Elenchus Bibliographicus Biblicus of Biblica 60

Table of contents :
Index systematicus - Contents......Page 6

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Peter NOBER S. J.


Robert NORTH S. J.




60 1979





Ann Arbor Amsterdam [o/w]Berlin B Basel Ba Barcelona Bare Bologna Bo Brussel Bru Cambridge, Engl. C Cambridge, Mass. CM Chicago Ch Da Darmstadt DG DownersGrove,IL Dü Düsseldorf Edinburgh E EnglewoodCliffsNJ ENJ Firenze F Fr/FrS Freiburg-Br/Schweiz Fra Frankfuf1/M GNY GardenCityNY Gö Göttingen GrandRapids MI GR Gütersloh Gü Hamburg Ha Heid Heidelberg Helsinki Hel Hw Harmondsworth Jerusalem J K0benhavn K London L Los Angeles LA Ld/Lp Leiden/Leipzig Leuven Lv M/Mi Madrid/Milano München Mü Napoli N N otreDameIN ND Neuk Neukirchen/V New Haven NHv Nv Nashville New York NY Os/Ox Oslo/Oxford p Paris Paderborn Pd Philadelphia Ph Roma R Rg Regensburg San Francisco SF Stockholm Sto Stuttgart Stu T Torino Tel Aviv TA Tübingen Tü U ppsala/Wien U/W Wiesbaden Wb Warminster Wmr Washington Wsh Warszawa Wsz Wuppertal Wu Würzburg Wü Zürich z

AA Amst

Academic Almq[I] C Univ. CNRS David & C de Gruyter Desclee-B ENJ Harper Herder HUC KBW Kev Kohlhammer Lang Marshall MMS ~o~ Paclist PIB PUF Schöningh Thames & H Tyrolia


(Pr.)= Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch NY, L, SF Almqvist & Wiksell U [International] Cambridge Univ. Press L, NY, SF, Melboume Centre National de Recherche Scientifique P David & Charles L; NewtonAbbot, Vancouver de Gruyter B et NY Desclee de Brouwer P Prentice Hall, EnglewoodCliffs NJ Harper & Row NY et Hagarstown, SF, L Herder Fr, et Ba W Barcelona Hebrew Union Collegeet Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati et NY, J Katholisches Bibelwerk,Stu Butzon & Bercker, Kevelaer (A0AT: et Neuk) Stu, et B Köln Mainz; T = Taschenbücher Bern (Peter Lang) et Fra (H. Lang), Las Vegas Marshall, Morgan & Scott L Scholars Press, Missoula MN (nunc Chico CA) Gü = Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn Tü = J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) NY, et Ramsey; Toronto [Pontifical] Biblical [Institute] Press, R Presses Universitaires de France, P Mü et Pd W Thames & Hudson, L -Verlag, Innsbruck; et W Mü Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gö WissenschaftlicheBuchgesellschaft,Da

Name at outset; nomen initii lemmatis Hujus Elenchi (vol.,) pag . II; ~ parallela; fere idem * bis: another item under same number 1 (Two) alternatives follow: seq. alternativa

adapted from/into al. (et) alii, and others = u.a ., e.a. etc . DM,$,f pretium juxta pecuniam loci Eante ed(itor), redacteur, a cura di Fs Festschrift (F); franc suisse Hg . Herausgeber ib. ibidem, in the same place id. idem (eadem, iidem): the same person(s) seq . J Jr ., Junior (habet praenomina patris) Jdt.Jts . Jahrhundert, Jahrtausend Mante materia, mentio; de eo; AaouT him/her p./pl./pa. page(s) , paginae / planches, plates / paperback 0 ante Order Number ISBN (pro dissert.: AA) R/Tante recensio, book-review / translator


These titles in English (or as given) represent:

[Al Arabic [g Chinese ~ Polish [Q] Greek [Il Japanese [Kl Korean [BJ Russian [H] Hebrew IM] Magyar, Hungarian IT] Turkish Scuola Tipografica S. Pio X Via degli Etruschi n. 7-9, Roma

2 Index systematicus - Contents Pag.

Abbreviations, sigla ........ .. 4 I. Bibliographica A1 Festschriften, memorials . . . 34 A1.2 Alia opera collecta ..... . 52 A2 Acta, Meetings .1 Biblica .. 72 A2.2 Theologica, philologica .. 77 A2.4 Orientalist., archaeol. . . . . 83 A2.8 Nuntii de congressibus 88 A3 Opera consultationis . . ... . 92 A4 Bibliographiae .1 biblicae .. 98 A4.2 Theol., ling., or., arch ... . 101 A4.8 Bibliographia generalis .. . 107 A7 Periti; in memoriam ..... . 109 II. Introductio Bl Tota vel VT, whole or OT 116 B2.1 Hermeneutica . . . . . . . . . . . 124 B2.2 Structuralism; linguistics . 134 B3 Magisterium, Bible & Ch. . 141 B3.2 revelatio, inerr., canon . . . 146 B4 Humanistica: men; women 153 B4.2 Current Issues . . . . . . . . . . 158 B4.3 Analysis litteraria . . . . . . . 159 B4.4 Athea, material ., psych. . . 161 B5 Methodus exegetica . . . . . . . 163 III. [Critica] Textus, Versiones ol Textual criticism . . . . . . . . . 167 o2 Biblia Hebr., Hebrew Text. 172 o3 Textus graecus: NT, LXX. 175 o4 Antiquae versiones orient. . 179 o5 Latinae, textus patristicus . 181 [modernae differentur-► vol. 61] 08 Concordantiae, synopses . . . 182 IV. Apocrypha, Qumran -► vol. 61 V. Exegesis totius VT vel cum NT o9 Commentary, whole Bible . 184 VI. Libri historici VT El Pentateuchus: text, comm. . 186 El.2 Fontes JEDP: Pent.prob. . 188 E2 Genesis: text., comm. . . . . . 190 E2.3 Gn 1: Creation; Science . 194 E2.3.5 Gn 3: Peccatum orig. . . 205 E2.3.7 Gn 6 : Diluv ., Gilgames 209 E2.4 Gn 12: Abraham , Foedus 211 E2.4.5 Gn 25: Jacob; mal'ak . 218 E2.4.7 Gn 37: Joseph . . . . . . . . 220 E3 Exodus: text., comm., . . . . . 222 E3.3 Ex 1: Moyses . . . . . . . . . . 226 E3.3.l Ex 3,14: nomen YHWH. 228 E3.3.2 Ex 12: Pascha, sacrif. . . 229 E3.4 Ex 20 = Dt 5: Decalogus 231 E3.5 Ex 21 Ancient NE Law 234 E3.6 Ex 25-40 Cultus . . . . . . . . 237 E3.7 Leviticus; Holiness-Code . 239 E3.8 Numeri, Balaam . . . . . . . . 241 E3.9 Deuteronomium........ . 243 E4.1 Josue; Tribus, amphict. . . 248 E4.2 Judicum: Richter, Judges 251 E4.2.6 Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 E4.5 1-2 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 E4.5.1 lSm 7, Kingship 257 E4.5.3 ISm 16 David's Rise . . 259

E4.6: 1-2 Regum, Kings...... 262 E4.6.1 Salomo , Templum . . . . . 264 E4.6.4 1 Rg 17 Elias . . . . . . . . . 267 E4.6.6 2 Rg 1 Elisaeus . . . . . . . 269 E5.l Chronica, genealogiae . . . . 271 E5.2 Esdrae: Ezra, Nehemiah . 273 E5.4 Tobias, Judith, Esther . . . 274 E5.8 1-2 Machabaeorum . . . . . . 276 VII. Libri didactici VT E6 Poesis, versification, . . . . . . . 277 E6.2 Psalmorum text., themata 279 E6.8 Psalmi singuli . . . . . . . . . . 290 E7 Job . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 E7.2 Canticum, Song of Songs 303 E7.3 Sapientiales; Wisdom lit. 307 E7.4 Proverbiorum liber . . . . . . 311 E7.5 Ecclesiastes, Qohelet . . . . . 313 E7.6 L. Sapientiae, Wisdom... 316 E7.7 Ecclesiasticus, J. Sirach . . 317 VIII. Libri prophetici VT E8 Prophetismus; text. comm. 319 E8.2 Proto-Isaias . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 E8.3 Deutero (-Trito) - Isaias . 332 E8.5 Jeremias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 E8.6 Lamentationes, Baruch . . . 339 E8.7 Ezechiel, Hiskiel . . . . . . . . 340 E9 Apocalyptica VT . . . . . . . . . 343 E9.2 Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 E9.4 Prophetae mino(es, XII . . 351 IX. NT exegesis generalis (II.Je) Fl Introductio NT, hermen . . . 361 Fl.2 Origo, historicitas Evv . . . 367 Fl.4 [XI] Jesus historicus, pius 371 Fl.7 Jesus 'anormalis'......... 382 F2. l Exegesis creativa . . . . . . . . 385 F2.2 Unitas NT in se; cum VT . ... ... . . .. . . ... . ...... 388 X. Commentarii NT : Evangelia F3.1 Problema synopticum... . 389 F4 Matthaei text. comm. . . . . . 396 F4.3 Mt ls (Lc ls), infantia 400 F4.4.2 Mt 5, Beatitudines, Pater noster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 F4.4.5 Mt 8ss Miracula Jesu . . 409 F4.4.6 Mt 13ss, Parabolae Jesu 413 F4.4.7 Mt 16, Primatus Petri 417 F4.4.8 Mt 21, Eschat. Regni . . 419 F5 Mt 26 Eucharistia . . . . . . . . 421 F5.3 Mt 26,30 par.: Passio 423 F5.6 Mt 28 par . : Resurrectio 426 F6 Evangelium Marci . . . . . . . . 430 F7 Opus lucanum - Luke-Acts 444 F8 Evangelium Lucae . . . . . . . . 447 XII. Actus Apostolorum F8.3 Ecclesia primaeva: Die Urgemeinde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 F8.5 Act. ls, Ascensio, Pent. . . 466 F8.7 Act. 13s, Itinera Pauli . . . 469 X, 5; XIV. Corpus Johanneum Gl Johannis communitas . . . . . 472 ol.5 Jn 1 prologus . . . . . . . . . . 483 ol.8 Jn 13, sermo sacerdotalis 490 o2 [XIV] Epistulae Johannis . . 493

G2.5 Apocalypsis, Revelation XIII. Paulus G3 Pauli vita, comm ., themata G4 Ad Romanos . . . . . . . . . . . . G5 Ad Corinthios; I . . . . . . . . . G5.5 1 Cor 12, charismata, resurrectio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G5.7 II ad Corinthios . . . . . . . . G6 Ad Galatas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G6.2s Eph-Phlp-Col-Phlm . . . . . G6.6 1-2 Ad Thessalonicenses . G7 Pastorales, Tim-Tit . . . . . . . G8 Epistula ad Hebraeos . . . . . [XIV] Epistulae catholicae G9 1-2 Petri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G9.4 Epistulae Jacobi, Judae . . XV Theologia biblica Hl Deus; God in OT . . . .. .. . Hl.l Anthropol. VT; morbi ttl.4 Justificatio, salus VT . . . . Hl.5 Oecologia, saecularizatio . H2 Foedus, Covenant; Fides . . H2.5 Liturgia: priesthood . . . . . H2.7 Doctrina moralis VT . . . . H2.8 Theologia politica VT . . . H3 Messianica, eschatologica . . H4.5 Theologia totius VT, whole OT theology . . . . . . . . H5 NT: Deus, God . . . . . . . . . . H5.3 Christologia . . . . . . . . . . . . H5.5 Spiritus Sanctus, Holy Sp H5.8 Regnum NT, Kingdom . . H6 Creatio, anthropologia . . . . tt6.4 Fides/veritas; Faith/Truth H6.6 Peccatum; sin, evil . . . . . H7 Soteriologia, justitia NT . . . H7.2 Crux, Sacrificium ; Cross . H7.4 Sacramenta , gratia NT . . H7.6 Ecclesia, The Church . . . . H7.8 Amt : officium eccles. H8 Liturgia, oratio; vita relig. . H8.3 Theologia moralis NT . . . H8.5 Theologia liberationis NT H8.8 Feminae : Women in NT H9 Eschatologia NT ... -. . . . . . H9.5 Th eol ogia totius N T , whole NT theology . . . . . . . . XVI. Philologia biblica Jl Hebraica ; gramm., generalia Jl.3 Voces hebraicae & aram. . Jl.5 Phoenicia, aram.-syr. . . . . . 12 Akkadica (Sumer.), arabica . 13 Aegyptia, coptica, aethiop. 14 Anatolica: hittita, armena .. 15 Graeca : gramm ., vocab. 15.2 Voces graecae: Greek . . . . 16 Indo-iranica; Latina . . . . . . . XVII. Historia, Gnosis, - vol. XVIII. Archaeologia Tl Gen. archeology; museums T2 Methodi : science . . . . . . . . . T2.2 Sindon, The Shroud . . . . . T3 Realia, concrete objects . . .

495 501 517 524 529 531 533 536 543 545 548 551 553 556 560 562 563 564 565 566 569 571 574 578 579 591 596 597 600 602 604 607 610 613 617 624 625 629 640 649 652 656 664 671 678 681 685 686 691 695 61 706 715 722 725

T3.l.3. Technologia antiqua . . . 726 T3.2 Architectura, fumiture . . . 728 T3.3 Armamenta, vehicula . . . . 730 T3.3.5 Nautica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732 T3.4 Ars; omamenta, jewels . . 733 T3.4.2 Textilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734 T3.4.3 Glyptic, seals; sculptura 734 T3.4.6 Graphica; writing. . . . . . 740 T3.4.8 Mosaica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740 T3.5 Athletica, games; musica . 741 T3.6 Ceramica, pottery . . . . . . . 742 T3.6.2 Pans, knives, weights . . 744 T3.6.8 Lampades, lamps . . . . . . 745 T3.7 Cultica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746 T3.8 Funeraria... .. . ... . . . . . . 747 T3.9 Numismatica, coins . . . . . 749 T4 Situs : excavation-sites . . . . . 750 T4.3 Jerusalem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 T4.4 alphabetice: Juda (Sinai) . 759 T4.5 Samaria; Galilaea (Golan) 766 T4.8 Transjord., East-Jordan . . 775 T5 Phoenicia, Liban., Carthago 780 T5.4 Ugarit, Ebla ; Syria . . . . . . 787 T6 Mesopotamia . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 T6.7 Arabia; Iran, Persia . . . . . 808 T7 Ae~yptus, Africa . . . . . . . . . . 812 T8 Bogazköy, Ephesus, Perg. . . 821 T8.6 Anatolia alphabetice . . . . . 824 T8.8 Arm.enia, Urartu; Ark . . . 830 T9.l Cyprus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831 T9.4 Graecia, alphabetice . . . . . 835 T9.4.3 Creta et aliae insulae 839 T9.7 Roma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840 T9.8 Imperium occidentale . . . . 844 XIX. Geographia biblica ul Geographies ; hist. geog. . . . 845 ul.4 Maps, photos, guides . . . . 847 ul.7 Onomastica . . . . . . . . . . . . 854 ul.8 Situs ordine alphabetico . 856 u 2 Geologia, clima, fauna . . . . 863 u2 .7 Flora : agricultura, medica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871 u3 XII Tribus; limitrophi . . . . 874 u5 Ethnologia, sociologia . . . . . 880 u5.3 Viae, merx ; urbanismus . 888 u6 Loca sancta ; Pilgrims . . . . . 895 u8 Crucigeri; Status Quo . . . . . 899 XX. Judaismus - vol. 61 XXI. Historia Scientiae Biblicae Yl History of Exegesis; Patres Apostolici . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909 Y2 Patres graeci ex saeculo III 918 Y2.4 Augustinus et Latini . . . . . 924 Y2.8 Patres Orientales . . . . . . . . 930 Y3 Medium Aevum, Middle Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 932 Y4 Luther ; reformatio . . . . . . . . 940 Y4.5 Post-reform . ad 1800 . . . . 946 Y5 Saec. XIX; Modemism 952 Y6 Saeculum XX . . . . . . . . . . . . 962 Index 975; voces 1065; S.Scr.


Peter NOBER S. J.


Robert NORTH S. J.




60 1979





2 Index systematicus - Contents


Abbreviations... si~a . . . . . . . . . . 4 I. 11ibhographica Al Festschriften, memorials... 34 Al.2 Alia opera collecta . . . . . . 52 A2 Acta, Meetings .1 Biblica . . 72 A2.2 Theologica, philologica . . 77 A2.4 Orientalist., archaeol. . . . . 83 A2.8 Nuntii de congressibus . . 88 A3 Opera consultationis . . . . . . 92 A4 Bibliographiae .1 biblicae . . 98 A4.2 Theol., ling., or., arch.... 101 A4.8 Bibliographia generalis . . . 107 A7 Periti; in memoriam . . . . . . 109 II. Introductio Bl Tota vel VT, whole or OT 116 B2.1 Ht:nueucutica........... 124 B2.2 Structuralism; linguistics . 134 B3 Magisteriwu, nible & Ch. . 141 B3.2 revelatio, inerr., canon... 146 B4 Humanistica: men; women 153 B4.2 Current Issues . . . . . . . . . . 158 B4.3 Analysis litteraria . . . . . . . 159 B4.4 Athea, material., psych. . . 161 B5 Methodus exegetica . . . . . . . 163 III. [Critica] Textus, Versiones ol Textual criticism . . . . . . . . . 167 o2 Biblia Hebr., Hebrew Text. 172 o3 Textus graecus: NT, LXX. 175 D4 Antiquae versiones orient. . 179 o5 Latinae, textus patristicus . 181 [modernae differentur ➔ vol. 61] 08 Concordantiae, synopses . . . 182 IV. Apocrypha, Qumran ➔ vol. 61 V. Exegesis totius VT vel cum NT o9 Commentary, whole Bible . 184 VI. Libri historici VT El Pentateuchus: text, comm. . 186 El.2 Fontes JEDP: Pent.prob.. 188 E2 Genesis: text., comm. . . . . . 190 E2.3 Gn 1: Creation; Science . 194 E2.3.5 Gn 3: Peccatum orig. . . 205 E2.3.7 Gn 6: Diluv., Gilgames 209 E2.4 Gn 12: Abraham, Foedus 211 F.2.4.5 Gn 25: Jacob; mal'ak . 218 E2.4.7 Gn 37: Joseph .. .. .. . . 220 E3 Exodus: text., comm., . . . . . 222 E3.3 Ex 1: Moyses . . . . .. . . . . 226 E3.3.1 Ex 3,14: nomen YHWH. 228 E3.3.2 Ex 12: Pascha, sacrif. . . 229 E3.4 Ex 20 = Dt 5: Decalogus 231 E3.5 Ex 21 Ancient NE Law . 234 E3.6 Ex 25-40 Cultus . . . . . . . . 237 E3.7 Leviticus; Holiness-Code. 239 E3.8 Numeri, Balaam . . . . . . . . 241 E3.9 Deuteronomium . . . . . . . . . 243 E4.1 Josue; Tribus, amphict. . . 248 E4.2 Judicum: Richter, Judges 251 E4.2.6 Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 E4.5 1-2 Samuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 E4.5.l lSm 7, Kingship . . . . . . 257 E4.5.3 lSm 16 David's Rise . . 259

E4.6: 1-2 Regum, Kings . . . . . . 262 E4.6.1 Salomo, Templum . . . . . 264 E4.6.4 1 Rg 17 Elias .. . . . . . .. 267 E4.6.6 2 Rg 1 Elisaeus . . . . . . . 269 E5.1 Chronica, genealogiae . . . . 271 E5.2 Esdrae: Ezra, Neliemiah . 273 E5.4 Tobias, Judith, Esther . . . 274 E5.8 1-2 Machabaeorum . . . . . . 276 VII. Libri didactici VT E6 Poesis, versification . . . . . . . 277 E6.2 Psalmorum text., themata 279 E6.8 Psalmi singuli . . . . . . . . . . 290 E7 Job ..... _.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 E7.2 Canticum, Song of Songs 303 E7.3 Sapientiales; Wisdorn lit. 307 E7.4 Proverbiorum liber . . . . . . 311 E7.5 Ecclesiastes, Qohelet..... 313 n7.6 L. Sapientiae, Wisdom... 316 E7.7 Ecclesiasticus, J. Sirach . . 317 VIII. Libri prophetici VT E8 Prophetismus; text. comm. 319 E8.2 Proto-Isaias . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 E8.3 Deutero (-Trito) - Isaias . 332 E8.5 Jeremias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 E8.6 Lamentationes, Baruch . . . 339 E8.7 Ezechiel, Hiskiel . . . . . . . . 340 E9 Apocalyptica VT . . . . . . . . . 343 E9.2 Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 E9.4 Prophetae minores, XII.. 351 IX. NT exegesis generalis (II.Je) Fl Introductio NT, hermen. . . 361 Fl.2 Origo, historicitas Evv . . . 367 Fl.4 [XI] Jesus historicus, pius 371 Fl.7 Jesus 'anormalis'......... 382 F2;-l Exegesis creativa . . . . . . . . 385 F2.2 Unitas NT in se; cum VT ....................... 388 X. Commentarii NT: Evangelia F3.1 Problema synopticum . . . . 389 F4 Matthaei text. comm. . . . . . 396 F4.3 Mt 1s (Lc 1s), infantia . . 400 F4.4.2 Mt 5, Beatitudines, Pater noster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405 F4.4.5 Mt 8ss Miracula Jesu . . 409 F4.4.6 Mt 13ss, Parabolae Jesu 413 F4.4.7 Mt 16, Primatus Petri . 417 F4.4.8 Mt 21, Eschat. Regni . . 419 F5 Mt 26 Eucharistia . . . . . . . . 421 F5.3 Mt 26,30 par.: Passio . . . 423 F5.6 Mt 28 par.: Resurrectio . 426 F6 Evangelium Marci . . . . . . . . 430 F7 Opus lucanum - Luke-Acts 444 F8 Evangelium Lucae . . . . . . . . 447 XII. Actus Apostolorum F8.3 Ecclesia primaeva: Die Urgemeinde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 F8.5 Act. ls, Ascensio, Pent. . . 466 F8.7 Act. 13s, Itinera Pauli . . . 469 X, 5; XIV. Corpus Johanneum Gl Johannis communitas•..... 472 G1.5 Jn 1 prologus . . . . .. .. . . 483 ol.8 Jn 13, scrmo saccrdotalis 490 G2 [XIV] Epistulae Johannis . . 493

G2.5 Apocalypsis, Revelation XIII. Paulus G3 Pauli vita, comm., themata G4 Ad Romanos . . . . . . . . . . . . G5 Ad Corinthios; I . . . . . . . . . G5.5 1 Cor 12, charismata, resurrectio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G5.7 II ad Corinthios . . . . . . . . G6 Ad Galatas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G6.2s Eph-Phlp-Col-Phlm . . . . . G6.6 1-2 Ad Thessalonicenses . G7 Pastorales, Tim-Tit . . . . . . . G8 Epistula ad Hebraeos . . . . . [XIV] Epistulae catho/icae G9 1-2 Petri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G9.4 Epistulae Jacobi, Judae . . XV. Theologia bib/ica Hl Deus; God in OT . . . . . . . . Hl.1 Anthropol. VT; morbi . . Hl.4 Justificatio, salus VT . . . . Hl.5 Oecologia, saecularizatio . H2 Foedus, Covenant; Fides . . H2.5 Liturgia: priesthood . . . . . H2.7 Doctrina moralis VT . . . . H2.8 Theologia politica VT . . . H3 Messianica, eschatologica . . H4.5 Theologia totins VT, whole OT theology . . . . . . . . H5 NT: Deus, God . . . . . . . . . . H5.3 Christologia . . . . . . . . . . . . H5.5 Spiritus Sanctus, Holy Sp H5.8 Regnum NT, K.ingdom . . H6 Creatio, anthropologia . . . . H6.4 Fides/veritas; Faith/Truth H6.6 Peccatum; sin, evil H7 Soteriologia, justitia NT . . . H7.2 Crux, Sacrificium; Cross. H7.4 Sacramenta, gratia NT . . H7.6 Ecclesia, The Church.... H7.8 Amt: officium eccles. H8 Liturgia, oratio; vita relig. . H8.3 Theologia moralis NT . . . H8.5 Theologia liberationis NT H8.8 Feminae: Women in NT H9 Eschatologia NT . . . . . . . . . H9.5 Theologia totius NT, whole NT theology . . . . . . . . XVL Phi/o/ogia biblica Jl Hebraica; gramm., generalia Jl.3 Voces hebraicae & aram. . Jl.5 Phoenicia, aram.-syr. . . . . . J2 Akkadica (Sumer.), arabica. J3 Aegyptia, coptica, aethiop. . J4 Anatolica: hittita, armena.. J5 Graeca: gramm., vocab. J5.2 Voces graecae: Greek . . . . J6 Indo-iranica; Latina . . . . . . . XVII. Historia, 864. AnSemClas: Annali del Seminario di Studi del Morl.do Classico: Archeo1o gia e Storia Antica; N [ 1 ANRW:


schichte; B/NY. ArbLitGHelJud--> ALGHJ.

Arbeiten zum NT und zum Judentum. ArbNtTextf: Arbeitenzur Neutestamentlichen Textforschung;B/NY. (1979)). ArbT: Arbeiten zur Theologie (CalAnSt: Anatolian Studies; L. wer); Stu. AnSTar: Analecta Sacra TarraconenArbTextSprAT: Arbeiten zu Text und sia; Barcelona. Sprache im AT (Univ. Mü, kath. AnStBF -> SBF. Theol.); St. Ottilien. AnStEbr: Annuariodi Studi Ebraici: R. Archäographie AntAb: Antike und Abendland; B. Archaeology;CM. AntAfr: Antiquites africaines; P. Archacomctry; Bulletin of the Re AntClass: L'Antiquite Classique; search Laboratory for Archaeology Bru. and the History of Art; L. AnThijm: Annualen van het ThijmArchAnAth: [Q]Archaiologikäanälekta ex genootschap; Utrecht. Athenön; Athenai. Anthropos; FrS. ArchAnz: Archäologischer Anzeiger;B. AntiqJ: Antiquaries Journal; L. ArchBg: ArchäologischeBibliographiezu Antiquity; Gloucester. JbDAI; Berlin. AntKu(nst): Antike Kunst; Basel. ArchClass: Archeologia Classica; R. Antonianum; Roma. AntRArch: Antiqua, Rivista d'Ar- ArchConv: Archaeological Convention (Israel ExplorationSocietyetc.). cheologia e d' Architettura. AntTan: Antik Tanulmanyok. (Stu- Archeologia; (ex-Paris); Dijon. ArchEph: Archaiologike Ephemeris; dia Antiqua); Budapest. Athenai. AntWelt: Antike Welt; CH-8706 Archlnf: Archäologische InformatioFeldmeilen. nen; Köln. AnUrb: Annales. Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana; Institutum Missio- Architectura; Mü/B. ArchJ: Archaeological Journal; Lonnale; Roma. don. AnVal: Anales Valentinos; Valencia. AnzAltW: Anzeiger für die Alter- ArchMiran: Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, N.F.; Berlin. tumswissenschaft; Innsbruck. AnzÖsAk Wiss: Anzeiger der Ös- ArchStorAnt: Archeologia e Storia terreichischen Akademie der WisAntica (Seminario Classico, Univ. senschaften phil.-hist.; Wien. Ist. Orientale); Napoli. AOAT: Alter Orient und Altes Te- Arctos. Acta Philologica Fennica; stament: Kevelaer/Neuk. Helsinki. ArEspArq: Archivo Espafiol de ArArabica; Leiden. queologia; Madrid. ArBegG: Archiv für BegriffsgeschichArFil(os): Archivio di Filosofia, CEte (Mainz, Akad. Wiss. Litt.); DAM; Padova. Bonn. ArFrancHist: Archivum FranciscaArbGAntJudUrchr -->AGJU. num Historicwn; Grottaferrata. ArbGTL: Arbeiten zur Geschichte ArGlottlt: Archivio Glottologico Itaund Theologie des Luthertums; liano; Firenze. Berlin. ArGPhil(os): Archiv für Geschichte ArbKiG: Arbeiten zur KirchengeArbNTJud:

Hlenchus/ Hiblica 60 (1979)


der Philosophie; Berlin. ArHDroitOr: Archives d'histoire du

droit oriental; Bru.-Wetteren. ArHPont: Archivum Historiae Pon-

tificiae; Roma. ArHSci


ArHSJ: Archivum historicum Socie-

tatis Jesu; Roma. ArlntHSci: Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences; Wb. ArKathNed: Archief voor de Ge-

schiedenis van de K.atholieke Kerk in Nederland; Utrecht. ArKulturg: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte; Köln. ArLtgW: Archiv für Liturgiewissenschaft; Regensburg. ArOr: Archiv Orientalni; Praha. ArPapF: Archiv für Papyrusforschung; Leipzig. ArPhil(os): Archives de Philosophie; Paris. ArRefg: Archiv für Reformationsgeschichte; Gütersloh. ArStorlt: Firenze. ArtAs: Artibus Asiae; NY Univ. ArTGran: Archivo Teol6gico Granadino; Granada. ASAE: Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte; Le Caire. AsbSem: The Asbury Seminarian; Wilmore, Ky. AshlandTB: Ashland (Ohio) Theological Bulletin. ASOR: American Schools of Oriental Research; CM (diss.: Dissertation Series). Asprenas. Rivista di Scienze Teologiche; Napoli. AssSeign: Assemblees du Seigneur; P. Assur; Malibu CA. ASTI: Annual of the Swedish Theological Institute [in Jerusalem]; Leiden. AtAcBol/Tor/Tosc: Atti dell'Accademia ... di Bologna / di Torino / Toscana «La Colombaria»; F. ATANT = Abhandlungen zur Theologie


des Alten &.Neuen Testaments; Z.

AtCeRDAC: Atti Centro Ricerca e

Documentazione Classica; Mi. ATD: Das Alte Testament Deutsch.

Neues Göttinger Bibelwerk; Gö. AteDial: Ateismo e Dialogo. AtenRom: Atene e Roma; Firenze. Athen: Athenaeum: Letteratura e

Storia dell'antichita; Pavia. AtKap: Ateneum K.aplanskie. Wloc-

lawek. ATI ,A: American Theological Library Association; Menuchen, N.J. (Monographie / Bibliographie Series). Atualiza~äo. Revista de Divulga~o Teol6gica; Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. AugLv: Augustiniana; Leuven. AugMd: Augustinus; Madrid. AugRom: Augustinianum; Roma. AugSt: Augustinian Studies; Villanova PA. AusJBibArch: Australian J oumal of Biblical Archaeology; Sydney. AuStArch: Australian Studies in Archaeology; Sydney. AustinSB: Austin (Texas) Seminary Bulletin. AustralBR: Australian Biblical Review; Melboume. AustralasCR: Australasian Catholic Record; Sydney. AVTRelW: Aufsätze und Vorträge zur

Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; oB/Stu.

BA: Biblical Archaeologist; CM. BaBernSt: Basler und Berner Studien zur

historischen und systematischen Theologie; Bern, Lang.

Baghdader Mitteilungen DAI; Berlin. .


BAH: Bibliotheque Archeologique et His-

torique (IFA-Beyrouth).

BAmicEbrCr: Bollettino dell'Amici-

zia Ebraico-Cristiana; Firenze. BAmSocPap: Bulletin of the Amer-

ican Society of Papyrologists; NY,

Sigla: Periodica - Series Columbia Univ. BAntBesch: Bulletin ... tot bevordering der kennis van de antieke beschaving; 's-Gravenhage. BaptQ: Baptist [Historical Soc.] Quarterly; Oxford. BAR-Ox: British Archaeology Reports; Oxford. BAR-W: Biblical Archaeology Review; Washington (BAS its newsletter). BArchAlg: Bulletin d' Archeologie Algerienne; Algcr. ßarllAn: Har-Ilan [Univ.] Annual; Ramat-Gan. BArte: Bollettino d' Arte; Roma. BAsEspOr: Boletin de la Asociaci6n Espaiiola de Orientalistas; M. BASOR: Bulletin of the American Schools of Oricntal Research; CM. BAusPrax: Biblische Auslegung für die

Praxis; Stu.

BayNahr: Bayn al-Nahrayn: Archeveche Chaldeen; Mossoul. BBB: Bonner biblische Beiträge; Köln.

BbbOr: Bibbia e Griente; Brescia. BBude; Bulletin de l'Association G. Bude; Paris. BCentProtE: Bulletin du Centre Protestant d'Etudes; Geneve. BCH: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique; Paris. BChinAc: Chung hua Hsüehshuyüan . . . Bulletin of the Catholic Research Institute, China Academy; Taipei.


BeiEvT: Beiträge zur evangelischen Theo-

logie; Mü. BeiGbEx: Beiträge zur Geschichte der

biblischen Exegese; Tü. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters; Münster.



TA VO; BZAW etc.

BeiHistT: Beiträge zur Historischen Theo-

logie; Tü. BeiKF: Beiträge zur Katholizismusfor-


BeiNam: Beiträge zur Namenforschung N. F.; Hciuclbcrg. Beiträge zur ökumenischen Theologie: Mü, Schöningh. BeiRelT: Beiträge zur Religionstheologie; Mödling. BeiÖkT:

Belleten (Türk Tarih Kurumu); Anknrn. BerIByzArb: Berliner byzantinistische Ar-

beiten; oB.

BerlNumZ: Berliner Numismatische Zeitschrift; B. BerT: Bericht von der Theologie; oB. Berytus (Amer. Univ. Beirut); K. BET ➔ BeiBibExT. BEtKar: Bulletin d'Etudes Karai:tes. BhHwb: Biblisch-historisches Handwörterbuch ➔ 929.

Bib ➔ Biblica; Roma. BibMr: La Bible en Afrique [francophone]; Lome, Togo. DibArch[R] .....BA [BAR-W]. BiBei: Biblische Beiträge, Schweizerisches

Kath. Bibelwerk; Fribourg.

BCILL: Bibliotbeque des Cahiers de !'Ins-

BibFe: Biblia y Fe; Escorial, M.

titut de Linguistique; Lv, Peeters/P, Cerf. BCNH-T: Bibliotheque Copte de Nag Hammadi - Textes; Quebec.

BibKonf: Biblische Konfrontationen; Stu,

BeerSheva: Annual: Bible, Ancient NearEast; J [HI. BeiArch: Beiträge zur Archäologie; wB. BeiBibExT: Beiträge zur biblischen Exege-

se und Theologie [ipsi: BET]; Fra.


Biblebhashyam, Indian Biblical Quarterly; Kottayam, Kerala. BiblETL: Bibliotheca, ETL; Lv. BiblHumRef: Bibliotbeca Humanistica et

Reformatorica; Nitmwkuup,


BiblHumRen: Bibliotheque d'Humanisme

et Renaissance; Geneve / Paris.

Biblica: commentarii Pontificii Insti-

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


tuti Biblici; Roma.



BiblMesop: Bibliotheca Mesopotami-

BL: Book List, The Society for Old

ca; Malibu CA. Biblos (Wien or Coimbra).

BLitE: Bulletin de Litterature Eccle-

BibIScRel: Biblioteca di Scienze · religiose; Roma, Salesiana.

BLtg: Bibel und Liturgie; Wien-Klo-


Biblische Notizen;

Testament Study (L].


berg. BibOrPont: Biblica et Orientalia, Pontificio Ist. Biblico; Roma.

BibT: Biblical Theology; Belfast. BibTB: Biblical Theology Bulletin;

Albany, NY. BibTPaid: Biblioteca Teologica; Brescia, Paideia. BibTSt: Biblisch- Theologische Studien; Neukirchen-Vluyn. BibUnt: Biblische Untersuchungen; Rg.

BIFAO: Bulletin de l'Institut Fran:.~ ByzFor: Byzantinische Forschungen; Amsterdam. ByzSlav: Byzantinoslavica; Praha. BZ: Biblische Zeitschrift; Pd. BZA W: Beihefte zur -> ZAW. BZNW: Beihefte zur-> ZNW. CAD: [Chicago] Assyrian Dictionary;


867. CahActRel: Cahiers de 1'Actualite religieuse; Neuchätel. ->

CahArch: Cahiers Archeologiques.

Fin de l'antiquite et moyen äge; Paris. CahArchSub: Cahiers d'Archeologie Subaquatique; Frejus. CahDAFI: Cahiers de la Delegation Archeologique Fran~aise en Iran; Paris. CahEv: Cahiers Evangile; Paris. CabHist: Cahiers d'Histoire; Lyon. CahlntSymb: Cahiers Intemationaux de Symbolique; Mons, Belgique. Cah,Jos: Cahiers de Josephologie; Montreal. Cah


1H]Encyclopaedia Hebraica; Je-

rusalem/Tel Aviv. Enclslam: Encyclopedie de !'Islam. Nouvelle edition; Ld/P --> 876. EncJud: Encyclopaedia Judaica; J. EncRel: Enciclopedia delle Religioni; Fi-

renze. En~Miqr:

1H]En!iiqlopediya miqrä,'ft, En-

cyclopaedia Biblica; J.

M. EPR: Etudes preliminaires aux religions

orientales dans l'Empire romain; Ld.

Eranos. Acta Philologica Suecana; Uppsala / Jb: Jahrbuch Z. ErbAuf: Erbe und Auftrag; Beuron. Eretz-Israel (partly IH]),'annual'; J. Erfl'St/ Sehr: Erfurter Theologische Studien/ Schriften. ErtFo: Ertrag der Forschung; Da, Wiss.

Sigla: Periodica - Series Mallorca. EstMar: Estudios Marianos; M. EstMerced: Estudios [Orden de la] Merced; M. EstMonlnstJer: Estudios y Monografias, Instituci6n S. Jer6nimo (investigaci6n biblica); Valencia. EstTrin: Estudios Trinitarios; Salamanca. Etudes; Paris. EtB: Etudes Bibliques; P. Gabalda.

EtClas(s): Les etudes classiques. Revue trimestrielle d'enseignement et de pedagogie. Facultes Universitaires Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix; Namur. Eternity; Baltimore. EtEv: Etudes evangeliques. Faculte libre de Theologie Reformee; Aixen-Provence. EtFranc: Etudes Franciscaines; Blois. ··.. ETL: Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses; Leuven. EtPapyr: Etudes de Papyrologie. Societe Egyptienne de Papyrologie; Le Caire. EtPhil: Etudes Philosophiques. NS. Paris. EtPhilolHist: Etudes de Philologie et d'Histoire; Geneve, Droz. EtTrav: Etudes et Travaux; Varsovie.

ETRel: Etudes Theologiques et Religieuses; Montpellier. Euhemer ([E] hist. rel.); Wsz. EuntDoc: Euntes Docete; Roma. EurHS: Europäische Hochschulschriften; Bern, Lang.

EuroJud: European Judaism; Amst. EvErz: Der evangelische Erzieher; Fra. EvKom: Evangelische Kommentare; Stu. EvMissQ: Evangelical Missions Quarterly; Wheaton IL. EvMissZ: Evangelische Missionszeitschrift; Stu. EvQ: Evangelical Quarterly; Exeter.


EvRT: Evangelical Review of Theology. EvT: Evangelische Theologie, NS; Mü. EvZeitSti: Evangelische Zeitstimmen; Hamburg. Expedition (archaeol., anthrop.); Ph. ExpTim: The Expository Times; E. ExWNT: Exegetisches Wörterbuch zum NT; Stuttgart ➔ 880. FacCathLilleB: Facultes Catholiques, Bulletin; Lille. FelRav: Felix Ravenna (cristiana-bizantina); Ravenna. FilRTSt: Filosofia della Religione, Testi e Studi ; Brescia.

FoiTemps: La Foi et le Temps. NS; Tournai. FoiVie: Foi et Vie; Paris. FoiViv: Foi Vivante; Paris. FolOr: Folia Orientalia, Polska Akademia Nauk; Krakow (-Wsz). FontDocMod: Fonti e Documenti (Storia del Modemismo); Urbino. ForBerStaatlMus: Forschung und Berichte (der) Staatlichen Museen; B

Forßib: Forschung Wü/Stu.



ForGLehrProt: Forschungen zur Geschichte und Lehre des Protestantismus; Mü. ForJüdChrDial: Forschungen zum jüdisch-christlichen Dialog; Neuk. ForKiDG: Forschungen zur Kirchen- und Dogmengeschichte; Gö. Pomvänncn (Svcnsk Antikvurisk Forskning); ForSystÖkT: Forschungen zur Systematischen und Ökumenischen Theologie; Gö. ForTLing: Forum Theologiae Linguisticae; Bonn.

FoundLang: Foundations of Language; Dordrecht. FraJudBei: Frankfurter Judaistische Beiträge: Fra. FrancBog: Franciscanum; Bogota. FrancLA ➔ SBFLA. FrancStAn: Franciscan Studies. An-

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


nual; St. Bonaventure, NY. FranzSt: Franziskanische Studien; Pd. FraTSt: Frankfurter Theologische Studien; Fra, S. Georgen.

FreibRu: Freiburger Rundbrief. Bei-

träge zur christlich-jüdischen Begegnung; Freiburg i. B. FreibTSt: Freiburger Theologische Studien; Freiburg/Br.

Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Theologie; Fr/Br.


FRLANT: Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und NTs; Gö.

FrühmitSt: Frühmittelalterliche

Studien; Berlin. GdT: Giornale di Teologia; Brescia. GeistLeb: Geist und Leben; Wü. Genava (archeologie, hist. art); Geneve, Musee. GenLing: General Linguistics (... psycho/ sociolinguistics); University Park PA. GeogrJ: Geographical Journal; L. GeogR: Geographical Review; NY. GeogrZs: Geographische Zeitschrift; Wiesbaden. GereITTs: Gereformeerd Theologisch Tijdschrift; Kampen. GeschWissUnt: Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht; Stu. Gesta (Medieval Art); NY, Cloister. GGA: Göttingische Gelehrte Anzeigen; Göttingen. GhanaBT: Ghana Bulletin of Theology; Legon. GiornltF: Giornale italiano di Filologia; Napoli. GlasgOrTr: Oriental Society Transactions; Glasgow, Univ. GLECS: (Comptes rendus) Groupe Linguistique d'Etudes Chamito-Semitiques; Paris. GLNT: Grande Lessico de! NT ( < TWNT); Brescia



Glossa; Burnaby BC, Fraser Univ. Glotta. Zeitschrift für die griechische und lateinische Sprache; Gö. Gnomon. Kritische Zeitschrift für die


gesamte klassische Altertumswissenschaft; Münclien. GötMisz(Äg.): Göttinger Miszellen. Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion; Göttingen. GötOrFor: Göttinger Orientforschungen; Wb. GöTArb: Göttinger Theologische Arbeiten; Gö.

GraceJ: Grace Journal; Winona Lake IN. GraecChrPrim: Graecitas Christianorum Primaeva; Nijmegen, van den Vegt. GrazBei: Grazer Beiträge, Zeilschrifl

für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft; Amsterdam. GreecRom: Greece and Rome; Oxford. Greg: Gregorianum; Roma, Pont .. Univ. Gregoriana. GregLA: Pontificiae Univ. Gregorianae Liber Annualis; R. GrenzITP: Grenzfragen zwischen Theologie und Philosophie; Köln.

GrOrTR: Greek Orthodox Theologi-

cal Review; Brookline MA. GrPT: Growing Points in Theology.

Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies; CM. Gymn: Gymnasium; Heidelberg. GrRomByzSt:

HarvDissRel: Harvard Religion; MMS.



HarvDivB: Harvard Divinity School

Bulletin; CM. HarvSemMon / Ser: Harvard Semi tic Monographs / (Museum) Series; CM. HarvStClassPh: Harvard Studies in Classical Philology; CM.

HarvTR: The Harvard


Review; CM. HarvTS: The Harvard Theological Studies [series]; CM. HbAltW: Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft; München. HBAT /NT: Handbuch zum Alten/Neuen Testament; Tü. HbDG: Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte; Freiburg/B.

Sigla: Periodica - Series HBeiO: Hallesche Beiträge zur Orientwissenschaft [! (1979)); Halle/Saale. HbOr: Handbuch der Orientalistik; Leiden--> 882. HbRelG: Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte; Gö.

HebAbs/St: Hebrew Abstracts/Studies; Louisville KY. HebrCompLing: Hebrew Computational Linguistics; Ramat-Gan. Helikon (Tradizione e Cultura Classica, Univ, Messina); R. [Q] Hellenika; Thessaloniki. Helmäntica (humanüladt:s dasicas, Univ.); Salamanca. Henoch (ebraismo, studi storicofilologici); T, Univ. [1 (1979)]. Herd Kor: Herder-Korrespondenz; Freiburg i.B. HerdTKom, NT: Herders Theolo~ischer Kommentar zum NT; Fr.

Hermeneus, Tijdschrift voor de antieke cultuur; Amersfoort. Hermes, Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie; Wb. HermUnT: Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie; Tü.

HervTS: Hervormde Teologiese Studies; Pretoria. Hesperia (American School of Classi~ cal Studies at Athens); Princeton. Hethitica. Travaux edites; Lv.

HeythJ : Heythrop Journal; L. HispS: Hispania Sacra (Historia Eclesiastica); M. HistJb: Historisches Jahrbuch; Görresgesellschaft Mü. Historia; Baden-Baden. HistRel: History of Religions; Ch. HistTheor: History and Theory (Philosophy of History); Middletown CT. HlLand: Das Heilige Land (Deutscher Verein) Köln / (Schw. Verein); Luzern. Hokhma; Lausanne. HomPastR: Homiletic and Pastoral Review; New York. 2. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


HomRel: Homo religiosus (histoire des religions); Louvain-la-Neuve.

HorBibT: Horizons in Biblical Theology (ONT); Pittsburgh. Horizons (College Theology Society); Villanova Univ., Waterloo, Ont. HSGem: Die Heilige Schrift in der Gemeinde (Bibelwerkbuch); Lp. Hsientai Hsüehyüan (= Universitas). Taipei. HUCA: Hebrew Union College Annual; Cincinnati. Humanitas; 1. Brescia; 2. Tucuman. Humisl: Humaniora Islamica; The Hague / Paris. Hypom: Hypomnemata; Gö VR.

HZ: Historische Zeitschrift; Mü. IBLA: Revue de !'Institut des BellesLettres Arabes; Tunis. ICI: Informations Catholiques Internationales; Paris. IDB[S]: Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible [Supplementary Volume]; Nv. --> 883. IDoC: I(nternational) Do(cumentation and) C(ommunications Center); R.

IFA: Institut Fran9ais d'Archeologie (Orientale, Le Caire / Beyrouth). IglViva: Iglesia Viva; Bilbao. IgrMiss: lgreja e Missao; Cucujaes, Portugal. IkZComm: Internationale Katholische Zeitschrift, Communio; Rodenkirchen. ILN: Illustrated London News; L. Immanuel (ecumenical); J. IndEc / TSt: Indian Ecclesiastical / Theological Studies; Bangalore, St. Peter's. IndlraJ: Indo-Iranian Journal; Haag. IndJT: Indian Journal of Theology; Serampore. IndogF: Indogermanische Forschungen; Berlin. IndQuadCam: Index, Quaderni Camerti di Studi Romanistici; N. InnsBeiKultW / SpraW: Innsbrucker Bei-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

träge zur Kulturwissenschaft Sprachwissenschaft.


lntCathRCom ➔ CommSpok. lntegGem: Die Integrierte Gemeinde. Christliche Existenz in einer säkulären Welt ... München. Interpr: Interpretation; Richmond

VA. IntJMidEaSt: International Journal of Middle East Studies; C. IntJNautArch: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology und Underwater Exploration; L/NY. IntJPhilRel: International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion; The Hague. IntKiZ: Internationale Kirchliche Zeitschrift; Bern. IntRMiss: International Review of Missions; London. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching; Heidelberg. Iran; L. British Institute of Persian Studies. IranMit: Iranistische Mitteilungen; Allendorf an der Eder. IrAnt: Iranica Antiqua; Leiden. lraq; L, British School of Archaeology in lraq. IrBSt: Irish Biblical Studies; Belfast [1 (1979)]. Iren: Irenikon; Chevetogne. lrTQ: Irish Theological Quarterly; Maynooth. ISBEnc: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia3; GR, Eerdmans ➔ 884.

(Der) Islam; Berlin/NY. IslQ: Islamic Quarterly; London. IsrEJ: Israel Exploration Journal; J. IsrJAgricRes: Israel Journal of Agricultural Research; Bet Dagan. IsrJBot/ Zool: Israel Journal of Botany / Zoology; Jerusalem. IsrLawR: Israel Law Review; J. IsrNumSocB: Israel Numismatic Society Bulletin; Tel Aviv. IsrOrSt: Israel Oriental Studies; TA


Univ. Fac. Hum. Istina; Paris. ltin: Itinerarium (Franciscanos de Portugal); Braga. IZBG: Internationale Zeitschriftenschau für Bibelwissenschaft und Grenzgebiete; Düsseldorf. JAAR: Journal of the American Academy of Religion; MMS. JAmResCEg: Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt; Boston. JANES: Journal of the Ancient Near Eastem Society; NY, Columbia Univ. JanLing,SerMaj/Pract: Janua Linguarum, Series Major/ Practica; The Hague; P. JAOS: Journal of the American Oricntal Socicty; New Ilaven. JArabLit: Journal of Arabic Literature; Leiden. JArchSc: Journal of Archaeological Science; London/New York. JAs: Journal Asiatique; Paris. JAsAfrSt: Journal of Asian and African Studies (York Univ., Toronto); Leiden. [R]Jav: [Revista] J averiana; Bogota. Jb : Jahrbuch [der Akademie der Wissenschaften] ➔ DAI etc.; (Jaarboek) EOL etc. JbAC: Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum; Münster i. W. JbBedMus: Jahrbud1 Studia BT]. StBoT(ext): Studien zu den BogazköyTexten; Wiesbaden.

STBuc: Studii Teologice; Bucure~ti. StChHist: Studies in Church History; Oxford (Ecclesiastical History Society). StChrAnt: Studies in Christian Antiquity; Wsh, Cathohc Univ. StClasBuc: Studii Clasice; Bucure~ti.

StClassOr: Studi Classici e Orientali; Pisa, Univ. StDelitzsch: Studia Delitzschiana; Stu (Institutum Judaicum Delitzschianum, Münster).

STEv: Stu 57,3426; 58s,4352. - RAustralBR 26 (1978) 47 (E. Osborn); TLZ 103 (1978) 860ss (T. Holtz). 51 CROWEFrederick E.: Fs. Trinification of the World-> 58s,4353: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 187 (J. Galot); SR 8 (1979) 209ss (M. Spicer); TS 40 (1979) 369ss (W. E. Conn; Scripture items not analyzed). 52 DAHLNils Astrup: God's Christ and His People: studies in honor of~ ed. J. Jervell, W. Meeks. Oslo 1977, Univ. 295p., portr.; 11-17 bibliog. llJ'.:!6-'/4(H. Moxnes). $24. 0 82-00-04979-5 [➔ 58s,4357] 19 art., infra. RStNTU-A 4 (1979) 161ss f?A. Fuchs: Hat niemand die Druckfahnen gelesen?]. 53 (1) DAUBEDavid: Fs. Daube noster 1974-> 55,1714; 52,2043*; 58s,2562. 54 (II) DAUBED. Fs., Donum Gentilicium 1978-> 58s,4359: RExpTim 90 (1978s) 27s (F. F. Bruce); JTS 30 (1979) 527-30 (J. D. M. Derrett); PrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 180s (B. M. Metzger); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 39 (M. Prior); TR 75 (1979) 365 (R. Pesch). 55 (III) DAUBED., NT Studies in Honour of ~ ed. E. Bammel al. Ox 1978, Clarendon. 349 p. - RJStNT (1978) 66-9 (B. Chilton). 56 DAUVILLIER Jean: Melanges offerts a ~ ed. G. Sicard al. Toulouse 1979, Univ. Sc. Sociales, Centre d'Hist. Juridique. XLVII-849p., portr.; xx1-xxxv11biobibliog. 60 art., 9 infra. 57 DAVIDMartin: Fs (1) ➔ 50,6245; (II) Antidoron ~ oblatum miscellanea papyrologica: Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 17: ed. Boswinkel E. al. Ld 1968, Brill. 158 p., 14 pl. 58 DAvrns William D. Fs., Jews, Greeks, and Christians 1976-> 58s,2563. 0 90-04-04734-4. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 424-7 (F. nexingPr). 59 DFKKERS Eligius, O.S.B.: Corona Gratiarum. Miscellanea patristica, historica et liturgica ~ Xll lustra complenti oblata. Brugge / 'sGravenhage 1975, Sint Pietersabdii / Nijhoff. I. XV-376 p.; II. 404 p. Plura infra. 60 DELAHAYE K., Zidgrupp1:m. Bnm11pu11k.lt!k.i11.:hlid1t!11 Lebens [17s.65 Gb.] hg. L. Bertsch al. Fra 1977, Knecht. 212 p., Portr. DM 25. ➔ J. Kremer, J. Botterweck. 61 DiEZ Ema Fs. Classica et Provincialia ed. Schwarz G., Pochmarski E. Graz 1978, Akad. 222 p. 8 fig. 86 pi. 2 foldouts.

62 D1KA10sPorphyrios, Studies Presented in Memory of ~, ed. V. Karageorghis al. Nicosia 1979, Lions. 218 p., 33 pl. :El2.50. 216ss bibliog. ➔ Nicolaou I. &K. 63 DINKLERErich: Theologia Crucis - Signum Crucis. Fs. für ~ zum 70. Gb. hg. C. Andresen, G. Klein. Tü 1979, Mohr. vm-563 p., 20pl; 551-63 bibliug. 1932-79 (J. Taeger). DM 138. 0 3-16-641892-X. 28 art., singuli infra. 64 Docrc{ Stanislas Fs. Pluralisme et CEcumenisme en recherches theologiques 1976-> 58s,4363: RJEcuSt 15 (1978) 525s (L. J. Bial/as). -> 296*. 65 VORDETT Alexander: Convivium Utriusquc Iurls, Fs. fllr ~ zum 60. Gb. hs. A. Scheuermann e.a. W 1976, Domverlag. 460 p. Sch 870/DM 125.-> Socha H. RBijdragen 39 (1978) 97 (R. Huysmans).

A1.1 Festschriften, Memorials


66 Dropsie College: Essays on the Occasion of the Seventieth Anniversary of the ~ (1909-1979). Ph 1979. ➔ C. Gordon. 67 DuJc:Ev Ivan: Hommage ~ = Byzantion 47 (1977). 600 p. Biobib. 5-41, phot. (Enrica Follieri, ital.). · 68 EGGERSHans: Fs. für ~ zum 65. Gb., hg. H. Backes. Tü 1972, Niemeyer, xn-772p. DM 138. ➔ G. de Smet. - RKratylos 21 (1976) 160-163 (W. Sanders). 69 ENSLIN Morton Fs., Understanding the Sacred Text 1972 ➔ 54,2889; 56,1618; 57,2049.3430: RJAAR 43 (1975) 316s (J. D. Smith). 70 Erfurt Priesterseminar, Fs 1977 ➔ 58s,2629: RGregorianum 59 (1978) 6079 (K.J. Becker); RHE 74 (1979) 155s (R. Mols}; TPhil 53 (1978) 612s (A. Stenze/). 71 Festschrift anlässlich des zehnjährigen Bestehens des Ev ANGELISCHEN BIBELWERKES,hg. S. Meurer, Generalsekretär: BiWelt 15. Dü-Kaiserswerth 1975, von Cansteinsche Bibelanstalt Bielefeld u. /Berlin. 164 p. 72 EVANSRobert Franklin: Disciplina nostra, Essays in Memory of ~ ed. D. F. Winslow: PatrMonSer 6. Ph 1979, Patristic Foundation. IV-212 photot. - p. 1-31 Appreciation by R. A. Kraft (V. A. Harvey), poem 187. ➔ C. Richardson. 72* FAIRMANH. W.: Glimpses of Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honour of ~ ed. J. Ruftte al.: Orbis Aegyptiorum Speculum. Wmr 1979, Aris & 1'. f.12.50. 0 0-85668-147-4, 10 :irt.; ➔ A. Millard. 73 FINKELJoshua: Festschrift, ed. Hoenig S., Stitskin L. NY 1974 [cf. 57, 1901]. 74 FINKELSTEIN Jacob J.: Essays on the Ancient Near East in memory of ~ 1977 ➔ 58s,2577: RCBQ 41 (1979) 676; ZAss 69 (1979s) 155ss (W. von Soden). 75 FLATTEN Heinrich, Fs. Diakonia et Ius zum 65 Gli. hg. H. Heinemann u.a. Pd 1973, Schöningh. XII-419 p., Portr. 23 art. ➔ E. Fischer. 76 FLOROVSKY George Vasilievich: The Heritage of the Early Church. Essays in honor of ~ ed D. Neiman, M. Schatkin: OrChrAn 195. R 1973, Pont. Inst. Stud. Or. RChHist 44 (1975) 396 (Bassett); ClasPh 73 (1978) 253-5 (Stewart); NRT 96 (1974) 8IJ6 (lvlartin). 77 FREIBURG:Sauer Joseph ed., Gestalten und Ereignisse. 150 Jahre Erzbistum Freiburg/B. - Auf dem Weg durch die Zeit. 150 Jahre Erzbistum Freiburg [Br.], 18271977. Karlsruhe 1977, Badenia. 231 p.; 160 p. - RHE 74 (1979) 743 (R. R[ein-



FRIEDRICHG.; also GONDAJ., PRENTERR. ➔ 305.312.349: Al.2 for Festschrift of one's own collected articles. 78 FRUTAZAmato Pietro, Miscellanea70° anniv. R 1978, CollegioPostulatori (Borgo S. Spirito 5). 526 p., 10 pi. ➔ S. Moscati e a. 79 GALDIATIEnrico Fs. = BbbOr 21 (1979) fase. 2 ➔ Cazelles H. 80 GARCfA[y] BELLIDOA., Homenaje a ~ I. 1976 ➔ 58s,b894: Rorientalia 47 (1978) 136 (R. North). 81 GERLEMANGillis: Festschrift ed. S. Hidal al. = ASTI 11. Ld 1978, Brill. xi-155 p. RETRel 54 (1979) 154 (D. Lys). 82 GrANNINIGiorgio, filos. Lateran.= Aquinas (1978) - RoocCom 32 (1979) 387ss (S. Cartechim).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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82* GrL Yaaqob: 1H)Seper -, collection of researches on biblical interpretation, 70th jubilee, ed. J. Hookerman al.: Bible Research Soc. Haifa 1979, Reuben Maas. 370 p. 83 GrNSBERGHarold Louis: Fs. Eretz-Israel 14 ed. M. Haran . .J 1978, Isr. Explor. Soc., Jewish Theol. Sem. America. XII-121* p. Eng. fr. (+ 122*130* summaries :) 1H]xxvII-194 p.; appr. A. Halkin IX-XII; bibliog. xmxxvII (J. Tigay). $2S. - RQTAbs 2 (1979) 267ss (F. Greenspahn); ZAW 91 (1979) 146s (G. Fahrer). 84 Gjerstad Einar: Scripta minora in honorem Einari ~. Lund 1977, C.W.K. Gleerup. 198 p., figs. Sk 6. [S auct. incl. J. Karageorghis]. - Arch News 7 (1978) 70s (E. Vermeule). 85 GLAZIKJosef: ' .. denn Ich bin bei Euch' (Mt 28,20). Perspektiven im christlichen zum 65. Geb. EinsieMissionsbewusstseinheute. Festgabe für ~ und B. WILLEKE deln 1978, ßenziger. 461 p. 86 GLUECKNelson: Memorial, Eretz-Israel 12 (197S) ➔ S7,20S1 (error in Indice); S8s,2S84: RRB 8S (1978) 132s (F. Langlamet). 87 GoLLWITZER Helmut zum, 70. Geb.: Richte unsere Füsse auf den Weg des Friedens hg. A. Baudis u.a. Mü 1979, Kaiser. xn-696 p. DM 38. 0 3-4S901186-6pa. (Plura 'activistica' aut homiletica infra non specialiter notantur; > M. Barth). - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 144ss (C. Bartsch); Jud 3S (1979) 186ss (R. Pjisterer). 88 GRABERRudolf, bp. Fs. Die «Frau» in Gen 3,15 ed T. Gallus. Klagenfurt 1979, Carinthia. 167p. 89 GRAETZHeinrich: Jubelschrift zum 70. Geb. 1887, reprint Hildesheim/NY 1973, Olms. 90 GRAFFINFran9ois S. J.: Melanges offerts au R. P. ~: Parole de l'Orient 6s (1975s). S46 p. (bibliog.) 3S art. (le syriaque). 91 GRANTRobert M.: Early Christian Literature and the Classical Intellectual Tradition. In honorem ~ ed. W. R. Schoedel, R. L. Wilken: Theologie Historique S4 [?S3] P 1979, Beauchesne. 20S p. 11 art., S infra. 92 GRIFFENJames Bennett: Cultural Change and Continuity, Essays in Honour of ~ ed. C.E. Cleland: Studies in Archaeology.L 1976, Academic. 456p. f:17.40/$24.50. 0 0-i2-176050-2. 93 ÖRIMESW. F.: Archaeological Theory and Practice, Essays presented to ~ ed. D. E. Strong. L 1973, Seminar Press. 324 p. - RRevArcheol (197S) 134 (Gardin). 94 GRONERFranz: Kirche und Gesellschaftheute:~ zum 65 Geb., hg. Böckle F., Stegrnann F. J. Pd 1979, Schöningh. 298 p. 9S GRossouw W.K. Fs. Van taal tot taal 1977, ➔ S8s,1729: 0 90-263-0381-S. 12 art., all Dutch. 96 GROTEFENDGeorg Friedrich 177S-18S3. Fs. seiner Vaterstadt, 197S. DM 6, 90. - RQLZ 73 (1978) 340s (H. Freydank); ZDMG 127 (1977) 199 (W. R[ölligf). 97 GÜNTERTH.: Gedenkschrift für - = InnsbrßeiSpraWiss 12 (1974).➔ G. Bonfante. 98 GüTERBOCKH. G.: Fs. Anatolian Studies 1974--> S6,7348: RAnatolica S (1973-1976, ed. 1978) 235-41 (R. Werner). 99 GUGGISBERG Kurt: Humanität und Glaube. Gedenkschrift für~ [t 1972] hg. U. Neuenschwander, R. De/lsperger. Bem/Stu 1973, Haupt. 256 p., portr. DM 24, 80.

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[➔ 56,5073 Guggisberger]. 100 HÄRINGBernhard: In Libertatem Vocati Estis (Gal 5,13). Miscellanea~ expleto sexagesimo quinto aetatis anno a collegis et ex-alumnis in donum natalitium oblata ed. H. Boelaarset, R. Tremblay: Studia moralia, .h6. R 1977, Alfonsiana. 798 p. (323-522 QQ exegeticae et historicae). Lit. 13.000. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 719ss (W. Ernst). 101 HALKINSimon: Fs. [ffi Sefer Yobel, ed. Shahevitch B., I'erry M. 845 p. 102 HARDERGünther: Treue zur Thora, Fs. für ~ hg. P. von der OstenSacken. B 1977. 103 HARRISON, Everett F.: Gasque W. W., La Sor W. S. ed., Scripture, Tradition, and Interpretation: Essays Presented to ~ by his Students and Colleagues in Honor of his 75th Birthday. GR 1978, Eerdmans. x-331 p. portr.; bibliog. 313-9. $16.50. 0 0-8028-3507-4. - RJBL 98 (1979) 623. 104 RAUBSTRudolf: Bodewig M. u.a. hg. Das Menschenbild von Nikolaus von Kues und der christliche Humanismus. Vom NT [➔ F. Hahn, B. Weiss, A. Grillmeier] bis zur heutigen Thematisierung [➔ E. B@rresen; 22 andere]. Festgabe für ~ zum 65. Geb. (Symposion Trier 1977) Mitt. & Forsch-Bei. der Cusanus-Ges. 13. Mainz 1978, Grünewald. xxrv-479 p. RTPhil 54 (1979) 453 (J. Splett). 105 HEERING H. J.: God, goed en kwaad: Festbunde!ter ere van de 65e verjaardag van prof. dr. ~ red. H. Adriaansee.a. Haag 1977, Boekencentrum.332p. /40. 106 HEIDEGGER Martin: Erinnerungan, hg. G. Neske. Pfullingen 1977, Neske. 315p. RTPhil 53 (1978) 458ss (G. Haejfner). 107 HEINRICHErnst: Fs. 75 Geb. = ArchMittlran 1974: DAI-Teheran. B 1974, Reimer. 260p., figg. 52pl. - Rsyria 54 (1977) 125-7 (P. Amiet). 108 HENNINGERJ. Fs. Al-bä~il 1976 ➔ 58s,2596: RBSOAS 40 (1977) 600 (A. K. Irvine); ZDMG 127 (1977) 455 (E. Wagner). 109 HEURGONJacques: L'Italie preromaine et la Rome republicaine.Melanges oITerts a ~: Coll. Ec. Franc;.Rome 27. P 1976, de Boccard. 1071p. (2 vol.), 171 ill., 13 tab., 3 maps. 110 HILLArchibald A., Linguisticand Literary Studies in Honor of ~ ed. M. Jazayeri al. III. Historical and Comparative Linguistics: Trends in Linguistics,Studies and Monographs 9. Haag 1978, Mouton. 111 HrNTZEFritz Fs. Ägypten und Kusch 1977 ➔ 58s,c000: add. 507-12 bibliog. (U. Fritze). DM 115. 49 art. - R JNES 38 (1979) 302s (B. Williams); Orientalia 47 (1978) 120 (R. North). 112 HINZ Walther: Fs. 70 Geb. = ArchMittlran 9 (1976); bibliog. 9-14. Rsyria 55 (1978) 172-5 (P. Amiet). 113 HöLSCHERUvo: Apophoreta für ~ zum 60. Geb., hg. Patzer A. Bonn 1975, Habelt. 205 p. 114 HuoHES George R., Studies in Honor of ~: SAOC 39. Ch 1976, Univ. Oriental Inst. xvm-282 p. $10. - BO 34 (1977) 169s (H. De Meulenaere). 115 HuLsT Alexander Reinard: Übersetzung und Deutung. Studien zu dem AT und seiner Umwelt ~ gewidmet (65. Geb.). Nijkerk 1977, Callenbach. 216p. f65. 17 art., ➔ D. Barthelemy, R. Frankena, H. Rüger, T. Vriezen al. 116 Hungarian Academy Library Oriental Collection: E. Apor ed., Jubilee Volume of the Oriental Collection 1951-76 ... of the Library of the

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[I. Bibliographica

Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Keleti Tanulmanyok Oriental Studies 2. Budapest 1978, Ac. Library. 224 p., For. 60. 117 HYATTJ. Philip, Essays in OT Ethics ~ in memoriam 1974-> 56,1632; i,7,2065; 58s,2602; REstBib 35 (1976) 114 (J. Alonso Diaz). 118 Institut Catholique, Paris: Fs. Humanisme et foi chretienne 1976 -> 57,2064.2392; 58s,2601.1055: RRHE 74 (1979) 797s (J.-P. Sosson). 119 Iran Society Silver Jubilee Souvenir (1944-1969) -> R. Sharp. 120 (1) JACOBSEN Thorkild: Sumerological Studies in Honor of ~ on his 70th Birthday June 7, 1974, ed. S. Lieberman: Oriental Institute Assyriological Studies 20. Ch 1976, Univ. xiv-316 p. 121 (II) JACOBSEN Thorkild: For ~ on his 72d Birthday: Mesopotamia 12 (1977) 15-96: -> G. Buccellati. 122 JEDINHubert: Festgabezum 75. Geb. hg. W. Brandmüller, R. Bänmer: Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum7s. Pd 1975/8, Schöningh.VIII-527p., VIII-699p. Je DM 90. -> G. Stemberger. - RRHE 74 (1979) 372-7 (G. Fransen). 123 JoEST Wilfried: Zugang zur Theologie. Fundamentaltheologische Beiträge ~ zum 65. Geb. hg. F. Mildenberger, J. Track. Gö 1979, VR. 219 p. DM 34.



124 JoNAS Hans: Gnosis. Fs. für ~ hg. Barbara Aland al. Gö 1978, VR. 544 p., portr., 508-14 bibliog. (S. Fels). DM (olim 98) 110. 0 3-525-581114. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 680s (P. Perkins); RBibArg 41 (1979) 219ss (F. Garcia Baztin). 125 JONESTom B., Studies in Honor of ~ ed. M. A. Powell .!, R. H. Sack: AOAT 203. Kevelaer/Neuk 1979, Butzon & B/V. x-371 p., 347-52 bibliog. DM 116. 13 art. Mesopotamia, 12 Greece-Rome. 126 KAEPPELI Thomas O.P.: Xenia medii aevi historiam illustrantia oblata ~ anniv. p.; 75, ed. R. Creytens, P. Künzle: Storia e letteratura 142s. R 1978. XXIV-456 p. 457-996. Lit. 45.000. - RRHE 74 (1979) 576s (J. Ruysschaert). 127 KÄSEMANN Ernst, Fs. Rechtfertigung 1976 _,, 57,3442; 58s,4383: RTLZ 103 (1978) 799-802 (N. Walter). 128 KAPSNER0. L.: Translatio Studii: Manuscript Library Studies honoring ~ ed. Plante J. Collegeville 1973, St. John's College. xm-288 p. - RBLitE 76 (1975) 232 (Martimort); RBen 85 (1975) 225 (Bogaert); Regulae Be nedicti Studia, Hildesheim 2 (1973) 128s (Engelbert). 129 KENYONKathleen M.: Archeology in the Levant, Essays for ~ ed. Moorey R., Parr P. Wmr 1978, Aris & P. xiv-296 p., 56 pl. f17.50. (In USA: ISBS, Forest Grove OR 97116, POB 555). 130 KER N. R.: Fs. Medieval Scribes, Manuscripts and Libraries, ed. M. B. Parkes, A. G. Watson. L 1978, Scholar. XVI-396p. f:30. 131 KILPATRICK George D. Fs. Studies in NT Language and Text 1976 --> 57,3443; 58s,4385 et singuli: Rns 29 (1978) 172-5 (A. w. Adams); StNTU-A 3 (1978) 169-72 (A. Fuchs); TLZ 103 (1978) 253s (P. Pokorny). 132 KoCH Harald: Theokratia 3 (1973ss) Festgabe für ~ zum 70. Geb., ed. K. H. Rengstorf. Ld 1979, Brill. vm-270 p., portr. /72. 0 90-04-06000-6. 14 art., infra. 133 KöBERLEAdolf Fs. Rechtfertigung, Realismus, Universalismus in biblischer Sicht 1978 --> 58s,4387: hg. G. Müller. 134 KooLE, J. L.: Fs. De Knecht. Studies rondom Deutero-Jesaja aangeboden

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aan ~. Kampen 1978, Kok. 252p. /49,50. - RGereITTs 79 (1979) 259s (T. Booi;); ZAW 91 (1979) 321 (G. Fahrer). 135 KORNFELDWalter: Studien zum Pentateuch ~ zum 60. Geburtstag hrg. G. Braulik. W/Fr/Ba 1977, Herder. 272 p. 15 art. AT. - RBz 23 (1979) 12lss (E. Haag); ETL 54 (1978) 188 (J. Coppens); TPhil 54 (1979) 274-7 (H. Engel). 136 KRASUPPetrus: Studia Romana in honorem ~ septuagenarii, eM. Gjoedesen. 137 KRISTELLER Paul Oskar: Philosophy and Humanism. RenaissanceEssays in Honor of ~, ed. E. P. Mahouey. Ld 1976, Brill. XXVI-624p. 1-16 vita, 543-89 bibliog. ---> R. Popkin. - RSaJ 40 (1978) 175. 138 KüMMELWerner Georg Fs. Jesus und Paulus 1975 --->56,2680 et singula. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 412-5 (H.-F. Weiss). 139 KüNNETHWalter: Christuszeugnis im Nebel des Zeitgeistes: nicänisches Christusbekenntnis heute, ~ zu Ehren, hg. Ul. Asendorf, F.-W. Künneth: Konferenz Bekennender Gemeinschaften. Stu-Neuhausen 1979, Hänssler. 252p.; 238-47 bibliog. DM 17, 80. 0 3-7751-0413-5. 140 KUENTZCharles (1895-1978) volumc d6dic u lu memoire de ~· - BIFAO 79 (1979); V-XVIbibliog. 141 KURZWEIL Baruch: Fs. [H] Seper ~. TA 1974s. 142 KuYPERLester J. Fs. Grace upon Grace 1975 --->58s,2610: 0 0-8028-34639. 12 art. infra. 143 LABIBPahor Ps., Essays on thc Nag Hummudi TextG 1975 _.,. 58s,2192: /120: RBASOR 229 (1978) 78ss (C. W. Griggs); TLZ 103 (1978) 713-6 (H.-G. Bethge). 144 LADDGeorge E.: Unity and Diversity in NT Theology, Essays in Horror of ~ ed. R. A. Guelich. GR 1978, Eerdmans. xv-219 p., portr.; bibliog. 214-7; Biographical Sketch and Appreciation by D. A. Hubbard, XI-XV. $9.95. 0 0-8028-3504-X. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 682s (D. Senior); WestTJ 42 (1979s) 242-47 (A. T. Lincoln). 14S LANG Friedrich: Festschrift für ... zum 65. Geb. hg. Bayer 0., Wanzeck G. Tü 1974, Univ. Ev.-Theol. Sem. IV-838 p., bibliog. 834-8. 146 LAuusr Ht:mi: [=BEtOr 29s (1977s)] 1116langesoffcrts a ·- Damas 1977s, Inst. Fran~ais. vm-393 p. 147 LAROCHEEmmanuel: Florilegium anatolicum. Melanges offerts ~ [65e anniv.] P 1979, de Boccard. VI-334 p., ill., portr.; 1-7 bibliog. 34 art., plures infra. 148 LA SoR William Sanford. Biblical and Near Eastem Studies: Essays in Horror of ~ ed. G. A. Tuttle. GR 1978, Eerdmans. xn-300 p., ill.; 27682 bibliog. $16.50 (was 15). 0 0-8028-3500-7. 22 art., infra. - RJNWSemLg 7 (1979) 97s (F. C. F[ensham]); ZAW 91 (1979) 315 (G. Fohrer: auctores, tituli). 149 LAZZATIGiuseppe: Paradoxos politeia. Studi patristici in onore di ~, ed. R. Cantalamessa, L. Pi'1.'Zolatn: Stud. Patr. Mediolan. 10. Mi 1979, Univ. S. Cuore; Vita e Pensiero. xxx,v-531 p. 30 art., --->Ceresa G. A., Curti C., Reale G., Mara M., Siniscalco P. 150 LEHMANN Paul: The Context of Contemporary Theology, Essays in Honor of ~, ed. A. J. McKelway, E. D. Willis. Atlanta 1974, Knox. $10.



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[I. Bibliographica

151 LEJEUNEMichel, Etrennes de Septantaine, travaux de linguistique et de grammaire comparee ed. P. Chantraine t al.: Etudes et commentaires 91. P 1978, Klincksieck. 238p., portr. 0 2-252-01955-7.20 art., _,, J. Raison. - RRPh 52 (1978) 387 (Andre). 151* LIEBERGH.: Gedenkschrift für ~, hrg. Eckhard Wagner; Braunschweig 1973, Ev.-Luth Konvent. 152 LINK Ewald: Theologie und Menschenbild ,_ zum 65. _Geb. hg. Dautzenberg G: Theologieund Wirklichkeit 7; Univ. Fra/Giessen. Fra 1978, Lang. 247p. 18 art. _,, Dautzenberg G., Nordheim E. von. 153 LITURGICAL PRESS: Durken D. ed., Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit. Commemorating the Fiftieth Year of the Liturgical Press. Collegeville MN 1979, Liturgical. xv-368 p. $10.50 (8,50 pa). 0 0-8146-107/8-1(19-X pa.). 154 LOEWENSTAMM Samuel Ephraim: 1H]Mel)qarim [and] Studies in the Bible and the Ancient Near East, presented to ~ on his 70th Birthday, ed. Avishur Y., Blau J. J 1978, Rubinstein. xix-215 p. [181-215 abstracts of:] 1H]XIX-454p., 11-19. 441-54 biobibliog. 155 MAINZ(DOM): Seidel W. hg. Kirche aus lebendigen Steinen [1000 anniv. cathedralis]. Mainz 1975, Grünewald. 111 p. Nur_,, Ratzinger J. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 314 (H. Bacht). 156 MANYAJoan Baptista t 1977: Miscel-lania Manya. Tortosa/Valencia 1979, Dertosa/L'Estel. 347p., 50 phot. Biobibliog.(fere totum). - RRCatalT 4 (1979) 443-5 (F. Ciuraneta i Aymi). 1'i7 MA N7J ANA f':irln · Ti,nlngia, liturgia, storia. Miscellanea in onore di ~, vescovo di Crema, ed. Ghidelli C. Brescia 1977, La Scuola/Morcelliana.524 p. _,, Dupont J. al. 158 MARCUSJ. R.: Bicentennial Fs. ed. B. W. Korn. NY 1976, Ktav. _,, S. Sandmet. 159 MAYRHOFER,Manfred [1947-1976]: Bibliographie/~, als Festgabe zum Geburtstag zusammengestellt von R. Schmitt. W 1976, Institut für Sprachwiss. 28 p. 160 MAZZOTTIMario Fs. = Felix Ravenna 113s (1977) 357 p. 161 MICHELOtto: Ideologien. Herausforderung an den Glauben, ~ zur Vollendung des 75. Lebensjahres hg. P. Bcycrhaus al.: Telos 911. Bad Liebenzell 1979, Mission. 215 p. DM 17,80. 0 3-88002-078-7. [Fs. JosephusStudien 1974 _,, 56,1541*; 57,1959; 58s,2462: RTLZ 103 (1978) 501-3 (Baumbach)]. 162 MILES George C.: Near Eastern Numismatics, Iconography, Epigraphy ed. D. K. Kouymjian. Beirut 1974, and History: Studies in Honor of American Univ. 478 p. - RJAOS 97 (1977) 193s (A. Ehrenkreutz). 163 MORRIS Leon Fs. Reconciliation and Hope 1974 _,, 55,2618*. _,, LaddG. 164 MOSER,Hugo: Studien zur deutschen Literatur und Sprache des Mittelalters. Fs. für ~ z. 65 Geburtstag. Hrsg. von W. Besch. B 1974, Schmidt. xx-463 p.: 111.,451-463 bibliog. DM 98.00. 165 MouLE C. F. D. Fs. Christ and the Spirit 1973 _,, 55,2619: RRechSR 64 (1978) 434s (B. Sesboüe'). 166 NAKAHARA Yomokuro: Acta Sumerologica. Number 1: 1979. Dedicated to prof. ~ on his Seventy-ninth Birthday April 16, 1979. Edited by


A1.1 Festschriften,



Mamoru Yoshikawa. Hiroshima, 1979, Department of Linguistics, Univ. VI-119 p. 167 NAOUMIDESMark: Mem. = Illinois Class St (Urbana) 3 (1978) x-274 p. 168 NEUNHEUSER Burkhard O.S.B.: Eulogia. Miscellanea liturgica in onore di P. ~, preside de! Pontificio Istituto Liturgico: StAnselm 68. R 1979, Anselmiana. XVI632 p. 24 art. -> T. Federici. 169 NEWMANJohn Henry: Festschrift zum 100. Gedenktag seines Kardinalates hg. M. K. Strolz. ·R 1979, Centre of Newman-Friends. 219 p., eo!. portr. 170 (1) NIDA Eugene A.: Understanding and Translating the Bible ... Papers in honor of ~ ed. R. G. Brateber al. NY 1974, American Bible Soc. 233 p. - RRExp 74 (1977) 232ss (R. L. Amanson). 171 (II) N IDA Eugcne A. : On Language, Culture and Religion: in honor of ~ ed. M. Black, W. Smalley: Approaches to Semiotica 56,1974 -> 56,1283. 0 90-279-3011-2. _. Barthelemy D. - Rßo 34 (1977) 205-9 (G. Janssens); RTPhil 111 (1979) 93s (J.-C. Margot). 172 NUTTALLGeoffrey: Reformation, Continuity, and Dissent: Essays in Honour of ~ ed. R. B. Knox. L 1977, Epworth. 302 p. f:8.50. - RPrineSemB NS 2 (1979) 298ss (P. Anderson); RHE 74 (1979) 814. 173 NYBERGH. S., Monumentum ~: = Acta Iranica 6ss. Ld 1975, Brill. vm519 p., 354 p., 36 pl. - Rßo 34 (1977) 81s (W. Skalmowskz). 174 ÜERTELFriedrich: Studien zur Papyrologie und antiken Wirtschaftsgeschichte ~ zum achtzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet, hg. Braunert H. Bonn, 1964, Habelt - RJFA 57 (1971) 232s (P. l Parsons). 175 ÜLAN Levi A.: A Rational Faith: Essays in Horror of rabbi ~ ed. J. Bemporad. NY 1977, Ktav. xi-211 p. $12.jO. - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 131

(J. Allerhand). 176 ONCLINMons. Willem H. J.: Liber amieorum ~: Actuele thema's van kerkelijk en burgerlijk recht/Themes actuels de droil canonique et civil ed. Lindemans J., Demeester H.: Bib!ETL 42. Gembloux 1976, Duculot. XXII-398p., portr. 0 2-87030001-8. -> S. Kuttner, A. Dordett. J. A. De Geest en het geding. Opstellen aangeboden aan ~ 177 ÜOSTERBAAN ed. 1. B. Horst e.a. Alphen/Rijn 1978, Willinck. 309 p., portr. 0 90--60920201. _.. Dyck, S. Smit, Reiting, de Jonge. 178 OTFRIDVON WEISSENBURG, hrg. von W. Kleiber, [Einleitung: 1-8; Bibliographie (seit 1973): 415-423]: WegFor 419. Da 1978, Wiss. VI-438p.; 275-95, Reichert H.G., Parvi Otfridi memoria (germ.) [< ZDtAltDtLit 94 (1965) 21-38]; 229-38, Butzmann H., Vom Schmuck der Heidelberger Otfrid-Handschrift [< Fs. C. WEHMER, Bibliotheca docet, Amst 1963, 39-44]. -> 1063. 179 OTTO Eberhard t l 1.X.197 4: Fragen an die altägyptische Literatur, Studien zum Gedenken an ~ hg. Assmann J. u.a. Wb 1977, Reichert. vn529 p. DM 72. 0 3-88226-002-5. ➔ M. Gßrg, H. Brunner, C. Müller. 180 OTTO Karl-Heinz, Fs. 60. Geb.: Archäologie als Geschichtswissenschaft: Studien und Untersuchungen hg. J. Hermann u.a.: Schriften zur Ur- und Frühgeschichte 30. B 1977, Akademie. 555 p. 181 ÜUDERSLUYS Richard C.: Saved by Hope. Essays in Horror of ~ (70th b.) cd. J. I. Cook. GR 1978, Eerdmnns. x-188 p., $10.95. 0 0-8028-1736-X. 12 art. 182 PALMER,LEONARDR.: Studieii,in Greek, Italic, and Indo-European Linguistics,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

offered to ~ .. 70th birthday, June 5, 1976, ed. A. M. D.avies, W. Meid: Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 16. Innsbruck 1978, Institut für Spr.-w. der Univ. 449 p. - RßeiNam 12 (1977) 436s (J. Untermann).

183 PAPINJoseph: Festschrift vol. I, Transcendence and lmmanence: Reconstruction in the Light of Process Thinking. St. Meinrad IN 1972, Abbey. x-184 p., portr. $5.95. - II. Wisdom and Knowledge. Villanova PA 1976, Univ. p. XI-XXIV+185-476. $9.95. ➔ B. Ahern, P. Schoonenberg. 184 PAREJAF. M.: Orientalia Hispanica, sive studia ~ octogenario dedita ed. J. M. Barral 1/1 Arabica-Islamica. Ld 1974, Brill. XIV-678p., 4 pl. /225. -> N. Barbour. - ROLZ 74 (1979) 63ss (J. Robson). 185 PAULUSVI: Fs. 80 anniv. In Ecclesia-> 58s,828l. Vatican 1977; Ateneo Salesiano. 510 p. 21 art. -> N. Lass, G. Gamba. - RRHE 74 (1979) 835s (R. Mols); RThom 79 (1979) 513ss (M.-A. G.); Sal 40 (1978) 223s [T. Bertone; anche qui nessun indizio del redattore responsabile]. 186 PAULUSVI Mem.: Paul de Tarse, Apötre de notre temps 1979 -> 618, L. De Lorenzi. 187 PELLEGRINoMicheleFs. II Forma futuri 1975-> 56,9707 [.16571]: RRPh 51 (1977) 344 (Courcelle); TLZ 103 (1978) 716-9 (G. Bertram); ZKG 88 (1977) 337s (Hanson). 188 PEREZDE URBEL,Justo: Homenaje a ~ Studia Silensia 3-4. Abadia de Silos 1976/7. 660; 734 p. - RRHE 72 (1977) 759-62 (Moral); StMonast 20 (1978) 242s (Badia). 189 Philippine SVD Festschrift, The Kingdom of the Word. Manila 197'i, Divine Word Committee for Indigenisation. 254 p. ill. 190 PHILIPPSGcrard: L'Esprit Saint da11s l'Eglise. Spiritu Sancto 1::uuda, Mblanges ~. Gembloux 1976, Duculot. 640 p. Fb 300. 191 PIGGOTTStuart: To illustrate the monuhlents: Essays on Archaeology presented to ~ ed. J. Megaw. L 1976, Thames & H. 332 p., ill. - RAntiqJ 58 (1978) 166s (C. Renfrew); Times Lit. Supp. 75 (1976) 1435 (J. Hawkes). 192 Prns XII zum Gedächtnis hg. H. Schambeck. B 1977, Duncker & H. xv768 p., 16 fig. DM 88. 0 3-428-04050-3. [Panscientismus und Diplomatie; über Divino Affiante nur p. 14 (P. ParPntP); vgl. ,rnch R. Graham, Für die Juden in Ungarn 1944, p. 191-226]. - RTGl 69 (1979) 109ss (T. Ilerr); TPhil 53 (1978) 607ss (F. 0. Bmch). 193 PLÖCHLWillibald M.: Ex aequo et bono, ~ zum 70 Geb. [(Staat-) Kirchengesch.] hg. P. Leisching u.a.: Forschungen zur Rechts- und Kulturgeschichte 10. Innsbruck 1977, Wagner. 576 p. - RZKT 100 (1978) 412s ([J.] M[ühlste({?"er]).

194 PRADOJuan: Homenaje 1975 -> 56,1659: RRB 84 (1977) 635s (F. Langlamet); TLZ 104 (1979) 96ss (G. Bertram t). 195 PREAUXClaire: Le monde grec: pensee, litterature, histoire, documents. Hommages a ~ ed. J. Bingen al.: Fac. Phil. Lettres 62. Bru 1978 = 1975, xv-832p., xxpl.; p. 3-22 bibliog. (M. Lenger), 0 2-8004-0615-l. 89 art., 10 infra. - RArPapFor 26 (1978) 126-29 (Poethke). 196 PREAUXJean (t 1978): Christianisme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui: Hommages ä ~ ed. G. Cambier: Fac. Lettres 70. Brn 1979, Univ. Libre. 160p., portr.; p. 7-16 biobibliog. 8 art.-> J. Stengers. - RREL 57 (1979) 599 (J. Fontaine).

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197 RAPPEugen Ludwig: Wort und Wirklichkeit: Studien zur Afrikanistik und Orientalistik ~ zum 70. Geb. hg. B. Benzing u.a. Meisenheim 1976, Hain.

198 RATSCHOW Carl Heinz Fs. Denkender Glaube 1976 ->' 58s,2639: RTLZ 103 (1978) 802ss (H. Fischer). 199 REGENSBURGER DOMSPATZEN: Festschrift zum 1000-jährigen Bestehen der ~ und zum SO-jährigen Bestehen d. Vereins Freunde d. Regensburger Domchors, hg. Wolfgang Sieber. Rg 1976, Bosse. 86 p., ill. DM 12. 0 37649-2592-2. 200 REYCHMAN Jan (1910-1975): Memorial/Ksii,,ga dla uczczenia pamii;ci ~ = Rocznik Orientalistyczny 38 (1976). 308 p., zl. 75. - RArOr 47 (1979) 359 (Z. V.-P.). 201 (1) RIDDERBOS Nie. I-1. Fs. Laven en geloven 1975 .....58s,2642. 202 (II) RIDDERBOS N. H.: De knechtgestalte van Christus: Studies door collega's en oud-leerlingen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. ~. Kampen 1978, Kok. 351 p. /59,50. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 192 (L. Visschers). 203 Ross1 T AIBBIGiuseppe t 1972 Byzantino-Sicula II. Miscellanea di scritti in memoria di ~: Quaderni 8. Palermo 1975, Ist. Sie. St. Biz. Neoellen. xvm-538 p., Lit. 15.000. - RByzantion 47 (1977) 524-8 (J.-M. Sansterre). 204 RousE lrving B., Archaeological Essays in honor of ~ ed. R. C. Dunnell, E. S. Hall Jr.: Studies in Anthropology 2. Haag 1978, Moulton. XI378 p., ill.; Schwartz D. W., A coneeptual framework for the sociology of archaeology. 205 RYLAARSDAM J. Coert Fs. Scripture in History and Theology 1977 -> 58s,2646 (18 art. ib.) 0 0-915138-32-8. - RJBL 97 (1978) 466s; ZAW 91 (1979) 155 (G. Fohrer: auctores; tituli). 206 SALONEN A. Fs. = StOr 46 (1975). - RArOr 45 (1977) 370ss (J. Klima). 207 SAUERFranz Fs. Memoria Jerusalem 1977-> 58s,2650: RTPQ 126 (1978) 289s (M. Hollnsteiner). 208 SAuNERONSerge (1927-76): Hommages a la memoire de ~ I. Egypte pharaonique ed. J. Vercoutter, dir. (B)IFAO [Bibliotheque d'Etude 81 (1979)]. - II. Egypte post-pharaonique. Cairo 1979, IFAO. -> E. Bernand, F. Dunand, R. Khoury. 209 SAWYERR Harry, Fs. NT Christianity for Africa and the World, 1974 -> 56, 2688; 58s,4817. 0 0-281-02783-8. - REvQ 50 (1978) 188s (F. F. Bruce); ScotJT 32 (1979) 479s (R. P. Gordon); TLZ 103 (1978) 251ss (J. Althausen). 210 ScHACHERMEYR Fritz: Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean in Ancient History and Prehistory. Studies presented to ~ on the occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, ed. K. H. Kinzl. B 1977, de Gruyter. 297 p., ill. 210* ScHAEFFER Claude: Festschrift = UF 11 (1979). -> A. Malamat. 211 SCHERING Ernst: Tradition und Gegenwart. ~ zum 60. Gb. hg. B. Jendorff, G. Schmalenberg: Theologie und Wirklichkeit 5. Fra 1974, Lang. 254 p., 247-52 bibliog. 0 3-261-0952-7. -> DautzenbergG. 212 SCHICKEduard: Kirche und Bibel: Festgabe für Bischof ~ hg. Hochschule Fulda. Pd 1979, Schöningh. 502 p. DM 58. 0 3-506-74450-X. 26 art., plures infra. - RBz 23 (1979) 307s (H. Ritt); Greg 60 (1979) 577s (C. M. Martini).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

213 ScHIRMANN Hayyim [Jefim]: ed. Abramson S., Mirsky A. [HJJubilee Volume. J 1970, Schocken. 430 p. $10 -->J. Blau, J. Seidel. - RBL (1976) 5 (M. Wallenstein). 214 ScHLETTEFriedrich: Symbolae praehistoricae. Fs. zum 60. Geb. von ~ hg. J. Preuss. Halle-S/B 1975, Univ./ Akademie. 289 p., 93 fig., portr. M36. ScHLUMBERGER Daniel; SEYRIGHenri--> 786 Palmyre 1976; similar Acta in A2 rather than under Festschriften. 215 SCHNACKENBURG Rudolf: Zur Geschichte des Urchristentums (~ dem Lehrer und Freund zum 65. Geb.) hg. G. Dautzenberg al.: QDisp 87. Fr 1979, Herder. 160 p. 0 3-451-02087-4. - 6 art., infra. 216 SCHNEEMELCHER Wilhelm Fs. = ZKG 90, 2-3 [CathHR 66, 145]. 217 ScHOCHAT Azriel: [HJStudies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel in honour of ~, IV. Haifa 1978, Univ. xxrv-359 p. 218 ScHüRMANNHeinz: Die Kirche des Anfangs 1977 --> 58s,4426. Lp M30.40; add. Fr 1978, Herder DM 98. 26 art. - RNRT 101 (1979) 898s (X. Jacques); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 163ss [A. Fuchs]; TLZ 104 (1979) 721-5 (K. Romaniuk vom poln.); TR 75 (1979) 24ss (G. Sellin). 219 SEIDLErwin: Fs für ~ zum 70. Geburtstag, hg. H. Hübner, E. Klingrnüller, A. Wacke. Köln 1975, Hanstein. VJJT-249 p., portr. -->G. r.ardasr.ia al. 110 SEKINEMasau. l1J~e1shu .. Ueuanlu:11, Uesdudite w1u Spiache uer fübel ~ zum 60. Geb. Fs.: Seishogaku ronshü 9. Tokyo 1972, Yamamoto. 626 p. SEYRIGHenri, mem. Palmyre 1976--> 786. 221 SIMON,Marcel Fs. Paganisme, juda'isme, christianisme --> 58s,4427: RJSUud 9 (1978) 231s (van der Woude); TLZ 104 (1979) 800s (T. H.). 222 SMITHMorton: Neusner J. ed., Christianity, Judaism and other GrecoRoman Cults: Studies for ~ at Sixty: StJudLA, 12. Ld 1975, Brill. I. 330 p. [----> 57,2096]!84; II. 227 p. /72 [cf. 58s,b543. b267]; III. 248 p./78 [cf. 58s,e016]; IV. 241 p. /64. - JTS 29 (1978) 212-17 (A. Momigliano); OLZ 74 (1979) 138-43 (G. Pfeifer); TLZ 103 (1978) 331-8 (M. Hengel). 223 SMITHRonald Gregor: God, Secularization and History, essays in memory of ·~ ed. E. T. Long. Columbia 1974, SC.U. xn-161 p. _, W. McKane. - RTLond 80 (1977) 139ss (J. Richmond). 224 SMITHWilbur M.: Evangelical Roots, a tribute to ~ ed. K. S. Kantzer. Nv 1978, Nelson. 250 p. 225 SPÄTLING Luchesius G., OFM: Studia historico-ccclesiastica. Festgabe für ~ ed. Isaac Vazquez: Bibl. Pont. Athenaei Ant. 19. R 1977, Antonianum. xxrv-800 p., col. portr.; biobibliog., Lit. 23.000. 22 art. -->Doyle E. RRHE 74 (1979) 835 (R. Mols). 226 STAMMRaymond T., Search the Scriptures: NT Studies in honor of ~ r.ci. J. My~rs ::il. T.ci 1969--> 'il,?.177; p. 1-4 hihline;, 'i-1?. ::ipprr.c:i::itinn (D. F. Putnam). 227 Sn.Ktus Moshe: Memorial Volume = Eretz-Israel 13, ed. B. Arensburg, 0. Bar-Yosef .T 1977, Isr. Explor. Soc./Univ. Inst. Archaeol. xn-294p., IE] XV 12Rp. P'i 228 STOEBEHans Joachim: ,Festgabe für ~ zum 70. Geb. 24. Febr. 1979 = TZBas 35/1 (1979) 71 p. - 3s praesent. B. Reicke.

Al.1 Festschriften, Memorials


229 STÖGER Alois, Freude am Wort, Festnummer zum 75. Geb. von ~ hg. N. Höslinger, J. L. Schuftes = BLtg 52, 1 (1979) 96 p., phot.; 8-13 biobibliog. (F. Staudinger). Sch 52. - 16 parvi art.

230 STROTHMANN W.: Erkenntnisse und Meinungen. Yadäläwa-tar'ite, 2: ~ septuagenario [insbes. Syrische Kirchen-, Religionsgeschichte], hg. G. Wiessner: GötOrFor 1 (Syriaca), 17. Gö 1978, VR. vm-285 p. 231 TAQIZADEH S. H.: A Locust's Leg: Studies in honour of~. L 1962, Lund Humphries. vu-250 p. 232 TAYLORA. J.: Ancient Monuments and their Interpretation, Essays presented to ~ ed. M. R. Apted al. L 1977, Phillimore. xix-371 p., 32 pl. $40. 233 TENEURJacques: Melanges dedies a la memoire de~. 1976. ➔ M. Prevost. 234 TERRIENSamuel: Israelite Wisdom: Theological and Literary Essays in Honor of ~ ed. J. G. Gammie al. NY 1978, Union Theol. Sem./MMS. xn-314; ~ bibliog. 15-22 (B. E. Nielsen); 3-14 Comparative Wisdom: L'reuvre Terrien (J. A. Sanders). - Rlnterpr 33 (1979) 418 (P. D. Mil/er J). 235 (1) THIELICKE Helmut: Christsein in Zukunft. Zeichen, Ziele und Vermutungen ~ gewidmet hg. H. C. G. Westphal: Herderbücherei 683. Fr 1978, Herder. 160 p. DM 5,90. 236 (II) THIELICKE Helmut: Missionstheologie, ~ zum 70. Gb. 4 Dez. 1978, ed. H. Bürkle: TWiss 18. Stu 1979, Kohlhammer. 212 p. DM 28. 0 3-17001136-7. 237 TRIMMEHans, Präses Ur.: Kirche und Gemeinde ~ zum 65. Gb. hg. W. Danielsmeyer, C. H. Ratschow. Witten 1974, Luther. 326 p., portr. ➔ 59,5675. - 24 art. ➔ H. Class. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 169s (M. Kuske). 238 TLACHWalter: Die Hoffnung festhalten: Festgabe für ~ zum 65. Geb. hg. G. Maier (Tü, A. Bengel-Haus). Stu-Neuhausen 1978, Hänssler. 276p. DM 12,80pa. 0 3-7751-0414-3. 239 TöoT Heinz Eduard: Schöpferische Nachfolge. Fs für ~ hg. C. Frey, W. Huber: Texte und Materialien der Forschungsstätte der evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft, A 5. Heid 1978. 582 p., portr. 240 TORRANCE T. F.: Creation and Christ and Culture: Studies in hon. of ~ ed. R. W. A. McKinney. E 1976, T. & T. Clark. ix-321 p. ➔ 57,3470. [... Gray Bryan, Bibliog. 307-21]. 241 TRILLHAAS Wolfgang Fs. Theologie & Wirklichkeit 1974 ➔ 57,4244b. 242 Trinity College Biblical Institute: Biblical Studies in Contemporary Thought, the Tenth Anniversary Volume of the ~ ed. W. Ward .. Burlington, VT 1975, The Institute. m-188 p. ill. [Distrib. by Greno Hadden, Somerville, Mass.]. 2'13 Tscaum Stephan: St0rst av alt. Festskrift til ~ pä 70-än,dagen. Oslo 1978, Gyldendal. 135 p. 244 (1) Tübingen 500-Jahr: Heute von Gott reden hg. Hengel M. 1977, DM21. 245 (II) a) Brecht Martin IIg., Theologen und Theologie an der Universität Tübingen: Contubemium 15. Tü 1977, Mohr. 406 p. DM 52. - b) Tübinger Theologie im 20. Jdt.: ZThK Beiheft 4 (1978) 137 p. - c) Reinhardt 4. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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R. hg. Tübinger Theologen und ihre Theologie. Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der kath.-theol. Fakultät Tübingen: Cunlubernium 16. Tü 1977, Mohr. XIV-378p., 3 pl. DM 52. 246 TURYNAlexander: Serta Turyniana, Studies in Greek Literature and Palaeography in Honor of ~ ed. J. L. Heller. Urbana/Ch/L 1974, U. of Illinois Pr. IX-624p. 247 UNNIKWillem Cornelis van (1910-1978): Woorden van leven. Opstellen van en over -, ed. Bronkhorst A. J. al. Kampen 1979, Kok. 318 p. 248 URNER Hans, Weg und Gemeinschaft. Aufsätze von und für ~ (65. Geb.): AVTRelW. B 1976, Ev.-V. 287 p., portr. M 11,40. ➔ G. Wallis. 249 VAN BURENJames G.: Increase in Learning: Essays in Honor of ~ ed. R. J. Owens J, ß. Ilamm. Manhattan KA 1979, Christian College. xxxiv118 p., portr.; IX-XIVbiog. W. Lown; xv-xxxiv bibliog. R. Owens. - 9 art. 3 infra. Jacques: Melanges dedies a la memoire de ~ = REg 27 (1975). 250 V ANDIER 235 p., 23 pl. VAN UNNIKetc.: Dutch names alphabetized under part following van. 251 VERBEEKE Gerard: Images of Man in Ancient and Medieval Thought, Studia ~ dicata, ed. Bossier F., Laga C. al.: SymbolaeFac. Litt. Philos. Lov. All. Lv 1976, Univ. VIII-388p., portr.; p. 3-15, bio-bibliog.0 90-6186-044-X.23 art. - RRHE 73 (1978) 483 (Vanhamel); Tijds. Philos 39 (1977) 151 6 (Baklwr). 252 VERGOTE Joseph [egyptologue] = Miscellanea in honorem ~ = OrLovPer 6s (1975s) ➔ 57,4025; ed. P. Nastcr 111.Lv 636 p., 20 pl.; biobibliog. 59 art. ➔ J. Coppens, B. Dehandschutter, F. Neirynck, H. Leclercq. - RBQ 34 (1977) 170s (H. Satzinger); Syria 54 (1977) 136-142 (P. Amiet, summary of each article with pp.). 253 VICAIREM.-H. Fs. 70 anniv., Dominique et ses Precheurs. FrS/P 1977, Univ./Cerf. XL-444p. 254 VINAYGustavo, ex-dir.: Melanges~ = StMediev 18,2 (1977),743p. ➔ X. Muratova. - RRHE 74 (1979) 835ss (J.-M. Yante). 255 VLASTOS Gregory: Exegesis and Argument. Studies in Greek Philosophy presented to ~ ed. E. Lee al. = Phronesis Supp. 1. Assen 1971, Vi1n Gorcum. xvm-452 p.; 433-6 bibliog. - RAntClas 44 (1975) 325 (de Ley); AugMadrid 20 (1975) 170 (Urtull); Ht:nnalhena 99 (1975) 89 (Luce); REG 89 (1976) 118 (Goldschmidt). 256 VööBUS Arthur: A Tribute to - : Studies in Early Christian Literature and its Environment, Primarily in the Syrian East, ed. Robert H. Fischer. Ch 1977, Lutheran School of Theology. xxxr-441 p., 25 pl., [Bio-] bibliog. [xvn-s] 391-413. 0 2-8017-0071-1. 36 art. ➔ 58s,2681: RQrChrPer 44 (1978) 530s (V. Pogg1). 257 VONDERACH Johannes, bischof von Chur: Glaube und Geschichteed. Pfammatter J., Furger F.: TheologischeBerichte 5 (Dankesgabean ~ zum 60 Geb.). Z 1976, Benziger.192p. ➔ 58s,2583: RTR 75 (1979) 133-9 (A. Kolping). 258 WALKERDean E. Fs., Essays on NT Christianity ed. C. R. Wetzel, pref. J. W . .Tohnson. Cincinnati 1978, Standard. 151 p., 4 pi.; hihliog. 101s. ➔ E. Hayden, S. Bartchy, T. Nakarai. 259 WATT,William Montgomery: Islam: Pasl Influence and Presenl Challenge. In honour of ~ ed. A. Welch, P. Cachia. E 1979, Univ. xvi-359

A 1.1

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p. 51 331-47 bibliog. 260 WEIDNERErnst: Gedenkband = AfD 25 (1974-7). Horn (Austria-3580) 1978, Berger. 571p.; figg., ill. Sch 2260. 261 WELTEBernhard: Jesus, .Ort der Erfahrung Gottes. Fs. für ~ zum 70. Gb. Fr 1976, Herder. 247p. DM29,80. 9art. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 483-7 (W. Trilling). 262 WESSETZKY Vilmos, Studia aegyptiaca I. Recueil d'etudes dediees a ~ a l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire [pres. L. Kakosy]: Az Eötvös Loränd Tudomänyegyetem Ökori Törteneti Transzekeinek Kiadvänyai 9. Budapest 1974, Eötvös LT. XXI-433p., figg. ➔ z. Kadar, I. Kertesz, T. Scher. RQLZ 74 (1979) 108-111 (W. Schenkel). 263 WmMANNHans: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Buches und seiner Funktion in der Gesellschaft, Festschrift für ~ zum 65. Geb. ed. A. Swierk. Stu 1974, Hiersemann, 337 p., ill., bibhog. - Ruiornltli 30 (1978) 231 (Ballaira) . . 264 WIETGaston, Studies in Memory of ~ ed. M. Rosen-Ayalon. J 1977, Univ. Inst. Asian & African St. xrv-479 p., 24 pi. R. Ghirshman, R. N. Frye, S. Shaked almost relevant. - Rßü 35 (1978) 398s (titles pp. only). WILLEKEBernhard: Fs. ➔ 85. 265 WILLIAMS George Huntston: Continuity and Discontinuity in Church History. Essays presented to ~ on the occasion of his 65th Birthday, ed. F. F. Church, T. George: StHChrTht, 19. Ld 1979, Brill. xxn-419p. 1-17 biog. (J. Adams); 397ft'. bibliog. - 26 art., plerique infra. 266 WILSONJohn A. Fs. Studies 1969 ➔ 51,5518: -' RAfO 26 {1978s) 132s (G. Vittmann). 267 WrNNETTFred V. Fs. Studies on the Ancient Palestinian World 1972 ➔ 54,1859: OrAnt 15 (1976) 271ss (F. Pintore); PerspRelSt 1 (1974) 199ss (F. W. Bw,1;ell). 268 Wisconsin U. Dept. Hebrew and Semitic Studies 20th Anniv. Fs. Thc Book and the Spade. Madison 1975. 48 p., ill., map. 269 WORTHWEIN Ernst, Fs. zum 70. Geb.: Textgemäss: Aufsätze und Beiträge zur Hermeneutik des ATs hg. A. H. J. Gunneweg, 0. Kaiser. Gö 1979, VR. 208 p., phot. 270 ZAMBELLI Marcello: Scritti storico-epigraficiin memoria di ~ ed. L. Gasparini: Univ. Macerata Fac. Lett. Filos. 5. R 1978, Centro Internaz. 362p., XXXIV pi. RCC 130 (1979,3)329s (A. Ferrua). 271 ZELLERWinfried: Traditio-Krisis-Renovatio aus theologischer Sicht. Fs ~ zum 65. Geb., hg. Jaspert B., Mohr R. Marburg 1976, Elwert. xvrrr678 p.; bibliog. 350 titul., elogia incl. R. Bultmann; biblica A. Gunneweg, 0. Hagemeyer. DM 70. - RRHE 74 (1979) 156ss (R. Mols). 272 (1) ZrMMERLI Walther: Beiträge zur alttestamentlichen Theologie. Fs. für ~ zum 70. G:r.h. hg. H. Donner al. Gö 1977, VR. 580 p. DM 98. RSvEx 43 (1978) 109-12 (B. Albrektson); TLZ 104 (1979) 884-88 (G. fiJ,'a/li1;). 273 (II) ZrMMERLI Walther: Canon and Authority: Essays m U'l' Religion and Th111ology,for ~, ed. G. Coats, B. Long. Ph 1977, Fortress. xvm-190 p. $13.50. - RBA 41 (1978) 77 (J. Blenkinsopp); CBQ 41 (1979) 672ss (A.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

Cody); Interpr 32 (1978) 326s (Y,/. Brueggemann); JAOS 99 (1979) 472s (J. Roberts); TR 74 (1978) 372-5 (J. Scharbert); ZAW 90 (1978) 305 (G. Fahrer). 274 ZuNz Leopold: Jubelschrift zum 90. Geb. des dr. ~ 1884. Reprint Hildesheim/NY 1974, Olms. v-171 p. + ffil 217p.

Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics). 275 Aland Kurt, Neutestamentliche Entwürfe: TBüch 63 NT. Mil 1979, Kai_ ser. 413 p. DM 60. 0 3-459-01191-2. 276 Albrektson Bertil, Kapitlet om Jehu och andra uppsatser om Gamla testamentet. Lund l 9'/9, Ohlsson. 134 p. Sk 61. 277 Ammassari Antonio, La Religione dei Patriarchi. [7] Studi biblici. R 1976, Citta nuova. 305 p. Lit. 4500 pa. -> Ps; Ex 20; 24; Jer 50s. RßibTB 6 (1976) 315 (L. Sabourin); JBL 96 (1977) 625s (L. Boadt); RevSR 52 (1978) 182s (B. Renaud: titre trompeur; excellente presentation d'histoire du texte); RivB 26 (1978) 214-18 (A. Penna); TLZ 104 (1979) l0ls (F. Israel); RThom 79 (1979) 108s (J.-L. Vesco: abusive title for a book far more on the Psalms). 278 Ashtor E., The Medieval Near East: Social and Economic History: Collected Studies. L 1978, Variorum Reprints. [xvm +] 343 p. 279 Barthelemy D., Etudes d'histoire du texte de l'AT: OrbBibür 21. FrS/Gö 1978, Universitaires/VR. xxv-419 p. 0 2-8271-0135-l/3-525-53324-l. 23 art., 3 novi; infra - RCBQ 41 (1979) 667s (J. A. Grinde!); JTS 30 (1979) 216s (J. Barr); NRT 101 (1979) 407s (J.-L. Ska). 280 Bauer Johannes B., Opuscula latina, quibus Bibliorum sacrorum apocryphorumque loci et Patrum sententiae exponuntur: Grazer Theol. St. 3. Graz 1979, Inst. Ökumen. Theol. Patrol., Univ. 141 p. Sch. 180. 281 Benoit P., a) Exegesis y Teologia 1974 -> 56,2649: RcuBib 34 (1977) 151ss (B. Celada). - b) Jesus and the Gospel 2. 1974 -> 56,2649*: RscotJT 11 (1978) 489ss (A. J. H. Higgins). 282 Bianchi U., Selected Essays on Gnosticism, Dualism and Mysteriosophy: StHRel, 38. Ld 1978, Brill. xu-468 p. /144. 283 Bickerman E., Studies in Jewish and Christian History I [of III]: ArbGJU 9. Ld 1976, Brill. x-288p. /110. 10 reprints 1930-65. - RJBL 97 (1978) 590ss (H. L. Ginsberg). 284 Binford Lewis R., An Archaeological Perspective [collected essays]. L 1977 pa. = 1972, Academic. 476 p. f, 5.70/$7.95. 0 0-12-785053-8. 285 Bonis Konstantinos G., IQ] Skepsis .. Views on current Church themes: articles from Ekklesia 1968-72. Athenai 1972. 678 p. 49 art. 286 Bousset Wilhelm, Religionsgeschichtliche Studien: Aufsätze zur Religionsgeschichte des hellenistischen Zeitalters hg. A. F. Verheule: NT Sup. 50. Ld 1979, Brill. 314 p. /128 (subscr. 108). 0 90-04-05845-l. 5 art., l ined. ; infra. 286* Bravmann M. M., Studies in Semitic Philology 1977 -> 58s,9499: Rß_ SOAS 41 (1978) 355s (J. Wansbrough); CBQ 41 (1979) 671s (W. J. Ful-

Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics)


eo); JSS 24 (1979) 104-107 (F. Rosenthal); Przür 107 (1978) 279ss (J. Danechi). 287 Brunner Peter, Bemühungen um die einigende Wahrheit. Aufsätze (196776: Folge zu Pro Ecclesia I 1962 II 1966]. Gö 1977, VR. 292 p, DM 24; p. 126-42 Sacerdotium und Ministerium: schriftgemässe Erneuerung. RTLZ 104 (1979) 604ss (A. Peters); TPhil 53 (1978) 602 (W. Löser); ZTK 100 (1978) 512ss (H. B. Meyer). 288 Cahen Claude, Les peuples musulmans dans l'histoire medievale [articles precedemment parus sauf Croisades; bibliog.]: Beyrouth (BP 946) 1977, Inst. Frarn;. de Damas. xxvn-496 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 595s (J. Hourlier). 289 Campenhausen Hans von, Urchristliches und Altkirchliches. (13] Vorträge und Aufsätze. Tü 1979, Mohr. vn-360 p. DM 98. 20-62 Die Entstehung der Heilsgeschichte [AT] al. 290 Cassuto M. D. [< U.] [H]Me~qarim . .. a) Biblical and Oriental Studies [H] Tr. I. Abrahams: Biblical and Ancient Oriental Texts 1975 -> 58s,2556: RBASOR 230 (1978) 76s (C. Ade/man); RB 84 (1977) 629s (F. Langlamet); Syria 54 (1977) 132s (A. Caquot). - b) Further Researches on the Bible and the Ancient East II. Biblical and Canaanite Literatures tr. [H] M. Har(Ctm a.o. J 1979, Magnes. xr-247 + 4 p. - Rürientalia 48 (1979) 132s (M. JJahood). 291 Cipriani Settimio, La Bihhia oggi per me [scritti ristampati]. R 1978, Rogate. 251 p. Lit. 5000. - Rcc 130 (1979,3) 201 (U. Vanm). 291* Cupitt Don, [What is the Gospel p. 1-5 < Theology 57 (1964) 343-7, and other essays] Explorations in Theology, 6. L 1979, SCM. xn-114 p. 292 Deer Josef (1905-72), Byzanz und das abendländische Herrschertum. [13] Ausgewählte Aufsätze hg. P. Classen: Vorträge und Forschungen 21. Sigmaringen 1977, Thorbecke. 519p., 64pl. DM 98. - RRHE 74 (1979) 445s (M. McCormick).

293 Delcor Mathias, Etudes bibliques et orientales de religions comparees. Avant-propos de M. Andre Caquot. Ld 1979, Brill. x-490 p.; 467-89 Indices. 24 art. (1955-78, pauca addita), singuli infra. 294 Delcor M., Religion d'Israel, 24 art. 1976 -> 58s,2564: RcBQ 41 (1979) 674ss (P. G. Mosca); RStPen 6 (1978) 247ss (S. Ribichim); ZAW 89 (1977) 451s (G. Fahrer). 295 Derrett J. D. M., Studies in the NT I. Glimpses of the Legal and Social Presuppositions of the Authors. Ld 1977, Brill. 220p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 557 (F. J. Moloney: maverick; carping). 296 Derrett J. D. M., Studies in the NT II. Midrash in Action and as a Literary Device. Ld 1978, Brill. x-230p. 18 art. 1968-75; 211 corrigenda to vol. I. - Rsal 41 (1979) 173s (G. Gamba); [with vol. I] NRT 101 (1979) 285ss (X. Jacques); NorTTs 80 (1979) 126ss (T. K. Seim); TLZ 104 (1979) 9059 (P. Pokorny). 296* Dockx Stanislas, Chronologies neotestamentaires et Vie de l'Eglise primitive 1977 -> 58s,4362*: Rßijdragen 39 ( 1978) 81s (J. T,amhrer.ht); CC 129 (1978,4) 620ss (X. Jacques); JBL 97 (1978) 457ss (H. W. Hoehner); RThum 78 (1978) 330s (M.-E. Luuziere). 297 Dupont J., The Salvation of the Gentiles: Essays on the Acts of the Apostles [6 out of the 25 in Etudes ... Actes 1967 -> 49,3419], tr. J. R.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[I. Bibliographica

Keating. NY 1979, Paulist. rv-163 p. $5.95. 0 0-8091-2193-X. 298 Eissfeldt 0., Kleine Schriften VI. hg. R. Seilheim, F. Maass. Tü 1979, Mohr. xvn-186p., portr. DM92. - Band V 1973-> 54,1788: ROLZ 73 (1978) 35ss (G. Wallis). 299 Ellis ,E. E., Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Early Christianity [1 new, 16 reprinted] NT Essays. GR 1978, Eerdmans. 289 p. $15. [= WissUNT 18. Tü 1978 Mohr. xvn-289 p. DM 83]. - RFreibRu 30 (1978) 134 (P. Fiedler); JAAR 47 (1979) 306s (D. E. Aune); NRT 101 (1979) 899s (X. Jacques); TsT Nijm 19 (1979) 85 (J. Negenman); TTod 36 (1979s) 594s (L. Gaston); TZBas 35 (1979) 120 Ct/v. Bieder). 300 Evans Christopher F., Explorations in Theology Tl [mllected essays], L 1977, SCM.' rx-198 p. B.95. - RAustralBR 27 (1979) 59s (N. M. Watson). 301 Feuillet A., Etudes d'exegese et de Theologie biblique 1-11 1975 -> 57,2052; 58s,2576: RETRel 54 (1979) 471s (D. Lys). 302 Fischer Henry G., Egyptian Studies I. Varia; 11/1 The Orientation of Hieroglyphs: Reversals. NY 1977, Met. Museum. xvr-126 p.; xxrv-148 p., ill. 303 Fitzmyer J. A., A Wandering Aramean: Collected Aramaic Essays: SBLMon 25. MMS 1979. xvn-290 p. $15; pa $12. 0 0-89130-150-X. 12 art., infra. 304 Flusser D., ffil Judaism and the sources of Christianity: researches and essays. TA 1979, Poalim. 48np - RKirSef ';4 (1()7()) 47.C) 305 Friedrich Gerhard, Auf das Wort kommt es an. Gesammelte Aufsätze zum 70. Geb. hg. J. H. Friedrich. Gö 1978, VR. 592 p., bibliog. 467s. DM 110. 0 3-525-58113-0. 306 Fuchs E., Wagnis des Glaubens. Aufsätze und Vorträge hg. E. Grötzinger. Neuk 1979, -V. 285 p. 307 Gai F., IM] Üton a teljesseg feie ... Gesammelte [auch biblische] Aufsätze. Budapest 1977, Sz. Istvän. - Rszolgälat 38 (1978) 86 (F. Szabo). 308 Galbiati E., Scritti minori 1-11. Brescia 1979, Paideia. 847 p. 170 scritti fra 1947-78; per il 65° genetliaco. - RRivB 27 (1979) 409ss (M. Adinolfi). 309 Gese H., Zur biblische Theologie. Alttestamentliche Vorträge: BeiEvT 78. Mü 1977, Kaiser. 239 p. 310 Giveon R., The Impact of Egypt on Canaan. Iconographical and Related Studies: OrbBibOr, 20. FrS/Gö 1978, Univ./Vandenhoeck & R. 134 p., 30 pl. 0 3-7278-0181-6; VR 0 3-525-53322-5. 21 art., 4 novi, 9 ex hebr. RCBQ 41 (1979) 677s (M. Dahood); PEQ 111 (1979) 67s (K. A. Kitchen); RStFen 7 (1979) 229ss (G. Chiera); Syria 56 (1979) 410s (A. P[arrot]) -> 58s,b896. 311 Gläser Edward: Sammlune M. Häfner VTTT1 + ?. Tnscr. ~irwl'il;l,l;laulan. W 1973/6, Öst.Akad. - Rßü 36 (1979) 94ss (J. Ryckmans). 312 GoNDAJ. A. Selected Studies [by him] presented to the author by lhe statf of the Oriental Institute, Utrecht University, on the occasion of his 70th Birthdny. I. Indo-European Linguistics. Ld 1975, Brill. x 5'15p. 0 9004-04229-6. [In all 5 vols. 2650 p., 127 art.] f90 [each]. - RBO 36 (1979) 269s (V. Pisam); JAOS 97 (1977) 241s (L. Rocher[-243, J. Echols]).

Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics)


313 Grundmann H., Ausgewählte Aufsätze, 3 = Schriften MonGermHist 25,3 (1978). 314 Herberg W., Faith Enacted as History: Essays in Biblical Theology, ed. B. W. Anderson. Ph 1976, Westminster. 281 p. $12 [Hegel & His Influence on Biblical Theology: Hermeneutics: The Mode oflnterpretation; ... ; A Jew Looks at Jesus; ... ]. - RJnterpr 33 (1979) 84-86 (L. E. Toombs). 315 Houldcn J- L., [reprints =] Explorations in Theology III. L 1978, SCM. 120 p. B.25. 316 Hunter A. M„ The Gospel Then & Now [18 earlier articles]. L 1978, SCM. vn-87 p. n.10. 0 0-334-00576-0. 317 .Jepsen A., Der Herr ist Gott. Aufsätze zur Wissenschaft vom AT. B 1978, Ev.-V. 280 p. M 24. 318 .Joest Wilfried, Gott will zum Menschen kommen. Zum Auftrag der Theologie im Horizont gegenwärtiger Fragen. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Gö 1977, VR. 169 p. DM 24. On Barth, Bultmann etc. - RNorTTs 79 (1978) 129s (S. A. Christojfersen). 319 Käsemann Ernst, a) NT Questions of Today < Exegetische Versuche tr. W. Montague, W. Bunge, 1969 --,. 51,2153 = L/Ph 1979, SCM/Fortress, xm-305 p. B.50/$6.95. - b) Ensayos exegeticos [1960-64 = Exegetische Versuche] BiblEstBib 20. Salamanca 1978, Sigueme. 299 p. - RcomSev 11 (1978) 114s (M. de Burgos); VerVid 36 (1978) 523s (V. Casas). 320 Kapelrud A. S., God and His Friends in the OT [photostatic reprints; 1950-74]. [Oslo] 1979, Universitetsforlaget. 202 p. No. 1-4 History-Cult, 5-11 Pss. 12s Qumran, 14-18 History of Religion. 321 Kasper Walter, Zukunft aus dem Glauben [p. 9-41]. Mainz 1978, Grünewald. 112 p. p. 42-56, Geheimnis Mensch; 57-70, Zukunft der Frömmigkeit; 71-85, Die Kirche unter dem Anspruch der Zukunft; 85-112 Sein und Sendung des Priesters. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 628s (G. L. Müller). 321* Kern W. Hg., Jesus Mitte der Kirche, Geistliche Essays. W 1979, Tyrolia. 157 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 629s (J. Splett). 322 Klauser Theodor, Gesammelte Arbeiten zur . . . christlichen Archäologie (p. 264-402) hg. E. Dassmann; JbAC Ergbd 3. Münster 1974, Aschendorff [v1-4?.7.p., 1i fig., 23 pl.]. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 755ss (A. M. Ritter). 323 Köberle A., Universalismus der christlichen Botschaft. Gesammelte Aufsätze und Vorträge. Da 1978, Wiss. 201 p. - RRHPhilTheol 58 (1978) 450s (G. Siegwalt). 324 Kosmala H., Studies, Essays and Reviews. I. OT, xn-164 p. II. NT, x231 p. III. Jews and Judaism, x-229 p. Ld 1978, Brill. f 44; 60; 60. RJTS 30 (1979) 308ss (R. E. Clements). 325 Kümmel W. G., Heilsgeschehen und Geschichte. Gesammelte Aufsätze 1965-77 II. hi, E. Grässer, 0. Merk: Marburger TheolSt. 16. Marburg 1978, Elwert. xn-279 p. DM 56. 0 3-7708-0602-6. 18 art. 325-t Kutscher E. Y. a) Ilebrew and Aramaic Studies 1977 --,. 58s,9534: RJJS 29 (1978) 192 (E. Ullendorff). - b) Studies in Galilean Aramaic 1976 --,. 57,7624; RBO 34 (1977) 221s (E. Lipinsk1); JAOS 98 (1978) 512s (Z, Zevit: halts Kahle thesis that Jews could not pronounce laryngeals before Arab conquest); JJS 24 (1979) 123-26 (T. Muraoka); JNES 37 (1978) 195


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

(D. Pardee); JRAS (1978) 79 (J. B. Segal); OrAnt 17 (1978) 162ss (G. Garbinz); Syria 55 (1978) 397 (A. Caquot); WZKM 70 (1978) 114s (S. Segert). 326 Lackner B. K. al. ed., Essays in Medieval Civilization: Walter P. Webb Memorial, 12. Austin 1978, Univ. Texas. -> McGinn B. 327 Lavagnini B., Atakta, scritti minori di filologia classica bizantina e neogreca. Palermo 1978, Palumbo. LXI-796 p. VII-XVAutobiografia, XVII-LVIIIBibliografia [a cura di G. Rossi Taibbi, < Byz 33 (1963) XIII-XLIVaggiorn.]. Ristampe: 53 classica, 42 neogreca. 328 Lohfink Gerhard, Glaube braucht Erfahrung2 [26 art.]. Wü 1977, Echter.

156 p. DM 14,80. 0 3-429-00528-0. 329 Lossky V., In the Image and Likeness of God [essays: P 1967, Aubier]. NY 1974, St. Vladimir. 232 p. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 77-80 (G. D. Dragas). 330 McKelvey C. S., The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord [reprints from Bible Truth 1975ss] ed. M. D. Bennett. Exmouth 1979, Delderfield. xvi192 p. 331 MacKinnon D. [reprints=] Explorations in Theology, 5. L 1979, SCM. IX-213p. f4.50. - RJTS 30 (1979) 593s (D. C11pitt). 332 Maiuri A., Mestiere d'archeologo: antologia di scritti a cura di C. Belli = Antica Madre, collana dl studl sull'Italia antica. Mi 1978, Scheiwiller. 432 p., ill., 339 eo!., foldouts. Pompei, Ercolano, Paestum. 333 Mann Jacob, Texts and Studies in Jewish History and Literature; introd.

G. D. Cohen. NY 1972, Ktav. 2 vol. 334 Marrou Henri-Irenee, Christiana tempora. Melanges d'histoire, d'archeologie, d'epigraphie et de patristique: Collection de l'Ecole Fran~aise de Rome, 35. R 1978. VI-428 p., ill. 335 Marrou H.-1. (1904-1977), Crise de notre temps et reflexion chretienne [44 essais] de 1930 ä 1975; Bibi. Religions-Societe-Politique 5. P 1978, Beauchesne. 472s. RzKT 100 (1978) 644ss (K. H. Neufeld). 336 Mayrhofer Manfred, Ausgewählte kleine Schriften hg. S. De!(er-Jalkotzy

al. Wb 1979, Reichert. 236 p. 337 Mcnoud Philippe H., Jesus Christ nnd the Fnith: n Collcction of Studics [< Jesus-Christ et la foi. Recherches neotestamentaires 1975 -> 57,3451] tr. Eunice M. Paul: Pittsburgh theol. mon. 18. Pittsburgh 1978, Pickwick. xx-564 p. $14.95. 0 0-19-513822-0. 338 Miegge Giovanni, Dalla 'riscoperta di Dio' all'impegno nella sociela: Studi teologici [1929-61] ed. C. Tran. T 1977, Claudiana. 280p. - RooctCom 32 (1979) 125s (G. Cagnettl). 339 Mollat D., Etudes johanniques, pref. J. Guillet: Parole de Dieu. P 1979, Seuil. 188 p. 340 Momigliano A., Essays in Ancient and Modem Historiography [some translated from Italian Contributo]: Blackwell's Classical Studies, 3. Ox 1977, B. Blackwell. x-387 p. U2. 341 Motzo R. B., Ricerche sulla letteratura e la storia giudaico-ellenistica [sp. Mcb; apocr. VT Saggi di storia e lcttcratura giudco-cllcnistica (P 1924) + varie ristampe] ed. F. Parente: Univ. Cagliari. R 1977 Centro ed. internaz. 758 p.

Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics)


342 Namiki Koichi, [I] Kodai-Isuraeru to sono Shühen: Ancient Israel and its Peripheries [the OT as a historical process of intellectualization: 15 essays 1967-78, revised]. Tokyo 1979, Shinchi-shobö. xxi-439 p. V 4800. On Amphictyony, Covenant. 343 Neusner Jacob, Talmudic Judaism in Sasanian Babylonia. Essays and Studies [1966-72]: StJudLA 14. Ld 1976, Brill. xn-187 p. /80. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 735s (G. Stemberger). 344 Nineham D. E. [reprints =] Explorations in Theology I. L 1977, SCM -> 58s,4409: 212 p. B.95. 0 0-334-01971-0. 11 art., plures infra. - RAustralBiR 26 (1978) 48 (J. Painter); CleR 63 (1978) 397ss (N. Lash); HeythJ 20 (1979) 82s (M. Ward). 345 Noordmans 0., Verzamelde werken II: Dogmatische peilingen rondom Schrift en belijdenis. Kampen 1979, Kok. 216 p. /82,50. 346 Ong W. J., Interfaces of the Word: Studies in the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture. Ithaca/L 1977, Comell U. P. 352 p. (artt. partim reimpr.). 347 Pannenberg Wolfhart, Ethik und Ekklesiologie. Gesammelte Aufsätze. Gö

1977, VR. 334 p. DM 39,50. - RNorTTs 79 (1978) 184s (S. A. Christoffersen). 348 Paul A., Le fait biblique. Israel eclate. De Bible a Bible. P 1979, Cerf. 228 p. 0 2-204-01427-3. 12 art., 4 novi; 151-77 De Bible Bible: pour une histoire biblique. 349 Prenter Regin (ed. E. Kyndal al. for his 70th Birthday), Theologie und Gottesdienst/Theology and Liturgy. Collected Essays [largely in criticism of K. Barth]: Teologiske Studier, 6. Arhus/Gö 1977, Aros/VR. 291 p. Dk 100/UM 39. - RJTS 29 (1978) 612ss (A. Heron); TLZ 104 (1979) ;;9ss (W. Nagel). 350 Puech Henri-Charles. En quete de la Gnose I, La Gnose et le temps, et autres essais: Bibl. des Sciences Humaines. P 1978, Gallimard. 300 p. 351 Quispel Gilles, Gnostic Studies [since 1945] I: Uitgaven van het Ned. Hist.-Ar. Instituut te Istanbul 34. Ld 1974, Inst. xiv-239 p. f 120. - RQLZ 73 (1978) 578-82 (H.-F. Weiss). 352 Richard Jean, Les relations entre !'Orient et l'Occident au Moyen Age: Etudes et Documents [23 articuli re-impressi, 1 ineditum] L 1977, Variorum Reprints. 356 p. - ROrChrPer 45 (1979) 461s (V. Poggz). 353 Richard M., Opera minora 1-111. Turnhout/Lv 1976s, Brepols/Univ. 1872 p. Fb. 4750. - RNRT 100 (1978) 590 (C. Martin). 354 Ridderbos Herman, Studies in Scripture and its Authority [also Gospels, Christology, Apocalyptic]. GR 1978, Eerdmans. 109 p. $3.95. - RRefTR 37 (1978) 87s (W. J. Dumbrell).


355 Ridgway D. & F. R. eds., ltaly before the Romans: the Iron Age, Orientalizing and Etruscan Periods. NY 1979, Academic. XXXI-511 p., ill. [f27.50] Varia.

356 Rosenthal Erwin I. J., Studia Semitica [1935-69] I. Jewish Themes; II. Islamic Themes: Univ. Cambridge Or. Publ. 16s. L 1971, Cambridge U.P. xv-368 p.; 224 p. B.40; f2.80. - RQLZ 73 (1978) 258ss (L. Wti,chter). 357 Saebo M., Ordcnc og Ordct. [12 OT] Gammcltcstamentlige studier. Oslo 1979, Univ. 216p. Nk 89. [1963-78: Israels visdomsdiktning 1971; Eschaton 1978]. - RzAW 91 (1979) 324s (B. Otzen: varii tituli).

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[I. Bibliographica

358 Sawyer John F. A., From Moses to Patmos: New Perspectives in OT Study [kingship, the temple traditions, wisdom, prophecy and eschatology: their development in the OT, not forgetting ... their value for the NT ... ]. L 1977 SPCK. Ix-149 p. B.50. 0 0-281-03564-4. - RExpTim 89 (1977) 216 (H. McKeating); JTS 29 (1978) 506s (A. Phillips); TLond 82 (1979) 57s (D. Clines). 359 Schacke M., Die Neuordnung Gottes und das Sein in Christus: Ein Jurist liest die Bibel [Sammlung]: Taschenbuch 15. Lahr-Dinglingen 1979, Schweickhardt. 94 p. DM 4,80. 360 Scheffczyk Leo, Schwerpunkte des Glaubens: [seine] Gesammelte Schriften zur Theologie: Horizonte 11. Einsiedeln 1977, .Tohannes. 528 p. 23 art., 6 neu; 2 infra. - RcolcT 49, 2 (1979) 182s (S. Moysa); TPhil 54 (1979) 628 (A. Stenze!). 361 Schlatter A., Jesus - der Chnstus. Acht Aufsätze [1894-1925]: ABCTeam 977; Einführung R. Riesner. Giessen/Ba 1978, Brunnen. 101 p. DM 12,80. 0 3-7655-2927-3. 362 Schnackenburg R., Massstab des Glaubens. [9 schon veröffentlichte] Fragen heutiger Christen im Licht des NTs. Fr 1978, Herder. 255 p. DM 28. 0 3-451-18250-5. - RColcT 49 (1979) 201s (S. Moysa); ETL 55 (1979) 159 (.T. Coppens); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 418s (L. Grollenberg). 363 Schürmann II., Orientierungen am NT. Exegetische Gesprächsbeiträge [III]: KomBeiANT. Dü 1978, Patmos. 156p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 175s. 364 Sekine Masao, [Il Essays in OT Studies 1 : W orks 5 (diss. + 17 art. 194679). Tokyo 1979, Shinchi Shobö. 462 p. p. 1-76, The Singleness of God in the OT = Einzigartigkeit Gottes im AT, Halle 1944; p. 127-179, Rationality in OT Religion, a Study of M. Weber, Das antike Judentum, 1959; 413-440, Yahwist and Hesiod; 441-459, Qoheleth and Theognis. 365 Smitten Wilhelm T. in der, Theologische Besinnungen und Versuche. Nicdcrkrüchtcn 1977, auct. 69 p. 366 Soggin .T. Alberto, OT and Oriental Studies 1975 - 57,1976; 58s,2660: RRSO 51 (1977) 356s (M. Liveranz). 367 Sommer Ferdinand, Schriften aus dein Nachlass, hg. von Bernhard Forssman: Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, Beiheft 1, NF. Mü 1977, .T.Kitzini,:er. Xll392 p., portr. 19 art., grammatica graeca. 368 Spicq Ceslas, Notes de lexil;ographie neu-lestamentaire: OrBibOr 22.

FrS/Gö 1978, Univ./VR. 523 p.; p. 529-980. 0 2-8271-0139-4/ VR 0 3-52553327-6. 300+-voces. - RBz 23 (1979) 296s (R. Schnackenburg); CBQ 41 (1979) 661s (G. T. Montague); EsprVie 89 (1979) 574ss (E. Cothenet); NRT 101 (1979) 885s (X. Jacques); STeolEv 4 (1979) 139s (P. Bolognesz).

369 Stier H. E., Kleine Schriften hrg. von P. Funke, G. A. Lehmann. Meisenheim am Glan 1979, A. Hain, 442 p, 23 art. photot. reimpr. sp. 5-38, n6mos basileus. Studien zur Geschichte der n6mos-Idee, vornehmlich im 5. und 4. .Tdt v. Chr. < Ph 83 (1928) 225-58; 144-49, Der Aufbau der agyptischen Geschichte= MiVAlK. 8 (1938) 207-12; 155-59, Zum Uottkönigtum Akxander~ de5 Grom·n < Welt als Geschichte 5 (1939) 39195; 160-67, Hellas und Ägypten ibid. 438-45; 366-83, Die Erfüllung der Zeiten im Lichte moderner Geschichtsforschung < P. Ascher ed. Evange-

Al.2 Miscellanea (One author, various topics)







lium und Geschichte in einer rationalisierten Welt (Trier 1969, Spee) 85101. Strecker Georg, Eschaton und Historie, Aufsätze. Gö 1979, VR. 399 p. Index Scr. 369-85(-99). 0 3-525-56148-2. 16 art. NT, 2 novi; singuli infra. Stuhlmüller Carroll, Thirsting for the Lord: Essays in Biblical Spirituality ed. M. R. Penrose. NY 1977, Alba. 322 p. $7.95. - RTS 39 (1978) 381s (P. Snell). . Tromp N., Leven vanuit de Psalmen: Met het oog op God (15 reprints): Cah. v. Levensverdieping, 26. Averbode 1978, Werkgroep van Levensverdieping. 188 p . .{19,90. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 186 (P. Kevers). · Ullendorff E., Is Biblical Hebrew a Language? [and other reprinted] Studies in Semitic Languages and Civilizations. Wb 1977, Harrassowitz. xn-394 p., 9 tab. DM 96. - BSOAS 41(1978) 356s (J. Wansbrough). Vielhauer Philipp, Oikodome. Das Bild vom Bau in der christlichen Literatur vom NT bis Clemens Alexandrinus [diss., Karlsruhe-Durlach 1939; dazu 3 (infra)] Aufsätze zum NT 2, hg. G. Klein [Einl. vn-x1v]: TBilch 65. Mil 1979, Kaiser: p. 1-168(-245); bibliog. 229-32 (U. Hutter). 0 3-459-01236-6.

375 Volk Hermann (Card. Mainz), Gesammelte Schriften III. Mainz 1978, Grünewald. 333p. DM 32. 376 Waszink, J. H. [35, 1939-76], Opuscula selecta. Ld 1979, Brill. xxv,-

454 p., ritratto. 4 infra. 377 Wildberger H., Jahwe und sein Volk. Gesammelte Aufäätze zum AT (70. Geburtstag) ed. H. H. Schmid, 0. H. Steck= TBilch, AT 66. Mil 1979, Kaiser. 13 art. 378 Wolfson H. A., [28] Studies in the History of Philosophy and Religion II. ed. I. Twersky, G. H. Williams. CM 1977, Harvard Univ. ix-639 p. 379 Zeitlin S. (d. 28.XII.1976), Studies in the Early History of Judaism IV. History of Early Talmudic Law, with Introd. [+ Foreword by S. Hoenig]. NY 1978, KTAV. Lv1-453p. $25. 0 0-87068-454-X. - RzAw 91 (1979) 4"/.'.'l(U. Fohrer); - 11. 19/4 [- 55,6692 with I 58s,b426 (III 58s,6565)]. RBz 23 (1979) 144s (K. Müller).

Al.3 Sammelwerke (Various authors on one topic). 380 Abecassis Armand al., Le theme de la lumiere dans le Juda"isme, le Christianisme et l'lslam. P 1976, Berg. iv-514 p. M. Davy, M. Mokri, J.-P. Renneteau. 381 Acquistapace P. ed., Il Vangelo di Gesu Cristo 1977, - 58s,1663: Rcc 130 (1979, 2) 513 (N. Uricchio). 382 Aldred Cyril al., Ancient Egypt in the Metropolitan Museum Journal 111 (1968-76). NY 1977, Museum. 202 p., ill. _,, II. Fischer, II. De Meulenaere, H. Nvlte, 1::. .Russmunn. 383 Alfaro .T.[16-23, Juicio critico sobre la obra] a/., Enjuiciamos a 'Marx y la Biblia' [de Jose Porfirio Miranda]. Mexico 1973. 384 Anderson Gerald H. ed., Asian Voices in Christian Theology. Maryknoll

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[I. Bibliographica

NY 1976, Orbis. 321 p. - Rsa1 40 (1978) 159 (A. Amato). 385 Aqavia U. ed., IE] Sal;loq zeh lo' ~al;loq,The Psychology of Humour. TA 1978. 386 Arce Agustin. [Nota autogräfica y bibliografia, 11-71]: Miscelänea de Tierra Santa 3,1, 1975 --->58s,e472: RArFrancH 71 (1978) 239s (M. A. I).

387 Hacker Derek ed., Church Society and Politics: Studies in Church History 12. Ox 1975, Blackwell (Eccl. Rist. Soc.) xvr-442 p. 23 art.; --->G. de Ste-Croix. 388 Beardslee W. A., Lull D. J. ed., Thematic Issue: NT Interpretation from a Process Perspective: JAAR 47 (1979) 21-128 [a) Introduction: Process Thought and NT Exegesis, by J. B. Cobb 1., D. J. Lull, B. A. Woodbridge: 21-30 (Bibliogr.: 27-30) - b) Beardslee W. A., (A. N.) Whitehead and Hermeneutic (in general): 31-37 - c) Lull D. J., The Spirit and Creative Transformation of Human Existence (and Pneuma in Gal): 39-55 d) Beardslee W. A., Saving One's Life by Losing lt (Mk 8,35 etc. either in a framework ... of 'rightness' or ... of 'creativity'): 57-72 e) Pregeant R., Grace and Recompense: Reflections on a Pauline Paradox (e.g. Rom 2:6.13: remaining the tension in the paradox of both): 73-96 - f) Weeden, T. J., Sr., Recovering the Parabolic Intent in the Parnule uf Ute Suwcr (Mc 4: 3-9 edipsec.l by lhe communal reworldng Mc 4: 14-20; removal also of the still lasting partial eclipse of current hermeneutics by the 'Process Alternative'): 97-120 - g) Woodbridge B. A., An Assessment and Prospectus for a Process Hermeneutic: 121-28]. 389 Beaude P. M., Jesus oublie: Les Evangiles et nous (Essais) 1977 ---> 58s,4445: RETRel 53 (1978) 423ss (P. Le Fort). 390 Beinert W. al., Sprache und Erfahrung als Problem der Theologie. Pd 1978, Schöningh.......A. Sand. 391 Berchhardt J. Hg., Myra, eine lykische Periode in antiker und byzantinischer Zeit: IstanbFor 50. B 1975, Mann. --->Neumann G. 392 Bevrijd om te dienen: Bijbelse en eigentijdse bevrijdingstheologie en catechese: Vliebergh-Sencie, Theo!. Past. KU Lv. Antwerpen/Amst 1978, Patmos. 312 p. f 43/Fb 595. 393 Beyze B. ed., ~ Studia ... Studies on the philosophy of God. Wsz 1977. 231 p ..... Langkammer II. 394 Biezais Haralds, ed., Religious Symbols and their Functions: Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, 10, Sto 1979. 177p. [first half of---> 31]. RTzBas 35 (1979) 366 (J. Hennig). 395 Binford Lewis R. ed., For Theory Building in Archaeology: essays on Fauna! Remains, Aquatic Resources, Spatial Analysis and Systematic Modeling. L 1977, Academic. 432p. fl7.40. 0 0-12-100050-8. - RReviews in Anthropology 5:3 (1978) 3335 (D. Yesner).

396 Böhme W., Hg., Ist Gott grausam? Eine Stellungnahme zu Tilmann Mosers 'Gottesvergiftung'. Stu 1977, Ev.-V. 99 p. - RzAW 90 (1978) 304s (G. Fahrer). 397 Bonfil R. - Steiner Z., IE] Mara Mikra, raccolta di studi sulla pubblicazione dei libri del Tanach [Bibbia] a cura del Ministern dell'Educazione. J 1976. 114 p. - RRaMisr 43 (1977) 74 (G. Romano).

Al.3 Sammelwerke (Various authors on one topics)


398 Bosch D. J. ed., Church and Liberation: Missionalia, 5, Pretoria 1977, S. Afr. Missiological Soc. 126 p., $5.20. [E. K. Mosothoane, NTl. - RCalvTJ 14 (1979) 87s (R. Recker). 399 Bovon Franc;ois, Rouiller Gregoire, ed., Exegesis. Problemes de methode et exercices de lecture (Genese 22 et Luc 15): Bibliotheque Theologique. Neuchätel/P 1975, Delachaux & N. 311 p. P. Ricoeur al. - RBz 22 (1978) 197ss (J. Scharbert); Sal 41 (1979) 895 (C. Bissoh). 400 Brandenburg A., Urban H. J. hg., Petrus und Papst. Evangelium - Einheit der Kirche - Papstdienst II: Neue Beiträge [teils aus Catholica 1977s]. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. 232 p. DM 22. 0 3-402-09724-9. 12 art.; .... .T.Ernst, B. Porte. - RMüTZ 30,2 (1978) 154s [ib. perperam 74s] (J. Finkenzeller); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 589 (K. H. Neufeld). 401 Brauner Ronald A. ed., Jewish Civilization: [15] Essays and Studies I. Ph 1979, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. 302 p. $16.50. 402 Brentjes B. Hg., Der arbeitende Mensch in den Gesellschaften und Kulturen des Orients: WissBeiUnivHalle-W 1978/41 (14). 403 Breton S. al., Le mythe et le symbole. De la connaissance figurative de Dieu: Philosophie 2. P 1977, Beauchesne. 249 p ..... D. Dubarle. 404 Brown R. E. al. ed., Peter in the NT 1974. -> 55,3952; ... 58s,6483: Rscot.TT 31 (1978) 491s (A. .T.B. Higgins). 405 Brux Norbert, Hg., Pseudepigraphie in der heidnischen und jüdisch christlichen Antike: WegFor 484. Da 1977, Wiss. vi-342 p. 0 3-534-070615. 15 art. 1891-1973; 5 infra. - Rsa1 40 (1978) 403s (R. Bracchz). 406 Brummei Lee al. ed., Los pobres. Encuentro y compromiso. Buenos Aires, 1978, La Aurora. 254 p. 11 art ..... J. Croatto, H. Schroeder, R. Obermüller. 407 Cargas H. J., Lee B. ed., Religious Experience and Process Theology: the Pastoral lmplications of a Major Modem Movcmcnt. NY 1976, Paulist. xvr-438 p ..... J. Van der Veken. 408 Clarke David L. t ed., Spatial Archaeology. L 1977, Academic. xn-390 p. z9.50/$18.50. 0 0-12-175750-1. 409 t:olpe C. ed., Vie Diskussion um das Heilige: WegForsch, 305. Da 1977, Wiss. xxv-500p. DM 83. - RJTS 29 (1978) 623s (C. W. Macleod). 410 Coppieters de Gibson D. ed., L'Eglise: institution et foi: Publ. Fac. 14. Bru 1979, Fac. Univ. S. Louis. 218 p. 411 Coppieters de Gibson D. pres., L'Esprit Saint: Publ. Fac. Univ. SL 10. Bru 1978, Fac. Univ. Saint Louis. 206 p. Fb 350. 0 2-8028-0010-8. Laurentin R., Beauchamp P., Greisch J., Subion R., Wolinski J. - RETL 55 (1979) 181 (J. Coppens: plura psychanalytica deludent; R. Laurentin 'soucieux de sympathiser avec les idees dans le vent' facit H. Küng peritum pro Suenens in Vat. II). 412 Coriden J. A. ed., Sexism and Church Law. Equal Rights and Affirmative Action. NY 1978, Paulist. ix-192 p. 413 Crenshaw, J, L. cd., [22 authors' 27] Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom, 1976 .... 57,2716; 58s,3452. - Rßz 23 (1979) 99s (V. Hamp). 414 Crossan J. n. ed., N11rrative Syntax: Translations and Reviews: Semeia 10. MMS 1978. Iv-156 p. 6 infra. 415 Danilova I. E., Katznelson I. S., ed., Tutankhamun and His Times.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[I. Bibliographica

Moskva 1976, Nauka. 214p. r0,78. Essays, someIB]. - RArOr 47 (1979) 371s (L. Bares). 416 Doumas C. ed., Thera and the Aegean World. L 1978. 417 Dautzenberg G. al. Hg., Zur Geschichte des Urchristentums:

QDisp 87. 215 Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG. 418 Davies A. ed., Antisemitism and the Foundations of Christianity. NY 1979, Paulist, xvn-258 p. 419 Delumeau J. dir., Histoire vecue du peuple chretien [mouvements populaires]. Tou1979

louse 1979, Privat. 461 p., XVI-6 ill. + 4 coul.; 481 p., 21 ill. + 4 coul. - I, 19-45, Jaubert A., Surgissement d'un peuple. 420 Demolen R. L. ed., Essays on the Works of Erasmus. NH 1978, Yale. vn-282 p.

421 Dupont J. al., Conoscenza storica di Gesu (due seminari Ist. Sc. Rel. Bologna) Brescia 1978, Paideia. 206 p. L. 5000. ➔ 58s,5563: RGregorianum 59 (1978) 759 (J. Galot); SacDoc 24 (1979) 156ss (B. G. Bosch1). 421* Dyer G. J. ed., A Pastoral Guide to the Bible. Dublin 1979. ➔ 1340. 422 Eijl [Eyl ETL 56, 481*] Edmond J. M. van ed., Facultas S. Theologiae Lovaniensis 1432-1979, Bijdragen tot haar geschiedenis: Bibi ETL 45 Lv/Gembloux 1977, Univ/Duculot. 569 p. Fb 1500. 0 90-6186-053-9. 15 art., nil infra. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 460s (J. Jacobs); ZKG 90 (1979) 106-8 (fran 58s,b172: RTLZ 103 (1978) 499ss (G. De/fing). 429 Firkentscher Wolfgang Hg., Entstehung und Wandel rechtlicher Traditionen. Mü c. 1979, Alber. 22 art. -> J. Krecher, W. Helck, Z. Falk. 430 Fischer H. Hg., Anthropologie als Thema der Theologie. Gö 1978, VR.

212p. DM32. 431 Flashar Heilmut al. Hg., Philologie und Hermeneutik im 19. Jt. Zur Geschichte und Methodologie der Geisteswissenschaften: Grundlagen der geisteswissenschaftlichen Forschung, F. Thyssen Stiftung. Gö 1979, VR. 421 p. 0 3-525-31823-5. 16 Art. (Modeme über 19 Jt.) _,. R. Wiehl, W. Fuchs u.a. 432 Fletcher J. ed., Dendrochronology in Europe. Oxford 1978, BAR. ➔ sl9l.

Al.3 Sammelwerke (Various authors on one topics)


433 Fox Matthew ed., Western Spirituality: Historical Roots, Ecumenical Routes. Notre Dame 1979, Fides/Claretian. vm-440 p. $9.95pa. 0 0-81900635-1. 17 art. ➔ Kenik H. 434 Freedman D. N. (Lundquist J. M.) ed., Archeological Reports from the Tabga Dam Project - Euphrates Valley, Syria: AASOR 44. CM 1979, ASOR. vm-182 p. 9 art., ill. 0 0-89757-044-8. ➔ R. Dornemann. 435 Frieling R., ed., Christentum und Islam. Stu 1977. 436 Fries H., Schwaiger G. ed., [46] Katholische Theologen Deutschlands im 19. Jht. 3 vols. Mü 1975, Kösel. 1302 p. DM 195. - RTS 39 (1978) 796ss (T. F. O'Meara). 437 Fung R. Y. K., Che-bin Tan ed. ßJ Shenhsiieh yii shichch'ien lunts'ung .. Theology and its Practicc: First Fruits - Scripture and Contextualized Theology: China Graduate School of Theology. Hong Kong 1979, Tien Dao. 228 p. 438 Galland Corina al., The New Testament and Structuralism [< Semiotique narrative: Langages 22 (1971)] tr. A. M. Johnson J: Pittsburgh theol. mon. 11. Pittsburgh 1976, Pickwick. ix-338 p.; 325-332 bibliog. 0 0915138-13-1. 439 Gibson M., Biggs R. D. ed., Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East: BiblMesop 6. Malibu CA 1977, Undena. 160p. $23 ($18.50pa). 20 art. RsyrMesSt 3,1 (1979) 29-34 (R. Amiet). 440 Green W. S. ed. [Nine] Approaches to Ancient Judaism: Theory and Practice: Brown Judaic Studies I. MMS 1978. xiv-259 p. $9. 0 0-89130130-5: R. Goldenberg, D. Goldblatt, D. Levine, J. Lightstone, l. Schiffer. 441 Greifenstein H. Hg. [Preuss H. D. AT], Macht und Gewalt. Leitlinien lutherischer Theologie zur politischen Ethik heute: Kirchliche Aspekte Heute 14. Ha 1978, Luth. 159 p. DM 9,80. 442 Greshake G., Lohfink G. Hg., Bittgebet - Testfall des Glaubens. Mainz 1978, Grünewald-Reihe. 104p. 5 art., ➔ Lohfink. - RcolcT 49,2 (1979) 183s (S. Moysa); TGl 68 (1978) 458 (W. Beinert); TPhil 54 (1979) 314s (G. Switek); TR 75 (1979) 396 (0. Hagemeyer). '1'13 Greschat M. Hg., Theologen des Protestanfümus im 19. und 20. Jht. UTb 284s. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 212 p., p. 213-452, 0 3-17-004899-6. RTR 75 (1979) 301s (P. Neuner). 444 Guerra M. al., El ministerio en los primeros siglos: Teologia del Sacerdocio 11. Burgos 1979, Aldccoa. 347 p. 445 Guidi Gabriella [11Medio Oriente 39-89], al., Nuove questioni di storia antica. Milano 1977, Marzorati. xn-978 p. 15 al. art. 446 Guinan M. D. tr. Gospel Poverty: Essays in Biblical Theology 1977 --> 58s,9016. (A. George; J. Dupont; S. Legasse; P. Seidensticker; B. Rigaux). - RTS 39 (1978) ~78s (W. J. Walsh). 447 Gutmann J., The Synagogue 1975 --> 57,6203; 58s,8009: - ArtBull 59 (1977) 629ss (Kvinsky); BASOR 230 (1978) 73s (Meyers); BZ 23 (1979) 145s (K. Müller). 448 Gutmonn Joseph ed., The Temple of Solomon, Archaeological Fact and Medieval Tradition, 1976 ➔ 58s,8011; 0 0-89130-013-9. - RBASOR 230 (1978) 73s (C. Meyers); TLZ 104 (1979) 287s (A. Kuschke).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[I. Bibliographica

449 Haacker K. ed., Biblische Theologie heute. Einführung - Beispiele Kontroversen: Biblisch-theologische Studien, 1. Ncuk 1978, Neuk-V. 124 p. - RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 252s (E. Krentz); TPQ 126 (1978) 390s (C. Schedl). 450 Hahn I. al. ed., Oikumene. Studia ad historiam antiquam classicam et orientalem spectantia. [Jahrbuch der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte des Altertums]. Budapest 1976, Akademiai. 246 p. $15. 0 963-05-0760-9. RBO 34 (1977) 258s (H. Klenge!). 451 Harrison R. K., Biblical Criticism: Historical, Literary [OT; NT D. Guthrie] and Textual [OT B. K. Waltke; NT G. D. Fee] < Expositor's Bible Com. T. Tntroductory: Contemporary Evangelical Perspectives. GR 1978, Zondervan. vrn-183 p. $3.95 pa. 0 0-310-37351-4. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 236 (R. W. Klein). 452 Haulotte E. [AT] Ricoeur P., Geifre C., La rhelation 1977 ----> 58s,250: RLavalTPhil 34 (1978) 212ss (R.-M. Roberge); RTPhil 111 (1979) 82s (G. Boss). 453 Henrix H. H. Hg., Jüdische Liturgie. Geschichte, Struktur, Wesen: QDisp 86. Fr 1979, Herder. 160 p. DM 26. Singuli infra. 454 Herrmann J. ed., Archäologische Denkmale und Umweltgestaltung = Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Alte Geschichte und Archäologie der Akademie der Wissenschafltm der DDR, 9. B 1978, Akademie. 378 p., figg., 59 pl. 32 artt.; documenta; statistica. ---->F. W. Hinkel. 455 Heyer Friedrich Hg., Konfessionskunde mit [13] Beiträgen. B 1977, de Gruyter Lehrbuch. XV-864p. DM98. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 241-7 (H.-D. Döpmann: 'Bibel' zitiert nur einmal, orthodox/kritisch). 456 Hidal, S. ed., Bibeltro och bibelkritik. Studier kring den historisk-kritiska

bibelsynens genombrott i Sverige 1877-1910 med särskild hänsyn til Gamin tcstamcntct. Lund 1979. Ohlsson. 256 p. Sk. 79. 457 Hödl Ludwig u.a., Das Heil und die Utopien. Eine Orientierungshilfe für die Praxis (Ringveranstaltung kath. Abt. Bochum; Ruppert AT, G. Schneider NT). Pd 1977, Schöningh. 148 p. - RzKT 100 (1978) 405 ([H.] Rlotterj). 458 Holt P. M. ed., The Eastern Mediterranean Lands in the Period of the Crusades. Wmr 1977, Aris & P. xn-112 p., 8 pl. :E5.95. ➔ Hili, Riley~mith, Smail. 460 L'instrumentum domesticum di Ercolano e Pompei: Quaderni di Cultura Materiale 1. 1977. Saggi. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 432s sulle sole luceme (C. D'Angela). ➔ s307. 461 Irmscher Johannes, Treu Kurt, Hg., Das Korpus der Griechischen Christlichen Schriftsteller. Historie, Gegenwart, Zukunft. Aufäatzsammlung: TU 120. B 1977, Akademie. vm-242 p. 22 art. ➔ A. Ejfenberger, H. Kreissig, H.-M. Schenke. 462 Jennings P. ed., Face to Face with the Turin Shroud. Great Wakering 1978, Mnyhcw-McCrimmon. 85 p. :EI.SO. 463 Johann H.-T. Hg., Erziehung und Bildung in der heidnischen und christlichen Antike, rT, F.nkyklios P11ideia; n, Erziehungs- und Rildungsgeschichte: Antike; m. Antike und Christentum]: WegFor 377. Da 1976, Wiss. xvrn-597 p. Bibliographie: 573-93. DM 102 (58). - RzKG 89 (1978)

Al.3 Sammelwerke (Various authors on one topics)


399s (P. Riche). 464 Kaminski S., al. ed., Saint Thomas d' Aquin. Pour le septieme centenaire de sa mort. Essai d'actualisation de sa philosophie. Lublin 1976, KUL. 352 p. 10 art.; rien sur les rapports avec la revelation; mais p. 265-288, Das Problem der Erfahrung in der Ethik par K. Wojtyla.

465 Kasper W. ed., Paulus Apostat? 1977---" 58s,6723: - RNRT 100 (1978) 900s (X. Jacques); TrierTZ 87 (1978) 320s (J. Eckert); TR 74 (1978) 46lss (J. Ernst). 466 Kaufmann G. Hg., Tendenzen der katholischen Theologie nach dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil. Mü 1979, Kösel. 212 p.; 43-63 Ruppert L., Der Weg der neueren katholischen Exegese vornehmlich im Bereich des ATs. 467 Klimkeit G.-J. Hg., Tod und Jenseits im Glauben der Völker (12 Vorträge Univ. Bonn 1976s). Wiesb 1978, Harrassowitz. 200 p., 39 fig. DM 29,80. 0 3-447-019484.

468 Klinger Elmar Hg., Christentum innerhalb und ausserhalb der Kirche [zu K. Rahner]: QDisp 73. Fr 1976, Herder. II-294 p. DM 30. 17 art. [W. Thüsing ---" 57,4722], nil infra. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 387-92 (S. Hübner).

469 Korostovzev M. A. ed. 1K]Iskusstvo Vostoka ... Ancient Eastern art; essays. Moskva 1977, Nauka. 164 p., ill. r 1.10. - RPersica 8 (1979) 239s (16 auctores cum titulis et paginis tantum: 3 Assyr., 1 äg., 1 Iran). 470 Krause Martin ed., Gnosis and Gnosticism 1977 ---"58s,2192; ibid. singuli. 471 Kuhn J. Hg., Wendepunkte: Gestalten der Bibel in der Entscheidung. Stu 1977, Quell. 111 p. 472 Landman L. ed., Messianism in the Talmudic Era. NY 1979, Ktav. xxxv-518 p. $29.50. 0 0-87068-445-0. 27 teprints (one Gerrnan, two Hebrew); J. Klausner 5, M. Waxman 3. 473 Le Deaut R. a.o., The Spirituality of Judaism [= Le Juda'isme 1975 ---" 56,9605] tr. P. Barrett; Religious experience 11. St. Meinrad IN 1977, Abbey. x-137 p. $3.95 pa. 0 0-87029-132-7. A. Jaubert; K. Hruby. 475 Leiden University in the Seventeenth Century. An Exchange of Learning. Ld 1975, RrilL 496 p.; hihliog.; r.xr.g.J. T.ehram, H. Dejonge. - RRHE 74 (1979) 849 (R. A[ubert]). 476 Levlnas E. al., Presence de l'AT: LumVie 28, 144 (1977). 133 p. [.. a) Levinas, De la lecture juive des ecritures: 5-23 - b) Hruby K., Lees ture juive de la Torah et connaissance de Dieu: 25-38 - c) Lys D., Le Cantique des cantiques: pour une sexualite non-ambigüe: 39-58 d) Vouga F., Jesus et l'AT: 55-71 - e) L'Hour J., L'Eglise face a l'AT: 73-103 - f) Maurin B., Juda'isme et systeme social de croyance: 105-21 g) Brossier F.-Jouhet M., Essai de bibliographie de base pour l'AT: 12333]. 477 Liedke G. al. Hg. Eschatologie und Frieden I. in gegenwärtigen kirchlichen Diskussione11; II. in biblischen Texten (10 art., infra); III. Zukunfts• erwartung und Frieden in gegenwärtigen Weltanschauungen und Religionen: Texte und Materialien A6ss. Heid 1978, Ev. St-gemein. ix-368 p. / vm-409 p. / ix-440 p. 0 3-88257-0015-9/6-7/7-5. 478 Loi V. al., Ricerche su Ippolito: Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum, 13. R 1977, 5. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


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Inst. Patrist. Aug. 164 p., 2 phot. f5. - JTS 30 (1979) 549ss (G. C. Stead).

479 Lourdaux W., Verhelst D. ed. The Bible and Medieval Culture: Mediaevalia Lovaniensia 1/7. Lv 1979, Univ. vm-286 p. 480 LUTHERMartin: Delius H.-U. u.a. Hg., ~, Studienausgabe, 1. B 1979, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. 416 p. 5 biblica, infra. 481 Luyten N. A. Hg., Aspekte der Hominisation. Auf dem Wege zum Menschen. Mü 1978, Alber. 157 p. E. Boni!, K. J. Narr, W. Keilbach: not irrelevant to Gn 1. RsaJ 41 (1979) 918 (G. Gevaert).

482 Luyten N. A., Führt ein Weg zu Gott? 1972 - 54,583*. 3890: RArTGran 36 (1973) 263s (1. Florez). 483 McC.ord Peter J., ed., A Pope for All Christians? An Tnquiry into the Role of Peter in the Modem Church. NY 1976, Paramus. 212 p., $7.50/:E3.25.0 0-8091-1918-8. 7 art. - Meyendorff J., Dulles A. - RcleR 64 (1979) 68ss (J. Hadley); Grcgorianum 59 (1978) 427-9 (F. A. Sullivan); TLond 81 (1978) 147s (0. Tomkins). 484 McNamara M. ed., Biblical Studies. Dublin 1976, Dominican Publications. 485 Maggioni B. al., La Penitenza. Studi biblici, teologici e pastorali. II nuovo Rito della Riconciliazione: QuadRivLtg NS 3. T 1976 - 58s,8836: RSal 40 (1978) 210 (A. Amato).

486 Mariani D. ed., 11 fine ultimo dell'uomo secondo la S. Snillwa t: ud contesto del pensiero moderno: Assisiensis 11. Assisi 1977, Porziuncola. 315p., 4pl. 487 Mccks Wayne A. Hg., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums. Ausgewählte Beiträge zum frühchristlichen Gemeinschaftsleben in seiner gesellschaftlichen Umwelt tr. G. Memmert: TBüchHist 62. Mü 1979, Kaiser. 312 p. DM 45. 0 3-459-01150-5. 488 Meurer S. Hg., Der Bestseller ohne Leser. Überlegungen zur sinnvollen Weitergabe der Bibel, Vorwort E. Lohse: BiWelt 16. Stu 1976, Deutsche Bibelstiftung. 176 p. - 58s,l 942. 489 Meurer S. Hg., Eine Bibel - viele Übersetzungen. Not oder Notwendigkeit?: Die Bibel in der Welt 18. Stu 1978, Deutsche Bibelstiftung. 232 p. DM 11,80. 0 3-438-06218-6. 15 art.: E. A. Nid,1 ,1/. 490 Moltmann J. Hg., Anfänge der dialektischen Theologie4 • Mü 1977, Kaiser. x-346 p.; 344 p. DM 24 each. - H.AnglTR 60 (1978) 487-90 (R. Hood). 491 Ncidhart. Walter, Eggenberger. Hans, Hg., (Bolliger M.), Erziihlbuch zur Bibel; Theorie und Beispiele. Z 1975, Benziger. 384p.: I: W. Neidhart: Vom Erzählen biblischer Geschichten. II: Erzählbeispiele: Umweltgeschichten (M. Bolliger, W. Laubi, D. · Ptassek, · D. Steinwede, U. Wölfel). Geschichten zur literarischen Ursprungssituation (W. Laubi, W. Neidhart, M. Lienhard, D. Meili-Lehner, D. Steinwede). Rahmengeschichten (D. Ptassek, W. Neidhart, W. Laubi). Verlaufsgeschichten (W. Laubi, D. Meili-Ldmei. K. & ü. Wullschlt:t:1t:r,M. Sluu Vil'sker. - RQLZ 74 (1979) 523ss (P. Poucha). 499 Plöger J. G., Knoch 0. Hg., Einheit im Wort: Informationen, Gutachten, Dokumente zur Einheitsübersetzung der HI. Schrift [... 11. Zur Erarbeitung der E(inheitsübersetzung); III. Die Entwicklung der E.; IV. Zur Sprachgestalt der E.; v. Verträge zur E. v1. Beschlüsse zur E.; vn. Kirche u. HI. Schrift ... x. Veröffentlichungen zur E.: 148-50]. Stu 1979, Kath. Bibelanstalt. 150 p. DM 10,80 pa. 500 Powell J. C. ed., Ernst Troeltsch and the Future of Theology. C 1976, Univ. 217 p. f:7.50. (Hermeneutics) Essays by H.-G. Drescher, R. Morgan, A. 0. Dyson, B. A. Gerrish, S. W. Sykes, M. Pye. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 273-78 (G. B. Hall). 501 Preaux J. ed., Problemes d'Histoire du Christianisme [1 (1970s); 2 (1971s) -> 55,6737], lately a periodical or annual of the Universite libre de Bruxelles: 7 (1976-7), Fb 320; 8 (1979), Fb 350. -> Hadot J. - RAnST11rr 47 (1974, ed. 1975) 151s (J. Vives). 502 Preuss H. D. Hg., Eschatologie im AT [, Ein!.: 1-19; Bibliographie (zu 'Hoffuung, Zukunft, Zeit, Heil, Gericht, Rest, Messias, Tag Jahwes'): 481-95]: WegFor 480. Da 1978, Wiss. vn-513 p. -> 58s,7789. 503 Publications on Writing Systems. Lisse 1975, de Ridder: OLZ 74 (1979) 226s. 504 Rahner Karl u.a. Hg. Befreiende Theologie. Der Beitrag Lateinamerikas zur Theologie der Gegenwart 1977 -> 58s,9148. 9200: DM 14. [11 art., Kath., nur 2 Lateinam., noch 2 Spanier]. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 455s (J. Althausen); TR 74 (1978) 413s (S. Wiedenhofer). 505 Rahner K. (p. 44-47) u.a., Bleibendes und veränderliches im PetrusDie11st; Themenheft UnSa 34,1 (1979), .....542. 506 Rapaport A. e.a. ed., [Hl Mef)qarfm: Studies in the History of the Jewish People and the Land of Israel 4. Haifa 1978, Univ. 359-xx,v p. 507 Ratschow C.-H. Hg., Sola Scriptura 1977 -> 58s,978*; 1-21, Einleitende Analyse zur Themenfrage.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

508 Ratzinger J. Hg., Dienst an der Einheit. Zum Wesen und Auftrag des Petrusamtes. Sehr. Kath. Akad. Bayern 85. Dü 1978, Patmos. 179 p. ➔ 58s,6501: DM 19,80pa. 0 3-491-77591-4. 9 art.; ➔ J. V. Allmen, P. Hoffmann, F. Mussner, D. Papandreou. 509 Redman C. L. ed., Social Archeology, beyond subsistence and dating: studies. NY/L 1978, Academic. xiv-471 p., ill. f:16.25. ➔ G. Wright. 510 Rendtorff Trutz Hg., Die Realisierung der Freiheit. Beiträge zur Kritik der Theologie K. Barths. Gü 1975, Mohn. 167 p. DM 34. ➔ F. Wagner. 511 Reynolds F. E. al. ed., Religious Encounters with Death. University Park 1977, Pennsylvania State Univ. ➔ W. Herrmann. 512 Ricoeur P., The Conflict of Interpretations: Essays in Hermeneutics ed. D. Ihde. Evanston IL 1974, Northwestem Univ. xxv-512. [= Conflit des Interpretations 1969 ➔ 51,348] 269-86 'Original Sin •: a Study in Meaning tr. P. McCormick. 513 Rizzi Armido, Letture attuali della Bibbia. Dall'interpretazione esistenziale alla lettura materialista: Ricerche teologiche. R 1978, Borla. 272 p. Lit. 7000. 8 art. reimpr. 514 Rogge Joachim, Schille Gottfried hg. Theologische Versuche VII. oB 1976, Ev.-V. 255 p. M 16,50 (Ausland 19,80). 15 exeg. Beiträge [einige in RTLZ 103 581;, z.B. G. f,Vallis 81'16, K. Tröget 5369] _. H. Bardtlw. (1978) 410ss (G. Haufe). - TVers 8 (1977); 234p., M 16 (Ausland 19,80). plures infra. - TVers 9 (1977) erstmals um ein Thema (Gewissen) [➔ 58s,322. 9211 etc..], RTLZ 104 (1979) 495-8 (G. Haufe). 515 Russen L. M. ed., The Liberating Word. Ph 1976, Westminster. 121 p. $3.95. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 56ss (T. K. Seim: E. S. Fiorenza, Interpreting Patriarchat Traditions, 'en klarere feministisk profil'; Dewey, Images of Women, Gal 3,27 etc.). 516 Sabloff J. A., Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C. ed., Ancient Civilization and Trade: School of American Research Advanced Seminary Series. Albuquerque 1975, University of New Mexico Pr. xiv-485 p., 41 .fig., 27 tables [1. lntrod., 11. Theoretical Background; m. Case Studies; 1v. Uverview and Prospect]. 517 Santaran Charles present., Codicologica 1. Theories et principes [nova series, subdivisio Litterae textuales; ed. G'ruys A.] 1916; 11. Elements pour une codicologie comparee 1978; IV. Essais methodologiques 1978. Ld, Brill. 112p., 3pl.; 94p., 19pl.; 90p., 6fig. - RRHE 74 (1979) 844ss (H. Silvestre: auct. pp. tituli; fere omnes tangunt exegesim). 518 Sauer Joseph· Hg., Mehrdimensionale Schriftauslegung? Veröffentlichung der kath. Akademie der Erzidiözese Freihurg. Karlsmhe 1977, ßadenia. 76 p. DM 8. 0 3-7617-0206-X. E. Biser, W. Kasch, H. Riedlinger. 519 Schaeffer f-Forrer, son epouse depuis 19231 Claude F.-A, e.a. Ugaritica VII: MRS 18, BAH 99, P 1978. Geuthner (Ld Brill). vi-565 p., 162 fig., LX vrnpl. 24 nrt., infra. ,20 Scheele Paul-W., Alle eins. [B] Theologische Beiträge II. Pd 1979, Bonifäcius. 269 p, DM 24 (Catholic; almost mar~nally exe~etic.). 521 Schiemenz G. [➔] al. Collectanea Byzantina (= OrChrAn 204 sed non monographia). R 1977, Pont. Ist. Or. 253 p. - RJTS 30 (1979) 342s (D.

Al.3 Sammelwerke (Various authors on one topics)


M. Nicol). 522 Schmandt-Besserat Denise ed., Early Technologies: Texas Univ. Austin Middle East Lectures 3. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. vi-77 p., 27 pl. 523 Schmandt-Besserat D. ed., Immortal Egypt (Austin ME lectures) Malibu CA 1978, Undena. vrn-62 p. $16, $9.50 pa. 524 Schnackenburg R. Hg., Einheit der Kirche. Grundlegung im NT: QDisp 84. Fr 1979, Herder. 132 p. 525 Schnackenburg R. Hg. Die Macht des Bösen und der Glaube der Kirche. Dü 1979, Patmos pa. 119p. 526 Schöttroff W., Stegemann W. Hg., Der Gott der kleinen Leute, sozialgeschichtliche Bibelauslegungen 1. AT. Mil/Gelnhausen 1979, Kaiser/Burck hardt. 104 p. DM 10,80 pa. 0 3-459-01200-5. --> Jüchen A., Crüsemann G., Kegler J. 527 Schreiner J. ed., Introducci6n a los metodos de la exegesis 1973 --> 55,360*; 56,366; 57,351: REstBib 35 (1976) 116s (A. Rodriguez Carmona). 528 Schupp F., Mythos und Religion 1976 --> 58s,824: RTPhil 52 (1977) 603ss (F. T. Gottwald-J. Heinrichs). 529 Schwaiger G. Hg. Zwischen Polemik und Irenik. Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis der Konfessionen im späten 18. and frühen 19. Jdt. : Stud. Theo 1. Geistesg. des 19. Jdts. 31. Uö 1977, VR. 147 p. UM 32. 0 3-525-87486-3. 7 art. - RTR 75 (1979) 2 l 9ss (K. J. Rivinius).

530 Smalley W. A. ed., Readings in Missionary Anthropology II. South Pasadena CA 1978, Carey. xxv-913 p. $9.95. 531 Sordi Marta ed. Aspetti dell'opinione pubblica nel mondo antico [continuazione de 'I canali' 1976 ---,,58s,c505]: ContrlstStorAnt 5. Mi 1978, Vita e Pensiero/Univ. Catt. vn-215p. 16 art.; Sordi p.159-70, Opinione pubblica e persecuzioni anticristiane nell'Impero romano. - RREL 57 (1979) 518s (P. Grimal); VetChr 15 (1978) 418-21 (A. Luisi) [14(1977)213-5]. 532 Spieael Yorick Hg., Doppeldeutlich: Tiefendimensionen biblischer Texte [Lk 9, 10-17; 15, 11-32; 18, 9-14; Gal 2, 19-20: 20 Mitarbeiter]. Mü 19'/8, Kaiser. 239 p. DM 29,80. '°'J-4:,9-011'/1-8. - RTsTNijm 19 (19'/9) 413 (L. Grollenberg). 533 Steck 0. H. Hg. (Gese Hartmut), Zu Tradition und Theologie im AT: Biblisch-theologische Studien, 2. Stu 1978, Kreuz. 111 p. DM 18. 0 37887-0553-1. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 413s (J. Lust). 514 Strn:kPr Georg Hg. D 58s,2604: RETRel 54 (1979) 470s (D. Lys). 590 Canfora G. pres., Evaugdizan: Pauperibus. Atti della xx1v Scttimana Biblica della Associazione Biblica Italiana, 1978 --> 58s,9002; Lit. 15.000. Rcc 130 (1979, 3) 299s (N. Uricchio). 591 Cbriste Y. ed., L'Apocalypsc de Jean. Traditions exegetiques et iconographiques, me-xme siecles. Actes du Colloque de la Fondation Hardt mars 1976. Univ. Fac. Lett. Et. Doc. 11. Geneve 1979, Droz. 339 p. 592 Coppens J. ed. Notion biblique de Dieu 1975 -> 58s,7698: RLavalTPhil 34 (1978) 324-332 (J. Richard); RHPR 59 (1979) 80ss (G. Siegwalt); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 84 (J. T. Nelis). 593 Dekor M. ed., Qumran, sa piete, sa theologie et son milieu (1976, 27e Colloq. Bib. Lv.): BiblETL 46. Gembloux/Lv 1978, Duculot/Univ. 427 p. Fb 1550:,0 2-8011-0154-0. - Delcor p. 11-47, Ou en sont les etudes qumrnnitinnes; 415-8 Cuudusiuns. - 26 al., ü1fra. 594 Dupont J. ed. Jesus aux origines de 1a christologie [Coll. Lv. 1973] 1975 -> 56,3652; 57,4475; 58s,5818: RTLZ 103 (1978) 271-4 (K. Weiss). 595 Dupont J. pres., La parabola degli invitati al banchetto. Dagli evangelisti a Gesu (Ilo sem. 1976): Testi c riccrche di Scienze religiose 14. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 352 p. Singuli infra. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 643s (J. M. Reese); Salesianum 41 (1979) 560s (G. Gamba). 596 Emerton J. A. al., cd. [9th IOSOT] Congress Volume Göttingen 1977: SupVT 29. Ld 1978, Brill. /229 (subscr. 196). 20 art., infra. vm-418 p. 597 Emerton J. A. ed., [not = VTS ?.8 (1975) _, 57,2037] Studies in the Historical Books of the OT: VTSup 30. Ld 1979, Brill. vu-278 p. 598 Fatio Olivier, Fraenkel Pierre ed., Hisluire ue l'excg~se au X V16 siecle (Colloque internat. Geneve 1976): Et. Philologie Histoire 34. Oeneve 1978, Droz. 414 p. 8 art. J\T (6 P~), 6 NT. - RJTS 30 (1979) 585 (P. N. Brooks). 599 Francescano, Convegno biblico 5, 1971, La distruzione di Gerusalemme


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

-. 53,6542*: RcuBib 34 (1977) 307-10 (F. Sen). 600 Francis F. 0., Biblical Literature [5 art., 1974 Proc. AAR] ➔ 58s,23 (pub. Tallahassee FL): RßL (1977) 12 (A. S. Herbert). 601 Geninasca Jacques, Greimas A. J., Groupe d'Entrevemes: Jean Calloud al., a) Signes et paraboles. Semiotique et texte evangelique 1977 -. 58s,6159: 0 2-02-00-4635-0: - RNRT 100 (1978) 775s (X. Jacques); RTh 79 (1979) 150-5 (sr. L.-M. Antoniottl); RD 85 (1978) 300-307 (E.Nudel); RTPhil 111 (1979) 420s (R. Kiejfer); SciEspr 31 (1979) 386ss (0. Genest); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 83s (S. van Tilborg). - b) Signs and Parables, tr. G. Phillips, present. D. Patte: Pittsburgh Theol. Mon. 23. Pittsburgh 1978, Pickwick. xxn-323 p. $11.25. 0 0-915138-35-2. 602 Gilbert Maurice ed., La sagesse de l'Ancien Testament: Joumees Bibliques Lv 1978; BibETL 51. Gembloux/Lv 1979, Duculot/Univ. 420 p. Fb 1700. 0 2-8011-0266-0. - RETL 55 (1979) 434s (M. Gilbert). 603 Harrington W. ed. Witness to the Spirit. Essays on Revelation, Spirit, Redemption: Proceedings of the Irish Biblical Association 3 (selection from 1976-7 meetings). Dublin/Manchester 1979, Irish BAsn./Koinonia. 166 p. f2.50. 604 Harris E. P., Schade R. E. Hg., [Gotthold E.] Lessing in Heutiger Sicht (Internat. Conf. Cincinnati 1976): Wolfenbütteler Studien zur Aufklärung 11. Hrnrm:n 1977, Jakobi. 348 p. - RTPhil 53 ( 1978) 44j-8 (A. Schilson). 605 Jacob E. ed., Sagesse et religion. Colloque de Strasbourg (oct. 1976): Bibl. Centre d'Et. Sup. Spec. P 1979, PUP. 233 p. 606 Kadesch in Geschichte und Überlieferung. Materialien zur Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschsprachigen kllth. Alttestamentler. Bamberg 1979. 607 Kahlefeld Heinrich (Fries, Heinrich) Hg., Schriftauslegung dient dem Glauben [Schweinfurt/Mil, Una-Sancta-Kreise, Tagung, 1978]. Fra 1979, Knecht. 104p. DM 12,80pa. 0 3-7820-0421-3. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 412s (J. Kahmann). 608 Kassel, Tagung: Das Verständnis von der Bibel: Texte und Ergebnisse der Jahrestagung für Theologiei;tw.lt:ntt:u 1977. Kasst:ler Heftti 6. Km,sd 1977, CVJM-Gesamtverb. in Deutschland. 38 p. 609 Kaye B., Wenham G. ed., Law, Morality, and the Bible. A Symposium. Downers Grove IL 1978, InterVarsity. 1x-252p. $5.95. 0 0-87784-795-9. 610 Kertelge K. Hg., Der Tod Jesu, Deutungen im NT [J. Beutler al., Tagm1g der kath. Neutestamentler Mü 1975]: QDisp 74. Fr 1976, Herder. 234p. - RHeythJ 20 (1979) 305s (C. Hickling). 611 Krcmcr J. ed. Les Aetes des Apötres: Traditions, rcdaction, thcologie; colloque Lv 1977: BiblETL 48. Lv/Gembloux 1979, Univ./Duculot. -'i94p Fh 1600 °?-8011-0??9-6. 30 art., infra. - RcßQ 41 (1979) 6831, (D. Senior); TLZ 104 (1979) 907s (T. H.). 612 Leonardi Giovanni dir., Lettura e interpretazione della Parola di Dio a partire delta situazione: Simposi di StPatav, 9 [= StPatav 26,2 (1979) 2'11 171]. Pndovn 1979, Grcgorinnn. 138 p. Lit. 4000/$5.50. Status quacs• tionis (Leonard1) 10-51 = 246-287; 12 al. 613 Leon-Dufour X., ed., Les miracles de Jesus [< Congres ACFEB, Lille

A2 Acta, Meetings - .1 Biblica


1973]: Parole de Dieu, 16. P 1977, Seuil. 396 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 310 (M. Bouttier); HeythJ 19 (1978) 456 (A. M. W.); NRT 100 (1978) 771-3 (X. Jacques); RelCult 24 (1978) 269 (A. Gilde Santivanes); Sal 40 (1978) 962s (A. Amato); TR 75 (1979) 457s (P.-G. Müller); TS 39 (1978) 536s (J. M. Reese); JTS 30 (1979) 277s (J. L. Houlden). 614 Linguistics and Bible Translating: Proc. of the 10th meeting of Die Nuwetestamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Africa ... , held at the Univ. of Potchefstroom ... 1974: Neotest 8 (Pretoria [0002] 1974... , Fac. of Theol., Section B, Univ. of Pretoria). 94 p. 615 Livingstone E. A. ed., Studia Biblica, 6th International Congress on Biblical Studics, Oxford 3- 7 Apr. 1978, I. [25] Papers on OT and Related Themes: JStOTSup 11 [II-III in JStNTSup]. Sheffield 1979, Univ. 266 p. $27.50/17.95; pa 18.40/11.95. (f:9.95). 0 0-905774-1/6-7 (/7-5 pa). 616 Livingstone Elizabeth A. ed. Studia Patristica [lüs Oxf 1967], 12ss, 6th International Conference, Oxford 1971: TU [107s] 115ss. B. 197[2]5s, Akademie. I [incl. Biblica] xi-483 p. II. ix-490 p. III. ix-502 p., cumulative index to StPatr 1-14. - RTR 74 (1978) 106ss (H. Crouzel tr. R. Himmrich: TU 117); TLZ 104 (1979) 561-6 (H. Karpp: TU 107s). 617 1;orenziL. De, ed., Dimensions de la vie chretienne (Rom. 12s) [5° colloq. ecum. paolino 1974]: ßenedictina Mon. Bib.- 58s,6158: RETRel 53 (1978) 576s (R. Kiejfer). 626 Ricreur Paul al., Hermeneutic qf the ldea of Revelation: protocol of the 27th Colloquy, Feb. 13, 1977: Berkeley 1977, Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modem Culture. 36 p. $3. 0 0-89242-026-X [- 58s,467]. 627 Ries Julien ed., L'expression du sacre dans les grandes religions I. Proche-Orient ancien et traditions bibliques [1. Problemes et methode; 11. Proche-Orient ancien; III. Monde biblique]: Coll. HomRel, 1. Louvainla-Neuve 1978, Centre d'Histoire des Religions. 328 p. Fb. 600. [- 58s,7915, M. Gilbert; reliqui infra]. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 95s (P. Delhaye); NRT 101 (1979) 613s (J.-L. Ska). 628 Ryan Thomas J. ed., Critical History and Biblical Faith. NT Perspectives [papers prepared for Cath. Theol. Soc. 24th 1977, St. Marys, Notre Dame]: CTS Annual Publ. Villanova PA 1979, CTS (c/o Horizons, Villanova Univ.) vi-236 p. $4.95 pa. 0 0-933392-00-1. 8 art. 629 Shinan A. ed., Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies I. J 1977, World Union of Jewish Studies. 427 p. + 221 p. hebr. RzA W 91 (1979) 152s (G. Fahrer: tituli, auctores). 630 Stone Michael E. ed., Armenian and Biblical Studies (< Seminar on the Armenian Translation of th~ Rihl~ J 1969): Sion Sup. 1. J 1976, St. James. 303 p., ill. - 58s,1343*. 18 art., infra. - RRB 84 (1977) 63s (F. Langlamet). 631 Stonehouse Ned B., Walley Paul ed., The infallible word. A Symposium by the members of the Faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary, [Philadelphia]. Phillipsburg NJ 1978, Presbyterian and Reformed. XI308 p. 632 Surgy Paul de [corr. 58s,9184*], pres., Ecriture et pratique chretienne: Congres de l'ACFEB, Angers 1977: Lectio divina, 96. P 1978, Cerf. 265 p. F 77. 0 2-204-01258-0. 11 art. infra. - RETL 55 (1979) 172-75 f53 (1977) 495-500] (J. Cappens); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 385ss (E. Harnei); TsTNijm (1979) 184s (J. Negenman). 633 Thoma C. ed. Zukunft in der Gegenwart: Wegweisungen in Judentum und Christentum [Symposium, 8 Beiträge]: Judaica et Christiana 1. Bern/Fra 1976, H. Lang. 241 p. Fs 36. - RRB 84 (1977) 634 (F. Langlamet).

634 Vargas-Machuca A. ed. [Duquac C., Käsemann E., Ba.ff L., Kasper W., Pannenberg W.], Jesucristo en la historia y en la fe (Sem. Internac. Teol. M 1977): Vcrdad y lmagen 50. Salamanca 1977, Sigueme. 375 p. _, 58s,4380; 0 84-301-0711-8 (J. March: 0 84-7075-072-0). - RGreg 60 (1979) 183s (J. Ga/ot); RCatalT 4 (1979) 233s (E. Vilanava). 635 Vignaux P. pres., Dieu et l'etre: exegeses d'Exode 3,14 et de Coran 20, 11-24: (CNRS, Religions du Livre, laboratoire lYl). P ll)'/8, Et. Aug. 276p. 636 Walker William 0. J, ed. [intr. 1-15] The Relationships among the Gospels: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue (Trinity Univ., May 1977): TrinUMonSerRel 5. San Antonio 1978 - 58s,4510: $12. 0 0-911536-73-6. 13

A2 Acta, Meetings - .1 Biblica


art., infra. - RJAAR 47 (1979) 138 (J. D. Crossan). 637 [Woude A. S. van der, gen. ed.] Instruction and Interpretation. Studies in Hebrew Language, Palestinian Archaeology and Biblical Exegesis [British-Dutch OT Conference Lv 1976]: OTS 20. Ld 1977, Brill. v129 p. /68 (subscr. 48). 0 90-04-05433. 7 art., infra. 638 Wyk W. C. van ed., Old Testament Essays: Studies in the Pentateuch, [< Congresses of Ou Test. Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika at Potchefstroom Univ. for Christian Higher Education in 1974 and at the Rand Afrikaans Univ. in 1975]: OTWerkSuidA 17s (Pretoria 1977, Univ. Department of Semitic Languages). rx-85 p. 639 Wyller E. A., Gudbrandson T. ed. J0dene og j0dedommen. Fra Det gamle testamente till Midt-0sten konflikten (Seminarium 1976). Oslo 1977, Universitetsforlaget. 158 p. 10 art. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 185 (T. Tobiassen). 640 Zevini G. ed., Incontro con la Bibbia. Leggere-pregare-annunciare. Convegno di aggiomamento, Fac. theol. Univ. Pont. Salesiana R, 2-5 gen. 1978: BiblScRel, 23. R 1978, LAS. 327 p. Lit. 6800. 17 art., plures infra. - Rsal 40 (1978) 985s (A. Amato e a.).

A2.2 Acta: theologica. 641 d'Alatri Mariano, Atti de! 2° convegno di studi francescani, R ott. 1976. I frati penitenti di S. F. nella societa de! due e trecento. R 1977, Ist. Storico Cappuccini. 395 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 841 (H. Roggen).

642 [Arias J., Zavoli S. intr.] Cristo provocaci6n para el hombre = Actas Asis 1972 [< Quel Gesu 1973 ----> 55,3480] tr. J. M. Perez, R. Sayes. Nueva Dimension 18. Estella (Navarra) 1974, Ed. Verbo Divino. 285 p. 12 art., C. Martini, Resurrecci6n. 643 Audinet J. al., (present. C. Geffre'), Le deplacement de la theologie (Colloque methodologique fevr. 1976 P Inst. Cath.): Le Point Theologique 21. P 1977, Beauchesne. 184 p. F 30. ---->Corbin. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 21'1 (H. Rikhof angl.). 644 Auge M. pres., Autorita e obbedienza nella vita religiosa: Giomate R 10-14 die. 1977 'Claretianum'. Mi 1978, Ancora. 336 p. Lit. 7.000. 645 Bartoletti E. ed., L'incontro con Cristo. L'iniziazione cristiana [Congresso Azione Cattolica Firenze 1973]: Nuovo impegno 1. R 1974, A.V.E. 167 p. Lit. 1500. 35-64, Rossano P., L'annuncio della salvezza nella Sacra Scrittura; 65-84, Martini C., Fondamenti biblico-teologici dell'evangelizzazione. 646 Beilernare R. [Theologie systematique et exegese selon S. Thomas], al., Colloque commemoratif S. Thomas d'Aquin 1274-1974: EglTh 5,2 (1974) 131-322. - RRHE 74 (1979) 194 (F. van Steenberghen). 64 7 Beruhe C. ed. Regnum Hominis et Regnum Dei, Acta Quarti Congressus Scotistici Internationalis [Padova 1976], Vol. I = Studia Scholastico-Scotistica 6. R 1978, Coll. S. Bonavcntura; p. 155-68, Rosini R., I limiti della ragione e la necessita della rivelazione in Duns Scoto. 648 Bryer A., Herrin J. ed. Iconoclasm (9th Symposium 1975). Birmingham 1975,.Univ.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

Centre for Byzantine Studies. xr-195 p. 37 fig. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 566s (H. G. Thümmel).

649 Bsteh Andreas Hg., Der Gott des Christentums und des Islams (Tagung Mödling 1977): BeiRelTh 2. Wien-Mödling 1978, St. Gabriel. 192 p. Sch. 176. C. Westermann, G. Lohfink, K. Rahner, G. Greshake. 650 Carol Juniper B. ed., Marian Studies 29 (1978) 29th Conv. Mariological Soc. Amer., Baltimore Jan. 1978. - REphMar 29 (1979) 131s (A. Rivera). 651 Clayton John P. ed., Ernst Troeltsch and the Future of Theology (Symposium Lancaster) 1976. f:7.50. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 374ss (K. Nowak). 652 De Klcrk P. ed., Renaissance, Reformation, Rcsurgcnce: Papers and Responses Presented at the Colloquium on Calvin and Calvin Studies, Calvin Theol. Sem. GR 22-23.rv.1976. GR 1976, Calvin Theol. Sem. v181 p. - RCalvTJ 13 (1978) 204-08 (M. E. Osterhaven). 653 Die Einheit des Glaubens und der theologische Pluralismus; Ergebnisse der Tagung von 1972 [der Internationalen Theologenkommission (der kath. Kirche)]: Sammlung Horizonte, N.F. 7. Einsiedeln 1973, Johannes (Benziger). 220 p. Fs 38. 654 Felici S. ed., Valori attuali della catechesi patristica = ConvegiJ.o Pont. Inst. Altioris Latinitatis R 1978 = BiblScRel 18. R 1979 L(ibreria) A(teneo) S(alesiano). 217 p. Lit. 6500. 13 art., 10 infra. - RvetChr 16 (1979) 133-6 (M. Spinelh). 655 Fleischner Eva ed., Auschwitz: Beginning of a New Era? Reflections on the Holocaust (Papers given at the International Symposium on the Holocaust held at the Cathcdral of St. John the Divine, New York City, June 3 to 6, 1974). NY 1977, Ktav. Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. XIX-469p. - RzRelGg 31 (1979) 292ss (H.-J. Loth). 656 Gäbler U., Zsindely E., Bullinger-Tagung 1975 (400 Todestag. 12 Vorträge, keiner exegetisch). Z 1977, Univ.; Inst. Schw. Ref-gesch. 142p. -RTLZ 104 (1979) 517-20 (J. Rogge). 657 Gherardini B. [p. 70-89, Sul concetto di tradizione], al., Tradizione e rivoluzione, Atti de! XXVII Convegno de! Centro di Studi Filosofici tra Professori Universitari, Gallaratc 1972. Brcscio 1973, Morcelliono.

658 Hani J. ed., Problemes du mythe et de son interpretation. Actes du Colloque de Chantilly (avr. 1976). P 1978, BLettres. 131 p. 659 Illman K.-J., Thuren J. Hg., Der Herr ist einer, unser gemeinsames Erbe [Vorträge bei der Internationalen Sommerschule für Kirche u. Judentwn, der Arbeitsgruppe Kirche und .Judentum des Aussenamts der Ev.-Luth. Kirche Finnlands, 24-29 Jul. 1979]: MeddStifAÄbFor 47. Abo 1979. 136 p. Fmk 23.25 660 Jacob E. ed., Sagesse et religion. Colloque de Strasbourg (oct. 1976): BiblCentreEtSupSpec. P 1979, PUF. 233 p. 661 Jerusalem, la cite spirituelle. Colloque tenu a Cambrai/Vaucelles les 20, 21 et 22 juin 1975: Cah1ers de l'Universite Saint Jean de Jerusalem, 2. P 1976, Berg. 178 p. 662 Kwst!r 0. Hg., Gedenken an Rudolf Dultma1111[t 1976; zusammentreffen Marburg]. Tü 1977, Mohr. 70 p. E. Dink/er 15-40; H. Jonas 41-70. 663 Kasper W. hg. Absolutheit des Christentums (Tagung Salzburg 1977)


A2.2 Acta: theologica

QDisp 79. Fr 1977, Herder. 156 p. OT Zenger, NT G. Lohfink. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 591s (W. Löser); TPQ 127 (1979) 89s (W. Gruber). 664 Kastner G. R., Poetry as an Imitation of Christ: Third Annual Byzantine Studies Conference Abstracts (NY 1977) 16s. 665 Laflamme R., Gervais M. ed. Le Christ hier, aujourd'hui et demain: colloque de Christologie tenu a l'Universite Laval (21-22 mars 1975). Quebec 1976, Univ. Laval. vm-487 p. $18. 666 Langner Albrecht hg., Säkularisation [ökonomisch] und Säkularisierung [kulturell] im 19. Jdt. [Symp. 1975]: BeiKF-B. Mü 1978, Schöningh. 200p. - B. Casper. RTPhil 54 (1979) 303ss (H. Bacht); TR 75 (1979) 221s (K. J. Benz); TüTQ 159 (1979) 311s (R. Reinhardt).

667 Lazzati G. ed. Ambrosius Episcopus. Atti del Congresso intemazionale di studi ambrosiani nel XVI centenario dell'elevazione di sant'Ambrogio alla cattedra episcopale, Milano 2-7 die. 1974, 1-11[... Problemi esegetici e teologici ... ] : Studia Patristica Mediolanensia 6s. Mi 1976, Vita e Pensiero. xn-539; vn-463 p. 668 LehmannK. (Internationale Theologenkommission R 1976) hg.: Theologie der Befreiung: Horizonte NF 10. Einsiedeln 1977, Johannes. 195 p.; [58s,9308]; add.; 79-153 0. Gonztilez de Cardedal; 155-71 H. Urs von Balthasar. - RMüTZ 30,1 (1979) 70s (L. Sche.ffczyk); TPhil 53 (1978) 621ss (M. Manzanera: AT-NT beziehungslos nebeneinandergeslellt); TüTQ 159 (1979) 237s (A. Schilson). 669 Lilienfeld F. von al. hg., Aspekte frühchristlicher Heiligenverehrung: [1975 Tagung, Seminar für Geschichte und Theologie des christlichen Ostens]: Oikonomia 6. Erlangen 1977, Univ. v1-216p. DM19,50. Cancik H. (römischer Hintergrund); Goldberg A. (= FraJudB 1976); Rordorf W., Drijvers H., Kretschmar G. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 742ss (A. J. M. Davids). 670 [Löhrer Magnus ed.] Zunkunft der Religion, Religion der Zukunft: Katholische Akademie Augsburg, Tagung Rom, La Storta 1978: AkademiePubl. 47. Augsburg 1978. 92 p. 671 Neuser W. H. ed., Calvinus theologus. Actes du Congres europeen. 16-19 sept. 1974, Amstmfam Ncuk 1976 157 p. - RJIPR 58 (1978) 446s (M. Lienhard).

672 Oberhammer G. Hg. Offenbarung[sbegriff in Indien, Symposium] 1974 56,150; 58s,242: Rcc 130 (1979, 2) 409 (M. Dhavamony); ZDMG 128 (1978) 388-92 (W. Schmitt). 674 O'Rourke J. J., Greenburg S. T., cd., [Ph 1978] Symposium on the Magisterium: A Positive Statement. Boston 1978, Daughters of St. Paul. P. Grech, J. Whealon. 675 Osten-Sncken P. von der, Stöhr M. Hg., Wegweisung: jüdische und christliche Bibelarbeiten und Vorträge: Evang. Kirchentag, Berlin 1977: Vr.röfflnstKiJnrl 8. R 1978, Tnstitnt Kir~hr. 11, Judentum bei der Kirchl. Hochschule. 98 p. 676 Panagopoulos J. ed., Prophetie Vocation in the NT and Today (11 essays, Bossey Ecum. Inst. 12-17 Sept. 1975): NT Sup 45. Ld 1977, Rrill. VTTT~47



Rr.RQ 41 (197Q) 4Q0s (n

F. ,1un A. Solignac, G. Fedalto. - RRHE 74 (1979) 839ss (A. J. Gondras). A2.3 Acta: philologica. 693 Agostinis S., Storiografia ed ermeneutica: Atti del XIX Convegno di assistenti universitari di Filosofia, Padova 1974; Centro di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate. Padova 1975, Gregoriana. 346 p. 694 Ajello R. cd. Intcrfcrcnza linguistica. Atti dcl convcgno dclla Soc. Italiana di Glottologia, Perugia 1977. Pisa 1978, Giardini. 695 L'astronomie dans l'antiquite classique. Actes du Colloque tenu a l'Universite de Toulouse-Le Mirail 21-23 octobre 1977: Etudes Anciennes. P 1979, Beiles Lettres. 260 p., 3 pl. 696 Bingen J., Cambier J. ed., Aspects d'etudes classiques. Actes du Colloque associe a la XVIe Assemblee Generale de la Federation Internationale des Associations d'Etudes Classiques: Coll. Fac. Phi los. Lettres 66. Bru 1977, Univ. Libre. 101 p. 697 Caquot A., Cohen U., ed. Actes du premier congres international de linguistique semitique et chamito-semitique, Paris 16-19 juillet 1969: Janua Linguarum 159. Haag 1974, Mouton. 461 p. - RJNES 37 (1978) 358-62 (P. Daniels). 698 Colloques: La Rhetorique a Rome, 10-11 dec. 1977; l'ravaux militaires en Gaule romaine et N-O, 5-7 mai 1978: Caesarodunum 27 (1977); 28 (1978). 699 Conte A. G., Hilpi11e11 R., Wright G. H. von, hg., Deontische Logik und Semantik (Kongress Bielefeld 1975); Linguistische Forschungen 15. Wiesb 1977, Athenaion, 215 p. 700 Conte M.-E., Ramat A. G. & P. ed., Akten des 12. Linguistischen Kolloquiums Pavia. I 1977 Wortstellung und Bedeutung. II 1978 Sprache im Kontext= Linguistische Arbeiten, 61s. Tü, M. Niemeyer. X-284 p.; X-240 p. 701 Dixon John W. J, Art as a Hermeneutic of Narrative: protocol of the 24th Colloquy, Nov. 14, 1976. Berkeley 1977, CHH. 56 p.$3. 0 0-89242-023-5. 702 Ducroux S., (dir. N. Duval), Catalogue analytique des inscriptions latines sur pierre conservees au Musee du Louvre, ii l'occasion du Colloque C.N.R.S. d'onomastique latine Paris Oct. 1975. P 1975, Musee du Louvre, Dep. Antiq. Grecques et Romaines, Centre de Recherches Antiques A. Merlin. VI-242 p., phot. num. 923-982, c. 60 p. indices non paginat. 1. divinites, 2. empereurs, 3. senat.; 4. equestr.; 5. armee; 7. fun. ; 8. ehret. 703 Flashar Heilmut dir., Le classicisme ä Rome aux 1ers siecles avant et apres .T.-C. Vandu:uvrcs-Gcncvc 21-26 uo0t 1978: Entre Liens sur l'Anliquilc Clussiquc, 25. Gcneve 1979, Fondation Hardt. [VIII-]325p. 704 Fontaine J., Perrin M. ed., Lactance et son temps. Recherches actuelles. Actes du

6. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

Ive Colloque d'Etudes Historiques et Patristiques, Chantilly 21-23 sept. Theo!Hist 48. P 1978, Beauchesne. 312p. F87. ➔ P. Monat. - RJTS 30 329ss (R. M. Ogilvie, cujus Library of Lactantius simul prodiens pleraque mat); NRT 101 (1979) 93 (C. Martin); REL 57 (1979) 578s (C. lngremeau); (1979) 375s (J. Speigl).

1976: (1979) confirTR 75

705 Fronzaroli Pelio ed., Atti del secondo congresso intemazionale di linguistica camito-semitica, Firenze, 16-19 apr. 1974: QuadSem, 5. F 1978, Ist. Linguistica e Lingue Orientali. vm-409 p. 706 Glottologia. La cultura italica. Atti del Convegno della Societa Italiana di Glottologia, Pisa die. 1977. Pisa 1978, Giardini. 154 p. - RREL 57 (1979)

605-7 (A. Hus), 707 Gnosticism, Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Sto 1973 = K. Vitterhetsak. f-f 17, 1977. [cf. 58s,2249]. 708 [Urimal P.J Campte Rendu des Seances de Ja Societe d'Etudes Latines: REL 57 (1979) 1-26; chronique 32ss (theses); liste des membres XIX-XXXVI. 709 Güttgemanns E. al., Thesen und Reflexionen zur erkenntnistheoretischen Funktion von Linguistik und Semiotik in der Theologie: Tagung P SNTS 26-VII-1978: LingBib 43 (1978) 75. 710 Gusmani R., Knobloch J., al., Paleontologia linguistica. Atti del VI convegno internazionale, Mi 1974: Univ. Ist. Lombardo di Glottologia e Lingue Orientali, Brescia 1977, Paideia. 224 p. Lit. 10.000. 7 art. 711 Homcnajc a Luis Vives, VI Congreso Est. Clasicos M 1974. M 1977, Univ. Sem. Ncbrija. 149 p. 712 Hospers J. [Applied ... ], al., General Linguistics and the Teaching of Dead HamitoSemitic Languages. Procedings of the Symposium held in Groningen, nov. 1975 ... : StSemLgLing 9. Ld 1978, Brill, XIV-109p./64. 0 90-04-05806-0.

713 Irigoin J. al. ed. (Glenisson J. dir.) La pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes. Colloque Paris, 29-3 l mars 1978. [Questions preliminaires; Methodes statistiques, algorithmiques, formelles; De la collation automatique a la photocomposition; Tables rondes]: Colloques intemationaux du C.N.R.S., 579. P 1979, CNRS. 290 p. F 130. 714 KendallD. G. al. ed., The Place of Astronomy in the Ancient World [symposium = Royal Society Philosophicul Transactions A 276 (1974) n. 12571, L 1974, Oxford for British Academy. 276 p. :C13.0 0-19-725944-8. - RBO 34 (1977) 168. 715 KilpatrickGeorge D., Literat)' Fashions and the Transmission of Texts in the Uraeco-Roman World: Protocol of the Colloquics of thc Center, 19. Berkeley 1976, CHH. 51 p. $2.50. 0 0-89242-018-9.

716 Kresic S., McCormick P., Modem Literary Hermeneutics and Classical Texts = Internat. Symposium Univ. Ottawa, Toronto 9-1 l Nov. 1978 (volume awaited 1979). 717 Kustas George L., Diatribe in Ancient Rhetorical Theory: Protocol of the 22d Colloquy, Apr. 25, 1976. Berkeley 1976, CHH. 50 p. $2.50. 0 0-89242-021-9.

718 Lane D. al, Symposium Syriacum, Chantilly 1976: OrChrAn 205. R 1978, I'ont. Inst. Orient. St. 383 p. ·119 Lombardi Vallaun L. [➔1 al., Religione e politica. Atti del convegno R 1978, Ist. di Filosofia 'Enrico Castelli '. 720 Martini G. dir., Nuovi metodi della ricerca storica: Atti del Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Storiche, Studi Storici: Salemo, 23-27 aprile 1972.

A2.3 Acta: philologica


Mi 1977, Marzorati. vm-394 p. 721 Meid W., Heller K. ed., Textlinguistik und Semantik. Akten der 4. Arbeitstagung Österreichischer Linguisten, Innsbruck 6.-8. Dez. 1975 = Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft, 17. Innsbruck 1976, Institut für Sprachw. der Universität. 283 p. - RßeiNam 14 (1979) 94 (H. v. Gadow). 722 L'Onomastique Latine = Colloques Intemationaux du CNRS, 564, P 13-15 oct. 1975. P 1977, CNRS. 512p. - RßeiNam 14 (1979) 148ss (K. Huber).

722* La paleographie grecque et byzantine: Paris 21-25 octobre 1974: Colloques intemationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 559. P 1977, CNRS. 588 p., ill. 723 Pippidi D. M. ed., Actes du vne Congres International d'Epigraphie grecque et latine. Constantza. 9-15 septembre 1977: Academie des Sciences Sociales et Politiques de la republique Socialiste de Roumanie, Institut d'Archeologie de Bucarest. Bucure§ti/P 1979, Academiei/Belles Lettres. 510 p. 19 Rapports; .... J. Rey-Coquais, G. Molisani. 724 Ries J., al. La pluralite des langues devant la conscience religieuse. Colloque d'histoire des religions 1976. P 1977, Soc. Emst-Renan. 69p. 725 Steinthal H. al., Reden, Deutscher Altphilologenverband, Rg Tagung 1978: Gymn 86 (1979) 229-48; 369-412 Berichte. 726 Studia Codicologica 1977 = TU 124 .... 541. 727 Talamanco Mario, La filosofüt grcca c il diritto romano. Colloquio italo-fruncese (apr. 1973): Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura 221, II. R 1977, Ace. Lincei. 319 p. [I 1976 di W. Seston, J. Gaudemet, A. Michel, C. Nicolet]. - RREL 57 (1979) 566-8 (M. Ducos).

728 La Toponymie antique. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 12-14 juin 1975. Ld 1977, Brill. 264 p. /50. 729 Turner Eric G., Actes du xve Congres International de Papyrologie, I. The Terms Recto and Verso. The Anatomy of the Papyrus Roll [II. Papyrus inedits (P. XV. Congr.); III. Problemes generaux - Papyrologie litteraire; IV. Papyrologie documentaire] Bruxelles, Fondation Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 1978[s]. '/30 Unnik Willem C. van, First Century A.D. Literary Culture and Early Christian Literature: Protocol of the Ist Colloquy, Apr. 25, 1970. Berkeley 1975, CHH. 29 p. $2. 0 0-89242-000-6. 731 Wilson R. M. ed. Nag Hammadi and Gnosis (Cairo Coptology Congress 1976): NHS 14. Ld 1978, Brill. vm-178p. /96. 0 90-04-05760-9. 16 authors. A2.4 Acta: orien.talistica. 732 ALBRIGHT W. F.: Unity and Diversity: Essays in the History, Literature and Religion of the Ancient Near East rsymposium in Memory of ~ 1973): JohnsHopkNESt Baltimore/L 1975, Johns Hopkins Univ. xm-225 p. '/'33 Alp Sedat secr., VIII. Tiirk Tarih Kongresi IT] Communications presented to the Congress, Ankara Oct. 1976: Yaymlan IX/8. Ankara 1979, Tiirk Tarih Kurumu. Vol. I. c.L-560 p. 67 art. on Ancient Anatolia, 44 IT]; 10 infra.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

734 Aramaic Colloquium, Chicago Univ. 1976 = JNES 37,2 (1978) + Fitzmyer J. SBL Mon -> 303. 735 Atti del 1° Convegno Italiano sul Vicino Griente Antico (Roma, 22-24 Aprile 1976): Orientis Antiqui Collectio 13. R 1978, Centro per le Antichita e la Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Griente. rx-241 p. 36 fig., 13 pl. 736 Bianchi U. ed. Mysteria Mithrae. Atti del Seminario Internaz. su 'La specificita storico-religiosa dei Misteri di Mithra, con particolare riferimento alle fonti documentarie di Roma e Ostia', Roma e Ostia 28-31 mar. 1978 = EPROER 80. Ld/R 1979, Brill/Ateneo & Bizzarri. vm1005 p. p. 3-60, 6 fig., Bianchi, The religio-historical question of the mystcrics of Mithra; 873-79 Epilcgomcna. Alii infra. 737 Cahen G. dir., Etudes Arabes et Islamiques = Actes du XXIXe Congres international des Orientalistes. P 1975, L'Asiatheque. x-244; vr-140 p. 738 Caquot A., dir., Etudes semitiques / Gignoux P. dir. Iran ancien: Actes du XXIXe Congres international des Orientalistes. P 1975, L'Asiatheque. rv-90 p. / rv-58 p. 739 Davis, A. R. (Syrokomla-Stefanowska A.) ed., Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Orientalists, Canberra 1971. vn-327 p. Wiesbaden 1976, Harrassowitz [Sumerian and Akkadian: 49 51; Iranian: 51-54; Phoenician and Ugaritic: 54-57 (summaries)] -> 58s,b633. 740 Dietrich Albert Hg., Synkretismus im syrisch-persischen Kulturgebiet [Symposion Gö-Reinhausen 1971]; Abh Gö 3/96. Gö 1975, VR. 177 p. DM 46. 0 3-525-82374-6. - RBO 36 (1979) 204 (A. F. J. Klijn). 741 Galley M. (Marshall D. R.) ed., Actes du Premier Congres d'Etudes des Cultures Mediterraneennes d'Influence Arabo-Berbere, Alger 1973, ed. 1975, Societe Nationale d'Edition et de Diffusion. xxv-561 p. 742 Gignoux, Ph. ed., 2e Colloque International [sur la 'Collection des sources pour l'histoire de l'Asie centrale preislamique'j de Budapest: Studia Iranica 5/2 (1976s). 743 Green D. F. ed., Arab Theologians on Jews and Israel. Extracts of the Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of the Academy for Islamic Research/Majma al-BulJ.u! al-Islamiyah. Geneve 1971, L'Avenir. 90 p. Ps4. 744 Grjaznevic P. A. [Feldforschung im Jemen 1970-71 p. 8-18] al., IB:I Drevnjaja Aravija (Materialy i soobscenija), IX, Godicnaja naucnaja sessija LO/JV [Arabia Antiqua (materialia et communicationes), nonus annuus conventus scientiflcus sectionis Leningradensis sovietici Instituti Scientifici]. Moskva 1973, Nauka. 104 p. 745 Harmatta J., Komor6czy G. ed., Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im alten Vorderasien [44 Socialist Cuneiformist papers 1974, Budapest = AcAcadHung 22 (1974)]. Budapest 1976, Akademiai Kiad6. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 316s (J. M. Sasson); JNES 38 (1979) 217s (R. D. Biggs); WZKM 70 (1978) 97ss (M. Heltzcr). 746 Hinnells John R. e:d., Mithrnic. Stndie:s, 1st Conp;ressManchester; 1975 -> 58s,d295: I, II, xx-248 p.; xn-249-560, 40 pl. - RJAOS 87 (1977) 556-8 (M. Dresden); OLZ 74 (1979) 309-20 (K. Rudolph). 747 Hornung E., Keel 0. ed. Studien zu altägyptischen Lebenslehren [Sympo-

A2.4 Acta: orientalistica


sion Basel 1974]: OrBibOr 28. FrS/Gö 1979, Univ.-V./Vandenhoeck & R. 392 p. photot.; p. 364-88 bibliog. DM 78. 11 art. infra. 748 KippenbergH. G., Hg., Seminar: Die Entstehung der antiken Klassengesellschaft: Suhrkamp Taschenbücher, Wiss. 130 (Fra 1977). 392 p. 749 Klenge/ Horst, Nomaden und Handel: lraq 39 (1977) 163-9 [XXIII Rencontre Assyriologique, Birmingham 1976; its other papers in both fascicles of this volume are published separately as Trade in the Ancient Near East] ➔ 759. 750 Larsen Mogens T. ed., Power and Propaganda: A Symposium on Ancient Empires [K Sept. 1977, Univ. Inst. Assyriology]: Mesop 7. K 1979, Akadcmisk. 404 p. ill., maps; 393-404 Ovcrvicw by R. Adams. DM 110. 0 87-500-1878-7. 20 art., infra. 751 Leclant J. ed., Le dechiffrement des ecritures et des langues: Coll. Congr. Orient. 29, 1973/5 ➔ 58s,a230: RBO 34 (1977) 162s (A. van den Branden). 752 Leclant J., Vercoutter J. ed., Etudes nubiennes. Colloque de Chantilly 26-VII-1975: Bibliotheque d'Etude 77. Cairo 1978, IFAO. 374 p. 69 pl., figg. 36 art. ➔ E. Dink/er. 753 Lipi:nski E. ed., State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East (Conf. Lv. 1978): OrLovAn 5s. Lv 1979, Univ. Dept. Orientalistiek. 780p. ➔ 827. 754 Maehler Herwig, Strocka Volker M. hg., Das ptolemäische Ägypten. Akten des internationalen DAI-Symposions 27.-29. Sept. 1976 B. Mainz 1978, von Zabem. XIV-281p., 50 pl. DM 120. 0 3-8053-0362-9. 754* Paper H. H. ed., Jewish Languages. 1975/8, ➔ 58s,9537: RActOrK 40 (1979) 303ss (J. Ara); BSOAS 42 (1979) 413s (E. Ullendorjf). 755 Pugliese-Carratelli G. pres., Seminario sulle scritture dell'Anatolia antica [Convegno presso la Scuola Normale di Pisa, 23-26 marzo 1977]: AnScNormPisa 3,8 (1978) 729-915. 755* Reineke Walter F. ed., First International Congress of Egyptology, Cairo Oct. 2-10, 1976; Acts: Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients. B 1979, Akademie. c832 p. 19 fig. c80M. 0 753 681 4(2146/14). 756 Riscl1 E. [1977; et avec], 11,fühlestein H. ed., Colloquium Mycenaeum Neuchätel 7-13.IX.1975: UnivFacLett 36. Geneve 1979, Univ./Droz. 432 p. Fs 90. 757 Schmandt-BesseratD. ed., Legacy of Sumer 1976 ➔ 58s,b709; 0 0-89003043-X: - RBO 34 (1977) 330s (W. Nagel). 758 STRUVF. V. V. memorial ~ Seventh All-Allies (vsyesoyuznaya) Conference on the Ancient East. Moskva 1979, Nauka. 132 p. (summaries). 758"' Graflin F. al. ed. Symposium syriacum 1976/8 ➔ 58s,2668: RMust:on 92 (1979) 206-11 (A. de Halleux). 759 Tradc in thc Ancicnt Ncar East: XXIII Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, Birmingham July 1976. L 1977, British School of Archaeology in Jrnq [also in Traq 39 (1977)] ➔ 749. 760 Tyloch W. [➔] al., Actes du deuxieme Congres international d'etude des cultures de la Mediterranee Occidentale II. Alger 1978. 761 Vermaseren M. J. ed., Studies in Hellenistic Religions [= 1977 Dutch


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

meeting of Internat. Soc. Rist. Rel., Amst]: EPROER 78. Lei 1979, Brill. vn-296 p. fl32. 0 90-04-05885-0. 13 art., 5 infra. 762 Voigt W. Hg., XIX. Deutscher Orientalistentag 28. Sept.-4 Okt. 1975 Fr/B: ZDMG Sup. 3/1-2. Wiesb 1977, F. Steiner. c-1685 p., 74 fig., 42 pls. (2 vols.) DM 98 + 200 + Beiträge! -> Bertram G. 763 Vryonis S. J ed. Islam and Cultural Change in the Middle Ages = Fourth G. Levi della Vida Conference May 11-13, 1973, Los Angeles, U. ofCalifomia. Wiesb 1975, Harrassowitz, VIII-150 p. 7 art.

A2.5 Acta: archaeologica. 764 Acta ofthe 2nd International Colloquium in Aegaean Prehistory 1972. RTrabPreh 30 (1979) 400ss (A. Zamora Canellada). 765 Actes du Colloque 'Archeologie du paysage' Paris mai 1977, I: Caesarodunum 13 (1978). 766 Akurgal E. ed., Proceedings of the Xth International Congress of Classical Archaeology, Ankara-izmir 23-30 Sept. 1973. Ankara 1978, Türk Tarih Kurumu. xxrx-1138 p. (2 vol.) ill., album 360 pl. 767 Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana (R 21-27 sett. 1975): I. Monumenti cristiani precostantiniani; II. Scoperte inedite: StAntCr 32. Vaticano 1978, Pont. Ist. Arch. Cr. (50 anniv.). 688 p.; 60'1 p.; ill. Lit. 70.000. - RvetChr 16 (1979) 141-9 (M. Perraymond). 768 Barre/et M. T. [p. 1-20, Le 'cas' hurrite et la pratique archeologique: Methodologie et critiques] al., Problemes concernant les Hurrites [a discuter, 24 Rene. Assyr. P 1977]: Publ. URA 8. Valbonne 1977, CNRSArch, [rv-208 p.] Aussi J. Durand, P. Vernus, D. Charpin, C. Kepinski, D. Parayre. 769 Beck C. W. ed., Archaeological Chemistry. Symposium, History of Chemistry, Dallas April 9-10, 1973. Wsh 1974, Arner. Chem. Soc. 254 p., figs., pls., tables. 770 Berard C. introd., Bronzes hellenistiques et romains: tradition et renouveau. Actes du ye Colloque International sur les Bronzes Antiques, Lausaune 8-13 mai 1978: Cahiers d' Archeologie Romande, 17. Lausanne 1979 (diffusion De Boccard, Paris). 245 p., 141 pl.; p. 31-43, pl. 9-13, F. Braemer, Problemes de chronologie. 771 Camps-Fahrer H. dir., Premier colloque international sur l'industrie de l'os dans la prehistoire, Senanque (Vaucluse) avril 1974. Aix 1974, Ed. Univ. de Provenc.e. ?.:np,, figs. 26 art., -> M. Newcomer, D. Stordeur. 772 Fitz J. Hg., 'Limes', Akten des XL internationalen Limeskongressus (Szekesffihervar Sept. 1976). Budapest 1977. xiv-766 p. $48. - RREL 57 (1979) 519ss (H.-G. Pflaum). 773 Goldsmith D. cd., Scicntists Confront Vclikovsky. Papers from nn A(merican) A(ssocintion for the) A(dvancement of) S(cience) Symposium, TTniv. 184p. ill. - RscienSan Francisco 1974. Ithaca, NY 1977, C'.omr:11 ce 199 (1978) 288s (A. E. Avers1). 774 International Congrcss of Iranian Art und Archuculugy: AIK-Iruu Kuust & Archaeol 7 (Mü 1976): ArchMlran Ergbd 6. B 1979, Reimer. xxvm-

A2.5 Acta: archaeologica


651 p.: ill. DM 190. 775 Lassus J. [->], al., Tagung über römische Wasserversorgung. Lyon 1977. [9] p., 16 fig. 776 Matolesi J. Hg., Domestikationsforschung und Geschichte der Haustiere. Proceedings of a Symposium, Budapest, April 1971. Budapest 1973, Akademia Kiad6. 402 p., ill. $20. - Rscience 183 (1974) 844s (E. S. Wing). 777 Michamowski Kazimierz ed., Nubia, recent researches (1972 foundationmeeting, Soc. Nubian St.). Wsz 1976, Musee National. 136 p., ill. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 244s (J. Plumley). 778 Moore, Charlotte B. ed., Reconstructing Complex Societies. An Archaeological Colloquium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 29-30, 1972. BASOR Sup. 1974. x-170p. 779 Olsson, Ingrid U. ed., Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology. Proceedings of the Twelfth Nobel Symposium held at the Institute of Physics at Uppsala University. NY/Sto 1970, Wiley/Almqvist & W. 652 p., ill. 780 Otto K.-H., ·Brachmann H.-J. ed., Modeme Probleme der Archäologie = Historiker-Gesellschaft der DDR, VII. Tagung Ur- und Frühgeschichte, 10.-12. Mai 1973 Dresden. B 1975, Akademie. 282 p., 41 fig. 19 art. 781 Philippe J. (Beguin .T.)ed., Annales du 6e Congres International d'Etude Historique du Verre, Cologne 1-7 juillet 1973 = Association [ex-'Journees'] Internationale pow· l'Histoire du Verre. Liege 1974, Secretariat. 325 p.; ill. -> Binson M., Cowell M. 782 Pippidi D. M. ed., Actes du 9e congres international d'etudes sur !es frontieres romaines, Mamaia 1972. Bucarest/Köln W 1974, Editura Academiei/Böhlau. 557 p., figs., pls., tables. Lei 50.

784 Porada E. ed., Chronologies in Old World Archaeology [11. Columbia seminar] 1976s: AJA 82 (1978) 537 (-43:-> P. Smith; P. Matthiae). 785 Sawyer B. S. ed., World Climate from 8000 to 0. B. C. Proceedings of an International Symposium, London April 1966. L 1967, Royal Meteorological Society. iv-229 p. ($8.80). - Rscience 159 (1968) 1221 (H. C. Willett). 786 ScHLUMBERGER Vaniel, et SEYRIGHenri: Palmyre, bilan et perspectives. Colloque de Strasbourg (18-20 oct. 1973) a la memoire de~. Strasbourg 1976, Centre Rech. Pr.-O. Grece Ant. 239 p., ill., maps. 787 Scollar 1. pres., Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Archaeometry and Archaeological Prospection, Bonn 14-17 March 1978 = Archaco-Physika, 10. Köln 1979, Rheinland Verlag (Ronn, R. Habelt). [xiv-]717 p. photot., figg. -> U. Frank/in; Iran (68.97), Rhodes (156), Mycenae (580). 788 La Sindone e la scienza. Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Sindonologia a cura del ~entro Internaz. di Sindonologia (P. Coero Borgo). T 1978, Paoline. 576 p. 131 ill. f. 1. 26 art. - Rsindon 21,28 (1979) 43s (G. Donna d'Oldenido). 789 Yon M. org., Colloque international 'Salamine de Chypre' Lyon 1978: CNRS/Maison de l'Orient. Programme 13 p.; resumes 51 p. 9 maps. RFolOr 20 (1979) 300s (Z. J. Kapera).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

A2.8 Nuntii de congressibus: Rapports, Berichte.

xv1eJournee A. Abel. . . des Orientalistes belges, Bruxelles . . . 1978: Akkadica 9 (1978) 38-43 (resumes). 791 XVIIde A. Abel-dag van de Belgische orientalisten (Bru 1979): Akkadica 14 (1979) 37-42. 792 American Oriental Soc.: Proceedings Middle West Branch AOS, Bloomington Ind. Feb. 26-28, 1978; members present, business, program: JAOS 98 (1978) 354-7. Much on Bible or archeology of Bible lands. 793 American Oriental Society Proceedings Toronto 1978, 188th meeting conjointly with Societies for Study of Egyptian AnLiquiLies/Islamic Philosophy and Science: JAOS 98 (1978) p. 207: members present; p. 208: program; 208-13: business. 794 Archaeometry 21 (1979) after p. 112 announces International Symposium 'Science in Egyptology' Manchester U. June 26-30, 1979; information from Dr. A. R. David, Manchester Univ. Museum. 195 Armeilada B. de, El Dios insustituible (Semana teol6gica, Le6n 1978): NatGrac 26 (1979) 95-110. 796 Associazione Biblica Italiana, Convegno trentennale R Salesianum 28-30 marzo 1978: Dio nella Bibbia e nelle culture ad essa contemporanee e connesse: G. Pettinato, Politeismo e enoteismo nella religione di Ebla, e a. - Salt::sia11w11 40 (1978) 457; 735, 6 altri titoli biblici; 779.


797 Astengo C., Un Seminario intemazionale sulla cartografia storica e la conservazione degli archivi cartografici (Helsinki 12-15 sett. 1979): BSoGglt 8 ( 1979) 701ss. 798 A[ubert] R., Cristianizzazione ed organizzazione delle campagne nell'alto medioevo: espansione e resistenze (Programma Settimana 28, Centro italiano St. Alto Medioevo, Spoleto apr. 1980): RHE 74 (1979) 842 [W. Frend, Donatist].

799 Aviram Joseph, a) The Fifth Archaeological Congress in Israel. [J Feb. 1978 Persian to Ottoman Periods]: Qadm 11 (1978) 100; b) The Vth Archaeol. Conference in Israel (of the Israel Exploration Soc. & The Department of Antiquities and Museums) - (at Yad Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem 1978): IsrEJ 28 (1978) 128s; c) Israel Exploration Society and Dept. Antiquities, 6th Archaeological Conference, TA March 14, 1979: Iron Age: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 125s (some 30 titles); d) The XXXIII Archaeol. Convention of the Israel Exploration Soc. 1978 in Jerusalem: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 283s. 800 Bergamelli Ferdinando, 11 convegno di studio e di aggiomamento sui 'Valori attuali dclla catcchcsi putristico' [R apr. 1978, Pont. Univ. Sale siana]: Sal 40 (1978) 901-9: E. Corsini, L' Apocalisse. 801 Biblistes africains, Le premier congres des~: RAfrT 3 (1979) 78-84. 802 Bogaert P.-M., Joumees bibliques de Louvain de 1978: les Livre~ Sapientlaux de l'AT: RTLouv 10 (1979) 123s. 803 Rudolf BULTMANN. Gedenkworte von H.-CT. (hulamer. Orden pour le Merite für Wissenschaften und Künste (Kanzler K. Bitte!). Reden und Gedenkworte 13 ((1976-]77) Heid c.1979. L Schneider [237 p.] 127-39. + 10 alii honorandi, varii sermones. 804 Cuprile 0., SLudiu e cu11usce11zaddla Bibbia [Assemblea plenaria della Pontificia Commissione Biblica, 23-27 apr. 1979, a Roma 'Rapporto tra

A2.8 Nuntii de congressibus: Rapports, Berichte


fede e cultura, tra il messaggio e il medio-ambiente': Neovolgata]: CC 130 (1979, 2) 371-74. 805 Ceresko A. R., Catholic Biblical Association of America: a) Report on the 41st General Meeting (... 1978): CBQ 40 (1978) 590-96. - b) Report on the 42d General Meeting (Boston College Aug. 20-23, 1979): CBQ 41 (1979) 614-21. 806 Chmiel J., VI Mi~dzynarodowy Kongres Studi6w Biblijnych w Oksfordzie [Vlth Intern. Congress on Biblical Studies, Oxford 1977]: RuBi 31 (1978) 275-77. 807 Conference of Catholic Theological Institutions (COCTI), Porto Alegre 1'/-19 aug. 1978: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 424s. 808 La 'cooperation' a la XXIVe Rencontre assyriologique internationale Paris 4-8/VIl/1977; Akkadica 5 (1977) 9-29; Resume des r.omm11nir.;itions presentees par des Belges: ibid. 3-8. 809 [Coppens J.] Society for OT Study, St. Andrews 18-21 July 1978: ETL 55 (1979) 199: 'E. Ullendorf a qualifie de "Bawdy Bible" le NEB du fait qu'il introduit des connotations sexuelles la ou elles ne s'imposent pas'. 810 Gli Ebrci nell'Alto Medioevo, XXVI Settimana di Studio., Spoleto apr. 1978: J. Prawer, S. Goitein, E. Aslttor, C. Colafemmina, D. Cassuto al.: Sal 40 (1978) 238s. 811 European Seminar on the Role and the Place of the Bible in the Liturgical and Spiritual Life of the Orthodox Church, Prague Sept. 12-18, 1977: IntRMiss 66 (fase. 264, Oct.) (1977) 385-88. 812 Fernandez Domiciano, Cr6nica del VIII congreso mariol6gico internacional (3-9-X-1979 Zaragoza): EphMar 29 (1979) 340-352; 353-6 Contribuci6n espaiiola (G. Calvo Moralejo); 357-71 y Ecumenismo (J. M. Alonso); 373-90 congreso Mariano 9-12-X-1979 (1. Bengoechea); cf. p. 96-100. 813 Fernandez Marcos N., IOSOT 9 congr. Gö 21-26 aug. 1977: Sef 38 (1978) 217-222. 814 Fcrnandcz Tcjcra Emilia, Los estudios masoreticos en el 'VII congreso internacional de estudios judios' [J 7-14 ag. 1977]: Sef 38 (1978) 215s. 815 Frankowski Janusz, [Pl Reftections on the 25th Congress of Polish Biblists 1977: ColcT 49,1 (1979) 181-7. 816 French E., [Informal Colloquium on Cyprus: the 'Settlement' Levels of Late Cypriot III]: Nestor 6 : 7 (1979) 1398-1400. 817 Galliano G., II XXIV Convegno Nazionale dell'Ass. lt. Insegnanti di Geografia (Dordighcr11?5-?'l iw.tt 1'l7'l): RSoGglt R (1979) 689-93 [693-6 cartol!l'afico; 696-8 geomorfologico; 698-701 urbanistico ].

818 Gaster L. M., The Aegean Bronze Age - An Interdisciplinary Approach (Temple Univ. Aegean Symposium ? 1977): RA 40 (1977) 52-54. 819 a) Gervais M., Le colloque sur la gnose et la bibliotheque de Nag Ham(1979) R7-94; h) T,ll.JWirtle R., madi (22-25 aoüt 1978): LavalTPhil Colloque international iur ln gnosc et 1n bibliotheque de NH: SR 7 (1978) 447s. 8:.WGhzberh Giuseppe, Colloquio sull'Interpretazione lUniv. Macerata, lsL Pedagogia-Psicologia, 19-20 apr. 1979]: RivB 27 (1979) 397-400. 821 Ghiberti Giuseppe, Seminario di studio sulla lettura molteplice [lingui-



Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

stica, J. Kremer; simbolica, L. Alonso-Schökel; materialista, A. Rizzi; strutturale, W. Egger] della Bibbia [Trento, Ist. Sc. Religiose, 23-24 maggio 1979]: RivB 27 (1979) 403ss. 822 Gutheinz L., Asian Theologians' Conference and Chinese Theologians' Colloquium: Report on Two Theological Meetings: ColcTFujen 11, 40 (1979) 203-30. 823 [Haarsma F.] Ambtenaar? Pastor? Profeet? Leiding op het grondvlak van de kerken: congres Nijmegen 4-6 apr. 1979: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 21720 [221-93 J. Kerkhoß, A. Houtepen, E. Schi/lebeeckx q.v.], 294-302 Forumdiscussie. 824 Hebrew Union College Colloq_uium,Temples and High Places in Biblical Times: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 259s. 822 Solä F. de P., XXVIII Semana Espafiola de Teologia, Fe y magisterio Eclesiästico (Doctorado de Santa Teresa) 1971: EstJos 27 (1973) 126s. 853 Spee H., Katholieke theologen in Nederland over de actualiteit van Karl Barth, Amst Jan. Apr. Jun. 1978: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 425-8. 854 Spijker A. van de, Wuppertal Studiedag, Die pastoralen Dienste in der Ortsgemeinde und ihr gemeinsames christologisches Fundament: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 178s; Zerfass R., Zacheüs Luc. 19,1-12. 855 Stanton G. N., a) Studiorum NT Soc. 33d General Meeting ChätenayMalabry near Paris 24-28 July 1978: NTS 25 (1978s) 528s; 530-551 Membership List. - b) Schnackenburg R., 33. Jahreskongi·ess dt:r Sludiurum NT Societas vom 24.-29. Juli 1978 ... bei Paris: BZ 23 (1979) 153ss. 856 Theckanath J., World Festival of God's Word: Report on the World Cath. Fed. för Biblical Apostolate Plenary Assembly: Wmd & Worship 11,6 (1978) 248-56. 857 Vander Ho.ff, F., Theologen-congres Cuba, ev. sem. Matanzas 25 feb.-3

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[I. Bibliographica

mar. 1977, incl. Jame5 Cone; Ho-Chi-Min-City priests; Angola, Mozambique etc.: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 177s. 858 [31ste] Vlaams Filologencongres (14-16 apr. 1977): Akkadica 3 (1977) 22s. 859 Wei,ifeld M., 1H]The Bible and its Environment, a Problem of Discipline: Shnat Mil_cra2 (1977) 275-8; 272-4 1H]Inter-University Convention on the Bible and its Environment, TA 1973. 860 [Wilson R. ed.] Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, 32d General Meeting [Tü] 22-26 Aug. 1977: NTS 24 (1977s) 548; 550-71 membership list. 86 l Wodecki Demard, a) Mi~dzynarodowy kongres biblijny STu w Edynburgu [... 1974]: RuBi 28 (1975) 272-77. - b) VII swiatowy kongres studi6w judaistycznych, Jerusalem 1977: RuBi 31 (1978) 270-4. 862 a) World Catholic Federation for the Biblical Apostolate [meeting: Malta 11-19 April 1978]: BiK.i 33 (1978) 102-04 (Pressedienst des Sekretariats der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz). - [b) Acta 225 p. ed. R. J. Delaney]. c) Malta, April 1978, 2. Vollversammlung der » Katholischen Bibelföderation«: BLtg 51,3 (1978) 145-64: [Höslinger N.-Steiner A., Weltweites Bibelapostolat, Bericht über die 2. Vollversammlung (usw.): 147-51. d) Könit: F. (Card.) Treue zum Wort (Begrüssungsansprache): 152-58. e) Schlussdokument: 159-64. 863 Zimon H., [I] 13th Congress IAHR, ussoc. intemut. pro hist. rel., 15-22 aug. 1975, Lancaster (Angl.) nullum thema; sectio methodol. incl. Structuralism, a two-edged sword? ([N.] Florida): ColcT 46,3 (1976) 195ss. A3 Opera consultationis, Reference works .1 plurium separately infra. 864 ANRW: Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt II. Principat hg. TemporiniH., Haase W ..... 58s,c479: Band 19/2. - Band 8 (1977); 16 (1978): RGymn 86 (1979) 413-6 (F. Bömer: titles and pp. of all contributors). 865 BRL2 : Galling K. ed., Biblisches Reallexikon 2 ed. omnino nova (20 auct.): HAT l. Tü 1977, Mohr. xvi-388 p., 93 Fig.-Gruppen; 2 foldout maps. [58s,2546 !] DM 96. 0 3-16-139862-9. Most of the new articles were contrlbuted by Helga Weippert. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 201s (P. Fransen); RO 16 (1979) 76s (W. HPrrmrmn); CRQ 41 (1979) 301ss (R. Narth); GerefTT 78 (1978) 141s (H. H. Grasheide); HeythJ 19 (1978) 359s (L. H. C.); NRT 100 (1978) 752s (X. Jacques); RB 85 (1978) 316 (R. Tournay); TüTQ 159 (1979) 307s (H. Haag); UF 10 (1978) 460 (0. Loretz); ZDPV 94 (1978) 164s (J. B. Pritchard). 866 Haag H., Neue biblische Lexika [K. Galling 2, E. Jenni]: TüTQ 159 (1979) 107ss.

867 CAD: Oppenheim A. L. al., The [Chicago Univ. Or. Inst.] Assyrian Dictionary 10 'M', 1977-> 58s,9935 (DM 512): RzAss 69 (1979s) 290-99 (D. Edzard). 868 The Cambridge History of the Bible. I. From the Beginnings to Jerome,

A3 Opera consultationis; Reference works subindexcd


ed. P. R. Ackroyd, C. F. Evans; 1976 [1970 ----> 52,1215]; x1v-650p., 25 pl. - II. The West from the Fathers to the Reformation, ed. G. W. H. Lampe; 1969 ----> 50,7601. - III. The West from the Reformation to the Present Day, ed. S. L. Greenslade [---->45,446] 1976; x-590 p., 48 pl. 869 Catholicisme hier aujourd'hui demain (P: Letouzey et Ane); the editor was given as G. Jacquemet; but sinee vol. 7 as Fae. cath. Lille: G. Mathon); vol. 7, fase. 32 (1975) Lorsch - Lutte, de classes col. 1089-1344; vol. 8, fase. 33 Lux - Malebranehe col. 1-256; fase. 34 Malebranche - Ma·' riage 257-512; fase. 35 (1978) Mariage-Martory, eol. 513-768. - fase. 36 (1979) Martory - Mazenod, col. 769-1024; fase. 37 (1979) Mazenod- Messiaen, col. 1025-1270, titre du Tome Huitieme. 870 DHGE: Dictionnaire d'Histoirc et de Geographie Eoolesinstiques: fase. 108b-109, Freron-Funchal. P 1979, Letouzey et Ane. 400 col. 871 Dict Sp: Dictionnaire de Spiritualite ascetique et mystique, doctrine et histoire [Viller M. T., Baumgartner C.] Rayez A. ed., IX. Labadie-Lyonnet. P 1976, Beauehesne. 1296 col. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 446s (W. Völker); TPhil 53 (1978) 436-9 (C. Becker: 508 Art. meist Biographie, nur 31 Sachthemen). Vol. X fase. 68s (1979): Menologes - Monde eol. 10251632. 872 Dizionario eneiclopedieo di spiritualita dir. Ancilli Ermanno: 1. A-J; II. L-Z. R 1975, Studium. 1040 p., Lit. :l.3.000; p. 1041-2067, Lit. 26.000. 119 autori ; 11 art. infra. 873 EncArchExc: [Avi-Yonah Michael], Stern Ephraim ed., Eneyclopedia of Archaeologieal Exeavations in the Holy Land [IE] 1970 ---->53,7789] Engl. ed. [I 1975; II 1976; III 1977, p. 647-933 f 11.50] IV. Or ha-Ner to Zeror. L/ENJ/J 1978, Oxford/ Prentiee-Hall / Massada. v1 + p. 935-1237. $25. 0 0-13-275149-6 [L 1-IV 0 0-19-6479123-1; l 28-2; l 29-0; 130-4]. ScriptB 10 (1979s) 47 (H. T,,Vansbruugh);RSO 52 (1978) 257-60 (P. Cia.fardoni III); RB 85 (1978) 153ss/444s (P. Benoit Is/III). 874 Encyclopaedia Judaiea Yearbook 1975s, ed., Omer-Man J. al. J 1976, Keter. 472 p. [+ 10 p. Study Guide]. ---->Malamat A. 875 Encyclopaedia of Arehaeology, ed. Paintin Elaine. NY 1977, Crowell. 2211p., fi1:1s.$17.95. 876 Enclslam 2 Tome V. Livraison 79-80, 1979. Khedive-~pca~, p. 1-128. Index to Volurne / aux Tornes 1-111cornp. H. & J. D. Pearson. Lei 1979, Brill. 195 p. 877 Encyklopedia Katolicka ed. Gryglewicz F., Lukaszyk R., Sulowski Z. II. Bar-Centuriones. Lublin 1976, KUL. vm-1424 col., zl. 400; p. 376-494 Biblia. - RAtKap 89 (1977) 141-45 (W. Dudek); Prawo Kanoniezne 21 (1978) 273-77 (J. Glcmp); TR 74 (1978) 369ss (J. Piegsa). 878 Eneyklopedia Katolieka III ed. R. Lukaszyk al., Cenzor-Dobszewicz. Lublin 1979, KUL. VII p., 1408 col. 879 Enzyklopädie des Märchens, Ranke Kurt Hg.: III Lf. 1 ChronikliteraturVankbare Tiere. B 1979, de Gruyter. 288 col. 0 3-11-008296-9. - ZEthn 104 (1979) 183ss (R. Schott). 880 ExWNT: Exegetisches Wörterbuch :zum NT, Bnlz H., Schneidr Cl-. hg.: I Lfg. 1-6. Stu 1978s, Kohlharnrner. col. 768. Lf. 1-3. 0 3-1700 l 4674-8; 5002-8; 5039-7.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

881 Expositor's Bible Com. 1 (of 12, using New International Version), Introductory Articles, ed. Gaebelein F. E .. GR 1979, Zondervan. xvr-734 p. 35 art. 882 HbOr: Spuler B. Hg., Handbuch der Orientalistik, VII. Abteilung: Kunst u. Archäologie ... , I. Der Alte Vordere Orient, II. Abschnitt, die Denkmäler, B. Vorderasien, Lfg 1. Ld 1979, Brill. x-185 p., 85 fig. --> LittauerM. 883 IDB Sup: Crim K. al. ed., Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Supplement 1976 [-->58s,2605]: Rinterpr 33 (1979) 190-93 (S. Terrien); JAAR 46 (1978) 70s (J. W. Flanagan); JBL 97 (1978) 105s (J. A. Fitzmyer). 884 TSRF.nr.:The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia 3 ed.; I. A-D, ed. Bromiley G. w. GR 1979 [11915 2 1929], Eerdmans. XXVI-1006p., ill. 26 col. maps. $29.95. 0 0-8028-8161-0. 885 LexÄg: Helck W. Hg., Lexikon der Ägyptologie [l-11 58s,cl03] Wb, Har. rassowitz. Band III, Lf. 17 (1977) 1-160, Horhekenu - Inkarnation, 0 3447/-01902-6. Lf. 18 (1978) -320, - Canopus, l-01946-8; Lf. 19 (1978) -480, - Königsbezeichnung 0 same; Lf. 20 (1979) -640, - Königsstatuen 102023-7; Lf. 21 (1979) -800, - Krokodil l-02050-4; Lf. 22 (1979) -960, - Legitimation, l -02060-1; Lf. 23 (1979) -1120, - Machtbegriff, l -02075X. 886 LexAnt: Lexikon der Antike, hg. Irmscher J. (Johne Renate). B/Lp 1977, VEB Bibliograph. 638 p. 54 pl., figg. 887 LexMA: Lexikon des Mittelalters I Lf 1-2 Aachen-Almohaden Mü/Z 1977s, Artemis. Sp. 1-224/-448. je DM 32. - RTR 75 (1979) 34ss (R. Kottje). - Lf. 6, Arra-Ausonius, 1979, Sp. 1025-1248. 888 NDNTh: Brown Colin ed., The New International Dictionary of NT Theology -->58s,4407 ( < Coenen L. al. Hg. Theologisches Begriffslexikon. Wuppertal 1971, Brockhaus). III. Pri-Z. GR/Exeter 1978, Zondervan °0310-21928-0 / Paternoster 0 0-85364-180-3. 1481 p. (last 265 index); fl6.50; 18; 26. Art. infra exc. Pride, Proclamation, Promise, Punishment, Pure, Quench, Quiet, Rabbi, Ready, Remain, Remnant, Rest (anapausis), Revile, Right, Roh, Rule (kanlin), Sadducee, Satt, Scribe, Seal, Seek, Separate, Shadow, Shake, Shame, Show, Simple, Sit, Smcll, Sn11tch,Solomon, Stir, Suffice, Tent, Touch, Trumpel, Turn, Unanirnily. - Rfoterpr 32 (1978) 203ss; 33 (1979) 431 (R. H. Fuller); IrTR 45 (1978) 291-3 (S. Quinlan); RechScRel 67 (1979) 624-27 (X. Leon-Dufour); III: Tablet 233 (1979) 133 (L. Bright); TS 40 (1979) 347ss (J. A. Fitzmyer); VidJyo 43 (1979) 233s (J. Volckaert). 889 NERT: Beyerlin W. al. Near Eastern Religious Texts Relating to the OT [...;,, 58s,c768] tr. J. Bowden: OT Library. Ph/L 1978, Fortress/SCM. xvm288 p., 15 fig., 4 pl. f12.50. 0 0-334-01121-3. 4 authors, infra. - RB 86 (1979) 621s (M. Sigrist: se prete trop a l'apologetique); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 373s (C. Graesser, Jr.); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 93s (W. G. Lambert); JBL 98 (1979) 414s (J. B. Pritchurd); SculJT 32 (1979) 381ss (J. C. L. Gibson); PrincSemBNS 2 (1979) 304s (T. W. Mann); ScriptB 10 (1979s) :16s (M. Prinr); TS 40 (1979) 172s (F. L. Moriarty). 890 NHLW: Röllig W. (auch hg.), [Die] Altorientalische[n p. 9-24] Literaturen: Neues Handbuch der Literaturwissenschaft, 1 [-->58s,d622]. Wiesb

A3 Opera consultationis; Reference works subindexed


1978, Ak.-V. Athenaion. 332p., 76 fig. DM 128. Id. Die ugaritische Literatur, 255-71. - RzAW 91 (1979) 470 (G. Fohrer). 891 Nuovo DizT: Barbaglio Giuseppe, Dianich Severino ed., Nuovo Dizionario di Teologia. R/Alba 1977, [21979] Paoline. xv-1920p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 177s (D. Bertetto). - 58s,2622. 892 RAC: Klauser T., Hg. [- 58s,b529]: Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum X. Genesis [s. Schöpfung] - Gigant hg. T. Klauser, Stu 1978, Hiersemann. (vi-]1286 col. [Lf. 80 DM 35]. 0 3-7772-7829-7. Varia infra. RJTS 29 (1978) 561-68 (C. P. Harnmond: [length henceforth restricted, hence here perhaps] 'a final fling by uncontrolled Land very informative] contrihntors'). - XT Lf. 81, 1979. Girlande-Gleichheit, col. l-160. Lf 82, 1979. Gleichheit-Gnade, col. 161-319. 893 SDB (vel DBS): Cazelles H., Feuillet A., ed., Supplement au Dictionnaire de la Bible, [vol. 9 Psaumes - Refuge, 1510 col.], fase. 51s, Qumran/RasShamra. P 1978s, Letouzey & Ane. col. 737-1224; F 150, F 107. 894 TRAT: Jenni E. (Westermann C.) TRAT 1971/6 Theologisches Handwörterbuch zum AT 1974/6 - 56,6343; 57,7412: RTüTQ 159 (1979) 308s (H. Haag). - Dizionario teologico dell'Antico Testamento, a cura di Gian Luigi Prato I. äb Padre - mataj Quando. T 1978, Marietti. 32 + 415 p. Lit. 20.000. 895 Tllli: Krause G., Muller G., Hg., Theologische Realenzyklopädie I 1976s [58s,2674] ix-480 p. + Abkürzungsverzeichnis (S. Schwertner - 995) xvm398 p. - RTR 74 (1978) 185-9 (R. Bäumer, Lf. 1-5); TZBas 34 (1978) 177s (W. Rordorj). - TRE II (1978) Agende-Anselm; 798 p., 16 (col.) pl. DM 191. 0 3-11-007379-X. - RTR 75 (1979) 9-13 (R. Bäumer). - TRE III (1978) Anselm/Laon-Aristoteles; 826p. 0 3-11-007462-l. - TRE IV (1979) Arkandisziplin-Autobiographie; 813 p. 0 3-11-007714-0. Exegetica infra. 896 TWAT: Botterweck G. J., Ringgren II., Theologisches Wörterbuch zum AT [1-II 52,5386 ... 58s,9572] III Lf. 1-3 HOMER-J'L. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. Sp. 1-384. 0 3-17-004573-3. 38 art., infra. - II Rßiblica 60 (1979) 128s (J. A. Soggin). 897 > TDOT = Theological Dictionary of the OT, set 0 0-8028-2338-6; vol. III, ed. by G. J. Botterweck & H. Ringgren; tr, J, T. Willis, CT.W. ßmmiley, (p. 1-358); D. E. Green p. 359-463. GR 1979, Eerdmans. xix463 p. $18.50. 0 0-8028-2327-0. Gillulfm - haras, 37 auct. - I 1974 56,6343 ... 58s,9568: RAsbSem 32,3 (1976) 38s (J. N. Oswalt). - II 2 1977 , 58s,9568: RCBQ 40 (1978) 231 (R. E. Murphy); Interpr 33 (1979) 90s (J. Barr); JAAR 46 (1978) 72s (G. M. Tucker). 898 TWNT: Theol. Wörterbuch zum NT, begründet von G. Kittel, hg. G. Friedrich: Band X/1, Register: 0. Rühle (A. Hiller, K. Reinhardt). Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. v-944 p.; Band X/2, Literaturnachträge. p. 12011294. OM 148. - RRB 85 (1978) 308s (R. Tournay). 899 > GLNT: Grande Lessico del NT, fondato da G. Kittel, continuato da G. Frit!drich. Eiliz. llal. iutegtale a curn di F. Montagnini al. ➔ 53,5819 (vol. 6-8), - 54,6328b (vol. 9), - 58s,a290 (vol. 11). - Vol. Xll Hrescia 1Q7Q,Pairleia. xm-1560 col. Ogni fase. Lit. 5.500. 900 WorldHistJP: a) Avi-Yonah M., Baras Zvi ed., Society and Religion in the Second T~mple Period: World History of the Jewish People 8.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

J 1977, Masada. xxxrv-414 p. - RB 86 (1979) 628s (J. Murphy-O'Connor: Baras laisse subsister de grossieres erreurs de fait: insulte a une recherche serieuse, au bon goiit, a la memoire d'Avi-Yonah). - b) WorldHistJP 4: Malamat Abraham (Eph · a/ Israel) ed., The Age of the Monarchies I. Political History; II. Culture and Society. 1979. xvm-386 p., ill.; xvm340 p., ill. 23 art., infra.

A3.2 Opera consultationis non separatim infra, not subindexed.

901 Alexander David & Pat, ed., a) The Lion [= Eerdmans Family] Encyclopedia of the Bible [---> 56,1591). Berkhamsted/GR 1978, Lion/Eerdmans. vm-328 p. $15.95. - RCurrTMiss 6 (1979) 243 (E. Krentz). - b) Handbuch zur Hibel, tr. rev. U. lletz aP Wu 19'/6, R Brockhaus. 580 p. 111.c) La Bible dechiffree. P 1977, Fleurus. 680 p., ill., maps. F 135. - RNRT 101 (1979) 274 (M. Gi/bert). 902 Beek M., Sevenster G. al., Encyclopedie van de Bijbel: Winkler Prins Bibliotheek. Amst/Bru 1977, Elsevier. 480 p. f35/29,50 pa. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 201 (W. Weren); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 199s (A. Schoors). 903 Bouttier M., Lys D., 82 Definitions pour aider ä la lecture theologique (anamnese, aramaYsme, halaka, Sitz im Leben, vs .... ): ETRel 54 (1979) 279-88. 904 Braunfels W. Hg., Lexikon der christlichen Ikonographie VI: Ikonographie der Heiligen. Crescentianus-Innocentia. Fr 1974, Herder. v-588 col., 259 fig. - ROLZ 73 (1978) 466s (H. Bardtke t). 905 Cornfeld G., Dir. Enciclopedia Biblica Illustrata, ed. ital. a cura di G. Rinaldi. T 1976, Marietti. 373p.; 333p.; 328p. - RNic 6,1 (1978) 187ss (A. Moda). 906 Davies J. G., ed., The Westminster Dictionary of Worship. Ph 1979, Westminster. xr-385 p. $12.50. 0 0-664-21373-1. 907 [Davy M. M. dir.], Berlewi M. ed., Encyclopedie des Mystiques. P 1972, Laffont. xxx-529 p., 70 fig. 908 [Pdlir.ria C1ucrrino (fino 11 1968)) Rocca Ries J. 909 Douglas James D. ed., New International Dictionary of the Christian Church. 2 Exeter 1978 (11974), Paternoster. xiv-1073 p. U 7. - RRHE 74 (1979) 244 (C. Fitzsimons: catholica inexacta). 910 Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, lettere ed arti. 1961-1978: Quarta appendice: GE-PI. R 1979, lstituto della Enciclopedia Italiana. 808 p., ill., maps. 911 Fiores Stefano De, Go.{fi Tullo. ed„ Nuovo dizionario di spiritualita. R 1979, Paoline. xxxn-1772 p., Lit. 20.000. - Antonianum 54 (1979) 542ss (A. G. Matamc). 912 J:6.- RcH(,.) 41 (llJ7lJ) 146s (R. J. Clifford). - b) Dee S. P., Schoneveld J. (Appel H.) ed., Encyclopedie van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament [Calwer Bibellexikon rev. tr.] Baarn 1979, Bosch & K. [III .... 934 AHw: Soden W. von, Hg., Akkadisches Handwörterbuch 58s,9930: Lf. 15, p. 1353-1448 tcsü-uzuzzu]. Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. 0 3 447-02063-6. - RBo 36 (1979) 47-50 (J. Bottero, Lf. 12-13); II Lf. 7-12 1972ss .... 55,6105: RQLZ 74 (1979) 23-36 (S. Parpola: c. 250 Verbesserungen!). 935 Stillwell R. a.o., The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites. Princeton 1976, Univ. xxn-1019 p. Excluding Christian in principle, but varyingly. 936 Tonelli Riccardo cd., Dizionnrio dei temi delln Fede [n scopo paslora le/giovanile p. 5]. T 1977, lnternaz. 512 p. - Rsa1 40 (1978) 426s (D. Bertetto). A4

Bibliograpllia .1 Biblica.

937 Brisman Shimeon, A History and Guide to Judaic Bibliography: Jewish Research Litcraturc 1/Dibliographica Judaica 7. Cincinnati/NY 1977, HUC/Ktav. xx-352, 4 facs. 0 0-87820-900-X. 938 Brack S. P., A Classified Bibliography of the Septuagint 1973 -> 55,929; ... 58s,1238: RCBQ 38 (1976) 548s (P. W. Skehan). lJ3lJ Childs Hrevard S., Old Testament Books for Pastor and Teacher [Annotated bibliography, evaluation, buyers' guide ... ] Ph 1977, Westminister, 120 p. $3.95 pa. - RAnglTR 60 (1978) 349 (J. L. Peterson); CBQ 40 (1978) 235s (J. J. Schmitt); Interpr 32 (1978) 316.318 (G. M. Tucker); JBL 97 (1978) 441 (W. L. Hol/aday).

A4 Bibliographia .1 Biblica


940 Claassen W. T., Bibliographie Problems and Possibilities in the Field of Semitics and OT Studies: JNWSL 6 (1978) 61-86. 941 Claassen W. T., ed., OTIANE Permucite™ [copyright] Index. An Exhaustive Indexing System for OT Studies (and) Ancient Near Eastem Studies. Vol. 1, Part 1: No. 1-476. Stellenbosch, S. Africa 1978, Infodex™. 4° rv-251 p. [per annum $250]. [Ex P. Nober: Tentamen solvendi crisim bibliographicam biblicam hodiemam etiam ope rationaria (= computer). Explicandus est titulus: OT = Old Testament, ANE = Ancient Near Eastern. Permucite Index: Tria in se continet: 1. Master Index (33-140); 2. Citutiun IruleJt (143-217); 3. Pennutitle Index (221-241); accedit 4. Author Index (241-251). Rx his Master Tndex oritur ex eo quod Auctor post articulum omnia in articulo citata adnotat, sec. auctores et annos. Per 'inversionem' quandam deinde rationaria Citation Index facit: materia omnis reordinata secundum auctores citatos, alphabetice etc. Permutitle Index eo fit quod Auctor titulos resolvit in voces significantes, anglice titlewords, e.g. ad Mayer W., Untersuchungen zur Formensprache der babylonischen 'Gebetsbeschwörungen' (Romae 1976) a) Untersuchungen, b) Formensprache, c) babylonisch, d) 'Gebetsbeschwörungen'. Ex his deinde paria ope permutatione mathematica efformat omnia: ab ab (= Untersuchungen-Formensprache) usque ad de (• Gebetsbeschwörungen-babylonisch, neu in ritueller Form, vgl. Gunkel zu den Psalmengattungen; b) indicare adspectus maiores libri, qui sunt 1. Accadici textus - religiosi - ... ; 2. Litteratura Or. - preces rituales - singu,li; 3. Mesopotamica - religio - nls qäti / su-il-la; 4. Voces - accad.lresp. sum dictae; 5. Psalmi - lament. etc. singu,li- 'parallelae mesop. '; 6. Landsberger resp. Gunkel - de iis duodecim in toto: Hisce paribus alphabetice ordinatis deinde Permutitle Index fit.] 942 Coppens J., Lust J. [OT], Neirynck F., Segbroeck F. van [NT] al., Elenchus Riblioernphicus 1(}7R· F.TT, 14 (1(}7R)7R*-116*-l (}(}*[thP.ol. 1*-524*, index 525*-583*] ... 1979; ETL 55 (1979) 78*-160*; 161*-206* [theol. 1"'-421"',index 422"'-492"']. 943 Corriente F., Pern Castro F, Ffonco dP. Artkulos dP. RP.vist11s[196R-76]: Sef 38 (1978) 179-214. 944 Diez Merino Luis, Notas a una bibliografia targumica [B. Grossfeld 1972 .....952j: Sef 36 (1976) 353-79. 945 Ernst Juliette al. ed,, Auteurs et textes [de l'antiquite greco-romaine; bibliographie critique et analytique]: 'Testaments' [A. et N. i.e. la Bible]: AnPhil 49 (1978 ed. 1980) 328-48; 84ss Chaines. - 406-55 philologie; 455-68 archeologie. 946 Franc~ R. T. ed., A Bibliographical Guide to New Testament Research. Sheffi.eld 1979, .TStNT. 56 p, - For NT bibliography see NT Introd ...... 52681,1,, 947 Freedman D. N. al. The Published Works of W. P. Albright. CM 1975, ASOR. xvr-226 p. front. - llOLZ 74 (1979) 540ss (K.-M. Beyse). 948 Gelder Geert J. van, Peters Rudolph, A Bibliography of Dutch Publications on the Middle East and Islam (1945-75). Amst 1976, Univ. Inst.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

Mod. Near East St. 11-67p. - RBO 35 (1978) 344-8 (P. S. van Koningsveld: 100 additions). 949 Gielen H., Nackaerts F., Stauros [bibliography III.] Human Suffering and Christ's Passion. 139 p. [ETL 56,215]. 950 Goldschmidt-Lehmann R. P. [ffi Bibliography: Ancient Synagogues in Eretz Israel: CHistEI 4 (1977) 205-22. 951 Gotenburg E., Bibelwissenschaft (Theologische Bibliographie): TR 74 (1978) 73ss(-88); 161ss(-176); 249ss(-264); 337ss(-352); 425ss(-440); 515s(-528). - TR 75 (1979) 73ss(-88); 16lss(-176); 249ss(-264); 337ss(352); 425ss(-440); 515s(-528) [sigla 67 (1971) 149-60]. 952 Grussfeld B., A Bibliog.raphy of Tatgum Literature II: Bibliographica Judaica, 8. Cincinnati/NY 1977, HUC/KTAV. xxxr-113 p. $20. - (vol. 1) Rsef 36 (1976) 353-79 (L. Dfez Merino). 953 Hupper W. G., An Index to English Periodical Literature on the OT (A Prospectus): JStOT 8 (1978) 50-60. 954 Joel 1., Index of Articles on Jewish Studies, 12 (1976s; additions to 1966-75). J 1976, Nat. Univ. Libr. XVIII, vrn-194p. 955 Kasher M. M., Mandelbaum Y. D., [ffi Sare hä-elep: List of books in print and their authors ... 2rev. J 1978, Torah Shlemah. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 148-53 (J. Tabvry). 956 Kassühlke R., Deutsche Bibelübersetzungen des 20. Jahrhunderts [Bibliographie der 'wörtlichen', 'wissenschaftlichen' u. 'sinngetreuen' Übersetzungen]: BiWelt 16 (1978) 168-71. 957 Langevin, Paul-Emile, Bibliographie Biblique. 11 1930-1975 [with lntroduction and Index in French, English, German, Italian and Spanish]. Quebec 1978, Univcrsitc Laval. LXV-1586p., 0 0-7746-6793-1. - RfiTRcl 54 (1979) 333s (M. Bouttier); Greg 60 (1979) 578s (R. Latourelle); SciEspr 31 (1979) 103s (J.-L. D'Aragon); StNTU-A3 (1978) 168 (A. Fuchs); TS 40 (1979) 345ss (J. A. Fitzmyer); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 412 (J. T. Nelis). 958 A List of Rooks ,md Serials PuhlisheJ Uankbaar W. 11• 111st.eccl. - Ueloot en Revolutle: Ts'l'N1Jm 18 (1978) 340. 1154 Deanesly, Margaret, 5.III.1885; died at 92 yrs.; The Lollard Bible 1920: ETL 54 (1978) 249. 1155 Dennery Etienne 20.III.1903-29.XII.1979; 1964-74 dir. Bibliotheque Nationale P; autorisa Ja ßihliographie c-JeJa Fran~e: RHR 74 (1979) 804s (R. A[ubert]). 1156 Dt:shayt:s, foan, 1924-79: CahDAFI 10 (1979) 7ss (J. P[errot]; bibliog.). 1157 Dcspois, Jcun; 1901; gcogr. ufric.: BSoGglt 8 (1979) 685ss (G. Patrizi). 11)8 Devrnesse, Mgr. Rohert, 20.V.1894-16.VTTT.1978;Patrolop; Ribliothecar. Vatican. - RHE 74 (1979) 241ss (J. Ruysschaert). 1159 Dhunis, Edouurd S. J., 1902-1978: ETL 55 (1979) 459s. 1160 Dinwoodie, James Cameron, d.1979; astron.; theol. contrib.: ScotJT 32 (1979) 301s (T. F. T[orrance]). 1


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[I. Bibliographica

1161 Doens, Dom Irenee: Irenikon 52 (1979) 241-3. 1162 Doeve, Jan Willem, prof. dr., 8.VI.1918-6.11.1979: KerkT 30 (1979) 235ss (A. Bronkhorst); NT 21 (1979) 97; NedTTs 33 (1979) 235s (J. Reiling). 1163 Driver, Godfrey Rolles, 1892-1975: ProcBritAcad 63 (1977) and reprint 22 p. (J. A. Emerton). 1164 Eichrodt, Walther, 1890-1978: RTPhil 111 (1979) 197s (R. MartinAchard). 1165 Eissfeldt, Otto, 1887-23.IV.1973: Theokratia 3 (1979) 250-4 (G. Wallis). 1166 Elliger, Karl, 7.III.1901-31.X.1977: AfD 26 (1978s) 236s, photo (G. Sauer); TsTKi 49 (1978) 65 (M. Saeb@); ZDPV 94 (1978) 86-87, photo (S. Mittmann). 1167 Esser, K.ajetan O.F.M., 1913-10.VII.1978: Antonianum 53 (1978) 60514; WissW 41 (1978) 81-83. 1168 Ettinghausen, Richard 1906-Apr. 2, 1979: IsrEJ 29 ( 1979) 126s. 1169 Pascher Erich prof. dr. aet. 81 t 23.VII.1978: TLZ 103 (1978) 924 [0. Sommerlath]. 1170 Fessard, Gaston, S. J., 28.1.1897-18.VI.1978: StiZt 196 (1978) 715ss (K. Neufeld). 1171 Florovsky, Georges: SVladTQ 23 (1979) 132s (A. Schmemann). 1172 George, Andre 1890-1978 (dir. Sciences d'aujourd'hui chez A. Michel): Syria 55 (1978) 177s (A. P[arrot]). 1173 Ghirshman, Roman 1895-1979: CahDAFI 10 (1979) 5s (J. P[errot]); CRAI 1979, 430-35 (J. Heurgon). 1174 Giamberardini, Gabriele, O.F.M., 14.1.1917-14.III.l 978; coptologo: Antonianum 53 (1978) 347-53 (1. Viizquez, bibliog.; U. Betti). 1175 Gilson, Etienne Henry, 13.VI.1884-19.IX.1978: AugMd 24 (1979) llls (J. Oroz Reta); MedSt 41 (1979) VII-XV, phot. (L. K. Shook). 1176 Glueck, Nelson, 1900-1971: PAAR 40 (1972) XIX-XXI (H. L. Ginsherg). 1177 Goemans Monald A. J., 1906-4.X.1978 (sccr. Studia catholica): - TsTNijm 18 (1978) 431 (T. Schooj ). 1178 Oreenslade, Stanley, 14.V.1905-8.XIl.1977; ETL 54 (1978) 249. 1179 Hamelin, Pierre 1890-1977 (Mari 1938): Syria 54 (1977) 298s (A. P[arrot]). 1180 Harding, Gerald Lankester, b. 1901 (N. China), d. 1979: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 127. 1181 Hausherr, Irenee, S. J., 7.VI.1891-5.XII.1978. 1182 Hrozny, Bedi'ich, 1879-1952: ArOr 7 (1979) 1-3, purliail. (V. Soucek). 1183 Hulst, Alexander Reinard, 25.1.1910-15.IX.1978: KerkT 30 (1979) 130s (A. J. Dronklwrst); NcdTTs 33 (1979) 123s (T. C: Vriezcn). 1184 Janssen Arthur msgr., fondateur d'ETL: ll.11.1886-4.III.1979: ETL 55,2s (1979) I-VI (J. Coppens, M. Caudron); RTLouv 10 (1979) 125-7 (A. Iloussiau). 1185 Jerentias, Joachim, 20.IX.1900-6.IX.1979: ZDPV 94 (1978) 89-92 (M. Hengel); ZNW 70 (1979) 139s (E. Lohse). 1186 Jeschke, Josef B., 9.IX.1902-23.IX.1977, Comenius-Fak., Prag: ComViat


Periti .2 Elogia, in memoriam


20 (1977) 258-60 (A. Molntir). 1187 Johannes Paulus I 17.X.1912-28.IX.1978: Biblica 59 (1978) 462 (M. Gilbert); ETL 54 (1978) 394-7; Gregorianum 59 (1979) 659s (C. M. Martini). 1188 Juvyent i Subira Eduard, 1901-20.Xl.1978, arch. christ.: RCatalT 4 (1979) 1-4 (M. S. Gros i Pujol). 1189 Kahana, Kopel 1895-14.VII.1978, docuit Talmud, Jews' College L.: ETL 55 (1979) 199. 1190 Kampman, Arie Abraham 6.VII.1911-23.IX.1977: AfO 26 (1978s) 237 (R. Borger). 1191 Kaufman, Yechezkel: Potok C., The Mourners of~: ConsJud 18,2 (1963s) 1-9. 1192 Kelso, James Leon, 1892-28.Vl.1978: BA 42 (1979) 57-60, 2 fig. (D. W. McCreery). 1193 Kenyon, Dame Kathleen M., 5.1.1906-24.VIII.1978: AfO 26 (1978s) 238s, photo (A. C. Western); BASOR 232 (1978) 3-4 (W. G. Dever); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 284s; Levant 11 (1979) III-IV; Syria 56 (1979) 215s (A. P[arrot]); ZDPV 94 (1978) 178 (A. Kuschke); cf. A. Hadidi, Kathleen M. Kenyon [Jan. 1976) and her Place in Palestinian Archaeology: ADAJ 2\ (1976) 7-17, 1 phot.; Kathleen Kenyon and Palestinian Archaeology: PEQ 111 (1979) 3-10 (P. R. S. Moorey). 1194 Kubik, Antoni, 1926-1978: RuBi 31 (1978) 277s (J. Kopiec, bibliogr.). 1195 Kurz, Otto, 1908-1975: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 285. 1196 La bat, Rene, 1904-l 974: N otice sur la vie et les travaux de ~ : CRAI (1978) 699-707, portr. 1197 Lambert, Maurice, 1914-79: CahDAFI 10 (1979) lls (F. Vallat). 1198 Leake, Chauncey Depew, 5.IX.1896-11.1.1978: Zygon 13 (1978) 106. 1199 Lefevre, Placide, 14.l.1892-11.1.1978; liturg.: ETL 54 (1978) 235-40. 1200 Lenzen Heinrich J. 20.IX.1900-19.1.1978: Warka excavator: AfO 26 (1978s) 239ss, photo (M. A. Brandes); Syria 55 (1978) 400s, phot. (A. P[arrnt]); 7.Ass 68 (1978s) 161s (M, A, Rrandes), 1201 Leroy, Jules, 1903-8.IV.1979; illuminated ms. Syr.-Mesop.-Ethiop.: RHE 74 (1979) 531 (R. A[ubert]); OrChr 63 (1979) 204 (J. Assfalg). 1202 Lilje, Hanns, 1899-1977: TsTKi 49 (1978) 63s (F. Birkeli). 1203 Lindblom, Johannes, 1882-1974: SvExAb 40 (1975) 106-09 (G. Gerleman). 1204 Machalski Franciszek 5.111.1904 (Pittsburgh)-24.1.1979, iranista Cracoviae: FolOr 20 (1979) 317-20 (A. Pisowicz); 311s (S. Stachowski), 1205 McNally, Robert E., S. J., 24.XII.1917-21.XII.1977; Biblia medii aevi: RHE 74 (1979) 507 (R. A[ubert]); Thought 44, 214 (1979). 1206 Mallowan Max E. L., sir, 6.V.1904-19.VIII.1978: AfO 26 (1978s) 242, photo (D. J. Wisema11);DA 42 (1979) 180-83, 4 fig. (0. 0. Cameron); Iraq 40,2 (1978) I-11, portr. (D. J. W[iseman]); Syria 56 (1979) 214s (A. P[arrot]). 1207 Malmberg, Felix, S. J., 30 Oct 1903-20 Juin 1979: Bijdragen 40 (1979) 351 (P. Fransen). 1208 Marrou, Henri-Irenee, 1904-1977: Palanque J.-R., Notice sur la vie et les travaux de~: CRAI 1978, 401-18, portr. - Salesianum 40 (1978) 741 8. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)



Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[I. Bibliographica

(A. Amato). 1209 May, Herbert Gordon: 26.XII.1904-8.X.1977: ETL 54 (1978) 272; ZAW 90 (1978) m-rvafter 318 (J. L. Mays). 1210 Mensching, Gustav, 1901-1978: ZMissRelW 63 (1979) 153s (P. Antes); ZRelGg 31 (1979) 202-05(H.-J. Klimkeit). 1211 Mercier, Charles, 1904-23.IV.1978; Armenisch-Georgisch: OrChr 63 (1979) 203s (J. Assfalg). 1212 Meuszynski, Janusz, t c1976: [Iraq 39 (1977) 307). 1213 Meylan Henri 1900-9.111.1978,red. RTPhil 1934-50; Fs. D'Erasme a Beze 1976, bibliog. 9-17: RHE 74 (1979) 595 (J.-F. Gilmont); BiblHumRen 41 (1979) 149-53 (A. Dufoul"). 1214 Mezger, Fritz, 15.X.1893-9.Vl.1979: ZVglSpra 93 (1979) 177. 1215 Michaeli, Frank, 1907-9.X.1977: ETL 54 (1978) 277. 1216 Milojcic Vladimir 7.Il.1918-19.11.1978 Frühgeschichtler: JbHeid (1979) 57ss (K. Bitte!). 1217 Minganti, Paolo, 1925-12.XII.1979 [dir. OrMod 1966): OrMod 59 (1979) r (U. Rizzitano). 1218 Mollat, Donatien, S. J., 22.III.1904-13.IV.1977: RivB 26 (1978) 109-11 (G. Ghibe,-ti). 1219 Moortgat, Anton, 21.IX.1897-IX.1977: BughMit 9 (1978) 7ss, portr. (J. Schmidt); ZAss 68 (1978s) 1-5, 1 fig. (II. Schmöke!). 1220 Morgenstierne, Georg, 1892-3.III.1978: ActOrK 40 (1979) 5-10, portr. (P. 0. Skjam0). 1221 Nikodim, metrop.: ChrOosten 31 (1979) 42-6 (K. Rozemond); KerkT 30 (1979) 134-6 (A. Bmnkhorst). 1222 Nowotny, Karl Anton, 21.Vl.1904-31.XII.1978; Ethnolog: MiAnth 109 (1979) 179ss (K. Jettmar). 1223 Nyberg, Henrik S., 28.XII.1889-9.11.1979: ActOrK 36 (1974) 5-9, portr. (B. Utas). 1224 Nygren, Anders, 1890-21.X.1978: NorTTs 80 (1979) 52ss (P. L0nning); SvTKv 55 (1979) 43s (J. T-frmhng). 1225 Oweis, Yacoub, 1926-26.XII.1977, Director of Antiquities, Jordan 196877: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 180 (A. Hadidi). 1226 Pascher, Joseph, 26.IX.1893-c. 21.Vll.1979, Oriental. Sprachen, Fundamentaltheol., Exeg., Ltg: BLtg 52 (1979) 213s (P. Harnoncourt); MüTZ 30 (1979) 293-7 (W. Dürig). 1227 Paulus VI, 26.lX.1897-6.Vlll.1978: Annee Canonique 23 (1979) v-xr (J. Passicos); Biblica 59 (1978) 453-62 (M. Gilbert); CC 129 (1978,3) 350-9 (B. Sorge); ETL 54 (1978) 375-93 (J. Coppens); Irenikon 51 (1978) 299311 (E. Lanne). 1228 Pegis, Anton Charles, 24.VIIl.1905-13.V.1978: MedSt 41 (1979) xvrrxrx, phot. (A. Maurer). 1229 Popovich, Justin, archim., 25.III.[7.IV).1894-25.III.1979: SVladTQ 23 ( 1979) l 18s (.T.M eyendorjf). 1230 Prandi, Adriano, 14.X.1900-4.11.1979:restauro, critica d'arte: AtenRom 24 (1979) 93 (L. Fraccaroli Benini). 1231 Preaux, Jean, 1920-1978: Latomus 37 (1978) 3-8 (G. Cambier). 1232 Rambaud, Jean-Marie = P. Philippe de la Trinite O.C.D., 22.1.1908-


Periti .2 Elo~a, in memoriam


10.IV.1977; dogm.: DoctCom 32 (1979) 102-8 (R. Moretti); EphCarm 29 (1978) 313-93 (Joseph de Sainte-Marie, L'reuvre et la pensee theologique du P. P. ~; 384-93 bibliog.). 1233 Richard, Marcel, 9.1.1907-15.Vl.1976; patrolog.: ETL 54 (1978) 276. 1234 Rijk, Cornelius A. 13.X.21-29.VIII.79; recum: FreibRu 31 (1979) 34ss; Ter Herkenning 7 (1979) 123s (P. van Boxei). 1235 Robert, Charles, prof. morale: 14.I.1905-13.1.1979: RevSR 53 (1979) 97-9 (J.-M. Aubert). 1236 Roberts, Bleddyn J.; (aet. 71) t ll.VIII.1977: ZAW 90 (1978) I-11 post 156 (W. McKane). 1237 Rumila, Muus. Fiun:mzu, ael. 69 1 23.IX.1977: fon 773. 1262 Vercauteren, Femand, 1903-12.11.1979;geographie: RHE 74 (1979) 487s (L Genicot). 1263 Vielhauer Philipp: Schrage W. hg. Reden, gehalten am 21. Juni 1978 bei d. Gedenkfeier d. Univ. Bonn: Schriften der Universität Bonn 3/44. Bonn 1978, Bouvicr. 33 p., portr. 0 3-416-09138-8. 1264 Vielliard, Jcannc, 26.V.1894-t 1979: REL 57 (1979) 27s (P. Grimal). 1265 Waterman, Leroy, 1875-1972: AfO 26 (1978s) 244s, photo (G. G. Cameron). 1266 Weiser, Artur, 18.Xl.1893-5.VIII.1978: NorTTs 80 (1979) 55 (A. S. Kapelrud). 1267 Wilson, John A., 12.IX.1899-30.VIII.1976; Ch. Egyptolog.: JEA 63 (1977) 4 (E. F. Wente); Newsletter Journal A(mer) R(es) C(enter in) Egypt 97s (1976) 1s/13 (1976) 3 (J. Dorman); --> 523, lmmortal Egypt 1978, ls (G. R. Hu.gh.es). 1268 Wisl0ff, Carl Fredrik, 1908-31.XII.1978: TsTKi 49,4 (1978) 243, portr. (T. Asheim). 1269 Witte, Louis de, 14.IX.1904-3.XII.1977; exegete 1935-47 Malincs: ETL 54 (1978) 259. 1270 Wuilleumier, Pierre, 1.1.1904-20.IX.1979: REL 57 (1979) 29ss (P. Grimal). 1


II. Introductio

Introductio .1 tota vel VT, Whole Bible or OT.

1271 Anderson Demhard W., The Living World of the Old Testament 3 [= Understanding the OT. ENJ 1975, Prentice-Hall. 0 0-582-48598-3 pa.; 1 1957 Engl. 1958 2 1967--> 48,85; 49,85]. L 1978, Longman. xvn-649p., ill.; bibliog. 607-633. 1272 Anderson Bernhard W., The Living Word of the Bible [God's • word' and political responsibilities: four U. S. lectures]. Ph/L 1979, Westminster/SCM. 117 p. $4.95/f:2.95.

Bl.l Introductio tota vel VT: Whole Bible or OT


1273 Anderson G. W., Introd.: Changing Perspectives in OT Study: ➔ 549, Tradition 1979, Xlll-XXI. 1274 Archer G. L., Introduction a l'AT [➔ 58s,103] Adapte. Saint-Legier 1978, Emmaüs. 640 p. Fs 36. 1275 Barclay William, The Making of the Bible. Saint Andrew Press 1979. 96 p. fl.25. 1276 Becker Joachim, Wie entstand das AT? 1968 ➔ 50,56. 4 Aufl. 12.-14. Tausend. 63 p. DM 3,90 pa. 0 3-460-10033-8. 1277 Cavedo Romeo, Libro sacro: ➔ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 753-778. 1278 Cazelles Henri, Introduction critique a l'AT [=ala Bible2]. P 1973, Desdt':e. XVI-852p., 8 pl., 9 maps. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 868s (K.-H. Bemhardt). 1279 Childs, Brevard S., Tntroduction to the Old Testament as Scripture. Ph/L 1979, Fortress/SCM. 688 p. $28.50/fl 7.50. 1280 Clements Ronald E., A Century of [U.S.: 100 Years of] OT Interpretation. Guildford/L 1976, Lutterworth. vm-152 p. $4.95. - RAndrUnSS 15 (1977) 227s (G. Hasel). 1281 Dronkert K., Gids voor het OT. Kampen 1979, Kok. 395 p. /29,90. 1282 Dubshani M., I!!] General introduction to the Bible5• TA 1978, Orenstein. 255 p. - KirSef 54 (1979) 421. 1283 Ebeling Gerhard, Studium der Theologie. Eine enzyklopädische Orientierung [AT; NT. Rcligionswiss ... ] Uni-Taschenbücher, 446. Tü 1977, Mohr. XVI-190 p. Bibliog. p. 179-190. 1284 Edwards David L., A Key to the OT 1973 ➔ 58s,109: REvQ 50 (1978) 178s (R. P. Gordon); HeytW 19 (1978) 360 (J. R. D.). 1284* Eissfeldt Otto, Einleitung in das AT 4 • Tü 1976 = 3 1964, Mohr. xvi1129 p. DM 98. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 432s (L. Wächter: lists changes of 3.4 from 2). 1285 Ferrando Miguel Angel, Iniciacion a la lectura de la Biblia. Formacion, transmision y interpretacion de la Biblia. M 1976, S.M. 357 p. - RTVida 18 ( 1977) 69ss. 1286 Festorazzi Franco, Antico Testamento: ➔ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 1-12. 1287 (Sellin E. -) Fohrer G., Introdu9äo ao Antigo Testamento 1-11 [111969 ➔ 51,63]. Sao Paulo 1978, Ed. Paulinas. xv-825 p. 1288 Glashouwer W. J. J., Het ontstaan van de bijbel. Hilversum 1979, Ev. Omroep. - So entstand die Bibel, tr. P. & B. Hausmann: Telos 2121. Stu-Neuhausen 1979, Hänssler. 169 p., ill. DM 39,80. 1289 Grelot P., Bigare C., L'achevement des Ecritures 1977 ➔ 58s,148: REsprVie 88 (1978) 427s (A. Viard). 1290 Gross Heinrich, Kernfragen des ATs, praktische Einführung: Schlüssel zur Bibd. Rg 1977, Pustet. 167 p. [➔ 58s,313]. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 424. 1291 Gruen Wolfgang, 0 tempo que se chama hoje. Uma introdu9äo ao AT. SP 1978, Paulinas. 278 p. 1292 Harrington Wilfrid, The New Guide to Reading and Studying the Bible, Intruuuctiun by Dunalu Senior. Wilmingtun, UE 19'/8, Ulazier. xx-170 p. $5.95 pa. 0 0-89453s092-5. 1293 Harrington W., Nuova introduzione alla Bibbia. Bo 1975, Dehoniane.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

Lll. lntroductio (VT)

806 p. Lit. 15000. - RsacDoc 21 (1976) 369s (B. Prete). 1294 Hayes John H., An introduction to Old Testament Study. Nv 1979, Abingdon. 400 p. $10.95. 0 0-687-01363-1. - RoTAbstr 2 (1979) 269s. 1295 Hendriksen W., Survey of the Bible: A Treasury of Biblical Information [1·3 = Bible Survey]. 4. Rev. Ed. GR 1976, Baker. 497 p. ill. $11.95. 1296 Hiers R. H., Reader's Guide to the Bible including the Apocrypha. Nv 1978, Abingdon. 160 p. $3.95. 1297 Homerski J6zef ed. lx] Wstfp ... Allgemeine Einführung in die Heilige Schrift. Poznan/Wsz 1973, Pallottinum. xxrv-485 p. 1298 Hübner Hans, Graphe: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1, 627-38. 1299 Hummel H. U., The Word Becoming Flesh: An Introduction to the Oriiin, Purpose, and Meaning of the OT fassuming verbal inspiration, absolute inerrancy etc. of the Books of the Hebrew Canon ... ]. St. Louis 1979, Concordia. 679 p. 1300 Kaiser Otto a) Einleitung in das Alte Testament [11969 ➔ 51,68] 4. ed. rev. Gü 1978, Mohn. 404 p. DM 48. - b) Introduction to the OT 1975 ➔ 57,88: RJBL 97 (1978) 443s (J. W. Whedbee). 1301 Kanus Richard, Hg. H. Kanus-Crede, Scholien zum Alten und Neuen Testament. Allendorf/Eder 1979, Antigone. 376 p. photot. 1302 Kroeker Jakob, Das lebendige Wort, eine Einführung in die göttlichen Gedankengänge und Lebensprinzipien des ATs 3 : 3. Israel-ein Wunder der Geschichte. Das Königtum und die Theokratie in Israel; 5/1 Jesaja I eh. 1-39. Giessen 1976, Brunnen. 372p.; vm-224p. 1303 Levie Jean 00 Ludzkie dzieje slowa Bozego, La Bible parole humaine et message de Dieu [cf. 49,323]. Wsz 1972, Pax. 435 p. 1304 Melammed E. Z., [H] Bible Commentators. J 1978, Magnes. 1088 p. [ETL 56,99*]. 1305 Miller J. M., The Old Testament and the Historian: Guides to Biblical Scholarship, OT. Ph 1979 = 1976, Fortress. vm-87 p. $2.95 pa. ['Was There a Patriarchal Ae;e?'] - RJRT, 98 (1979) 115 (D. L. Christensen). 1306 Müller H.-P., Jenseits der Entmythologisierung. Orientierungen am AT [1= Mythos-Tradition-Revolution. 1973 ➔ 55,438]. Nt:uk. 1979, Verlag. 118p. DM 14pa. 0 3-7887-0598-1. ➔ E2.2. - RLuthTKi 3 (1979) 126 {H. .Günther). 1307 Pettingill W. L. (ed. R. P. Polcyn), Bible Questions Answered. GR c1979, Zondervan. 432 p. ' 1308 Scharbert Josef, Einführung in das AT [I.] II. Die Geschichte der Gotteserfahrung Israels bis zum Exil ( 130 p.); III. vom Exil bis zum Hellenismus: Skripten des Lehrstuhls für Theologie des ATs 1-3. Mü 1978, Univ. Inst. Exegese. 'Als Ms. gedr. '. 1309 Schmidt Werner H., Einfllhrung in das AT: 1.k Gruylt:r-Ldubuch. B/NY 1979, de Gruyter. x-370 p. DM 48. 0 3-11-002445-4. [Als 4. Ausgabe zu J. Meinho/d.]. - RJuduicu 35 (1979) 184s (H. Schmid). 1310 Sheehan J. F. X., Let the People Cry Amen: An Inquiry into the Oral History of the OT. NY 1977, Paulist. 200p. $5.95. - Rt:HQ 40 (1978) 254 (J. E. Rybolt); TS 39 (1978) 200 (S. E. McEvenue). 1311 Smend Rudolf, Die Entstehung des Alten Testaments: Theol. Wiss. 1.

Bl.1 Introductio tota vel VT: Whole Bible or OT


Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 237 p. DM 28. 0 3-17-001070-0. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 473s (F. Buck); ErbAuf 55 (1979) 71 (A. Müller); TGl 69 (1979) 224s (J. Gamberoni). 1312 Smyth John P. (t 1932), How We Got Our Bible. Folcroft, PA 1977 = 1912, Folcroft Library. IV-153p. 8 pl. $20. 0 0-8414-7793-0. 1313 Soggin J. A., Introduzione all'AT. Dalle origini alla chiusura del Canone alessandrino. Con appendici sulle iscrizioni palestinesi della prima meta del I millennio a.C. e sui reperti manoscritti dei primi secoli dopo l'esilio. Brescia 3 1979 in un vol. [11968 2 1974 ➔ 56,73], Paideia. 698 p. Lit. 15000. - RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 182s (R. W. Klein). 1314 SuuhmR. N., Handbook of Iliblical Criticism, 1976 [now 1978, f:2.95] ➔ 58s,707: RJnterpr 32 (1978) 108 (L. Bailey). 1315 Steuernagel Carl, Lehrbuch der Einleitung in das AT mit einem Anhang über die Apokryphen und Pseudoepigraphen. Mü 1978 = (Tü) 1912, Minerva. xvi-869 p. DM 198. 0 3-597-20002-8. 1316 Stricker B. H., Het Oude Verbond: OMRO 58 (1977) 235s. 1317 Thompson Leonard L., Introducing Biblical Literature: A More Fantastic Country. ENJ 1978, Prentice-Hall. xvi-350 p., 19 fig. 0 0-13-498824-8. - RcBQ 40 (1978) 422ss (D. Baly). 1318 Urberg S., lnlruJucing OT Books with an Emphasis 011 their Chronological Relationship. GR 1976, Daker. 61 p. $5.95. 1319 Wccla E. A., The Bible: What lt Is and How lt Developed: God's Word Today I. NY 1976, Pueblo. 95 p. 1320 Westermann Claus, Abriss der Bibelkunde, AT NT4+ [= 3 l 978] NT [= 1962]. Stu 1979 [Eng. 1969, US 1967 __..49,125], Calwer. 216 p. DM 19 pa. 0 3-7668-0620-3. 1321 Westermann Claus, Tausend Jahre und ein Tag [1957 __..40,522] samt Gloege Gerhard, Aller Tage Tag: Einführung in die Bibel. Stu 1977, Kreuz. 566 p. DM 24. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 78 (J F.ngP!Pn.). ttl.2

'Imitations' to Bible or OT.

1322 Adams Jay E., Seelsorge mil Jer Bibel: eine praktische Anleitung [~ 56,5886] tr. L. Bormuth: ABC-Team 159. Giessen/Ba 1978, Brunnen. 79 p. DM 7,80 pa. 0 3-7655-2159-0. 1323 Aerts T., The OT through Melanesian Eyes [ ... Creation and Fall Myth]: Point, Forum for Melanesian Affairs, 2 (Goroka, E. H. P., Papua - New Guinea 1978) 42-70; ib. 145-65, T. Ahrens, Melanesian Concems in Interpreting the Bible; Catalyst 8,3. 1324 Antonio Moreno C., l.Es fäcil o dificil leer la Biblia?: TVid 20 (1979) 3-14. 1325 Arbdlsgemeinschaft der Bibelgesellschaft DDR: Ich entdecke die Dibel; die gute Nachricht des ANTs. 2 Altenburg 1978, Ev. Haupt-Bibelges. 448 p., ill. M 5,20. 1326 Brueggemann W., Wo(ff H. W., The Vitality of OT Traditions 1975 __.. '.>6,U0l*: RJAAR 46 (1978) 69s (B. W. Anderson). 1327 Bardet Jean-Gaston, Le tresor sacre d'Ishrael. P 1978, Maloine. xxn495 p.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[II. Introductio (VT)

1328 Barth Christoph, Diesseits und Jenseits im Glauben des späten Israel 1974 - 56,5353: RTLZ 103 (1978) 178. 1329 Barth H., Schramm T., Selbsterfahrung mit der Bibel. Ein Schlüssel zum Lesen und Verstehen. Mü/Gö 1977, Pfeiffer/VR. 232 p. DM 22. 1330 Blanch Stuart, For All Mankind: a New Approach to the OT2 rev. L 1977, Bible Reading Fellowship/NY 1978, Oxford. vi-120 p. front., map. :E0.95/$8.95. - RscriptB 8 (1977s) 42 (B. Robinson). 1331 Bruggen Jakob van, The future of the Bible. Nv 1978, Nelson. 192 p. $3.95. 0 0-8407-5640-2. 1332 Bruin Paul, a) Wo man die Sprache Jesu spricht. Aus der Welt der Bibel. 1977, 94 p., Fs 16. - b) Steht dus wirklich in der Bibel? Luzern 1978, Rex. 117 p. Fs 16,80. 1333 Brun Jean, A la recherche du paradis perdu: Presses bibl. universitaires, 4 (Lausanne 1979, Presses Bibl. Univ.). 162 p. Fs 15. 1334 Bühler W. & M., Die Bibel verstehen: Ein Arbeitsbuch zu G. Lohfink, •Jetzt verstehe ich die Bibel' [- 1377]. Stu 1976, KBW. 132 p. DM 18. RTsTNijm 18 (1978) 83 (G. Negenman). 1335 Castro Cubells C[arlos], Encuentro con la Biblia. Ecos de un simple oir y ver la palabra: El libro de bolsillo Cristiandad. 42. M 1977, Cristiandad. 299 p. 0 84-7057-219-9. 1336 Chagall M., Botschaft der Bibel. Mit Bildmeditationen von C. Goldmann. Fr/Gelnhausen 1979, Christophorus-Verlag/Burckhardt. 64 p. 17 f. ill. DM 16.80. 1337 Christensen M. J., C. S. Lewis on Scripture. Waco TX 1979, Word. 120 p. $6.95. Cipriani S., La Bibbia oggi per me 2 : lncontri con la parola 1979 - 291. 1338 Clavier Henri, Les varietes de la pensee biblique et le probleme de son unite. Esquisse d'une theologie de la Bible sur les textes originaux et dans leur contexte historique: NT Sup. 43. Ld 1976, Brill. xvi-424 p. RRThom 79 (1979) 114s (J.-L. Vesco); RTPhil 111 (1979) 314s (A. de Pury).

