Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus of Biblica 62

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Index systematicus - Contents......Page 4

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Robert NORTH S.J .




62 1981





AA Amst B Ba Bare Bo Bru C CM Ch Da DG Dü E ENJ F FrB/FrS Fra GCNY Gö GR Gü Ha Heid Hw J

K L LA Lp Lv(N) M/Mi Mü N ND Neuk NHv Nv

NY Ox P Pd Ph

R Rg SF Sto Stu T TA Tü . U/W Wb Wmr Wsh Wsz Wu Wü


Ann Arbor Amsterdam [o/w]Berlin Basel Barcelona Bologna Brussel Cambridge, Engl. Cambridge, Mass. Chicago Darmstadt DownersGrove,IL Düsseldorf Edinburgh EnglewoodCliffsNJ Firenze Freiburg-Br/Schweiz Frankfurt/M GardenCityNY Göttingen GrandRapids MI Gütersloh Hamburg Heidelberg Harmondsworth Jerusalem K0benhavn London Los Angeles Leipzig Leuven (Neuve) Madrid/Milano München Napoli NotreDameIN Neukirchen/Verlag New Haven Nashville New York Oxford Paris Paderborn Philadelphia Roma Regensburg San Francisco Stockholm Stuttgart Torino Tel Aviv Tübingen Uppsala/Wien Wiesbaden Warminster Washington Warszawa Wuppertal Würzburg Zürich

Editorial Assistant - Dr. Franca Index: Dr. Giovanna

_ * 1




Name at outset; nomen initii lemmatis Hujus Elenchi (vol.,) Numerus parallela / fere idem bis: another item under same number (Two) alternatives follow: seq. a/ternativa adapted from /into - oritur ex / evolvitur ad intra titulum, indicat sequentem subtitulum (vice . vel : )

Titles are preceded by comma (,) and followed by colon (:) for periodical or series; therefore within the title is used a semicolon (;) to

indicate a following subtitle, such as is given in the original on a separate line without punctuation, or varyingly with (.) or (:) in various languages. Otherwiseevery effort is made to give the full title exactly as in the original, except where that itself is arbitrary (as in ZAW 21 13 citing Scripture chapter and verse even from an original given otherwise). All various quotation-marks are given as in England: (« » ,, " = ' '; secondary (inside) quotes " "] Naturally original titles all in capitals (majuscules) are reduced to ordinary minuscules (also the first letter of not-first words, even in English). Within titles, proper names of AuTH0RSEDITED or CITED are pul into small capitals.

a/. CNRS DM,$,f 0 ante

Eante Fs HUC ib. id. seq. 1 Jdt.Jts KBW Mante 'a nte p. / pl./pa . Pg(Fg)/Ph PIB PUF R/Tante sb. VR Wiss

( et) a/ii, and others = u .a ., e.a . etc . Centre National de Recherche Scientifique P local price / pretium Juxta pecuniam /oci director dissertationis ( Index: et diss. ipsa) ed(itor), Herausgeber, redacteur, a cura di Festschrift (F); franc suisse [p. 16] et Jewish Institute of Religion , NY, J ibidem , in the same place idem (eadem, iidem): the same person(s) Jr., Junior (habet praenomina patris) Jahrhundert , Jahrtausend Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stu (vel Öst. / Schw) materia , mentio; de eo; ABOUT him/her Order Number ISBN (pro dissert.: AA) page(s), pagina / planche, plate / paperback Philologie/Philosophie [Pontifical] Biblical [Institute] Press, R Presses Universitaires de France, P recensio, book-review / translator Subscriptio (vel membership) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gö Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Da

These titles in English ( or as given) represent:


Arabic @ Greek CD Hebrew

0 Chinese Japanese 43 Korean ® Magyar, Hungarian f)

6> Polish Ci)


Russian Turkish


Robert NORTH S.J.




62 1981






Index systematicus- Contents Pag.

Abbreviations, sigla .. .......................... I. Bibliographica Al Festschriften, m:emorials............... Al.2 Alia opera collecta ........... ,.......... A2 Acta, Meetings .l Biblica ............. A2.2 etc. Nuntii de congressibus......... A2.3 Theologica, philologica.............. A2.7 Orientalistica, archaeologica...... A3 Opera consultationis..................... A4 Bibliographiae .l biblicae ............. A4.2 Theo!., ling., or., arch., gen. ..... II. lntroductio Bl Tota vel VT, whole or OT ............ B2 Hermeneutica: Structuralism......... B3 Magisterium, Bible/Church........... B3.2 n:velatio, in.:rrantia, canon ......... H4 Humanistica: men; women ............ B4.4 Current Issues ............................ B4.5 Bible as literature ....................... B4.6 Athea, materialist., psych .. .'...... B5 Methodus exegetica....................... 111.[Critica] Textu.f, Ver,filme.f Dl Textual criticism ........................... u2 Biblia Ht:luaica, Text, Targum .... D3 Tcxtus graccus: NT, LXX ............ D4 Antiquae versiones orientales . ..... D5 Latinac, tcxtus patristicus............. D6 Versiones modernae fr. esp. it. ..... D6.2 English, deutsch, aliae ....... ... ...... D7 The art of translating ................... 08 Concordantiae, synopses .............. .V. Exegesis totius VT Pel cum NT o9 Commentary, whole ßihle ............ VI. Libri historici VT El Pentateuchus: Pontes JEDP.......... El.4 Genesis: text., commentarii ........ El.6 Gn l: Creation; Myth ................ El.8 Bible, Church, Science ............... El.9 Gn 3: Peccatum originale........... E2 Gn 6: Diluvium, Gilgames ............ E2.3 Gn 12: Abraham, Melchizedek.... E2.5 Foedus, covenant; 'aqi!di1........... E2.7 Gn 25: Jacob; mal'ak, angels ...: .. E2.9 Gn 37: Joseph............................. E3 Exodus: text., commentarii ........... E3.2 Ex l: Moyses .............................. E3.3 Ex 3,14: nomen YHWH •.............•• E3.4 Ex 12: Pascha, sacrificium ......... E3.5 Ex 20 = Dt 5: Decalogus .......... EJ.5 Ex 21 Ancient NE Law .............. E3.6 Ex 25-40 Cultus.......................... E3.7 Leviticus; Holiness-Code ............ E3.8 Numeri, Balaam ......................... E3.9 Deuteronomium......................... E4.l Josue; Tribus, amphictyonia ..:... u4.2 Judicum: Richtei', J mlgc~........... E4.3 Ruth ........................................... E4.4 1-2 Samuel.. ................................ E4.5 !Sm 7, Kingship; Saul... ............. E4.5.3 lSm 16 David's Rise ...............

6 28 38 54 58 60 71 74 80 84 91 99 109 113 118 122 123 124 125 127


132 134 135 137 138 140 141 142 143 145 146 152 155 158 159 161 162 164 164 165 167 168 169 171 173 174 174 176 179 181 182 182 183 185

E4.7 1-2 Rg; Salomo;Templum ......... 187 E4.8 lRg 17 Elias, Elijah ................... 188 E4.9 2 Rg l Elisaeus, Elis.ha .............. 189 E5.l Chronica, genealogiae ................ 190 E5.4 Esdrae: Ezra, Nehemiah ............ 191 E5.5 Tobias, Judith, Esther ................ 192 E5.8 1-2 Machabaeorum..................... 193 VII. Libri didactici VT ., E6 Poesis, versification.... ... ......... ....... 194 E6.2 Psalmorum textus, themata........ 195 E6.8 Psalmi singuli ............................. 201 E7 Job···························"···"·"····""··· 204 E7.3 Canticum, Song of Songs ........... 208 E7.5 Sapientiales; Wisdom literature ..... 209 E7.6 Proverbiorum liber. .................... 211 E7.7 Ecclesiastes, Qohelet .... ......... ..... 212 E7.8 Liber Sapientiae, Wisdom .......... 214 E7.9 Ecclesiasticus, Jesus Sirach ........ 214 VIII. Libri prophctici VT b8 Prophetismus ................................. 215 E8.2 Proto-Isaias; text. comm. 219 E8.4 Deutero (-Trito)- Isaias ............ 222 E8.7 Jeremias; Lam., Baruch .............. 225 E8.9 Ezechiel, Hiskiel......... ......... ....... 230 h9 Apm:alyplica VT ?31 E9.2 Daniel... ...................................... 232 ?,4 ~.9.4 Prnphetae minores, XTT . IX .. NT exegesis generalis Fl Introductio NT, hermeneutica ...... 239 Fl.2 Origo, historicitas Uvangeliorum 243 Fl.4 Jesus historiae; Judaeus.............. 246 Fl.6 Jesus Ecclesiae; 'anormalis' ........ 251 F2.l NT Exegesis creativa.................. 255 F2.2 Unitas NT & cum VT ................. 256 X. Commentarii NT: EPangelia F2.6s Problema synopticum... ....... ..... 259 F3 Matthaei textus, commentarii ....... 261 F3.3 Mt ls (Lc ls), infantia ............... 264 F3.5 Mt 5, Beatitudines, Pater........... 266 F4.l Mt 8ss, Miracula Jesu ................ 269 F4.3 Mt 13ss, Parabolae Jesu ............. 272 F4.5 Mt 16, Primatus Petri ................ 275 F~.8 Mt 21, fachatologiu Regni ........ 277 F5 Mt 26 Eucharistia ......................... 278 F5.3 Mt 26,30 pur.: Passio ........ ,........ 281 F5.6 Mt 28 par.: Resurrectio ............. 283 F6 .Evangelium Marci .......... ,.............. 285 F7 Opus lucanum - Luke-Acts .......... 292 F7.3 Evangelium Lucae...................... 293 XII. Actus Apostolorum F8 Text., comm.; Die Urgemeinde..... 300 F8.5 Act.ls, Ascensio, Pentecostes ..... 303 F8.7 Act.13s, Itinera Pauli .............. ... 306 XIV. Corpus Johanneum Gl Johannis communitas ................... 308 Gl.5 Jn l, prologus ............................ 314 G1.8 Jn 13, sermo sacerdotalis ........... 317 G2 Epistulae Johannis ........................ 318 a2.5 Apoculyp~iM,fü:vdution ............ 319

XIII. Paulus G3 Pauli vita, comm., themata ..... ..... 323 u4 Ad Romanos. ............................... 332 G5 Ad Corinthios; I ........................... 336

o5.5 lCor 12, charismata, resurrectio 339 o5.9 II ad Corinthios ......................... 341 06 Ad Galatas .................................... 342 o6.2s Eph-Phlp-Col-Phlm .................. 344 06.6 1-2 Ad Thessalonicenses ............ 347 o7 Pastorales, Tim-Tit.. ..................... 348 08 Epistula ad Hebraeos ................... 349 [XIV] Epistulae catholicae o9 1-2 Petri ......... ,............................. 351 o9.4 Epistulae Jacobi, Judae ............. 353 XV. Theologia hihlica

HI Deus; God in OT ........·................. H2 Anthropologia VT; morbi ............ H2.5 Justificatio, salus VT ................. H2.8 Oecologia, saecularizatio ........... H3.l Foedus, Covenant; Fides ........... tt3.5 Liturgia: ptiesthood ................... H3.7 Doctrina moralis VT .................

354 357 358 359 359 360 361

H1.R Thcologia politica VT; War.


tt4. l Mcssianica, cschatologica .......... 363

H4.5 Theologia totius VT .................. H5 NT: Deus, God............................. tt5.3 Christologia ............................... H5.5 Spiritus Sanctus, Trinitas ........... 115.8 Rcgnum NT, Kingdom ............. H6 Creatio, anthropologia ................. 116.4 Fidcs/vcritas; Faith/Truth ......... H6.6 Peccatum; sin, evil ..................... H7 Soteriologia, justitia NT............... H7.2 Crux, Sacrificium; The Cross .... H7.4 Sacramenta, gratia NT .............. H7.6 Ecclesia, The Church ................. H7.8 Amt: officium ecclesiasticum..... H8 Liturgia, oratio; vita religiosa ...... H8.2 Theologia moralis NT ............... H8.5 Theologia liberationis NT ......... H8.8 Feminae, Maria; Women ........... H9 Eschatologia NT ........................... H9.5 Theologia totius NT..................

366 368 369 381 385 386 388 389 390 393 395 398 403 409 413 418 427 437 442

XVI. Philologia biblica

J! Hebraica; grammatica, generalia..... Jl.3 Voces hebraicae & aramaicae ..... 11.'i Phmmir.in, nrnm.-syr. J2 Akkadica (Sumer.), arabica ........... J1 Aegyptia, coptica, aethiopica 14 Anatolica: hittita, armena .............

15 Graeca: grammatica, vocab ......... J5.2 Voces graecae: Greek terms ........ 16 Indo~iranica; Latina.......... .......... ... 18 Philologia comparata; linguistica ....

444 448 4S?. 454 4S6 458 460 463 466 467

[IV.] Apocrypha, Qumran, Judaica

Kl K3 K4 K5 K8

Pseudepigrapha; Philo .................. 471 Qumran surveys, titles .................. 478 Esseni, Samaritani, Qaraitae ........ 482 Judaismus; Misna ......................... 483 Philosemitismus ............................ 491 XVll,3 Gnosis, religio parabiblica MI Gnosticismus; Mani, Mandaei... .. 495 M2 Nag' l;fammadi; titles................... 499 M3 Religio comparata, mythi ....... ..... 503 M4ssromana, graeca, syra, aegyptia. ... 509 M7s mesop., iranica, arabica, indica .... 520 XVll,l Historia Medii Orientis Biblici Ql Syria, Canaan, Israel .................... 528

Q2 Historiographia............................. Q3-5 aeg., mesop., iran., anatolica ..... Q6-7 graeca, Flavius Josephus ........... Q8-9 epocha NT, imperium romanum

531 533 539 542

XV/11. Archaeologia

Tl General archeology; museums ...... Tl.3 Methodi: science; Shroud........... Tl.4 Realia, concrete objects.............. Tl.7 Technologia antiqua................... Tl.8 Architectura, furniture ............... T2.l Arma, vehicula; Nautica ............ T2.4s Athletica, games; musica . ......... T2.6s Textilia, ornamenta................... T2.8 Utensilia; weights, measures ...... T3.ls Ars; sculptura ........................... T3.3 G!yptica, mosaica ....................... T3.5 Ceramica, pottery; lamps ........... T3.7 Cultica; Funeraria ...................... TJ.9 Numismatica, coins .................... T4 Situs: cxcavation-sitcs ................... T4.3 Jerusalem .................................... T4.4 alphabetice: Juda; Negeb ........... T4.5 Samaria; Galilaea (Golan) ......... T4.8 Transjordania, East-Jordan........ T5 Phocnicia, Libanus, Carthago....... T5.4 Ugarit, Ebla; Syria ..................... T6 Mosopotamia .... ...... .............. ........ T6.7 Arabia; Iran, Persia .................... T7 Aegyptus, Africa; Sinai................. T8 Turchia: Bogazköy, Ephesus ......... T8.6 Anatolia alphabetice .................. T8.8 Armenia, Urartu; Ark ................ T9.l Cyprus ........................................ T9.3 Graecia, alphabetice................... T9.4s Creta et aliae insulae ........... ..... T9.6 Roma; Imperium........................ XIX. Geographia biblica ul Geographies; hist. geog. ............... ul.4 Maps, photos, guides ................. ul.7 Onomastica ................................ ul.8 Situs ordine alphabetico ............ u2 Geologia, clima, fauna .................

551 557 560 562 563 565 566 568 569 569 574 577 579 582 583 584 586 590 594 596 598 602 605 606 612 614 616 616 617 618 620 623 625 628 629 631

TT2. 7 Flora, ngriculturn, meclicina .. ... . 6'.B

u3 XII Tribus; limitrophi .................. 636 IJ.'i Ethnologia, sociologia .................. 637 u5.8 Urbanismus; Viae, merx ............ 645 u6 Loca sancta; Pilgrims ............ ....... 648 u8 Crucigeri; Status Quo ........... ........ 650 XX. Historia Scientiae Biblicae

Yl History of Exegesis....................... Yl.4 Patres Apostolici ........................ Y2 Patres graeci ex saeculo III........... Y2.4 Augustinus et Latini .................. Y2.8 Patres Orientales ........................ Y3 Medium Aevum ............................ Y4 Luther; reformatio ........................ Y4.5 Post-reform. ad 1800 ................. Y5 Saec. XIX; Muc.lernism................. Y6 Saeculum XX, exegetae ................ Y6.4 Theulugi; hurizun....................... Y8(5) Periti (in memoriam) ................

653 656 659 661 665 666 669 674 676 682 684 693

Index 700; voccs 775; S.Scr. 777

AA Amst B Ba Bare Bo Bru C CM Ch Da DG Dü E ENJ F FrB/FrS Fra GCNY Gö GR Gü Ha Heid Hw J K L LA Lp Lv(N) M/Mi Mü N ND Neuk NHv Nv NY Ox P Pd Ph R Rg SF Sto Stu T TA Tü U/W Wb Wmr Wsh Wsz Wu Wü Z

Ann Arbor Amsterdam [o/w]Berlin Basel Barcelona Bologna Brussel Cambridge, Engl. Cambridge, Mass. Chicago Darmstadt DownersGrove,IL Düsseldorf Edinburgh EnglewoodCliffsNJ Firenze Freiburg-Br/Schweiz Frankfurt/M GardenCityNY Göttingen GrandRapids MI Gütersloh Hamburg Heidelberg Harmondsworth Jerusalem Kobenhavn London Los Angeles Leipzig Leuven (Neuve) Madrid/Milano München Napoli NotreDameIN Neukirchen/Verlag New Haven Nashville New York Oxford Paris Paderborn Philadelphia Roma Regensburg San Francisco Stockholm Stuttgart Torino Tel Aviv Tübingen Uppsala/Wien Wiesbaden Warminster Washington Warszawa Wuppertal Würzburg Zürich T!POGRAFIA

Editorial Assistant - Dr. Franca Maria VACANTE Index: Pr. Giovanna CttIRRI


* 1

Name at outset; nomen initii lemmatis Hujus Elenchi (vol.,) Numerus parallela / fere idem bis: another item under same number (Two) alternatives follow: seq. alternativa adapted from/into - oritur ex l evolvitur ad intra titulum, indicat sequentem subtitulum (vice . vel : )

Titles are preceded by comma (,) and followed by colon (:) for periodicalor series;thereforewithinthe title is used a semicolon(;) to indicate a following subtitle, such as is given in the original on a separate line without punctuation, or varyingly with (.) or (:) in various languages: Otherwiseeveryeffort is made to give the füll title exactlyas in·the original,cxccptwhere that itself is arbitrary (as in ZAW 21 13 citing Scripture chapter and verse even from an original given otherwise). All various quotation-marksare givenas in England: [« » ,, " = ' '; secondary (inside) quotes" "] Naturally original titles all in capitals (majuscules) are reduced to ordinary minuscules(also the first letter of not-first words, even in English). Within titles, proper names of AUTHORS ·EDITED or CITED are put into small capitals.

al. CNRS DM,$,f: 0 ante Eante Fs HUC ib. id. seq.J Jdt.Jts KBW Mante ante p./pl./pa. Pg(Fg)/Ph Piß PUF R/Tante sb. VR Wiss


(et) alii, and others = u.a., e.a. etc. Centre National de Recherche Scientifique P local price / pretium Juxta pecuniam loci director dissertationis ( Index: et diss. ipsa) ed(itor), Herausgeber, redacteur, a cura di Festschrift (F); franc suisse [p. 16] et Jewish Institule of Religion, NY, J ibidem, in the same place idem (eadem, iidem): the same person(s) J r., Junior ( habet praenomina patris) Jahrhundert, Jahrtausend Katholisches Bibelwerk, Stu (vel Öst./Schw) materia, mentio; de eo; AB0UT him/her Order Number ISBN (pro dissert.: AA) page(s), pagina / planche, plate / paperback Philologie/Philosophie [Pontifical] Biblical [Institute] Press, R Presses Universitaires de France, P recensio, book-review / translator Subscriptio (vel membership) Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gö Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Da

These titles in English ( or as given) represent:



© Greek CD Hebrew

8 Chinese 8 Japanese 43 Korean ® Magyar, Hungarian


ß O

Polish Russian Turkish

Direttore Responsabile: Pietro BovATI Luglio 1984;autorizzazionede! Tribunale di Roma 12 ottobre 1968 n. 12385del Registro della Stampa VELLA PONTIFICIA


Piazza della Pilotta, n. 4 - 00187 Roma

Sigla, Acronyms: Periodica - Series

Acronyms:Periodica - Series(small). AAS: Acta Apostolicae Sedis; Vaticano. AASOR: Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research;CM. Abb: AbhandlungenGö Lp Mü etc.; -. DOG; [DPV -. ZDPV]. AbhChrJüDial: zum christlich-jüdischenDialog; Mü, Kaiser. AbrNahr:Abr-Nahrain; Leiden. Acßg: Academieroyalede Belgique;Bru. Act: Actes/Acta(Congr.,Colloq.). ActAcAbo: Acta AcademiaeAboensis, series A: Humaniora; Abo, Finland. Acta Piß: Acta Pontificii lnstituti Biblici: Roma. ActArchH/K: Acta Archacologica; Hungarica, Budapest / K. ActClasDebr: Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum,Debrecen. ActClasSAfr: Acta Classica;Cape Town. Actlran: Acta Iranica; Teheran/Leiden. ActOrH/K: Acta Orientalia: Budapest, Academia Scientiarum Hungarica; / K (Societates Orientales Danica, Norveigica). ActPraeb: Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica; B. ActSum: Acta Sumerologica; Hiroshima, Univ. Linguistics Dpt. Actußbg: Aclualidad Bibliografica (Filos. Teol.: Selecciones de Libros); Bare S. Cugat. ADAJ: Annual of the Department of Antiquities, Jordan; 'Amman. Aeg: Aegyptus; Milano. Ae_gHelv: Aegyptiaca Helvetica: Basel Univ. Ag. Sem. (Univ. Geneve). Aevum; Milano. AfER: African Ecclesiastical Review; Masaka, Uganda. AfO: Archiv für Orientforschung; Graz. AfrAsD/L: Afroasiatic Dialects/LinguisticMonographs;Malibu CA. AITJ.: Africa Theological Journal; Makumira, Tanzania. AGJU: Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums;Leiden. Arnr.: Academie des Jnscriptions et BellesLettres; P -. CRAI. ATON: Annali (dell')Istituto [Universitario] Orientale di Napoli. AIPHOS: Annuaire de !'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales et Slaves; Bru. AJA: American Journal of Archaeology; Princeton NJ.


Akkadica, Bru. Akroterion, Classics; Stellenbosch. ALGHJ: Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des helleni~tischen Judentums;Leiden. AI-Kibt, The Copts, die Kopten; Hamburg, Koptische Gemeinde (1 (1980)]. ALLC: Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing Bulletin. Stockport, Cheshire. ALMA: Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi; Bru. Altertum; oB. AltOrF: Altorientalische Forschungen; oB. AmBenR: American Benedictine Review; St. Paul, Minn. Ambrosius: bollettino liturgico; Mi. AmHR: American Historical Review; NY. AmJewishH: American Jewish Historical Quarterly; Waltham, MA. AmJPg: American Journal of Philology; Baltimore. AmJTPh: American Journal of Theology and Philosophy; Raleigh NC [2 (1981)]. AmNumM: American Numismatic Society Museum Notes; NY. AmPgTr/Pr: American Philological Association Transactions / Proceedings; Ithaca, NY. Ampurias; Bare. AmSci: American Scientist. AmstCah: Amsterdamse cahiers voor exegese en bijbelse theologie; Kampen [! (1980)]. AmstMed -. Mededelingen.

AmStPapyr: American Studies in Papyrology; NHv. AnAASyr: Annales Archeologiques Arabes Syriennes; Damas. Anadolu; Ankara, Univ. Dil-Tarih-Cografiya Pak. Anatolica, Annuaire pour !es .civilisations de l' Asie anterieure; istanbul, Inst. Neer!. AnAug:Analecta Augustiniana; R. AnBib1 Annleota Biblioa. Investigationesseien tificae in res biblicas, ed. a Facultate Biblica PontificiiInstituti Biblici.Roma. Anßoll: Analecta Bollandiana; Bru. AnBritSchAth: Annual of the British School at Athens; London. AnCa'F: Annali de la Facolta di Lingue e


Elenchus / Biblica 62 ( 1981)

Letterature Straniere di Ca'Foscari; Venezia, Univ. AnCalas: Analecta Calasanctiana (religioso-cultural-hist6rica); Salamanca. AnCEtRel: Annales du Centre d'Etudes des Religions; Bru. AnChile: Anales de Ja Facultad de Teologia; Santiago,Univ. Cat6lica. AncborB:Anchor Bible;Garden City NY. AnCist:Analecta Cisterciensia; R: AnClas: Annales Universitatis, sectio classica; Budapest. AnCracov: Analecta Cracoviensia (Polish Theo!. Soc.); Krakow. AncSoc: Ancient Society. Katholieke Universiteit; Leuven. AncW:The Ancient World; Ch. [5(1982)] AndrUnS: Andrews University Seminary Studies; Berrien Springs, Mich. AnEgBbg: Annual Egyptological Bibliography; Leiden. AnEPH: Annuaire➔ EPHE. AnEth:Annales d'Ethiopie; Addis-Ababa. AnFac: Let: Annali della facolta di Jettete, Univ.. (Bari/Cagliari/Perugia). ~ Ling/T: Annal(es) Facultat(is); linguarum, theologiae. AnFg:Anuario de Filologia; Bare [4 (1978)]. Ang: Angelicum; Roma. AnglTR: Anglican Theological Review; Evanston, III. / -Sewanee, Tenn. AnGreg: Analecta (Pont. Univ.) Gregoriana; Roma. AnHArch:Annales d'Histoire et d'Archeologie; Beirut, Univ. S. Joseph [1 (1982)] AnHArt: Annales d'histoire de l'art et d'archeologie: Bru. AnHConc: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum; Paderborn. AnltNum: Annali (dell')lstituto Italiano di Numismatica; R. AnJapB: Annual of the Japanese Biblical Institute; Tokyo O ➔ SeiRon. AnLeeds: Annual of the Leeds University Oriental Society;· Leiden. AnLovBOr: Analecta Lovaniensia Biblica et Orientalia;Lv. AnnEb:Annali di Ebla; R. AnOr: Analecta Orientalia: e Facultate Orientali PontificiiInstituti Biblici;R. AnOrdBas: Analecta Ordinis S. Basilii Magni; R. AnPg: L'Annee Philologique; P. AnPisa: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore; Pisa.


AnPraem: Analecta Praemonstratensia; Averbode. AnRSocSR: Annual Review of the Social Sciences of Religion; Haag [Mouton 3 (1979)]. ANRW: Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischenWelt ➔ 845. AnSemClas: Annali de! Seminario di Studi de! Mondo Classico; N. AnSt: Anatolian Studies; L. AnSTar: Analecta Sacra Tarraconensia; Barcelona. AnStEbr:Annuario di Studi Ebra1c1:R. AntAb:Antike und Abendland; B. AntAfr:Antiquites africaincs; P. AntCias: L'Antiquite Classique; Bru. AntCICr:Anlichila classicae cristiana; Brescia. AnThijm: Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap; Utrecht. Anthropos; FrS. AntiqJ: Antiquaries Journal; L. Antiquity; Gloucester. Ant/ka: Anthropologika: Thessaloniki [1 (1980)]. AntKu:Antike Kunst; Basel. Anton: Antonianum; Roma. AntRArch: Antiqua, Rivista d'Archeologia e d'Architettura; R. AntWelt: Antike Welt; CH-8706 Feldmeilen. AnVal: Anales Valentinos; Valencia. AnzAltW: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft; Innsbruck. AOAT: Alter Orient und Altes Testament: Kevelaer/Neukirchen. AOtt: Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im AT; St. Ottilien (Univ. Mü). ArBegG: Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte (Mainz, Akad.); Bonn. ArbGTL: Arbeiten zur Geschichte und Theologie des Luthertums;B. ArbKiG: Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte; B/NY. ArbNTJud: Arbeiten zum NT und zum Judentum. ArbNtTextf: Arbeiten zur Neutestamentlichen Textforschung;B/NY. ArbT: Arbeiten zur Theologie(Calwer);Stu. ArbTextSprAT: ➔ Aütt.

Archaeology; CM. Archaeometry; Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the Ilistory of Art; L. ArchAnAth: © Archaiologika analekta ex Athenön; Athenai. ArchAnz:Archäologischer Anzeiger; B.

