TRing, Thomas Gerhard AUGUSTINUS: Schriften über die Gnade ... , 2. Die Auslegung des Briefes an die Galater-die angegfangene Auslegung des Briefes an di Römer-über dreiundachtzig verschiedene Fragen: Fragen 66-68. 1997 =>13, 6564; 15,6904. RFKTh 16 (2000) 67-68 (Keller, Adalbert); ThPh 75 (2000) 270-271 (Sieben, H-J.). 6839 Vanhoye, Albert Lettera ai Galati. 1 libri biblici, NT 8: Mi 2000, Paoline 189 pp. 88-315-1977-8. Bibi. 6840 Vouga, Fran~ols L'epttre aux Galates. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 213-227. 6841 Vouga, Fran~ois An die Galater. HNT 10: 1998 =>14,6196; 15, 6875. RThLZ 125 (2000) 521-523 [Eng. RTLit 2/2 (2000) 74-77] (Bachmann, Michael); ThG 43 (2000) 151-152 (Giesen, Heinz). 6842 Williams, Sam K. Galatians. Abingdon NT Commentaries: 1997 => 13,6568. RRBLit 1 (1999) 370-371 (Winger, Michael). 6843 Witherington III, Ben Grace in Galatia: a commentary on St. Paul's letter to the Galatians. 1998 =>14,6197; 15,6876. RRBLit 2 {2000) 451-452 (Sumney, .lerry L.). 6844 Bachmann, Michael 'Iepoo6A.uµa und 'IepouoaA.ftµ im Galaterbrief. ZNW 91(2000)288-289. 6845 Barnctt, Paul G11l11tiuns und enrliest christiunity. RTR 59 (2000) 112129. 6846 Bartlett, David L. Preaching to Galatians. Interp. 54 (2000) 279-292. 6847 Bellinato, Guilherme A justifica~1io pela fä e näo pelas obras da lei. RCB 93-94 (2000) 63-71. 6848 Berge, Paul S. God's new creation in Christ: teaching and preaching from Galatians. Word and world 20 {2000) 299-309. 6849 Bryant, Robert Alvin The risen crucified Christ in Galatians. Diss. Virginia, Union 2000, 0 Achtemeier, P.J. 388 pp [RTL 32,600; 9978 436]. 6850 Calloud, Jean "Humanite" ... vous avez dit: "humanite"! ... SemBib 98 (2000) 31-49. 6851 Es/er, Phi/ip F. "Keeping it in the family": culture, kinship and identity in 1 Thessalonians and Galatians. Families and family relations. Studies in theology and religion 2: 2000 =>495. 145-184.
G6. l Galatians: Topics
6852 Fredrickson, David E. Amatory motifs in Paul's epistle to the Galatians. Word and world 20 (2000) 257-264. 6853 Gaventa, Beverly Roberts ls Galatiansjust a."guy thing"?: a theological reflection. Interp. 54 (2000) 267-278. 6854 Holmstrand, Jonas Markers and meaning in Paul: an analysis of 1 Thessalonians, Philippians and Galatians. CB .NT 28: 1997 => 13, 6573; 15,6891. RJThS 51 (2000) 283-285 (Adams, Edward); Bibllnterp 8 (2000) 435-438 (Nanos, Mark D.). 6855 Hyldahl, Niels Gerechtigkeit durch Glauben: historische und theologische Beobachtungen zum Galaterbrief. NTS 46 (2000) 425-444. 6856 Kern, Philip H. Rhetoric and Galatians: assessing an approach to Paul's epistle. MSSNTS 101: 1998 =>14,6205. RJR 80 (2000) 497498 (Mitchell, Margaret M); CBQ 62 (2000) 362-363 (Mil/er, Troy A.); RBLit 2 (2000) 439-442 (Long, Fredrick J.). 6857 Kremendahl, Dieter Die Botschaft der Form: zum Verhältnis von antiker Epistolographie und Rhetorik im Galaterbrief. Diss. Marburg 1999/2000, 0 Harnisch, W. NTOA 46: FrS 2000, Univ.-Verl. 321 pp. FS94. 3-7278-1296-6. Bibi. 282-306. 6858 Lohse, Eduard Das Gesetz Christi: zur theologischen Begründung christlicher Ethik im Galaterbrief. Das NT als Urkunde. FRLANT 192: 2000 =>183. 64-74. 6859 Martins, A.F. 0 evangelho da Iiberdade cristä. RCB 93-94 (2000) 45-62. 6860 Martyn, J. Louis Thc apocalyptic gospel in Galatians. Interp. 