1340 Dyer G. J. ed., A Pastoral Guide to the Bible. Dublin 1979, Gill-Macmillan. 142p. f-2.75. __,421*. 1341 Edwards David L., A Key to the Old Testament. L 1978, Collins. 282 p. :E0.95. 1342 Egger W., IMIGemeinsam Bibel lesen, tr. Hajdok J., Pasztor J. Becs [Wien] 1977, Opus mystici corporis. 118 p. Sch 72. 1343 F.insle H., Diis Ahe:nte:ne:r de:r hihlisr.he:n Forschung: von de:r Arc:he: Noah bis zu den Schriftrollen von Qumran. Aschaffenburg 1979, Pattloch. 325 p. Ill. DM 29.80. 1344 Falsini Rinaldo, Iniziazione alla Bibbia. Linee di storia della salvezza. Mi 1978, Vita c Pcnsicro. 243 p. 1344* Fox E., The Bible Needs to be Read Aloud: Response 33 (1977) 517. 1345 Frye R. M. ed., The Reader's Bible. Princeton 1979 [= 1977], Univ. 591 p., $12.9~. 1346 Gallo Luis, Palabra de vida. Iniciaci6n a la Biblia. Buenos Aires 1976, Don Bosco. 106 p.

Bl.2 Introductio; 'Invitations'

to Bible or OT


1347 Gandolfo Emilio, La lettera di Dio agli uomini. Saronno 1978, I. P. L. 126 p. - RRDiocRoma 20 (1979) 766 (G. Coluccia). 1348 Gandolfo Emilio, Lettera e spirito. Lettura della Bibbia 681; 58s,468]. - RAugRom 18 (1978) 415s (P. Mtccolt); BbbOr 21 (1979) 115-28 (B. Mondin). 1545 Ricteur Paul, La fonction narrative: ETRel 54 (1979) 209-230. 1546 Ric 414, J. D. Crossan, Narrative Syntax 1978, 137-156. 1599 Detweiler R., Story, Sign, and Self: Phenomenology and Structuralism as Literary-Critical Methods. 1978 --> 58s,493: RcBQ 41 (1979) 128s (R. F. Leavitt); TR 75 (1979) 196s (P.-G. Müller). 1600 Endrcs Josef, Narrative Theologie. NMTativc Ethik: - 100, Fs. B. HX RING1977, 155-169. 1601 Geckeler H. ed., Strukturelle Bedeutungslehre: Wege der Forschung, 426. Da 1978, Wiss. Buchg. vi-455 p. - RBeiNam 13 (1978) 439s (H.

Stopp). 1602 Greenwood D. C., Structuralism and the Biblical Text [ ... C. Levi-

Strauss, R. Barthes; A. J. Greimas; E. Güttgemanns; L. Marin; D. 0. Via: Gen 22, 1-19; Lc 15, 11-32: Diss. Cath. Univ. of America 1978. 222 p. 0 7907904] = Studies in Sacred Theology (2ndSer.), 269 (Wsh 1979 Cath. Univ. of America Pr.). - DissA 39 (1978li) 5574A. 1603 Hawkes Terence, Structuralism and Semiotics: New Accents. LIBerkeley 1977, Methuen/Univ. Cal. 192 p.; 161-187 bibliog.; p. 11 Vico, 15 Piaget, 19 Sa11ss11re, 32 Levi-Strauss, 59 Russians, 87 Greimas, 106 -

Barthes. 1604 Heyer C. J. den, Struktuur-analyse: GereITTs 79 (1979) 86-110. 1605 Jobling David K., Structuralism, Hermeneutics, and Exegesis: Three Rer,ent Contributions to the Debate [R. Mr.Knight, R. Detweiler, D. & A. Patte]: UnSemQR 34 (1979) 135-147. 1606 Kessler M., lnclusio in the Hebrew Bible: Semitics 6 (1978) 44-49. 1607 Kovacs B. W., Philosophical Foundations for Structuralism: ➔ 414, J. D. Crossan, Narrative Syntax 1978, 85-105. 1608 Kovacs ßrian W., Philosophical Tssues in Sociological Stmcturalism: a Bridge from Social Sciences to Hermeneutics: UnSemQR 34 (1979) 14957. 1609 Lack R~mi, Letture strutturaliste dell'Antico Testamento: Ricerche teologiche. R 1978, Borla. 164 p. Lit. 4000. Applying G. Durand to Gn 22; 37-50; Is 40-55; Hos 4-14. - RGregorianum 60 (1979) 579s (C. Conroy);


Elenchus / ßiblica 60 ( 1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

OTAbstr 2 (1979) 272s (J. D. Crossan). 1610 Laeuchli Samuel, Prolegomenon to a Structural Analysis of Ancient Christian [largely NT] Views of Salvation: ➔ 72, Fs. R. EvANS, Disciplina 1979, 133-70. 208. . 1611 Lategan Bemard C., Structural Analysis as Basis for Further Exegetical Procedures: ➔ 581, Achterneier P., Seminar 1978, I 341-360. 1612 Maceiras Fafüin M., Hermeneutica y estructura a traves de la obra de Paul Ricoeur: diss. Univ. Complutense 1974: RUnComplut 23, 94 II (1974) 40. 1613 Micskey Koloman N., Die Axiom-Syntax des evangelisch-dogmatischen Denkens. Strukturanalysen des Denkprozesses und des Wahrheitsbegriffes in den Wissenschaftstheorien (Prolegomena) zeitgenössischer systematischer Theologen: ForSystÖkT 35. Gö 1976, VR. 162 p. DM 28. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 534ss (U. Gerber). 1614 Naumann Hans Hg., Der Modeme Strukturbegriff. Materialien zu seiner Entwicklung: Wege der Forschung, 155. Da 1973, Wiss. vr-434 p. 1615 Pater W. de, Strukturele tekstanalyse: enkele achtergronden: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 247-92; summ. 293 Structural analysis of texts: historical remarks. 1616 Patte Daniel [eh. 1, 2, 4] & Aline [eh. 3, < diss. P Inst. Prot. 1977] a) What is Structural Exegesis? Guides to Biblical Scholarship NT 1976 .....58s,530: RAndrUnSS 16 (1978) 353s (S. Kuba); RivB 26 (1978) 210s (A. Moda); SvTKv 55 (1978) 29s (R. Kiejfer). - b) Pour une exegese structurale: Parole de Dieu. P 1978, Seuil. 252 p. 0 2-02-004960-0. RLumVie 28,145 (1979) 109 (E. Granger); SciEspr 31 (1979) 384ss (0. Genest). - c) Structural Exegesis: from theory to practice: exegesis of Mark 15 and 16, hermeneutical implications. Ph 1978, Fortress. x-134 p. $8.95. 0 0-8006-0524-1. Patte D. ed., Semiology and Parables ... Structuralism 1975s ➔ 625. 1617 Piaget, Jean, Lo strutturalismo [Le structuralisme, P 1968, PUF] tr. Andrea Bonomi: I Gabbiani, N. S. 76. Mi 1968, II Saggiatore. 176 p. 1618 Piretti Antonio, Lo strutturalismo e la morte dell'uomo: Idee 27. R 1977, Citta Nuova. 321 p. - Rsal 40 (1978) 676 (E. Camaclto: completo panorama dello strutturalismo, ormai tramontato come ' moda '). 1619 Polzin Robert M., Biblical Structuralism ['... a movement of mind, a vision' ... ]: Method and Subjectivity in the Study of Ancient Texts, 1977 ➔ 58s,533; 0 0-8006-1506-9: RcBQ 40 (1978) 614s (C. H. Mil/er); CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 399 (C. H. Miller); RxpTim 89 (1977s) 313 (R. Coggins); Greg 60 (1979) 177ss (G. L. Prato); Interpr 33 (1979) 91s (R. E. Murphy); JAAR 47 (1979) 180.182; JBL 98 (1979) 290ss (G. E. Bryce); JStOT 12 (1979) 71ss (P. T. Daniels); TS 39 (1978) 380s (D. Greenwood). 1620 Ricreur P., II conflitto delle interpretazioni [fran~ais 1969 ➔ 51,348; deutsch Hermeneutik und Stnikturalismus: Oer Konflikt 1973 ➔ 55,398; ed. 2 Hermeneutik und Psychoanalyse 1974 ➔ 56,501; Engl. 1974 ➔ 56,359]. Mi 1977, Jaca. 518 p . .;. Rsal 41 (1979) 588 (A. Alessi). 1621 Riesenfeld H. Översättandets överraskningar [Surprises (for structuralists) in translating]: SvExAb 43 (1978) 22-39.

B2 Hermeneutica .2 Structuralism


1622 Saumjan S,, Strukturale Linguistik, tr. ed. intr. W. Girke, H. Jachnow: Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 12. Mü 1971, W. Fink. 512 p. 1623 Segre C., Strutturalismo e ricerca storica: ➔ 720, Martini G., Nuovi metodi 1977, 343-62. 1624 Thiselton A. C., Keeping up with Recent Studies II. Structuralism and Biblical Studies: Method or Ideology?: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 329-35. 1625 Tilburg S. van, Het Strukturalisme binnen de exegese: een variant van het burgerlijke denken. Structuralism in exegesis: a variant of bourgeois thinking [analyzing D. 0. Via, J. Calloud a.o.; E. Güttgemanns 'fed by elements of the ruling bourgeois ideology']: Bijdragen 40 (1979) 364-78; summ. 379. 1626 Vecchio Dante del, Aporie dello strutturalismo: SapDom 31 (1978) 937.

1627 White H. C., Structural Analysis of the OT Narrative: ➔ 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 45-66. 1628 White Hugh C., A Theory of the Surface Structure of the Biblical Narrative [performative dominates logical]: UnSemQR 34 (1979) 159-73. B2 Hermeneutica .3 Oral; Linguistics. 1629 Adrados F. R., Sprache und Bedeutung < hisp. varia tr. W. Böhringer = lnlemationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 24. Mü 1977, W. Fink. 264 p. - RßeiNam 13 (1978) 57 (R. Sch[ützeichel]). 1630 Alici L., 11 linguaggio come segno e come testimonianza. Una rilettura di Agostino: La cultura 10. R 1976, Studium. 208 p. - Rsal 40 (1978) 158 (P. Stella). 1631 Armstrong Chloe, Oral interpretation of biblical literature. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms [= Minneapolis 1968, Burgess]. m-88 p. 1632 Augst G., Sprachnorm und Sprachwandel. Vier Projekte zu diachroner Sprachbetrachtung: Studien zur Linguistik und Literaturwiss., 7. Wb 1977, Akademische Verla.gsges. Athenaion. 288 p. - RßeiNam 13 (1978) 58 (R. Sch[ützeichel]). 1633 Barthes R., Elemente der Semiologie, tr. E. Moldenhauer. Fra 1979, Syndikat. 96 p. (bibliogr.: 83-94). DM 14. 1634 Berk C. A. van den, Das Wesen der Sprache: Semantische Hefte, l [ed. J. Schröpfer, D. Gerhardt). Heid 1975, C. Winter. 169 p. - RBeiNam 14 (1979) 58 (R. Sch[ützeichel]). 1635 Bierbach C., Sprache nls 'Fnit socinl'. Die linguistische Theorie F. de Saussure's und ihr Verhältnis zu den positivistischen Sozialwissenschaften: Linguistische Arbeiten 59. Tti 1978, M. Nierneyer. vm-19?.p. 1636 Black M., Sprache. Eine Einführung in die Linguistik, tr. comm. H. E.

Rrekle. Mü 1973, W. Fink. 246 p. 1637 Boretzky N., Einführung in die historische Linguistik: rororo studium 108. Ha/Reinbek. 1977, Rowohlt. 253 p. - RßoiNam 13 (1978) 452s (R. Sch[ützeichel]).

1638 Boyle M. 0., Erasmus on Language and Method in Theology [disp. I:

Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)


[II. Introductio (\:T)

Novum Instrumentum = NT]. Toronto 1978, Univ. 265 p. $15. - RExpTim 90 (1978s) 56s (P. Brooks). 1639 Bubner Rüdiger, Handlung, Sprache und Vernunft. Grundbegriffe praktischer Philosophie. Fra 1976, Suhrkampf. 295 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 406-17 (G. Siegwart).

1640 Bucher Ephrem-Josef, Religiöse Erzählungen und religiöse Erkenntnis. Erste Schritte zur Bestimmung des kognitiven Gehalts religiöser Texte (diss. Heid. 1978): Forum Theologiae Linguisticae 6. Bonn 1978, Linguistica Biblica. vr-362 p.; 306-326 bibliog. DM 23,75. 1641 Bukdahl J0rgen K., Der Aufstand gegen die Funktionalisierung der Sprache: zur Sprachphilosophie K. E. L0gstrups: KerDo 29 (1979) 183-97; summ. angl. 197. 1642 Casper Bernhard, Sprache und Theologie. Eine philosophische llinführung. Pr 1975, Herder. 208 p. DM 28,50. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 528ss (W. Flach). 1643 Chomsky N., Reflexionen über die Sprache, tr. G. Meggle, M. Ulkan:

Suhrkamp Taschenbuch, Wissenschaft, 185. Fra 1977, Suhrkamp. 314 p. - RßeiNam 13 (1978) 453 (R. Sch[ützeichel]). 1644 Chomsky Noam, Intervista su linguaggio e ideologia ed. M. Ronat. Bari 1977, Laterza. 215 p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 915 (C. Nanni). 1645 Christmann H. H., Idealistische Philologie und moderne Sprachwissenschaft: Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, 19. Mü 1974, W. Fink, 157 p. 1646 Dalferth I. U., Hg., Sprachlogik des Glaubens; Texte analytischer Reli-

gionsphilosophie und -theologie zur religiösen Sprache: BeiEvTh 66. Mü 1974, Kaiser. 11 ort. (Engl. 1945-70). - Rsal 40 (1978) 424 (J. Gcvaert). 1647 Dieterle C., Quelques remarques et questions ä propos de 'La reflexion semiotique sur la traduction des textes bibliques': ETRel [53 (1978) 34958, J. Escande] 54 (1979) 501-05. 1648 Dijk Teun A. van, Some Aspects of Text Grammars. A Study in Theoretical Linguistics and Poetics: Janua Linguarum 63. Haag 1972, Mouton. XII-376 p. 1649 Dimant 1., Exegesis, Philosophy and Language in the Writing of Joseph

Ibn Caspi: Diss. Univ. Cal. LA 1979, dir.: A. Funkenstein. 0

224 p.

7913715. - nissA 40 (1979s) 197s-A.

1650 Dormagen H., Theorie der Sprachtätigkeit. Soziolinguistische Begründung und didaktische Probleme. Weinheim/Ba 1977, Bel~. 205 p. 1651 Ebeling G., Introduction to a Theological Theory of Language [1971 ... 53,754, tr. 1973 --> 55,797]: RRRel 32 (1973) 1453 (N. Ayo). 1652 Fano Giorgio, Origini e natura del linguaggio: Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, 209. T 1973, Einaudi. XVI-4:l8p.; ßibliog. p. 41,-41'/.

1653 Gabus J.-P., Critique du discours theologique: Bibliotheque theologique. Neuchätel 1977, Delachaux & N. 349 p. - RNRT 100 (1978) 620s (H. Jacobs). 1654 Golowin B. N. Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft < russ. Moskva 1973 tr. H. Zikmu11d. Lp 1976, VTIB Dibliographisches Institut. 298 p. 1655 Hager G. Ilg., Die Sache der Sprache. Beiträge zu einem sozialwissenschaftlichen Verständnis von Sprache (7 art.). Stu 1977, J. R Metzler. 7.46p 1656 Halliday M. A. K., Language as Social Semiotic: the Social Interpretation of Language Meaning. L 1978, Arnold. 256 p. 1657 Hartig M., Einführung in die Sprachphilosophie. Das Verhältnis von Sprache und Denken. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 170p.

B2 Hermeneutica .3 Oral; linguistics


1658 Heringer Hans Jürgen, Practical Semantics. A Study in the Rules of Speech and Action: Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 3. Haag 1978, Mouton. vm-224 p., bibliog. 217-221. 1659 Hildenbrandt E., Versuch einer kritischen Analyse des Cours de linguistique generale von Ferdinand de Saussure: Marburger Beiträge zur Germanistik, 36. Marburg 1972, N. G. Elwert. x-128 p. - RBeiNam 13 (1978) 204s (J. Knobloch). 1660 Hofmeister Heimo, Wahrheit und Glaube. Interpretation und Kritik der sprachanalytischen Theorie der Religion: Überlieferung und Aufgabe 15. Mü 1978, Oldenbourg. 320 p. DM 43. 1661 Iersel B. van, The Exegete and Linguistics: Conc (1978) 59-69. 1662 Jelonek T., [R] Lingwistica matematica jako narzc;dzie badania Pisma Swic;tego: De linguistica mathematica in exegesi biblica: RuBi 32 (1979) 56s. 1663 Jousse M., L'Anthropologiedu Geste. III. Le Parlant, Ja Parole et Je Souffle:Voies ouvertes. P 1978, Gallimard. 329p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 892s (X. Jacques). 1664 KalverkämperH., a) Eigennamenund Kontext (Inaug.-Diss.)Bielefeld 1976. IIl594 p. - b) Textlinguistik der Eigennamen. Stu 1978, E. Klett (J. G. Cotta Nachf.) 454 p. - RBeiNam 14 (1979) 95-100 (H. Gecke/er). 1665 Karrer L., Der Glaube in Kurzformeln:Zur theologischenund sprachtheoretischen Problematikund zu religionspädagogischen Verwendungder Kurzformelndes Glaubens. Mainz 1978, Matthias-Grünewald.XIV-298p. DM 39. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 202s (L. van der Tuin). 1666 Keller Albert, Sprachphilosophie:Kolleg-Ph.Fr/Mü 1979,Alber. 190p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 592-5 (J. de Vries). 1667 Knoblauch Johann, Sprache und Religion I. [l. Der älteste Mythos der Menschheit; 2. Übersetzungsfehler in der Bibel]. Heid 1979, Winter. 59 p. DM 18 pa. 0 3-533-02825-9. 1668 Kreuder Hans-Dieter, Studienbibliographie. Linguistik; Anhang, Sprachwissenschaft, Lothar Berger. Wb 1974, Franz Steiner. xvi-144 p. 1669 Lawrence 1., Linguistics and Theology: The Significance of Noam Chomsky for Theological Construction. Diss. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley CA 1979, dir. E. C. Hobbs. 284 p. 0 7920508. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2133s-A. 1670 Lucier Piede, Empirismelogiqueet langagereligieux.Trois approchesanglo-saxonnes contemporaines:R. B. Braithwaite, R, M, Hare. 1. T. Ramsey: Rech. Ph. 17. Tournai/Montreal 1976, Desclee/Bellarmin.461p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 530s (W. Schenk).

1671 Lyons John, Semantics. Volume 2. C 1979, Univ. P. XIV+ 373-898; bibliog. 850-79. 1672 Malmberg Bertil, Le langage, signe de l'humain: Empreinte, coll. dirigee par H. Hierche, 2. P 1979, Picard. x-292 p. 1673 Mel'cuk I. A. Das Wort 1. ZwischenInhalt und Ausdruck [Varia russica auctoris non approbati] tr. intr. J. Biedermann: internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik,9. Mü 1976, W. Fink. 461p. 1674 Molari Carlo, Linguaggio: ➔ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 778-814. 1675 Nicholls B., Contextualisation: A Theology of Gospel and Culture: Out-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

reach & Identity, 3. Exeter 1979, Paternoster. 75 p. fl.50. 1676 Noppen J.-P. van, Theographie, Metaphertheorie und ihre Interpretationsfehler: LingBib 44 (Jan. 1979) 71-99; summ. angl. 100. 1677 Overing G. R., Language,Cultural Consciousnessand the Poetic Subject: A New Perspectiveon three Old English Poems [Christ & Satan, Genesis B, Daniel]. Diss. State Univ. of New York at Buffalo 1979 [Order No. 7921890].191p. - DissA 40 (1979s)2051-A. 1678 Palmer F., Semantik. Eine Einführung, tr. C. Gutknecht < engl. = Beck'sche Elementarbücher. Mü 1977, C. H. Beck. 160 p. - RBeiNam 14 (1979) 109s (M. Hanowell). 1679 Pater W. de, Theolo&ische lingufätiek: situering en hihliogrnfie: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 234-46; summ. 293 (par. 1) Theological linguistics: survey and bibliography. 1680 Peukert Helmut, Wissenschattstheorie-Handlungstheorie-Fundamentale Theologie. Analysen zu Ansatz und Status theologischerTheoriebildung.Dü 1976, Patmos. 368p. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 431-4 (F. T. Gottwald, J. Heinrichs). 1681 Plank Frans, Ergativity: towards a Theory of Grammatical Relations. NY 1979, Academic. X-569p.; 511-554bibliog. 1682 Rabin }:{, Fisch/er B. ed., IEl minhala-qodes:Essays on Language. J 1979, Language Tnstruction Council. 118 p. 1683 Rabin I:Iayyimed., 1H]Ha-Bals'anitt ... Practical Linguistics and Language Instruction. J 1977, Language Instruction Council. 198 p. 1684 Rehbein J., Komplexes Handeln. Elemente zur Handlungstheorie der Sprache. Stu 1977, J. B. Metzler. x-400 p. - RBeiNam 13 (1978) 209 (H. Stopp). 1685 Seiffert H., Sprache heute, Eine Einführung in die Linguistik: Schwarze Reihe, 149. Mü 1977, Beck. 236 p. 1686 Serebrennikow B. A. Hg., AllgemeineSprachwissenschafttr. H. Zikmund, G. Feudel. II. Die innere Struktur der Sprache. III. Methoden sprachwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Mil/Salzburg1975s. xn-521 p.; VII-296p. - RBeiNam [10 (1975) 80 vol. 1) 13 (1978) 86s (R. Sch[ützeichel]). 1687 Seuren P. A. M., Zwischen Sprache und Denken. Ein Beitrag zur empirischen Begründung der Semantik< Tusscn taal cn denken 1975: Schwerpunkte Linguistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft, 9. Wb 1977, Athenaion. xxn-429 p. 1688 Sherry Patrick, Religion, Truth and Language-Games. L 1977, Macmillan. x-234 p. f:8.95. - RTLond 81 (1978) 131ss (B. Hebblethwaite). 1689 SiegwartGeo, Handlung, Sprache und Vernunft. Zum gleichnamigen Buch R. Bubners [1976-+1639]: TPhil 54 (1979) 406-17. 1690 Stetter C., Grundfragen eines transzendental-henneneutischenSprachbt:grilfs.Zur Konzeption einer historisch-pragmatischen Linguistik: Erkenntnistheoretische Grundfragender Linguistik,hl'I!, v. L. .Tiiger(Stu 1979,Kohlhammer)~5 73 [ibidem alii artic. de hermeneuticalinguistica]. 1691 Stirn Marcel, Pour une 'semiotique' de l'annonce. Rru-Lv/P 1979, Nauwelaerts/Vanderoyer, 371 p. 1692 Todorov T., Ducrot 0., Enzyklupfülisulu,s Würlcrbuuh der Spruchwissenschaften < fr. 1972. Fra 1975, Athenaion. xi-420 p. - RBeiNam 13 (1978) 88 [R. Sch [ützeichel]).

B2 Hermeneutica .3 Oral; linguistics


1693 Track Joachim, Sprachkritische Untersuchungen zum christlichen Reden von Gott (Hab. sehr. 1974 Erlangen), 1977, DM 58 ➔ 58s,551. RTLZ 104 (1979) 69s (U. Gerber); TR 74 (1978) 308ss (B. Thum). 1694 Tugendhaft E., Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die sprachanalytische Philosophie: Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, 45. Fra 1976. 535 p. - RGGA 231 (1979) 288 (M. Schirn, Semantik der assertorischen Sätze). 1695 Weinberger C. & 0., Logik, Semantik, Hermeneutik: Beck'sche Elementarbücher. Diss. Mü 1979, Beck. 231 p. DM 34. 1696 Weydt H., Noam Chomskys Werk: Kritik, Kommentar, Bibliographie [Diss. Tübingen 1976]; Tüb. Beiträge zur Linguistik, 70. Tü 1976,TBL. ' ! 110 p., ill. DM 22. ': 1697 Wunderlich Dieter, Foundations of Linguistics. [Grundlagen der" Linguistik. Reinbek-Ha 1974, Rowohlt] tr. R. Lass: Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, 22. C 1979, Univ. xiv-360 p. 348-57 Bibliog. B3 I nterpretatio ecclesiastica .1 Bible and Church. 1698 Achtemeier Paul J. & Elizabeth, The OT Roots of Our Faith. Ph 1979, Fortress = Nv 1962, Abingdon. 158 p. $4.50. 1699 Barr James, Does Biblical Study Still Belong to Theology?: Oxford Univ. Tnaugurnl T.ecture 1977, Ox 1978, Clarendon, 17 p, f.0.95 °0-19951513-1. 1700 Biser Eugen, Identität durch Innovation und Tradition: Toleranz als innerkirchliche Ökumene: Diak Mainz 9 (1978) 293-303; 303-316, Weber Johann, Die Intoleranz der Toleranten. 1701 Blank J., Exegese als theologische Basiswissenschaft: TüTQ 159 (1979) 2-23; dazu 36-40, W. Kasper; 44-54, H. J. Vogt; Schlusswort Blanks 6771. 1702 Bruce F. F., La Bibbia, i 'fratelli' e le confessioni di fede: STEv 4 (1979) 110-16. 1703 Canobbio Giacomo, Autorita e verita. II Magistero della Chiesa organo vivente delln Trndizione negli scritti di G. B. Frnnzelin S. J.: Pubblicnzioni del Pontificio Seminario Lombardo in Roma; Ricerche di Scienze Teologiche, 16. ßrescia 1979,'Morcelliana. 288 p. Bibliografia p. 13-25. 1704 Catrice P., L'etude de la Bible chez les catholiques: Ensemble [Revue cath. de Lille], 4 (1976) > EsprVie 88 (1978) 646-48 (J. Daoust). 1705 Chmiel J., [Pl Hermeneutyka biblijna i magisterium Kosciola [Ecclesiae]: RuBi 31 (1978) 247-52. 1706 Corless R. J., Sacrcd Text, Contcxt, and Proof-Tcxt: -+ 493, O'Flaherty W., Critical Study 1979, 257-70. 1707 Cox H., The Seduction of the Spirit; The Use and Misuse of People's Religion. NY 1973. - RRRelRes 17 (1975) 76ss (E. E. McKenna). 1708 Crucetti G., I testimoni di Geova e la Bibbia (aiuto al movimento ecumenico) [ ... L'uso della Bibbia ... ]: RClerlt 59 (1978) 805-16. 1709 Dekke1-sE., L'Eglisc dcvant la bible en langue vemaculaire. Ouverture de principe et difficultes concretes: ➔ 479, Lourdaux W., Bible 1979, 115.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

1710 Dordett Alexander, Beispruchsrecht oder kollegiale Leitung: -> 176, Fs. W. ÜNCLIN 1976, 51-75. 1711 Dosi Remo, I testimoni di Geova a confronto con le Scritture. Modena 1978, Voce della Bibbia. 81 p. Lit. 600. - SdiT 6 (1979) 141s (C. Bertinelli: vero pregio il cap. 'Sofismi': come attirano l'attenzione con 'fuochi d'artificio '). 1712 Dreyfus F., L'actualisation de l'Ecriture III. La place de la Tradition 8. Actualisation, tradition, magistere; 9. La fonction du magistere dans l'interpretation actualisante de l'Ecriture: RB 86 (1979) 321-84 ->2005. 1713 Ebeling Gerhard, Schrift und Erfahrung als Quelle theologischer Aussagung: ZTK 75 (1978) 99-116. 1714 Echternach II., Sola Scriptura: de fundamcntis Ecclcsinc: , 151*, Mcm. H. LIEBERG1973, 103-24. 1715 Erlandsson S., Is Biblical Scholarship Possible without Presuppositions?: Trinity Journal 7 (1978) 8-21. 1716 Fischer Eugen H., Das kirchliche Mitwirkungsrecht bei Ergänzung des Lehrkörpers im katholisch-theologischen Fachbereich: -> 75, Fs. H. PLATTEN, Diakonia 1973, 361-79. 1717 Frederikse T. A. al., The Bible Speaks Again. A Guide from Holland, commissioned by the Netherlands Reformed Church [Klare Wijn, Rekenschap over Oeschiedenis, geheim en gezag van de Hij bei, 's-Gravenhage 1967, Boekencentrum], tr. A. Mackie, foreword W. Barclay. Minneapolis 1972 pa., Augsburg (SCM 1969). 224 p. 1718 Friedrich J. H., Welten P., Exegese im Spannungsfeld von Studium und Praxis. Tübinger Modell eines alt- und neutestamentlichen Proseminars: EvTh 39 (1979) 300-319. 1719 Geisler N., To Understand the Bible Look for Jesus [= Christ the The1m: uf the Bible + Christ the Key to Interpreting the Bible]. GR 1979 [1968], Baker. 128 p. $2.95. 1720 The Glory of God and the future of man. Bible study guide for the churches, World Alliance of Reformed Churches, Centennial Consultation 1977 [in St Andrews, Scotland]. Geneva 1977, World All. 32 p. 1721 Grech Prosper M., The Magisterium in Scripture and Tradition: ➔ 674, J. O'Rourke, Magisterium 1978. 1722 Grybek S., Kerygmatyczne wartosci Pisma Swi~tego [Valores kerygmatici S. Script.]: RuBi 31 (1978) 1-8. 1723 Hasenhüttl Gotthold, Nolte Josef, Formen kirchlicher Ketzerbewältigung: Texte Rel-w. 2/1. Dü 1976, Patmos. 149 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 598 (H. Kirchner). 1724 Herms Eilcrt, Theologie eine Erfahrungswissenschaft: ThExH 19. Mü 1978, Kaiser. 100 p. DM 12,80. 1725 Heyer Robert ed. [< Nov. 1976 New Catholic World], Scripture and the Church. NY 1977, Paulist. VIII-69p. $1.75 pa. 1726 Hidal Sten, Bibeltro och bibelkrltik. Studier krlng den historlsk-krltiska bibelsynens genombrott i Sverige 1877-1910 med särskild hänsyn til Gamin Testamente. Skcab. Svcrige 1979, 256s. 1727 Höslinger Norbert, Beten lernen aus der Bibel. Klosterneuburg 1978. 88 p. DM 9,60. - RThGI 69 (1979) 115s (F. Untergassmair).

B3 Interpretatio ecclesiastica .1 Bible and Church


1728 Hoheisel K., Das antike Judentum in christlicher Sicht. Ein Beitrag zur neueren Forschungsgeschichte: Studies in Or. Religion, 2. Wb 1978, Harrassowitz. x-235 p. DM 78. 1729 Hooker Morna D., The Bible and the Believer: Epworth Review 6 (1979) 77-89. 1730 Hout H. J. van, De bijbel? oekumenisch probleem: Kosmos & Oekumene 13 (1979) 103-111. Kahlefeld H. Hg., Schriftauslegung dient dem Glauben, Una-Sancta-Tagung 1978/9 ➔ 607. 1731 Kasper W., Vom Ton, von den Grundlagen und von der Kritik in der Theologie: Metakritische Anmerkungen zu J. Blank [oben 2-23 .....1701]: TüTQ 159 (1979) 36-40. 1732 Keck L. E., The Bible in the Church. Abingdon 1978, Nashville. 172 p. $4.95. 1733 Kelsey D. H., The Uses of Scripture in Recent Theology. L 1975, SCM. rx-227 p. f5.50. 1734 Kibble D. G., The Jewish Understanding of the OT as the Word of God: EvQ 51 (1979) 145-55. 1735 Küng H., Historisch-kritische Exegese als Provokation für die Dogmatik: TiiTQ 159 (1979) 7.4-36, 1736 Küng Hans, Kirche, gehalten in der Wahrheit?: Theologische Meditationen :'il. Z 1979, Benziger. 75p. DM 7,80. 0 3-545-27051-3. 1737 Kuiper R. B., La Bibbia. Basi costitutive di fede cristiana, tr. - Finale Ligw·e 1977, Evaugdical Pr. 119 p., Lit. 2000. - RsTEv 2,3 (1979) 141ss (P. Bolognesi). 1738 Kuske M., The OT as the Book of Christ: an Appraisal of Bonhoeffer's Interpretation, tr. S. T. Kimbrough J_ Ph 1976, Westminster. 173 p. $12.95. - Rlnterpr 32 (1978) 210.212 (W. Harrelson); ScotJT 31 (1978) 287s (S. P. Re'emi). 1739 Lang B., Der Exeget zwischen historischer Distanz und theologischer Mitverantwortung: TüTQ 159 (1979) 40-43. 1740 Langkammer H., ~ Biblista a dogmatyk [Biblista e Dogmatico]: ➔ 393, Beyze B., Studia 1977, 3,231s. 1741 Lehmann Karl, Über das Verhältnis der Exegese als historisch-kritischer Wissenschaft zum dogmatischen Verstehen: TheoUb (1977s) 89-100. 1742 Lettmann Reinhard, Das bischöfliche 'nihil obstat' für die Lehrtätigkeit an theologischen Fakulläten staatlicher Universitäten in Deutschland: ➔ 28, Fs. W. BERTRAMS 1978, 273-89. 1743 Logister W., De ene ervaring is de andere niet: De theologische aanzet van Eberhard Jüngel: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 352-74, summ. Une experience n'est pas l'autre: la theologie de E. J. (tr. H. Gevaert): 352 Theologie de la Parole; 363 Parole de Dieu et Ecriture Sainte. 1744 Lohfink N., Offener Brief an F. J. Schierse, Der Zugang des Christen zur Hl. Schrift: CJeistL!>l (19'/8) 55-68. · 1745 Mackey James P., Christian Faith and Critical History: the Systematician and the Exegete: -> 628, Ryan T., Critical History 1979, 59-90. 1746 Marböck J., Zur Verkündigung des ATs. Notwendigkeit und Chancen: BLtg 52 (1979) 22-26.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio {VT)

1747 Medina E., Jorge, El marco doctrinal de la interpretaci6n biblica: TVid 20 (1979) 15-28. 1748 Megivern J. J. ed., Official · Catholic Teachings: Bible Interpretation (one vol. out of six). Wilmington NC 1978, McGrath. xxxv-466 p. $15.95 °0-8434-07115-8 (121-2 pa.) - RTs 40 (1979) 210s (J. N. Tylenda). 1749 Melugin R. F., Muilenburg, Form Criticism, and Theological Exegesis: ➔ 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 91-100. 1750 Miguens M., Scripture and the Teaching Church: ..... 563, G. Kelly, Teaching Church 1978. 1751 Mitchell B., Justiftcation of Religious Belief. L 1973, Macmillan. vm180 p. f:3.95. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 71ss (A. Miliar). 1752 Monloubou L., Lettura cristiana dell'AT: La fede oggi. Bo 1978, EDB. 171 p. 1753 Müller H., Type: .....888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 903-8. 1754 Müller Paul G., Die Bibel ist das Fundament der Theologie: BiK.i 34 (1979) 109-12. 1755 Nineham Dennis, The Use and Abuse of The Bible: A study of the Biblc in an age of rapid cultural change: SPCK Large Paperbacks, 33. L 1978 [= 1976 --->58s,868.841), SPCK. xi-295 p. :E3.95pa. - RAustralBR 27 (1979) 47s (R. Abba); EvQ 50 (1978) 193s (F. F. Bruce); ExpT 90 (1978s) 275-80 (R. H. Preston); IrTQ 44 (1977) 148 (A. Mayes); TLond 82 (1979) 103-9, 191-99 (J. Barton). 1756 Orsy Ladislaus, The Meaning of Due Process:---> 28, Fs. W. BERTRAMS 1978, 347-56. 1757 Perini Giuscppc, Pluralismo tcologico c unita nclla fcdc. A proposito della teoria di K. Rahner [Nuovi saggi, R 1968-78, Paoline]: DoctCom 32 (1979) 135-88. 1758 Pietron J., Geistige Schriftauslegung und biblische Predigt: Überlegungen zu einer Neubestimmung Geistiger Exegese im Blick auf heutige Verkündigung [Diss. Münster 1979) ThemTT. Dü 1979, Patmos. 391 p. DM 42.80. 1759 Putlmeyer H. J., Die Beuingw1gen ues beuingungslusen Unfehlbaik.eilsanspruchs (Gastvorl. Tü 1978): TüTQ 159 (1979) 92-109. 1760 (Ratzinger J. al.) Die Einheit des Glaubens und der theologische Pluralismus 1973-> 57,7318: RTLZ 104 (1979) 223ss (N. Müller). 1761 Reisen A. M. ·van, Rijksen H., ... als een lamp voor je voeten. Het oude verbond. Kampen 1979, Kok. 140p. 1762 Reventlow H., Der Konflikt zwischen Exegese und Dogmatik: Wilhelm Vischers Ringen um den 'Christus im AT': -> 269, Fs. E. W0RTHWEIN 1979, 110-122. 1763 Rcybum W. D., The Message of the OT and thc African Church: _,. 530, Smalley W., Rcadings 1978, II 98-102. 1764 Ro,,el W., In de schaduw van de hoop. Gelovig leven in het licht van de bijbel. Antwerpen/Amst 1979, Patmos. 154p. 1766 Saebl!JM., Das AT christlich interpretiert: MeddStiftÄbPor 47 (1979) 81-97. 1767 Saeb0 Magne, Gjennom alle tider. Det gamle testamente; kirken

B3 Interpretatio ecclesiastica .1 Bible and Church


[Through all times: OT & Church]. Oslo 1978, Land og Kirke/ Gyldendal. 176 p. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 238 (A. S. Kape/rud). 1768 Schäfer P., Bibel und Kirche: -> 212, Fs E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 343-55. 1769 Schejfczyk Leo, Das Alte Testament als Quelle christlichen Glaubens [erst in]-> 360, Schwerpunkte 1977, 79-94. 1770 Simons Frans, Man kann wieder Christ sein. Eine Abrechnung mit der Theologie und der "kritischen" Bibelwissenschaft. Bem/Fra 1978, P. Lang. 231 p. Fs. 44. - RMüTZ 30,1 (1979) 69s (L. Schejfczyk). 1771 Smart James D., The Cultural Subversion of the Biblical Faith [ ... the peculiar ethfoal blindness to which our culture subjects us ... ]. Ph 1977, Westminster. 128 p., $4.95. - Rlnterpr 33 (1979) 98-100 (L. Williamson). 1772 Soisa/on-Soininen 1., Kristillisen Hirkon Vanha Testamentti [Das AT der christlichen Kirche]: TAik 72 (1967) 183-189. 1773 Stiglmair A. [AT]: Riebl M. hg., Unterwegs im Glauben. Neuer Glaubenskurs. Innsbruck 1978, Tyrolia. 292 p. Sch. 190 (deest collab. NT). 1774 Stuhlmacher P., Hauptprobleme und Chancen kirchlicher Schriftauslegung: ThBei 9 (1978) 53-69. 1775 Tabet M. A., La lectura cristiana de la Biblia segun Santo Tomäs: ScriptTPamp 11 (1979) 197-229. 1776 Thiele Friedrich, Biblische (Er)Kenntnis. Leitfaden der Dogmatik für Nichttheologen: Bibel-Kirche-Gemeinde 11. Konstanz 1978, Christliche V.-A. 334 p. DM 10,80. 1777 Thielicke H., The Evangelical Faith I. [1968]: Prolegomena: the Relation of Theology to Modem Thought Forms, tr. ed. G. W. Bromiley. GR 1974, Eerdmans. 420 p. $10.95. - RJTS 30 (1979) 594ss (J. Macquarrie). 1778 Thornton M., Spirituality in the Modem World II. Meditation and Modem Biblical Studies: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 164-67 (1 132ss; III. 197203; IV. 228ss; V. 260-64; VI. 292-96; varii auct.). 1779 Tödt H. E., Biblische Botschaft und moderne Friedenskonzepte. Hermeneutische Probleme des Verhältnisses von Bibelexegese und kirchlicher Friedensforschung: TextForEvStud A7 (1978) 333-92. 1780 Tudda F., La Bibbia libro di autentica esperienza religiosa. Mi 1977, OR. 158 p. Lit. 3700. 1781 Veken J. Van der, Can thc Truc God Be the God of One ßook [ ... Christians might make valid claims to a uniqueness and finality for the Jesus event ... ]: -> 407, Cargas H., Religious Experience 1976, 263279. 1782 Vellanickal M., Bible: Book of Prayer: Word & Worship 11 (1978) 40111.

1783 Vriezen Theodorus C., Het Oude Testament: Bijbel en kerk. Groningen 1976, Wolters-N. 176 p. 1784 Westcott B. F., The Bible in the Church, reprint. GR 1979, Baker. xxm-316 p. $6.95. 1785 Westermann Claus, L'AT e Gesu Cristo 1976-> 58s,5943: RsacDoc 22 (1977) 330ss (B. Boschi). 10. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

1786 Whealon J. F., The Magisterium: Biblical and Pastoral Aspects: --+ 674, J. O'Rourke, Magisterium 1978. 1787 Wikmark Ö., Ofelbarhet och Evangelium. En studie i K. Rahners, H. Küngs och W. Kaspers upplattning av Kyrkans och läroambetets infallibilitet. Lund 1978 Verbum- Ohlssons. 194 p. [Diss. Lund 1978]: SvTK v 54 (1978) 140 (ipse). 1788 Wilson B., Contemporary Transformations of Religion: Riddell Lectures 1974. Ox 1976, U. Pr. 116p. f2.95: 'today if an archbishop expresses concem about some social problem, he is less likely to pronounce policy on the strength of Holy Writ [than of] a committee of experts [chiefly in sociology]'. - RJTS 29 (1978) 624s (E. R. Norman). 1789 Wiswedel W., The Inner and the Outer World, a Study in the Anabaptist Doctrine of Scripture: MenQR 26 (1952) 171-91.297. 1790 Zimmerli W., Von der Gültigkeit der 'Schrift' Alten Testaments in der christlichen Predigt: --+ 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 184-202.

B3.2 Revelatio. 1791 Breton Stanislas, Ecriture et Revelation: Cogitatio fidei 97. P 1979, Cerf. 172 p. F 56. 0 2-204-01304-8. - RTS 40 (1979) 572 (N. J. McEleney). 1792 Chmiel J., ~ 10 lat konstytucji sohorowej o ohjawieniu Bozym [10 anni constitutionis conciliaris de Revelatione Dei «Dei Verbum»]: RuBi 28 (1975) 266-69. 1793 De divina revelatione: schema constitutionis dogmaticae in Congr. Generali 155a Concilii Vaticani 2i: Acta Synodalia Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani Secundi. Vol. lV (periodus IV) pars V. Vaticano 1978. p. 677753. 1794 Delzant A., La communication de Dieu [ ... AT et NT, e.g. Dt 6,4-9; Actes 2 ... ] : Cogitatio Fidei, 92. P 1978, Cerf. 358 p. 1795 Draper J. T., Foundations of Biblical Faith. Nv 1979, Broadman. 191 p. 1796 Eicher P., Offenbarung: Prinzip neuzeitlicher Theologie. Mü 1977, Kösel. 600 p. DM 48. Acute criticism of theologians influential about revelation, though not exegetes. - RTS 39 (1978) 781s (A. Dulles); RHPhilRel 58 (1978) 463s (G. Siegwalt: etude monumentale, brillante, minutieuse). 1797 Fruchon P., Existence humaine et revelation 1976 --+ 58s,807*: Rßijdr 40 (1979) 448 (J. J. Kelly). 1798 Geifre Claude, Esquisse d'une theologie de la Revelation: -+ 452; 58s,250, La Revelation 1977, 171-205. 1799 Greiner F., Die Menschlichkeit der Offenbarung. Die transzendentale Grundlegung der Theologie bei K. Rahner. Mü 1978, Kaiser. 307 p. RcolcT 49 (1979) 205s (1. Bieda). 1800 Guillet J., a) Un Dieu qui parle. Croire aujourd'hui. P/Montreal 1977, Dcsclcc de Brouwcr/Bcllarmin. 127 p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 451 (J.-L. Ska). - b) A God Who Speaks [Gen-NT], tr. E. Bonin: An Exploration Book. Ramsey NJ 1979, Paulist. 101 p. $4.50 pa.

B3.2 Revelatio


1801 Hausmann W. J., An Analysis of Luther's View of the Accommodation of God in Revelation. Diss. Drew Univ. 1978. 126 p. [Order No. 7819262]. - DissA 39 (1978s) 2364A. 1802 Hummel H. D., The Word Becoming Flesh: an Introduction to the Origin, Purpose, and Meaning of the OT. St Louis 1979, Concordia. 679 p. $17.95. 1803 Huovineu Ee., Jumalan sana - sana jumalasta. Hans Küngin käsitys Raamatusta v(uosissa) 1957-1974 [Gottes Wort - Wort von Gott. Hans Küngs Auffassung von der Bibel in den Jahren 1957-1974]: Suomalaisen teologisen Kirjallisseuran julkaisuja, 109. Rauma 1978, Länsi-Suomi. 164p. 1804 Jörgensen Th. H., Das religionsphilosophische Offenbarungsverständnis des späteren Schleiermacher: BeiHTheol 53. Tü 1977, Mohr. x-382 p. DM 89. 1805 Kierkegaard S., Dell'autoritä e della rivelazione ("Libro su Adler") intr. tr. note C. Fabro = Pensatori religiosi, 1. Padova 1976, Gregoriana. 469p. 1806 Kolnes R. D., Apenbaring og opplevelse [revelation and experience]. Religionspsykologien som utfordring [as challenge] for teologien. Oslo 1978, Luther forlag. 260 p. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 259ss (J. B. Hygen). 1807 Macquarrie J., Principles of Christian Theology 2 • NY 1977 1 1976, Sc.rihner's. xm-)44 p. $1 ). 84-101 Revefation. 1808 Mesters C., Palavra de Deus na Historia dos Homens, 2° vol. Petr6polis 1971, Vozes. 261 p. - RPerspT 4 (1972) 138s (C. L. Bins). 1809 Miller Ronald H., Revelation in Franz Rosenzweig's The Star of Redemption and in Vatican II's Dei Verbum. Diss. Northwestern University 1978. 158 p. (dir.: M. H. Vogel). [Order No. 7903323]. - DissA 39 (1978s) 4987-A. 1810 Mundle W. a.o., Revelation: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 309-340. Oberhammer G., Offenbarung [in Indien, Symposium] 1974 -> 672; 56,150. 1811 Packer J. 1., God Has Spoken. Revelation and the Bible. L 1979, Hodder & Stoughton. 158 p. fl. 1812 Panier c., Ecriture, foi, revelation 1973 -. 56,152: RETRel 53 (1978) 137s (J.-D. Dubais). 1813 Pannenberg Wolfhart al., La revelaci6n como historia [Offenbarung als Geschichte 4 1970 ➔ 52,151; 55,139], tr. A. Caparros. Salamanca 1977, Sigueme. 192 p. [-> 48,152 ... 53,138]. - RverVid 36 (1978) 394s (B. Aperribay). 1814 Rahner K., Ratzinger G., Revelation et tradition [Offenbarung und Überlieferung, QDisp 7, 1972], tr. H. Rochais, J. Evrard. P 1972, Desclee-B. 116 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 345s (D. Bourguet). 1815 Rahner K., Schriften zur Theologie 13: Gott und Offenbarung. Z 1978, Bcnzi)!;er.455 p. DM 56. 1816 Ratzinger Joseph, Ist der Glaube wirklich 'Frohe Botschaft'?: -+ 100, Fs. B. HÄRING1977, 523-33. 1817 Rousse Jacques, Lectio divina:-> 871, DictSpir 9, fase. 59s (1975) 47087 (-510 et lecture spirituelle; d'autres auteurs).


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1818 Ruggieri Giuseppe, Rivelazione:


[II. Introductio (VT)

891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 1332-

52. 1819 Russen J. F., The Development of Theology of Revelation in the Unit-

ed States in the Decade after "Dei Verbum": An Analytical and Comparative Study of the Theological Writings of Avery Dulles, S.J., and Gabriel Moran, F.S.C. Diss. Cath Univ. of America 1979 [Order No. 7921631]. 374 p. [= Studies in Sacred Theol. 2nd Series, No. 273]. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2137s-A. 1820 Schieche W., Untersuchung .zu einer philosophisch-kritischen Rechtfertigung der christlichen Offenbarungsreligion. Diss. München 1975. 156 p. 1821 Schumacher Joseph, Der apostolische Abschluss der Offenbarung Gottes (Hab. Sehr. Fr 1977, dir. Kolping): FreibTSt 114. Fr 1979, Herder. 336 p. DM 58. 0 3-451-18299-8. 1822 Steinmueller John E., The Sword of the Spirit, Which Is the Word of God. Waco TX 1977, Stella Maris. vm-108 p. 1823 Tugwell_ S., Revelation and Human Experience (= Faith & Experience, XI): NBlackfr 60 (1979) 500-15. 1824 Waldenfels Hans, [Scheffczyk L.], Die Offenbarung [processus non Apc.]. Von der Reformation bis zur Gegenwart: Handb. Dogm-G. 1/lb. Fr 1977, Herder. v-208 p. - RColcT 49,2 (1979) 175s (H. Bogacki); Sal 40 (1978) 683s (P. Braido); TLZ 104 (1979) 283-7 (W. Andersen). 1825 Weinert Wolfgang, Wenn Gott zu Wort kommt. Eine Einführung in die Theologie: Theologie im Fernkurs. Fr 1978, Herder. 224 p. DM 22,50. RFranzSt 61 (1979) 238s (J. Lang).

B3.3 Inerrantia.

1826 Anderson M. W., The Battle for the Gospel: The Bible and the Reformation 1444-1589. GR 1978, Baker. 136 p., ill. $4.95. 1827 Artola A. M., El primer conflicto dogmätico sobre la Inspiraci6n de la Biblia. Vitoria 1978, Scriptorium Victoriense. 64 p. 1977 ➔ 58s,989, also Ph 1978, 1828 Barr James, Fundamcntalism Westminster. xvi-379 p. f:3.95pa/$7.95. - RETRel 53 (1978) 399ss (F. Smyth); Interpr 33 (1979) 311s (R. T. Osborn); JTS 29 (1978) 621s (E. R. H ardy); RTPhil 111 ( 1979) 313s (R. M artin-Achard); ScotJT 31 (1978) 476-9 (J. W. Rogerson); TLond 81 (1978) 145ss (K. Ward); VidJyo 43 (1979) 241 (E. R. Hambye). 1829 Black Edith, Inerrancy of the Bible: HomPastR 80 (1979) 27-32, 53-57: Vatican II softened nothing [pace R. E. Bruwn, R. Srnith; but overlooks disappearance of the term 'inerrancy' in successive redactions of Dei Verbum: B. Vawter OTAbs 3,2]. 1830 Blandino G., Questioni dibattute di teologia [1. 'S. Scrittura e ispirata tutta, ma non totalmente' un po' come i documenti di Vaticano Tl, p. 30-32]. R 1977, Citta Nuova. 228 p. - Rsal 40 (1978) 696s (D. Bertetto: la Scrittw-a e Parola di Dio, il ehe non si puo dirc dci Documcnti Vat. II). 1831 Bloesch D. G., Crisis in Biblical Authority: TTod 35 (1978s) 455-62.

B3.3 Inerrantia


1832 Boice J. M., Biblical Inerrancy - The Debate Is not Over: Evangelical Newsletter, July 1978, p. 4 [1716 Spruce St., Philadelphia, PA 19103], cf. BS 136 (1979) 77 (J. A. Witmer). 1833 Boice J. M. ed., The Foundation of Biblical Authority. GR 1978, Zondervan. 172p. $3.95pa. 0 0-310-21521-8. Pref. F. A. Schaejfer for the new International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. Papers also by J. H. Gerstner, J. I. Packer, G. L. Archer, R. C. Sproul, K. S. Kantzer. RTTod 36 (1979s) 471 (C. I. K. Story). 1834 Bratcher Robert G., Toward a Definition of the Authority of the Bible: PerspRelSt 6 (1979) 109-210. 1835 Burk.e T. J. J, A Fum;Liuual Analysis uf Biblical Iuerrancy: A Sludy of J. 0. Buswell, Jr.'s Doctrine of Scripture. Diss. Northwestern Univ. 1978, 260 p. [Order No. 7903234]. - DissA 39 (1978s) 4991-A. 1836 The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy [prepared in the course of a three-day consultation in Chicago of many prominent British & Arnerican Scholars]: Themelios 4 (1979) 104-06; JEvTSoc 21 (1978) 289-96. 1837 Davis Stephen T., Tlie Debate about the Bible: Inerrancy versus Infallibility. Ph 1977, Westminster. 149 p. $5.45 pa. 0 0-664-24119-0. - REvQ 50 (1978) 176s (A. M. Derham); PrincSemD NS 2 (1979) 184ss (E. 0. Edwards). 1838 Ebeling Gerhard, Fides occidit ratium:m: -> 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 97-135. 1839 Edwards B. H., Nothing but the Truth: an explanation of the inspiration and authority of the Bible. Welwyn 1978, Evangelical. xr-234 p., ill. 1840 Gadamer Hans-G. [-> 1474], Truth and Method 1975 - 57,326, also L Seabury f:9.50 [Wahrheit und Methode 3 1972 -> 56,321]: RTLond 81 (1978) 129-31 (M. Wiles: too narrow an identification of Scripture as the word of God p. 295). 1841 Gorringe T., In Defence of the Identification: Scripture as Word of God [ag. J. Barr, Bible in Modem World L 1973] : ScotJT 32 ( 1979) 30318. 1842 Haley J. W., An Examination of the Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible intr. A. Hovey. GR 1977 = 1874, Baker. [16+]473p. 1843 Holmes J. D., The Theological Papers of John Henry Newrnan on Biblical Inspiration and on Infallibility. Ox 1979, Clarendon P. rx168 p. 1844 Horn R. M., Ein Buch spricht für sich selber [die Bibel: ihr Gott]: Telos-Bücher, 1141. Bad Liebenzell 1979, Mission. 128 p. DM 12.80. 1845 Kvanvig Helge S., Det Gamle testamentets autoritet: TsTKi 50 (1979) 23-36: S. Mowinckel, R. Rendtorff, A. Gunneweg al. 1846 Labuschagne C. J., Wal zegt de bijbel in GODS naam? Nieuwe bijbeluitleg en modern godsgeloof. 's-Gravenhage 1977, Boekencentrum. 120 p. f 14,90. - Ro-eretTT 78 (1978) 210s (J. A. Montsma). 1847 La Potterie lgnace de, ed., La verita della Bibbia nel dibattito attuale: Coll. Giornale di Teologra 21. ßrescia 1979 = 1968 [-> 50,240: singuli], Queriniana. 311 p. Lit 6500. 1848 La Sor W. S., Prophecy, Inspiration, and Sensus Plenior (Inst. Bibl.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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Research Annual Lecture 1977): TyndB 29 (1978) 49-60. 1849 Lightner R. P., The Saviour and the Scriptures: A Case for Scriptural Inerrancy; reprint. GR 1978, Baker. v-178 p. $3.95 pa. 1850 Lmming Per, Kan Gud bevises? Fra 2400 ärs samtale mellom tro og tanke. Oslo 1979, Gyldendal. 148 p. 1851 Lundsell H., a) The Battle for the Bible 1976 -> 58s,284: RAsbSem 32,4 (1976) 44s (R. E. Coleman); lnterpr 32 (1978) 214s. 218 (D. W. Shriver, Jr.). - b) The Bible in the Balance [sequel to the Battle] GR 1979, Zondervan. 384 p. $9.95. 0 0-310-27690-x. 1852 Martini Carlo M., Parola di Dio e parola umana. 11problema dell'ispirazione e üdla verila biblica in prospettiva pastorale: -> 640, Zevlnl G., Incontro 1978, 41-53. l 8S1 Meyendorff .T., Living Tradition. NY 1978, St. Vladimir. 202 p. RorChrPer 45 (1979) 397-404 (G. Dejaijve, Tradition vivante et Orthodoxie). 1854 Meyendorff John, Rome and Orthodoxy: Authority or Truth?: -> 483, McCord P., A Pope 1976, 129-47. 1855 Mostert W., Scriptura sacra sui ipsius interpres. Bemerkungen zum Verständnis der Hl. Schrift durch Luther: LuthJb 46 (1979) 60-96. 1856 Nell William, Can we Trusl Lhe OT?: Mowbrays Popular Christian Paperbacks. L/NY 1979, Mowbrays/Seabury. 0 0-264-66447-7/ 0 0-81640435-6. - Rscriptß 10 (1979s) 23 (M. Gray). 1857 Pache R., L'ispirazione e l'autorita della Bibbia. R 1978, U.C.E.B. 319 p. Lit 4800. 1858 Pinero Saenz A., Teopneustia: estudio filo16gico sobre las concepciones de la inspiraci6n en los escritores cristianos de los dos primcros siglos [ ... inspiraci6n poetica y mantica (... Fil6n, Josefo ... ); NT, Padres Apost., Apolog., Ap6crifos . . . Tert., Clem. Alej.; Influjo sobre la formaci6n del Canon del NT, .. ] : diss. Univ. Complutense 1974. - RUnC:omplut 23,94 II (1974) 60. 1859 Ridderbos Herman N., Studies in Script11rr:imcl Tts A11thority.CTR 1978, Eerdmans. xu-109 p. $3.95 pa. 0 0-8028-1707-6. - RTl1emelios 5 (1979s) 32s (G. Breshears). 1860 Ridenour Fred, Ich hab noch eine Fniee: clir: CTfauhwiircligkr:it cler Bihel in unserer Zeit, tr. B. Rosenbauer, G. Jahnke: ABC-Team 164. Wu 1979, Aussaat. 135 p. DM 12,80 pa. 0 3-7615-2164-2. 1861 Ringe S. H., Autorität der Bibel und Bibelinterpretation: Als Mann und Frau ruft er uns, hrg. von L. M. Ri1ssell (Mü 1979, Pfeitfer) 16-30. 1862 Rogers Jack B., McKim Donald D. K., The Authority and Interpretation of the Hible: An Historical Approach. NY/Toronto 1979, Harper/Fitzhenry & W. xxiv-484 p. $20. 0 0-06-066696-x. [Princeton betrayed pre-Scholaslic Refurmaliunism]. 1863 Ryrie C. C., Some lmportant Aspects of Biblical Inerrancy: BS 136 (1979) 16-24. 1864 Sandeen E., The Roots of Fundamentalism. GR 1978 [= 1970], Baker. 328 p. $5.95. 1865 SchoonenbergPiet, From Transcendence to Immanence [ ... the Way of the Holy Scripture ... ]: -> 183, Fs. J. PAPIN1972/6, 159-65. 273-82.

B3.3 Inerrantia


1866 Smith A. E. Wilder, Die Zuverlassigkeit der Bibel und christliche Vollmacht2. Wetzlar 1979, Schulte. 80 p. 0 3-87739-517-1. 1867 Stengers Jean, Saint Augustin et l'inerrance biblique: ➔ 196, Mem. J. Preaia 1979, 27-39. Stonehouse N., Westminster Symposium, The Infallible Word 1978 _. 631. 1868 Stuhlmacher Peter, Historical Criticism and Theological Interpretation of Scripture. L 1979, SPCK. 93 p. f:2.95. [pref. J. Barr: takes 'no account of any non-German opinion']. - RTLond 82 (1979) 461s (J. Fenton). 1869 Subilia Vittorio, 'Sola Scriptura '. Autorita della Bibbia e libero esame 1975 _. 57,138; 58s,192: RRTPhil 110 (1978) 188 (A. Moda); Sal 40 (1978) 704s (A. Favale: i cattolici non ammetteranno ehe il magistero subentra alla Parola NT). 1870 Vawter Bruce, Biblical Inspiration 1971s _. 53,191: RJAAR 43 (1975) 440 (J. L. McKenzie). 1871 Wantula A., ~ 0 kazualnym zwiastowaniu slowa Bozego, Proclamation of God's word for the occasion: RoczT, ChrzAkT 1960, 79-92. 1872 Wikmark Ö., Ofelbarhet och Evangelium. Lund 1978, Ohlssons. 194p. 1873 Zehrer K., Bibel und Tradition bei den deutschen methodistischen Dogmatikern (< diss. Halle 1971): , 514, Roggc J., TVers 8 (1977) 17580.

B3.4 Traditio, canon. 1874 Beintker H., Die Bedeutung der Tradition bei Luther und im Luthertum: Kairos 31 (1979) 1-29. 1875 Best E., Scripture, Tradition and the Canon of the NT: BJRyl 61 (1979) 2S8-89. 1876 Blenkinsopp Joseph, Prophecy and Canon 1977 ➔ 58s,305: RCBQ 40 (1978) 598ss (J. A. Sanders); HeythJ 20 (1979) 299-302 (M. Barker); JStOT 12 (1979) 63-9 (W. McKane); JTS 30 (1979) 243ss (R. N. Whybray); ScotJT 32 (1979) 573s (A. Gelston); TS 39 (1978) 379 (L. Boadt). 1877 Brunner Peter, Schrift und Tradition nach evangelischer Lehre: ➔ 287, Bemühungen 1977. 1878 Childs B. S., The Exegetical Significance of Canon for the Study of the OT: _. 596, SupVT 29 (Ld 1978) 66-80. - _. 1279, The OT as Scripture [really Canon as guide to interpretation]. 1879 Citrini T., 11 problema del canone biblico: un capitolo di teologia fondamentale: ScuolC 107 (1979) 549-90. 1880 Clements R. E., Covenant and Canon in the OT; ----> 240 Fs. T. ToRRANCE1976, 1-12. Coats, G. W., Lung B. A., Canon and Authority 1977 _, 273. 1881 Culley R. C., Oral Tradition and the Old Testament: Some Recent Discussion: Semeia 5 (1976) 1-34.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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1882 Dequeker L. al., Tradition orale et ecriture: Colloq. Lv 1975 / Publ. Inst. ludaicum, 1. Bru c.1979, Inst. lud. rx-229 p. 1884 Doyle Eric, William Woodford on Scripture and Tradition: -+ 225, Fs. L. SPÄTLING, Studia 1977, 481-502; 503s, summ. germ. ital. 1885 Efird J., These Things are Written. Atlanta 1978, J. Knox. 169 p. $4.95. 1886 Franzini A., a) Tradizione e Scrittura. Brescia 1978, Morcelliana. 341 p. < b) Tradizione e Scrittura. 11contributo del Vaticano II [ ... 'Dei Verbum' cp. 2; Rivelazione e Chiesa tenendo conto del dibattito interconfessionale]. Diss. Pont. Univ. Gregorianae (dir. A. Ant6n). 517 p. [Cat. n. II 4845]. - DissA 39 (1978s) n. 62c. 1887 Habe! N. C., Appeal to Ancient Tradition as a Literary Form: SBL, SemPap 109,1 (1973) 34-54. 1888 Horstmann Job., Bibeln som kanon og Kristusvidnesbyrd - og kanonexegesens mulighed: Praesteforeningens blad 65 (K 1975) 33-43. 49-57. 1889 Kealy S. P., The Canon: An African Contribution: [also; The Ethiopian Canon]: BibTB 9 (1979) 13-26. 1890 Knauer Peter, Der Glaube kommt vom Hören. Ökumenische Funda- mcntalthcologic. Graz 1978, Styria. 336 p. - RTricrTZ 87 (1978) 326s (H. Schützeicfwl). 1891 Kuitert H. M., Wat heet geloven? Structuur en herkomst van de christelijke geloofsuitspraken. Baam 1977. - 1909. 1892 Laurent B., Le probleme de la tradition chretienne chez quelques theologiens catholiques du concile Vatican II jusqu'en 1974. Diss. lic.-Louvain-la-Neuve 1975 (prom. M. Simon). - NotSacTLouv ls (1976) 21. 1893 Leiman S. A., The Canonization of Hebrew Scripture: The Talmudic and Midrashic Evidence [< diss. U. PA 1970]: 1976,-+ 54,260; 57,230: RJBL 96 (1977) 590s (J. A. Sanders). 1894 Liebing H., Sola scriptura - die reformatorische Antwort auf das Problem der Tradition: -+ 507; 58s,978*, Ratschow C., Sola Scriptura 1977, 81-95. 1895 Lightstone J. N., The Formation of the Biblical Canon in Judaism of Late Antiq uity: Prolegomenon to a General Assessment: SR 8 ( 1979) 135-42. 1896 McKane W., Tradition as a Theological Concept: -+ 223, Fs. R. G. SMITH1974. 1897 Mehedinju V., Offenbarung und Überlieferung: neue Möglichkeiten eines Dialogs zwischen der orthodoxen und ev.- luth. Kirche: Diss. Heidelberg 1976. v-507 p. 1898 Midali M., Rivelazione, Chiesa, Scrittura e Tradizione alla IV Sessione ... Trento 1973 -+ 55,770: RMemDom, N.S. 4 (1973) 420ss (S. 1. Camporeale). 1899 Moor L. de, The Idea of Revelation in the Early Church: EvQ 50 (1978) 166-72. 230-38. 1901 Ott Heinrich, Offenbarung: -+ 575, G. Sauter, Warum 1979, 45-58. 1902 Person Ralph E., The Mode of Theological Decision Making at the Early Ecumenical Councils. An lnquiry into the Function of Scripture and Tradition at the Councils of Nicaea and Ephesus: Theol. Diss. 14. Ba

B3.4 Traditio, canon


1978, Reinhardt, vr-245 p. photot. DM 32,80. 0 3-7245-0414-4. 1903 Popescu D., Le debut prometteur d'un dialogue theologique entre l'Eglise Evang. de l'Allemagne, Republ. Federale et l'Eglise Orthodoxe Roumaine sur 'Sainte Ecriture, Tradition et Confession': Romanian Orthodox Church News. 9,4 (Buc 1979) 73-90. 1904 Ratschow C.-H. (Hg.), Einleitende Analyse zur Themafrage: ➔ 507; 58s,978*, Sola Scriptura 1977, 1-21. 1905 Sacchi Paolo, Seminario su le tradizioni v:eterotestamentarie [Univ. T, Sez. Vicino Griente, 27-28 apr. 1979]: RivB 27 (1979) 400ss. 1906 Sanders J. A., Text and Canon: Concepts and Method: 1978 SBL Presidential Address: JDL 98 (1979) 5-29. 1907 Sanders James A., Identite de 1a Bible. Torah et Canon, tr. P. Mailhe: 1975 ➔ 58s,327: RSciEspr 31 (1979) 109ss (L. Sabourin). 1908 Schneidau H. N., Sacred Discontent: the Bible and Western Tradition 1976 [Akhenatun and mythological consciousness] ➔ 576; 58s,875: RTS 38 (1977) 768s (J. F. X. Sheehan). 1910 Stegemann H., Der Kanon und die Kriterien der Theologie: ➔ 507; 58s,978*, Ratschow C., Sola Scriptura 1977, 96-123. 1911 Stigers Harold G., Preservation, the Corollary of Inspiration: JEvTS 22 (1979) 217-22. 1912 Stone Michael E., Armenian Canon Lists III - The Lists of Mechitar of Ayrivank' (c. 1285 c.u.): HarvTR 69 (1976) 289-300; cf. , 630. - b) Armenian Canon Lists IV - the List of Gregory of Tat'ew (14th Century): HarvTR 72 (1979) 237-44. 1913 Toon P., The Development of Doctrine in the Church. GR 1979, Eerdmans. 127 p. $4.95 pa. 1914 Torrell Jean-Pierre, Questions de theologie fondamentale: RThom 19 (1979) 273-314; 314, Scripture and Tradition (R. Grant). 1915 Weinberg J. P., IB] K voprosu ... On the Problem of Oral and Written Tradition in the OT: PerAzSb 3 (1979) 60-70.269.

B4. Interpretatio hwnanistica .1 OT and man.

1916 Augustinovich Augustin, EI Niiio en la Biblia: Ultreya, 17. Caracas 1978, Tripode. 186 p. 1917 Bartnik Cz., [R] But Biblii. L'existence de la Bible [son etre relatif; elle devient pleinement elle-meme seulement dans la personne humaine et en tant que sujet social de l'Eglise; sa materialite (texte et systeme de signes) possede le caractere du signe sacramental]: RoczTKan 25, 1 (1978) 113119; summ. 119. 1918 Berthier R., Biblc: ilotrc Histoirc. Limogcs 1971, Droguct et Ardant. 377 p. ill. de C. Front, D. Christian. 1919 Borchsenius P., Humor i Ribelen. K cl 976, Samleren. 1?.6 p. Dk 39,50. 1920 Brown Robert, The Bible Speaks to You. Ph 1977, Westminster. 320 p. $3.95. 1921 Brueggemann W., Covenanting as Human Vocation: A Discussion of


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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the Relation of Bible and Pastoral Care: Interpr 33 (1979) 115-29. 1922 Buchwald Willi, Israel und die Zukunft der Welt: Telos 1135. Moers 1978, Brendow. 160 p., ill. DM 14.80 pa. 0 3-87067-097-5. 1923 Butterfield H., Writings on Christianity and History (17; eh. 5, The Originality of the OT), ed. C. T. Mclntire. NY 1979, Oxford. vm-273 p. $12.95. 1924 Caiiellas G., El hombre en el AT [ ... un ser de carne; un alma vivente; tiene un espiritu; destino del hombre]: VerVid 36 (1978) 289-310. 1925 Chiche Y. M., La pediatrie biblique et talmudique: diss. P 1973. P 1979, Univ-V Bibliotheque. 89 p. 1926 Corbellini P., The God of All Nations: a biblical approach to the problern of ethnicity, intr. C. Stuhlmueller. Stone Park III. 1977, Italian Cultural Center. 58 p. 1927 Daewel H., Die Beziehungen zwischen Menschenbild und Vergegenwärtigung biblischer Texte in der Predigt: ein Beitrag zur materialen Homiletik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung biblischer Texte in der Predigt; Diss. Humboldt-Univ., oBerlin 1976. 213 p.; p. 214-362. 1928 Dillenberger J., Folk Art and the Bible: TTod 36 (1979s) 564-68. 1929 Grzybek S., III Egzystencjalne wartosci STu. [Valores exsistentiales VTi.]: RuBi 29 (1976) 241-54. 1930 Gunneweg Antonius H. J. [AT], Sehmithals Walter [NT], Leistung: BibKonf 1007. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 167p. DM12pa. 0 3-17-002014-5. RFreibRu 30 (1978) 157s (0. Schelbert); TLZ 104 (1979) 693s (K.-H. B[ernhardt]); TPQ 127 (1979) 425s (R. Weiler). 1931 Haacker K., Existenz und Exegese. Zum Weg der Bibelauslegung zwischen Historismus und Assimilation: TBei 9 (1978) 143-52. 1932 Haag H., Und du sollst fröhlich sein. Lebensbejahung im AT. Stu 1978, KWB. 111 p. DM 17,80. -1358. 1933 Houston W., 'And Let them Have Dominion ... '. Biblical View of Man in Relation to the Environmental Crisis - 2710, Gen 1,29 - [- 615, p, 161-184]. 1934 Klepfisz H., EI impacto hebreo en la cultura occidental. Panama 1975, Universitaria. 399 p. - Rsef 38 (1978) 164-7 (A. Diez Macho). 1935 Loader J. A., Aspekte van menslike mag in die OT. [English summ.: Aspects of Human Power in the OT]: Proefschrift Groningen Rijksuniv. 1975. 381 p. 1936 Minkner K., Die Einwirkung des Bürgschaftsrechts auf Leben und Religion Altisraels; Diss. Halle 1974. 188 p. 1938 Mo/in G., Das Menschenbild des AT: BiLtg 52 (1979) 104-11. 1939 Moreno A., Fe y cultura en el AT: TVid 19 (1978) 3-23. 1940 Neaga Nicola, [Q] Die bleibende Bedeutung des ATs: DeltBibMelet NS 1 (1979) 22-37. 1941 Nicolas M., La medecine dans la Bible. P 1977, Le Fran~ois. 173 p. 1942 O'Rourke J. J., Human Life in the Scriptures [ofthe OT]: Dimension 10 (Overbrook, Ph. 1978) 160-66. 1943 Preuss J., Biblical and Talmudic Medicine = Biblisch-talmudische Medizin 1911, tr. ['and edited' but not noticeably, by physician] F. Rosner: NY 1978, Sanhedrin. XXIX-652p., 4 fig. $35.


B4 Interpretatio humanistica .1 OT and man

1944 Rosner Fred, Medicine in the Bible and the Talmud: Selections from Classical Jewish Sources: Library of Jewish Law & Ethics, 5. NY 1977, Ktav. xm-247 p. $12.50. 0 0-87068-326-8. - RJAAR 47 (1979) 160 (G. B. Sweetland); ScriptB 20 (1979s) 44s (M. McNamara). 1945 Saunders J. 0., [Biblical] People Just Like Us. L 1978, Hodder & S. 186 p. f:2.95. 1946 Schmidt Paul, Vater - Kind - Bruder. Biblische Begriffe in anthropologischer Sicht. Düsseldorf 1978, Patmos pa. 136 p. 1947 Schmitt Hans-C., Offenheit für die Gegenwart im Lichte der Transzendenzerfahrung. Beobachtungen zum Wirklichkeitsverständnis des ATs: DtPfarrBl 78 (1978) 611-5. 1948 Schunk Klaus-Dietrich, Die Auffassung des ATs von der Natur? [über die Ökologie]: TLZ 104 (1979) 401-12. 1949 Snell P., The Bible and Ecology: BToday 104 (1979) 2180-85. 1950 Swanston H. G. F., The Bible and History [4 books]: ScriptB 9 (1978s) 21s. 1951 Wiesel E., Celebration biblique. Portraits et legendes 1975 -> 58s,601: RETRel 51 (1976) 392s (D. Lys). 1952 Zimmerli W., Thc OT and the World, tr. J. J. Scullion 1976 -> 57,6376; 58s,8157: RCBQ 40 (1978) 427s (C. A. Moore); CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 122 (R. W. Klein).

B4.1.1 Mulieres et Scriptura: Women and the Bible

Allen C. G., 'On me be the curse, my son':



-> 2885, Gn 23-29. Feminist considerations. 1953 Alonso Diaz Jose, Antifeminismo y feminismo en la Biblia: Fasciculos Biblicos. M 1978, PPC. 1954 Buhl Karl, Mann und Frau im AT. Unterrichtsmodell für Arbeit. Salzhnrg 1974. 71 p. 1955 Crüsemann Frank, Thyen Hartwig, Als Mann und Frau geschaffen. Exegetische Studien zur Rolle der Frau: Kennzeichen 2. B-Oelnhauseu 1978, Laetare/Burckhardt. 208 p. DM 29. 0 3-7839-3021-9/ 0 3-7664-0084-3. 1956 Deen Edith, Wisdom from Women in the Bible. SF c1978, Harper & R. vm-148 p. 1957 Fischer James A., God Said: Let There be Woman: A Study of Biblical Women. Staten Island NY 1978, Alba House. xm-115 p. $4.95. 1958 Gilliland Dolores S., Selected Women of the Scriptures of Stamina and Courage. Spearfish SD c1978, Honor. 101 p., ill. G. Scott. 1959 Golding Carole, The family in the Old Testament: Trinity College, Diss., 1967. Dublin 1978. 1960 Golub E., Honey from the Rock: the Function of Food, the Female, and Fusion in Jewish Literature [ ... up to the yiddish Dybbuk: Between the Two Worlds - Israel's election acc. to the Freudian model of child development ... ]. Diss. State Univ. of New York at Buffalo 1978 (dir. L. A. Fiedler). 258 p. [Order No 7905267). - DissA 39 (1978s) 5486A. 'Thus tp.e people of the book, in the wake of abandoning fertility goddesses,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

become chosen as the best child of a patemal god' (dichotomy) - mother's faces were transformed into Torah and Sacrifice; she was recreated as a benevolent and asexual ... God the father. Israel's separation is that of a child from a mother. 1961 Horowitz Maryanne C., The Image of God in Man - Is Woman Included?: HarvTR 72 (1979) 175-206. ➔ 2733, Gn. 3. 1962 Jaubert Annie, Les femmes dans l'Ecriture: VieChretSup. P 1979. 80p. 1963 Karssen G., Frau, Mensch und Mutter in der Bibel (1. Mose, 2,23): Telos-Paperback 1088. Neuhausen 1976, Hänssler. 205 p. 1964 Keuck W. M. T., Maria und die Dibel Israels: sie hörte, glaubte, betete die Bibel Israels; Vorw. K. H. Schelkle. FrS 1978, Kanisius. 114p. Ps 12,80..... 1369. 1965 Mettinger T. N. D., Eva och revbenet- Manligt och kvinnligt i exegetisk belysning [Urhistoria]: SyTKv 54 (1978) 55-64. 1966 Meyers Carol L., The Root of Restriction; Women in Early Israel: BA 41 (1978) ... -; 42 (1979) 6-7 (B. Khalayly ... ). 1967 Mil/er Clyde M., Maidenhood and Virginity in Ancient Israel: RcstQ 22 (1979) 242-6. 1968 Monenkott Virginia R., Women, Men and the Bible. Nv 1977, Abingdon. 142 p. $3.95. 1969 Moltmunn-Wcndcl E. ed., Frauenbefreiung, biblische und theologische Argumente 2 rev.: Gesellsch. & Theol., syst. 12. Mü cl978, Kaiser [!Menschenrechte für die Frau 1974 .... 56,6153]; 93-117 P. Trible, Gegen das patriarchalische Prinzip in Bibelinterpretationen. 1970 Mulliken Franccs H., Safts M., [17] Womcn of Dcstiny in thc Biblc. Independence Mo c1978, Herald. 187 p. 1971 Otwell J. H., And Sarah Laughed. The Status of Women in the OT. 1977 .... 58s,8ll0: RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 246s (P. A Bird); Interpr 32 (1978) 432 (P. A. Rird); JAAR 46 (1978) 71 (T. Craven); JBL 98 (1979) 423s (K. D. Sakenfeld); KirSef 54 (1979) 643; Sal 41 (1979) 174s (A. Strus). 1972 PiU-Rivt!rsJ., .The Fate ur Sichem, ur Lhe Pulilics ur Sex. Essays in Lhe Anthropoloiy of the Mediterranean: Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology, 19. C 1977, C. U. Pr. xrn-193 p. f6.95. - RAntClass 48 (1978) 222s (M. Meulder); HeythJ 19 (1978) 298s (M. F. C. Bourdillon). 1973 Price Eugenia, EI mundo unico de la mujer . . . en tiempos biblicos y hoy I. AT tr. Edna Lee de G11tierrez. EI Paso 1976, Mundo Hispano. 124p. 1974 Richter Hans-Frledemann, Geschlechtlichkeit, Ehe und Familie im Alten Testament und seiner Umwelt: Beiträge zur biblischen Exegese und Theologie; Dd. 10. Pra 1978, Lang. 204 p. DM 39. 0 3-261-02431-3. 1975 Rüesch P., Die unbekannte Frau: eine biblische Schau zu ihrem Wesen und Aufüap;2: ABC-Team 137. Ba 1978, Bnmnen, 80 p, Fs 7,80. 1976 Russen Hope, Sarah's Daughters (1 Pt 3,6) and some other women: studics of thc womcn. of thc Dible [' orlginally Amharic ']. Summer Ilill NSW 1976, Sudan Interior Mission. 72p.; 7-35 OT womcn. 1977 Russen Letty M. ed., The Liberating Word: a Guide to Non-Sexist

B4 Interpretatio humanistica .1.1 Women and the Bible


Interpretation of the Bible: Task Force, National Council of Churches of Christ U.SA Ph 1976, Westminster. 121 p. 1978 Sapp S., Sexuality, the Bible, and Science. Ph 1977, Fortress. xi-140 p. $8.25. - RAnglTR 60 (1978) 508s (U. T. Holmes). 1979 Schepps D. D., Remarkable Women of the Scriptures. Ph 1976, Dorrance. 210 p. $6.95. 1980 Segal J. B., The Jewish Attitude toward Women: JJS 30 (1979) 121137. 1981 Swidler Leonard, Biblical Aflirmations of Women. Ph 1979, Westminster. 382 p. $17.95 ($9.95 pa.). 1982 Swidler Lconard J., Womcn in Judaism; the status of women in formative Judaism. Metuchen NJ 1976, Scarecrow. vi-242 p. 1983 Weigle Maria (hg. Ueckert Ilse), Bibelarbeit mit Frauen: Methoden und Auslegungen sowie ein Beitrag zum Thema 'Machen Frauen eine andere Theologie als Männer?': Ein Laetare Buch. SteinM/Gelnhausen-B 1979, Laetare/Burckhardt. 141 p. DM 16,80. 0 3-7839-8003-8/ 0 3-7664-6079-X.

B4.1.4 Heroes. 1~84 Huechner Frederick, Peculiar Treasures: A Biblical Who's Who. SF 1979, Harper and Row. 181 p. $7.95. 0 0-06-061157-X. 1985 Character Sketches from the Pages of Scripture, Illustrated in the World of Nature. Oak Brook IL 1976/8, Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts. 382 p./382 p. (col.) ill. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 28. 1986 Deen Edith, Männer der Hoffnung. Biblische Gestalten des ATs [All the Bible's Men of Hope] tr. G. Quenzer: Bibel-Kirche.-Gemeinde 13. Konstanz 1978, Christliche V-Anst. 168 p. DM 8,80. 0 3-7673-7613-X. 1987 Donner H., Herrschergestalten in Israel 1970 - 52,7111 ; 53,6488: RwzKM 68 (1976) 224ss (F. Dexinger). 1988 Galbiati E,, L'AT, Histoire des hommes que Dieu sauve, tr. C Augrain al. P/Montrcal 1976, Apostolat des Editions/Editions paulines 480 p. ill. P 18. 1989 Herzoa Chaim, Gichon Mordechai, Battles of the Bihle; a Modem Military Evaluation of the OT. NY 1978, Random House. 247 p., 68 phot. + 8 color.; 37 fig. $17.95. - RTablet 232 (1978) 1067 (L. Bright). 1990 Lannlng P., Fasteferd. Jakob, Job, Jeremia. Oslo 1978, Gyldendal. 82 p. 1991 Oberforcher Robert, Abraham, Jeremia, Ijob: Typen des von Gott beansprud1Len Menschen: BLtg 52 (1979) 183-191. 1992 Samuel Maurice, Certain People of the Book: NY 1977 = 1955, Union Amer. Hebr. Congr. 363 p. 1993 Völker, Herrscher und Propheten: die Menschen der Bibel; ihr Leben, ihre Zeit. [Great people of the Bible and how they lived]. Stu 1979, Das Beste. 431 p., (färb.) ill. DM 59,90. 0 3-87070-141-2. 1994 Wachtcr E., Pnnre der Bibel: Gesichter und Geschichten der ·~ gesehen und erzählt. Stu 1978, KBW. 48 p., ill. DM 3,60. 1995 White John, People in Prayer. Ten Portraits from the Bible. Leicester


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio (Vn

1978, Inter-Varsity Press. 160 p. fl.10. 1996 Wright J. S., Dictionary of Bible people. L 1978, Scripture Union. x239 p., maps.

B4.2 Problemata actualia, current issues (-'->H 8.5: 9662-9952). l 997 Antonio Bentue B., La Biblia y los interrogantes del hombre actual: TVid 20 (1979) 29-39. 1998 Baude P.-M., Tendances nouvelles de l'exegese. P 1979, Centurion. 168 p. [incl. structurale, psychanalytiquc, matcrialistc]. 1999 Bianchi E., Le statut des 'sans-dignite' dans l'AT: Conc 150 (P 1979) 15-23. 2000 Birch B. C., Rasmussen R. H., The Predicament of the Prosperous: Biblical Perspectives on Current Issues. Ph 1978, Westminster. 212 p. $4.95 pa. - Rlnterpr 33 (1979) 431ss (L. S. Cahill). 2001 Boerma Conrad, a) Kan ook een rijke zalig worden? Een onderzoek naar bijbelse gegevens bij de bestrijding van armoede. Baam 1978, Ten Have. 114 p . .{14,50. - b) Rich Man, Poor Man - and the Bible, tr. J. Bowden. L 1979, SCM. 98 p. f2.25. 2002 Brummei L., EI lcnguajc biblico de la pobrcza cn la hcrmencutica de Lutero: Los Padres, Encuentro y compromiso (BA 1978, Aurora) 10730. 2003 Brunt J., Decisions: how to use Biblical guidelines when making decisions. Nv c1979, Southern. 96 p. 2004 Conroy C., The OT and Monasticism: Studia Missionalia 28 (1979) 127. 2005 Dreyfus F., [L'actualisation de l'Ecriture I] Exegese en Sorbonne, exegese en Eglise: RB 82 (1975) 321-59; [11.) L'actualisation a l'interieur de la Bible 83 (1976) 161-202; [III. ex-1.) Du texte a la vie, 86 (1979) 5-58; [TV (?p.161) ex-]TT. L'action de l'esprit: RB 86 (1979) 161-193. ➔ 1712. 2006 Durund J. J. F., Biblt: aml Rai;t:: Tht: Pruult:m of Ht:rn1t:neutii;s: J. Theol. for Southern Africa 24 (Rondebosch, Cape Town 1978) 3-11. 2007 Everding H. E., Nilbanks D. W., Decision Making and the Bible 1975 ➔ 57,7054: Interpr 32 (1978) 200s (E. L. Long. Jr.). 2008 Fick Ulrich, Die Bedeutung der Bibel für die Welt von morgen: ➔ 48, Fs. H. CLAss,Zukunft 1978. 2009 Gottwald N. K., The Impact of Ancient Israel on Our Social World: CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 84-93. 2010 Grollenberg L., A Bible for Our Time. Reading the Bible in the Light of Today's Questions - Modem bijbcllczcn 1971, tr. J. Bowden. L 1979, SCM. vr-153 p. fl.95. - RTablet 233 (1979) 967 (H. Wansbrough). 2011 Hoekema A. A., The Bible and the Future. GR 1979, Eerdmans. 343 p. $12;95. - RTTod 36 (1979s) 472 (E. S. Fiorenza). 2012 Ilösllnger Norbert, Neue Kirche alte Bibel. Klosterneuburg 1977, Öst. KBW. 64 p. - RzKT 100 (1978) 499 (H. Pissarek-Hudelist). · 2013 Kinard Malvina, Crisler J., Das biblische Kochbuch: erlesene Kostbar-

B4 Interpretatio humanistica .2 Current Issues


keiten aus dem Alten u. NT [= Loaves and Fishes], tr. L. Kösling. Fr 1979, Dauer. 235 p., ill. DM 26.80. 2014 Klein Hans, !MIQuestions and Duties of OT Exegesis Today: Reformatus Szemle (1977) 17-25. 2015 Künneth W., Fundamente des Glaubens. Biblische Lehre im Horizont des Zeitgeistes 1975, --+ 57,628: RMüTZ 29 (1978). 85ss (L. Schejfczyk); . TBei 6 (1975) 214s (W. Johanning). 2016 Langer W. Moralpädagogische Bibelinterpretation. Die ethische Aktualisierung biblischer Texte im deutschsprachigen katholischen Bibelunterricht seit dem Ende des 18. Jdts: Münster/W Diss. cl978: BZ 23 (1979) 157. 2017 Larrinaga M., Enfoques biblicos para nuestra vida religiosa: Mayeutica 5 (1979) 145-73. 2018 Lewis J., Le discemement spirituel d'apres la Bible: CahSpirlgn 1 . (1977) 139-52. 255-76. 2019 Lopez Rivera F.; Biblia y sociedad: cuatro estudios exegeticos. Mexico 1977, Centro de Reflexion Teol. 112 p. $1.80. Gai 3,28; Gen 11,1-9; Eph 2,11-22. - RTS 39 (1978) 579s (A. T. Hennelly). 2020 Mosso Enrico, La rivoluzione essenziale. Roma 1977, Zephyr. 681 p. 2021 Meves Christa, Seelische Gesundheit und biblisches Heil: Herderbücherei 6%. Fr 1979, Herder. 116 p. UM !>,90pa. 0 3-4!>1-U'/696-9. 2022 Michel Karl-H., Die Bibel im Spannungsfeld der Wissenschaften: TBei 10 (1979) 199-219: faults noted by G. Maier[--+ 2128] are not Das Ende but basis for renewal. 2023 Murphy Roland E., Vatican III. Problems and Opportunities of the Future: the Bible: - 689 D. Tracy, Toward Vatican III 1978, 21-26. 2024 Passelecq G., Poswick F. ed., Concordanza pastorale della Bibbia [Table pastorale de la Bible 1974 --+ 56,5984]. Bo 1979, Dehoniane. 1440 p. Lit. 38.000. 2025 Richardson A., Raamatu tieteen aikakaudella [Scriptura in aetate scientiae]. Helsinki c.1969, Herättäiä-Yhdistys. - RPastoraltheol 54 (1965) 315s (H. Bürkle). 2026 Rohrbaugh R. L., Tbc Biblical Interpreter: An Agrarian Biblc in an Industrial Age. Ph 1978, Fortress. 132 p. $4.95 pa. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 242s (C. Graesser, Jr.). 2027 Schall James V., The OT and Political Theory: HomPR 80 (1979) 6472.

2028 Wittmann E. C., Bollmann C. R., Bible Therapy: How the Bible Solves Your Problems: A Guide to God's Word. NY 1977, Simon & Schuster. 267 p. 0 0-671-22860-9.


Analysis litteraria, OT as literature.

2029 Alter R., A Literary Approach to the Bible: Conummlary 60,6 (1975) 70-77. 2030 Bartel Roland (Ackerman J., Warshaw T.), Biblical Images in Litera-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

ture: The Bible in Literature Courses. Nv 1975, Abingdon. 383 p. 0 0-68703439-6. 2031 Ben-Yehudah B., [!!] The Logical Accuracy of Biblical Language: BethM 24,77 (1978s) 149-60.244. 2032 Davis 0. B., Introduction to Biblical Literature: Hayden Series in Lit. Rochelle Park NJ 1976, Hayden. [x-]245 p. 2033 Gardiner John H. (1863-1913), The Bible as English Literature. Folcroft, PA 1978 [= Scribners c1906], Folcroft Library. xi-402 p. 0 0-84144613-X. $40. 2034 Gordon C. H., 'Build-up and Climax': -> 154, Fs. S. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 29-34. 2035 Grelot P., [g Shengching te wenhsüehshih, The Literary History of the Scriptures [< Leon-Dufour X., Dictionary of Biblical Theology2 1973 -> 55,5895] tr. Fang Chih-jung M., ColcTFujen 10,35 (1978) 62-76. 2036 Hiebert T., Faith and Form: Literature in the Bible: Direction 8 (1979) 9-14. 2037 Kartschoke D., Bibeldichtung. Studien zur Geschichte der epischen Bibelparaphrase von Juvencus bis Otfrid 1975 -> 57,1673: RDLZ 99 (1978) 243s (W. Kirsch). 2038 Kuntz J. K., The People of Ancient Israel: An Introduction to the OT Literature, History, and Thought 1974 -> 56,71; 57,89: RJBL 95 (1976) 641s (L. R. Bailey). 2039 Licht Jncob, Storytclling in thc Biblc. J 1978, Mngncs, Hcbrcw Univ. 154p. $15. 1 Sam 3,3-10; 2K 1,2-17 etc. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 154-601!!] (Y. Zakovitch); SBFLA 28 (1978) 259-62 (G. C. Bottini). 2040 MacAfee Cleland B. (1866-1944), The Greatest English Classic: A Study of the King James Version of the Bible and Its Influence on Life and Literature [Brooklyn, Institute of Arts and Sciences, lectures 1912]. Folcroft, PA 1977 [=Harper 1912], Folcroft Library. 286p. 2041 McGregor E. G., The Poet's Bible [ ... each writer's adaptation of Biblical language and content to his or her own poetic use ... ] : Biblical Elements in the Poetry of E. Dickinson, S. Crane, E. A. Robinson, and R. Frost. Diss. Drown Univ. 1978. 298 p. [Order No. 7906582]. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6133A. 2042 Moulton Richard G., Bruce A. B., al., The Bible as literature. Folcroft, PA 1977 [=L1899, Service & Paton], Folcroft Library. xvm-375p. 2043 Mushat[-1Frye Roland, The Reader's Bible, a Narrative: Selections from the King James version for study as literature; introd. notes. Frye. (Orig. publ. 1965). Princeton, N.J. 1977 = 1965, Univ. XLV-591p., 6 maps. $12.95. 2044 Neidhart W. al. Hg., Erzählbuch zur Bibel: Theorie und Beispiele. Z 1975, Benziger. 384 p., incl. Umwelt-, Vcrlnufs-, Rnhmcngcschichten. 2045 Rabin Chaim, Cultural Aspects of Bible Translation: -> 630, Stone M., Armenian and Bihlical Studies 1976, 35-49. 2046 Robertson D., The OT and the Literary Critic -> 58s,563: RChicTSemRt:g 69,1 (1979) 49 (A. Lacucque); CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 181s (R. W. Roschke); JBL 98 (1979) 113s (E. M. Good); RB 84 (1977) 637ss (F. Langlamet).

B4.3 Analysis litteraria, OT as Literature


2047 Sandmel S., The Enjoyment of Scripture 1972 --> 54,86* ... 57,725: RJAAR 43 (1975) 317s (L. M. Barth). 2048 Sandmel Samuel, The Hebrew Scriptures: An Introduction to their literature and religious ideas. NY 1978, Oxford. XL-552p. 2049 Sarrazin B., La Bible en eclats. L'imagination scripturaire [aberrations exegetiques, ETL 55 (1979) 185] de Leon Bloy. Tournai/P 1977, Desclee. 265 p. Fb 475. 2050 Sekine M., a) Wie ist eine israelitische Literaturgeschichte möglich?: --> 596, Göttingen Congress, VTS 29 (1978) 285-97. - b) III Kyüyako-Seisho bungaku-shi [Litteraturae historia VTi]. Tokyo 1978, Iwanami Shoten. . 310 p. V 1200. - RoTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 91s (K. Namiki). 2051 Smend R., Dit: allisradilisl;ht: Litt:ratur: -> 890, Röllig W., NHLW Altor. Lit. 1978 p. 273-323. 2052 Smend Rudolf, ed., Alttestamentliches Lesebuch; Literatur des alten Israel in ihrer ursprünglichen Gestalt: Siebenstern-Taschenbuch, 182. Ha 1974. [= Biblische Zeugnisse 1967, Fischer]. 222 p. 2053 Stemberger G., Geschichte der jüdischen Literatur. Eine Einführung: Beck'sche Elementarbücher. Mü 1977, C. H. Beck. 257 p. DM 24. 2054 Warshaw Thayer S., Handbook for Teaching the Bible in Literature Classes. Nv 1978, Abingdon. 416 p. $8.95 pa.

B4.4 Interpretatio athea, materialistica, psychiatrica. 2055 Belen'kij, Moisej S., 1K]0 mifologii i filosofii biblii. Über die Mythologie und Philosophie der Bibel. Moskva 1977, 'Nauka'. 165 p. 2056 The Bible ONT [+in Freemasonry]. Sheperton (Middx) 1975, A. Lewis. xxxr-291 p., 8 pi., figg. f4.60. 2057 Bloch E., L'atheisme dans le christianisme. La religion de l'exode et du royaume: Bibliotheque de philosophie. P 1978, Gallimard. 356 p. 2058 Bollman Kaj, Scheide Michael ed., Bibeltolkning og historisk materialisme: Arbejdstekster til en teologisk fagkritik 1. Arhus 1977, Teoltryk. 55 p. 2059 Bonsen J., Wever T., Materialistische exegese: enkele antwoorden aan Bas van Iersel [--> 2069]: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 376s90 [18 (1978) 413-24]; summ. angl. 390s (tr. B. Pex). Ex 14,5; Mk 12,18-27. 2060 Chauvin J., L'aventure humaine: essai de lecture non-religieuse de l'AT; Alethina 12. Lausanne 1975, Age d'Homme. 84 p. 2061 Clevenot Michel, a) Approches materialistes de la Bible 1976 --> 57,3731a; 58s,846: RRivB 26 (1978) 212ss (A. Moda); TLZ 103 (1978) 581s (W. Wiefel). - b) Lectura materialista de la Biblia. Salamanca 1978, Sigueme. 231 p. 0 84-301-0748-7. - c) Een materialistische benndering van de bijbel; inleiding R. Zuurmond. Baarn 1979, Ten Have. 156 p. 2062 Daxemüller Christoph, Vämonolo&ie: --> 879, EnzMärchens 3, 1 (1979) 237-59; 242s ANT; 223-35 L. Röhrich, Dämon. 2063 Fromm E., Entfremdung - Vom Alten Testament bis zur Gt:gt:nwarl: Entfremdung, hrg. von H. H. Schrey = WegFor 432 (1975) 60-91 < Fromm, Der moderne Mensch und seine Zukunft: eine sozialpsycholo11. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. Introductio (VT)

gische Untersuchung (Fra 1960, Europäische Verlagsanstalt) 109-37. 2064 Füssel K., Materialistische Lektüre der Bibel. Bericht über einen alternativen Zugang zu biblischen Texten: ➔ 526 Der Gott der kleinen Leute, hrg. W. Schottroff 1979, 20-36. 2065 Gradl F., a) Ernst Bloch und das AT: kath. Diss. Salzburg 1977, dir. N. Füglister: BZ 23 (1979) 158. - b) Ein Atheist liest die Bibel. Ernst Bloch und das AT: BeiBiblExT 12. Bern 1979, P. Lang. 288 p. Fs 47. 0 3-261-02682-0. 2066 Grant J. H., The Trauma of Transparency: a Biblical Approach to Inter-Personal Communication: A Critical Concern Book. Portland OR 1979, Multnomah. 235 p. $7.95. 2067 Green R. H., The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible. Madison WI cl 979, Freedom from Religion Foundation. ix-310 p. 2068 Greenlee J. E., Albert Camus: The Absurd and the Revelation: ➔ 249, Increase in Learning, Fs J. G. VANBUREN1979, 3-11. 2069 lersel B. van, Nederlandse varianten van de materialistische exegese: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 413-23; summ. 423 Apropos de l'exegese materialiste aux Pays-Bas (H. Gevaert) ➔ 2059. 2070 Jüchen A. von, Erwartungen eines Pfarrers an eine materialistische Bibelauslegung. Ein Brief / Fiisse/ K., Materialistische Lektüre der Bibel. Bericht über einen alternativen Zugang zu biblischen Texten: ➔ 526, Schottroff W., Der Gott der kleinen Leute 1979, 13-19 / 20-36. tr. 2071 Kosidowski Zenon, 1K]Biblejskie skazania, Biblische Erzählungen E. Gessen, J. Mirskoj: Biblioteka ateisticeskoj litcratury, Izd. 4. Moskva 1978, Izd. Polit. Literatury. 454 p. 2072 Kruivelev Josif A., 1K]Kak kritikovali, How they criticized the Bible of old. Moskva 1966, Ak. Nauk. 167 p. Celsus, Porphyrius, Julian; Spinoza, Reimarus; p. 139 'What survives'. 2073 Lowe W. J., Mystery an 296, Studies NT II 1978, 1ss. 2103 Fabbro M. del, 11 commentario nella tradizione papiracea [1. Definizione ecc. generali del com. 2. Le sue caratteristiche editoriali; 3.-4. Tecnica e contenuto dell'esegesi - esempi: gli scrittori antichi]: StPapyr 18 (1979) 70-132. 2104 Fiorenza Elizabeth Schüssler, 'For the Sake of Our Salvation ... '. Biblical Interpretation as Theological Task [I. The Bible - Direct Word of God; II. The Bible, a Book of Part Time; III. The Pastoral-Theological Paradigm (... Root-Model ... ) 'but vigorous intellectual scholarship committed to thc nceds of thc community' (p. 36)]: , 153, Durken D., Sin 1979, 21-39. 2105 Firet J., Methoden in de Bijbelwetenschap; inleiding: GerefTTs 79 (1979) 65-85. 2106 Flor Serrano G. (Alonso Schäkel L.), Diccionario terminol6gico 55,320 ... 58s,1014), Quelle & M. 229p. DM 15,80pn. 0 3-49402024 8. RSvEx '10 (1975) 111 (H. Ringgren ed. 1). 2108 (,mmmels C., Der Heilige Geist als Ausleger der HI. Schntt: --> '.,07; 58s,978*, Ratschow C., Sola Scriptura 1977, 153-177. 2109 Hah Byung Kuk, The Ulilizaliun uf Contemporary OT Scholarship: diss. Eastem Baptist Theol. Sem. Ph 1977. vr-149 p. 2110 Hamann H. P., A Plea for Commonsense in Exegesis: ConcordTQ 42

B5 Methodus exegetica


(1978) 115-29. 2111 Harrisville Roy A., His hidden grace: an essay on biblical criticism. AA/L 1978 = NY 1967, Univ'. Microfilms. 95 p. 2112 Hart/ich Christian, Historisch-kritische Methode in ihrer Anwendung an Geschehnisaussagen der HI. Schrift: ZTK 75 (1978) 467-84. 2113 Heine Susanne, Biblische Fachdidaktik, Neues Testament. Eine didaktische Theorie biblischen Inhalts. Die Methoden biblischer Interpretation: W 1976, Herder. 253 p. DM 26,50. - RTR 74 (1978) 236 (E. Paul). 2114 Hoheisel K., Das Antike Judentum in christlicher Sicht. Ein Beitrag zur neueren Forschungsgeschichte [Bonn Diss. vergl. Rel.wiss. 1974]: StOrRel 2. Wb 1978, Ilarrassowitz .. x-235 p. DM 78. 2115 Illies Heilwig, Auf der Suche nach Antwort: eine Einführung in exegetische Überlegungen: Arbeitsbücher für die Aus- und Weiterbildu~ kirchlicher Mitarbeiter. Stu 1979, Calwer. 94 p., map. DM 14,80 pa. 0 37668-0610-6. 2116 Irmscher J., Formen der Erschliessung antiker Texte. Stand und Problematik: Das Altertum 23 (1977) 82-89, 2 fig. 2117 Karris R. J., The Art and Science of Biblical Criticism: America-NY 140 (1979) 513s. 2118 Kennedy George, Classical and Christian Source Criticism: --" 636, Walker W., Relationships 1978, 125-155; 157-72 response, W. A. Meeks, Hypomnemata from an Untamed Sceptic; 173-192, R. H. Fuller, The Seminar: Classics and the Gospels. 2119 Kibble David G., The Jewish Understanding of the OT: EvQ 51 (1979) 145-55. 2120 Koch K. Was ist Formgeschichte? 3 rev. (+ Nachwort: Linguistik und Formgeschichte p. 289-341) 1974 ➔ 56,486 (11964). 2121 Krentz E., The Historical-Critical Method 1975 ➔ 58s,689: RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 308-13 (R. Schroeder); ib. 314. 316s (E. Krentz). 2122 Kvanvig H. S., Gamle ord i ny tid. Det gamle testamente og dets budsk11p i cfag. Oslo 1977, Asche:houg. 7.53 p, Nk 78. 2123 Kwak N., Aetiology and Methodology: diss. Hartford Sem. 1977. 192 p. DissA 40 (1979s) 2133. 2124 Leon-Dufour Xavier, Exegese im Methodenkonflikt 1973 ➔ 55,386 (fr. 1971 ➔ 53,291): REvErz 29 (1977) 291ss (Ch. Müller). 2125 Levine Baruch A., Major Directions in Contemporary Biblical Research [more archeology, more Hebrew]: JJS 30 (1979) 179-191. 2126 Lieber D., Modem Trends in Bible Study [Form Criticism; Archeology ... ]: ConsJud 20,2 (1965s) 37-46. 2127 Lohfink Norbert, Exegesis biblica y teologia. La exegesis biblica en evoluci6n [➔ 50,435*] tr. Salamanca 1969, Sigueme. 240 p. - RcuBib 34 (1977) 67-72 (B. Celada). 2128 Maier Gerhard, Den historisk-kritiske metodes endeligt [= Das Ende 1974 -> 56,465]K 1977, Dansk Bibel-Institut. - RTsTKi 49 (1978) 69s (H. A. Akere) -> 2022. 2129 Marrow Stai:J.leyB., Basic Tools of Biblical Exegesis [11976; reprint 1978, with 8 p. add. & corr.]. R 1978, Biblical Institute Pr. 91+8 p. Lit. 5.600/$7.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[II. lntroductio (VT)

2130 Meagher J. C., Pictures at an Exhibition: Reflections on Exegesis and Theology [Scripture is to be interpreted for what it was meant to be, not for factual inforrnation it reminds me of]: JAAR 47 (1979) 3-20. 2131 Melammed E. Z., [E] meparrese ha-Miqrä': Bible commentaries 2 rev. III. J 1978, Magnes. [xv-]513 p.; [ix-]519-1087. - RK.irSef 54 (1979) 221. 2132 Michel M., L'interdisciplinarite, un defi a la theologie?: RevSR 52 (1978) 195-200 (Conferences CERIT, Problemes d'interpretation ... theologique). 2133 Miller J. Maxwell, The OT and the Historian: Guides to Biblical Scholarship OT 1976 ➔ 57,445; 58s,a923: RRD 84 (1977) 637 (F. Langlamet). 2134 NinPham n. E., A Partner for Cinderella? [< What About the NT?, Fs. C. EvANS1975, 143-154]: ➔ 344, Explorations in Theology I 1977, 134-44. New title borrowed from Evans 1969 Durham Univ. lecture Queen or Cinderella? ➔ 300, Explorations II 84,100: p. 22/100: theology in order to dance requires a partner; historical criticism filled the bill until now. O'Flaherty W. D. ed., The Critical Study of Sacred Texts 1979 ➔ 493. 2135 Paulsen Henning, Traditionsgeschid1tliche Methode und religionsgeschichtliche Schule: ZTK 75 (1978) 20-55. 2136 Pokomy Petr, Üvod do Exegese [Einführung]: Komenskeho Ev. Bohoslov F. Prag 1979, Kalich. 2137 Poythress V. S., Analysing a Biblical Text: What are we After?: ScotJT 32 (1979) 319-331. 2138 Prinsloo W. S., Die Metodiek va11 Ekscgcsc: 'n Diskussic: NcdGcrcfTTs 20 (1979) 201-10: 15 scholars in 3 countries all had different ideas! 2139 Rasmussen N. 0., Den historisk-kritiske metode, kritisk belyst; KofoedNielsen P. a.o., Eksegetiske problemstillinger: Kristendomskundskab eller kristendomskritik. K 1978, Dansk Bibel-Institut. 2 vol. Dk 18 each. 2140 Richter W., Exegese als Literarwissensch11ft1971 --> 51,127: RSvExAb 40 (1975) llls (H. Ringgren). 2141 Ritschl Dietrich, Jones Hugh 0., 'Story' als Rohmaterial uer Tln:ulogie. TExH 192, 1976 ➔ 58s,618: Rsal 40 (1978) 201s (A. Amato). 2142 Ruppert L., Der Weg der neueren katholischen Exegese, vornehmlich im Bereich des AT: Tendenzen der kath. Exegese nach dem Zweiten Vatikanischen Konzil hg. G. Kaufmann (Mü 1979) 43-63. 2143 Schierse F. J., !MIDie Ziele und Wege der christlichen Exegese: Szolgalat 39 (1978) 5-15 [< gerrn.: GeistLeb 50 (1977) 194-208]. 2144 Schweizer Harald, Texttheorie und Beelzebul [i.e. castigation of what he practises is] Die Impulse Christof Hardmeiers für die Methodik der Exegese: BibNot 9 (1979) 26-44. 2146 Shepherd Massey H. J al., The Commentary Herrneneutically Considered: 31st Colloquy 1977. Berkeley 1978, CHH. 32 p. 2147 Soulen R. N., Handbook of Biblical Criticism. Atlanta 1976, J. Knox. 200p. $7.95pa. - RPrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 178s (W. A. Hartfelder-'). 2148 Springer Simone, Neuinterpretation im AT: SBB. Stu 1979, KBW. 208 p. DM 26,80.

B5 Methodus exegetica


2149 Stacey D., Interpreting the Bible 1977 .....58s,473*: Rlnterpr 33 (1979) 98 (P. L. Redditt). 2150 Steendam G. van, De nacht van duizend-en-een verhalen: Orientatie bij de narratieve theologie: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 4-26; summ. 27, An Introduction to Narrative Theology. 2151 Talmon S., The 'Comparative Method' in Biblical Interpretation Principles and Problems: .... 596, Gö Congress 1977/8, 320-56. 2152 Tilborg Sjef van, Afscheid van de formgeschichte. Op zoek naar de verantwoording voor een andere manier van lezen: VoxTheol 46 (1976) 1-9. 2153 Tov 1., [ffi Studies in Method and Limits of the Investigation of the 1977, 207-221. Text of the Bible: .... 154, Fs. s. LOEWENSTAMM 2154 Uchelen N. A. van, Bijbeluitleg volgens de zg. 'Amsterdamse School' of Een goede verstaander heeft alleen aan het hele woord genoeg: GerefTTs 79 (1979) 201-14. 2155 Voigt Vilmos, Computertechnik und -analyse: .... 879 EnzMärchens 3,1 (1979) 111-123. 2156 Vroom H. M., De grote daden van God: verhaal of historie? Overwegingen bij de discussie over de methode van de exegese: GerefTTs 79 (1979) 215-246, on the 'Amsterdam school'. 2156* Willis J. T., Redaction Criticism and Historical Reconstruction: .... 553, Buss M., Encounter with the Text 1979, 83-89. 2157 Wood C. M., Finding the Life of a Text: Notes on the Explication of Scripture: ScotJT 31 (1978) 101-111. 2158 Zink J., Das biblische Gespräch: eine Anleitung zum Auslegen biblischer Texte. Gelnhausen-B / Fr 1978, Burckhardt/Christophorus. 320 p.

III. (II, 4 Critica) Textus, Versiones


Textual Criticism.

2159 Aland K. Hg., Repertorium der griechischen christlichen Papyri 1. Biblische Papyri. AT, NT, Varia, Apokryphen: PatrTextSt, 18. B/NY 1976, de Gruyter. xrv-473 p. DM 158. - RArPapFor 26 (1978) 151s (K. Treu); JTS 29 (1978) 175-82 (T. C. Skeat); NRT 100 (1978) 750ss (X. Jacques); OrChr 63 (1979) 216s (A. Davids). 2160 Alund K., The lwenlielh-cenlury inlerlude in NT textual criticism [auf deutsch! sc. über den Titel von E. Epp 1974] .... 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 1-14. 2161 Albrektson B., Reflections on the Emergence of Standard Text of the Hel11ew Biule: -> :,96, Uü Cungress, VTS 29 (1978) 49-65. 2162 Amphoux C.-B., L'exegese peut-elle encore ignorer la critique textuelle? Question aux biblistes: ETRel 53 (1978) 341-47.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[III. Critica Textus

2163 Assmann J., Textanalyse auf verschiedenen Ebenen: zum Problem der Einheit des Papyrus d'Orbigny: ZDWG III, 1 (1977) 1-15. 2164 Atsalos B. La terminologie du livre-manuscrit a l'epoque byzantine 1971 -> 55,213; 56,219: RByZ 71 (1978) 352ss (E. Fenster). 2165 Avalle [D.] Silvio, Principi di critica testuale: Vulgares eloquentes 7. Padova 1972, Antenore. xn-138 p. Lit. 2200. 2166 Bammel C. P. Harnmond, Products of Fifth-Century Scriptoria Preserving Conventions Used by Rufinus of Aquileia, III. Nomina Sacra: JTS 30 (1979) 430-62 [II. 29 (1978) 366-91 -> Harnmond 2193]. 2167 Barthelemy Dominique, a) Histoire du texte hebrai:que de l'AT > IDB Sup. (1976) 878-884: _, 279, Histoire du Texte 1978, 341-64. - b) Problematique et täches de la critique textuelle de l'AT .(inedit): -> 279, Histoire du Texte 1978, 365-81. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 667s (J. A. Grinde!); RB 85 (1978) 619s (R. Tournay). 2167* Bergh B., Palaeography and Textual Criticism [in Editing Medieval Latin Texts]: Scriptorium (Lund) 1979s, 2. 33 p. 2168 Berghaus F. G., Remarques sur la validite de differentes methodes de groupement automatique visant a eclaircir les rapports entre les manuscrits:-> 713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 97-111, 9 tabkaux. 2169 Blanchard A., Sigles et abreviations dans les papyrus documentaires grecs: recherches de paleographie = Dull. Inst. Class. St. Sup. 30. L 1974, Inst. CL St. xn-59 p., 6 tab.; B. - RJHS 96 (1976) 265s (P. J. Parsons). 2170 Boge Herbert, a) Die Entzifferung griechischer Tachygraphie auf Papyri und Wachstafeln mit Bemerkungen zu den Giessener tachygraphischen Fragmenten sowie zur Geschichte der Tachygraphie und zur Frage der Priorität ihrer Erfindung: Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen, 36. Giessen 1976. 25 p., ill. - b) Griechische Tachygraphie und Tironische Noten: Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien, 2. Hildesheim 1974, Olms. xx,v-254 p., 5 pl.; bibliog. 227-244. 2171 Brurkner A. He;., Scriptoria Medii Aevi Helvetioi. Denkmiiler sc:hweizerischer Schreibkunst des Mittelalters XIV. Indices. Geneve 1978, RotoSadag. 207 p., 20 flg. Fs 240. 2172 Bruggen J. van, The Ancient Text of the NT. Winnipeg 1976, Premier. 40 p.: REvQ 50 (1978) 247s (F. F. Bruce). 2173 Carlini A. al. ed., Papiri letterari greci [38 papiri; no 0 20: Hab 3,8-10 LXX (PVindob, G. 36114): p. 149-53]: Biblioteca degli Studi Classici e Orientali 13. Pisa 1978, Giardini. 304p. - RstPapyr 18 (1979) 37-59 (J. O'Callaghan). 2174 Cavallo G., Produzione di manoscritti greci in Occidente tra eta tardoantica e alto medioevo: ScrCiv 1 (1977) 111-131. 2175 Coutrtmi J. J., Thc Cathcdrnl School of Laon from 850 to 930. Its Manuscripts and Masters: Münchener Beiträge zur Mediävisitik und Renaissance-Forschung, 29. Mil 1978, Arbeo-Ges. xvi-212 p. 2176 Cross F. M., Problems of Method in the Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Hible: -> 493, O'Flaherty W., Critical Study 1979, 31-54. 2177 Crown A. D., Samaritan Majuscule Palaeography: Eleventh to Twentieth Century < BJRyl 60 (1977s) 434-461; 61 (1978s) 15-41. Manchester

ol (Critica) Textus, Textual Criticism


1978, JRylL. 55 p., 27 tables, 6 pl. f:3. 2178 Dearing V. A., a) Computer Programs for Constructing Textual Stemmas on Genealogical Principles. The Theoretical Basis of PRELIMDI and ARCHETYP: --> 713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 115-20. - b) Textual Analysis: A Consideration of Some Questions Raised by M. P. Weitzman: VT [27 (1977) 225-35] 29 (1979) 355-59. 2179 Decroix J., Manuscrits de la Bible [VT +NT]: --> 869, Catholicisme 8,34 (1977) 352-56. 2180 Deist Ferdinand E., Towards the Text of the OT, tr. W. K. Winckler. Pretoria 1978, D. R. Church. xn-301 p. - RRSO 53 (1979) 413ss (J. A. Soggin). 2181 Dunand Fram;oise, Papyrus grecs bibliques Gn-Dt 1966 --> 49,863*: RQLZ 73 (1978) 39-45 (R. Hanhart). 2182 Duplacy J., Prealables philologiques a la classification automatique des etats d'un texte: --> 713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 23-33. 2183 Edelhof! E. al., On-line Library and Network Systems (Symp. Dortmund Univ. 1976): ZBibliothekswesen Sonderheft 23 cf. auch 24. Fra 1977, Klostermann. 167 p., figg. DM 36 (subscr. 32,40). - RzKT 100 · (1978) 280ss (K. Brunner). 2184 Ellioll J. K., Textual Criticism, Assimilation and the Synoptic Gospels: NTS 26 (1979s) 231-42. 2185 Hpp E. J., a) The Eclectic Method in NT Textual Criticism: Solution or Symptom?: HarvTR 69 (1976) 211-57. - b) New Testament Textual Criticism in America: Requiem for a Discipline: JBL 98 (1979) 94-98. 2186 Fernandez Tejero Emilia, Aspectos del scriptorium biblico toledano: dos de sus c6dices hebreos en relaci6n con min~at say y la corriente textual benaseriana: Sef 37 (1977) 163-215. 2187 Finegan J., Encountering NT Manuscripts: a Working Introduction to Textual Criticism. GR 1974, Eerdmans. 203p. $10. - RJBL 96 (1977) 598s (1. A. Sparks). 2188 Froger .T.,La methode de Dom Quentin, la methode des distances et le probleme de la contamination: --> 713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 13-22. 2189 Galloway P., Manu5cript Piliation and Cluster Analysis: Thc Lai de l'ombre Case: --> 713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 87-95, 3 fig. 2190 Goshen-Gottstein M. H., The Aleppo Codex and the Rise of the Massoretic Bible Text: BA 42 (1979) 145-63, 15 fig. 2191 Griffith J. G., Non-Stemmatic Classification of Manuscripts by Computer Methods: --> 713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 73-86. 2192 Gruys A. al. ed., Codicologica (Litterae textuales. 1. Theories et principes 1976): 2. Elements pour une codicologie comparee (E. Turner, J. Vezin, J. Leroy, M. Beit-Arie'); 3. -; 4. Essais methodologiques (G. Ouy, G. Powitz, J. Autenrieth, M. Pastourcau). Ld 1978, Brill. 94 p., ill.; 90 p., ill. 2193 Hammond r. P., A Product of a Fitl:h-Century Scriptorium Preserving Conventions Used by Rufinus of Aquileia: JTS 29 (1978) 366-91 --> 2166 Bammel. 219'1 Hanhart R., Mitteilung [über abweichende Rahlfs und J. van HaelstNummem für Septuaginta Handschriften]: VT 28 (1979) 509s.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[III. Critica Textus

2195 Ilirunuma T., [I] a) Chronique: Uncial Greek Fragments: 0274: ShinKen 145 (1-978) 1206-08; 146, 1215-16. - b) Paleography: Some examples of running hands in minuscules: ShinKen 150 (1979) 1248. 2196 Hobbs E., An Introduction to Methods of Textual Criticism: ---+493, O'Flaherty W., Critical Study 1979, 1-27. 2197 Irigoin J., La pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes [ ... bibliogr.]: RHTextes 8 (1978) 337-40. 2198 Irigoin J., Fortier P. A., Table ronde sur les problemes de selection et d'utilisation des variantes: ---+713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 26571.273s. 2199 Kilpatrick G. D., Griesbach and the Development of Text Criticism: ---+ 623, Orchard B., SNTS Mon. 34, 1976, 136-53. 2200 Kilpatrick G. D., Some Thoughts on Modem Textual Criticism and the Synoptic Gospels: NT 19 (1977) 275-92. 2201 Kleinloge! A., Fundamentals of a Formal Theory of Manuscript Classification and Genealogy: ---+713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 193-205. 2202 Kubo S., Identification of Scrivener's Collated Manuscripts: AndrUnivSS 16 (1978) 397-400. 2203 Leone Aurora, L'evoluzione della scrittura nei papiri greci del VT 1975 ---+56,262: RCBQ 38 (1976) 400 (L. S. B. McCoull). 2204 Loisy A. F. (1857-1940), Histoire du texte hebreu de l'AT. Unv. Nachdruck der Ausgabe Amicns 1892. Fra 1971, Minerva. 314 p. 2205 Lusignan S., L'edition de textes: de la saisie du texte a la photocomposition: ---+713, ColllntCNRS 579 (1979) 229-36. 2206 McReynolds P. R., Establishing Text Families: ---+493, O'Flaherty W., Critical Study 1979, 97-113. 2207 Martini C. M., a) Eclecticism and Atticism in the Textual Criticism of the Greek NT:---+ 171; 56,1283; 58s,366 Fs. E. NrnA: On Language, Culture, and Religion ed. M. Black, 1974, 149-156. - b) Storia della tradizione e critica del testo biblico: avviamento metodologico: ---+585 St. Bib. Aquila 1979, 141-165. 2208 Nickau K., Untersuchungen zur textkritischen Methode des Zenodotus von Ephesos [U1ss. habil. Honn 1968/9]: Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur u. Geschichte, 16. B 1977, de Gruyter. xxi-271 p. DM 98. 2209 Ott W., Automatie Composition for Critical Edition: ---+713, CollIntCNRS 579 (1979) 237-245. 2210 Paravicini Bagliani A., Corso di Codicologia = Scuola Vaticana di paleografia, diplomatica c archivistica (Bibliog.). Vaticano 1977. 22 p., lithog. 2211 Peri V., 'Correctores immo corruptores'. Un saggio di critica testuale nella Roma del XII secolo [Nicola Maniacutia;. Libellus de corruptione et correptione psalmorum et aliorum quarundam scrlpturarum, Montpellier, Ecole de Medecine, ms. n° 294, ff 144r-159vl: Italia Medioevale e Umanistica 20 (Padova 1978) 19-125, cfr. AnPisa 3,8 (1978) 1625-28 (G, Cr713, CollIntCNRS 579 (1979) 121-41.

u2 Biblia hebraica, Hcbrcw text. 2235 Albrektson B., Recension eller tradition. Nagra synpunkter pa den gammaltestamentliga konsonanttextens standardisering: SvEx 40 (1975) 1835. 2236 Allony N., [E] Copies of the Aleppo Codex in Jerusalem and the Diaspora: Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 193-204.246. 2237 Bernard J., Massorah et les Massoretes: --> 869, Catholicisme 8, 36, 1979, 830ss. 2238 Breuer Mordechai, [E]Tenak . .. The Bible according to the Aleppo Codex. J 1977, Kook. ??39 (;hir'-11Rmno, T,'Antim Tr.stamr.nto r.hraim sr.mndo la tradizione palestinese, pres. P. Sacchi. T 1978, Bottega d'Erasmo. xn-424 p. Lit. 25.000. Rttenoch 1 (1979) 132s (Juh. Maier); KirSef 54 (1979) 517; Sef 38 (1978) 160ss (E. Fernandez Tejero); ZAW 91 (1979) 462 (J. A. Soggin). 2240 Daniel R. W., Some phylakteria [P. Yale, inv. 989, ed. P. Proulx & J. O'Callaghan: StPapyr lJ (1979) 83-88 ... ]: ZPapEp 25 (1977) 145-54. 2241 Davis M. C., Taylor-Schechter Old Series and Other Genizah Collections in Cambridge University Library, incorporating material compiled by H. Knopf): Hebrew Bible Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah Collections, 1. C 1978, Univ. Library. xrv-384 p., 19 pl. f20/$40. 0 0-90220529-3. - RzAW 91 (1979) 465 (G. Fahrer).· 2242 Die:,; Macho A., Manuscritos hebreos y arameos de la Diblia 1971 _, 53,797: RArTGran 39 (1976) 276 (A. Torres). 2243 Eiliger Karl, Rudolph Wilhelm al. ed., Biblia Hebraica [antea R. Kittel] Stuttgartensia 1976s--> 58s,1123: REstBib 36 (1977) 113-22 (L. Diez Merino); ETRel 53 (1978) 535s (D. Lys); GerefTTs. 79 (1979) 53s (T. Booij); JBL 98 (1979) 417ss (J. A. Sanders: apparatus masoreticus ex Weil plurimum valet, 'criticus' nihil); JTS 30 (1979) 212-16 (J. Barr);

o2 Biblica hebraica - Hebrew text


MüTZ 30,1 (1979) 67s (J. Scharbert); SvEx 44 (1979) 171s (G. Andre'). 2244 Velten R., Sieben Jahre Satz - zehn Jahre Korrektur: 18 Alttestamentler erarbeiten die hebraische Stuttgartensia: BiKi 33 (1978) 32s. 2245 Fernandez-Tejero Emilia, La tradici6n textual espafiola de la Biblia Hebrea. El manuscrito 118-2-42 (MI) de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid: TextEstCisn, 14. M 1976, Cons. Sup. Inv. Cien. LVII-633p. - RJBL 97 (1978) 452s (E. J. Revell); RB 86 (1979) 289ss (J. Irebolle); RUnComplut 25, 106 II (1976) 122ss; Sef 36 (1976) 386s (N. Fernandez Marcos). 2246 Fernandez Tejero Emilia, Primera y segunda manos en manuscritos he 0 breos biblicos de Sefarad [< congreso masoret. J 1977]: Sef 38 (1978) 25Jl, 2 fig. 2247 Fuks L. & R., Hebrew and Judaic Manuscripts in Amsterdam 1973 --> 55,8783: RBO 34 (1977) 214-7 (S. A. Birnbaum). 2248 Ginsburg C. D., The Massorah 1975 = 1880-1905 --> 57,847; 58s,1133: RcBQ 38 (1976) 282 (P. w. Skehan); JBL 97 (1978) 112 (B. B. Levy). 2249 Giron Blanc Luis-F., Pentateuco hebreo-samaritano (diss. Univ. Alcalä 1975); cdici6n critica sobre la base de manuscritos ineditos 1. Gen.: TextEstCisn 15. M 1976, Consejo Superior. xn-396 p. - RRUnComplut 25, 106 II (1976) 125s. 2250 Goshen-Gottstein Moshe, a) The Aleppo Codex, Keter Aram 'J'sova: Aharon hen-Asher pointing. J 1976, Hehrew Univ, - b) The Aleppo Codex: Israel Museum Catalogue No. 18. J 1978. 2251 Green Jay ed., The Interlinear Hebrew/Greek/English Bible, I. (Genesis - Ruth), II. (1 Samuel - Psalms), III. (Psalms 56 - Malachi). Jay Green, General Editor and Translator. Lafayette [Indiana] 1976/79, Associated Publishers and Authors. 2252 Lacave Riano J: L., Manuscritos hebreos de la biblioteca de El Escorial no catalogados: Sefarad 37 (1977) 293-308, Pl. r-vm. 2253 Lebram J. C. H., Ein Streit um die hebräische Bibel und die Septuaginta: --> 475, Leiden 17th Cent. 1975, 21-64. 2254 Leveen J., The Hebrew Bible in Art: Schweich Lectures 1939. NY 1974, Sepher Hermon. 142 p., 42 pl. $12.50. - RBO 36 (1979) 74s (R. du Mesnil du B.). 2255 Levine Etan, [H] reknfqa: Technique of Bible [abbreviation decipherment with the help of Babylonian] berayqa. Haifa 1977, Arbel. 124 p. 2256 Loewinger D. S., a) The Damascus Pentateuch: manuscript from about the year 1000, containing almost the whole Pentateuch: J Nat/Univ Library Quart. 5702: Early Hebrew Manuscripts in Facsimile, 1. K/Baltimore 1978, Rosenkilde & B./J. Hopkins Univ. 244 p. [cf. 54,880]. b) [H] Masora gedola of Aram-Söbä [Aleppo]. J 1977, Mizral}. weMa'arav/Hekal ha-Sefer. rx-261 p. 2257 Lund J. A., The Interchange of ·ad/ · al in Targum Neofiti I: BSOAS 42 (19'/9) !>41.

2258 Martini C. M., 11 testo originale della Bibbia Ebraica: --> 585, Primo corso monografico anno 1977-1978 (L'Aquila 1979), 167-89. 2259 Mendez Aparicio J. A., Catalogo de Biblias del siglo XVI que se conservan en la Biblioteca Publica de Toledo: RET 37 (1977) 221-64.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[III. Critica Textus

2260 Miller J. R., A Grammar of the Type II Marginalia within Codex Neofiti I with Attention to Other Aramaic Sources: diss. Boston Univ. 1979. 369 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2632. 2261 Oesch Josef, Petuchot und Setumot. Untersuchungen zu einer überlieferten Gliederung im hebräischen Text des ATs [diss. Innsbruck 1978, dir. A. Gamper: ZKT 100 (1978) 692s]: Petucha und Setuma [aperta/clausa (pericopa)]: OrbBibOr 27. FrS/Gö 1979, Univ./VR. xx-393 p., 37 pl. 2262 Ortega Monasterio, Maria T., Estudio masoretico intemo de un manuscrito hebreo biblico espaiiol: c6dice No. 2 de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid: TextEstCisn 18. M 1978, Inst. Arias Montano. XXVI-242p. - RoTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 89; RB 86 (1979) 291 (J. Trebolle); Sef 38 (1978) 376s (J. R. Busto Saiz). 2263 Paper Herbert H., A Judeo-Persian Pentateuch 1972 --> 54,1326; 55,1330. - RQLZ 74 (1979) 70-76 (J. P. Asmussen: c. 200 Verbesserungen); REJuiv 134 (1975) 167-9 (G. Lazard). 2264 Perez Castro Federico, Voet L., La Biblia Poliglota de Amberes. Conferencins pronunciadas en la Fundaci6n Universitaria Espafiola el 2 de marzo de 1973, con motivo del IV· centenario de la Biblia Regia. M 1973. 74p. 2265 Perez Castro F., Codices biblicos hebreos: evaluaci6n comparativa de varios manuscritos toledanos, askenazies y orientales: Sefarad 37 (1977) 105 61. 2266 Perrot Charles, La lecture de la Bible. Les anciennes lectures palestiniennes du Shabbat et des fätes 1973 ➔ 54,4905; 56,5247: RRQum 10 (1979) 120-3 (J. Carmignac). 2267 Reve/1 E. J., Biblical Texts with Palestinian Pointing and their Accents, 1977--> 58s,ll44: RcBQ 40 (1978) 420s (T. 0. Lambdin); JBL 98 (1979) 467 (Z. Garber); ZAW 91 (1979) 471s (G. Fohrer). 2268 Rüger H.-P., Fünfundsiebzig Jahre Biblia Hebraica [seit Rudolf Kittel 1901 ... bis Biblia Hehr. Stutt!{artensia]: BiWelt 16 (1976) 152-56. 2269 Samaridn S., [HITextus comparati ad intellectionem Scripturae [V.T.]: BcthMi~a 21 (1976) 347-360. 2270 Sassoon David S., Ohel Dawid, A Descriptive Catalogue of Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts in the Sassoon Library [' including a Bible as ancient as anything in the British Museum']. NY c.1972, Ktav. 2 vols., 1980 p. $125. 2271 Scheiber A., The Kaufmann [manuscript-collection from the Cairo] Genizah: lts Importance for the World of Scholarship: ➔ 116, Jubilee Volume of the Oriental Collection 1951-1976, ed. E. Apor 1978, 175-188, 1 pl. 2272 Sidqa B., [HIOld Torah Manuscripts in Nablus: AB I:Iadasöt ha-Sömrönim 223 (1979) 3s. 2273 Simon U., [HI Guide to the Illumination of Scriptural Commentaries: Facsimiles, Specimen of Printing. Ramat-Gan 1974s, Univ. Ramat-Gan, Scripture Depa11ment. 7 p., 103 leaves [bibliogr.: leaves 5-7). 2274 Talmon S., a) [HIOn the Emendation of Biblical Texts on the .Basis of Ugaritic Parallels: -->83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 117-124, Eng. summ.

o2 Biblia hebraica - Hebrew text


127*. - b) Some Aspects of the Text of the Hebrew Bible: --> 630, Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 50-69. 2275 Tamani G., Repertorio dei manoscritti ebraici caraiti: Henoch l (1979) 272-81. 2276 Tverski Yehoshua, 1B]/Jiddude tenak, The Points of the Bible; vocalized text. TA 1975, Amitay. 175 p. 2277 Valle Rodriguez C. del, a) Hallazgo de dos hojas de un antiguo manuscrito hebreo hispano [Catedral de C6rdoba, n. 166, datado 1430; Nu 2,18b-3,12a]: EstBib 35 (1976) 87-91, 1 pl. - b) Nuevos manuscritos hebreos en la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid [n° 4188: Miklol de David Qiml.li, copiado por Alfonso de Zamora; n. 1097 Ps 1-34 en hebreo, con versi6n y com. muy gramatical latinos; Res 239bis: Lev 8,31 - Nu 7,39 (siglo XIV-XV); n. 8588 es un esbozo de gramätica aramea]: EstBib 35 (1976) 229-31. 2278 VanderKam J. C., The Textual Affinities of the Biblical Citations in the Genesis Apocryphon [comparing the MT, LXX, Samar. - 'a witness of the Palestinian textual family']: JBL 97 (1978) 45-55. 2279 Vivian A., Codici ebraici medievali della Bibbia. Osservazioni in margine ad alcuni manoscritti inediti [di Ljubljana]: RivB 27 (1979) 205-17. 2280 Waltke Bruce K., Prolegomena to the Samaritan Pentateuch: diss. Harvard 1965. CM 1978, Univ. 2281 Weil G. E., Un fragm.ent de la Massorah Magna du Targum du Pentateuque dans la Collection D. Kaufmann de Budapest (Ms K.G. 592 B.M. 6) [ ... edition]: --> 116, Apor E., Jubilee Volume of the Oriental Collection 1978, 189-213, 9 pl. 2282 Weil G. E., Gueny A.-M., Le manuscrit du Pentateuque de Tbilissi. Aspects paleographique, codicologique et massoretique: Philologia orientalis 4 (1976) 178-209. 2283 Weiss Raphael zal, Conceming One Type of Revision in the Samaritan Pentateuch: --> 630, Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 15764. 2284 Würthwein Ernst, a) Der Text des AT 4 1973 --> 55,259: RCuBib 34 (1977) 304ss (F. Sen). - b) The Text of the OT, an introduction to the Biblia Hebraica, tr. E. Rhodes. L 1979, SCM. xvm-244p.

D3 Textus graecus .1 Greek NT. 6]: Novum Testamentum graece [Eber2285 Aland Kurtal. Nestle-Aland[2 hard & Erwin Nestle] cum M. Black, C. M. Martini, B. M. Metzger, A. Wikgren; apparatum criticum recensuerunt et editionem novis curis elaboraverunt una cum Instituto studiorum textus NTi Monasteriensi Westphalia [Einführung: 1*-38*; Introduction: 39*-72*; Eusebii Epistula ad Carpianum et Canones 1-X: 73*-78*; NTi textus: 1-680; Appendices: Codices graeci et latini: 683-716; Textuum differentiae: 717-38; Loci citati vel allegati: 739- 75 ... ]. Stu 1979, Deutsche Bibelstiftung. 83* + 779 p. DM 19 [desidcrantibus mittitur Introduction (gall.) et Introduccion (hisp.) i.e. folia addenda]: RZNW 70 (1979) 262 (E. Lohse). 2286 Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece 26, Bearbeitet von Kurt


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[III. Critica Textus

Aland und Barbara Aland zusammen mit dem Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung Münster. Stu 1979, Deutsche Bibelstiftung. 78 + 780 Seiten. DM 18. 0 3-438-05100-l. 2287 Aland K., a) Ein neuer 'Standard-Text' des griechischen NTs [in Nestle-Aland26 usw.; p. 162-64: meliorationes textus]: BiWelt 16 (1976) 15765. - b) Die heutigen Ausgaben des griechischen NT: ➔ 275, TBüch 63 (1979) 402-13, l fig. [> angl. BUnBiSoc 108s (1977) 20-27]. - c) Neutest. Textforschung und elektronische Datenverarbeitung [ ... Vollständige Konkordanz; Fragmentenprogramm; neutest. Taxonomie u. Textgeschichte ... ]: Bericht der Hermann Kunst-Stiftung ... 1977-9 [➔ 2296] 6484, 2 taf., l fig. ibid. 28-45, Grundsatzfragen [anlässlich von E. J. Epps Kritik an Alands 'Münsterische Texttheorie' Röm 15-16; Corpus Paulinum]. 2288 Aland K., Black M., Martini C. M., Metzger B. M., Wikgren A., The Greek NT 3• NY/L/E/Amst/Stu 1976, [United] Bible Societies, with Münster Institute for NT Textual Research. LXII-918p. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 260-70 (G. D. Kilpatrick: does not justify its claim to be 'standard '). 2288* Burns Y., Chapter Numbers in Greek and Slavonic Gospel Codices: NTS 23 (1976s) 320-33. 2289 Elliott J. K., a) The Third Edition of the United Bible Societies' Greek NT [K. Aland al. 1975]: NT 20 (1978) 242-77. - b) The United Bible · Societies' Greek NT [K. Aland 3 1975]: a short examination of the third edition: BTrans 30 (1979) 135-8. 2290 Bover J. M., O'Callaghan Jose ed., NT Trilingüe (BAC 400) 1977 ➔ 58s,ll85: RBbbOr 20 (1978) 229s (G. R[inaldz]); BZ 23 (1979) 290 (R. Schnackenburg); CuBib 34 (1977) 73s; RB 86 (1979) 303s (M.-E. Boismard); SapDom 31 (1978) 234s (M. Miefe); Sef 38 (1978) 155ss (N. Fernandez Marcos); StPapyr 17 (1978) 115-18 (B. Llorca). 2291 Duplacy J., Manuscrits grecs du NT emigres de la Grande Laure de l'Athos: ➔ 541, Treu K., Studia codicologica, TU 124, 1977, 159-178. 2292 Goodspeed Edgar J., The Student's NT: the [Westcott-Hort] Greek Text and thc Amcrican Translation. Ch 1975 = 1954 (Univ.), Midway Reprint. 2 vol., x-1055 p. 2293 Ig(esias M., Nuevo Testamento Trilingüe [ed.... J. O'Callaghan, Madrid 1977, recensio]: Biblica 59 (1978) 412-17. 2294 Jonge H. J. de, A new witness of the Greek NT in Holland (Amst./Dortmund 140 = lectionary 1027): Quaerendo 9 (1979) 343-9, 2 facsim.: Jn 3,21; 5,17-28. 2295 Junge H. J. de, Jeremias Hoelzlin: Editor of the 'Textus receptus' printed by the Elzeviers, Leiden 1633: ➔ 18, SupNT 47 (1978) 105-28. 2295* Kilpntrick George D., A textus receptus redivivus? Protocol of CHH 32d colloquy 1978 ed. E. C. Hobbs. Berkeley CA 1978, GTU/Univ. 60p. 2296 Kunst H. Hg., Bericht der Hermann Kunst-Stiftung zur Förderung der neutest. Textforschung für die Jahre 1977-1979, Münster 1979. 96 p. 4 Taf. [ ... Das Bibelmuseum, Eröffnungsansprachen; Überblick über ausgestellte Handschriften usw.: 8-27; Der Stand der Publikationen des

o3.1 Textus graecus - Greek NT


Instituts: 59-63 (... i.a. Nestle-Aland 26, 1979); ... ; Anhang; Stiftungsurkunde (nach dem heutigen Stand): 85-91 ... ]. 2296* .Metzger Bruce M., St. Jerome's explicit references to variant readings in manuscripts of the NT: ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 179-90. 2297 O'Callaghan Jose, EI Nuevo Testamento y la ciencia de los papiros: Cuademos Biblicos 1 (Valencia 1978) 14-29. 2298 Pickering W. N., The Identity of the NT Text. Nv 1977, Nelson. 192 p. $7.95. [Eclecticism; Westcott-Hort Critical Theory; History of the Text; Determining the Identity of the Text; Appendices: 7Q5: 145-48; lmplication of statistical probability). - RstPapyr 17 (1978) 123s (B. Llorca). 2299 Royse J. R., Von Soden's Accuracy [etsi imperfecta (W. J. Elliott) tarnen utilior quam Tischendorf et hodie indispensabilis]: JTS 30 (1979) 166-71. 2300 a) Santoro C., II codice purpureo di Rossano 1974 ... 56,812: RBrutium 55,1 (1976) 2-3 (A. Lipinsky). - b) Bruehl C., Purpururkunden: ➔ 30, Fs. H. ßEUMANN1977, 3-21. 2301 Thomas J. D., A List of Manuscripts Containing the Harclean Version of the NT: TReviewBT 2 (1979) 26-32. 2302 Scrivener Frederick H., Bezae codex cantabrigiensis: bein& an exact copy, in ordinary type, of the celehrated uncial Graeco-Latin manuscript of the four Gospels and Acts of the apostles, written early in the sixth century, and presented to the University of Cambridge by Theodore Beza, A.D. 1581, edited with a critical introd., annotations, and facsimiles: Pittshurgh reprint series 5. Pittsburgh 1978 = 1864, Pickwick. LXIV453 p., 3 facs. $12.95. 0 0-915138-38-7. o3.2

Textus graecus, VT Septuaginta etc.

2303 a) Agourides Savas, Charlesworth James H., A New Discovery of Old Manuscripts on Mt Sinai: A Preliminary Report [new leaves of Codex Sinaiticus; Pseudepigrapha]: BA 41 (1978) 29-31, 1 fig.; 42 (1979) 174-9, St. Catherine's Monastery: Myths and Mysteries (Char/esworth). - TsTKi 49 (1978) 196 (M. Saebo). - b) [< Politis L. A., Panayotakis N. A., Kunst H.,] Die neuen Sinai-Funde [Kathimerini, Athen 21-23. V. 1978) (ca. 3000 biblische Fragmente; Seiten von Maiuskeln und Minuskeln, einige vom Sinaiticus): Bericht der Hermann Kunst-Stiftung ... 1977-1979. Münster 1979, 46-58. 2304 Barthelemy D., Pourquoi la Torah a-t-elle ete traduite en grec? < Fs. E. NIDA,Language, Culture, and Religion 1974 [➔ 171) 23-41: ➔ 279, Histoire du Texte 1978, 322-340. CBQ 36 (1974) 2305 Barthelemy D., Qui est Symmaque? < Fs. P. SKEHAN 451-65: ➔ 279, Histoire du Texte 1978, 307-465. 2306 Bertram G., Zur religionsgeschichtlichen Bedeutung des griechischen . ATs, der sog. Septuaginta: ➔ 762, 19. Deutscher Orientalistentag 1975/7, p. 117-27. 2307 Bickerman E. J., The Septuagint as a Translation: PAAR 28 (1959) 139. 12. - E/enchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[III. Critica Textus

2308 Bogaert P.-M., De la Bible hebrai'.que a la Bible grecque, Monde (de la) B(ible) 8 (mar. apr. 1979) 37ss, fi.g.44. 2309 Esbroeck M. van, Une forme inedite de la lettre du roi Ptolemee pour la traduction des LXX: Biblica 57 (1976) 542-49. 2310 Fernandez Marcos Natalio, a) Introducci6n a las versiones griegas de la Biblia: TextEstCisn, 23. M 1979, Inst. Arias Montano. xm-349 p. 0 84-0004413-4. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 631. - b) Nombres propios y etimologias populares en la Septuaginta: Sefarad 37 (1977) 239-59. 2311 Fernandez Marcos N., Saenz Badillos A., In Search of an Antiochian Text of the Septuagint: Theodoret's 'Quaestiones in Octateuchum': ----> 629, Proc. World Congr. of Jewish St. 6,1 (J 1977) 357-62. 2312 Fritsch C. T., Homophony in the Septuagint: ----> 629, Proc. World Congr. Jewish St. 6,1 (J 1977) 115-20. 2313 GtJrg Manfred, Plulemäische Theologie in der Septuaginta: ... 754, Maehler H., Das ptolemäische Ägypten 1978, 177-184(-5, Disk.). 2314 Hanhart Robert, a) Berichtigungen für Septuaginta-Handschriften-Liste: · Biblica 59 (1978) 594s. - b) Jüdische Tradition und christliche Interpretation: Zur Geschichte der Septuagintaforschung in Göttingen: ----> 10, .Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 280-297. 2315 Jellicoc Sidney ed., Studies in the Septuagint 1974 ➔ 56,858: RBz 22 (1978) 308s (J. Schreiner). 2316 Karl S. [ed. posth. A. Weiser], IRITargum ha-shiv'fm la-torah: The Septuagint Pentateuch translated back into Hebrew. J 1979, KirSef. 239 p. lEl 34. 2317 Klein R. W., Textual Criticism of the OT: The Septuagint after Qumran 1974---->56,237; 58s,367: RProt 34 (1979) 235s (J. A. Soggin); ShnatMilp- 2 (1977) 266ss (1. Tov). 2318 Lebram J. C. H., Die älteste Übersetzung des ATs [Aristeasbrief; jüd. Streit um LXX; LXX als uralte Weisheit; Die Überlieferer der LXX]: BiWelt 16 (1976) 22-32. 2319 Moir 1. A., Tischendorf and the Codex Sinaiticus: NTS 23 (1976s) 10815. 2320 Morenz S., Ägyptische Spuren in der Septuaginta: Morenz, Religion und Geschichte des alten Ägypten (Weimar 1975) 417-28 596, Göttingen congress VTS 29 (1978) 392-402. o4 Antiquae versiones orientales. 2328 Metzger B. M., The Early Versions of the NT: Their Origins, Transmission, and Limitations 1977 ➔ 58s,1422. 0 0-19-826170-5. - RAustralBR 27 (1979) (J. Painter); Biblica 60 (1979) 118-21 (H. Quecke); BO 35 (1978) 436ss (H. J. de Jonge); BSOAS 41 (1978) 422s; CalvTJ 13 (1978) 226s (M. W. Meyer); CBQ 40 (1978) 64lss (A. Wikgren); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 184 (G. D. Kilpatrick); Interpr 33 (1979) 94-96 (W. A. Beardslee); JTS 30 (1979) 290-303 (J. Barr); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 226-229 (R. Murray, J. Krajcar, Samir Kh.); RB 85 (1978) 466s (M.-E. Boismard); RHE 74 (1979) 805ss (F. Hockey); ScriptB 8 (1978) 47 (H. Wansbrough); ShinKen 144 (1978) 1139s. 1148s. 1199s (T. Hirunuma); TR 75 (1979) 454ss (H. Zimmermann); TZBas 34 (1978) 360 (J. K. Elliott). 2329 a) Boer P. A. H. de, al., The OT in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version 1977-> 58s,1401. - RHenoch 1 (1979) 133s (B. Chiesa). b) Baars W. al., The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta Version: Prayer of Manasseh vn+9p.; Psalms of Solomon vr-27p.; Apocryphal Psalms x-12 p.; 1(3) Esdras xrx-53 p. [->54,1050; 58s,1403]. - c) Lebrain J. C. H. -> Tobit XIV-55p. - Rsyria 54 (1977) 133s (A. Caquot). 2329* Bill E. G. W., A Catalogue of Manuscripts in [Anglican Canterbury Archbishopric] Lambeth Palace Library. Mss 1907-2340 [maxime Fairhurst Papers redempti ex Cambridge], Ox 1976, Clarendon. xr-279 p., :E25.Unice ad rem: NT syr. 13 saec. 2330 Brack S. (P.), The Syriac Euthalian Material and the Philoxenian Version of thc NT: ZNW 70 (1979) 120-30. 2331 Chilton B., 'Amen: An Approach through Syriac Gospels': ZNW 69 (1978) 203-11. 2332 Gwynn John, Remnants of the later Syriac versions of the Bible [in two parts] . . . Syriac texts, edited with variant readings and reconstructed Greek text, precedcd by analytical introductiuns, with copious annotations,. critical notes, and indexes of words: Text and Translation Society 6. Amst 1973, Philo Press [= L 1909]. 2333 Maori Y., [ffi De problemate defectus cohaerentiae in electione vocum in .versione syriaca VT:-> 629, Proc. 6th World Congress of Jewish Studies (J 1976s) 153-8. 2334 Peral Torres A., Los Problemas de la Pesitta eri sus fuentes manuscritas (Estudio de las citas biblicas de S. Efren en el 'Comentario al Genesis' [ ... utiliz6 una Vorlage: Ms. Brit. Mus. Add. 14425; tiene influjo de los


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[III. Critica Textus

Targumim o de la tradici6n judia ... ]. Dis. Univ. Complutense 1975: RUnComplut 25, 106 II (1976) 132s. 2335 Vööbus Arthur, In Pursuit of Syriac Manuscripts: JNES 37 (1978) 187193.

2336 Beltz W., Katalog der Koptischen Handschriften der Papyrus-Sammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin (Teil 1) [inter quae F. Biblische Texte; H. Apokryphen ... ]: ArPapFor 26 (1978) 57-119. 2337 Browne G. M., Michigan Coptic Texts [ ... Biblica: Ps 115(116), 3-7; Job 30,21-30; 1 Cor 4,9- 5,3; 11,10-28; 2 Cor 12,21-13,2; Gal 5,11 6,1; Hebr 2,11-15; Apoc 18,7-10]: Papyrologica Castroctaviana 7 (Bare 1979). xvr-76p. 4pl. - RstPapyr 18 (1979) 141-43 (H. Quecke).

2338 Ajamian Chahe archeveque, Deux projets concemant la Bible armenienne: ➔ 630, Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 8-12. 2339 Minassian M., L'Evangcliairc arm. 10680 du Matcnadaran: OrChr 63 (19'/9) 108-29. 2340 Stone Michael E., The Study of Armenian Manuscripts: ➔ 630, Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 283-94; 289 in Baba Bathra for 'men of great synagogue' an Armenian copy has 'Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi '.

2340* Outtier B., Un fragment georgien de la Genese en onciale [Matenadaran, fragm. georg. n. 28: Gen 12,8-13.18 - 14,3.7-11 + 13,14- 14,1]: Museon 90 (1977) 341-46.

2341 Baarda T., The Author of the Arabic Diatessaron [' Abu 'l-Farag 'Abdu'lläh ibn at-Tayyib (1043 A.D.) and modern contestations; Syriac Influence in Grammar and Vocabulary ... ]: ➔ 18, SupNT 47 (1978) 61103. 2342 Kruk R., Early Arabic Translators, Their Methods and Problems: Babel 22 (1976) 15-20. 2343 Shehadeh Hasheeb, [!:!] The Arabic translation of the Samaritan Pentateuch: prolegomena to a critical edition (diss. H. Univ. 1977). J 1977. 12+357-xxr-p.: RKirSef 54 (1979) 14s; ZAW 91 (1979) 325s (G. Fahrer).

2344 Shivkova L., Das Tetraevangeliar des Zaren Ivan Alexander [Slavon. 1356 entstanden, heute im_ Brit. Mus.]. Aus dem bulgar. Manuscript übers. v. W. Brückner. Recklinghausen 1977, A. Bongers. 230 p. (64 Faksimiletaf.), 273 Abb. [p. 53-68: Facsirnile totius manuscripti]. - Rsüdostforschungen 36 (1977) 352s (D. Ku/man).

D5 Versiones latinae, textus patristicus o5


Versiones latinae, textus patristicus.

2344* Bell A. A. J, Jerome's Role in the Translation of the Vulgate NT: NTS 23 (1976s) 230-33. 2345 Boese H., Die Handschriften der Württembergischen Landesbibliothek Stuttgart II. Die Handschriften der ehemaligen königlichen Bibliothek 2/1 Codices biblici. Codices dogmatici et polemici. Codices hermeneutici. Wb 1975, 0. Harrassowitz. xx-198 p. DM 54. 2346 Dressler Fridolin, Hg. Das Evangeliar Ottos III, Clm 4453, Bayrische Staatsbibliothek München. Fra/Mü/Stu 1978, Fischer/Hirmer [= 2 1974]/Müller & S. Facsim. 276p. (färb.) 111.; Begleitband 226p., 44 ill. DM 4600. 0 3-10-757801-0. 2347 Frede H. J. Hg., Vetus Latina. Die Reste der altlateinischen Bibel nach P. Sabatier neu gesammelt und hrg. von der Erzabtei Heuron 25 [---> 57,996] Epistulae ad [--->]Thessalonicenses, Titum, Philemonem, Hebraeos. Fr 1975, Herder. DM 40 (Lf. 1) [bis Lf. 6, 1 Tim 3,1: 0 3-451004511-8; 2-6; 3-4; 4-2; 5-0; 6-9]. 2348 a) McKenzie D. A., Otfrid als Kommentator der Vulgata: WegFor 419 (1978) 106-08 479, T.ourdaux W., Bible 1979, 16-34. 2360 Rönsch Hermann, Itala und Vulgata2. Hildesheim 1979, Olms [=Marburg 1875]. XVI-526p. DM 88. 0 3-487-06728-5. 2361 Weber Robert (Fischer B. al.) Hg., Biblia sacra iuxta Vulgatam versionem2. Stu 1975 11969, Württembergische Bibelanstalt. 2 vol., xxxi1980 p. DM 68. 0 3-438-05302-0. 2362 Staub Kurt H., Bibelhandschriften [Knaus Hermann, Ältere theologische Texte]: Die Handschriften der Hessischen Landes- und Hochschulbibliothek Darmstadt 4. Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. 332 p. 2363 Allenbach J. al. ed., Diblia Patristica I. II. 1955/7 -> 58s,338: REsprVie 89 (1979) 60s (Y.-M. Duval); JBL 98 (1979) 469s (C. D. Osburn); Museon 91 (1978) 245 (J. Mossay); RThom 79 (1979) 627 (M.-V. Leroy); TR 75 (1979) 287s (A. Stuiber). 2364 Bruce F. F., The Gospel text of Marius Victorinus: -->32, Fs. M. BLACK 1979, 69-78. 2365 Frede H. J., Probleme des ambrosianischen Bibeltextes: StPatristMediol 6 (1976) 365-92. 2366 Lash C. J. A., The Scriptural Citations in the Homiliae Cathedrales of Scvcrus of Antioch and the Textual Criticism of the Greek Old Testament: -->616, StPatrist 12, 1975, 321-327. 2366* Pellens Karl (Nineham Ruth), Der Codex 415 des Corpus Christi College Cambridge. Facsimile-Ausgabe der Textüberlieferung des Normannischen [Rouen? früher York] Anonymus [contra coelibatum et primatum]: Veröff. 82, Inst. Eur. Gesch. Mainz, Abt. abenländ. Rel-gesch. Wb 1977, Steiner. XXII+8* p., 312 facs. DM 58. - RzKT 100 (1978) 664 (K. Brunner gegen LThK 2 1, 582: lohnend für Schriftverständnis).

lo6 Versiones modernae hoc anno di.fferuntur; Modern translatlons for lack of space are postponed to -->vol. 61.] 08 Concordantiae, lexica specialia, Specialized dictionaries, Synopses. 2367 Aland K., Vollständige Konkordanz zum griechischen N.T. I. Lf. 1-8. 1979--> 58s,1194: RArTGran 39 (1976) 300s (A. Segovia); CBQ 41 (1979)

08 Concordantiae, lexica specialia, Synopses


148-51 (E. J. Epp); CC 129 (1978,4) 207s (X. Jacques); ETL [52 (1976) 134-42; 54 (1978) 322-45] 55 (1979) 152-55 (F. Neirynck); JBL 97 (1978) 604ss (J. A. Fitzmyer); TLZ 103 (1978) 265ss {T. Holtz). 2368 [Aland K. cum] Bachmann H., Slaby W. A., Computer-Konkordanz [supplementum provisorium non secus venditum pro Vollständige Konkordanz] II. Zaboulön-öphelimos 1977 ➔ 58s,1166: - RNRT 101 (1979) 577s (X. Jacques: ibid. de Spezialübersichten ➔ 58s,1195); ShinKen 143 (1978) 1291s (T. Hirunuma). 2369 Neirynck F., La nouvelle concordance [Aland] du NT II: ETL 54 (1978) 322-45 [I. 52 (1976) 134-42]. ExWNT: Balz H., Schneider G. Hg., Exegetisches Wörterbuch zum NT I Lfg. 1-6 1978s ➔ 880 [0 3-17-0014674-8; 5002-8; 5039-7 etc.]. 2370 Barclay W., Begriffe des NTs [Sammlung] tr. H. Knorr al. Wu 1979, Aussaat. 237 p. DM 18.80 pa. 4370* Bardy A. R. al., Concordance de la Bible, Nouveau Testament. Texte fran9ais, groupement par themes et par racines grecques, reference, pour chaque mot fran9ais, au vocabulaire grec correspondant; index; index grecs, Solange Sagot; Pret: H.-1. Marrou [' 1970 ➔ 52,994] 3. ed. 1978. 2371 Cu~mm L. al. Hi., a) Tl1t:ulul;lisd1t:sBt:1;11iffslt:xik.u11 zum NT --> 888; 49,4725; ... 55,5831; Studienausgabe (ed. 4) Wu 1977, Brockhaus. 2 vol.: llFreibKu .i0 (l'l'/8) 16,s (M. Brocke). - b) i>1Z1onanode1 concetti biblici del NT tr. A. del Bianco al. 1976.: RRivB 26 (1978) 310-316 (0. Sojfritti). - c) ➔ 888, Brown C., NDNTh 1978. 2372 Cruden Alexander, Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testaments. With Notes and Biblical Proper Names under one Alphabetical Arrangement. Edited by C. H. Irwin, A. D. Adams, S. A. Waters. Guildford/London 1977, Lutterworth. vm-784p. 2373 Dutripon F. P., Bibliorum sacrorum concordantiae. [Re-impressio ed. 8ae Paris 1880]. Hildesheim/NY 1976, Olms. xxm-1484p. DM 348. 2374 Even-Shoshan A. ed., A New Concordance of the Bible, 1.: aleph to zayin. J 1977 [➔ 58s,l 130]. xxxvm-638 p. - RJBL 98 (1979) 110s (W. Weinberg: advantages outbalance disadvantages). 2375 Fischer B., Novae Concordantiae iuxta Vulgatam 1977 --> 58s,1335: RJTS 29 (1978) [186-92] 547-9 (J. L. North); ZAW 91 (1979) 470s (G. Fohrer). 2376 Ghiberti G., Pacomio L. (< Sr. Jeanne d'Arc), Le concordanze del NT, present. C. M. Martini 1978 ➔ 58s,1669: Rsal 40 (1978) 731 (A. Amato). 2376* Heyder G., Das Leben Jesu: die vier Evangelien in Synopsen-Harmonie. Rg 1979, Selbstverlag [Kumpfmüller Str. 37]. 487 p., 45 III. map. 2377 Holly David, A Complete Categorized Greek-English NT Vocabulary. L 1978, S. Bagster. xi-129 p. handwritten-photot. f:4.95. [Greenwood SC 1978, Attic; $12.50]. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 649s (F. T. Gignac). 2377* Lujan J., Concordancias del NT: Bibi. Herder 135, 1975 .....57,1267: RArTGran 39 (1976) 288 (A. Segovia); Babel 22 (1976) 43 (J. Verdonck). 2378 Lurker M., Wörterbuch biblischer Bilder und Symbole2• Mii 1978,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[III. Critica Textus

11973, Kösel. 437 p. 2379 Meister A., Biblische Namen kurz erklärt, Tasch.2: Bibel, Kirche, Gemeinde 10. Konstanz 1978, Christliche V-Anstalt. 165 p., maps. 2380 Morrison Clinton, An Analytical Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament. Ph 1979, Westminster. xxv-765 p., index-lexicon, appendices, maps. $39.95. 0 0-664-20773-1. - RTS 40 (1979) 572 (J. A. Fitzmyer). 2381 Odelain 0., Seguineau R., Dictionnaire des noms propres de la Bible; pref. R. Tournay. P 1978, Cerf/Desclee de Brouwer. xxxvn-492 p. F 155. - RNRT 101 (1979) 273s (J.-L. Ska). 2382 Rühle 0. al., Stellenregister NT: -> 898: TWNT 10,1 (1978) 693-907. 2383 Santos U. D. dos, An Expanded Hebrew Index för the Hatch-Redpath Concordance to the Septuagint. J c.1978, ·Dugith. 224 p. 2383* Smith J. ß., Greek-English concordance to the New Testament: a tabular and statistical Greek-English concordance based on the King James version with an English-to-Greek index; introduction by Bruce M. Metzger. Eastbourne 1978, Kingsway = Scottdale 1955, Mennonite. 8 + 430 p. fl 1.50, 0 0-86065-003-0. 2384 Swanson Reuben J., The Horizontal Line Synopsis of the Gospels [each parallel immediatcly undcmcath] 1975 > 57,3578; 58s,4548: RTLZ 103 (1978) 820ss (F. J. Schierse). 2385 Thomas Robert L., Gimdry Stanley N. ed., A Harmony of the Oospels [New Am. Standard B.] with Explanations and Essays. Ch 1978, Moody. 349p. 2385* Tyson Joseph B., Longsta.ff Thomas R., (Tipper Elizabeth A.), synoptic abstract:

vol. 61

V. Exegesis generalis VT et utriusque Testamenti

D9 Commentaries on the whole Bible.

?J87 F.ybers Tan H., The Books of the Law and the Prophets: Study Manual 6. Pretoria 1977, Univ. xi-248 p. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 631. 2388 Guthrie D., Motyer J. A. ed., Commentario Biblico III: Articoli introduttivi Mt-Apoc. Modena 1976, Voce della Bibbia. 692 p. Lit. 16.000 [I.11. 1974 .....58s,2559]. - Rprot 34 (1979) 239s (E. Paschettu). 2389 Harrison H. D., ed., A Survey of the Entire ßible. Nv 1977, Randall. 714 p. 0 0-89265-044-3.

o9 Commentaries on the whole Bible


2390 Henry Matthew (1662-1714), a) Commentary on the Whole Bible: Old Tappan NJ 1970, Revell, 6 vols. - b) Genesis to Revelation, ed., L. F. Church c.1960: Broad Oak ed. L 1973, Marshall M. & S. xi-1204 p. 2391 Hiers R. H., Reader's Guide to the Bible Including the Apocrypha. Nv 1978, Abingdon. 160 p. $3.95 pa. 2392 Howley C. D., Bruce F. F., Ellison L. H., The New Layman's Bible Commentary in One Volume. GR cl979, Zondervan. 1712p. 2393 Kasher M. M., Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation - a millennial anthology, tr. dir. H. Freedman, IX [abridgment of Tora shlemah XVXVI]. NY 1979, American Bible Encyc. Soc./Ktav. Xs268p. $35. 2394 King N. Q. & D. F. J., Towards an African Strack-Billerbeck?-+ 14, Fs. C. BAETA1976, 78-84 [biblical parallels from traditional African religious thought]. 2395 Lamsa George M., Old Testament light: a scriptural commentary based on the Aramaic of the ancient Peshitta text. Ph 1978 = 1964, Holman. xv-976 p. 0 0-87981-096-3. 2396 May Herbert G., Metzger Bruce M. ed., The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha [RSV]2 rev. NY 1977, Oxford. xxvm-1564 p.; xxiv-340 p. fsame volume, with] 16 pl., maps. $15.95. 0 0-19-528348"1. RAsbSem 33,3 (1978) 39s (G. A. Turner). 2397 Milman Y. B., IE] Dibre seper: Bible commentary, with notes of H. Geviryahu. J 1978, Heqer ha-Miqra/Histadrut. 245 p. 2398 Nave Orville J. & Anna S., a) Nave's Study Bible: Authorized Version with altemate marginal translations from the American Revised Version and the English Revised Version: a verse by verse topical analysis of the entire Bible including more than 80,000 marginal notes relating to what the Bible teaches: detailed dictionary/concordance. Wheaton IL 1977 = 1907, Creation House. 1715 + 81 p., 4pl., maps. 0 0-88419-147-8. b) Nave's Study Bible. Revised and expanded edition, King James Version. Nv 1978, Broadman. 1,985 p. maps. $24.95. 0 0-8054-1135-6. 2399 Neil W., The Message of the Bible. A Commentary on the Old and New Testaments. UOx 1978, Mowbrays. 132 p. B. 75. 2400 Neumann F., Where do we Stand? A Selective Homiletical Commentary on the OT I. Law and Revelation; II. The Historical Books and the Prophets. Intr. F. L. Battles, D. Baly. Brooklyn 1978, Gaus. XVIII292 p./ix-282 p. $5 each. - RSvTKv 55 (1979). 81 (S. Nyström). 2401 Nichol Francis D. al. ed., The Seventh-Day Adventist Bible Commentary. Wsh 1976 = 1953, Review and Herald. 3 vols. 2402 Rawlins C. L. ed., Index Volume [to William Barclay ed. revised 17vol.]. The Daily Study Bible Series. Ph/E 1978, Westminster/St. Andrew. x-213 p. $3.75. 0 0-664-24215-4. 2403 Ryrie Charles C., a) Ryrie Study Bible NT 1976 -+ 58s,98: RTLZ 104 (1979) 100 (H. Hunger). - b) The Ryrie study bible: King James version, with introductions, annotations, outlines, marginal references, harmony of the Gospels, subject index, synopsis of Bible doctrine, concordance, maps, and timeline charts. Ch 1978, Moody. rx-2006 p., figg., 16 pl. 0 08024-7452-7.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)


[VI. Libri historici VT VI. Libri historici VT


Pentateuchus .1 textus et commentarii

2404 ßeharav M. M. (Kesher Y. P.), J,ummas tora-se/emii: [H]The whole Pentateuch with oral traditions of Amoraim, Saboraim and initial Gao~ nim, fase. 28, Lv 10s. J 1978, Torah Shlemah. - RK.irSef 54 (1979) 625. 2405 Briend J., a) Une lecture du Pentateuque 1976 ➔ 57,2139*; b) El Pentateuco, tr. J. M. Asurmendi Ruiz: CuadBib 13. Estella, Navarra 1977, Verbo Divino. 62 p. - RBibFe 3 (1977) 336s (C. Quelle). - c) Una lettura del Pentateuco: Dibbia oggi 6. T 1979, Gribaudi. 60 p. Lit. 2000. 2406 Buher M. Rosenzweig F., Die fünf Bücher der Weisung. Verdeutscht. 9. abermals durchges. u. verb. Aufl. der neubearb. Ausgabe von 1954. Heid 1976, Schneider. 582 p. (44 p. Beilage). DM 46 (Lw.). 2407 Calvin Jean, Genesis. Tr. & ed by John King, ... Facs. ed. [new] repr. [ed. 1 by Calvin Translation Society, 1847]: Geneva Series of Commentaries. E 1979, Banner of Truth. xxxr p., p. 57-584; 533 p. f:6. 2408 Diez Macho A. intr., The Pentateuch with the Masorah Parva and the Masorah Magna and with Targum Onkelos, Ms. Vat. Heb. 448. J 1977, Makor. Gn. [16-] 76 f.; Ex [9+] 77-152; Lv [16+] 152b-206b; Nm [16+] 206b-281b; Dt [16+] 281b-349. 2409 Fernandez Marcos Natalio, Saenz-Badi/los Angel, Theodoreti Cyrensis Quaestiones in Octateuchum, ed. critica: TextEstCisn, 17. M 1979, Consejo sup. Lxm-345 p. 0 84-00-04378-2. - RMuseon 92 (1979) 203s (J. Mossay); ZAW 91 (1979) 489 (G. Fahrer). 2410 Freiberg J. M., [H]Seper pardes: Notes on the five books of Torah. TA 1974s, Mel;labber. xvr-176 p.; xvr-231 p. 2411 Gonzalez Lamadrid Antonio, Pentateuco, comentado: Cursos biblicos a distancia 6. M 1977 = 1971, Edicabi. 141 p. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 425. 2412 Harduf D. M., a) [H]Ifumas we-Rasi, Pentateuch with Targum Onqelos, Toldoth Aharon, lqar Sifthei Chakhomim and Rashi's commentary hand-dotted in Rashi letters. 1977. - b) [H] Introduction to the Pentateuch. TA 1977, Yizra'el. 2413 Hidal Sten, Interpretatio syriaca Ephrem, GnEx 1974 ➔ 56,9878: RsvEx 44 (1979) 182-6 (T. Kronholm). 2414 Huntemann Georg, Am Anfang die Wahrheit: die 5 Bücher Mose über das Woher und Wohin von Welt uml Gemeinde: Telos 1124. Stu-Neuhausen 1977, Hänssler. 133 p. DM 13,80 pa. 0 3-7751-0305-8. 2415 Karaite Jews in Israel; [H] /famissii J,umse Toriih acc. A. ben-Aser. Ramla 1977, National Council. x-350 p. 2416 Kasher M., a) [H]Targumey ha Torah .... J 1974. 280 p. - REstBib 35 (1976) 99-110 (L. Diez Merino). - b) [H] Torii vol. 39: 1. in Hebrew and Assyrian; 2. Special letters. J 1978, Torah Shlemah. xrv-234 p. 2417 Kowalsky Shalom D., Feigenbaum Y., [H]/famisii J,umse Torii: penfne ha-Ifasfdut: Pentateuch with Onqelos, Rasi, Gems of Hasidism. J 1977,



.1 textus et commentarii


Liebermann. 2418 Le Deaul Roger (Ruhert Jacques), Targwu du Penlaleuque. Traduction des deux recensions palestiniennes completes avec introduction, paralleles, notes et index. Tome I: Genese: Sources chretiennes, 245. P 1978, Cerf. 459 p. F 200. 0 2-204-01247-5. - RETRel 53 (1978) 535s (D. Lys); Henoch l (1979) 134ss (L. R. Ubigli); JTS 30 (1979) 525s (S. Brock); NRT 101 (1979) 411s (J.-L. Ska); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 486s (R. Murray); PrOrChr 29 (1979) 398s (P. Ternant); RCatalT 4 (1979) 447s (C. Garcia). 2419 Lund S., Foster J., Variant Versions of Targumic Traditions within Codex Neofiti T 1977 -> 58s,1214: RTLZ 104 (1979) 570ss (A. DiezMacho). 2420 McCurley F. R., Genesis, Exodus, Levilicus, Numbers: Proclamation Com. Ph 1979, fortress. 128 p. $3.95. 0 0-8006-0593-4. 2421 Mackintosh C. H., Aantekening op Gn/Ex/Lv [tr.]. Apeldoom 1976 = 1880ss, Medema. 218p.; 229p.; 137p. 2422 Markowicz Walter A., The text tradition of St. John Chrysostom's Homilies on Genesis and mss. Michiganenses 139, 78, and Holkhi:1micus 61 (AA diss. 1953). AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms Internat. ?4?3 Mt>ga G. A., !TI] G. Choiimnou: The Cosmogenesis of Y. Choumnou, 15th cent. metrical paraphrase of Gn-Ex, critical ed. Athenai 19·1,, Umv. center for Research of Medieval and Modem Hellenisim. vn-221 p., 14 ; pi. - RßyZ 71 (1978) 70-74 (G. Kechagioglou ßID. 2424 Munk Elie, Qol hat-torah. La voix de la Thora. Commentaire du Pentateuque. 1. La Genese 1976; 3. Le Levitique 1974; 4. Les Nombres 1975. 5. Le Deuteronome 1976. P: Levy. 2426 Perez Castro F., Una copia del codex Hilleli [Pentateuch. 1241 pC] colacionada con la primera mano del MS.Bl9A de Leningrado: Sef 38 (1978) 13-24. 2427 Petit Fran9oise, Catenae graecae in Genesim et in Exodum I: Catena sinaitica: CCG, 2. Turnhout/Lv 1977, Brepols/Univ. xxxrx-337 p., 1 pi. Fb 2550 (2800 bound). - RJTS 30 (1979) 339ss (L. R. Wickham); NRT 101 (1979) 95s (C. Martin); RHE 74 (1979) 57-60 (A. de Ha/leux); RTAM 46 (1979) 236s (N. Zeegers-VanderVorst). 2428 Petit F., L'edition des chaines exegetiques grecques sur la Genese et l'Exode: Museon 91 (1978) 189-94. 2429 Philo Alexandrinus, 334, Christiana Tempora 1978, 111-14, 1 fig. < BSocNAntFran9 1964, 111-14. 2580 Martin-Achard Robert, Et Dieu cree le Ciel et la Terre ... Trois etudes:

E2.3.1 Genesis 1. Creatio


Esai'.e40 - Job 39-42 - Genese 1; pref. M. Faessler. Geneve 1979, Labor & F. 79p.

2581 Maximov J. N., IB] The Ancient Egyptian Cosmogonic System of Heliopolis (An Attempt at a moclel) [creation in papyrus Brenner-Rhind]: -> 415, Danilova I. E., Tutankhamun 1976, p. 119+. 2582 May Gerhard, Schöpfung aus dem Nichts. Die Entstehung de~ Lehre von der Creatio ex Nihilo (Diss. Habil. Mü 1971: Gnostiker, Kirchenväter bis Irenäus): ArbKiG, 48. B 1978, de Gruyter. xn-196 p. DM 82. RJTS 30 (1979) 547s (G. C. Stead); NRT 101 (1979) 766s (C. Martin); RechScRel 67 (1979) 617s (C. Kammengiesser); TPhil 54 (1979) 279s (H.-J. Sieben); TZBas 35 (1979) 251s (R. Brändle: Für griechisches Denken war es unmöglich, eine creatio ex nihilo zu denken [gegen] die gängige Auffassung von 2 Mkb 7,28). 2583 Mayer Cornelius, a) Dieu createur - L'homme createur [H. H. Schmid, ZTK 70 (1973) 1-9): NRT 101 (1979) 39-54. - b) Zum Wandel des schöpfungstheologischen Denkens in der katholischen Dogmatik [Seminar Basel 1978, Schöpfung und Glaube]: TüTQ 158 (1978) 267-85. 2584 Mesnil du Buisson R. du, Le bas-relief du combat de Bel contre Tiamat dans le temple de Bel a Palmyre: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 83-100, 9 fig. G1]287 92. 2585 Mesters Carlos, Dans les sous-sols d'humanite, Au rythme des sept jonrs de Ja Creation. Traduit du bre5ilien et presente par Charles Antoine: Relais Desclee, 4. Tournai 1978, Desclee, 175 p. Fb 323. 0 2-71890141-1. 2586 Moltmann Jürgen, Thc Future of Creation. Essays on the theology of creation. L 1979, SCM. vn-198 p. f6.95. 2587 Muratova Xenia, 'Adam donne leurs noms aux animaux '. L'iconographie de la scene dans l'art du moyen äge: les manuscrits des bestiaires enlumines du XIIe et du xme siecle [lies aux courants theologiques d'Angleterre]: -> 254, Fs G. VINAY,StMediev 18,2 (1977) 267-94, 11 pl. 2588 Notter Viktor, Biblische Schöpfungsbericht und ägyptische Schöpfungsmythen 1974 -> 56,1762: RTLZ 103 (1978) 806ss (S. Herrmann); TR 73 (1977) 187s ·(J. Scharbert). 2589 Overhage Paul, Die biologische Zukunft der Menschheit. Fra 1977, Knecht. 240 p. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 473s (A. Haas). 2590 Patton D. W. ed., A Symposium on Creation V.: Creation Research Society. GR 1975, Baker. 132 p. $2.95. - RAsbSem 33,5 (1978) 39s (1. L. Zabilka). 2591 Pearce E. K., Wer war Adam? Ein Forscher nimmt den Schöpfungsbericht ernst [= Who was Adam'?2 58s,7760 (11960)). Wuppertal 1974, Brockhaus. 174 p. 2592 Pepin J., Exegese de 'In principio' et theorie des principes dans l" Exameron' [de S. Ambroise] I 4, 12-14: StPatristMediol 6 (Mi 1976) 42782. 2593 Popkin R. H., The Pre-Adamite Theory in the Renaissance: -> 137, Fs. P. KRISTELLER 1976, 50-69. 2594 Rapaport 1., The Babylonian Poem Enuma Elish and Genesis Chapter One. A New Theory on the Relationship between the Ancient Cuneiform


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

Composition and the Hebrew Scriptures. Melboume 1979, Hawthom. 123 p. A$12. 2595 Reale Giovanni, Filone di Alessandria e la prima elaborazione filosofica della dottrina della creazione: ➔ 149, Fs. G. LAZZATI1979, 247-87. 2596 Schaeffer F. A., Der Schöpfungsbericht: was die Bibel über Kosmos und Geschichte wirklich aussagt, tr. W. Steinseifer. Wuppertal / Genf 1976, Brockhaus / Haus der Bibel. 44 p. DM 2.95. 2597 Schlimme L., Untersuchungen zum Hexaemeronkommentar des Mose bar Kepha. Diss. Göttingen 1976, 265 p. 2598 Schlösser Felix, Thema Welt. Gottes Ja zur Welt; Weltaufträge der Christen; Möglichkeiten dieser Welt,. Spannungsfelder [bibl. Ausgangspunkt samt Teilhard]. W 1976, Herder. 176 p. Sch 140, DM 21,80. RzKT 100 (1978) 404 ([H.] R[otter]). 2599 Shinan A., I!!] The Aramaic Targums to the CreaLion Slory [Gt:m 1, 12.5.29] and Ps 104: ShnatMikr 2 (1977) 228-32, xxr. 2600 Siegmund Georg, Die Frage nach dem 'Stammvater' des Menschengeschlechtes: ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 431-441. 2601 Soden W. von, a) Die erste Tafel des altbabyl. Atramhasis-Mythus. 'Haupttext' und Parallelversionen: ZAss 68 (1978s) 50-94. - b) Konflikte und ihre Bewältii:ung in babylonischen Schöpfungs- und Fluterzählungen. Mit einer Teilübersetzung des Atramhasis-Mythus: MDOG 111 (1979) 133. 2602 Steck Odil H., a) Welt und Umwelt: Biblische Konfrontationen 1006. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 235 p. DM 16 pa 0 3-17-004849-X. - b) Altteslamentliche Impulse für eine Theologie der Natur ( 57,2342: AsbSem 33,4 (1978) 38s (1. L. Zabilka). 2646 Deiden J. A. van, Schepping en wetenschap: Pijlboek 5. Amst 1977, Buijten & S. 206 p.; 196-202 bibliog. 0 90-6064-079-9. 2647 Drake S., Galileo at Work: His Scientific Biography [the first in any language!]. Ch 1978, Univ. 536 p. $25. - RTS 40 (1979) 756s (E. McMullin). 2648 Dreier Wilhelm, Kümmel Reiner Hg., Zukunft durch kontrolliertes Wachstum: naturwissenschaftliche Fakten, sozialwissenschaftliche Probleme, theologische Perspektiven: ein interdisziplinärer Dialog: Theorie und Praxis der Sozialethik 1. Münster 1977, Regensberg. 217 p. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 476s (O.v. Nell-Breuning: Ecclesia diu ob oppositionem scientifico dominio naturae, nunc econtra ob erratam Gn 1,28 - 'occupare' non 'dominari' juxta N. Lohfink - exeges1m promoventem dominium naturae culpatur). 2649 Frauenknecht H., Dem Menschen auf der Spur: zum Dialog zwischen Naturwissenschaft und Theologie über das Werden der Menschheit. Wb· 1978, Brockhaus. 223 p. DM 22. 2650 Gillespie N. C., Charles Darwin and the Problem of Creation. Ch 1979, Univ. xm-201 p. $16.50. 2651 Gish Duane T., Evolution: The Fossils Say No! Public school edition. San Diego 1978, Creation-Life Publishers. 189 p. $2.95 pa. 2652 Hall M. & S., The Truth: God or Evolution. 2nd printing. UR 1977, Baker. 230 p. [bibliogr.: p. 183-86]. 2653 Hauret Charles, Beginnings: Genesis and Modem Science, tr. J. McDonnell: Christian Classics. Westminster MD 1978 = Ch 1964, Priory. 240 p. $6.95. 2654 Hengge P., Die Bibel-Korrektur - Auch Adam hatte eine Mutter. W/Stu 1979, Verlag Orac & Pietsch. 387 p. DM 36. - RBLtg 52 (1979) 145-47 (K. Schubert, critice). 2655 Jaki S. L., The Road of Science and the Ways to God. E 1978, Scottish Academic Pr. 478 p. 2656 Klaaren E. M., Rdigious Origins of Modem Science: Belief in Creation in Seventeenth-Century Thought. GR 1977, Eerdmans. xn-244 p. $5.95. R ScotJT 32 (1979) 373ss (A. Heron); TS 40 (1979) 216 (F. R. Haig). 2657 Krauss Werner [Kortum Hans, Gohrisch Christa Hg.], Zur Anthropologie des 18. Jahrhunderts; die Frühgeschichte der Menschheit im Blickpunkt der Aufklärung. Mü/W 1979, Ilanscr. 228 p. DM 36. 0 3-446-127372. 2658 Leakey Richard E., Lewin Roger, Origins: what new discoveries reveal about the emergence of our species and its possible future. L/NY 1977,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

LVl. Libri historici VT

Macdonald and Jane's/Dutton. 264p., 200 ill., 14 maps. :ES.95/$17.95.RAntiquity 52 (1978) 249s (B. Campbell); ArchNews 7 (1978) 91s (J. Philips). 2659 Liebig R., La otra revelaci6n. La fe cristiana en diälogo con la ciencia modema. Santander 1977, Sal Terrae. 278 p. - RRelCult 24 (1978) 132s (A. Moral). 2660 Lucas E. L. al., Creationism and Evolutionism Letters: Science 179 (1973) 953-84. 2661 Marcozzi V., I problemi delle origini dell'Uomo e la Paleontologia: Gregorianum 59 (1978) 175-188. 511-34; Sum.: 188s. 535. 2662 Moore J. R., The Post-Darwinian Controversies: a Study of the Protestant Struggle to Come to Terms with Darwin in Great Britain and America 1870-1900. C 1979, Univ. xi-502 p. i:18. 2663 Nicolau Francesc, L'evolucionismc scgons alguns cientifics francesos actuals: RCatalT 4 (1979) 429-39. 2664 Paul H. W., Thc Edge of Contingency. French Catholic Reaction to Scientific Change from Darwin to Duhem. Gainesville 1979, FL Univ. x-213 p. $15. 2665 Schilling Harold, a) Science and Religion: An Interpretation of Two Communities. NY 1962, Scribners. 272 p. $4.50. - b) The New Consr,iousness m Science and Religion. Ph 1973, Pilgrim Pr. 288 p. $7.95. Rzygon 12 (1977) 390-410 (R. W. Cornstock). 2666 Schmeling William A., Creation versus Evolution? Not Rcally! St. Louis c.1979, Clayton. 120 p. $4.75. 2667 Schwarz Hans, Our Cosmic. Joumey: Christian [hihlical] Anthropology in the light of current trends in the sciences, philosophy and theology. Minneapolis 1977, Augsburg. 379 p. $7.95. - RRefTR 37 (1978) 88s (J. A. Friend). 2668 Stark Walter, Marah: Die Bibel weist modernster Wissenschaft den Weg [- 58s,758 tr. red.]. Genf 1975, Ariston. 260 p. 2669 Steneck N. H., Science and Creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d.1397) on Genesis. Notre Dame/L 1976, Univ. of Notre Dame Pr. xiv-213 p. $14.95. - Rspec 53 (1978) 190ss (Edward Grant). 2610 Thoday J. M., Non-Darwinian 'Evolution' and Biological Progress: Nature 255 (1975) 675-77. 2671 Thompson Clyde, A Geologist Looks at Genesis. NY 1976, Vantage. 199p. 2672 Tiller P. D., Reflections on the Relationship of Science and Christianity. Diss. Univ. of Northem Colorado. 366 p. 0 7819031. - DissA 39 (1978s) 2495s-A. 2673 Vernet Daniel, La Bible et la science3• Nouv. ed., rev. et completee. Guebwiller 1978, Ligue pour la lecture de la Bible. 257 p. Fs. 18. 2614 Vooght P. de, Saint Augustin et l'evolutionnisme: - 64; 58s,4363, Fs. S. DocKX 1976, 27-35. 2615 Wade N., Creationists and Evolutionists: Confrontation in Califomia [science textbook for elementary schools]: Science 178 (1972) 725-729. 2676 Wailin James R., The Egyptian Variant of the Geocentric Theory of the Universe. Vol. 1. Having the State's Baby. San Francisco 1978, author.

E2.3.3 Genesis 1: Bible and Science


POB 5128. 205 p. $14.50. 2677 Washburn S. L., The Evolution of Man [ ... Homo sapiens 100,000 years ago; manlike creatures 4,000,000 years ago ... ] : ScientAm 239 (1978) 146-54, 7 fig. 2678 Whitcomb John C., Morris Henry M., Die Sintflut: der Bericht der Bibel und seine wissenschaftliche Folgen, Vorwort J. McCampbell [The Genesis Flood] tr. E. Schnabel: Telos 4009. Stu-Neuhausen 1977, Hänssler. 517 p. DM 29,80. 0 3-7751-0294-9. 2679 Wink W., The 'Elements of the Universe' in Biblical and Scientific Perspective: Zygon 13 (1978) 225-48. 2680 Young D. A., Creation and the Flood. An Alternative to Flood Geology and Theistic Evolution. GR 1977, Baker. 217 p. $6.95. - RBS 136 (1979) 79s (F. R. Howe); GerefTT 78 (1978) 144ss (Yv. H. Gispen).

E2.3.4 Genesis 1-11. 2681 Agirrebaltzategi Paulo, Configuraci6n eclesial de las culturas. Hacia una teologia de la cultura [desde Gen. 1-11] en la perspectiva del Concilio Vaticano II: Teol. Deusto 8. Bilbao 1976, Univ. Deusto/Mensajero. 364 p. - RzKT 100 (1978) 387 ([W.] K[ern]: verdienstlich). 2682 Anderson B. W., From Analysis to Synthesis: The Interpretation of Gen 1-11: JDL 97 (1978) 23-39. 2683 Combs E., The Political Teaching of Genesis 1-XI: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia 1978, I 105-110. Analysis of dominion and violence, aiming 'theologico-politically' at the best ordering of men (Spinoza): rationale of self-preservers. 2684 Davidson Robert, Genesis 1-11: Cambridge NEB Commentary. C 1973, Univ. 117 p. fl.90/$5.95. 0 0-521-0I 8618-3 (l 9760-6 pa.). 2685 Kronholm Trygve, Motifs from Genesis 1-11 in the Genuine Hymns of Ephrem the Syrian - with particular reference to the influence of Jewish exegetical tradition: ConBibOT 11; Liber Läromedel. Lund 1978, Gleerup. 251 p. Sk 110. - RorChrPer 45 (1979) 488s (R. Murray); SvEx 44 (1979) 179-82 (S. Hidal); SvTKv 54 (1978) 172s (S. Hidal); ZAW 91 (1979) 468 (G. Fahrer). 2686 Loss N. M., Genesi 1-11: messaggio religioso e quadro culturale. Un esempio applicativo: ➔ 640, Zevini G., Incontro 1978, 217-39. 2687 Malbim M. L., Commentary on the Torah 1. Beginning and Upheaval: an Original Exposition of the Biblical View of the Origins of the Universe, Society and Individual Human Personality: Gn 1-11, Bereshith; tr. com. Z. Faier. J 1978, Hillel. XLVII-454p., facs. ➔ 2474. 2688 Miller Patrick D. J, Genesis 1-11. Studies in Structure and Theme: JStOT Sup. 8. Sheffield 1978, Univ. 50 p. fl.25/$2.30 ($1.50 pa.). - ETRel 54 (1979) 157s (D. Lys); EvQ 51 (1979) 112s (R. P. Gordon); ZAW 91 (1979) 409 (G. Fahrer). _ 2689 Möller Hans, Der Anfang 'der Bibel (1. Mose 1-11). B 1978, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. 108 p. M 4.00 pa. 2690 Ruppert Lothar, a) 'Urgeschichte' oder Urgeschehen? Zur Interpretation


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von Gen. 1-11 [Gastvortrag Tü 30.X.1978]: MüTZ 30,1 (1979) 19-32. 2691 Watson D. C. C., Myths and Miracles: A New Approach to Gen. 1-11 1976 -> 58s,2792: REvQ 50 (1978) 180s (R. P. Gordon). 2692 Zee W. van der, De wereld wordt vaderland: Over het begin Gn 1-12. Haag 1978, Boekencentrum. 104 p. /13,90. 2693 [Gn 1-3] Rosenberg Joel William, Kingship as Kinship: Political Allegory in the Bible - A New Reading of Gen 1-3 and Related Texts [e.g. the redactional structure of the patriarchal cycles, of the Exodus cycle (Ex 12-32); the Succession Document ... ]. Diss. Univ. of Califomia, Santa Cruz 1978. 336 p. [Order No 7900829]. - DissA 39,7 (1978s) 4228s-A. 2694 [Gn 1,3) Garbini Giovanni, The Creation of Light in the First Chapter of Genesis: Fifth World Congress of Jewish Studies (1969) 1-4. 2695 [Gn 1,18) Dobin Joel C., To Rule both Day and Night: Astrology in Llu: Biblt:, Mühash and Talmud. 1977 _, 58s,8224: KirSef 54 (1979) 223. 2696 Böcher Otto, Astrologie: Bibel: -> 895, TRE 4 (1979) (277-) 299-308 (315). 2697 Bulli K., [fl Boze poselstwo od gwiazd. God's Message from the Stars [ ... confronting the achievements of astronomy with the relative Bible texts ... ] : RoczTChrzAkT 17,2 (1975) 17-47, summ. 47. 2698 Ferguson C. L., The stars and the Bible. Hicksville NY, 1978, Exposition. 199 p. $8.95. 0 0-682-49042-3, cf ➔ 2956. 2699 Pfirvulesr.u Adrian, Le nom indo-curopccn de I" ctoilc': ZVglSpra 91 (1977) 41-50 [42: contre Zimmern, qui a cru trouver akkad. Utar a l'origine de la racine *ster-]. 2700 Whitcomb J. C., D@YoungD. B., The Moon: Its Creation, Form and Significance [ ... 'The Genesis Record of the Moon's Creation' - the theologian and the scientist]. Winona Lake, lnd. c.1978, BMH Books. l80p. $7.95. - RThemelios 4 (1979) 113 (S. J. Schultz). 2701 [Gn 1,26] Fichtner Joseph, Man the Image of God, a Christian Anthropology. NY 1978, Alba. 186p. $5.95. - RTS 39 (1978) 814 (J. F. O'Grady). 2702 Reisig James W., Imago Dei: A Study of C. G. Jung's Psychology of Religion: Studies in Jungian Thought (Gen. ed. James Hillman). Cranbury, NJ 1979, Bucknell University. 253 p. $17.00. 0 0-8387-2076-5. 2703 Schwanz P., Imago Dei als christologisch-anthropologisches Problem in der Geschichte der Alten Kirche von Paulus bis Clemens von Alexandrien [Diss. Lp 1965]. Halle 1970, Niemeyer. 248 p. DM 38. 2704 Schwarz Hans, Humanity as God's Image in Evolutionary Perspective: TZBas 34 (1978) 334-44. 2705 Schwarz M. A., Origins of Man and God: a Midrash on Genesis 1,27: Judaism 28 (1979) 434-8. 2706 Guillard Geoffi:ey V., God in Gen 1,26 according to Chrysostom: -> 615, Livingstone E., Studia 1978 I, 149-56. 2707 Soli,:nac A., L'homme image de Dieu dans la spiritualite de saint Bonaventw·e: -+ 692, Contübuli 700 anniv. 1974 I, 77-101. 2708 Strcza N., Chipul ~i nsemiinnren lui Dumnezeu in om in Teologin orto doxä [Image and likeness of God in man (Gn 1,26) in Orthodox theology]: Mitropolia Ardealului (1977) 552-65.

E2.3.4 Genesis 1-11


2709 Rordorf B., Dominez la terre (Gen 1,28): BCentPt 31 (1979) 5-39. 2710 Houston W. J. 'And let them have dominion .. .' Biblical Views of Man in Relation to the Environmental Crisis: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia 1978 I, 161-184. 2711 Mutius H.-G. von, Zur hebräischen Vorlage von Gen 1,29 in einer judäo-spanischen Bibelübersetzung des Mittelalters [Bibl. Escor. I-I-4, saec. 14]: BibNot 10 (1979) 26s. 2712 Haag Hans J., 'Dies ist die Entstehungsgeschichte des Himmels und der Erde' - Midrasch Avkir zu Gen 2,4: Judaica 34 (1978) 104-119; 173179. 2713 Prickel J., Ein Kriterium zur Quellenscheidung innerhalb einer Paraphrase (Drei allegorische Deutungen der Paradiesflüsse Gen 2, 10): ➔ 616, St Patrist 12, 1975, 297-303. 2714 Blum E. A., 'Shall you not surely die?' [Cfr. Gen 2: 17]: Themelios 4 (1978s) 58-61. 2715 Vogels W., lt is not good that the 'Mensch' should be alone; I will make him/her a helper fit for him/her (Gen 2,18): EglT 9 (1978) 9-35."

F2.l. S Prrratum nriginale, The Sin of Eden.

2716 Awell Göran, Work, Toil and Sustenance ... NT [Gn 2,4- 3,24 diss. Lund] 1976 - 57,6999; 58s,9130: RTLZ 104 (1979) 736ss (0. Strecker); ETRel 53 (1978) 519 (F. Smyth); TR 74 (1978) 99s (J. B. Bauer). 2717 Anderson B. W., Sin and the Powers of Chaos: .....153, Durken D., Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit 1979, 71-84. 2718 Battke Marion, Das Böse bei Sigmund Freud und C. G. Jung (Diss. Philos. Tü 1978): Dü 1978, Patmos 244 p. DM 34,80 pa. 0 3-491-775922.

2719 Beatrice Pier Franco, Tradux peccati. Alle fonti della dottrina agostiniana del peccato originale: StPatrMediol 8. Mi 1978, Vita e Pensiero. VI332 p. Lit. 23.000. 2720 Boomershine Thomas E., Structure and Narrative .Rhetoric in Gn 2-3: .....581, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1978, I 31-49; cf. 51-60 J. Culley, 61-70 D. Jobling, 141-60 J. Parker, 121-40 H. White. 2721 Brazda M. K., Zur Bedeutung des Apfels in der antiken Kultur: Diss. Bonn 1977, Diss. druck. 140p. - RZAW 90 (1978) 139 (G. Fahrer: Die Apfel bau m tradition stammt aus der lateinischen Kirche). 2722 Dahood M., Pettinato G., Ugaritic rsp gn and Eblaite rasap gunu(m)ki: Orientalia 46 (1977) 230-232 [not 'Resheph of the garden' but 'Resheph of GN']. 2723 Dossin G., Le site presume du Paradis terrestre [l'oasis de Palmyre]: AcRoyBelg, BLettres 61 (1975) 291-300. 2724 Drewermann Eugen, Strukturen des Bösen. Die jahwistische Urgeschichte in exegetischer, psychoanalytischer und philosophischer Sicht: Paderbomer Theologische Studien, 4-6. Mü/Pd/W 1977, Schöningh. I: LXIV-355p. DM 44. - III. 1978: LVIII-656p., 29 fig. DM 68: 0 3-50676256-7. - RBbbOr 20 (1978) 234s (G. R[inaldz]); BZ 23 (1979) 116-20


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(L. Ruppert); BiK.i 33,2 (1978) 70s (F. J. Stendebach); OTAbstr 2,1

(1978) 103; TPQ 127 (1979) 403ss (J. Scharbert). 2725. Feuillet A., 11 trionfo della donna secondo il Protevangelo (Gn 3,15): Comm-Strum 37 (1978) 5-17. 2726 Freund G., Sünde im Erbe. Erfahrungsinhalt und Sinn der Erbsündenlehre. Stu 1979, Kohlhammer. 236 p. 2727 Gallus T., Die 'Frau' in Gen 3,15. Klagenfurt 1979, Carinthia. 167p. Sch 196 pa. - RErbAuf 55 (1979) 477 (J. Schildenberger). 2728 Gallus Tibor, Der Nachkomme der Frau -> 46,4687; 56,a363: III (6th vol.) Klagenfurt 1976, Carinthia. 176 p. DM 26. - RTGl 68 (1978) 210s (J. Gamberoni: disorderly and tendentious, despite C. Westermann's gracious preface). 2729 Gerson S. M., Paradise Sought: Adamic Imagery in Selected Novels by Saul Bellow and Kurt Vonncgut, Jr.: Diss. Texas Tcch(nicnl) Univ. 1977 (dir. W. R. McDonald). 0 7810836. 230 p. - DissA 39 (1978s) 285-A. 2730 Grimm R. R., a) Paradisus caelestis, paradisus terrestris: zur Ausle-

gungsgeschichte des Paradieses im Abendland bis um 1200. [Kurzfassung von Diss. Tübingen 1977]: Medium Aevum, 33. Mü 1977, Fink. DM 68. - h) Schöpfung und Sündenfall in der altfranzösischen Genesisdichtung des Evrat: EurHSS 13,39. Bern/Mü 1976, Lang. 100 p. OM 38pa. 2731 Hahn A., Soziologie der Paradiesvorstellungen [ ... Verlorene Paradiese: Das Paradies der Genesis ... ]: Trierer Universitätsreden, 7. Trier 1976, Neu. 56p. 2732 Hedinger Ulrich, Erschaffen nnd schon gefallen? Kritik des Mythos vom guten Ursprung und bösen Fall [u. Entwurf einer alternativen Protologie: Schöpfung ist Zukunft u. identisch mit dem Reich Gottes; keine ' sehr gute Schöpfung als terminus a quo' sondern 'existentialer und geschichtlicher, nicht metaphysischer Pessimismus']: EurHSS 23/70. Bern/Fra 1976, Herbert Lang/Peter Lang. 76 p. 2733 Higgins J. M., Anastasius Sinaita and the .Superiority of the Woman [Gn 3, 1-6]: JBL 97 (1978) 253-56. 2734 Illies Joachim Hg., Die Sache mit dem ApfeL Eine moderne Wissenschaft vom Sündenfall3: H-Bücherei 447. Fr 1975, Herder. 172 p. DM5,90. 2735 Jaros K., Bildmotive in der Paradieserzählung. Gedanken zur Botschaft von Gen 2-3: BLtg 51 (1978) 5-11, 3 Abb. 2736 Joines K. R., Serpent Symbolism in the OT 1974 -> 56,5409: RJSS 24 (1979) 280 (A. A. Anderson); PEQ 107 (1975) 162 (J. R. Porter). 2737 Kayalaparampil T., Gi::n 2-11: The Story of Man's Alienation from God and One Another: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 171-81. 2738 Köster H., Urstand, Fall und Erbsünde in der Scholastik: HbDogmG 2/3b. Fr 1979, Herder. vi-191 p. DM 67 (subscr. 58). 0 3-451-00732-0. 2739 Kottackal J., Reconciliation with God in the Pentateuch: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 263-76. 2740 Levin Arnold G., The tree of life: Genesis 2:9, 3:22-24, in Jewish Gnostic and early Christian texts (diss. Harvard 1966). CM 1979, Harvard Univ. Library.

E2.3.5 Peccatum Originale. The Sin of Eden


2741 Mesters Carlos, Paraiso terrestre: i,nostalgia o esperanza? [P. T. Saudade ... ---"56,1741*] tr. D. C. Quarracino: Es Palabra de Dios 2. Buenos Aires 1972, Bonum. 148 p. 2742 Moreno Antonio, La exegesis de Genesis 2,4b - 3,24. Problemas de metodo: TVida 19 (1978) 259-78. 2743 Naidojf B. D., A Man to Work the Soil: A New Interpretation of Gen 2-3: JStOT 5 (1978) 2-14. 2744 Nüchtern Michael, Sündenerfahrung und Sündenvergebung. Dogmatische [auch Gen. 3 usw.] Fragen zu Bussgebet und Sündenlehre: KerDo 25 (1979) 133-53; summ. angl. 153. 2745 Resplandis Charles, Le fiuit defendu de Genese 2-3, 1977 ---"58s,2831: RJ'!:TRel54 (1979) 156s (D. Lys); NRT 100 (1978) 927s (J.-L. Ska). 2746 Runia S., Werd er in het paradijs gewerkt? Enkele opmerkingen over 'werken' in Genesis 1-3: Schrift 64 (1979) 128-138. 2747 Seethaler P.-A., Kleiner Diskussionsbeitrag zu Gen 3, 1-5: BZ 23 (1979) 85s [contra 'cultum mortis' postea apparentem in Hos 13,12]. 2748 Szabo Andor, 'Numquam retrorsum?' Zur Frage des Protoevangeliums Gen 3,15: Judaica 35 (1979) 120-4. 2749 Tomasic T. M., William of St-Thierry on the Myth of the Fall. A Phenomenology of animus and anima: RTAM 66 (1979) 5-52. 2750 Tucker G. M., The Creation and the Fall: A Reconsideration: LexTQ 13 (1978) 113-24. 2751 Wöller Johann Ulrich, Die verborgent: Logik der Bibel [nexus inter peccatum et mortem]. Eine Auslegung der Urgeschichte. Fra 1979, Haag & H. 191 p. DM 29,80 pa. 0 3-88129-229-2.

F2.3.6 Longaevi, gigantes: Gen 4 ... 2752 L'Hour J., 'Si je savais comment l'atteindre' {Job 23,3; sed de Gn 4; 15; Ex 3 etc.]: Lectures bibliques. P 1978, Centurion. 200 p. F 35. -" 58s, 90*: RNRT 101 (1979) 284s (J.-L. Ska); RB 86 (1979) 474 (R. Tournay). 2753 König M., Harnei B. R., Kain en Abel (Gn 4,1-18): Ter Herkenning 7 (1979) 130-141. 2754 Siniscalco Paolo, Immagini del bene e del male in Ambrogio (De Cain et Abel 1,4s; Expos. euang. sec. Lucam 4,7ss). Appunti per una storia della mentalita nel rv sec. d.C.:---" 149, Fs. G. LAZZATI1979, 458-76. 2755 Vinnikov I. N., IB] The Social Background of the First Fratricide (Gen 4,1-17): PalSb 25/88 (1974) 39-44; summ. 44. 2756 Gruber M. 1., The Tragedy of Cain and Abel: a Case of Depression: JQR 69 (1978s) 89-97. 2757 Fernandez M. A., Temas biblicos en la obra de Ana Maria Matute: su expresi6n y signiiicado [ ... 'Cain-Abel Archetype']. Diss. Univ. of Colorado at Boulder 1979 (dir.: E. Rudat, C. King). [Order No. 7923234]. 320 p. - DissA 40 (l 979s) 2089-A. 2758 Levin S., The More Savory Offering: a Key to the Problem of Gen 4,35: JBL 98 (1979) 85: Abel's meat smells better than Cain's cereals.


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2759 Lurker M., Zur Symbolbedeutung von Hirsch und Geweih unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der altorientalisch-mediterranen Überlieferung: SymbKö 2 (1972) 83-104, 5 Abb. ['die (Symbolbezüge) zu Fruchtbarkeit und Leben, zu Stärke u. Macht, zu Gestirnen u. Licht als Träger der Gottheit ... ']. 2760 Loewenclau I. von, Gen 4,6-7 - eine jahwistische Erweiterung?: ➔ 596, Gö Congress 1977/8, 177-188. 2761 Wöller U., Zu Gen 4,7 [petal) Tür = des Mutterleibes, wie Rasi zu Qohelet]: ZAW 91 (1979) 436. 2762 Schunck K.-D., Henoch und die erste Stadt: eine textkritische Überlegung zu Gen 4,17: Henoch 1 (1979) 161-5. 2763 Houtman C., Enkele overwegingen bij de beschrijving van het levenseinde van Henoch en Aäron in het OT: NedTT 33 (1979) 177-194. 2764 A11derso11 Wm., Treatment of the Pre-Flood Period in the Dyzanti11e Chronographers: diss. Penn. Ph 1979. 2765 Mutius Hans-Georg von, Der Kainiterstammbaum Genesis 4,17-24 in der jüdischen und christlichen Exegese. Von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des Mittelalters nach dem Zeugnis des Don Isaak Ben Jehuda Abravanel. Gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Erforschung d. Josephustextes: (diss. Köln 1977): JudTextSt 7. Hildesheim 1978, Olms. 167-xxxn p. DM 28,80 pa. 0 ~-4X7-066'.fü-0. 2766 Sasson J. M., A Genealogical 'Convention' in Biblical Chronography?: ZAW 90 (1978) 171-85 [vt:ra facta adaptantur ut persunat: t:mint:nlt:s cadant in septimo loco: sie jam Midras Rabbah Lv. (tr. J. Slotki 1969, 377s)]. 2767 Vogel Martin, Onos lyras. Der Esel mit der Laier [Nachkommen Kains Gn 4, 19; Ursprung der Musik]: Orpheus, Schriftenreihe zu Grundfragen der Musik 13s. Dü 1973, Ges. Förd. syst. Musikwiss. 739 p., 190 fig. (ges. Registerband). DM 145. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 496-9 (H. Seidel). 2768 Richard M., Un fragment inedit de S. Hippolyte sur Genese IV, 23: ➔ 246, Fs. A. TURYN1974, 394-400. 2769 Hasel Gerhard F., The Genealogies of Gen 5 and 11 and their Alleged Babylonian Background: AndrUnSS 16 (1978) 361-74. 2770 Pavoncello Nello, La scuola di Shem e di Ever nella tradizione rabbinica [Gn 5,32+]: RivB 27 (1979) 325-9. 2771 Bartelmus Rüdiger, Heroentum in Israel und seiner Umwelt. Eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Gen 6,1-4 und verwandten Texten im AT und der altorientalischen Literatur (diss. Mü 1976): ATANT 65. Z 1979, Theologischer-V. 219 p. Fs 40/DM 44 pa. 0 3-290-12065-1. 2772 Clines D. J. A., Tht: Significance of the 'Sons of God' (Gen 6: 1-4) in the Context of the Primeval History (Gen 1-11) [ ... Motif analysis; Relation to the Flood Narrative]: JStOT 13 (1979) 33-46. 2773 Petersen D. L., Gen 6: 1-4, Yahweh and the Organization of the Cosmos: JStOT 13 (1979) 47-64. 2774 Delcor Mathias, Le mythe de la chute des anges et de l'origine des geants comme explication du mal dans le monde dans l'apocalyptique juive. Histoire des traditions < RHR 189 (1976) 3-53: ➔ 293, Etudes 1979, 263-313.

E2.3.6 Longaevi, gigantes. Genesis 6, 1...


2775 Eslinger L., A Contextual Identification of the bene ha' elohim and benoth ha'adam in Gen 6:1-4: JStOT 13 (1979) 65-73. 2'/'/6 Raymann Acir, 0 casamento entre os filhos de Deus e as filhas dos homens: lgLu 39 (1979) 23-30. 2777 Speyer Wolfgang, Gigant [meist Gn 6,1]:-> 892, RAC 10 (1978) 124776. -> 3394, Refaim Dt 2,11. 2778 Weissmann Chaim B., Giants and Giantism: Jewish Sources of the MS Cotton Vitellius AXY [Beowulf; yetzer ha-rä, and nephflfm]. Diss. Purdue Univ. 1978 (dir. Thomas Ohlgren). 190 p. [Order No. 7821518]. DissA 39 (1978s) 2911-A.

E2.3.7 Diluvium, The Flood. Atral}asis, Gilgames. Gen 6 ... 2 779 Oberforcher Robert, Uer Flutprolog Gen 6,5-7.8. Seine Stellung und Funktion innerhalb der jahwistischen Komposition der Urgeschichte (diss. Innsbruck 1978, dir. A. Gamper): ZKT 100 (1978) 691s. 2780 Iülmer A. D. al., The Flood Myth: An Inquiry into Causes and Circumstances [Interdisciplinary Symposium, organized by the Department of Near Eastern Studies and of Classics at the Univ. of California]. Dcrkelcy 1976. Seven audiu1.:asst:llt:sNu. 335-41. $80 ror $13 each]. ScriptB 10 (1979s) 42 (W. S. E. Watson). 2781 Casalis M., The Dry and the Wet: A Semiologicnl Analysis of Flood & Creation Myths [Gen l-11, Enuma elzs, Atral]asisJ: Sem1otica 17,1 (1976) 35-67. 2782 Lewis J. P., A Study of the Interpretation of Noah and the. Flood in Jewish and Christian Literature [11968 reprint with corrections]. Ld 1978, Bri11.X-199 p. /68. 2783 Mutius H.-G. von, Noah und die Sintflut in den Dichtungen Jehuda ha-Levis: Judaica 35 (1979) 148-53. 2784 Poelman B. S., Biblical Images in Giono's Fiction, 1937-1947, from Batailles dans la montagne to Noe. Diss. Duke Univ. 1978 (dir. T. Cordle). 313 p. 0 7906988. DissA 39 (1978s) 6163A. 2785 Tonsing E. F., The Interpretation of Noah in Early Christian Art and Literature. Diss. Univ. of Califömia, Santa Barbara 1978. 360 p. 0 7916976. - DissA 40 (1979s) 913-A.

2786 Wenham G. J., The Coherence, of the Flood Narrative: VT 28 (1978) 336-48. 2787 Frymer-Kensky Tikva, a) The Atrahasis Epic and lts Significance for Our Understanding of Gen 1-9: BA 40 (1977) 147-55, 2 fig. - b) The Atrahasis Epic, The Genesis Flood nnd Cnpital Punishment [= BA 1977: Gn 1-9]: BSpade 8 (1979) 17-28, 2fig. 2788 Lambert W. G., Millard A. R., Atra-l}asis, the Babylonian Story of the Flood 1969 -> 50,6225: RwzKM68 (1976) 211ss (H. Hirsch). 2789 Wood B. G., The Atrahasis Epic, the Genesis Flood and Capital Punishment [ ... Post-Flood Laws ... Pollution ... ]: BSpade 8 (1979) 17-28, 2 fig. -> 2787. 2790 Afanas'eva V., IB] Gilgamesh, Enkidu, scorpion-man, bull-man etc. in Early Dynastie Glyptic. Moskva 1979, Nauka. 192p. 24Taf.; 174-190 1

14. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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Eng. summ. 2791 Bing J. D., Gilgamesh and Lugalbanda in the Fara Period: JANES 9 (1977) 1-4. 2792 Dijk J. van, a) Cuneiform Texts of Various Contents [ ... i.a. Gilgamesh Dingir Yä dib-ba incantation]: Texts in the lraq Museum 9. Ld 1976, Brill. - b) lsbi' ena, Kindattu, l'homme d'Elam et la chute de la ville d'Ur [textus sum. transcriptus, translatus, notae]: JCS 30 (1978) 189-208, 2 fig. (cuneif.). 2793 Goedewaagen T., Brief an Rudolf Pannwitz über dessen Buch Gilgamesch - Sokrates. Zur symbolischen Deutung des Geschichtlichen: WirkWahrh (1974) 128-80. 2794 Gurney 0. R., Gilgamesh XI 78 [launching the Ark it-tab-ba-lu 'they kept carrying• (the poles forming the runway)]: RAss 73 (1979) 89s. 2795 Mülfer H.-P., CTilg11mesc.hs Trauergesang um Enkidu und die Gattung der Totenklage [Gilg VIII 1,3-2,14; cfr. 2 Sam 1,19-27): ZAss 68 (1978s) 233-50. 2796 Oberhuber Karl Hg. [21 (1903-75) essays on] Das Gilgamesch-Epos: WegFor 215. Da 1977, Wiss. DM 76 (subscr. 49). xxvi-445 p. - BO 36 (1979) 185-8 (B. R. Foster: a reading-adventure). 2797 Roggia Gian Battista, Einleitung zu: Das Gilgamesch-Epos. Sonderdruck aus Das Gilgamesch-Epos, hrsg. von Karl Oberhuber 1977, p. 178-218 < G. B. Roggia, L'epopea di Gilgamesch, Milano 1944. 2798 Ribichini S., Lilith nell'albero Ifu/uppu [sum, gisb11-111 -11p, 11rhornon frugifura in mylhu Gilgumesh Enkidu el Inferi. Lililh, su111.ki.sikil.lfl.la acc. ardat lilf]: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 25-33. 2799 Saporetti C., Alcune considerazioni in margine al Gilgames: EgVO 2 (1979) 85-92. 2800 Weinfeld M., Gen 7: 11; 8,1-2 against the Background of the Ancient Near Eastern Tradition [CTA 4 vn:7 & Gilgamesh Flood Story]: Weltür 9 (1978) 242-48. Arca Noe, Noah's Ark [archaeologice ➔ u141-u145]. 2801 Stichel Rainer, Die Namen Noes, seines Bruders und seiner Frau. Ein Beitrag zum Nachleben jüdischer Überlieferungen in der ausserkanonischen und gnostischen Literatur und in Denkmälern der Kunst. Abh Gö 3/112. Gö 1979, Vandenhoeck & R. 139 p., 10 pl. DM 36. 0 3-525-823916. - RBeiNam 14 (1979) 471s (W. v. Soden). 2802 Custance Arthur C., Noah's Three Sons: Human History in Three Dimensions. Doorway Papers, 1. GR 1975, Zondervan. 368 p. $8.95. 0 0310-22950-2. 2803 Petenon T. V., Ham and Japheth. The Myt.hic World of Whites in the Antebellum South: Amer. Theo!. Libr. Mon. 12. Metuchen NJ 1978, Scarecrow. xm-181 p.

$9. 2804 Cohen H. H., The Drunkenness of Noah. Univ. AL 1978, U. of Alabama Pr. xm-177 p. $8.95. 2805 Kozma Zsolt, IM] The rainbow-sign [Gn 9,3): Reformätus Szemle 1978/3, 219-222. 2806 Anderson B. W., Unity and Diversity in God's Creation. A Study of the Babel Story [Gen 11,1-9): CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 69-81.

E2.3.7 Diluvium. The Flood. Genesis 11,1...


2807 Fokkelman J. P., Narrative Art in Genesis [11,1-9 etc.] 1975 ➔ 57,2180: RTLZ 103 (1978) 340s (J. Ebach). E2.4.l

Genesis 12 ...

2808 Gispen W. H., Genesis II (ll,27 - 25,11): Comm. op hc:t OT. Kampen 1979, Kok. 304 p. f56,50. 2809 Blank Josef, Verändert Interpretation den Glauben? [Gn 12-25 etc.] 1972 ➔ 54,360: RTLZ 103 (1978) 771s (H. Schulz). 2810 Davidson R., Genesis 12-50: Cambridge Com. NEB. C 1979, Univ. xn323 p., 2 maps. f:14.50 (4.94 pa.)/$29.95 (8.95). 0 0-521-212485-3 (l9520-3). - RNBlackfr 60 (1979) 544s (M. Pamment). 2811 Frey Hellmuth, Das Buch des Glaubens 1. Mose Kap. 12-257 : Botschaft des ATs 2. Stu 1978 11950, Calwer. 207 p. 2812 Wagner Norman E., A literary analysis of Genesis 12-36 (diss. Toronto 1965). AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. 2813 Westermann C., Genesis [2. Teilband = Vätergeschichte, Gen 12-50]: BibKom, AT 1,2 Neuk 1977-1979, Neukirchener Verlag. Lfg 11-13 = Einleitung: p.1-162; 12,1-14,18: p.163-240; Lfg14 = 14,18-17,11: p. 241-320; Lfg 1~ = 17,11 - 20,14: p. 321-400.



2814 Abraham, Vater des Glaubens im Judentum, Christentum und Islam [Symposion für Religionslehrer 1978 in der staatlichen Akademie Donaueschingen]: FreibRu 30 (1978) 138-52 [a) Ehrlich E. L., Abraham in der jüd. Tradition: 138-40. - b) Rassoul M., Abraham im Koran: 14043. - c) Renker A., Abraham, Vater des Glaubens: 143-48. - d) Schmogro H., Abraham - Denkmodell des Glaubens: 148-52]. 2815 Abramowitz C., IE] The Trials of Abraham['s Faith]: Dor leDor 8 (l 979s) 127-35. 2816 Bakker W. F., The Sacrifice of Abraham. The Cretan Biblical Drama and Western and Greek Tradition. Birmingham 1978, Centre for Byzantine Studies. 124 p. 2817 Hetz 0., Abraham [im Frühjudentum; im NT]: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 3-7. Bogaert P. M. ed., Abraham dans la Bible et dans la tradition juive 1977/8 ➔ 588. 2818 Braulik Georg, 'Durch dich sollen alle Geschlechter der Erde Segen erlangen'. Vom Segen nach dem AT: BLtg 52 (1979) 172-6. 2819 Calderini 0., 11 nlisf' biblico nell'epoca patriarcale e arcaica: BbbOr 20 (1978) 65-74. 2820 Cole C. D. [radio scripts], Abraham, God's Man of Faith. Ch 1977, Moody. 223 p. $3.95. 2821 Delcor Mathias, La portee chronologique de quelques interpretations du Targoum Neophyti contenues dans le cycle d'Abraham < JStJud 1


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(1970) 105-119: --> 293, Etudes 1979, 429-443. 2823 Ciolka F. W., Die theologischen Erzählungen im Abraham - Kreis: ZAW 90 (1978) 186-95 [adde ad Gn 22,1-10; 18,17-33 (12,1-3; 15,1-6: Westermann) etiam 23s]. 2824 Haelewijck J.-C., Abraham dans l'histoire de la tradition (Gen 15, crit. litt.). Diss. Louvain-la-Neuve 1978 (prom. P. Bogaert). 204 p. 2825 Jeremias Jörg, Theophanie: die Geschichte einer alttestamentlichen Gattung 2 (11965, WMANT 10 --> 47,3201). Neuk 1977. vm-231 p. - Rup 10 (1978) 475 (0. Loretz). 2826 Kozma Zsolt, IMJCircumcision as sign of the covenant: Reformatus Szemle 1978/2, 128-35. 2827 Liverani Mario, Un'ipotesi sul nome di Abramo [partendo dalla II stele di Sethi I (di Beth-Shän): la tribu dei banü-Rahlimi, di cui l'antenato eponimo sarebbe "abu-RahlZmr]: Henoch 1 (1979) 9-18. 2828 McKane William, Studies in the Patriarchal Narratives. E 1979, Handsel. x-262 p. f5.50. 2829 Mas i Ant6 J., La familia patriarcal: Butlleti de l'Associaci6 Biblica de Catalunya 7 (1978) 4-14. 2830 Mesters Carlos, Abraiio e Sara2• Petröpolis 1978, Vozes. 2831 Meyer F. B., Abraham, or The Obedience of Faith. L 1978 [= 1968], Lakcland-MMS. 159 p. 2832 Michaud Robert, I patriarchi, Genesi 12-16 [Les pattiarches: histoire et theologie 1975 --> 58s,b017] tr. P. Giuli; pref. e terza parte (Le storle patriarcali e noi oggi p. 141-150) di A. Bonora: Leggere oggi la Bibbia 1,2. Brescia 1979, Queriniana. 168 p.; bibliog. 153-162. 2834 Modersohn Ernst [Alfred, überarb.], Ein Leben des Glaubens: biblische Betrachtungen über das Leben Abrahams 4 : Ev.-k. Gnadauer Gemeinschaftswerk. B 1977, Ev.-V. 238 p. 2835 -->1991, Oberforcher R., Abraham, Jeremia, Hiob. Typen des von Gott beanspruchten Menschen: BLtg 52 (1979) 183-91. 2836 Pury A. de, La tour de Babel et la vocation d'Abraham. Notes exegetiques [Gen 11-12] (= f:criture et predication, 4): ETRel 53 (1978) 80-97. 2837 Rebic A., Jahwino obecanje zemlje Abrahamu i sklapanje Saveza (Post 15). Jahweh terram Abrahae promisit et foedus cum eo pepigit [Gn 15]: BogSmot 49 (1979) 264-92; summ. 292. 2838 Steinsaltz Adin, Abraham; reflections evoked by the ultimate sacrifice in the tradition of the Midrash: Parabola 3,2 (1978) 32-37. 2839 Taylor Mark C., Joumeys to Moriah [really Abraham's Faith]: Hegel vs. Kierkegaard: HarvTR 70 (1977) 305-26. 2840 'l'hompson T. L., a) The Background to the Patriarchs: A Reply to W. Dever and Malcolm Clark: JStOT 9 (1978) 2-43. - b) The Historicity of the Patriarchat Narratives; the Quest for the Historical Abraham, BZAW 133, 1974--> 55,6588: RRB 85 (1978) 589-618 (A. de Pury); RTPhil 111 (1979) 199s (A. de Pury). 2841 Travltsky A., [IT]Abraham's News abuut the Turah. Bruuklyu 1978. 2842 Tremblay Real, La signification d'Abraham dans l'reuvre d'Irenee de Lyon: AugRom 18 (1978) 435-457. 2843 Van Seters John, Abraham in History and Tradition 1975 -->58s,b043

E2.4.2 Abraham


0-3000-1792-8): RBO 34 (1977) 204s (A. van Seims); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 131s (A. F. Rainey); JNES 39 (1979) 146ss (D. Pardee); JTS 30 (1979) 220-34 (E. W. Nicholson); OLZ 74 (1979) 454ss (G. Pfeifer); RB 85 (1978) 589-618 (A. de Pury). 2844 Vardiman E. E., Alledag in Israel: van de aartsvaders tot de koningen, uitg. ten dienste van de bijbelwerkplaa~s, tr. M. G. Schenk. Amst/Boxtel 1977, Neol. Bijbelgenootschap/Kath. Bijbelstichting. 127 p. ill. fl0.90. 2845 Vivo A. De, Nota ad Ambrogio, 'De Abraham' I 2,4: StPatristMediol 7 (Mi 1976) 233-42. 2846 Zimmerli W., a) Abraham: JNWSemLg 6 (1978) 49-60. - b) 1 Mose 12-25: Abraham: Zürcher Bibelkorn. AT 1,2. 1976 ➔ 58s,2897. - RNRT 101 (1979) 412 (J.-L. Ska); RB 85 (1978) 137ss (F. Langlamet); TGl 68 (1978) 213s (J. Gamberoni); TLZ 104 (1979) 349 (H. Seidel). (0

2847 Aharoni R., [H] Three Similar Stories in Gn [12,10-20; 20; 25,1-11]: Beth Mi]5:ra24 (1978s) 213-223. 2848 Diedrich Friedrich, Zur Literarkritik von Gen 12,1-4a: BibNot 8 (1979) 25-35. 2849 Ruprecht E., Vorgegebene Tradition und theologische Gestaltung in Genesis 12,1-3: VT 29 (1979) 171-88. Exkurs: Ursprung der Landverheissung. 2850 Jenkins A. K., A Great Name: Gen 12:2 and the Editini of the Pentateuch: JStOT 10 (1978) 41-57. 2851 Ruprecht E., Der traditionsgeschichtliche Hintergrund der einzelnen Elemente von Gen 12,2-3 [Verheissung der Volkwerdung, des grossen Namens, des Beistandes, des 'Segen sein' und ' Segen werden'. Doppelschichtig: sinnvoll an Abraham, erfüllt in David-Salomon; beigezogen altorientalische, insbesondere Königstexte]: VT 29 (1979) 444-64. 2852 Eich/er B. L., [H]'Please Say that you Are my Sister'. A New Evaluation of the Use of Nuzi Tablets for Illustration of the Bible [No parallels to Gen 12:3; 20:2, 26:7]: ShnatMi].cr 3 (1978s) 108-15. XIV. 2853 Vogels W., Lot in his Honor Rcstorcd. A Stmctural Analysis of Gn 13,2-18: EglT 10 (1979) 5-12.

E2.4.3 Melchisedech, Genesis 14. 2854 Bagatti Bellarmino, L'origine gerosolimitana della preghiera Supra quae [Abel, Melchisedech] del canone romano: BbbOr 21 (1979) 101-8, fig. 13s. 2855 Buit M. Du, Melchisedech: ➔ 869, Catholicisme 8, f. 37, 1979, 11124.

2856 nefcor Mathfas, Melchizedek from Genesis to the Qumran Texts and the bp1sile to the Hebrews < JStJud 2 (19'/l) 115-135: ➔ 293, f:tudes 1979, 444-464. Freedman D. N., Ebla and the Cities of the Plain [Gn 14, third millennium] 1978 ➔ t442; also M. Dahood ➔ t438; contra, A. Archi ➔ t431.


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2857 Horton F. L. J The Melchizedek Tradition, SocNTStMon 30, 1976: 58s,8269: RHeythJ 20 (1979) 72s (B. McNeil); JBL 96 (1977) 612ss (P. J. Kabelski); JSS 24 (1979) 131s (S. S. Smalley); JTS 29 (1978) 200ss (A. Hanson); KirSef 54 (1979) 638. 2858 Keel 0., Wer zerstörte Sodom?: TZBas 35 (1979) 10-15 [the Sun-God, not a nuclear blast as E. von Däniken]. 2859 Kobelski Paul J., Melchizedek and Melchiresa'; the heavenly prince of light and the prince of darkness in Qumran literature: Diss. Bronx 1978, Fordham Univ. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. v-265 p. 2860 McCullough J. C., Melchizedek's Varied Role in Early Exegetical Tradition: TRevNE 1 (1978) 52-66. 2861 Malamat A., ffil Mari and the Bible3. J 1978, H. Univ. 80 + 82 p. 2862 Peter M., a) Wer sprach den Segen nach Gen 14,19 über Abraham aus? [Redaktionsgeschichte von 14:17-24; Zehntenabgabe; - den Segen sprach (nach J) Bera, 'König' Sodom; Melchisedech von E eingefügt]: VT 29 (1979) 115-120. - b) [B Historical reality in Gn 14: RuBi 29 (1976) 1019. 2863 Petuchowski Jakob J., Melchisedech. Urgestalt der Ökumene. Mit einem Nachwort von F. Mmsner: Veröffr:ntlic.hnngder Stiftun& Oratio Dominien. Fr 1979, Hcrdcr. 111 p, DM 12,80. 0 3-451-18394-3, - RFreihRu 30 (1978) 181s (G. Schelbert); TPQ 127 (1979) 409s (C. Schedl); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 323 (K. J,Vaaijman). 2864 Rodriguez Carmona A., La figura de Melquisedec en la literatura targumica. Estudio de las traducciones targumicas sobrc Melquisedec y su relacion con el NT [I. a Gen 14,18-20 & 1 Cron 1,24; II. a Salmo 110,4]: EstBib 37 (1978) 79-102. . 2865 Ska Jean-Louis, Melchisedech [l. Dans la Bible et tradition juive; 2. Chez les Peres: interpretation christologique et eucharistique]: .... 871, VictSpir 10,66s (1978) 967-72. 2866 U.ffenheimer B., ffil EI Elyon, Creator of Heaven and Earth [Gen 14 & Ug etc.l: ShnatMi).cr 2 (1977) 20-26. xx1v. 2867 Willis G. G., Melchisedech, the Priest of the Most High God: DowR 96 (1978) 267-280.

2868 Klein M. L., A Genizah Fragment of Palestinian Targum to Gen 15: 14: HUCA 49 (1978) 73-87, 2 fig. 2869 Bronner L., Jealousy in Genesis [16,6 etc.] in the Light of Rabbinic Sources: .... 638, OTWerkSuidA 17s (1974s) 1-12. 2870 Liptzin S., Princess Hagar [Gen 16 & 21 in litteratura mundi]: Dor leDor 8 (l 979s) 114-26. 2871 Klein M. L., The Preposition QDM ('Before') a Pseudo-Anti-Anthropomorphism in the Targums ro,Ps-J, N: Oll Gn 17,18; Ex 10,8 al. = et (acc.)]: JTS 30 (1979) 502-07. 2872 Smith M., On the Winc God in Palestinl': (On 18, In 2 and Achilles Tatius): .... 17, Fs. S. BARON1975, 815-29. 2873 Schmidt Ludwig, 'De Deo' (Jona, Gn 18, Job 1): BZAW 143, 1976 ....

E2.4 Genesis 22, Isaac


58s,4259: R JBL 97 (1978) 285s (J. L. Crenshaw); JSS 24 (1979) 280ss (J. W. Rogers); RHPR 59 (1979) 88s (E. Jacob); VT 29 (1979) 373ss (R. E. Clements). 2874 Mil/er W. T., Early Jewish and Christian Hermeneutic of Gn 18,1-16 and 32,23-33: diss. Union Sem. NY 1979. 352 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1552. 2875 Xella P., L'episode de Dnil et Kothar CKTU 1.17 [=CTA 17] v. 1-31 et Gen 18,1-16: VT 28 (1978) 483-88. 2876 Miller W. T., Early Jewish and Christian Hermeneutic of Gen 18,1-16 & 32,23-33. Diss. Union Theol. Sem. NY 1979. 352 p. 0 7919325. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1552-A. 2877 Porter J. R., [Gn 19,30] The Daughters of Lot: Folklor 89,2 (1978) 12741. 2878 Rabinowitz 1., Sarah's Wish (Uen. 21,6-7): VT 29 (1979) 362: my fv/mll 'would that it were told '. 2879 Bovon F., Rouiller G. ed., Exegesis. Problems of Method and Exercises in Reading (Gn 22 and Lk 15 ➔ 399) tr. D. G. Mil/er: PittsbTMon 21. Pittsburgh/E 1978, Pickwick/Clark. x-169 p. $13.95/f:6.95. 20 art. by 6 authors.

2880 Kilian Rudolf, Isaaks Opferung: zur Überlieferungsgcschichtc von Gen 22: Uie Botschaft Gottes AT 8 [= Stn 1970, KRW ➔ 52,1611 ; 57,2310]. Lp 1979, St. Benno. 174 p. 2881 Milgrom Josephine B., Thc Binding of Isaac (the Akedah): A Primary Symbol in Jewish Thought and Art [I. Gen 22, Abraham cycle (conscious suffering of Abraham and Isaac), Israel's election under Moses and mattan Torah . . . III. Extrabiblical expansions of the Akedah . . . and zekhuth 'aboth; IV. Gen Rabbah IV newly translated; V. Akedah as a metaphor for the relationships of the older & younger generations and the paradoxic forces of the universe ... ]. Diss. Berkeley, Graduate Theol. Union 1978 (dir. J. Dillenberger). 337 p. [Order No 7906080]. - DissA 39 (1978s) 5577t\. 2882 Schmitz R.-P., Aqedat Jishaq. Die mittelalterliche jüdische Auslegung von Genesis 22 in ihren Hauptlinien: JudTSt 4. Hildesheim 1979, Olms. 314p. DM48. 2883 White H. C., The Initiation Legend of Isaac [Gn 22]: ZAW 91 (1979) 1-30 [sicut mythus Iphigeniae vel propius Phryxi filii Athamae]. Gn 22 -> 1544, Ricreur P., Ermeneutica filosofica ... biblica 1977. 2884 Naor M., 1B]Comments on [Dt 18,6; Gen 22,13; 48,22]: BethM 24,78 (1978s) 315-20. 2885 Allen C. G., 'On me be the curse, my son' [Rebekah as Saint (Gen 23-29): traditional and feminist hermeneutical considerations]: -> 553, Buss M., Encounter with the Text 1979, 159-72. 2886 Zakovtc Y., IE] The Purpose of Narraiion m Scripture. Conceming the Purchase of Possessions [Gen 23; 33:19; 2 Sam 24; 1 Ki 16:24]: RethM 24,76 (1978s) 5-21.117. 2887 Reviv H., Early Elements and Late Terminology in the Descriptions of


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Non-Israelite Cities in the Bible [Gen 23; 34; Jdg 8; 9]: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 189-96. 2888 Melugin R. F., [J.] Muilenburg, Form Criticism, and Theological Exegesis [ ... and the Limits of Rhetorical Criticism; Gen 24]: --> 553, Buss M., Encounter with the Text 1979, 91-100. 2889 Dörrie H., Das fünffach gestufte Mysterium. Der Aufstieg der Seele bei Porphyrios und Ambrosius [ ... Exegese von Gen 24 und 26]: StTextAnt 8 (Mü, Fink 1976) 474-90.

E2.4.4 Foedus; The Covenant.

2890 A/Ji(uv S., 1H]The Alliance Oath of the Canaanite Vassals to the Pharaoh [to him personally when he was campaigning in Canaan; normally to his deputies; srjfHryt & w,IJformula]: --> 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 55-60. 2891 Albrektson B., Mitt folk, min utkorade: --> 276, Kapitlet om Jehu ... 1979, 37-52. 2892 Anbar (Bernstein) M., 1H]Abrahamic Covenant, Gn 15: ShnatonMikr 3 (1978s) 34-52; VII, Eng. Summ. 2893 Bright J., Covcnant and Promise, Understanding the Future in Pre-Exilic Israel 1976 --> 58s,3799*: RßibTB 8 (1978) 132s (J. F. Craghan); Interpr 32 (1978) 306-09 (P. D. Hanson);JBL 97 (1978) 582s (C. E. L'Heureux); JTS 29 (1978) 168s (E. W. Nicholson); Sal 41 (1979) 172s (A. Strus); ScolJT 31 (1978) 87ss (R. P. Carroll); ScriptB 9 (1978s) 21 (H. F. G. Swanston); TLond 81 (1978) 139s (F. W. Golka). 2894 Buis Pierre, La notion d'alliance dans l'AT: LD 88, 1976 -->58s,7876*: RRHPR 59 (1979) 82-4 (E. Jacob: fondamental); RTPhil 110 (1978) 305s (R. Martin-Achard). 2895 Ellison Henry L., Fathers of the Covenant. Some Great Chapters in Genesis and Exodus. Exeter 1978, Paternoster. 128 p. !1.90. - RVidJyo 43 (1979) 235 (P. M. Meagher). 2896 Fasching H., Gelobtes Land. Begegnungen mit Israel. Innsbruck 1978, Tyrolia. 192p. 108pl. Sch. 480. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 410 (S. Stahr). 2897 Giussani Luigi, L'Alleanza. Volume uno dagli Esercizi Spirituali: Gia e non ancora 40. Mi 1979, Jaca. 132 p. Lit. 3.500. 2898 Grass Walter, Bundeszeichen und Bundesschluss in der Priesterschrift: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 98-115. 2899 Hagen K., En metemarks testamente: Luther om 'testament' og 'pakt' inntil 1525, tr. T. Rasmussen: NorTTs 80 (1979) 239-51. 2900 Klappert Bertold, Promissio und Rund. Gesetz und Evangelium bei Luther und Barth: ForSystÖkT, 34. Gö 1976, VR. 296 p. DM 36. - RNRT 100 (1978) 604 (J.-L. Ska); Sal 40 (1978) 173 (A. Amato). 2901 Kleinwefers A., Das Problem der Erwählung bei Richard Beer-Hofmann [1866-1945] [bibliogr. operum. 81-99]: JudTextSt 1 (Hildesheim/NY 1972, Olms). xr-99 p. 2902 Kutsch Ernst, Verheissung und Gesetz ... sog. 'Bund' im AT: BZAW 131, 1973--> 54,4965 [non in Ind.]; 55,4837: RQLZ 73 (1973) 358s (H.-J.

E2.4.4 Foedus - The Covenant (Gen 15...)


Zobel); RTPhil 110 (1978) 299-302 (R. Martin-Achard); TLZ 104 (1979) 572s (W. Bernhardt). 2903 Lux R., Die Väterverheissungen. Literarische, soziologische und religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Verheissungen von Nachkommenschaft und Landbesitz an die Erzväter in Israel: diss. Lp 1977. 255 p.; f. 256-366. 2904 McCarthy Dennis J., Treaty and Covenant: A Study in Form in the Ancient Oriental Documents and in the Old Testament, 2completely rewritten. AnBib 21a ['1963 -> 45,1907]. Rome 1978, Pontifical Biblical Institute. XVI-368p. Lit. 14.400/$18 pa. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 140s (J. D. Levenson); JTS 30 (1979) 518-21 (H. W. F. Saggs); NRT 101 (1979) 412ss (.T.-L.Ska); ScotTT 32 (1979) 181s (W. Johnstone). 2905 Marböck Johannes, Bund und Gemeinde: BLtg 52 (1979) 112-120. 2906 Martin-Achard R., Trois ouvrages sw- l'alliance dans l'AT [E. Kutsch, BZAW 131; L. Perlitt, WissMonANT 36; P. Buis, LectDiv. 88 (1976)]: RTPhil 110 (1978) 299-306. 2907 Mendenhall G. E., 25 Years Ago: Covenant Forms in Israelite Tradition: BA 42 (1979) 189-90. 2908 Most William CT.,Covenant and redemption. [Slough 1975], St Paul. 122p. 2909 Niemczyk J. B., [fl Poczet 'Nasladowc6w Hoga' w S'fcle [Die Schar der 'Nachfolger Gottes' im AT]: RoczT, ChrzAkT 1962, 135-55; 1963, 191214. 2910 Perez Fermindez M., EI tema mesiänico en el Targum Palestinense: Estudios exegeticos [de TgP Gen 3,14-15; 49,1.8-12.16-18; Ex 12,42; Nu 23 - 24]. Tesis Univ. Complutense 1975: RRUnComplut 24.100 - II (1975) 89. 2911 Perlitt Lothar, Bundestheologie im AT 1969 -> 52,4100: RRTPhil 110 (1978) 302-05 (R. Martin-Achard). 2912 Petersen D. L. [Gn 15,7-21]: Historica/-Critica/ Exegesis andlor Structura/ Exegesis [applied to 'Covenant Ritual' and 'Sacrifice • in the OT]: BibRes 22 (1977). 62 p. [ ... a) Petersen D. L., Covenant Ritual: A Traditio-Historical Perspective (... Gen 15,7-21, and treaties of Alalakh, Mari, Hittites ... ): 7-18. - b) Collins J. J., The Meaning of Sacrifice: A Contrast of Methods: 19-34. - c) Response by D. L. Petersen: 35-37. d) Crossan J. D., Perspectives and Methods in Contemporary Biblical Criticism. (Six Propositions): 39-49 ... ]. 2913 Polk F., 1H]Not as one complaining of injustice: Structural and thematic study of the 'Covenant of the Pieces' Gn 15: -> 154, Fs. S. LoEWENSTAMM 1977S, 310-327. 2914 Rokeah David, 1H] The 'Election of Israel' in the Pagan-Christian Polemic of the Roman Empire: Tarbiz 48 (1978s) 215-221; III summ. 2915 Seebass H., Noch einmal b/J,r im alttestamentlichen Schrifttum: ZAW 90 (1978) 105s [de 89 (1977) 20-42, R. B. Shafer de ThAT, ThWAT]. 2916 Sheriffs D. C. T., The Phrases ina IGI DN and Lipeney Yhwh in Treaty and Covenant Contexts: JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 55-68. 2917 Suganuma E., QJ Abraham Covenant Tradition in the OT (i.e. Jahwistic promise of 'land-possession' in Gen 15,7-12.17-21; Elohistic Key-


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word zera' in Gen 15,1-6.13-16, cfr. Hosea 2,16-17 & Jos 24,3): Journal of the College of Dairying 8,1 (Nopporo, Hokkaido 1979) 47-61. Tellenbach H. Hg. Das Vaterbild in Mythos und Geschichte 1976 -->540; 58s,c800. 2918 Tomic Celestin [Patriarchae Israel], Praoci Izraela, Knjiga Postanka, glava [Gn] 12-50. Zagreb, 1978. 232 p. 2919 Vogels Walter, God's Universal Covenant: A Biblical Study. Ottawa 1979, Saint Paul University / University of Ottawa Press. xv1-150p. [The Primitive Universal Convenant; The Place of Nations in the Historical Covenant with Israel; Parallel Covenants with Nations; The New universal Covenants.] 2920 Westermann Claus, Die Verheissungen an die Väter, FRLANT 116, 1976 -->57,2192; 58s,2893c: RcBQ 41 (1979) 147s (R. R. Wilson); TLZ 104 (1979) 646ss (S. Hermann); 'l'R 74 (1978) 189ss (.F. Diedrich); TZ.Bas 34 (1978) 357s (H. J. Stoebe). 2921 Zuber Beat, Vier Studien an den Ursprüngen Israels 1976--> 58s,b068. RTLZ 104 (1979) 427ss (W. Thiel). E'..l.4.!> Uenes1s 2:J ... Jacob.

2922 Gammie J. 0., Theological Interpretation by Way of Literary aml Tradition Analysis: Gn 25-36: ➔ 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 117-134. 2923 Krinetzki Günter [Kettler Walter], Jakob und wir: exegetische und motivgeschichtliche Beobachtungen zu den wichtigsten Texten der Jakobsgeschichte: Schlüssel zur Bibel. Rg 1979, Pustet. 109p. DM 12,80. 0 37917-0590-3. [Gen 25,21-26a; 25,29-34; 28,10-22; 32,23-33; 33]. RFreibRu 31 (1979) 113s (W. Trutwin). 2924 Otto Eckart, Jakob in Sichern: Überlieferungsgeschichtliche, archäologische und territorialgeschichtliche Studien zw· Entstehw1gsgeschichte Israels [Gen 25; 27-33; 35 überlieferungsgeschichtlich; Historische Analyse (zur Sesshaftwerdung der) Jakobsippe (... Sichern, Feld VI (Exkurs Tananir-Tempel am Garizim; Gen 34); Geschichte der Lea-Stämme (Gen 34; 35; 49); Merenpta-Stele 26-28); Das Heiligtum von Sich.cm in vorstaatlicher Zeit)]: BWANT 110. Stu 1979, Kohlhammer. 319 p. [23 Abb. zu p. 297-319: Bibliog. p. 261-89]. DM 69. 0 3-17-005272-1. - RTZBas 35 (1979) 367s (H. Weippert). 2925 Patrick D., Political Exegesis [Its Justification, Guidelines and TwoModel Practice: Liberation Theology and Family Theology - applied to Jacob and Exodus Narratives]: -->553, Buss M., Encounter with the Text 1979, 139-152. 2926 Roth W. M. W., The Text is the Medium. An Interpretation of the Jacob Stories in Genesis: ➔ 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 103-115. 2927 Rov Y., 1H]The Law of Jacob: Moriah 8 (1978) 100s. 2928 Thompson T. L., Conflict Themes in the Jacob Narratives: Semeia 15 (1979) 5-26. 2929 Zakowic Y., 1H]The Tendenz of Stories Regnrding Land Purchnse in the Bible: BethMikra 24 (1978s) 17-21 (to justify Israel's conquest; Gn 26,12).

E2.4.7 Genesis 25 ... Jacob


2930 Farmer K. A., The Trickster Genre in the OT [Gn 27; 30; Jacob; Samson]. Diss. Southem Methodist University 1978. 161 p. 0 7815884. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1647A. 2931 a) Pury A. de, Promesse divine et legende cultuelle dans le cycle de Jacob Gen 28 ... 1975 --> 57,2318; 58s,2933: RorAnt 18 (1979) 357-362 (C. Grottanelli); RB 84 (1977) 425-38 (F. Langlamet); RSO 53 (1979) 415-20 (J. A. Soggin); TLZ 104 (1979) 331-8 (C. Barth); WeltOr 10 (1979) 127-31 (H. Haag). - b) Barth C., Jacob a Bethel [Gn 28,10-22). Un nouvel ouvrage sur la tradition patriarcale [d'A. de Pury, 1975): RTPhil 110 (1978) 291-98. - c) Barth Christoph, Jakob in Bethel - ein neues Buch zur Vätertradition [Pury A. de 1975]: TLZ 104 (1979) 331-8. - d) Pury A. de, Jakob am Jabbok, Gen 32,23-33 im Licht einer altirischen Erzählung [Cuchulainn; und Barthes, Greimas, Propp): TZBas 3Y (19'/9) 18-34.

Barth H., Steck 0. H., Exegese des ATs. Leitfaden der Methodik. Gn 28,120, 1979 --> 2091, p. 115-145. 2932 0/iva M., Jacob en Betel: Vision y voto (Gn 28,10-22). Estudio sobre la fuente E: Inst. S. Jer6nimo 3. Valencia 1975. 148 p. - RSBFLA 29 (1979) 350ss (G. Bissoli). 2933 Serra A., La visione della scala di Giacobbe nella tradizione giudaica dai LXX fino al secolo IV dopo Cristo (Gen. 28) - Contributi dell'antica letteratura giudaica per l'esegesi di Giovanni 2,1-12 e 19,25-27 (R 1977, Herder) 267-89 [+ 260-266 11 sogno della scala di Uiacobbe nell'ATJ.

E2.4.6 Genesis 31 ... mal' ak, Angel. 2934 [Gn 32,23-33] Couffignal R., La luttc avcc l'angc ... sa fortunc littcrairc 1977 -> 58s,2942: RETRel 54 (1979) 158 (D. Lys); NRT 100 (1978) 928 (J.-L. Ska). 2935 Hentschel G., Jakobs Kampf am Jabbok (Gen 32,23-33) - eine genuin israelitische Tradition'!: --> 70, Ernst W., Dienst der Vermittlung ErfurtFs 1977, 13-37. 2936 Rasmussen T., Luther om Jakobs kamp ved Jabbok [32,23-33): NorTTs 79 (1978) 151-70. 2937 Schmidt Ludwig, Der Kampf Jakobs am Jabbok (Gen 32,23-33): TViat 14 (1977s) 125-43. 2938 Waskou Arthur J., Godwrestling. NY 1978, Schocken. 199 p. $9.95. 2939 Cunchillos J. L., Cuando los angeles eran dioses: Bibliotheca Salmanticensis, XIV, Estudios 12. Salamanca 1976, Univ. Pontificia. 197 p. RcBQ 40 (1978) 236s (A. F. Fitzgerald); .TBL98 (1979) 289 (1. Mihalik); Orientalia 48 (1979) 288 (M. Dahood); RivB 26 (1978) 423-27 (A. Penna); UF 10 (1978) 467 (J. Sanmartin). 2940 Graham B., Anicls: God's Sccrct Aicnts. L 1976, Hoddcr & S. 215 p. fl.95. - 1 57,7826; 58s,c169: RQLZ 74 (1979) 531s (H. Brunner); WZKM 69 (1977) l 19ss (P. Derchain). 2943 Wilson J. M., Angel: --> 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 124-7.

2944 Strus Andrzcj, Etymologies des noms propres dans Gen. 29,32 - 30,24: Valeurs litteraires et fonctionnelles: Salesianum 40 (1978) 57-72. 2945 Richter H.-F. 'Auf den Knien eines andern gebären'? [= in favorem utenj Zur Deutung von Gen 30,3 und 50,23: ZAW 91 (1979) 436s. 2946 Brenner A., IE] 'atüpfm [monochrome] and qissürfm [= 'QD polychrome] (Gn 30,41): Beth Mikra 42 (1978) 77-80, Engl. summ. 141. 2947 Loewenstamm S. E., änokf alJ,attenna [Gn 31,39: G. Loretz ZAW 87 (1975) 207fl; ZAW 90 (1978) 410. 2948 Vater A. M., The Rhythm of Communication in the Hermeneutical Process: Musical Analogies for the Impact· of Biblical Prose Rhythms [in Gen 32-33; 38, 25-26]: - 553, Buss M., Encounter with the Text 1979, 133-187. 2949 Roth W., Structural Interpretations of 'Jacob at the Jabbok' (Gen 32:22-32): BibRes 22 (1979) 51-62. 2950 DielnerB., Das Interesse der Überlieferung an Gen 32,23-33 [ ... Datierung verschiedener Stufen der Überlieferung ... ] : DielheimerBlätterAT 13 (1978) 14-52. 2951 West S. A., IE] The Rape of Dinah and the Conquest of Shechem (Gen 34): Dor lcDor 8 (1979s) 144-56. 2952 Shaanan J., IE] And his father called him BenjamiM [Gn 35,18 original and correct: 'for a long life']: Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 106. 2953 Lemaire A., Les Bene Jacob. Essai d'interpretation d'une tradition patriarc.ale: RB 85 (1978) 321-37. 2954 Brin Gershon, IE] The Birthright of the Sons of Jacob: Tarbiz 48 (1978s) 1-8; summ.l. 2955 Miscall P. D., The Jacob and Joseph Stories as Analogies: JStOT 6 (1978) 28-40. 2956 Womack D. A., Twelve Signs, Twelve Sons: Astrology in the Bible. SF c1978, Harper & R. xr-158 p.; --> 2695. 2957 Zinn Grover A. tr., RICHARDOF ST. VICTOR,The Twelve Patriarchs. The Mystical Ark, Rook Three of the Trinity: Classics of Western Spirituality. NY1979, Paulist Press. xvm+425p. $7.95pa.

E'.l.4.'I CJenests·11 ... Joseph.

2958 Burchard Christoph, Joseph und Aseneth 25-29 armenisch: JStJud 10 (1979) 1-10.

E2.4.7 Genesis 37 ... Joseph


2959 Caine Ivan, Numbers in the Joseph Narrative: ➔ 401, R. Brauner, Jewish Civilization 1979. 2960 Coats G, W., From Canaan to Egypt. Structural and Theological Context of the Joseph Story, CBQMon 4, 1976 ➔ 57,2327; 58s,2952: RBASOR 229 (1978) 80 (J. W. Flanagan); RB 85 (1978) 142-5 (F. Langlamet); SvTKv 55 (1979) 24s (T. N. D. Mettinger). 2961 Donner H., Die literarische Gestalt der alttestamentlichen Josephsgeschichte, Sitzb. Heid. 1976/2 ➔ 58s,2953: RRB 85 (1978) 141s (F. Langlamet). 2962 Ebied R. Y., Young M., The Story of Joseph in Arabic Verse 1975 ➔ 58s,2079. - RJSS 24 (1979) 140s (N. A. Stil/man); OLZ 74 (1979) 565s (A. Beeston: severe). 2963 Gevirtz S., The Life Spans of Joseph and Enoch and the Parallelism 1tb' ataytm-1ib'fm wlJ§ib'll,h: JBL 96 (1977) 570s. 2964 King J. R., A Pattern for Making a Healthy Existence: an Interdisciplinary Examination of the Biblical Story of Joseph: Florida State diss. Tallahassee 1977. ix-267 p. 2965 Loader J. A., Chokhma-Joseph-Hybris: ➔ 638, OTWerkSuidA 17s (1974s) 21-31. 2966 Meinhold A., Die Diasporanovelle: eine alttest. Gattung. Diss. Greifswald 1971. 195 p. 2967 Michaud R., L'histoire de Joseph, le Makirite 1976 ➔ 58s,2959: RcBQ 40 (1978) 250s (P. D. Miscall); ETRel 54 (1979) 159s (D. Lys); Etudes 346 (1977) 860 (H. Holstein); Sal 40 (1978) 963s (A. Strus). 2968 Sänger Dieter, a) Bekehrung und Exodus. Zum jüdischen Traditionshintergrund von 'Joseph und Aseneth': JStJud 10 (1979) 11-36. - b) Metanoia und Mysterium. Untersuchungen zum religions- und traditionsgeschichtlichen Ort von 'Joseph und Aseneth': Diss. Heidelberg 1979. 2969 Mussies Gerard, The Interpretatio Judaica of Sarapis [=Joseph: Tertullian, Apology 2,8]: ➔ 761, Studies in Hellenistic Religions, EPROER 78, 1979, 189-214. 29'/0 Seebass Horst, Geschichtliche Zeit und theonome Tradition in der Joseph-Erzählung. Gü 1978, Mohn. 152 p. DM 48 pa. 0 3-579-04082-0. RzAw 91 (1979) 473 ,.(G. Fahrer). 2971 Slingerland H. D., The Testament of Joseph: a Redaction-Critical Study: JBL 96 (1977) 507-16. 2972 Toker N., [!!] The Artistry of Obscuring and Indicating in the Story of Joseph and his Brothers: BethMikra 24,77 (1978s) 170-180. 2973 Williams J. G., Number Symbolism and Joseph as Symbol of Completion: JHL 98 (1979) 86s. 2974 Willi-Plein 1., Historiographische Aspekte der .Tosefsieschichte: Henoch 1 (1979) 305-31. 2975 Melchin Kenneth R., Literary Sources in the Joseph Story [Gn 37; 44s]: SciEspr 31 (1979) 93-101. 2976 Grottanellt C., Giuseppe nel pozzo, I. Un antlco tema mltico in Gen 37:12-24 ein ~(g)V(eda) T 105: OrAnt 17 (1978) 107-22. 2977 Lipinski E. [Gn 37,17] Ditanu [in nominibus 'amoriticis'; in RS cete24.222: Dtn nomen et tribus et eponymi, attende me-dDi-ta-an;

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[VI. Libri historici VT

roquin sumer. Ti-id-nu, Ti-da-num et sim.; territorium eius fere . idem ac Mardu vel Amurru; di-ta-nu etiam animal designat, probabilius 'a gazelle or antilope': symbolicum dei Amurru et 'totem' tribüs Dtn. Est animal fortissimum; cfr. Dätän n. pers. et Dotän n. loc. Scripturae]: -> 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 91-110. 2978 Emerton J. A., Judah and Tarnar [Gn 38 < congress J 1973, Ox 1973): VT 29 (1979) 403-15. [ ... first circulated among Canaanites living alongside members of the tribe of Judah in the region near Adullam ... ). 2979 Niditch Susan: The Wronged Woman Righted: an Analysis of Gn 38: HarvTR 72 (1979) 143-9. 2980 Robinson 1., bepetalJ'enayim in Genesis 38,14: JBL 96 (1977) 569. 2981 Jacobson H., A Legal Note on Potiphar's Wife [Gn 39,10-18): HarvTR 69 (1976) 177. 2982 Sperling S. David, Gt:m:sis 41,10: A New Interpretation ['all my people shall sit at your command']: JANES 10 (1978) 113-9. 2983 Herrmann W., Mercatores mandatu missi. Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Einheiten 'Funf' und 'Zehn' in der kanonischen und deuterokanonischen Literatur des AT: ZAW 91 (1979) 329-38 [Gen 42; Jdc 16-18; l Sam 25,2-42 'altor. Handelskörperschaft'). 2984 Paruzel H., Jurformuloi en Egiptio [like Gn 42,15): BRevuo 15 (1979) 31s. 2985 Mt1rtinez Borobio F.., F.1 Midras de Neofiti, Gen 44,18. Dos versiones diferentes de una hagada: EstBib 35 (1976) 79-86. 2986 Aberbach Moses, Grossfeld Bemard, Targum Onqelos on Genesis 49, SBL AramST 1, 1976 ➔ 58s,1196: RJStOT 8 (1978) 61-64 (B. Chilton); RB 86 (1979) 147s (M. Berder); TLZ 104 (1979) 38 (K.-H. Bernhardt). 2987 Beylot R. ed., Commentaire ethiopien sur les Benedictions de Mo'ise et de Jacob: CSCO 410s, aeth. 73s. Lv 1979. 17 p. text., ix-21 p. tr. gall. 2988 Cortes Enric, Los discursos de adi6s de Gen. 49 a Jn 13-17, 1976 ➔ 57,2338*; 58s,667: RBbbOr 20 (1978) 76 (F. Lu[ciani]); BibTB 9 (1979) 41s (L. Sabourin); CBQ 40 (1978) 262ss (A. P. Spilly); JBL 97 (1978) 309s (P. J. Cahill); C'uBib 34 (1977) 310ss (B. Celada); KirSef 54 (1979) 423; RB 85 (1978) 634s (F. Garcia). [Gn 49) Cross F., Freedman D., Studies in ~ient Yahwistic Poetry 1975 ➔ 3132; 57,2157. 2989 Kuboth J., Signifo de la vorto Silöh en Gen 49,10 [personally messianic] : BRevuo 15 ( 1979) 24-30. 2990 a) Gil'ad H., I!!] mispatfm (Gen 49:44; Jdc 5:19; Ps 65:11) [< SPH 'grazing place': higher spots in the grazing area serving as observation posts over the flock; for settlement-geographical reasons referring to Reuben & Issachar]: BethM 24,76 (1978s) 33-44; angl.: 119s. - b) Delcor M., mispetayim (Jdc 5,16; Gen 49,14) < spt 'placer', Ug. tpd: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 119s. ➔ 3524. E3

Exodus .1 Textus, commentarii.

2991 Auzou G., Dalla servitu al servizio; il libro dell'Esodo [-> 42,872; hisp. 52,1683] tr. G. Mantegazza, (testo bib.) G. Fornasari: LetPastB. Bo 1975,

E3 Exodus .1 Textus, commentarii


Dehoniane. 309 p. 2992 Boschi Bemardo G., Esodo, introd., note: Nuovissima versione 2. R 1978, Paoline. 327 p. 2993 Childs B. S., The Book of Exodus: OTLibrary 1974 ➔ 56,1860. - Rßz 22 (1978) 142s (M. Görg); TsTKi 50 (1979) 297ss (M. Saeb0). 2994 Dalglish E. R., The Great Deliverance. A Concise Exposition of the Book of Exodus. Nv 1977, Broadman. 140 p. $2.50. 2995 Davidovitz, T. 1B]A. Ibn-Ezra's two commentaries on Exodus - a comparative study. Ramat-Gan 1978s. vn-278 p., 5 pl. - KirSef 54 (1979) 421. 2996 Dobson John H., A Guide to the Book of Exodus 1977 --> 58s,2993 (also Valley Forge PA, Judson, $5.95). - RscotJT 32 (1979) 183 (R. P. Carroll); ScriptB 9 (1978s) 21 (H. F. G. Swanston). 2997 Fensham P. C., Exodus: PtedikOT (IJ 970) 1977 ➔ 58s,2995. - R JStOT 12 (1979) 74ss (J. G. McConville). 2998 Fields Wilbur, Exploring Exodus (ASV): Bible study textbook series. Joplin, Mo. 1976, College Press. x-820 p., ill. 2999 Gispen W. H., Het boek Exodus: Korte Verklaring. Kampen 1976 11950, Kok. 164 p. 3000 Huey F. B. J, Exodus, a Study Guide Commentary. GR 1977, Zondervan. 142 p. $2.50. 3001 Knight George A. F., Theology as Narration. A Commentary on the Book of Exodus 1976 ➔ 58s,2998 (0 0-905312-01-5): RcalvTJ 14 (1979) 95ss (M. H. Woudstra); CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 249 (J. E. Rybolt); Interpr 32 (1978) 303-06 (E. Achterneier); PrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 176s (T. W. Mann); ScotJT 31 (1978) 486ss (R. P. Carroll). 3002 Kolmosh Y. 1B]Targum Neofiti in Ex: ➔ 629, Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies 1976s, 183-9. 3003 Koster M. D., The Peshitta of Exodus: The Development of its Text in the Course of Fifteen Centuries: StSemNeer, 19, 1977 ➔ 58s,1408 cf. 1401: RCBQ 40 (1978) 605ss (K. J. O'Connell); JTS 29 (1978) 549ss (S. Brack); RZAW 90 (1978) 144 (G. Fohrer). 3004 Le Deaut Roger (Robert Jacques), Targum du Pentateuque II, Exode et Levitique, tr. introd., notes: Sources chretiennes, 256. P 1979, Cerf. 540 p .. F 245. 0 2-204-01378-1. - RETRel 54 (1979) 699s (M. Bouttier). 3005 Liber Exodus. Liber Iosue. Liber Esther: Pontificia Commissio pro Nova Vulgata. Vaticano 1976. 128 p. ➔ 58s,1322. 3006 Mar~iv Avraham, 1B]Sefer Shemot meforash, Exodus commentary, Samaritan text. Holon 1977. 158 p. 3007 Meyer Frederick B. (1847-1929), Devotional Commentary on Exodus. GR 1978, Kregel [= L, Purnell]. 476 p. $9.95 °0-8254-3225-1. 3008 Michaeli F., Le Livre de l'Exode: ComAT 2, 1974 ➔ 56,1863: RCßQ 40 (1978) 609ss (M. D. Guiman). 3009 Noth Martin, Esodo tr. com.: AT 5, 1977 ➔ 58s,3001: CC 130 (1979,1) 196s (R. Scibona). 3010 Sabar Yona, Pesat wa-yehf besallal}. A Neo-Aramaic Midrash on ßesallal}.(Exodus) 1976 ➔ 58s,9927: RWeltOr 10 (1979) 143 (R. Degen). 3011 Schmid Rudolf, Mit Gott auf dem Weg: Ex Lv Num: Stuttgarter Kl.


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Korn. AT 3, 1977 ➔ 58s,2987: - RTPQ 127 (1979) 72s (J. Marböck). 3012 Singer K. H., Hebräisch-deutsche Präparation zu Exodus. Marburg 1975, Ök.-V. R.-F. Edel. 154 p. 3014 Watts J. W., A Distinctive Translation of Exodus with an Interpretative Outline. South Pasadena CA 1977, Jameson. xv-156 p. $5.95. 3015 Weimar Peter, Zenger Erich, Exodus, Geschichten und Geschichte der Befreiung Israels, SBS 75, 1975 ---> 56,1867: REstAgust 10 (1975) 31 ls (C. Mietgo); TLZ 103 (1978) 255s (E. Osswald); TsTKi 50 (1979) 299s (M. Saeh@); ZAW 87 (1975) 408 (G. Fahrer). . 3016 Zenger Erich, a) Das Buch Exodus: Geistliche Schriftlesung 7, Dü 1978, Patmos. 290 p. [Lp St. Benno M 6.30] - b) Der Gott der Bibel: Sachbuch zu den Anfängen der alttestamentlichen Gottesglaubens [Jahwe; Ex ex Aeg.; Kathexis.]. Stu 1979, KBW. 159 p., 111.DM 35.

E3.2 Exodus, Themata.

3017 Afing Charles F, Th~ Sphinx St~le of Thutmose IV and the Date of the Exodus: JEvTS 22 ( 1979) 97-101 : not thc stela, but indications that Thutmose may have had older brolhers, mighl liuk. them with Ex 12,29 firstborn-slaying; thus the Exodus pharaoh would be their father Amenhotcp II c.1445. 3018 ßimson John J, Rfäfating the Exodus and Conquest: .TStOT Supp. 5. Sheffield 1978, Univ. 351 p. 2 maps. :E?.45 / $15 (pa. f4.95/$10). - RETRel 54 (1979) 1.38s (D. Lys); OTAbs 2 (1979) 94. 3019 Coats G. W., The Sea Tradition in the Wilderness Theme, a Review: JStOT 12 (1979) 2-9. 3020 Drews Hermann, Die Zeichenprobe. Ein literarisches Schema, seine Herkunft und Verwendung in den erzählenden Texten des ATs: diss. Gö 1978, 181 p. 3021 Engel Helmut, Die Siegesstele des Merenptal_l.Kritischer Überblick über die verschiedenen Versuche historischer Auswertung des Schlussabschnittes [insbes. Z. 27, auf die Exodus-Problematik]: Biblica 60 (1979) 373-99. 3022 Friedlander A. H., Die Exodus-Tradition. Geschichte und Heilsgeschichte aus jüdischer Sicht: Henrix H. H. ed., Exodus und Kreuz im ökumenischen Dialog zwischen Juden und Christen [Aachen 1978, Einhard] 30-44. 3023 Gaylor V. L., The Origins of Freedom in Mediterranean Antiquity: a Comparative study of political symbolism obtaining in the Exodus of Israel and in the Solonic reform in Athens: diss. Baton Rouge 1977, Louisiana State Univ. vm-368 p. 3024 Gillette R., [I.] Velikovsky [on Exodus]: A(merican) A(ssociation for the) A(dvancement of) S(cience) Forum for a Mild Collision: Science 183 (1974) 1059-62; cf. ---> 773. 3025 Haran M., IE] The Historical Framework of the Exodus. Data and Suggestions [Ramses II; at a time when Edom & Moab were still in a stage of transition ... ; possibly at the decline of the 18th dyn. or in the tran-

E3.2 Exodus, Themata


sition to the 19th dyn.]: ➔ 154, Fs. s. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 153-169; 195s. 3026 Helewa G., Esodo: ➔ 871, Diz. Spir. 1975: 1, 712-8. 3027 Herrmann Siegfried, Israel in Egypt L 1973 ➔ 55,6569; 56,7071: - RETRel 54 (1979) 138 (D. Lys). 3028 Konzelmann J., Aufbruch der Hebräer: der Ursprung des biblischen Volkes. Mü 1976, Desch. 223 p., 26 fig., 6 maps. [➔ 58s,b005; KirSef 54 (1979) 225]; Hamburg-Reinbek 1978, Rowohlt (Rororo 7175) 184p. DM 5,80. 3029 Kratz Reinhard, Rettungsww1der: motiv-, traditions- und formkritische Aufarbeitung einer biblischen Gattung (Diss. Fra 1978): EurHSS 23/123. Fra 1979, Lang. xi-559 p. Fs 83 pa 0 3-8204-6546-4. 3030 Luyster R., Myth and History in the Book of Exodus: Religion 8 (1978) 155-70. 3031 Lapermque Marcel, De l'Egypte ancienne a la Bible [symbolismes]. P 1977, Lauzeray. 154 p. 3032 Mettinger T. N. D., Exodus, drak-kamp als historisk beroendeforskning [og S. Norin, Er spaltete das Meer: Die Auszugsüberlieferung in Psalmen und Kult des alten Israel: ConBihOT 9 (1975) ➔ 58s,3568]: SvEx 43 (1978) 87-97. Navone John, Towards a Theology of Story [Exodus, etc.] 1977 ➔ 5347. 3033 Osborn N. D., Translation Problems in the Book of Exodus and their lmplications for Dynamic Equivalent Translation of the OT [esp.] into English and [Philippines] Ilokano: diss. Vanderbilt 1978, dir. J. L. Crenshaw. Nv 1979. 517 p. 0 7909282. - DissA 38 (1979s) 6820s-A. 3034 Plastaras James, 11 Dio dell'Esodo. La teologia dei racconti dell'Esodo 1977 ➔ 58s,3002: Rsa1 41 (1979) 901s (G. Zevini). 3035 Rebeiro C. A., Exodus: God's Way of Declaring Himself: Vidyajyoti 42 (1978) 439-454. 3036 Saoilt Yves, Le grand souflle de l'Exode, pref. J. L(l!w: Ecole de la foi. Fr-S 1977 ➔ 58s,3002*. ...,RETRel 54 (1979) 160s (D. Lys); NRT 100 (1978) 928 (J.-L. Ska). 3037 Schmitt R., Exodus und Passah 1975 ➔ 56,1881: RRB 85 (1978) 147 (F. Langlamet). 3038 Sievi J., Wunder und Zeichen in der Exodus-Tradition: ➔ 257; 58s,2583, Fs. J. VONDERACH 1976, p. 13-35 (➔ 58s,3028): - RTR 75 (1979) 133s (A. Kolping). 3039 Skucha Piotr, Contributi per una teologia del 'Deserto' nell'AT: (diss. 1978 J-SBF dir E. Pax). R 1978. XXI-229p. 3040 Sbmcari P., Lellura spirituale dell'Esodo: Letture spirituali. R 1979, Borla. 142 p. Lit. 3000. Strobel A., Der spätbronzezeitliche Seevölkersturm. Ein Forschungsbericht mit Folgerungen zur biblischen Exodusthematik, BZAW 145, 1976 ➔ geog.; 58s,b984. 3041 Testa E., Dall'Egitto a Canaan. Le chiamate di Dio alla liberta. 1975 ➔ 57,2]66: RRB 85 (1978) 145s (F. Langlamet). 3042 Zuber B., Vier Studien zu den Ursprüngen Israels. Die Sinaifrage und Probleme der Volks- und Traditionsbildung: OrbBibOr, 9. Gö 1976, VR. 15. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (] 979)


Elenchus / ßiblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

152 p. - Rßiblica 58 (1977) 108ss (H. Engel); JBL 97 (1978) 268s (G. M. 'J'ucker).

E3.3 Moyses, Exodus 1-18. 3043 Baughen G. [allegorizing sermons on] Moses and the Venture of Faith. L/Ox 1978, Mowbrays. VI-124p. n.25. 3044 Bock Emil: Moses und sein Zeitalter 6 : Beiträge zur Geistesgeschichte der Menschheit, 2. Stu 1978, Urach. 223 p. 3045 Buis P., Les conflits entre Mo"ise et Israel dans Exode et Nombres: VT 28 (1978) 257-70. 3046 Butler T. C., a) Anti-Moses Tradition: LexTQ 14 (1979) 33-39. - b) An Anti-Moses Tradition [even in Ex 2,11-25]: JStOT 12 (1979) 9-15. 3047 Caprona P. de., Mo"ise dans l'Islam: -> 3059, Martin-Achard R., Mo"ise 1978, 129-142. 3048 Cazelles Henri, A la recherche de Mo"ise: BJer, etudes annexes. P 1979, Cerf. 184 p., 6 maps. F 47. 0 2-204-01290-4. - REsprVie 37 (1979) 383s (L. Sabourin); RSPT 63 (1979) 665 (A. M. Dubarle); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 415 (L. Grollenberg). 3049 Duvernov Claude, Moses, tr. Klaus Voigt: Die grossen Religionsstifter. Köln 1978, von Nottbeck. 238 p., ill. 0 3-8046-0031-X. 3050 Faessler M., Le nom de Mo"ise et le Nom de Dieu. L'interpretation freudienne et son depassement theologique possible: -> 3059, MartinAchard R., Mo"ise 1978, 143-156. 3051 Fodor A., The Rod of Moses in Arabic [Islamic] Magie: ActOrHung 32 (1978) 1-21 [ ... al-Büni, Mariba' u~ül al-1,likma]. 3052 Freud S., IE] Der Mann Moses und die monotheistische Religion tr. M. Attar (tr). TA 1978s, Devir. 169 p. - KirSef 54 (1979) 421. 3053 a) Küng Hans, Freud and the Problem of God, tr. Edward Quinn: The Terry Lectures. NHv 1979, Yale University. ix-126 p. $8.95. 0 0-30002350-2. - b) Weiss-Rosmarin T., Moses and the Psychoanalysts: ConsJud 20,4 (1965) 43-51. 3054 Gilpin Richard 0., Moses; born to be a slave but God ... Hicksville, NY 1977, Exposition. 199 p. 3055 Goulet R., Porphyre et la datation de Mo"ise: RHR 192 (1977) 13664. 3056 Lewis A. B., The Sargon Legend: A Study of the Akkadian Text and the Tale of the Hero who was Exposed at Birth: ASOR diss. 4. NY 1976. DissAbs 38 (1977s) 755. 3057 Mann T. W., Theological Reflections on the Denial of Moses: JBL 98 (1979) 481-94. 3058 Martin-Achard Robert, Mo"ise, fi.gure de mediateur, selon l'AT: -> 3059, Mo"ise 1978, 9-30. 3059 Martin-Achard R., ed., La fi.gure de Mo"ise, Ecriture et Relectures: Publ. Univ. Fac. Theol. Geneve 1978, Labor et Fides. 160 p. Fs 25. 3060 Meulen R. J. van der, Prins van Egypte, bevrijder van Israel. Mozes' roeping in het licht van het OT [-> 57,7313]: Franeker 1975, Wever.

E3.3 Moyses, Exodus 1-18


142 p. f 14.50. 3061 Michaud Robert, Mo'ise. Histoire et Theologie: Lire la bible 49. P 1979, Cerf. 193 p., 4 maps. Bibliog. p. 177-185. 3062 Munro P., Der König als Kind [K(estner) M(useum) 1977,3]: StAltägKu 6 (1978) 131-37. 3063 Neher A., Mo'ise et la vocation juive: Maitres spirituels 8. P 1977 [= c1956]. 191 p., ill. 3064 Pearlman Moshe, Auf den Spuren des Moses, [< The First Days of Israel] Hrg. M. Raanan, tr. A. Pfeiffer: Sonderausgabe. Olten 1979, Walter. 224 p. 111.(Z. T. färb.). 3065 Rajak Tessa, Moses in Ethiopia: Legend and Literature: JJS 29 (1978) 111-122. 3066 Rapaport 1., Marduk and Moses: the Story of Marduk in Enuma Elish Compared with the Life of Moses in Exodus 1,8-5,18. Melbourne 1978, auct. Synagogue Chambers, Toorak Road, S. Yarra 3141. 20 p, A$2. [= Milla wa-Milla 18 (1978) 51-71]. 3067 Reale G., Filone di Alessandria e la 'filosofia mosaica': Reale, Storia della Filosofia antica IV (Mi 1978, Vita e Pensiero) 247-306. 3068 Saito Tadashi, Die Mosevorstellungen im NT (1976 diss. Z, dir. E. Schweizer): EurHS 23 Theol. 100. Bern 1977, Lang. rv-241 p. Fs 46. 0 3-261-03023-2. 3069 Schubert Kurt & Ursula, nie Errettung des Mose aus den Wassern des Nil in der Kunst des spätantiken Judentums und das Weiterwirken dieses Motivs in der frühchristlichen und jüdisch-mittelalterlichen Kunst: __. 1977, 59-68. 135; 58s,2708, Fs. w. KORNFELD 3070 Starobinski-Safran E., La mort et la survie de Mo'ise d'apres la tradition rabbinique / La prophetie de Mo'ise et sa portee d'apres Philon: --> 3059, Martin-Achard R., Mo'ise 1978, 31-46 / 67-80. 3071 Tigay J. H., a) 'Heavy of Mouth' and 'Heavy of Tongue': On Moses' Speech Difficulty (AmOrSoc CM 1977): BASOR 231 (1978) 57-67. - b) Moses' Speech Difficulty [cfr. Ex 4: 10 (JE) et 'aggada: burned his tongue on a hot coal in infancy? confert biblica, accadica, sumerica, commentatores jud.]: GratzColUewishSt 3 (1974) 29-42. 3072 Velikovsky 1., Ramses II and His Time. L 1978, Sidgwick & J. f:6.95. 3073 Waldman N. M., God's Ways - A Comparative Note [derek (Ex 13,3 ... ); ha!fkot (Hab 3: 6; Ps 68: 25) & akkad. alaktu; Moses' situation and that of the righteous sufferer in Ludlul .. .]: JQR 70 (1979s) 6772. 3074 Sola A., 1H]The Biblical Narrative according to the artistic structure of the passages on enslavement and liberation: Ex 1-7,7; 12ss. Petah-Tikvah 1977, Govt. Teachers School. n-64 p. 3075 Chiesa B., Sull'utilizzazione dell'Aggadah per la restituzione del testo ebraico in Es. 1,22: Henoch 1 (1979) 342-41: resume: 352. 3076 Lernehe Niels P., 'Hebrew' as a National Name for Israel [Ex 1,22]: ST 33 (1979) 1-23. 3077 [Ex 2, 3-5] Spitz H . .T.,Schilfrohr und Hinse als Sinnträger in der lateinischen Bibelexegese: FrühmitSt 12 (1978) 230-57. 3078 Janzen J. G., What's in a Name? 'Yahweh' in Ex 3 and the Wider


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Biblical Context: lnterpr 33 (1979) 227-39. :m79 Wyatt N., Thc Dcvclopment of the Tradition in Exodus 3; ZA W 91 (1979) 437-442 [origo non Qenita]. 3080 Starobinski-Safran Esther, Le röle des signes dans l'episode du buisson ardent [Ex 3,2]: Judaica 35 (1979) 63-67.

E3.3.l Nomen divinum, TetragrammatonEx 3,14 ... 3081 Brunn E. Zum, La 'metaphysique de l'Exode' [3,14] selon Thomas d'Aquin: .....635, Vignaux P., Dieu 1978, 245-269. 3082 Cagnot A., Les enigmes d'un hemistiche bibliche (Ex 3,14a): ----> 635, Vignaux P., Dieu et L'Etre, exegeses de l'Ex 3,14 et de Coran 20, 11-24 (1978) 17-26. 3083 Cazelles Henri, Pour une exegese de Ex. 3,14: ---->635, Vignaux P., Dieu 1978, 27-44. 3084 Delcor M., Des diverses manieres d'ecrire le tetragramme sacre dans les anciens documents hebrai:ques [= RHR, (1955) 145-73]: ----> 293, Etudes 1979, 1-29. 3085 Finet A., Reflexions sur l'onomastique de Mari et le dieu des Hebreux: ---->4, Fs. A. ABELIII 1978. 3086 Gilula M., I!!] On Yahweh-Shomron and his Ashernh [Tnscription (im 73; 57,1901, Fs. J. PINKEL1974, 61s: not 'I am': initial aleph interchanges with yod. 3088 Kapelrud A. S., Noen momenter i forholdet mellon Ras Shamra-textene og Det GT [ ... Jahve som stridsmann; Jahve og El]: SvEx 46 (1975) . 5-17. 308Y Kilwing N., Noch einmal zur Syntax von Ex 3,14: BibNot 10 (1979) 70-79. 3090 Klein J.-H., Qui est Dieu? ('L'ete grec' de J. Lacarriere et Ex 3,14 TOH]: ETRel 54 (1979) 77-88. 3091 Lundbom J. R., God's Use of the idem per idem [S. R. Driver: Ex 3,14; 33,19]: HarvTR 71 (1978) 193-201. 3092 McCarthy Dennis J., Ex 3: 14: History, Philology and Theology: CBQ 40 (1978) 311-322. 30Y3 Norin S., Jö-Namen und J eho-Namen [ ... und die Entwicklung von der Form Jo zur Form J eho in der deuteronomistischen Zeit: VT 29 (1979) 87-97. 3094 Sacchi P., [Le origini d'lsraele e dello Jahwismo]: Convegno di studi dell' Assoc. Biblica Italiana a Pallanza, sul Lago Maggiore, 1979: Henoch 1 (1979) 418-424. 3095 Parke-Taylor G. H., Yahweh: the Divine Name in the Bihle 1975 ➔ 57,6005: - RJBL 96 (1977) 580s (H. B. Hujfmon). 3096 Quaegebeur J., Le dieu egyptien Shai: dans la religion et dans l'onomas-

E3.3.1 Nomen divinum, Exodus 3,14


tique 1975----,58s,d170: RMuseon 92 (1979) 398-401 (C. Vandersleyer). 3097 Rose, Martin, Jahwe. Zum Streit um den alttestamentlichen Gottesnamen: Theologische Studien 122. Z 1978, Theologischer V. 44 p. Fs/DM 6. FreibRu 30 (1978) 163 (W. Bühlmann); TPQ 127 (1979) 405s (K. Jaros); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 214 (J. T. Nelis); ZAW 91 (1979) 153s (G. Fahrer). 3098 Ruello F., La mystique de l'Exode (3,14 selon Thomas Gallus, commentateur dionysien, 1246): ---->635, Vignaux P., Dieu 1978, 213-243. 3099 Schmidt W. H., Der Jahwename und Ex 3,14: ---->269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 123-38. 1100 Touati C., Ehye aser ehye (Ex 3,14) comme 'l'Etre-avec': -----635, Vignaux P., Dieu 1978, 75-84. 3101 Vattioni F., 11 tetragramma divino nel P Fuad inv. 266 [e altri papiri attendendo alla (paleo)grafia semitica]: StPapyr 18 (1979) 17-29. 3102 Vigano L., Nomi e titoli di Yhwh; BiOrPont 31, 1976 -+ 56,5044; 58s,7717: RAevum 52 (1978) 130-34 (F. Luciani); JAOS 98 (1978) 315 (R. E. Murphy: method pushed to an extreme); JSS 24 (1979) llls (A. Caquot); Museon 91 (1978) 251 (P.-M. Bogaert); OrAnt 17 (1978) 79ss (Cl. r.m-hini).

3103 Wilson Robert, The Hardenina of Pharaoh's Heart [in Rx 4.14: with slightly different ft.mctions in each literary source ... ]: CHQ 41 {1979) 18-36. 3104 Guillaumont Antoine, Un midrash d'Exode 4,24-26 chez Aphraate et Ephrem de Nisibe: ----> 256, Fs. A. VööBUS 1977, 89-94; Eng. summ. 95. 3105 Steingrimsson S. Ö., Vom Zeichen zur Geschichte. Eine literar- und formkritische Untersuchung von Ex 6, 28 - 11,10 (diss. Uppsala 1978): ConBibOT 14. Lund 1979, Gleerup. 242 p.; bibliog. 232-42. 3106 Jacobson Howard, The Egyptian Plagues in the Palaea Historica [follows Ps 104, not Ex 7s]: Byzantion 47 (1977) 363. 3107 Ska J.-L., a) Les plaies d'Egypte dans le recit sacerdotal (Pg): Biblica 60 (1979) 23-35 [1. Le discours-programme d'Ex 7, 1-5; 2. Les deux etapes du recit d'fü. 7-14; 3. La mistl tln evidencc du miraclc de la mer dans le recit sacerdotal; 4. Ex 12,1 - 14,28 et le recit sacerdotall; b) La sortie d'Egypte (Ex 7-14) dans le recit sacerdotal (Pg) et la tradition prophetique: Biblica 60 (1979) 191-215. 3108 Reindl Joseph, Der Finger Gottes [Ex 8,19] und die Macht der Götter. Ein Problem des ägyptischen Diasporajudentums und sein literarischer Niederschlag: ➔ 70, Fs. Erfurt 1977, 49-60. 3109 Wilson R. R., The Hardening of Pharaoh's Heart [Ex 9,12 ➔ 3103]: CBQ 41 (1979) 18-36. E3.3.2 Pascha, sanguis, saaificium; Passuver, bluud, sacriflce.

3110 Adinolfi Marco, Gli omologhi del sacrificio di espiazione nel giudaismo nntico: RhhOr ?O (1978) 113-22. 3111 Beckwith R. T., The Origin of the Festivals Easter and Whitsun: StLtg 13 (1979) 1-20.


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3112 Berger Blandine-Dominique, Le drame liturgique de Päques du xe au XIIIe siecle. Liturgie et theätre: THist 37. P 1977, Beauchesne. 277 p. RTPhil 53 (1978) 599s (A. Stenze!: die Liturgie [a fortiori die Schrift] als Wiege des Dramas). 3113 Boschi B., L'amore nella Bibbia e la sua celebrazione (Pasqua - alleanza): SacDoc 23 (1978) 5-53. 3114 Christ Hieronymus, Blutvergiessen im AT 1977 -->58s,8044: RETRel 54 (1979) 698s (J.-M. Leonard); GereITT 78 (1978) 202s (C. Houtman); NorTTs 80 (1979) 126 (A. S. Kapelrud). 3115 Davies P. R., a) Passover and the Dating of the Aqedah: JJS 30 (1979) 59-67. - b) The Sacrifice of Isaac and Passover [ ... and Jub 17,15 -18, 19 ... ]: -->615, Livingstone E., Studia Biblica 1979, 127-132. 3116 Füglister N., 11 valore salvifico della Pasqua. Brescia 1979 [1976 --> 58s,9006*], Paideia. 377 p. 3117 GuerardOctave, Nautin Pierre ed., Origene sur la Päque. Traite inedit d'apres un papyrus de Toura: Christianisme antique 2. P 1979, Beaur.hesne. 272 p. 3118 Henninger Joseph, Fetes de Printemps, Päque 1975 --> 57,6209; 58,7933: RlsrEJ 29 (1979) 258s (H. L. Ginsherg: his own reserves to an 'invaluable mine', 'sober iiuide'); JAOS 98 (1978) 514s (J.J.M. Roberts); OrAnt 15 (1976) 358s (P. Xella); Weltür 10 (1979) 134-7 (W. von Soden). 3119 Goodsir R., Animal Sacrifice - Delusion or Deliverance?: -->615, Livingstone E., Studia 1979, 157-160. 3120 Kaiser Otto, Den Erstgeborenen deiner Söhne sollst du mir geben. Erwägungen zum Kinderopfer im AT: --> 198; 58s,2639, Fs. C. RATSCHOW 1976, 24-48. 3121 Le Deaut Roger, La mrit pascale: AnBib 22, 1975 = 1963: RETRel 52 (1977) 442s (M. Bouttier); RencChrJuifs 9 (1975) 195-98 (M. Alice). 3122 Otto Eckart, Das Mazzotfest in Gilgal [diss. 1973--> 56,5246], BWANT 107, 1075 --> 57,6245: RJStOT 7 (1978) 72s (G. F. Hasel); TLZ 104 (1979) 38-41 (M. Weippert); TPQ 127 (1979) 72 (K. Jaros); VT 28 (1978) 492-97 (A. G. Auld). 3123 Ras Garmendia Santos, La Pascua en el AT: 1978 --> 58s,7987: RcBQ 41 (1979) 456s (E. J. Fischer); JBL 98 (1979) 584s (F. 0. Garcia-Treto); KirSef 54 (1979) 427. 3124 Strack H. L., Das Blut im Glauben und Aberglauben der Menschheit. [Nachdr. der Ausgabe Mü 1900, Beck]: Material-Edition (der) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Religions- und Weltanschauungsfragen, 8. Mü 1979, xiv206 p. DM 36. 3125 Xella P., 'Purezza' e 'integrita' [della Opfermaterie in Israele e Ugarit]: StStorRel 2 (1978) 381-86.

3126 Wright G. R. H., The Passage of the Sea [Ex 13-15]: OötMlszÄg :B (1979) 55-68. 3127 Brin G., The Firstling of Unclean Animals [Ex 13,13; 34,20; Nm 18,15]: JQR 68 (1977s) 1-15.

E3.3.2 Pascha, sanguis, sacrificium - Passover Ex 12...


[Ex 13,16+2] eine fast vergessene Deutung [= äg. 3128 Görg Manfred, T(W)TPT rjdJ:twie H. Gri~me]: BibNot 8 (1979) 11-13. 3129 Schmitt H.-C., 'Priesterliches' und 'prophetisches' Geschichtsverständnis in der Meerwundererzählung Ex 13,17-14,31: Beobachtungen zur Endredaktion des Pentateuch: .... 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 139-55. 3130 Nibbi A., The Lake of Reeds of the Pyramid Texts and the Yam Suph [in Ex 13,18, Wadi Tumilat to Lake Timsah]: GötMszÄg 29 (1978) 95100. 3131 Waxman M., I Miss the Red Sea [for yam suf Ex 13,18 in the New JPS version]: ConsJud 18,1 (1963s) 35-44. 3132 Cross F. M., Freedman D. N., Studies in Ancient Yahwistic Poetry: SBL diss. 21, 1975 -> 57,2157: RETRel 54 (1979) 154s (D. Lys); JBL 96 (1977) 581s (M. Dahood); ScotJT 31 (1978) 187 (A. G. Auld). 3133 Freedman D. N., a) Early Israelite History in the Light of Early Israelite Poetry [ ... Ex 15, 1-18.20; Jdg 5 ... ]: JohnsHopkNESt (7) (Baltimore/L 1975) 3-35. - b) A Letter to the Readers [Ex 15: 17 refers rather to Mt. Sinai/Horeb than to Mt. Zion: BA 40 (1977) 46-48. 3134 Borowski W., [f] Kantyk Moyi:esza i Miriam [Canticum Moysis et Miriam, Ex 15,1-21]: RuBi 29 (1976) 254-59. 3135 Westhuizen J. P. van der, Literary Device in Exodus 15,1-8 and Deut 32, 1-43 as a Criterium for Determining their Literary Standards: -> 638, OTWerkSuidA 17s (197'1s) 57 73. 3136 [Ex 15,20] Görg M., Mirjam - ein weiterer Versnc:h: RZ 21 (1979) ?.8589. 3137 Kasher Menahem M., Sidrä Yitru, Ex. 18-20: Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation 9. NY 1979, Ktav (Amer. Bibi. Encyc. Soc.) xn-268 p. $35. 0 0-87068-694-1. 3138 Filimak M., [f] Powolanie ludu Boi:ego [Vocatio populi Dei, Ex 19,5-6]: RuBi 29 (1976) 304-10. 3139 Mosis R., Ex 19.5b 6a: Syntaktischer Aufbau und lexikalische Semantik: BZ 22 (1978) 1-25. 3140 Munoz Leim D., Un reino de sacerdotes y una naci6n santa (Ex 19,6): EstBih 37 (1978) 149-7.12. 3141 Licht J., [!!] [Ex 19,18] Die Offenbarung Gottes beim Aufenthalt am Berg Sinai .... 154, Fs. s. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1977, 251-67. 202s. E3.4 Decalogus, Exodus 20 = Dt 5. [Ex 20; 24] Ammassari A., La religione dei Patriarchi 1976 -> 277. 3142 Ben-Chorin Schalom, Die Tafeln des Bundes. Das Zehnwort vom Sinai. Tü 1979, Mohr. 191 p. DM 28. 0 3-16-141332-6. 3143 niez Merino L., EI Decälogo en el Targum Palestinense. Origen, Estilo y Motivaciones: EstBib 34 (1975) 23-48. 3144 Dosenberger Anton, Frank Alois, Stelzer Karl, Die Zehn Gebote: Gesetze des Lebens. Augsburg-Friedberg 1979, Pallotti. 228 p. DM 16,80. 0 387614-039-0. 3145 Ebeling G., Die zehn Gebote. Tü 1973, Mohr. 234 p. - RcurrTMiss 1 (1974) 118 (D. G. Truemper). 3146 Ehrlich E. L., Die 10 Gebote: .... 22, Fs. S. BEN-CHORIN 1978, 11-19.


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3147 Fischer J. A., Ethics and Wisdom [ ... 2. The Decalogue and the Deuteronomist; 3. Wisdom & Decalogue; Paul & the Law ... ]: CBQ 40 (1978) 293-310. 3148 Galbiati Gilberto, 11 decalogo: RicBibRel 14 (1979) 9-68. 3149 Gradwohl R., Die Worte aus dem Feuer. Wie die Gebote das Leben erfüllen ['Grundzüge der jüd. Glaubens-und Lebenshaltung' < Rundfunkansprachen + Israelit. Wochenblatt für die Schweiz-Aufsätze]2. Fr 1978, Herder. 155 p. DM 19.80. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 186 (G. Stemberger). 3150 Haggerty Brian A., Out of the House of Slavery: On the Meaning of the Ten Commandments 1978 ----> 58s,8074: - RCBQ 41 (1979) 132s (M. A. Gigliotti). 3151 Hengsbach Franz, Die zehn Gebote. St. Augustin 1978, Wort und Werk. 72 p. DM 3,20. 0 3-8050-0070-7. 3152 Kahmann J., De tien geboden als goddelijke norm: OnsGeestL 56 (1979) 85-96. 3153 Lang Bernhard, Grundrechte des Menschen im Dekalog: BiKi 34 (1979) 75-78. 3154 Link C., Überlegungen zum Problem der Norm in der theologischen Ethik [eine ametaphysische Geschichtlichkeit der biblischen Gebote zugrundelegend]: TextForFvStnii A 'i (H~iii 1978) 95-113. 3155 Lochman Jan M., a) Die Vorstellung des Namens Gottes im Dekalog als Begründung einer Ethik der Freiheit: TZBas 34 (1978) 257-64. b) Wegweisung der Freiheit: Abriss der Ethik in der Perspektive des Dekalogs: Siebenstern 340. Gü 1979, Mohn. 159 p. DM 9,80. 0 3-57903761-7. 3156 Redpath Alan, Law and Liberty: A New Look at the Ten Commandments in the Light of Contemporary Society. Old Tappan NJ 1978, Revell. 128 p. $5.95. 3157 Reicke Bo, Die zehn Worte in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Beiträge zur Gesch. der bibl. Exegese 13, 1973 ---->55,a209: RLutherische Theol. u. Kirche 1,3 (1977) 56s (H. Günther). 3158 Ruthe Reinhold, Ich bin der Herr dein Gott: die 10 Gebote in Beispielen und Bildern. Wuppertal 1978, Aussaat. 127 p., ill. DM 12,80. 0 3 7615 4404-9. 3159 Schüngel-Straumann H., Decalogo e comandamenti di Dio 1977 ----> 58s,3041: RETRel 53 (1978) 422 (J. Ansaldi); SacDoc 24 (1979) 151s (B. G. Boschi). 3160 Sorg T. Hg., Dekalog heute. Predigthilfen zu den Zehn Geboten. Stu 1979, Calwer. 160p. DM 18. 3161 Werner Wilfried, Die Zehn Gebote. Faksimile eines Blockbuchs von 1455/1458 aus dem Codex Palatinus Gcrmanicus 438 der Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg. Mit einem Kommentar. Dietikon 1971, Urs Graf. 51 p. ill. 3162 Wright C. J. H., The Israelite Household and the Decalogue [Ex 20]: the Social Background and Significance of Some Commandments: TyndB 30 (1979) 101-24. 3163 Kellner M. M., Maimonides, Crescas, and Abravanel on Ex 20,2: JQR 69 (1978s) 129-57.