Sigla, Acronyms: Periodica

ArchBbg:Archäologische Bibliographie zu


DAI; Berlin. ArchClasR:Archeologia Classica; R. Archeologia; (ex-Paris) Dijon, Faton [aussi, a part, (Dossiers) Rist. et Arch.]. ArchEph: Archaiologike Ephemeris; Athenai. Architectura; Mü. ArchJ: Archaeological Journal; L. ArchMiran: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, N.F.; Berlin. . ArchStorAnt: Archeologia e Storia Ant1ca; N, Univ. Ist. Or. (Clas.). Arctos, Acta Philologica Fennica; Helsinki. ArEspArq: Archivo Espaiiol de Arqueologia; Madrid. Arethusa ... wellspring of Western man; Buffalo NY. ArFrancHist: Archivum Franciscanum Historicum; Grultaft:rrala. ArGiottlt: Archivio Glottologico ltaliano; Firenze. ArHPont: Archivum Historiae Pontificiae; Roma. ArlntHSci: Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences; Wb. ArKulturg: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte; Köln. ArLtgW: Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft; Regensburg. ArOr: Archiv Orientalni; Praha. ArPapF: Archiv für Papyrusforschung; T.eipzig. ArRefG: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte; Gütersloh. ARTANES: Aids and Research Tools in Ancient Near Eastern Studies; Malibu CA. ArtAs: Arlibus Asiae; NY Univ. ArTGran: Archivo Teol6gico Granadino; Granada. Arzte: Arzt und Christ; Salzburg. ASAE: Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte; Le Caire. AsbSem: The Asbury Seminarian; Wilmore, KY. AshlandTB: Ashland (Ohio) Theological Bulletin. AsMis: Assyriological Miscellanics; K, Univ. [l (1980)]. Asn[Heb/J)R: Association for Hebrew/Jewish Stn 81,1118]: RRHR 198 (1981) [214s.] 329 (P. Nautin). - Band 31/2ss (Aug. Zeit: Vergil, Horaz, Ovid), 1980s; p. viii+709-1399. DM 295./p. viii+ 1403-2158; 3-ll-008467-8; 26 art./p. viii+2161-2783. 846 Bijll: Bijbels IIandboek, EWoudeA. S. van der, Mulder M. J., a/. I. De wereld van do Bijbol. Kumpen 1981, Kok. vi-563 p.; 82 fig. f125. 847 BRV: Biblisches Real!exikon 2 , EGallingK. 1977 ➔ 58s,2456 ... 61,1119: RJNES 40 (l'J~l) 66 (R. V. Btggs). 848 CAH: Cambridge Ancient History I/1-2; II/1-2 [ ➔ 52,5865 ... 61,1120] First paperback edition 1980. I f:15; 0-521-29822-2. II/1, xxi-868p., f:12.50; 0-521-29823-7. II/2 f:15; 0-521-29824-5. 849 Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archcology, FSherratt Andrew, 1980 + 61,1121: RAntiquity 55 (1981) 148s (R. J. C. Atkinson); BSOAS '44 (1981) 433 [D. J. Wiseman], 850. Cambridge History of Africa, FFage J.D. II, 500 B.C,-A.D. 1050: 1978 ➔ 61,484: RAntiquity 55 (1981) 153s (J. Alexunder: sporadii.: 'themes' rather lhan 'a hislory'). 851 Catholieisme hier aujourd'hui demain, EMathonG., Baudry G. H., Gui/luy P. - IX [fase. 38s, 1980 ➔ 61,1122]: IX fase. 40, Monachisme - Mort, eo!. 513-768; fase. 41, Mort - Napoleon I, eo!. 769-1024. P 1981,Letouzey & A. - RRThom 81 (1981) 161s (M.-A. G., fase. 35ss); ETL 57 (1981) 341 (F. Neirynck, fase. 38ss). 852 CGMG: Christlicher Glaube in moderner Gesellschaft; eine enzyklopädische Bibliothek in 30 Teilbänden; Eßöckle F. al.: Almanach. FrB 1980s, Herder. 3 451-19203-9 etc. - RTsTNijm 21 (1981) 430-3 (W. Logister: Fasz. l; 5; 8; lOss; 21; 25s). - Fasz. 172 (1981) 3-451-19217-9. 3 art., infra ➔ 7599. 853 CompRerJudKT:The Jewish People in the First Century; historical geography, political history, social, cultural and religious life and institutions Is, ESafrai S., Stern M. al., 1974/6: RBiblica 62 (1981) 121-3 (T. Franxman). 853* DHGE: Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Geographie Ecclesiastiques, EAubert Roger (Hendrickx J.-P., Sosson J.-P.), XIX, fase. ll2, Galtelli-Garcia, eo!. 913-1168 [ + 881-912 manquant au fase. II l]; fase. 113, Garcia-Gatianensis, eo!. 1169-1406 [ + 1407s, Galdenb/ad J.]. P 1981, Letouzey & A. P 1980, Beauehesne; 854 DictSpir [X 1979 ➔ 60,871] fase. 70s (Monde-Mythe). p. 1634-2014; vol. XI, fase. 72s (Mythe-Ohino) 1981, p. 1-578. - RMüTZ 32 (1981) 67s (M. Schmaus); TLZ 106 (198 !) 832-5 (W. Völker). 855 EncArchExc 1-4 1975/6/7/8 ➔ 53,7889 ... 61,ll25: RCBQ 42 (1980) 528-531 (K. G .. O 'Conne/1: excellent, though illustrations inadequately correlated with text); ZkT 103 (1981) 208-210 (R. Oberforcher]. 856 Enclslam 2 : Eneyclopedie de l'Islam, nouvelle edition, Eßosworth C. E. al., V [fase. 0








Elenchus/Biblica 62 (1981)

[I. Bibliographica

81-84, 1980 ➔ 61,ll26], livraison 85s, ~umu].c - Kursi, p. 385-512. Leiden 1981, Brill. '90-04-06349-8 [P, G. Maisonneuve & Larose]. 857 Enzyklopädie des Märchens, ERanke Kurt al.: 3 [1979 ... ➔ 60,879] Chro-Eng. B 1981, de Gruyter. xvi-1446 eo!. 3-11-008201-2. 858 Expositor's Bible Commentary EGaebelein F. E.: I. Introd 1979 ➔ 60,881; 61,ll29: RJEvTS 24 (1981) 178-181 (B. Beitzel, D. Moo). 859 ExWNT: Exegetisches Wörterbuch zum NT, Eßalz H ... II 1981 Lfg. 5s, 7s, 9ss exopsonion [Lfg. 1-4 1980 ➔ 60,880; 61,ll28]; Sp. 513-768; -1024; -1358 °317-007383-4. - RTLZ 106 (1981) 415-7 (B. Noack); TrierTZ 90 (1981) 74-76 (R. Baum); ZRGg 33 (1981) 72s (M. Winter). HbDTG, Handbuch der Dogmen und Theologiegeschichte 2: ➔ m216, Andresen C., Lehrentwicklung [Reformation] 1980. 860 ISBEnc: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 2 [11956 = 1915 EOrr James], Eßromiley G. W. I, A-D, 1979 ➔ 60,884; 61,ll31 (GR Eerdmans); also Exeter 1981, Paternoster; t:20: RBL (1981) !Os (M. A. Knibb); ExpTim 93 (1981s) 149s (R. Coggins); RestQ 24 (1981) 59s (J. T. Willis: many titles, pp.); TS 42 (1981) 135s (J. Fitzmyer). 861 LexÄg: Lexikon der Ägyptologie, Effelck W. al. IV[,l (1980) • 61,1132] Lfg 2 = 26 (1980) eo!. 161-320, Mittler-Name; Lfg. 3 = 27 (1980) -480, -Nil; Lfg 4 = 28 (1981) -640, -Pachet; Index zu Band III [Gutgesell Manfred, 121 p.]. Wb, Har.ras sowitz. '3-447-021133-0;90-X; 91-8. 862 LexMA Lexikon des Milldalters, EAreUa-WidhalmG. al. [1977... -. 60,887; 61,1133] I, Lfg. 8, eo!. 1473-1696, Barnabas von Reggio - Bayern: RAnBoll 99 (1981) 173a (J. van der Straaten); AnPisa II (1981) 1406-9 (F. Wagner); AnPraem 56 (1980) 310 (J. B. Valvekens); OnsGErf 55 (1981) 191 (J. Alaerts); RHE 75 (1980) 407s (J. Pycke); TLZ 106 (1981) 499-500 (G. Haendler); ZkT 103 (1981) 237s [H. B. Meyer]. - Vol. II, fase. 7s, 1981. 224 eo!., Bettlerwesen-Birladul. '37608-8811-9. 863 NCE: New Catholic Encyclopedia, Supplement 17, Change in the Church, EQ'Brien Thomas C. Palatine/NY 1979, Publishers Guild/McGraw. xv-892p., 10 pi. 100 art., 3 infra. - RNRT 103 (19RI) 401s (L.-J. Renard). 864 NIDNTh: a) EßrownColin, New International Dictionary of NT Theology 1975-8 • 60,888; 61,ll34: RWestTJ 43 (1980s) 395-9 (M. Silva). b) ECoenea Lothar al. [➔ 58s,4407]... 61,ll34], Eespafiol Sala Mario, Herrera Araceli, Diccionario Teo16gico de! Nuevo Testamento I, Abajarse - Curaci6n. Salamanca 1980, Sigueme. 403 p. '84-301-0814-9. - RActuBbg 18 (1981) 86s (R. de Sivatte); RazFe 204 (1981) 639s (M. Alcala). 865 NERT: Beyerlin W., a) Near Eastern religious texts relating to the OT, Tßowden J. 1978 ➔ 60,889; 61,1135: RJAOS 101 (1981) 448s (S. D. Sperling). b) Religionsgeschichtliches Textbuch zum AT 1975 ➔ 58s, c768 ... 61,1135a: RBQ 38 (1981) 399-405 (K. R. Veenhof. Engl.); RuBi 34 (1981) 189-191 (A. Dreja); c) Godsdiensthistorisch tekstboek rond het Oude Testament. Boxte! 1976, KBS. 223 p. Fb. 510. - RCollationes 8 (1978) 118s (A. Denaux). 866 RAC: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, EKJauser Theodor al. [X 1978 ➔ 60,892; XI 1979 • 61,1138] Band XII, Lfg. 89, Gottesschau - Gottmensch I. Stu 1981, Hiersemann. eo!. 1°160. '3-7772-8145-X. 5 art., 2 infra. - XI. RNRT 103 (1981) 403s (N. Plumat); TRu 46 (1981) 100 (W. G. Kümmel). 866* RLA: Reallexikon der Assyriologie und vorderasiatischen Archäologie, EEdzard D. 0. al. [V ➔ 61,1139*] VI, fase. ls, Klage[lied]-Königtum, p. 1-159; 3s, Königtum-Kulthaus, p.161-320. B 1981, de Gruyter. 3-110018492-9;8610-7. 867 SDB [vel DBS ➔ 61,1140] ECazelles Henri, Feuillet Andre, Supplement au Dictionnaire de Ja Bible X, fase. 54, Regne de Dieu - Religion d'Israel; fase. 55, - Resurrection de Jesus. P 1981, Letouzey & Ane. eo!. 1-252; 253-508. 0



Opera consultationis: Reference works subindexed


868 [THAT 1974... ➔ 56,6343 ... 60,894] Dizionario teologico dell'AT, EJenni E., Westermann C., it. EPratoG. L. I, 1978 ➔ 60,894; 61,1141: ROrientalia 50 (1981) 220s (D. McCarthy);· RThom 81 (1981) 124-6 (M.-V. Leroy). 869 TRE: EKrause G., Müller G., Theologische Realenzyklopädie [-VI 1980 ➔ 61,1142] VII. Böhmisch.-Chines. B 1981 [bis Busse 1980], de Gruyter. 802p. 311-008192-X. - VIII. Chlodwig-Dionysius Areop. 1981. 799p. 3°11-008563-1. RCC 132 (1981,1) 101 (G. Marchesi 4s); ETRel 56 (1981) 358-360.513-6 (B. Reymond 5ss); GereITTs 81 (1981) 98-101; NorTTs 82 (1981) 179-181 (S. A. Christoffersen 4s); NRT 103 (1918) 402s (C. Martin 5s); ÖkRu 30 (1981) 114.222.367.503 (Kg.); Protestantesimo 36 (1981) 47; 11ls; 230s (V. Subilia 4ss); ScrTPamp 12 (1980) 253-5 (P. Rodriguez 3s); TLZ 106 (1981) 873s (E.-H. Amberg 5); TR 77 (1981) 95-97. 275-280 (R. Bäumer 4ss). 870 TWAT: Theologisches Wörterbuch zum AT F.RinggrenH. al. [ ➔ 60,896; nil novi 1981]: III Lfg. 4-5 eo!. 385-640 (1980); DM 39,90, 3-17-004914-3. - Lfg. 6s, eo!. 641-896; DM 44, 3-17-005818-5. Rßijdragcn 42 (1981) 203; 309 {W. Be11ke11); TR 77 (1981) 187-9 (G. Krinetzki) . . 871 >TDOT: Theological Dictionary of the OT [... III 1979 ➔ 61,1144] IV z1-10. 1324 Deku Henry, Logisierungen [Mk 9,2; Jn 2,1 ... midrasch ...]; Geschichte und Systematik - eine Hetrachtung über Sein und Werden: MüTZ 32 (1981) 102-125. 1325 Deurloo K., Waar gebeurd; over hel onhislorisch karakter van hihjbelse verhalen. Baam 1981, Ten Have. 109p. 1326 Diel Paul, Le symbolisme dans Ja Bible; l'universalite du langage symbolique et sa signification psychologique: Petite Bihl. 246, 1975 + 57,478: RRThom 81 (1981) 338 [J.-L. Vesco]. 1327 D'lima E., Theological symbols in the Church; Vidyajyoti 45 (1981) 473-9. 1328 Dumas Andre, a) Dieu et l'hermeneutique [< Foi et Vie (sept. 1959) 57-73]; - b) Paroles, ecritures, langages [-:: Lwnie1eV 88, 29-42]: -. 210, Numm~r Di~u 1980, 167-184 / 99-113. 1329 Edwards Charles L., Understanding hiblical symbols. Smithtown NY 1981, Exposition. x-86 p. $6. 0-682-49704-5. 1330 Ellul Jacques, La Parole humiliee [l'ere Gutenberg est-elle passee? pourquoi Dieu a privilegie Je sens de l'oui'e?]. P 1981, Seuil. 299 p. - RRRef 32 (1981) 141s (A.0. Martin). 1331 Es J. J. van, Spreken over God; letterlijk of figuurlijk'/ Analogie en metafoor in het spreken over God 1979 + 60,1463; 61,1664: RNedTTs 34 (1980) 255s (V. Briimm"r). 1332 Fantappie C., L'ermeneutica hiblica de! primo Lmsv: RivStoLetR 17 (1981) 193242. 1333 Floyd Michael H., 'Out of the mouths .. .' Oral tradition as a problematic factor in the historical interpretation of poems in the luw und the prophcts: diss. Clurcmont 1980, 0 Knierim R. 528 p. 8119937. - DissA 42 (1981s) 1201s-A; RTLv 12 (1981) 483. 1334 Frankemölle H., Pneumatologie und kommunikatives Handlungsmodell: + 431, ERotzetterA., Geist wird Leib 1979, 41-61. 0



B2.1 Hermeneutica

1335 Froehlich Kaslfried, Biblical hermeneutics on the move: WWorld 1 (1981) 140152 [128-139, Jodock Uarrellj. 1336 Gadamer Hans-G., Religious and poetical speaking; ➔ 61,583, EQJsonA., Myth 1980, 86-98. 1337 Gadamer Hans-G., Verdad y metodo; fundamentos de una hermeneutica filos6fica [ < Truth and Method ➔ 61,1674], TAgud Aparicio Ana, Agapito Rafael de: Hermeneia 7, 1977 ➔ 58s,446; 60,1474; 84-301-0463-1: RActuBbg 18 (1981) 364 (J. M. F. ). 1338 Garceau Benoit, L'hermeneutique philosophique de H. G. Gadamer et la recherche de la verite: ➔ 8, FALLIEJ. = EglT 10 (1979) 275-288., 1339 a) Geffre Claude, Le deplacement actuel de l'hermeneutique et ses consequences pour une theologie de la revelation; - b) Vahanian Gabriel, After Castelli:. ➔ 36, FCASTELLI E., II. Esistenza.mito ermeneutica 1980, 37-47 / 449-452. 1340 Gibson Arthur, Biblical Semantic Logic, a preliminary analysis [combining P. LJeach, J. Barrj. Ox 1981, Blackwell. xii-244p. f12. [St. Martin $27.50 •o312-07796-3]. 1341 Gil/ Jerry H., The Orphic voice; language, reality, and faith: Encounter 42 (Indianapolis 1981) 235-245. 1342 GoldbergMichael L., Ringing true and .being true; how can a narrative theology be justified?: diss. Graduate Theo!. Union. Berkeley 1981. 327 p. 8120786. DissA 42 (1981s) 1684-A. 1343 a) Gonzalez Martin Antonio, En torno al problema semantico; b) Mufioz Carrion Antonio P., Tipos de representaci6n no-verbal: Ponencias en e1 seminario de Comunicaci6n, Instituto Fe y Secularidad, memoria academica 1980-1 (Madrid 1981) 50-53-57. 1344 Gorbauch Horst, Formallogische und hermeneutisch-dialektische Semantik, ein Vergleich: Diss. Eberhard-Karls-Universität. Tü 1981, Studentenwerk. xix539p. 1345 Greisch Jean, Hermeneutique et grammatologie 1977 ➔ 58s,500* ... 61,1684: RLavalTP 37 (1981) 367s (G. Bouchard). 1346 Grelot Pierre, Critique et hermeneutique bibliques; essai sur Ja methodologie exegetique; diss. Sorbonne, P 1980, 0 Meslin M. - RTLv 12 (1981) 483. 1347 GuglielminettiM., 7.accaria G., T.a critica letteraria dallo storicismo alla semiologia. Brescia 1980, La Scuola. 250p. - RHumBres 36 (1981) 903s (A. Marchese). 1348 GunnewegA. H. J., Vom Ven,tehen deii ATii, eine Hermeneutik 1977 ➔ 58s,1024; 61,1687: RTLZ 106 (1981) 878-881 (S. Wagner). IJ49 Ilansen Richardt, Spontaneität - Geschichtlichkeit - Olauue, lfo1m1:111:utik und Theologie im Denkhorizont von K. E. L0gstrup (Diss.): RgStTheol 10, 1978 ➔ 60,1489: RNorTTs 81 (1980) 197s (K. Hansen). 1350 Henrichsen Walter A., Entendamos; venticuatro principios para interpretar la Biblia. Miami 1976, Caribe. 112p. - RDialogo teol6gico 17 (EI Paso 1980) 88 (S. D. Clark). 1351 Hornung Erik, Die Tragweite der Bilder; altägyptische Rildaussagen: EranosJb 48 (Ascona Conference 'Denken und mythische Bildwelt' 1979) 183-237, 40 fig. 1352 Ingram David B., Truth, method and understanding in thc human scicnccs; the GADAMER/ HABERMA.S controversy: diss. U.Cal., 0 O/afson F. San Diego 1980. 280p. 8111892. - DissA 42 (1981s) 249-A. 135~ lmlice Salvalrni::, Sa11 Anns11Nu, Lu spirilo e Ja lettera, lntr.tr.note. N 1979, Assoc. Studi Tardoantichi. 188 p. - RAngelicum 58 (1981) 243s (E. Kaczynski). 1354 Jarptiltiu Ghcorghc, Valoarca intcrprctärii tipologice a. Vechinlni Tesfä111i:,11I· STBuc 33 (1981) 423-435. 1355 Jeffner Anders al., Religion and understanding: Re!St 17 (C 1981) 217-225 (-279, comnients; 233-243 Kuitert H. M., Is belief a condition ..?). 0



Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)


[II. Introductio

1356 .Jeoffroy-Faggianelli Pierrette, Methodologie de l'expression: Quc sais-je? P 1981, PUF. 128 p. 1357 Johnson John F., Hermeneutics in Thomas Aquinas: ConcordTQ 45 (1981) 223-232. 1358 Jünge/ Eberhard, Wertlose Wahrheit; christliche Wahrheitserfahrung im Streit gegen die 'Tyrannei der Werte': -. 439, ESchelzS., Die Tyrannei der Werte 1979. 1359 Kedar B., Biblische Semantik, eine Einführung. Stu 1981, Kohlhammer. 214 p. DM 36. 3-17-005610-7. - RNTAbs 25 (1981) 296. 1360 Keifert P. R. Mind reader and maestro; models for understanding biblical interpreters: WWorld 1,2 (St. Paul 1981) 153-168. 1361 Kermode Frank, The Genesis of Secrecy; on the interpretation of narrative [Harvard Norton Lectures 1977s] 1978 -. 60,1498: RJBL 100 (1981) 291s (E. C. Hobbs: delightful). 1362 Kierdorf W., Laudatio funebris; Interpretationen und Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung der römischen Leichenrede: BeiK!asPg 106. Meisenheim 1980, Hain. x176 p. 1363 King Ursula, A hermeneutic circle of religious ideas [Eliade M., History I. 1979]: Re!St 17 (1981) 565-9. 1364 Klemm David E., Religious understanding, theological hermeneutics, and the thought of Paul RICCEUR:diss. Iowa, DScharlemann R. Iowa City 1980. 269 p. 8114275. - DissA 42 (1981s) 260-A. 1365 Kliever Lonnie D., Polysymbolism and modern religiosity: JRel 59 (1979} IM>194; reply by Hardwick Charley D., Elusive religiosity, illusions, and truth telling: JAAR 49 (1981) 645-655; Kliever rejoinder 657-669. 1366 Knijff H. W. de, Sleutel en slot [key and lock]; beknopte geschiedenis van de bijbeh,e hermeneutik. Kampen 1980, Kok. 179 p./27,50. RTGTNijm 21 (1981) 192s 0


(J. Negenman).

IJ67 Kve1111!1Komad, Sm l'u1igim: du cum;epl et du lerme :W Congar Yves, a) Sur la valeur sacramcntcllc de Ja Parole: VSp 135 (1981) 379389. - b) Magisterium, the theologians, the faithful and the faith: DoctLife 31 (1981) 548-564.


Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)

[II. Introductio

1521 Connolly Thomas J., The theologian and dissent: ➔ 382, Eßrown N., Reflections 1981, 33-44. 1522 Crichton James D., A case of conscience [did papal condemnation of a doctrine as Jansenius' when it was not, require intemal assent?]: HeythJ 22 (1981) 19-31 [probably yes, for the greater good: unlike the case of c. 1900 Biblical Commission decrees n:;versed after 1941; or the 1968 non-infallible decree on which the German bishops pronounced a tenuous but frightening escape]. 1523 Dasan V. M., Biblical preaching: Vidyajyoti 45 (1981) 79-87. 102-116. 1524 Dibout Cecile, Le droit a la reflexion theologique; manifeste pour une Eglise en formation continue. P 1981, Cerf. 156p. Fb 365. 1525 Feret Henri-M., La Parole de Dieu et sa souverainete dans l'Eglise d'aujourdhui: Conc-Revue 166 (P 1981) 13-27; La Parola di Dio e la sua sovranita nella chiesa di oggi, TCrespi Pietro: Concilium 17 (198Ü 855-873; La palabra de Dios y su soberania en la iglesia contemporanea [parte], TValiente Malla J.: Conc 166 [M 1981] 321-339. 1526 Flood Edmund, Today's Catholic [rediscovery of the Bible]. L 1980, Darton-LT. 118p. fl.50. - RTLond 84 (1981) 224s (H. Stapleton). 1527 Fuller Reginald H., The use of the Bible in preaching. L/Ph 1981, Bible Reading Fellowship/ Fortress. 79p. fl.75/$3.50. "0-8006-1447-X.- RScriptB 12 (1981) 29s (M. Prior); SpToday 33 (1981) 376-8 (J. Burke: a complex and perhaps inhibiting methodology). · 1528 Gendron Louis, Magistcrc et theologie 1. Le document de Ja commission theologique internationale et autres etudes recentes; Tl. DifTerences entre magistere et theologiens; III. Le dialogue ... : ScEspr 30 (1978) 233-254. 1529 f'.erhartMary, Th~ qn~stinn nf lmli~f in literary criticism [... Rica11r P.]. Stu 1979, Akad. 408 p. - RTTod 38 (1981s) 397s.400 (D. Kelsey). 1530 GcrmninE., Lcs cnvoycs de la parolc. P 1981, Man1e. 64p. Pb 264. 1531 Glebe-MBller Jens, Om teologiens videnskabelighed [is thcology scientific?]: DanTTs 44 (1981) 231-244. 1532 Gogarten Frit:Perus ... Commentary on the Book of Psalms II. J 1977. viii-304 p.; p. 229-230.... 15-20.... 30 p. 3152 NeumannFrederick, Where do we stand? a selective homiletical commentary on the OT III. Tue Psalms and Wisdom literature 1979 ➔ 61,4057: RSvTKv 57 (1981) 82s (Sam. Nyström). 3153 TINeumann Peter H. A., Zur neueren Psalmenforschung: WegFor 192, 19'/6 ➔ 57,2821 ... 60,3969: RQLZ 76 (1981) 462-4 (G. Pfeifer). 3154 Odelain Olivier, Seguineau Raymond, Concordance de la Bible; !es Psaumes 1980 ➔ 61,4034: RNRT 103 (1981) 757s (.T.-L.Ska); RB 88 (1981) 445s (R. To11rnay); RRef 32 (1981) 95s (A. G. Martin). 3155 Olivier Jean-M., DIODORITARSENSIS commcntarii in psalmos I. ps. 1-L.: CCG 6, 1980 ➔ 61,4059: RNRT 103 (1981) 415s (C. Martin); OrChrPer 47 (1981) 278 (M. van F:sbroeck); REG 94 (1981) 578ss (H. Savon); RHE 76 (1981) 500s (A. de Hal/eu.x).

3156 Perl Vittorio, Omelie origeniane sui salmi; contributo all'identificazione de! testo latino: ST 289, 1980 ➔ 61,4060; 88-210-0567-4: RBLitEc '82 (1981) 133-6 (H. Crouzel: convaincant); CrNSto 2 (1981) 525-7 (J. Gribomont); PrOrChr 31 (1981) .lWs (.T.M. Magnin); RHF. 76 (IIJ81) 546 (J. Ruyssc:haert). 3157 Ravasi Gianfranco, II Libro dei Salmi, commento e attualizz.azione, Volume 1 (150): Lettura Pastorale della Bibbia 12. Bo 1981, Dehoniane. 917p. Lit. 28.000. 3158 Schlieben Reirthard, CASSIODORS Psalmenexegese; eine Analyse ihrer Methoden als Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Geschichte der Bibelauslegung der Kirchenväter und der Verbindung christlicher Theologie mit antiker Schulwissenschaft [Diss. 1970, 0 Eltester W.]: Göppinger Akademische Beiträge 110 ➔ 61,4067]. Göppingen 1979, Kümmerle. vii-292p.; bibliog. p. 275-292. - RQnomon 53 (1981) 606s (E. Mühlenberg). 3159 Sek.ineMasao, G Psalms 101-150 [Ps. 1-100 ➔ 61,4068]: Works 12. Tokyo 1981, Shinchi-shobö. 374p. Y 3500. 3160 Seybold Klaus, Beiträge zur Psalmenforschung: TRu 46 (1981) 1-18 [... Becker J., Ringgren H., Eichhorn D., Kühlewein J., Vosberg L., Eaton J., 11/mann K. ...]. 3161 Skehan Patrick W. t, Gleanings from Psalm texts from Qumran: ➔ 38, FCAZELLES H. (II), Melanges 1981, 439-452 [Ps 89,20-22ss; Ps 88,16; 122,3]. 3162 Vian Giovanni Maria, Testi inediti de! commento ai Salmi di ATANASIO:St. Eph. Aug. 14, 1978 ➔ 60,4020; 61,4070: RRHE 76 (1981) 221 (J. Gribomont). 3162* Way Arthur S., Book of Psalms 1981 = 1919 ➔ 6292. 3163 Westermann Claus, The Psalms: Structure, Content and Message 1980 ➔ 61,4038: RBibTB 11 (1981) 63s (W. Wifa/1); CBQ 43 (1981) 119s (H. Hummel); Reformed Review 34 (1980s) 143s (A. de Vries); RelStR 7 (1981) 67 (W. Harrelson). 0

E6.5 Psalmi, themata. 3164 Albertz Rainer, Persönliche Frömmigkeit und offizielle Religion; religionsinterner Pluralismus in Israel und Babylon [ < Hab. Heid 1977 < Diss. 1974 Weltschöpfung und Menschenschöpfung: 2-Jes, Hiob, Pss]: Calwer Theo!. Mon. 9, 1978 ➔ 58s,7897** .. ; 61,7857: RTPhil 56 (1981) 591s (N. Lohfink).