54 (2000) 246-266. 6861 Matera, Frank J. Galatians and the development of Paul's teaching onjustification. Word and world 20 (2000) 239-248; 6862 Galatians in perspective: cutting a new path through old territory. Interp. 54 (2000) 233-245. 6863 McFarland, Molly Jean Weaving the web: the rhetorical structure ofGalatians. Diss. Iliff-Denver 2000, 194 pp. 9991253. 6864 Mitternacht, Dieter Forum für Sprachlose: eine kommunikationspsychologische und epistolärrhetorische Untersuchung des Galaterbriefs. CB.NT 30: 1999 =>15,6901. RThLZ 125 (2000) 1161-1165 (Suhl, Alfred) 686.5 Nanos, Mark D. The inter- and intra-Jewish political context of Paul's letter to the Galatians. FSTENDAHL, K. 2000--> 112. 146-159. 6866 Rand, Thomas Aiden The rhetoric ofritual: Galatians as mystagogy. Diss. Northwt::slt::rn, 2000 245 pp. 9974343. 6867 Russen, Walter Bo The flesh/spirit conflict in Galatians. 1997 =>13, 6582; 15,6906. RCBQ 62 (2000) 160-162 (Pattee, Stephen); RBLit 1 (1999) 368-369 (Cosgrove, Charles H).
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[XTT Pm11i epistufae
6868 Sanders, Edward James Classical rhetoric and biblical hermeneutics: Galatians as epistle. Diss. South Florida 2000, 306 pp. 9984590. 6869 Si/va, Maises D. The truth ofthe gospel: Pauls's mission according to Galatians. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 51-61. 6870 Tolmie, D.F. Retoriese analises van die Brief aan die Galasiers: 'n oorsig. Acta Theologica.Supplementum 1(2000)147-168. 6871 Van Henten, Jan Willem The family is not all that matters: a response to Esler. Families and family relations. Studies in theology and religion 2: 2000 =>495. 185-191. 6872 Vanhoye, Albert Le tappe della storia della salvezza nella Jettera ai Galati. Theologia Viatorum (Potenza) 4 (1999) 201-223 [AcBib 10,807]. 6873 Walter, Nikolaus Die "als Säulen Geltenden" in Jerusalem-Leiter der Urgemeinde oder exemplarisch Fromme?. FROLOFF, J. 2000 => 102. 78-92. 6874 Wan, Sze-Kar Does diaspora identity imply some sort of universality?: an Asian-American reading of Galatians. Interpreting beyond borders. The bible and postcolonialism 3: 2000 =>331. 107-131. 6875 Witulski, Thomas Die Adressaten des Galaterbriefes: Untersuchungen zur Gemeinde von Antiochia ad Pisidiam. Diss. Greifswald 1998, 0 Pilhofer, P. FRLANT 193: Gö 2000, Vandenhoeck & R. 260 pp. 3525-53877-4. 6876 Wright, N. T. The letter to the Galatians: exegesis and theology. Between lwu hurizuns. 2000 =>267. 205-236. 6877 Adam.313. 205-254. 6878 Choi, Soon-Bong Die Wahrheit des Evangeliums: eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung von Gai 1 und 2. Diss. Tübingen 2000, 0 Betz, Otto 197 pp. 6879 Ciampa, Roy E. The presence and function of scripture in Galatians 1 and 2. WUNT 2/102: 1998 =>14,6216; 15,6914. RThG 43 (2000) 69-71 (Giesen, Heinz); CBQ 62 (2000) 140-142 (Nanos, Mark D.); BiTr 51 (2000) 348-350 (Towner, Philip H. ). 6880 MacEntire, Mark H. Letters in stories and stories in letters: an intertextual exploration of Ezra 4-5 and Galatians 1-2. PRSt 27 (2000) 249-261. 6881 Tolmie, D.F. Paulus se retoriese strategie in Galasiers 1:1-10. Acta Theologica 20/2 (2000) 122-137. 6882 Udoh, Fabian E. Paul's views on the law: questions about origin (Gai. 1:6-2:21; Phil. 3:2-11). NT 42 (2000) 214-237.
G6.1 Galatians 2...