E3.4 Decalogus, Exodus 20 = Dt 5


3164 [Ex 20,3] Faur J., The Biblical Idea of Idolatry [it violates the Covenant and it is useless]: JQR 69 (1978s) 1-15. 3165 [Ex 20,4] Bartsch H.-W., Das alttest. Bilderverbot und die frühchristliche Verwendung des Bildes in Wort und in den Anfängen der christlichen Kunst: Symbolon 6 (Ba 1968) 150-62, 3166 Mettinger Trygve, The Veto on Images and the Aniconic God in Ancient Israel: Religious Symbols and their Functions (Symposium on Symbols Abo 28-30 August 1978, ed. H. Biezais; Sto 1978, Almqvist & W ➔ 394) 15-29. 3167 Logan A. H. B., The Jealousy of God: Ex 20,5 in Gnostic and Rabbinic Theology: ➔ 615 Livingstone E., Studia Biblica 1979, I 197-203. 3168 Jucci Elio, Es. 20,7. La proibizione di un uso illegittimo del nome di Dio nel decalogo: BbbOr 20 (1978) 245-53. 3169 [Ex 20,8] Andreasen Nids-Erik A., a) Rest and Rede"mption [an exercise in biblical theology, Sabbath]: Andrews Univ. Mon. 11. Berrien Springs MI 1978, Andrews Univ. vn-137 p. $6.95 pa. - b) Sabbath 1972 ➔ 54,4996: - ROLZ 73 (1978) 571-4 (L. Wächter). 3170 Azulay E., 1H]The Sabbath Document ... the Elijah document. Haifa 1976. 106 p., 81 p. 3171 Beckwith R. T., Stott W., This is the Day [OT/NT on sabbath]. L 1979, Marshall-MS. 180 p. f5.95. - RScotJT 32 (1979) 28Us (J. u. Levade). 3172 Goldenberg R., The Jewish Sabbath in the Roman World up to the Time of Constantine the Great [The Sabbath and Roman Law; The Sabbath in Jewish and Pagan Sources; Sabbath, Sunday and the Week; bibliogr.: 442-47]: ➔ 864 ANRW 2,19,1 (1979) 414-47. 3173 Halevi B. 1H]Towards the Ancient Image of the Sabbath - 'At Plowing Time and at Harvest Time You Shall Rest': Beth Mikra 24,76 (1978s) 50-72; 121: proved from link of sabbath with new moon e.g. Is 1,13. 3174 Heschel, Abraham J., Il Sabato. Il suo significato per l'uomo modemo. [The Sabbath, its meaning for modern man, NY 1952], tr. L. & E. Mortara. Mi 1972, Rusconi. 192 p. 3175 Hoenig S. B., The Designated Number of Kinds of Labor Prohibited on the Sabbath: JQR 68 (1977s) 193-208 [forty minus one as 2 Cor 11,24; Jos. Ant. 4,238.248]. 3176 Katsh A. 1., Unpublished Genizah Fragments of the Tractate Shabbat in the Dropsie University Collection: JQR 69 (1978s) 16-26, phot. 3177 Plant W., Der Sabbath als Protest: Kritische Solidarität, hg. G. Schulz (Bremen 1971, Röver) 75-92. 3178 Stott W., Sabbath: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 405-415. 3179 Negretti N., 11 settimo giomo: AnBib 55, 1973 ➔ 55,4900; 57,6242: REstBib 36 (1977) 124s (J. Guillen). 3180 [Ex 20,12] Albertz R., Hintergrund und Bedeutung des Elterngebots im Dekalog (Hab.-Prob. Heidelberg 1977): ZAW 90 (1978) 348-74 [cf. akkad. kuhhutu, paläbu].

3181 Becker Joachim, Das Elterngebot: CommlkZ 8 (1979) 289-99. 3182 Rlülstein G., Honor thy father and mother ~ filial responsibility in Jewish Law and Ethics: 1976 _, 58s,8034: - RscotJT 31 (1978) 284s (W. Lillie).

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3183 Loretz Oswald, Das biblische Elterngebot [Ex 20,12; Lv 19,3; Dt 5,16] und die Sohnespflichten in der ugaritischen Aqht-Legende [KTU 1,17 l 26-33]: BibNot 8 (1979) 14-17. 3184 Koch R., Le sixieme (cinquieme) commandement (Ex 20,13; Dt 5,17): Studia Moralia 16 (1978) 9-30. 3185 [Ex 20,15] Ben-Shaul Z., 1B]The Law of Theft in the Bible and in the collections of laws of the Ancient Near East. TA 1979. iv-168 p. - KirSef 54 (1979) 421.


3.5 Exodus 21-23, Liber Foederis: Ancient Near East Law.

3186 Allam S., Un droit penal existait-il stricto sensu en Egypte pharaonique? [si]: JEA 64 (l 978) 65-68. 3187 Altman A., 1B] The Apologetic Motif in the Historical Prologues to Treaties of Suppiluliuma I [with Mitanni, Kizzuwatna, Nub.asse, Amurru, Ugarit]: ShnatMi].cr 2 (1977) 27-49, vn s. 3188 Amrain David W., The Jewish Law of Divorce according to Bible and Talmud with some reference to its development in Post-Talmudic Times. NY 1975, Hermon. 224p. 3189 Andre-Vincent P. 1., Le langage du droit dans la Bible: Archives de Philosophie du Droit 10 (1974) 89-102. 3190 Appel Gersion, A Philosophy of Mizvot. The Reliiµous-Ethical Concepts of Judaism. Their Application in Biblical Law and the Oral Tradition. NY 1975, Ktav. XI-288s. $12.50 ($4.95 pa.). - RTLZ 103 (1978) 421ss (W. Wiefel). 3191 Bedell Ellen D., Criminal Law in the Egyptian Ramesside Period. Diss. Brandeis 1973. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. vi-361 p.; bibliogr. p. 35162. 3192 Blanch S. [Apb., Chavasse Lectures, Ox 1977: the place of law in Bible and Church] The Trumpet in the Moming. L 1979, Hodder & S. 190 p. f5.50. 3193 Boecker Hans J., Recht und Gesetz im AT und im Alten Orient: Neuk St-Bücher, 10. 1976-> 58s,8036: RCBQ 41 (1979) 452s (J. I. Hunt); JBL 97 (1978) 267s (M. J. Buss); TLZ 104 (1979) 896s (S. Herrmann); ZAW 89 (1977) 146-147 (G. Fohrer). 3195 Buss M. J., Israelite Law in Comparative Juridical Perspective. Atlanta 1970, Emory Univ. 3196 Cardascia G., Droits cuneiformes et droit biblique: .....629, Shinan A., Sixth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Proceedings l (1977) 63-70. 3197 De Ward E. F., Superstition and .Tud&ment:Archaic Methods of Finding a Verdict: ZAW 89 (1977) 1-19 [necromancy; Hehr. 'ob; the ephod (Akkad. epattu)]. 3198 Falk Z. W., Werte und Ziele im jüdischen Recht: ➔ 429, Firkentscher W., Entstehung c.1979. 3199 Falkowitz R. S., Paragraph 59 of the 'Laws of Eshnunna': RAss 72 (1978) 79s. 3200 Feldman Emmanuel, Biblical and Post-Biblical Defilement and Moum-

E3.5 Exodus 21-23, Liber Foederis, Ancient Near East Law


ing: Law as Theology: Library of Jewish Law and Ethics, 1977 ➔ 58s,7907: RJBL 97 (1978) 593s (:N. Brueggemann); ZRelGg 31 (1979) 284ss (H.-J. Loth). 3201 Fensham F. C., Liability in case of negligence in the OT Covenant Code and ancient legal traditions: Acta Juridica 1976, Essays in honour I. Cape Town 1978, Juta [xxv-321 p.] p. 283-94. of Ben BEINART 3202 Friedrich J., Die hethitischen Gesetze 1971 ➔ 53,7574: RArür 47 (1979) 123 (J. Klima). 3203 Galston M., The Purpose of the Law according to Maimonides: JQR 69 (1978s) 27-51. 3204 Grothus J., Die Rechtsordung der Hethiter 1973 --> 56,8216: RArür 47 (1979) 212s (J. Klima). 3205 Gurney 0. R., Middle Babylonian Legal Documents: Ur Excavation Texts 7. L 1974, British Museum/Ph. Univ. Museum. 24 p., 79 pl. RJAOS 98 (1978) 498-501 (W. H. van Soldt); OLZ 73 (1978) 244s (H. Freydank). 3206 Haase Richard, a) Die keilschriftlichen Rechtssammlungen in deutscher Fassung2 (überarb. u. erw.). Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. 118 p. DM 54 (br.). b) Zur Tötung eines Kaufmanns nach den hethitischen Gesetzen (§§5 und III): Wcltür 9 (1978) 213-19. 3207 Halbe J., Das Privi.legrecht Jahves Ex 34,10-26 (diss. Kiel 1975): FRLANT 114, 1975 ➔ 57,2408. - RsvEx 43 (1978) 118s (R. Stille); TR 75 (1979) 277-80 (E. Zen1w). 3208 Hals R. M., Is there a Genre of Preached Law?: SBL,SemPap 109,1 (1973) 1-12. 3209 Helck W., Wesen, Entstehung und Entwicklung ägyptischen 'Rechts': ➔ 429, Firkentscher W., Entstehung c.1979. 3210 Ivanov V., Notes on the Hittite Laws I. Remarks on § 1631: Arür 47 (1979) 91-95 [sacrificium bovis]. 3211 Jackson B. S., a) The Problem of Ex 21; 22-25 (lus Talionis): Jackson, Essays in Jewish and Comparative Law {Ld 1975) = StJudLA 10 75-107 < VT 23 (1973) 273-304. - b) Travels and Travads ot' the Uoring Ox. The Biblical Text in British Sources [seil. Ex 21, 29.35s ... in le~bus brit. et etiam in Jure Can.]: ➔ 154, Fs S. E. LOEWENSTAMM 1979, 41-56. - c) The Concept of Religious Law in Judaism [Theoretical Orientation; OT; Early Rabbinics]: ➔ 864, ANRW 2,19,l (1979) 33-52. 3212 Klima J., Landwirtschaftliche Regelungen in den vorhammurapischen Gesetzen: Arür 47 (1979) 21-32. 3213 Krecher Joachim, Das Rechtsleben und die Auffassung vom Recht in Babylonien: ➔ 429, Firkentscher W., Entstehung c.1979, 325-54. 3214 Lambert M., Grand document juridique de Nippur, du temps de Urzag-e, roi d'Uruk: RAss 73 (1979) 1-22, 2 fig. 3215 Lieberman S. J., 'Death for Default' [D. I. Owen: MemConnAcArts 19 (1979) 159-61] or Anticipatory Execution?: JCS 30 (1978) 91-98. 3216 Mascheroni L. M., I paragrafi a struttura diacronica delle leggi etee. Potere e strumenti di persuasione nel Tl millennio: OrAnt 18 (1979) 2939. 3217 Namiki Koichi, [TI Community and People in the Book of the Cove-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

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nant: Religion, Culture, and Society (May, 1979) 151-165. 3218 Niemczyk J. B., [El Z zagadnien prawodawstwa izraelskiego: From the Topics of Israelitic jurisdiction: RoczT, ChrzAKT (1964) 191-212. 3219 Patrick Dale, a) Critical Remarks on Several of [G.] Liedke's Theses [Gestalt ... alttestamentlicher Rechtssätze 1971]: SBL, SemPap 109,1 (1973) 13-19. - b) I and Thou in the Covenant Code:---->581, Achterneier P., Seminar 1978, I 71-86. 3220 Paul, Shalom M., Unrecognized Biblical Legal Idioms in the Light of Comparative Akkadian Expressions: RB 86 (1979) 231-9. 3221 Postgate J. N. Fifty Neo-Assyrian Legal Documents 1976 ----> 58s,e070: RJNES 38 (1979) 219s (R. A. Henshaw); OrAnt 18 (1979) 78ss (M. G. Biga). 3222 Reviv H., [BJThe Traditions Concerning the Inception of the Legal System in Israel: Signiftcance and Dating: ----> 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 1922; Eng. summ. 122*: Ex 18,13-27; Nm 11,16; Dt 1,9-17. 3223 Runquist Lisa, Buzzard Lynn, The Word and the Law: A Biblical Studies Guide 1. Oak Park IL 1977, Christian Legal Society. 144 p. 3224 Saporetti C., Le Leggi Medioassire. Electronic Date Processing by E. Picchi e M. Sassi; DSC2. Malibu 1979, Undena. 181 p. 3225 Schafik A., Die Rolle der Gottheit im Recht risrael, Ägypten, Hammµrapi]: Alte11um 25 (1979) 103-12, 7 fig. 3226 Schmid Rudolf, A Roman Catholic View of the Law: GrOrTR 24 (1979) 290-300. 3227 Segert S., Genres of Ancient Israelite Legal Sentences: 1934 & 1974 [I.II. In margine of V. Wagner (1972); III. D. Patrick, J. Bright al.]: WZKM 68 (1976) 131-42. 3228 Siegwalt G., De l'eternite de la Loi: FoiVie 78,1 (1979) 14-38. 3229 Sinclair Daniel, [BJLegal Foundation of the Prohibition of Abortion in Hebrew Law (in comparison with other legal systems): Shnaton Mispat 'Ibrit 5 (1978) 177-207. 3130 Szlechter f:milc, La complicitc cn droit sumcro-babylonicn: ----> 56 Fs. J. UAUVILLIER 19'/9, /'73-85. 3231 Talmon Shemaryahu, Torah as a Concept and Vital Principle in the Hcbrcw Biblc [Luccrnc Christian Orthodox / J cwish Encountcr]: GrOrTR 24 (1979) 271-89. 3232 Toeg Arie, [BJThe Giving of the Law on Sinai. The Traditions on the Giving of the Law on Sinai, their Crystallization in Ex 19-24 and their Development in the Pentateuch. J 1977, Magnes. 171 p. xv p. angl. $13. 3233 Veenhof K. R., The Dissolution of an Old Bahylonian Marriage acc.to CT 45,86 rwith cutting the dissiktu]: RAss 70 (1976) 153-64. 3234 Walle B. van de, Les textes d'Amarna se referent-ils a une doctrine morale? [textes e.g. d'Akhenaton; 1. Conceptions nouvelles de l'ideal humuin et normes de lu vie morule; 2.... de lu vie d'outre-tombe]: ~> 747, OrbBibOr 28 (Freiburg, Schweiz/Gö 1979) 353-62. 3235 Weisfeld I. H., Labor Legislation in the Bible and Talmud. NY 1974, Yeshiva U. Pr. 108 p. $7.50. 583, Ach3236 Wald D. J., The kareth Penalty in P: rationale and cases: ---->

E3.5 Exodus 21-23, Liber Foederis, Ancient Near East Law


temeier P., SBL 1979 Seminar, I 1-45. - [Violations against Sacred Time, Sacred Substance; Failure to Perform Purification Rituals; Illicit Worship; Illicit Sexual Relations; Blasphemy].

3237 [Ex 21,2] Eich/er B. L., Indenture at Nuzi: Yale Near Eastem Res. 15 1973 -> 55,7525: RJsrEJ 28 (1978) 285ss (A. Skaist); WeltOr 9 (1978) 297-305 (K. Deller: cum novis transcript. textuum). 3238 Novak D., The Transformation of Slavery in Jewish Law [Philo and the Natural Law Theory; Rabbinic Attitudes]: Novak, Law and Theology in Judaism, Second Series (NY 1976, Ktav) 87-97. 3239 Lerberghe K. van, De slaven en hun werk in de Oud-Babylonische periode: Akkadica 7 (1978) 2-13. 3240 Japhet S., [Ex 21,2] 1H]The Laws of Manumission of Slaves and the Question of the Relationship between the Collections of Laws in the Pentateuch: -> 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 231-49; summ. 199s. 3241 [Ex 21,2] Brockmeyer N., Antike Sklaverei: Ertrag der Forschung 116. Da 1979, Wiss. xv-392 p. DM 59. 3242 [Ex 21,18] Driessche J. Vanden, A propos de la sanction de l'homicidc et des dommages corporels dans le code d'Hammurabi: Akkadica 13 (1979) 16-26. 3243 Cardascia Guillaume, La place du talion dans l'histoire du droit penal a la turniere des droits du Proche-Orient ancien [Ex 21,24]: -> 56, Fs. J. DAUVILLIER 1979, 169-183. 3244 Bailey L. R., Ex 22: 21-27 (hebr. 22,20-26) (Expository article): Interpr 32 (1978) 286-290. 3245 Piattelli D., L'offesa alla divinita negli ordinamenti giuridici del mondo antico: Lincei RCMem 8/21 (1977) 401-48; 403-22 de Ex 22,27; 1 Reg 21,9-16; Lv 24,14ss. :fl46 Carmichael C. M., On Separating Life and Death; an Explanation of Some Biblical Laws [kid in mother's milk Ex 23, 19; no shaving for dead Dt 14,1]: HarvTR 69 (1976) 1-7. 3247 Haran M., IHlSeething a Kid in its Mother'ii Milk: , 8'.\, F.rctz-Tsracl 14 (1978) 12-18; 122* Eng. summ. 3248 [Ex 24] Talia Peter H., A Cnhcal and Exegetical Analysis of Exodus Twenty-four with Special Attention to Covenant Ratification: diss. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. 19.79.

E3.6 Exodus 25-40, Coitus. 3249 Allan M. W. T., The priesthood in ancient Israel. With special reference to the status and function of the Levites: diss. Glasgow 1971. VI-232-XXNp. 3250 BlochA. P., The Biblical and Historical Background of the Jewish Holy nays. NY 1978, KTAV. xn-281 p. $1~. 3251 Boschi B. G., Tempo, storia e festa nella Bibbia: SacDoc 23 (1978) 16592.


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3252 Fish S. M., 'And They Shall Make Me a Sanctuary': GratzColUewishSt 2 (1973) 43-59. Fritz Volkmar, Tempel und Zelt 1977 - 3704: 1 Reg. 6; 58s,2749. 3253 Garcia Trapiello J., La figura sacerdotal del AT: ComSev 11 (1978) 339. 3254 Go.ff B. L., Ancient Religious Practices [in the OT] and Some Modem Continuities: NewlASOR (1974s) 1,1-4. 3255 Gryson R., Le vetement d'Aaron interprete par S. Ambroise: Museon 92 (1979) 273-80. 3256 Hallo W. W., New Moons and Sabbaths: Case-study in the Contrastive Approach: HUCA 48 (1977) 1-18 (scparati). 3257 Haran Menahem, [HI Priest, Temple and Worship: Tarbiz 48 (1978s) 175-85; I summ. Haran Menahem, Temples and Temple-Service in Ancient Israel. An lnquiry into the Character of Cult Phenomena and the Historical ~etting of the Priestly School 1978 - 3706, Solomon. 3258 Kiene P. F., The Tabemacle of God in the Wildemess of Sinai [as Heb 8,5; Das Heiligtum2 1976 - 58s,7940] tr. J. S. Crandall. GR 1977, Zondervun. 176 p. $14.95. - RTS 39 (1978) 578 (F. L. Moriarty). '.1259T,evin.wmN. Peter, Die Kultsymbolik im AT 1972 - 54,5031; 55,4888: RTLZ 103 (1978) 813s (G. Wallis). 3260 Maldonado L., La violencia de lo sagrado. 1973 - 55,4893*: RPerspT 8 (1976) 86s (F. Taborda). 3261 Martin-Achard Robert, Essai biblique sur les ietes d'Israel 1974 56,5238: RsciEspr 31 (1979) 230s (L. Sabourin); TLZ 103 (1978) 179s (L. Wächter). 3262 Meyers C. L., The Tabemacle Menorah 1976 - 58s,7967: RCBQ 40 (1978) 249s (J. Milgrom); Orientalia 47 (1979) 126 (R. North); PEQ 110 (1978) 139s (R. Schiemann). 3263 Milgrom J., Cult & Conscience: the Asham in the Priestly Doctrine of Repentance 1976 - 57,6238; 58s,7869: RJAAR 46 (1978) 69 (R. A. OdenJ). l264 Ogdnn J. R., Ohr.ervntionr. on n Ritunl Ger.ture, nfter Some Old King dom Reliefs [the hnw-gesture or 'jubilee posture']: JSocStEgAnt 19 (1979s) 71-76 (pl. II-IV). 3265 Otten H., Rüster C., Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi, 25: Festbeschreibungen und Rituale, vorwiegend im alten Duktus. B 1979, Mann. xv p., 50 pl. (Keilschrift). DM 66. 3266 Rehm Merlin D., Studies in the history of the pre-exilic Levites: diss. Harvard 1967. CM 1979. '.1267Scott William, The laying on of hands in Old Testament and New Testament thought: diss. Newcastle/Tyne 1968. Rochester 1978. 3268 Sharp D. L., Biblical Principles of Worship as a Basis for Evaluation of the Worship and Music of the Twentieth-Century Christian Church. Diss. Southem Califomia Univ. 19'/8, dir.: T. Somerv1lle. - DissA 39 (1978) 3411-A. 3269 Sirch Bernhard, Der Ursprung der bischöflichen Mitra und päpstlichen Tiara (diss. Mü 1973): Kirchengeschichtliche Quellen und Studien 8. St.

E3.6 Exodus 25-40. Cultus


Ottilien 1975, EOS Verlag der Erzabtei. x1-212p., pls.; p. 1-47: Der Einfluss der alttestamentlichen Kopfbedeckung auf die bischöfliche Mitra. 3270 Tigay Jeffrey H., Notes on the Development of the Jewish Week: -+ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) *11l-*121. 3271 Valentin H., Aaron. Eine Studie zur vor-priesterschriftlichen AaronÜberlieferung: kath. Diss. Münster: QrBibOr 18. Fr-Sch/Gö 1978, Univ.VNandenhoeck & R. vm-441 p. - ZAW 91 (1979) 156 (G. Fohrer). 3272 Willetts P., The Seven-Branched Candlestick as a Psalter Illustration: JWarb 42 (1979) 213ss, PI. 42s. 3273 Stöhr M., Leben lernen? Eine biblische Meditation - nicht nur zu Ex 30: ➔ 22, Fs. S. BEN-CHORIN,1978, 100-06. 3274 Marshall J. L., The Golden Calf in Exodus 32 [I Kgs 12,29; Hos 8,5]: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 375. 3275 Coats George W., The King's Loyal Opposition: Obedience and Authority in Exodus 32-34:-> 273, Fs. W. ZIMMERLI, Canon and Authority 1977, 91-109. 3276 Rasmussen Tarald, Posteriora Dei [Ex 33,23]. Ein biblischer Begriff des Redens Luthers von Gottes Verborgenheit: KerDo 25 (1979) 209-230; summ, angl. :no. 3277 Wilms Franz E., Das jahwistische Bundesbuch in Ex 34; 1973 ➔ 55,1927: RTR 75 (1979) 453s (E. Zenger); TsTKi 50 (1979s) 300s (M. Saebe). 3278 Golka F. W., Schwierigkeit bei der Datierung des Fremdgötterverbotes [Ex 34, 15-16]: VT 28 (1978) 352-54. 3279 Robinson G., The Prohibition of Strange Fire in Ancient Israel. A New Look at the Case of Gathering Wood or Kindling Fire on the Sabbath [Ex 35,2-3; Nu 15,32-36]: VT 28 (1978) 301-17. E3.7.l Leviticus (1-15). 3280 Fitzm)'er J, A., The Targum of Leviticus from Qumran Cave 4; Maarav 1 (1978) 5-23. 3281 Greenberg M., I!!] Leviticus: EncHebr (J 1977) 88 col. (separately with title-cover). 3282 Hardof D. M., IE] Leviticus. Bene Braq 1978, auct. 114 p. 3283 Hoverman Y., IE] Sefer ben /easre: Torah 3. Lv-Nm-Dt; Feasts. Bene Brak 1979, R. Edrei. 3284 Maarsingh B., Leviticus: Prediking OT 1974 -> 56,1918: RBijdragcn 39 (1978) 204 (T. Wever). 3285 Porter J. R., Leviticus: Cambridge NEB 1976 -> 57,2412: RscotJT 31 (1978) 89ss (J. D. Martin). 3286 Tov E., [E] The Textual Character of the Leviticus Scroll from Qumran Cave 11 [in paleo-Hebrew script; of independent nature, compared with MT, Snm. Pcnt, LXX]'. ShnntMi]fr


( 11)71))HR-44 xxm,

3287 Wenham G. J., The Book of Leviticus: NICOT 3. GR 1979, Eerdmans. Xlli-362p, $9.95. 0 0-8028-2353-X.


Elenchus / Diblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

3288 Cortese Enzo, Le ricerche sulla concezione 'sacerdotale' circa puroimpuro nell'ultimo decennio: RivB 27 (1979) 339-57. 3289 Douglas Mary (Tew), Purity and Danger. An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo 2 (corr.) [11966]. L 1969, Routledge & K. Paul. vm-186 p. [bibliogr. 180-185] [-->58s,3069]. 3290 Kickasola J. N., Leviticus and Trine Communion [Christ in himself, in the Christian, in the rite]: AshlandTB 10 (1977) 3-58. 3291 Baker Donald W., Division Markers and the Structure of Leviticus 1-7: -->615, Livingstone E., Studia 1978 I, 9-15. 3292 [Lv 10] Shinan Avigdor, [Bl The Sins of Nadab and Abihu in Rabbinic Literature: Tarbiz 48 (1978s) 201-14; II summ. 3293 [Lv 11] Isaac Rrich, Forhidden Foods: Commentary 41,1 (1966) 36-41 [ ... The Unifying Principle for kashruth . .. ]. 3294 [Lv 12,8] Lane D. J., 'A lurlle dove or two young priests '. A Note on the Peshitta Text of 'Leviticus': -->758*, Symposium Syriacum 1976/8, 125-30. 3295 [Lv 13,2] Wilkinson J., Leprosy and Leviticus: a Problem of Semantics and Translation: ScotJT 31 (1978) 153-66: [not = 58s,3074J: $ara'at = disfiguring (not malignant) skin disease; of things, mould (rotting rather than malignant). E3.7.2 Leviticus 16-27, Lex sanctitatis: Holiness-Code. 3296 Wefing Sabina, Untersuchungen zum Entsühnungsritual am grossen Versöhnungstag (Lev. 16): theol. Prom. Bonn 1979. 3297 Lurie B.-Z., [Bl Cultus yom ha-kippurim - diebus dominationis Sadducaeorum: BethM 25,80 (1979s) 3-8. 3298 Bok W., Le bouc et le nomade. Essai sur le symbolisme du bouc dans la Bible: -->4, Fs. A. ABELIII 1978. 3299 Lührmann D., Der Hohepriester ausserhalb des Lagers (Hebr 13,12) [Lev 16,17, Philo, Golgatha ... ]: ZNW 69 (1978) 178-86. 3300 Greenberg M., [!!] Melaqqe(: The Holiness-Code [Lv 17-26]. J 1978, H. Univ. 88 p. 3301 Cholewinski Alfred, Heiligkeitsgesetz und Deuteronomium: AnBib 66, 1976--> 57,2416; 58s,3075: RRuBi 29 (1976) 341ss (S. Lach); TLZ 103 (1978) 258ss (W. Thiel: interessant, anregend; stilistisch erstaunlich flüssig). 3302 Seilar D., Lev 18, The Forbidden Degrees and the Law of Incest in Scotland: JewishLawAn 1 (1978) 220-32. 3303 lJigger S. F., The Family Laws of Leviticus 18 in lheir Selling: JBL 98 (1979) 187-203 [Lv 18 'individualistic tone' (A. Cholewinski AnBi 66) is subjective]. 3304 McKeating H., Sanctions against Adultery in Ancient Israelite Society, with Some Reflections on Methodology in the Study of OT Ethics: JStOT 11 (1979) 57-72. 3305 Horton F. L., Jr., Form and Structure in Laws Relating to Women: Lv 18,6-18: SBL,SemPap 109,1 (1973) 20-33. 3306 [Lv 19,18] Fuchs E., Das Doppelgebot der Liebe: --> 306, Wagnis des

E3.7.2 Leviticus 16-27, Lex sanctitatis, Holiness-Code


Glaubens 1979, 100-07 < Masstäbe für die Zukunft. Neue Aspekte christlicher Ethik in einer veränderten Welt, hg. H. J. Girock (Ha 1970) 13-23. 3307 Muraoka T., A Syntactic Problem in Lev 19,18b [ ... you shall love your neighbor as a man like yourself. .. ]: JSS 23 (1978) 291-97. 3308 [Lv 19,28] Tanoni P., Il tatuaggio sacro a Loreto: RicStorSocRelNS 12 (1977) 105-119. 3309 Feldmann E., Biblical and Postbiblical Mourning 1977 ➔ 58s,7907: RHeythJ 20 (1979) 116 (E. F. de W). 3310 [Lv 20, 10] Rossa Ubigli L., Alcuni aspetti della i;urnxziune üdla 'porneia' nel tardo-giudaismo: Henoch l (1979) 201-245. 3311 Schachar Z. Ben, riil The Day after the sabbät: Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 227s, Lv 23,15. 3312 [Lv 25,2] Archi Alfonso, An administrative practice and the 'sabbatical year' at Ebla: StEblaiti 1 (1979) 91-4, fig. 21-24. 3313 Cohen A., [EI Leaving the land fallow [Lv 25,4]: Beth Mikra 24 (1978) 45-9: would wreck the vineyards, and was not observed before exile; later there were goyim around who could supply urgent needs. 3314 [Lv 25,9] Seims A. van, The Year of the Jubilee, In and Outside the Pentateuch: ➔ 638, OTWerkSuidA 17s (1974s, ed. 1977) 74-85. 3315 GrundmannH., Jubel [< 1- 58s,3121: RJBL 98 (1979) 585s (B. R. Moore); ZAW 90 (1978) 11-17(G. Fohrer). 3401 Braulik G., Literarkritik und archäologische Stratigraphie. Zu S. Mittmann's Analyse von Dt 4,1-10: Biblica 59 (1978) 351-83. 3402 Delcor Mathias, Les attaches litteraires, l'origine et la signification de l'expression biblique 'Prendre a temoin le ciel et la terre' [Dt 4,26 etc.; < VT 16 (1966) 8-25]: -> 293, Etudes 1979, 49-66. 3403 Garcia Lopez F., Analyse litteraire du Deuteronome V-XI (diss. R) = RB 84 (1977) 481-522; 85,5-49, Dt 6 et la tradition-redaction du Deuteronome. J 1978, Pont. Inst. Biblicum de Urbe. xvn-94 p. Gratis. 3404 Tiffany Frederick C., Paraenesis and Dt 5-11 (Dt 4:45; 5:2-11:29): A .Form-Critical Study. Diss. Claremont Graduate School 1978. 336 p. 0 7823864. - DissA 39 (1978s} 3643sA. 3405 Peter M., [EI Szemä Israel (Pwt 6,4) - tekst monoteistyczny? [Audi Israel Dt 6,4) tcxtus monotheisticus'!J: Rußi 32 (1979) 22-34. 3406 Delzant Antoine, La communication de Dieu. Par dela utile et inutile. Essai theologique [AT 3 eh., Dt 6,4-lJ; NT 2 eh.] sur l'ordrc syrnbolique. P 1978, Cerf. -> 1450.


E3.9.5 Dt 7,1...

3407 Ishida T., The Structure and Historical lmplications of the Lists of PreIsraelite Nations [in Dt 7,1; Gen, Ex, Jos etc. 1 Chr 1,13-16 etc.]: Biblica 60 (1979) 461-90, 3 tables. 3408 Cohen Amoz, 1H][Dt 15,1) Shmitta: BethM 24,76 (1978s) 45-49.120. 3409 Lehmann Manfred R.: Samaria papyri [BAR-W 4,1 (1978) 16-27] support rabbinical tradition against J. Milik on semi((a - year dating: BARW 5,6 (1979) 11. 3410 Weinfeld M., 1H]'Temple Scroll' or 'King's Law' [cfr. Dt 17:14-20; 1 Mach 14:42-43; Ez 40 - 48): ShnatMilp- 3 (1978s) 214-37. XXIIISS. 3411 Brauner R. A., Some Aspects of Offense and Penalty in the Bible and the Literature of the Ancient Near East [talio in legal, treaty-curse, prophetic indictment contexts, e.g. C]j § 3 et Dt 19:18-21; Nu 14:2-29; Jer 14:15 etc ... ]: GratzColUewishSt 3 (1974) 9-18. 3412 Carmichael C. M., A Common Element in Five Supposedly Disparate Laws [Dt 21): VT 29 (1979) 129-42 ['death in the midst of life']. 3413 Bellefontaine E., Dt 21: 18-21: Reviewing the Case of the Rebellious Son: JStOT 13 (1979) 13-31. 3414 [Dt 21,23] Armstrong Gregory T., The Cross in the OT according to Athanasius, Cyril of Jerusalem and the Cappadocian Fathers: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 17-38. . 3415 Unnik Willem C. van, Der Fluch des Gekreuzigten: Dt 21,23 in der Deutung Justinus' des Märtyrers: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 483-499. 3416 Carmichael C. M., Women, Law and [Dt 21 - 24 reaction against] the Genesis Traditions. E 1979, Univ. ll0p. f:7.50. 3417 [Dt 24, 1-4] Kysar M. & R., The Asundered [ ... Biblical Teachings on Divorce and Remarriage ... ]. Atlanta 1978, J. Knox Pr. 112 p. $5.95. RJnterpr 33 (1979) 322.324 (W. V. Arnold). 3418 [Dt 24,6] Finet A., Le 'gage' et la 'sujetion' (niputum et kissatum) dans les textes de Mari et le code de ]jammurabi: Akkadica 8 (1978) 12-18. 3419 [Dt 26,8] Pesce Mauro, Dio senza mediatori. Una tradizione teologica dal giudaismo al cristianesimo: Testi e ricerche di Scienze Religiose, 16. Hrescia 19'/9, Paideia. 224 p. 3420 Vargyas Peter, IM]Deuteronomium 29,23-26 e la forma assira del Patto: Evkönyv (1977s) 411-418. 3421 Roje A., 1H]The Composition of Deuteronomy 31 in the Light of a Conjecture about Inversion in the Order of Columns in the Biblical Text: ShnatonMikr 3 (1978s) 59-76; 1x-x1, Eng. summ. 3422 Roje A., 1H]Moses' Blessing, the Sanctuary of Nebo, and the Origin of the Levites [ ... Dt 33,11... ]: ➔ 154, Fs. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 409424; 207ss. [Dt 33] Cross-Freedman, Studies ➔ 3132; 57,2157. 3423 Qimron E., IE] IJopep 'fluttering' (Dt 33,12 'he covered him all the day'): BethMikra 24 (1979) 140s.242. 3424 Mazar B., 1H]'They Shall Call Peoples to their Mountains' [Dt 33,1819): ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 39-41; Eng. summ. 123"'. 142:'i T>ahnndM., Dr.ntr.ronomy 'B,19 anrl l!T, :'i2:61-61 [lr.gr.nrlo u.~ippunäyä 'and kiss (verb. denom. ad säja 'lip') the most hidden treasures of the



Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

sand ']: Orientalia 47 (1978) 263s. 3426 Weisman Z., Connecting Link in an Old Hymn: DL 33:19a.21b: VT 28 (1978) 365-68. 3427 Zakovitch V., IE] The Synonymous Word and Synonymous Name in Name-Midrashim [e.g. Dt 33:24; Ps 72:17; Ex 3:2-4 ... ]: ShnatMi).cr 2 (1977) 100-15, XXX. E4.1 Josue .1 Textus; commentarii. 3428 Auld A. Graeme, .Toshua, the Hcbrcw and Greek Texts: -> 597, VTS 30 (1979) 1-14 [cf.-> 58s,3160]. 3429 Buher M. (Rosenzweig F.) Bücher der Geschichte: Die Schrift verdeutscht (1955) 7 ed. He1d 1979, L. Schneider. !>21 P. UM 46. 0 3-'/9Y30181-5. 3430 DeHoff George W., Commentary 2, OT Historical Books. Murfreesboro TN 1977, auct. 3431 Galizzi M. ed. Bibbia TOB (Traduction 56,1955: RRuBi 28 (1975) 295 (E. Ehrlich). 3438 The Prophets. Nevi'im. A New Translation of the Holy Scriptures acc. to Masoretic Text. Second Section [Joshua-Kings; Major & Minor Prophets]. Ph 1978, The Jewish Publication Society of America. xix898 p. $9. - RScriptB 10 (1979s) 40 (M. McNamara). 3439 Rast W. E., Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings: Proclamation Comm. Ph 1978, Fortress. 1?.4p. $3.50pa. 3440 Schick E., Garofalo S. al ed., Libri Historici VT: Pontificia Commissio pro Nova Vulgata 1977 -> 58s,1324: RCBQ 40 (1978) 607ss (P. W. Skehan). 3441 Stellini Angela, Uiosue 2 : Nuovissima versione 6. R 19·1, 1 1968, Paoline. 1641>, 3442 Tov E., Midrash-type Exegesis in the LXX of Joshua: RB 85 (1978) 50-61. .

E4.1 Josue .1, Textus, commentarii


3443 Weiss H., l!!lAgnon's Anthology of the Former(!) Prophets [incorporated in 'Radom Vekhisse']: BarllAn 16s (1979) 300-16. 161 (angl.). E4.l.2 Josue: themata. 3444 Ben-Shem 1., l!!lKibbus ma · arab: The Conquest of the Land West of the Jordan [Jos Jg]: TA 1978, Univ. 154-vm+ 14p., maps. - RK.irSef 54 (1979) 78. 3445 Boling Robert G., For the Birth of a New People: the Books of Joshua and Judges: BToday 104 (1979) 2159-67. 3446 Burnyeat J. P., Historiography and Hebrew Historical Writing: EvQ 50 (1978) 33-37. 3447 Chidasheli M. Sh., IB] Quaestiones quaedam de genesi conceptionum ideologicantm Aetatis Ferreae prislinae: Vuprosy Dn:vnej lslurii, Kavkazsko-bliznevostocnyj Sbornik (Tbilisi 1977) 98-118. 3448 Coggins R. J., History and Story in OT Study: JStOT 12 (1979) 3646. 3449 Cortese A., Problemi attuali circa l'opera deuteronomistica: RivB 26 (1978) 341-52. Emerton J. A. ed., Studies in the Historical Books of the OT: VTS 30 (1979) .... 597. Giveon R , ThP. Tmpa~t of TsrnP.Ion C:anaan 1978 -> 110. 3450 Hauser A. J., Israel's Conquest of Palestine: A Peasants' Rebellion? [ ... G. E. Mendenha/l ... ]: JStOT 7 (1978) 2-19. - Cf. a) Thompson T. L., Historical Notes on Israel's Conquest of [etc.] ... : ib. 20-27. b) Mendenhall, Between Theology and Archaeology: ib. 28-34. - c) Hauser, Response: ib. 35-36. - d) Gottwald N. K.., The Hypothesis of Revolutionary Origins of Ancient Israel: A Response to Hauser and Thompson: ib. 37-52 [8 (1978) 46-49]. 3452 Ishida T., [I] On the Method of History of Ancient Israel: SeiRon 13 (1978) 5-16. 34;3 Kallaz Z., Judah and Israel - A Study in lsraelite Historiography: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 251-261. 3454 Keel Othmar, Wirkmächtige Siegeszeichen im AT 1974 [Jos, Ex, Kgs] -> 56,1696: RoLZ 73 (1978) 569s (G. Pfeifer); TR 74 (1978) 191-6 (M. Görg). 3456 Levin Saul, The Father of Joshua/Jesus [Nun = unrecorded tiqqun söperfm for Yahweh; Joshua ergo was 'son of Yahweh', 'presumably by a qedesäh';cfr. Tarnar, Ruth, Bathsheba ... ] : 1978 -> 58s,6023: RJSS 24 (1979) 282 (F. F. Bruce). 3451 Malamat Abraham, a) Israelite Conduct of War in the Conquest according to the Biblical Tradition: -> 12, Symposia 1979, 35-55; b) Conquest of Canaan: Israelite Conduct of War According to Biblical Tradition [ < • 58s,h012, En0Jud11ic11Yeurbook 1975s, 166 82; Symposia 19791: Rev. Internationale d'HisLuire Mililaire 42 (1979) 25-52. '14'i8 Mi11ard AmnK, Old TcKL1um:nL hiiilot'ical lmokii. A sludy guidc [ < Tbc Historical Books by L. Thomas Holdcrofi, Oakland CA 1970 = 1952, Western; vi-118 p.] ed. Norman D. Anderson, George W. Flattery. 11-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri. historici VT

lustr.: Dennis Kemper. Belgium 1977, International Correspondence Inst. 347p. 3459 Patten D. W., Hatch R. R., Steinhauer L. C., The Long Day of Joshua and Six Other Catastrophes. Unified Theory of Catastrophism. Seattle 1973, Pacific Meridian. xxrv-328 p. - GereffTs 74 (1974) 174ss (W. A. Gispen). 3460 Porter J. R., OT Historiography: ➔ 549 Tradition 1979, 125-62. 3461 Schaeffer F. A., Joshua and the Flow· of Biblical History 1975 ➔ 57,2479 [deutsch 58s,3165]: RWestTJ 38 (1975s) 425 (J. R. Vannoy). 3462 Sicre D[az Jose L., El reto de la Historia. Distintas respuestas de la Biblia: ComSev 12 (1979) 159-201. 3463 Stuhlmueller Carroll, Joshua, Liturgy and the Making of History: BToday 104 (1979) 2168-73. 3464 Weippert M., The Israelite 'Conquest' and Lhe Evidence frum Transjurdan: ➔ 12, Symposia, 75th Anniv. ASOR 1979, 15-34.

3465 [Jos 1-8] Kwak N., Aetiology and Methodology: diss. Hartford, 1977. 192 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2133. 3466 Sanmartin Ascaso J., Textos de conquista en el AT [Jos 2-11; bibliogr.: f. 240-67]. Un estudio de semi6tica narrativa, Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblico 1978 (dir. N. Lohfink). (n+) m-278p.; 142p. - Acta Pont. Inst. Bibl. 8,5 (1977s ) 389s. 3467 Langlamet F., Rahab [Jos 2,1,3:6, 17.23.25; dans la tradition rabbinique; chez les Peres de l'Eglise (... Mt 1,3.5-6 ... )]: ➔ 893, SDB 9/52 (1979) 1065-92. 3468 Seidel H., Der Untergang Jerichos (Jos 6 ) - Exegese oder Kerygma? [1971] ➔ 514, Rogge J., TVers 8 (1977) 11-20. 3469 [Jos 7] Leibson G. [!!] Determining Factors in Herem and Nidui (Ban and Excommunication) During the Tannaitic and Amoraic Periods: Shnaton Mispal 'Ivri 2 (1975) 292-342. 3470 Sapin Jean, Josue 9-10: Gab[a]on-Israel: ETRel 54 (1979) 258-63 [p. 531 excuse l'orthographe]. 3471 Weinfeld M., [!!] Mill}amto ... The War of 'El in Israel and the Near East: ➔ 154, Fs Sepher S. E. LoEWENST AMM 1978, 171-81: [Ignis devorans; lapides coeli, tonitruus, sol in Jos 10,12]. 3472 Blenkinsopp Joseph, Gibeon and Israel 1972 ➔ 53,6438: RoLZ 73 (1978) 253s (S. Wagner).


Josue 13 ... Duodecim Tribus, Amphictyony.

3473 [Jos 13,19] Bächli Otto, Amphiktyonie im AT 1977 ➔ 58s,a962: RGereffT 78 (1978) 201s (C. Houtman); JSS 24 (1979) 275s (J. Bright); KirSef 54 (1979) 628; TR 74 (1978) 279s (R. Smend); TsTKi 50 (1979) 303s (D. Rian); TZRas 14 (1978) (105) (H.-J. Stoehe); VT 29 (1979) 23842 (C. H. J. de Geus). 3474 Geus C. H. J. de, Tribes of Israel 1976 ➔ 58s,a982: RßbbOr 20 (1978)

E4.l.5 Josue 13 ... Duodecim Tribus, J\mphictyony


76s (F. Lu[ciani]); IsrEJ 29 (1979) 63s (S. Al)ituv); VT 29 (1979) 242ss (R. Sme1td); ZDPV 94 (1978) 82 85 (W. Thiel). Amphictyony, Covenant .... 342, Namiki K. Ancient Israel 1979. 3475 Noth M., [Hl irgun enayim-eser . . . Organization of the 12 Tribes (from Geschichte Israels 1950) tr. Y. M. Grintz, 7th printing. J 1976,


Hehr. Univ. 19 p. 3476 Seebass H., Erwägungen zum altisraelitischen System der zwölf Stämme: ZAW 90 (1978) 196-219 [mediatio inter amphictyoniam M. Noth et puras genealogias G. Fahrer]. 3477 Tanret M., Nouvelles donnees a propos de l'amphictyonie neo-sumerienne: Akkadica 13 (1979) 28-45. 3478 Yeivin S., [Hl On the Number of the Israelite Tribes: ➔ 83, Fs. H. GINSBERG,Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 37s.

3479 Auld, A. G., Textual and Literary Studies in the Book of Joshua [1317]: ZAW 90 (1978) 412-17. 3480 Auld A. G., Cities of Refuge in Israelite Tradition [ ... Jos 20]: .TStOT 10 (1978) 26-40. 3481 Falk Zeev W., Asylrecht, AT: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) (315-) 318s (327). 3482 Vaux R. ,fo, Rt:fugt: (D1oit d'asile et villes de refuge dans l'AT): -• 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 1480-1510 [ ... IA. Dans l'Or. anc.: 1483-85; IB. Dans le monde greco-rom.: 1485-89; 11. Asile et refuge en Israel (... Les traditions et les recits de l'hist. d'Israel; Les institutions d'Isr.; La priere et les enseignements d'Isr.); 111.Conclusions et synthese (... B. Signification theol. du droit d'Israel ... )]. 3483 Auld A. G., The 'Levitical Cities': Texts and History: ZAW 91 (1979) 194-206: Jos 21 utitur 1 Chr 6; etsi 'P' non esset auctor, M. Haran rectior quam consensus (W. Albright, B. Mazar). 3484 Snaith N. H., The Altar at Gilgal: Jos 22:23-29: VT 28 (1978) 33035. 3485 Wächter L., Die Bedeutung Sicherns bei der Landnahme der Israeliten 1968 ➔ 50,5659*: RArLitg 13 (1971) 231 (W. Dommershausen). Jaros K., Sichern ... Jos 24, 1976 ➔ t85; 58s,3183. E4.2 Liber Judicum, Richter, Judges: .1 textus, commentarii. 3486 Boling Robert G., Judges: Anchorß 6A, 1975 ➔ 56,1963 ... 58s,3187: RJNES 38 (1979) 213s (D. Pardee); SvExAb 40 (1975) 113s (S. Lindhagen). 3487 Dirksen P. B., The OT in Syriac According to the Peshitta Version [➔ 58s,1401] 11/2 .Tud&es.Ld 1978, Drill, xxiv-61 p. (with Samuel f124). 3488 Elitzur Yehuda [Hl Seper Sope(fm, Judges commentary. J 1976, Kook. 54 + 184 + 30 p. 3489 Knutsson Benet, Studies in .. , Syriac-Arahic .Tudicum 1974-► 56,913; 57,1407: RQLZ 74 (1979) 550s (R. Degen).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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3490 Lewis A. H., Judges, Ruth: Everyman's Bible Comm. Ch 1979, Moody. 128 p. $2.50. 3491 Martin James D., The Book of Judges: C NEB 1975 --->58s,3189; 0 0521-09768-1: RBO 34 (1977) 367-9 (G. Hasel). 3492 Rust Eric C., The book of Judges, the book of Ruth, the First and Second books of Samuel: The layman's Bible commentary 6. Atlanta 1976 (5th printing), Knox. 152 p. 3493 Sacchi Paolo, I giudici ... introd., note: Nuovissima versione 7. R 1977, Paoline. 248 p.

E4.2.2 Judicum themata. 3494 Davis D. R., A Proposed Life-Setting for the Book of Judges. Diss. Southern Baptist Theol. Sem 1978 (dir. C. T. Francisco). 225 p. 0 7818540. DissA 39 (1978s) 2356s-A [Drawing on 2 Sam 1-6: 'early Davidic life-setting' with minimal Deuteronomic editing]. 3495 Lindars B., The Israelite Tribes in Judges: --->597, SupVT 30 (1979) 95112 [Minor Judges; Tribes in Judges 1; 5 ... ]. 3496 Martin J. D., The Office of Judge in Pre-Monarchic Israel: GlasgOrTr 26 (1979 for 1975s) 64-79. 3497 Mayes A. D. H., Israel in thc Pcriod of thc Judges: StDTh II, 29. 1974 --->'i'i,6'\77; 'iRs,h0n· Rf1.TRr:1'i4 (1Q79) 139s (D. Lys); RuBi 31 (1978) 115s (S. Grzybek). 3498 Naumczyk A., Problematyka historyczno-teologiczna okresu s~dzi6w biblijnych. Theologiegeschichtliche Probleme des Zeitalters der biblischen Richter: RoczT, ChrzAKT 1963, 107-38. 3499 Polverosa L6pez M. T., El amor al servicio de la infidelidad en la soteriologia de los Jueces: Cisterc 17 (1965) 5-20. 3500 Shmueli E., The 'Pariah-People' and its 'Charismatic Leadership': A Revaluation of Max Weber's 'Ancient Judaism': PAAR 36 (1968) 169247. 3501 Warner S. M., The Dating of the Period of the Judges [it probably began c.1373 B.C. and not c.1200 B.c.]: VT 28 (1978) 455-63. 3502 Wood L. J., Distressing Days of the Judges ... 1975 --->57,2502: RswJT 18,2 (1975s) 127 (G. Galeott1). 3503 Yadin Y., The Transition from a Semi-Nomadic to a Sedentary Society in the Twelfth Century B.C. [in Palestine]:---> 12, Symposia, 75th Anniv. ASOR 1979, 57-68.

3504 Dahood Mitchell, Scriptio defectiva in Judges 1,19 (L' not lö' but lä'ä 'be weak, unable'): Biblica 60 (1979) 570. 3505 Grottanelli C., Un passo del libro dei Giudici alla luce della comparazione storico-religiosa: il giudice Ehud e il valore della mano sinistra [Jdc 3, 12-30]: Or/\ntCott 13 (1978) 36-45. 3506 Garsiel M., 1B]Die Ehud-Erzählung [Jdc 3,12-30 / Josephus F.]: Fs Y. RoN 1976 --->58s,2645: 57-72.

E4.2.5 Judicum 4,4 ...


3507 Murray D. F., Narrative Structure and Technique in the Deborah-Barak Story (Jdg 4,4-22): ➔ 597, SupVT 30 (1979) 155-89. 3508 Coogan M. D., A Structural and Literary Analysis of the Song of Deborah: CBQ 40 (1978) 143-66. 3509 Craigie P. C., a) Deborah and Anat: A Study of Poetic Imagery (Judges 5): ZAW 90 (1978) 374-81. - b) Parallel Word Pairs in the Song of Deborah: JEvTSc 20,1 (1977) 15-22. 3510 Garbini G., 11 cantico di Debora: ParPass 33 (1978) 5-31. 3511 Ackroyd P. R., Note to *parzon 'iron' in the Song ofDeborah [Jdg 5:7 & 1 Sam 13,19-21 = 'no craftsman']: JSS 24 (1979) 19s. 3512 Weinfeld M. [HI 'They Fought from Heaven' - Divine Intervention in Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 23-30; Eng. summ. 122*: Jg 5,20; Ex 14,25. la lumiere de la 3513 Dlugosz Antoni, a) L'histoire de Gedeon (Jg 6-8) theologie biblique contemporaine (diss. 1976 ➔ 58s,3202; dir. S. Grzybek): BAcThWsz 1977/6, 39ss. - b) [R] Literary genres of Jg 6-8: RuBi 32 (1979) 80-90. 3514 Emerton John A., The 'Second Bull' in Jg 6,25-28: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel . 14 (1978) 52*-55*. 3515 Roop E. F., Living the Bible [experiencing e.g. defeat, Jg 8,22-9,571: a new method of group Bible study. Nv 1979, Abingdon. 142 p. $4.95 pa. 0 0-687 22329 6. 3516 Greenfield J. C., The Meaning of PI:IZ [in Jdc 9:4; Zeph 3:4; Jer 23:32 (Gen 49:4 still unclear): in the Light of Post-Biblical & Aramaic Use 1978, 35-40. 'lewd, lascivious ... ']: ➔ 154, Fs. S. E. LOEWENSTAMM 3517 [Jdc 9,8) Schnur Harry C., [Hg.] Fabeln der Antike, griechisch und lateinisch/deutsch: Tusculum Bücherei. Mü 1978, Heimeran. 349 p. DM 42. - RAntClass 48 (1979) 281s (E. Lienard). 3518 [Jdc 9,45] · Cardascia Guillaume, La malediction par le sel dans les droits du Proche-Orient ancien: ➔ 219, Fs. E. SEIDL1975, 27-34. 3519 Soggin J. A., 11 galaadita Jefte, Gdc 11,1-11: Henoch 1 (1979) 332336. 3520 [Jdc 13-16) C.renshawfämes T.., Samson: a secret betrayed, a vow ignored. Atlanta/L 1978/9, John Kncix/SPCK. 172 p. $7.95/f:6.95. 0 0-80420170-6. - RJBL 98 (1979) 586s (R. G. Boling); OTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 94s (J. J. Collins); Tablet 233 (1979) 876 (H. Wansbrough). 3521 Goitein Elyahu M., Samson according to the Sages: SM'TYN52 (1978) 7-24. 3522 Palmer Abram S., The Samson-saga and its place in comparative religion: International folklore. NY 1977 Arno = L 1913, Pitman. xn-267 p., ill. $17. 0 0-405-10112-0. 3523 Stichel R., Die Inschriften des Samson-Mosaiks in Mopsuestia und ihre Beziehung zum biblischen Text: ByZ 71 (1978) 50-61, pl. 9s. 3524 a) Gilead H. 1H]Mispetayim [Jg 15,6; ➔ 2990, Gn 49,14: 'hills from which grazing sheep could be watched ']: BethM 24 (1978) 33-44. b) Delcor M., Mispetayim [spt 'placer', Ug. tpd]: QuSem 5 (1974) 119s. 3525 Steyn J., Simson in Gasa {Rigters 16: 1-3): TEv 11,2s (1978) 13-21,



Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

RoTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 43 (B. Vawter). 3526 Gordon C. H., Ruild-up and Climax [(& Repetition): Esth; in UT 'nt II 19.29; Jdc 19:1-21:23; Jonas; Gen 1:1-2:24]: ➔ 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 29-34.

E4.2.6 Ruth. 3527 Bachrach Y., Mother of Royalty: An Exposition of the Book of Ruth in the Light of the Sources [Imah sel Malküt 3] tr. L. Oschry. NY 1973, Feldhaim. 252 p, 3528 Beattie D. R. G., Jewish Exegesis of the Book of Ruth 1977 ➔ 58s,3224: RETRel 54 (1979) 483s (D. Lys); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 151 (J. Snaith); JAOS 99 (1979) llls (F. Talmage); JBL 98 (1979) 117s (T. Zahavy); VT 28 (1978) 269ss (S. C. Reif). 3529 Broch Y. 1., l!!l The Book of Ruth as Reflected in Rabbinical Literature. J 1975, Feldheim. ll0p. 3530 Campbell E. F., Ruth, AnchorB 7, 1975 ➔ 57,256: RJNES 37 (1978) 362s (D. Pardee); OLZ 74 (1979) 456ss (K.-M. Beyse); RQum 9 (1978) 4'i7ss (P. Sar.r.hi). 3531 Cavalletti Sofia, Rut-Ester 2, introd., note: Nuovissima versione 12. R 1975, Paoline. 85 p. 3532 Collins Stanley, Courage and submission; a study of Ruth & Esther: A Bible commentary for laymen. Glendale CA 1975, Regal. 94 p. 3533 Heijkoop Hendrik L., Ruth [➔ deutsch 58s,3227] fran~s. Vevey 1976, Bibles et Traites Chretiens. 215 p. 3534 Hession Roy, Nahe bei dir: seelsorgerliche Gedanken über .das Buch Ruth [< Our nearest kinsman]: Telos 2507. Marburg 1979, Francke. 109 p. DM 9,80. 0 3-88224-132-2. 3535 Kronholm Tryggve, .Anteckningar till nyöversättningen av Ruts · bok: SvExAb 44 (1979) 38-66; summ. 66s. From the 1979 specimen of the new (third: 1st 1541, 2d 1917) Swedish Bible, Ruth non-masoretic readings. 3536 Levine Etan, The Aramaic Version of Ruth, AnBib58, 1973 ➔ 55,914a ... ➔ 57,913: REstßib 35 (1976) 46-98 (E. Martinez Borobio: Nota sobre halakä targumica y NT). 3537 Sasson Jack M., Ruth: a New Translation with a Philological Commentary and a Formalist-Folklorist Interpretation: JHopkins NESt. 11. Baltimore/L 1979, Univ. J. Hopkins. xvm-293 p. $19.80/f:10. 0 0-8018-2154-1. - RoTAbstr 2 (1979) 275s (J. J. Collins). 3538 Stern Y. Z. l!!l ße'flr IJ,ädä.f: New commentary on Ruth, Lam, Qoh, Esth. J 1978 [Vilna 1876]. 3539 Witzenrath H. H., Das Buch Rut. Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung: StANT 40, 1975, ➔ 56,1982: RBz 23 (1979) 309s (E. Zenger); RB 85 (1978) 133ss (F. Lang/amet). 3540 Zlotowitz Meir l!!l Megillas. Ruth, a new translation with a mmmentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sources; overview by N. Scherman, Ruth and the seeds of Mashiach: ArtScrollTanach. NY

E4.2.6 Ruth l ...


1976, Z. Berman. 154 p. 3541 Anderson A. A., The Marriage of Ruth: JSS 23 (1978) 171-183. 3542 Barsotti Divo, Ruth, la Parole et l'esprit 1977 Tequi ➔ 58s,3223 (it. 55,1989): RsciEspr 31 (1979) 111s (B. de Margerie). 3543 Fisch A. H. 1H]A Structuralist Approach to the Stories of Ruth and Boaz: BethMikra 24 (1978s) 260-5. 3544 Gardiner G. E., The romance of Ruth. GR 1977, Kregel. vn-72 p. 3545 Leggett D. A. The Levirate and Goel ... Ruth 1974 ➔ 56,1979; 58s,3228: RJBL 95 (1976) 466s (R. M. Hals); JNES 37 (1978) 68s (D.

Pardee). 3546 Porten B., Theme and Historiosnphic Rackgrmmd nf the Scroll of Ruth: GratzColUewishSt 6 (1977) 69-78 [cf. ➔ 58s,32.30]. 3547 Radday Y. T., Welch G. W., 1H]Structure in the Book of Ruth: BethMikra 24 (1978s) 180-7.246. 3548 Jongeling B., HZ'T N'MY(Ruth 1,19): VT 28 (1978) 474-77. 3549 Beattie D. R. G., Ruth 3: JStOT 5 (1978) 39-48; 49-51 response, J. M.

Sasson. 1:5:50Sa.~snnJ. M., The Issue of Ge'ulläh in Ruth 3: .TStOT 5 (1978) 52-64; 65-68, respnrnie, R. CT. R~atti~, Redemption in Ruth and Related Matters. 3551 Zakovitch Y., 1H] The Threshing-Floor Scene in Ruth [3] and the Daughtcrs of Lot [On 19,30-38): ShnatonMikr 3 (1978s) 29-33; XIII, Eng. summ.

E4.3 1-2 Samuel. 3552 Ackroyd Peter R., The Second Book of Samuel, commentary: Cambridge NEB. C 1977, Univ. Press. xn-247p., maps. !:8 (3.25pa.)/$15.50. 0 0-521-08633-7. - RcBQ 40 (1978) 397ss (P. J. King); EvQ 50 (1978) 247 (D. F. Payne); ScotJT 32 (1979) 286s (J. D. Martin). 3553 Barber C. J., (:arter J. D., Always a Winner. A Bible Commentary for Laymen: I Samuel. Glendale CA 1977, GL/Regal. 160p. 3554 Bickert Rainer, Die Geschichte und das Handeln Jahwes. Zur Eigenart einer deuteronomistischen Offenbarungsauffassung in den Samuel-büchern: ➔ 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 9-27. 3555 Boccali Giovanni, I libri di Samuele, introd., note: Nuovissima versione 8. R 1975, Paoline. 447 p. 3556 Boer Pieter A. H. de, Liber Samuelis: BHS 5 ➔ 57,837; DM 6,80; 0 3438-05205-9. 3557 Boer P. A. H. de, Samuel: The OT in Syriac according to the Peshilta Version 2/2. Ld 1978, Brill.; xvm-148 p /1 ?.4 (with Jude;es). 3558 Brandt K., Anteckningar frän översättningen av 1 Sam: SvEx 43 (1978) 7-21.

3559 Davis John J., The Birth of a Kingdom: Studies in 1-11Samuel and 1 Kings 1-11; föreword S. H. Bcss: OT series. GR 1978 (6th printina), Baker. 209 p. 3560 Englert D. M. C., Peshitto of 2 Samuel: SBL Mon 3. MMS 1978 =


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1949 unchanged. 3561 Gibert P., La Bible a la naissance de l'histoire: Au temps de Saül, David at Salomon. P 1975, Fayard. 148 p. 3562 Johnson Bo, Some Remarks on the Marginal Notes in Armenian I Samuel: ➔ 630, Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 17-20. 3563 Saltman A., Pseudo-Jerome, Quaestiones on the Book of Samuel: StPostB 26, 1975 ➔ 56,al 15 - RTLZ 103 (1978) 866s (W. Herrmann). 3564 Stoebe Hans J., Das erste Buch Samuelis 1973 ➔ 54,2223; 55,2004: RTLZ 103 (1978) 644s (G. Wallis). 3565 Ungern-Sternberg R. von, Das erste Buch Samuel, tr. com. Wuppertal 1978, Brockhaus. vr-321 p. 3566 Zipor M. A., l!!I Ha-targumfm ... The Ancient Versions of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles: A Comparative Study of their Translation Techniques for Terms of Realia. Abstract of Diss. Ramat-Gan (dir. M. Goshen-Gottstein) 1979.

3567 Willis John T., Samuel versus Eli I Sam 1-7 [adding to JBL 90 (1971) 288-308; ST 26 (1972) 33-61 now F. Schicklberger, H. J. Stoebe, A. F. Campbell, P. Mil/er - J. Roberts]: TZBas 35 (1979) 201-12. 3568 Hagemeyer 0., Samuel und Saul - Ranna und Maria [Bibelwoche im Hedwii-Dransfeld-Haus in Bendorf. Rh, 1979 über 1 Sam 1l: ErbAuf 55 (1979) 472-74. 3569 Elat M., l!!I History and Historiography in the Story of Samuel and Saul [spec. 1 Sam 1 : 11, cfr. neoassyrian documents ADD I 640; ND 5463; 1 Sam 12: 23; 13: 9ff; 15,8ff; 28,3.7-9 ... ]: ShnatMi]. 58s,8164: RcBQ 41 (1979) 453ss (P. D. Miscall); KirSt:f 54 (1979) 567-73 (M. Weinfeld); UF 10 (1978) 465s (W. Dietrich); ZAW 91 (1979) 145 (G. Fohrer). 3584 Eaton John H., Kingship and the Psalms: StBTh 11/32, 1976 --> 58s,3539: RETRel 54 (1979) 476s (D. Lys); JSS 24 (1979) 276s (A. H. W. Curtis). 3585 Goodall Terence, Molifs uf lht: Royal Ideology: -->SS2, N. Brown, Essays 1979, 145-156. 3586 Graboi's A., L'ideal de la royaute biblique dans la pensee de Thomas Becket: Thomas Becket, Actes du colloque int. de Sechieres ... 1973, ed. R. Foreville (P 1975, Beauchesne) 103-10. Vi87 HalpP-rnRanich, The Constitution of the Monarchy in Israel: Harvard diss. c. 1978, to appear as HarvSemMon. - HarvTR 72 (1979) 316. 3588 Hölzel H.-R., Die Rolle des Stammes 'mlk' und seiner Ableitungen für die Herrschaftsvorstellungen der vorexilischen Zeit. Diss. Hamburg 1971. 273 p. DissA 39 (1978s) 3131c. 3589 Ishida Tomoo, The Royal Dynasties in Ancient Israel: BZAW 142, 1977--> 58s, [8174], bll2: RCBQ 40 (1978) 405ss (B. C. Birch); ETRel 54 (1979) 140s (D. Lys); JBL 97 (1978) 578s (B. 0. Long); JSS 24 (1979) 274s (J. W. McKay); VT 29 (1979) 371ss (J. A. Soggin). 3590 Maly E. H., God and King in Ancient Israel: BToday 100 (1979) 18931900. 3591 Mayes A. D. H., The Rise of the Israelite Monarchy [1 Sm 7: exordiens a D. J. McCarthy Int 27 (1973) 401-]: ZAW 90 (1978) 1-19; summ. germ. gall. 19. 3592 Mettinger T. N. D., King and Messiah: The Civil and Sacral Legitimation ofthe Israelite Kings: ConBibOT 8, 1976--> 57,6385; 58s,8181: RBO 17. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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36 (1979) 81-3 (S. Herrmann); BZ 23 (1979) lO0ss (J. Becker); ETL 54 (1978) 367s (J. Coppens); JAOS 98 (1978) 508s (S. B. Parker); JBL 96 (1977) 585s (B. 0. Lang); JNES 38 (1979) 214ss (D. Pardee); JStOT 6 (1978) 71ss (R. E. Clements); TZ 34 (1978) 50s (H.-J. Stoebe); VT 28 (1978) 499-509 (H. G. M. Williamson). 3593 Seligman Charles G., Egypt and Negro Africa: a Study in Divine Kingship: Frazer Lecture 1933. NY 1978 = 1934, AMS. 82 p., 2 pl., map. 3594 Starke F., ijalmasuit im Anitta-Text und die hethitische Ideologie vom Königtum: ZAss 69 (1979s) 47-120 [ ... dsiu Appellativ für 'Gott'; dsiusmis etc. • dHalma fäitt-; 'protohatt.' Herkunft und politische: Re:de:utung im Anitta-text; Gestalt, Magischer Aspekt des dijalmasuit]. 3595 Stolz Fritz, Einsicht und Erfolg - ein Element alttestamentlicher Königsideologie. Zum normativen Stellenwert eines biblischen Themas: TGl 69 (1979) 343-56. 3596 Talmon S., Kingship and the Ideology of the State [in Israel's Monarchies]: --->900b, WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (J. 1979) 3-26. 279-85. 3597 Veijola T., Das Königtum in der Beurteilung der deut. Historiographie 1977 ➔ 58s,2744: RRB 85 (1978) 279-300 (F. Langlamet); RIIPR 59 (1979) 87s (E. Jacob). 3598 Barte/ A., Historical Foundations of l Sam 7: 2-14: BethM 22,4 71 (1977) 524. 3599 Humphreys W. L., The Tragedy of King Saul: A Study of the Structure of l Sam 9-31: JStOT 6 (1978) 16-27. 3600 [l Sm 9-15] Smelik Klaas A. D., Saul. De voorstellingen van Israels eerste koning in de Masoretische tekst van het OT 1977 ➔ 58s,bl43: Rßü 36 (1979) 78ss (J. A. Soggin); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 329; VT 29 (1979) 128; ZAW 90 (1978) 149 (G. Fahrer). 3601 Paul S. M., l Sam 9,7: An Interview Fee [tesura: sur 'to see'; ad rem accad. nämurtu vel tämurtu 'gift' < amäru 'to see']: Biblica 59 (1978) 542-44. 3602 Curtis J. B., A Folk Etymology of näbf' (1 Sam 9,9): VT 29 (1979) 491-93. 3603 Ben-Barak Z., The Mizpah Covenant (1 Sam 10,25) - The Source of the Israelite Monarchie Covenant: ZAW 91 (1979) 30-43. 3604 Parker S. B., Possession, Trance and Prophecy in Pre-exilic Israel [l Sam 10,57; 19,20-24; Is 21,3-4]: VT 28 (1978) 271-88. 3605 Reviv H., IE] Jabesh-Gilead in 1 Sam 11 : 1-4. Features of the Israelite City in the Pre-monarchic Period: Zion 43 (1978) 181-84. xx1x. 3606 Vannoy J, R., Covenant Renewal at Gilgal: A Study of 1 Sam 11,1412,25 1978 ➔ 58s,3263: RCBQ 41 (1979) 637 (B. C. Birch); GereITTs 79 (1979) :.!60ss (r. Boom; ScotJT 32 (1979) 576s (W. McKune); ZAW 91 (1979) 326s (G. Fahrer). 3607 Jobling David, Thc Sc.nsc of liiblical Narrntivc, Thmr. ~tmoturnl Anal yses in the OT [l Sam 13-31, p. 4-25; ➔ Nm lls; l K 17s]: JStOT Sup. 7. Sheffi.eld 1978, Univ. 102 p. $6 pa. 0 0-905774-06-X. - RcBQ 41 (1979)

E4.5.l Origins of Kingship - 1 Samuel 13...


631s (C. H. Mil/er); ETRel 54 (1979) 156 (D. Lys); EvQ 51 (1979) 113s (R. P. Gordon). 3608 Gilead H., 1H] Samuel's Rebuk:e of Saul (1 Sam 15,22): Beth Mikra 24,77 (1979) 142-8; summ. 243. 3609 Silverman L. M., The Tom Robe: A Study of 1 Sam 15: 26-28: Dor LeDor 81 (1979s) 136-39.

E4.5.3 1 Sam 16 ...


2 Sam 2,4; 7,8) Ortus Davidis, David's Rise.

3610 Carlson A., David [in drt]; Ringgren H., [in Ps. proph. Chr.]: ➔ 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 157-63-69. 3611 Gosselin Edward A. The King's Progress to Jerusalem: Some Interpretations of David During the Reformation Period und Their Patristic and Medieval Background: Humana Civilitas 2. Malibu CA 1976, Undena. Rspec 53 (1978) 368s (B. Smalley); TLZ 103 (1978) 758s (H. Möller); TR 75 (1979) 118s (H. Feld). 3612 Grenbcek J. H., Die Geschichte vom Aufstieg Davids, 1 Sm 15 - 2 Sm 5 1971 .....53, 1823 ... 57, 2561: RAfO 26 (1978s) 134s (G. Sauer). 3613 Gunn D. M., The Story of King David: JStOT Sup. 6, 1978 ➔ 58s,bl07. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 458s (t E. H. Maly); ETRel 54 (1979) 162s (D. Lys); JBL 98 (1979) 587s (R. G. Bowman); JTS 30 (1979) 521s (R. N. Whybray); VT 29 (1979) 369ss (T. Veijola). 3614 Hadot P. [intr. texte, notes], Cordier M., [tr.] AMBROISE de Milan, Apologie de David: SChr 239. P 1977, Cerf. 211 p. F 89. - RAntClass 48 (1979) 329s (L. Verheijen); Latomus 38 (1979) 706-8 (Y.-M. Duval); NRT 100 (1978) 580s (C. Martin). 3615 Palau Luis, Heart after God: Running with David. Portland OR, 1978, Multnomah. 118 p. §3.95pa. 3616 Seybold K., Das davidische Königtum im Zeugnis der Propheten: FRLANT 107, 1972 ➔ 54,2562. - RßiK.i 30 (1975) 111 (F. J. Stendebach). 3617 Siedl Suitbert, David: Christliche Innerlichkeit 13 (Mariazell 1978) 5970. 119-129. 196-207. 255-265. 3618 Schicklberger F., Die David-Überlieferung von 1.2. Sam; 1 Kön 1-2 mit besonderem Blick auf das Verhältnis von Gemeinschaft und Einzelnem in der früheren Königszeit untersucht: kath. Diss. Graz 1978. 3619 Veijola Timo, Die ewige Dynastie. David ... diss. Helsinki 1974 dir. I. Soisalon-S.; 1975 ➔ 57,6426; 58s,2744: RJBL 98 (1979) 119 (B. Lang); OLZ 74 (1979) 351s (G. Pfeifer); RevSR 52 (1978) 185s (T. Chary); TLZ l03 (1978) 341-4 (J. H. Grenbaek). 3620 Ward Roger 1., The story of David's rise. A traditio-historical study: diss. Vanderbilt 1967. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. 3621 Jason H., The Story of David and Goliath: A Folk Epic? [I Sam 17: V. Propp, A. Skafiymov]: Biblica 60 (1979) 36-70. 3622 [I Sm 17,4) Vivian A., Golia 'is habbenayim. Traduzioni e tradizioni antiche: AugRom 18 (1978) 555-564. 3623 Deern A., ' ... and the Stone sank into the forehead'. A Note on 1 Sam 17: 49 [potius: ... sank into his greave]: VT 28 (1978) 349-51.


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3624 [1 Sm 19,1] Horner T., Jonathan Loved David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times 1978-> 58s,8079: RcBQ 41 (1979) 463s (M. L. Barre); PrincSem.B NS 2 (1979) 177s (P. R. Powell Jr.). 3625 Anbar (Bernstein) M., Un euphemisme 'biblique' dans une lettre de Mari [ARM X 76: 29 qaqqad ayäb beliya, cfr. 1 S 20,16: inimici regis euphem. pro rege ipso]: Orientalia 48 (1979) 109-111. 3626 Mastin B. A., Jonathan at the Feast. A Note on the Text of 1 Sam 20 : 25 [legendum wayyäqom, sed = 'to stand', cfr. b' l qm 'l' il CT A 2 I 21 = 'part of a description of the gods feasting'. Verte 'and Jonathan took his stand']: -> 597, SupVT 30 (1979) 113-24. 36?.7 Angnstinovir.hAgustin, Et ocultismo y la Biblia: Ultreya, 7. Caracas 1977, Tripode. l64p. [La bruja de Endor (1 Sam 28); Medios licitos de adivinaci6n; La brujeria en el Antiguo Israel; Los 'extraterrestres' y la Biblia ... ]. 3628 Beuken W. A. M., I Sam 28: The Prophet as 'Hammer of the Witches': JStOT 6 ( 1978) 3-17 [< De profeet als heksenhamer: -> 9, Proef en Toets 1977]. 3629 Reid S. B., Violence and Vengeance: ingredients for tragedy: ..... 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 153-8: 1 Sm 28. 3630 fl Sm 28,31 Heinemann J., l!!l On the Attitude of the [Rabbinicl Sages lu Bililical Cluunulugy [e.g. Samuel died at the age of 52 years ... ] . __, 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 145-52. 3631 Delcor M., Les Kerethim [l Sam 30,1 etc.] et les Cretois [et ug. Krty; aussi: les Philistins; et les Pelethi < plh hb; Kcrcthim < kärat 'coupcr' ... 'detruire ']: VT 28 (1978) 409-22 [.....3649]. 3632 Fenton T. L., Comparative Evidence in Textual Study: M. Dahood [Bib 53 (1972) 398] on 2 Sam 1,21 and CTA 19 (1 Aqht) 1, 44-45: VT 29 (1979) 162-70. 3633 Fokkelman J. P. sede terumöt in II Sam 1,21a - a non-existent crux [= merome sädeh Jdc 5,18]: ZAW 91 (1979) 289ss. 3634 Millard A. R., Saul's Shield Not Anointed with Oil [2 Sam 1,21]: BASOR 230 (1978) 70, on 221, 141 W. H. Shea. 3635 Kutich E., Wie David König wurde. Beobachtungen zu 2. Sam. 2,4a und 5,3: .....269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 75-93. 3636 Ben-Barak Z., The Legal Background to Restoration of Michal to David (2 Sam 3, 14-16) [ ... comparing LE § 29; CH § 135; Middle Ass. Law A § 45 ... ]: .....597, VTS 30 (1979) 15-21. ~ 3637 a) Veijola T., David und Meribaal: RB 85 (1978) 338-61 [l Chr 8,34; 2 Sm 4 ... 19]. - b) Seims A van, boset as a Substitute for ba'al [e.g. in Ishbosheth]: OTWerkSuidA 19 (1976/8) 1-9. -> 3828. 3638 [2 Sm 5,6] Flanagan J. W., The Relocation of the Davidic Capital: JAAR 47 (1979) 223-244: 'the move lessened Yahwism's restraining influence upon the developing monarchy '. 3639 Soden W. von, Tempelstadt und Metropolis im Alten Orient: Die Stadt, Gestalt und Wandel bis zum industriellen Zeitalter hrg. H. Stoob (Köln/W 1979) 37,82, 26 Abb. . 3640 Brunet Gilbert A, Les aveugles et boiteux jebusites / David et le ~innör

E4.5.3 l Samuel 16 ... David's Rise


}J,ikka, naga': -->597, VTS 30 (1979) 65-72 / 73-86. 3641 [2 Sm 5, 17-25] Tidwell N. L. The Philistine Incursions into the Valley of Rephaim (2 Sam 5: l 7fl): -->597, VTS 30 (1979) 190-212. 3642 Tarragon J.-M. de, David et l'arche: 2 Samuel, 6: RB 86 (1979) 51423. 3643 Ulrich Eugene C. J, The Qumran Text of Samuel and Josephus (diss. Harvard, dir. F. M. Cross): HarvSemMon 19. MMS 197K xiv-278 p. $10.50($7). 0 0-89130-256-5. Pp. 193-221: Quantitative Analysis of 2 Sam 6. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 665s (D. J. Harrington); ZAW 91 (1979) 474 (G. Fohrer). %44 Poulssen N., De Mikal5cene 2 Sam 6, 16. 20-23: Bijdragen 39 (1978) 32-57; angl. summ. 57s. 3645 [2 Sm 7] Birus H., Poetische Namengebung. Zur Bedeutung der Namen in Lessings 'Nathan der Weise': Palaestra, 270. Gö 1978, Vandenhoeck & R. - RzAW 91 (1979) 461 (G . .Fohrer). 3646 Garcia Trapiello J., La alianza del Sefior con el Rey David 1970 -->52, 4091: RcuBib 30 (1973) 381s (B. Celada). 3647 Levenson J. D., The Davidic Covenant and its Modem Interpreters: CDQ 41 (1979) 205-19. 3648 Lernehe N. P., David's Rise (2 Sam 8-20; 1 Kgs 1-2]: JStOT 10 (1978) 2-25. el fos Cretois -> 3631 293, Etudes 1979, 314-327. 3650 Langlamet P., David et la maison de Saül [suite de RB 83 (1976) 3219; 84,161s]: RB 86 (1979) 194-213: Les episodes «benjaminites» de 2 Sam 9; 16, 1-14; 19, 17-31; l Rois 2, 36-46; RB 86 (1979) 384-436, quelques problemes textuels. 3651 Caquot A., Cours: l'histoire de David dans les livres de Samuel [2 Sam 9 - l Rg 2]: Annuaire du College de France 79, Resume de cours et de travaux, annee scolaire 1978s (P 1979) 465-77. 3652 Garbini G., 'Narrativa della successione' o 'storia dei re' f2 Sam 9-20; l Re 1-2]?: Henoch l (1979) 19-41, res. fran~. 3653 Jlaga11 Harry, Decepliun as Motif nnd Thcmc in 2 Sm 9-20; 1 Kgs 1-2: Biblica 60 (1979) 301-26. 3654 [2 Sm 11] Cody A., Sin and its Sequel in the Story of David and Bathsheba: --> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 115-26. 3655 Barthelemy Dominique, Les problemes textuels de 2 Sam 11,2 - 1 Rois 2,11 reconsideres ä la lumiere de certaines critiques des 'Devanciers d'Aquila' < IOSCS Pseudepigrapha LA 1972, 16-88: -->279, Histoire du Texte 1978, 218-254 (+ 255-288 inedit). 3656 a) Würthwein Ernst, Die Erzählung von der Thronfolge Davids, ThSt 115, 1974--> 56,2002: RorAnt 17 (1978) 76 (J. A. Soggin). - b) Veijola T., Salomo - der Erstgeborene Bathshebas [E, Würthwein (Z 1974) geprüft. 2 Sam 12,15b-24a Legende vom Tod des ersten Kindes, von einem Bearbeiter eingefügt, der Salomo vom Vorwurf wiehelicher Empfängnis reinigen wollte]: -->597, VTS 30 (1979) 230-50.


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3657 Sawyer J. F. A., David's Treatment of the Ammonites (2 Sam. 12,31) A Study in the history of interpretation: GlasgOrTr 26 (1979 for 1975s) 96-107. 3658 [2 Sm 13ss] Brin G., IBlThe story of the Birthright of David's Sons; Tarbiz 48 (1978s) 1-8. 3659 Conroy Charles, Absalom Absalom! .. 2 Sam 13-20: AnBib 81, 1978: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 623s (ipse); TZBas 35 (1979) 245 (K. Seybold). 3660 Bickert R., Die List Joabs und der Sinneswandel Davids: Eine dtr bearbeitete Einschaltung in die Thronfolgeerzählung: 2 Sam 14, 2-22: ➔ 597, VTS 30 (1979) 30-51. 3661 Langlamet F., Ahitofel et Houshai. Redaction prosalomonicnnc cn 2 S(am) 15-17? [crit. litt.: Lc ralliement de Iloushai (16, 16-19); Lc(s) conseil(s) d'Ahitofel (16,20-17,23) - La theologie du redacteur]: ➔ 154 Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 57-90. 3662 [2 Sm 15,4] Whitelam Keith W., The just king: monarchical judicial authority in ancient Israel: JStOT Sup. 12. Sheffield 1979, Univ. 320 p. $18.40 (12.95 pa.). 0 0-905774-18-3. 3663 Trebolle Julio, Espias contra consejeros en la revuelta de Absal6n (II Sam. XV, 34-36); Historia de la recensi6n como metodo: RB 86 (1979) 524-43. 3664 Langlamet F., David et 1a maison de Saul I. 4. Critiquc littcrairc et 'formelle' des sections 'benjaminites': RB 86 (1979) 481-513, a suivre. [2 Sm 22 = Ps 18) Cross F., Freedman D., Studies in ancient Yahwistic Poetry 1975 ➔ 3132; 57,2157. 3665 Harrelson W., Creative Spirit in the OT: A Study of the Last Words of David (2 Sam 23: 1-7): ➔ 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 127-33. 3666 Zeron A., Der Platz Benjahus in der Heldenliste Davids (II Sam 23, 20-23): ZAW 90 (1978) 20-27; summ. angl. 27, gall. 28. Rupprecht K., Der Tempel ... jebusitisches Erbe? [2 Sm 24,18) 1977 ➔ 3711. E4.6 1-2 Regum, Books of Kings. 3667 Brongers H. A., I Koningen 2 [aanvullingen: p. 249-52). De Prediking van het OT, een theol. commentaar onder redactie van A. van Seims e.a. Nijkerk 1979, Callenbach. 252 p. 3668 Comay J., The Hebrew Kings 1976 ➔ 58s,b090: RJStOT 6 (1978) 74ss (A. J. Hauser). 3669 Conrad D., Einige (archäologische) Miszellen zur Kultgeschichte Judas in der Königszeit: ➔ 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 28-32. 3670 Elgavish David, IBJMill]emet wesalom: War and Peace in the relationship of Israel and Judah: forms in international relations in the biblical period. Ramat-Gan 1978, Univ. Bar-Ilan. ix-213 p. 3671 Fernandez Marcos N., La sigla lambda [encima de] omicron en 1-11 Reyes-Septuaginta: Sef 38 (1978) 243-62: = lo(ipoi) sc. varii (praeter Lucianum), semper fulcientes hebraicum (hexaplarem).

E4.6 Libri Regwn, Books of Kings


3672 Fichtner Johannes t, Das erste Buch von den Königen übersetzt und ausgelegt hg. K. D. Fricke 2 ; Botschaft des ATs 12,1. Stu 1979 11964, Calwer. 347 p. DM 24. 0 3-7668-0042-6. 3673 Garel/i P., L'Etat et la legitimite royale sous l'empire assyrien: .... 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 319-28. 3674 Genesius Josephus, Regum Libri Quattuor ed. A. Lesmueller-Werner,I. Thurn: Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae, 14. B 1978, de Gruyter. XXIX-143p., 1 fig. DM 108. 3675 Goedicke H., Königserzählung: --> 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 494-95. 3676 Greenberg M., Religion: Stability and Ferment [in Israel's Age of the Monarchy]: ➔ 900, WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (1979) 79-123.296-303. 3677 Kegler Jiirgen, Politisches Geschehen und theologisches Verstehen: Zum Geschichtsverständnis in der frühen israelitischen Königszeit: Calwer Theol. Mon. 8, 1977 .... 58s,2694: RcBQ 41 (1979) 31 lss (J. G. Gammie); JBL 98 (1979) 120ss (D. Jobling: 'a confusing book ... disappointing'); TZBas 34 (1978) 356s (H. J. Stoebe). 3678 Koch K., Die mysteriösen Zahlen der judäischen Könige und.idie apokalyptischen Jahrwochen: VT 28 (1978) 433-41. 3679 Krautwurst G., Studien zu den Septuagintazusätzen in I. (3.) Könige 2 und ihren Paralleltexten 1977 ➔ 58s,3302: RZAW 90 (1978) 144 (G. Fahrer). l680 T.ewittes M., The Relieious Fmmdations of the Jewish State. The Concept and Practice of Jewish Statehood from Biblical Times to the Modem State of Israel. NY 1977, Ktav. 271 p. $15. 3681 McNeely Richard J., First and Second Kings. Ch 1978, Moody. 158 p. $2.50. 3682 Malamat Abraham (Eph'al, 1.) ed., The Age of the Monarchies: Culture and Society: World HistJP [➔ 900] 1,4,2. J 1979, Massada. xvm-340 p., 43 ill., 28 fig.; bibliog. 331-4. 3683 Rehm Martin, Das erste Buch der Könige: ein Kommentar. 'Wü 1979, Echter-Verlag. 226 p. DM 39 pa. 0 3-429-00636-8. 3684 Smith James E., l & 11 Kings: Hible study textbook series. Joplin MO 1975, College Press. xr-761 p., 11 pl. 3685 Stone Michael E., Strugnell J., The Books of Elijah, Parts 1-2 [I. Fragments of the Elijah Literature; 11. 'J'he Vita .Eliae and the Short History of Elijah the Prophet] collected & translated; index W. L. Lipscomb: SBL, TextTransl 18 = Pseudepigr. Series 8. MMS 1979. xi-110 p. $4. 3686 Thiele E. R., A Chronology [summary of (1951 2 1965) Mysterious Numbers] of the Hebrew Kings: Contemporary Evangelical Perspectives 1977 .... 58s,b152. - RAndrUnSS 17 (1979) 227s (K. A. Stand); JBL 98 (1979) 118s (W. R. Wifall Jr.). 3687 Trompf G. W., Notions of Historical Recurrence in Classical Hebrew Historiography [I. Re-enactment of Significant Events; Recurrent Actualization of Retributive Principles]: .... 597, VTS 30 (1979) 213-29. 3688 Würthwein E., Das Erste Buch der Könige: Kap 1-16: ATDt 11,1 (1972) ➔ 58s,3298. - RcBQ 40 (1978) 620ss (W. R'. Wifa/11); TGl 69 (1979) 227s (J. Gamberoni); TLZ 104 (1979) 503s (S. Wagner); TR 74 (1978) 280ss (M. Rehm).


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3689 a) Friedman R. E., The Impact of Exile upon the Character of Biblical Narrative: diss. Harvard. HarvTR 71 (1978) 319: Josianic and Exilic editings of Deuteronomistic history. - b) Wyatt Nicolas, The OT Historiography of the Exilic Period: ST 33 (1979) 45-67 [deuteronomistic not Chr!]. E4.6.1 1 Regum 1 . . . Salomo. 3690 Gooding D. W., Relics of Ancient Exegesis: A Study of the Miscellanies in 3 Reigns 2: SOTS Mon. 4, 1976--+ 57,2592; 58s,3301: RJBL 96 (1977) 586s (J. A. Ariet1); TLZ 103 (1978) 103s (H. Reventlow). 3691 Faber van der Keulen H. E., Das Salomo-Bild im hellenistisch-jüdischen Schrifttum 1978 --+58s,1992: RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 75s (H. Biezeno). 3692 King Judith A., The Role of Solomon in the Deulerunumic History [1. Nathan's oracle, Succession Narrative, Dream Theophany at Gibeon; 11. Solomon and the Jerusalem Temple; III. Domestic and Foreign Policy of Solomon; rv. Nathan's Oracle, Kingship Law in Dt 17, and Solomon's marriage alliances and apostasy]. Diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 1978 (dir.: D. L. Williams). 0 7809777. 235 p. - DissA 39 (1978s) 326A. 3693 Mandel Gabriel, König Salomo: das bewegte Leben des Königs der Könige; ein Leben voller Gegemditze, Glanz und Tragik [Salomone 1977 --+ 58s,bl28] tr. H. Wegener, bearb. P. Eisele. W 1977, Scherz. 332 p., (farb.) ill. DM 32. 0 3-502-15444-9. Cf. --+t786. 3694 Yeivin S., Administration [of Israel in the Age of the Monarchies]: --+900b, WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (J1979) 147-71.308-11. 3695 Zirker H., Die Könige Israels im Schulbibelformat: Religionspädagogische Beiträge 4 (1979) 86-117. 3696 Cazelles H., Administraliun salumunieru1e et tenninologi.e administrative egyptienne: GLECS 17 (1972s) 23ss. 3697 [1 Reg 1,34 -► 58s,3300] Murnanc William J., Ancient Egyptinn Coregenc1es: SAUC 40. Ch 19"/"/, Univ. Oriental Inst. XVIII-272 p. 3698 Lemaire Andre, Note sur le titre bn hmlk dans l'ancien Israel: Semitk11 29 (1979) 59-65. 3699 Schmitz B., Untersuchungen zum Titel S3-NJSWT 'Königssohn'. Habelts Diss., Ägyptologie 2. Bonn 1976, R. Habelt. xn-371 p. --+ 58s,a197. 3700 [1 Reg 2,19] Jung Kyu Nam, Court Etiquette in the OT. Diss. Drew Univ. 1979. 226 p. 0 7922433. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2112-A. 3701 Malamat Avraham, a) The First Peace Treaty between Israel and Egypt: BAR-W 5,5 (for 4, 1979) 58-61: 1 Kgs 3,1; 9,16. - b) [!!] The K.ingdom of David and Salomon and the First Treaty with Egypt [melech gädöl = sarru rabbu ... ]: Bitzaron, N.S. 1,1-2 (1979) 7-14. 3702 Kcnik H. A., The Design for Kingship in 1 Ki 3:'1-15: A Study in the Deuteronomislic Narrntive Techni4ue aml Theulugy of Kingship: U1ss. Saint. Louis TTniv. 1978. 364 p. 0 7818703. - DissA 39 (1978) 2365-A. 3703 [1 Reg 4,25] Kirk A., 'Cada uno bajo su vid y hajo su higuera'. La busqueda de una hermeneutica pertinente: RBibArg 41 (1979) 163-170.

E4.6.2 1 Regum 6 ... Templum Salomonis


E4.6.2 1 Reg 6s Templum Salomonis [->T 3.7: s672-s689]. 3704 Fritz Volkmar, Tempel und Zelt, WMANT 47, 1977-> 58s,2749: RKirSef 54 (1979) 487; NorTTs 79 (1978) 110 (A. S. Kapelrud); TLZ 104 (1979) 729s (W. Herrmann). 3705 Gutmann J. ed., Temple of Solomon 1976 -> 58s,8011: RQadm 11 (1978) 130 (J. Wilkinson). 3706 Haran Menahem, Temples and Temple-Service in Ancient Israel: An Inquiry into the Character of Cult Phenomena and the Historical Setting of the Priestly School. Ox 1978, Clarendon. XVIII + 394 p. 2 maps. f:18.50/$48. - RpEQ 111 (1979) 133s (R. E. Clements); RB 86 (1979) 613-8 (J. M. de Tarragon: anciennete de P fragile). 3708 Madvig D. H., Temple: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) (781-)794-8. 3709 Pelletier A., Le grand rideau au decor sideral du temple de Jerusalem: JSav (1979) 53-60. 3710 Rosenau H., Vision of the Temple: the Image of the Temple of Jerusalem in Judaism and Christianity. L 1979, Oresko. 192 p., 166 fig. flO. 3711 Rupprecht Konrad, Der Tempel von Jerusalem, BZAW 144, 1977 -> 58s,7991: RBO 36 (1979) 83s (J. A. Soggin); FreibRu 31 (1979) 125s (R. Schmid); JBL 97 (1978) 579s (J. A. Rimbach); TLZ 104 (1979) 257ss (K.-H. Bernhardt); VF 10 (1978) 489 (0. Luretz). 3712 Temples and High Places [in Biblical Times]: A Colloquium [in honor of the centenary of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, in Jerusalem 1977] a) BA 40 (1977) 84s (V. M. Fargo). - b) IsrEJ 27 (1977) 259s: names 30 speakers and titles. 3713 Görg M., Zwei bautechnische Begriffe in 1 Kön 6,9 [gebfm u-sederot cfr. aeg. gb3 'Arm, Seite' 'Nebengebäude' et sdrt 'Säulenhalle, Kolonnade']: BibNot 10 (1979) 12-15. 3714 Sasson V., An Unrecognized Juridical Term in the Yabneh-yam Lawsuit and in an Unnoticed Biblical Parallel [mf 1 Ki 7: 14 & Lawsuit 1.12 (Ni): 'immale '(so that) 1 may be vindicated']: BASOR 232 (1978) 57b:;,

3715 Meyers Carol L., Was there a Seven-Branched Lampstand in Solomon's Temple? BAR-W 5,5 (for 4, 1979) 46-57 [No: 1 Kgs 7,49 was different from Ex 25,37].

3716 [1 Reg 10,1-13] Brock S. (P.), The Queen of Sheba's Questions to Solomon. A Syriac Version: Museon 92 (1979) 331-45. Mandel G., Das Reich der Königin von Saba 1978 -> t 786. 3717 Nagy J6zsef 'Impäräteasa de la miazä-zi' [the empress from the south] Regina Saba: Mitropolia Banatului (1977) 68-7 5. 3718 Pritchard J. B. al., Solomon and Sheba 1974 -> 56,7113; 58s,3311. RJQR 66 (1975s) 245s (B. J. Bamberger). 3719 Robin C., 1K]From the inscriptions of Bilqis shrine: Raydan 1 (1978) 11-56. 3720 Stiegner R. G., Die Königin von Saba in ihren Namen. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden semitischen Sagenkunde und zur Erforschung des


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Entwicklungsganges der Sage [Diss. Graz 1977; 208+5p.]: Diss. 144. Graz 1979, DBV. 208 p. (bibliog. 186-208). Sch. 75. 3721 [1 Reg 10,14-29] Elat M., Trade and Commerce [in Israel's Age of the Monarchies]: ➔ 900b, WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (J 1979) 173-86.312-18. 3722 Ikeda Yutaka, [Il Israelite Trade with Northem Countries in the Days of Solomon: Seishögaku-Ronshü 14 (1979) 5-14. 3723 Mastin B. A., Was the sälfs [1 K 10,29 +] the Third Man in the Chariot? [ ... no archaeological evidence in the Ancient Near East for chariots with a crew of three; the s. is an officer and the King's adjutant; name, because he was of the third rank; salsu, tlt(ug)2]: ➔ 591, VTS 30 (1979) 125-154. 3724 [1 Reg 11,3] Biga Maria G., Matrimoni dinastici nel Vicino Oriente antico: RSO 51 (1977) 1-5. 3725 Plntore F., 11 matrimonio inltmlinasticu nd Vicinu Orit:nlt: uw-anlt: i secoli XV-XIII: Orientis Antiqui Coll. 14. R 1978, Ist. Oriente. x-207, pl. Lit. 6000. - RZAW 91 (1979) 471 (J. A. Soggin). 3726 Dillow J., Solomon on Sex. NY 1977, Nelson. 196 p. $6.95. 3721 Calderini 0., Considerazioni sul näsf' ebraico, il nasi biltim babilonese e il näfü assiro [ ... 11 nasi bi/tim in Cij 36-38,4 e un 'portatore di tributo'; il näsu assiro 'portatore di bandi' = 'araldo'; solo il näsf ' ebraico ha un'alta responsabilita presso Dio e il popolo; per i profeti 'il simbolo del capo carismatico ']: RhhOr 21 ( 1979) 2n-R 1. 3728 Abramski [-sky] S., [!!] Damesek ... The Resurrection of the Kingdom of Damascus and Its Historiographie Record [1 Ki 11: 23-24 (... iam saec. 11-10 Damascus urbs erat regionis inhabitatae ab Aramaeis ... )] : -> 154, Fs. s. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 17-43; 183s. 3729 [l Reg 11,7] Whitney J. T., 'Bamoth' in the OT: TyndB 30 (1979) 12547. 3130 Green Alberto R., a) Israelite Influence at Shishak's Court? [Similitudo systematis taxationis et corvee in 12 partes divisi in Aegypto post fugam Jeroboami praefecti corvee in Ephraim et Manasse (1 Rg 11:40); 1 Rg 4:'/-19 et templum Arsaph1s HerakleopohJ: HASUR '.l:ß (19'/9) '.,9-6:.l.b) Solomon and Siamun: A Synchronism Between Early Dynastie Israel and the Twenty-First Dynasty of Egypt: JBL 97 (1978) 353-67. 3731 Feucht E., Zwei Reliefs Scheschonqs I aus El Hibeh: StAltägKu 6 (1978) 69-77, Taf. XXI-XXII. 3732 Menu < -Mangin > B., La fondation cultuelle accordee a Sheshonq: CRIPEL 5 (1979) 183-89. 3133 Vogels W., Les prophetes et la division du royaume [ ... Al)iyya Siloensis ( 1 R 11,29-39)... ; Shemaya, vir Dei ( 1 R 12,22-24); 1 R 13]: SR 8 (1979) 15-26. 3134 Lipinski E., Le recit de 1 Rois XII, 1-19 a la turniere de l'ancien usage de l'hebreu et de nouveaux textes de Mari: VT 24 (1974) 430-7: 'commensal, counselor', but the older ones are to be preferred. 3735 Gross A., Lying Prophet and Disobedient Man of God in 1 Kings 13: Rnle Analysis as an Tnstmment nf Thenlngical Tnterpretalion of an OT Narrative Text: Semeia 15 (1979) 97-135.

E4.6 ... 1 Rcgum 13...


3736 Holstein J. A., The Case of "is hä' elöhim' Reconsidered: Philological Analysis versus Historical Reconstruction: HUCA 48 (1977) 69-81. 3737 Schweizer H., Zur Systematisierung der Theologie. Ein Reitrag zur Methodendiskussion in der Theologie. Dargestellt anhand von 1 Kön 15 und 2 Chr 14-16: TüTQ 159 (1979) 58-67. 3738 (1 Reg 16ss] Timm Stefan, Die Dynastie Omri. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte Israels im 9. Jahrhundert: diss. Tü 1977. Tü 1979. VI-443p.; lit. 404~443. 3739 De Filippi W., The Royal Inscriptions of Assur-nä~ir-apli II (883-859 B.C.): A Study of the Chronology of the Calah Inscriptions Together with an Rdition of Two of These Texts: Assur, 1/7. Malibu CA 1977, Undena. p. 1-47 = 123-169. 3740 Livingston G. H., Yahweh is the True God, 1 K 16ss: AsbSem 34,2 (1979) 9-27.

E4.6.4 1 Reg 17-22: Elias, Elijah. 3741 Allen Ronald D., Elijah the Broken Prophet: JEvTS 22 (1979) 193202. 3742 Besnard AlberL-Marie, Elie 1econnalt l'unique qui co11ve11itles c~urs: Vic spirituelle 60 (1978) 682-686. 3743 Boros Ladislaus, a) Im Leben Gott erfahren. Olten 1976, Walter. b) Sperimentare Dio nella vita, tr. G. Paletti: Spiritualitä 14. Brescia 1978, Queriniana. 205 p. 11 Dio ehe minaccia [Elia (Eliseo) p. 12-16; 8083]. 3744 Dannenbaum H., Elia: ein Mann, der vor Gott stand: ABC-Team 28. Gladbeck, Westf. 1975, Schriftenmission. 67 p. DM 6.80 pa. 3745 Hayward Robeti, Phinehas - the Same is Elijah: the Origins of a Rabbinic Tradition: JJS 29 (1978) 22-34. 3746 Zeron A., The Martyrdom of Phineas-Elijah: JBL 98 (1979) 99s [on 95 (1976) 447-58, R. Bauckham ➔ 58s,2062]. 3747 Hendricks H., Elijah: Confrontation, Conflict and Crisis. Ch 197?., Moody. 64p. $1. - RJEvTSoc 16 (1973) 107s (S. H. Bess). 3748 Hentschel Georg, Die Elijaerzählungen: ErfurterThSt 33, 1977: Rßijdr 40 (1979) 445 (P. C. Beentjes); BZ 23 (1979) 312-15 (A. Schmitt); CBQ 41 (1979) 133ss (L. Boadt); ETRel 54 (1979) 697s (F. Smyth); JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 96s (F. C. F[ensham]); MüTZ 30,1 (1979) 66s (J. Scharbert); RuBi 31 (1978) 279s (J. Lach); SBFLA 29 (1979) 352ss (G. C. Bottini); TLZ 104 (1979) 804s (H. Reventlow); TR 74 (1978) 377s (H. Eising); UF 10 (1978) 471 (0. Loretz). 3749 .Tarn.{ K., Elia - der Anspruch Gottes in der Politik: BLti 49 (1976) 87-95. 3750 Vueltzel R., Elie, lt: prupht:Le, asct:Le,humme poliLique 1972 .....54,2225: Rcarmelus 21 (1974) 339s (R. E. Murphy). l751 Wiener Aharon [Arzt, Psychotherapeut], The Prophet Elija and the Development of Judaism. A Depth-Psychological Study: The Littman Li-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

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brary of Jewish Civilization. Boston/L 1978, Routledge-KP. xn-248 p. :ES. 0 0-7100-8128-6. - RprQrChr 29 (1979) 402s (P. Ternant); VidJyo 43 (1979) 384s (J. Volckaert); ZAW 91 (1979) 474s (G. Fahrer). 3752 Bottini Giovanni C., 11 racconto della siccita e della pioggia (1 Re 1718). Studi recenti - arte narrativa: SBFLA 29 (1979) 327-349. 1 Reg. 17s ➔ 3607 Jobling David, The Sense of Biblical Narrative 1978 p. 63-88. 3753 Mulder M. J., De Naarn van de afwezige God op de Karmel. Onderzoek naar de naam van de Baäl van de Karmel in 1 Koningen 18 (inaug. Ld.) Ld 1979, Univ. 27 p. f 9. 3754 Wegner 1., Regenzauber im Hattiland: UF 10 (1978) 403-409. 3755 Hassfeld F. L., Die Sinaiwallfahrt des Propheten Elija. Gedanken zu 1 Kön 19,1-18 anlässlich der Sinaiexkursion des Studienjahres der Dormition Abbey 1978/79: ErbAuf 54 (1978) 432-7. 3756 Nagy F., Illes utja (1 Kir 19,3-8) [Eliae via (1 Rg 19,3-8)]: Szolgälat 37 (1978) 76-78. 3757 DeVries S. J., A Reply to G. Gerleman on Malke }fesed in 1 Kings 20,31 [VT 28 (1978) 151-64]: 29 (1979) 359-62: Kings not 'extravagant' but 'rcspccting agrccmcnts '. 3758 [l Reg 20,34] Kalluveetil P., Declaration Formulae in the OT Secular Covenants [1.Secular Cov. in the OT: Berith/Non-Berith Texts; n. Declarntion Formula in the A(ncient) N(ear) E(astem) Historical Documents (p. 125-52); III. Covenant Declaration Formula in the OT (Jos 9,8; 2 Ki 16,7; 10,5: 1 Sam 27,12; 1 Ki 20,31-34 ... )]. Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici 1979 (dir. D. J. McCarthy). x-309; LXV(= bibliogr.)- 126 p. 3759 Bohlen Reinhold, a) Alttestamentliche Kunstprosa als Zeitkritik. Zur Naboterzählung in 1 Kön 21: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 192-202. - b) Der Fall Nabot. Form, Hintergrund und Werdegang einer alttestamentlichen Erzählung (1 Kön 21): Trierer Theologische Studien 35. Trier 1978, Paulinus-Verlag. 440 p. Literatur: p. 402-440. DM 79. 0 3-7902-0035-2. Originally against Latifund, transformed by later Redactor into God's rejection of Omri-dynasty. - RoTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 96; ZAW 91 (1979) 144 (G. Fahrer). - c) 'Täglich wird ein Nabot niedergeschlagen'. Zur homiletischen Behandlung von 1 Kön 21 in Ambrosius' de Nabuthe: TrierTZ 88 (1979) 221-237. 3760 Fahrer Georg, Ahab [Ahas. Ahia]: ➔ 895 TRE 2 (1978) 123-25 [12527.127-28]. 3761 Seebass Horst, Der Fall Naboth in I Reg XXI: VT 24 (1974) 474-488: Not everyinheritance was 'entailed'; if this one was not, there was just cause for the king's anger. 3762 Sorensen J. E., El uso de temas hist6rico-tradicionales en Tirso de Molina. Las tres comedias del VT [La mujer espigadora (Rut). La mujer que manda en casa (Jezabel y Acab). La venganza de Tamar]. Diss. Michigan State Univ. 1978. 189 p. 0 7907403. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6184A. 3763 Würthwein Ernst, Naboth-Novelle und Elia-Wort: ZTK 75 (1978) 37597. 3764 De Vries Simon J., Prophet Against Prophet: The Role of the Micaiah

E4.6.4 1 Regum 17-22, Elias, .Elijah


Narrative (1 Kings 22) in the Development of Early Prophetie Tradition. GR 1978, Eerdmans. xix-162 p. $7.95 pa. - RJBL 98 (1979) 594s (B. C. Birch ). 3765 Schweizer H., Literarkritischer Versuch zur Erzählung von Micha ben Jimla (1 Kön 22): BZ 23 (1979) 1-19. E4.6.6 2 Reg 1 ... E/isaeus, Elisha. 3766 Houtman C., Elia's hemelvaart: NedTT 32 (1978) 283-304. 3767 [2 Reg 2,1-18] Weisman Z., [!!] Elijah's Mantle and Consecration of Elisha fl Ki 19: 19-21; 2 Ki 2: 1-18]: ShnatMilcr 2 (1977) 93-99, summ. XXVI.

3768 [2 Reg 2,3 -> 6,1] Groningen George Van, The Sons of the Prophets: VoxRef 33 (1979) 22-36. 3769 [2 Reg 3 ... ] Schweizer Harald, Elisha in den Kriegen, StANT 32, 1974 -> 56,2033: Rßz 22 (1978) 306ss (H. C. Schmitt). 3770 [2 Reg 6, 1-7] Cummings J. T., The House of the Sons of the Prophets and the Tents of the Rechabites: -> 615, Livingstone E., Studia biblica 1979, 119-126. Albrektson B., Kapitlet om Jehu [2 Reg 9; p. 9-21] och andra uppsatser om Gamla testamentet 1979 -> 276. 3771 [2 Reg 9,30] Parker S. B., Jezebel's Reception of Jehu: Mnurov 1 (1978) 67-78. 3772 [2 Reg 10,32] Brinkman John A., A Further Note on the Date of the Battle of Qarqar and Neo-Assyrian [and Biblical] Chronology: JCS 30 (1978) 173ss: hold to 853 B.C. against W. Shea. 3773 Deprins Chr., Iconol;gische studie van de Zwarte obelisk van Salmanasar III. Diss. lic. Leuven l 978s. 3774 Green A. R., Sua and Jehu: The Boundaries of Shalmaneser's Conquest LSh. lll, 841 B.c.]: PEQ 111 (1979) 35-39, pl. IV-VI. 3775 Cogan Morton, Imperialism and Religion: Assyria, Judah and Israel 19'/4 -> ,o,'/094: RJAOS 98 (1978) 509ss (G. W. Ahlström); TLZ 103 (1978) 495s (G. Wallis). 3776 Na'aman N., a) [!!) The Brook of Egypt and the Assyrian Policy [TiglatPileser III; Sargon II ... ] on the Egyptian Border: ShnatMilcr 3 (1978s) 138-58. xvns. - b) [!!) Campaigns of the Assyrian Kings to Judah in the Light of a New Assyrian Document: ShnatMi).cr 2 (1977) 164-80. 3777 Saporetti C., Gli eponimi medio-assiri: Bibl. Mesopotamica 9. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. vm-184p. 3778 [2 Reg 13,10) Shea W. H., Adad-Nirari III and Jehoash of Israel: JCS 30 (1978) 101-13. 3779 Ben-David A., qäbol [2 Reg 15,10; Ez 26,9]: Leson 43 (1978s) 23438. 3780 Shea William H., Menahem [2 K 15,19] and Tiglath-Pileser III: JNES 37 (1978) 43-49: tribute 740, not 743 (Thiele) or 738 (Tadmor). 3781 MacLaurin E. C . .B., Art-'Abbm [in the Epic of Aqht & Abel BethMa'akah (2 Ki 15:29 ... )]: PEQ 110 (1978) 113-14.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

3782 [2 Reg 16,5] Cazelles Henri, Problemes de 1a guerre syro-ephraimite: _. 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 70*-78*. 3783 [2 Reg 16,7] Tadmor H., Cogan M., Ahaz and Tiglath-Pileser [TTI] in the Book of Kings: Historiographie Considerations: Biblica 60 (1979) 491-508. 3784 Cogan M., Tadmor H., [H] Ahaz and Tiglath-Pileser in the Book of Kings: Historiographie Considerations: ---+83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 5561, Eng. summ. 124. 3785 Goedicke H., 727 vor Christus [und 2 Rg 17,4: Hosea von Israel's Gesandtschaft an 'So' = Sais, ideo Tefnachte. Primat von Sais auch im 'Oenkmal memphitischer Theologie', ephimer weien Piankhis Siei]: WZKM 69 (1977) 1-19. 3786 [2 Reg 17,6] Oded B., a) [H] Mass Deportations in the Neo-Assyrian Empire - Facts and Figures: ➔ 83, Eretz-lsrael 14 (1978) 62-8, Eng. summ. 124*s. - b) [H] Mass Deportation in the Neo-Assyrian Empire Aims and Objectives: ShnatMil,cr 3 (1978s) 159-73. xvrn. - c) The Implementation of Mass Deportations in the Assyrian Empire: ShnatMil,cr 2 (1977) 181-87.xvr, 5 fig. 3787 Oded B., Mass Deportations and Deportees in the Neo-Assyrian Empire. Wb 1979, Reichert. xm-142 p. 111.DM 54,50. 3788 Cogan M., Israel in Exile - The View of a Josianic Historian [2 Ki · 17:24-41]: JBL 97 (1978) '10-,M. 3789 Otzen Benedikt, Israel under the Assyrians: ---+ 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 251-61, map. 3790 [2 Reg 18,4] Rosenbaum Jonathan, Hezekiah's Reform and the Deuteronomistic Tradition: HarvTR 72 (1979) 23-43. 3791 Kjeseth P., Nehushtan [Nm 21,4-9; 2 Kgs 18,4] and Ernst Bloch; Raymond Brown [Jn 3,14s] and Biblical Studies: Dialog 17 (1978) 280-6. 3792 [2 Reg 18,13] Na'aman N., Sennacherib's Campaign to Judah and .thc Date of the lmlk Stamps [reflecting the conquest of cities, of which Mi 1,10-17 is a partial list ... ]: VT 29 (1979) 61-86. 3793 [2 Reg 18,15] Delcor Mathias, Le tresor de la maison de Yahweh des origines ä l'exil < VT 12 (1%2) :W1-77: ➔ 291, Rtudes 1979, 67-91. 3794 [2 Reg 18,18 ---+ 22,8] Good Robert M., The Israelite Royal Steward in the Light of Ugaritic 'LBT: RB 86 (1979) 580ss [Gn 41,40+]. 3795 [2 Reg 18,19; Is 46,4-21] Wildberger H., Die Rede des Rabsake vor Jerusalem: TZBas 35 (1979) 35-47; = ---+ 377, Jahwe 1979, 285-297. 3796 Pohlmann K.-F., Erwägungen zum Schlusskapitel des deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerkes. Oder: Warum wird der Prophet Jeremia in 2. Kön 22-25 nicht erwähnt?---+ 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN, Textgemäss 1979, 94-109. 3797 Mayes A. D. H., Kin& and covenant: a study of 2 Kings chs. 22-23: Hermathena (Dublin Trinity College) 125 (1978) 34-47. 3798 Thmmi, nie Königinmutter und der · Amm Ha' Are7. im Reich Juda [2 .K. 22,1]: VT 24 (1974) 421-9. 3799 I:sbel/C. D., 2 Ki 22;3-23:24 and Jer 36: A SLyli!iLicCumpad:.;011: JStOT 8 (1978) 33-45. 3800 [2 Reg 22,8] Odasso Giovanni, La famiglia di Shafan e la funzione di

E4.6.6 2 Regum 22,8... '· aser cal habbayi!': diss. R, Univ. S. Thomae Ag. 1978. XII, 180 p. 3801 Ogden G. S., The Northem Extent of Josiah's Reforms (2 Rg 23,4-5.1620; 2 Chr 34,3-7]: AustralBR 26 (1978) 26-34. 3802 Weinfeld M., Buming Babies in Ancient Israel. A Rejoinder to Morton Smith's Article in JAOS 95 (1975) 477-79 [h'br b's 'pass through fire']: UF 10 (1978) 411-13. 3803 Plataroti D., Zum Gebrauch des Wortes mlk im AT [vocal. boset mlilek) in Lev 20,2-4; 23,21; Jer 32,35; 2 Reg 23,10. Lev 20,5. Mlk eine Gottheit wie andere im semitischen Pantheon der mlk-Kult drückte sich in unblutigen Handlungen der Magie und der Wahrsagerei aus]: VT 28 (1978) 286-300. 3804 [2 Reg 23,29] Janvier Y., Pour une meilleure lecture d'Herodote. A propos de l'E&YPteet du 'periple de Nec;hao': EtClas 46 (1978) 97-111. 3806 Shea W. H., Nebuchadnezzar's Chronicle and the Date of the Destruction of Lachish III [2 Ki 24,8-17 and N.'s chronicle 598/597]: PEQ 111 (1979) 113-16. 3807 [2 Reg 25] Lohfink Norbert, Die Gattung der 'Historischen Kurzgeschichte' in den letzten Jahren von Juda und in der Zeit des Babylonischen Exils: ZAW 90 (1978) 319-47. 3808 [2 Reg 25,1] Swiderska E., Listy z Lachisz: PrzOr 1 (109) (1979) 6267. 3809 Edel E., Amasis und Nebukadrezar II [sein Kriegszug vom Jahre 567]: GötMiszÄg 29 (1978) 13-20. 3810 [2 Reg 25,9] Mulder H., De verwoesting van Jeruzalem en haar gevolgen: exegetica. Amst 1977, Ton Bolland. 148 p. /19,90. - RGereffT 78 (1978) 143s (H. H. Grasheide). 3811 Trebolle Barrera J. C., Critica recensional aplicada a LXX IV Reges 25,18s: EstBib 36 (1977) 91-94.

E5.1 Chronicorum /ibri, Thc Chroniclcr. 3812 Braun Roddy L., Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah: Theolo~ and Literary History [considering Retribution; Samaritans and Foreigners; Monarchy and Temple]:-> 'J9'/, VTS 30 (19'/9) 'J2-64. 3813 Bruin C. C. De, I Kronieken - Jesus Sirach: Corpus S. Scr. Neerlandicae Medii Aevi, VT 2. Ld 1978, Brill. x-404 p. 3814 Coggins R. J. 1-2 Chronicles, Cambridge NEB 1976-> 57,2619: RscotJT 31 (1978) 188 (A. G. Auld). 3815 Hasel G . .F., Chronicles, Books of: -> 884, lSBEnc 1 (1979) 666-73. 3816 LANGTON Stephen (apb. Canterbury t 1228), Commentary on the Book of Chronicles ed. A. Saltman. Ramat-Gan 1978, Bar-Ilan Univ. 272 p. KirSef 54 (1979) 425. 3817 Le Deaut R., Robert .T., Ta~um des Chroniqucs I-11 1977 -> 57,911: 1 56,5131; 58s,8173: RZAW 87 (1975) 254 (G. Fahrer). 3854 Victor G., Die Geschichte des Hohcnpriestertums von Jerusalem in nachexilischer Zeit. Diss. Jena 1971. vr-219 f. 3855 Parente Fausto, Ezra 6,11. La pena comminata a chi altera l'editto di Dario: Henoch 1 (1979) 189-200. 3856 Eybers 1. H., Chronological Problems in Ezra [7,1.7]- Nehemiah [2,1]: --, 3828, OT WerkSuidA 19 (1976, ed. 1978) 10-29. 3857 Bossman D., Ezra's Marriage Reform [9,12]: Israel Redefined: BibTB 9 (1979) 32-38. 3858 Cogan M., The Men of Ncbo - Repatriated Reubenites: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 37ss: Ezr 10, 43; 1 Chr 5, 4-8; don't emend Nebo, Ezra 2,29. 3859 [Neh 2,7] Fensham F. C., PelJ_äin the OT and the Ancient Near East: ....,.3828, OTWcrkSuidA 19 (1976, ed. 1978) 44-42. 3860 [Neh 2,13] Tsafrir Y., 1H]The Walls of Jerusalem in the Period of Nehemiah: CHistEI 4 (1979) 31-42, 4 fi.g. 3861 Grosheide H. H., Deemis met haar puin [Jerusalem in de tijd van Nehemia (7,4 etc.)]: Kamper Cahiers 27, 1975--> 57,2648. - RGereITTs 76 (1976) 105s (C. Houtman). 3862 Harel M., Geha-~zarasfm (Zu Neh 11,34; 1 Chr 4,14): Fs Y. RoN (TA 1976, Don; hebr.) 91-108; cf. _, 58s,3358. 3863 Luria B. Z., 1H]A Crisis in the Priesthood and its Solution [Neh (13)]: Beth Mikra 24 (1978) 13-16. 3864 Tigay J. H., Lifne hassabbä! and 'a.l_iarhassabbä! = 'on the day before the Sabbath and on the day afte:r Sllhhllth' (Neh 13: 19): VT 28 (1978) 362-65. 3865 Coggins R. J. [Esdras-A], Knibb M. A. [Vulg. IV Esdras], The First and Second Books of Esdras: Cambridge NEB. C 1979, Univ. xu-314 p. $29.95 (9.95pa). 0 0-521-0I 8656-6 (19757-6). - RNßlackfr 60 (1979) 544s (M. Pamment). 3866 Heltzer M., 1H]Epigraphic Evidence about the Organisation of the Preexilic Priesthood [of Nob; 'Arad; Esdras-A 5,33 ... ]: ShnatMi-lcr 2 (1977) 54-59; XII.

E5.4 Libri Tobiae, Judith, Esther. 3867 Busto Saiz J. R., Algunas aportaciones de la Vetus Latina para una nueva edici6n critica del libro de Tobit [< congr. VT Gö 1977]: Sefarad 38 (1978) 53-69.

E5.2 ... Libri (Esdrae, Nehemiae) Esther etc.


3868 Vattioni Francesco, Tobia nello Speculum e nella prima Bibbia di Alcala: AugRom 15 (1975) 169-200. 3869 Virgulin Stefano, Tobia, Nuovissima versione 13. R 1978, Paoline. 164p. 3870 Di Lella A. A., The Deuteronomic Background of the Farewell Discourse in Tob 14, 3-11: CBQ 41 (1979) 380-89.

3871 Hanhart R., a) Judith. Septuaginta VT graecum 8/4. Gö 1979, VR. 149 p. DM 68 (58). 0 3-525-53438-8. - RKirSt:f 54 (1979) 428. - b) Tt:xl und Textgeschichte des Buches Judith [1977]: Abh Gö 3/109, Mitteilungen des Septuaginta-Unternehmens AkGö 14. Gö 1979, VR. 112 p. DM 52. 0 3-525-82392-4. 3872 Herrmann J. P., The Theme of Spiritual Warfare in the Old English Judith: Philological Q 55,1 (lowa City 1976) 1-9.

3873 Ashkenazi Eliezer ben Elijah [Yosef Lekah 1512-85], ffi] Esther commentary. Brooklyn 1975, A. Z. Seligman. 378 p. 3874 Berg Sandra B., a) The Book of Esther. Motifs, Themes, and Structure: diss. Vanderbilt 1974, dir. J. L. Crenshaw. 350 p. 0 7812407. - DissA 39 (1978s) 911A. h) SRI. Diss. 44. MMS 1979. xm-219p. $7.50. 0 0-89130279-4. - OTAbstr 2 (1979) 276. 3875 Jones B. W., The So-C.alled Appendix to the Book of Esther: Semitics 6 ( Pretoria 1978) 36-43. La Sor William S., Handbook of Biblical Hebrew: an Inductive Approach Based on the Hebrew Text of Esther 1978 -> philol. 3876 Loader J. A., Esther as a Novel with Different Levels of Meaning: ZAW 90 (1978) 417-21. 3877 Lockerbie Jeanette, Esther. Das Buch von der Versehung Gottes [= Esther, Queen at the Crossroads]: Telos 1912. Marburg 1979, Francke. 98 p. DM 9,80 pa. 0 3-88224-079-2. 3878 Meinhold Arndt, Theologische Erwägungen zum Buch Esther: TZBas 34 (1978) 321-333. 3879 Millard A. R., The Persian Names in Esther and the Reliability of the Hebrew Text: JBL 96 (1977) 481-88. 3880 Moore Carey A., Archaeology and the Book of Esther: BA 38 (1975) 62-79, 8 fig. 3881 Mord E., [!!] ha-megilla behaswä'a ... Esther compared to the narrative of Joseph Polybius. Kiryath-Malaki 1978, Educ. Dept. 3882 Pontremoli R. I:I., The Book of Esther, tr. A. Kaplan. NY c1978, Maznaim. xiv-252 p. 3883 Radday Yehuda T., Leb Giora M., An Analytical Linguistic Key-Wordin-Context Concordance to Esther, Ruth, Canticles, Ecclesiastes, Lamentations: Computer Bible 16. Wooster OH 1978, BibRes. 328 p. $22. 3884 Stedman R. C., The Queen and 1. Studies in Esther. Waco TX 1977, Word Books. 109 p. $4.95. 3885 Tawil D., The Purim Panel in Dura in the Light of Parthian & Sasa-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VI. Libri historici VT

nian Art: JNES 38 (1979) 93-109, 12 fig. 3886 Weinreh F., a) Die Rolle Esther. Das Buch Esther nach der ältesten jüdischen Überlieferung 1968 --> 50,1829*: TPhil 45 (1970) 595-600 (W. Schlepper). - b) Das Verborgene im Buche Esther [im Lichte des Midrasch: 'uns zu lehren, wie die Welt ohne Gott aussieht und wie sie aussieht wenn Esther Königin ist ... ] : Symbolon 6 (Ba 1968) 163-78. 3887 Whitcomb J. C., Esther, Triumph of God's Sovereignty: Everyman's Bible Comm. Ch 1979, Moody. 128 p. $2.50. 3888 Zahalon Y. T., [!!] Seper leqa/J,(ob: A book of good teaching: commentary on Esther scroll, pref. D. Tarnar; ed. P. Tasbi: Israel Hebrew Press Pioneers, 1. J 1977, Nllt./TTniv. Lihra.iy. x1.v-167p. - KirSef 54 (1979) 1ls. 3889 Zlotowitz Meir, The Megillah: the Book of Esther: a new translation with a commentary anthologizcd from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sources; overview N. Scherman, The Period and the Miracle. NY 1976, Art Scroll. 158 p. 3890 Mayrhofer M., a) Medismen in der 1967 gefundenen Xerxes- Inschrift [XPI]? [Zu a-h-mi-iy gegenüber a-mi-iy 'Ich bin' und x-r-tu-u-m gegenüber x-r-th-u-m 'die Geisteskraft (Akk.) '): -► 336, Ausgewählte Kleine Schriften 1979, 159-62. 224 < T.ineR [= Kaml OsTrn - Tn mem.] 1973, 97-101. - b) Behistun I 91 [vocem a-tha-i-y transliteratam athaiy transcribcndam esse; athaiy ... yathli .. 'dann (aber) als': «Dann (aber), als ich Babylon (noch) nicht erreicht hatte, kam mir dieser Nidintu-Bel, der sich Nebukadnezar nannte ... entgegen ... »]: .....336, Ausgew. Kleine Schriften 1979 126-29. 223 < Indogermanica, Fs für Wolfgang KRAUSE (Heid 1960) 121-24. - c) Xerxes, König der Könige [und die 1967 gefundene XPl, die mit DNb identisch ist, mit Ausnahme des Anti-Daeva-Abschnittes; Würdigung Xerxes']: .....336, Ausgewählte Kleine Schriften 1979, 167-180, 1 Ta[ 224 < AlmÖsAWiss 119 (1969, ed. 1970) 158-70: gall.: Actlran 1 (1974) 108-16. 3891 Heltzer M., A propos des banquets des rois achemenides et du retour d'exil sous Zorobabel [ ... notamment du banquet de Darius Babylone dam, l'auuee de son accession au tröne, cfr. Esth 1,2ss; 3 Esdr. '.\, 1-4, 63; Mesop 10s (1975s) 19-21 = no. 33 (D. Owen) ... ]: RB 86 (1979) 102-06.


E5.8 Machabaeorum libri, 1-2 Maccabees. 3892 Barsotti Divo, Meditazione su1 II libro dei Maccabei: Bibbia e Liturgia 22. Brescia, 1979, Queriniana. 224 p. 3893 Bikhler Adolf rn~ Tohiacfon 11nclclie Oniaden im II. Makkabäerbuche und in der verwandten jüdisch-hellenistischen Literatur. Hildesheim 1975 = 1899, G. Olms. 398 p. 3894 Diez Merino L., Fuente hist6rica desconocida para el periodo macabaico, 'Mceillnt /\ntioe1hn~•: ► 49, Fs. A. COLlJNGA 127-165 = CiTom 106 (1979) 463-501. 3895 Doran Robert T., a) Studies in the Style and Literary Character of 2


E5.8 Machabaeorum libri

Maccabees: diss. Harvard: HarvTR 71 (1978) 317s. - b) 2 Maccabees and 'Tragic History': HUCA 50 (1979) 107-14. 3896 Fenasse J. M., Maccabees (on Machabees) [les ~; les livres ... ] : ---> 869, Catholicisme 8,33 (P 1976) 101-11. 3897 Goldstein Jonathan A., I Maccabees: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary: Anchor B 41. 1976 ---> 58s,3395; $9. 0 0-38508533-8: RJAOS 99 (1979) 112s (D. J. Halperin); JBL 97 (1978) 288s (A. J. Saldarini); RB 86 (1979) 629ss (J. Murphy-O'Connor). 3898 Habicht C., 2 Makkabäerbuch (p. 164-285) al., in Kümmel W. G., al. Hg. Jüdische Schriften aus hellenistisch-römischer Zeit I 1976 ---> 58s,3403. 1995: Rn.z 103 (1978) 419ss (G. Delling). 3899 Miliar Fergus, The Background to the Maccabean Revolution: Reflections on Martin Hengel's 'Judaism and Hellenism' [1974]: JJS 29 (1978) 1-21. 3900 Momigliano A., The Date of the First Book of Maccabees: ---> 109, Mel. HEURGON1976 ---> 109, 657-661 [135-129 B.C.]. 3901 Nelis J., II Makkabeeen: BoekOT VI/IB [IA 54,2279]. Bussum 1975, Romen. 293 p. - CBQ 40 (1978) 252 (M. W. Schoenberg). 3902 Nikolskij Nikolaj M., Juda sub Maccabeis et Hasmonaeis. TA 1975 = 1903, Sova. 46 p. 3903 Nolland J., Sib. Or. 3, 265-94, an Early Maccabean Messianic Oracle: JTS 30 (1979) 158-66: IMcb 1, 43; Dan 9, 24; Jub 23, 14-31. 3904 Bammel E. ed., Rome and the Maccabcan Conversions. Notes on Macc. 8. Ox 1978, Clarendon. 3905 Wacholder B. Z., The Letter from Judah Maccabee to Aristoboulos: Is 2 Macc. 1: lOb-2: 18 Authentie?: HUCA 49 (1978) 89-133. 3906 Kellermann U., Auferstanden in den Himmel. 2 Makkabäer 7 und die Auferstehung der Märtyrer: SBS 95. Stu 1979, KBW. 156 p. DM 26,80 pa. 0 3-460-03951-5. 3907 Fishman-Duker R., Remembering the Elephants: 3 Mcb 5s in Byzantine Chronicles: Byzantion 48 (1978) 51-63.

VII. VT Llbrl dldactici

E6 I'oesis .1 metrica, Biblical versification. 3908 Bourguet Daniel, Les accents de la Bible: musique ou cantilation?: ETRel 54 (1979) 289-94:. sur S. Haik Vantura 2 1978, G. Weil 1978. 3909 Bratcher Robert G., Dividing the Psalms into Strophes: BTrans 29 (1978) 425-7. 3910 Broadribb Donald R., An Attempt to Delineate the Characteristic Structu1'e of Classical (Biblical) Hebrew Poetry: diss. Melbourne 1964. 3911 Bullock C. Hassell, An Introduction to the OT Poetic Books. Ch 1979, Moody. 281 p. $8.9:o. 0 U-!Wl4-4144-U. 3912 Collins Terence, a) Line-Forms in Hebrew Poetry. A Grammatical Approach to the Stylistic Study of the Hebrew Prophets: Studia Pohl: Series


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VII. Libri didactici VT

Maior 7. Rome 1978, Biblical Institute. rx-303 p. Lit. 13.000/$16.25. b) Lim:-Furms in Hebrew Poetry: JSS 23 (1978) 228-44. 3913 Freedman D. N., Early Israclitc Poctry nnd Historical Reconstruction: - 12, Symposia 75th Anniv. ASOR, ed. F. M. Cross (CM 1979) 87-96; further - 3132 Cross-Freedman, Studies in Ancient Yahwistic Poetry 1975. 3914 Geiler Stephen A., Parallelism in Early Biblical Poetry: Harvard Sem. Mon. 20. MMS 1979. rx-389 p. $12 ($8). 0 0-89130-275-l. - RzAw 91 (1979) 465 (G. Fahrer). 3915 Greenstein E., One More Step on the Staircase [i.e. Loewenstamm's 2linc climactic parnllclünn ma,y have 3 lincs]: UF 9 (1977) 77-86. 3916 Hailc Vantoura Suzanne, La musique de la Bible revelee 2 (Une notation millenaire decryptee): P 1978/1 1976, Dessain et Tolra/R. Dumas. 511 p. RETRel 54 (1979) 289-92 (D. Bourguet). 3917 Houk C. B., Syllables and Psalms: A Statistical Linguistic Analysis [Ps 42-43; 66; 102; 130; 144): JStOT 14 (1979) 55-62. 3918 Jason Heda, G. Grober-Glück, E. Güttgemanns, D. Segal, Ethnopoetics: A multilingual terminology: IES Studies, 3. J 1975, Israel Ethnoeraphic Soc. 89 p. 3919 Moor J. C. de, Thc Art of v~rsifkntion in Ugarit and Israel, I: The Rhythmical Structure [ ... 'based not on metre but on a free rhythm similar to that of Jewlsh cantilation or Gn:guriau l:hant' (139); a 'foot' = a 'word or duster of words bearing a main stress'; flexibility of the improving minstrels; symmetric & asymmetric (e.g. qfnli) rhythms]: 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 119-39. - II. The Formal Structure: UF 10 (1978) 187-217. 3920 Peterson L. H., Biblical Poetry and the Poetry of Robert Browning: Diss. Brown Univ. 1978. 299p. 0 7906600. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6147sA. 3921 Riviere P., Analyse semiologique du Systeme de la Cantilation biblique consideree comme un Langage de Communication: Diss. Nancy 1978. 1922 Sappan R., The Typical Features of the Syntax of Biblical Poetry in its Classical Period: Diss. Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem, dir. Ch. Rabin ... [Obtainaufo f10m L. Mayer, P. 0. D. 1174) 300 p. :E5sterling. ScriptB 10 (1979s) 39 (G. M. Bauchet). 3923 Stuart D. H., Studies in Early Hebrew Meter 1976 - 58s,3428: RBASOR 233 (1979) 75s (A. Cooper); CBQ 40 (1978) 255s (R. C. Culley); EvQ 50 (1978) 181s (A. H. W. Curtis); JBL 97 (1978) 273s (E. M. Good); OTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 107. 3924 Vosloo W., Balance Structures in the OT: A Brief Survey [chiasmus, parallelismus inversus, structura concentrica]: TEv 12 (1979) 48-60. 3925 Wallers William R., Pormula Criticism and the Poetry of the OT: BZAW 138, 1976 - 56,2095 ... 58s,3431. 0 3-11-005730-1: Rßo 34 (1977) 312s (J. P. Fokkelman: inconsistent); BZ 22 (1978) 288s (J. Scharbert); Comparative T.it~rnture 31 (Eu.&ene,Univ. Or. 1979) 425s (W. Whallon); JBL 97 (1978) 274s (E. M. Good); RHPR 59 (1979) 78ss (D. Bach); VT 28 (1978) 38288 (R. E. Clements). 3926 Westhuizen J. P. van der, Hendiadys in RiblicRl Hymns of Praise: Semitics 6 (Pretoria 1978) 50-57.

E6.1 Metrica, Biblical Versification


3927 Willis J. T. The Juxtaposition of Synonymous and Chiastic Parallelism in Tricola in OT Hebrew Psalm Poetry: VT 29 (1979) 465-80. 3928 Zwettler Michael, The Oral Tradition of Classical Arabic Poetry: Its Character and Implications. Columbus 1978. Ohio State Univ. XII+ 310 p. $25.

3929 Altenmüller H., Zur Bedeutung der Harfnerlieder des Alten. Reiches: StAltägKu 6 (1978) 1-24, 4 Abb. [Rückholen des Toten ins Diesseits mit Musik u. zum Tanz - im Rahmen der Hathorverehrung].

E6.2 Psalmi, textus. 3930 Altbauer Moshe, ed., Psalterium latinum hierosolymitanum: eine frühmittelalterliche lateinische Handschrift Sin. ms. 5. W 1978, Böhlau. xvr229 p. 3 facsim. Sch 696/DM 98. - KirSef 54 (1979) 420s. 3931 Altbauer M. (Lunt H. G.), An Early Slavonic Psalter from Rus' [now in Sinai (mostly) and Leningrad], I. Photoreproduction: Harvard Ukrainian Research 'Inst. CM 1978, Harvard Univ. x-179 facsims. 3932 Ammassari Antonio, L'anonima versione latina dei Salmi secondo il codice Cassinese 557: l.m'antica testimonianza giudeo-cristiana TT-TTI: BbbOr 20 (1978) 27-42; 135-68. [I = 19 (1977) 241-57]. 3933 Bedouelle G., Le Quincuplex Psalterium de LEFEVRE D'ETAPLES. Un guide de lecture. - Facsimile de l'ed. 1513: Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 171. 170. Geneve 1979, Droz. xm-293 p., 294 f. 3934 Belting H. (Du/renne S.), Der serbische Psalter. Faksimile-Ausgabe des Codex Slav. · 4 der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Wb 1978, Reichert. 360 p., 111.DM 200. 3935 Busto Saiz Jose R., La traducci6n de Simaco en el Libro de los Salmos: 1978 Alcala diss. dir. N. Fernandez Marcos: TextEstCisn, 22. M 1978, Cons. Sup., lnst. Anas Montano. xxvr-756 p. - Rset 38 (1978) 377ss (M. T. Ortega M.). 3936 Caloz Masseo, Etude sur la LXX origenienne du Psautier: OrbBiOr 19, 1978 ➔ 58s,1237: RBO 36 (1979) 205s (E. Tov); CBQ 41 (1979) 126s (P. W. Skehan); JBL 98 (1979) 589s (A. Pietersma); RB 86 (1979) 146s (R. Tournay); WestTJ 42 (1979s) 257s (M. Silva). 3937 Campbell A. P., The Tiberius Psalter: Ottawa Medieval Texts 1974 ➔ 58s,1478: RArTGran 39 (1976) 294 (A. S. Mufioz). 3938 Cut/er A., Carr A. W., The Psalter Henaki 34,3: Rf:Hyz 34 (1976) 281323, 8 pl. Date 1180-90, Cyprus or Jerusalem. 3939 Estin Colette, Saint Jeröme Traducteur des Psaumes. Etude sur une approche de la 'Verite hebra'ique': diss. Sorbonne (Paris IV) dir. J. Fontaine. 1977. 3940 Israel Abraham M., [!!] Seper tehillfm, Psalms with commentary (of T;fayyim nes11lel Pm1.'rra1801-1874). nri:11:iklyn 1974s. 150 p. 3941 IMIKis zsolozsma. Reggeti dicseret, napk6zi isua6ra, vecsemye, Komplet6rium egy hetre. [Piccolo Salterio. Le Lodi mattutine, l'ora del giomo,


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Vespri, Completorio per una settimana.] Becs [Wien] 1977, Opus mystici corporis. 136 p. 3942 Kraft Robert A., An Unpublished Coptic Sahidic Psalter Codex [Ps 149] at the University Museum in Philadelphia: a Preliminary Report: ➔ 630; 58s,1343* Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 81-9. 3943 Luzzatto T., Roselli A., P. Vindob. G 36022. Septuaginta Ps 5,12; 6,910: Carlini A. al. ed., Papiri letterari greci: Bibl. St. Class. Orient 13. Pisa 1978, Giardini. 304 p. 15 pl. - 3944 Pietersma Albert, Two Manuscripts of the Greek Psalter [Pap. Chester Beatty XIII = Rahlfs 2149; saec. 4°; containing Ps 72:6 - 88:2; XIV (2150) Ps 31:8-11; 26:1-14 + 2:1-8]: AnRih 77. R 1978, ßihlical Institute. vn-79p. LS000/$10. - RQTAbstr 2 (1979) 277 (P. W. Skchan); StPapyr 18 (1979) 152-4 (J. O'Callaghan). 3945 Quecke Hans, Koptische 'Hermeneiai' - Fragmente in Florenz LPs l inv. CNR SC]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 215-19. 3946 Quesson N., 50 psaumes pour tous les jours. Limoges 1978, Droguet et Ardant. IV-345p. F 42. 3947 Schenker A., Hexaplarische Psalmenbruchstücke: OrbBibOr 8, 1975 ➔ 57,967; 58s,1265: Rßz 23 (1979) 105ss (0. Wahl); CBQ ~8 (1976) 591s (P. W. Skehan). 3948 Schmidt H., 'Eulogia' sulla generazione dell'uomo nel Salterio della Neo-Vulgata, una analisi linguistica: StAns 68 (1979) '113~50. 3949 Sprenger Norbert, Konkordanz zum syrischen Psalter: GötOrFor 1/10/8 1976 -+ 58s,1394: RMuscon 90 (1977) 457-60 (A. de Halleux); OrChrPer 44 (1978) 521s (1. Ortiz De Urbina); WeltOr 10 (1979) 140ss (R. Degen). , 3950 Stirnemann Patricia D., The Copenhagen Psalter: diss. Columbia. NY 1976. 334 p. 3951 Tax P. W. Hg., NoTKERlatinus. Die Quellen zu den Psalmen [1-50 ➔ 57,1243] Psalm 51-100: Die Werke Notkers des Deutschen 9A = Altdeutsche Textbibliothek, 75. Tü 1973, M. Niemeyer. pp. 211-469. - RßeiNam 14 (1979) 170s (L. Voetz). ➔ 4006. 3952 Venetz H.-J. Die Quinta des Psalteriums 1974--> 56,872: RTz 34 (1978) 52s (G. Kilpatrick). 3953 Werdener Psalter. Vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat von MS. Theol. Lat. fol. 358 aus dem Besitz der Staatsbibliothek, Preussischen Kulturbesitz: Codices selecti phototypice impressi, 63. Graz 1978, Akad. 114 pl.

E6.3 Psalmi, introductio. 3954 Ackroyd P. R., Deuren van waameming. Een gids voor het lezen van de psalmen. Nijmegen/Bruges 1979, Gottmer/Emmaüs. 3955 Ballarini T. ed., Introduzione alla Bibbia con antologia esegetica [II 1971 > 53,2127], III; Ultimi storici, Salmi, Sapienziali. Bo 1978, Deho niane. 504 p. Lit. 15.000. 3956 Becker Joachim, Wege der Psalmenexegese: SBS 78, 1975 ➔ 57,2771;

E6.3 Psalmi, introductio


58s,3528: RBz 22 (1978) 315s (J. Schreiner). 3957 Booij Thijs, Godswoorden in de Psalmen, hun fünktie en achtergronden; in het bijzonder het godswoord na klachten en gebeden en de goddelijke terechtwijzing: diss. Amst VU 1978, dir. M. J. Mulder. Amst 1978, Rodopi. vm-414 p. 0 90°6203490-X. /30. - RGerefTTs 79 (1979) 54s (N. J. Tramp); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 329s. 3958 Buit M. du, Le David des psaumes: MondeB 7 (1979) 6s. 3959 Eaton J. H., The Psalms and Israelite Worship: ➔ 549, Tradition 1979, 238-273. 3960 Gelineau J., Les Psaumes a l'epoque patristique: MaisD 135 (1978) 99116. 3961 Haendler G., Zur Auslegung der Psalmen in der Alten Kirche: TLZ 103 (1978) 625-32. 3962 Harris James U. 3 ••• , Prophetie Oracles in the Psalter: diss. Southern Baptist Sem. 1970. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. 3963 Hayes J. H., Understanding the Psalms 1976 ➔ 58s,3549: RJBL 98 (1979) 295s (E. S. Gerstenberger). 3964 Helewa Giovanni, Salmi: ➔ 872, Diz. Spir. 1975: 2, 1645-50. 3965 Jean-Nesmy Claude, [III. Parole et esprit du ... -> 58s,3572], IV. Permanence et presence du Psautier chretien. P 1977, Tequi. 400 p. - RRThom 79 (1979) 106s (J.-L. Vesco). 3966 Meyer Frederick B., David: shepherd, psalmist, king. L/Lakeland 1978 = 1970, Marshall-MS. 175 p. 3967 Montgomery Herbert & Mary, The splendor of the Psalms; a photographic meditation. Minneapolis MN 1977, Winston. 64 p.; photos L. H. Sukalo al. 3968 Nassan Maurice, Song of the World. Reflections on the Psalms. T. Shand Publications, 1978. 127 p . .Cl.90. 3969 Neumann P. Hg., Zur neueren Psalmenforschung: WegFor 192, 1976 ➔ 57,2821; 58s,3595: RArTGran 40 (1977) 277s (A. Segovia); BZ 23 (1979) 107s (H. Grass); TGl 68 (1978) 209s (J. Gamberoni); TLZ 104 (1979) 36s (K.-H. Bernhardt). 3970 Quesson N., 11 messaggio dei Salmi. R 1979, Borla. 344 p. Lit. 5000. 3971 Quintens, Werner, La poetique de la vie dans le Psautier: diss. R, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1978. Excerptum 56 p. 3972 Routley Erik, Exploring the Psalms. Westminster 1975. 172 p. $3.25 pa. - RAndrUnSS 16 (1978) 424s (L. Geraty). 3973 Sauer G., Die Ugaritistik und die Psalmenforschung [Zu M. Dahood; I] UF [6 (1974) 401-4] II. 10 (1978) 357-86. 3974 Song An-chu A., [g Shihp'ien paok'u. The Precious Treasury of the Book of Psalms. Hone Kone 1970, Rlessine; Press. 977 p. 3975 Tramp N. J., De Psalmen in het licht van de traditie: OnsGeestLev 51 (1974) 62-64 [Ad La Tradition medite le Psautier I]. E6.4 Psalmi, commentarii. 3976 Augustinus. Esposizioni sui salmi III, IV, tr. rev. note di [T. Mariucci; non IV], V. Tarulli: Opere 3s. R 1976s., Citta Nuova. 1472p., 1154p.:

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RAugRom 18 (1978) 404-5-7 (F. Monteverde; J. Bein/ich). 3977 Beaucamp Evode, a) Le Psautier I 1976 ➔ 58s,3526: RETRel 54 (1979) 474s (D. Lys); JBL 97 (1978) 284 (P. J. King); LumVie 28,145 (1979) 107s '(H. Cousin). - b) Le Psautier II, Ps 73-150: Sources bibliques. P 1979, Gabalda. 340 p. F 234. 3978 a) Beck Eleonore Hg., Die Psalmen. Der ökumenische Text mit einer Einleitung und Erläuterungen. Dü/Stu 1979, Patmos/Deutsche Bibelstiftung. 150 p. DM 19,80 pa. 0 3-491-77349-0/3-438-03011-X. - b) Berliner Bischofskonferenz und Evangelische Hauptbibelgesellschaft gemeinsam, Hg., Die Psalmen: ökumenische Übersetzung. oB 1978, St-Benno/Ev.HRGes. 271 p. M 2,10. 3979 BeneC., L'exegese des Psaumes chez Erasme: ➔ 598, Fatio 0., Hist. exeg. 1976/8, 118-132 [95-117, G. Wink/er]. 3980 Blaiklock E. M., Commentary on the Psalms, I. Psalms for living, 1-72; II. Psalms for Worship, 73-150. L/Ph 1977, Scripture Union/Holman. 156p., 144p. 3981 Buher Martin, Die Schriftwerke [Ketubfm] verdeutscht 4 : Die Schrift, 4 [mit F. Rosenzweig]. Heid 1976 2 1962, L. Schneider. 701 p. [mit➔b]. b) Zur Verdeutschung des letzten Bandes der Schrift. Heid 1976, L. Schneider, Beilage (26 p.) zu Die Schrift 44 • - [c) Das Buch der Preisungen8, Sonderausgabe aus Band 4, Die Schriftwerke (+Zur Verdeutschung ..... b) 1975 1 1958 , 58s,1577]. 3982 Deissler Alfons, nie Psalmen (196?ss), NemmseHhe in einem fümd nii 1977, Patmos. 574 p. DM 28. - RMüTZ 29 (1978) 436s (J. Scharbert); ZKT 100 (1978) 527s ([R.] 0[berforcher]). 3983 Delius H.-U. Hg., LUTHER,Dictata super Psalterium, 1513-16: .....480, Luther 1979, p. 29-96. 3984 Farka~falvy D., lMIJegyzetek az uj magyar bibliafordit.asokrol. Annotationes ad novas versiones hungaricas S. Scr.: Szolgalat 39 (1978) 81-88. 3985 Feuer Avrohom C. (Scherman N.), tr. comm., a) [Psalms 1-30] Tehillim: a new translation with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic sources I, pref. 1H]M. Gifier: Artscroll Tanach NY 1977, Mesorah. 356 p., facsims. - b) II [Psalms 31-55] 1978, p. 367703. 3986 Friedman J., Servetus and the Psalms: the Exegesis of Heresy: ➔ 598, Fatio 0., Hist. exeg. 1976/8, 164-178. 3987 Gelsi G., Kirche, Synagoge und Taufe in den Psalmcnhomilien des As terios Sophistes: diss. Graz 40, 1976. W 1978, VWGÖ. rv-184p. Sch 155 - KirSef 54 (1979) 640; NRT 101 (1979) 772s (C. Martin). 3988 Gross H., Reinelt H., Das Buch der Psalmen. Teil I (Ps 1-72): Geistliche Schriftlesung 9/1. Dü 1978, Patmos. 401 p. DM 24.80 (22.80). 3989 Hesbert D., Vivre les Psaumes avec Bossuet. P 1979, Nouv. ed. latines. ~~


3990 .Jacquet Louis, Les Psaumes et le creur de l'homme 1-11 1975/7 ➔ 56,2173 ... 57,2786: RCBQ 41 (1979) 467s (P. Bougie); EstBib 36 (1977) 127s (J. Alonso Diaz: 'verdadcro tesoro, imprescindible ... '); Greg 60 (1979) 749s (F. Asensio); RB 85 (1978) 627s (R. Tournay); RThom 79

E6.4 Psalmi, commentarii


(1979) 102-5 (J.-L. Vesco). - Les Psaumes et le ca:ur de l'homme. Etude textuelle, litteraire et doctrinale III. Psaumes 101-150. Gembloux 1978, Duculot. 815 p. Fb 1800. - RETRel 54 (1979s) 473s (D. Lys); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 414 (B. Standaert). 3991 Junghans H., Rhetorische Bemerkungen Luthers in seinen Dictata super Psalterium:--> 514, Rogge J., TVers 8 (1977) 97-128. 3992 Keefer S. L., The lnfluence of Glossing Traditions on the Vocabulary of the Old English Metrical Psalter. Diss. Univ. of Toronto 1978 (dir. A. F. Cameron). - DissA 40 (1979s) 840-A. 3993 Kelleher S. B., The Psalms Explained 1974--> 57,2789: Rßiblebhashyam 1 (1975) 257s (J. Thuruthumaly). 3994 Kraus H.-J., Psalmen: BK 15/1.2, 5. Aufl., überarbeitet. Neuk 1978, -Verlag. Ps 1-59, vn-584p., Ps 60-150, p. 585-1171. DM 188. - RoTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 97; TPQ 127 (1979) 403 (J. Marböck); UF 10 (1978) 478-81 (0. Loretz). 3995 Lancellotti Angelo, Salmi, Introduzione generale; Libro I: 1-41, introd. note: Nuovissima Versione 18 [11-111--> 58s,1679]. R 1977, Paoline. 301 p. Lit. 3000. 3996 Laniado S., 1H]Sene se_fä,rim:Two books opened: ... Psalms; Ke/e IJ,emda on Torah. J 1978 - 1891. 123-xxxu-171 p. 3997 Leupold Herbert C., Exposition of the Psalms. L 1972 = 1959, Evangelical. xn-1010 p. 3998 Loretz 0., Die Psalmen: Beitrag der Ugarit-Texte zum Verständnis von Kolometrie und Textologie der Psalmen II. Ps 90-150: AOAT 207/2. Kevelaer/Neuk 1979, Butzon & B./-Verlag. vu-522 p. DM 138 (subscr. 125) 0 3-7666-9053-l/ 0 3-7887-0584-1. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 634. 3999 Luke K., Israel Before Yahweh. An Exposition of Selected Psalms. Alwaye 1978 ... vn-248 p. Rs 2 VidJyo 43 (1979) 90 (J. Volckaert). 4000 M'Caw Leslie S., Motyer .T.A. Les Psaumes [Extrait du Nouveau Commentaire Biblique angl. tr. R. Pache]. Saint-Legier 1977. Emmaüs. 112 p. Fs. 8. - RETRel 54 (1979) 475s (D. Lys), 4001 Mühlenberg E., Psalmenkommentare aus der Katenenüberlieferung [I 1975 _, 56,9827], Bd II-III: PatrTexSt 16. D 1977s, de Gruyter. xxxrv398 p., DM 142. x-293 p., DM 98. - RJbAC 22 (1979) 209-13 (D. Hageborn); OrChr 63 (1979) 214ss (A. Davids); TPhil 53 (1978) 582s (H.-J. Sieben). 4002 Murphy R. E., The Psalms, Job: Proclamation Comm. Ph 1977, Fortress. 96 p. $2.95. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 315s (R. W. Klein). 4003 Nachman ben-Simba, rabbi of Breslau c.1800, Tikkun ha-Kelali (Psalms selections) tr. ed. G. Fleer. NY 1976, Sepher Hermon. 4004 Neale J. M., Littledale R. · F., A Commentary on the Psalms, from primitive and mediaeval writers, and from the various office-books and hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac rites 4 • NY 1976 = T. 1R79-87; AMS. Ps 1-JR, xn623 p.; Ps 39-80, xr-612p.; Ps 81-118, 532p.; Ps 119-150, 581p. 4005 Noordtzlj Arie, Die Psalmen [tr. comm., impr. 4]: Korte Verklaring. Kampen 1974, Kok.


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4006 NoTKERder Deutsche, Hg. Tax Peter W., Der Psalter, Ps 1-50: Werke 8 = Altdeutsche Textbibliothek 84. 180 p. DM 84 (62 pa.) 0 3-484-2009/79. -->3951. 4007 Perowne J. J. S., The Book of Psalms4 1878. GR 1978, Zondervan. xxxvm-576 + 523 p. $19.95. 4008 Plumer W. S., (1802-1880) Psalms: A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks. Carlisle, PA 1975 = 1867, Banner of Truth. 1211 p. f5.50. 4009 Raeder Siegfried, Grammatica Theologica [scl. Hebraica] Studien zu Luthers Operationes in Psalmos: Beiträge zur historischen Theologie, 51. Tü 1977, Mohr. vi-362 p. DM 98. B. Die hermeneutische Funktion des Hebräischen bei Luther; C. Die moraltheologischen Auswirkungen des Hebräischen. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 212s (J. Vercruysse). 4010 Riedmatten H. de, Une edition des fragments exegetiques de Didyme et d'Apollinaire sur le Psautier [E. Mühlenberg 1975]: Aevum 52 (1978) 228-34. 4011 Rogerson J. W., McKay J. W. [-->4046], Ps 1-50; 51-100; 101-150: Cambridge NRR. C 1977, Univ. 3 vol. 0 0-521-20160-7 (vol. 1 pa.).--> 58s, 3575: RCBQ 40 (1978) 615s (J. K. Kuntz); EvQ 50 (1978) 38s (L. C. Allen); JAAR 47 (1979) 310 (P. D. MillerI). 4012 Schille G., Psalmen-Transformationen: Nachdichtungen 2 • oB 1979, Ev. Verlagsanstalt. 91 p. M. 5. 4013 Schoenbechler Roger, Book of Psalms: An Interpretative Version in Measured Rhythm. Collegeville MN 1978, Liturgical Press. x + 408 p. $10. 4014 Sofer Moshe, [!!] Perus sefer iehillfm, Psalms eommentary. J 1976, Yad Mordechai. 326 p. 4015 Spurgeon Charles H., a) The Treasury of David. An expository and devotional commentary on the Psalms. Welwyn 1977 „ 1870-85, Evangelical [cf. GR 1975, Zondervan--> 57,28111 7 vols.: Ps. 1-26; 27-52; 53-78; 79-103; 104-118; 119-124; 125-150. - b) Aus der Schatzkammer Davids, tr. H. Fischer. Wuppertal 1977, Oncken. 244 p., 277 p.; je DM 8,80. Pi-,almurwu Llummlu: I. pcccutum et gratia; gloria populi Dei; II. fiducia, salus; gloria creatrix Dei. - c) Murray lain, The Forgotten Seurgeon. Carlisl~ PA 1978, Banner of Truth. 254 p. $3.50 pa. 4016 Svab Jaroslav, Zalmy, ekumenicky preklad 2• Praha 1976, UCN. 309 p. 4017 THEODORI Mopsuesteni Expositionis in Psalmos Iuliano Aeclanensi interprete in latinum versae quae supersunt ed. L. De Coninck: CCL 88A. Turnhout 1977, Brepols. XLVI-411p., Fb.6100. - RNRT 100 (1978) 585 (C. Martin). 4018 Toma Stela, Coresi: Psaltirea slavo-romänä [1577] in comparatie cu psaltirile coresiene din 1570 ~i din 1589. Text stabilit, introducere ~i indice. Bucare~ti 1976, Academia: Comisia de Texte Romane~ti Vechi. 779 p. 401,9,,Uchelen N. A. van, Psalmen 1-11 1971, 1977 -->53,2028 ... 58s,3584: RJm, 98 (1979) 1?.6s (R, R. CootP); TLZ 104 (1979) 180ss (R. AlhPrtz); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 200 (B. Standaert); UF 10 (1978) 491 (0. Loretz). 4020 Vian G. M., Testi inediti dal commento ai Salmi di Atanasio: St. Eph.

E6.4 Psalmi, commentarii


'Augustinianum' 14. R 1978, Tnstitutum Patristicum Aug. 85 p. 4021 Weiser Artur, Die Psalmen I (1-60) II (61-150)9: ATD 14s. Gö 1979 11939, VR. 299 p.; pp. 302-612. DM 24/25 pa. 0 3-525-511616-3/9-8. 4022 Zerr B., The Psalms: A New Translation [taking largely into account M. Dahood]. NY 1979, Paulist. xn-331 p.

E6.5 Psalmi, themata. 4023 a) Aldazabal J., La doctrina eclesio16gica del Liber Orationum Psalmographus [ed. J. Pinf!l! 1972]. Las colectas de salmos del ;intie,uo rito hispanico: BiblScRel 11. R 1975, Salesiano. 335p. - RVetChr 15 (1978) 175s (V. Pavan). - b) Borobio D., La doctrina de la penitencia en el liber orationum psalmographus [ed. J. Pinell 1972]. Bilbao 1977, Univ. Deusto. 646 p. 4024 Auf der Maur J., Das Psalmenverständnis des Ambrosius von Mailand. 1977. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 101s (J. H. Emminghaus). 4025 Coppens J., La royaute de Yahve dans le Psautier [III ➔ 58s,3534*] IV .... quatrieme recueil: ETL 54 (1978) 1-59. 4026 Cullinan T., Opening Words in the Psalms: CleR 63 (1978) 205-07. 4027 Curtis A. H. W., The 'Subjugation of the Waters' Motif in the Psalms: Imagery or Polcmic? [comparing Ug. tcxts: polcmic of Yahwism against Baalism]: JSS 23 (1978) 245-36. 4028 Eckmann A., [f] onoma tu theu en tant qu'une definition de Dieu et de ses attributs chez Jean Chrysostome, dans Expositiones in Psalmos: RoczTKan 25 (1978) 203-17, summ. 218. 4029 Edmondson K. A., The Psalter of Henry de Blois, a Study in Romanesque Manuscript Illumination. Diss. New York Univ. 1978, dir. Harry Bober. 528p. 0 7818413. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1890-A. 4030 Ervin Howard M., Theological aspects of the Septuagint of the Book of Psalms: diss. Princeton 1962. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. 127 p. 4031 Germond P., En marge des litanies de Sekhmet I a Edfou: fleches et mtlssagtlrs: BSucEgGtmevti 2 (1979) 23-29. 4032 Goldingay John, Repetition and Variation in the Psalms: JQR 68 (1978) 146-151. 4033 Gorfine W. J., The Significance for Proclamation of the Interdependence of Protology and Societal Ethos in the Communal Hymnic Psalms: Diss. Claremont 1978. 134 p. 0 7815335. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1659-A. 4034 Gray John, The Biblical Doctrine of the Reign of God [Ps/Ugarit supporting S. Mowinckel]. E 1979, T. & T. Clark. xm-401 p. fl0.95. 0 0-56709300-X. 4035 Green M. W., The Eridu Lament [text, transcript., transl., notes]: JCS 30 (1978) 127-67 (p. 162-67 = cuneif.). 4036 Grintz J. M., [H] Slppurlm . .. Storics, psalms, and proverbs from thc ancient Egyptian traditions, tr. introd. J 1975, Mösad Bialik. - KSKttatMilµ- 2 (Erl/) 26~1ss(M. C,'1/ula). 4037 Haag E., 'Gedächtnis' im AT, besonders in den Psalmen und beim Pascha: Jahresgabe des Vereins der Förderer und Freunde des Abt-Her-


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wegen-Instituts 1979 (Maria-Laach 1979) 15 p. 4038 Holms Nielsen S., Religiöse Poesie des Spätjudentums [Kultpoesie; Alttest. Psalmen in der Synagoge; 1QH; PsSal.; bibliogr. : 182.-86]: ➔ 864 ANRW 2,19,1 (1979) 152-86. 4039 Jakob-Rost L., Das Lied von Ullikumm.i, Dichtungen der Hethiter 1977 ➔ 58s,d989: Rprzor 2 (108) (1978) 386s (M. Popko). 4040 Johnson Aubrey R., The Cultic Prophet and Israel's Psalmody. Cardiff 1979, Univ. of Wales. xn-467 p. f:19.95. [I. The Responsibility of the Cultic Prophet for the Life of Society as Recognizable I. in Regular Worship; II .... in National Crisis; III. ... in Personal Crisis]. 4041 Kad Othmar, a) nie Welt cler altorientalischen Bildsymbolik und das AT: am Beispiel der Psalmen 2 1977 ➔ 58s,3554 (11972 ➔ 54,2390]: RCurrTMiss 6 (1979) 113s (C. Graesser, Jr.); NRT 101 (1979) 414s (J.-L. Ska); OLZ 73 (1978) 460s (K.-H. Bernhardt: ed. l); 'l'l'(-2 rn, (19'/8) 291 (K. Jaros). - b) The Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastem Iconography and the Book of Psalms, tr. T. J. Hallett. 1978 ➔ 58s,3554: RETRel 54 (1979) 478s (D. Lys); EvQ 51 (1979) 114s (A. A. Anderson); Tnterpr 33 (1979) 208 (P. D. Mil/er, Jr.); STBuc 31 (1979) 351 (N. MihaiJa); TS 40 (1979) l 73ss (F. L. Moriarty). 4042 Kraus Hans-Joachim, Theologie der Psalmen: RK l'i/1. Nenk 1979, -V. 272 p. DM 49. 0 3-7887-0611-2. - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 116s (A. Schenke11. 4043 Kroon M. de, Bemerkungen M. Bucers über das Abendmahl in seinem Psalmenkommentar von 1529: Buccr und seine Zeit, hrg. M. de Kroon al. (Wb 1976, Steiner) 88-100. 4044 Kutscher R., Oh, Angry Sea! ... Sumerian Congregational Lament 1975 ➔ 58s,d680: RBO 36 (1979) 46s (B. Alster); JNES 38 (1979) 48-53 (M. Green). 4045 Loreti Italo, Simbolica dei numeri nella 'Expositio Psalmorum' di Cassiodoro: VetChr 16 (1979) 41-55. 4046 McKay J. W., Psalms of Vigil [basis scientifica declarationum in 1977 Cambridge New English Bible Psalms, cum J. W. Rogerson ➔ 4011]: ZAW 91 (1979) 229-47. Ps 5; 17; 27; 30; 57; 59; 63; 143. 4047 Marböck J., Dimensionen des Menschseins in den Psalmen: TPQ 127 (1979) 7-14. 4048 Monloubou L., La louange et l'histoire: un probleme d'exegese, une question d'actualite [C. Westermann, Das Loben Gottes in den Psalmen 4 Gö 1960]: NRT 100 (1978) 679-705: 698 la louange malgre l'histoire! 4049 Norin S. I. L., Er spaltete das Meer. Die Auszugsüberlieferung in Psalmen und Kult des alten Israel: ConBib, OT 9, 1977 ➔ 58s,3568. - Rßi_ blica 59 (1978) 579ss (Joachim Becker); BZ 23 (1979) 123s (H. Grn.~s); CBQ 40 (1978) 612s (D. J. McCarthy); JBL 98 (1979) 128s (D. F. Morgan); JSS 24 (1979) 116s (B. S. Childs); NRT 101 (1979) 420s (J.-L. Ska); RB 85 (1978) 147s (R. Tournay). 4~ Pabst H., Eine Sammlung von Klagen in den Qumranfünden (4Q 179): , 593, Dclcor M., Qumran: BibETL '16 (1978) 137-49. 4051 Patton John H., Canaanite parallels in the Book of Psalms: diss. Baltimore 1944. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. IX, 68 p.

E6.5 Psalmi, themata


4052 Pury A. de, Iconographie et langage biblique (0. Keel, 1977]: RTPhil 110 (1978) 161-84. 4053 Ranon Angelo, 'Evangelizare pauperibus' nei Salmi e nei Sapienzali: ➔ 590, Canfora G., Evangelizare pauperibus 1978, 107-125. 4054 Roslon J. W., ~ [ ... Is 23,9.39,2; Jer 17,13; 49,4; Ps 2,12; 16,3.10; , 33,15; 46,3; 72,5; 110,3s; 139,16] La contribution de la philologie nordsemitique a la science biblique contemporaine, spec. M. Dahood: STVarsav 15,1 (1977) 217-32. 4055 Seybold K.., Gebet des Kranken im AT: BWANT 99, 1973 ➔ 55,2164: RTLZ 101 (1976) 910ss (H. Seidel). 4056 Slomovic E., Towitrd Qll Understllllding of the Formittion of Historieal Titles in the Book of Psalms: ZAW 91 (1979) 350-80 [rabbinic midrash]. 4057 Springer Sr. Simone, Neuinterpretation im AT untersucht an den Themenkreisen des Herbstfestes und der Königspsalmen in Israel (diss. K 1975 dir. E. Nielsen): SBB Stu 1979, KBW. 205 p. DM 26,80. 0 3-46000091-0. 4058 Steingrimsson Sigurdur Ö., Att räkna upp Herrens under: SvEx 44 (1979) 68-73; summ. 73 ~ipper nif[eot Jahwes Wunder aufzuzählen: 5 Pss, sonst nur Ri 6, 13. 40S9 Thompson J. A., Israel's 'Haters •: VT 29 (1979) 200-20S. 4060 Tronina A., ~ Pole semantyczne poj~c 'emet i 'emüniih w Psalterzu [Le ehamp semantique des notions 'emet et 'emünäh dans le Psautier]: RoczTKan 25,1 (1978) 37-50.50. 4061 Tucci P. M., 11 Beato Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649-1713) fu anche un Biblista [Salterio nella forma Romana e Gallieana ... ] : RegnDei{Theat) 5 (1949) 174-214. 4062 Vosberg Lothar, Studien zum Reden vom Schöpfer in den Psalmen: ßeiEvT 69, 1975 _,, 57,2817; 58s,3587: RTLZ 103 (1978) 645ss (R. Albertz). 4063 Weinfeld M., [H] Telzilfä le-Samas; The Samas Hymn. Introd., Hebrew Version and Commentary: ShnatMil.cr 2 (1977) 239-48. •106•1J,J,'e~termumt C., Lub uuu Klagti in utiu Psalurnu 1977 ... 58s,3590: RCBQ 40 (1978) 618ss (P. D. Miller, Jr.); NRT 101 (1979) 418s (J.-L. Ska); TR 74 (1978) 284s (H. Gross). 4065 Wilson T. E., The Messianic Psalms. Neptune NJ 1978, Loizeaux. 126p. E6.6 Psa/mi: oratio, liturgia; Psalms as Prayer. '1066 Ball Michael, Singing to the Lord: The Psalms as Hymns. L c.1978, Bible Reading Fellowship. 78 p. fl.95. - RscriptB 10 (1979s) 23s (M. Gray). 4067 Beaurin Jean-Marie, Lc Lys de Jessc. L'Immaeulce dans la lumicre des psaumes. P 1977, Tequi. 310p. 4068 Iledouel/e G,, La lccturc christologiquc. du psautic.r dans 1c.'Quincuplc.x Psalterium' de Lefevre d'Etaples: -+ 598, Fatio 0., .Hist. exeg. 1978, 133143.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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4069 Beneker Wilhelm, Ich singe dein Lob durch die Tage: Psalmen und andere Bibelworte: Fundus-Taschenbuch 14. Ha 1978, Rauh. 46 p. ill. 4070 Bonar Andrew A. (1810-1892), Christ and His Church in the Book of Psalms. GR 1978 = 1861, Kregel. xn-457 p. $12.95. 0 0-8254-2230-2. 4071 Bonhoeffer D., Das Gebetbuch der Bibel. Eine Einführung in die Psalmen. Mit einem Einblick in B's Leben und Schaffen von E. Bethge 9• StuNeuhausen 1978, Hänssler. 47 p. DM 3,80. 4072 Bosseler J.-M., Les interpretations liturgiques du Psautier hebraique: Diss. lic. Louvain-la-Neuve 1975 (prom. A. Houssian): NotSocTLouv ls (1976) 20s. 4073 Bours Johannes Hg., Tischgebete für Gemeinschaft und Familie: 4 Wochenreihen nach den Psalmen, dem NT, dem grosscn jüdischen Tischgcbet2. Kevelaer 1978, Butzon & B. 60 p. DM 5,20 pa. 0 3-7666-9022-1. 4074 The Psalms, a New Translation for [Anglican] Worship 1977 ➔ 58s,1497 [a); others give as editor S. P. Brack or D. Coggan or J. Emerton (Notes by A. Macintosh); b) pointed for singing by D. L. Frost al.]: REvQ 50 (1978) 40 (F. F. Bruce). 407 5 a) Delhougne H., Le Psautier liturgique '77' [Le Psautier. Version recumenique, texte liturgique (P 1977)]: MaisD 135 (1978) 117-47. - b) Le Psautier. Version recumenique. Texte liturgique fapprouvee par les Conferences episcopales de France, Belgique, Suisse, Canada, AfriqueN.]. P 1977, Ccrf. 381 p. F25 (ou 40 ou 65) [cf. • 57,1193; 58s,1566]. RNRT 101 (1979) 306 (J.-L. Ska); RB 85 (1978) 625ss (R. Tournay). 4076 Evenou J., Les oraisons psalmiques. Pour une pricre chretienne des Psaumes: MaisD 135 (1978) 158-74. 4077 Faricy R., Crying Out to the Lord [ ... Psalms of Lament]: BToday 101 (1979) 1969-80. 4078 Fischer Ballhasar, Lt:s Lilres chn'.:Lieus1.fosPsaumes dans le nouvel o!fice divin: MaisD 135 (1978) 149-157. 4079 Gandara J. G., El sentido de los Salmos en el Oficio Divino: Cisterc 22 (1970) 37-52. 4080 Gourgues M., Les psaumes et Jesus - Jesus et les psaumes: CahEv 25. P 1978, Cerf. 64 p. F 9. 4081 Griffith Leonard, Reactions to God. Man's response to God's activity in the Psalms: Ecclesia books. L 1979, Hodder and Stoughton. 159 p. 4082 Guilbert C. M., introd., The Psalter: a new version for public worship and private devotion: Protestant Episcopal Church U.S.A. NY 1978, Seabury. xxvm-228 p. 4083 Hajdok J., IM]Zsoltarkönyv (Psalmenbuch). Budapest 1978, auct. 304 p. - Rszolgalat 40 (1978) 99. 4084 Heine S., Bewusst beten (conscious prayer): BLtg 51 (1978) 179-88. 4085 Heinen K., Die Psalmen - Gebete für Christen?: BLtg 51 (1978) 232-35. 4086 Heymans J. G., Psalters der moderne devotie fHaag KB 133 D 26; Ld BPL 46 B: c.1420 A.D.]: Verzameling van Middelnederlandse Bijbeltekstcn min. 5/2. Ld 1978, Brill. xvrn-354 p. /84. - RRB 86 (1979) 475s (R. T[ournay]); ZAW 91 (1979) 466s (G. Fahrer). 4087 Hollahan P., The Anglo-Saxon Use of the Psalms: Liturgical Back-

E6.6 Psalms as Prayer


ground and Poetic Use. Diss. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1977. 0 7804024. 187 p. - DissA 38 (1977s) 6114s-A. 4088 Hugger P., Psalmen beten - eine Form christlicher Weltoffenheit: BLtg .52 (1979) 129-135. 4089 a) Kayalamparampil T., The Psalms are our Prayer Songs: Biblebhashyam 5,2 (1979) 89-100. - b) Menezes R. de, The Theology of Israel's Songs: 101-18. - c) Thuruthumaly J., The Praying Man in the Psalms of Lament: 119-32. - d) Ripolt F., The Psalms or Israel at Prayer: 133-38. - e) Meiler V., The Temple and the House of the Lord (in the Psalms): 139-44. - f) Vellanickal Matthew, Prayer in the OT [Ps advantages and limitations for today]: Biblebhashyam 5,1 (1979) 5-24; whole issue on 'Prayer in the Bible' -> Jer. Jn. Paul. 4090 Lewis C. S., Das Gespräch mit Gott. Gedanken zu den Psalmen [ ... Nachdruck d. Ausg. 1959, angl~: Reflections on the Psalms 1958, leichtgekürzt übers. v. A. Kuom] Klassiker der Meditation. Z 1978, Benziger. 172 p. 4091 Lussier Ernst, Adore the Lord: Adoration Viewed Through the Old Testament. NY 1979, Alba. xv-299 p. $6.95. 4092 Manzano Garcfa-Trivii'lo J. E., La oraci6n en el AT: Cisterc 24 (1972) 85-95.


4093 Merton T., Rezando los Salmos: Cisterc 16 (1964) 18-23. 113-24. im AT uuli.:r 4094 ÜiiiiWuld Eva, Olaubi.:11swvi.:rsid1lunu Olaubi.:11sa11ri.:d1lu11g besonderer Berücksichtigung der Psalmen (Theol.-Woche Jena 1979): TLZ 104 (1979) 705-12. 4095 Paul de Ja Croix, Prier les Psaumes aujourd'hui. P/FrS 1978, SaintPaul. 368 p. F 60. 4096 Ranieri 0., Preghiera al re Davide: pagina ms. su due salteri etiopici del Potken [J. Potken, Roma 1513]: EphCarm 30 (1979) 488-491. 4097 Santucci Luigi, Poesia e preghiera nella Bibbia. T 1979, Gribaudi. 77 p. Lit. 3000. 4098 Stradling L. E., Praying the Psalms 1977 -> 58s,3582. - RHeythJ 19 (1978) 356 (G. C.). 4099 Strolz W. u.a., Aus den Psalmen leben. Dns gemeinsame Gebet von Kirche und Synagoge neu erschlossen. Fr 1979. Herder. 223 p. DM 25,80. 0 3-451-18219-X. 4100 Szymanek E., [!'.] Teksty biblijne w Liturgii [Textus biblici in Liturgia]: RuBi 31 (1978) 57-63. 4101 Tromp N., Leven vanuit de psalmen: Met het oog op God: Cahiers van Levensverdieping 26. Averbode 1978, Werkgroep voor L. 188 p. Fb 260 / /19,90. 4102 Vellmer E., Psalmen in einem Krankenhaus: -, 269, Fs. E. WüRTIIWEIN 1979, 156-68. 4103 Waaijman Kees, Onderdrukten aan het woord (Ps 129, 124, 123, 125, 120) / In het nauw gedreven, toch overeind gebleven (Ps 4, 3, 13, 64, 12) / 0 jij die uitnodigt 'Wees er!' (Ps 115, 40, 146, 131) / Zo samenleven dat het mysterie de kans krijgt (Ps 133, 127, 134, 122): Speling 30 (Nijmegen 1978) 1,4-13 / 2,24-37 / 3,73-89 / 4,86-93. 4104 Wallwork N., The Psalter and the Divine Office: StLtg 12 (1977) 46-64. 19. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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E6.8 Psalmi: verse-numbers. 4105 Aujfret P., Essai sur la structure litteraire du Ps 1: BZ 22 (1978) 2345. 4106 Penar T., ~ Sous la protection de Dieu: Ps 1: On;downik Diecezji Chelminskiej 28 (1977) 190-193; 194-9 Ps 23; 261-4 Ps 11 etc. 4107 Merendino R. P., Sprachkunst in Psalm l: VT 29 (1979) 45-60 . . 4108 Vogels W., A Structural Analysis of Ps 1: Biblica 60 (1979) 410-416. 4109 Willis J. T., Psalm 1 [without 2] - an Entity: ZAW 91 (1979) 381401. 4110 S11aithN. II., P~ 1:1 and ls 40:31: VT 29 (1979) 363s. 4111 Aujfret P., The Literary Structure of Ps 2 1977 -> 58s,3598*: RCBQ 40 (1978) 597 (J. C. Exum); ETRel 54 (1979) 476 (D. Lys). 4112 Nöther Ingo, Luthers Übersetzungen des zweiten Psalms: ihre Beziehungen zur Übersetzungs- und Auslegungstradition, zur Theologie Luthers und zur Zeitgeschichte (diss. Ha 1975): HaPhilolSt 41. Ha 1976, H. Buske. IX-321p. - KirSef 54 (1979) 635. 4113 Emerton J. A., The Translation of the Verbs in the Imperfect in Psalm 2,9: JTS 29 (1978) 499-503. 4114 Auffret P., Note sur la structure litteraire du psaume 3: ZAW 91 (1979) 93-106 [N. Lund al. nimis fundant in themata, neglectis repetitione, inclusione, assonantia ... ]. 4115 Asensio F., Salmo 4: Perspectivas de la oraci6n en la exegesis del Cris6stomo: EstBib 36 (1977) 153-71. 4116 Macholz C., Bemerkungen zu Ps 7,4-6: ZAW 91 (1979) 127ss [7,5 duo stichi cum suo quisque objecto; slm cum secundo]. 4117 McKay J. W., My Glory - a Mantle of Praise [keep käböd Ps 7,5 etc., not käbed liver]: ScotJT 31 (1978) 167-72. 4118 Coughlan P., Praising God in the Psalms: lll = Ps 8: A Christian Prayer: CleR 63 (1978) [I. 341-344; II. 369-75] 465-72; IV. 64 (1979) 92-96. 4119 Perlitt L., Der Mensch nach der Offenbarung des AT. Eine Auslegung des 8. Psalms: Heih. ÖkRu 26 (1974) "/-'1.U. 4120 Picca .T.,L'uomo, capolavoro di Dio. Lettura attualizzante del salmo 8: -> 640, Zevini G., lncontro 1978, 71-84. 4121 Wallis Gerhard, a) Psalm 8 und die ethische Fragestellung der modernen Naturwissenschaft: TZBas 34 (1978) 193-201. - b) Psalm 8 and the Ethics of Science: TDig 27 (1979) 216s. 4122 Mannati M., Le Psaume. XI. Un exemple typique des liens entre l'in. terpretation du genre litteraire et l'etude critique de stiques obscurs: VT 29 (1979) 222-28. 4123 Mil/er P. D. J, Yäpfa~i in Ps 12,6 [qatf/ of yplJ witncss, cfr. Ug.; with lo 'thc witness on his behalf'; not from pw}J]: VT 29 (1979) 495-501. 4124 Lauha Arre, 'Dominus beneficit' [Ps 13,6). Die Wortwurzel gml und die Psalmenfrömmigkeit: ASTI 11 (1977) 57-62. 4125 Mille1• P. D. J, Poctic Ambiguity und Bulunce in Psulm 15: VT 29 (1979) 416-24.

E6.& Psalm 16...


4126 Quintens Werner, Le chemin de la vie dans le Psaume XVI: ETL 55 (1979) 233-242. 4127 Lach Stanislaw, [fl Psalm 18. Action de gräces du 'roi' apres la victoire: RoczTKan 24,4 (1977) 127-139. 4128 Sager Steven G., 'Sun' and 'Light' Imagery in Psalm 19: ➔ 401, R. Brauner, J ewish Civilization 1979. 4129 Federici T., 'Ed i tuoi olocausti incenerisca'. Rilettura di Ps 20 (19), 4: ➔ 168, Fs. B. NEUNHEUSER Eulogia [=StAns 68] 1979, 57-95: däsen, duplex traditio significationis. 4130 Barsotti D., La presenza del Cristo [p. 43-47, ... Commento al Salmo 21; p. 75 102, 11cummino delln fede (Giov.) ... ] : Bibliotecn Asccticn 43. Mi 1979, Vita e Pensiero. ix-292 p. 4131 Quintens W., La vie du roi dans le Ps 21 [comparando quoque Hymnum Thutmosi, inscriptiones phoen., aram., aeg. : !J,ayyfm vitam regis terrenam et salutiferam cum Domino designat, prob. liturgia inthronizationis]: Biblica 59 (1978) 516-41. 4132 Hobbs G., Martin Bucer on Psalm 22. A Study in the Application of Rabbinic Exegesis by a Christian Hebraist: ➔ 598, Fatio 0., Hist. exeg. 1978, 144-163. 4133 Albrektson B., Att tolka psalm 23 till svenska: ➔ 276, Kapitlet om Jehu ... 1979, 117-132. 4134 Gelinder Shamai, !EIThe Psalmist of Ps 23: Beth Mikra 75 (1978) 4624. 4135 Keller, Weldon P., Psalm 23 aus der Sicht eines Schafhirten [A shepherd looks at psalm twenty-three] tr. Horst Tetzner 5• Wetzlar 1978, Schulte. 152 p. 0 3-87739-295-4 kart. 4136 Strange K. H., 2Sandbach R. G. E., Psalm 23, an anthology: [Hebrew, Latin, Middle English, d.ialectsj versions collected and annotated. E 1978 11969, St. Andr~w. 1x-ll8p, f2.45. 0 0-7152-0374-6. 4137 Dahood Mitchell, Stichometry and Destiny in Ps 23,4 [lege ... kf ätäh{!) · immädf I sibtekä Ctmis'antekä I hemmäh .vanlJü meni 'for with me come / your club and your staff / behold, they guide my destiny'. Ad menf, cfr. dcus Mani (Ebla), nom. prop. ugariticum; Is 65,11; Ps 61,2-3 et 8, ubi TM man = mny defective scriptum; nota Gad uMeni deum canaan.]: Biblica 60 (1979) 417-9. 4138 Sperber D., Berbers and Antai [Midrash Ps 25,14]: REJuiv 134 (1975) 128-32. 4139 Waaijman Kees, Vanuit de Psalmen [Ps 26 et 7 'cor et renes ']: Schrift 57 (1978) 94-99. 4140 Schmid Rudolf, Opfer mit Jubel: Die zibl.li.~t0 rü.0 a von Ps 27,6: TZBas 35 (1979) 48-54. 4141 Nichaus J., The Use of Lüle in Psalm 27 [,13]: JBL 98 (1979) 88s. Dahood Mitchell, Ugaritic msr 'song' in Psalms 28,7 and 137,3: Biblica 58 ( 1977) 216s ➔ 58s,a699. 4142 Cunchillos Ylarri Jesus L., Estudio [sg. ➔ 57,2848] del Salmo 29. Canto ul Dim; dti la forlilidud fouw1didad. Apmtuuiuu u1 uunuuirnitmtu dti la Fti de Israel a su entrada en Canaan; 1976. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 455s (R. H.


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McGrath); JBL 98 (1979) 129 (H. S. Gehman); NRT 101 (1979) 420 (J.L. Ska); SciEspr 31 (1979) 231s (L. Sabourin); ZAW 91 (1979) 145s (G. Fohrer). 4143 Grad! F. W., Abermals Überlegungen zu Struktur und Finalität von Ps 29: SBFLA 29 (1979) 91-110. 4144 Petuchowski J. J., A Sermon on Ps 29 Attributed to Rabbi Ele'azar Homoda'i [Midrash]: HUCA 48 (1977) 243-64. 4145 Testa E., Un inno predavidico: il Salmo 29: SBFLA 28 (1978) 60-72. 4146 Tournay R.-J., El Salmo 29: estructura e interpretaci6n:--> 49, Servidor de la Palabra, Mem. A. CoLUNGA1979, 397-417. 4147 Avishur Y., [!!] Prayer to Baal from lTgllrit on the Time when lln F.nemy Enters the Gates of the City and Its Walls [KTU 1,119, cfr. Ps 29; Dt 12:6]: ShnatMilcr 3 (1978s) 254-61. xxvs. 4148 Day J., Echoes of Daal's Seven Thunders and Lightnings in Psalm xxrx and Habakkuk 3,9 and the Identity of the Seraphim in Isaiah 6: VT 29 (1979) 143-151. 4149 Jenson R. W., Ps 32 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 172-76. 4150 Vincent Jean-M., Recherches exegetiques sur le Ps 33: VT 28 (1978) 442-54. 4151 Goldingay John, a) Songs from a Strange Land: Psalms 42-51. Downers Grove, IL 1978, InterVarsity. 172 p. $3.95/f2.15 pa. - RScriptB 10 (1979) 41 (M. Gray). b) Psalm 51,16a [Eng. 14a]: CBQ 40 (1978) 388ss. 4152 Gil Y., ffilRabbi Joseph Qim}.ri· s Interpretation of Ps 42,5: Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 188s. 4153 Ode/man Eva, Note sur l'emploi du verbe intendere dans le psaume XLIV de la Vulgate: RBen 89 (1979) 303ss. 4154 Olivier J. P. J., The Sceptre of Justice and Ps 45,7b: JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 45-54. 4155 Lach Stanislaw, Versuch einer neuen Interpretation der Zionshymnen [Ps 46; 48; 76; 84; 87; 122]:--> 596, Congress Gö 1977, VTS 29 (1978) 149164. 4156 Bonnard P.-E., Un psaume pour vivre: le Ps 49(48): EsprVie 88 (1978) 562 69. 4156* DeMeyer F., The Science of Literature Method of Prof. M. Weiss in Confrontation with Form Criticism, exemplified on the basis of Ps. 49: Bijdragen 40 [ibid. falso 41] (1979) 152-166; 167 summ. 4157 Slotki J. J., Ps 49:13.21 (A.. V. 12.20): VT 28 (1978) 361s. 4158 Lakatos Eugenio, La religi6n verdadera. Estudio exegetico del Salmo 50: 1972--> 54,2396: RcuBib 34 (1977) 233s (V. Soria); EstBib 36 (1977) 128s (J. Guillen). 4159 Schwartz B., ffil Psalm 50. Its Subject, Form and Place: ShnatonMikr 3 (1978s) 77-106; xu Eng. si1m. 4160 Dahood Mitchell, 'A Sea of Troubles'. Notes on psalms 55:3-4 [legendo ... mippene · aQtl rl1!l1' kt vam vaua · l1lay 'llwen 'constraineü by the prcsence ofthe wicked, indeed they spread a sea oftroubles on me' (constructi catcna bis intcm1pta)] and 140:10-11 [legendo ... yckassu mo yiim yittu •alehem ... 'may (them) the waters of the sea cover'; m6 < ebl. ma-wu = 'aqua']: CBQ 41 (1979) 604-07.

E6.8 Psalm 58,8...


4161 Mannati Marina, Psaume LVIII 8: VT 28 (1978) 477-480. 4162 Meyer F. de, La dimension sapientiale du Psautier a la lumiere des Ps. 62; 90; 94. Avec un apen;u historique de l'exegese critique concemant la Sagesse psalmique: 1979 diss. Lv, dir. J. Luyten. xvn-100 p. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 409 (H. Biezeno). 4163 Seguenny A., L'exegese spirituelle de Sebastien Franck sur l'exemple du commentaire du Psaume 64: -> 598, Fatio 0., Hist. exeg. 1978, 179184. 4164 Curti C., Una duplice interpretazione di Ps 64,9 negli esegeti greei e latini: LinceiR 8/33 (1978) 67-82. 4165 Delcor M., LBS: QuSem 5 (1974, prodiit 1978), 106-9: 'couvrir'. sensu sexuali (Ps 65,14; cfr. Qur'än 2,187); sed non necessario /ebCtso(Mal 2,16) 'coniWl '. 4166 Weissblueth Shlomo, [!!] Psalm 67: BethMikra 75 (1978) 458-461. 4167 Curti Carmelo, L'interpretazione di Ps 67,14 in Eusebio di Cesarea. La sua fortuna presso gli esegeti greci e latini del Salterio: -> 149, Fs. G. LAZZATI 1979, 195-207. 4168 Keel 0., Vögel als Boten: Studien zu Ps 68,12-14; Gen 8,6-19, Koh 10,20 und ... Ägypten: Orbßibür 14, 1977-> 58s,3641: RCBQ 40 (1978) 245s (J. ·A. Rimbach). 4169 Cullinan T., The Truth of the Psalms: Ps 72: CleR 64 (1979) 131-5. · 4170 Grimm Dieter, 'Jahwe-Elohim, der Gott lsraels, der allem Wunder tut' (Ps 72,18; 'PL). Ein Beitrag zur Vorstellung von Gott im AT: Judaica 35 (1979) 77-83. 4171 Illman Karl-J., Thema und Tradition in den Asaf-Psalmen [Ps 7383 + 50]: Meddelenden Abo 13. 1976-> 58s,3645. - RBbbOr 20 (1978) 78 (F. Lu[ciam]); JBL 97 (1978) 284s (E. S. Gerstenberger); RB 85 (1978) 148s (R. Tournay); TLZ 103 (1978) 812s (H. Seidel). 4172 Wanke Gunther, Asaph(iten): _, 895, TRE 4 (1979) 17lss. 4173 Luyten J., Ps 73 and Wisdom [ ... Sapiential Form Elements and Mo= RiblFTL 51 (1979) 59tifs; ... and .loh]: -> 602, Gilhert M, S11eesse 81. 4174 Russ J. F., Psalm 73 [a wisdvm psalm, but also lament and thanks]: ..... 234, Fs. S. TERRIEN1978, 161-75. 4175 Luria Ben Zion, [!!] Ephraimite Psalms [77; 80s]: BethMikra 73 (1978) 151-161. 4176 Roberts J. J. M., Of Signs, Prophets, and Time Limits: A Note on Ps 74:9: CBQ 39 (1977) 474-481. 4177 Campbell A. F., Ps 78: A Contrihution to the Theology of Tenth Century Israel [ ... Unity of structure; substantial integrity; independence of Pentateuchal traditions, Deuleronumistic Additions; Interpretation]: CBQ 41 (1971) 51-79. 4178 Caval/etti S., Proposta di lcttura del Sal 78,65 [mitronen e mrzh]: RivB 26 (1978) 337-340 [potens 'calefactus' vino]. 4179 Beentjes Panc, Datering van Ps 79: -> 9, Beuken W., Proef en Toets 1977. 4180 Bonnard P.-E., Un psaume pour vivre: Le Ps 80 (79): La vigne du Seigneur ... : EsprVie 88 (1978) 417-23.


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4181 Mutius Hans-G., Die Interpretation des Hapaxlegomenons KRSM in Ps 80, 14 bei Saaclja, Raschi und David Kimchi und ihre Relevanz für die heutige Hebraistik: BibNot 8 (1979) 18-21. 4182 McNeil B., The Son of Man and the Messiah [Ps 80,15a/17a]: NTS 26 (1979s) 419ss. 4183 Auffret P., Essai sur la structure litteraire du Psaume 86: VT 29 (1979) 385-402. 4184 Beaucamp Evode, Psaume 87, a la Jerusalem nouvelle: LavalTP 35 (1979) 279-88. 4185 Luyten J., Worsteling van de doodzieke mens. Ps 88: Schrift 65 (1979) 172-7. 4186 Ward James M., A literary and exegetical study of Psalm 89: diss. AA 1958. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. 4187 Vahl Ronald W., The Role of Psalm 89:6-19 in Israel's Cult: diss. Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1979. 4188 Pintaudi R., P(apiro) L(aurenziano inv.) III/501: LXX Ps 90,1-6 [s. VP]: ZPapEp 35 (1979) 50-54. 4189 Feliks Y., 1H] Images from the domain of life and plants in Ps. 92: PAAR 37 (1969) 53-59. 4190 Loewenstamm S. E., Balloti b"sämän rar.anän [Ps 92.:11, cfr. CTA 10: n: 21-23 anoinling ofhorns; sed praefer be/oti kesämdn racanän 'my old age is like a frcsh olive trcc ']: UF 10 (1978) 111-13. 4191 Notker Labeo, Die Quellen zu den Psalmen 101-150, den Cantica und den katechetischen Texten (mit einem Anhang zum Wiener Notker): Die Werke Notkers des Deutschen, Bd 10 A = Altdeutsche Textbibliothek, 80 (Tü 1975, Niemeyer). p. 477-763. DM 56 pa. 4192 Grosheide H. H., Deernis met haar puin [Neh 2,17 (Ps 102,14)]: Kamper Cahiers 27, 1975 --> 57,2648. - RPhoenEOL 22 (1976) 97s (K. R. Veenhof). 4193 Nordheim Eckhard von, Der grosse Hymnus des Echnaton und Psalm 104 - Gott und Mensch im Äeypten clf:r Amamazeit und in Israel: --> 152, Fs. E. LINK 1978, 51-74 [=StAltägKu 7 (1979) 227-251]. 4194 Steck Odil H., Der Wein unter den Schöpfungsgabt.m. Überlegungen zu Ps 104 [, 15: Gastvorl. Trier 1977]: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 173-91. 4195 Clifford R. J., Style and Purpose in Ps 105 ['The psalm invites Israel to praise and seek the God who promised the land' - 'at a date and situation in life, when Israel did not possess the land', sixth century] : Biblica 60 (1979) 420-27. 4196 Ho/m-Nie/sen Svend, The Exodus Trnclitions in Psalm 105: ASTI 11 (1977) 22-30. 4197 Middleburgh C. H., The Mention of 'Vim:' and 'Fig-Tree' in Ps 105:33: VT 28 (1979) 480s. 4198 Sijpesteijn P. J., Ps Mich inv. 6577: Ps 106,35 [s. VII-VIII]: ZPapEp 33 (1979) 254. 4199 Beyerlin Walter, Werden und Wesen des 107. Psalms: BZAW 153. wB 1979, de Gruyter. xn-120 p. DM 62. 0 3-11-007755-8. 4199* Poque S., L'enigme des Enarrationes in psa/mos 110-117 de saint Augustin: BullLitEc 77 (1976) 241-64.

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4200 Gourgues Michel, A la droite de Dieu. Resurrection de Jesus et actualisation du Psaume 110: 1 dans le Nouveau Testament: Etudes Bibliques. P 1978, Gabalda. 270 p. Bibliog. p. 11-30. - RsciEspr 31 (1979) 237-40 (P.-E. Langevin); SR 8 (1979) 223 (V. Yelle); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 196 (G. Thevissen). 4201 Ellingworth Paul, Just Like Melchizedek: BTrans 28 (1977) 236-9; ➔ 2854. 4202 Serina A., La figura di Melchisedech nel Salmo CX,4. II Sacerdozio e il Messianismo Sacerdotale del re Davide 1970 ➔ 53,2019 ... 56,2249: REstBib 36 (1977) 126s (J. Guillen). 4203 Freedm,m David N., Psalm 113 and the Sone of Hlmmth: ➔ lH, F.retzIsrael 14 (1978) 56*-69*. 4204 Loader J. A., A Structural Analysis of Ps 113: OTWerkSuidA 19 (1976, ed. 1977) 64-68. 4205 Aujfret P., Notes conjointes sur la structure litteraire des Ps 114 et 29: EstBib 37 (1978) 103-13. 4206 Bonnard P.-E., Un psaume pour vivre: le Ps 116 (114-115): Le rescape, qui tient ses vreux ... : EsprVie 88 (1978) 676-703. 4207 Luther Martin, Das schöne Confitemini. Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen. Auslegungen des 118. und 1. Psalms 2, hg., W. Metzger: Calwcr LutherAusgabe 7; Siebenstern 407. Gii 1979, Mohn. 202 p. DM 10.80. 0 3-57904817-1. 4208 Jenni E., 'Vom Herrn ist dies gewirkt' Ps 118, 23: TZBas 35 (1979) 55-62. 4209 Berlin A., Psalm 118,24: JBL 96 (1977) 567s. 4210 Harl Marguerite, La Chaine palestinienne sur le psaume 118 (Origene etc.): SChr 189s, 1972 ➔ 55,9714: RVigChr 31 (1977) 308-11 (J. van Winden). 4211 Berger S., Der längste Psalm [119] - Anthologie oder Liturgie?: VT 29 (1979) 257-88. . 4212 Ploeg J. P. M. van der, Le Ps 119 et la sagesse: ➔ 602, Gilbert M., Sagesse: BiblETL 51 (1979) 82-87. 4213 Gross H., Meditation [zu Ps 119,105 u. Übersetzung der Bibel: Einheitsübersetzung]: ➔ 499, Einheit im Wort, hrg. von J. G. Plöger u.a. (Stu 1979) 9-12. 4214 Planas F., Notas a los Salmos 119, 120 y 123: CuBib 34 (1977) 6166. 4215 Beaucamp E., L'unite du recueil des montees, Psaumes 120-134: SBFLA 29 (1979) 73-90. 4216 Mannati Marina, Les psaumes graduels constituent-ils un genre litterail'interieur du psautier biblique?: Semitica 29 (1979) 85re distinct 100. 4217 Seybold Klaus, a) Die Wallfahrtspsalmen. Studien zur Entstehungsgeschichte von Psalm 120-134: BibTSt 3. Neuk 1978, -V. 198 p.; bibliog. 97-101. DM 18 pa. 0 3-7887-0565-5. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 408s (J. Marböck). - b) Die Redaktion der Wallfahrtspsalmen (Ps 133; 129; 127; 132 a/.) [non solvit M. Dahood Bib 47 (1966) 143; AnehorB 3,195]: ZAW 91 (1979) 247-68: Pss 120-34 uniuntur titulo, aramaismo, themate benedietionis,



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conclusionibus. 4218 Waaijman Kees, Psalmen 120-134: Verklaring van een Bijbelgedeelte. Kampen 1978, Kok. 124p. 4219 Puech Emile, Fragments du Psaume 122 dans un manuscrit hebreu de la Grotte IV: RQum 9 (1978) 548-554, 2 fig. 4220 Tromp N. J., Ad te levavi oculos meos: een psalm [123): Getuigenis 16 (1977s) 48-54. 4221 Beyerlin W., Wir sind wie Träumende: Studien zum 126. Ps: SBS 89, 1978 ➔ 58s,3678: RRß 86 (1979) 474s (R. T[ournay]); TPQ 127 (1979) 183 (J. Marböck); ZAW 91 (1979) 144 (G. Fohrer). 4222 Gross W., Meditation zu Ps 130: ErbAuf 55 (1979) 456-58. 4223 Mil/er P. D. J, Ps 130 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 176-81. 4224 McCarthy Charlene B., Psalm 132: a methodological analysis: diss. Marquette, Milwaukee 1968. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. 4225 Bee R. E., The Use of Syllable Counts in Textual Analysis [of Ps 132): JStOT 10 (1978) 68-70. 4226 Houk C. B., Ps 132, Literary Integrity, and Syllable-Word Structure: JStOT 6 (1978) 41-48; 49-53, R. E. Bee, The Textual Analysis of Ps 132; 54-57, Houk's reply. 4227 Watson W. G. F.., The: Hidden Simile in Ps 133[,2-3a: ellipsis of kein the simile 'Aaron's beard']: Biblica 60 (1979) 108s. 4228 Brltndle Francisco, Salmo 'Supt:r Flumina': experiencia biblica del destierro; exegesis del salmo 137: REspir 37 (1978) 561-576. 4229 Kellermann U., Psalm 137 [520-445 v. Chr.: Exkurs.; Israel und Edom; Hab.-Schr.]: ZAW 90 (1978) 43-58; summ. angl. gall. 58. 4230 Schillebee.ck:x E. 'Hoe zouden we voor God zingen in een vreemd land?' (Ps 137,4): TsGeestLev 35 (1979) 645-57. 4231 Krogmann Willy, Der althochdeutsche 138. Psalm: Forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick und Urfassung: Deutsches Bibel-Archiv, 5. Ha 1973, Wittiz. 72 p. 4212 Rnnnard P.-E., Un psaume pour vivre: le Ps 139 (138): EprVie 89 (1979) 529-38. 4233 JiVugner S., Zw Theologie des Ps. 139: ➔ 596, VTS 29 (1977) 35776. 4234 Greenberg M., [H] Psalm 140: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 88-99, Eng. summ. 125*. 4235 Dahood M. J., 'A Sea of Troubles': Ps 140,10-11: ➔ 4160. 4236 Cullinan T., The Truth of the Psalms: Ps 145: CleR 64 (1979) 2919:l 4237 Hillers D. R., A Study of Ps 148 [ ... Structure, Date, Literary Antecetlents: a hymnic tradition of praising God with 'all the world' which reaches back to pre-Israelite Mcsopotamia and Egypt]: CBQ 40 (1978) 323-41. 4238 Cross F. M., David, Orpheus, and Psalm 151,3-4: RASOR 231 (1978) 69ss. 4239 Strelcyn S., Le Ps 151 dans la tradition ethiopienne: JSS 23 (1978) 31629.

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E7.l Job .1 textus, commentarii. 4240 Ahrend Moshe M., Le commentaire sur Job de Rabbi Yoseph Qara. Etude des methodes philologiques et exegetiques. Avec une etude des le'azim par M. Catane. Pref. G. E. Weil. Hildesheim 1978, Gerstenberg. x,v-195 p., 14 pl. DM 59. 0 3-8067-0795-2. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 221. 4241 Andersen F. 1., Job: An Introduction and Commentary: TyndaleOTCom 1976 --> 58s,3458: REvQ 50 (1978) 118s (D. J. A. Clines). 4242 Blei K., Job: Verklaring van een Bijbelgedeelte. Kampen 1978, Kok. 160 p. f 17,50. '12'13Bogner Vaclav, Stary Zakon, Knihy Rozjimave I: Job, Prislovi, Kazatel, Pisen pisni [ . . . Proverbia, Qohelet, Canticum]. Praha 1978, Ceskä Katolickä Charita. 226 p. Kcs 29. 4244 Browne Gerald M., Michigan Coptic Texts [continuing W. Worrell 1942; E. Husse/man 1962. - Eight Bible fragments (incl. Job; Galatians), five others]: Papyrologica Castroctaviana, Studia et textus, 7. Barc/Roma 1979, Papyrologica Castroctaviana / dist. Rihlical Institute Pr. xvr-77 p. 4 pl. L. 10.000/$12.50. --> 2337. 4245 CONQUES Jeroni, Llibre de Job. Versi6 del segle XVI [Madrid 13883], f':cl.fanmf': Riera i Sans: Rihlioteca Torres Amat 3. Bare 1976, Univ. Dep. Filologia Catalana. 108 p. 0 84-7256-092-9. 4246 Garcfa Florentino, Nuevas Lecturas de 1lQtg.Tob: Sef 36 (1976) 2419. 4247 Gordls Robert, a) The Book of Job: [Introduction,] Conuuentary, New Translation, and Special Studies [on the Language, Structure and Contents of Job: p. 501-81; Bibliography: 593-600; Hebr + Engl. on facing pages]: Moreshet Series, studies in Jewish History, Literature and Thought, vol. 2. NY 5738 = 1978, Jewish Theol. Sem. of Amerlca; distr. Ktav. xxxrrr-602 p. $25. - RETRel 54 (1979) 479s (D. Lys); JBL 98 (1979) 590s (J. G. Gammie); RB 86 (1979) 296s (R. T[ournay]); ScriptB 10 (1978) 41 (D. Cox); ZAW 91 (1979) 147 (G. Fohrer); b) The Book of God and Man: A Study ofthe Book of Job 1965--> 48,1770:tcommentary 41,4 (1966) 80-86 (D. Daichcs); c) [l] Knmi to Ningen no Sho, tr. E. Funamizu [The Book of God and Man. A Study of Job 1965]. Tokyo 1977/9, Kyobunkwan. 361 p., 303 p. V 1800 each. 4248 GREGORIUS M., Moralia in lob 1-x; x1-xx11.ed. M. Adriaen: CCL 143; 143A. Tumhout 1979, Brepols. xxxi-577 p.; p. 583-1136. von Lindau. 4249 Greüenstein Eckart, Der Hiob-Traktat des MARQUARD Überlieferung, Untersuchung und kritische Textausgabe: Münchener Texte und Untersuchungen zur deutschen Literatur des Mittelalters, 68. München/Zürich 1979, Artemis. x-270 p. Bibliog. p. 235-242. 4250 Gualandi Dario, Giobbe. Nuova versione critica 1976 ➔ 58s,1675: RAION 39 (1979) 173ss (F. Vattioni); RivB 26 (1978) 307-10 (A. Penna). 4251 Habe! N. C., The Book of Job: Cambridge NEB, 1975 ➔ 56,2120; ... 58s,3470: REvQ 50 (1978) 120 (D. J. A. Clines). 4252 Reinen K., Der unverfügbare Gott. Das Buch ljob: StuKl. Komm. AT 18. Stu 1979, Katholisches B-werk. 100 p. DM 11,80 pa. 0 3-460-05181-7.


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4253 Hesse F., Hiob: Zürcher BibC AT 14, 1978 --> 58s,3471: RCBQ 41 (1979) 462s (L. L. Grabbe); ETRel 53 (1978) 422s (F. Smyth); JBL 98 (1979) 591s (N. Habe/); FreibRu 30 (1978) 157s (P. Weimar); NRT 101 (1979) 417s (J.-L. Ska). 4254 JuLIANUSAeclanensis, Expositio libri lob. Tractatus prophetarum Osee lohel et Arnos. Operum deperditorum fragmenta, ed. L. De Coninck: CCL 88. Turnhout 1977, Brepols. xxxrv-432 p. Fb 5600. - RNRT 100 (1978) 584s (C. Martin). 4255 Kuhn Johannes, Warum bist du so, Gott? Hiob der Fragende. Stu 1978, Quell. 128 p. 0 3-7918-2302-7. 4256 Marr.hal 0. W., Diclymus clr: Rlincl r:n zijn intr:rprr:tlltir: van het boek Job: a) diss. Utrecht 1977 dir. W. C. van Unnik. 197 p. (auct. Buitensingel 62, Ellecom). - RTsTNijm 18 (1978) 80. - b) Sneeck 1977, Doevedans. 197 p. 4257 Marqusee Michael introd., The Book of Job, illustrated by William Blake: Masterpieces of the Illustrated Book. NY 1976, Paddington. 52 p., 22 pl. $4.95. 0 0-8467-0012-X. 4?.'i8 n) Mitr.h~IIStr:phr:n, Tnto thr: Whirlwincl· A Tnmshition of the Book of Job. GCN 1979, Doubleday. 141 p. $8.95. 0 0-385-14508-X. - b) Blackwood A., Out of the Whirlwind: a Study of Job. GR 1979 [19591, Baker. 166 p. $4.95. 4259 Porchcr E. cd. tr. Lc livrc de Job. Version coptc bohairiquc: Patrologia Orientalis 87 [18/2]. Turnhout 1974, Brepols = P 1924, reprint. 131 p. (copte-franc;ais chaque page). 4260 Ravasi Gianfranco, Giobbe, traduzione e commento: Commenti Biblici. R 1979, Borla. 841 p. Lit 16.000. 4261 Reddy M. P., The Book of Job - A Reconstruction: ZAW 90 (1978) 59-94; swnm. germ. gall. 94. 4262 Ruckman Peter S., The Book of Job. Pensacola, FL 1978, Pensacola Bible Institute. xxx-633 p. $7.95 pa. 4263 Scafella F., A Reading of Job [ ... 'the entire sensibility of the willing reader' ... ]: JStOT 14 (1979) 63-67. 4264 Schal/er B., Berndt, Unterweisung in lehrhafter Form: Das Testament Hiobs: JüdSHRZ 3/3 (Gü 1979, Mohn) 305-387. 4265 Sokolojf M., The Targum to Job from Qumran Cave XI, 1974 .... 56,2139; ... 58s,3501: REstBib 35 (1976) 110s (D. Munoz Leim); JAOS 98 (1978) 145s (S. Segert); OLZ 73 (1978) 562s (G. Pfeifer). 4266 Strauss James D., The Shattering of Silence: Job our Contemporary; DeWelt D., Questions for Discussion: Bible Study Textbook Series. Joplin MO 1976, College Press. xxxvm-617 p.; bibliog. 598-613. 4267 Vajda G., Quelques remarques en marge de la seconde redaction du Commentaire de Saadia Gaon sur le livre de Job [Y. Qafi"/J ed. 1973]: REJ 135 (1976) 157-68. 4268 Vasholtz R. 1., Two Notes on llQtgJob and Biblical Aramaic / A Further Note on the Problem of Nasalisation in Biblical Aramaic, llQtgJob, nnd lQApGn: RQum 10 (1979) 93s/95s. 4269 Weiss Raphael, The Aramaic Targum of Job: Chaim Rosenberg School for Jewish Studies. TA 1979, Univ. xvm-344 p.

E7.l.1 Job: textus, commentarii


4270 Zuck Roy B., Job. Ch 1978, Moody. 192 p. - RßS 136 (1979) 79 (L. A. Barbieri).

E7.1.2 Job, themata. Topics. 4271 Bachar S. a) 1H]Date of Job [from 12,24 + Mal 2, 17: c.530 B.C.E.]:Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 75s. 122. - b) 1H]God's Answer to Job: Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 305-8; 25 (1979s) 25-29. 4272 Baker J. A., The Book of Job: Unity and Meaning: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia Biblicn 1978 I, 17 26. 4273 Barca/a Andres al., Nuevas formas de analisis de textos con cerebros electr6nicos: Publ. Univ. Comillas 1/5, Teologia 1/3. M 1976, Eapsa. 260 p. E.g. 137-61 Ambrosius de Job et David: ➔ 58s,729: RTPhil 53 (1978) 441-4 (W. Brugger). 4274 Besserman L. L., The Legend of Job in the Middle Ages. CM 1979, Harvard. xn-177 p., 18 ill. $12.50/f'.8.15. 0 0-674-52385-7. 4275 Bonora A., 11 contestatore di Dio. Giobbe: Azimut. T 1978, Marietti. 92 p. Lit. 2000. 4276 CALVINJohn, Sermons from Joh [one: of the fow hooks on which he wrote no commentary] selected & tr. L. Nixon, intr. H. Dekker. GR 1979, Baker. XXXVH-300 p. $4.95. 4277 Cook [E.] D., The man who had everything: Job: Today's Good News; Collins/Fount/Falcon. Glasgow 1978, Church Pastoral Aid. 93 p., ill. A. Val/otton. 4278 Cox Dermot, The Triumph of Impotence. Job and the Tradition of the Absurd (diss. Pontifical Biblical Institute, R 1977 ➔ 58s,3464): Analecta Gregoriana 212. Roma 1978, Universita Gregoriana Editrice. 187 p. Lit. 10.500. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 628s (J. E. Ryholt); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 624s (ipse); SBFLA 29 (1979) 354ss (A. Niccacci); SciEspr 31 (1979) 384 (L. Sabourin). 4279 Gurtis J. B., On Job's Response to Yahweh: SBL 98 (1979) 497-511. 4280 Fecht Gerhard, Der Vorwurf an Gott in den 'Mahnworten des Ipu-wer' · ➔ 54,7731 ... 56,8126; 58s,d850: RoLZ 73 (1978) 445s (R. Grieshammer). 4281 Fitzmyer J. A., The First-Century Targum of Job from Qumran Cave XI: ➔ 303, A Wandering Aramean, SBL,MonSer 25 (1979) 161-82 < CBQ 36 (1974) 503-24 ➔ 56,2136*. 4282 Fohrer G.; Dialog und Kommunikation im Buch Hiob: ➔ 602, Gilbert M., Sagesse: BiblETL 51 (1979) 219-30. 4284 Frost G. E., The Color of thc Night: Rcflcctions on the Book of Job. Minncnpolis 1977, Augsburg. 144 p. $3.50. 4285 Frye J. B., The Use of Pentateuchal Traditions in the Book of Job: ➔ 638, OTWerkSuidA 17s (1977) 13-20. 4286 Garcia Moreno Antonio, El sentido del dolor en el libro de Job segun Juan de Pineda: diss. R 1977, Puntifi.cia Universitas Gregoriana. R 1978. 59 p. (excerptum). 4287 Go/dschmidt H. L., Hiob einst und immer: ➔ 22, Fs. S. BEN-CHORIN


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1978, 20-30. 4288 Grubbe L. L., Cumparalivt: Philulugy aml lht: Tt:xl uf Job: SBL diss. 34, 1977 .....58s,3469: RcBQ 41 (1979) 130ss (H. Rowold); Grt:gorianum 60 (1979) 173ss (G. L. Prato); JBL 98 (1979) 131s (R. B. Coote); KirSef 54 (1979) 224; RB 85 (1978) 622s (R. Tournay); TLZ 104 (1979) 806s (H. Reventlow). , 4289 Guillaumin Marie-Louise, Recherches sur l'exegese patristique de Job: -> 616, Studia Patristica 12, 1975: I, 304-308. 4290 Inch M., My Servant Job. GR 1979, Baker. 128 p. $2.95. 4291 Jason Heda, The Poor Man of Nippur: an Ethnopoetic Analysis: JCS 31 (1979) 189-215. 4292 Job J., Where is My Father? The Message of the Book of Job for Christians Today 1977 .....58s,3473: REvQ 50 (1978) 189 (F. F. Bruce). 4293 Jongeling B., Een Aramees Boek Job uit de bibliotheek van Qumran 1974 (0 90-70057-336) -> 56, [830a] 2138 . . . 58s,3499: Rßo 36 (1979) 206s (E. G. Clarke). 4294 Jung C. G., Answer to Job [cl952] tr. R. Hull. L 1979, RoutledgeKP. xvm-194p. f:1.95. 4295 Kapusta M. A., al., The Book of Job and the Modem View of Depression: AnnlnternMed 86 (1977) 667-72. 4296 Lacocque Andre, Job and the Symbolism of Evil: BibRes 24s (1979s) 7-19. 4297 Lafont G., L'exces du malheur et la reconnaissance de Dieu [P. Nemo, Job et l'exces du Mal (P 1978, Grasset)]: NRT 101 (1979) 724-39. 4298 Leveque Jean, Lijden en metamorfose: een lezing uit het boek Job, Internationaal Katholiek Tijdschrift 'Communio' 2 (Gent 1977) 174-188 [= 58s,3475]. 4299 MacKenzie R. .A. F., The Transformation of Job: BibTB 9 (1979) 5157. 4300 Moravkeh T., [HI De lingua targumi Job e Qumrän: -> 629, Proceedings, 6th World Coneress of .Tewish Studies 1977, 159-165. 4301 Müller Hans-P., Das Hiobproblem. Seine Stellung und Entstehung im Allt:n Orit:nl uml im AT: Erlräge der Forschung, 84. Da 1978, WissB. x-187 p., bibliog. 157-168. DM 25 pa. 0 3-534-07265-0. - Raregorianum 60 (1979) 623 (G. L. Prato); Sal 41 (1979) 899s (C. Bissoli); UF 10 (1978) 485 (0. Loretz). 4302 Müller H.-P., Keilschriftliche Parallelen zum biblischen Hiobbuch. Möglichkeit und Grenze des Vergleichs: Orientalia 47 (1978) 360-75 [Ludlul bel nemeqi; lu-luz nam-mab-dingir-ra-na etc.]. 4303 Muntingh L. M., Life, Death and Resurrection in the Book of Job: ➔ 638, OTWerkSuidA 17s (1974s, ed. 1977) 32-44. 4304 Negoi(a Athanasie, Un lov [Job] babiloncan? Ceva din teodiceea akkadiana: Studii Teologice (1977) 436-449. 410:5 Nemn Philippe, Job et t'exces du mal: Coll. 'Figw·es'. P 1978, Grasset. 247p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 724-739 (G. Lafont); RThom 79 (1979) 133 7 (M. Corvez). 4306 Niemczyk W., [R] Od krainy Uz po Golgotr: Vom Lande Uz bis Golgata: Das Problem des Leidens in den biblischen Religionen: RoczT,Chrz-

E7.l.2 Job, topics


AkT (1962) 109-33; (1963) 215-37; (1974) 5-28. 4307 Rauchwarger J., Antonio Enriquez G6mez: Epistolas tres de Job. A matter of racial atavism?: REJuiv 138 (1979) 69-87. 4308 Raure/1 Frederic, Etica de Job i llibertat de Deu: RCatalT 4 (1979) 524. 4309 Rose Martin, Der Ausschliesslichkeitsanspruch Jahwes: BWANT 106, 1975 ... 57,2169a: RCBQ 41 (1979) 321s (J. L. Crenshaw). 4310 Rosenberg David W., Job Speaks: interpreted from the original Hebrew book of Job: A Poet's Bible. NY 1977, Harper & R. vm-101 p. $7.95. OQ-06-067008-8. 4311 Ruppert Lothar, a) Der leidende Gerechte ... AT 1972 ➔ 54,5219; ... . 56,5384b: RoLZ 73 (1978) 568 (J. J. Stamm). 4312 Ruppart L., Das Skandalon eines gekreuzigten Messias und seine Überwindw1g mit Hilfe der geprägten Vorstellung vom leidenden Gerechten: -> 212, Fs E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 319-41. 4313 Sawyer J. F. A., The Authorship and Structure of the Book of Job: ... 615, Livingstone E., Studia Biblica 1978 I, 253-7. Schmidt Ludwig, 'De Deo' . . . Hiob 1 ... 2873, Gn 18 (57,3371; 58s,4259). 4314 Seims A. van, Motivated Interrogative Sentences in the Book of Job: Semitics 6 (Pretoria 1978) 28-35. 4315 Wilh11sD., Der Weg des Leviathan: die IlobbesforschUllg 1968-1978: Der Staat, Beih. 3. B 1979, Duncker & H. 238 p. DM 58. 4316 Wright John H., Problem of evil, mystery of sin and suffering [Job etc.]: CommSpok 6 (1979) 140-56. . 4317 Zerafa P. P., The Wisdom of God in the Book of Job 1978 -> 58s,3496: Rcarmelus 26 (1979) 325s (R. E. Murphy); CBQ 41 (1979) 478s (H. Rowold); OTAbstr 2 (1979) 96s; RB 85 (1978) 623s (R. Tournay). E7.l.3

Job verse-numbers.

4318 Horst F. t 1962, Hiob I Kap. 1-19 [mit Einleitung nus EvKL]: BK AT 16/1. Neuk 1968. xn-288 p. -> 50,1867; 52,1873; 56,2141: RTLZ 104 (1979) 252-7 (C. Westermann, J. Kegler). 4319 [Job 1,1] Waldman N. M., Hebrew Oz and the Divine Aura ('Fury, Might'): GratzColUewishSt 1 (1972) 7~13. 4320 [Job 1,6) Rao S. Prabhakara, Reddy M., Prakasa, Job and His Satan Parallels in Indian Scripture [= Kali Purusha; ... Historia regum Haristchandra et Nala ... ]: ZAW 91 (1979) 416-22. 4321 Houtman C., Zu Hiob 2, 12: ZAW 90 (1978) 269-72 [amici implorant Deum ut pulvere adversarios Job operiat]. 4322 Kogut S., [!!] On Chiasm and its Role in Exegesis [ . . . Gen 1 : 1; 2: 4; .Ps 148; Uen l:!,; Job 3:6-9.): ShnatMilp-2 (1977) 196-204, xxv. 4322* [Job 4-5) Asensio (Nieto), F., La Vision de Elifaz y su proyecci6n sapic11cial: EstBib 35 (1976) 145-163. 4323 Patrick D., Job's Addres8 of Gon (7,1?. +; 10,14 +; sp 14,1): ZAW Ql (1979) 268-82.


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4324 Crenshaw J. L., Questions, dictons et epreuves impossibles [Jg 14,14: Prov 6,27-28; Job 8,11. .. ]: ➔ 602, Gilbert M., Sagesse, BiblETL 51 (1979) 96-111. 4325 Aartun K., Textüberlieferung und vermeintliche Belege der Konjunktion pV [e.g. pa-] im AT [e.g. Ps 50: 10; Hi 9: 12; 9:20; 16: 14; Ct 3: 10; Hos 4:2 7: 1 - gegen M. Dahood al.]: UF 10 (1978) 1-13. 4326 Xella P., ]ftp 'uccidere, annientare' in Giobbe 9,12 [cfr. Ug. IJ,tp in KTU 1.119 (= RS 24, 266) 32 e acc. batapu = 'uccidere, annientare' ... ] : Henoch 1 (1979) 337-41. 4327 Halpern B., Yahweh's Summary Justice in Job [mesanneh 14:20 & pa11ü(tu)Ja11utuet sim. in EA. cg. 244: 38-43; it implies n oombinntion of 'disloyalty, treasonous intent']: VT 28 (1978) 472-74. 4328 Barre M. L., A Note on Job 19,25: VT 29 (1979) 107-10 [HYH/QWM et balatulteba]. 4329 Pardee D., merorat-petanfm 'Venom' in Job 20,14 [Ug. UT 608: 4 smrr, serpent incantation]: ZAW 91 (1979) 401-16. 4330 Willi-Plein 1., Hiobs immer aktuelle Frage [ ... Job 21,7 ... ]: MeddStiftÄbFor 47 (1979) 122-36. 4331 Knauf E. A., Zum Text von Hi 21, 23-26 ['(yn 'Ebollitive'; sed lege w(y)ml,i et dele 23, exc. zeh]: BibNot 7 (1978) 22-?4. 4332 Dick Michael B., Job 28, 4: A New Translation: VT 29 (1979) 216221: 'An excavation is carved out by the foreign work-force, stooped over by disease/Nergal, weakened from illness, they stagger about'. 4333 .Leveque J., Anamnese et disculpation: la conscience en Job, 29-31: ➔ 602, BiblETL 51 (1979) 231-48. 4334 Ceresko A. R., Job 30-31 in the Light of Northwest Semitic: A Translation and Philological Commentary. Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici 1978 (dir. M. Dahood). vm-242; 243-348p., [bibliogr.: 303-19; App. I: A Grammar of Job 29-31: 320-33; Parallel Word Pairs: 334-48]. - Acta Pontificii Instituti Biblici 8,5 (1978s) 483s. 4'.H5 Dick M. B., The Legal Metaphor in .Tob 31 [ ... .Tobas Defendant (... & the defendant in Ancient Near Eastem Civil Law: p. 39-44) ... ; Job's Trial Appt:al]: CBQ 41 (1979) 37-50. 4336 Coxon P. W., wsyk[w'smy'] in llQtgJob 31,7 ['and covering (of the sky) = the hoar-frost']: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 207-08. 4337 Barton J., Natural Law and Poetic Justice in the OT [approbans F. Horst Ev T 10 (1950s) 253-73]: JTS 30 (1979) 1-14: p. 2 Job 31,13; Am; Is 6,12; ls 5,8; Hos 8,7; 'lex naturalis', etsi conceptus prorsus graecus, correspondet pluriformitati theoloiiae VT. 4338 [Job 32-37] Glazner A., [H] The Elihu Speeches: Beth Mikra 24 (1978s) 283-94; 25 (1979s) 9-24. 4339 Zuckerman Bruce, Two Examples of Editorial Modification in 1lQtg Job [36,14; 34,31; 13,15]: ➔ 148, Fs W. La Sor 1978, 269-75. 4340 Kubina Veronika (nee Schlier), Die Gottesreden im Buche Hiob. Ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Einheit von Hiob 38,1-42,6 (diss. 1977 Fr., dir. A. Detssler): FrThSt 115. Fr 1979, Herder. 175 p. DM 33,50. 0 3-451-18315-3. 4341 Keel Othmar, Jahwes Entgegnung an ljob: Eine Deutung von ljob 38-

E7.l.3 Job 38,1...


41 vor dem Hintergrund der zeitgenössischen Bildkunst: FRLANT 121. Gö 1978, VR. 192 p., 102 ftg., 7 pl. DM 48. 0 3-525-53282-2. - RNRT 101 (1979) 416s (J.-L. Ska); SvEx 44 (1979) 175-9 (F. Lindström); TR 75 (1979) 280-3 (H. Eising); TZBas 34 (1978) 358s (G. Sauer); ZAW 91 (1979) 149 (G. Fohrer). 4342 Williams J. G., Deciphering the Unspoken: the Theophany of Job [3841 ... ] : HUCA 49 (1978) 59-72. 4343 Waldman N. M., The Heavenly Writing [Job 38: 33: ms(r & Akk. mis(äru 'writing', cfr. si(ir same et sim.]: GratzCollJewishSt 6 (1977) 9397. 4344 Gammie J. G., Bchcmoth nnd Leviathan: on the Didnctic and Theo logical Significance of Job 40: 15 - 41: 26: ➔ 234, Fs. S. TERRIEN1978, 217-231. 4345 Kaplan L. J., Maimonides, Dale Patrick [VT 26 (1976) 369-71], and Job 42,6: VT 28 (1978) 356-8. 4346 Forrest R. W. E., An Inquiry into Yahweh's Commendation of Job [42,7-9; studying kün and nekonä, also in the Psalms (truth) well established from the beginning by the creator God, and fundamental] : SR 8 (1979) 159-68. E7.2 Canticum canticorum, Song of Solomon .1 text. 4348 Eliyasvili Natan, Song of Solomon, Georgian 1975, Georgian Jews in Georgia and Israel. 4349 Emerton J. A., Lane D. J., Song of Songs: OT in Syriac, Peshitta Version. Ld 1979, Brill/Peshitta Institute. xn-12 p. 4350 Raas Alois M. (Nachwort), Canticum Canticorum: Faksimile-Ausgabe des Codex Bodmer 31 : Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Texte 3. Cologny-Geneve 1978, Fondation M. Bodmer. 80 p., col. pl. Fs 45. 0 3-85682-018-8. 4351 Lürssen J., Eine Mittelniederdeutsche Paraphrase des Hohenliedes: Nachdr. d. Ausg. Breslau, Marcus 1917: Germanistische Abb., 49 (Hildesheim/NY 1977, Olms). vm-231 p. DM 44 pa. 4352 Mulder M. J., De turgum op het Hooglied 1975 -> 58s,1217; /16,90; 0 90-70057-352: RBo 36 (1979) 206s (E. G. Clarke). 4353 Piattelli A. A., Targum Shir ha-Shirim. Parafrasi aramaica del Cantico dei Cantici. R 1977, Barulli. 87 p. Lit. 3500. 4354 Schmeekloth L. G., The Targum of the Song of Songs: A Study in Rabbinic Biblical Interpretation. Diss Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, 419 p. dir. M. Mansoor. 419 p. - 0 7804444. DissA 38 (1977s) 7297s-A. 4355 Sermoneta G., 1H]Vecchia traduzione ebreo-italiana del Cantico e il suo rapporto con In Vetus Latina: _,. 692, Proc. 6th Congress Jewish Studies 1976s, 167-170 cf. ➔ 58s,1693. E7.2.2 Cnntlcum, commcntarll. 4356 Alexandru 1., Cäntarea cäntärilor, tr. com.; intr. Z. Dumitrescu-BuJulenga: Bibliothecn Orientnlis. Bucure~ti 1977, Stiintificii ~i Enciclopedicii. 133 p., (col.) pls.


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4357 Älvarez Turienw S., Pensamiento religioso de Fray Luis de Le6n [ ... v. Interpretaci6n profetica del 'Cantar de los Cantares': 276-87 ... ] Cuadernos salmantinos de teologia 5 (1978) 255-94. 4358 Arüul S. B., [!!] Seper sar: The book of the prince of peace: Song of Songs commentary ed. P. Tasbi: Israel Hebrew Press Pioneers, 3. J 1977, Nat./Univ. Library. x+192 p. 4359 Bell D. N., a) The Commentary on the Song of Songs of Thomas the Cistercian and His Conception of the Image of God. - b) Love and Charity in the Commentary on the Song of Songs of Thomas the Cistercian. - c) Contemplatfon and the Vision of God in the Commentary on the Song of Songs of Thomas the Cistercian: Citeaux 28 (1977) 5-25/24960/ 29 (1978) 207-227. 4360 Bosch A. Van den, Rondom de Hoogliedcommentaar van S. Bernardus: Citeaux in de Nederlanden 7 (1956) 278-83. 4361 Canclini Arnoldo, Amada mia ... amado mio: un comentario romäntico del Cantar de los Cantares. Tarrasa 1975, Clie. 110 p. 4362 Colombo Dalmazio, Cantico dei Cantici, introd. note 2 : Nuovissima versione 21. R 1975, Paoline. 138 p. 4363 Craghan John F., The Song of Songs and the Book of Wisdom: OT Reading Guide 29 [not = ➔ 4369). C.ollegeville MN 1979, Liturgical. 133 p. $0.80. 4364 Falk Marcia, a) tr., The Song of Songs: lovt: pot:ms frum lht: Biblt: [< diss. Stanford 1976 ➔ 58s,3752). NY 1977, Harcourt-BJ. 31 p., ill. B. Moser. $4.95. 0 0-15-183770-8. - b) The Song of Songs; poems from a new rendition: Moment 1,9 (1976) 17-21. 4365 Feliks Jehuda [!!] Sfr ha-Srrim: nature, poetry, allegory; including Rashi's commentary. J 1974, Bible Research Soc. 125 p. 4366 Forda Johannes de, Super extremam partem Cantici Canticorum sermo-. nes 120 ed. E. Mikkers .. . : CCCM 17-18, 1970 ➔ 52,8203: Rcisterc 23 · (1971) 316s (D. Gutierrez). 4367 GollwitzerHelmut, a) Song of Love [Ct comm. +l. a Biblical Understanding of Sex, [➔ 58s,3754] tr. K. Crim. Ph 1979, Fortress. 79 p. $3.95 pa. - b) 11 poema biblico dell'amorc tra uomo c donna, tr. A. Comba [con]: 11Cantico dei Cantici: introduzione, nuova versione dall'ebraico e note di Daniele Garrone: Parola per l'uomo di oggi 3. T 1979, Claudiana. 111 p. Lit. 3800. 4368 Goorls W. Le cantique des cantiqut:s. Shir Hashirim: La Lampe Sainte explique la Thora. Genval 1978, Marie-Mediatrice. 350 p. Fb 460. REsprVie 89 (1979) 511s (R. Berlo). 4369 Heidt William G., The Canticle of Canticles, The Book of Wisdom; Introduction and Commcntary: A Rcading Guide to Two OT Books [not in the series OT. Rending Guides .... '1363, Craghan J.] Collegeville 1978, The Human Life Center. 99 p, 4370 Miller C., The Song lC'tJ.Downers Urove lL, 19'/'/, lnterVarsity. 168 p. $3.95. 4371 ÜRIGilNil, Commenlo al Cantico dei Cantici, tr. introd. note di Manlio Simonetti: Collana di testi patristici. R 1976, Citta Nuova. 285 p. 4372 Greer Rowan A., tr. ed. Origen: An Exhortation to Martyrdom, Prayer,

E7.2.2 Canticum, Song of Solomon: commentaries


First Principles: Book IV, Prologue to the Commentary on The Song of Songs, Homily XXVII on Numbers: Classics of Western Spirituality. NY 1979, Paulist. XVI-293p. $9.95; $6.96 pa. 4373 Pope Marvin, Song of Songs, Anchor Bible 7C 1977 -> 58s,3762: RETRel 54 (1979) 481ss (D. Lys); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 94 (R. Coggi,ns: "Cuckoo in the nest. .. [raises further doubts] that 'the Anchor Bible is aimed at the general reader with no special formal training in biblical studies' [pref.]"); Interpr 33 (1979) 200.202 (G. Tucker); JBL 98 (1979) 130s (J. C. Exum); Maarav 1,2 (1979) 177-196 (J. Sasson); NRT 101 (1979) 421s (M. Gilbert); RB 86 (1979) 127-40 (R. Tournay); SvEx 43 (1978) 119s (H. Ringgren); UF 10 (1978) 486s (J. C. de Moor - A. de Vries). 4374 Scheidrovitz L. H., [Hlsir ha-sfrim: Song of Songs. Holon 1978, Biblos, 26 p., miniatures. 4375 Schonebeck Brun von [13. Jdt.] Das Hohe Lied: mittelhochdeutsche Paraphrase, hg. Arwed Fischer. Hildesheim 1973, Olms= Tü 1893. 443 p. DM 69,80. 4376 Stotz P., Die Gedichte des Hoheliedskommentars und der 'Expositio de muliere forti' BRUNOS von Segni. Neuedition mit Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kurzkommentar [A. Wernli, Zur musikalischen Fassung eines Hohenliedgedichts von BvS]: Zts. für Schweizerische ·Kirchengeschichte 72 (1979) 1-46 [47-53]. 4377 Zlotowitz Meir [Hl Sfr ha-Sirfm, Song of Songs, with a commentary anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sources; allegorical translation and overview by Nosson Scherman; foreword M. Gifter: ArtScroll Tanach. NY 1977, Mesorah. 224 p.; bibliog. 205-221.

E7.2.3 Canticum, themata. 4378 Carr G. Lloyd, Is the Song of Songs a 'Sacred Marriage' Drama?: JEvTS 22 ( 1979) 103-114. 4379 Ceresa-Gastaldo Aldo, La dimensione dell'amore nell'interpretazione origeniana del Cantico dei Cantici: -> 149, Fs. G. LAZZATI1979, 18794. 4380 Coro F. R. de, El. termino 'contemplatio' en el comentario al Cantar de San Gregorio Magno (sentido y infiuencia): ComSev 11 (1978) 191225. 4381 Dronke P., The Song of Songs and Medieval Love-Lyric: -> 479, Lourdaux W., Bible 1979, 236-262. 4382 Poster John L., Love Songs of the New Kingdom 1974 __, 58s,d693: RJNES 37 (1978) 363-5 (W. Murnane). 4383 Grabmeyer B., Die Mischsprache in Willirams Paraphrase des Hohen Liedes [Diss. Miinchen 1976]: Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik, 179. Göppingen 1976, Kümmerle. iv-462 p. DM 58 pa. 4383* Grabner-Halder A., Eros und Glaube. 1976 [38-61 Sprache des Eros incl. Hohes Lied]: RTR 74 (1978) 228ss (K. Thomas). 4384 Harman A. M., Modem Discussion on the Song of Solomon: ReffR 20. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VII. Libri didactici VT

37 (1978) 65-72. 4385 Iverscu E., The Chester Beatty Papyrus, No. I, r. xv1, 9 - xvn, 13 [a collection of (love) poems]: JEA 65 (1979) 78-88. 4386 K'uang-ch'üan [g The Song of Songs, its literary genre and significance: ColcTFujen 11, 39 (1979) 3-10. 4387 Landy F., The Song of Songs and the Garden of Eden: JBL 98 (1979) 513-28. 4388 Leclercq Jean, Monks and love in twelfth-century France: Psycho-Historical Essays [partly Canticle and St. Bernard p. 27-61; Ovid 62ss; Pagan writings and holy scripture 79-82]: Oxford Univ. lectures 1977. Ox 1979, Univ. x-146 p. f7.S0. 4389 Leon L. [P.] de, Poesias: Ct. ex hebraico, ed. A. Custodio Vega 3 : Hispänicos planeta 2. M 1977, Cupsa rLXII-175p.] p. 147-75. 4390 Murphy Roland E., a) Ein biblisches Modell menschlicher Intimität: Das Hohelied, tr. K. Bergner: Conc-D 15 (1979) 43-6. - b) A Biblical Model of Human Intimacy: the Song of Songs: Conc-E 15/1 (1979) 6166. - c) Un modello biblico ... 0 cäntico dos cänticos, tr. G. Avelino Titton: Conc-P 15 (1979) 77-83. 4391 Murphy Roland E., a) Interpreting the Song of Songs: BibTB 9 (1979) 90-105. - b) The Unity of the Song of Songs: VT 29 (1979) 436-443. [Refrains, Themes, Repetitions.]. '1392 Mutius H.-G. von, 'Aberrant Quotations' in mittelalterlk.hen jUdischen Hoheliedkommentaren: BibNot 7 (1978) 25-28. 4393 Pal/a R., Temi del Commento origeniano al Cantico dei Cantici nel De Isaac di Ambrogio: AnPisa 9 (1979) 563-72. 4394 Runte J., Die Gottesliebe im St. Trudperter Hohen Lied und Bernhard von Clairvaux [< Diss. Marburg 1949, Das St. Trudperter Hohe Lied und die mystische Lehre Bernhards von Clairvaux]: Citeaux-Ned 8 (1975) 27-41. 4395 Sadgrove M., The Soni of Songs as Wisdom Literature: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia 1978, I 245-8. 4396 Schlichting R., Liebeslieder (gall.): -• 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1048-54. 4397 Strauss Richard L., Living in Love: Secrets from Biblical Marriagcs. Wheaton IL 1978, Tyndale House. 141 p. $3.95 pa. 4398 Toral Moreno J., Paräfrasis dramätica del Cantar de los Cantares. 4a ed. revisada. Guadalajara (Mex.) 1979, auct. 44 p. 4399 Tromp N. J., Het hooglied: symfonie over de liefde: Schrift 62 (1979) 54-59. 4400 Vulliaud P., Le Cantique des Cantiques d'apres la tradition juive: Les Introuvables. P 1977 = 1925, Aujourd'hui. xiv-239. 4401 While John B., A Study of the Language of Love in the Song of Songs and Ancient Egyptian Poetry: SBL diss. 38 (Duke 1975 dir. R. E. Murphy). MMS 1978. 217p. $6 ($4), Inter $7.50. 0 0-89130-192-5. - RBO 36 (1979) 164 (P. Derchain); CRQ 41 (1979) 328ss (.1. C. t:xum); Uregorianum 60 (1979) 379ss (G. L. Prato); RB 86 (1979) 297 (R. T[ournay]). 4402 [Ct 1,3] Meloni P., Il profumo dell'immortalita: l'interpretazione patris-

E7.2.3 Canticum canticorum, 1,3...


tica di Cantico 1,3: Verba seniorum NS 7. R 1975, Studium. xi-406 p. Lit. 10.000. - RstStoRel 1 (1977) 207ss (G. M. Vian); TLZ 103 (1978) 360s (G. Bertram). 4403 Charbel A., Come tradurre esköl hak-kofer (Ct 1,14)?: BbbOr 20 (1978) 61-4; fig. 2. 4404 Vattioni F., Osservazioni ai papiri greci del Cantico dei Cantici [ . . . 5, 12b; 6, 5.11. .. ]: StPapyr 17 (1978) 89-94. 4405 Tromp N. J., Wisdom and the Canticle. Ct 8, 6c-7b: Text, Character, Message and Import: ➔ 602, Gilbert M., Sagesse: BiblETL 51 (1979) 8895. 4406 Ceresa•Gaslaldu Aldo, Val'iazioni cnucncutichc ncllc nntiche versioni greche e latine di Cant 8, 6 (5): VetChr 15 (1978) 105-8. E7.3 Libri sapientiales, Wisdom literature. 4407 Alster B., Sumerian Proverbs, Collection Seven: RAss 72 (1978) 97-112 [➔ 4471b].

4408 Altenmüller H., Ein Zauberspruch zum 'Schutz des Leibes' [auf der 'Magischen' Statue Ramses' III, Kairo JE 69771): GötMiszÄg 33 (1979) 7-12. 4409 Amsler S., La sagesse de la femme [dans l'AT: la maniere dont elle intervient dans la quete de la sagesse: seductrice et conseillere de l'homme, au point . . . de personnifier la Sagesse ... ] : ➔ 602, Gilbert M., Sagesse: BiblETL 51 (1979) 112-16. 4410 Assmann J., Weisheit, Loyalismus und Frömmigkeit: ➔ 747, OrbBibOr 28 (1979) 11-72. 4411 Barta Winfried, Lehre für Kagemni [K1.j-gmj.n.J]: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 980-82. 4412 Beauchamp P., Epouser la Sagesse - ou n'epouser qu'elle? Une enigme du Livre de la Sagesse [eh. 8): ➔ 602, BiblETL 51 (1979) 347-69. 4413 Bergman l, Ge:d,mke:nzum Thema 'T t:hre-Testament-Grah-Name': ➔ 747, Orl,Bil,O1 28 (1979) 73-104. 4414 Blocher H., The Fear of the Lord Is the 'Principle' uf Wisdum (TymlaJe Rihlical Theology T.ecturn 1977): TyndR 28 (1977) 3-28. 4415 Brunner Hellmut, Lehren: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 964-8; Lehre des Ani 975s, des Cheti 977s, des Ptahhotep 989ss; Amenemhets I, Blumenthal Elke 968-71 ; des Amenemope, Grumach-Shirun Irene 971-4; des AnchScheschonqi, Thissen Heinz-J. 974s; des Djedefhor, Posener Georges 978ss; 986-9 für Merikare. 4416 Brunner H., a) Zur Datierung der 'Lehre eines Mannes an seinen Sohn' [in die Regierung Sesostris' I]: JEA 64 (1978) 142s. - b) Zitate aus Lebenslehren [in jüngeren altäg. Werken: Imhotep, Djedef hor, Ptal;lhotep; Lehre des Königs Amenemhet I, Loyalistische Lehre Amenemope]: ➔ 747, OrbBibOr 28 (1979) 105-71. 4417 Brumzer-Traut E., Weiterleben der ägyptischen Lebenslehren in den koptischen Apophthegmata am Deispiel des Schweigens: ➔ 747, OrbDi• bOr 28 (1979) 173-216. 4418 Bryce Glendon E., A Legacy of Wisdom: The Egyptian Contribution to


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

lV11. Libri

didactici VT

the Wisdom of Israel. Cranbury NJ / L 1979, Bucknell Univ./Assoc. Univ. 336 p., bibliog. 255-285. $19.50. 0 0-8387-1576-1. 4419 Caquot A., Israelite Perceptions of Wisdom and Strength in the Light of the Ras Shamra Texts: ➔ 234, Israelite Wisdom, Fs. S. TERRIEN1978, 25-33. 4420 Caze/les H., Les nouvelles etudes sur Sumer (Alster) et Mari (Marzal) nous aident-elles a situer les origines de la sagesse israelite?: ➔ 602, BiblETL 51 (1979) 17-27. 4421 C.harpentierE. al., Aux racines de la Sagesse: CahEV 28. P 1979, Service Bibl. Ev. et Vie/Cerf. 64 p. F 10. 4422 Cvllins J. J., The Root of Imm01tality: Death in the Context of Jewish Wisdom [Sir WisSol]: HarvTR 71 (1978) 177-92. 442:\ Crenshaw J. L., Studies in Ancient Israelite Wisdom 1976 ➔ 57,2716; 58s,3452: RJAAR 46 (1978) 577s (G. M. Tucker); TLZ 103 (1978) 175-8 (G. Sauer). 4424 Colombo Dalmazio, Maria, nei libri Sapienzali / nelle attese d'Israele. Vercelli 1979, Chaminade. 210 p. - REphMar 29 (1979) 435 (A. Rivera). 4425 DeVries S. J., Observations on Quantitative and Qualitative [not in sense of Roman, Marsh, Cullmann] Time in Wisdom and Apocalyptic [as in his Yesterday; Today and Tomorrow, Time and History in the OT 1975 ➔ 57,6130; 58s,7786j. -• 234, Fs. S. TERRIEN1978, 263-"/6. 4426 Emerton J. A., Wisdom: ➔ 549 Tradition and Interpretation, ed. G. W. Anderson 1979, 214-37. 4427 Filipiak M., [f] Man facing death in Israel's wisdom: WDr 5 (1977) 2329. 4428 Fontaine Carol R., The Use of the Traditional Saying in the OT: a Contextual Study: diss. Duke. Durham NC 1979. 4429 Foster John L., Thought Couplets and Clause Sequences in a Literary Text: The Maxims of Ptah-Hotep: Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquitie11, Publicatiom1 5. Toronto 1977. 71 p. 4430 Gevaryahu H. M.-1., 1H] [Colophons in the Books of Proverbs, Job, Koheleth. In the Wake of the Wise Man, Scribes, Arrangers and Copyists of Sapiential Literature (... Comparing Accadian ummänu)]: ➔ 154, Sefer S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1977s, 107-37. 4431 Gilbert Maurice, L'ampleur du courant de sagesse; Les livres sapientiaux de l'AT [avant-propos]: ➔ 602, La Sagesse de l'AT (Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense 29, 28-31 aug. 1978): BiblETL 1979, 7-13. 4432 Görg M., Das Ratespiel um Mw-~d [in Pap. Harris 77,9-10): GötMiszÄg 32 (1979) 21-22. 4433 Grumach Irene, Untersuchungen zur Lebenslehre des Amenope: MüÄgSt 23 1972 ➔ 53,7473, 55,7433; 56,8066; 58s,d696. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 503-7 (M. Gilula). .,. [➔ 4461 (4415) Grumach-Shirun 1., Lehre des Amenemope]. 4434 Gutas Dimitri, Greek Wisdom Literature in Arabic Translation: A Study of the Graeco-Arabic Gnomologia: AmerOrSer 60, 1975 ➔ 58s,d939: RJNES 37 (1978) 200s (W. Madelung). 4435 Hoppe Leslie J., Biblieal Wisdom, a Theology of Creation: Listening 14

E7.3 Libri sapientiales, Wisdom literature


(1979) 196-203. 4436 Hornung Eril 1609. 4865 Everson A. J., Is 61: 1-6 (Expository Article): Interpr 32 (1978) 69-73. 4866 Maier J., Ergänzend zu Jes 62,9: ZAW 91 (1979) 126 [zu 90 (1978) 106-11 G. Nebe; Q-Tempelrolle]. 4867 Nebe G., Noch einmal zu Jes 62,9: ZAW 90 (1978) 106-11 [87 (1975) 216 G. Schwarz et 88 (1976) 282 W. Rudo/ph nimis dure de BH]. 4868 Baldacci Massimo, Due antecedenti storici [Ebla] in Is. 65,11: BbbOr20 (1978) 189ss. 4869 Aus R. D., God's Plan and God's Power: Isaiah 66 and the Restraining Factors of 2 Thess 2,6-7: JBL 96 (1977) 537-53. 4870 [1s 66,1) Lupieri Edmondo, Agostino e Ireneo: VetChr 15 (1978) 1135.


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[VIII. Libri prophetici VT

E8.5 Jeremias .l Textus, commentarii.

Achtemeier Elizabeth, Deuteronomy, Jeremiah: Proclamation Comm. 1978 _, 3356. 4871 Andersen Francis J., Forbes A. Dean, A Linguistic Concordance of Jeremiah: Common Nouns / Hebrew Vocabulary and Idiom: Computer Bible 14A/14. Wooster 1978, Bible Res. Assoc. xn(-692)-1390 p. 4872 Bogner V., Stary zäkon. Knihy prorocke II: Jeremias, Plac, Baruch, Jetemiasuv !ist [VT: Libri prophetici, II: Jer, Thren, Baruch, Ep. Jer.]. Z hebrejstiny a i'ectiny pi'elozil a poznämkami apatfü [Ex hebr. et graeco transtulit adnotationesque adiecit ... ]. Praha 1979, Ceskä Katolickä Charita, 209 p. kcs27. 4873 Efird J. M., Jeremiah, prophet under siege. Valley Forge PA 1979, Judson. 136 p. $4.95 pa. 4874 Freehof Solomon B., Book of Jeremiah: a commentary: The Jewish commentary for Bible readers. NY 1977, Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 295 p. 0 0-8074-0008-4. 4875 Haag E., Das Buch Jeremia II: Geistliche Schriftlesung 5/2, 1977 --> 58s,4024: RTPQ 127 (1979) 182 (M. Hollnsteiner). 4876 ÜRIGENES:Nautin P., Husson P. t ed., Homelies sur Jeremie: I. Hornelies I-XI. II. Homelies XII-XX et latines: SChr 232.238. P 1976s, Cerf. I: 433p. 0 2-204-01089-8. II: 457p. F207. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 62; OrChrPer 45 (1979) 484s (A. Meredith). 4877 Kuist Howard T., The book of Jeremiah, the Lamentations of Jeremiah (6th printing): The layman's Bible commentary 12. Atlanta 1977, Knox. 148 p. 4878 Stewart Alexander, Jeremiah, the man and his work, E 1978 Knox = 1936 Henderson. xn-276 p. f:1.25. 4879 Wolff C., Jeremia ... slav. Paralipomena: TU 118, 1976 --> 57,3195; 58s,4050: RTLZ 104 (1979) 576s (K. Berger).

E8.5.2 Jeremias: Thumata, versiculi. 4880 Berridge J. M., Jeremia und die Prophetie des Arnos: TZBas 35 (1979) 32 [Jer Glied einer Kette von Propheten; Jahwes Züchtigung u. Arnos; Jer 6,1-8 beeinflusst von Arnos 3,9-11]. 4881 Gunneweg A., Heil im Gericht. Zur Interpretation von Jeremias später Verkündigung: ➔ 271, Fs. W. ZELLER,Traditio 1976, 1-9. 4882 Jong Comelis de, De volken bij Jeremia [2,1 - 4- 4; 47-51]: hun plats in zijn prediking en in het boek Jeremia. Kampen diss. 1978 dir. J. L. Koole; summ. germ. Franeker 1978, Wever. VTT-3?.0p,; p. 37.1-93.f :n,so. - RGerefTTs 79 (1979) 189ss (C. H[outmann]); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 76 (R. Btezeno); ZAW 91 (1979) 320s (G. Fohrer). 4883 Kannengiesser C., L'interpretation de Jeremie dans la tradition alexandrine: ·~ 616, StPntrist l?. (1975) 317-37.0. 4884 Keller B., Le langage de Jeremie (=Ecriture et predication, 10): ETRel 53 (1978) 360-65.

E8.5.2 Jeremias 1...


4885 Lundbom Jack R., Jeremiah, a Study in Ancient Hebrew Rhetoric 1975 ➔ 58s,4031: RETRel 54 (1979) 461s (D. Lys). 4886 Meyer Ivo, Jeremia und die falschen Propheten: OrbBibOr 13, 1977 ➔ 58s,4034: RJBL 97 (1978) 580ss {T. W. Overholt); JStOT 5 (1978) 71ss (J. L. Crenshaw); NRT 101 (1979) 422s (J.-L. Ska); TLZ 104 (1979) 352ss (W. Thiel); TPQ 126 (1978) 290s (F. D. Hubmann); TR 75 (1979) 100s (J. Schreiner). 4887 Mosis Rudolf, Ich lege mein Wort in deinen Mund: geistliche Impulse aus Jeremia [Professor Alfons Deissler zum 65. Geburtstag]. Fr 1979, Herder. 101 p. DM 10,80 pa. 0 3-451-18848-1. 4888 Pohlmann K.-F., Studien zum Jeremiabuch ... : FRLANT 18, 1978 ➔ 58s,4039: RCBQ 41 (1979) 316s (W. L. Holladay); SvEx 44 (1979) 173ss (0. Sandin); TR 75 (1979) 101s (J. Schreiner). 4889 Raitt Thomas M., A Theology of Exile. Judgement/Deliverance in Jer & Ez 1977 ➔ 58s,4040: RßibTB 8 (1978) 138s (J. F. Craghan); CBQ 41 (1979) 319s (J. M. Berridge); ETRel 54 (1979) 462s (D. Lys); JAOS 99 (1979) 383ss (M. Fishbane); JBL 98 (1979) l 24s (R. F. Melugin). 4890 Si,gam,ma E., The Covenant Rib Form in Jer Ch. 2: Journal of the College of Dairy Agricultw·e 4,2 (Nopporu, Hokkaido, Japan, 1972) 12154. 4891 Trensky M., Studien zur Lernzielbestimmung im Bibelunterricht über Texte aus dem Buch des Propheten Jeremia. Diss. Heidelberg 1979. 313 p. 4892 Urbrock W. J., Jeremiah: A Man for Our Seasoning: CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 145-57.

4893 Holladay W. L., The Architecture of Jeremiah 1-20: 1976 ➔ 58s,4055: RZAw 90 (1978) 142s (G. Fohrer). 4894 Kayyalaparampil Thomas, Jeremiah's Encounter with God (1,4-10; 11,18-12,6): Biblebhashyam 5 (1979) 25-39. 4895 [Jer 1,5/ls 48,8: at prout implicantur in Rom 4,9-5,12 'ante circumcisionem '] Flusser S., Safrai D., l!!l Qui sanctifi.cavit 'amatum' ex utero: , 154 Fs. s. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1977s,. 329-36; (Fs.) 193s. 4896 Cogan M., Sentencing at the Gate in Jer 1:15-16: GratzColUewishSt 1 (1972) 3-6. 4897 Overholt T. W., Jeremiah 2 and the Problem of 'Audience Reaction': CBQ 41 (1979) 262-73. 4898 Hobbs T. R., Some Proverbial [Pvb 11,22; 10,26; 11,31; 15,11] Reflections on the Book of Jeremiah [2,26; 3,20; 6,7; 24,5,8; 17,11; 12,5]: ZAW 91 (1979) 62-72. 4899 Strobel A., Jeremia 2,34 im Rahmen des Gedichtes 2, 29-37: ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 449-58. 4900 [Jer 3,19] Paul S. M., l!!l Adoption Formulae: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 31-36; Eng. summ. 123*. 490 I Althann R., J er 4: 11-12: Stichometry, Parallelism and Translation: VT 28 (1978) 386-91. 4902 Carlini A. al., Papiri letterari greci: Bibl. St. Class. Or. 13. Pisa 1978, 22. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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[VIII. Libri prophetici VT

Giardini. 304 p. 15 pl. - p. 58-64 Genav. Jer 5s; p. 119-24 Alex. inv. Ts 48; p. 149-53 Vindob. Hab 3; p. 193-9 PSI Jn 3. 4903 Hadey Jean, Jeremie et le temple. Le conflit de la parole prophetique et de la tradition religieuse Jer 7,1-15; 26,1-19: ETRel 54 (1979) 438-443. 4904 Zalewski S., 1H]The Discourse of Jeremiah in the Gate of the House of the Lord (Jer 7,1-15): BarllAn 16s (1979) 9-31.127s (angl.). 4905 Day J., The Destruction of the Shiloh Sanctuary and Jeremiah 7: 12 H: ➔ 597, VTS 30 (1979) 87-94. 4906 [Jer 7,18] Gordon R. P., Aleph apologeticum [inserted by some Hebrew mss. into Jeremiah's five mentions of 'queen' of Heaven to make it 'host']: JQR 69 (1978s) 112-16. 4901 Rabin C., 1H]Lexical Remarks: Jer 9,16; Ez 25,1-6; klqnn; bos (Ps 69,21); oberim (Prov 26,10 et ug.); $liqfm (Jes 26,16); rZ'z'mot: -> 154, Sefer s. E. LOEWENSTAMM 1977s, 397-407 [Fs. 206). 4908 Bn,eggemann W. A., The Epistemological Crisis of Tsrael's Two Histories (Jer 9:22-23): ➔ 234, Fs. S. TERRIEN,Israelite Wisdom 1978, 85105. 4909 Dahood Mitehen, Egyptian 'iw 'island' in Jer 10,9 and Dan 10,5 [Loco upiiz lege 'iwe paz 'island/coast of fine gold'; etiam 1 Reg 10,18]: QuSem 5 (1974. ed. 1978) 101-103. 4910 Hubmann Franz D., Untersuchungen zu den Konfessionen. Jer 11,1812,6 und Jer 15,10-21: Forschung zur Bibel 30 (diss. Innsbruck 1977 ➔ 58s,4066). Würzburg 1978. Echter. 396 p. DM 48. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 183s (J. Oesch). 4911 Southwood C. H., The Spoiling of Jeremiah's Girdle (Jer 13,1-11): VT 29 (1979) 231-37. 4912 McKane W., Jeremiah 13:12-14: A Problematic Proverb: ➔ 234, Fs. S. TERRIEN, Israelite Wisdom 1978, 107-20. 4913 Smith G. V., The Use uf Quulatiuns in Jeremiah 15,11-14: VT 29 (1979) 229-231. 4914 Sawyer J. F. A., A Note on the Brooding Partridge in Jer 17,11 [qöre' dägar]: VT 28 (1978) 324-29. 4915 Hazan V., The Origins of Copyright Law in Ancient Jewish Law [beginning with Jer 23:30]: Bulletin of the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. 18 (1970) 23-28. 4916 De Roche M., Is Jeremiah 25: 15-29 a Piece of Reworked Jeremianic Poetry?: JStOT 10 (1978) 58-67. 4917 Kegler J., Prophetisches Reden und politische Praxis Jeremias. Beobachtungen zu Jer. 26 und 36: ➔ 526, Schottroff W., Der Gott der kleinen Leute 1979, 67-79. 4918 Sarna Nahum M., The Abortive Insurrection in Zedekiah's Day (Jer. 27-29): -> 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 89*-97*. 4919 Seid/ Theodor, a) Texte und Einheiten in Jer 27-29: literaturwissensohoftliohe Studie: ArbTextSprAT 2, 1977 .... 58s,4072: RcBQ 40 (1978) 421s (T. W. Overholt). - b) Formen und Formeln in Jeremia 27-29, LiteraturwisscnschaiUiche Studie, T.:Z.: Mi.inchener Unive.rsitiitss~hrifhm, Fachbereich Kath. Theologie. Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im Alten Testament 5. St. Ottilien 1978, EOS. xm-391 p. - RJNWSemLg 7 (1979)

E8.5.2 Jeremias 27,1...


102 (F. C. F[ensham)); TR 74 (1978) 458-61 (J. Schreiner). - c) Die Wortereignisformel in Jeremia: Beobachtungen zu den Formen der Redeeröffnung in Jeremia, in Anschluss an Jer 27,1.2: BZ 23 (1979) 2047. 4920 Tov E., a) Exegetical Notes on the Hebrew Vorlage of the LXX of Jeremiah 27 (34): ZAW 91 (1979) 73-93. - b) The Septuagint Translation of Jeremiah [29-52] and Baruch ... Early Revision 1976 ➔ 58s,4076: RCBQ 40 (1978) 424 (J. A. Grinde!); JAOS 99 (1979) 468s (A. Pietersma). 4921 Gilbert Maurice, Jeremie ecrit aux exiles. Lecture de Jeremie 29: Christus 26 (1979) 108-116. 4922 Alonso Schäkel Luis, Collado V., Sicre J., Jeremias 30-33: Cuademos Biblicos 3 (Valencia 1979) 1-30. 4923 Böhmer Siegmund, Heimkehr und Neuer Bund. Studien zu Jer 30-31: GöTArb 5, 1976: ➔ 58s,4080: HBz 22 (1978) 31 ls (V. Hamp); TLZ 103 (1978) 867s (W. Thiel); TPQ 127 (1979) 406 (F. Hubmann); TR 75 (1979) 103 (R. Kilian). 4924 Kselman J. S., Rblkbd: A New Hebrew-Akkadian Formulaic Pair [Akk. kabtulrahu: Jer 30,9; Nah 3,15b-16; Gen 18,20 ... ]: VT 29 (1979) 110113. 4925 Anderson B. W., The Lord Has Created Something New - A Stylistic Study of Jer 31:15-22 [The Virgin/Daughter is invited to retum ... and have posterity in the land]: CBQ 40 (1978) 463-78. 4926 Bartfett D. L., Jer 31: 15-20 (Expository article): Interpr 32 (1978) 7378. 4927 Lindars B., 'Rachel Weeping for Her Children' Jer 31:15-22: JStOT 12 (1979) 47-62. 4928 Holladay W. L., [berft !Jadasa] New Covenant, The: ➔ 883 IDBSup (Nv 1976) 623-25. 4929 Schenker A., Die Tafel des Herzens. Eine Studie über Anthropologie und Gnade im Denken des Propheten Jeremia im Zusammenhang mit Jer 31,31-34: Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und Nachbargebiete 48 (Luzern 1979, Institut für Heilpädagogik) 236-250. 4930 Weippert H., Das Wort vom Neuen Bund in Jeremia 31,31-34: VT 29 (1979) 336-51. 4931 Safrai Z., IE] The Sons of Yehonadav ben Rekhav and the Essenes and the Conduct to the Desert in the Rabbinic Sayings: BarllAn 16s (1979) 37-58.131 (angl.). 4932 A[mmassari] A., Un precedente biblico del terrorismo [Ger 41,2]: BbbOr 20 (1978) 241-4. 4933 Wiklander B., The Context and Meaning of nhr '! in Jer 51:44 [ ... nhr II: 'cheering and joy and shining faces', cfr. ANET 3 (1969) 316]: SvEx 43 (1978) 40-64. F.8.6 T.om~ntntinnr.s,Threni; Baruch.

4934 Chappaz J.-L., Un manifeste littcrairc du Moycn Empire: Lcs Lamen• tations de Kha-Kheper-Re-Seneb [Trad. et comm.]: BSocEgGeneve 2 (1979) 3-12.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[VIII. Libri prophetici VT

4935 Colombo Dalmazio, Le lamentazioni: introd. note 2 : Nuovissima versione 26. R 1977, Paolinc. 112 p. 4936 Eichler Ulrike [nee Sinnin], Der klagende Jeremia. Eine Untersuchung zu den Klagen Jeremias und ihrer Bedeutung zum Verstehen seines Leidens: Diss. Heid 1978. VI-238p. - TLZ 103 (1978) 918s. 4937 Gottlieb Hans, A Study on the Text of Lamentations tr. J. Sturdy: Acta Jutlandica 48, Theol. 12, 1978 .... 58s,4088. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 630s (D. R. Hillers); JBL 98 (1979) 598 (T. F. McDaniel); JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 97 (F. C. F[ensham]); RB 86 (1979) 297s (R. T[ournay]). 4938 Levine E., The Aramaic Version of Lamentations. NY 1976, Hermon. 203 p. $14.95. - REstBib 35 (1976) 93-96 (L. Diez Merino). 4939 Opitz Marlin, Die Klage-Lieder Jeremiae; poetisch gesetzt sampt noch anderen seinen newen Gedichten [ed. Görlitz 1626: German Baroque Literature, reel 49, No. 1700 (NH 1970, Research Publ). microf. (positiv.). 31 p. 4940 Shea W. H., The qinah Structure of the Book of Lamentations: Biblica 60 (1979) 103-107. 4941 Zlotowitz Meir, Megillas Rir.hah = Lamentations: a new translation with a commentary anlhologized from Talmudic, Midrashic, and Rabbinic sonrr.es; overview by N. Sc:herman. De:,truction and redemption: Art Scroll Tanach. NY 1976. 162 p.; bibliog. 143-162.

4942 Avigad N., lH] Baruch the Scribe and Yeral)meel, the King's Son [Jer 36,26]: BethMikra 24 (1979) 251-4, 2 fig. 4943 Kellermann D., Apokryphes Obst. Bemerkungen zur Epistula Jeremiae (Baruch, Kap. 6), insbesondere zu Vers 42): ZDMG 129 (1979) 23-42. 4944 Mallau H. H., Baruch, Baruchschriften: --> 895, TRE 5,ls (1979) 26976. 4945 Tov E., The Book of Baruch. Ed etc .... 1975--> 58s,4099: RRechSR 66 (1978) 379s (A. Paul).

E8.7 Ezechiel .1 textus, commentarii. 4946 Bogaert P. M., Le temoignage de la Vetus Latina dans l'etude de la tradition des Septante. Ezechiel et Daniel dans le Papyrus 969: Biblica 59 (1978) 384-95. 4947 Carley Keith W., Ezekiel among the Prophets: StBTh 2/31, 1975 --> 56,2520; ... 58s,4105*: RAndrUnSS 15 (1977) 225s (A. J. Greig); ETRel 54 (1979) 463s (D. Lys); JSS 24 (1979) 278 (A. A. Anderson). 4948 Cortese Enzo, Ezechiele, introd. note 2 : Nuovissima versione 27. R 1975, Paoline. 322 p. 4949 Howie Carl G., The Book of Ezekiel, the Book of Daniel (6th printing): Layman's Bible Commentary 13. Atlanta 1977, Knox. 142 p. 4950 Mays James L., Ezekiel, Second Isaiah: Proclamation Comm. Ph 1978, Fortress. 96 p. $2.95 pa. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 314s (R. W. Klein); CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 394s (J. R. Lillie).

E8.7.1 Ezechiel, Textus, Commentarii


4951 Mosis Rudolf, Das Buch Ezechiel I. Kap 1,1 - 20,44: Geistliche Schriftlesung 8/1. DU 1978, Patmos. 270 p. DM 23,80. 0 3-491-77161-7. [= Erlaüterw1g zum AT für die geistliche Lesung 14. Lp 1978, St. Benno. M 6,20]. - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 120s (W. Bühlmann). 4952 Revell E. J., A Note on Papyrus 967 [Chester Beatty-Scheide de Ez]: StPapyr 15 (1976) 131-36. 4953 Tatford F. A., Dead Bones Live: An Exposition of Ezekiel's Prophecy. Eastbourne, E. Sussex 1977, Prophetie Witness Publ. 275 p. 4954 Veldkamp Hendrik, De balling van de Kabaroe. Over het boek Ezechiel (4. dr.). Ffaneker 1978, Wever. 394 p. 0 90-6135-114-6. 4955 Vulgata [Bcncdictina] Abbatiae S. Ilieronymi Romae 15, Liber Hiezechielis 1978 ➔ 58s,1319: RJTS 30 (1979) 516ss (G. D. Kilpatrick); REL 57 (1979) 459 (J. Fontaine); TR 75 (1979) 206-10 (B. Fischer). 4956 Ziegler J. (➔ 58s,4115), 2Fraenkel D. mit Nachtrag: Ezechiel: Septuaginta XVIII. Gö 1977 (lc.1952), VR. 352 p. DM 120 (subscr. 102). 4957 Zimmerli Walther, a) Ezechiel2 rev. BK AT 13. Neuk 1979 [11969 ➔ 51,2043], Neuk.-V. XXVI-135 + 578 p. (Ez. 1-24) DM 259; p. 579-1283 (Ez 25-48) DM 200. 0 3-7887-0021-1. - b) Ezekiel Commentary 1 eh. 1-24 tr. R. Clements: Hermeneia. Ph 1979, Fortress. XLVI-509p. $27.95. 0 08006-6008-0.

E8.7.2 Ezechiel: themata, versiculi. 4958 Albrektson, B., Hesekiel: ➔ 276, Kapitlet om Jehu ... 1979, 79-92. 4959 Baltzer Dieter, Ezechiel und Deuterojesaja: Berührungen in der Heilserwartung 1971 ➔ 52,2161; ... 57,3223: RTLZ 103 (1978) 727ss (H.-J. Hermisson). 4960 BettenzoHGiuseppe, Geist der Heiligkeit. Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung des QDS-Begriffes im Buch Ezechiel [+Is 6,1-11; Lev 18-22; 25s] (diss. Tü 1977): QuadSem, 8. F 1979, Univ. Ist. di Linguistica e Ling. Or. x-255 p., bibliog. 235-45. 4961 Blumenthal D. R., Ezekiel's Vision Seen through the Eyes of a Philosophie Mystic [l;Ioter ben Shelomo, saec. 15, Yemen]: JAAR 47 (1979) 417-27. 4962 Boadt Lawrence, Textual Problems in Ezekiel and Poetic Analysis of Paired Words: JBL 97 (1978) 489-99. 4963 Brechet Raymond, Ezechiel aujourd'hui ou Israel et les chretiens dans le monde: Buisson ardent. Geneve 1979, Tricome. 197 p. ill. Fs 24. 4964 Everson A. J., Ezekiel and the Glory of the Lord Tradition: ➔ 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 163-76. 4965 Hossfeld F., Untersuchungen zu Komposition und Theologie des Ezechielbuches: ForBib 20, 1977 ➔ 58s,4107: RTLZ 104 (1979) 730-3 (W. Zimmerli); TR 74 (1978) 282ss (J. Becker). 4966 Howie C. G., The Date and Composition of Ezekiel: SBL Mon. 4. Missoula MT cl978 = Ph 1960 photocopy, 1 1950; Scholars Press Demand Reproduction. 4967 Lang Bernhard, A Neglected Method in Ezekiel Research, Editorial

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Criticism: VT 29 (1979) 39-44. 4968 Liwak R., Überlieferungsgeschichtliche Probleme des Ezechielbuches: eine Studie zu postezechielischen Interpretationen und Kompositionen. Diss. Bochum (➔ 58s,4109) 1976. 4969 Park Joon Surh, Theological Traditions of Israel in the Prophetie Judgment Speeches of Ezekiel: diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 1978. 227 p. 0 7920286. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1554-A. 4970 Parunak Henry V., Structural Studies in Ezekiel: Harvard diss. c.1978. 592 p. 0 7918211. - HarvTR 72 (1979) 320s; DissA 40 (1979s) 826-A. 4971 Savoca Gaetano, Un profeta interroga la storia. Ezechiele e la teologia della storia: Aloisiana 11, 1976 ➔ 58s,4112: RBbbOr 20 (1978) 80 (F. Lu[ciani]); BZ 23 (1979) 110s (J. Becker); K.irSef 54 (1979) 427; RivB 26 (1978) 304ss (A. Penna). 4972 Higuchi S., QJ The Narrative of Ezechiel's Call - Its traditio-historical Study [Ez 1: 1-3: 15 : 'call narrative' soon after 593 n.c.; theophany 568 B.c.] Shingatu Ronshii (Theological Study) 26 (1978) 84-108. 4973 Vogt Ernst, Die vier 'Gesichter' (pänim) der Keruben in Ez ll,6a; 10,14a; 10,21a; 41,18-19]: Biblica 60 (1979) 327 3'17. 4974 Hellemo G., 'Og over livsvesenes hoder var det noe som lignet en hvelving ... ' Et visjonsmotiv i ikonografi og fedretekster from til begynnelsen av det 5 ärh (' El super capul vi v1::11lis fuit aliqualis arcus' [Ezck 1,22]: elementum visionis in iconographia et patristica ad saec. 5): NorTTs 80 (1979) 29-42. 4975 Greenberg M., The Use of the Ancient Versions for Interpreting the Hebrew Text, Ez 2,1-3,11: ➔ 596, VTS 29 (1977) 131-48. 4976 Brownlee W. H., Ezekiel's Parable of the Watchman and the Editing of Ezekiel [structura Ez 3,12-5,17; 33]: VT 28 (1978) 392-408. 4977 Andrew Maurice E., Geschehnis-Reaktion-Anerkennung des Gerichts. Der theologische Gedankengang von Ezechiel 4-24 in der Anrede an die Verbannten (Gastvorl. Rostock/Greifswald 1977): TLZ 103 (1978) 47784.

4978 Avishur Y., 1H]The Incense and the Sweet Scent: 'The Commandments ofthe Ideal Son' in Aqhat and [Canaanite] Idol Worship in Ez 8: ➔ 154, . (Sefer) s. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 1-15; (Fs.) eius (J 1978) 187s. 4979 Lang B., Kein Aufstand in Jerusalem. Die Politik des Propheten Ezechiel (Hab.-Schr. Fr.): Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge 7. Stu 1978, KBW. 205p. DM26,80. Ez 12,1-15; 17; 19; 21,23-27: 593-88 a.C. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 470s (M. Kessler); OTAbstr 2,1 (1979) 101s. 4980 UjfenheimerB., 1H]Ez 12: 1-16 [Literary composition; setting, time, area of the symbolic action]: ➔ 154, Sefer S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 45-54; (Fs.) eius (J 1978) 213s. 4981 Dress/erH. H. P., The [dubious] Identification of the Ugaritic Dnil with the Daniel of Ezekiel [14 and 28]: VT 29 (1979) 152-61. 4982 Buis P., Un constat d'adultere pas ordinaire, Ez 16: Ecriture et Predication, 13: ETRel 53 (1978) 502-507. 4983 Geyer John B., Ezechiel 18 and a Hittite Treaty of Mursilis II: JStOT

E8.7.2 Ezechiel 18...


12 (1979) 31-46. 4984 Joyce M. P., Individual Responsibility in Ezekiel 18?: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia Biblica 1979 I, 185-196: emphasis rather on the People of God as the unit which God saves. 4985 Ross B. L., The Individual in the Community: Personal Identification in Ancient Israel: diss. Drew. 1979. 4986 Sakenfeld K. D., Ez 18:25-32 (Expository article): Interpr 32 (1978) 295-300. 4987 Garmus L., 0 juizo divino na hist6ria: a hist6ria de Israel em Ez 20, 1-44. Petr6polis 1975, CID. 105 p. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 423. 4988 Anbar (Bernstein) M., Une nouvelle allusion [Erra 4:50] a une tradition babylonienne dans Ezechiel (22,24): YT 29 (1979) 352s. 4989 MacLaurin E. C. B., The Phoenician Ship from Tyre Described in Ezekiel 27: IntJNautArch 7 (1978) 80-83. 4990 Boadt Lawrence, Ezekiel's Oracles against Egypt. A Literary and Philological Study of Ez 29-32. Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici, R 1976, Pontifical Biblical Institute. xxvn-241 p. 4991 Rumianek R., Dio Pastore d'Israele secondo Ezechiele 34 e l'applicazione messianica nel vangelo di Matteo. Diss. Theol. Pontificiae Univ. Gregorianae, dir. R. North. R 1979. 52 p. (excerptum). 4992 Aizpurua F., Estudio sobre Ez 36,16-36: Estructura literaria-Sistematizacion teologica (prom. M. Gilbert): Uiss. Louvain-la-Neuve [Hulletin ls (1976) 15). 4993 Nissim G., L'esprit et le creur de l'homme. Commentaire d'Ezechiel 37,1-14: VieSpir 133 (1979) 565-583. 4994 Vivian A. Gog e Magog nella tradizione biblica, ebraica e cristiana [Ezek 38s; Apc 20,8s]: RivB 25 (1977) 389-421. 4995 Hurvitz A., 1H]The Garments of Aharon and His Sons acc to lQM VII 9-10 [& Ez 39,27-29: traces of late Hebrew ... ]: ➔ 154, Sefer S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 139-144; Fs. eius (J 1978), 198. 4996 Haran M., The Law Code of Ezekiel 40-4R imd its Relation to the Priestly School: HUCA 50 (1979) 45-71. 4997 Levenson J. D., Theolugy uf Lhe Program of Restoration of Ezekiel 4048: HarvSemMon 10, 1976: RCBQ 40 .(1978) 248s (F. Holmgren); JTS 30 (1979) 525 (R. Mason). 4998 Hurwitz A., 1H]The term liskat-särim (Ez 40,44) and its Position in the Cultic Terminology of the Temple: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 100-104, Eng. summ. 126*.

E9.1 Apocalyptica VT


584; 621).

4999 Barker M., Slippery Words III. Apocalyptic: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 324- · 29. 5000 Baud/er Georg, Die Hoffnung auf das endgültige Heil Gottes: Narrative Eschatologie in Verkündigung und Religionspädagogik: DiakMainz 9 (1978) 230-44. 5001 Cafiellas Lopez M., al., ➔ 555, El Enigma del mäs allä. M 1977, Biblia


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y Fe. 144p.; pt. 300. - RßibFe 3 (1977) 340s (M. Saenz G.). 5002 Carmignac Jean, Qu'est-ce que l'Apocalyptique? Son emploi a Qumrän: RQum 10 (1979) 1-33. 5003 Carmignac J., Rectification d'une erreur concemant l'eschatologie: NTS 26 (1979s) 252-8: first used in French by J. Matter 1828 and several others, not T. Colani as NTS 24 (1977s) 369. 5004 Carro/1Robert P., Twilight of Prophecy or Dawn of Apocalyptic? [on P. Hanson]: JStOT 14 (1979) 3-35. 5005 Coppens Joseph, La releve apocalyptique du messianisme royal, I: Le Royaume-Le Regne. Le Royaume de Dieu, cadre de la releve apocalyptique [ ... rv. La Royaute de Yahve dans lc Psauticr; v .... Dans lcs tcxtes vetero-et-intertest en dehors du Psautier; ... vu. La relecture neoh:sl. .. ; v. 11-13; arüdes de J. C. sw· le messianisme]: DiblETL 50,1. Lv 1979, Peeters/University Pr. 325 p. [p. 323-25: bibliog. J. Coppens]. 5006 Davies G. 1., Apocalyptic and Historiography: JStOT 5 (1978) 15-29. 5001 De/cor Mathias, a) Bilan des etudes sur l'Apocalyptique [< Apocalypses et Theologie de l'Esperance (Congres de Toulouse 197 5 -> 621 ; 58s,2022b) 27-42]: ► 293, Etudes 1979, 177-192. - b) Le Dieu des Apocalypticiens < La notion biblique de Dieu: BiblETL 41 (1976 -> 592; 58s,2022c) 211-228: -> 293, Etudes 1979, 210-227. - c) Le milieu d'origine et le developpement de l'apocalyptique juive < La litterature juive entre Tenach et Mischna {W. C. van Unnik), RechBib 9 (Ld 1974) 101117: -> 293, Etudes 1979, 193-209. - d) Mythologie et Apocalyptique < Apocalypses et Theologie de l'Esperance (Congres de Toulouse 1975 -> 621; 58s,2022e) 143-177:-> 293, Etudes 1979, 228-262. 5008 Dingermann F., Israels Hoffnung auf Gott und sein Reich. Zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der alttestamentlichen Eschatologie: WegFor 480 (1978 -> 58s,7789) 227-39 < Wort und Botschaft, hrg. Jos. Schreiner (Wü 1967) 308-18. 5009 Dopatka Ulrich (Hg. E. von Däniken), Lexikon der ausserirdischen Phänomene in Archäologie, Astronomie und Mytholo&i,e. W-Dü 1979, Econ. 448 p. (eo!.) ill. 5010 Eifler R., Dt:r Urspruug der jüdisch-christlichen eschatologischen Hcilserwartung innerhalb der altisraelitischen Religion im 7. u. 6. Jh. v.u. Z.: WegFor 480 (1978-> 58s,7789) 361-79 < Altert 16 (1970) 17-29. 5011 Fernandez A., La escatologia en el siglo II [III a venir]: PubFacTNortEsp, 42. Burgos 1979, Aldecoa. 484 p. 5012 Fahrer G., Die Struktur der alttest. Eschatologie: WegFor 480 (1978 -> 58s,7789) 147-80 < TLZ 85 (1960) 401-20. 5013 Frost S. B., Eschatologie und Mythos [im AT]: WegFor 480 (1978 -> 58s;7789) 73-87 < angl.; VT 2 (1952) 70-80. 5014 Gordon R. r., The Targumists as Eschatologists: Gö Congrcss 1977, VTS 29 (1978) 113-30. 5015 Grönbaek J. H„ Zur Frage der Eschatologie in der Verkiindigung der Gerichtspropheten: WegFor 480 (1978 -> 58s,7789) 129-46 < SvEx 24 (1959) 5-21. 5016 Grass H., a) Die Entwicklung der ulttestumentlichen Heilshoffnung

E9.1 Apocalyptica VT


< Trier TZ 70 (1961) 15-28; b) Die Eschatologie im Alten Bund < Anima 20 (Olten 1965) 213-9: WegFor 480 (1978 ➔ 58s,7789) 181-197 / 217-226. 5017 Hanson Paul, Dawn of Apocalyptic 1975 ➔ 56,1337; ... 58s,2029c: RJStOT 14 (1979) 3-35 (R. Carroll); VT 29 (1979) 122-27 (1. WilliPlein). 5018 Hoekema A. A., The Bible and the Future. GR 1979, Eerdmans. x,343 p. $12.95. 5019 Hultgard Anders, L'eschatologie des Testaments des XII Patriarches 1977 ➔ 58s,2094: RETRel 54 (1979) 488s (D. Lys). 5020 Knight G. A. F., Eschatologie im AT < angl.: ScotJT 4 (1951) 355-62; WegFor 480 (1978 ➔ 58s,7789) 22-30. 5021 Koch Klaus, Diflicoltä dell'Apocalittica: BibCuRel 1, 1977 ➔ 58s,2032 [gcrm. 53, 1236]: RSacDoc 24 (1979) 152s (B. G. Boschi). 5022 Köhler Wolfgang, Prophetie und Eschatologie in der neueren alttestamentlichen Forschung < BiLeb 9 (1968) 57-81: WegFor 480 (1978 ➔ 58s,7789) 259-92. 5022* Ladd G. E., Apocalyptic Literature: ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 151-61, 2 fig. 5023 Lambert W. G., The Background of Jewish Apocalyptic: E. M. Wood Lecture 1977. L 1978, Univ./Athlone. 20p. fü.95. - KirSef 54 (1979) 226. 5024 Lampe Peter, Die Apokalyptiker-ihre Situation und ihr Handeln: ➔ 477, Liedke G., Eschatologie 1978, II 61-125 [c.165 v. Chr., Mkb/Dan; Wochenapokalyptiker lQM; Aeth. Henoch; Exkurs. Apk. Joh.]. Liedke Gerhard al., Eschatologie und Frieden (11. in biblischen Texten 1978) ➔ 477. 5025 Lindblom J., Gibt es eine Eschatologie bei den alttest. Propheten? < ST 6 (1952) 79-114: WegFor 480 (1978 ➔ 58s,7789) 31-72. 5025* Loader W. R. G., The Apocalyptic Model of Sonship: its Origin and Development in NT Tradition: JBL 97 (1978) 525-54. 5026 Lohfmk Norbert, Rschatologie im AT < Ribelauslegung im Wandel (Fra 1967) 158-84: WegFor 480 (1978 ➔ 58s,7789) 240-258. 5027 Luke K., Apocalyptic Literature: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 93-105. 5028 Luz Ulrich, Einleitung [theoretisch- u. praktisch-hermeneutische, zu Einheit u. Frieden in bibl. Texten]: ➔ 477, Eschatologie und Frieden 1978 II, 1-10; 299-319, Auswertung der exegetischen Beiträge. 5029 MacRae G. W. Eschatology [VT--]: ➔ 421*, A Pastoral Guide to the Bible, ed. by G. J. Dyer (Dublin 1979) 75-104. 5030 Marshall I. H., Slippery Words I. Eschatology: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 26469. : 58s,7789) 46280 584, L'Apocalyptique 1977, 89-126. 5047* Sebastian Thomas, Death and Resurrection in the Jewish Apocalyptic: Jeevadhara 9 (1979) 117-127. 5048 Staerk W., Alttestamentliche Eschatologie: WegFor 480 (1978 ..... 58s,7789) 20s < Theol. Blätter 8 (Lp 1928) 165s. 5049 Stuhlmueller C., Post-exilic Period: Spirit, Apocalyptic: ColcTFujcn 11,41 (1979) 285-304.

E9.l Apocalyptica VT


5050 Travis S. H., The Value of Apocalyptic (Tyndale Bibl. Theol. Lecture 1978): TyndB 30 (1979) 53-76. 5051 Vriezen T. C., Prophetie und Eschatologie [im AT]: WegFor 480 (1978 ➔ 58s,7789) 88-128 < angl.: VTS l (1953) 199-229. 5052 Wanke G., 'Eschatologie': ein Beispiel theologischer Sprachverwirrung: WegFor 480 (1978 -> 58s,7789) 342-60 < KerDo 16 (1970) 300-12. 5053 Wied G., Der Auferstehungsglaube des späten Israel in seiner Bedeutung für das Verhältnis von Apokalyptik und Weisheit (1965 diss. Bonn) 1967. 391 p.

E9.2 Daniel .1 textus, commentarii. 5054 Altpeter Gerda, Textlinguistische Exegese alttestamentlicher Literatur [Daniel]: eine Dekodierung, Diss. Gö: EurHSS 23/110. Bern 1978, Lang. 236 p. Fs 42. 0 3-261-03135-2. 5055 a) Archer G. L., (tr.) Jerome's Commentary on Daniel. GR 1977 [11958,] Baker. 189p. $3.95. - b) BravermanJay, Jerome's Commentary on Daniel: A Study of r.ompan1tive Jewish and Christian Tnterpretations of the Hebrew Bible: CBQ Mon. 7. Wsh 1978, CBA. xvi-162 p. $4 pa. 5056 B11ldwi11 Juyce G., Danid; An Introduction and Commentary: Tyndale OTC. Leicester / Downers Grove 1978, Inter-Varsity. 210 p. f:3.05/2.65 pa./$7.98. 0 0-85111-l 631-0/832-1. - REvQ 51 (1979) 115ss (F. F. Bruce); WestTJ 42 (1979s) 237ss (M. G. Kline). 5057 Berger K.., Die griechische Daniel-Diegese: StPostB 27. Ld 1976, Brill. xxm-163 p., 3 foldouts f 80. - RJAAR 47 (1979) 143 (M. Himmelfarb); JBL 98 (1979) 609s (M. E. Stone). 5058 Bernini Giuseppe, Daniele, introd. note 2 : Nuovissima versione 28. R 1977 ['1976-> 58s,1681], Paoline. 345p. 5059 Bolli~er M., Daniel und ein Volk in Gefangenschaft: Ravensburger Taschenbücher, 130: Nacherzählungen biblischer Geschichten. Ravensburg 1979, Maier. 110 p., ill. E. Schind/erz. DM 3,80. 5060 Campbell D. K.., Daniel: Decoder of Dreams. Wheaton IL 1977, SP. 143 p. 5061 Carpenter Eugene E., The Eschatology of Daniel Compared with the Eschatology of Selected Intertestamental Documents: diss. Fuller Theological Seminary, 1979. 5062 Efird James M., Daniel and Revelation: A Study of Two Extraordinary Visions. Valley Forge PA 1978, Judson. 144 p. $4.95 pa. 5063 Farre/l R. F. cd., [tcxt. app.] Daniel & Azarias: Methuen's Old Ilnglish Library 1974 -> 58s,1479: Rspeculum 52 (1977) 964s (D. A. Jost). 5064 Ford Desmond, Daniel; foreword by F. F. Bruce: Anvil Biblical studies. Nv 1978, Southem Pub. Association. 309 p. 0 0-8127-0174-7. 5064* Gaebelein Arno C., The Prophet Daniel. A key to the visions and prophecies. (5th printing). GR 1978 Kregel. 212 p. 5065 Harrison R. K.., Daniel, book of: -> 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 859-66.


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5066 Hartman Louis F. [eh. 1-9], Di Lella Alexander [eh. 10-12], The Book of Daniel: AnehB 23, 1978 ---> 58s,4137: Rßbbür 20 (1978) 238 (G. R[inaldi]); Bibliea 60 (1979) 275-79 (M. Dahood); CBQ 41 (1979) 303-07 (P. D. Hanson); ETL 54 (1978) 364s (J. Coppens); ETRel 54 (1979) 485s (D. Lys); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 55 (H. McKeating); Interpr 33 (1979) 202.204.206 (P. R. Ackroyd); JBL 98 (1979) 596ss (J. J. Collins: eommentators laek empathy with apoealyptie style); JTS 30 (1979) 235ss (N. W. Porteous); NorTTs 80 (1979) 160 (A. S. Kapelrud); PrineSemBNS 2 (1979) 175s (C. T. Fritsch); RQum 10 (1979) 111-5 (P. Grelot); SeotJT 32 (1979) 579s (W. Johnstone); SeriptB 10 (1979s) 39s (M. McNamara); TLZ 104 (1979) 807s (K. Koch). 5067 Heilfurth Gerhard, Daniel: ---> 879, EnzMärehens 3,1 (1979) 284-7. 5067* Jones G. Lloyd, The influenee of mediaeval Jewish exegetes on biblieal seholarship in sixteenth century England, with spccial referenee to the Book of Daniel: diss. L 1974. L 1975, Univ. Libr. 292 p. 5068 Lacocque Andre a) Le livre de Daniel; Pref. P. Ric 57,3254; 58s,4146: RLavalTPhil 34 (1978) 211s (P. E. Langevin); SvTKv 54 (1978) 173s (S. Hidal); VT 28 (1978) 233-241 [eorr. ---> 58s,4146] (E. Lipinski). - b) The Book of Daniel, tr. D. Pellauer, revised by author. L/ Atlanta 1979, SPCK/Knox. xxvr-302 p. f11.50/$18.50. 0 0-8042-0090-4. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 634; OTAbstr 2 (1979) 279s (J. J. Collins). 5069 Ludy Claude E., The Vile and the Holy: a commentary on the Book of Daniel. Midland Mich. 1978, McKay. XIV-100p. $5. 5070 Moore Carey A., Daniel, Esther, and Jeremiah, The Additions: AnehB 44, 1977 ---> 58s,4171: Rßbbür 20 (1978) 238s (G. R[inald1]); Bibliea 59 (1978) 581-84 (P.-M. Bogaert); ETRel 54 (1979) 487s (D. Lys); EvQ 50 (1978) 125s (F. F. Bruce); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 132ss (E. Tov); JAOS 99 (1979) 3'/9ss (H. Weippert); JBL 98 (1979) 434ss (J. C. VanderKam); JTS 30 (1979) 237s (B. Lindars); RB 86 (1979) 140-45 (P. Gre/ot); TLZ 103 (1978) 725s (G. Delling). 5071 Morag S., 1H]Sefer Daniel ... n Bnbyloninn-Yemenite Mnnuscript 1973 ➔ 57,3256b: nwzK.M68 (1976) 217s (S. Segert). 5072 Porteous Norman W., a) Das Buch Daniel übersetzt und erklärt tr. W. Beyerlin u.a. 3 verbessert [Anhang: retraets unity of book; eh. 1-6 may be independent and older than 200]: ATD 23. Gö 1978, VR. 165 p. DM 24 (16 pa.). 0 3-525-512122-8 (19-8 pa.). - b) Daniel2 [= 1965 + 20 p. updating & bibliog.]: OT Library. L 1979, SCM. 196 p. :E3.50. 5073 Spinetoli 0. da, Daniel: lntrodm,äo por T. Ballarini 1978 ---> 5125. 5074 Wallace Ronald S., The Lord is King: the Message of Daniel: The Bible Speaks Today. Lciccstcr/Downcrs Grove IL 1979, InterVarsity. 200 p. f:2.65/$4.50. 0 0-87784-734-4. RsoriptB 10 (l 979s) 24 (R. Harn mer); SdiT 6 (1979) 128-31 (E. F. Caes Jr.). 5074* ZimmermannFelix H., Daniel in Babylon 2 rev. Broadview IL 1974, Gibbs. xm-195 p. $4.95. 5075 Zuu.rezAbraam, IE] Se/er Butsina li Sht•i•u, Arumuiu Duniel. TA 1967s. 147 p., map.

E9.2.2 Daniel ... 2,39...


E9.2.2 Daniel: Themata. 5076 Archer Gleason L., a) The Hebrew of Daniel compared with the Qumran sectarian documents: Allis (1977) 470-481. - b) Modem Rationalism and the Book of Daniel: BS 136 (1979) 129-147. 5077 Baldwin Joyce G., Some [Assur, Babylon, Uruk] Literary Affinities of the Book of Daniel [Tyndale OT Lecture 1978]: TyndB 30 (1979) 7799 5078 Criswell W. A., Expository Sermons on the Book of Daniel. GR 1976, Zondervan. 192p. $12.95 [Four volumes 1968-72 in one]. 5079 Culver Robert D., Daniel and the latter days2• Ch 1977, Moody. 238 p.; bibliog. 224-235. 5080 Emery D. L., Daniel: Who Wrote the Book? New Answers to the Old Problems. Ilfracombe 1978, Stockwell. xi-155 p. t:4. - REvQ 51 (1979) 117 (F. F. Bn,ce); KirSef 54 (1979) 631. 5081 Finkel Asher, The Book of Daniel: its Significance and Meaning: Sidic 11,3 (1978) 4-7. 5082 Heinz Hans, Zeiten, Reiche und Regenten [Daniel]. W 1976, Wegweiser. 246 p. Sch 175. 5083 Kissener H., Prophezeiungen: die Logik Daniels und der mystischen Meister3 erw.: Die Spur ins UR, 3. Engelberg, Schweiz 1977, Drei Eichen. 255 p. 5084 Lucas P. J., On the Blank Daniel-Cycle [positions, hinting intended subjects] in MS Junius 11 [1000 A.D.]: JWarbCow1Inst 42 (1979) 207-13. 5085 Müller Mogens, Messias og 'menneskes0n' i Daniels Bog, Forste Enoksbog og Fjärde Ezrabog 1972-+ 54,2748: RsvEx 40 (1975) 120s (L. Hartman). 5086 Paul A., Le concept du prophete biblique: Flavius Josephe et Daniel: -+ 348, LectDiv 100 (P 1979, Cerf) 83-104 < RechScRel 63 (1975). 5087 Tov Emanuel, The Relations between the Greek Versions of Baruch and Daniel: -+ 630 Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 27-34. 5088 Vasholz R. 1., Qumran and the Dating of Daniel: JEvTSoc 21 (1978) 315-21: Biblical Aramaic antedates that of llQtgJob, which in turn is before the Genesis Apocryphon (c.100 B.c.), so Job is as early as 200 and Daniel earlier. 5089 Willi-Plein Ina, Ursprung und Motivation der Apokalyptik im Danielbuch: TZBas 35 (1979) 265-74. 5090 Wilson Robert D., Studies in the Book of Daniel. A Classic [1917 + notes by 0. Ellis] Defense of the Historicity and Integrity of Daniel's Prophecies: TwinBrooks. GR 1979, Baker. xvi-402 + 286 p. $10.95 pa. 0 08010-9624-3.

