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English Pages 766 Year 2003
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Index systematicus - Contents......Page 6
ISBN 88-7653-620-5
© 2003 E.P.I.B. - Roma ISBN: 88-7653-620-5
EDITRICE PONTIFICIO ISTITUTO BIBLICO Piazza della Pilotta, 35 - 00187 Roma, Italia
Urbes editionis-Cities of publication AA AnnArbor Amst Amsterdam B Berlin Ba/BA Basel/Buenos Aires Bare Barcelona Bo/Bru Bologna/Brussel C Cambridge, England CasM Casale Monferrato Ch Chicago CinB Cinisello Balsamo CM Cambridge, Mnss. ColMn Collegeville MN Da:Wiss Darmstadt, WissBuchg DG Downers Grove Dü Düsseldorf E Edinburgh ENJ EnglewoodCliffs NJ F Firenze Fra Frankfurt/M FrB/FrS Freiburg-Br/Schweiz Gö Göttingen GR Grand Rapids MI Gü Gütersloh Ha Hamburg Heid Heidelberg Hmw Hannondsworth J Jerusalem K :Kebenhavn L/Lei London/Leiden LA Los Angeles Lp Leipzig LVL Louisville KY
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Punctuation: To separate a subtitle from its title, we use a COLON(:). The semicolon (;) serves to separate items that in other respects belong together. Hence, at the end of an entry a semicolon indicates a link with the following entry. This link may consist in thc two cntrics huving the sume uuthor or in the case of multiauthor works having the same book title; the author will be mentioned in the tlrst entry of such a group, the common book lillt:: in lltt:: last entry, that is the one which concludes with a fullstoy {period] (.). Abbreviations: These follow S.M. Schwertner, IATG (De Gruyter; Berlin 1992) as far as possible. A list of other abbreviations appears below. Price ofbooks: This is sometimes rounded off($10 for $9.95).
E5.8 1-2 Macchabaeorum 164 VI. Libri didactici VT Pag. E6. l Poesis, versification 165 Abbreviations, sigla 7 E6.2 Psalmorum textus, themata 165 1. Bibliographica E6.7 Psalmi singuli 172 A1 Festschriften, opera collecta 13 E7 Job; Canticum, Song ofS 176 A1.3 Plurium bibl., theol., hist. 24 E7.5s Sapientiales Proverbia 182 A2. l Acta, Meetings Biblica 35 E7.7ss Qohel.; Sap. Sol.; Sirach 186 A2.3 Theologica, archaeologica 38 VII. Libri prophetici VT A3 Opera consultationis · 45 E8.l Prophetismus 193 A4.0 Bibliographiae biblicae, etc. 49 E8.2 Proto-Isaias; text. comm. 197 II. Introductio F. 8 4 De:ute:ro(-Trito) - Isaias 202 51 B1 Tota vel VT, whole or OT E8.7s Jeremias Lam., Baruch 206 B2 Hermeneutica 57 E8.9 Ezeehiel 212 B2.4s Narratio 65 E9.ls Apocalyptica VT, Daniel 214 B3 In Ecclesia; inspiratio, canon 67 E9.3 Prophetae minores, XII 217 B4 Humanistica; Woman, family 73 VIII. NT exegesis generalis B4.4 Bible-literature 76 F1.1 Introductio NT, hermeneut. 225 83 B5 Methodus exegetica Fl .2s Origo, historicitas Evv 228 III. Textus, Versiones r l .4s Jesus hist., Eccl., 'anonn.' 229 87 r2. l Exegcsis creativa D1 Textual criticism 242 D2 Biblia Hehr., Text, Targum 87 F2.2 Unitas NT & cum VT 242 o3 Textus graecus; NT, LXX 89 IX. Commentarii NT: Evangelia D4s Versiones antiquae 93 F2.6s Problema synopticum 244 06 Versiones modemae 95 F3.l Matthaei text. comm. 248 D7 The art oftranslating 99 F3.3 Mt ls (Lc ls), infantia 252 D8 Concordantiae, synopses 100 F3.5 Mt 5, Beatitudines, Pater 255 IV. Exegesis totius VT vel cum F4. l Mt 8ss Miracula Jesu 259 NT F4.3 Mt 13ss, Parabolae Jesu 261 D9 Commentary, whole Bible 100 F4.5 Mt 16 Primatus Petri 264 V. Libri historici VT F4.8 Mt 20, Eschatologia Regni 265 El Pentateuchus: Fontes JEDP 101 F5. ls Mt 26 Eucharistia; Passio 266 E 1.4 Genesis textus comm. 105 F6 Evangelium Marci 271 E l.6s Creation Myth Science 110 F7 Opus lucanum - Luke-Acts 282 E1.9 Gn 3 Peccatum originale 111 F7.3 Evangelium Lucae 287 E2 Gn 4s: Diluvium Flood 113 X. Actus Apostolorum E2.3 Gn 12s Abraham Foedus 115 F8. l Acts; die Urgemeinde 296 E2.6 Gn 22s: Isaac ... Joseph 118 F8.7 Act.13s, ltinera Pauli 301 E3 Exodus: text comm. Moses 121 XI. Corpus Johanneum E3.3 Ex 3,14: YHWH; Pascha 124 G1 Johannis communitas; Ev. 303 E3.5 Ex 20: Decalogus, NE Law 127 G 1.5 Jn 1 Prologus 313 E3.6 Ex 24-40 Cultus 132 G1.8 Jn 13, sermo, passio 318 E3.7 Leviticus, lubilaeum 133 G2.l Epistulae Johannis 322 E3.8 Numeri 136 G2.3 Apocalypsis, Revelation 323 E3.9 Deuteronomium 137 XII. Paulus alii E4.l Josue; 12 tribus 140 G3 Pauli vita, comm., themata 334 E4.2 Judices Judges 144 G4 Ad Romanos; Lex et Israel 345 E4.3s Ruth; 1-2 Samuel 145 G5. l Ad Corinthios 352 E4.5s Kingship; David's Rise 148 G5.5 ICor 12, charism., resurr. 356 E4.7 1-2 Rg; Salomo, Templum 151 G5.9 II ad Corinthios 358 E4.8 lRg 17 Elias, Elijah 154 G6.ls Gal-Eph-Phlp . 360 156 G6.4s Col., Thess. E4.9 2Rg Elisaeus; Josias 368 E5.2 Chronica, genealogiae 157 G7 Pastorales, Tim-Tit, Phlm 3 71 E5.4 Esdrae: Ezra, Nehemiah 159 G8 Epistula ad Hebraeos 374 E5.5 Tobias, Judith, Esther 161 G9.ls 1-2 Petri, Jacobi, Judae 376 Index systematicus -
Q6.5s Hellenismus; Josephus 549 XIII. Theologia biblica Q8 Roma Caesaris et Herodis 554 Hl.ls Deus 381 Q9 Hist. rom. post christ. 557 H1.4 Fern. in Deo; God/Mother 383 XVIII. Archaeologia Hl.7s Revelatio; Theol. fund. 385 H2 Anthropologia; oecologia 386 Tl.ls Gen. archaeol.; musewns 560 562 H3 Foedus; liturg./moral. VT 390 T 1.3 Methodi: science · 563 H3.8 Pax/bellwn; OT-NT: War 394 T 1.4 Exploratores, pioneers Tl .5s Materiae primae 563 H4.1 Messianica, eschatologica 395 H4.5 Theologia totius VT 397 Tl.7 Technologia, architectura 564 566 H5.ls Deus Jesu; Christol. NT 399 T2.1 s Arma, nautica H5.3s Christol. prae-Ref./post 402 T2.4 Athletica, games; musica 567 )69 H5.5s Spiritus Sanctus /Trinitas 404 T2.6 Textilia, omamenta H5.8 Regnum, Messias, Filius Ho- T2.8 Utcnsilia; wei~ts, meas. 569 570 minis 406 T3.0 Ars praechristiana 572 H6 Creatio, fides, malum: NT 407 T3.1 lcones; theologia artis H7 .Os Soteriologia, crux, sacrifici- T3.2s Sculpt.; ceramic., lampas 577 um, sacramenta, gratia NT 408 T3.7 Cultica; füneraria (Sindon) 586 H7.6 Ecclesia, missio; Church 412 T3.9 Nwnismatic13,5. RBiOr 56 (1999) 594-597 (Stol, M). A VIRAM, Joseph: Archaeological, historical... studies. Eßiran, A.: Erls 25: 1996 =>12,2. RBASOR 307 (1997) 95-96 (Borowski, Oded). BAARDA, Tjitze: Sayings of Jesus. NT.S 89: 1997 =>13,7. RNT 41 (1999) 186-189 (Parker, D.C.). BAROCAS, Claudio: Egyptologicnl studies for„. EPirelli, Rosanna: Serie egittologica 1: N 1999, IUO 149 pp. Bibi. Barocas 16-19. BARTA, Winfried: Gedenkschrift für Winfried Barla. EKessler, D.; Schulz, R.: 1995 =>1111,3. RBiOr 56 (1999) 50-52 (Satzinger, H). BAUMGARTEN, Joseph M.: Legal texts and legal issues. StTDJ 23: 1997 =>13,8. RDSD 6 (1999) 81-84 (Davies, Philip R.). BECKER, Jürgen: Das Urchristentum in seiner literarischen Geschichte: Festschrift für Jürgen Becker zum 65. Geburtstag: EMell, Ulrich; Müller, Ulrich B.: BZNW 100: B 1999, De Gruyter xii; 576 pp. 3-11016648-8. BEKER, Johan Christiaan: Biblical theology. Eonenburger, B.; Myers, C.; Kraftchick, S.: 1995 =>1111,6; 13,10. RMid-Stream 38/1-2 (1999) 193-195 (Yong, Amos).