6883 Botma, Andre; Koekemoer, J.H; Van Aarde, Andries G. Onaanvaarbare verskeidenheid in Galasiers: ekklesia en synagoge. HTS 56 (2000) 743-777 [Gai 2,1-14]. 6884 Murphy-O'Connor, Jerome To run in vain (Gai 2:2). RB 107 (2000) 383-389. 6885 Pathrapankal, Joseph Apostolic commitnient and 'remembering the poor': a study in Gai 2:10. Dimensions ofthe word. 2000 =>199. 274-297. 6886 Cothenet, Edouard L'eglise d'Antioche. Aux origines. 2000 =>264. 362-377 [BuBB 34,25] [Gai 2,11-14]. 6887 Je111is, L. Ann Peter in the middle: Galatians 2:11-21. FRICHARDSON, P. 2000 =>97. 45-62. 6888 Tolmie, D.F. Paulus se retorit:st: stralt:git: in Galasiers 2: 11-21. SeK 21 (2000) 353-370. Sum. 353. 6889 Eckstein, Hans-Joachim Verheissung und Gesetz: eine exegetische Untersuchung zu Galater 2,15-4,7. WUNT 2/86: 1996 =>12,6356 ... 14,6222. RThLZ 125 (2000) 62:3-624 (Lührmann, Dieter). 6890 MacKnight, Scot The ego and "1": Galatians 2:19 in new perspective. Word and world 20 (2000) 272-280 [Gai 2,15-21). 6891 Nuilez Regodon, Jacinto EI evangelio en Antioqufa: Gai 2,15-21 entre el incidente antioqueno y la crisis galata. Diss. Salamanca 2000, 310 pp [RTL 32,604). 6892 Das, A. Andrew Another look at Mv µft in Galatians 2:16. JBL 119 (2000) 529-539. 6893 Dalbello, Waldemar Passini 'Tu es filho': o apelo de Paulo a consciencia filial crisfä em Gl 3-4. RCB 93-94 (2000) 88-134. 6894 Borgen, Peder Openly portrayed as crucified: some observations on Gai 3:1-14. FCATCHPOLE, D. NT.S 99: 2000 :::::>25. 345-353. 6895 Dumbrell, William J. Abraham and the Abrahamic covenant in Galatians 3:1-14. FO'BRIEN, P. 2000 =>82. 19-31. 6896 Wakefield, Andrew Rollis Where to live: the hermeneutical significance of Paul's citations from scripture in Galatians 3:1-14. Diss. Duke 2000, 313 pp. 3003958. 6897 Bekken, Per J. Abraham og Anden: Paulus' anvendelse av Genesis 15:6 i Galaterbrevet 3:6 belyst ut fra j0disk materiale. TTK 71 (2000) 265-276. 6898 Reinbold, Wolfgang Gai 3,6-14 und das Problem der Erfüllbarkeit des Gesetzes bei Paulus. ZNW 91 (2000) 91-106. 6899 Wabukala, Eliud; LeMarquand, Grant Cursed be everyone who hangs on a tree: pastoral implications of Deuteronomy 21 :22-23 and Galatians 3:13 in an African context. The Bible in Africa. 2000 => 342. 350-359.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6900 Jervis, L.A. Galatians 3:19-25 as an argument for God's faithfulness: reading Paul's rhetoric in light of his strategy. Word and world 20 (2000) 281-289. 6901 Kahl, Brigitte No longer male: masculinity struggles behind Galatians 3.28?. JSNT 79 (2000) 37-49. 6902 Williams, E.L. Tue broken walls of Galatians 3:28. Word and world 20 (2000) 227-231. 6903 Hay, David M Galatians 4: 1-31. Interp. 54 (2000) 293-296. 6904 Martins Terra, Joiio Evangelista A matemidade virginal de Maria em GI 4,4. RCB 93-94 (2000) 72-87. 6905 Mateo-Seca, Lucas F. Galatas 4,4 en la doctrina mariana patristica griega. EstMar 66 (2000) 179-213. 6906 Matlock, R. Barry Tue birth of Jesus and why Paul was in favour of it. Tue birth of Jesus. 2000 =>244. 47-57 [Gai 4,4]. 6907 Scholtissek, Klaus "Geboren aus einer Frau, geboren unter das Gesetz" (Gai 4,4): die christologisch-soteriologische Bedeutung des irdischen Jesus bei Paulus. FHÜBNER, H. 2000 =>54. 194-219. 