Elenchus / Biblica 62 ( 1981)

[VII. Libri didactici VT

3165 Boer P. A. H. de, Cantate domino; an erroneous dative?; ➔ 129, Fs OTS 21 (1981) 55-67. 3166 Rooij Thijs, Godswoorden in de Psalmen, hun funktie en achtergrondcn (diss. Amst Vrije Univ., 0 Mulder M.] ... 1978 ➔ 60,3957; 61,4030: RßZ 25 (1981) 121s (J. Becker: informative but not convincing); CBQ 42 (1980) 532s (J. I. Hunt: alternative to Mowinckel); NedTTs 33 (1979) 309 (C. J. Waaijman). 3167 Bourguet Daniel, La structure des titres des Psaumes: RHPR 61 (1981) 109-124; Eng. 213. 3168 Bresciani Edda, I tre salmi ispirati da Ammone nel P. dem. Rylands IX, 24-25 e Ja 0. 1981, 59-71. teodicea egiziana antica: ➔ 119, FMoNTEVECCHI 3169 Cardenal E., Psalms, Tß/ackburn T. al. [Seven poets translate 25 psalms 'adapted' in modern terms like Ps 37, 'Make it with the smart set and you're lucky if some graduate mentions you tomorrow in his thesis, they'll all toss you when summer's over on the bonfire' (BL)]. L 1981, Sheed & W. 80p. f:3. 3170 Coppens J. (j), Le Saddiq - 'juste', dans Je Psautier: ➔ 37, FCA7.FLLES H. (I), De Ja Torah 1981, 299-306. 3171 Cmmpacker Mary M., Formal analysis and the Psalms: JEvTS 24 (1981) 11-22. 3172 Cut/er Anthony, Liturgical Strata in the Marginal Psalters: DumbO 34s (1980s) 17-30, 31 fig. 3173 Dorn Louis 0., The beatific vision in certain psalms; an investigation of Mitchell DAHOOD'shypothesis [rejixt~cll cliss Ch. Lutheran School of Theology 1980 ~ 61,4080; 397p. 8116'1'12. DissA 42 (1981s) 746s-A. 3174 J 60,4095; 61,4125; 285049-129-2: RCarmelus 28 (1981) 183-5 (E. Caruana). 0


[VII. Libri didactici VT

Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)


3205 Faglioni Egidio, La liturgia delle ore, momento forte della spiritualita sacerdota~ le: RClerlt 62 (1981) 625-7. 3206 Goldingay John, The dynamic cycle of praise and prayer in the Psalms: JStOT 20 (1981) 85-90; p. 91-103, Feininger Bernd, A decade of German psalm-criticism. 3207 Guthrie H. H., Theology as thanksgiving; from Israel's psalms to the Church's eucharist. NY 1981, Seabury. xii-253p. $15.95. 0-8164-0486-0. prie !es Psaumes: Quand vous prierez. P 1980, 3208 Hamman A. G., Saint AUGUSTIN Desclee-8. 3209 Helewa Giovanni, a) II desiderio di Dio nella pieta dei Salmi IV. 'E Dio la mia parte per sempre'; - b) II Santo d'Israele: RivVSp 34 (1980) 5-24 / 438-471. 3210 Hollaardt A., Liturgische implicaties van een psalmvertaling: Tijdschrift voor Liturgie 65 (1981) 192-6. 3211 Koster M. D., Gods grote werken / Gods grott:1[Mal 1,11] A comment to 'The acceptance of sacrifices from Gentiles': Tarhiz [48 (1978s) 341-5, Knoh/ l.] 49 (1979s) 422s; Eng. XI. 3993 Locher Clemens, Altes und Neues zu Maleachi 2,10-16: + 17, FBARTHELEMY D., Etudes Bibliques 1981, 241-271. 3994 Rudo/ph W., Zu Mal 2,10-16 [gegen S. Schreiner]: ZAW [91 (1979) 207-228 + 60,5264] 93 (1981) 85-90; Zweitehe tolerabel aber minderwertig, auch gegen A. Tosato, Biblica 59 (1978) 548 553 + 60,5265. 3995 Woude Adam S. van der, Der Engel des Bundes; Bemerkungen zu Maleachi 3,lc un 522b EFrance R., Gospel Perspectives II (1981) 9-60. 4062 Dauchet J. N. CD Yalq11/ ha-b"sorah ha-q'dosah, Anthology of the GoF.pels. Leicester 1975, auct. 1%p. 4063 Dauer Marti11, A11fängcder Christenheit; von Je9u9 von Nuzureth zur frühchrist liehen Kirche. B 1981, Evangelische. 351 p. 4064 Bradshaw John, Oraltransmission and human memory: ExpTim 92 (1980s) 303-7. 4065 Cartlidge David, Dungan David, Documents for the study of the Gospels 3 1980 -> 61,449: RCBQ [1 36 (1974) 98; 2 37 (1975) 247-> 57,3500] 43 (1981) 286s (E. V., Gallagher: on 'origin' of Gospels but less satisfyingly than 'milieu'); Interpretation 35 (1981) 293-7 (D.E. Aune); RRel 40 (1981) 794.796 (V.P. Branick). 4066 Gerhardsson Birger, a) Origins of the Gospel Traditions 1979 -> 60,5364c: RAnglTR 6, (1981) 91s (F. Glusman); CleR 65 (1980) 412s (J. Redford); CurrTMiss 8 (1981) 247-248 (N. K. Bakken). - b) Prehistoria de los evangelios; los origcncs de las tradieiones evungelicas, TGarcia-Abril Jesus: Presencia Teol6gica 3, 1980..,. 61,5134d; 84-293-0558-0: RActuRbe 18 (1981) 1ms (.T. Rnada); ComSev 14 (1981) 176s (M. de Burgos). 4067 Guwgues M., Cha,-p,mtil!I' l:l., L'l:lvangilc, 1c mot et lu ohomi: ► 316, Evangiles ... Actes 1981, 11-54. 4068 Käsemann E., The Jesus tradition as access to Christian origins: Colloquium 13,2 (Auckland/Sydney 1981) 5-1'6. 4069 Karavidopoulos John, © Concerning the pre-evangelical texts: TAth 52 (1981) 854-860, Eng. p. 1021. 4070 Kee Howard C., The origins of Christianity; sources and documents 1980 -> 61,540: RTLond 84 (1981) 380-382 (C. Tuckett). 4071 Knoch Otto, Begegnung wird Zeugnis; Werden und Wesen des NTs: Biblische Basis Bücher 6, 1980 -> 61,5139; DM 26 (22): RRB 88 (1981) 622s (A. Lamouille); TR 77 (1981) 186-8 (W. Radl). 4072 Kraft Heinrich, Die Entstehung des Christentums [i. Johannes der Täufer; ii. Jesus; iii. Die Urgemeinde]. Da 1981, Wiss. vii-291 p. DM 66. 3-534-07507-2. 4073 Lohse Eduard[-> a755], The Formation of the NT [ < Entstehung 2 197 5 -> 57,117; 3 1979 -> 60,5369a], Tßoring M. R. Nv 1981, Abingdon. 256p. $8.95. 0687-13294-0. - RNTAbs 25 (1981) 297. 4074 McDonald James I. H., Kerygma and Didache, the articulation and structure of the earliest Christian message (diss. E 1974): SNTS Mon 37, 1980 -> 61,5142: 0



Elenchus/Biblica 62 (1981)


[IX. Exegesis generalis NT ·

RCBQ 43 (1981) 302-4 (R. F. O'Toole: vast, solid); CleR 66 (1981) 74s (M. Richards); ETRel 56 (1981) 321s (M. Bouttier); JTS 32 (1981) 49s (E. Best: four aspects, not adequately united); ScotJT 34 (1981) 280s (A. E. Harvey). 4075 McEleney Neil J., The growth of the Gospels 1979 ➔ 60,5370; 61,5143: Rinterpretation 35 (1981) 325 (J. A. Hollar); IrTQ 48 (1981) 272s (H. White). 4076 Moo D. J., Gospel origins, a reply to J. W. WENHAM:Trinity Journal 2,1 (Deerfield IL 1981) 24-36; rejoinder 37-9. 4077 Mordini Attilio, II mito primordiale de! Cristianesimo quale fonte perenne di metafisica: Passato presente, sup. 1. Mi 1976, Scheiwiller. 94p. - RRivStorLetRel 15 · (1979) 147s (V. Zangara). 4078 Newsom Carroll V., The roots of Christianity [Near East religions, OT, intertestamental; Gospels, Paul; history up through Constantine]. ENJ 1979, PrenticeHall. ix-263 p. $15.95. 0-13-783050-5. - RRe!StR 7 (1981) 69 (J. VanderKarn). 4079 A reda,;:äo dos Evangelhos [Centre S. Dominique, L'Arbresle], TCosta Pinta Gilda: Inicia,;:äo ä Teologia 1/5. Säo Paulo 1979, Paulinas. 62 p. RREB 41 (1981) 393 (S. Voigt). 4080 Riesner Jörg-Rainer, Jesus als Lehrer; eine Untersuchung zum Ursprung der Evangelien-Überlieferung [ev. Diss. Tü 1980, 0 Betz 0. ~ 61,5329; RTLv 12 (1981) 491; TLZ 106 (1981) 926]: WUNT 2/7. Tü 1981, Mohr. x-614p.; bibliog. p. 503-568. 4081 Segalla Giuseppe, Preistoria e storia letteraria de! NT: ParVi 26 (1981) 16-28 [29. 41, Laconi M.; 42-52, Barhi A.]. 4082 Trites Allison A., The NT Concept of Witness: SocNTSt Mon. 31, 1977 ➔ 60,5383: RSalesianum 42 (1980) 942 (F. J. Moloney). 4084 Vurster W. S., Die lekssuurl evangelie en verwysing [Gospel genre and reference]: Theologia Evangelica 13,2 (Pretoria 1980) 27-48. 4085 Wanke Joachim, 'Bezugs- und Kommentarworte' in den Synoptischen Evangelien; Beobachtungen zur Interpretationsgeschichte der Herrenworte in der vorevangelischen Überlieferung: ErfTSt 44. Lp 1981, St. Benno. xiv-120p. DM 14,80. 4086 Wrege Harts-T., Die Gestalt des Evangeliums; Aufbau und Struktur der Synoptiker sowie der Apostelgeschichte (Hab.-Diss. Kiel) 1978 ➔ 60,5386; 61,5153: RTR 77 (1981) 289s (R. Pesch). 4087 Zimmermann Frank, The Aramaic origins of the four gospels 1979 ➔ 60,5387; 61,5155: REvQ 53 (1981) 183s (P. Bruce); IleythJ 21 (1980) 438-440 (S. Bruwn. a profound disappointment; ignores J. Fitzmyer, R. A. Martin, and virtually M. Black); JAOS 101 (1981) 450 (C. H. Talbert: 25 years out of date); JHL 100 (1981) 124s (P. Kohelskl); .TTS 32 (1981) 223-6 (K. H. Kuhn: unconvincing); NedTTs 34 (1980) 250s (A. Klijn); RB 88 (1981) 149s (M.-E. Boismard: pas mal d'ivraic); SR 10 (1981) 131s (P.E. Dion); TLZ 106 (1981) 334-6 (M. Wilcox, Engl.); TR 77 (1981) 101s (R. Pesch). 0

F 1.3

Historicitas, chronologia Evangeliorurn.

4088 AugustinovichA., Historia de Jesus; sinopsis historica de los evangelios II [I 1980 ➔ 61,5189]. Caracas 1981, Tripode/PHC. 447 p. 4089 Ranks R. J., Setting 'The Quest for the Historical Jesus' in a broader framework: ➔ 522b, EFranceR., Gospel Perspectives II (1981) 61-82 [i. social and cultural milieu; ii. popular attitudes and ethical traditions; iii. psycho-sociological]. 4090 Bilde Per, Den nyere evangelieforsknings metoder og sp0rgsmälet om den historiske Jesus: DanTTs 41 (1978) 217-243. 4091 Bruee F. F., De betrouwbarheid van de geschriften van het Nieuwe Testament 1977 ➔ 58s,669: RNedTTs 33 (1979) 142s (B. Dehandschutter).


Gospel historicity and chronology


4092 Bruce F. F., Are the NT Documents still reliable (continuing 1943 cf. ChrTod 23 (1978) 88-93 • 60,5389]: • 157, FSMITHW., Evangelical roots 1978, 49-61. 4093 Cantwell Laurence, The Gospels as biographies: ScotJT 34 (1981) 193-200 [kerygmatic and haphazard does not exclude truly biographical]. 4094 Carson D. A., Historical tradition in the Fourth Gospel; after Dodd, what?: • 522b, EFranceR., Gospel perspectives II 1981; 83-145. 4095 Casciaro Jose M., EI acceso a Jesus y Ja historicidad de los Evangelios; balance de veinticinco aiios de investigaci6n: ScripTPamp 12 (1980) 907-941. 4096 Christensen T., Om päskedateringsproblemet: DanTTs 41 (1978) 176-192 [145160, Linton 0, -. 60,5398]. 4097 Dodd Charles H., Storia ed evangelo [lezioni 1938]: Bib!MinCultRel 27, 1976 -. 58s,4457b; 60,5334: RVetChr 18 (1981) 237 (F. Pistoia). 4098 Duling Dennis C., Jesus Christ through History 1979 • 60,5429: RCurrTMiss 8 (1981) 57s (A. J. Nau). 4099 FergusonJohn, Jesus in the tide of time; an historical study 1980 • 61,5165: RReligion 11 (1981) 199s (Sarah Coak/ey); TLond 84 (1981) 220s (D. Nineham: reada• ble; varyingly credulous and wild; either Case S. or Du/ing D., both 1932, still het. ter); TS 42 (1981) 510 (J. F. O'Grady: usefulness uncertain). 4100 Fitzmyer J. A., Neudatierung der neutestamentlichen Schriften [ < Interpretation 32 (1979) 309-313]: TGeg 22 (1979) 39-42. 4101 Ginkel B. van, Picard J. A., Het evangelie van Jezus; in welke gedeelten van de evangelien is Jezus zelf aan het woord? 1980 -. 61,5136: RDagblad Trouw (Dec. 1980, S. Noorda); GerefTTs 81 (1981) 126; NedTTs 35 (1981) 342s (P. W. van der Horst); TsTNijm 21 (1981) 325 (W. Weren). 4102 Goetz Stewart C., Blomberg Craig L., Thc Burden of Proof [wrongly assumed to be on one affinning authenticity of any Gospel portion]: JStNT 11 (1981) 39a63. 4103 Grant Michael, Jesus, an historian's review of the Gospels 1978 • 58s,5602 ... 61,5167: RRRel 40 (1981) 310 (P.H. Reardon: honest, 'making belief or unbelief irrelevant'); TTod 35 (1978s) 370ss (A. Y. Co//ins: weak). 4104 Guidetti Annando, Conoscenza storica di Gesu di Nazareth; dall'ipotesi dell'origine giuridico-testimoniale dei Vangeli alla loro fonnazione e redazione; pref. Zedda S.: Cultura nova. Mi 1981, Rusconi. 332 p. Lit. 8500. - RDivThom 84 (1981) 245s (A. Perego); ObnZiv 36 (1981) 459-462 (A. Skrinjar). 4105 Igartua J. M., Los evangelios ante Ja historia. Bare 1981, Acervo. 4106 Jones Peter R., La datation du NT est a refaire: RRef 29 (1978) 119-126 [J. A. T. Robinson].

4107 Kesel Jef de, Le refus decide de l'objectivation; une interpretation du problerne du Jesus historique chez Rudolf BULTMANN;diss. Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae. R 1981, PUG. xv-361 p.; bibliog. p. 355-357. 4108 Kraft Heinrich, Die Evangelien und die Geschichte Jesu: TZBas 37 (1981) 321341. 4109 Matthiae Karl, Der historische Jesus in der Theologie R. BuLTMANNS:TJb (Lp 1979) 168-188. 4110 Moody Dale, A new chronology for the NT [J. A. T. Robinson, S. Dockx etc.]: RevExp 78 (1981) 211-231. 4111 Moraldi Luigi, Dichos secretos de Jesus [I detti segreti 1975 • 61,5174*], TSandoval J.L. Salamanca 1981, Siguerne. 222p. - RNatGrac 28 (1981) 493s (D. Montero). 4112 Perrot Charles, Jesus et l'histoire: JJC 11, 1979 • 60,5399; 61,5177: RBLitEc 82 (1981) 68s (S. Legasse); CBQ 43 (1981) 305s (E. L. Bode: enjoyable; a bouquet of research-blossorns); CornLtg 62 (1980) 551 (J. Dupont); EsprVie 91 (1981) 149158 (L. Walter); ETRel 55 (1980) 608s (M. Bouttier: pas dans Je sens de l'editeur, 'un tel ouvrage n'existait pas en fram;ais'); RB 88 (1981) 623s (M.-E. Boismard:

Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)


flX. Exegesis generalis NT

parfaite honnetete intellectuelle); RThom 81 (1981) 485-8 (M.-V. l.Rroy); SemB 24 (1981) 42-5 (J. Calloud); VSp 135 (1981) 287s (M. T.). 4113 Provencher Normand, L'acces a Jesus de Nazareth selon Alfred Lmsv: ➔ 8, FALLIEJ. = Eg!T 10 (1979) 239-256. 4114 Robinso_nJames M., Kerygma e Gesu storico [< deutsch 1960 2 1967 ➔ 49,2964* < New Quest 1959], TTorti G.: Bib!Teol 12, 1977 ➔ 58s,5677; 60,5375: RRivStoLetRel 16 (1980) 98-100 (C. Gianotto). 4115 RobinsonJohn A. T., a) Peut-on se fier du NT [1977 ➔ 58s,702], T Passelecq Georges: BibVC NS, 1980 ➔ 61,5182: Rf:tudes 354 (1981) 426s (R. Marle); Gregorianum 62 (1981) 575s (J. Galot); Lava!TP 37 (1981) 375-7 (P.-E. Langevin); Telema 7,4 (1981) 78 (R. de Haes). - b) Possiamo fidarci de! NT?: Picc. Coll. Mod., Biblica 38. T 1980, Claudiana. 182p. - RHumBres 36 (1981) 774 (F. Montagnim); RicBiRel 15 (1981) 164s. 4116 Taylor D. B., Jesus - of Nazareth [not (born in) Bethlehem] ? : ExpTim 92 (1980s) 336s. 4117 Thorley John, When was Jesus born? [March of 2 B.c.]: GreeceR 28 (1981) 81-9. 4118 Wilken Robert L., The myth of Christian beginnings 1979 ➔ 60,5405; 61,5187: RHeythJ 21 (1980) 357 [R. Butterworth: the 'Eusebius (Luke-Newman-HarnackKäsemann) model': there is no Christianity distinct from the dialectic of the centuries. The book is a mixture of confusion and cracker-barrel wisdom]. 4119 Zie11lerJohn, The Jesus question 1980 > 61,5256: •scotJT 34 (1981) 271s (1. Mcl11tos/i). Fl.4

Jesus liistoricus - Tbe humanJesus.

4120 Abogunrin S. 0., The modern search for the historical Jesus in relation to Christianity in Africa: AfTJ 9,3 (1980) 18-29. 4122 Allix Robert, Ouvrage inquietant (... 'Je travail theologique est toujours a reprendre'; 'respect quasi religieux pour Ja "science" historique'; ... estime pour Bultmann ...] d'un exegete catholique: 'Jesus oublie' de P. M. BEAUDE:ChrMonde 23 (1978) 451-6. 4123 Arias Reyero Maximino, Jesus el Cristo. Santiago de Chile 1980, Paµlinas. 363 p. - RTVida 22 (1981) 75 (M. Barrios V.]. 4124 Barbaglio G. [Dupont J.] a/., Conoscenza storica di Gesu 1978 ➔ 58s,5563; 61,5156: RRRef 30 (1979) 46-48 (Elisabeth Jas). 4125 Beaude Pierre-M. [Delbruyne Jean], Quinze gestes de Jesus: Okapi. P 1981, Centurion-Jeunesse. [ill. Delessert E.]. FrB 1981, Herder. 206p. 4126 Berger Franz, Holler Christiane, Jesus-Recherchen. 3-210-24642-4. 4127 Boman Thorleif, Einer namens Jesus; wie ihn die Jünger erlebt haben, Vorw. Vögtle A., TJsey A. FrB 1981, Herderbücherei 842. 140p. DM 6,90. - RTGI 71 (1981) 466s (J. Ernst: trotz Verzicht auf historisch-kritische Methode, anerkennenswert); TLZ 106 (1981) 750s (T. H.). 4128 Bonhoeffer Dietrich, Qui est et qui etait Jesus-Christ? Son histoire et son mystere, TK/ein Jean-Louis. P 1981, Cerf. 184p. - RRThom 81 (1981) (M.-A. G.). 4129 La banne nouvelle de Jesus-Christ racontee par !es quatre evangclistcs. P 1981, Paulines. 190p.; ill. Vasini Francis. Fb. 697. 4130 Braun Herbert, Jesus of Nazarr.th, lh~ man and his time 1979 ~ 60,5415; 61,5157: RRicBiRel 14 (1980) 282s. 4131 Bruin C. C. de, Jezus, hct verhau! van zijn lcven, samenge~teld naa1 dt:: vit::1evaugelien. Haag 1980, Boekencentrum. 208 p. /24,90. 4132 Caba Jose, EI Jesus de los Evangelios: Historia Salutis / BAC 392, 1977 ➔ 58s,5732 ... 61,5195: RSalmanticensis 26 (1979) 450s (X. Pikaza). 0


The historical human Jesus


4133 Carpenter Humphrey, Jesus: OUP Past Master Series, 1980 ➔ 61,5195*; NY 1980, Hili & W. $2.95pa. 0-8090-1410-6: RCJeR 66 (1981) 226s (M.E. Williams: good). 4134 Cupitt Don, The original Jesus (1976): ➔ 207, Explorations 1979, 65-69. 4135 Dillon James T., a) The effectiveness of Jesus as a teacher: LumenV 36 (1981) 135-162. - b) The questions and dialogues of Jesus: LivLight 18 (1981) 199-215. 4136 Dri Ruben V., La conflictividad en la vida de Jesus: Servir 16,85 (Mexico 1980) 49-69. 4137 Duci F., Gesu detto il Cristo. Bo 1981, EDB. 206p. Lit. 5000. - RParVi 26 (1981) 466s (F. Ardusso: molto informativo, ma contrappone troppo storia/fede). 4138 Facchinetti G. al., II mangiare [nella Bibbia] con noi: Quaderni di studio 3. Bergamo 1980, Seminario. 140p. - RParVi 26 (1981) 469ss (Emanuela Ghini). 4139 Feneberg Rupert & Wolfgang, Das Leben Jesu im Evangelium, praef. Rahner K.: QDisp 88, 1980 ➔ 61,5205: Rßurgense 22 (1981) 571-6 (J. M. Caballero); Entschluss 36,9s (1981) 34-38 (D. F'lusser); JSLNT 11 (1981) 74s (B. Chi/tun), SliZl 199 (1981) 67s (K.-H. Weger); TGeg 24 (1981) 131s (H. Giesen); TsTNijm 21 (1981) 199 (J. Smit). 4140 Forte Bruno, II 'Gesu della sloria' e il 'Cristu della fede'; un bilancio critico: Ianuarius 62 (N 1981) 154-161. 4141 Frei Hans W., The identity of Jesus Christ; the hermeneutical bases of dogmatic theology 1975 ➔ 56,3621 ... 58s,5772: RSalesianum 43 (1981) 449 (A. Amato). ~J,1'.) r.nrofnln S:ilv:itnrn, Parhlrnnn ~nn G11R11;ritlflRRioni ml v~ng11lo 1980 ➔ 61,5208*: RRivVSp 35 (1981) 118. 4143 Giertz B., Met eigen ogen; de geschiedenis van Jezus en zijn leerlingen. Kampen c. 1980, Kok. 201 p./27,50. 4144 Gonzalez Faus J. I., Acceso a Jesus, ensayo de teologia narrativa 1979 ➔ 60,5338; 61,5210: RSalmanticensis 27 (1980) 456s (R. Sanchez Chamoso). 4145 Guardini Romano, a) Der Herr; über Leben und Person Jesu Christi: H-Bücherei 813. FrB 1980, Herder. xvii-680p. DM 48. - b) Der Herr; Betrachtungen über die Person und das Leben Jesu Christi 14 . Pd 1980 1 1937, Schöningh. 680p. DM 48. - RTPQ 129 (1981) 301s (E. Biser). 4146 Guelich Robert A., The gospels; portraits of Jesus and his ministry: JEvTS 24 (1981) 117-125. 4147 Guillet Jacques, Jesus, fidele au Pere: Vocation 296 (1981) 55-63. 4148 Harrison Everett F., Current thinking about the life of Jesus: ➔ 157, FSMITH W., Evangelical roots 1978, 63-74. 4149 Hengel Martin, The charismatic leader and his followers: studies of the New Testament and its world [ < 1968 cf. ➔ 51,2291], TGreig James C. G., ERiches John. E 1981, T. & T. Clark. 111p. f7.95. . 4150 Holtz Traugott, Jesus aus Nazareth 1979 ➔ 60,5440; 61,5219*: RTLZ 106 (1981) 33s (B. Gerhardsson). 4151 Kahlefeld Heinrich t 1980, Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. Fra 1981, Knecht. 264p. DM 34. 3-7820-0458-2. 4152 Kasper Walter, Jesus Je Christ 1976 ➔ 58s,5823 ... 61,8145: RAugM 24 (1979) 417s (V. Capanaga). 4153 Kingsbury Jack D., Jesus Christ in Matthew, Mark and Luke: Proclamation Comm. Ph 1981, Fortress. ix-134p. $4.25pa. 4154 Kümmel Werner G., .Tesusfnrschung seit 1965: Nachträge 1975-1980: TRu 46 (l9Sl) ~17-~6~ (i. Forsi.:liurr)lshi:rii.:hlt::... Miiil!r J., Gärtruir B., f.atourl'lfl' R., Si;sboüe B. ...; ii. Gesamtdarstellungen (nid1twissenst:hafllü.:he: Armstwnl( G., Messvri V.; wissenschaftliche, Gnillw J., T,utwin W., Hu/t~ T .... Truutmunn Maiia]. 4155 Kuschel Karl-J., Jesus in der deutschsprat:higen Gegenwartsliteratur 1978 ➔ 60,5448; 61,5220: RReformatio 29 (1980) 584.586s (Rosemarie Tscheer). 0


Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)


[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

4156 Langevin Gilles, Jesus aujourd'hui; historiens et exegetes a Radio-Canada: I. Sources, methodes et milieu; II. Vie, message et personnalite; III. Heritage, image et rayonnement 1980 + 61,5223*; $6.95 chaque. 2-89007-2 1 88-6; 89-4; 90-8: RComLtg 63 (1981) 259 (J. Dupont); Gregorianum 62 (1981) 575 (J. Galot). 4157 Leroy Herbert, Jesus, Überlieferung und Deutung: ErtFo 95, 1978 + 60,5450; 61,5224: RHenoch 3 (1981) 395-7 (G. Ravasz). 4158 Mamou Archimede, Jesus et !'Empire Romain. P 1977, Pensee Universelle. 61 p. 4159 Marchesi Giovanni, Gesu di Nazareth: tu chi sei?; Ja coscienza filiale de! Cristo: CC 132 (1981,1) 429-443. 4160 Marsh John, Jesus in his lifetime (1958 Duke Univ. Lectures). L c. 1981, Sidgwick & J. i:10. - RTablet 235 (1981) 369s (H. Wansbrough). 4161 Meiss Millard (1904-1975), Beatson Elisabeth H., La Vie de nostre bcnoit sauveur Ihesuscrist et Ja saincte vie de Nostre Dame [pseudo-BONAVENTURE 13• siede] trauuit [puur] khan, owell). 4278 Hetu Jean-Luc, Le hibou evangelique; l'influence de Jesus sur ses disciples d'aujourd'hui. Montreal 1980, Fides. 200p. - RSalesianum 43 (1981) 692 (A. Amato). 0


Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

4279 Hehl Jean-Luc, Quelle foi? Une rencontre entre l'Evangile et la psychologie, Montreal 1978, Lemeac. 312 p. Fb 510. 4280 Hopler Thum, A wurlt! uf tliITen::rn;e;fulluwing Christ beyond your cultural walls. DG 1981, InterVarsity. 223 p. $5.95 pa. 4281 Inoue Akio [für Tenrikyo], In Christus hat sich Gott nicht unmittelbar offenbart; Komm. Gerlitz Peter: ➔ 41 l, ELoth H., Christentum im Spiegel 1979, 77-80. 4282 Jüchen Aurel von, Jesus Christus und die Tabus der Zeit. Stu 1981, Radius. l44p. DM98. 4283 Kabermann Friedrich, Die Jesus-Falle, der sanfte Krieg der Sekten. Ha 1979, Hoffmann-C. 326p. DM24pa. - RZkT 103 (1981) 95s [A. Grabner-Haider}. 4284 KhanouamMounir, Le Christ dans la pensee moderne de !'Islam: diss. Beyrouth 1980, 0 Dupre La Tour A. 336 + 199p. - RTLv 12 (1981) 515. 4285 Kizhakkemury George, Christ the converging point; an appraisal of Prof. ZAEHNER'sapproach to Islamic mysticism: diss. R 1980, Pont. Univ. Gregoriana, 0 Roest Crollius A. A. 371 p. RTLv 12 (1981) 508. 4286 Krook Caroline, Guds makt är annorlunda; tankar om Kristus för kyrklösa. Älvsjö 1981, Skeab. 64p. Sk3l. 4287 Machovec Milan, Jesus pour les athees: JJC 5, 1978 ➔ 60,5615b; 61,5396a: Rßroteria 113 (1981) 336s (F. Pires Lopes). 4288 Madurini ... , Episodi nel Nuovo Testamento di Max BECKMANN:11 Fuoco (gen. 1980). 4289 EMelchlorreVirgilio, Icona dell'invisibile; studi per una interpretazione s1mbohca di Ge~u Cri~tu. S1.:it:11.lc 1cligiusc 6. Mi 1981, Vita e Pm1sieru. xii-259p. 4290 Merad M. Ali, Christ according to the Qur'an: a) Prodipon 4,1 (Dacca 1981) 124; - b) Vidyajyoti 45 (1981) 306-320. 4291 Merlin Eugene A., Christ as image of the seif in the psychology of C. G . .TIJNG: diss. Fordham. NY 1980. - RelStR 7 (1981) 189. 4292 Messori Vittorio, a) Hypotheses sur Jesus, TLouette Henri (1976 ➔ 58s,5651) 1979 ➔ 61,5398c: RRThom 81 (1981) 509 (M.-A. G.); Telema 7,4 (1981) 79 (R. de Haes). - b) Wat te zeggen over Jezu6; hypothe6en over Zijn pcrnoon en werk. Kumpen 1981, Kok. 180p.f29,90. 4293 Miller Davit! L., Christs; metlitatiuns un archetypal images in Christian theology. NY 1981, Seubury. x.xiv-200p. $12.95. RTS 42 (1981) 709s (P. C. Rufe). 4294 Mil/er David L., Rhythms of Silenos in a poetics of Christ; images of the great teacher: RranosJb 47 (Ascona Conference 'Zeit und Zeitlosigkeit' 1978) 67-121. 4295 Nolan Albert, Jesus before Christianity ( < 1976 ➔ 58s,6039). Ma1yk.11ullNY 1978, Orbis ➔ 60,5460: RAfER 22 (1980) 255s (P. Vonck). 4296 Owens Virginia S., The totaJ image, or selling Jesus in the modern age. GR 1980, Eerdmans. 97p. $4.95. - RRExp 78 (1981) 451s (B. Leonard); RRel 40 (1981) 471 (M. H. Kelleher). 4297 Panikkar Raimundo, The unknown Christ of Hinduism; towards an ecumenical Christophany 2 rev. L 1981 1 1964, Darton-LT. 195p. f:5.95. - RfüpTim 92 (1980s) 350 (Ursula King); IrBSt 3 (1981) 177 (D. Kennedy). 4298 ParrinderGeoffrey, Jezus in de Koran 1978 ➔ 61,m713: RNedTTs 35 (1981) 3357 (P. B. Dirksen). 4299 Passadore G., 11Cristo ateo in PEUERBACH 1975 ➔ 58s,787: RAsprenas 26 (1979) 113s (P. Orlando). 4300 Perez-Esclarin Antonio, Jesus of Gramoven, TLivingstone Dinuh. Muryknoll NY 1980, Orbis. 15lp. - RBibTB II (1981) 61 (L.A. Bushinski: goal needed; style livdy, lralislaletl uften wilh fuur-letter words; but the problem is 'Do you let the Gospel speak for itself, or use it as a springboard to get across your ideas?'). Mi 1979, Ancora. 132p. Lit. 3.200. 4301 Pozzoli L., Cristu, insonnia tlel mondo. 4302 ·Ranganathananda Swami, Wir Hindus verstehen Jesus und seinen Gottesgedanken