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11 BETZ, Hans Dieter: Ancient and modern perpectives on the bible and culture: essays in honor of... ECollins, A.: 1998 =>14,10. REThL 75 (1999) 462-464 (Neirynck, F.). 12 BEUKEN, Willem A.M.: Studies in the book oflsaiah. EVan Roiten, Jacques, al.: BEThL 132: 1997 =>13,12. RCBQ 61 (1999) 416-417 (Laberge, Leo). 13 BLANCHARD, Jackson: North Park Symposium on theological interpretation of scripture. Memorial. Esnodgrass, Klyne R„ ExAu 15 (1999) 1154. $15. Annotated bibl. on idolatry 143-150. 14 BOGAERT, Pierre-Maurice: Lectures et relectures de la bible: Festschrift P.-M. Bogaert. EAuwers, Jean-Marie; Wenin, Andre: BEThL 144: Lv 1999 University Press xlii; 482 pp €74.37. 90-6186-957-9 Bibl. 15 CAMPBELL, Edward F.: R~alia Dei: essays in archaeology and biblical interpretation in honor„. EWilliams, Prescott H.; Hiebert, Theodore: Homage 23: Atlanta 1999, Scholars xii; 270 pp. 0-7885-0610-2 [NThAR 2000,152]. 16 CHILDS, Brevard S.: Theological exegesis: essays in honor ofBrevard S. Childs: Eseitz, Christopher R.; Greene-McCreight, Kathryn: GR 1999, Eerdmans viii; 396 pp. f24/$38. 0-8028-4198-8. RRExp 96 (1999) 470-471 (Mariottini, Claude F.) .. 17 CLASSEN, Carl Joachim: Antike Rhetorik und ihre Rezeption: Symposion zu Ehren von Professor„. EDöpp, Siegmar: Stu 1999, Steiner 181 pp. €45. 3-515-07524-0. 18 CLEMENTS, Ronald Emest: In search of true wisdom: essays in Old Tt:slament intt:rprt:tation in honour of Ronald E. Clemcnts. Eßall, Edward: JSOT.S 300: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 292 pp. $85. 1-84127071-7. 19 COUROYER, B.: Etudes egyptologiques et bibliques: a la memoire du Pere B. Couroyer. ESigrist, Marcel: CR.ß 36: 1997 =>13,21. RCBQ 61 (1999) 411-412 (Morschauser, Scott); CEg 74 (1999) 43-46 (Cannuyer, Christian). 20 CROSS, Frank Moore, Jr.: Frank Moore Cross volume. ELevine, Baruch A., al.: Eris 26: J 1999, The Israel Exploration Society. pag. varia. $90. 965-221-037-4. Bibi. RQad. 32 (1999) 122 [H.] (Reich, R.). 21 CULLEY, Robert C.; The labour of reading: desire, alienation, and biblical interpretation: the essays of this volume are presented in honour of Robert C. Culley at the time of his retirement. EBlack, Fiona C.; Boer, Rolan~; Runions, Erin: SBL Semeia Studies 36: Atlanta, GA 1999, SBL xii; 317 pp. $30. 0-88414-011-3. Bibi. 11-12. 22 DE GIORGI, Salvatore: In charitate pax: studi in onore del cardinale Salvatore De Giorgi. EArmetta, Francesco: Naro, Massimo: Palermo 1999, Pont. Fac. Teologica di Sicilia "San Giovanni Rvangelista" 9?.6 pp. 23 DILLON, John M.: Traditions of Platonism: essays in honour of John Dillon. 8 Cleary, John J.: Aldershot, Hampshire 1999, Ashgate xxv; 416 pp. 1-84014-684-2. Bibi. xiii-xxii. 24 DOTHAN, Trude: Mediterranean peoples in transition. 8 Gitin, S.; Mazar, A.; Stern, E.: 1998 =>14,23. RQLZ 94 (1999) 174-178 (Klenge!, Horst); IEJ 49 (1999) 148-152 (Levine, Baruch A.); AUSS 37 (1999) 306-309 (Hasel, Michael G.). 25 DRIJVERS, Hendrik Jan Willem: After Bardaisan: studies on continuity and change in Syriac christianity in honour of Professor Han J.W. Drijvers. EReinink, G.J.; Klugkist, A.C.: OLA 89: Lv 1999, Peeters xxxii; 366 pp. 90-429-0745-5. Bibi.
Al.1 Festschriften, memorial volumes
26 DUPONT, Jacques: La parola edifica la comunita. Eßianchi, Enzo: 1996 ::::>12,21. RTheotokos 7 (1999) 703-705 (Provera, Laura). 27 EMERTON, John A.: Wisdom in ancient Israel. EDay, J.; Gordon, R.P.; Williamson, G.M.: 1995 ::::>11/1,9„. 14,24. RBz 43 (1999) 301-303 (Jrsigler, Hubert). 28 ERNST, Josef: Schrift und Tradition. Eßackhaus, K.; Untergaßmair, F.G.: 1996 ::::>12,23:ilCDios 212 (1999) 498-499 (Gutierrez, J.). 29 FEE, Gordon: Romans and the people of God: essays in honor of Gordon D. Fee on the occasion of his 65th birthday. ESoderlund, Sven K.; Wright, N.T.: GR 1999, Eerdmans xii; 311 pp. $35. 0-8028-3861-8. RRExp 96 (1999) 601-602 (May, David M). 30 FERGUSON, Everett: The early church in its context. EMalherbe, A.; Norris, F.W.; Thompson, J.W.: NT.S 90: 1998 ::::>14,25. RJEH 50 (1999) 768-770 (Frend, WH.C.). 31 FORTE, Antonio: Opus solidarietatis pax: studi in onore di Mons. Antonio Forte, vescovo di Avellino. ETodisco, Vito Angelo Avellino] 1999, lstituto di Scienze Religiose "San Giuseppe Moscati" 885 pp. 32 FREI, Hans W.: Scriptural authority. EGreen, G.: 1987 ::::>4,52. Ry JTR 63 (1999) 544-545 (Meagher, P.M). 33 Fusco, Vittorio: In memoria di Mons. Vittorio Fusco: Vescovo di Nardo-Gallipoli. Quademi degli Archivi Diocesani di Nardo e Gallipoli, Supplementi 1: Galatina (Le) 1999, Mario Congedo 73 pp. Bibi. 34 GALLO, Italo: Satura: collectanca philologica Italo Gallo ab amicis disc ipulisq ue dicata. EAbbamonte, Giancarlo, al.: N 1999, Arte Tipografica xv; 312 pp. 35 GELSTON, Anthony: New heaven and new earth prophecy and the millennium: essays in honour of Anthony Gelston. EHarland, Peter J.; Hayward, Robert: VT.S 77: Lei 1999 Brill xii; 332 pp. €72.60/$89. 9004-10841-6. Bibi. 307-309. 36 GILBERT, Maurice: Toute la sagesse du monde: hommage a Maurice Gilbert, s.j. pour le 65e anniversaire de l'exegete et du rectcur. EMies, Fran~oise: Le livre et le rouleau 7: Bru 1999, Lessius 767 pp. 2-87299083-6. Bibi. Gilbert 1960-1999, 705-731, Theses dirigees, 732-733; 37 Treasures ofwisdom: studies in Ben Sira and the book ofWisdom: Festschrift M. Gilbe11. F.Calduch Benages, Nuria; Vermeylen, Jacques: BEThL 143: Lv 1999, University Press xxvii; 463 pp. €74. 90-4290754-1. Bibi. 38 GLOCK, Albert E.: Archaeology, history and culture in Palestine and the Near East: essays in memory of... EKapitan, Tomis: ASOR Books 3: Atlanta, GA 1999 S.cholars xiii; 382 pp. 0-7885-0584-X. Bibi. 366-369. 39 GOLDENBERG, Gideon: Gideon Goldenberg Festschrift. Massorot 9-11: 1997 ::::> 11,31; 14,30. RRE.J 158 (1999) 483-486 (Rothschild, JeanPierre). 40 GREEN Peter: Tue eye expanded: life and the arts in Greco-Roman antiquity. ETitchener, F.B.; Moorton, R.F.: Berkeley 1999, University of Califomia Press xiii; 294 pp. f'.35. 0-520-21029-8 [ClR 50,259ss-Goldhill, Simon]. 41 GüTTGEMANNS, Erhardt: Semiotica Biblica: eine Freundesgabe für. EReuter, Rainer; Schenk, Wolfgang: Schriftenreihe THEOS 31: Ha 1999, Kovac 262 pp. 3-86064-936-1. 42 HAAS, Alois Maria: Homo medietas: Aufsätze zu Religiosität, Literatur und Denkformen des Menschen vom Mittelalter bis in die Neuzeit: Festschrift für„. zum 65. Geburtstag. Eßrinker-von der Heyde, Claudia; Largier, Niklaus: Fra 1999, Lang 703 pp. 3-906760-81-2.