5091 Hasel G. F., The Four World Empires of Dun 2(,39; 7,17] ugninst its Near Eastern Environment: JStOT 12 (1979) 17-30. 5092 lkvitnn Jacques, Encyclopcdic prophctiquc [ ... Le11quatre empires qui precederont l'avenement du Messie]. P 1973, La Pensee universelle. 5093 Siniscalco Paolo ed., Mito e storia tra paganesimo e cristianesimo; le


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eta del mondo in fonti antiche: I libri dei filosofi. T 1976, Intemaz. 245 p. - Sal 41 (1979) 547s (A. M. Papes). 5094 Hamm Winfried, Der Septuaginta-Text des Buches Daniel Kap. 3-4 nach dem Kölner Teil des Papyrus 967: Pap. TAbh. 21. Bonn 1977, Habelt. 527 p. DM 176 (160 pa.). 5095 Lebram J. C. H., Lijden en Redding in het Antieke Jodendom [Dan 3 LXX]: Oosters Genootschap in Nederland 8. Ld 1978, Brill. 23 p. f 6. 5096 Grelot P., L'orchestre de Daniel 3, VT 29 (1979) 23-38. 5091 Daniel: Approche juive et chretienne: Sidic 12,2 (R 1979) 3-28 [ ... a) Pinkel A., Sens et portee du livre de Dan: 4-8. - b) Frizzel L. E., Une priere du livre de Dan: son utilisation ehret. (Dan 3,51-90): 915. - c) Smeets J., Traditions juives dans la Vulgate de Dan et le commentaire de S. Jeröme: 16-26. - d) Sharp V., Daniel, modele de priere juive et de priere ehret.: 27-28: ... bibliographie sur Uan: 35J. 5098 Haag Ernst, Der Traum des Nebukadnezzar in Dan 4: TrierTZ 88 (1979) 194-200. 5099 Coppens J., a) Le chapitre VII de Daniel. Lecture et commentaire: ETL 54 (1978) 301-22. - b) Dan 7,1-18 - Note additionnelle [7,7b]: ETL 55 (1979) 384. 5100 Delcor Mathias, Les sources du chapitre VTTrle Daniel < VT 18 (1968) 154-312:-> 293, Etudes 1979, 154-176. 5101 l 58s,4167: RCBQ 41 (1979) 459ss (J. J. Collins); JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 101s (F. C. F[ensham]); SBFLA 29 (1979) 359s (F. W. Grad/). 5110 Zevit Z., The Exegetical lmplications of Dan 8: 1 (&) 9:21: VT 28 (1978) 488-92. 5111 Schwantes S. J., 'Ereb Böqer of Dan 8,14 Re-Examined: AndrUnSS 16 (1978) 375-85. 5112 Doukhan Jacques, The Seventy Weeks of Daniel 9: an Exegetical

E9.2.2 Daniel 9...


Study: AndrUnSS 17 (1979) l-22. 5113 Grabbe L. L., Chronography in Hcllcnistic Jcwish llistoriography [ ... Demetrius; Millennial Week (... Dan 9:24-27); Four Metallic Ages/Empires; Ten Periods ... ] : ➔ 583, SBLSemPap 17 (1979) 43-68. 5114 Jaubert A., Fiches de calendrier [et Qumran: 1. Les trois semaines de Dan 10,2.3; 2. Les explorateurs de la Terre Promise en Nb. 13; 3. Le mercredi dans la tradition rabbin.]: ➔ 593, BiblETL 46 (1978) 305-11. 5115 Splett Jörg, Die theologische Dimension der Geschichte: ZKT 100 (1978) 302-17: Dan 10,13; Rom 4. 5116 Lachs S. T., A Note on the Original Language of Susanna [Daniel 13]: JQR 69 (1978s) 52ss. E9.4 Prophetae minores, Dodekapropheton. 5117 Bernini Giuseppe, Osea, Michea, Nahum, Abacuc2/Sofonia, Gioele, Abdia, Jona 2/Aggeo, Zaccaria, Malachia2, introd., note: Nuovissima versione 30ss. R 1977/1976/1977, Paoline. 437 p./278 p./360 p. 5118 Buckland R., Amos; Cole A., Haggai: 1976; Hewetson D., Joel; Newall P., Hosea: 1977: Bible Probe: a mini-commentary on the minor proph ets. Surry Hills NSW, Anzea. 47 p.; 41 p.; 40 p.; 38 p.; ill., maps. 5119 a) Myers Jacob M., The book of Hosea, the book of Joel, the book of Arnos, the book of Obadiah, the book of Jonah. (9th printing): The Layman's Bible commentary 14. Atlanta 1978, Knox. 176s. - b) Gailey James H. J, The book of Micah, the book of Nahum, the book of Habakkuk, the book of Zephaniah, the book of Haggai, the book of Zechariah, the book of Malachi. (5th printing): The Layman's Bible commentary 15. Atlanta 1977, Knox. 144p. 5120 Perez Castro Federico dir., El C6dice de Profetas de el Cairo, VII. Profetas menores, edici6n de su texto y masoras: TextEstCisn 20. M 1979, Cons. Sup. Inv. Cientifica. 186 p. 5121 Rudolph Wilhelm, Micha Nahum Habakuk Zephanja: KomAT 13/3 1975 [-oB 1977, Ev.-V.] ... 57,3384: RTLZ 103 (1978) 814s (G. 1·Vallis). 5122 Schneider D., The Unity of the Book of the Twelve: diss. Yale. NHv 1979. 5123 Simonetti Manlio, Note sul commento di Cirillo d'Alessandria ai Profeti minori: VetChr 14 (1977) 301-330. 5124 Sprenger Hans N., Theodori Mopsuesteni commentarius in XII. Prophetas: GötOrFor 5 = Biblica et Patristica 1. Wb 1977, Harrassowitz. vm-475 p. - RMuseon 91 (1978) 235-38 (A. de Halleux); OrChrPer 44 (1978) 210s (1. Ortiz de Urbina). 5125 Virgulin S. / Spinetoli 0. da, Oz doze profetas - Daniel: Introdu~äo a Biblia por T. Ballarini, tr. 0. A. Furlan. Petropolis 1978, Vozes. 282 p. RcBQ 41 (1979) 451s (J. F. Craghan). 51?.6 Weinfeld M., I!!] Late-Mesopotamian Propbecies: ShnatMi.lcr 3 (1978s) 263-76. 5127 Weiser Artur, Das Buch der zwölf kleinen Propheten 1. Die Propheten


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Hosea, Joel, Arnos, Obadja, Jona, Micha übersetzt und erklärt7: ATD 24/1. Gö 1979 1 1949, VR. 292p. DM21. 0 3-525-51223-6. 5128 Woude A. S. van der, Jona Nahum/Habakuk Zefanja: De Prediking van het OT. Nijkerk 1978, Callenbach. 152 p. f 49,50 (subscr. 45) / 162 p. f 49,50 (45). - RGereffT 78 (1978) 262s (C. Houtman).

E9.5.1 Osee, Hosea. 5129 Freedman David N., Problems of Textual Criticism in the Book of Hosea: -> 493, O'Flaherty W., Critical Study 1979, 55-76. 5129* Leeuwen Comelis van, Hosea2, De prediking van het Oude Testament 29. N~jkerk 1978, Callenbach. 307 p. 5130 Mejia Jorge, Amor, Pecado, Alianza. Una lectura del Profeta Oseas: Tcologia, Estudios y Documentos 1. 1977 -> 58s,4184: RCBQ 40 (1979) 410s (F. Ruck); RB 86 (1979) 295 (F. Gon9alves: non pour specialistes); TLZ 104 (1979) 650s (A. Diez Macho). 5131 Nebe G.-W., Eine neue Hosea-Handschrift aus Höhle 4 von Qumran [l,7-2,6 indicatur in tr. angl. H. W. Wolff Hos 1974: hie habemus 1,1223 hebr. comm.]: ZA W Ql (1Q7Q)292ss. 5132 Woiff H. W., A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Hosea, tr. G. Stansell, ed. P. D. Hanson: Herment:ia. Ph 1978 [= 1974, _, 56,2570 ... 58s,4187], Fortress. xxxn-260 p. $19.95.

5133 Deissler A., An mir findest du reiche Frucht. Meditationshilfen zum Hosea-Buch. 1977 -> 58s,4180: RßiKi 33 (1978) 105 (B. Kraus). 5134 Jüngling Hans-Winfried, Aspekte des Redens von Gott bei Hosea [inaug. St-Georg, Fra 1978: exorditur ab E. Jandl 1925, Wenn ottos mops kotzt, sagt otto: ogottogott]: TPhil 54 (1979) 335-59. 5135 Kümpel R., Die Berufung Israels. Ein Beitrag zur Theologie des Hosea 1973 -> 55,2510: RBz 19 (1975) 306 (J. Scharbert). 5136 Kulmigk Willibald, Nordwcstscmitischc Studien zum Hosenbuch: BibOrPont 27, 1974 ... 56,2564; 58s,4183: RJNES 37 (1978) 355-8 (W. Michel: excellent example of the 'Rome school' but with 'methodological modesty'). 5137 Lundbom J. R., Poetic Structure and Prophetie Rhetoric in Hosea: VT _29 (1979) 300-08. 5138 Studies on the books of Hosea and Arnos. Meetings (held at Stellenbosch Univ. 1964, Pretoria Univ. 1965): Die Ou Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap in Suid-Afrika 7s. Potchcfstroom 1964s, Pro Rege. 169 p. 5138* Niemczyk J. B., [fl Ozensz - Prorok niewzajemnionej milosci Bozej. Hosea der Prophet der unerwiderten Liebe Gottes: RoczTChrzAKT 15,1 (1973) 57-84.85. 5139 Utzschneider Helmut, Der Prophet vor dem Ende des Reiches Israel. Geschichtliche und institutionale Aspekte der Prophetie Iloseas: theol. Prom. Mü 1979. 5140 Wolff Hans W., Die Hochzeit der Hure: Hosea heute. Mü 1979, Kai-

E9.5.1 Prophetae minores: Osee, Hosea


ser. 246 p. DM 24 pa. 0 3-459-0123301. - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 129s (W. Bühlmann). 5141 Yeivin S., [H]De margine historico prophetiae Hosea et unitate linguae eius: BethM 25,80 (1979s) 38-40. 5142 Clines D. J. A., Hosea 2: Structure and Interpretation: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia 1978/9 I 83-103. 5143 Friedman M. A., [H]Israel's Response in Hos 2:17b: 'You are my Husband': BarllAn 16s (1979) 32-36.129s (angl.). 5144 Jeremias J., Hosea 4-7. Beobachtungen zur Komposition des Buches 1979, 47-58. Hosea: ➔ 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN 5145 Wharton J. A., Hosea 4:1-3 (Expository Article): Interpr 32 (1978) 7883. 5146 Paul S. M., [H] Hosea 8:8-10 massa· melek särim and Ancient Near Eastem Royal Titles [massa' = biltu 'tribute'; melek särim = sar sarräni ... ]: ➔ 154, Sefer s. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 309-17; (Fs.) eius (J 1978) 205. 5147 Diedrich Priedrich, Die Anspielungen auf die Jakob-Tradition in Hosea 12,1-13,1: Ein literaturwissenschaftlicher Beitrag zur Exegese früher Prophetentexte: Forschung zur Bibel 27, 1977 ➔ 58s,4199: RETL 54 (1978) 189 (J. Coppens); RB 85 (1978) 447 (R. Tournay); TLZ 104 (1979) 504ss (R Reventlow); TR 75 (1979) 19ss (H. Eising); ZAW 90 (1978) 140 (G. Fahrer: 'in lockerem Anschluss an W. Richter Exegese als Literaturwissenschaft'). 5148 Foresti F., Hos. 12, a Prophetical Polemic against the Proto-Eloh.istic Patriarchal Tradition: EphCarm 30 (1979) 179-200. 5149 Huonder Vitus, Israel Sohn Gottes: OrBibOr 6, 1975 ➔ 56,a213. RoLZ 74 (1979) 347ss (S. Wagner). 5150 Koet Bartholomeus J., 'Israel op de weegschaal', een aandachtige lezing van Hosea 12: Katholieke Theologische Hogeschool Amsterdam, examen 1978. 78 p. E9.5.4 Joel. 5151 Allen Leslie C., The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah. L 1978, Hodder & Stoughton [= Eerdmans 1976 ➔ 58s,4201]: 427 p. f:5.95. - Rinterpr 32 (1978) 88 (J. Bright); NBlackfr 60 (1979) 427s (H. F. G. Swanster). 5152 Ellu/ Danielle, Introduction au livre de Joel: ETRel 54 (1979) 426-37. 5153 Wolff Hans W., A Commentary on the Books of the Prophets Joel and Arnos [BK AT 1969 ➔ 51,2067], tr. ed. S. D. McBrideJ: Hermeneia. Ph 1977, Fortress. xxrv-393p. $22.95. - RAndrUnSS 17 (1979) 230 (W. H. Shea); CBQ 40 (1978) 257ss (F. L. Moriarty); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 177s (R. W. Klein); JTS 30 (1979) 238ss (J. Barton); Interpr 32 (1978) 314316 (J. L. Mays); ETRel 54 (1979) 464 (D. Lys); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 24 (M. McNamara). 23. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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5154 Schreiner Stefan, Partikularismus oder Universalismus? Exegetische Untersuchungen zu den Prophetenbüchem Joel - Obadja - Maleachi Jona: diss. Halle 1974. 158 p.

5155 [Joel 1,4) Baron S., The Desert Locust. NY, Scribner's [= L 1971, Methuen ➔ 53,8825): RscientAm 227 (1972) 227s (P. Morrison). 5156 Bennett L. V., Development of a locust plague: Nature 256 (1975) 486s, 3 fig. 5157 Waloft Z., Green S. M., Regularities in duration of regional locust plagues: Nature 256 (1975) 484s, 1 fig. 5158 Görg M., Eine formelhafte Metapher bei Joel [2,6) und Nahum [2,11) [qibbe,rupä'rür 'Hitze, Glut einsammeln' (= beschämendes Erröten); pll'rür < neoaeg. pi+ 'rr; akk.. aräru(m) II et 1,zrr]:BibNot 6 (1978) 1214. 5159 Schüngel P. H., Noch einmal zu qibbe,rupä'rür Joel 2,6 und Nah 2,11 [ ... beachte das Ausglühen des Topfes (nach dem Kochen) (Ez 24, 1-14) 'Jedes Gericht wird glühend rot']: BibNot 7 (1978) 29-31. 5160 Leeuwen C. van: 'lk :tal mijn geest uitstortl':n ... ' Jor:1 1, (vertaling 2:28-32), en Handelinaen 2: 17-21. lnaug.-Diss. Utrecht 1977. Nijkerk 1977, Callenbach. 32 p.

E9.5.7 Amos. 5161 Alexandre Jean, Parmentier Roger, Lire et ecrire la Bible. Traduction et transcription d'Amos: Dialogue 79s. P 1978, Mouvement Paix Jeunes. 53 p. F 14. - RETRel 54 (1979) 464ss (D. Lys: partage un peu schizophrene). 5162 Anderson Bernhard W., The Eighth Century Prophets: Arnos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah: Proclamation Commentaries. Ph 1978, Fortress. xvi+ 111 p. $3.50pa. - RchicTSemReg 69, 1 (1979) 49s (A. Lacocque). 5163 Bartczck Günter, Die Visionsberichte des Arnos - Literarische Analyse und theologische Interpretation: diss. Münster [1977 ➔ 58s,4205] (dir. E. Zenger): TR 74 (1978) 511. 5164 Basarab Mircea, Cartea profetului Arnos, introducere, traducere §i comentariu (diss.) = Studii teologice Bucure§ti 31 (1979) 391-571 [30 (1978) 715s, N. V. Dura]. 5165 Bergler Siegfried, Die hymnischen Passagen und die Mitte des Amosbuches. Ein Forschungsbericht: ev. Diss. Tü 1979. 249 p. 5166 Berridge J. M., Jeremia und die Prophetie des Arnos: TZBas 35 (1979) 321-41. 5167 Bonora Antonio, Arnos. 11 profeta della giustizia. Brescia 1979, Queriniana. 78 p. Lit. 3500. 5168 Cleary Francis X., The Interpretation of Suffering according to Arnos and Hosea: the Origins of Redemptivc Suffcring. Diss. Pontificiae Univ. Gregorianae 1978, dir. D. J. McCarthy. ➔ 58s,4178: DissA 40 (1979s) 158-C.

E9.5.7 Arnos


5169 Crenshaw Jimmy Lee, a) The doxologies of Arnos: A form-critical study in the history of the text of Arnos: diss. Vanderbilt, Nv 1964. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilm. - b) Hymnic Affirmations of Divine Justice. The Doxologies of Arnos ... 1975 ➔ 57,3350; 58s,4231: RscotJT 31 (1978) 187s (A. G. Auld); TLZ 103 (1978) 338ss (G. Wallis). 5170 Foulkes Francis, God's Message to the Nation: study guide to Arnos. Achimota, Ghana 1977, Africa Christian Press. 151 p., 2 maps. 0 0-85352318-5pa. 5171 Koch Hermann, Wenn der Löwe brüllt: die Geschichte von Arnos, dem Mann, der kein Prophet sein wollte: eine dramatische Erzählung3• Stu 1978, Junge Gemeinde. 342 p. 0 3-7797-0261-4. 5172 Leeuwen C. van, Quelques problemes de traduction dans les visions d'Amos: ➔ 115, Fs. A. HULST 1977, 103-112. 5173 Lass Nicolö M., Uso e valore dei nomi di Dio e dei nomi del popolo nel libro di Arnos: Salesianum 41 (1979) 425-440. 5174 Markert Ludwig, a) Arnos/ Amosbuch: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 471-87. b) Struktur und Bezeichnung des Scheltwortes ... Arnos: BZAW 140, 1977 ➔ 58s,4211: RcBQ 41 (1979) 141s (ß. F. Batto); JBL 98 (1979) 125s (J. Limburg); RB 86 (1979) 620ss (F. Gonfalves). 5175 Melugin Roy F., The Formation of Arnos: an Analysis of Exegetical Method: ➔ 581, Achterneier P., Seminar 1978, I 369-91; 361-7, H. N. Richardson, Arnos 2, 13-16. 5176 Niditch Susan, The Symbolic Vision Form in Biblical Tradition [Am Jer Zech]: diss. Harvard: HarvTR 71 (1978) 322. 5177 O'Neill D. M., The Attitudes of Arnos, Hosea, Jeremiah and DeuteroIsaiah Conceming the Man/God Relationship: A Study in Hebrew Monotheism: diss. Michigan State Univ. 1979 °7921177. 149 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2126s-A. 5178 Overholt T. W., Commanding the Prophets: Arnos and the Problem of Prophetie Authority: CBQ 41 (1979) 517-32. 5179 Ru.w:hefü:lga, Das Ru~h Arnos 1975 ➔ 57,3337: RTLZ 103 (1978) 7345 (H. Seidel). 5180 Schuttru.ff W. [➔ 54,2794; corr. Index], Der Prophet Arnos. Versuch einer Würdigung seines Auftretens unter sozialgeschichtlichem Aspekt: ➔ 526, Der Gott der kleinen Leute 1979, 39-66. 5181 Schultes Josef L., Herr ist sein Name, Ein Arbeitsheft zum Buch Arnos: Gespräche zur Bibel 9. Klosterneuburg 1979, Österr. KBW. 40 p. Sch 48/DM 7,20. 5182 Schutte J., Hihle Study on Arnos: ➔ 398, Bosch D., Church and Liberation, Pretoria 1977. 5183 Sievi J., Arnos und Mul;iammad 1977 ➔ 58s,4216: RzAW 90 (1978) 456 (G. Fohrer). 5184 Smalley W. A., Recursion Patterns and the Sectioning of Amos: BTrans 30 (1979) 118-127. 5185 Steinle Walter, Arnos, Prophet in der Stunde der Krise: Projekte und Modelle zum Dialog mit der jungen Ot:11eraliou 13. Slu 1979, Sleinkopt: 125 p. DM 16. 0 3-7984-0413-5. 5186 Tourn G., Arnos, profeta de la justicia ('Traducci6n R. Lopez. Version


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[VIII. Libri prophetici VT

original del hebreo de J. A. Soggin '). BA 1978, Tierra Nueva. 250 p. 5187 Wo(ff H. W., Wie verstand Arnos von Moreschet sein prophetisches Amt?: ➔ 596, Gö Congress 1977, VTS 29 (1978) 403-417. 5188 Zevit Z., Expressing Denial in Biblical Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew and in Arnos: VT 29 (1979) 505-09: Contrary to Y. Hojfman, 27 (1977) 21Os, lo' alone expresses absolute denial in Biblical Hebrew; but in posthellenistic Hebrew /8' ki, under the influence of [Q] ouch(. Thus Am 7, 14 is 'No (1 am not a hözeh) ! I am a niibf' '.

5189 Knierim Rolf P., 'I will not cause it [my anger] to retum' in Arnos 1 [= ➔ 58s,4224] Canon and Authority and 2: ➔ 273, Fs. W. ZIMMERLI 1977, 163sl75. 5189* Tschirschnitz A., [R] a) Wyroki liczbowe Amosa - Am 1,3-2,16 (Egzegeza): Arnos' Sprüche über die Nachbarn Israels und über Israel. Exegese. b) Die Visionen: Arnos 7,1-3.4-6.7-9; 8,1-13: RoczTChrzAkT 18,2 (1976) 93-116.116s; 17,2 (1975) 109s. 5190 Paul Shalom M., a) Arnos 3: 15 - Winler and Summer Mansions, [and Aram. Barrakab, Akkad. bit I ekal kuss1]; VT 28 (1978) 358-360. - b) Fishing Imagery in Arnos 4:2: JBL 97 (1978) 183-90. 5191 Williams A. J., A Furlher Suggestion about Arnos 4,1-3: VT 29 (1979) 206-11. 5192 Rector L. J., Israel's Rejected Worship: an Exegesis of Arnos 5 [Samaria et Bethel]: RestQ 21 (1978) 161-1'15. 5193 Dietrich M., Loretz 0., Ug. *'bs, tbs, hehr. *sbs (Am 5,11), sowie Ug. tsy und sbs: UF 10 (1978) 434s. 5194 Hirota K., An Interpretation of Arnos 5, 18-20: Kirisutokyo Gaku (Christian Studies) NS 20. Tokyo 1978, St. Paul's/Rikkyo Univ. 135 p. V 1000. 5195 [Arnos 5,18) Semen Petre, Sensul expresiei 'Iom Iahve' - 'Ziua Domnului' la Jl)rofetiiVT: Studii Teologice 30 (1978) 149-61. 5196 Barth Karl, Predigten 1913 [Arnos 5, 21-24 etc.] hg. U. & J. Fähler / 1914 [Mk 13,7] hg. N. Barth, G. Sauter: Gesamtausgabe I. Z 1976/74, Theologischer-V. xm-719p. / x1-668p. Je Fs 64. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 60913 (W. Feurich). 5197 Isbell C. D., Another Look at Arnos 5:26 [reconstruitur textus ope LXX; Riyün et sakkut attributa unius dei assyri Ninib]: JBL 97 (1978) 97-99. 5198 Osten-Sacken P. von der, Die Bücher der Tora als Hütte der Gemeinde: Arnos 5,26f in der Damaskusschrift: ZAW 91 (1979) 423-35. 5199 Ackroyd Peter R., A Judgment Narrative Between Kings and Chronicles? An Approach to Arnos 7,9-17: ➔ 273, Fs. W. ZIMMERLI[= 58s,4224] Canon and Authority 1977, 71-87. I K 13; 2Chr 25, 14-26. 5200 Gese H., Das Problem von Arnos 9,7: ➔ 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 33-8. 5201 Weiss M., [!!] These Days and the Days to Come according to Arnos 9,13: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 69-73, Eng. summ. 125*.

E9.6 Jonas


E9.6 Jonas. 5201* Bickerman Elias J., Quattro libri stravaganti della Bibbia. Giona, Daniele, Kohelet, Ester [Four Strange Books of the Bible 1967] tr. (a cura di) Fausto Parente: II mondo antico 6. Bo 1979, 254 p. ill. 5202 Devine J. D., A Journey with Jonah to Find God's Will for You. Glendale CA 1977, GURegal. 160 p. $2.95. 5203 Duval Y., Le livre de Jonas dans la litterature chretienne grecque et latine ... Jeröme: EtAug, 1973 ➔ 55,9616; 56,9732: Rstudi storico rel. 1 (1977) 197ss (R. Navarra). 5204 Fingert H. H., Psychoanalytische Studie über den Propheten Jona: Wegf'or 27s (1977) 180-92 < angl. Psychoanalytic Study of the Minor Prophet Jona: Psychoanalytic Review 41 (1954) 55-65. 5205 Fretheim T. E., a) Jonah and Theodicy: ZAW 90 (1978) 227-37 [ultimi versus defendunt gratiam Dei minus merentibus datam]. - b) The Message of Jonah, a Theological Commentary 1977 ➔ 58s,4249: RCBQ 40 (1978) 240s (J. L. Crenshaw); ReurrTMiss 5 (1978) 248s (C. Graesser 1); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 150 (G. 1. Emmerson); JBL 98 (1979) 432s (P. Trible). 5206 Kendall R. T., Jonah: Sermons preached at Westminster Chapel, L 1978, Hodder and Stoughton. 268 p. :t:4.95. - RThemelios 4 (1978s) 77 (R. M. Norris). 'i?fl7 T,andesG M, Jomih: A Masaf? [yes b\1t not exch1ding midrash]: --> 234, Fs. S. TERRIEN,Israelite Wisdom 1978, 137-158. 5208 Levine Etam, The Aramaic Version of Jonah 1975 ➔ 57,3365*; 58s,1213a: RBO 34 (1977) 376ss (L. Diez Merino); BZ 22 (1978) 302s (V. Hamp). 5209 Magonet J., Form and Meaning: Studies in Literary Techniques in the Book of Jonah 1976 ➔ 57,3366: RHeythJ 19 (1978) 302s (R. Murray). 5210 Maier Gerhard, Der Prophet Jona: Wuppertaler Studienbibel AT 4. Wuppertal 1976, Brockhaus. 109p. DM 18,80/12,80pa. 03-417-0061163/7-l. - 2 ed. 1979, 03-417-251201-6/301-2. 5211 Maillot A., Jonas ou Les farces de Dieu. Sophonie ou L'erreur de Dieu 1977 ➔ 58s,4254: RBbbOr 20 (1978) 305s (A. Passoni Dell'Acqua); ETRel 54 (1979) 469s (D. Lys); NRT 101 (1979) 423 (J.-L. Ska). 5212 Payne D. F., Jonah from the Perspective of its Audience: JStOT 13 (1979) 3-12. 5213 Price B. F., Nida E. A., A Translator's Handbook on the Book of Jonah: Helps for Translators, 21. Stu 1978, United Bible Societies. vm96 p. Schmidt Ludwig 'De Deo' [Jona]: BZAW 143, 1976 _. 2873. 5214 Treasure Geoffrey, Der Mann, der Nein sagte [The man who said 'No'], tr. W. Steinseifer: Taschenbuch 1402 ABC-Team Bibelkompass. Wu/Winterthur 1978, Brockhaus/Bibellesebund. 92 p. ill. DM 3,95. 034 l 7-2 l 402-5/03-87982-544-0. 5215 Vanoni G., Das Buch Jona, literar ... : ArbTextSprAT 7, 1978 ➔ 58s,4263: RJNWSemLg 7 (1979) 100 (F. C. F[ensham]); RB 86 (1979) 293s [R. Tournay, comprenant H. Witzenrath (aussi Jonas, aussi 1978;


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[VIII. Libri prophetici VT

avec la meme methode de W. Richter n'arrive pas aux memes conclusions) et d'autres de la meme ecole: beaucoup de stnic.ture, peu de contenu doctrinal]. 5216 Wiseman D. J., Jonah's Nineveh [Tyndale Bibl. Archaeol. Lecture 1977; several Assyrian documents invoked]: TyndB 30 (1979) 29-51. 5217 Witzenrath H., Das Buch Jona: ArbTSprAT 6, 1978 ➔ 58s,4265: RJNWSemLg 7 (1979) 100 (F. C. F[ensham]); RB 86 (1979) 293s (R. Tournay ➔ 5215). 5218 Wolff H. W., Jonah: Church in Revolt. 1978. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 60s (C. Graesser J).

E9.6.5 Michaeas, Micah. 5219 Gordon R. P., Micah 7: 19 [y{fs.bös'to forgive' and Akkadian kabäsu]: VT 28 (1978) 355. 5219* Herold Pierre, Michee, veritable annonciateur du salut d'Israel au 8e siecle: diss. Geneve, Univ., Faculte autonome de theologie protestante 1966. 115 p. 5220 Jeppesen K.nud, a) How the Book of Micah Lost its Tntegrity: Outline of the History of the Criticism of thc Bouk uf Micah with Emphasis un the 19th Century: ST 33 (1979) 101-131. - b) New Aspects of Micah Research [I]: JStOT 8 (1978) 3-32. 5221 Loretz 0., [J. Fitzmyer's] Fehlanzeige von Ugaritismen in Micah 5, 1-3: UF 9 (1977) 358ss. 5222 Maillot Alphonse, Lelievre Andre, a) Actualite de Michee 1976 ➔ 58s,4270: RETRel 54 (1979) 468s (D. Lys); b) Attualitä di Michea: un grande 'profeta minore', tr. U. Mattioli: StBibPaid 47. Brescia 1978, Pai2'17Egger Wilhelm, Kleine llibelkunde zum Neuen Testament. lnnsbruck 1978, Tyrolin. 160p. Sch 98/DM 14,80. 0 3-7022-1292-2. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 76s (S. Stohr). 5218 Fischer K. M., Zum gegenwärtigen Stand der neutestamentlichen Einleitungswissenschaft: VerkF 24,1 (1979) 3-35: G. Bornkamm, G. Haufe, H. Koester, W.-G. Kümmel, E. Lohse, P. Vielhauer, A. Wikenhauser, 197175. 5219 Foulkes Francis, Pocket Guide to the NT. Downers Grove IL 1978, InterVarsity. 160 p. $2.95/fl.25 pa. Introduction, not geography. 5280 Fowlet Henry T., The History and Literature of the NT: Religious Science and Literature. Westport CT 1979 = 1925, Greenwood. 443 p. 0 0313-21188-4. 5281 France R. T., A Bibliographical Guide to New Testament Research. Sheffield 1979, JStNT. 56 p. 5282 Frye R. M., Literary Criticism and Gospel Criticism: TTod 36 (1979s) 207-19. 5283 Genthe H. J., Kleine Geschichte der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Gö 1977, VR. 356 p., 15 pl. DM 19,80. - RTR 74 (1978) 285ss (H. Zimmermann); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 83 (J. Negenman). 5284 George Augustin, Grelot Pierre, a) Introduction critique au NT III, 5 volumes 1976s ➔ 58s,143-7: Rßz 23 (1979) 29lss (H. Ritt); CBQ 41 (1979) 335ss (D. J. Harrington); CC 129 (1978,4) 196s (X. Jacques vol. 1-2); CleR 64 (1979) 376s (C. Fitzsimons); EsprVie 88 (1978) 424ss (A. Viard vol. 3-4); ETL 55 (1979) 404-09 (F. Neirynck); ETRel 53 (1978) 149 (vol. 3); 54 (1979) 166ss (M. Bouttier); 634ss (J.-C. Ingelaere vol. 4); IndTSt 16 (1979) 131-37 (L. Legrand); NRT 100 (1978) 754-8 (X. Jacques vol. 3-5); RechSR 66 (1978) 311-4 (J. Guillet vol. 2); 67 (1979) 145 (J.-N. Aletti vol. 5); RThom 79 (1979) 140ss (M.-E Lauziere vol. 3-5);

Fl NT introductio


SciEspr 31 (1979) 104-7 (P.-E. Langevin); TLZ 104 (1979) 813-7 (W. G. Kiimmel). - b) Introduzione al NT, tr. a cura di R. Fabris [T-TI 1977 -• 58s,148): 3. Le Lettere apostoliche. 324 p. Lit. 7000. - 4. La tradizione giovannea. 316 p. Lit. 7000. - 5. Il compimento delle scritture. 234 p. Lit. 6000. R 1978, Barla. 5285 Grayston K., Recent Foreign Theology: The NT: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 20-25. 5286 Guthrie D., Motyer J. A., Commentario biblico III: Articoli introduttivi; Matteo-Apocalisse 1976 -,. 58s,4350: Rcc 130 (1979,3) 301ss (N. Uricchio). 5287 Harvey A. E., a) Something Overheard: an Invitation to the NT. Atlanta / L 1978, Knox / Bible Reading Fellowship. vm-88 p. $3.50 pa. - b) The New English Bible, Companion to the New Testament. Ox/C 1979, Univ. vm-850 p. f:6.95 pa. 5288 Hiebert D. E., An Introduction to the NT 1. The Gospels and Acts 1975 -,. 57,3513; 58s,141: RWestTJ 42 (1979s) 251ss (D. E. Johnson). 5288* Hier R. H., Reader's Guide to the NT. 1978. RßibTB 9 (1979) 43 (J. J. Megivern). Hunter Archibald M., The Gospel Then,and Now [18 carlicr articlcs] 1978 -,. 316. 5289 Introducci6n al Nuevo Testamento: Garcia-Gasco Vicente A., present.; Vargas Machuca A., sinopt.; Sa/as A., Pablo; Jauregui J., Hechos; Alonso Diaz J., ep. cat.; Vanhoye A., Heb.; Beneitez M., Juan. M 1976, Instituto Espafiol de Teologia a distancia. 2 cuadernos de 674 p. 5290 Jacques Xavier, Nuovo Testamento (rassegna bibliografica): CC 129 (1978,4) 193-208. 615-622. 5291 Jay Bernard, Le monde du Nouveau Testament: Collection Theologiqut: CLE. Yauuntle 1978, CLE. 224 p. 5292 John P. P., Understanding the NT Book by Book. Westchester IL 1977, Good News Publ. 137 p. $2.95. 5293 Juel Donald (Ackerman James S., Warshaw Thayer S.), An introduction to New Testament literature. NY 1978, Abingdon. 368 p.; Bibliog. p. 350-358. $13.95/$7.95 pa. 0 0-687-013610-7/1-5. - RCDQ 41 (1979) 654 (P. Zilonka); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 238s (F. A. Niedner 1). 5294 Kemmer Alfons, Das NT: eine Einführung für Laien: wie man die Bibel besser versteht 2 : Herderbücherei 562. Fr 1978, Herder. 239 p. 0 3451-07562-8. 5295 Kirchschläger Walter, Die Faszination des NTs: DiakMainz 10 (1979) 149-60; 210-15 Perspektiven zum NT: Neuerscheinungen. 5296 Kümmel Werner G., Einleitung in das NT 19 [= 17 1973 -,. 54,110 ... 58s,153 + 32 p. bibliog.] Heid 1978, Quelle & M. xix-580 p. 0 3-49400089-1. 5297 Leanza Sandro, I detti estracanonici di Gesu: dispensa. Messina 1976, EDAS. 104 p., figg. 5298 Lohse E., Die Urkunde der Christen. Was steht im NT? Stu/wB 1979, Kreuz. 190 p,, 28 pl. 2 maps. DM 24. 0 3-7831-0585-4. 5299 Machen J. Gresham, The NT, An Introduction to its Literature and History 1976 -,. 58s,154*: REvQ 50 (1978) 56s (F. F. Bruce).

Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)


[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

5300 McKenzie John L., Light on the Epistles / Gospels: A Reader's Guide. Notre Dame IN 1978, Fides; Claretian. 210 p./216 p. $4.95 pa. each. 5301 Marrow Stanley B., Basic Tools of Biblical Exegesis 1976 ➔ 58s,41: RcBQ 41 (1979) 164s (D. M. Schaler). 5302 Martin R. P., New Testament Foundations. A Guide for Christian Students, I. The Four Gospels [1975 --> 57,3526). II. Acts - Revelation. Exeter/GR 1978, Patemoster/Eerdmans. xiv-463 p. f:9/$11.95. - RAndrUnSS 17 (1979) 225 (S. Kuba); BZ 23 (1979) 293s (K. Müller: not really what the student needs); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 239 (Rob. Smith); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 94s (F. M. Young); VidJyo 43 (1979) 340s (J. Volckaert). 5303 MarX!ll!n Willi, Einleitung in das Neue Testament: eine Einführung in ihre Probleme 4., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. (24. - 29. Tsd.). Gü 1978 [11963), Mohn. 295 p. DM 28. 0 3-579-04444-3. - RNRT 101 (1979) 882s (X. Jacques). 5304 Merkel Helmut, Bibelkunde des Neuen Testaments. Ein Arbeitsbuch. Gü 1978, Mohn. 266 p. DM 28. 0 3-579-04031-6. - RBiK.i 34 (1979) 34s (M. Limbeck); JStNT 5 (1979) 75s (B. Chilton). 5305 Metzger Bruce M., Hsinyüeh taolun. Introduction to the New Testament [Nv 1965] tr. Su Ilui-ching. Hong Kong 1976, Chinese Christian Literature Council. 317 p. 5306 Nelson Robert S., Text and Image in a Byzantine Gospel Book in Istanbul (Ecumcnical Patriarchate, Cod. 3) [tcxt: thc pocms, thc four evangelists' symbols: close connection with Gospel prefaces]. - Diss. New York Univ. 1978 (dir. H. Buchthal). 481 p. 0 7824261. - DissA 39 (1978s) 3193-A. 5307 Perkins Pheme, Reading the New Testament: an introduction. NY 1978, Paulist Press. vi-342 p., maps; Bibliography: p. 313-318; Filmography: p. 319-325. $3.50 pa. 0 0-8091-9535-6. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 654s (P. Zilonka). 5308 Petersen Norman R., Literary Criticism for NT Critics [Roman Jacobsen's understanding of the communication-process]: Guides to Biblical Scholarship NT. Ph 1978, Fortress. 92 p. $3.25. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 346s (L. Cape); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 176 (Rob. Smith); Interpr 33 (1979) 422424 (E. V. McKnight); JAAR 47 (1979) 139s (B. Crawford); JBL 98 (1979) 600s (D. L. Barr). 5309 Pfammatter Josef, Katholische Jesusforschung im deutschen Sprachraum: --> 8971, [Wiederkehr D. al.] Zugänge zu Jesus 1978. 5310 Roberts J. H., Guide to the NT: I, A: Preamble; B: A. B. du Toit, Canon [Afrikaans] tr. D. R. Briggs. Pretoria 1979, Kerkboekhandel Transvaal. xiv-272 p., 3 fig., 3 pl. 0 0-7987-0206-0. 5311 Robinson J. M., Jesus as Sophos and Sophia: Wisdom Tradition and the Gospels: --> 57,?.689; 58s,3433, Wilken R. L., Aspects of Wisdom 1975, 1-16. 5312 Rolo.ff Jürgen, Neues Testament: Neukirchener Arbeitsbücher 1977 ..... 58s,159: RBLtg 51 (1978) 271 (A. Fuchs); Sal 40 (1978) 966s (G. Gamba).

5313 Schenke H.-M., Fischer K. M., (Bethge H.-G., Schenke Gesine), Einleitung in die Schriften des NTs. 2. Die Evangelien und die anderen neu-

Fl NT introductio


testamentlichen Schriften. B 1979, Ev. Verlagsanstalt. 360 p. DM 38 pa. 3-579-04075-8. 5314 Schierse Franz J., Einleitung in das NT: Leitfaden Theologie 1. Dü 1978, Patmos. 171 p. DM 13,80. 0 3-491-77598-1. - RNRT 101 (1979) 883s (X. Jacques); TPQ 127 (1979) 293 (S. Stahr); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 192 (J. Negenman). 5315 Schnackenburg Rudolf, Massstab des Glaubens: Fragen heutiger Christen im Licht des Neuen Testaments 1978 ➔ 362. 5316 Schürmann H., Orientierung am NT. Exegetische Gesprächsbeiträge [III]: KomBeiANT 1978 ➔ 58s,4425: RNRT 101 (1979) 893s (X. Jacques). 5317 Seidensticker P., Testi contemporanei al messaggio pasquale dei Vangeli. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 88 p. Lit. 2000. 5318 Senior D., The NT in Review [some books]: BToday 100 (1979) 192328; 102 (1979) 2054-64. Skilton John H., cd., Studying the NT Today 1974-9 -> 578. 5319 Unnik W. C. van, The Study of the NT in the Netherlands, 1951-1976 [ ... Appendix: theses neerl. de NT 1951-1975: 15-21]: ➔ 18, SupNT 47 (1978) 1-21. 5320 Vielhauer P., Geschichte der urchristlichen Literatur: Einleitung in das NT, die Apokryphen und die Apostolischen Väter 1975 .... 57,125; 58s,163: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 190-200 (D. Dehandschutter); JBL 96 (1977) 595-98 (R. L. Jeske); RechSR 67 (1979) 146s (J.•N. Aletti); SvEx 43 (1978) 128-32 (H. D. Betz). 5321 Ward R. A., Survey of the NT. Waco 1978, Word. 212 p. $7.95. 0 08499-0069-7. 5322 Weiser Alfons, Zentrale Themen des Neuen Testamentes: eine Handreichung für Schule und Erwachsenenbildung. Donauwörth 1978, Auer. 134 p. DM 9,80. 0 3-403-00895-9. 5323 Wiefel Wolfgang, 30 Jahre Arbeit am NT: Standpunkt 7 (1979) 1569. 5324 Wickenhauser A., Schmid J., Introducci6n al Nuevo Testamento: Bibl. Herder 56. Bare 1978, Herder. 1005 p. pt. 1750. - RAntonianum 54 (1979) 535s (Z. 1. Herman); Gregorianum 59 (1978) 753 (E. Rasco). 5325 Yashiro S., [Il NT introduction: Tomo sensho. Tokyo 1979. 205 p., ill. V 780. 0


Hermeneutica NT.

5326 Almeida Yvan, L'operativite semantique des recits-paraboles. Semiotique narrative et textuelle. Hermeneutique du discours religieux (Lv diss.): ....6092, BCILL 13, 1978. 5327 Aspekte van die Nuwe-Testamentiese hermeneutik: Nuwe-Testamentiese Werkgemeenskap van Suid-Afrika, Byeenskoms 6, 1970 = Neutestamentica 4 = Publikasie 35. Pretoria 1973 [➔ 57,3456; corr. Index sub voce Nuwe]. 0 0-620-00746-X. 5328 Basevi Claudio, San Agustin. La interpretaci6n del NT ... Pamplona



Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

1977, Univ. Navarra. 380 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 664s (S. Poque). 5329 Best E., From Text to Sermon [NT hermeneutic]. E 1978, St. Andrew. 118p. f:3.60. 5330 Breuss Josef, Was macht eine apostolische Schrift zum Evangelium?: DiakMainz 9 (1978) 160-73. 5331 Buechner Frederick, Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and Fairy Tale. SF 1977,. Harper & R. 98 p. $9.95. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 118 (J. Manz); Interpr 32 (1978) 327s (F. W. Hobbie, corr. ➔ 1438). 5332 Coughenour J. R., Karl Barth and the Gospel Story: a Lesson in Reading the Biblical Narrative: AndNewtQ 20 (1979s) 97-110. 5333 Crossan J. D., Raid on the Articulate: Comic Eschatology in Jesus and Borges. NY 1976, Harper & R. xvr-207 p. $10.95. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 644s (J. R. Donahue); JBL 97 (1978) 298s (J. H. Elliott); TS 38 (1977) 566s (N. J. McE/eney). 5334 Dodd C. H., Storia ed Evangelo 1976 ➔ 58s,4457b: Rcc 130 (1979,2) · 193s (N. Uricchio). 5335 Fowler Henry Thatcher, The history and literature of the New Testament: Religious science and literature series. Westport Conn. 1979 = 1925, Greenwood. 443 p. 0 0-313-21188-4. 5336 Fuchs E., a) Gott und Mensch im Text und als Text [in der Gemeinschaft mit Jesus] < ZTK 108-19: --+ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 321-334. - b) Neues Testament und Wort Gottes [I. Wort Gottes nls Thema des NT; II. als Thema unserer Existenz; Thesen] < TLZ 97 (1972) 1-16: ➔ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 133-150. 5337 Fuchs 0., Sprechen in Gegensätzen. Meinung und Gegenmeinung in kirchlicher Rede. Mü 1978, Kösel. 384 p. DM 38. 5338 Gonzalez Faus J. 1., Acceso a Jesus. Ensayo de teologia narrativa. Salamanca 1979, Sigueme. 226 p. - RRET 38 (1978!) 385-96 -> 8901. 5339 Hartman Lars, Att förstä en nytestamentlig text. Undersökningsmetoder och tolkningsresultat (inaug. Uppsala 1978): SvEx 44 (1979) 115-121 [To understand a NT text: research methods and consequence for interpretation]. 5340 Haulotte Edgar, Le 'texte' du Testament nouveau: ecriture et lecture d'une 'Revelation': --+ 452; 58s,223: La Revelation 1977, 79-148. 5341 Herczeg Päl, Az ujszövetsegi hermeneutika föbb alapelvei [Grundprinzipien NT Hermeneutik]: Theologiai Szemle 22 (1979) 321-4. 5342 Konstantinidis E. 1., [Q] Ta euangelika. Gospel-matters; the problem of expressing the NT in modern Greek ... since 1901. Athenai 1976, Graphie Arts. 358 p. 5343 Latourelle Rene, a) L'acces ä Jesus par les Evangiles: Histoire et hermeneutique 1978 ➔ 58s,5843; 0 0-88502-244-0: RAntonianum 53 (1978) 617-21 (J. Rezette); BibTB 8 (1978) 140 (L. Sabourin); CBQ 41 (1979) 342ss (J. M. Reese); EsprVie 88 (1978) 684s (L. Walter); ETRel 54 (1979) 694s (B. Sauvagnat); Greg 59 (1978) 439ss (ipse); HeythJ 20 (1979) 236 (G. S.); RThom 78 (1978) 657-660 (J.-P. Torrell); SR 8 (1979) 222 (P. Gui/lemette); TS 39 (1978) 773s (J. E. Bruns). - b) Finding Jesus through the Gospels: History and Hermeneutic, tr. A. Owen. Sta-

Fl.1 Hermeneutica NT


ten Island NY 1979, Alba. xvn-284 p. $6.95 pa. 0 0-8189-0379-1. 5344 Latourelle R., Pode-se 'chegar' a Jesus por meio dos Evangelhos?: RCuBib 2 (1978) 219-35. 5345 Leroy Herbert, Jesus: Überlieferung und Deutung [A. Schweitzer, R. Bultmann, E. Käsemann]: ErtFor 95. Da 1978, Wiss. vm-154p.; 139154 bibliog. DM 25 pa. 0 3-534-07039~9. 5346 McKnight E. V., Generative Poetics as NT Hermeneutics: ➔ 414, J. D. Crossan, Narrative Syntax 1978, 107-121. 5347 Navone John, The Jesus Story: Our Life as Story in Christ. Collegeville MN 1979, Liturgical. xn-244 p. $8.50. 5348 Navone John, Towards a Theology of Story [ ... travel stories: Exodus, Chrisl Sluries, Acls ... ]. Mitltlkgreen, Sluugh 1977, Sl. Paul Publ. 156 p. !3.25. - RBL (1978) 72 (D. J. A. Clines); Gregorianum 59 (1978) 442 (ipse); TS 40 (1979) 214 (E. Ferlita). 5349 Nicholls B. J., Contextualization: Theology of Gospel and Culture. Downers Grove IL 1979, InterVarsity. 72 p. $2.95. 5350 Page Ruth, The [Gospels'] Dramatization of Jesus: TLond 81 (1978) 182-9. 5351 Roscam Abhing P. J., Woude A. S. van der (red.), Grensgesprekken. Evangelie en wetenschappen. Ecn reeks beschouwingen ... Kampen 1969, J. H. Kok. 184 p. f 14.75. - RvoxT 41 (1971) 150 (P.S.A.L.). 5352 Russen George B., Narrative Gospels, compiletl and arranged chronologically 1977. 264 p. 5353 Steiger L., Erzählter Glaube. Die Evangelien. Gü 1978, Mohn. 272 p. DM 26. 0 3-579-04721-3. 5354 Stuhlmacher Peter, Vom Verstehen des NTs: eine Hermeneutik [des Einverständnisses mit dem, nicht Emanzipation vom, biblischen Text]: NTD, Grundrisse NT 6. Gö 1979, VR. 262 p. DM 24 pa. 0 3-52551358-5. - LuthKi 3 (1979) 126-30 (H. Günther). 5355 Wacker Bernd, Narrative Theologie? [ ... J. B. Metz; H. Weinrich; H. Zahrnt; L. Wachinger; H. Halb.fas; L. Ho.ff; E. Schillebeeckx; K. Barth; A. C. Dantos ... ]. Mü 1977, Kösel. 102 p. 5356 Zechner Andreas, Einblick in die Werkstatt der Evangelisten. Strukturanalyse der vier kanonischen Evangelien. Schwanberg, Österr. 1978, auct. 82 p. Fl.2 Origo Evangeliorum: The Origin of the Gospels. 5357 BarreauJean-Claude, a) Les memoires de Jesus. P 1978, Lattes. 229 p. - b) Die Memoiren von Jesus, nacherzählt ... tr. J. Abel. B 1978, Ullstein. 168 p. DM 19,80 pa. 0 3-550-06291-5. 5358 Bender H. S., These Are My People: The Nature of the Church and its Discipleships according to the NT. Scottdale PA 1962, Herald. vm126 p. $3.50. - RMenQR 37 (1963) 53-56 (W. Klassen). 5359 Bouttier M., Evangelium Christi, Evangelium de Christo: RTPhil 111 (1979) 123-39. 5360 Coenen L., Brown C., Kerygma: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 48-57-68. 5361 Egger W. Frohbotschaft ... : FraTS 19, 1976 ➔ 57,3737; 58s,4802:


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

RLaur 19 (1978) 156-61 (F. Raurell). 5362 .tstrada David, White William J, The First New Testament [7Q 5]; introd. J. O'Callaghan, p. 7-12. Nv 1979, Nelson. 144 p., ill. 5363 Frankemölle H., Evangelist und Gemeinde. Eine methodenkritische Besinnung [in 17 Thesen mit 'literaturwissenschaftlicher' Begrifflichkeit, namentlich Soziolinguistik und (Linguo-)pragmatik] (mit Beispielen aus dem Mt.-Ev.): Biblica 60 (1979) 153-196. 5364 Gerhardsson Birger, a) Evangeliemas förhistoria ... [manuscript ot] b) Die Anfänge der Evangelientradition, Ferienseminar 1976 --+ 58s,4469; and c) The Origins of the Gospel Tradition. L/Ph 1979, SCM/Fortress. 95 p. f:2.50/$6.50. 0 0-8006-0543-8; but d) Prehistoire des evangiles [= Die Anfänge] tr. A. Liefooghe: Lire la Bible 48. P 1978, Cerf. 125 p. - RNRT 100 (1978) 774s (X. Jacques); ScuolC 107 (1979) 165s (G. Giavini). - e) Le origini delle tradizioni evangeliche: STeolEv 2,5 (1979) 4108. 5365 Goulder M. D., The Evangelists' Calendar: A Lectionary Explanation of the Development of Scripture [ ... Luke, Matthew ... ]. L 1979, SPCK. xrv-334p. f:17.50. - RcleR 64 (1979) 377s (J. Redford); HeythJ 20 (1979) 307-10 (J. Derrett); TLond 82 (1979) 425-32 (C. F. Evans). 5366 Grech P., Le linee portanti del NT in funzione dell'annuncio: --+ 640, Zevlnl G., Inconlru 1978; 241-53. 5367 King J. S. E., The Earliest Face of thc NT. Recovering the Originals before their First Publication [with 96 pages displaced]. Ashhurst NT 1977 auct. (75 Mulgrave St.) vr-135 p. NZ$5.10. - RfapTim 89 (1977s) 350; NTAbstr 23 (1979) 340. 5368 Larson Martin, The story of Christian origins; or, The sources and establishment of Western religion. Wsh 1977, J. J. Binns. xx-711 p. 5369 Lohse Eduard, a) Die Entstehung des Neuen Testaments 3 ergänzt [21975 --+ 57,117]: ThWiss 4. Stu 1979, Kohlhammer. 159 p. DM 20 pa. 0 3-17005265-9. - b) Die Urkunde der Christen: was steht im Neuen Testament? Stu 1979, Kreuz. 190p., ill. 0 3-7831-0585-4. - c) Die Mitte der Schrift [ . . . und Wort Gottes; Kreuzestheologie, Messiasgeheimnis: Evangelium statt Gesetz, es eint und krilisierl die Schrift ... ] : BiWdl 16 (1976) 12-21. 5370 M~F.leney Nr:il J., Thr: Growth of the Gospels. NY 1979, Paulist. vm88 p. 5371 Maly Karl, Wie entstand das Neue Testament? 2 : Kleine Reihe zur Bibel 20. Stu 1976, KBW. 84 p., fig. DM 3,90. 0 3-460-10191-1. 5372 Manson T. W., The Sayings of Jesus. GR 1979 [= 1957], Baker. 352 p. $7.95. 5373 Marshall 1. H., The Origins of NT Christology 1976 --+ 58s,5860: RTZBas 34 (1978) 234s (E. L. Mil/er). 5374 Matura Thaddee, Le radicalisme evangelique aux sources de la vie chretienne: Lectio Divina 97, 1978 ➔ 58s,9246•: RETL 55 (1979) 175 (J. Coppens); ETRel 54 (1979) 300s (M. Bouttier); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 384s (J. Ga/ot); RSPT 63 (1979) 666 (A. M. Dubarle); SciEspr 31 (1979) 241 (F. Lariviere) --+ 9771. 5375 Robinson James M., Kerygma e Gesu storico [21967; 11959]: BiblTeol

Fl.2 Origo Evangeliorum: Origin of the Gospels


12, 1977 ➔ 58s,5677: RsacDoc 24 (1979) 158s (B. G. Boschi). 5376 Rubsys Anthony L., Raktas i Naujaji Testamenta (Lithuanian): A Key to the NT, I. The Church. Putnam CT 1978, Krikscionis Gyvenime. 394p. 5377 Sanders J. A., The Gospels and the Canonical Process: A Response to L. H. Silberman: TrinUnMonRel 5 (1978) 219-236. ~378 Schumacher J., Der apostolische Abschluss der Offenbarung Gottes: FreibTSt 114. Fr 1979, Herder. 336 p. ➔ 1821. 5379 Seil A. P. F., The F{eart of the Christian Gospel: lndJT 28 (1979) 1532. 5380 Sgubbi D., 11 Vangelo di Gesu Cristo. Faenza 1978, Copisteria FG. 118 p. Lit. 1500. 5381 Sz/aga J., [fl Themata principalia Evangelii Jesu: RuBi 32 (1979) 90104. 5382 Talbert C. H., What Is a Gospel? The Genre of the Canonical Gospels 1977 ➔ 58s,4525a: RßibTB 8 (1978s) 133s (J. P. Meier); CBQ 40 (1978) 450ss (J. D. Kingshury); ETRel 54 (1979) 302 (M. Bouttier); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 226 [C. S. Rodd: 'biography after all, but in a Hellenistic way' ... 'ordered structures impressive, ... not convincing']; Gregorianum 59 (1978) 752s (.T.Galot); Heyth.T 20 (1979) 448s (B. McNeil); Interpr 33 (1979) 215s (R. H. Hiers); JAAR 47 (1979) 312-314 (N. R. Petersen); JBL 98 (1979) 439s (P. L. Shuler); JStNT 3 (1979) 73-76 (R. T. France); JTS 30 (1979) 530s (R, Morgan); ScotJT 32 (1979) 585&(E. Bast); Tnblet 233 (1979) 10s (R Wansbrough); TLond 82 (1979) 300ss (J. K. Riches: a revolutionary thesis, the Gospels are fully in the genre of ancient biographies after all). 5383 Trites A. A., The NT Concept of Witness: SNTS Mon. 31, 1977 ➔ 58s,9117: RcBQ 40 (1978) 286s (D. L. Tiede); HeythJ 19 (1978) 443s (M. Ward); Interpr 33 (1979) 216s (D. E. Aune); SR 8 (1979) 221 (G. Johnston); TZ 35 (1979) 371s (W. C. Weinrich). 5384 Vajta V. Hg., Evangelium als Geschichte: Identität und Wandel in der Weitergabe des Evangeliums 1974 ➔ 56,2666; 58s,4366: RsvEx 43 (1978) 144s (A. Ekenberg). 5385 Wenham J. W., Gospel Origins: TrinityJ 7 (1978) 112-34. 5386 Wrege Hans-Theo, Die Gestalt des Evangeliums: Aufbau und Struktur der Synoptiker sowie der Apostelgeschichte [ ... Forschungsgeschichte; Passionsgeschichte; Mk 8,27-10,46ff; Messiasgeheimnis; Geistwort, Logion, strukt. Aufbau von Mt und 'L'; ... Hab.-Schr. Kiel 1976]: BeiBibExT 11. Fra 1978, Lang. 312 p. DM 66/Fs 49 pa. 0 3-261-02647-2. 5387 Zimmermann F., The Aramaic Origin of the Four Gospels. NY 1979, Ktav. XIV-244p. $17.50. 0 0-87068-434-5.


Historicitas, chronologia Evangeliorum.

5388 Aulen G., Jesus in Contemporary Historical Research... 1976 ..... 57,4245; 58s,5520: RBA 41 (1978) 79 (J. A. Bailey); ETRel 53 (1978) 595s (A. Gounelle); HeythJ 19 (1978) 304ss (C. Tuckett). 24. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

5389 Bruce F. F., Are the NT Documents Still Reliable? ChrTod 23 (1978) 88-93 [updating of bis 1943 Are the NT Documents Reliable?]. 5390 BurckhardtH., Wie geschichtlich sind die Evangelien?: Theologie und Dienst, 16. Giessen 1979, Brunnen. 39 p. DM 5,80. 5391 Chilton Bruce D., God in strength. Jesus' announcement of the _kingdom (diss. C 1976): SNTU B/1. Freistadt 1979, Plöchl. 347p. Sch 330. 5392 Le Christ a l'epreuve de l'histoire: Cahiers Theologiques 'Resurrection' 59. P 1978, Desclee. 102 p. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 510s (L. Walter). 5393 Gigon 0., Erwägungen eines Altphilologen zum NT. Ba 1972, Ev.Theol. Akademie. 20 p. 5394 Grant Michael, a) Jesus: an Historian's View of the Gospels 1977 ➔ 58s,5602: RcunTMiss 5 (1978) 181 (R. W. Roschke); JTS 30 (1979) 26265 (D. Nineham: thought-provoking, slipshod); Month 238 (1977) 176 (J. Crampsey); ScotJT 31 (1978) 95s (A. M. Hunter: dubia); b) Jesus, deutsch von H. J. von Koskull. Bergisch-Gladbach 1979, Lübbe. 334 p. DM 38. 0 3-7857-0243-4. 5395 Kern W., Glauhwürdigkeitserkenntnis durch Fundamentaltheologie?: TGegw 19 (1976) 24-35. 5396 Kimber Benjamin J., The Chrunulogical Scriptw·al Life of Jesus Christ gathered and takcn from thc King James Version of the Four Gospels and Acts. Modesto CA, cl 975. 112 p. 5397 Lambiasi Francesco, L'autenticita storica dei vangeli. Studio di criteriologia: Studi biblici 4. 1976 .....58s,690: RßbbOr 18 (1976) 300i; (G. Rinaldi); RasT 19 (1978) 410s (A. Cannizzo); RivB 26 (1978) 316ss (L. De Lorenz1); SBFLA 29 (1979) 382-5 (M. Buscemi); Studium 75 (R 1979) 132s (1. Di Iorio). 5398 Linton 0., Omdatering of nytestamentlige skrifter. I anledning af J. A. T. Robinson, Redating the NT, London 1976: DanTTs 41 (1978) 14560. 5399 Perrot Charles, Jesus et l'histoire: 'Jesus et Jesus-Christ' 11. P 1979, Desclee. 336 p. 5400 Robinson J. A. T., a) Can We Trust the NT? 1977 ➔ 58s,702: RAndrUnSS 16 (1978) 354s (S. Kubo); EvQ 50 (1978) 55s (F. F. Bruce); HeythJ 19 (1978) 444s (S. Greenha/gh); Interpr 32 (1978) 309 (J. A. Fitzmyer); Sal 40 (1978) 965s (G. Gamba); b) Redating the NT 1976 (L ➔ 57,123; Ph 1977) ➔ 58s,158: RAsbSem 33,5 (1978) 43ss (G. A. Turner); DanTTs 41 (1978) 145-60 (0. Linton); Henoch 1 (1979) 123-31 (L. Moraldi); HeythJ 19 (1978) 303s (Marcus Ward); HomPastR 79,3 (1978s) 53s; lnterpr 32 (1978) 309-13 (J. A. Fitzmyer); JBL 97 (1978) 294ss (R. M. Grant); JTS 30 (1979) 255-62 (J. V. M. Sturdy: 'an unconvincing tour de force'); NRT 101 (1979) 890ss (X. Jacques); RB 86 (1979) 281-7 (P. Benoit: tres serieux, documentation complete, autorites modernes tres respectables pour la plupart de ses datations apparemment retrogrades; 'franc-tireur' contre des 'modes' trop generalement acceptees a la legere); RRef 29 (1978) 119-26 (P. R. Jones); RThom 79 (1979) 142 (M.-E. Lauziere). 5401 Schmidt K. L., Die Frage nach dem Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu: Geschichtliches und Prinzipielles < Der Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu. (B

Fl.3 Historicitas, chronologia Evangeliorum


1919) 1-17: WegFor 411 (1979) 48-67. 5402 Scotland N. A. D., Can We Trust the Gospels?: Punchline 11. Exeter 1979, Paternoster. 54p. fü.60. - RsTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 138-44 (W. Nelson). 5403 Trisoglio Francesco, La storicita del Cristianesimo attraverso ai Sinottici: Rivista lasalliana 43,3/4. To 1977, Collegio S. Giuseppe [➔ 58s,4530]: Rcc 130 (1979,3) 433s (N. Uricchio). 5404 Wartick Wallace W., New Testament Evidences [revision of J. W. McGarvey, Evidences of Christianity]: Bible Study Textbooks. 1975, College Press. xxr-188 p. 5405 Wilken Robert, The Myth of Christian Beginnings. L 1979 = 1971, SCM. x & 218 p. !2.95.

Fl.4 Jesus historicus - The human Jesus. 5406 Aron Robert al., Genie en wereld, Jezus [Jesus: Genies et realites 1971 - 53,2998] tr. H. van der Burcht. Rasselt 1976, Heideland-Orbis. 286p. 5407 Augstein Rudolph, u) Jt'.:susfils de l'homme [➔ 54,3462] tr. M.-F. Demet, 1975 ➔ 57,4243; 58s,5519: RETL 55 (1979) 400-03 (A.-L. Desrnmps); b) Jesus Son of Man, tr. H. Young, 1977 .....58s,5519. 5408 Aulen G., Jesus in Contemporary Historical Research. Ph/L 1976, Fortress/SPCK. vm-167p. $7.95/!8.50 (➔ 57,4245; 58s,5520): RscotJT 32 (1979) 390s (R. S. Barbour). 5409 Baciocchi J. de, Jesucristo y el hombre de hoy [➔ 56,3563; 57,4246] tr. F. Martin: Creer y comprender sec. 2. M 1977, Marova. 144 p., pt. 250. 0 84-269-0353-3. 5410 Barclay William, Jesus as They Saw Hirn: New Testament Interpretations of Jesus. GR 1978, Eerdmans. 429 p. $4.95 pa. 5411 Bettscheider H. Hg., Das asiatische Gesicht Christi 1976 ➔ 58s,5727: RTR 74 (1978) 504s (H. Waldenfels). 5412 Bornkamm Günther, a) Jesus von Nazareth [➔ 42,1309]: Zehnte, neubearbeitete und ergänzte Auflage: Urban-Taschenbücher, 19. Stu 1976, Kohlhammer. 216 p. [= oB 1979, Ev.-V.]. - b) Qui est Jesus de Nazareth? 1973 ➔ 55,3254a; ... 57,4261; 58s,5544: MelScRel 35 (1978) 189s (L. Derousseaux); c) Gesu di Nazareth 2 1977 ➔ 58s,5544a; 150,2880: EphCarm 29 (1978) 527s (V. Pasquetto); d) Jesus de Nazaret 1975, ➔ 57,4261; 58s,5544b: Reurgense 19 (1978) 312ss (J. Caballero). 5413 Boscaro A., In Margine alla Vita di Gesu di E. Shüsaku [➔ 5471): AnFaLingCa'Fosc 17,3 (1978) 139-141. 5415 Braun H., Jesus of Nazareth. The Man and his Time [1969 ➔ 51,2632] tr. E. R. Kalin. Ph 1979, Fortress. xr-147 p. $6.95. 0 0-8006-0531-2. 5416 Brown R. M., Wer ist dieser Christus, der befreit und eint? [Vortrag, Vollversammlung des Ök. Rates, Nairobi 1975): BeihÖkRu 30 (1976) 724. 5417 Bruce F. F., The Time Is Fulfilled 1978 ➔ 58s,9455b: RVidJyo 43


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

(1979) 235 (P. M. Meagher). 5418 Burrows Millar, Jesus in the First Three Gospels 1977 ➔ 58s,5556: Rinterpr 33 (1979) 92-94 (G. R. Edwards). 5419 Caba J., El Jesus de los Evangelios 1977 ➔ 58s,5752: Roregorianum 59 (1978) 225s (ipse); RThom 79 (1979) 143 (M.-E. Lauziere). 5419* Casas Garcfa V., El hombre en los evangelios [ ... 2. El hombre Jesus de Nazaret: 314-30 ... ]: VerVid 35 (1978) 311-330. 5420 a) Chaynes Christiane, Une pedagogie de la personne. La pedagogie de Jesus d'apres les quatre Evangiles et les Actes des Apötres. Bru 1978, Foyer Notre-Dame. 112 p. - b) Bannon E., The Charism of Teaching: NT Indications: CleR 64 (1979) 431-36. - c) Jaeger W., Paideia Christi < ZNW 50 (1979) 1-14: WegFor 377 (1976) 487-502. 5421 Ciuba E. J., Who Do You Say That I Am? [1975 ➔ 57,4418] Bangalore: Theol. Publ. in India. xvu-112 p. Rs 10. - RVidJyo 43 (1979) 193s (J. Vo/ckaert). · 5422 Cochrane Charles C., Jesus of Nazareth in Word and Dccd. GR 1979, Eerdmans. xvi-133 p. $4.95 pa. 5423 Comblin J., a) Jesus of Nazareth: Meditations on His Humanity [Maryknoll 1976 ➔ 57,4272]. Dublin 1979, Gill & M. 167 p. f2.50. - b) Jesus de Nazarcth. Mcditaci6n sobre 1n vida y acci6n humana de Jesus. Tr. de M. del Perez Vicente: El pozo de Siquem, 3. Santander 1977, Sal Terrae. 107p. 5424 Cormier H., The Humor of Jesus [1974 ➔ 58s,5564]. NY 1977, Alba. 155 p. $4.95. - RTS 39 (1978) 508s (J. J. Feeney). 5425 Cupitt Don[➔ 291*], Jesus and the Gospel ofGod. Guildford / L 1979, Lutterworth. 103 p. f:5.50. _: RNBlackfr 60 (1979) 416-25 (Geoffrey Turner, The Image of the Invisible God). 5426 Dahl N. A., Jesus in the Memory of the Early Church 1976 ➔ 58s,4356: RCurrTMiss 5 (1978) 180 (R. Smith); Interpr 33 (1979) 96 (J. L. Price). 5421 Demke Christoph, Im Blickpunkt: die Einzigartigkeit Jesu 1976 ➔ 58s,5570: RIZBW 25 (1978s) 350s. 5428 Duke J. A., Dungan D. L., Thc Lifc of Jesus Scrics, cd. by L. E. Keck (Ph 1970, Fortress): RelStR 4 (1978) 259-73. 5429 Duling Dennis C., Jesus Christ through History. NY 1979, Harcourt-BJ. xn-324 p., 12 fig. $8.95. 0 0-15-547370-0. Dupont Jacques al., Conoscenza storica di Gesu 1978 ➔ 421. 5430 Egger Wilhelm, Nachfolge als Weg zum Leben. Klosterneuberg 1979, Österreichisches Kath. Bibelwerk. 317 p. DM 42 pa. 5431 Enoch S. Ifor, Jesus in the twentieth ccntury: D. J. James lectures. Swansea 1979, Pcnry. 36p. f0.50. 'delivered at the University College of Swansea'. 0 0-903701-21-9. 5432 Frankemölle Hubert, Jesus von Nazareth. Anspruch und Deutungen 1976 ➔ 57,4438; 58s,5588: RTLZ 104 (1979) 615s (G. Baumbach). 5433 Gibbons J. L., A Psychological-Exploration of Jesus' Use of Questions 111, un Interpersonal Mode of Co111111unication.Diss. Graduate Theol. Union 1979. 0 7917297. 177 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 912-A. 5434 Gnilka J., Die Evangelien und der historische Jesus: -> 607, Schriftaus-

Fl.4 Jesus historicus: the Human Jesus


legung dient dem Glauben, hrg. H. Kahlefeld 1979, 11-34. 5435 Greeven H., The Gospel Synopsis from l'J'/6 to the Present Day: ---+ 623, Orchard B., Synoptic and Text-critical Studies: SNTS Mon. 34, 1977: p. 22-49. 5436 Grollenberg Lucas, Jesus [Jezus 2 1974 -> 57,4659] tr. John Bowden. L 1978, SCM. 127 p. :El.95. - RTablet 232 (1978) 892s (H. Wansbrough); TLond 82 (1979) 213s (B. Heck, with bis Paul, also SCM 1978). 5437 Guillet Jacques, The Religious Experience of Jesus and his Disciples [cf. -> 58s,5798; 6225; 4474; 57,4457c]. Anthony Clarke Books, 1979. vm75 p. :El.75. 5438 Herbst Karl, Was wollte Jesus selbst?: Vorkirchliche Jesusworte in den Evangelien. Dü 1979, Patmos. 275 p. DM 29.80 pa. 0 3-491-77372-5. 5439 Hinnebusch Paul, Jesus, The New Elijah. AA 1978, Servant Books, 136 p. $2.95 pa. 5440 Holtz Traugott, Jesus aus Nazareth. oB 1979, Union-VOB. 123 p. M 6,20. 5440* Howes E. B., Moon S., The Choicemaker [largely about Jesus]: A Quest Book. Wheaton, IL 1977 [= 1973 Man the Choicemaker], Theosophical. 221 p. - RJBL 95 (1976) 661ss (J. Priest). 5441 Humburg Paul, Keiner wie er, Hg. Arno Page/. Marburg 1978, Francke. 270 p. 0 3-88224-028-8. 5442 Hunter A.-M., Jesus - Lord and Saviour 1976 -> 58s,5621: RcleR 63 (1978) 482 (J. Wiley). 5443 Jockwig Klemens, Briefe aus Galiläa. Limburg 1979, Lahn. 22 p., (col.) ill. DM 3. 0 3-7840-7516-9. 5444 Kasper W., a) Gesu il Cristo [-> 56,3655]: Bibl. Teol. Contemp. 23, 1975 -> 57,4481; 58s,5823: Nie 6 (1978) 199-203 (A. Marella). - b) Jesus eI Christo, tr. S. 'l'alavero 'J'ovar 1976 -> 58s,5823: RVerVid 36 (1978) 136s (B. Aperribay). 5445 Kealy J. P., Who Is Jesus ofNazareth? NY/L 1977, Dimension Books / Redemptorist. 260 p. f:3.25. - RCleR 64 (1979) 146 (R. Strange). 5446 Kee H. C., Jesus in History: an Approach to the Study of the Gospels 2 [revised to clarify NT social and cultural assumptions], 1977, 0 0-15547382-4: -> 58s,4481a: RExpTim 89 (1977s) 150s (1. H. Marshall). 5447 Kurz P. L., Jesus, geheime Bezugsgestalt: Eine Sichtung gegenwärtiger deutscher Literatur: Orientierung 43 (1979) 14-16. 5448 Kuschel Karl-J., Jesus in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur [diss. Tü (dir. H. Küng): TR 74 (1978) 512], Vorwort W. Jens: ÖkTheol 1. Z/Gü 1978, Benziger/Mohn. 385 p. DM 39. 0 /3-579-04479-6. - RTPQ 128 (1978) 102 (D. Kaindlstorfer). 5449 Lamberigts S., Dit boek gaat over Jezus. De Evangelien: verstaan, biddcn, bcsprckcn, lcvcn [< Encontro com o quaito evangelho 1975]: Tielt/Amst 1978, Lannoo. 276p. Fb 340. 0 90-209-0718-2. 5450 Leroy IT., Jesus, Überlieferw1g wu,l Deu~ung, Da 1978, Wiss. 154 p. 5451 Lopez Meh'is Justo, Alternativa de valientes (Encuentro y Respuesta en el Evungclio). M 1978, P.P.C. 203 p. 0 84-288-0438-9. 5452 McDowell Josh, Mais que un carpinteiro [do orig. ingles]. Venda Nova, 1978, Betänia. 190 p.


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[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

5453 McKenna David L., The Jesus Model. Waco, TX 1977, Word Books. 182 p. $6.95. 5454 Marshall I. H., I Believe in the Historical Jesus 1977 -> 58s,5646: RCBQ 40 (1978) 440 (L. J. Topei); STeolEv 4 (1979) 145-49 (M. Clemente). 5455 Messori V., Jesus Hypotheses. A Joumalist's Investigation of the Jesus Problem [-> 58s,5651]. L 1978, St. Paul. ix-218 p. f:1.75. -> 5620. 5456 Meyer Ben F., The Aims of Jesus. L 1979, SCM. 335 p. f9.50/$32.80. - RCleR 64 (1979) 413 (E. Doyle); NBlackfr 60 (1979) 284s (F. Kerr); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 36s (L. Johnston); Tablet 233 (1979) 429 (H. Wansbrough). 5457 Misner Paul, The Historical Jesus: Two Views of his Significance for Twentieth Century Christianity: -> 628, Ryan T., Critical History 1979, 177-207. 5458 Moule C. F. D., The Christ of Experience and the Christ of History: TLond 81 (1978) 164-72; cf. 195-201, J. Drury. 5459 Moxnes H., Jesus som utfordring [challenge], 'Problemet den historiske Jesus' i norsk deball eller 1953: NurTTs 80 (1979) 1-18. 5460 No/an A., Jesus before Christianity [ ... Proto-Luke] 1978 -> 58s,6039: RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 182s (D. Hamm); ScriptB 8 (1978) 46s (G. Barraclough); Tablet 231 (1977) 647 (H. Wansbrough). 5461 O'Collins Gerald, What Are They Saying about Jesus? 1977 -> 58s,5874a: RJAAR 46 (1978) 88 (P. Snell). 5462 Panagopoulos Joannes, [Q] Ho prophetes: Der Prophet von Nazareth. 1973 -> 54,3667; 55,3472b. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 270s (N. Walter: vorkritisch). 5463 Parente F., La storicizzazione della figura di Gesu e l'opera di H. S. Reimarus: Annali Pisa lett. filos. 3/6 (1976) 147-208 [cf. 58s,5665]. RRHPR 58 (1978) 447 (A. Moda). 5465 Robertson A. T., Types of Preachers in the NT. Nv 1979 [= 1922], Broadman. ix-238 p. $3.95 pa. 5466 Robinson J. A. T., Jesus and His Coming. Ph 1979 [= 1957], Westminster. 192 p. $6.95. 5467 Schlatter Adolf, Jesus, der Christus: 8 Aufsätze; Einführung, Rainer Riesner: ABC-Team; 927: Glauben und Denken. Giessen 1978, Brunnen. 101 p. DM 12,80 pa. 0 3-7655-2927-3. 5468 Schmid Heini, Erkenntnis des geschichtlichen Christus bei Martin Kähler und bei Adolf Schlatter: TZBas Sonderb. 5. Ba 1978, F. Reinhardt. XVI-456p. Fs 68. 0 3-7245-0389-X. 5469 Schnackenburg Rudolph, Christ, Present and Coming [four Advent sermons for collegians]. L 1978, SPCK. 72 p. fl.50. 5470 Schumann Erich, Begegnung mit Jesus. oB 1977, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. 20 p. M 0,20. 5471 Shusaku Endo, A Life of Jesus [Il 1973 13 1975 (= ital.) -+ 58s,5695], tr. Richard A. Schuchert. New York/Ramsey/Toronto: Paulist Press, 1978. v-179p. $9.95.-> 5413. 5472 Smit J., Jezus, hoeksteen of struikeblok? Wat zijn verhaal ons te zeggen heeft. Hilversum 1978, Gooi & S. 192 p.

Fl.4 Jesus historicus: the Human Jesus


5473 Smith David, The Days of His Flesh: the Earthly Life of our Lord and Saviour-Jesus Christ. GR 1976 (= 1905 with Foreword, P. L. Maier), Baker. 549 p. $8.95. 5474 Stein R. H., The Method and Message of Jesus' Teachings. Ph 1978, Westminster. xiv-188 p. $7.95. 0 0-664-24216-2. - RHeythJ 20 (1979) 451s (L. J.); WestTJ 42 (1979s) 253s (J. L. De Villiers). 5475 Strecker Georg, a) Das Evangelium Jesu Christi < Fs. H. CONZELMANN, Jesus Christus 1975, 503-48: --> 370, Eschaton 1979, 183-228. - b) Die historische und theologische Problematik der Jesusfrage < EvTh 29 (1969) 453-76: --> 370, Eschaton 1979, 159-182. 5476 Trutwin Werner, Messias, Meister, Menschensohn: ein Jesusbuch. Dü 1978, Patmos. 191 p., (col.) ill. DM 29. 0 3-491-77617-1. 5477 Ulke K.-D., Das Interesse des Jesus von Nazareth [ ... der sich für das 'irdische' Leben ohne Vorurteile gegenüber Andersgesinnten interessiert ... ]: WissWahrh (1973) 21-28. Vargas-Machuca A. ed., Jesucristo en la historia y en la fe 1977 --> 634. 5478 Waterman Leroy, The Religion of Jesus: Christianity's unclaimed heritage of prophetic religion. Westport CT 1978 "' 1952, Grccnwood. 251 p. 0 0-313-20586-8. 5479 Wegman H. A. J., a) De liederen van Huub Oosterhuis over Jezus van Nazaret: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 124-46; 146 summ. Jesus in the lyrics of HO (tr. D. Le Fort); b) Wie zegt Willem Bamard dat Jezus is?: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 390 '111, summ. 412 Jesus in thc [Dutch Rcform.cd] hymns of ... (D. Le Fort). 5480 White R. E. 0., The Stranger of Galilee [35 gospel episodesJ. L c1977, A. James. 152 p. B.95. - RExpT 89 (1977s) 383. 5480* Wiemer Rudolf 0., Er schrieb auf die Erde: Begegnungen mit dem Mann aus Nazareth. Fr 1979, Herder. 116 p. 0 3-451-18471-0. 5481 Wittmann Emma, Kommt und seht II. NT: Taschenbücher Siebenstern 308. Gü 1979. 5482 Zimmermann Hans-Jürgen, Rebsch Bernhard, Mit Jesus leben. Wetzlar 1978, Schulte. 64 p. DM 2,80. 0 3-87739-610-0. 5483 Zimmermann Heinrich, a) Jesus Christus: Geschichte und Verk.ümligung2 [11973 --> 55,3332). Stu 1975, KBW. 319 p. + Beilage, Die Christushymnen. DM 12 pa. 0 3-460-30771-4.; b) Gesu Cristo. Storia e annuncio. 1976 --> 57,4383; 58s,5719*. - Rsal 40 (1978) 194 (A. Amato).

Fl.5 Jesus et Israel - Jesus the Jew. 5484 Abrudan D., Crc~tinismul si mozaizmul in perspectiva dialogului interreligios [Christianismus et Mosaismus in perspectiva dialogi interreligiosi]. Diss. Institutul Teologic Universitar din Bucure:,ti 1978. - RSTBuc 30 (1978) 716ss (N. V. Dura: Thesis exspectatur in Mitrap. Ardealului 1979, fase. 1-2). 5485 Bammel Ernst, Sadduzäer und Sadoqiten: ETL 55 (1979) 107-115. 5486 Barth Markus, Jesus the Jew. Atlanta 1978, J. Knox. 96 p. $6.95. RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 241 (H. Rowold).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

5487 Berger K., Die Gesetzesauslegung Jesu 1972 ➔ 54,3124; ... 58s,5962: RHenoch 1 (1979) 404ss (L. Moraldi). 5488 Carmignac Jean, Le NT a la lumiere des documents de la Mer Morte: Tant qu'il fait jour. P 19,174 (1977) III-VI; ibid. 17,151 (1975) IV-VII A. Caquot, Les manuscrits. 5489 Casalegno A., Da Israele alla Chiesa: un cammino di apertura al 'diverso'. Rivelazione biblica e inculturazione: CC 130 (1979,1) 116-132. 5490 Coggins R. J., Samaritans and Jews 1975 ➔ 56,7136; 58s,b199: RRB 85 (1978) 317s (M.-E Boismard). 5491 Cook M. J., Jesus and the Pharisees - the Problem as it Stands Today (Sympos. Louisville 1976): JEcuSt 15 (1978) 441-60. 5492 Derrett J. D. M., Gesu m.aestro della legge [ConoscRel (1974) 49-63]: ➔ 296, Studies NT II, 76-91. 5493 Diez Macho A., La lengua hablada por Jesucristo. M 1976 = OrAnt 2 (1963) 95-132 rev. p. 96. 0 84-7072-053-8. - Rsefarad 76 (1976) 387-90 (E. Martinez Borobio). 5494 Epp Eldon G., Jews and Judaism in The Living New Testament: ➔ 148, Fs. W. LA SüR 1978, 80-96. 5495 Ettmnycr L., Der theologische Ort Israels in der Botschaft Jesu. Diss. Im1sbrnck 1979, dir. N. Kehl. 155 p. 5496 b'vans C. F., Ooulder and the Oospels [M1drash/Mt 19·14 ➔ ':Jo,2793; Evangelists' Calendar 1978 ➔ 53651: T Lond 82 (1979) 425-32. 5497 Fitzmyer J. A., a) Thc Scmitic Bnolcground of the NT Kyrios Title [r. Palestinian Semitic Secular, Hellenistic Pagan, Jewish Religious Background. rr. The Original Application of the Kyrios-Title to Jesus. III. Implications for Jesus]: ➔ 303, A Wandering Aramean: SBL Mon 25 (1979) 115-42 < germ. Jesus Christus in Historie und Theologie, Fs. H. Conzelmann (Tü 1975) 267-98 ➔ 57,4436b. - b) The Study of the Aramaic Background of the NT [r. Aramaic as a Language of Jesus; n. Aramaic Names, Words, Phrases Preserved in the NT; III. Aramaisms in NT Greek; IV. Mistranslations; v. Aramaic Literary Forms ... VII. Jewish Literary Traditions in the NT; vm. Aramaic Epistolography] < BiblETL 40 (1975) 73-162: ➔ 303, A Wandering Aramean 1979, 1-27. 5498 Flusser David, a) Jesus en sus palabras y en su tiempo [➔ 57,4282; 58s,5587] tr. Jose Corell; Pr6logo de Joaquin Losada: Epifania 23. M 1975, Cristiandad. 164p. - b) Jesus: Bibi. Studi Storici 7, 1976 ➔ 57,4282a; 58s,5587: RsacDoc 24 (1979) 155s (B. G. Boschi). 5499 Grelot Pierre, L'esperance juive a l'heure de Jesus: 'Jesus et JesusChrist' 6. Paris 1978, Desclee. 272 p. 5500 Barrington D. J., God's People in Christ: NT Perspectives on the Church and Judaism. Ph 1979, Portress. $6.50 pa. ➔ 9412. 5501 Hausner H. H., Worte des Juden Jesus: Fragment über das 'Reich Gottes'. W 1979, E. Schwarz. 349 p. Sch 270 pa. 5502 Hili David, Jesus and Josephus' 'messianic prophets': ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 143-54. 5503 Illman Karl-Johan, Thuren Jukka, Der Herr ist einer, unser gemeinsames Erbe: Meddelanden frän stiftelsens für Abo Akademie Forskningsinstitut, 47. Abo 1979. 136 p.

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5504 Küng H., Lapide P., Jesus en debat [➔ 57,4311]: Verse et controverse, prcscnt. J. Dore. P 1979, Bcnuchesne. 76 p. - Rsidio 12,2 (1979) 31s (A. M. Nouailhac). 5505 Klijn A. F. J., Patristic Evidence for Jewish Christian and Aramaic Gospel tradition: ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 169-77. 5506 Krauss Samuel, Das Leben Jesu nach Jüdischen Quellen. Hildesheim 1977 = 1902, Olms. vm-310 p. 5507 Lapide Pinchas E., Luz Ulrich, Der Jude Jesus: Thesen eines Juden, Antworten eines Christen. Z 1979, Benziger. 174 p. Fs/DM 18,80pa. 0 3545-25045-8. 5508 Lapide P. E., a) Ist das nicht Joseph's Sohn? [Mt 13,35]: Jesus im heutigen Judentum 1976 ➔ 57,4313a; 58s,5639b: RMerleg 14 (1978) 283s. b) Fils de Joseph? Jesus dans le juda'isme d'aujourd'hui et d'hier [57,4313] tr. R. Kremer, M.-J. Pierre: Jesus et Jesus-Christ 2. Tournai/P 1978, Desclee. 192 p. Fb 295. 0 2-7189-0106-3. 5509 Lightfoot J., A Commentary on the NT from the Talmud and Hebraica 1. Place Names in the Gospels; 2. Matthew-Mark; 3. Luke-John; 4. Acts-I Corinthians. GR 1979 = 1859 [from 1658-74 Horae hebraicae et tnlmudicne, intl'Od. R. L. H,zrris], Bnker. 384 p.; 480 p.; 454 p.; 314 p. 5510 McNamara Martin, a) The NT and the Palestinian Targum to the Pen tatt:uch 2 [= 1 1966 with Supplement comaining Additions and Currections]: AnBib 27A. R 1978, Biblical Institute Press. xxiv-303 p. Lit. 13.500/$17. - b) Additions and Corrections to NT and Palestine Targum 1966 [apart from AnBib 272] R 1978, Biblical Institute. p. 287-303, Lit. 1500/$1.90. - c) I targum e il NT: StBib 5. Bologna 1978, EDB. 229 p. . RRivB 27 (1979) 439s (G. Ghiberti). 5511 McNamara M., Targum and Testament: Aramaic Paraphrases of the Hebrew Bible, a Light on the NT 1972 ➔ 54,933 ... 57,914: RJQR 69 (1978s) ll 7ss (B. Gross.feld). 5511* Maier J., Jesus von Nazareth in der talmudischen Überlieferung: ErtForsch 82. Da 1978, Wiss. xvn-367 p., 2 foldouts. DM 59. 0 3-534-049012. - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 119s (C. Thomas). 5512 Manns Frederic, Une priere judeo-chretienne dans le Canon romain (angelus portet oblata): Antonianum 54 (1979) 3-9. 5512* Moeller R., The Legacy of Zion: Intertestamental Texts Related to the NT 1977 ➔ 58s,4392: Rinterpr 33 (1979) 218s (H. Boers). 5513 Morin E. al., L'Evenement Jesus dans les structures de la societe juive: Dossiers libres. P 1978, Cerf. 174 p. F 23 pa. 0 2-204-01249-1. 5514 Mul F., Van synagoge tot nieuwtestamentische eredienst. Enschede 1979, Boersma. 103 p. ➔ Bouyer 6893. 5515 Myczkowski J., Histoire de deux religions ou l'Enigme de Moise et de Jesus. P 1972, Paris-Standing. 156 p. F 15. 5516 Noack Bent, Jesus Ananiasson og Jesus frä Nasaret. En drnftelse av Josefus, Bellum Judaicum VI,5,3: Tekst og Tolkning 6, 1975 ➔ 57,4328; 58s,2465: RTsTK.i 49 (1978) 68s (H. Kvalbein). Petuchowski J. J., Brocke M., a/., The Lord's Prayer and Jewish Liturgy 1978 ➔ 6016; [58s,6106] cf. ➔ 5489, 5514. 5517 Sandmel Samuel, a) Judaism and Christian Beginnings. NY 1978, Ox-

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[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

ford. xvn-510 p. - b) A Jewish Understanding of the NT. L 1977, SPCK. XXXIV-336 p. f:4.75. - RHeythJ 20 (1979) 76s (M. Ward). - c) Anti-Semitism in the NT? Ph 1978, Fortress. xxi-168 p. $9.95. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 497s (G. S. Sloyan); JAAR 47 (1979) 446s (A. J. Saldarini). - d) Neudecker R., Das NT in jüdischer Forschung: eine Würdigung für Samuel Sandmel (4.IX.1979): FreibRu 31 (1979) 39-43. 5518 Schubert Kurt, Jesus a la lumiere du Judai:sme du premier siede [-> 56,3534] tr. A. Liefooghe: Lectio Divina 84, 1974 .....57,4353; 58s,5690: RETRel 54 (1979) 297s (M. Bouttier). 5518* Siegel B., The Controversial Sholem Asch, an Introduction to his [sympathetic NT-based] Fiction. Bowling Green, Ohio, 1976, Popular Press. xi-313 p. - RJQR 68 (1977s) 121s (L. Nemoy). 5519 1H]Sipre ha-Berit he-~zadasa, New Testament, a new translation: United Bible Soc. J 1976, Yanetz. 645 p. - RETRel 53 (1978) 563s (D. Lys). 5520 Slomp J., Was Jesus' Ministry Confined to Israel? Al Mushir 16 (Rawalpindi 1974, Christian Study Centre) 79-87. 5521 Sloyan G. S., Is Christ the End of the Law?: Biblical Perspectives on Current Issues 1978 ➔ 58s,6864: RßibTB 9 (1979) 42 (C. H. Drexler); CBQ 41 (1979) 352s (C. Bernas); TS 40 (1979) 209 (M. S. Burns). 5522 Strack Hermann L., Billerbeck Paul, Kommentar zum NT aus Talmud und Midrasch [1922-8; reprint]: 3. Briefe-Offenbarung (Billerbeck). Mü 1979, Beck. 857 p. DM 95. 0 3-406-02727-X. 4. Exkurse zu einzelnen Stellen des NTs; Abhandlungen zur neutestamentlichen Theologie und Archäologie. 1978. vi-610 p. + p. 612-1323. DM 148. 0 3-406-02729-6. - 5s. Rabbinischer Index: Verzeichnis der Schriftgelehrten; Geographisches Register, hg. Joachim Jeremias, Kurt Adolph. 1979. xm-300 p. DM 62. 0 3406-02731-8. 5523 Treves M., Trois esperances [des israelites y compris chretiens (regne de Dieu, regne de l'Oint, evenements eschatologiques) confuses dans le NT]: CahRenan 26 (1978) 126-33. 5524 Vermes Geza, a) Jesus the .Tew1973 .....55,3329; ... 58s,5710: RJQR 70 (1979s) 125s (L. Landman). - b) Jesus le Juif: les documents evangeliques a 1'epreuve d'w1 historien: •Jesus et J.-C.' 4. P 1978, Desclee. 298 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 298s (M. Bouttier); RechSR 66 (1978) 350s (A. Paul). 5525 Viviano B. T., Study as Worship: Aboth and the NT [diss. 1976 ..... 58s,9121]: StJudLatAnt 26. Ld 1978, Brill. xi-227. 5526 Westerholm S., Jesus and Scribal Authority: ConBibNT 10, 1978 -> 58s,6075: RCBQ 41 (1979) 505s (L. J. Topei); EvQ 51 (1979) ll0ss (1. H. Marshall); SvTKv 54 (1978) 139s (ipse); 55 (1979) 30ss (R. Kiejfer); TR 75 (1975) 197s (P. Schäfer).


Jesus in Ecclesia - The Church Jesus (~ 8839-9019).

5527 .Acquistapacc P. (Galbiati E.) ed., 11 Vnngclo di Gcsu Cristo 1977 , 58s,4532: RTerSa 54 (1978) 65ss (N. M. Lugaro). 5528 Albrecht E., Zeugnis durch Wort und Verhalten ... NT: TheolDiss 13,

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1977 ➔ 58s,8944: RcBQ 40 (1978) 260s (E. Schüssler Fiorenza). 5529 Anderson Robert, The Gospel and Its Ministry. Reprint. GR 1978, Kregel. x-212 p. $3.50 pa. 5530 Barbaglio Giuseppe, Bibbia e chiesa: ➔ 891; 58s,2622: Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 68-78 [➔ supra 1698-1790]. 5531 Barclay W. t 1978, a) Great Themes of the NT, ed. C. Rodd. Ph 1979, Westminster. 116 p. $4.95 pa. - b) By What Authority? L 1978. RThemelios 5 (1979s) 33 (N. M. de S. Cameron). 5532 Barth K., Kristus ja me kristityt [Christus et nos christiani]. Suomentanut J. Sinrajoki: Pisara-sarja, 7. Hel 1978, Kirjaneliö. 56 p. 5533 Bastian Hans-Dieter, Kommunikation. Wie christlicher Glaube funktioniert: ThemT 13. Stu 1972, Kreuz. 173 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 536ss (H. Schulz). 5534 Breuning Wilhelm, Glaube/Jesus Christus: ➔ 575, G. Sauter, Warum Christen glauben 1979, 59-79 / 80-98. 5536 Chmiel J., [Kl Lectio S. Scripturae ut oratio: RuBi 31 (1978) 22-27. 5537 Dalbesio A., 11 Vangelo. Leumann-Torino 1979, Elle Di Ci. 222 p. Lit. 2800. 5538 Dostaler Paul, Evangile d'amour et de liberte. Sens retrouve. Interpretation renouvelee (Commentaire en face du texte): Breches a l'Evangile dans l'Eglise. Montreal 1977, Bellarmin. 550 p. 5539 Exbrayat Idebert, Le risque de la foi2. Lausanne 1977, Ligue pour la Lecture de la Bible. 160 p. 5539* Fitzmyer J. A., Jesus the Lord: ➔ 421*, A Pastoral Guide to the Bible, ed. by G. J. Dyer (Dublin 1979) 105-114. 5540 Forde G. 0., 'Sä og pä jorden ... ': om Luthers evangelieforstäelse [' ... et in terris ... '. De Lutheri conceptione evangelii], tr. H. Moxnes. Oslo 1978, Land og Kirke/Gyldendal. 145 p. 5541 Fries H., Das Kirchliche Lehramt und die exegeti!lche Arbeit: .... 607, Schriftauslegung dient dem Glauben, hrg. H. Kahlefeld 1979, 56-90; cf. 91-98, .T.Strauss. Schriftauslegung als ökumenische Aufgabe. 5542 Hahn Ferdinand, Kertelge Karl, Schnackenburg Rudolf, Einheit der Kirche: Grundlegung im NT: QDisp 84. Pr 1979, Ilerder. 132 p. DM 24,80 pa. 0 3-451-02084-X. 5543 Harkness G., Understanding the Kingdom of God 1974 ➔ 56,5521; 57,4662: RAndrUnSS 14 (1976) 256s (S. Kubo). 5544 Hauerwas S. M., Jesus: the Story of the Kingdom (1978 Bellarmine Lecture): TDig 26 (1978) 303-324. 5545 Heaele G., Jesus - Programm des Glaubens [der 'pragmatisch-funktional' nach seiner gegenwärtigen Bedeutung fragt]. Gelnhausen 1976, Durckhardthaus-Verlag .... DM 9,80. - REvErz 29 (1977) 322s (H. Schröer). 5546 Hegermann H., Der erhöhte Herr in der exegetisch gerichteten neutestamentlichen Darstellung: ➔ 607, Schriftauslegung dient dem Glauben 1979, 35-55. 5547 Hinson E. G., Jesus Christ [first volume of eight on Christianity USA: Faith of our Fathers: deals with OT, NT background and contents, and diffusion until 400 A.D.]. Wilmington NC 1977, Consortium/McGrath.


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XVI-187p. $9.50. 0 0-8434-0620-8 (0 0-8434-0633-X pa.). 5548 Holtz Traugott, Kenntnis von Jesus und Kenntnis Jesu. Eine Skizze zum Verhältnis zwischen historisch-philologischer Erkenntnis und historisch-theologischem Verständnis (Luther-Ak. Tagung, Torgau 1976): TLZ 104 (1979) 1-12. 5549 Houlden J. L., Patterns of Faith: a Study in the Relation between the NT and Christian Doctrine [ ... the partiality of views of the various NT witnesses ... ] 1977-> 58s,8644 = 9415: RHeythJ 19 (1978) 311ss (J. Coventry); Interpr 33 (1979) 217s (E. E. Ellis). 5550 Hunter Archibald M., Jesus, Lord and Saviour. [L 1976 -> 58s,5621]. GR 1978, Eerdmans. vr-182 p. $3.95 pa. 5551 Jens Walter Hg., Assoziationen: Gedanken zu biblischen Texten I. Stu 1978, Radius. 209 p. DM 24 pa. 0 3-87173-535-3. 5552 Kaye B. N., The Supematural in the NT 1977 -> 58s,8649: RcleR 64 (1979) 262s (J. Wiley). 5553 Kern Walter, Jesus - Mitte der Kirche. Innsbruck 1979, Tyrolia. 160p. Sch 110/DM 16,80 pa. 0 3-7022-1334-1. 5554 Knauer P., Der Glaube kommt vom Hören: Ökumenische Fundamentaltheologie. Graz 1978, Styria. 336 p. - RTS 40 (1979) 180s (A. Duffes). 5555 Korchagin Klym (in Ukrainian) Blahovtst spastnta . .. Messaggio di salvezza, meditazioni sul Vangelo: Ukrai"nska duchuvna bibliuteka. R 1975, Vid-vo Vasilian. 261 p. 5556 Lasz/6 L., IMIMit dem Wort des Zeugnisses [ ... Jesus der treue und wahre Zeuge ... ]: Szolgälat 37 (1978) 16-24. 5558 Maass F., Was ist Cp.ristentum? Tü 1978, Mohr. 148 p. 5559 McCombie F., Jesus and the Leaven of Salvation: NBlackfr 59 (1978) 450-62. 5560 Martini Carlo M., Letture dei Vangeli e interpretazione ecclesiale: Presenza Pastorale 48 (1978) 629-640 (= 11-22). 5561 Menoud 0. H., Jesus-Christ et la Foi, recherches neotestamentaires 1975-> 57,3451; 58s,4399: REstBib 35 (1976) 118s (J. Alonso Diaz). 5562 Moltmann J., The Church in thc Power of thc Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology 1977 -> 58s,8563: Rinterpr 33 (1979) 301-04 (M. D. Meeks). 5563 Motikat Lutz, Die Inanspruchnahme der mündig gewordenen Welt durch Jesus Christus. Die Fragestellung und ihre Entwicklung in der Theologie des späten Bonhoeffer: Diss. Greifswald 1977. 268 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 920ss. 5564 Müller P.-G., 'Jesus ja - Kirche nein'. Die Frage im Licht der neueren exegetischen Methodik: TPQ 126 (1978) 129-37. 5565 Myskow J., L'apologetique et l'recumenisme: ColcT 46,5 (num. spec. 1976) 25-44; 39ss fere de NT. 5566 Niccacci Alviero, La fede nel Gesu storico e la fede nel Cristo risorto: Antonianum 53 (1978) 423-442. 5567 Ochagavia J., EI poder de Cristo: TVid 20 (1979) 295-309. 5568 Packer J., The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ: Some Evangelical Reflections: The Churchman 92 (1978) 101-111.

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5569 Pasquetto Virgilio, Messaggio spirituale dei Vangeli. R 1978, Rivista di vita spirituale. 341 p. 5570 Phillips Mickey A., A Theological Analysis of Suffering as a Christian Lifestyle in the New Testament: diss. Southem Baptist Theological Seminary 1978. 5571 Pietraszko J. (episcopus), [f] Pn l!/adach Slowa Hoief.?O ... In pursuit of the Word of God; Cycle A homilies. Krakow 1979, Polskie Towarzystwo Teologiczne. 228 p., zl 130. 5572 Roldan Viller A., Valoraciön de la fe, a la luz de las respuestas de Jesucristo en los Evangelios (Reflexiones en orden a un recto ecumenismo): VerVid 36 (1978) 483-508. 5573 Rovina Belloso Josep M., Worin besteht die Heiligkeit Jesu von Nazarct?, tr. V. Drasen-Segbers: Conc-D 15 (1979) 565-71. - Quelle est la saintctc de Jesus de Nazarclh ?, tr. J. Dumont: Conc-P 15/149 (1979) 1728. - Qual e la santitä di Gesu di Nazaret?, tr. L. Bianchi: Conc-lt 15 (1979) 1483-97. 5574 Sauer E., [M]A megfeszitett diadala ... II trionfo dcl Crocifisso: la storia della salvezza neotestamentaria; edizione abbreviata. Stu 1973, Ev. fzatmissziö. 180 p. 'i'i7'i S~heele Pm1l-Wf':mf':r,Alles in Christus [12 (7 schon 1969-76) quasi-exegetische] Theologische Beiträge T. Pd 1977, Bonifacius. 214 p. DM 24. RzKT 100 (1978) 373 ([W.] K[ern]). 5577 Schürmann Heinz, Die Mitte des Lebens finden: Orientierung für geistliche Berufe. Fr 1979, Herder. 144 p. DM 18,50. 0 3-451-18749-3. 5578 Selby P., Look für the Living 1976 - 57,7231"'; 58s,6388b: RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 180s (N. Metzler). 5579 Sesboüe Bernhard, Jesus-Christ a l'image des hommes. Breve enquete sur les deformations du visage de Jesus dans l'Eglise et dans la societe: Croire aujourd'hui. P 1978, Desclee de Brouwer/Bellarmin. 161 p., map. 5580 Sproul R. C., Knowing Scripture [ ... 'the proper use of the mspired Word which the Christian possesses' ... ]. Downers Grove IL 1978, InterVarsity. 125 p. - RThemelios 4 (1978s) 69s (M. Schneideman). 5581 Stuhlmacher Peter, Class Helmut, Das Evangelium von der Versöhnung in Christus. Stu 1979, Calwer. 88 p. DM 9,80 pa. 0 3-7668-0623-8. RFreibRu 31 (1979) 127 (P.-G. Müller). 5582 Taylor T. (1576-1632) Christ revealed, 1635 facsim., introd. R. A. Anselment. Delmar NY 1979, Scholars' facsmiles. xx-339 p. 5583 Thomas Joseph, Jesus dans l'experience chretienne: Christus 52. P/Montreal 1979, Desclee de Brouwer/Bellarmin. 280 p. 5584 Wedderburn A. J. M., The New Testament as the Church's Book [inaug. St. Andrews 1976s]: ScotJT 31 (1978) 23-40. 5585 Wilcken John, The Gospel and the Church's Teaching Role. Melboume 1977, Polding. vm-91 p. A$1.45. - RcleR 64 (1979) 107s (J. Hadley). 5586 Wojtyla Karol [danach Johannes Paulus II], Zeichen des Widerspruchs. Besinnung auf Christus [Vatikan-Exerzitien 1976]. Z/Pr 1979, Benziger/Herder. 237 p. DM 26.


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5587 Austad Torleiv, Er kristendommen en ideologi?: TsTKi 49 (1978) 81-93 [Christianismus non est ideologia sensu hodierno, sed exercet functiones ideologico-criticas]. 5588 Bentley J., Prometheus versus Christ in the Christian-Marxist Dialogue: JTS 29 (1978) 483-94: Marx told bis daughter bis greatest prototype was Prometheus: (p. 488) 'in Jesus the Bible once again sets out ... a Promethean rebellion of which there are many traces in the OT'; so also E. Bloch. 5589 a) Berto G., La gloria [=11 Vangelo secondo Giuda (l'lscariota)]. Mi 1978, Mondadori. 194 p. L 5000. - b) Grasso D., 'La gloria' di Gius. Berto: CC 129 (1978,4) 570-74: e Gesu al di sotto del mediocre. - c) [:;i:] Panas Henryk, The Gospel According to Judas [[Rl Wedlug Judasza 1973, Pojezierze] tr. M. E. Heine. L 1977, Hutchinson. 254 p. - RcleR 63 (1978) 436 (D. Forrester). 5590 Bowman F. P. Le Christ romantique ... : Histoire des idees et critique litteraire 134, 1973 ➔ 56,a637: RJAAR 43 (1975) 416ss (J. S. Patty). 5591 Burgess A., L'homme de Nazareth, Roman, tr. G. Beimont, H. Chabrier. P 1977, T.affont. 353 p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 600ss (X. Jacques). 5593 [cf. Biffi, 11 quinto evangelio]: a) Pomilio M., 11 quinto evangelio. Mi 1975, Ruscon.i. 400 p. Lit. 3800. - b) Cipriani Settimio, Alcune considerazioni 'teologiche' su '11 quinto Evangelio' di M. Pomilio: RClerlt 56 (1975) 690-93 [= 57,7033a]. - c) Galli S., Provocazione cristiana di Pomilio / Zucchini G. L., '11 quinto evangelio' di M. Pomilio: Humanitas 30 (Brescia 1975) 406-10/401-5. - d) Pomilio M., Le cinquieme evangile, Roman, tr. H. Louette. P 1977, Fayard. 400 p. F 59. - REsprVie 87 (1977) 301-4 (C. Jean-Nesmy); NRT 99 (1977) 475 (S. H .... ). - e) Pomilio M., Das fünfte Evangelium. Salzburg 1977, Otto-Müller-Verlag. REntschluss 32,5 (1978) 30s (P. K. Kurz). 5594 Cnockaert A., Christ: nouveaute et tradition: Telema 4,16 (1978) 2540. 5595 Cook M. L., The Call to Faith of the Historical Jesus: Questions for the Christian Understanding of Faith [after three more-psychological analyses]: TS 39 (1978) 679-700. 5596 Dietzfelbinger C., Jesus Christus und die Weisen aus dem Abendland. Metzingen 1978, Brunnquell. 240 p. DM 10.80 pa. 5597 Dolto Frani;:oise, interpelee par G. Severin, a) L'evangile au risque de la psychanalyse [sc. 'rien du message du Christ n'etait en contradiction avec les decouvertes freudiennes' p.18; I, 1977. 184p. F35 ➔ 58s,730] II P 1978, Delarge. 183 p. F 39. - RNRT 101 (1979) 597-600 (X. Jacques); NVet 53 (1978) 78ss (G. Boissard). - b) The Jesus of Psychoanalysis: a Freudian Interpretation of the Gospel, tr. H. R. Lane. Garden City NY 1979, Doubleday. 166 p. $7.95. - c) Psicanalisi del Vangelo. Mi 1978, Rizzoli. 157 p. - Rcc 130 (1979,1) 101s (F. Giunchedi). - d) Giavini G.,_ Caglio A., Un biblista e uno psicologo di fronte alla 'Psicanalisi dcl Vangelo' di F. Dolto e G. Severin: ScuolC 107 (1979) 142s. 144-47.

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5598 Dumeige G., Medccin (Lc Christ): - 871, DictSpir 10,66s (1978) 891901. 5599 Evdokimov Paul, Christus im russischen Denken tr. H. Blersch: Sophia, Quellen östlicher Theologie 12. Trier 1977, Paulinus. 263 p. DM 29,80. 5600 Fiedler P., Jesus und die Sünder [Diss. Freiburg i.B. 1975 ➔ 57,4643a]: BeiBibExT 5, 1977 ➔ 58s,5983: RTLZ 104 (1979) 656-660 (T. Holtz). 5601 Gonzalez Ruiz J. M. [Fictional but founded on NT]: Evangelio ap6crifo segun San Simon el Zelota: Nuevas Fronteras. M/Barc 1977, Marova 0 84-269-0362-2 / Fontanella 0 84-244-0435-1. 5602 Gray D., New Consciousness, New Life: A Reflection from the Christian Community Salvation [Jesus the Mystic]: JDharma 4 (1979) 10412. 5603 Guerrero Jose-R., EI otro Jesus. Para un anuncio de Jesus de Nazaret, hoy 1976 .....58s,5606: RsacDoc 24 (1979) 452s (M. Laconi). 5604 Hanneman-Dijkstra Maria, The Plot. Solution of the Mystery of Jesus ·of Nazareth. NY 1978, Vantage. 43 p. - RAntonianum 54 (1979) 529ss (Z. I. Herman). 5605 Haufe Günter, Das Kind im NT: TLZ 104 (1979) 625-38 [151-mal, 95 lit. - aber in keinem NT Theol-Sachregister]. 5606 The Hero Pattern and the Life of Jesus: 25th colloquy protocol, Dec. 12, 1976, CHH. Berkeley CA 1977, GTU/Univ./Dundes. 98 p. $3. 0 089242-024-3. 5607 Hick J., Jesus and the World Religions: [ ... more. influence outside the church of Jesus as 'the man of universal destiny' ... ]: The Myth of God lncarnate: Hick 1977 [-> 58s,5872] 167-85. 5608 Hili D., NT Prophecy: Marshall's Theological Library. L 1979, Marshall-MS. 241 + XIV p. f6.45. 5609 Jansen Albert, Marx oder Jesus? Antworten als Hilfe zur Lebensbewältigung: Telos 258. Stu-Neuhausen 1975, Hänssler. 103 p. DM/Fs 4,80. 0 3-7751-9436-4. 5610 Jonquieres Guido, Jesus, un Mesias diferente: TVida 17 (1976) 35-47. 5611 Kern Walter, Jesus, marxistisch und tiefenpsychologisch: [➔ NT Theol. Wiederkehr D. al.] Zugänge zu Jesus: Theologische Berichte 7. Z 1978, Benziger. 5612 Kodalle Klaus-M., Unbehagen an Jesus: eine Herausforderung der Psychoanalyse an die Theologie. Olten 1978, Walter. 176 p. DM 22. 0 3-53089350-1. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 187 (W. Beilner). 5613 Lamet P. M., Los nuevos films sobre Jesus. De la Pasi6n, de Lumiere, al Gesu, de Zeffirelli, pasando por el 'Superstar'. Luces y sombras del eine biblico: Vida Nueva n.1122 (18-III-1978) cfr. CuBib 34 (1977!) 194-202 (A. Torez). 5614 L6pez de la Heras L., Literatura paracientifica en tomo a la Biblia y a Cristo [E. von Daeniken, Barcelona 1974 y 1976; P. Misraki, Bare.]: CuBib 34 (1977) 179-94. 5615 Machovec Milan, a) Jesus für Atheisten 1972 ➔ 54,3528 ... 58s,5642: RLVie 27,137 (1978) 138s. b) Jesus pour lcs athccs tr. F. Via/: 'Jesus et J.-C.' 5. P 1978, Desclee. 303 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 299s (M. Bouttier).


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- c) A Marxist Looks at Jesus 1976 -> 57,4317; 58s,5642: Rlnterpr 33 (1979) 415ss (E. M. Huenemann); JAAR 46 (1978) 92s (W. B. Tabum). 5616 McCrossen V., The Two Loves: Mary Magdalene, Judas Iscariot. NY 1979, Philosophical. 383 p. $12.50. 5616* Malinski M., Ecce homo: Erzählungen von 4 Augenzeugen: Pilatus, Judas, Hanna, Maria Magdalena, [< Swiadowie Jezusa] tr. W. Grycz, T. Mechtenberg 2• Fr 1979, Herder. 207 p. 5617 Mancinelli Germano, I giomali di Gerusalemme al tempo di Gesu. Perugia 1979, Frate Indovino. 238 p. Lit. 5000. - Along the lines of 'Israel's Chronicles', puts the ancient facts in the form of items of newspapers ima&ined to exist then. 5618 Mun.:hesun M., Mentalitä e ca.rattere di Gesu e di Maria. Sorprendenti novita della prima analisi psicologica dci Vangcli1 (rcv.): Collczionc psicologica 4. Mi 1979, Istituto di Indagini Psichologiche. 448 p. Lit. 8000. 5619 Mardini A., 11mito primordiale del cristianesimo. Mi 1976, Scheiwiller. 192 p. Lit. 3000. 5620 Messori V., Jesus Hypotheses [Ipotesi su Gesu 1976-> 5455; 58s,5651]. L 1979. - KTablet 233 (1979) 429s (H. F. G. Swanston). 5621 Mfguez Bonino Jose, Cristiani e marxisti (incl. prospettivii hihlicii ANT) 1976 -> 58s,9226: Rsa1 40 (1978) 212ss (V. Miano). 5622 Mills James R., The Gospel accor 58s,867: RVidJyo 43 (1979) 44s (J. Dupuis). 5624 Miserandino Anthony, An introduction to the New Testament through behavioral objectives. Wsh 1977, University Press of America. vrn-68 p. 0 0-8191-0331-4, 5625 Nicholls B. J., The Exclusiveness and Inclusiveness of the Gospel. Some Reflections on Contemporary Trends towards Universalism in the Asian Context: Themelios 4 (1978s) 62-69. 5626 Pikaza X., Evangelio de Jesus y praxis marxista 1977-> 58s,871: RGregorianum 59 (1978) 420s (J. Galot); RelCult 24 (1978) 275s (Rafael de la Torre). 5627 Rohrbach Hans, Mit dem Unsichtbaren leben: unsichtbare Mächte und die Macht Jesu 2 : Christsein heute, ABC-Team 72. Wu 1978 [' 1976 -> 58s,6186*], Brockhaus. 119 p. 0 3-417-12072-1. 5628 Saudray N., Le maitre des fontaines. Roman [palimpseste de 377 decouvert et disparu deconcerte la Curie romaine]. P 1978, Denoel. 248 p. F48. - RNRT 100 (1978) 941s (S. H.). 5629 Schacke Martin, Gesetz und Glaube, ich oder Christus [=?-> 359, Ein Jurist liest die Bibel]: Telos 236. Lahr-Dinglingen 1979, St. Johannis. 96 p. DM 4,80. 0 3-501-00236-X. 5630 Schnider Franz, Jesus der Prophet (cath. diss. Rg dir. F. Mussner): OrbDibOr 2. Gö 1973, VR. 298p. _,. 55,3500; 58s,5911: Rßo 35 (1978) 438s (M. de Junge). 5631 Schoonfield Hugh J., Der lange Weg nach Golgatha: Jesus von Nazareth, Mensch und Messias lThe Passover Plot 1%5 -> 48,291/ ...

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56,406517; cf. 57,4899]: Sachbuch 63034. Bergisch-Gladbach 1978, Bastei-Lübbe [=Planziel Golgatha: Wirschaft-Verlag]. 301 p. DM 5,80. 0 3404-01040-X. 5632 Schumann 0. H., Der Christus der Muslime 1975-> 58s,5915: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 612 (A. A. Roest Crollius). 5633 Smith Morton, Jesus the Magician [App.: The Pharisees in the Gospels; B: Jesus versus the Prophets]. NY 1977 / L 1978, Harper & Row / Gollancz. 1x-222p.; 211-220 bibliog. $12.95. 0 0-575-02484-4. - RAmerica 138 (1978) 468 (D. J. Harrington); CBQ 41 (1979) 658-61 (S. Freyne); JAAR 47 (1979) 321s (B. Crawford); NBlackfr 60 (1979) 283s (F. Kerr); Tablet 232 (1978) 1042s (H. Wansbrough); TS 39 (1978) 813 (L. F. Badia). 5634 Te Seile, E., Christ in [Evolutionary] Context: Divine Purpose and Human Possibility 1975 -> 56,3763; 57,4588; 58s,5928: REncounter 37 (1976) 91-101 (D. R. Griffin). 5635 Thaidigsmann E., Falsche Versöhnung: Religion und Ideologiekritik bei dem jungen Marx: Vora,rbeit zu einer ideologiekritischen Hermeneutik des Evangeliums [Diss. Zürich 19741: BeiEvT 8 I. Mü 1978, Kaiser. 273 p. DM 38. 5636 a) Trocme E., Jesus livre aux historiens: 1-18. - b) Gagnehin L., Je:sus et le prophetisme juif: 19-32. - c) Mathiot E., Jesus, les musulmans et nous: 33-50. - d) Boulet J., Jesus selon Pierre Loti (1850-1923): 51-64. e) Robert A. de, Jesus en avance sur nous: 65-77 ... : FoiVie 78,4 (1979), · 1-79: Jesus. F 15. 5637 Valadier Paul, Jesus-Christ ou Dionysos, La foi chretienne en confrontation avec Nietzsche: 'Jesus et Jesus-Christ', 10. P/Tournai 1979, Desclee. 240 p. Fb 494. 0 2-7189-0155-1. 5638 Wolff Hanna, a) Jesus als Psychotherapeut: Jesu Menschenbehandlung als Modell moderner Psychotherapie. Stu 1978, Radius. 178 p. DM 23 pa. 0 3-87173-531-0. - b) Jesus, der Mann; die Gestalt Jesu in tiefenpsychologischer Sicht [1975-> 57,4379; 58s,5717] 4 1979: 0 3-87173-527-2. 5639 Wohnan B. B. ed., Psychoanalysis and Catholicism. [ ... Jesus & Freud as charismatic leaders]. NY 1976, Gardner. - RJAAR 46 (1978) 110 (T. L. Brink). · 5640 Zahna H., Jesus de Nazaret y Sigmund Freud [1972 -> 55,523] -> 57,482: RCisterc 27 (1975) 89 (E. T.).


Exegesis creativa - Innovative methods.

5641 Antoine J.-P., Approche de Jesus chez Marcel Legaut. Diss. lic. Lv-laNeuve 1976 (prom.: J. Havet). - Cf. NotSocTLouv 15s (1979) 15. 5642 Arrington French L., New Testament exegesis: examples [incl. Heb 10,9-25] Washinglon 1977, University Press of America. 113 p.; bibliography, p. 105-113. 5643 [Balint L.,] ~ Jesus Krisztus tegnap es ma [Jesus Christus gestern und heute (Neue Bücher)]: Merleg 14 (1978) 160-84. 25. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

5644 Barclay William, Communicating the Gospel: The Laird lectures. Edinburgh 1978 = 1968, St. Andrew Press. 0 0-7152-0401-7. 5645 Berger Klaus, Exegese des NTs. Neue Wege vom Text zur Auslegung: UTB 658, 1977 ➔ 58s,436: RNedTTs 33 (1979) 69-77 (B. van Iersel); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 171-5 (J. Zmijewski); TZBas 34 (1978) 233s (B. Reicke). 5646 Blank Reiner, Eine kritische Analyse der formgeschichtlichen Arbeit von M. Dibelius und R. Bultmann: diss, Basel: TZBas 34 (1978) 379. 5647 Bouttier Michel, L'Evangile selon R. Girard [Des choses cachees depuis la fondation du monde 1978 ➔ 58s, 7797 . . . sa conception non sacrificielle (et gnosticisante) du message et de la mort du Christ; r. L'inventaire de textes; II. L'evangile radical; m. Interrogations d'exegete; IV.Questions finales]: ETRel 54 (1979) 593-607. Catechesis at the Service"of the Word in the Church: 5648 Charytanski J. RoczTKan 25,6 (1978) 5-24.25. 5649 Cholewinski Alfred, Comment annoncer l'Evangile dans le monde contemporain: AtKap 93 (1979) 268-278. 5650 Communion et Communication. Structures d'unite et modeles de communication de l'Evangile. Geneve 1978, Labor et Fides. 148 p. 5651 Dumais M., Le langage de l'evangelisation: Recherches de la Compagnie de Jesus au Quebec 1976 ➔ 57,5181; 58s,6677: RETRel 52 (1977) 318s (A. de Robert); JTS 29 (1978) 198s (J. C. O'Neill). 5652 Goldstain J., Harmoniques evangeliques. P 1977, Source. 344 p. F 45. 5653 Güttgemanns E., Candid Questions conceming Gospel Form Criticism: a Methodological Sketch of the Fundamental Problems of Form and Redaction Criticism [Offene Fragen 1971 ➔ 52,422] tr. W. G. Doty: Pittsburgh Theol. Mon. 26. Pittsburgh 1979, Pickwick. xrx-418 p., pl. $14,50. 0 0-915138-24-7. 5654 Hengel M., Kein Steinbruch für Ideologien. Zentrale Aufgaben neutestamentlicher Exegese: LuthMonH 18 (1979) 23-27. 5655 Henry Patrick, New Directions in NT Study [I. The New Context; II. Thinking Historically; III. Questions Ancient and Modem; IV.The Jewish Matrix; v. The Gnostic Challenge; VI. Jesus: How much History is Enough; VII.Paul: Enigma Variations; VIII.The Social Reality of the New Jerusalem; IX.Water, Bread, Wine: Patterns in Religion; x. The Apostolic Book & the Apostolic Age; xr. Opening Up & Broadening Out]. Ph/L 1979, Westminster/SCM. 300 p. $9.95/fö.95. 5656 Heine S. Biblische Fachdidaktik-NT. 1976. - REvErz 30 (1978) 223ss (H. Schröer). 5657 Herranz Marco, M., Los evangelios y la critica hist6rica: El libro de bolsillo Cristiandad 44. M 1978, Cristiandad. 219 p. 0 84-7057-227-X. 5658 Hamann H. P., A popular Guide to NT Criticism: A Conservative Approach to the Problems of Biblical Interpretation. St. Louis 1977, Concordia. 78 p. $2.95. - CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 251s (R. Holst). 5659 Iersel B. van, Over de exegese van het NT [K. Berger ➔ 5645]: NedTTs 33 (1979) 69-77. 5660 Jennings T. W. J, Introduction to Theology: An Invitation to Reflection on the Christian Mythos. L 1977, SPCK [Ph 1976 ➔ 58s,814*]. VII-184p.



F2.1 Exegesis creativa NT - Innovative Methods


f3.95 pa. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 179s (S. B. Ferguson). 5661 Käsemann Ernst, NT Questions of Today. Ph 1979 = 1969, Fortress. x-305 p. $6.95. 5662 Kelber W. H., Redaction Criticism: on the Nature and Exposition of the Gospels: PerspRelSt 6 (1979) 4-16. 5663 MacDonald W., Die Frohe Botschaft: ein Bibelfernkurs des Moody Bibel-Instituts in Chicago. Seeheim/Darmstadt 1972, Bibelschule Bergstr. e.V. 115p., ill. DMll. 5664 MarchadourAlain, Un evangile a decouvrir. La lecture de la Bible hier et aujourd'hui: Croire et comprendre. P 1978, Centurion. 180 p. REsprVie 88 (1978) 683s (L. Walter); FoiVie 78,1 (1979) 108-11 (J.-M. Babut). 5665 Marrow Stanley B., The Words of Jesus in our Gospels: a Catholic Response to Fundamentalism. NY 1979, Paulist. vm-152 p. $4.95 pa. 0 0-8091-2215-4. 5666 Nielsen Helge K., Kriterien zur Bestimmung authentischer Jesusworte < S. Pedersen NT Studier 1976, 9-33 tr. D. Harbsmeier: StNTU-A 4 (1979) 5-26. 5667 Perrin N., The Promise of Bultmann. Ph 1979 [= 1969], Fortress. 112 p. $3.95. 5668 Peters G. W., Missions in Biblical Perspective: BS 136 (1979) 3-15. 5669 Piel W. L., The Life of Jesus: A Program of Christian Education for the Retarded Adult. Diss. Lancaster Theol. Sem. 1979 (dir. A. Kroehler). 288p. 0 7923194. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2114-A. 5610 Roberts R. C., R. Bultmann's Theology 1976 -->58s,830: RAngITR 60 (1978) 366 (J. E. Skinner); JBL 97 (1978) 293s (R. A. Harrisville); ScotJT 32 (1979) 75ss (C. Gunton). 5671 Roloff J., Neues Testament [Allgemeine Auslegungsmethodik (Anhang: Mt 4,18-22); Geschichtliche Längschnitte (Apostelkonzil und Anfänge des Heidenchristentums; Entwicklung Kirchlicher Ämter; Synopt.; Jo; Paulus; Thematische Querschnitte; Tod Jesu und Auferstehung, Abendmahl, Taufe, Christushymnen; Bibi. Theologie]: Neukirchener Arbeitsbücher 1977 -->58s,159. 5672 Runia K., What is Preaching according to the NT? (Tyndale Bibi. Theol. Lecture 1976): TyndB 29 (1978) 3-48. 5673 Schnackenburg R. [Scritti 1949-71 cf. -->362], La vita cristiana: Esegesi in progresso e mutamento 1977 -->58s,4422: Rcc 130 (1979,3) 196s (N. Uricchio). 5614 Slater P., The Kerygma and the Cuckoo's Nest [really all about the movie, inviting the reader to draw conclusions about Bultmann]: ScotJT 31 (1978) 301-18. 5615 Steiner A., Weymann V., Jesus-Begegnungen: Bibelarbeit in der Gemeinde, Themen und Materialien 1, 1977--> 58s,5696: RTPQ 126 (1978) 183s (S. Stahr); ZKT 100 (1978) 531 (L. Ettmayer). 5616 Stöhr M., Die Auslegung des NTs und der zweifache 'Sitz im Leben': FreibRu 30 (1979) 89-92. 5677 Tökes Istvan, IMIQuestions and Duties of NT Exegesis Today: Reformätus Szemle 1977, 10-17.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

5678 'l'rilling W., Vie Hotschaft Jesu: Exegetische Orientierungen 1978 ..... 58s,6068a: RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 88s (J. Smlt). 5619 Van Buren Paul M., Wie sind die Apostolischen Schriften heute auszulegen? Vortrag, gehalten anlässlich der Internationalen Holocaust- Konferenz, 19 Okt. 1978: FreibRu 30 (1978) 83-89. 5680 Weber Hans-Ruedi, Jesus and the children. Biblical resources for study and preaching. Geneva 1979, World Council of Churches. x-96 p. Sf7,90. 5681 Zimmermann Heinrich, Neutestamentliche Methodenlehre. Darstellung der historisch-kritischen Methode 6(rev., quam minime, quantum indiget). Stu 1978 [11966---+49,501] KBW. 29lp. 6pl. DM38; 22pa. 0 3-46030026-4pa. - RSal 41 (1979) 90:5s (G. G. Gamba); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 171 (A. Fuchs). · F2.2 Unitas VT-NT: The Unity of the Two Testaments.

5682 Achterneier Elizabeth, The Old Testament and the Proclamation of the Gospel 1973 ---+55,5558 ... 57,6900: RRExp 72 (1975) 232 (J. D. W. Watts). 5683 Aubert Jean-Marie, Loi et evangile: ---+871, DictSpir 9 (1976) 966-84. 5684 Baker D. L., Two Testaments, One ßible 1976...,. 58s,9460: RAndrUnSS 16 (1978) 409s (G. Hasel); CleR 64 (1977) 657 (J. R. Duckworth). 5685 Beauchamp Paul, a) L'un et l'autre Testament 1976---+58s, 993: RLVie 28,145 (1979) 95-106 (D. Lauret); MüTZ 29 (1978) 437ss (J. Scharbert); RB 86 (1979) 273ss (Hedwige Rouillard: 'Livre non d'exegese, mais d'un exegete': lui-meme p. l); RThom 78 (1978) 321-330 (E. de Rancourt); TLZ 104 (1979) 100s (J. M. van der Ploeg). - b) Ley, profetas, sabios: lectura sincr6nica del AT [= L'un et l'autre T.] tr. J. L. Zubizarreta: Biblia y lenguaje 4. M 1977, Cristiandad. 303 p. 5686 Bonnard P.-E., De la Sagesse personnifiee dans l'AT a la Sagesse en personne dans le Nouveau [r. La Sagesse personnifiee de l'AT; n. Origine et portee de la personnification de la Sagesse divine; m. Jesus Sagesse]: ---+ 602, Gilbert M., La Sagesse, BiblETL 51 (1979) 117-149. 5687 Chmiel Jerzy, ~ Interpretacja Starego Testamentu ... L'interpretation de l' Ancien Testament dans le kerygme apostolique sur la resurrection de Jesus. Etude hermeneutique. Studia monographica, Series biblica. Krakow 1979, Polskie Towarzystwo Teologiczne. m-222 p. Bibliog. p. 170-205. 5688 Clavier Henri, Les varietes de la pensee biblique et le probleme de son unite: SupNT 43, 1976---+57,7316: RfoiVie 78,1 (1979) 106ss (E. Jacob); STeolEv 2,5 (1979) 136ss (P. Bolognesi); TLZ 103 (1978) 489ss (G. De/fing). 5689 Hohmann Martin, a) Die Korrelation vom Alten und Neuen Bund als hermeneutisches und systematisierendes Prinzip unter Berücksichtigung der Systematischen Theologie P. Tillichs und der Hermeneutik D. Bonhoeffers. Diss. Humboldt-Univ., oB 1975. 177 p., 100 p. [Bonhoeffer preferred]. - b) Die Korrelation vom Alten und Neuen Bund (Innerbiblische Korrelation statt Kontrastkorrelation): TArb 37. B 1978, Ev-V. 165 p. DM 12,20.

F2.2s Unity of the Two Testaments and of the NT


5690 Kessler M., Two Testaments in Biblical Interpretation: Crux 14 (1978) ~9-7l 5691 Kutsch R., Neues Testament - neuer Bund? Eine Fehlübersetzung wird korrigiert. Neuk 1978, -V. 190p. DM44pa. 0 3-7887-0545-0. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 411s (C. Schedl); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 415s (L. Visschers). 5692 Kuttner Stephan, Reflections on Gospel and Law in the History of the Church: ➔ 176, Fs. w. ÜNCLIN1976, 199-209. 5693 Lohfink Norbert, Pesch Rudolf, Weltgestaltung und Gewaltlosigkeit. Ethische Aspekte des Alten und Neuen Testaments in ihrer Einheit und ihrem Gegensatz: Patmos-Paperback / Schriften der kath. Akademie in Bayern 87. Dü 1978, Patmos. 80 p. ➔ 9761. 561J4Nakarai T. W., The OT bnckground of thc NT: -• 258 Ps. D. WALKER 1978. :>69:>Paul A., A propos dl'I 'T.'un et l'autre Testament' de P. Beauchamp [P 1976): ➔ 348, LectDiv 100 (1979) 143-50 < RechScRel 67 (1979) 2438. Schenker Adrian, Das Abendmahl ... Begegnung zwischen den beiden Testamenten 1977 ➔ 6235. 5697 Thuren J., 'Der Herr ist einer' in neutestamentlicher Sicht: MeddStiftAbFor 47 (1979) 98-121. 5698 Westermann C., L'AT e Gesu Cristo 1976 ➔ 58s,5943: RProt 34 (1979) 237ss (G. Conte). 5699 Wilcox Max, On investigating the use of the OT in the NT: ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 231-43.

F2.3 Unitas interna: Inner Unity of the NT. 5700 Charpentier E., II vangelo e i vangeli [➔ 58s,4453]: La fede oggi. Bo 1978, EDB. 243 p. 5701 Dunn J. D. S., Unity and Diversity in the NT: An lnquiry into the Character of Earliest Christianity 1977 ➔ 58s,9448: RCBQ 40 (1978) 629ss (R. E. Brown); HeythJ 20 (1979) 193ss (R. Murray); JBL 98 (1979) 135ss (L. W. Hurtado); RHPR 59 (1979) 96s (P. Prigent); ScotJT 32 (1979) 287s (E. Best); STeolEv 2,5 (1979) 131s (R. Diprose); Themelios 5 (1979s) 30s (D. France); TLond 81 (1978) 452-5 (J. Drury}; TS 39 (1978) 780s (R. Kugelman); TTod 36 (1979s) 116ss (W. A. Meeks); VidJyo 43 (1979) 236s (J. Dupuis). 5702 Giambusso C., II Vangelo unificato. R 1978, Lo Faro. 356 p. Lit. 8000. 5703 Kingsbury J. D., The Gospel in Four Editions: Interpr 33 (1979) 36375. 5704 Martin B. L., Some Reflections on the Unity of the NT [A Review of the German Discussion on Unity and Diversity, but assuming that 'significant differences are not significant contradictions' ... ]: SR 9 (1978) 143-52. 5705 Merkel Helmut, a) Die Pluralität der Evangelien als theologisches und exegetisches Problem in der Alten Kirche: Traditio Christiana 3, 1978 ➔ 58s,4497: RcBQ 41 (1979) 488s (H. w. Attridge); MüTZ 30,2 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[IX. Exegesis generalis NT

155s [perperam 75s] (A. Ziegenaus); Sal 41 (1979) 573s (G. Gamba); TPhil 54 (1979) 609 (H.-J. Sieben). - b) La pluralite des Evangiles comme probleme theologique et exegetique dans l'Eglise ancienne, tr. J.-L. Maier. Bern 1978, P. Lang. xxix-172 p. Fs 50. 0 3-261-03121-2. - RETL 55 (1979) 409 (F. Neirynck); cf. NRT 101 (1979) 765s (L. Duquenne). 5706 Morgan R., The Hermeneutical Signifi.cance of Four Gospels: Interpr 33 (1979) 376-88. 5706* Riesenfeld Harald, Unite et diversite dans le NT, tr. L.-M. Dewailly: Lectio Divina 98. P 1979, Cerf. 195 p. F 61. 0 2-204-01268-8. - EsprVie 89 (1979) 510s (L. Walter); RSPT 63 (1979) 665s (A.-M. Dubarle); STeolEv 2,5 (1979) 134ss (P. Bolognesi). 5707 Rosenstock-Huessy E., The Fruit of Lips or Why Four Gospels [Die Sprache des Menschengeschlechts 1964 > Die Umwandlung des Wortes Gottes 1968 --> 50, 1179] ed. M. Davis Battles: Pittsburgh Theol. Sem.Mon. 19. Pittsburgh 1978, Pickwick. xvn-144 p. $4.25 pa. 0 0915138-26-3. 5708 Talbert C. H., a) -->5382, What Is a Gospel 1978: CleR 64 (1979) 145 (R. Strange). - b) The Gospel and the Gospels: Interpr 33 (1979) 35162. Unity and Diversity in NT Theology .....144, Fs. G. E. LADD. 5709 Walker W. 0. J ed., The Relationships among the Gospels: an Interdisciplinary Dialogue: Trinity U. Monograph, Religion 5. 1978--> 58s,4510: RwestTJ 42 (1979s) 254s (M. Silva). 5710 Ward Ronald A., The Pattern of Our Salvation: A Study of New Testament Unity. Waco, TX 1978, Word Books. 433 p. $12.95.

F2.6 Commentarii: Commentaries on the Whole NT. 5711 Adams Jay E., The Christian Counselor's New Testament: a new translation in everyday English, with notations, marginal references, and supplemental helps: Nutley NJ 1977, Presbyterian & Reformed. xrn-770 p. $14.95. 5712 Blaiklock E. M., Commentary on the NT, a Chapter by Chapter Exposition. Old Tappan NJ/L 1978, Revell / Hodder & S. 271 p. $9.95/:El. 5713 D3browski Eugeniusz, Gryglewicz Feliks ed. [B Pismo swirte Nowego Testamentu . . . NT in twelve volumes: introduction, new translation, commentary. Poznan/Wsz, Pallottinum [cf. -->57,1354]. 5714 Daily Bible Commentary [1-11OT] III. F. F. Bruce Mt; 1. H. Marshall Mk; E. M. Blaiklock Lk; R. E. Nixon Jn; R. P. Martin Acts (450 p., 2 fi.g., 8 pl. 5 maps; 0 0-87981-070-X); IV. Blaiklock Rom.; Martin CorGal; W. L. Lane Eph-2Thes; L. Morris lTim-Jas; H. L. Ellison lPt-Rev (504 p., 8 pl., 2 maps; 0 0-87981-071-8). NY 1977, Holman. $8.95 each. 5715 Falwell J. al. ed., Liberty [Baptist .College] Commentary on the NT. Nv 1978, Nelson. xi-801 p., maps. 5716 Herod Frederic G., The Gospels: a first commentary. Atlanta 1977, John Knox Press [L 1976--> 58s,4476]. v1-l10p.; map. 0 0-8042-0255-9.

F2.2s Unity of the Two Testaments and of the NT


5717 Heyder G., Neues Testament: aus dem Urtext übersetzt mit Kurzkommentar. Rg 1978, auct. [Kumpfmühlerstr. 37]. 837 p. Ill. DM 15. 5718 Küpperbusch H. P., Der evangelisch-katholische Kommentar zum NT. Seine Vorarbeiten, seine Rezensionen: Catholica (Moehllnst) 32 (1978) 310-20. 5719 Rochedieu C., Les tresors du NT: commentaire pratique ... [reed.]. Saint-Legier 1979, Emmaüs. 501 p. Fs 27. 5720 Rossetti Sergio ed., I Vangeli; Commento critico. F 1975, ABC. 194p. 5721 Stöger A. (Staudinger F., Zeilinger F.), Das NT. Kommentar [zur] Einheitsübersetzung der Heiligen Schrift: Interdiözesan. katechetisch. Fonds. Klosterneuburg 1975, Österr. KBW. 787 p., ill. (E. Baumann). Sch 124. 0 3-85378-001-6. 5722 Wilckens V., Das NT, übersetzt und kommentiert 2 1971 ➔ 52,2335 ... 57,3474: RzRelGg 31 (1979) 213 (0. Merk). 5723 Zerwick Max t, Grosvenor Mary, A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament [Analysis philologica NT graeci3 1966; Engl. I 1974 ➔ 56,27061 II. Epistles-Apocalypse. R 1979, Pontifical Biblical Institute. XXXVI+pp. 457-796. Lit. 12.000/$15.

X. Evangelia


Problema synopticum - The Synoptic Problem.

5724 Barbagli Pietro, Sinottici ➔ 872, Diz. Spir. 1975; 2, 1726-38. 5725 Beatrice Pier Franco, Il significato 'di Ev. Thom. 64 per la critica letteraria della parabola del banchetto (Mt 22,1-14 / Lc 14,15-24): ➔ 595; 58s,6166*, Dupont J., Banchetto 1978, 237-277. 5726 Boismard M. E., The Two Source Theory at an Impasse: NTS 26 (1979s) 1-17. 5727 Carlston, Charles E., On 'Q' and the Cross: ➔ 103, Fs. E. HARRISON 1978, 27-33. 5728 Dibelius M., Sammlung [ ... die Sammler- und Redaktorentätigkeit des Evangelisten ... ]: WegFor 411 (1979) 68-84 < Die Formgeschichte des Evangeliums 2 (Tü 1933) 219-34. 5729 Edwards Richard A., A Concordance to Q: SBL Sources 7. 1975 ➔ 57,3558a. - b) A Theology of Q: Eschatology, Prophecy, and Wisdom 1976 ➔ 57,3558b; 58s,4537: RETRel 54 (1979) 314s (M. Bouttier); JBL 96 (1977) 599ss (S. Brown). 5730 Farmer W. R., The Present State of the Synoptic Problem: Perkins Journal 32 (Dallas 1978) 1-7. 5731 Farmer W. R., The Synoptic Problem A Critical Analysis 1976 ➔ 58s,4460: RRB 85 (1978) 628s (M.-E. Boismard); Sal 40 (1978) 184ss (G. G. Gamba).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[X. Evangelia

5732 Fee G. D., Modem Text Criticism and the Synoptic Problem: .....623, ß. Orchard, Griesbach Colloquium, SocNTSt,Mon 34 (1978), 154-169. 5733 Frye Roland M. [---> 58,44671, The Synoptic Problem and Analogies in Other Literatures: .....636; 58s,4510, Walker W., Relationships 1978, 261302; 303-322 response, W. R. Farmer, Basic Affirmation with Some Demurrals; 323-341, J. B. Tyson [---> 58s,4531] The Seminar: Literary Criticism and the Gospels. 5734 Fuchs A., Die Behandlung der m(at)t(häanisch)-l(u}k(anischen) Übereinstimmungen gegen M(ar)k(us) durch S. McLoughlin [BiblETL 25 (1967) 17-40] und ihre Bedeutung für die Synoptische Frage: StNTU-A 3 (W 1978) 24-57. 5735 Fulfer Ree;inakl H., Dif: nf:uf:re Diskussion über das synoptische Problem: TZBas 34 (1978) 129-48. :5736 Hultgren A. J., Jesus aml His Auversaries; The Form and Function of the Conflict Stories in the Synoptic Tradition [diss. NY, Union T. Sem]. Minneapolis 1979, Augsburg. 223 p. $6.50. 5737 Jacobson A. D., Wisdom Christology in Q: diss. Claremont, 1978. 273 p. - DissA 39 (1978) 3653A. :5738 Kloppenborg J. S., Wisdom Chrislolugy in Q: LavalTP 34 (1978) 12947. 5739 Laufen R., Die Doppelüberlieferungen der Logienquelle und des Markusevangeliums. Diss. Bonn 1978. 615 p. [deest 58s,5439"'; corr. Index]. 5740 Longstajf T. R. W., At the [Griesbach 1976] Colloquium's Conclusion: .....623, B. Orchard, SocNTSt, Mon. 34 (1978) 170-175. 5741 Longstajf T. R., Evidence of Conflation in Mark? A Study in the Synoptic Problem: SBL Diss. 28, 1977 .....58s,4831: RCBQ 41 (1979) 163s (D. J. Dungan); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 353ss (C. S. Dodd); JAAR 46 (1978) 370 (M. T. Norwood, Jr.); JBL 98.(1979) 143ss (E. V. McKnight); JTS 29 (1978) 535s (M. E. Thra/1); ScotJT 32 (1979) 96 (E. Best); TR 75 (1979) 108s (R. Pesch). 5742 Lord Albert B. [---> 58s,4492], The Gospels as Oral Traditional Literature: .....636; 58s,4510 Walker W., Relationships 1978, 33-91; 93-102 response, C. H. Talbert, Oral and Independent or Literary and Interdepens dent?; 103-122 L. E. Keck, The Seminar: Oral Traditional Literature and 58s,4525b. 4480]. the Gospels [---> 5743 Melick G., John Mark and the Origin of the Gospels: A Foundation Document Hypothesis. Ardmore PA 1979, Dorrance. VII-69p. $4.95. 5744 Neirynck F., Segbroeck G. Van, The Griesbach Hypothesis: A Bibliography: ..... 623, Orchard B., Griesbach Colloquium: SocNTSt,Mon 34 (1978) 176-81.219. 5745 Neirynck F., The Symbol Q (= Quelle) [fere ut H. K. McArthur ExpT 88 (1976s) 119s .....58s,4540]: ETL 54 (1978) 119-25; 55 (1979) 382s, Once More: The Symbol Q [cf. .....5764]. 5746 Neirynck F., L'edition du texte de Q [A. Polag: Fragmenta Q: Textheft zur Logienquelle. Neuk 1979; 102p.]: ETL 55 (1979) 373-81. 5747 O'Conne/1 L. J., Boismard's Synoptic Theory: Exposition and Response: TDig 26 (1978) 325-42: Mt 12,1-8.

F3.1 Evangelia: Problema synopticum


5748 O'Grady J. F., The Origins of the Gospels: Mark: BibTB 9 (1979) 15464. 5749 Orchard Bemard, Are All Gospel Synopses Biassed?: TZBas 34 (1978) 149-62 [they are all against Griesbach). 5750 Orchard Bemard, Longstaff Thomas R. W. ed., J. J. Griesbach: Synoptic and text-critical studies 1776-1976: 1978---+623; p. 103-35, tr. excerpt from Griesbach's 1789s Commentatio p. 358-425. 5751 Orchard Bemard, Matthew, Luke and Mark: The Griesbach Solution to the Synoptic Question I, 1976 ---+57,3529; 58s,4503: Rßiblica 59 (1978) 584-87 (D. L. Dungan); JBL 98 (1979) 137s (J. M. Rist). 5752 Peabody D., A Pre-Markan Prophetie Sayings Tradition and the SynopLic Prnhlem [Mk 9,1 etc.]: JHL 97 (1978) 191-409. 5753 Pesce Mauro, Ricostruzione dell'archetipo letterarlo comune a Mt. 22,110 e Lc. 14,15-24: ➔ 595; 58s,6166*, Dupunt J., Banchetlo 1978, 167236. 5754 Pesch R., Kratz R., So liest man synoptisch 1976/8 ---+58s,4505: RGregorianum 59 (1978) 753s (E. Rasco); TLZ 104 (1979) 365s (W. Schenk); TR 74 (1978) 379s (A. Sand) ---+6119.6278. 5755 Polag A. [75) Fragmenta Q. Textheft zur Logienquelle. Neuk 1979, -V. 102 p. DM 10,80. 0 3-7887-0541-8. - RFreibRu 31 (1979) 122s (P.-G. Müller). 5756 Pryke E. J. [cf. ---+58s,4845 diss.], Redactional Style in the Marcan Gospel: SocNTSMon 33. C 1978, Univ. x-196 p. $21.95. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 655ss (P. J. Achterneier). 5757 Reese James M., Jesus, His Word and Work. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke: God's Word Today 5. NY 1978, Pueblo. vn-118 p. $2.45. 0 0-916134-32-6. 5758 Reicke Bo, Griesbach's Answer to the Synoptic Question [---+ 58s,4508]: ---+623, Orchard J. B. ed. Griesbach colloquium 1978, 50-73. 5759 Rist J. M., On the Independence of Mt & Mk: SNTS Mon. 32 ---+ 58s,4592: RAustralBR 27 (1979) 62s (J. Crowe); CBQ 41 (1979) 494s (C. R. Kazmierski); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 355s [C. S. Rodd]; HeythJ 20 (1979) 191s (J. B. Orchard); JTS 30 (1979) 265ss (M. D. Goulder: SNTS should never have published so radical a thesis for which this classicist did not have the equipment); ScotJT 32 (1979) 583s (D. Hili); Tablet 232 (1978) 727 (L. Bright); TZBas 35 (1979) 246ss (H.-H. Stoldt). 5760 Rodriguez Carmona Antonio, EI Targum Palestinense del Pentateuco y el problema sinoptico de los Evangelios: CuBib 35 (1978) 111-120. 5761 Schenk W., Der Einfluss der Logienquelle auf das Markusevangelium: ZNW 70 (1979) 141-65. 5762 Schmid J. [g Matou Maku Luchia ... Synopsis of the Three Gospels of Mt Mk Lk, with the addition of the parallels from John's Gospel [< 1959 Synopse). Taichung 1979, Kuangchi. 23+ 144p. T$80. 5763 Schuppan C., Gottes Herrschaft und Gottes Wille: eine Untersuchung zur Struktur der Rede von Gott in der Spruchquelle Q im Vergleich mit dem Frühjudentum und den Matthäus- und Lukasevangelien. Diss. Greifswald, 1978. xxr-160p. 5764 Silberman L. H., Whence Siglum Q? A Conjecture [for Kern 'nucleus']:


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[X. Evangelia

JBL (1979) 287s: but cf. ➔ 5745. 5764* Stoldt H.-H., Geschichte und Kritik der Markushypothese. Gö 1977, VR. 241 p. DM 42 pa. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 499ss (y./. H. Kelber); JBL 98 (1979) 140-43 (H. C. Kee); Sal 40 (1978) 694s (G. Gamba); TR 75 (1979) 108 (R. Pesch: parti pris); TZBas 34 (1978) 172ss (y./. R. Farmer). 5765 a) Throckmorton B. H. J, Gospel Parallels: A Synopsis of the First Three Gospels, with Alternative Readings from the Manuscripts and Noncanonical Parallels, ed. 4; 1952 RSV text, 1939 Huck-Lietzmann 9 arrangement. Nv 1979, Nelson. xxv-191 p. $7.95. 0 0-8407-5150-8. b) Flanagan Neal M., Mark, Matthew, and Luke: A Guide to the Gospel Parallels. A Companion for Individuals and Study Groups to the Gospel Para/leis of Burton H. Throckmorton, Jr. Collegeville MN 1978, Liturgical. xu-91 p. $4.75 pa. 0 0-8146-1005-6. 5766 Tuckett C. M., The Griesbach Hypothesis, in the 19th Cent.: JStNT 3 (1979) 29-60. 5766* Tyson Joseph B., Longstajf Thomas R. W. al., Synoptic Abstract: Computer Bible 15. Wooster, Ohio 1978, Biblical Research. x-194 p. 5767 Vassiliadis P., The Nature and Extent of the Q-Document: NT 20 (1978) 49-73. 5768 Walker W. 0. An Unexamined Presupposition in Studies of the Synoptic Problem [that our manuscripts are similar enough to the autographs to warrant any such conclusions]: RelLifo 48 (1979) 41-52. 5769 Weeden T. J., Sr., Metaphysical lmplications of Kelber's Approach to Orality and Textuality. A Response to W. Kelber's 'Mark and the Oral Tradition' [ ... The Whiteheadean Process Paradigma ... ] : ➔ 583, SBL Seminar Papers 17 (1979) 153-66. 5770 Wenham J. W., How Many Cock-Crowings? The Problem of Harmonistic Text-Variants: NTS 25 (1978s) 523ss.

F3.2 Doctrina Synopticorum - Topics common to the Synoptics. 5771 Arens E., The e/thon-Sayings: OrbBiOr 10, 1976 ➔ 57,3479: RJBL 98 (1979) 139s (F. W. Danker); TZBas 34 (1978) 304s (E. Grässer). 5772 Banks R. Jesus and the Law in the Synoptic Tradition. SNTS Mon. 28 1975 ➔ 57,3481; 58s,4440: RscotJT 32 (1979) 9lss (J. K. Riches); RTLZ 103 (1978) 112-5 (G. Sellin ). 5773 Bertolo S., Le forze del male nei Vangeli Sinottici (thes. licent. 1978 J, SBF dir. E. Pax). vi-64 p. 5774 Braun F.-M., Le pain dont nous avons besoin, Mt6,11; Lc 11,3: NRT 100 (1978) 559-68. 5775 Burrows M., Jesus in the First Three Gospels 1977 ➔ 58s,5556: RCalvTJ 13 (1978) 198ss (L. A. Vos); CBQ 40 (1978) 432s (C. H. Talbert). 5776 Crawford B. S., Near Expectation in the Sayings of Jesus: diss. Vanderbilt. Nv 1979. 5777 Fabris R., Annuncio e catechesi nei Vangeli Sinottici: - 640, Zevini G.,

F3.2 Doctrina Synopticorum


Incontro 1978, 255-66. 5778 Friedrich Gerhard, Beobachtungen zur messianischen Hohepriestererwartung in den Synoptikern < ZThK 53 (1956) 265-311 --> 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 56-102. . 5779 Hodgson R. Jr., The Testimony Hypothesis [of J. R. Harris 1916; < Heid diss. 1976): JBL 98 (1979) 361-78. 5780 Howard G., Stylistic Inversion and the Synoptic Tradition: JBL 97 (1978) 375-89. 5781 Howard V. P., Das Ego Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien: MarbTSt 14, 1975 --> 57,3514.4471; 58s,5814: RCBQ 41 (1979) 159s (D. M. Smith). 5782 Kie.ffer R., La christologie de superiorite dans les Ev. synopt. [1. Presentation du materiel synoptique 2. Essai d'interpretation ... ] : ETRel 54 (1979) 579-91. 5783 Konings Johan, Jesus nos evangelhos sin6ticos. Petr6polis 1977, Vozes. 149 p. 5784 Lewis James N., The church in the synoptic tradition: diss. Southem Baptist Theology Seminary, 1973. 170 p. 5785 Martini Carlo M., Gli esercizi ignaziani e i vangeli sinottici: --> 424, Ejercicios 14, 1977, 17-34. 5786 Mealand D. L., The Dissimilarity Test [for Rediscovering the Teaching of Jesus: N. Perrin 1967]: ScotJT 31 (1978) 41-50. 5787 Perrin N., Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom 1976 --> 57, 4697; 58s,6154: RETRel 54 (1979) 312s (M. Bouttier). 5788 Piper J., 'Love your enemies': Jesus' love command in the synoptic gospels and in the early Christian paraenesis; a histocy of the tradition and interpretation of its uses (Diss. München 1974): Soc. NTStMonSer, 38. C 1979, Univ. xrv-273 p., f:9.95. 5789 Sand A., Jesu Sprechen mit Gott und über Gott nach dem Zeugnis der Synoptiker: --> 390, Sprache und Erfahrung als Problem der Theologie, von W. Beinert al.; 1978, 109-20. 5790 Sevin M., Les evangiles du dimanche. Annee C. 1. De l' Avent a Päques; II. De Päques a Christ-Roi: Dossiers libres. P 1979, Cerf. 174p., 221 p. 5791 Sparks H. F. D., A Synopsis of the Gospels. L 1977, A. & C. Black. xxvr-248 + vr-96 p. il0.50 [= Synoptic Gospels with Johannine Parallels, 1965 + Gospel according to St. John with the Synoptic Parallels 1976: JTS 29 (1978) 628). 5792 Steinhauser Michael G., Doppelbildworte in den synoptischen Evangelien. Eine form- und traditionskritische Studie: diss. Würzburg (dir. R. Schnackenburg): TR 74 (1978) 513. 5793 Strecker Georg, Redaktionsgeschichte als Aufgabe der Synoptikerexegese: --> 370, Eschaton 1979, 9-32 (Erstverötf.). 5794 Sun Ching-ch'ien [g Jenshih tuikuan fuyin . . . To Know the Synoptic Gospels. Taiwan 1979, Tainan City. 312 p. NT $100. 5795 Vallauri E., Natus in Bethlehem: Laurentianum 19 (1978) 413-441. 5796 Wang Ching-hung R., [g Holy Spirit in Mark and Matthew: ColcTFujen 11,39 (1979) 11-22.


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F4 Matthaei evangelium .1 Textus, commentarii. 5797 Barclay William, The Gospel of Matthew, translated with an introduction and interpretation 2• Daily Study Bible. Ph 1975, Westminster. 2 vol. 0 0-664-211300-6; 4100-X pa. 5798 [Bausch Annelise a/.] Limbeck Meinrad [Exegese], Die bessere Gerechtigkeit: Mattäusevangelium: BAusPrax 16. Stu 1977, KBW. 208 p. DM 29,80. - Rsal 41 (1979) 171s (G. Gamba). 5799 Bonnard E., S. Jeröme, commentaire sur S. Matthieu I (livres I-II); II (livres III-IV): texte latin, intr. tr. notes: Sources chretiennes, 242/259 P 1977/9, Cerf. 348 p./343 p. - RAntClass 48 (1979) 330s (L. Verheijen); NRT 101 (1979) 93s (C. Martin). 5800 Camps Reverter G. (trad.), Evangeli segons Sant Mateu. An6nimas y r.ole:c.tivas. Montse:rrat 1q74, Ahaclia cle: Montse:rrat. 274 p. 150 ptas (rust). 5801 Cothenet E., Matthieu, Evangile: ➔ 869, Catholicisme 8 f. 36, 1979, 902-929. 5802 Poittevin-Char, Etienne le, Evangelio segun San Mateo, tr. N. Darrical: Cuademos Biblicos 2. Estella 1976, Verbo Divino. 68 p. pt. 110. - RßibFe 3 (1977) 341s (M. L. Sim6n). 5803 De-van-Nguyen, Matthäus auf der Reise nach Vietnam: Notizen zum Evangelium. Stu 1979, Radius. 77 p. DM 9,80pa. 0 3-87173-551-5. 5804 Doignon Jean, Hilaire de Poitiers, Sur Matthieu. Sources chretiennes, 254/258. P 1978s, Cerf. I. 305 p., F 187 / II. 299 p., F 207. 0 2-204013152-8; 90-0. - RNRT 101 (1979) 758s (C. Martin); REL 57 (1979) 455-7 (J. Fonlaine); RET 38 (1979) 187s (L. Ladaria); SciEspr 31 (1976) 409s (G. Pelland); TS 40 (1979) 789 (W. J. Burghardt). 5805 Simonetti M., Su una recente edizione del Commento a Matteo di Ilario di Poitiers [Sources ehret. 254 (1978), 258 (1979)]: AuglnstPatr 19 (1979) 527-30. 5806 Fenton J. C., Saint Matthew: Westminster Pelican Commentaries. Ph 1978 = 1963, Westminster. 487 p., 1 map. $12.95. 5807 Fox Douglas J., The 'Matthew-Luke-Commentary' of Philoxenus: text, tr. and critical analysis: SBL diss. 43 (1975 Toronto, dir. E. G. Clarke). Missoula 1979, Scholars. vn-319 p. $9. 0 0-89130-266-2. 5808 Gain D. B., Evidence for Supposing that our Greek Text of the Gospel of St. Mark is Translated from Latin, that Most of this Latin Still Survives, and that by Following the Latin we can Recover Words and Actions of Jesus which have been Falsified in the Greek Translation (Rhodes Univ. inaugural 1978). Grahamstown SAf 1978, Rhodes Univ. 21 p. 0 0-949980-93-5. 5809 Goma Civil Isidro, El Evangelio segun san Mateo [II -> 57,3587; 58s,4564] III, cap. 14-28: Colectänea S. Paciano, (Bare) 22,3. M 1976, Marova. xxm-784p. - REstBib 35 (1976) 119s (A. Rodrlguez Carmona); Sal 40 (1978) 689s (U. Uamba).

5810 Green H. B., The Gospel according to Matthew 1975 _,. 57,3589; 58s,4566: RscotJT 31 (1978) 492ss (G. V. Jones). 5811 Grünberg Madeleine, A Study of the Gospel of St. Matthew with the

F4.1 Matthaei evangelium: textus, commentarii


[Vlg., West-saxon] Text of the Four Gospels. Akademisch Proefschrift. Arnst 1967, Poortpers. 414 p. ill. 5812 Die Gute Nachricht nach Mattäus im heutigen Deutsch, hrg. von den Bibelgesellschaften und Bibelwerken im deutschsprachigen Raum. Stu 1979, Deutsche Bibelstiftung, 119 p. 5813 Hemelsoet B., Het Evangelie van Mattheüs in het Grieks en vier vertalingen 1975 --> 57,3590: RaereITTs 76 (1976) 109s (T. Baarda). 5814 Hendriksen W., NT Commentary: Exposition of the Gospel of Matthew 1973 --> 55,2736; 57,3S91: AsbSem 32,3 (1976) 42ss (R. W. Lyon). 581S Hesse Benedictus (ed. Bucichowski Waclaw), Lectura super Evangelium Matthaei: Textus et Studia historiam theologiae in Polonia excultae spectantia 8. Wsz 1979, Akad. Teol. Kat. 342 p. 5816 Homerski J6zef, ~ Ewangelia wedlug swi~tego Mateusza ... Gospel according to St. Matthew: introduction, new translation, commentary: Pismo Swi~te NT 3/1. Poznan-Wsz 1979, Pallottinum. 409 p. 5817 a) Jervell J., Matteusevangeliet [de H. Hognestad]: NorTTs 79 (1978) 241-48; ejus responsum 267-84. - b) Hognestad H., Troverdig forkynnelse - for hvem? svar til fproclamatio credibilis-cuinam? responsum ad pp. 202-14, 241-66] Wingren, Jervell og L0nning: NorTTs 79 (1978) 26784. - c) L@nning P., Om ikke-bevisstgjort normativitet [de non-conscia normativitate, in diss. H. Hognestad]: NorTTs 79 (1978) 249-66; ejus responsum 267-84; --> 6078. S818 Jullien de Pommerol Patrice, Une lecture fonctionnelle de l'Evangile de Matthieu. These presentee pour le Doctorat de III. cycle en «Sciences des Religions» dir. Michel Meslin, Maurice Houis. Universite de ParisSorbonne, 1979. 2 vol. multigraphie, 373 p. 5819 Kealy S. P., The Modem Approach to Mt: BibTB 9 (1979) 165-78. 5820 Kingsbury J. D., Matthew: Proclamation Commentaries 1977 --> S8s,4570: Rlnterpr 32 (1978) 434.436 (H. C. Waetjen). 5821 Kingsbury Jack D., Matthew, a Commentary for Preachers and Others. L 1978, SPCK. 118 p. t:2.50. - ExpTim 89 (1977s) 376 (R. Lunt: 'interesting, scholarly ... not for preaching'). 5822 Kirk A., Obach R. R., A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew. NY 1978, Paulist. iv-296 p. $7.95 pa. 0 0-8091-2173-5. 5823 Lancellotti A., Matteo: versione, introduzione, note 2 : Nuovissima versione della Bibbia dai testi originali 33. T 1978 [' 1975 --> 57, 1289], Paoline. 414 p. Lit. 4000. S824 Lopez Pulido F., La nueva buena. Ocurrencias marginales al Evangelio de Mateo. Salamanca 1977, Sigueme. 128 p. pt. 125. 5825 Maier Anneliese, Der Kommentar Benedikts XII zum Matthaeus-Evangelium: Maier, Ausgehendes Mittelalter III (R 1977) 591-600. 5826 Monloubou L., Lire . . . precher l'Evangile de Matthieu. Homelies, Annee A. 1977, --> S8s,4579: REsprVie 88 (1978) 685s (L. Walter). 5827 Morgan G. Campbell, The Gospel according to Matthew: Marshall's study library. L 1976 = 1929 = 1946, Marshall, Morgan and Scott. 321 p. f2.95 pa. 0 0-5S1-05548-0. 5828 Nee Watchman, The King and t~ kingdom of heaven: a study of Matthew. NY 1978, Christian Fellowship Publishers. 386 p.


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5829 Parmentier R., L'Evangile autrement .. L'Evangile de Matthieu et l' Apocalypse relus pour notre temps, P 1977, Centurion. 198 p. 35 F. - REt 348 (1978) 712 (H. Holstein); ETL 53 (1978) 604s (S. Guilmin). 5830 Pikaza Xabier, Leggere Matteo: Azimut. 1977 ➔ 58s,4587: Rsal 40 (1978) 692s (G. Gamba). 5831 Radermakers J., Matthieu (saint) [l. L'Ev. de Matthieu; 2. Enseignement Spirituell: ➔ 871, DictSpir 10,66s (1978) 779-797. 5832 Rienecker Fritz, Das Evangelium des Matthäus, erklärt 9 : Wuppertaler Studienbibel NT. Wu 1977, Brockhaus. 381 p. DM 27 (17,80 pa). 0 3-417251101-X (001-3). 5833 Sabourin Leopold, a) L'evangile selon saint Matthicu et scs principaux paralleles 1978 ➔ 58s,4594: REsprVie 89 (1979) 508s (L. Walter); ETL 55 (1979) 205ss (J. Coppens). - b) 11 Vangelo di Matteo. Teologia e esegesi [I Mt 1,1-4,27 Marino 1975 ➔ 56,2813; 57,3598] Tl 5,28-28,20; R 1977, Paoline: ➔ 58s,4595a. - RBbbOr 20 (1978) 79s (G. Rinaldi); ETL 54 (1978) 189s (F. Neirynck). 5834 Marcheselli Cesare C., 11vangelo di Matteo (L. Sabourin 1976s): Asprenas 25 (1978) 179-192. 5835 Schweizer E., The Good News according to Matthew, tr. D. E. Green 1975 ➔ 58s,4602: RcalvTJ 14 (1979) 253-60 (W. P. De Boer); ChicTSemReg 69,1 (1979) 56 (R. Scroggs); HeythJ 19 (1978) 306s (M. Ward); Month 238 (1977) 28 (J. Ashton). 5836 Senior Donald, lnvitation to Matthew: A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew with Complete Text from The Jerusalem Bible. GNY 1977, Doubleday. 276 p. $2.95 pa. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 175s (P. F. Ellis). 5837 Slingerland H. D., The Transjordanian Origin of St. Matthew's Gospel: JStNT 3 (1979) 18-28. 5838 Thysman R., Communaute et directives ethiques: La catechese de Matthieu 1974-> 55,2755 ... 57,3607: RETL 51 (1975) 162s. 5839 Trilling W., The Gospel according to St. Matthew [= Das Ev. nach M. Dü 1965 Patmos-> 46,1378 ... 55,2757] tr .. K. Smythe: New Testament for Spiritual Reading, 1. L 1978, Sheed & W [= Bums & 0, 1969]. xx508 p. 5840 Vos H. F., Matthew: A Study Guide Commentary. GR 1979, Zondervan. 190 p. $2.95. 0 0-310-33883-2. 5841 White R. E. 0., Matthew Lays it on the Line! E 1979, St. Andrew. vrn-164 p. f:1.95. 0 0-7152-0407-6.

F4.2 Themata de Matthaeo. 5843 Brown Schuyler, The Mission to Israel in Mt's Central Section: ZNW 69 (1978) 73-90. 5844 Calle F. de la, El evangelio lnuevo modulo de reconciliaci6n? El mensaje de Jesus en la teologia de Mateo: BibFe 5 (1979) 34-46. 5845 Char/ier J.-P., Du berceau au tombeau. Prt'.':faceet postface ue l'i.'.:vangile de Matthieu: Vie Spir 133,630s (1979) 8-25, 172-191. 5846 Comber J. A., The Verb therapeuo in Matthew's Gospel: JBL 97 (1978) 431-34.

F4.2 Themata de Matthaeo


5847 Cope O.Lamar, Matthew: A Scribe trained for the Kingdom of Heaven 1976 ➔ 58s,4554: RßA 41 (1978) 38s (W. D. Davies); JBL 96 (1977) 605s (R. H. Gundry); TLZ 104 (1979) 47ss (A. Suhl). 5848 a) L'Evangile de Matthieu. En reconnaissance a P. Bonnard: Cahiers bibliques 18 = FoiVie 78,3 (P 1979). 129 p. 15 F. - b) Frutiger S., L'instructeur et l'eleve ... (S. de Dietrich et P. Bonnard): 3-9. - c) Ingelaere J. C., Structure de Mt et histoire du salut. Etat de la question: 10-33. d) Zumstein J., Mt, l'avocat du Jesus terrestre. Breve esquisse de theologie mattheenne: 34-52. - e) Marguerat D., Jesus et la Loi, selon Mt / bibliog. 53-76/123-9. - f) Smyth K., Le principe structural de l'Ev. de Mt: 76-91. - g) Escande J., Judas et Pilate prisonniers d'une meme structure (Mt 27,1-26); 92-100. 5849 Frankemölle H., Jahwebund und Kirche Christi ... Mt. 1974 ➔ 55,2735a ... 58s,4562: RRTPhil 110 (1978) 178 (D. Marguerat). 5850 Gerhardsson B., The Mighty Acts of Jesus acc. to Mt: ScriptMin (Lund) 1978s, 3. 94 p. 5851 Giesen H., Christliches Handeln. Eine redaktionskritische Untersuchung zum dikaiosyne-Begriff im Mattäus-Evangelium: Diss. Pontificii Instituti Biblici 1979, dir. I. de la Potterie. x-301 p., l86p. dact.; bibliogr.: 15086. 5852 Goulder Michael D., Midrash and Lection in Matthew 1974 ➔ 56,2793 . . . 58s,4565: RTLZ 103 (1978) 589ss (J. Roloff). 5853 Kingsbury J. D., The Verb akolouthein ('to follow') as an Index of Matthew's View of His Community: JBL 97 (1978) 56-73. 5854 Kingsbury J. D., Matthew: Structures, Christology, Kingdom 1975 ➔ 57,3592; 58s,4571b: RETRel 54 (1979) 315s (M. Bouttier). 5855 Künzel G., Studien zum Gemeindeverständnis des Mt-Evs (ErlangenNümberg diss. 1976): Calwer ThMon A 10, 1978 ➔ 58s,4573: RTR 75 (1979) 26s (W. Trilling). 5856 Manns Frederic, La halakah dans l'Evangile de Matthieu: Antonianum 53 (1978) 3-22. 5857 Marguerat D., L'existence chretienne selon Mt: RTPhil 111 (1979) 29199. 5858 Marin M., Esegesi patristica di Matteo (1976s); rassegna: VetChr 15 (1978) 136-47 da riviste. 5859 Meier J. P., Law and Gospel in Matthew's Gospel: AnBib 71, 1976 ➔ 57,3645; 58s,4668: RJTS 30 (1979) 267-70 (G. Stanton: 'Mt is much more willing to welcome disparate tradition than [are] most of his modern students'); TLZ 104 (1979) llls (N. Walter). 5860 Meier J. P., The Vision of Matthew: Christ, Church, and Morality in the First Gospel: Theological Inquiries. NY 1979, Paulist. x-270 p. $5.95 pa. 0 0-8091-2171-9. [In reaction to Kingsbury ➔ 5854, and Human Sexuality, Catholic Theological Society Report 1977 ➔ 9629]. - RßibTB 9 (1979) 139 (.T.M. Reese). 5861 Ogawa Akira, L'histoire de Jesus chez Matthieu. La signification de l'histoire pour la theologie mattheenne [diss. Strasbourg 1975 ... 58s,4584a; TLZ 103 (1978) 151-5]: Publ. universitaires europ. 23/116. Fra 1979, Lang. 512 p. Fs 72. 0 3-8204-6516-2.


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5862 Pasquetto Virgilio, II privilegio di •essere piccoli' nell'insegnamento di Matteo: Rivista di vita spirituale 32 (l 978) 249-270. 5863 Pregeant R., Christology Beyond Dogma: Matthew's Christ in Process Hermeneutic: SBL, Semeia Suppl. 1978 --> 58s,4587*: RCBQ 41 (1979) 165ss (D. J. Harrington & A. T. Moore); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 183 (J. Galot); JBL 98 (1979) 601s (H. C. Waetjen); TS 40 (1979) 177s (D. Senior). 5864 RUPERTUSTUITIENSIS, De ·gloria et honore filii hominis super Matthaeum ed. Hrabanus Haacke: CCMed, 29. Turnhout 1979, Brepols. xx,456 p. 5865 Senior D., The Gospel of Matthew and the Ministry of Social J ustice: Spirituality Today 31 (Ch 1979) 14-25. 5866 Strecker Georg, Das Ges(?hichtsverständnis des Matthäus < EvTh 26 (1966) 57-74: ➔ 370, Eschaton 1979, 90-107. 5866* Trilling Wolfang, Das Wahre Israel. Studien zur Theologie des Matthäus-Evangeliums: Erfurter Theologische Studien 7 [hisp. --> 56,2830). Leipzig 1975, St. Benno. 250 p. 5867 Varone C. M., Le Pere, selon S. Matthieu: EchSMaur 72 (1976) 4454. 5868 Viviano B. T., Whcrc Was the Gospel According to St. Matthew Written? [Caesarea Maritima]: CBQ 41 (1979) 533-46. 5869 Wrede W., Rückblick auf Markus: WegFor 411 (1979) 13-47 < Wrede, Das Messiasgeheimnis in den Evangelien (Gö 11901 : 4 1969) 115-149. 5870 Zumstein J., La condition du croyant dans l'Evangile selon Matthieu (1974 Lausanne diss. dir. P. Bonnard): OrbBibOr 16 1977 --> 58s,4613: RCBQ 41 (1979) 506ss (D. Senior); ETL 54 (1978) 368s (J. Coppens); ETRel 54 (1979) 317ss (M. Bouttier); RivB 26 (1978) 93ss (F. Montagnini); TR 75 (1979) 284 (W. Pesch).

F4.3 Mt 1s (Lc ls) Infantia Jesu - Infancy Gospels. 5871 Bagatti Bellarmino, La fuga in Egitto: prova per la S. Famiglia [Mt 2,11-15): SacDoc 24 (1979) 131-41. 5872 Beck E., Gottes Sohn kam in die Welt. Sachbuch zu den Weihnachtstexten 1977 --> 58s,4615: RßLtg 51 (1978) 60 (A. Stöger). 5873 Bickerman E. J., Tadmor H., Darius I, Pseudo-Smerdis, and the Magi: Athenaeum N.S. 56 (1978) 239-261. 5874 Bligh John, The Infancy Narratives: Scripture for Meditation 2. Staten Island NY 1975 = 1968, Alba House. 110 p. 5875 Bo/ognesi P., Rilievi sulla genealogia di Gesu secondo Mt [1,l-17): Prot 34 (1979) 222-30. 5876 Breuss J., Präexistenz und Jungfrauengeburt als Zeugnis. Zur evangeliumsgemässen Verkündigung Jesu Christi: DiakMainz 9 (1978) 365-75. 5877 Brown R. E., An Adult Christ at Christmas. Essays on the three biblical Christmas stories [4 art. < Worship]. Collegeville MN 1978, Liturgical. vm-50 p. $3.50. 0 0-8146-0997-X.

F4.3 Mt ls (Lc ls) lnfancy Gospels


5878 Brown Raymond E., The Birth of the Messiah, Mt 1-2. Lk 1-2, 1977 ..... 58s,4615*: RcteR 64 (1979) 161-6 (F. Moloney); also p. 5-11 (J. Redford: reduced to fiction; stronger evidence is demanded than in secular historians); EsprVie 88 (1978) 686ss (A. Viard); EstBib 36 (1977) 132ss (S. Mufioz lglesias: 'esquema muy repetido que el autor presenta como propio, pero que refleja exactamente el fantastico diorama de A. Harnack '); ETL 54 (1978) 266-69 (J. Coppens: largement justifie); EvQ 51 (1979) 105-110 (1. H. Marshall); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 65s [C. S. Rodd]; Gregorianum 59 (1978) 756s (G. O'Collins); HeythJ 19 (1978) 439ss (L. Johnston); IndTSt 5 (1978) 291ss (L. Legrand); Interpr 33 (1979) 81-84 (G. S. Sloyan); JBL 98 (1979) 442ss (J. D. Kingsbury); JStNT 1 (1978) 61-65 (D. Hili); PerspRelStud 5 (1978) 212-6 (C. Talbert); Sal 40 (1978) 684-6 (F. J. Moloney: his relativising of the historical in favour of the christological should be welcomed rather than blamed); TLond 82 (1979) 58ss (J. Fenton); TS 39 (1978) 771s (N. J. McEleney); VidJyo 43 (1979) 42s (J. Volckaert). 5879 Brown Raymond E., Donfried Karl P. ed., Mary in the New Testament: a collaborative assessment by Protestant and Roman Catholic scholars. Ph 1978, Fortress. xu-323 p. - Rßz 23 (1979) 297-300 (R. Schnackenburg); EphMar 29 (1979) 439s (S. Blanco); TS 40 (1979) 537-40 (N. J. McEleney). 5880 Bruggen J. van, The Year of the Death of Herod the Great (... Mt 2,19) [and the date of his appointment as king; The first year of his successors; 'died shortly before or after 1 Nisan (year) 4']: ➔ 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 1-15. 5881 Campenhausen H. von, Die Jungfrauengeburt: ➔ 289, Urchristliches 1979, 63-161 (➔ 9856). 5882 Court Franz, Historisch oder theologisch - : eine falsche Alternative. Dogmatische Überlegungen zum Problem der Jungfrauengeburt: TGl 68 (1978) 283-96. 5883 Derrett J. D. M., La nascita di Gesu. Storie patristiche e haggadot ebraiche [ConoscRel (1972s) 221-25]: --> 296, Studies NT II, 33-38. 5884 Desmedt M., Ch. II de l'Ev. de S. Matthieu. Essai d'une procedure de lecture. Diss. lic. Lv-la-Neuve 1979; prom: G. Lafon. 99 p. - NotSocTLouv 15s (1979) 18. 5885 Down M. J., The Matthaean Birth Narratives, Mt 1,18-2,23: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 51s. 5886 Egenolf H.-A., Die katholische Weihnachtspredigt nach 1945 [incorporat recentiora opera exegetica de Infantia]: ErffhSchr 13 / Teologia: Estudios y Documentos, 1. Lp 1977, St.-Benno. 118 p. 5887 Ferrari d'Occhieppo Konradin, Der Stern der Weisen. Geschichte oder Legende2 rev. W/Mü 1977, Herold. 171 p. - RTPQ 126 (1978) 393s (C. Schedl). 5888 Figueras P., Symeon et Anne [Lc 2,25.36] ou le temoignage de la Loi et des Prophetes: NT 20 (1978) 84-99. 5889 Fuller R. H., Advent-Christmas: Proclamation, Aids for Interpreting the Lessons of the Church Year, c/2. Ph 1979, Fortress. 63 p. $2.50. 5890 Fuller R. H., The Conception/Birth of Jesus as a Christological Mo26. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


, Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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ment [with the Son of David Christology]: JStNT 1 (1978) 37-52. 5891 Goenaga J. A., Celebraci6n de 1a navidad y critica de los evangello~ de la infancia: ScriptVict 26 (1979) 241-98. 5892 Groom N. St. J., The Northern Passes of Qataban [ ... Incense Road ... ]: PrSemArabSt, vol. 6 (1976) 69-80, 2 maps. 5893 Hanson A. T., Rahab the Harlot in Early Christian Tradition [Mt 1,3 etc. & 1 Clem 12]: JStNT 1 (1978) 53-60. 5894 Hendrix H., The Infancy Narratives 1975 ➔ 58s,361l: RCBQ 40 (1978) 275s (R. A. Wild). 5895 Homerski J., [II Teologiczne aspekty kompozycji literackiej Mateuszowej Ewangelii Dziecinstwa. Aspects theologiques de la composition litteraire de l'evangile de l'enfance de Mt.: RoczTKan 25,1 (1978) 51-57. 5896 Hugbes D. W., The Star of Bethlehem. L 1979, Dent [< Nature 264 (1976) 513-7; cf. 268 (1977) 565ss] Conjunction of Pisces, Saturn, and Jupiter means Jesus was born Tues p.m. 15 Sept 7 B.c. 5896* Kahlefeld H., .Bethlehem: Gedanken um die weihnachtlichen Evangelien 1977 ➔ 58s,4619: RTPQ 126 (1978) 184 (S. Stahr). 5897 Kotze P. P. A., The Structure of Mt 1: Neotest 11 (1977) 1-9. 5898 Lach J., [P1 Poklon Magow (Mt 2,1-12), Adoratio Magorum: RuBi 29 (1976) 260-70. ~899 Laurentin R., Mane: f:cnture Sainte: --> 869, Calhulicis1m: 8 f. 35, 1978, 528-36 (sur 521-85[-608]). 5900 Leonardi G., L'infanzia di Gesu 1975 ➔ 57,3612; 58s,4621: RsacDoc 22 (1977) 521 (B. Prete). 5901 Lolifmk G., Gehört die Jungfrauengeburt zur biblischen Heilsbotschaft? [nicht a priori]: TüTQ 159 (1979) 304ss. 5902 [Louw J. P. method], The Structure of Matthew 1-13: an Exploration · into Discourse Analysis (10 papers for 1977 NT Soc. meeting): Neotestamentica 11. Pretoria 1977, Nuwe-testamentiese Werkgemeenskap 13. vi138 + 39 p. 0 0-620-03902-7. 5903 Machen J. Gresham, The Virgin Birth of Christ (6th printing). GR 1977, Baker. x-145 p. 5904 McHugh John, La Madre de Jesus en el NT [1975 ➔ 56,4184 ... 58s,6439]: Nueva Biblioteca de la Teologia 42. Bilbao 1978, Desclee-B. 552 p. - REphMar 29 (1979) 431s (D. Fernandez: traduccion francamente mala). 5905 Winandy J., La conception virginale dans le NT [J. McHugh, La mere de Jesus dans le NT: Lectio Divina 90 ➔ 58s,6439; p. 299-320]: essai de relecture de certains textes [Mc 6,3; Jn 1,13; Gal 4,4s]: NRT 100 (1978) 706-719. 5906 Maillot A., Quelques remarques sur la naissance virginale du Christ: FoiVie 77,4 (1978) 30-44. 5907 Malherbe Abraham J., Pseudo Heraclitus, Epistle 4: The Divinization of the Wise Men: JbAC 21 (1978) 42-64. 5908 Martin Ernest L., The Birth of Christ Recalculated ! [The Astronomical and Documentary Question. Herod's death more probably after thc eclipse of the moon of Jan. 9/10, 1 B.C.; Varus legate twice: 7/6-4 B.C. & 2 B.C. - 1 A.D .••• ] : Scientifi.c and Historical Series. Pasadena/Newcastle

F4.3 Mt ls (Lc ls) Infancy Gospels


1979, Foundation for Biblical Research /Peterlee. IV-127 + 40p. (=supplement, chart). f2. 5909 Masson J., Jesus, Fils de David, dans les genealogies de S. Matthieu et de S. Luc. Diss. Pont. Univ. S. Thomae in Urbe 1979 (dir.: K. Gieraths). vm-589 p. dact. [bibliogr.: 563-74]. 5910 Melotti Luigi, Maria e la sua missione materna. Saggio di teologia mariana. T 1976, ElleDiCi. 183 p. - Rsa140 (1978) 415s (D. Bertetto, con non poche mises au point). 5911 Merwe M. A. V. van der, The Form and Message of Mt 2, Based on a Structural Analysis: Neotest 11 (1977) 10-15. 5912 Milavec A., Matthew's Integration of Sexual and Divine Begetting [in Mt 1,1-25]: BibTB 8 (1978) 108-16. 5913 Moloney F. J., The lnfancy Narratives; Another view of R. (E.) Brown's 'The Birth of the Messiah': CleR 64 (1979) 161-66. 5914 Müller W. W., Notes on the Use of Frankincense in South Arabia [... materia sacrificalis, funeralis, honorifica, medica, donum deorum etc.]: PrSemArabSt 6 (1976) 124-36. 5915 Mufioz lglesias S., La concepci6n virginal de Cristo en los Evangelios de la infancia. I. Postura negativa de algunos autores cat6licos recientes [X. Pikaza; R. E. Brown .. .]: EstBib 37 (1978) 5-28; [II] 213-241. 5916 Nineham D. E., The Genealogy in St. Matthew's Gospel and its Significance for the Study of the Gospels < BJRylL 58 (1976) 421-444: ➔ 344; 58s,4409, Explorations in Theology I 1977, 166-187. 5917 Nolan Brian M., The Royal Son of God. The Christology of Matthew 1-2 in the Setting of the Gospel (diss. Dublin): OrbBibOr, 23. FrS/Gö 1979, Univ./Vandenhreck & R. 282 p. DM 58. 0 3-7278-0206-5/0 3-52553328-4. 5918 Puech L. M., Le Christ et sa mere: EphMar 28 (1978) 49-65. 5919 Perrot Charles, a) Les recits de l'enfance de Jesus. Matthieu 1-2; Luc 1-2: Cahiers Evangile 57/18. P 1976, Cerf. 71 p. F 8. - b) I racconti dell'infanzia di Gesu. Mt 1-2 (e) Lc 1-2 1977 ➔ 58s,4625*: Rcc 130 (1979, 2) 614 (N. Uricchio). 5920 Rahmani L. Y., The Adoration of the Magi on Two Sixth-Century C.E. Eulogia Tokens: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 34ss, PI. 8. 5921 Redford J., The Quest of the Historical Epiphany: Critical Remarks on R. Brown's 'The Birth of the Messiah': CleR 64 (1979) 5-11. 5922 Riedlinger Helmut, Zum gegenwärtigen Verständnis der Geburt Jesu aus der Jungfrau Maria: TGI 69 (1979) 22-61. 5923 Romero Pose E., Ticonio y el serm6n 'in natali sanctorum innocentium '. Exegesis de Mt2: Gregorianum 60 (1979) 513-43; Sum.: 543s. 5924 Rosa G. de, Storia e teologia nei racconti dell'infanzia di Gesu, CC 129,3084 (1978, 4) 521-37. 5925 Salas A., La infancia de Jesus (Mt 1-2), i.historia o teologia? 1976 ➔ 58s,4627: RverVid 36 (1978) 147s (V. Casas). 5926 Schejfczyk Leo, 'Nascita verginale': fondamento biblico e senso permanente: Comm-Strum 37 (1978) 31-45. 5927 Sehmahl G., Ma&ier aus dem Osten und die Heiligen Drei Könige: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 295-303.

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5928 Schnider F., Stenger W., Die Frauen im Stammbaum Jesu nach Mattäus. Strukturale Beobachtungen zu Mt 1,1-17: BZ 23 (1979) 187-96. 5929 Soares Prabhu G. M., The Formula Quotations in the Infancy Narrative of Matthew: AnBib 63, 1976 .... 57,3615; 58s,4630: RlndJT 28 (1979) 53s (M. P. John); JBL 96 (1977) 60lss (R. E. Brown); TLZ 104 (1979) 188s (G. Schille). 5930 Tatum W. B., 'The Origin of Jesus Messiah' (Mt l,l.18a): Matthew's Use of the Infancy Traditions: JBL 96 (1977) 523-35. 5931 Tosato A., Joseph, Being a Just Man (Mt 1: 19) [in the light of the written and oral Jewish matrimonial law; in Dt 22,23-37, from llQTemple 66:4-5; Tg Ps.-J. Dt 22:26 ... ]: CBQ 41 (1979) 547-551. 5932 Varon M., Maria en la Sagrada Escritura. Monachil, Granada 1978, S. Rita. 205 p. - REphMar 29 (1979) 435s (A. Rivera). 5933 Watson J. K., La naissance du dieu chretien et la nova de l'an -5: CahRenan 27,108 (1979) 2-8.


Mt 3 ... Baptismus Jesu; Beginning of the Public Life.

5934 Manson T. W. (1893-1958), The Servant-Messiah [➔ 58s,5856+] A Study of the Public Ministry of Jesus. GR 1977 (= 1953 with Foreword, F. F. Bmce), B11ker.104p. $2.95. 5935 Snyman A. A., Analysis of Mt 3: 1-4: 22 : Neotest 11 (1977) 19-31. 5936 Feui/let A., Vocation et mission des prophetes, Bapteme et mission de Jesus; Etude de christologie biblique: NVet 54 (1979) 22-40. 5937 Lentzen-Deis Fritzleo, Die Taufe Jesu nach den Synoptikern: FraTheolSt 4, 1969 .... 52,2372 ... 54,2963: RzRGG 31 (1979) 216ss (0.

Mark). 5938 Hollenbach P., Social Aspects of John the Baptiser's Preaching Mission in the Context of Palestinian Judaism [ ... Mt 3:7-10; Mk 6:17-18; Lk 3: 16b-l 7; 3: 10-14] .... 864, ANRW 2,19,1 (1979) 850-875. 5939 Lachs S. T., John the Baptist and His Audience: GratzColUewishSt 4 (1975) 28-32. 5940 Rougier L., Jean-Baptiste et Jesus: deux evangiles telescopes: Cah. Cerc. E. Renan 27,108 (1979) 13s: prius evangelium Baptistae combinatur apud Synopticos cum posteriore Nazarenorum, praeferendo postquam Jesus cemitur in Is 40,3G. 5941 Dunn J. D. G., The Birth of a Metaphor - Baptised in Spirit [Mt 3,11 par ... ]: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 134-38.173-175. 5942 Scattolon A., L'agapetos sinottico [Mt 3,17] nella luce della tradizione giudaica ['aqedä: Targumim ... ]: RivB 26 (1978) 3-32. 5943 Kurichianil J., The Temptations of Christ, Their Meaning [Mt 4,1-11 par.]: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 106-25. 1., La tentaci6n en la vida monaslica [... I. EI tema biblico 5944 AranR1,lren del desierto como lugar de la tentaci6n ... ]: Cisterc 23 (1973) 99-115. 5945 Coman Vasile, Ispitirea lui Iisus in pustie [Jesus' temptation in the desert]: Mitropolia Banatului (1978) 329-57. 5946 Feuillet Andre, Die Versuchungen Jesu: IkZC 8 (1979) 226-37. - 11mi-

F4.4.l Mt 3, Heginning of the Public Life


stero della tentazione di Gesu: CommStrum 45 (1979) 22-38. 5947 Mahnke H., Die Versuchungsgeschichte im Rahmen der synoptischen Evangelien: ein Beitrag zur frühen Christologie: BeiBibExT 9. Fra 1978, Lang. 445 p.; bibliog. 409-445. 0 3-261-02379-1. 5948 Thielicke Helmut, Zwischen Gott und Satan: die Versuchung Jesu und die Versuchlichkeit des Menschen: ABC-tearn, Taschenbuch 276. Wu 1978, Brockhaus. 126 p. DM 4,95. 0 3-417-20267-1.

F4.4.2 Mt 5 . . . Sermones Jesu; The Sermon on the Mount (the plain, Lk 6, 17). 5949 Barth G., Aukrust T., Bergpredigt [NT; Ethisch]: -> 895, TRE 5,3s (1979) 603-26. 5950 Bornkamm Günther, Der Aufbau der Bergpredigt (SNTS Presidential Address Aug. 1977): NTS 24 (1977s) 419-32. 5951 Bouttier M., Hesiode et le sermon sur la Montagne: NTS 25 (1978s) 129s: Erga 342s, 352s. 5952 Carson D. A., The Sermon on the Mount: an Evangelical Exposition of Mt 5-7. GR 1978, Baker. 157 p. $6.95. 0 0-8010-2423-4. - RC',alvTJ 14 (1979) 88ss (V. D. Verbrugge). 5953 E1u:er W. Faktoren der Textkonstitution in der Bergpredigt: Laurentianum 19 (1978) 177-98. 5954 Eichholz Georg, Auslegung der Bergpredigt4. Neuk 1978, -V. 165 p. DM 19 pa. 0 3-7887-0015-7. 5955 Feuillet Andre, I due aspetti della giustizia nel sermone della Montagna: Comm-Strum 38 (1978) 21-9. 5956 France R. T., The Authenticity of the Sayings of Jesus [->58s,6081] -> 551, C. Brown, History 1976, 101-143: RscotJT 32 (1979) 87 (G. V. Jones). 5957 Genzmer F., Die Bergpredigt wie sie im Heliand überliefert ist. Aus dem Altsächsischen übertragen. Neu-Isenburg 1977, Thiessen. 32 p. 5958 Hendrickx H., Sermon on the Mount. Manila 1979, East Asian Pastoral Institute. vm-218 p.: bibliog.; 199-219. US$4.25. 5959 Hunter A. M., Un ideal de service. Le Sermon sur 1a Montagne [1953], tr. P. Noury: Lire la Bible 44, 1976-> 57,4763: RRThom 78 (1978) 333 (M.-E. Lauziere). 5960 Lachs S. T., Some Textual Observations on the Sermon on the Mount [rabbinic influences]: JQR 69 (1978s) 98-111. 5961 McArthur, Harvey K., Understanding the Sermon on the Mount. Westport CT 1978, Greenwood. 192 p.; bibliog. p. 181-186. 5962 McEleney Neil J., The Principles of the Sermon on the Mount: CBQ 41 (1979) 552-70: Mt 5,17.20 as structural ke/alfm. 5963 Pasqut•tto Virgilio, II discorso dclla montagna: Rivista di vita spirituale 32 (Roma 1978) 27-52.146-168. 5964 Schatjfenorth G., Die Bergpredigt in Luthers Beiträgen zur Wirtschaftsethik. Erwägungen zur Theorie ethischer Urteilsfindung: TextForEvStud A5 (Heid 1978) 177-204.


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5965 Stott John R. W., Christian Counter-Culture: The Message of the Sermon on the Mount: The Bible Speaks Today. Leicester / Downers Grove 1978, Inter-Varsity. 222 p. f:2.35/$2.95. pa. - REvQ 50 (1978) 189s (F. F. Bruce). 5966 Toit A. B. du, Analysis of the Structure of Mt 4: 23-5: 48 : Neotest 11 (1977) 32-47.

F4.4.3 Mt 5,3-11 [Lc 6,20-22] Beatitudines. 5967 Becker Aime, L'appel des Beatitudes ... Augustin, 1977 --+ 58s,6093. RTricrTZ 87 (1978) 323s (F. Schnitz/er); VetChr 15 (1978) 173s (M. Marin). 5968 Berner Ursula, Die Bergpredigt: Rezeption und Auslegung im 20. Jahrhundert [diss. Gö 1978, dir. G. Strecker]: GöTArb 12. Gö 1979, VR. 273 p.; bibliog. 227-273. DM 35. 0 3-525-87364-6. 5969 Betz Hans Dieter, Die Makarismen der Bergpredigt (Mt 5,3-12). Heobachtungen zur literarischen Form und theologischen Bedeutung (Gastvorl. Z 1977): ZTK 75 (1978) 3-19. 5910 Dupont Jacques, Le Beatitudini, II Gli Evangelisti [21973] 1977 ed. Alba -" 58s,6094: RAugRom 18 (1978) 399s (J. F. Wimmer); Sal 40 (1978) 688s (G. Gamha). 5971 Dupont J., a) Le message des beatitudes: CahEv 24. P 1978, Cerf (Evangile et Vie) 64 p. F 9. - b) EI mensaje de las bienaventuranzas. Estella 1978, Verbo Divino. 62 p. 0 84-7151-237-8. 5972 Häring Bernhard, Blessed are the Pure in Heart: The Beatitudes [Le Beatitudini, tr.J: Crossroad. NY 1977, Seabury. 111 p., phot. (R. Ellis). 0 0-8164-2125-0. 5973 Holte Ragnar, Glück (Glückseligkeit): --+ 892, RAC 11 Lf. 82 (1979) 246-70. 5974 Lopez Melos Francisco M., Las bienaventuranzas [1976 --+ 58s,6097] (Ley fundrup.ental de la vida cristiana). M 1978, P.P.C. 368 p. 0 84-2880449-4. 5975 Lotz J., Eure Freude wird gross sein. Die acht Seligkeiten als Weg in die Tiefe [Meditation auf Grund des Kommentars von H. Grundmann, 1968]. Fr 1977, Herder. 112 p. DM 10.80. 5916 May J., Fehlt dem Christentum ein Verhältnis zur Natur? Eine Analyse der Seligpreisungen (Mt 5,2-12) und der Feuerpredigt des Buddha (Samy. 35,28): UnSa 34 (1979) 159-71. 5977 Rusche H., a) Das Glück der vielfach Hungrigen (Mt 5,6): DienGlaub 52 (1976) 24-26. - b) Wir dürfen schauen, der uns sieht (Nachdenkliches zur 6. Seligpreisung = Mt 5.8): DienGlaub 52 (1976) 178-80; ibidem aliae meditationes eius de beatitudinibus. 5978 Schwank B., Von der Gerechtigkeit [in der 4. Seligpreisung, Mt 5,6]: ErbAuf 54,58 (1978) 230-32. 5979 Stachowiak L., [R] Le 8 beatitudini in base ai concetti affini degli abitanti della Palestina: Bog, Dekalog, Blogoslawienstwa, Modlitwa [Dio,

F4.4.3 Mt 5,3-11 (Lc 6,20-22) Beatitudines


Decalogo, Beatitudini, Preghiera] (Krakow 1977) 135-47. 5980 Strecker Georg, Die Makarismen der Bergpredigt [=NTS 17 (1971) 25575]: ➔ 370, Eschaton 1979, 108-131. 5981 Terzoli R., 11 tema della beatitudine nei Padri Siri: Ricerche di Sei. Teol. 11, 1973 ➔ 54,al24 ... 56,a38: RAngelicum 57 (1979) 92s (A. Eszer).

5982 Schwarz G., kalon to halas [Mt 5,13 par; Rückübersetzung]: BibNot 7 (1978) 32-35 ➔ 6549, Mc 9,50. 5983 Gibble K. L., Yeast, Salt, and Secret Agents: New Insights into Biblical Stories. Elgin IL 1979, Brethren. 125 p. $4.95. 5984 C:amphell K. M., The New Jerusalem m Mt !>,14: Scotl'l' 31 (1978) 335-63. 5985 Lange H., The Greater Righteousness. Theological Reflections on Mt 5:17-20: CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 116-21. 5986 Luz Ulrich, Die Erfüllung des Gesetzes bei Matthäus (5,17-20): ZTK 75 (1978) 398-435. 5987 Wenham D., Jesus and the Law: An Excgcsis on Mt 5,17-20 ['a strong statement about the continuing authority and rclcvancc of the OT', aiainst R. Banks (➔ 5772) JBL 93 (1974) 226-42]: Themelios 4 (1979) 92-98. 5988 Sabourin Leopold, Matthieu 5,17-20 et le röle prophetique de la Loi (cf. Mt 11,13): SciEspr 30 (1978) 303-311. 5989 Marguerat D., Mt 5,21-26: Les conflits = Ecriture et Predication 14: ETRel 53 (1978) 508-513. 5990 Dietzfelbinger C., Die Antithesen im Verständnis des Matthäus [5,2148; Aussage des Ganzen; einzelne Antithesen; Rückfragen]: ZNW 70 (1979) 1-15. 5991 Strecker G., Die Antithesen der Bergpredigt (Mt 5,21-48 par) [und Jesu Verständnis des Gesetzes]: ZNW 69 (1978) 36-72. 5992 Jensen Joseph, Does porneia Mean Fornication? A Critique of Bruce Malina [NT 14 (1972) 10-17]: NT 20 (1978) 161-84. 5993 Löbmann Benno, Die beiden Grundauffassungen über das Ehescheidungsverbot Jesu bis zum Ende des fünften Jdts.: ➔ 28, Fs. W. BERTRAMS 1978, 291-317. 5994 Ploeg J. van der, Vondsten in de woestijn. Het OT en het Christendom [ ... Mt 5,32 et notion zem1t a Qumran ... ]. Nijmegen 1979, Kath. Universiteit. 14 p. 5995 Theissen G., Gewaltverzicht und Feindesliebe (Mt 5,38-48; Lk 6,27-38) und deren sozialgeschichtlicher Hintergrund: WUNT 19 (1979) 160-97. 5996 Sah/in Harald, Traditionskritische Bemerkungen zu Mt 5,38-42; 11,1619: ST 33 (1979) 69-77-84. 5997 Hagemeyer Uda, Wenn dir jemand einen Streich gibt auf deine rechte Backe [Mt 5,39] ... : ➔ 271, Fs. W. ZELLER, Traditio 1976, 10-23. 5998 Maartens P. J., The Cola Structure ofMt6: Neotest 11 (1977) 48-76.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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F4.4.4 Mt 6,9-13 [Lc 11,2-4] Oratio Jesu, Pater Noster: the Lord's Prayer. 5999 Althoff K. F., Das Vaterunser. Die Wortgestalt des Menschheitsgebetes auf ihrem Weg durch die Kulturen der Völker. Stu 1978, Urachhaus. 280 p. DM 34. 0 3-87838-249-9. 6000 Ashley B. M., What do we Pray in the Lord's Prayer?: Spirituality Today 31 (1979) 121-36. 6001 Betz Otto, Das Vaterunser: 7 Abschnitte über Matthäus 6,9-13: 42. Bibelwoche 1979s, Arbeitsgemenschaft Missionar. Dienste Ev/KBW. Gladbeck-Wf 1979, Schriftenmission. 84 p., (col.) ill.; p. 81-83 Film-Lit. DM 7,80pa. 0 3-7958-0831-6. 6002 Bourgoin H., epiousios explique par la notion de prefixe vide [Mt 6, 11; Lc 11,3: ... russ. nasusnij]: Biblica 60 (1979) 91-96. 6003 Braun F.-M., Le pain dont nous avons besoin, Mt 6, 11; Lc 11,3: NRT 100 (1978) 559-68. 6004 Carley Royal V., The Lord's Prayer for Today, together with other choice portions of Holy Scriptures. Norwalk CT 1974, Gibson. 27 p. $2.50. 0 0-8378-2005-7. 6005 Ejder B., Om spräket i Herrens bön pä svenska i äldre tid [De lingua suecana precis Pater Nostcr tcmpore antiquiore]: SvTKv 54 (1978) 11018. 6006 Garofalo Salvatore, Il Vangelo del Padre Nostro, Riflessioni bibliche. Mi 1979, Ancora. 94 p. Lit. 2.000. 6007 Gerhardsson B., Fader vär i NTet [Pater noster in NT]: SvTKv 54 (1978) 93-102. 6008 Grelot P., [Pain 'quotidien':] La quatrieme demande du 'Pater' et son arriere-plan semitique: NTS 25 (1978s) 299-314. 6009 Grünzweig F., Das Vaterunser, Beten in der Schule Jesu: Telos 2509: Wege zum Leben. Bad Liebenzell 1979, Mission. 63 p. DM 2,95 pa. 6010 Kiejfer R., Fader vär i äldre Kyrklig traditionen: SvTKv 54 (1978) 103109. 6011 Lotz J. B., Wenn ihr heute Vater unser betet: Meditationen 2 : Stiftung Oratio Dominica. Fr 1979, Herder. 125 p. DM 12,80 pa. 6012 Maillot A., Notre Pere ou la Priere des fils 1976--> 58s,6107: RProt 34 (1979) 240s (C. Tourn). 6013 Modersohn E., Wie ihr beten sollt! Betrachtungen über das Gebet des Herrn. Bad Liebenzell 1979, Mission. 91 p. DM 8.80. 6014 Momeau Robert, Our Father. Collegeville 1978, Liturgical. 68 p. 6015 Peters A., Das Vaterunser-Auslegung in Luthers Katechismen: LuthTKi 3 (1979) 101-115. 6016 a) Petuchowski Jakob J., Brocke Michael ed., The Lord's Prayer and Jewish Liturgy [Seabury --> 58s,6106] including most of the 1973 Freiburg-Br. conference [Das Vaterunser 1974, Herder -->56,3922] and other papers, tr. Elizabeth R. Petuchowski. L 1978, Bums & 0. ix-224 p. 0 086012-063-5. - RBibTB 9 (1979) 80 (B. J. Malina); CleR 64 (1979) 458 (C. Klein); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 189 (D. Kuck); NBlackfr 60 (1979) 92s (R. Judd); TLond 82 (1979) 144s (H. Maccoby). - b) Nave Pnina, Du unser Vater: Jüdische Gebete für Christen. Fr 1975; Herder. 114 p.

F4.4.4 Mt 5,9-13 (Lc 11,2-4) Pater Noster


6017 Rommel K., Einladung zum Gespräch mit Gott; Gedanken über das Vaterunser. Stu 1979, Quell. 55 p., TII. DM 4.80 pa. 6018 Schneider R., Das Vaterunser 5 mit einem Nachwort. Fr 1978, Herder. 48 p., 8 Ill. [H. Hofbein]. DM 12.80. 6019 Sobrino J., The Prayer of Jesus [showing disapproval of narcissistic counterfeits] and the God of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels: Listening (River Forest IL) 13 (1978) 189-213. 6020 Thalmann, Richard, Brücke zwischen Himmel und Erde: das Vaterunser: Offene Zeit 9. St. Gallen/Meitingen 1979, Rat/Kyrios. 36 p. DM 7,80 pa. 0 3-7838-0208-3.

6021 Johnson D. D., Beyond Consumption: An Economic Perspective Based on Mt 6: 19-21, 6:24 & 6:25-34. Diss. School of Theology at Claremont 1978. 102 p. 0 7815340. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1662-A. 6022 Betz Hans D., Matthew 6,22f and ancient Greek theories of vision: ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 43-56. 6023 France R. T., [Mt 6,24) God and Mammon: EvQ 51 (1979) 3-21. 6024 Nicol W., The Structure of Mt 7: Neotest 11 (1977) 77-90. 6025 Helewa Giovanni, [Mt 7,1) 'Non giudicate': la miscricordia nclla comunione fratema: Presenza del Carmelo 15 (Roma 1978) 10-20. 6026 Mattill A. J. Jr., 'The Way of Tribulation' (Mt 7,14; Ac 14,22): JBL 98 (1979) 531-46. 6027 Louw J. P., The Structure of Mt 8: 1-9:35: Neotest 11 (1977) 91-97. 6028 Martin Ralph P., The Pericope of the Ilealing of the 'Centurion's' Servant/Son (Mt 8,5-13 par. Luke 7,1-10): Some Exegetical Notes: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADD, Unity and Diversity 1978, 14-22. 6029 Kingsbury J. D., Observations on the Miracle Chapters of Mt 8-9 [ ... Arrangement, Christology ... , Paradigmic Function ... ] : CBQ 40 (1978) 559-73. 6030 [Karlsen] Seim T. [K.], [Mt 8,25] 'Herre frels! Vi gär under ... ' Momenter till frelsesforstäelsen i den synoptiske evangelielitteratur: NorTTs 80 (1979) 161-75. 6031 Gilles J., [Mt 12,46; 13,56) Les 'freres et sreurs' de Jesus. P 1979, Aubier. 128 p. ➔ 6138. 6032 Garcia de! Moral A., Los 'hermanos del Seiior' y la perpetua virginidad de Maria: CuBib 34 (1977) 5-29.

F4.4.5 Mt 8-12 ... Miracula Jesu - The Gospel Miracles. 6033 Ashe G., Miracles. L 1978, Routledge & K. P. 206 p. 6034 Retz Hans D., The Early Christian Miracle Story; Some Observations on the Form-Critical Problem: ➔ 6058, Funk R., Semeia 11 (1978) 6981.

6035 Betz Otto, Grimm Werner, Wesen und Wirklichkeit der Wunder Jesu: Heilungen, Rettungen, Zeichen, Aufleuchtungen: ArbNTJ 2. Fra 1977, Lang. vn-155s. Fs 32. 0 3-261-02397-X.

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[X. Evangelia

6036 Busse Ulrich, Die Wunder des Propheten Jesus: ForBib 24, 1977 ..... 58s,5030: RßiKi 33 (1978) 107 (A. Weiser); BLtg 51 (1978) 63s (G. Geiger); CBQ 40 (1978) 433ss (P. J. Achterneier);Sal 40 (1978) 408ss (G. G. Gamba); TPQ 126 (1978) 294 (A. Fuchs); TR 74 (1978) 198ss (W.

Radl). 6037 Cangh J.-M. van, Multiplication: Lect. div. 86! 1975 ..... 57,3834: RBz 23 (1979) 301s (J. Rieger). 6038 Charpentier E. ed., I miracoli del Vangelo [-+ 57,4801]. T 1978, Gribaudi. 60 p. Lit. 2000. 6039 Folks J. C., The Ministry of Touch in the NT Applied in Contemporary Society. Diss. Claremont. 61 p. 0 7815334. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1658s-

A. Geninasca J. (Greimas J. al., Groupe d'Entrevernes), Signes [et paraboles] 1977 = Signes [and Parables] 1978 -+ 601ab. 6040 Gerhardsson Birger, Jesu maktgärningar. Om de urkristna berättarnas val av termer [Jesus' deeds of power: early Christian reporters' choice of terms]: SvEx 44 (1979) 122-32; summ. 133 teras out, too terrifying; semeion (opp. John) expressly disclaimed by Synoptists Mt 12,38 (Acts 16t with terata but only once for Jesus), who prefer dynamis. Swedish correspondents. 6041 Heil J. P., Significant Aspects of the Healing Miracles in Matthew (FraR lecture 1977): CBQ 41 (1979) 274-87. 6042 Hergesel T., [f] The adoration of the miracle-worker; Matthew's interpretation of the miracles of Jesus: RuBi 32 (1979) 104-14. 6043 Küsernunn Ernst, La guerison des demoniaques, tr. F. Grob: ETRel 54 (1979) 231-241. 6044 Kertelge K., Die Wunder Jesu in der neueren Exegese, .....257: 58s,6179: J. Pfammatter TB 5, 1976 p. 71-105: RTR 75 (1979) 134ss (A. Kol-

ping). 6045 KirchschlägerW., Wie über Wunder reden?: BLtg 51 (1978) 252ss. 6046 Koch D.-A., Die Bedeutung der Wundererzählungen für die Christologie des Markusevangeliums 1975 .....56,2959; 58s,4820: RRTPhil 110 (1978) 178s (C. Senft). 6047 Kolenkow A. B., Beyond Miracles, Suffering and Eschatology: SBL,SemPap 109,2 (1973) 155-202. 6048 Leon-Dufour Xavier ed., Les miracles de Jesus [->613; base sur le congres ACFEB de Lille sept. 1973, mais 'pas le campte rendu, encore moins ses Actes']: Parole de Dieu [16]. P 1977, Seuil. [-+ 58s,6185 avec J.-N. Aletti, Une lecture en questions, Mc 5,1-20] 0 2-02-00-4729-2. LeonDufour 11-44 Approches; 269-86 Jean; 289-353 Synthese, Structure et fonction du recit du miracle; 355-74 Conclusion. 10 al. infra. 6049 Lohse Eduard, Glaube und Wunder. Ein Beitrag zu der theologia crucis in den synoptischen Evangelien: .....63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 335-350. 6050 Maillot Alphonse, Les miracles de Jesus et nous: Cahiers du Reveil. Tournon 1977, Reveil. 207 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 310 (M. Bouttier). 6051 Mann U., Das Wunderbare: Wunder, Segen und Engel: Handbuch systematischer Theologie 17. Gü 1979, Mohn. 102 p. DM 18. 6052 Merli D., Fiducia e fede nei miracoli evangelici: QuadBibOr 5, 1973 -+

F4.4.5 Mt 8-12 Miracula Jesu


54,3898; 56,3984; 57,4813: RRivB 26 (1978) 320ss (C. Burini). 6053 Ory Armand, Mirabilia. De mirakelverhalen in het licht van de fünctionele exegese. Gelmen 1978, auct. 136 p. 6054 Pesch R., Kratz R., Wundergeschichten 1-2 = So liest man synoptisch II 1977 ---> 5754; 58s,4505: RTLZ 103 (1978) 503s (W. Schenk). 6055 Robinson B., The Challenge of the Gospel Miracle Stories: NBlackfr 60 (1979) 321-334. 6056 Sabourin Leopold, The Divine Miracles Discussed and Defended. R 1977, Catholic Book Agency [US: BibTB, 40 N. Main, Albany NY 12203] ---> 58s,6187: RCBQ 41 (1979) 495ss (E. V. Gallagher); CleR 63 (1978) 399ss (J. M. Redford); Gregorianum 59 (1978) 421s (R. Latourelle); HeythJ 19 (1978) 442 (R. Muliin). 6057 Steiner Anton, Weymann Volker (Busslinger-Simmen Helen), Die Wunder Jesu: Bibelarbeit in der Gemeinde, Themen und Materialien 2 [1 --->58s,5696]. Ba/Z 1978, Reinhardt/Benziger. 197 p., ill. 0 3-7245-0411-X / 0 3-545-26131-X. - RBLtg 51 (1978) 276 (G. Geiger). 6058 Theissen G., Urchristliche Wundergeschichten: StudNT 8, 1974 ---> 55,3733 ... 57,4824: a) Boers H., Sisyphus and bis Rock. - b) Achtemeier P. J., An lmperfect Union: R. Funk ed. Early Christian Miracle Stories: SBL Semeia 11 (MMS 1978; rv-147 p.) 1-48/49-68. 6059 Vogt N., Paranormal Healing and its lmplications for the Concept of Miracles: diss. Fordham NY 1979, dir. J. J. Heaney. 358 p. 0 7918306. DissA 40 (1979s) 919s-A. 6060 Weiser Alfons, a) Was die Bibel Wunder nennt: ein Sachbuch zu den Berichten der Evangelisten' [11975 ---> 57,4825; 2 1976 --->58s,6190]. Stu 1977, KBW. 183 p.; (col.) ill. DM 29,80. 0 3-460-31091-X. - b) Jesu Wunder, damals und heute 4 rev.: Kleine Reihe zur Bibel 2. Stu 1976, KBW. 66 p., fig. DM 3,90 pa. 0 3-460-10024-9. 6061 Wibbing S., [Synoptische] Wunder und christliche Existenz heute: Überlegungen für Unterricht und Predigt: Taschenbücher Siebenstern 751. Gü 1979, Mohn. 143 p. DM 9,80 pa. 6062 Wire A. C., The Structure of the Gospel Miracle Stories and their Tellers: --->6058, Funk R., Semeia 11 (1978) 83-113. 6063 Witt 0., Biblische Krankenheilung heute?: Studia Anglicana 4 (Wuppertal/Trier 1972, R. Brockhaus/Paulinus) l 0 1-107.

6064 [Mt 9,6] Black M., Jesus and the Son of Man: JStNT 1 (1978) 4-18. 6065 Fitzmyer J. A., The NT Title 'Son of Man' Philologically Considered: --->303, A Wandering Aramean: SBLMon 25 (1979) 143-160 [ineditum]. 6066 Vermes Geza, The Present State of the 'Son of Man' Debate: JJS 29 (1978) 123-134. 6067 a) Vermes Geza, The 'Son of Man' Debate: JStNT 1 (1978) 19-32. b) Fitzmyer J. A., Another View of the • Son of Man' Debate [Reply to G. Vermes]: JStNT 4 (1979) 58-68. 6068 Hooker Moma D., Is the Son of Man problem really insoluble?:---> 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 155-68.


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6069 [Mt 9,6] Walker W. O. J, Jesus and the Tax Collectors: JBL 97 (1978) 221-38. 6070 [Mt 9,14] Waibel M., Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Fasten- und Sabbatpraxis Jesu in urchristlichen Gemeinden: ➔ 215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG, Zur Geschichte des Urchristentums 1979, 63-96. 6071 [Mt 9,15] Fashole-Luke E., Who is the Bridegroom? An Excursion into St. Cyprian's Use of Scripture: ➔ 616, StudiaPatrist 12, 1975, 294-298. 6072 [Mt 9,34] Annen F., Die Dämonenaustreibungen Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien, ➔ 257; 58s,6192a J. Pfammatter TB 5, 1976 p. 107146: RTR 75 (1979) 136s (A. Kolping). 6073 Gonzales Paus J. 1., Jesus y los demonios. Introducci6n cristologica a la lucha por la justicia: EstE 52 (1977) 487-519; cfr. CuBib 34 (1977) 10921 (B. Celada). 6074 [Mt (9,34) 10,25] Maclaurin E. C. B., Beelzeboul: NT 20 (1978) 15660. 6075 Kasper W. al., Teufel-Dämonen-Besessenheit. Mainz 1978. - RBLtg 51 (1978) 203-206 (W. Kirchschläger). 6076 Comhrink H. J. B., Structural Analysis of Mt 9: 35-11: 1 : Neotest 11 (1977) 98-114. 6077 [Mt 10,1] Dion Paul-E., Le 'rouleau ~u Temple' et les Douze: SciEspr 31 (1979) 81ss. 6078 a) WingrP.n G., Tre motforestillinger [Tria improperia ad diss. H. HognPstad, exordiens II Mt 10,7.1; Q,1-8]: NorTTs 7Q (1Q78) 7.01-14; Pjns responsum 267-84. - b) Hognestad H., Forkynnelse til oppbrudd (155 p.), Forkynnelsen-kirkens forsvar (149 p.) (Proclamatio versus exitum; ecclesiae defensio). - c) Wingren G.: NorTTs 80 (1979) 109-114: Behovet av en klar definition. Metodiska synpunkter pä H's doktorsavhandling; 11423. - d) P. umning, Mer om teologisk bevisstgj0ring-Duplikk till H. ➔ 5817. 6079 Pagani Sergio, Le versioni latine africane del NT: considerazioni su Mt. 10,32s in Tertulliano e Cipriano: Bbbür 20 (1978) 255-70. 6080 Barta Karen A., Mission and Discipleship in Matthew: A RedactionCritical Study of Mt. 10-34; diss. Marquette University, Milwaukee 1979. 6081 Lategan B. C., Structural [also Thematic] Interrelations in Mt 11-12: Neotest 11 (1977) 115-29. 6082 Albrecht Evelin, Zeugnis durch Wort und Verhalten untersucht zu ausgewählten Texten des NTs [Mt 11,2-6; Jn 14,10+]: Theol. Diss. 13, 1977 ➔ 58s,8944. - RTR 74 (1978) 287ss (J. Roloff). 6083 [Mt 11,2] Tomic Celestin, Ivan Krstitelj . .. Johannes der Täufer. Eine biblisch-geschichtliche Darstellung. Zagreb 1978. 160 p. 6084 Magass W., Zum Verständnis des Gleichnisses von den spielenden Kindern (Mt 11,16-19): LingBib 45 (1979) 59-70 (relation between agora and agon). 6085 Völkel M., 'Freund der Zöllner und Sünder' [Mt 11,19. Mk2,13-17; Lk7,36-S0; IS,1-2; 18,9-14; 19,1-10; et par]: ZNW 69 (1978) 1-10. 6086 rMt 11,19.251 Zeller D., Die weisheitlichen Mahnsprüche bei den Synoptikern: ForBib 17, 1977 , 58s,4536: RCBQ 41 (1979) 357-9 (R. L.

F4.4.5 Mt 11,19...


Jeske); JBL 98 (1979) 441s (W. A. Beards/ee); JTS 29 (1978) 534s (I. H. Marshall); TLZ 104 (1979) 582 (R. H. Fuller); TPhil 53 (1978) 572ss (J. Beutler); TR 75 (1979) 107s (R. Pesch). 6087 K/oppenborg J. S., Wisdom Christology in Q: LavalTP 34 (1978) 12947. 6088 Schwarz G., hoti ekrypsas tauta apo . . . syneton (Mt 11,25 par.) [et aram.]: BibNot 9 (1979) 22-25. 6089 Cohn-Sherbok D. M., An Analysis of Jesus' Arguments Concerning the Plucking of Grain on the Sabbath [Mt 12,1-8 par.]: JStNT 2 (1979) 3141. 6090 Schmidt D., The LXX Gattung 'Prophetie Correlative': JBL 96 (1977) 517-22 [as Mt 12,40 in R. Edwards, Sign of Jonah 1971 ➔ 53,2489*]. 6091 Schmitt G., Das Zeichen des Jona [Mt 12,38-40 & Lk 11,29-30; Mt 16,1.2.4 & Mk 11]: ZNW 69 (1978) 123-129.

F4.4.6 Mt 13 ... Parabolae Jesu - The Parables. 6092 Almeida Yvan, L'operativite semantique des recits-paraboles. Semiotique narrative et textuelle. Hermeneutique du discours religieux [diss. Lv 1976 ➔ 58s,604]: Bibliotheque des Cahiers de !'Institut de linguistique de Louvain 13. Lv/P 1978, Peeters/Cerf. xn-486p. Fb 1000. 0 2-8017-01009. - RRechSR 67 (1979) 517-9 (J.-N. Aletti); Sal 41 (1979) 892 (R. Gottlieb). Bailey K. E., Poet and Peasant. A Literary and Cultural Approach to the Parables [in Luke] ➔ 1976. 6093 Bellini E., L'interpretazione origeniana delle parabole nel 'Commento a Matteo': ScuolC 106 (1978) 393-413. 6094 Boucher Madeleine, The Mysterious Parable. A Literary Study: CBQMon 6, 1977 ➔ 58s,6129: RETRel 54 (1979) 169 (A. Reix); JBL 97 (1978) 608-610 (Q. Quesnell); JTS 29 (1978) 533s (G. B. Caird); Laurentianum 19 (1978) 161s (F. Raurell). 6095 Briscoe, Hollie L., A comparison of the parables in the Gospel according to Thomas and the Synoptic Gospels: diss. 1965; Fort Worth, Texas, School of Theology. 6096 Crossan J. D., Finding is the First Act: Trove Folktales and Jesus' Treasure Parable [Mt 13,44]: SBL,SemSup. Missoula/Ph 1979, Scholars/Fortress. [vm-]141 p. $4.95 pa. 6097 Crossan J. D., The Servant Parables of Jesus: SBL,SemPap 109,2 (1973) 94-118. 6098 Dodd Charles H., a) The Parables of the Kingdom. L 1978 Fount pa. = 1961, Nisbet. 160 p .. 0 0-00-625194-3. - b) Les paraboles du royaume de Dieu. Deja la ou pas encore?: ParDieu 14, 1977, ➔ 58s,6135: RETRel 52 (1977) 311s (M. Boutticr); RHE 74 (1979) 211s (J. Dupont: le sous-titre fran~ais s'applique a la moitie depassee, 1935). - c) Las parabolas del reino. Epifänia 6, 1974: ➔ 55,3687 ... 58s,6135: Rcisterc 27 (1975) 80s (M. G.). 6099 Donahue J. R., Miracle, mystery and parable: Way 18 (1978) 252-62.


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6100 Dupont J., a) Pourquoi des paraboles? La methode parabolique de Jesus 1977 ➔ 58s,6137: RCBQ 40 (1978) 268s (M. Boucher); NRT 100 (1978) 773s (X. Jacques). - b) 11 metodo parabolico di Gesu tr. U. Mattioli: Biblioteca minima di cultura religiosa 28. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 87 p. Lit. 2000 pa. - RVetChr 16 (1979) 157s (G. Cannone). Dupont J. dir., La parabola degli invitati al banchetto: Dagli evangelisti a Gesu: Sem. Bologna 1977/8 ➔ 595; 58s,6166*. 6101 Eichholz Georg, [Sammlung] Gleichnisse der Evangelien: Form, Überlieferung, Auslegung3• Neuk 1979 [11971 ➔ 53,3298; 2 1975 ➔ 57,4780), -V. 239 p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-7887-0280-X. 6102 Funk R. W., The Narrative Parables: The Birth of a Language Tradition ➔ 52; 58s,11357, Fs. N. A. DAHL, God's Chril,t and Hili People, 1977, 43-50. Geninasca J. (Greimas J. al., Groupe d'Entrevemes [Signes et] paraboles 1977 = [Signs and] Parables 1978 ➔ 601ab. 6103 Graybrill D. J., The Mystery in What is Utterly Clear: Parable as a Model for Understanding the Reality of God, Church, and Ministry. Diss. Vanderbilt Univ. 1978, dir. P. C. Hodgson. 420 p. - DissA 39 (1978s) 938-A. 6104 Ilarnisch W., Die Metapher als heuristisches Prinzip: Neuerscheinungen zur Hermeneutik der Gleichnisreden Jesu: VerkF 24,1 (1979) 53-89: T. Aurelio, J. D. Crossan, H.-J. Klauck, N. Perrin, P. Ric 58s,6491. - RETRel 54 (1979) 184s (B. Reymond); NRT 100 (1978) 767ss (X. Jacques); RThom 79 (1979) 516 (M.-A. G.); TZBas 34 (1978) 372ss (C. A. Contreras). 6146 Bartina Sebastian, Pedro, voz de Dios el Padre. Nota a Mt 16,17: EstBib 37 (1979) 291-93. 6147 Bigane, John, Tu es Petrus, et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam: The 'Rock' in Sixteenth-Century Roman Catholic Perspective: diss. Marquette University, Milwaukee 1979. 6148 Brown R, E. a/. Hg., a) Der Petrus der Bibel 1976 .... 57,5025; 58s,6484. - RMüTZ 29 (1978) 439s (M. Krämer); TrierTZ 87 (1978) 161 (K. Kertelge). - h) Pedro en el Nuevo Testamento. Santander 1976, Sal Terrae, 166 p. ----> 58s,6482: RRelCul 24 (1978) 128 (M. Juarez). 6149 Corsani Bruno, Ricca Paolo, Pietro e il papato nel dibattito ecumenico odierno: Picc. coll. mod., Teol. 35, 1978,---->58s,6499. - RAntonianum 53 (1978) 625s (R. Weijenborg); CC 130 (1979,1) 96s (G. Galeota); STeolEv 4 (1979) 153ss (P. Bolognesi). 6150 Dockx S., Chronologie de la vie de saint Pierre < RechSR 62 (1974) 221-246: ----> 296; 58s,4362*, Chronologies neotestamentaires et Vie de l'Eglise primitive 1976, 129-146. 6151 Du/les Avery, Papal Authority in Roman Catholicism: ----> 483; 58s,6502b, McCord P., A Pope for all Christians? 1976, 48-70. 6152 Feda/to G., San Pietro e la sua chiesa tra i padri d'Oriente e d'Occidente 1976---->58s,6504: RvetChr 15 (1978) 157ss (G. Cannone). 6153 Fitzmyer Joseph A., Aramaic Kepha' and Peter's name in the NT: ----> 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 121-32. 6154 Forte Bruno, Der Primat in der Eucharistie. Ökumenische Erwägungen über den Petrusdienst in der Kirche: ----> 400, Brandenburg A., Petrus 1978, 32-55. 6155 Frankemölle H., Jahwebund und Kirche Christi ... nach Matthäus 1974 ----> 55,2735a ... 58s,4562: RRTPhil 110 (1978) 178 (D. Marguerat). 6156 Gewalt D., Die Verleugnung des Petrus: Lingßib 43 (Sept. 1978) 11344; summ. angl. 144. 6157 Hahn Ferdinand, Die Petrusverheissung Mt 16, 18f. Eine exegetische Skizze: ----> 58s,4718, WegFor 189 (1977) 543-63 < MatKonflnst 21 (1970) 8-13 + Literaturnachtrag. 6158 Kingsbury J. D., The Figure of Peter in Matthew's Gospel as a Theological Problem: JBL 98 (1979) 67-83. 6159 [----> 58s,6533 Laconi M. al. (Galizzi M., Sartori L.)], 11 servizio di Pietro: Appunti per una riflessione interconfessionale. Leumann, Torino 1978, ElleDiCi. 194 p. Lit. 3000. - Rcc 110 (1979,1) 96 (G. Galeota). 6160 Lampe P., Das Spiel mit dem Petrusnamen - Matt. 16,18: NTS 25 (1978s) 227-45. 6161 Lamping A. J., Ulricus Velenus and His Treatise ... [Petrum Rhomam non venisse] 1976 -> 57,5032; 58s,6479: RArRcfg, Literaturbericht, Beih. 27. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (19 79)


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6 (1977) 30 (J. Köhler). 6162 Maffei G., 11 dialogo ecumenico sulla successione attomo all'opera di Oscar Cullmann (1952-1972). [ ... 1. 11 dialogo sulla successione primaziale (... Mt 16,18-19)... ]. II. 11 dialogo sulla successione apostolica ... : bibliogr. XI - xvn]. R c.1979, LES[alesiana]. xvn-194 p. Lit. 6.500. 6163 Minnerath R., Le pape eveque universel ou premier des eveques: Le Point Theologique, 30. P 1978, Beauchesne. 127 p. 6164 Misner Paul, Papacy and Development: Newman and the Primacy of the Pope: StHistChrTht 15. Ld 1976, Brill. 204 p. - RJEcuSt 15 (1978) 742ss (J. Heft). 6165 Mund H.-J., Das Bild von der Kirche als Schiff und Fels im NT ... Pelrusaml 1976 -, 58s,8567: RTGI 68 (1978) 228s (H. Petri). 6166 Robbins, Marjorie, Feed My Sheep. Hicksville 1978, Exposition. 63 p. $4.50. 6167 Subilia Vittorio, 'Tu sei Pietro'. L'enigma del fondamento biblico del papato: Fac. Valdese Teol., Brevi studi 2. T 1978, Claudiana. 77 p. Lit. 2000. - RsTeolEv 4 (1979) 154s (P. Bolognesi). 6168 Wischmeyer W., Die Petrus-Leseszene als Beispiel für die christliche KerygAdaptation eines vorgegebenen Bildtypus: ➔ 10, Fs C. ANDRESEN, ma und Logos 1979, 482-95.

6169 Llompart G., La cruz y las cruces. La iconografia y el fölk-Jore:e:n h1 interpretaci6n del Ev. de S. Mt. 16,24: Revista del Etnografia 16,2 (Porto 1972) 273-322, 19 fig. 6170 [Mt 17] Habra G., La Transfiguration selon les peres grecs, pref. Maximos V Hakim 1974 ➔ 56,4159: R AnglTR 60 (1978) 364s (G. W. Morrel); HeythJ 19 (1978) 447s (P. Sherrard). 6171 Trites A. A., The Transfiguration of Jesus: The Gospel in Microcosm: EvQ 51 (1979) 67-79 ➔ 6545. 6172 Cassidy R. J., Matthew 17,24-27 - A Word on Civil Taxes: CBQ 41 (1979) 571-80. 6173 Ilirunuma Toshio, [Il De vnriis versiculis Mt 18,7 - 19,22 ... Shinyaku Kenkyü = Studia Textus NT 145 (1978) 1204 - 150 (1979) 1245 ... 6174 [Mt 18,10] Coke P. T., The Angels of the Son of God [disciples of Jesus 'proleptic' angels ... ]: StNTU-A3 (W 1978) 91-98 < hisp.: EstBib 32 (1973) 283-289. 6175 Stirn Marcel, Pour une 'semiotique' de l'annonce. Essai d'elaboration d'un probleme linguistique a partir de Mt 19-23. Lv 1979, Nauwelaerts. 371 p. - RRechSR 67 (1979) 519ss (J.-N. Aletti). 6176 Moloney F. J., Mt 19,3-12 and Celibacy. A Redactional and Form-Critical Study: JStNT 2 (1979) 42-60. 6177 Marin F., Un recurso obligado a la tradici6n presin6ptica [Mt 19, lOss]: EstBib 36 (1977) 205-16: primi christiani referebant ad totam vitam, non mere caelibatum. 6178 [Mt 19,12; 22,30; Gn 1,28; 9,1; 1 Cor 7] Tibiletti C., Verginita e matrimonio in antichi scrittori cristiani: Annali della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia della Univ. di Macerata 2 (1969) 9-217. - RvetChr 15 (1978)

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423s (V. Pavan). 6179 Rustad Joel 0., Matthew's attitude toward the law in Matt. 19: 16-22: diss. Concordia Seminary in Exile (Seminex) in cooperation. with Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, 1976. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. rv-263 p. 6180 Mackrell G. F., The Rich Young Man [Mt 19,16]: New Blackfriars 60 (1979) 84-9. 6181 Querdray G., La parabole des ouvriers envoyes a la vigne (Mt 20,1-20): EsprVie 89 (1978) 568-72. 6182 Feuillet Andre, Les ouvriers envoyes a la vigne (Mt 20,1-16): le service desinteresse et la gratuite de l'alliance: RThom 79 (1979) 5-24. 6183 Voicu Scvcr J., In opcrarios undecimae horae [Mt 20, 1-16]: una omelia pseudocrisostomico arianeggiante [testo gr. secondo l'unico ms.]: AugRom 18 (1978) 341-60.

F4.4.8 Mt 21 ... Regnum eschatologicum - Kingdom eschatology. 6184 Crawford B. S. Near Expectation in the Sayings of Jesus [ ... (these) sayings, in terms of both content and form, 'have their origin in Christian Prophecy and thus cannot be used in reconstructing the eschatological proclamation of Jesus ... ]: diss. Vanderbilt 1978, dir. Paul W. Meyer. 290 p. 0 7909267. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6180A. 6185 Grässer E., Das Problem der Parusieverzögerung in den synoptischen Evangelien und in der Apg: BZNW 223 rev. B 1977, de Gruyter. xxxrv237 p. DM 78. 0 3-11-007512-1. 6186 Hofmann P., 'Eschatologie' und 'Friedenshandeln' in der Jesusüberlieferung [ ... eschatol. futurisch u. auch gegenwartsbezogene Basileia - Verkündigung, als Vorgabe der Güte Gottes; Gebot der Feindesliebe; Recht der Armen; Überwinding der Herrschaft vom Menschen über den Menschen; charismatischer Anfang ... ] : -> 477, Eschatologie und Frieden II, hrg. G. Liedke, 1978, 283-98. 6187 Jewett Robert, Jesus against the rapture: seven unexpected prophecies. Ph 1979, Westminster. 147p. 0 0-664-24253-7. 6188 L'Eplattenier C., La sequence mattheenne de Jesus au Temple, Mt 21,10-24,2 = Ecriture et Predication, 15: ETRel 53 (1978) 514-18. 6189 Jacob R., Les pericopes de !'Entree a Jerusalem et de la Preparation de la Cene [Mc 11,1-10 par; 14,12-16 par] Egl. nouv. - Egl. anc., Et. bibl. 2. P 1975 Beauchesne. - RNRT 99 (1977) 406 (X. Jacques). 6190 Derrett J. D. M., Law in the NT: The Palm Sunday Colt [Mk 11,2; Mt 21,2: NT 13 (1971) 241-58]:-> 296; 58s,9180, Studies NT II, 1978, 16583. 6191 Mariadasan V., Le triomphe messianique de Jesus et son entree a Jerusalem. Etude critico-litteraire des traditions evangeliques (Mc 11,1-11 II) [diss. Lv-N 1977 dir. J. Gib/et: NotSocTLouv lls (1978) 14]. Tindivanam, India 1978, Catechetical Centre. x-66 p. - RETL 55 (1979) 411s (F. Neirynck). 6192 [Mt _21,32] Richards W. L., Another Look at The Parable of the Two

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Sons: BibRes 23 (1978) 5-14. 6193 Barbaglio Giuseppe, La parabola del banchetto di nozze nella versione di Matteo (22,1-14): ➔ 595; 58s,6166*, Dupont J., La parabola degli invitati al Banchetto 1978, 63-101. 6194 Buzzetti Carlo, Analisi letteraria del racconto matteano (22,1-14): ➔ 595, Dupont J., Parabola ... Banchetto 1978, 11-61. 6195 Dupont J., La parabola degli invitati al banchetto nel ministero di Gesu: _. 595, La parabola 1978, 279-329. 6196 Garland David E., The Intention of Matthew 23 (Southem Baptist diss., Louisville 1976 dir. F. Stagg): NTSup, 52. Ld 1979, Brill. x-255 p. f 80. 0 90-04-05912-1. 6197 Kelly Mary, Thc Wocs against the Scribes and Pharisees [Mt 23]: Sidic (Rome) 10,2 (1977) 17-24. 6198 Rivkin E., Scribes, Pharisccs, Lawyers, Hypocrites [Mt 23,2]: A Study in Synonymity: HUCA 49 (1978) 135-142. 6199 Tigay J. H., On the Term Phylacteries [Mt 23,5 = tefi,llfn, despite objections]: HarvTR 72 (1979) 45-53, 1 pl. 6200 Glucker J., Antiochus [of Ascalon; Jesus as kathegetes Mt 23,10] and the Late Academy: Hypomnemata 56. Gö 1978, VR. 510 p., DM 90. 0 3-525-25151-3. 6201 Block-Hoell N. E., Extra ecclesiam nulla salus'?: NorTTs 80 (1979) 1927: Mt 24s; Jn 3,16; 1 Tim 2,4; Rom. 1-8 ... 6202 Brown Schuyler, The Matthean Apoc~lypse: [7.4-?.'i]:JStNT 4 (1979) 227. 6203 Sabourin Leopold, 11 dlscorso sulla parousia e le parabult: tlella vigilanza (Mt 24s): BbbOr 20 (1978) 193-211. 6204 Wetzei R., Das vierundzwanzigste Kapitel des Evangelisten Matthäus in der Auslegung durch die griechischen Väter Origenes und Chrysostomus: Diss. kath. Tü c.1978. 214p.; 279p. 6205 Durland W. R., No King but Jesus: Mt 25 and the Biblical Basis of Christian Non-Violent Assistance: diss. Union Graduate School (Ohio) 1977. 447 p. 0 7910869. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6828sA. 6206 Schenk W., Auferweckung der Toten oder Gericht nach den Werken? Tradition und Redaktion in Mattäus 25, 1-13: NT 20 (1978) 278-99. 6207 Altmann W., Libertar;ao e Justificar;äo: Mt 25,31-46: PerspT 12 (1979) 5-15. 6208 Brändle Rudolf, Matth. 25,31-46 im Werk des Johannes Chrysostomus: Ein Beitrag zur Auslegungsgeschichte und zur Erforschung der Ethik der griechischen Kirche um die Wende vom 4. zum 5. Jdt. (Diss. Habil. Ba 1977s): BeiGBibEx 22. Tü 1979, Mohr. vm-386 p. DM 78. 0 3-16-1420020.

6209 Friedrich Johann, Gott im Bruder. Eine methodenkritische Untersuchung von Redaktion, Überlieferung und Tradition in Matth. 25, 31-46 (< Gott 'im Anderen': diss. Tü 1976): CalwTMonA7 1977-> 58s,4753: RTZBas 35 (1979) 121 (M. Künzi). 6210 Konings J., Quem e quem na 'parabola do ultimo juizo' (Mt 25,3146)?: PerspT 10 (1978) 367-402. 6211 Puzicha Michaela, Christus peregrinus. Die Fremdenaufnahme (Mt

F4.4.8 Mt 25... Regum eschatologicum


25,35) als Werk der privaten Wohltätigkeit im Urteil der Alten Kirchen. Münster 1979, Aschendorf. x-200 p. 6212 Schwank B., Der König der Juden [Messansprache über Mt 25,31-46 in Jerusalem ... ]: ErbAuf 55 (1979) 57-60. 6213 Weren Wilhelmus J. C., De broeders van de Mensenzoon: Mt 25, 3146 als toegang tot de eschatologie van Matteüs: 1979 kath. Diss. Nijmegen, dir. B. M. F. van Iersel. Amst 1979, Ten Bolland. xvi-265 p. f 32.20. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 409s (H. Biezeno). 6214 Kloppenborg J. S., Didache 16,6-8 and Special Matthean Tradition [ ... Mt 25,31; 24,30 par ... ]: ZNW 70 (1979) 54-67.

F5 Redemptio

.1 Mt 26, Ultima coena - The Eucharist.

6215 Bammesberger A., On the [Old English] Gloss to Mt 26,8 in the Lindisfarne Gospels: --> 110, Linguistic and Literary Studies in honor of A. A. HILL, by M. A. Jazayery al., III: Trends in Linguistics 10 (Haag 1978, Mouton) 9-12. 6216 Betz Johannes, Eucharistie in der Schrift und Patristik: HbDogmg 4,4n. Fr 1979, Herdcr. v-159 p. DM 56. 6217 Botte B., 'Et elevatis oculis in caelum '. Etude sur les recits liturgiques de la Derniere Cene: Gestes et Paroles dans les diverses familles liturgiqucs, Conförcnccs Saint-Serge, 24e scmainc d'ctudcs liturgiqucs (Paris ... 1977; BiblEphLitg, subs. 14, ed. R 1978, Centro liturgico vicenziano) 7786. 6218 Bühler P., Der Abendmahlsstreit der Reformatoren und seine aktuellen Implikationen [Disp. Bern 1528, Nr. 4: Dass Brot als Leib/Blut empfangen werde, lässt sich mit biblischer Schrift nicht beweisen]: TZBas 35 (1979) 228-41. 6219 Un Contemplativo (de) Montealegro, La ultima ccna scgun la concordancia evangelica y extensa paräfrasis: CuBib 34 (1977) 123-144. 6220 Dockx Stanislas, Lc rccit du rcpas pascal, Marc 14,17-26 < Biblica 46 (1965) 445-453: ➔ 296; 58s,4362*, Chronologies neotestamentaires et Vie de l'Eglise primitive 1976, 199-206; 207-232, Les etapes re~ctionnelles du recit de la derniere cene chez les synoptiques. 6221 Edanad A., Institution of the Eucharist according to the Synoptic Gospels: Biblebhashyam 4 (1978) 322-332. 6222 Feld Helmut, Das Verständnis des Abendmahls [... im NT: 73 p.]: Erträge der Forschung, 50 1976 --> 58s,8754: RCalvTJ 13 (1978) 211-14 (C. G. Kromminga); TLZ 103 (1978) 212-5 (P. Brunner). 6223 Gardeil P., La Cene et la Croix: apres Rene Girard: Reflexion sur la mort redemptrice: NRT 101 (1979) 676-98. 6224 Gregg D., a) Anamnesis in the Eucharist: Grove Liturgical Study, 5. Nottingham 1976, Grove. - b) Hebraic Antecedents to the Eucharistie anamnesis formula: TyndB 30 (1979) 165-68. 6225 a) Gemeinsame römisch-katholische/ evangelisch-lutherische Kommission: Das Herrenmahl. Pd/Fra 1978, Bonifacius/O. Lambeck. 116 p. DM 6,80. 0 3-87088-208-5 / 0 3-87476-114-2. - RMüTZ 30 (1979) 68s


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(L. Schejfczyk); TGl 68 (1978) 460s (H. Petrz). - b) Iserloh E., 'Das Herrenmahl' [kth. luth. Komm. 1978] im römisch-katholischen und evangelisch-lutherischen Gespräch: TR 75 (1979) 177-82; 183-90, A. Peters, Einheit im Herrenmahl? 6226 Jeremias J., The Eucharistie Words of God, tr. N. Perrin 1977 = 1966 with author's revisions to 1974, 58s,6125: RGregorianum 59 (1978) 416s (J. Galot). 6227 Jones C. Eucharist in NT: The Study of Liturgy. L 1978, SPCK. xxvn547 p., 23 pl., 13 fig. f'.14.50; :E8.50pa. - RJTS 30 (1979) 392ss (A. Hanson). 6228 Kertelge K., Abendmahlsgemeinschaft und Kirchengemeinschaft im NT und in der Alten Kirche: Beih.ÖkRu 25 (1974) 20-51. 6229 Leon-Dufour X., [9 Ying hsing tz'uli, wei chinien wo: "Do this in memory of me", tr. T'ien Fang: ColcTFujen 10, 38 (1978) 455-461 < Theology Digest 26/1 (1978) 36-39. 6230 LUTHERM., Ein Sermon vom NT, das ist von der hl. Messe, 1520: ....480, Delius H.-U. Luther 1979, p. 288-311. 6231 Moloney Raymond, The Early Eucharist: An Hypothesis of Development [7 stages within NT]: IrTQ 45 (1978) 167-76. 6232 Perrot C., L'eucharistie dans le NT: MaisD 137 (1979) 109-25. 6233 Pesch Rudolf, a) Das Abendmahl und Jesu Todesverständnis: QDisp 80 [cf. 74 (1976) ➔ 58s,8776b]. Fr 1978, Herder. 125 p. DM 24,80pa. 0 3-451-02080-7. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 418 (L. Visschcrs). b) Wie Jesus das Abendmahl hielt: Der Grund der Eucharistie, 1977 ➔ 58s,6043; 31979. 0 3-451-17874-5. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 89 (L. Visschers). 6234 Schejfczyk L., a) Ergebnisse und Ausblicke der neueren Diskussion um die eucharistische Wandlung: MüTZ 30 (1979) 192-207 [Substanz-Sinn]. - b) Zur Frage der Gültigkeit der Wandlungsworte in der neuen Liturgie: Fels 8,6 (Rg 1977) 179-183. 6235 Schenker Adrian, Das Abendmahl Jesu als Brennpunkt des ATs. Begegnune zwischen rlen heirlen Testamenten - eine bibeltheologische Skizze: BiBei, 13. 1977,.... 58s,8779: RTPQ 127 (1979) 410 (F. Zeilinger); ZAW 90 (1978) 148 (G. Fvhrer); ZKT 100 (1978) 537s (II. D. Meyer). 6236 Schulz H.-J. a) Interpretation durch liturgischen Vollzug: 'Transsubstantiation' und 'Transsignifikation' in liturgiewissenschaftlicher Sicht: .... 390, Beinert W., Sprache und Erfahrung als Problem der Theologie, 1978, 61-77. - b) Ökumenische Glaubenseinheit aus Eucharistischer Überlieferung: KkKS 391. Pd 1976, Bonifacius. 128p. DM 19,80. RTGl 68 (1978) 226ss (H. Petrz); TLZ 194 (1979) 307ss (K.-H. Bieritz). 6237 Smlth Mahlon H. III, And tak.ing bread ... Cerularius and the Azymc Controversy of 1054: ThH 47. P 1978, Beauchesne. 188 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 286ss (G. Podskalsky). 6238 Vogler W., Judas Iskarioth: Untersuchung zu Tradition und Redaktion:

Diss. Greifswald 1978. m-157 p.; 77 p. 6239 Wilckens Ulrich, Eucharistie und Einheit der Kirche. Die Begründung der Abendmahlsgemeinschaft im NT und das gegenwärtige Problem der Interkommunion: KerDo 25 (1979) 67-85; angl. 85; ➔ 9383.

F5.3 Mt 26,30 par.: Passio Christi


F5.3 Mt 26,30 ... et paralleli: Passio Christi - Passion-narrative➔ 9284ss 6240 Bartsch H. W., Die Ideologiekritik des Evangelium[s), dargestellt an der Leidensgeschichte: TFor 58 (1976) 156-169. 6241 Bastin Marcel, Jesus devant sa Passion: Lectio Divina 92, P 1976 ➔ 58s,6199a: RETRel 54 (1979) 306s (M. Bouttier). 6242 Breech E. J., Crucifixion as Ordeal: Tradition and Interpretation in Matthew [26ss): diss. Harvard: HarvTR 69 (1976) 421. 6243 Brunet G., 'Et aussitöt le coq chanta': Cah. Cerc. E. Renan 27,108 (1979) 9-12: Gallus ignoratur in Bibliis hebraicis, prohibetur Hierosolymis in Mishna ! 6244 Brunot A., [De Bethanie au Golgatha): MondBib 2 (1978) d'apres EsprVie 88 (1978) 582-85 (J. Daoust). 6245 Charbel A., A sepultura de Jesus como resulta de los evangelhos: RCuBib 2 (1978) 351-62. 6246 Cohn H., The Trial and Death of Jesus. NY 1977 pa (= c 1965), Ktav. xxrv-419 p. $7.95: Jewish authorities 'did all they could to save Jesus, whom they dearly loved, [from] the Roman oppressor', p. 331. 6247 Cousin Hugues, Le prophete assassine. Histoire des textes evangeliques de la Passion 1976, ➔ 57,4835; 58s,6206: Rf:TRel ;4 {19'/9) 308 (M. Bouttier). 6248 Dormeyer D. Der Sinn des Leidens Jesu: historisch-kritische und textpragmatische Analysen zur Markuspassion: SBS 96. Stu 1979, Kath. Bibelwerk. 118 p. DM 23.80 pa. 6249 Feuillet Andre, L'agonie de Gethsemani. Enquete exegetique et theologique, suivie d'une etude du 'Mystere de Jesus' de Pascal 1977 ➔ 58s,6217: RNRT 101 (1979) 591ss (X. Jacques). 6250 Fontius H., 'Zur Erprobung freigegeben' [Apostolici versio germ.: natus de virgine; descendit ad inferos ... ]: LuthTKi 3 (1976) 116-21. 6251 France R. T., La chronologie de la Semaine Sainte: Hokhma 9 (1978) 8-16. 6252 Frost F., Jesus and Death: CleR 64 (1979) 117-122. 6253 Genest Olivette, Le Christ de In pnssion - Perspective structurnle: Analyse de Marc 14,53-17,47, des paralleles bibliques et extra-bibliques (diss. R, Pontificia Univ. Gregoriana, dir. R. Lack): Recherches 21. Montreal/Tournai 1978, Bellarmin/Desclee. 222 p. C$ 10. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 587s (L. Walter); HeythJ 20 (1979) 461 (B. McN.); SciEspr 31 (1979) 232s (P. Guillemette); ScotJT 32 (1979) 582s (A. E. Harvey). 6254 Gherardini B., Theologia crucis [cf. ➔ 57,4849; 58s,6221]. R 1978, Ed. Paoline. 400 p. Lit. 10.000. 6255 Goldschmidt H. L., Limbeck M., Heilvoller Verrat? Judas im NT, 1976 ➔ 58s,6577: Rsal 41 (1979). 174 (G. Gamba). 6256 Goodier Alban, The passion and death of Our Lord Jesus Christ. L 1978 = 1933, Sheed and Ward. xm-385p. :E3.50pa. 0 0-7220-7900-1. 6257 Gubler Marie-Louise, Die frühesten Deutungen des Todes Jesu 1977 ➔ 58s,6224: RzKT 100 (1978) 529s (L. Ettmayer). 6258 Gnilka J., Wie urteilte Jesus über seinen Tod? ... [... Kriteriologische Überlegungen ... ]: ➔ 610, Der Tod Jesu 1976, 13-50.


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6259 Halas Roman B., Judas Iscariot: a scriptural and theological study of his person, his deeds, and his etemal lot: diss. Catholic Univ. 1946: Studies in Sacred Theology 1/96. Wsh 1979. 6260 Hendrickx H., The Passion Narrative in the Synoptic Gospels 1977 ➔ 58s,6228: RcBQ 40 (1978) 275s (R. A. Wild). 6261 Herranz Marco Mariano, El proceso ante el Sanhedrin y el ministerio publico de Jesus: EstBib 34 (1975) 83-111 [➔ 58,4978]; 35 (1976) 4978.187-221. [1. El movil de la acci6n judicial judia contra Jesus; n. El escandaloso perd6n de los pecados (Mc 2,1-12 par.), ... ]. Kertelge K. al., Der Tod Jesu, Deutungen im NT 1976 ➔610; 58s,6278. 6262 Langkammer H., ~ Introductio et commentarius ad evangelicas narra--tiones Passionis Christi 1975 .....57,4863 ; 58s,6244: RRuBi 29 (1976) 340 (J. Chmiel). 6263 Leon-Dufour Xavier, a) Face a la mort, Jesus et Paul: Parole de Dieu. P 1979, Seuil. 322 p. 0 2-02-005312-2. - b) Jesus face la mort mena9ante [= Face a la mort eh. 1; 3]: NRT 100 (1978) 801-21. - c) Jesus a Gethsemani, Essai de lecture synchronique: SciEspr 31(1979) 251268. 6264 Lochet L., Jesus descendu aux enfers: Epiphanie. P 1979, C,erf. 149p. 6265 Lohse Eduard, Die Geschichte des Leidens und Sterbens Jesu Christi [1965 -> 48,2897] = GTB Siebenstern 316. Gü 1979, Mohn. 100 p. DM 8,80 pa. 0 3-579-03721-8. 6266 Maas Wilhelm, Abgestiegen in die Hölle. Bibli5che, hi5tori5che und theologisch-systematische Aspekte eines vergessenen Glaubensartikels: Habil. sehr. Freiburg, prom. Lehmann. Riedlinger, 1979. 6267 Maliiiski Mieczyslaw, Ecce homo: Erzählungen von 4 Augenzeugen: Pilatus, Judas, Hannas, Maria Magdalena [Swiadkowie ➔ 58s,6551] tr. Wolfgang Grycz, Theo Mechtenberg. Fr 1977, Herder. 207 p. 0 3-45147908-3. 6268 Manzano Garcia-Trivifio R., La oraci6n en el NT [Introd.; Cristo en Getsemani y en el Calvario ... ]: Cisterc 27 (1975) 131-47. 6269 Marin Louis, Semiotik der Passionsgeschichte. Die Zeichensprache der Ortsangaben und Personennamen; tr. S. Virgils, hg. E. Güttgemanns: Bei-EvT 70, 1976 ➔ 57,4866: RTLZ 103 (1978) 582ss (W. Wiefel). 6270 Mitscherlich Peter, Unter dem Kreuz, Begegnungen mit dem Leiden Jesu; Geleitwort R. Egenter: Topos-Taschenbücher 82. Mainz 1979, Matthias-Grünewald. 96 p. DM 6,80 pa. 0 3-7867-0745-6. 6271 Moore S., The Crucified Jesus is No Stranger ➔ 58s,6252; also ... NY 1977, Seabury. 136 p. - Szolgälat 37 (1978) 92ss (G. Leloczky). 6272 Oberlinner Lorenz, Hat Jesus seine Jünge zur 'Leidensnachfolge' berufen? Zum Problem einer historischen Begründung der Todeserwartung und Todesgewißheit Jesu: Habil.-schr. Fr 1979, dir. A. Vögtle, A. Deissler. 6273 O'Collins G., The Calvary Christ 1977 ➔ 58s,6254: RscotJT 31 (1978) 86s (D. B. Forrester); Themelios 4 (1978s) 79 (T. Lane); VidJyo 43 (1979) 95 (J. Dupuis). 6274 Osborne G. R., Redactional Trajectories in the Crucifixion Narrative:


F5.3 Mt 26,30 par.: Passio Christi


EvQ 51 (1979) 80-96. 6275 Oswald J., Die Beziehungen zwischen Ps 22 und dem vormarkinischen Passionsbericht [... Jesus lediglich leidender Gerechter]: ZKT 101 (1979) 53-66. 6276 Overstreet R. L., Roman Law and the Trial of Christ: BS 135, 540 (1978) 323-332. 6277 Pesch Rudolf, Das Evangelium der Urgemeinde wiederhergestellt und erläutert [Mk: Passio]: Veröff. der Stiftung Oratio Dominica ... = Herderbücherei, 748 Glaubensinformation. Fr 1979, Herder. 222 p. DM 790pa. 6278 Pesch Rudolf, Kratz Reinhard, Passionsgeschichte: So liest man synoptisch [--+ 5754, 6119] 6/1. Fra 1979, Knecht. 112 p. DM 16,80. 6279 Schenk W., Der Passionsbericht nach Markus 1974 --+ 56,3054a; · 57,3873: KTLZ 104 (1979) 363ss (E. Linnemann). 6280 Schenke Ludger, Der gekreuzigte . . . Christus . . . der vormarkinischen Passionsgeschichte 1974 -> 56,4044; 57,4883 [cf. 58s,4963 corr. Index]: RTLZ 103 (1978) 741ss (U. Luz). 6281 Schlier Heinrich, La passione secondo Marco. Mi 1979, Jaca. 116 p. Lit. 2000. 6282 Schllrmann Heinz, Comment Jesus a-t-il vecu sa mort? Exegese et theologie, tr. A. Chazelle: Lectio Divina 93 1977 --+ 58s, 6267: Rf:TRel 54 (1979) 307s (M. Rnuttier); RThom 78 (1978) 331ss (M.-E. Lauziere). 6283 Sciarretta G., Claritas Passionis. Pescara 1978, Centro Culturale 'Stauros'. 96 p. 6284 Sloyan Gerard S., Recent Literature on the Trial Narratives of the Four Gospels:-> 628, Ryan T., Critical History 1979, 136-176. 6285 Speidel Kurt A., Das Urteil des Pilatus. Berichte und Bilder zur Passion Jesu 1976, --+ 58s,6271: Rsal 41 (1979) 904 (G. Zevim). 6286 Thra/1 M. E., Resurrection Traditions and Christian Apologetic: Thomist 43 (1979) 197-216. 6287 Vanhoye Albert, I misteri della Passione, in I Misteri della Vita di Cristo negli Esercizi Ignaziani. R 1978, Centrum Ignatianum Spiritualitatis [cf. --+ 424] 59-79. 6288 Vargas-Machuca A., i.Por que condenaron a muerte a Jesus de Nazaret?: EstE 54 (1979) 441-70 [I. El mito de Jesus lider revolucionario; II. Los conflictos de Jesus con los dirigentes judios; III. Las implicaciones politicas de los conflictos religiosos de Jesus]. 6289 Vogels H.-J., Christi Abstieg: FrTheolSt 102, 1976 -> 57,4979; (corr. Index); 58s,6403: RBz 23 (1979) 135ss (R. Schnackenburg). 6290 Vogl C., Allein - Mit grosser Menge. Ein Motiv des Abstiegs in den Scheol bei den alten Syrern [Legenda Abgar; Doctrina Addai]: OrChrPer 45 (1979) 171-177. 6291 Vögtle A., Todesankündigungen und Todesverständnis Jesu: .....610, Der Tod Jesu 1976, 51-114. 6292 Walter N. [Mk: Verleugnung des Petrus]: - 514, Rogge J., TVcrs 8 (1977) 45-61.


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6293 Weber H.-R., The Cross, Tradition and Interpretation, tr. E. Jessett. GR 1979, Eerdmans. 162 p. $6.95. - RTS 40 (1979) 784 (R. Kugelman). 6294 Welles D. F., The Search for Salvation [and the Death of Christ: its Aim, Nature, Efficacy, Application]. Leicester 1978, Inter-Varsity. 176p. - RsTeolEv 4 (1979) 149-52 (P. Finch). 6295 Wittlieb M., Starowiejski M., [fl Narratio de Joseph Arimathaeo: RuBi 29 (1976) 27-34. 6296 Zeller D., Die Handlungsstruktur der Markuspassion. Der Ertrag strukturalistischer Literaturwissenschaft für die Exegese: TüTQ 159 (1979) 213-227.

F5.6 Mt 28 et paralleli: Resurrectio --> 7lJlJlJss. 6297 Alsup J. E., The Post-Resurrection Appearance Stories of the Gospel Tradition [Mü diss. 1975 --> 56,4075 ... 58s,6310] L 1976, SPCK. 307 p. :f:9..50. RExpTim 89 (1977s) 151s (R. S. Barbour: 'turgid Germano American [English but] important'); ScotJT 32 (1979) 391ss (D. Catchpole). 6298 Ammassari A., La Resurrezione. 2: La gloria del Risorto 1976 --> 57,4905ab; 58s,6311: RAustralBR 26 (1978) 46 (P. J. Elliott); RivB 26 (1978) 441ss (G. Ghiberti); Sidic 12,1 (1979) 31 (S. Cavallett1). 6299 Audet L. al., Resurrection, Esperance humaine et don de Dieu [... M. 1Juma1s, LJ. Fraikm, J. Harvey, R. La Pointe]: Hier / aujourd'hui, Ser. Theol 8. P/Montreal 1971, Desclee/Bellarmin. 113 p. Fb. 120. 6300 Basadorma G., Nel cuore della Resurrezione. Mi 1979, Rusconi. 234 p. Lit. 7.400. 6301 Berger Klaus, Die Auferstehung des Propheten und die Erhöhung des Menschensohnes 1976 .....57,4909; 58s,6312: RTLZ 103 (1978) 876ss (E. Schweizer); CBQ 40 (1978) 430ss (B. Fallon). 6302 Bergquist James A., The Resurrection of Jesus in the NT; an exegetical study: diss. Univ. S. Cal. LA 1962. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. 6303 Bloem H., Die Ostererzählung des Matthäus. Aufbau und Aussage von Mk 27,57-28,20. Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici 1979 dir. F. Lentzen-Deis. iv252; XXX (bibliogr.). 96 p. 6304 Bone E., La resurrection vue par un scientifique: Louvain 3 (1978) 515. 6305 Cantinat J., Reflexions sur la resurrection de Jesus (d'apres S. Paul et S. Marc) 1978---+58s,6317: RCBQ 41 (1979) 641s (E. L. Bode); STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 133s (E. Grosso). 6306 Charpentier E., a) Cristo e risorto [➔ 56,4985; non 55,3825]: Bibbia oggi, 9. T 1979, Gribaudi. 60 p. Lit. 200. b) Cristo ha resucitado, tr. N. Darrical: Cuadernos Biblicos 5. Estella 1976. 76 p. pt. 110. - RßibFe 3 (1977) 337 (C. Quelle). 6307 Chmicl J.,, [ET Interpretacja STu w kerygmaciu apostolskim o zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa. Studium hermeneutyczne. L'interpretation de l'AT 56,170]. - b) The New Nestle-Aland. The Text of Mark in N 26 [Stu 1979): ETL 55 (1979) 331356. 6387 Noack B., Matthreusevangeliets folkelighed. K 1971, Gad. 170 p. - RsvEx 40 (1975) 127ss (H. lvarsson). 6388 Nolli Gianfranco, Evangelo secondo Marco: testo greco, neovolgala latina, analisi filologica, tr. R 1978, Agenzia Libro Cattolico. xvm-438 p. Lit. 7000 pa. 6389 Pesch Rudolf, a) Das Evangelium der Urgemeinde [Mk] wiederhergestellt und erläutert: Herderbücher 748. Fr 1979, Herder. 222 p. DM 7,90. 0 3-451-07748-5. b) Das Markusevangelium II. Kommentar zu Kap. 8,27-16,20: HTK-NT 2/2, 1977 -->58s,4844. - RAugRom 18 (1978) 398s (S. Sabugal); BZ 23 (1979) 129-35 (J. Blank); ColcT 49,l (1979) 202s (J. Sulowskz); ETL 55 (1979) 1-42 (F. Neirynck); ETRel 54 (1979) 3235 (M. Bouttier); NRT 101 (1979) 584ss (X. Jacques); NVet 53 (1979) 146ss (J.M. Paffet); TGegw 21 (1978) 179-83 (H. Giesen, vol. I); TGl 68 (1978) 454s (J. Ernst); TLZ 104 (1979) 112-5 (H. Räisänen, vol. I); TPQ 127 (1979) 290s (A. Stöger); - ZRelGg 31 (1979) 218ss (G. Lindeskog). - c) Pesch R., Hg,, Das Markus-Evangelium: WegFor 411. Da 1979, Wiss. vr-413 p. DM 73. 0 3-534-07263-4. 6390 Pousset E. al., Une presentation de l'Evangile selon saint Marc: [from 1976ss] Source de Vie. P 1978, Desclee-B. 218 p. 0 2-220-02193-9. 6391 Pronzato A., Un cristiano comincia a leggere il Vangelo di Marco, 1. T 1979, Gribaudi. 456 p. Lit. 11.000. 6392 Radermakers Jean, La bonne nouvelle de Jesus selon S. Mc: 1. Texte, 2. Lecture continue, 1974--> 56,2975; 58s,4846: RFoiVie 77,4 (1978) 76s (J.-M. Babut); TLZ 103 (1978) 657s (U. Luz). 6393 Riddle D. D. J., God with Us. A Curricular Resource on the Gospel of Mark. Diss. School of Theology at Claremont 1978. 193 p. 0 7812930. DissA 39 (1978) 794s.-A. 6394 Rienecker Fritz, Das Evangelium des Markus erklärt7 : Wu Studienbibel NT. Wu 1977, Brockhaus. 288p. DM 19,80 (l4,80pa.). 0 3-417-251102-8 (002-1).

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6395 Rodriguez Carmona A., Vision panoramica de los estudios sobre el Evangelio de Marcos: Cußib 35 (1978) 21-38. 6396 Sanner A. Elwood, Mark: Beacon Bible Exp. 2. Kansas City MO 1978, Beacon Hili. 256 p. 0 0-8341-0313-3. 6397 Sehmithals W., Das Evangelium nach Markus I Kap. 1-9,1; II 9,2-16, 18: ÖkTKommNT 2/Siebenstern 503s. Gü 1979, Mohn. 397 p.; viii+p. 399-760;je DM 19,80. 0 3-579-048313-3; 14-1. - RßLtg 52 (1979) 278s (A. Stöger). 6398 Schnackenburg Rudolf, The Gospel according to St. Mark [1971 ➔ 53,2710] tr. W. Kruppa, N. J. O'Hara = NT for Spiritual Reading, 2. L 1977, Sheed & W. rx-321 p. 6399 Schweizer Eduard, Das Evangelium nach Markus übersetzt und erklärt 5 ( 15): NTD 1. Gö 1978, VR. 222 + 6 p. DM 19,80 pa. 0 3-525-51304-


6400 S1minr n., The Oospel of Mark: what the Exegetes are Saying ahout Mark's Gospel Today: BToday 103 (1979) 2096-2104. 6401 Sisti Adalberto, Marco, introd. note: Nuovissima versione 34. R 1977, Paoline. 434 p. 6402 Smith Thomas J., Good News about Jesus as told by Mark [< Jesus alive]. Winona MN 1977, St. Mary's College. 101 p. $3.95. 6403 Standaert Benoit, L'evangile selon Marc: Composition et genre litteraire: diss. Nijmegen Kath. 1978, dir. B. van Ierse/, E. Schillebeeckx. vr679 p., auct. (8200 Brugge, S-Andriesabdij, Zevenkerken 4). Fb 880. RETRel 54 (1979) 321ss (M. Bouttier); MelScRd 36 (1979) 101s (P. Catrice); ScotJT 32 (1979) 585 (E. Best); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 193s (P. J. Farla). 6404 Strecker Georg, Zum Messiasgeheimnis im Markusevangelium [= Studia Evangelica III, TU 88 1964, 87-104]: ➔ 370, Eschaton 1979, 33-51. 6405 Swartley W. M., Mark: The Way for All Nations. Scottdale PA/Kitchener Ont. 1979, Herald. 244 p. US$4.95/C$5.75. 0 0-8361-1883-9. Mennonite: John-Mark is 'a deserter for the Church'. 6406 Swete Henry B., Commentary on Mark: the Greek text, introd. notes and indexes [= The Gospel of Mark: L 1913, Macmillan]. GR 1977, Kregel. cxx-434p. $12.95 °0-8254-3715-6. 6407 Taylor Vincent (t 1968), Marco. Commento al Vangelo messianico tr. A. Rizzi, pres. B. Maggioni 1977 ➔ 58s,4866: REphCarm 29 (1978) 528 (V. Pasquetti); Sal 40 (1978) 695s (G. Gamba: traduzione snaturata, un aborto). 6408 Terstond [euthys = eutheös Mk 2,8 + 6t.]. Het heilig Evangelie naar de beschrijving van Markus. Amersfoort/Amst 1976, Hervormde Bond voor Inwendige Zending/Ned. Bijbelgenootschap. 50 p. f 3,90. 6409 Tyloch, Witold, Ewangelia Markowa w Qumran?: Euhemer 20 (1976) 15-18. 6410 Van Linden P., Knowing Christ through Mark's Gospel. Ch 1977, Franciscan Herald [cf. ➔ 58s,4830]. 91 p., 5 fig. $0.95. 0 0-8199-0727-8. 6411 Vos Howard F., Mark: A Study Guidc Commcntary. GR 1?78, Zonder-van. 144 p. $2.50 pa.

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F6.2 Marci doctrina. 6412 Achterneier Paul J. [-->6363), Mark as Interpreter of the Jesus Tradition: Interpr 32 [fase. 4 'The Gospel of Mark' 338-415) (1978) 339352. 6413 Baarlink H., a) Anfängliches Evangelium: Ein Beitrag zur näheren Bestimmung der theologischen Motive im Markusevangelium [Diss. dir. H. N. Ridderbos] .....58s,4787: RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 85s (B. Standaert). b) Zur Frage des Antijudaismus im Markusev. [Aktualität der Frage; Prüfung der Vorwürfe; Mk 'nicht durch antijüdische Gefühle beherrscht oder beeinflusst'; Jesu Eifer für (nicht gegen) Israel ... ]: ZNW 70 (1979) 166-93. 6414 Beasley-Murray G. R., Eschatology in the Gospel of Mark: SWJT 21 (1978) 37-53. 6415 Belo F., Lecture materialiste de l'evangile de Marc et de la grande sequence des pains: FoiVie 77,6 (1978) 19-33 .....6529. 6416 Belo Fernando, Lecture materialiste de l'evangile de Marc 1976 .....57,3729a; 58a,842a: - RFoiVie 77,4 (1978) 77ss (F. Han); NotSocTLouv 11 (1976) 28s (R. Waelkons); RTPhil 110 (1978) 180ss (T. Benotmane). 6417 Casalis G. [auf deutsch]: Fernando Belo: Lecture materialiste de l'Evangile de Marc: TPract 13 (1978) 61-70. 6418 Best E., a) Mark's Use of the Twelve [& the Disciples, interchangeable terms, both together the link to the post-resurrection church and missionaries ... ]: ZNW 69 (1978) 11-35. - b) Markus als Bewahrer der Überlieferung: .....6389c, WegFor 411 (1979) 390-409 < BiblETL 34, [1974 .....56,2950] 21-34. - c) The Miracles in Mark: RExp 75 (1978) 539-554. - d) Mark: some problems: Irish Biblical Studies 1 (Belfast 1979) 77-98. He did not often invent new incidents. - e) Peter in t.l1t: Gospel acc. to Mark: CBQ 40 (1978) 547-58. 6419 Bilezikian Gilbert G., The Liberated Gospel: a Comparison of the Gospel of Mark and Greek Tragedy [diss.]: Baker Biblical Monog. GR 1977, Baker. 159 p. $6.95. 0 0-8010-0673-2. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 480s (V.K. Robbins). 6420 Binder H., Von Markus zu den Grossevangelien: TZBas 35 (1979) 2839. 6421 Brady D., The Alarm to Peter in Mark's Gospel [by cock-crowing, Mk 14,72): JStNT 4 (1979) 42-57. 6422 Breuss J., Theorie des Evangeliums und pastorale Praxis: Schriftanalyse als Bekenntnisanalyse aufgrund von Texten aus dem Markusevangelium: Erfahrung und Theologie, 2. Fra 1979, Lang. 134 p. Fs 25. 6423 Burgos Nufiez Miguel de, EI Evangelio de San Marcos como 'Theologia crucis '. La teologia de la Cruz como instancia critica de la cristologia y la eclesiologia segun el Evangelio de San Marcos (diss. R 1976, Univ. S. Thomae): ComSev 10 (1977) 207-455; a parte, Sevilla. 260 p. 6424 Bultmann R., Die Redaktion des Erzählungstoffes und die Komposition der Evangelien: Das Markus-Evangelium: .....6389c, WegFor 411 (1979) 28. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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85-102 < Bultmann, Geschichte der synopt. Trad. 2 (Gö 1931 - FRLANT 29) 362-76 + Zusätze. 6425 Burkill T. A., New Light on the Earliest Gospel. Seven Markan Studies 1972 -->54,3129 ... 56,2941: RJAAR 43 (1975) 320 (J. T. Mil/er). 6426, Calle F. de la, Situaci6n a1 servicio del kerigma. Cuadro geografico del Evangelio de Marcos: Col. Inst. Sup. Pastoral 9, 1975 --> 57,3755; 58s, 4822c: RBurgense 18 (1977) 334ss (R. Trevijano). 6426* Carroll W. D., The Jesus of Mark's Gospel: BToday 103 (1979) 210512. 6427 Cook M. J., Mark's Treatment of the Jewish Leaders [Mk redactionally accommodated three sources, a) some Jerusalem Passion source focusing on chief priests + scribes + elders. - b) another Jerusalem source focusing on scribes only. - c) some Galilean source focusing on Pharisees + Herodians - misconstruing 'Pharisees' and 'scribes' as two distinct groups]: SupNT 51. Ld 1978, Brill. xn-104 p. f28. 0 90-04-05785-4. 6428 Crane Thomas E., Redaction-criticism and Mark (1979 Sydney Fellowship presidential address):--> 552, N. Brown, Essays 1979, 157-172. 6429 Dautzenberg Gerhard, Von der Botschaft Jesu zur Botschaft von Jesus Christus. Zur Stellung des Markusevangeliums in der Geschichte der urchristlichen Theologie [cf.--> 58s,4798]:--> 152 Fs. E. LINK 1977, 75-86. 6430 David P. G., 'Truly This Man was the Son of God': the Christological ,,Focus of the Markan Redaction: diss. McMaster 1979. 6431 Delorme J., L'integration des petites unites litteraires dans l'evangile de Marc du point de vue de la semiotique structurale: Congres P 1978: NTS 25 (1978s) 469-91. 6'132 Dockx S., Essai de chronologie de la vie de S. Marc: --> ?.96*, Dockx, Chronologies Neotestamentaires 1976, 147-166. 6433 Donahue John R., Jesus as thc Parable of God in the Gospel of Mark: Interpr [-->6412] 32 (1978) 369-386. 6434 Doudna John C., The Greek of the Gospel of Mark: SBL Mon. 12. MMS 1979 = Ph 1961. v-139 p. $7.50. 6435 Egger Wilhelm, Frohbotschaft und Lehre: Die Sammelberichte de5 Wirkens Jesu im Markusevangelium [< diss. R 1971, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum dir. I de la Potteriej: Frankfl'St 19, 1976--> 57,3737; 58s,4802: RJBL 98 (1979) 145ss (N. R. Peterson); RivB 26 (1978) 318ss (L. De Lorenzi); TZBas 34 (1978) 364s (E. Albrecht). 6436 Finkenrath G., Secret: -->888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 501-6 (-11 messianic, C. Brown). 6437 Gamba Giuseppe G., 11 tema della barca-chiesa nel Vangelo di San Marco: --> 185, 58s,4806, Fs. PAULUSVI, In Ecclesia 1977, 39-85. 6438 Giesen H., Markus und seine Traditionen. Zu [R. Pesch 1977 -->58s, 4844]: TGcgw 21 (1978) 179-83. 6439 Glusman E. F. J The Shape of Mark and John: A Primitive Gospel Outline. Diss Duke 1977, dir. D. M. Smith J. 225 p. 0 7815665. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1651s-A. 6440 Herbst Karl, Was wollte Jesus selbst? Vorkirchliche Jesusworte in den Evangelien. I: Jes~sworte in der Markusüberlieferung. Dü 1979, Patmos. 276p.

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6441 Hergesel T., ~ Mira.cula Jesu in interpretatione S. Marci: RuBi 31 (1978) 230-39. 6442 Hiebert D. E., Mark: A Portrait of the Servant 1974 -> 57,3749: RAsbSem 33,3 (1978) 42s (R. W. Pascha/J). 6443 Howe A. H., The Teaching Jesus Figure in the Gospel of Mark: A Redaction-Critical Study in Markan Christology. Diss. Northwestern Univ. 1978, dir. A. C. Sundberg. 321 p. 0 7909888. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6130-A. 6444 Johnson Sherman E., Greek and Jewish Heroes: Fourth Maccabees and the Gospel of Mark:-> 91, Fs. R. GRANT1979, 155-75. 6445 Käsemann Ernst, Die Heilung der Besessenen: Reformatio 28 (1979) 118. 6446 Kazmierski C. R., Jesus, the Son of God: A Study of the Markan Tradition and its Redaction by the Evangelist [< Diss. Würzburg 1977, dir. R. Schnackenburg]: ForBib 33. Wü/Stu 1979, Echter / KBW. xv-247 p. [Mk 1,1; 1,9-11; 3,7-12; 9,2-8; 12,1-2; 13,32; 14,32-42; 14,61-62; 15,39); bibliogr. p. 219-37. 6447 Kee H. C. [-> 6374), Community of the New Age: Studies in Mark's Gospel 1977-> 58s,4817: RCurrTMiss 5 (1978) 402 (R. Smith); HeythJ 20 (1979) 74s (M. Ward); Interpr 32 (1978) 324s (P. J. Achterneier); JBL 98 (1979) 147ss (V. K. Robbins); TS 39 (1978) 336s (J. R. Donahue). 6448 Kelher W. H., a) Markus und die mündliche Tradition: LiniBib 45 (Juli 1979) 5-57; summ. angl. 58. - b) Mark and Oral Tradition: Semeia 16 (1979) 7-55. 6449 Kennode F., The Genesis of Secrecy [Mk: parables, 'spiritual sense']: on the Interpretation of Narrative [Harvard Norton Lectures 1977s]. CM/L 1979, Harvard Univ. xvr-169 p. $10. 0 0-674-34525-8. -> 1498. 6450 Kernaghan Ronald J., The Messianic Secret in Mark's Gospel: diss. Fuller Theological Seminary, 1979. 6451 Kertelge K., Die Epiphanie Jesu im Evangelium (Markus): -+ 6389c, WegFor 411 (1979) 259-82 < Gestalt und Anspruch des NT, hrg. J. Schreiner (Wii 1969) 153-1n. 6452 Kim Denk-Jong, Mark - A Theologian of Resurrection. Diss. Drew Univ. 1978. 281 p. 0 7819264. DissA 39 (1978) 2366A. 6453 Kingsbury J. D., The Spirit and the Son of God in Mark's Gospel: -> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 195-202. 6454 Koch Dietrich-A., Die Bedeutung der Wundererzählungen für die Christologie des Markusevangeliums: BZNW 42, 1975: RRivB 27 (1979) 415ss (V. Fusco); RTPhil 110 (1978) 178s (C. Senft). 6455 Laufen R., Die Doppelüberlieferung der Logienquellen und des Markusevangeliums. Bonn 1978, Univ. 615 p. 6456 Lebedev, Episc. Grigorij, [[] Gospel Images (Meditation on the Gospel): The Good News as Proclaimed by St. Mark: BogTrudy 17 (1977) 3-84 [cf. - 58s,4826]. 6457 Leurs P. B., Indications of a Liturgical Source in [boat-narratives of] the Gospel of Mark: Encounter 39 (1978) 385-94. 6458 Longstaff T. R. W., Evidence of Conflation in Mark?: SBL diss. 28, 1977 .... 58s,4831: RCBQ 41 (1979) 163s (D. L. Dungan); ExpTim 89


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(1977s) 353s [C. S. Rodd]; RB 85 (1978) 629s (M.-E. Boismard). 6459 Longstajf T. R. W., a) Mark and Roger of Hovedonl's Method of Conflation]: CBQ 37 (1975) 184-92. - b) 39 (1977) 103-106, R. H. Throckmorton J contra. - c) 41 (1979) 118-20, Longstaff. 6459* Lührmann D., Biographie des Gerechten als Evangelium. Vorstellungen zu einem Markus-Kommentar: WDienst 14 (Bielefeld 1977) 25-50. 6460 Luz U., Das Geheimnismotiv und die markinische Christologie: -->6389c, WegFor 411 (1979) 211-37 < ZNW 56 (1965) 9-30. 6461 McCarterNeely D., Help me understand, Lord: prayer responses to the Gospel of Mark. Ph 1978, Westminster. 121 p. 6462 Maggioni Bruno, Cristo e satana nel vangelo di Marco: CommStrum 45 (1979) 5-21. 6463 Maloney E. C., A Study of Semitic Interference in Marcan Syntax: diss. Fordht1m NY 11>79, dir. l Fit?:myn lRO p. 0 7910699. - nissA 39 (1978s) 6829-A. 6464 Martini Carlo M., L'itinerario spirituale dei Dodici nel Vangelo di Marco [cf. -->58s,4834b]: Guida per l'Operatore Pastorale (T 1978, Marietti) 307-345. 6465 Mathon G., Mahnet J. de, Marc (L'Ev. de; Culte, Iconographie): -->869, Catholicisme 8,34 (1977) 368-391. 6466 Mulholland M. R. J, The Markan Opponents of Jesus: diss. Harv. c1977: HarvTR 71 (1978) 166. 6467 Parker Pierson, A · Second Look at [his 1953] 'The Gospel Before Mark': ➔ 583, Achtcmcicr P., Seminar 1979, I 147-168. 6468 Perrin Norman, Die Christologie des Markusevangeliums. Eine methodologische Studie:--> 6389c, WegFor 411 (1979) 356-76 < angl.: JRel 51 (1971) 173-187. 6469 Pryke E. J ., Redactional Style in the Marcan Gospel. A Study of Syntax and Vocabulary as Guides to Redaction in Mark [diss. London Univ. 1977]: SNTS Mon. 33. C 1978, Univ. 1x-196p. f:10: RAustralBR 27 (1979) 49s (M. Fitzpatrick); CBQ 41 (1979) 655ss (P. J. Achterneier); ETRel 54 (1979) 319s (M. Bouttier); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 56 (G. B. Caird); HeythJ 20 (1979) 191 (J. B. Orchard); JStNT 4 (1979) 69-74 (E. Best); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 148s [A. Fuchs]. 6410 Räisänen Heikki, Das 'Messiasgeheimnis' im Markusevangelium 1976 -->58s,4847: RTLZ 103 (1978) 429s (G.-C. Kähler). 6471 Riesenfeld H., Tradition und Redaktion im Markusevangelium: -->6389c, WegFor 411 (1979) 103-12 58s,4888: RBz 23 (1979) 302ss (B. Mayer); CBQ 40 (1978) 452s (W. H. Kelber); RivB 27 (1979) 413ss (V. Fusco); TLZ 104 (1979) 578ss (P. Pokorny); TR 75 (1979) 110s (R. Pesch: unconvincing). 6505 Herranz Marco M., El proceso ante el Sanhedrin. II. El escandaloso pcrd6n de los pecados (Mc 2,1-12 par.): EstBib 36 (1977) 35-55. 6506 Gamba G. G., Struttura letteraria e significato dottrinale di Marco 2,23- · 28 e 3,1-6: Salesianum 40 (1978) 529-82: il sabbato per l'uomo.

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6507 Lindemann A., 'Der Sabbat ist um des Menschen willen geworden ... '. Historische und theologische Erwägungen zur Traditionsgeschichte der Sabbatperikope Mk 2,23-28 par.: WDienst 15 (1979) 79-105. 6508 Preiss W., [!'.] Plucking Corn on the Sabbath. Exegesis of. .. Mc 2,23-28: RoczT, ChrzAkT (1964) 287-302. 6509 Morgan C. S., 'When Abiathar was High Priest' (Mark 2,26): JBL 98 (1979) 409s. 6510 Albrecht Evelin, Zeugnis durch Wort und Verhalten [Mk 3, 1; Mt 8,5; Jn 14,10] 1977 ➔ 58s,8944: RTZBas 34 (1978) 303s (M. Kwiran). 6511 Smit Sibinga J., Toorn en droefheid in Marcus 3,5. Een bijdrage aan het Corpus Hellenisticum: ➔ 177, Fs. S. OosTERBAAN, De Geest 1978, 255-67. 6512 Sehmahl G., Die Zwölf im Markusevangelium [3,14 ... ]: TriererThSt 30, 1974 ➔ 56,2985 ... 58s,4855: RBurgense 18 (1977) 329ss (R. Trevijano). 6513 Bruce A., The Training of the Twelve. GR 1979 = 1971, Kregel. 552 p. $6.95. 6514 Lemcio E. E., External Evidence for the Structure and Function of Mk 4,1-20; 7,14-23 and 8,14-21: JTS 29 (1978) 323-38. 6515 Fusco V., Parola e Rcgno. La sczionc dcllc parabole (Mc 4,1-34) nella prospettiva marciana. Diss. Pontificii Instituti Biblici, [Acta Piß 8,5 (1978) 384s], 1979. vm-314 p.; p. 315-688; bibliog. 315-407. 6516 Payne P. B., The Order of Sowing and Ploughing in the Parable of the Sower [Mark 4,3-8]: NTS 25 (1978s) 123-9: no proof sowing preceded (as J. Jeremias) or followcd (as K. D. White). 6517 Hahn Ferdinand, Das Gleichnis von der ausgestreuten Saat und seine Deutung (Mk 4,3-8,14-20): ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 133-42. 6518 McCormick M., Two Leaves from the Lost Uncial Codex 0167: Mk 4,24-29,37-41 ['binding fragments' from Louvain]: ZNW 70 (1979) 23842. 6519 Fuchs E., Kanon und Kerygma. Ein Referat [... Mk 4,26-32]: ➔ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 21-41 l< ZTK 63 (1966) 410-33J. 6520 Casalegno A., La parabola del granello di senape (Mc 4,30-32): RivB 26 (1978) 139-161. 6521 Meye Robert, Psalm 107 as 'Horizon' for Interpreting the Miracle Stories of Mark 4,35-8,26: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADD,Unity and diversity 1978, 1-13. 6522 Jersel B. M. F. van, Linmans A. J. M., The Storm on the Lake: Mk 4,35-41 and Mt 8,18-27 in the Light of Form Criticism, Redaktionsgeschichte and Structural Analysis: ➔ 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 17-48. 6523 Annen F., Heil für die Heiden: Zur Bedeutung und Geschichte der Tradition vom besessenen Gerasener Mk 5,1-20 par. 1976 ➔ 57,3830; 58s,4905: RCBQ 40 (1978) 622ss (C. R. Kazmierski); EstBib 37 (1978) 138s (D. Muiioz Le6n); HeythJ 20 (1979) 304s (C. J. A. Hickling); RivB 26 (1978) 428ss (R. Penna); RB 86 (1979) 302s (A. Lamouille: conclusion,; just.es, bases contestables); St.NTU A3 (1978) 173s (A. F11chs);TLZ 104 (1979) 189s (A. Suhl). 6524 Derrett J. D. M., Contributions to the Study of the Gerasene Demoniac


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[Mk 5, 1-20]: JStNT 3 (1979) 2-17. 6525 Hetz 0., Jesus in Nazareth. Bemerkungen zu Mk 6,1-6 [... formgeschichtlich; redaktionsgeschichtlich (E. Grässer); traditionsgeschichtlich (... Jes 11,1-3 ... )] : -> 22, Fs. S. BEN-CHORIN, 1978, 44-60. 6526 Testa E., I 'discorsi di missione' di Gesu [Mc 6,7-13.30s etc.]: SBFLA 29 (1979) 7-41. 6527 Fowler R. M., The Feeding of the Five Thousand: A Markan Composition [Mk 6,30-52]: -> 583, SBLSemPap 16 (1979) 101-104. 6528 Friedrich Gerhard, Die beiden Erzählungen von der Speisung in Markus 6,31-44; 8,1-9 < TZBas 20 (1964) 10-22: -> 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 13-25. 6529 Bonnard P., a) La methode historico-critique appliquee a Mc 6,30 a 7,30.- b) Combet-Galland C., Analyse structurale de Mc 6,30 a 8,26/La boite a outils de l'apprenti semioticien. - c) Faerber R., Une lecture communautaire de la Bible. - d) Frutil(er S., Liminaire: FoiVie 77,6 (1978): Mc 6,30-8,26: Lectures en dialogue = Cahiers Bibliques (102 p.) 6-18; 3446/67-77; 78-95; 1-5;-> 6415, Belo F. 6530 Une foule rassasiee et des disciples endurcis. Travail de Groupe [biblique de Grenoble] sur Mc 6,30-53: ETRel 54 (1979) 444-451. 6532 Ritt H., Der 'Seewandel Jesu' (Mk 6,45-52 par). Literarische und theologische Aspekte [Probevorlesung Würzburg 1977]: BZ 23 (1979) 71-84. 6533 Repo E., Fünf Brote und zwei Fische [Mk 8,1-10; Mt 15,32-39 ... ]: StNTU A3 (W 1978) 99-113 < fenn.: TAik: 73 (1968) 331-42 ('etwas ergänzt'). 6534 Szewc Eugeniusz [the Essenes are the Herodians of Mk 8,15 and the False Prophets of 2 Pt; Jud;-> 58s,7554]: RQum 10 (1979) 136 (de diss. 1970 et 1973). 6535 [Mc 8,22] Salvatore Mariarosaria, Note sull'iconografia del miracolo del cieco: VetChr 16 (1979) 77-85, 8 fig. 6536 Johnson E. S., Mark 8,22-26: The ßlind Man from ßeth!laida: NTS 25 (1978s) 370-383. · 6537 Aranda Perez Oonzalo, T.a ve:r.;i{mfay{1mka .. (M~ 8,?.4-9,1?.) Tl.: RSO 53 (1979) 223-233. 6538 Lee 0. M., Mark 8,24; 15,8: NT 20 (1978) 74. 6539 Egger W., Glaube und Nachfolge. Ein Arbeitsheft zum Markusevangelium [8,27-10,52]: Gespräche zur Bibel 5. Klosterneuburg 1978, ÖstKBW. 36 p. Sch. 42. 0 3-85396-018-9: -> 6557. 6540 Ernst Josef, Petrusbekenntnis - Leidensankündigung - Satanswort (Mk 8,27-33). Tradition und Redaktion: a) Catholica 32 (1978) 46- 73. b) ➔ 400, BrandenburgA., Petrus 1978, 4-31. 6541 Fleddermann H. T., The Central Question of Mark's Gospel: A Study of Mk 8: 29 [Redaction-critical investigation of 'But you, who do you say I am?']. Diss. Graduate Theological Union 1978, dir.: T. W. Leahy. 234 p. 0 7816221. DissA 39 (1978s) 1658A. 6542 [Mc 8,31; 9,31; 10,32ss.45; 14,21.41] Sehmithals Walter, Die Worte vom leidenden Menschensohn, ein Schlüssel zur Lösung des Menschensohn-Problems:-> 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 417-445. 6543 Strecker Georg, Die Leidens- und Auferstehungsvoraussagungen im

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Markusevangelium (8,31; 9,31; 10,32ss) [= ZThK 64 (1967) 16-39]: 370, Eschaton 1979, 52-75. 6543* Beards/ee W. A., Saving One's Life by Losing lt [Mk 8,35): JAAR 47 (1979) 57-72. 6544 Künzi Martin, Das Naherwartungslogion Markus 9,1 1977 --> 58s,4924: Rsal 40 (1978) 187s (G. Gamba); TZBas 35 (1979) 370s (G. May). 6545 [Mc 9,2-13) Nardoni Enrique, La transfiguraci6n de Jesus y el diälogo sobre Elias segun el Evangelio de San Marcos (diss. R, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum 1975) 1976 --> 58s,4923: RBiblica 60 (1979) 129-33 (J. Lambrecht); TR 75 ( 1979) 110 (R. Pesch: solid). 6545* [Mk 9,2-8) Trites A. A., The Transfiguration of Jesus: The Gospel in Microcosm: EvQ 51 (1979) 67-79. 6546 Aichinger H., Zur Traditionsgeschichte der Epileptiker-Perikope Mk 9,14-29 par, Mt 17,14-21 par, Lk 9,37-43a: StNTU A3 (W 1978) 114143. 6547 Weber H.-R., The Gospel in the Child [Mk 9,33; 10,13 II]: EcuR 31 (1979) 227-233. 6548 Koester H., Mark 9,43-47 and Quintilian 8,3.75: HarvTR 71 (1978) 15lss. 6549 O/inger R., Ka/on to halas [Mc 9,50a cf. --> 5982). Diss lic. Louvainla-Nt::uvt::.1979 (prum.: J. Gib/et). - NotSocTLouv 15s (1979) 14. 6550 Hemel.wet ß., Crer: a l'imagr: ilr: nir:11.T.a question du divorce dans Mc 10: --> 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 49-57. 6551 Ellingworth P., Text and Context in Mk 10:2,10: JStNT 5 (1979) 6366. 6551* Stein R. H., Ts it T.a.wfülfor a Man to nivorce his Wife? [Mk 10,11): JEvThSoc 22 (1979) 115-121. Mt 5,32; 19,9 and 1 Cor 7,15 understood the Markan dictum as an overstatcmcnt. 6552 Lövestam E., Ue synoptiska Jesus-orden om skilsmässa och omgifte: referensramer och implik.ationt:r [Divorlium in Mc 10:2-12 parl: SvEx 43 (1978) 65-13. 6553 RiedelsSpangenberger Ilona, Die Trennung von Tisch, Bett und Wohnung (cc. 1128-32 CIC) und das Herrenwort Mk 10,9 [Mt 5,32 porneia 'Unglauben']. Eine Untersuchung zur Theologie und Geschichte des kirchlichen Ehetrennungsrechtes (Münster/W. kath. Diss.) EurHSS 23,102. F 1978, Lang. 6554 [Mc 10,14) Weber H. R., Jesus and the Children. Geneve 1979, World Council of Churches. 96 p. Fs 7,90. 6555 Lewis J. P., Mark 10,14, koluein, and baptizein: RestQ 21 (1978) 12934. 6556 Carl W. J., III., Mk 10: 17-27(28-31) (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 283-288. 6557 Egger Wilhelm, Nachfolge als Weg zum Leben. Chancen neuerer exegetischer Methoden dargelegt an Mk 10,17-31: Österreichische Biblische Studien, I. Klosterneuburg 1979, KBW. 328 p., map. DM 42. - RSBFLA 29 (1979) 360s (G. Bissoh). --> 6539. 6558 Malone D., Riches and Discipleship, Mk 10:23-31: BibTB 9 (1979) 7888. -->

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[X. Evangelia

6559 Blachere Regis, Regards sur un passage parallele des evangiles et du Coran [Mk 10,24-27; Sura 38,35-40; 7,44-49] ➔ 4, Fs. A. ABEL 1, 1974. 6560 Theissen G., 'Wir haben alles verlassen' (Mc 10,28). Nachfolge und soziale Entwurzelung in der jüdisch-palästinischen Gesellschaft des l. Jh. n. Chr.: ➔ y73, WissUnNT 19 (1979) 106-41 < NT 19 (1977) 161-196. 6561 Fürst Heinrich, Verlust der Familie - Gewinn einer neuen Familie (Mk Studia 1977, 17-46; somm. ital. 10,29f Parr.): ➔ 225, Fs. L. SPÄTLING, 47. 6562 Burillo Garcia J., El ciento por uno (Mc 10,29-30 par): Historia de las interpretaciones y exegesis: EstBib 36 (1977) 173-203; 37 (1978) 29-55. 6563 Via Dan 0. J, Mark 10,32-52. A Structural, Literary, and Theological Evaluation: ➔ 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1979, II 187-203. 6564 Smart J. D., Mk 10,35-45 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 288293. 6565 Adinolfi Marco, 11 servo di JttwH nel logion del servizio e del riscatto (Mc 10,45): BbbOr 21 (1979) 43-61. 6566 Mago Claudino dal, 0 conceito teologico del servir;o segundo Mc 10,45 (1979 d1ss. J SHF dir. A. Niccacci). xvr-101 p. 6567 Ileyer C. J. den, Exegetische methoden in discussie, een analyse van Markus 10,46-13,37 (diss. Kampen 1978) ➔ 58s,4943. 0 90-242-0279-3; 2d printing 1979: Rß~jdragen 39 (1978) 329s (W. Weren). 6568 Noorda S., Exegetische Methoden in discussie [den Heyer]: GereffT 78 (1978) 187-92. 6569 Farla Piet J., Jezus' oordeel over Israel: een form- en redaktionsgeschichtliche analyse van Mc. 10,46-12,40: Nijmegen diss. 1978 dir. B. M. F. van Iersel. Kampen 1979, Kok. 581 p. 0 90-242-0131-4: RTsTNi_jm 19 (1979) 77 (R. Biezeno). 6570 Achterneier Paul J., 'And he followed him': Miracles and Disciplcship in Mark 10:46-52: Semeia 11 (1978) 115-145. 6571 Johnson E. S. J, Mk 10:46-52: Blind Bartimaeus: CBQ 40 (1978) 191-

204. 6572 Stock Klemens, a) L'attivitä di Gesu a Gerusalemme. Marco 11.-12. Ad usum auditorurn. R 1978, Pontificio Istituto ßiblico, vn-136 p. - b) Gliederung und Zusammenhang in Mk 11-12: Biblica 59 (1978) 481515. 6573 Glusman E. F. J, The Cleansing of the Temple and the Anointing at Bethany: The Order of Events in Mk 11 / Jn 11-12: ➔ 583, SBL, SemPap 16 (1979) 113-117. [Mc 11,1-11] Entree a Jerusalem ➔ 6189, Jacob R.; ➔ 6191, Mariadasan F. 6574 Radaelli A. e a., Lettura 'di un' miracolo (Mc 11, 12-25) come introduzione all'intendimento 'del' miracolo: RicBibRel 13 (1978) 115-85. 6575 Biguzzi G., Mc 11,23-25 e il Pater: RivB 27 (1979) 57-68. 6576 Diezinger W., Zum Liebesgebot Mk 12,28-34 und Parr: NT 20 (1978) 81ss. 6577 Hoyer G. W., Mk 12: 28-34 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 29398. 6578 Dupont Jacques, Distruzione del Tempio e fine del mondo. Studi sul

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discorso di Mc 13 [< Lectio Divina 95 (1977) 207-269 + Biblica 52 (1971) 301-320 + ErITSt 38 (1977) 97-104 + RB 75 (1968) 526-548 + Fs. B. RIGAUX (1970) 89-116 tr. C. Danna] prima pubbl. in libro ed. V. Gambi: Parola di Dio 20. R 1979, Paoline. 277 p. Lit. 6500. Barth Karl, Predigten 1914 [Mk 13,7 ... ]: Gesamtausgabe I, 1974 ➔ 5196. 6579 Ford D., The Abomination of Desolation [Mk 13,14] in Biblical Eschatology (diss. Manchester dir. F. F. Bruce). Wsh 1979, Univ. Pr. Amer. x1v-334p. $11. 0 0-8191-9757-3. 6580 Trotti J. B., Mark 13,32-37: Interpr 32 [➔ 6412] (1978) 410-413. 6581 Rinaldi G., Nounechos [Mc 13,34]: BbbOr 20 (1978) 26. 6582 Munro Winsome, The Anointing in Mark 14,3-9 and John 12,1-8: ➔ 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1979, I 127-130. 6583 [Mc 14,36] Vischer Wilhelm, Abba: ETRel 54 (1979) 683-6 [supprime dans Ja traduction Alliance]; 689ss reponse du conseiller J.-C. Margot; 687s J. Noally, voix africaine. 6584 Fleddermann H., The Flight of a Naked Young Man (Mark 14,51-52): CBQ 41 (1979) 412-18, 'A dramatization and concretization of the universal flight of the disciples '. 6585 Neirynck F., La fuite du jeune homme en Mc 14,51s: ETL 54 (1978) 70-103; 55 (1979) 43-66. 6586 Theissen G., Die TempelweissHgung Jesu. Prophetie im Spannungsfeld von Stadt und Land (Mk 14,58 ... ): ➔ y73, WissUnNT 19 (1979) 142-59 < TZBas 32 (1976) 144-58. 6587 Biguzzi G., Mc 14,58: un tempio acheiropoietos: RivB 26 (1978) 22540. Passio/Resurrectio sec. Marcum ➔ 6240-96 / 6297-6362. Patte Daniel & Aline, Structural Exegesis: From Theory to Practice: Exegesis of Mark 15 and 16: Hermeneutical Implications, 1978 ➔ 1616c. 6588 Osborne G. R., Redactional Trajectories in the Crucifixion Narrative [Mk 15:21-39; Mt 27:33-54; Lk 23:33-48; Jo 19: 17-37]: EvQ 51 (1979) 80-96. 6589 Burgos Nunez M. de, La comuni6n de Dios con el crucificado. Cristologia de Mc 15,22-39: EstBib 37 (1979) 243-266. 6590 Rubinkiewicz R., [R:]Mc 15,34 et Hbr 1,8-9 a la lumiere de la tradition targumique: RoczTKan 25,1 (1978) 59-67, summ. 67. 6591 Schreiber J., S. Freud als Theologe [... vu: Ist sein Gottvertrauen sinngemäss von Mk 15,34 her zu verstehen? ... ]: WegFor 275 (1977) 233-63 < TPract 2 (1967) 189-207. 6592 Stock Klemens, Das Bekenntnis des Centurio. Mk 15,39 im Rahmen des Markusevangeliums: ZKT 100 (1978) 289-301: letztes Wort zur Identität Jesu; der C. steht für uns alle, alle Menschen. 6593 Kensinger K. A., Resurrection as a New Being: A Redactional Analysis of Mk 16: 1-8. Diss. Aquinas Institute of Theology, Dubuque 1977, dir. B. Viviano. 0 7914147. 266 p. DissA 40 (1979s) 916s-A. 6594 Lindemann A., Die Osterbotschaft des Markus. Zur theologischen Interpretation von Mark. 16.1-8 [Bethel Vortrag 1977]: NTS 26 (1979s) 298317. 6595 Neirynck F., anateilantns tnu heliou (Mc 16,2): ETL 54 (1978) 70-103,


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[X. Evangelia

'a suivre' [mais voir 55 (1979) ln.]. 6596 Aland Kurt, Der Schluss des Markusevangeliums: ➔ 275, TBüch 63 (1979) 246-83 < BiblETL 34 (Lv 1974) 435-70. 6591 Hug J., La finale de l'evangile de Marc (Mc 16,9-20) [diss. Lyon-Fourviere 1974]: P 1978, Gabalda. 266 p. - RsTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 145-49 (S. Negn); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 417 (P. J. Farla); TR 75 (1979) 368s (R. Pesch). 6598 Quecke Hans, Das Markusevangelium saidisch PPalauRib 182 + M568: PapCastroct 4, 1972 ➔ 54,1016: RBiblica 60 (1979) 133~8 (P. Weigandt; recensio sicut ipse liber tractat manuscriptum Mc 1,1-16;8; sed recensens insistit in characterem etiam theologicum Marci determinandum ex eo ' quod deest 'longior conclusio' 16,9-20). F7 Opus Lucanum - Luke-Acts.