Jesus to materialists, psychiatrists ...


besser. als ihr Christen; Komm. Hummel Reinhart: ➔ 411, ELoth H., Christentum im Spiegel 1979,30-34. 4303 Regeard Philippt:, J~sus a lanl dt: visagcs; prH. Duquoc C. P 1980, Centurion. 232p. - REtudes 355 (1981) 140 (R. Marle). 4304 Ri Jean Sangbae, Confucius et Jesus-Christ; la premiere theologie chretienne en Coree, d'apres l'oeuvre de YI PIEK, lettre confuceen (1754-1786): Religions IU, 1979 ➔ 61,m891: RNRT 103 (1981) 597s (J. Scheuer); RThom 81 (1981) 164s (M.A. Genevois). 4305 Robin H., Deux ou trois choses que je sais de Jesus: Paroles et images. P 1980, Centrale S.-Jacques. 174p. - RNRT 103 (1981) 789 (L. J. R.). 4306 Rolfes Helmuth, Jesus und das Proletariat; die Jesustradition der Arbeiterbewegung und des Marxismus und ihre Funktion für die Bestimmung des Subjektes der Emanzipation: Diss. Münster 1981, 0 Metz J. -TR 77 (1981) 513. 4307 Runw Albino ul., P5iculu11,iaanalilica e Teolu11,ia.Ocsu Ciislu 11dl'i11lc1µ1claLiunc di Hanna WoLrr, 'La maschilita cscmplarc': Salcsianum 43 (1981) 400s. 4308 Rus Remus, Iisus Hristos in gindirea indianä: STBuc 33 (1981) 436-445. 4309 S/Jenz de Santa Maria Miguel, Jesus o la religiosidad del laicado: BibFe 7,21 (1981) 264-277 [295-310, Saenz Galaehe Mercedes]. 4310 SchonfieldHugh J., After the Cross [sequel to The Passover Plot]. L 1981, Tantivy. 117p. B.95. - RExpTim93 (1981s) 120s (J.M. Court: defies Mt 4,6). . ESchreinerL. ul., Cluistus uud die Ou1us 1980..,. 698. 4311 Sciacca Michele F., La casa de! pane [Betlemme; il vangelo letto da filosofoj. Pali.:1111u 1979, MaufH:di. lxii-248 p. - IlVt:LChr18 (1981) 242s (F. I'i~IIJia). 4312 Seckler Max, Jesus im Islam [Schedl C. 1978 ➔ 61,5409=m753; Basetti-Sani G. 1977 ➔ 61,m574ss; Schumann 0. 1975 ➔ 58s,5915]: TüTQ 161 (1981) 228-231. 4313 Sesboüe Bernard, Jesus-Christ ä l'image des hommes; breve enquete sur les deformations du visage de Jesus dans l'Eglise et dans Ja societe: Croire aujourd'hui 1978 ➔ 60,5579; 61,5363: RRThom 81 (1981) 151s (M.-V. Leroy). 4314 Shafaat Ahmad, The Gospel according to Islam c. 1979 ➔ 61,m765: RSEAJT 22,2 (1981) 60 63 (P. C. Gowing). 4315 Short Robert, Something to helieve in; is Kurt VoNNEGUTthe exorcist of Jesus Christ Superstar? SF 1978, Harper & R. 321 p. $'.1.9'.'i.- RRe!StR 7 (1981) 340 (J. A. Bash). 4316 Soares Prabh11George, Jesus Christ amid the religions and ideologies of India toM. 1980. day: + 167, FTHOMAS EC 4317 Spiess M., Je5us, die aulhcntisd1c 111c11sd1lid1t: Existenz - Milau MACHOV und das Christentum: Theologie und Wirklichkeit 11. Fra 1981, Lang. 196p. Fs45. 4318 Thomas M.M., Christusorientierter Synkretismus - Ziel des Dialogs zwischen verschiedenen Religionen: ZtsMiss 7 (1981) 70-80. 4319 Trousson Raymond, Le Christ dans la pensee de J.-J. Rousseau: ProbHistChr 7 (1976s) 31-56. 4320 Vergote Antoine, Jesus de Nazareth sous Je regard de la psychologie religieuse: ➔ 515, ECoppieters-G.D.,J.-C. Fils de Dieu 1981, 115-146 [147-173, Renaud M., philosophie]. Wismer Don, The Islamic Jesus 1977 ➔ 994. 4321 Wolff Hanna, Jesus als Psychotherapeut. c.1980. - RReformatio 29 (1980) 255-7 (Ursula Krattiger). F2. I Exl!gtsis creativa - innovativemethods. 4322 Biser Eugen, Intuition und Innovation; zur Bedeutung der religiösen Intuition für den theologischen Erkenntnisfortschritt: MüTZ 32 (1981) 169-193.


Elenchus / Bihlica 62 (1981)

[IX. Rxegesis generalis NT

BoismardM.-E., Lamouille A., La vie des Evangiles 1980 ➔ 1880. 4323 Doty William G., Methodological analysis of NT materials: ➔ 21, FßEARDSLEE W., Orientation 1980, 129-138. 4324 Giavini Giovanni, Metodologia esegetica de! NT: ParVi 26 (1981) 53-62. 4325 GüttgemannsErhard, Candid questions concerning Gospel form criticism; a methodological sketch of the fundamental problematics of form and redaction criticism, TDoty Wm. G.: PitTheo!Mon 26, 1979 ➔ 60,5653: RCBQ 43 (1981) 644-6 (Pheme Perkins: does not really answer its question). 4326 Haacker Klaus, a) Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft; eine Einführung in Fragestellungen und Methoden; Monographien und Studienbücher 303. Wü 1981, Brockhaus. l04p., 2fig. DM 15,80. 3-417-29303-0. - b) Leistung und Grenzen der Formkritik: ThBei 12,2 (1981) 53-71. 4327 Hengel M., Zentrale Aufgaben neutestamentlicher Exegese [ < 60,5654]: TGeg 22 (1979) 129-137. 4328 Henry Patrick, New directions in NT study 1979 ➔ 60,5655; 61,5427: RCBQ 43 (1981} 130s (R. J. Karris); CleR 65 (1980) 375s (G. O'Grady: cosmeticized); ETRel 56 (1981) 343s. (B. Jay: exagere l'impacte de Divino Affiante sauf pour quelques catholiques); Interpretation 35 (1981) 314.316.318 (W. Pilgrim); IrBSt 3 (1981) 55s (D. Hili); JBL 100 (1981) 642s (J. G. Gibbs); RelStBull l (1981) 79-81 (L. Sabourin); ScotJT 34 (1981) 278-80 (A. Hanson); TsTNijm 21 (1981) 76s (L. 0


4329 Iersel B. M. F. van, Over de exegese van het Nieuwe Testament: NedTTs 33 (1979) 78ss. 4330 Koyama K., Creatieve theologie, het evangelie in aziatisch perspectief. Gooi en Sticht 1976. 203 p. Fb 369. - RCollatVla 10 (1980) 251 (P. De Haes). 4331 McCaughey .T. Davis, Literary criticism and the Gospels - a rumination: AustralBR 29 (1981) 16-25. 4332 Mark James, Scholarship and [NT] interpretation; or how it strikes a contemporary: NBlackfr 62 (1981) 473-487. 4333 Schürmann Heinz, Kritische Jcsuscrkcnntnis: zur kritischen Ilandhal,uug de~ 'Unähnlichkeitskriteriums': BLtg 54 (1981) 17-26. 4334 Tracy David, The analogical imagination; Christian theology and the culture of pluralism. NY 1981, Crossroad. xiv-467p. $24.50. - RTDig 29 (1981) 406 (W, C. Haitwr).

4335 Watson Nigel M., Exegesis - MARXSEN'scontribution: AustralBR 29 (1981) 10-15. 4336 Wiens D., The gospels in current study: Dirt:ction 10,2 (1981) 3-10. 4337 Zedda Silverio, Come si studiano i Vangeli oggi; I. Storia delle forme; II. Storia della redazione: RClerlt 62 (1981) 744-779/942-7. F2.2 Unitas VT-NT: The Unity of the Two Testaments. 4338 Aartun Kjell, Forkynnelsen over gammeltestamentlige tekster - hvordan den har vrert og hvordan den b0r vrere: NorTTs 82 (1981) 141-152. 4339 Aho Gerhard, Law and Gospel fn preaching: ConcordTQ 45 (1981) 1-4. 4340 Balentine Samud E., Tht: lnlt:rprntation of the OT in the NT: SWJT 23,2 (Fort Worth 1981) 41-57. 4341 Beauchamp Paul, füre un heritier de la Bible, le trait d'union judeo-chretien: F.tudes 354 (1981) 239-254. 4342 Beaude Pierre-M .• L'accomplissement des Ecritures; pour unc hiRtoirn critiqur. des systemes de representation du sens chretien: CogF 104, 1980 ➔ 61,5443: REsprVie 91 (1981) 541-3 (L. Walter); Etudes 354 (1981) 425s (R. Marle); ETL 57 (1981) 341s (J. Lust, Eng.; very stimulating); NRT 103 (1981) 744s (J.-L. Ska); ScEspr 33 (1981) 263-5 (L. Sabourin); TsTNijm 21 (1981) 201 (J. Lemmeifs}.

F2.2 The Old Testament in the New


4343 Blenkinsopp Joseph, T;makh and the New Testament, a Christian Perspective: -. 310, EßoadtL., Biblical Studies 1980, 96-119. 4344 Borland James A., Christ in the OT 1978 ➔ 60,8693; 61,5444: RTDig 27 (1979) 265 (YI. C. Heiser: holds appearances of God in human form in the OT were always of Second Person). 4345 Bruce Frederick F., The time is fulfilled; five aspects of the fulfillment of the OT in the New(< Sydney Moore College lectures 1977: Mk 1,15; Jn 5,39; Rom 4,1; Heb 10,1; Rev 19,10). 1978 ~ 58s,9455b ... 61,5445: RRestQ 24 (1981) 185s (J. T. Willis); TDig 27 (1979) 266 (W.C. Heiser); TLZ 106 (1981) 492 (T. Holtz). Cazelles Henri, Le Messie de Ja Bible, Christologie de !'AT: JJC 7, 1978 ➔ 7045. 4347 Deissler Alfons, Interview mit Ruh U., Wozu brauchen wir das AT?: HerdKorr 35 (1981) 618-624. 4348 Dumais Marcel, L'actualisation du Nouveau Testament; de la reflexion a la pra tique: Ll>iv 107. P 1981, Cerf. 177p. '2-204-01762-0. 4349 Fuller Daniel P., Gospel and Law: Contrast or Continuum? 1980 ➔ 61,5452: RßS 138 (1981) 272s (N. L. Geister). 4350 Goldsworthy U., Gospel and kingdom; a Christian interpretation of the OT. Exeter 1981, Paternoster. 124p. f:2.50. 4351 Grässer Erich, Zwei Heilswege? Zum theologischen Verhältnis von Israel und Kirche [ zur Hermeneutik; zur Ekklesiologie (ein Volk oder ein Leib?); zur Soteriologie; Röm 9 11]: > 121, FMussNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 411-429. 435? Himson Anthony :r., The NT interpretation of Scripture 1980 +- 61,5'155: REvQ 52 (1980) 186-8 (I. H. Marsha/1); HeythJ 22 (1981) 333s (B. McNei/); IrTQ 48 (1981) 137s (B.M. No/an); RefTR 39 (1980) 86s (YI.J. Dumbre/1); Re!St 17 (C 1981) 135-7 (Margaret E. Thra/1); Vidyajyoti 45 (1981) 193s (J. Volckaert). 4353 Hübner Hans, Der 'Messias Israels' und der Christus des Neuen Testaments: KerDo 27 (1981) 217-239; Eng. 240 [1980 Rhineland Evangelical Synod wrongly claimed that only as 'Messiah of Israel' can Jesus be savior of mankind; even forthe OT, and especially for Paul, there is question of a 'Messiah of mankind']. 4354 Jacob Edmond, Precher sur l'Ancien Testament: ➔ 178, FVoELTZELR., RHPR 61 (1981) 327-329. 4355 Johnson S. Lewis, The OT in the New, an argument for hihlical inspiration. GR 1980, Zondervan. 108p. - RfüpTim 93 (1981s) 30. 4356 ,Judant Denise, Jalons pour une theologie chretienne d'Israel 1975 ➔ 56,9586; 60,8774: RFoiVie 79,1 (1980) 49-)8 (F T.nvsky); 59s, reponse. 4357 Kraus Hans-J., Perspektiven eines messianischen Christusglaubens: ➔ 268, EPetuchowskiJ., Offenbarung 1980/1, 237-261. 4358 Lopez-liernandez Carlos, Law and gospel in AQUINASand LUTHER[ < Ley y evangelio; notas para un dialogo entre Santo Tomas, Francisco oF VTTORIAy Martin Lutero: Dialogo ecumenico 15,52 (1980) 3-33]: TDig 29 (1981) 159-164. 4359 Marangon Antonio, II senso cristiano dell'AT: ParVi 24 (1979) 50-55 [33-49, Ravasi G.]. 4360 Montanti Calogero, II NT rilegge l'Antico: ParVi 24 (1979) 99-108 [109-118. 277287, Dattrini L.; 119-132 Rossa S.; 133-146, Bisso/i C.; 85-98, Cavedo R.]. 4361 Müller Paul-G., Altes Testament, Israel und das Judentum in der Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns [Marle R.: 'Geringschätzung des ATs'; Bultmanns Bemühen, zwei methodische Ansätze, AT als 'Prinzip des Scheiterns'; Judentum als 'innere Widersprüchlichkeit' und der Jude Jesus, konsequente Predigt; 10 Einsichten, 10 Probleme]: ➔ 121, FMussNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 439-472. 4362 Newsome Carroll V., The roots of Christianity [in Judaism]. ENJ 1979, PrenticeHall. 260p. $12.95. - RHebrSt 22 (1981) 150s (E. Fisher). 4363 Nichols Aidan, Imagination and revelation; the face of Christ in the OT: Way 21 (1981) 270ss. 17. - Elenchus bibliographicus 62 (1981)


Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

4364 No/land John, Uncircumcised proselytes? [McEleney N., NTS 20 (1974) 328-333 ➔ 55,4892*]: JStJud 12 (1981) 173-194: confirms that a Gentile could in some cases be accepted into Judaism without circumcision. 4365 Panimolle Salvatore A., Per una lettura 'spirituale' della Bibbia; verso l'unita dell'esegesi: RivB 29 (1981) 79-88. 4366 Quacquarelli A., L'unita dei due Testamenti nell'iconografia de! II e III secolo: · VetChr 18 (1981) 253-274, 15 fig. 4367 Qualizza Marino, Israele nella storia della salvezza secondo s. Tommaso d'AQUINO:Sem. Lomb. R, RicTeol 4, 1978 ➔ 61,5465: RSacDoc 25 (1980) 414s (V. Alce). 4368 Robertson 0. Palmer, The Christ of the Covenants [not 'dispensationalism', yet all history structured by God's covenants]. GR 1980, Baker. viii-308 p. $9.95 pa. ·o-8010-7699-4. - ROTAbs 4 (1981) 282 (B. Vawter). Rouet Albert, Guidc chrctien de Ja Bible I. L'Ancien Testament 1981 ➔ 1165. 4369 Sabourin Leopold, a) The Dible and Christ, the unity of the two lesla1mmls 1980 ➔ 61,5468; $6.95: RVidyajyoti 45 (1981) 448s (J. Dupuis). - b) Biblija i Krist Jedinstvo dvaju Saveza, TLucii: L.: ObnZiv 33 (1978) 100-113; summ. 114 The Bible and Christ; the unity of the two Testaments. 4370 Saeh0 Magne, Das Alte Testament - christlich interpretiert: ➔ 61,528, EJllman K., Der Herr ist einer 1979, 81-97. 4371 Schelkle Karl H., Jesus und Paulus lesen die Bibel: BiKi 36 (1981) 277-9. SchmidII., Chri~tlichc Ilern1e11eutik... bleJbe11defüwähluug Isiads 1981 -.. 1421. 4372 Schwar:zwäll~r Klaus, Von Zeit zu Zeit; ein A9pekt in H. J. IWAND9Anleitung zur Unterscheidung zwischen Gesetz und Evangelium: KerDo 27 (1981) 20-44, Eng. 44: two time-periods are involved, separated by God's judgment oh me. 4373 Sloyan Gerard S., Is Christ the end of the Law? Biblical perspectives on current issues 1978 ➔ 58s,6864; 60,5521: Rfoterpretation 35 (1981) 98 (F. 0. Francis). 4374 Steiner Josef, Liebe zu Jesus als Zugang zum AT: Entschluss 36,9s (1981) 5s [1416, Beutler J., Jn & AT]. 4375 Stob Henry, Jesus and the OT [ < RefJ 1955]: ➔ 296, Theological reflections 1981, 139-146. 4376 StreeflandJ., Woorden om mee te leven; de Thora als blauwdruk van het Koninkrijk Gons Nijhrk 1981, Callenbach. 248 p. /37,50. 4377 Waal C. van der, The continuity between the Old and New Testaments: ➔ 556, Neotestamentica 14 (1981) 1-20. F2.3 Unitas interna - Inner Unity of the NT. 4380 Dunn James D. G., Unity and diversity in the NT, an inquiry into the character of earliest Christianity 1977 ➔ 58s,9448 ... 61,4373: RCrux 17,1 (Vancouver 1981) 27 (J. No/land); Encounter 40 (1979) 81s (T. F. Best); ETRel 56 (1981) 309s (M. Bouttier: 'character': a traduire 'specificite'); JAAR 49 (1981) 288s (E. P. Sanders: hasty but valuable). 4381 Maier Gerhard, Johannes und Matthäus - Zwiespalt oder Viergestalt des Evangeliums? [... ii. Duktus und Struktur; iii. Einzelvergleiche (egö eimi; Sohn; messianische Debatten; Geist; Zeichen; Brot; ... Johannes als Ergänzung des Mt); iv. 5 Ergebnisse]: ➔ 522b, EFranceR., Gospel perspectives II (1981) 267 291. 4382 Merkel Helmut, Die Pluralität der Evangelien als theologisches und exegetisches Problem in der Allen Kird1t: 1978 -.. 58s,4497; 60,5705a: [fran~. ➔ 61,5475): ll.AndrUnSS 19 (1981) 162-4 (1upont); SacDoc 25 (1980) 413s (B. Prete: ricco, organizzato); Sapienza 34 (1981) 496s (A. V. Nazzaro). F8.5 Act 1 ... Ascensio, Pentecostes. 5252 Black Matthew, The Holy Spirit in the Western text of Acts: ➔ 116, FMETZGER B., NT Textual Criticism 1981, 159-170 (... inspires utterance; directs action; sometimes precedes baptism ...]. 5253 Cieslik Pawel, Ci Kerygma de Jesu Nazareno in Actis Apostolorum: RuBi 34 (1981) 113-9. 5254 Maggioni Bruno, L'appello all'umano nella predicazione apostolica: ➔ 642, EColomboG., L'appello all'umano nella predicazione 1980, 93-108. 5255 Pillonel Jacques, Precher Ja conversion; essai de confrontation entre l'annonce de Ja conversion dans !es Actes des Apötres et Ja predication de Ja wnversiun au· jourd'hui: Diss. FrS 1981, 0 Pasquier. - TR 77 (1981) 514. 5256 Schmitt Joseph, Les discours missionnaires des Actes et [1 Cor 15,3ss] l'histoire des traditions prepauliniennes: ➔ 65, Mem. GEORGEA., RechSR 69 (1981) 165180; Eng. 180. 5257 Sisti Adalberto, II nome di Gesu negli Atti degli Apostoli: Antonianum 55 (1980) 675-694. 5258 Wang Richard, 8 The Holy Spirit in the Acts: ColcTFujen 47 (1981) 13-30. 5259 Laurentin Rene, Mary: model of the charismatic as seen in Acts 1-2, and John: ➔ 637, EßranickV., Mary, the Spirit and the Church 1979/80, 28-43. 5260 Godin Andre, Histoire d'un deuil [Act 1,2 'il nous fut enleve'] et d'un souffle nouveau: LumiereV 30,153s (1981) 123-139. 5261 Sullivan F., Een katholieke interpretatie van de 'doop in de Geest' [Act 1,5]: Bulletin voor Charismatische Theologie 3,2 (1980) 21-28.


[XTT.Opus Lucanum

Elenchus/Biblica 62 (1981)

5262 Tiede D. L., Acts 1 : 6-8 and the Theo-Political Claims of Christian Witness: Word and World 1 (St. Paul 1981) 41-51. 5263 Epp Eldon J., [Acts 1,9] The Ascension in the textual tradition of Luke-Acts: ➔ 116, FMETZGERB., NT Textual Criticism 1981, 131-145 [the 'objectified' Ascension of the great Creeds is attested in the Western text by only 8 lines]. 5264 Lepers Etienne, L'Ascension dans !es Exercices [de S. lgnace]: Christus 28 (P 1981) 98-109. 5265 Schnider Franz, Die Himmelfahrt Jesu - Ende oder Anfang? Zum Verständnis des lukanischen Doppelwerkes [... Ende des Weges Jesu; Zeichen der Parusie; Anfang der Mission ...]: ➔ 121, FMussNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 158-172. 5266 Dunn J. D. G. Demythologizing the Ascension; a reply to Professor GOODING: IrBSt [2 (1980) 95-119] 3 (1981) 15-27; rejoinder46-54. 5267 Betori Giuseppe, a) l racconti di persecuzione nella prima parte degli Atti (1,12-8,4); saggio di analisi strutturale: diss. Pont. Ist. Biblico, 0 Mingul'7: n. R 1981. - Acta Piß 8,7 (1980s) 534. - b) Pcrscguitati a causa de! Nome; strutture dei racconti di persecuzione in Atti 1,12-8,4: AnBib 97. R 1981, Biblical Institute. xv-211 p., 24 p. insert; bibliog. p. 204-8. 5268 Blanquart Fabien, La peur des Apötres [Act 1,13]: NRT 103 (1981) 563-7. 5269 Pikaza Xabier, Maria y cl Espiritu Santo (Hech. 1,14; apuntes para una mariologia pneumatica): EstTrin 15 (1981) 3-82. 5270 Pa11i11rLouis, Compn:m11.1puurquui vuu9 comprcncz! Analyse semiotique Je~ Actes 1,15-2,47: SemB 23 (1981) 20-43. 5271 Panier Louis, La mort de Judas [Act 1,17.25]; elements d'analyse semiotique du recit de Ja Pentecöte [ ==SemB 23 (1981)]: LumiereV 30,153s (1981) 111-122. 5272 Jucl Donald, Social dimcnsions of exegesis; the w,e uf Psalm 16 iu Al:ls 2: CBQ 43 (1981) 543-556 [shows difference hetween ra hbinic and Christian milieu]. 5273 Anne Etienne sr., Analyse des relations expnmees dans le recit de l'evenement de Pentecöte, Actes 2,1-36: CahB 19 == FoiVie 80,1 (1981) 47-67: 109-119, biographies et table ronde des auteurs du fascicule (Monsarral Violainc). 5274 Brodie Harry T., 'Suddenly fire...', a Pentecost cycle of Twelve: diss. Graduate Theological Union, 0 Rood. Berkeley 1980. - RTLv 12 (1981) 488. 5275 Ceard J., De Babel a Ja Pentecöte; Ja transformation du mythe de Ja confusion des langues au XVI• siecle: Bib!HumRen 42 (1980) 577-594. 5276 Chevallier Max-Alain, 'Pentecötes' lucaniennes et 'pentecötes' johanniqucs; ➔ 65, Mem. GEORGEA., RechSR 69 (1981) 301-313; Eng. 313. 5277 Gaffin Richard B.1, Perspectives on Ptmlecost 1979 ➔ 60,6965; 61,6519: RCalvTJ 16 (1981) 84-7 (D. J. Hart); ConcordTQ 45 (1981) 127-130 (D. Scaer). 5278 Papa Benigno, L'effusione dello Spirito a Pentecoste: ParSpV 4 (1981) 142-159. 5279 Sa/as Antonio, 'Estaban todos reunidos' (Hch 2,1); precisiones criticas sobre los 'testigos' de Pentccostcs: ➔ 57, FCASASANTIAGO- Salmantici::nsis 28 (1981) 299-314. 5280 Chmiel Jerzy, Interpretacja ST w kerygmacie apostolskim o zmartwychwstaniu [Act 2,14; 3,12; 4,8; 1 Cor 15,3 ...] 1979 ➔ 60,5687; 61,5447: RAntonianum 56 (1981) 486-8 (A. Kowalski). 5281 Zedwitz Klaus von, Die Auferstehung Jesu in der christologischen Interpretation von Apg 2,24-31 und 13,32-37; eine motiv-, form-, und traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchun;!· Diss. Fr. 1981, 0 Pesch R. -TR 77 (1981) 512. 5282 Haudebert Pierre, Actes 2,37-40 et l'appel a Ja conversion 'metanoesate kai baptistheto' [ < diss. P 1977. Inst. Catholique 'La conception lucanienne de Ja conversion]. Angers 1981, Univ. Cath. de l'Ouest. 102 p. (excerpt.). 5283 Sauvagnat Bernard, Se repentir, etre baptise, recevoir !'Esprit, Actes 2,37ss: CahB 19 ==FoiVie 80,1 (1981) 77-89.


F8.5 Acts of theApostles 2,38 ...