6908 Mateo-Seco, Lucas F. "Envi6 Dios a su hijo, nacido de mujer" (Galatas 4,4-5 en el pensamiento patristico anterior al Concilio de Efeso). ScrTh 32 (2000) 13-46. 6909 Löfstedt, Torsten Tue allegory ofHagar and Sarah: Gai 4.21-31. EstB 58 (2000) 475-494. 6910 Tamez, Eisa Hagar and Sarah in Galatians: a case study in freedom. Word and world 20 (2000) 265-271 [Gai 4,21-31]. 6911 O'Neil, J.C. 'For this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia' (Galatians 4. 25). FNORTH, J. JSNT.S 189: 2000 =>80. 210-219. 6912 Schwemer, Anna Maria Himmlische Stadt und himmlisches Bürgerrecht bei Paulus (Gai 4,26 und Phil 3,20). Die Stadt Gottes. WUNT 129: 2000 =>472. 195-243. 6913 Boyce, James ! .. The poetry of the Spirit: willing and doing in Galatians 5 and 6. Word and world 20 (2000) 290-298. 6914 Janssen, Claudia Zur Freiheit befreit: Galater 5, 1-6. JK 61 (2000) 500-503. 6915 Engle Layman, Karen Galatians 5:1-15. Interp. 54 (2000) 297-299. 6916 Frey, Jörg The notion of 'flesh' in 4Qlnstruction and the background of Pnuline usage. MBAILLET, M. StTDJ 35: 2000 =>6. 197-226 [Gnl 5,17]. 6917 Thurston, Bonnic Fruit of the Spirit, growth of the henrt. ColMn 2000, Liturgical ix; 50 pp. $5 [Gai 5,22-23]. 6918 .Johnson, Earl S. Galatians 6: 1-10. Interp. 54 (2000) 300-302. 6919 Pigeon, Claude 'La loi du Christ' en Galates 6,2. SR 29 (2000) 425438. Res., sum. 425.
G6. l Galatians 6,2
6920 Winger, Michael The law ofChrist. NTS 46 (2000) 537-546 [ 6,2].
06.2 Ad Ephesios 6921 Best, Ernest A critical and exegetical commentary on Ephesians. ICC: 1998 =>14,6245; 15,6938. RBiTr 50/1(1999)151-153 (Ellingworth, Paul). 6922 Dahl, Nils Alstrup Einleitungsfragen zum Epheserbrief. Studies in Ephesians. WUNT 131: 2000 =>147. 3-105. 6923 Dettwiler, Andreas L'epitre aux Ephesiens. Introduction au NT. MoBi 41: 2000 =>4322. 279-292. EEdwards, M. Biblia comentada por los Padres de la iglesia: NT 8: Galatas... 2000 =>6832. 6924 MacDonald, Margaret Y. Colossians and Ephesians. Sacra Pagina 17: ColMn 2000, Liturgical 390 pp. $40. 0-8146-5891-0. 6925 O'Brien, Peter Thomas The letter to the Ephesians. 1999 => 15, 6943. RAUSS 38 (2000) 338-340 (Cosaert, Carl P.). 6926 Perkins, Pheme Ephesians. Abingdon NT Commentaries: 1997 => 13,6622. RRBLit 2 (2000) 443-445 (Mouton, Elna). 6927 Perkins, Pheme The letter to the Ephesians. NlntB 11 (2000) 349466. 6928 Reynier, Chantal Lettera agli Efesini. Lettere di Paolo II. 2000 => 4658.11-74. 6929 Barclay, Ian Basic christian living. Leicester 1999, Inter-Varsity 160 pp. 0-85110-874-1. 6930 Biguzzi, Giancarlo Efosini: la misteriosa lettera del mmo abbattuto. EstB 58 (2000) 347-364. 6931 Dahl, Nils Alstrup Der Epheserbrief und der verlorene, erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther. Studies in Ephesians. WUNT 131: 2000 =>147. 335-348; 6932 The concept ofbaptism in Ephesians 413-439; 6933 Kleidungsmetaphern: der alte und der neue Mensch. 389-411; 6934 Gentiles, Christians, and Israelites in the epistle to the Ephesians. 441-449; 6935 The 'Euthalian Apparatus' and the affiliated 'Argumenta'. 231-275; 6936 Welche Ordnung der Paulusbriefe wird vom Muratorischen Kanon vorausgesetzt?. 147·163; 6937 lnterpreting Ephesians: then and now. 461-473; 6938 The letter to the Ephesians: its fictional and real setting. 451-459; 6939 Ephesians and Qumran. 107-144.