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43 HELTZER, Michael: Michael: historical, epigraphical and biblical studies In honor of Prof. Michael Heltzer. EAvishur, Yitzhak; Deutsch, Robert: TA 1999, Archaeological Center Publication (8) 301; 145 pp. 965-222-939-3 Bibl. Heltzer 5-32. 44 HENGEL, Martin: Geschichte-Tradition-Reflexion, v .1 : Judentum: v.2: Griechische und Römische Religion: v.3: Frühes Christentum. Ecancik, H.; Schäfer, P.; Lichtenberger, H.: 1996 =>12,39. RABR 47 (1999) 88-89 (Osborn, Eric); ThPh 74 (1999) 579-580 (Beutler, Johannes); IJCT 6 (1999) 51-66 (Attridge, Harold W). 45 HOFFMANN, Paul: Von Jesus zum Christus: christologische Studien. EHoppe, Rudolf; Busse, Ulrich: BZNW 93: 1998 =>14,42. REThL 75 (1999) 464-468 (Verheyden, J.); 46 Wenn drei das Gleiche sagen-Studien zu den ersten drei Evangelien: mit einer Werkstattübersetzung des Q-Textes. Eßrandenburger, S.H.; Hieke, T.: Theologie 14: 1998 =>14,43. RThLZ 124 (1999) 979-980 [Eng. RTLit 1/4 (1999) 50-53] (Schenk, Wolfgang); EThL 75 (1999) 469-470 (Neirynck, F.). 47 HOFIUS, Otfried: Jesus Christus als die Mitte der Schrift. BZNW 86: 1997 =>13,41; 14,44. RThT.Z 124 (1999) 174-177 [Eng. RTLit 1/1 (1999) 47-50] (Bergmeit~r, Rnlnnd). 48 JEPPESEN, Knud: Alle ader änder skal lovprise Herren!: det Gamle Testamente i tempel, synagoge og kirke [Let everybody that breathes praise the Lord! The Old Testament in the temple, the synagogue, and the church]. Frederiksberg 1998 =>14,46. 304 pp. RSJOT 13 (1999) 155156 (Jones, Ray Carlton). 49 KlNBERG, Naphtali: Compilation and creation in Adab and Luga: studies in memory of Naphtali Kinberg (1948-1997). EArazi, Albert; Sadan, Joseph; Wasserstein, David J.: IOS 19: WL 1999, Eisenbrauns 499 pp. 1-57506-045-0. 50 KlNGSBURY, Jack Dean: Who do you say that 1 am?: essays on christology: in honor of... EPowell, Mark Allan; Bauer, David R.: LVL 1999, Knox xxiii; 292 pp. 0-664-25752-6. 51 KLAWEK, Aleksy: Mogilany 1995 ... in memory of Aleksy Klawek. EKapera, Zdzislaw J.: Qumranica Mogilanensia 15: 1998 =>14,51. RThLZ 124 (1999) 1223-1225 (Meiser, Martin). 52 KLEIN, Günter: Paulus, Apostel Jesu Christi. ETrowitzsch, Michael: 1998 =>14,52. RThG 42 (1999) 313-314 (Giesen, Heinz). 53 KNIERIM, Rolf: Problems in biblical theology. 1997 =>13,48; 14,54. RDSD 6 (1999) 225-229 (Fabry, Heinz-Josef); JSSt 44 (1999) 304-306 (McKane, William). 54 KRAFT, Robert A.: A multiform heritage: studies on early Judaism and christianity in honor of... EWright, Benjamin G.: Homage 24: Atlanta 1999, Scholars xxiv; 353 pp. $50. 0-7885-0583-1. Bibi. [NThAR 2000,153]. 55 KROBATH Evi: Anspruch und Widerspruch: Evi Krobath zum 70. Geburtstag. E.Halmer, Maria; Heyse-Schäfer, Barbara; Rauchwarter, Barbara: Klagenfurt 1999, Mohorjeva 231 pp. 3-85013-723-6. 56 KUI-IN, Heinz-Wolfgang: Das Ende der Tage und die Gegenwart des Heils: Begegnungen mit dem Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt: Festschrift für ... zum 65. Geburtstag. EBecker, Michael; Fenske, Wolfgang: AGJU 44: Lei 1999, Brill vii; 343 pp. 90-04-11135-2. Bibl. 57 LANDES, George M.: On the way to Nineveh: studies in honor of George M. Landes: Ecook, Stephen L.; Winter, S.C.: Atlanta, Ga. 1999, Scholars x; 353 pp. $50. 0-7885-0585-8 ..
Al. l Festschriften, memorial volumes
58 LEHMANN, Winfred Philipp: Language change and typological variation: his 83rd birthday. in honor of Winfred P. Lehmann on the occasion EPolome, Edgar C.; Justus, Carol F.: Journal of Indo-European Studies, Monograph 30-31: Wsh 1999, Institute for the Study of Man 2 vols. 0-941694-. 59 LE RIDER, Georges: Travaux de numismatique grecque offerts a... EAmandry, Michel; Hurter, Silvia: L 1999, Spink 450 pp. 50 pi. 60 LEVINE, Baruch A.: Ki Baruch Hu: ancient Near Eastem, biblical, and Judaic studies in honor of Baruch A. Levine. Echazan, Robert; Hallo, William W.; Schiffman, Lawrence H.: WL 1999, Eisenbrauns xxxiv; 675, 52 pp. $59.50. 1-57506-030-2. RBASOR 316 (1999) 118 (Zevit, Ziony). 61 LüHRMANN, Dieter: Text und Geschichte: Facetten theologischen Arbeitens aus dem Freundes- und Schülerkreis. 8 Maser, Stefan: MThSt 50: Marburg 1999, Elwert 312 pp. 3-7708-1110-0. 62 MARKUS, Robert A.: Tue limits of ancient christiani!)': essays on late antique thought and culture in honor of R.A. Markus. EKlingshirn, William E.; Vessey, Mark: AA 1999, University ofMichigan xxv; 348 pp. $54.50 [JEarlyC 8,309ss-Tilley, Maureen A.]. „ 63 MARTINI, Carlo Maria: La parola di Dio cresceva (At 12,24). EFabris, R.: RivBib.S 33: 1998 ::::::.14,75. REstTrin 33 (1999) 176-177 (Vazquez Allegue, Jaime). 64 MEKHITARIAN, Arpag: Le ciel dans les civilisations orientales. ECannuyer, Christian; Mawet, Franc~ne; Ries, Julien: Acta Orientalia Belgica 12: ßru 1999, Societe Belge d'Etudes Orientales xxii; 258 pp. 65 MOTTO, Anna Lydia; CLARK, John R.: Veritatis amicitiaeque causa: essays in honor of Anna Lydia Motto and John R. Clark. Eßyrne, Shannon N.; Cueva, Edmund P.: Wauconda, Illinois 1999, BolchazyCarducci xvi (2) 345 pp. 0-86516-454-1. Bibi. x-xvi. 66 MÜLLER, Hans Peter: Mythos im Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt. ELange, Armin; Lichtenberger, Hermann; Römheld, Diethard: BZAW 278: B 1999, De Gruyter viii; 309 pp. €91. 3-11-014653-3. 67 ÜBERFORCHER, Robert: ZKTh 121 (1999): Sonderdruck: Robert Oberforcher zum 60. Geburtstag. 68 OLAv ARRI, Emilio: De oriente a occidente: homenaje a Emilio Olavarri. EGonzälez-Echegaray, Joaquin, a/.: BSal.E 205: S 1999, Univ. Pontificia 339 pp. 84-7299-439-2 [NThAR 2000,92]. 69 OLMO LETE, Gregorio del: Arbor scientiae: estudios del Pr6ximo Oriente antiguo dedicados a Gregorio del Olmo Lete con ocasi6n de su 65 aniversario. EMolina, Manuel; Märquez Rowe, Ignacio; Sanmartin, Joaquin: AulOr 17-18 (1999-2000) 509 pp. 70 PERROT, Charles: Nourriture et repas dans les milieux juifs et chretiens de l'antiquite: melanges offerts au Professeur Charles Perrot. EQuesnel, Michel; Blanchard, Yves-Marie; Tassin, Claude: LeDiv 178: P 1999, Cerf 317 pp. €38. Bibi. 71 PHILLIPS, Wanda Lou & Baxter Carson: The Wanda L. and Baxter C. Phillips dedicatory volume: pastor's wife and pastor: ELanier, David E: Paith & Mission 16/3 (1999) 1, 135. 72 POSENER, GeQrges: Literatur und Politik im pharaonischen und ptolemäischen Agypttm: Vorträge der Tagung zum Gedenken an Georges Posener: 5.-10. September 1996 in Leipzig. EAssmann, Jan; Blumenthal, Elke: Bibliotheque d'etude 127: [Le Caire] 1999, Institut Fran9ais d' Archeologie Orientale xiii; 284 pp. 2-724 7-0251-4.
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73 RAv ANELLI, Virginio: Entrarono a Cafamao: lettura interdisciplinare di Mc 1. EAdinolfi, Marco; Kas)Valder, Pietro: SBFA 44: 1997 =>13,74. RRevBib 61 (1999) 193-194 (Alvarez Valdes, Arie!). 74 RENGER Johannes: Munuscula Mesopotamica: Festschrift für Johannes Renger. EBöck, Barbara; Cancik-Kirschbaum, Eva Christiane; Richter, Thomas: AOAT 267: Müns 1999, Ugarit-Verlag xxix; 704 pp. 3927120-81-2. Bibl. 75 ROBINSON, Haddon W.: The big idea of biblical preaching: connecting the bible to people. EWillhite, Keith; Gibson, Scott M.: GR 1999, Baker 181 pp. 0-8010-9066-0. 76 RUBINKIEWICZ, Ryszard: M6w, Panie, bo slucha slu~a Tw6j: Ksiega pamiatkowa dla Ksiedza Profesora Ryszarda Rubink1ewicza SDB w 60. rocznice urodzin. EChrostowski, Waldemar: Wsz 1999, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Vocatio" 294 pp. 83-7146-148-8. Bibi. 77 RUPPERT, Lothar: Ich bewirke dac; Heil und erschaffe das Unheil (Jesaja 45,7): Studien zur Botschaft der Propheten. FzB 88: 1998 =>14,99. RETR 74 (1999) 269-272 (Vincent, Jean M). 78 RUSSELLl::Letty M.: Liberating eschatology: essays in honour ofLetty M. Russen. Farley, Margaret A.; Jones, Serene: LVL 1999, Knox 261 pp. ±'.20 [NBl 82,95s-Rowland, Chris]. 79 SANDERS, James A.: The quest for context and meaning: studies in biblical intertextuality. EEvans, Craii A.; Talmon, Shemaryahu: Biblical Interpretation 28: 1997 =>13,77. ThLZ 124 (1999) 23-25 (Schreiner, Stefan); JThS 50 (1999) 167-169 (Coggins, Richard). 