6599 Achterneier Paul J., The Lukan Perspective on the Miracles of Jesus: A Preliminary Sketch [< JBL 94 (1975) 547-562]: ➔ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 153-167. 6599* Barraclough R., A Re-Assessment of Luke's Political Perspective: ReffR 38 (Melbourne 1979) 10-18. 6600 Bernadicou P. J., Luke-Acts and Contemporary Spirituality: SpirToday 31 (Chicago 1979) 137-148. 6601 Bojorge H., San Lucas, medico griego. Bocetas para un retrato: RevBibArg 40 (1978) 217-44. 6602 Brown Schuyler, The Role of the Prologues in Determining the Purpose of Luke-Acts: ➔ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 99-111. 6603 Byström K. & U., Lukas berättar. Lund 1975, Ohlsson. 30 p. Sk 17. 6604 Dömer Michael, Das Heil Gottes. Studien zur Theologie d. lukan. Doppelwerkes (Diss. Bonn 1978, dir. H. Zimmermann): BBB 51. Köln, Bonn 1978, Hanstein. XLVII-233p. DM 56. 0 3-7756-1062-6. 6605 Dumm D. R., Lk 24: 44-49 und Hospitality [in Lk-Acts]: , 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken, 1979, 231-239. 6606 Flanagan Neal [➔ 9874], The What and How of Salvation in Luke-Acts [I. Word Study of söteria ... ; II. Contributions from Recent Studies; III. Conclusions]: ➔ 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit; ed. D. Durken, 1979, 203-213. 6601 Frank/in E., Christ the Lord: A Study in the Purpose and Theology of Luke-Acts 1975 ➔ 57,3890; 58s,4998: RJndJT 28 (1979) lO0ss (M. V. Abraham). 6608 George A., Etudes sur l'ffiuvre de Luc [I. Etudes litteraires: Construction du 3e Ev.; Jean-Baptiste/Jesus en Lc 1-2; Les recits des miracles; II. La Mission ev.: Israel; Doigt de Dieu; Miracle; Anges; Sens de la mort de Jesus; TTT,Te Christ; Paroles, «Sei&11ellr»,Royallte; IV. La fin des temps: Regne; Vocab. du salut; eschatol; V. La vie du fidele; conversion, ministere, Marie: - - mises au point apl'es la 111011 d' A. Geol'ge (19.IX.1977) par J. P. Lemonon et G. Coutagne]: Sources Bibi. P 1978, Gabalda. 487 p. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 572ss (E. Cothenet); SciEspr 31

F7 Opus Lucanum: Luke-Acts


(1979) 388ss (L. Sabourin). 6609 George Augustin, a) Indications pour la bibliographie (de Lc-Act); b) Jesus 'Seigneur' [kyrios ... en Lc + Act; source ou redaction de Luc ... ; Le Seigneur, roi Messie, Sauveur, Maitre de l'Eglise; dans Actes ... ] ; c) Le sens de la mort de Jesus [< RB 80 (1973) 186-217]; d) Le miracle (en Lc-Actes): [< Les miracles de Jesus selon le NT, ed. X. Leon-Dufour P 1977 --+ 58s,5000c.]: --+ 6608, George, Etudes sur l'reuvre de Luc 1978: - 465-8; 237-255; 185-212; 133-148. 6610 George Augustin, L'Esprit Saint q.ans l'reuvre de Luc: RB 85 (1978) 500-542. 6611 Heerspink R., The Use of Psalm Citations in the Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts. Diss. Calvin Theol. Sem., dir. B. Van Elderen, GR 1979. rv-182 p. - CalvTJ 14 (1979) 279s. 6612 Hemer C. J., Luke the Historian: John Rylands Library lecture. Manchester 1978 [= 58s,5002]. 80 p. W.24. 6613 Hengel Martin, Zur urchristlichen Geschichtsschreibung [im Rahmen der antiken Geschichtsschreiber; imprimis 'L': theol. Geschichtsschreiber der einen Geschichte Jesu Christi und seiner Verkündigung in den letzten Tagen] : Calwer Paperback. Stu 1979, Calwer. 120 p. ; bibliog. 114-120. 6614 Horton Fred L., Reflections on the Semitisms of Luke-Acts: --+ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 1-23: reappearance of 'Jewish Greek •; mimesis; Aramaisms ... 6615 Johnson L. T., The Literary Function of Possession in Luke-Acts: SBL diss. 39, 1977 ➔ 58s,5005: RCBQ 41 (1979) 653s (R. J. Karris); JBL 98 (1979) 445s (D. L. Tiede); JTS 30 (1979) 273 (A. R. C. Leaney). 6616 KarimattamMichael, Jesus the Prophet. A Study of the Prophet Motif in the Christology of Luke [4,16-30; 6,12-7,10 ... ]-Acts. Diss. Pontificii Instituti Biblici 1978, dir. I. de /a Potterie. [Acta Piß 8,5 (1978s) 387s]: xLvr-l62p.; bibliog. V-XLVI. 6617 Karris Robert J., a) Missionary Communities: a New Paradigm for the Study of Luke-Acts (CBA 1977 paper): CBQ 41 (1979) 80-97. - b) Poor and Rich: the Lukan Sitz im Leben: --+ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 112-125. - c) Widows and Minors: Literary Criticism and Luke's Sitz im Leben: --+ 583, SBL,SemPap 16 (1979) 47-58. 6618 Karris R. J., What are they Saying about Luke and Acts? A Theology of the Faithful God: Deus Book. NY 1979, Paulist. 128 p. $1.95 pa. 0 08091-2191-3. 66 l 9 Lindijer C. H., Two Creative Encounters in the Work of Luke. Lk 24,13-35 & Acts 8,26-40: --+ 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 77-85. 6620 Marmion R. A., The Scalpel and the Pen, IV: Luke, the Physician: Journal of the Indiana State Medical Association 69 (Indianapolis 1976) 836-8. 662 l Marshall I. Howard, Luke: Historian and Theologian. Exeter 1979 [= 1970 --+ 52,2663 ... 57,39021, Paternoster. 238 p. B.50. 6622 Mattill A. J. J, a) The Date and Purpose of Luke-Acts: [R. B.] Rackham [1901] Reconsidered [Early Date bcfore 70; espec. Lk 19:43-44 & 21 :2024 ... ]: CBQ 40 (1978) 335-50. - b) The Value of Acts as a Source for the Study of Paul [ ... various 'Paul Views', e.g. One-Paul View (School

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[X,4; XII Lc-Act

of Rist. Research); Lopsided-Paul View (School of Restrained Criticism); Two-Paul View (School of Creative Edification); Three-Paul View (School of Advanced Criticism)]: ➔ 536, Perspectives on Lk-Acts, ed. C. H. Talbert 1978, 76-98. 6623 Miesner Donald, a) The Circumferential Speeches of Luke-Acts: Patterns and Purpose [Lk 4,28-5,11; Acts 28,17-31]: ➔ 581, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1978, II 223-37. - b) The Missionary Journeys Narrative: Patterns and Implications [Lk 9:51-19:54; Acts 12:25-13:14a & 21:1-16 etc.]: ➔ 536, Perspectives on Lk-Acts, ed. C. H. Talbert 1978, 129-214. 6624 Muhlack, Gudrun, Die Parallelen von Lukas-Evangelium und Apostelgeschichte· (Diss. Fra 1978): Theologie und Wirklichkeit 8. Fra 1979, Lang. 209 p. Fs 32 pa. 0 3-8204-6345-3. - RTZßas 35 (1979) 372s (D. P. Moessner). 6625 Nucent A., Memoire, memorial [fond hellenistique de Lc 22,19 (non Marc comme col. 1139) et 1 Cor 11,24 (non ii, 24)1: ➔ 869, Catholicisme 8 f. 37, 1979, 1139-43. 6626 Nützel Johannes, Jesus als Offenbarer Gottes nach der synoptischen Überlieferung. Studie zur Kontinuität innerhalb der Christologie der frühen Kirche. Teil I: Die Transparenz Jesu auf Gott hin nach den lukanischen Schriften: Diss. Fr 1979, dir. A. Vögtle. 6627 Osborne G. R., Luke: Theologian of Social Concern: TrinityJ 7 (Deerfield IL 1978) 135-148. 6628 O'Toole Robert F., Luke's Understanding of Jesus' Resurrection - Ascension - Exaltation: BibTB 9 (1979) 106-114. 6629 Plümacher E., NT und hellenistische Form. Zur literarischen Gattung der lukanischen Schriften: TViat 14 (1977s) 109-123. 6629* Prior M., Revisiting Luke: Scripture Bulletin 10 (Twickenham 1979) 2-11 : uniqne genrc, not merely biography or dialogue. 6630 Radl W., Paulus und Jesus im lukanischen Doppelwerk, Untersuchungen zu Parallelmoliven im Lk.-Ev und in der Apg (Diss. kath. Dochum 1974): EurHSS 23/49, 1975 ➔ 57,3907: RTR 75 (1979) 27ss (K. Löning).

6631 Ramsay W. M. (1851-1939), Luke the Physician and Other Studies in the History of Religion. GR 1979 = 1908, Baker. xiv-418 p. $6.95. 6631* Reitzel F. X., St. Luke's Use of the Temple Image: Review for Religious 38 (St. Louis 1979) 520-539. 6632 Robbins V. K., a) Preface in GrecosRoman Biography and Luke-Acts: ➔ 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1978, II 193-207. - b) Prefaces in GrecoRoman Biography and Luke-Acts: PerspRelSt 6 (Macon 1979) 94-108. 6633 Rolojf J., Die Paulus-Darstellung des Lukas. Ihre geschichtlichen Voraussetzungen und ihr theologisches Ziel: EvT 40 (1979) 510-531. 6633* Sand A., Überlegungen zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion über den 'Frühkatholizismus': Catholica 33 (Münster 1979) 49-62. 6634 Schneider Uerhard, Schnft und Tradition in der theologischen Neuinterpretation der lukanischen Schriften: BiKi 34 (1979) 112-5. 6634* Seccombe David P., Possessions and the Poor in Luke-Acts: Diss. C 1978. 6635 Talbert C. H. [➔ 536]; Literary Patterns, Theological Themes and the

F7 Opus Lucanum: Luke-Acts


Genre of Lukc-Acts: SBL Mon. 20, 1975 ➔ 57,3912: RTR 75 (1979) 29s (K. Löning). 6636 Trites Allison A., The Prayer Motif in Luke-Acts: ➔ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 168-186. 6636* Wagner H., Die Normativität der Urgemeinde. Ein Problem konfessioneller Hermeneutik: Catholica 33 (Münster 1979) 153-165. 6637 Wilcox M., The Promise of the 'Seed' in the NT and the Targumim [in Luke-Acts; zera' = sons; 'seed of Abraham'= 'seed of David'; individual and messianic]: JStNT 5 (1979) 2-20. 6637* Williams R. B., Reflections on the Transmission of Tradition in the Early Chw-d1: Encow1ter 40 (Indianapolis 1979) 273-285. 6638 Wilson Stephen G., Luke and [i.e. author of] the Pastoral Epistles. L 1979, SPCK. xn-162 p. f:8.50. 0 0-281-03676-4. 6639 Wurm Karl, Rechtfertigung und Heil: eine Untersuchung zur Theologie des Lukas unter dem Aspekt 'Lukas und Paulus'. Diss. Heidelberg 1978. m-385 f. 6640 Adinolfi Marco, La giustizia nel terzo Vangelo: RivB 27 (1979) 23360. F7.3 Evangelium Lucae - Textus, Commentarii. 6641 Aliquo S. [tr.], Failla C. [introd. note] ÜRIGENE, Commento al Vangelo di Luca. R 1974, Citta Nuova. 304 p. 6642 Bailey R. G., A Study of the Lukan Text of Manuscript 2533 of the Gospels (diss. Birmingham 1973 ➔ 57,3920): NTS 23 (1976s) 212 30. 6643 Beck B. E., Christian Character in the Gospel of Luke II: EpworthR 6 (1979) 86-95. 6644 Boever Richard A., Good News from Luke: Practical Helps for Christian Living. Liguori MO 1979, Liguori. Hl1 p. $2.25/:El.25. 6645 Caird G. B., Saint Luke: Westminster Pelican Commentaries. Ph 1978 1963, Westminster. 271 p.; 1 map. $9.50. 6646 Coppa G., Sant'Ambrogio, Esposizione del Vangelo secondo Luca. Introd. traduz., note e indici; Opera omnia. Mi/R 1978, Biblioteca Ambrosiana / Citta Nuova. 456; 600 p. Lit. 15.000 + 18.000. - Rcc 130 (1979,2) 615s (A. Ferrua). 6647 Delebecque Edouard, Evangile de Luc, texte grec, traduit et annote : Bude 1976 ➔ 58s,5035: RcBQ 41 (1979) 153ss (F. W. Danker); REAnc 78s (1978s) 342-45 (P. Courcelle); Sal 40 (1978) 958s (G. G. Gamba). 6648 Dieterle C. al., Manuel du traducteur pour l'evangile de Luc. P 1977, Alliance biblique Universelle. 728 p. 6649 Ernst Josef, Das Evangelium nach Lukas, übersetzt und erklärt: RgNT 1977 ➔ 58s,5039: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 206 (T. de Kruijf); CBQ 40 (1978) 63lss (W. S. Kurz); EstBib 36 (1977) 303s (A. de/ Agua); ETL 54 (1978) 191ss (F. Neirynck); JBL 98 (1979) 149ss (S. Brown); MüTZ 30 (1979) 236s (A. Sand); StNTU 13 (1978) 174s (A. Fuchs); TS 40 (1979) 349ss (J. A. Fitzmyer). 6650 Evangelium: Texte nach Lukas, hrg. Ökum. Arbeitskreis für Taub;;;c


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stummenseelsorge und der Arbeitsstelle für Behindertenseelsorge. Lp 1979, Sankt Benno. 84 p. Ill. 6651 Galizzi M., Gesu vittima del potere: Vangelo secondo Luca, vol. III. Leumann (Torino) 1979, ElleDiCi. 180 p. Lit. 2200. 6652 George A., El Evangelio segun S. Lucas: Cuadernos Biblicos 3. Estella 1976. 72 p. 110 ptas. - RßibFe 3 (1977) 338 (M. L. Simon). 6652* Girardet G., Lecture politique de l'Evangile de Luc [11 vangelo della liberazione 1975 ➔ 57,3929], pref. F. Houtart sur le milieu social palestinien: Eglise, pouvoir, contre-pouvoir. Bru 1978, Vie Ouvriere. 239 p. F41, Fb239. 0 2-87003-129-7. 6653 Glöckner R., Die Verkündigung des Heils bei dem Evangelisten Lukas: Walberberger Studien 9, 1976 ➔ 57,3930; 58s,5047: REstBib 36 (1977) 304s (A. de/ Agua); CBQ 40 (1978) 273s (J. Kodell); TLZ 104 (1979) 49-51 (M. Rese); TZBas 34 (1978) 107 (E. Grässer). 6654 Gollwitzer Helmut, Die Freude Gottes: Einführung in das Lukasevangeli um 9, Vorwort T. Jänicke. Gelnhausen/Fr 1979, Burckhardt/Christophorus. 320 p., 64 Motive aus einer deutschen Bilderbibel des späten Mittelalters. DM 28. 0 3-7664-6070-6 / 0 3-419-50641-4. 6655 Gryglewicz Feliks, [f] Ewangelia wedlug swietego Lukasza 1974 ..... 56,3117; 57,3932; 58s,5050a: RRußi 29 (1976) 335ss (S. (irzybek). 6656 Hendriksen William, Exposition of the Gospel according to Luke: NT Com. GR 1978, Baker. xm-1122 p., plans. 0 0-8010-4191-0. [= Gospel of Luke: E 1979, Banner of Truth.]. 6657 Karris Robert J., Invitation to Luke: A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke With Complete Text from the Jerusalem Bible. GNY 1977, Doubleday. 279 p. $2.95. - RcBQ 40 (1978) 636-39 (R. Scroggs). 6658 Loisy Alfred F. (1857-1940), L'Evangile selon Luc. Fra 1971 = P 1924, Minerva. 600 p. 6659 Marshall 1. H., The Gospel of Luke. A Commentary on the Greek Text: NIGT 1978 ➔ 58s,5060: RBiblica 60 (1979) 439-42 (L. J. Topei); EvQ 51 (1979) 238s (S. S. Smalle_v); ExpTim 90 (1978s) 66s (C. S. Rodd); JTS 30 (1979) 531ss (A. Moore); Sal 41 (1979) 897ss (G. Gamba); Tablet 232 (1978) 1018s (M. Sweeney); VidJyo 43 (1979) 234 (P. M. Meagher). 6660 Martinez de Bujanda J., Diego de Estella (1524-78) [Enarrationes in Lucam 1574s, revocatae ob lnquisitionem]. Estudio de sus obras castellanas: Publ. Inst. Esp. Hist. Ecl., Monumenta, 15. R 1975, Iglesia Nac. Esp. 187 p. 6661 Meynet R., Quelle est donc cette parole? Lecture «rhetorique» de l'evangile de Lc (1-9, 22-24), pref. G. Mounin: Lectio Divina 99. P 1979, Cerf. 212 p. + vol. de 14 Pl. 6662 Paoli Arturo, Meditations on Saint Luke [La radice dell'uomo 1972 ➔ 58s,5067] tr. Bernard F. McWilliams: Maryknoll NY 1977, Orbis. VI198 p. $8.95. ➔ 58s,5067. 6663 Quecke Hans, Das Lukasevangelium saidisch, Text der Handschrift PPalau Rib. 181 mil M 569: PapGl~lrucl 6, 1977 ➔ 58~,1362: RJBL 98 (1979) 446s (B. M. Metzger); StPapyr 17 (1978) 118-21 (T. Orlandi). 6664 Quecke Hans, Eine koptische Bibelhandschrift des 5. Jahrhunderts II

F7.3 Evangelium Lucae: textus, commentarii


(PPalau Rib. Inv. Nr 181 [Lc, saYd.; -> 58s,1363b]: StPapyr 16 (1977) 7-11, 1 Taf. 6664* Rengstorf Karl H., Das Evangelium nach Lukas übersetzt und erklärt 17 [72.-74. Tsd.]: NTD. Gö 1979 [6 1952] VR. 294 p. DM 23,80 pa. 0 3-52551308-9. 6665 Rienecker Fritz, Das Evangelium des Lukas, erklärt7: Wu Studienbibel NT. Wu 1977 [5 1975 -> 57,3948], Brockhaus. xvi-555 p. DM 30/22,80 pa. 0 3-417-251111-7/011-0. 6666 Sagrada Biblia [de la Universidad de Navarra]: Evangelio segun S. Lucas [con introd. a todos los Ev.]. Pamplona 1977, EUNSA. 455 p. [RelCall 24 (1978) 608]. 6667 Schneider Gerhard, Das Evangelium nach Lukas 1977 -> 58s,5075a: RßLtg 51 (1978) 189ss (A. Stöger); CBQ 41 (1979) 481s (E. Jane Via); ETL 54 (1978) 19lss (F. Neirynck); NRT 101 (1979) 586s (X. Jacques).

6668 Stöger Alois, The Gospel according to St. Luke [Das Ev. n. L. Dü 1966, Patmos] tr. B. Fahy = NT for Spiritual Reading, 3: L 1977, Sheed [=NY/L 1969, Herder & Herder/Bums Oates, -> 51,2501]. xxn-536 p. f5.50. 6669 Suviseshamuthu S., Punidar Lükanin narseithi nuul. Thirumari vilakkam. The Gospel of Luke: Holy Commentary: Manrl!: Veliyitu, 35 (= Manra Series ... ). Madras 1968, Christian Literature Society for the Tamil Theological Literature Committee. ix-608 p, 6670 Wilcock Michael, The Saviour of the world. The message of Luke's Gospel: The Bible speaks today. Leicester 1979, Inter-Varsity. 215 p. F7.4 Lucae themata - Luke's Gospel, topics. 6671 Adinolfi M., L'amore nel terzo Vangelo: Antonianum 54 (1979) 561581. 6672 Adkins L. M. J, An Awareness of the Holy Spirit [using Luke as major source of guidance]. Diss. Drew Univ. 1978. 171 p. 0 7904670. - DissA 39 (1978s) 5571-A. 6673 Bailey K. E., a) A Study of Some Lucan Parables in the Light of Oriental Life and Poetic Style: Diss. Concordia Sem. St. Louis 1972. vn479 p., ill. - b) Poet & Peasant: A Literary Cultural Approach to the Parables in Luke ... 1976-> 58s,5025: RAsbSem 34,3 (1978) 43ss (D. L. Thompson); CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 251 (D. Hamm); .TBL96 (1977) 606ss (J. D. Crossan); NorTTs 80 (1979) 267s (T. K. Seim). 6674 Bovon Frani;ois, Luc le theologien. Vingt-cinq ans de recherche (19501975): Le Monde de la Bible. Neuchatei/Paris 1978, Delachaux & Niestle. 474 p. Fs 60. 0 2-603-00123-X. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 585ss (L. Walter); RTPhil 111 (1979) 315 (J. Dupont); SciEspr 31 (1979) 390ss (P.-E. Langevin); TR 75 (1979) 369 (E. Schweizer). 6675 Brawley R. L., The Pharisees in Luke-Acts: Luke's Address to Jews and his Irenic Purpose: diss. Princeton 1978. vn-260p. 0 7816438. - DissA 39 (l 978s) 1655s-A. Busse Ulrich, Die Wunder des Propheten Jesu. Die Rezeption, Komposi29. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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tion und Interpretation der Wundertradition im Evangelium des Lukas: ForBi 24. 1977 ➔ 6036; 58s,5030. 6676 Cassidy R. J., Jesus, Politics, and Society: A Study of Luke's Gospel 1978 ➔ 58s,5031: RßibTB 9 (1979) 45s (J. Kodell); CBQ 41 (1979) 481s (E. J. Via); JTS 30 (1979) 533s (A. R. C. Leaney); TS 39 (1978) 812 (R. F. O'Toole). 6677 Collison F. T. G., Linguistic Usages in the Gospel of Luke: diss. So. Methodist, dir. W. R. Farmer. Dallas 1977, 379 p. 0 7809988. - DissA 39 (1978) 327-A. 6678 Cribbs F. L., a) The Agreements that Exist between Luke and John: ➔ 583, SBL,SemPap 16 (1979) 215-261, 11 charts. - b) A Study of the Contacts that Exist Between St. Luke and St. John: SBL,SemPap 190,2 (1973) 1-93. 6619 Delebecque ~douard [➔], Etudes grce.quessur l'Evangile de Luc J9'/6 ➔ 57,3924: 58s,5035b: RCBQ 41 (1979) 153ss (F. W. Danker); REAnc 78s (1978s) 342-5 (P. Courcelle). 6680 Drury J., Tradition and Design in Luke's Gospel 1976 ➔ 58s,5037: RJAAR 47 (1979) 116 (V. K Robbins); JTS 30 (1979) 270-73 (G. Stanton); Interpr 32 (1978) 436s (E. V. McKnight); JBL 98 (1979) l51ss (C. H. Talbert). 6681 Ferrara G., Lu Spirito Santo nella 'Esposizione del Vangelo secondo Luca' di S. Ambrogio: Nicolaus 7 (Bari 1979) 27-60. 6682 Florquin C., L'evangile. selon saint Luc est-il independant de celui selon saint Matthieu?: Cah. Ccrc. E. Rcnan 26 (1978) 105-125. 6683 George Augustin, Israel; Jesus, Fils de Dieu [< RB 75 (1968) 481-525; 72 (1965) 185-209]: ➔ 6608, Etudes sur l'reuvre de Luc 1978, 87-125; 215-236. 6684 Gryglewicz Feliks, [II Studia z teologii sw. t.ukasza 1973 ➔ 58s,5050b: RRuBi 29 (1976) 333ss (R. Rubinkiewicz). 6685 Hubbard B. J., Luke, Josephus and Romc: A Comparativc Approach to the Lukan Sitz im Leben: _, 583, SBL,SemPap 16 (1979) 59-68. 6686 McCaughey Terence, Pim1rligms of Faith in the Gospel of St. Luke: IrTQ 45 (1978) 177-184. 6687 McNetl B., Midrash in Luke? [Clarifü.:atiun uf the Terminology - and the Goulder-Drury Hypothesis]: HeythJ 19 (1978) 399-404. 6688 Nickelsburg G. W. E., Riches, the Rich, and God's Judgment in I Enoch 92-105 and the Gospel According to Luke: NTS 25 (1978s) 32444. 6689 Perez Gabriel, Lucas, Evangelio de exigencias radicales: ➔ 49, Mem. A. COLUNOA, Scrvidor 1979, 319-367 ""CiTom 106 (1979) 655-703. 6690 Prior M., Revisiting Luke: ScriptB 10 (1979s) 2-11. 6691 Rasco Emilio, La teologia de Lucas: AnGreg 201, 1976 ➔ 57,3908; 58s,5017: REstBib 36 (1977) 305 (A. del Agua); RThom 78 (1978) 333s (M.-E. Lauziere); TLZ 103 (1978) 351s (E. Schweizer). 6692 Schottroff L., Stegemann W., Jesus von Nazareth - Hoffnung der Armen [bes. Lk, Q]: Urban-T 639. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 164p. DM12. 0 3-17-004895-3. 6693 Silvola Kalevi, [Zusammenfassung: Zeuge und Zeugnis] Todistaja ja to-

F7.4 Lucae themata


distus. Traditioja redaktiohistoriallinen tutkimus Luukkaan kirjoitusten todistajakuvasta (Helsinki Diss. 1978): Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran julkaisuja 31. Helsinki 1978. 6694 Tyson Joseph B., Source Criticism of the Gospel of Luke: - 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 24-39. 6695 Waal C. van der, The Temple in the Gospel acc. to Luke: Neotest 7 (1973) 49-59. 6696 Wang Ching-hung R., [g Luchia fuyin chung te Shengshenlun: Pneumatology in St. Luke: ColcTFujen 11,40 (1979) 135-147; 305-342.457475, The Holy Spirit in John. 6697 Weinert F. D., The Meaning of the Temple in the Gospel of Luke: diss. Fordham NY 1979, dir. C. H. Gib/in. 336 p. 0 7918307. - DissA 40 (1979s) 920-A. 6698 Wilkens Wilhelm, Die theologische Struktur der Komposition des Lukasevangeliums: TZBas 34 (1978) 1-13. 6699 Ziesler J. A., Luke and the Pharisees: NTS 25 (1978s) 146-57.

F7.5 Luc. 1 ... versiculi. 6700 Brodie L. T., A New Temple and a New Law. The Unity and Chronicler-based Nature ofLk 1:1-4:22a: JStNT 5 (1979) 21-45. 6701 Unnik W. C. van, Once More St. Luke's Prologue: Neotest 7 (1973) 7-26. 6702 Escudero Freire C., Devolver el Evangelio a los pobres. A prop6sito de Lc 1-2: Sigueme 4, 1978 -> 58s,5089*: RverVid 36 (1978) 522s (V. Casas). 6703 Tam D. S., The Literary and Theological Unity between Lk 1-2 and Lk 3-Acts 28 [crisis H. Conzelmann (1953); - Luke's basic pattem: salvation-history twofold: promise - and history of the eschatological fulfillment]: Diss. Duke 1978, dir. F. W. Young. 363 p. 0 7905376. - DissA 39 (1978s) 5663s-A. Lc 1s ... Evangelium infantiae - 5871-5933. 6704 Brown Raymond E., Luke's Method in the Annunciation Narratives of Chapter One: - 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 126-138 [- 58s,5095*]. 6705 Pikaza X., El Espiritu Santo y Maria en la obra de S. Lucas: EphMar 28 (1978) 151-68. 6706 Jankowski A., ~ 'Sludzy slowa' (Lk 1,2) [' Ministri Verbi' ... ] : RuBi 32 (1979) 58-60. 6707 Orbe Antonio, Anunciaci6n: meditaciones sobre Lucas 1,26-38: BAC min. 42. M 1976, Cat6lica. xi-298 p. 0 84-2200-751-7. 6708 Salguero J., Maria la 'Sierva del Sefior' (Lc 1,38): ....49, Servidor de la Palabra, Mise. bibl. A. CüLUNGA1979, 369-396. 6709 Bailey K. E., The Song of Mary: Vision of a New Exodus (Lk 1,46-55): TRevNE 2,1 (1979) 29-35. 6710 Gueuret Agnes, Sur Luc 1,46-55. Comment peut-on etre amene a penser qu'Elisabeth est 'semiotiquement' celle qui a prononce le cantique en Lc


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1,46? Centre Protestant d'Etudes et de Documentation: Bull. apr. 1977, Sup. - EphMar 29 (1979) 133. 6711 Harnei E., Le Magnificat et le renversement des situations. Reflexions theologico-bibliques (Lc 1,51-53): Gregorianum 60 (1979) 55-84; Sum.: 84. 6712 Seils M., LUTHERM., Das Magnificat verdeutscht und ausgelegt: .....480, H.-U. Delius, Luther 1979. p. 312-64. 6712* Browne G. M., Ad CG II 7,139:20 ['And it is you, our light, who shine, Lord' like Lk 1,78]: Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 15 (1978) 191-3. 6713 George A., La mcrc de Jesus [1.Marie dans les recits de l'enfance (Lc 12 ... ); 11. Marie devant la mission de Jesus; III. Originalite de l'image de Marie chez Lc]: -> 6608, Etudes sur l'reuvre de Luc 1978, 429-463. 6714 Petrin J., Le sens de l'reuvre de s. Luc et le mystere marial. Ottawa 1979, Univ. 107 p. - RscEsp 31 (1979) 394s (R. Morency). 6715 Ramsay W. M. (1851-1939), Was Christ Born at Bethlehem? [A Study in the Historicity of Luke]. GR 1979 = 1898, Baker. xn-280 p. $4.95. 6716 Kellermann Ulrich, Gottes neuer Mensch. Exegetische Meditation der Weihnachtsgeschichte Lk 2,1-20. Neuk 1978, -V. 80 p. DM 12,80. 0 37887-0562-0. 6717 Steffen Uwe, Die Weihnachtsgeschichte des Lukas: ARH-Taschenbuch 43. Ha 1978, Agentur des Rauhen Hauses. 70 p. DM 3,90 pa. 0 3-76000232-3. 6718 Vögtle Anton, Was Weihnachten bedeutet: Meditation zu Lk 2,1-10, 1977 .....58s,5107: RTPQ 126 (1978) 184 (A. Sand). - 3 ed. 1978. 0 3-45117986-5. - 4 ed. 1979. DM 12,80. 6719 [Lc 2,21] Nuvolone Flavio, '11 nome di Ge~u• in Luca: Redazione e Cristologia: diss. FrS (dir. Tremel): TR 74 (1978) 514. 6720 Miyoshi M., Jesu Darstellung oder Reinigung im Tempel unter Berück. sichtigung von 'Nunc Dimittis' Lk 2,22-38: AnnJapBiblnst 4 (1978) 85115. 6721 Manns F., Luc 2/11-50 temoin de la Bar Mitswa de Jesus: Marianum 40 (1978) 344-9. 6722 Couroyer B., A propos de Lc :z,;2 ['faveur devant Uieu et devant les hommes'; merisme de l'AT et Ugarit, et notamment de l'Egypte, m.b1'1 = enanti ... ] : RB 86 ( 1979) 92-101. 6723 Bacher Otto, Lukas [3,2 ... ] und Johannes der Täufer: StNTU-A 4 (1979) 27-44. 6724 Rice G. E., Lk 3:22-38 in Codex Bezae: The Messianic King: AndrUnSS 17 (1979) 203-8. 6725 Birdsall J. Neville, Some Names in the Lukan Genealogy of Jesus in the Armenian Biblical Tradition: -> 630, Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 13-16. 6726 Busse Ulrich, Das Nazareth-Manifest Jesu. Eine Einführung in das lukanische Jesusbild nach Lk 4,16-30: SBS 91. Stu 1978, KBW. 134 p. DM 19,80. 0 3-460-03911-6. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 640s (C. Bernas).

F7.5 Luc. 4,16...


6727 Combrink H . .T.B., The Strncture und Si&nificunceof Lk 4: 16-30: Neotest 7 (1973) 27-47. 6728 Kearney S. M., A Study of Principal Compositional Techniques in Luke-Acts based on Lk 4,16-30 in conjunction with Lk 7,18-23: diss. Boston Univ. 1978 dir. H. H. Oliver. 268 p. 0 7808031. - DissA 38 (1978) 7395A. 6729 Kehnscherper G., Von Jeremia zu Jesus von Nazareth: die Ausrufung des Halljahres und das Kommen des Reiches Gottes: eine sozialethische Untersuchung zu Lk 4,16-30. Greifswald 1973, Red. der. WZGreifswald. 49 p. 6730 No/land J., Impressed Unbelievers as Witnesses to Christ (Luke 4:22a): JBL 98 (1979) 219-29. Lk 5,1-11 extended example in ➔ 1509, McKnight E. V., Meaning in Texts. The Historical Shaping of a Narrative Hermeneutics. 1979. 6730* Flusser David, Do You Prefer New Winc?: Immanuel 9 (J 1979) 2631 : Critique of senseless innovations: instituting new fasts is like a new patch or new wine [Lk 5,36-39]. 6731 Buchanan G. W., Wolfe C., The 'Second-First Sabbath' (Luke 6,1): JBL 97 (1978) 259-62.

6732 Feldkämper Ludger, Der betende Jesus als Heilsmittler nach Lukas [... 6,12; diss. R, Pontificium Inst. Biblicum 1977 ➔ 58s,5041]: Veröffentl. des Missionspriesterseminars 29. Bonn-St. Augustin 1978, Steyler. 371 p.; bibliog. 342-353. DM 48 pa. 0 3-87787-102-X. - RBz 23 (1979) 300s (H. Ritt); ETL 55 (1979) 158 (J. Coppens); JBL 98 (1979) 602s (C. E. Carlston); SciEsprit 31 (1979) 392ss (P.-E. Langevin); TPhil 54 (1979) 601s (B. Beck); TS 40 (1979) 784 (R. M. Karris); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 194 (G. Thevissen). 6733 Comblin Jose, La oraci6n de Jesus. Asumir la densidad del mundo desde Dios [A oracäo de Jesus] tr. M. Perez Vicente: El pozo de Siquem 6. Saulamlt:r 1977, Sal Terrae. 91 p. 6734 George A., La priere [I. Les donnees de Luc, Ev. + Actes: II. La priere de Jesus; III. La priere dans l'Eglise] : ➔ 6608, Etudes sur I'reuvre de Luc 1978, 395-427. 6735 Mediavilla R., La oraci6n de Jesus en el tercer Evangelio [ ... Redacci6n y teologia lucana]: Mayeutica 4 (Marcilla, Navarra 1978) 5-34 [➔ 58s,5062]. 163-83. 6736 Monloubou L., La priere selon S. Luc: LectDiv 89, 1976 ➔ 58s,5012: RETRel 54 (1979) 338s (D. Bourguet); MelScRel 36 (1979) 57s (P.-M. Guillaume).

Lc 6,17 ... Sermo Jesu -> 5949-5966; 6,20 Beatitudines ➔ 5967-5981. 6737 Reck B. E., Christian Character in the Gospel of Luke - I [6,20-49; 10,29-37]: Epworth Rev. 6 (1979) 70-77. 6738 Harbarth Anita, Gott hat sein Volk heimgesucht. Eine form- und redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Lk 7,11-17. Die Erweckung des


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[X,4; XII Lc-Act

Jünglings von Nain: diss. Fr 1978, ilir. A. Vöglle. 302 p. - TR 74 (1978) 510.

6739 Jacobson Arland D., Wisdom Christology in Q [Lc 7:31-35 par; Lc 10,21-22 par; Lc 11,29-32 par; Lc 11,49-51 par; Lc 13,35-36 par]. Diss. Claremont 1978. 273 p. 0 7823838. - DissA 39 (1978s) 3653-A. 6740 Frei Reinhard C., Die Salbung Jesu durch die Sünderin. Eine redaktionskritische Untersuchung zu Lk 7,36-50: kath. Diss. Mainz, dir. R. Pesch, 1978. 229 p. - TR 74 (1978) 510; BZ 23 (1979) 156. 6741 Witherington B., III, On the Road with Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Susanna and Other Disciples - Lk 8,1-3: ZNW 70 (1979) 243-8. 6742 [Lc 8,2 ... ] Dailliez L., Les Saintes Maries [neotestamentaires] de la Mer [Marseille, sepulture]. Mythes ou legendes [XIIIe siecle]. Nice 1978, lmpres' Sud. 144 p. F 50. 6743 Guillaume P.-M., Marie-Madeleine (sainte) [1. Donnees evangeliques; 2. Ecrits apocryphes, gnostiques et manicheens; 3. Peres de l'Eglise; 4. Moyen äge; 5. Epoquc moderne]: -> 871, DictSpir 10,66s (1978) 55975. 6744 Sa.xer V., Marie Madeleine, Sainte: ➔ 869, Catholicisme 8,35 (1978) 631-8. 6145 Sellin G., Komposition, Quellen und Funktion des lukanischen Reiseberichtes (Lk 9,51-19,28): NT 20 (1978) 100-35. 6746 Bligb Juhn, Cluistian Deuter011omy: Luke 9-18: Scripturc for Meditation, 5. Staten Island NY 1975 [=L 1970 -> 52,2617], Alba House. 153 p. Lk 9-18: .....532, Spiegel Y., Doppeldeutlich 1978. 6747 Fit:anyer Joseph A., The Composition of Luke, Chaptcr 9: -> 536, Talbert C., Pcrspcctives 1978, 139-152. 6748 Friedrich Gerhard, Lukas 9,51 und die Entrückungschristologie des Lukas < Fs. J. SCHMID, Orientierung an Jesus 1973, 48-77: -> 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 26-55. 6149 Richards W. L., Manuscript Grouping in Luke 10 by Quantitative Analysis: JBL 98 (1979) 379-91. 6750 [Lc 10,30-37] Sfameni Gasparro Giulia, Variazioni esegetiche sulla parabola del Buon Samaritano: dal 'Presbitero' di Origene ai dualisti medie1979, II 949-1012. vali: -> 11, Fs. A. ARDIZZONI 6750* Klemm Hans G., Das Gleichnis vom Barmherzigen Samariter [Lk 10,33]: Grundzüge der Auslegung im 16.-17 Jh: BWANT 103, 1973 -> 55,a117: RTPQ 127 (1979) 289s (A. Stöger). 6751 Stein R. H., The Interpretation of the Parable of the Good Samaritan: -> 103 Scripture, Tradition, and Interpretation, Fs. E. F. HARRISON 1978, 278-295. 6752 Wink W., The Parable of the Compassionate Samarium: a Cu111mw1al Exegesis Approach: RExp 76 (1979) 199-217. 6753 Bosold Iris, Pazifismus und prophetische Provokation. Das Grussverbot Lk 10,4b und sein historischer Kontext (Kath. Diss. Tü 1975 dir. G. Lohfink): Stuttgarter Dibel-Studien 90. Stu 1978, Katholisches Bibelwerk. 98 p. DM 16. 0 3-460-03901-9. - RstNTU-A 4 (1979) 149s [A. Fuchs]. 6154 Puig Tarrech A., Lc 10,18: La visi6 de la caiguda de Satanas: RCatalT

F7.5 Luc. 10,lL


3 (1978) 217-43. 6755 Corbin -, Lc 10,25-37: --+ 643, Audinet J. al., Le deplacement de la theologie 1977. 6756 Kiejfer R., Analyse semiotique et commentaire. Quelques reflexions a propos d'etudes de Luc 10,25-37: Paper, Chätenay meeting 1978: NTS 25 (1978s) 454-68. 6757 Knockaert Andre, Analyse structurale du texte biblique [Lc 10,38-42 Marthe]: LVitae 33 (1978) 331-340. 6758 Solignac A., Dormat L., Marthe et Marie [Lc 10,38-42: 1. Note exegetique; 2. Interpretation patristique; 3. Interpretation medievale]: --+871, DictSpir 10,66s (1978) 669-73. 6759 Dupont Jacques, De quoi est-il besoin? (Lc 10,42): --+32, Fs; M. BLACK 1979, 115-?0. 6759* Johnson A. F., Assurance for Man: the Fallacy of Translating anaideia by 'Persistence' in Luke 11,5-8 : JEvThSoc 22 (1979) 123-131. 6760 George A., 'Par lc doigt de Dicu' (Lc 11,10): --+6608, Etudcs sur l'ceuvre de Luc 1978, 127-32 < SciEccl 18 (1966) 461-66. 6761 Sweetland D. M., The Understanding of Discipleship in Luke 12: 113: 9: diss. Notre Dame. South Bend 1978. 182p. 0 7815557. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1670A. 6762 McDermott J. M., a) Lk 12,8-9: Stone of Scandal: RB 84 (1977) 523537. - b) Lc 12,8-9: pierre angulaire: RB 85 (1978) 381-401. 6763 Seng E. W., Der Reiche Tor. Eine Untersuchung von Lk 12,16-21 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung form- und motivgeschichtlicher Aspekte: NT 20 (1978) 136-55. 6764 Deterding P., Eschatological aml Euchwistic Mutifs in Lk 12,35-40: ConcL 5 (1979) 85-94. 6 765 Rosaz M., Passer sur l'autre rive [Lc 13,24]: Christus 26 (Paris 1979) 323-332: 11 Dt 9s. 6766 Fabris Rinaldo, La parabola degli invitati alla cena. Analisi redazionale di Lc 14,16-24: --+595, Dupont J., Banchetto 1978, 127-166. 6767 Gaeta Giancarlo, Invitati e commensall al banchetto eschatologico. Analisi letteraria della parabola di Luca (14,16-24): --+ 595, Dupont J., Banchetto 1978, 103-125. 6768 Derrett J. Duncan M., Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum: Towers and Wars (Lk 14,28-32): NT 19 (1977) 241-261. Luc 15 --+399, Bovon F., Rouiller Gregoire ed., Exegesis 1975. 6769 Crawford R. G., Thc Parablc of Atonement [Lk 15]: EvQ 50 (1978) 27.

6770 Mara M. G., Parabole lucane [cap. 15] della misericordia nel Commento di Origene alla lettera ai Romani: AugRom 18 (1978) 311-9. 6771 Ramaroson L., Le cceur du Troisieme Evangile: Lc 15: Biblica 60 (1979) 348-360. Luc 1S --+ 1S44 Rlc(EurP., Ermeneutica tilosotica e ... biblica 1977. 6772 Schnider F., Die Verlorenen Söhne strukturanalytische ... Lk 15: OrbBibOr 17, 1977--+ 58s,5178: RCBQ 41 (1979) 349s (J. D. Crossan); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 150s [A. Fuchs]. 6773 Derrett J. D.M., Fresh Light on the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[X,4; XII Lc-Act

[Lk 15,3-10]: NTS 26 (1979s) 36-60. 6774 Maier-Fürstenfeld E. (Erzählhilfe von M. Spiegel), Vom verzeihenden Vater: Bilder der Bibel, 1. Stu 1978, Kath. Bibelwerk. 28 p., (färb.) Ill. DM 12,80. Stock Alex, Textentfaltungen. Semiotische Experimente mit einer bibl. Geschichte [Parabel vom Verlorenen Sohn] 1978 -->1566. 6775 Kruse Heinz, The Return of the Prodigal. Fortunes of a Parable on lts Way to the Far East [ ... The Lotus Sutra (eh. 21): transcriptio et versio parabolae originalis; The Parable of Jesus (Lk 15,1-32); The Hymn of the Pearl (in the apocr. Acts of Thomas): transcriptio textus syr. et versio ... ; The Prayer of Kyriakos (in the syr. Passio Cyriaci et Julittae): transcriptio et versio; As to the Glorious Robe: daenalfravasi et xvaranah in Hadoxt Nask ... ]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 163-214. 6776 Pöhlmann W., Die Abschichtung des Verlorenen Sohnes (Lk 15,12f) und die erzählte Welt der Parabel [ ... mattenat bäri' = 'Schenkung durch einen Gesunden' und rabbinisches Recht; Lk 15,12 und Papyri, e.g. PParis 14,1lff ... ; Rechtssphäre ist für die Parabel bedeutend ... ]: ZNW 70 (1979) 194-213. 6777 Rensch Karl-H., Nordkalabrischer Sprachatlas anhand der Parabel vom verlorenen Sohn: JanLing, pract. 221. Haag 1973, Mouton. xxxm-166 p.; maps. [-->54,1248, M. Melillo]. 6778 Vazquez Medel M. A., El perd6n libera del odio. Lectura estructural de L; 15,11-32. ComSev 11 (1978) 271-312. 6780 Scholz G., Ästhetische Beobachtungen am Gleichnis vom Reichen Mann und Armen Lazarus und an drei anderen Gleichnissen [Lk 16,1925 (26-31); 10,34; 13,9; 15,11-32]: LingBib 43 (1978) 67-74; summ. angl. 74. 6781 Molina J.-P., Lc 14,1 a 13: L'injuste mamon (Ecriture et predication, 12): ETRel 53 (1978) 371-375. 6782 Feuillet A., La parabole du mauvais richc et du pauvre Lazare (Lc 16,19-31) antithese de la parabole de l'intendant astucieux (Lc 16,1-9): NRT 101 (1979) 212-23. 6783 Manrique A., La paräbola del rico epul6n y de Läzaro y la justicia social en la epoca de Jesus (Lc 16,19-31): CiuD 191 (1978) 207-215. 6784 Obermüller Rodolfo, La miseria de un rico: un juicio neotestamentario - Lucas 16,19-31: -->406, Brummei L., Los pobres 1978, 45-66. 6785 Schnider F., Stenger W., Die offene Tür und die unüberstreitbare Kluft: Strukturanalytische Überlegungen zum Gleichnis vom reichen Mann und armen Lazarus (Lk 16,19-31): NTS 25 (1978s) 273-83. 6786 Bruners W., Die Reinigung der Zehn Aussätzigen und die Heilung des Samariters, Lk 17,11-19: ForBib 23, 1977--> 58s,5184: RBLtg 51 (1978) 62s (G. Geiger); CBQ 41 (1979) 151ss (D. Hamm); TPQ 126 (1978) 185 (A. Fuchs). 6787 KariamadamP., The End of the Travel Narrative (Lk 18,31-19,46). A Redaction-Critical Investigation: Diss. Pontificii Inst. Biblici 1979, dir. 1. de la Potterie. XL-418p.; xuv(= bibliogr.)-270 p. dact. - ActaPIB 8,5 (1979s) 387. Lk 19,1-10 Zachäus [24, 13-35 Emmaus ... ]--> 5675; 58s,5996: Steiner A.,

F7.5 Luc. 19,1...


T,JlevmannV., Jesus-Begegnungen 1977. 6788 Vogels Walter, Structural Analysis and Pastoral Work. The Story of Zacchaeus (Lk 19,1-10): LVitae Engl 33 (1978) 482-92 = L'analyse structurale et la pastorale. L'histoire de Zachee: LVitae 33 (1978) 231-41. 6789 White R. C., A Good Word for Zachaeus? Exegetical Comment on Lk 19: 1-10: LexTQ 14 (1979) 89-96. 6790 Resenhöfft W., Jesu Gleichnis von den Talenten, ergänzt durch die Lukas-Fassung [Lk 19,11]: NTS 26 (1979s) 318-31. 6791 Hemelsoet Ben, Lukas 19,41-44 Tränen over Jerusalem: ➔ 9 Beuken W., Proef en Toets 1977. 6792 Mussies G., The Sense of syllogizesthai at Lk 20,5 ['use to reason' Diog. Laert. VI.37]: ➔ 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 59-76. 6793 Keck Fridolin, Die öffentliche Abschiedsrede Jesu in Lk 20,45-21,36: Forßib 25 1976 ➔ 58s,5196: RcBQ 41 (1979) 341s (C. H. Talbert); TPQ 126 (1978) 291ss (A. Fuchs). 6794 Nicol W., Tradition and Redaction in Lk 21 :Neotest 7 (1979) 61-71. 6795 [Lc 21,5-28] Ernst J., Herr der Geschichte: Perspektiven der lukanischen Eschatologie: SBS 88, 1978 ➔ 58s,4995: RBLtg 57 (1978) 272 (A. Stöger). 6796 Mattill A. J. J, Luke and thc Last •Things. A Perspective for the Understanding of Lukan Thought. Dillsboro NC 1979, Western NC. x,247 p., 9 fig., bibliog. p. 236-247. $8.95. 0 0-915948-03-6. 6797 Schwarz G., [Lk 21,34a barethosis: aram. YGRIthpa. 1. 'schwer werden'; 2. 'sich verstocken']: BibNot 10 (1979) 40. 6798 Schürmann Heinz, Jesu Abscheidsrede Lk 22,21-38. III. Teil einer quellenkritischen Untersuchung des lukanischen Abendmahlsberichtes Lk 22,7-38. 2 ed. fotomech. mit bibliog. Suppl. und Nachwort: NTAbh 20/5. Mü 1977, Aschendorff. xix-170 p. DM 48. 6799 Quecke Hans, ' ... euch wie Weizen zu mahlen' (Lk 22,31 sahid). Zu den Koptischen Verben sok und sike: GötMiszÄg 29 (1978) 101-104. 6800 Tierney B., A Scriptural Text in' the Decretales and in St. Thomas: Canonistic Exegesis of Lk 22,32: Studia Gratiana 20 (R 1976, LAS) 36377. 6801 Schwarz G., [telos und machairai Lk 22,35-38; attende aram. sepä' = 1. 'Ende'; 2. 'Schwert']: BibNot 8 (1979) 22. 6802 Szlaga J., [R] L'interpretazione della pericopa Lk 22,35-38 nel contesto empirico ANT: StudiaPelplin. 5 (1975) 95-108. 6803 Larkin W. J., The OT Background of Luke 22,43-44: NTS 25 (1978s) 250-4.

F7.8 Lc 22ss, Passio; Resurrectio

6240-96 / 6297-6362.

6804 Röchele Anton, Der Tod Jesu im Lukasevangelium: eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu Lk 23 [Diss. Fra, St-Georgen 1977, dir. F. Lentzen-Deis: Hauptteil I: auch Analyse der 'äusseren ' und 'inneren ' (christologisch-ekklesiologischen) Struktur; in Hauptteil II: Der Tod Jesu in Lk ausserhalb Kap. 23:2,34-35; 4,16-30; Ankündigungen: 9,22; 9,43b-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[X,4; XII Lc-Act

45; 18,31-34; Verklärungsszene: 9,28-36; Reisebericht: 9,51; 11,29-32; 13,31-35; 17,25 ... ; Passion: 22,19-20 ... ]: Frankfurter Theol. St. 26. Fra 1978, Knecht. 230 p. DM 44 pa. 0 3-7820-0408-6. - REphMar 29 (1979) 461 (D. Fernandez); ETL 55 (1979) 157s (J. Coppens); RivB 27 (1979) 417-21 (A. Penna). 6805 Gollwitzer Helmut, Jesu Tod und Auferstehung nach dem Bericht des Lukas 6 : Kaiser-Traktate 44. Mü 1979 1 1941, Kaiser. 120p. DM 11,50. 0 3-459-01212-9. 6806 Müller Karlheinz, Jesus vor Herodes. Eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Un1979, 111tersuchung zu Lk 23,6-12: -> 215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG 141. 6807 George A., La royaute de Jesus [Lc 23,38 par; Act 17,7; Lc 1,33 etc.: basileus, Christas; descendant de David, Söter, Arche!{os; Les sections 'royales' dans 'L']: ➔ 6608, Etudes sur l'a:uvre de Lu~ 1978, 257-82. 6808 Fuller R. H., Luke and the theologia crucis: -> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 214-220. 6809 Kodell J., Luke's Theology of the Death of Jesus: -> 153, Sin, Salvation and the Spirit, ed. 0. Durken 1979, 221-230. 6810 Dillon Richard J., From Eye-Witnesses to Ministers of the Word: Tradition and Composition in Luke 24 [diss. -> 58s,5212]: AnBib 82. R 1978, Pontifical Biblical Institute Press. 336 p. $26.25. - RTS 40 (1979) 740s (W. S. Kurz). 6811 Guillaume Jean-Marie, Luc. Interprete des anciennes traditions sur la resurrection de Jesus (diss. Cath. Strasbourg dir. J. Schmitt): Etudes Bibliques. P 1979, Gabalda. 305 p. F 167. 6812 .Teanne d'Arc, Sreur, Les pelerins d'Emmaüs Lc 24: Lire Ja Rible 47 1977 -> 58s,5215: RETRel 54 (1979) 510 (B. Sauva/{nat). 6813 [Lc 24,9.33] Plevnik Joseph, 'The Eleven and Those with Them' according to Luke: CBQ 40 (1978) 205-211. 6814 Neirynck F., a) Lc rccit du tombcau vidc dans l'f:vangilc de Luc (24,112 -> 57,4025): -> 252, Fs. J. VERGOTE, OrLovPer 6s (1975s) 427-441. b) apelthen pros heauton (Lc 24,12 et Jn 20,10): ETL 54 (1978) 104-118. - c) Lc 24,12: Les temoins du texte occidental: -> 18, SupNT 47 (1978) 45-60 [Les canons d'Eusebe; le Diatessaron; Marcion]. 6815 Misiurek J., ~ Emaus [Lk 24,13-36]: RuBi 31 (1978) 240-246. 6816 Iersel B. van, Terug van Emmaüs: Bijdragen tot een structurele tekstanalyse van Lc 24,13-35: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 294-322; summ. 323 Toward a Structural Text Analysis ... (D. Le Fort); cf. ibid. Pater W. de p. 234-93. 6817 Kudasiewicz J., [El Jerusalem-Heu de la mort salvatrice de Jesus, Lc 24,13-33: RoczTK.an 25,l (1978) 69-74.74. 6818 Drowne G. M., Ad CG II 7, 139:20 [book of Thomas the Contender; without cmcndation shows structurc like Lk 24,18]; Dulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists 15 ( 1978) 191ss. 6819 Dillon R. J., Easter Revelation and Mission Program in Lk 24:46-48: -> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 240-270. 6820 Sieber J. H., The Spirit as the 'Promise of My Father' in Lk 24:49: -> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed.: D. Durken 1979, 271-78.

F8 Actus Apostolorum: text., comm., themata


XII. Actus Apostolorum

F8 Acts: text, commentary; topics. 6821 Adams D., The Suffering of Paul in the Context of the Book of Acts: diss. Yale. NH 1979. 6822 Adinolfi M., S. Paolo e le autorita romane negli Atti degli Apostoli: Antonianum 53 (1978) 452-470. 6823 Agouridis S., [Q] Confrontation with Hellenistic-era Magie in Acts: DeltBibMel 5 (1977s) 119-135. 6824 Airhart Arnold E., Acts: Beacon Bible Expositions 5. Kansas City 1977, Beacon Hill. 304 p. 6825 Barrett Charles K., Theologia Crucis - in Acts?: --+63, Fs. E. DINKLER 1979, 73-84. 6825* Black M., Notes on the Longer and Shorter Text of Acts (supporting C. Martini): --+ 171 Fs. E. NrnA, On Language, Culture and Religion 1974, 119-131. 6826 Boor Werner de, Die Apostelgeschichte, erklärt 6 : Wu Studienbibel NT. Wu 1979, Brockhaus. 471 p. DM 32 (20,80 pa). 0 3-417-25/0064(106-0). 6827 Boles H. L., A Commenlary 011 lhe Acts of the Apostles. Nv 1974 = 1941, Gospel Advocate. 406 p. 6828 Bruce F. F., Acts: --+884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 33-47, 2 fi.g. 6829 Burchard C., Der dreizehnte Zeuge: Traditions- und kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Lukas' Darstellung der Frühzeit des Paulus [ ... u. der Apg]: FRLANT 103, 1970--+ 52,3463: RzRGg 31 (1979) 220ss (0. Merk). 6830 Charpentier E., al., a) Une lecture des Actes des Apötres: CahEv 21. P 1977, Evangilc et Vie / Cerf. 76 p. F 8. - b) Una lcttura dcgli Alli degli Apostoli. T 1978, Gribaudi. 72 p. Lit. 2000. 6lßl Ch'en Chia-shih, [g The Role of Paul in the Acts of the Aposlles: TaiwJT 1 (1979) 109-124. 6832 Coppens J., L'imposition des mains dans les Actes des Apötres: --+611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 405-438. 6833 Corsani Bruno, Atti degli Apostoli e Lettere: Testimoni della verita, guida alla lettura della Bibbia. T 1978, Claudiana. 208 p. Lit. 3500. 6834 Criswell W. A., Acts: an Exposition. Vol. I: Chapters 1-8. GR 1978, Zondervan. 285 p. $9.95. 6835 Dehandschutter B., La persecution des chretiens dans les Actes des Apötres: --+611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 541-6. 6836 Diprose Rinaldo, L'annuncio e il progresso del Vangelo. Introduzione e breve commento al libro degli Atti. R 1979, I.B.E. 310 p. - RsTeolEv 6 (J 9'/9) 133s (C Hertmefli) · 6837 Dudle,v M. B., The Speeches in Acts: EvQ 50 (1978) 147-155. 6838 Dumats M., Le langage des discours d'evangelisation des Acles: une forme de langage symbolique?: --+611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 467-74. 6839 Emmelius Johann-C., Tendenzkritik u. Formengeschichte. Der Beitrag


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[X,4; XII Lc-Act

Franz Overbecks zur Auslegung der Apostelgeschichte im 19. Jh.: ForK.iDog 27, 1975 ➔ 57,5110: RstNTU A3 (W 1978) 180s (A. Fuchs); TLZ 104 (1979) 124-9 (0. Merk). 6840 Fermindez y Fernandez J., EI manuscrito de Pedro de Valencia que lleva por titulo en su portada: 'Una gran parte de la Estoria Apost6lica en los Actos y en la Epistola ad Galatas'. Badajoz 1975, Diputaci6n Provincial, Instituci6n de Servicios Culturales. 24 p. - RCuBib 34 (1977) 155 (B. Celada). 6841 Foakes Jackson F. G., Lake K. ed., The Beginnings of Christianity: I. The Acts of the Apostles (5 vols., 1920-33: 3. Text by J. H. Ropes; 4-5 tr. com. by K. Lake with H. J. Cadbury). GR 1979, Baker. Some 3000 pages, $49.50 pa. 0 0-8010-5084-7. 6842 Gasque W. Ward, The Book of Acts and History: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LAnn, Unity and Diversity 1978, 54-72. 6843 Gasque W. W., A History of the Criticism of the Acts: BeiGBEx 17, Tü 1975; DM 56 ➔ 56,4325 ... 58s,6603b: RAsbSem 33,3 (1978) 44s (G. W. A. Turner); BS 136 (1978) 84s (Z. C. Hodges); GereffT 78 (1978) 208s (S. J. Noorda); StNTU A3 (1978) 179s. - b) same, with appendix translating Latin, Frcnch, and Gcrman citations. GR 1975, Eerdmans, xi344 p. $20. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 193-6 (C. Burchard). 6844 Gatti Enzo, Atti degli Apostoli. 11 libro della missione 2rev. Bo 1977 [11975 , 56,4326], Missionaria. 269 p., 7 maps. Lit. 4000. 6845 George A., Les Anges [ ... Interventions des Anges au temps de Jesus, au temps de l'Eglise (... Actes), a la fin des temps; Representations des Anges ... ]: ➔ 6608, Etudes sur l'reuvre de Luc, 1978, 149-183. 6846 Ghidelli C., Atti degli Apostoli [Testo greco, apparato critico, passi paralleli, versione ital., commento]: Sacra Bibbia Marietti NS 1978 --. 58s,6604a: Rstudium 75 (R 1979) 420s (1. Di Iorio). 6847 Grässer E., Die Parusieerwartung in der Apg: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 99-127. 6848 Haenchen E., Die Apostelgeschichte 16 : KrExKomNT 3a, 1977 ➔ 58s,6608: REvQ 50 (1977) 121s (F. F. Bruce). 6849 Haulotte Edgar, Actes des Apötres. Un guide de lecture: VieChr Sup. 212. P 1978, Vie Chretienne. 144 p., 6 pl., 2 maps. F 16. - RETRel 54 (1979) 170 (M. Bouttier: le genie eclate dans ce livre modeste). 6850 Haya-Prats G., L'Esprit force de l'Eglise ... Actes: LectDiv 81, 1975 .... 58s,6611: RRechSR 66 (1978) 437s (B. Sesboüe); RivB 26 (1978) 434-37 (A. Moda). 6851 Heintze Helga von, Concordia apostolorum: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 201-236. 6852 Hubbard Benjamin J., The Role of Commissioning Accounts in Acts: .... 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 187-198: nineteen examples. 6853 Hyldahl N., Die Erforschung der Apostelgeschichte - Linien und Tendenzen: StNTU A3 (W 1978) 159-167 < dan.: DanTTs 35 (1972) 63-70 + Anm. 28 und Schluss. 6854 Karris Robert J., Invitation to Acts. Commentary (BJ text). GNY 1978, Doubleday-lmage. 240 p. $2.95 pa. 0 0-385-12210-1. 6855 Kent Homer A., Jerusalem to Rome. Studies in the Book of Acts. GR

F8 Actus Apostolorum: text., comm., themata


1977. Bitker, 202 p. ill.; Bibliog. p. 198-202. 6856 Kilpatrick G. D., Some Quotations in Acts: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Acts 1979, 81-97. - Arnos 5,25; 11,11; Is 66,1; Ps 68,25. KremerJacob ed., Les Actes des Apötres. Traditions, redaction, theologie: BiblETL, 48, 1977/9 ➔ 611. 6857 Une lecture des Actes des Apötres. Cahiers Evangile 58/21. P 1977, Cerf. ➔ 6830. 6858 Macaulay J. C., Expository Commentary on Acts. Ch 1978, Moody. 272 p. $6.95. 6859 McNulty T. M., Pauline Preaching: a Speech-Act Analysis: Worship 53 (1979) 207-14. 6860 a) Mangatt G., The Acts of the Apostles. An Introduction: 75-82. - b) Legrand L., The Church in the Acts of the Ap. (Act 1,6-8 ... ): 83-97. c) Rayan A., The Growth of the Church in the Acts: 98-116. - d) D'Souza A., The Sermons of Peter in the Acts of the Ap.: 117-130. - e) Pereira F., Persecution in Acts: 131-155: Biblebhashyam 4,2 'The Acts of the Apostles' (1978) 73-155. 6861 Marco A. Di, Der Chiasmus in der Bibel IV. Apg. Apk.; Erste Schlussfolgerungen: Lingßib 44 (1979) 3-70. 6862 Martin Ralph P., NT Foundations: a Guide for Christian Students II. Acts-Rev. Exeter 1978, Paternoster. xrv-463 p. f9. - RExpTim 90 (1978s) 94s (F. M. Young); ReffR 37 (1978) 84ss (D. Peterson). 6863 Martini Carlo M., Atti degli Apostoli, introd., note 4 : Nuovissima Versione 37. R 1977 2 1972, Paoline. 327 p. 6864 Minguez Dionisio, Gli esercizi ignaziani e gli Atti degli Apostoli: ➔ 424, Ejercicios 14, 1977, 51-71. 6865 Müller P. G., Die jüdische Entscheidung gegen Jesus nach der Apg: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 523-31. 6866 Neirynck F., The Miracle Stories in the Acts of the Apostles. An Introduction: --+ 611, Kremer J., Actcs 1979, 169-213. 6867 Newman Barclay M., Nida Eugene A., A Translators Handbook on the Acts of thc Apostlcs, 1972. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 487ss (G. Schille). 6868 Pache R., Notes sur les Actes des Apötres 4 • Saint-Legier 1979, Emmaüs. 126 p. Fs 8. 6869 Periewitz L. A., A Christology of the Book of Acts. Modes of Presence: diss. St. Louis Univ. 1977. 438 p. - DissA 39 (1978) 1667A. [Act 2,33; 18,5-10; 2,21; 3,25]. 6870 Plümacher E., Die Apostelgeschichte als historische Monografie: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 457-66. 5871 Rackham Richard B., The Acts of the Apostles: An Exposition. GR 1978 1 1908, Baker. cxv-524p. $8.95pa. 6872 Rese M., Die Funktion der alttestamentlichen Zitate und Anspielungen in den Reden der Apostelgeschichte: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 6179. 6873 Rigonatti Eliseu, 0 evangelho da •mediunidade: 0 texto de Atos dos ApusLulus cumentadu lux dus ullimos enslnamentos do espll'ltlsmo: versiculos comentados um por um. Sao Paolo 1975, Kardec. 182 p. Cr 25.



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6874 Schierlin!( S. P. & M. J., The lnfluence of thc Ancicnt Romanccs on the Acts of the Apostles: ClasBStL 54 (1978) 81-88. 6875 Scruggie W. Graham (1877-1958), The Acts of the Apostles; in.truuuction and notes: Study Hour Series [L/E 1931, Marshall-MS]. GR 1976, Zondervan. 186 p. 6876 Terry B., Baptized in One Spirit [Acts]: RestQ 21 (1978) 193-200. 6877 Unnik W. C. van, Luke's Second Book and the Rules of Hellenistic Historiography: 611 ➔ Kremer J., Actes 1979, 37-60. 6878 Vallauri E., La filiazione davidica di Gesu negli Atti degli Apostoli: Laurentianum 19 (1978) 38-88. 6879 Wilckens U., Die Missionsreden der Apostelgeschichte 3 : WMANT 5, 1974 ➔ 56,4356; 58s,6643: RTGl 68 (1978) 453s (J. Ernst). 6880 Wilcox M., Luke and the Bezan Text of Acts: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 447-455. 6881 Wilson R. M., Simon and Gnostic Origins: -> 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 485-91. 6882 Ziesler J. A., The Name of Jesus in the Acts of the Apostles: JStNT 4 (1979) 28-41. F8.3 Ecclesia pr1maeva Actuum: Die Urgemeinde [➔ 7056 .. ; 9384 .. ] 6883 Adinolfi M., 'Obbedire a Dio piuttosto ehe agli uomini'. La comunita cristiana eil Sinedrio in Atti 4,1-31; 5,17-42: RivB 27 (1979) 69-93. 6884 Aland Kurt, Die Stellung der Kinder in den frühen christlichen Gemeinden und ihre Taufe: ➔ 275, TBüch 63 (1979) 198-232 < TExH, N. F. 138 (Mü 1967). 6885 Arnot William, 1808-1875, Studies in Acts: the church in the house. GR 1978, Kregel= NY 1883, C,arter. x-464p. $10.95. 0 0-8254-2120-9. 6886 Angm1tinnvkh Agustin, Vivencia de la Tglesia comunidad (Orientaciones para cursillistas): Temas vivos 16. Madrid 1972, Sociedad de Educaci6n Atcnas, 1972. 164 p. 6887 Baus K., Le origini. Inizi e affermazione della comunita cristiana. La chiesa dalle origini alla convenzione di Milano. I Padri e il monachesimo eremitico (1-IV sec.): H. Jedin, Storia della chiesa 1; Gia e non ancora 4, 1976 ➔ 58s,b438. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 166s (F. Pistoia). 6888 Benetreau S., 11 problema del proto-cattolicesimo nel NT: STeolEv 2,5 (1979) 109-132. 6889 Beyschlag K., Evangelium als Schicksal: fünf Studien zur Geschichte der Alten Kirche. Mü 1979, Claudius. 141 p. DM 16,80pa. 6890 Blank Josef, Zum Problem 'Häresie und Orthodoxie' im Urchristen1979, 142-c160. tum: _,. 215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG 6891 Boesse J., La mystique du christianisme primitif: ➔ 54,9298 Encyclopedie des Mystiques, dir. M. M. Davy (P 1972, Laffont) 157-60, 2 fig. 6892 Bori Pier Cesare, Chiesa primitiva, Atti 2;4: 1974 ➔ 56,4364; 57,5158; 58s,6655: RRcvSR 52 (1978) 187 (C. Municr); RTPhil 110 (1978) 306s (L. von Auw); TLZ 103 (1978) 432s (1. Escribano-A.). 6893 Bouyer Louis, Von der jüdischen zur christlichen Liturgie: ComIKZ 7

F8.3 Ecclesia primaeva Actuum - Die Urgemeinde


(1978) 509-19; cf. ➔ 5489. 5514. 6016. 6894 Breuss J., Ostern verküniligen. Entwurf einer Fundamentalkerygmatik. Mü 1977, Kösel. 149 p. DM 24. 6895 Brezzi P., Le origini del cristianesimo [ca. 30-600 d.C.]: ERi, classe unica, 167. T 1977, Editrice Radio Italiana. 196 p. 4pl. 6896 Bruce F. F., a) First Century Faith. Christian Witness in the NT [= The Apostolic Defence of the Gospel, 1959) 1977 ➔ 58s,9473: RscotJT 31 (1978) 593 (1. H. Marshall). - b) Men and Movements in the Primitive Church. Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity. Exeter 1979, Paternoster. 160 p. f:2.50. 6897 Conzelmann Hans, a) Geschichte des Urchristentums 4 : Grundrisse NT 5. Gö 1978 [11969 ➔ 51,5326; 3 1976 ➔ 58s,b450], VR. 173 p. DM 14,80pa. 0 3-525-51354-2. - b) Le oriltini del cristianesimo 1976, ➔ 58s,b450: RLaur 19 (1978) 175s (A. Arrighini). 6898 Cothenet E., Mission et missions: ➔ 871, DictSpir 10 (1979) 13491370. Dahl N. A., Jesus in the Memory of the Early Church 1976 ➔ 5426. 6899 Dautzenberg Gerhard, Der Wandel der Reich-Gottes-Verkündigung in der urchristlichen Mission: ➔ 215, Zur Geschichte des Urchristentums: QDisp 87. Fr 1979, Herder [192p., DM 26) 11-32. 6900 TJockx Stanislas, L'evolution semantique du terme Apötre: ➔ 296*, Chronologies Neotestamentaires et Vie de l'Eglise primitive 1976, 255263. 6901 Dodd Charles H., La predicazione apostolica e il suo sviluppo [1935): StBibPaid 21, 1978 ➔ 58s,4457a: RsacDoc 24 (1979) 159s (B. Prete). Dupont Jacques, The Salvation of the Gentiles: Essays on the Acts of the Apostles 1979 ➔ 297. 6902 Eckert J., La realisation de la fraternite dans les premieres communautes chretiennes: Conc 150 (P 1979) 35-43. 6903 Fomberg Tord, An Early Church in a Pluralistic Soeiety, tr. J. Uray: ConBibNT 9, 1977 ➔ 58s,7519: RCBQ 41 (1979) 333ss (F. W. Danker). 6904 Fuchs A. ed., Jesus in der Verkündigung der Kirche: StNTU-Al, 1976 ➔ 57,4476: RJBL 96 (1977) 627 [E. J. Epp). 6905 Gager J. D., [Reviews of 1977 Books on Early Christianity: R. M. Grant; A. J. Malherbe; G. Theissen; trad. J. Bowden]: RelStR 5 (1979) 174-180; ➔ also y4. 6906 Grassi J. A., The Teacher in the Primitive Church and the Teaeher Today [➔ 55,5220). Santa Clara CA 1973. v-173 p. $2.95. - Rconcordia Theological Monthly 44 (1974) 394 (J. S. Damm). 6907 Grau J., El fundamento apost6lico [ ... Historia salutis et Revelatio; Fundamentwn Apostolorum et Prophetarun1; Traditio Apostolica; Canon; Ecclesia postevang .... ]. Bare 1973, Ediciones Evangelicas Europeas. 177 p. - RSTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 144s (P. Bolognesi). 6908 Gregory Alfonso ed. [Bevenot M. parte biblica], Comunita ecclesiali di base. Utopia o realta?: Comunita Cristiana linee emergenti. Assisi 1977, Cittadella. 189 p. Lit. 2500. 6909 Guillet J., Le prime parole della fede [formulazioni delle comunita neo-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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testamentarie]: La fede oggi. Do 1979, EDB. 173 p. 6910 Guillet P. E. T., Reflexions sur les origines du christianisme. Bordeaux 1977, Bergeret. n-155 p. F 20 pa. - RcahCercERenan 26 (1978) 101-4 (G. Brunet). 6911 Harrison E. F., Acts: the Expanding Church 1975 ➔ 58s,6610: RAsbSem 33,3 (1978) 43s (R. W. Pascha/ J). 6912 Bengel Martin, a) Zur urchristlichen Geschichtsschreibung. Stu 1979, Calwer. - b) Acts and the History of Earliest Christianity, tr. J. Bowden. L 1979, SCM. x-150 p.; bibliog. 139-146. B.95. 6913 Jerve/1 Jacob, Da fremtiden begynte. Om urkristendommens tro og tenkning 2 1976 ➔ 58s,4479*: RTsTKi 49 (1978) 226s (H. Kvalbein). 6914 Johnson L. T., On Finding the Lukan Community. A Cautious Cautionary Essay [The Limits of the Mirror Method.l: ➔ 583, SBL, SemPap 16 (1979) 87-100. 6915 Judga E. A., Die frühen Christen als scholastische Gemeinschaft: .... y20, Tßüch 62 (1979) 131-64 < angl.: JRelH 1 (1960s) 4-15. 125-37. 6916 Keck L. E., Das Ethos der frühen Christen: ➔ y23, TBüch 62 (1979) 13-36 < angl.: JAAR 42 (1974) 435-52. Kee H. C., Community of the New Age: Studies in Mark's Gospel 1977 ➔ 58s,4817. 6917 Lefebvre C., De l'Eglise de l'Evangile a l'Eglise primitive: ➔ 56, Fs. J. DAUVILLIER 1979, 443-451. 6918 Lenzman 1. [A.], [Q] hoi rizes, tr. P. Photiou, ex L'origine du christianisme, orig. IB] Proischozdenije christianstva. Athena-Rappa 1976. 304 p. 6919 Lohfink G., Die Sammlung Israels. Lk: Hab.schr.Wü; StANT 39, 1975 , 56,3085 ... 58s,5008: RzKT 100 (1978) 127-39 (L. Ettmayer: erwähnt nicht W. Tril/ing, Das wahre Israel Mt 1959). 6920 Lührmann Dieter, Glaube im frühen Christentum [Mt 11,23; 1 Kor 13,2 ... ] 1976 ➔ 58s,4705: RTLZ 103 (1978) 188-91 (E. Grässer). 6921 Manns Frederic, Essais sur le Judeo-Christianismc: SH.F Analccta 12, 1977 ➔ 58s,b507: RHenoch 1 (1979) 408s (P. Sacchi); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 214s (V. I'oggi); RivD 27 (1979) 4JJ-7 (A. Pmna). 6922 Marsha/1 1. H., La comunicazione dell'Evangelo al mondo non cristiano nel NT: STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 37-76. 6923 Martini Carlo M., a) Pierre et Paul dans l'Eglise ancienne. Considerations sur la tradition textuelle des Actes des Apötres: ➔ 618, Mem. PAUL VI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 261-8. - b) La preghiera di un popolo in cammino: Rocca 37 (Assisi 1978) 26-31. - c) La tradition textuelle des Actes des Apötres et les tendances de l'Eglise ancienne: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 21-35. 6924 Miesner Donald A., The Missionary Journeys Narrative: [C::hiastic]Patterns and Implications: -+ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 199-214. 6925 Mlotek Antoni, a) La vita spirituale dei primi cristiani e la lettura della Bibbia: SacDoc 24 (1979) 439-448. - b) ~ De S. Scriptura in vita primorum christianorum: RuBi 30 (1977) 310-23. 6926 Mönning Bernd, Die Darstellung des urchristlichen Kommunismus nach der Apg. des Lukas: diss. Gö 1978. 278 p. 6927 Montagnini Felice, Echi di esperienza liturgica nel primo pensiero cris-

F8.3 Ecclesia primaeva Actuum - Die Urgemeinde


tiano [Atti]: CommStnim 41 (1978) 5-16. 6928 Munoz lglesias S., Carismas y comunidad en el NT: ➔ 49, Servidor de la Palabra, Mise. bibl. A. COLUNGA1979, 287-318. 6929 Mussner Franz, a) Petrusgestalt und Petrusdienst in der Sicht der späten Urkirche: redaktionsgeschichtliche Überlegungen: ➔ 508, Ratzinger J., Dienst 1978, 27-45. - b) Petrus und Paulus - Pole der Einheit 1976 --> 58s,6521: Rcc 129 (1978,4) 615s (X. Jacques). 6930 Papa Benigno, a) La prima comunita cristiana dalla morte di Gesu ai primi scritti del NT. Bari 1979, Aurora. 60 p. - b) [Papa Luigi ... ] Tensioni e unita della Chiesa. Ricerca storico-teologica negli Atti degli Apostoli (diss. R/J, Antonianum dir. E. Pax, N. 246). Cassano [delle] Murge 1976. 308 p.; bibliog. 291-9. Lit. 4500. - RETRel 53 (1978) 136s (A. Moda). 6931 Pathrapankal J., Christianity as a 'Way' according to the Acts of the Apostles: -->611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 533-9. 6932 Paul A., Le Christianisme primitif. Diaspora, dissemination et exclusion: --> 348, Le fait biblique: LectDiv 100 (P 1979) 67-82 < LumVie 141 (1979) 5-16. 6933 Perrino G., La Chiesa secondo Luca. Riflessioni sugli Atti degli Apostoli: Ritiri ed Esercizi 17. T 1978, ElleDiCi. 248 p. Lit 3400. 6934 Quispel G., The Discussion of Judaic Christianity: UitgNedlnstlstb 34,2 (1975) 146-158 < VigChr 22 (1968) 81-93. 6935 Ramazzotti B., Comunita e missione. L'impegno missionario oggi alla luce degli Atti degli Apostoli: Missione Nuova, sez. biblica. Bo 1978, Missionaria. 254 p., Lit. 4000. - RscuolC 107 (1979) 170 (G. Giavini). b) Evangelizzazione e promozione umana nella luce della Bibbia. Verona 1977, Missioni Africane. 72 p. Lit. 1000. --> 58s,9082. 6936 Ramos Lisson Domingo, Espiritualidad de los primeros cristianos; Textos seleccionados: Nebli 47. M 1979, Rialp. 323 p. 0 84-321-1980-6. 6937 Roberts J. H., Ekklesia in Acts - Linguistic & Theology: A Venture in Methodology [ ... i.a. Act 20,17-35]: Neotest 7 (1979) 73-93. 6938 Romaniuk Knzimierz, ~ Spirituoliuw Apostolorum sccundum Christi exigentias: Powolanie czlowieka (Vocatio hominis ad renovationem vitae interioris, Poznan 1972) 143-174. 6939 Sand A., Überlegungen zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion über den 'Frühkatholizismus': Catholica 33 (1979) 49-62. 6940 Schmitt J., L'autorite de la Tradition aux temps apostoliques: RevScRel 53 (1979) 209-219. 6941 Schneider Gerhard, Apostelgeschichte und Kirchengeschichte: Com-IKZ 8 (1979) 481-7. 6942 ScnüRMANNHeinz Fs., Die Kirche des Anfangs hg. R. Schnackenburg 1977/8 ➔ 218; 58s,4426. 6943 Schulz Siegfried, Die Mitte der Schrift: der Frühkatholizismus im NT 1976--> 57,6666.7325; 58s,9454: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 83s (J. Lambrecht); Prot 34 (1979) 211-221 (V. Subilia, 11 cattolicesimo del NT); TZBas 34 ( 1978) l l3s (M. Künzi). 6944 Schweizer E. (3 art.), Diez Macho A. (1), La iglesia primitiva, medio ambiente, organizaci6n y culto: BiblEstB 7, 1974--> 56,7254; 58s,b542: 30. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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RsacDoc 23 (1978) 314s (V. Alce). 6945 Snyde1· H. A., The Community of the King 1977 ➔ SSs,8595: RcalvTJ 13 (1978) 246-50 (R. Recker). 6946 Speyer W., Die Zeugungskraft des himmlischen Feuers in [griechischrömischer] Antike und Urchristentum [der Blitzglaube, auch das pyr phr6nimon / noer6n; keraun6s / phallos; Pfingstbericht; Taufe Jesu ... ]: AntAb 24 (1978) 57-75. 6947 Stanton G. N., Jesus of Nazareth in NT teaching 1975 -> 56,3758; 57,4582: RETRel 54 (1979) 302s (M. Bouttier). 6948 Stylianopoulos T., Aspects historiques et eschatologiques de la vie de l'Eglise d'apres le NT: Proces-verbaux du 2e Congres de Theologie Orthodoxe a Athenes ... 1976, publ. par les soins de S. Ch. Agourides (Athenes 1978) 176-207; commentaires par K Ware: 207-10; D. Popescu: 211-214. 6949 Sunanda A., The Gentile reactions to the Christ-Kerygma; the problems involved in the reception of the Christ-Kerygma in the young Gentile Christianity in the NT: diss. Hamburg, 1975. x-449 p. 6950 Trocmc Etienne, Il cristianesimo delle origini, tr. M. Novella Pierini: Storia delle religioni 7: Universale Laterza 396. Bari 1977, Laterza. xvi185 p. 6951 Trocme Etienne, L'eglise primitive a la recherche d'elle-meme: Secte chaleureuse ou grande entreprise missionnaire? (synode Chantilly 1978): ETRel 54 (1979) 255s. 6952 Verme Marcello Del, Comunione e condivisione dei beni. Chiesa primitiva e giudaismo esseno-qumranico a confronto 1977, -> 58s,b560: RRQum 10 (1979) 119s (E. Cothenet). 6952* Vives J., Les tensions de l'Esglesia reflectides en la seva hist6ria primitiva: Qüestions de vida cristiana 97 (Montserrat 1979) 25-53. 6953 Völkl Richard, Caritas der Gemeinde. Neutestamentliche Grundlegung. Freiburg 1976, Dt. Caritasverband. 35 p, 6954 Völkl R., Pesch R., Diaconia e carita nelle comunita del NT. Bo 1979, Dchonianc. 44 p. Lit. 2000. 6955 Waibel Maria, Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Fasten- und Sabbatpraxis Jesu in urchristlichen Gemeinden: -> 215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG 1979, 63-96. 6956 Wilken R. L., The Myth of Christian Beginnings. L 1979, SCM. x218 p. f2.95. 6957 Wilkinson J., Jewish Influences on the Early Christian Rite of Jerusalem: Museon 92 (1978) 347-359. 6958 Williams R. B., Reflections on the Transmission of Tradition in the Early Church: Encounter 40 (1979) 273-85. 6959 Wolfram K, [B Das apostolische Christentum: RoczT, ChrzAKT 1962, 205. F8.5 Act l ... Ascensio, Pentecostes. 6960 Pesch Rudolf, Der Anfang der Apostelgeschichte (1, 1-11): EKK 3, 1971 -> 54,4276: RTRu 42 (1977) 1-4 (E. Grässer).

F8.5 Acl 1... Ascensiu, Penlecusles


6961 Felix F. M. D., EI cristiano, sacramento de Cristo [Act 1,3-11]: Cisterc 20 (1968) 97-105. 6962 Thornton T. C. G., To thc end of the earth: Acts 1,8: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 374s. 6963 [Act 1,9] Genton Noutte, L'Ascension de Jesus-Christ [= N. GentonSunier, Mä Siiryänanda Lakshmi .... 58s,7579]. Neuchätel 1979, Baconniere. 101 p. Fs 14. 6964 Weiser Alfons, Die Nachwahl des Mattias (Apg 1,15-26). Zur Rezeption und Deutung urchristlicher Geschichte durch Lukas: .... 215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG 1979, 97-110. 6964* Delobel Joel, Commentaar op Hand. 2,1-11 / 2,42-47 / 10,10.34a.3743: Sacerdos 45 (1977s) 325-7 / 287-9 / 208-10. 6965 [Act 2] Gaflin R. R., Perspectives on Pentecost. GR 1979, Baker. 127 p. $3.95. 6966 Le Deaut Roger, Sävü'öt och den kristna pingsten i NT [Feast of weeks and Christian Pentecost in NT: Tagung 1978]: SvEx 44 (1979) 148-69, summ. 169: Acts does and doesn't wish to stress parallel. 6967 Maier P. L., The First Christians: Pentecost and the Spread of Christianity [paraphrase of Acts]. NY/L 1976, Harper/Mowbrays. 160 p. $6.95/:E3.50.- RßS 136 (1979) 85 (Z. C. Hodges); ScriptB 8 (1978) 47 (F. Gresham). 6968 Mangatt G., The Pentecostal Gift of the Spirit: Biblebhashyam 2 (1974) 227-39. 300-14. 6969 Minguez Dionisio, Pentecostes. Ensayo de semi6tica narrativa en Hch 2: AnBib 75, 1976-> 57,5147*: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 445-48 (J. Delorme); CBQ 40 (1978) 643s (C. Bernas). 6970 Tiede D. L., Acts 2: 1-47 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 6267. 6971 Tachau P., Die Pfingstgeschichte nach Lukas: Exegetische Überlegungen zu Ap~ 2,1-13: EvErz 29 (1973) 86-102. 6972 [Act 2,3] McCone R. Clyde, Culture and Controversy: an Investigation of the Tongues of Pentecost. Ph 1978, Dorrance. vn 136 p. 0 0-8059-2532-5. 6973 [Act 2,9] Dahl Nils A., Nations in the N'l': -> 109, .Fs. H. SAWYERR, NT for Africa 1974, 54-68. 6974 _Stenger W., Beobachtungen zur sogenannten Völkerliste des Pfingstwunders: Kairos 21 (1979) 206-214. 6974* Moulton H. K., Acts 2,22 - 'Jesus ... a man approved by God'?: BTrans 30 (1979) 344s: andra means 'someone' not 'human rather than divine'.

6975 Scobie C. H. H., The Use of Source Material in the Speeches of Acts 3 and 7: NTS 25 (1978s) 399-421. 6976 Barhi Augusto, a) Tempi del refrigerio e compimento delle promesse. Materiale tradizionale e redazione in Atti 3, 19-21. Diss Pont. Univ. Gregorü:mae 1978, dir. E. Rasco; Library Cat. 11-4927. v-350 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 157c. - b) 11 Cristo celeste presente nella Chiesa. Tradizione e


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[X,4; XII Lc-Act

Redazione in Atti 3, 19-21. Excerp. Diss. Theol. Univ. Gregori:mae. R 1979. 199 p. - c) 11 Cristo celeste presentc nella Chiesa:. Tradizione e Redazione in Atti 3, 19-21: AnBib 64. R 1979, Pontificio Istituto Biblico. 199 p. Lit. 16.000/$20. - RsBFLA 29 (1979) 361ss (G. Bissoli). 6977 Hahn F., Das Problem alter christologischer Überlieferung in der Apg. unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Act 3, 19-21: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 129-154. 6978 a) Parker JamesIII, The Concept of apokatastasis in Acts [3,21]: A Study in Primitive Christian Theology: diss. Basel 1976 [-> 58s,6624]. Austin TX 1978, Schola. 139 p. - b) Salmona Bruno, Origene e Gregorio di Nissa sulla risurrezionc dci corpi c l'apocatastasi [Atti 3,21]: AugRom 18 (1978) 383-8. 6979 O'Toole Robert F., Some observations on an(stemi 'I raise' in Acts 3, 22.26: SciEspr 31 (1979) 85-92. 6980 Hamm Dennis, You are precious in my sight [Acts 4, 23-31]: Way 18 (1978) 193-203. 6981 Mettayer A., Ambigüite et terrorisme du sacre: analyse d'un texte des Actes (4,31 - 5,11): StudRel / SciRel 7 (1978) 415-24. 6982 Noorda S. J., Scene and Summary. A Proposal for Reading Acts 4,32 5,16: .....611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 475-83. 6983 Verheijen L., Saint Augustine's Monasticism in the Light of Acts 4, 3235: St. Augustine Lectures, 1975. Villanova PA 1979, lJniv. 97 p. $5.75. 6984 France R. T., Darnabas - Son of Encouragement [Acts 4,36]: Themelios 4,1 (1978) 3-6. 6985 Geiger Georg, Sünde, Tod und Geist. Apg 5, 1-11 als Reispiel lnkanischer Erzählkunst: Diss. Wien 1979, dir. J. Kremer, u-276 p. 6986 Weiser Alfons, Das Gottesurteil iiher Hananias und Saphira Apg 5,111: TGI 69 (1979) 148-158. 6987 Dockx S., L'ordinatiun 1lt:s 'S~pl' - Acl 6,1-6: -> 296* Chronologies ... . Vie de l'Eglise primitive 1976, 265-88. 6988 Tyson Joseph B., The Problem of Food in Actli: A Study of Literary Patterns with Particular Reference to Acts 6,1-7: ➔ 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1979, I 69-85. 6989 Richard Earl, Acts 6: 1 - 8:4: the Author's Method of Composition: diss. Wsh Cath. U. 1976 [➔ 58s,6664]: SBL Diss. 41. MMS 1978. xm379 p. $9. 0 0-89130-261-1. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 374s (R. Smith). 6990 Combrink H. J. B., Structural Analysis of Acts 6:8-8:3: Stellenbosch TheolSt. 4. Cape Town 1979, Dutch Ref. Ch. 36 p. 0 0-86991-278-X. 6991 Richard E., The Polemical Character of the Joseph Episode in Acts 7: JBL 98 (1979) 255-67. 6992 Schneider G., Stephanus [Apg 7], die Hellenisten und Samaria: .... 611 Kremer J., Actes 1979, 215-240. 6993 Thurston R. W., 'Midrash' and 'Magnet' Words in the NT [Acts 7 < existing midrash on ls 66; 2 Sam 7]: EvQ 51 (1979) 22-39. 6994 Kllgallen J., The Stephen Speech. A Literary and Redactional Study of Acts 7,2-53 (diss. 1974 ➔ 55,4118): AnBib 67, 1976 ➔ 57,5165: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 285s (F. Bovon); CBQ 40 (1978) 639s (D. L. Jones); JBL 97

F8.5 Actuum Apostolorum 7,2 ...


(1978) 299ss (E. J. Via); RB 85 (1978) 460s (M.-E.Botsmard). 6995 [Act 7,2-53; 13,7-22 ... ] Kliesch K., Das heilsgeschichtliche Credo in den Reden der Apostelgeschichte: BBB 44, 1975 --> 57,5166: RCBQ 40 (1978) 277ss (J. Gormley); TLZ 104 (1979) 19lss (W. Wiefel). 6996 Schneider G., Stephanus, die Hellenisten und Samaria [ ... Apg 7,253 ... ] --> 611, BiblETL 48 (1979) 215-240. 6997 Via E. Jane, An Interpretation of Acts 7,35-37 from the Perspective of Major Themes in Luke-Acts: --> 581, Achterneier P., Seminar 1978, II 209-222. 6998 Ammassari A., 'Stefano vide Gesu in piedi alla destra d'Iddio' (Atti 7,55). R 1976, Citta Nuova. 125 p. 6999 Kilpatrick G. D., Again Acts 7,56: Son of Man?: TZBas 34 (1978) 232. 7000 Sable M., The Son of Man Saying in Acts 7,56: --> 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 241-279. 7001 Dockx S., Date de la mort d'Etienne le protomartyr [Act 7,60: entre Päque 36 e Päque 37]: --> 296*, Chronologies 1976, 189-96 < Biblica 55 (1974) 65-73. 7002 [Act 8] Paschoud F., Le diacre Philippe, l'eunuque de la reine Candace et l'auteur de la Vita Aureliani: BeiHistAugFor 13 (1978) 147-51. 7003 a) Barrett C. K., Light on the Holy Spirit from Simon Magus (Acts 8, 4-25): - 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 281-95. - b) Beyschlag Karlmaun, Simon Magus [Acts 8,9] und die christliche Gnosis: WUNT 16, 1974 ..... 56,9886*: RsvEx 43 (1978) 150-54 (J. Bergman). 7004 Charbel A., La fontana di Filippo di Ain el-Haniyah [Act 8,26-40]: TerSa 53 (1977) 310-14, 4 fig. 7004* Meester P. de, Le pelerin d'Ethiopie. Essai d'unc interpretation 'africainc' des Actes 8,26-40: Telen,a 18 tl 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 191-4. 7008 Strecker Georg, Die sogenannte Zweite Jerusalemreise des Paulus (Act 11,27-30) [= ZNW 53 (1962) 67-77]: --> 370, Eschaton 1979, 132-141.

F8.7 Act 13 ... Itinera Pauli, Paul's Journeys



7009 Stedman R. C., Growth of the Body [Acts 13-20]. Santa Ana, CA 1976, Vision. 201 p. 7010 [Act 13] Legrand L., Les devanciers de Paul dans la mission selon les Actes des Apötres: --> 186; 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 6174. 7011 Pillai C. A. J., Early missionary preaching: a study of Luke's report in Acts 13. Hicksville NY 1979; Exposition. vm-155 p.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[X,4; XII Lc-Act

7012 Dockx Stanislas, L'ordination de Barnabe et de Saul - Act 13,1-3: -" 296*, Chronologies ... et Vie de l'Eglise primitive 1976, 289-301 < NRT 98 (1976) 238-50 [➔ 57,5179]. 7013 Robbins Vernon K., By Land and By Sea: The We-Passages and Ancient Sea Voyages [Acts 13,l - 28,16]: -> 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 215-242. 7014 O'Toole R. F., Christ's Resuriection in Acts 13,13-52: Biblica 60 (1979) 361-372. 7015 Dumais M., Le langage de !'Evangelisation. L'annonce missionnaire en milieu juif (Actes 13,16-41) 1976 ➔ 57,5181; 58s,6677. - RArTGran 39 (1976) 377 (A. Segovia); JTS 29 (1978) 198s (J. C. O'Neill); RivB 27 (1979) 424s (F. Montagnini); Sal 40 (1978) 427s (C. Bissoli). 7016 Swamidoss Andrew, The Speeches of Paul in Acts 13; 17; and 20: diss. Fuller Theological Seminary 1979. 7017 Schmitt J., Kerygme pascal et lecture scripturaire dans l'instruction a Antioche (Act. 13, 23-37): -> 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 155-167. 7018 Nellessen E., Die Presbyteri der Gemeinden in Lykaonien und Pisidien (Apg 14,23): ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 493-8. 7019 Bammel E., Der Text von Apg 15: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 439446. 7020 [Act 15] Sagl Janko, Textus det:reti Concilii Hierosolymitani, Lucano operc et antiquioris Ecclcsiac disciplinn illustrotus: Temi e testi 25. R 1977, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. 186 p. 7021 Panimolle Salvatore A., 11 discorso di Pietro all'assemblea apostolica [diss. R, Pont. Ist. Biblico 1975, dir. C. M. Martini; parte, Analisi strutturale di At 15,1-35 ibid. 1976, 48p.] 1. 1976, II. 1977 ➔ 58s,6682.6684: RRivB 26 (1978) 95-7; 457-9 (L. De Lorenzi). III. Legge e grazia (Atti 15,10-11): StBibDehon. Bo 1978, Dehoniane. 314 p. Lit. 7800. - RsTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 149-152 (C. Bertinelli). 7022 Fcrrarese Q., 11 concilio di Gerusalemme in Ircnco di Lione. Ricerche sulla storia dell'esegesi di Atti 15,1-29 (e Gal 2,1-10) nel II secolo: Testi e Ricerche di Scienze religiose 17. Drescia 1979, Paidcia. 129 p. Lit. 8000. 7023 Manns F., Remarques sur Actes 15,20.29: Antonianum 53 (1978) 443451. , 7024 Bruzzone G. B., 11 dissenso tra Paolo e Barnaba in Atti 15,39: diss. Antonianum 223, 1973 ➔ 55,4131: REstBib 35 (1976) 121 (J. Alonso Diaz). 7025 Bowers W. P., Paul's Route Through Mysia: a Note on Acts 16,8: JTS 30 (1979) 507-11: despite 16,9, Paul could have detoured to Troas (from Dorylaeum presumably) only because he had already decided to go by boat to Macedonia. 7026 Veille Monique (pasteur de paroisse), Actes 16,16-24: ETRel 54 (1979) 271-8. 7027 Kremer Jacob, Einführung in die Problematik heutiger Acta-Forschung anhand von Apg 17,10-13, anakrinontes tas graphas: ➔ 611, Les Actes des Apötres: Traditions, redaction, theologie (28e Coll. Lv 1977): BiblETL 48 (1979) 11-20.

F8.7 Itinera Pauli, Paul's Journeys, Act 17,19


7028 Veltman Fred, The Defense Speeches of Paul in Acts [17, 19-32; classic und Jcwish pnrnllcls]: , 536, Tnlbcrt C., Pcrspectivcs 1978, 243-256. 7029 A.uffret P., Essai sur la structure litteraire du discours d'Athenes (Act 17,23-31): NT 20 (1978) 185-202. 7030 Barrett C. K., Paul's Speech on the Areopagus: ➔ 209, Fs. M. SAwYERR,NT for Africa 1974, 69-77. 7031 Gatti V., II discorso di Paolo a Atene. Storia dell'interpretazione, esegesi, teologia della Missione e delle Religioni (diss. Pont. Univ. Gregorianae, R 1977). Parma 1979, auct. 312 p. 7032 Renehan R., Acts 17.28 [artfully coined by Luke, not taken from a Stoic source]: GkRByz 20 (1979) 347-353. 7033 Johnson S. E., The Apostle Paul an\f the Riot in Ephesus (Act 19,40): LexTQ 14 (1979) 79-88. 7034 Lambrecht J., Paul's Farewell-Address at Miletus (Acts 20, 17-38): ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 307-337. 7035 Prast Franz, Presbyter und Evangelium in nachapostolischer Zeit. Die Abschiedsrede des Paulus in Milet (Apg 20,17-38) im Rahmen der lukanischen Konzeption der Evangeliumsverkündigung (1978 kath. Diss. Münster, dir. W. Thüsing): ForBib 29. Stu 1979, KBW. xm-481 p. DM 56. 0 3-460-21081-X. 7036 Saldarini A. J., Last Words and Deathbed Scenes [tike Acts 20,1·1-38; 2 Pt; 1 Tim 4,lff; 2 Tim 3,1ft] in Rabbinic Literature: JQR 68 (1977s) 28-45. 7037 Sorg T., Ermutigung zum Dienst: Verkündigung und Seelsorge im Lichte von Apg 20,17-38: Taschenbücher, 276 ABC-Team. Wü 1979, Brockhaus. 60 p. DM 3.95. 7038 Budesheim T. L., Paul's Abschiedsrede in the Acts of the Apostles [20, 18-35]: HarvTR 69 (1976) 9-30. 7039 Barrett C. K., Paul's Address to the .1:iphesian.l:ildersLAct 2U,18J: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL, God's Christ & His People. 1977, 107-121. 7040 Bovon F., Le Saint-Esprit, l'Eglise et les relations humaines selon Actes 20,36 - 21,16: .....611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 339 58. 7041 Lachs S. T., The Pharisees and Sadducees on Angels: A Re-examination of Acts 23:8: GratzCotUewishSt 6 (1977) 35-42. 7042 Bruce F. F., The Full Name of the Procurator Felix [Tiberius Claudius Felix]: JStNT 1 (1978) 33-36. 7043 O'Toole R. F., Luke's Notion of 'Be Imitators of Me as I am of Christ' in Acts 25-26: BibTB 8 (1978) 155-161. 7044 Hickling C. J. A., The Portrait of Paul in Acts 26: ➔ 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 499-503. · 7045 O'Toole Robert F., Acts 26. The Christological Climax of Paul's Defense (Ac 22: 1-26: 32): AnBib 78. R 1978, Biblical Institute Press. xn198 p.; Bibliog. p. 161-75. [Excerpt 1975 ➔ 57,5200]. Lit. 11.500. US $14,35. - RNRT 101 (1979) 895s (X. Jacques); TLZ 104 (1979) 825 (T. H.); TS 40 (1979) 535ss (J. Kodell). 7046 Harfe Paul, Un 'private-joke' de Paul dans le livre des Actes [26,29 not 'in a short or long time' but 'in a small or big matter']: NTS 24 (1977s) 527-33.

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[X,4; XII Lc-Act

7047 Mi/es G. B., Trompf G., Luke and Antiphon: The Theology of Acts 27-28 in the Light of Pagan Beliefs about Divine Retribution, Pollution, and Shipwreck: HarvTR 69 (1976) 259-267. 7048 [Act 27] Smith James, The Voyage arid Shipwreck of St. Paul. 4th ed. Reprint. GR 1978, Baker. XLVIII-293p. $5.95 pa. 7049 Wallinga H. T., Paulus' zeereis naar Rome: Lampas 11 (1978) 265-87; summ. angl. 7050 Kirchschläger W., Fieberheilung in Apg 28 und Lk 4: --> 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 509-21. 7051 Dupont J., La conclusion des Actes et son rapport a l'ensemble de l'ouvrage de Luc: ➔ 611, Krcmcr J., Actes 1979, 359-404. 7052 Hauser Hermann J., Strukturen der Abschlusserzählung der Apostelgeschichte (Apg 28,16-31). Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici 1978, dir. D. Minguez [Acta PIB 8,5 (l 977s) 385]: xn-390 p.; XXX Vlll p. (bibliog) + 95 p. - AnBib 86. R 1979, PTB. xm-283 p. Lit 25.000/$31.

X,5. Johannes


Corpus Johanneum .1 John and bis community



7053 Appold Mark L., Tue Oneness Motif in the Fourth Gospel: WUNT 2/1 1976 ➔ 57,4039; 58s,5256: Rsal 41 (1979) 5565 (F. J. Mo/oney: presuppositions dominate; arrogant). 7054 Barbagli P., Giovanni Evangelista: , 872, Diz. Spir. 1975: 1, 865-76. 7055 Bogart John, Orthodox and Heretical Perfectionism in the Johannine Community as evident in the First Epistle of John: SBL Diss. 33, 1977 --> 58s,7529: RJßL 97 (1978) 601s (R. A. ru!pPppPr); JTS 30 (1979) ?.75ss (J • L. Houlden: base of the argument is narrow: six hypotheticnl dioto 1,6-2,9); RB 86 (1979) (B. Cuuruyer). '/0!>6 ßrown Raymond .E., The Community of the ßeloved Disciple. NY/L 1979, PaulisVChapman. 204p. $3.95/B.50. 0 0-8091-2174-3: RTablet 233 (1979) 995s (H. Wansbrough). 7057 Bruce F. F., a) St. John at Ephesus: BJRylL 60 (1978) 339-61. - b) Men and Movements in the Primitive Church. Studies in Early Non-Pauline Christianity. Exeter 1979, Paternoster. 159 p. !3. 7058 Cullmann Oscar, a) Der johanneische Kreis 1975 --> 56,3253 ... 58s,5226; 0 3-16-136661-1: RBO 34 (1977J 407s (R. Wilson). - b) The Johannine Circle 1976 - 58s,5226: AndrUnSS 15 (1977) 230s (H. Weiss), - c) Le milieu johannique 1976 .... 58s,5226: RMelScRel 36 (1979) 233-36 (J. Hernard); RB 85 (1978) 634 (M.-E. Boismard). 7059 Culpepper R. Alan, The Johannine School: SBL D 26, 1975 --> 58s,5227: RCBQ 41 (1979) 331ss (R. McDonnell); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 43s (R. Smith); JBL 97 (1978) 447s (P. J. Cahill); TR 74 (1978) 200s (K. Berger).

Gl Corpus Johanneum: John and his Community


7060 Fernandez Ramos Felipe, La comunidad joänea: -->49, Mem. A. CoLUNGA, Servidor 1979, 205-250. George Augustin, Grelot, Pierre ed., La tradition johannique. Introduction critique au Nouveau Testament III, 4, 1977 -->5284. 7061 Gryglewicz Feliks, a) [f] [Ecclesia Johannea et theologia] Quarti Evangelii: RuBi 32 (1979) 34-46. - b) [f] La foi des communautes religieuses de Saint-Jean: RoczTKan 25,1 (1978) 102-11.111. - c) Die Pharisäer und die Johanneskirche: StNTU-A 3 (W 1979) 144-58 < ZeszNauKUL 14 (1971) 37-46. 7062 Gunther J. J., The Alexandrian Gospel and Letters of John: CBQ 41 (1979) 581-603. 7063 Herrmann T., [f] Die Bruderliebe nach dem hl. Johannes im Lichte der Synoptiker und des hl. Paulus: Studia Theologica Varsaviensia 17 (1979) 43-64. 7064 Ingelaere J.-C., Chronique johannique: ETRel 54 (1979) 631-46. 7065 Johnson Alfred M. J, The Cultural Context of the Gospel of John: A Structural Approach [using the anthropological structuralism of Russian, French (etc.) formalists: Samaria is the original cultural context; there is cultural dichotomy beginning with the Rachel/Leah tribes. John 'a document to unify the in-group of the House of Joseph' ... ]. Diss. Northwestern, Evanston 1978. 394 p. 0 7903280. DissA 39 (1978s) 4990s. 7066 Jonge Marinus de, Jesus: Stranger from Heaven and Son of God: Jesus Christ and the Christians in Johannine Perspective (8 essays] tr. J. E. Steely: SBL,SourcBibSt 11, 1977 -->58s,5235: RCBQ 40 (1978) 437s (J. E. Bnms); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 348 (S. S. Smalley); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 180s (J. Galot). [Also -->7137; 7174]. 7067 Käsemann Ernst, L'enigma del quarto Vangelo. Giovanni: una comunita in conflitto con il cattolicesimo nascente? [Jesu leztzer Wille nach Joh 17, 1966 .....48,2597] tr. K. & E. Genre, Sola Scriptura 6, 1977 ..... 58s,5305: Rcc 130 (1979,2) 403ss (N. Uricchio); Laurentianuni 19 (1978) 488s (F, Raurell); SacDoc 24 (1979) 154s (B. Prete); Sal 41 (1979) 897 (G. Zevini). 7068 Lattke M., Einheit im Wort: Uie spezifische Bedeutung von 'agape' ... im Johannes-Evangelium: StANT 41, 1975--> 57,4084; 58s,5309: Rßiblica 59 (1978) 587ss (M. Bouttier); RB 86 (1979) 153s (M.-E. Boismard). 7069 Lindars B., Rigaux B., -II messaggio di Giovanni. Mi 1978, Vita e Pensiero. 188 p. Lit. 3500. 7070 Marzotto Damiano, L'wlita degli uomitli nel vangelo di Giovanni: RivBSup 9, 1977 ➔ 58s,5318: RAntonianum 54 (1979) 135s (F. Raurell); CC 130 (1979,1) 401s (G. Ferraro); ETRel 54 (1979) 641s (J.-C. lngelaere); Sal 41 (1979) 558s (F. J. Moloney; good conclusions but based on too-narrow spectrum); Sc1Espr 39 (1979) 395ss (P.-f:. Langevm). 7071 Meeks W. A., Die Funktion des vom Himmel hierabgestiegenen Offenbarers für das Selbstzeugnis der johanneischen Gemeinde: --> y41, TBüch 62 (1979) 244-83 < angl.: JBL 92 (1972) 44-72. 7072 Mirand~ Juan, Being and the Messiah: the Message of St. John. Mary-

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[X,5; Johannea

knoll NY 1977, Orbis. rx-245 p. $8.95 ($4.95). - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 86s (L. Grollenberg). 7073 Nereparampil L., The Divided World acc. to St. John: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 223-30. 7074 Onuki Takashi, Gemeinde und Welt in den johanneischen Schriften: theol. Prom. Mü 1979. 7075 Quispel G., John and Jewish Christianity: UitgNedlnstlstb 34,2 (1975) 210-229. < John & Qumran, ed. by J. A. Charlesworth (L 1972) 13785. 7076 Richter G., Zum gemeindebildenden Element in den johanneischen Schriften: BibUnt 13 (1977) 383-414 < Kirche im Werden, Studien zum Thema Amt und Gemeinde im NT (Pd 1976) 253-292. 7077 Sanders Joseph N., The Fourth Gospel in the early Church. Its origins and i'nfluence on Christian thcology up to Irenaeus: diss. Cambridge 1943. AA/L 1978, Univ. Microfilms. vm-92 p. 7078 Träger K. W., War der Evangelist Johannes Christ oder Gnostiker?: ➔ 514, Rogge J., TVers 8, 1976, 61-80. 7079 Vellanickal M., Individual Churches: the Biblical Perspective: Jeevadhara 8 (1978) 274-89. 7080 Vouga Fran9ois, Le cadre historique et l'intention theologique de Jean: Religion 1977 ➔ 58s,5255: REsprVie 88 (1978) 430ss (E. Cothenet); ETRel 54 (1979) 639s (J.-C. lngelaere: le titre cache une demarche interessante); RB 86 (1979) 143 (M.-E. Boismard). 7081 Wiefel W., Die Scheidung von Gemeinde und Welt im Joh.-ev. auf dem Hintergrund der Trennung von Kirche und Synagoge ( < Fs. W. KRUSCHE 1977): TZBas 35 (1979) 213-227. al.2

Evangelium Johannis: textus, cvrmnentarii

7082 Alfaro Juan T., Jesus, The Light of the World; The Gospel of John. San · Antonio 1977, Mexican American Cultural Center. 184 p. 7083 AuousrrNus, Homelies sur l'Evangile de saint Jean, 17-33: 57,4128: RcBQ 41 (1979) 663s (J. Lachowski). 7125 Swain Lionel, The Gospel According to St John: New Testament for Spiritual Reading 4. L 1978, Sheed & W. XII-260p. 7126 Tous Lorenzo, San Juan, un teologo de hoy. Comentario a1 IV Evangelio: Biblioteca Escuela Biblica Minor 2. M 1978, Bibfüt y Fe. 152 p. pt.225 pa. 0 84-4004682-0. 7127 Vanderli D. G., John: the Gospel of Life. Valley Porge PA 1979, Judson. 144p. $5.95 pa. 0 0-8170-0826-8.


Introductio in Evangelium Johannis.

7128 Carson D. A., Current Source Criticism of the Pourth Gospel: Some Methodological Questions: JRT. 97 (1978) 411-29. 7129 Charlier Celestin (Paul) t 1976, Jean l'Evnngeliste. Struoture dromntiquc du Qualrieme evangile (c. 1940, inedit). Meditation liturgique du Prologue (ses dernieres 22 homelies); pret: L. Bouyer: BibVChr NS. P 1979, Lethielleux. 224 p. 0 2-249-61001-0. - RETRel 54 (1979) 640s (J.-C. Ingelaere). 7130 Cullmann Oscar, L'intention et la valeur historique de l'Evangile johannique: Nicolaus 3 (1975) 275-94. 7131 Dinger Rainer, Der johanneische Weg zum Verstehen des Glaubens. Eine Aufzeichnw1g des Gespräches über die Auslegung des Johannesevangeliums zwischen Rudolf Bultmann und seinen Schülern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Beitrages von Ernst Fuchs. Diss. ev. Tü 1978. XII375 p. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 469ss. 7132 Dodd C. H., a) L'interpretazione del Quarto Vangelo: BibTPaid 11, 1974 --> 56,3286 ... 58s,5281: REstBib 35 (1976) 253s (D. Mufioz Le6n). - b) La tradici6n hist6rica en el C'uarto Evangelio [1963 --> ••• 58s,5281], tr. J. L. Zubizarreta: Bibl. Biblica Cristiandad. M 1978, Cristiandad. 450 p. 1100 ptas [Relato de la pasi6n; Ministerio publico; Juan Bautista

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[X,5; Johannea

y los primeros discipulos; Los dichos]. 7133 Gyllenberg R., Johannesevangeliet som historiskt källa [Jn ut fons historicus]: SvEx 43 (1978) 74-86. 7134 Harvey A. E., Jesus on Trial: A Study of the Fourth Gospel 1977 --> 58s,5297 [also Atlanta, Knox]: RAndrUnSS 17 (1979) 214s (S. Kuba); CBQ 40 (1978) 633s (G. S. Sloyan); ETRel 54 (1979) 638s (J.-C. lngelaere). 7135 Heerkerens H.-Peter, Die Zeichenquelle der johanneischen Redaktion. Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Vierten Evangeliums: Diss Heid 1979. n-187 p. 7136 Jaubert Annie, a) Approches de l'evangile de Jean: ParDieu 12, 1976 --> 57,4077; 58s,5303: RFoiVie 78,l (1979) ll4ss (J.-M. Babut); RB 85 (1978) 317s (A. Lamouille). - b) Lecture de l'Evangile selon saint Jean: Cahiers Evangile 17. P 1976, Cerf. 70p. F 8. 7137 Jonge Marinus de [➔ 7174s], L'evangile de Jean: sources, redaction, theologie, Journees Bibliques Lv 1975: BiblETL 44, 1977 --> 58s,5288: REsprVie 88 (1978) 428s (A. Viard); ETRel 54 (1979) 631-4 (J.-C. lngelaere); Gregorianum 59 (1978) 414s (J. Galot); NRT 100 (1978) 769ss (X. Jacques); RB 85 (1978) 633s (M.-E. Boismard). 7138 Martyn J. Louis, a) History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel2 rev. Nv 1979 1 1976,-Abingdon. 176p. $8.95. "0-687-17159-4. - b) The Gospel of John in Christian History: [3 reprinted 1976] Essays for Interpreters: Theological lnquiries. NY 1978, Paulist. vm-147 p. $4.95 pa. 0 08091-2170-0. 7139 Richter G., Zur sogenannten Semeia-Quelle des Johannesevangeliums: BibUnt 13 (1977) 281-87 < MüTZ 25 (1974) 64-73. 7140 Ridderbos H., Het Woord is vlees geworden: Beschouwingen over het eigen karakter van het Evangelie van Johannes (Afscheidscollege): Karnper Cahiers, 35. Kampen 1979, Kok. 19 p. f 8,90. 7141 Smalley Stephen S., John, Evangelist and Interpreter. 1978 ......58s,5355: RCBQ 41 (1979) 498s (J. F. O'Grady); EvQ 50 (1978) 243-46 (1. H. Marsha/1); JTS 30 (1979) 536s (C. K. Barrett); RcfTR 37 (1978) 90s (P. O'Brien); ScotJT 32 (1979) 189ss (A. M. Hunter); Themelios 4 (1978s) 69 (L. Morris); TLond 82 (1979) 215s (G. Stanton); VidJyo 43 (1979) 192s (J. Volckaert). 7142 Solages Bruno de, Jean et les synoptiques. Ld 1979, Brill. 270p. f 84. 0 90-04-05886-9.


Johannis themata - topics

7143 Alfaro J. I., La mariologfa del Cuarto Evangelio. Ensayo de teologia biblica: RBibArg 41 (1979) 193-209. 7144 Asseldonk Optatus van, a) S. Giovanni Evangelista negli scritti di S. Francesco: Laurentianum 18 (1977) 225-55. - b) Altri aspetti giovannei negli scritti di S. F.: Antonianum 54 (1979) 447-86. 7145 Baaren Th. van, Some Reflections on the Symbolism of Light and Darkness: ➔ 31, Fs. H. BIEZAIS1979, 237-41.

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7146 Beutler J., Martyria ... Zeugnisthema bei Johannes: FrankffheolSt 10, 1972 --> 54,3327a... 58s,5262b: REstBib 35 (1976) 232s (D. Mufloz Le6n). 7147 Beutler J., Psalm 42/43 im Johannesevangelium: NTS 25 (1978s) 3357. 7148 Blair J. Allen, Living Etemally: A Devotional Study of the Gospel of John. Neptune NJ 1978, Loizeaux. 319 p. $8.95 pa. 7149 Bosch i Veciana Antoni, Aproximaci6 al concepte de kosmos en el quart evangeli: RCatalT 4 (1979) 259-84; Eng. summ. 285. 7150 Braun F.-M., La foi chretienne selon saint Jean 1976. --> 57,4050; 58s,5225s: RNVet 53 (1978) 154s (G. Cottier); RThom 76 (1976) 506 (M.-V. Leroy). 7151 Braun F.-M., Le sacrifice d'lsaac dans le quatrieme evangile d'apres le Targum: NRT 101 (1979) 481-97. 7152 Hühner J.-A., Der Gesandte und sein Weg im 4. Evangelium. Die kultur- und religionsgeschichtlichen Grundlagen der johanneischen Sendungschristologie sowie ihre traditionsgeschichtliche Entwicklung [diss. Tü 1975 ➔ 57,4053]. WUNT 2/2. Tü 1977, Mohr. vm-486 p. DM 68. RAugRom 19 (1979) 562s (J. Wimmer); CBQ 41 (1979) 330s (P. J. Ca. hill); ETRel 54 (1979) 644s (J.-C. Ingelaere); FreibRu 30 (1978) 153s (R. Pesch); Geref TT 78 (1978) 263ss (J. Helderman); RB 86 (1979) 149s (M.-E. Boismard); Sal 40 (1978) 686s (F. J. Moloncy); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 87 (L. Visschers); TüTQ 158 (1978) 315 (K. H. Schelkle); TZBas 35 (1979) 248s (E. Leidig). 7153 Caba J., La oraci6n de petici6n: Estudio exegetico sobre los evangelios sin6pticos y los escritos joaneos: Anßib 62, 1974 ·-► 56,2715: RsciEspr 39 (1979) 397s (B. de Margerie). 7154 Campenhausen Hans von, Gebetserhörungen in den überlieferten Jesusworten und in der Reflexion des Johannes: --> 289, Urchristliches und Altkirchliches 1979. 7155 Cannizzo Antonio, Gli esercizi ignaziani e il vangelo di S. Giovanni: _, 424, Ejercicios 14, 1977, 35-49. 7156 Collins R. F., The Search for Jesus: Reflections on the Fourth Gospel: LavalTPhil 34 (1978) 27-48. 7156* Collins Raymond, EI mäs antiguo comentario sobre el cuarto evangelio: Actualidad Pastoral 111 (1977) 147-9 = The Oldest Commentary on the Fourth Gospel: BToday 98 (1979) 1769-1775. 7157 Comblin Joseph, a) 0 enviado do Pai. Petr6polis 1974, Vozes. - b) EI enviado del Padre: Jesus y el creyente en ei evangelio de Juan, tr. Maria Dei Carmen Perez-Vincente: EI pozo de Siquem 5. Santander 1977, Sal Terrae. 102 p. - c) Sent from the Father: Meditations' on the Fourth Gospel, tr. C. Kabat. Maryknoll, NY 1979, Orbis. 115 p. $3.95 pa. RßibTB 9 (1979) 142 (T. A. Hojfman). 7158 Cook W. Robert, The Theology of John. Ch 1979, Moody. 284 p. $8.95. 7159 Coppens J., Miscellanees bibliques XCI. Le Fils de l'homme johannique: ETL 54 (1978) 127-130. 7160 Cribbs F. Lamar, a) The Agreements that Exist Between Luke and


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John: --> 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1979, I 215-261: theme also of other papers, E. Glusman, L. Johnson, G. Phillips. - b) The Agreements lhal Exisl belwet:mJuhn and Acls: --> 536, Talberl C., Perspeclives 1978, 40-61. 7161 Duraisingh C., Hardgreaves C. ed., India's Search for Reality and the Relevanee of the Gospel of John. Papers from a Conference held at Pune ... 1974/5 --> 57,4063: RlndTSt 15 (1978) 220s (L. Legrand). 7162 Fennema D. A., Jesus and God aceording to John: an Analysis of the Fourth Gospel's Father/Son Christology: diss. Duke. Durham NC, 1979, dir. J.L. Price. 328p. 0 7922747. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2110s-A. 7163 F(emandez) Ramos F., El Espiritu Santo y Maria en los escritos joanicos: EphMar 28 (1978) 169-190. 7164 Ferraro G., a) L' 'ora' di Cristo nel 4° Vangelo 1974 --> 56,3291 ... 58s,5289b: RRivB 26 (1978) 446ss (D. Marzotto); SeuolC 107 (1979) 166s (D. Marzotto). - b) Temporalita, escatologia e cristologia nel commento di Cirillo Alessandrino a1 quarto vangelo. Aspetto di dottrina e di esegesi: Nicolaus 6 (Bari 1978) 47-86. 7165 Früchte/ E., Arche und das erste Buch des Johanneskommentars des Origenes: --> 616, StPatr 14 (1976) 122-144. 7166 Gates Howard L., A Comparative Study of Heaven in the Fourth Gospel and in the Apocalypse: diss. Southwestern Baptist Theologic.al Seminary, 1979. 7167 Glusman Edward F. J, Criteria for a Study of the Outlines of Mark and John: --> 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1978, 11 239-249; 251-60 A. Maynard; 269-79 L. Kitt/aus; 281-8 M. Smith. 7168 Halleux Andre de, Monophysitismus und Spiritualität nach dem Johanneskommentar des Philoxenus von Mabbug (Vortrag XX Orientalistentag Erlangen 1977, lr. A. Grillmeier): TPhil 53 (1978) 353-66. 7169 Hlavsa V. V. J., [William Faulkner's] Life in August: Biblical Form and Mythic Function [using Jn and James Frazer's Golden Bough]. Diss. State Univ. of New York 1978, 599 p. 0 7908635. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6130-A. 7170 Iloeferkamp R. T., The Relationship between Semeia and Delieving in the Fourth Gospel. Diss Christ Seminary-Seminex, St. Louis 1978. 0 7923187. 209 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 213ls-A. 7171 Holwerda David E., The Holy Spirit and eschatology 'in the Gospel of John. A critique of Rudolf Bultmann's present eschatology. Diss. Amsterdam, Vrije Univ., 1959. AA/L 1978, Univ. Microfilms. xm-141 p. 7172 Hübner Hans, Aletheia: --> 880, ExWNT 1, 138-46. 7173 Jaschke H.-J., Das Johannesevangelium und die Gnosis im Zeugnis des Irenäus von Lyon: MüTZ 29 (1978) 337-76. 7174 Jonge M. de, a) Signs and Works in the Fourth Gospel: --> 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 107-125. - b) The Beloved Diseiple and the Date of the Gospel of John: - 32, Ps. M. DLACK1979, 99-114. 7175 Jonge M. de., Duybe H., van, Taal en teken: Ontmoetingen met Jezus in het evangelie van Johannes. Nijkerk 1978, Callenbach. 152 p. f 24,50. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 194s (S. van Tilborg). 7176 Kaufmann Joseph, Der Begriff des Hörens im Johannesevangelium. Eine Begriffsuntersuchung auf dem Hintergrund der johanneischen Offenba-

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rungstheologie: diss. R, Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana 1978. Auszug. 92p. 7177 Konings J., De heerlijke mens Jezus. Leesoefeningen bij Sint-Jan. Antwerpen/Amst 1977, Patmos. 208 p. Fb 350, f 25. 0 90-292-9920-7. 7178 la Potterie I. de, La verite dans S. Jean: AnBib 73s, 1977-> 58s,5236: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 138-44 (E. Ruckstuhl); CBQ 41 (1979) 484s (J. H. Charlesworth); ETRel 54 (1979) 642s (J.-C. lngelaere: vol. 2 moins convaincant); JBL 98 (1979) 450ss (P. J. Cahill); NRT 100 (1978) 765s (M. Gilbert); RasT 20 (1979) 477 (G. Ferrara); RB 86 (1979) 609-13 (M.-E. Boismard: accord fondamental, quelques desaccords); RCatalT 4 (1979) 449-51 (R. Puigdollers, hisp.); TS 39 (1978) 776ss (R. E. Brown). 7179 Bo/ognesi P., La verita in Giovanni [I. de la Potterie, 1977]: STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 118-124. 7180 la Potterie I. de, La verdad de Jesus: Estudios de cristologia joanea, tr. G. Haya: BAC 405. M 1979, Ed. cat6lica. x-330 p., pt. 780. 7181 la Potterie lgnace de, Dio Padre in S. Giovanni (Corso di aggiornamento teologico). Milano 1979, 13 p.; secunda impressio, Lodi 1979, 28 p. 7182 la Potterie lgnace de, a) La Mere de Jesus et la conception virginale du Fils de Dieu. Etude de theologie johannique: Mar 40 (1978) 41-90. - b) iMaria-Virgen! en el IV Evangelio. La Madre de Jesus e la Concepci6n virgiual üd Hiju üe Dius. Esluiliu de Leulugia joanea. Madrid 1979, Fe Catolica. 94 p. 7183 la Potterie I. de, a) La concezione e la nascita verginale di Gesu secondo il quarto vangelo: Mater Ecclesiae 14 (1978) 66-77. - b) Concepci6n y nacimiento virginal de Jesus, segun el cuarto evangelio: SalTer 66 (1978) 567-578 = Boletin oficial del Arzohispado de Toledo B4 (1978) 6?.3641. 7184 Lausberg Heinrich, Minuscula philologica (V): Jesaja 55, 10-11 im Evangelium nach Johannes: Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse (1979) 7, Gö 1979, VR. 16 p. DM 3. 7185 T,Pung Tsung-yat T., [EI Jowang fi1yin chung te 'chii': 'Memory' in John's Gospel: TAnHong 2 (1978) 3-17. 7186 LuzarragaJesus, Oraci6n y misi6n en el evangelio de Juan: Teologia Deusto 11. Bilbao 1978, Mensajero. 268p. pt. 430. 0 84-271-1112-6. RGregorianuin 60 (1979) 412ss (ipse); Sal 41 (1979) 558 (G. Abba). 7187 McE/roy A., Eternal Life in John's Gospel: Crux 14 (1978) 116-128. 7188 Mclnerney Joseph L., Soteriological Commonplaces in Cyril of Alexandria's Commentary on John: -> 72, Fs. R. EvANS , Disciplina 1979, 17985.210. 7188* Martyn J. Louis, a) History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel2 rev. [11968-> 50,2793]. Nv 1979, Abingdon. 176p. $8.95. - h) The Gospel of John in Christian Tradition [essays]. NY 1978, Paulist. 147 p. $4.95. 7189 Mealand D. L., The Christology of the Fourth Gospel: ScotJT 31 (1978) 449-67. 7190 Miranda Juan P., Die Sendung Jesu in 4. Evangelium: SBS 87, 1977 -> 58s,5323a: RRB 86 (1979) 150s (M. E. Boismard); Sal 40 (1978) 964s (F. Moloney). 31. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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7191 Mollat Donatien, Etudes johanniques: ParDieu. P 1979, Seuil. 188 p. 7192 Mollat D., S. Jean maitre spirituel: Bibi. de Spiritualite 10, 176 -+ 57,4033; 58s,5243: RETRel 53 (1978) 425s (P. Le Fort). 7193 Mollat D., Quatrieme Evangile et Exercices de S. lgnace: CahSpirlgn 1,1 (1977) 41-57. 7194 Moloney Francis J., The Johannine Son of Man 1976 [-+57,4099; 58s,5325] RRB 86 (1979) 149 (M.-E. Boismard); TZBas 34 (1978) 109 (E. L. Mil/er). - Ed. 2 1978 (adds bibliography p. 277-282 and an analysis of it p. 221-256); CleR 64 (1979) 412s (E. Doyle); EphCarm 30 (1979) 502s (V. Pasquetto); ETRel 54 (1979) 645s (J.-C. Ingelaere); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 36 (C. K. Barrett). 7195 Morris Leon, The Jesus of Saint John: -> 144, Fs. G. LADD,Unity and Diversity 1978, 37-53. 7196 Painter J., The Church and Israel in the Gospel of John: a Response [to 16 (1969s) 114-29; 21 (1974s) 396-405, S. Pancaro]: NTS 25 (1978s) 103-112. . 7197 Painter J., Johannine Symbols: a Case Study in Epistemology [Jn 9]: JTSAfr 27 (1979) 26-41. 7198 Palmer E. F., The lntimate Gospel: Studies in John. Waco 1978, Word. 190p. $6.95. 0 0-8499-0101-4. 7199 Pancaru S., The Law in the .f'ourth Gospel: SupNT 42, 1975 -+ 57,4107a; 58s,5332: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 144 (J. Beutler); RB 86 (1979) 151s (M.-E.'Boismard); StNTU A3 (1978) 176s (A Fuchs). 7200 I'animolle S., Lc~ra pastorale dcl Vangclo di Giovanni 1978 -> 58s,5333: RAugRom 19 (1979) 563s (S. Sabugal). 7201 Porsch Felix, Pneuma und Wort: ein Beitrag zur Pneumatologie des Johannes-Evangeliums: Frankfl'St 16, 1974-+ 56,3338 ... 58s,5336: RRB 86 (1979) 152 (M.-E. Boismard). 7202 Raja R. J., Notion of Light in St John: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 126134. 7203 Rayan S., Jesus and the Poor in the Fourth Gospel: Biblebhashyam 4 (1978) 213-?8. , 7204 Renoux Ch., Jean l'Evangeliste dans le rite armenien: -> 56, Fs. S. DAUVlLLlER 1979, 725-30. 7205 Richter G. [16] Studien zum Johannesevangelium, pref. J. Hainz: BibUnt 13, 1977 -+ 58s,5337: RcBQ 41 (1979) 493s (P. J. Cahill); FreibRu 30 (1978) 142s (G. Schelbert); RB 86 (1979) 148s (M.-E. Boismard); StNTU A3 (W 1978) 178 (A. Fuchs); TPQ 127 (1979) 73s (J. Beutler); TGl 68 (1978) 334s (G. Ernst); TS 39 (1978) 774s (R. E. Brown); ZRGG 31 (1979) 222s (G. Lindeskog). 7206 Schinle Gertrudis, Wir haben den Herrn gesehen: Meditationsgedanken nach dem Johannesevangelium 3• Leutesdorf 1977, Johannes. 116p; DM 2,50. 0 3-7794-0667-5. 7206* Schneider Johannes, Das Evangelium nach Johannes. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben unter Leitung von Erich Fascher 2• Berlin, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2 cd. 1978, ['1976 • 58s,3530]: Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament, Sonderband. oB 1978, Ev.-V. 348p.

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7207 Schwarz Hans, A Systematician Looks at the Gospel According to John: CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 374-85. 7208 Seil J., A Note on a Striking Johannine Motif found at C[optic] G[nostic] 6, 6.19: NT 20 (1978) 232-40. 7209 Smith Clyde C., John and the Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III: ➔ 58s,2646 Fs. J. C. RYLAARSDAM, Scripture in History and Theology 1977, 71-105. , 7210 Spicq Ceslas, L'amour de Dieu revele aux hommes dans les ecrits de saint Jean [< Agape 1958s], pref. J. Guitton. P 1978, Feu Nouveau. 214 p. F 55. 0 2-85017-005-4. 7211 Sturch R. L., [Joachim] Jeremias and John: Parables in the Fourth Gospel: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 235-38. 7212 Subramaniam S., Man as the Way to God: A Study of the Johannine Christ: TAnHong 2 (1978) 104-129. 7213 Timm H., Geist der Liebe: Geschichte und Freiheit; ein Forschungsprogramm zur Aktualisierung der johanneischen Theologie: Diss. habil. Heidelberg 1975, x-191 f. 7214 Tragan P.-R., Segni e Sacramenti nel Vangelo di Giovanni: StAns 66, 1977 ➔ 58s,5353: RMaisD 136 (1978) 113s (I.-H. Da/mais). 7215 Unnik W. C. van, A Greek characteristic of prophecy in the Fourth Gospel: ➔ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 211-229. 7216 Vanderlip D. G,, John: the Gospel of Life. Valley Forge PA 1979, Judson. 144 p. $5.95. 0 0-8170-0826-8. 7217 Vellanickal M., a) Divine Immanence in St. John. - b) Prayer in the Gospel of John: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 312-332 / 5,1 (1979) 63-81. 7218 Vellanickal Matthew, The Divine Sonship of Christians in the Johannine Writings [diss. 1970 ➔ 58s,5254]: AnBib 72. R 1977, Pontifical Biblical Institute. XL-400p. Lit. 17.600. - Rßiblica 60 (1979) 282ss (G. Ferraro); JBL 98 (1979) 447ss (R. A. Cu/pepper). 7219 Wahlde U. C. von, The Terms for Religious Authorities in the Fourth Gospel: A Key to Literary-Strata?: JBL 98 (1979) 231-53. 7220 Walter L., L'incroyance des croyants selon s. Jean: Lire la Bible 43, 1976 ➔ 57,4142; 58s,5483: RRB 85 (1978) 309s (A. Lamouille). 7221 Welch P.-J., Le Pere et le Fils selon S. Augustin. Etude des Tractatus 1-54 sur l'Evangile de Jean. Diss. lic. Lv-la-Neuve 1978, dir. A. Houssiau. 115 + 12 p. - N otSocTLouv ( 1978) 15s. 7222 Wilson S., Anti-Judaism in the Fourth Gospel? Some Considerations: IrBibSt I (1979) 28-50.


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7223 Aland K., Über die Bedeutung eines Punktes. Eine Untersuchung zu Joh 1,3.4: ➔ 275, TBüch 63 (1979) 351-91 < ZNW 59 (1968) 174209. 7224 Bouyer Louis, Das Wort ist der Sohn 1976 ~• 58s,5745: RTLZ 103 (1978) 839s (U. Gerber). 7225 Colpe C., Von der Logoslehre des Platon zu der des Clemens von


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Kerygma und Logos 1979, 89Alexandrien: --> 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN, 107. 7226 Dörrie Heinrich, Der Prolog zum Evangelium nach Johannes im Verständnis der älteren Apologeten: --> 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 136-52. 7227 Dörrie H., Une exegese neoplatonicienne du prologue de l'Evangile selon S. Jean [Amelius chez Eusebe, Prep. Ev. 11,19,1-4]: StTextAnt 8 (Mü 1976, Fink) 491-507 < Epektasis, Mel. Patristiques offerts a Card. J. DANIELOU(P 1972) 75-87. 7228 Eckle Wolfgang, Geist und Logos bei Cicero und im Johannesevangelium: eine vergleichende Betrachtung des 'Somnium Scipionis' und der johanncischen Anschnuung vom Abstieg und Aufstieg des Erlösers: Spudasmata 36. Hildesheim 1978, Olms. IV-102p., bibliog. 81-92. DM 22,80. 0 3-487-06651-3. 7229 Farandos Georgios D., Kosmos und Logos nach Philon von Alexandria: Elementa, Schriften zur Philosophie und ihrer Problemgeschichte 4. Amst 1976, Rodopi. 320 p,, bibliog. 308-319. 7230 Freed E. D., Theological Prelude to the Prologue of John's Gospel: ScotJT 32 (1979) 257-69. 7231 Gryg/ewicz Feliks, [R] Slowo cialem sif stalo . . . Verbum caro factum est: Abstammung Jesu Christi im NT 1976 ➔ 57,3619; 58s,4636: RRuBi 29 (1976) 63s (S. Grzybek). 7232 Harrison Everett F., A Study of John 1,14: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LAnn, lJnity and Diversity 1978, 23-36. 7233 Hayward C.T.R., The Holy Name of the God of Moses and the Prologue of St. John's Gospel: NTS 25 (1978s) 16-32. 7234 Henry Granville C. I., Loe;os: Mllthr:mRtic:s Rnd Christian Theology. Cranbury, NJ 1976, Bucknell University. 361 p., bibliogr. 329-49, ill. $18. 7235 Hockey F., St. Augustine and John l, 3-4: ➔ 616, StPatr 14 (1976) 4435.

7236 Hofrichter Peter, Nicht aus Blut sondern monogen aus Gott geboren. Textkritische, dosmengeschichtliche und exegeti11cheUntersuchung zu Joh 1,13-14 (1977 diss. Salzburg dir. W. Bei/ner): ForBib 31. Wü 1978, Echter. 220 p. UM 29. 0 3-429-00559-0. 7237 Hofrichter P., 'Egeneto anthropos'. Text und Zusätze im Johannesprolog [... 5. Text nach seiner Entflechtung: das christologische Lied; die Täufereinschübe; der deuteropaulinische Einschub, die Struktur ... ]: ZNW 70 (1979) 214-37. 7238 Ibuki Y., Offene Fragen zur Aufnahme des Logoshymnus in das vierte Evangelium [Jn 1,1-18]: AnJapBI 5 (1979) 105-132. 7239 KühlewindGeorg, Das Gewahrwerden des Logos: das Wissen des Evangelisten Johannes. Stu 1979, Freies Geistesleben. 165 p. DM 19. 0 3-77250705-0. 7240 K.y111.1r llubcrl, C1ll'i!llu1ugy wu.l Cuulloversy. The Contributions of the Prologue of the Gospel of John to NT Christology and their Historical Setting: Currents in Theology and Mission 5(1978) 348-64; et: 374-85, H. Schwarz. 7241 /a Potterie I. de, Het Johannesevangelie en de maagdelijke Geboorte

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[. . . Jo l, 13 l. var. et generatio virginalis Jt:su ... ] : Pusilief n. 950 (Mechelen 1979) 232-37. 7241* Maddalena A., 11 prologo e la testimonianza del Battista nel IV Vangelo: T AcScMem 4/33. T 1976. 7242 Merk/ein Helmut, Zur Entstehung der urchristlichen Aussage vom 1979, 33-62. präexistenten Sohn Gottes: ➔ 215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG 7243 Moreschini Claudio, Tertulliano (Logos) tra stoicismo e platonismo: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 367-79. 7244 Scheele P.-W., Die Fleischwerdung des Wortes. Biblische Explikation und theologische Implikationen: ➔ 212, Fs E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 357-88. 7245 Solignac Aime, Logos (avec renvoi ailleurs pour l'exegese): .... 871, DictSpir 9 (1976) 958ss. 7246 Radi G., Die Übersetzung eines Wortes in der Geschichte [exemplo Jo 1,1 l6gos ... interpretatio latina sec. Tertullianum 'lex']: Babel 22 (1976) 5-14. 7247 Richter G., a) Die Fleischwerdung des Logos im Johannesevangelium [< NT 13 (1971) 81-126; 14 (1972) 257-276]. - b) Ist en ein strukturbildendes Element im Logoshymnos Joh 1,1 ff? [im vorjohanneischen Logoshymnos Jn 1,2.6-19. 12c 13 < Biblica 51 (1970) 539-544]: BibUnt 13 (1977) 149-198/143-148. 7248 Sehmithals W., Der Prolog des Johannesev. [1,1-18: die beiden Strophen, die Vorlage, der Sinn des Prologs ... ]: ZNW 70 (1979) 16-43. 7249 Stachowiak L., 'Et Verbum erat Deus' (Jn 1,1): Origin and sense of John's definition of Logos: Studia z filozofii Boga, ed B. Bejze, 3 (Wsz 1977) 121-33. 7250 Lejoly R., Annotations pour une etude du P 75 Bodmer XV, c'est-ädire du texte grcc de Jean 1-14 [variantes de Sinaiticus]. Dison 1976, Concile. 78 p., 1 pl. Fb 750. 7251 Becker Jürgen., Das Evangelium nach Johannes Kap 1-10 = Ökumenischer Taschenbuchkommentar zum NT 4,1: Taschenbücher Siebenstern 505. (Gü 1979, Mulm). 340 p. DM 19,80. 7252 Wang R., The Holy Spirit in John 1-11 ColcTFujen 11 (1979) 305-22; 457-75. 7253 Richter G., Zur Frage von Tradition und Redaktion in Joh 1,19-34: --> 58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 288-314. 7254 Freed E. D., Ego eimi in John 1,20 and 4,25: CBQ 41 (1979) 288-91. 7255 Richter G., 'Bist du Elias?' (Joh 1,21): ➔ 58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 1-41 < BZ 6 (1962) 79-92. 238-56; 7 (1963) 63-80. 7256 Dockx S., Chronologie de la Vie de Jesus [Excursus 1: Bethanie, au dela du Jourdain (Jo 1,28): 12-20; Exc. 2: L 14 Nisan de l'an 30 (Mc 14,12 pa.); 21-29]: ➔ 296*, Chrunolugies Neotestamentaires 1976, 3-29. 7256* Mizzi J., The Old-Latin element in Jn. 1,29-3,26 of Cod. Sangallensis 60: SacrErud 23 (1978s) 33-62. 7257 Ashby G., The Lamb of God [Jn 1,29] - II: JTSAfr 25 (1978) 62-5. 7258 Bruce A. B., The Training of the Twelve [Jn 1,29 ... ]. GR 1979 = 4 1894 (11871), Kregel. xiv-552 p. $9.95 (6.95 pa.). 0 0-8254-2212-X. 7259 May, Eric E., Ecce Agnus Dei! A philological and exegetical approach



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to John 1:29,36: diss. Wsh Catholic Univ. 2/5, 1947. Rochester 1978, Kodak microfilm. xrv-177 p. 7260 Maddalena A., Dalla testimonianza del Battista alla purificazione del Tempio nel 4 Vangelo (Gv 1,35-51; 2,1-25); MemAcScTor, Mor 5,1 (1977) 3-84. 7261 Watty W. W., The Significance of Anonymity in the Fourth Gospel [to counterbalance prominence of Peter not anonymous as implied in NTAbstr 23 (1979) 293: 1,35-42; 18,15-27; 21,ls]: ExpTim 90 (1979) 209-12. 7262 Kasser R., L'attestation H [sigle nouveau pour un F(ayoumique)] d'un bref passage de l'evangile de Jean [1,43.47-51 copte IX s. M 636]: MusHelv 35 (1978) 329-34. [Transcriptions]. 7263 Kuhli H., Nathanael 'wahrer Israelit'? Zum angeblich ßttributiven Gebrauch von alethos in Joh 1,47: BibNot 9 (1979) 11-19. 7264 Schwarz G., allthos Tsrat5Hti!s[Arum. yasrä'] (Jo 1,47): BibNot 10 (1979) 41s. 7265 Moloney Francis J., From Cana to Cana (Jn 2,1-4,54) and the Fourth Evangelist's Concept of Correct (and Incorrect) Faith: Salesianum 70 (1978) 817-43. 7266 Breuss Josef, Das Kana-Wunder. Hermeneutische und pastorale Überlegungen aufgrund einer phänomenologischen Analyse von J oh 2, 1-12: ßiBi::i 12, 1976-+ 58s,5417: RCDQ 40 (1978) 428s (W. Wink); DinkMninz 9 (1978) 428s (Susanne Heine). 7267 Serra A., Contributi dell'antica letteratura giudaica per l'esegesi di Giov 2,1-12 e 19,25-57: Scr. Pont. Fac. Theol. Marianum 31, NS 3. R 1977, Herder. 490 p. --> 58s,5421: RCBQ 41 (1979) 350ss (J. E. Bruns); Sal 41 (1979) 562s (F. J. Moloney); SBFLA 28 (1978) 255-9 (F. Manns). 7268 a) Serra Aristide, Maria a Cana c prcsso la Croce [Jn 2,1-12; 19,25-27], Saggio di mariologia giovannea. R 1978, Mater Ecclesiae. 133 p. - REphMnr 29 (1979) 436 (A. Rivera). - b) Colombo D., La donna nella Bibbia / Maria nel Vangelo e nell'Apocalisse di S. Giovanni: Fons Signatus 17/20. Pallanza 1977, Ct::nlru Ma.r. Chaminade. 142 p. / 105 p. - c) Franquesa P., El tema de la mujer en la Biblia. Su referencia a Maria y a la Iglesia: EphMar 29 (1979) 5-31. - d) la Potterie I. de, La madre di Gesu e i1 mistero di Cana: CC 130 (1979-4) 425-440. 7269 Ertzdorff X. von., Die Hochzeit zu Kana. Zur Bibelauslegung Otfrids von Weissenburg [< BeiDtSprLit 86 (1964) 62-82]: WegFor 419 (1978) 250-274. 7270 Gib/in C. H., Suggestion, Negative Response, and Positive Action in St. John's Portrayal of Jesus (Jn 2,1-11; 4, 46-54; 7,2-14; 11,1-44): NTS 26 (1979s) 197-211. 7271 Olsson B., Structure and Meaning in the Fourth Gospel. A Text-Linguistic Analysis of Jn 2,1-11 and 4, 1-12: ConBibNT 6, 1974: --> 55,3181 ... 57,4163b: REstBib 35 (1976) 2'18s (D. Afünoz Leon); TPhil 53 (1978) 422-5 (J. Beutler). 7272 Zechner A., Wer hat bei der Hochzeit von Kana geheiratet? Studien zum literarisch-theologischen Zusammenhang und seinen historischen Implikationen. Linz 1979, auct. (Schwanberg, Austria: Pfarrhof S. Anna).

Gl.5 Johannis Prologus 1,1...


142 p. Fs 13,50/DM 15/ Sch 106. 7273 Nereparampil L., Destroy This Temple. An Exegetico-Theological Study in the Meaning of Jesus' Temple-Logion in Jn 2:19 [Diss. Pont. Univ. Gregoriana, dir. D. Mollat]: Dharmaram Studies. Bangalore 1978, Dharmaram College. xn-124p. Rs 12 ($3). - RJDharma 3 (1978) 212ss (J. Pathrapanka[).


Jn 3ss ... Nicodemus, Samaritana ...

7274 Bojorge H., La entrada en la tierra prometida y la entrada en el Reino. El trasfondo teol6gico del dialogo de Jesus con Nicodemo (Jn 3): RevistaB 41 (Buenos Aires 1979) 171-186. 7275 Wolfram W. A., Fasold R. W., A Black English Translation of John 3,121, with Grammatical Annotations. A Manuscript submitted to The Bible Translator. Reissued by the Educational Resources Information Center. Wsh 1968, Center for Applied Linguistics. 15 p. 7276 Gaeta G., 11dialogo con Nicodemo: StBibPaid 26, 1974 --+ 56,3375 ... 58s,5424: REstBib 35 (1976) 249-52 (D. Mufioz Le6n). 7277 Richter G., Zum sog. Taufetext Joh 3,5: BibUnt 13 (1977) 327-45 < MüTZ 26 (1975) 101-125. 7278 Maddalena A., a) 11dialogo di Gesu con Nicodemo nel IV Vangclo: T AcScMem 5/3 (T 1979) 57-179. - b) Per l'interpretazione di Joh 3,10-12: RFIC 106 (1978) 5-27. - c) Dalla testimonianza del Battista [Jn 3,27] alla purificazione del tempio nel IV Vangelo: T AcScMem 5/1 (T 1977) 384. Jn 3,21; 5,17-28 text--> 7174s M. de Jonge. 7279 Dagonet P., Selon saint Jean une femme de Samarie: Epiphanie. P 1979, Cerf. 187 p. 0 2-204-01385-4. 7280 Leidig Edeltraud, Jcsu Gespräch mit der Samaritanerin und weitere Gespräche [Jesu. Eine Untersuchung zur Frage nach Quellen und Redaktion] im Johannesevangelium [Diss. Dasel 1978 dir. D. Reicke: TZßas 34 81978) 379]: TheolDiss 15. Ba 1979, Reinhardt. xx-355 p. Fs 38. 0 37245-0446-2. 7281 Carmichael C. M., Marriage and the Samaritan Woman: NTS 26 (1979s) 332-46. 7282 Hahn Ferdinand, Die Worte vom lebendigen Wasser im Johannesevangelium. Eigenart und Vorgeschichte von Joh 4,10.13 f.: 6,35; 7,37-39: ..... 52, Fs. N. DAHL 1977, 51-70. 7283 Espinel J. L., Jesus y el pueblo samaritano [Jn 4,40]: CuBib 34 (1977) 243-54. 7284 Haacker K., Samaritan: --> 888, NDNTh 3 (197.8) 449-68. 7285 Vries E. de, Johannes 4: 1-42 in geest en hoofdzaak: GereffT 78 (1978) 93-114. 7286 Neyrey Jerome H., Jacob Traditions and the Interpretation of John 4, 10-26: CBQ 41 (1979) 419-37. 7287 Bemard J., Jn 5 et le Jesus de l'histoire: critique de la religion ou histoire des religions? These Univ. de Lille III, dir. M. Nikiprowetzky, 1978.

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2 vnl.: 405 p. uacl. - RMfiScRel 36 (1979) 58ss (J.-M. Delmaire). 7288 Klinger J. ~ Problems of influences of biblical archeology on the new understanding of some elements of early-Chrislian doctrine. Beü1csua am.l the universalism of the Logos [Jn 5,1-18; Asclepius parallels?]: RoczTChrzAkT 16,ls (1974) 275-293, summ. fran9. 293-5. 7289 Herman Jänos, IM] What happened at Bethesda pool? [Jn 5,2]: Reformatus Szemle 1978/2, 122-8. 7290 Hodges Z. C., The Angel at Bethesda - Jo 5:4 (Problem Passages in the Gospel of John, 5): BS 136 (1979) 25-39. 7291 Bernard J., Temoignage pour Jesus-Christ: Jean 5,31-47: MelScRel 36 (1979) 3-55.


Jn 6 ... Panis vitae ...

7292 Crossan John D., lt is Written: a Structuralist Analysis of John 6: -> 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1979, I 197-213. 7293 Cangh J. N. Van, La multiplication des pains et !'Eucharistie 1975: , 57,3834; 58s,5442: Rf:TRel 54 (1979) 310s (M. Bouttier); RivB 26 (1978) 432s (A Moda). 7294 Hazlett W. 1. P., Zur Auslegung von Joh 6 bei ßucer während der Abendmah.lkontroversc: Kroon M. de, al., Buccr und seine Zeit, (Wb 1976, Steiner) 74-87. 7295 Mondula Nkosi, La puissance vivificatrice de la chair du Christ selon l'Evangile de S. Jean (Jn 6). Diss. Pont. Univ. Gregorianae 1978. xxv414 p. offset. 5 tablcaux. 7296 Rhegopoulos Y. Ch., [Q] Jesus Christ 'the living bread' cont.: TAth 49 (1978) 888-906. 7297 Ruager S., Joh. 6 og nadveren [the Supper]: TsTK.i 50 (1979) 81-92. 7298 Rusch F. A., The Signs and the Discourse - The Rich Theology of Jn 6: CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 386 90. 7299 Srnith Mahlun H.III, Collected Fragments: 011 the Priority of John 6 to Mark 6-8: -> 583, Achtemeier P., Semmar 1979, 1 10,-112. 7300 Zedda Silverio, a) Eucaristia e vita trinitaria nella fede secondo il cap. VI di Giovanni. Riflessioni per una pastorale eucaristica: RClerlt 60 (1979) 300-307. - b) L'eucarestia e la vita cristiana nel cap. VI di S. Giovanni (Riflessioni per una pastorale eucaristia): RClerlt 59 (1978) 943-953. 7301 Roberge M., Jean 6, 22ss. Un probleme de critique textuelle? : Laval ThPh 34 (1978) 275-89 [supposition of an authentic shorter pre-B text is fallacious]. 7302 Richter G., u) Dit: alttt:stamentliche Zitate in der Rede vom Himmels• biut Joh 6,26-51a: BibUnt 13 (1977) 199-265 < Schriftauslegung: Beiträge zur Hermeneutik des NT und im NT (Pd 1972) 193-279. - b) Zur Formgeschichte und literarischen Einheit von Joh 6,31-38: BibUnt 13 (1977) 88-119 < ZNW 60 (1969) 21-55 + Nachtrag. 7303 Seiser S., Das Brotwort Joh 6,35 als christologische Selbstoffenbarung. Eine Unterrichtseinheit für das 10./11. Schuljahr: BiKi 34,1 (1979) 17-

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Panis vitae - Jn 6,35...


25; 4-11 A. Vögtle, Hat sich Jesus als Heilsmittler geoffcnbart?; 12-17 A. Schilson, Jesus Christus - Gottes Sohn. 7304 Muftoz Leon D., El sustrato targumico del Discurso del Pan de Vida. Nuevas aportaciones: venir = aprender/creer (Jn 6,35.37.45); vida eterna y resurrecci6n (Jn 6,40.54): EstBib 36 (1977) 217-26. 7305 Jonge H. J. de, Caro in Spiritum. Delenus en zijn uitlegging van Joh 6,51: ➔ 177, Fs. J. ÜOSTERBAAN, De Geest 1978, 145-68. 7306 Ferrara G., Giov. 6,60-71. Osservazioni sulla struttura letteraria e il valore della pericope nel quarto vangelo: RivB 26 (1978) 33-69. 7307 Phillips G., 'This is a Hard Saying; Who Can be a Listener to lt?' The Reaction of the Reader in Jn 6 [,60; in light of macro-textual approach to its discourse structure(s)]: ➔ 583, SBL,SemPap 16 (1979) 185-213. 7308 Hodges Z. C., Problem Passages in the Gospel of John, 7: Rivers of Living Water - John 7:37-39: DS 136 (1979) 239-248. 7309 Carminati, Alfredo, E venuto nell'acqua e nel 5angue. Riflessione biblico-patristica: Studi dehoniani. Bo 1979, Dehoniane. [.:. 11 Segno della trasfissione di Gesu; L'interpretazione 'pasquale' / 'pentecostale' del sanguc di Cristo, Jn 7,37-59; 19,31.37). 224 p. 7310 Campenhausen Hans von, Zur Perikope von der Ehebrecherin (Joh 7,53-8,11): ➔ 289, Urchristliches 1979. 7311 James S. A., The Adulteress artd the Death Penalty [Jn 7,53-8,11): JEvThSoc 22 (1979) 45-53. , , .• ·. 7,53-8,11: Biblica 59 7312 Rousseau F., La femme adultere: Structure de (1978) 463-480. 7313 Mees M., Der Text von Jn 8, 12-59 bei Origenes: AugRom 18 (1978) 321-339. 7314 Manns Frederic, La verite vous fera libres (Jean 8,31-59) 1976 ➔ 57,4185: REstB 36 (1977) 306 (D. Mu,ioz Leo11). 7315 Danial B., [fil S. Ephraem's Essay on the Man Born Rlind [Jn 9): RayNahr 7 (1979) 383-390. 7316 Menken Maarten, Eenheid en opbouw van Joh. 9: ....9, Beuken W., Proef en Tocts 1977. 7317 Subugal S., La curaci6n del ciego de nacimiento Jn 9,1-41, 1977 ➔ 58s,5455: RverVid 36 (1978) 145s (V. Casas). 7318 Ramos-Liss6n D., La tipologia de Jn 9,6-7 en el 'De Sacramentis': StPatristMediol 7 (Mi 1976) 336-344. 7319 Berger Paul-Richard, Hirte und Mietling Joh. 10: ➔ 132, Fs. H. Koett, Theokratia 3, 1979, 60-67. 7320 Hahn Ferdinand, Die Hirtenrede in Joh. 10: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER 1979, 185-200. 7321 Martin J. P., Jo 10: 1-10 (Expository Article): Interpr 32 (1978) 171175. 7322 Schumacher W. N., Hirt and 'Guter Hirt': RömQS Sup. 34. R 1977, Herder. 7323 Suski A., [RJ[Structura litteraria pericopae de Bono Pastore Jn 10,1-18): RuBi 29 (1976) 271-9. 7324 Tragan, Pius-Ramon, La parabole du 'Pasteur' et ses explications. Jean 10,1-18. La genese, les milieux litteraires: diss. Strasbourg II 1976. Lille


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1977, Service de Reprod. des Theses. 279 p. 7325 Bayreuther E., Shepherd: -->888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 564-9. 7326 Sabourin L., A Ressurrei~äo de Läzaro (Jo 11,1-44): RCuBib 2 (Sao Paulo 1978) 293-8. 7327 Reuter H. R., Wider die Krankheit zum Tode. Predigt uber Joh 11: TextForEvStud AS (1978) 563-71. 7328 Saxer V., Marthe de Bethanie, sainte: --> 869, Catholicisme 8 f. 35, 1978, 731-5. 7329 Grimm W., Das Opfer eines Menschen. Eine Auslegung von Joh. 11,4753:--> 22, Fs. S. BEN-CHORIN, 1978, 61-62. 7330 Kitt/aus Lloyd R., Evidence from Jn 12 that the Author of John Knew the Gospel of Mark: -->583, Achterneier P., Seminar 1979, I 119-122; cf. 123-5, Anitra B. Kolenkow. 7331 Cataudella Q., Prudenzio e il seme di grano [Jo 12,24 e 1 Cor 15,35 = StPatrMepresso i Padri]:--> 149, Paradoxos politeia, Studi G. LAZZATI diol 10 (Mi 1979) 311-17. 7332 Maldonado Luis, La 'exaltaci6n' de Jesus en la cruz segun el cuarto Evangelio [12,32 hypsöthenai: pars Diss. Pont. Athenaei Antonianum n. 254, dir. E. Pax]. Quito 1979, auct. xv-111 p.; bibliog. 1x-xv. 7333 Borgen P., The Use of Tradition in John 12. 44~50 [SNTS Seminar P 1978]: NTS 26 (1979s) 18-35.


Jn 13 ... Sermo sacerdotalis et Passio

7334 Richter G., Die Deutung des Kreuzestodes Jesu in der Leidensgeschichte des Johannesev. (Joh 13-19): ➔ 58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 5875 < BLeben 9 (1968) 21-36. Cortes E., Los discursos de adios de Gen 49 a Juan 13-17 ➔ 2988. 7335 Boice J., The Gospel of John IV: John 13,1 - 17,26. GR 1978, Zondervan. 487 p. $9.95. 7336 Limper Armin H., Hermeneutics und eschntology: Rudolf Bultmnnn's interpretation of John, chapters 13-17: diss. Ch 1960. 175 p. 7337 Simoens Yves, La gloire d'aimer. Structures stylistiques et interpretations dans le Discours de la Cene (Jn 13-17). Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici, R 1979. VI-411p.; p. N-1-68; bibliog. N-3-25. 7338 Woll D. B., Conflict over Authority in Johannine Christianity: a Study of the First Farewell Discourse (Jn 13,31-14,31): diss. Ch 1979. 7339 Cancian D. a) 11 Comandamento Nuovo nell'interpretazione del cap. 13 del Vangelo di Giovanni: diss. Pont. Univ. Gregorianae II-4868, 1977, dir. S. Lyonnet: DissA 3 (1978s) 1645. - b) Nuovo comandamento, nuova alleanza, Eucaristia 1978 -->58s,5472: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 442-5 (Y. Simoens); CC 130 (1979,2) 513s (U. Vanm); RivB 27 (1979) 421ss (R. Rinald1). 1340 Richter G., Die Fusswaschung Joh 13,1-20: --> 58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 42-57 < MüTZ 16 (1961) 13-26. 7341 Derrett J. D. M., 'Domine, tu mihi lavas pedes?' (Studio su Giovanni 13,1-30): BbbOr 21 (1979) 13-42.

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7342 [.Tn 13,31; 17,1] Thösina Wilhelm, Die Erhöhung und Verherrlichung Jesu im Johannesevangelium 3 rev. + Nachtrag: NeutAbh 21/ls. Münster 1979, Aschendorff. xrv-349 p. DM 36 pa. 0 3-402-03608-8. 7343 Niccacci A., Esame letterario di Gv 14: EuntDoc 31 (1978) 209-60. 7344 Fischer Günther, Die himmlischen Wohnungen. Untersuchungen zu Joh 14,2 f. (diss. dir. R. Schnackenburg): EurHSS 23 Theol. 38, -> 56,3400 ... 58s,5476: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 207 (T. de Kruijf). 7345 Korteweg Th., The Reality of the Invisible. Some Remarks on St. John 14,8 and Greek Philosophie Tradition: -> 761, EPR 78 (1979) 50-102. 7346 [Jn 14,16 ... ] Porsch Felix, Anwalt der Glaubenden. Das Wirken des Geistes nach dem Zeugnis des Johannesevangeliums: Geist und Leben. Stu 1978, KBW. 203 p. DM 26,80. 0 3-460-18081-1. 7347 [Jn 14,16] Tsakonas B. Y., IQ] Teaching of John the Evangelist on the Paraclete-Spirit: TAth 49 (1978) 819-33. 7348 Gryglewicz Feliks, Die Aussagen über den Heiligen Geist im vierten Evangelium. Überlieferung und Redaktion: StNTU-A 4 (1979) 45-53. 7349 Morgan-Wynne J. E., A Note on John 14,17b; BZ 23 (1979) 93-96: PAR'humfn ante epocham crucis, EN humfn post. 7350 Cignelli L., Giov 14,28 nell'esegesi di S. Basilio Magno: Antonianum 54 (1979) 582-95. 7351 Dattrino L., Il De Trinitate pseudoatanasiano [... Joh 14,28: 71-73; Gen 1,26 trinitaric: 113-116 ... ): StEphAug 12. R 1976, Institutum Patristicum 'Augustinianum '. 132 p. 7352 Spaemann H. Macht und Überwindung des Bösen [... der 'Bemächtiger' in der Hl. Schrift ... : 'Fürst dieser Welt' Jn 14,30; 'Vater der Lüge', Menschenmörder von Anbeginn Jn 8,44; Die Überwindung: Eph 6,11; Lk 10,3; 11,22; 15 ... ]: Reihe Doppelpunkt. Mü 1979, Kösel. 87p. 7353 Jervell J., Ingen har st0rre kjaerlighet [majorem caritatem nemo habet, Jn 15,13] ... Fra Johannesevangeliets Jesusbilde: Tankekors 2. Oslo 1978, Univ. 95 p. Nk 35. 0 82-00-05197-8. 7354 Thyen Haitwig, 'Niemand hat grössere Liebe als die, dass er sein Lebe11 für seine Freunde hingibt' (Joh 15,13). Das johanneische Verständnis des Kreuzestodes Christi: -> 63, Fs. E. DrNKLER1979, 467-480. 7355 Smith D. M., Jo 16: 1-15 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 5862. 7356 Boring M. E., The Influence of Christian Prophecy on the Johannine Portrayal of the Paraclete and Jesus: NTS 25 (1978s) 113-123. 7357 Carson D. A., The Function of the Paraclete in John 16, 7-11: JBL 98 (1979) 547-66. 7358 Appold M., Christ Alive! Christ Alive! Reflections on the Prayer of Jesus in John 17: CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 365-73. 7359 Minear P. S., Jo 17: 1-11 (Expository Article): Interpr 32 (1978) 175179. 7360 Orbe Antonio, Oraci6n sacerdotal. Meditaciones sobre Juan 17. M 1979, HAC. XVI-414p. 7361 Ritt H., Das Gebet zum Vater. Zur Interpretation von Joh xvn 17 [Diss. Habil. Wü 1977]: ForBi 36. Wü 1979, Echter. 527p.; bibliog. 479-

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515. DM 64. 7362 Stinchez Mielgo G., La unidad de la Iglesia segun Juan l'/: EscrVedat 8 (1978) 9-:58. 7363 Lindars Barnabas, The Passion in the Fourth Gospel [Jn 18s]: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL,God's Christ and His People 1977, 71-86. 7364 Talavero Tovar S., Pasi6n y Resurrecci6n en el IV Evangelio: Interpretaci6n de un cristiano de primera hora: Bibliotheca Salmanticensis 17, Estudios 15, 1976 ➔ 58s,5489*: RJBL 97 (1978) 296s (C. Bernas). 7365 Alegre X., 'Mi reino no es de este mundo' (Jn 18,36). Conflictividad de la existencia cristiana en el mundo segun el cuarto evangelio: EstE 54 (1979) 499-525. 7366 [Jn 18,17; 21,17) Dewey Kirn E., Peter's Denial Reexamined: John's P,, Seminar 1979, 1 Knowledge of Mark's Gospel: ➔ ~In, Ai'.htP.mP.iP.r 109-112. 7367 Richter G., Die Gefangennahme Jesu nach dem Johannesevangelium (18,1-12): -->58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 74-87 < BLeben 10 (1969) 2639. 7368 Lülzm1a1111D., Der Staat w1d die Verkündigw1g: R. Bultmanns Auslegung von Jo 18,28 bis 19,16: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DrNKLER,Theol. crucis signum crucis 1979, 359-375. 7369 Mulder H., John 18,28 and the Date of the Crucifixion: SupNT 48 (1978) 87-105. 7370 la Potterie 1. de, La tunique sans couture [Jn 19,23-24), symbole du Christ grand pretre? [H. Grotius (J. J. Wettstein); C. Spicq ... Examen critique, aussi de Josephe, A. J. III, 7,4. § 161 et arguments exeg.]: Biblica 60 (1979) 255-269. 7371 Dip G., Maria en el NT [Jn 19,25-27 ... ] : CuBib 34 (1977) 83-98. 7372 Stockton Eugene D., The Fourth Gospel and the Woman: -> 552, N. Brown, Essays 1979, 132ss. 7373 Tuya M. de, 'Mujer, he ahi a tu hijo ... ' (Jn 19,25-27): su valoraci6n jo~nca: --> 49, Servidor de la Palabra, Mise. bibl. A. COLUNGA 1979, 445487. 7374 Neirynck F., e!s ta idia Jn 19,27 (et 16,32): ETL 55 (1979) 355-366. 7375 Chmiel J., ~ 'Sanguis et aqua'. Ex historia interpretationis Jn 19,34: RuBi 30 (1977) 291-6. 7376 Richter G., Blut und Wasser aus der durchbohrten Seite Jesu (Joh 19,34b): ➔ 58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 120-42 < MüTZ 21 (1970) 121.

7377 Vellanickal M., Feast of the Resurrection (Jn 20: 1-18): Identity of the Risen Lord: Biblebhashyam 2 (1976) 91-94. 7378 Delebecque E., Le tombeau vide (Jean 20,6s): REG 90 (1977) 239-48. 7379 Salvoni F., The So-Called Jesus Resurrection Proof (John 20,7): RestQ 22 (1979) 72-76. 7380 Richter G., Der Vater und Gott Jesu und seiner Brüder in Joh 20,17:--> 58s,5337, BibUnt 13 (1977) 266-80 < MüTZ 24 (1973) 95-114. 7381 Charbel A., Giov. 20, 17a 'nondum enim ascendi ad patrem'? [cioe piuttosto ?': propone infatti di leggere la frase come domanda]: Bbbür 21 (1979) 79-83.

o 1.8 Sermo sacerdotalis et Passio - Jn 13...


7382 Fuller R. H., John 20: 19-23 (Expository Artiele): Interpr 32 (1978) 180184. 7383 Noir Louis, Le ehapitre 21 de Jean. Etude eritique et cxcgctiquc: diss. prot. Geneve 1967. 191 p. 7384 Solages B. de, Vacherot J.-M., Le chapitre XXI de Jean est-il de la meme plume que le reste de l'Evangile?: BLitE (1979) 96-101: Oui. 7385 O'Grady J. F., The Role of the Beloved Disciple [& Peter in Jn, espec. 21]: BibTB 9 (1979) 58-65. 7386 Rissi M., Voll grosser Fische, hundertdreiundfünfzig, Joh 21,1-14: TZBas 35 (1979) 73-89. 7387 Romeo J. A., Gematria and John 21: 11 - The Children of God: JBL 97 (1978) 263s.

o2.1 Epistulae Johannis 7388 Boice J. M., The Epistles of John: an expositional commentary. GR c.1979, Zondervan. 226 p. 7389 Boor Werner de, Die Briefe des Johannes erklärt 3 : Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1978 [11977-> 58s,7522], Brockhaus. 207p. DM 25 (16,80pa). 0 3417-/00475-6 (25019-6). - DDR-Ausgabe: B 1978, Evangelische B-Ges. 7390 Bruce Frederick F., The Epistles of John, a verse by verse exposition 2 rev. (1 1970 -> 53,4172; from The Witness 1967f). Glasgow 1978, Pickering & Inglis / GR 1979, Eerdmans. 160 p. $3.95. 7391 Bultmann R., Le lettere di Giovanni 1977 -> 58s,7522*: CC 130 (1979,2) 302s (N. Uricchio). 7392 .Jonge M. de, De brieven van Johannes 3 rev.: De Prediking van het NT. Nijkerk 1978, Callenbach. 324 p. 7393 Marshall 1. H., The Epistles of John., 1978-> .58s,7525: REvQ 51 (1979) 120s (S. S. Smalley); WestTJ 42 (19'/9s) 239-42 (H. Wheaton). 7394 Prete Benedetto, Lettere di Giovanni; introd., note 3 : Nuovissima versione 45. R 1976, Paoline. 137 p. 7395 Richards William L., The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of the Johannine Epistles: SBL diss. 35, 1977 -> 58s,7527: RRB 86 (1979) 304s (M.-E. Boismard). · 7396 Wengst Klaus, Der erste, zweite und dritte Brief des Johannes: ÖTK NT 16, 1978. -+ 58s,7528: RBLtg 52 (1979) 279 (A. Stöger); NRT 101 (1979) 586ss (X. Jacques); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 158s [A. Fuchs]; TsTNijm 19 (1979) 195 (S. van Tilborg).

7397 Brown Raymond E., The relationship to the Fourth Gospel shared by the author of 1 John and by his opponents: -> 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 57-68.


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7398 Castro V., La comuni6n con Dios segun la primera carta de S. Juan: Cisterc 27 (1975) 183-206. 7399 Chmiel J., ~ Conceptio amoris _in l Jn: RuBi 29 (1976) 285-294. 7400 Dideberg Dany, Saint Augustin et la premiere epitre de saint Jean. Une theologie de l'agape: ThHist 34, 1975 ➔ 56,9796a: RvetChr 15 (1978) 171s (M. Marin). 7401 Laplace J., Discernement pour temps de crise. L'epitre [1] de Jean. P 1978, Chalet. 200 p. F 33. 0 2-7023-0310-2. 7402 Louw J. P., Verbal Aspect in the First Letter of John: Neotest 9 (1975) 98-104. 7403 Luther Martin, Vorlesung über den 1. Johannesbrief [in der Rekonstruktion von] Richard Widmann: Metzger Manfred, [Sammlung] Das Magnifikat 2 [< Calwer Luther-Ausgabe 9]; Siebenstern 409. Gü 1979, Mohn. 221 p. DM 10,80 pa. 0 3-579-04819-8. 7404 Malatesta &!ward, Interiority and Covenant [1 Jn efnai en / menein en]: AnBib 69, 1978 ➔ 58s,7534: RExpTim 90 (1978s) 56 (S. S. Smalley); JBL 98 (1979) 603ss (R. A. Culpepper); TLZ 104 (1979) 906s (T. H.); TS 39 (1978) 778s (J. E. Bruns). 7405 Segovia F. F. agape - agapan in 1 John and the Fourth Gospel: diss. Notre Dame. Notre Dame IN 1978. 416 p. 0 7821654. - DissA 39 (1978) 2996s-A. 7406 Tufii Oriol, Motivacions etiques de la 1 Jn: La 1 Jn i el Jesus hist6ric (17. Jornades Bib. Lloret 1978): RCatalT 4 (1979) 285-308; Eng. summ. 308. 7407 Vorster W. S., Heterodoxy in 1 Jo: Neotest 9 (1975) 87-97. 7408 Wengst K., Häresie und Orthodoxie im Spiegel des ersten Johannesbriefes 1976 ➔ 57,5870*; 58s,7537: RNorTTs 79 (1978) 90 (C. J. Bjerkelund); TLZ 103 (1978) 743-6 (J. Rohde). 7409 Wilson M. R., A Guide for the Study of the First Letter of John in the Greek NT. GR 1979, Baker. 65 p. $4.95. 0 0-8010-9621-9.

7410 Conti Martino, La riconciliaz10ne m 1 Uv 1,9: Antonianum ,4 (1979) 163-224. 7411 Vicent Cernuda A., La filiaci6n divina segun kai en 1 Jn 2,29 y 31: EstBib 36 (1977) 85-90. 7412 Preez J. du, 'Sperma autou' in 1 Jo 3: 9: Neotest 9 (1976) 105-112 = ➔ 57,5874. 7413 Richardson Cyril C., The Exegesis of 1 John 3,19-20: an Ecumenical Misinterpretation?: -> 72, Fs. R. EvANS1979, 31-52.190-8. 7414 Herrmann T., ~ Peccatum portans mortem 1 Jn 5,16: RuBi 32 (1979) 115-24. 7415 Ska Jean-Louis, 'Petits enfants, prenez garde aux idoles' l Jn 5,21: NRT 101 (1979) 860-874. 7416 58s,7580: RErbAuf 54 (1978) 494 (J. Schildenberger). 7443 Grivot D., Images de l'Apocalypse: Les Travaux du mois 15. S. LegerVaubain, La Pierre-qui-Vire 1977, Zodiaque. 144 p. (col.) ill. - RNRT

G2.5 Apocalypsis Johannis, Revelation, introd.


101 (1979) 928 (L.-J. Renard). 7444 Grundmann H., Über den Apokalypsen-Kommentar des Minoriten Alexander [aus Norddeutschland, vat. lat. 3819; Chälons-sur-Marne, No. 68 ... ] : Schriften MonGermHist 25,2 (1977) 58-69 < Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 45 ( 1928) 713-723. 7445 Gryglewicz F., La interpretado .de Apokalipso de Sankta Johano: BRevuo 14,3 (1978) 35-47. 1446 Hadot Jean, Les deux auteurs et les deux dates de l" Apocalypse' de Jean: ➔ 501, Problemes d'Histoire du Christianisme 8 (Bru 1979) 5-28. 7447 Hahn F., Zum Aufbau der Johannesoffenbarung: ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK, Kirche und Bibel 1979, 145-154. 7448 Hailey H., Revelation: an Introduction and Commentary. GR 1979, Baker. 438p. $11.95. 7449 Heyer lngömar, Kritische Untersuchungen zur jüngeren syrischen Apokalypsenübersetzung sy 2 : diss. Salzburg 1976 ➔ 58s,7583: (dir. Beilner): TR 74 (1978) 514. 7450 Holloway R., A New Heaven. GR 1978, Eerdmans. 125 p. $2.95. 7451 Kissener Hermann, Wiedergeburt durch Wasser und Geist. Die Logik der Apokalypse. r. Die Offenbarung und das menschliche Gehirn; II. Die Bamberger Apokalypse in 52 Bildern. u1. Der Offenbarungs-Sinn nach EdelrnunJ Selbst. Mü-Engelbert 1972, Drei-Eichen. 380 p. DM 39,60. 7452 Kraft H., Die Offenbarung des Joh: HoNT ltia ➔ '56,4969, . 58s,7589: RsvEx 43 (1978) 168s (L. Hartman). 7453 Kroon K., Openbaring: Hoofdstuk 1-11: Verklaring van een bijbelgedeelte. Kampen c. 1978, Kok. 93 p. f 13,50. 7454 Ladd George E., Apocalyptic and NT Theology: ➔ 163, Fs. L. MORRIS 1974, 285-96. 7455 Lambrecht Jan, The Book of Revelation and Apocalyptic in the NT: XXX. Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (28-30.VIII.1979): ETL 55 (1979) 391-7. 7456 Lancellotti Angelo, Apocalisse, introd. note 3 : Nuovissima Versione 46. R 1975, Paoline. 174 p. 7457 Laufner Richard [Kodikologische und paläographische Beschreibung], Klein Peter K. [Der Kodex und sein Bildschmuck] Hg., Trierer Apokalypse: vollständige Faksimile-Ausgabe im Originalformat des Codex 31 der Stadtbibliothek Trier: Codices selecti phototypice impressi 48. Graz 1975, Akademisch. 2 vol. $4100.00. 0 3-201-00904-0. 7458 Legasse S., Les chretiens et le pouvoir seculier d'apres l'Apocalypse johannique: BLitE 80 (1979) 81-95. 7458* Lust Johan, Profetie en apokalyptiek: - De sluier opgelicht? Apokalyptiek in Oud en Nieuw Testament [Lv 1979, Acco] 1-8. 7459 Mazzucco C., [L'Apocalisse, oggetto di numerose comunicazioni] VIII. Congresso Internazionale di Studi Patristici, Oxford 1979: Henoch 1 (1979) 425-8. 7460 Meer F. van der, L'Apocalypse dans l'art. Anvers 1978, Fonds Mercalur. 368 p., 148 fig., 82 col. pi. Fb. 3500/DM 178. - RBLtg 52 (1979) 281s (J. H. Emminghaus); NRT 101 (1979) 927s (Y. Torly); TPQ 127 (1979) 213 (G. Rombold); TrierTZ 88 (1979) 332s (E. Sauser). 32. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (] 979)

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7461 Melton Lloyd D., A Critical Analysis of the: lTncle:rstandingof the: Tmagery of the City in the Book of Revelation [I. History of Religions approach; II. OT + Jewish Apocalyptics approach; III. Contemporary-historical persp~ctive - V. OT dominant source, as understood in the first century A. D. (and thus also comparative religious parallels ... ]. Diss. Southern Baptist Theol. Sem. 1978 dir. G. R. Beasley-Murray. 324 p. 0 7905066. - DissA 39 (1978s). 7462 Monaci A., Apocalisse ed escatologia nell'opera di Origine: AugRom 18 (1978) 139-151. Monloubou L. al., Apocalypses et theologie de l'esperance 1975/7 -> 621. Compare also ➔ 4999-5053. 7463 Mounce Robert H., a) The Book of Revelation; New International Commentary on the NT. GR 1977, Eerdmans. 462 p. $10.95. RcalvTJ 13 (1978) 235-38 (A. J. Bandstra); EvQ 50 (1978) 182s (S. S. Smalle,v); .TBL98 (1979) 460s (J. R. Michaels). - b) What are we Waiting For? The „Book of Revelation: a Layman's Commentary and Study Guide. Elgin·IL / Weston Ont. 1979, Cook. 168 p. $3.95. 0 0-89191-1294.

7464 Mundle W. Rock: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 381-95 (- 9 precious stones, Apc., N. Hillyer). 7465 Mussles Gerard, The Morphology of Koine Greek as Used in the Apor.alypse of St. John: A Study in Bilin&ualism: NTSup 27. Ld 1971, Brill. XVI-386p. 3 plans. f 78. -+ 53,5757 ... 56,6730: RJbAC 21 (1978) 198-204 (W. Hamm). 7466 Norelli-Bachelet Patrizia, The Hidden Manna, being the Revelation called Apocalypse of John the Divine with complete text and commentaries. Panorama City CA 1976, Acon. 385 p. 7467 Okamoto Andern, [I] Yohane Mokushirokugikai 48 [Apocalypse:l Divine-Natural Humani.ty, 1973. 349 p. 7468 Patmios Philulheus, [Q] He apokälypsis . .. The Revelation of John and the course of universal unfoldings (poreia pankosmiön exelixeön), commentary; ed. N. Prassas. Athenai 1971. 224 p. 7469 Petraglio R. al. (org. Y. Christie), L'Apocalypse de Jean. Traditions exegetiques et iconographiques, IIIe-xme s. Actes du colloque de la Fundation Hardt, 29 fev.- 3 mars 1976: EtDocHist, FacLettUGeneve, 11, Geneve 1979, Droz. 340 p., ill. Fs 70. - RBMonum 137 (1979) 386s (M. Durliat). 7470 Pi/eh J. J., What Are They Saying about the Book of Revelation? NY 1978, Paulist. - RßibTB 9 (1979) 45 (J. M. Reese). 7470* Plard H., Sur l"Apocalypsis cum figuris' d'A. Dürer: -> 196, Mem. J. PREAUX,Christianisme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui 1978, 77-91. 7471 Pohl Adolf, Die Offenbarung des Johannes, erklärt 4 : Wu Studie:nhihe:1 NT. Wu 1978, Brockhaus [für DDR: oB, Evangelische Bib.-Ges.]. (I. Kap. 1 8,1: 206 p., ill.) II. Kap. 8,2-22. 358 p, DM 34 (22,80 pa.) 0 3-4170034/4-X (5-8). 7472 Prager MitJam, Das neue Jerusalem. Ein Arbeilshefi zur 'OITenbafung'. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Kirchenbildes dieser Schrift des NT: Reihe Gespräche zur Bibel 8. Klosterneuburg 1979, Österreich.

G2.5 Apocalypsis Johannis, Revelation, introd.


Kath. Bibelwerk. 40 p. DM 7.20. 7473 Prete Benedetto, La speranza e sue motivazioni nel libro dell'Apocalisse: SacDoc 21 (1976) 277-304. 7474 Prigent P., L'Apocalypse: exegese historique et analyse structurale [SNTS P 1978]: NTS 26 (1979s) 127-37. 7475 Raphael Freddy, Esquisse d'une typologie de l'Apocalypse: ➔ 584 L'Apocalyptique P 1977, Geuthner [non 58s,4955] 9-38. 7476 Rice John R., 'Behold, he cometh!' A verse-by-verse commentary on the Book of Revelation. Murfreesboro TN 1977, Sword of the Lord. 348 p. $5.95. 7477 Ritz Sändor, The Church: The Supreme Creation of the Past, Present, and Future. The Everlasting Temple of Santo Stefano Rotondo in Rome, the New Jerusalem of the Book of Revelation, = A Templom 1975, tr. M. Grosvenor. R 1979, auct. (v. Pilotta 25). 80 pp., ill. 7477* Romero Pose E., Gregorio de Elvira en el Comentario al Apocalipsis de S. Beato de Liebana: Burgense 20 (1979) 289-305. 7478 Sahlin Harald, Die Bildersprache der Offenbarung Johannis, ein Deutungsversuch. Orebro 1978. 7479 Samek Ludovici Sergio [Analyse], Apokalypse, eine Holzschnittfolge der Sammlung F.ste; Oxforder lat. Texte J. Wnrd~wnrth,M. White; Rinheitsübersetzung; note Cesare Angelini. Parma/Genf 1974, Ricci/ Weber. 193 p. 7480 Schick Eduard, The Revelation of St John: New Testament for Spiritual Reading 12. L 1977, Sheed & W. XVI-238p. B. 7481 Spinks L. C., A Critical Examination of J. W. Bowman's Proposed Structure of the Revelation [= Apoc.]: EvQ 50 (1978) 211-22. 7482 Sproxton V., Good News in Revelation, TEV 1977-+ 58s,1525: RscotJT 31 (1978) 495 (T. M, McWilliam; sprightly), 7483 Stegner W. R., On Teaching the Book of Revelation: Explor 4 (1978) 79-86. 7484 Stierlin H., a) Le Livre de Feu. L'Apocalypse et l'art mozarabe [XIe siil:de]. P 1978, Rihliothil:que des arts. VIrr-248p. 112 pl. col., 75 plans. F 296. - RNRT 101 (1979) 926s (Y. Torly). - b) Die Visionen der Apokalypse: mozarabische Kunst in Spanien, tr. (Bearbeitung) Ranna Wu[f. Z/Fr 1978, Atlantis. VII-252p., (col.) pi. 7485 Strand K. A., Interpreting the Book of Revelation: Hermeneutical Guidelines, with Brief Introduction to Literary Analysis 2• Naples FL 1979, Ann Arbor Publishers. 88 p. $4.80. 0 0-89039-167-X. 7486 Strand Kenneth A., Chiastic Structure and Some Motifs in the Book of Revelation: AndrUnSS 16 (1978) 401-8. 7487 Sweet J. P. M., Revelation: Pelican Comm. Ph 1979, Westminster. xvi361 p. $8,95 pa, 0 0-664-?.4?.6?,-6, 7488 Unjhem Ame, The Rook of Revelation. Ph 1967, Lutheran Church. 141 p. ; ill. (L. Szalay). 7489 Vanni U., Apocalisse. Una assemblea liturgica interpreta la storia: Leggere oggi la Bibbia 2,15. Brescia 1979, Queriniana. 140 p. Lit. 4.500. 7490 Vanni Ugo, Gli esercizi ignaziani e l'Apocalisse: ➔ 424, Ejercicios 14, 1977, 99-107.


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7491 Verwei.i H., De terugkeer van Jezus Christus. Naar de Openbaring van Johannes: bevrijding van Hezet Uebied. Franeker 1978, T. Wever. 256p. 7492 Vööbus Arthur, The Apocalypse in the Harklean Version. A facsimile Edition of MS. Mardin Orth. 35, fol. 143r-159v with an Introduction: Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium 400, Subsidia 56. Louvain 1978, Secretariat du CorpusSCO. xrv-76 p. 22 pl. 7493 Weber R. ed., Ambrosii Autperti opera: Expositionis in Apc. 1-V [➔ 56,a85], VI-X: CCMed XXVII, XXVII-A. 1975. - RJTS 30 (1979) 578ss (B. Smalley).

G2.7 Apocalypsis / Revelation, versiculi. 1494 Vanni U., 11 'giomo del Signore' in Apoc. 1,10, giomo di purificazione e di discernimento: RivB 26 (1978) 187-99. 1495 Rinaldi G., Asteras heptä [Apc 1,12-19]: Bbbür 20 (1978) 303. cfo Asia (Apoc:. TT-m): 7496 Treiiijano Etche11errfa R., Ta misinn ~n llts Tgl~si11s Salmanticensis 27 (1979) 205-230. 7497 Carson D. A., [Ephesus, Rev 2,1-7:] 'A Church thal Dues All lhe Righl Things, Hut. .. ': Christianity Today 23 (Carol Stream IL 1979) 994-7. 7498 Gangcmi A., La stella del mattino (Apoc 2,26-28): RivB 26 (1978) 241274. 1499 Cortes Enric, Una interpretaci6n judia de Cant 5,2 en Ap 3,19b-20: RCatalT 4 (1979) 239-258; Eng. summ. 258. 1500 Romero Pose E., Et caelum ecclesia et terra ecclesia. Exegesis ticoniana de Apocalipsis 4,1: AugRom 19 (1979) 469-486. 7501 Leveque J., Les quatre vivants de l'Apocalypse [4,6-8]: Christus 26 (P 1979) 333-9. 1502 Vanni U., II terzo 'sigillo' dell' Apocalisse (Ap. 6,5-6): simbolo dell'ingiustizia sociale?: Gregorianum 59 (1978) 691-718; Summ. 719. 7503 Grahar A., TTm: forme essentielle du culte des reliques et ses retlets dans l'iconographie paleochretienne [cfr. Apoc 6,9 subtus altare]: JSav 1978, 165-74, 6 fig. 1503* Lambrecht Jan, Apokalyps 11,1-14: uitleg en actualisatie: De sluier opgelicht? Apokalyptiek in Oud en Nieuw Testament [Lv 1979, Acco] 62-80. 7504 [Apc 12] Collins Adela Y., The Combat Myth in the Book of Revelation: Harv. Diss. Rel. 9 1976 ➔ 58s,7631: RHarvTR 69 (1976) 424; JBL 98 (1979) 461s (R. H. Mounce). 1505 Bagatti B., L'interpretazione mariana di Apocalisse 12, 1-6 nel II secolo: Marianum 40 (1978) 153-9. 1505* Delobel Joel, Commentaar op Apok. 12,1-10 / 7,1-14: Sacerdos 46 (1978s) 554-6 / 696-8. 1506 Hartingsveld L. van, Die Zahl des Tieres, die Zahl eines Menschen [die Lesarl 616, Apc 13,18]: -> 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 191-201. 1501 Weicht W., Die dem Lamme folgen. Eine Untersuchung der Auslegung von Oftb 14,1-5 in den letzten 80 Jahren (diss. R, Univ. Gregoriana) ->

o2.7 Apocalypsis, Revelation 17,9


58s,7636: RTR 75 (1979) 372-5 (H. Kraft). 7508 Garofalo Salvatore, 'Sette monti, su cui siede la donna' (Apoc 17,9): ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK, Kirche und Bibel 1979, 97-104.

o2.8 Apc 20,2 ... Millenniarismus. 7509 Clouse R. G. ed., The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views [Historie Premillennialism, G. E. Ladd; Dispensational Premillennialism, H. A. Hoyt; Postmillennialism, L. Boettner; Amillennialism, A. A. Hoekema] 1977 ➔ 58s,9356: RcalvTJ 14 (1979) 90ss (A. Kuyvenhoven). 7510 Curti Carmelo, 11 regno millennario in Vittorino di Petovio [3 sec., In Apc. cap. 20s]: AugRom 18 (1978) 419-33. 7511 Erickson M. J., Contemporary Options in Eschatology. A Study of the Millennium. GR 1977, Baker. 197 p. $7.95. 0 0-8010-3262-8. 7512 Harrison J. F. C., The Second Coming. Popular Millenarianism 17801850. London / Henley, 1979, Routledge & Kegan Paul. xvm-278 p. 7513 Lochman J. M., Chiliasmus verus: Eschatologie und Weltgestaltung in der Perspektive des [1592-1670 Jan Atnos] Comenius: TZBas 35 (1979) 275-82. 7514 Lourau Rene, Le röle du millenarisme [pas precisement biblique] dans la constitution de la ~eorie sociologique; le lapsus fun611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 505-8 ['Of course ... by direct immersion in the Christ-event']. 7544 Grant M., a) Saint Paul 1978 -->58s,6713: RExpTim 90 (1978s) 25 (1. H. Marshall); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 22 (L. O'Keefe). - b) Paulus, Apostel der Völker, tr. H. J. von Koskull, 1978 -->58s,6713: RstNTU-A 4 (1979) 160s (A. Fuchs: exegesisfremd]. 7545 Grassi Joseph A., The Secret of Paul the Apostle. Maryknoll NY 1978, Orbis. vr-170 p. $6.95 pa. 0 0-88344-454-2. - RCurrTMiss 6 (1979) 185s (R. Holst). 7546 Grayzel S., Paul: Jew and Christian: GratzColUewishSt 4 (1974) 4962. 7547 Grollenberg Luc.as, a) Die ma:.ilijke [diffi.cult]Paulus 2 rev. Baarn 1978 [11977 -->58s,6785], Ten Have. 149 p. /149. - RTsTNijm 18 (1978) 439 (A. van Schaik). - b) Paul, tr. J. Bowden. L/Ph 1978, SCM/Westminster. 179 p. f:1.95/$4.50. - RNBlackfr 60 (1979) 140s (E. Hili); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 22 (A. Trabucchi). 7548 Gunther .T• .T.,St. Paul's Opponents and Their Background: SupNT 35, 1973--> 55,4213: RRuBi 29 (1976) 337ss [S. Mfdala; etiam in FolOr 17 (1976) 296-9 .....57,5216]. 7549 Harington Joy, Paul of Tarsus 2 < HHC television series. '!'ring 1978, Lion [1Leicester 1961, Brockhampton]. 192 p., map. 0 0-85648-125-4. 7550 Hock R. F., a) Paul's Tentmaking and the Problem of his Social Class: JBL 97 (1978) 555-64. - b) The Workshop as a Social Setting for Paul's Missionary Preaching: CBQ 41 (1979) 438-450. 7551 Jervell J., Paul in the Acts of the Apostles. Tradition, History, Theology:--> 611, Kremer J., Actes 1979, 297-306. 7552 Jewett Robert, A Chronology of Paul's Life [with 1971 Paul's Anthropological Terms..-:::1964 Tü diss]. Ph 1979, Fortress [•Dating Paul's Life, L SCM]. vm-160 p., foldout. $11.95 [B.95]. 0 0-8006-0522-5. Conversion 34, death 62. 7553 Joseph M. J., The Self-understanding of Paul: Biblebhashyam 5 (1979) 165-186. Kasper W. ed., Paulus Apostat oder Apostel? Jüdische und christliche Antworten 1977 -->465; 58s,6723.


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[XIII. Paulus

7554 Kehl Robert, Der grösste Betrogene aller Zeiten? eine Übersicht über die Kontroverse Jesus und Paulus 2 rev. [1Jesus, der grösste Betrogene aller Zeiten]. Z 1978, Swedenborg. iii-60 p. 7555 Koncz Sandor, IM]A gyülekezetek szervezese, eletuk es szolgalati rendjuk a Pali levelekben [Die Organisation der Gemeinden, ihr Leben und ihre Dienstordnung in den Paulusbriefen TLZ 105,558]: Theologiai Szemle 22 (1979) 20-26. 7556 Kümmel W. G. Fs. 1, Jesus und Paulus, hg. E. Ellis 1975-> 56,2680 ... 58s,4390: RstNTU A3 (1978) 172s (A. Fuchs). 7557 Lenkey Klära, Pal es a hellenizmus: Theologiai Szemle 22 (1979) 1320. Leon-DufourXavier, Face a la mort. Jesus et Paul. Paris 1979, Seuil. 317 p. 0 2-02-005312-2. -> 6263. 7558 Lindemann Andreas, Paulus im ältesten Christentum: das Bild des Apostels und die Rezeption der paulinischen Theologie in der frühchristlichen Literatur bis Marcion [Habil. diss. Gö 1977] : BeiHistT 58. Tü 1979, Mohr. x-449p.; bibliog. 408-432. DM 148. 0 3-16-141342-3. 7559 Martone M. T., The Theme of the Conversion of Paul in Italian Paintings from the Early Christian Period to the Early Renaissance: diss. New York Univ. 1978, dir.: Colin Eis/er. 336 p. 0 7818439. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1893s-A. 7560 Meinardus 0. F. A., a) Dalmatian and Catalanian Traditions about St. Pnul's Journcys [Mnltn/Mljct nnd Spnin]: Elddesinstilcos Pharos 61 (Addis Abeba 1979) 221-230. - b) Paul's Missionary Joumey to Spain: Tradition and Folklore: BA 41 (1978) 61-63, 1 fig. 7561 Meinardus 0. F. A., St. Paul in Greece. In the Footsteps of the Saints. New Rochelle, NY 1979, C',aratzas Brothers. VT-127p. $4.95. 7562 Meyer Frederick B., Paul, a Servant of Jesus Christ. L 1978, Lakeland = 1897, Marshall-MS. 158 p. 0 0-551-00037-6. 7563 Moore R. L., Pauline Theology and the Return of the Repressed: Depth Psychology [R. L. Rubenslein, My Brother Paul 1972-+ 55,4165] and Early Christian Thought: Zygon 13 (1978) 158-68; cf. 136°57, Heuristic Value, R. Scroggs. 7564 Neilson Winthrop & Frances, The Woman Who Loved Paul. GN.Y 1978, Doubleday. 225 p. $7.95. 7565 Oliver Roman Miguel, Naturaleza y estructura de las comunidades paulinas: CommSev 11 (1978) 313-44. 7566 Ollrog Wolf-Henning, Paulus und seine Mitarbeiter. Untersuchungen zu Theorie und Praxis der paulinischen Mission (diss. Heid. 1974): WissMonANT, 50. Neuk 1979, -V. IX-282 p. DM 52. 0 3-7887-0548-5. 7566* Pardee D. (with Whitehead J. D., Dion P. E.), An Overview of Ancient Hebrew Epistolography: JBL 97 (1978) 321-46. 7567 Pereira F., The Vocation of St. Paul, Biblebhashyam 5 (1979) 226238. 7568 Perez Gordo A., Pablo lap6stol de segunda fila?: Burgense 20 (1979) 353-391. 7569 Pollack J., [g Fant'ien futi i shiht'u: An Apostle [A Life of Paul 1969-> 51,3263] Who Shook the World, tr. D. T. W. Chow. Hong Kong 1979,

G3.1 Paulus: vita, stylus


Rock House. 242 p. 7570 Pratscher W., Der Verzicht des Paulus auf finanziellen Unterhalt durch seine Gemeinden: ein Aspekt seiner Missionsweise: NTS 25 (1978s) 28498. 7571 Regner Friedemann," 'Paulus und Jesus' im 19. Jahrhundert. 1977 -> 58s,6846: REvQ 50 (1978) 123 (F. F. Bruce); NRT 100 (1978) 898ss (X. Jacques); TR 74 (1978) 380-3 (M. Rese). 7572 Ridderbos H., Paul ... tr. J. R. de Witt 1977-> 58s,6847: RJTS 29 (1978) 536ss (M. E. Thra/1); TLond 82 (1979) 62-5 (J. Houlden). 7573 Riesner Rainer, Apostolischer Gemeindebau. Die Herausforderung der paulinischen Gemeinden: ABC-team Glauben und Denken 932. Giessen/Ba 1978, Brunnen. 127p. DM 12,80. 0 3-7655-2932-X. Rivkin Ellis, A Hidden Revolution [Paul vs. Pharisees] -> 58s,b220. 7574 Rodenas A., San Pablo sometido al psicoanälisis: l, 'Un mundo paranoico'?: CuBib 37 (1977) 167-177. 7575 Sabugal Santos, a) La conversi6n de San Pablo en Damasco: l,ciudad • de Siria o regi6n de Qumrän? 1975 -> 57,5170b; 58S,6728: RRQum 9 (1978) 459-6?. (F. Sen). - b) Anälisis exegetico sobre la 'Conversi6n de San Pablo' 1976-> 57,5170a: Rcc 129 (1978,4) 616s (X. Jacques). 7576 Sanchez Jose: Saulus-Paulus: Glaube als Conversio. Eine philosophische Interpretation des Wiedergeburtsphänomens: EphCarm 28 (1977) 199-225. 7577 Sanders E. P., Paul and Pal~stinilm Jncfaism 1977 ➔ 58s,6856: RCBQ 41 (1979) 171-75 (G. W. E. Nickelsburg); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 33s (R. Smith); HistRel 18 (1978s) 177-91 (J. Neusner: hopeless and useless); JBL 98 (1979) 299s. 302s (A. J. Saldarini); JStNT 5 (1979) 67-73 (M. McNamara); JTS 29 (1978) 538-43 (G. B. Caird); NRT 101 (1979) 896ss (X. Jacques); RB 85 (1978) 122-26 (J. Murphy-O'Connor); RelStR 4 (1978) 153-60 (N. A. Dahl-S. Sandmel); SvTKv 55 (1979) 131ss (S. Westerholm); TLond 81 (1978) 235s (J. Drury); TS 39 (1978) 340s (C. Bernas). 7578 Scroggs R., Paul for a New Day 1977 ➔ :'i&s,6862:RNRT· 100 (1978) 904s (X. Jacques). 7579 Stendahl Krister, a) Paul amung Jews and Gentiles 1977 ➔ 58s,6869:. RHeythJ 19 (1978) 457s (A. M. W.); RB 85 (1978) 464s (J. MurphyO'Connor); ScotJT 32 (1979) 187s [J. D. G. Dunn (summarizing): Paul must not be taken as dealing with Luther's problems; on Damascus road he was not called from one religion to another but to a mission in Judaism. To whom a thing was said is all-important; Jesus said 'Man does not live by bread alone' but never to a hungry person (p. 106)]; TLond 81 (1978) 451s (D. Catchpo/e). - b) Der Jude Paulus und wir Heiden: Anfragen an das abendländische Christentum [Paul among Jews and Gentiles and other essays ➔ 58s,6869] tr. Ulrike Berger: KaiserTraktate 36. 143 p. DM 12,50 pa. 0 3-459-01177-7. - RFreibRu 30 (1978) 182s (H. H. Henrix). 7580 Stolle V., Der Zeuge als Angeklagter: Untersuchungen zum Paulusbild des Lukas (diss. Münster 1972 dir. K. Rengstorf): BWANT 102, 1973 -> 55,4098; 56,4351: RcBQ 41 (1979) 501ss (D. Hamm).

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[XIII. Paulus

7581 Strecker Georg, Paulus in nachpaulinischer Sicht [< Kairos 12 (1970) 208-16): ....370, Eschaton 1979, 311-9. 7582 Thuruthumaly J., The Church and the Social Concern in Pauline Writings: Biblebhashyam 4 (1978) 229-41. 7583 Tretler L. J., Paul and Judaism: The Tragedy of Conversion: BToday 100 (1979) 1901-1908. 7584 Turbessi G., L'Apötre Paul, 'homme de Dieu' (biographie spirituelle): ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 101-62. 7585 Vanni Ugo, Poverta e annuncio in Paolo: ➔ 590, Canfora G., Evangelizare pauperibus 1978, 191-205. 7586 Viard A., S. Paul 1976 ➔ 57,5427: RTLZ 104 (1979) 818ss (H. F. Weiss). 7587 Wagner G., Pour comprendre l'apötre Paul: LumVie 27 [fase. 139, S. Paul, 109 p.) (1979) 5-20; 21-29, Vouga F., Paul face aux Eglises de son temps; 31-38, Jourgon M., Paul et son destin dans l'Eglise ancienne; 39-51, Carrez M., Les contradictions theologiques dans la pensee paulinienne; 53-62 Cone J. H., Accuse Paul, levez-vous (reproches actuels); 87-9'.1, Cnllange J.-F., De Jesus de Nazareth a Paul de Tarse; --+ Stein

D. 7588 Wri!(ht N. T., The Paul of History and the Apostle of Faith (Tyndale NT Lecture 1978): TyndB 29 (1978) 61-88.

o3.2 Corpus paulinum: introductio, commentarii. 7589 Aland Kurt, a) Die Entstehlllli des Corpus Paulinum: -> 275, Neutestamentliche Entwürfe: TBüch 63 (1979) 302-350. - b) Falsche Verfasserangaben? Zur Pseudonymität im frühchristlichen Schrifttum: TR 75 (1979) 1-10; dazu 275-8 N. Brox. - c) Methodische Bemerkungen zum Corpus Paulinum bei den Kirchenvätern des zweiten Jahrhunderts: --+ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 29-48. 7590 Alberione J., A Time for faith: in the words of St. Paul. Roston 1978, St. Paul. 157 p. 7591 Aletti Jean-Nol!l, Bulletin paulinien: RechSR 67 (1979) 289-313: 11 livres. 7592 Allen Ward ed., Translating the NT Epistles 1604-11: a manuscript from King James's Westminster Company: AA 1977, Univ. Microfilms for Vanderbilt Univ. xcn-319 p. 7593 Buckley T. W., [Paul and his Writings] A Biblical Horne, College or Parish Course. Boston 1978s. 80p.; p. 81-128; 129-240; 241-351; ill. 7594 ChouraquiAndre, [Un pacte neuf: Paulos] Lettres de Paulos ... traduit et presente. P1977, Desclee-B. 285p.; maps. F48. 0 2-220-02111-4. 1595 Dahl Nils A., 0230 (= PSI 1306) and the fourth-century Greek-Latin edition of the letters of Paul: --+ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 79-98. 1596 Dalbesio A. (vita; 1-2 Cor) al., II Messaggio della Salvezza VII: Lettere di S. Paolo e Lettera agli Ebrei 1976-> 58s,6898: RRB 85 (1978) 463 (J. Murphy-O'Connor). 7597 Dhorme E. ed., Presentazione di s. Paolo [-->57,5262): Testi di san Pao-

o3.2 Corpus paulinum: introductio, commentarii


lo, san Luca, sun Girolumo, san G. Crisostomo, Bossuet, F. Prat, G. Ricciotti, A. Schweitzer, E. Renan e Gli atti di Paolo c di Tccla, L'apocalisse di san Paolo tr. F. Invcrnici, L. Giavardi: Tcstimonianzc storichc. Novara 1975, Ist. geog. De Agostini. 369 p., Lit. 3500. 7598 Faber Stapulensis Jacobus, S. Pauli epistolae XIV ex Vulgata, adiecta intelligentia ex graeco, cum commentariis [P 1512]. Stu/Bad Canstatt 1978, Frommann-Holzboog. 46 p.; 268 p.; 268 p. DM 220 (180 subscr.). RNRT 101 (1979) 886s (X. Jacques). 7599 Francis F. 0., Sampley J. P., Pauline Parallels 1975 ➔ 56,4560: RRHPR 59 (1979) 104 (M. A. Chevallier: unsuited for consultation). 7600 Käsemann Ernst, An die Römer 3 rev. [21974 ➔ 56,4589; 1 1973 ➔ 55,4314]: HbNT 8a. Tü 1974, Mohr. XVI-412p. - RSvEx 40 (1975) 143ss (H. D. Betz). 7601 Keck Leander E., Paul and his Letters: Proclamation Com. Ph 1979, Fortress. VIn-135p. $3.75 pa. 0 0-8006-0587-X. 7602 Kirchschläger W., Die Paulinischen Schriften in heutiger Sicht. Bericht über die Arbeitstagung der deutschsprachigen Neutestamentler [Salzburg] 1979: BLtg 52 (1979) 140s. 7603 Ladd G. E., Introduction a la pensee de Paul: Hokhma 10 (1979) 1836. 7604 Loeliger Carl E., A study of some of the principal terms in the Syriac Peshitta text of the Pauline epistles and their theological significance: diss. Melbourne 1970. 7605 Lohse B., Beobachtungen zum Paulus-Kommentar des Marius Victorinus und zur Wiederentdeckung des Paulus in der lateinischen Theologie des vierten Jahrhunderts: ---+10, Fi;. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 351-366. 7606 MacCarthaigh Seim (Ö Murchu Mäirtin), Pol Aspal: litreacha Naomh. Pol. Maynooth 1977, An Sagart. 297 p. f2. 7607 Meagher J., The Way of the Word: The ßeginning and Establishing of Christian Understanding [Pauline Writings; the Gospels] 1975 '-> 57,640: RsR 6 (1976s) 304s (T. Prenderf?ast). 7608 Morton Andrew Q., Literary Detection. How to prove authorship and fraud in literary documents. NY/L 1978, Scribner's. xm-223 p. 165-83 Authorship of the Pauline Ep1stles Lonly fourJ. 7609 Mueller Hermann, Die Kraft des Wortes Gottes nach den paulinischen Hauptbriefen [diss. 1973 ➔ 55,4244; 56,4500], Auszug. R 1976, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum. 70 p. 7610 Nautin P., La date des commentaires de Jeröme sur les epi'tres pauliniennes: RHE 74 (1979) 5-12: Phm Gal Eph: 4 mois 386 [pille d'Origene p. 11s] : 'A vec une telle methode, on comprend ... '. 7611 Norden Rudolph F., The Wisdom of Paul [Selections]. St. Louis 1973, Concordia. 64 p. $0.75. 0 0-570-03165-6. 7612 O'Brien P. T., Introductory Thanksgivings in the Letters of Paul: NTSup 49, 1977 ➔ 58s,6901: RCBQ 41 (1979) 489s (L. T. Johnson); JAAR 46 (1978) 582 (M. T. Noorwood, Jr.); JBL 98 (1979) 303s (H. Boers); JTS 30 (1979) 537ss (J; E. Morgan-Wynne); RefTR 37 (1978) 85s (L. Morris); TLZ 104 (1979) 823ss (W. Schenk). 7613 Popowski Remigiusz, a) 00 Struktura ... Semantic structure of the neol-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XIII. Paulus

ogisms in the letters of Paul of Tarsus. Lublin 1978, Tow. Naukowe KUL. 168 p. zl. ll0. - b) [K] Certains symptömes de la fonction poetique des ~eologismes dans les epitres de St. Paul: RoczHum 20 (1972) 2330. 7614 Quinzio Sergio, Un commento alla Bibbia IV, Sulle lettere di Paolo, le lettere Cattoliche e l'Apocalisse 1976 -> 57,5394: Rsa1 41 (1979) 902s (C. Bissoli: originale). 7615 Richards Hubert, St. Paul and bis Epistles. A new introduction. L 1979, Darton-LT. 152 p. :E2.50. 7616 Rolston H., The Apostle Paul Speaks to Us Today [=Consider Paul 1951]. Atlanta 1979, Knox. 211 p. $4.25 pa. 0 0-8042-0202-8. 7617 Schenke H.-M., Fischer K. M., Einleitung in die Schriften des NTs I. Die Briefe des Paulus und Schriften des Paulinismus. Gü 1978, Mohn [-> 58s,6906]: 267 p. DM 28. 0 3-579-04074-X. - RBLtg 52 (1979) 219s (A. Fuchs); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 168ss [A. F11chs]. 7618 Sibbes Richard, Expositions of St. Paul's Epistles: E 1977 = 1864, Banner of Truth. 540 p. :E4. · 7619 Sze/est Hanna, [K] Des recherches sur le rythme des Epitres de St. Paul: RoczHum 20 (1972) 61-70. G3.3 Pauli theologia. 7620 Alsup J. E., Eschatology and Ethics in Paul: Austin Seminary Bulletin 94 (1978) 40-52. 7621 Alves M. I., 11 cristiano in Cristo. Studio sulla presenza del fedele davanti a Dio secondo S. Paolo. Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici 1977s. - ActaPTB 8,5 (1978s) 382. 7622 Barriola M. A., El Espiritu Santo y 1a Praxis Cristiana. El tema del camino en la teologia de San Pablo. Montevideo 1977, Inst. Teol. Uruguay. XXVI-434p. 7623 Basslcr Jouette, The lmpartiulity of God: Puul ... diss. Yule. NH 1979. 7624 Baumbach G., Die Schöpfung in der Theologie der Paulus: Kairos 21 (1979) 196-205. 7625 Baumgarten Jörg, Paulus und die Apokalyptik 1975 -> 57,5237; 58s,6741: RTLZ 104 (1979) 366-70 (Yv. Harnisch). 7626 Berkhof Hendrikus, Christ and the Powers [Christus en de machten] tr. J. H. Yoder2• Scottdale PA 1977, Herald. 79 p. 0 0-8361-1820-0. 7627 Retz Otto, Die heilsgeschichtliche Rolle Israels bei Paulus: TBei 9 (1978) 1-21. 7628 Cantinat J., Reflexions sur la resurrection de Jesus (d'apres saint Paul et saint Marc) 1978 -> 58s,6317: RCBQ 41 (1979) 641s (E. L. Bode); EsprVie 88 (1978) 686 (L. Walter). 7629 Carrez Maurice, J. S. Vos: Traditiongeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur paulinischen Pneumatologie: RQum 9,3 (1978) 455-7. Carril/oAlday G., El Espiritu Santo en el coraz6n del creyente: las Epistolas de San Pablo 1978. -> 9026.

o3.3 Pauli theologia


7630 Cornelissen R. J. F., In dienst van de Geest: theologische bezinning op het hedendaagse pastoraat: Ts'l'Nijm 19 (1979) 28-46; 34-39 Paulus; 47 summ. At the Service of the Spirit: a Reorientation of Pastoral Worlc, tr. D. Le Fort. 7631 Cullmann Oscar, a) La priere selon les Epitres pauliniennes: EcYbTantur (1977s) 67-82. - b) Conference donnee a l'Universite d'Athenes le 11 mai 1978: TZBas 35 (1979) 90-101. - c) Les consequences ethiques de la perspective paulinienne du temps de l'Eglise: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 559-74. 7632 Festorazzi Franco, Originalitä della morale cristiana secondo San Paolo: ➔ 617, Lorenzi L. De, Dimensions 1979, 237-59. 7633 Fitzmyer J. A., The Gospel in the Theology of Paul: Interpr 33 (1979) 339-350. 7634 Ford J. M., Paul the Teacher .of Israel, Prophet, and Rebellious Eider: ➔ 153, Durken D., Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit 1979, 289-306. 7635 Froitzheim Franzjosef, Christologie und Eschatologie bei Paulus: Diss. Freiburg 1977, dir. H. Schlier: [1.Traditionelle Formen eschatologischer Erwartung in der christol. Zuspitzung durch Paulus (... Exeg. Probe: 1 Kor 7,25-35); 11. Kreuz und Auferweckung Jesu Christi als eschatol. Selbsterweis Gottes zum Heil. ; lll. Eschatol. Existenz als Olelchgestaltung mit dem Geschick Jesu (Phip 3)]: ForBib 35. Stu/Wü 1979, Kath. Bibelwerk/Echter. xn-283 p.; bibliog. 266-281. 7636 Gaffin R. B., The Centrality of the Resurrection: a Study in Paul's Soteriology (< 1969 diss. Ph Westminster Sem.). GR 1978, Baker. 155 p. $4.95 pa. 0 0~8010-3726-3. 7637 Giavini G., La teologia paolina nella sintesi di G. Eichholz [Brescia 1977]: RivB 27 (1979) 115-121. 7638 Gindele Egon, Corpus Christi. Ein Beitrag zur Genese eines Grundbegriffs der kirchlichen Rechtsgeschichte von Paulus bis Humbert von Silva Candida: Diss. Tü 1979 dir. C. Vogt. 7639 Grech Prosper, Christological Motives in Pauline Ethics: ➔ 618, Mem. PATTT. VT, Paul de Tarse 1979, i41-iiR. Gundry R. H., Soma in Biblical Theology with Emphasis on Pauline Anlhrnpulugy 1976 ➔ 9146. 7640 Halter Hans, Taufe und Ethos. Paulinische Kriterien für das Proprium christlicher Moral: FrTSt 106, 1977 ➔ 58s,6789: RFranzSt 61 (1979) 94ss (N. Hartmann); NRT 100 (1978) 905s (X. Jacques); RuBi 32 (1979) 172s (A. F. Diuba); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 204 (J. Ghoos). Heine S., Leibhafter Glaube: ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der theologischen Konzeption des Paulus 1976 ➔ 9183. 7641 Henley J. A., Eschatology and Community in the Ethics of Paul: AustralBR 27 (1979) 24-44. 7642 Hoffmann Paul, Die Toten in Christus: eine religionsgeschichtliche und exegetische Untersuchung zur paulinischen Eschatologie3 .[ < Der Christ zwischen Tod und Auferstehung nach der Auffassung des Paulus, Diss. München 1959]: NTAbh NF 2. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. 376 p. DM 48. 0 3-402-03619-3. 7643 Hoover H., The Concept of New Creation in the Letters of Paul: diss.


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Iowa 1979. 7644 Hübner H., Das Gesetz bei Paulus: ein Beitrag zum Werden der paulinischen Theologie: FRLANT, 119, 1978 --> 58s,6800: RCBQ 41 (1979) 650ss (F. T. Fallon); JStNT 1 (1978) 70ss (D. R. de Lacey); ScotJT 32 (1979) 484s (J. K.. Riches); SvEx 44 (1979) 194-9 (S. Westerholm angl.); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 195 (A. van Schaik); TZBas 35 (1979) 121ss (U. Luz). 7645 Jüngel Eberhard, a) Paulus und Jesus. Eine Untersuchung zur Präzisierung der Frage nach dem Ursprung der Christologie: HermUnT, 2. Tü 1979, Mohr. xi-319 p. [4 1972 ... 54,4364]. - b) Paolo e Gesu. Alle origini della Cristologia, tr. R. Bazzano: Biblioteca teologica, 13. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 381 p. Lit. 12.000. 1646 Kelleher S., The Concept of Salvation in St. Paul: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 135-151. 7647 KennedyGerald T., St. Paul's Conception of the Priesthood of Melchisedech: an historico-exegetical investigation: diss. theol. 2/63. Wsh 1951, Catholic University of America. v-153 p. 7648 Kern Walter, Mein Glaube - und die: Ande:re:n.ßihlische Üherle:gungen mit dem Apostel Paulus: GeistLeb 52 (1979) 454-63. 1649 Kertelge Karl, Dikaiosyne, dikaioö: ... 880, ExWNT 1, 784-786-810. 1650 Klein Günter, Sündenverständnis und theologia crucis bei Paulus: --> 63, Fs. F.. 0TNKT.RR 1979, 249-282. 7651 Krentz Edgar, The Spirit in Pauline and Johannine Theology: ... 494, Opsahl P., Holy Spirit 1978, 47-65. 1652 Lacey D. R. de, Image and Incarnation in Pauline Christology: a Search for Origins (Tyndale NT Lecture 1976): TyndB 30 (1979) 3-28. 1653 Langkammer H., [R:]VT ut opus divinum salvificum in Christo (De technica hermeneutica in theologia S. Pauli): RuBi 32 (1979) 14-22. 7654 Legido Lopez M., La iglesia del Seftor. Un estudio de eclesiologia paulina: Bibliullu:1.:asalmanticensis, est. 20. Salamanca 1978, Univ. Pont. 659 p. 1500 ptas. 1655 Lindemann Andreas, a) Paulinische Theologie im Brief an Dioenet: --> 10, Fs C. ANDRESEN, Kerygma und Logos 1979, 337-50. - b) Die Rede von Gott in der paulinischen Theologie: TGl 69 (1979) 357-76. 1656 Lohse E., Sola fide: --> 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 47383. 1651 Luz Ulrich, Einleitung / Eschatologie und Friedenshandeln bei Paulus / Auswertung der exegetischen Beiträge / (mit G. Liedke) Übersicht über die exegetischen Einzelstudien: .....477, Liedke Eschatologie 1978, II 1-10 / 11-60 / 225-281 / 299-319 / 283-298. 7658 Malan F. S., The Relationship between Apostolate and Office in the Theology of Paul: Neotest 10 (1976) 63-68. 1659 Martini Carlo M., I fn1tti dello Spirito nell'antropologia paolina: in, T Frutti dello Spirito: Servitium, quaderni di spiritualita 1 (Casale Monferrato 1979, Marietti) 5-12. 1660 Merk/ein H., Die Ekklesia Gottes. Der Kirchenbegriff bei Paulus [lokal] und in Jerusalem [universal] (Hab.-Schr. Würzburg 1976): BZ 23 (1979) 48-70. 7661 Meyer Paul W., The Holy Spirit in the Pauline Letters: A Contextual

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Exploration: Interpr 33 (1979) 3-18. 7662 Moore R. L., Pauline Theology and the Return of the Repressed: Depth Psychology and Early Christian Thought: Zygon 13 (Ch 1978) 158-168. ➔ 7563. 7663 Mühlberger S., Hoffen auf Leben. Ein Arbeitsheft zu Ostertexten aus Briefen des NT: GesprB 7. Klosterneuburg 1979, ÖstKBW. 48 p. Sch 48/DM 7,20. 0 3-85396-026-6. Müller C., Die Erfahrung der Wirklichkeit: Hermeneutisch-exegetische Versuche mit besonderer Berücksichtigung alttestamentlicher und paulinischer Theologie 1978 ➔ 58s,7835. 7664 Mussner F., Theologie der Freiheit nach Paulus: QDisp 75, 1976 ➔ 57,5332; 58s,6832: RRivB 27 (1979) 227s (L. De Lorenzi). 7665 Nebe G., 'Hoffnung' bei Paulus: Sprachliche und theologische Untersuchungen zu elp{s und ihren Synonymen: Diss. Heidelberg 1976. 354+329 p. 7666 Osten-Sacken P. von der, a) Das Evangelium als Einheit von Verheissung und Gesetz. Grundzüge paulinischer Theologie: TViat 14 (1977s) 87108. - b) Die paulinische theologia crucis als Form apokalyptischer Theologie: EvT 40 (1979) 477-96. - c) Paulus und das Gesetz: VeröfInstKiJud 8 (1978) 59-66, 7667 Pathrapankal J., The Divided Man and Divided Mankind according to .St. Paul: Bihlehhashyam 1 (1975) 210-222. 7668 Paulus en de oudste gemeenten. Een keuze uit het NT. Amst 1976, Ned. Bijbelgenootschap. 154 p. /7.50. 7669 Pregeant R., Grace and Recompense: Reflections on a Pauline Paradox: JAAR 47 (1979) 73-96. 7670 Quattrone A., La pneumatologia paolina nel trattato 'De Spiritu Sancto' di Didimo Alessandrino, III-IV: RegnDei (Theat) 8 (1952) 140-52; 9 (1953) 81-88. 7671 Ridderbos H., Paul: An Oulline uf His Theulugy 1977 ➔ 58::,,6847: REvQ 50 (1978) 41ss (A. S. Wood); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 152 (J. D. G. Dunn); HeythJ 20 (1979) 350 (L. H. C.); JEvTSoc 22 (1979) 363-371; Themelios 4 (1979) 107s (J. LaGrand, Jr.). 7672 RobinsonJ. A. T., The Body: A Study in Pauline Theology. Ph 1977, Westminster [=StBTh: L 1957, SCM]. x-95 p. $3.95. 0 0-664-24149-2. RJAAR 46 (1978) 370s (P. J. Cahill: outdated). 7673 Schipper J. M., Gesetz: Aporie einer Kategorie Luthers. Diss. Göttingen 1976. m-257 + 106 p. 7674 Schlier Heinrich (t 26.12.1978), Grundzüge einer paulinischen Theologie. Fr etc. 1978, Herder. 224 p. DM 38 pa. 0 3-451-18159-2. - RBLtg 52 (1979) 76-79 (A. Stöger); ColcT 49,3 (1979) 206s (S. Moysa); Iren 52 (1979) 588 (G. B.); TPhil 54 (1979) 310ss (W. Löser); TR 75 (1979) 369ss (H. C. C. Cavallin); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 304 (L. Gro/lenberg). 7675 a) Schoeps Hans-Joachim, Paul, the Theology of the Aposlle in the Light of Jewish Religious History [1959, tr. H. Knight 1961]. Ph 1979, Westminster. 303 p. $7.95 pa. 0 0-664-24273-1. - b) Lindeskog G., Der Beitrag von Hans-Joachim Schoeps zur Paulusforschung: ZRGG 31 (1979) 27-47: Paulus 1959: Paul's idea of the law was wrong. 7676 Schunack G., Die theologische Autorität des Apostels: ➔ 507, Sola


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Scriptura 1977, 124-140. 7677 Scroggs R., The Heuristic Value of a Psychoanalytic Model in the Interpretation of Pauline Theology: Zygon 13 (Ch 1978) 136-157. 7678 Sessolo P., Bleibende Bedeutung der paulinischen 'Gebote': EuntDoc 32 (1979) 191-210. 7679 Shoemaker Harold S., Christ and the Principalities and Powers in Representative Twentieth Century American Theologians: diss. Southem Baptist Theo!. Sem. 1978, dir. David L. Mueller. 302 p. 0 7823368. DissA 39 (1978s) 3655A. 7680 St~pien Jan K, ~ Teologia Swi~tego Pawla: Man and Church in God's Salvation Plan [in Paul]. Wsz 1979, Akad. Teol. Kat. 542 p. zl 220. 7681 Strecker G., a) Autonome Sittlichkeit und das Proprium der christlichen Ethik bei Paulus [R. Hasenstab, Modelle paulinischer Ethik ... TübTSt II]: TLZ 104 (1979) 865-872. - b) Befreiung und Rechtfertigung. Zur Stellung der Rechtfertigungslehre in der Theologie des Paulus [< Fs. E. KÄSEMANN, Rechtfertigung 1976, 479-508]: ->370, Eschaton 1979, 229259. 7682 Subilia V., La giustificazione per la fede 1976 ➔ 57,6723: RRivB 26 (1978) 97-101 (G. Giavini). 7683 Synofzik Ernst, Die Gerichts- und Vergeltungsaussagen bei Paulus: eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung: GöTArb 8, 1977 ➔ 58s,6873: RcBQ 40 (1978) 645s (L. T. Johnson); JBL 98 (1979) 452ss (C. J. Roet. zel); NRT 100 (1978) 903s (X. Jacques); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 337s (T. C. de Kruijf). 7684 Tarazi N., Witnessing the Dynamics of Salvation [ ... Paul]: Procesverbaux du 2e Congres de Theologie Orthodoxe a Athenes ... 1976, publ. par les soins de S. Ch. Agourides (Athenes 1978) 272-83; commentaires par F. Berki: 284-85, J. Meyendorjf (anglice): 288-91. 7685 Todeasi:i C., Rolul credintei in procesul mintuirii dupä Sf. Apostol Pavel: The Role of Faith in the Process of Salvation acc. S. Paul: Mitropolia Ardealului 1978/7ss, 511-23. 7686 Vellanickal M., The Pauline Doctrine of Christian Sonship, Biblebhashyam 5 (1979) 187-207. "/681 ViezUlanu D., Moartea si invierea Mintuitorului [mors et resurrectio Salvatoris] Iisus Hristos in lumina epistolelor pauline: Studii Teologice (1977) 660-671. 7688 Vos J. S., Traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zur paulinischen Pneumatologie 1973 ➔ 55,4277 ... 57,5364: RRQum 9 (1978) 455ss (M. Carrez). 7689 WansbroughH., Risen from the Dead [Christ's Resurrection in Paul & the Gospels] 1978. - RHeythJ 20 (1979) 192ss (G. O'Collins). 7690 Weber H.-R., The Cross, Tradition and Interpretation [ ... in Paul] L 1979, SPCK :El.50. - RTablet 233 (1979) 402 (H. Wansbroiigh).

G3.5 Alia themata paulina: Paul varia. 7691 Alfonsi L., San Paolo e il ruolo della eta: Sileno 2 (1976) 331s. 7692 Alves M. 1., II cristiano in Cristo. Studio sulla presenza del fedele

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davanti a Dio secondo S. Paolo: diss. Pont. Instituti Biblici 1979, dir; S. Lyonnet. x-373 p.; n•-93 p.; 67-93, bibliog. 7693 Balthasar Hans Urs von, Le complexe antiromain (prefigure a Corinthe par un complexe 'antipaulinien ']. Essai sur les structures societales, tr. sr. Willibrorda 1976 ➔ 58s,6493: RNVet 54, (1979) 67-77 (H. de Riedmatten); RThom 78 (1978) 137-40 (M. Labourdette: beau). 7694 Barclay William, The One, New Man: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADD, Unity and Diversity 1978, 73-81. 7695 Bellinato G., a) A justifica~äo e a alegria cristä nas cartas paulinas. b) Na espera do Senhor, o ardor da caridade nas cartas paulinas: Serie Biblica 4s. Sao Paulo 1978, Loyola. 44 p./48 p. 7696 Benoit Pierre, Genese et evolution de la pensee paulinienne: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 75-100. 7697 Benz E., Akzeleration der Zeit als geschichtliches und heilsgeschichtliches Problem [im NT, insbes. Paulus ... ]: AbhMainz 1977, 2. Wb 1977, Steiner. 53 p. 7698 Bjerkelund C. J., 'Vergeblich' als Missionsergebnis bei Paulus: ➔ 52, God's Christ & His People, Fs. N. A. Dahl 1977, 175-191. 7699 Borelli Giovanni, Schiavitu e liberazione in Paolo e nella dialettica marxista: Biblioteca di studi storico-teologici 8. Genova 1978, Lanterna. 159 p. 7700 Bouwman Gijs, Paulus en de anderen: Cahiers voor levensverdieping 27. Averbode 1978, Abdij. 254 p. 7701 Braun Harald, Mitmenschliches Helfen in den Briefen des Apostels Paulus: Diss. Fr 1978, dir. Völkl. 183 p. - TR 74 (1978) 510. 7702 Brunt J. C., Paul's Attitude toward and Treatment of Problems Involving Dietary Practice. A Case Study in Pauline Ethics: diss. Emory. Atlanta 1978. - DissA 39 (1978) 2349A-2350A. 7703 Buga Ioan, Personalitatea patriarhului Avraam oglinditä in epistolele Sf. Apostol Pavel: Studii Teologice 30 (Bucure~ti 1978) 193-204. 7704 Cambier Jules-M., Paul de Tarse, un homme libre, nous interpelle aujourd'hui: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, 1979, 751-94. 7705 Coolidge John S., The Pauline basis of the concept of Scriptural form in Irenaeus: CHH colloquy 8, 1973. Berkeley CA 1975, CHH. 59 p. 7706 Dabelstein R., Die Beurteilung der 'Heiden' bei Paulus. Diss. Heidelberg 1976. 2 Teile: 203 p.; 203 p. 7707 Dahl N. A., Studies in Paul 1977, (2 unpublished essays, 9 now first in English] -+ 58s,6764: RExpTim 90 (1978s) 25s (D. Hili); NRT 101 (1979) 588s (X. Jacques). 7708 Dahl Nils A., Sandmel Samuel, [On] E. P. Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judaism [1977 ➔ 58s,6856]; a comparison of patterns of religion: RelStR 4 (1978) 153-160. 7709 Dennison W. D., Indicative and Imperative: the Basic Structure of Pauline Ethics: CalvTJ 14 (1979) 55-78. 7710 Eckert J ., Zeichen und Wunder in der Sicht des Paulus und der Apg: TrierTZ 88 (1979) 19-:n. 7711 Eichholz G., El evangelio de Pablo. Esbozo de la teologia paulina: BiblEstBib 17, 1977-+ 58s,6770: RcommSev 11 (1978) 113s (M. de Burgos); RelCult 24 (1978) 127 (A. Gilde Santivaiies). 33. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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7712 Enslin Morton S., Reapproaching Paul 1972 ➔ 55,4200; 56;4453a: RJAAR 43 (1975) 320s (J. C. Little). 7713 Epp Eldon J., Paul's Diverse Imageries of the Human Situation and his Unifying Theme of Freedom: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADo, Unity and Diversity 1978, 100-116. 7714 Festorazzi F., Coherence and Value of the OT in Paul's Thought: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 165-173. 7715 Fredricksen Paula L., Augustine's Early Interpretation of Paul, 386-398: diss. Princeton 1979. 427 p. 0 7919772. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1538s-A. 7716 Fuchs E., a) Die Logik des paulinischen Glaubens < Geist und Geschichte der Reformation, Fs. H. RücKERT1966, 1-14. - b) Die Wahrheit des Glaubens < Fs. W. WEISCHEDEL, Denken im Schatten des Nihilismus 1975, 441-450 [I. Die Wahrheit des Evangeliums des Paulus; II. Der johanneische Logos < Jn l >]: ➔ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 211-221 / 251-259. 7717 Furnish Victor P., The Moral Teaching of Paul: Selected Issues. Nv 1979, Abingdon. 143 p. $4.95 pa. - RcalvTJ 17 (1979) 226-32 (A. Verhey). 7718 Garofalo Salvatore, Un chef d'reuvre pastoral de Paul: la collecte [2 Cor 8,1-9,15):-,. 618, Mcm. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 575-93. 7719 Gnilka J., La rclation entre la responsabilite communautaire et l'autorite ministerielle d'apres le NT, en tenant compte specialement du 'corpus paulinum': ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 457-70. 7720 Gonzalez Ruiz J. M., El evangelio de Pablo 1977 ➔ 58s,6782a: RRelCult 24 (1978) 270 (R. de la Torre). 7721 Greeven H., Propheten, Lehrer, Vorsteher bei Paulus. Zur Frage der "Ämtyr" im Urchristentum 58s,6842c: RProt 34 (1979) 241ss (P. Ribet). 7742 Penna Romano, a) 'L'evangile de la paix':--> 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 175-199. - b) I1 'mysterion' paolino, traiettoria e costituzione: RivB Sup. 10, 1978 --> 58s,6842a: RscuolC 107 (1979) 168s (G. Giavini). 7743 Pereira F., Prayer in St. Paul: Biblebhashyam 5,1 (1979) 40-62. 7745 Pesch R., Peter in the Mirror of Paul's Letters: -->618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 291-309. 7746 Räisänen Heikki, Zum Gebrauch von epithymia und epithymefn bei Paulus: ST 33 (1979) 85-99. 7747 Reese J. M., Paul Proclaims the Wisdom of the Cross: Scandal and Foolishness: BibTB 9 (1979) 147-153. 7748 Richardson P., Pnul's Ethic of Freedom. Ph 1979, Westminster. 181 p. $6.95. 0 0-664-24261-8. 7749 Roberts J. H., Can Church Offices Be Founded in Paul?: Neotest 10


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[XIII. Paulus

(1976) 1-19. 7750 Rossano P., La communication de l'~vangile selon saint Paul: - 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 641-654. 7751 Rumak Jerzy, [fl Mistyka ... The mysticism of St. Paul the Apostle. Assisi 1977, Porziuncola. 624 p.; bibliog. 611-6. 7752 Sa/as A., El hombre en S. Pablo: VerVid 36 (1978) 333-346. 7753 Samp/ey J. P., Roman Law and Paul's Conception of the Christian Community: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL,God's Christ & His People 1977, 158174. 7754 Samsel Edward, La chiesa come comunita dei santi secondo San Paolo. R 1973. 66p. 7755 Sanders J. A., Torah and Paul: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL,God's Christ & His People 1977, 132-40. 7756 Sche/kle K. H., Im Leib oder ausser des Leibes: Paulus als Mystiker: TüTQ 158 (1978) 285-93. 7757 Schottroff L., Der Glaubende und die feindliche Welt. Beobachtungen zum gnostischen Dualismus u. seiner Bedeutung für Paulus und das Johannes-Evangelium 1976 ➔ 52,3614 ... 55,4261: RHenoch 1 (1979) 406s (L. Mora/di). 7758 Schütz John H., Paul and the Anatomy of Apostolic Authority 1975 ➔ 57,5350; 58s,6861: RTLZ 103 (1978) 654ss (J. Rolo.ff). 7759 Siotis M. A., La r.hrest/Jtes de Dieu selon l'Apötre Paul: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 201-232. 7760 Skrinjar A., 'Gnosis' u NZ, osobito kod sv. Pavla: 'Gnosis' im NT, zumal in den Paulusbriefen: ObnZiv 34 (1979) 102-128. 129 summ. 7761 StamatP Marin, Tdei moral-sociale in epistolele pauline: Studii Teolo&i,ce 29 (1977) 123-133. 7762 Stanley D., Significance for Paul of Jesus' Earthly History: ➔ 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 279-88. 7763 Steininger Annemarie, Die Funktion transzendenter Aussagen über Jesus in den echten Paulusbriefen: diss. Salzburg 1977 ➔ 58s,6868*: dir. Beilner; TR 74 (1978) 514. 7764 Theissen G., Legitimation und Lebensunterhalt: ein Beitrag zur Soziologie urchristlicher Missionare [ ... Exkurs: Korinth] < NTS 21 (1974s) 192-321: ➔ y74, 1979, 201-230. 7765 Toivanen Aarne, Die Wortfamilie 'Dikaiosyne' in den paulinischen Briefen: ➔ 132, Fs. H. KOCH,Theokratia 3, 1979, 68-80. 7766 Tudor Alexandru, Sobomicitatea Bisericii [collegialitas Ecclesiae] in epistolele pauline: Studii Teologice 30 (1979) 587-602. 7767 Türcke C., Zum ideologiekritischen Potential der Theologie: Konsequenzen einer materialistischen Paulus-Interpretation: Gesellschafts- und Naturwissenschaften 8. Köln 1979, Pahl-Rugenstein. 133 p. DM 18. 7768 Vielhauer P., Paulus und das AT [=Fs. E. Bizer 1969, 33-62): ➔ 374, Oikodome 1979, 196-228. 7769 Wallis W. B., The Pauline Conception of Old Covenant: Presbyterion 4 (St. Louis 1978) 71-83. 7770 WaltPr N., Christus&Iaube und heidnische Reli&i,ositätin paulinischen Gemeinden: Vortrag Paris Meeting 1978: NTS 25 (1978s) 422-442.

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7771 Whiteley D. E. H., Death and the Care of the Bereaved: ... 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul ,lt: Tarse 1979, 721-49. 7772 Wuellner Wilhelm H., a) Greek Rhetoric and Pauline Argumentation: -> 91, Fs. R. GRANT1979, 177-88. - b) Toposforschung und Torainterpretation bei Paulus und Jesus: NTS 24 (1977s) 463-83. 7773 Yagi S., Das Ich bei Paulus und Jesus - zum neutestamentlichen Denken: AnJapBI 5 (1979) 133-153. o4 Ad Romanos 1. Textus, commentarii.

7774 Aland Kurt, Der Schluss und die ursprüngliche Gestalt des Römerbriefes: -> 275, TBüch 63 (1979) 284-301. 7775 Althaus Paul, Der Brief an die Römer übersetzt und erkl!lrt13 : NTD 6. Gö 1978 6 1949, VR. 1:'59p. + 6p. nM 13,7.0pft. 0 Vi7.5-51317-8. 7776 Boor Werner de, Der Brief des Paulus an die Römer, erklärt7 : WuStudienbibel. Wu 1979, Brockhaus. 368 p. DM 22 (15,80 pa). 0 3-417-25179.

7777 Bruce F. F., L'epistola di Paolo ai Romani [1971 -> 53,3893]. R/T 1979, G.B.U./Claudiana. 355 p. Lit 7.500. 7778 Cocchini Francesca, Origene. Commento alla lettera ai Romani. Annuncio pasquale. Polemica antieretica. L'Aquila 1979, Japadre. 200p.; bibliog. 191-7. 7779 Cranfleld C. E. B., a) Romans I eh. 1-8: ICC-NS 1975 -> 57,5409; 58s,6914: RAustralBR 26 (1978) 44s (N. M. Watson). - b) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans II. Commentary on Romans IX-XVI and Essays: TCC-NS. E 1979, Oark. x + p. 445-927. fä,50. 0 0-567-05041-6. 7780 Domanyi Thomas, Der Römerbrietkommentar des Thomas von Aquin: Ein Beitrag zur Untersuchung seiner Auslegungsmethoden (diss. Basel 1977): BaBernSt, 39. Bern 1979, Lan11;.285 p. Fs. 52 pa. 0 3-261-031522. 7781 Gamble HarryJ, The Textual History of the Letter to the Romans: A Study in Textual and Literary Criticism: Studies .& Documents 42, 1977 -> 58s,6921: RAndrUnSS 16 (1978) 412ss (D. Kubo); CBQ 41 (1979) 156s (G. D. Fee); Interpr 32 (1978) 437, 440, 442 (W. H. Kelber); JBL 97 (1978) 305 (L. W. Hurtado). 7782 Girardin B., Rhetorique et Theologique. Calvin: Le Commentaire de l'Epitre aux Romains: Theologie Historique 54. P 1979, Beauchesne. 395 p.; bibliog. 11-30. F 99. 7783 Grosche Robert t 1968, hg. Hungs F.-J., Kommentar zum Römerbrief. 1975. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 878ss (W. Becker). 7784 Käsemann Ernst, An die Römer 3• Tü 1978 = 1974 [➔ 58s,6928], Mohr = oB 1978, Ev.-V. XV-411p. 7785 Kertelge Karl, The Epistle to the Romans [1971 ➔ 53,3912, tr. F. Mc Donagh: [L/NY 1972, Sheed & W/Herder & Herder] with Schneider Gerhard, The Epistle to the Romans and Galatians: NT for Spiritual Reading 6. L 1977, Sheed & W. 304p. :E3.50.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIII. Paulus

7786 Kuss Otto, Der Römerbrief übersetzt und erklärt [cf. --> 58s,6933]. Rg 1978, Pustet. XIV-935p. - RFreibRu 30 (1978) 158ss (P.-G. Müller). 7787 LUTHERMartin: a) Delius H.-U., Vorlesung über den Römerbrief, 1515s (Auswahl): --> 480, Luther 1979 p. 97-152. - b) Nielsen C. & B. F., Portale til Romerbrevet: en gennemgang av brevets hovedbegreper: Menighedsfakultets Skrifter 3. Arhus 1978. 23 p. 7788 Maddalena Antonio, La lettera ai Romani 1. La miseria dell'uomo; 2. 11 Vangelo della Grazia 1974s --> 56,4595: RTLZ 103 (1978) 660ss (K. Weiss). 7789 Meader C. D., A Gothic-Greek-English Dictionary of the Gothic Version of Paul's Letter to the Romans. Diss Pennsylvania State Univ. 1978, dir. E. A. Ebbinghaus. 353 p. 0 7909103. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6102-A. 7790 Michel Otto, Der Brief an die Römer 5 = 14 rev.: KrExKomNT 4. Gö 1978, 1 1955, VR. 506p. DM 78. 0 3-525-51635-5. - RStNTU-A 4 (1979) 151ss (A. Fuchs). 7791 Morton Andrew Q., A Critical Concordance to the Letter of Paul to the Romans. Wooster, Ohio 1977, Biblical Research. 7792 Payne J., Erasmus, Interpreter of Romans: Sixteenth Century Essays and Studies, ed. by C. S. Meyer, vol. 2 (Saint Louis, MO 1971, the Foundation for Reformation Research). 7793 Poovey W. A., Faith is the Password: Meditations on Romans. Minneapolis 1979, Augsburg. 127 p. $3.50 pa. 7794 Rcithmayr Franz X., Commentar zum Briefe an die Römer [Rg 1845]. Fra 1976, Minerva. xu-788 p. 7795 Robinson John A. T., Wrestling with Romans. L/Ph 1979, SCM/Westminster. xu-148 p. $5.95. 0 0-664-24275-8. 7796 Romaniuk K., La justice de Dieu dans l'Epitre de saint Paul aux Romains: [cf. --> 58s, 6945] ColcT 47 (numero special 1977) 139-148. 7797 Romaniuk Kazimierz lfl List do Rzymian ... introd., tr., comm: Pismo swi~te NTu. Poznan/Wsz 1978, Pallottinum. 349 p. zi 140. 7798 Schlier Heinrich, Der Römerbrief: HerdTKomNT 6, 1977 --> 58s,6949 „ Lp 1978, St. Benno [Fr 21979, Herder, DM 98]: RCBQ 41 (1979) 347ss (M. A. Getty); NRT 100 (1978) 888ss (X. Jacques); Sal 40 (1978) 191s (J. Picca); TLZ 103 (1978) 849-56 (U. Wilckens); TS 40 (1979) 354ss (J. A. Fitzmyer). 7799 Wilckens Ulrich, Zum Römerbrietkommentar von Heinrich Schlier [1977]: TLZ 103 (1978) 849-56. 7800 Torti Giovanni, La lettera ai Romani: StBPaid 41, 1977 --> 58s,6954: Rcc 130 (1979,1) 611 (N. Uricchio); NRT 100 (1978) 890 (X. Jacques); RHE 74 (1979) 554s (J.-M. Cambier). 7801 Voskresenskij G. Hg., Auszüge aus der Gennadius-Bibel: (1499) Teilnachdruck der Ausgabe Sergiev Posad (1892, 1906, 1908), 2: Die Briefe an die Römer, Korinther, Galater und Epheser: Specimina philologiae slavfoae, 21. Mü/Fr 1979, Kubon & Sagner, 71 p. 7802 Wadsworth Dwight, Liebe Christen in Rom: mit dem Römerbrief leben [Ms.] tr. Hildegard Ilvrie: ABC-Team 162. Wu 1978, Brockhaus. 94 p. DM 9,80 pa. 0 3-417-12162-0. 7803 Wilckens Ulrich, Der Brief an die Römer (Rom. 1-5): EKK Vl/1.

G4.1 Ad Romanos: textus, commentarii


Köln/Neukirchen 1978, Benziger/Neukirchener, 337 p. DM 58 (48,80). RcolcT 49,3 (1979) 205s (S. Moysa); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 151ss [A. Fuchs]; TZBas 35 (1979) 309 (M. Künzz). 7804 Wilson Geoffrey B., Romans: a Digest of Reformed Comment. E 1977 = 1969, Banner of Truth. 254 p. :El. 0 0-85151-238-0. - RReffR 37 (1978) 29 (A. M. Blanch: sprinkled with quotes; no problems like date).

a4.2 Ad Romanos: themata, topics. 7805 Baier Klaus A., Unitas ex auditu. Die Einheit der Kirche im Rahmen der Theologie Karl Barths [Röm: jede Kirche ist Esau-Kirche, kann indes Jakob-Kirche werden] (diss. Erlangen): BaBSt 35. Bern 1978, Lang. 284 p. Fs 51. 7806 Borbath Daniel, 1H]The ethical teaching of Rom: Reformätus Szemle 1978/1, 21-31. 7807 la Galle Flores Francisco de, La Pneumatologia paulina (Rom; 1 y 2 Cor; Gnl; Fil; 1 y 2 Tea): Eatudioa trinitnrioa 9 (1975) 23 96. 7808 Donfried K. P. ed., The Romans Debate : Essays on the Origin and Purpose of the Letter 1977 ➔ 58s,6947: RNRT 101 (1979) 589ss (X. Jacques). 7809 Haacker K., Exegetische Probleme des Römerbriefs: NT 20 (1978) 121: Rom 2,16; 5,17; 1,3.23; 5,14. 7810 Kettunen Markku, Der Abfassungszweck des Römerbriefes [: ein Beitrag zum Briefstil des Paulus: diss. Tü 1978. 270 p. - TLZ 103 {1978) 616s]: AnAcScFenn, Hum 18. Helsinki 1979, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. 212p.; bibliog. 196-212. 7811 Minde H.-J. van der, Schrift und Tradition bei Paulus. Ihre Bedeutung und Funktion im Römerbrief: Paderbomer Theologische Studien 3, 1976 ➔ 57,5420; 58s,6940: RJBL 97 (1978) 303s (R. J. Karris); TLZ 103 (1978) 587s (U. Wilckens); TZBas 34 (1978) 109s (B. Kaye). 7812 Riese Gerd, Die alttestamentlichen Zitate im Römerbrief. Eine Untersuchung zur paulinischen Schriftauslegung. Mü kath. Diss. 1978, dir. J. Gnilka. XIX-525p. - RTR 74 (1978) 511. 7813 Sanchez Bosch Jorge, Le Corps du Christ et les charismes dans l'epitre aux Romains: ➔ 617, L. De Lorenzi, Dimensions 1979, 51-72 (-83 disc.). 7814 Schottroff L., Die Schreckensherrschaft der Sünde und die Befreiung durch Christus nach dem Römerbrief des Paulus: EvT 40 (1979) 497511. 7815 Stowers S., A Critical Reassessment of Paul and the Diatribes: the Dialogical Element in Paul's Letter to the Romans: diss. Yale. NH 1979. 7816 Throckmorton Burton H. J, Adopted in Love: contemporary studies in Romans: Crossroad. NY 1978, Seabury. x-llOp. $3.95. 0 0-8164-1230-8. 7817 Unfried Roswitha, Israel und die Völker im Römerbriefkommentar Abaelards. Eine Studie über das Geheimnis des göttlichen Heilshandelns, diss. Graz 1979; approbiert Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht. Vanni Ugo, Romani 1976 ➔ 8070 Galati.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIII. Paulus

7818 Wcela E. A., Paul the Theologian: his Teaching in the Letter to the Romans: Uod's Word Today 8. NY 19'/'/, Pueblo. xn-81 p. $2.45. 7819 Zeller Dieter, Juden und Heiden in der Mission des Paulus: Studien zum Römerbrief2 [11972 ➔ 54,4493]: ForBi 8. Stu/Fr 1976, K.BW [➔ 58s,6732]/Univ. DM 32 pa. 0 3-460-21011-7.

G4.5 Rom 1,1 ...

7820 Bussini F., L'homme pecheur devant Dieu. Theologie et anthropologie [... Rom 1-3; 5; 7 ... ] : Cogitatio fidei. P 1978, Cerf. 204 p. 56 F. RsTeo1Ev 2,3 (1979) 135s (P. Bolognes1). 7821 Vincent Cernuda A., La genesis humana de Jesucristo segun S. Pablo [... Rom 1,3, Gai 4,4 .. ): EstBib ... 37 (1979) 267-289 ➔ 7856. 7822 Baird W., Rom 1,8-17 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 398409. 7823 Cavallin H. C. C., 'The Righteous Shall Live by Faith' [Rom 1,17). A Decisive Argument for the Traditional Interpretation: ST 32 (1978) 3343. 7824 Dubarle A.-M., La manifestation naturelle de Dieu d'apres l'Ecriture [r. Les donnees eparses de l' AT: 11. Les textes classiques: Sag., Mt 17,22-31; Rom 1,18-32; 2,14-16 .. ]: LectDiv 91. P 1976, Cerf. 265 p. 7825 Moft R., lf] Christian Morality and Natural Ethics in Romans 1,18-32: Studia Theologica Varsaviensia 17 (1979) 65-80. 7826 Livermore P. W., The Setting and Argument of Rom 1,18-3,20: the Empirical Verification of the Power of Sin. Diss. Princeton Theol. Sem. 1978. 351 p. 0 7816443. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1665s-A. 7827 Mara Maria Grazia, L'interpretazione ambrosiana di Rom. 1,20, 'invisibilia per ea quae sunt visibilia demo[n]strantur': ➔ 149, Fs. G. LAZZATI 1979, 419-35. 7828 Keck L.-A., The Function of Rom 3,10-18. Observations and Suggestions: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL,God's Christ and His People 1977, 141-157. 7829 Friedrich Gerhard, Das Gesetz des Glaubens Röm 3,27 [< TZBas 10 (1954) 401-416): ➔ 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 107-122. 7830 Räisänen H., Das 'Gesetz des Glaubens' (Röm. 3,27) und das 'Gesetz des Geistes' (Röm. 8,2): NTS 26 ( 1979) 100-117. 7831 Rhyne C. T., Faith Established the Law: A Study on the Continuity between Judaism and Christianity, Rom 3:31, Diss. Union Theol. Sem. Richmond 1979. 0 7921998. 278p. - DissA40 (1979s) 2137-A. 7832 Synge F. C. [diakrinö Rom 4,20) Not Doubt but Discriminate: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 203ss. 7833 Hedquist Paul Michael, The Pauline Understanding of Reconciliation in Romans 5 and II Corinthians 5: An Exegetical and Religio-Historical Study: diss. Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, 1979. 7834 Wahle H., Die Erbsündenlehre und die zwischentestamentale Literatur: ➔ Ist Adam an allem schuld 116-181. 7835 Crump Warren W., The Structure and Soteriology of Romans in Light of the Function of 5: 1-11 in the Argument of the Epistle: Diss. Prince-

G4.5 Ad Romanos 5,1...


ton Theol. Sem. 1979. 271 p. 0 7920280. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1545-A. 7836 Wolter Michael, Rechtfertigung und zukünftiges Hell: Untersuchungen zu Röm 5,1-11 [diss. Heid 1977; 175p.; 140p.]: BZNW 43. B 1978, de Gruyter. vm-246 p. DM 62. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 356s (J. Plevnik). 7837 Keck Leander E., The Post-Pauline Interpretation of Jesus' Death in Rom 5,6-7: -> 63 Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 237-248. 7838 Alvarez Verdes Lorenzo, La tensi6n indicativo-imperatival en S. Pablo. Estudio realizado a partir del anälisis estructural de Rom 6. Diss. Pontificii Inst. Biblici 1979 [Acta Piß 8,5 (1978s) 381], dir. A. Vanhoye, F. Lentzen-Deis. m-322 p.; 1-177p. dact.; bibliogr.: 149-177). 7839 Park Sang Chang, The relation of the imperative to indicative in Paul's thought. An exegetical study of Romans 6: diss. Princeton Theological Seminary, 1977. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. 152 p. 7840 Toit Andrie B. du, Dikaiosyne in Röm 6. Beobachtungen zur ethischen Dimension der paulinischen Gerechtigkeitsauffassung: ZTK 76 (1979) 261-291. 7841 Blazen Ivan T., Death to Sin Ace. to Rom 6: 1-14 and Related Texts: An Exegetical-Theological Study with a Critique of Views: Diss. Princeton Theo!. Sem. 1979. 578 p. 0 7920279. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1542-A. 7842 King J. P., Death, Durial and Daptism in Rom 6,1-14: diss. Emory. Atlanta 1977. 569 p. - DissA 38 (1977s) 6775A. 7843 Lorenzi L. De ed., The Law of the Spirit in Rom 7 and 8; Monograph Series of Benedictina, Bibl.-Ecum. 1, 1976 -> 57,5460; 58s,6999: REstBib 36 (1977) 307s (D. Muiioz Le6n). 7844 Lloyd-Jones David M., Romans, an exposition of chapter 1 7,1-8,4 / 8,5-17 / 8,17-39. E/GR 1974s, Banner of Truth/Eerdrilans. xn-359 p., fl.25 / xi-438 p. / xn-457 p., f3. 7845 Anz Wilhelm, Zur Exegese von Römer 7 bei Bultmann, Luther, Augustin: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER 1979, 1-15. 7846 Kerp E., Religionsunterricht zwischen Soteriologie und Ethik ['Ich-Stärke'; Röm 7; Pelagianismus in den Sozialwissenschaften ... ] : EvErz 30

(1978)163-172. 7847 Kruijf T. de, The Perspective of Rom 7: -> 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 12741. 7848 Nickle K. F., Rom 7: 7-25 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 18187. 7849 Fung Ronald Y. K., The lmpotence of the Law: Toward a Fresh Understanding of Romans 7,14-25: -> 103, Fs. E. Harrison 1978, 34-48. 7850 Banks R., Rom 7,25A: An Eschatological Thanksgiving?: AustralBR 26 (1978) 34-42. 7851 Fuchs E., Der Anteil des Geistes am Glauben des Paulus: ein Beitrag zum Verständnis von Röm 8:-> 306, Wagnis des Glaubens (Neuk 1979) 242-50 < ZTK 72 (1976) 293-302. 7852 Osten-Sacken Peter von der, a) Römer 8 als Beispiel paulinischer Soziologie: FRLANT 112, 1975 -> 56,4629 ... 58s,701l: RTLZ 103 (1978) 1lOss (H. Weiss). - b) Befreiung durch das Gesetz [Rom 8,2; 6,14; Gai 5,lss]:-> 87, Fs. H. GOLLWITZER 1979, 349-58. 7853 Pathrapankal G., The Spirit of Sonship in Rom, Ch. 8: Biblebhashyam


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XIII. Paulus

2 (1976) 181-195. 7854 Moda A., 11 problema dell'autorita pohtica secondo Rom 8, 1-7: Nicolaus 1 (1973) 261-314. 7855 Cranfield C. E. B., The Freedom of the Christian according to Romans NT for Africa 1974, 91-8. 8,2: ➔ 209, Fs. H. SAWYERR, 7856 Vicent Cernuda A., La genesis humana de Jesucristo segun S. Pablo [Rom 8,3 & Fil 2,7): EstBib 37 (1979) 57-77 ... ➔ 7821. 7857 Lambrecht J., Present World and Christian Hope. A Consideration of Romans 8,18-33: Jeevadhara 8 (1978) 29-39. 7858 Menezes F., Christian Hope of Glory, Rom. 8: 18-30: Biblebhashyam 5 (1979) 208-225. 7859 Kehnscherper Günter, Theologische und homiletische Aspekte von Röm 8,19 [die ktisis erwartet]: TLZ 104 (1979) 411-24: Ökologie. 7860 Geisser H., Von der Gottähnlichkeit, bei der einem bange wird und vom Geist, der unserer Schwachheit aufhilft (Röm 8,26f): TPract 12 (1977) 274-295. 7861 Vallauri M., I gemiti dello Spirito Santo (Rom 8,26s): RivB 27 (1979) 95-113. 7862 Pack F., A Study of Romans 8,28: RestQ 22 (1979) 44-53. 7863 Ross John M., Panta synergef, Rom. 8,28: TZBas 34 (1978) 82-5. 7864 Delling Gerhard, Die Entfaltung des 'Deus pro nobis' in Röm 8,31-39: StNTU-A 4 (1979) 76-96. 7865 Ellison H. L., The Mystery of Israel: An Exposition of Romans 9-11. Paternoster Pocket Books, 10. Exeter 3 1976, 11966. 117 p. n. 7866 Lorenzi L. De, ed., Die Israelfrage nach Röm 9-11 [➔ 58s,7029]. Monographische Reihe von 'Benedictina', Biblisch-ökumenische Abteilung, 3. R 1977, S. Paolo fuori le Mura. rv-335 p. - RlndTSt 15 (1978) 294s (L. Legrand); NRT 100 (1978) 890ss (X. Jacques). 7867 Byrne Brendan, 'Sons of God' - 'Seed of Abraham' [Rom 9,7): A Study of thc Idea of thc Sonship of God of All Christians in Paul against the Jewish Background [diss. Oxford 1977): Analecta biblica 83. R 1979, Pontifical Bihlical Institute Press. xm-288 p.; hihliog. 219-260. Lit. 24.000/$30. 7868 Kulb Ruberl: Nikolaus vuu A111sdurf011 Vessds uf Wiath aud Vessels of Mercy [and Rom 9,13; Mt 20,16; 26,26; Gn 26,9; 1 Sm 9s; 1 Kgs 12): A Lutheran's Doctrine of Double Predestination: HarvTR 69 (1976) 325-43. 7869 Toews J. E., The Law in Paul's Letter to the Romans [9,30-10,13): diss. Northwestem. Evanston IL 1977. 396 p. - DissA 38 (1977s) 6784-A. 7870 Bartoli Piergiorgio, 11 mistero di Israele (Rom, 11,25-32). Status quaestionis degli autori moderni: 1979 diss. J SBF dir. F. Manns. vrn-107 p. 7871 Rodriguez Rliseo, Israel en Ja hist.oria de salvaci6n, segun Rom 11,2532: CiTom 105 (1978) 3-35, cfr CuBib 34 (1977) 278-93 (B. Celada). 7872 H,,rne C. M., Tbc Meaning of thc Phra!ic 'And Thus All brael Will be Saved' (Rom 11,26): JEvTSoc 21 (1978) 329-334. 7873 Foren G. [Iowa U.; ➔ 58s,7045], Als Christ leben - heute: Betrachtungen über Römer 12-15: ARH-Taschenb. 38. Hamburg 1977, Rauh. 111 p. DM 7,90.

G4.5 Ad Romanos 12...


7874 Barrett C. K., Ethics and Eschatology [in Rom 12-13]: a Resume ➔ 617, Dimensions 1979, 221-235. Lorenzi Lorenzo De (ed.), Dimensions de la Vie Chretienne. Essays on Romans 12-13, 1979 ➔ 617. 7875 OrtkemperFranz-J., Leben aus dem Glauben. Christliche Grundhaltungen nach Römer 12-13. Münster/W kath. Diss., dir. K. Kertelge, 1979. 7876 Evans Christopher, Romans 12,1-2: The True Worship: ➔ 617, L. De Lorenzi, Dimensions 1979, 7-33 (-49 discussion): logikos, thusia; dokimazein. 7877 Koenig J., Vision, Self-Offering, and Transformation for Ministry (Rom 12,1-8): --> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 307323. 7878 Sanchez Bosch J., Le charisme des Pasteurs dans le corpus paulinien [Rom 12,3-8]: ➔ 618, Mem PAULVI, Paul de Tarsc 1979, 363-97, 7879 Alfonsi L., Incontri classico-cristiani [ ]. (Loci NT en heni sömati [Rom 12,4] et Lucretius IV 1105-1114): Aevum 52 (1978) 115-19. 7879* [Rom 12,4] Gundry R. H., 'Soma' in Biblical Theology ... Pauline Anthropology: SNTS Mon. 29, 1976 ➔ 57,5282; 58s,6787: REstBib 37 (1978) 139s (J. Alonso Diaz); ScotJT 31 (1978) 288-91 (J. D. G. Dunn). 7880 Silva M., New Lexical Semitisms? [.. haplotes Rom 12,8 'generosity'; exoutheneö Act 4, 11 'reject'; epainos •praiseworthy deed'; keisthai 'be appointed'; koite •seminal emission' .. ] : ZNW 69 (1978) 253-7. 7881 Aland K., Das Verhältnis von Kirche und Staat nach dem NT und den Aussagen des 2 Jh. [... Röm 13,1-7 auch im 2 Jh.; Ebenso Phil 3,20; Evv., Act., Apoc. usw. Das Thema der 'Fremde' im 2 Jh ... ]: ➔ 275, TBüch 63 (1979) 27-123. 7882 Laub Franz, Der Christ und die staatliche Gewalt - Zum Verständnis der 'politischen' Paränese Röm 13,1-7 in der gegenwärtigen Diskussion: MüTZ 30 (1979) 257-65. 7883 Romaniuk Kasimir, Tl cristiano e l'autoritä. civile in Romani 13,1-7: RivB 27 (1979) 261-9. 7884 Wikk.en.s Tnric.h, nf':r 0f':horsam gf':gf':ndif': Rf':hördf':ndf':s Staatf':s im Tun des Guten: zu Römer 13,1-7: .....617, Lorenzi L. De, Dimensions 1979, 85-130 (- 150 disc.). 7885 Lyonnet Stanislas, La charite plenitude de la loi (Rm 13,8-10): ➔ 617, Lorenzi L. De, Dimensions 1979, 151-63 (- 78 discussion). 7886 Vögtle Anton, Parakiese und Eschatologie nach Röm 12,11-14: .....617, Lorenzi L. De, Dimensions 1979, 179-94 (- 220 disc.). 7887 Bruggen J. van, Het raadsel van Romeinen 16. De apostel Paulus en het ontstaan van de kerk te Rome. Rede gehouden bij de overdracht van het Rectoraat der Theologische Hogeschool van de Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland 7 december 1970: Kamper bijdragen 10. Groningen 1970, De Vuurhaak, 55 p. 7888 Lenkey Klära, Ki vol Fehe? [Who was Phoebe (Rom 16,1)?]: Reformätus Egyhäz (1978) 280-3. 7889 Gibbs James M., Canon Cuming's 'Service-Endings in the Epistles' [Rom 16,16a]: a Rejoinder: NTS [22 (1975s) 110-3] 24 (1977s) 545ss.


Elenchus / Biblica ~O (1979)

[XIII. Paulus

G5 Epistulae ad Corinthios.

7890 Asmussen Jes P., Der apokryphe dritte Korintherbrief in der armenischen Tradition: ActOrK 35 (1973) 51-55. 7891 Bartchy S. Scott, Table Fellowship with Jesus and the 'Lord's Meal' at Corinth: ➔ 249, Fs. J. VANBUREN 1979, 45-61. 7892 Devor R. C., When We're 'Blindsided' by the Gospel [... 1 Cor; Paul, Ethics]: Encounter 35 (1974) 369-381. 7893 The Holy Bible: The Letters of Paul to the Corinthians I and II: Colloquial critical translation from the original languages. Tokyo 1977, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. vi-251 p.; 1 map (fold-out). Y 1,400. 7894 Horsley R. A., a) 'How Can Some of You Say that there is no Resurrection of the Dead?' Spiritual Elitism in Corinth: NT 20 (1978) 203231. - b) Pneumatikos vs. Psychikos: Distinctions of Spiritual Status among the Corinthians: HarvTR 69 (1976) 269-88. 7895 Neil W., Good News in Corinthians. Companions to Collins Today's English Version (TEV) ed. D. Edwards. L 1977, Fontana. 123 p. :E0.95.RscotJT 31 (1978) 494s (T. M. McWilliam: poor). 7896 Quesnel Michel, a) Les Epitres aux Corinthiens: CahEv 22. P 1977, Evangile et Vie/Cert: 64 p. 8 F. - b) Las cartas a los corintios. Estella 1978, Verbo Divino. 60p. 0 84-7151-234-3. 7897 Reed Oscar F., Corinthians: Beacon Bible expositions 7. Kansas City 1976, Beacon Hill. 7898 Rossano Pietro, Lettere ai Corinzi2: introd., note: Nuovissima Versione 39. R 1977, Paoline. 236 p. 7899 Schenk W., Gemeinde im Lernprozess: die Korintherbriefe: Bibelauslegung für die Praxis, 22. Stu 1979, Kath. Bibelwerk. 160 p. 7900 Smith Dennis E., The Egyptian Cults at Corinth: HarvTR 70 (1977) 201-231, 4 fig. 7901 Theissen G., a) Soziale Schichtung in der korinthischen Gemeinde: ➔ y74, WissUnNT 19 (1979) 251-271 < ZNW 65 (1974) 232-72. b) Die Starken und Schwachen in Korinth. Soziologische Analyse eines theologischen Streites: WissUnNT 19 (1979) 272-89 < EvT 35 (1976) 155-72. 7902 Thiselton Anthony C., Realized Eschatology at Corinth: NTS 24 (1977s) 510-26. 7903 Vielhauer P., Paulus und die Kephaspartei in Korinth [=NTS 21 (1975) 341-52]: ➔ 374, Oikodome 1979, 169-182. 7904 Voulgaris Ch. S., [Q] Nea theöresis ... A new view of the conflicts of the apostolic church of Corinth and Paul's adversaries in it. Athenai 1976, Academy. 162 p. - RTAth 50 (1979) 1050s (K. G. Bonis). 7905 Walter Eugen, Schelkle Karl-Hermann, The Epistles to the Corinthians: New Testament for Spiritual Reading 7. L 1978, Shccd & W. 428 p. 7906 Wendland Heinz-Dietrich, Die Briefe an die Korinther. Übersetzt und erklärt von Heinz-Dietrich Wendland: Das Neue Testament Deutsch, Neues Göttinger Bibelwerk 7 [ital. , 58s,7064]. Gö 1978, VR. iv-270 p. DM 21,80.

o5 Epistulae ad Corinthios


7907 Winter B. W., The Lord's Supper at Corinth: an Alternative Reconstruction: ReITR 37 (1978) 73-82. o5.1 Ad Corinthios I. 7908 Fascher Erich, Der erste Brief des Paulus an die Korinther. Erster Teil: Einführung und Auslegung der Kapitel 1-7. Theologischer Handkommentar zum Neuen Testament 7/1. B 1975, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, xvi200 p. 7909 Friedrich Gerhard, Freiheit und Liebe im 1. Korintherbrief < TZBas 26 (1970) 80-98:-> 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 171-188. 7910 Hargreaves John., A Guide to 1 Corinthians: TEF SG 17. L 1978, SPCK. 243 p. {4.50. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 289s (T. M. McWilliam). 7911 Jewett R., The Redaction of I Cor and the Trajectory of the' Pauline School: JAAR 46 (1978) 571. 7912 Lerle Ernst, Praktischer Kommentar zum Ersten Korintherbrief: Vereinigung selbständiger Ev.-Luth. Kirchen. oB 1978, Ev.-V. 132 p. M 7,70. 7913 Maillot Alphonse, L'Eglise au present. Commentaire de la premiere Epitre de St. Paul aux Corinthiens. Tournon 1978, Reveil. 414 p. 7914 Morris L., 1 Corinthians: -> 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 774-82. 7915 Murphy-O'ConnorJerome, I Corinthians: NT Message 10. Wilmington DE 1979, Glazier. xiv-161 p. 7916 Nelson W. E., Believe and Behave (I Cor). Nv c.1979, Sceptre. 191 p. $3.95. . 7917 Orr W. F., Walther J. A., l Corinthians: A New Translation:. Introduction with a Study of the Life of Paul, Notes, and Commentary: AnchorB 32, 1976-> 58s,7079: RJAOS 99 (1979) 470 (J. H. Schütz); JBL 96 (1977) 608s (W. Baird); RB 85 (1978) 463s (J. Murphy-O'Connor). 7918 Redpath A., Der unfehlbare Weg: seelsorgerliche Studien zum l. Korintherbrief [The Royal Route to Heaven] tr. M.-L. Rusche: Telos 1913. Marburg 1979, Lahn. 200 p. DM 17,80. 7919 Ruef John S., Paul's First Letter to Corinth: Westminster Pelican com· mentaries. Ph 1977, Westminster [= Baltimore 1971, Penguin --+ 56, 4398]. XXVII-195 p. 0 0-664-211348-0 (4183-2 pa.). 7920 Schreiber A., Die Gemeinde in Korinth. Versuch einer gruppendynamischen Betrachtung der Entwicklung der Gemeinde von Korinth auf der Basis des ersten Korintherbriefes: NTAbhNF 12. Münster/W 1977, Aschendorff. VI-90p. DM 54. - RBiblica 59 (1978) 589-592 (J. H. Elliott); BZ 23 (1979) 305s (B. Mayer); JBL 98 (1979) 454s (P. Richardson); NRT 100 (1978) 892s (X. Jacques); TPQ 126 (1978) 181s (W. Beilner). 7921 Senft Christophe, La premiere Epitre de saint-Paul aux Corinthiens: CommNT NS 7. Neuchätel 1979, Delachaux & N. 227 p. F 42. 0 2-60300164-7. 7922 Vines J., God Speaks Today: a Study of 1 Cor. GR 1979, Zondervan. 272 p. $7.95. 7923 Wcela E. A., Paul the Pastor: His Teaching in the First Letter to the


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Corinthians: God's Word Today 7. NY 1976, Pueblo. 99 p. 7924 Wilson Geoffrey B., I Corinthians, a digest of Reformed comment [American Standard version]2. E 1978 11971, Banner of Truth. 252 p. f:l.50 pa. 0 0-85151-277-1.

7925 Humphries R. A., Paul's Rhetoric of Argumentation in 1 Cor 1-4: diss. Graduate Theological Union. Berkeley CA 1979. 7926 Barbour Robin S., Wisdom and the Cross in 1 Cor 1.2: ... 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 57-71. 7927 Guerra M., 1 Cor 1,1-3: los ministros en la comunidad de Corinto. Anälisis filol6gico y traducci6n de protocolo de la Primera Carta a los Corintios: Scripta Theologica 9 (Pamplona 1977) 761-796. 7928 Ellis P. F., Salvation through the Wisdom of the Cross (1 Cor 1,104,21): -> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 32433. 7929 Panikulam George, Koinönia in the NT: a Dynamic Expression of Christian Life [l Cor 1,9; Act 2,42; 1 Jn 1,3 ... ; diss. 1978 -> 58s, 9070]: AnBib 85. R 1979, Pontifical Biblical Institute Press. xi-161 p. T.it 11,000/$13. 7,. 7930 Gillespie T. W., A Pattern of Prophetie Speech in First Corinthians [1:10-4:21; 12:1-14.39 and the witness of Celsus to Christian prophets in 150-170 A. D.; Origen, Contra Celsum 7,8-9]: JBL 97 (1978) 94-95. 7931 Iloffinan R. Joseph, Mcmcristai ho Christ6s? [l Cor 1,13]. Anti-Enthusiast Polemic from Paul to Augustine: ST 33 (1979) 149-164. 7932 Pesce M., 'Christ did not send me to baptize, but to evangelize' (1 Cor 1,17a): -> 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 339-362. 7933 SchwarzwiillerKlaus, Die Wissenchaft von der Torheit [l Kor 1,18]. Evangelische Theologie im Schnittpunkt von christlichem Glauben und kritischer Vernunft. Stu/ß 1976, Kreuz. 377 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 447-50 (K. G. Steck: wirklich über die neuzeitliche Organisation der Disziplinen, einschl. AT-NT, aber nir.ht ohne F.inflnss cler 'Torheit des Kreuzes'). 7934 Wilckens Ulrich, Zu 1 Kor 2,1-16: -> 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 501537: sophia l6gou. 7935 Arrington French L., Paul's Aeon Theology in l Cor. [... 2,6: diss. St. Louis Univ. 1975 -> 58s,7065]: Wsh 1978, Univ. P. Amer. VI-195p. $7.75 pa. 0 0-8191-0119-2. 7936 Pesce Mauro, Paolo e gli arconti di Corinto. Storia della ricerca (18881975) ed esegesi di l Cor 2,6-8: Testi e ricerche, Bologna 13, 1977 -> 58s,7096: RCBQ 41 (1979) 344-6 (V. P. Branick); ETL 54 (1978) 280 (J. Coppens); JTS 29 (1978) 543s (J. B. Caird). 7937 Widmann M., 1 Kor 2,6-16: Ein Einspruch gegen Paulus [von seiten der Korinthischen Enthusiasten]: ZNW 70 (1979) 44-53. 7938 Margerie B. de, Les divorces remaries face a !'Eucharistie [... 1 Cor 2,27-29 ... ]. P 1979, Tequi. 114 p. F 12. 7939 Chevallier M.-A., 'Vous etes ln construction de Dieu ... le Temple de Dieu' (1 Cor 3,9.16-17): ... 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 655-664.

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7940 Moore William D., The Origin of 'Pomeia' Reflected in 1 Cor 5-6 and Its Implications for an Understanding of the Fundamental Orientation of the Corinthian Church [... 1 Cor 5,9, the 'previous letter' & Acts 18: Paul dealing with a predominantly Hellenistic-Jewish oriented group justifying fomication from the freedom of the eschatological reign.]: diss. Baylor Univ. 1978, 244 p. 0 7909299. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6824-A. 7940* Derrett J., 'Handing over to Satan': an Explanation of 1 Cor v, 1-7: RIDA 26 (1979) 11-30. 7941 Meeks Wayne A., 'Since then you would need to go out of the world' [1 Cor 5,10]: Group Boundaries in Pauline Christianity: ➔ 628, Ryan T., Critical History 1979, 4-29. 7942 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, 1 Cor 6,6: Cosmology or Soteriology?: RB 85 (1978) 253-267. 7943 Zaas Peter, 1 Corinthians 6,9ff: Was Homosexuality Condoned in the Corinthian Church: ➔ 583, AcbtemeierP., Seminar 1979, II 205-212. 7944 Fuchs E., Die Herrschaft Christi. Zur Auslegung von 1 Kor 6,12-20: ➔ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 232-241 < NT und christliche Existenz, Fs. H. BRAUN... , 1963, hg. H. D. Betz, 183-193. 7945 Murphy-O'Connor J., Corinthian Slogan in 1 Cor 6,12-20: CBQ 40 (1978) 391-96. 7946 Adinolfi M., Motivi parenetici del matrimonio e del celibato in 1 Cor 7: Rivß 26 (1978) 71-91. 7947 Cambier G.-M., Doctrine paulinienne du mariage chretien. Etude critique de 1 Co VII et d'Ep V, 21-33 et essai de lem traduction actuelle: EglT 10 (1979) 13-60. 7948 Prete Benedetto, Matrimonio e continenza nel cristianesimo delle origini. Studi su 1 Cor. 7,1-40: StBPaid 49. Brescia 1979, Paideia. 280 p. 7949 Lemosse Maxime, Trio [femme entre pere et mari brouilles] et trilogie en Egypte romaine: ➔ 56, Fs, J. DAUVILLIER 1979, 453-63. 7950 Fischer J. A., 1 Cor 7:8-24 - Marriage and Divorce: BibRes 23 (1978) 26-36. 7951 Murphy-O'Connor J., Works without Faith in 1 Cor 7,14: RB 84 (1977) 349-361. 7952 Kuba Sakae, 1 Cor 7,16: Optimistic [No, despite patristic-NAB] or Pessimistic?: NTS 24 (1977s) 539-44. 7953 Bartchy S. S., First-Century Slavery and 1 Cor 7,21. MMS 1973. x199 p. - RscotJT 31 (1978) 388s (E. Best). 7954 Horsley R. A., a) Consciousness and Freedom among the Corinthians: 1 Cor 8-10: CBQ 40 (1978) 574-89. - b) The Background of the Confessional Formula in 1 Cor 8,6: ZNW 69 (1978) 130-35. 7955 Sawyer William T., The Problem of Meat Sacrificed to Idols in the Corinthian Church [1 Cor 8,7]: diss. Southem Baptist Sem., Louisville 1968. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. 7956 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, a) Freedom or the Ghetto (1 Cor 8,1-13; 10,23-11,1): RB 85 (1978) 543-74. - b) Food and Spiritual Gifts in 1 Cor 8,8: CDQ 41 (1979) 292-298. 7957 Gaventa B. A. R., Paul's Conversion: A Critical Sifting of the Epistolary [... 1 Cor 9,1-2; 15, 1-11; 2 Cor 12,1-4; Gal 1,11-17; Phil 3: 2, 1;


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[XIII. Paulus

Rom 7 ... - his rnclir.l'llchl'!ngr. 'is not l'I r.onvr.rsion in l'!ny customary sense ... it is not a rejection of the past, but a recognition of the present and future Messianic age' using prophetic and intellectual approaches] : diss. Duke Univ. 1978, dir. W. D. Roberts. 397 p. 0 7905353. - DissA 39 (1978s) 5560s A. 7958 Joseph M.J., The Leap into the 'Slavery of Paul' [l Cor 9,19-23] from an Indian Angle: IndJT 26 (1977) 73-85. 7959 Richardson P., Pauline Inconsistency: 1 Cor 9,19-23 and Gal 2,11-14: NTS 26 (1979s) 347-362. 7960 Richardson P., Gooch P. W., Accommodation Ethics [1 Cor 9,19-23; 10,32-11,1]: TyndB 29 (1978) 89-142. 7961 Kremer Jacob, [1 Kor 9,22]: ➔ 60, Fs. K. DELAHAYE, Zielgruppen 1977. 7962 Serratelli Arthur, The Proto-Pauline Witness to the Nature of Christian Prophecy r... 1 Cor 11-14 ... l. Diss. Pont. Univ. Gregoriana 1977, dir. F. Moriarty. 425 p. (Cat. n. II 4862); excerpt 103 p. (Cat. n. III 2716). DissA 39 (1978s) 750. 7963 Kroeger R. & C. C., St. Paul's Treatment of Misogyny, Gynephobia, and Sex Segregationism in 1 Cor 11,2-6: ➔ 583, SBL,SemPap 17 ( 1979) 213221. 7964 Cape L., 1 Cor 11,2-16: One Step Further: JBL 97 (1978) 435s on 94 (1975) 94-110 and 95 (1976) 615-21, W. 0. WalkerJ and .T.MurphyO'Connor. 7965 Meier J. P., On the Veiling of Hcrmcncutics (1 Cor 11,2-16) [rcapsc de defectu gravi hermeneutico declarationis 'Inter insigniores' 27-1-1977]: CBQ 40 (1978) 212-226. 7966 Schwarz G., exous{an [aram. /Jüfnrä': 1. 'Macht, Kraft'; 2. 'Kopfbedeckung, Schleier'] echein tes kephales? (1 Kor 11,10): ZNW 70 (1979) 249. 7967 Bartchy S. S., Table Fellowship w.ith Jesus and the 'Lord's Meal' at Corinth [1 Cor 11:17-34]:-> 249, Fs. J. VANBUREN,lncrease in Learning 1979, 45-61. 7968 Dupont J., L'Eglise a l'epreuve de ses divisions (1 Cor 11,18-19): ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVl, Paul de 'l'arse 1979, 687-696. 7969 Le Boulluec A., Remarques a propos du probleme de 1 Cor 11,19 et du 'logion' de Justin, Dialogue 35: ➔ 616, StPatrist 12, 1975, 328-333. 7970 Hollenweger W. J., Konflikt in Korinth [1. Kor. 12-14]. Memoiren eines alten Mannes [Ezechiel 37]. Zwei narrative Exegesen: Kaiser Traktate. Mü 1978, Kaiser, 91 p. DM 9,50. 7971 Thiselton A. C., The 'Interpretation' of Tongues [l Cor 12ss]: A New Suggestion in the Light of Greek Usage in Philo [hermen- 225 vicibus; 127 de 'versione', at multae • 'formulatio, verbalizatio'] and Josephus [24 vicibus: 4 = 'verbalizatio ']: JTS 30 (1979) 15-36: loquela normalis, non 'interpretatio [glossolaliae]'. 7972 Daines B., Paul's Use of the Analogy of the Body of Christ - with Special Reference to l Cor 12: EvQ 50 (1978) 71-78. 7973 Jenkins D., Christian Maturity [1 Cor 12; Mt 5ss] and the Theology of Success [neo-Nietzschean denigration of Gospel] (1975 Warfield Lee-

G5.1 1 Ad Corinthios 12...


tures). L 1976. SCM. 76 p. + notes. :E0.90. - RscotJT 31 (1978) 280ss (R. J. G. Watt). 7974 Maurer C., Sinn und Unsinn des Pluralismus - eine Paulusstudie [1 Kor 12 vs. 1]: KiBlRefSchw 134 (1978) 322-5. 7975 Warnock R. G., Zumkeller A., Henricus von_Friemar, Über die Unterscheidung der Geister [l Jn 4,1; 1 Cor 12,10] Lat.-mittelhochdeutsche Textausgabe mit Untersuchungen: Cass. 32. Wü 1977, Augustinus. vm-279 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 294s (G. Switek). 7976 Theissen G., Soziale Integration und sakramentales Handeln. Eine Analyse von 1 Cor (!) 11,17-34: ➔ y74, WissUnNT 19 (1979) 291-317 < NT 24 (1974) 179-2Q5. G5.5 1 Cor 12 ... Glossolalla, Charismata. 7977 Dautzenberg Gerhard, a) Glossolalie: ➔ 892, RAC 11 Lf. 82 (1979) 225-46. - b) Urchristliche Prophetie ... 1 Cor: BWANT 104, 1075 ➔ 9035. 7978 Fernandez de/ Rio Pablo, Hablar en lenguas: precedentes hist6rico-literarios en el AT: Burgense 19 (1978) 9-86 [=excerptum diss. R Pontificü Instituti Biblici 1977]. 7979 Gonsalvez H. E., The Theology and Psychology of Glossolalia: diss. Northwestem Univ. 166 p. 0 7907879. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6178s. 7980 Samarin W. J., Tongues of Men and Angels: The Religious Language of Pentecostalism [Glossolalia] 1972 ➔ 55,5861a: RLinguistics 176 (The Hague 1976) 86-89 (K. A. McE/handon). 7981 Wilkinson T. L., Tongues and Prophecy in Acts and 1 Cor: VoxRef 31 (1978) 1-20.

7982 Stendahl Krister, Glossolalia and the Charismatic Movement: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL,God's Chrisl & His People 1977, 122-31. 7983 Sullivan Francis A., Langues (don des): ➔ 871, DictSpir 9 fase. 59s (1975) 223-7. 7984 Wang Ching-hung R., [g The Gift of Speaking Tongues: ColcTFujen 10,38 (1978) 487-508. 7985 [1 Cor 12,31 ... ] Judisch D., An Evaluation of Claims to the Charismatic Gifts: Baker Biblical Monograph. GR c.1978, Baker. 96 p. 7986 Kelleher S. (B.), Charisms in the Pauline Writings: Biblebhashyam 2 (1976) 196-204. 7987 Koenig J., Charismata: God's Gifts for God's People: 1978, Biblical Perspectives on Current Issues, ➔ 58s,8546: RßibTB 9 (1979) 89ss (J. P. McC/ain); CBQ 41 (1979) 342 (G. T. Montague); TS 40 (1979) 220s (J. M. For58s,7157: RJBL 98 (1979) 455s (M. A. Fahey); HeythJ 19 (1978) 308s (F. F. Bruce); NRT 100 (1978) 893ss (X. Jacques); RechSR 66 (1978) 407ss (C. Kannengiesser);RHPR 59 (1979) 209s (D. A. Bertrand); RThom 78 (1978) 170 (M.-A. G); TLZ 104 (1979) 845s (W.-D. Hauschild). 8012 Kloppenborg J., An Analysis of the Pre-Pauline Formula in 1 Cor 15:3b-5 in Light of Some Recent Literature: CBQ 40 (1978) 351-67. 8013 Sehastian K. M., The Vic:tory over ne11th [1 Cor 1S,SS]: Jeevadhara 9 (1979) 128-138. G5.7 Ad Corinthios II. 8014 Barrell C. K.., A Commentary on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians 1973 --->55,4429; 57,5572: RTLZ 104 (1979) 440s (E. Dink/er). 8015 Boor Werner de, Der zweite Brief des Paulus an die Korinther: Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1972, Brockhaus. 263 p. DM 27. 8016 Bultmann R. ed. Dink/er E., Der zweite Brief an die Korinther: KrExKNT 6, 1976--->57,5573; 58s,7162: RJBL 96 (1977) 609ss (M. Riss1); SvEx 43 (1978) 157-162 (H. C. C. Cavallim); TLZ 103 (1978) 352s (E. Lohse: 1951 class-notes, to tide us over till Dinkler's 2 Cor). 8017 Collange J.-F., Enigmes de 2 Cor: SNTS Mon 18, 1972 .....53,3963: RJBL 97 (1978) 307s (K.. Hanhart). 8018 Ehgartner Franz, Astheneia, Schwachheit als Grundprinzip apostolischer Wirksamkeit. Bibeltheologische Untersuchung zum paulinischen Apostolatsverständnis nach 2 Kor: diss. Graz 1979, dir. Zeilinger, Zehrer. 8019 Fabrls Rinaldo, Al servizio della comunita: seconda lettera di Paolo ai Corinzi: Commenti al NT. T-Leumann 1977, Elle Di Ci. 159 p. Lit. 1.800. 8020 Findeis Hans-Jürgen, Versöhnung - Apostolat - Kirche. Eine exegetischtheologische und rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studie zu den Versöhnungsaussagen des NT (2 Kor, Röm, Kol, Eph) - mit Berücksichtigung der Versöhnungstheologie Karl Barths: diss. Münster 1979, dir. Thüsing, Hüner-

man. 8021 Friedrich Gerhard, Die Gegner des Paulus im 2. Korintherbrief < Fs. 0. MICHEL,Abraham 1963, 181-215: --->305, Auf das Wort 1978, 189223. 8022 George D. C., 2 Cor, Gal, Eph: Layman's bible comm. 21. Nv 1979, Broadman. 140 p. 8023 Greene Oliver B., The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians. Greenville SC 1976, Gospel Hour. 667 p. $10.