5284 Davis J. C., Another look at the relationship between baptism and forgiveness of sins in Acts 2,38: RestQ 24 (Abilene 1981) 80-88. 5285 Herman I. Z., Un tentativo di analisi strutturale di Atti 2,41 - 4,35 secondo il metodo di A. J. Greimas: Antonianum 56 (1981) 467-474. 5286 Gamba G. Giuseppe, Sigi:iificato letterale e portata dottrinale 'dell'inciso participiale di Atti 2,47b: Salesianum 43 (1981) 45-69; Eng. 70 ['showing' as Old Latin, not 'receiving' favor among the people]. 5287 Barhi Augusto, II Cristo celeste presente nella Chiesa ... Atti 3, 19-21: AnBib 64 1979 ➔ 60,6976c; 61,6532: RRechSR 69 (1981) 439-441 (J. Guillet). 5288 Breuning Wilhelm, [Apg 3,21 ...] Zur Lehre von der Apokatastasis: IkaZ 10 (1981) 19-31. 5289 Hjelde Sigurd, Apokatastasis? [Act 3,21; 1 Cor 15,20-28; Rom 5,12-19 ...]: NorTTs

82 (1981) 1-12. 5290 Verheijen Luc, Saint AuGUSTINE's monasticism in the light of Acts 4.32-35: St. Augustine Lecture 1975, 1979 ➔ 60,6983: RAugSt 11 (1980) 229s (J. J. Gavigan). 5291 Geiger Georg, Sünde, Tod und Geist; Apg 5,1-11 als Beispiel lukanischer Erzählkunst: Diss. W 1979 ➔ 60, 6985: BZ 25 (1981) 159. 5292 Schulz Georg, Die Clausula Petri [Apg 5,29] - Zur Prage der Gehorsamsverweigerung des Christen in den weltlichen Ordnungen: ➔ 87, FHoPF F., Unter einem Christus 1980, 75-105. .'i29l Richord Rnrl, i\ctr, 6: 1 8: 4; thr. nnthnr'r, mr.thrni nf r.ompnr,itinn· SRT, cfü~ 41 [diss. Wsh Cath. U. 1976, °Cliftun J. P.], 1978 ➔ 60,6989: RCBQ 43 (1981) 480s (D. L. Jones: oonclusions good, style und proofrcuding not); JBL 100 (1981) 134 (C. H. Gib/in); JTS 32 (1981) 241-3 (J. E. Morgan-Wynne); TR 77 (1981) 111-3 (Alfom; W11is11r). 5294 Philippi Paul, Apostelgeschichte 6,1-6 als Frage an die Kirche heute: ➔ 94, FKANSANAHO E., Spiritus el insliluliu fulesiac 1980, 253-265, 6 Abschlicssc11uc Thesen. 5295 F(ernandez) Ramos Felipe, Los doce y 'los otros' [Heehos 6,2 en la controversia hebreos-helenistas; 'los otros' son mas eficaces y clarividentes (Esteban; Felipe es ap6stol y tambien uno de 'los otros'); Misi6n samaritana, basada sobre ella de Jesus; conexiones con el cuarto evangelio, 8,48 grave acusaci6n contra Jesus; Felipe ap6stol y diäcono; Juan y Hechos se completan]: ➔ 172, FTURRADOL., Quaere Paulum 1981, 27-61. 5296 Boismard M.-E., Le martyre d'Etienne, Actes 6,8-8,2: ➔ 65, Mem. GEORGEA., RechSR 69 (1981) 181-194; Eng. 194: two levels, represented by 6,11 and 6,13ss. 5297 Donaldson T. L., Moses typology and the sectarian nature of early Christian anti-Judaism; a study in Acts 7: JStNT 12 (1981) 27-52. 5298 Sanchez Caro Jose M., EI trasfondo judio de! diseurso de Esteban (Hech. 7,2-53) [5 partes; conjunto]: ➔ 172, FTuRRADOL., Quaere Paulum 1981, 63-78. 5299 Reicke Bo, God's Servant in Old and New Testaments [AetAp 8,26-39] [ < TZBas 35 (1979) 342-50]: TDig 29 (1981) 43-6. 5300 Lods M., [Aetes 8,19] Argent et magie dans Je Livre des Actes: PositLuth 28 (1980) 287-293. 5301 Robinson Bernard P., Simonianism: diss. Durham 1978, 0 Dragas G. D. - RTLv 10 (1979) 497. 5302 Meester Paul de, [Actes 8,38] 'Philippe et l'eunuque ethiopien' ou 'Le bapteme d'un pelerin de Nubie'?: NRT 103 (1981) 360-374 [representant du Tiers-Monde]. 5303 Decock P. B., The understanding of Isaiah 53:7-8 in Acts 8:32-33: ➔ 556a, Neotestamentica 14 (1981) 111-133. 5304 Kraabel A. T., The disappearance of the 'God-fearers' [Acts 10,2 + lOt]: Numen 28 (1981) 113-126.

20- Elenchus bibliographicus 62 (1981)


Elenchus / Biblica 62 ( 1981)

[XII. Opus Lucanum

5305 Wilcox Max, The 'God-fearers' in Acts [10,2.22.35; 13,16.26] - a reconsideraA., JStNT 13 (1981) 102-122. tion: ➔ 81, FHANSON 5306 Haacker Klaus, Der Geist von Caesarea (Apg 11,1-18): TBei 12 (1981) 1-4.

F8.7 Act 13 ••.ltinera Pauli, Paul's Journeys. 5307 Dockx Stanislas, Luc a-t-il ete le compagnon d'apostolat de Paul? [non en quittant Philippe pour Corinthe, ni avant; compagnon de voyage si, mais d"apostolat' ä Rome 56-58]: NRT 103 (1981) 385-400. 5308 Geiger G., Kirche unterwegs; ein Arbeitsheft zum zweiten Teil der Apostelgeschichte: GesprBi 13. Klosterneuburg 1981, Österr. KBW. 48 p., ill., map. Sch 54/DM 8. '3-85396-049-9. 5309 Müller Paul-G., Der 'Paulinismus' in der Apostelgeschichte, ein forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick: ➔ 534, EKertelge K., Paulus in den Spätschriften 1979/81, 157-201 [Was ist 'Paulinismus'? 'Frühkatholizismus'; das vorkritische Paulusbild; Tendenzkritik; Redaktionsgeschichte; ... Ausblick]. 5310 Hedrick Charles W., Paul's convcrsion/call; a comparative. analysis of U!t: tlm:t: reports in Acts [9; 22; 26]: JBL 100 (1981) 415-432. 5J11 Rius-Camps Josep, Qüestions sobre la doble obra lucana II. Qui es Joan, l'anomenat 'Marc'? [A1.t12,12.25 ...]: RCatalT 5 (1980) 297 ,28; F.ni ,?I) 5312 MitfordT. B. t, [Act 13,7] Roman Cyprus: ➔ 845, ANRW 2/7/2 1980, 1285-1384. 5313 Pillai C. A. Joachim, a) Apostolic intcrpretation of history; a commentary un Acts 13:16-41, 1980 ➔ 61,6553: RJnterpretation 35 (1981) 325s (D. R. Miesner). h) F.itrly Missionary Preaching; a 5tudy of Luke's report in Acts 13, 1979 ➔ 60,7011: RCBQ 43 (1981) 479s (B. McGrath: should have been amalgamated with his 1980 Apostolic Interpretatio11, Acts 13). 5314 Merri/1 Eugene H., Paul's Use of 'About 450 Years' in Acts 13:20: BS 138 (1981) 246-257 [we can't blame Paul for not adding up OT figures the way moderns do]. 5315 Grelot Pierre, Note sur Actes, XIII, 47 [citation d'Is 49,6 LXX s'adapte ä une situation-synagogue, mais comment ä Ja mission de Paul et Barnabe? deux pages de son manuscrit omises de Les Poemes du Serviteur, LDiv 103, 1981]: RB 88 (1981) 368-372. 5316 Wenham Gordon J., The theology of unclean food [Acts 15 ... Lv 11; Dt 14]: EvQ 53 (1981) 6-15. 5317 Vanni Ugo, II 'Concilio di Gerusalemme' [Gai 2,1-10; At 15,1-35]: l'incontro tra due culture si risolve in una sintesi nuova: ParVi 26 (1981) 176-181. 5318 Perrot Charles, Les decisions de l'assemblee de Jerusalem [Ac 15,19s; 16,4]: • 65, Mem. GF.ORGE A., RechSR 69 (1981) 195-208; Eng. 208. 5319 Vattioni Francesco, II significato di 'sangue' nel decreto apostolico [Atti 15,20.29; 21,25]: ➔ 565, Sangue 1980/1, 745-770. [5320--5919deest]. 5920 a) Strobel August, Das Aposteldekret [Apg 15,23-29] als Folge des antiochenischen Streites [Gai 2,11-14]; Überlegungen zum Verhältnis von Wahrheit und Einheit im Gespräch der Kirchen; b) Pesch Rudolf, Das Jerusalemer Abkommen und die Lösung des Antiochenischen Konflikts; ein Versuch über Gai 2, Apg 10,1-11,18, Apg 11,27-30; 12,25 und Apg 15,1-41: ➔ 121, FMussNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 81-104/105-122. 5921 Lacirignola Vito, L'ospitalitä offerta a Paolo nelle cittä di Filippi [Atti 16,11-15]: Nicolaus 9 (1981) 229-231. 5922 Wikgren Allen P., The problem in Acts 16:12 [coins show meris preferable to


F8.7 Paul's Journeys; Acts 16,12 .. .'

pblis though unsupported]: -► 116, FMETZGER B., NT Textual Criticism 1981, 171-8. 5923 Legrand L., The unknown God of Athens; Acts 17 and the religion of the Gentiles: Vidyajyoti 45 (1981) 222-231 ['lt could hardly be the same man who wrote Rom. 1']. 5924 Calloud Jean, Paul devant !'Areopage d'Athenes, Actes 17,16-34: -► 65, Mem. GEORGEA., RechSR 69 (1981) 209-247; Eng. 247. 5925 Wilkinson T.L., Acts 17 [,16-31]; the Gospel related to paganism: VoxRef 35 (Geelong 1980) 1-14. 5926 Dupont Jacques, La rencontre entre christianisme et hellenisme dans le discours !'Areopage (Acts 17,22-31): -► 506, Foi et culture, Actes Comm. Bib. 1979/81, 261-286. ;92·1 Gatti Vincenzo, 11 discorso di Paolo ad Atene [Atti 1'7,22-31]. 1979 -► 60,7031; 61,6571: Rßenedictina 27 (1980) 829-832 (L. De Lorenz1); RivStorLetRel 17 (1981) 84-87 (J. Dupont: lacunes surprenantes, methodologie douteuse). 5928 Schneider Gerhard, Anknüpfung, Kontinuität und Widerspruch in der Areopagrede Apg 17,22-31: -► 121, FMUSSNERF., Kontinuität 1981, 173-8 [de Mussner TüTZ 67 (1958) 344-354 ~ Ges. St. (Dü 1967) 235-243]. 5929 Deiana Giovanni, L'iscrizione di Delfi [base della cronologia di Paolo; Atti 18,12]; una critica dell'ipotesi de! l'LASSART[A., Fouilles de Delphes 3/4 (1970) 26-32]: Latcranum 47 (1981) 'i':\4-9 5930 Prast Franz, [Apg 20,17-38] Presbyter und Evangelium in nachapostolischer Zeit ... [ < diss Münster 1978]: ForBi 29, 1979 > 60,7035; 61,6577: RCBQ ~3 (1981) 310-312 (L. T. Johnson: impressive though galloping exegesis). 5931 Pctöfi Janos S., La struttura della comunicazione in Atti 20,17-38 [ Peccatum et reconciliatio cum Deo juxta Jn: ➔ 537, ELachS., Biblia ksi.;ga zycia 1974/80, 141-152.


Elenchus / Biblica 62 ( 1981)

[XIV. Corpus Johanneum

6011 Gutierrez Gustavo, La hora de Jesus: Paginas 36s (Peru 1981) 2.55. 6012 lla/111 Perdinand, 'Die Judtm' i111Juhanuesevangelium [Mussner, Traktat 1979, 49.292]: • 121, FMussNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 430-8. 6013 Hardy Richard P., Actualite de Ja revelation divine; une etude des 'Tractatus in Johannis Evangelium' de saint AUGUSTIN1974 ➔ 56,9798: RAugM 24 (1979) 3946 (V. Capanaga, J. Oroz). 6014 Jonge M. de, Duyne H. M. J. van, Taal en teken; ontmoetingen met Jezus in het evangelie van Johannes 1978 ➔ 60,7175: RNedTTs 35 (1981) 71 (A. van Roon). 6015 La Potterie Ignacio de, a) La verdad de Jesus, estudios de cristologia joanea, THaya G.: BAC 405, 1979 ➔ 245: RCiTom 108 (1981) 138s (J. L. Espine[);.CiuD 193 (1980) 619 (S. Folgado Flbrez); ScrTPamp 12 (1980) 626-9 (A. Garcia-Moreno). - b) La verite dans S. Jean: AnBib 73s, 1977 ➔ 58s,5236 ... 61,6698: RGregorianum 62 (1981) 380-382 (J. Galot); RivB 29 (1981) 419-423 (G. Ghiberti). 6016 a) La Potterie Ignacc de, Gesu e lo Spirito seoondo il Vungclo di Giovanni; - b) Ferram Giuseppe, T.n Spirito della Verita nel Vangelo di Giovanni: PurSpV 4 (1981) 114-129 / 130-141. 6017 La Potterie Ignace de, Matemita di Maria e maternita della Chiesa secondo Ja tradizione giovannea: ➔ 674, II Salvatore e Ja Vergine-Madre 1980/1, 273-302. 6018 Lindars Barnabas, Discourse and tradition; the use of the sayings of Jesus in the discourses of the Fourth Gospel: ➔ 81, FHANSONA., JStNT 13 (1981) 83-101. 6019 Lorenzini Ezio, La problematicita dell'unita linguistica giovannca sccondo il metodo dello SCHWEIZER [E., Ego eimi 1939; Rucksluhl E. 1951]: VetChr 18 (1981) 453-469. 6020 Luzarraga Jesus, EI aspecto dinamico de Ja filiaci6n de Jesus en el Evangelio de Juan: ➔ 49, FDEUSTO= EstE 56 (1981) 1027-1054. 6021 Martin Alain G., a) Le Saint-Esprit et l'Evangile de Jean dans une perspective trinitaire; - b) Les relations du Pere et du Fils dans l'evangile selon saint Jean: RRef 29 (1978) 141-151 / 32 (1981) 23-39. 6022 Martini Carlo M., Tl Vangelo secondo Giovanni nell'esperienza degli Esercizi Spirituali, EStancaro Pino 1980 ➔ 61,6627: RBenedictina 27 (1980) 822s (L. De Lorenz1); CC 132 (1981,3) 545 (F. Castelh); ParVi 25 (1980) 315s (Emanuela Ghini). 6023 Matsunaga Kikuo, The 'Theos' Christology as the ultimate confession of the Fourth Gospel: AnJapB 7 (1981) 124-145. 6024 Messina Francesco, La conoscenza di Dio in Giovanni: Presenza de! Carmelo 22 (Roma 1980) 14-20. 6025 Mollat Donatien, Saint Jean, maitre spirituel 1976 [ < DictSp 8,192] ➔ 57,4033 ... 60,7192: RScrTPamp 10 (1978) 1232-5 (A. Garcia-Moreno). 6026 Moloney Francis J., The Johannine Son of Man 2 : BiblScRel 14, 1978 ➔ 60,7194; 61,6709: RRCatalT 5 (1980) 509s (A. Bosch i Veciana); TR 77 (1981) 22-24 (B. Lindars, Eng.: a few dissents); TrierTZ 90 (1981) 243 (Sehmahl). 6027 Moody Smith D., B. W. BACONon John and Mark: PerspRelSt 3 (1981) 201-218. 6028 Moretto Giovanni, Angezogen und belehrt von Gott; der Johannismus in SCHLEIERMACHERS 'Reden über die Religion': TZBas 37 (1981) 267-291. 6029 Minear Paul, To ask and to receive; some clues to Johannine ontology: ➔ 16, FßARTHM. J98J, 227-250. 6030 Neirynck Frans, Jean et !es synoptiqucs ... Boismard 1979 ➔ 60,5746; 61,6656: RC,ollatVI 10 (1980) 474s (A. Dena11.x). 6031 NlcholsonGodfrey C., 'To your advantage'; the lifting up of Jesus and the DescentAscent Schema in the Fourth Gospel: diss Vaudt:rbill, 0 Donahue J. Nv 1980. RelStR 7 (1981) 191; RTLv 12 (1981) 490. 6032 O'Cearbhallain Sean, Christ and hope; elements for a theology of hope from the

Gl.4 John's Gospel: topics


commentary of ÜRIGENand the Gospel of Saint John: Theology Annual 5 (Hong K.ong 1981) 121-158. 6033 Ortiz Valdivieso Pedro, La estructura teol6gica de! cuarto evangeho: -➔ 29, FBRAVOC., TXav 31 (1981) 169-184. 6034 Panimolle Salvatore A., Lettura pastorale de! vangelo di Giovanni I. 1978 -➔ 58s, 5333; 60,7112: REstTrin 15 (1981) 426s (A. Rbdenas). - II. Gv 5-10. Ba 1981, Dehoniane. 512 p. - RComLtg 63 (1981) 524 (J. Dupont). 6035 Pasquetto Virgilio, Aspetti letterario-dottrinali de! vangelo di Giovanni. R 1980, Teresianum, 248 p. cyclost. 6036 Pasquetto Virgilio, La venuta di Gesu nel mondo e il suo ritorno al luogo d'origine secondo il IV vangelo; i movimenti di Gesu nel contenuto de! vocabolario spaziale di Giovanni: diss. Pont. Ist. Biblico, 0 La Potterie I. de. R 1981. - Acta PIB 8,7 (1980s) 538. 6037 Pinto Evarist, Jesus the San and Giver of Life in the Fourth Gospel: diss. R 1981, Pont. Univ. Urbaniana. 274 p.; bibliog. p. 19-44. 6038 Prete Benedetto, Dati e caratteristiche della antropologia giovannea [... vocabolario; condizione dell'uomo; dualismo e determinismo (Qumran); atteggiamento davanti a Gesu; valore tipico e rappresentativo dei personaggi; 5 caratteristiche]: -➔ 526, EGennaroG. De, L'antropologia biblica 1979/81, 817-862 (risposte a damunde 862-870). 6039 P11igdol/«rsRodolfo, La 'verdad' illl til ouurlo ovungolio; scntido de los tcrminos a/ethös, a/ethes, alethinos y aletheia [.Hultmann rechazado por De La Potterie]: AnCalas 23 (1981) 221-268. 6040 Richter Georg t 1975, Eflainz J., Studien zum Joh-Ev: Bib!Unt 13, 1977 -➔ 58s, 5337; 60,7205: RTLZ 106 (1981) 815-7 (U. Wilckens). 6041 Rigaux Beda, Lindars Barnabas, Para una historia N .. Aletti). 6532 Sanders Boykin, Imitating Paul, 1 Cor 4:16: HarvTR 74 (1981) 353-363. 6533 Wolbert Werner, Ethische Argumentation und Paränese in 1 Kor 7 [kath. Diss. Münster 1980, 0 Schüller B.]: MorSt 8. Dü 1981, Patmos. 264p. DM 29,80pa. 3491-71051-0. - NTAbs 25 (1981) 312. 6534 Prete Benedetto, Matrimonio e continenza nel cristianesimo delle origini; studi su 1 Cor 7, 1-40: StBPaid 49, 1979 -. 60,7948; 61,7388: RCC 132 (1981,3) 31 ls (N. Uricchio); ParVi 26 (1981) 155-7 (F. Mosetto). 6535 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, The divorced woman in 1 Cor 7:10-11 [divorce refused by Paul because reasons insufficient, but granted for the case of verse 15]: JBL 100 (1981) 601-6. 6536 Agourides Suvus, General summury of the finul session: ► 543, FLorenzi L. De, Frccdom and Love; thc guidc for Christian life (1 Co 8-10; Rm 14-15) 1978/81, 263-9; 269-291, discussion. 6537 Brunt John C., Love, freedom, and moral responsibility; the contribution of 1 Cor. 8-10 to an understanding of Paul's ethical thinking: -► 558, ERichardsK., SBL Seminars 1981, 19-33. 6538 Bouttier Michel, l Co 8-10 considere du point de vue de son unite: -. 543, 8Loreuzi L. De, Freedom and Love 1978/81, 205-225; l'· 226-261, disi.:ussiun. 6539 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, Freedom or the Ghetto (1 Co 8,1-13; 10,23-11,1): -► 543, ELorenziL. De, Freedom and Love 1978/81, 7-38 [at Corinth, the Strong; the Weak; Paul's response: objective truth; election; Christian monotheism; Christ and freedom; education of conscience; transfonning the weak ...]; p. 38-55, discussion. 6540 Galitis Georg, Das Wesen der Freiheit; eine Untersuchung zu 1 Ko 9 und seinem Kontext: -► 543, ELorenziL. De, Freedom and Love 1978/81, 127-141; 141-7 Diskussion. 6541 Klaiber Walter, Allen bin ich alles geworden; Bibelarbeit über 1. Kor. 9,19-23: TBei 10 (1979) 241-9. 6542 Smith Dennis E., Meals and morality in Paul and his world [l Cor 10]: -► 558, ERichardsK., SBL Seminars 1981, 319-339. 6543 Hahn Ferdinand, Teilhabe am Heil und Gefahr des Abfalls; eine Auslegung von l Ko 10,1-22: -► 543, ELorenziL. De, Freedom and Love 1978/81, 149-171; 171204 Diskussion. 6544 Osburn Carroll D., Tue text of I Corinthians 10:9: -► 116, FMETZGERB., NT Textual Criticism 1981, 201-212. 6545 Spencer Aida B., Tue wise fool (and the foolish wise); a study of irony in Paul [l Cor 11 ...]: NT 23 (1981) 349-360. 6546 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, Sex and logic in 1 Cor 11:2-16 [clarifying his rejection of Walker W. (Cope L.) JBL 95 (1976) 615-621; 94 (1975) 94-110 (97,436)]: CBQ 42 (1980) 482-500 [-► 61,7403, transvestite coiffure out ofplace in prayer]. 6547 Bouwman G. 'Het hoofd van de man is de vrouw' [p. 195 error pro 'vrouw is de man']; een retorische analyse van l Kor. 11,2-6: TsTNijm 21 (1981) 28-35; 36, summ. fran9.; cf. Mickelsen. -► H8.8. 6548 Adinolfi M. A., 'La donna ehe prega o profetiza' (1 Cor 11,5a) [ < FBagatti B. 1975, II 124-134]: RicBiRel 15 (1981) 137-140. 6549 Derrett J. D. M., Miscellanea; a Pauline pun [l Cor 11,10; Schwarz G.] and Judas' punishment [Mt 27,3-8; Act 1,18s]: ZNW 72 (1981) 131-3. 6550 ChenderlinFrederick P., The semantic and conceptual background and value of 'anamnesis' in 1 Cor 11:24-25: diss. Claremont 1981. 359 p. 8119927. - DissA 42 (1981s) 1188-A. 0


G5.1 1 Corinthians 11,23 ...


6551 MacLeod Ian, The night of betrayal [1 Cor 11,23 ... washing of feet; promise to secure by his death a right relationship with God for all men (like Campion forgiving his betrayer); thanks and sang]: ExpTim 92 (1980s) 312-4.

G5.5 1 Cor 12 ... Glossolalia, Charismata. 6552 Boysen Svend C., Kristenheden i karismatisk opbrud. Arhus 1979, Aras. 192 p. - RNorTTs 82 (1981) 114s (N. Bloch-Hoell). 6553 Brattgard Helge, Den nytestamentliga pneumatologin och det karismatiska: TsTKi 51 (1980) 177-188. 6554 BreckenridgeJames F., The theological self-understanding of the Catholic charismalil: muvtm1e11l. Wsh 1980, Univ. Press of America. x-144 p. $7.75. RRelStR 7 (1981) 145s (W. Spohn: 'the charismatic renewal has received a greater endorsement from the Roman Cathohc h1erarchy than from the leaders of any other Christian body'). 6555 Cacho J., Notas sobre la glosolalia: Proyecci6n 27 (1980) 219-226. 6556 Chenu Bruno, Prophetisme et Eglise: Les Echos de Saint Maurice NS 11 (1981) 25-42. 6557 Cirignano Giulio, Carismi e ministeri in 1 e 2 Corinzi: ParVi 26 (1981) 109-122. 6558 Congar Yves, Renouveau charismatique et theologie du Saint-Esprit: VSp 135 (1981) 735-749. 6559 Dufort Jean-Marc, Comportements et attitudes dans les groupes charismatiques; une lecture hermeneutique: Scfüpr 30 (1978) (143-167] 255-278. 6560 Dulles Avery, Earthen vessels; institution and charism in the Church: ➔ 641, ECiarkeT., Above every name 1980, 155-187. 6561 Faricy Robert, La lode e il dono delle lingue: ➔ 711, EZecca T., Mistica 1978/9, 487-492. 6562 Fernandez Pedro, EI bautismo en el Espiritu Santo; hermeneutica cat61ica de la renovaci6n carismatica: CiTom 108 (1981) 277-325. · 6563 Grossmann S., Genade-gaven in evenwicht; van charismatische beweging tot charismatische gemeentevernieuwing: Nieuw Leven. Kampen 1980, Kok. 173 p. /17,50. - RTsTNijm 21 (1981) 96s (J. Peters). 6564 Gruber Winfried, Charismatische Bewegung des Geistes: TPQ 129 (1981) 262-273. 6565 Hengel Martin, Seguimiento y carisma; la radicalidad de la llamada de Jesus: Presencia Teol6gica 7. Santander 1981, SalT. 132 p. 6566 Hill David, NT Prophecy 1980 ➔ 61,8307: RChrCent 98 (1981) 82 (R. A. Harrisville); JAAR 49 (1981) 677 (H. C. Kee; extra chorum, uncertain about apocalyptic); JBL 100 (1981) 300-2 (M. E. Boring: more on Paul than Apc., but whole of NT prophecy less than half the book). 6567 Hoyt Herman A., Studies in Revelation. Winona Lake IN 1977, BMH. 148 p. · $2.95 pa. - RCrux 17,2 (1981) 30s (C. Brown). 6568 Hutch Richard A., The personal ritual of glossolalia: JScStR 19 (1980) 255-266 [Kildahl J., Goodman F., Samarin W., all 1972]. 6569 Jacob Rene, Charismes et ministeres dans le NT: Tychique 33 (Lyon 1981) 3-10 (11-21, Jourjon M., Eglise primitive; 22-25, Ferriere Jeanne de la, Eglise orthodoxe; 26-85 a/.]. 6570 Jelly Frederick M., Mary and the gifts and charisms of the Spirit: ➔ 637, EBranickV., Mary, the Spirit and the Church 1979/80, 79-91. 6571 Jones Peter, Y a-t-il deux types de propheties dans le NT? (... une prophetie d'exhortation ouverte a tous, Nb 11,29; Joel 3,1; 1 Cor 14 ... apart Ja 'prophetie apostolique de revelation fondamentale']: RRH 31 (1980) 303-317.


Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)

[XIII. Paulus

6572 Mensbmgghe Fran~ois van der, Le mouvement charismatique; retour de !'Esprit? retour de Dionysos?: La Parole et les hommes 3. Geneve 1981, Labor et Fides. 74p. Fb289. 6573 Mueller Theodore, A linguistic analysis of glossolalia [Samarin W. 1972]: ConcordTQ 45 (1981) 185~191. 6574 Paiement Guy, Que signifie 'faire memoire' [l Cor, Euch]: Pretre et pasteur 84 (Montreal 1981) 94-102. 6575 Parry David [Eng. 1979] Not mad, most noble Festus [U. S.] This charismatic thing; what is it all about? Huntington IN 1980, Our Sunday Visitor. 103 p. $3.50. 6576 Pierce Flora M.J., Glossolalia: JRelPsyR 4 (1981) 168-178. Zur Entstehung einer bedenklichen 6577 Schindler Alfred, CHARISoder CHARISMA? theologischen Alternative in der Alten Kirche: EvT 41 (1981) 235-243 [-258, Buess Eduard, 'Geist und Gericht' in der Gemeinde]. 6578 Schütz John H. (''Wolter Michael), Charisma NT: ➔ 869, TRE 7 (1981) 688-693 [-98; 682-5, Schmidt Ludwig, AT; 685-8, Oswald Nico, Judentum]. 6579 TillardJ.-M. R., II y a charisme et charisme; Ja vie religieuse. Bru 1977, Lumen Vitae. l36p. - RRThom 81 (1981) 168 (M.-A. G.: pris par sa polemique). 6580 Watney Paul B., Ministry gifts; God's provision for effective mission [biblical charismata]: diss. Fuller 1979, 0 Gilliland D. 278 p.•8121538. - DissA 42 (1981s) 1675s-A. 6581 Williams Cyril G„ Toni:ues of the Spirit; a study of pentecostal glossolalia anrl related phenomena. 1981, Univ. Wales. 276p. f:15.95. - RExpTim 93 (1981s) 92 (W, J. Hollenweger). 6582 Aejmelaeus Lars, Paavali ja Korinton Hurmos. Tutkimus 1. Korinttolaiskirjeen luvuista 12-14: Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran Julkaisuja 36. Helsinki 1981, Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy. (2) vi-162 p. bibliog. p. 150-159. 6583 Fraikin Daniel, 'Charismes et ministeres' a Ja lumiere de l Co 12-14: EglT 9 (1978) 455-463 [465-471, Martucci Jean, Diakriseis pneumatön (l Co 12,10)]. 6584 Subilia Vittorio, [l Cor 12,3, nessuno dice] Sia maledetto Gesu: Protestantesimo 36 (1981) 151-7: ci fa ripensare in schemi moderni 'Cristo secondo lo spirito', 'Gesu secondo Ja ca.me'. 6585 Bertrand Dominique, Vous etes le corps du Christ [l Cor 12,27]: Christus 28 (P 1981) 173-183. 6586 Duncan D., Love, the. word that heals; reflections on 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13. Evesham 1981, A. James. ll7p. f:3.95. 6587 Pedersen Sigfred, Krerligheden hedder Kristus; en gudstjenestens etik (1. Korinter 13). Arhus 1981, Aros. 48p. Dk36. 6588 Wigen T., Kjrerlighetens ideal og virkelighet; en tolkning av l Kor 13• [Ideal and reality of love; an interpretation of...]: TsTKi 51 (1980) 269-281. 6589 Wischmeyer Oda, Der höchste Weg; da:s 13. Kapitel des 1. Korintherbriefes: StNT 13. Gütersloh 1981, Mohn. 256p.; bibliog. p. 234-247. 6590 Johanson B. C., II dono delle lingue segno e per i credenti o per i non credenti? [I Cor 14,20-2:'i;< NTS 75 (1979) 180-203]:RicBiRel 14 (1980) 331-3. 6591 Flanagan Neal M., Snyder Edwina H., Did Paul put down women in First Corinthians 14:34-36?:Foundations 24 (1981) 216-220. 6592 Ellis E. Earle, The silenced wives of Corinth (1 Cor. 14:34-5): ➔ 116, FMETZGER B., NT Textual Criticism 1981, 213-220 [a woman should not 'prophcsy' in such a way as to exhibit public disagreement with her husband's 'message']. 6593 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, Tradition and rcdaction in l Cor 15:3-7: CBQ 43 (1981) 582-9 [verses 3-5 a unity taken over by Paul; he added verse 6; then a traditional phrase was appended in verse 7].