80 SAUER, Georg: Vielseitigkeit des Alten Testaments: Festschrift für Georg Sauer zum 70. Geburtstag. ELoader, James Alfred; Kieweler, Hans Volker: Wiener Alttestamentliche Studien 1: Fra 1999, Lang 475 pp. 3631-32557-6. 81 SCHLATTER, Fredric William: Nova Doctrina Vetusque: essays on early christianity ii1 honor of Fredric W. Schlatter, S.J. EKries, Douglas; Tkacz, Catherine Brown: AmUSt.TR 207: NY 1999, Lang xi; 291 pp. 0-8204-4136-8. Bibl. 82 SCHOTTROFF, Luise: Grenzgängerinnen: unterwegs zu einer anderen biblischen Theologie: ein feministisch-theologisches Lesebuch. EJanssen, Claudia; Ochtendung, Ute; Wehn, Beate: Mainz 1999, Matthias-Grünewald 208 pp. 3-7867-2203-X. 83 SEEBASS, Horst: Recht und Ethos im Alten Testament-Gestalt und Wirkung: Festschrift für ... zum 65. Geburtstag. EBeyerle, Stefan; Mayer, Günter; Strauß, Hans: Neuk 1999, Neuk'er ix; 370 pp. 3-7887-1773-4. 84 SILBERMAN, Lou H.: The echoes of many texts: reflections on Jewish and Christian traditions. EDever, William G.; Wright, J. Edward: BJSt 313: 1997 =>13,85. RJThS 50 (1999) 169-171 (Mason, Rex). 85 SIMPSON, William Kell~: Studies in honor of W. Simpson. EManuelian, P. Der: 1996 =>13,86. BiOr 56 (1999) 597-601 (Berlev, Oleg). 86 SMITH, Harry S.: Studies on ancient Egypt in honour of H.S. Smith. ELeahy, Anthony; Tait, John Gavin: Occasional Publications 13: L 1999, The Egypt Exploration Society vii; 336 pp. 0-85698-151-6. 87 STECK, Odil Hannes: Rezeption und Auslegll!lg im Alten Testament und in seinem Umfeld. OBO 153: 1997 =>13,91. EKratz, Reinhard Gregor; Krüger, Thomas: RCBQ 61 (1999) 403-404 (Bundy, David); BiOr 56 (1999) 413-414 (Houtman, C.). 88 STEINMETZ, David C.: Biblical interpretation in the era of the Reformation. 1996 =>12,86; 14,112. RJEH 50 (1999) 158-160 (Lane, Anthony);
Al. l Festschriften, mcmorial volumes
JR 79 (1999) 288-289 (McKee, Elsie); BHR 61 (1999) 749-750 (Engammare, Max). 89 STEK, John H.: Reading and hearing the word: from text to sermon. ELeder, Arie C.: 1998 =>14,113. Ren 34 (1999) 451-453 (Walters, Stanley D. ). 90 TURCAN, Robert: Imago antiquitatis: religions et iconographie du monde romain: Melanges offerts a Robert Turcan. Eß1anc, Nicole; Buisson, Andre: De l'arcbeologie a l'histoire: P 1999, De Boccard 443 pp. 27018-0131-1. Bibl. 11-34. 91 VALLET, Georges: La colonisation grecque en Mediterranee occidentale: actes de la rencontre scientifique en hommage a Georges Vallet...(RomeNaples, 15-18 novembre 1995). CEFR 251: R 1999, Ecole Frani;:aise de Rome 446 pp. 2-7283-0527-7. 92 VAN BEEK, Gus W.: Retrieving the past. Eseger, Joe D.: 1996 =>12,96; 13,99. RßASOR 310 (1998) 94-96 (Joffe, Alexander H.). 93 VAN DIJK-HEMMES: Fokkelien: On reading prophetic texts ... in memory of... Eßecking, Bob; Dijkstra, Meindert: Bibl.Interp. 18: 1996 =>12,99. RJThS .'iO (1999) 197-199 (Dell. KatharineJ.). ' 94 VATTIONI, Francesco: Biblica et semitic11: studi in memoria di Francesco Vattioni. Ecagni, Luigi: SMDSA 59: N 1999, Tstituto Universitario Orientale, Dipart. di Studi Asiatici xxxv; 690 pp. 95 VILLARD, Frani;:ois: Ceramique et peinture grecques: modes d'emploi: actes du colloque international, Ecole du Lo;uvre, 1995. EVillanueva Puig, Marie-Christine, al.: Rencontres de l'Ecole du Louvre: P 1999, Documentation frani;:aise 503 pp. €45. Num. ill. [AJA - 104,615ss-Smith, Amy C.]. 96 VOGLER, Werner: Gedenkt an das Wort: Festschrift Werner Vogler zum 65. Geburtstag. EKähler, Christoph; Böhm, Martina; Böttrich, Christfried: Lp 1999, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 304 pp. RThLZ 124 (1999) 988-990 [Eng. RTLit 1/4 (1999) 88-91] (Rösel, Martin). 97 VRIEZEN, Th.C.: Th. C. Vriezen, hervormd theoloog en oudtestamenticus: studies over theologie van het Oude Testament, bijbelse theologie en godsdienst van Oud-Israel: bij de lOOe geboortedag van Th.C. Vriezen. EDijkstra, Meindert; Vriezen, Karel: Kampen 1999, Kok €17.75. 90-435-0106-9 [ITBT 8/2,31-Van Putten, Bram]. 98 WEGENAST, Klaus: Bibeldidaktik in der Postmoderne: Klaus Wegenast zum 70. Geburtstag. ELämmermann, Godwin; Morgenthaler, Christoph; Schori, Kurt: Stu 1999, Kohlhammer 389 pp. €45.50 [ThRv 96,395ss-Dormeyer, Detlev]. 99 WHITE, Reginald Ernest Oscar: Baptism, the New Testament and the church: historical and contemporary studies in honour of R.E.O. White. EPorter, Stanlcy E.; Cross, Anthony R.: JSNT.S 171: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 497 pp. 1-85075-937-5. 100 WILLIS, John T.: Worship and tht: Hebrew Bible: essays in honour of John T. Willis. EGraham, Matt Patrick; Marrs, Rick R.; McKenzie, Steven L.: JSOT.S 284: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 316 pp. $85. 1-85075924-3. Bibl. Willis 295-297. 101 WOLSKI, J6zef: Ancient Iran and the Mediterranean world. EDabrowa, Edward: Electrum 2: 1998 =>14,447. Rwo 30 (1999) 227-232 (Kettenhafen, Erich). 102 YODER, John Howard: The wisdom of the cross: essays in honor of John Howard Yoder. EHauerwas, Stanley, al.: GR 1999, Eerdmans xii; 494 pp. $49/f39. 0-8028-4398-0. Memorial [RB 107,318].
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103 ZOUNGRANA, Paul: L'Eglise-famille et perspectives bibliques: melanges offerts a Son Eminence Paul Cardinal Zoungrana a l'occasion de son 80e anniversaire. Actes du huitieme congres de l' Association Panafricaine des exegetes catholiques, 1997, Burkina Faso. EMatand Bulembat, Jean-Bosco; Njoroge, P.D.; Mhagama, Ch.: Kinshasa 1999, [Imprimerie Saint Paul] 206 pp. Bibl. Al.2 Miscellanea unius auctoris 104 Aghiorgoussis, Maximos In the image of God: studies in scripture, theology, and community. Brookline 1999, Holy Cross xii; 195 pp. $15. RGOTR 44 (1999) 695-697 (Rebis, George S.). , 105 Avishur, Yitzhak Studies in biblical narrative, style, structure and the ancient Near Eastem literary background. TA 1999, Archaeological Center 377 pp. 965-90240-0-2. RUF 30 (1998) 909-911 (Heltzer, M). 106 Bammel, Ernst Judaica et Paulina: Kleine Schriften II. WUNT 91: 1997 =>13,109; 14,130. RThG 42 (1999) 60-62 (Giesen, Heinz). 107 Borgen, Peder Early christianity and Hellenistic Judaism. 1996 =>12,116. Rstudies in World Christianity 5 (1999) 274-275 (Hurtado, L.W). 108 Brenk, Frederick E. Clothed in purple light: studies in Vergil and in Latin literature, including aspects of philosophy, religion, magic, Judaism, and New Testament background. Stu 1999, Steiner 256 pp. 3515-07422-8. Bibl. 109 Brock, Sebastian Paul From Ephrem to Romanos: interactions between Syriac and Greek in late antiquity. CStS 664: Aldershot 1999, Variorum x; 340 pp. 0-86078-800-8. 110 Brucggcmann, Walter Thc covenanted self: explorations in law and covenant. EMiller, Patrick D.: Mp 1999, Fortress xi; 148 pp. $18. 08006-3176-5. 111 Cacitti, Remo Dal Gesu storico al cristianesimo imperiale: percorsi dentro la storia delle origini cristiane. Udine 1999, Gaspari 166 pp [NRS 84,503ss-Agnoletto, Attilio ]. 112 Clines, David J.A. On the way to the postmodern: Old Testament essays, 1967-1998. JSOT.S 292-293: 1998 =>14,142. RCBQ 61 (1999) 613-615 (Murphy, Roland E.. 113 Collins, John Joseph Seers, sybils [sie] and sages in HellenisticRoman Judaism. JSJ.S 54: 1997 =>13,119. RJJS 50 (1999) 329-330 (Mathews, Susan F.). 114 Coman, Constantin Die Bibel in der Kirche: Abhandlungen mit biblischem Hintergrund. 1997 =>13,121. Rorthfor 13/1 (1999) 75-76 (Basarab, Aefircea). 115 Cothenet, Edouard Ex6gese et litur!ife II. LeDiv 175: P 1999, Cerf 268 pp. €26,68. 2-204-06115-8. EeT(O) 30 (1999) 427-428 (Bonneau, Normand). 116 Cranfield'RC.E.B. On Romans and other New Testament essays. 1998 =>14,143. AUSS 37 (1999) 98-99 (Melbourne, Bertram L.). 117 Dalton, William Joseph Interpretation. [Richmond, Victoria] 1999, Jesuit Publications v; 134 pp. AUS$15. 118 Dautzenberg, Gerhard Studien zur paulinischen Theologie und zur frühchristlichen Rezeption des Alten Testaments. ESänger, Dieter: GSTR 13: Giessen 1999, Selbstverlag Evang. und Kath. Theologie der Justus-Liebig-Universität viii; 273 pp. €12.80. 3-923690-12-6.
Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics)
119 Drijvers, H.J. W. History and religion in late antique Syria. 1994 ::::>10,171. RJSSt 44 (1999) 318-319 (Healey, John F.). 120 Duchesne-Guillemin, Marcelle Monumentum Marcelle DuchesneGuillemin. Acta lranica 3, Textes et memoires 19; Acta Iranica, 2, Hommages 34: Lv 1999, Peeters xii; 661 pp. 90-429-0743-6. 121 Dunn, James D.G. The Christ and the Spirit: 1, christology; 2, pneumatology 1998 ::::>14,148. RThLZ 124 (1999) 1239-1243 (Schweizer, Eduard). 122 Feldman, Louis H. Studies in Hellenistic Judaism. AGJU 30: 1996 ::::>12,124. RJThS 50 (1999) 668-671 (Niebuhr, K..:W.). 123 Fitzmyer, Joseph A. The Semitic background of the New Testament: combilled edition of Essays ~n the Semitic background of the New Teste1ment imcl A wimdering Aramean: collected Aramaic essays. 1997 ::::>13,123. RAnton. 74 (1999) 727-728 (Nobile, Marco); CDios 212 (1999) 835-836 (Gutierrez, J.); 124 To advance the gospel: New Testament studies. 2 1998 ::::>14,150. RMonth 32 (1999) 202-203 (King, Nicholas); EThL 75 (1999) 470-472 (Verheyden, J.). 125 Freedinan, David Noel Divine commitment, T History and religion; Tl Poetry e1nd orthography. EHuddfa~tun, .lnhn R.: 1997 ::::> 13, 124; 14,152. RJQR 88 (1998) 259-261 (Friedman, Richard Elliut); LASBF 48 (1998) 588-589 (Niccacci, Alviero); BASOR 310 (1998) 92-94 (Rendsburg, Gary A. ). 126 Füglister, Notker Die eine Bibel-Gottes Wort an uns. EKagerer, Bernhard: Salzburger Theologische Studien 10: Innsbruck 1999, Tyrolia 407 pp. €37.80/€36.30. 3-7022-2225-1 [RB 107,314]. 127 Gasparro, Giulia S. ORIGENE e la tradizione origeniana in occidente. BSRel 142: 1998 ::::>14,154. RBen. 46 (1999) 515-516 (Cocchini, Francesca). 128 Gerhardsson, Birger Jesu liknelser: en genomlysning. Lund 1999, Novapress 157 pp. 91-7137-006-4 [RB 106,476]. 129 Gilbert, Maurice II a parle par les prophetes. 1998 ::::>14,155. RRTL 30 (1999) 94-95 (Bogaert, P.-M); RivBib 47 (1999) 465-469 (Virgili da/ Pra, Rosanna). 130 Goldberg, Arnold Rabbinische Texte als Gegenstand der Auslegung: gesammelte Studien II. Eschlüter, Margarete; Schäfer, Peter: TSAJ 73: Tü 1999, Mohr S. viii; 463 pp. 3-16-147042-7. 131 Gross, Walter Studien zur Priesterschrift und zu alttestamentlichen Gottesbildern. SBAB 30: Stu 1999, Kath. Bibelwerk 336 pp. €40.39. 132 Grottanelli, Cristiano Kings & prophets: monarchic power, inspired leadership, & sacred text in biblical narrative. NY 1999, OUP x; 210 pp. $50. 0-1950-7196-4. 133 Hahn, Ferdinand Mission in neutestamentlicher Sicht: Aufsätze, Vortrage und Predigten. MissionswissenschaftlicJ1e Forschungen 8: Erlangen 1999, Erlanger Verl. für Mission und Okumene 143 pp. 387214-338-7 [NThAR 1999,181]. 134 Hanssen, Olav Gott alles in allem: exegetische Einblicke in das Neue Testament. EBurchard, Christoph: Gö 1999, Vandenhoeck & R. 95 pp. 3-525-53646-1. Mit einem Geleitwort von Christoph Burchard. 135 Harnisch, Wolfgang Die Zumutung der Liebe: gesammelte Aufsätze. ESchoenborn, Ulrich: FRLANT 187: Gö 1999, Vandenhoeck & R. 237 pp. 3-525-53871-5.
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136 Heine, Susanne Frauenbilder-Menschenrechte: theologische Beiträge zur feministischen Anthropologie. Mensch-Natur-Technik 11: Hannover 1999, Lutherisches 159 pp. €19.43. 3-7859-0795-8. 137 Hengel, Martin Studies in early christology. 1995 => l 1/2i68(!) ... 14,159. Clark xix; 402 pp. 0-567-09705-6; 0-567-29291-6. SJTh 52 (1999) 514-516 (Stenschke, Christoph); 138 Judaica et Hellenistica: Kleine Schriften 1. WUNT 90: 1996 =>12,128„. 14,160. RThG 42 (1999) 62-65 (Giesen, Heinz); Zion 64/1 (1999) 101-103 [H.] (Gruen, ErichS.); 139 Judaica, Hellenistica et Christiana: Kleine Schriften II. WUNT 109: Tü 1999, Mohr S. x; 466 pp. €142.14. 3-16-146847-3. Collab. Frey:Jörg;· Betz, Dorothea; Bibl. Hengel 1996-98, 392-397. 140 Herrmann, Wolfram Von Gott und den Göttern: gesammelte Aufsätze zum Alten Testament. BZAW 259: B 1999, De Gruyter vii; 236 pp. €85.90. 3-11-015115-4. 141 Hooker, Morna D. Biblische Ouvertüren. Wü 1999, Echter 93 pp. 3429-02089-1 [NThAR 1999,181]. 142 Janowski, Bernd Beiträge zur Theologie des Alten Testaments, 2: die rettende Gerechtigkeit. Neuk 1999, Neuk'er x; 324 pp. 3-7887-1752-1. 143 Kilian, Rudolf Studien zu alttestamentlichen Texten und Situationen. EWerner, Wolfgang; Werlitz, Jürgen: SBAB 28: Stu 1999, Katholisches Bibelwerk 299 pp. €40.40. 3-460-06281-9. Bibi. 144 Klauck, Hans-Josef Durchkreuzte Lebenspläne: biblische Wegweisung. Werl 1999, Dietrich-Coelde-Verlag 124 pp. €8.90 [BiLi 73,195-Tiwald, Markus]; 145 Vom Zauber des Anfangs: biblische Besinnungen. Franziskanische Impulse 3: Werl 1999, Dietrich-Coelde-Verlag 169 pp. €10.12. 146 Klumbies, Paul-Gerhard Studien zur paulinischen Theologie. Schriftenreihe der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Freiburg 8: Müns 1999, Lit 120 pp. €15,90. 3-8258-4415-3. 147 Lindemann, Andreas Paulus, Apostel und Lehrer der Kirche: Studien zu Paulus und zum frühen Paulusverständnis. Tü 1999, Mohr S. iv; 333 pp. €34.77 [NThAR4000,34]. Schatten deiner Flügel: große Bibeltexte neu 148 Lohfink, Norbert erschlossen. FrB 199~, Herder 268 pp. 3-451-27176-1. 149 Maggi, Alberto Co$ent lire l'evangile sans perdre la foi. TMichaud, Jean-Paul: Montreal ~999, Fides 188 pp. 2-7621-2087-X; 150 C6mo leer el evangelio„. y no perder la fe. En torno al Nuevo Testamento 21: C6rdpba 1999, EI Almendro 186 pp. 89-8005-038-1 [EE 75,135s-Ramire~, F.]. 151 Malamat, Abraham'Mari and the bible. 1998 =>14,173. RoLZ 94 (1999) 338-339 (Thiel! W.). 152 Martini, Carlo Mari~Il Padre di tutti: lettere, discorsi e interventi 1998. Bo 1999, EDB 6 8 pp. 88-10-10877-9. 153 Miller, Robert J. Th Jesus seminar and its critics. Santa Rosa, CA 1999, Polebridge 154 p . $17 [BiTod 38,193-Senior, Donald]. 154 Morla Asensio, Victo Libros Sapienciales y otros escritos. Introducci6n al estudio de l Biblia 5: 1994 =>10,3214 ... 13,151. RBz 43 (1999) 303-305 (Kessleir,, Rainer); 155 Libri sapienziali e altri scritti. 1997=>13,150. StPat 46 (1999) 732-733 (Milani, Marcello). 156 Mosis, Rudolf Gesammelte Aufsätze zum Alten Testament. FzB 93: Wü 1999, Echter 396 pp. RRdQ 74 (1999) 284-285 (Garcia Martinez, Florentino ).
Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics)
157 Mostert, Walter Glaube und Hermeneutik: gesammelte Aufsätze. EBühler, Pierre; Ebeling, Gerhard: 1998 ::::>14,179. RThRv 95 (1999) 490-491 (W.enz, Gunther). 158 Moule, C.F.D. Forgiveness and reconciliation. 1998 ::::>14,180. RJThS 50 (1999) 740-742 (Grayston, K). 159 Muffs, Yochanan Love and joy: law, language, and religion in ancient Israel. 1992 ::::>13,152a. RJNES 58 (1999) 143-144 (Mil/er, Geoffrey P.).
160 Mußner, Franz Jesus von Nazareth im Umfeld Israels und der Urkirche: gesammelte Aufsätze Theobald, Michael WUNT 111 Tü 1999 Mohr viii; 368 pp €70,56. 3-16-146973-9. Bibl. ROrdKor 40 (1999) 499-500 (Giesen, Heinz). 161 Nisan, Mordechai Identity and civilization: essays on Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Lanham 1999, University Press of America vii; 217 pp. 0-7618-1355-1. Bibl. 203-211. 162 Pearson, Birger A. The emergence of the christian religion: essays on early christianity. 1997 => 13, 154. RThLZ 124 (1999) 402 (Pilhofer, Peter); ChH 68 (1999) 420-422 (Bobertz, Charles A.); JThS 50 (1999) · 295-296 (Wilson, R. McL.). 163 Picard, Jean-Claude Le continent apocryphe: essai sur les litteratures apocryphes juives et chretiennes. IP 36: Steenbrugis 1999, In Abbatia S. Petri xxxiv; 314 pp. €72. 2-503-51002-7. Bibl. Introd. Bernard Outtier. 164 Ratzinger, Card. Josef,h Many religions-one covenant: Israel, the church, and the world. Harrison, Graham: SF 1999, lgnatius 113 pp. $12 [ThD 47,187-W. Charles Heiser]; 165 L'unique alliance de Dieu et le pluralisme des religions. Saint-Maur 1999, Parole et Silence 105 pp. REeV (1999/5) 25-26 (Mesnard, Guy). 166 Rosenzweig, F. L'Eros et la loi: lectures bibliques. EMoses, Stephane: La couleur des idees: P 1999, Seuil 151 pp. €18.29. 2-02-024589-2 [BCLF 611-612, 1727]. 167 Saperstein, Marc 'Your voice like a ram's hom': themes and texts in traditional Jewish teaching. 1996 =>13,158. RHR 38 (1999) 414-416 (Sommer, Benjamin D.). 168 Schottroff, Willy Gerechtigkeit lernen: Beiträge zur biblischen Sozialgeschichte. ECrüsemann, Frank; Kessler, Rainer: TB 94, AT: Gü 1999, Kaiser x; 327 pp. 3-579-02625-9. Collab. Schottroff, Luise; Bibl. Schottroff305-311[NThAR1999,221]. 169 Schweitzer, Albert Straßburger Vorlesungen. EGräßer, Erich; Zürcher, Johann: Werke aus dem Nachlaß 2: 1998 ::::>14,199. ThR 64 (1999) 477-479 (Zager, Werner). 170 Segal, Robert Alan Theorizing about myth. Amherst 1999, Univ. of Massachusetts Press 184 pp. $50/16. 1-55849-194-5/1-0 [ThD 47, 189-W. Charles Heiser]. 171 Seitz, Christopher R. Word without end: the Old Testament as abiding theological witness. 1998 => 14,200. RThLZ 124 (1999) 39-41 (Reventlow, Henning Graf); JDh 24 (1999) 343-345 (Kalluveettil, Paul); OTEs 12 (1999) 218-220 (Fischer, S.). 172 Seybold, Klaus Studien zur Psalmenauslegung. 1998 ::::>14,201. RThZ 55 (1999) 91-92 (Weber, Beat); 173 Die Sprache der Propheten: Studien zur Literaturgeschichte der Prophetie. Z 1999, Pano 260 pp. 3-907576-12-8. Beitrag von Jürgen Ungern-Sternberg.