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8024 Olson Stanley N., Confidence expressions in Paul: epistolary conventions and the purpose of 2 Corinthians: diss. Yale, NH 1976. x-255 p. 8025 Weiss H.-F., Gottes Kraft in unserer Schwachheit: sieben Bibelarbeiten zum 2. Korintherbrief: Studienreihe für Verkündigung und Gemeindeaufbau 11. Gladbeck WF 1979, Schriftenmission. 48 p. 8026 Wilson Geoffrey B., 2 Corinthians: A Digest of Reformed Comment. E/Carlisle, PA 1973, Banner of Truth Trust. 173 p. :E0.35. 8027 Fee Gordon D., charls in 2 Cor 1,15: Apostolic Parousia and PaulCorinth Christology: NTS 24 (1977s) 533-8. 8028 Villal 58s, 7191* [ 0 3-7756-1063-4]: RstNTU-A 4 (1979) 155s [A. Fuchs]; TR 75 (1979) 286s (G. Schneider). 8044 Lincoln A. T., 'Paul the Visionary': the Setting and Significance of the Rapture to Paradise in 2 Cor 12,1-10: NTS 25 (1979s) 204-220. 8045 Hisey A., A Paragnostic View of Paul the Apostle: Unitarian Universalist Christian, Boston 33,3 (1978) 12sl9: 2 Cor 12,7 = subarachnoid occip ital hemorrhage causing hallucinogenic epilepsy.

G6.l Ad Galatas. 8046 Becker Jürgen, Die Briefe an die Galate11[Epheser ... Philemon]: NTDt 8, 1976 ➔ 57,5599; 58s,7198: RCBQ 40 (1978) 428ss (J. Plevnik). 8047 Betz H. D., Galatians, a Commentary on Paul's Letter to the Churches in Oalatia: Henneneia, a Critical and :Wstorical Commentary on the Bible. Ph 1979, Fortress. xxx-352 p., 1' facsim. $27.95. 0 0-8006-60099. 8048 Bonnard P., L'Epitre de S. Paul aux Galates 2 rev.: ComNT 9, 1972--+ 54,4550 ... 57,5601: RsvEx 40 (1975) 147s (R. Kiejfer). 8049 Brandenburg Hans, Der Brief des Paulus an die Galater, erklärt 6 : Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1977, Brockhaus. 148 p~ DM 14,80 (9,80 pa.). 0 3-4170026/7-2 (8-0). . 8050 Brinsmead B. H., Galatians as · a Dialogical Response to Opponents: diss. Andrews Univ. 1979, dir. J. J. C. Cox. 511 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1543s. 8051 Buscemi Marcello, a) Liberta e schiavitu nella Lettera ai Galati (1978 diss. J SBF dir. E. Pax). 339 p. - b) La nostra Liberta in Cristo Gesu. La Liberta nella lettera di S. Paolo ai Galati: TerSa 55 (1979) 294-301. 8052 Chow Lien-hwa, [g Chialat'ai shu; Ifosuo shu ... The Epistle to the Galatians / Ephesians: Chinese Bible Commentary 36. Hong Kong 1979, Chinese Christian Literature Council. 350 p. 8053 Eshbaugh H., Textual Variants and Theology Study of the Galatians Text of Pap 46: JSt NT 3 (1979) 60-72. . 8054 Fabris Rinaldo, La liberta del Vangelo. Lettera di Paolo ai Galati. Leumann (Torino) 1979, Elle Di Ci. 96 p. 8055 Fergusson James, (A brief exposition of) The Epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians [with --+ D. Dickson, Hebrews]: Geneva Series Commentary. E/Carlisle PA 1978 [= 1659-74 = 1841], Banner of Truth.


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[XIII. Paulus

8056 Gicrtz B., Fern bnw av Paulus pä modern svenska. Pauli brev til Galaterna, Efesierna, Filipperna, Kolosserna, Filemon, nyöverset med korta förklaringar für lekmän. Sto 1976, Verbum. 137 p. Sk 43,5. 8057 Hemelsoet B., Galaten, verklaring van een bijbelgedeelte. Kampen 1978, Kok. 102 p. f 12,75. 0 90-242-2375-X. 8058 Howard George, Paul: Crisis in Galatia. A Study in Early Christian Theology: SocNTStud, Mon 35. C/NY 1979, Cambridge Univ. xn-114p. f:5.95/$12.95. - RTS 40 (1979) 784s (J. H. Neyrey). 8059 Kent H. A., The Freedom of God's Sons: Studies in Galatians 1976 ➔ 57,5603: Rconcordia Journal 3 (1977) 46s (R. G. Hoerber). 8060 Lull David J., 'Pneuma' in Paul's Letter to the Churches of Galatia. An interpn:tation of the Spirit in the light of early Christian experience in Galatia, Paul's message to the Galatians, and theology today: diss. Claremont 1978. 250 p. 0 7823846. - DissA 39 (1978) 3640s-A. 8061 Luther Martin, a) Kommentar zum Galaterbrief 1519, tr. I. Mann 2 : Siebenstern 410= Calwer Luther-Ausgabe 10. Gü 1979, Mohn. 319 p. DM 12;80pa. 0 3-579-04820-1. - b) Commentary on Galatians, tr. E. Middleton, ed. J. P. Fallowes. GR 1979, Kregel. xvm-388 p. $10.95. - c) A Commentary on Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. GR 1979 = 1891, . Baker. 575 p. $7.95. 8061* Mussner F., Der Galaterbrief: HerdTKom 9, 1974 ➔ 55,4466 ... 58s,7203: RsvEx 40 (1975) 145s (H. D. Betz). 8062 Onder of Zonder de wet. De brief van Paulus aan de christenen in Galatie. Amst 1976, Bijbelgenootschap. 32 p. f9.90. 8063 Pastor Ramos Federico, La libertad en la carta a los Gälatas. Estudio exegetico-teol6gico: Comillas 1/9, 1977 ➔ 58s,7204: Rßiblica 59 (1978) 592s (J.-M. Cambier); RivB 27 (1979) 425ss (F. Montagnim); SBFLA 28 (1978) 242-5 (M. Buscem1). 8064 Ramsey Howard L., The Place of Galatians in the Career of Paul: diss. Columbia, 1950. AA 1979, Unlversity Microfilms. vm-363 p,; bibliog. 353-363. 8065 Siotis M., IQ] The Political Character of the [Gal.] Opponents of Paul: DeltBibMel 5 (1977s) 136-177. 8066 STEINBACH Wendelin (1454-1519), Commentarius in epistolam S. Pauli ad Galatas ed. Helmut Feld: Opera exegetica quae extant omnia 1: VIEG 81. Wb 1976, Steiner. LXIII-342p. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 578 (J. Beutler). 8067 Stoyannos B., [Q] Orthodoxy and Heresy in Galatia: DeltBibMel 5 (1977s) 217-35 [W. Bauer too uncritically followed by Bultmannians and (R.-Cath.) J. Eckert, Die urchristliche Verkündigung im Streit 1971] but 101-118, P. Vassiliadis, [Q] Heresies or Theological Tendencies? [Bauer basically right]. 8068 8zymanck Edwnrd, ~ List do Galatow . . . The Letter to the Galatians: introduction, translation from the original, commentary: Pismo Swü;te NT 6,2. Poznan 1978, Pallottinum. 164 p. zl 80. 8069 Trenchard E., Una exposici6n de la epistola a los Gälatas [' 1963]. M 1977, Literatura Biblica, 226 p. - RRelCult 24 (1978) 270 (A. Gilde Santivaftes).

06. l Ad Galatas


8070 Vanni Ugo, Lettere ai Galati e ai Romani4, introd., note: Nuovissima Versione 40. R 1976, Paoline. 221 p. 8071 Verhoef E., Er staat geschreven ... De oud-testamentische citaten in de brief aan de Galaten: 1979 diss. Amst VU, dir. T. Baarda. Meppel 1979, Krips repro. 350 p. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 408 (H. Biezeno). 8072 Vielhauer P., Gesetzesdienst und Stoicheiadienst im Galaterbrief[= Fs. E. KÄSEMANN 1976, 543-555): ➔ 374, Oikodome 1979, 183-195. 8073 Williams Don, Celebrate your freedom: an Inductive Bible Study on Galatians. Waco 1975, Word. 148 p. $4.95. 8074 Wilson Geoffrey B., Galatians: a Digest of Reformed Comment. E 1973, Banner of Truth. 173 p. f:0.35. 8075 Panimol/e S. A., L'autorite de Pierre en Gal 1-2 et Actes 15: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 291-309. 8076 Dennison W. D., Indicative [Rom 5,16) and Imperative [Gai 1,4): the Basic Structure of Pauline Ethics: CalvTJ 14 (1979) 55-78 [magis de exegetis, P. Wernle, H. Jacoby, R. Bultmann, H. Windisch, G. Bornkamm, V. Furnish]. 8077 Orchard Bernard, Ellipsis and Parenthesis in Gal 2,1-10 and 2Th 2,112: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 249-58. 8078 Klein Peter, Zum Verständnis von Gai 2,1. Zugleich ein Bt:itrag zur Chronologie des Urchristentums: ZNW 70 (1979) 250-51. 8079 Aus R. D., Three Pillars and Three Patriarchs: A Proposal Concerning Gai 2,9: ZNW 70 (1979) 252-61. 8080 Hurtado L. W., The Jerusalem Collection and the Book of Galatians [2,10): JStNT 5 (1979) 46-62. 8081 Bauckham R., Barnabas in Galatians [2,13): JStNT 2 (1979) 61-70. 8082 Lambrecht Jan, The Line of Thought in Gai 2,14b-21 (Tü meeting SNTS 1977): NTS 24 (1977s) 484-95. 8083 Dooren L. A. T. van, Das Leben, das ich jetzt lebe, Gal 2,20; tr. Litera, Christl. Verlags-Agentw: Tdus 248. Frutigen 1978, Trachsel. 104 p. Fs 5.80. . 8084 Cosgrove C. H., The Mosaic Law Preaches Faith: a Study in Galatians 3: WestTJ 41 (1978) 146-164. 8085 Ebeling Gerhard, Fides occidit rationem: Ein Aspekt der theologia crucis in Luthers Auslegung von Gal 3,6: --> 63, Fs E. DINKLER, Theologia crucis - signum crucis 1979, 97-135. 8086 MacDonald D. R., There is no Male and Female: Galatians 3,26s28 and Gnostic Baptismal Tradition: diss. Harvard: HarvTR 71 (1978) 320s. 8087 McNamara M., to de (Hagar) Sina nms estin en teArabia (Gai 4,25a): Paul and Petra: Milltown Studies 2 (Dublin 1978) 24-41. 8088 Mussner P., Theologie der Freiht:it nach Paulus [Urspt11nge; Gal 5,1; Eschatologische Befreiung; Freiheit als Heilszustand und Folgen für die christliche Existenz; Die Kommende Befreiung der Schöpfung; Freiheit und Zukunft; Lehrfreiheit ... ]: QDisp 75. Fr 1976, Herder. 83 p. 8089 Galanis I., [QJGal 5, 13-26: DeltBM 5 (1978) 189-195. 8090 Hay L.S., Gai 5:13-26 (Expository Article): Interpr 33 (1979) 67-72.


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8091 Durrwell Fran9ois X., 'Vous avez ete appeles' [Gal 5,13]: -> 100, Fs. B. HÄRING1977, 345-357. 8092 Barclay William, Flesh and Spirit: An Examination of Galatians 5 : 1923. E 1978, Saint Andrew. 127 p. f:1.25. 8093 Minear Paul S., The Crucifi.ed World: the Enigma of Galatians 6,14: ..... 63, Fs E. DINKLER1979, 395-407. 8094 Chilton B. D., Galatians 6,15: A Call to Freedom before God: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 311-313. G6.2 Ad Ephesios. 8095 Knappe W. D., The Captivity Letters in the Syriac Tradition: Luth. Sch. Theol. diss. Ch 1977. 305 p. 8096 Alegro A., Cosmovisi6n espacial de 1a promesa de salvaci6n en la Carta a los Efesios: RevistaB 41 (Buenos Aires 1979) 187-192. 8097 Barclay W., The Letter to the Ephesians 2rev. 1977: RBogSmot 49 (1979) 527 (M. Zovkic). 8098 Barth M., Ephesians, Introd. etc. AnchorBibl 1974 -> 56,4761; 57,5631: RBogSmot 49 (1979) 526s (M. Zovkic). 8099 Best Ernest, Ephesians 1,1: .....32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 29-41. 8100 Betz U., Einssein in Christus: eine Einführung in den Epheserbrief. B 1974, Ekelmann. 112 p. 8101 Caragounis Chris C., The Ephesian Mysterion; Meaning and Content: ConBib NT 8 -> 58s,7239: RCBQ 40 (1978) 261s (L. T. Johnson); JAAR 47 (1979) 447 (R. Eisner); JBL 97 (1978) 618ss (J. C. Kirby); KirSef 54 (1979) 429; NRT 100 (1978) 895s (X. Jacques); RHPR 59 (1979) 107s (A. Samson); TPQ 126 (1978) 392 (A. Fuchs); TR 74 (1978) 289ss (H. Merk/ein). 8102 Carver W. 0., Ephesians: the Glory of God in the Christian Calling. Nv 1979 [= 1949], Broadman. 200 p. 8103 Caudill R. P., Ephesians: A Translation with Notes. Nv 1979, Broadman. 96p. Chow Lien-hwa, [g Ephesians 1979 -> 8052. Conzelmann H., Die Briefe an ... die Epheser, Kolosser: NTDt 8, 1976 -> 8046, Becker J., Galater. 8104 Dahl Nils A., Interpreting Ephesians, Then and Now: CurrTMiss 5 (1978) 133-143. 8105 Gaebelein F. E. ed., The Expositor's Bible Commentary with the New International Version XI (Eph-Phlm): A. S. Wood, Eph; H. A. KentJ Phlp; C. Vaughan, Col; R. L. Thomas, 1-2 Thes; R. Earle 1-2 Tim; n, R. Hiehert, Titus; A. A. Rupprecht, Phlm. GR 1978, Zondervan. XVI-464p. $14.95. 0 0-310-36530-9. 8106 Gnilka J., Der Epheiserbl'ief: HcrdTKom 10,2, 1971 ➔ 53,4032: RßogSmot 49 (1979) 524s (M. Zovkic). 8107 Hugede N., L'Epitre aux Ephesiens 1973 -> 56,4767; 57,5639: Rßog-

o6.2 Ad Ephesios


Smot 49 (1979) 525 (M. Zovkic). 8108 The Letters of Paul to the Ephesians, Philippians, Co1ossians, Thessalonians 1-11,and to Philemon: New Testament, Japanese colloquial translation III. Tokyo 1978, Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. VI + 254 p. V 1400. 8109 Lindemann Andreas, Die Aufhebung der Zeit: Geschichtsverständnis und Eschatologie im Epheserbrief 1975 ➔ 57,5641: RTLZ 103 (1978) 746ss (K. M. Fischer). 8111 Merk/ein H., Das kirchliche Amt nach dem Epheserbrief: StANT 33, 1973 ➔ 55,4503 ... 58s,7245: RTPhil 54 (1979) 277s (F. Lentzen-Deis). 8112 Meyer R. P., Universales Heil; Kirche und Mission: Studien über die ekklesial-missionarischen Strukturen in der Theologie K. Rahners und im Epheserbref [Diss. Münster 1975/6; xn-478 p.]: Studia Instituti Missiologici S. V. D., 22. Sankt Augustin 1979, Steyler. 234 p. DM 32.50. 8113 Meyer R. P. (< M.) Regina Pacis, Kirche und Mission im Epheserbrief < diss. cath. Münster 1976: SBS 86, 1977 ➔ 58s,7246: RNRT 100 (1978) 896s (X. Jacques). 8114 O'Brien P. T., Ephesians I: an Unusual Introduction to a NT Letter: NTS 25 (1978s) 504-16. 8115 Poovey W. A., Stand Still and Move Ahead: Meditations on Ephesians. Minneapolis 1973, Augsburg. 128 p. 8116 Rienecker Fritz, Der Brief des Paulus an die Epheser, erklärt 6 : Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1978, Brockhaus. 260 p. DM 23 (14,80 pa). 0 3-417-25/1117 (011-0). 8117 Robinson J. Armitage, Commentary on Ephesians: the Greek text with introduction, notes, and indexes. GR 1979 = 2 1904, Kregel. 314p. $12.95. 0 0-8254-3612-5, 8118 Roon Aart van, The Authenticity of Ephesians ... 51,3516 tr. 1974 ➔ 56,4772; 58s,7252b: RSvEx 44 (1979) 200-3 (C. C. Caragounis angl.); TLZ 103 (1978) 504ss (K. M. Fischer). 8119 Sampley J. Paul, Burgess Joseph, Krodel Gerhard, Ful/er Reginald H., Ephesians, Colossians, 2 Thessalonians, The Pastoral Epistles: Proclamation Comm. Ph 1978, Fortress. 125 p. $3.50 pa. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 170s (P. Zilurtka). 8120 Schlier H., Der Brief an die Epheser 7 [➔ 47,3086* ... ] 1971: RBogSmot 49 (1979) 523s (M. Zovkic). 8121 Schnackenburg R., L'idee de 'Corps du Christ' dans la lettre aux Ephesiens; perspective pour notre temps: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 665-85. 8122 Stott John R. W., God's New Society; the Message of Ephesians: The Bible Speaks Today. Leicester 1979, Inter-Varsity. 291 p. B.50. - STeolEv 6 (1979) 134ss (P. Finch). 8123 Taerk 0. A., [ID Cerkov' telo Christovo: tolkovanie poslanija k Efesjanam [La Chiesa Corpo di Cristo: L'interpretazione del Messaggio agli Efesini]. Korntal 1973. Missionsbund Licht im Osten 142 p. 8124 Viviano B. T., The Letter to the Ephesians: A Vision for the Church: BToday 102 (1979) 2019-26. 8125 Westcott B. F., Saint Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians. GR 1979 [1906],


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[XIII. Paulus

Baker. 212 p. $5.95. 8126 Zenvick Maximilian, a) He is our Peace (Eph 2: 11-18): Biblcbhashyam l (1975) 302-311. - b) The Epistle to the Ephesians 1978 ➔ 8106 [= 1969 ➔ 51,3521]. 8127 Lloyd-Jones D. M., God's Ultimate Purpose. An Exposition of Eph 1,123. Carlisle 1978, Banner of Truth. 447 p. :f:4.50.- REvQ 51 (1979) 245s (F. F. Bruce). 8128 Montagnini Felice, Christological Features in Eph 1,3-14: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 529-39. 8129 Vi/legas B., La cristologia de la gran bendici6n de Efcsios [1,3-14]: TVida 19 (1978) 279-97. 8130 Dreyfus Fr., Pour la louange de sa gloire (Eph. 1,12.14). L'origine veterotestamentaire de la formule: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 233-248. 8131 Shoemaker H. Stephen, Christ and the Principalities and Powers [... Eph 1,21] in Representative Twentieth-Century American Theologians: diss. Southem Baptist Theologic.al Seminary, 1978. 8132 Lopez R. Francisco, Reconciliaci6n y lucha politica, a la luz de Efes 2, 11-22: Christus 41,487 (Mexico 1976) 55-59. 8133 Penna R., La proiezione dell'esperienza comunitaria sul piano storico (Ef 2,11-22) e cosmico (Ef 1,20-23): RivB 26 (1978) 163-86. 8134 Kader W., The Chw-ch and Racial Hostility: A History uf Interpretation of Ephesians 2: 11-22: BeiGBibEx 20. Tü 1978, Mohr. ix-273 p. DM 68/ $34. - RTTod 36 (1979s) 441ss (E. T. Rewolinsk1); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 87s (A. Rabau). 8135 Ramaroson L., 'Le Christ, notre paix' (Eph 2,14-18): SciEspr 31 (1979) 373-383. 8136 Peri 1., Gelangen zur Vollkommenheit. Zur lateinischen Interpretation von katantaö in Eph 4,13: BZ 23 (1979) 269-78. 8137 Horst P. W. van der, Is Wittiness Unchristian? A Note on eutrapelia in Eph 5,4: ➔ 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 163-177. 8138 Rogers C. L., The Dionysian Background of Ephesians 5: 18: HS 136 (1979) 249-257. 8139 Nafzger S. H., The Family: God's Plan. An Application of Eph 5:216:4 for Today: ConcordJ 3 (1977) 9-13. 8140 Huftier M., Sur les droits de la femme (... Eph 5,21-32): EsprVie 89 (1979) 561-568. 8141 Suski A., Inno all'amore di Cristo per la Chiesa [Eph 5,25b-27]: StudTVarsaviensia 17 (1979) 3-42. 8142 Zovkic M., Posvecenost i svetost Crkve prema [Sanctificatio et sanctitas Ecclesiae in] Ef 5,25b-27: BogSmot 49 (1979) 419-434. 8143 Bouwman G., Eph 5,28 - Versuch einer Übersetzung [... V. 25b Vordersatz zu V. 28 als Nachsatz ... : ,-Aus dem Beispiel der Liebe Christi . . . sollen die Männer lernen ihre Frauen als ihre eigenen Leiber . . . zu lieben']: ➔ 18, SupNT 48 (1978) 179-90. 8144 Espinel J. L., Los cristianos en guerra contra el mal en el mundo segun

u6.2 Ad Ephesios 6, 10 ...


Ef 6,10-20: CuBib 34 (1977) 31-45. 8145 Lluytl-Jun~s D. Martyu, The Chüstiau Wa.t-fa.t·e. Au Exposition of Eph 6,10-13. GR 1977, Baker. 373 p. $8.95 [or: The Christian Soldier ... Eph 6,10-20 ... 1978; 363 p.]. o6.3 Ad Philippenses. 8146 Barth G., Der Brief an die Philipper: Z Bib.kom.NT 9. Z 1979, Theologischer. 87 p. Fs 16,50/DM 18. 0 3-290-14723-1. 8147 Collange J. F., The Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians [1973 -> 55,4522; 57,4786], tr. A. W. Heathcote. L 1979, Epworth. vm-159 p. 8148 Dalton W. J., The Integrity of Philippians [... it was one letter, even if it were made so by the redactors after the death of Paul ... ]: Biblica 60 (1979) 97-103. 8149 Dockx S., Lieu et date de Philippiens [1.Composition litteraire de Phil; 11. Contre la these romaine et ephesine pour l'hypothese de Corinthe en l'an 50]:-> 296*, Chronologies Neotestamentaires 1976, 89-105 < RB 80 (1973) 230-46. 8150 Ernst Joi,ef, Die Briefe an die Philipper, an Philemon ... Kol, Eph: Rg NT 1974-> 56,4760; 57,5667: RTGl 68 (1978) 215s (P. Bläser). 8151 Gnilka Joachim, Mussner Franz, Zerwick Max, The Epistles to the Philippians [➔ 53,4032], Colossians, and Ephesians: New Testament for Spiritual Reading 8. L 1978, Sheed & W. vm-376 p. 8152 Houlden J. L., Paul's Letters from Prison: Philippians, Colossians, Philemon, and Ephesians: Pelican Commentaries. Ph 1977 = 1970, Westminster. 357 p. $11.95/5.95 pa. 8153 Kelly William (1821-1906), Lectures on Philippians and Colossians. Oak Park IL 1964, Bible Truth. 8154 Linde Hans al., Christus - my lewe! Filippense vir die jeug: HugenoteKollege, Bybelkorrespondensiekursusse. Cape Town 1976, Kerkuitgewers. 246 p., ill. R 1.90. 0 0-86991-154-6. 8155 Maillot A., Aux Philippiens d'aujourd'hui 1974 ..... 56,4791; 57,5671: Rcc 128 (1977,l) 99s (N. Uricchio). 8156 Martin R. P., Philippians: New Century Bible 1976 -> 58s,7301 (53,4057): RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 35 (E. Krentz); ScotJT 31 (1978) 293s (G. B. Caird). 8157 Menget B., Studien zum Philipperbrief. Untersuchungen zum situativen Kontext unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frage nach der Ganzheitlichkeit oder Einheitlichkeit eines paulinischen Briefes: Diss. ErlangenNürnberg 1979: 8158 Moule H. C. G., Studies in Philippians [= The Epistle to the Philippians: Cambridge Bible 1893]: Kregel popular commentary. GR 1977, Kregel reprint. 136 p. $2.45.. 0 0-8254-3216-2. 8159 O'Brien P. T., The Fellowship Theme in Philippians: RefTR 37 (1978) 9-18. 8160 Peretto Elio, Lettere dalla prigionia. Filippesi - Filemone - Colossesi Efesini; introd. note 2 : Nuovissima Versione 41. R 1976, Paoline. 268p.


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[XIII. Paulus

8161 Robertson A. T., Paul's Joy in Christ: Studies in Philippians. Nv 1979 [= 1917), Broadman. 265 p. $3.95 pa. 8162 Wilson Robert M., Philippians in Fayyumic: -, 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 245-50.

8163 Class H., Gemeinschaft am Evangelium - Phlp 1,5: -> 237, Fs. H. THIMME1974, 230-7. 8164 Vogel C. J. de, Reflexions on Phlp. 1,23s: NT 19 (1977) 262-74. 8165 [Phlp 2,1) Houtepen Anton, Koinonia and Consensus. Towards Communion in One Faith: Ecu R 31 (1979) 60-63. 8166 Bantle F. X., Person und Personbegriff in der Trinitätslehre Karl Rahners: MüTZ 30,2 (1979) 91-104 [perperam ibi 11-24!] p. 96 (16], NTTexte Phlp 2,5-11; Heb 1,1-14; Jn 1,1-18. 8167 Chmiel J., IE] [Phlp 2,5-11; Mt 7,21-29 ... 1 Cor 15,1-14) Lectio christocentrica SScr.: Rußi 30 (1977) 254-68. 8168 Thompson Fred P. J, The Restoration of Man:-> 249, Fs J. VANBUREN 1979, 73-86: Phlp 2,5-11. 8169 Gonzalez J., El Beato Guerrico interprete ,de S. Pablo en Phil 2,5-7: Cisterc 9 (1957) 243-50. 8170 Losie L. A., A Note on the Interpretation of Phil 2,5: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 52-54. 8171 Boyer C., Une etude sur le texte de l'epitre aux Philippiens 2,6-11: DoctCom 32 (1979) 5-14. 8172 Casa/e Marcheselli C., Cristo Gesu Signore servo di Jahve o giusto abbassato - esaltato (Considerazioni esegetiche su Fil 2,6-11 e Is 52,1353,12): Asprenas 25 (1978) 361-79. 8173 Eckman B., A Quantitative Metrical Analysis of the Philippians Hymn: NTS 26 (1979s) 258-66. 8174 Hofius 0., Der Christushymnus Phlp. 2,6-11: Untersuchungen zu Gestalt und Aussage eines urchristlichen Psalms: WUNT 17, 1976 -> 57,5681; 58s,7309: RcBQ 40 (1978) 635 (E. Krentz); JBL 96 (1977) 611s (J. T. Sanders); TLZ 103 (1978) 427s (T. Iloltz). 8175 Howard G., Phil 2:6-11 and the Human Christ [Wisdom / Structural Approach; The Second Half of the Hymn]: CBQ 40 (1978) 368-87. 8176 Lupieri Edmondo, La morte di croce. Contributi per un'analisi di Fil. 2,6-11: RivB 27 (1979) 271-311. 8177 Manns F., Philippians 2,6-11: a Judeo-Christian Hymn [< EuntDoc 29 (1976) 259-290-> 58s,7310]: TDig 26 (1978) 4-10. 8178 Sanders J. T., The NT Christological Hymns [Phlp 2,6-11; Col 1, 1520; Eph 2, 14-16... ]: SNTS, Mon. 15, 1971 .... 52,3611: DurUnJ 64 (1971s) 189s (M. E. Thrall); ZRGg 32 (1979) 215s (0. Merk). 8179 Strecker Georg, Redaktion und Tradition im Christushymnus Phil 2,611 [= ZNW 55 (1964) 63-78]: -> 370, Eschaton 1979, 142-157. 8180 Hamann H. P., A Note on Phil 2,6-7a: LuthTJ 12 (1978) 120ss. 8181 Jankowski A., IE] Christus antequam kenosin eligat: de recta translatione Ph 2,6b: Analecta Cracoviensia 10 (1978) 151-166.

u6 Epistulae captivitatis .4


G6.4 Ad Colossenses.

8182 Aletti Jean-Noel, Col. 1,15-20: Genre et exegese du texte. Fonction de la thematique sapientielle. Diss. Pont. Inst. Biblici 1979 (dir. A. Vanhoye). 291 + III p.; 123 p., bibliog. 100-123. 8183 Barclay William, The All-Sufficient Christ; Studies in Paul's Letter to the Colossians. E 1978, Saint Andrew Press. 142 p. :El.25. 8184 BerkhofH., The Holy Spirit and the World. Some Refiections on Paul's Letter to the Colossians: JTSAfr 29 (1979) 56-61. 8185 Brateber Robert G., Nida Eugene A., A Translator's Handbook on Paul's Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon: Helps for Translators 20. Stu 1977, United Dible Societies. vm-149 p. 8186 Bujard W., Stilanalytische Untersuchungen zum Kolosserbrief als Beitrag zur Methodik von Sprachvergleichen: Studien zur Umwelt des NTs 11, 1973, ➔ 55,4542: RNT 20 (1978) 334ss (G. D. Ki/patrick). 8187 Burger Christoph, Schöpfung und Versöhnung... Kol Eph: WMANT 46 1975 ➔ 58s,7319*: RTLZ 103 (1978) 274-7 (G. Schille). 8188 Carson Herbert M., Le Epistole di Paolo ai Colossesi e a Filemone. Introduzione e commentario [The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians and Philemon: An Introduction and Commentary 1960], tr. Marcella Fanelli: Commentari al Nuovo Testamento. R/T 1979, G.B.U. / Claudiana. 150 p. - RsTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 155-58 (M. Clemente). 8189 Daniel Constantin, 0 importanta mentionare a Esenienilor facuta de Sfintul Apostol Pavel: Studii Teologice (1977) 148-159. 8190 Eadie J., A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Colossians / Ephesians. GR 1979 [1884], Baker. 301 p. $7.95 / [1883] 493 p. $9.95. - Galatians [1869] 480 p. $9.95. - Philippians [1884] 291 p. $7.95. - -s Thessalonians [1877] 373 p. $7.95]. 8191 Francis F. 0., The Christological Argument of Colossians: ➔ 52, God's Christ & His People, Fs. N. A. DAHL,1977, 192-208. 8192 Häring Placidus, Christusbild und Christenleben: biblische Meditationen nach dem Kolosserbrief. Stein am Rhein 1978, Christiana-Verlag, 135 p. F 7.80. 0 3-7171-0719-4. 8193 Hubbard David A., Colossians Speaks to the Sickness of Our Times [The Joyful Sound, radio talks]. Waco 1976, Word. 96 p. $2.25. 0 087680-843-7. 8194 Kent Homer A., Treasure of Wisdom: Studies in Colossians and Philemon. Winona Lake 1978, BMH. 184 p. $3.95. 8195 Lähnemann J., Der Kolosserbrief ... : StNT 3, 1971 ➔ 52,3810; 54,4606: RJAAR 43 (1979) 323s (F. 0. Francis). 8196 Lane W. L., Creed and Theology: Refiections on Colossians: JEvThS 21 (1978) 213-220. 8197 Lettres de saint Paul aux Colossiens, aux Ephesiens, a Philemon. Le mystcrc du Christ. Tr11ductionde 111liturgic: Ecoutcr 111Biblc 23. P 1978, Desclee-B. 160 p., map. 8198 Lohse Eduard, a) Die Briefe an die Kolosser und an ·Philemon 2 : KrExKNT IX/2, 1977 ➔ 58s,7324: RNRT 100 (1978) 897s (X. Jacques). - b) Le lettere ai Colossesi e a Filemone; testo greco, traduzione, com-


Elenchus / Diblica 60 (1979)

[XIII. Paulus

mento, tr. R. Bazzano: ComTeolNT 11/1. Brescia 1979, Paideia. 378 p. Lit. 13000. 8199 Meeks Wayne A., In One Body: The Unity of Humankind in Col. & Eph.: ➔ 52, Fs. N. A. DAHL,God's Christ & His People 1977, 209221. 8200 Moule H. C. G., Studies in Colossians & Philemon [not ➔ 58s,7325 but = The Epistles to the Colossians and Philemon: Cambridge Bible 1893]: Kregel popular commentary. GR 1977, Kregel reprint. 195 p. $2.95. 0 08254-3217-0. Mussner Franz, The Epistle to the Colossians 1978 ➔ 8106, Gnilka J. 8201 Schacke Martin, Der Brief an die Kolosser [60 Radiosendungen] = Ein Jurist liest die Bibel 2. Lahr-Dinglingen 1978, St. Johannis. 240 p. DM 15,80 pa. 0 3-501-01020-6. 8202 Schweizer Eduard, Der Brief an die Kolosser: EKK 1976 ➔ 57,:5703; 58s,7328: RCBQ 40 (1978) 449s (D. Stanley); ÖkRu 27 (1978) 144ss (Ferdinand Hahn); RHPR 59 (1979) 106s (M. Bouttier); TLZ 104 (1979) 820s (E. Lohse); TZBas 34 (1978) 110-113 (M. Barth). 8203 Schweizer E., Zur neueren Forschung am Kolosserbrief (seit 1970): ➔ 8971 J. Pfammatter TB 5, 1976, p. 163-91. - Cf. TR 75 (1979) 139 (A. Kolping). 8204 Schweizer E., The Letter to the Colossians Neither Pauline nor Postpauline? [Written for the imprisoned Apostle by Timothy, about the time of the Philemon T~tter]: RihlF.TT, 41 (1976) 1- l 6. 8205 Viezuianu Dumitri, Mintuitorul [thc Savior] Iisus Hristos si sfintii ingcri [and the holy angels] dupa Epistola catre Coloseni a Sfi.ntului Apostel Pavel: Studii Teologice (1977) 75-80.

8206 McCown W., The Hymnic Structure of Colossians 1: 15-20: EvQ 51 (1979) 156-162. 8201 Manns Frederic, Col. 1,15-20: midrash chretien de Gen. 1,1: RevScRel 53 (1979) 100-110. 8208 O'Nei/1 J. C., The Source of the Christology in Colossians: NTS 26 (1979s) 87-100. 8209 Over.field P. D., Pleroma [Col 1,19 etc.]: a Study in Content and Context: NTS 25 (1978s) 384-96. 8210 Kulisz Jözef, [f] Teilhardowskie poj~cie pleromy [Col 1,19]: ColctT 49,4 (1979) 61-72. 8211 Wink W., The 'Elements of the Universe' [stoichefa... Col 2,8] in Biblical and Scientific Perspective: Zygon 13 (1978) 225-48. 8212 Walter N., Die 'Handschrift' in »Satzungen«, Kol 2,14 [c. versione accurata]: ZNW 70 (1979) 115-118. 8213 Moir Ian A., Some Thoughts on Col. 2,17-18 [stop after mellonton; consequences]: TZBas 35 (1979) 363ss. 8214 Papantzakis G., [Q] St. Paul's Confrontation of the Heresy of the Colossians [Epaphras misunderstood 2, 18ss?] : DeltBibMel 5 (1977s) 236-44. 8215 Hollenbach B., Col. 2,23: Whi~h Things Lead to the Fulfilment of the Flcsh: NTS 25 (1978s) 254-61.

o6.4 Ad Colossenses 3, 18 ...


8216 Herr T., Die sozialethische Bedeutung der neutestamentlichen Haustafeln l-. . CoJ 3, 18J: Jahrbuch für christliche Sozialwissenschaften 19 (1978) 67-82. 8217 Schweizer E., Traditional ethical pattems in the Pauline and post-Pauline letters and their development (Lists of vices and house-tables): --+ 32, Fs. M. BLACK1979, 195-209. 8218 Hiebert D. E., Epaphras, Man of Prayer [Col 4,12-13... ]: BS 136 (1979) 54-64.

a6.5 Ad Philemonem - Slavery in the NT. 8219 Church F. F., Rhetorical Structure and Design in Paul's Letter to Philemon: HarvTR 71 (1978) 17-33. 8220 Gayer R., Stellung des Sklaven... bei Paulus 1976 --+ 58s,6780: RNRT 100 (1978) 907ss (X. Jacques). 8221 Lehmann Richard, Epitre a Philemon. Le christianisme primitif et l'esclavage. Geneve 1978, Labor et Fides. 95 p. Fs 17. 8222 Link H.-G. a.o., Slave: --+ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 590-9. 8223 Maxwell John F., Slavery and the Cathohc Church [p. 1-30, 'in the Hible 'j. The History of Catholic Teaching conceming the Moral Legitimacy of the Institution of Slavery. Foreword by Lord Wilberforce. Chi~hf':stf':r/T.197'i, R Rnse. 14?.p. f2.50. 8224 S(ain)te Croix G. de, Early Christian Attitudes to Property and Slavery: StChHist 12 (1975) 1-38. 8225 Stuhlmacher P., Der Brief an Philemon: EKK, NT 1975 --+ 57,5738; 58s,7348: RCBQ 40 (1978) 449s (D. Stanley).


Ad The!il!'lalonicenses.

8226 Rllingworth Paul, Nida Rueene A., A Translator's Handbook on Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians: Helps for Translators 16. Stu 1976, United Biblt: Soc. x-230 p. 8227 Frede H. J., Epistulae ad Thessalonicenses, Timotheum. . . [--+ 58s,1293]: Lfg 5s = 2 Th 2,2 - 1 Tim 1,5 - 1 Tim 3,1: Vetus Latina Beuron 25. Fr 1978, Herder. P. 321-400; 401-480. DM 40; 52,50 (subscr. 34; 45). - Fase. 1-4: RRB 85 (1978) 467s (M.-E.Boismard); TLZ 103 (1978) 723ss (H. Zimmermann). Friedrich G., Die Briefe an . . . die Thessalonicher, Philemon: NTDt 8, 1976 --+ 8046, Becker J., Galater. 8228 Gibbs Eddie, Alarmbereitschaft: die beiden Briefe des Paulus an die Christen in Thessalonich [Born into Battle] tr. W. Steinseifer: ABCTeam, Taschenbuch 1401. Wu 1978, Brockhaus fa/]. 159 p.; ill. (A. Valloton). DM 4,95 pa. 0 3-417-21401-7. 8229 Kcmmlcr Dieter W., Faith and Human Rcason: 1-2 Thes.; Acts 17,2-4 1975 --+ 56,4830; 57,5745: RTLZ 103 (1978) 379s (T. Holtz). 8230 Marin Francisco, Evangelio de la Esperanza, Evangelio de la Unidad:


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIII. Paulus

Cartas de San Pablo a los Tesalonicenses y a los Filipenses: Publ. Univ. Pont. Comillas Teol. 1/13. M 1979. 192 p. pt. 550. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 908 (T. H.). 8231 Martin Sydney, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus: Beacon Bible Expositions 10. KC 1977, Beacon Hili. 147 p. 8232 Spinetoli Ortensio da, Lettere ai Tessalonicesi; introd. note 2 : Nuovissima Versione 38. R 1977, Paoline. 107 p. 8233 Spinetoli Ortensio da [a/.], Le lettere di san Paolo: 1-2 Tess; P. Rossano, introd., 1-2 Cor; U. Vanni, Gal-Rom; E. Peretto, prig.; S. Cipriani, past. ; S. Zedda, Ebrei; A. Giudici, G. A. Palo, indice analitico 32 p. ; ed. 2; Parola di Dio 16. T 1978, Paoline. 696 p. Lit. 9000. 8234 Sttplen Jan P., Listy du Tesaloniczan i pasterskie... Thessalonians and Pastorals: introduction, translation from the original, commentary: Pismo Swi~te NTu 9. Poznan 1979, Pallottinum. 518 p. 8235 Wil11onGeoffrey B., 1 & 2 The:sS11lonians:A Digest of Reformed Comment. E/Carlisle, PA 1975, Banner of Truth. 124 p.; bibliogr. 122-124. f:0.50. 8236 Goi/ins R. F., A propos the integrity of 1 Thes: ETL 55 (1979) 67-106 [arguments for divided authorship invalid]. 8237 Koester Helmut, 1 Thessalonians - Experiment in Christian Writing: ➔ 265, Fs. G. Williams, Continuity 1979, 33-44. 8238 Marxsen Willi, Der erste Brief an die Thessalonicher: ZBibKNT 11/1. Z 1979, Theol. V. 80 p., map. Fs 16,50; DM 18. 0 3-290-14724-X. 8239 UprichardR. E. H., The Person and Work of Christ in 1 Thes: IrBibSt 1 (1979) 19-27. 8240 Viard A., L'Evangile de Jesus-Christ dans la premiere Epitre aux Thessaloniciens: Angelicum 56 (1979) 413-427. 8241 Ware P., The Coming of the Lord: Eschatology and 1 Thes: RestQ 22 (1979) 109-120.

8242 Roosen Antoon, Das Zeugnis des Glaubens in 1 Thessalonicher 1,6-10: , 100, Fs. B. HÄRING 1977, 359-83. 8243 Gereb Zsolt, IM!Exegesis of 1 Thes 2,1-13: Reformätus Szemle 1977, 133-9. 8244 Gribomont J., Facti sumus parvuli: la charge apostolique (1 Th 2,1-12): ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 311-338. 8245 [1 Thes 4,14) Vida/ Garcia S., La förmula de resurrecci6n 'cristol6gica simple': Salmanticensis 27 (1979) 385-417. 8246 Friedrich Gerhard, 1 Thess. 5,1-11, der apologetische Einschub eines Späteren < ZThK 70 (1973) 288-315: ➔ 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 251278. 8247 Plevnik J., 1 Thess 5,1-11: Its Authenticity, Intention and Message: Biblica 60 (1979) 71-96. 8248 Edgar T. R., The Meaning of 'Sleep' in 1 Thessalonians 5: 10 [not 'die' but 'fail to watch']: JEvTSoc 22 (1979) 345-9.

06.6 Ad Thessalonicenses II


8249 Bailey J. A., Who Wrote II Thessalonians? [2-3 generation just before 100 A.o.J: NTS 25 (1978s) 131-45. 8250 [2 Thes 2,3-12] Ciccarese Maria Pia, Un testo gnostico confutato da Agostino: VetChr 15 (1978) 23-44. 8251 Marin F., 2 Tes 2,3-12. Intentos de comprensi6n y nuevo planteamiento: EstE 54 (1979) 527-37.

o7 Epistulae pastorales (--->9449ss Amt) 8252 Brox Norbert, Zu den persönlichen Notizen der Pastoralbriefe < BZ 13 (1969) 76-94 / Zum Problemstand in der Erforschung der altchristlichen Pseudepigraphie < Kairos 15 (1973) 10-23:--->405 Pseudepigraphie 1977, 272-294 / 311-334. 8253 Cipriani Settimio, Lettere pastorali. 1-2 Timoteo - Tito: introd. note 2 : Nuovissima Versione 42. R 1977, Paoline. 179p. 8254 Coleman T. H. J, Interpretation of the Pastoral Epistles and Some Selected OT Wisdom Elements [eusebeia,söphronismos]:diss. Duke 1977, dir. F. W. Young. 262 p. - DissA 39 (1978s) 317s A. 8255 Dockx Stanislas, Essai de chronologie de la vie de S. Timothee [Appendice: Authenticite des lettres de la captivite: 179-87]: -> 296*, Chronologies Neotestamentaires 1976, 167-187. 8?.)6 FP1JiflpfAnilrc\ T.11 iloctrine des F.pitres Pastorales et leurs affinites avec l'reuvre lucanienne: RThom 78 (1978) 181-225 -> 6338. 8257 Floor L., Church Order in the Pastoral Epistles: Neotest 10 (1976) 8191. 8258 GroenewaldE. P., Die Pastorale Briewe. Cape Town 1977, Kerk. 193 p. R. 6.75. 0 0-86991-206-2. With text in Afrikaans. Date 62ss from Rome/Macedon. 8259 Hasler V., Die Briefe an Timotheus und Titus (Pastoralbriefe): Zürcher Bibelkommentare NT 12. Z 1978, Theologischer. 111 p. DM 16. 0 3-29014721-S. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 292s (P. Trummer). 8260 Hayden E. V., Paul and Timothy: --+ 258, Fs. D. WALKER1978. 8261 Jeremias J. [StrobelA.,] Die Briefe an Timotheus u. Titus [- Der Brief an die Hebräer]: NTDt 9, 1975 -> 57,5772; 58s,7379: RCBQ 40 (1978) 276s (B. Vawter). 8262 Karris Robert J., The Pastoral Epistles: NT Message 17. Wilmington DE 1979, Glazier. xix-126 p. 0 0-89453-140-9. 8263 Knight G., The Faithful Sayings in the Pastoral Letters. GR 1979, Baker. 167 p. $6.95. 8264 Longkammer H., [f] Glowne tendencje doctrynalne Listow Pasterskich: Die wichtigsten Richtungen der Lehre in den Pastoralbriefen: RoczTKan 25,1 (1978) 75-85; summ. 85. 8265 Lestapis Stanislas de, L'enigme des Pastorales de saint Paul 1976 -> 58s,7380: RJTS 29 (1978) 199s (J. L. Houlden: 'historical criticism in the grand old style'); RB 85 (1978) 465s (J. Murphy-O'Connor); RThom 78 (1978) 334 (M.-E. Lauziere); TPQ 126 (1978) 392s (P. Trummer); TR 75 (1979) 30s (N. Brox). 35. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XIII. Paulus

8266 Lips Hermann von, Glaube - Gemeinde - Amt. Zum Verständnis der [Diss. Heid 1974] Ordination in den Pastoralbricfcn; FRLANT 122. Gö 1979, VR. 327 p.; bibliog. 290-315. DM 66. 8267 Lohse E., Episkopos in den Pastoralbriefen ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK, Kirche und Bibel 1979, 225-31. 8268 Querdray G., La doctrine des Epitres pastorales. Leurs affinites avec l'reuvre lucanienne. Remarques nouvelles; EsprVie 88 (1978) 631-638. 8269 Quinn Jerome D., a) The Holy Spirit in the Pastoral Epistles: ➔ 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 345-368. - b) The Last Volume of Luke: The Relation of Luke-Acts to the pastoral Episs tles: ➔ 536, Talbert C., Perspectives 1978, 62-75; cf. ➔ 6638. 8270 Reuss Joseph, Stöger Alois, The Epistles to Timothy, Titus and Philemon: New Testament for Spiritual Reading 10. L 1977, Sheed and Ward. xvw-288 p. f3.50. 8271 Rogers P., The Pastoral Epistles as Deutero-Pauline [yes]: Irish Theological Quarterly 45 (Maynooth 1978) 248-260. 8272 TrummerPeter, Die Paulustradition der Pastoralbriefe [kath. Hab.-schr. Graz]: BeiBibExT 8. Fra 1978, Lang [➔ 58s,7389]. 279 p.; bibliog. 251264. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 503s (R. J. Karris); TR 75 (1979) 460ss (E. E. Bilis); TPQ 127 (1979) 186s (W. Beilner); TüTQ 159 (1979) 231s (K. H. Schelkle). 8273 Venter Casper J. H., Die Bediening van die versoening aan die bejaarde: 'n pastorale studie in die lig van die pastorale briewe [diss. Potchefstroom Univ. Christian Higher Ed.]: Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing 57. Potchefstroom 1976, Pro Rege. 300 p.; bibliog. 295-300. R 11.50. 0 0-908392-07-9. [Church work for the aged... ]. 8274 Wanke Joachim, Der verkündigte Paulus der Pastoralbriefe: ➔ 70 Fs. Erfurt 1977, 165-189. Wilson Stephen G., Luke and [= author of] the Pastoral Epistles 1979 ➔ 6638; cf. ➔ 8256; 8269. 8275 Zmijewski Josef, Die Pastoralbriefe als pseudepigraphische Schriften Beschreibung, Erklärung, Bewertung: SlNTU-A 4 (1979) 97-118.

G7.1 Epistulae pastorales: Ad Timotheum I. 8276 Malingrey Anne-Marie, Note sur l'exegese de 1 Tim 2,15: ➔ 616, StPatrist 12, 1975, 334-9. 8277 Potterie I. de la, 'Mari d'une seule femme' [1 Tim 3,2]. Le sens theologique d'une formule paulinienne: -+ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 619-38. 8278 Lewis R.M., The 'Women' of 1 Tim 3,11; BS 136 (1979) 167-75: not deaconesses. 8279 Metzger Wolfgang, Der Christushymnus: 1. Timotheus 3, 16: Fragment einer Homologie der paulinischen Gemeinden: ArbTheol 62. Stu 1979, Calwer. 163 p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-7668-0617-3. 8280 M@llerJ. G., Melanchthon som fortolker af 1. Tim 4,13: Kirkehistoriske Samlinger 7/6 (K 1968) 520-524.

o7 Epistulac pastorales: Tim. Tit.


8281 f1 Tim 4,14; 2 Tim 1,61 Kilmartin E. J., Ministere et ordination dans l'Eglise chretienne primitive: Leur arriere-plan juif: MaisD 138 (1979) 49-92. 8282 Burini C., Les 'vieillards ', 'nos parents' dans l'Eglise de Dieu - 1 Tim 5,1-2:--> 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 697-720. 8282* Sprandel R., Das Verhalten gegenüber alten Leuten: die Geschichte der Exegese eines Paulus-Textes [1 Tim 5,1] im Mittelalter: Saeculum 30 (1979) 365-73.

o7.2 Ad Timotheum 2, 8283 Bürki Hans, Der zweite Brief des Paulus an Timotheus [I 1974 --> 56,4857), die Briefe an Titus und an Philemon: Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1977, Brockhaus. 231 p. DM 27 (16,80 pa.). 0 3-417-0054/5-0 (6-9). 8284 Moule H. C. G., Studies in II Timothy [= The Second Epistle to Timothy: a devotional commentary]: Kregel Popular Commentary Series. GR 1977, Kregel reprint. 180p. $2.05. 0 0-8254-4219-7. 8285 Woychuk N. A., An exposition of Second Timothy, lnspirational and Practical. Old Tappan NJ 1974, Revell. 172 p. $4. 50. 8286 Johnson L. T., II Timothy and the Polemic against False Teachers: a Re-examination: Journal of Religious Studies 6 (Cleveland 1978) 1-26. 8287 Spicq C., 'Lo'is, ta grand'maman' (2 Tim 1,5): RB 84 (1977) 362-364. 8288 Grabbe L. L., [2 Tim 3,8] The Jannes / Jambres Tradition in Targum Pseudo-Jonathan and its Date: JBL 98 (1979) 393-401 [against M. McNamara AnB 27, 1966]. 8289 McGonigal T. P., Every Scripture Is Inspired: An Exegesis of 2 Tim 3: 16-17: StBibT 8 (1978) 53-64. 8290 Skeat T. C., 'Espccially thc Parchmcnts': a Note on 2 Tim 4,13: JTS 30 (1979) 173-77: membranai sunt (non praeter) biblia.

o7.3 Ad Titum. 8291 Draper James T. J, Titus: Patterns for Church Living. Wheaton IL 1978, Tyndale. 119 p. $2.95 pa. 8292 Galites.Georgios A., IQ] He pros Titan... Der Brief des Apostels Paulus an Titus: Einführung und Kommentar. Thessalonike 1978, Purnara. 380p. 8293 Getz Gene A., A Profile for a Christian Life Style: A Study of Titus. Grand Rapids 1978, Zondervan. 200 p. $1.95 pa. 8294 Goodall B., The Homilies of St. John Chrysostom on the Letters of St. Paul to Titus and Philemon; Prolegomena to an Edition: Univ. Cal. Class. St. 20. Berkeley 1979, Univ. Cal. 102 p., 4 pi. $9. 8295 Galttts G., l!i] The disobedient in Crete [Tit 1,16] and the command ot obediencc: DeltBibMel 5 (1977s) 196-208. 8296 Matt S. C., Greek Ethics and Christian Conversion: the Philonic Background of Titus 2,10-14 and 3, 3-7: NT 20 (1978) 22-48.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XIII. Paulus

G8 Epistula ad Hebraeos.

8297 Anderson Robert, Types in Hebrews. GR 1978, Kregel reprint. vm184 p. $3.50 pa. 8298 BowmanJohn W., The Letter to the Hebrews, the Letter of James, the First and Second Letters of Peter: Layman's Bible Commentary 24. Atlanta 1976 (6th printing), Knox. 176 p. 8299 Buchanan G. W., To the Hebrews: Anchor Bible 36, 1972 .....54, 4664 ... 58s, 7405: RsvEx 40 (1975) 112s (A. Ekenberg). 8300 Car/ston Charles, The Vocabulary of Perfection in Philo and Hebrews: --->144, Fs. G. LADD,Unity and Diversity 1978, 133-160. 8301 ChouraquiAndre, Un pactc ncuf. Gcstcs des Envoyes. Lettres de Pau los. Lettre aux Hebreux, Ya'aqob, Petros, Yol)anän, Yehouda, Contemplation de Yol)anän. P 1977, Desclee De Brouwer. I. 165 p. Pb 245. II. 285 p. Pb 394. III. 253 p. F;!J394. - RNRT 100 (1978) 761-64 (X. Jacques). 8302 D'Angelo Mary Rose, Moses in the Letter to the Hebrews [Yale diss. NH 1976. 1v-326p. --->58s,7455]: SBL diss. 42. MMS 1979. x-270p.; bibliog. 265-270. 8303 Dey Lala K..K.., The lntermediary World and Patterns of Perfection in Philo and Hebrews: SBL diss. 25, 1975 .....58s,7406: RJBL 96 (1977) 614ss (B. L. Mack); TR 75 (1979) 23s (0. Michel). 8304 Dickson David, The Epistle to the Hebrews [11ftr:r---> Rfö~, Fergussnn J., Gal ... ]: Geneva Series Commentary. E/Carlisle PA 1978 [= 1635 = 1841), Banner of Truth. 8305 EllingworthP., Hebrews and I Clement: Literary Dependence or Common Tradition: BZ 23 (1979) 262-69 [zu 22 (1978) 115-22, M. Mees]. 8306 Fraenkel Pierre, De l'&::riture a la Dispute. Le cas de l' Academie de Geneve SOUS Theodore de Beze [ep. Hebr.): CahRThPh 1. Lausanne 1977. 43 p. - RZKG 90 (1979) 144 (K.-V. Seige). 8307 Fudge Edward, Our Man in Heaven: An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. GR 1974, Baker. 218 p.; bibliogr. p. 205-208. $4.95 [also Athens, Ala. C.E.I. Publications]. 8308 Fuller R. H. a/., Hebrews - James (Sloyan G. S.) - 1 & 2 Peter (Krodel G.) - Jude (Danker F. W.) - Revelation (Fiorenza E. S.): Proclamation Commentaries 1977, --->58s,7410: RCBQ 40 (1978) 270-2 (S. Brown); Interpr 32 (1978) 318 (R. B. Ward). 8309 Glaze R. E. J (Hewitt Y. text), The Epistle to the Hebrews: Study Guide for Seminary Extension, Basic Curriculum. Nv 1965, Southem Baptist Seminaries. xn-104 p. 8310 Greer Rowan A., The Captain of Our Salvation. A Study in the Patristic Exegesis of Hebrews 1973 --->55, 9605; 56, 9726: RTLZ 104 (1979) 279-83 (H. Kraft). 8311 Hagen Kenneth, A Theology of Testament in the Young Luther: the Lectures on Hebrews 1974--->56,a343: RTLZ 103 (1978) 127ss (H. Junghans). 8312 Hession Roy, Vom Schatten zur Wirklichkeit: eine Wiederentdeckung der verborgenen Botschaft dei, Hebräerbriefes [From shadow to substance

G8 Epistula ad Hebraeos 7,1. ..



1977 ➔ 58s,7412]: Telos 1908. Marburg 1978, Francke. 0 8313 Hughes G., Hebrews and Hermeneutics: the Epistle to the Hebrews as a NT Example of Biblical Interpretation: SocNTSt, Mon 36. C 1979, Univ. xn-218 p.; bibliogr. 197-213. 8314 Hughes P. E., A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews 1977, ➔ 58s,7413 [0 0-8028-3495-7]: RcalvTJ 13 (1978) 215-18 (A. J. Bandstra); CBQ 41 (1979) 160-63 (J. Swetnam); EvQ 50 (1978) 120s (D. Peterson); JBL 98 (1979) 457-9 (J. W. Thompson); JTS 29 (1978) 544ss (F. F. Bruce); ReITR 37 (1978) 54ss (G. Hughes: flat, not penetrating); ScotJT 32 (1979) 581s (1. H. Marshall); TS 39 (1978) 339s (J. M. Reese: stream.

Spicq). 8315 JoJmsson William 0., a) Issues in the Interpretation of Hebrews: AndrUnSS 15 (1977) 169-187. - b) The Pilgrimage Motif in the Book of Hebrews: JBL 97 (1978) 239-51. 8316 Jones P. R., The Figure of Moses as a Heuristic Device for Understanding the Pastoral Intent of Hebrews: RExp 76 (1979) 95-107. 8317 Kelly James, The Manner of Christ's Sufferings and bis Perfection through thcm according to thc Epistlc to thc Hcbrcws (pars diss. R. Antonianum). SF 1977. 8318 Kuss Otto, Mich/ Johann, Carta a los Hebreos, Cartas Catolicas: Com. Ratisbona NT 8, 1977, ➔ 58s,7417: RcomSev 11 (1978) 111 (M. de Burgos); Sal 40 (1978) 410s (J. Picca). 8319 Laub Franz, Bekenntnis und Auslegung. Die parönetisohe Funktion der Christologie im Hebräerbrief: Diss. Mü 1978 dir. J. Gnilka. - TR 74 (1978) 509. 8320 Laubach Fritz, Der Brief an die Hebräer, erklärt 5 ; Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1977, Brockhaus. 292 p. DM 24. 0 3-417-251116-8 (016-1 pa.). 8321 Macaulay J. C., Expository Commentary on Hebrews. Ch 1978, Moody. 270 p. $6.95. 8322 McCullough J. C., The OT Quotations in Hebrews: NTS 26 (1979s) 363-79. 8323 Martins Term J. E., A liberta9iio escntol6gicn nn Epistoln nos Hebreus. 0 Povo de Deus a Caminho do Santuario: RCuBib 2 (Sao Paolo 1978) 325-343. 8324 Mora Gaspar, La carta de los Hebreos como escrito pastoral: Col. San Paciano 20, 1974 ➔ 56,4880: RTVida 19 (1978) 138 (M. A. Ferrando). 8325 Nico/au M., El 'Reino de Dios' en 1a carta a los Hebreos: Burgense 20 (1979) 393-405. , 8326 Purkiser W. T., Hebrews, James, Peter: Beacon Bible Expositions, 11. Kansas City 1974, Beacon Hili. 232 p. 8327 Schick Eduard, Im Glauben Kraft empfangen. Betrachtungen zum Brief an die Hebräer. Stu 1978, KBW. 196p. DM 24. 0 3-460-31461-3. 8328 Schierse F. J. al., The Epistles to the Hebrews, of St. James (Knoch Otto), and to the Thessalonians (Egenolf Hans-A.) [➔ 49,3866): NT for Spiritual Reading 9. L 1977, Sheed & W. XXVI-436p. !:4.50. 8329 Spicq Ceslas, L'Epitre aux Hebreux: Sources Bibliques, P 1977 ➔ 58s,7428: RcBQ 41 (1979) 161ss (J. Swetnam); JBL 98 (1979) 457ss (J. W. Thompson).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[Xlll. Paulus

8330 Szluxu .T.,a) [E:]Ben1fungund Würde des Hohenpriesters des Neuen Bundes nach dem Hebräerbrief: RoczTKan 25,1 (1978) 87-101, summ. 101. - b) [E:]Ritus veteris foederis secundwn Hbr 9,6-7: RuBi 29 (1976) 279-84. 8331 Vanhoye Albert, a) Cristo Sumo Sacerdote: RCuBib 2 (1978) 313-323. b) Culto antico e culto nuovo nell'Epistola agli Ebrei: RLtg 65 (1978) 595-608. 8332 Vanhoye Albert, EI mensaje de la Carta a los Hebreos (1977 ➔ 58s,743l b]. Estella 1978, Verbo Divino. 58 p. 0 84-7151-227-0. 8333 Vanhoye Albert, Literarische Struktur und theologische Botschaft des Hebräerbriefs, I: StNTU-A 4 (1979) 119-147, folgt. 8334 Vanhoye A, La structure litteraire de l'ep. aux Hebreux 2 (rev. et augm.) 1976 ➔ 57,5800: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 286-91 (F. Lentzen-Deis). 8335 Andriessen P., En lisant l'epitre aux Hebreux [en forme d'une lettre de desnooord o.A. Vanhoye].Vaals, Nederland 1977, St. Benedictusberg. IV61 p. 8336 Wiersinga Herman, Je kunt beter geloven. Het geloofsmodel in de brief aan de Hebreeen. Daarn 1978, Ten Ilave. 167 p. 8337 Wilson Geoffrey B., Hebrews: a Digest of Reformed Comment [not really a •digest' but straightforward comments; the few citations do not appear specially 'Reformed']. E 1979, Banner of Truth. 205 p. 8338 Zedda Silverio, Lettera agli Ebrei: introd. note 2 : Nuovissima Versione 43. R 1972, Paoline. 113 p. 8339 ZimmermannHeinrich, Das Bekenntnis der Hoffnung: Tradition und Redaktion im Hebräerbrief: BBB 47. Bonn 1977, Hanstein. xix-236 p. DM 58 (50 pa). 0 3-7756-101 56-1 (46-4). 8340 Cockerill G. L., Heb 1,1-14, 1 Clem. 36,1-6 and the High Priest Title: JBL 97 (1978) 437-40. 8341 Aujfret P., Note sur la structure litteraire d'Hb 2,1-4: NTS 25 (1978s) 166-79. 8342 Jelonek T., [E:]The authenticating works of God in Heb 2,4: RuBi 31 (1978) 16-22. 8343 Grässer Erich, Die Heilsbedeutung des Todes Jesu in Hebräer 2,14-18: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER 1979, 165-184. 8344 Aujfret P., Essai sur la structure litteraire et l'interpretation d'Hebreux 3,1-6: NTS 26 (1979s) 380-96. 8345 Friedrich Gerhard, Das Lied vom Hohenpriester im Zusammenhang von Hb 4,14-5,10 < TZBas 18 (1962) 95-115: ➔ 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 279-99. 8346 Schenk W., HebrJerbrief 4, 14-16: Textlinguistik als Kommentierungsprinzip (SNTS Seminar P 1978]: NTS 26 (1979s) 242-52. 8347 Attridge H. W., 'Heard Because of his Reverence' (Heb 5,7): JBL 98 (1979) 90-93. 8349 Longenecker Richard, The Melchizedek [Heb 7] Argument of Hebrews: A Study in the Development and Circumstantial Expression of NT Thought: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADD,Unity and Diversity 1978, 161-185.

08 Epistula ad Hebraeos 7, 1 ...


8349* Gryson R., Melchisedech, type du Christ, selon S. Ambroise: RTLouv 10 (1979) 176-195. 8350 Demarest B. A., A History Interpretation of Hebr 7,1•10 from the Reformation to the Present: BeiGBibEx 19, 1976-+ 57,5812; 58s,7449: RArRefg, Literaturbericht 6 (1977) 25s (D. Demandt). 8351 Thompson J. W., Hebrews 9 and Hellenistic Concepts of Sacrifice: JBL 98 (1976) 567-78. 8352 Agrelo S. [Ex Heb IX,13, in sacramentario Veronae lege cinis non] Ignis alienus. Anotaciones para una lectura correcta de ve 1246: Antonianum 51 (1976) 170-200. 8353 Lyall F., Of metaphors and analogies: legal language and [Heb 9,16] covenant theology: ScotJT 32 (1979) 19-43. 8354 Schwarz G., Hebr. 9,27-28 und Reinkarnationsglaube: BibNot 10 (1979) 43-48. 8355 Pelser G. M. M., A Translation Problem: Hebr 10,19-25 [with analysis of structure]: Neotestamentica 8 (1974) 43-53. 8356 Modersohn Ernst, Durch den Glauben: seelsorgerliche Gedanken zu Hebräer 1P: Telos 1111. Frutigen 1978, Trochsel. 250 p. 0 3-7265-00422. 8357 Dörrie H., hyp6stasis, Wort und Bedeutungsgeschichte [Exkurs: Die Interpretation von Hebr 11,1 und ihre Geschichte]: < NachrGö 3 (1955) 35-92: StTextAnt 8 (Mü 1976, Fink) 12-61 [- 69]. 8358 Benetreau Samuel, La foi d'Abel, Hebreux 11,4: ETRel 54 (1979) 62330. 8359 Irwin Joyce, The Use of Hebrews 11,11 as Embryological Proof-Text: HarvTR 71 (1978) 312-16: it meant women had seed, to physician J. van Beverwyck, Excellence of the Female Sex (in Dutch, Dordrecht 1639). 8360 Horning E. B., Chiasms, Creedal Structure, and Christology in Hebrews 12: 1-2: BibRes 23 (1978) 37-48. 8361 Jelonek T„ a) [ii] [Lapis in Sion et mons Sion: duae imaiifles ecclesio'logiac NTi Hcbr 12,18-24 et 1 Pc 1,13-2,10]: Rußi 31 (1978) 290-96. b) [fl 'Palpably' and 'Mount Zion': the real content of the contrast in Hebr 12,18-24: AnCracov. 9 (1977).

a9 Epistulae catholicae (-+8397) .1 Prima Petri.

8362 Blaiklock E. M., First Peter: A Translation and Devotional Commentary. Waco 1977, Word. 113 p. $4.95. 8363 Bovon F., Foi chretienne et religion populaire dans la premiere Epitre de Pierre: ETRel 53 (1978) 25-41. 8364 Brox Norbert, Der erste Pctrusbricf: Ev-KKomNT 21. Z/Ncuk 1979, Benziger/Neuk..-V. vm-263 p. DM 48. 0 3-545-23108-9 / 0 3-7887-0557-9. RßLtg 52 (1979) 261-65 (A. Stöger, EKK Ein neues Kommentarwerk); TPQ 127 (1979) 411 (J. B. Bauer). 8365 Brox N., Tendenz und Pseudepigraphie im ersten Petrusbricf: Kairos 20 (1978) 110-120.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIV, 1 Ep. cath.

8366 Combrink H. J. B., The Structure of 1 Peter: Neotest 9 (1975) 34-63. 8367 Cothenet E., Liturgie et vie chretienne d'apres I Pierre: ➔ 690, Triacca A. M., La liturgie 1978, 97-113. 8368 Criswell Wallie A., Expository Sermons on the Epistles of Peter. GR 1976, Zondervan. 160 p. 8369 Gispert-Sauch G., 'St. Peter Walking on the Ganges' [against R. Stehly RHPhilRel 57 (1977) 433-7]: Vidyajyoti 42 (1978) 468-72. 8370 Goldstein Horst, Paulinische Gemeinde im ersten Petrusbrief: SBS 80, 1975 ➔ 57,5842; 58s,7498: RTLZ 103 (1978) 115s (C. Wolff). 8371 Goppelt Leonhard, Der erste Petrusbrief ed. 8, F. Hahn: Meyer KritExK.om NT 12,1 1978 ➔ 58s,7449: Rßiblica 60 (1979) 450-2 (W. J. Dalton); CBQ 41 (1979) 647ss (J. H. Elliott); ETRel 53 (1978) 577s (M. Bouttier); FreibRu 30 (1979) 156 (P.-G. Müller); JTS 30 (1979) 53942 (E. Best); RechSR 67 (1979) 148 (E. des Places); StNTU-A 4 (1979) 157s [A. Fuchs]; TGl 68 (1978) 335ss (J. Ernst); TLZ 104 (1979) 821ss (K. Weiss); TüTQ 158 (1978) 314s (K. H. Schelkle); TZBas 35 (1979) 249ss (M. Rissi). 8372 Hemer C. J., The Address of 1 Peter [... Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, Bithynia and the route of the messenger]: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 23943. 8373 Neugehauer F., Zur Deutung und Bedeutung des 1. Petrusbriefes: NTS 26 (1979) 61-86. 8374 Neyrey J. H., The Form and Background of the Polemic in 2 Peter: Diss. Yale 1977, dir. A. Ma/herbe. v-332 p. 0 7816543. - DissA 39 (1978s) 1766s-A. - RsvEx 43 (1978) 166ss (T. Fornberg). 8375 Olson Vemon S., The Atonement in 1 Peter: diss. Union Theological Seminary 1979. 478 p. 0 7921997 - DissA 40 (1979s) 2135-A. 8376 Refoule F., Bible et ethique sociale. Lire aujourd'hui 1 Pierre: Supplement 131 (P 1979) 457-482. 8377 Vanni Ugo, Lettere di Pictro, Giacomo, Giuda: introd. note: Nuovissima Versione 44. R 1975, Paoline. 191 p, 8378 Villiers J. L. de, Joy in Suffcring in 1 Peter: Neotest 9 (1975) 64-86. 8379 Woods· 0. N., A Commentary on the NT Epistles of Peter, John & Jude. Nv 1974, Gospel Advocate. 408 p. 8380 Neumaser Richard, Das neue Menschsein. Nach dem Zeugnis des NT entfaltet am 1. Petrusbrief, Kap 1,1-2,10. Metzingen, Württ. 1978, Franz. 64p. DM 2.50pa. 0 3-7722-0171-7. 8381 Garrett J. L. J, The Pre-Cyprianic Doctrine of the Priesthood of all Christians U Pt 2,51: ➔ 265, Fs. G. H. WILLIAMS, Continuity ... 1979, 45-61. 8382 Ratzin~r J., Tempel aus lebendigen Steinen (l Pt 2,5): • 155, Seidel W., Fs. Mainz 1975, 30-48. 8383 Price J. J. H., Submission-humility in 1 Peter: An Exegetical Study [... 2,13-3,7; 3,13-4,6; 5,1-11]: diss. Vanderbilt, dir. P.W. Meyer. 329p. 0 7812433. - DissA 39 (1978s) 928-A.

a9 1-11Petri; Jacobi


8384 Piper J., Hope as the Motivation of Love: 1 Pt 3,9-12: NTS 26 (1979s) 212-31. 8385 Shimada K., The Christological Credal Formula in 1 Peter 3,18-22 Reconsidered: AnJaBI 5 (1979) 154-176. 8386 Bauer J. B., Aut maleficus aut alieni speculator [germ.] (1 Petr 4,15) ['Hexerei; Veruntreuung': kakopoios, al/otriepiskopos]: BZ 22 (1978) 109-15. 8387 Marxsen Willi, Der Mitälteste und Zeuge der Leiden Christi [1 Pt 5,1): --+ 63, Fs. E. DIN~ER 1979, 377-393.

G9.2 Secunda Petri. 8388 FornbergT., An Early Church is a Pluralistic Society: A Study of 2 Peter, tr. J. Gray: ConBibNT 9. Lund 1977, Gleerup. vu-175p. - RJBL 97 (1978) 602ss (B. A. Pearson); JTS 30 (1979) 543 (S. Laws); RechSR 67 (1979) 149s (B. Bougon); SvEx 43 (1978) 162-66 (G. Strecker); TR 75 (1979) 31s (0. Knoch); TS 39 (1978) 381 (J. H. Elliott); TZBas 34 (1978) 179s (J. Snyder). 8389 Normann Friedrich, Teilhabe [2 Pt 1,4; AT, JosF, Philo] - ein Schlüsselwort der Vätertheologie: MünstBeiTh 42. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. vm-317 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 443s (A. de Halleux). 8390 Zmijewski J., Apostolische Paradosis und Pseudepr.:·grahie im NT: 'Durch Erinnerung Wachhalten' (2 Petr 1,13; 3,1) [Bonn Hab.-schr. 1978): BZ 23 (1979) 161-71. 8391 Moser Dietz-R., Chronologie [2 Pt 3,8): .....879, E Märchens 3,1 (1979) 15-21. 8392 Lenhard H., Noch einmal zu 2 Pe 3,10d [heurethesetai und hb. nim$a' im AT]: ZNW 69 (1978) 136.

a9.4 Epzstula Jacobi - James.

8393 Aland K., Der Herrenbruder Jak:obus und der Jak:obusbrief: .....275, NT Entwürfe, TBüch 63 (1979) 233-45 < TLZ 69 (1944) 97-104. 8394 Amphoux C.-B., a) Les manuscrits grecs de l'Epitre de Jacques d'apres une collation de 25 lieux variants: RHText 8 (1978) 247-276, depliants. b) Vers une description linguistique de l'epitre de Jacques: NTS 25 (1978s) 58-92. 8395 Amphoux C.-ß., Houttier M., La predication de Jacques le Juste: ETRel 54 (1979) 5-16. 8396 Awoniyi J. D., The Classification of the Greek Manuscripts of the Epistle of James: diss. Andrews 1979, dir. J. J. C. Cox. u7920333. 227 p. DissA 40 (1979s) 1542-A. 8397 Balz H., Schrage W., Le lettere cattoliche: NT [1973 .....55,4631) tr.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIV, 1 Ep. cath.

Brescia 1978, Paideia. 430 p. Lit 12.000. 8398 Barlett David L., The Epistle of James as a Jewish-Christian Document: .... 583, Achtemeier P., SBL Seminar 1979, II 173-186. 8399 Blonde! J. L., Le fondement theologique de 1a parenese dans l'Epitre de Jacques: RTPhil 111 (1979) 141-152. 8400 Cantinat Jean, Les epitres de Saint Jacques et de saint Jude: Sources bibliques, 1973--> 55,4636; 56,4900: RETRel 54 (1979) 171s (E. Ancel). 8401 Criswell W. A., Expository Sermons on the Epistle of James. GR 1975, Zondervan. 128 p., $4.95. [CalvTJ 12 (1977) 99: parum de textu, homiletica mediocris]. 8402 Dibelius Martin, A commentary on the Epistle of James: Hermeneia, 1976 ➔ 57,5822: DibTß 9 (1979) 190s (L. Sabourin). 8403 Eastman Addison J., A handful of pearls: the Epistle of James. Ph 1978, Westminster. 106 p., $4.65. 0 0-664-24202-2; 8404 Fabris R., Legge della liberta in Giacomo: RivB Sup. 8. Brescia 1977, Paideia, 312 p. - RstPatav 25 (1978) 145-8 (Segalla). 8405 Field David, Act it Out: James. L 1978, Collins. 111 p. :E0.75. 8406 Geyser A. S., The Letter of James and the Social Condition of His Addressees: Neotest 9 (1975) 25-33. 8407 GrO.nzwelgFritz, Der Brief des Jakobus, erklärt 3 : Wu Studienbibel. Wu 1978 [11973--> 55,4637], Brockhaus. 183p. DM 22 (14,80pa). 0 3-417251117-6 (017-X). 8408 GrundmannWalter, Der Brief des Judas und der zweite Brief des Petrus: Theologischer Handkommentar zum NT 15. oB 1979 [= 1974 -->56,4950], Ev.-V. XIV-126p. 8409 Hanson A., Seminar Report: Use of OT in James, Tü 1977, Chätenay 1978: NTS 25 (1978s) 526s. 8410 Hiebert D. Edmond, The Epistle of James: Tests of a Living Faith. Ch 1979, Moody. 354 p. $8.95. 0 0-8024-2353-1. 8411 Hoppe Rudolf, Der theologische Hintergrund des Jakobusbriefes [Diss. Fr 1976, dir. A. Vögtle]: ForBib 28. Wü 1977, Echter. 172p. DM 24. RBiblica 60 (1979) 291ss (R. Fabris); CBQ 41 (1979) 339s (R. Kuge/man); ColcT 49,1 (1979) 203s (J, Sulowski): TGl 68 (1978) 337s (J. Ernst); TR 75 (1979) 371s (F. Mussner). 8412 Humbert Alphonse, Examen des principales motivations religieuses dans l'enseignement moral de l'Epitre de Jacques: --> 100, Fs. B. HÄRING1977, 385-400. 8413 Kraft R. A., A Note on Palaeography and its Perils. The Date of the Old Latin MS 'ff' (= 66) of the Epistle of James, et al. -->541, Treu K. St. codicol. 1977 p. 273-7. 8415 Nicol W., Faith and Works in the Letter of James: Neotest 9 (1975) 7-24. 8416 Noret Jacques (Gaspart Herman), Un eloge de Jacques, le frere du Seigneur, par un Pseudo-Andre de Crete, avec une paraphrase ancienne de l'Epitre catholique de S. Jacques. Toronto 1978, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 113 p. [Palestine 610-640 A.D.]. 8417 Schawe Erwin, Die Ethik des Jakobusbriefes: WortAuf 20 (1979) 1328.

o9.4 Epistula Jacobi - James


8418 Vellanickal M., Rieb and Poor in the Epistle of James: Biblebhashyam 4 (1978) 242-252. 8419 Viezuianu Dumitru, Indreptarea dupa [Justification according to] epistolele pauline si dupa epistola Sfintului Iacob: Studii Teologice (1977) 506-26. 8420 Woods Guy N., A commentary on the Epistle of James. Nashville 1972 = 1964, Gospel Advocate, 316 p. $5.95. 8421 Wuellner W. H., Der Jakobusbrief im Licht der Rhetorik und Textpragmatik: Ling Bib 8,43 (Sept. 1978) 5-65; summ. angl. 66.

8422 Amphoux C.-B., Une relecture du eh. I de l'Epitre de Jacques [... L'incertitude textuelle du v. 1,19]: Biblica 59 (1978) 554-561. 8423 Quecke H., Das saidische Jak(obus)-Fragment in Heidelberg und London (525) [Jak 1,25-2,6]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 238-251. 8424 Held Heinz J., Glauben ohne 'Ansehen der Person'. Zu Jak 2,1-13 zugleich ein biblischer Beitrag zum Thema [Rassen-] Diskriminierung: ➔ 48, Fs. H. Class, Zukunft 1978. 8425 Menestrina Giovanni, L'epistola 167 de sententia Iacobi Apostoli (Giac. 2,10) di sant'Agostino: Bbbür 20 (1978) 43-9. 8426 Lorenzen T., Faith without Works docs not Count before God! James 2,14-26: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 231-35. 8427 Vouga F., a) Parole pour les riches (Jac !>,1-b): Bulletin du Centre Protestant d'Etudes 31,7s (Geneve 1979) 5-12. - b) Jac 5,13-18 (=Ecriture et predication, 6): ETRel 53 (1978) 103-09. - c) Je 5,13-18: priere et onction des malades: Bull. Centre Prot. d'Et., Geneve 30,5 (1978) 40-45; 3139 Providence et priere: references bibliques. 8428 Alberton M., Un sacrement pour les malades dans le contexte actuel de 1a sante [Jac 5,14]: Croire et comprendre. P 1978, Ed. du Centurion. 170 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 19lss (H. L. de Bieville).

o9.6 EpistulaJudae. 8429 Ellis Earle E., Prophecy and Hermeneutic in Jude: ➔ 299, Prophecy and Hermeneutic 1978, 221-236 (only new essay). 8430 Eybers I. H., Aspects of the Background in the Letter of Jude: Neotest 9 (1975) 113-123. 8430* Lawlor George L., Translation and exposition of the Epistle of Jude: An International Library of Philosophy and Theology: 'Biblical and Theological Studies. Nutley NJ 1972, Presbyterian and Reformed. VI151 p. $3.95. 8431 Müller KW., Judas gegen die Modernisten, oder: Taktische Regeln zum Schutz einer gläubigen Christenschar vor ihren Verführern (der Judasbrief): TPmct 11 (1976) 302-10. 8432 Oleson J. P., An Echo of Hesiod's Theogony vv. 190-2 in Jude 13: NTS 25 (1978s) 492-503.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)


[XIV,1 Ep. cath.

XV. Theologia Biblica H

Biblical Theology 1 [OT] God

8433 Baltazar E. R., Process Thinking in Theology ['processive in the structure and formulation']: ➔ 183: Fs. Jos. PAPIN,I. Transcendence ... in the Light of Process Thinking 1972, 23ss. 8434 Baly D., God and History in the OT: the Encounter with the Absolutely Other in Ancient Israel. NY 1978, Harper & Row. xrn-234 p. $6.95. 8435 Bantle F. X., Nichttheistisch Gott denken und aussagen. Zu Eberhard Jüngels Buch 'Gott als Geheimnis der Welt' [Tü 2 1977]: MüTZ 29 (1978) 412-26. 8436 Bartha TiborJ, Die Herrlichkeit in der Offenbarung Gottes: TBei 10 (1979) 250-9. 8437 Berg W., Die Eifersucht Gottes ein problematischer Zug des alttestamentlichen Gottesbildes'? [Hab.-Probevorlesung Mü 1978]: BZ 23 (1979) 197-211.. 8438 Bertram G., Theologische Aussagen im griechischen AT: Gottesnamen [Theos, Kyrios (Basileus, Pantokrator ... ), auch Philo ... ] : ZNW 69 (1978) 239-46. 8439 Cargas H. J., Lee Bemard ed., Religious Experience and Process Theology: the Pastoral Implications of a Major Modem Movement. NY 1976, Paulist. XVI-438p. $9.95. [ ... Baker J. R., Charles Hartshome on God's Suffering; Ford Lewis, How God Acts in Christ; Pittenger Norman 'more profoundly biblical view of sex' ... ]. CoppensJ. ed., La Notion biblique de Dieu. Le Dieu de la Bible et le Dieu des philosophes: Bibi ETL 41, 1976 ➔ 592. 8440 Dt?bkowski Antoni, La fonction de l'adjectif hebreu HY en liaison avec !es suhstantifs VHWH, F.L et F.LOHTM (diss. 1975, dir C. .Takuhiec): BAcThWsz 1977/1, 35-38. 8441 Egmund A. van, Theopaschitische tendenzen in de na-oorlogse protestantse theologie: GerefTTs 79 ( 1979) 161-77. 8442 Eichrodt W., Gott im AT [nicht = 1956 Gottesbild]: Theologie und Dienst Flugblatt 4. Ba/Giessen 1977, Brunnen. 24 p. DM 2,50. 8443 Floss Johannes P., Jahwe dienen ['BD] 1975 -> 57,6193: RTLZ 103 (1978) 568ss (H. Reventlow). 8444 Ford L. S., The Lure of God: A Biblical Background for Process Theism. Ph 1978, Fortress. xrn-144 p. $10.95. - RJnterpr 33 (1979) 41115 (J. G. Janzen); TTod 36 (1979s) 590ss (M. Suchocki). 8445 Galot Jean, a) La realite de la souffrance de Dieu [langage biblique sur l'immutabilite]: NRT Wl (1979) 224-45. - b) La revelation de la souffrance de Dieu: SciEspr 31 (1979) 159-171. - c) Dieu souffre-t-il? P 1976, Lethielleux. 224 p. F 31 pa. - RTR 74 (1978) 134ss (A. Ganoczy). 8446 Garcia Cordero M., EI nacional-monoteismo en el AT: CiTom 106 (1979) 587-621 = ➔ 49, Mem. A. COLUNOA1979, 251-285.

Hl Theologia VT: Deus - God in the OT


8446* Garcia de la Fuente Ole&ario,La busqueda de Dios en el AT, 1971 --+ 53,4248: Rcisterc 26 (1974) 250 (S. E.). 8447 Gefter 1., Studies in the Use of YHWH sebä' otin its variant forms: diss. Brandeis 1977. 8448 Hälbig Klaus W., Der konkrete 'Ort' der Allgegenwart Gottes [biblisch]: TGl 69 (1979) 220-3. 8449 Hanson Paul D., Dynamic Transcendence: the Correlation of Confessional Heritage and Contemporary Experience in a Biblical Model of Divine Activity. Ph 1978, Fortress. 109 p., 4 figs. $4.95. 0 0-8006-1338-4. RJAAR 47 (1979) 441s (W. Brueggemann); TS 40 (1979) 393 (F. L. Moriarty).

8449* Holmgren F., The God Who Cares: A Christian Looks at Judaism. Atlanta 1979, Knox. 144 p. $4.95. 8450 Jeremias Jörg., Die Reue Gottes; Aspekte alttestamentlicher Gottesvorstellung: Biblische Studien 65. Neuk 1975, -V. 127 p. [Die hebräische / Wurzel und ihre Bedeutung. Jahwes Reue; die Preisgabe einer Heilssetzung (Gen 6,5ff., 8,2lf.; 1 Sam 15). Jahwes Selbstbeherrschung; die Rücknahme eines Strafvorhabens (Das Zeitalter der klassischen Propheten und die Theologie der josianischen Epoche. Das Zeitalter des Exils und der nachexilischen Kultgemeinde). Jahwes Mitleid; die Wendung einer Not]. KapelrudArvid S., God and His Friends in the 0. T. 1979 --+ 320. 8451 Koole J., Aspecten van de Godskennis in het Oude Testament: Kamper Cahiers, 36. Kampen 1979, Kok. 16 p. /8. 8452 LangbrandtnerWolfgang, Weltferner Gott oder Gott der Liebe: BET 6. Frankfurt 1979, Peter Lang. 428 p. 8453 Lightner Robert P., The God of the Bible: An Introduction to the Doctrine of God. Reprint GR 1978, Baker. 160 p. $3.95 pa. 8454 Lohfink Norbert, Hinter den Dingen ein Gott. [Rundfunk-] Meditationen. Fr/Ba/W 1978, Herder. 118 p. DM 14,80. · 8455 Luyten Jos, De 'Vreze des Heren' in het Oude Testament: Ons Geestelijk Leven 36 (1979) 135-144. 8456 McConville J. G., God's 'Nnme' nnd God's 'Glory': TyndB 30 (1979) 149-63. 8457 Mann T. W., Divine Presence and Guidance in Israelite Traditions: The Typology of Exaltation [< Yale diss.]: Johns Hopkins Near Eastern Studies, 1977, --+ 58s,7689: RJBL 98 (1979) 424s (F. A. Spina). 8458 Mettinger Tryggve N. D., Härskarornas God: SvEx 44 (1979) 7-21, 4 fig.; summ. 21 JHWH sevä'öt 'of (heavenly) council/cherubim'. 8459 Möller Christa, Die biblische Tradition als Weg zur Gottesschau. Diss. Tübingen 1976, 142 p. 8460 Molteni Gioacchino, 11 Dio della Bibbia. Antico Testamento. Mi 1976, Vita e Pensiero. 108 p. 8461 Nelson H. J., The Resting Place of Process Theology [claiming only a changing God is compatible with Judeo-Christian Scripture]: HarvTR 72 (1979) 1-21. 8462 Norin S., Jö-Namen und Jehö-Namen: VT 29 (1979) 87-97. 8463 Packer James 1., Gott erkennen. Das Zeugnis vom einzig wahren Goll,


Elcnchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XV. Theol. bib.

tr. J. Boost: Telos. Bad Liebenzell 1977, Mission. 264 p. DM 17,80. RTLZ 104 (1979) 766ss (K.-H. Kandler: theologisch kaum haltbare Thesen iiber Christus im AT usw). 8464 Pohier Jacques, Quand je dis Dieu. P 1977, Seuil. 247 p. [Sur la Shekinah.]. - RNVet 53 (1978) 148-51 (G. Boissard). 8465 Räisänen Heikki, The idea of Divine hardening. A comparative study of the notion of Divine hardening, leading astray and inciting to evil in the Bible and the Qur'än: Publications of the Finnish Exegetical Society [Suomen Eksegeettisen Seuran julkaisuja] 25, 1972 -> 55,5049 ... 58s,8280. Reprinted with a preface by the author. Helsinki 1976. 108 p. 8466 Rapaport 1., [-> a366] The Hebrew Word shem and its Original Meaning. The Bearing of Akkadian Philology on Biblical Interpretation. Melbourne 1976. Hawthome. 110 p. 8467 Ricscncr Ingrid, l-+a336J Der Stamm · äbad im Alten Testament: Eine Wortuntersuchung unter Berücksichtigung neuerer sprachwissenschaftlicher Methoden: BZAW 149. B 1979, de Gruyter. vn-294p. DM 132. 0 311-007260-2. 8468 Rizzi A., Eros o agape [A. Nygren, Bologna 1971]: spunti per una riflessione sistematica sull'amore di Dio: Serv 11,22 (1977) 443-59. 8469 Roberts J. J. M., Divine Freedom and Cultic Manipulation in Israel and Mesopotamia: JohnsHopkNESt < 75 (Baltimorc/ L 1975) 181-190. 8470 Rodenberg Otto, Das unvergleichliche Wort 3 [Gott AT]: ABC-Team 935. Wu 1979, Brockhaus. 111 p. DM 11,80 pa. 0 3-417-12935-4. 8471 Saggs Henry W. F., The Encounter with the Divine in Mesopotamia and Israel: Jordan Lecture 12, 1976. L 1978, Athlone. xvm-243 p. 0 0-485-17412-X. f:8.50/$18.50. - RExpTim 90 (1978s) 34-36 (C. S. Rodd). 8472 Sakenfeld Katherine D., The Meaning of Hesed in the Hebrew Bible. A New lnquiry [diss. Harvard 1970, dir. G. E. Wright; -> a261]: HarvSemMon, 17. MMS 1978. 1x-263p.; bibliog. 249-263. $9. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 472s (L. Hoadt); JBL 98 (1979) 583s (Y. Gitay); Mayeut 5 (1979) 346 (R. Mediavilla). 847l Sr.henker A., Gott als Vater. Söhne Gottes. Ein vernachlässigter Aspekt einer biblischen Metapher: PreibZPhilT 25 (1978) 3-55. 8474 Seims A. van, The God of the OT: Study Manual, 8. Pretoria 1978, Univ. S. Africa. vm-99 p. 8475 Stietencron H. von, Hg. Der Name Gottes 1975 -> 57,6001: RRB 84 (1977) 633s (F. Lang/amet). 8476 Stone N. J., Namen van God in het OT [Names of God in the OT c. 1958] tr. W. Adriani: Berea 5. Amst 1975, Buijten & S. 160p. 8477 Stro/z W., Gottes verborgene Gegenwart. Denkanstösse aus der Bibel 1976 -> 57,6020*: RRivB 26 (1978) 427s (A. Penna). 8478 Veken J. van der, 'God iedere morgen weer nieuw' [L. J. Suenens]: Het proces-denken van A. N. Whitehead en Ch. Hartshome: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 361-88; summ. 388s, The Relevance of Process-thought to Theology. 8479 Vigano L., Nomi e titoli di YHWH alla luce del semitico del NordOvest: BibOrPont 31, 1976 -+ 58s,7717: RJBL 97 (1978) 108. 110

Hl Deus in VT - Ood in tlu:: OT


(J. L. McKenzie); JNWSemLg 6 (1978) 88 (F. C. Fensham). Vignaux P. al., Dieu et l'etre 1978 ---+ 635. 8480 Vorländer H., Mein Gott. Die Vorstellungen vom persönlichen Gott im Alten Orient und im AT: AOAT 23, 1975 ➔ 56,5045; 58s,c801: RUF 10 (1978) 492-98 (W. R. Mayer). 8481 Westermann Claus, a) What does the Old Testament Say about God? ed. Friedemann W. Golka [< Sprunt Lectures, Richmond Union Sem. 1977]. Atlanta 1979, Knox. 107 p. 0 0-8042-0190-0. - b) IQ] What the OT says of God: DeltBibMel, NS 1 (1979) 38-52. 8482 Wifall Walter, Models of God in the OT: BibTB 9 (1979) 179-86. 8483 Woiniak Jerzy, Ugaritic Parallel of Jahwe melek '6/äm: Folür 20 (1979) 171ss. 8484 Zenger E., Der Gott der Bibel. Sachbuch zu den Anfängen des alttestamentlichen Gottesglaubem. Stu 1979, KDW. 160 p.

[XV, 2] Hl .1

Hnm.n VT - ßiblische Anthropologie

8485 Asensio F., Una faceta biblica del 'acercamiento' humano-divino en el A.T.: EstBib 36 (1977) 5-19: 6-12 qrb, 12-17 qlJ,rtJb,17-19 qirMh. 8486 Bernard J., Deification and Alienation: Non-Biblical Terms in the Light of Biblical Revelation: JStOT, Sup 11 (1979) 27-39. 8487 Boschi B. G., La vita nella concezione biblica: SacDoc 21 (1976) 407445. 8488 Bromiley G. W., Anthropology: ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 131-6. 8489 Caquot A., Israelite Perceptions of Wisdom and Strength in the Light of the Ras Shamra Texts, tr. K. Nowell: ➔ 234, Fs. S. TF.RRTF.N 1978, 2533. 8490 Fernandez Aw·elio, Antropologia [del AT-NT y] de los Padres Apost6licos. La dualidad cuerpo-alma como antropologia subyacente en la doctrina escato16gica de los Padres Apost6licos: Burgense 19 (1978) 33160. 8491 Fllipiak Marian, a) [E] Biblia o czlowieku: zarys antropologii biblijnej Starego Testamentu ('Une esquisse de l'anthropologie biblique de l'AT') = Rozprawy Wydzialu Teologiczno-Kanonicznego, 50. Lublin 1979, Towarszystwo Naukowe KUL. 292 p., summ. gall. p. 290-2. - b) [E] La concezione biblico-teologica del problema antropologico: Chrzescijaiiska wizja czlowieka (Poznaii 1977) 65-111. Fischer H. Hg., Anthropologie als Thema der Theologie 1978 --+ 430. 8492 Gowan D. E., When Man Becomes God: humanism and hybris in the OT: Pittsburgh Theol. Mon. 6, 1975 ➔ 57,6040: RKirSef 54 (1979) 632. 8493 Isaacs Marie E., The Concept of Spirit [diss. 1972 , 57,6511] Hcythrop Monographs 1, 1976 ➔ 58s,8354: RExpTim 89 (1977s) 153 (A. E. Harvey); JHL 97 (1978) 291ss (G. Johnston); SBFLA 29 (1979) 366-9 (F. Mann~); TLZ 10l (1978) "i7"is(F. SrhwPi?:er). 8494 Kehl Alois, Gewand der Seele: --+ 892, RAC 10 (1978) 945-1025; jüd.

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[XV. Theol. bib.

967-73; christlich 973-1023; 989s 1 Cor 15,51. 8495 Koch R., Charisma und Heiligkeit im Alten und NT:-> 573, A. Resch, Mystik 1975. 8496 Kudlien Fridolf, Gesundheit: -> 892, RAC 10 (1978) 902-45; 929-36 isr.; 934 Plädoyer für Vegetarismus Dan 1,4-15?; 936-9 NT; Bildersprache. 8497 Martinelli A., Lo Spirito di Dio e la gioia nell'AT: Teologia viva 1 -> 58s,7690 = 8100: RDivinitas 20 (1976) 345s (C. Gneo); MiscFranc 77 (1977) 230s (E. Uricchio); RViSpir 31 (1977) 113s (G. B. Moriconi); Sal 39 (1977) 344s (N. M. Loss). 8498 Mo/in Georg, Das Menschenbild des ATs: BLtg 52 (1979) 104-111. 8499 Moltmann Jürgen, Eksperimentet häp [cf. -> 57,6577b]. Oslo 1977, Gyldendal. 165 p. 8500 Nippert C., Der Ruf Gottes: Berufungen im AT. Diss. Greifswald 1971. IV-212p. 8501 O'Neill D. M., The Attitudes of Arnos, Hosea, Jeremiah. and DeuteroIsaiah Concerning the Man/God Relationship: a Study in Hebraic Monotheism: diss. Michigan State. E. Lansing 1979. 149 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2214s. 8502 Rendtor.ff Rolf, Mensch und Natur im AT: EvKomm 77 (1977) 659ss. 8503 Rogerson John W., Anthropology and the OT: Growing Points in Theology. Ox 1978, Blackwell. 127 p. f,7.95. 0 0-631-18700-6. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 268s (H. M. Barstad); Tablet 233 (1979) 1209 (H. Wansbrough); TLond 82 (1979) 298ss (B. Lindars). 8504 Scapin Pietro, Verita biblica sull'uomo e storicita del divenire umano: -> 612, Leonardi G., Situazione 1979, 65-69; 105. 8505 Schmidt Paul, Vater, Kind, Bruder. Biblische Begriffe in anthropologischer Sicht. Dü 1978, Patmos-pa. 135 p. - Rsa1 41 (1979) 561s, (C. Bissoli). 8506 Semen Petru, Invatatura despre su1let in cartile Vechiului Testament [Ducltiua de anima in libris VT]: Studii Teologice (1977) 672-82. 8507 Wifall W., The Status of 'Man' as Resurrection: ZAW 90 (1978) 383394. 8508 Wo/ff Hans-W. a) Anthropologie des AT 1973 -> 55,4770: RsvEx 43 (1978) 112s (H. Ringgren). - b) Anthropology of the OT, tr. M. Kohl 1974-> 56,5077... 58s,7772: JStOT 5 (1978) 74ss (D. F. Morgan). 8509 Worgul G. S. J, Anthropological Consciousness and Biblical Theology: BibTB 9 (1979) 3-12.


Morbi, miracula: disease, miracles.

8510 Albrektson B., Andetro i Gamla testamentet: -> 276, Kapitlet om Jehu ... 1979, 53-67. 8510* Ashe G., Miracles c.1978. - RTablet 232 (1978) 1042 (H. Wansbrough). 8511 Blachman L. L., The Logical lmpossibility of Miracles in Hume [, In-

Hl.3 Morbi, miracula - disease, miracles


quiry, X]: IntJPhilRel 9 (1978) 779-787. 8512 Bron B., Das Wunder: das theologische Wunderverständnis im Horizont des neuzeitlichen Natur- und Geschichtsbegriffs2• GöTArb 2. Gö 1979, VR. 346 p., bibliog. 310-46. DM 48 pa. 8513 Bums J. B., Necromancy and the spirits of the dead in the OT: GlasgOrTr 26 (1979 for 1975s; final volume! p. N) 1-14. 8514 GerstenbergerG., Schrage W., Leiden: Biblische Konfrontationen. Stu 1977, Kohlhammer Taschenbücher, 1004. 238 p. DM 14. - RTR 74 (1978) 191s (K. H. Sche/kle). 8515 Glöckner R., Biblischer Glaube ohne Wunder?: Horizonte, 14. Einsiedeln 1979, Johannes. 132 p. Fs 14. 8516 Jahn Ernst, Biblische Psychologie. Eine Rückschau auf Franz Delitzsch: Berliner Hefte für die evangelische Krankenseelsorge 12. B 1962, Union. 28p. 8517 Kaye Bruce [Supematural in the NT 1977), Rogerson J. W. [- in the OT 1976] = Miracles and Mysteries in the Bible. Ph 1978, Westminster. 144 p. $3.95. 0 0-664-24179-4. 8518 Kc/lcnbcrgcr J., Mirooles: IntJPhilRel 10 (1979) 143-162. 8519. Kozma Zsolt, IM]OT 'sign': Reformätus Szemle 1978/1, 35-9. 8520 Kuhlman Kathryn, Ich glaube an Wunder [I believe in miracles] tr. F. Risch. SchomdorfWürtt. 1978, Fix. 173 p. DM 7,80 pa. 0 3-87228-074-0. 8520* Nigosian S. A., Occultism [ 637, OTS 20 (1977) 67-84. 8563 Röhrbein Helmut, Der Himmel auf Erden. Plädoyer für eine Theologie des Glücks. Fra 1978, Knecht. 127 p. DM 19,80. Bibeltheologisch p. 83-

115. 8564 Sierszyn A., Die Bibel im Griff? Historisch-kritische Denkweise und biblische Theologie [J. Sem/er, E. Troeltsch; Mk 6, 30-44]: ABC-Team 930. Wuppertal 1978, Brockhaus. 156 p. DM 15,80. 0 3-417-12930-3. Steck Odil H., Welt und Umwelt: BibKonf 1006, 1978 --> 2602.


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8565 Verheul J., Het heilige en de wereld. Verkenning van de verhouding tussen cultische heiligheid en 'secularisatie' in het OT [c. sum. germ.: Kultische Heiligkeit und 'Säkularisierung': Untersuchung über ihr Verhältnis im AT]. Proefschrift Utrecht, Rijksuniv. 1976. 200 p.

[XV, 4)

H2 Foedus. The Covenant (2890-2914) 8566 Clines David J. A., Predestination in Biblical Thought: Theological Stu~ dents' Fellowship Bulletin ·66 (1973) 1-5. 8567 Coopt!r David, The Ood of Israel. .. : Messianic Scrics, 1. LA 1973, Biblical Research Soc. x-102 p. 8568 Dion P. E., Dieu universel et peuple elu: LectDiv 83, 1975 .....57,6139: RRivB 26 (1978) 218ss (A. Moda); SciEspr 31 (1979) 228s (L. Sabourin). 8569 Galbiati E., La funzione d'Israele nell" Economia' della salvezza: Bbbür 20 (1978) 5-16. 8570 Harrington W. J., Iniciaci6n a la Biblia, Tomo I: Historia de la Promesa. II: Plenitud de la Promesa 1967 --> 49,99: Cisterc 24 (1972) 152s (J. Villafafiez). 8571 llg Norbert, Überlegungen zum Verständnis von Berit in den Qumrantcxten: > 593, Dclcor M., Qumrän 1978, 257-263. 8572 Jakober Walter, Israel ist erwählt. Metzingen-Sternberg 1977, Franz. 200 p. DM 14,80 pa. 0 3-7722-0165-2. 8573 Lubsczyk Hans, Das Bund als Gemeinschaft mit Gott. Erwägungen zur Diskussion über den Begriff 'berit' im AT: --> 70, Fs. Erfurt 1977, 6196. 8574 Luke K., Israel Before Jahweh. Alwaye 1978, Pontifical Institute of Theology and Philosophy. vm-248 p. Rs. 20. - RBiblebhashyam 5 (1979) 82s. 160 (J. Koikattudy). Mcjia J., Amor, pecado, alianza 1977 --> 5130. 8575 Vogels Walter W. F., God's Universal Covenant: A Biblical Study. Ottawa 1979, Univ. xv-150p. $5.25 °2-7603-0006-44. 8576 Wifall W. R. J Fitting Salvation History into the Picture: BToday 100 (1979) 1879-1884. [XV, 9)

H2.4 Fides in VT - OT Faith. 8577 Ackroyd Peter R., Faith and its reformulation in the post-exilic period [two lectures, 'sources', 'prophetic material', St. Louis Fourth Annual Festival of Scripture and Theology 1979; unabridged]: TDiiiest 27 (1979) 323-346. 8578 Bolognesi P., Le basi biblichc dclla confcssione di fede: STeolEv 4 (1979) 3-34. 8579 Galäl Ilfat Mul;lammad, ~ Al-'Aqtda ad-dtn[ja wa'n-nuium at-tasriija

u2.4 Fides in VT - OT Faith


'inda '/-jahiid ka-mä ju~auwiruhä '/-'ahd a/-qadim [Glaube und Rechtsfragen der Juden im Alten Testament]. Cairo 1974, Sa'id Ra'fat. 158 p. 8580 Galbiati E., La fede nei personaggi della Bibbia 3 = Le Mie Vie. Mi 1979 1.P.L. (11968 2 1969) 276 p. Lit. 5500. 8581 Hermisson H.-J., Lohse E., Glauben: Bibl. Konfront. 1005. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 140 p. DM 10. 0 3-17-002012-9. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 185 (G. Bouwman). 8582 Hick J., God and the Universe of Faith ... 1977: RVidJyo 43 (1979) 237s (J. Dupuis). 8583 Jeremias J., Krause G., Amen [I. Biblisch-theologisch; II. Kirchengeschichtlich usw.]: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 386-91. 391-402. 8584 Knauer P., Glaube. 336 p. Sch 280, DM 39. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 201s (N. Schreurs). 8585 Körner Jutta, Das Wesen des Glaubens nach dem AT (Theol.-Woche Jena 1979): TLZ 104 (1979) 713-20. 8586 Lührmann Dieter, Glaube: ➔ 892, RAC 11 Lfg. 81 (1979) 48-122; AT 55-63; NT 64-78. 8587 Murerw Autuu.iu, Ft: y cultw·a t:n d AT: TVi 533. 8800 Strolz W. Hg., Religiöse Grunderfahrungen: Quellen und Gestalten: Oratio Dominica. Fr 1977, Herder. 207 p. DM 29. H. P. Müller OT; D. Zeller NT. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 81s (A. Blij/evens). 8801 Szöcs Endre, IMISituation and Questions of OT-Theology Research Today cont.: Reformätus Szemle 1977, 25-30; 139-45 OT Introduction and History of Religions. 8802 Tangberg K. Arvid, Det gamle testamentes plass i Kornelis Heiko Miskottes teologi: TsTKi 49 (1978) 197-208. 8803 Terrien Samuel, The Elusive Presence: Toward a New Biblical Theology: Religious Perspectives 26. SF 1978, Harper & Row. xxx-511 p. $20 0 0-06-068232-9. - [1. Cultus & Faith in Bibl. Research; 2. Epiphanie Visitations to the Patriarchs; 3. The Sinai Theophanies; 4. The Presence in the Temple; 5. The Prophetie Vision; 6. The Psalmody of Presence; 7. The Play of Wisdom; 8. The Final Epiphany; 9. Presence as the word; 10. The Name and the Glory]. xv-1 praesentia. - RJAAR 47 (1979) 441s (B. S. Childs); TS 40 (1979) 532s (F. L. Moriarty). 8804 Thoma C., Christliche Theologie des Judentums: Der Christ in der Welt VV4ab. Aschaffenburg 1978, Pattloch. 300 p. DM 11,80. 0 3-55794180-9. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 897s (W. Wiefel). 8805 Wacker B. Narrative Theologie. 1977: RTPQ 126 (1978) 301 (W. Gruber). 8806 Wagner S., 'Biblische Theologien' und 'Biblische Theologie' (Vortrag 1977 Feier Bad Klosterlausnitz): TLZ 103 (1978) 785-98. 8807 WestermannClaus, Theologie des ATs in Orwilh.ügen: Onuulrisst: zwu AT 6. Gö 1978, VR. 222p.; bibliog. 207-213. DM 22 (19,80). 0 3-52551661-4. - RsvTKv 55 (1979) 175 (S. Hidal). 8808 Wilder A. N., Theopoetic; Theology and the Religious Imagination. Ph 1976, Fortress. vr-106p. $4.95 ..... 58s,1110~: RJBL 96 (1977) 592s (S. M. Te Seile). ' 37. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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8809 Wilson W., OT Word Studies. GR 1978 = 1870, Kregel. xvm-566 p. $19.95. 0 0-8254-4014-9. 8810 Zimmerli W., The History of Israelite Religion: -> 549, Anderson G., Tradition 1979, 351-84. 8811 Zimmerli W., Grundriss der alttestamentlichen Theologie 2 1975 -> 57,6486; 58s,8312: RRuBi 29 (1976) 330s (S. Grzybek). - b) OT Theology in Outline, tr. D. E. Green. Atlanta/E 1978, K.nox/Clark. 258 p. $12/f5.80. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 639s (R. J. Clifford); Interpr 32 (1978) 41619 (W. Brueggemann); NBlackfr 60 (1978) 399s (B. Robinson); Themelios 5 (1979s) 28s (J. Goldingay). (XV, 11]

H5 Deus N. T. - God (Beardslee W. A.) JAAR 47,1 (1979) thematic issue: NT Interpretation from a Process Perspective -> 388; cf. -> 8822. 8812 Beinert W., Wenn Gott zu Wort kommt. Einführung in die Theologie: Theologie im Fernkurs 6. Fr 1978, Herder, 224 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 623s (G. L. Müller).

8813 Bornkamm G., Das Vaterbild im NT:-> 540 [58s,c800J Tellenbach H., Das Vaterbild 1976, 136-54. 8814 Bouyer Louis, Le Pere invisible. Approches du mystere de Ja divinite 1976 -> 58s,8322: RRechSR 66 (1978) 423-26 (B. Sesboüe); VidJyo 43 (1979) 342 (J. Dupuis). 8815 Crouzel H., L'imitation et la 'suite' de Dieu et du Christ dans les premiers siecles chretiens, ainsi que leurs sources greco-romaines et hebnüques: JbAC 21 (1978) 7-41. 8816 Duquoc C., a) Dieu different. Essai sur la symbolique trinitaire. P 1977, Ed. du Cerf. 152 p. -> 58s,8337: RRechSR 66 (1978) 426ss (B. Sesboüe). - b) Dios diferente. Ensayo sobre la simb6lica trinitaria. Salamanca 1978, Sigueme. 119 p. 0 84-301-0755-X. 8817 Ford L. S., The Power of God and the Christ [... stressing the continuity of God's Presence in Jesus with God's action in all the world rather than the discontinuity (i.e. the absolute uniqueness) of God's presence in Jesus ... ] : -> 407, Religious Experience and Process Theology ... , ed. by H. J. Cargas a.o (NY 1976) 79-92. 8819 Hahn Ferdinand, Das Bekenntnis zu dem einen Gott im NT: -> 104, Fs. R. HAUBST,Menschenbild/Kues 1978, 281-91. 8820 Hamerton-Kelly R., God the Father: Theology and Patriarchy in the Teaching of Jesus: OvBT. Ph 1979, Fortress. XVI-128p. $5.95. 0 0-80061528-X. 8821 Hengel M., Reinhardt R., Heute von Gott reden. Mü 1977, Kaiser, i83 p. DM 21. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 202 (S. A. Christoffersen). 8822 Janzen J. Gerald, Remarks on 'NT Interpretation from a Proccss Pcrspective', Thematic Essays in JAAR 47/1 (March 1979): Process Studies 9 (1979) 49-52. 8823 Javary Genevieve, Recherches sur l'utilisation du theme de 1a Sekina dans l'apologetique chretienne du 15. au 18. siede: diss. P 1976. P 1978, Champion. vn-598 p.

H5 Deus in NT; God


8824 Jüngel E., Gott als Geheimnis der Welt 1977 [31978; DM 78 (49 pa); 0 3-16-1412412-7 (1-9)] ➔ 58s,8357: REvErz 30 (1978) 216-19 (H. Schröer); JTS 30 (1979) 388-92 (A. Louth); TZBas 35 (1979) 254s (J. M. Lochman: 'eine der bedeutendsten theologischen Erscheinungen der letzten Jahre'). 8825 Kiviranta S., Die Einzigkeit Gottes im Glaubensvollzug der Kirche: MeddStifAbFor 47 (1979) 43-65. 8826 Langkammer H., [fl L'ispirazione della dottrina neotestamentaria riguardante Dio, per il trattato 'De Deo Uno et Trino': Studia z filozofii Boga, red. B. Beyze, 3 (Wsz 1977) 188-202. 8827 Le Guillou Marie-Joseph, a) Le mystere du Pere 1973 ➔ 55,5098: RRechSR 66 (1978) 422s (B. Sesboiie). - b) 11 mistero del Padre, tr. F. Mazzariol: Gia e non ancora 44. Mi 1979, Jaca. 250 p. 8828 Link H.-G., Swear: .... 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 7374. 8829 Manaranche A., Dios vivo y verdadero [Dieu vivant et vrai 1972 .... 55,5101] tr. 1974: Rcisterc 27 (1975) 174ss (N. M.). 8830 Martinenghi Italo, 11 Dio laico. R 1979, Barbatoja. 303 p. 8831 Nico/as Marie-Joseph, Quand je dis Dieu [J. Pohier 1977 .... 88331: RThom 78 (1978) 415-429. 8832 Pikaza X., Bibliografia trinitaria del NT: EstTrin 11 (1977) 135-305. 8833 Pohier Jacques, Quand je dis Dieu [Dieu avec nous; Dieu createur; La mort de Jesus; La Resurrection ... ] P 1977, Seuil. 256 p. - RRechSR 66 (1978) 429-32 (B. Sesboüe); RThom 78 (1978) 415-29 (M.-J. Nicolas). 8834 Reicke Bo, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in NT Theology: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADD,Unity and Diversity 1978, 186-194. 8835 Serentha L., Verita e storia nella teologia trinitaria di K.. Rahner: [ ... sc. la storia concreta di Gesu ... ]: ScuolC 107 (1978) 118-131. 8836 Stenger Werner, Die Gottesbezeichnung 'lebendiger Gott' im NT: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 61-69. 8837 Varillon F., La souffrance de Dieu 1975 --> 58s,6280: RNVet 53 (1978) 56-64 (J.-H. Nicolas). 8838 Nico/as J.-H., La souffrance de Dieu? [F. Varillon 1975]: NVet 53 (1978) 56-64. [XI, 2) H5.3 Christologia 8839 Abbt Imelda, Tradition, Christus, Existenz. Das Christusverständnis Fritz Buris (Diss. kath. Luzern): TFor 61. Ha 1977, Reich. 87 p. DM 10 (--> 58s,5720). - RTZßas 34 (1978) 247s (A. Jäger). 8840 Abramowski Luise, Goodman Alan E., A Nestorian Collection of Christological Texts 1972 1-11je :E4. ➔ 53,10139 ... 56,10000: RQLZ 73 (1978) 51s (R. Degen). 8841 Aldwinkle R. F., More than Man: A Study in Christology... 1976 .... 58s,5721: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 180 (J. Galot). 8842 Amato Angelo, a) Dall'uomo al Cristo, Salvatore assoluto, nella teologia di K.. Rahner. La 'cristologia trascendentale' al suo primo livello di riflessione: Salesianum 41 (1979) 3-35. - b) Studi di cristologia patristica:

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[XV. Theol. bib.

Salesianum 40 (1978) 343-.9: A. Grtllmeier 1975. 8843 Anderson Norman, The Mystery of the Incarnation. UDowners Grove IL 1978, Hodder & S/InterVarsity. x-162 p. B.50/$3.95 pa. - RcleR 64 (1979) 146 (R. Strange); Tablet 232 (1978) 1170 (H. Wansbrough); TLond 82 (1979) 302-4 (F. Young). 8844 Ashton J., God Incarnate - Myth or True?: ScriptB 8 (1977s) 32s. 8845 Baird W., The Quest of the Christ of Faith 1977: RCurrTMiss 6 (1979) 118 (P. Boecler). 8846 Bakker L., [On E. Schillebeeckx 1977 ... 8993], Gerechtigheid en liefde, genade en bevrijding, Notitie: Bijdragen 39 (1978) 70-77. 8847 Balthasar Hans Urs von, Theodramatik [I. 1976 ➔ 58s,7725]; II. Die Personen des Spiels 2. Die Personen in Christus. Einsiedeln 1978, Johannes. 500 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 599s (G. Holtz); TPhil 54 (1979) 312ss (W. Lllser).

8848 Barbi Augusto, Il Cristo celeste presente nella Chiesa: Anßib 64. R 1979, Pontifical Biblical Institute. 199 p. Lit. 16.000/$20. 8849 Bauckham R., Thc Sonship of thc Historiool Jesus in Christology: ScotJT 31 (1978) 245-60. 8850 Baud/er Georg, Wahrer Oull als wahrer Mensch. Entwürtc zu einer narrativen Christologie. Mü 1977, Kösel. vn-2'/'.l p. UM 32. - RLebZeug 33 (1978) 81s (F. Courth); MüTZ 30,2 (1979) 152ss [perperam 72ss] (L. Schejfczyk); TLZ 104 (1979) 380ss (H.-G. Fritzsche); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 99s (T. van den Hoogen). 8851 Beaudin Michel, L'obeissance de Jesus-Christ comme lieu d'apparition de la verite de Dieu et de la verite de l'homme chez Hans Urs von Balthasar: diss. Montreal 1978. 8852 Becker/eggeG., Jesus' Authority and the Problem of his Self-Consciousness: HeythJ 19 (1978) 365-382. 8853 Beeck F. J. van, Christ Proclaimed: Christology as Rhetoric = Theological Inquiries. NY etc. 1979, Paulist Press. xiv-616 p. 8854 Berger Klaus, Die Auferstehung des Propheten und die Erhöhung des Menschensohnes: StUNT 13, 1976 ... 57,4909; 58s,6312: RTZBas 34 (1978) 180ss (0. Böcher). 8855 Beyene Y., Controversie cristologiche in Etiopia. Contributo alla storia delle correnti e della terminologia nel secolo XIX: Annali Sup. 11. N 1977. 81 p. 8856 Biser E. (➔ 58s,5537b), Jesus - Der Helfer und die Hilfe. Plädoyer für eine Christologie 'von innen' [: Einstimmung des Denkens auf die transkategorielle Selbstgewährung Jesu ... ]: ... 683, Sauter J., Wer ist Jesus Christus? 1977, 165-200. 8857 Boff L., Jesus Christ Liberator: A Critical Christology for Our Time [-+ 58s,5996] tr. P. Hughes. Maryknoll NY 1978, Orbis. 323 p. $9.95. RTS 40 (1979) 395s (P. Schineller: use of Bible uncritical); TTod 36 (1979s) 292ss (R. Shaull). -+ 9676. 8857* Bordoni Marcello [58s,5543.5579], Cristologia/Gesu Cristo/lncarnazione: -+ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 222-262/532-575/621-643. 8858 Bourgeois H., Liberer Jesus: Christologies actuelles 1977 -+ 58s,5743: RETRel 53 (1978) 597 (A. Gounelle); LavalTPhil 34 (1978) 315s (R.-M.

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Roberge); MaisD 139 (1979) 166s (J. Ucuyer). 8859 Bouyer Louis, The Etemal Son: A Theology of the Word of God and Christology [1974-> 55,3352], tr. S. Inkel, J. F. Laugh/in. Huntington IN, Our Sunday Visitor. 8860 Bray G. E., Possiamo fare a meno di Calcedonia?: STeolEv 4 (1979) 35-63; angl. Themelios 3 (1978) 2-9. 8861 Breidert M., Die kenotische Christologie des 19. Jdts. Gü 1977, Mohn. 334 p. - Roregorianum 60 (1979) 581s (J. Galot). 8862 Brito E., a) La cristologia de Hegel: diss. Louvain-la-Neuve 1976, prom. A. Gesche: NotSocTLouv ls (1976) 11-13. - b) He&el y los temas de la cristologia: Stromata 33 (1977) 321-40 [cf. -> 58s,5747]. 8863 Brito E., Hegel et la täche actuelle de la christologie. P 1979, Lethielleux. 394p. 8864 Bromiley U. W., Christology: -> 884, lSßl::!nc 1 (1979) 663-666. 8865 Buggert W. F., The Christologies of Hans Küng and K. Rahner - A Comparison and Evaluation of their Mutual Compatibility: diss. Cath. Univ. of America, 272. Wsh 1979. ,12 p. 0 796691. - DissA 39 (1978) 557ls-A. 8866 Camps A. a/., Wie zeggen de mensen dat ik ben? 1975 -> 58s,5944: RcolVlaamTs 6 (1976) 280s (M. Van Bostraeten). 8867 Cantalamessa Raniero, II Cristo immagine di Dio nelle discussioni teologiche del quarto secolo: -> 157, Fs. C. MANZIANA 1977, 29-38. 8868 Carey G. L., God Incamate. L 1977, Inter-Varsity. 8869 Carriere J.-M., Le mystere de Jesus-Christ transmis par Chalcedoine: NRT 101 (1979) 338-357. 8870 Ceresa-Gastaldo C., Perennita della cristologia: Studium 75 (1979) 685693. 8871 Chang Ch'un-shen A.B., a) [g The Chinese Church and Christology: ColcTFujen 10,37 (1978) 435-453. - b) [g Jesus Christ. The Son of God: ColcTFujen 11,39 (1979) 47-58. - c) [g The Titles of Jesus: the Son of David, Rabbi and the Lord: ColcTFujen 11,41 (1979) 323-334. 8872 Charlier C., Le Christianisme, essai de synthese: I. Le Temoin. Approche humaine de la foi; II. Le Fils, revelateur du Pere en Esprit = Bible et Vie Chretienne N.S. P 1979, Lethielleux. 251 p.; 279 p. 249-71 index analyt. des deux vol. 8873 Chesnut Roberta C., Three Monophysite Christologies; Severus of Antioch, Philoxenus of Mabbug and Jacob of Serug. Oxf 1976, Univ. 158 p. f,6.75. - RßyZ 71 (1978) 89s (S. Gero); ScotJT 32 (1979) 183ss (1. R. Torrance); ZKG 89 (1978) 413ss (J. Gribomont). 8874 Chirico P., Hans Küng's Christology: an Evaluation of its Presuppositions: TS 40 (1979) 256-72. 8875 Clarke Thomas E., Current Christologies: Worship 53 (1979) 438-448: E. Schil/ebeeckx, H. Küng, W. Kasper. 8876 Cook R. R., The Psychology of Incamation: Themelios 5 (1979s) 1317. 8877 Courth Franz, Die Geschichte Jesu für uns. Zum neuen Jesus-Buch von E. Schillebeeckx: Trier TZ 87 (1978) 116-35. 8878 Couto F. J., Gottes Gnade in Jesus Christus durch neue Erfahrungen.


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Zum Schillebeeckx-buch 'Christus und die Christen II' [1977]: TGl 69 (1979) 446-460. $879 Coventry John, The Myth and the Method [Christology debate]: TLond 81 (1978) 252-61. 8880 Creasey M. A., Early Quaker Christology, with Special Reference to Isaac Penington [the 'divine & universal Light of Christ']: Catholic & Quaker Studies 2. Pittsburgh 1973. 412 p. 8881 Cupitt Don, The Debate about Christ. L 1979, SCM. vrn-152 p. :El.95. 0 0-334-00303-2. 8882 Cupitt D., Jesus and the Gospel of God. Guildford /L 1979, Lutterworth. 103 p. :E5.30.- REvQ 52 (1978) 62s (R. G. Crawford). 8883 Cupitt Don, Myth Understood: TLondon 81 (1978) 417-25. 8884 Cupitt Don, Armstrong Peter, Who Was Jesus? L 1977, BBC. 96 p. :E2.25.- RTLond 82 (1979) 60ss (K. Grayston: 'I do not like their version of the message of Jesus'). 8885 Dembowski Hermann, Einführung in die Christologie 1976 --> 58s,5762: RTLZ 103 (1978) 285ss (U. Gerber); ZKT 100 (1978) 637ss (L. Lies). Dupont Jacques ed., Jesus aux origines de la christologie 1975 --> 594. 8886* Dyck C. J., The Christology of Dirk Philips (1504-1568): MenQR 31 (1957) 147-155. 8887 Elders L.-J., La christologie du Pr[ofesseur] E. Schillebeeckx: EsprVie 90 (1978) 17-24. 8888 Escobar Pedro, Das universale concretum Jesu Christi und die 'eschatologische Reduktion' bei Hans Urs von Balthasar (< diss. 1973 P Inst. C',ath., dir. H. Bouillard): ZKT 100 (1978) 560-95. 8889 Espinel Jose Luis, Cristologia de 1a Cena del Sei'ior: la Eucaristia, revelaci6n biblica de Cristo: diss. R. S. Thomae Ag. 1975, 101 p. = CiTom 102 (1975) 513-99. 8890 Evdokimov Paul N., Cristo nel pensiero russo 1972 _,. 54,3603a: RRelCult 24 (1978) 276s (P. Langa). 8891 Fiorenza E. S., Wisdom Mythology and the Christological Hymns of the NT: _,. 57,2689, Aspects of Wisdom in Judaism and Early Christianity, ed. R. L. Wilken (Notre Dame 1975) 17-49. 8892 Fokke G. J., An Aspect of the Christology of Erasmus of Rotterdam [Gouda Ms 1324]: ETL 54 (1978) 161-187. 889:11Frankemölle H., Jesus, Anspruch und Deutungen: Topos-Taschenbücher 88. Mainz 1979, Matthias-Grünewald-Verlag. 192 p. DM 8.80. 8894 Fuchs E., Vom Ort des Verstehens [ ... die christologische Antwort]: --> 306, Wagnis des Glaubens (Neuk 1979) 9-20 < FreibZPhT 22 (1975) 343-56. . 8895 Galot Jean, Chi sei tu, o Cristo?: Nuova Collana di Teologia Cattolica 11. F 1977, Fiorentina. 386 p. Lit. 6000. - RGregorianum 59 (1978) 438s (ipse); Sal 40 (1978) 697-9 (D. Bertetto: alta lode con alcuni dissensi); ScuolC 107 (1979) 165s (C. Porro). 8896 Galot J., Cristo conleslalo: Le crislologie non calcedoniane e 1a fedc cristologica. Fi 1979. 8897 Galot Jean, Gesu Liberatore = Cristologia II: Nuova Collana di Teologia 12. F 1978, Fiorentina. 464 p. Lit. 9.000. - RGregorianum 60 (1979)

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408ss (tpse). 8897* Galot J., Un Cristo per il nostro tempo. La rivendicazione della nostra epoca: CC 130 (1979,3) 105-17. 8898 Geerlings Wilhelm, Christus Exemplum. Studien zur Christologie und Christusverkündigung Augustins: diss. Tü 1977 : Tübinger Theologische Studien 13. Mainz 1978, M-Grünewald. x-278 p.; bibliog. 263-274. DM 42. 0 3-7867-0697-2. - RAuglnstPatr 19 (1979) 539-46 (B. Studer, Zur Christologie Augustins); EphMar 29 (1979) 440 (B. Ferntindez); TPhil 54 (1979) 607ss (H.-J. Sieben); TZBas 35 (1979) 374 (R. C. Gamble). 8899 Gese Hartmut, Die Weisheit, der Menschensohn und die Ursprünge der Christologie als konsequente Entfaltung der biblischen Theologie: SvEx 44 (1979) 77-114. 8900 Giannini Giorgio, Un'opera sulla Cristologia di Hans Küng [L. Jammarone 1977: si impone]: DocCom 31 (1978) 258-61. 8901 Gonzalez Faus J. 1., Acceso a Jesus, ensayo de teologia narrativa: Verdad y imagen 55. Salamanca 1979, Sigueme. 226 p. 0 84-301-0756-8. l.Que hn cnmbindo cn ln cristologin? , 5338. 8902 Vives J., Rescatar la humanidad de Jesus. Sobre un reciente ensayo de cristologia genetica: [J. I. Gonztilez Faus, Acceso a Jesus 1979!] RET 38 (1978) 385-96. 8903 Goulder Michael ed., lncarnation and Myth: the Debate Contim1ed. L/GR 1979, SCM/Eerdmans. ix-257 p. !3.50/$5.95 pa. - RTablet 233 (1979) 921s (H. Wansbrough); TLond 82 (1979) 450-2 (K. Ward); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 426 (M. Van Tente). 8904 Green M. ed., The Truth of God Incarnate 1977 -> 58s,5931: RCurrTMiss 5 (1978) 245s (D. G. Truemper); ScotJT 31 (1978) 69ss (S. Heran). 8905 Greiner Friedemann, Die Menschlichkeit der Offenbarung. Die transzendentale Grundlegung der Theologie bei K. Rahner im Liebte seiner Christologie [< Diss. ev. Mü 1976 dir. W. Pannenberg: ZKT 100 (1978) 596-619] Münchener Monographien zur historischen und systematischen Theologie 2. Mü 1978, Kaiser. 307 p. DM 45. 8906 Greive Wolfgang, Grund des Glaubens, die Christologie Herrmanns 1976 -> 58s,5791: RTLZ 104 (1979) 688ss (M. Beintker); TR 74 (1978) · 314s (L. Schejfczyk). 8907 Grillmeier Alois, a) Die christologische Entdeckung des Humanum: -> 104, Fs. R. RAUBST, Menschenbild/Kues 1978, 305-19. - b) Ho kyriakös änthröpos: eine Studie zu einer christologischen Bezeichnung der Väterzeit [Epistula ad Antiochenos; Expositio Fidei Pseudo-Athanasii ... ]: Trad 33 (1977) 1-63. 8908 Grillmeier Alois, a) Le Christ dans la tradition chretienne. De l'äge apostolique a Chalcedoine 1973 -> 55,9593*; 56,9714: RCisterc 27 (1975) 254s (G. L.); RHE 74 (1979) 212s (C. Kamiengiesser); RThom 78 (1978) 148-53 (M.-V. Leroy: malheureusement depasse par l'ed. 2 en anglais, et Mit Ihm 1975). - b) Christ in Christian Tradition I. From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon [1951 4 1973] L/Ox 1975, Mowbrays. xxm-599 p. -> 46,1601 ... 55,9593*: RsaJ 40 (1978) 343-9 (A. Amato). 8909 Grillmeier Alois, Jesus der Christus im Glauben der Kirche I. Von der


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Apostolischen Zeit bis zum Konzil von Chalcedon (451). Fr 1979, Herder. xxiv-829 p. DM 98. p. 3-132 biblisch; 133-96 Variant-Christologien; 197-280 Klemens Rom. bis Origenes. 8910 Grillmeier Alois, Mit ihm und in ihm. Christologische Forschungen und Perspektiven 1975 ➔ 57,4455: Rsa1 40 (1978) 341-9 (A. Amato); TLZ 104 (1979) 844s (A. M. Ritter). 8911 GrollenbergLucas, Jesus [Jezus 1974 2 1975 ➔ 57,7069] tr. J. Bowden. Ph/L 1978-9, Westminster/SCM. 127 p. $4.50. - RNBlackfr 60 (1979) 139s (E. Hili). 8912 Guardini Romano, Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im NT: Herderbücherei 734. Fr 1979 [= Wü 1936], Herder. 127 p. DM 5,90 pa. 0 3-45107734-5. 8913 Gutierrez FerruindezGils, Ellen G. White: The Doctrine of the Person of Christ: diss. Drew Univ. 1978 dir. J. H. Puin. 115 p. 0 7819259. - DissA 39 (1978s) 2363s-A. 8914 Hamerton-Kelly R. G. Pre~existence, Wisdom and the Son of Man ... -. 54,3619 ... 58s,5801: RsvEx 43 (1978) 143s (A. Ekenberg). 8915 Hausherr 1., The Names of Jesus [Noms du Christ et voies d'oraison 1960] tr. C. Cummings: Cistercian Studies 44. Kalamazoo, MI 1978, Cistercian Publ. vm-358 p. 8916 Hengel Martin, a) Der Sohn Gottes. Die Entstehung der Christologie ... 1975 .... 56,3643; 2 1977 ➔ 58s,5809: RETRel 54 (1979) 305 (M. Bouttier); RTPhil 111 (1979) 201s (J.-M. Prieur); Sal 40 (1978) 691s (F. J. Moloney); TLZ 103 (1978) 819s (W. Wiefel) .. - b) Jesus Fils de Dieu tr. A. Liefooghe: LectDiv 94 .... 58s,5809: REsprVie 88 (1978) 320 (P. Jay); ETRel 54 (1979) 305 (M. Bouttier); IndTSt 15 (1978) 387s (L. Legrand). - c) The Son of God: The Origin of Christology and the History of Jewish-Hellenistic Religion 1976 .... 57,4465: Interpr 33 (1979) 424. 426. 430 (D. L. Jones); ScotJT 31 (1978) 184s (A. J. B. Higgins); VidJyo 43 (1979) 92s (J. Dupuis). 8917 Hengel M., El hijo de Dios. El origen de la cristologia y la historia de la religion judio-cristiana, tr. J. M. Bernl.t.ldez: BiblEstBib 21. Salamanca 1978, Sigueme. 131 p. - RcomSev 11 (1978) llls (M. de Burgos); RelCult 24 (1978) 496 (R. de la Torre). 8918 Heppenstall E., The Man Who Is God: A Study of the Person and Nature of Jesus, Son of God and Son of Man. Wsh 1977, Review & Herald. 191 p. 8919 Heron A., Doing without the Incarnation? [J. Hick, Myth of God Incarnate 1977; Green M., Truth of God Incarnate 1977]: ScotJT 31 (1978) 51-71. 8920 Hick John ed., a) The Myth of God Incarnate 1977 .... 58s,5872: RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 244s (D. G. Truemper); ETRel 54 (1979) 337s (W. Ziffer); ETRel 54 (1979) 337s (M. Bouttier); Oregorianun1 59 (1978) 419s (J. Galot); ScotJT 31 (1978) 51-69 (S. Heron). - b) Der Mythos vom fleischgewordenen Gott, tr. U. Hühne: Siebenstern 315. Gü 1979, Mohn. 234 p. DM 9,80 pa. 0 3-579-03730-7. 8921 HirnspergerJohann, Zur Christologie in Hans Küngs 'Christ sein'. Methodische Voraussetzung und inhaltliche Entwicklung: Diss. Salzburg

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1977. VI-481p. - TR 74 (1978) 514. 8921* Hödl L., Logische Übungen zum christologischen Satz ['Gott ist Mensch geworden'] in der frühscholastischen Theologie des 12. Jahrhunderts: ZKG 89 (1978) 291-306. 8922 Holladay Carl R., Theios Aner in Hellenistic Judaism ... NT Christology: SBL diss. 40, 1977 -, 58s,5812: RJBL 98 (1979) 608s (R. G. Hamerton-Kelly). 8923 Howard V. P., D!!,s Ego Jesu. Diss. Marburg, dir. W. G. Kümmel: MarbThSt 14, 1975 --+ 57,4471; 58s,5814: RCBQ 41 (1979) 159s (D. M. Smith). 8924 Hurtado L. W., NT Christology: a Critique of Bousset's lnfluence: TS 40 (1979) 306-17. 8925 Iammarone Luigi [Jammarone --+ 58s,5828*], La divinita di Cristo nell'opera 'Gesu. Storia di un vivenle' di E. Schillebeeckx [ital. 1976]: DoctCom 32 (1979) 189-220: favorevole alla divinita ... 8926 Janssen Friedrich, Von der Christologie zur Jesulogie? Zu einer christologischen Akzentverschiebung: TGl 68 (1978) 139-52 [=MüTZ 29 (1978) 296-311 --+ 58s,5817]. 8927 Jensun R. W., The Body of Ood's Presence: A Trinitarian Theory [of Christ etc.]: --+ 240 Fs. T. ToRRANCE1976, 82-93. 89?.R.TfingelF.., Paolo e Gesu. Alle origini della Cristolo&ia [1964]. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 381 p. Lit. 12.000. 8929 Jünge/ E., Die Wirksamkeit des Entzogenen. Zum Vorgang geschichtlichen Verstehens als Einführung in die Christologie: --+ 124, Fs. H. JoNAS, Gnosis 1978, 15-32. 8930 Kasper W., Jesus the Christ ... [1974 --+ 56,3655] tr. W. Green 1976 --+ 58s,5823: RAndrUnSS 17 (1979) 218s (S. Kubo); ScotJT 31 (1978) 185s (G. M. New/ands); TS 39 (1978) 383 (0. Hentz). 8931 Kasper W., Neuansätze gegenwärtiger Christologie [Christologie von unten; anthropologisch gewendete Christologie ... , als Theologie des Lebens Jesu; in einer geschichtlichen Perspektive]: --+ 683, Wer ist Jesus Christus, hrg J. Sauer (Fr etc. 1977) 121-150. KazmierskiC. R., Jesus, the Son of God ["""" 6446, diss Wü 1978] ForBib, 33. 241 p., map. DM 39. 8932 Kearns Rollin, Vorfragen zur Christologie I. Morphologische und semasiologische Studie zur Vorgeschichte eines christologischen Hoheitstitels [brns]. Tü 1978, Mohr. 14-207 p. DM 48. 0 3-16-140491-2. [Vorrede: das Dagan-Epitheton b'l sd - brns dtwr - 'dnj hsdh - 'agrou heros (Philo Bybl.); 1. Morphologische Studie: Einheit u. Herkunft des Wortgebildes brns, seine pseudoetymologische Umsetzung in br 'ns (br 'jnws) (brh dbrns .. .); hebräische Entsprechungen (bn 'dm); 11. Semasiologische Studie: voraramaisch: gun. unussu-bulil*bun-unussu 'aufgrund Landzuteilung Leislungspßichtiger'; ug. bns mlk 'Königsvassall'; altaram. selbst Vasall(enkönig); syr. brns doch 'Mensch'; in Palästina: Bedeutungen, die von 'Königs(vasall)' u. 'Königspächter' u. '(unbelehnter) Vasall', 'Vasall(enkönig)' abgeleitet oder übertragenwerden, die gr. kyrios kalorieren; Westaram. u. Mandäisch, •Mensch' Körper, Soma ... ]. - RAugRom 19 (1979) 521s (J. Wimmer); FreibRu 31 (1979) 114 (P.-G. Müller); TPQ


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127 (1979) 185s (C. Schedl); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 313 (W. Logister). 8933 Kereszty R., Krisztus: Teol. Kiskönyvtär 2,4-5, 1977 ➔ 58s,5825: Rszolgälat 37 (1978) 92 (1. Bekesi). 8934 Kern Walter, Christologie "von innen" und die historische Jesusfrage (Festakademie für E. BISER,60 Geb. Mü 1978): ZKT 100 (1978) 54559. 8935 Ketcham Charles B., A Theology of Encounter. The Ontological Ground for a New Christology. Univ. Park/L 1978, Penn State Univ. 170 p. RTPhil 54 (1979) 630s (W. Löser). 8936 Kiejfer Rene, a) 'Mer-än'-kristologin hos synoptikerna [Jesus is more than all the figures with which he can be compared: John the Baptist; David; Sabbath, temple; Jonah, Solomon]: SvEx 44 (1979) 134-47; summ. 147. - b) La Christologie de superiorite dans les evangiles synoptiques: ETRel 54 (1979) 579-91. 8937 Kociper D., Isus Krist, Mesija, Kralj, Sin Bozji [Jesus Christus, Messias, Rex, Filius Dei], Zagreb 1978. Zupni ured Krista Kralja. 68 p. din. 50. 8938 Kulisz J6zef, [fl Il concetto teilhardiano dell'Incarnazione: ColcT 49,3 (1979) 51-63, summ. 63s. 8939 Küng H., a) Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Grundkonsens in der katholischen Theologie? Zum 'Zwischenbericht' [Fr 1979 ➔ 8995] von Edward Schillebeeckx: TüTQ 159 (1979) 272-85. - b) Vers un nouveau consensus fondamental en theologie catholique. A propos de la «mise au point» d'Edward Schillebeeckx [Tussentijds verhaal over twee Jezus-boeken 1978 et Die Auferstehung als Grund der Erlösung, QDisp 78 ... ] : Lum Vie 28,145 (1979) 71-93. 8940 Labbe Y., Ordre symbolique et reference chretienne [A. Delzant, La communication de Dieu (P 1978, Cerf) depla9ant les christologies 'Parole/histoire' comme Bultmann/Pannenberg vers l'ecriture]: NRT 101 (1979) 561-75. Laflamme R., Gervais M. ed., Le Christ hier, aujourd'hui et demain: colloque de Christologie, Univ. Laval 1975/6 ➔ 665. 8941 Langkammer Hugolin, a) [fl Pocz'1,tki chrystologü Nowego Testamentu, Anfänge der Christologie im Neuen Testament. Lublin 1977, KUL. 70 p. - b) [fl Hymny chrystologiczne NTu, 1976 ➔ 57,4500*; 58s,5838b: RRuBi 29 (1976) 343s (J. Chmiel). 8942 Leroy Herbert, Jesus, Überlieferung und Deutung: ErtrFor 95, 1978. Da 1978, Wiss. vm-154 p., DM 25. 0 3-534-07039-9. - RGregorianum 60 (l 979) 583 (K. H. Neufeld). 8943 Liao Shang-hsin, [g Lishih te Yehsu: Lun ch'i shuangchung te shenhsüeh went'i, The Historical Jesus: The Theological Problem of His Dual Personality: TaiwJT l (1979) 5-36. 8944 Liefeld W. L., Transfigure: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 861-5. 8945 Link H. G., Geschichte Jesu und Bild Christi: die Entwicklung der Christologie M. Kählers ... 1975 ➔ 57,4508: RTLZ 104 (1979) 161-71 (J. Wirsching). 8946 Lonergan B., The Way [from NT] to Nicea: the Dialectical Development of Trinitarian Theology, tr. C. O'Donovan [= De Deo Uno 1964, first section]. L 1976, Darton LT. xxxm-143 p. f, 5.50. - RJTS 29 (1978)

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224-27 (M. Vickers: 'a strange book ... limitations ... insofar as his argument depends on getting the history right'); ScotJT 31 (1978) 274ss (H. Meynell). ➔ y583. 8947 Mackey James P., Jesus, the Man and the Myth: a Contemporary Christology. NY/L 1979, Paulist/SCM. vm-3Up. $8.95/f 4.95. 0 0-80912169-7. - RNBlackfr 60 (1979) 284 (F. Kerr); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 21 (R. Hammer); Tablet 233 (1979) 429 (H. Wansbrough); TimLitS 78 (1979) 152 (P. Hebblethwaite); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 313s (Yv. Logister). 8948 MacKinnon D. M., The Relation of the Doctrine of the Incarnation and the Trinity [& NT Christology & Modem Theologians]: ➔ 240, Fs. T. ToRRANCE,Creation and Christ and Culture 1976, 92-107. 8949 Marchesi G., Cristologia di Balthasar 1977 ➔ 58s,5857: RTR 74 (1978) 402-5 (K.-J. Tossou); TS 39 (1978) 557s (J. M. McDermott). 8950 Margerie Bertrand de, Le Christ pour le monde. Le Creur de l'Agneau 1971 [➔ 53,3145]: surtout motif de 1a redemption (Scot): RRThom 78 (1978) 168s (M.-A. G[enevois]: il semble aimer se faire l'avocat des causes perdues p. ex. coredemptrice). 8951 Marshall I. Howard, The Origins of NT Christology 1976 ➔ 58s,5860: KAsbSem 33,5 (1978) 36ss (G. A. Turner); BS 136 (1979) 80s (J. F. Walvoord); STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 127-30 (M. Clemente). 8952 Marxsen Willi, Christologie - praktisch. Siebenstern 294. Gü 1978, Mohn. 159p. DM 12,80. 0 30579-03694-7. 8953 Marxsen W., The Beginnings of Christology [Anfangsprobleme 1960 + Auferstehung 1964] Together with The Lord's Supper as a Christological Problem [1963-5]. Ph 1979 (two works reprinted), Fortress. 122 p. $4.95. 8954 Mateo-Seco Lucas F., Estudios sobre la cristologia de san Gregorio de Nisa; pr6logo Pio G.Alves de Sousa. ColTUnNav, 19. Pamplona 1978, Univ. Navarra. 459 p. 0 84-313-0575-4. 8955 Mej{a Jorge, La cristologia en el documento de Puebla: Lateranum 45 (1979) 130-157. 8956 Messori Vittorio, Mensch geworden: wer war Jesus? [Ipotesi su Gesu 1976 ➔ 58s,5651] tr. H. Machowetz. Graz 1978, Styria. 275 p. Sch 248/DM 34 pa. 0 3-222-11130-8. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 301s (J. Hager). 8957 Sala G.B., Le 'ipotesi su Gesu' di Messori: RClerlt 60 (1979) 260-67, 359-66. 8958 Meynell H., On Believing in the Incamation: CleR 64 (1979) 210216. 8959 Michel 0. (Marshall I. H.), Son: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 607-668. 8960 Monloubou L., Jesus y su misterio, tr. C. Garda de! Valle 1953 ➔ 55,3305c: RcuBib 34 (1977) 220-24 (B. Celada). 8961 Moule C., Origin of Christology 1977 ➔ 58s,5869; now paperback 1978: x-187 p., $5.95. - RCurrTMiss 6 (1979) 188 (J. A. Burgess); JBL 97 (1978) 313s (R. H. Gundry); JTS 30 (1979) 283-88 (A. Harvey); NRT 101 (1979) 894s ,(X. Jacques); RcITR 37 (1978) 22s (Yv. Dumbrell); ScotJT 31 (1978) 469ss (G. Wainwright); STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 130-33 (M. Clemente). 8962 Neill S., Jesus ... Theology of the NT 1976 ➔ 57,4326; 58s,5657*:

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RAndrUnSS 15 (1977) 241s (S. Kubo). 8963 Newbigin L., Christ and the Cultures [1977 conference: within the Bible are diverging pattems even of Christology]: ScotJT 31 (1978) 1-22. 8964 Nossol A., [EI Chrystologia Karola Bartha: wplyw na wspolczesna [influxus in generalem] chrystologi~ Katolicq. Diss. habil. Katolicki Univ. Lubelski. Lublin 1979, 215 p. zl 150. 8965 Orbe A., Cristologia gnöstica. Introducciön a la soteriologia de los siglos II e III: BAC 384s. M 1976, Catölica. 594 p., 654 p. - VetChr 14 (1977) 369-73 (M. Simonetti). 8966 Out/er Albert C., 'The Three Chapters': a Comment on the Survival of Antiochene Christology: ➔ 256, Fs. A. VööBus 1977, 357-64. 8967 Packer J., The Vital Question [Lecture given at Islington Conference about Christological questions]: Themelios 4 (1979) 84-87 < Churchman. 8968 Pa/mer M. F., Paul Tillich's Critique of Bultmann's Christology: HeythJ 20 (1979) 279-89. 8969 Pa1111e11berg W., Fundamentos de Cristologia... 1974 -+ 55,3474 ... 58s,5877a: Rcisterc 27 (1975) 176s (G. L.). 8970 Pannenberg Wolfhart, Jesus - God and Man 2 [11968 ➔ 50,3070 ... 58s,5877b], tr. L. Wilkins, D. Priebe. 427 p. $12.50. Perlewitz L. A., A Christology of the Book of Acts: Modes of Presence: diss. Saint Louis Univ. 1977 ➔ 6869. 8971 PfammatterJ., Furger F. Hg., Zugänge zu Jesus: Theologische Berichte 7. Z 1978, Benziger. 208 p. (➔ 5309): RGregorianum 60 (1979) 756s (K. H. Neufeld).

8972 Philip James, Jesus as God: Understanding Bible Teaching. L/GR 1978, Scripture Union/Eerdmans. [Also, same date: Ellison H. L., Jesus as Man; Cundall A. E., ·God's World; Morris L., The Holy Spirit]. 8973 Pikaza Xabier, Los origenes de Jesus. Ensayos de Cristologia biblica 1976 ➔ 57,4548; 58s,5879: RcBQ 40 (1978) 281s (J. L A/faro, O.S.B.). 8975 Pregeant M., Christology beyond Dogma 1978 ➔ 58s,4587*: RcBQ 41 (1979) 165ss (D. J. Harrington). 8976 Principe W. H., Questions Concerning Christ from the First Half of the Thirteenth Century I. [7] Quaestiones from the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris: MedSt 39. Toronto 1977, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 59 p. 8977 Rahner K., Thüsing W., A New Christology [1972 ➔ 54,3675]. NY c.1978, Seabury. 211 p. $12.95. 8978 Schellevis L., De betekenis van Jezus' mensheid: een onderzoek naar de christologie van Karl Rahner [diss. Utrecht 1978, dir. J. M. Hasselaar]. Haag 1978, Boekencentrum. 157 p. f 35. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 96 (M.

Van Tente). 8979 Serentha M., Sulla cristologia del •Corso fondamentale sulla fede' di K. Rahner: ScuolC 107 (1979) 132-141. 8980 Regina Umberto, La vita di Gesu e la filosofia modema. Uno studio su David Friedrich Strauss. Brescia, 1979, Morcelliana. 558 p.; bibliog. · p. 537-546. 8981 Richardson Neil, Was Jesus divine? (1977 Lincoln Cathedral lectures).

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L 1979, Epworth. 96 p. :El.35. 0 0-7162-0321-9. 8982 Ritter Adolf M., Zum Homousios von Nizäa und Konstantinopel. Kritische Nachlese zu einigen neueren Diskussionen: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 404-423. 8983 Rose Eugen, Die manichäische Christologie: Studies in oriental religions 5. Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. xu-199 p. DM 98 pa. 0 3-447-01989-2. 8984 Rubini M., L'antropologia cristologica di Nicolas Cabasilas [Diss. Messina 1976). Messina 1976, Molfetta. xix-80 p. 8985 Salas A., Jesus, Evangelio vivo. Kerigma y Catequesis en el cristianismo primitivo 1973 ➔ 54,3683: Roregorianum 60 (1979) 760ss (A. Que-

ralt). 8986 Sample Robert L., The Christology of the Council of Antioch (268 c.E.) ' Reconsidered: ChH 48 (1979) 18-26. 8987 Sanders Gilbert L., The Christology of W. Norman Pittenger: A Summary and a Critique: diss. Southem Baptist Theological Seminary dir. Dale Moody, 1979. 202 p. 0 7911220 - DissA 39 (1978s) 6831-A. Sauer Joseph ed., Wer ist Jesus Christusl 1977 _. 683. 8988 Schäfer Philipp, Der Zugang zur Christologie: TGl 69 (1979) 74-88. 8989 Scheele Pau1-W., Uie Fleischwerdung des Wortes. Biblische Explikation und theologische Implikation: ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK 1979, 357-88. 8990 Scheffczyk Leo Hg., Grundfragen der Christologie heute 1975 ➔ 57,4570; 58s,5795: RTPQ 127 (1979) 86s (R. Schufte). 8991 Schejfczyk Leo, Die 'Christogenese' Teilhard de Chardins und der kosmische Christus bei Paulus [=TüTQ 143 (1963) 136-174): ➔ 360, Schwerpunkte 1977, 249-279. 8992 Schil/ebeeckx Edward, a) Jesus, Die Geschichte von einem Lebenden 1975 ➔ 57,4571; 58s,5907: RRechSR 67 (1979) 583-92 (B. Sesboüe); TLZ 103 (1978) 423-6 (R. Slenczka); TrierTZ 87 (1978) 116-35 (F. Courth). - b) Gesu 1976 ➔ 58s,5907: RDoctCom 32 (1979) 189-220 (L. Iammarone). - c) Jesus, an Experiment in Christology [1974 ➔ 56,3736), tr. H. Hoskins. L/NY 1979, Collins/Seabury, 767 p. :E9/$24.95. - RßibTB 9 (1979) 188s (J. F. O'Grady); NBlackfr 60 (1979) 549-52 (F. Kerr); RelStR 5 (1979) 267-73 (E. TeSel/e, G. MacRae); TimLitS 78 (1979) 152 (P. Hebblethwaite); TLond 82 (1979) 457-9 (R. Morgan); Tablet 233 (1979) 157s (N. Lash). 8993 Schillcbccckx Edward, a) Gerechtigheid en liefde, genade en bevrijding 1977 ➔ 58s,8675: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 70-77 (L. Bakker); TS 39 (1978) 539s (R. Sehreiter); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 432-5 (B. Willaert). - b) Christus und die Christen. Die Geschichte einer neuen Lebenspraxis, tr. H. Zulauf Fr. 1977, Herder. 898 p. DM 88 ➔ 58s,8675: RßLtg 51 (1978) 25760 (A. Stöger); DiakMainz 9 (1978) 281s (N. Scholl); RechScRel 67 (1979) 592-97 (B. Sesboüe); TLZ 104 (1979) 294-8 (R. S/enczka); TPQ 126 (1978) 300s (W. Gruber); TZBas 34 (1978) 250s (W. Bieder). 8994 Turrado Tu"ado A., Anotaci6n acerca de 'Cristo y los cristianos' de E. Schillcbccckx [germ. 1977): REspT 38 (1979) 173-83. 8995 Schillebeeckx E., a) Tussentijds verhaal. Over twee Jezus boeken, Bloemendaal Bruges 1978, Nelissen. 144 p. f 20. - RETL 55 (1979) 218-21 (J. Coppens: 'il affirme ne pas viser a se corriger mais tout simplement a


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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eclaircir ses propos. Laissons au lecteur critique le soin de verifier cette assertion. En toute hypothese, des eclaircissements s'imposaient '). b) Die Auferstehung Jesu als Grund der Erlösung: Zwischenbericht über die Prolegomena zu einer Christologie, tr. Hugo Zulauf: QDisp 78. Fr 1979, Herder. 150 p. DM 28,50 pa. 0 3-451-02078-5. - RTR 75 (1979) 486ss (W. Breuning). 8996 Schillebeeckx E., Op weg naar een christologie: TsTNijm 18 (1978) 13156; summ. 157 Prolegomenes a une christologie (H. Gevaert). 8997 Schilson Arno [survey], Kasper Walter [conclusions], a) Christologie im Präsens: kritische Sichtung neuer Entwürfe; dritte Auflage mit Literaturnachtrag [11974 ➔ 56,3739; 21977 ➔ 58s,5909]: Theologisches Seminar. Fr 1979, Herder. 168 p. DM 21,50. 0 3-451-16941-X. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 84 (R. Schulte). - b) Theologiens du Christ aujourd'hui, tr. R. Givord: Jesus et J.-C. 9. P 1978, Desclee. 221 p. F 54. 0 2-7189-0139-X. - c) Cristologie, oggi. Analisi critica di nuove teologie, tr. ed. U. Mattioli: Biblioteca di Cultura Religiosa 33. Brescia 1979, Paideia. 174 p. Lit. 6000. Schlauer A., Jesus, der Christus: 8 Aufsätze; Einführung R. Riesner 1978 ➔ 361. 8998 Schneider Gerhard [cf. ➔ 58s,5910], Cristologia del NT: StBPaid 32, 1975 ➔ 57,4576: Rsal 40 (1978) 192 (A. Amato). 8999 Schoonenberg P., The Christ 1971 ➔ 53,3184 ... 58s,5913: RBiblebhashyam 1 (1975) 256s (J. Kottackal). 9000 Schutter W. L., A Continuing Crisis for Incarnational Doctrine: RefR 32 (1979) 76-91. 9001 Sesboüe B., a) Bulletin de theologie dogmatique; christologie. H. Küng et E. Schillebeeckx: RechSR 67 (1979) 567-598. - b) Histoire et foi en christologie: parcours historique d'une altemance: NRT 101 (1979) 323. 9002 Sheed F. J., Christ in Eclipse. L 1979, Sheed & W. f:5. - RTablet 233 (1979) 703s (R. Potter). Simian Yofre H., Der Gott der Väter und der Gott Jesu Christi ➔ 687, Gottesfrage als Sinnfrage 1979, 40-63. 9003 Sobrino Jon, a) Cristologia desde America Latina (esbozo a partir del seguimiento del Jesus hist6rico) 2 = Teologia Latinoamericana, 1. Mexico 1977 [11976 ➔ 58s,6063], Centro de Reflexion Teol6gica. xx-370 p. b) Christology at the Crossroads: a Latin American Approach. Maryknoll NY/L 1978, Orbis/SCM. XXVI-434p. $12.95/f:4.95. - REcuR 31 (1979) 213s (Choan-Seng Song: tries to cover too much); Tablet 232 (1978) 702 (H. Wansbrough); TS 40 (1979) 183ss (J. P. Schineller); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 203s (M. Van Tente); VidJyo 43 (1979) 194s (J. Dupuis). 9004 Staniloe D., Hristologie ~i iconologie in disputa din secolele VIII-IX: Studii teologice 30 (1979) 15-53. 9005 Stickelberger Hans, lpsa assumptione creatur: Karl Barths Rückgriff auf die klassische Christologie und die Frage nach die Selbständigkeit des Menschen [< Diss. Basel 1976]: BaBemSt 38. Bern 197'l, Lang. 245 p. Fs. 58 pa. 0 3-261-03128-X. 9006 Studer Basil, Der apologetische Ansatz zur Logos-Christologie Justins des Märtyrers: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 435-448.

H5.3 Deus in NT; Christologia


9008 Trakatellis D. C., The Pre-existence of Christ in the Writings of Justin Martyr: Harvard Diss. Rel. 6. MMS 1976. 203 p. Vargas-MachucaA. ed., Jesucristo en la historia y en la fe, Semana Teol. M 1977 ... 634. 9009 Vawter Bruce, This Man Jesus: An Essay toward a NT Christology 1973 --> 55,3527*: RGregorianum 59 (1978) 610s (J. Galot). 9010 Verweyen Hansjürgen, Christologische Brennpunkte 1977 --> 58s,5935: RTLZ 104 (1979) 298s (U. Gerber). 9011 Wagner F., Theologische Gleichschaltung. Zur Christologie K. Barths: --> 510, T. Rendtorff, Realisierung der Freiheit 1975, 10-37. 135-55. 9012 Waldrop C. T., Karl Barth's Alexandrian Christology: diss. Harvard c.1977: HarvTR 71 (1978) 167. 9013 Walker 1., Prof. [M. F. --> 58s,5945b] Wiles on Historical Christology: NBlack 60 (1979) 52-61. 9014 Weiser Alfons, Jesus, Gottes Sohn? Antwort auf eine Herausforderung 3 : Kleine Reihe zur Bibel 21. Stu 1975, KBW. 71 p. DM 3,90 pa. 0 3-46010212-8. 9015 Wickert Ulrich, Christus kommt zur Welt. Zur Wechselbeziehung von Christologie, Kosmologie und Eschatologie in der Alten Kirche: --> 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN, Kerygma und Logos 1979, 461-81. 9016 Wiederkehr Dietrich, Christologie im Kontext: Zugänge zu Jesus: Theologische Berichte 7. Z 1978, Benziger. [mit W. Kern, --> 8971, J. Pfammatter] 201 p. DM/Fs. 34,80. 0 3-545-22088-5. 9017 Winslow D. F. (also ed.), Christological Rigorism and Soteriological Laxism: --> 72, Fs. R. EvANs, Disciplina 1979, 53-68, 199. 9018 Worgul G. S., Jr. Prolegomenon to Jesus as the Word of God: A Note: BibTB 9 (1979) 115-125. 9019 Yerkes J., The Christology of Hegel. SBL diss. [Ch], 23. MMS 1978. 341 p. $9. - RTs 40 (1979) 551ss (D. J. M. Bradley). H5.5 Spiritus Sanctus



9020 Adinolfi M., Lo Spirito di Cristo. Un recente contributo alla teologia paolina [R. Penna, 1976): RivB 26 (1978) 201-210. 9021 Afanassiejf N., IB] L'Eglise du Saint-Esprit, tr. M. Drobot: CogFid 83, 1975 --> 57,6600: RRechSR 66 (1978) 447-50 (B. Sesboüe). 9022 Baumeister T., Ordnungsdenken und charismatische Geisterfahrung in der Alten Kirche: RömQ 73 (1978) 137-51. 9023 Bettenzoli G., Geist der Heiligkeit: kath. Diss. Tü 1978 'vorgesehen für Univ. F Quaderni di Semitistica': BZ 23 (1979) 159. 9024 Bolgiani F., La theologie de l'Esprit Saint de la fin du Jer s. apres J.-C. au concile de Constantinople (381): Quatre Fleuves 9 (P 1979) 33-72. 9025 Boring M. E., 'What are we Looking For?' Toward a Definition of the Term 'Christian Prophet': SBL,SemPap 109,2 (1973) 142-54. 9025* a) Bouchet Jean-Rene, 11 discernimento degli spiriti, tr. F. Savoldi: Conc 15/8 (1979) 166-171. - b) Concilium 15/8 (Ecumenismo 1979) La disputa sullo Spirito Santo ed. H. Küng, J. Moltmann, E. Schweizer.


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9026 Carrillo Alday G., El Espiritu Santo en el coraz6n del creyente: las Epistolas de San Pablo 1978 ➔ 58s,6757.8327: Rcußib 34 (1977!) 232s (V. Soria).

9027 Carter C. W., The Person and Ministry of the Holy Spirit. GR 1974, Baker. 355 p.; bibliog. 337-350. $7.95. 9028 Floristin Casiano, Duquoc Christian ed., Discernment of the Spirit and of Spirits: Concilium, Religion in the Seventies. NY 1979, Seabury. rx126 p. $4.95 pa. 9029 Casurel/a A., The Paraclete in the Church Fathers: AsbSem 34,3 (1979) 27-37. 9030 Chevallier Max-Alain, Souffle de Dieu: le Saint-Esprit dans le NT: I. AT, Hellenisme et Judai'.sme, la tradition synoptique, l'reuvre de Luc: PoinT 26, 1978 ➔ 58s,8329: RcBQ 41 (1979) 642s (B. T. Viviano); EsprVie 89 (1979) 32 (P. Jay); ETRel 55 (1979) 148 (D. Lys); FoiVie 77,5 (1978) 83s (P. Gagnier);RechSR 66 (1978) 440s (B. Sesboüe); RHPhilRel 58 (1978) 341s (ipse); RThom 79 (1979) 143-6 (M.-V. Leroy); TS 40 (1979) 356-9 (J. M. Ford). 9031 Congar Yves, Je crois en l'Esprit Saint. I. L'experience de l'Esprit dans l"Economie': revelation et experience de l'Esprlt. P 1979, Cerf. 235 p. REsprVie 89 (1979) 443s (M. Huftier); SciEspr 31 (1979) 402-05 (J.-M. Diifort). - II. '11 est Seigneur car il donne la vie'. P 1979, Cerf. 296 p. 9032 Congar Y., Meditation theologique sur la troisieme Personne: PrOrChr 29 (1979) 201-211. Coppieters de Gibson D. al., L'Esprit Saint 1978 ➔ 411. 9033 Cox Harvey, a) The Seduction of the Spirit: the use and misuse of people's religion. L 1974, Wildwood. 350 p. - b) La seducci6n del Espiritu. El uso y el abuso de la religi6n del pueblo. Santander 1979, Sal Terrae. 364 p. 0 84-293-0523-8. 9034 Cramer W., Der Geist Gottes und des Menschen in frühsyrischer Theologie: Münst. Beitr. Theol., 46. Münster 1979, Aschendorff. vm-95 p. DM36. 9035 Dautzenberg G., Urchristliche Prophetie [1 Cor]: BWANT 104, 1975 ➔ 7977 [diss. 1972, 55,4390*]; 58s,7068: RHeythJ 20 (1979) 449ss (R. Mur-



9036 Dawe D. G., The Divinity of the Holy Spirit [ ... the actuality of God's freedom 'for us' and 'in us']: Interpr 33 (1979) 19-31. 9037 Dunn James D. G., Baptism in the Holy Spirit: A Re-examination of the New Testament Teaching on the Gift of the Spirit in Relation to Pentecostalism Today: StBibT 2,15 [1970 ➔ 52,4951 ... 58s,9395: RAsbSem 32,4 (1976) 46ss (K. Kingshorn)].Ph 2 1977, Westminster. vm-248 p. $6.95 pa. 9038 Dunn J. D. G., Jesus and the Spirit: A Study of the Religious and Charismatic Experience of Jesus and the First Christians as Reflected in the NT 1978 (= 1975), SCM. 515 p. ➔ 57,6501; 58s,9402: Rsa1 41 (1979) 557s (F. J. Mo/oney: first-rate; exciting); CBQ 40 (1978) 264-68 (G. T.

Montague). 9039 Dupuis J., Jesus and His Spirit: Theological Approaches 1977 ➔ 58s,8336: RHeythJ 20 (1979) 114s (G. E.); IndTSt 15 (1978) 296ss (A.

H5.5 Spiritus Sanctus - NT - The Holy Spirit

. 593

M. Lourdusamy); JDharma 4 (1979) 306ss (J. P. Muringathery); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 99 (H. E. Mertens). 9040 Duquoc Christian, Heiligkeit Jesu und Heiligkeit des Geistes tr. A. Himmelsbach: Conc-D 15 (1979) 601-6. - Saintete de Jesus et saintete de !'Esprit: Conc-F 15/149 (1979) 83-92. - Santita di Gesu e santita dello Spirito, tr. P. Crespi: Conc-It 15 (1979) 1567-79. 9041 Evdokimov P., a) L'Esprit Saint dans la tradition orthodoxe 2 : Foi Vivante 179. P 1977. - RRechSR 66 (1978) 446s (B. Sesboüe). - b) Lo Spirito Santo nella tradizione ortodossa 1971: RRelCult 24 (1975) 276 (P. Langa). 9042 Ferlay Philippe, Pere et Fils dans !'Esprit. Le mystere trinitaire de Dieu: Croire et Comprendre. P 1979, Centurion. 156 p. 9043 Ferraro G., Lo Spirito Santo nella Esposizione de/ Vange/o secondo Luca di S. Ambrogio: Nicolaus 7 (Bari 1979) 27-60. 9044 Fitch W., The Ministry of the Holy Spirit. GR 1974, Zondervan. 304 p. $7.95. - RAsbSem 30 (July 1975) 44 (J. D. Robertson). 9045 Gaffin R. ß., Perspcctivcs on Pcntccost. Studies in NT Tenching on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. GR 1979, Baker. 127 p. $3.95 pa. 0 0-8010-37395.

Gegenwart des Geistes. Aspekte der Pneumatologie, Tagung Mü 1979 ➔ 831.845.847. 9046 Gillieron B., Le Saint-Esprit, actualite du Christ. Ce qu'en ont dit Paul, Luc et Jean: Essais Bibliques 1. Geneve 1978, Labor & F. 152 p. 9047 Goitia J. de, La fuerza del Espiritu. Pneuma-Dynamis: TDeusto 6, 1974 ➔ 56,5452; 58s,8346: RGregorianum_,..59 (1978) 614s (A. Queralt); RechSR 66 (1978) 435s (B. Sesboüe); TLZ 104 (1979) 45ss (W. Nagel). 9048 Gunkel H., The Influence of the Holy Spirit [1880]. Ph 1979, Fortress. $9.95. 9049 Heitmann Oaus, Mühlen Heribert Hg., a) Erfahrung und Theologie des Heiligen Geistes 1974 ➔ 56,5446 ... 58s,8394: RRechSR 66 (1978) 452ss (B. Sesboüe). - b) La riscoperta dello Spirito [AT Hans H. Schmid; NT W. Sehmithals, H. Schlier, F. Hahn]. Esperienza e teologia dello Spirito Santo. 1977 ➔ 58s,8394: Rsa1 40 (1978) 416s (A. Favale). 9050 Isaacs M. E., The Concept of Spirit: a Study of Pneuma in Hellenistic Judaism and its Hearing on the NT: HeythMon 1, 1976 ➔ 58s,8354: , RExpTim 89 (1977s) 153s (A. E. Harvey). 9051 Jaschke Hans-Jochen, Der Heilige Geist im Bekenntnis der Kirche. Eine Studie zur Pneumatologie des Irenäus von Lyon im Ausgang vom altchristlichen Glaubensbekenntnis (diss. Rg 1975 dir. J. Ratzinger): Münsterische BeiTh 40. Münster 1976, Aschendorff. 355 p. DM 98. RJTS 30 (1979) 315ss (D. Powe/1); NRT 100 (1978) 591 (C. Martin); TR 74 (1978) 121ss (R. Tremblay); TrierTZ 87 (1978) 247s (E. Sauser); ZKG 89 (1978) 400-4 (W.-D. Hauschild). 9052 Kam/ah E., Spirit: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 689-709. 9052* Kremer Jakob, Pfingsten - Erfahrung des Geistes: Was sagt darüber die Bibel?: Biblisches Forum 9. Stu 1974, KBW. 88 p. ➔ 56,5956 (corr. Ind.): Rsal 40 (1978) 961s (A. Kothgasser). 9053 Krode/ Gerhard, The Functions of the Spirit in the OT, the Synoptic 38. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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Tradition, and the Book of Acts: .....494, Opsahl P., Holy Spirit 1978, 10-46. 9054 Lampe G. W. H., God as Spirit. The Bampton Lectures 1976. Ox/NY 1977, Clarendon/Oxford Univ. vm-239 p. f:6.50/$14.95. 0 0-19-826644-8. RETRel 54 (1979) 713s (J.-P. Gabus); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 216s (J. Macquarrie); JTS 29 (1978) 617-21 (E. L. Mascall: 'recrudescence of unitarianism at highest academic level'); RechSR 66 (1978) 458s (B. Sesboüe). 9055 Laurentin Rene, Catholic Pentecostalism tr. M. O'Cqnnell. L 1977, Darton-LT. 239 p. f:3.30. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 81ss (R. Walls). 9055* Luislampe Margareta (Sr. Pia), Spiritus Vivificans. Grundzüge einer Theologie des Heiligen Geistes nach Basilius von Caesarea: Diss. Münster 1979, dir. Hünermann. 9056 McDonnell Kilian, Esperienza dello Spirito Santo nel rinnovamento carismatico cattolico, tr. C. Guzzetti: Conc 15/8 (1979) 155-165. 9056* McPolin James, The Holy Spirit in the Lucan and Johannine Writings: a Comparative and Complementary Study: IrTQ 45 (1978) 117-131. 9051 Macraläs M., The Life of the Spirit in George Santayana and its Application to the Idea of Christ. Conclusion (The Existence of God, the Divinity of Christ, and the Value of Matter: Conclusion): TAth [ ... VII. 49 (1978) 360-376] 50 (1979) 815-858. 9058 Martin A. G., Ecriture et Trinite: FoiVie 77,4 (1978) 16-23. 9059 Massabki C., Who is the Holy Spirit? NY 1979, Alba. $6.95. 9060 Meis W. Anneliese, Problemätica de la carismatica neotestamentaria I: TVida 17 (1976) 193-208. Meyer Paill W., The Holy Spirit in the Pauline Letters 1979 -> 7661; cf. Quinn, J. .....8269a. 9061 Moltmann J., The Church in the Power of the Spirit 1977 .....58s,8563: RscriptB 10 (1979s) 48 (S. Coakley). 9062 Montague G. T., The Holy Spirit: Gowth of a Biblical Tradition. 1976 --> 58s,8379: RVidJyo 43 (1979) 139s (J. Dupuis). 9063 Moule C. F. D., The Holy Spirit. Ox/GR 1978/9, Mowbray/Eerdmans. vm-120 p. :E:4.50/$3.95.0 0-8028-1796-3. - RcleR 64 (1979) 183 (E. Sullivan). 9064 Müller Ulrich B., Prophetie und Predigt im NT 1975 ..... 56,5978; 58s,9059: RTLZ 103 (1978) 58Sss (J. Roloff). 9065 Opsahl Paul D. ed., The Holy Spirit in the Life of the Church: From Biblical Times to the Present 1978 .....494. 9066 Packer J. 1., Evangelizzazione e sovranita di Dio. Finale Ligure 1978, [= 1961] Evangelical Press. 129 p. Lit. 2.500. - RsTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 163ss (E. Grosso). 9061 Panagopoulos J. ed., Prophetie Vocation in the NT and Today: NTSup 45 1977 .....58s,9079: RcBQ 41 (1979) 490s (D. E. Aune). 9068 Peyrot Lucien, Le Saint-Esprit et le prochain retrouve. Approche phenomenologique du mystere de l'Esprit, en commentaire au troisieme article du Symbole des Apötres: NSTheol 28. Geneve 1974, Labor & F. 129 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 339ss (M. Spind/er). 9069 Pikaza Xabier, Bibliografia trinitaria del Nuevo Testamento. Salamanca 1978 = EstTrin 11 (1977) 135-306.

H5.5 Spiritus Sanctus - NT - The Holy Spirit


9070 Pittenger N., The Divine Trinity 1977 ➔ 58s,8389: RJAAR 46 (1978) 601 (M. Rumscheidl). 9071 Ramirez Santiago M., Los dones del Espiritu Santo: BTE 306. M 1978, San Esteban. 318 p. 9072 Ramsey A. M., The Holy Spirit: a Biblical Study. GR 1977, Eerdmans. 140p. 9073 Reiling J., Jezus en de Geest: ➔ 177, Fs. J. ÜOSTERBAAN, De Geest en het geding 1978, 239-54. 9074 Sauter Gerhard, Heiliger Geist/Kirche ➔ 575, Warum Christen glauben 1979, 152-78/179-98. 9075 Schillebeeckx E., Melanges, L'Experience de l'Esprit 1976 ➔ 58s,4420 = Leven uit de Geest 1974. 9076 Schneider Theodor, Gott ist Gabe: Meditationen über den Heiligen Geist. Fr 1979, Herder. 109 p. DM 10,80 pa. 0 3-451-18499-0. 9077 Schweizer Eduard, Was ist der Heilige Geist? Eine bibeltheologische Hinführung: Conc-D 15 (1979) 494-8. - Qu'est-ce que le Saint-Esprit? Une introduction de theologie biblique, tr. R. Givord: Conc-F 15/48 (1979) 11-20. - Che cosa e lo Spirito Santo?, tr. G. Moretto: Conc-It 15 (1979) 1289-1302. 9078 Sesboüe B., Bulletin de theologie dogmatique: Trinite et Pneumatologie [l. L'Esprit Saint dans l'Ecriture; 2.... dans la tradition; 3. Theologie et experience contemporaine]: RechSR 66 (1978) 417-460. 9079 Smail T, ne Glorie van God: Het werk van de Heilie;e Geest: Nieuw Leven. Kampen c.1979, Kok. 160p. /17.50. 9080 a) Soares Prabhu G. M., Jesus and the Spirit in the Synuplic Guspds: Biblebhashyam 2,2 (Jesus and the Spirit 1976) 101-119; b) 120-124, La Potterie 1. de, The Paraclete; c) 141-152, Nereparampil L., Holy Spirit as Living Water; d) 153-174, Vellanickal M., Born of the Spirit (Jo 3,310).

9081 Spörlein B., Das Charisma im NT: ➔ 573, Mystik hrg. A. Resch 1975. 9082 Steinmetz F. J., Damit der Geist komme: Impulse aus der Jesus-Geschichte. Wü 1979, Echter. 168 p. DM 16.80 pa. Strolz Walter Hg., Vom Geist, den wir brauchen 1978 -> 688. 9083 Tansley David V., Le corps subtil, essence et ombre [< Engl.] tr. V. Bardet. P 1977, Seuil. 96 p. F 39. - RETRel 54 (1979) 149s (D. Lys). 9084 Thielicke Helmut, Theologie des Geistes: der dritte Glaubensartikel: die Manifestation des Heiligen Geistes im Wort, in der Kirche, in den Religionen und in den letzten Dingen: Der evangelische Glaube 3. Tü 1978, Mohr. xxrv-648 p. DM 98. 0 3-16-141122-6. [ ... Teil II. Problem von Schrift und Tradition]. - RGregorianum 60 (1979) 584-7 (K. H. Neufeld). 9085 Verges Salvator, Imagen del Espiritu de Jesus, persona y comunidad de amor. Salamanca 1977, Secr. Trinitario. 415 p. - RsciEspr 31 (1979) 114ss (B. de Margerie). 9086 Wainwright A. W., La Trinidad en el NT [1974], tr. S. Castro 1976 -> 58s,8414: Rsal 41 (1979) 579 (D. Bertetto: buon saggio di teologia biblica).


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9087 White R. E. 0., The Answer is the Spirit. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament. E 1979, Saint Andrew Press. v-164 p. fl.75. 9088 Winn A. C., The Holy Spirit and Christian Life: Tnterpr 33 (1979) 4757. [XV, 12)

H5.8 Regnum, The Kingdom-N.T. 9089 Alonso Diaz Jose, El fracaso o la esperanza fallida del 'Reino' (tal como lo esperaban) y su repercusion en el cristianismo: EstE 54 (1979) 471-97. 9090 Bartfett D. L., John G. Gager's 'Kingdom and Community': A Summary and Response: Zygon 13 (Ch 1978) 109-22. 9091 Bassetti-Sani G., II primato assoluto di Gesu Cristo e la teologia delle religioni: .....647, Regnum Hominis et Regnum Dei, Acta 4i Congr. Scotistici ed. C. Beruhe I, 1976/8, 231-238. 9092 Beisser Friedrich, Das Reich Gottes 1976 ---+ 57,6556: RsvEx 44 (1979) 203ss (C. C. Caragounis, angl.). 9093 Bender H. S., Who Ts the Lord: MenQR 38 (1964) 152-60. 9094 Chilton B. D., God in Strength. Jesus' Announcement of the Kingdom (< diss. C 1976, dir. E. Bammel): SLNTUmw B,1. Linz 1979. 347 p. 9095 Covolo Enrico Dal, II regno di Dio in alcune testimonianze del secondo secolo. Appunti per la storia di un concetto neotestamentario: RivB 27 (1979) 313-324. 9096 Dautzenberg Gerhard, Der Wandel der Reich-Gottes-Verkündigung in 1979, 11-32. der urchristlichen Mission: ---+_215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG 9091 Espinel J. L., El optirnismo de Jesus respecto del Reino de Dios: CuBib 34 (1977) 47-54. 9098 George A., Le Regne de Dien [basileia ... II. a venir; III. present; IV. Le message): ---+ 6608, Etudes sur l'reuvre de Luc 1978, 285-306. 9099 Gray J., The Biblical Doctrine of the Reign of God. E 1979, T&T Clark. xm-401 p. 9100 Mach Stanislaw, Filipiak Marian, [Kl The Kingdom of God in the Holy Scripture. Lublin 1976, Tow. N. KUL. 215 p. zl 90. 9101 Lampe Peter, Basileia, basileus: ---+ 880, ExWNT 1, 481-492-8. 9102 Lussier E., Jesus Christ is Lord. NY 1979, Alba. 284 p., $7.95. 9103 Matthews J, T., The Byzantine Use of the Title Pantokrator: OrChrPer 44 (1978) 442-462. 9104 Merklein Helmut, Die Gottesherrschaft als Handlungsprinzip. Untersuchung zur Ethik Jesu (Hab. Wü kath. 1977): ForBib 34. Wü 1978, Echter. 339 p. DM 48 pa. 0 3-429-00548-5. 9105 Mitton C. L., Your Kingdom Come [how little Jesus says about it]. GR 1978, Eerdmans. vm-151 p. $2.45 pa. 0 0-8028-1745-9. 9106 Pelland G., Le theme biblique du Regne chez S. Hilaire de Poitiers: Gregorianum 60 (1979) 639-74; Summ. 674. 9107 Perrin Norman, Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom 1976 ---+ 58s,6154: RNorTTs 79 (1978) 178ss (T. K. Seim). 9108 Recker R., The Redemptive Focus of the Kingdom of God: CalvTJ 14

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(1979) 154-186. II rcgno di Dio ehe viene. Atti ... formnzione eoumenion 1976/7 ➔ 679. 9109 Runger S., Das Reich Gottes und die Person Jesu [Diss. Aarhus 1975), tr. W. Deckert, G. Fog: ArbNTJud 3. Fra 1979, Lang. 219 p. Fs. 43. 9110 Schick E., Das Vermächtnis des Herrn 1977 ➔ 58s,5471. 0 3-7666-89533. 9111 Smith Jonathan Z., Too Much Kingdom, too Little Community [J. G. Gager, 1975]: Zygon 13 (1978) 123-130. 9112 Stephens J. Harold, The Churches and the Kingdom. Westport CN 1978, Greenwood [= Nv 1959, Broadman]. VI-119p. 0 0-313-20488-8. 9113 Stricker Bruno H., Jezus' koningschap: MedNedAkW 42,6. Amst 1979, Noord-Hollandsche. 28 p. 9114 Toon P., Jesus Christ is Lord [of all religions]. LNalley Forge PA 1978, Marshall-MS/Judson. VI-154p. $4.95/:€2.25pa. 0 0-8170-0842-X. 9115 Tracy David, A Theological Response to 'Kingdom and Community' [of J. G. Gager 1975): Zygon 13 (1978) 131-35. 9116 Wenz H., Theologie des Reiches Gottes: EvZeitSti 73, 1975 ➔ 57,4730: RRB 83 (1976) 315 (P. Benoit). H6 Creatio, Sabbatum NT. 9117 Bacchiocchi Samuele, A Histmical Tnvestigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity [prima diss. non-catholici in Univ. Grt:guriana R]. Bt:rrit:11Springs 1977. 373 p. - RAm.lrUnSS 17 (1979) 85104 (K. A. Strand: solid corrective to classic Rordorf); ETL 55 (1979) 211. - = b) From Sabbath ·to Sunday. A Historical Investigation of the Rise of Sunday Observance in Early Christianity: [diss. 1974, dir. V. Monachino ➔ 57,6906). R 1977 ➔ 58s,8951: RßibTB 9 (1979) 94ss (J. H. McKenna); CalvTJ 14 (1979) 213-21 (A. J. Bandstra); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 349 (M. Ward: 'not likely to turn the course of the sun for the Christian majority' to Saturday observance); MaisD 136 (1979) 154 (1.H. Dalmais); NorTTs 79 (1978) 191-93 (P. Lenning); RHE 74 (1979) 555s (R. Gryson: histoire conscientieuse, plaidoyer malencontreux). 9118 Bacchiocchi Samuele, How it Came About: from Saturday to Sunday: BAR-W 4,3 (1978) 32-40, 2 col. pl.; cf. 5,4 (1979) 56-58 (answer to P. M. Leiper). 9119 Beckwith Roger T ., Statt Wilfrid, This is the Day: the Biblical outline of the Christian Sunday in its Jewish and early church setting. L/Greenwood SC 1978, Marshall-MS/Attic. x-181 p. 0 0-551-05568-5. - RThemelios 5 (1979s) 33s (D. Kidner). 9120 Buri Fritz, Dogmatik als Selbstverständnis des christlichen Glaubens 3. Die Transzendenz der Verantwortung in der dreifachen· Schöpfung des dreieinigen Gottes. Bern/Tü 1978, Haupt/Katzmann. 767 p. DM 88. 0 3258-02734-X / 0 3-7805-0374-3. 9121 DeVries S. J., Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: Time and History in the OT 1975 ➔ 57,6130: RJBL 96 (1977) 582s (D. F. Morgan). 9122 Gilkey L., Reaping the Whirlwind: a Christian Interpretation of History

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1976 ➔ 58s,8440*: RRelStR 4 (1978) 233-240 (E. Farley, E. S. Fiorenza); TS 39 (1978) 345- 7 (J. Carmody); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 202 (N.

Schreurs). 9123 Grässer E., Neutestamentliche Erwägungen zu einer Schöpfungsethik: WissPrax 68 (Gö 1979) 98-114: ecology. 9124 Hagner D. A., Sun, Stars: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 730-7. 9125 Hahn H.-C., Time: ➔ 888, NDNTh .3 (1978) (826-)833-51. 9126 Kubo S., God Meets Men: A Theology of the Sabbath and the Second Advent. Nv 1978, Southem Publ. Assoc. 160 p. $7.95 pa. - RAndrUnSS 77 (1979) 219-22 (K. A. Strand). 9127 Mathieu Dominique, Lumiere, Etude biblique: ➔ 871, DictSpir 9 fase. 62s (1976) 1142-9 (-1183 patrist. etc.). 9128 Moltmann Jürgen a) Zukunft der Schöpfung: Gesammelte Aufsätze. Mü 1977, Kaiser. - h) The Future of Creation, tr. Mafiaret Kohl. L 1979, SCM. 198p. 9129 Müller Richard, Adventisten-Sabbat-Reformation. Geht das Ruhetagsverständnis der Adventisten bis zur Zeit der Reformation zurück? Eine theologiegeschichtliche Untersuchung: Studia Theologica Lundensia, Skrifter utgivna av Teol. Fakulteten i Lund, 38. Lund 1979, Gleerup. 251 p. - RsvTKv 55 (1979) 185ss (1. Linden). 9130 Odom R. L., Sabbath and Sunday in Early Christianity. \ Wsh 1977, Review & Herald. 304 p. 9131 Reicke B., Creation, Determination, and Consummation in the View of the NT: Abba Salama Athenai 9 (1978) 299-308. 9132 Rordo,f Willy, a) Sabbat et dimanche dans l'Eglise ancicnnc: Traditio Christiana 2 [1971 ➔ 53,5096: 150 Texte in Originalsprache und Übersetzung], tr. E. Visinand, W. Nussbaum 1972 ➔ 54,5715: Rsal 41 (1979) 167 (A. M. Triacca). - b) Sabato e domenica nella Chiesa antica. T 1979, SEI. xxx-256 p. Lit. 20.000. 9133 Strand K. A., From Sabbath to Sunday in the Early Christian Church: A Review of Some Recent Literature I. W. Rordorfs ... II. S. Bacchiocchi's Reconstruction: AndUnSS 16 (1978) 333-42; 17 (1979) 85-104. 9134 Wingren Gustaf, Schöpfung und Evangelium. Ein Problem in der modernen dänischen Theologie [Ole Jensen und sein Lehrer Lßgstrup]: KerDo 25 (1979) 156-173.

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H6.2 Anthropologia NT; saecularizatio. 9135 Augustinovich Agustin, El hombre Roto 4 • (Primer Premio 'Af'io Santo' del Concurso Tripode): Tripode 15. Caracas 1974, Tripode. 244 p. 9135* Barclay Wm. (d. 14.1.1978), The One, New Man: ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADo, Unity 1978, 73-81. 9136 Hianchi U., L'homme et Uieu: le point de vue chretien: Sidic 12,l (1979) 23-29. 9137 Braumann G. al., Strength: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 711-9. 9138 Castro Sanchez S., EI comportamiento cristiano frente al mundo y a1

H6.2 Anthropologia NT; saecularizatio


hombre. Ensayo de Teologia biblica: RevistEspir 38 (1979) 193-219. 9139 Cusson Gilles, Notes d'anthropologie biblique. Quebec/R, 1970/77, Universite Laval / TTniven,ite C't·regorienne.300 p.; hihliog. p. 286-291. 9140 Custance Arthur C., Man in Adam and in Christ: Doorway Papers 3. GR 1979 (2d printing), Zondervan. 350 p. 9141 Demarest B. A., Seed: -> 888: NDNTh 3 (1978) 521-7. 9142 Dieckmann Bernhard, 'Welt' und 'Entweltlichung' in der Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns. Zum Zusammenhang von Welt- und Heilsverständnis: BeiÖkT 17. Mü 1977, Schöningh. 285 p. DM 38. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 853ss (E. Grässer);TPQ 126 (1978) 403s (W. Beilner); TZBas 34 (1978) 312s (R. Blank); TS 39 (1978) 555s (P. J. Cahill). 9143 Frey C., Arbeitsbuch Anthropologie: Christliche Lehre vom Menschen und humanwissenschaftliche Forschung. Stu/B 1979, Kreuz. 262 p. DM29.50. 9144 Gowen J., Ought We to Abandon a Christian World-View?: SR 8 (1979) 83-92. 9145 Green C. J., The Sociality of Christ and Humanity. Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Early Theology, 1927-33. SBL diss. 6, 1972 -> 57,7066: RscotJT 32 (1979) 281s (C. Gunton). 9146 Gundry R. H., Söma in Biblical Theology with Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology: SocNTS,Mon 29 1976 ➔ 57,5282; 58s,6787: RBz 23 (1979) 141s (G. Dautzenberg); JBL 97 (1978) 301ss (D. J. Doughty). 9147 Harder G., Soul: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 676-89. 9148 Heine S., Leibhafter Glaube. Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der theologischen Konzeption [soma] des Paulus 1976 - 57,5289; 58s,6792: Rnz 23 (1979) 142s (G. Dautzenberg). 9149 Klein Günter, Der Mensch als Thema neutestamentlicher Theologie: ZTK 75 (1978) 336-349. 9150 Kraft C. H., Christianity in Culture: A Study in Dynamic Biblical Theologizing in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Marykn:oll NY 1979, Orbis. 426 p. $12.95. 9151 Leko Marinko, 11problema etico del corpo. Un saggio di teologia biblica [➔ 57,7105]: Pars Dissertationis in re morali. Roma 1975, Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis / Academia Alfonsiana, Institutum Superius Theologiae Moralis. 54 p. 9152 Liefeld W., Vision, eye:-> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) (511-)518-21. 9153 Lindqvist M., Usko ja maailmankuva. Kristinuskon ja luonnontieteiden uusi kohtaamistilanne [Glaube und Weltbild. Des Christenglaubens und der Naturwissenschaften neue Begcgnungssituation]. Kirkon tutkimuslaitos B 37. Tampere 1979, Kirkon tutkimuslaitos. 69 p. 9154 Lonning lnge, Christliche Glaubenslehre als Möglichkeit einer vertretbaren Lebensanschauung in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft? Erwägungen zum Legitimationsproblem der akademischen Theologie in Skandinavien [A. Jejfner 1976]: KerDo 29 (1979) 198-207; summ. angl. 208. Mariani Honaventura ed., La chgn1ta dell'uomo nell'orchne della natura 91'.>'.> e della grazia e la promozione del S\10 · essere alla luce della S. Scrittura: IX Convegno Biblico Italiano Francescano, Perugia 26.IX-l.X.1977: Univ. Istituto Apostolico, Pubbl. 5. R 1979, Antonianum. 492 p.


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[XV. Theol. bib.

9156 May .T.,Fehlt dem Christentum ein Verhältnis zur Natur? Eine Analyse der Seligpreisungen (Mt 5,2-12) und der Feuerpredigt des Buddha (Samy. XXXV,28): Una Sancta 34 (Niederaltaich 1979) 159-171. 9157 Moretti Mario, Dualismo greco e antropologia cristiana. L'Aquila 1972, Japadre. 209 p. - Rsa1 40 (1978) 410s (E. Camacho). 9158 Pannenberg Wolfhart, Human Nature, Election and History. Ph 1977, Westminster. 116 p. $4.95 pa. 9159 Pfeffer Wilhelm, Christus-Omega: neutestamentliche-exegetische Untersuchungen zur Christologie und Anthropologie von Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (diss. Freiburg-B 1977) I. Darstellung; II. Exegetische· Diskussion: EurHSS 23/117. Fra 1979, Lang. 307 p.; 475 p. Fs 48/69 pa. 0 38024-6495-6. 9160 Ries J. al., Le retour du sacre: PoinT 22, 1977 (➔ 58s,c772: P Beauchesne; 148p.): RLaval'l'Phil 34 (1978) 106s (H.-M. Guindon). 9161 Rovira G., Die Erhebung des Menschen zu Gott: Christliches Gottesbild und christliches Menschenbild. Salzburg 1979, Pustet. 251 p. 9162 Schottroff L. al., Essays on the Love Commandment [from 1975 Fs. H. ➔ 50] tr. R. H. & I. Fuller. Ph 1978, Fortress. 107 p. CoNZELMANN $7.95. 9163 Schwarz Hans, Our Cosmic Journey: Christian Anthropology in the Light of Currcnt Trends in the Sciences, Philosophy and Theology. Minneapolis 1977, Augsburg. 379p. $12.95/7.95. - RTZßas 35 (1979) 126s (P. Gürtler: We~eiser; dringende Aufgabe). 9164 Spicq C., Agape en el NT [1958]. M 1977, Cares. 1336 p. - RRelCult 24 (1978) 129 (A. Gil de Santiva,ie.s). 9165 Stegemann W., Ontologie und Geschichte: Entwicklung und Problematik der existential-ontologischen Begründung der Einheit von Theologie w1d Exegese bei R. Bultmann. Diss. Heidelberg 1975. 2 vol.: xv-176; 180-233 p. 9166 Thompson E. M., Christ and Consciousness: Exploring Christ's Contribution to Human Consciousness. NY 1977, Paulist. 192 p. $5.95. RßibTB 9 (1979) 142s (G. S. Worgu/J). 9167 Villegas Mathieu Relträn, Fe y cultura en e1 NT: TVida 19 (1978) 2535. 9168 Whaling F., Indian Christian Theology - the Humanity of Christ and the New Humanity: ScotJT 31 (1978) 319-33. 9169 Wolfram K.., ~ Antropologia (Nauka o czlowieku w ewangelicznym zwiastowaniu Jezusa: RoczT,ChrzAkT 1961, 69-89. H6.4 Fides, veritas in NT - Faith and Truth.

9170 Arichea D. C.J, 'Faith' in the Gospels ofMt Mk Lk: BTrans 29 (1978) 420-4. 9171 Balthasar Hans Urs von, Pistis and gnosis: CommSpok 5 (1978) 86-95 (whole issue by or about him). 9172 Brienen T., [Experience. Nature ... ] Bevinding. Aard en funktie van de geloofsbeleving [Miskotte al.]. Kampen 1978, Kok. 174p. /21. - RGe-

H6.4 Fides, veritas - NT - Faith, truth


refTTs 79 (1979) 125ss (J. Veenhof). Brown Colin, History, Criticism & Faith: Four Exploratory Studies 1976 ➔ 551. 9173 Bruce F. F., First-Century Faith 2 1977 ➔ 58s,9473: REvQ 50 (1978) 48s (A. S. Wood). 9174 Corbin H. al., La foi prophetique et le sacre: Cahiers de l'Universite Saint Jean de Jerusalem 3. P 1977, Berg. 219 p. - RJAAR 46 (1978) 94s (D. L. Mil/er). 9175 Faux Jean-Marie, La Foi du NT 1977 ➔ 58s,8631: RTPhil 53 (1978) 425ss (P. Knauer). 9176 Frankemölle H., Von der Exegese zur Katechese [A. Läppte NT 1-2, Mü 1976s]: TR 75 (1979) 89-98, auch P. Fiedler al., A. Täubl. 9177 Fuchs E., a) Glauben und Verstehen [ ..• Bultmann]. - b) Die sakramentale Einheit von Wort und Tal [ ... 1 Kor 11,23 ... < ZTK 68 (1971) 213-26]: ➔ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 43-50/120-132. 9178 Fuchs E., Der Weg des Glaubens - ein Weg in die Zukunft: ➔ 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 77-88 < DtPfrBl 66 (1976) 648-52. 9179 Fürst D. al., Think: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 820-6. 9180 Haacker K., a) II concetto biblico di verita [sp. NT]: STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 4-36. - b) Wie redet die Bibel von Wahrheit? TBei 10 (1979) 418. 9181 Haarbeck H. al., Word: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1078-23(-47 meaning, A. C. Thiselton). 9182 Harder G., Goetzmann J., Rcason, Mind: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 122-30-34. 9183 Heine S., Leibhafter Glaube ... Theologie des Paulus 1976 ➔ 57,5289; 58s,6792: RNorTTs 79 (1978) 132 (T. Tobiassen). 9184 Houlden J. L., Patterns of Faith. NT 1977 ➔ 58s,9415: RTsTNijm 18 (1978) 207 (L. Grollenberg). 9185 Kasper W., a) Fe e historia LGlaube und Geschichte: Mainz 1970, Grünewald] tr. J. Urtigosa. Salamanca 1974, Sigueme. 316 p. - Rsalmant 22 (1975) 597ss (J. Oroz). - b) Fede e storia, tr. Gianni Polettt: Biblioteca di tcologia contemporanea 22. Brescia 1975, Queriniana. 200p. 9185* Knauer P. Der Glaube kommt vom Hören: ÖkFund-th. Graz 1978, Styria. Sch 280. - RzKT 100 (1978) 646-50 (R. Schwager). 9186 La Potterie lgnace de [➔ 7178], II] 'Faire la verite': devise de l'orthopraxie ou invitation a la foi?: Katorikku Dijest, Tokyo 1978. 9187 Link H.-G., Receive: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 744-51. 9188 Lührmann D., pistis, Glaube [A. Nichtchristlich (gr. röm. jüd. 'MN); B. Christlich (NT, bis Konstantin; danach)]: ➔ 892 RAC 11,81 (1979) 48122. 9189 ManarancheA., L'esprit de la foi. P 1977, Seuil. 254 p. - REsprVie 88 (1978) 288 (M. Huftier); LavalTPhil 34 (1978) 107s (R. Ebacher). 9190 Pannenberg Wolfhart, Das Glaubensbekenntnis ausgelegt und verantwortet vor den Fragen der Ckgt:mwarl3: Siebenstern 165. Gü 1979, Mohn. 185 p. DM 9,80pa. 0 3-579-03846-X. 9191 Rahner K., Weger H., Was sollen wir noch glauben? Theologen stellen sich den Glaubensfragen einer neuen Generation: Herderbücherei, 700.


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Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

Fr 1979, Herder. 208 p. DM 6,90. 9192 Ross J. R., Historical Knowledge as Basis for Faith [ ... in the Theology of W. Pannenberg]: Zygon 13 (1978) 209-24. 9193 Schillebeeckx E., Menschliche Erfahrung und Glaube an Jesus Christus: eine Rechenschaft tr. N. Zulauf Fr 1979, Herder. 79 p. DM 6. 9194 Solignac A. (r-n), Bore/ A. (III), Memoire [r. Memoire et souvenir dans l'Ecriture; n. «Memoria» dans la tradition augustinienne; III. Memoire chez S. Jean de la Croix]: -> 871, DictSpir 10,66s (1978) 991-1002. 100208. 9195 Tena (Garriga) P. al., De la Fe a la Teologia 1977 -> 58s,4360: RLaval TPhil 34 (1978) 214-19 (H.-M. Guindon). 9196 Theissen G., Argumente für einen kritischen Glauben= TExHeute, 202. Mü 1978, C. Kaiser. 126 p. DM 12,80. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 198s (T. Rasmussen). 9197 Thiselton A. C., Truth: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 874-902. 9198 Wegenast K, Teach: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 759-81.

H6.6 Peccatum NT - Sin, Evil



9199 Bavaud Georges, Difficultes de la theologie contemporaine face au mystere du peche originel [P. Grelot 1973; E. Bailleux 1969]: NVet 53 (1978) 222-31. 9200 Bietenhard H. al., Satan: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 468-77. 9201 Bjerkeltmd C. J., Synden som begrep i Det nye testamente [Peoontum ut conceptus in NT: conferentia pro clero, Oslo aug. 1977]: NorTTs 79 (1978) 73-89. 9202 Borne Etienne, Mal [ ... 2. Recherche d'une specificite chretienne (... AT/NT): 3. Le paradoxe du judeo-christianisme]: -> 871, DictSpir 10,64s (1977) 121-36. 9203 Bümlein K., Mündige und schuldige Welt. Überlegungen zum christlichen Verständnis von Schuld und Mündigkeit im Gespräch mit Paul Tillich und Karl Rahner: ForSystÖkT 30. Gö 1974, VR. 156 p. DM28. 9204 Bussini Fran9ois, L'homme pecheur devant Dieu, Theologie et anthropologie: Cogitatio fidei. P 1978, Cerf. 197 p. F 56. - RTS 40 (1979) 396s (J. F. O'Grady: biblical research integrated). 9205 Courth F., Der Teufel als der oder das Böse. Zwischenbilanz zur wahrenden Diskussion: TrierTZ 88 (1979) 277-290. 9206 Dattler Frederico, 0 misterio do Satanas: Diabo e Inferno na Biblia e na literatura universal. Siio Paulo 1977, Paulinas. 189 p. 9207 Demmer Klaus, Entscheidung und Verhängnis. Die moraltheologische Lehre von der Sünde im Licht christologischer Anthropologie. Pd 1976, Bonifacius. 245 p. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 618s (P. Schmitz: offensichtliches Ringen um einen biblischt:m Radikalismus). Durken Daniel ed., Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit 1979 -> 153. 9208 Rlordu.y E., El pecado original. Estudio de su proyecci6n en la historia: BAC 389, 1977 -> 58s,7787: RETL 54 (1978) 203s (A. Vanneste).

H6.6 Peccatum - NT - Sin, evil


9209 Fagan Sean, Ras Sin Changed? Dublin 1978, Gill and Macmillan. 210 p. B.25. 9210 Freund Gerhard, Sünde im Erbe [zur Interpretation der Erbsündenlehre: ·Diss. Heidelberg 1978; 208 p.; p. 210-81]: Erfahrungsinhalt und Sinn der Erbsündenlehre. Stu 1979, Kohlhammer. 236 p. DM 29,80. 9211 Guilluy Paul, a) Mal [ ... Donnees bibliques; Pensees patristiques ... ] : -> 869, Catholicisme 8,33 (1976) 222-226 (220-32). - b) Sur le peche originel. Reponse au Pere Guy de Broglie: DoctCom [30 (1977)] 31 (1978) 140-6; 147-56 de Broglie. 9212 Günther W., Sin: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 573-87. 9213 Haag Herbert al., a) Teufelsglaube 1974 -> 56,5098 ... 58s,7807: RTLZ 104 (1979) 274ss (G. Baumbach). - b) El diablo. Su existencia como problema. Bare 1978, Herder. 446 p. 9214 Hungar K., Brot, Schuld und Versuchung- Die Themen der Umkehr: TextForEvStud AS (Heid 1978) 533-561. 9215 Kallai J. G., The Real Satan. From Biblical Times to the Present. Minneapolis 1975, Augsburg. 111 p. $2.95. - RLuthQ 27 (1975) 279s (J. L. Clark). 9216 Kasper Walter, Lehmann Karl Hg., Teufel-Dämonen-Besessenheit. Zur Wirklichkeit des Bösen. Mainz 1978, Grünewald. 148 p. DM 16,80 pa. RcolcT 49,2 (1979) 188s (S. Moysa); MüTZ 30 (1979) 233ss (T. GarciaTato: via media inter traditionem et H. Haag respuentem diabolum); TOl 68 (1978) 458s (W. Beinert). 9217 Kelly H. A., Le diable et ses demons. La demonologie chretienne hier et aujuw·u'hui [= The Devil, Demonology and Witchcraft; Christian Beliefs in Evil Spirits, NY 1968 2 1974], tr. M. Galiano: Essais. P 1977, Ccrf. 204p. F 43. - RNRT 101 (1979) 297s (L.-J. Renard); RThom 79 (1979) 505s (M.-M. Labourdette); Sal 41 (1979) 158; 39 (1977) 737. 9218 Maslowski Peter, Das theologische Untier: der sogenannte Teufel und seine Geschichte im Christentum: International League of Undenominational People, Inter-Reihe 1. B 1978, IBDK. xix-298 p.; bibliog. 282-90. DM 14,70. 9219 Ma1d~r11 A., The Devil's Domination: the Complctc Story of Hell and Satanism in the Modem World. NY 1978, Putnam. 271 p. 4 pl. 9220 Miller P. M., The Devil Did Not Make Me Do lt. Scottdale PA 1977, Herald. 223 p., $4.95 pa. - RcalvTJ 13 (1978) 228-31 (F. S. Leahy). 9221 Muszynski Henryk, [Kl Gott und das Böse in der Bibel: ColcT 49,2 (1979) 23-46, summ. 46s. 9222 Navone John, Satan Returns [Satan more than 'the agentic aspect of man himself' (D. Bakan); not mentioned by you H. Haag; also religious Old Iran does not exist for you]: Furrow 26 (1975) 541-550. 9223 Noemi Juan, Exegesis y dogma: a proposito del 'pecado original': TVida 19 (1978) 299-304. 9224 Sandauer A., [Kl Bog, Szatan, Mesjasz ... ? [God, ... ]. Krakow 1977, Wydaw. Literackie. 29!>p. 9225 Staudinger F., Neutestamentliche Aspekte zur 'Erbsündenlehre': Ist Adam an allem schuld 182-280. 9226 Towner W. S., Kee H. ed., How God Deals with Evil: Biblical Perspec-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XV. Theol. bib.

tives on Current Issues. Ph 1976, Westminster. 185 p. $4.95 pa. - RJBL 97 (1978) 265s (B. E. Shafer). 9227 Vandervelde G., Original Sin: Two Major Trends in Contemporary Roman Catholic Reinterpretation 1975 -> 57,6127; 58s,7860.7828: RcalvTJ 14 (1979) 260-5 (H. V. Goot); GereITT 78 (1978) 209s (J. A. Montsma); ScotJT 31 (1978) 583s (H. Meynell). 9228 Vellanickal M., Sin and the Divided World in the Teaching of Jesus: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 231-46. 9229 Villalmonte A. de, EI pecado original. Veinticinco aftos de controversia: 1950-1975. Salamanca 1978, Naturaleza y Gracia. 614 p. - RcolctFranc 49 (1979) 325ss (C. Berube). 9230 Wright John H., Problem of evil, mystery of sin and suffering: ComSpok 6 (1979) 140-156. [XV, 14) H7 Soteriologia NT.

9231 Alemany J. J., Acebal M. A., 'Salus' en la constituci6n Dei Verbum. Estudio comparativo de sus cinco redacciones: REspT 38 (1978) 141187. 9232 Bauch A. al., Die bessere Gerechtigkeit ... Bibelauslegung für die Praxis. 1977. 200 p. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 290 p. (A. Stöger). 9233 Bitter Gottfried, Erlösung. Die religionspädagogische Realisierung eines zentralen theologischen Themas. Mü 1976, K~sel. 424 p. DM 48. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 697ss (K. Wegenast: opus magnum; biblisch; pädagogisch leider nur kath.). 9234 Brik Hans T., Gibt es noch Engel und Teufel? Erkenntnis, Geisterwelt und Exegeten. Stein-Rhein 1975, Christiana. 179 p. DM 12,80 pa. 0 37171-0601-5. 9235 Buchanan George W., Revelation and Redemption. Dillsboro N. C. 1978, North Carolina Press. vi-632 p. 9236 Burkhardt Helmut, The Biblical Doctrine of Regeneration [Uas biblische Zeugnis von der Wiedergeburt 1974 ➔ 56,5653; 57,6684] tr. 0. R. Johnston: Outreach and Identity 2. Downers Grove IUExeter 1978, Inter Varsity/Patemoster. 47 p. $1.95/il.10. 0 0-87784-322-8 / 0-85364-235-4. RThemelios 9 (1979) 113s (D. Tidball). 9237 Burkhardt Helmut, Die biblische Lehre von der Bekehrung: Glauben und Denken 181. Giessen 1978, Brunnen. ll0p. DM9,80pa. 9238 Cunchillos J. L., Cassez M., Rachat [AT; NT]: ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1979) 1045-64. 9239 Donahue John R., Biblical Perspectives on Justice: Haughey John C. ed., The Faith that Does Justice: Woodstock Studies 2. (NY 1977, Paulist) 68-112. 9240 Füglister Notker, II valore salvifico della Pasqua, tr. V. Cremona ... 1976 --> 58s,9006*: Rcc 130 (1979,1) 402s (R. Scibona). 9241 George A., a) La conversion [I. Les donnees de Luc et Actes; II. L'appel de Dieu; III. La demarche de l'homme; IV. Les consequences]. b) Le vocabulaire du salut [< NTS 23 (1977) 308-320]: -> 6608, Etudes

H7 Soteriologia NT


sur l'ceuvre de Luc (P 1978, Gabalda) 351-368/307-320.

9?42 Gonr.nl,r.J., T.il öirer.don c11piritualcn Ja Sa&mduEscrituru: Ci1,t1.1rc 9 (1957) 4-20.50-60.98-115. 9243 Hall Robert G., Praxis and preaching: the development of righteousness as solidarity within the Biblical tradition and its value to a Christian community: diss. Claremont 1977. AA 1979, Univ. Microfilms. VII104 p. 9244 Hermesmann Hans-Georg, Zeit und Heil: Oscar Cullmanns Theologie der Heilsgeschichte (diss. Pd 1977): KkKSt 43. Pd 1979, Bonifacius. 191 p. DM 24. 0 3-87088-227-1. 9245 Hoffmann N., 'Stellvertretung', Grundgestalt und Mitte des Mysteriums. Ein Versuch trinitätstheologischer Begründung christlicher Sühne: MüTZ 30 (1979) 161-91: Ansatz die Hyper-Formeln 1 Kor 15,3-5; 11,24; Lk22,19; Mk 14,24; 10,45. 9246 Kevan E. F., Salvezza [Peccato, Grazia ... ]. Finale Ligure 1979 = 1963, Evangelical. 144 p. Lit. 2.000. - RsTeolEv 2,5 (1979) 163 (E. Grosso). 9247 Kraus Georg, Vorherbestimmung. Traditionelle Prädestinationslehre im Licht gegenwärtiger Theologie: ÖkForsch II, Soteriol. 5. Fr 1977, Herder. 397 p. DM 74. RTLZ 104 (1979) 525ss (J. Hübner). 9248 Leivestad R., Nyetestamentlige tanker om frelsen [Clergy lecture 1978:

NT views on salvation]: NorTTs 80 (1979) 219-237 [Rom 5(-8) ... ]. 9249 Lentzen-Deis Fritzleo, Erlösung und Sünde/Auferstehung: ➔ 575, G. Sauter, Warum Christen glauben 1979, 99-124/125-51. 9250 Link H.-O. al., Reconciliation: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 145-77. 9251 Lochman Jan M., Versöhnung und Befreiung. Absage an ein eindimensionales Heilsverständnis: Siebenstern 241. Gü 1977, Mohn. 127 p. DM 8,50. - RTZBas 34 (1978) 117s (W. Bieder). 9252 Lopez Amat A., Funci6n salvifica de Cristo glorioso, en la teologia cat6lica contemporanea: pars diss. R Gregoriana, dir. H. Mühlen. M 1978. 52p. 9253 Macquarrie J., L'umilta di Dio. Meditazione sul mistero della salvezza cristiana: Gia e non ancora 39. Mi 1979, Jaca. 156 p. Lit. 2.400. 9254 Manzoni Giuseppe, Riparazione. Mistero di cspiazione e di riconciliazione. Bo 1978, Dehoniane. 312 p. 9255 Marshall I. Howard, The Meaning of 'Reconciliation': ➔ 144, Fs. G. LADD, Unity and Diversity 1978, 117-132. 9256 Marxsen W., The So-Called Saving Events between Good Friday and Pentecost: AustralBR 27 (1979) 15-23. 9257 Messier Michel, Mediateur: ➔ 869, Catholicisme 8 f. 37, 1979, 1059-84 (1060-6 AT-NT). 9258 Neie Herbert, The Doctrine of the Atonement in the Theology of Wolfhart Pannenberg: ThB Töpelmann 36. B 1978, de Gruyter. ix-237 p.; bibliog. 229-237. DM 64. 0 3-11-007506-7. 9259 Nellas P., [QJThe teaching on justification of Nicholas of Cabasilas: contribution to Orthodox soteriology. Pireefä 1975, Karamperopoulos. 182 p. dr. 180. - RJTS 30 (1979) 345s (K. Ware). 9260 Olofsson Polke, Christus redemptor et consummator, a study in the theology of B. F. Westcott [diss. U 1979], tr. N. Tomkinson: Acta Univ.,

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XV. Theol. bib.

StDoctrChr U psaliensia 19. Sto 1979, Almqvist & W. 340 p. 9261 Peretto Elio, La Giustizia: Ricerca su g1i Autori cristiani del secondo secolo: Scripta Marianum 29, NS 1. R 1977, Marianum. xn-348 p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 164 (C. Riggi). 9262 Prenter Regin, Frelsens grund og frelsens baggrund [Ground and background of salvation: clergy lecture 1978]: NorTTs 80 (1979) 203-218. 9263 Raja R. J., The Kingdom of God and Reconciliation: Biblebhashyam 1 (1975) 291-301. 9264 Sa/güero J., Biblical Revelation: The History of Salvation 1976 ➔ 58s,253: RAntonianum 53 (1978) 356s (F. Manns). Schefl'czyk Leo a/. ed„ Gott der Heilige und das Heil 1978/9 ➔ 684. 9265 Schnackenburg Rudolf, Ist der Gedanke des Sühnetodes Jesu der einzige Zugang zum Verständnis unserer Erlösung durch Jesus Christus (mit Beiträgen von 0. Knoch u. W. Breuning): ➔ 610, Kertelge K., Der Tod Jesu: QDisp 74, 1976, 205-230. 9266 Schneider J. a.o., Salvation: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 177-223. 9267 Seebass H., Righteousness: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 352-77. 9268 Segbroeck Marcel F. van, Gerechtigheid in het evangelie volgens Matteüs: Ons Geestelijk Leven 56 (1979) 188-195. 9269 Stamate Marin, Rolul ingerilor in iconomia mintuirli dupa [role of angels in salvation-plan acc.] NT: Studii Teologice (1977) 497-505. 9270 Staudinger F., Heil ist Geschenk: ßiblische Meditationen. Tnnsbrnck 1977, Tyrolia. 160 p. Sch 98. - RTPQ 126 (1978) 293s (S. Stahr). 9271 Stendebach Franz J., Gerechtigkeit als Treue: BiKi 34 (1979) 79-85. 9272 Studer B., Soteriologie in der Schrift w1d Patristik.: Handbuch der Dogmengeschichte 3/2a. 1978 ➔ 58s,8685: RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 89s (M. Van Tente). 9273 Subilia V., La giustificazione per fede: Biblioteca di cultura religiosa, 27. Brescia 1976, Paideia. 362 p. - REstBib 36 (1977) 136s (J. Alonso Dfaz).

9274 Turner H. E. W., Justification by Faith in Modem Theology: ➔ 209, Fs. H. SAWYERR, NT for Africa 1974, 99-111. 9?.15 Turrado I.., La redenci6n humana por Cristo en su aspecto penal: --+ 49, 1979, 419-443. Servidor de la Palabra, Mise. bibl. A. COLUNGA 9276 Vemet J. Matteo, Cristo Via al Padre: diss. J SBF dir. E. Pax, 1979. 9277 Vögtle Anton, Hat sich Jesus als Heilsmittler geoffenbart?: BiK.i 34 (1979) 4-11. 9278 Waldrap C. T., Revelation, Redemption, and the Divinity of Jesus Christ: ScotJT 31 (1978) 501-15. 9279 Ward R. A., The Pattern of Our Salvation: a Study of NT Unity. Waco 1978, Word. 433 p. $12.95. 0 0-8499-0002-6. 9280 Wiederkehr Dietrich, a) Glaube an Erlösung. Konzepte der Soteriologie vom NT bis heute 1976 ➔ 58s,8695: RBLtg 51 (1978) 131s (J. B. Bauer); Salesianum 40 (1978) 202 (A. Amato). - b) Belief in Redemption. L 1979, SPCK, xm-109 p. f:2.95. - c) Fe, Redenci6n, Liberaci6n. De la soteriologia antigua a la moderna. M 1979, Paulinas. 151 p. 0 84-2850722-8. 9281 Williams S. K., Jesus' Death as Saving Event: HarvDissRel 2, 1975 ➔

H7 Soteriologia NT


57,4892*: Rsal 40 (1978) 193s (G. Gamba). 9282 Winner L., Sühne im interpersonalen Vollzug: Versuch einer Erhellung des Sühnebegriffs im Anschluss an die Transzendentalphilosophie J. G. Fichtes und seine Verifizierung im Rahmen der biblischen Botschaft: Pd Theol. St. 8 Mü 1978, Schöningh. 187 p. DM 24. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 421 (J. H. Walgrave). Wolter Michael, Rechtfertigung und zukünftiges Heil, BZNW 43, 1978 ➔ 7836. 9283 Ziegenaus Anton, Umkehr, Versöhnung, Friede: Zu einer theologisch verantworteten Praxis von Bussgottesdienst und Beichte (kath. Hab. Sehr. Mü) Fr 1975, Herder. 324 p. DM 35. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 142-5 (A. Peters).

H7.2 Crux, sacrificium - The Cross



9284 Baker J. R., The Christological Symbol of God's Suffering ['God's intimate relationship with the history of man']: ➔ 407, Religious Experience and Process Theology, ed. H. J. Cargas 1976, 93-105. Berger K., Die Auferstehung des Propheten und die Erhöhung des Menschensohnes: StUmWNT 13, 1976 ➔ 6301: RcBQ 40 (1978) 430ss (F. T. Fallon).

9285 Boff Leonardo, Paixäo de Cristo - Paixäo do mundo. 0 fato, as interpreta9öes e o significado antem e hoje. Petr6polis 1977, Vozes. 170 p. Burgos Nuiiez Miguel de, El Evangelio de San Marcos como 'Theologia crucis'. La teologia de la Cruz como instancia critica de la cristologia y la eclesiologia segun el Evangelio de San Marcos 1977 ➔ 6423. 9286 Cousin H., Le prophete assassine ... la Passion 1976 ➔ 57,4835: RETRel 52 (1979) 308 (M. Bouttier). 9287 Crumpler Frank H., The invincible cross: a rediscovery of the meaning of atonement. Waco 1977, Word. 128 p. 0 0-8499-0023-9. 9288 Cruz Fernandes Caetano da, Sanguis Christi. Ricerca del senso e clr:ll'amhitn sacrificale di questa espressione neotestamentaria alla luce dcl concetto e dell'uso ebraico del sangue: diss. R, Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana, 1971. 184 p. 9289 Daly Robert J., The Origins of the Christian Doctrine of Sacrifice [popularization of diss. Christian Sacrifice 1972 ➔ 55,5389*]. Ph/L 1978, Fortress [-> 58s,8748] / Darton-LT. vrn-152 p. $5.50/:E2.50pa. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 482s (W. S. Kurz); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 375s (R. W. Roschke); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 184 (J. Galot); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 49 (H. F. G. Swanston); TS 39 (1978) 541ss (R. E. Brown: 'crass misuse of the Bible is avoided '). 9290 Daly R. J., Christian Sacrifice. The Judaeo-Christian Background before Origen [= diss. Würzburg 1972 ➔ 55,5389*]: StChrAnt 18. Wsh 1978, Cath. Univ. 14-587 p. $20. 0 0-8132-0530-1. - RTS 40 (1979) 749ss (J. P. Burns).

Theologia crucis, signum crucis: Festschrift für Erich DINKLER1979 ➔ 63. 9291 Flick Maurizio, Alszeghy Zoltan, Il mistero della Croce. Saggio di teo-

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logia sistematica: BiblTeolContemp. 1978 ..... 58s,6218: RscuolC 106 (1978) 480s (B. Rinaldi). 9292 Gärtner B., Suffer: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 719-27. 9293 GherardiniBrunero, Theologia crucis. L'eredita di Lutero nell'evoluzione teologica della Riforma: Teologia 25. R 1978, Paoline. 400 p. Lit. 10.000. 9293* Gourgues M., Jesus devant sa passion et sa mort: CahEv 30 (1979). 64p. F 12. 9294 Grün Anselm, Erlösung durch das Kreuz. Karl Rahners Beitrag zu einem heutigen Erlösungsverständnis: diss. R, Pontificium Athenaeum S. Anselmi, Münsterschwarzach 1975, Vier-Türme. XXIV-272p.; bibliog. XIII-XXIV.

9295 Gubler Marie-Louise, Die frühesten Deutungen des Todes Jesu. Eine motivgeschichtliche Darstellung aufgrund der neueren exegetischen Forschung: OrbBibOr, 15. FrS/G 1977, Universitätsverlag/Vandenhoeck & R. 424p. DM 56. - RBz 23 (1979) 304s (R. Schnackenburg). 9296 Heinrich Rolf, Promissio Crucis. Der Ansatz der Simul-Christologie Hans-Joachim Iwands [1899-1960]: diss. Tü 1975. 581 p. - TLZ 103 (1978) 457s. 9297 Hellwig M. E., The Central Scandal of the Cross: [ ... a suggestion of J. B. Metz: The Cross as a challenge to write history upside down from the perspective of the vanquished and excluded ... ] ; From Sin to Salvation: -> 153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit, ed. D. Durken 1979, 187-194. 9298 Hengel Martin, Crucifixion in the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross [< Mors turpissima crucis, Fs, E. KÄSEMANN 1976 -> 57,5290] tr. J. Bowden 1977 .....58s,6229: RAustralBR 26 (1978) 45s (J. Painter); CBQ 40 (1978) 435s (B. T. Viviano); ETRel 54 (1979) 305s (M. Bouttier); Gregorianum 59 (1978) 754ss (E. Rasco); JTS 30 ·(1979) 252ss (A. E. Harvey); Themelios 5 (1979s) 31s (P. Barnett). 9298* Henrix H. H., Stöhr M., Exodus und Kreuz im ökumenischen Dialog zwischen Juden und Christen: Aachener Beiträge zu Pastoral- und Bil~ dungsfragen, 8. 1978. 256 p. DM 11,50. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 299s (G. Stemberger); TR 75 (1979) 398 (P. Fiedler). 9299 Hilbig C. F., The Cross as a Central [Pauline] Perspective of Pastoral Theology: diss. Claremont 1979. 222 p. 0 7919903. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1647s-A. 9300 Hillyer N., Woe: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1051-5. 9301 Horvath Tibor, The Sacrificial Interpretation of Jesus' Achievement in the NT: Historical Development and its Reasons. NY 1979, Philosophical. vn-100 p. $8.50. Jüngel Eberhard, Gott als Geheimnis der Welt: zur Begründung der Theologie des Gekreuzigten im Streit Zwischen Theismus und Atheismus 3 1978 .....8824. 9302 Käsemann E., Sacrifice or Compromise?: AustralBR 26 (1978) 13-25. Das Blut als Zeichen des Bundes: Reformätus Szemle 9303 Kozma Zsolt, 1MJ 72 (1979) 107-110. 9304 Lethel Fran~ois-M., Theologie de l'Agonie du Christ. La liberte humai-


H7.2 Crux, sacrificium - NT - The Cross


ne du Fils de Dieu et son importance soteriologique mises en turniere par saint Maxime le Confesseur: ThHist 52. P 1979, Beauchesne. 129 p. F24. 9305 Link H.-G., Sickness: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 993-9(-1000). 9306 Lugo A. de, Aspecto victimal de la vida cristiana: Cisterc 20 (1968) 198-204. 9307 Lyonnet Stanislas, Sacrificio della Nuova Alleanza: L'Osservatore Romano (12 aprile 1979) 5. 9308 Maier Paul L., Der grösste Sieg: eine Dokumentation der Passions- und Ostergeschichte [The First Easter] tr. Charlotte Werner. Wu 1979, Aussaat. 128p. DM12,80. 0 3-7615-4406-5. 9309 Marranzini A., In dialogo con Jürgen Moltmann [ ... riduzionismo biblico ... su M. Delmirani, Croce e speranza ➔ 58s,6210]: CC 129 (1978,4) 564-569. 9310 Momose Peter Fumiaki, Kreuzestheologie: eine Auseinandersetzung mit [und Nachwort von] J. Moltmann [< Diss. Theol. Hochschule Skt. Georgen, Frankfurt 1977 'Kreuzestheologie, ein Katholisches Gespräch mit J. Moltmann ']: ÖkFor 2,7. Fr 1978, Herder. 199 p. DM 35. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 270-3 (K. Riesenhuber); TS 40 (1979) 553s (J. J. O'Donnell); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 314 (T. J. van Bavel). 9311 Morse C., The Logic of Promise in Moltmann's Theology. Ph 1979, Fortress. 179 p. $11.95. - RTS 40 (1979) 556s (W. P. Frost). 9312 O'Collins Gerald [introd.] al., The Cross Today [Faricy Robert, on Teilhard; Flick Maurizio, contemporary issues]. Dublin 1978, Villa. xn-74 p . .Cl.25. - Rorcgorinnum 59 (1978) 792s [G. O'Collins], 9313 Phillips M. A., A Theological Analysis of Suffering as a Christian Lifestyle in the NT: diss. Southem Baptist Theol. Sem. 1978, dir. W. Ward. 306 p. 0 7810267. - DissA 39 (1978s) 329s-A. 9314 Virgulak Francis E., The death of Christ according to Wolfhart Pannenberg: an exposition and criticism of Pannenberg's theology of the Cross: Excerpta ex diss. Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae, R 1977. 61 p.; bibliog. p. 35-58. 9315 Weber Hans R., a) Kreuz. Überlieferung und Deutung der Kreuzigung Jesu im neutestamentlichen Kulturraum: Themen der Theologie 1975 ➔ 57,4891*: RETRel 54 (1979) 308s (M. Bouttier). - b) The Cross: Tradition and Interpretation [From 1975 German ed. ➔ 57,4891*a without footnotes of 1975 Swiss ed. ➔ b] tr. E. Jessett. UGR 1979, SPCK/Eerdmans. vm-162 p. f2.50/$6.95. 0 -/0-8028-1739-4. - RcleR 64 (1979) 260s (M. Richards); ScotJT 32 (1979) 485ss (A. E. Harvey). 9316 Welker Michael Hg., Diskussion über Jürgen Moltmanns Buch Der gekreuzigte Gott. Mü 1979, Kaiser. 192 p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-459-01201-3. RGregorianum 60 (1979) 588s (K. H. Neufeld); TS 40 (1979) 554ss (J. J. O'Donnell). 9317 Young Frances M., a) The Use of Sacrificial Ideas in Greek Christian Writers from the NT to John Chrysostom: PatrMonSer 5. Ph 1979, Patristic Foundation. iv-317 p. 0 0-915646-04-8. - b) Sacrifice and the Death of Christ 1975 .....57,4893: RBibTB 9 (1979) 93s (A. M. Osiander). 39. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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H7.4 Sacramenta,Uratia. 9318 Allmen J.-J. von, Note sur quelques arguments bibliques en faveur du bapteme des enfants des chretiens: BiblETL 43 (1976) 105-118. 9319 Allmen J.-J. von, Pastorale du bapteme: Cah 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1166-71. 9390 Bermejo Luis M., Ecclesia! Communities or Churches [in NT and Vatican II]: Bijdragen 39 (1978) 2-31. 9391 Blank J., Zum Problem 'Häresie und Orthodoxie' im Urchristentum: -->215, Fs. R. SCHNACKENBURG, Zur Geschichte des Urchristentums 1979, 142-60. 9392 Bori Pier Cesare, Koinonia, L'idea della comunione nella Chiesa recente e nel NT: TestiRicScRel 7, 1972--> 54,5347 ... 58s,8499: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 193 (F. A. Pastor). 9393 Bouyer Louis, a) La Iglesia de Dios, cuerpo de Cristo y templo del Espiritu [1970 --> 52,4394] tr. J. de Abarzuza 1973 --> 55,5202 ... 57,6609: Rcisterc 26 (1974) 252s (E.I.). - b) Die Kirche I. Ihre Selbstdeutung in der Geschichte; II. Theologie der Kirche: Theologia romanica IXs. Einsiedeln 1977, Johannes. 206 p., 428 p. - RMüTZ 30,1 (1979) 71s (M. Seybold). 9394 Brandenburg Albert, Urban Hans J. Hg., Evangelium, Einheit der Kirche, Papstdienst [I. Beiträge und Notizen 1977 --> 58s,6524. 0 3-40209711-7]; II. Neue Beiträge. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. 232p. DM 22. 0 3-402-09724-9. 9395 Bremer H., Israel and the Church [as segregated peoples, chosen by exodus that means rupture and judgment and a life of sacrifice (Anabaptist view)]: MenQR 32 (1958) 59-69. 9396 Cipriani Settimio, Chiesa comunita di fede e di servizio. Saggi biblicoteologici di attualita ecclesiale: Teulugia, 7. R 1979, Citla Nuuva/Univ. Lateranense. 282 p. Lit. 6500. 9397 Coenen L., Trites A. A., Witness: -->888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1038-51. 9398 Dacquino Pietro, La Chiesa alla luce della Bibbia: Coll. di Teol. 2, 1974 __,57,6621: RsacDoc 22 (1977) 343 (R. C[oggz]). 9399 Descamps A. L., L'origine de l'institution ecclesiale selon le NT: -->410, L'Eglise 1979, 91-138. 9400 Dias Patrick V., a) Kirche, in der Schrift und im 2. Jdt < HbDG 3/3a 1974 [-->55,5213]: RTLZ 104 (1979) 591-4 (W. Anderson). - b) tr. Dias con P. T. Camelot, Eclesiologia. Escritura y Patristica hasta S. Agustin: Historia de los Dogmas 111/3ab. M 1978, BAC. x-238 p. - RRCatalT 4 (1979) 452s (J. Perarnau). 9401 Druckenbrod Wolfgang, Das Verständnis des allgemeinen Priestertums im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (kath. Diss. Mü 1979). Bad Honnef 1979, Bock & H. 445 p. DM 48 pa. 0 3-88347-023-6. 9'102 Dulles Avery, Modelos de la If.desia [Models of the Church 1974 -->56,5585] tr. J. A. Benito: Teologia y mundo actual. Santander 1975, Sal Tcrrac. 240 p., pt. 300. 9403 Eckert Jost, Die Verwirklichung von Brüderlichkeit in den ersten christlichen Gemeinden: Conc-D 15 (1979) 634-8. - La fraternidad en las pri-

H7.6 Ecclesia - The Church


mcras comunidudes cristianas, tr. A. Pascual: Con-C 15/3 (1979) 472-81. - La realisation de la fratemitc dans lcs prcmieres communautes chretiennes, tr. R. Givord: Conc-F 15/150 (1979) 35-43. - La realizzazione della fraternita nelle prime comunita cristiane, tr. A. Fabbio: Conc-It 15 (1979) 1660-70. 9404 Erlandsson Seth, Kyrkogemenskap - vad lär Bibeln? Uppsala 1977, Stiftelsen Biblicum. 95 p. 9405 Fessio J., The Origin of the Church in Christ's Kenosis: The Ontological Structure of the Church in the Ecclesiology of H. U. von Balthasar: Diss. Regensburg 1974. v-389 p. 9406 Ghiotti Giovanni al., Lc esperienze di base. Luoghi di creativita evangelica: Frecce. R 1977, Borla. 212 p. [Rizzi Armido; Lack Remi; Rossetto Giovanni]. 9407 GillespieT. W., The Laity in Biblical Perspective: TTod 36 (1979s) 31527. 9408 Gomez Angel A., La Iglesia de Cristo, el Israel de la Antigua y de la Nueva Alianza, 1977: RverVid 36 (1978) 392s (B. Aperribay). 9409 Gouley Bemard, a) Les catholiques fran~ais d'aujourd'hui. P 1977, A. Fayard. - b) Gli anonimi cattolici, tr. M. Massimello, intr. G. BianMi 1979, Rusconi. XXXVIII-398 p. Lit. 9000. chi [VI-XXXVIII]. 9410 Hahn Ferdinand, a) Einheit der Kirche und Kirchengemeinschaft in neuteslarnentlicher Sicht [kath.-ev. Arbeitsgruppe Holzminden 1977]: QDisp 84 (Fr 1979, Herder; 132 p. DM 24,80) 9-51. - b) 52-93, Schnakkenburg R., Die Einheit der Kirche unter dem Koinonia-Gedanken; c) 94-130, Kertelge K., Abendmahlgemeinschaft und Kirchengemeinschaft im NT und der Alten Kirche [< Interkommunion-Konziliarität, ÖkRu Beih. 25 (1974)). 9411 Hammar K. G., Gudsfolket. Ett bibelteologiskt studium av kyrkans identitet (The People of God: a research of biblical theology into the identity of the Church). Sto 1977, Ohlsson. 96 p. 9412 Harrington D. J., God's People in Christ: NT Perspectives on the Church and Judaism: Overtures to Biblical Theology. Ph 1979, Fortress. $6.50 pa. -> 5500. 9413 Jerve/1 .T.,Das Volk des Geistes [und das neue Gottesvolk im N.T.]: -> 52, Fs. N. A. DAHL,God's Christ & His People, 1977, 87-106. 9414 Käsemann E., Protestant Exegesis on the Way to the World Church: AustralBR 26 (1978) 2-12. 9415 Kertelge K., a) Koinonia: 'Gemeinschaft' in neutestamentlicher Sicht und ihre ökumenische Relevanz: ÖkRu 27 (1978) 445-58. - b) Das kirchliche Amt im NT 1977 -> 58s,8918: RökRu 27 (1978) 532s (E. Brandenburger). Koenig J., Charismata: God's Gifts for God's People: Biblical Perspectives on Current Issues 1978 -> 7987. 9416 KmJl'II. Tl.n., The ßar>ti11mof thc Mcssianic Church: McnQR 38 (1964) 311-28. 9417 Lecuyer Joseph, Parlicipaliuu uu peuple ue Dieu a la nlission propheti• 1977, 19que du Christ. Les textes bibliques: -> 157, Fs. C. MANZJANA 50.


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9418 Lombardi R., a) Chiesa e regno di Dio. Brescia 1976, Morcelliana. b) Kirche und Reich Gottes, tr. F. Schmal. Rottweil-Neckar 1978, Aktuelle Texte. 173 p. 9418* McGovern J. J., La renovaci6n carismätica de la Iglesia: perspectivas del NT: Estudios Teol6gicos 3,6 (Guatemala 1976) 65-84. 9419 Margull H. J., Ist das Christentum dialogfähig?: Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies Yearbook 1975/6, 33-46. 9420 Martelet G., Oser croire en l'Eglise. P 1979, Cerf. 187p.; p. 11-64 NT. 9421 Martin R. P., The Family and the Fellowship: NT Images of the Church. Exeter 1979, Paternoster. 150 p. f:2. 9422 Mierzwa Irena, L'esistenza cristiana come fattore strutturale dell'universalismo della Chiesa: ScuolC 107 (1979) 338-353; NT p. 339s. 9423 Moltmann Jürgen, a) Kirche in der Kraft des Geistes 1975 -+ 57,6646: RNorTTs 79 (1978) 127ss (D. Kaul). - b) The Church in the Power of the Spirit 1977 -> 58s,8563: RHeythJ 19 (1978) 317ss (J. D. G. Dunn); JTS 29 (1978) 614ss (P. Spicer); ScotJT 32 (1979) 73ss (A. D. Galloway); Themelios 4 (1978s) 74s (W. L. Schutter). 9424 Müller U. B., Prophetie und Predigt im NT: Formgeschichliche Untersuchungen zur urchristlichen Prophetie [Hab. Kiel 1972]: StNT 10, 1975 --> 56,5978; 58s,9059: RJBL 97 (1978) 450ss (D. E. Aune). 9425 Page J.-G., Qui cst l'Eglise I. Montreal 1977, Bellarmin. 297 p. - RLavalTPhil 34 (1978) 316ss (H.-M. Guindon) - II. L'Eglise, corps du Christ et communion. Montreal 1979, Bellarmin. 263 p. 9426 Panikulam George, Koinönia in the New Testament: a dynamic expression of Christian Life [diss. R -> 58s,9070]: AnBib 85. R 1979, Pontifical Biblical Institute. xn-161 p.; bibliog. 143-9. Lit. 11.000/$13.75. 9427 Peyrot L., Eglise-Communion, Geneva 1978, Labor et Fides. 124 p. 9428 Pikhala J., Mysterium Christi: Kirche bei Hans Asmussen seit 1945: Schriften der Luther-Agricola-Gesellschaft A 17. Hel 1978, Kirjapaya Oy. 207p. 9429 PleHis 1. J., The Rule of Christ and Rule in the Church: Neotest 10 (1976) 20-30. 9430 PotterPhilip A., Der prophetische Auftrag des ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen in biblischer Perspektive: -> 48, Fs. H. CLAss,Zukunft 1978. 9431 Przewozny Bernard, Church as the Sacrament of the Unity of all Mankind in 'Lumen Gentium' and 'Gaudium et Spes' and in Semmelroth, Schillebeeckx and Rahner: Seraphicum 70. R 1979, Mise. Francescana. 165 p. 9432 Rahner Karl, Open Questions in Dogma Considered by the Institutional Church as Definitively Answered: JEcuSt 15 (1978) 211-226. 9433 Reiner Hans-Diether, Eggenberger Oswald, ... neben den Kirchen. Gemeinschaften, die ihren Glauben auf besondere Weise leben wollen: Bibel - Kirche - Gemeinde. Konstanz 1979, Christliche Verlagsanstalt. 416 p. DM 12,80. 9434 Riedmatten Henri de, Le complexe antiromain: ä propos du livrr. or. Hans Urs von Balthasar [1976 -> 7693]: NVet 54 (1979) 67-77. 9435 Sehadel Erwin, Grundzüge einer Transzendental-Ekklesiologie - Inter-


H7.6 Ecclesia - The Church

pretationsversuch zu F. J. Couto[']s 'Hoffnung im Unglauben' [1973]: TGl 68 (1978) 195-202. Schnackenburg R., Hg. Einheit der Kirche: Grundlegung im NT 1979 ➔ 524 [et 525]. 9436 Simon Marcel, From Greek Hairesis to Christian Heresy: ➔ 91, Fs. R. GRANT1979, 101-116. 9437 Suggit J., Pastoral Discipline in the Church Today: the Evidence of the NT: JTSAfr 28 (1979) 53-59. 9438 Sz/aga J., [!'.] Toward community through faith; biblical-theology reflections: Znak 29 (1977) 403-16. 9439 Tettamanzi D., La Chiesa madre dei cristiani. Riflessioni di teologia pastorale [ ... 11tema biblico della Chiesa madre ... ] : RClerlt 60 (1977) 661-674. 9440 Tillard J. M. R., Thils G., (concl.) L'Ecclt'isiologie de Vatican II: dynamisme et perspective (pro Sem. Bo-P-Lv): RHE 74 (1979) 582s (R. A[ubert]): biblice summum Y. Congar, Implications christologiques et pneumatologiques. Trites A. A., The NT Concept of Witness. C 1977. x-294 p. f:12 ➔ 58s,9117: RscotJT 32 (1979) 188s (E. Best). 9441 Tsa.galidis I., IQ]The Christian life in the Church and heresies: DeltBibMel 5 (1977s) 209-16. 9442 Vass George, Die Kirche als Geistwerdung und Personwerdung der menschlichen Gesellschaft. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Schleiermachers pneumatologischer Grundformel der Ekklesiologie (< Antrittsvorl. Innsbruck 1975): ZKT 100 (1978) 140-177. 9443 Verbrugge V. D., The Idea of Excommunication: An Analysis of the Biblical Passages [dir.: A. J. Bandstra]: diss. Calvin Theol. Sem. GR 1979, 120p. + bibliogr. - CalvTJ 14 (1979) 281s. 9444 V61kl Richard, Caülas u1:1 Gemeinde: neutestamentliche Grundlegung. Fr 1976, Deutscher Caritasverband. 35 p. 9444* Wagner Harald, Die eine Kirche und die vielen Kirchen. Ekklesiologie und Symbolik heim jungen Möhler (kath. Hab. Mü 1976): BeiÖkTh 16. Mü 1977, Schöningh. 334 p. DM 68. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 678s (J. Flury). 9445 Wedderburn A. J. M., A New Testament Church Today?: ScotJT 31 (1978) 517-32. 9446 Welten P., Hunzinger C.H., Thoma C., May G., Link C., Bann [AT; Frühjudentum und NT; Judentum des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit; Alte Kirche und Mittelalter]: ➔ 895, TRE 5,1 (1979) 159-190. 9447 Wlodarczyk S., [R] Biblical basis for a theology of the lay state: RuBi 32 (1979) 124-30. 9448 Wilckens U., ➔ 9181, Eucharistie et unite de l'Eglise: ➔ 618, Mem. PAULVI, Paul de Tarse 1979, 485-508. H7.8 Amt: Officium ecclesiasticum [Petrus~Amt


9449 A1new Francis H., Apostlcship in the New Testament. A survey and evaluation of modern critical literature: Diss. Fribourg 1965. vm-513 p.

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9450 Anderson Ray S. ed., Theological Foundations for Ministry: Selected Reaüings fur a Theology of the Church in Ministry. E/GR 1979, Clark/Eerdmans. XII- 776 p. $8.95 pa. 9451 Das Amt im Ökumenischen Kontext. Stellungnahme des Ökumenischen Studienausschusses der V(ereinigten) E(v-) L(uth.) K(irche) D(eutschlands) und des D(eutschen) N(ational) K(omitees) (des) L(uth.) W(elt) B(undes): ÖkRu 27 (1978) 94-107. 9452 Baehr J., Priest: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 32-44. 9453 Bibra 0. S. von, Die Bevollmächtigten des Auferstandenen: das Wesen ihres Dienstes im Lichte des NTs 2 rev. Stu 1978, Bauer. 149s. DM 12.80. 9454 Botha C. J., The Offices in the Early Church History: Neotest 10 (1976) 110-123. 9455 Caflellas Gabriel, El celibato en el AT: BibFe 5 (1979) 241-53. 9456 Carroll D., Church Offices in Contemporary Catholic Literature: ➔ 619, Mayes A., Church Ministry 1977, 37-63. 9457 Chapelle Albert, Pour la vie du monde. Le sacrement de l'Ordre [investigatio ordine inverso, a liturgia postconciliari ad Scr.; eh. 6 NT], 1978 ➔ 58s,8850: RETL 55 (1979) 167ss (J. Coppens); TPhil 53 (1978) 596s (A. Stenze!).

9458 Cilia Anthony, II ministern tnd-djnkonnt fit-Testment il-Güiü, (II ministero del diaconato nel Nuovo Testamento): Missionary Bulletin [Carm] 60 (Saint Julian's. Malta 1977) 21-25. 9459 Collins Raymond, Reflections on Ministry: Emmanuel 84 (1978) 350-4. 9460 Condon Kevin, Church Offices by the Time of the Pastoral Epistles: ➔ 619, Mayes A., Church Ministry 1977, 74-94. 9461 Conway J. S., The Jerusalem Dishopric: A 'Union of Poolscap and Blotting-paper': SR 7 (1978) 305-315. 9462 Coppens Joseph, Le Celibat essenien / Ou en est le probleme des analogies qumräniennes avec le NT?: ➔ 593, Dekor M., Qumrän 1978, 295303/373-83. 9463 Delorme J. dir., a) Le ministere et les ministeres selon le NT 1974 ➔ 55,5468; 56,5869: RRHPR 59 (1979) 98ss (M. Chevallier). - b) II ministero e i ministeri secondo il NT. Documentazione esegetica e riflessione teologica. Cinisello Balsamo 1977, Paoline. 729 p. Lit. 9.000. - RAugRom 18 (1978) 400s (A. Di Berardino); STeolEv 2,3 (1979) 148ss (P. Bolognesi).

9464 Denzler Georg, Das Papsttum und der Amtszölibat 1.-II: Päpste und Papsttum 5,ls. Stu 1973/6, Hiersemann. xu-180p., p. VI+ 181-482. DM 200. - CathHR 65 (1979) 76-84 (A. M. Stick/er: author unconvincingly forecasts abolition). 9465 Dianich S., Ministero: ➔ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 902-929. 9466 Durrwell F. J., EI Mistcrio Pascual fuente de Apostolado 1972 --. 54,3992: Rcisterc 24 (1972) 330s (H. M. Marin). 9467 Eugui Hermoso de Mendoza J., La participaci6n de la comunidad cristiana en la elecci6n de los obispos. Siglos 1-V: Colecci6n can6nica. Pamplona 1977, Univ. Navarra. 231 p.

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9468 Fagerberg H., Sacrament och ämbete: SvTKv 55 (1979) 166-172. 9469 Fahrnberger Uerhard, Amtspriestertum. und Messopfer auf tlem Konzil von Trient. Darlegung und Würdigung des Werdegangs eines tridentinischen Dekrets in Hinblick auf die Ekklesiologie des II. Vat.: ➔ 28, Fs. W. BERTRAMS 1978, 143-167. 9470 Faivre Alex., Naissance d'une hierarchie. Les premieres etapes du cursus clerical: TheolHist 40. P 1977, Beauchesne. 443 p. F 120. - REphCarm 29 (1978) 532-4 (C. Perez Milla); NRT 99 (1977) 877s (R. Mols). 9471 Fellermayr Josef, Tradition und Sukzession im Lichte des römisch-antiken Erbdenkens. Untersuchungen zu den lateinischen Vätern bis zu Leo dem Grossen [diss. Mü 1979, dir. Stockmeier]. Minerva Fachserie Theologie. Mü 1979, Minerva. 468 p. 9472 Fernandez Aurelio, Ohispos y presbiteros: Historia y doctrina de la diferenciaci6n del ministerio eclesiästico: Burgense 18 (1977) 357-418. 9473 Fiedler E. J. [The Church in the World]: The Permanent Diaconate: TTod 36 (1979s) 401-11. 9474 Friedrich Gerhard, Das Problem der Autorität im NT < Krems G., Autorität in der Krise 1970, 9-50: --> 305, Auf das Wort 1978, 374415. 9475 Fuchs E., Amt und Gemeinde im NT: --> 306, Wagnis des Glaubens 1979, 169-81. 9476 Galot Jean, Sacerdozio di Cristo e cristologia del Servo: Asprenas 25 (1978) 380-98. 9477 Garrett James L. J, The Pre-Cyprianic Doctrine of the Priesthood of all Christians: --> 265, Fs. G. WILLIAMS, Continuity 1979, 45-61. 9478 George A., Les ministeres [dans Luc-Actes): ➔ 6608, f:tudes sur l'reuvre de Luc (P 1978, Gal,alda) 369-94 < Le ministcrc et lcs ministcrcs selon le NT, dir. J. Delorme (P 1974, Seuil) 207-240. 9479 Georgiadis H., Sacramental and Charismatic Ministries: Papal Authority and Christian Unity: CleR 64 (1979) 155-161. 9480 nnum.a-Petersnn T., Christas Ministrant and the Priest as Ministrant of Christ in a Palaeologan Program of 1303: DumbOaksP 32 (1978) 197217. 9481 Greehy John, The Qumran Mebaqqer and the Christian Episkopos: --> 619, Mayes A., Church Ministry 1977, 29-36. 9482 Gryson R., Les Lettres attribuees a lgnace d' Antioche et l'apparition de l'episcopat monarchique: RTLouv 10 (1979) 446-453: R. Joly more serious than R. Weijenborg or J. Rius-Camps. 9483 Grzybek S., [R] The mission character of the Church: biblical theology aspect: RuBi 31 (1978) 282-90. Guerra M. al., Rl ministerio en los primeros siglos: Teologia del sacerdocio 11, 1979 --> 444. Haarsma F. al., A.t11ul1:naar?Pastor? Profeet? Leiding op hct grondvlnk van de kerken 1979 ➔ 823. 9484 Hahn Ferdinand, Charisma und Amt. Die Diskussion iiber das kir~hliche Amt im Lichte der neutestamentlichen Charismenlehre: ZTK 76 (1979) 419-449.


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9485 Haii-Athanasiou P. M., Agathon d'Emese et son traite sur le sacerdoce: Parole de !'Orient 8 (1977s) 117-140. 9486 Hanson R., Christian Priesthood Examined. The Cross in the Crucible. Guildford 1979, Lutterworth. 128 p. $5.95. 0 0-7188-2400-8. 9487 Hanson R. P. C., Office in the Post-Apostolic Church: ➔ 619, Mayes A., Church Ministry 1977, 64-73. 9488 Harrington D. J., Church and Ministry: ➔ 421, A Pastoral Guide to the Bible, ed. G. J. Dyer 1979, 105-114. 9489 Hawthorne G. F., Tithe: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 851-5. 9490 Hendriks A. N., Kerk en ambt in de theologie van A. A. van Ruler: diss. ref. Kampen 1977 dir. C. Trimp. Amst 325 p. - TsTNijm 18 (1978) 78. 9491 Hess K, Serve: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 544-553. 9492 HQ(fman L. A., L'ordination juive ä la veille du christinnismc: MaisD 138 (1979) 7-47. 9493 Houtepen A., Evangelie, kerk, ambt: theologische diagnose van de huidige ambtsproblematiek: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 235-52; summ. 252, A theological [incl. NT] diagnosis of the present crisis in the ministry, tr. D. Le Fort. 9494 /lultgren A. J., Forms of Ministry in the NT - and Reflections Thereon: Dialog 18 (St. Paul 1979) 210ss. 9495 Iserloh E., Zölibat im Dilemma zwischen Gesetz und Charisma? [H.-J. Vogels 1978]: TR 74 (1978) 449-56. 9496 Jankowski Augustyn, Romaniuk Kazimierz, ~ La priltrise dans l'Ecriture sainte du Nouveau Testament. Katowice 1972, sw. Jacka. 298 p. RRuch bibl. lit. 26 (1973) 55 (J. Chmiel). 9497 Jilek August, Initiationsfeier und Amt. Ein Beitrag zur Struktur und Theologie der Ämter und des Taufgottesdienstes in der frühen Kirche (Traditio Apostolica, Tertullian, Cyprian): EurHSS 23 Theol. 130. Bern 1979, Lang. xxv-228 p. Fs. 53. 9498 Jones D. C., Diakonia: Prcsbytcrion 4 (1978) 90-94. 9499 Kasper Walter, Sein und Sendung des Priesters: ➔ 321, Zukunft 1978, 85-112. 9500 Kerkhofs J., Van 'geblokkeerde' naar bevrijdeude diensten in üe kerk? Een benadering vanuit de feiten: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 221-34; summ. 234 .. From an 'impeded' toward a liberating ministry in the church? [an approach from the facts, i.e. statistics not Scripture] tr. D. Le Fort. 9501 Kertelge K, Das kirchliche Amt im NT: WegForsch 189, 1977 ➔ 58s,8918: DM 89. 0 3-534-06683-9: RNRT 101 (1979) 593ss (X. Jacques). 9502 Kilmartin E. J., Ministere et Ordination dans l'Eglise Chretienne primitive: MaisD 138 (1978) 49-92. 9503 Legrand Herve-M., The Presidency of the Eucharist According to the Ancicnt Tradition < S11iritm.: Wnr~hip 53 (1979) 413-38. 9504 Leinweber Winfried, Der Streit um den Zölibat im 19. Jahrhundert: Miinsterische BeiLräge :tur Theologie 44. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. VIII591 p. DM 48. - RTR 74 (1978) 456ss (E. Iserloh).

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Lips H. von, Glaube-Gemeinde-Amt 1979-+ 8266s; 8281. 9505 Lods M., Le ministere de l'unite: PoinT 19, 1976 .....58s,6517: RETRel 52 (1977) 320s (M. Lods). 9506 Lombard H. A., Charisma and Church office: Neotest 10 (1976) 3152. 9507 Lum Ada, Befähigt zu lehren: die Ausbildungsprogramm Jesu für seine Jünger [< Jesus the Disciple-Maker]: Wege zum Dienst 3. Wu 1978, Blaukreuz. 59 p. DM 6,80. 0 3-920106-28-8. 9508 Lyonnet S., Autorita e obbedienza alla luce della S. Scrittura: -+ 644, M. Auge, Autorita 1977, 39-60. 9509 MacRae George W., Ministry and Ministries in the NT: LivLight 14 (Wsh 1977) 167-179. Malan F. S., The Relationship between Apostolate and Office in the Theoloiiy of Paul 1976 .....7658. 9510 Marliangeas B. D., Cles pour une theologie du ministere: in persona Christi, in persona Ecclesiae; pref. Y. M. Congar: Theologie Historique, 51. P 1978, Beauchesne. 246 p. - RETL 55 (1979) 167 (J. Coppens: 'la lecture s'impose ... probleme si debattu du sacerdoce'); TPhil 54 (1979) 615s (A. Stenze!: wenig vor 1200; störende Fehler; aber irgendwie glänzend). Mayes Andrcw cd., Church Mini~Lry 1973/7 • 619. 9511 Meier Johannes, Der priesterliche Dienst nach Johannes Gropper (1503-1559). Der Beitrag eines deutschen Theologen zur Erneuerung des Priesterbildes im Rahmen eines vortridentinischen Reformkonzeptes für die kirchliche Praxis: RefGStT 113. Münster 1977, Aschendorf[ vm374 p. DM 88. - TGl 68 (1978) 223s (W. Beinert); ZKT 100 (1978) 363-6 (H. J. Limburg). 9512 Michel D., Thoma C., Rolojf .T.,Ilanson R. P. C., Amt, Ämter, Amtsverständnis [ ... 11. AT: 501-04; III. Judentum: 504-509; IV. NT: 509~33; v. Alte Kirche: 533-52 ... ]: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 500-625. 9513 Miglarcsc Sam R., The Ministry of the Word as Primum Otticium: An Understanding and Application to Priestly Formation: diss. Univ. S. Thomae, R 1978. XII-282p.; bibliog. p. 267-282. 9514 Miguens Manuel, Church Ministrics in NT Timcs 1976 , 58s,8926: RAntonianum 53 (1978) 355 (F. Manns). 9515 Monat P., La presentation d'un dossier biblique par Lactance: le sacerdoce du Christ et celui de Jesus, fils de Josedec: -+ 704, Fontaine J., Lactance 1978. 9516 Nardoni Enrique, Ministries in the New Testament: Studia Canonica 11 (Ottawa 1977) 5-36. 9517 Neumann Matthias, Funk Mary M., Le partage de la foi en la Resurrection, fondement du ministere chretien: LVitae 34 (1979) 409-434. 9518 Nicolas J.-H., Sacerdoce, celibat et sacrements [J. Pate!, J.-Paul Deloupy, Paul Wim1i11ger,1977; Ilenri Denis 1975]: NVct 53 (1978) 122-34. 9519 Paternoster M., L'imposizione delle mani nella Chiesa primitiva, Rassegna delle testimonianze bibliche, patristiche e liturgiche fino a1 secolo quinto (diss. Anselmianum): Bibliot. EphLtg., Subsidia 12. R 1977, Ed.

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Liturgiche. xxrv-51 p. 9520 Patsavos E. 1., [Q]The Entry into the Clergy During the First Five Centuries. A Study of the Presuppositions of Entry into the Clergy (diss. 1973). Athenai 1973, Papirianos. 233 p. 9521 Pernveden Lage, Forsämlingen. Strukture och funktioner. En bibelteologisk studie. Sto 1978, EFS. 235 p. 9522 Pesch Rudolf, Die Diakonie der Gemeinde nach dem Neuen Testament. Fr 1974, Deutscher Caritasverband. 22 p. 9523 a) Rahner Karl, Offene Fragen in der Lehre vom päpstlichen Primat: ➔ 505.542, UnS 34,1 (1979) 44-7. - b) Allmen Jean-Jacques von, Ein reformierter [NT] Beitrag zur Frage des Papsttums: ➔ 508; 58s,650ld, Ratzinger J., Dienst 1978, 133-45. ➔ 6145. 9524 Reinelt H., Wesentliche Aufgaben des Priesters nach der Aussage der hl. . Schrift: ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 291-99. 9525 Reitz D. D., Developing a Biblically Theological and Practical Program for Involvement of the Local Church in Worldwide Missions: diss. Eastern Baptist Theol. Sem. 1979. 233 p. 0 7920276. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1541-

A. 9526 Reynolds R. E., An Early Medieval Tract on the Diaconate [anon. Rheims c.900, Vat. Reg. Lat 845; OT-NT origins and parallels]: HarvTR 72 (1979) 97-100 (with the Latin text). 9527 Ricca Paolo, Ende des Papsttums?: Materialdienst des konfessionskundlichen Instituts 30 (Bensheim 1979) 107-111. 9528 Rodriguez C., J., El celibato-virginidad. Una forma de vida a la luz de la Escritura y del judaismo contemporaneo. (thes. licent. 1978 J SBF dir. V. Ravanelli). xvr-104 p. 9529 Roeroe W. A., Das Ältestenamt im AT: Diss. Mainz 1976. x-503 p. 9530 Romaniuk K., [R:]Powolanie w Biblii 1975 [=La vocazione nella Bibbia 1973 ➔ 54,5965; 56,6295]: RRuBi 29 (1976) 341 (J. Chmiel). 9531 Royon Lara Elias, Sacerdocio lculto o ministerio? Una reinterpretaci6n del Concilio de Trento. M 1976, Univ. Comillas. xv-423 p. [El sacerdocio del NT es un sacerdocio nuevo]. - RAugRom 18 (1978) 571s (D. Gutierrez); TLZ 104 (1979) 237-40 (G. Wendelborn). 9532 Russell E. A., a) Thc Dcvclopmcnt of Ministerial Orders in thc NT: • 619, Mayes A., Church Ministry 1977, 5-28. - b) Ministry of the Word and Sacrament in the NT? Some Considerations: IrBibStud 1 (1979) 5156. Sacerdotium und Ministerium: schriftgemässe Erneuerung 1977 ➔ 287. 9533 Salvoni Fausto, Sacerdozio i ministeri. Dal cristianesimo al cattolicesimo II. Genova 1977, Lanterna. 192 p. - EphCarm 29 (1978) 530-2 (M. Caprioli). 9534 Schelkle K. H., Charisma und Amt: TüTQ 159 (1979) 243-254. 9535 Schillebeeckx E., Creatieve terugblik als inspiratie voor het ambt in de toekomst: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 266-92; summ. 293, Regard creatif sur le passe (exc. NT treated 235-52): inspiration pour les ministeres dans l'avenir, tr. H. Gevaert. 9536 Schnell Ursula, Das Verhältnis von Amt und Gemeinde im neueren Katholizismus (diss. 1971, dir. E. Sehlink): Theol. Bibi. Töpelmann 29.

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B 1977, de Gruyter. vr-330 p. DM 98. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 459s (A. van Eijk); TLZ 104 (1979) 236s (W. Beinert); TZBas 35 (1979) 31 ls (J. Flury). 9537 Schürmann Heinz, a) Lehrdienst (1977 --> 58s,8934) --> 70, Fs. ERFURT, 107-147. - b) Presbyterium (1977 --> 58s,8861) --> 100, Fs. B. HÄRING, 401-420. 9538 Schürmann H., Die Mitte des Lebens finden. Orientierung für geistliche Berufe (5 art., 1 ex 1965, 2 ex 1977). Fr 1979, Herder. 144p. DM 18,50. 0 3-451-18749-3. 9539 Schütte Heinz, Amt, Ordination ... ev./kath. Exegeten 1974 --> 56,5877; ... 58s,8934. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 465ss (H. Kirchner). 9540 Scipioni Luigi, Vescovo e popolo. L'esercizio dell'autorita nella chiesa primitiva (III secolo). Mi 1977, Vita e Pensiero. 224 p. - VetChr 16 (1979) 323s (C. Guarnieri). 9541 Smart James, The Rebirth of Ministry. Ph 1978, Fortress. 192 p. $4.95 pa. 9542 Socha Hubert, a) Das göttliche Recht der bischöflichen Apostelnachfolge im ökumenischen Gespräch: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 203-226. - b) Het goddelijkrechtelijk fundament van de bisschoppelijke apostelopvolging: --> 65, Fs. A. DORDETT1976. 9543 Stick/er Alphons M., A New History of Papal Lcgislation on Celibacy [G. Denzler 1973-6]: CathHR 65 (1979) 76-84. 9544 Stylianopoulos T. G., Holy Eucharist and Priesthood in the NT: GreekOrthTR 23 (1978) 113-130. 9545 Thomas W. H. G., Is the NT Minister a Priest?: BS 136 (1979) 6573. 9546 Tremau M., Le celibat consacre. Son origine historique. Sa justification doctrinale: Esprit et Vie. Chambray-les-Tours 1979, C. L. D. 107p. 9547 Ullrich L., Hg., Das Amt des Diakons: zur Einführung des Diakonates: Pastoral-katechetische Hefte 56. Lp 1977, Sankt-Benno. 278 p. 9548 Unnik W. C. van, The Authority of the Presbyters in Irenaeus's Works: --> 52, Fs. N. DAHL.God's Christ & His People 1977, 248-260. 9549 Vanhoye Albert [-->8331-4), 11 sacerdozio dei cristiani: Ministre delle vocazioni 14 (R 1978) 80-84. 9550 a) Vellanickal M., Ministry in the Gospels: Biblebhashyam 2,4 (Ministry 1976) 253-266. - b) 267-275, Pereira F., Ministry, Charism and Service in the NT. - c) 276-285, Berchmans J., Priestly Ministry in the NT [Legrand L. --> 9913). 9551 Villiers J. L. de, Indications of Church Rule or Government in Pauline Parenetic Material: Neotest 10 (1976) 69-80. 9552 Vogels H.-J., Pflichtzölibat. Eine kritische Untersuchung [sp. NT]. Mü 1978, Kösel. 141 p. DM 14,80. 0 3-466-20183-7. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 3llss (F. Klostermann); TR 74 (1978) 449-56 (E. Iserloh). 9553 Waelderen E. van, De plaats van ambt en bediening in de gezamenlijke opbouw van de geloofsgemeenschap: Collationes 9 (1979) 292-328. 9554 Zirker Leo, Leben im Dialog. Perspektiven für ein zeitgemässes Priesterbild. Mainz 1976, Grünewald. x-214 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 385ss (K.H. Bieritz).


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HR T,lturgto.,Oratio NT - Vita


9555 Agourides S. (Ch.), The Bible in the Orthodox Church (2): The Biblical Substance and Vision of Orthodox Worship and Spirituality: ScriptB 10 (1979s) 11-16. Auge M., Autoritä e obbedienza nella vita religiosa 1977 --► 644; Rassegna bibliografica sulla verginitä consacrata 1979 -->969*. · 9556 Barteis K. H., Song: --► 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 668-676. 9551 Beckwith R. T., The Origin of the Festivals Easter and Whitsun: Studia Liturgica 13 (Rotterdam 1979) 1-20. 9558 Bourke Myles M., The Future of the Liturgy: some NT Guidelines: -->689a, D. Tracy, Toward Vatican III 1978, 238-46. 9559 Buchanan G. W., Worship, Feasts and Ceremonies in lhe Early JewishChristian Church: NTS 26 (1979s) 279-97. 9560 Van Buren Paul M., The Mystery of Salvation and Prayer: EcYbTantur (1977s) 37-52. 9561 Caba J., La oraci6n de petici6n: AnBib 62, 1974--> 56,2715; 58s, 4451: RRivB 26 (1978) 431s (G. Segal/a). 9562 Cantalam~ssa R., T.a Pasqua nella Chiesa antica: Traditio Christiana 3. T 1978, Intemaz. XI-231 p. 9563 Comblin J., La oraci6n de Jesus. Asumir Ja densidad del mundo desde Dios, tr. M del C. Perez Vicente: El Pozo de Siquem, 6. Santander 1977, Sal Terrae. 91 p. 9564 Crichton J. D., Chrislian Celebration: the Prayer of the Church. L 1976, Chapman. x-134 p. f:3.50. - RscotJT 31 (1978) 393s (H. R. Sefion). 9565 Cullmann Oscar, Early Christian Worship, tr. A. Todd, J. Torrance. Ph 1978 ...;;1953, Westminster. 126 p. $4.65 pn. 0 0-664-24220-0. 9566 Dugmore C. W., Jewish und Christian Benedietions: ......221, Fs. M. SIMON, Paganisme, judafäme ... 1978, 145-52. 9567 Faricy Robert, Praying for Inner Healing. L 1979, SCM. vm-86 p. 9568 FurlonJ?Franc1s P., Prayer and the Moral Life: EcYhTaniur (1977s) S366. 9569 Garcia M. M., Naturalezn de ln vocnoi6n monästica segun la Biblia: Cistere 13 (1961) 115-123. 9510 Gonza/ez Nufiez A., La oraci6n de la Biblia para el hombre de hoy 1977. - Rcußib 34 (1977) 224ss (B. Celada). 9571 Grelot Pierre, Liturgie et vie spirituelle dans l'Ecriture: -->871 DictSpir 9 (1976) 873-84 [--► 58s,9017] (- 939 dans les Eglises, d'autres auteurs). 9572 Kao John, [g The Discemment of Spirits in the Bible: ColcTFujen 11,42 (1979) 476-82. 9573 Keileber S. B., A Biblical Approach to Religions Life2 rev. Bangalore 1979 [11976 -->58s,9027], Asian Trading Corp. 247 p. $3.50 pa. 9514 Kipper J. B., 0 tempo da ora~o: quando, quantas vezes, por quanto tempo se reza: RCuBib 2,6 (1978) 107-135. 9575 Kodell .Terome, Respondine to the Worrl: A Rihlir.al Spirituality. Staten Island NY 1978, Alba. xrv-128 p. $3.95 pa. 9576 Lietzmann H., Mass and Lord's Supper. A Study in the History of

H8 Liturgia, vita religiosa - NT - Prayer


T,iturgy, tr. (with Appendices) D. H. G. Reeve; introd. R. D. Richardson. Ld 1979, Hrill. VII- 753 p. f 320.

9577 Lohfink G., Grundstruktur des biblischen Bittgebets: ➔ 442, G. Greshake, Bittgebet - Testfall des Glaubens 1978, 19-31. 9578 Lozano J. M., Discipleship, NT, and the Religious Life: Claretianum 19 (1979) 107-134. 9519 Martin R. P., Worship in the Early Church 1975 ➔ 57, 6962: REvQ 50 (1978) 186 (L. E. Porter). 9580 Martini Carlo M., al., Stato e comunitä religiosa nella tradizione biblica: Studio Biblico Teologico Aquilano. L'Aquila 1979 [430p.] 141-189 [VT: H. Cazelles 17-30, J. A. Soggin 375-398; N. Loss 31-64; 83-109, A. Fanuli 65-82; NT B. Prete 399-430; A. Cannizzo 191-213; M. Adinolfi 215-244; G. Pica 269-347; U. Vanni 349-374] ➔ 585. 9581 Mas B., Fondamenti teologici del combattimento spirituale [... scritturistici: 27-36 ... ]: RegnDei (Theat.) 8 (1952) 21-40. 9582 Mesters Carlos, Fundamentai;:äo biblica da espiritualidade carmelitana: 'meditar dia e noite na Lei do Senhor': Conf. VI Eical. Belo Horizonte 1978, PP. Carm. 21 p. dactylog. 9583 Mitchell Curtis C., Jesus als Beter [< Praying the Jesus Way]. Marburg 1978, Franckc. 154 p. DM 13,80 pa. 0 3-88224-025-3. 9584 Moule Charles F. D., Worship in Lht: NT I; II; O1·ove Liturgical Study 12. Bramcote 1977s, Grove [= L 1961, Lutterworth]. 9585 Pasquetto V., Messaggio spirituale dei Vangeli. R 1978, Rivista di Vita Spirituale. 342 p. Lit. 6,500. 9586 Reifenberg H., Der christliche Liturgiker vor dem jüdischen Gottesdienst - Überlegungen zu vorgegebenen Fragen kultischer Theorie und Praxis: ➔ 453, H. H. Henrix, Jüdische Liturgie 1979, 137-60. 9587 Seheifer Peter, l)eiclzgräher R., Davies J. G., Benediktionen [Judentum; NT; Prak.Lischtheologisch]: ➔ 895 TRE 5,2s (1979) 560-73. 9588 Schaller Johannes, Das Bittgebet: eine theologische Skizze [< diss. R Gregoriana]: Horizonte NF 16. Einsiedeln 1979, Johannes. 213p. 9~89 Schultz H., Thank: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 816-20. 9590 Seils M., Der Gott dieser Welt und die Welt des Kultes: " ► 562, Hoffmann H., Gott und Gottesdienst 1973. Stato e comunita religiosa nella tradizione biblica 1979 ➔ 585. 9581 Talmon Shemaryahu, The Emergence of Institutionalized Prayer in Israel in the Light of the Qumran Literature: ➔ 593, Delcor M., Qumrän 1978, 265-284. 9592 Toinet Paul, The Church sings the canticle of the Lamb, tr. R. Arnandez: CommSpok 5 (1978) 308-25. 9593 Vellanickal M., Holy Spirit and Prayer in the NT: Biblebhashyam 2 (1976) 205-19.

[XV, 17] H8.3 Theologia moralis NT 9594 Angel Ferrando M., La sexualidad humana en el NT: TVida 18 (1977) 269-86. 40.

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9595 Bahnsen Greg L., Homosexuality, a Biblical view ➔ 8615. 9596 Barrett Charles K., Ethics and Eschatology: a resumc [of] .....617, Lortmzi L. De, Dimensions 1979, 221-35. 9597 Benamozegh E., Morale ebraica e morale cristiana [Paris 1867] tr. E. Piattelli, Present. E. Twaff: Collana di cultura ebraica 6. Assisi, 1977, B. Carucci. xxix-230 p. - RHenoch 1 (1979) 412s (L. Voghera Luzzatto). 9598 Benezet Bujo, Moralautonomie und Normenfi.ndung bei Thomas von Aquin: unter Einbeziehung der neutestamentlichen Kommentare (diss. Wü 1978): Veröff [Mü] Grabmann-Inst. 29. Pd 1979, Schöningh. 382 p. 9599 Bleibtreu-EhrenbergGisela: Tabu, Homosexualität. Die Geschichte eines Vorurteils [Lv 18,29 ... ]. Fra 1979, Fischer. 444p. 9600 Böckle Franz, Pohier Jacques-M., ed. Moral Formation and Christianity (Concilium). NY 1978, Seabury. x-107. $4.95 pa. 9601 Bonnet Georges, Au nom de la bible et de l'evangile, quelle morale?, Pref. M. Jourjon. Paris 1978, Centurion. 182 p. 9602 Böttger P. C. al., Reward: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 134-145. 9603 Brown H. 0. J., Death Before Birth. Nv 1977, T. Nelson. 164 p. $5.95. incl. Bible's testimony against abortion. - RcalvTJ 13 (1978) 196ss (C. E. Bajema). 9604 Cambier J.-M., La liberte chretienne, une morale d'adultes. Visage actuel d'un christianisme vivant; pref. L.-J. Suenens. LvN 1978, auct. (BP Galilee 009). vm-271 p. FB 250. - RNRT 100 (1978) 906s (J. Radermakers). 9605 Cipriani S., Alcune riflessioni bibliche sulla Hun1anae vitae: Later 44 (1978) 3-31. 9606 Clark M., The Use of Sacred Scripture in the Moral Theology of Father Bemard Häring C.Ss.R. Excerp. Diss. Theol. Univ. Gregorianae. R 1979, 52 p. - [Fs. B. HÄRING ➔ 100]. 9607 Craddock F., How Does the NT [l Cor 6,9s; Rom 1,26s; 1 Tim 1,9s] Deal with the Issue of Homosexuality?: Encounter 40 (Indianapolis 1979) 197-208: existing catalogues (of acts not states) taken over. 9608 Daly Robert J., Toward a Christian Biblical Ethic: .... 628, Ryan T., Critical History 1979, 208 236. 9609 Daube D., The Duty of Procreation [came into Judaism and Christiani. ty from Greco-Roman politics; ClasAsn presidential address 1977 ➔ 58s,8049]. E 1977, Univ. VIII-42p. :El. 0 0-85224-330-8. 9610 Ebel G., Way: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 933-48. 9611 Foren G. W., History of Christian Ethics I. From the NT to Augustine. Minneapolis 1979, Augsburg. 247 p. $12.50. 9612 Fritz Paul G., Die Familie in der Sicht der jungen Generation: Kirche im Dorf 29 (1978) 113-121. 9613 Fuchs E.,Bulletin d'ethique (1. Les services bibliques de l'ethique: 37780 ... ): ETRel 53 (1978) 377 397. 9614 Fuchs E., Le desir et la tendresse. Sources [bibliques] et histoire d'une ethique chretienne de Ja sexualite et du manage: Le champ ethique 1. Geneva 1979, Labor & F. VIII-249p. Fs. 27-80 pa. 9616 Guenther A., Possessions: a Biblical Study of the Principle of Reward

H8.3 Theologin moralis

NT - Moral


and Retribution: Direction 8 (Fresno 1979) 27-32. 9617 Gustafson James M., Gospel and Law: a Central Qucstion in Thcological Ethics [➔ 58s,9204]: ➔ 100, Fs. B. HÄRING 1977, 101-119. 9618 Häring Bernhard, Frei in Christus: Moraltheologie für die Praxis des christlichen Lebens, I: Das Fundament aus Schrift und Tradition. Fr etc 1979, Herder. 460 p. - [Fs. In libertatem vocatis estis 1977 ➔ 100]. 9619 Hamer J., Le Magistere et les fondements doctrinaux de l'ethique sexuelle: EsprVie 89 (1979) 385-393. 9620 Herr Theodor, Naturrecht aus der kritischen Sicht des NTs 1976 ➔ 57,7077; 58s,9209: Rsal 40 (1978) 960s (E. Quarello); TPhil 54 (1979) 119ss (0. v. Nell-Breuning); TR 74 (1978) 320ss (J. Rief). 9621 Hoffmann Paul, Eid Volker, Jesus von Nazareth und eine phristliche Moral: sittliche Perspektiven der Verkündigung Jesu 3 : QDisp 66. Fr. 1979, Herder [' 1975 ➔ 56,3827]. 259 p. DM 41 pa. 0 3-451-02066-1. 9622 Houldon J. L., Ethics and the NT ... 2 1975 ['1973 ➔ 55,5725; 56, 6089; 3 1977 -► 58s,9213] L, Mowbray. 134 p. f, 1.75. - RscotJT 29 (1976) 480s (W. Lillie); TS 39 (1978) 382s (P. Surlis). 9623 Hughes Gerard J., Authority in Morals: An Essay in Christian Ethics: Heythrop Monographs. L 1978. IX-136p. $10 pa. 9624 Hughes J. J., Homosexuality: a new study [➔ 9630] CleR 62 (1977) 6972 [item 165s B. Sluane]. 9625 Inhoffen P., Biblische Normen oder gemeindliches Ethos? Zur Erneuerung der Moraltheologie aus der Schrift: ➔ 212, Fs. E. SCHICK,Kirche und Bibel 1979, 155-72. 9626 Kaye B., Wenham G., Law, Morality and the Bible. Downers Grove IL 1978, TnterVarsity. 252 p. $5.95. 9627 Kilgallen John, Intimität im NT, tr. K. Bergner: Conc-D 15 (1979) 4650. - Intimacy and the NT: Conc-E 15/1 (1979) 67-73. - Intimidade e NT, tr. G. Aveltno Titton: Conc-P 15 (1979) 84-91. 9628 Korff Wilhelm (Fürst Walter, Torggler Josef), Theologische Ethik: eine Einführung 2 : Theologisches Seminar. Fr 1979, Herder. 127 p. DM 18 pa. 0 3-451-17328-X. 9629 Kosnik Anthony al., a) Human Sexuality. New Directions in An1erican Catholic Thought. A Study Commissioned by Lhe Cailiulic Theological Society of America. NY 1977, Paulist. xv-322 p. - RRHPR 58 (1978) 474-6 (G. Vahanian). - b) La sessualita umana. Nuovi orientamenti del pensiero cattolico americano. Brescia 1978, Queriniana. 250p. Lit. 5.500; c) Giunchedi F., Nuovi orientamenti nella morale sessuale: CC 130 (1979,1) 154-161. ➔ 9355. 9630 McNeill J. J., The Church and the Homosexual [... OT; NT ... ]. L 1977, Darton-LT. xrn-212 p. f, 2.60. ➔ 9624; 9647. 9631 Ma/ag11ti Maurizio, La teologia della spernm:a in J. Moltmann: SacDoc 21 (1976) 305-324 ➔ 9635; 9641. 9632 Mare W. H., The Christian and his Material Pussessiuns I. Bibli1:.al Principles; II. Application: Presbyterion 5 (St. Louis 1979) 44-56, 110118. 9633 Martin R. P. al., Virtues: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) (923-) 928-33. 9634 Merklein H., Die Gottesherrschaft als Handlungsprinzip: Untersuchung

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lXY. Theol. hib.

zur Ethik Jesu (ForschBi 34) 1978 ➔ 9104. 9635 Moltmann J., The Passion for Life: a Messianic Lifestyle tr. M. D. Meeks 1978 ➔ 58s,9249a: RTS 39 (1978) 590s (W. P. Frost: refreshing biblical discussions) ➔ 9631, 9641. 9636 Moss Roger, Christianity and Homosexuality [biblical stance against, cum-compassion]. Exeter 1977, Paternoster. 48 p. f0.55 pa. 9637 Müller D., Will: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1015-23. 9638 Murphy-O'Connor Jerome, Becoming Human Together. Wilmington, DE 1977, Michael Glazier. 240 p. $3.95 pa. ➔ 7736a. 9638* Nelson James B., Embodiment: an Approach to Sexuality and Christian Theology. Minneapolis 1978, Augsburg. 302 p. - RBibTB 9 (1979) 40s. 9639 Okayama Kotaro, Zur Grundlegung christlicher Ethik [Imago Dei juxta] H. Thielicke, Vorwort: Theol. Bibliothek Töpelmann 30. B 1977, de Gruyter. ix-268 p. DM 52. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 690ss (J. Wiebering). 9640 Osborn Eric, Ethical Patterns in Early Christian Thought 1976 ➔ 57, 7138; 58s,9258: RRHE 74 (1979) 533s (F. H[ockey]); TLZ 104 (1979) 371s (G. Haufe). 9641 Pauw Marcel de, Op weg naar de komende Heer. De dialectiek in het werk van Jürgen Moltmann en haar betekenis voor de moraal: diss. R Alfonsiana 1977. Lv 1978, Acco. 99 p.; bibliog. 83-95; ➔ 9635. 9642 Perrot Ch., Halakha juive et morale chretienne: fonctionnement et references: ➔ 632, Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 35-51. 9643 Renaud B., Arribard P. [Bibliste/moraliste] Reference a l'Ecriture: ➔ 632, Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 17-27-34. 9644 Rennstich Karl, Mission und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung: biblische Theologie des Kulturwandels und christliche Ethik (Diss. Basel 1976): Gesellschaft und Theologie syst. 25. Mü/Mainz 1978, Kaiser/Grünewald. 343 p. 0 3-459-01181-5 / 3-7867-0699-9. 9645 Rotter Hans, Das theologische Argument in der Moral [NT sp. p. 185s]: ZKT 100 (1978) .178-96. 9646 Sanders J. T., Ethics in the NT: Change and Development 1975 ➔ 56, 6144 ... 58s,9282: RscotJT 31 (1978) 279s (W. Lillie). 9647 Scanzoni L., Mollenkott V. R., 1s thc Homoscxual my Ncighbor? Another Christian View. SF 1978, Harper & Row. 159 p. $6.95 [Scripture mostly from J. McNeill ➔ 9630). - RTS 39 (1978) 820s (V. J. Genoves1).

9648 Schneider W. al., Tempt: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 789-811. 9649 Schottroff Luise, Stegemann Wolfgang, Jesus von Nazaret: Hoffnung der Armen: Urban-T. 639. Stu 1978, Kohlammer. 164 p. DM 12 pa. 0 3-17-004895-3. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 293s (S. Stahr); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 196s (J. Smit). Schottroff Willy, Stegemann Wolfgang, Hg. Der Gott der kleinen Leute I. AT; II. NT 1979 ➔ 526. 9650 Schürmann Heinz, L'autorite de l'Ecriture: etude sur la communaute de la Nouvelle Alliance comme Heu de revelation des valeurs morales d'apres saint Paul: Comm-Revue 2,4 Guillet 1977) 34-46, tr. E. Cothenet.

H8.3 Theologia moralis - NT - Moral


9651 Sider Ronald J., Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger: A Biblical Study. Downers Grove, IL/L 1977/1978, InterVarsity/Hodder & S. 250 p. $4.95/f 1. - RThemelios 4 (1978s) 75s (R. Russe!!); TLond 82 (1979) 473s (J. Mark). 9652 Spicq C., Teologia Moral del NT 2 vol. 1970/1973 .....56,6151s: Rcisterc 27 (1975) 81s (A. M.). 9653 Spicq Ceslas, Vie chretienne et peregrination selon le NT: LectDiv 71, 1972 .....54,5945 ... 58s,9447: REstBib 35 (1976) 244s (A. Gonzalez Lamadrid). 9654 Spina D. J., Lesbian Love: Can it be Christian? A Pastoral Response: diss. Leuven 1979. XLIII-575p. 9655 Steinmetz Franz-J., Befreit aus Enge und Zwang: Jesu Moral für den Menschen 1974 .....56,3881: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 201 (E. Harnei); TPhil 54 (1979) 315s (P. Schmitz). 9656 Stoyiannos Basilios, The Law in the NT from an Orthodox Point of View: GrOrTR 24 (1979) 309-22...... 5682-5699. 9657 Strecker Georg, a) Strukturen einer neutestamentlichen Ethik: ZTK 75 (1978) 117-146. - b) Ziele und Ergebnisse einer neutestamentlichen Ethik (Tü meeting 1977): NTS 25 (1978s) 1-15. 9658 \Vattiaux Henri, Engagement de Dieu et fidelite du chretien. Perspectives pour une theologie morale fondamentale. Prcface de Mgr. Ph. Delhaye: Lex spiritus vitae 3. LvN 1979, Centre Cerfaux-Lefort. 302 p.; bibliog. 271-295. 9659 Wendland Hans D., Ethique du NT: Nouvelle Serie Theol. 26, 1972 .....54, 5859: RETRel 53 (1978) 379 (E. Fuchs). 9660 White Reginald, Biblical Ethics: The Changing Continuity of Christian Ethics 1. Exeter/Atlanta 1979, Paternoster/Knox. 256 p. f 4.60/$6.95. 9660* Wink W., Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality: Christian Century 96 (1979) 1082-6. 9661 Zeilinger Udo, Geschichte und Heil als Grundmomente christlicher Sittlichkeit bei W. Pannenberg. Zur Ortsbestimmung und Begründung christlicher Ethik: diss. Innsbnick (dir. Rotter): TR 74 (1978) 514. H8.5 Theologia liberationis NT .....7881ss; 8132ss. 9662 Agrell Göran, Work, Toil and Sustenance: An Examination of the View of Work in the NT, Taking into Consideration Views Found in OT, Intertestamental, and Early Rabbinic Writings, tr. S. Westerholm 1976 .....57,6999; 58s,9130: RcBQ 40 (1978) 259s (F. T. Fallon); JBL 97 (1978) 308s (S. C. Mott); SvEx 43 (1978) 141ss (C. C. Caragounis); TsTKi 49 (1978) 147-150 (H. A. Akere). Aliae recens...... 2716. 9663 Ahern Barnabas M., El tema de la liberaci6n el la Sagrada Escritura: Salmanticensis 24 (1977) 495-510: todo este numero en torno a Promoci6n humana y salvaci6n cristiana oct. 1976. 9664 Ameil M., A propos de la traduction de la these de Brandon sur les Zelotes: [J. Le Brun ed.] Les Chretiens devant le fait juif [Le Point Theologique, 33: P 1979, Beauchesne. 171p. F 51,30] 9-22.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XV. Theol. bib.

9665 Anderfuhren J., Politik aus den Evangelien. Z 1978, Theol.-V. 104p. DM 14. 9666 Anderson Gerald H., Stransky Thomas F., ed., Mission Trends No. 4, Liberation Theologies in North America and Europe. NY/GR 1979, Paulist/Eerdmans. xn-289 p. $3.45 pa. 9667 AugustinovichAgustin, Puebla y la religiosidad popular. Caracas, 1979, Tripode. 160 p. Backer Derek ed., Church, Society and Politics 1975 -> 387. 9668 Badeni Joachim, ~ Moc i swiatlo (Force et lumiere): W Drodze 1,2 (1973) 33-45. 9669 Battista Mondin, I teologi della liberazione. R 1977, Borla. 194 p. Rsal 40 (1978) 175 (A. Amato). 9670 Bauer Gerhard, Christliche Hoffnung und menschlicher Fortschritt. Die politische Theologie von J. B. Metz als theologische Begründung gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung des Christen (diss. R. Greg. dir. J. Fuchs). Mainz 1976, Grünewald. xn-324 p. DM 48. - RzKT 100 (1978) 386s ([W.] K[ern]). 9671 Beer U., Katzmann V. Hg., Jesus, für heute geboren: Politiker, Wissenschaftler, Autoren antworten auf die Frage: Was bedeutet mir die Geburt Jesu? Tü 1979, Katzmann. llOp. DM 12. 9672 Beilner Wolfgang, Parrhesia. Ein neutestamentliches Wortfeld mit aktuellen Implikationen. Rede anlässlich der Inauguration als Rektor der Paris-London-Universität, Salzburg am 30. Oktober 1979. Salzburg 1979. 94p. 9673 Bianchi Enzo [ANT] al., La lotta e l'Eucaristia ['Chi e Vangelo oggi nella Chiesa e nella Storia?'; convegni]. Assisi 1977, Cittadella. 213p. Lit 3.000. - Rsal 40 (1978) 430s (G. Gemmellaro). 9673"' Bilde P., Religion og politik i Jcsusbevaegelscn: DanTTs 42 (1979) 119. 9674 Biser E. [a/.], Kirche-Liebesinstrument oder Machtinstrument? Eine Anfrage [... Die Macht im Urteil Jesu ... ] : Prinzip Liebe, Perspektiven der Theologie. (Fr. 1975, Herder). 9-35. 9675 Blank Joset; Gottes Recht will des Menschen Leben: Zum Problem der Menschenrechte im NT: Conc-D 15 (1979) 213-8. - Los derechos humanos en el NT, Conc-C 15/2 (1979) 41-52 tr. A. de la Fuente. - The Justice of God as the Humanisation of Man - the Problem of Human Rights in the NT, tr. A. Stewart: Conc-E 15/4 (1979) 27-38. - 0 direito de Deus quer a vida das homens, tr. E. Orth: Conc-P 15 (1979) 399409. 9676 Eo.ff Leonardo, a) Jesus-Christ liberateur, tr. F. Malley: Essai de chris,tologie critique 1974 -> 57,4615; 58s,5966c: RRThom 79 (1979) 500-3 (M.-V. Lero_v).- b) Jesus Christ Liberator: a Critical Christology for Our Time [1978, -> 8857]. 9677 Bqff Leonardo, a) A Gra~a libertadora no mundo 1977' ➔ 58s, 9156a: Rsa1 40 (1978) 967s (G. Abba; non convince). - b) Erfahrung von Gnade, tr. H. Goldstein. DU 1978 Pat111os. 323 p. DM 34. - RTGl 69 (1979) 330s (W. Beinert). 9678 Bojf L., Teologia desde el cautiverio, tr., con Gabriel Alejo: Iglesia nue-

H8.5 Theologia liberationis NT


va 7.3. RogotA-C.hapinero 1975, Indian Service. 202 p. 9679 Bojf L., Teologia del cautiverio y de la liberaci6n [1976 ➔ 58s, 9156b]. M 1978, Paulinas. 326 p. - RRelCult 24 (1978) 493s (R. de la Torre). 9680 Bonsen J., Politieke lezing van de Bijbel: Een werkboek: Eltheto 59. Zeist 1978, NCSV. Bosch D. J. ed., Church and Liberation 1977 ➔ 398. Bosold Iris, Pazifismus und prophetische Provokation 1978 ➔ 6753. 9680* Bourgeois H., Jesus, l'universel du pauvre: LumVie 27, 137 (1978) 117-31. 9681 Brown R. M., Theology in a New Key: Responding to Liberation Themes. Ph 1978, Westminster. 212 p. $6.95 pa. - RcalvT.T 14 (1979) 131s (R. Recker). 9682 Butturini Emilio, La nonviolenza nel cristianesimo dei primi secoli. T 1977, Paravia. 232 p. Lit. 3950. - RLttomus 38 ( 1979) :.1.4'.l-8 (J. Fontaine). 9683 Cardenal Emesto, 11 vangelo a Solentiname II. [El vangelio · en Solentiname 1975 .... 58s,9168] tr. Miranda Montorzi: Vangelo e vita. Assisi 1978, Cittadella. 460 p. 9684 Caspary Gerard E., Politics and Exegesis: Origen and the Two Swords. Berkeley 1979, University of California. xv-215 p. $20. 0 0-52003445-7. 9685 Cassidy Richard J., Jesus, Politics, and Society 1978 ➔ 6676; 58s,5031. 9686 Castillo F. Hg., Theologie aus der Praxis des Volkes. Neuere Studien zum lateinamerikanischen Christentum und zur Theologie der Befreiung: Systematische Beiträge 26. Mü/Mainz 1978, Kaiser/Grünewald. 220 p. DM 25 pa. - RMüTZ 30 (1979) 232 (L. Schejfczyk). 9687 Celada B., La utilizaci6n de la figura del Jesus hist6rico en las actuales contiendas politico-sociales de Espafta y America Latina: CuBib 34 (1977) 203-216. 9688 Cenacchl Giust:ppt:, 11 lavoro nel pensiero di Tommaso d'Aquino [15-20 sidle opere eseeetkhe; senzii inclid iicleguati]: Studi Tomistici 5. R 1977, Coletti. 196p. Lit. 5000. - RzKT 100 (1978) 399 ([W.] K[em]: gedankliche Summe seiner 15-jlihrigen Reihe zwn Thema). 9689 Chenu Bruno, Dieu est noir. Histoire, religion et theologie des Noirs americains. P 1977, Centurion. 320 p. - Rsa1 40 (1978) 736s (A. Amato). 9689* Cipriani Settimio, a) S. Paul et la 'politique': 618, Paul de Tarse, apötre du notre temps 595-618. - b) S. Paolo e la politica 1978 ➔ 7531. 9690 Cone James H., God of the Oppressed. L 1977, SPCK. vm-280 p. f 3.95. - RTLond 81 (1978) 136ss (E. H. Robertson: Cone's best; the clearest voice of the black Christian in America today). 9691 Croatto J. Severino, Liberaci6n y libertad. Pautas hermeneuticas: Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones, 24. Buem.>i;Aires 1973, Nuevo Mnndo. 9692 Croatto J. S., Liberar a los pobres: Aproximaci6n hermerieutica: ➔ 406, Los pobres, Encuentro y compromiso (Buenos Aircs 1978, Aurora) 1528.


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9693 Crosby M., Thy Will be done: Praying the Our Father as Subversive Activity. Maryknoll NY 1977, Orbis. vm-254 p. 9694 Crowe Frederick E., Theology of the Christian Word. A [B. Lonergan] Study in History. NY 1978, Paulist. 174p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 612ss (G. B. Sala).

9695 Cullmann Oscar, Teve Jesus Prop6sitos de Reforma Politica? RevistCuBib 2 (Säo Paulo 1978) 271-292. 9696 CussianovichAlejandro, Religious Life and the Poor: Liberation Theology Perspectives. Maryknoll 1979, Orbis. vrr-168 p. $6.95 pa. 9697 Dannemann Ulrich, Theologie und Politik im Denken Karl Barths. Mü/Mainz 1977, Kaiser/Grünewald. 274 p. DM 32. - RzKT 100 (1978) 392s (R. Schwager). 9698 Dantine Wilhelm, Schwarze Theologie [J. H. Cone; Lateinamerika; Gegner, Moyo-Edwards-Lehmann]. Eine Herausforderung der Theologie der Weissen? W 1976, Herder. 111 p. Sch. 82. 9699 Dattler F., Reden9äo. Biblia e Teologia da Liberta9äo. Säo Paulo 1978, Loyola. 198 p. 9700 Davies J. G., Kristendom, politikk, vold og revolusjon. Oslo 1979, Gyldendal. 198p. 9701 Desrochers J., Christ the Liberator. Bangalore 1977, Centre for Social Action. 296 p. Rs 12. - RlndTSt 15 (1978) 295s (A. Mam); VidJyo 43 (1979) 46 (B. Dupuis). 9702 Dietzfelbinger Hermann, Geburtenrückgang, ein biblisches Wort dazu [Referat, polit. Seminar Hesselberg 1977]; Der Mensch in der Krise [Vortrag Hesselberg 1977]: Beiträge zur Erwachsenenbildung 2. Hesselberg über Gunzenhausen 1977, Ev.-Luth. Volkshochschule. 24 p. 9703 Di Lorenzo Francis, Courageous Christian Love: a response to symbolic violence. Pars diss. R, Univ. S. Thomae 1975. 73p.; bibliog. 51-70. 9704 Doni Paolo, La lettura politica della Bibbia nelle Comunitä cristiane di base in Italia:-> 612, Leonardi G., Situazione 1979, 72-77; 103s. 9705 Dumas A., Chiesa-Teologia-Politica. La comunitä cristiana alla ricerca d'una teologia nell'impegno politico. T 1978, Oaudiana. 174 p. Lit. 4200. - RDoctCom 32 (1979) 381s (B. Gherardim). 9706 Dupont Jacques, Jesus nnnoncc la bonnc nouvcllc aux pauvrcs: , 590, Canfora G., Evangelizzare pauperibus 1978, 127-189. 9707 Dussel Enrique D., Desintegraci6n de la cristiandad colonial y liberaci6n. Salamanca 1978, Sigueme. 209 p, - RDoctCom 32 (1979) 253ss (D. Composta).