G5.5 · Charisms; 1 Corinthians 12ss


6594 Nijenhuis John, This greeting in my own hand - Paul [! Cor 16,21; Co! 4,18]: BToday 19 (1981) 255-8. 6595 Fitzmyer Joseph A., NT Kyrios and maranatha [! Cor 16:22] and their Aramaic background [ < FREICKEBo ...]: ➔ 215, To advance the Gospel 1981, 218-235. G5.6 1 Cor 15 ... Resurrectio➔ 4845-4890. 6596 Biser Eugen, Paulus - der letzte Zeuge der Auferstehung: Antworten für heute/ Schlüssel zur Bibel. Rg 1981, Pustet. 84 p. DM 9,80. 3-7917-0685-3. 6597 Haughey John C., Eucharist at Corinth; You are the Christ: ➔ 641, EClarkeT., Above every name 1980, 107-133. 6598 Kieffer Rene, Resurrection du Christ et resurrection generale; essai de structuration de la pensee paulinienne: NRT 103 (1981) 330-344. 6599 Plank Karl A., Resurrection theology; the Corinthian controversy reexamined: PerspRe!St 8 (Macon 1981) 41-54. 6600 Wagner Guy, Si !es chretiens refusent d'agir, alors Christ n'est pas ressuscite: encore 1 Cor 15: ETRel 56 (1981) 599-607. 6601 Wedderburn A. J. M., The problem of the denial of the Resurrection in 1 Cor 15: NT 23 (1981) 229-241. 6602 Zedda Silverio, Tutti risorgeremo (1 Cor 15): ParVi 26 (1981) 138-146. 0

6603 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, 'Baptized for the dead' (1 Cor., XV, 29) a Corinthian slogan?: RB 88 (1981) 532-543. 6604 Altennath Fran9ois, Du corps psychique au corps spirituel; interpretation de 1 Cor. 15,35-49... des quatre premiers siecles: BeiGBEx 18, 1977 ➔ 58s,7157; 60,8011: RRivStorLetRel 17 (1981) 123s (E. Lupierz). 6605 Gillman John, Transformation into the future life; a study of 1 Cor 15,50-53, its context, and related passages: diss. Lv 1980, 0 Lambrecht J. ➔ 61,7445: - ETL 57 (1981) 215; RTLv 12 (1981) 488. G5.9 II ad Corinthios. 6606 Charlier A., Saint Thomas d'AQUIN, Commentaire de la Seconde Epitre aux Corinthiens. P 1980, Ed. Latines. - RStromata 37 (1981) 327 (-: imprimatur 1965, impresi6n 1980 ...). 6607 Ehgartner Franz, Astheneia, Schwachheit als Grundprinzip apostolischer Wirksamkeit; bibeltheologische Untersuchung zum paulinischen Apostolatverständnis nach 2 Kor.: Diss. Graz. c. 1979 ➔ 60,8018: - BZ 25 (1981) 157. 6608 Hanson B., School ofSuffering [2 Cor]: Dialog 20 (St. Paul 1981) 39-45. 6609 Madros Pierre, Susceptibilite et humilite de saint Paul dans sa seconde lettre aux Corinthiens. J 1981, Franciscan. 63 p. 6610 Tasker R. V. G., La seconda epistola di Paolo ai Corinzi. R 1978, G.B.U. 250 p. Lit. 3.700. - RProtestantesimo 36 (1981) 237 (C. Tourn). 6611 Yates Roy, Paul's affliction in Asia: 2 Corinthians 1:8: EvQ 53 (1981) 241-5. 6612 Richard Earl, Polemics, Old Testament, and Theology; a study of Tl. Cor. ITT,1 IV,6: RB 88 (1981) 340-367 [expansion of Jer 38,33 (LXX, i.e. 31,33); overstating his case in relation to Ezek. and Ex.; use of Ex 34 stems from Paul, not pre-Pauline midrash]. 6613 Kremer Jacob, Gli ultimi sviluppi di metodologia neotestamentaria presentati su 2 Cor 3,6b: ➔ 518, EEggerW., Per una lettura molteplice 1981, 13-39 (-45 discussione). 6614 Fitzmyer Joseph A., Glory reflected on the face ofChrist (2 Cor 3:7 - 4:6) and a Palestinian Jewish motif [Qumran H 4; Sb ...]: TS 42 (1981) 630-644.

Elenchus / Biblica 62 ( 1981)


[XIII. Paulus

6615 Wonneberger Reinhard, Syntax und Exegese ... 2 Kor 5,2; Röm "3,21-26 [1974 Heid Diss.]: BeiBibET 13, 1979 ➔ 60,8034: RßZ 25 (1981) 139-141 (D. Zeller). 6616 Wagner Guy, The Tabernacle and life 'in Christ'; exegesis of 2 Corinthians 5:110: IrBSt 3 (Belfast 1981) 145-165. 6617 Thrall Margaret E., 'Putting on' or 'stripping off' in 2 Corinthians 5:3? [on]: ➔ 116, FMETZGER B., NT Textual Criticism 1981, 221-237. 6618 Cousar Charles B., (exp.) II Corinthians 5:17-21: Interpretation 35 (1981) 180-183. 6619 Fitzmyer Joseph A., Qumran und der eingefügte Abschnitt 2 Kor 6,14 - 7,1 [< CBQ 23 (1981) 271-280 = Essays (1981) 205-217], TWissma1111Hans: ➔ 327, EGrözingerK., Qumran 1981, 385-398. [2 Cor 8,9]: Riv6620 Poirier Michel, 'Christus pauper factus est' chez saint AMBROISE StoLetRel 15 (1979) 250-7. 6621 Zmijewski Josef, Der Stil der paulinischen 'Narrenrede': Analyse der Sprachgestaltung in 2 Kor 11,1-12,10 ... BBB 52, Köln 1978 ➔ 58s, 7191* ... 61,7469: RJBL 100 (1981) 663-6 (V. P. Furnish). 06. l Ad Galatas. 6622 Betz Hans-D., Galatians: Henmmeia 1979 ➔ 60,8047; 61,7475: Rßiblica 62 (1981) 594-7 (J. Swetnam: a new classic); CurrTMiss 8 (1981) 309-310 (R. Smith); ETRel 56 (1981) 176s (M. Bouttier); JAAR 49 (1981) 493 (G. MacRae); JBL 100 (1981) 304-7 (W. Meeks: w~ m~ ashd to take it all a genre for which no other example can be cited, 'apologetic letter'); RechSR 69 (1981) 601s (J.-N . .4/lltti; l'aveu de Betz 'Gnlnticms is u mystcry still to be unlocked' siguilie 4ue son commentaire pretend apporter une contribution decisive [?!]); RefR 34 (1980s) 201s (R. Van Voorst); Re!StR 7 (1981) 310-318 (W. D. Davies), 318-323 (P. W. Meyer), 323-8 (D. E. Aune). 6623 Borgen Peder, Nomisme og liberti'.nisme i Paulus' brev til galaterne: TsTKi 51 (1980) 257-267. 6624 BrinsmeadBernard H., Galatians as dialogical response to opponents: diss. Andrews, °Cox J. Berrien Springs MI 1979 [ ➔ 61, 7477] - AndrUnS 19 (1981) 71s. 6625 Brodie Louis T., Galatians as art: BToday 19 (1981) 335-9. 6626 Buscemi Alfio M., Liberta e schiavitu nella lettera ai Galati: diss J 1980. xvi-51 p. (pars) [diss J 1978 ➔ 60,8051a; 61,7479] - Antonianum 56 (1981) 880. 6627 Buscemi A. Marcello, Struttura della Lettera ai Galati: EuntDoc 34 (1981) 409-426. 6628 Cothenet E., L'epitre aux Galates: CahEv 34 (1980) 1-62. 6629 Ebeling Gerhard, Die Wahrheit des Evangeliums; eine Lesehilfe zum Galaterbrief. Tü 1981, Mohr. xiv-369 p. DM 39. '3-16-143842-6. 6630 Hamann H. P., Galatians. Adelaide 1976, Lutheran. 96 p. A$4.95. - RCurrTMiss 8 (1981) 309 (E. Krentz). 6631 Howard George, Paul, crisis in Galatia: SNTS Mon. 35, 1979 ➔ 60,8058; 61,7481: Rßiblica 62 (1981) 441-3 (J. Swetnam: a book the reviewer wishes he himself had written); CleR 66 (1981) 182s (S. Brown); JBL 100 (1981) 307s (S. K. Williams: poor exegesis); King'sTR 1 (1980) 76 (C. Hickling); NedTTs 34 (1980) 2'17-9 (M. de Jonge); RExp 78 (1981) 114s (D. E. Garland); Salesianum 43 (1981) 692s (J. Heriban).

6632 KrimmerHeiko, Galaterbrief: Bibelkommentare 13. Stu/Neuhausen 1981, Hänssler. 201 p. DM 24,80. '3-7751-0578-6. 6633 Mbangue-Eboa Emmanuel, Liberation et servitudes; themes de l'epitre de St. Paul aux Galates: diss. Montpellier 1980. 167 p. - RTLv 12 (1981) 490. 6634 Mosetto Francesco, Guida alla lettura della lettera ai Galati: ParVi 26 (1981) 164-175.

06. l



6635 Osiek Carolyn, Galatians: NT Message 12, 1980 • 61,7486a: RRRel 40 (1981) 478s (R. F. O'Toole). 6636 Quenum Alfred G., La liberte chretienne; l'enseignement de l'apötre Paul dans ses lettres aux Galates et aux Romains: EuntDoc 34 (1981) 267-285 (393-408). 6637 Ramsay William M., A historical commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. GR 1979, Baker. xi-478 p. 6638 a) Sherk R. K., Roman Galatia; the governors from 25 B.C. to A.D. 114; - b) Mitchell S., Population and the land in Roman Galatia: • 845, ANRW 2/7/2 1980 p. 954-1052 / 1053-1081. 6639 Stagg Frank, Galatians / Romans 1980 • 61,7488: RCurrTMiss 8 (1981) 308-309 (N. L. Norquist); PrincSemB 3 (1980ss) 215s (C. Zylstra); RExp 78 (1981) 591 (R. Omanson).

6640 Stenger Werner, Biographisches und Idealbiographisches in Gai 1,11-2,14: -. 121, FMussNERF., Kontinuität 1981, 123-140. 6641 Teeney M. C., Gälatas, la carta de la libertad cristiana. M 1973, Literatura evangelica. 229 p. - RStromata 36 (1980) 167. 6642 Verhoef Edward, Er staat geschreven ... De oud-testamentischc Citaten in de Brief aan de Galaten [diss. Amst. Vrije Univ.] 1979 • 60,8071; 61,7490; /34,75: RCBQ 43 (1981) 145s (E. J. Theunissen). 6643 Sabugal Sautus, La conversion de san Pablo (Gai. l,l.11-17) [Signific.ado teologico; 'Damasco' = Qumran]: • 172, FTuRRADO L., · Quaere Paulum 1981, 107-118. 6644 Cragg K1mnr.th, Peter and Paul; Meeting in Jerusalem [Gai 1,18): BRF Book Club 7, 1980 -. 61,7010: RScripBull 12 (1981) 19 (Mabel Bennett). 6645 Vanhoye Albert, La lettera ai Galati. Seconda Parte [Gai 2-4]. R 1980/81, P.I.B., Ufficio Dispense. 182 p. 6646 Lührmann Dieter, Gai 2,9 und die katholischen Briefe; Bemerkungen zum Kanon und zur regula fidei: ZNW 72 (1981) 65-87. 6647 Hainz Josef, Gemeinschaft (koinönia) zwischen Paulus und Jerusalem (Gai 2,9f.); zum paulinischen Verständnis von der Einheit der Kirche [i. Hintergrund; ii. Lösungsversuch; iii. Ergebnis; gegei;i Seesemann H., die Kirche ist Gemeinschaft]: • 121, FMuSSNERF., Kontinuität 1981, 30-42. 6648 Eckert Jost, Die Kollekte des Paulus für Jerusalem [Gai 2,10; ... fraghafte Motivation, Ursprung; ... problematische Übergabe Röm 15,22 ...]: • 121, FMussNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 65-80. 6649 Cole-Turner Ronald S., Anti-heretical issues in the debate over Galatians 2:11-14 in the letters of St. AuouSTINE to JEROME:Augustinian Studies 11 (Villanova 1980) 155-166. 6650 Wagenhammer Hans, 'Das Wesen des Christentums ist synesthiein [(mit Heiden in Gai 2,12): Mussner Gai 1974; FAuER J. 1975); Bemerkungen zu einem Programmwort: • 121, FMUSSNER F., Kontinuität 1981, 494-507. 6651 Bouwman Gijs, 'Christus Diener der Sünde', Auslegung von Galater 2,14b-18: Bijdragen 40 (1979) 44-54. 6652 Hays Richard B., The faith of Jesus Christ; an investigation of the narrative substructure of Paul's theology in Galatians 3:1-4:11; diss. Emory, 0 Beardslee W. Atlanta 1981. 8129856. - DissA 42 (1981s) 3193-A. 6653 Cothenet E., A l'arriere-plan de l'allegorie d'Agar et de Sara (Ga 4,21-31): • 37, FCAZELLES H. (I), De la Torah 1981, 457-465. 6654 Greinacher Norbert, 'For freedom Christ has set us free' [Gai 5,1), TSwidler Arlene: Cross Currents 31 (1981s) 185-193. 6655 Orge Manuel, Gai 5,11; el escandalo de la Cruz en Ja predicaci6n de san Pablo: Claretianum 19 (1979) 313-330. 0


Elenchus / Hiblica 62 (1981)

[XIII. Paulus

6656 Covolo Enrico da!, II kerygma come critica alla prassi nella parenesi di Gai. 5,1624: RivB 29 (1981) 379-391 [analogia tra dialettica spirito-carne, spirito-legge]. 6657 Beard Stanley, The marks of Jesus [Gal 6,17 NEB]: ExpTim 92 (1980s) 343s. G6.2

AdEphesios.[ ➔ kl07-kll5].

6658 Bonora Antonio, Incontro con Cristo nella Chiesa; lettera di Paolo agli Efesini. T 1981, Elle Di Ci. 112 p. Lit. 2.400. 88-01-13191-7. 6659 Caird G. B., Paul's Letters from Prison (Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon) in the revised standard version: New Clarendon Bible, 1981= 1976 ➔ 58s,7233; 61,7516. 6660 Canali Raffaele, 11ruolo di Cristo nella realizzazione de! mistcro [lettere della prigionia]: ParVi 26 (1981) 244-255. 6661 Caragounis Chrys C., The Ephesian Mysterion: meaning and content: ConBibNT 8, 1977 ➔ 58s7239 ... 61,7517: RßZ 25 (1981) 278s (M. Theobald). 6662 Dacquino Pietro, La chiesa 'corpo di Cristo' [... Ef...]: ParVi 26 (1981) 256-271. 6663 Fabris Rinaldo, Le lettere di S. Paolo [Ef. Co!. Past. Ebr.]. R 1980, Borla. 874 p. - RRivB 29 (1981) 233-6 (G. Giavim). 6664 Gni/ka Joachim, Das Akkulturationsprohlem nach dem Epheser- und Kolosser brief: ➔ 506, Foi et cnltnrn, A~tes Comm. Bib. 1979/81, 235-247. 6665 Manna Salvatore, II ruolo della fede unica condizione dell'unica Eucareslia in S. Giovanni CRISOSTOMO (Comm. alla Lcttcra agli Efesini): ➔ 671, Nicolaus 9 (1981) 291-302. Meyer sr. Regina Pacis, Universales Heil .. im Epheserbrief 1979 ➔ 7798. 6666 Penna R,, 11 'mysterion' paolino, traiettoria e costituzione 1978 ➔ 58s,6842a; 60,7742b: RßogSmot 51 (1981) 544 (M. Zovkic). 6667 Stott John R. W., God's new society [Eph] 1979 ➔ 60,8122; 61,7527: RindJT 30 (1981) 41-3 (P. N. Hillyer). 6668 Usami Koshi, Somatic comprehension of unity; the Church in Ephesus: diss. R 1980, Pont. Univ. Gregoriana, 0 Lentzen-Deis F. 481 p. - RTLv 12 (1981) 491. 6669 Vittorino Mario, Commentari alle Epistole di Paolo agli Efesini, ai Galati, ai Filippesi. Edizione critica con introduzione, traduzione italiana, note e indici a cura di Franco Gori: Corona Patrvm 8. T 1981, SEI. 453 p. 6670 Zovkic Mato, Prijevod poslanice Efesanima kod RuPC!t[a] (L.) i DuoE-FucAK[a] (B. / J. ): BogSmot 51 (1981) 496-512. 0

6671 Black David A., The Peculiarities of Ephesians and the Ephesian Address [Eph l,lss]: GraceTJ 2 (1981) 59-73. 6672 Ramaroson Leonard, 'La grande benediction' (Ep 1,3-14): ScEspr 33 (1981) 93-103. 6673 Siegwalt Gerard, Introduction a une theologie chretienne 'de Ja recapitulation [... Eph, 1,10] (remarques sur Je contenu dogmatique du prologue de Jean): RTPhil 113 (1981) 259-278. 6674 Jankowski Augustyn, L'esperanct: rnt:ssianique d'Israi!l selon Ja pensee paulinienne, en partant de Proe/pizein (Ep 1,12): ➔ 37, FCAZELLES H. (1), De Ja Torah 1981, 475-481. 6675 Best Ernest, Dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2.1): ➔ 81, FHANSONA., JStNT 13 (1981) 9-25. 6676 Rader W., The Church and racial hostility; a history of interpretation of Ephesians 2:11-22 [diss. Ba, °Cullmann O.] 1978 ➔ 61,7533: RßogSmot 51 (1981) 547s (M. Zovkic). 6677 Schnackenburg R., Die Politeia Israels in Eph 2,12: ➔ 37, FCAZELLES H. (1), De Ja Torah 1981, 467-474.

G6.2 Ephesians


6678 Stuhlmacher Peter, 'Er ist unser Friede' (Eph 2,14); zur Exegese und Bedeutung von Eph 2,14-18 [ < FScHNACKENBURG R. 1974, 337-358]: + 297, Versöhnung 1981, 224~245. 6679 Wolff Hans W., Epheser 2,17-19, Söhne und Brüder: + 305, ... Wie eine Fackel 1980, 202-211 [212-221, Phlp 4,7 ...]. . 6680 Merk/ein Helmut, Eph 4,1 - 5,20 als Rezeption von Kol 3,1-17 (zugleich ein Beitrag zur Pragmatik des Epheserbriefes): + 121, FMuSSNERF., Kontinuität 1981, 194-210; 198s Diagram (auch 203). 6681 Renoux Charles, Note sur L'ascension d'Isai"e dans Ja tradition liturgique hierosolymitaine [... Eph 4,7-11]: CrNSto 2 (1981) 367-370; Eng. 370. 6682 Cothenet Edouard, L'Eglise, epouse du Christ (Eph 5; Apoc 19 et 21): + 703c, ETriacca A., Pistoia A., L'Eglise l, 1980 ➔ 61,7861: RßiKi 36 (1981) 296s (Helen Schüngc/-Strauma1111); 17reibRu J2 (1980) IOOs (Annemarie Oh/er). 6986 Goldberg Arnold, Service of the Heart; liturgical aspects of synagogue worship, TQuigley N.: ➔ 124, FQESTERREICHER J., 195-211.

H3.5 OT prayer, liturgy, priesthood


6987 Heinemann Joseph, Yrayer in the Talmud, forms and patterns: StJud 9, 1977 + 61,b794: RJQR 69 (1978s) 122s (L. Landman). 6988 Laberge Leo, Ministeres et esprit dans !es communautes postexiliques [... P; Chr; 2-Is ...]: Eg!T 9 (1978) 379-411. 6989 Monloubou Louis, Le memorial [liturgie de !'AT]: EsprVie 91 (1981) 377-9. 6990 Petuchowski Jakob J., Gottesdienst des Herzens; eine Auswahl aus dem Gebetsschatz des Judentums. FrB 1981, Herder. 140p. DM 19,80. 6991 Petuchowski Jakob J., Theology and Poetry in the liturgy of the synagogue: + 124, FOESTERREICHER J., Standing Before God 1981, 223-232. 6992 Sabourin L., The temple and the cult in late Judaism: Re!StBull 1 (Calgary 1981) 33-37. 6993 Seims A. van, Waarom vieren wij geen Loofbuttenfeest?: KerkT 4 (1981) 299ss. 6994 Staudt Edwin E., Prayer and the People in the Deuteronomists: diss. Vanderbilt, °Knight D. Nv 1980. 219p. 8ll8590. - DissA 42 (1981s) ll95-A; RelStR 7 (1981) 191; RTLv 12 (1981) 485. 6995 Wilms P.-E., Freude vor Gott; Kult und Fest in Israel: Schlüssel zur Bibel. Rg 1981, Pustet. 469p. DM 39,80. 6996 Zahavy T., A new approach to early Jewish prayer: + 51l, Eßokser B., History of Judaism 1980, 45-60 [81-92, Blumenthal D.]. 0

H3.7 VT- OT Moral Theolo&Y. 6997 Bahnscn Grcg L., Thconomy in Christian ethics [i.e. perpctual vafülily uf OT laws] 1977 + 61,9004: RAndrUnSS 19 (1981) 75s (D. Augsburger). 6998 a) Block Richard A., The right to do wrong; reform Judaism and abortion; b) Washofsky Mark, Abortion, halacha, and reform Judaism: JRefJud 28,2 (1981) 3-15/28,4 (1981) 11-18 (-22, Block response). 6999 Filipiak Marian, CDZlorzeczenia ... problema ethicum maledictionis in S. Scr.: + 537, ELachS., Biblia ksic;ga zycia 1974/80, 55-9. 7000 Garcia Biedma Juan, La base [en p. 240; de p. 241s] Ja conciencia religiosa de Israel: DibPe 7,21 (1981) 240-252 [253-263, Gullegu Epifanio, 1,Pmft:lllsde 1a hase?] 7001 Garcia TrapielloJ., EI problema de Ja moral en el AT 1977 + 58s,8061 ... 61,7876: RAnVal 6 (1980) 44Us (F. NT]· F.stR 19 (1981) 19-61; F.ng. 19, 'not impossihlr: that the Church might adrnit divorce even for Christians'. 8138 Vilez Juan, Ilac.ia una moral fundamental biblico-cri3tol6gicn, rnligio30-pcr30nuliotu y diul6gico rl:lopon60rial(O[ptatarn] T[otius Vat. II] 16); • 49, FDEUSTO-EstE 56 (1981) 1177-1236 [bibl. 1197-1200...]. 8139 Vellanü:kal Matthew, Norm of morality according to the Scripture: Bible Bhashyam 7 (1981) 121-146. . 8140 Virgulin Stefano, La rivelazione dell'amore-misericordia in Gesu Cristo: ➔ 438, Saraiva-M. J. [su] Dives in misericordia 1981, 51-58. 8141 Weare Kenneth M., The homosexual problematic; an investigation towards a Christian ethics: diss. Lv 1980, 0 Janssens L. 4 vol., clxxi-904p. - RTLv 12 (1981) 524. 8142 White Reginald E. 0., Biblical Ethics 1979 ➔ 60,9660; 61,9113: RRRel 40 (1981) 307 (A. J. Tambasco); Tablet 23~ (1981) 264 (C. Carr); TTuEpitre de Jacques, Evangile de la Verite ... Ev. Thomas ... Philippc: Pisma starochrzcscijanskich pi6arzy 20, 1979 ➔ 61,k405: RRHE 76 (1981) 582 (A. Van Roey). 9834 Frend W. H. C., The Gospel of Thomas; is rehabilitation possible? [ < JTS 18 (1967) 13-26]: ➔ 218b, Town and country 1980, No. 3 (p. 13-26). 9835 Guillaumont Antoine, Les semitismes dans l'Evangile selon Thomas; essai de classement: ➔ 139, FQuISPEL G., Studies in Gnosticism 1981, 190-204. 9836 Menard Jacques E., Beziehungen des Philippus- und des Thomas-Evangeliums zur syrischen Welt: ➔ 360, ETrögerK., AT-Frühjudentum-Gnosis 1980, 317-325. 9837 Menard Jacques-E., Connaissance de Dieu et quete du salut dans le logion 3 de l'Evangile selon Thomas: ➔ 559, ERies J., Gnosticisme et monde hellenistique 1979/80, 131s [133-5, Bare Bernard]. 9838 Perkins Pheme, Pronouncement stories in the Gospel of Thomas: Semeia 20 (1981) 121-132. 9839 a) Quispel Gilles, The Gospel of Thomas revisited; - b) Kuntzmann Raymond, L'identification dans le Livre de Thomas l'Athlete: ➔ 550, Eßarc B., Colloque 1978/81, 218-266/279-287. 9840 Trevijano Etcheverria R., La escatologia de! Evangelio de Tomas (logion 3): Salmanticensis 28 (1981) 415-441. 9841 Marcovich Miroslav, The Wedding Hymn of Acta Thomae: Illinois Classical Studies 6,2 (1981) 367-385. M2.3 Alia evangelia vel Apustuli

NH titles 'Gospel' or 'Apostle'.

9842 Menard Jacques E., La lettre de Pierre a Philippe BCNH, Textes 1, 1977 ➔ 58s, 2247*; 61,k445: RJBL 100 (1981) 477-9 (M. W. Meyer); JNES 40 (1981) 73s (D. W. Young); TLZ 106 (1981) 194s (W.-P. Fun.k). 9843 Meyer Marvin W., The letter of Peter to Philip, text tr. comm.: SBL diss. 53. Chico CA 1981, Scholars. xiii-?20 p.; bibliog. p. 201-9. $13.50pa., sb. $9. 0-89130-463-0. 0

9844 Salvoni F., Un nuovo apocrifo, Gli Atti di S. Pietro e dei 12 Apostoli [NH Codex VI]: RicBiRel 14 (1980) 323-330. 9845 Seil Jesse, Jesus the 'fellow-stranger'; a study of CG VI: 2,35-3,11 [Acts of Peter and the Twelve]: NT 23 (1981) 173-192. 9846 a) Rouleau Donald, Les paraboles du Royaume des cieux dans l'Epitre apocryphc de Jacques; - b) Trautmann Catherine, La parente dans l'Evangik sdon Philippe; - c) Haas Yves, L'exigence du renoncement au monde dans !es Actes de Pierre et des Douze Apütrt:s, !es Apophtegmes des Peres du Dcscrt et la Pistis Sophia: ➔ 550, EßarcB., Colloque 1978/81, 181-9 /267-278/295-303. 9847 Sfameni Gasparro Giulia, Aspetti encratiti de! Vangelo di Filippo: ➔ 559, ERies J., Gnosticisme et monde hellenistique 1979/80, 111-4; frarn,:. 115-8. 9848 Helderman Jan, Isis as Plane in the Gospel of Truth?; ➔ 535, EKrauseM., Gnosis 1979/81, 26-46. 9849 Broek R. van den, a) Autogenes and Adamas; the mythological structure of the Apocryphon of John: ➔ 535, EKrauseM., Gnosis 1979/81, 16-25. - b) The Creation of Adam's Psychic Body in the Apocryphon of John: ➔ 139, FQuISPEL G., Studies in Gnosticism 1981, 38-57. M2.4 Maria - Archontes - Sabaoth - Resurrectio. 9850 Bare Bernard, L'hypostase des Archontes; traite gnostique sur l'origine de l'homme, du monde et des Archontes (NH 11,4) suivi de Roberge Michel, Norea

Elenchus / Biblica 62 ( 1981)