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174 Soares-Prabhu, George M. Biblical themes for a contextual theology today. Epadinjarekuttu, Isaac: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth Theology Series 2; Collected writings ofGeorge M. Soares-Prabhu, S.J. Volume 1: Pune 1999, Jnana-Deepa Vid~aeth xxxvii; 282 pp; 175 A biblical theology for India: Kuthirakkattel, Scaria: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth Theology Series 3; Collected Writings of George M. Soares-Prabhu, S.J. Vol. 2: Pune 1999, Jnana-Deepa Vidyaeth xxxvii; 296 pp. 176 Speyer, Wolfgang Frühes Christentum im antiken Strahlungsfeld: Kieme Schriften II. WUNT 116: Tü 1999, Mohr S. x; 303 pp. €85.90. 3-16-147051-6 Bibi. 177 Stroumsa, Guy G. Barbarian philosophy: the religious revolution of early christianity. WUNT 112: Tü 1999, Mohr S. xii; 345 pp. €91. 316-147105-9. 178 Studer, Basil Mysterium caritatis: Studien zur Exegese und zur Trinitätslehre in der Alten Kirche. StAns 127: R 1999, Pont. Ateneo S. Anselmo t179 pp. RAug. 39 (1999) 522-525 (Gori, Franco). 179 Thcisscn, Gerd Des traces de lumiere. Parole vive: P 1999, Les Bergers 109 pp. €11.43. 2-85304-154-9 [RHPhR 80,310-Gerber, D.]. 180 Tov, Emanuel The Greek and Hebrew Bible: collected essays on the Septuagint. VT.S 72: Lei 1999, Brill xxxix; 570 pp. 90-04-11309-6. Bibi. 181 Troiani, Lucio II perdono cristiano e altri studi sul cristianesimo alle origini. StBi 123: Brescia 1999, Paideia 241 pp. €20.66. 88-394-0578X.
182 Urbach, Ephraim E. Collected writings in Jewish studies. EBrody, Robert; Herr, Moshe D.: J 1999, Magnes xviii; 582 pp. $55. 965-493044-7. 183 Vorster, Willem S. Speaking of Jesus: essays on biblical language, gospel narrative and the historical Jesus. EBotha, J. Eugene: NT.S 92: Lei 1999, Brill xxx; 521 pp. $157. 90-04-10779-7. Bibi. 491-515 + Bibi. W.S. Vorster xvii-xxv. 184 Walter, Nikolaus Praeparatio evangelica: Studien zur Umwelt, Exegese und Hermeneutik des Neuen Testaments. EKraus, Wolfgang; Wilk, Florian: WUNT 98: 1997 =:}13,167; 14,205. Bibi. 405-415 (1953-)996). RThG 42 (1999) 58-60 (Giesen, Heinz). 185 Will, Edouard Historica graeca-hellenistica: choix d'ecrits 1953-1993. 1998 =:}14,207. RRH 301 (1999) 881-884 (Bertrand, Jean-Marie). 186 Wright, N.T. For all God's worth. GR 1997, Eerdmans 136 pp. $10 [BiTod 39,390-Senior, Donald]. Al.3 Plurium compilationes biblicae 187 EAbella, Josef Paolo: annuncio di vita per culture diverse. Lettura pastorale della bibbia, parola-missione 4: Bo 1999, EDB 447 pp. 8810-20144-2. 188 EAlkier, Stefan; Brucker, Ralph Exegese und Methodendiskussion. TANZ 23: 1998 --:>14,208. RzKTh 121 (1999) 350-351 (Huber, Konrad); ThRv 95 (1999) 371-372 (Söding, Thomas). 189 EAmphoux, Christian-Bernard; Margain, Jean Les premieres traditions de la bible. 1996 =:}12,159; 14,209. RCrSt 20 (1999) 443-448 (Passoni dell'Acqua, Anna); LTP 55 (1999) 505-506 (Poirier, PaulHubert).
Al.3 Biblical compilations ofvarious authors
190 Anatrella, Toni, al., La patemita. PSV 39: Bo 1999, EDB 285 pp. 191 EAnselm, Reiner, al., Die Kunst des Auslegens: zur Hermeneutik des Christentums in der Kultur der Gegenwart. Fra 1999, Lang 265 pp. 3631-33080-4 [NThAR 2000,91]. . 192 EBaker, David W.; Arnold, Bill T. The face ofOld Testament studies: a survey of contemporary apyroaches. Leicester 1999, Apollos 512 pp. f28. 0-85111-774-0 [Evange 18,88-Dray, Stephen]. 193 Barrett, Charles Kingsley, al.,- Jesus, Paul and ·Jöhn. Chuen King Lecture Series 1: Hong Kong 1999, Theology Division, Chung Chi College 175 pp. 962-7137-21-9. 19'1 Eßauckham, Richard The gospels for all christians: rethinkin~ the gospel audiences. 1998 ::::::> 14, 132. REvQ 71 (1999) 273-275 (Ellingworth, Paul). 195 Eßecking, Bob; Korpel, Marjo Christina Annette The crisis of lsraelite religion: transformation of religious tradition in cxilic and postexilic times. OTS 42: Lei 1999, Brill vi; 311 pp. €90/$111. 90-0411496-3. 196 Eßeese, Dieter Tatverdächtigter David-bihlisc:he Geschichten aus polizeilicher Sicht. 1997 ::::::>13,174. RLM 38 (1999) 43 (Eggebrecht, Jürgen). 197 Bianchi, Francesco, al., Giubileo giustizia perdono. Passaggi 25: Temi 1999, n.p. 130 pp. Bibi. 198 ETßlowers, Paul M. The Bible in Greek christian antiquity. The bible through the ages 1: 1997 ::::::>13,177; 14,217. RProEc 8 (1999) 371-372 ~Anderson, Gary A. ). 199 Boeft, J. den; Van Poil-van de Lisdonk, M.L. The impact of scripture in early christianity. SVigChr 44: Lei 1999, Brill xiii; 278 pp. $91.50. 90-04-11143-3. Bibl. :.wo Eßovon, Fran~ois; Graham Brock, A1111; MaUhews, Christophcr R. The apocryphal acts ofthe apostles. Religions ofthe·world: CM 1999, Harvard University Press xxix; 394 pp. $25. 0-945454-17-1. Bibi. RJEarlyC 7 (1999) 609-611 (Bingham, D. Jejfrey). 201 EBowley, James E. Living traditions of the bible: scripture in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim practice. St. Louis 1999, Chalice ix; 206 pp. $20 kThD 47,178-W. Charles Heiser]. 202 Brenner, Athalya; Fontaine, Carole R. /;. feminist companion to reading the Bible. 1997 ::::::>13,180; 14,219. CBQ 61 (1999) 610-612 O'Connor, ·Kathleen M). 203 Brenner, Athalya Ruth and Esther. The feminist companion to the Bible, 2nd Ser. 3: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 271 pp. fl 7. 1-85075-978-2. 204 Eßrower, Kent E.; Elliott, Mark W. Eschatology in bible & theology: evangdical essays at the dawn ofa new millennium. DG 1999, IVP 341 pp. 0-8308-1582-1. 205 ECalzolari Bouvier, Valentina; Kaestli, Jean-Daniel; Outtier, Bernard Apocryphes armeniens: transmission, traduction, creation, iconographie. Lausanne 1999, Zehre 190 pp. FS65. 2-97000-8899-0. Actes du colloque international sur la litterature apocryphe en langue armenienne, Geneve 18-20 sept. 1997; 21 pi. 206 Ecavadini, .lohn C. Miracles in Jewish and Christian antiquity: imagining truth. Notre Dame Studies in Theology 3: ND 1999, University ofNotre Dame Press ix; 243 pp. 0-268-01217-2/3453-2. 207 Echilton, Bruce David; Evans, Craig A. Authenticating the words of Jesus. NTTS 28,1-2: Lei 1999, Brill 2 vols. 90-04-11141-7;
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208 James the Just and christian origins. NT.S 98: Lei 1999, Brill xi; 299 pp. €54/$70. 90-04-11550-1. 209 Chilton, Bruce David; Evans, Craig A. Jesus in context. AGJU 39: 1997 ::::>13,183. RThLZ 124 (1999) 730-731 (Fenske, Woifgqng). 210 Eclines, David J.K.; Alonso Schökel, Luis The Poetical Books. BiSe 41: Shf 1997 ::::>13,184. RThLZ 124 (1999) 708-710 (Hojjken, Peter). 211 Ecouch, Mal A biblical theology ofthe church. GR 1999, Kregel 330 ~P· $18 [BS 158,375s-Zuck, R.B.]. 212 Diamond, A.R. Pete; O'Connor, Kathleen M.; Stulman, Louis Troubling Jeremiah. JSOT.S 260: Shf 1999„ Sheffield A. 463 pp. $85. 0-85075-910-3. 213 EDonfried, Karl P.; Richardson, Peter Judaism and christianity in first-century Rome. 1998 ::::>14,228. RLASBF 49 (1999) 577-579 (Paczkowski, M Celestyn). 214 Dubaime, Jean; Mainville, Odette La voce del Dio vivente: interpretazioni e letture attuali della bibbia. 1997 ::::>13,189. Rpavi 44/4 (1999) 59-61 (Manzi, Franco); EL 113 ( 1999) 481-483 (Raffa, Vincenzo ). 215 EDuhaime, Jean; Mainville, Odette Entendre la voix du Dieu vivant. 1994 ::::>10,255*; 14,229. RScEs 51(1999)240-242 (Gilbert, Pierre). 216 EDyk, J.W., al., The rediscovery of the Hebrew Bible: ACEBT.S 1: Amst 1999, Theologisches Faculteit Vrije Universiteit xvii; 158 pp. 90-423-0104-X [RB 104,635]. 217 EEdelman, Diana Vikander The triumph of Elohim: from Y ahwisms to Judaisms. 1995 ::::>11/1,79; 14,232. RBASOR 305 (1997) 89-90 &Wiggins, Steve A.). 218 Ego, Beate; Lange, Armin; Pilhofer, Peter Gemeinde ohne Tempel: community without temple: zur Substituierung und Transfonnation des Jerusalemer Tempels und seines Kults im Alten Testament, antiken Judentum und frühen Christentum. WUNT 118: Tü 1999, Mohr S. x; 519 ~P· €111.46. 3-16-147050-8. Collab. Ehlers, Kathrin. 219 Endres, J.C. Chronicles and its synoptic P.arallels in Samuel, Kings, and related biblical texts. 1998 =>14,2571. RPacifica 12 (1999) 85-87 &Campbell, Antony). 220 Esler, Philip Modelling early christianity: social-scientific studies of the New Testament in its context. 1995 ::::>11/2,363; 13,190. RHeyJ 40 (1999) 82-83 (Turner, Geoffrey); ASSR 108 (1999) 71-72 (Dubois, Jean-Daniel). 221 EEvans, Craig A.; Sanders, James A. The function of scripture in early Jewish and christian tradition. JSNT.S 154: 1998 =>14,234. RcBQ 61(1999)397-398 (Jacobson, Arland D.). 222 EFabry, Heinz-Josef; Jüngling, Hans-Winfried Levitikus als Buch. BBB 119: B 1999, Philo 371 pp. 3-8257-0113-1. 223 EFerguson, William Everett Christianity and society: the social world of early christianity. Recent studies in early christianity: a colJection of scholarly essays 1: NY 1999, Garland xii; 410 pp. 0-8153-3068-5; 224 Christianity in relation to Jews, Greeks, and Romans. Recent studies in early Christianity 2: NY 1999, Garland xii; 402 pp. 0-8153-3069-3; 225 Norms offaith and life. Recent studies in early christianity 3: NY 1999 Garland xi; 360 pp. 0-8153-3070-7; 226 History, hope, human language, and christian reality. Recent studies in early Chrisfianity 6: NY 1999, Garland xi; 390 pp. 0-8153-3338-2; 227 Doctrinal diversity: varieties of early christianity. Recent studies in early Christianity 4: NY 1999, Garland xii; 354 pp. 0-8153-3071-5.