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[XII. Pauli epistulae
6940 Hecke!, Theo K. Juden und Heiden im Epheserbrief. FROLOFF, J. 2000 =>102. 176-194. 6941 Jeal, Roy R. Integrating theology and ethics in Ephesians: the ethos of communication. Studies in the Bible and early Christianity 43: Lewiston 2000, Mellen (8) v; 249 pp. 0-7734-7741-1. Bibi. 207-240. 6942 Kampling, Rainer lnnewerden des Mysteriums: Theologie als traditio apostolica im Epheserbrief. Christologie in der Paulus-Schule. SBS 181: 2000 =>327. 104-123. 6943 Kittredge, Cynthia Briggs Community and authority: the rhetoric of obedience in the Pauline tradition. 1998 ::::>14,5897. RJR 80 (2000) 498-500 (Walker, Donald Date). 6944 Kohlgraf, Peter Die Ekklesiologie des Epheserbriefes in der Auslegung durch Johannes CHRYSOSTOMUS: eine Untersuchung zur Wirkungsgeschichte paulinischer Theologie. Diss. Bonn 2000/01, 0 Dassmann, E. [ThRv 98/4, iv]. 6945 Los Santus, Etlmumlu tltl La novedad de la metlifora KE487. 752-773. 694 7 Schwindt, Rainer Räume und Mächte: eine religionsgeschichtliche Studie zum Weltbild des Epheserbriefes. Diss. Trier 2000-2001, 0 EcKERT, J. 6948 Strelan, Rick Paul, Artemis, nnd the Jews in Ephesus. BZNW 80: 1996 =>12,6408 ... 15,6954. RThR 65 (2000) 342-343 (Lüdemann, Gerd); RBLit 1 (1999) 326-328 (Stenschke, Christoph Wilhelm). 6949 Theobald, Michael Mit den Augen des Herzens sehen: der Epheserbrief als Leitfaden ftlr Spirirualität und Kirche. Wll 2000, Echltir 237 pp. €19.90. 3-429-02278-9. 6950 Wendland, Ernst R.; Hachibamba, Salimo A Central African perspective on contextualizing the Ephesian potentates, principalities, and powers. Miss. 28/3 (2000) 341-363. 6951
69'i?. 6953 6954 6955
Estrada-Barbier, Bernardo "Bendito el Dios y Padre de Nuestro Seiior Jesucristo": el inicio de Ja eulogfa en Ef 1,3. EI Dios y Padre de Nuestro Sefior Jesucrlsto. 2000 ::::>Sl3. 87-98. Ra.wwi, r.tnudin T.a henedizione di Rf. 1,3-14: i1 disegno di salvezza di Dio Padre. AnnTh 14 (2000) 305-342. Dahl, Nils Alstrup Das Geheimnis der Kirche nach Epheser 3,8-10. Studies in Ephesians. WUNT 131: 2000 =>147. 349-363; Cosmic dimensions and religious knowledge (Eph 3:18) ; Das Proömium des Epheserbriefes. Studies in Ephesians [Eph 1,314] . WUNT 131: 2000 =>147. 365-388/315-334.
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6956 Gosnell, Peter W Networks and exchanges: Ephesians 4:7-16 and the community function ofteachers. BTB 30 (2000) 135-143. 6957 Appella, Enzo 'Siate sottomessi gli uni agli altri': la Haustafel della lettera agli Efesini (5,21-6,9), con particolare attenzione ai vv. 21-33 (II). Theologia Viatorum 5 (2000) 47-71. Cf. vol. 3 (1998) 123-154. 6958 Girard, Marc Love as subjection, the christian ideal for husbands and wives: a structuralist study ofEphesians 5:21-33. Women also journeyed. 2000 ~245. 125-152. 6959 MacFarland, Jan A. A canonical reading ofEphesians 5:21-33: theological gleanings. ThTo 57 (2000) 344-356. 6960 Meyer, Annegret Biblische Metaphorik-gesellschaftlicher Diskurs: rezeptionsästhetische Betrachtung über die Wirkung von Metaphern am Beispiel Eph 5,21-33. ThGl 90 (2000) 645-665. 6961 Schal/er, Bettina Ephesiens 5,21-33: un menage a trois: toi, moi et Lui. Lire et Dire 45 (2000) 35-44 LBuBB 32,50). 6962 Merz, Annatta Why did the pure bride of Christ (2 Cor. 11.2) bt::~urm: a wedded wife (Eph. 5.22-33)?: theses about the intertextual transformation of an ecclesiological metaphor. JSNT 79 (2000) 131-147. 6