[IV. Gnosticismus

(NH IX,2): Bibi. Copte NH, Textes 5, 1980 ➔ 61,k468; Fb 900: RLavalTP 37 (1981) 379s (J. K. Coyle: why together?). 9851 Layton Bentley, The Gnostic treatise on Resurrection from Nag Hammadi [anon. Rheginos): HarvDissRel 12, 1979 ➔ 61,k476: RJBL 100 (1981) 314-6 (M. Peel); JTS 32 (1981) 266-8 (K. H. Kuhn); Orientalia 50 (1981) 259-263 (H. Quecke); RB 88 (1981) 307-9 (G. G. Stroumsa). 9852 Menard Jacques E., The Gnostic Treatise on Resurrection from Nag Hammadi [Layton B. 1979): BO 38 (1981) 5-12. 9853 a) Layton Bentley, Vision and revision; a Gnostic view of Resurrection; - b) Pasquier Anne, L'eschatologie dans l'Evangile selon Marie; etude des notions de nature et d'image: ➔ 505, Eßarc B., Colloque 1978/81, 190-217/ 390-404. M2.5 Silvanus - Seth - Jeu. 9854 Zandee J., 'The teachings of Silvanus' and CLEMENTof Alexandria: MedEOL 19, 1977 ➔ 61,k478: RNedTTs 33 (1979) 152-4 (B. Dehandschutter); ZRGg 33 (1981) 69s (G. Lanczkowski). 9855 Zandee Jan, a) 'Die Lehren des Silvanus' und drei andere Schriften von Nag Hammadi (NHC Vll,4 und 11,6; 11,7; VI,3): ➔ 77, FHABACHIL. = MiDAI-C 37 (1981) 515-531. - b) 'The teachings of Silvanus' (NHC Vll,4) and Jewish Christianity: ➔ 139, FQUISPELG. Studies in Gnosticism 1981, 498-584. - c) Eine Crux Interpretum in den 'Lehren des Silvanus': GöMiszÄg 44 (1981) 79-80. 9856 a) Janssens Yvonne, Les Le"➔ 117, F(M~m) MTANOV , Rl'>lißiont'> Ateismo e Filosofia 1980. 9943 R11dolph Kurt, Dasie positions of Religionswissenschaft, T Pye M.: Religion 11 (L 1981) 97-107. 9944 Sabo11rinL., What is religion?: Re!StBull l (1981) 58-66. 9945 Stila Giovanni B., Kant und die Theologie der Hoffnung; eine Auseinandersetzung mit R. SCHAEFFLERSInterpretation der kantischen Religionsphilosophie: TPhil 56 (1981) 92-110; 244-258, Antwort Schaeff7ers. 9946 Salado Martinez Domingo, La religiosidad magiea; estudio eritico-fenomenol6gico sobre Ja interferencia magia-religi6n: Glosas 6 + 61,k659: RCiTom 108 (1981) 198 (E. Garcia); RTLv 12 (1981) 103s (J. Ries). 9947 Savignano A., Joseph MARECHALfilosofo della religione: Religione e filosofia 7. Perugia 1978, Benucci. 621 p. - RNRT 103 (1981) 290s (P. Gilbert). 9948 Schaeffler Richard, Analytische Religionsphilosophie; zum Stand der Versuche fGrabner-Haider A. 1978; Schrödter H. 1979], sprachanalytische Methoden auf Probleme der Religionsphilosophie anzuwenden: TR 76 (1980) 441-9. 9949 Schmidt Roger, Exploring religion. Beimont CA 1980, Wadsworth. xvi-393 p. $12.95. 9950 Schrödter Hermann, Analytische Religionsphilosophie Hauptstandpunkte und Grundprobleme. FrB 1979, Alber, 331 p. - RSalesianum 43 (1981) 721s (C. Cantone). 9951 Schwarzenau Paul, Der grössere Gott; Christentum und Weltreligionen 1977 ➔ 61,k670: RZtsMiss 7 (1981) 57-9 (H. Bürkle). 9952 Slater Peter, The dynamies of religion; continuity and change in patterns of faith. L 1979, SCM. xiv-206p. - RRivStoLetRel 16 (1980) 470s (G. Filoramo). 9953 Smart Ninian, The philosophy of worl 2 1979 L, Batsford]. - RArchaeology 34,6 (1981) 79 (S. L. Dyson: British, realistic); RArchCr 57 (1981) 190s (C. Vismara). a989 Eßerger Rainer, Suess Hans E., Radiocarbon dating. Berkeley 1981, Univ. Calif. 788 p., 21 pi. $78.50. 0-520-03680-8. - RAntiquity 55 (1981) 230-2 (R. Switsur). a990 Brunswig Robert H., Radiocarbon dating and the Indus civilization; calibration and chronology: East and West NS 25 (1975) 111-145; cf. OLZ 76 (1981) 311. a991 Burgess Robert F., Man 12,000 years under the sea. NY 1980, Dodd-Mead. xvii-331 p., 71 fig. $12.95. 0-396-07801~X. - RArchaeology 34,4 (1981) 75 (R. C .. Smith). a992 Burleigh Richard, W. F. LIBBY[t 8 Sept. 1980] and the development of radiocarbon dating: Antiquity 55 (1981) 96-98. a993 Carandini Andrea, Storie dalla terra; manuale dello scavo archeologico. Bari 1981, De Donato. 359p., disegni di Giancarlo Moscara. ECarterGiles F., Archeological chemistry II 1978 ➔ 829*. a994 Champion Sara, Dictionary of terms and techniques in archeology 1980 ➔ 61,sl45: RBAR-W 7,1 (1981) 16 (W. Stiebing). a995 Crozier-Brelot Claude, a) L'ordinateur remplacera-t-il Je scribe?: Textes et langages de l'Egypte pharaonique 3 (1974) 301-6; b) Egyptologie et informatique: CdE 56 (1981) 49-54. a996 EDavid A. R., The Manchester Museum mummy project; multidisciplinary research on ancient Egyptian mummified remains 1979 ➔ 61,s86: RArOr 49 (1981) 3058 (F. Strnuhnl· 17 whol~ hnman mnmmi~s, 11 animal, 14 fragments, 1900 B.C. -400 A.D., all in this one museum, analyzed 1972-5; no mention of simultancous Czech mummy research). a997 Dever William G., 4DArcheological method in Israel - a continuing revolution: Qadm 14 (1981) 15-21; photos of Petrie, Macalister, Albright, Kenyon, Glueck, Starkey. a998 F.DucasscHenri, Panorama 1981 des applications informatiques en archeologie. Valbonne Cedex 1981, 'APDC archeologiques'. F50. 12 art., 3 infra. a999 Dyson Stephen L., Survey archaeology; rewnslrucling lhe Roman cuuutryside: Archaeology 34,3 (NY 1981) 31-37, 11 fig. bl Electromagnetic sounder experiments at the pyramids of Giza. Menlo Park CA 1975, Stanford. xi-123 p., ill. b2 Fleming Stuart, Thermoluminescence techniques in archaeology 1979 ➔ 61,s158: "-AJA 85 (1981) 493 (U. W. Carriveau). b3 Gardin Jean-Claude, Archaeological constructs, an aspect of theoretical archaeology 1980 ➔ 61,s16lb: RAntiquity 55 (1981) 60s (I. Hodder: 'very French')_ 0




Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)

[XVIII. Archaeologia

b4 Goffer Zvi, Archaeological chemistry, a sourcebook on the applications of chemistry to archaeology. NY 1980, John Wiley. 392p., ill. f:15.80. '0-471-05156-X. - RAJA 85 (1981) 341s (Tamara Stech). b5 Heskel Dennis L., Early Bronze Age Anatolian meta! objects; a comparison of two techniques· for utilizing spectographic analysis: AION 40 (1980) 473-494; bibliog. 495s; fig. 1-14, p.497-502. b6 Hesse Albert, La reconnaissance des sites archeologiques a partir de l'echantillonnage des vestiges de surface; problemes de methode et exemples: ~ 830, ECauvin J., Prehistoire du Levant 1980/1, 513-521. b7 Hogg A. H. A., Surveying for archaeologists and other field workers. L 1980, Croom Helm. 327p., 70 fig. f:17.95 (fl0.95pa.)/$35. (NY 1980 ~ 61,sl72). - RAJA 85 (1981) 494 (F. Hemans). b8 Isaac Glynn, Analytical archaeology [Clarkc D. 1968, 2 Chapman R. 1978]: Antiquity 55 (1981) 200-5. b9 Joukowski Martha, A complete manual of field archaeology 1980 ~ 61,s175; 447 fig. $29.95 ($14.95 pa.): RArchaeology 34,6 (1981) 78s (S. L. Dyson: complex, stodgy). bl0 Karig Joachim S., International directory of Egyptology 1979. Mainz c. 1981, von Zabern. [19p.], Egyptological Institutions in alphabetical order of nations. [12 p.], Alphabetical !ist of Egyptologists. bl 1 KeeleyLaurence H., Experimental determinations of stone tool uses, a microwear analysis: Prehistoric archaeology and ecology. Ch 1980, Univ. ?.?.1p., 142 fig.; 115 pi. $18, pa. $7. '0-226-42888-5; 9-3. bl2 Kennedy Kenneth A. R., Skeletal biology: when bones teil tales: Archeology 34,1 (NY 1981) 17-24, 8 color. phot. bl3 Kohlmeyer Kay, 'Wovon man nicht sprechen kann'; Grenzen der Interpretation von bei Oberflächenbegehungen gewonnenen archäologischen Informationen [ < DOG Vortrag Münster 1979]: MDOG 113 (1981) 53-79; foldouts 2-3 (Babylon). b14 Liphschitz Nili, Lev-Yadun Simcha, Waise! Yoav, Dendroarchaeological excavations in Israel (Masada): IsrEJ 31 (1981) 230-234, pi. 36-38. bl5 Mommsen H. al., Analyse altägyptischer Metallfundstücke durch alphainduzierte Röntgenemission: ZäSpr 106 (1979) 137-146(-8). b16 Moussa Ali H., Dolphin Lambert T., Applications of modern sensing techniques to Egyptology; a report of the 1977 field experiments. Menlo Park CA 1977, Stanford Research Inst. xvii-173p., 124 fig. - RJEA 67 (1981) 204s (A. J. Spencer). bl 7 MuckelroyKeith t, Archaeology under water; an atlas of the world's submerged sites. NY 1980, McGraw-Hill. 192 p., 292 fig. + 61 color. $24.95; f9.95. '0-07-043951-6. - RAntiquity 55 (1981) 66s (J. du Plat Taylor); Archaeology 34,6 (1981) 73 (G. F. Bass: best on its subject). bl8 Nikolitsis' Nikos T., Archäologische Unterwasser-Expedition bei Rhodos: AntWelt 12,1 (1981) 45-58, 34 fig. bl9 Niitzel Werner, Überlegungen über die Stelle des Unterganges und über die Methode des Auffindens der 1855 im Tigris nördlich von Qurna versunkenen assyrischen Kunstschätze: MDOG 109 (1977) 49-61; 8 fig. b20 Orton Clive, ELavell Cherry, Wood Eric, Mathematics in archaeology. L 1980, Collins. 248 p., ill, f:12.95. '0-00-216226-l. - RAntiquity 55 (1981) 228s (I. Hodder). b21 EScbäfer Jörg, Simon Wilhelm, Strandverschiebungen in ihrer Bedeutung für Geowissenschaften und Archäologie. Ringvorlesung 1979: Ruperto Carola (Zeitschrift Heid) Sonderheft 1981. (vi-) 230 p. b22 Seger Joe D., A capsule history of archaeological method ... opposing sides accept the best each has to offer: BAR 7,1 (Wsh 1981) 49-51, 2 phot. b23 Sitar Jan, Radiocarbon dating of some mummy and coffin samples [ < Strouhal E., Multidisciplinary research VIII]: ZäSpr 106 (1979) 82-87.


Science in archeology: the Turin Shroud


h24 Talon Philippe, Assyriologie et informatique: Akkadica 23 (1981) 23-36 [37-44, Patesson R.). b25 Verner Miroslav, Hasek Vladimir, Die Anwendung geophysikalischer Methoden bei der archäologischen Forschung in Abusir, roerter W.: ZäSpr 108 (1981) 6884, 9 fig. b26 Wall E. W., Small-format photography of carbonized papyri: ➔ 795, EKoenen L., Proc. XVI Papyrology 1980/1, 677-680.

b27 SINDON,THE SHROUD:Acci?tta J. S , Rrmmgart .T.S., Tnfrared reflectance spectroscopy and thermographic investigations of the Shroud of Turin: Applied Optics 19 (Jum: 15, 1980) 1921-9. b28 Baimu Bullone Pier Luigi, Primi risullali ddle ricerche sui fili della Sindonc prclc1 vati nel 1978: Sindon 33,30 (1981) 31-35. b29 BulstWerner, Das Grabtuch von Turin; Zugang zum historischen Jesus? Der neue Stand der Forschung [Neufassung von 2 1959) 1978 ➔ 60,s282; DM 13,60: RZkT 103 (1981) 494 (K. Stock: Am frappierendsten, Pollenanalyse wie in der Kriminalistik, zeigt Palästina-Kleinasien-Heimat; doch bleiben exegetische Fragen). b30 Cobo Rino, Gli esami della sindone: notizie e problemi; Convegno di Studio, Bologna 27-29 nov. 1981: Notiziario de! centro internazionale della Sindone 4 (T 1981) 5s. b31 ECoero-Borgo P., La Sindonc c Ja scienza: Atti I congr. 1978/79 ➔ 60,788; 61,932a.sl97: RAevum 55 (1981) 189 (G. Ghibert1). b32 Cox H. David, File un lhe sl11uud [add, to Wi/Jon l., Turin Shroud 1978, tho Turin tests ofthat year]. L 1978, Hodder & S. 175p. f:0.85. - RHeythJ 21 (1980) 357s [R. Butterworth: Carbon-14. even if 'first century A.D. ± 80' would do no more than exclude l 4th-century painting; but its subsequent itinerary does not really matter ...]. b33 Donna d'Oldenico Giovanni, La formazione delle impronte sindoniche secondo Ja storia e Ja biochimica vegetale. T 1981. - RRArchCr 57 (1981) 360-2 (U. M. Fasola). b34 Dubarle A.-M., Le linceul de Turin, un signe pour notre foi [Feret H. 1980; Legrand A., 1980]: VSp 135 (1981) 580-4. b35 Fasola Umberto M., La Sindone di Torino e Ja scienza: Renovatio 15 (1980) 103-119. b36 Filas Francis L., a) Pontius Pilate coins on the Turin shroud [covering the two eyes; 'the one on the right eye can be identified to authenticate, date, and locate the origin of the Shroud']. 100-frarne filmstrip, 30 minute cassette dcscription. $30. b) The Shroud of Turin; is this the photograph of Jesus Christ? 84 frames, 38-minute cassette. $25. - c) The 1978 exposition of the Shroud of Turin, a Documentary [Aug. 27 - Oct. 8, 1978]: 113 frames, 30 minutes. [Ch, Loyola Univ.] $25. b37 Fossati Luigi, Don Natale NOGUIERde Malijay studioso della Sindone; nel cin4uauleua1io della morte (1930-1980): Salcsianum 43 (1981) 3tll-388. b38 Ghiberti Giuseppe, Sindone e Scrittura [Mt 27,59; Mc 15,46], rassegna: Sindon 33,30 (T 1981) 59-67. b39 Gilbert R. & M., Ultraviolet-Visible reflectance and fluorescence spectra of the Shroud ofTurin: Applied Optics 19 (1980) 1930-36. b40 Habermas Gary R., The shroud of Turin and its significance for Biblical studies: JEvTSoc 24,1 (Whealou IL 1981) 47-59. 'authentic archacological artifoct'. b41 Hebblethwaite Margaret, a) The shroud and the cross: TLond 84 (1981) 266-274. h) The shromi ofTurin and faith: DoctLife 31 (1981) 416-425. b42 a) Heller John H., Adler Allan D., Blood on the shroud of Turin; - b) Pellicori S. F., Special properties of the shroud: Applied Optics 19 (1980) 2742-4/19 (1978) 1913-20.



62 (1981)

[XVIII. Archaeologia

P 1979, b43 Humber Th., L'enigme du saint Suaire, Image du Christ? TWinandyJ. Cerf. b44 Imbalzano Giovanni, II linguaggio della Sindone; formazione della immagine: Sindon 33,30 (1981) 37-52. b45 Jas Michel, NT et archeologie [linceul de Turin BA 43 (1980) 109-117, V. Bortin; ...]: Hokhma 16 (1981) 59-61: mise en garde contre Ja non-historicite de Jesus (et} !es mass-media. b46 Lavoie B. & G. al., The body of Jesus was not washed according to the Jewish burial custom: Sindon 33,30 (1981) 19-30. b47 Legrand Antoine, Le linceul de Turin, pref. Laurentin Rene. P 1980, Desclee-B. 224p. - EsprVi~ 91 (1981) 34 jaune. b48 Mcinardus 0., Kopti6ohe Darstellung de6 Grabtuche6 Chri6ti in Sohug/Akhmim: Al-Gipt l (Ha 1980) 62-76. b49 Morris R. A., Schwalbe L. A., London J. R., X-ray fluorescence investigation of the shroud of Turin: X-Ray Spectometry 9 (1980) 40-4'/. b50 Papini Carlo, Un rabbino ebreo sulla Sindone di Gesu [Cohn-Sherbok D. 1980]: Protestantesimo 36 (1981) 103-9: tutti i dati biblici ed estrabiblici sono contrari. b51 Pellicori S. F., Spectrochemical results of the 1978 investigation: Sindon 33,30 (1981) 9-18; p. 6-8 (53-7] Baima Bollone P. al., La dimostrazione della presenza di tracce di sangue umano sulla Sindone, 2 color. pi. b52 Pellicori Samuel F. (Evans Mark S.), The shroud of Turin through the microscope: Archaeology J.1,1 (NY 1981) J.HJ, G color. phot. (2,6, criticism of S. Ile11igso11]. b53 Provera Mario, La Sacra Sindone e Ja situazione testuale: TerraS 57 (1981) 90-95, 2 phot. non documcntaric. b54 Ricci Giulio, II 'Christus patiens' svelato dall'indagine sindonica raffrontato con quello di alcune rivelazioni private di grandi mistici: ➔ 711, EZecca T., Mistica 1978/9, 417-424. b55 Salvoni F., Ultime novita sulla Sindone: RicBiRel 15 (1981) 331-352. b56 [EScotti Pietro, ristampa] La Santa Sindone nelle ricerche moderne: Atti dei convegni di studio [T 1939, Re T 1950]. T 1980, Marietti. viii-230 p.; 64p. 75 fig. b57 Shaw Robert W., The Shroud [which some would link with the resurrection, despite clear evidence to the contrary that appears in the Gospels]: The Disciple 119 = 8/18 (St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1981) lls. b58 Stevenson Kenneth E., Habermas Gary R., Verdict on the Shroud; evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. AA 1981, Servant. xii-224p. $12.95. 0-89283-111-1. b59 Weaver Kcnncth F., Thc mystcry of thc Shroud: NatGcog 157 (Junc 1980) 750-753. b60 Wilson Ian, a) The Turin Shroud 1978 ➔ 60,s304; 61,s212: RRuBi 34 (1981) 186s (Z. Kaznowski). - b) Eine Spur von Jesus; Echtheit des Turiner Grabtuchs. FrB 1980, Herder. 343 p. DM 38,50. - RStiZt 199 (1981) 646s (W. Bulst). b61 Wittmann Eva, Baumer Walter, Zur Diskussion über das Grabtuch von Turin: TGegw 24 (1981) 188-190. b62 Wood F. H., Again the Turin shroud: ExpTim 92 (1980s) [13 Cohn-Sherbok D.] 315s. 0

Tl .4

Realia; concrete objects, daily life.

b63 Ammassari Antonio, La vita quotidiana nella Bibbia 1979 ➔ 61,2102: RCmU 194 (1981) 654 (J. L. de! Valle). b64 ChouraquiA., De mens van de bijbel; zijn degelijks leven [1978 ➔ 60,s308]. Hilversum 1980, Gooi. 272 p . .f 44.90. - RTsTNijm 21 (1981) 72s (L. Grollenberg).

Tl.4 Concrete objects of daily life


b65 Leveque Jean, La vie urbaine en Israel aux temps bibliques: Carmel 21 (1977) 266-273. b66 Rohse Heide, Palästina; vom Leben der Menschen zur Zeit Jesu. Z/Gö 1978, Benziger/VR. 68 p. - RColcT 50,2 (1980) 211s (J. Tomczak). b67 Saulnier C., Rolland B., La Palestina ai tempi di Gesu [Dzialalnosc Instytutu Anthropos w dziedzienie lingwisktyki, etnologii i religioznawstwa: Materialy i Studia Ksh;:i:y Werbist6w 17. Pienit;:i:no 1980. 284p. - RRuBi 34 (1981) 399s (J. Chmiel). Y8.5 Periti, in memoriam. m656 Aldama, Jose Antonio de, S. J., 9.VII.1903-23.III.1980; pres. Soc. Mariol6gica 1954-7 [-. 61,y498]: Marianum 46 (1981) 467-9 (C. Pozo). m657 Alföldi Andreas, 27.VIII.1895-12.Il.1981, in Ungarn bis 1947; numismate: CRAI (1981) 123ss (M. Franfois); Gnomon 53 (1981) 410-414, portr. (G. Alföldy); HZ 233 (1981) 781-6 (Maria R.-Aiföldy); JSav (1981) 197-203, portr. (J. Heurgon), 204-214, fig. 2-5 (J.-B. Giard), 214-227 (A. Chastagnol). m658 Arkell, Anthony J., Rev., 29.VIl.1898-26.II.1979; dir. ant. Sudan [.. 61,y504]: JEA 67 (1981) 145-8, portr., bibliog. (H. S. Smith); ZäSpr 108 (1981) V-VII (P. L. Shinnie).

m659 Arseniev, Nicholas S., 1888-18.XII. 1977, orthodox prof. NT: StVlad 22 (1978) 74s (A. Schmemann). m660 Ashworth, Henry, dom, O.S.B., 24.VI.1914-31.X.1980; secretary of Benedictine liturgical commission 1970: EphLtg 95 (1981) 138 (C. Johnson; bibliog. 139-141). m661 Balsdon, J. P. V. Dacre 1901-1977; Ox Exeter fellow; pres. Roman Society 1968-71: JRS 68 (1978) i, portr. (F. A. L{ epper ]). m662 Becker, Werner, aet. 78, l.VI.1981; Ökumenist: Catholica 35 (Münster 1981) 318ss (M. Ulrich), bibliog. 321-5 [W. Trilling, Ergänzung von 28 (1974) 163-8]. m663 Bellini, Enzo, aet. 46, 6.I.1981 patrologo: Salesianum 43 (1981) 405s (A. Amato); ScuolaC 109 (1981) 76 [76-8 hihliografia]; VetChr 18 (1981) 'i?.1. m664 Berardi, Antonio, o.f.m., aet. 78, 26.I.1981: TerraS 57 (1981) 71. m665 Beimza, Joaquin Irujo P. Cris6stomo de Pamplona O.F.M. Cap.;

v8 Experts - In memoriam: Aldama ... Cuypcr


28.IV.1900-11.XII.1975; mariolog.: EstFranc 79 (1978) 93-99 (F. de Fuenterrabia, bibliog.). 111666Bevenot, Maurice S.J. [BB Mcb. co111111.], 10.VII.1897-19.XI.1980. 111667Bialik, Elkanah: zal 15.IV.1980: Beth Mikra 26,86 (1980s) 201 [B. Lurje]. 111668Bogolepov, Alexander, 16.I.1886-31.VIII.1980, prof. Church Slavonic: SV!ad 25 (1981) 146 (A. Schmemann). 111669Bonnard, Pierre-Emile, 1920-1979; exegete [ ➔ 61,y516] collaborateur: EsprVie 91 (1981) 65-76 [M. Wirth < Bull. Fac. Cath. Lyon 61 (1980) 5-20. 21-30; bibliog. Etaix M.]; ne pas confondre avec Pierre Bonnard, exegete protestant NT de Lausanne. 111670Bordes, Fran1;ois, 1918-1981; paleolithic archeology: Antiquity 55 (1981) 168s · (G. Daniel). 111671Botte, ßernard O.S.B., 22.X.1983-4.III.1980 [ ➔ 61,y517]: Phase 20 (1980) 165-8 (P. Farnes); QLtg 61 (1980) 81-92 (eloges; bibliog. Petit F.); RuBi 34 (1981) 311s (B. Nadolski). 111672Botterweck, G. Johannes, aet. 63, 15.IV.1981; AT: BiKi 36 (1981) 226 (F.J. Stendebach). 111673Bouillard, Henri S. J., 1908-1981; theol. fund: NouvinstCath 4 ( = Cahiers R. d'Harcou"'i-t 1, 1981) 225-232 (M. Regnier al.); StiZt 199 (1981) 786s. m674' Boyer, Charles, S. J., 4.XII.1884-23.II.1980 [ ➔ 61,y518]: Augustinian Studies 11 (1980) 3s, 111675Boyle J. A., aet. 62, 19.XI.1978; Persian studies: Iran 17 (1980) IX-X, portr. (C. E. Bosworth). 111676Browne, Henry J., aet. 61, 29.XI.1980: CathHistR 67 (1981) 167s (.LT. Ellis). 111677Brunner, Peter, aet. 81, 24.V.1981; Mitarbeiter: JbLtgk 25 (1981) X; KerDo 27 (1981) 149 m678 Burrows, Miliar, 1889-1980 [ ➔ 61,y524]: BA 44 (1981) 116-121 (M. H. Pope). 111679Cadier, Jean, 1898-1981: RRef 31 (1980 ...) 350s (P. Courthia[); cf. 29 (1978) 1138 (P. Marce[). 111680Cagiano de Azevedo, Michelangelo, 1912-3.XI.1981; arch. dass. Univ. S. Cuore Mi: VetChr 18 (1981) 522. m681 Ca111bier,Guy, 1934-19.XII.1981 dir.: RBgPg 59 (1981) 791. 111682Caplan, Harry, aet. 84, 30.XI.1980; classics, Cornell: Gnomon 53 (1981) 222-4 (F. Solmsen). m683 Charpentier, Etienne, aet. 50, t oct. 1981: ➔ 560*, Acta PIB 8,8 (1981s) 614. 111684Chrysostomus (Pljaskevic, Vassilij N. von), Archimandrit; 14/27. I. 1915:tX.1981: Una Sancta 36 (1981) 266-270 (I. Totzke), 271s (M. Arranz-Lorenzo). 111685Classen, Peter, 1924-1980; medieval intellectual history: HZ 232 (1981) 780-783 (E. Meuthen). 111686Code Joseph B., mgr. d. 8.V.1980; hist. eccl. Wsh: RHE 76 (1981) 179 (R. Aubert). m687 Coon, Carleton, d. 1981: Antiquity 55 (1981) 169. 111688Coornaert, Emile, 31.VIII.1886-25.II.1980; histoire de France; RBgPg 59 (1981) 1043-7 (J.Craeybeckx). m689 Coppens, Joseph Constant Livinus, mgr. 12.X.1896-23.V.1981; exegese VT, dir. ETL: ETL 57,4 (Totus, dec. 1981): 227-232, portr. (G. Thils; 233-7 (M. Sabbe, Pauscollege); 241-266 (J. Lust, The OT Scholar); 266-9 (A. Houssiau, theologien des sacrements); 270-3 (J. Etienne, etudes erasmiennes); 274-325 (F. Neirynck: fondateur des Journees Bibliques de Louvain; Albin Van HooNACKERet !'Index; lid van AkWet Belgie; ETL 1924-81); 326-340 + 403 (G. Van Belle, bibliog. 1967-81); RTLv 1?,(1981) 198-401 (P.-M. Bogaert). m690 Cuyper, Jan De, aet. 85, 29.VI.1981: RHE 76 (1981) 460 (N. Huyghebaert).



62 (1981)

[XX. Historia Exegesis

m691 Delcourt, Marie, 1981-11.II.1979; classiciste: BiblHumRen 41 (1979) 595-7 (L.E. Halkin). m692 Descamps, Albert mgr. 1916-1980 [ ➔ 61,y539]: RTLv 12 (1981) 40-58 (J. Gib/et: exegete et theologien; ... Formgeschichte ... ; aux origines de la Christologie; ... magistere); 59-63 (C. Focant). m693 Devambez, Pierre, 19.XI.1902-1980 [ ➔ 61,y541]: CRAI (1981) 465-477, portr. (J. Poui/loux). m694 Dinkler, Erich aet. 73, 29.VI.1981; Mitarbeiter: TRu 46 (1981) 197s (W. G. Kümmel). m695 Draguet, Rene, chanoine, 13.II.1896-23.XII.1980; philos. prof. Lv, ECSCOr: Byzantion 51 (1981) 5-7 (J. Mossay: comment il etait rehabilite comme doyen de theologie 1948); OrChr 65 (1981) 226 (J. Assfa/g); RHE 76 (1981) 162-5 (R. Auhert, A. de Halleux). m696 Eady, Dorothy, '0mm Seti', 16.T.1904-t 1981 in Abydos: Antiquity 55 (1981) 170. m697-·Epstein, Fritz T., aet. 82 d. 6.XII.1979: Osteuropaforschung: HZ 230 (1980) 521s (A. Fischer). m698 Fagone, Virgilio, S. J., 21.IX.25 - 7.1.1981: CC 132 (1981,1) 156-9. m699 Firath, Nezih, 1921-22.III.1979; dir. musea arch. Istanbul [ ➔ 61,y550]: ByZ 74 (1981) 590 (0. Field). m700 Fischer, Friedhelm W.: Kunst und Kirche 4 (1981) 224 [P. Beckmann]. m701 Florovsky, Georges Vasilievich, 1893- l l.VIIl.1979 [ ➔ 60,1171]: dean, StVlad 23 (1979) 135-8, portr. (W. A. Visser 't Hooft). m702 Fogliasso, Emilio, S.D.B., aet. 73, 8.VIII.1981: diritto, morale, spiritualita: Salesianum 43 (1981) 885-7, bibliog. m703 Fran~ois, Michel, 31.VIII.1906-11.VII.1981: historien; president de !'AIBL: CRAI (1981) 440-4 (R. Maricha[); NouvlnstCath 4 ( = Cahiers R. d'Harcourt l, 1981) 233-8 (Y. Marchasson). m704 Frank, Harry Thomas: 191'1- 2.X.1980; hihlical archt>:oloeist, Oherlin College, excav. t. l;Ie~i, assoc. ed. BA: BA 44 (1981) 178, phot. (M.D. Coogan); BAR-W 7,1 (1981) 19 (H. Shanks); cf. 7,2 (1981) 19, M. Longrie; IsrEJ 31 (1981) 134. m705 Frutaz, Amato Pietro, mons. -8.XI.1980: agiografia, archeologia: Salesianum 43 (1981) 173. m706 Ganshof, Fran~ois-Louis, 14.IIl.1895-26.VII.1980 [ ➔ 61,y553]; historia juris: RBgPg 59 (1981) 518-528 (L. Milis). m707 Gehman, Henry Snyder, l.VI.1888-13.V.1981; OT exegete, septuagintalist: BSeptCog 14 (1981) 1 (J. W. Wevers). m708 George, Augustin, 24.1.1915-19.X.1977, exegete NT; Lc: RechSR 69 (1981) 9-14 (A. Barucq); 15-22 (J. Delorme; bibliog. 23-30, R. Etaix). m709 Giannelli, Giulio, t 18.IIl.1980; F, storia greco-romana: Aevum 55 (1981) 146 (Marta Sord1). m710 Giessler, Rupert, t 15.X.1980; Mitherausgeber: FreibRu 32 (1980) 144s (Gertrud Luckner). m71 l Gits, Adolphe, abbe, 5.X.1911-18.IV.1981; diss. Lv 1940 'La foi ecclesiastique aux faits dogmatiques'; TEp. Jacques du grec 'en wallon': ETL 57 (1981) 397 [G. Thi/s]. m712 Glorieux, P., mgr., 8.IIl.1892-c.VII.1979: ETL 57 (1981) 212 [ < Me!SR 37 (1980) 131-158; bibliog. 159,182]. m713 Gutierrez Rodriguez, Antonio .. O.P., 21.VII.1931-27.Il.1981; prof. hist. ecl.: CiTom 108 (1981) 379-381 (R. Hernlmdez, bibliog.); Marianum 46 (1981) 469s (C. Garcia); RET 41 (1981) 359 (A. Garcia G.). m714 Hall, Daniel George Edward, 17.XI.1891-12.X.1979; SE Asia history: BSOAS 44 (1981) 149-154 (C. D. Cowan). m715 Hampe, Roland, 2.XII.1908-23.1.1981; klass. Archäologie Heid: Gnomon 53 (1981) 620-624. portr. (T. Hölscher).