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228 EFerreira, Joel Antonio A.fetividade. Estudos Biblicos: Petr6polis 1999, Vozes 110 pp. [REB 237,253]. 229 EFiedler, Peter Studien zu einer neutestamentlichen Hermeneutik nach Auschwitz. Dautzenberg, Gerhard . SBAB 27: Stu 1999, Katholisches Bibelwerk xvii; 234 pp. 3-460-06271-1. 230 EFlesher, Paul V.M. Targum and Peshitta. Targum Studies, II. SF-SHJ 165: 1998 =>14,238. RJAB 1(1999)163-167 (Moor, J.C. de). 231 EFocant, C. La loi dans l'un et l'autre testament. LeDiv 168: 1997 =>13,195; J4,2ll0. RNRTh 12l (1999) 137-138 (Luciani, D.); EeV ~199915; 27-30 (Cothenet, E.). 232 Gerstenberger, Erhard S.; Schoenborn, Ulrich HermeneutiK-sozialgeschichtlich: Kontextualität in den Bibelwissenschaften aus der Sicht (latein)amerikanischer und europäischer Exegetinnen und Exegeten. Exegese in unserer Zeit 1: Müns 1999, Lit viii; 249 pp. 38258-3139-6 [NThAR 1999,221]. 233 EGourgues, Michel; Laberge, Leo "De bien des manieres": la recherche biblique aux abords du XXle siecle. LeDiv 163: 1995 =>1111, 84; 12,182. ~aMnesis 9/2 (1999) 219-220 (Loza Vera, Jose'). 234 EGrabhe, Lester L. Can a 'History oflsrael' be written?: JSOT.S 245: 1997 =>13,200. RJThS 50 (1999) 178-181 (Provan, Jain); BASOR 316 p999) 89-105 (Dever, Willium G.). 235 Graham, Matt Patrick; McKenzie, Steven L. The Chronicler as author: studies in text and texture. JSOT.S 263: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 422 pp. !50/$85. 1-84127-057-1. 236 EHagner, Donald A. Conflicts and challenges in early christianity. Harrisburg 1999, Trinity viii; 103 pp. $14 [BiTod 38,124-Senior, Donald]. · 237 EHallo, William W.; Younger, K. Lawson Jr. The context of scripture, 1: canonical compositions from the biblical world. 1997 =>13,203. RJBL 118 (1999) 714-717 (Knoppers, GaryN). 238 EHess, Richard Samuel; Wenbam, Gordon J. Zion, city of our God. GR 1999, Eerdmans x; 206 pp. RRExp 96 ( 1999): 599-600 (Redditt, Paul L.). 239 EHilaire, Yves-Marie De Renan a Marrou: l'histoire du christianisme et les progres de la methode historique ( 1863-1968). Histoire et civilisations: Villeneuve-d'Ascq 1999, Presses universitaires du Septentrion 262 pp. €25.91. 2-85939-602-0 [BCLF 620,1008]. 240 EHorbury, William Hebrew study from Ezra to Ben-Yehuda. E 1999, Clark xiv; 337 pp. 0-567-08602-X. RJud. 55 (1999) 272-273 (Willi, Thomas). 241 EHorrell, David G. Social-scientific approaches to New Testament interpretation. E 1999, Clark vi; 426 pp. !15. 0-567-08658-5 [RB 106,477]. 242 EHorsley, Richard A. Paul and empire: religion and power in Roman imperial society 1997 =>13,204. RJR 79 (1999) 711-712 (Harrill, J. Albert). 243 EHübner, Hans; Jaspert, Bernd Biblische Theologie: Entwürfe der Gegenwart. Biblisch-theologische Studien 38: Neuk 1999, Neuk'er 221 1
Ingrams, Richard Jesus: authors take sides: an anthology. L 1999, Harper C. x; 186 pp. !17. RDoLi 50/1(1999)58-59 (Kelly, Frank). 245 EJanssen, Claudia; Wehn, Beate Wie Freiheit entsteht: sozialgeschichtliche Bibelauslegungen. Gü 1999, Gütersloher 192 pp. 3-57903099-X [NThAR 2000,2].
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246 EJasper, David; Prickett, Stephen The bible and literature: a reader. Oxf 1999, Blackwell xv; 333 pp. $63. Collab. Hass, Andrew; Bibi. 247 EKaiser, Otto Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments, 3: Weiheitstexte, Mythen und Epen. 1990-1997 ::::>7,691... 13,206. RThLZ 124 (1999) 1009-1013 [Eng. RTLit 1/4 (1999) 39-45] (Lux, Rüdiger). 248 EKonings, Johan A Biblia na muta~äo cultural. Estudos Biblicos 61: Petr6polis 1999, Vozes 111 pp. Apres. Alberto Antoniazzi [REB 237,252]. 249 EKritzberger, Ingrid Rosa The personal voice in biblical interpretation. L 1999, Routledge xii; 218 pp. fl6 [RB 106,477]. 250 Lacocque, Andre; Ricoeur, Paul Thinkin~biblically: exegetical and hermeneutical studies. 1998 ::::>14,251. TS 60 (1999) 539-541 (McF.vem.te, Sean). 251 Liber Annus XLII. J 1993, Franciscan Biblical Centre 496 pp. RIThQ 64 (1999) 312-313 (Rogers, Patrick). 252 ELong, V. Philips Israel's past in present research: essays on ancient Israelite historiography. Sources for biblical and theological study 7: WL 1999, Eisenbrauns 612 pp. $38. 1-57506-0?.R-O [RiTod 38,320Bergant, Dianne]. 253 ELüdemann, Gerd Studien zur Gnosis. ARGU 9: Fm 1999, Lang 287 f P· 3-631-34331-0. 254 Marrocu, Giuseppe L'obbedienza e Ja disobbedienza nella bibbia. 1997 ::::>13,216; 14,254. RLaur. 40 (1999) 401-402 (Martignani, Luigi). 255 EMcKenzie, Steven L.; Haynes, Stephen R. To each its own meaning: an introduction to biblical criticisms and their application. LVL 2 1999, Westminster 306 pp. $21 [BiTod 38,320-Bergant, Dianne]. 256 McKenzie, Steven L.; Graham, M. Patrick The Hebrew Bible today: an introduction to critical issues. 1998 ::::>14,257. RBTB 29 (1999) 48 Gnuse, Robert). 257 Mickiewicz, Franciszek; Warzecha, Julian Ty, Panie, jestes naszym Ojcem (Iz 64,7): Biblia o Bogu Ojcu. Rozprawy i Studia Biblijne 5: Wsz 1999, Oficyna Wydawnicza "Vocatio" 259 pp. 83-7146-147-X. 258 EMies, Fran~oise Bible et litterature: l'hömme et Dieu mis en intrigue. Le livre et le rouleau 6: Bru 1999, Lessius 175 pp. €18.14. 2-87299082-8. 259 Moriconi, Bruno, al., Preghiera e Terra Santa. Morena 1999, Monte Carmelo 600 pp. €20.14. 260 ENaldini, Mario La Bibbia nei Padri della Chiesa: l'Antico Testamento. Letture patristiche 7: Bo 1999, EDB 170 pp. €14.46. 88-10-420373. RSBFLA 49 (1999) 579-581 (Paczkowski, M Celestyn). 261 ENeudorfer, Heinz-Werner; Schnabel, Eckhard J. Das Studium des Neuen Testaments, 1: eine Einführung in die Methoden der Exegese. Bibelwissenschaftliche Monographien 5: Wu 1999, Brockhaus 403 pp. 3-417-29434-7. 262 ENewman, Carey C. Jesus & the restoration of Israel: a critical assessment of N.T. Wright's Jesus and the victory of God. DG 1999, InterVarsity 320 pp. $23. 263 ENiccacci, Alviero Divine promises to the fathers in the three monotheistic religions. ASBF 40: 1995 ::::>1111,100; 12,195. Rsz 43 (1999) 120-121 (Fischer, Jrmtraud). · 264 Eorton, David E. The composition of John's gospel: selected studies from Novum Testamentum. Brill's Readers in Biblical Studies 2: Lei 1999, Brill ix; 276 pp. 90-04-11158-1. RJRAS 9 (1999) 432-433 (Derrett, J. Duncan M);
Al.3 Blblical compilations ofvariuus aulhurs