9708 Eagleson John, Scharper P., The Radical Bible [adapted P. Scharper from Bibel provokativ, Hg. H. Harry, J. Rump], tr. E. J. Papp. Croydon Vic 1972, Spectrum. VI-159p. A$1.50. 9709 Escudero Freire Carlos, Maria pobre, asociada a la liberaci6n de Jesus: Eph Mar 29 (1979) 33-52. 9710 Espeja Pardo Jesus, Jesucristo, palabra de libertad: Glosas 5. Salamanca 1979, S. Esteban. 318 p. 9711 Fast H. A,, Jesus and Human Conflict. Scottdale PA 1959, Herald. RMenQR 37 (1963) 56-59 (W. Klassen). 9712 Ferrando M. A., El poder en el NT: TVid 20 (1979) 283-295 [262-281

H8.5 Theologia liberationis NT


en el AT: Coopman Carlos]. 9713 Ferraro Benedito, A significa54, 5788]: Iglesia Nueva, 8. Bogota 1971, Indo-American Press. 81 p. 9741 Gutierrez G.-, Shaull R., Liberation and Change: Pittsburgh Theol. Sem. Schaff Lectures 1976. Atlanta 1977, John Knox Pr. 200 p. $4.95 pu. - RcalvTJ 14 (1979) 97ss (R. Recker). 9742 Hahn H. C., Work:--> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1147-60. 9743 Hengel Martin [-->8672] Juden, Griechen und Barbaren: SBS 76, 1976: RTLZ 103 (1978) 108ss (G. Delling). Hengsbach Franz, L6pez Trujillo Alfonso Hg., Kirche und Befreiung 1975 ➔ 561. 9744 Hoffmann Paul, 'Eschatologie' und 'Friedenshandeln' in der Jesusüberlieferung: ➔ 477, Liedke G., Eschatologie 1978, 179-223. 9745 Hofmann Manfred, Identifikation mit dem Anderen: theologische Themen und ihr hermeneutischer Ort bei lateinamerikanischen Theologen der Befreiung. Sto/Gö 1978, Ohlssons/VR. 256 p.; bib1iog. 226-251. DM 32. 0 /3-525-56825-8. 9746 Hübner Hans, Politische Theologie und existentielle Interpretation. Zur Auseinandersetzung D. Sölles mit R. Bultmann: Glaube und Lehre 9,

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1973 --> 55,5726: RTLZ 103 (1978) 772s (W. Sehmithals). 9747 lllancs Jose L., Rudriguez P., Progresismo y liberaci6n [too far too fast]: Bolsillo 11. Pamplona 1975, Eunsa. 176p. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 620s (M. Manzanera). 9748 Käsemann Ernst, a) Justification de l'homme par Dieu et situations d'injustice dans le monde: BullCentProtEt 31 (1979) 5-21. - b) Justice for the Unjust: Colloquium 11 (1978) 10-16. 9749 Kaiser 0., Der soziale Auftrag der Kirche im Spiegel seiner biblischen Begründung: NZSysT 18 (1976) 295-306. 9750 Kappen Sebastian, Freedom from Political Domination, Biblical Per1 spective: Religion and Society 26,3 (1979) 4-19. 9751 Kappen S., Jesus and Freedom 1977 --> 58s,6010: RVidJyo 43 (1979) 45s (J. Dupuis). 9752 Kaye Bruce N., Church and Politics: some guidelines from the NT [Mk 12,13-17; Rom 13,1-7]: Churchman 93 (1979) 211-224. 9753 Kipper J. B., Atuac;äo Politica e Revolucionaria de Jesus?: RCuBib 2 (1978) 237-270. 9754 Klassen W., Love Your Enemy: A Study of NT Teaching on Coping wilh an Enemy: MenQR 37 (1963) 147-171. 9755 Lancellotti A., Boccali G., 0 Evangelho de libertac;äo: 0 Evangelho hoje 4. l'ctr6polis 1979. 272 p. 9756 Lane W. L., Lack: --> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 952-8. 9757 Langley M. (War -) Jesus and Revolution: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) (958-) 967-82. 9758 Lauret B., Le pouvoir d'alterer [le gouvernement, par Jesus et ses mots]: LumenV 28 (1979) 77-101. 9759 Legasse S., Les pauvres en esprit: Evangile et non-violence: LectDiv 78, 1974 __,56,3845: RRHPR 54 (1974) 426 (J. C. lngelaere); ScriptTPamp 9,2 (1977) 701-05 (A. Garcla-Moreno). 9760 Lehmann Karl [--> 668, Theologie der Befreiung 1977], Problemas metodologico-hermeneuticos de la 'Teologia de la Liberaci6n': Medellin 13 (1978) 3-26. 9761 Lohfink Norbert, Pesch Rudolf, Weltgestaltung und Gewaltlosigkeit: ethische Aspekte des Allen uml Neuen Testaments in ihrer Einheit und ihrem Gegensatz: Schriften kath. Akad. Bayern 87. Dü 1978, PatmosPaperbacks. DM 9,80. 0 3-491-77597-3. - RTPQ 127 (1979) 291s (P. Trummer). - --> 5693. 9762 Lombardi- Vallauri Luigi, a) Resurrection et [sc. est en religion ce qui est en politique] Revolution: NVet 54 (1979) 94-103, avec quelques renvois NT. - b) Risurrezione e Rivoluzione: RClerlt 60 (1979) 12-19; ein: Religione e politica, Atti del Convegno organizzato dall'Ist. di Filos. 'Enrico Castelli' (R 1978)... Lombardi Vallauri L. al., Religione e politica 1978 --> 719. 9763 Lopez Rivera Francisco, Biblia y sociedad. 4 estudios exegeticos: Teologia latino-americana 3. Mexico 1977, Centro Refl. Teol. 112 p. 9764 Luca P. di, Il Gesu dell11'Jesus-Revolution' nei movimenti di risveglio religioso attuale. Excerp. Diss. Spiritualitatis Univ. Gregorianae. R 1979. 131 p.


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9765 Lührmann Dieter, Der Staat und die Verkündigung: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 359-375. 9766 McSorley R., New Testament Basis of Peacemaking. Wsh 1979, Georgetown Univ. vm-167 p. $2.25. 9767 Manzanera Miguel, Teologia, salvaci6n y liberaci6n. Bilbao 1978, Univ. Deusto/Mensajero. 470 p. 0 84-271-1140-1. ! 9768 Marcu Grigorie, Hristos §i Cezarul sau Statul §i· Biserica in 1umina NT (Christ and Caesar, or State and Church in the light of the NT): Mitropolia Ardealului (1977) 484-98. · 9769 Mardones J. M., Teologia e ideologia: confrontaci6n de la t~ologia politica de la esperanza de J. Moltmann con Ja teoria critica de la Escuela de Frankfurt: TDeusto, 14. Bilbao 1979, Mensajero/Univ. Deusto. 273 p. pt 690. Mare W. H., The Christian and his Material Possessions. ➔ 9632. 9770 Marti J. A., La libertad en los escritos del NT: EstFranc 80 (1979) 42733. 9771 Matura Thaddee, Le radicalisme evangelique: LectDiv 97, 1978 ➔ 58s,9246*: RprQrChr 29 (1979) 403s (P. Ternant). 9772 Mayor S. H., Jesus Christ and the Christian Understanding of Society: ScotJT 32 (1979) 45-60. 9773 Mendez Arceo Scrgio, Jcsucristo, los pobres, el socialismo y la Iglesia hoy. Bilbao 1979, Desclee-B. 132 p. 0 84-330-0423-9. 9774 Menozzi Daniele, Letture politiche di Gesu. Dall'Ancien regime alla Rivoluzione: Testi e ricerche sc.rel. Bologna 15. Brescia 1979, Paideia. 262 p. Lit. 8000. 9775 Mesters Carlos, Dio, dove sei? Bibbia e liberazione umana, tr. Maria Pia Ange/oni: Mosaico. Brescia 1978, sesta stampa, Queriniana. 260 p. 9776 Meyendorjf J., The Christian Gospel and Social Responsibility: the EastContinuiem Orthodox Tradition in History: ➔ 265, Fs G. H. WILLIAMS, ty ... 1979, 118-30., 9777 Meyer P. W., The This-Worldliness of the NT: PrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 219-31. 9778 Midali Mario, Attuali correnti e progetti di teologia pastonlle fondamentale: Salesianwn 40 (1978) 845-900; 881-4 'Tt:olugia pulitica' (J. B. Metz); 884-92 'Prassi liberatrice'. 9779 Miguez Bonino Jose, Theologie im Kontext der Befreiung [1975 ➔ 58s,9226; also L, SCM], tr. A. Gensichen: Theologie der Ökumene 15. Gö 1977, VR. 158 p. DM 24. - RTPhil 53 (1978) 623s (H. Zwiefelhofer: Standpunkt Argentin.-protestant. über Santiago/Chile 1972 'Christen für den Sozialismus'); SvTKv 55 (1978) 32ss (M. Hofmann). 9780 Molari Carlo, Liberazione: ➔ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 726-53. 9781 Moltmann Jürgen, Theologie et droits de l'homme, tr. Ac Birmele: RevSR 52 (1978) 299-311 (- 314, discussion). 9782 Murchie D., The NT View of Wealth Accumulation: JEvTSoc 21 (1978) 335-44. 9783 Mysterium Salutis, vol. IV [ed. bras. ➔ 58s,8570], 8: Libartac:ao e Homem Novo. Tr. Cle E. Binder. Petr6polis 1978, Vozes. 140 p. 9784 No/an Albert, a) Jesus before Christianity, the Gospel of Liberation

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1977 -> 58s,6039: RscotJT 31 (1978) 80ss (J. K. S. Reid); TLond 81 (1978) 228ss (R. Roberts: compares unfavorably with J. L. Segundo, J. P. Miranda, A. Fierro). - b) Jesus avant le christianisme. L'evangile de la liberation, tr. J.-M. Dumortier. P 1978, Ouvrieres. 190 p. BCentProtEt 31 (1979) 414 (C. L'Eplattenier). 9785 N0rgaard E., Partisanen Jesus. Lynge 1975, Bogan. 166 p. Kr 49,50. 0 87-8753-3189. 9786 Ogden Schubert M., Faith & Freedom: Toward a Theology of Liberation. Nv 1979, Abingdon. 128 p. $3.95 pa. 9787 O'Riordan Seän, Bemard Häring's Theology of Non-Violence:-> 10, Fs. B. HÄRING 1977, 679-695. 9788 Pablo Maroto Daniel de, Pueblo cautivo y peregrino: apuntes para una teologia del cautiverio y la liberaciön en los padres: RevEspir 37 (Madrid 1978) 577-600. 9789 Patrick D., Political Exegesis: -> 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 139152. 9790 Pauw F. De, ed., Bevrijd om te dienen: Bijbelse en eigentijdse bevrijdingstheologie en -catechese: Verslagboek v.d. Vliebergh-Sencie-Leergang atä. Catechese: Theol. en Past. publ. K. U. Leuven. Antwerpen/Amst 1978, Patmos. 312 p. f 43, Fb 595. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 320 (S. Van Calster). 9791 Perez-Esclarin A., Atheism and Liberation, tr. J. Drury (1. The Idolatrous Civilization; 11. God and Human Liberation (... in the Bible. p. 7795); III. Toward a Dialogue with Atheism (... as a purifying agent for Christianity ... )] - Maryknoll, NY/L 1978, Orbis/SCM. VI-201 p. i:3.95. 9192 Peters T., The Messianic Banquet and World Hunger: RelLife 47 (1978) 497-508. 9793 Peters Tiemo R., Die Präsenz des politischen in der Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffers. Eine historische Untersuchung in systematischer Absicht (diss. Münster dir. J. B. Metz): Gesellschaft und Theologie, syst. Beiträge 18. Mil/Mainz 1976, Kaiser/Grünewald. 224p. DM 25. - RzKT 100 (11)78) l81s ([W.] K[ern]). 9794 Phillips Steven, The Use of Scripture in Liberation Theologics: An Examinaliun uf Juai1 Luis Segwido, Ja111esII. Cone, and Jürgen Moltmann: diss. Southem Baptist Theological Seminary 1978, dir. D. L. Mueller. 298 p. 0 77821379. - DissA 39 (1978s) 2994-A. 9195 Pinckaers S., La violence, le sacre et le christianisme [R. Girard 1972/8]: NVet 54 (1979) 292-305; encore 306-10 par G. B[razzola]. 9796 Pobee John S., Toward an African Theology. Nashville 1979, Abingdon. 174 p. $5.95 pa. 9797 Ponthot J., L'Ecriture comme instance critique et inspiratrice des Theologies de la liberation: Foi et societe, Acta Congressus intemat. theol. Lovaniensis 1976 (Gembloux 1978, Duculot) 183-190. 9798 Preuss H. D., Kamlah E., Signer M. A., Wingren G., Barmherzigkeit [AT; NT; Judentum; Ethisch]:-> 895, TRE 5,ls (1979) 215-238. Rahner Karl al., Befreiende Theologie; der Beitrag Lateinamerikas 1977 -> 504. 9799 Rendtorff Trutz, Politische Ethik und Christentum: TExH, 200. Mü


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1978, Kaiser. 68 p. DM 7,80. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 211 (H.-D. van Hoogstraten). 9800 Rhoditis F., IQ] Christianismos kai ploutos . . . Christianity and wealth: the problem of waste and use of life's goods in the light of Scripture and the church tradition of the first four centuries. Athenai 1970, Christ. Demokratia. 306 p. 9801 Rizzi A., 11 credente come soggetto di storia. Bultmann risponde ai 'teologi politici' [E. Bloch, J. Moltmann, M. Miegge, R. Alves, F. Belo, D. Sölle: II. Obbedienza e amore creatore; III. La concezione del soggetto; IV. Mito e demitizzazione]: Ricerche teologiche, dir. C. Molari. R 1978, Borla. 166 p. Lit. 4000. 9802 Roy R., Gesu guerriero dell'indipendenza. Mi 1979, Murzia. 396 p. Lit. 12.000. 9803 Russell E. A., Church and State in the NT: IrTQ 44 (1977) 192-207. 9804 Ruston R., The Politics of the Spirit [... Jesus & the Zealots; the Poor ... ] : NBlackfr 60 (1979) 148-163. 9805 Sabugal Santos, Liberaci6n y secularizaci6n. lntento de una respuesta biblica. Barcelona 1978, Herder. XI-370p. 9806 Sainte Croix G. de, Early Christian Attitudes to Property and Slavery: ➔ 387, Backer D., Church 1975, 1-38. 9807 Bojorge H., Hacia las raices del nacionalismo teol6gico latinoamericano, Sänchez Aljofrin (1727-1803): Notas correctivas y suplementarias: PerspT [10 (1978) 307ss] 11 (1979) 33-35. 9808 Santa Ana J. de, Good News to the Poor: The Challenge of the Poor in the [OT/NT ... ] History of the Church. Geneva 1977, World Council Ch. 125 p. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 376s (A. Kee). 9809 Sauter Gerhard, 'Exodus' und 'Befreiung' als theologische Metaphern. Ein Beispiel zur Kritik der Allegorese und missverstandenen Allegorien in der Ethik: EvTh 38 (1978) 538-559. 9810 Scheffczyk Leo, a) Politische Implikationen in der Christologie?: Jahrbuch für christliche Sozialwissenschaften 19 (1978) 83-99. - b) lmplicaciones politicas en la cristologia: Tierra Nueva 6,24 (1978) 20-30. 9811 Schillebeeckx E., Bcvrijdingsthcologiccn tusscn Mcdclliri cn Pucbla. Rede op de 55e dies natalis van de Katholieke Universiteit te Nijmegen op 13 oktober 1978. 20 p. 9812 Schöpfer H., Stehle E. Hg., Kontinent der Hoffnung: Die Evangelisierung Lateinamerikas heute und morgen: Beiträge und Berichte zur 3. Generalversammlung des lateinamerikanischen Episkopats in Puebla 1979: Entwicklung und Frieden 8. Mü/Mainz 1979, Kaiser/Grünewald. 164 p. DM 18,50. 9813 Schroeder Hans-H., i, Tienen los dichos de Jesus referentes a la pobreza consecuencias eticas en la realidad social?: ➔ 406, Brummel L., Los pobres 1978, 29-43. 9814 Schröder Heinz, Jesus und das Geld: Wirtschaftskommentar zum NT: Gesellschaft für kulturhistorische Dokumentation. Karlsruhe 1979, Hadenia. XVI-311p., ill.; bibliog. 292-5. DM 29,50 pa. 0 3-7617-0158-6. 9815 Schwantes M., Das Recht der Armen: BeiBibExT 4, 1977 ➔ 58s,8129: RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 190 (P. Kevers).

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9816 Segundo J. L., a) Liberaci6n de 1a teologia. Buenos Aires 1976 [➔ 58s,9145].- b) The Liberation of Theology. Maryknoll, NY 1976, Orbis. 241 p. $10.95. - RCurrTMiss 5 (1978) 184 (S. Albertin); Interpr 32 (1978) 329s (R. H. Craig). 9817 Slade Stanley D., The Theological Method of Juan Luis Segundo: diss. Fuller Theological Seminary 1979. 9818 Seifart Arnulf, Der Gott der politischen Theologie. Die Entwicklung der Gottesdiskussion vom kämpfenden Nationalgott bis zur christlich motivierten Strategie des Guerillakrieges (< diss. Giessen 1976). Einsiedeln/Köln 1978, Benziger. xv-377 p. DM 36,80 pa. 9819 Serralda Vincent, Le Christ et les polices. Tours 1~78, F.D.L.F. 218 p. 9820 Shejavali A., The Idea of God in Liberation Theology: diss. Aquinas Institute of Theology 1978. 496 p. 0 7914148. DissA 40 (1979s) 1555s-A. 9821 Shurden Robert M., The Christian response to poverty in the New Testament era: diss. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1970. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. 9822 Sider R. J., Christ and Violence. Scottdale PA/Kitchener Ont. 1979, Herald. 108 p. US $4.95/Can $5.75 pa. 0 0-8361-1895-2. 9823 Soares Prabhu G. M., Good News to the Poor: The Social Implications of the Message of Jesus: Biblebhashyam 4 (1978) 193-212. 9824 Sobrino J., Das Verhältnis Jesu zu den Armen und Deklassierten. Bedeutung für die Fundamentalmoral, tr. H. Pfijfner: Conc-D 15 (1979) 629-34. - Relaci6n de Jesus con los pobres y declasados: Conc-C 15/3 (1979) 461-71. - Relation de Jesus avec les pauvres et les declasses, tr. J. Dumont: Conc-F 15/50 (1979) 25-34. - Rapporto di Gesu con i poveri e disereditati, tr. L. Bianchi: Conc-It. 15 (1979) 1647-59. 9825 Spicq C., Le vocabulairc de l'csclavage dans le NT [andrapodon, doulos, therapön, korasion, oiketes, pafs .. . ; soma]: RB 85 (1978) 201-226. 9826 Spülheck V., Neomarxismus und Theologie: Gesellschaftskritik in Kritischer Theorie und Politischer Theologie [Diss. Pont. Univ. Gregoriana 1975, dir. P. Henrici. 'Politische Theologie' von J. B. Metz; 'Krit. Theorie' von Max Horkheimer al.; ... Ansätze zu einer Theolog. Weiterführung Politischer Theologie; Pneuma und Elddesin]: FreibTSt 107. Fr etc. 1977, Herder. 312 p. 9827 Sudar P. El rostro del pobre 'inversi6n del ser' y revelaci6n del 'mäs allä der ser' en la :6.losofiade Ern. Levinas: su resonancia en la :6.losofia y teologia de la liberaci6n en Latinoamerica: diss. Münster 1959, 535 p. 9828 Szlaga J., ~ Gesu sul lavoro e sui beni materiali: Znak 28 (1976) 1634-43. 9829 Thraede K.., Gleichheit A. Nichtchristlich: Griech ... , Röm.; Philon (col. 140-42); B. Christlich (NT, bis Nizäa, Nach.konstantinisch): .....892, RAC 11,81 (1979) 122-161. 9830 Tihon Paul, Un discours de la methode pour les theologies de 1a liberation [Clodovis Bo.ff. diss. Lv I 978); T.Vitae 14 (1979) 257-265. 9831 Tödt Heinz E., Biblische Botschaft und moderne Friedenskonzepte. Hermeneutische Probleme des Verhältnisses von Bibelexegese und kirchlicher


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Friedensforschung: -+ 477, Liedke G., Eschatologie 1978, 333-92. 9832 Tutu Desmond M. B., Versöhnung ist unteilbar[< Eng.]: Interpretationen biblischer Texte zur Schwarzen Theologie. Wu 1977, Jugenddienst. 68p. 9833 Vargas-Machuca A., i.Por que condenaron a muerte a Jesus de Nazaret? I;:stE 54 (1979) 441-70. 9834 Vidal Garcia Marciano, 'Teologia de la Liberaci6n' y etica social cristiana. Interrogantes sobre el metodo de la Teologia moral: -+ 100, Fs. B. HÄRING1977, 207-18. 9835 Visentin Pelagio, Poverta e Regno di Dio nel NT: -+ 691, Vingiani M., Annuncio ai poveri 1977, 47-67. 9836 Wiedenbofer Siegfried, Politische Theologie [biblisch nur Hermeneutik]. Stu 1976, Kohlhammer. 148 p. DM 19,80. - RTR 74 (1978) 131ss (J. Herten). 9837 Xhaufßaire Marcel al., Präctica de la teologia politica: Agora. Salamanca 1978, Sigueme. H8.8 Theologia Feminae - Women in tbe NT.

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9838 Abdul-Rauf M., The Islamic View of Women and the Family. NY 1977, R. Speller. 171 p. - RJAAR 46 (1978) 392s (J. A. Grispino: 'the most effective dynamite will be a series of quotations from the Koran and thc Hadith on the rights of woman '). 9839 Aldama J. A. de al., i.Mariologia en Crisis?: Estudios Marianos XLII. Barcelona 1978, Sociedad Mariol6gica Esp. 188 p. - RJTS 30 (1979) 596ss (C. P. Thompson: 'a forbidden garden füll of rather exotic plants ... disconcerting use of O.T. texts'). Alonso Joaquin M., Bibliografia sobre Maria y la mujer -+ 969. 9840 Ashe G., The Virgin [ever more estranged from Jesus ... ] 1976 -+ 58s,6408: RstCompRel 11 (1977) 126s (J. C. Cooper). 9841 Aubert Jean-Marie, La donna. Antifemminismo e cristianesimo. Cittä di Castello 1976, Cittadella. 224 p. Lit. 3200-+ 58s,9139: RsacDoc 21 (1976) 561s (G. M. Cavalcoli). 9842 Bartchy S., Power, submission, and sexual identity among the early Christians: -+ 258, Fs. D. WALKER1978. 9843 Bernal Palacios A., La condici6n de la mujer en Santo Tomas de Aquino: EscVedat 4 (1974) 285-335. 9844 Bertbier Rene al. ed., Jesus und seine Mutter [< Jesus, fils de Marie] tr. C. Mergen: Die Bibel, NT 1. Paris / Ostwald 1977, Univers-Media / Sadifa. 48 p, 9845 Boff Leonardo, a) 0 rostro matemo de Deus. Ensaio interdisciplinar sobre o feminino e suas formas religiosas: Teologia Centro da Investiga,;:äoe Divulga,;:äo 18. Petr6polis 1979, Vozes. 267 p. - b) El rostro materno de Dios. Ensayo interdisciplinar sobre lo fomenino y sus förmas religiosas. M 1979, Paulinas. 308 p. - RMayeutica 5 (1979) 324 (J. M. Bengoa). 9846 Bojorge Horacio, a) La figura de Maria a traves de los Evangelistas

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1975 --> 57,4987; 58s,6416: Roregorianum 59 (1978) 424ss (C. Pozo). b) Maria zoals de evangelisten haar zien, tr. P. Penning de Vires. Nijmegen/Brugge 1978, Gottmer/Emmaus. 64 p. 9847 Boldrey R. & J., Chauvinist or Feminist? Paul's View of Women 1976 ..... 58s,6750: RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 124.128 (K. Melang); NorTTs 80 (1979) 176 (T. K. Seim). 9848 Berresen Kari E., Christ notre mere: La theologie de Julienne de Norwich [p. 328 (corrige) le caractere androcentrique de la doctrine traditionnelle]: --> 104, Fs. R. HAUBST, Menschenbild Kues 1978, 320-9. 9849 B0l'resenKari E., a) Subordination et equivalence. Nature et röle de la femrne d'apres Augustin et Thomas d'Aquin. Oslo Univ. - b) Natura e ruolo della donna in Agostino e Tommaso d'Aquino, tr. E. L. Lanzarini. 'Teologia Attraverso ... '. Assisi 1979, Cittadella. 328 p. Lit. 7000. 9850 Bosch J. (bibliog.), El ministerio de la mujer en las Iglesias cristianas: EscVedat 4 (1974) 199-283. 9851 Boucher M. a/., Women and Priestly Ministry: the NT Evidence [CBA Committee Report]: CBQ 41 (1979) 608-13. 9852 Brandby-CösterM., Nyman B., Strid A., Kvinna - kyrka (Woman church). Sto 1977, Verbum. 30 p. 9853 Brown Raymond E., Donfried Karl P., Fitzmyer Joseph A., Reumann John cd., Mary in the New Testament: A Collaborative Assessment by Protestant and Roman Catholic Scholars Ph/NY 1978, Fortress/Paulist. xn-323 p. $3.95 pa. 0 0-8006-1345-7. The separate chapters indicate only the first draller or discussion-leader. - RcleR 64 (1979) 342 (E. Doyle); Interpr 33 (1979) 430s (J. E. Alsup); JAAR 47 (1979) 314-316 (R. R. Ruether); ScriptB 10 (1979s) 21s (R. Hammer). La donna nella Bibbia: Maria a Cana --> 7268. 9854 Bruyn L. de, Woman and thc Devil in Sixteenth-Century Literature. Tisbury 1979, Compton. xn-180 p. :E9.95. 9855 Bynum Carotine W., Jesus as Mother and Abbot as Mother: Some Themes in Twelfth-Century Cistercian Writing: HarvTR 70 (1977) 25784. 9856 Campenhausen Hans von, Die Jungfrauengeburt in der Theologie der alte11Kirche: ➔ 289, Urchristliches 1979, 63-161 (-+ 5881). 9857 Christ C. P., Plaskow J. ed., Womanspirit Rising: a Feminist Reader in Religion. SF 1979, Harper & R. XI-287p. $5.95. ' 9858 Colombo D., a) La Donna nella Bibbia; b) Maria nel Vangelo e nell' Apocalisse di S. Giovanni: Fons Signatus 17; 20. Pallanza 1977, Chaminade. 142 p.; 105 p. 9859 Condren M., Für die verbannten Kinder Evas. Eine Einführung in die feministische Theologie: UnSa 32 (1977) 300-7. Congreso mariol6gico / mariano, Zaragoza 1979 --> 812. Coriden J. A. ed., Sexism and Church Law: Equal Rights and Affirmative Action 1978 .....412. 9860 Coyle J. K., The Fathers on Women and Women's Ordination: EglT 9 (1978) 51-101. 9861 CrüsemannFrank, Thyen Hartwig, Als Mann und Frau geschaffen: exegetische Studien zur Rolle der Frau: Kennzeichen 2. B-Gelnhausen/Stein 41. - E/ench11sbib/iographiClls60 (1979)


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1978, BurckhardVLaetare. 208 p. DM 29 (subscr. 25). 0 3-7664-0084-3 / 37839-3021-9. ➔ 1955. 9862 Daly Mary, Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation. Boston 1974, Beacon. 9863 Deiss L., Mary Daughter of Sion [< Marie fille de Sion] tr. B. T. Blais. Collegeville MN 1972, Liturgical. xvr-290p. 9864 Dewey J., Frauenbilder: ➔ 9960, Als Mann und Frau ruft er uns, hrg. L. M. Russen (Mü 1979, Pfeiffer) 52-69. 9865 Dianich S. / Galot J., Donna nella Chiesa: ➔ 891, Nuovo Diz. Teol. 1977, 336-9/-48; 834-50 Maria (Mariologia 850-884, S. De Fiores) ➔ 58s,85 l 4b.6425. 9866 Doyle E., The Blessed Virgin Mary and Dialogue with Evangelicals: CleR 64 (1979) 347-357. 9867 Dürig Walter, Maria, Muller üer Kirche: zur Geschkht.e und Theologie des neuen liturgischen Marientitels. Sankt Ottilien 1979, EOS-Verlag. 85 p. DM 4,80. 0 3-88096-049-6. 9868 Dumas Andre / Simon Rene, La reference a l'Ecriture dans la reflexion protestante / [chez les catholiques] sur la sexualite et la famille: ➔ 632, Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 69-93/95-113. 9869 Ehrlich E., IE] The Bible on woman: RuBi 28 (1975) 245-52. 9870 Engelsman Joan C., The Feminine Dimension of the Divinc. Ph 1979, Westminster. 203 p. $8.95 pa. 0 0-664-24268-5. 9871 Faxon A. C., Frauen im NT: vom Umgang Jesu mit Frauen [ 872, Diz. Spir. 1975: 1, 641-7. 9882 Goldenberg N., Changing of the Gods: Feminism and the End of Tra-

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ditional Religions. Boston 1979, Beacon. vm-152 p. $9.95. 9883 Greeley Andrew M., a) The Mary Myth: on the Femininity of God 1977 -> 58s,6431: REphMar 29 (1979) 72-5 (G. Canal: perspectivas de notable valor); JAAR 46 (1978) 416s (C. P. Christ). - b) Maria: Über die weibliche Dimension Gottes, tr. A. Grabner-Haider, P. Wyss. Graz 1979, Styria. 255 p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-222-11150-2. 9884 Grelot Pierre, Marie (Vierge) [1. Marie dans l'Ecriture Sainte]: -> 871, DictSpir 10,64s (1977) 409-23 [-82]. 9885 Grass R. M., Hindu Female Deities as a Resource for the Contemporary Rediscovery of the Goddess [and her 'thealogians' and priestesses füll of 'respect and awe' for the God-She (Durjä-Käli), - the Goddess as a 'totally empowering symbol' in the postpatriarchal age which 'imparts to women,a certain sense of dignity, self-worth, personal assertiveness, and simple visibility' (p. 274)]: JAAR 46 (1978) 269-291. 9886 Gryson R., The Ministry of Women in the Early Church [1972 -> 53,4996 ... 57,6843b], tr. J. Laporte, M. L. Hall. Collegeville MN 1976, Liturgical. 156 p. $4.85. - RTS 40 (1979) 187 (F. Cardman). 9887 r.uerra M. G., Maria, la primera carismätica en la Iglesia: EphMar 28 (1978) 323-337. 9888 Gutierrez A., An mulieres possint esse 'Vicarii Episcopales'?: ComRelMiss 60 (1979) 201-210. 9889 Gyllenberg R., Skall kvinnan tala eller tiga? [Mulier, loquatur an taceat (in Ecclesia)?]. Sto 1978, Verbum. 15 p. - SvTKv 55 (1979) 140s (R. Söderlund). 9890 Häring Bemard, a) Mary and Your Everyday Life: a Book of Meditations. Li&uori MO 1978, Liguori. 128 p. $6.95. - b) The Song of the Servant: biblical meditations on Mary, the mother and model of the Church. Slough 1977, Sl. Paul. m-113 p. 0 0-85439-143-6. 9891 Halkes C., Buddingh D. ed., Als vrouwen aan het Woord komen: Aspccten van de feministische theologie. Kampen 1977, Kok. 139 p. /14,90, 989?. H11vi~P. Himir.t K., Thr. C:oncem for the Widow and the Fatherless in thc Ancicnt Near East: A Case Study in OT Ethics [ ... The Concem for the Underpri vileged in Eg., Mesup. NW Semilic and Israelile liteiatures ... ]: diss. Yale 1978. 346 p. 0 7915827. - DissA 40 (1979s) 314-A. 9893 Heiler Friedrich, Die Frau in den Religionen der Menschheit: Th. Bib. Töpelmann 33, 1976. 0 3-11-06583-5 ➔ 58s,c715: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 111 (Maria ter Steeg); BO 34 (1977) 409s (C. J. Bleeker); GerefTT 78 (1978) 278ss (M. J. Koornneef-Lugtigheid); TLZ 103 (1978) 864ss (Ilse Bertinetti). 9894 Heyward C., A Priest Forever: The Formation of a Woman and a Priest. NY 1976, Harpr.r & Row. 146 p. $6.95. 9895 Hoch-Smith Judith, Spring Anita, ed., Women in Ritual and Symbolic Roles. NY/L 1978, Plenum. 289 p. $19.50. - RzEthnul 104 (1979) 313s (Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin). 9896 Holt-Clincbcll C., Vrouwen op weg noar bevrijding: Woord en weg. Haarlem 1977, De Toorts. 93 p. /20. 9897 House H. W., Paul, Women, and Contemporary Evangelical Feminism:


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BS 136 (1979) 40-53. 9898 Howe E. M., Women and Church Leadership [ ... 'If leadership roles in the church are charismatic ... '): EvQ 51 (1971) 97-104; cf. --->8278. Huftier M., Sur les droits de la femme: EsprVie 89 (1979) 561-8 --->8140, Eph 5, 21-32. 9899 Jaubert Annie, a) Le röle des femmes dans le peuple de Dieu. Recher- · ehe de criteres en reference a l'Ecriture: ---> 632, Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 53-68. - b) Les femmes dans l'Ecriture. Eclairages pour aujourd'hui: VieChretSup. P 1979. 80 p. ---> 1962. 9900 Jewett P. K., Man as Male and Female: A Story in Sexual Relationships from a Theological Point of View OT-NT 1975 ---> 57,6044; 58s,7744: RJnterpr 33 (1979) 197-99 (C. Exum). 9901 Johansson Nils, Women and the Church's Ministry. An Exegetical Study of 1 Cor 11-14, tr. C. J. de Catanzaro; pref. E. Segelberg.Halifax 1972, Dalhousie Univ. 111 p. 9902 Jordan Placidus, Die Töchter Gottes. Zum Thema Frau und Kirche 1973 .....55,5495: Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 96 (P. Fransen). 9903 Kahl Susanne Hg., Die Zeit des Schweigens ist vorbei: zur Lage der Frau in der Kirche: Siebenstern 335. Gü 1979, Mohn. 104 p.; bibliog. 100-103. DM 8,80 pa. 0 3-579-03753-6. 9904 Kaltenbrunner G.-K., Ist der Heilige Geist weiblich?: UnSa 32 (1977) 273-9 [--->58s,8358 erratum in lndic.e]; totus fase. 'Frau-Kirche-Ökumene ', .....58s,8417 E. Wurz; 58s,9310 K. Thraede; at hie .....A. Fonk 9875, M. Condren 9859. 9905 Keefe Donald J., Sacramental sexuality [OT, Eph, Lk] and the ordination of women: CommSpok 5 (1978) 228-251. 9906 Kessler Evelyn S., Women: an Anthropological View. NY 1976, HoltRW. 267 p. - RzEthn 104 (1979) 182s (S. Seiler). 9907 Keuck W. M. T., Maria und die Bibel Israels. FribourgS 1978, Kanisius. 9908 Kroeger Richard and Catherine C., St. Paul's Treatment of Misogyny, Gynephobia rsicl, and Sex Segregation in 1 Cor 11,2-6 r➔ 583, Achtemeier J., Seminar 1979, II 213-221) ---> 7963. 9909 Lamirande Emilicn, Quclqucs visagcs de scductricc [' Fcmmc commc tentation et danger', K. Thraede RAC 8,258]: Pour une theologie de la condition feminine selon saint Ambroise: SciEspr 31 (1979) 173-89. 9910 Laurentin Rene, Marie, Mere du Christ [I. Etude doctrinale (... Ecriture ... ) ... ]: ---> 869, Catholicisme 8,35 (P 1978) 524-85; Iconologie: 26. 585-608 (J. de Mahnet). 9911 Laurentin R., Les charismes de Marie: Ecriture, Tradition et Sitz im Leben: EphMar 28 (1978) 309-321. 9912 Ledit J., Marie dans la liturgie byzantine 1976 .....57,5002: RRechSR 66 (1978) 409 (C. Kannengiesser). 9913 Legrand L., Women's Ministries in the NT: Biblebhashyam 2 (1976) 286-299. 9914 Leon Edmundo: Maria y la lglesia profetica. (Lima, Peri1 1977, Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones. 47 p. 9915 Lindströin M., Bibeln och bekännelsen om kvinnliga präster [Bible and

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denominations on women priestsl. Hägersten/Lund 1978, Verbum/Ohlsson. 110 p. - RsvTKv 55 (1979) 14lss (R. Söderlund). 9916 Litfin A. D., Evangelical Feminism: Why Traditionalists Reject lt: BS 136 (1979) 258-271 [ ... Gal 3,28). Lodi Enzo, Ministero della donna ... Rassegna bibliografica 1976 ➔ 989. 9917 Lüthi Kurt, Gottes neue Eva: Nicht länger nur 'Gott- Vater'. Das verdrängte weibliche Element in der Theologie: LuthMonH 18 (1979) 66771.

9918 Lüthi K., Gottes neue Eva: Wandlungen des Weiblichen. Stu 1978, Kreuz. 288 p. DM 29. 9919 MacDonald Dennis, Virgins, Widows and Paul in Second Century Asia Minor: ➔ 583, Achtemeier P., Seminar 1979, I 169-184. 9920 McHugh J., a) La Mere de Jesus dans le NT: LectDiv 90, 1972 ➔ 58s,6439: REphMar 28 (1978) 283s (Dom. Fernandez). - b) La Madre de Jesus en el Nuevo Testamento. Bilbao 1979, Deslee-B. 551 p. 0 84-3300422-0. 9921 McNamara J. A., Wives and Widows in Early Christian Thought: International Journal of Women's Studies 2 (Montreal 1979) 575-592. 9922 Marchi B. De ed., In nome de11a donna. Mi 1976, Vita e pensiero. 166 p. - Rsa1 41 (1979) 192s (M. Midoli). 9923 l, Mariolog[a en crisis? Los Dogmas Marianos y su revisi6n teol6gica: Estudios Marianos 42, 1978 ➔ 9839. 9924 Martinelli Alessio [esegeta], Maria, la Chiesa, la donna e la gioia messianica 1 1975 ➔ 57,5005: RsacDoc 22 (1977) 334s (G. Cavalcoli). - ed. 2, Bo 1976, Francescane. 142 p. - Sal 40 (1978) 700s (D. Bertetto: bibliografia per portare avanti il discorso sui problemi della donna). 9925 Mas i Anto J., La Biblia i les vidues: Qüestions de Vida Cristiana 95 (19'/9) ·1-1,.

9926 Meinardus 0. F. A., Zum 25. Jahrestag der Auffindung des Gpttesmutter-Gürtels in Horns, Syrien [in der ,syrisch-orthod. (Jakobitischen) Gottesmutter-Gürtel-Kirche]: OrChr 63 (1979) 61-74. 9927 Meinhold Peter, Maria in der Ökumene [Vortrag R Marianum 1Q7R (fran~.), Darmstadt kath. Akad 1979]: Inst. für Europ. Gesch. Mainz, Vorträge 72. Wb 1978, Steiner. 45 p. DM 7,20 pa. 0 3-515-02998-2. 9928 Merode Marie de, Une theologie primitive de la femme [Gai 3,28]?: RTLouv 9 (1978) 176-189. 9929 Mesa C. E., Mujeres en tomo a Cristo. Medellin 1978. 2 vol. 9930 Michaud J.-P., L'attitude du Christ et la pratique des Apötres. Le poids des arguments retenus par le document romain [contre l'ordination des femmes]: EglT 9 (1978) 37-50. 9931 Miguens M., Mary, 'The Servant of the Lord': an Ecumenical Proposal [biblical reexamination]. Boston 1979, St. Paul. 196p. $3.75; 2.25pa. 9932 Mollenkott V. R., Women, Men, and the Bible 1977 ➔ 58s,7754: RcalvTJ 13 (1978) 23i-34 (W. K. Stob). 9933 Moltmann-WendelElisabeth, (Die Frau im NT: in) Freiheit, Gleichheit, Schwesterlichkeit. Zur Emanzipation der Frau in Kirche und Gesellschaft. Mü 1977, Kaiser. 72 p. - RNorTTs 79 (1978) 130ss (R. Danielsen); TsTNijm 18 (1978) 100 (C. J. M. Ha/kes).


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9934 Moltmann-WendelE. Hg. [M. Reppekus amer. tr.], Frauenbefreiung. Hibhsche und theologische Argumente [- Menschenrechte für die .Frau2 rev.]: Gesellschaft und Theologie 12. Mü/Mainz 1978, Kaiser/Grünewald. 201 p. DM 24,50. 9935 Montefiore H., Yes to Women Priests. L 1978, Mayhew-McCrimmon / Mowbray. 88 p. :E0.95.- RExpTim 90 (1978s) ls [C. S. Roddj. 9936 Montley Patricia, Bible herstory: a one-act comedy in six scenes for an all-female cast. NY/L 1975, S. French. 48 p., ill. fl.55. 9937 Moore Peter ed., Man, Woman, & Priesthood. L 1978, SPCK. 181 p. · f:2.95. - RExpTim 90 (1978s) ls [C. S. Rodd: articles of bishops, Jews, Catholics, Anglicans, womr.n, all against womr.n's orclination but all unconvincing]; TLond 82 (1979) 136ss (Daphne Hampson: painful; response by P. Cornwell.138 ss). 9938 Müller A., Die Mutter Jesu als Thema der Theologie: TPQ 127 (1979) 330-340. 9939 Mundle 1., Augustinus und Aristoteles und ihr Einfluss auf die Einschätzung der Frau in Antike und Christentum: JbAC 22 (1979) 61-69: 2 Cor 11,7; Gn 2,4; 1,1 ... Arist. Pol. 1,2: 1252a 3015 tomen gar dynamenon tp dianoi9 prooran archon physei kai desp6zon physei ... 9940 Nicholson D., Mary: A Living Tradition in Anglicanism: ClcR 42 (1977) 318-323. 9941 Nicolas J.-H., Homme et femme il les crea. L'idee chretienne du mariage. P 1978, Tequi. 152 p. - RNVet 53 (1978) 235ss (G. Boissard); Sal 41 (1979) 911 (G. Abba). 9942 Ochs Carol, Behind the Sex of God: Toward a New Consciousness Transcending Matriarchy and Patriarchy. Boston 1977, Beacon. xm177 p. $9.95. Meier J. UII 01dimlliu11 ur WUIU~II _, 7965. 9943 Osculati R., La madre di Gesu. Letture dal NT: Spiritualita del nostro tempo. Mi 1979, Ist. Propaganda Libraria. 154 p. Lit. 2.500. 9944 Pagels Elaine, What Became of God the Mother? Conflicting Images of God in Early Christianity: Signs, .Tournai of Women in Culture and Society 2 (1976) 293-303. 9945 Papl' Du10thy, Ouu a11u Wumen: a fresh look. at what the NT says about women. Ox 1978, Mowbrays. 208 p. f:3.50. 9946 Pelser G. M. M., Women and Ecclesiastical Ministries in Paul: Neotest 10 (1976) 92-109. Peretto P., present., Sviluppi teologici postconciliari e Mariologia 1977 ➔ 677. 9947 Perolli lnjac, 11sacerdozio comune nell'insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano 112. R 1977, Officium Libri Catholici. 174 p. (pars 4: activitas ecclesiastica feminarum). - RTPhil 53 (1978) 597s (C. Marucci: kaum empfohlen; schlecht italienisch; Schrift unkritisch). · 9947* Pozo C., Maria en la Escritura y en la fe de la Iglesia: BAC, popular 13. M 1979, Cat61ica. 172 p. 9948 Provera M., La promozione della donna alla luce della storia sacra: Estudios Tcol6gicos 5,10 (Guatemala 1978) 219-229. 9949 Provesan V., Recent Trends in Mariology: VidJyo 43 (1979) 294-310.

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9950 Raming 1., 'Gleichwertig - aber andersartig'. Zu einem üblichen Argumentatsschcma gegen das Priestertum der Frau [ ... Frauenfäindliche Bi bclstcllen und ihre patristische Deutung ... ] : Orientierung 43 (1979) 21821. 9951 Ratzinger Joseph, La figlia di Sion. La devozione a Maria nella Chiesa. [Die Tochter Zion 1977 .....58s,6451], tr. Gianni Poletti: Gia e non ancora, pocket 38. Mi 1979, Jaca. 80 p. 9952 Ratzinger J. al., a) Misi6n de la mujer en la Iglesia. Comentarios a la declaraci6n Inter insigniores de la Sagrada Congregaci6n para la Doctrina de la fe [H. U. v. Balthasar, J. Bernardin, A. Descamps, G. Martelet, G. Martimert, M. J. Nicolas, R. Spiazz1]: BAC, Popular 12. M 1978, Cat6lica. xm-168 p. 220 ptas. - RGregorianum 60 (1979) 406s (J. Galot). b) The Order of Priesthood: Nine Commentaries [from OssRom] on the Vatican decree 'Inter Insigniores'. Huntington IN 1978, Our Sunday V. 145 p. $7.50. - RTs 39 (1978) (J. V. Schall: Offi.cial and reasoned arguments against possibility of women's ordinution: a thing not easy to find elsewhere). 9953 Reiter Rayna R. ed., Toward an Anthropology of Women NY/L 1975, Monthly Review Press. 395 p. pa. - RL'Homme 19 (1979) 235s (C. W. Gailey). Cf. ---->8359. 9954 Rinaldi Bonaventura, Tre sfide al pretc liberatore: neo-femminismo, euro-comunismo, neo-carismatismo. Padova 1977, Gregoriana. 184 p. Lit. 3200. 9955 Röper A., Ist Gott ein Mann? Ein Gespräch mit Karl Rahner [StiZt 195 (1977)]. Dü 1979, Patmos. 102 p. DM 12.80. 9956 Rouet A., Marie et la vie: ~hrM.ie:nne::'Marie, temoin de la foi de l'Eilise' [etc.]. P/Montreal 1978, Desclee De Br./Bellarmin. 140 p. - REsprVie MY (19'/9) 467-69 (B. Billet). 9957 Ruether Rosemarv R., Mary - The reminine Face of the Church. Ph 1977, Westmin~ter. 106 p. $3.65 pa. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 379 (G. R. Leppke); TS 39 (1978) 383s (J. A. Saliba). 9958 Ruether Rosemary, McLa11gh/in E. ed., Women of Spirit: Female Teitdership in the Jewish and Christian Traditions. NY 1979, Simon & Schuster. 400p. $11.95. 9959 Ruether R. R. ed., Religion and Sex: Images of Women in the Jewish and Christian Traditions 1974 ---->56,6139: RJQR 68 (1977s) 116 (B. J. Bamberger: frankly propagandistic). Russen L. M. ed., The Liberating Word; T. Seim on E. Fiorenza; Dewey on Gal 3,27 ---->515. 9960 Russen L. M. Hg., Als Mann und Frau ruft er uns: vom nicht-sexischen Gebrauch der Bibel [< amer.], tr. A. Heuwing-Arnold & A. Arnold. Mü 1979, Pfeiffer. 102 p. DM 16,50. - Russell p. 7-15, Einführung: die befreiende Macht des Wortes Gottes [zur Austreibung der Sünde des Sexismus für 'eine ganzheitlichere und inklusivere Interpretation der biblischen Botschaft für unsere Zeit']; p. 70-84, Sprachveränderung und Kirchenrefonn. 9961 Saenz Galaehe M., Var6n y mujer, ljuntos hacia Dios?: BibFe 4 (1978) 298-311.


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9962 Schelkle Karl Hermann, The Spirit and the Bride: Woman in the Bible [1977 .....S8s,8823], tr. M. J. O'Conne/l. Collegeville MN 1979. Liturgical. x-191 p. $3.95 pa. 0 0-8146-1008-0. 9963 Schering E., Tradition und Krise der männlichen Diakonie: .....271, Fs. W. ZELLER, Traditio 1976, 325-335. [Ex 52 art. hujus Fs., mulieres (omnes religiosae) scripserunt tres]. 9964 Schillebeeckx E., Basis & Ambt: Ambt in dienst van nieuwe gemeentevorming ['women/ordination', 'homofiele' etc.] Bloemendaal 1979, H. Nelissen. 127 p. [cum discuss.]. 9965 Schmidt Gail R., Lutheran Liturgical Prayer and God as Mother: Worship 52 (1978) 517-42. 9966 Sheets John R., The Catholic Theological Society of America and the Ordination of Women: CommSpok 5 (1978) 382-8. 9967 Söderlund R., Kvinnliga präster i historisk belysning [Women priests in historical light]: STKv 54 (1978) 65-75. 9968 Söll Georg, Die Entwicklung der Marienlehre [im NT und] in der Alten Kirche. Ein Beitrag zur Standortsbestimmung in der katholischen Dogmatik: TGl 68 (1978) 348-68; danach geschichtlich/theorisch H. M. Köster, U. Wickert, L. Schejfczyk. 9969 Speyr Adrienne von, Drei Frauen und der Herr. Einsiedeln 1978, Johannes. 107 p. Fs 15. 9970 [Spiazzi Raimondo, Kommentar]: Die Sendung der Frau in der Kirche. Die Erklärung 'Inter insigniores' hg. deutschspr. OssR. Kevelaer 1978, Butzon & B. 88 p. DM 8,80 pa. 0 3-7666-9009-4. 9971 Stagg Evelyn & Frank, Woman in the World of Jesus. 1978. 0 0-66424195-0 ....,.58s,8134: RßibTB 9 (1979) 139ss (S. M. Schneiders); CBQ 41 (1979) 664s (C. Osiek); lnterpr 33 (1979) 320.322 (N. J. Ramsay); TS 39 (1978) 825 (P. Snell). 9972 Stein D., Lc statut des fcmmcs dans lcs lcttrcs de Paul: LumVi~ 27 [---> 7587] (1979) 63-85. Stuhlmueller Carroll ed., Women and Priesthood: Future Directions; a Call to Dialogue . . . 1978 .....535. 9973 Suenens Lcon J., Your God? NY 1978, Seabury. 103 p. $3.95 pa. 9974 Swidler Lconard, Grcco-Roman Peminism and thc Rcccption of thc Gospel: .....271, Fs. W. ZELLER1976, 41-55; cf.--->1981. 9915 Thraede K., Augustin-Texte aus dem Themenkreis 'Frau', 'Gesellschaft' und 'Gleichheit' I: JbAC 22 (1979) 70-97 [Vestigia veritatis; 'Frau Cupiditas', Virtus der Frau: Die Frau als 'Ebenbild'?auch Gal 3.28; 1 Cor 11]. 9976 Trible Phyllis, God and the rhetoric of sexuality [Gn 2-3; Ct; Ruth]: Overtures to Biblical Theology. Ph 1978, Fortress. xvn-206 p. $6.50. 0 08006-0464-4. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 464s (M. L. Barre); JAAR 47 (1979) 312 (A. R. Mayeaux); TTqd 36 (1979s) 294s (K. D. Sakenfeld). 9977 Vizitiu Mihai, Invätätura dcsprc Maica Domnului dupa Sfinta Scriptu• ra, Die Lehre von der Mutter Gottes nach der hl. Schrift: Studii Teologice 30 (1978) 181-192. 9978 Vorländer H. al., Woman: ....,.888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1055-78. 9979 Wahlberg Rachel C., Jesus and the Freed Woman [Lk 13,10-17 ... con-

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tinuing Jesus According to a Woman 1975]: Deus. NY 1978, Paulist. VI167 p. $2.95. 0 0-8091-2139-5. 9980 Weite Bernhard, Vom Sinn der Marienverehrung: Erbe und Auftrag 55 (1979) 407-419. 9981 Wenham G., The Ordination of Women: why is it so divisive?: Churchman 92 (1978) 310-9: males natural leaders; reply by J. Baldwin 93 (1979) 54. 9982 Wijngaards J., a) Did Christ Rule Out Women Priests? UBangalore 1978, Matthew McCrimmon/ Asian Trading Corp. 96 p. il/rs4.50. - RBiblebhashyam 4 (1978) 253 (A. Mannarkulam). - b) Vrouwen geen priester? ['sociale mythr.']. Boxte! 1979, Kath. Bijbelstichting. 101 p. f14.75. RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 427s (C. Halkes). 9983 Women and Priestly Ministry. The NT Evidence [acc. to the Task Force on the Role of Women in Early Christianity, of the Executive Board of the Catholic Biblical Association of America]: CBQ 41 (1979) 608-613. 9984 Zimbalist Rosaldo Michelle, Lamphere Louise ed., Women, Culture, and Society. Stanford 1974, Univ. xi-318 p. - RL'Homme 19 (1979) 236 (A. Gott/ieb). (XV, 18]

H9 Eschatologia NT. 9985 Aland Kurt, Das Ende der Zeiten: Über die Naherwartung im NT und im der Alten Kirche: ➔ 275; Neutestan1entliche Entwürfe 1979, 124182. 9986 Areitio R. de, Resurrecci6n o inmortalidad: Publ Univ. de Deusto 1. Bilbao 1977. 251 p. 9987 Atzberger Leonhard, Die christliche Eschatologie in den Stadien ihrer Offenbarung im Alten und NT. Graz 1977 l= Fr 1890] Akademische DVA. xv-383 p. Sch. 500. 0 3-201-01005-7. 9988 Badham Paul, Christian Beliefs about Life After Death [➔ 58s,9326a: 1976, fä.95]. L 1978, SPCK. IX-175p. i3.50. 9989 Baihiy Lloyd R., Diblical Pcrspcctivcs on Death: Overtures to Biblical Theology. Ph 1979, Fortress. xiv-159 p. $6.95. 9990 Bald H., Eschatologische oder theozentrische Ethik? Anmerkungen zum Problem einer Verhältnisbestimmung von Eschatologie und Ethik in der Verkündigung Jesu: VerkF 24,1 (1979) 35-52. 9991 Balthasar Hans Urs von, La gloire et 1a croix. Les aspects esthetiques de la revelation III. Theologie, nouvelle alliance [Herrlichkeit, eine theologische Ästhetik 111/2] tr. R. Givord: Theologie 83. P 1975, Aubier. 106p. 9992 Barteis K. H., Remembrance: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 230-47. 9993 Baur Jörg, Unsterblichkeit und Auferstehung: Zeitwende 49 (1978) 193214. 9994 Bave/ T. J. van, Auferstehung: Gnmd oder Objekt des Glaubens an Christus: SNTU A3 (W 1978) 9-23 < neerl. TsTNijm 13 (1973) 13344.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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9995 Beilner W., Das bleibend Christliche [ ... und der Glaube an die Auferstehung Christi und an das Weiterleben nach dem Tod ... ]: BLtg 52 (1979) 228-38. 9996 Braun Jon E., Whatever Happened to Hell? Nv 1979, Thomas Nelson. 205 p. $7.95. 00-8407-5158-3. 9997 Bultmann Rudolf, Geschichte und Eschatologie [< 1955 Gifford Lectures E] tr. Eva Kra.fft3. Tü 1979, Mohr. vm-188 p. DM 48. 03-16141662-7. 9998 CarmignacJean, Le mirage de l'eschatologie. Royaute, Regne et Royaume de Dieu ... sans Eschatologie [ ... L'erreur qui rattache le Royaume de Dieu (pas l'E&lise, mais) l'eschatologie: Reimanis, Strauss, Reuss, Renan, J. Weiss, Loisy, Schweitzer, Bultmann, Dodd; contre: K. Barth ... ] P 1979, Letouzey et Ane. 256p.; bibliog. 217-235. F 100. 9999 Cody Aelred, 'Himmel' im NT tr. A. Berz: Conc-D 15 (1979) 156-61. Heaven: the NT: Conc-E 15/3 (1979) 34-42. 0 NT, tr. G. Avelino Titton: Conc-P 15 (1979) 289-97. al Delumeau Jean, Attentes eschatologiques et peur de Satan au debut des temps modernes: RicStorSocRel NS 12 (1977) 141-61. a2 Diez Macho A., La resurrecci6n de Jesucristo y la dcl hombre en la ßiblia 1977 ➔ 6312; 58s,6321: RGregorianum 60 (1979) 387s (J. Lopez-Gay). a3 Drinkwater F. H., Thc Fact of Rcsurrection. Beccles 1978, W. Clowes. fl.25. - RTablet 233 (1979) 255 (H. Wansbrough). a4 Erickson M. J., Contemporary Options in Eschatology. GR 1977, Baker. 197 p. $7.95. - RcalvTR 13 (1978) 208-11 (A. A. Hoekema). a5 Femandez A., a) La escatologia en el siglo II: Publ. Fac. Teol. Norte de Espafia 42. Burgos 1979, Aldecoa. 484 p. - b) La escatologia en los escritos de los Padres Apost6licos: Burgense 20 (1979) 9-55. a6 George A., L'eschatologie [dans Luc-Actes]: ➔ 6608, Elu

[XVI. Philol. bib.

58s,9532: RcBQ 40 (1978) 246ss

(M. Fishbane); ETL 54 (1978) 361s (J. Coppens: 'instrnment de travail presque indispensable'); UF 10 (1978) 476s (0. Loretz). a153 Kuriakos L. M., Non-paradigmatic Forms of Weak Verbs in Masoretic

Hebrew: Quilon I. Trichur, Kerala 1973, Assisi Press. xn-223 p. - RsBFLA 28 (1978) 263ss (A. Niccaccz). a154 Kurylowicz J., Studies in Semitic Grammar and Metrics ... 1973 -> 56,6699*: Lesonenu 43 (1978s) 229-33 (J. Blau). a155 La Sor W. S., Handbook of Biblical Hebrew. An Inductive Approach Based on the Hebrew Text of Esther: 1. Reading Lessons Keyed to the Grammar; Tl. Grammar, Synoptic Paradigms, Basic Vocabulary. GR 1979, Eerdmans. xn-195 p.; xxvn-249+34* p. a156 Lettinga Jan P., Grammatica van het Bijbels Hebreeuws 8 + Hulpboek 1976 -> 58s,9S36: RUF 10 (1978) 482s (W. C. Delsman). a157 Levine B. A., l!!I Chapters in the History of Spoken Hebrew: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 155-160; Eng. summ. 128s*. a158 Lieberman S. J., Response [On the Historical Periods of the Hebrew Language - to J. Blau]:-> 754, Jewish Languages, Theme and Variations, ed. H. H. Paper 1978, 21-28. a159 Malisdorj'Zafrira, Love Through Death in Modem Hebrew: A Syntactic Treatment: Afroasiatic Linguistics 7,2 (1979) 16 p. a160 Malone J. L. Phonolrigical Evidence for Syntactic Breaking: A Surprise from Tiberian Hebrew: Paper from the 12th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Se(,Tety(1976) 486-94. al61 Mansoor Menahem, Biblical Hebrew Step-by-Step [re-ed.]. GR 1978, Baker. iv-258 p., ill. $6.95. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 633s (G. M. Landes). a162 Margain Jean, Essais de semantique sur l'hebreu ancien. Monemes fonctionnels et .autonomes. Modalites. P 1976, Geuthner. XVI-196p. RETRel 54 (1979) 334s (P. de Robert). a163 Masson M., La [lire:] phonologie de l'hebreu tiberien: remarques methodologiques: GLECS 17 (1972s) 65-72. a164 Meyer Rudolf, Geiensinn und Mehrdeutigkeit in der Althebräischen Wort- und Begriffsbildung: Sitzungsberichte Leipzig 120/5. Berlin 1979, Akademie. 31 p. M 3,50. a165 Michel Diethelm, Grundlegung einer hebräischen Syntax: Teil 1. Sprachwissenschaftliche Methodik, Genus und Numerus des Nomens. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener Verlag, 1977. Pp. x + 94. DM 19. 0 37887-0491-8. a166 Moreshet M., l!!I The Present Participle with Enclitic Nominative Pronoun in Mishnaic Hebrew: BarllAn 16s (1979) 126-48; Engl. 143s. a167 Muraoka T., a) On the so-called dativus ethicus in Hebrew: JTS 29 (1978) 495-98. - b) On Verb Complementation in Biblical Hebrew [SOTS meeting L 1978]: VT 29 (1979) 425-35. Paper Herbert H., ed. Jewish Languages, Theme and Variations 1975/8 -> 754. a168 Penna A., Scrittura e pronunzia dell'ebraico secondo S. Girolamo: RivB 26 (1978) 275-299. a169 Perani M., La concezione ebraica del tempo: Appunti per una storia del

Jl Philologia hebraica .1 grammatica


problema: RivB 26 (1978) 401-421. al 70 Pulzin R., Late Biblical Hebrew: Toward an Historical Typology of Biblical Hebrew Prose 1976 ➔ 58s,9607: RCBQ 41 (1979) 317ss (A. W. Jenks). al 71 Priebatsch H. Y., Der Weg des semitischen Perfekts: UF 10 (1978) 337347. al 72 Rabin C., The Emergence of Classical Hebrew [in Israel's Age of the Monarchies] ➔ 900, Malamat A., World HistJP 1,4,2 (J 1979) 71-78. 293-95. al 73 Richter Wolfgang, Grundlagen einer althebräischen Grammatik: I. Grundfragen einer sprachwissenschaftlichen Grammatik; B. Die Beschreibungsebenen 1. Das Wort (Morphologie) [Prüfung 'der Verbindungen von der Grammatik zur Semantik' ... ]; - II [B. Die Beschreibungsebenen] 2. Die Wortfügung (Morphosyntax): Mü Univ, ArbTextSprAT 8.10. St. Ottilien 1978s, EOS. x-225 p., bibliog. 204-225; x-92 p. DM 32 + 25. - RJNWSemLg 7 (1979) 96 (F. C. F[ensham]); SBFLA 29 (1979) 369ss (A. Niccaccz); ZAW 91 (1979) 323 (G. Fohrer). al 74 Riekert S. J. P. K., The Struct Patterns of the Paronomastic and Coordinated Infinitives Absolute in Genesis: JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 69-83. al 75 Rössler Otto, Zum althebräischen Tempussystem. Eine morpho-syntaktische Untersuchung [recens.]: ➔ 573* Hebraica 1977, 35-57. al 76 Rosen Ilaiim B., a) Contcmporary Hebrew: Trends in Linguistics 11. Haag 1977, Mouton. 249 p. fl9.80. - RBSOAS 42 (1979) 548-53 (E. Ullendorjf); PrzOr 2,110 (1979) 179s (T. Federowicz). - b) Tausend Worte Hebräisch [sprechen, lesen, schreiben]2 rev. TA / Ismaning 1978, Achiasaf / Hueber. DM 22 pa. al 77 Rosmon J6zef W. lr:] Wypisy. . . Selections for Hebrew and Greek teaching with preparations and grammar. Wsz 1979, ATK. 530 p. a 178 Sadnck J.,The Treatment of Exceptions to the Modem Hebrew Stress Rule: Paper from the 6th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (1970) 543-47. al 79 Sarfatti Gnd B. IE] Semantiqa · Ibrft, Hebrew Semantics. 1978, Alpha. 239p. a 180 Saulson S. B., Institutionalized Language Planning. Documents and Analysis of the Revival of Hebrew: Contributions to the Sociology of Language 23. B 1979, de Gruyter. vn-203 p. DM 62. al81 Sawyer John F. A., A Modem Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 1976 ➔ 57,7407. - OLZ 74 (1979) 245ss (K.-M. Beyse); EstBib 37 (1978) 137s (C. de! Valle Rodrfguez); ScotJT 32 (1979) 89ss (W. Johnstone) . . al82 Sawyer J. F. A., The Teaching of Classical Hebrew: Options and Priorities: ➔ 712, General Linguistics and the Teaching of Dead Hamito-Semitic Languages 1978. al83 Schneider W. (Grether 0. völlig neue Bearbeitung), Grammatik des Bi2 [11974 ➔ 55,5951*; 56,6337b]. Mü 1978, Claudius. blischen He:hriiisr.h XIV-299p. DM 36. a184 Schwarzwald 0. R., [!!] Normalivüsm aml Natw·alncss in the Application of a Morphophonemic Rule in Modem Hebrew [the p-b-k Rule]: BarllAn 16s (1979) 171-92; Engl. 148s.


Elcnchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

· [XVI. Philol. bib.

a185 Schwartzwald U. I!!] What is the difference between a missing and a vague law? Lesonenu la'am 30,1 (1979) 15-21. a186 Segal J., Concerning the suffix -n in the Bible [speed, caution, or emphasis, says Rashi on 2 Chr 19,7): Beth Mikra 24 (1978) 105 only. a187 Stolz Fritz, Hebräisch in 53 Tagen: Ein Lernprogramm (mit 2 Kassetten). Gö 1978, VR. I. Arbeitsheft xvi-207. II. Lösungen pp. 208-89. DM 54. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 474s (C. D. Isbel[). Ullendorff E., Is Biblical Hebrew a Language? 1977 ➔ 373. a187* Valle Rodriguez C. del, La obra gramatical de Abraham Ibn 'Ezra: Serie Universitaria 14. M 1977, Fund. J. March. 56 p. a188 Vegas Montaner L., EI Meteg en la Biblia Poliglota Complutense: Sefarad 37 (1977) 217-233. a189 [Viterbo C. A.] Elef millim. Mille parole fondamentali. Ebraico-italiano / italiano-cbraico. Con una nota sulla lingua ebraica di N Pavoncello. Assisi 1979, Carucci. 60 p. a190 Weinberg W., The History of Hebrew Plene Spelling [1-III]; IV. The Academy of the Hebrew Language, in Search of Better Rules, 1959-1964; V. More Committees and Government Action, 1964-1969; VI. Toward the Introduction of Plene Spelling into the Israeli School Curriculum, 1970-77: HUCA [46 (1975) 451-87; 47 (1976) 237-80] 48 (1977) 301333; 49 (1978) 311-338; 50 (1979) 289-337. a191 Weinberg Werner, How Do you Spell Chanukah? A General-Purpose Romanization of Hebrew for Speakers of English: Bibliographica Judaica 5. Cincinnati 1976, HUC. 60 p. 0 0-87820-903-4. a192 Werner Fritz, Das hebräische Vokalsystem unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der variablen Vokale: AfD 26 (1978s) 78-95. a193 Williams R. J., Hebrew Syntax: An Outline 2 1976-> 57,7417: RJNES 38 (1979) 148 (D. Pardee). a194 Wonneberger Reinhard, Zur Syntax und Pragmatik der Partikel im Bel'eich del' Bibel: H. Weydt ed., Die Partikeln der deutschen Sprache (B 1979, de Gruyter) 488-499, but really about Hebrew particles like aser, hinneh, and Greek misimderstandines (Dan 14,?.4). a195 Woude A. S. van der, Syntax and Meaning Studies in Hebrew Syntax and Biblical Exegesis: OTS 18 [55,1764; cf. 19 ➔ 56,1639] 1973: RQLZ 74 (1979) 453s (G. Wallis). a196 Yeivin 1., I!!]The Dageshed Alephs in the Bible [textus receptus]: ➔ 154, (Sefer) s. E. LoEWENSTAMM, (1978) 223-27; (Fs.) 215. a197 Zananiri G., Ben Yehouda et la renaissance de la Iangue hebnüque: Sens [Amitie judeo-chretienne de France] 1-1-1978: EspriVie 88 (1978) 708ss (J. Daoust). a198 Zatelli 1., L'ebraico biblico in alcune tendenze dell'attuale ricerca linguistica: Henoch 1 (1979) 246-71. a199 Zevit Z., Expressing Denial in Biblical Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew, andin Arnos: VT 29 (1979) 505-09 [on 27 (1977) 209s, Y. Hoffmann on Zevit 25 (1975) 783-90). a200 Zislin M. N., ~ K voprosu o dostoviernosti massoretskoy foneticeskoy sistemy (On the problem of the reliability of the Massoretic Phonetic System): Istoriya Filologiya Drevniego Vostoka XI. Sessiya (Leningrad)

Jl Philologia hcbraica .1 grammatica


[Moskva 1976, Nauka] 38-43 [contra P. Kahle ZAW 39 (1921) 230-39, lingua hebraica mansit viva ad finem sacc. 2 'A. C. '].


Generalia - Hebrew vocabulary.

a200* Avisbur Yitshak, a) [!!] $imde ha-millim ... Pairs of words in biblical literature and their parallels in Semitic literature of the Ancient Near East: diss. Hebrew Univ. 1974. 588-:xxi p. (Eng. summ.); bibliog. 575588. - b) [!!] Biblical Words and Phrases in the Light of Accadian Parallels [Dt 32,43 'dmt 'lacrima' cf. EA 357: 85s. - Is 43,25 · zwz ml/J,mt 'war, battle-wrath' cfr. Akkad. - Ps 69,22 brwt = berütu 'hunger'. - Jer 8, 18 'dirge' mablfgft - Akk. balaggu, sum. halag 'musical instrument ']: ShnatMi].cr2 (1977) 11-19; summ. IXs. a201 Blau J., [!!] Philological Notes on the Bible Based on Medieval JudaeoArabic - II: ShnatMi].cr 3 (1978s) 198-203. XXI [I 1 (1975) 27-31]. 117.02r.nhen D., A. propos d'un dictionnaire des racines semitiques [P/La Haye, I (1970); II (1974)]: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 87-100. a203 Coben Harold R. = Chaim, Biblical Hapax Legomena in the Light of Akkadian and Ugaritic [' Corroborative parallel texts'; abundant lexical and bibliographical information on 88 discussed words, out of 400, cfr. appendix II; < diss. Columbia 1975]: SBL Diss. 37. MMT 1978. xvi185 p. - RcnQ 41 (1979) 626s (R. S. Majoros J). a204 Delcor M., Quelques cas de survivances du vocabulaire nomade en hebreu biblique. Leur signification: ➔ 293, Etudes bibl. et or. de religions comparees 1979, 357-72 < VT 25 (1975) 307-322. a205 HardufD. M., Biblical Proper Names. (A Sy111liulicTnterpreta.tion).Toronto 1979, Harduf Hebrew Books. 48 p. a206 Heide A. van der, Hebrew Manuscripts of Leiden University Library: Codices Manuscripti, 18. Ld 1977, Univ. ix-127 p. /60. a207 Kornfeld W., Zur althehriiisr.hen Anthroponomastik ausserhalb der Bibel [Ostraka, ed. A. Lemaire, Inscriptions Hebralques, tomc 1, 1977): WZKM 71 (1979) 39-48 [elenchus nominum nun relalurum in S. Script.]. a208 Lavy J., Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch hebräisch-deutsch 1975 ➔ 58s,9645: RMundus 15 (1979) 288s (M. Kellermann); WZKM 70 (1978) 115ss (F. Werner). a209 Lemaire Andre, Inscriptions hebralques 1. Les ostraca: Litteratures anciennes du Proche-Orient 9, 1977 ➔ 58s,9582: Rßz 23 (1979) 114 (V. Ilamp); CBQ 40 (1978) 408s (R. J. Clijford); ETRel 53 (1978) 527s (D. Lys); IsrEJ 29 (1979) 264 (J. C. Greenfield); JBL 98 (1979) 105s (A. R. Millard); JNES 38 (1979) ?.9"is(D. Pardee); JSS 24 (1979) 112ss (.T.C. L. Gibson); JTS 29 (1978) 163s (S. Brock); Museon 91 (1978) 473s (P.-M. Bogaert); OrAnt 17 (1976) 239-43 (F. Israel); RSO 51 (1977) 287-90 (M. G. Guzzo Amadasi); RTPhil 110 (1978) 177 (F. Bron); ShnatMi].cr 3 (1978s) 277-82 (M. Heltzer); Syria 54 (1977) 289s (A. P[arrot]); VT 29 (1979) 244-47 (K. J. Cathcart). a210 Maioli G., Ramenta Patristica 25 = Hebraica Nomina (1) Complementi


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

al ediz. del (P) de Lagarde: EphCarm 30 (1979) 480s. a211 Naor M., IE] Ba'yot: Textual Problems in Torah; Vocabulary; EzraNeh; Ex 33f. LA 1975. [m-] 3p.; 94p.; 34p.; 15p. [KirSeph 54 (1979) 221]. a212 Pardee D., The Judicial Plea from Me~ad ljashavyahu (Yavneh-Yam): A New Philological Study: Maarav 1 (Santa Monica CA 1978) 33-66. a213 Preisker C. H., Hebräische Wortkunde 4 • Gö 1978, VR. 44 p. DM6.80. a213* Sander N. P., Trenel 1. (L.), Dictionnaire hebreu-fran9ais. Presentation de G. Weil. Geneve 1979 = P 1859, Slatkine. vn-811 p. Fs 35. a214 Sperber D., Greek and Latin Words in Rabbinic Literature: BarTIAn 14s (1977) 9-60; 16s (1979) 9-30. a215 Stamm J. J., Bericht über den Stand der Arbeit am Lexikon von Koehler-Haumgartner: ZAW 90 (1978) 112ss. a216 Vil'sker L. C., ffi] Über die samaritanischen Dokumentd1510-1863] des Handschriftenfonds der Staats- und öffentl. Bibliothek M. J. SaltykovScedrins in Leningrad: _, Pamjatniki 1974, 9-18. a217 Wilson W., OT Word Studies [=The Bible Student's Guide to a More Correct Understanding of the OT by Reference to the Original Hebrew L 18701. GR 1978, Kregel. xvn-566 p., $19.95. a218 Yeivin S., I!!] Epigraphical Notes -• 154: Sefer S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1977s, 229s.

[XVI, 3)

Jl.3 Voces hebraicae et aramaicae (ordine alphabetico consonantium hebraicarum).

a219 · ab: Schub M. B., The Six Nouns [' ab, · alJ, fJan; han, fü, 4ü in Arabic; nom. 'abü ... ]: ZDMG 128 (1978) 223-25. a220 Schal/er B., Adam: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 65-67. a221 aheb, sane': Thompson J. A., Israel's 'Raters' ['to describe in the religious realm those who acknowledged Yahweh's sovereignty and those who did not and in the political realm Israel's allies and enemies ']: VT 29 (1979) 200-205. a222 Cazelles H., Problemes concemant la racine 'wn (deuil?): Semitica 29 (1979) 5-8. a223 'zL aram. 'go': ZAW 91 (1979) 107-23 (B. Grossfeld). a224 'umma: Malamat Abraham, Ummatum in Old Babylonian Texts and its Ugaritic and Biblical Counterparts: UF 11 (Fs. Schaeffer 1979) 52736. a225 Spiegel J. S., I!!] •ap · al-pf in the Language of the Rabbis and the Geonim [although; because, since; if]: BarllAn 16s (1979) 149-65. 145s (angl.). a226 'PK aram.: ZAW 91 (1979) 107-23 (ß, Grossfeld), a227 Izre' el S., I!!] ·Et= 'To, Towards' in Biblical Hebrew: Shnaton Mikr 3 (1978s) 204-12; xxn Eng. summ. [alongside the meaning 'with', as also

11.3 Voces hebraicae ordine alphabetico


Ug. 'm, Amama-Ak. itti, Phoen. 't (not 'yt)]. a228 BDD .•• Vivian Angelo, 1 campi lessicali della • separazione' nell'ebraico biblico, di Qumran e della Mishna: ovvero, applicabilita della teoria dei campi lessicali all'ebraico. F 1978. vm-385 p. BDD, BDL, GZR,l;IRM,KRT, PRD, PRS, QDS ...

a229 a230 a231 a232

bäqf: QuSem 7 (1978) 43-53, 100-104 (1. Zatelli). bar, bara': QuSem 7 (1978) 33-34. 77-83 (1. Zatelli). bärur: QuSem 7 (1978) 53-58. 104-07 (1. Zatelli). bära!J,, nus: Grossfeld B., The Relationship between Biblical Hebrew BRH and NWS and their Corresponding Aramaic Equivalents in [successive str~ta of] the Targum - 'ZL, 'PK. 'RQ: A Preliminary Study in AramaicHebrew Lexicography: ZAW 91 (1979) 107-23. a233 bäria!J,:Hermann W., Philologica hebraica: ... 514, Rogge J., TVers 8 (1977) 35-44: baria!J,Jes 27,1; Hiob 26,13; emeq = Stärke (Ug.); lö Jer 4,27b substantivum 'Nichts'. a234 berft: Görg M., Zur Bezeichnung brjt (p-Anast II 8,12) [in Gruppenschreibung; etwa 'Gruppierung von Frauen, die ... in einer Abhängigkeit stehen'; auch zu äg. mrt]: GötMiszÄg 27 (1978) 23s. a235 bärak: Couroyer B., Brk et lcs formules egyptiennes de salutation: RB 85 (1978) 575-585. a236 g"dera: (Nu 32,16.24) 'parc a brebis' de tribus nomades qui veulent se sedentariser: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 117s (M. De/cor). a237 gäzaz: 'tondre en coupant' les brebis [hb. ug. accad.; sed Mari baqamu quia ibi viguit 'vellendi mos', de quo suo quoque tempore Plinius, Nat. Hist. VIII, 73]: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 115-17 (M. Delcor). a238 gäyarl' äyar: Stamm J. J., Ein ugaritisch-hebräisches Verbum [GJR/'JR] und seine Ableitungen: TZBas 35 (1979) 5-9. a239 Price R. E., A Lexicographical Study of glh, §b/z and §wb in Rcfcrence to Exile in the Tanach [in the light of J. Barr's criticisms; also usage of the Aramaic versions, e.g. §ublz sebuth, and the Greek Versions - with particular emphasis to Arnos, Jer, Ez]: diss. Duke 1977, dir. W. D. Davies. 359 p. 0 7810809. - DissA 39 (l 978s) 326-A. a240 Hentschke R., gepen: ... 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 53-62. a241 Schmidt W.-H., däbar: -> 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 94-125 (84-91 Eg., J. Bergman; 91-94 Mesop., H. Lutzmann). a242 Sanmartin-Ascaso J., död: -> 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 143-156. a243 Fabry H.-J., da/: -> 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 208-229. a244 Kedar-Kopfstein B., dam: ➔ 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 234-50 (238 Eg., J. Bergman). a245 Koch K., derek: ➔ 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 270-293 (273s Eg., J. Bergman). a246 Wagner S., däras: -> 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 293-307. a247 Coxon P. W., A Morphological Study of the h-Prefix in Biblical Aramaic: JAOS 98 (1978) 416-9. a248 Helfmeyer F. J., hälak: ➔ 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 388-403. a249 halak: Luciani Ferdinando, Camminare davanti a Dio. Problemi di fjtologia biblica [hälak, peripateö, euaresteö: da Aevum 47ss (1973ss); Verifiche (1977) 275-97.557-88]. Mi c.1978. 88 p. - RBbbOr 20 (1978) 78 (G.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)


[XVI. Philol. bib.


a250 häy{lh: Kudduri M. Z., On Lhe Verb hyh in lhe Language of the Mishnah: BarllAn 16s (1979) 112-25.143 (angl.). a251 Bernhardt K.-H., häyäh: ➔ 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 369-81 (Eg. 370s, J. Bergman). a252 Fuhs H. F. har, gi,b' a: ➔ 897, TDOT 3 (1979) 427-57. a253 Kaddari M. Z., 1H]wädä' i (kewädä' i) in Mishnaic Hebrew: ..... 154: Sefer s. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 383-95: (Fs)eius (J 1978) 201. a254 wärak: Verbeeck Ph., Het metaforisch gebruik van VWRK op ruimtelijk en tijdelijk vlak. Een lexicografische benadering. Diss. lic. Leuven 1978s. a255 zeh, hu': Ehlich K., Verwendungen der Deixis beim sprachlichen Handeln [zeh, hu']. Linguistisch-philologische Untersuchungen zum hebräischen deiktischen System [Berlin FU diss. 1976]: Forum linguisticum, 24. Fra/Bern 1979, P. Lang. XII-540p.; p. 541-946. Fs 114. - RzAw 91 (1979) 463s (G. Fahrer). a256 zak, zäkah: QuSem 7 (1978) 35-37.84-88 (I. Zatelli). a257 zäkar: Haag Ernst, 'Gedächtnis' im AT, besonders in den Psalmen und beim Pascha: Jahresgabe des Vereins. Maria-Laach 1979, Abt-Herwegen Institut. 15 p. a258 zämar, nä ·am: Tsumura D. T., [I] Ugaritic Contributions to Hebrew Lexicography [zmr, n · m]: Studies in Language and Literature 1 (1976, Univ. of Tsukuba) 83-115. a259 l/.äbar: Mu.st G., Gothic aibr [ < hb. f)br, in pronuntiatione praemas.] (Mi 5 : 23): -> 110, Linguistic and Literary Studies in honor of A. A. HILL III 1978, 155-161. a260 f)öled: Bilik E., 1H]ha-f)oled; [Lev 11,29); laf)pör peröt [Is 2,20): HethM 25,80 (1979s) 70 73. a261 f)esed: Sakenjeld K. D., The Meaning of IJesed in the Hebrew Bible 1978



a262 Clements R., f)äsak zurückhalten: .....896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 238-43. a263 !J.opsf:Loretz 0., Ugaritisch-hebräisch flblp[, bt flp[t - fJPs.i,~;t hf)ps;lwt: UF 8 (1976) 129-131. a264 Schunck K.-D., f)afiab [gäzft] behauen/ (ualj bestreichen: • 896, TWA:f 3,2 (1978) 134-'//339s. a265 Hamp V., f}äfier Vorhof/ IJäras pflügen / fäbaf) Schlachtung: .....896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 140-8 / 234-8 / 302-5. a266 Barth Ch., !Jafifr Gras: ....896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 137-40. a267 Ringgren H., ljoq Recht / tahor rein: --> 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 14957/306-15. a268 ljaqar (me}Jqär): ....896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 157-60 (M. Tsevat). a269 Kaiser 0., f)oreb (Dürre)/ ljereb Schwert: ....896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 1604/-176. a270 ~1arab,IJoreb: .....896: TWAT 3,2s (1978) 160-64 (0. Kaiser). a271 ljereb: ....896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 164-78 (0. Kaiser). a272 Baumann A., ljarad (ljarädah) Schrecken: .... 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 176-82. a273 Freedman D., Lundbom J., f)äräh Zorn / ljärQ!i scharf: -> 896, TWAT

11.3 Voces hebraicac ordine alphabetico


3,2 (1978) 182-8/230-4. a274 Müller H., IJ,ar(om Magier: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (19'/8) 189-92 [misn.hebr. IJ,o(iim/lJ,artom, jüd.-aram. IJ,utma/lJ,ar(uma 'Schnabel, Maul' eines Tieres]. a275 Lohfink N., IJ,erem Bann: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 192-213. a276 Giesen G., IJ,arum Netz: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 213-7. a277 Kutsch E., J:IRPWinter/Schimpf: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 217-223/230. a278 IJ,iirar, IJ,amam: Waldman N. M., Words for 'Heat' and Their Extended Meanings [comparing Akkadian, Aramaic and Hebrew]: GratzCollJewSt 3 (1974) 42-48. a279 IJ,aras: ➔ 896, TWNT 3,2s (1978) 234-38 (V. Hamp). a280 IJ,asak: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 238s (R. E. Clements). a281 IJ,lUab (IJ,issübOn, maJJafebet): ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 243 61 (K. Seybold).

a282 Lutzmann H. al., IJ,osek Finsternis: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 261277. a284 Dommershausen W., IJ,Men Brustschild: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 2779.

a285 Wallis G., IJ,iisag anhangen: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 280s. a286 Otzen B., IJ,atam Siegel: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 282-8. a287 Kut.w:h E., IJ,oten Schwiegersohn, Bräutigam: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 288-96. a288 Maass F., IJ,atat erschrecken: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 296-302. a289 Höver-Johag 1., tob, yii(ab Gut: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 315-339. a290 (ebalJ,: _. 896, TW AT 3,2s (1978) 302-306 (V. Hamp). a291 tahor: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 306-15 (H. Ringgren). a292 p1R: Zatelli T., 11 campo lessicale degli aggellivi lli purit.a in ebraico biblico: QSem 7 (F 1978, Istituto di Linguistica e di lingue orientali, Univ. di Pirenze) 37-42.89-100. a294 (ualJ,: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 339s (K.-D. Schunck). a295 tötapöt: .....896, [1.Stirnschmuck; n Symholik]: TWAT 3,2s (1978) 34143 (J. Gamberoni). a2% Görg M., T(w)tpt - eine fast vergessene Deulwig [ausgehend von äg. 4dft'Uräusschlange']: BibNot 8 (1979) 11-13. a297 Otzen B., tal Tau, Fruchtbarkeit: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 344-352. a298 Andre G., tarne' Unreinheit: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 352-366. a299 Kellermann D., taman verbergen: -> 896, TW AT 3,2 (1978) 366-70. a300 Soggin J. A., La radice Tmn - 'nascondere', 'seppellire' in ebraico [Gen 35,1-4; anche postbiblico]: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 241. a301 (a'am: -> 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 369s (J. Schüpphaus). a302 (ap: ... 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978) 377.-71 (Lor.her). a303 Wagner S., (arap Beute: ➔ 896, TWAT 3,2 (1978) 375-383. a3U4 yw: Yeivin S., [HIEpigraphical Notes [on Lwu st:als put,lished by Avigad; -yw abbrev. of yhwh occurs also in Israel]: ➔ 154, Sefer S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 229-30; (Fs.) eius (J 1978) 215. a305 yayin, tfros, IJ,emer, leerem: Delcor Mathias, De l'origine de quelques termes relatifs au vin en hebreu biblique et dans les langues voisines: ➔


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

293, Etudes bibl. et or. de religions comparees 1979, 346-56 < Jer Congres lnL de Linguistique chamito-semitique, ed. par A. Caquot (Haag 1974) 223-233. a306 ya' al: ---+ 896, TWAT 3,2s (1978s) 384 (A. S. Kapelrud). a307 yaraq [äg. w1g = w14.I: QuSem 6 (1978) 42-48 (G. Conti). a308 yaroq: Dietrich M., Loretz 0., yrq IJ,rfi'Gelb vom Gold' im Krt-Epos und seine hurritischen Entsprechungen [ajjara!Jbe und hiarulJhe = yrq]: UF 10 (1978) 427s. a309 yesa · a: NorTTs 80 (1979) 139-59 (A. S. Kapelrud). a310 kebes (kar, taleh): QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 109-11 (M. Delcor). a311 köh: Hoffmann Yair, !EITwo Opening Formulae in Biblical Style: Tarbiz 46 (1976s) 157-180: Koh amar Y.; Sema'. a312 ki: Dahnnd Mitchell, Interrogative ki in Ps 90, 11; Ts 36,19; Hos 13,9: ßiblica 60 (1979) 573s. a313 Segal E. L., The Use of the Formula ki ha d' in the Citation of Cases in the Babylonian Talmud: HUCA 50 (1979) 199-218. a314 kl': Fitzmyer J. A., The Syntax of kl, kl' 'All' in Aramaic Texts from Egypt and in Biblical Aramaic: ---+ 303, A Wandering Aramean: SBL,MonSer 25 (1979) 205-17 < Bib 58 (1957) 170-84. a315 KLY: Fensham F. C:., The Semantic Fielrl of kly in TJgaritic: JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 27-30: preserved, not failed. a316 KLNT: Wexler P., The term 'Sabbath food' [colnt etc.]: a challenge for Jewish interlinguistics: JAOS 98 (1978) 461-5. · a317 kerem, 'vigna', < kmw, k1m (acg.): QuSem 6 (1978) 130-39 (G. Conti). a318 L': Watson W. G. E., Reclusterin& Hebrew l'/yd [Gn 31,29 + 6t. = /' ('power')+ /eyadeka]: Biblica 58 (1977) 213-215. a319 ID': J,V~iss R., !EIOn the Use of the Negative L' in the Bible: - 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 148-154; Eng. summ. 128*. a320 lo': Weiss R., !EIThe Double-Duty of lo'. On the Use of the Negative WuHl lü' iu Parallt:lism: ShuatM~· 2 (1977) 82-92, xxvu. a321 lelJ,em:Gluck J. J., The Root IIJ,min Hebrew and in the Semitic Languages: --> 3828, OTWerkSuidA 19 (1976, ed. 1978) 41-43. a322 l~Mntl: (hb. mishn.) 'concubine' 83, Erctz-Isracl 14 (1978) 13747; Eng. summ. 128*. Ps 45,2 etc. a324 Schwarzwald 0., I!!) The Reflection of Linguistic Phenomena in the Biblical Syntax of the Interrogative mf: BethMikra 24 (1978) 81-8.123 [complementary distribution and shift in the syntax of abstract 'who']. a325 Milgrom J., The Concept of ma' al in the Bible and the Ancient Near East: JAOS 96 (1976) 236-247: infidelity Lv 26,40. a326 mar: Una 'zappa', usata in agricoltura d'irrigazione; un prestito in egiziano d'eta predinastica e pre-geroglifica sarebbe mr: QuSem 6 (1978)

Jl.3 Voces hebraicae orcline alphabetico


53-55 (G. Conti). a327 märar: Pardee D., The Semitic Root mrr aml the Etymology of Ugaritic mr(r) II brk: UF 10 (1978) 249-88. a328 nebel: Aharoni M., The Askos: is it Biblical Nebel: TAJ 6 (1979) 95-97, 1 fig. a329 näweh < akkad. antiq. nawum ~ 'Ort an dem das Vieh (im Sommer) Futter/Weide findet': RAss 70 (1976) 172-79 (F. R. Kraus). a330 NWS disperse: ZAW 91 (1979) 107-23 (B. Grossfeld). a331 Jenni E., 'Fliehen' im akkadischen und im hebräischen Sprachgebrauch [naparsudulnäbutu und nüslbrl]]: Orientalia 47 (1979) 351-359; ->a483. a332 nepes: Pope M. H., A Little Soul-Searching: Maarav 1 (1978) 25-31. a333 nöqed < nqd 'piquer, marquer' = 'celui qui marque les moutons' (en proprietaire, Targum): QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 121s (C. Delcor). a334 nätan: Kaddari M. Z., [EI Mt .Yitten in Biblical Hd1rew [11t11'causation of existence / of possession']: ShnatM* 2 (1977) 189-95, XII. a335 Ararat N., [!!I Biblical nose' = nose': BethM 19,5 (59) (1973s) 536-48. a335* näsf': Calderini Oliviera, a) Considerazioni sul näsf' ebraico, il nasi biltim babilonese eil näsil assiro: BbbOr 21 (1979) 273-281. - b) 11näsf' biblico nell'epoca patriarcale e arcaica: BbbOr 21 (1979) 65-74 -> 3727. a336 · äbad: Riesener Ingrid, Der Stamm 'BD im Alten Testament: Eine Wortuntersuchung unter Berücksichtigung neuerer sprachwissenschaftlicher Methoden (diss. B, Kirchliche Hochschule 1976): BZAW 149. B 1979, de Gruyter. vm-294 p. DM 132. 0 3-11-007260-2. -+ 8467. a337 Niemczych J., [R] Cechy wlasciwej postawy nasladowc6w Boga [ ... 'äbad, derek ... ], Traits of the proper stance of God's followers: RoczT,ChrzAKT 1971, 51-68. a338 · äbo(, N'B~N: Gott lieb 1. B., IID •Aböt, ·Abit, N' b:fn [Cowley AP 15, BMAP 17]: BarllAn 16s (1979) 166-70, 146 angl. a339 · äbar; PW: Waldman N. M., On Avor, Hif[ig and Akkadian Parallels [ ... Pass, Depart ... ] : GratzColUewishSt 2 (19./3) 6-8. a340 Navch J., I!!] The titles ·01!iHD l'witness '] and MNl;fM [= paraklttos]in Jewish Epiifaphical Finds: -> 154, Fs. s. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 3037.204. a341 Stumm J. J., Das hebräische Verbum 'äkar: Orientalia 47 (1978) 339350 ['verwirren; in Unordnung, im Unglück bringen; Aufstören (Ps 39,3)'; Jos 6,18 11 l]erem: not tabu as Schwally but 'disorder, misery']. a342 'älah (Gen 31.10) sensu sexuali, sicut etiam slq aram.: QuSem S (1974, ed. 1978) 106s (M. Delcor). a343 · öläm, · almii., ·eiern: Gerleman G., Die sperrende Grenze. Die Wurzel · Im im Hebräischen [ ... Horizont, ' soweit das Auge reicht'; Hindernis, Verdecktheit; Exklusivität, Unvermischtheit; · eiern/' almii.h 'unwissend, nninitiiert']: ZAW 91 (1979) 338-49. a344 Ogushi Motosuke, Der Tadel im AT ['SB YSR YKJ;I KHH G'R]. Eine formgeschichtliche Untersuchung: EurHSS 23 Theol. 115. Fra 1978, Lang. Fs 29. 0 3-8204-6587-1. a346 · ör [Job 16,15 geled]: Sans Ferran Jose Maria, La piel en la Biblia. Vieh 1970, Colomer Munmany. 202 p. a347 Ben Ifayyim Zev, IIDThe Root 'RB, meaning and parallels: Lesonenu 44

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVI. Philol. bib.

(1979s) 85-99. a348 'RG aram. flee: ZAW 91 (1979) 107-123 (B. Grossfeld). a349 'iisan: Demsky A., A Note on 'Smoked Wine' [yayin meussan]: TAJ 6 (1979) 163. a350 Görg M., Piggul und pilaegaes - Experimente zur Etymologie [~aeg. p1grg 'die Lüge';~ p1 jrj-gs 'der neben jemand Befindliche']: BibNot 10 (1979) 7-10.10-11. a351 pf, pene etc.: Sollamo Raija, Renderings of Hebrew Semiprepositions in the Septuagint. Hels 1979, Ann. Acad. Sc. Fennicae 385s. a352 pele': Grimm D., Die hebräische Wurzel PL' und ihre nominalen Ableitungen im AT. Eine lexikalische Untersuchung: diss. Halle/Saale 1977. rx-221 p. - ZAW 90 (1978) 306s (G. Fohrer). a353 Margain J., Le traitement de la particule hebraique pen dans le targum samaritain: Semitica 28 (1978) 85-96. a354 pene: Drinkard J. F. J, 'Al pene as 'east of': JBL 98 (1979) 285s. a355 ~ärap, bähan: Baldazif Christfried, Läutern und prüfen im AT. Begriff..,. geschichtliche Untersuchung zu ~RP und BI;IN: Diss. Greifswald 1970. VI180 p. -TLZ 103 (1978) 917s. a356 qirba, qärOb, qärab: EstBib 36 (1977) 6-12-17-19 (F. Asensio). a357 qärä: Waldman N. M., On 'Shout, Litigate, and Challenge' [in Hebrew (hir' fm, qärä', higreh) and Accadian (geru, ragämu baqäru)]: GratzColl JewishSt 4 (1975) 3-8. a358 qe$fJ,böt:(Ct 4,2; 6,6) 'brebis a tondre': QuSem 5 (1974) 111-15 (M. Delcor).

a359 qeset (därak .. .): Couroyer B., El vocabulario del Tiro al Arco en el AT: --> 49, Mem. A. CüLUNGA1979 = CiTom 106 (1979) 447-62. a360 Kselman J. S., RB II KDB: A New Hebrew-Akkadian Formulaic Pair: VT 29 (1979) 110-114. a361 rabbätf: Ahuvia A., [H] How lonely sits the city ... full of people (Lam 1,1): BethMikra 24,79 (1978s) 423-5. a362 ruah: Barilku H., [H] derek ruah: BethM 24,78 (1978s) 309-14. a363 rua'1 (qadim etc.): Kimron E., [H] Nomina ventorum caeli in fontibus nostris antiquis: BethMikra 25,80 (1979s) 41-47. a36'1 sif: Delcor M., Quelques termes relatifs n l'elevage des ovins en hebreu classique et dans les langues semitiques voisines. Etude de lexicographie comparee < QuSem 5 (F 1978) 105-24: --> 293, Etudes 1979, 373-392. a365 Luke K., Rejoicing in the Lord [simha, säson, · älas, ränan]: Jeevadhara 9 (Kerala 1979) 323-336. a366 sem: Rapaport 1., The Hebrew Word Shem and its Original Meaning: the Bearing of Akkadian Philology on Biblical Interpretation. Melboume 1976, Hawthom. 110 p. -->8466. a367 sib'fm: Dreizehnter Alois, Die rhetorische Zahl. Quellenkritische Untersuchungen anhand der Zahlen 70 und 700: Zetemata 73. Mü 1978, Beck. [vn-]114 p. a368 süb: Fabry H.-J., Die Wurzel sub in der Qumränliteratur: -->593 BiblETL 46 (1978) 285-93. a369 sähah: Emerton J. A., The Etymology of histahewäh [Sl;IHrather than I:IWY]:--> 637, OTS 20 (1977) 41-55.

Jl.3 Voces hebraicae ordine alphabetico


a370 sli/Ja,h: Davies G. 1., A Note on the Etymology of histalJ,awah[ < sli/J,lih (traditional, Emerton) 'to coil himself like a snake'; this is confirmed by Akk. kanlinu(m) Stn, cfr. Syria 35 (1956) 124 (119-30) (R. Labat )] : VT 29 (1979) 493-5. a371 sfn: Blau J., 'Weak' Phonetic change and the Hebrew sfn: HebrAnR 1 (1977) 67-119. a372 sei: Seikevicz C., The Possessive Construction in Modem Hebrew: A Sociolinguistic Approach [smikut + shel Construction]. Diss. George town Univ. 1979. 0 7923554. 144 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2040-A. a373 slima · : Rot(h)enberg M., 1H]sim • u ·ammfm kulllim [in Proph.]: BethM 2'1,78 (1978s) 266-68. a374 Marzal Angel, La raiz spt (siptum sapli(um slipi(um slipi(ütum) y las palabras mer&um y abu bitim en ARM[ari]T XIV: Sefarad 36 (1976) 221-239. a375 Temba L. H. M., A Study of the Hebrew Root SP'f with Reference to Yahweh: Harvard diss. c.1978: HarvTR 72 (1979) 319. a376 Görg Manfred, [tfrös 'Wein' 'treten'; minoice tu ... ; luv. hierogl. tuwarsa- > thyrsos] Ein semitisch-ostmediterranes Kulturwort im AT: BibNot 8 (1979) 7-10.


Phoenicia; North-West Semitic [-->t387-t401]

a377 Aartum Kjell, Die Partikeln des Ugaritischen II. Präpositionen, Konjunktionem: AOAT 21/2 Kevelaer/Neuk 1978, Butzon & BN. x-177p. DM 102 (subscr. 93). - RCBQ 41 (1979) 622s (D. Pardee). a377• Aristar A. M. R., The Ilwy Verbs and the Vowel System of Proto-West Semitic: Afroasiatic Linguistics 6/6. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. 18 p. 0 089003-001-4. a378 Billigmeier J., [The Byblos Hieroglyphics as an Aegean Script (summary)]: BA 41 (1978) 45; severely criticized 134 f (G. E. Mendenhall). a379 Bordreuil Pierre, 'Ajjam Loy: Lexicographie ougaritique HTM,CTA 16, VI, 8; MGRT,PRU II, 40: 18: Semitica 28 (1978) 5s. • a380 Branden Albert van den, Nouvel essai de dechitfrement des inscriptions protosinaitiques: BbbO 21 (1979) 155-251. -->a898. a381 Bron Fran~ois, Recherches sur les inscriptions pheniciennes de Karatepe. Pref. Maurice Sznycer. Centre de Recherches d'Histoire et de Philologie de la IVe Section de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, II: Hautes Etudes Orientales, 11. Geneve 1979, Droz. VI-234p. a382 Caquot A., Nouveaux textes ougaritiques de Ras Ibn Hani: Annuaire du College de France 79, Resume de cours et travaux annee scolaire 1978-79 (P 1979) 481-90. a383 Cazelles Henri, Precis de grammaire ugaritique: BbbOr 21 (1979, fase. 2 pour E. GALBIATI)253-68. a384 Coacci Polselli G., Per un corpus delle iscrizioni latino-puniche: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 231-41.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

a385 Coogan M. D., West Semitic Personal Names in the Murasu Documents: HarvSemMon 7, 1976 ➔ 57,7366 (Index!): RcßQ 41 (1979) 627s (E. Fitzgerald); RB 84 (1977) 459 (M. Sigrist). a386 Dahood Mitchell, Third Masculine ·Singular with Preformative /- in Northwest Semitic [for stylistic variety in poetical books or passages: 30 biblical examples]: Orientalia 48 (1979) 97-106. a387 Delavault B., Lemaire A., Les inscriptions pheniciennes de Palestine: RStFen 7 (1979) 1-39, Tav. 1-XIV, map. a388 Dietrich M., Loretz 0., a) Das ugaritische Fragepronomen mh und Erweiterungen [mat, mhk{m), mhy]: -> 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM, 1978, 19-21. - b) Bemerkungen zum Aqhat-Text = Zur ugar. Lexikographie 14: UF 10 (1978) 4$-71. - c) Epigraphische Probleme in KTU 4.609: 10-11 [4 Zeichen ausradiert]: UF 10 (1978) 423. - d) Sprachliche und syntaktische Probleme in mrz/J-Text KTU 3.9: UF 10 (1978) 421s. - e) Ug. tmn 'Gestalt': UF 10 (1978) 432s. -f) Ug. IJslswn 'Thymian'? [Cf. acc. IJasiluänum]: UF 10 (1978) 431. - g) Zählung der neuen Keilalphabetischen Texte aus Semitica XVII (1977) und Ugaritica VII (1978) nach KTUNummem: UF 10 (1978) 419s. ->t411,t849. a389 Dion P. E., La langue de Ya'udi 1974 -> 56,6495 ... 58s,9815: RAror 47 (1979) 211s (0. Klima). a390 Dion Paul-E., The Language Spoken in Ancient Sam'al: JNES 37 (1978) 115-8. a390* Fensham F. C., Notes on Keret 79 (b)-89 (CTA 14: 2 79 (b)-89): JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 17-25, cont. a391 Fenton T., The Claremont MRZH Tablet, its Text and Meaning [alternative to M. Dahood]: UF 9 (1977) 71-75. a39 l * Fronzaroli P., Problemi di fonetica eblaita, l L-. • Le interdentali ... ]. StEbl 1,5s (1979) 65-89. a392 Garbini G., a) Sulln dntnzionc dcll'iscrizionc di ~am: AnnlstOrNap 27 [! -> 58s,9763] (1977) 81-89: RSyria 54 (1977) 252ss (J. Teixidor). b) 11 semitico di nord-ovest nell'eta del bronzo [... l'amorreo uni:6.cante; p. 172s; textus semiticus e :6.ne Pap. Harris magicae]: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 164-173. - c) Terminologia sacri:6.cale fenicia: pg': BbbOr 21 (1979) 109-113. . a393 Gesenius Wilhelm, ed. Roediger Aemilius, Thesaurus philologicus criticus linguae Hebraeae et Chaldaeae VTi, 1.3. fase. 2: Continentur indices, additamenta et emendationes. Osnabrück 1977 = 1853, Biblio-Verlag. 116p. DM 78. a394 Goshen-Gottstein M. H. (ed.), A Modem Dictionary (of) Arabic-Hebrew: Part II: p. v+483-887; XXIX p. TA 1976, Moor. - RBSOAS 41 (1978) 423 (E. Ullendor.ff). a395 Herr Larry G., Tlie Scripts of Ancient Northwest Semitic Seals [< Diss. Harvard 1977, slightly revised]: HarvSemMonSer 18. MMS 1978. xv-225 p.; bibliogr. 215-25. $9. a395"' Israel F., Miscellanea ldumea L-•• testi, dialetto idumeo; onomastica (... dio Qos); lessico; biblio&r. \lsata: 196-203): RivB 27 (1979) 171203. a396 Johnstone William, Lexical and Comparative Philological Contributions

Jl.5 Philologia phoenicia - North-West Semitic


to Ugaritic of the Mythological Texts of the 24th Campaign at Ras Shamra: -+ 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 109-119. a397 Kowal A., Das hurritische Element in Ugarit im 2. Jahrtausend, Untersuchung am archäologischen Material und in sprachlicher Hinsicht: Diss. Salzburg 1979. 139 p., figg. a398 Krahmalkov C. R., On the Third Feminine Singular of the Perfect in Phoenician-Punic: JSS 24 (1979) 25-28. a400 Milano L., Kly [ug. + fen.: tklt] nel lessico amministrativo del semitico di nord-ovest: VicOr 1 (1978) 83-97. a401 Müller W. W., Noch einmal ugaritisch lflid = altsüd-arabisch sl( d: UF 10 (1978) 442s. a402 Mustafa A. H., Untersuchungen zu Satztypen in den epischen Texten von Ugarit: Diss. Halle 1974. 215 p. i a403 Pelz/ B., Heth. ba-az-zu-wa-ni-is und ug. bslswn: UF 9 (1977(78)) 368 [zu Hoffner IC 21a, 152). a404 Ryder S. A. II, The D-Stem in Western Semitic [< Diss Yale 1966) 1974 ➔ 58s,9556: RWeltOr 9 (1978) 308ss (R. Degen). a406 Sanmartfn J., a) Glossen zum ugaritischen Lexikon 1-11: UF 9 (1977) 263-68; 10 (1978) 329-56 [... ibr 'Bulle, Zuchtstier' ... 'lm 'schulden'; ilq!im das Auserlesenste ... ]. - b) Die Lanze ktg(j des B'l [KTU 1.4 VII 401]: UF 10 (1978) 447s. - c) Lexikographisches zu ug. 'tq (KTU 1.16 1 2-5. 15-19: 1138-42) ['(Zeit) verstreichen> (an)dauem (> altem)']: UF 10 (1978) 453s. - d) Des Stärksten Demut [bht = bt Pt. in G. 'verwirrt, verlegen sein' (in KTU 1,5 II 11.19)): UF 10 (1978) 444. - e) Die ug. Basis n!i!iund das 'Nest' des H'l (KTU 1.3 IV if): UF 10 (1978) 449s. f) Zum Begriff 'Struktur' (bnt) im Ugaritischen: UF 10 (1978) 445s. g) Zur ug. Basis n~r [KTU 1.16 VI 4 f etc] ['schluchzend']: UF 10 (1978) 45ls. a407 Schttfmann I. S., [!] The Problem of the Meaning of the Enclitic Pronoun -ny in Ugaritic [Plural, not Dual]: Peredneaziatskiy Sbomik 3 (1979) 229s,277. a408 Segert Stanislßv, A Grammar of Phoenician and Punic. 1976 . ➔ 57,7568; 58s,9760: RJNES 37 (1978) 197-9 (D. Pardee). ' a409 Shtsha-Halevy A., An Eady No1th-West Semitic Text in the Egyptian Script [Cairo 25759 recto]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 145-162. · a410 Sznycer M., a) L'emploi des termes 'phenicien', 'punique', 'neopunique'. Problemes de methodologie: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 261-268. b) Notes de lexicographie ougaritique: GLECS 17 (1972s) 73-9. a411 Tomback Richard S., A Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician-Punic Langues 1978 -+ 58s,9761a: RBiblica 60 (1979) 429-35 · (M. Dahood); BO 36 (1979) 201-3 (A. Van Den Branden); CBQ 41 (1979) 324s (J. J. M. Roherts): EstBib 37 (1978) 135s (F. Garcia); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 377ss (G. L. Prato). a412 Vattiont F., Onomastica punica nelle fonti latine nordafricanc; Studi Magrebini 9 (1977) 1-7. a413 Watson Wilfred G. E., Parallels to Some Passages in Ugaritic [from Accadian Texts]: KTU 1.3 III 45s: 1.4: III 7-8; 1,6 1 50-52; 4.392): UF 10 (1978) 397-401. 43. - Elenchus bibliugruphicus 60 (1979)

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a414 Wesselius J. W., New and Old Ugaritic Words: AION 39 (1979) 105s. a415 Whitaker R., A Concordance of the Ugaritic Literature 1972 .....53,5461 ... 56,5457: Rßo 36 (1979) 89s (K. Aartun). a416 Xe/la P., Note di lessicografia ugaritica. I [... ris argmn (KTU 1,41: 4 etc.) ' ... del (mese) ris: un tributo ... '; KTU 1,103] rgb wtp m~qt ' ... fame e sara bandita l'angoscia'; tp = 3.sg.f.pass. npy 'scacciare etc.' (19), l~b (49) 'fronte'; mgt_(KTU 1.16: VI, 21) in quel banchetto profano = 'bestia da macello', cf. accad. güsu(m)]: OrAnt 17 (1978) 123-129. Jl.6


a417 Alexander P. S., Remarks on the Aramaic Epistolography in the Persian Period: JSS 23 (1978) 155-170. l-1418Aufrecht W., Hurd J. C., A Synoptic Concordance of Aramak Inscriptions: International Concordance Library. 1 1975 ---> 57,7603: RJBL 96 (1977) 575s (B. A. Levine). a419 Ben-HayyimZ., [!!] 'Jbrft ... Somron: The literary and oral tradition of Hebrew and Aramaic amongst the Samaritans V. Torah language. J 1977, Ayin la-Ir. xv-402-XIII p. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 363-70 (E. Qimron). a420 Bogoljubov M. N., a) rnJAn Aramaic Inscription from Taxila: VoprJaz (1976,6) 64-69. - b) 1K]Dating the Aramaic Inscriptions of Asoka Epoch: VoprJaz (1977,5) 72-77. - c) 1K] La version arameenne de la bilingue lyd.-aram. [KAI n. 260]: VoprJaz (1974,6) 106-112. a421 Boyarin Daniel, On the History of the Babylonian Jewish Aramaic Reading Traditions: The Reflexes of *a and *a: JNES 37 (1978) 141-160. a422 Brauner R. A., a) Aramaic and Comparative Semitic Lexicography: GratzColUewishSt 6 (1977) 25-33. -- b) The Old Arnmnio Zakir A Inscription and Comparativc Semitic Lexicography: GratzColUewishSt 4 (1975) 9-27. a423 Caquot A., Lemaire A., Les textes arameens de Deir 'Alla: Syria 5'1 (1977) 189-208, sur J. Hoftijzer, G. van der Kooij, Ld 1976. a424 Carmignac J., Le complement d'agent apres un verbe passif dans l'hebreu et l'arameen de Qumrän: RQum 9 (1978) 409-427. a425 Cohen D., Sur le systeme verbal du neo-arameen de Ma'lfila: JSS 24 (1979) 219-239. a426 Correll C., Untersuchungen zur Syntax der neuwestaramäischen Dialekte des Antilibanon (Ma' lüla, Bab · a, Gubb · Adin) ... Auswirkungen arabischen Adstrateinflusses: AbhKunde MorgL 44/4. Wiesb 1978, Steiner. xx-220 p. DM 76. a427 Coxon Peter W., a) The Distribution of Synonyms in Biblical Aramaic in the Light of Official Aramaic and the Aramaic of Qumran: RQum 9 (1978) 497-512; 451ss, A Note on the Verb Y!iR(Aphel) in 11 QtgJob XXXII, 3. - b) The Problem uf Cunsununtnl Mutation in Biblicnl Arnmaic: ZDMG 129 (1979) 8-22. - c) The Syntax of the Aramaic of Daniel: A Dialectal Study [apparent 'eastem' word order ... ]: HUCA 48 (1977) 107-122. a427* Degen Rainer, Ein aramäisches Alphabet vom Tell Halaf / Die Zahl-

Jl.6 Philologia aramaica


wörter in CIS II ?. und 3 / Neue Fra~ente aramäischer Papyri aus Elephantine II / Die aramäischen Ostraka in der Papyrus-Sammlung der österreichischen Nationalbibliothek / Zu den aramäischen Texten aus Edfu: NZtSemEp 3 (1978) 1-9 / 11-14 / 15-31 / 33-57 / 59-66; - 137168, W. Müller [südarabisch]. a428 Dermidova G. M., a) 1K]De substrato aramaico in dialectis arabicis in lraq: Vostokovedenye 3 (Moskva 1977) 8-14. - b) 1K]Sul numero plurale dei nomi bilitterali nella lingua aramaica occidentale: Vostokovedenye 2 (Moskva 1976) 12-15. a429 Dupont-Sommer A., Note sur le fragment arameen A (N° 5627) decouvert dans le Letöon de Xanthos: Semitica 29 (1979) 101-3. a430 Fa/es F. M., Una diffica relativa a fuorusciti mesopotamici in aramaico (P 1971) 9-16]: AION [ed. A. Caquot: Hommage a A. DUPONT-SOMMER 38 (1978) 273-282. a431 Fitzmyer Joseph A., a) The Phases of the Aramaic Language [Old, Official, Middle, Late, Modem; ineditum]; b) The Aramaic Letter of King Adon to the Egyptian Pharaoh [< Biblica 46 (1965) 41-55]; c) The Padua Aramaic Papyrus Letters [< JNES 21 (1962) 15-24]; d) Aramaic epistolography [< JBL 93 (1974) 201-225]: -+ 303, A Wandering Aramean: collected Aramaic essays: SRT. Mon. 25, 1979: pp. 57-84 / 231242 / 219-230 / 183-204. a432 Fitzmyer J. A., Harrinf(ton D. J., A Manual of Palestinian Aramaic Texts: BibOrPont 34, 1978 -+ 58s,9832: PBI. xrx-373 p. $22.50. - RPEQ 111 (1979) 132s (S. P. Brock); RQum 10 (1979) 115~8 (P. Grelot); TS 40 (1979) 742s (F. Rosenthal). a433 Garbini G., Nuovi documenti epigrafici della Palestina - 1976 [ebraici ed aramaici dal sec. 13/12 a.C.-2 d.C.]: Henoch 1 (1979) 396-401. a434 Gibson J: C. L., Textbook of Syrian Semitic Tnscriptions II: Aramaic Inscriptions incl. Zencirli. 1975 -+ 57,7606; 58s,9833: RBASOR 229 (1978) 76ss (L. T. Geraty); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 287ss (J. C. Greenfield);JNES 37 (1978) 195-7 (D. Pardee); JSS 24 (1979) 115 (S. Strelcyn); Orientalia 48 (1979) 289s (W. J. Fulco). a433 Gushen-GuttsteinM. H., a) 1H]Thc Languagc of Targum Onqclos and Literary Diglossia in Aramaic: -+ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 183-7; Eng. summ. 129*; b) The Language of Targum Onqelos and the Model of Literary Diglossia in Aramaic: JNES 37 (1978) 169-179. a436 GreenfieldJonas C., a) Aramaic: -+ 754*, Paper H., Jewish Languages 1978. - b) The Dialects of Early Aramaic: JNES 37 (1978) 93-99. c) Some Reflections on the Vocabulary of Aramaic in Relationship to thc Other Semitic Languages: QuSem 5 (1978) 151-156. a437 Grelot Pierre, L'hebreu et l'arameen a Qumran et dans l'Eglise primitive: Monde R 1978/2, 66s, phot. a438 Hoftijzer J., van der Kooij G., Aramaic Texts from Deir · Alla 1976 -+ t218; 37,7618; 58s,9859: RJNES 38 (1979) 296s (D. l'a,·dee: parvum in multo); Syria 54 (1977) 189-208 (A. Caquot, A. Lemaire). a439 Itö G., A new interpretation of Asokan (Aramaic)* inscriptions, Taxila and Kandahar I: Stlran 6,2 (1977) 151-161. a440 J,acobi-Lamotte H., Grammatik des thumischen Neuaramäisch (Nord-

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVI. Philol. bib.

ostsyrien) 1973 ➔ 55,6102; 58s,9921: RJSS 24 (1979) 156s (Yv. Fischer); WZKM 69 (1977) 114s (R. Degen). a441 Jongeling B. al., Aramaic texts from Qumran 1976 --. 57,1933; 58s,2407: RRQum 9 (1978) 589ss (E. Puech). a442 Kornfeld W., a) Zu den aramäischen Inschriften aus Edfu: WZKM 71 (1979) 48-52. - b) Onomastica aramaica aus Ägypten 1978. 0 3-70010029-l ➔ 58s,9846*: RJRAS (1979) 167 (J. B. Segal). Kutscher E. Y., Hebrew and Aramaic Studies 1977 ➔ 325*. a443 Lipifzski E., Studies in Aramaic Inscriptions and Onomastics I: OrLovAn 1, 1975, ➔ 57,7609; 58s,9838b: Rorientalia 38 (1979) 136-45 (F. Vattioni). a444 McNamara Martin, The Spoken Aramaic of First Century Palestine: ➔ 619, Mayes A., Church Ministry 1977, 95-138. a445 Manna J. E., Morceaux choisis de litterature arameenne ( 1Mossoul 1901 ; 2reproduction anastatique avec une trentaine de pages nouvelles d'introduction). Bagdad 1977, Syriac Academy Publications 360; 458 p. OrChPer 45 (1979) 239s (Samir Kh.). a446 Margain Jean, La racine SWYen arameen samaritain: Semitica 29 (1979) 119-130. a447 Martfnez Borobio E., Estudios lingüisticos sobre el Arameo de! Ms. Neofiti 1: diss. Univ. Complutense 1975 ➔ 58s,1216: RUnComplut 25, 106 II (1976) 130s. a448 Miller J. R., A Grammar of the Type II Marginalia within Codex Neofiti I with Attention to Other Aramaic Sources: diss. l3oston 1979. a449 Muffs Y., Studies in Aramaic Legal Papyri 1972 ➔ 55,4961; 56,7180*: RisrEJ 26 (1976) 214s (J. C. Greenfield). a449* Porten Bezalel (Greenfield Jonas C.), [ff] Yehudfm mi-Yeb ... Jews of Elephantine and Aramaeans of Syene (Fifth Century ».c.1::.):Fifty Aramaic Texts, ed. tr.: Texts & St. 41. J 1974, Hebrew Univ. XVI-166p. U: 16.25. - RwZKM 68 (1976) 216s (S. Segert). a450 Rabin C., Hebrew and Aramaic in the First Century [c.E.]: CompRer.TudNT 1,2 (1976) 1007-31. a451 Ritter Hellmut, Turöyö: die Volk.sprache der syrischen Christen des Tur 'Abclin [AI-II 1967] C. Wörterbuch. Das Autorenmanuskript zum Druck in Faksimile gebracht von R. Seilheim. Wb 1979, Steiner. xx1v 589 p. ca DM 66. a452 Rosenbaum Jonathan, A Typology of Aramaic Lapidary Scripts from the Seventh to the Fourth Centuries B.C.E.: Harvard diss. c. 1978: HarvTR 72 (1979) 321. a452* Rosenthal F., Aramaic Studies during the Past Thirty Years: JNES 37 (1978) 81-92. a453 Segert S., Altaramäische Grammatik mit Bibliographie, Chrestomathie und Glossar 1975 ➔ 57,7610; 58s,9843: ? RGGA 231 (1979) 8-51 (R. Degen); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 205s (J. Naveh); JBL.96 (1977) 573ss (E. G. Clarke: title misleading); JNES 37 (1978) 197-9 (D. Pardee: without a peer). a454 Segert Stanislav, Vowel Letters in Early Aramaic: JNES 37 (1978) 111-


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a455 Soko/qff Michael, The Current State of Research on Galilean Aramaic: JNES 37 (1978) 161-7. a456 Tal (Rosenthal), A., The Language of the Targum of the Former Prophets and its Position within the Aramaic Dialects 1975 -+ 56,841: Rßiblica 58 (1977) 114-17 (R. Le Deaut); BO 36 (1979) 207-12 (A. Diez Macho); JBL 97 (1978) 453s (B. B. Levy). a457 Teixidor Javier, The Aramaic Text in the Trilingual Stele from Xanthus [Lycia; with Greek and Lycian]: JNES 37 (1978) 181-5. a458 Cereteli [Tsereteli] Konstantin, Grammatik der modernen assyrischen Sprache (Neuostaramäisch) < [@ Sovremennyj assirijskoj jazyk ... ital. 1970 -+ 53,5554] tr. P. Nagel. Lp 1978, Verlag Encyclopädie, VEB. 188p. a459 Whitehead J. David, Some Distinctive Features of the Language of the Aramaic Arsames Correspondence: JNES 37 (1978) 119-140. a460 Wilson G. H., An Index to the Biblical Passages Cited in Franz Rosenthal, A Grammar of Biblical Aramaic: JSS 24 (1979) 21-24. a461 Zimmermann F., Biblical Books tr. from Aramaic 1975 -+ 56,799 ... 58s,1155: RJAOS 98 (1978) 314s (Z. Garber); JNES 37 (1978) 199s (J. D. Whitehead). Jl.7


a462 Avinery 1., La conception de 'plus determine' en ancien syriaque: Museon 90 (1977) 421-26. a463 Bar-Asher Moshe, Palestinian Syriac Studies, Source-texts, Traditions and Grammatical Problems: diss. J 1977, dir. E. Kutscher. 581 p. - RJSS 24 (1979) 287-90 (T. Muraoka). a464 Bernhard [P.] Ludger, Die Chronologie der syrischen Handschriften 1971: .... 53,935 (;,f:52,6057).- RoLZ 74 (1979) 45ss (W. Hage). a465 Brock S. P., a) Syriac Inscriptions: A Preliminary Check List of European Publications: AION 38 (1978) 255-271. - b) A Traditional Numerical Poem in Syriac; JSS 24 (1979) 29-82. a466 BrovenderChaim, l!!IThe Syriac SHEMAHE Manuscripts: A Typological and Comparative Study: diss., Hebrew University, J 1976. xxi-552 p. $20 (POB 15091, J.). a467 Gero S., Addendum [to his Note on the Name of Wulfila in Greek and Syriac: BeiNam 12 (1977) 154ss] 421. a468 Macomber W. F., The Literary Activity of l:lunayn ibn-1s]µ.q in Syriac: [Mar Afram and] Ephrem I:Iunayn Festival. Baghdad 1974, Ma •ärif. [p. 305-588] p. 545-70 @ 519-27); p. 525-28 @ 353-6), A. Vööbus, Discoveries of New Syriac Manuscripts on I:Iunayn. - BO 36 (1969) 96s (C. Versteegh). a469 Macuch Rudolf, Panoussi Estiphan, Neusyrische Chrestomathie 1974 -+ 55,6103; 58s,9923: RoLZ 73 (1978) 262ss (J. Oelsner). a470 Maori Yeshayahu, l!!IMidrashic Influence on the Peshitta's Choice of Words: Tarbiz 46 (1976s) 212-230. a471 Murray Robert, Some Rhetorical Patterns in Early Syriac Literature: -+ 256, Fs. A. VööBUS 1977, 109-131.


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[XVI. Philol. bib.

a472 Rompay L. Van, Graeco-Syriaca. Enkele beschouwingen over het lot van een linguistische minderheid in de kristelijke oudheid. LI 1978, Univ. Pers. 29 p. a473 Sprenger H. N., Wie soll eine Konkordanz zur syrischen Bibel ausse' hen?: OrChr 63 (1979) 184-193.

J2 Akkadica (Sumerica)



a474 Adamson P. B., Anatomical and Pathological Terms in Akkadian: JRAS ((1974) 102-06 ➔ 56,6565] (1979) 1-8. a476 Borger Rykle, (Ellermeier F.), Assyrisch-babylonische Zeichenliste: AOAT 33. Kevelaer/Neuk, 1978, Dutzon & Dercker/Neukirchener Verla~. rx-413 p. DM 75 (Subscr. 68); RBSOAS 42 (1979) 590s (D. J. Wiseman); ZAW 91 (1979) 145 (G. Fahrer). a477 Cavigneaux A., Die sumerisch-akkadischen Zeichenlisten; Überlieferungsprobleme: Diss München 1976. vr-178p. (Teildruck) ➔ 57,7676: RzAss 69 (1979s) 145s (W. von Soden). a478 Delitzsch F., Sumerisches Glossar. Lp 1979 = 1914, Zentralantiquariat DDR. xxvn-295 p. M 50. a479 Ellermeier F., (Borger R.), Sumerisches Glossar: Führer durch die neue. re sumerologische Fachliteratur, Bd. 1, Teil 1: Die sumerischen Lautwerte: nach dem Alphabet, nach den 'Zeichennamen' und nach den Keilschriftzeichen geordnet. Lfg 1: Liste der Lautwerte: Theologische und orientalistische Arbeiten aus Göttingen 4. Nörten-Hardenberg [Untere Str. 9] 1979. xxxv-432 p. DM 168-80. a480 Finley T. J., Word Order in the Clause Structure of Syrian Akkadian [SOV versus VOS order; three 'Syrian' areas: northern = Ugarit & environs; central area Amurru; southem from Beirut & Amqi to Lachish; TimP.: 14th- 1?.th rP.nt.]: oiss. 1 Jniv. nf Califnmü1, Los Angeles 1979, dir.: G. Buccellati). 261 p. 0 7921393. - DissA 40 (1979s) 2033s-A. a481 Freydank II., Saporetti C., Nuovc attcstazioni dcll'onomastica mcdioassira: Incunabula Graeca, 14. R 1979, Ateneo & Bizzarri. 228 p. a482 Jakobson V. A., IB] The Title sakintu in Neo-Assyrian Texts ['a particular category of priestesses ']: PerAzSb 3 (1979) 243-45. 279. a483 Jenni E., 'Fliehen' im akkadischen und im hebräischen Sprachgebrauch [naparsudu und nabutu; nii.sund br"IJ. - Gen 14,10; 27,43 ... ] : Orientalia 47 (1978) 351-59; ➔ a331. a484 Kaplan G. Ch. 00 The Use of Present, Preterite and Perfect in Akkadian (on the History of the problem): PerAzGb 3 (1979) 122-30. 272. a485 Kilmer A. D., Foxvog A., Bertno Landsberger's Lexicographical Contributi011s: JCS 27 (1975) 127-129. a486 Labat R., Manuel d'epigraphie akkadienne 2 1976 ➔ 58s,9957: Rsyria 54 (1977) 277i (M. L,1mbi!rl). a487 Laroche E., Glossaire de la langue hourrite [I: A-L; II: M-Z; Index, Annexe]: RHittAs 34 (1976) et 35 (1977) 161; 163-323. a488 Lieberman S. J., The Phoneme o in Sumerian: AOAT 203 (1979) 2128.

J2 Philologia akkadica


a489 Uvltc V. A., IB] The Neo-Babylonian (Ja((a)ru[ < mcd. havra 'nggregate union']: VDI 4, 150 (1979) 95-100. 100. a489* Loretz 0., Die asirum-Texte (I): UF 10 (1978) 121-60 p. 139-160 == cuneif. [die (Kriegs-) Gefangenen]. a490 Maidman M. P., A Nuzi Private Archive: Morphological Considerations: Assur 1,9 (1979) 1-8. (179-86). a491 Marcus David, A Manual of Akkadian. Wsh 1978, University Press of America. ix-182 p. $8.50. - RJNWSemLg 7 (1979) 98 (F. C. F[ensham]). a492 Marzal Angel, Nuevas clausulas 'apodicticas' de Mari: Sef 38 (1978) 227-42 [suppl. to CBQ 33 (1971) 334-64, 492-509]. a492* Moran W. L., The Syrian Scribe of the !erusalem Amama Letters: JohnsHopkNESt (7) (Baltimore / L 1975) lf6-66. . a493 Pettinato G., Ptrrhirmi S. A. (Waetzoldt H.,/Pomponio F.). Testi cconomici di Lagas del Museo di Istanbul= Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumerico, VIs. R 1977s, Multigrafica (Unione Accademica Nazionale). I. La. 7001-7600, 420p. photot. II. La. 7601-8200, 236p. a494 Powell M. A., Notes on Akkadian Numbers and Number Syntax: JSS 24 (1979) 13-18. a495 Riemschneider Kaspar K., Lehrbuch des Akk:adischen3 (unv.) Leipzig 1978, VEB-Enzyklopädie. 312 p. M 42. a496 Riemschneider K. K., Der Unterricht des Akkadischen für Studenten der vorderasiatischcn Archäologie: -+ 712, General Linguistics and the Teaching of Dead Hamito-Semitic Languages, ed. J. H. Hospers 1978. a497 Salvini M., KUB XLV: Texte des hurritischen Kreises 1975-+ 57,7948: RRHittAs 33 (1975, ed. 1977) 64s (E. Laroche). a499 Snell Daniel C., A Workbook of Cuneiform Signs: Aids and Research Tools in Ancient Near Eastem Studies 3. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. IV140 p. a500 Sollberger E., The Pinches Manuscript = Materiali per il Vocabolario Neosumcrico, V. R 1978, Multigrafica. 16 p., LXXVTTTPl. 1

12.7 Arabica

a501 Abdul-Ghani A.-G., Direction and Motivation of Phonological Rules in Palestinian Arabic: Paper from the 12th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (1976) 13-23. a502 Beeston A. F. L., Qahtan, Studies in Old South Arabian Epigraphy 3. Warfare in Ancient South Arabia (2d-3d Centuries A. o.). L 1976, Luzac. 72 p. - RMuseon 89 (1976) 484s (J. Ryckmans). a503 Beeston A. F. L., a) Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography, X [h· b,JJ, brr, qdr, br;'bhtgrbyn, !}lb/nkf, hJ1ql... · q(nt .. .] : Museon 89 (1976) 40723. - b) Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography XI: Museon 91 (1978) 195-209; 209 index of '11 words discussed. a504 Beeston A. F. L., Winnett F. W. al., The Inscription Jaussen-Savignac 71 [inventa in al-Khuraiba, scriptura lil;tyanita, sed dialecto fere 'classica arabica']: PrSemArabSt, sem. 6 (1972) ed. in vol. 3 (1973) 69-72. a505 Blau J., Judaeo-Arabic in its Linguistic Setting: Medieval Jewish Life.


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[XVI. Philul. bib.

Studies from PrAmAc JewishRes [ < 36 (1968) 1-12. 85-96] ed R. Ha zan (NY 1976, Ktav). a506 CadoraF. J., Interdialectical Lexical Compatibility in Arabic: an Analytical Study of the Lexical Relationships among the Major Syro-Lebanese Varieties: StudSemLgLinguistics J 1. Ld 1979, Brill. IX-115 p., 4 fig. f 32. a507 Cohen David, Le parler arabe des Juifs de Tunis II (Etude linguistique). P 1975, Mouton. - Rsef 36 (1976) 393-7 (F. Corriente). a508 Diem W., Hochsprache und Dialekt im Arabischen: AbhKundMorg 51,1, ➔ 56,6633; 58s,al06: RActOrHung 32 (1978) 123-26 (T. Ivany1). a509 Diem Werner, Untersuchungen zur frühen Geschichte der arabischen Orthographie, 1. Die Schreibung der Vokale: Orientalia 48 (1979) 207257: [Textus aram., inscript. praeisl.; Coranus ... ]. a510 Elihai Yohanan, Dictionnaire de l'arabe parle palestinien 1973 ➔ 56,6634: RoLZ 74 (1979) 56s (W. Diem). a511 Fleisch Henri, Etudes d'Arabe dialectal (Liban; reimprimes): ➔ 57,7745; 58s,al07b: RJNES 37 (1978) 279 (Carolyn Killean). a512 Gabrieli F., Quelques remarques sur la diglossie arabe [fasil}a, langue ecrite; 'ämmiya, Umgangssprache]: Biblos 46 (Coimbra 1970) 9-13. a512* Goshen-Gottstein M. H., Selections from Maimonides. An Arabic-Hebrew Readerfor Philological Exercise. J 1978, Univ. Dept. Sem. Lang. 60 p. - Rsef 38 (1978) 383 (E. Romero). a513 Krah/ G., Reuschel W. Lehrbuch des modernen Arabisch 1974 ➔ 58s,a076: RWeltOr 10 (1979) 156-61 (H. Bobzin); WZKM68 (1976) 248s (J. W. Weil). a514 Leemhuis F., The D and H Sterns in Koranic Arabic 1977 ➔ 58s,a078: · RWZKM 71 (1979) 215ss (H. Eisenstein). a515 Levy M., Fidelheltz J. L., Arabic Broken Plurals, Rule Features and Lexical Features: Glossa 5 (1971) 57-70. a516 Mach R., Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts (Yahuda Section) in the Garrett Collection, Princeton U. Library; index by R. D. McChesney: Princeton Studies in the Near East. Princeton 1977, Univ. 515 p. RJRAS (1978) 79s (C. F. Beckingham). a5 l 7 Nasrallah J ., Catalogue des manuscrits du Liban, 1V : Hibliotheque 'lsa lskandar Ma 'liif (Zal;lle). Beyrouth ... XIX-295p. a5 l 7* Noja Sergio, Testimonianze epigrafiche di Giudei nell' Arabia settentrionale (conf. Univ. Cattolica Mi 1978): BbbOr 21 (1979) 283-316, map. a518 Nwyia P., [L.] Massignon ou une certaine vision de la langue arabe: Stlsl 50 (1979) 124-149. a519 Ryckmans J., First Evidence on a Form of the First Person in the Old South Arabian Inscriptions [e.g. Sfnnsr • 'Look (with fävor upon me), Nasr' = I(w)f + -n- + Nsr; ]fywn'm = 'Make me live, 'Amm' = ]fyw + -n- 'm, et non n'm .. .J: PrSemArabSt, vol. 5 (1\175) 61-64. a520 Serjeant R'.B. South Arabian Hunt [... cf. Gn 27,1-40; Lv 7,32-34 ... ]. L 1976, Luzac. VI-143p., 9 fig., 19 pl., maps. - RMuseon 89 (1976) 482ss (J. Ryckmans). a521 Ullmann Manfred, Wa-bairu H1adi:µ mä käna laJ;man. Mit einem An-

J2.7 Philologia arabica


hang von Rainer Degen. Vorgelegt von Herrn Anton Spitaler am 26. Oktober 1979: Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophischhistorische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, 1979,9: Beiträge zur Lexikographie des Klassischen Arabisch 1. Mü 1979, Akad. 32 p. a522 Ullmann M., Wörterbuch der klassischen arabischen Sprache, Vorläufiges Literaturverzeichnis zum 2. Bd., Stand Juli 1978. Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. m- 76 p.

a523 Aquilina J. [16 papers on] Maltese Linguistic Surveys. Msida 1976, Univ. of Malta. vm-216 p. LM 5.25c $12. - RJAOS 99 (1979) 151s (P. Cachia). a524 Schabert P., Laut- und Formenlehre des Maltesischen 1976 ➔ 58s,a127: RJSS 24 (1979) 318s (B. S. J. Isserlirt).

J3 Aegyptiaca a525 Borghouts J. F., A New Grammar of Late Egyptian [M. Korostovtsev 1973]: BO 36 (1979) 3-10. a526 Bowling Andrew C., A Syntactical Examination of Clause Function in Late-Egyptian Narrative: diss. Brandeis University Department of Mediterranean Studies. AA 1979, University Microfilms International. v105 p., bibliog. p. 104-105. a527 Brunner Heilmut, a) Abriss der mittelägyptische Grammatik zum Gebrauch in akademischen Vorlesungen 2 rev. Graz 1967, Akademisch. 122 p. - RQLZ 73 (1978) 133-5 (W. Schenkel). - b) An Outline of Middle Egyptian Grammar for Use in Academic Instruction, tr. Boyo Ockinga. Graz, 1979, Akademisch. 122p, a527* Callender J. B., Middle Egyptian: Afroasiatic Dialects 2, 1975: ➔ 57,7778: RJßL 98 (19'/9) 103s (R. J. Wtlltams). a5?.8 r:mzti G., irp (u&,) [UT 371; in una lista di vasi], cf. aeg. (rpyt 'vaso di vino (egizio)', e irp 'vino (d'Egitto)', cf. gr. erpis: QuSem 6 (F 1978) 139143. a529 Englung Gertie, An lntroduction to Pharaonic Egyptian 1975, 58s,a153: RJNES 38 (1979) 306s (D, Silverman: Polotsky and• Groll unduly neglected). a530 Fischer Henry G., Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy: a Beginner's Guide to Writing Hieroglyphs. NY 1979, Met. Museum. xm-63 p. (all with fig.) 0 087099-198-1. a531 Freeman G. E., Miosi F. T., Catalogue of References to Erman A., Neuägyptischc Grammatik:_ Sooiety for the Study of Egyptian Antiqnities 11. Toronto 1973. m-54 p. a532 Gauthier-LaurentM., Supplement II to Alan H. Gardiner's Egyptian Grammar: General Index of References pp. 23-47. a533 Green M., A Use of the Independent Pronoun in Late Egyptian: OrAnt 18 (1979) 295-300, a534 Hickmann E., Laute: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 942-44.

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[XVI. Philol. bib.

a535 Hintze Fritz, Beiträge zur meroitischen Grammatik, mit Kommentaren von M. Bierwisch, N. B. Millet, K.-H. Priese R. Ruzicka, W. Schenkel, B. G. Trigger, Abdelgadir M. Abdalla: Meroitica 3. oB 1978, Akademie. 214 p.; bibliog. p. 203-214. M 38. a536 Junge Friedrich, Syntax der mittelägyptischen Literatursprache: DAI Kairo. Mainz 1978, von Zabem. 153 p. DM 92. 0 3-8053-0357-2. a537 Korostovtsev M., Grammaire du neo-egyptien. Moskva 1973, Nauka. xxm-480 p. ➔ 57,7797: RBO 36 (1979) 3-10 (J. F. Borghouts). a538 Lüddeckens E., Kropp A., Hermann A., Weber M., Demotische und koptische Texte: Papyrologica Coloniensia II. Köln 1968, Westdeutscher Verlag. 92 p. 8 Taf. - RJAmResCEg 8 (1969s) 92s (R. A. Parker). a539 Mrsich T. Q., Ein Beitrag zum 'hieroglyphischen Denken' [. . . B. Hierogl. u. nichthierogl. Denken; C. Die Hieroglyphenschrift der moderntraditionellen Grammatik; in ägyptischem Selbstverständnis ... ]: StAltägKu 6 (1978) 107-129 ... a539* Nur el-Din M., The Demotic Ostraca in the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden: Collections l. Ld 1974, Brill. 680 p., 32 pl. f 199. a540 Osing .T.,Lautsystem [der äg. & kopt. Sprache]: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 444-50. a541 Schenkel Wolfgang, Lexikon (Wortschatz): ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) l0llss: there are ten to twenty thousahd words in Egyptian (+ Coptic; only 4150 in demotic); the 16,000 of iErman-Grapow are partly redundant and partly insuflicient. ! a542 Shennum David, English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian: Aids and Research Tools in Ancient Near Eastem Studies, I. Malibu 1977, Undena. vn-178 p. $6 pa. 0 0-89003-054-5. RBO 36 (1979) 163 (A. Roccatz). a543 Zauzich Karl-Theodor, Papyri von der Insel Elephantine: Demotische Papyri aus den Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin Lfg. l. Ld 1978, Brill. x48 p., 20 phot. a parte. f 52.



a544 Burmester 0. H. E., Koptische Handschriften 1,1 Verzeichnis 1975 ➔ 57,1022a; 58s,1354: RArPapFor 26 (1978) 135s (W. Beltz); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 474ss (Kh. Samir). a545 CernyJ., Coptic etymological dictionary 1976 ➔ 57,7828: RBSOAS 41 (1978) 358-62 (H. S. Smith); JEA 64 (1978) 186-89 (J. Osing). a545* Cherix Pierre, Etude de lexicographie copte. Chenoute, le discours en presence de Flavien (les noms et les verbes): CahRB 18. P 1979, Gabalda. x-123 p. a546 Drescher J., Graeco-coptica [voces]; Postscript: Museon [82 (1969) 85100; 83 (1970) 139-55): 86 (1976) 307-321. a547 Kasser R., Relations de genealogie dialectale ( copte) dans le domaine lycopolitain: BSocEgGeneve 2 (1979) 31•35.

J3.5 Philologia coptica


a548 Kosack W., Lehrbuch des Koptischen 1974 ➔ 56,6685; 57,7833; 58s,a206: RMuseon 89 (1976) 477-80 (J. Vergote); WZKM 68 (1976) 187 (H. Satzinger). a549 Krause M., Koptische Literatur [AT, Apokr. + Pseudepigr... ; NT + Apokr.; Gnostica ... ] / Sprache: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 694-728; 731-7. a550 Leroy J., Les manuscrits coptes et coptes-arapes illustres: BAH 96. P 1974, Geuthner. xi-269 p., 111 pl. (+ 8 col.). - Rsyria 54 (1977) 145-8 (S. Der Nersessian). a551 Myszor W., La coptologie en Pologne: MondeCopte 8 (1979) 17-20. a552 Orlandi T., Les manuscrits coptes de Dublin, du British Museum et de Vienne: Museon 89 (1976) 323-338. a553 Anderson R. D. [textual finds] al., Qa~r lbrfm 1978 [textus VT et NT coptici, nubii antiqui, graeci; coptice documentum legale ... ]: JEA 65 (1979) 30-41, pl. IV-VI. a554 Quecke Hans, Wilson R. ed., Zukunftschancen bei der Erforschung der koptischen Liturgie: The Future of Coptic Studies (Coptic Studies I: Lei 1978, Brill), 164-196. a555 Shisha-Halevy A., a) Akhmimoid Features in Shenoute's Idiolect: Museon 89 (1976) 353-366. - b) A Shenutean Pun and the Preservation of a Precoptic Lexemic Distinction: JEA 64 (1978) 141. - c) tö etö: A Shenoutean-Coptic Idiom and a Suggestion for its Analysis: WZKM 69 (1977) 33-39. a556 Steindorff G., Koptische Grammatik, mit Chrestomathie, Wörterverzeichnis und Literatur. Neudruck d. 3. Aufl. Berlin 1930. Hildesheim 1979, Gerstenberg. XIX+ 246 p. + 104 p.; bibliogr.: 232-46. DM 58. a557 Till W. C., Koptische Grammatik: (sard. Dialekt; mit Bibliographie, Lesestücken u. Wörterverzeichnis)5. Nachdr. d. 2., vcrb. Aufl. Lp 1978, Verlag Encyklopädie. 346 p. M 30. a558 Vergote J., Grammaire Copte I 1973 ➔ 56,6689: RMuseon 91 (1978) 476-80 (H. Quecke). a559 Vyetchl W., Nisua-Formen des Typs Hatrc, Kame, Snbe im AegyptischKoptischen: Museon 90 (1977) 435-438. a560 Westendorf Wolfhart, Koptisches Handwörterbuch bearbeitet auf Grund des Kopt. Handwörterbuchs W. Spiegelbergs, 1965-1977 ➔ 51,4888 ... 58s,a217a: DLZ 100 (1979) 51-53 (H.-F. Weiss); WZKM 68 (1976) 186s (H. Satzinger).

13.8 Aetbiopica. a560* App/eyard D. L., A Comparative Approach to th~ Amharic Lexicon: AfrAsLing 5,2 (1977). 67 p.; bibliogr. 64-67. $5.65. a561 Bender M. Lionel, Fulass Hailu, Ambaric Verb Morphology: A Ocncrative Approach: Language and Linguistics 1. East Lansing. MI 1978, Committee on Ethiopian Studies, African Studies Center, Michigan State


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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University. xvu-155 p. a562 Haile Getatchew, A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville, IV. Collegeville 1979, St. John's Univ. xv- 760 p. ➔ a569. a563 HammerschmidtE., Äthiopische Handschriften vom Tänäsee, 2: Die Handschrifen von Dabra Märyäm und von Remä: Verzeichnis der Or. Handschriften in Deutschland 20,2. Wb 1977, Steiner. 206 p., DM 94. RJSS 24 (1979) 319ss (S. Strelcyn); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 476. a564 Hetzron R., Ethiopian Semitic: Studies in Classification 1972 ➔ 55,6192a; 57,7766*; 58s,a131b: RJAOS 98 (1978) 519ss (G. B. Gragg); ZPhon 69 (1976) 424s (G. F. Meier). a565 Kapelink 0., Particles of Concatenation and of Reference in Amharic: BSOAS 41 (1978) 272-282. a566 LambdinT. 0., Introduction to Classical Ethiopic (Ge· ez): HarvSemSt 24. MMS 1978. x-152 p. $15 (subscr. 10). a567 Leslau W., Concise [Modem] Amharic Dictionary 1976 ➔ 57,7770a: RJAOS 98 (1978) 159s (T. L. Kane). a568 Leslau W., Spirantization [k,q; J,m] in the Ethiopian Languages: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 175. a569 Macomber William F., A Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts microfilmed for the Ethiopian Manuscript Microfilm Library, Addis Ababa and for the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, Collegeville. Vol. III: Project Numbers 701-1100 [I ➔ 57,1009a; II ➔ 58s,1338; IV. ➔ a562]. Collegeville MN 1978, St. John's Univ. x-524 p. - Vol. II RßSOAS 41 (1978) 585s (E. Ullendorjf); OrChrPer 43 (1979) 474ss (Kb. Samir); WeltOr 10 (1979) 143ss (A. Schall). a570 Strelcyn Stefan, Catalogue of Ethiopian Manuscripts in the British Library (Acquired since the Year 1877). L 1978, British Library. XVI183 p., 16 pl. :E35.- RJRAS (1979) 53 (E. Ullendorff). a571 Strelcyn S., Catalogue of Ethiopic Manuscripts in the John Rylands Llbrary, Manchester 1974 .... 56,910*a; 58s,1339b: RMus6on 92 (1979) 403 (V. Arras). a572 Strelcyn Stefan, Catalogue des manuscrits ethiopiens de l'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei: Fonds Conti Rossini et Fonds Caetani 209, 375ss, 378: Indici e Sussidi Bibliografici della Biblioteca 9, 1976 ➔ 58s,1339a: RJRAS (1978) 201 (D. L. Appleyard); OLZ 74 (1979) 551s (B. M. Weischer); WeltOr 10 (1979) 145s (E. Hammerschmidt); WZKM 69 (1977) 108-10 (E. Hammerschmidt). a573 Strelcyn S., Les noms des plantes guezes et leurs correspondants amhariques dans les traductions bibliques, dans les ecrits medicaux et dans la tradition: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 247-55. a574 UllendorjfE., The Semitic Basis of the Amharic Lexicon: Some General Considerations: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 275-79; 281-3. App/eyard D. L., Discussion. a575 Voigt Rainer M., Das tigrinische Verbalsystem: Marburger Studien zur Afrika- und Asienkunde, A 10. B 1977, Reimer. 470 p. DM 40. RwzKM 71 (1979) 195 (M. Höfner).

J4 Philologia anatolica


J4 Anatolica. a576 Alp S., IT] Hitit dilinde 'saray' sozünün karstllgi [De voce saramna-, NINDA§aramna-('palatium') in textibus Kßo III 4 II 66-78; Ma§at Höyük, A. K. 31-38; Kßo XIX 53 Rs III x + 1-9*; Kßo XX 28 Vs 2 3-6]: Belleten 43 (1979) 273-280 (germ. in Fs. P. MERIGGI). a577 Beylsmit J. J. al., Groupe anatolien ... (bibliogr.): RgLinglnt (1975, ed. 1978) 183-187. a578 BogharianNorair, Grand Catalogue of St. James Manuscripts; Volume IX [VIII ➔ 58s,1344]: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Armenian Library. J 1979, Armenian Convent. [xVI-]592p. a579 Brixhe C., Le directif du vieux-hittite et son ascendance indo-europeenne: ➔ 147, Florilegium Anatolicum 1. Fs. E. LAROCHE 1979, 65-77. a580 Brosman P. W. J, The Gender of Hittite i-Stems: ➔ 110, Linguistic and Literary Studies in honor of A. A. Hn.L, III 1978, 19-28. a580* Bryce T. R., Two Terms of Relationship [xahba, esedeiinew-]in the Lycian Inscriptions: JNES 37 (1978) 217-225: grandchild; matemal descendant. a581 Gamkrelidze T. V., [IDSome Aspects of the Consonantism of Cuneiform Hittite: PerAzSb 3 ( 1979) 71-77.269 f. a582 Garbini G., La scrittura fenicia a Cipro e in Anatolia: AnPisa [3/8/] 3 (Seminario sulle scritture dell'Anatolia antica 1978) 887-906; al. p. 728915 (P. Meriggi, E. Laroche,.. .]. a583 Gigneisvili B., Giunasvili EI., Satberdis krebuli X Saukunisa (Jveli K'art'uli mcerlobis jeglebi, T), Tiflis 1979, Inst. des Manuscrits. 427 p. a584 Godel R., An Introduction to the study of Classical Armenian. Wb 1975, Reichert. x-139, DM 54. a585 GüterbockH. G., Hojfner H. A. J ed., Hittite Dictionary, II L-Z, fase. 1 [Orientalia 48 (1979) 413]. Ch 1979-, Univ. Oriental Institute. a586 Gvaramia R. al., K. Kekelidzis sabelobis gelnacert •a Institutis arabul gelnacert'a katalogi: L Kolek'c'iis, I. Tiflis 1978, Acad., Inst. des Mss. 302p. a587 Hemer C. J., Phrygia: A Further Note [exempla adiectivi]: JTS 28 (1977) 99-101. a588 Hojfner Harry A. J, a) The Chicago Hittite Dictionary: BASOR 225 (1977) 66. - b) Studies in Hittite Vocabulary, Syntax and Style: JCS 29 (1977) 151-156 [ ... 3. 'My soul goes down to the dark nether-world' (zu KBo 13,62 Vs. 10-11)]. a589 Ivanov V. V., [IDErkundungen im Bereich der anatolischen Sprachwissenschaft]: ~timologia 1976 (Moskva 1978) 153-162; 1977 (Moskva 1979) 145-149. a590 Kammenhuber A., Archi A., Materialien zu einem hethitischen Thesaurus Lf. 3-4, 1976 ➔ 58s,a352c.a366: RorAnt 17 (1978) 74s (P. Merig-

gi). a591 Laroche E., Problemes de l'Ecriture cuneiforme hittite [syllabaire 'hittite' et 'amamien']: AnPisa 3,8 (1978) 739-753; 907s, G. Garbini. a592 Masson E., Les inscriptions louvites hieroglyphiques d'Emirgaz1: JSav (1979) 3-49, 10 fig., 3 pl.

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[XVI. Philol. bib.

a593 Meillet A., Etudes de linguistique et de philologie armeniennes; avantpropos de Michel Lejeune; bibliographie, index linguistique et analytique, M. Mokri: Bibliotheque Armenienne de la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian. Lv 1977, Imprimerie Orientalistc. 568 p.; bibliog. 534-558. a594 Poetto M., Spigolature di luvio geroglifico: RSO 52 (1978) 1-5, tav. IIV.

a595 Rosenkranz B., Vergleichende Untersuchungen der altanatolischen Sprachen: Trends in Linguistics, State-of-the-Art Report 8. Haag 1978, Mouton. xx-169 p.; bibliog. 141-169. DM 60. - RJAOS 99 (1979) 516 (H. M. Hoenigswald). a595* Saloini M., Confronti lessicali fra burrico e urarteo [esaminando le proposte di J. U. Diakonojf; p. 313 nuova lista dei confronti]: -> 147, Florilegium Anatolicum E. LAROCHE1979, 305-314. a596 Schmid W. P., Uas Hethitische in einem neuen Verwandtschaftsmodell: -> a872, Neu E., Hethitisch und Indogermanisch 1979; ibid. Laroche E., Kammenhuber A. al. a596* Tischler Johann (Neumann G.), Hethitisches etymologisches Glossar Lfg. 1, 1977 -> 58s,a361: RBO 36 (1979) 56ss (J. Puhvel). - Lfg 2: InnsBeiSpr 20. Innsbruck 1978, Univ. Inst. Spr.-W. v + p. 191-402. Sch 240pa. a597 Watkins C. W., a) A Palaic Carmen [KBo XIX 152: KBo XIX 153; KBo XXXV 166 + XIX 154]:-> 110: Linguistic and Literary Studies in honor of A. A. HILLIII 1978, 305-314. - b) Die Verhebung der Laryngale in gewissen morphologischen Sprachen Anatoliens: Flexion und Wortbildung, Akten der 5. Fachtagung der Indoeurop. Gesellschaft, Regensburg 1973 (Wb 1975, Reichert) 358-378. a598 Wendt Heinz F. (Caner Muammer), Langenscheidts Praktisches Lehrbuch Türkisch. D 1974, Langenscheidt. 430 p. - RoLZ 73 (1978) 180-183 (S. Kleinmichel). a598* Metreveli Elene, al., K · art · ul belnacert · a agceriloba, Sinuri Kolek · c · ia, I [Beschreibung georgischer Handschriften. Sinuri Kollektion I]. Tiflis 1978, Inst. des Mss. 248 p, a599 Zorell F., Grammatik zur altgeorgischen Bibelübersetzung 1 1930; Reeditio photomcchanica 1978. R 1978, Diblical Institute. iv-164 p. Lit. 8000; $10.

J5 Graeca 1. grammatica, vocabularia.

a600 Andrados F. R., Gangutia E., L6pez Facal J., Serrano Aybar C., Introducci6n a la lexicografia griega [Diccionario griego-espaiiol (Inst. Nebrija inde a 1962) cum 30-50% ampliore materia]: Emerita, manuales y anajos 33. M 1977, Instituto Antonio Nebrija, CSIC. x-280 p. - RstPapyr 17 (1978) 129ss (J. Pequeroles). a601 Barrett C. K., Biblical Classics IV: J. H. Moulton, A Grammar of NT Greek, Prolegomena: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 68-71. a602 Bartelink G. J. M., Le vocabulaire paleo-chretien dans les ecrits des auteurs profanes: SacrErud 23 (1978s) 5-32.

J5 Philologia graeca .1 grammatica, vocabularia


a603 Bauer Walter, A Greek-English Lexicon of the NT and Other Early Christian Literature tr. [W. Arndt' 1957], F. W. Gingrich, 2rev. [from 5Gerrnan 1958] with F. W. Danker. Ch/L 1979, Ch. Univ. XL-900p. $28. 0 0-226-03932-3. - RcurrTMiss 6 (1979) 63-66 (R. W. Klein); TS 40 (1979) 533ss (J. A. Fitzmyer). a604 Blass Friedrich, Debrunner Albert, 15Rehkopf Friedrich, Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch. Gö 1979, VR. xxi-511 p. - 14 1976 -> 57,7882; 58s,a272: RGnomon 51 (1979) 527-32 (R. Hiersche); NT 20 (1978) 332ss (G. D. Kilpatrick); SvEx 43 (1978) 120-25 (J. Blomqvist); TLZ 103 (1978) 180s (G. Delling); TsTKi 49 (1978) 150 (B. Sandvei). a605 Boswinkel E., Pestman P. W. ed., Textes grecs, demotiques et bilingues (P. L. Bat. 19): Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 19. Ld 1978, Brill. x286 p., 28 pl. a606 Bowman A. K., Thomas J. D., Some Additional Greek Papyri in the John Rylands Univ. Library: BJRyL 61 (1978s) 290-313. a607 Brooks J. A., Winbery C. L., Syntax of NT Greek. Wsh 1978, Univ. Press. VI-179p. $8.50 pa. a608 Brunner T. F., El proyecto de! 'Thesaurus Linguae Graecae': RUnComplut 25,102 (1976) 131-141. a609 Byl S., Tableau synoptique des principales racines grer.ques. Liege 1976, Dessain. 45 p. a610 Canart Paul, Les Vaticani &ra,eci1487-1962. Notes et documents pour l'histoire d'un fonds de manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Vaticane: Studi e testi 284. Vaticano 1979, Biblioteca Apostolica. vi-286 p., ill. a611 Carlini Antonio al. ed., Papiri letterari greci: Biblioteca degli studi classici e orientali t:l Pisa 1978, Giardini. 304 p., ill. a612 Carrez M., Grammaire grecque du NT 3 (rev.) avec exercices et plan de truvail. Neuchätel/P 1979, Delachaux & N. 180 p. Fs 30. a613 Chamberlain W. D., An Exegetical Grarnmar of the Greek NT. GR 1979 [= 1941], Bakcr. 233 p. $7.95. a614 Chapman B., New Testament Greek Notebook. GR 1977, Baker. 131 p. a615 Chapman D., Greek NT Irn,cll [Grnn1111ar-swm11ary]. GR 1978, Boker. 63 p. [·;;bis 1977 NT Greek Notebook]. a616 Chantraine P., Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue grecque. Histoire des mots 1v-l, P-Y 1977 -> 58s,a282: RArnJPh 100 (1979) 593ss (J. W. Poultney). a617 Elliott J. K., Textual Variation Involving the Augment in the Greek NT: ZNW 69 (1978) 247-252. a618 Frei-Lüthy C., Der Einfluss der griechischen Personennamen auf die Wortbildung: BeiNarnFor 13. Heid 1978, Winter. 88 p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 937 (R, Bracchi). a619 Frösen J., Prolegomena to a Study of the Greek Language in the First Centuries A.o.: the Problem of Koine aml Atlicism (diss.) 1974 ..,. 57,7886; 58s,a287: RMnem 31 (1978) 89-94 (G. Mussies). a620 Funk Robert W., A Beginning-Interrnediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek 1-III 1973 -> 55,6259; 57,7887: RTsTKi 49 (1978) 228 (B. Sandvei).

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVI. Philol. bib.

a620* Gigante M., Schmid W., Hermannus Usener: Glossarium Epicureum: Lessico Intellettuale Europeo 14. R 1977, Ateneo & B. XLVIII-873p. !58.50 (45.50 pa.). - RAmJPh 100 (1979) 468-72 (P. De Lacy); ClasR 29 (1979) 322s (C. W. Chilton); Gnomon 51 (1979) 645-51 (G. Arrighetti). a621 Gignac F. T., A Grammar of the Greek Papyri of the Roman and Byzantine Period I 1976 ➔ 57,7888: RAntClass 48 (1979) 341s (M. Leroi); CBQ 40 (1978) 272s (L. S. B. MacCoull); StPapyr 18 (1979) 41-47 (B. Klakowicz).

a622 Guerra Manuel, Diccionario morfol6gico del NT 1978 ➔ 58s,a291: RETL 55 (1979) 410 (F. Neirynck); Sal 40 (1978) 690s (G. Gamba). a67.3 Gundel Hans Georg, Katalog der literarischen Papyri in der Giessener Universitätsbibliothek, Kurzbericht 12 (1962)2: Kurzberichte 39. Giessen 1977, Universitätsbibliothek, 1977. 52 p., 16 fi.g. a624 Hae/st J. van, Catalogue des papyrus litteraires juifä et chretiens 1976 ➔ 58s,407: RArPapFor 28 (1978) 149s (K. Treu); RB 85 (1978) 466 (M.E. Boismard); RechSR 66 (1978) 411s (C. Kannengiesser).➔ u81. a625 Harris M. J., Prepositions and Theology in the Greek NT: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1171-1215 (45-page appendix). a626 Helbing R., Grammatik der Septuaginta: Laut- und Wortlehre 2• Gö 1979 = 1907, VR. xvm-149 p. DM 34. a627 Hermann Eduard, Silbenbildung im Griechischen und in den andern indogermanischen Sprachen 2 (unverändert): ZtsVergSpF Ergh. 2. Gö 1978, VR. XVI-382p. a628 Hirunuma T., Greek: The Greek Language: A Historical Survey. The Appearance of Mycenaean Greek: ShinKen 150 (1979) 1248-52. a629 Holly David., A Complete Categorized Greek-English NT Vocabulary [words occurring over ten times subdivided by types; under ten by frequency; proper name!i apart]. Greenwood SC/L 1978, Attic/Bagster. xn129 p. $12.50/!4.95. 0 0-85150-119-2. - RcBQ 41 (1979) 649s (F. T. Gi-

gnac). a630 Horstmann A., Materialien für griechische Sprachkurse an theologischen AusbildunKsstätten: Kurz&rammatik und Lehrbuch: Forum lin&. 16. Fra 1978, Lang. 116 p. Fs 24 pa. a631 Hudson D. F., New Testament Oreek: Teach Yow·self Books. L 1960, St. Paul's. xiv-177 p. a632 Jucquois Guy, Devlamminck Bernard, Complements aux dictionnaires etymologiques du grec ancien [synthese de recensions critiques]. Tome I: (A-K): Bibliotheque des Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique de Louvain 8. Lv 1977, Peeters. 121 p.; bibliog. 117-9. - RAntClass 48 (1979) 336 (F. Mawet); Sal 41 (1979) 940s (R. Bracchi). a633 Klaffenbach Günther, Epigrafi.a greca [Griechische Epigraphik 1957) tr. Fritz Hornmann: Paideia 22. F 1978, La Nuova ltaha. VT-128p. l -.. Storia dell'epi&rafi.a;La scrittura &reca; l'esecuzione delle iscriz. &reche; carattere o contenuto; lingua; data:tione ... ]. a634 Klein R. W., The Thrill of Discovery. Reflections on F. W. Danker's Contributions to NT Lexicography: CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 62-64*. a635 Krimer H., Griechischer Kursus. Einführung in die griechische Sprache II auf der Grundlage Platons unter Einbeziehung des NTs für Hochschul-

J5 l'hilologia graeca .1 grammatica, vocabularia


kw·se. Stu 1978, Kohlhammer. 240 p. a636 Kubo S., A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the NT 1975 --> 58s,a298: RAsbSem 32,3 (1976) 46s (R. W. Lyon). a637 Kubo Sakae, A Reader's Greek-English Lexicon of the NT [= 1971, Brill] and a Beginner's Guide for the Translation of NT Greek. E 1978, T. & T. Clark. x-327 p. $5.95. a638 Leclercq H., Note de grammaire sur les doubles noms dans le NT: --> 252, Fs. J. VERGOTE, OrLovPer 6s (1975s) 361-72 [-->57,7894]. a639 Lenz L. al. Eklogai: Einführung in das neutestamentliche Griechisch, . . . ausgewählte Platon-Texte mit exegetischen Erklärungen von 0. Böeher al., ed. 4 rev. Neuk 1978 [31977], -V. 192p.; DM20. a640 Liddell H. G., Scott R., [angl. lntermediate] Dizionario illustrato greco italiano. A cura di Q. Catandella, M. Manfredi, F. Di Benedetto. F 1975, Le Monnier. xv-1563 p. - RAthen 56 (1978) 208s (D. Dei Corno). a641 Louw J. P., Semantiek von Nuwe Testamentiese Greek. Pretoria 1976, Univ. a642 McGaughey Lance C., Workbook for a [R. Funk 1973-->] BeginningIntermediate Grammar of Hellenistic Greek. MMS 1976. 264 p. - RTsTKi 49 (1978) 228 (H. Sandvei). a643 Manfredi M. cd., Correzioni e riedizioni di papiri della societa italiana (Corr. 1): Istituto Papirologico 'U. Vitelli'. F 1977. 75 p. lithog., 6 pl. a644 Mare W. H., Mastering NT Greek. GR 1979 [1977] 251 p., $9.95. a645 Martin R. A., An Introduction to New Testament Greek. Dillsboro 1978, Western North Carolina Press. VI-206p. a646 Martin R. A., Syntactical Evidence of Semitic Sources in Greek Documcnts [ ... Acts 1:1-15:35 ... ]: SeptCogSt 3, 1974-> 57,7898; 58s,1249: BL (1977) 37 (R. P. Gordon). a647 [Meyer Gustuv] Burckhardt M., Steinmann M., Die mittelalterlichen Handschriften der Universitiitshihliothek Basel. Beschreibendes Verzeichnis. Abteilung B, Theologische Pergamenthandschriften. III. Register. Ba 1975, Universitätsbibliothek. ix-1177 p. photot. a648 Muulton II. K., The Analytical Grcck Lcxicon [1852, nlphabetical order of each NT form] revised. GR 1978, Zondervan. XLVIII-448 p. $12.95. 0 0310-20280-9. a649 Moulton W. F., Geden A. S., with [grandson] H. K. Moulton's 76-p. füll citation for 7 particles: A Concordance to the Greek NT, according to the Texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English Revisers 5• E 1978, Clark. XVI-1110p. f16. 0 0-567-01021-X. a650 Mueller T., An Application of Case Grammar to Two NT Passages: ConcTQ 43 (1979) 320-5. a651 Mussies G., Greek in Palestine and the Diaspora: CompRerJudNT 1,21 (1976) 1040-64. a652 Oates J. F., Bagnall R. S., Willis W. H., Checklist of Editions of Greek Papyri and Ostraca 2 rev.: Bull. Am. Soc. Papyrologists, Sup. 1. MMS 1978 1 1974. x-63 p. $6 (subscr. $4). 0 0-89130-272-7. a653 Pfohl G. Hg., Das Studium der griechischen Epigraphik: eine Einführung: Die Altertumswissenschaft. Da 1977, Wiss. xv-164 p. - Ronomon 51 (1979) 566-69 (B. Helly). 44. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

a654 Raison Jacques, Chronolo~e des premieres attestations du ifec en Grece: .... 151, Fs. M. LEJEUNE, Etrennes 1978, 209-216. a655 Rienecker F., A Linguistic Key to the Greek NT, l; Matthew-Acts. Ed. & transl. from the German by C. L. RogersJ 1976 --> 58s,4415 [also L 1977, Bagster; f:10.95]: RTS 38 (1977) 199 (F. T. Gignac). a656 Rix Helmut, Historische Grammatik des Griechischen: Laut- und Formenlehre 1976 --> 58s,a315: RGnomon 51 (1979) 524-27 (A. Scherer). a657 Rupprecht Hans-Albert Hg., Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten im Auftrag der Strassburger Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, begonnen von Friedrich Preisigke, fortgeführt von Friedrich Bilabel und Emil Kiessling, XIVl (Nr. 10764-11011). Wb 1976, Harrassowitz. 156 p. a658 Schmidt Daryl D., Nominalizing Transformations in Hellenistic Greek: diss. Graduate Theological Union. Berkeley CA 1979. a659 Seider R., Zur Paläographie der ältesten griechischen Papyri der Papyros-Sammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin[-Ost]: Mitt. aus der Ägypt. Sammlung 8 (oB 1974) 415-24, pl. 65-69. a660 Shelton J. C., Papyri from the Michigan Collection: AmStPapyrol. 5. Toronto 1971, Hakkert. XVI-132p. - RßQ 30 (1973) 240-43 (E. Van't Dack). a661 Sijpesteijn P. J., The Aphrodite Papyri in the University of Michigan (P. Mich. XIII) [ ... spec. in~. 6899: ekbMsls: processus civilis praejustinianus, spectato Codice Iustiniano I 12,8,1]: Studia Amstelodamensia ad epigraphicam ius antiqum et papyrologicam pertinentia 10. Zutphen 1977. xvn-170p., 3lpl. _ RStPapyr 17 (1978) 126-29 (B. Klakowicz). a662 Skeat T. C., Greek Papyri in the British Museum: Zenon Archive 7. L 1974, RM. vm-354 p., f:30. - RßAmSocPap 14 (1977) 45-51 (A. E. Hanson); JHS 96 (1976) 266s (D. Crawford). a663 Snell B., Der Weg zum Denken und zur Wahrheit: Studien zur frühgriechischen Sprache [ ... gignöskein, eidenai, sophos. synienai. syntithesthai, historia, manthanein, epistasthai, phrenes, phr6nesis, aletheia ... ] : Hypomnemata 57. G 1978, VR. 127 p. a664 Soisalon-Soininen I., a) The Rendering of the Hebrew Relative Clause in the Greek Pentateuch: [germ..... 58s,1258b.9563]: .... 629, Proc. 6th Congress Jewish Studies 197'/, 401-6. - b) Uie Konstruktion des Verbs bei einem Neutrum Plural im griechischen Pentateuch: VT 29 (1979) 189-199. a665 Sollamo Raija, Renderings of Hebrew Semiprepositions in the Septuagint (Helsinki diss. dir. I. Soisalon-Soininen). AnnAcSc Fenn. hum. 19. Hel 1979, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. x-385 p. photot. Fm 72. Spicq Ceslas, Notes de lexicographie neo-testamentaire: Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 22/1-2. FrS/Gö 1978, c.300 voces --> 368. a666 Story C. & J. L., Greek to Me: Learning NT Greek through Memory Visualization. SF 1979, Harper & R. 340 p. $7.95. a667 Thackeray Henry S., A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint [I (all)]. Hildesheim 1978 [= C 1909], Olms. xx325 p. DM 49,80 pa. 0 3-487-06688-2. a668 Thumb A., Handbuch der neugriechischen Volkssprache: Grammatik, Texte, Glossar 2• B 1974 [= 1910], de Gruyter. xxxi-359 p.; bibliog. 355-

J5 Philologia graeca .1 grammatica, vocabularia


59. DM 86. 0 3-11-003340-2. Tov E., Loan-Words, Homophony and Transliterations in the Septuagint: Biblica 60 (1979) 216-236 ➔ 2325. a669 Tresors d'Orient [Collection des manuscrits de la Bibl. Nat. a l'occasion du XXIXe Congres intemat. des Orientalistes]. P 1973, Bibl. Nationale. 196 p. - REsprVie 83 (1973) 673 (G. Zananiri). a670 [Moulton J. H.] Turner N., A Grammar of NT Greek IV. Style 1976 ➔ 58s,a323: RJBL 96 (1977) 591s (L. Nieting); TLZ 104 (1979) 109ss (G. D. Kilpatrick). a671 Vaughan C., Gideon V. E., A Greek Grammar of the NT: A Workbook Approach to Intermediate Grammar. Nv 1979, Broadman. 236 p. $9.95. a672 Whittaker Molly, tr. ed. Holtermann Horst, Grammatik und Übungsbuch zur Einführung in die griechische Sprache des NTs 2 : Ianua linguae graecae. Gö 1978, VR. 178 p. + Schlüssel 35 p. DM 20 pa. 0 3-525-521421. a673 Wigram G. V., Winter R. D., The Word Study Concordance [Authorized Version with a number under each word referring to its Greek form and occurrences in] Winter R. D. & R. H., The Word Study NT. Wheaton IL 1978, Tyndale. $29.95. XXXVI-1115p. 0 0-8423-8391-3. - VIII840 p. 0 0-8423-8390-5, a674 Wonneberger Reinhard, Syntax und Exegese. Eine generatiye Theorie der griechischen Syntax und ihr Beitrag zur Auslegung des NTes, dargestellt an 2 Kor 5,2f; Röm 3, 21-26 (Diss. Heidelberg 1975): BeiBibExT, 13. Fra 1979, Lang. 384 p. Fs 53. a675 Worp Klaas A., Indices zu den Papyri bibliothecae universitatis Gissensis (P. bibl. univ. Giss.). Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 35. Giessen 1975, Universitätsbibliothek. 42 p. a676 Ysebaert J., Leip K. L., Kurzgefasste Grammatik des Griechischen. Fra 1977, Hirschgraben. 112 p. DM 12.80. a677 Zerwick Maximilian, Biblical Greek, illustrated by examples, tr. [4adapted] Joseph Smith: Scripta Pontifioii Instituti Biblici. R 1977 - 1963, Biblical Institute. XVI-186p. Lit. 3800/$4.75. Zerwick Max, Grosvenor Mary: A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament 1979. ➔ 5723. a678 Zorell F., Lexicon Graecum NTi 3• Reimpressio photomechanica ex licentia P. Lethielleux. R 1978, Biblical Institute. xxm-44, 751 p. Lit. 20000/$25. a679 Zwaan Johannes de, ed., Griekse papyri, ten dienste van het onderwijs in het nieuwtestamentisch grieks: Textus minores 7. Ld 1971 (2d printing), Brill. 33 p. [XVI, 4]

.r5.2 Voces ~aecae (ordine alphabetico waeco) a680 Baumgarten -., agathos: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 10-17. a681 Schneider G., agape etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 19-29.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

a682 Broer 1., angelos: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 32-37. a683 Balz H., hagios: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 38-48. a684 Cowgill W. C., Agon: ageiro: A New r/n-Alteration: ➔ ll0 Linguistic and Literary Studies in hon. of A. A. HILL,III 1978, 29-32. a685 Dautzenberg G., agon: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 59-64. a686 Beutler J., adelphbs: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 67-72. a687 Limbeck M., adikeo etc. [ . . . im Zusammenhang mit der jüd.-hellen. Tradition; im paulin. Schrifttum; im lukan. Schrifttum]: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 74-79. a688 Böcher 0., hafma: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 88-94. a689 Holtz T., aion: -► 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 105-lll. a690 Balz H., aionios: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) lll-15. a691 Schneider G., akoloutheo [ ... Terminus der Jesusnachfolge ... ]: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) ll7-125. a692 Schneider G., akoue [Hören, Gehör, Kunde; Predigt]: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,1 (1978) 126-128 (-132 akouo). a693 Hübner H., aletheia etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 138-145. a694 Fiedler P., hamartia etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 157-165. a695 Dautzenberg G., amn6s: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 168-172

(... aphnion). a696 Beutler J., anabalnl'J:➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 178-180. a697 Strobel Aug., ananke etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 187-190. a698 Kremer J. anastasis etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 210-221. a699 Sand A., anthropos: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,2 (1978) 240-250 (A. Sand). a700 Schwarz G., anistemi und anastasis [et aram. qum, }Jf']: BibNot 10 (1979) 35-39. a701 Burchard C., Fussnoten zum neutest. Griechisch, II [14-21: Mt 2,2. Lk 2,15; 5,12 etc.; 10,31s antiparelthen;24,4; Act ll,25; 14,14; Lk 9,10 etc. para/abefn adverbiale]: ZNW 69 (1978) 143-57 [I: ib. 61 (1970) 15771]. a702 Barth G., apisteo etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 290-295. 11703Schneider G., ap6: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 297 301. a704 Sand A., apodidömi: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 306-309. a705 Holtz T., apoka/yptö etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 312-7. a706 Skeat T. C., A Table of Isopsephisms [= pairs of words or phrases which have the same numerical value, as Neron = idlan metera apekteinen]: ZPapEp 31 (1978) 45-54. a707 Kertelge K., apolytrösis:➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 331-336. a708 Hühner J.-A., ap6stolos: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 342-351. a709 Szemerenyi 0., arktos f. Ursa (constellatio), < accad. eriq(q)u1, 2 : 'ursus', resp. 'vehiculum'; sumer. mu!mar-gid-da; 'vehiculum ': [➔ a748]: WegFor 373 (1977) 310-313. a710 Schenk W., arneomai etc., ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 368-374. a711 Trilling W., harpagmns, harpazn: ➔ 880, RxWNT 1,3s (1979) 376-9. a712 Balz H., artos: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 383-386. a713 Weiss K., urche 'Anfang, Macht': ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 388392. a714 Kellermann U., archiereus: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 394-7.

J5.2 Voces graecae orcline alphabetico


a 715 Merk E., archö; archön: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s ( 1979) 398-401 ; 401-4. a716 Fiedler P., asebes etc: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 405-7. a717 Zmijewski J., asthenes etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 408-13. a718 R[inaldi G.] nqmh; /Jenei giuramenti; ntp, asteras hepta; et derek lmd Ger 10,2; rdh; anastasis: BbbOr 20 (1978) 60; 112; 212; 303s (fig. 16s); 21 (1979) 62; 78; 84; 92. a719 Leroy H., aphiemi, aphesis: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 436-441. a720 Menestrina G., aphixis. naus. klez's Dauid. chalkolibanos. BbbOr 20 (1978) 50. 134. 182. 192. a721 Bieder W., baptfzö etc.: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 459-469. a722 Luz U., basileia: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 481-491. a723 Lampe P., basileus: ➔ 880, ExWNT 1,3s (1979) 492-498. a724 Youtie H. C., Wörterbuch I, brechö (1): ZPapEp 30 (1978) 191s. a725 christian6s: Montevecchi 0., Nomen christianum: ➔ 149, Paradoxos politeia, Studi G. LAzzAn = StPatrMediol 10 (1979) 485-500. a726 diakrinö NT: Synge F. C., Not Doubt but Discriminate: ExpTim 89 (1977s) 203-205. a727 Peretto Elio, La Giustizia. Ricerca su [dikaios ne-]gli autori cristiani del secondo sccolo: Scr. Fac. Theol. M, 29 = NS 1. R 1977, Marianum. xu352 p. - RzKT 100 (1978) 407 (J. Mühlsteiger). a728 Klemm Matthys, Eirene im neutestamentlichen Sprachsystem. Eine Bestimmung von lexikalischen Bedeutungen durch Wortfeld-Funktionen und deren Darstellung mittels EDV [Diss. Saarbrücken 1976]: ForTLing 8. Bonn 1977, LingBib. 294p.; bibliog. 269-288. DM 24,75. a729 Serra R. M., i..eis = en en algunos textos de los LXX? [contra I. de la Potterie, ßib 43 (1962) 383 n. 3]: Claretianum 19 (1979) 291-311. a730 Buscemi Marcello, exaireomai, verbo di liberazione: SBFLA 29 (1979) 293-314. a731 Muellner L. C., The Meaning of Homeric euchnmai through its Formulas: InnsBeiSpra 13. Innsbruck 1976, Univ. Inst. f. Sprachw. 158 p.; bibliogr. 147-150. a732 Bartelink 0. J. M., thfasos et thiasötes chcz lcs autcurs chretiens ['ils ont toujours garde l'empreinte de manierisme stylistique']: OrChrPer 45 (1979) 267-278. a733 Dietrich M., Loretz 0., KTU 2,34: 32 und die Herkunft von griechischem thyrsos. [mrt, . ebenso wie trt: von vb. *yrt • auspressen']: UF ·10 (1978) 426. a734 Blomqvist J., Das sogenannte kai adversativum: Zur Semantik einer griechischen Partikel: Acta Univ. Upsaliensis, Studia Oraeca Ups. 13. U 1979, Almqvist & W. 66 p. a735 Dowdy Barton A., The meaning of Kauchasthai in the New Testament: diss. Vanderbilt, Nv 1955. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms Internat. a736 Lubetski M., The Early Bronze Age Origin of Oreek and Hebrew limen, 'Harbor': JQR 69 (1978s) 158-80. a737 Elliott J. Keith, Mathetes with a Possessive in the NT: TZBas 35 (1979) 300-4. a738 Kubis A., [R] Titulus 'martyr': RuBi 29 (1976) 294-99. a739 Hirunuma T., xenodocheö: ShinKen 149 (1979) 1239s.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

a740 Schwarz G., h6ti te heliki{I mikros en (aram. gÜ!ili • 1. 'klein'; 2. 'zwerg. artig']: BibNot 8 (i978) 23s. a741 Will Edounrd, Notes sur misth6s: ➔ 195, Fs. C. PREAux 1975, 42638. a742 Trettel Giulio, Mysterium et Sacramentum in S. Cromazio; pres., bibliog., P. Zovatto. Trieste 1979, Studi Storico-Cristiani. - Rsa1 41 (1979) 914 (C. Riggi). a743 Botte Bernard, Oikonomia. Quelques emplois specifiquement chretiens: ➔ 59, Fs. E. Dekkers, Corona 1975, I 3-9. a743* Reumann J. H. P., The Use of oikonomia and Related Terms in Greek Sources to about A.D. 100 as a Background for Patristic Applications (diss. 1957, Part 1): Ekklesiastikos Pharos, Addis Ababa 60 (1978) 482579 cont. a744 ofnos: Bonfante G., Das Problem des Weines und die linguistische Paläontologie [-+ 56,6991*]: -+ 97, Fs. H. GÜNTERT1974, 85-90. a745 Schmidt D. D., Nominalizing Transformations in Hellenistic Grcck [ ... h6ti in direct discourse in the 4th Gospel ... ]. Diss. Graduate Theol. Union, Berkeley 1979; dir. E. C. Hobbs. 151 p. 0 7920511. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1445-A. a746 Hirunuma T. [Il parakouö 'to overhear, to refuse to hear': ShinKen 147 (1978) 1223-24. a747 pentaeterik6s significat 'alle vier Jahre', ut e. g. Olympiades et non 'alle fünf Jahre wiederkehrend': KölBeiSpirt 2 (1973) 214, nota 28 (M. Lämmers). a748 Szemerenyi 0., plethos WegFor 373, [Etymologie, hg. v. Rüd. Schmitt] (1977) 301-304, a749 Menestrina G., politeuma / seraphim / katathema: BbbOr 20 (1978) 2'.l4 / 2/8 / 21 (1979) 12.

a750 Smith Morton, A Rare Sense of prokopNJ and the Authenticity of the Letter of Clement of Alexandria rMar Saba Ms 651: ➔ 52, Fs. N. DAHL, God's Christ & His People 1977, 261-264. a752 Lynch J. J., Prosöpon in Gregory of Nyssa: a Theological Word in Transition: TS 40 (1979) 728-38. a753 Heltzer M., Dimtu-gt-pyrgos: an essay about the non-etymological sense of these terms: JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 31-35. a754 Sperber D., On the pyrgos as a farm building: Association for Jewish Studies Review 1 (CM 1976) 359-361. a755 Spicq C.: trögein: est-il synonyme de phagefn et d'esth(ein dans le NT?: NTS 26 (1979s) 414-19 [no, but interchangeable].

J5.5 Cypro-Minoa [- u251] a756 Bennett B. L. 1, OllVler .1.-P., The Pylos Tablets Transcribed 1973/6. I. 1973. II. Hands, Concordances, Indices. R 1976, Ateneo. - Mnem 30 (1977) 296-8 (C. Ruijgh). a757 Bruce W. C., Towards an Understanding of the Minoan Linear Script of Class A: -+ 751, Leclant J., Dechiffrement 1975, 51-56.

J5.5 Philologia cypro-minoa


a758 Dagron G., Marcillet-Jaubert J., Inscriptions de Cilicie et d'Isaurie [grecques]: ßcllctcn 42 (1978) 373 ~00, Vlll pl. a759 Duboux Yvcs ed. Etudes minoennes I. le lineaire A: Bibliotheque Cah. Inst. Linguistique Lv 14. Lv 1978, Peeters. 191 p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 935s (R. Bracch1). a760 Faucounau J., Etudes Chypro-Minoennes [E. Masson 1972]: Syria 54 (1977) 209-49; 226-36, Ili-ba' a1 ou Ili-bfili? a761 Hiller Stefan, Panagl Oswald, Die frühgriechischen Texte aus mykenischer Zeit. Zur Erforschung der Linear B-Tafeln: Erträge der Forschung 49. Da 1976, Wiss. :xn-354 p. - Rßü 36 (1979) 124 (P. Stork). a762 Masson E., a) Le chypro-minoen 1: Comparaisons possihles avec Jes syllabaires du 1er millenaire et l'eteo-chypriote: ➔ 756, Colloquium Mycenaeum, ed. E. Risch, 1979, 397-410. - b) Les inscriptions chypriotes syllabiques de 1961 ä 1975: Colloquium Myccnacum, cd. par C. Dauphin (Geneve 1979, Univ. de Neuchätel) 361-72. - c) Les ecritures chypro-minoennes: etat present des recherches: AnPisa 3,8 (1978) 805-816. d) Un nouvel examen des tablettes de Deir 'Alla (Jordanie); Minos 15 (1974 prodiit 1977) 1-33. - e) [Linear B] Hommage a M. Ventris: ➔ 751, Leclant J., Dechiffrement 1975, 47-50. a763 Picket H. W., Stroud R. S, al,, Supplementum Epi&raphicum C.raec.nm 26 (1976s) [ •.. Cyprus; Syria, Palaestina]. Alphen-Rijn Ned. / Germantown MD 1979, Sijthotf & N. XXI-484p.

J6 Indo-iranica a764 Back Michael, Die sassanidischen Staatsinschriften. Studien zur Orthographle und Phonologie des Mittelpersischen der Inschriften wsa111111en mit einem etymologischen Index des mittelpersischen Wortgutes und einem Textcorpus der behandelten Inschriften [diss. dir. 0. Szemereny1]: Acta Iranica 18, = 3/8. Ld 1978, Brill. xxvm-520 p. DM 86. - Rsprache 25 (1979) 212. a765 Bartbolomae C., Altiranisches Wörterbuch: zusammen mit den Nacharbeiten und Vorarbeiten. 2., photomechanischer Nachdruck d. 1. Auflage 1904. B 1979, de Gruyter. [332] S., 2000 Sp. DM 240. a766 [Waldschmidt E.] Bechert H. [Simson G. von], Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden. Im Auftrage AkGö. Lief. 1 a-,an-lantar-väsa; Lief. 2 antar-hälavadätavarr;a.Gö 1973 (1977), VR, 160 p. - RGGA 231 (1979) 273-88 (M. Hahn); JAOS 99 (1979) 160s (D. S. Ruegg). a767 Benveniste E., Etudes sogdiennes: Beiträge zur Iranistik 9. Wb 1979, Reichert. 345 p., 1 Ill. Dm 96. a768 Borger R., a) Dokumente zur Entzifferung der altpersischen Keilschrift durch H. C. Rawlinson / Die Entzifferungsgeschichte der alLpeniii;chen Keilschrift nach Grotefends ersten Erfoigen: Persica 7 (1975-8) 1-5 / 719. a769 BoJ1ceM11ry, A Re11clerin Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian; Text with Notes: Acta Iranica 9 1975 ➔ 57,7983 (corr. 58s,a487): RJAOS


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

98 (1978) 164s (W. Heston); OLZ 73 (1978) 183-6 (W. Sundermann). a770 Boyce M., A Word-List of Manichaean Middle Persian and Parthian 1977 ➔ 58s,a488: RBSOAS 42 (1979) 568ss (A. Tafazzoh); WZKM 71 (1979) 233ss (Rüd. Schmitt). a771 Coletti Alessandro, Coletti GrünbaumHanne, Dizionario persiano italiano. Classico, moderno, familiare con dati storici, geografici, letterari; present. Alessandro Bausani. R 1978, Centro Culturale Italo-Iraniano. xvr960 p. a772 Coq A. A. von Le al., Sprachwissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der deutschen Turfan-Forschung. Text-Editionen und Interpretationen. Gesammelte Berliner Akademieschriften 1908-38. Vorwort G. Hazai. Lp 1972, DDR Zentralantiquariat. vm-623 p., 24 pl.; 411 p., 15 pl. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 318s (L. V. Clark). a773 Eifers W., Iranisches Lehngut im Arabischen: Biblos 46 (Coimbra 1970) 581-660. a774 Frye R. N. Hg. Neue Methodologie in der Iranistik 1974 -+ 56,6782; 58s,a434: RzDMG 128 (1978) 418 (U. Sezgi,n). a775 Gignoux P., Glossaire des inscriptions phahlevies et parthes: Corpus Inscript. Iran., Sup 51, 1972 ➔ 53,5876; 57,7996: RMuseon 89 (1976) 485s (P. Lecoq). a776 Henning W. B. A Fragment of a K.hwarczmian Dictionary = Publication of Tehran Univ. No. 1317: Asia Major Lihrary 16. 1977. ·P., The Sassanian lnscription of Paikuli. Part 1: a777 Humbach H., SkjCEV@ Supplement of Herzfeld's Paikuli. Wb 1978, Reichert. 32 p., 64 pl. (114 phot). -+ t820. a778 Mayrhofer M., Aus der Welt der Sanskrit-Inschriften. Anlässlich des Buches von Th. Damsteegt [Epigraphical Hybrid Sanskrit. Ld 1978 n. 3 de nominibus iranicis, n. 4. de Ab-ba-tema et sim. in Persepolis Treasury Tablets]: Sprache 25 (1979) 176-181. a779 Mayrhofer Manfred, Nachlese altpersischer Inschriften: InnsBeiSpra 19. 1978. 26 p. Sch. 60. a780 Mayrhofer M., Supplement zur [R. Kent 2 1953] Sammlunii der altpersischen Inschriften: ÖsterrAkStzb 338; Veröff. Iran. Komm. 7. W 1978. 51 p. DM 25. a781 Oranskij Iosif M., Les langues iraniennes, tr. J. Blau: Inst. d'Et. Iran. Sorbonne Nouv., Docum. 1. P 1977, Klincksieck. vn-239 p., 2 tables. F 64. - Rßü 35 (1978) 411s (G. Kreyenbrock); Museon 91 (1978) 485s (G. Jucquois).

a782 Schmitt Rüdiger, Die Iranier-Namen bei Aischylos (lranica Graeca Vetustiora, 1): VeröfßranKom, 6 = SbÖsAkWiss 337. W 1978, Verlag der Österreich. Akademie der Wissenschaften. 87 p. DM 30 [Studium praeliminare ad iranisches PersonennamenbuchV: 2 'Iranische Namen in der griechischen Literatur vor Alexander d. Gr'. Ad explorandum 48 circiter nomina ducum militariwn, de quorwn interitu in spectaculo Aeschyli Persaeclade magis magisque ingravescente maior ac maior planctus crescit, praeter acumen criticae philologicae Auctor etiam navat acumen prosopographicum ut inter nomina certe, probabiliter, possibiliter iranica seligam exegetis utilia: explicatur Darefos = Därayavaus'Das Gute festhal-

16 Philologia indo-iranica


tend' ; Kyros = Kurus < *kuru- 'jung, Kind'; Xerxes= Xsayärsä 'über Männer herrschend'; etiam Arsames (cfr. Pap. Eleph.) = 0]!..säma'Heldenkraft habend', vel etiam Agabatas lectio diflicilior: Agd-, quod nomen incertum incertius quidam sec. ' 0 bagtii' (Esth 1,10) emendare conati sunt (-P. Nober)]. a783 Schmitt Rüdiger, Nomenclator Justianus: Index der in dem morphologisch-etymologischen Verzeichnis von F. Justis 'Iranischem Namenbuch' erfassten Namen. Saarbrücken 1978, auct. 44 p. a784 Schmitt R., Die Wiedergabe iranischer Namen bei Ktesias von Knidos im .Vergleich zur sonstigen griechischen Überlieferung: Prolegomena to the Sourccs on thc History of Pre-Islamic Central Asia ed. J. Harmatta (Budapest 1979) 119-133. a785 Sims-Williams N., On the Plural and Dual in Sogdian: BSOAS 42 (1979) 337-346. J6.4 Latina et derivata a786 Bischoff Bernhard, Paläographie des römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittelalters: Gnmolagen der Germanistik 24. B 1979, E. Schmidt. 362 p.; bibliog. 299-323. DM 34. 0 3-503-01282-6. a787 Blatt F., Novum glossarium mediae latinitatis. K 1978, Munksgaard. Fase. Od-Opertorium, 325-540. a788 CasamassimaE., Staraz E., Varianti e cambio grafico nella scrittura dei papiri latini: ScrCiv 1 (1978) 9-110. a789 Cencetti Giorgio, Paleografia latina2 [11954= V. Ussani,ed., Guida allo studio della civilta romana antica II. 557-629; aggiomato dal Cencetti, Compendio di paleografia latina, fino al 1966], con nuova bibliografia e tavole di Paola Supino Martini: F. Arnaldi, S. Calderoneed. Guida allo studio della civilta romana X/3. R 1978, Jouvence. 195 p., 24 pl. a790 Ceresa-GastaldoA., II latino delle antiche versioni bibliche 1975 ..... 56,879; 57,982; 58s,l278: RApollinaris 49 (1976) 3?.6s (P. •Tnr.enel). a791 Flores E., Latinita arcaica e produzione linguistica: Forme materiali e ideologie del mondo antico, 4. Na 1978, Liguori. 131 p. a792 Galluzzi P., 'Momento' come minimo di peso [momentum staterae, cfr. Is 40,15; Sap 11,23 (VL+Vg),hb saf)aq; rhope zygou Is 40,15 e glossatori etc. medioevali]: Galluzzi, Momento, Studi galileani (R 1979, Ateneo & B.) 23-40. a793 Gigante M. ed., Catalogo dei papiri ercolanesi: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici; Centro Intemaz. per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi. N 1979, Bibliopolis. 400 p. ; p. 13-17 Introd. di A. Angeli, M. Capasso, M. Colaizzo, N. Fa/cone.

a795 Harmatta J., Remarques sur le lex.ique du latin medieval et le substrat hongrois: Acta Antiqua Hungarica 23,2s (1975) 335-344. a796 Hauri-KarrerH., Zur Etymologie von lat. auscultare [aus = auris; cu/tum = erecta];MusHelv 35 (1978) 100-103. a797 Hübner Ae. [ 58s,9497a: RAsAfrLing 6,4 (1979) 5-10 (R. C. Steiner); BSOAS 41 (1978) 366s (J. Wansbrough); Sefarad 38 (1978) 147-151 (F. Corriente). a834 Blau J., [TI]On Invariable Passive Forms in Biblical Hebrew and Clas1978, 85-94; (Fs.) eius sical Arabic: ➔ 154, Sefer S. E. LoEWENSTAMM (J 1979) 190s. a835 Burrini G., Profilo storico degli studi sul camito-semitico: AION 38 . (1978) 113-53; 39 (1979) 351-384. "'a836 Bynon T., The Hamito-Semitic Hypothesis and Models of Language Relationship: QuSem 5 (F 1974 ed. 1978) 21-30. a837 Castellino G. R., The Case System of Cushitic in Relation to Semitic: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 31-42. a838 Cohen D., Phrase nominale et verbalisation en semitique: ➔ 23, Fs. [I] E. BENVENISTE 1975. a839 Uelbmeck lierthold (1842-1922), lntroduction to the Study of Language: A Critical Survey of the History and Methods of Comparative Philology of Indo-European Languages. New Edition, prepared with a foreword and a selected Bibliography by E. F. K. Koerner: Amst Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science 1 = Amst Classics in Linguistics 18001925, vol. 8. Amst 1974, Benjamin. 148 p. f 35. - RindogF 81 (1976/7) 273 (W. Thomas). a840 Doi Toshio [F.nglish-Celticline;uistics expert], The Study of Language in Japan: a Historical Survey. Tokyo 1976, Shinozaki Shorln. [XI-]IV-355p. - RJRAS(1978) 106 (H. Clarke). a841 Ehrman A., Jewish Aramaic in Old Romance? [mascara, maschera, masquerade; also massacre perhaps from sqrlmesaqqer 'dye red']: JQR 69 (1978s) 233ss. a842 Eifers W., Semitische Wurzeltheorie [was sie von der spekulativen Kraft der Indogermanisten lernen kann, insbes. die zweiradikalige Wurzel als Ausgangspunkt]: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 125-131. a843 Essen Otto von, Allgemeine und Angewandte Phonetik. 5., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. oB 1979, ·Akademie. xn-300 p., 63 fig., 13 pl.; bibliog. 276-295. a844 Fa/es F. M., A Cuneiform Correspondence to Alphabetic in West Semitic Names of the I Millennium B. C. [... '(LT) as one of the cuneiform oorrespondcnccs']: Oricntalia 47 (1978) 91-98. a845 Faur J., The Third Person in Semitic Grammatical Theory and Gener.d Linguistics: Ling Bibl 46 (1979) 106-115.


J8 Philologia generalis et comparata


a846 Fellman J., A Sociolinguistic Comparison of the Modem Semitic Languages Hebrew & Amharic: Anthropological Linguistics 17 (1975) 1518. a847 Frajzyngier Z., Notes on the R 1 R 2 R 2 Sterns in Semitic: JSS 24 (1979) 1-12. a848 Garbini G., L'egiziano e le lingue semitiche: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 4S-54. a849 Gerhardt D., Zur Theorie der Eigennamen [zu SuperanskajaA. V., Obscaja teorija imeni sobstvennogo: Akademija Naulc SSSR. Institut jazykoznania (Moskva 1973, Naulca) 366 p.]: Bei Nam 12 (1977) 398-418. a8S0 Gipper H., Sprachwissenschaftliche Grundbegriffe und Fofllc:hungsrichtungen. Orientierungshilfen für Lehrende und Lernende: Lehrgebiet Sprache I. Mü 1978, M. Hueber. 263 p. a8S1 GoldenbergG., Congruence and Comitative and a Problem of Linguistic Typology [typus 'nos cum ~ ', e.g. 2 Reg 10,16 wayyirkefl.ü· itto berikbo: permulta exempla amharica]: QuSem S (1974, ed. 1978) 133-47. a8S2 Gonzalo Maeso David, La piel en las lenguas y las literaturas iberopeninsulares del Medievo, I. Vieh 197S. 172p. -> a346. a8S3 Goshen-GottsteinM. H., Ethiopic-Chaldean and the Beginnings of Comparative Semitics in Renaissance Times [Johann Potkon of Cologne (1S13/1S18) was a victim of Flavius Mithridates' mystification that Ethiopic was the ancient, true Chaldean; another victim of the hoax was J. Perez de Valencia]: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 149. a8S4 Harbert W. E., Gothic Syntax: A Relational Grammar: diss. Illinois Urbana-Champaign 1978, dir. I. Rauch. 409 p. 0 7820954 - DissA 39 (1978s) 2903-A. a8SS Hartig Matthias, Binnick Robert 1., Grammatik und Sprachgebrauch: Neue Ansätze der Sprachverhaltensforschung: Elementarbücher. Mü 1978, Beck. 172 p,; bibliog. 163-171. a8S6 Haudry J., L'emploi des cas en vedique: Introduction a l'etude des cas en indo-europeen. Lyon 1977, HRRMES. S06 p. - RJRAS (1979) 60ss (T. Burrow).

a857 Hiller S., Forschungsbericht: Linear A und die semitischen Sprachen: Atn 26 (1978s) 221-35. Hospers J. H. ed., General Linguistics and the Teaching of Dead HamitoSemitic Languages 197S/8 -> 712. a8S8 Hymes Dell, ed., Studies in the History of Linguistics; Traditions and Paradigms: Indiana University Studies in the History and Theory of Linguistics. Bloomington 1974, Indiana Univ. vm-509p. $17.50 [... Thorkild Jacobsen, Babylonian grammatical texts]. - RJAOS 97 (1977) S59S60 (R. Rocher). a859 Israel F., Un'ulteriore attestazione dell'evoluzione fonetica ä > ö nel semitico di nord-ovest: RStFen 7 (1979) 159ss. a860 Ivtmyi T, a) IM!Sistcma fonetico e cambiamento fonetico ni=ll'arabo e nelle lingue semitiche. Studi della linguistica generale: Altalänos Nyelveszeti Tanulmänyok 12 (1978) 145-71; b) On the Linguistic Methods of I. Goldziher: -+ 116, Jubilee volume of the Oricntal Collection 10S-10, ed. E. Apor 1978.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVI. Philol. bib.

a861 Johnstone T. M., I:Iarsüsi [non-Arabic language of South Arabia] Lexicon and English-1:larsüsi Index: School of Oriental and African Studies. Ox 1977, U.Pr. xxrx-181 p. f. 13. - RJRAS (1978) 74ss (R. B. Serjeant). a862 Junge F., Adverbialsatz und emphatische Formen, Nominalsatz und Negation. Eine Gegendarstellung [zu J. P. Allen]: GötMiszÄg [32 (1979) 7-15] 33 (1979) 69-88. a863 Koch Harold J., Indo-European Denominative Verbs in -nu- [transitive verbs from u-stem adjectives, by insertion of a formant -n- before the adjectival suffix -u-: Hittite, Sanskrit, Greek Examples]: diss. Harvard 1973. 125 p. 0 7912238. - DissA 40 (1979s) 227-A. a864 Kociuba 0., The Grammatical Sources of Meletij Smotryc'kyj's Church Slavonic Grammar of 1619: diss. Columbia 1975. 562 p. 0 7804367. DissA 38 (1977s) 6101s-A. a865 Komoroczy Geza, On the Idea of Sumero-Hungarian Linguistic Affiliation. Critical Notes on a Pseudo-Scholarly Phenomenon: Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös nominatae, Sectio Historica 17 (1976) 259-303. a866 Kopf Lothar, Studies in Arabic and Hebrew Lexicography 1976 -> 58s,a075: RßSOAS 41 (1978) 586s (E. Ullendor.ff). a867 Lacau Pierre, Les noms des parties du corps en egyptien et en semitique 1970 ➔ 53,5785a: RoLZ 73 (1978) 243s (Yv. Westendorf). a868 Levin Saul, The Indoeuropean and Semitic Languages 1971 -> 53,5738; 57,7865: RFolOr 20 (1979) 301s (A. Czapkiewicz); JAAR 43 (1975) 313s (C. H. Gordon). a869 Lipiftski E., La correspondance des sibilantes dans les textes arameens et les textes cuneiformes neo-assyriens: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 201210. a870 Malone J. L., The Mandaic Syllable-Adjustment Circuit and its Histotical Origin: Papers from the 8th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (1972) 473-81. a871 Martin Raymond A., Syntactical Evidence of Semitic Sources in Greek Documents 1974-> 57,7898: RoLZ 74 (1979) 144s (K. Be.ver). a872 Neu E., Meid W. Hg., Hethitisch und Indogermanisch: vergleichende Studien zum historischen Grammatik und zur dialektgeographischen Stellung der indogermanischen Sprachgruppe Altkleinassens: InnsBeiSprW 25. Innsbruck 1979, Univ. Institut für Sprachwiss. 309 p. Sch 860. a873 Ollmer J., [Ä] Zur Problematik der Klassifikation der semitischen Sprachen [< PhilOr 2 (Tbilisi 1972) 241-47]: BayNahr 6,24 (1978) 379-92. a874 Parret H. ed., History of Linguistic Thought and Contemporary Linguistics: Foundations of Communication. B 1976, de Gruyter. rx-816 p. DM 180/$72. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 201s (R. Rocher). a875 Pennacchietti Fabrizio A., a) Uno sguardo comparativo sul comparativo semitico: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 175-197; b) Stato costrutto e grammatica generativa [nell'arabo]: OrAnt 18 (1979) 1-27. a876 Petracek K., La typologie et la linguistique chamitosemitique: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 55-61. a877 Pisani V., Die Etymologie. Geschichte-Fragen-Methode [< 2ital. Brescia

18 Philologia generalis et comparata


1967; 1 1947 Mi]: Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik 26, 1975 --> 58s,a515*: RBeiNam 12 (1977) 426-36 (R. Hiersche). a878 Quittner Vera, More Wandering Terms from the Ancient Near East: European Oriental Etymologies: ZDMG 127 (1977) *31*. a879 Rainey Anson F., The Barth-Ginsberg Law in the Amarna Tablets: --> 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 8*-13*. a880 Rosen Haiim B., L'hebreu et ses rapports avec le monde classique. Essai d'evaluation culturelle: Etudes chamito-semitiques Supp. 7. P 1979, Paul Geuthner. 92 p. F 70. a881 Rosen H. B., Reflexes of Extinct Phonemes in Semitic: BSOAS 41 (1978) 443-52 [... Akkadian examples; originally pharyngal articulations; on 141 compare the three roots $-R-R... ]. a882 Rapallo U., Problemi di linguistica teorica relativi al consonantismo semitico con particolare riguardo al Medio-Ebraico e all' Aramaico Giudaico: AnGlolt 58 (1973) 105-136. a883 Rundgren Frithiof, Über den griechischen Enfluss auf die arabische Nationalgrammatik: Acta Univ. Ups. 2/5. U 1976, Almqvist. P. 119s144. 0 91-554-0375-1. - RBO 36 (1979) 235s (C. Versteeifi). a884 Sasse Hans-Jürgen, Thc Consonant Phonemes of Proto-East-Cushitic (PEC): A First Approximation: Afroasiatic Linguistics 7/1. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. 68 p. · a885 Scherer P., The Preverbal Gothic ga- [in the Gospels]: --> 110, Linguistic and Literary studies in honor of A. A. HILL,III, 209-18. a886 Scholz Bernhard, Akkadisch-griechische und griechisch-akkadische Transkriptionem. Mit Zusammenfassung. Diss. Graz 1978. 1644 f. dact. a887 Steiner G., The Intransitive-passival Conception of the Verb in Languages of the Ancient Near East [e.g. sum., elam., hurr., urart., (proto ~)hat.; comparatio typologica harum linguarum]: Ergativity. Towards a Theory of Grammatical Relations (L 1979, Academic Pr.) 185-216. a888 Steiner Richard C., The Case fo[ Fricative-Laterals in Proto-Semitic: AmOrSer 59, 1977, --> 58s,a261: RAfrAsLing 614 (Malibu 1979) 1-4 (W. Diem); BSOAS 42 (1979) 185s (E. Ullcndorff); JSS 24 (1979) 26555 (A. F. L. Beeston); Sef 38 (1978) 153ss (F. Corriente). a889 Tadmor H., ImA Lexicographical Text from Hazor LHAR-ra = &ubu/lu II 130-135 =--> 58s,9971]: --> 154; Sefer s. E. LoEWENSTAMM, 1978, 43540, lfig; (Fs.) eius (J 1978) 211. a890 Tyloch W., La categorie de l'aspect en semitique. Un essai de reconsideration: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1979) 269-274. a891 Versteegh C. H. M., Greek Elements in Arabic Linguistic Thinking: StSemLgLing 7, 1977. 0 90-04048-55-3 --> 58s,a088: RBO 35 (1978) 376s (W. Madelung). a892 Voigt R. M., Die Laterale im Semitischen: Weltür 10 (1979) 93-114 (index). a893 Vycichl W., L'etat actuel des etudes chamito-semitiques: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 63-76. a894 Ward William A., The Four Egyptian Homographic Roots D3: Etymological and Egypto-Semitic Studies: StPohl 6. Rome 1978, Pontifical Bib-

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVI. Philol. bib.

lical Institute Press. X+VI-201p., 1 foldout. Lit 9.600/$12. a895 Zaborski A., Biconsonantal Verbal Roots in Semitic: Prace Jezyko~ znawcze 35 [= -+ 54,6312) (1971) 51-98.


Origines artis scribendi - The Origins of Writing

a896 Bausani A., L'alfabeto come calendario arcaico [28 stazioni lunari (alBirtini) e 28 abjad Qettere arabe nell'ordine arcaico); 'i segni alfabetici corrispondono agli asterismi delle stazioni' anche nell'alfabeto fenicio, e .- prima alla meta del II millennio a.C.]: OrAnt 17 (1978) 131-45, tav. IV-V. a897 Beit-Arie M., Hebrew Codicology. Tentative Typology ... 1976 -+ 58s,388s: RHenoch 1 (1979) 147s (G. Tamam). a898 Branden Albert van den, Nouvel essai de dechiffrement des inscriptions protosinaYtiques: BbbOr 21 (1979) 155-251, 33 fig., map (anche in copertina). -+ a830. a899 Clairmont C., 'lt Should Belong to the Fifth Century': the C.ase of Slanting Nu: Boreas 2 (1979) 43-52. a900 Cross F. M., Early Alphabetic Scripts [Proto-Canaanite (16th-12th Cent.B.C.) ... ; Canaanite Cuneiform (1400-1200 B.C.); Early Phoenician Linear Script (11th Cent. B.C.); The Spread of the Phoenician Alphabet to the Greeks]: -+ 12, Symposia, 75th Anniv. ASOR 1979, 97-122, 12 fig. a901 Dion Paul-E., Les types epistolaires hebreo-arameens jusqu'au temps de Bar-Kokhbah: Introduction (avec D. Pardee, J. D. Whitehead): RB 86 (1979) 544-79. a902 Doblhofer Ernst, Segni meravigliosi. La decifrazione delle scritture e delle lingue scomparse [1957) tr. G. Gortini. Brescia 1970, La Scuola. 347 p. - Rsal 40 (1978) 442s (S. Maggio). a903 Driver 54, 6696 ... 56, 7052: RJAAR 43 (1975) 314s (B. T. Dahlberg). s60 Parrot Andre, Clefs pour l'archeologie2 • P 1976, Seghers. 176 p., 7 fi.g., 16 pl. rev. [11967 -> 49, 6765]. - RRAss 72 (1978) 94s (P. Amiet). s61 Paul Shalom M., Dever William G., Biblical Archaeology 1974 -> 56, 8531: RBO 34 (1977) 364s (C. de Geus); JAAR 43 (1975) 315s (F. S. Frick); RR 85 (1978) 315s (P. de Miroschedj1). s62 Penot Jean, Syrie-Palestine I: Archaeologia Mundi 21. Geneve 1978, Nagel. 189 p., (col.) ill. - Syrien-Palästina I. Von den Ursprüngen bis zur Bronzezeit tr. W. Zschietzschmann. Mü 1978, Nagel (1979, Heyne). 191 p., 118 (col.) ill., maps. DM 19,80. s63 Pritchard James B., The Ancient Near East. Volume II: A New Anthology of Texts and Pictures. Princeton 1975, Univ. XVIII, 251 p., 110 ill. RcBQ 39 (1977) 267s (R. North). s64 Redman C. L., The Rise of Civilization: From Early Farmers to Urban Society in the Ancient Near East. SF 1978, Freeman. ix-367 p., 80 phot., 81 fi.g. 1 map, 13 plans, 3 tables. $11.95 pa. s65 Rodrigues M. A., Exegese Biblica e Antiguidade Oriental [Hist. scient. bibl. (603-38); Ling. sem. et koine (638-34); Archaeol. bibl. (654-66); Litteratura or. et S. Script. (666-77); Archaeol. Palaestinae (678-87)]: Biblos 48 (1972) 601-687. s66 RonenAvraham, lntroducing Prehistory: Introd. Archaeology 9. L 1975, Cassell. 96 p., 43 fi.g., 8 col. pl. fl.50. s67 Ruffle John, Heritage of the Pharaohs: an introduction to Egyptian archaeology. Ox 1977, Phaidon. 224 p., 160 fi.g., 32 col. pl. f5.95. 0 0-71481726-0. s68 Rumme/1 Stan, Using Ancient Near Eastem Parallels in Old Testament Study: BAR-W 3/3 (1977) 3sl 1, ill. s69 Rybakov B. A. ed., IB] Archeologiceskie otkrytija [Entdeckungen] 1976 goda. Moskva 1977, Nauka. 593 p., ill. r 3.24. s70 Salvoni F., Panorama di recenti reperti archeologici connessi con la Bibbia: RicBibRel 14 (1979) 287-305. s71 Schiemann R., The Relevance of Archaeology to the Study of Ancient West Scmitic Religions: World Archaeology 10 (1978) 129-138. s72 Schoville Keith N., Biblical Archaeology in Focus. Introd. by M. Mansoor [11-12]. GR 1978, Baker. 511 p., many ill. $15.95 [1.Understanding

Tl Archaeologia biblica generalis


Biblical Archaeology; II. A Survey of Significant Sites and Finds Outside the Holy Land; III. .•. within the Holy Land]. - RJBL 98 (1979) 579s (J. W. Betlyon); TS 40 (1979) 392 (F. L. Moriarty). s73 Sekiya S., [Il Zusetsu Kyüyak.u-Seisho no Köko-gak.u: An Illustrated OT Archaeology. Tokyo 1979, Yorudansha. 331 p., ill. (13 col.), maps. V 4800. s74 Settgast J. (Gehrig U.), Von. Troja bis Amarna: The Norbert Schimmel Collection NY, Ausstellungskatalog. Mainz 1978, v. Zabem. 336 p. 310 ill. s75 Siqueira T. M., A Arquelogia e a Biblia: IgLu (TLZ 105, 533] 54-8. s76 Stefaniak L. W. prcs., Archeologia Palestyny 1973 -+ 55, 7770*, zl 390: RJAOS 98 (1978) 152s (M. C. Astour). s77 Strange J. F., Archaeology and the Religion of Judaism in Palestine [Evidences of Cult; Burial Customs; Folk Religion; Iconography] bibliogr.: 675-81: ➔ 864, ANRW 2,19,1 (1979) 646-685, 20 fig. (partly on XI pl.). s78 Thomas D. H., Archaeology [. . . initial objective: to construct cultural chronologies ... ]. NY/L 1979, R. & W. Holt. xvn-510 p., ills., maps. [bibliogr.; p. 471-501]. s79 Tomes R., Magnus Magnusson [BBC series 'Archaeology of the Hible Lands'] and the OT: Epworth Review 4,3 (Sept. 1977) 6-11. s80 Toth K. !MIA regeszet es a Biblia: Bible antiquities. Budapest 1978, Reformatus ZIS. 183 p. s8 l Velikowsky Immanuel, Peoples of the Sea: Ages in Chaos. L 1977, Sidgwick & J. 279 p., 16pl. :E5.95. ➔ 773, Scientists Confront Velikovsky 1974. s82 Vos H. F., Archaeology in Bible Lands. Ch 1977, Moody. 415 p. (16 maps); ill. $9.95. s83 Vos H. F., Archeology of Greece and Rome/Mesopotamia: ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 255-60 / 263-70, 12 fig., col. pl. s84 Waldbaum J. C. L., From Bronze to Iron. The Transition from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age in the Eastem Mediterranean; SIMA 54. Göteborg 1978, P. Aström. 106 p. (96-106 bibliog.). Sk 1'iO. - RPEQ 111 (1979) 131s (K. R. Maxwe/1-Hyslop). s85 Ward Anne, Adventures in Archaeology. NY 1977, Larousse. 160 p.: 109-21 Jericho; 139-47 Dead Sea Scrolls. s86 Will Edouard al., Le monde grec et l'Orient [I. 1972 ➔ 54, 7320 ... 58s,c339] II. (- Masse C., Goukowsky P.), Le Ive siecle et l'epoque hellenistique: Peuples et civilisations 2. P 1975, PUF. - RAmJPh 99 (1978) 518ss (J. R. Fears). s87 Wilson Clifford A., Rocks, Relics and Biblical Reliability [an excavator's apologetics, with response by R. K. Harrison]. GR 1977, Zondervan. 127 p. $3.98 pa. - RReffR 37 (1978) 91s (W. J. Dumbre/1: slender). s88 Wirth E., Orientalistik und Orientforschung: Aufgaben und Probleme aus der Sicht der Nachbarwissenschaften: ZDMS, Suppl III, 1 (1977) LVLXXXII.

s89 WiscmllRD. J., Yamauclzi E., Archaeology and thc Bible; an introductory study: Contemporary Evangelical Perspectives [from Expositor's Bible Comm. 1]. GR 1979, Zondervan. 122 p. $3.95 pa.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

s90 Wright G. Ernest, 1H]ha-miqra /e'umat sebfbäto: The OT against its Environment 1949 tr. 1:1.Tadmor. TA 1978, Heder. 96 p. s91 Yadin Y., The Archaeological Sources for the Period of the Monarchy: ....900, World HJP 1,4,2 (J 1979) 187-235/319-24, 9 fig. s92 Yamauchi E. M., Archeology of Palestine and Syria: .... 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 270-282, 10 fig., col. pi. s93 Yamauchi E. M., Las excavaciones y las Escrituras, tr. F. Lievano R. EI Paso 1977, Casa Bautista. 224 p., ill., maps. s94 Zanot M., Die Welt ging dreimal unter: Kometen, Sintflut-Mythen und Bibel-Archäologie = 1974 Dopo il diluvio tr. H. Linnert: Sachbuch rororo 7143. Hamburg/Reinbek 1978, Rowohlt. 139 p., ill., ~aps.' Tl.2 Musea, organismi, exploratores. s95 Adams Barbara, Egyptian Objects in the Victoria and Albert Museum: Egyptology Today 3. Wmr 1977, Aris & P. 1v-6l p., 14 fig. !6.50/$17.50. 0 0-85668-103-2. - RBO 36 (1979) 33s (K. Mysliwiec). s96 Ägyptisches Museum [Berlin-Ost]: Kleiner Führer durch die Ausstellung des ~. oR 1976, Staatliche Museen. 62 p. 16pl. s97 [Allegro John M.: mostly excerpts from] The Shapira Affair [1883 Dt scroll possibly authentic pace 0. Rabinowicz; probably destroyed in fire of C. Nicholson's study 1899]: BAR-W 5,4 (1979) 12-27. s98 A~OR, Annual Meeting 1978, New Orleans: 'Retrospects and Prospects in Biblical \and Syro-Palestinian Archaeology': BA 42 (1979) 186-88 (L. M. Gaster). ASOR 75th anniversary: -> 12, Symposia 1979. s99 Barnett R. D., Assyrian Palace Reliefs in the British Museum. L 1976, Dritish Museum. 46 p., 3 fig., 20 pi. (photos W. Forman). s100 Barnett R. D., Assyrische Skulpturen im British Museum. Recklinghausen 1975, A. Bongers. 256 p., 200 pi. (A. Lorenzini photos). DM 98. 0 3-7647-0274-5. - RBO 34 (1977) 359s (B. Hrouda). slOl Barnett R. D., Catalogue of the Permanent and Loan Collections of the Jewish Museum, London, 1974 -, 55,8778. - RREJuiv 134 (1975) 199202 (G. Nahon). s102 Barnett R. D., Sculptures from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (668-27 Be.). L 1976, British Museum. 90 p., 14 fig., 88 pl. :E60.RAntiquity 52 (1978) 67s (M. Mallowan); RAss 72 (1978) 88-92, 1 fig. (P. Amiet); ZAss 69 (1979s) 277ss (B. Hrouda: will long be the most beautiful and valuable work in West-Asia archeology). s103 Berner! H., AIJ,i(uvS., 1H]Bibliography: The Works of B. Mazar: CHistEI 8 (1978) 217-27. s104 Braun E., Museen der Welt/Museums of the world [17,000 in 148 countries; text in English]. Mü-Pullach 1973, Verlag Dokumentation. 762 p. biogr.] NY s105 a) Brackman A. C., The Dream of Troy [H. ScHLIEMANN, 1974, Mason & Lipscomb. xn-246 p., 13 pi. - b) Deuel Leo, Memoirs of Heinrich SCHLIEMANN. NY 1977, Harper. 411 p., figg. $20. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 76s (F. Stubbings). - c) Tessadri Elena, C'era una volta la citta

Tl.2 Musea, organismi, exploratores


di Troia: vita e scoperte di Heinrich Schliemann archeologo: Playbook. Mi 1977, Rusconi. 205 p. Lit. 3000. s106 Caquot A., Rapport sur l'activite de l'Ecole archeologique fran~aise de Jerusalem 1977s: CRAl (1978) 688-91; (1979) 550-2. s107 Carmel A., Palästina im 19. Jahrhundert- zur Vorgeschichte der Gründung des DPV [100-Jahr Kommem.]: ZDPV 95 (1979) 1-6. sl08 Chavane M.-J. [+L. D.] Dix annees d'archeologie lyonnaise en orient [Kamak, Syrie, Chypre]: Archeologia 127 (1979) 43-48, 15 phot., map. sl09 Dawson Warren R., Uphill Erle P., Who was who in Egyptology. A Biographical Index of Egyptologists; of Travellers, Explorers, and Excavators in Egypt; of Collcctors of nnd Dealers in Egyptian Antiq\lities; of C:onsuls, Officials, Authors, Benefactors, and others whose names occur in the Literature of Egyptology, from the year 1500 to the present day, but excluding persons now living 2 rev. L 1972, Egypt Expl. Soc. x1v-31b p. sl 10 Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft, seit 1898 im Dienste der Forschung. B c.1978, Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. 44 p., ill. s 111 Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Jahresbericht 1978: Zentraldirektion, Abteilungen: Rom; Athen; Frankfurt a. M. (Röm.-Germ. Kommission); Istanbul; Kairo; Madrid; Bagdad; Teheran; Korn. Alte Geschichte u. Epigraphik: ArchAnz 1979, 559-618. sl 12 Fazzlni Richard, Images for Etemity: Egyptian Art from Berkeley & Brooklyn. SF/Brooklyn 1975, Fine Arts/Museum. xxxn-140 p., 117 pl. $14 ($12 pa.). - RJNES 38 (1979) 135s (A. P. Silverman); WZKM 69 (1977) 122s (H. Satzinger). sl 13 [Fell, prof. Philipp] The International Survey of Jewish Monuments, U. of lliinois, Champaign-Urbana: ArchNews 6 (1977) 109s. s114 Finet A., 'Eine Stadt vor 5000 Jahren. Die Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft zeigt Ergebnisse ihrer Ausgrabungen am Euphrat - Habuba-Kabira, Syrien'. Exposition organisee a Berlin, Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte: Akkadica 10 (1978) 24-27. a115 Franke J. A., The Oriental Institute: The New Mesopotamian Hall: Archncology 31,2 (1978) 55s, 5 fig. sl 16 Gory M., Travaux effectues par !'Institut Geographique National de France: ADAJ 21 (19'/6) 79-85, Pl. xxxm-xxxvm (87-91 Etablissement d'un photoplan, Pl. XXXIXs). sl 17 Grünert H., 25 Jahre Ur- und Frühgeschichte in der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Ausgrabungen und Funde 24 (1979) 53-56. s118 Hayes John W., Roman Pottery in the Royal Ontario Museum: a Catalogue. Toronto 1976. ix-69 p., 13 fig., 40 pl. - RJsrEJ 29 (1979) 260s (R. Rosenthal-H. ).

s119 Hermann Werner (Lahusen Götz, Preisshofen Felix), DAI Archäologische Bibliographie 1978. B 1979, de Gruyter. XXXIV-339p.; p.18-23 Personalia, 23-31 Technik und Material, 94-101 Museen; 251-64(-69), Orientalische (Ägyptische) Kultur. s120 Horn Jürgen, Daten zur Geschichte der Ägyptologie in Göttingen: GötMiszÄg 28 (1978) ll-19, 2 fig. . s121 Klauser Theodor: Henri Leclercq 1869-1945 [compilator fcrc unicus immensi DACL]. Vom Autodidakten zum Kompilator grossen Stils: JbAC


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Ergbd. 5. Münster 1977, Aschendorff. 166p. DM60 (52pa.). - RJTS 30 (1979) 320-24 (Y{. H. C. Frend: 'the greatest compiler of historical material of all time'!!); NRT 101 (1979) 143s (C. Martin); RHE 74 (1979) 744s (N. Huyghebaert: justice a lui qui suivit, contre vents et marees, ce qu'il estimait etre sa propre vocation); TR 75 (1979) 302ss (K. S. Frank); ZKT 100 (1978) 540s (H. B. Meyer). s122 Kochavi M., The Institute of Archaeology < of Tel Aviv Univ. >: 1978-1979: TAJ 6 (1979) 199-202. s123 Kozlojf A., A Private Collection of Judaean Antiquities [Ratner, Cleveland]: Archaeology 31,2 (1978) 53. sl24 Lilienfeld F. von, Neuere [archäologische] Literatur aus der Sowjetunion (3 libri infra): ZAW 90 (1978) 154ss. s125 Logan-SmithA. ed., An Introduction to Ancient Egypt = 2Guide to the [HM] b:gyptian Collections 1964. L/NY 1979, British Muscum/Parrar-SG. 286 p., 101 ill., 21 col. pl. fS.50 (t:4.95pa). s126 Lopez Jesus, Ostraca ieratici N. 57001-57092: Catalogo del Museo Egizio di Torino 2. Collezioni, 3/1. Mi 1978, Cisalpino-G. 54 p., 50 pl. s127 Loyrette A.-M., L'Egypte des Pharaons: une magnifique exposition a Lille: Archeologia 113 (1977) 58-66, 8 phot. + 3 col. s128 Mallowan Max, Mallowan's Memoirs [... I. Before the War: Ur, Nineveh, Arpachiyah, Habur Survey, Chagar Bazar, Tell Brak, Balikh Valley; IV: Nimrod ... ]. L 1977, Collins. 320 p., 4 fig., 16 pl. f:6.95. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 157s (J. Oates). s129 a) Mi/es John A. J, Understanding Albright: a Revolutionary Etude [defends Albright for some human inconsistencies; alluding to S. 1:!.Hardwick NYU 1965 diss. Change and Constancy in WFA's Treatment of Early OT History and Religion 570: all his shifts were toward conservatism]: HarvTR 69 (1976) 151-75. b) RumlinKL. 0., Freedman D. N., William Foxwell Albright. NY 1975, Morgan Pr. XI-442p. $15. - RBS 136 (1979) 83s (Y{. R. Bodine). s130 Mirsky J., Sir Aurel Stein: Archaeological Explorer 1977 -> y237. s131 Muscarella 0, W., Ancient Art: N. Schimmel Collection. Mainz 1974, v. Zabcrn. 265 fig., explan.; 101 items classical, 67 West Asia, 98 Egypt. - RwcltOr 10 (1979) 162 'Y{. Röllig). s132 Parlasca K., Ägyptisierende Bauglieder und Reliefs aus Rom im Ägyptischen Museum [oB]: ForBerStaatlMus 18 (1977) 59-65, Pl. 10-14. s133 Peck W. H., Ancient Art in Detroit [Institute of Arts]: Archaeology 31,3 (1978) 14-18, 5 fig. s134 Renger Johannes, Die Geschichte der Altorientalistik und der vorderasiatischen Archäologie in Berlin von 1875 bis 1945. Ergänzungsband zum Katalog Berlin und die Antike. B 1979. P. 151-192, 17 fig. s135 Reymond E, A. E., Cataloiue of Demotic Papyri in the Ashmole11n Museum I: Embalmers' Archives from Hawara; Greek Documents and Subscription~, J. W. B. Barns. ÜJL 1973, Orilfüh Inst. xvlll-170 p. 15 pl. s136 Sheftel Phoebe S., The Archaeological Institute of America 1879-1979; A Cenlennial Review: AJA 83 (1979) 3-17. s137 Simpson William K., The Face of Egypt: Pcrmanence and Change in Egyptian Art. From Museum and Private Collections. Katonah NY ~977,

Tl.2 Musea, organismi, exploratores


K.alunah Gallery/Dallas Museum. 72 p., ill. sl38 Thompson Michael, General [Fox] Pitt-Rivers [inventor of 'typology']: evolution and archaeology in the ninenteenth century. Bradford 1977, Moonraker. 164 p. 27 fig. f:4.95. - RAntiquity 51 (1977) 180s (G. Daniel).

sl39 Tushingham A. D., Ladders to Heaven at the R(oyal) O(ntario) M(useum) [more than 1,800 artifacts of ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean origin of the Elie Borowski collection]: Archaeology 32,4 (1979) 53-55, 7 fig. s140 Vercoutter Jean, Les Travaux de l'IFAO en 1978s: BIFAO 79 (1979) 451-77. s141 Wagner-Luz U., Das Deutsche Evangelische Institut für Albertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Landes in den Jahren 1976-1977: ZDPV 94 (1978) 161-63. s142 Webster G., Zaidan R., Palestine Exploration Fund - F. J. Bliss Archive: PEQ 111 (1979) 127-29. s143 Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer, 1890-1976: PrBritAcad 63 (1977, ed. 1978) 483-507, pl. 5. s144 Will E., L'lnstitut fran~ais d'archeologie du Proche-Orient (1977: Damas et de nouveau Beyrouth, fig. 1; projets, aussi en Jordanie / 1978): ,Syria 55 (1978) 178-82; :,6 (1979) 210-214. s145 Westendorf J. F., Jean Fram;:ois Champollion: Die G-rossen der Weltgeschichte, hrg. von K. Fassmann, VII 2 (Z/Mü 1976, Kindler) 504-15, 2 fig., 2 pl. s146 WortharnJohn D., British Egyptology 1549-1906. Newton Abbot 1971, David & C. XVI-171p., 21fig., 16pl., :?.m11ps.f2.50. - RüLZ 73 (1978) 240-3 (G. Rühlmann). T2 Methodi, Science in archeology. s147 Aitlum M. J., Thcrmolumincsoent Dnting: Recent Advance5 in Science and Technology of Materials (3vol.) (NY 1974, Plenum) 191-203. s148 Alvarez L. W. al., Search for Hidden Chambers in the Pyramids. The Structure of the Second Pyramid of Giza is determined by Cosmic-Ray Absorption: Science 167 (1970) 832-39, 13 figs. s149 Andreae B., Über die Lage der Archäologie im Rahmen der philologisch-historischen Fächer und der Kunstwissenschaft: Flashar H. al., Geisteswissenschaft als Aufgabe. Kulturpolitische Perspektiven und Aspekte (B 1978, de Gruyter. 243 p.) 153-162. s150 Avery Thomas E., Lyons Thomas R., Remote Sensing: Practical Exer1.:iseson Remote Scnsing in Aroheology. Wsh 1978, National Park Service. (Supplement Number 1). IV-32p., 3 fig. s151 Bascom W., Deep Water, Ancient Ships: The Treasure Vault of the Mediterranean. GNY 1976, Doubleday. 226 p. $8.95. s152 Bayard D., 15 Jahre 'New Archaeology', Eine kritische Übersicht: Saeculum 29 (1978) 69-106. sl53 Beck C. W. ed., Archaeological chemistry. Symposium, History of

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Chemistry, Dallas April 9-10, 1973. Wsh 1974, Amer. Chem. Soc. 254p. 769: 'A homogeneous powdered bronze sample divided between 21 laboratories revealed considerable variation in analytical results (pp. 14885)': BAA 9, 22. s154 Bell W. T., Zimmerman D. W., The Effect of HF Acid Etching on the Morphology of Quartz Inclusions for Thermoluminescence Dating: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 63ss, 6 pi.; adhuc 67ss. sl55 Bennett C. L., Radiocarbon Dating with Accelerators: American Scientist 67: 4 (1979) 450-57. s156 Bernhardt K-H., Sind wir Astronautenkinder? Die falschen Sensationen des Erich von Däniken im Lichte der biblischen Archäologie. oB 1978, Union. 127 p. M 5,20. s157 Beukens R. P., Carbon-14 Dating of Milligram Samples Using a Tandem Accelerator: ➔ 787, 18th Sympos. Archaeom. 1979, p. 388-94, 6 figs. s158 Bieber A. M. J, Neutron Activation Analysis of Archaeological Ceramics from Cyprus: Univ. Connecticut Ph. D. diss. 1977. AA 1979, Univ. Microf. vn-219 p., 9 fig., 4 maps. - DissA 38 (1978) 4906A. s159 Bödefeld H., Vacano 0. von, Elektronische Datenverarbeitung in der antiken Numismatik. Ein Projekt zur Erfassung griechischer Münztypen am althistorischen Institut der Universität Düsseldorf: Chiron 8 (1978) 587-604, pi. 7. s160 Bossuet G., Reconnaissance archeologique du site de Ras Ibn Hani [Ras Shamra/Ugarit] par prospection electrique: Syria 55 (1978) 307-311. s161 Bothmer B. V., On Photographing Egyptian Art: SWtägKu 6 (1978) 5153, pi. V-XVI. s162 Brook D., Bieber A. M. J, Harbott/e G., Sayre E., Biblical Studies through Activation Analysis of Ancient Pottery [Persian, Tell el-Hesi]: Advances in Chemistry Series 138 (Wsh 1975) 48-80, 7 figs. Vlll tables. s163 Browne D., Principles and Practice in Modem Archaeology: Teach Yourself Books. L 1975, Hodder_ & S. 262 p., pls. figs. fl.50 pa. s 164 B11r~ellatiOiorgio, Kelly-Rucce/lati Marilyn, IIMAS field encodins manual (non-digital): Aids and Research Tools in Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 2. Malibu CA 1978, Undena. 52 p. s165 Cameron M. A. S., Jones R. E., Phi/ippakis S. E., Scientific Analyses of Minoan Fresco Samples from Knossos: AnBritSchAth 72 (1977) 121-84, PI. 11-17. s166 Cavagnaro Vanoni L., Linington R. E., Nuove indagini con i metodi [geofisici] di prospezione archeologica a Crotone: LinceiR 32 (1977) 66783. s167 Christensen R. T., Progress in archaeology: an anthology [from UAS newsletter 1951-63 of Scripture interest]. Univ. Archaeological Soc. spec. publ. 4. Provo UT 1963, Brigham Young Univ. xm-219 p. s168 Cita M. B., Ryan W. B. F., The Deep-sea Record of the Eastern Mediterranean in the Last 150.000 Years: ➔ 416, Doumas C., Thera I 1978, 45--60. s169 Clark R. M., Dristlecone Pine and Ancient Egypt: a Re-Appraisal: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 5-17, fig., 4 charts: 3100-1800 a.C. ➔

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sl70 Clarke David L., Analytical Archaeology2 rev. Bob Chapman. L 1978 1 1968, Methuen. xxn-526 p. fl2.95 (7.95 pa). 0 0-416-854/50-8 (60-5). sl 71 Cockburn A., Barraco R., Reyman T., Peck W., Autopsy of an Egyptian fylummy [A multidisciplinary approach]: Science 187 (1975) 1153-60, 2 fig. sl 72 Coleman M., Walker S., Stable Isotope Identification of Greek and Turkish Marbles: Archaeometry 21 (1979) 107-112, 1 fig. 3 charts. sl 73 Co/es J., Archaeology by Experiment. NY c.1972, Scribners. $3.50. RscientAm 237,4 (1977) 290 (P. Morrison). sl 74 Co/weil M. R., Werner A. E., Analysis of Some Egyptian Glass: ➔ 781, Philippe J., Verre 1974, 295-8, pl. sl 75 Condamin J., Formenti F., Detection [physico-chimique] du contenu d'amphores antiques (huile, vin). Etude methodologique: Revue d'Archeometrie 2 (Pouilly 1978) 43-58. sl 76 Darvlll T. C., New approaches to our past: an archaeological forum (Southampton Univ. Archaeol. Soc. conf. 1977): Southampton 1978, Univ. vn-178 p., ill. s177 Davidson D. A., Shacklev M. L. ed., Geoarchaeology. L 1976, Duckwurth. 418 p., figg. f:14. - .RAntiquity 52 (1978) 69 (F. Goodyear). sl 78 Dempewolff R. F., Putting Biblical Pieces Together: Popular Mechanics 149,5 (1978) 103-07, 278-83. sl 79 De Sieveking Gale G., Longworth I. H., Wilson K. E., Problems in Economic and Social Archeology. L 1976, Duckworth. xxvi-626 p., ill. RAnthropos 73 (1978) 286s (Maringer). s180 Deuel L., Flug ins Gestern. Das Abenteuer der Luftarchäologie= Flights into Yesterday 1969 tr. R. H. Foerster 2 + Nachwort I. Scollar, Luftarchäologie heute. Mü 1977, Beck. 304 p. - RßbbOr 20 (1978) 233 ([G.] R[inaldi]). s181 Dever W. G., Lance H. D., ed., A Manual of Field Excavation: Handbook for Field Archaeologists. Cincinnati 1978, HUC etc. IV-240p. $10 pa. - RoT Abstr 2,3 (1979) 264. s182 Doran J. E., Hudson P. R., Mathcmatics nnd Computers in Archaeology. E 1975, Univ. 392 p. 99 fig. f:8. - RAntiquity 51 (1977) 158s (J. Wilcock); Nature 257 (1975) 629 (M. L. Shackley). s183 Driessche B. van den, Le dessin au service de l'archeologie: Inst. Archeol. Document de Travail 5. Lv 1975, Univ. 69 p., 34 pl. Fb 280. s184 Edwards D. A., Partridge C. ed., Aerial archaeology I. Hertford 1977s, Committee for ~. - RAntJ 59 (1979) 128s (W. A. Barker). s185 Eggebrecht A., Überlegungen zur Härtebestimmung - Plädoyer für eine technologische Untersuchung altägyptischer Keramikerzeugnisse: SWtägK 1 (1974) 147-77. s186 Erdtman G., Handbook of Palynology: an Introduction to the Study of Pollen Grains and Spores. K 1978, Munksgaard. 458 p., ill. Dk 277,30. s187 Faegri Knut, [1Iversen J.], Textbook of Pollen Analysis3• K 1978 [21966], Munksgaat'd. 295 p. Dk 113,75. sl88 Fargo Valerie M., Early Bronze Age Pottery in the Andrews Univ. Archaeological Museum: AndrUnSS 15 (1977) 127-34, 4 fig.


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s189 Fioravanti A., Tecnica archeologica subacquea. R 1971, Gruppi Archeologici d'Italia. XI-110p., 27 pl., map. s190 Fleming S., Dating in Archaeology 1976.. - RNature 266 (1977) 798s (E. Slater). s191 Fletcher J. ed., Dendrochronology in Europe [➔ 432]: Principles, interpretations and applications to Archaeology and History: Sympos. Maritime Museum Greenwich 1977 = Archaeological Series 4 [=BAR-Ox International Series 51 = Oxford Research Laboratory Publ. 2] Ox 1978, BAR. x-355 p., figs. f:8.50. 47 essays; ➔ s431, McGrail. s192 Frank/in U. M., The Effect of Heat on Some Samples of Halaf Pottery: 18th Sympos. Archaeom. 1979, p. 113-18, 1 fig., 2 tab. s193 Friedman 1., Trembour F. W. Obsidian: The Dating Stone: American Scientist 66, 1 (1978) 44-51. s194 Gardin J. C. al., Les banques de donnees archeologiques. Colloques Nationaux du CNRS, 932, Marseilles 1972. 1974. 331 p., figs. s195 Garrison E. G., McGimsey C. R. III, Zinke 0. H., Alpha-Recoil Tracks in Archaeological Ceramic Dating: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 39-46, 2 pl., 2 charts. sl 96 Gaster L. M., A(rchaeological) I(nstitute ot) A(merica) Report [79th meeting, Atlanta . . . 1977; espec. on 'Science in Archaeology' & 'Conscrvation and Preservation'; 'Near Eastern Section']: BA 41 (1978) 4346. s197 Ginouves R., Guimier Sorbets A. M., La constitution des donnees en archeologie classique. Recherches et experiences en vue de la preparation de bases de donnees [' Archeographie' !]. P 1978, CNRS. 161 p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 952s (R. Della Casa). s198 Gorelick Leonard, Near Eastem Cylinder Seals Studied with Dental Radiography: Dental Radiography and Photography 48,1 (1975) 17 ff. s199 Gosselin A., Informatisation du traitement graphique des donnees de terrain en archeologie: utilisation du [computer-]program GRAPHE. Montreal 1978, Univ. Quebec, Laboratoire d'Archeol. vm-289 p., ill. s200 rrutdnhaldi F., T.a cfatß'zinne dendrocronologica: AntRArch 2,6 (1977) 32-37, 7 fig. s201 Gullini ß., Archeologia oggi [rapporto con ftsica, matematica]: Atti Accad. T 111 (1977) 33-51. s202 Hamer F., The Potter's Dictionary of Materials and Techniques. L/NY 1975, Pitman/Watson-Guptill. 349 p., figs., pls., tables. :E9.50. s203 Hamond F. W., Moore D., Zimmerman L. J., Simulation Studies in Archaeology, ed. I. Hodder. C 1978, Univ. VII-140p., ill. s204 Haq B. U., Berggren W. A., Couvering J. A Van, Corrected Age of the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary [1.600.000 years]: Nature 269 (1977) 48388, 5 fig. s205 Herrmann J., Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der historischen Aussage archäologischer Quellen: Ethnographisch-archäologische Zts 19 (B 1978) 114 [... sozialökonomische Analyse]. s206 Hesse A., Manuel de prospection gcophysiquc appliquee a 111reconnaissance archeologique. Dijon 1978, Univ. Centre de recherches sur les techniques greco-romaines. 128 p., ill.

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s207 Hodder 1., Orton C., Spatial Analysis in Archaeology: New Studies in Archaeology 1. C 1976, Univ. vrn-270 p. 143 fig. - RAntJ 57 (1977) 343s (Renn). s208 Hood S., Discrepancies in 14C Dating as Illustrated from the Egyptian New and Middle Kingdoms and from the Aegean Bronze Age and Neolithic: Archaeometry 20 (1978, Philadelphia Symposium 1977) 197ss. s209 Hrouda B. Hg., Methoden der Archäologie. Eine Einführung in ihre naturwissenschaftlichen Techniken. Mü 1978, Beck. 392 p., 147 fig., 42 pl. DM35. s210 Hunt/ey D. J., Bailey D. C., Obsidian Source Identification by Thermoluminescence: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 159-70, 7 fig. s211 Ihm P. (Lüning J., Zimmermann A.), Statistik in der Archäologie: Probleme der Anwendung allgemeiner Methoden, Seriation und Klassifikation: Archaeo-physika 9. Köln/Bonn 1978, Rheinland/Habelt. 619 p., ill., bibliog. p. 543-556. DM 32 pa. s212 lkeya M., Electron Spin Resonance as a Method of Dating: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 147-58, 6 fig., chart. s213 Joukowsky M., Computer Use in Pottery Studies at Aphrodisias: JFieldA 5 (1978) 431s. s214 Kami/li D. C., Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C., Petrographie and Electron Microprobe Analysis of Ceramics from Tepc Yahya [5000-3000 B. C.; 250 km SE of Kerman], Iran: Archaeometry 21 (1979) 47-59, 4 pl., 3 charts. s215 Kirchner G. Hg., Neue Methoden und Erkenntnisse der Archäologie: Reportagen aus der alten Welt. Fra 1978, Fischer-Tasch. s216 Kramer Carol ed., Ethnoarchaeology. Implications of Ethnography for Archaeology. NY 1979, Columbia Univ. 292 p., fig. $25. s217 Kuniholm P. 1., Dendrochronology at Gordion and on the Anatolian Plateau: diss. Penn. U. Ph 1977. 136 p. - DissA 38 (1978) 6797A. s218 Laflin S. ed., Computer Applications in Archaeology 1975. Birmingham 1975, Univ. Computer Centre. 108 p., figs., tables. f1 pa. s219 Lagran11aM. S., Bonnet Ch., Tt>:s~hr.mins de Ja 'Memoria', Nouvel essai du discours archeologique: Notes et monographies techniques 10. P 1978, CNRS. 55 p., 4 pl. s220 Lambert J. B., McLaugh/in C. D., Leonard A. J, X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Analysis of the Mycenaean Pottery from Megiddo: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 107-122, 7 fig., Plate, 3 charts. s221 Laperrousaz E. M., La datation d'objets provenant de Qumrän, en particulier par la methode utilisant les proprietes du carbone 14: ➔ 593, Delcor M., Qumran 1978, 55-60. s222 Laubenheimer F. (Groupe Orsay-Saclay), L'analyse nucleaire au service de l'archeologie: Archeologia 119 (1978) 72-75, 4phot., bibliog. s223 LeRoy Ch., Schvoerer M., Pausanias a Marmaria (XXIX). Une datation par thermoluminescence: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 102 (P 1978) 243-261. s224 Limbrey S., Soil Science and Archaeology. L 1975, Academic Press. xv11-384p., figs., pls., tables. s225 Linder Elisha, Raban Avner, Marine Archaeology; Introducing Arch. 7.


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L 1975, Cassell. 95 p., figs., 15 col. pl. {1.50. s226 Linder E., Versunkene Schätze auf dem Meeresboden tr. R. L. Currier al.: Einführung in die Archäologie. Z 1978, Benziger. 95 p., ill. s227 Lyons Melvin K., The Care and Feeding of Dirt Archeologists: A Manual of Sanitation, Hygiene, and Medicine for Archeological Field Expeditions in the Near East. CM 1978, ASOR. $2.50. s228 McArthur J. T., Inconsistencies in the Composition and Provenance Studies of the Inscribed Jars found at Thebes [Greece: Linear A and B]: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 177-82, 3 charts. s229 McClure H. A., Radiocarbon Chronology of Quaternary Lakes in the Arabian Peninsula: Nature 263 (1976) 755. s230 Maggetti M., Küpfer T., Composition of the Terra Sigillata from La Peniche (Vidy/Lausanne, Switzerland): Archaeometry 20 (1978) 183-88, 4 fig., chart. s231 Matson F. B., Archaeological Ceramic Study Possibilities with a Thermal Gradient Furnace [applied to the clay of an ancient Egyptian village, also Jarmo, T. Halaf]: Advances in Chemistry Series, ed. C. W. Beck (Wsh 1974, American Chemical Society) 34-47. s232 Marcozzi V., Le scienze moderne di fronte alla Sindone. 11Congresso di . Torino: CC 130 (1979,1) 336-46; --> 274; s305. s233 Marshak A., Upper Palcolithic Notation and Symbol. Sequential Microscopic Analyses of Magdalenian Engravings Document Possible Cognitive Origins ofWriting: Science 178 (1972) 817-28, 16fig. s234 Marx R. F., The Underwater Dig: An Introduction to Marine Archaeology c.1976, H. Z. Walek. $9.95. - RscientAm 235,6 (1976) 143 (P. Morrison). s235 Meakins R. L., Dickson B. L., Kelly J. C., Gamma Ray Analysis of K, U, and TH for Dose-Rate Estimation in Thermoluminescent Dating: Archaeometry 24 (1979) 79-86, 3 figs, 3 charts. Incl. Teleilat Ghassul [scriptum 'Gassual '] et Pella (Jordan) et Jericho. s236 Maugh T. H.Il, Radiodating [by C-14]: Direct Detection Extends Range of the Technique: Science 200 (1978) 635.637. s237 Mejdahl V., Thermoluminescence Dating: Beta-Dose Attenuation in Quartz Grains: Archaeometry 21 (1979) 61-72, 7 charts. s238 Michels J. W., Archeology and Dating by Hydration of Obsidian: Science 158 (1967) 211-14. · s239 Nassau W. E., Treasures on Glassand Celluloid: Conservation Work on the Photographie Archives of the Palestine Exploration Fund: PEQ 110 (1978) 131-33, pl. XV-XVIII. Olsson I. ed., Radiocarbon Variations and Absolute Chronology --> 779. s240 Ozawa K., Matsuda M., Computer Assisted Techniques for Detecting Underground Remains Based on Acoustic Measurement: Archaeometry 21 (1979) 87-100, 1 pl., 15 fig. s241 Pearson G. W. al., Absolute Radiocarbon Dating Using a Low Altitude European Tree-ring Calibration: Nature 270 (1977) 25-28, 1 fig. 2 tables. s242 Peixoto Cabral .T. M., Caracterizacao de cer~micas arqueo16gicas mediante analise por activacao com neutröes termicos. Classificacao das

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cerämicas por metodos de taxonomia numerica: Conimbriga 16 (1977) 103-137. s243 Piggott S., Antiquity Depicted; Aspects of Archaeological Illustration. L 1978, Thames & H. 63 p., 42 ill. [mostly England]. s244 Pi/eher J. R., Baillie M.G.L., Implications of a European radiocarbon calibration: Antiquity 52 (1978) 217-22, 2 fig. s245 Protsch R., Berger R., Earliest Radiocarbon Dates for Domesticated Animals [conventional radiocarbon dates of 6500 B. C.-5500 B.C., e.g. Argissa-Magula, Thessaly]: Science 179 (1973) 235-39, 2 tables, 1 figg., cf. ib., 1279s (E. P. Hamp). s246 Ransom C. J., The Age of Velik:ovsky. Glassboro NJ 1976, Kronos. XI274 p. [--► 773]. s247 Renfrew Colin, Carbon 14 and the Prehistory of Europe [and some European cultural achievements older than Aegean and Near East - e.g. Megalithic Buildings - an end to diffusionist receiving from the East]: ScientAm 225,4 (1971) 63-72, 8 fig. s248 Renfrew J. H., Palaeoethnobotany 1973 --► 54, 8000: RTrabPreh 30 (1973) 396s (V. Carrera Valdes). s249 Riederer J., Die Datierung ägyptischer Bronzehohlgüsse mit Hilfe der Thermoluminiszenz Melhode: StAltÄgK.u6 (1978) 163-67. s250 Riederer J., Kunst und Chemie - das Unersetzliche bewahren. Ausstellung der Staatlichen Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz 1977s. B 1977, Rathgen. 144 p., (col.) phot. s251 Ross D. A. al., Rea Sea Drillings [and Evaporites of similar age as in the Mediterranean]: Science 179 (1973) 277-80, 3fig. s252 St. Joseph J. K. (r7nnmbe D. E. al.), The Uses of Air Photography 2• L 1977, Baker. 196 p., 13 fig., 99 pl. - RAntJ 58 (1978) 167s (Riley). s253 Schiffer M. H. ed., Advances in Archat:ological Method and Thcory. NY 1978, Academic. - RAmerican Scientist 67 (1979) 618s (F. Hole). s254 Scholtz S., Chenhall R. G., Archaeological Data Banks in Theory and Practice: American Antiquity 41 (1976) 89-96. s255 Schwatcz H. P. al., Uranium series dating of travertine from archaeological sites, Nahal Zin, Israel: Nature 277 (1979) 558-60, 1 table, 2 fig. s256 Schwartz D. W., A Conceptual Framework for the Sociology of Archaeology: --> 204, Fs. I. RousE 1978. Scollar I. Archaeometry Symposium 1978/9 --> 787. s257 Shackley M. L., The Behaviour of Artefacts as Sedimentary Particles in a Fluviatile Environment: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 55-61, chart. s258 Singhvi A. K., Zimmerman D. W., The Luminescent Minerals in FineGrain Samples from Archaeological Ceramics: Archaeometry 21 (1979) 73-77, 1 pl., 2 fig., chart. s259 Smith A. W., Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Malachite fmm the Patinas of Ancient Bronze Objects: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 123-33, 3 fig., 3 charts. s260 Snudgruss A., Mycenae, Northcrn Europe and Radiocarbon Dalt:s: Archaeologia Atlantica 1 (1975) 33-48, figs. s261 South Stanley ed., Research Strategies in Historical Archaeology. 46. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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L 1977, Academic. 352 p. f13.85/$19.50. 0 0-12-655760-8. s262 Stuiver M., Radiocarbon Timescale Tested against Magnetic and Other Dating Methods [... to deviate by a maximum of 2000 yrs. over the 9000-32000 yrs BP interval ... ]: Nature 273 (1978) 271-74, 4fig. s263 Ubelacker D. H., Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation: Aldine Manuals on Archaeology. Ch 1978, Aldine. s264 Upham S., ed. Computer graphics in archaeology: statistical cartographic applications to spatial analysis in archaeological contexts (Soc. for Amer. Archaeol., Symposium St. Louis 1976): Anthropological Research Papers 15. Tempe 1979, Arizona State Univ. VI-156p., ill. $8.50. s26) Ward G. K., Wilson S. R., Procedures for Comparing and Combining Radiocarbon Age Determinations: a Critique: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 19-31, 2 figs., 2 charts. s266 Word W.A., Studics on Scarab Seals I. Prc-12th Dynasty Scarab Anmlets. Wmr 1978, Aris & P. IX-119p., 52 fig., 16 pl. (with facing pp. descriptions); 87-101 Biology and Identification of Scarab Beetles by S. I. Bishara. 0 0-85668-124-5. -> s512, u803. s267 Warren S. E., Thermoluminescence Dating of Pottery: an Assessment of the Dose-Rate from Rubidium: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 71s. s268 Watkins T, ed., Radiocarbon: Calibration and Prehistory. Edinburgh 1975, Univ. 147 p., ill. :E3.50.- RFomvännen 74 (1979) 194ss (C. Cullberg); Nature 263 (1976) 175 (Colin ReY!frew). s269 Wertime T. A., A Metallurgical Expedition through the Persian Desert. A Team Brings Traditional Metallurgy to Bear on Archacology: Science 159 (1968) 927-35, 10 fig. s270 Wilson D. R. ed., Aerial reconnaissance for archaeology. Council for British Archaeology symposium Apr. 1974. L 1975. 158 p. f:8 pa. 1,271 Yellin J. al., Cnmparisun uf Neulrun Aclivaliun Analysis from the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Hebrew University: Archaeometry 20 (1978) 95-100, chart. s272 Yesner D. R., Animal Dones and Human Dehavior: Reviews in Antilropolo&y 5:3 (1978) 333-55; on Binford L. [-+ 284; l9)) Th~ory 1977.

T2.2 Sindon: The Shroud, le linceul. s274 Amis de la Sainte-Face: Messagers de Turin. 10 issues since Dec. 1977. 72 r. Gramont - Compiegne F 60200. s275 Ayassot E., Barbero F., La Sindone: radiografia di una prova: Dossier 4. T 1978, Claudiana. 64 p. Lit. 1000. - RSal 41 (1979) )2ls (S. Maggio). s276 Baima Bollone P., Bettedetto P. P., Alla rict:rca tldl'Uumo tlella Sintlone. Mi 1978, Mondadori. s277 Baima Bollone P. L, Le Saint Suaire [I] Les Recherches Medico-Legales; Tamburelli G., Les Images de l'ordinatcur; Fusina D., ~ et l'iconographie du Christ: Archeologia 130 (1979) (39s-)40-43, 6 phot.; 44-47, 5

T2.2 Sindon - Science and the Shroud


phot. + 2 col.; 48ss(-52), 9 phot. s278 [Balint L.,] [MIHiteles a Turini lepel? [Ist das Turiner Grabtuch echt?]: Merleg 14 (1978) 101-03. s279 Baschera R., La santa Sindone e i suoi segreti. 11 sudario di Cristo e avvolto da profondi misteri ehe qui vengono svelati per 1a prima volta; gall. (trad. E. Henry), Le Saint-Suaire et ses secrets; angl. (trad. G. Piana, The Holy Shroud and its Secrets. T-1978, M.E.B. 175 p. s280 Blanc M., Le mystere du suaire de Turin, une solution plausible: La Recherche vol. 10, n. 98 (marzo 1979) 294-97 > Sindon 21,28 (1979) 56s (R. Gallino). s281 Briund J., [Le S. Suairc de Turin: oonfärence avril 1979]: TerreS (juillet-aoil.t 1979) [EsprVie 90,47]. s282 Bulst Werner, Des Grabtuch von Turin. Zugang zum historischen Jesus'! Der neue Stand der Forschung. Karlsruhe 1978, Dadcnia. 160 p., 42 fig. s283 Carrei\o Etxeandia J. L., La Sindone. Ultimo reporter [El ultimo reportero (Pamplona 1976, Don Bosco)], tr. Luigi Rolfo; ed. E. Fornasari. R 1978, Paoline. 232 p., ill. s284 Cavaterra E., 11 giallo della Sindone: 11 timone 76. Mi 1978, Pan. 145 p. s285 Come leggere la S. Sindone (Ostensione 27 agosto-8 ottobre 1978). TLeumann 1978, ElleDiCi. 32 p. Lit. 500. s286 Les donnees historiques sur le Saint-Suaire et les apports scientifiques de la physique et de la biologie: Archeologia 130 (1979) > Sindon 21,28 (1979) 50s (B. Barberis). s287 Dubarle A. M., Le linceul de Turin: Moncieß 1978/1, 39ss, 3 phot. 'Assez de lumiere pour inviter les biblistes a ne pas se retrancher dans un silence gene,. s288 Dubarle A. M., Un parallele du linceul de Turin [un voile funeraire tronve a Antinoe et portant les traits d'un visage]: Sindon 21,28 (1979) lS-21.

s289 Ft!uillet A., A propos du linceul de Turin: EsprVie: 88 (1978) 554-56. s290 Feuillet A., Le Saint Suaire de Turin et les Evangiles [Excursus: resurrectio Lazari]: EsprVie 89 {1979) 401-16. s291 Fossati L., Breve saggio critico di bibliografia e di informazione sulla sacra Sindone. Dal primo Congresso Naz. di Studi (1939) al secondo Congr. Internaz. (1978). T 1978, Erasmo. v-252 p. - RCC 130 (1979,1) 413s (F. Lombardz); NRT 101 (1979) 904s (X. Jacques: 'si elle doit etre commentee ... qu'elle le soit d'une maniere plus objective et plus sereine '); Sal 41 (1979) 534s (E. Valentinz). s292 Ghiberti G., Sepolcro, sepoltura e panni sepolcrali di Gesu. Riconsiderando i dati biblioi relntivi alla Sindone di Torino: RivR 7.7 (1979) 12358. s293 Gramaglia P. A., L'uomo deUa Sindone non e Gesu Cristo. Un'ipotesi storica fondata su documenti finora trascurati [sc. a) Byzantinorum in Hebraeos et Persarum in Christianos frequentes oruoifixiones saeculo 7° in Palaestina. - b) mos benedicendi sindones funerarias in Jordane die Epiphaniae. - c) aviditas reliquiarum impellens ad irnitandum in cruci-


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fixo cucifixionem Christi - etiam de J o 20,3-10 in exegesi patristica]; Appendice, C. Papini: Storio ignoroto dolle sindoni rivoli. T 1978 Claudiana. 88 p. Lit. 2800. - RCC 130 (1979,1) 511s (F. Lombard!); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 243s (V. Pogg,,); Sal 41 (1979) 536s (R. Della Casa). s294 Jennings J. P. ed., [6 experts] Face to Face with the Turin Shroud 1978 ➔ 462: RRHE 74 (1979) 805 (D. Bradley: praefert reluctantiam P. McNair hie prae L Wilson). s295 Reban John [= Berna, Kurt =? Naber], a) Durchbruch einer Weltentdeckung tr. G. Hoffmann, R. Woern. 166 p. - b) Die Entdeckungen. Jesus - nicht am Kreuz gestorben. Vollständiger und authentischer Dokumentarhericht nach dem echten CTrahlinnen Jesn nnd anderen Beweisen. 288 p. Zwei Fact Bücher zusammen [als:] Christus wurde lebendig begraben. Erste Beweise für die Auferstehung. VL 1976, Inter-Pound/International Foundation for the Holy Shroud. 97 phot. (U. Enrie) 0 0-68248139-4. - c) Berna Kurt [=b] Stu, Hans Naber Verlag. s296 Ricci G., La sindone Santa. R 1976, Centro Romano di Sindonologia. s297 Robinson J. A. T., The Holy Shroud in Scripture: Tablet 232 (1978) 817-20. s298 La Sindone di qua dei monti. Documenti e testimonianze. T 1978, Commissione culturale Interclub. I 34s - Rcc 130 (1979, 1) 414 (F. Lombardi). La sindone e la scienza. Congresso 1978 ➔ 788. s299 Sind6nion (sindönion) in textu sahidico shenoute: JEA 64 (1978) 141s (E. Lucchesi). s300 Sox D., The Authenticity of the Turin Shroud: CleR 63 (1978) 25056. s301 'L'uomo della Sindone', XI Corso di Medicina e Morale, R ott. 1978, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Salesianum 40 (1978) 991s (E. F[ogliasso canonista?]): Card. Mario Luigi Ciappi, '11 magistero dei Papi e la verita della Sacra Sindone'; S. Garofalo, 'La sindonc c la riccrca scientifica biblica' (nulla osta da parte di mancato termine neotestamentario 'sindone'): P. De Franciscis, autenticita della Sindone ormai fuori discussionc. s302 Walsh J., Das Grabtuch Christi, tr. C. H. Bauer: Bastei Lüuue, 63044: Sachbuch. Bergisch-Gladbach 1979, Lübbe. 219 p. ill., bibliog. p. 213-19. s303 Wilcox R. K., a) [Turin] Shroud. NY 1977, Macmillan. ix-180 p., $8.95. - RAnglTR 60 (1978) 501s (D. M. Moss III). - b) Das Turiner Grabtuch: ein Beweis für die Auferstehung Jesu, tr. W. Machold. Dü/W 1978, Econ. 279 p., ill. s304 Wilson Ian, a) The Turin Shroud [authentic, despite queries]. L 1978, Gollancz = The Shroud of Turin GNY 1978. xiv-272 p., 40 pl. f:5.50/$10. 0 0-385-12736-7 - RRHE 74 (1979) 805 (D Bradley). - b) Le Suaire de Turin. Linceul du Christ?, tr. R. Albeck. P 1978, A. Michel. 350 p. RNRT 101 (1979) 905ss (X . .Ta«:qut?s);Sindon 21,28 (1979) 45 (A. M. Dubarle). s305 Wilsou Ia11, Tomb to Turin: The Burial Shroud of Jesus Christ?: AmpU 83 (1978) 9-23, preview of book. - RRHE 74 (1979) 244s (N. Huyghebaert); 73 (1978) 807 (E. Delebecque).

T3 Itealia - concrete objects


13 Realia, concrete objects .1 generalia. s306 Binford S. R. & L. R., Stone Tools and Human Behavior [in Paleolithic Groupings, Yabrud]: ScientAm 220,4 (1969) 70-84, 7 fig. s307 [-->460] Carandini A. ed. L'instrumentum domesticum di Ercolano e Pompei nella prima eta imperiale (Raduno Napoli 1973). R 1977, Ermaß. 182 p. fig. 2 foldouts, 87 pl. L 90.000 pa. - RArchNews 7 (1978) 97s (L. Richardson J). s308 Chouraqui Andre, a) La vie quotidienne des hommes [= Hebreux au temps (1971 .....53, 6414)2] de la Bible. P 1978, Hachette. 412 p. [Geneve 1979, Famot. 341 p., 12 pl.]. - RETRel 54 (1979) 142s (D. Lys); RThom 79 (1979) 138s (M. Labourdette). - b) Q] Kyüyaku-jidai no Nichijö-Seikat.su = La vie quotidienne des Hebreux au temps de la Bible 1971, tr. S. Hakii. Tokyo 1978, Yamamoto Shoten. 299 p., 6 phot. V 2800. s309 Daniel-Rops, H., [=J. Petiot 1901-65] A vida quotidiana na Palestina no tempo de Jesus, tr. J. da Costa Saraiva: A vita quotidiana 17. Lisboa c1977, Livros do Brasil. 530 + 14p., map. Galling Kurt, BRV 1977 -->865. s310 Gordon C. H., An Inventory of Instruments from the Bronze Age [UT 2050, 1400-1200 B. C.]: Revista da Univ. de Coimbra 27 (1979) 141-45, 2pl. . s3 l l Nowack W., Lehrbuch der hebräischen Archäologie. Dd I. Privat- u. Staatsalterthümer; II. Sacralalterthümer. Graz 1975 = 1894 (Fr/Lp), Akadem. xv-339; 323 p. Ill. Sch. 850. s312 Rothenberg F. Hg., Biblisches Alltagsleben: der Mensch der Bibel in Haus, Beruf, Brauchtum u. Umwelt. B 1975, Evang. Ekelmann. 282 p., ill. M610.


Materiae primaP.,materlals.

s313 Col/011D0111iniquc, lvory: Iraq 39 (1977) 219-222 - 749, Rencontre 1976. s314 Dayton John, Minerals, Metals, Glazing & Man; or, Who Was Sesostrls I? L 1978, Harrap. 496 p. :E40. s315 a) Bimson M., Glass in the Tutankhamon Treasure: -->781, Philippe J., Verre 1974, 291-4, 2 fig. - b) Brand Y. [Hl Ke/e zek:ukft: Glassware in talmudic literature. J 1978, Kook. [vm-]404p. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 78. c) Cooney John D., Glass: Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities 4. L 1976, British Museum. VIII-240p., 900 fig., 8 colour pl. f35. 0 0-7141-0918-5. RBO 34 (1977) 315s (B. Nolte); JNES 38 (1979) 312ss (B. Williams); Orit:ntalia 47 (1978) 117 (R. North). - d) Isings Clasina, Glas [A. Allgemein; B. bei Juden und Christen; C. Bildersprache]:--> 892, RAC 11 Lf. 81 (1979) 45-8. - e) Saldern Axel von al., Oläser der Antike. Sammlung Erwin Oppenländer (Museum Ha 1975). Mainz 1974, von Zabern. 260 p., 760 fig. DM 88. - RßO 36 (1979) 65s (0. Doppelfeld); WeltOr 10 (1979) 163s (G. D. Weinberg).- f) Stern E. M., A Glass Bowl of Isings' Form 2 from the Tomb of an Ethiopian Candace [Gebel Barkal No. 4): OMRO


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58 (1977) 63-72, pi. 6. s316 Dixon J. E., Cann J. R., Renfrew C., Obsidian and the Origins of Trade [in the Mediterranean, also in the Neolithic Near East] < ScientAm 218,3 (1968) 38-46, 11 fig.: ➔ 426, Avenues to Antiquity 1975, 132-40, 12 fig. s317 Dobosi Viola T., 1H]A pattintott Köeszközök nyersanyagär61: FolArch 29 (1978) 7-18, 3 Abb., summ. 19, Über das Rohmaterial der retuschierten Steingeräte. s318 Godart L. al., Alumen: un sixieme fragment de tablette en lineaire B de Tirynthe [tu-ru-pte-ri-ya = [Q] Strypterialstypteria 'prix pour alun']: ArchAnz (1979) 450-8, 3 fig. s319 Jesus, Prentiss J. De, Metal Resources in Ancient Anatolia: AnSt 28 (1978) 97-102, 1 fig. s320 Klemm D. & R., Herkunftsbestimmung altägyptischen Steinmaterials. Bericht über die erste/und zweite Geländekampagne Sept.-Okt. 1977 / ... 1978: StAltägKu 7 (1979) 103-40, 3 fig., Taf. IV-XI. s321 a) Muhly J. D., Copper and Tin 1976 ➔ 56, 8707 [Trans. Conn. Acad. vol. 43 p. 155-535 $15 plus vol. 46 p. 77-136 $6]: RJAOS 98 (1978) 150ss (D. C. Snell); Orientalia 44 (1975) 489 (R. North). - b) Wertime T. A., Tin and the Egyptian Bronze Age: ➔ 523 Immortal Egypt 1978, 37-42. s322 a) Prag Kay, Silver in the Levant in the fourth millennium H. C.: ➔ 129, Fs K. KENYON 1978, 36-45. - b) Snell D., Ledgers and Prices: Ur III Silver Balanced Account. Diss. Yale 1975: AOAT 203 (1979) 215 (G. D. Young). s323 Young G. D., A Merchant's ßalanced Account and Neosumerian Gold: AltOrAT 203 (1979) 195-217 (p. 216 cuneif., 217 phot.).

T3.1.3 Technologia antiqua. s324 Alexander S. M., Ancient and Medieval Gilding on Metal - The Technic:al Literatnre: ➔ 522, n. Sr.hmandt-ß., farly Technologies 1979, 6571. s325 Barre/et M.-T., Dispositifs a feu et cuisson des aliments ä Ur, Nippur, Uruk: PaleOr 2 (1974) 243-300, 16 fig., 16 tableaux, pl. I-III. s326 Bromberger C., Fosses a cuisson dans le Proche-Orient actuel: Bilan de quelques observations ethnographiques: PaleOr 2 (1974) 301-10, pl. IV-VI. s327 Buysse K., Gouden en zilveren vaatwerk uit Noordwest Iran van de 12e tot de 7e eeuw v66r Chr.: diss. Gent 1977. s328 Carroll Diane L., Löten [soldering, in English]: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1079s. · s329 Chakrabarti D. k., Iron in Early Indian Literature: JRAS (1979) 2230. s330 Clark J. D., Phillips J. L., Staley P. S., Interpretations of Prehistoric Technology from Ancient Egyptian and Other Sourccs. Part 1 : Ancicnt Egyptian Dows and Arrows and their Relevance for African Prehistory: Paleür 2 (1974) 323-88, XXII pl., 9 figs, tables.

T3.l.3 Technologia antiqua


s331 Elster E. S., Neolithic Technology: a Case Study in Lithic Analysis for Old Europe, 6500-4000 B. C.: U. of Califomia in Los Angeles 1977 Ph. D. diss. AA 1979, Univ. Micro:6.lms (impressa) xxrv-341 p., 27 maps, Charts A-B, Figs. 70 + A-P. s332 Harding A., Mycenaean Greece and Europe: the evidence of bronze tools and implements: Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 41 (1975) 183-202, figs., pls. s333 Healy J. F., Mining and Metallurgy in the Greek and Roman World. L 1978, Thames & H. 316 p., 32 phot., 28 fig. :E11.- RclasR 29 (1979) 297-300 (J. G. Landeis). s334 Bill James N., Gimn Joel, The Individu11l in Prehistory: Studies of Variability in Style in Prehistoric Technologies. NY 1977, Academic. 272 p. f'.13.85/$19.50. 0 0-12-348150-3. s336 Ivanov V. V., [Kj Problems in the History of Metals in the Ancient Near East in the Light of Linguistics: Historico-Philological Journal (Armenian Acad. of Sciences) 75 (1976) 69-86. s337 Landels J. G., a) Engineering in the Ancient World. L 1978, Chatto & W. 224 p. 65 fig. f:5.50. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 250s (M. B. Hall); RArch (1979) 315ss (J.-P. Adam). - b) Die Technik in der alten Welt. Mü 1979, Bcck. 276p. s338 Lane W. L., Potter: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 910-8. s339 Leeuw S. E. van der, Studies in the Technique of Ancient Pottery. Amst 1976, Univ. Huisdrukkerij. 2 vols. 424 p., figs., pls. s340 Leicht R. C., Ceramic Technology at Tel Beer-Sheba during the Iron II Period, U. of Utah Ph. D. diss. 1975. AA 1979, Univ. Micro:6.lms (book). x-244, 11 fig., 33 tab. s341 Letellier B., La Vie quotidienne chez les artisans de Pharaon [Deir elMedineh, exposition Metz]: Archeologia 125 (1978) 26-37, 14 phot. + 7 col., 2 maps. s342 Lezzi-Hafter, A., Der Schuwalow [I. 1., collector russ. vasorum nunc in Ermitaz]-Maler: eine Kannenwerkstatt der Parthenonzeit: Kerameus, Forschungen zur antiken Keramik, 2. Mainz 1976, P. von Zabem. xr141 p., figs.; XIIIp., 180pl. DM160 - RAr'CllNews7 (1978) 96s (K. Kilznski II). s343 Limet H., Les origines du travail du fer en Mesopotamie ancienne: Presences, Revue de l'Assoc. Roy. des Ingenieurs commerciaux ... sortis de l'Inst. Sup. de Commerce du Hainaut a Mons (Belgique) 92 (Bru 1976) 3-15. s344 Lipinska J., Kozinski W., Cywilizacja miedzi i kamienia: Technika starozytnego Egiptu. Wsz 1977, Panst.Wyd.Nauk. vn-383 p., 343 ill.: RPrzOr 106 (1978) 180s (E. DtJ,browska-Smektala). s345 Lipinsky A., Oro, argento, gemme e smalti. Tecnologia delle arti dalle origini alla fine del Medioevo, 3000 a.C.-1500 d.C.: Arte e archeologia StDoc 8. F 1975, Olschki. xrv-514p. - RAthenaeum 56 (1978) 203s (A. Perom); VetChr 15 (1978) 189 (M. Salvatore). s346 Mahe J.-P., Armenic chrcticnne [ou: 'des origines' (Ourartu) a nos jours: enluminure, sculpture, architecture; une ecole de miniaturistes]: Archeologia 126 Gan. 1979) 6-9.50ss, 6 phot., map.


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s347 Perfers F., De schat van Ziwiye: studie van het gouden materiaal met uitzondering van het vaatwerk [dishware]: diss. Gent. 1975. s348 Perles C., Prehistoire du feu. P/NY 1977, Masson. 180 p. 55F. s349 Pleiner R., The Technology of Three Assyrian Iron Artifacts from Khorsabad: JNES 38 (1979) 83-91, 5 fig. s350 Price D. D., Origins of Technologies: introd. to ➔ 522, D. Schmandt-B., ed. Early Technologies 1979, 7-14, pl. 1-6. s351 Ramin J., La technique miniere et metallurgique des Anciens: Coll. Latomus, 153. Bru 1977. 223 p., 2 fig. - RArEspArq 50s (1977s) 473s (n Lopez Monteagudo). s352 Rache F., Travailleurs manuels et artisans du metal dans la Grece ancienne: Archeologia 120 (1978) 6-15, 13 phot. s353 Rothenherg Re110al., Chalcolithic Copper-Smelting: excavations at Timnn site 39; cxpcrimcnts on coppcr-smelting: Archaeo-Metallw·gy 1. L 1978, Inst.Arch-Met. 51 p., 36 fig. i4. s354 Schmandt-Besserat D., The Beginnings of the Use of Clay in Turkey [... some time before 7500 B. C. & Phases 1-III]: AnSt 27 (1977) 133-50, 2 fig., pl. XXIV-XXX. s355 Smith N., Roman Hydraulic Technology [aqueducts]: ScientAm 238,5 (1978) 154-61, 8fig. s356 Stern E., Craft and Industry [in Israel's Age of the Monarchy]: ➔ 900, WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (1979) 237-63. 325-28, fig. 10-18. s357 Swanson E. ed., Lithic Technology. Making and Using Stone Tools. Hague 1975, Mouton. 251 p., 40 pl. - RFornvännen 74 (1979) 196-200 (Engl., D. J. Seitzer). s358 Tylecote R. F., A History of Metallurgy. L 1976, Metals Society. IX176 p. $30. - RTechnology & Culture 19,1 (1978) llls (J. G. Parr). s359 Wertime T. A., Pyrolechnology: Man's Fire-Using Crafts: ..... 522, D. Schmandt-B., ed. Early Technologies 1979, 17-25.

T3.2 Architectura, furniture, wooden tools. s360 Aurenche 0. dir., Dictionnaire illuslre multilingue de l'architecture du Proche Orient ancien. IFAB/Maison Or. Med. Anc. 3, archeol. 2. Lyon 1977, Maison de l'Orient. 391 p., 495 fig. (0. Callot), 16 pl. F 250. - RßO 36 (1979) 217 (M. van Loon); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 292ss (Y. Shiloh); PEQ 110 (1978) 135s (R. Mil/er); Syria 56 (1979) 207s (A. P[arrot]). s361 Best J. G. P., The Foreign Relations of the Apsis-House Culture in Palestine: Pulpudeva 2 (1978) 205-9. s362 Betancourt Philip P., The Aeolic Style in Architecture: a Survey of its Development in Palestine, the Halikarnassos Peninsula, and Greece, 1000-500 B.C. Princeton 1977, Univ. VIII-169p., 60 fig., 71 pl. 0 0-6910:W27.-4.- RAJA 83 (1979) 112s (G. K. Sams); PEQ 110 (1978) 136 (A. W. Lawrence). s363 Blume H.-D., Einführung in eins nntikc Theaterwesen: Die Alte11wnswissenschaft. Da 1978, Wissenschaftliche Buchges. x-139 p. x1v Taf. s364 Bonn A. G., The Domestic Architecture of Early Bronze Age Palestine =

T3.2 Architectura - furniture, wooden tools


Bryn Mawr Ph. D. diss. 1976. AA 1979, University Microfilms (paginis impressa) xvn-189 p., tab. 5, fig. 10. s365 Brinks J., Kuppel: ➔ 885, LcxÄg 3 (1979) 882-86, 6 fig. s366 Broshi M., Standards of Street Widths in the Roman-Byzantine Period [Jerusalem]: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 232-35, 1 fig. s367 CrawfordHarriet E. W., The Architecture of Iraq in the Third Millennium B. C.: Mesopotamia 5. K 1977, Akademisk. vm-106 p., 6 fig. RArOr 47 (1979) 214s (J. P.); ZAss 69 (1979s) 149s (B. Hrouda). s368 Dickens P., An Analysis of Historical House-Plans: a Study at the Stnictural Level: ➔ 408, Clarke D., Spatial Archaeology 1977. s369 Foci, fire-installations: a) Davey C. J., Some Ancient Near Eastem Pot Bellows: Levant 11 (1979) 101-111, 5fig. - b) Lurye B. S., l!!I FireSiitials to Ilallow thc New Moon: Beit-Mikra 23,3 (1978) ?.61-271. s370 Fischer K(laus), Forschung zur orientalischen Baukunst während des 'World of Islam Festival', [London etc.] England 1976: Architectura 7 (1977) 82s. s371 Fritz V., Die Paläste wahrend der assyrischen, babylonischen und persischen Vorherrschaft in Palästina [Hazor, Megiddo, T. ed-Duwer (Lachish), T. Gemme, Bu~eira]: MDOG 111 (1979) 63-74, 8 fig. !!372 Garbe,·I'. L., Architecture: ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 7.84-6, 4 fig. s373 Garbini Giovanni, Alte Kulturen des Vorderen Orients. Architektw·, Wandmalerei, Plastik, Keramik, Metallarbeiten, Siegel. [L/NY 1966, Hamlyn/McGraw H.]. Gü 1974, Bertelsmann. 176 p., ill. s374 Hassan A., Stöcke und Stäbe im pharaonischen Ägypten bis zum Ende des Neuen Reiches [diss. Tü 1973 ➔ 58s,d120]. Mü 1976. - RJEA 64 (1978) 158-162 (H. G. Fischer); WZKM 69 (1977) 124s (H. Satzinger). s375 Helen T(apio), Organization of Roman Brick Production in the First and Second Ccntunes A. D.: An Interpretation of Roman Brick Stamps: AnnAcScFenrucae Uiss. Hum. Ut. 5. Hel 1975, Suumalainen Tiedcakatcmia. 154p. - RßeiNam 12 (1977) 443-5 (R. Wiegels);MusHelv 35 (1978) 121 (H. Jucker). s376 Hillyer N., Wall: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 948-52. s377 Karoumi A., Zur Frage des altorientalischen Theaters und Entwicklungslinien des arabisch-irakischen Theaters. Diss. Hwnboldt-Univ., Bcrlin[-Ost] 1976. VI-194p.; p. 195-321. s378 a) Kessler Dieter, Leiter: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1002-5: aus Holz kaum archäologisch nachzuweisen. - b) Mielke F., Scale ad Ercolano: AntRArch 1,3 (1976) 45-53, 4 fig. s379 Khalesi, Y. M. al-, Mesopotamian Monumental Secular Architecture in the Second Millennium B.c.: Yale Univ. Ph. D. diss. 1975. AA 1979, Univ. Microf. x-224 p., v + 92 fig. (1 map.). s380 KuhlmannK. P., Der Thron im alten Ägypten: lJntersuchunien zu Semantik, Ikonographie und Symbolik eines Herrschaftszeichens [Diss. Tübine,~n 1970j: AbhUAI,Äg. ,10. Glückstadt 1977, Augustin. xvr-114 p., 5 pl. DM 102. ."" s381 Lange Kurt, Hirmer Max, Ägypten. Architektur Plastik Malerei in clrei Jahrtausenden. Mit Beiträgen von Eberhard Otto und Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt.Mü/Z 1978 (-;:;'2 1967 1 1955] Hirmer/Piper. 209 p., 86 fig. 0

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[XVIII. Archaeol.

270 pl. + 60 col., 2 maps. 0 3-492-02390-8. s382 Percival J., The Roman Villa; an Historical Introduction: Batsford Studies in Archaeology. Berkeley/LA 1976, U. of Califomia P. 230 p., 59 ill. $18.50. - RArchNews 6 (1977) 127s (A. G. McKay). s383 Peters E. W., Grundprinzipien anatolischer Lehmarchitektur: Archit 6 (1976) 89-103, 17 Abb., 2 Falttaf. s384 Reade J. E(dgeworth), Assyrian Architectural Decoration: Techniques and Subject-Matter [< diss. 1965, dir. M. Munn-Rankin]: BaghMit 10 (1979) 17-49, Taf. 1-11. s385 Segal A., Stadtplanung im Altertum [City Planning in Ancient Times], tr. Fred. Schmitz: Einführung in die Archäologie. Z/Köln 1979, Benziger. 85 p., (färb.) ill. s386 Shaffer A., Clay Nails from Mesopotamia in the Israel Museum [J]: IsrMusN 11 (1976) 83-86, 3 fig. l!!I 71-74, 3 fig. s387 Shaw J. W., Sliding Panels at Knossos: AnBritSchAth 73 (1978) 235-48, PI. 32 f. s388 Shiloh Y., The Proto-Aeolic Capital and Israelite Ashlar Masonry: Qedem 11. J 1979, Isr. Expl. Soc. / Hebr. Univ. Institute of Archaeology. x-96 p., figs., 36 pl. s389 Spencer A. Jeffrey, Brick Architecture in Ancient Egypt. Wmr 1979, Aris & P. v-159 p., 56 pl. 0 0-85668-128-8. -+ u292. s390 Stricker B. H., De oorsprong van het romeinse amphitheater [ende cosmogonische eiland, pi fw /J,rj-ib.. .] :' OMRO 59s (1978s) 297-301. pl. 42. s391 Traunecker C., Krypta: -+ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 823-30, 1 fig. s392 Vaceva K. Sur la terminologie des techniques de construction pendant l'Antiquite: Archlnstßulg 21 (1979) 1-10, 8 fig.; summ. gall. 10. Opus reticulatum etc.; sequitur G. Lugli. s393 Wright G. Emest, A characteristic North Israelite house: -> 129, Fs. K. ls330. s403 Korfmann M., The Sling as a Weapon [... in India, Persia, Greece, Rome, Syropal.]: ScientAm 229,4 (1973) 35-42, 8 fig. s404 Ma.xwell-Hys/op K. R. [a/.], An iron dagger from Tomb 240 at Tell Fara South: Levant 10 (1978) 112-115. s405 Meunier J.-M., Les armes courbes en Mesopotamie du 111emillenaire a la fin du ne: Diss. Liege 1978. s406 Özgen E., The Urartian Bronze Collection at the University Museum: The Urartian Armor [for men and horses]. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1979 (dir.: J. D. Muhly). 0 7919498. 267 p. - DissAbstr 40 (1979s) 1571-

A. s407 Overlaet B., Pointed Helmets of the Iron Age from Iran: IrAnt l4 (1979) 51-63, 3 fig., Npl., 64s G. Dewancke/, Observations techniques concernant l'identification et la restauration. s408 Petrle W. M. F., [Carpentry] Tools and Weapons illustrated by the Egyptian Collection in University College, London. Wmr/Encino CA 1974 = 1917, Aris & P./Malter. 71 p., LXXIXpl. s409 Schoske S., Krummschwert (!Jps): ---> 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 819-21, D fig. s410 Shefton B. dir., Greek Arms & Armour. Newcastle on Tyne [1978], University, Greek Museum. 22 p., 29 phot. s411 Soedel W., Foley V., Ancient Catapults [aci,:. to surviving Greek and Roman Texts; Dionysius Syracusanus]: ScientAm 240,3 (1979) 120-28, 8 fig.

T3.3.2 Vehicula, harness, wheel. s412 Bulliet R. W., The Camel and the Wheel. CM 1975, Harvard. 327 p. RJAOS 98 (1978) 163s (P. von Sivers). s413 Helck W., Ein indirekter Beleg für die Benutzung des leichten Streitwagens in Ägypten zu Ende der 13. Dynastie: JNES 37 (1978) 337-340, 2 fig. s414 Hibbes V. A., A New View of Two Carmona Ivories [Spain: Phoenician chariot-scene with forerunners in the Near East]: ArchAnz (1979) 458-80, 17 fig. s415 Link H.-G., Yoke: .....888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1160-6. s416 Littauer Mary A., Crouwel Joost H., a) The origin and diffusion of the cross-bar whecl?: Antiquity 51 (1977) 95-105, 7 fig., Pl. 1x-x1. (Ur, Susa, Bogazköy, Egypt). - b) Wheeled Vehicles and Ridden Animals in the Ancient Near East; drawings by J. Morel: ---> 882, HbOr 7,1, 213, Lfg 1

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[XVIII. Archaeol.

(Ld/Köln 1979, Brill.). x-185 p. 85 Ill. on 40p. - c) An Egyptian Wheel in Brooklyn: JEA 65 (1979) 107-20, pl. XII-XVI. s417 Mayer, Walter, Gedanken zum Einsatz von Streitwagen und Reitern in neuassyrischer Zeit: UF 10 (1978) 175-86, 7 fig. s418 Nibbi A., The Slt Sign [and the pack-saddle]: JEA 64 (1978) 57-64, 21 fig., pl. X. s419 Olmo Lete G. del, The Ugaritic War Chariot. A New Translation of KTU 4, 392 (PRU V, 105): UF 10 (1978) 47-51. s420 Rapsaet G., La faiblesse de l'attelage antique: la fin d'un mythe?: AntClass 48 (1979) 171-76, 4fig. s421 Weber Winfried, Die Darstellungen einer Wagenfahrt auf römischen Sarkophagdeckeln und Loculusplatten des 3. und 4. Jdts. n. Chr. R 1978, Bretschneider. 146p., 31pl. - RREL 57 (1979) 555-7 (C.-M. Ternes). T3.3.3 Aratra, agriculturalia [➔ u809-u861] s422 Balkan E., makris and asis, Component-parts of Wagons and Ploughs Respectively, in a Cappadocian Tablet from Killtepe: ➔ 147, Fs. E. LAROCHF. 1979, 49-S8. s423 Leroi-Gourhan A., The Flowers Pound with Shanidar IV, a Neanderthal Burial in Iraq: Science 190 (1975) 562-64, 2 fig. s424 Vandier J., Manuel d'archeologie egyptienne. Tome VI. Bas-reliefs et peintures. Seimes de la vie agricole a l' Ancien et au Moyen Empire. P 1978, A. et J. Picard, 1978. vn-354p., 23pl. - RßQ 36 (1979) 166s (W. H. Peck).

s425 White K. D., Farm Equipment in the Roman World. C 1975, Univ. 258 p., figs., pls. i12.S0. s426 Wilson J. V. Kinnier, The Nimrod Wine Lists 1972 ➔ 54, 7217: RwzKM 68 (1976) 214s (H. Hirsch).

T3.3.5 Nautlca. s427 Deschuyteneer D., De Hittitische en Noord-Syrische poortgebouwen: diss. Leuven, 1977. s428 Göttlicher Arvid, Materialien für ein Corpus der Schiffsmodelle im Altertum. Mainz 1978, von Zabern. 128 p., 56 pl. 0 3-8053-0249-5. DM 115. s429 Graeve M.-C. De, Water Transport in Mesopotamian Works of Art from the Old Babylonian to the End of the Neo-Babylonian Period (c. 2000-539 B.c.) with Selected References to Peripheral Regions: diss. Leuven 1978. s430 Greenhill Basil, Archaeology of the Boat. L 1976, A. & C. Black. 320 p., 213 fig. f:8.50. s431 McGrail S., Dating Ancicnt Wooden Boats: _. 432, J. Fletcher ed. Dendrochronology in Europe 1978, 239-58, 10 figs. s432 Nibbi A., a) A Fifth Dynasty Anchor from Abusir [from the Tomb of

T3.3 (... agriculturalia) - Nautica


Rahotep & other anchors recently found]: GötMiszÄg 32 (1979) 39-44, 2 Taf; b) 33 (1979) 41-46, A Further Note on the Fifth Dynasty Anchor from Abusir. s433 Pekary I. & T., Schwertheim E. [Inschrift], Kataphraktos und Zweireiher. Zu einer Stele mit Schiffsdarstellung aus Mysien: Boreas 2 (1979) 76-86, fig. s434 Weiss Raphael, [HI Mäsot ba-Miqrä': Oars in the Bible. J c1976, Rubinstein. 336 p. s435 Zemer Avshalom, [HI Qanqäne agfra ... Storage-jars in ancient sea-trade. Haifa 1977, National Marine Museum. XXI-117p., ill. - RJAOS 99 (1979) 479s (J. M. Weinstein).

T3.4 Ars .1 Ornamenta corporis, jewelry, mirrors. s436 Bagatti B., Un anello [inedito d'oro: Mus. Arch. di Amman, n° 1703]: TerraS 54 (1978) 116s, 3 fig. s437 Bosse-Griffiths K, Some Egyptian Bead-Work Faces in the Wellcome Collection at University College, Swansea: JEA 64 (1978) 99-106, pl. xv-

xv1. s438 Cameron F., Greek Bronze Hand-Mirrors in South Italy with special reference lo Calabria: BAR Internat. Scrics, 58. Ox 1979, BAR. m-71 p., 89 fig. f, 3. s439 Catamo M., La conoscenza delle pietre omamentali antiche: proposte concrete: AntRArch 2,5 (1977) 55ss, 4 fot. s440 Culican W., Jewellery from Sarafand and Sidon: Opuscula Atheniensia 12 (1978) 133-39. s441 Feucht E., Pektorale nichtköniglicher Personen [Totenamulette] 1971 -> 53, 7271: RJEA 59 (1973) 240s (G. T. Martini); OLZ 69 (1974) 347ss (1. Gamer- Wallert). s442 Ghirshman R., La ceinture en Iran: IrAnt 14 (1979) 167-96, pl.1x. s443 lakovidis S., On the Use of Mycenaean 'Buttons': AnBritSchAth 72 (1977) 113-19, Pl. 14-25. s444 Jacques M.-C., Les boucles d'oreilles a l'epoque neo-assyrienne: diss. Liege 1978. s445 Lilyquist C., Ancient Egyptian Mirrors from the Earliest Times to the Middle Kingdom: MüÄgSt 27. Mü/B 1979, Deutscher Kunstverlag. xm170p. 74pl. DM 110. s446 Manns F., Gemmes de l'epoque greco-romaine provenant de Palestine: SBFLA 28 (1978) 147-170, pl. 25-34. s447 Mayrhofer M., Ein neuer Beleg zu der indogermanischen Sippe für 'Halsschmuck' [die ba-ra-man-nu-is-Pferde der Fortification texts von Persepolis; es sind 'Halsband tragende' Pferde, mit Glöckchen nach Relief aus Persepolis]: -> 336, Mayrhofer, Ausgew. Kleine Schriften, hrg. von S. Deger-Jalkotzy u.a. (Wiesb 1979, Reichert) 163-66, 1 fig. < Gedenkschrift für Herrn. Guntert (Innsbruck 1974) 289-91. s448 Maxwell-Hyslop K R., A silver earring from Tell-EI Farah (south): -> 129, Fs. K KENYoN 1978, 180-182.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

s449 Petrie W. M. F., Objects of Daily Use .. Univ. Coll. London. Wmr/Encino CA 1974 = 1927, Aris & P./Malter. 74 p., LXH pl. (Mirrors, jewel~ ry). s450 Platt Elizabeth E., Bone pendants: BA 41 (1978) 23-28, 8 fig. s451 Rahmani H. Y., An Ancient Cast of a Cameo [c. 100 B.C.E.]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 83-85, pl. 21. s452 Reade Julian, Early Etched Beads and the Indus-Mesopotamia Trade. Occasional Paper No. 2. L 1979, British Museum. 36 p., 2 pl., 1 map. f2. s453 Sack Ronald H., Some Remarks on Jewelry Inventories from Sixth Century B.C. Erech: ZAss 69 (1979) 41-6. s454 Shea Michael, Maxwell-Hyslop K. R., A Gold Earring [Lachish III fig. 15 p. 160] from the Great Shaft at Tell ed-Duweir (Lachish): Levant 11 (1979) 171ss (P. No/an note on electron scanning), 1 ng., pl. xxxVI. s455 Turcan R., Ghirlande [, A. Nichtchristlich (... in griech., röm., oriental. Religionen. B. Christlich ... )]: ➔ 892, RAC 11,81 (1979) 1-23. s456 Wilhelm Gernot, Ein neues Lamastu-Amulett: ZAss 69 (1979) 34-40, 3 fig.

T3.4.2 Tcxtilia


u44; u320]

s457 Atalay E., Weibliche Gewandstatuen im 2. Jdt. n. Chr. aus ephesischen Werkstätten: Diss. W 1977. s458 Baginski Alisa, 1'idhar Amely, A Dated Silk Fragment from · Avdat (Eboda): IsrEJ 28 (1978) 113-15, 1 fig., pl. 21. s459 Crowfoot E., Qai,r lbrim Textiles: JEA 65 (1979) 39s. s460 Eggebrecht Eva, Spätantike und koptische Textilien. Teil 1. Corpus Anlilluitalum Aegypliacarum: Pdizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Lieferung 2. Mainz 1978, Philipp von Zabern, p. 177 (loose-leaves). DM 68. s461 Gall Hubertus von, Das Zelt des Xerxes und seine Rolle als persischer Raumtyp in CTrir.c.htmlimcl:CTymn 86 (1 Q7Q) 444-64, 4 fie;,, PI. xms. s462 Hellmich A., Le costume et la coiffure en Elam dans la ronde-bosse et 1e relief du deuxieme millenaire: diss. Liege 1978. s463 Knauer E. R., Toward a History of the Sleeved Coat. A Study of the Impact of an Ancient Eastern Garment on the West: Expedition [Penn. Univ. Bulletin] 21,1 (1978s) 18-36, ill. s464 Pellat C., Chelhod J., Khayma 'Tent' [I. Ancient Arabia, II. The Near East.]: ➔ 876, Enclsl 4,77s (1978) 1146-49(-51).