Y8.5 In memoriam: Delcourt ... Leccisotti


m716 Harbsmeier, Götz;.13.VIII.1910-28.Vl.1979 ➔ 227. m717 Henry, Rene, 2.XIl.1910-7.IV.1978, vocabulaire de Photius [ ➔ 61,y569]: Byzantion 48 (1978) 329-331 (J. Mossay). m718 Hereide, Bjame, aet. 71, 12.IX.1979; theol. sacram.: TsTKi 51 (1980) 155 (A. Dale). m719 Heylen, Victor Leonard, mgr., 11.X.1906-19.IV.1981; Mechelen, Lv, Scientia religionum (diss. 1934, Les metaphores et !es metonymies dans !es epitres pauliniennes): ETL 57 (1981) 389-393 (M. Caudron); RTLv 12 (1981) 274-6 (A. Houssiau); TsTNijm 21 (1981) 289s (J. Ghoos). m720 Hinnebusch, William Aquinas, O.P., 10.VII.1908-12.l.1981: CathHistR 67 (1981) 347-9 (Y-/.A. Wal/ace). m721 Holmes, Urban Tigner III, 1930-1981: Ang!TR 63 (1981) iii (R. Cooper). m722 Homer, Miss l.B., d.25.IV.1981: Pali Buddhism: Numen 28 (1981) 274s (Carmen Dlacker). m723 Hutton, Jame·s, aet. 77, 29.X.1980; comp. lit., classics, Cornell Univ.: Gnomon 53 (1981) 98s (F. Solmsen). m724 Innocenti, Umberto degli, maestro, O.P.; univ. Lateranense, Urbaniana, S. Tommaso: DoctCom 34 (1981) 107-110. m725 Jacobi, Gerhard, t 30.IX.1979: MDOG 113 (1981) !; portr. (B. Hrouda). m726 Janssens, Emile, 18.Vl.1907-20.X.1981, geographe: Byzantion 51 (1981) 339-342. 342ss biblio&, (A. Leroy-Molini:hen). m727 Jaubert, Annie, 1912-1980 [➔ 61,y577]: Les Quatre Fleuves 12 (P 1980) 137-151 (P. Grelot). m728 Jay, Bernard, 1939-1981; NT Strasbourg: RHPR 61 (1981) 221s (E. Trocme). m729 Jedin, Hubert, prof. 17.Vl.1900-26.VIl.1980 [ ➔ 61,y578]: CrNStor 1 (1980) 273-8 (G. Alberiio); ETL 57 (1981) 201 (renvoye de Breslau parce que sa mere etait juive); HumBres 36 (1981) 649-665 (E. Iserloh, TPonzanelli N.); HZ 233 (1981) 252-5 (W. Schneemelcher); RTLv 12 (1981) 273s (R. A11bm, renvoi aux bibliographies; 'a cause du discredit dont souffre Ja periode posttridentine depuis Vatican II, J. eut l'impression penible que l'a:uvre de sa vie tombait dans Je vide'); Salesianum 43 (1981) 176s; ScrTPamp 13 (1981) 231-8 (J. Gofii Gatzambide). m730 Jordan, Frederick Douglass, 1901-1979; black Methodist Episcopal bishop: Mid-Stream 20 (1981) 215-7 (J. E. Brandon). m731 Kahlefeld, Heinrich, aet. 77, 5.Ill.1980 [TPQ 129 (1981) 407]. m732 Kenyon, Kathleen M., 1906-1978 [ ➔ 60,1193]: BAR-W [4,6 (1978) 51]: 7,1 (1981) 46-8, 4 phot. (P. Moorey). mTB Kjöllerström, Sven, aet. 80, 3.V.1981; Reformatio in Suecia: Kyrkohistorisk Arsskrift (1981) 197s [L. Österlin]; SvTKv 57 (1981) 144 (C.-G. Andren). m734 Koldewey, Robert, 20.IX.1855-4.II.1925: ➔ 866*, RLA 6,3s (1981) 182 (E. Heinrich). m735 Koschaker, Paul, 19.IV.1879-1.Vl.1951: ➔ 866*, RLA 6,3s (1981) 213s (H. Petschow). m736 Kroll, Josef, 8.Xl.1889-8.III.1980; 'Fahrt in die Unterwelt'; Rektor Univ. Köln 1945-50: Gnomon 53 (1981) 95-98 (R. Merkelbach). m737 Kühnert, William in mem 1900-1980: JbGProtÖsterr 97 (1981) v (P.F. Barton; x-xxii bibliog., K. Schwarz); Österreichisches Archiv für Kirchenrecht 32 (1981) 3-9. m738 Lampe, Geoffrey William Hugo, aet. 67, 5.VIII.1980 [ ➔ 61,y594]; lexic. graec.patrist., prof. C, doct. hon. E, Lund: SvTKv 57 (1981) 47s (B. Gerhardsson). m739 Lantschoot, Andre Arnold van, 24.IV.1889 - t IV. 1969; exegete, orientaliste; collaborateur: AnPraem 56 (1980) 253-269 (N. J. Weyns). m739* Leccisotti, Tommaso O.S.B., 12.X.1895-3.1.1982 fondatore: Benedictina [28 (1981) 721].


F.hmc.hns/ Rihlica 62 (1981)

[XX. Historia Exegesis

m740 Lesky, Albin, 7.VII.1896-28.11.1981; griech. Lit.; Gnomon 53 (1981) 504-510, portr. (H. Herter); Wienerst 94 (1981) 3. m741 Levy, Harry Louis, 1906-1981:ClasJ 77 (1981s) 80s (Agnes Michels). m742 Libby, Willard Frank, aet. 71, 8.IX.1980, radiocarbon dating pioneer: Antiquity 55 (1981) 96ss (R. Burleigh). m743 Linton, Olof, aet. 81, 9.VII.1980; prof. K; exegeta NT: SvEx 46 (1981) 128s (H. Riesenfeld); .SvTKv 57 (1981) 94-96 (H. Riesenfeld). m744 Lipphardt, Walther: JbLtgk 25 (1981) VIIIs. m745 Ljubinkovic, Radivoje, l-910-22.X.1979; museologue: Byzantion 50 (1980) 390 (Lydie Hadermann-Misguich). m746 T.linares Thäfiez, .Tose Antonio prof., O.P., 20.XI.1924-8.l.1981; derecho, moral: Salamanca: CiTom 108 (1981) 171-4 (R. Hernandez, bibliog.). m717 Lublinskaja, Aleksandra, 14.V.1902-22.1.1980: Scriptorium 35 (Bru 1981) 102-4 (L. Kisseleva). m748 Luce, Gordon Hannington, 20.1.1889-3.V.1979, Burma literature-archeology: BSOAS 43 (1980) .581-8 (D. G. E. Hallt 12.X.1979). m749 McDonald, Alexander Hugh, 1908-1979. b. New Zealand, prof. Sydney; pres. Roman Society: JRS 69 (1979) 251s, portr. (F. W. W[ albank]). m750 McLuhan, Marshall, aet. 69, 31.XII.1980: Tablet 235 (1981) 82. m751 Mallowan, Max, sir t 19.VIII.1978 [-► 60,1206]: Iran 17 (L 1979) v-vii, portr. [D. Stronach]. m752 Maly, Eugene H., 6.IX.1921-30.Vll.1980 [-► 61,y609]: LivLight 17 (NY 1980) 357-360 (C. Stuhlmueller). m753 Martegani, Giacomo, S.J., 14.VII.1902-21.I.1981: CC 132 (1981,1) 380-4. m754 Masai, Fram;ois t 1979 [-► 61,y615]: Scriptorium 34 (Gand 1980) 3s (M. Wittek). m755 Micha!owski, Kazimierz, aet. 80, l.I.1981; Archäol. Mediterran.: RArch (1981) 283s (P. Demargne). m756 Miegge, Giovanni, 1900-1961: RicBiRel 14 (1980) 59-62 (F. Sa/vom). m757 Miller, Athanasius, O.S.B., natus 22.IX.1881: ErbAuf 57 (1981) 455s (J. Schildenberger). m758 Mogenet, Joseph, 26.11.1913-18.II.1980; prof. Lv.; catalogue ms. grecs Vatican: Byzantion 50 (1980) 636-9, bibliog. 639ss (Anne Tihon). m759 Muckelroy, Keith, 6.IX.1951-8.IX.1980, marine archeology: Antiquity 55 (1981) 5 [G. Daniel]. m760 Musil, Alois, 30.VI.1868-12.IV.1944, pretre orientaliste: -► 851, Catholicisme 9,41 (1981) 864s (J. Trinquet). m761 Napoli, Giovanni Di, mons., aet. 70, 6.11.1980 [-► 61,y623]: decano Univ. Urbaniana poi Lateranense: DoctCom 34 (1981) 104-6 (G. Giannini) . . m763 Nober, Peter, S. J., 13.VIII.1912-27.IX.1980; diu hujus Elenchi redactor [-► 61,y625]: -► 560*, Acta PIB 8,7 (1980s) 531-3 [W. RyanJ; BiKi 36 (1981) 181s; CBQ 43 (1981) 434; Salesianum 43 (1981) 177s (A. Amato: bibliografo di statura straordinaria ... opera gigantesca, una delle piu importanti de! decennio al servizio della Parola di Dio ...). m764 Norne, John, 2.X.1904-23.XII.1980; Menighetsfakultet [Congregational], religionsfilosofi, etikk: NorTTs 82 (1981) 62s (P. Lonning); TsTKi 52 (1981) 42. 241-5 (I. Asheim: som systematiker), 257-262 (A. Holter: ogsä historiker). m765 Obbink, H. W., in memoriam 20.III.1898-14.IX.1979, OT comm. Daniel...: NedTTs 34 (1980) 64s (D. J. Hoens). m766 Obertynski, Zdzis!aw, 1.XII.1894-12.V.1978; hist. eccl.: RHE 76 (1981) 590s (J. Kloczowski). m767 Oliver, James Henry, 1905- 3.IV.1981, associate editor: AmJPg 102 (1981) 242 (J. W. Poultney). m768 Oyen, Hendrik van: 24.X.1898-4.11.1980 [-► 61,y629]: Groningen, Basel syst. theol.: NedTTs 34 (1980) 241s (J. Veenhof).

Y8.5 In memoriam: Lesky ... Stier


m769 Panagopoulos, Iöannis Th., t 27.III.1981: TAth 52 (1981) 970' (K. G. Bonis) . . m770 Paoletti, Lao, 25.I.1936-3.II.1980; classici, Univ. Bo: AtenRom 26 (1981) 94; bibliog. 95s (G. Ropa). m771 Parrot, Andre: aet. 79, 24.VIII.1980; fouilles de Mari: Akkadica 20 (1980) 44. m772 Peirce, Francis X., S. J., 18.XI.1894-11.XII.1980; exegeta VT Woodstock MD; director Pontificii Instituti Biblici Jerusalem 1954-6: ➔ 560*, Acta PIB 8,7 (1980s) 533. m773 Penna, Angelo, canonico R.L., 1917-20.III.1981; co redattore: RivB 29 (1981) 95s (G. Danielz); ParVi 26,3 (1981) ante p. 161. m774 Pertusi, Agostino, 19.IV.1918-25.I.1979; litt. greca [ ➔ 61,y636]: Aevum 53 (1979) 3s. m775 Pincherle, Alberto, 1894- 18.IV.1979, storia del cristianesimo R [ ➔ 61,y641]: RivStorLetRel 17 (1981) 3-16, portr. (P. Siniscalco; p. l0s, bibliog.). m776 Prümm, Karl, S. J., 8.IX.1890-8.X. l 981: prof. Pontificio lstituto Hthltco; Hellenismus et NT; ➔ 560*, Acta PIB 8,8 (1981s) 610-612 [W. Ryan]. m777 Rayez, Andre, S. J., 1905- 24.IX.1979; directeur 1952-1978; ➔ 854, DictSpir 10 (1980) ante p. l (fase. 70s). m778 Reynolds, Ernest Edwin, aet. 86, 18.X.1980: CathHistR 167 (J. T. Ellis). m779 Rodriguez i Resina, Andreu, 1929- 2.XI.1980; etica; RCata!T 6 (1981) ls (J. M. 0

Via Taltavull).

m780 Ruuyachrs, La111l.Je1lusA. T., mgr., 14.IV.1905-14.II.1980: Ko~m(Ek 1'1 (1980) (J. Bluyssen). m781 Roschini, Gabriele M., O.S.M., 1900- 12.IX.1977 [➔ 61,y648]; Renovatio 15 (1980) 299s (F. Spadafora). m782 Rosenthal, Shimshon: Immanuel 12 (1981) 55-9. m783 Russi, Luigi Ouglid111u, 111um., 1922· Jl.III.1979, tcologo: Rcnovutio 1'1 (1979) 9-12 [A. Boldorim]. m784 Ruijs, Rau! [Rembertus C. M.] O.F.M., exegeta, colaborador; REB 40 (1980) 198 [ + A mesa da palavra 258*, photo]. m785 Ruwet, Joseph, t 10.XII.1980, hist.; doyen Lv.; RHE 76 (1981) 161s (C. Brunel). m786 Sawicki, Jakub, 25.VII.1899-3.II.1979; droit: RHE 76 (1981) 589s (J. Kloczowskz).

m787 Schäfer, Hans P., aet. 33, 14.I.1980; vorderasiat. Archäologe: MDOG 113 (1981) 2; portr. (D. Sürenhagen ). m788 Schmid, Wolfgang, 3.VII.1913-23.XI.1980; kfos~ Philoloe;ir. Ronn: Gnomon 53 (1981) 810-812, portr. (W. Scheuer). rn789 Schmill, Jusevh, 10.IX.1911-18.X.1981; NT Strasbourg: ► 560*, Aotu PIB 8,8 (1981s) 614; RevSR 55 (1981) 221-6 (J. Schlosser; bibliog.). m790 Sinistrero, Yincenzo, S.D.B., 3 l.I.1897-6.XI.1980; legislazione scolastica: Salesianurn 43 (1981) 166s = Oss. Rom. 8-XI-1980 (B. Bellerate). m791 Skehan, Patrick W., msgr., 30.IX.1909-9.IX.1980 [ ➔ 61,y658]: ETL 57 (1981) 211 [ < CBQ 42 (1980) 435]. m792 Skrzypczak, Otto, mons., 30.VII.1914-30.IV.1981; exegeta Porto Alegre: REB 41 (1981) 383s. m793 Smit, Ir. G. B. in memoriam: Theologia Reforrnata 23 (Woerden 1980) 5s (H. Bout).

m794 Soden, Hans von, 4.XI.1881-2.X.1945, Mitbegründer NF: TRu 46 (1981) 199205, ~ als Theologe, in Dankbarkeit zu seinem 100. Geburtstag (W. G. Kümmel); 206-218, Bibliographie (E. Dink/er). m795 Staber, Joseph, 9.IV.1912-7.II.1981, theol. historique, Ratisbonne: RHE 76 (1981) 702s (R. Reinhurtlt). m796 Stevens, Roger, sir: aet. 73, 20.II.1980; diplomat; popular guidebook: Iran 19 (1981) iii-iv, portr. (D. Wright). m797 Stier, Fridolin, 20.I.1902-2.III.1981; AT Tü 1946-55; EJZBG: BiKi 36 (1981)

Elenchus / Biblica 62 (1981)


[XX. Historia Exegesis

225s [R. Reinhardt, cf. p. 268]; Orientierung 45 (1981) 61-63 (L. Kaufmann); TAth 52 (1981) 620s (© P. Simötas); TüTQ 161 (1981) 241-3 (R. Reinhardt). m798 Strelcyn, Stefan F.B.A. d.19.V.1981: JSS 26 (1981) 272. m799 Strycker, Emile de, S.J., 1907- 19.IV.1978; protevangile de Jacques[~ 60,1256]: Byzantion 48 (1978) 332-4 (F. van Ommeslaeghe). m800 Stuiber, Alfred, 27.IIl.1912-24.VI.1981, Mitbegründer: JbAC 24 (1981) 3. m801 Tauer, Felix, prof. dr., 1893- 17.IIl.1981; islamische Geschichte, Praha: ArOr 49 (1981) :178s(K. Petracek). m802 Tolnay, Charles de, 1.1981: historia artis: RHE 76 (1981) 238 (R. Aubert). m803 Turyn, Alexander, 26.XII.1900-26.VIII.1981; classics; NT mss.: TAth 52 (1981) 971s (© A. Komtnts). m804 Valcanover, Rodolfo, O.F.M., 18.V.1895-31.VIII.1980; filos. nat.: Antonianum 56 (1981) 527s (E. Chiettini; bibliog.). m805 Vos, H. de, 1896-1980: NedTTs 35 (1981) 61s (II. G. Hubbeling). m806 Vriezen, Theodoor C:hristi,rnn, ?.9VTT1899-29.1.1981; prof. VT Utrecht: ETL 57 (1981) 214; NedTTs 35 (1981) 229s (A. S. van der Woude). m807 Ward-Perkins, John Bryan, 1912- 28.V.1981; dir. Br. School R 1946-74: L Times (5.VI) > Antiquity 55 (1981) 167s; PapBrSchR 48 (1980!) xiii-xvii, portr. (J. R.; M.P.).

m808 Weber, Jean-Julien, deja archeveque de Strasbourg, 1888-13.II.1981: ETL 57 (1981) 213 (-. 'acrndHil tlans son diocese le Pere Duesberg et surtout Je Pere Congar quand celui-ci fut ccartc de Paris'; contre H. Küng). m809 Weber, Robert, aet. 76, 29.IX.1980; Vulgata Benedictina [~ 61,y675]: RHE 76 (1981) 161 (N. Huyghebaert). m810 Weller, Friedrich, 22.VII.1889-19.XI.1980; Indologe: OLZ 76 (1981) 5s (M. Taub~). m811 Woodforde, Dorothy Heighes, aet. 80, 3.VI.1981; ed. Archaeological News Letter 1948-65: Antiquity 55 (1981) 169s. m812 Wyszynski, Stefan, card. primas Poloniae; 3.VIII.1901-1981: HerdKorr 35 (1981) 352-7. m813 Ziegler, Aloysius K. aet. 84, 13.VII.1979; litt. lat. medievale Wsh: RHE 76 (1981) 179 (R. Aubert). m814 Zucker, Friedrich, 30.VI.1881-4.IV.1973; Papyrologie: Gnomon 53 (1981) 297304 (E. G. Schmidt).


Index Alphabeticus:Auctun:s - Situs ( omlsso al-, teil, abu etc.) diss./dir. Eeditor FFestschrift Mmentio, de eo Rrecensio Ttranslator

Aaboe A a567 Aagaard A 6160 Aalders G 2169 W 3334 Aalen L m214 R87 Aalst A v R7477 J v R7416 Aarhus F6398 Aartun K 4338 8858 Abad J R8439 Abalos D 9874 Abba G R6436 Abbott N F2 Abel 2970 Abel E k352 K al

Abelard Mml71s Aberbach M 2528* Abhedananda S 4253 Abila b742 Abiven J 5123 Abitino G Rk215 Abitz F b471 Abma H 2877 Abogunrin S 4120 4845 Abou Assaf A b877s Abraham W 1631 Abram I 9549 Abramowitz C

2193 2762 Abramowski L 7152 Abrams M 1479 Abramski S 2833 3831 Abramson S E304 Abrecht K k594 Abu Deeb K 1299 Abu'I-Faradsch a330 Abul-Hajj A b577 Abusir b974 Arana b355 kll9 Acaroglu I k738

Accame S a446 Accetta J b27 Accolti G. V F3 Acemhöyük kl 16 Acerbi A 7896 Acharuparambil D a354 Achterneier E 1513 8389 RJ239 ]533 P 1632 4418 4917 4918 6528 7734 R32 5005 6816 Acker L v Ern!73 Ackerman J 3945 Ackroyd P 927

1698 2960 3029 3192 R3665 3678 a404 a413 a441 a914 b85 T1941 R Ra595 ' Acquaro E b342 Acquaviva S 9875 Acquistapace P k380 Acton J Mm383 Adam M6929 A 875 G 1843 Adamec L k444 Adams D R392 2285 5057 6263 R 8117 k739 W k67 k72 k470 Addai Mm131 Addinall P 6925 k740 Adinolfi M 2194 2253 6335 6548 8329-8331 a568 b901 06844 Adler A b42 E ~m317 H 8900 Adly S al- al55 Adorno A Mk815 T M562 Adoukonou B 8148

Aho G 4339 Q. 5961 AhrP6117 Ahn\n P 1700 Ahrend M 3319 Ahsan M k594 Ahuviya A 2897 Aichele G 8637 R8190 Aigner F. L Ra564 Ain-Karem b595 k879 Ajjul b580-b582 Akazawa T b890 Akerberg H 1301 Akerboom T 749 Akhilananda S M4258 Akhmim b975 'Akko b690 k434 Akok M k118 Alaas kl 71 Alaca k118 Alaerts J R862 Alalab kl 19 Aland H "-'J'.lK 189 1748 1913 1962 1963 2113 6235 9033 ml96 E2112 F5 M1970 1973 0 1300 Alarco L 4804 Adriaen M 3318 Albanese C Rm332 Adversi A 1123 Alheck S 9550 Aejmelaeus L 6582 Alberigo G m729 Afanasieva V a226 Albers H 02535 Afyon-Y. kl 17 Albert H m540 Agapito R de Tl337 Mm532R K a47 S Agnew M R9916c 8028 Ra808 Agobardus Mm173 Alberti A Rb911 Agosti V R1499 Albertu V 1076 m377 M F6 Albertus Agouridis S 572 M730 3338 3592 4450 6536 8332 Albertz H 4559 R a687 T906d 3335 a227 u3164 Agua Perez A 8lJI Alexandre M 8540 Alexandria a871 b976 k435 Alfaro J Dm577 Alföldi A a688 Mm657 E781 M h494 - Rosenbaum E b307 Rk198 Alföldy G m657 [R.-] Alföldy M m657 Alfrink B F7 Algar H k568 Alk1m U k132 Allam S 2658 Rk645 Allchin A 1660 7463 R645 F E478 Allegro J 9402 Allen C 8333 D 9876 R9904 p Ra874 b454 m59 R k78 R1299 Allenbach J E2034 Allerhand J 9627 Alliata E b741 Allie 1 F8 Allix R 4122 4846 Allmen D v 6329 7479 Allony N R9636 Almeida Y 4631 Almond P 9877 Alon G a689 Aloni J 3048 N 2152

Index - 701 Alonso L 7155 - Asenjo J T5962 J 2558 - Diaz 8149* k595 - Nuiiez J Rb147 - Schäkel L 894 1157 1302 1830 2092 3124 3142 3193 3236 3407 3516 3725* 4047 8783 8847 M2056 3645 R3}23 - Turrienzo T 995 Alp S k131 Alpers H 7840 R908 Alsalim H b 111 Alster B 3411 E479 806 Alsup J 1455 9013 M4889R R7677 T8653c Alszeghy Z 2195 07678 R7644 8284

m.567 Alt A M2538R 3058 Altaner B Mk907R Altbauer M 2008 3125 3126 Altenmüller H 2600* Alter R 1456 Altermath F 6604 Althann R 2930 8824 b836 Althaus M8634 Altholz J m383 Altizer J 6693 T 1303 4254 Mm479 Altman A a393 a394 k552 Alvarez J m63 - Bolado A 7841 - Suärez A 8150 R4975 Alves de S. P 996 7579 RJ042 3318b 7767 T7774 Aly Z 2110 Alzinger W kll 1 Amaireh K 8924 Amaladoss M R9904 b269 Amalorpavadass D 8151 Amand de M. E 2197 2198 k195 Amarna a891 bl 15 b286 b302 b827 b977-b980 Amathous kl72 Arriato A 600 714 715 7156 7157

702 - Index 7678 m663 m763 E7774 R998 1398 4141 4278 7171 7232 7233 7316 8173 8193b 8239 8639 m216 m471 m502 m584 Ambaglio D a682 J 7679 Ambaum 7842 Amberg E m321 R869 Ambesi A 9452 Ambros A 8922 Ambrosetti G R8105 Ambrosiaster M6350 Ambrosio G k596 Ambrosius 270 l * 2941 M2237 3401 6620 7429 7454 7585 k927bR m88s m90ss Amelung E 0 7035 Amcnothcs Mb488 Amersfoort J v 9354 Amiel C 716 Amiet P a877 b238 b3/43 b3~/4 b909 b968 b970 Amigo E. L 0 2153 Amigues M 8541 S 9125 Amiot F Tk355 Amiran D k289 M964b R b582 b728 :1mman b743 b745 Ammassari A 190 . 1725 2718 2797 3012 4847 b63 M Ammianus Ma731 bl47 Amphipo!is kl91 Amphuux C 4748 6149 6841 R25 4396 "Amqu k436 Amra b746 Amrouni 8877 Amsler S 3517 3933 3982 'Amiidfm b69 l Amussin J 9427 Anacharsis M3429* Anafe b398 Anand S R8260 Anastasius S Mml32 Anbar M 2465 Anchor R Ra455


Ancic N 8152 Ancilli E E367•369 Ancion J 4897 Andel A El44 Anderegg J 1457 Andersen C 1433 E k226 F 1458 3892 W R8582 Anderson Ml592 A 3143 B 1661 3912 Rl490 2993 k637 D 1786 7629 0 6001 E m470 G 1135 °3280 kl26 E307 370 626 H 4898 J E6433 K b337 N 7158 9878 R 8030 9459 bl95 Andolsen B 8482 Andrae W b933 Andreae J Mm244 Andreasen N 2270 k744 Andre G 8840 J a810 Ea811 ml88 Rl877 L k743 P 6162 8791 Andren A k38 l C m733 Andres M m215 m60R R rle R4179 4850 8485 Andresen Rl221 C E52 m64 m216 F9* Andretta P 8403 Andrcu G 8944 Anrlrew M 1:'ilR Andrcws A a637 C h219 Andric I M9928 Andriessen J 997 Andronicos M k2 l 2 Anati E b239 b638 Andlinger K Rk364 Anestidis A E998 Angell C 1058 Angeloni M T4559 Angerstorfer A 2196 Anglet K R7638 Angonese A T4436 Anheim J 0 3946 Anne E 5273 J 4560 Ansaldi R514 2213 4261 7110 7190 7359 8051 8132 m609 Anselmus M6918 7189 7609 m174 m175 Antes P 9879 a271 Ra288

Antin P Tml04 A11ti11oopulisb98 l Antinucci F 9196 Antiochia k932 Antiochus Ma723 E M3886 Antoine C 1763 Antoli M R8244 Antolovic J k803 Anton A 7735 Antonini A Ra576 Antoniotti L 928 Antony H 1873 Antuofermo M R8385 Anziani G R710lb Apameia b864 Aparicio A 3194 Aperribay B R675* 4519 a482 K Apfelbacher 0 m607 Aphek b654-b658 Aphrodisias kl20s m2 l Apollinaris M7171 Apollonides Ma778 Apollonius T M4584 a9 a659 a694 a765 a777 a778 Appiah-K. K 6?7 Applebaum S a690 a691 D Apostolos-C. Rl803* b257 b269 Apuleius M998l "Aqab b866 Aquinas T ml76· ml 78 Ml357 1377 2329 2581 2637 2638 4358 4367 4722 6290 6436 6606 6794 7122 7165 7308 7325 7436 8160 8350 8351 k904 m263 Aracic D 0 8336 Arad b582-b585 Aragon I R4257 Arai S 9868 Aranda A 7395R 2581 G 1831 4474 9355 ml35 R!849 4024 4546 9289 9441 - Perez G 5993 Arando U 8031 'Araq al-Amir b747 Arurul b509 kl60 Ararat N 3078 Arata M. P 249B Araujo M Ta61 Arbeitman Y k404

Arbeli S k579 Arborio M. F a569 Arce A k804 Archer G 1136 E90l Archi A 8859 al 13 b837 b842 b853 k405 Ral22 V Arcidiacono 2289 Arduini M 3509 9640 F 7159 Ardusso 7160 R4137 Arenhoevel D 1137 Arens E 4632 Arensburg B E160 Argyrios A 6163 Arias E 8153 L F\O M 7161 8153 R4843 - Reyero M 4123 Arida R Rb279 J R4168 Arieiro 8254 Arieto S 2440 Aring P 9641 Aristeas 1986 Arister A 9172 Aristides A Mal9 Aristoteles M9720 :i6fi0 1