265 The composition of Luke's gospel: selected studies from Novum Testamentum. Brill's Readers in Biblical Studies 1: Lei 1999, Brill ix; 236 pp. 90-,04-11157-3; 266 The composition of Mark's gospel: selected studies from Novum Testamentum. Brill's Readers in Biblical Studies 3: Lei 1999, Brill vi; 272 pp. 90-04-11134-0; ' 267 The synoptic problem and Q: selected studies from Novum Testamentum. Brill's Readers in Biblical Studies 4: Lei 1999, Brill ix; 285 pp. 90-04-11342-8. 268 Eöhler, Markus Alttestamentliche Gestalten im Neuen Testament: Beiträge zur biblischen Theologie. Da:Wiss 1999, 224 pp. 3-53413836-8. 269 Epope-Levi.'\\on, Priscilla; Levison, .John R. Return to Babel: global perspectives on the bible. LVL 1999, Westminster xiv; 234 pp. $19. Bibi. 270 EPorter, Stanley E.; Reed, Jeffrey T. Discourse analysis and the New Testament: approaches and results. JSNT.S 170: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 425 pp. $85. 1-85075-996-0. 271 Eporter, Stanley R.; Carson, D.A. Linguistics and the New Testament: critical junctures. JSNT.S 168; Stnclies in New Testament Greek 5: Shf 1999, Shetlield A. 297 pp. 1-85075-991-X. 272 EPorter, Stanley E.; Hess, Richard Samuel Translating the bible: problems and prospects. JSNT.S 173: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 336 pp. $85. 1-85075-918-9. 273 ERadner, Ephraim; Sumner, George The rule of faith: scripture, canon and creed in a critical age. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 1998, Morehouse xxiii; 159 pp. 0-8192-1741-7. RAThR 81 (1999) 711-713 ~Turner, Philip). . 274 Reventlow, Henning Graf Eschatology in the bible and in Jewish and christian tradition. JSOT.S 243: 1997 =:>13,222. RJJS 50 (1999) 328-329 (Mathews, Susan F.). 275 ERhoads, David M.; Syreeni, Kari A. Characterization in the gospels: reconceiving narrative criticism. JSNT.S 184: Shf 1999, Sheffield A. 298 pp. f55. 1-84127-000-4. 276 ERogge, Joachim; Triebler, Wolfgang Wirkungen: der Umgang mit der Bibel im Wandel der Zeiten. Brennpunkte, die Bibel 3: B 1999, Evang. Haupt-Bibelges. 197 pp. 3-7461-0138-7 [NThAR 2000,216]. 277 Rois et reines de la bible au miroir des Peres. CBiPa 6: Strasbourg 1999, Univ. Marc Bloch 284 pp. €24.38. 2-906805-05-X. 278 Rossi de Gasperis, Francesco; Carfagna, Antonella Prendi il libro e mangia!, 2: dai Giudici alla fine del Regno. Bo 1999, Dehoniane 382 €22.72. 88-10-21104-9. . 279 Rutgers, Leonard Victor The use of sacred books in the ancient world. 1998 =:>14,263. RVJTR 63 (1999) 708-709 (Gispert-Sauch, G.). 280 ESchmidinger, Heinrich Die Bibel in der. deutschsprachigen Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts. Mainz 1999, Matthias-Grunewald 1243 pp. 2 vols. €65.45. 3-7867-2171-8 [Orien. 64, 115ss--Gellner, Christoph]. 281 Escholtissek, Klaus Christologie in der Paulus-Schule: zur Rezeption des paulinischen Evangeliums. SBS 181: Stu 1999, Kath. Bibelwerk 192 pp. €23.50. 3-460-04811-5. 282 Eschorlemmer, Friedrich Mein Bibeltext. Stu 1999, Radius 277 pp. 3-87173-186-2 [NThAR2000,62].
Elenchus ofBiblica 15, 1999
283 ESchottroff, Luise; Wacker, Marie-Theres, al., Kompendium feministische Bibelauslegung. Gü 2 1999, Gütersloher xx; 832 pp. €63.91. 3-579-00391-7 [NThAR2000,32]. 284 Escott, James M. Exile: Old Testament, Jewish, and Christian conceptions. JSJ.S 56: 1997 :::::>13,227. RJThS 50 (1999) 171-172 (Clements, R.E.); CBQ 61(1999)410-411 (Okoye, James C.). 285 Esegovia, Fernando F.; Tolbert, Mary Ann Teaching the bible: the discourses and politics of biblical pedagogy. 1998 :::::>14,267. RMisSt 16 (1999) 178-179 (Smith, Susan). 286 ESellin, Gerhard; Vouga, Fram;ois Logos und Buchstabe: Mündlichkeit und Schriftlichkeit im Judentum und Christentum der Antike. TANZ 20: 1997 :::::>13,229. KThLZ 124 (1999) 386-389 [Eng. RTLit 112 (1999) 75-79] (Sän[JP.r, niP.tP.r). 287 EShanks, Hershel Anc1ent Israel: from Abraham to the destruction of the temple. Wsh 21999 , Biblical Archaeological Society xxiii; 356 pp. $28. 288 ESiebert-Hommes, Jopie De vrouw van de nachten andere verhalen uit de bijbel. 1998 :::>14,268. RPhoe. 45 (1999) 89-90 (Folmer, ML.). 289 ESiqueira, Tercio Machado Resto santo e fiel. Estudos biblicos 62: Petr6polis 1999, Vozes 80 pp. [REB 237,253]. 290 ESneed, Mark R. Concepts of class in ancient Israel. SFSHJ 201: Atlanta, GA 1999, Scholars xiii; 126 pp. $45. 0-7885-0572-6. Bibi. 291 Esöding, Thomas, a/„ Worum geht es in der Rechtfertigungslehre?: das biblische Fundament der "Gemeinsamen Erklärung" von katholischer Kirche und Luterischem Weltbund. QD 180: FrB 1999, Herder 247 pp. 3-451-02180-3. 292 ETaylor, David G.K. Studies in the early text ofthe gospels and Acts. Texts and Studies 1: Birmingham 1999, University of Birmingham Press xiii; 283 pp. J:l9 [JThS 51,310-Elliott, J.K.]. 293 ETuckett, Christopher M. The scriptures in the gospels. BEThL 131: 1997 :::::>13,234; 14,271. RThLZ 124 (1999) 177-181 (Labahn, Michael); NT 41 (1999) 185-186 (Goulder, Michael); RLouvSt 24 (1999) 7780 (Verheyden, Joseph); ThRv 95 (1999) 459-461 (Söding, Thomas). 294 Evan Deusen, Nancy The place of the Psalms in the intellectual culture ofthe Middle Ages. Albany 1999, State University ofNew York Press xv; 220 pp. $57.50/$19. 0-7914-4129-6/30-X [Spec. 75/1, 271]. 295 EVan Gelder, Craig Confident witness-changing world: rediscovering the gospel in North America. GR 1999, Eerdmans xvii; 313 pp. $24. 296 EVan Kampen, Kimberly; Saenger, Paul The bible as book: the first printed editions. Oak Knoll 1999, New Castle 208 pp. $55. 1-88471892-2 [Interp. 54,340]. 297 EWestenholz, Joan Goodnick Sacred bounty sacred land: the seven species ofthe land oflsrael. 1998 :::::>14,11306. RB.ArR 25/2 (1999) 5860 (Hopkins, David C. ). 298 EWündisch, Barbara Mein Gott-sie liebt micht: lesbisch-feministische Beiträge zur biblischen Theologie. Erev-Rav-Hefte: Biblischfeministische Texte 2: Wittingen 1999, Erev-Rav 239 pp. 3-93281013-9 [NThAR 2000,245]. .
Al.4 Theological compilations of various authors
Al.4 Plurium compilationes theologicae 299 EAlonso Avila, Angeles Amor, muerte y mas alla en el judaismo y cristianismo antiguos. Historia y Sociedad 73: Valladolid 1999, Univ. ~e Valladolid 179 PI>· 84-7762-949-8 [NThAR 2000 309]. 300 Arcella, Luciano Pisi, Paola; Scagno, Roberto Confronto co11_ Mircea ELIADE: archeti.P.i mitici e identita storica. 1998 ::::>14,282. RSO l3 (1999) 332-334 (Milanetti, Giorgi14,284. JThS 50 (1999) 305-306 (Wiles, M,aurice). 303 Barton, Stephen C. Where shall wisdom be found?: wisdom in the bible, the church and the contemporary world. E 1999, Clark xxiv; 389 Rl'· $38. 0-567-08642-9. Bibl. 304 Bauckham, Richard; Hart, Trevor Hope against hope: christian eschatolo_gy m contemQo~ context. L 1999, Darton\ L. & T. xiv; 233 l?P· t12. 0-232-52284-7 IRRT 7,191ss-Sarot, Marce1). 305 ßeinert, Wolfgang Gott-ratlos vor dem Bösen?: mit einer Stellun&nahme Kardinal· RATZINGERs zum Motu proprio "Ad tuendam fidem . OD 177: FrB 1999; Herder 233 pp. 3-451-0'.ll 77-3. 306 hlJoisvert, Matth1eu Un monde de religions, 2: les traditions juive, chretienne et musulmane. Sainte-Foy 1999, Presses de l'Umv. du Ouebec 230 P.P· 307 hlJradshaw, Paul F.; Hoffman, Lawrence A. Passover and Easter: origin and history to modern times. Two liturgical traditions 5: ND 1999, Univ. ofNotre Dame Press vii; 252 pp. $38. 0-268-03859-7; 308 Passover and Easter: the symbolic structurm_g of sacred seasons. Two liturgical traditions 6: ND 1999, Univ. of Nötre Dame Press vii; 224 BP· 0-268-03858-9. 309 'Brunner-Traut, Emma Os fundadores das g;randes religiOes: Akhenatol\ Zaratustra, Moises,,_ Jesus, Mani, Maome, Bud~ Confilci