T3.4.3 Glyptica: Stamp and cylinder seals; scarabs. s465 Albenda P., Of Gods, Men and Monsters on Assyrian Seals: BA 41 (1978) 17-22, 11 fig. s466 Alexander R. L., The Tyskiewicz Group of Stamp Cylinders: Anatolica 5 (1973-1976, ed. 1978) 141-215, pl. 1-V. s467 Amiet P., Glyptique susienne 1972 ➔ 54, 8785: RAfO 26 (1978s) 104-8

T3.4 Ars antiqua (omamenta, textilia) - Glyptica, seals


(D. Collon). s468 Amore P. D', Note su cinquc sigilli provcnienti do Persepolis: VicOr 1 (1978) 27-46. s469 Avigad Na.b-man, 1H]Baruch the Scribe and Jera.b-meelSon of the King [on bullae]: Qadm 11 (1978) 113s, 2 fig. [cf. Jer 36, 4; Berechjah Zc 1,1] = IsrEJ 28 (1978) 52-56, pl. 15. s470 Avigad N., Bullae & Seals from a Post-Exilic Judean Archive: Qedem 4. J 1976. 36 p. = 1H]26 p., 18 fig., 15 pl. - Rorientalia 47 (1978) 128 (R. North); Syria 54 (1977) 129ss (A. Lemaire). s471 Avigad N., Gleanings from Unpublished Ancient Seals: BASOR 230 (1978) 67ss, 6 fig. ➔ s597. s472 Avigad Nahman, 1H]The Seal of Seraiah (Son of) Neriah: ➔ 83, EretzIsrael 14 (1978) 86s, pl. 1,3, Eng. summ. 125*. s473 Bagatti B., Un sigillo inedito della regione del Nebo: SBFLA 28 (1978) 145s, pl. 24. s474 Ben-Tor A., a) Cylinder Seals of Third-Millennium Palestine: BASOR Sup. 22. CM 1978, ASOR. v-121 p. ill. $12.50 - b) 1H]EB cylinder seals of Israel: Qadm 11,1 (1978) 2-5. s475 Beste Irmtraut, Skarabäen: Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum: Kestner-Museum Hannover, Lieferung 1. Mainz 1978, Philipp von Zabem. 176 p. (loose-leaves). DM 68. s476 Bleibtreu E., Mesopotamische Rollsiegel und säsänidische Stempelsiegel im Joanneum, Graz: WZKM 68 (1976) 105-30, 8 pl. s477 Bordreuil P., Lemaire A., Nouveau groupe de sceaux hebreux, arameens et ammonitcs: Scmiticn 29 (1979) 71-84, pl. ms. s478 Collon Dominique, Seal Impressions from tel1 Atchana/ Alalakh: AOAT 27. Kevelaer/Neuk 1975, xxn-217p., LXXV pl. - Rorientalia 47 (1978) 123 (R. North). s479 Doty L. T., An Ofticial Seal of the Seleucid Period: JNES 38 (1979) 195-98, 1 fiii. s480 Engemann Josef, Glyptik: -► 892, RAC 11 Lf. 82 (1979) 270-313, 17 fig. s481 Foster B. & K., A Lapidary's Gift to Gestinanna: Iraq 40 (1978) 61-65, 2 fig., Pl. X. s482 Gardata Baffi F., Un'ipotesi sulla rappresentazione del sole alato in alcuni sigilli medio-assiri: VO 1 (1978) 65-70. Gibson M., Biggs R. ed. (RAmiet P.), Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East 1977 -► 439. - Herr G. 1978 -► a909. s483 Giveon R., Seals and Seal-Impressions of the XXVth Egyptian Dynasty in Western Asia [751-656 B.C. Israel: Shabako; ... ; Taharka]: RUnComplut 25,101 (1978) 133-38, 7 fig. s484 Hestrin R., Dayagi-Mendels M., a) Inscribed Seals, First Temple Period: Hebrew, Ammonite, Moabite, Phoenician and Aramaic; from the Collections of the Israel Museum and Department of Antiquitj_es. J 1979, Israel Museum. 178 p., ill. each page, color front., alphabet chart. $8. = b) 1H]]fot'mot ibid. 173p. - RAION 34 (1979) 515-18 (F. Israel). s485 Hölbl G., Typologische Arbeit bei der Interpretation von nicht klar lesbaren Skarabäenflachseiten: StAltägKu 7 (1979) 95-102.


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[XVIII. Archaeol.

s486 Homes-FredericqD., Glyptique sur les tablettes arameennes des Musees Royaux d'Art el d'Hisluirt: (Bruxdles): RAss 70 (1976) 57-70, 4 flg. s4R7 Hnrnung R., Staehelin E., Skarabäen und andere Siegelamulette aus Basler Sammlungen. Mainz 1976, von Zabern. 436 p., 129 pl. DM 320. RwzKM 71 (1979) 197-201 (G. Hölbl). s488 Jones M., The Royal Lion Hunt Scar-ab of Amenophis III in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester (Chester 429. F./1930): JEA 65 (1979) 165-166, pl. XXVIII. s489 Kaplony Peter, Die Rollsiegel des Alten Reichs I. Allgemeiner Teil mit Studien zum Königtum des Alten Reichs: Monumenta Aegyptiaca 7., Rm 1977, Fond. R. Elisabeth. xn-380 p., Fb 1900. s490 Kaplony P., Zur Definition der Beschriftung- und Bebilderungstypen von Rollsiegeln, Skarahäen und anderen Stempelsiegeln: GötMuzÄg 29 (1978) 47-61, 67 tig. s491 Keel 0., Grundsätzliches um das Neumondemblem zwischen Bäumen [Zu H. Weippert: BibNot 5 (1978) 43-58 'Siegel mit Mondsichelstandarten aus Palästina']: BibNot 6 (1978) 40-54, 2 fig. s492 Kraiker W. ed., Archaische Plastik der Griechen: Wege der Forschung, 309. Da 1976, Wiss. 273 p., 32 fig. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 116s (J. Doerig). s493 Lambert W. G., Near Eastern Seals in the Gulbenkian Museum of Oriental Art, University of Durham: Iraq 41 (1979) 1-45, 1 fig., XIvPl. s494 Lemaire A., Nouveau sceau nord-ouest semitique avec un lion rugissanl: Semitica 29 (1979) 67-9, PI. 11, 1. s495 Lerner J. A., Christian Seals of the Sasanian Period: Publications de l'lnstitut Historique et Archeologique Neerlandais de Stamboul, 41. Ld/Istanbul 1977, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch Instituut. xn76 p., vm pi. /2':i. - RPersic.a 8 (1979) 197-201 (R. Gyse/en). s496 Malaise Michel, Les scarabees de creur dans l'Egypte ancienne, avec un appendice sur les scarabees de creur des Musees Royaux d' Art et d'Histoire de Bruxclles: Monographies Reine Elisabeth, 4. Bru 1978, Fondation Egyptoloiique Reine Elisabeth, 95 p., 9 pi. s497 Matousova-RajmanovaM. La position ä genuflexion inachevee - activite et danse [sur sceau]: ArOr 47 (1979) 57-66, 19 fig. s498 Matthiae Scandone Gabriella, Scarabei e scaraboidi egiziani ed egittizzanti del Museo Nazionale di Cagliari: Collezione di studi fenici 7. Roma 1975, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, 108 p., 31 pl. s499 Mazar A., [!!] MB2 cylinder seals in Israel: Qadm 11,1 (1978) 6-14. s500 Millard A. R., The Assyrian Royal Seal [Iraq 27 (1965) 12-16): An Addendum: 40 (1978) 70, PI. XI. s501 Moorey P. R. S., Gurney 0. R., Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals Acquired by the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1961-n: Trnq 40 (1978) 41-60, 1 fig., PI. IV-IX.[Reprint: Ashmolean !1.] s502 Neumann G., Probleme des griechischen Weihreliefs [Diss. habil. Tübingen 1972) : Tübinger Studien zur Archäol u. Kunstgeschichte 3. Tü 1979, Wasmuth. xm-84 p.: 48 111.DM 64. s503 NiccacciA., Nuovi scarabei Hyksos: ➔ 15, Fs. B. Bagatti I 1976, 29-79, pl. 1-12.

T3.4.3 Glyptica: stamp and cylinder seals; scarabs


s504 Nikulma N. M., @ On Ancient Glyptics and Their Materials: Oriental and Ancient Art (Moskva 1977) 51-61. s505 Noveck Madeline, The Mark of Ancient Man: Ancient Near Eastem Stamp Seals and Cylinder Seals, the Gorelick Collection. Brooklyn 1975, Museum. 97 p. $4.95. [95 seals, 32 Sasanid]. - RJNES 38 (1979) 56s (T. Kendall). s506 O'Connell K.. G., An Israelite Bulla from Tell el-l:le$i: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 197-99, 1 fig. 26 pl. s507 Petrie William M. F., · Scarabs and Cylinders with Names, illustrated by the Egyptian Collection in University College, London. Wmr/Encino CA 1978, Aris & P./Malter. vm-46 p., 73 pl. s508 Porada E., Remarks on Mitannian (Hurrian) and Middle Assyrian Glyptic Art: Akkadica 13 (1979) 2-15, 16 fig. s509 Porada E., Standards and Stools on Sealings of Nuzi and Other Examples of Mitannian Glyptic Art: --> 58s,c915, UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 164-72, pl. XXXI-XXXVI. s510 Rostovtzeff M. 1., Seleucid Babylonia: Bullae and Seals of Oay with Greek Inscriptions: YaleClasR 2 (1932) 1-97; 98-114; 11 pl. The Bullae from Seleucia, by R. H. McDowe/l. s511 Vattioni F., Sigilli ebraici III: AION 38 (1978) 227-54. s512 Ward W. A., Studies on Scarab Seals, I: Pre-12th Dynasty Scarab Amulets. With an Appendix on the Biology of Scarab Beetles by S. T. Bishara. Wmr 1978, Aris & Phillips, x-116 p. 16 pl. --> s266; u803. s513 Zettler Richard L., On the Chronological Range of Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Seals: JNES 38 (1979) 257-69, 15 fig. T3.4.4 Sculptura. s514 Albenda Pauline, Assyrian Carpets in Stone: JANES 10 (1978) 1-19 (34, 26 Pl.) [Niniveh]. s515 Aldred C., Tradition and R1wolntion in the Art of the 18th Dynasty: --> 523, Immortal Egypt 1978, 51-62, pl. 39-47. s516 Atasoy S., istanbul Arkeoloji Miit.esinden Se~me Luristan Bronzlan. Some {Selected > Luristan Bronzes from the 1stanbul Archaeological Museum: AnAra§t 4s (1976s) IT] 163-69. 170s (summary), 2 pl. s517 Bastet F. L., Sculptuur uit Cyprus te Leiden: OMRO 58 {1977) 198-220, pl. 37-48. s518 Behm-Blancke Manfred R., Das Tierbild in der altmesopotamischen Rundplastik: eine Untersuchung zum Stilwandel des frühsumerischen Rundbildes [Diss. München 1979]: DAI Baghdader Forschungen, 1. Mainz 1979, von Zabem. XTV-9~ p., 34 pl. = 141 Ill. DM 105 pa. 0 38053-0359-9. s519 Berger J.-E., Creux R., L'CEil et l'elemite. Portraits romains d'Egypte. Paudex, Suisse, 1977, Fontainmore. 224 p., 252 pl. 0 2-88004-008-6. Rßo 36 (1979) 175s (K.. Parlasca). s520 Bieber M., Ancient Copies. Contributions to the History of Greek and Roman Art. NY 1977, NY Univ. xuv-302 p., 911 fig. $75. - RAJA 83 47. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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[XVIII. Archaeol.

(1979) 115s (C. C. Mattusch). s521 Bochmcr R. M., Früheste altorientalischc Darstellungen des Wisenls: BaghMit 9 (1978) 18-21, 1 fig.; pl. 3-7. s523 Bostoen A., Bijdrage tot de studie van het theriomorf vaatwerk in Noord- en West-Iran tijdens de ljzertijd, ca. 1300/1250 tot 600/550 v66r Christus: diss. Gent 1979. s524 Braun-Holzinger Eva A., Frühdynastische Beterstatuetten: Abh DOG 19. B 1977, Mann. 94 p., 32 pl. s525 Christe Y., A propos de la theca: quelques exemples du IVe siecle [ap. J.-C.] (fulcrum statuae, quasi-consulare): MusHelv 35 (1978) 335-40, pl. 10-12. s526 Farkas A., Achaemenid Sculpture [The Art of Cyrus, Darius, Xerxes; The Greek Contribution to Achaemenid Sculpture 9: App. Persepolis Sculptures im the Light of New Discoveries, by A. B. Ti/sa: 127-134] 1974 ➔ 56, 8850: RorAnt 17 (1978) 153-6 (P. D'Amore). s527 a) Flagge Ingeborg, Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Greifen 1975 ➔ 58s, dlOl. - RBO 36 (1979) 17s (D. Klfmova); Or 44 (1975) 492 (R. North); OLZ 74 (1979) 14s (W. Helck); OrAnt 17 (1978) 309s (S. Mazzom); b) Khazai K., Le Grifon: L'evolution d'un motif iconographique en Iran, des son origine jusqu'a la fin de l'epoque sassanide: diss. Gent 1978. s528 Gaballa G. A., Narrative in Egyptian Art: DAT-Kairo. Mainz 1976, von Zabem. 180 p., fig. s529 Heintze, H. von, Römische Porträls: WegFo 348. Da 1975, Wiss. 473 p., 56 fig. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 119s (H. Jucker). s530 Hertel D., Untersuchungen zu Stil und Chronologie der Kaiser- und Prinzenporträts von Augustus bis Claudius; Diss. Bonn 1978. s531 Heyer R., Ein archäologischer Beitrag zum Text KTU 1.4 123-43 [Arbeit und Kunstwerke des Schmiedegottes]: UF 10 (1978) 93-109, 29 fig. s532 Holloway W. R., Influences and Styles in the Late Archaic and Early Classical Greek Sculpture of Sicily and Magna Graecia. Publ. d'histoire de l'art et d'archeologie de l'Univ. Cath. de Louvain, 6. Lv 1975, Institut Superieur d'archcologic et d'histoire d'art. xn-134 p., 230 fig. $35. RArehNcws 6 (1977) 120s (C. C. Mattusch). s533 Iversen E. (Shibata Y.), Canon und Proportion in Egyptian Art 2• Wmr 1975 [11955], Aris & P. 94p., 34 loose pl. f:8, - RJEA 64 (1978) 189ss (J. Baines). s534 Johansen Flemming, Statues of Gudea: Ancient and Modem, with a chapter by B. Alster [in defense of the one claimed false]: Mesopotamia 6. K 1978, Akademisk. 70 p. 121 pl. Dk 100. - RZAss 69 (1979) 150s (B. Hrouda). s535 Kilian-Dirlmeier 1., Anhänger in Griechenland von der mykenischen bis zur spätgeometrischen Zeit [incl. Yugoslawisch- Macedonien]: Prähistorische Bronzefunde Xl/2. Mü 1979, Beck. xn-283 p., 110 pl. s536 Lauwers R., De Hittitische kleinplastiek. Antropomorfe beeldjes sedert de Assyrische kolonisatieperiode (begin ne millennium) tot het einde van het Hittitische Rijk (ca. 1200 v.C.): diss. Leuven 1978. s537 Lombardo G., La figura dell'eroe in una tipologia di vasi scolpiti a tutto

T3.4.4 Sculptura


tondo del periodo di Gerodet Nasr: VO 1 (1978) 71-82. s538 Luppe W., Abermals das Goldblättchen von Hipponion [novae lcctioncs et interpretationes]: ZPapEph 30 (1978) 23-26. s539 Merode R. de, Essai sur l'iconographie des cervides chez les Hittites. Diss. Louvain-la Neuve 1978. s540 Meyer Klaus-Heinrich, Kunst: ..... 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 872-81; 833-6, Schott E., Künstler. s541 Moorey P. R. S., a) Ancient Bronzes from Luristan 1974 ..... 56, 8557 (f.2.50): RQLZ 73 (1978) 385s (U. Calmeyer-Seidl); Belleten 49 (1977) 773-80 (A. 53,7715. s542 Mosel Ilona, (ffi A Special Type of Human Representation from the Neolithic: MiTequpatEven 13 (1976) 70-74. s543 Müller Maya., Zum Bildnistypus Thutmosis I [Kunstgeschichtlich bedeutend bis Amenophis III]: GötMiszÄg 32 (1979) 27-32, 6 fig. s544 Müller P., Löwen und Mischwesen in der archaischen griechischen Kunst. Eine Untersuchung über ihre Bedeutung. Diss .. Zürich. Z 1978, J uris Druck. s545 Niemeyer H. G., Alexanderkopf in Sevilla: ArchAnz (1978) 106-15, 4Abb. s546 Özgan R., Untersuchungen zur archaischen Plastik Ioniens: Diss. Bonn 1977. B 1978, Wasmuth. -> u90. s547 Özten A., [f] Acemhöyük sank:aya saraymda bulunan iki ta§ tabak. Two Stone Plates [one obsidian] from the Sankaya Palace at Acemhöyük: Delleten 43 (1979) 381-84.385-88, 3 pl. s548 Paae Anthea, Egyptian Sculpture, Archaic to Saite: from the Petrie Collection. Wmr 1976, Aris & P. 142 p., 175 fig. f'.12.50: RJEA 64 (1978) 174ss (C. Aldred). s549 Poerck S. De, Etude des presents qu'apportent les delegations sculptees sur les murs de soutenement des escaliers de l'Apadana: diss. Univ. Libre de Bruxelles, 1978. s550 Pury A. de, Iconographie et langage bihlique. Un domaine nouveau explore par 0. Keel [SBS 84s (1977)]: RTPhil 110 (1978) 161-64. s551 Reade .T. E(dgeworth), Narrative Composition in Assyrian Sculpturc: BaghMit 10 (1979) 52-110, 10 fig., pl. 14-25. s552 Rittig Dessa, Assyrisch-babylonische Kleinplastik magischer Bedeutung von 13.-6. Jh. v. Chr. [Diss. München 1972/73]: Münchener vorderasiatische Studien 1. Mü 1977, Um-Druck. 277 p., 73 fig. DM 39. - RZAss 69 (1979s) 279ss (R. Mayer-Opificius). s553 Röss/er-Köhler U., Löwe, L.-Köpfe, L.-Statuen: .....885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1080-90. s554 Sanchez Beitran M. J., Catalogo de los bronces de Luristan en el Museo Arqueol6gico Nacional [de Madrid]: TrabPreh 34 (1977) 231-88, 11 fig., XXI pl,

s555 Schlossman B. L., [Statue..] Portraiture in Mesopotamia in the Late · Third antl Eady Second Millennium n.c.: AfO 26 (1978s) 56-77, 30 fie;, s556 Schmidt Jürgen, Ein frühsumerischer Löwe: BaghMit 9 (1978) 22ss, Taf. 6b, 7a-b.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

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s557 Simpson W. K., Aspects of Egyptian Art: Function and Aesthetic: ➔ 523, Immortal Egypt 1978, 19-25, 2 pl. s558 Stewart Harry M., Egyptian Stelae, Reliefs and Paintings from the Petrie Collection, Part I: The New Kingdom. Wmr 1976. x-72p., 53 pi. no. 0 0-85668-026-5. - RJEA 64 (1978) 151-57 (R. A. Caminos). s559 Sussman Warda, l!!l Early Bronze Ox-Plaque: Qadm 11,1 (1978) 15s. s560 Taubert J., Farbige Skulpturen. Bedeutung, Fassung, Restaurierung. Mü 1978, Callwey. 208 p. - RFomvännen 74 (1979) 212ss (P. Tängeberg). s561 Tefnin Roland, La statuaire d'Hatshepsout: portrait royal et politique sous la 18e Dynastie: (diss. 1973 Bru Univ. Libre, dir. P. Gilbert): Monumenta Aegyptiaca 4. Bru 1979, Fond. Reine Elisabeth. xn-196 p., 9 p. fig., XXXV pl. s561* Vanel A., L'iconographie du dieu de l'orage 1965 ➔ 46, 3752; 49,6229: RAfo 26 (1978s) 137s (G. Sauer). s562 VermeuleC. c.rn, Greek Sculpture and Roman Taste. The Purpose and Setting of Graeco-Roman Art in ltaly and the Greek Imperial East (12th Jerome Lectures AA/R 1975s). AA/Rexdale, Canada 1977, Univ. Mich/J. Wiley. xn-137 p., 100 fig. $18.50. 0 0-472-08940-4. T3.4.6 Graphica, writing (➔ t26ss) s563 Avi-Yonah M., l!!l megillöt .. Scrolls and Inscriptions. J 1978, Kether. 86p. s564 Brunner-TrautEmma, Egyptian Artists' Sketches: Figured Ostraka from the Gayer-Anderson Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Publications de !'Institut historique et archeologique neerlandais de Stamboul, XLV. Ld 1979, Nederlands Historisch-Archaeologisch lnstituut. x89 p., 40 pi. s565 Dürbeck H., Zur Charakteristik der griechischen Farbenbezeichnungen [Diss. Erlangen-Nürnberg 1976]: .· Habelts Dissertationsdrucke, Reihe klass. Philologie 27. Ronn 1977, Habelt. x-321 p. DM 38. s566 Peck William H., Drawings from Ancient Egypt; Foreword, Cyril Aldred. L 1978, Thames and Hudson. 208 p. 169 phot. (16 col.), J. G. Ross. [s567-576 desunt] s577 Peck W. H., Two Seated Scribes of Dynasty Eighteen: JEA 64 (1978) 72~75, pi. XII-XIII. s578 Schmandt-Besserat D., The Earliest Precursor of Writing [Clay Tokens of Various Distinctive Shapes > Sumerian Ideographs]: ScientAm 238, 6 (1978) 38-47, 10 fig., 1 col. pi. T3.4.8 Mosaica. s579 Avi-Yonah M., l!!l pesipplisfm •attfqfm: Ancient Mosaics. J 1978, Kether. 87 p., ill. s580 Balty J., Mosaiques de Syrie [catalogus (exclusa Antiochiä)]. Bru 1977,

T3.4.8 Mosaica


154 p., 72 col. fig. s581 Campbell S. D., Report on the 1976 season field work on the Corpus of Mosaic Pavements in Turkey: Bull AIEMA 7 (1978) 342ss. s582 Daszewski Wiktor A., Some Problems of Early Mosaics from Egypt: -> 754, Maehler H., Das ptolemäische Ägypten 1978, 123-135; 136 Diskussion; fig. 110-129. s583 Dolce R., Gli intarsi della Mesopotamia protodinastica. R 1978. s584 Lavagne H. al., Mosai'que I. Deterioration et conservation. Actes du Ier Symposium international sur la conservation des mosai'ques, R 2-5 nov. 1977. R 1977, ICCROM (Centre cons. mosai'ques). 104p., 106 ill., 10 fig. - RBulletin d'information de l'association internationale pour l'etude de la mosai'que antique 7 (P 1978) 272-5 (H. Lavagne). s585 Naveh Joseph, l!!] 'Al pesippas we-eben, On Mosaic and Stone. The Aramaic and Hebrew Inscriptions from Ancient Synagogues. J 1978, IsrExplSoc/Carta. x-156 p., ill. $9.50. - RisrEJ 28 (1978) 130s; KirSef 53 (1978) 349-55 (J. Yahalom); Qadm 12 (1979) 32s (G. Tsarfati). s586 Sear Frank B., Roman Wall and Vault Mosaics (< diss. Cambridge). Heid l977, Mitt. DAI Röm 23, Erg.H. 202 p., 47 fig., 72 pl. DM 124. Roymn 86 (1979) 495s (R. Pillinger).

T3.5 Athletica; sport, games. s587 Decker Wolfgang, Annotierte Bibliographie zum Sport im alten Ägypten. Sankt Augustin c. 1978. Hans Richarz. Pp. 164. DM 49. -> 1023. s588 Decker W., Quellentexte zu Sport und Körperkultur im alten Ägypten. St. Augustin 1975, Richarz. 123 p., 7 pl. - RWZK.M 68 (1976) 185s (H. Satzinger). s589 Derchain-Urbel M.-T., Esna, Schrift und Spiel: Kleine Bemerkungen zu einem grosscn Spiel: GötMiszÄg 27 (1978) 11-21; 29 (Jq78) 7-8(!). s590 Rdel E., Bemerkungen zu den Schiesssporttexten der Könige der 18. Dynastie [1. wd.v/ stj rmdd "der schiesst um zu heften" (nichts von "Schiessscheibe"); 2. Urk. IV 1322, 16-18; 3. Texte mit sttj; 4. Urk. IV 2047, 6.9.]: SfAltägKu 7 (1979) 23-39. s590* Höjler B., Zur Ringtechnik [wrestling] der ptolemäischen Ringergruppen: ArchAnz (1978) 551ss, 1 Abb. s591 Kalsbeek 1:,London G., A Late Second Millennium B.C. Potting Puzzle [two bowls found at Yotvata]: BASOR 232 (1978) 47-56, 2 fig. s592 Lämmer M., xystos: KölBeiSportW 2 (1973) 192. s593 Mendner Siegfried, [Gesellschafts-!] Spiele: -> 892, RAC 10 (1978) 84795; AT 871s, NT 872s: s594 Roszkowska H., [0 Sport w starozytnej Anatolii [Sport im alten Anatolien]: Pri:Or 105 (1978) 66-68. s595 Schmidt R(egine), Die Darstellung von Kinderspielzeug und Kinderspiel in der griechischen Kunst: Raabser Märchen-Reihe, 3. W 1977, Österr. Mus. für Volkskunde. 171 p., 13 Taf.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

T3.5.4 Musica. s596 Anderson Robert D., Musical Instruments: Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities 3. L 1976, British Museum. [VI-]87p., 150 fig. (drawings by Grace Huxtable). f:20. - RJNES 38 (1979) 304 (W. Murnane); Orientalia 47 (1978) 117 (R. North). s597 Avigad N., The King's Daughter and the Lyre [on the seal of Ma'adanna: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 146-51, 17 fig.; pl. 26; I!!] Qadm 12 (1979) 61s, 1 fig. s598 Chailley Jacques, La musique grecque antique: Collection d'Etudes Ancicnncs. P 1979, BLcttrcs. 222 p. s599 Coppens M.-A., De Sumerische lieren en harpen: diss. Leuven 1977. s600 Cracker R. L., Rcmarks on thc Tuning Text UET VII 74 (U. 7/80): Orientalia 47 (1978) 99-104. s601 Hickmann Ellen, Leier: --> 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 996-9. s602 Manniche Lise, Ancient Egyptian Musical Instruments: MüÄgSt 34. B 1975, Deutscher Kunstverlag. XI-111p., figs., 20 pl. - RQr 44 (1975) 492 (R. North); OLZ 74 (1979) 441ss (R. Krauspe); WeltOr 9 (1978) 286s (E. Brunner-Traut). s603 Manniche Lise, Musical Instruments from the Tomb of Tut· ankhamil.n: T's Tomb Series 6. Ox 1976, Griffith Inst. 15 p., 12 pl. f:4. - RJNES 38 (1979) 305 (W. Murnane, with preceding); Orientalia 47 (1978) 116s (R. North). s604 Montagu J., One of Tut'ankhamün's Trumpets: JEA 64 (1978) 133s, 1 fig. s605 Neubecker Annemarie J., Altgriechiche Musik: eine Einführung: Die Altertumswissenschaft, Einführungen. Da 1977, Wiss. vn-182p. 8 pl.; 157-165 bibliog. s606 Schatkin Margaret A., ldiophones Lbellsj of the Ancient World: JbAC 21 (1978) 147-172. s607 Spear Nathaniel J., A Treasury of Archaeological Bells. NY 1979, Hastings House. 280 p., 305 figs. $25. s608 Ziiegler Christiane, Catalogue des instruments de musique cgyptiens: Musee du Louvre, Departement des antiquites egyptiennes. P 1979, Reunion des Musees Nationaux. 133 p., ill. T3.6 Ceramica, vasa; pottery, kitchenware. s609 Amiran R., Ancient Pottery of the Holy Land 1969 --> 52, 6702; 53, 7900: RoLZ 73 (1978) 561s (K. Galling). s610 Amiran R., Glass J., An Archaeological-Petrographical Study of 15 WWare Pots in the Ashmolean Museum [... Canaanite-Egyptian Relations at Naqada II ... ]: TAT 6 (1979) 54-59, 2 fig., pi. 12s. s611 Brissaud P., La ceramique egyptienne du regne d'Amenophis II a la fin de l'cpoque ramesside: ... 208, Fs. S. SAUNERoN:BEtIFAO 81 (1979) 1132, PI. lV-V. s612 Carswell John, Syrian tiles from Sinai and Damascus: --> 129, Fs. K.

T3.6 Ceramica - Pottery


KENYON 1978, 269-296. s613 Carter E., Elamite Pottery (2000-1000 B.c.): JNES 38 (1979) 111-28,

3 fi.g.

s614 Crowe Y., K.hazaf 'ceramics': ➔ 876, Enclsl 4, 71s (1978) 1164-71, 8 pl. 1 map. s615 Dothan Moshe, An Attic Red-Figured Bell-Krater from Tel 'Ak:ko: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 148-51, Pl. 18. s616 Febervari Geza, Islamic Pottery: a Comprehensive Study Based on the Barlow Collection; foreword H. Garner. L 1973, Faber & · F. 191 p., 120pl. + 18col. f:15. - RoLZ 74 (1979) 149s (K.. Fischer). s617 Gagniers J. des, KarageorghisV., Vases et figurines de l'Age du Bronze a Chypre. Ceramique rouge et noire polie. Quebec 1976, Univ. Laval. xrv-60 p., 4 fig. 63 pl. + 1 col. C$12. - RRArch (1979) 317 (Y. Calvet). so18 Geva S., Population Changes as Reflected in Pottery Types: A Proposal: PEQ 111 (1979) 109-112. s619 Gittlen B. M., Studies in the Late Cypriote Pottery found in Palestine: diss. Penn. Ph 1977, xxvn-589 p., ill., maps. - DissA 38 (1978) 6795-A. s620 Hochuli-Gysel A., Die kleinasiatische glasierte Reliefkeramik (50 v. Chr. bis 50 n. Chr.) und ihre oberitalischen Nachahmungen (Diss. Bern 1975): Acta Derncnsia 7. Bern 1977, Stämpfli. 203 p., 37 fig., 64 tab. + 1 col. RMusHelv 35 (1978) 119 (A. Bruckner). s621 Ibrahim Moawiyah M., The collared-rim jar of the early Iron Age: ➔ 129, Fs. K.. KENYON 1978, 117-126. s622 Johnson Barbara L., Corinthian Relief Bowls from Northern Sinai: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 170-4, 3fig., Pl.18-19. s623 KarageorghisV., Les Terres cuites chypriotes: Archeologia 124 (1978) 22-35, 14 phot. + 5 col. s624 Kelley Allyn L., The Pottery of Ancient Egypt, Dynasty I lo Roman Times. Toronto 1976, Royal Ontario Museum. iv-55 p., 103 pl. $16. 0 0888S4-189-9. - RBO 36 (1979) 170-4 (B. Bulckens: unusable). s625 KromholzA. H., Cypriote White Slip II Hemispherical Bowls: Brandeis Univ. Ph. D. diss. 1978. AA 1979, Univ. Microf. (paginis impr.) 1. vn621 p. II. p. 622-1155; fig.1158-1243. s626 Lubsen-Admiraal S. M., Cyprische terracotta's in Leiden. OMRO 59s (1978s). [301 p. 42 pl.] p. 151-77, pl. 26-34. s627 Maigret A. de, Per un'archeologia tridimensionale. Riflessioni sulla ceramica della Siria dell'eta del ferro: AntRArch 3,11 (1978) 25-30, 1 fig. s628 Mandel U., Oinophoren. Studien zur kleinasiatischen Reliefkeramik: Diss. Bonn 1978. s629 Merker Gloria S., Boeotian Pottery in Collections in Jerusalem: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 160-70, 1 fig., Pl. 22-23. s630 Merrillees R. S., Tubb J. N., A Syro-Cilician Jug from Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: RepDeptAntCypr (1979) 223-9. s631 Otto B., Oeometrii.che Ornamente auf anntolischer. Keramik: Symmetrien frühester Schmuckformen im Nahen Osten und in der Ägäis [Diss. Heidelberg 1972]: Keramikforschwigen 1. Mainz 1976, von Zabern. xm203 p. Ill. DM 120 pa. s632 Skupinska Ilona, The Ustinow Collection: Terra Cottas. Oslo/NY 1978,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Univ./distr. Columbia Univ. 155 p., 31 pl. $18. s633 Skupinska-Levset l., The Ustinov Collection: the Palestinian Pottery. Oslo 1976, Univ. 177p., 40pl. s634 Tekeli U., Terres-cuites cypriotes du Musee National de Varsovie: EtTrav 11 (1979) 15-28, 13 fig. s635 Walberg Gisela, Kamares: a Study of the Character of Palatial Middle Minoan Pottery (diss. Uppsala 1976): Boreas 8. Uppsala/Sto 1976, Univ./Almqvist & W. 203 p., 54 fig., map. Sk 47. - RAJA 82 (1978) 555s (E. Fiandra, tr. G. F. Pinney); OLZ 47 (1979) lOss (A. Vahlen). TJ.6.2 Vasa, metal or special vessels. s636 lsbell C. D., Corpus of the Aramaic Incantation Bowls: SBL diss. 17 (Brandeis 1973 ➔ 56, 6520). MMS 1975. XIV-200p. $6 (subscr. $4). RETRel 53 (1978) 529s (D. Lys); JBL 96 (1977) 577s (J. C. Greenfield); RechSR 66 (1978) 380s (A. Paul); TR 75 (1979) 97ss (0. Michel). s637 Isbe/1 C. D., The Story of the Aramaic Incantation Bowl: BA 41 (1978) 5-16, 2 fig. s638 Israel M., !HIVessels of Ancient Man and Esthetics: Mit\{Even 13 (1976) 75-80. s639 Jucker H., Meier-Brügger M., Eine Bronzephiale mit karischer Inschrift: MusHelv 35 (1978) 104-15 [500 a.C., typus aegyptius, asservato in Teheran consimilis]. s640 Khouli, Ali el-. Egyptian Stone Vessels, Predynastic Period to Dynastie III, Typology and Analysis: DAI Kairo. Mainz 1978, von Zabem. 862 p. (vol. 1-2); 3. Plates IV-162p. DM 150. 0 3-8053-0318-1. - Rßo 36 (1979) 174s (A. L. Kelley). s641 Matthäus H., Bronzgefässe der kretisch-mykenischen Kultur: Diss. Hamburg 1977. s642 Özgüf T., IT] Assur ticaret kolonileri ~agma ait insan bicimli kap. A Vessel in the Form of a Human of thl': Assyrian Tradine Colony Period: Dell 43 (1979) 261-66.267-72 A + XI pl., 2 fig. s643 Sijpesteijn P. J., A Syrian Phylactery on a Silver Plate: OMRO 59s (1978s) p. 189-92, pl. 37: IQ!iaö iaö iaö Sabaöth Adönai; line 9f. Oureiel Raphael Ragouel Michael Souriel Gabrie[l]. s644 Tawfik S., Die Alabasterpaletten für die sieben Salböle im Alten-Reich: GötMiszÄg 30 (1978) 77-84, 3 pl. T3.6.4 Cu/tri, molae; knives, mills. s645 Bianco Peroni V., I rasoi nell'ltalia continentale: Prähistorische Bronzefwu.lt: VIll/2. Mil 1979, Beck. xu-211 p., 118 pl. s646 a) ChalJ,adeK., ~ Histoire du moulin: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 109123, phot. 11-26. - b) [-+ u857] Stol M., On Trees, Mountains, and Millstoncs in the Ancient Near East: McdVcrhEOL 21. Ld 1979, EOL. xrr103 p., map. 31-49 Usum-tree cylinder seal: K. van Lerberghe.

T3.6.4 Cultri, molae


s647 a) Eitan D., Olive Presses of the Israelite Period [A. Rock-cut Installations in the Samarian Hills; B. Extraction of Olive Oil; C. Olive Presses Chiselled from Stone Blocks; D. Dating]: TAJ 6 (1979) 146-55, 4 figs., 1 table, pl. 22-23. - b) Yeivin Zev, [H] Olive-oil production and presses in Israel: DMD (May 1978) 3-8. s648 Gamer-Wallert I., Löffel: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1072. s649 Oliver A. J, She/ton J., Silver on Papyrus. A translation of a Roman Silver Tableware Inventory: Archaeol 32,1 (1979) 21-28, 7 fig. s650 Payne Joan Crowfoot, A hoard of flint knives from the Negev: ➔ 129 Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 19-22. T3.6.5 Pondera - mensurae, weights & measures. s651 Alberti A., Sul valore della misura 'mun-tlu' [1 mundu ;;;;;12 sila]: OrAnt 18 (1979) 217-24. s652 Barkay G., A Group oflron Age Scale Weights: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 209-17, pl. 33-34. s653 Ben-David A., The Hebrew-Phoenician Cubit: PEQ 110 (1978) 27s. s654 Eerdekens N., Een statistische benadering van Mesopotamische gewichten: diss. Leuven 1977. Manns F., Quelques poids et pesons 1976 ➔ s844. s655 Mayrhofer M., Ein unpubliziertes beschriftetes Eich&ewicht der DareiosZeit: AnzÖsAkWiss 116 (1979) 25-27. s656 North R., Weights, Measures, Money, Time in introduction to New American Bible: L 1979, Nelson (previously published in New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, L 1969, Nelson). s657 Powe/1M. A. J, a) Ancient Mesopotamian Weight Metrology: Methods, Problems and Perspectives [Abstract of large sections of Diss. Univ. of Minnesota 1971 'S1.1merfan Numeration and Metrology']: AOAT 203 (1979) 71-109, 3 tables. - b) Ancient Mesopotamian Weight Metrology: Technikatörteneti Szemle 10 (1978) 109-12. s658 Zuccagnini C., A Note on the Talent at Alalag (AT 401 [= 3000 shekels]): lraq 40 (1978) 67ss. s659 Zaccagnini Carlo, The tallu Measure of Capacity at Nuzi: Assur 2,1 (1979) 29-34.

T3.6.8 Lampas. s660 Bailey D. M., A Catalogue of Lamps in the British Museum: I. Greek, Hellenistic and Early Roman Pottery Lamps, L 1975, British Museum vm-397 p., 150 pl., tablcs. :E45. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 81s (H. Wil-

liams). s661 [Bouzek J.] Anticke Lampy. Trutnov [c.1978), Muzeum Podkrknosi. 40 phot., explan. s662 Carolis E. de, Brugnoli G., Lucerne greche e romane 2 = Quaderni del G(ruppo) A(rcheologico) R(omano), 3, Serie Tipologie. R [1978), GAR. 64p.


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[XVIII. Archaeol.

s663 Dobbins J. J., Terracotta Lamps of the Roman Province of Syria: diss. Mich. AA 1977. 418 p. [Univ. Microfilm photucupy x-196 p.; p. 197-407, 6 fi.g., 546 phot.]. - DissA 38 (1977s) 6794A. s664 Fischer H. G., Lampe (angl.)--> 885, Lex.Äg 3 (1979) 913-17. s665 Fulco William J., A Seven-Holed theotokos lamp: Berytus 27 (1979) 27s, 3 fi.g. s666 Isserlin B. S. J., On Some Figurines of 'Lamp-Goddesses' from Transjordan: RUnComplut 25, 101 (1976) 139-42. s667 Rosenthal Renate, Sivan Renee, Ancient Lamps in the Schloessinger Collection: Qedem 8. J 1978, Hebrew Univ. 179 p., 697 fi.g. s668 Shier L. A., Terracotta Lamps from Karanis, Egypt: Excavations of the Univ. of Michigan = U. Mich. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Studies, 3. AA 1979, Univ. Mich. xx-219, 3 maps, 55 pl., front. s669 Sussman V., Samaritan Lamps of the Third-Fourth Centuries A. D.: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 238-50, pl. 39-46. s670 Weinberg Saul S., A Two-Storey Lamp from Palestine: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 143-7, 6fig., Pl.17. s671 Zouhdi B., ~ Aspect des lampes antiques au musee de Damas: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 161-187, 12 tab.

T3.7 Cultica.

s672 Behnassi 1., Recherches sur Mithra au point de vue archeologique: --> 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae 1979, 805-09. s673 Campbe/1 E. F. J, Jewish Shrines of the Hellenistic and Persian Pcriods: 75th Anniv. -->12, Cross F., Symposia 1979, 159-167. s674 Courtois J.-C., A propos des tuyaux rituels ou bras de libation en Anatolie et a Chypre: --> 147, Fs. E. LARocHE 1979, 85-97, 1 fi.g. s675 Daoust J., Menorah: --> 869, Catholicisme 8 f. 37, 1979, 1183s. s676 Davies G. D., Baptisterium: --> 895, TRE 5,ls (1979) 197-206. s6T/ Habachi L., Tavole d'ofterta, are e bacili da lihazion~: C'.lltaloeo Generale del Musco Egizio di Torino, serie 2, vol. 2. T 1977, ediz. d'Arte Fratclli Pozzo. 171 p., 44 pl. - RorAnt 18 (1979) 83-84. s678 Haran M. 1H]Bämot and miqdäsfm: from Arad to Dan: Beth MU s874s, situs. s744 Gray J., Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Their Bearing on the OT: -> 549, Anderson G., Tradition 1979, 65-95. s745 Ibrahim M., Kurdi H., [6l Excavations in Jordan 1976s: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 20-30: Amman, Jerash, lrbid, Ghor, Madaba, Karak, Ma'an. s746 Israel Exploration Society: a) Archaeology Excavations Prehist. Sile near T. el-Far'ah, 1977; Iraq ez-Zigon, 1977; Arad, 1976-1977. 'Akko, 1977; T. Dan, 1977; T. el-T;le~i,1977; Aroer, 1977; H, Midras (Kh. Durusija); Gush l;lalav (el-Jish), 1977; Kissufi.m; Shelomi, 1977: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 238-59, 2 fi.g.,pl. 36-40 (varii auctores). - b) Golan, 1977; T. Halif (Lahav); Bene Heraq, Keret Street; Shiqmona, 1977; T. Mikhal (T. Malcmish), 1977; T. Qiri (Hazorea); Tel Aviv, Rishpon Str.: Meiron, 1977: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 116-28, 2 fig., pl. 22-24. - c) T. Yin'am, 1977; Qubur cl-Wnlnida; T. Batsah (Timnah, 1978); Kfüfosh-Rarnea, 1978; Aroer, 1978; T. Qasile, 1978; Jerusalem, Jewish Quailt:1 of the Old City: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 192-Wl, pl. 31-32. - d) 'En Gev III, 1978; }:I. Be'er Resisim; 'Akko, 1978; Deir el-Bala].i, 1977-1978; 'Izbet Sartah, 1976-1978; T. Dan, 1978; T. Anafa, 1978; Jerusalem, City of David, 1978; Gush l;lalav (el-Jish), 1978; Shelomi, 1978; Underwater Investigations: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 262-83, 2 fig., pl. 53-56 [1979 ....s874s]. s747 Kaplan R. D., Aper~u de quelques fouilles recentes [Comment les Israelites sont-ils entres en Canaan? Quelques eclaircissements sur l'Epoque Byzantine]: NChrlsr 27,1 (1979) 18-22, 2 fig. s748 King P. J., Through the Ancient Near East with ASOR: BToday 103 (1979) 2113-20 [--+u484]. s749 Kühne H. ed., Ausgrabungstätigkeit in Syrien: AfO 26 (1978s) 145-80, 31 fig. (6 maps); 166s --+t530, l;lamad; 177s, Euphrates dam; each other site signed, infra. s750 Leclant J., Fouilles et travaux en Egypte et au Soudan 1976s/1977s [ ... Tanis, T. el-Dab · a, Sinai:... , Giza, Saqqära, Dahshour ... T. el-Amar-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

na ... Nag Hammadi; Karnak ... Rive gauche thebaine ... Assouan, Philae ... , Syrie, Israel, Chypre ... ]: Od1:11lalia47 (1978) 266-320, pl. XIII-XXXVIII; 48 (1949) 341-412, pl. II-XXVII. s751 Melia J., Cr6nica arqueol6gica Palestina 1975s: EstBib 36 (1977) 95111; 227-46, Medeyneh, Dan, Magdala, Keisan, Apheq, Jerusalem Scots Church, Sion, Garden Tomb, Lachish, Mevorakh, l;le$i, Beersheba, Mesha, Qudeirat, Tabgha; Jericho, Heshban, Nebo, Ebla. s752 Naumczyk A., [K) Biblijny wsch6d w swietle odkryc archeologicznych [Oriens biblicus in luce effossionum archaeologicarum]: RoczT, ChrzAkT (1962) 83-106. s753 North R., From Raamses to Ur: Excavators' Choices: Orientalia 47 (1978) 114-36 [Egypt, Exodus Site, ... ; Nubia to the Fore; Mesopotamia etc. ; Syria-Palestine; Cyprus . . . (books)]. s754 Parker S. T., Archaeological Survey of the Limes Arabicus: A Preliminary Report: ADAJ 21 (1976) 19-31, 3 fig. s755 Saade G., Activite archeologique sur le littoral syrien en 1976 [R. Shamra, Ras el-Bassit, Ras Ibn Hani]: Flash 59 (Beyrouth 1976) 24-25; 30-33, Le miracle Syrien revele par l'exploration archeologique. s756 Zayadin(e) F., [Al Histoire et archeologie en Jordanie: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 103-112, 6 fig. T4.2 Palaestina, synthesis s757 AbercrombieJ. R., Palestinian Burial Practices from 1200 to 600 B.C.E. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1979 (dir. J. B. Pritchard) 0 7919420. 361 p. - DissA 40 (1979s) 1569s. s758 Aharoni Yohanan: Violence and tranquility in ancient Israel; an archaeological view: Fs. Baron & Wise 1977, 63-70. s759 Applebaum S., Prolegomena to the Study of the Second Jewish Revolt 1976 ➔ 58s,b169d [BAR - Ox Supp.) fl.95/$4.20 °0-904531-39-2. s760 a) Avi-Yonah M., Synagogues: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1129-38, 10 fig. - b) Safrai S., The Synagogue in Palestine and the Diaspora [origo; nomenclatura; characteristica; lectio Scripturne; ndministratio; locatio ... ]: CompRerJudNT 1,2 (1976) 908-44. s761 Bagatti Bellarmino, L'apporto degli scavi di Terra Santa alla conoscenza di Maria: Salesianum 40 (1978) 151-6: Nazaret graffi.to XE MAPIA; Tomba di Maria dopo inondazione. s762 Bar-Yosef 0. The Epipaleolithic in Palestine and Syria: ➔ 543, Problems in Prehistory: North Africa and the Levant, by F. Wendorf, 1975, 363-78. s763 Bone E., Les sepultures neandertaliennes: Les origines humaines et les epoques de l'intelligence, ed. par E. Bone al. (P 1978) 239-50. s764 Cauvin Jacques, Les premiers villages de Syrie-Palestine du 1xemeau vneme millenaire avant J.C., pref. R. J. Braidwood: Collection de la Maison de l'Orient Mediterraneen Ancien, no. 4. Ser. archeologique 3. Lyon 1978, Maison de l'Oricnt. VII-160p., 33 fig., maps. - Bibi.: p.147-157. F 150 [Premier seminaire de prehistoire, 1976, Centre Jean Palerne de l'Universite de Saint-Etienne].

T4.2 Situs Palaestinae - Synthesis


s165 Cauvin J., Religions neolithiques de Syrie-palestine 1972 ➔ 54,7444: RTrabPreh 30 (1973) 397ss (M. J. Almagro). s166 Chen Doron, The Design [measurements and proportions] of the Ancient Synagogues in Galilee: SBFLA 28 (1978) 192-202, pl. 47-50. s767 a) Epstein Claire, Aspects of symbolism in Chalcolithic Palestine ➔ 129, Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 23-35. - b) A new aspect of Chalcolithic culture: BASOR 229 (1978) 27-45. s768 Fagan B. M., Early Prehistory, Introduction: ➔ 426, Avenues to Antiquity, 1975, 3-8. s169 Ferembach D., Nutrition and morphological evolution; application to the transition Magdalenian-Mesolithic in France and to the differentiation of Natufian population in Israel: Homo 29,1 (Z/Fra 1978) 1-6. s770 Fiedel S. J., Intra- and Inter-Cultural Variability in Mesolithic and Neolithic Mortuary Practices in the Near East. Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1979 (dir.: J. Bordaz). 480 p. - DissA 40-(1979s) 1569s-A [ca. 10.0005.000 B.C., spec. attention to shell-omamented Natufian burials, the PPNB skull cult; to wealthy burials at 447; 57,6203. s774 Haran M., -> s678, 1H]Bamot and Temples: from Arad to Dan: BethM 24,76 (1978s) 94-105. 124. s775 Henry D. 0., The Utilization of the Microburin Technique in the [EpiPaleolithic] Levant: Paleür 2 (1974) 389-98, 2 tables, 2 ftg. s776 Hoenig S. B., The ancient City-Square: The Fore-runner of the Synae;oei1r:[ ... Public Mourning, Revenue, Worship in it: Shofar Blowing on Rosh hashanah; Priestly Benediction: Musaf Prayer]: ➔ 864, ANR W 2, 19, 1 (1979) 448-76. s777 Hüttenmeister F., Reeg G., Die antiken Synagogen in Israel. I. Die jüdischen Synagogen, Lehrhäuser und Gerichtshöfe. II. Die samaritanischen Synagogen: TAVO B 12/Is. 1977-> 58s, 7935; DM 88. - RzDPV 95 (1979) 211ss (G. Mayer). s778 Hyldahl N., A Supposed Synagogue Inscription [Amastris: B. Lifshitz, Donateurs 1967 p. 36; cf. 2 Jn 1; could refer to a Jewish-Christian congregation]: NTS 25 (1978s) 396ss. s779 Kraabe/ A. T., The Diaspora Synagogue: Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence since [E.L.] Sukenik (1889-1953] [Synagogues of Dura, Sardis, Miletus?, Priene, Delos, Stobi, Ostia, Athenian Agora?, bibliogr.: 50710]: -> 864, ANRW 2, 19,1 (1979) 477-510. s780 Kukan G. J., A Technological and Stylistic Study of Micro1iths from Cerlain Levantine Epipaleolithic Assemblies [between 16.000 and 9.000 B.c.]. Diss. Univ. of Toronto, Canada 1978. - DissA 40 (1979s) 932A. 48. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

s781 Liebowitz H. A., The Impact of the Art of Egypt on the Art of Syria and Palestine: ➔ 523, D .. Schmandt-B., Immortal Egypt 1978, 27-36, 8 pl. s782 McHenry H. M., Fossils [of Plio-Pleistocene Hominids] and the Mosaic Nature of Human Evolution [ . . . that bipedalism preceded encephalization]; Science 140 (1975) 425-31, 4 fig. s783 Madden R., Muhly J. D., Wheeler T. S., How the Iron Age Began: ScientAm 237,4 (1977) 122-31, 10 fig. s784 Mancini 1., L'archeologie judeo-chretienne 1977 ➔ 58s, b506; Rsal 40 (1979) 187 (D. Bertetto: utilissimo). s785 Manns Frederic, Nouvelles inscriptions grecques de Palestine: SBFLA 29 (1979) 238-243, pl. 23s. s786 Neusner J., Notes on Goodenough's Jewish Symbols: ConsJud 17,4s (1962s) 77-92. s787 Özbek M., A propos des deformations cräniennes artificielles observees au Proche-Orient: PaleOr 2 (1974) 469-76, 4 fig. s788 Olavarri E., Diferencias en la cerämica de Israel y de Juda en el periodo de la monarquia dividida (ca 930-587 a.d.C.): TrabPreh 30 (1973) 12130, 1O fig. [ ... La cerämica del Hierro II; La ceramica de Samaria; las jarras de agua; Escudillas; Marmitas; Jarras cilindricas ... ]. s789 Ovadiah Asher, Early Christian Inscribed Tombstones in the D. Pinkus Collection, Israel: SBFLA 28 (1978) 127-41; 142ss, A Greek Seal of the Early Christian Period. s790 Ritter-KaplanH., Studies in the Early Bronze Age of Israel: l. A beveled-rim bowl from Tel-Aviv. 2. The date of the nawamis: Museum Series, 6. TA 1979, Museum. 26, p., figs. s791 Sal/es Jean-Franc;ois, Notes sur la periode pre-urbaine en Palestine: RB 85 (1978) 66-71. s792 Shanks H., Judaism in Stone: The Archaeology of Ancient Synagogues. NY/Wsh 1979, Harper & R. / The Biblical Archaeol. Society. 192 p. ill $24.95. s793 Stambaugh J., The Functions of the Roman Temples [ ... auch Kultbauten der orientalischen Kulte, der jüdischen Synaaoaen, die chrfr,tlichen Kultbauten, ofr. ByZ 72 (1979) 480s (H. Brandenburg)]:-,. 864, ANRW 2, 16, l (1978) 554-608, 6 fig., 8 pl. s794 Starace F., Archeologia e cultura urbanistica: AntRArch 2,4 (1977) 62s, fot. Delfi, pianta Olimpia. s795 Stern Ephraim, Dwellings and graves [in Israel's Age of the Monarchies]: ➔ 900, WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (1979) 265-78. 329-30, fig. 19-28. s796 Stucky Rolf A., The Engraved Tridacna Shells [from Red Sea and Persian Gulf: found in excavations of Palestine and from Susa to Greece]: Dedalo 19. Sao Paulo 1974. 109 p., 59 pl. - RJNES 37 (1978) 350 (R. D. Biggs). s797 Thompson Thomas L., The Settlement of Palestine in the Bronze Age: TAVO Beih. 834. Wb 1979, Reichert. XIV-495p. phototype. 0 3-88226069-6. l'etude des hommes fossiles mousteriens s798 Tillier A. M., Contribution du moyen Orient: La pneumatisation de la face: PaleOr 2 (1974) 463-68,


T4.2 Situs Palaestinae - Synthesis


1 fig., 1 t11hleau. s799 Uerpmann H.-P., Probleme der Neolithisierung des Mittelmeerraumes. [Diss Freiburg i. B. (bearb. in Tübingen, Sonderforschungsbereich 19) 1978]: TAVO Beih. B 28. Wb 1979, Reichert. x-190p. DM 76. s800 Valla F. R., Le Natoufien - une culture prehistorique en Palestine: CahRB 15. P 1975, Gabalda. 135 p., 23 fig., 2 pl. - RBiblica 60 (1979) 578 (R. North); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 289s (0. Bar-Yosef); WeltOr 9 (1978) 284s (H.-P. Uerpmann). s801 Voigt Ehrhard, Wann haben sich die Feuersteine der Oberen Kreide gebildet? Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen. Philologisch-historische Klasse, 1979, 8. Gö 1979, VR. 56 p., 8 pl.

T4.3 Jerusalem. s803 Avigad N., Excavations, Jerusalem, The Jewish Quarter of the Old City, 1978: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 123s. s804 Avigad Nahman, Archaeological Discoveries in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, Second Temple Period. J 1976, Israel Expl. Soc./Museum. 26p. + l!!I 23p.; 31pl. (2col.): RQrientalia 47 (1978) '128s (R. North); RB 85 (1978) 635s (P. Benoit). s805 Avigad N., a) Nca church, 1975ss: RB 85 (1978) 421ss, fig. lls, pl. xxv; 419ss, Byz., D. Chen al. - b) Die Entdeckung der 'Nea' genannten Marienkirche in Jerusalem: AntW 10,3 (1979) 31-35, 7 Abb. s806 Bagatti Bellarmino, Testa Emanuele, 11 Golgota e la Croce: SBF minor 21. J 1978, Franciscan. 160 p. - RBbbOr 21 (1979) 93s ([G.] R[inaldz]). s807 Bagatti B., Pittura settecentesca inedita del S. Sepolcro: TerSa 55 (1979) 133-38, 6 fig. s808 Bagatti B., Recherches sur le site du Temple de Jerusalem (Je_vne siede), Adaptation fran~ise [de Biblica 43 (1962) 1-21; 46 (1965) 428-44; SBFLA 8 (1958) 309-52] d'A. Storme: SBF min 22. J 1979, Franciscan. 75 p., 25 fig., 24 pl., foldout plan. $6. s809 Bahat D., Apropos de l'Eglise des 'Sept-Douleurs' a Jerusalem: RB 83 (1978) 81-83, 1 fig, pl. IV. s810 Bahat Dan, Solar Giora, Une eglise croisee recemment decouverte a Jerusalem: RB 85 (1978) 72-80, 7 fig. pl. m. s811 Barag D., [!!! The 'ludaea Capta' Coinage in Eretz-Israel and Its lmplications for the Absolute Chronology of the Reign of Agrippa II: CHistEI 8 (1978) 47-58, 17 fig.; Discussion with Y. Meshorer, V. Rappaport, A. Kind/er: ib. 59-68, 6 fig. s812 Bar-Yosef 0., Mazar B., Kenyon K. M., Avi-Yonah M., Jerusalem [Prehist.; Biblical Period; Second Temple Period; Tombs]: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 579-649, ca. 70 fig. + col. tables. s813 Ben-Arieh S., Netzer E., Where is the Third Wall of Agrippa I [in Jerusalem]? BA 42 (1979) 140a, 1 fig. s814 Ben-Dov M., a) L'Eglise Nea, joyllu de Jerusalem: NChretlsr 26,2 (1977) > EsprVie 88 (1978) 707-709 (J. Daoust). - b) [Retour a 1a Jerusalem d'Herode]: NChrlsr 1978, 3-4, > EsprVie 89 (1979) 427-29 (J.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Daoust). - c) Herodian Jerusalem Revisited: ChrNlsr 26 (1978) 138-42. d) [!!]Has the 'First Wall' been Discovered on the Eastem Slopc of thc City of David? Qadm 12 (1979) 93 querying p. 12, Y. Shiloh. s815 Bresc-Bautier G., Les imitations du S.-Sepulcre de Jerusalem (IXe-xye s.). Archeologie d'une devotion [.....56,9099]: RHE 74 (1979) 800 (R. A[ubert]: pour RHSpir ensuite disparue). Busink T., Der Tempel Salomos [I .....52,4122] RupprechtK., Der Tempel von Jerusalem 2 Sam 24, BZAW 144, 1978 [58s,7991]: .....3711, s816 Burgoyne M. H., Abul-Hajj A., Twenty-Four Mediaeval Arabic Inscriptions from Jerusalem: Levant 11 (1979) 112-37, 5 fig., Pl. XI-XXV. s817 Cacanidze W. 1., Petr Iver i archeologiceskie raskopki gruzinskogo monastyerija v Ierosalemne. Peter the Iberian and Archaeological Excavations of the Georgian Monastery (Engl. summary). Tbilisi 1977, Mecniereba. 236 p., ill. s818 Caquot A., .....s106, Rapport sur l'activite de l'Ecole Fran~se de Jerusalem pendant l'annee 1978-1979: CRAI (1979) 550-52. s819 Charbel A., Khirbet Maamudiyeh, un monastero bizantino presso Cremisan: TerraS 55 (1979) 56-58, 3 fig. s820 Chen D., A Note Pertaining to the Design of the Rotunda Anastasis in Jerusalem: ZDPV 95 (1979) 178-181, 2fig. s821 Cohn E. W., The Appendix of the Antonia Rock in Jerusalem: PEQ 111 (1979) 41-52, 2fig. s822 Corbo Virgilio, Problemi sul Santo Sepolcro di Gerusalemme in una recente pubblicazione [Charles Coüasnon, Schweich Lectures 1972, L 1974]: SBFLA 29 (1979) 279-292. s823 Coüasnon Charles, a) The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Schweich Lectures 1972, L 1974 -> 55,8392. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 766s (H.J. Zobel). - b) Le Saint-Sepulcre. Les fouilles de 1961-77. Maquette du sol du Golgatha au temps de Jesus: Monde B 1978/1, 44s, 4 fig. s824 Davis D., Cloner A., [!!] Burial Cave of First Temple Period on Mt. Zion Slope: Qadm 11,1 (1978) 16-19. s825 Donner H., Der Felsen und der Tempel [E. Vogt]: ZDPV 93 (1977) 111. s826 Faber-KalserA., Jesus a vecu au Cachemir. La tombe de Jesus a Srinagar? P 1978, Ed. de Vecchi. 238 p. s827 Fitzmyer J. A., Crucifixion in Ancient Palestine, Qumran Literature and the NT [l. Ossuary Remains from Giv'at ha-Mivtar; 2. 4QpNah 3-4 I 7-8; 1 & llQTempl 64, 12; 3. & NT passages (using Dt 21: 22-23)]: CBQ 40 (1978) 493-513. s828 Foerster G., Architectural Fragments from 'Jason's Tomb' Reconsidered: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 152-58, 2 fig., pl. 27-28. s829 Folda Jaroslav, Three Crusader capitals in Jerusalem: Levant 10 (1978) 139-155. s830 [Garner Gordon], Digging at Jerusalem [Y. Shiloh 1978s, 8-6 cent., also Gihon tunnel]: BurHist 15 (1979) 4-11. 20. s831 Gath G., Rahmani L. Y., A Roman Tomb at Manal}.ah, Jerusalem: IsrEJ 27 (1977) 209-14, pl. 27-29. s832 Goldman J. [volontaire 1979], L 57,2813"', Ward M., BiblSt 1975. s877 Callaway, Joseph A., New perspectives on Early Bronze III in Canaan: ➔ 129, Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 46-58. s878 Harrison R. K., Ai: -> 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 81-4, 3 fig. s879 Ajjul: Stewart J. (Ka~sis H.): T el~ 1974 -> 56,8917: RRB 84 (1977) 463s (J. F. Sal/es). s880 Aly shcikh t.: Ferembach, D., I!!] Note sur le: squelette d'enfant neolithique de Sheikh Aly (Israel): MitqEven 12 (1974) 47-49. s881 Haas N., l!!l Les restes squelettiques decouverls a Tel-Ely (Sheikh Aly): MitqEven 12 (1974) 36-46. s884 Arad: Aharoni Y., -> 895, TRE 3 (1978) 587-90. s885 Aharoni Yohanan, I!!] Ketobot: Inscriptions of Arad. J 1975, Bialik/Israel Exploration Soc. 6 + 221 p. $15. - RßL 1977, 21 (A. R. Millard). s886 Amiran Ruth, Early Arad. The Chalcolithic Settlement and Early Bronze Age City I. First-Fifth Seasons of Excavations, 1962-6·: Judean Desert Studies. J 1978, Israel Expl. Soc. xiv-138 p., 25 fig., 193 pl. 66 tables. $40. s887 Amiran R., The Date of the End of the EB II City of Arad. A Complementary Note to Rarfv Arad, I (J 1978): IsrEJ 28 (1978) 182-84, 1 fig., 2 tables. s888 Görg M., qrn}J w1d qm in tltm Arad-Ostraka:llihNot. 6 (1978) 7-11 [u. äg. qm1 < accad. qemu; hierat. l]q1t Zeichen = Hohlmassangabe]. s889 Kaplan H. R., The Problem of the Dynastie Position of Meryet-mit


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

[ ... cylindrical Jars in Arad, Palestine ... ] : JNES 38 (1979) 23-27, 3 Iig. s890 Levine B. A., [!!] On the Arad Inscriptions: ShnatMi\cr 3 (1978s) 283-94; XXVIEng. summ. s891 Pardee D., Lettres from Tel Arad [Y. Aharoni [!!] 1975]: UF 10 (1976) 289-336. s892 Parunak H. V., The Orthography of the Arad Ostraca: BASOR 230 (1978) 25-31, 5 fig. s893 'Ar'ara (25 k. SE Beersheba): a) excav. 1975s: AID 26 (1978s) 210 (G. Wilhelm). - b) Aroer, 4th 1978: LI-Rom.: RB 86 (1979) 465s (A. Biran); [!!] Qadm 11,1 (1978) 20-24. s894 Arub, khan: Amit D., [!!] Khan Niskah: DMD 13,82 (1978) 7-12. s895 Ascalon: Kedar B. Z. - Mook W. G., Radiocarbon Dating of Mortar from the City-Wall of Ascalon [1630 ± 50 B.C.E.]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 17376, pi. 26. s896 Ashdod: Dothan M., Ashdod at the End of the Late Bronze Age and the Beginning of the Iron Age: --> 12, Symposia, Fs. ASOR 1979, 125-34, 4 fig. s897 a) Harif A., Coastal Buildings of Foreign Origin in Second Millennium B.C. Palestine: PEQ 110 (1978) 101-6, 2fig. - b) Bar-Yosef A., Boryan P., Friedmann A., [!!] Arrowhcads from the Coastal Plain: MitqEven 10 (1970) 22s. s898 Bala~, deir el: nothan T, Rxc-~v11tionsat the Cemetery of Deir ElBal~: Qedem, 10. J 1979, Heb. Univ. IX-114p. 103 fig., 121 phot. $18. s899 Beersheba: Aharoni Yohanan [d. 10.11.1976],Excavations at Tel ~ I (1969-71) 1973 ➔ 55,8231: RweltOr 10 (1979) 125s (W. Röllig). s900 Beersheba 7° 1975, dir. Y. Aharoni; EstBib 36 (1977) 109 (J. Melia). s901 Naveh J., The Aramaic Ostraca from Tel Beer-Sheba (Seasons 19711976): TAJ 6 (1979) 182-97, pi. 24-32. s902 Yadin Yigael, l!!IBeer-Sheba: the High Place destroyed by King Josiah: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 78-85, pi. 1-2 ~ BASOR 222 (1976) 5-17. s903 Berachot b-: Tsafrir Y., Hirsr.hfeld Y., 1H]A Church of the Byzantine Period at l:forvat Berachot: Qadm 11 (1978) 120-8, 15 fig. s904 Bethlehem: Piccirillv Michele, Un braccialetto cristiano della regione di Betlem: SBFLA 29 (1979) 244-52, PI. 25-27. s905 Chen Doron, The Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem: the Design of Justinian's Plan (Israel 5th Archaeological Congress 1978): SBFLA 29 (1979) 270-5. s906 Beth-Shemesh: Bahat Dan, Did the Patriarchs Live at Giv'at Sharett?: BAR-W 4,3 (1978) 8-11, 3 fig. + col. inside cover. s907 Bet-Ter: Fulco W. J., A Yhd Stamp from Battir (Betar) [late 3rd Cent B.C.]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 265. s908 Boqeq, 'en: Gichon M., 'En Boqeq: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 36570, 12 fig. s909 Elusa (20k SW Beersheba): Negev A., --> 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 359s, 3 fig. s910 'En-Gedi: Barag D., En-Gedi: -> 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 370-80, 20 fig.

T4.4 Situs alphabetice: Judaea, Negeb (pro tem. Sinai)


s911 F.sdar t. (20k E Beersheba 147.064): a) Kochavi M., ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1169-71, 4ftg. - b) Cohen R., Tel Esdur, Stratum IV: lsrEJ 28 (1978) 185-89, 1 fig. s912 Eshtemoa (20k S Hebron): Barag D.: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 38689, 6 fig. s913 Susiya Kh. [near Eshtemoa]: Gutman S. - Netzer E. - Yeivin Z.: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1124-28, 6 fig. + 1 col. pl. s914 Far'a t. S. (Sarul}.en): Price(-)Williams D., The Tombs of the Middle Bronze Age II Period from the '500' CeIIJ.etery at Tell Para (South): Occas. Pub. 1. L 1977, Univ. Inst. Archaeol. 154 p., 113 fig. l4.80. Rzopv 95 (1979) 210s (A. Kuschke). s915 McC/ellan T. L., Chronology of the 'Philistine' Burials at Tell el-Far'ah (South): JFieldArch 6 (1979) 57-73: they antedate the pottery called Philistine. s916 Yisraeli Y., Sharuhen t.: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1074-83, 8 fig. s917 Gaza: Ovadiah A., ~: 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 409-17, 16 fig. etc. s918 Maguire H., The 'Half-Cone' Vault of St. Stephen at Gaza: DumbOaksP 32 (1978) 319-25, 5 fig. s919 James F. W., [Sir Flinders] Petrie in the Wadi Ghazzeh and at Gazza: Harris Colt's 'Candid Camera': PEQ 111 (1979) 75-77, pl. VII-XIV. s920 Gezer: Dever W., a) Gczer II: Report of the 1967-70 Seasons 1974 ➔ 56, 9039: BASOR 233 (1979) 70-74 (J. A. Sauer); Orientalia 44 (1975) 497 (R. North). - b) CTr:zer: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 429-43, 19 fig. s921 Gitin S., A ceramic typology of the Late Iron II, Persian and Hellenistic Periods at Tell Gezer, based on a stratigraphic analysis of Field VII West (diss. HUC, 1976). Cincinnati 1979, HUC. s922 Gibeah (t. Ffil): Sinclair L. A.: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 444-46, 2 fig. s923 Gibeon (Jib): Pritchard J. B.: EncArchExc 2 (1976) 446-50, 8 fig. s924 Gilat [15k NW Beersheba]: Alon D., A Chalcolithic Temple at Gilath: BA 40 (1977) 63-65, 5 fig. s925 Haggag w.: Negev A., The Inscriptions of W. Haggag, Sinai: Qedem 6, 1977 ➔ 58s,9876: RRB 85 (1978) 311ss (A. Desreumaux); Orientalia 47 (1978) 117s (R. North). s926 ljalü (t[uwaylifa, 12k N Beersheba): Seger J. D., (Borowski Oded), The First Two Seasons at T. Halif [~ Moshav Lahav = Biblical Rimmon]: BA 40 (1977) 156-64, 13 fig. s927 Seger Joe D., IsrEJ 29 (1979) 247-9, PI. 30ce: LB; Iron II; Rom.Byz.

s928 Seger J. D., The Lahav Research Project in Israel: Archaeol 32,3 (1979) 50-52, 5 fig. s929 Shea W. H., An Inscribed Late Bronze Jar Handle from T. Halif: BA~ SOR 232 (1978) 78-80, 3 fig. s930 ljalü~a (40k SW Beersheba): Boryan P., Friedman A., [EI Prehistoric Fishers at l:folot t[alm,a: MitqEven 11 (1973) 27-34. s931 Naveh Tarnar l!!l Prehistoric remains at l;Iolot coast: MitqEven 10 (1972) 1-10.


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s932 Hebron: Hirschfeld M., I!!] A Line of Byzantine Forts along the Eastem Highway of the Hebron Hills: Qaclm 17. (1979) 78-84, 14 fig., foldout map. s933 Speidel M. P., A Tile Stamp of Cohors I Thracum Milliaria from Hebron, Palestine [c.117 A.D.]: ZPapEp 35 (1979) 170-72. s934 Herodium: Foerster G.: .....873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 502-10, l0fig. s935 I;Ie~i, tell [10k W Lachish] 1975 dir. E. Toombs: EstBib 36 (1977) 108s (J. Melia). s936 O'Connell K. G., Rose D. G., Toombs L. E., Tell El-1:Ie~i, 1977: PEQ 110 (1978) 75-90, 7 fig., pl. V-IX. s937 Fargo V. M., O'Connell K. G., Five Seasons of Excavation at T. el-1:Ie~i (1970-1977): BA 41 (1978) 166-82, 15 fig. 1 table. s938 Amiran R.-Worrell J. E., I:Ie~i, Tel: -> 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 51420, 6 fig. s939 Ira, t. [20k E Beersheba] 1979, rescue: a) LI-Byz: RB 86 (1979) 464s, Pl. xxvm (A. Biran). - b) Biran A., Cohen R., Excavations, Tel 'Ira: lsrEJ 29 (1979) 124s, Pl. 16 B-D. s940 Jedur t. (15k N Hebron): Ben-Arieh Sarah, I!!] A Late Bronze Age Tomb at Tell Jdur: Qadm 11,2 (1978) 60s, 4 fig. + col. rear cover. s941 Jemme, Tell [Reim 8k S Gaza]: Amiran R., Van Beek G. W.: -> 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 545-49, 6 fig. s942 Jericho: Kenyon K. M., Foerster G., Bacchi G.: .....873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 550-575, 30 fig. s943 Peifer Claude J., Ancient Jericho: a Modem Puzzle: BToday 104 (1979) 2174-9. s944 Franken H. J., In Search of the Jericho Potters [ ! .....56,9092] 1974: RorAnt 17 (1978) 81ss (P. De Sorio). s945 Clutton-Brock J., The mammalian remains from the Jericho Tell: ProcPrehistSoc 45 (1979) 135-157. s946 Dorrell Peter, The uniqueness of Jericho: -> 129, Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 11-18. s947 Hachlili Rachel, a) A Jerusalem Family in Jericho [rock-tomh, '.\ g~nerations 1st cent. C.E.]: BASOR 230 (1978) 45-56, 14 fig. - b) Ancient Burial Customs Prcscrvcd in Jericho Ilills: BAR-W 5,4 (1979) 28-35, 9 fig. s948 Baer E., Khirbat al-Mafdjar (pop. 'JS-a~r Hishäm') [Jericho; chäteau umayyade]: .....876, Enclslam 2 5 (1979) 11-17, 3 plans, Pl. II-VI. s949 Jericho, ostracon 4 saec. a.C. [A. Lemaire, Sem 25 (1975) 87-96]: J. Teixidor, Syria 53 (1976) 332. s950 Meshel A., Amit D., I!!!The Water Supply of the [Jericho-Qilt] Kypros Fortress: Qadm 12 (1979) 67-77, 19 fig., foldout map. s951 Jericho wadi Qelt, c.1974, E. Netzer: EstBib 36 (1977) 232s (J. Melia). s952 Netzer Ehud, I!!] Miqvaot (Ritual Baths) of the Second Temple Period at Jericho: Qadm 11,2s (1978) 54-9, lOfig. s953 Meimaris Yiannis E., The Hermitage of St. John the Chozebite, Deir Wady el-Qilt: SBFLA 28 (1978) 170-192, pl. 35-46. s954 Tamari S., I!!] Maqäm Nebi Müsä near Jericho: CHistEI 11 (1979) 153-

T4.4 Situs alphabetice: Judaea, Negeb (pro tem. Sinai)


80, 18 fig. s955 Kadesbarnea:Cohen R., l!!I The Israelite Fortresses in the Negev Highlands: Qadm 12 (1979) 38-50, 22 fig. s956 Cadesh Barnea (Qudeirat) abril 1976, prehistörica: EstBib 36 (1977) 111 (J. Melia). s957 Kissufim [20k S Gaza]: Cohen Rudolph, l!!I A Byzantine Church and Mosaic Floor near Kissufim: Qadm 12 (1979) 19-24, 10 fig. s958 Kittan t.: Eisenberg Emmanuel, The temples at Tell Kittan. BA 40 (1977) 78-81. s959 Kuntillet 'Ajrüd (50k S Kadeshbarnea): Meshel Zeev, ~. A Religious Centre from the Time of the Judaean Monarchy on the Border ofSinai. J 1978. Israel Museum (Catalogue No. 175; also l!!I).- Also in MondeB (aug. 1979) 12-36. 109 p., s960 Meshel Z. - Meyers C., The Name of God in the Wilderness of Sin: BA 39 (1976) 6-10: cfr. ib. 40,2 (1977) pl. A-B. s961 Z. Meshel excav. 1975s: AfD 26 (1978s) 211 (G. Wilhelm). s962 Garner G. G., Kuntillet · Ajrud: An Intriguing Site in Sinai: BurHist 14,2 (197~) 1-16. s963 Kurnub:Naveh Tarnar, Kurnub, remains of desert hasins: MitqEven 11 (1973) 16-26. s964 Lacbish: Ussishkin David, a) Excavations at Tel Lachish 1973-1977, Preliminary Report [=Reprint 31: TAJ 5 (1978) 1-97. 32pl., 30fig. [A-D: The Renewed Excavations; E. The Assyrian Siege Ramp; F. Selected Finds and Problems; G. Historical Conclusions]. - b) [his 1973-8] Excavations at Lachish: ·BSpade 8 (1979) 33-58, 15 fig. incl. valuable perspectivizations of Nineveh frieze. - c) Ussishkin David, Answers at Lachish: BAR-W 5,6 (1979) 16-39, 27 fig. (5 in color + 3 covers). - d) Lachish, 1975s dir. D. Ussishkin: EstBib 36 (1977) 106s (J. Melia). s965 Clamer Christa, Ussishkin D., A canaanite Temple at T. Lachish: BA 40 (1977) 71-76, 9fig;, pl.D. s966 Garner Gordon, The renewed archaeological excavations at Lachish: BurHist 13,2 (1977) 2-16. s967 Drori Y., l!!I teil lakfs: Subsistence and Natural Environment during the Middle Bronze, Late Bronze and Iron Age periods. TA 1979, Univ. m87 p., 3 pl. s968 Goldberg P., Geology of Late Bronze Age Mudbrick from T. Lachish: TAJ 6 (1979) 60-67, 2 fig., pl. 13-16. s969 Kempinski A., l!!I On the Architectural Characterization of the Canaanite Temple at Lachish: Qadm [9 (1976s) 112-5; 10 (1977s) 108-110] 11 (1978) 95s, 1 fig. s970 Lavan nahal: Phillips James L., Bar-Yosef Ofer, Prehistoric Sites near Nahal Lavan, Western Negev, Israel: PaleOr 2 (1974) 477-82, 3 fig. l table. s971 Magära jabl: Bar-Yosef, Ofer and Phillips, James L., Prehistoric Investigations in Gebel Maghara, Northern Sinai. Qedem 7. J 1977, Institute of Archaeology, Ilebrcw Univ. 269 p., 18 pl. $20. - RRß 86 (1979) 298ss (F. R. Valla). s972 Phillips J., Bar-Yosef 0., Gebel Meghara - Northern Sinai: PaleOr 2

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[XVIII. Archaeol.

(1974) 483s, 1 fig. s97'.1Magen (25k S Gaza); Zaferis V., Dinur E., St. Cyriacus Church m:ar Kihhutz Magen: Qadm 11,1 (1978) 26-9. s974 Masada, Yadin Y., ~: der letzte Kampf um die Festung des Herodes [54,8663 < 49,5557) tr. E. & A. Eggebrecht.6 Hamburg 1975 1 1967, Hoffmann & C. 272 p., ill. (col.) map. s915 Yadin Y., Masada and Its Scrolls: Commentary 42,4 (1966) 41-47. s916 Shargel B. R., The Evolution of the Masada Myth: Judaism 28 (1979) 357-71: today no Israeli accepts the Sicarii as the role-models Yadin's excavation sought to prove them. s977 Masos (Msas) t.: Mesha, kh. el-(Tel Masos) 3° jul. ag. 1975 dir. Y. Aharoni: EstBib 36 (1977) 110 (J. Melia). s918 Crüsemann Frank, Ein israelitisches Ritualbad aus vorexilischer Zeit [in l:;hrhet t'il-Msns]: ZDPV 94 (1978) 68-75, '1fig., pi. 3-4. (Lv 11-15). s979 Ma~~ebat-!j,apön: McCarter P. K J, The Two First Seasons at ~: BA 41 (1978) 139-41, 1 fig. s980 Midras q.: Kloner A., [HI l:forvat Midras: Qadm 11 (1978) 115-9, 9 fig.

s981 Mirsim t. beit: Kyle Melvin G., Excavating Kirjath-Sepher's ten cities. (A Palestinfl fortress from Ahraham's day to Nebuchndnczzar's. The culture of Bible lands, the matrix of Bible narratives.): America and the Holy Land. NY 1977 = 1934, Arno. 203 p. s982 Mukallik, deir [Nebi Musa area], 1979: 600 A.D. mosaic: RB 86 (1979) 462ss, Fig. 11 (Y. Blomme, E. Nodet). s983 Munayja: Negev A., A Nabataean Sanctuary at Jebel Moneijah, Southem Sinai [Inscriptions ... ]: lsrEJ 27 (1977) 219-37, 1 fig., pi. 31-35. s984 Cohen Nira, A Note on Two Inscriptions from Jebel Moneijah: IsrEJ [27 (1977) 226.229) 29 (1979) 219s, 2 fig. s985 Negeb: Cohen Ruuulph a) [HIThe Israelite Fortresses in the Negev Uplands: CHistEI 11 (1979) 37-42 on 3-28 Z. Meshel. - b) Rescue Excavations in the Negev: IsrEJ 29 (1979) (250-)251-4; Be'er Resisim 254, fig. 1., PI. 36a: MB chalcolithic tholoi. s986 a) Gichon Mordechai, [HIDefense of the Negeb in the Mirror of History: SafSaj 2 (1978) 21-36. - b) Gilead D., [Bl Prehistoric Finds in Negev and Sinai: Mit].cEven 11 (1973) 36-42. - c) Meshel Z., [HIWho Built the 'Israelite Fortresses' in the Negev Uplands? [perhaps Saul]: CHistEI 11 (1979) 3-28 (+disc.). 43. - d) Meshorer Y., Ronan A., [HITwo arrowheads from contexts on the Negev coast and Sinai: Mit].cEven11 (1973) 35. - e) Negev A., [HIWater in the Desert and the Nature of the Iron Age Fortresses in the Negev Uplands: CHistEI 11 (1979) 29-36. f) Valla Fran~ois R. al., Prehistoric Survey in the Northem Negev, 1979: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 249s. s987 Nessana (50k SW Beersheba): Cohen Raphael - Dever W. G., a) Preliminary Report of tq.e Pilot Seuson of thc 'Central Negev Highlands Project' [in the Naq.al Nissana: Beer Resisim 110.015, significant for MBI Period in Syria-Pul.]: HASOR 232 (1978) 30-45 (bibliugr. 44-45). - b) Nessana area-survey 1978, EB-MB: RB 86 (1979) 466s. s988 Netopbah: Provera M., La biblica Netofah, la citta dei cantori del tem-

T4.4 Situs alphabetice: Judaea, Negeb (pro tem. Sinai)


piu [1 Chr 9,16; Nch 12,28] e la rovina di Bet Natif: TerraS 54 (1978) 85-90, 3 fig. s989 Nt,,anlm (10k NE Gaza): Yeivin E. O/ami Y.(-Moze/ 1.), Nizzanim A Neolithic Site in Nal}al Evtah: Excavations of 1968-1970: TAJ 6 (1979) 99-135, 19 fig. pl. 17-19. s990 Gophna R., Two Early Bronze Age Basalt Bowls from the Vicinity of Nizzanim: TAJ 6 (1979) 136s, 1 fig., pl. 20. s991 Or ba-Ner (111.106 15k E Gaza): Tsafrir Y., ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 936-8, 6 fig. s992 Ostracina: Oren Eliezer, [!!] A Christian Settlement at Ostracina in Northern Sinai: Qadm 11 (1978) 81-87, 13 fig. s993 Qöm y. al- (9k NE t.b. Mirsim): Dever, W. G., ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 976-77, 6 fig. s994 a) Lemaire A., Les inscriptions de Kh. el-Qöm et l'asherah de YHWH [3 inscript. paleohb. (Se siecle), asherah de JHWH objet, arbre sacre]: RB 84 (1977) 595-608, 1 fig., pl. XXXI. - b) Skaist A., A Note Oll the Bilingual Ostracon from Kh. el-Köm [aram.; graec.]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 10608. [Qumranarchaeology and documents ➔ vol. 61]. s995 Broshi M., (Qwnran, VII): Rccherches archeologiques israeliennes dans la region de Qumrän: ➔ 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 1475-79. s996 [Garner G. G.,] An Outpost Settlement of the Dead Sea Scrolls Sect ['En el-Ghuweir]: BurHist 14,1 (1978) 3-8. s997 RaJ.telramat: Aharoni Y., a) Ramat Ral;lel: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1000-09, 10 fig. - b) Ramat-Rahel [Histoire du site; Identification; Fouilles; Stratification]: ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1978) 1093-1101, fig. s998 Rehovot: Tsafrir Yoram, [!!] Rel,.ovot in the Negev: Four Seasons of Excavations [1975s. 1979): Qadm 12 (1979) 124-132, 14 fig. s999 ~afi t. (136.124 SW Beth-Shemesh): Stern E., E§-$afi Ld: _.,873, UncArchExc 4 (1978) 1025-7, 3fig, tl Sebak t.: Fritz V., Die eisenzeitliche Stadt auf dem Tell es-Sebac im Negev: AntWelt 9,4 (1978) 24-39. t2 Seqar nal,.al: Boryan Felix, Friedman A., Prehistoric Remains along Nal,.al seqar: MitqEven 13 (1976) 59-69. t3 Seräbit al-Hädim: Giveon R., al., a) Explorations at Seräbit el-Khadim 1977: TAT 5 (1978) 170-187, 2fig., pl.44, A Long-Lost Inscription of Thutmosis IV. - b) Giveon R., Ancient Egyptian Mining Centres in South-Sinai: ➔ 310, Impact 1978, 51-60; 61-67, 'Lady of The Turquoise' - Hathor at Serabit el-Khadim and Timna; 68-72, Hathor as Goddess of Music in Sinai. - c) Beit-Arieh 1., Investigations in Mine L [of Serabit el-Khadim corrected reading of Protosinaitic Inscr. 357]: TAJ 5 (1978) 175-82, fig. 2-7, pl. 45-50. - d) Sass B., Two Previously Unknown ProtoSinaitic Inscriptions [at Serabit]: TAJ 5 (1978) 183-87, fig. 8-9, pl. 5152:1. t4 Sari'a t. (20k NW Beersheba): Oren E. D., Esh-Shari'a, Tell (Tel Sera'): --> 873, UncArchExc 4 (1978) 1059-69, 13 fig., 1 col. pl. t6 Sinai Mt.: Weitzmann K.., The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai. The Icons I. From the Sixth to the Tenth Century. Princeton 1976,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Univ. xvn-107 p., fig., 100 pi. (36 color; .J. Galey). t7 Charlesworth J. II., [Sinai monastery manuscripts]: HA 42 (1979) 174-9, ➔ 2303 Agourides S. . t8 Sipper t. (3k NW 'Gat'): Biran A., ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 11113, 4 fig. t9 Siqma wadi (25k N Beersheba): Lamdan M. al., l!!l Seqer prehistori: Prehistoric-archaeological survey in Wadi Siqma. Sha'ar ha-Negev 1977, Regional Council. 201 p., ill., maps. tlO Subeita (Shivta, Negev): Negev A. ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 111624, 7 fig. tl 1 Tamara [Mezad Tarnar 173.048 20k SW Sodom]: Gichon M.: -+ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1148-52, 8 fig. t12 Gichon M., Mezad Tamar/Tamara. Vorbericht über die Grabungen 19731974: Studien zu den Militärgrenzen, 2 = Helh. HonnJbb 38 (Köln 1977) 445-52, 4 fig.; pl. 42-46. t13 Tannur y. al. (217.042 30k S Karak): Glueck N.: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1152-59, 12 fig. t14 Timna' (25k N Eilat): a) Rothenberg B. ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1184-1203, ca 26 fig. - b) Kelm George L., Mazar Amihay, Tel Batash (Timnah); 1979: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 241-3: 8 strata, LB to Persian. tl5 Tina qal'at: Tamari S., a) l!!l Qal'at al-'[fna in Sinai: historico-architectural analysis (dir. D. ]fen), Ramat-Gan 1975, Rar-Ilan Univ. 76 + 16p., ill. - b) Qal'at al-µna in Sinai; an historical-architectural analysis: Annali Sup. 16. N 1978, Ist. Orientale. 78 p. x v pl. tl6 'Uvda, biq'at 146.928 (50k N Eilat): Amiran R. al., IsrEJ 29 (1979) 256, Pl. 35cd. t17 Yavneh-Yam (15k S Jaffa): Kaplan J. ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1216-18, 3 fig.


Samaria, Saron.

tl8 Aphck (Ras nl'Ayn, Izbct !)arta; Antipatris): Kochavi M., Aphek.-Antipatris 1972-3: The First Two Seasons of Excavations, Preliminary Report [I] Beck P., The Pottery of Middle Bronze Age A: TAJ 1s (1975) = Journal reprint 1, TA 1976, Univ. Inst. Arch. 68 p., 30 fig., 12 pl. $4. t19 Kochavi M., Aphek-Antipatris 1974-1977, The Inscriptions. TAJ 4 (1977) 14-97 = Reprint 2. TA 1978, Univ. Inst. Arch. rv-64 p., 14 pl. $5. - [a) Kochavi M., The Archaeological Context of the Aphek Inscriptions: 1-7, 2 fig. - b) Rainey A. F., Two Cuneiform Fragments from Aphek Inscriptions: 8-12 [< TAJ 2 (1975) 125-29, pl. 24] - c) Id., A Tri-lingual Cuneiform Fragment from T. Aphek: 13-16 [< TAJ 3 (1976) 137-40, pl. 9-10] - d) Singer I., A Hittite Seal Impression from T. Aphek: 17-29, 1 fig. [< TAJ 4 (1977) 178-90, pl. 19] -e) Gzveon H.., Two Umque Egyptian Inscriptions from T. Aphek: 30-33 [< TAJ 5 (1978) 188-91, pi. 52] - f) Kochavi M., An Ostracon of the Period of Judges from 'Izbet Sartah: 34-46, 4 fig. [< TAJ 4 (1977) 1-13, pl. 1] - g) Demsky A., A Proto-

T4., Situl! alphnbetice: Samaria, Saron


Canaanite Abecedary Dating from the Period of Judges and Its Implication for the History of the Alphabet: 47-60, 4 fi.g. [< TAJ 4 (1977) 1427]. - RWeltOr 10 (1979) 126s (W. Röllig). t20 Ras el · Ain (Tel Afeq) 4°, 1975 dir. M. Kochavi [Excavations at AphekAntipatris Third Season 1974, TA 1974]: EstBib 36 (1977) 104s (J. Melia).

t21 Kochavi Moshe, Demsky Aaron, An Israelite Village from the Days of the Judges [Aphek]: BAR-W 4,3 (1978) 18-21, 2 fi.g. (1 col + 2 covers). t22 Yadin Yigael, The nature of the settlements during the Middle Bronze IIA period in Israel and the problem of the Aphek fortifi.cations: ZDPV 94 (1978) 1-23. t23 Kochavi M., Reck P., Gophna R., Aphek-Antipatris, Tel Pöleg, Tel Zarör and Tel Burgli.:Four Fortifi.ed Sites of the Middle Bronze Age IIA in the Sharon Plain: ZDPV 95 (1979) 121-65, 18 lig. (1 map, 2 foldout charts) pl. 8-9: against 94 (1978) 1-23 Y. Yadin. t24 Kochavi M., Finkelstein 1., lzbet Sart:a [3k E Ras al- · Ayn]: lst.-3d 1976ss; 1200-1000 b.c.e.: RB 86 (1979) 114s, fi.g. 1, pl. IV. t25 Kochavi M., An Ostracon of the Period of the Judges from · Izbet Sart:ah [Ras al-'Ayn]: TAJ 4 (1977) 1-13: 5 lines, 85 letters. t26 Kokhavi M., Demsky A. a) !HIA Proto-Canaanite Abecedary from · Izbet1;)arj:a:Qadm 11,2 (1978) 61- 7, 7 fig. - b) An Alphabet from the Days of the Judgcs: BAR-W 4,3 (1978) 22-30, 4 fi.g. t27 Garbini G., Sull'alfabetario di 'Izbet Sart:ah: OrAnt 17 (1978) 287-95. t28 Naveh J. Some Considerations on the Ostracon from 'Izbet Sartah [Abecedary with the 22 Canaanite letters, 12th cent]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 31-35, 2 fi.g. t29 Caesarea M: Levine Isnud, Netzer Ehud, !HINew Light on Caesarea: Qadm 11,2 (1978) 70-75, 10 fi.g. t30 Groh Dennis E., North Syrian mortaria excavated at Caesarea Maritima: Levant 10 (1978) 165-169. t31 Rahmani L. Y., Un autel funeraire romain a Cesaree Maritime: RB 85 (1978) 268-76, 2 fi.g. pl, XVII-X.X. t32 Toombs Lawrence E., The stratigraphy of Caesarea Maritima: ➔ 129, Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 223-232; - Fritsch C. [58s,b396] ....,u559. t33 Carmel: Olami Y., Prehistoric Remains on Carmel: MitqEven 13 (1976) 21-35. t34 Dalit [SE Tel Aviv]: Cresson R., Gophna R., Excavations, Tell Dalit, 1978-9: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 122, Pl. 16A; RB 86 (1979) 459s, Fig. 9, Pl. XXVIa.

t35 Dor: Raban A., 1977: RB 85 (1978) 410ss, plans fi.g. 4s: sous-marin, aussi Cesaree-M. 413ss, plans fig. 6-8. t36 Dauphin Claudine M., Dor, Byzantine Church: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 235s, Pl. 29. 1:nEmmaus- Nir.opolis: Hirschfeld Y., A Hydrai1lic Installation in the Water Supply System of Emmaus-Nikopolis: lsrEJ 28 (19'78) 86-92, 4 ftg. pl. 19-21.

t38 Gichon M., The Roman Bath at Emmaus: Excavations in 1977: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 101-110, 3 fig., Pl. 12s.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

t39 Avi-Yonah M., Emmaus ('lmwas): ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 363s, 3 fig. t40 Far'a N (Tirzah): Vaux R. de, El-Far'a, Tell, North: ➔ 873, EncArchExc. 2 (1976) 395-404, 10 fig. t41 Mallet Joel, Tell el-Far'ah (Region de Naplouse). L'installation du Moyen Bronze anterieure au rempart 1973 ➔ 56,9034b: RoLZ 73 (1978) 37ss (H. Bardtke). t42 Fazael wadi: Bar-Yosef 0., Goldberg P., Levesen T., Late Quatemary Stratigraphy and Prehistory in W. Fazael, Jordan Valley. A Preliminary Report [Mousterien, Kebarian Sites] : PaleOr 2 (1974) 415-28, 7 fig. 2 tables. t43 l;lefer (lfsar) t. (141.197 NE Natanya): Paley Samuel M., Porath Yosef, The Regional Project in 'Emeq I:Iefer, 1979: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 236-9: Iron to Hellenistic; chalcolithic burial cave. t44 Herzliya: Prausnitz M. W. e.a., IE] Excavations in Herzliya town: MitqEven 10 (1970) 11-16. t45 Jaffa (Tel Aviv; Qasila): Kaplan H. & J.: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 532-41, 12 fig. t46 Kaplan J., Tel Aviv: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1159-68, 12 fig. t41 Kaplan Haya, Tel Aviv, 1979: EB tombs; neolithic EB near Yarqon: a) RB 86 (1979) 457s, Pl. XXV. - b) IsrEJ 29 (1979) 239-41, Pl. 34. t48 Avigad N., Jerishe, Tell: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 575-78, 3 fig. t49 Dothan .T.,DunayevskyI., Mazar A., Q11sile,Te:11:➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 963-75, 16 fig. t50 Mazar Arnihai, Additional Philistine temples at Tell Qasile: BA 40, (1977) 82-88, 8 fig., Pl. B. t5 l Kaplan Haya, IE] A Samaritan Church on the Premises of 'Museum Haaretz' [Jaffa-TA, Tel Qasile]: Qadm 11,2 (1978) 78ss, 7 fig.; 129, S. Safrai, Was there a Samaritan Church at Tel Qasile?; 12 (1979) 30 reply. t52 Tsafrir Y., [!!] New Reading of the Samaritan Inscription at Tel Qasile: Qadm 12 (1979) 31 (-32 remarks by H. Kaplan). t53 Ben-Hayyim Z., 1H)Whence the knst myh Samaritan Synagogue?: ➔ 83, Eretz-Tsm:1 14 (1978) 188-190; Eng. summ. 130*. t54 Jarba 'en: Kaplan J., 'Ein el Jarba: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 355s. t55 Kikan t.: Eisenberg E., The Temples ab T. Kikan [Jordan Valley, MB & LB]: BA 40 (1977) 77-81, 10 fig., pl. D. t56 Masad l}. [S. Ayyalon] lst-2d, 1977s: 100 B.c. - 200 c.E.: RB 86 (1979) 461s, Fig. 10, Pl. XXVIIa (M. Fischer). t57 Mevorab,t. (Dor): Stern Ephraim, Excavations at Tel Mevorakh (19731976). Part One: From the Iron Age to the Roman Period. Qedem 9. 1978, Univ. Inst. Archaeol. XN-105 p., 31 fig., 46 pl.; RNRT 101 (1979) 274-80 (X. Jacques with other Qedem volumes). t58 Stern E., Saltz D. L., Cypriote Pottery from the Middle Bronze Age Strata of T. Mevorakh: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 137-45, 3 fig., pl. 25-26. t59 Stern Ephraim, A Late Bronze temple at Tell Mevorakh: BA 40 (1978) 89-91, 5 fig., pl. C. t60 Melia J., Tel Mevorakh 1975, dir. E. Stern: EstBib 36 (1977) 107s.

T4.5 Situs alphabetice: Samaria, Saron


t61 Mibal (Makmis) t. (N TA): lst-2d 1977s, MB-Umayyad: RB 86 (1979) 453-7, Fig. 8, Pl. XXIIb (S. lvfuskovitch). t62 Herz.og Zeev, Negbi 0., lvfoskovitch S., al., Excavations at Tel Michal, 1977. TA 1979, Inst. Archaeol. $5 [reprint series 4, = TAJ 5,3s (1978) 99-130, 15 fig., pl. 33-43; 131-169 geology, scarabs, flints, coins]. t63 Herzog Z., Excavations, Tel Mikhal (Tell Makmish) 1978: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 120ss, map, PI. 15. t64 Kind/er A., A Ptolemaic Coin Hoard from T. Michal: TAJ 5 (1978) 15969, pl. 41-43. t65 lvfozel I., A Note on the Flint Implements from T. Michal and Nal)al Poleg: TAJ 5 (1978) 152-58, 3 fig. t66 Schulman A. R., The Scarab lmpressions from T. Michal: TAJ 5 (1978) 148-51, 1 fig., pL 40: 2-3. t67 Poleg, Tel (6 km S. Natanya): Gophna R., ~: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 959s, 2 fig. t68 Raddana [E Ramallah 169.146]: Briend J., ~: ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1979) 1064s. t69 Ramla: Kaplan J., Rosen-Ayalon M. ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 101015, 6 fig. . t70 Sabiya lJ.irbat (20k NE TA): Ayalon Etan, The Jar Installation•of Khirbet Sabiya: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 175-181, 2 fig., Pl. 24. t71 Samaria (Sebaste and region): Anderson R. T., Studies in Samaritan Manuscripts and Artifacts. The [Mic:higan State U.] Chamberlain-Warren Collection: ASOR Mon. 1. CM 1978, ASOR. IX-80p., 12 pl. $8.75. t72 Applebaum Shirnon, Dar Shimon, Sufrai Zeev, Tbc towers of Samaria: PEQ 110 (1978) 91-100, 2 fig., pi. X-XII. t73 Bagatti B., Antichi villaggi cristiani di Samaria. J 1979, Franciscan. 202 p., 64 pl., 2 maps. t74 Demsky Aaron, a) IHIThe Permitted Towns in the Boundary of Sebaste according to the Rehob Mosaic Inscription: Qadm 11,2 (1978) 75ss, 2 fig. - b) The Permitted Villages of Sebaste in the Rel)ov Mosaic: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 182-193, 1 fig. t75 Safrai S., Samaritan Synagogues in the Roman Byzantine Period: CHistEI 4 (1977) 84-12, 5 fig. t76 Avigad N., Samaria: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1032-50, ca 15 fig., 2 pi. t77 Bagatti B., La tomba del Battista a Sebaste: TerraS 54 (1978) 58-62, 8 fig. t78 lvfallowan Max, Samaria and Calah Nimrod; conjunctions in history and archaeology: ➔ 129, Fs. K.. KENYoN1978, 155-164. t79 Rainey A. F., The Sitz im Leben of the Samaria Ostraca [land-grant and/or patrimony]: TAJ 6 (1979) 91-94. t80 Samiya (wadi 10k SE Shiloh): Yeivin Z., 'Ein ~ and Dhahr Mirzbaneh: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 375s, 2 fig. t81 Sharon Plain: Gophna R., a)--► 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1071-74, 4 fig. - b) Archaeological Survey of the Central Coastal Plain, 1977. Preliminary Report: TAJ 5 (1978) 136-47, 6 fig., pl. 40. t82 Gilead David, Epi-Palaeolithic find-spots in eastern Sharon: MiTqEven 12 (1974) 32-35. 49. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[X V111. Archaeol.

t83 Shechem (Balata, l}.Ras; Nablus): Wright G. E., ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978)1083-94, 14 fig. t84 Toombs L. E., Shechem: Problems of the Early Israelite Era: .....12, Cross F., Symposia 1979, 69-83, 7 fig. t85 JarosK. Sichern, OrbBibOr 11, 1976 ➔ u641; 58s, 3183: RAndrUnSS 16 (1978) 350ss (S. Horn); BZ 23 (1979) 103ss (M. Görg); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 206s (S. A}Ji(uv); JBL 98 (1979) 420ss (E. F. Campbell J: archaeologice pessimus); JStOT 6 (1978) 69s (N. P. Lemche); RB 85 (1978) 156s (J. Briend); ZDPV 94 (1978) 167-76 (H. Weippert). t86 Bull R. J., Er-Ras, Tell (Mount Genzim): .....873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1015-22, 8 fig. t87 Dauphin Claudine M., A Roman Mosaic Pavement from Nablus: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 11-33, 1 fig., pl. 1-8. t88 Shiloh: Kempinski A., .....873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1098-1100, 3 fig. t89 Zeror tel (Sharon 147.203): Kochavi M., ~: .....873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1223-25, 4 fig.

T4.6 Galilaea (pro tempore Go/an). t90 Akko: Ben-Arieh Sara, Edelstein G., Akko Tombs near the Persian Garden: AtiqotEng. 12 (1977) (88 p.] 1-44, 22 fig., Pl. I-xrn; V. Hankey, Aegean Pottery, 45-51, fig. 23s, Pl. xiv-xvn; A. Eran, G. Edelstein. Weights 52-62, fig. 25, Pl. xx; P. Heck, Cylinder Seals, 63-69, Pl. XXI; R. Giveon, Egyptian objects, 70s, Pl. VIII, XI, xix; C. Clamer, Calcite Vase, 72s, Pl. vrn: 9; N. Liphschitz, Y. Waise!, Dendro-Archaeological Investigations, 74, PI. xxn; C. W. Brewer, Metallographie, 75-80, Pl. xxrn; B. Arensburg. Skeletal Remains 81ss, Pl. XXIV; P. Kedem, Bronze 84ss. t91 Akko t. Fubt}är, M. Dothan: a) excav. 1973-6: AfO 26 (1978s) 212s (G. Wilhelm). - b) 1978, 300 B.C. - 100 C.E.: RB 86 (1979) 441-4, fig. 3 (map.) (M. Dothan, D. Conrad); c) Dothan M., Diethelm C., 'Akko 1979 [MB; Iron]: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 227s. t92 'Ammudim: Hüttenmeister F. G., The Aramaic Inscription from thr: Synagogue at I;[ 'Ammudim [Umm el-'Amed]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 109-12. t93 Anafa t.: Herbert Sharon C., Tell Anafa [NE Galilee, NS 1st; (EB-Iron) Hell. Rom] 1978: Preliminary Report: BASOR 234 (1979) 67-83, 21 fig. t94 Gordon R. L., Late Hellenistic Wall Decoration of Tel Anafa [in the Huleh Valley]: diss. Columbia 1977 (dir.: S. S. Weinberg). 116 p. 0 7915240. - DissA 40 (1979s) 326-A. t95 Beida 'ayn (Golan): Ben-Ammi D., I!!] ~ Kebarian remains: MitqEven 13 (1976) 50-58. . t96 Beit Alpha: Sukenik E. L., The Ancient [Zodiac] Synagogue of Beth Alpha. Hildesheim 1975=1932, Olms. [x-] 58 p., ill., XXVII pl., map. t97 Romagnolo E., Alcune ipotesi sulla raffigurazione dello Zodiaco nella sua antica sinagoga: TerraS 54 (1978) 169-75, 12 fig. t98 Wilkinson John, The Beit Alpha synagogue mosaic; towards an interpretation: JJewish Art 5 (1978) 16-28.

T4.6 Situs alphabetice: Galilaea (pro tem. Golan)


t99 Beth-Shan (Scythopolis): Geva S., A Reassessment of the Chronology of Beth Shean Strata V and l V: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 6-10. tl00 James Frances, Chariot fittings from Late Bronze Age Beth Shan: --> 129, Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 103-116. tl0l Parks Gideon, l!!l Scythopolis settlements: CHistEI 8 (1978) 3-11. t102 Skupinska-L0vset Ilona, Une figurine supposee scythe de Beth-Shean [contrefa 15, Fs. B. Bagatti, I 1976, 355-78, 13 fig., pl. 26. t148 Corbo Virgilio, Piazza e villa urbana a Magdala: SBFLA 28 (1978) 232240, pl. 71-76. t149 Lojfreda S., Alcune osservazioni sulla ceramica di Magdala: ➔ 15, Fs. B. Bagatti, I 1976, 338-54, 10 fig. t150 Megiddo: Harif Arnos, a) Common Architectural Features at Alalakh, Megiddo and Shechem (< diss. L Inst. Archaeol. 1976): Levant 11 (1979) 162-7, 8 fig. - b) Middle Kingdom Architectural Elements in Middle Bronze Age Megiddo: ZDPV 94 (1978) 24-31, 4 fig. t151 Daoust J., Megiddo: .....869, Catholicisme 8 fase. 37, 1979, 1093-5. t152 Artzy Michal, Per/man 1., Asaro F., lmported and local bichrome ware in Megiddo: Levant 10 (1978) 99-111. t153 Meiron: Meyers E. M. al., The Meiron Excavation Project: Archeological Survey in CTalileeand Golan, 1976: BASOR 230 (1978) 1-24, 18 fig. tl 54 Menorah t.: Gai Z., An Early lron Agc Sitc near Tel Menorah in the Beth-Shan Valley: TAJ 6 (1979) 138-45, 4 fig., pl. 21. t155 Minya: Baer E., Khirbat al-Minya [S Capemaum; palais umayyade]: -> 876, Enclslam 2 5,79: 1979, 17; plan, Pl. VII. t156 Nahariya: Ronen A., Prausnitz M., 1H]Excavations at a Palaeolithic Hunters'-Site in the Evron Quarry: Qadm 12 (1979) 51ss, 6 fi.g. t157 Nazareth: Stekelis M., El Qafze ('Precipice'] Cave: .....873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 961s, 3 fig. t158 Qedes: Tadmor, Miriam, A cult cave of the Middle Bronze Age I near Qedesh [Upper Galilee]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 1-30, 11 fig., pl. 1-12. t159 Rehov (5k S Beth-Shan): Israel Museum Catalogue No. 176: Mosaic Inscription from the Synagogue of Rehov. J 1978, Israel Museum. t160 Sadud, 'en (10k SW Nazareth): Braun Eliot [EB 1]: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 234s, Pl. 27f. t161 Saft. (llk S Beth-Shan): a) Gophna R., Kislev M., lst-2d 1977s; preGhassulian: RB 86 (1979) l 12ss, pl. III. - b) Gophna R., 1H]Tell Siif- a


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Chalcolithic Settlement on the Banks of the Jordan: Qadm 12 (1979) 5456, 4 ftg. c) A Middle Bronze Age II Village in the Jordan Vallcy: TAJ 6 (1979) 28-33, 3 fig., pl. 4-5. t162 Sepphoris: Meshorer Y., [!!]The Coins of Sephoris as Historical Source: Zion 43 (1978) 185-200. XXIX. t163 Avi-Yonah M., Sepphoris: --> 873, EncArch Exc 4 (1978) 1051-55, 4 fig. t164 Sha'ar ha-Golan (SE Lake Tiberias): Stekelis M., ~: -->873, EncArchExc 4 (1976) 1055-58, 2 fig. t165 Shelomi [N. Akko] 3d 1978, c. 600 A.D.: a) RB 86 (1979) 437, Pl. XVII (C. Dauphin). - b) Dauphin Claudine, [!!]A Monastery Farm of the Early Byzantine Period at Shelomi: Qadm 12 (1979) 25-29, 9 fig. t166 Shema b- (Meiron): Meyers E. M. al., Ancient Synagogue Excavations at Khirbet Shema', Upper Galilee, 1970-2: AASOR 42. Durham 1976, Duke Univ. for Amer. Schools Or. Res. xxvn+297p.; ill. 0 0-8223-03779. - RJAAR 48 (1978) 579 (W. E. Rast); JSS 24 (1979) 284 (J. B. Segal); SBFLA 28 (1978) 267-276 (S. Lojfreda). t167 Meyers E. M. Shema', Kh.: --> 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1095-97, 5 fig. t168 Siqmona (Haifa): Elgavish J., 1977 15th; LB-Iron I: RB 85 (1978) 408s, pl. XXIb. - 1978 16th; Byz.: Rß 86 (1979) 449s. - Shiqmona, Tel:--> 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1101-9, 16 fig. t169 Elgavish J. [!!]8iqmona, ha-Qeramiqa ... Archaeol. Excavations at Shikmona: The Pottery of the Roman Period. Haifa 1977, City Museum of Ancient Art. 30 p., Catalogue, 21 + 11 pl. Cf. TsrEJ 28 (1978) 201s. t170 Taanach: Glock A. E., ~: --> 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1138-47; 11 fig. t171 Mayrhofer M., Eine neue Ta'anach-Tafel und ein indoarischer Name [Bi-ir-ya-ma-a§-da 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 497-501, 5 fig. tl 76 Tabor: Lojfreda Stanislao, Una tomba romana a1 monte Tabor: SBFLA 28 (1978) 241-6, pl. 77. tl 77 Battista A., Bagatti B., La Fortezza saracena del monte Tabor. SBF min 18. J 1976, Franciscan. 188p. 33 pl. t178 Tiberias: Foerster G., ~:--> 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1171-77, 7 fig. tl 79 Dothan M., Tiberias, Hammath: .... 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1178-84, 8 fig. tl RO T.(J:y/1itr. B., IT!] l;Iammat-Tiberias synagogue: its pavement and inscriptions: -->u883, B. Oded, Mel;lqii.rim:\, 197'i. t181 'Ubaydiyya (SE Lake Tiberias): Bar-Yosef 0., 'Ubeidiya: --> 873, En-

T4.6 Situs alphabetice: Galilaea (pro tem. Golan)


cArchExc 4 (1978) 1214-16, 3 fig. t182 Yin'am (10k E Tabu1); Liebowltz Harold, a) Tel Yin'am 19781, ll'ersian]: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 229s, Pl. 27bcd. - b) Excavations at T. Yin' am Israel [by the Univ. of Texas]: Archaeology 32, 4 (1979) 58s, 5 fig. t183 Yoqne'am t. (12k NW Megiddo): Ben-Tor Amnon, Rosenthal Renate, The first season of excavations at Tel Yoqne'am, 1977; preliminary report: IEJ 28 (1978) 57-82, 14 fig., pl. 16-18. t184 Ben-Tor A. al., The Second Season of Excavations at Tell Yoqne'am, 1978: Preliminary Report: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 65-83, 8 fig., Pl. 9s.

T4.8 Transjordania, East-Jordan. t185 Alami Y., ~ Preservation and Restoration of Archaeological Sites: ADAJ 20 (1975) 5ss (arab.), pl. 1-6 (arab). t186 Cindari G., Minganti P., Maigret A. de, Giordania [ ... Storia, Archeologia]; Enciclopedia Italiana, Quarta Appendice Ge-Pi; 1961-1978 (R 1979, Istituto Treccani) 76-78, 3 fig. t187 Ibrahim M. (M.), ~ Excavations in Jordan in 1975: ADAJ 20 (1975) 15ss. tl88 Kennedy D. L., Two New Latin Inscriptions from Jordan - 1976: ADAJ 21 (1976) 135ss, 2 fig.

t189 Ajliin: Coughenour R. A., Preliminary Report on the Exploration and Excavation of Mugharat el Wardeh and Aby Thawab [Ajlun mt. 35k NNW of Amman]: ADAJ 21 (1976) 71-78, Pl. XXXIss. [Iron smelting, since 1185 A.D.]. t190 'Anunan (Rabbath-Ammon; Ammonitis): A/J,i(uvS., 1H]Two Ammonite Inscriptions [l. ex munimine Rabbat-Ammon; 2. ex T. Sirian]: CHistEI 4 (1977) 178-89. t191 Fulco W. J., a) The 'Ammän Citadel lnscription: a New Collation: BASOR 230 (1978) 39-43, 1 fig. - b) Thc Amman Theuter Inscription: JNES 38 (1979) 37s, 2 fig. - c) Sasson V., The 'Ammän Citadel lnscription as an Oracle Promising Divine Protection: Philological and Literary Comments: PEQ 111 (1979) 117-25. - d) Shea W. H., Milkom as the Architect of Rabbath-Ammon's Natural Defences in the Amman Citadel Inscription: PEQ 111 (1979) 17-25, 1 fig., pl. 1. t192 Garbini G., Note epigrafiche [4. Sigilli ammoniti; 5. L'iscrizione protoaraba lraq 1969, 112-114]: AION 37 (1977) 482-85. t193 Picciril/o Michele, Una tomba del bronzo medio ad Amman?: SBFLA 28 (1978) 73-86, pl. 1-6. . t194 Avi-Yonah M., Stern E., Rabbath-Ammon:--+ 837, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 987~93, 14 fi.a, t195 Herr L. G., The Amman Airport Excavations, 1976: ADAJ 21 (1976) 109ss.

t196 Abbadi S., Ein neues ummonitisches Siegel: ZDPV 195 (1979) 36ss, 1 fig., pl. 4.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVIII. Archaeol.

M., Zu einer neuen ammonitischen Siegelimichrift: UF 8 (1976) tl 97 HPlt7.Pr 441-442. t198 Stemmer K., Ein Asklepios-Kopf in Amman: ADAJ 21 (1976) 33-39, Pl. I-VI. t199 Yassine K. N., Anthropoid Co:ffins from Raghdan Royal Palace Tomb in Amman: ADAJ 20 (1975) 57-68, 7 fig., pl. XXI-XXIV. t200 Bennett C.-M., Northedge A. E., Excavations at the Citadel, Amman, [1975] 1976: Second Preliminary Report: ADAJ [20 (1975) 131-142, 4 fig.; pl. XVIII-LVI] 22 (1977s) 172-79, 2 Plans, Pl. XCVII-CI [+ XCVI at end]. t201 Bennett Crystal-M., Early Islamic Amman: Levant 11 (1979) 1-8, Pl. 1VI.

t202 Northedge A., A Survey of Islamic Buildings at Amman: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 5-13, Pl. I-IV, 1 Plan. t203 O/avarriE., Citadel 1978, Umayyad; Zayadine F., 1975-8; Byz. church: RB 86 (1979) 119s; 120ss, fig. 3, pl. VIII-IX. t204 Zayadine F., Excavations on the Upper Citadel of Amman Area A (1975 and 1977): ADAJ 22 (1977s) 20-56; Fig. 1-11 plans; Fig. 12-27 pottery; PI. VI-XXV. t205 [fadidi A., [Al Umayyad Bronze Coins from Amman: ADAJ 20 (1975) pl.7-8 (arab.). t206 Rabenau K. von, Ammonitische Verteidigungsanlagen zwischen .lftrbet el-Bisiira und el-Yiidüde: ZDPV 94 (1978) 46-55, 1 fig. t207 Amra qu~yr; Zayadine F., The Umayyad Frescoes of Quseir · Amra [Jordan]: Archaeology 31,3 (1978) 19-29, 11 fig. t208 'Araq al-Amir: Will E., 1976ss; hellen.: RB 86 (1979) 117ss, fig. 2, pl. VII.

t209 Dentzer J. M., Recherches archeologiques a Araq EI-Emir: Fouilles de la purle monumentale: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 102-07, 2 Fig., Pl. LXIV-LXV. [A1a difference de la face laterale, le fauve entre celui de rangle et celui de Ja porte a le dos tourne a celui de l'angle). t210 T.app P. W., 'lraq el-Emir: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 527-531; 5 fig. t211 Azraq: Garrard A. N., Prtce N. P. S., A Survey of Prehistoric Sites in the Azraq Desert National Park in Eastem Jordan: ADAJ 20 (1975) 8390, map., 2 tables. t212 Bab ed-:Ora(Lisan): McCreery D. W., Preliminary Report of the A[rab] P[otash] C[ompany] Townships [Bab eg-Qra] Archaeological Survey [mostly chalco-EB]: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 150-62, 4 Plans, 2 Tables, Pl. [L]XXXV-LXXXVI.

t213 Culhane A., Sodom and Gomorrah: Perception and Possibility [On the Bab edh~Dhra' excavations, per transennam on Ebla, following publications of P. Matthiae]: .....153, Sin, Salvation, and the Spirit 1979, 87-114 (16 fig. = p. 101-08). t214 Beit-Ras (NW Irbid): Zayadine F., Une tombe peinte de Beit-Ras (Capit.olim1): , 1S, Fs. B. Bagatti, I 1976, 285-94, G photos, III fig., 1 cul. pl. t215 Burqu' qa~r: Shboul A. M. H., On the Later Arabic Inscription in Qa~r

T4.8 Situs alphabetice: Transjordania, East-Jordan


Burqu' [812 A.H. = 1409/10 A.D.]: ADAJ 20 (1975) 95-98. t216 Deir'Alla: Franken H. J., /brahim M. M., Two Seasons of Excavations at Tell Deir 'Alla, 1976-1978: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 57-79, 14 Fig., PI. XXVIXLII; 79s, Note on a Newly Found Text Fragment on a Bowl from Deir · Alla [lsf}Jylz]. t217 Franken H., The Identity of T. Deir 'Allä, Jordan: Akkadica 14 (1979) 11-15, 1 fig. [no proposal]. t218 Hoftijr.er J., Kooij G. van der ed., Aramaic Texts from Deir'Alla 1976 ➔ a438; 57,7618; 58s,9859: RETRel 53 (1978) 530s (D. Lys); IsrEJ 29 (1979) 133-6 (J. Naveh); RB 85 (1978) 114-17 (E. Puech); TLZ 104 (1979) 893s (K.-H. Bernhardt); UF 10 (1978) 472 (0. Loretz). t219 Abbadi S., Ein neues ammonitisches Siegel [angeblich aus Tell Deir 'A llii]: ZDPV 95 (1979) 36-38, 1 fig. t220 Cazelles H., Les textes de Deir'Alla: .....751, Leclant J., Dechiffrement 1975, 95-99. t221 Garbini G., L'iscrizione di Balaam Bar-Beor (Deir'Alla 1967): Henoch 1 (1979) 166-88. t222 Deir al-, Ma' in: Piccirillo M., Russan M., A Byzantine Church at edDeir (Ma'in): ADAJ 21 (1976) 61-70, 6 fig., PI. XVIII-XXX. t223 Piccirillo M., al Deir Ma'in - Madaba: ➔ 15, Fs. B. Bagatti I 1976, 127-54, 25 fotos, 2 pl., v1 fig. t224 Dibon: Tushingham A. D., The Excavations at Dibon (Dhiban) in Moab: The 3rd Campaign, AASOR 40, 1972 ➔ 53,8372: RADAJ 20 (1975) 103-09 (J. A. Sauer). t225 Dor l}.: Weippert M., Nabatäisch-römische Keramik aus Ifirbet l)ör im südlichen Jordanien: ZDPV 95 (1979) 87-110, 5 fig. t226 Gadara (Umm Qeis 30k NW lrbid): 1974 Rom.(+ 600 B.C. - 1400 A.D.): RB 86 (1979) 450-3, Fig. 6; Tab; Pl. XX-XXIIa (U. Wagner-Luz). t227 Wagner-Luz U., Kn.tegerE., Vriezen K. & T.: Bt:richl über die Obcrfliichenforschimg in Gadara (Umm Qes) in Jordanien im Jahre 1974: ZDPV 94 (1978) 135-144, pl. 11-17, plan. t228 Janin L., Stiernon L., Gndara [deux villes transjord. aussi Gadara de Peree]: DHGE 19, 110 (1979) 592-98. t229 Meshorer Yaakov, A Ring from Gadara: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 221s; PI. 25c. t230 Ghasslll, tulaylät: Elliott Carolyn, The Ghassulian culture in Palestine; origins,-influences and abandonment: Levant 10 (1978) 37-54. t231 Lee J. R., Tuleilat el-Ghassul: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1205-13, 12 fig. t232 Harra: Clark V. A., New Epigraphical Material from the Harra Region of [NE] Jordan: ADAJ 21 (1976) 113-17, 3 fig. t233 Heshbon: Boraas Roger S., Horn Siegfried, l;ieshbon 1971. Second Campaign 1973 ➔ 55,8346. - R1srEJ 29 (1979) 257 (R. Rosenthal-H.); TLZ 104 (1979) 288 (H.-J. Znhel). t234 Boraas R. S., Horn S. H.: Heshbon 1973 = AndrUnSS 13 (19"/S): llJBL 96 (1977) 578ss (Yv. G. Dt•w1r). t235 Geraty L. T., The 1974 Season of Excavations at T. l;iesbän: ADAJ 20 (1975) 47-56, pl. XIII-XX.


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t236 Melia J., Heshbän, 1968, 1971, 1973 dir. S. Horn·; 1974 (com. L. T. Geraty), 1976 (com. J. Sauer): EstBib 36 (1977) 234-40.. t237 Boraas Roger S., Geraty Lawrence T., Andrews University Heshbon Expedition: the Fifth Compaign at Tell l;Iesbän (1976), a Preliminary Report: AndrUnSS 16 (1978) 1-17, map; 19-30, B. Van Elderen, Area A, fig. 2-3; 31-49, J. Sauer, Area B; Sq. D. 4, fig. 4-5; 51-70, W. H. Mare, Area C. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, fig. 6; 71-107, S. T. Parker, Area C. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, fig. 7-8; 109-128, L. G. Herr, Area D., fig. 9 foldout; 129-148, J. J. Davis, Areas F and K, fig. 10-13; 149-166, D. H. Wimmer, Area G. 4, 13, 15, fig. 14-15; 167-182, R. M. Brown, Area G. 11, 16, 17, 18, fig. 16; 183-8, B. M. Blaine, Area G. 12, fig. 17; 189-199, J. Lawlor, Area G. 14, fig. 19-20; 223s, (Horn) Scarab; 225-8 (J. Groot) Bone-Carving; 253-7 (J. Stirling) Human Skeletal Remains; 259-87 (-303) (J. Boessneck al.) Anima! [XXIV pl.]. t238 Geraty L. T., The 1976 Season of Excavations at Tell l;Iesbän: ADAJ 21 (1976) 41-53, 1 fig., Pl. VII-XII. t239 Lawlor J. 1., Heshbon 1978; Umayyad-Mamluk: RB 86 (1979) 115s; pl. V-VI; mosaics, Greek inscr. t240 Horn S. H., Heshbon: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 510-13, 5 fig. t241 Boraas R. S., Geraty L. T., The Long Life of T. l;Iesbän, Jordan: Archaeology 32,1 (1979) 10-20, 14 fig. t242 Shea William H., Ostracon II from Heshbon: AndrUnSS 15 (1977) 217222. t243 La Bianca 0ystein S., Man, Animals, and Habitat at l;Iesbän - an Integrated Overview: AndrUnSS 16 (1978) 229-52. t244 Ibach Robert J, Expanded Archaeological Survey of the l;Iesbän Region: AndrUnSS 16 (1978) 201-213, Fig. 21; 215-222 Jalül. t245 Jcrash, Gcrasa: Kalayan H., Restoralions in Jerash [With observations about thc rclntcd Monuments]: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 163-71, 5 Fig., PI. LXXXVII-XCV [symmetry determined from Euclid 10, 2 and Plato Republic 546 C: p. 171 (sie): 'The same fact is true for Baalbek all constructions in the rectangular courtyard have a symmetry of 9/10 the publication of petit Autel by P. Collart and P. Coupe! is based on a distorted dimensions so it is all unfounded ... ']. t246 App/ebaum S., Gerasa: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 2 (1976) 417-28, 14 fig. t247 Pouilloux J., Une troisieme dedicace au theätre sud de Gerasa: SBFLA 29 (1978) 276ss, PI. 37. t248 Sartre M., Ti. Iulius lulianus Alexander, Gouverneur d' Arabie [base cylindrique de Gerasa]: ADAJ 21 (1976) 105-08, 1 fig. t249 Jimäl Umm-: De Vries B., Research at Umm el-Jimal, Jordan, 19721977: BA 42 (1979) 49-55, 10 fig. t250 Jubayha: Mhaisen M. al-, ~ Jbeyha church 1976: ADAJ 21 (1976) 7. 10, pl. 13-22. . t251 Machaerus (Mishnaqa): Lojfreda S., a) [Ist 1978; Herodian]: RB 86 (19'/9) 122-5, ftg. 4, pL xa. - h) La fortezza asmonea-erodiana di Mishnaqa-Macheronte 1978): BbbOr 21 (1979) 141-50, fig. 15. t252 Piccirillo M., a) Macheronte. Prima campagna di scavo: TerraS 55 (1979) 8-10, 3 fig. - b) Da Nebo a Macheronte [scavi di Macheronte


T4.8 Situs alphabetiee: Transjordania, East-Jordan


1978]: TerraS 54 (1978) 357-59, 2 fig. - c) L'attivita edilizia di Erode il Grande e la fortezza di Maeheronte. Un progetto di scavo areheologico sulla cima di El-Mishnaqa: TerraS 54 (1978) 108-14, 6 fig. - d) La fortezza di Maeheronte. Seeonda eampagna di seavo 3.9-20.10, 1979: TerraS 56 (1979) 10-17, 10 fig. t253 Corbo Virgilio, a) La fortezza di Maeheronte. Rapporto preliminare della prima eampagna di seavo: 8 sett.-28 ott. 1978: SBFLA 28 (1978) 21731; pl. 57-70. - b) Maeheronte, la reggia-fortezza erodiana. Rapporto preliminare alla seeonda eampagna di seavo: 3 settembre - 20 ottobre 1979: SBFLA 29 (1979) 315-26, Pl. 38-48. t254 Mazar t. (between Deir •Alla and Sa• idiyya): Yassine K., Tell el Mazar, an exeavation by Jordan University: AfD 26 .(1978s) 206ss. t25S Mnah: Mil/er J. Maxwell, Arehaeological Survey of Central Moab 1978: BASOR 234 (1979) 43-52, 4 fig.: l}. Mal;lari' am, Bälü, rujm Satina. t256 Decroix J., Mesa ou Mesha, stele de: ➔ 869, Catholicisme 8 fase. 37 ( 1979) 1241s. t257 Mudayna (Kerak:, 7 km E Smakieh): Olavarri E., Sondeo arqueol6gieo en Khirbet Medeineh junto a Smakieh (Jordania) [vicus ehristianus S ab Arnon: arx moabitiea 1200-1075 a.c.]: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 136-49, 3 fig., Pl. LXXXIV. t258 Melia J., Medeyneh, tel1 (K.erak:, 7 km de Smakieh) ser,t. 1976, dir. E. Olavarri: EstBib 36 (1977) 96-99. t259 Naqb ras: Henry D. 0., Palaeolithie Sites within the Ras en Naqb Basin, Southern Jordan: PEQ 111 (1979) 79-85, 3 fig. t260 Nebo: Piccirillo M., a) New Diseoveries on Mount Nebo: ADAJ 21 (1976) 55-59; 2 fig., PI. XIII-XVII; EstBib 36 (1977) 240ss (J. Melia). - b) Monte Nebo. Note su due mesi di lavoro attomo alle venerate rovine: TerraS 54 (1978) 17-14, 2 fig.; 334-6. t261 PiccirilloMichele, Un quarantennio di rieerche sulla cima di Sijagha a1 montc Nebo - Giordania. Risultati e problemi: Bbbür 20 (1978) 279302, fig. 9-15; 21 ( 1979) 63-72; fig. 1-10. t262 Pella: Levine L. I. ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 939-43, 5 fig. t263 Petra (Beida; Nabateans): Hammond P. C., Survey and Excavation at Petra, 1973-1974: ADAJ 20 (1975) 5-30, figs. & tables, pi. 1-x. t264 Hammond P. C., Excavations at Petra 1975-1977: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 81101, PI. XLIII-LXII. t265 Parr P. J., Atkinson. K. B., Wickens E. H., Photogrammetric work: at Petra, 1965-1968: An Interim Report: ADAJ 20 (1975) 31-45, 3 fig., pi. XI-XII.

t266 Zayadine F., Hottier P., Releve photogrammetrique a Petra: ADAJ 21 (1976) 93-104, 5 fig., PI. XLI-LIII. t267 Zayadine F., Khubtha neeropole 1973-8: RB 86 (1979) 133-6, fig. 8s, pi. Xb,e. t/468 Negev A., Petra: ➔ 873, EneArehExc 4 (1979) 943-58, 15 fig. t269 Milik J. T., Starcky J., Inscriptions recemment decouvertes a Petra (1. La reine Pasa · el; 2. La grotte funeraire de · Ahd · obodat; 3. L'anthroponyme Taym'alk:utba; 4. Graffites dans le massif d'en-Nmer; 5. Dedicace a Isis de l'an V de 'Obodat III; 6. Inscription mentionnant la deesse


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

al-'Uzza; 7. Graffites au Shu'b-Qes; 8. Stele funeraire mentionnent un paranymphe]: ADAJ 20 (1975) 111-30, pi. XXXVII-XLVII. t270 Milik J. T., Une inscription bilingue nabateenne et grecque a Petra: ADAJ 21 (1976) 143-51, 1 fig. t271 Zayadine F., A Nabataean Inscription from Beida: ADAJ 21 (1976) 139-142, 4 fig. t272 Peters F. E., The Nabateans in the Hawran: JAOS 97 (1977) 263-277, 2 maps. t273 Parr Peter J., Pottery, people and politics [of the Nabataeans]: --. 129 Fs. K. KENYON 1978, 203-210. t274 Meshorer Ya 'akov, Nabataean Coins: Qedem 3. J 1975, Hebr. Univ. Inst. Arch. VIII-112p. 8 pi. - RoLZ 74 (1979) 239-44 (T. Fischer 'abgeschl. Nov. 1976'). t275 Naveh J., A Nabatean Incantation Text: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 111-9, 1 fig., PI. 14. t276 Israel F., Miscellanea Idumea: RivB 27 (1979) 171-203. t277 Qaniifid Umm al-: Fulco W. J., A Seal from Umm el Qanäfid, Jordan; g'lyhw 'bd hmlk: Orientalia 48 (1979) 107-11, 1 fig. t278 Ramm (Rum, wadi/jabl): Negev A., Er-Ram [in Jebel Ramm]: ➔ 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 996-98, 5 fig. t279 Price N. P. S., Garrard A. N., A Prehistoric Site in the [Wadi] Rum Area of the Hisma [Region]: ADAJ 20 (1975) 91-93, 1 fig. t280 Rihab: Pia:irilln M., Rihab e i mosaici delle sue chiese: Terms 55 (1979) 251-55, 5 fig. t281 ~ifiil (~uwaylil;l near Am.man): Weippert M., Ein Siegel vom Tell $afu(: ZDPV 95 (1979) 173-177, 2 fig., pi. 9b. t282 Sahab: Ibrahim M. M. Third Season of Excavations at Sahab, 1975: ADAJ 20 (1975) 69-82, 5 fig., pi. XXV-XXXIV. t283 Sa'idiyeh t.: Pritchard J. B., Tell es-Sa'idiyeh: --. 873, EncArchExc 4 (1978) 1028-32, 9 fig. t284 Salt es- 1977, Rom. tomb: RB 86 (1979) 458s, PI. xxVIb (A. Hadidi). t285 Samra l}./Kataret: Puech Emile, Remarques sur les inscriptions christopalestiniennes de Kh. es-Samra: SBFLA 29 (1979) 259-69, PI. 29-32. t286 Leonard Albert J, Kataret Es-Samra [5 k N Jordan-Jabbok confluence]: A Late Bronze Age Cemetery in Transjordan?: BASOR 234 (1979) 5365, 9 fig. t287 Siran: Shea W. H., The Siran Inscription: Amminadab's Drinking Song: PEQ 110 (1978) 107-12. t288 Yarmuk: Kerestes T. M., Lundquist J. M., Wood B. G., Yassine K., An Archaeological Survey of Three Reservoir Areas in Northern Jordan [Yarmuk, Zarqa, Wadi Arab], 1978: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 108-35, 4 Plans, 5 Tables, PI. LXV-LXXXIII. t289 Yattir: Valla F. al., 2d 1978; Acheulian: RB 86 (1979) 130-3, plan fig. 7.

T5 Phoenicia . l Libanus, situs. Lebanon. t290 Giveon Raphael, Libanon: --. 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1013s. t29l Harding G. Lankester, Further Safaitic Texts from Lebanon: ADAJ 20

T5 Phoenicia (Lebanon ...)


(1975) 99-102, pl. XXXV-XXXVI. t292 Marcus David, Sharruludari, Son of Rukibtu, Their Former King [in Ascalon 733 B.c.]: A Detail of Phoenician Chronology: JANES 9 (1977) 27-30. t293 Susini G., La ricerca dell'antichita nel Libano [15-20 sec.]: Felix Ravenna llls (1976) 83-7. t294 Teixidor Javier, Les fonctions de rab et de sufete en Phenicie: Semitica 29 (1979) 9-17, Pl. 1.

t295 · Arqa t.: Thalmann Jean-Paul, Tell •Arqa (Akkar, Liban Nord) Campagnes I-III (1972-4) chantier I, rapport preliminaire, intr. E. Will: Syria 55 (1978) 1-151, 56 fig. IV pl. t296 Bordreuil P., Une inscription phenicienne sur jarre provenant des fouilles de tel1 •Arqa: Syria 54 (1977) 25-30, 1 fig. t297 Ba'albek: Adam J.-P. Apropos du trilithon de Baalbek. Le transport et la mise en reuvre des megalithes: Syria 54 (1977) 31-63, 18 fi.g.,Pl. 1-11. t298 Rey-Coquais J.-P., Connaros le puissant [peristyle Baalbek]: Syria 55 (1978) 361-70, phot. M. Talion. t299 Collart P., Coupe! P., Petit autel de Baalbek: Institut Fran~ais d'Archeologie de Beyrouth, Hibliotheque Archeol. Rist. 98. P 1977, Gcuthner. Rsyria 56 (1979) 412-16 (H. Kalayan). t300 Byblos: Seeden Helga, A Small Clay Shrine in the ATIB Museum [before 1500 B.c.; links with Byblos and Hama]: Berytus 27 (1979) 7-25, pl. 1-X.

t301 Gasbarri C., Byblos et le sue quattro civilta: L'universo 58 (1978) 32144. t302 Mesnil du Buisson R. du, [cylindre egyptien de Byblos]: Syria 54 (1977) 294s, contre 53 (1976) 191s, H. Goedicke. t303 North R., Byblos and Jericho Neolithic Floors: -+ 59,1831: 5th World CongJSt (for 1969) I-+ 54, 1973: 35-49, 4 fig. t304 Sznycer M., Inscriptions pseudo-hieroglyphiques de Byblos: -+ 751, Leclant J., Dt:chiffrement 1975, 75-84. t305 Kamid el-Loz - Kumidi: Edzard D. 0. u.a., ~ Schriftdokumente 1970 -+ 52,7083: RBelleten 42 (1978) 495°9 (F. Kimal); OLZ 74 (1979) 37s (K. Galling). t306 Poppa R., Kämid el-Löz, 2: Der eisenzeitliche Friedhof: Befunde und Funde (diss. Saarbrücken 1978): Saarbrücken Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 18. Bonn 1978, Habelt. 154 p. 45 pl. DM 35 pa. t307 Metzger M., Der spätbronzezeitliche Tempel von T. Kämid el-Löz: -+ 58s,c915, RencAsslnt 20 = UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 10-20. t308 Ksar Akil: Newcomer M., Ksar Akil (Liban): -+ 771, Industrie de l'os 1974, 59-66. t309 Sarafand - Sarepta: Pritchard J. B., Recovering Sarepta, a Phoenician City. Excavations at Sarafand, Lebanon, 1969-74 by the University Museum of thc University of Pennsylvania. Princeton 1978, Univ. XVI162 p., 140 ill. $21/:Ell. - RRß 86 (1979) 279ss (E. Puech). t310 Sidon: Gabelmann H., Zur Chronologie der Königsnekropole von Sidon: ArchAnz (1979) 163-77, 12 Abb.


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t311 Skupinska-Lövset 1., Some Remarks on the Dating of the Sidonian Sarcophagi Decorated with Garlands and Medusa Heads: ArchAnz (1979) 224-27, 6 Abb. t312 Saidah Roger t, Fouilles de Sidon-Dakerman: l'agglomeration chalcolithique: Berytus 27 (1979) 29-55, 16 fig.; 57-76, 9 fig., F. Hours, L'industrie lithique. t313 Tyrus: Bikai Patricia M., a) The Late Phoenician Pottery Complex [Tyre excavation 1973s] and Chronology: BASOR 229 (1978) 47-56, 4 fig. - b) Bikai P. M., The Pottery of Tyre. Warminster 1978, Aris & P. IX-92p., 15 tables, 95 pl. f:24. t314 Katzenstein H. J., I!!] The Camp of the Tyrians at Memphis [Herodotus 2, 112]: --> 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 161-4; Eng. summ. 129*. t315 Katzenstein H. J., Tyre in the Early Persian Period (539-486 B.C.E.): BA 42 (1979) 23-34, 12 fig. t316 Rey-Coquais Jean-Paul, Inscriptions grecques et latines decouvertes dans les fouilles de Tyr (1963-1974) I. Inscriptions de la necropole: BMusBeyr 29 (1977) 184 p., LVI pl. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 429s (E. Graziani Lavorato). t317 Giorgetti D., Orologio solare fenicio da Oumm el · Amed [19 km S da Tiro]: AntRArch 2,6 (1977) 38ss, 2 piante, 2 foto.

T5.2 Carthago. t318 Bartoloni P., Le figurazioni tli camttere marino rappresentate sulle piu tardc stclc di Cartagine II. Le imbarcaziuui minuri: RStFen 7 (1979) 181-91, Tav. LIV-LXIII. t319 Bartoloni Piero, Le stele arcaiche del tofet di Cartagine: Collezione di Studi Fenici. R 1976, Consiglio naz. delle rieerche. 159p., 34 fig., 171 pl. - Rsyria 56 (1979) 360 (J. Teixidor). t320 Bondi S. F., L'espansione Cartaginese in Italia [Sardegna, Sicilia]: CultScuol 14, 56 (1979) 66-74. t321 Bullitt Orville H., Phoenicia and Carthage: a Thousand Years to Oblivion. Ph 1978, Dorrance. xvr-238 p., 4 phot., 4 maps. $10. t322 CEDAC Carthage Bulletin 1 (1978); 2 (1979): a) Graham W. A., e.a. Nouvelles (sur les multiples recherches en cours): 3-13, 1 fig. - b) Id., Campagne UNESCO: 16. 14-20, 1 fig. - c) Rakob F., Dossier (presente au) Colloque de Stratigraphie (par le DAI) Allemagne: 21-29, 2 fig. - d) Senay P., (par) Canada: 29-31; e) Stager L. E., Humphrey J. H., ... (par les) Etats-Unis: ib. 31-35, 1 fig. - f) Lancel S., ... (par la) France: ib. 35-38 - g) Hurst H., ... (par) Grande Bretagne: ib: 38 ... [totus fase. 44 p.]: Carthago: CedCarthB 2 (1979). t323 Coacci Polselli G., Una stele ricomposta di Cartagine: RStFen 7 (1979) 193ss, Tav. LXIV. t324 Decret F., Carthage ou l'empire de la mer 1977 .....58s,b883: RETRel 54 (1979) 135s (D. Lys); NRT 100 (1978) 631s (R. G.). t325 Edde E. Gi) Les Pheniciens et Ja decouverte de l' Amerique. Beyrouth 1969. t326 Fantar M., Visite de Carthage. Tunis 1973, Maison Tunisienne d'edi-

T5 Phoenicia (Lebanon ...)


tion. 88 p., 43 fig. - RAnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 216s (~ B. Zuhdi). t327 Ferron J., Aubet M. E., Les orants de Carthage 1974 -> 58s,d004: RArEspArq 50s (1977s) 460s (M. P. San Nicolas Pedraz); TrabPreh 33 (1976) 426s (M. J. Almagro Girbea). t328 Frankenstein S., The Phoenicians in the Far West: a Function of NeoAssyrian lmperialism: ➔ 750, Power & Propaganda 1979, 263-94. t329 Frend W. H. C., The Early Church in Carthage: The Excavations at Carthage III. Tunis/AA 1978s, 21-40. RBMonum 137 (1979) 377-81 (N. Duval). t330 Historia de Espaiia Antigua, t. II: Hispania Romana; [etiam phasis ultima Carthaginiensis]. M 1978, Edic. Catedra. 810 p., fig. maps. - RDLZ 100 (1979) 451ss (H. J. Diesner). t331 Humphrey J. H. ed., Excavations at Carthage 1975 [I-11)/1976 [III-IV] conducted by the University of Michigan (Kelsey Museum +) ASOR. AA 1976 (1), 1977 (III-IV), 1978 (II). x-203p.; 21 fig., 7 pl., 2 plans; 322p., 40 pl., 2 plans; 175 p., 6 depliants; 190 p., 13 pl. + 4 col. t332 Humphrey J. H., North African News Letter 1 [Carthage]: AJA 82 (1978) 511-20, 2 maps. t333 Humphrey J. H., Pedley J. G., Roman Carthage: ScientAm 238 (1978) ' 111-20, 7 fi.g. t334 Huss W., a) Die Einhundert und die Einhundert vier [Inst. XIX, 2,5 + Aristoteles: in Karthago 100 Gewählte+ 2 Sufeten + 2 Strategen]: WcltOr 9 (1978) 253s; b) Vier Sufeten in Karthago? [in später 2 Zeit: 2 Jh.v.Chr]: Museon 90 (1977) 426-33. t335 Jahn J., Karthago und westliches Nordafrika: Chiron 7 (1977) 411-85. t336 Lancel S., Fouilles de Carthage 1976-1977: La colline de Byrsa et l'occupation punique: CRAI (1978) 301-31, 24 fig. t337 Lancel Serge dir., Byrsa I. Mission archeologique franc;aise a Carthage. Rapports preliminaires des fouilles 1974-6: EcFrRome 41/Inst. Nat. Tunis. R 1979, Ec. Franc;. 351 p., fig. plans, depliants. [AntAfr 11 (1977) 11-130]. t338 Masson Olivier, Le 'roi' carthaginois Iömilkos dans des inscriptions de Delos: Semitica 29 (1979) 53-57. t339 Picard C.-G., La dame des brfile-parfums a Carthage [ ... une deesse de fecondite: la Grande Dame de Carthage, Tanit ... ] : RUnComplut 25, 101 (1976) 155-74, 13 fig. t340 Picard G. & C. al., Recherches archeologiques franco-tunisiennes a Mactar I. La maison de Venus I. Stratigraphies et etude des pavements: Coll. Ec. fr. Rome 34 / Inst. nat. d'art et d'archeologie de Tunis. R 1977, Ecole franc;aise. 231 p., ill. t341 Senay P., Beauregard M. al., Carthage II: Cahiers des Etudes anciennes IX. Montreal 1978, Univ. Quebec. 98 p., 11 fig., 30 phot., 8 tab., 12 plans. - RRArch (1979) 355 (L. Foucher). T5.2.1 Punica: situs. t342 Acquaro E., Le monete puniche del Museo Nazionale di Cagliari: Coll. Studi Fenici 4, Univ. R Ist. Vicino Oriente. R 1974, Cons. Naz. Ricer-

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[XVIII. Archaeol.

ehe. 96 p., 26 fig., 100 pl. t343 Acquaro E., Olbia - I (campagna 1977): RStFen 7 (1979) 45-48, Tav. XVI-XXI.

t344 Acquaro E., Tharros - V. Lo scavo del 1978: RStFen 7 (1979) 49-59; Tav. XXII-XXXI; 61-65, Tav. XXXIIss, Note geo-morfologiche (F. de Horatiis); 67-112, Tav. XXXV-XLV, Antropologia e paleoecologia di Tharros. Ricerche sul Tofet (1978) e prima campagna territoriale nel Sinis (F. Fedele); 113-119, Tav. XLVIss, La ceramica ellenistica e romana (V. Righini); 121-24, Tav. XLIX-LIII, Le stele e gli altari (M. L. Uberti). t345 Acquaro Enrico, Moscati Sabatino, Uberti Maria L., Anecdota Tharrica: Coll. Studi Fenici 5, Centro Civilta Fenicia e Punica, Univ. R Ist. Vicino Oriente. R 1975, Consiglio Naz. Ricerche. 136 p., 51 pl. t346 Acquaro E., La necropoli meridionale di Tharros: appunti sulla simbologia funeraria punica di Sardegna: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 111-13, fig. 2526, tav. V-VI. t347 Barreca F., Le fortificazioni fenicio-puniche in Sardegna: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 115-28, fig. 27-36. t348 Barreca F., La Sardegna fenicia e punica2• Sassari 1979 (1974), Chiarella. 303 p., 6 fig., LVIII pl. t349 Camps G., Les numides et la civilisation punique: AntAfr 14 (1979) 4353, 4 fig. t350 Canciani F., Coppe 'fenicie' in Italia?: ArchAnz (1979) 1-6, 6 fig. t351 a) Ciasca Antonio al., Mozia IX. Rapporto preliminare: Studi semitici 50. R 1978, Consiglio Naz. Ricerche / Soprintendenza Antichita Sicilia Occidentale. 180 p., 27 fig. (part. foldout), 85 pl. - b) Ciasca A., Mozia excav. 1977: AfD 26 (1978s) 220. - c) Scavi alle mura di Mozia (campagna 1978): RStFen 7 (1979) 207-227, Tav. LXIX-LXXXVII. t352 Cintas P., Manuel d'archeologie punique I 1970 II 1976 -> 58s,b879: RPEQ 111 (1979) 131s (B. S. J. Isserlin). t353 Coacci Polselli Gianna al., Grotta Regina - II. Le iscrizioni puniche. Rapporto della Missione congiunta con la Soprintendenza alle Antichita della Sicilia Occidentale: Pubblicazioni del Centro di Studio per la civilta fenicia e punica, 19. Studi semitici, 52. R 1979, Cons. Naz. Ricerche. 118 p., 46 pl., 66 fig.; foldout. t354 Gamer-Wallert 1., Zur Frage der 'Laufzeit' ägyptischer Funde aus hispanischen Nekropolen und ihrer ursprünglichen Bestimmung: ZDMG, Suppl. III, 1 (1977) 18-21, 4 pl. t355 Isserlin B. S. J., Taylor Joan D., Motya 1974 -> 56,9164: RoLZ 73 (1978) 238s (B. Brentjes). t356 Jenkins K. G., Coins of Punic Sicily III: Swiss Numismatic Review 56 (1977) 5-65. t357 Krahmalkov C., The Neo-Punic Dedication of the Mausoleum of Iyllul [western Libya]: RStFen 7 (1979) 175-79. t358 Moscati S., [Monte Sirai] A Carthaginian Fortress in Sardinia: ScientAm 232, 2 (1975) 80-87, 10 fig. t359 Moscati S., Un 'segno di Tanit' presso Olbia: RStFen 7 (1979) 41ss, Tav. xv.

T5.2.l Situs phoenicü et punici


t360 Moscati S., Stele e pilastri [a Mozia, ... ]: RUnComplut 25, 101 (1976) 143-47. t361 Niemeyer Hans G., Schubart Hermanfrid al., Trayamar. Die phönizischen Kammergräber und die Niederlassung an der Algarrobo-Mündung: DAI Madrider Beiträge 4. Mainz 1975, v. Zabem. v-178 p., 54 pl., 24 Beilagen. DM 135. - RBASOR 233 (1979) 78ss (Brigitte Treumann); OLZ 74 (1979) 219s (M. Oppermann). t362 Tadmuri 'Umar !AlGeschichte und Archäologie der Moscheen und Medresen von Tripolis 1289-1974. Tarabulus 1974. 440 p. t363 Tarradell M., Font de Tarradell M., Materiales punicos de Ibiza en el Museo de Lluc [Mallorca]: RUnComplut 25, 104 (1976) 5-28, 26 fig. in pl. t364 Tronchetti C., Per la cronologia del Tophet di Sant' Antioco: RStFen 7 (1979) 201-05, pl. LXVIls. t365 Tusa V., Segni di Tanit a Selinunte: RUnComplut 25, 104 (1976) 29-35, 9 fig. t366 Tyloch W., Le probleme de Tarsis a la lumiere de la philologie et de l'exegese: ➔ 760, Actes du deuxieme Congres international d'etude des , cultures de 1a Mediterranee Occidentale, II. 1978, 46-51. t367 Uberti M. L., Tharros (Sardegna) [tofet excav. campaign 4 1977]: AfO 26 (1978s) 217-20, 9 fig. (1 foldout).

T5.2.2 Ars punica. t368 Acquaro E., Ancora sulla gliptica punica di Sardegna: OrAnt 18 (1979) 277-80, pl. XVII. t369 Almagio Gorbea M., Lote de objetos de oro de orfebreria gaditana: RUnComplut 25, 101 (1976) 31-43, 11 pl. t370 Aubet M. E., Algunos aspectos sobre iconografia punica: las representaciones aladas de Tanit: RUnComplut 25, 101 (1976) 61-82, 5 + 8 pl. t371 Avishur Y. The Second Amulet Incantation from Arslan Tash [in Phoenician: comparing Akk., Aram., Jewish, Arabic incantations 700 B.C.]: UF 10 (1978) 29-36. t3 72 Bartoloni P ., Due anfore greco-orientali di imitazione fenicia dal Sulcis: OrAnt 18 (1979) 323-27, pl. XXXIV-XXXV. t373 Bikai Patricia M., The late Phoenician pottery complex and chronology: BASOR 229 (1978) 47-56. t374 Bisi A. M., Les sources syro-palestiniennes et chypriotes de l'art punique (a propos de quelques objets de Carthage): ArtAfr 14 (1979) 17-37, 10 fig. [idoles-bouteilles; lampes; lekythoi, coupes a pied]. t375 Bondi S. F., Un tipo di inquadramento architettonico fenicio [inquadramento a piu comici aggettanti l'una sull'altra]: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 14755, pl. VII-XII. t376 Chiera G., 11 trono e le sfingi: RStFen 7 (1979) 197ss, pl. LXV-LXVI. t377 Culican W., Phoenician Mctalwork and Egyptian Tradition: RUnComplut 25, 101 (1976) 83-89, 14 fig.

50. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (] 979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

t378 Ferron J., Aubet M. E., Estatuillas de orantes del mundo cartagines: tipologia y cronologia: TrabPreh 31 (1974) 253-70, VI pl. t379 Ingrassia Bisi A. M., Elementi vicino-orientali nell'arte punica: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 129-46. t380 Jorda F. [prehistoria], Blazques J. M. [fenicia], Historia del Arte Hispänico I. La Antigüedad. M 1978, Alhambra. 358 p., 61 fig., xu pl. - Rsef 38 (1978) 374ss (J. Alvar Ezquerra). t381 Mevius S. de, Les trönes pheniciens en pierre flanques de sphinx ailes: diss. lic. Louvain-la-Neuve. 1977s. t382 Moscati S., Arte fenicia: dimensioni e problemi: AntRArch 2, 5 (1977) 3-8; foto dell'autore. t383 Parrot A., Chehab M. H., Moscati S., Die Phönizier. Die Entwicklung der phönizischen Kunst von der Anfängen bis zum Ende des dritten Punischen Krieges: Universum der Kunst, 23. Mü 1977, Beck. 329 p. 352 ill. (92 col.) 14 plans, DM 148. t384 Picard Colette, Les representations du cycle dionysique dans l'art punique: AntAfr 14 (1979) 83-113, 30 fig. t385 Quattrocchi Pisano Giovanna, I gioielli fenici di Tharros nel Museo Nazionale di Cagliari. Collezione di studi fenici, 3. R 1974, Cons. Naz. Ric. 210 p., 16 fig., 30 pl. t386 Uberti M. L. Scarabeo punico del Museo Archeol. Naz. di Cagliari: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 157-62, pl. XIII. T5.2.3 Inscriptiones punicae



t387 Branden A. van den, L'iscrizione fenicia su un sarcofago conservato un tempo al museo di Nicosia, tr. A. Dell'Acqua: BbbOr 20 (1978) 97-111, fig. 3. t388 Cross F. M., A Recently Published [J. Starcky MUSJ 45 (1969) 259-73; I. Schiff man RStFen 4 ( 1976) 171-7] Phoenician Inscription of the Persian Period from Byblos: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 40-44 [Ezk 27,7, B. Mazar]. t389 Delcor Mathias; La grotte d'es Cuyram a Ibiza et le probleme de ses inscriptions votives en punique < Semitica 28 (1978) 27-52: ➔ 293, Etudes 1979, 403-428, plan, 9 photos. t390 Fantar M., Teboursouk. Steles anepigraphiques et stetes a inscriptions neopuniques: AIBL Mem 16 [P 1974] 53 p., 12 pl. - RRStFen 7 (1979) 235ss (G. Coacci Polselli). t391 Ferron J., Fernandez-Miranda M., Garrido J. P., Inscripci6n fenicia procedente del Cabezo de la Esperanza (Huelva) [änfora con KRY]: TrabPreh 32 (1975) 199-211, 5 fig. t392 Garbini G., Analisi di iscrizioni fenicie [Yehawmilk (KAI 10); Eshmun 'azar (KAI 14); Bithia (KAI 173)]: AION 37 (1977) 403-16. t393 Goedicke H., Another Remark about the Byblos Cylinder Seal [(Ilu-ml-g') = Ilumilki]: GötMiszÄg 29 (1978) 23-24. t394 Guzzo Amad.ari M. G. Le iscrizioni puniche: A. Ciasca c.a. Mozia IX. Rapporto preliminare (R 1978, Cons. Naz. Ric.) 155-59, pl. 83s.

T5.2.2 Phoenicia-punica: ars, inscriptiones


t395 Kornfeld W., Neues über die phönikischen und aramäischen Graffiti in den Tempeln von Abydos: AnzÖsAkWiss (1978) 194-204, 11 pl. [sep.: Sch. 70). t396 McCarter'P. K., A Phoenician Graffito from Pithekoussai ['l]: AJA 79 (1975) 140-41. t397 McKusick Marshall, A Cryptogram in the [C. Gordon 1974) Phoenician Inscription from Brazil: BAR-W 5,4 (1979) 50-54: Paraiba 'Trust only in Yaw' compared to Herodotus 4,42: a hoax of 1872. t398 Gordon Cyrus H., replies re 4, 2 (June 1978) 26s: BAR-W 4, 3 (1978) 45ss. t399 Puech Emile, Remarques sur quelques inscriptions pheniciennes de Chypre: Semitica 29 (1979) 19-43, 5 fig. t400 Teixidor J., L'inscription phenicienne de Tartous (RES 56): Syria 56 (1979) 145-51, 1 fig. t401 Vattioni Francesco, Antroponimi fenicio-punici nell'epigrafia greca e latina del Nordafrica: AnSemClas Napoli, Archeologia e Storia Antica 1 (1979) 153-191.

T5.4 Ugarit (+Hani). t402 Arnaud D., Kennedy D., Les textes en cuneiformes syllabiques decouverts en 1977 a Ibn Hani (8 km SW Ras Shamra-Ugarit]: Syria 56 (1979) 319-24. t403 Bordreuil P., Caquot A., Les textes en cuneiformes alphabetiques decouverts en 1977 a Ibn Hani: Syria 56 (1979) [293-)295-315, Pl. v-vm. t404 Bounni A. al., a) Rapport preliminaire sur la premiere campagne de fouilles a Ibn Hani (8 km SW Ras Shamra-Ugarit]: Syria 53 (1976) 23379, 30 fig. (map 265). - b) [Äl La premiere campagne de fouille[s] a Ras Ibn Hani (1975): AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 27-63, 30 fig. - c) Rapport preliminaire sur la deuxieme campagne de fouilles (1976) a Ibn Hani (Syrie): Syria 55 (1978) 233-301, 53 fig., Pl. ix-x; Sanlaville P., Note sur la geomorphologie 303ss; Bossuet G. Reconnaissance archeologique par prospection electrique, 307-11, 2 fig. t405 Bounni A., Lagarce J. et E., Saliby N., Badre L., Rapport preliminaire sur 1a troisieme campagne de fouilles (1977) a Ibn Hani (Syrie): Syria 56 (1979) 217-91, 56 fig., Pl. V-VIII; p. 293s, Avertissement [sur Les textes 295-324); p. 416s continuation 1978. t406 Caquot A., La lettre de la reine Pudubepa [a Niqmad, RS 17.434 (en ougaritique)]: ➔ 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 122-34, 5 fig. t407 Contenson H. de, a) Ugarit / Riis Samra1971ss: AfO 26 (1978s) 162-5, fig. 16-19. - b) Le Neolithique de Ras Shamra V d'apres les campagnes 1972-6 dans le sondage SH: Syria 54 (1977) 1-23, 14 fig. t408 Courtois Jacques-Claude & Liliane, Corpus ceramique de Ras ShamraU., niveau historique II, Bronze Moyen/Recent; ➔ 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 191-370, 60 fig. t409 Courtois J.-C., a) Ras Shamra (Ugarit ou Ougarit), I. Archeologie [a partir du neolithique preceramique: quartiers et palais; aussi: Minet el-Bei-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

da]:--> 893, SDB 9, 52s (1979) 1124-1295, fig. 900-924. - b) (Ras Shamra), Appendice I: Recherches a Ras Shamra et a Ras Ibn Hani (19751977): -->893, SDB 9, 53 (1979) 1439-42. t410 Cunchi/los J. L. (Ras Shamra), Appendice II: Equivalences des numerations entre UT et KTU: -->893, SDB 9, 53 (1979) 1442-66. t41 l Dietrich M., Loretz 0., [-->t849] Die keilalphabetische Krugaufschrift RS 25.318:--> 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 147s. t412 Fisher Loren R. ed., Ras Shamra Parallels. Texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible II 1975--> 57,7541; 58s,9719: - RJNES 38 (1979) 46ss (D. Pardee); OLZ 74 (1979) 357ss (W. Herrmann); with vol. I 1972 [--> 53,5453; 55,6024] RisrEJ 28 (1978) 201-05 (A. Hurvitz); TLZ 103 (1978) 729-32 (K.-H. Bernhardt). l413 (hml1m C. H., Ugarit. and its signifk.ance to biblical studies: --> 57,357, Ward M., BiblSt 1975. t414 Gray John, Canaanite Religion and OT Study in the Light of New Alphabetic Texts from Ras Shamra: --> 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 79108. t415 Herdner A., a) Nouveaux Textes alphabetiques de Ras Shamra xx1v Campagm: 1961 [Lisles de ilieux, riluds, presages, abecedaire] / b) Lettre de deux serviteurs 11leur maitrc (RS 29.93): , 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 1-74/75-78. t416 Herrmann W., Ras Shamra - fünfzig Jahre Forschungen: Altertum 25 (1979) 99-102, 2 fig. t417 Hooijer D. A. [index ibid. H.], The Indian elephant at Bronze Age RasShamra-U./ Report on an elephant molar from Ras-Shanira-U.: -> 519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 187s/189. t418 Jacob E., Cazelles H., (Ras Shamra), VII: Ras Shamra et l'AT: -->893, SDB 9, 53 (1979) 1425-39. t419 Jacquiot C., Resultat de l'examen de six echantillons de bois provenant des ruines de Ras Shamra: -->519 Ugaritica VII 1978, 155-59, 9 fig. t420 Lagarce M. & E.: Decouvertes archeologiques a Ras Ibn Hani, pres de Ras Shamra: Un palais du roi d'Ugarit, des tablettes inscrites en caracteres cuneiformes, un etablissement des peuples de la mer et une ville hellenistique: CRAI (1978) 45-65, 13 fig. [13 ugarit.; 6 sumer. akkad.]. t421 Margueron J., Ras Shamra 1975 et 1976. Rapport preliminaire sur les campagnes d'automne: Syria 54 (1977) 151-88, 17 fig., Pl. VII-X. t422 Milik J. T., Quelques tablettes cuneiformes alphabetiques d'Ugarit [RS 24.255; 24.276; 24:i84; 24.292; 24.295: liste d'offrandes: Rituels royaux ... (en partie: en hourrite)]: .....519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 135-46, 9 fig. t423 Poulain T., Etude de la faune de quelques restes humaines et de coquillages provenant de Ras Shamra (sondages 1955 a 1960): -->519, Ugaritica VII 1978, 161-80. t424 Rey-Coquais J.-P., Inscription ~ecque decouverte a Ras Ibn Hani: AuArch.AiabSyr 26 (1976) 51-60 [lisle de mercenaires lagt,des250-200 av. J. C.]: 1 pl.: ~ 279-82, 1 pl. t425 Saade G., Ougarit, Metropole Cananeenne. Beyrouth 1979, Imprimerie CathoJique. 219 p. 53 diagr., maps. $18. [Librairie B.P. 322 Lattaquie].

T5.4 Situs Syriae: Ugarit (+ Ibn Hani)


RNewslUgSt 19 (1979) 5s. t426 Schaejfer [-Forrer] C. F. A. ➔ 519, Ugaritica VII 1978: 150-4, 5 fig., Contexte archeologique et date du rhyton leontocephale de la maison d'Agaptarri (RS 25.318) [depliant: plan]; 181 Monnaies [des] environs, 182 musulmanes (Abou-1-Faradj al-Ouche), 183 grecques (B. Zouhdi), 184 etrangeres (H. Kamal); 371-81, 14 fig., Remarques sur les ancres en pierre d'Ugarit; 383-8, 3 fi.g., Ein Steinanker vom Mittelmeer auf der Heuneburg [Germania 49 (1971) 21]?; 399-474, LXVIII pl., Epaves d'une bibliotheque d'Ugarit; 475-551, 30 fi.g. [563s Index], Ex Occidente Ars [metallurgique]. - Cf. CRAI (1978) 707ss. t427 Sznycer M., (Ras Shamra), VI: Documents administratifs et economiques: ➔ 893, SDB 9, 53 (1979) 1417-25.

T5.5 Ebla. t428 a) The International Committee for the Study of Ebla Texts of the ltalian Archaf':nlngic:alMission to Syria. Communique: AnEb (1978) 31s; gall.: 15s. - b) Tell Mardikh-Ebla Lplan de publication]: Orienlalia 47 (1978) 334s. - c) [Matt.hiae P.] ARTIT/S ;:: Archivi Reali di Ebla: Tcsti/Studi, University of Rome: divided among these editors: G. Pettinato 1, 2, 6, 9; A. Archi 3 (tessili), 10 (metalli); D. Edzard 4; L. Cagni 5 (tessili); C. Zaccagnini 7, E. Sollberger 8 (tessili). - JNES 37 (1978) 286s. [But see the prospectus of Pettinato's separate series at Naples Oriental Institute, Catalogo 1979 ➔ t 471]. t429 Althann R., Ugarit, Ebla and the OT: BToday 97 (1978) 1710-15. t430 Archi A., dJa-ra-mu at Ebla [legendum esse DINGIR-li-ra-mu et explicandum ut "il-i-ra-mu 'my god is exalted']: StEbl 1, 3s (1979) 45-48, fi.g. 15. t431 Archi Alfonso, The Epigraphic Evidence from Ebla and the OT: Biblica 60 (1979) 556-566. t432 Archi A., Matthiae P., Una coppa d'argento con iscrizione cuneiforme dalla 'tomba del signore dei capridi': StEbl 1 (1979) 191ss, foto 85-88. t433 Baffi Guardata F., Su un'impronta di sigillo paleo-siriano tardo dal santuario B2: StEbl 1,7s (1979) 97-104, fi.g. 25-32. t434 Bermant C., Weitzman M., a) Ebla: An·Archaeological Enigma. L 1979, Weidenfeld & N. XT-243p. {7.50. - b) Ebla: neu entdeckte Zivilisation im Alten Orient, tr. F. W. Gutbrod. Fra 1979, Umschau. 260p. t435 Biggs R. D., The Ebla Tablets - an Interim Pcrspective: Oriental Institute News and Notes 43 (April 1978) 1-3. t436 Bounni A., Neue archäologische Entdeckungen in Syrien: Altert 25 (1979) 80-87 [Palmyra, Ebla], 6 phot t437 Broad William J., Syria said to suppress archaeological data [on Ebla]: Hebrew names ... a hoax: Science 205, 4409 (1979) 878-881, 3 fi.g. t438 Dahood Mitchell J., Ebla, Ugarit and the OT: a) SupVT 29 (1978) 81112; b) The Month 2~9 (1978) 271-6, 341-5; - c) DSpade 8 (1979) 1-15, 59-66; d) TDig 27 (1979) 127-131; e) CC 129 (1978, 2) [328-340 ➔ 58s,9664] 547-556 ... libri profetici e sapienziali.

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVIII. Archaeol.

t439 Ebla-MardilJ,Textos 1974s: Estßib 36 (1977) 242-46. t440 Eigeland Tor, Ebla, city of the White Stones: Aramco World Magazine 29,2 (1978) 10-19, 9 col. phot. t441 Freedman D. N., A City Beneath the Sands [Ebla; Abraham ca 2500 B.C.]: Science Year: The World Book Science Annual (Ch 1978, Field Enterprises) 182-95. t442 Freedman D. N., a) The Real Story of the Ebla Tablets. Ebla and the Cities of the Plain [Gen 14 third millennium]: BA 41 (1978) 143-64, 10 fig., p. 133 (H. T. Frank). - b) A personal Report on Ebla: BurHist 14,1 (1978) 9-16. t443 Fronzaroli P., L'interferenza linguistica nella Siria Settentrionale del III millennio [ ... interferenza dell'eblaita ... specialmente con l'eteo e lo strato anatolico preeteo, p. es. wa-na attestato piu tardi in ittita e luvio geroglifico... ; l'eblaita si chiamera 'paleosiriano (con un termine cioe mutuato dalla classificazione archeologica)']: Interferenza linguistica: ➔ 694, Ajello R., Interferenza 1978, 27-43. t444 Fronzaroli P., a) Un atto reale di donazione dagli archivi di Ebla (T. M. 75. G. 1766): StEbl 1,1 (1979) 3-16, 2 fig. - b) Materiali per il lessico eblaita, 1 : AnEbl l (1979). t445 Decouverte capitale ä Tell Mardikh, l'antiquc Ebla: Archeologia 113 (1977) 70s, 2 phot. [jam 69 (1974), P. Matthiae]. t446 [Garner G.], Ebla and Abraham's Era (third millennium improbable): Bur Rist 15,2 (1979) 3-6. t447 Gelb 1. J., Thoughts about Ibla 1977 ➔ 58s,9669: RQrientalia 47 (1978) 137s (W. J. Fulco); ZAss 69 (1979s) 143s (W. von Soden). t448 Gordon C. H., Echoes of Ebla: ➔ 66, Fs. Dropsie College 1979, 13339. t449 Gruber M. 1., Ebla's Challenge to Bible Critics: ConsJud 31,2 (1977) 9396: Ex 6 : 3 Reconsidered. t450 Kempinski Aharon, 1H) Tell Mardikh / Ebla: Excavations 1964-78: Qadm 12 (1979) 98-112, 18 fig.; 113-21, 6 fig., The Tablets, by Raphael

Kutscher. t451 Lafay Howard, Ebla - splendor of an unknown empire: NatGeog 154,6 (1978) 730-759. t452 La Sor W. S., Tell Mardikh - The Latest Archaeological 'Greatest': Theology News and Notes (1978, Fuller Theol. Sem.) 19-23. t453 Luke K., New Light on Biblical Tradition: The Tablets from T. Mardikh / Ebla: IndTSt 15 (1978) 192-216; Postscript: 217-20. t454 McCarthy D. J. Ebla [Q] horkia temnein; 1H)(b, slin: Addenda to Treaty and Covenant 2 : Biblica 60 (1979) 247-53. t455 Mander P., Presenza di scongiuri en-e--nu-ru ad Ebla [TM. 75 G. 1722]: Orientalia 48 (1979) 335-39. t456 Matthiae Paolo, Ebla in the Period of the Amorite Dynasties and the Dynasty of Akkad. Recent Archaeological Discoveries at Tell Mardikh (1975), intr, tr. M. L. Jajfe: MonANE 1/6. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. 36 p., [==107-139], xx pl. [~ Orientalia 44 (1975) 337-60]. t457 Matthiae P., Ebla, un impero ritrovato 1977 ➔ 58s,b946: RßA 42 (1979) 62s (P. J. MacDonald).

T5.5 Situs Syriae: Ebla


t458 Matthiae Paolo, Preliminary Remarks on the Royal Palace of Ebla. Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, 2/2s. Malibu, Undena Publications, (1978) 1-22 = 13-42. $3.85. t459 Matthiae P., Recherches archeologiques Ebla, 1977: Le quartier administratif du Palais Royal G [ ... i.a. couvercle de vase en albätre avec inscription de Pepi I; discussion du synchronisme; destruction: hypothese Naräm-Sin ... ] : CRAI (1978) 204-36, 20 fig. t460 Matthiae Paolo, Scavi a Tell Mardikh-Ebla, 1978: rapporto sommario: StEbl 1/9-12 (1979) 129-184, Fig. A-P (E foldout assonometria reale); foto 41-82. t461 Matthiae P., Gli scavi di Tell Mardikh-Ebla e il loro valore storico: Annali di Ebla (1978) 3-14; 19-30 Engl.; XVI pl.; summ. ~ 3-4. t462 [Matthiae P.] Syrian Interview with Chief Ebla Archaeologist Matthiae [against D. N. Freedman; G. Pettinato ... ]: Flash (Damascus), February 1978, cfr. BAR-W 5 (1979) 48-50; cfr. H. Shanks, Syria Tries to Influence Ebla Scholarship: Official View Objects to Emphasis on Biblical Connections: BAR-W 5 (1979) 37-47. t463 Matthiae P., Tell Mardikh: Ancient Ebla: AJA 82 (1978) 540-43, 4 fig. t464 Matthiae P., Appunti di iconografia eblaita, I [il turbante regale(?) eblaita di Mardikh II B1]: StEbl 1,2 (1979) 17-31, fig. 3-10. t465 Matthiae P., Du-ubki di Mardikh II B1 = Tu-bald di Alalakh VlI [e tu' n-b di Thutmosis III]: StEbl 1,7s (1979) 115-18. t466 Matthiae P., Unite et developpement du temple dans la Syrie du Bronze Moyen: -+ 58s,c915, RencAssint 20 = UitgNedinstlstb 37 (1975) 43-72, 11 fig., pl. IX-XVI (i.a. templa Ebla). t461 Mazzoni S., A proposito di un sigillo in stile lineare-corsivo di Mardikh IIIb: StEbl 1,3s (1979) 49-64, fig. 16-20. t468 Mikaya Adam (pseud.), The Politics of Ebla: biblical connections being played down?: BAR-W 4,3 (1978) 2-6, 2 fig.; p. 6 rejoinder by G. Buccel/ati. t469 Petracek K. Die semitische Laryngaltheorie und die Sprache von Ibla: AION 39 (1979) 384-94. t470 Pettinato Giovanni, Ebla. Un impero inciso sull'argilla: Saggi 126. Mi 1979, Mondadori. 329 p., 21 + 12 ill., maps. Lit. 7000. [Scoperta; Archivi Reali; scrittura; lingua; dinastia e documenti storici, societa, economia, cultura, religione]. t471 Pettinato G., (Alberti A.), Catalogo dei testi cuneiformi di T. Mardikh Ebla: Materiali Epigrafici di Ebla, 1 = Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli, Seminario di Studi Asiatici, Series Major, 1. N 1979. xm-292 p. [Ritrovamenti epigrafici del 1974-1976 ;· Tipologia, Datazione dei testi; Catalogo ragionato di 6643 numeri; Indici; Bibliogr. G. Pettinato: p. 291s]. t472 Pettinato Giovanni, Culto ufficiale ad Ebla durante il regno di Ibbi-Sipis [=OrAnt 18 (1979) 85-215]; Appendice, P. Mander: Orientis Antiqui Collectio, 16. R 1979, Ist. Oriente, Centro Antichitit Arte. 132 p., XII pl. t473 Pettinato G., Old Canaanite Texts of the Third Millennium recovered



Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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during the 1974 season at Tell Mardikh-Ebla, tr, M. Jajfe: Sources & MonANE 1,7. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. 17p. $1.50. t474 Pettinato Giovanni, a) 11 calendario di Ebla al tempo del re Ibbi-Sipis sulla base di TM. 75. G. 427: ➔ 260, AfO 25 (1977) 1-36, 4 pl. - b) Le collezioni en-e-nu-ru di Ebla: OrAnt 18 (1979) 329-51 tav. xxxvr-XLII. c) 11 commercio intemazionale di Ebla: economia statale e privata [ma non templare]: OrLovAn 5 (1978) 171-233, 2 pl. - d) Liste presargoniche di uccelli nella documentazione di Fara ed Ebla: OrAnt 17 (1978) 16578, tav. xrv-xvr. - e) Ebla: past, present, and future: TDig 26 (1978) 2513 < Gli archivi: RivB 25 (1977) 225-243. t475 Pinnock Frances, Nota sui 'sonagli' della 'tomba del signore dei capridi': StEbl 1 (1979) 185-90, fig. 83s. t476 Scandone lvfatthiae Oahridla, a) Vasi iscritti di Chefren e Pepi I nel palazzo reale G di Ebla: StEblaiti 1 (1979) 33-43, fig. 11-14. - b) Un oggetto faraonico della XIII dinastia dalla 'tomba del signore dei Capridi' [TM 78 Q. 455]: StEbl 1,7s (1979) 119-28, fig. 36-39. t477 [Shanks H.] Ebla Evidence Evaporates, BAR-W 5,6 (1979) 52s, on M. Dahood CC/Month 1978: The 1979 film 'Royal Archives of Ebla', sponsored by National Endowment for the Humanities, mentions no alleged biblical localizations. t478 Ska J.-L., Ebla and the Historical Background of the Bible: TDig 26 (1978) 245s [< NRT 100 (1978) 389-98 ➔ 58s,9679]. Starbuck J. C., ➔ 1056, Ebla: The Archaeological Excavation at Tell Mardikh Syria: Council of Planning Librarians, Architecture Ser., A4 (Monticello. Ill. 1978, Vance Bibliographies [P. 0. Box 229]). 6 p. $1.50 + 0. 50. t479 Veenhof K. R., Ebla - Tell Mardik:h: Phoenix EOL 23 (1977) 7-25. t480 [Weiss Harvey] letter alleging B. Rensberger errors in New York Times April 17, 1979, claiming Syrian political interference with Ebla publication: BAR-W 5,5 [wrongly for fascicle 4] (1979) 15-17. t481 Wilson C. A., Ebla Tablets: Secrets of a Forgotten City. Revelations of Tell Mardik:h. San Diego 1977, Master. 128 p. T5.8 Syria, alii situs alphabetice. t482 Abd Zrejehey t. al-: Toueir K., The Syrian Archaeological Expedition to Tell Al 'Abd Zrejehey. Clay Figurines of the Third Millennium B.C.: SyrMesSt 2/4. Malibu CA 1978, Undena. 15 p., 20 pl. $6.25. [239 figurines: 77 human, 138 animal, 24 wagon-parts]. t483 Bounni A., Saliby N., Toueir Q., Zaqzouq A., ~ Fouilles a Tell Al, Abd et Anab as-Safinah [Euphrate]: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 53-74, 62 phot., 8 plans. t484 Bounni A., Preliminary Report on the Archaeological Excavations at Tell el- · Abd and 'Anab al-Safinah (Euphrates) 1971-1972: ➔ 434, AASOR 44 (1979) 49-61, 24 fig. t485 Afis t.: Matthiae P., Sondages a T. Afis (Syric), 1978: Akkadica 14 (1979) 2-5, 3 fig. t486 Aleppo: ]freitani M., ~ Creation du musee folklorique a Alep: AnAr-

T5.8 Syrian excavation-sites in alphabi:lical order


chArabSyr 24 (1974) 157-160, 3 tab. t487 Apameia: Gautier A., Les restes de vertebres de la maison aux consoles: Fouilles d'Apamee de Syrie, Mise. 12. Bru 1977. 24 p., 1 pl., 1 plan. --> s720. t488 Otte M. Donnees nouvelles sur le neolithique d'Apamee (Sondage A4) [1974]: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 101-18, (8 pl.); arab.: 292-96. t489 'Aqab t. (15 k. S Qamisli; wadi Dara): survey 1974: Ato 26 (1978s) 149 (T. E. Davidson). t490 Arjiin, t. (1 k Nt. Nebi Mend/Qades) sond. 1978: AfO 26 (1978s) 148s (L. Marfoe, P. J. Parr). t491 Aswad, t. (40 k SE Damascus; part of t. Ramad exp. SOk W), sond. 1971s: AfO 26 (1978s) 151s, Abb. 6-7 (H. de Contenson). t492 Cauvin M.-C., Outillage lithique et chronologie a T. Aswad (Damascene, Syrie): Paleür 2 (1974) 429-36, 3 fig. [c. 7800 a.C.]. t493 Azar (Tartus): Saliby N., ~ La Necropole de 'Äzär: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 127-62, 27 fig. t494 Bab-~aghir: Rihaoui A. K., ~ Decouverte d'un tombeau islamique au cimetiere de Bab-~aghir: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 33-52, fig. 8. t49S BaicJal}.: Gaube H(einz), ~ tfubet-El-Baic.Ia: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 101-108, 3 tab., 2 plans. t496 Gaube H., Ein Arabischer Palast in Süd-Syrien, t[irbet-el-Baida. Beirut 1974 (Komm. F. Steiner, Wiesbaden). 138 p., 15 fig., 14 pl., 3 plans. RAnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 218ss @ K. Toueir). · t497 Bassit, Ras (30 k N Ugarit): Courbin C., A-t-on retrouve l'antique Posideion a Ras el Bassit? [1600 av. J.-C.-600 ap.; fouille fran~aise 1971-]: Archeologia 116 (1978) 48-62, 26 phot. + 2 col., map, 2 plans. t498 Courbin P., Rapport sur la se campagne de fouille[s] a Ras el Bassit 1975: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 63-69, 74 fig., arab.: 283s. t499 Brak t.: Dates David, The Excavations at Tell Brak, 1976 [1st (since 1938)]: Iraq 39 (1977) 233-44, Pl. IV-X; 245-55, Pl. XI-XIV, Thc Pottery by Kate Fielden. tS00 Buqra~ t. (near Dura-Europos) sond. cont. 1976s: AfO 26 (1978s) 152ss, fig. 8 (plan), 9ss (neolith. Wandmalerei, Strauch) (P. A. Akkermans al.). tS0l Bu~er t. (Khabur-Euphrates confl.) sond. 1977: AfO 26 (1978s) 156 (A. Mahmoud). t502 Damascus: Goodwin G., The Tekke of Süleyman I, Damascus: PEQ 110 (1978) 127-29, pl. XIII-XIV. t503 Rihaoui A. K., ~ Mosquee Yelbougha a Damas: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 125-150, 12 tab. t504 Yokohari K., Textiles du Musee National de Damas: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 39-45 [palmyrenensium similia in Japonia]. t505 Zouhdi F., ~ Les plus anciennes monnaies damascenes: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 73-101, 3 pl. t506 a) Dnnnllj t. Abü (25 k E Aleppo) cxcav. 197'\ss: AtD 26 (1978s) 145.147 (R. Tefnin). - b) Tefnin R., Tell Abou Danne [belge; Finet, 1967-74] une ville fortifiee de l'äge du bronze en Syriti tlu Nord [comparee a Ebla]: Archeologia 129 (1979) 42-49, 10 phot. + 1 col., 2 fig., map.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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t507 Därä, t. 'Ain (50k N Aleppo) excav. cont. 1976: AfO 26 (1978s) 147s, Abb. 2-3 (A. Abu Assaf). t508 Denit t.: Chaath Ch., [Ä] Les monnaies Greco-Atheniennes decouvertes a T. Denit: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 113-26, 1 fi.g. t509 Dibsi Faraj: Harper R. P., Excavations at Dibsi Faraj, Second Preliminary Report [1973]: Northem Syria, 1972; AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 2529, 10 fi.g., 31-37, 11 fi.g. 3-6 cent. A.D., wall, citadel. t510 Dura-Europos: Hopkins C., The Discovery of Dura-Europos ed. B. Goldman. NH/L 1979, Yale U. Pr. xxrv-309 p., 80 phot. $19.95. 0 0-30002288-3. t511 Perkins A., The Art of Dura-Europos 1973 ➔ 54,8508; 56,9015: RsovArch (1976) 278-82 (G. A. Kose/enko). t512 PeereboomK.., De Parthische Schilderkunst te Dura-Europos in de 1° en 2° eeuw na Chr.: diss. Vrije Univ. Brussel, 1978. t513 Tawil D., The Purim Panel in Dura in the Light of Parthian and Sasanian Art: JNES 38 (1979) 93-109. t514 Erfad t.: Novakova N., La statuette en bronze de Tell Erfad (Syrie): ArOr 47 (1979) 100-102, 1 fi.g. t515 Euphrates [➔ 434, Freedman D. 1979]: Bounni A., Compaign and Exhibition from the Euphrates in Syria: AASOR 44 (1979) 1-7, 6 fig. t516 Sürenhagen D., Die Euphrat-Expedition der D[eutschen] O[rient-] G[esellschaft] 1969-1971: ➔ 58s,c915, RencAsslnt 20 = UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 5-9. t5 l 7 H el/enkemper H., Der Limes am nordsyrischen Euphrat. Bericht zu einer archäologischen Landesaufnahme. Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms, 2: Beih BonnJbb 38 (Köln 1977, Rheinland-Verlag) 461-71, 1 fi.g. pl. 51-55. t518 Harper R. P., Two Excavations on the Euphrates Frontier 1968-1974. Pagmk Öreni (Eastem Türkey) 1968-1971, and Dibsi Faraj (Northem Syria) 1972-1974: Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms 2 ... = Beih. BonnJbb 38 (Köln 1977, Rheinland-Verlag) 453-60, 2 fi.g.; pl. 47-50. t519 Gerade: Castellana P., L'iconografi.a della Chiesa Siriana e l'Agnus Dei di Gerade [nel Djebel ez-Zawie]: ➔ 15, Fs. B. Bagatti, I 1976, 155-58, 2 fig. t520 Habuba Kabira: Strommenger E., Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orientgesellschaft in Habuba Kabira: ➔ 434, AASOR 44 (1979) 63-76, 25 fi.g. t521 Sürenhagen D., Keramikproduktion in ijabuba Kabira-Süd: Untersuchungen zur Keramikproduktion innerhalb der spät-urukzeitlichen Siedlung ijabuba Kabira-Süd in Nordsyrien. B 1978, Hessling. 164 p., ill. DM 20 pa. t522 Ifabur river: Kühne H., Zur historischen Geographie am unteren ijäbür. Zweiter vorläufiger Bericht über eine archäologische Geländebegehung (Tü TAVO-Projekt 1977): AID 26 (1978s) 181-95, 18 fi.g. (1 foldout); t. Suwwar, t. Sayb l:famad. t523 I;Iadidi t.: Dornemann R., Tell Hadidi: A Bronze Age City on the Euphratcs: Archaeology 31, 6 (1978) 20-24, 9 fi.g. t524 Dornemann Rudolph H., Tell Hadidi: a Millennium of Bronze Age City Occupation: ➔ 434, D. Freedman,Archeological Reports from the Tabqa

T5.8 Syrian excavation-sites in alphabetical order


Dam Project, AASOR 44 (1979) 113-151, 35 fi.g. L525 l;lalaf t. (Gozan): Frnnkel David, Archaeologists at Work. Studies on Halaf Pottery. L 1979, British Museum. 32 p., ill. fl.50. t526 Akurgal E., Analyse iconographique, stylistique et structurale de l'architecture et de la sculpture de T. Halaf: ➔ 147, Fs. E. LAROCHE 1979, 9-28, 48 fi.g. t527 1;Ialäwa,t. (Euphrates-dam) excav. cont. 1977: AfO 26 (1978s) 157ss, fig. 13 (W. Orthmann). t528 l;lama: Maigret A. de, La cittadella aramaica di Hama: attivita, funzioni e comportamento: OrAntColl 15. R 1979, Istituto per l'Oriente, Centro per le Antichita e Ja Storia dell'Arte del Vicino Oriente. xn-92 p. 22 flg. Lit. 12.000. t529 Chahade K, [Al La grande mosquee de Hama: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1978) 193-256, 40 fig. t530 l;lamad,t. SaybfDür-katlimmu (Khabur 60 k N Dura-E.) excav. 1975/7: AfD 26 (1978s) 166ss, Abb. 22-26 (H. Kühne). t531 l;layr qa1>r:GrabarOleg, Holod Renata, Knustad James, Trousdale William, City in the Desert: Qasr al-Hayr East, Harvard Middle Eastern Monog. 23s. Volume I, xm-215 p., bibliography. Volume II, vn-296 p., 304 phot., 51 fig. CM 1978, Harvard Univ. $45. t532 Rihaoui A., [Al Etude du Chateau Oriental (Qa1>ral 1;Iair al-Sharqi): AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 65-72, 7 fig. t533 l;lomr river: Roodenberg C. Une industrie epipaleolithique sur le Nahr el 1;Iomr (Syrie): AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 61-71, 6 fig., [Al 275s. t534 RoodenbergJ. J., An Epipaleolithic Industry on the Nahr-el-Homr: AASOR 44 (1979) 9-17, 4 fig. t535 l;lom~ S survey, 1972ss Lebanon, 1976ss Syria: AfO 26 (1978s) 174ss, Abb. 30 map (J. Sapin). t536 1;Iom1>-Tartüs-Lagiqiyasurvey: AfD 26 (1978s) 176s (A. Abu Assaf). t537 l;luarte: a) Canivet Maria-T., Le reliquaire a huile de la grande eglise de l;lüarte (Syrie): Syria 55 (1978) 153-62, 7 fig. - b) Canivet M.-T. et P., L'ensemble ecclesial de l;lüarte d'Apamene (Campagnes de 1973-76): Syria 56 (1979) 65-98; 22 fig. t538 ijuwayra t.: Moortgat A., Moortgat-CorrensU., Tell Chuera in Nordostsyrien, 8. Vorläufiger Bericht über die achte Grabungskampagne 1976: Schriften der Max-Freiherr-von Oppenheim-Stiftung 11. B 1978, Mann. 96 p., Ill. + Beil. 7 Pl. DM 35 pa. t539 Moortgat-Correns U., Tell Chuera [ijuwayra excav. cont. 1976s]: AfO 26 (1978s) 196-204, 12 fig. t540 Kühne Hartmut, Die Keramik von Tell Chuera und ihre Beziehungen zu Funden aus Syrien-Palästina, der Türkei und dem Iraq: Vorderasiatische Forschungen, Oppenheim-Stiftung 1. wB 1976, Mann. n-167 p., 406 fig., 4+42 pl. DM 150. - RJNEs 37 (1978) 345-50 (R. Zettler); Orientalia 47 (1978) 124s (R. North); OLZ 74 (1979) 343ss (D. Sürenhagen). t541 Jagjag (west Euphrates survey): AfD 26 (1978s) 172 (K Fielden 1978); 172ss, fig. 29 map (D. J. W. Meijer 1976s). t542 Kannas t. (Babiri 85k E Alep): Finet A., a) Bilan provisoire des fouilles belges du T. Kannas: ➔ 434, AASOR 44 (1979) 79-95, 23 fig. - b) Les


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

briques marquees du Tell Kannas: AIPHOS 21 (1977) 37-52, 2 phot. t543 Lattaquie: Saade G., Exploration archeologique de Lattaquie: AnArchArabSyr 2~ (1976) 9-36 (IX pl.); arab.: 269-74. t544 Rey-Coquais J.-P., Note sur des inscriptions [grecques] et fragments d'inscription trouves a Lattaquie: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 37-44 (Iv pl.); arab.: 275-77. t545 Mari: Börker-Klähn Jutta, Eine flgenreicheFundbeobachtung in Mari: ZAss 69 (1979s) 221-233: Istarat-Tempel: eins, nicht zwei. t546 Khalesi Y.M.al-, The Court of the Palms: A Functional Interpretation of the Mari Palace: BiblMesop 8. Malibu CA 1978, Undena. vn-85 p., 36 fig., 6 pl. - Rsyria 56 (1979) 41 ls (A. P[arrot]); ZAW 91 (1979) 314 (G. Fahrer). t547 a) Matthiae P., Mari, archeologia: Enciclopedia Italiana, 4a app.: 19611978, Ge-Pi (R 1979, Istituto Treccani) 393-94, cv pl. - b) Decroix J., Mari: .... 869, Catholicisme 8,34 (P 1977) 457-59. t548 Boese J., Mesanepada und der Schatz von Mari [gemma, lapislazuli c. inscriptione eius, quae denuo legitur: Mesanepada filius Meskalamdug, fundatoris dyn. Ur I]: ZAss 68 (1978s) 6-33, 4 fig. t549 Gribov R. A., 1K] Taxes in Kind and in Money in the City of Mari: PerAzSb 3 (1979) 78-80. t550 Lebeau M., 'Do ut des': Invocation et legitimite ä Mari: Akkadica 15 (1979) 23-39. t55l Kessler K. [Mari-Ortschaft] Nawala und Nabula: AfO 26 (1978s) 99103. t552 Meskene: Margueron J., Un 'bilani' a Emar [Meskene]: .... 434, AASOR 44 (1979) 153-76, 12 fig. t553 Margueron J., 'Maquettes' architecturales de Meskene-Emar: Syria 53 (1976) 193-232, 14 fig., PI. I-IV. t554 Loon M. van, 1974 and 1975 Preliminary Results of the Excavations at Selenkahye near Meskene, Syria: ➔ 434, AASOR 44 (1979) 97-111, 21 fig. [➔ t582,u94]. t555 Mureybet t.: Cauvin J. a) Les fouilles de Mureybet (1971-1974) et leur signification pour les origins de la sedentarisation au Proche-Orient: .... 434, AASOR 44 (1979) 19-48, 20 fig. - b) Muraybit t. + Sayb Hassan t. (Euphrates dam) excav. cont. 1971-4: AfO 26 (1978s) 159s. - c) Troisieme campagne de fouilles a Tell Mureybet (Syrie) en 1973. Rapport preliminaire: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 47-58, 8 fig. [natuf. 8500 a.C.]; Note preliminaire sur l'outillage lithique de la phase IV (M.-C. Cauvin) p. 59ss, 2 fig. t556 Cauvin M.-C., Stordeur D., Les outillages lithiques et osseuses de Mureybet, Syrie (Fouilles Van Loon 1965): Centre regional de Frappe de Sophia-Antipolis: Publ. URA 17, Cahiers de l'Euphrate 1. P 1978, CNRS. VI-103p. t557 Stordeur D. Tell Mureybet (Syrie): -> 771, Industrie de l'os 1974, 1014. t558 Stordeur-Yedid D., Objets dentes en os de Mureybet (Djezireh, Syrie) des Phases 1B a III: 8400 ä 7600 a.C.: PaleOr 2 (1974) 437-42, 2 fig. t559 Obzek M., f:tude anthropologique d'ossements humains neolithiques du

T5.8 Syrian excavation-sites in alphabetical order

vne millenaire


a.C. provenant de Mureybet, Syrie: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1978) 161-80, 2 pl., 4 fig. t560 Palmyra [Bilan et perspectives ➔ 786, Mem. D. Schlumberger, H. Seyrig 1976]. t561 Sadurska Anna, a) Palmyra VII. Le tombeau de famille de 'Alaine [interieur du camp de Diocletien]. Wsz 1977, Panstwowe Wyd. Naukowe. 228 p., 202 fig. 19 plans. - RAJA 83 (1979) 12"5s(E. K Gazda) Syria 54 (1977) 280s (A. P[arrot]) - b) Recherches sur la sculpture funeraire de Palmyre: ArchClas 27 (1975) 301-16. t562 Gawlikowski M., a) Recueil d'inscriptions palmyreniennes ( u639. t586 Gibson E., The Rahmi Ko~ Collection, Inscriptions, Parts IV & V [IV. Two Grave Monuments from Zeugma on the Euphrates; ... ] : ZPapEp 35 (1979) 266-73, 273-78. t587 Si' (Hauran): Dentzer J., Apropos du temple dit de 'Dusares' a Si': Syria 56 (1979) 325-332, 9 fig. t588 Sin t. as- (15 k E Deir-ez-Zor), cemetery excav. 1978: AfO 26 (1978s) 170 (A. Mahmoud). t589 Sükäs (S Lattaquie): Thrane Henrik, Sükäs IV. A Middle Bronze Age Collective Grave on Tall Sükäs: Carlsberg Expedition to Phoenicia 5; Det Danske Videnskabemes Selskab, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 10/1. K 1978, Munksgaard. 61 p., 108 fig. - RPEQ 111 (1979) 135s (J. N. Tubb). t590 AlexandersenVemer, Sükäs V. A Study of Teeth and Jaws from a Middle Bronze Age Collective Grave on Tall Sükäs: Carlsberg Exp. Phoen.

T5.8 Syrian excavation-sites in alphabetical order


6; Det K. Danske Videnskabemes Selskab; Biologiske Skrifter 22/2. K 1978, Munk:sgaard. 56 p., map. Dk 80. t591 Riis P. J., Siikäs VI. The Graeco-Phoenician Cemetery and Sanctuary at the Southem Harbour: Carlsberg Exp. Phoenicia 7; K. Dansk Vid. Selskab h/f 10:2. K 1979, Munksgaard. 68p., 221 f. + foldouts. Dk 120. 0 87-7304-061-4. t592 Suway).lätt. (N Euphrates-Dam) excav. 1973ss: AfO 26 (1978s) 170ss, fig. 28 (T. A. Holland): 6 periods 2400 B.C. - 400 A.D. t593 Tai'ba: Abou Assaf A., [Al Tombeau romano-byzantin a Taiba: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 189-214, 2 tab., 3 plans. t594 ('Asara, t.)-Terqa (near Mari) excav. 1975 (D. Hillers) 1976 (G. Buccel/ati): AfO 26 (1978s) 149ss, fig. 4-5 (M. Kelly-Buccellati). t595 Buccellati Giorgio, Kelly-BuccellatiMarilyn, The Joint American Expedition to Terqa: The Second Season, Fall 1976: Audio-Visual Modules, Documentary Series, 1. Malibu CA 1977, Undena. 124 color-slides; 1 tape. t596 As· ad Mahmoud, Terqa Preliminary Reports, No. 5: Die Industrie der islamischen Keramik aus der zweiten Season: SyrMesSt [Ayyubid 12 Jdt] 2,5 (1978) 1-16. t597 Buccellati Giorgio, Kelly-BuccellatiMarilyn, Terqa Preliminary Reports, No. 6: The Third Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphie Record: SyrMesSt 2,6 (1978) 1-36, 9 fig. $6.50. t598 Buccellati G., Kelly-Buccellati M., New Archaeological Harvests from Syria [Terqa 1977]. Pasadena 1977, Ambassador College. 8 p., 14 fig. t599 Rouault Olivier, Terqa Preliminary Reports, No. 7: Les documents epigraphiques de la troisieme saison: SyrMesSt 2,7 (1979) 12 p., 4 pl. t600 Buccellati Giorgio, Terqa Preliminary Reports 10. The Fourth Season: Introduction and the Stratigraphie Record: BibMesop 10. Malibu CA 1979, Undena. iv-87 p., 23 foldout fig., 75 phot. on xxvm pl. $23.50. 0 089003-042-l. Defense ring c. 3000 B.c. t601 Tibaza: Busnaki M., [Al Excavation ofwestem cemetery (1968-72). RAnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 265s (A. Bounni). t602 Touqan t.: Matthiae P., Sondages a T. Touqan (Syrie), 1978 [= Urshu (Gudea Cyl. 13 V 54-59)?]: Akkadica 14 (1978) 6-10, 5 fig. T5.9 Syria, varia. t603 Bahnassi A., [Al An Archaeological Tour in Syria: ADAJ 20 (1975) 23ss, pl. 9-14. t604 Bahnassi A., [Al La question de la vieille ville dans le monde arabe: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 9-31, 8 phot. t605 Contenson H. de, Re:c.herchessur le neolithique de Syrie (1967-1976): CRAl (1978) 820-25, 2 fig. tb06 Downey S. B., Syrian Imagt:li of Mithras T11uroctonos:Actlran 17 (1978) 135-41. t607 Duda D., Innenarchitektur syrischer Stadthäust:1' des 16. bis 18. Jdts. Beirut 1971 (komm. F. Steiner, Wiesbaden). 167 p., 88 pl. - RAnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 220-5 @ K. Toueir).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

t608 Gaube H., Die syrischen Wüstenschlösser. Einige wirtschaftliche und politische Gesichtspunkte zu ihrer Entstehung: ZDPV 95 (1979) 182-209, 2 fig., 5 maps. [Umayyad, Gassanid: Ru~äfe, Haiyät, Baida, Burqu, Qu~ayr 'Amra, ljaräne, Sis, Ubaydir]. t609 Genge Heinz, Nordsyrisch-südanatolische Reliefs. Eine archäologischhistorische Untersuchung, Datierung und Bestimmung: KDanskVidenskSelskab h/f 49/1. K 1979, Munksgaard. XXVI-194p.; XVI-180p., 124 ill. t610 Graf D. F., The Saracens and the [Roman 69-300 A.D.] Defense of the Arabian Frontier: BASOR 229 (1978) 1-26, 2 maps. t61 l Grossmann P., On the Spaciously Arcaded Basilica in Northem Syria: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 137-44, 6 fig.: [EI 305-08. t612 ]fadidi A., Archaeology and Politics [N. Glueck a/.]: ADAJ 22 (1977s) 1-11; 1 map. t613 Hadjar A., Die römischen Strassen in Syrien: Altertum 25 (1979) 88-92, 4 figs. t614 Leroi-Gourhan A. Etudes palynologiques des derniers 11.000 ans en Syrie semi-desertique: PaleOr 2 (1974) 443-51, 2 fig. 1 tableau. t615 Liebeschuetz W., The Defenses of Syria in the Sixth Century: Studien zu den Militärgrenzen Roms = Beih. BonnJbb 38 (Köln 1977) 487-99. t616 Liebeschuetz W., Epigraphic Evidence on the Christianisation of Syria: .... 772, Limes, Akten des 11. Intemaz. Limeskongresses Szekesfehervär 1976, hrg. J. Fitz 485-508, 3 Abb. t617 Najim A., [EI Le style de l'architecture Ayyoubide en Syrie: AnArchArabSyr 24 (1974) 75-99, 20 plans. t618 Patzek B., Untersuchungen zum Beginn der syrischen Bronzeplastik: diss. Fra 1978. t619 Pecorella P. E., Una testimonianza del labirinto nella Siria settentrionale: antichita Cretesi, Studi in onore di D. Levi 1 = Cronache di Archeologia 12 (1973) 161-71. t620 Strube C., Baudekoration in den Kirchen des nordsyrischen Kalksteinmassivs: ArchAnz (1978) 577-601, 35 Abb. t621 Toueir K., Syria Islamica aus archäologischer Sicht: Altertum 25 (1979) 93-98, 4 figs. T6 Mesopotamia 1. Generalia. t622 Amiet P., La representation des temples sur les monuments de Mesopotamie: ->58s,c915, RencAsslnt 20=UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 144-49, pi. XXVI-XXVII. t623 Bleibtreu E., Ein neuassyrischer Relief aus Wien [saec. 9: Assur-na~irpali II aetas]: WZKM 69 (1977) 41-43, 2fig. t624 Bouzek J., Les Bronzes romains en lraq: -> 770, Berard C., Bronzes 1979, 169-171, pi. 101s. t626 Dolce R., Su una placchetta incisa a rappresentazione mitologica dell'eta akkadica: RSO 52 (1978) 7-18, 1 pi. t627 Edzard D. 0., Die Einrichtung eines Tempels im älteren Babylonien: Philologische Aspekte [termini sumerici]: -> 58s,c9 l 5, RencAsslnt 20 = UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 156-63.

T6 Mesopotamia: generalia, inscriptiones


t628 Fagan Brian, Return to Babylon: Travelers, Archaeologists, and Monuments in Mesopotamia. Boston 1979. t629 Finster Barbara, Schmidt Jürgen, Sasanidische und frühislamische Ruinen im Iraq: DAIBaghMit 8. B 1977, Mann. 169 p., 90 fig., 79 pl. DM 95. 0 3-7861-2246-6. - RBO 35 (1978) 392-7 (J. M. Rogers). t630 Garelli Paul, Nikiprowetzky V., Le Proche-Orient Asiatique. Les empires mesopotamiens. Israel: Nouvelle Clio 2bis. P 1974, PUF. 392 p. - RBO 34 (1977) 164s (W. Schramm). t631 Gullini G., lraq, Archeologia: Enciclopedia italiana, 4ll appendice: 19611978, vol. Ge-Pi (R 1979, Istituto Treccani) 228-29, tav. LII-LIII. t632 Gusmani, R., Fronzaroli, P., L'Asia minore e la Mesopotamia come luogo di convergenza e d'irradiazione di lingue e culture: -> 710 Paleontologia linguistica. Atti del VI convegno intemazionale 1974/7, 91-128. (germ.): t633 Hrouda B., Le mobilier du temple [mesopotamien] UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 151-55, pl. XXX. t634 Jeyes U., The 'Palace Gate' of the Liver. A Study of Terminology and Methods in Babylonian Extispicy [bäb ekalli, umbilical fissure and the surrounding area: ctiam alii termini]: JCS 30 (1978) 209-33. t635 Lloyd Seton, The Archaeology of Mesopotamia, from the Old Stone Age to the Persian Conquest. L 1978, Thames & H. 252 p., 174 ill. t636 Mieroop M. Van de, Jkonologisch onderzoek (En literaire en religieuse benadering) van de stele van Nararn-Sin: diss. Lv 1978. t637 Moscati Sabatino, Wie erkenne ich mesopotamische Kunst, tr. G. Betz. Stu/Z 1979, Belser. 64 p., (farbig.) Zeichnungen G. Valsecchi, M. Conti. DM6.95. t638 a) Mottier Yvette al., Tresors du Musee de Baghdad, 7000 ans d'histoire mesopotamienne: exp. Geneve 1977s. 59 p. - b) Dunant C., Tresors du Musee de Bagdad: Musees de Geneve 181 (1978) 3-5, 4fig. t639 Paschoud Fran-;:ois, Le Naarmalcha: a propos du trace d'un canal en Mesopotamie moyenne: Syria 55 (1978) 345-59. t640 a) Postgate J., Excavations in lraq, 1976, with a bibliography for 19716: lraq 39 (1977) 301-20, map, p. 300. - b) Postgate J. N., Watson P. J., Excavations in Iraq 1977-8 : Iraq 41 ( 1979) 141-81, 2 maps. t641 Reade Julian, Ideology and Propaganda in Assyrian Art: -> 750, Larsen M., Power 1979, 329-43, 16 pl. t642 Sachs A., Babylonian Observational Astronomy: ➔ 714, Kendall D., Astronomy 1974, 43-50. t643 T~yürek 0., A Rock Relief of Shalrnaneser III on the Euphrates: lraq 41 (1979) 47-53, 1 fig., Pl. XV-XVI. t644 Vertesalji P. P., Babylonien zur Kupfersteinzeit: diss. Mü 1977. t645 Wiseman D. J., The Temple Tower Again [after discovering BM 38217: drawing of a seven-staged ziggurat with its access and measurements]: ➔ 58s,c915, RencAsslnt 20 = UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 150, pl. XXIX. T6.3 Mesopotamia, Inscriptiones (➔ a474-a500). t646 Caquot A., Correspondance d"Uzzin fils de Bayaya (RS 17.63 et 17.117): ➔ Ugaritica VII 1978, 389-98, 5 fig. 51. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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t647 Cohen Mark E., Literary Tt1xts from the Andrews Univ. Archaeol. Museum: RAss ·10 (1976) 129-44. t648 Dalley S., al., The Old Babylonian Tablets from Tell al Rimah 1976 ➔ 57,7658: - RorAnt 16 (1977) 332-36 (F. Pomponio); Orientalia 48 (1979) 286s (W. R. Mayer); RAss 72 (1978) 181-90 (M. Birot); ZAss 69 (1979s) 258-68 (B. Groneberg). t649 Dietrich, M., Neo-Babylonian Letters from the Kuyunjik Collection: Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 54. L 1979, British Museum. 33 p., 139 pi. f:10. t650 Dossin Georges (Finet A.), Archives royales de Mari, X. Correspondance feminine, transcrite et traduite. P 1978, Geuthner. [VI)-300p. F 250. t651 Espen P. Van, Neobabylonische 'oorkonden' van Sippar: diss. Gent 1977. t652 Falkenstein Adam, Literarisd1e Keilschrifttexte aus Uruk. Hildesheim 1979 = B 1931, Olms. VIII-28p., 40 pi. DM 39,80. 0 3-487-06819-2. t654 Heimerdinger J. W., Sumerian Literary Fragments from Nippur [Myths, Epics, Historical & Royal Texts, Letters, Hymns, Edubba ... ] : Occasional Papers of the Babylonian Fund, 4. Ph 1979, Univ. Museum. xi-26, 89 pi. cuneif. t655 Hunger H., Spätbabylonische Texte aus Uruk I 1976 ..... 58s,9952*. DM 180: - RAfD 26 (1978s) 110s (W. G. Lambert); WeltOr 10 (1979) 121-4 (W. Schramm); ZAss 69 (1979s) 300-4 (W. Farber). t656 Jakob-Rost Liane, Freydank Helmut, Spätbabylonische Rechtsurkunden und Wirtschaftstexte aus Uruk: Vorderasiatische Schriftsdenkmäler der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, 20 = 40. B 1978, Akademie. 12 p., 50 pi. M48. t657 Kienast Burkhart, Die Altbabylonische Briefe und Urkunden aus Kisurra 1-2: Freiburger Altorientalische Studien 2. Wb 1978, Steiner. xn-135 p., "7 pi.; [VI-)258p. DM 120. t658 Köcher F., Die babylonisch-assyrische Medizin in Texten und Untersuchungen, Bd. 5-6.: Keilschrifttexte aus Ninive, 1-2. B 1979, de Gruyter. xuup. 123f(cuneii); xLp., 157f. (cuneif.);je DM180. Sumerian Literary Tablets ... of istant659 Kramer Samuel N. (title also CT]), bul II 1976 ➔ 58s,d655; Tf:100: - RJAOS 99 (1979) 373s (J. S. Cooper); WeltOr 9 (1978) 288-95 (J. Krecher). t660 Kühne H., Die Weihplatte des Meriinum: ZAss 69 (1979s) 121-41, 6 fig. t661 Lagarce F.-J., Nouveaux textes du XIIIe siecle av. J.-C. a Ras Ibn Hani (Syrie) [trouves en 1977): UF 10 (1978) 438s. t662 Limet H. Textes Sumeriennes de la me Dynastie d'Ur: Documents du Proche-Orient Ancien, Epigraphie 1. Gembloux 1976, Musees Royaux. 130 p., 44 pi. - RweltOr 10 (1979) 119ss (K. Kessler). t663 Loding D., Ur Excavations Texts IX: Economic Texts from the Third Dynasty 1976, ➔ y35. t664 Michalowski P., The Neo-Sumerian Silver-Ring Texts [and the Administrative Role and Function of Puzris-Dagan]: SyrMesSt 2,3 (1978) 43-58 [= 16 p. $1.35). t665 Nelson R. C., Inventory of the Ur lll Pisan-Dubba Texts: ➔ 125, AOAT 1

T6 Mesopotamia: generalia, inscriptiones


?.03 (1979) 43-56. t666 Otten H., Rüster Ch., Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 24, insbes. Texte aus Gebäude A [KBo 24]. B 1978, Mann. xrn-50 p. DM 63. 0 3-78611175-8. t667 Otten H., Rüster C., Textanschlüsse und Duplikate von Bogazköy-Tafeln 51-60/61-70: ZAss 68 (1978s) 150-59/270-9. t668 Parpola S., Neo-Assyrian Letters from the Kuyunjik Collection: Cuneiform Texts from Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum, 53. L 1979, British Museum. 27 p., 219 pl. f12.50. t669 Poetto M., Una revisione dell'iscrizione luvio-geroglifica di 'Til Barsip II': OrAnt 17 (1978) 279-85, tav. XX-XXIV. t670 Postgate J. N., Assyrian Documents in the Musee d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva: Assur 2,4 (1979) 15p. (mpl. cuneif.) (=p.93-107); ➔ t739. t671 Sack R. H., Some Notes on Bookkeeping in Eanna: AOAT 203 (1978) 112-18. t672 Salvini Mirjo, A Dedicatory Inscription of the Urartian King lspuini: Assur, 1, 8 (1978) 4 p. tl'i73 Sulvitti M., Texte de~ hurriti1sc:hen Kreises 1977 (Kessi-Epos.) -> 58s,a420: RZAss 69 (1979s) 147ss (H. Otten). t674 Saporetti Claudio, Ein mittelassyrischt:r bäri'u: Assur 1,8 (1978) J p. t675 Schmandt-Besserat D., An Archaic Recording System in the Uruk-Jemdet Nasr Period: AJA 83 (1979) 19-48 (21 of fig.), 1 pl. t676 Sigrist R. M., Trois tablettes cuneiformes du couvent de Saint-Etienne: RB 86 (1979) 240-3, 2 facs. t677 Sollberger E., The Business and Administrative Correspondence under the Kings of Ur 1966 -> 49,7213g: RWeltOr 9 (1978) 387s (J. Bauer). t678 Spar 1., Three Neo-Babylonian Trial Depositions from Uruk [conceming theft]:-> 125, AOAT 203 (1979) 157-72 (p. 169-72: cuneif.). t679 Stol M., Broodjes, kleitabletten en munten. Een zaak van vorm en inhoud [ze!Jpum en zipu]: Akkadica 9 (1978) 25-29. t680 Vajman A. A., IBJThe E and LiL Signs in Protosumerian Texts from Jamdat-Nasr: PerAzSb 3 (1979) 57-59, 269, 2 fig. t682 Whiting R. M., Some Observations on the Drehern Calendar: ZAss 69 (1979s) 6-33. T6.5 Mesopotamia, Situs alphabetice. t683 Ababra t. (Mahmula 100 km E Samarra) 1st 1978, H. Trenkwalder; Old-B.; Achem.-Parthian: lraq 41 (1979) 162s. t684 Abbadeh t. (100km E Samarra) 1978, S. Abboud; all 'Ubayd: lraq 41 (1979) 163s; ~ Al-Athari 1 (1978) 21s. t685 Abqa (}:iamrin basin 100 km E Samarra) 1978, L. Trümpelmann; Parthian fortress: lraq 41 (1979) 164. \ t686. Arpaciya 1976, I. Hijara; Halafian: lraq 39 (1977) 302-4. tl'i87 Arudu jabl: Driel G. Von, nriP.l-MurrayC. Van, Jehel Aruda 19771978: Akkadica 12 (1979) 2-28, 3pl.; sanctuary. t688 Asiab tepe, Schmandt-Besserat D., Reckoning Before Writing [Tepe


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

As1ab; bullae ... J: Archaeology 32,3 (1979) 22-31, 13 fi.g. t689 Asmar t.: Mayer-Opificius R., F.inige Bemerkun~en zum 'Haus mit den Bögen' in T. Asmar [Akkad. Zeit, bedeutender Kaufmann]: MDOG 111 (1979) 51-61, 11 fi.g. t690 Assur: Andrae W., Das wiedererstandene Assur [2ed. B. Hrouda]. Mü 1977, C. H. Beck. 340 p., 254 fi.gs. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 257 (M. Mallowan). t691 Klenget-Brandt Evelyn, Die Terrakotten aus Assur in;i Vorderasiatischen Museum Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. B 1978, Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. 124 p., ill. t692 Baghdad-Aswadt. 6th 1976, T. Dabbagh: Iraq 39 (1977) 311s (no chronology). t693 Baradan (largest teil west of Diyala river) A. A. Agha 1977s; Parthian, Islamic: Iraq 41 (1979) 171; ~ al-Athari 1 (1978) 6-10. t694 Der t. ed- [S Baghdad]: 8th 197619th 1977; L. de Meyer; Ur III, Akkadian: Iraq 39 (1977) 312s; 41 (1979) 155s. t695 Meyer L. de, Tell ed-Der [1970-75] II. Progress Reports (first series). Lv 1978. 220 p., 22 fi.g., 38 pl., 7 plans. [Tablets, 2000 in one place; OldBab. pottery]. - RZAss 69 (1979s) 275ss (B. Hrouda). t696 Gubba t. (l;lamrin 100 km E Samarra) H. FuJii 1977-9; Early Dynastie: lraq 41 (1979) 172s; also nearby t. Sungur, p.179. t697 Gulay· a (l:laditha dam, Iraq-Euphrates), one season 1978, K. Dhahir, Mid.-Assyrian to Parthian: lraq 41 (1979) 148s. t698 Hafriyat, Umm al- (25 km E Nippur), 1st 1979, M. Gibson, Isin-Larsa to Akkadian: Iraq 41 (1979) 156s; also 169 nearly t. Aliqa. t701 Hattu Al}.mad al- (Uch Tepe 100 km E Samarra) 1st 1978, D. Sürenhagen; Late Uruk and Parthian: lraq 41 (1979) 160s. t702 Hiba al-: 4th 1976 / 5th 1977-8, V. Crawford, D. Hansen: Early Dynastie, some Old Babylonian: lraq 39 (1977) 302; 41 (1979) 145s. t703 l;lusaini t. abu (l;lamrin basin 100 km E Samarra) A. Invernizzi 1978; 'Ubayd: Iraq 41 (1979) 165; also t. Yelkhi 180, Parthian. t704 Imleil].iyat. (Nuri al-Amin, J::lamrin) 1978s, R. Boehmer; Kassite (village or cemetery?): Iraq 41 (1979) 175. t705 Isin (lshan al-Bahriyat, 100 km SE Babylon) 6th B. Hrouda 1978; Kassite, some Old/New-Bab.: Iraq 41 (1979) 150. t706 Hrouda B., Excavations at Isin (Mesopotamia): Akkadica 8 (1978) 5-11 (4 fi.g.). t707 Kutscher R., Wilclce C., Eine Ziegel-Inschrift des Königs Tukil-ilissu von Malgium, gefunden in Isin u. Yale: ZAss 68 (1978s) 95-128, fi.g. t708 Jaddala lJ..(51 km NE Hatra), J. K. Ibrahim 1977s, Roman? castellum: lraq 41 (1979) 151. t709 Jarmo: Braidwood R. J., The lraq Jarmo Project: ➔ 545, Archaeological Researches in Retrospect, ed. by G. R. Willey (CM 1974, Winthrop) 6183, 1 fi.g., 1 table, l map. t7 l O Khorsabad: Reich Roni, [HI Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad): Qadm 2-11, 13 fi.g. t711 Richardson M. E. J., Khursäbäd [abii'a, AsSaqab. · t195 Robin C., Quelques graflites preislamiques de al-.lj.azä'in (Nord-Yenrnn): Semitica 28 (1978) 103-128, 14 fig., pl. ITT-VI. t796 Ryckmans J., Alphabets, Scripts and Languages in Pre-Islamic Arabian Epigraphical Evidence. Paper pres. to the,2nd Int. Symposium on Studies in the History of Arabia "Pre-Islamic Arabia" (Riyadh 1979) 1-19. t797 Sartre Maurice, Le tropheus de Gadhimat, roi de Tanukh: une survivance en Arabie d'une institution hellenistique: SBFLA 29 (1979) 253-8, Pl. 28. t798 Weir S., Some Observations on Pottery and Weaving in the Yemen Arab Republic: PrSemArabSt, vol. 5 (1975) 65-76, map, 6 fig. t799 Wilkinson T. J., Sohar Ancient Fields Project - Interim Report No. 1 / No. 2: Journal of Oman Studies ls (1975s). t800 Winnett Fred V., Harding G. Lankester, Inscriptions from fifty Safaitic Caims: Near and Middle East Series, 9. Toronto etc. 1978, Univ. XIV742 p., 84 pl. C$85. 0 0-8020-2282-0. - RPEQ 111 (1979) 137-40 (M. C. A. Macdonald). t801 Winnett F. V., Reed W. L., Ancient Records from North Arabia 1970 ➔


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

52,5218: RoLZ 72 (1977) 280ss (J. Oe/sner). t802 Wissmann H. von, Die Mauer der Sabäerhauptstadt Maryab. Abessinien als sabäische Staatskolonie im 6. Jh. v. Chr.: PubllnstHArch. Stamboul 38, istanbul 1976. 40+v-54 p., figs., maps. 0 90-6258-038-6. - RßO 35 (1978) 384ss (A. G. Loundine); OrAnt 17 (1978) 232s (G. Garbim); WZKM 69 (1977) 110s (M. Höfner).

T6.9 Iran, Persia; Asia centralis. t803 Amiet P., L'iconographie archaique de l'Iran: Quelques documents nouveaux: Syria 56 (1979) 333-52, 23 fig. t804 Borger R., Dokumente zur Entzifferung der altpersischen Keilschrift durch H. C. Rawlinson: Persica ·1 (1975-78) 1-5. t805 Lambert M., Inscriptions du decor architectural construit par Shihaklnshushinak: Arts Asiatiques 34 (1978) 3-27 [32 (1976) 13-28 texte, P. Amiet]. t806 Matheson Sylvie A., Persia, an Archaeological Guide. L 1976, Faber & F. 358 p., 46 fig. 64 pl., 9 maps. - Rsyria 54 (1977) 124s (A. P[arrot]). t807 Ny/ander Carl, Achaemenid Imperial Art: ➔ 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 345-59. t808 Pahlavi Codices: Institute of Pahlavi University. Shiraz 1976, Iran. Vol. 1-38. 41-49. - RJAOS 99 (1979) 360-62 (M. .T.Dresden). t809 Schippmann K., Die iranischen Feuerheiligtümer 1971 ➔ 53,7333: RAfO 26 (1978s) 121s (P. Amiet). t810 Schmandt-Besserat D., Ancient Persia: Art of an Empire; exhibition Febr.-Apr. 1978 Austin TX Univ. Mus.; May-June Baltimore Walters Gallery. 117 p.; 146 fig., 4 maps. _ t811 Sharp R. N., A Stone Tablet of Old Persian Cuneiform [56 lines; found 1967; about Xerxes]: Iran Society Silver Jubilcc Souvenir (19441969) ... t812 Wille B., De architectuur in Noord-West Iran tijdens de 1e helft van het 1e millennium v66r Chr.; diss. Gent, 1977. t813 Bastam, 1: Kleiss W. al., Ausgrabungen in den Urartäischen Anlagen 1972-1975, I: DAI Teheraner Forschungen 4. B 1979, Mann. 260 p. 80 pl. DM 162 pa. Urartaea ars, ceramica, fabrilia. t814 Kleiss W., Zum Stand der Urartu-Forschung in Iran: ArchAnz (1979) 145-57, 5 fig. t815 Zimansky Paul, Bones [hundreds of thousands, burned and broken] and Bullae [1400, clay]: An Enigma from Bastam, Iran [Urartu citadel c. 830600]: Archaeology 32,6 (1979) 53ss. t816 Bisitun: VoigtländerElizabeth N. von, The Bisitun Inscription of Darius the Great, Babylonian Version I: Inscriptions of Ancient Iran 2/1. L 1978, Lund Humphries. xiv-73 p., 5 pl. !20. - RZAss 69 (1979s) 271s (W. von Soden). t817 Ganj Dareh t.: Smith P. E. L., An Interim Report on Ganj Dareh Tepe,

T6.9 Iran, Persia; Asia centralis


Iran [neolithic]: AJA 82 (1978) 538ss. t818 Hajiabad: MacKenzie D. N., Shapur's Shooting [inscribed plaque BM 136772 from l;fäjiäbäd, ± A.D. 250; ed. H. S. Nyberg: 0st og Vest, avhandlinger tilegnede A. Christensen 1945, 62-74, et mediopers. et parth.]: BSOAS 41 (1979) 499-511, 1 fig., 1 pi. t818* Luristan: Amiet Pierre, Les antiquites de Luristan: Coll. DavidWeill. P 1976, de Boccard. 116 p., 241 phot. t819 Naqs-i Rustam: Waele E. de, Nouvelles miettes de sculpture rupestre sassanide a Naqs-e Rostam: Syria 54 (1977) 65-88, 16 fig. t820 Paikuli: Humbach H., Skjaev(!)P. 0., The Sassanian Inscription of Paikuli. Part I: Supplement of [E.] Herzfeld's Paikuli [... Herzfeld's photos, squeezes and facsimiles of 1923; photos by V. Popp of 1971; dawings by H. Rawlinson of 1844 ... ]. Wiesb 1978, L Reichert. 32 p. text; 64 pl., with 114 photos, [Part 2. (A Synoptic Reconstruction of the Persian & Parthian Versions); B. Translation & Com. by P. 0. Skjaev0]. t821 Pasargadae: Nagel W., ~ Ein Lagebericht zum Problem des Beginns Achämenidischer Kunst und altpersischer Schrift: MDOG 111 (1979) 7588, 6 fi.g. t822 Stronach David, Pasargadae: a Report on the Excavations 1961-3. Ox 1978, Univ. f25. t823 Nylander C. Ionians in Pasargadae: Boreas 1 1970 ➔ 53,8604; ... 55,8481: RAfD 26 (1978s) 139 (P. Amiet); Erasmus 26 (1974) 750-754 (G. A. Hanfinann). t824 Persepolis: Shahbazi A. S., New Aspects of Persepolitan Studies: Gymn 85 (1978) 487-500, 4 fig., Pl. XIII-XXIV. t825 Schneider Ursula, Persepolis and Ancient Iran (largely from B. Dubensky's photos, published or not in E. Schmidt 1953/57/70). Ch 1976, Univ. vn-49, 1 color fiche (82 photos), 11 others (917 photos). $25: ➔ 58s,c320: RßASOR 230 (1978) 79s (G. G. Cameron: microfiche photos a good idea, but totally unidentified; and errors so numerous that Ch. Or. Inst., though not responsible for the publication, provides a free supplement, indispensable). t826 Hallvck R. T., Thc Usc of Seals on the Persepolis Fortific:ation Tablets: ➔ 439, Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East ed. M. Gibson 1977, 127-133. t827 Pusht-i Kuh, Luristan: L. Vanden Berghe, La necropole de Mir Khair; La construction des tombes, 3e millenaire av. J.-C.: IrAnt 14 (1979) 1-37, 20 fig. XV pi.; 39-50, VII pi. t828 Sar Mashad: Trümpelmann Leo, Das sasanidische Felsrelief von Sar Mashad 1975 ➔ 58s,e271*: RoLZ 73 (1978) 379-83 (R. Göbl). t829 Sarpol-i Zohab: Hrouda B., Trümpelmann L., Iranische Denkmäler, Lfg. 7. = II. Felsreliefs C. Sarpol-i Zohäb 1-4, Das parthische Felsrelief. DAITehran. B 1976, Reimer. 16 p., 10 pi. DM 35. - Rsyria 55 (1978) 175s (P. Amiet); ZAss 68 (1978s) 293ss (E. Strommenger). t830 Shahr-i Sokhta: Hansman J. F., The question of Aratta [site Shahr-i Sokhta, toward Afghanistan]: JNES 37 (197R) 331-6. t831 Sirin qa~r [150k W Kermanshah]: Schmidt J(ürgen), Qasr-i Sinn, Feuertempel oder [vielmehr!] Palast?: BaghMit 9 (1978) 39-47, 3 fig.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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t832 Susa: Boucharlat A., Labrousse A., Le palais d'Artaxerxes II sur la rive droite du Chaour a Suse: CahDAFI 10 (1979) 19-136, 36[-42] fig., xr pl., (2) foldout plan(s) [137-44 avec A. Hesse: Reconnaissance ... par resistivites electriques; 145-54: Les inscriptions, F. Vallat, fig. 43s]. t833 Tabut-i Suleiman: Hujf D., Recherches archeologiques a Takht-i Suleiman (Iran), centre religieux royal sassanide: CRAI (1978) 774-88 (s, R. Ghirshman), 7 fig. t834 Yahya t.: Lamberg-KarlovskyC. C., a) Between the Indus and Euphrates; Excavations at Tepe Yahya: --+ 545 Archaeological Researches in Retrospect, ed by G. R. Willey 1974, 269-92, 3 fig. 2 tables. - b) Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C., Excavations at Tepe Yahya (1967-1969) Progress Report I 1970. - RRSQ 51 (1977) 290-96 (G. Lomba1'1io). t835 Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C. & M., An Early City in Iran [Tepe Yahyä]: ScientAm 224,6 (1971) 102-09, 7 fig. t836 Ziwiye: Ghirshman Roman, Tombe princiere de Ziwiye et le debut de l'art animalier scythe: Publ. de la Soc. Iranienne pour la conservation du patrimoine national. P/Ld 1979, Brill. 50 p., 22 pl. /95. t837 Brent}es Burchard, Mittelasien/2.entralasien als archäologisch-historische Forschungsaufgabe: HBeiO 1 (1979) 8-20. t838 Afghanistan: Allchin F. R., Harnmond N., ed., The archaeology of Afghanistan from Earliest Times to the Timnrkl Period. L 1978, Academic. xxm-451 p., ill. maps. t839 Fischer K. al., Nimruz [richest ruins uf Afghanistan] Geländebegehungen in Sistan 1955-73 und die Aufnahme von Dewal-i-Khodaydad: Univ. Bonn, Veröff. Or. Kunstgeschichte Al. Bonn, Habelt. 1. 1976, 436 p.; II 1974, 190 p., pl., plans. - RweltO 10 (1979) 165ss (E. Grötzbach). t840 Rosenthal Franz, The Second Laghmän Inscription [Afghanistan, found 1969, from 251 B.C., Aramaic contaminated with Tndo-European]: --+ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 97*-99*. t841 Bactria: Amiet P., Bactriane proto-historique: Syria 54 (1977) 89-121, 22 fig., Pl. III-VI. t842 Bivar A. D. H., Mithraic Images of Bactria: Are They Related to Roman Mithraism ?: --+ 736, Mysteria Mithrae, ed. U. Bianchi 1979, 741-59 (9 fig. in 8 pl.). t843 Turkmanistan: Klevan A., [!!] Hebrew Inscriptions on Ossuaries Discovered in Central Asia [Soviet Turkmanistan 1959): Qadm 12 (1979) 91s, 10 fig. T7 Aegyptus - Egypt .1 Situs.

t844 Abydos: Eady n. T.., 0mm Sety's Abydos [-Abydos matris Sety; kunya quam ei populariter dabant excavanti templum Sety I et habitanti prope) [Autobiography; Introd.; The God Osiris, Abydos, the Holy City; A

T7.1 Aegyptus - Egypt, sites in alphabetical order


Brief History of Abydos; The Temple of Sety I]: JSocStEgAnt 10,l (1979) 1-19, l pl. t845 Kornfeld Walter, Neues über die phönikischen und aramäischen Graffiti in den Tempeln von Abydos: AnzÖsAk:Wiss, ph/h 115,11 (1979) 94-204, p.18ill. t846 Amarna: Kemp B. J., Preliminary Report on the El- · Amarna Survey, 1977-[8]: JEA 64 (1978) 22-34, 7 fig., pl. VI-VII[65 (1979) 5-12, 2 fig., pl. I]. t847 Youngblood R. F., Amarna Tablets: -> 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 105-8, 5 fig. t848 Rainey A. F., a) El Amärna Tablets 359-379: AOAT 8. Kevelaer/Neuk 1978, Butzen & ß.N. xiv-120 p. DM 53. - b) The Scatterbrained Scribe [of the Jerusalem Group of Amama Letters, lapsing into metathesis and other instances of confusions]: -> 154, Fs. S. E. Loewenstamm 1978, 141150. t849 Dietrich W., Loretz 0. [->a388,t41 l] Die. Elfenbeininschriften und STexte aus Ugarit, AOAT 13, 1976 -> 57,7516: RMundus 15 (1979) 273s (K. Hecker). t850 Walker C. B. F., Another Fragment from El-Amarna (EA 380): JCS 31 (1979) 249 only [Brit. Mus. 58364]. t851 Wedge Eleanor F. ed., Nefertiti Graffiti: Comments on an Exhibition 1976 -> 58s,cl22: Rorientalia 47 (1978) 116 (R. North); WeltOr 10 (1979) 119 (1. Gamer-W.). t852 Werner E. K., Identification of Nefertiti in Talatat Reliefs Previously published as Akhenaten: Orientalia 48 (1979) 324-31, Lab. xxvm.xxxI. t853 Costa P., The Frontal Sinuses of the Remains Purported to be Akhenaten: JEA 64 (1978) 76-79. t854 Balat: Giddy Lisa L., Balat: Rapport preliminaire des fouilles a 'Ain Aseel, 1978s: BIFAO 79 (1979) 31-38 (38s datation, N.-C. Grimal), 6 (foldout) fig., PI. XIII-XIX;21-30, Sondage, 4 fig., Pl. vn.xn. t855 Vallnggia M., Rapport preliminaire sur la deuxieme campagne de fouilles du Mastaba V a Balat (Oasis de Dakhleh: BIFAO 79 (1979) !>1-61, Pl. xx1v-xxix; 42-49, 3 fig., Pl. xx-xxm, Secteur Nord (L. L. Giddy, N.-C. Grimal). t856 Dzierzykray-Rogalski T., Paleopathologie des habitants de l'Oasis de Dakhleh a l'epoque ptolemaique: BIFAO 79 (1979) 63-69, Pl. xxxs; 71-6 anthrop., pl. XXXII. t857 Bubastis: Barta W., Die Sedfest-Darstellung Osorkons II. im Tempel von Bubastis: StAltÄgKu 6 (1978) 25-42, 1 fig., pl. I-IV. · t858 Debeira: Shinnie P. L. & Margaret, Debeira West: A Mediaeval Nubian Town: University of Ghana Expedition to Nubia. Wmr 1978, Aris & P. VI-107p., ill. ßibliography: p. IV. t859 Deir el-Medina: Zonhoven L. M. J., The Inspection of a Tomb at Deir el-Medina (O[strakon] Wien, Aeg. 1): JEA 65 (1979) 89-98, pl. x1. t860 Zivie Alain-Pierre, La tombe de Pached a Deir el-Medineh [N° 3]: Memoires de !'Institut Franr;ais d'Archeologie Orientale du C'.aire, 99. Cairo 1979, IFAO. 144 p., 35 pl. t861 Dendur: Aldred C., The Temple of Dendur [S of Aswan]. NY 1978,


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Metropolitan Museum of Art. 80 p. ill. col.

tR62 F,lephantine:L=Abdemonos Tyr 10 siec., JosF Ap. 1, 115.20]: J. Teixidor, Syria 53 (1976) 312. t863 Scher T., Peteese in Elephantine [jüdischer Synkretismus: Namen, Heirat]: ➔ 262, Fs. V. WESSETZKY 1974. t864 Porten B., I!!] The Archive of Jedaniah b. Gemariah of Elephantine: the Structure and Style of the Letters I: ➔ 83, Eretz-Israel 14 (1978) 165-177, Pl. 3; Eng. summ. 129*. t865 Fayum: BernandE.,Recueil des Inscriptions Grecques du Fayoum 1. La 'Meris' d'Herakleides; introd. geog. R. Coque. Ld 1975, Brill. xvn-234 p., 78pl., map. t866 Giza, Pyramids: Kromer Karl. Siedlungsfunde aus dem frühen Alten Reich in Giseh: österreichische Ausgrabungen 1971-1975. W 1978, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. 130 p., 39 fig., 40 pl., 4 maps. DM58. t867 Altenmüller H., Schenkelträger und Veterinär bei Seschemnefer III. in Gizeh: GötMiszÄg 30 (1978) 19-26. t868 Brunner-Traut Emma, Die altägyptische Grabkammer Seschemnofers ITT. aus Gisa: Stiftung F.mst von Sieglin an die Tübingcr Universität. Mainz 1977, von Zabem. 34 p., ill. l869 Badawy Alexander. The Tomb of Nyhetep-Ptah at Giza and the Tomb of · Ankhm · ahor at Saqqara: Occasional Papers, 11. Berkeley 1978, Univ. Califomia. 1x-6l p., 64 fie., 90 pl. $15. t870 Fakhry A., The Pyramids. - RscientAm 231,4 (1974) 136s (P. Morrison). t871 Goyon G., Die Cheops-Pyramide; Geheimnis und Geschichte [Le secret et les bätisseurs des grandes pyramides: Kheops], tr. H.-H. Mey. Bergisch Gladbach 1979, Lübbe. 272 p. 122 ill. DM 48. t872 Khouly A. el-, Excavations at the Pyramid of Userkaf, 1976: A Preliminary Survey: JEA 64 (1978) 35-43, 1 fig., pl. VIII. t873 Kissener Hermann, Pyramidologie. Die Logik der Grossen Pyramide 3 rev.: Die Spur ins UR 2. Engelberg, Schw./Mü 1977 1 1965, Drei Eichen. 256 p., 25 fig. 0 3-7699-0295-5. t874 Lemesurier [=Britton] Peter, Geheimcode Cheops: ein Weltwunder wird enträtselt [The Great Pyramid Decoded] tr. Modeste zur Nedden; Vorw. A. Tomas. Fr 1978, Bauer. 404p., 58 ill. 0 3-7626-0227-1. t875 Mendelssohn K., The Riddle of the Pyramids. - RscientAm 231,4 (1974) 137s (P. Morrison). t876 Pawley G. S., Abrahamsen N., Do the Pyramids Show the Continental Drift [by the alignment 4 min. west of north, which is not a builder's error]?: Science 179 (1973) 892s, 2 fig.; 181 (1973) 7s on comments by C. B. Stephenson, C. H. Smiley. t877 Schenkel W., Zur herakleopolitanischen Tradition der Pyramidentexte: GötMiszÄg 28 (1978) 35-44. t878 Hawara: Arnold D., Labyrinth [Amenemhets III, Hawara]: ➔ 885, LexÄg l (1979) 905-07, 1 fig. t879 Hermopolis: Chadefaud C., Le Tombeau de Petosiris [Hermopolis a michemin entre Naucratis et Elephantine]. Un monument temoin d'une in-

T7.1 Aegyptus - Egypt, sites in alphabetical order


fiuence grecque et hebrai'que: MondeB 8 (1979) 26ss. IJarlJwa 523, Immortal Egypt 1978, 13-18. t944 Champollion Jean F., Notices descriptives (1844-79]: Collection de classiques egyptologiques. Geneve 1973s, Belles-Lettres. I ix-917 p.; II vi720 p. - RQLZ 73 (1978) 239s (J. Lipiftska). t945 Cyrene: Kane S., The Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone in Cyrene, Libya: Archaeol 32,2 (1979) 57-59, 4 fig. t946 Derchain Philippe, A propos de l'obelisque d'Antinoüs: --> 195, Fs. C. PREAUX1975, 808-813. t947 Dyson Stephen L., The Mummy of Middletown [Wesleyan Univ., purchased 1880; dated c. 550 b.c.: 'a young male unaccustomed to labor, most likely a priest']: Archaeology 32,5 (1979) 57ss. t948 Ga/lery L. M., The Garden of Ancient Egypt: --> 523, lmmortal Egypt 1978, 43-49, pl. 11-38. t949 Gamer-Wallert 1., Ägyptische and ägyptisierende Funde von der· 1berische11Halbinsel: TAVO, Reihe B 21. Wb 197R, Reichert. DM 188. t950 Grieshammer Richard, Die altägyptischen Sargtexte in der Forschung seit 1936 [Bibliog. zu de Huck I-VII]: ÄgAbh. 28. Wb 1974. VIII•l80p. RwzKM 69 (1977) 123s (H. Satzinger). t951 Habachi Labib, The Obelisks of Egypt, Skyscrapers of the Past. NY 1977, Scribner's. 203 p., 35 fig., 47 pl. $12.95. - RßO 36 (1979) 28s (U. Luft). t952 Harris J. E., Wente E. F., Cox C. F. al., Mummy of the 'Elder Lady' in the Tomb of Amenhotep II: Egyptian Museum Number 61070 [=Queen Tiye, wifc of Amenophis III, mother of Akhenaten]: Science 200 (1978) 1149-51, 5 fig. t953 Hay Richard L., Geology of the Olduvai Gorge: a study of sedimcntation in a semiarid basin. LA 1976, Univ.Cal. 220 p., 63 fig., 12 pl., 5 inserts. f:15.75. - RAntiquity 51 (1977) 246s (W. W. Bishop). t954 Hayward R. A., Cleopatra's Needles. [? L] 1978, Moorland. 128 p., 67 fig. t955 Janssen J. J., Kha'emtöre, a Well-to-do Workman [of thc XIXth Dyn. in the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden]: OMRO 58 (1977) 221-32, pl. 49-50. t956 Klakowicz B. E., Osirian Funeral Concept in an Etruscan Tomb [and an askos representing the Egyptian ba]: Orientalia 48 (1979) 332-34. t957 T,eakey Mary (3.5 million year old man] Pliocene footprints at Laeotil, N. Tanzania: Antiquity 52 (1978) 133, Pl. 1xb. t958 Libya: Osing Jürgen, Libyen, Libyer: _. 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1015-33. t959 Martin Karl, Ein Garantsymbol des Lebens. Untersuchungen zu Ursprung und Geschichte der altägyptischen Obelisken bis zum Ende des


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

Neuen Reiches: HildshÄgBei 3. Hildesheim 1977, Gerstenberg. xvII253 p., 24 fig. DM 35. - RRSO52 (1978) 107s (S. T>onadoni); WZKM 70 (1978) 110-13 (G. Hölbl). t960 Meroe: Hinkel F. W., Die Pyramiden von Meroe und die Restaurierung von Baudenkmälern in der DR Sudan: ➔ 454, J. Herrmann Arch. Denkmale 1978, 131-6, 2 fig. t961 Adams William Y. al., Meroitic North and South: A Study in Cultural Contrasts. B 1976, Akademie. 190 p. M 24. t962 Shinnie P. L., Meroe in the Sudan: ➔ 545, Willey G., Archaelogical Researches in Retrospect 1974, 237-65, 5 fig. t963 Zabkar L. V., Apedemak, Lion God of Meroe. A Study in EgyptianMeroitic Syncretism. Wmr 1975. - RoLZ74 (1979) 101-5 (C. Onasch). t964 Merz Richard, Die numinose Mischgestalt; methodenkritische Untersuchungen zu tiermenschlichen Erscheinungen Altägyptens, der Eiszeit und der Aranda in Australien. B 1978, de Gruyter. XVII-306p. DM 98. t965 Mozel 1., A Male Partner for the Gilat Woman? [from Ballas, Egypt: Patrie 1896, pi. XLV: 21): TAJ 6 (1979) 26s. t966 Nubia: Michalowski K., Nubia: recentes recherches. Wsz 1976, Musee National. 136 p., ill. - ➔ 777. t961 Vila Andre, La prospection archeologique de la vallee du Nil au sud de la cataracte de Dal: 1. General introduction (avec un condense en fran~ais) 1975; 41 p.; F 16. - 2. Districts de Dal (rive gauche) et de Sarkamatto (rive droite); F 48. - 3. (+ Geus F. a/.), District de Ferka 1976; 103p., 80fig.; F38. - 4. Mograkka 1976; 126p., 65fig., map; F45. - 5. Ginis 1977; 166 p., 83 fig., map; F 59. - 6. (+ Y. Labre al.) Attab 1977; 97 p., 52 fig., map; F 35. - 7. Amara Ouest 1978; 128 p., 65 fig.; F 48. 8. Amara Est 1978; 130 p., 65 fig.; F 48. - 9. L'ile d'Amyatta. Le district d'Abri ... Tabaj 1978; 140 p., 75 fig.; F 55. - 10. Koyekka (rive droite) ... Morka, Hamid (rive gauche). L'ile de Nilwatti, 1978; 111 p., 53 fig.; F 46. - 11. Recapitulations et conclusions; appendices 1979; 135 p. (12.-14. Necropole d'Abri-Missiminia]. Paris CNRS. 0 2-222-024307. - RBQ 34 (1977) 316s (P. L. Shinnie, fäsc. 1-4). t968 Säve-Söderbergh Torgny, The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese Nubia: J. C. Jacobsen Me:morial Lecture; Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabemes Selskab, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser, 49/3. K 1979, Munksgaard. 54 p., ill. t969 Rosellini Hippolito, Monumenti dell'Egitto e della Nubia 1. Monumenti Storici; II. Monumenti Civili; III. Monumenti del Culto. Geneve 1977, reprint BLettres [Monuments of Egypt and Nubia, Pisa 1832). t910 Adams Wm. Y., Nubia, Corridor to Africa. Princeton 1977, Univ. xxv797 p., 24 pi. $35. - RJNES 38 (1979) 299-302 (B. Williams). t971 Dink/er E., Der salomonische Knoten in der nubischen Kunst und die Geschichte des Motivs: ➔ 752, Leclant J., Etudes nubiennes 1978, 73-86, PI. XIV-XXI,Gar nichts mit Salomo zu tun. t972 Parker H.. A., Ancient Egyptian Astronomy: ➔ 714, Kendall D., Astronomy 1974, 51-65. t973 Rassart-DeberghMarguerite, Antiquites romaines et chretiennes d'Egypte. Bru 1976, Musees R. d'Art. 53 p., ill.

T7.2 Aegyptus, Africa; peripherica


t974 Ray J. D., The Archive of l;Ior: Texts from Excavations 2. L 1976, Egypt Exploration Soc. 192 p., 29 pl. f:30. - RJEA 64 (1978) 1'/9ss (Mark Smith). . t975 Roullet Anne, The Egyptian and Egyptianizing Monuments of Imperial Rome 1972 ➔ 54,7650. - RoLZ 73 (1978) 551s (K. Parlasca). t976 [Rundle] Clark R. T., Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt. L 1978, Thames and Hudson. 292 p., 40 fig., 18 pl., map. t977 RupprechtH.-A. ed. Sammelbuch Griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten; Mitarb. J. Hengst!, T. Ihnken: Band 13, Index zu 12: Strassburger WissGes. Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. vrr-140 (88-137 Liste, 138-40 corr.). t978 Schmandt-Besserat D., An Early Recording System in Egypt and the Ancient Near East: ➔ 523, Immortal Egypt 1978, 5-12, Pl. 1-4, map. t979 Shisha-Halevy A., An Early North-West Semitic Text in the Egyptian Hieratic Script [Ostracon Cairo 25759: Phoenician of the 11th Cent.]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 148-62. t979* Vittmann G., Zum Verständnis der Weihformel lrjnf in mnwf ['er handelte in seinen "Denkmälern" (für ... )']: WZKM 69 (1977) 21-32. t980 Walters C. C., Monastic Archaeology in Egypt. Wmr 1974, Aris & P. 354 p., 43 phot., 44 fig. - RBO 34 (1977) 328s (0. Meinardus). t981 Westendorf W., Uräus und Sonnenscheibe: StAltägKu 6 (1978) 201-25, 22Abb. t982 Wendorf F., Schild R., Prehistory of the Nile Valley. NY/L 1976, Academic. XXlV-404p., 210 fig. $25,f13.75. - RAntiquity 'i2 (1978) 70 (P. Carter~; Nature 266 (1977) 799 (G. Corvinus). t983 Zandee Jan, Death as an Enemy According to Ancient Egyptian Concepliuns: Numen Supp. 5. NY 1977 (= Ld 1960, Brill), Arno. xxu448 p. T8 Anatolia .2 Bogazköy (Hattusa; Hittites). t984 Akurgal F.., Die Kunst der Hethiter 2• Mü 1976, Hirmer. 125 p. 150 fig. (M. Hirmer), map. DM 58. t985 Archt Alfonsu, Das Kultmahl bei den Hethitern: --> 733, Alp S,, VTTI. Türk Kongresi 1976/9, 197-214. t986 Bin-Nun S., The Tawananna in the Hittite Kingdom 1975 ➔ 58s,c935: · RWeltOr 29 (1979) 124s (R. Haase). t987 Bittet Kurt al., Bogazköy V. Funde aus den Grabungen 1970 und 1971 : AbhDOG 18. B 1975, Mann. 114 p., 205 fig., Foldout. DM 98. - RoLZ · 73 (1978) 343ss (L. Jakob-Rost). t988 Bitte/ K. al., Bogazköy IX. Yaz1hkaya 1976 ➔ 58s,c946: RZAss 69 · (1979s) 283-90 (P. Z. Spanos). t989 Bitte! K., a) Die Hethiter, die Kunst Anatoliens 1976 ➔ 58s,b773: R!JNES 38 (1979) 297ss (H. Hojfner). - b) Beitrag zur Kenntnis hethitischer Bildkunst: Sitzb, Reitl 1976/4. Ileid 1976, Winter. 27 p., xn pl. DM 24. t990 Boehmer R. M., Die Kleinfoode aus der Unterstadt von BoAazköy: Graboogskampagnen 1970 1978: Rogazköy-ijath1sa, 10. B 1979, Mann. x1v93 p., XLIII pl., map. DM 176.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

t991 Güterbock H. G., Yaz1hkaya: Apropos A New Interpretation [Haas-Wäfler]: JNES 34 (1975) 273-277. t992 Güterbock H. G., Some Stray Bogazköy Tablets [... Festival of Isl}ara: Letter of the Queen to the King]: ➔ 147, Fs. E. Laroche 1979, 137-44, 2 fig. t993 Hellenkemper H., Wagner J., The God on the Stag. A Late Hittite Rock-Relief on the River Karasu: AnSt 27 (1977) 161-73, 1 fig., pl. xxxr. XXXVI.


t994 Neu E., Althethitische Ritualtexte in Umschrift: StBoText 25. Wb 1979, Harrassowitz. 240 p. 2 pl. DM 70. t995 Neve P., a) Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Bogazköy 1975: Türk Arkeoloji Dergisi 24/2 (1977) 79-90. - b) Die Ausgrabungen in BogazköyHattusa 1978: ArchAnz (1979) 131-45, 16 fig. - c) Der grosse Tempel in Bogazköy-Hattusa: UitgNedlnstlstb 37 (1975) 73-79, pl. XVII-XXV. t996 Schirmer W., Die Bebauung am unteren Büyükkale-Nordwesthang in Bogazköy 1969 ➔ 51,6344; 54,8419: RAfD 26 (1978s) 125s (H. G. Güterbock). t997 Ünal Ahmet, Einige Gedanken über das Totenopfer bei den Hethitern: Anadolu 19 (1975s) 175-83 IT] 165-74. T8.4 Ephesus. t998 Alzinger Wilhelm, Augusteische Architektur in Ephesos: ÖsterrAI Sonderschrift 16. W 1974. 165 p., 110 pl. - RGnomon 50 (1978) 582-8 (H. von Hesberg). t999 Andreae Bemard, Vorschlag für eine Rekonstruktion der Polyphemgrup1977, 1-11. pe von Ephesos: ➔ 38, Fs. F. BROMMRR ul Bonnet J., [Artefacts concemant] Artemis d'Ephese et la Legende des Sept Dormants. P 1977, Geuthner. 198 p., 56 fig. F 60. 0 2-7053-0021-X. u2 Ebert J., d6sis olige te phile te (Zur Athletenehrung Ephesus II Nr. 72): ZPapEp 35 (19'/9) :llJ:.i-6. u4 Jobst W. (Vetters H.), Die Hanghäuser des Embolos: Forschungen in Ephesos VIII, 2, Corpus der antiken Mosaiken Kleinasiens 1. W 1977, Österr. Akad. 118 p., 221 fig., 112 pl. - RJbAC 22 (1979) 220-24 (E. A/földi-Rosenbaum). u5 Kasper S., Der Tumulus von Belevi [bei Ephesos-Artemision]. Grabungsbericht: JbÖstArchlnst 51 (1976s) Beibl. 127-80 [=] ➔ 766, Akurgal E., Ankara-Congress 1973/8, I p. 387-98. u6 Knibbe D., Die österreichischen Ausgrabungen und Arbeiten in Ephesos und Belevi 1971 bis 1977 [ÖstAkW Anzeiger 109 (1972); H. Vetters 114s (1977s)]: AfD 26 (1978s) 214ss. u7 Knibbe D., Merif R., Merkelbach R., Der Grundbesitz der ephesischen Artemis im Kaystrostal: ZPapEp 33 (1979) 139-47, map. u8 Lessing E., Oberleitner W., Ephesos, Weltstadt der Antilee. W 1978, Überrcutcr. 280 p., 169 fig. u9 Mitsopoulos-Leon V., Hellenistische Keramik mit Schlickerdekor aus Ephesos und ihr Verhältnis zur attischen 'Westabhang-Keramik': ➔ 61,

T8 Anatolia (Bogazköy, Hittites), Ephesus


Fs. E. DIEZ,Classica 1978 p. 113-23. ulO Oberleitner W., Funde aus Ephesos und Samothrake: Katalog der Antikensammlung 2, Führer 28. W 1978, Kunsthistorisches Museum (Überreuter). 152 p., (färb.) Photos von E. Lessing. Sch 170/DM 23 pa. ull Paribeni Enrico, Artemis the Multiple Goddess and the Didymaion: -+ 733, Alp S., VIII. Türk Kongresi 1976/9, 281-6. u12 Strocka V. M., (Vetters H.), Die Wandmalerei der Hanghäuser in Ephesos: Forschungen in Ephesos VIII, 1. W 1977, Österr. Akad. 12 p., ,84 pl.; 148 p. ill. - RAJA 82 (1978) 565ss (P. H. von Blanckenhagen); DLZ 100 (1979) 68ss (W. Schindler). u13 Vetters H. a) Ephesos [1973s]: JbÖstArchinst 51 (1976s) 20-26; Beibl. 49-64, Gewundene Säulen, M. Wegner. - b) Ephesos, Vorläufiger Gtabungsbericht 1977 (Vortrag): AnzÖsAkWiss 1978. 12 p., 7 pl., 15 p. fig. Sch 70. - c) Neues von den Ausgrabungen in Ephesos: ➔ 733, Alp ,S., VIII. Türk Kongresi 1976/9, 419-24. u14 Wankel H., Die Inschriften von Ephesos la: 1-47, Inschriften griedhischer Städte aus Kleinasien 11: Österr. Archäolog. Inst. Kommission Erforschung Kleinasiens / Institut für Altertumskunde der Univ. Köln. Bonn 1979, Habelt. xu-302 p., 36 pl., map. DM 78. ul5 Börker C., Merkelbach R. al., Die Inschriften von Ephcsos 2, Nr. 101599 (Repertorium): Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien 12. Bonn 1979, Habelt. XVI-254p., ill. DM 98. T8.5 Pergamum. ul6 Dahlinger S.-C., Der sogenannte Podiensaal in Pergamon: ein Mithraeum?: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae, EPROER 80 (1979) 793-803, 2 fig. ul 7 Pfanner M., Bemerkungen zur Komposition und Interpretation des Grossen Frieses von Pergamon: ArchAnz (1979) 46-57; 4 fig. (l Foldout). ul8 Radt Wolfgang, Eine Badeanlage in der Wohnstadt von Pergamon (Stand 1976): -+ 733, Alp S., VIII. Türk Kongresi 1976/9, 399-410. ul9 Radt W., Kaptkaya bei Pergamon - ein Heiligtum der Kybele und des Mithras: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae, EPROER 80 (1979) 78992. u20 Radt W., a) Pergamon. Vorbericht über die Kampagne 1977: ArchAnz (1978) 407-32. - b) Pergamon. Vom Leben in der antiken Stadt: AntWelt 9,1 (1978) 3-20. - c) Pergamon. Vorbericht über die Kampagne 1978: ArchAnz (1979) 306-37, 26 fig. u21 Simon Erika, Pergamon [theomachia] und Hesiod 1975 -+ 58s,d557: RAJA 82 (1978) 567s (E. B. Harrison); ArtBull 59 (1977) 423s (Brilliant). u22 Staehler K., Überlegungen zur architektonischen Gestalt des PergamonF. K., ~PROER 66 (19'/8) II p. 838Altars: ➔ 58s,c969, Fs. DOERNER 67. u23 Töpperwein Eva, Terrakotten von Pergamon: DAI Pergamenische Forschungen 3. B 1976, de Gruyter. xu-264p. 103 pl. DM 230. - RAJA 83


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

(1979) 117s (D. B. Thompson); AnzAltWiss 31 (1978) 252 (Otto); JHellSt 98 (1978) 211 (Higgins}. u25 Wenning Robert, Die Galateranatheme Attalos I. · Eine Untersuchung zum Bestand und zur Nachwirkung pergamenischer Skulptur (diss. Münster 1976): DAI Pergamenische Forschungen 4. B 1978, de Gruyter. xrr68 p., 20 pl. T8.6 Anatolia, situs (alphabetice). u26 Aglasum: Fleischer R., Sagalassos (Aglasum, Vilayct Burdur). [Ausgrabung 1974]: JbÖstArchlnst 51 (1976s) 27ss. u27 A~ana-Alalal}: Co/Ion D., A New Look at the Chronology of Alalab, Level VII: A Rejonder [to N. Na'aman: AnSt 26 (1976) 129-43): AnSt 27 (1977) 127-31. u28 Na'aman N., The Chronology of Alalakh Level VTT Once Again [... Seal impression of Yerimlim, son of Irk(abtinn) king of Yamt}ad; the series of rulers]: AnSt 29 (1979) 102-113. u29 Bunnens G., Ilim-ilimma, fils de Tuttu 'bourgeois-gentilhomme' d'Alalah au xve s.av.n.e [maryannu]: Akkadica 10 (1978) 2-15. u30 Collon D., The Seal lmpressions from Tell Atchana / Alalakh: AOAT 27. Kevelaer/Neuk 1975, Butzon & B./-V. - Rup 10 (1978) 461ss (R.

Mayer-Opificius). u31 Acemhöyük: Özgüf N., Acemhöyük'ün Eski Anadolu sanatma yeni kattlclan. Some Contributions to Early Anatolian Art from Acemhöyük: Belleten 43 (1979) 281-7.298-304, 10 fig., 6 pi. u32 Adana: Tunca Ö., Catalogue des sceaux-cylindres d'Adana: SyrMesSt 3,1 {Malihn, C:A 1979, Undena). 34 p., 15 pi. $6.60. u33 Alacahöyük: [French D. H.], Recent Archaeological Research in Turkey [... Alacahöyük 1978; ... ; Ephesos 1978; ... ; Lycian Survey; Miletus, Pergamon ... ]: AnSt 29 (1979) 181-210. u34 Akok Mehmet, [!l Recent archeologi.cal activities at Alacahöhük: ➔ 733, Alp S., VIII. Türk Kongresi 1976/9, 107-114. u35 Alexandria Troas: Smith A. C. G., The Gymnasium at Alexandra Troas: Evidence for an Outline Reconstruction: AnSt 29 (1979) 23-50, 11 fig., pl. 1-VIII. u36 Ankara-Ancyra:R(egional) E(pigraphic) C(atalogues of) A(sia) M(inor), No. 1: Inscriptions of Ancyra, by S. Mitehe//: AnSt 27 (1977) 64-103, pl. I-XVI; No. 2: Ti. C/audianus Subatianus Aquila, PraefectusMesopotamiae Primus: ib. 191s, 1 fig., pl. :XXVIIIs;No. 3: A Latin Inscription from Galatia (de constructione tabernae cum porticibus sub Trajano): ib. 28 (1978) 93-96; No. 4: Latin Inscriptions from Ladik and Sinop: ib. 17580, 3 fig. -+ ul 14; s217. u37 Antiochia: Lassus .T.,Das fliessencle Wasser von Antiochia; Tagung über römische Wasserversorgungsanlagen ... 1977. Lyon 1977. 9 pg. non num., 16 fig. u38 Arsameia: Doerner F. K. a) Arsameia am Nymphaios [seine Aus&rabungen seit 1938). Eine Residenzstadt der Könige von Kommagene: -+ 766,

T8.6 Anatolian excavated sites in alphabetical order


Akurgal E., Ankara-Congres 1973/8, I p. 181-6. - b) Das Problem der propylaiai hodoi zu den Hierothesia in A. am N. und auf dem Nemrud EPROER 68 (1978) 1 p. 332-30. Dag: --> 58s,d589, Fs. VERMASEREN: u40 Bolkar-Maden:Kala~ M., Bolkar-Maden Kaya Yazth [Die Felsinschrift von Bolkar-Maden]: AnAra§t 4s (1976s) 61-69, 2 pl. u41 Caria: Roos P., The Rock-Cut Tombs of Caria: --> 766, Akurgal E., Ankara-Congress 1973/8, I p. 427-32. u42 195, Fs. C. PREAux 1975, 527-34, Pl. VIII. u235 Delphi: Andronicos M., Delphi [und sein Museum]. Athen 1979, Ekdotike Athenon. 80 p., 57 ill. col., Faltplan-Farbrekonstr. u236 Michaud J.-P., Fouilles de Delphes II. Topographie et architecture. Le sanctuaire d'Athena Pronaia, le temple en calcaire: EcFrAthenes. P 1977, de Broccard. l52p., 160fig.; lO0pl. (apart). - RAJA 82 (1978) 562s (W. R. Biers). u237 Dendra: Aström Paul, Verdelis N. M. al., The Cuirass Tomb and Other Finds at Dendra I. The Chamber Tombs: < AthenMitt 82 (1967) 1-67: SIMA 4. Götf':horg 1977, Aström. 147 p. phototyp.; 149 fig., 32 pl. SklO0. u238 Eleusis: Mylonas G. E. IQ] To dytikon nekrotapheion ... The westem tomb of Eleusis: Bibliotheke Arch. Soc. Ath. 81. Athenai 1975. 3 vol. u239 Eretria (Euboea): Ducrey P., Metzger I. R., a) The House of the Mo-

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVIII. Archaeol.

saics at Eretria [Swiss excav. 1974): Archaeology 32,6 (1979) 34-42, 2 phot. + 9 ml., 3 plans. - b) La Maison aux mosaiques d'~retrie [VIIIe siecle av. J.-C.]: Archeologia 134 (1979) 36-45, 14 phot. + 3 col. + 2 plans. u240 Mycenae: Rudolph W., Hellenistic Fine Ware Pottery and Lamps from above the House with the Idols at Mycenae: AnBritSchAth 73 (1978) 213-34, Pl. 28-31. u241 Poursat Jean-Claude, Les ivoires myceniens. Essai sur la formation d'un art mycenien: BibEcFrAR 230. P 1977, de Boccard. 274p., 23 pl. 2 maps.-Catalogue 192 p., 53 pl. - RAJA 82 (1978) 558s (C. R. Long). u242 Dickinson 0. P. T. K., The origins of Mycenaean Civilization: SIMA 49. Göteborg 1977, Aström. 134 p., 11 fig. u243 Papadopoulos Thanasis J., Mycenaean Achaea (diss. London 1972): SIMA 55/1s. Göteborg 1979, Aström. 244p., 334p. of 358 fig. 0 9185058-83-1. u244 Nea Nikomedeia: Rodden R. J., An Early Neolithic Village in Greece: ➔ 426, Avenues to Antiquity 1975 (< 1965) 151-59, 8 fig. u245 Olympia: Andronicos M., Olympia [und sein Museum]. Athenai 19:?9, Ekdotike Athenön. 80 p., 73 fig. col., Plan. u246 Heilmeyer W.-D., Frühe olympische Tonfiguren: Olympische Forschungen, 7. B 1972, de Gruyter. 138 p., 40 tab. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 116 (H. Jucker). u247 Philippi: Collart P., Ducrey P., Philippes I. Les reliefs rupestres: Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, Suppl. 2. P 1975, de Boccard. VIII· 286 p., 225 ftg., 1 plan hors-texte. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 118 (D. Knoep1

fler). u248 Pithekoussai: Buchner G., Testimonianze epigrafiche semitiche a Pithekoussai: ParP11ss 33 (1978) 130-42. u249 Pylos: BruschweilerF., Hurst A., Descriptions d'objets a Pylos et dans l'Orient contemporain: -> 756, Risch E., Colloquium Mycenaeum 1977, 65-80. u250 Sunion: Tataki A. B., Sunion, der Poseidon-Tempel. Athen 1978, Ek~otike Athenon. 81 p., 60 ill. col., Faltplan. u251 Thebae (Boeotia): Godart Louis, Saccuni Anna, Les tablettes en lineaire B de Thebes: Incunabula graeca, 71. R 1978, Ateneo & B. 112 p., ill. ➔ a756.

u252 Thessaloniki: Laubseher H. P., Der Reliefschmuck des Galeriusbogens in Thessaloniki: Archäologische Forschungen, I. B 1975, Mann. 128 p., 71 tab., 5 Beilagen. - RGGA 230 (1978) 211-22 [H. Meyer: adde nunc AJA 81 (1977) 427-54, M. S. P. Rothmann]; Gnom 49 (1977) 821-26 (G. M. A. Hanfmann). u253 Engemann J., Akklamationsrichtung. Sieger- und Besiegtenrichtung auf dem Galeriusbogen in Saloniki. Anlässlich eines Buches von H. , P. Lauhscher (1975): JbAC 22 (1979) 150-60, 20pl. u254 Velenis G., Architektonische Probleme des Galeriusbogens in Thessaloniki: ArchAnz (1979) 249-63, 16 fig. u255 Tiryns: Kilian K., Ausgrabungen in Tiryns 1976: ArchAnz (1978) 44970, 26 fig.; Bericht zur Spätmykenischen Keramik von C. Podzuweit, 471-

T9.4 Graecia - Greece: mainland sites alphabetically


98, fig. 27-43. u256 Verg.ina[Palaititsin, 15k NW Herofla, 75k W Thessaloniki]: Andron(kos M., a) The Royal Tomb of Philip II, tr. M. Fotiadis: Archaeol 31,5 (1978) 33-39, 5 phot. + 3 col., map. - b) Les Tombes royales de Vergina: Archeologia 125 (1978) 16-25, 6 phot. + 5 col., map (alia macedonica p. 38s, C. Rolley). u257 Harnmond N. G. L., 'Philip's Tomb' in Historical Context [M. Andronikos, NatGeog 154 (Jul. 1978) 54-77; Archaeology 31 (1978) 33-41]: GrRomByzSt 19 (1978) 331-350. u258 Stathulopulos S., Wurde die ältere Hauptstadt von Mazedonien entdeckt? Die neueren archäologischen Funde [Vergina]: Hellenika Bochum [5] (1979) 149-54, 4 fig. u259 [Garner G.], A New Royal Tomb Find [Vergina 1977: Philippi II]: HurHist 15,1 (1979) 3-15. T9.4.3 Creta - Crete. u260 Davaras Costas, Guide to Cretan Antiquities. Park Ridge NJ 1976, Noyes. [x1v-]370p., 198fig., 7plans. $18. u261 Tyree E. L., Cretan Sacred Caves: Archaeological Evidence [diss. Univ. Mo. (Columbia) 1974]. AA 197S, Univ. Microf. xxx-316 p., 107 Pl., map. 204-15 bibliog. u?.62 Knossos: Hallagp.rE., The Mycenaean Palace at Knossos. Evidence for Final Dcstruction in the III B Period. Medelhavsmuseet, Memuif 1. Sto 1977. 120 p. Sk 100. - RFomvännl':n 74 (1979) 130ss (B. Frizell). u263 Papin Y.-D., La Decouverte de Cnossos par [Arthur] Evans en 1900: Archeologia 116 (1978) 28-3S, 6 phot. + 3 col. u264 Graham J. W., Further Notes on Minoan Palace Architecture: 1. West Magazines and Upper Halls at Knossos and Mallia; 2. Access to, and Use of, Minoan Palace Roofs: AJA 83 (1979) 49-63, 64-69, 10 fi.g. u265 Popham M., Notes from Knossos [pottery] 1-11: AnBritSchAth 72 (1977) 18S-9S, Pl. 26-31; 73 (1978) 179-87, Pl. 22-27. u266 Callaghan P., Excavations at a Shrine of Glaukos, Knossos: AnBritSchAth 73 (1978) 1-30, Pl. 1-9. u267 Coldstream J. N., Sackett L. H., Knossos: Two Deposits of Orientalizing Pottery: AnBritSchAth 73 (1978) 4S-60, Pl. 10-13. u268 Vasiliki: BetancourtPhilip P. al., Vasilike Ware: an Early Bronze Age Pottery Style in Crete: SIMA S6. Göteborg 1979, Aström. 60 p., 8 pl. 0 91-85058-88 2. T9.4.4 Insulae graecae, Other islands. u269 Mer Egee, Grece des Yles [1] Villard F., Les Circonstances d'une exposition; [2] Rolley C., Le Bronze et le marbre dans la sculpture antique:

Elenchus / Bihlica 60 (1979)


[XVIII. Archacol.

Archeologia 130 (1979) 18-27, 11 phot. + 5 col.; 28-37, 10 phot. + 6 col. u270 Äkerström A., Ionia and Anatolia. Ionia and the West. The Figured Architectural Terracotta Frieze: its Penetration and Transformation in the East andin the West in the Archaic [600B.c.-] Period:-+ 766, Akurgal E. Ankara-Congress 1973/8: 1, 319-27. u271 Lindos (Rhodos): Tataki A. B., Lindos. Die Akropolis und die Mittelalterliche Burg. Athen 1978, Ekdotike Athenon. 72 p., 53 fig. col., FaltplanFarbrekonstr. u272 Samos: Kyrieleis H., Ausgrabungen im Heraion von Samos 1976s: ArchAnz (1978) 250-59, 11 fig.; 385-96, 16 fig. u273 Muscarella Oscar W., Urartian Beils and Samos: JANES 10 (1978) 6166(-72, 12 figs.). u274 Kienast H. J., Der Tunnel des Eupalinos auf Samos: Architectura 7 (1977) 97-116, 24 fig. u275 Thera: Doumas C. ed., Thera and the Aegean World, I, 1978 -+ 416. u276 Iakovidis S., Thera and Mycenaean Greece: AJA 83 (1979) 101s. u277 Marinatos S., Die Ausgrabungen auf Thera und ihre Probleme: Mykenische Studien 2, 1973 ➔ 55,8573: RBQ 35 (1978) 430 (F. T. van Straten).

u278 Rapp G. J, Cook S., Henrickson E., Pumice from Thera (Santorini) Identified from a Greek Mainland Archeological Excavation [at Nichoria, Messenia]: Science 179 (1973) 471-73, 2 fig. u279 Aström P., Traces of the Eruption of Thera in Cyprus?: -+ 416, Doumas C. ed., Thera and the Aegean World I, 1978, 231-34. u280 Hood S., Traces of the Eruption outside Thera: ➔ 416, Thera and the A~g~an World, I, 1978, 681-90. T9.7 Roma .1 Urbs.

u281 Chicoteau Marcel, Glanures au Viale Manzoni. Le Monumentum [gnostico-chretien] Aureliorum a Rome. Brisbane 1976. 69 p., 37 fig. + 6 col., 2 plans. - RRHE 74 (1979) 461 (L. Reekmans). u282 Coarelli F., Topografia mitriaca di Roma; carta tupografica del mitraismo a Ostia: -+ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae: EPROER 80 (1979) 69-83, 2 maps. u283 Guidi A., L'eta del rame in Italia 2 • R 1979, Gruppo archeologico Romano. 96 p., LII Tav. incl. maps. Lit. 3000. u284 GjoedesenM., A Fragment of the Arch of Titus: ➔ 136, Fs. P. KRAsuP 1976, 72-86. u285 Hannestad N., Rome-Ideology and Art. Some Distinctive Features: ➔ 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 361-90. u286 Lissi Caronna E., La rilevanza storico-religiosa del materiale mitraico da S. Stefano Rotondo: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria .Mithrae 1979, 205218, 6 fig. u287 MacDonald W. L., The Pantheon: Design, Meaning & Progeny. CM c.1976, Harvard Univ. $12.50. - RscientAm 236,3 (1977) 148 (P.


T9.7 Roma, catacumbac, ars pnlaeochristiana


u288 MacDowal/ D. M., Sol Invictus and Mitbra: Some Evidence from the Mint of Rome: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae 19791 557-71. u289 Panciera S., 11materiale epigrafico ( mitraico ) dallo scavo di S. Stefano Rotondo [a Roma]: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae 1979, 87-127, 12 fig. u290 Richardson L. J, The architecture of the Forum of Trajan: ArchNews 6 (1977) 101-07, 4 fig. u291 Santa Maria Scrinari V., 11 mitreo dell'ospedale di S. Giovanni in Roma: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae 1979, 219-30, 6 fig. u292 Setälä Päivi, Private Domini in Roman Brick Stamps of the Empire. A Historical and Prosopographical Study of l.andowners in the District of Rome: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Hum. Litt. 10. Helsinki 1977, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. ➔ s389. u293 So/in H., Graffiti dei mitrei di Roma: ➔ 736, Bianchi U., Mysteria Mithrae 1979, 139-151, 5 fig. u294 Testini P. Arte mitriaca e arte cristiana, apparenze e concretezza: ➔ 736, Mysteria Mithrae 1979, 429-85, 33 fig. T9.7 Roma .2 Catacumbae. u295 Faso/a U., Composizioni simboliche graffite su lapidi di catacombe romanc: , 78, Mise. A. F'RUTAZ 1978, 65-76. u296 Ferrua Antonio, Sul battistero di S. Costanza [contro Kibe/ citato da G. B. de Rossi 1888]: VetChr 14 (1977) 281-90. u?.97 Ferrua A., Lapide con due iscrizioni importanti a Sant'Agnese fuori le mura: ➔ 78, Miscellanea A. P. F'RUTAZ 1978, 57-64. u298 Fink.J., Dildfrömmigkeit und Bekenntnis. Das Alte Testament, Herakles und die Herrlichkeit Christi an der Via Latina in Rom: Beih. ArKulturg 12. Köln 1978, Böhlau. vm-115 p., 21 pl. DM 46. u299 Frutaz A. P., 11 complesso monumentale di Sant'Agnese. Vaticano 1976. 303p., 11+73 fig., col. pi. - RAevum 52 (1978) 153s (G. C. Bascape}.

u300 KirschbaumEngelbert, Die Gräber der Apostelfürsten. St. Peter und St. Paul in Rom [1957 ➔ 39,2000; 2 1959 ➔ 40,2430f] Nachtragskapite.1 E. Dassmann. Fra 1974, Societät. 294 p., 69 pl. u301 Kötzsche-BreitenbruchLiselotte, Die neue Katakombe an der Via Latina in Rom. Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie der alttestamentlichen Wandmalereien: JbAC Ergbd 4. Münster 1976, Aschendorff. 132 p. 11 app., 28 pl. DM 95 (90 pa). - RArEspArq 50s (1977s) 445s (L. Abad Casal); ByZ 71 (1978) 118s (A. Ferrua); TR 74 (1978) 203ss (J. Fink). u302 Korol D., Zum Bild der Vertreibung Adams und Evas in der neuen Katakombe in der via Latina und zur anthropomorphen Darstellung Gottvaters: JbAC 22 (1979) 175-90. u303 Nestori Aldo, Repertorio topografico delle pitture delle catacombe romane: Roma sotterranea cristiana 5. Vaticano 1975, Ist. Arch. Cr. XI220 p., 36 fig. - RRHE 74 (1979) 377-82 (A. Provoost); TR 75 (1979) 462s (J. Fink).

Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XVIII. Archaeol.

u304 Pergola P., 11praedium Domitillae sulla via Ardeatina: analisi storicotopografica delle testimonianze fino alla meta del III secolo D.C.: RArchCr 55 (1979) 313-35, 11 fig. 1 foldout. u305 Quacquafelli Antonio, Note sugli edifici di culto prima di Costantino: VetChr 14 (1977) 239-51, 3 fig. u306 Reekmans L., Die situation der Katakombenforschung in Rom: Vorträge (der) Rhein.-Westf. Akademie, Geisteswiss. G 233. Opladen 1979, Westdeutscher-V. DM 18. u307 Stevenson J., The Catacombs: Rediscovered Monuments of Early Christianity. L/NY 1978, Thames & H. $16.95, 168 p., 103 phot., 32 fig., 8 plans. u308 Wolf U., Die Nekropole "in Vaticano ad circum": Das Münster 31 (1978) 365-67.

T9.7 Roma .3 Ars palaeochristiana.

u309 Bagatti B., L'iconografia del Verbo - Cristo: SBFLA 29 (1979) 175-206, Pl. 1-14. u310 Bagatti B., L'iconografia di 'Maria in croce': SBFLA 28 (1978) 203216, pi. 51-56. u311 Barnea Ion, Les Monuments paleochretiens de Roumanie: Sussidi StAntCr 6. Vaticano 1977, Pont. Ist. Arch. Cr. 276 p., 105 fig. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 412-5 (D. Mazzoleni). u312 Bisconti Fabrizio, Aspetti e significati del simbolo della fenice nella let. teratura e nell'arte del Cnstlanes1mo primitivo: VetChr 16 (1979) 21-40, 11 fig. u313 Bruin P., Giegel P., Es geschah vor 1900 Jahren: die Anfänge des Christentums in Pompeji und Herculaneum. Luzern/Stu 1979, Rex-Verlag. 45 p., lli., map. DM 17.80. u314 Burdach Konrad, Der Gral. Forschungen über seinen Urspruni und seinen Zusammenhang mit der Longinuslegende. Mit einem Vorwort zum Neudruck von Johannes Rathofer. Da 1974, Wiss. xxVI-580 p. u315 Byvanck A. W. t 1970, L'art de Constantinople. Rome et Constantinople au 4e siede. Les mosai'.quesimperiales de Saint-Vital de Ravenne. Lv [ 63, Theologia crucis - signum crucis, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 137-53. -> s457. u321 Ferrua A.,. Sul luogo di origine di alcune iscrizioni cristiane di Roma: RArchCr 55 (1979) 279-308, 2 fig. u322 Ferrua A., Lapidi inedite del Pontificio Istituto Biblico di Roma: LinceiR 34 (1979) 27-33, VI pl. u323 Ferrua Antonio, Corona di osservazioni alle iscrizioni cristiane di Roma incertae originis: Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di archeologia IIV3. Vaticano 1979. 128 p., ill. u324 GuarducciMargherita, Epigrafia greca, 4. Epigrafi sacre greche e cristiane. R 1978, Tstituto Poligrafico dello Stato. x-601 p., 174p. - RßyZ 72 (1979) 563 (H. Brandenburg). u325 Iiiiguez Jose A., Sintesis de arqueologia cristiana. M 1977, Palabra. 310 p., ill. u326 Kirigin M., La mano divina nell'iconografia cristiana [sc. raffigurazioni di una mano attribuita alla divinita]: StAntCr 31. Vaticano 1976, Pont. Ist. Arch. Cr. 246p. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 185-7 (M. Perraymond). u327 Marx C. W., Skey M. A., Aspects of the Iconography of the Devil at the Crucifixion: JWarb 42 (1979) 233ss, Pl. 51. u328 Miranda E., Due iscrizioni greco-giudaiche della Campania [Napoli, Mus. Naz. dipinto]: RArchCr 55 (1979) 337-41, 2 fig. u329 Nagatsuka J., Descente de croix, son developpement iconographique des origines jusqu'a la fin du XIVe siecle. Tokyo 1979, Univ. Tokai. 108 p. 105 pl. - Rcahi\mh 28 (1979) l 76s (A nrahar). u330 QuacquarelliA., Lo Spirito Santo e 1a iconografia del II e TU secolo: VetClu 16 (1979) 173-93, 18 fig. u331 QuacquarelliAntonio, a) 11 monogramma cristologico (gammadia) Z/H: VetChr 15 (1978) 5-21, 20 fig. / 16 (1979) 5-20; 10 fig. - b) La societä cristologica prima di Costantino e i riflessi nelle arti figurative: Quademi di VetChr 13. Bari 1978, Istituto di Letteratura Cristiana antica, 177 p., 26 ill. - RRArchCr 55 (1979) 374s (M. Perraymond); Sal 40 (1978) 954s (S. Maggio); ScuolC 107 (1979) 382s (E. Rellim). u332 Redigonda L. A., Simon Pietro a Roma (Nota storico-archeologica): SacDoc 22 (1977) 183-215. u333 Stahl, Harvey J., The iconographic sources of the Old Testament miniatures, Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 638. diss. NYU, 1974. 348 p. u334 Stapert Aurelia. L'ange roman dans la pensee et dans l'art; Pref. Henry Corbin (diss. Poitiers 1974): Tradition el culture 3. P 1975, Berg. 441 p., 64 pl. u335 'J'estmiP., Gtorduni R., Le testimonianze archeologiche ,fol cristianesimo: Archeologia (Mi 1978, A. Mondadori) 273-93. u336 Weltzmann K., The Icon: Huly Images, Sixth to Fourteenth c~ntnry. L1978, Chatto & W. 135 p., fi.g. I-VII. A-F, pl. col. 48. u337 Wischmeyer Wolfgang, Christogramm und Staurogramm in den lateinischen Inschriften altkirchlicher Zeit: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 539550.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XVIII. Archaeol.

T9.8 (Roma) Imperium occidentale. Europe. u338 Andreeva M. V., [ß] Zur Frage der südlichen Verbindungen der MaikopKultur [Parallelen in Mesopotamien, Syrien, Palästina]: SovArch (1977) 39-56, somm. fran~. u339 BernardiniE., Sardegna antica, guida archeologica dalla preistoria all'eta romana. F 1979, Vallecchi. 221 p., ill. (alcune col.), maps. u340 Bronzes Romains de Suisse: --> 770, ve Colloque International .sur les Bronzes antiques, mai 1978. Lausanne, Musee Cantonal d'Archeologie et d'Histoire. 80 p. u341 Calza G., Becatti G., Ostia. 11 R 1975, Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato, Libreria dello Stato, 1975. 130 p. 88 ill. u342 Dahm L., ·Die neuen Rekonstruktionen der im Bereich des Landesmuseums Trier gefundenen figürlichen römischen Mosaiken: H. Cüppers ed., Festschrift 100 Jahre Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier, Beiträge zur Archäologie und Kunst des Trierer Landes = Trierer Grabungen u. Forschungen, 14. [Mainz-R 1979, P. von Zabern. xxx-365 p., 253 ill. + 12 col., Plan] p. 97-110. u343 Eschebach H., Die stabianer Thermen in Pompeji: DAI Denkmäler antiker Architektur, 13. B 1979, de Uruyter. xi-103 p., 28 fig., 68 (foldout) pi. u344 Forgione M., 11tesoro nascosto sotto i garofani di Ercolano: AntRArch 3,11 (ott. 1978) 4-11, 5 phot. u345 Gautrand-Moser C., Moser F., Dolmens et menhirs du Massif Ceritral: Archeologia 129 (1979) 34-41, 2 phot. + 2 col., 2 fig., map. de la Cöte bibliog, d'Azur (D. Riba): 123 (1978) 52-61, 12 phot., fi,11;., u346 Goceva Z., Oppermann M., Monumenta orae Ponti Euxini Bulgariae (deutsch), Corpus Cultus Equitis Thracii, 1: EPROER 74. Ld 1979, Brill. xv-122 p., LXXII pi., map. u347 GrüncnfelderJ., Die Bibeltür am Grossmünster von Zürich von Otto Münch. Z 1979, GS-Verlag. 79 p., Fotos: E. Winizki. u348 Gyeorgiev G. I., MyPrpyert N. la., Katincharov R. V., Dimitrov D. G., eds., [ß] Yezero, eine Siedlung aus der Frühbronzezeit [effossio 1961-71). Sofija 1979, Ak. Nauk. 547 p., 209 ill., summ. russ. 527-34. 545s; germ. 535-43.546s. u349 Hood M. S. F., The Tartaria Tablets: ScientAm 218, 5 (1968) 30-37, 10 fig. u350 Jashemski W. F., Large Vineyard Discovered in Ancient Pompeii. Root and Stake cavities reveal vineyard of A.D. 79: Science 180 (1973) 82130, 8 fig. u351 Lewis H. B., Ancient Malta: A Study oflts Antiquities. Gerrards Cross, Bucks 1977, C. Smythe. 188 p., 40 fig. u352 MacKie E., The Megalith Builders. Ox 1977, Phaidon 208 p. 11 fig., 87 ill. + 16 col. Europe (incl. Malta). u353 Mohen J.-P., Prehistoire de l'art en URSS avant les Scythes: Archeologia 127 (1979) 69, 2 phot.; 128 (1979) 6s, 3 phot. (alii art. ibid.). u354 Neeracher 0., Kunst und Kultur der Westgriechen II. Sizilien. Basel 1977, Zbinden. 194 p., 321 fig.

T9.7s Ars palaeochristiana lmperii Romani in Europa


u3SS Sedgely J. P., The Roman Milestones of Britain. L 197S, Brit. archaeol. Rep. S6 p., figs. f:l. u3S6 Sgubini Moretti A. M., Nota preliminare su un mitreo scoperto a Vulc;i: ➔ 736, Mysteria Mithrae, ed. U. Bianchi 1979, 261-97, XVIpi.

XIX. Geographia biblica



u356* Ahrweiler Helene, The Geography of the Iconoclast World: -+ 648, Bryer A., Iconoclasm 197S/6 eh. 4. u3S7 Avi-YonahMichael, The Holy Land from the Persian to the Arab Conquest. A historical geography 2 : Baker Studies in Biblical Archaeology. GR 1977, [Eng. 1 1966), Baker. $3.95. 249 p., maps. - RGcrcfTT 78 (1978) 142s (H. H. Grosheide). u3S8 Benedict Peter, Tümertekin Erol, Mansur Fatma ed., Turkey: Geographie and Social Perspectives: Social, Economic and Political Studies of the Middle East 9. Ld 1974, Brill. XI-446p., ill. - RweltOr 10 (1979) 169s (G. Schweizer). u359 Coarel/i F., Topo,irafia mitriaca di Roma: ➔ 736, Mysteria Mithrae, ed. U. Bianchi 1979, 69-79, 1 pi. u360 Copeland P. W., The Land and People of Syria 2 rev. Ph 1972, Lippincott. 160 p., ill. $3.79. u361 Dion Roger, Aspects politiques de la geographie antique. P 1977, BLettres. xxm-305 p., 23 fig. - RLatomus 38 (1979) 554ss (A. Grisart). u362 Donner Herbert, Einführung in die biblische Landes- und Altertumskunde. Da 1976, Wiss. VI-128p. 0 3-534-06344-9. - Rßo 34 (1977) 203s (H. Grosheide); BZ 22 (1978) 312s (V. Hamp); TR 74 (1978) 189 (H. Elsing). u363 Fisher W. B., The Middle East: a Physical, Social, and Regional Geography 7 rev. Andover 1978, Methuen. XIV-61Sp. 0 0-416-71S/10-9 (20-6 pa.). u364 Fry E., Cities, Towns and Villages in the OT: BTrans 30 (1979) 4348.

u36S Geography [materials originally published in Encyclopaedia Judaica]: Israel Pocket Library. J 1973, Keter. 264 p., ill.; bibliog. 179s. u366 Hütteroth W;-D., Abdulfattah K., Historical Geography of Palestine, Transjordan and Southern Syria in the Late 16th Century: Erlanger geographische Arbeiten, Sonderbd S. Erlangen 1977, Geographische Gesellschaft/Palm & Ernke. 225 p. DM 69. - RwZKM 70 (1978) 132ss (S. Farqhi); ZDMG 128 (1978) 414s (E. Wagner). u367 Jay B., Le monde du NT: Coll. Theologique. Yaounde, Cameroun


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

1978, CLE. 224 p., 4 fig. 3 maps. [for bis Introduction au NT 1969]. Rf:TRel 54 (1979) l 6R (J, Argaud). u368 Lattimore Owen, Geography and the Ancient Empires: ➔ 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 35-40. u369 Moorey P., Biblical Lands. 1975. !3.95. - RBO 36 (1979) 67 (J. L. Blok-B.). . u370 Noth Martin (Hg. H. W. Wo/ff), Aufsätze zur biblischen Landes- und Altertumskunde I, 1971 ➔ 53,1504 ... 55,1742: RoLZ 70 (1975) 269s (0. Eissfeldt). u371 Nützel W., On the Geographical Position of as Yet Unexplored Early Mesopotamian Cultures: Contribution to Theoretical Archaeology: JAOS 99 (1979) 288-296. u372 Orni Efraim, Efrat Elisha, Geography of IsraeP rev. J 1976 = 1971, 11964, Keter. XVI-551p., ill. (eo!.). u373 Pinchas Neeman, I!!] En!iiqlopediya }e-geografiyamiqra' it. .. Encyclopedia of Biblical Geography, ed. S. Abramsky, foreword Y. Elitzur. TA 1963-6, Joshua Chachik. 4 vols.; I. Abel-Dotan; II. Hagerim-Mitqah; III. No' Amon-Patros; IV. Sa'anan-Tisbeh. u374 Pitcher D. E., An Historical Geography of the Ottoman Empire from Earliest Times to the End of the Sixteenth Century. Ld 1972, Brill. x171 p., 36 col. maps. /275. - RJAOS 97 (1977) 203-5 (P. D. Mo/an). u375 Pitsch H., Landschaft (-Beschreibung und Darstellung): ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 923-27. u376 Robinson Edward 1794-1863 [Smith, Eli], Biblical Researches in Palestine, Mount Sinai, and Arabia Petraea [=Boston 1841]: America and the Holy Land. NY 1977, Arno. 3 vol. u377 Sautnier C., Rolland B., La Palestine au temps de Jesus: CahEv 27. P 1979, Evan&ile et Vie, C,erf. 64 p. F 10. u378 Singer I.: Geographical Aspects of the Proto-Hattian Problem. Univ. Tel Aviv 1973 [MDOG 109, 1710]. u379 Wolska-Conus Wanda, Geographie tr. J. Engemann: ➔ 892, RAC 10 (1978) 155-222, 3 fi.g.; 213 biblisch. , ul.2

Historia geographiae.

u381 Bucci 0., oratoi, arotai, peiratai nel § 16 del Periplo del Mar Eritreo: Apollinaris 50 (1977) 300-305. u382 BunburyE. H., A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans from the Earliest Ages till the Fall of the Roman Empire. Uithoorn 1979 = 1879, Gieben. 2 vols. 1462 p. /325. u383 Donner Herbert, Cüppers Heinz, Die Mosaikkarte von Madeba. Teil I: Tafelband: AbhDPV. Wiesb 1977, 0. Harrassowitz. XVI-169p. 160 phot., max. col. DM 168. u384 Finkelstein Israel, a) I!!] Historical-Geographical Notes on the Description of Erctz-Israd in the Peutinger Map: CHistEI 8 (1978) 71-79, 1 fi.g. - b) The Holy Land in the Tabula Peutingeriana. A Historical-Geographical Approach: PEQ 111 (1979) 27-34, pi. II-III.

ul.2 Historia geographiae biblicae


u385 Krupp E. C., ed. In Search of Ancient Astronomies. GNY 1977. xvn300 p.; ill. $10. u386 Martin J., Les Phenomenes d'Aratos. Etude sur la composition du poeme: ➔ 695, L'astronomie dans l'antiquite classique, Actes du Colloque tenu a l'Univ. de Toulouse-Le Mirail 1977, 91-104. u388 Neugebauer Otto, Ethiopic Astronomy and Computus: SbÖsterrAk 347; Komm. Math. Veröff 22. W 1979, Österr. Akad. 264 p., 4 pl. u389 Neugebauer 0., A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy: Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, 1. NY 1975, Springer. 3 vol.: xxi-555 p.; p. 556-1058; p. 1059-1456. $124.70. RNature 260 (1976) 202 (G. J. Whitrow); Science 193 (1976) 478s (0.

Gingrich). u390 North Robert, A History of Biblical Map Making [. . . Abraham-era Mesopotamia: Nuzi, Nippur; Babylon; Egypt; Hittite Empire; Map-Matcrial from Canaan and lsrael; Greek Astronomical Science; Roman-Era Cartography; 'Christian Topography'; Arabs & Crusaders; Pre-Modern Era; Palestine Exploration Fund; Abel & Aharoni]: TAVO Beih B (Geisteswissenschaften) 32. Wb 1979, Reichert. XI-177p., IV pl., 20 fig. DM 44 pa. 0 3-88226-042-4. u391 Pausaniae Graeciae descriptio. Vol. I: Libri I-IV, ed. Maria H. RochaPereira: Bibliotheca Scriptorvm Graecorvm et Romanorvm Tevbneriana. Lp 1973, Teubner. xxvi-358 p. u392 Pedech P., La geographie des Grecs: SUP, Litt. anc. 5. P 1976, PUF. 202p. u393 Pettinato G., L'Atlante Geografico del Vicino Griente Antico attestato ud Ebla e ad Abii ~nläbikh [TM 75 G. 2231 ed.]: Orientalia 47 (1978) 50-73; pl. Vll-XII. u394 l'iccll"illoM., Mudal,a; TerraS 54 (1978) 156-64, 6 fig. u395 Powe/l M. A., The Antecedents of Old Babylonian Place Notation and the Early History of Habylonian Mathematics: Historia Mathematica 43 (1976) 417-39. u396 Reale G. tr. (grec. a fronte) intr. com., Aristoteles, Trattato sul cosmo per Alessandro. N 1974, L. Loffredo. 358 p. u397 Report on the Papers of the Palestine Exploration Fwid. Handlist II & III. L 1977, Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. 62 + 47 folia. u398 [Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts], The Survey of Western Palcstine, 1871-1~77: PEQ 111 (1979) 11-15. u399 La Table de Peutinger [1000 exemplaires numerotes]. Saint-Julien 10800, Ed. de Sancey, B. P. 16. F 160. u400 Tsafrir Y., [!!] The Maps used by Theodosius - on the Pilgrim Maps of the Holy Land Jerusalem in the Sixth Century C. F..: CHistEI 11 (1979) 63-85, 7 fig. ul.4

Atlas - maps.

u401 Adamec Ludwig W., ed., Historical Gazetteer of Iran I. Tehran and NW Iran. Graz 1976, Akademische DV. xvm-734p., 62 maps. Sch 1200.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

0 3-201-00992-X. - RBO 34 (1977) 400s (E. Eh/ers). u402 Aharoni Y., Avz-Yonah M., The Macmillan Bible Atlas 2 Rev. NY 1977, Macmillan. 184 p., 264 maps. $19.95. - RTS 40 (1979) 739s (J. P. M. Walsh). u403 Dichter B., The Maps of Acre. An Historical Cartography 1973 ➔ 55,8179*: RRß 85 (1978) 155s (P. Benoit). u404 Diepo/d P., Preuss H. D., Taschen-Tutor AT II (132 Karteikarten) 1975 ➔ 58s,a898: RTLZ 104 (1979) 37s (H.-J. Zobel). u405 Finley M. I. ed. [10 other contributors], Atlas of Classical Archaeology. L/NY 1977, Chatto & W/McGraw-Hill. 256 p., mostly pictures, by sites in order of their remoteness from Britain. / $22.50. 0 0-07-021025-X / 07011-2199-8. u406 Grollenberg Luc H., The Penguin [=2] Shorter Atlas of the Bible. L 1978, Allen Lane. 264 p. :l::5.95(l.75 pa.). u407 Groom N. S. J., A New Map of 'Pre-Islamic South-West Arabia' [by him a.o.]: PrSemArabSt 5 (1975) 77. u408 Hartmann Karl., Atlas-Tafel-Werk zu Bibel und Kirchengeschichte: Karten, Tabellen, Erläuterungen. I. AT und Geschichte des Judentums bis Jesus Christus. Stu 1979, Quell. vn-120 p. DM 68 (48 with subscr. to all 5 vols.). 0 3-7918-3201-8. u409 Hawkes Jacquetta, a) The Atlas of Early Man. Concurrent developments across the ancient world 35000 BC - AD 500 ['what happened at the same time as what']. L 1976, Macmillan. 255 p., ill. f:10. - RAntiquity 51 (1979) 169 (R. Whitehouse). - b) Atlas culturel de la prehistoire et de l'antiquite. Encyclopedie chronologique des civilisations du monde entier de 35000 av. J.-C. a 500 ap. J.-C.: Encyclopfafü:s visuelles Elsevier. P/Bm 1978, Elsevier Sequoia. 256 p., 1000 ill., F 115, Fb 795. u410 Hinkel Friedrich W., The Archaeological Map of thfl Sudan II. The Arca of the South Libyan Desert. B 1979, Akademie. x-161 p. M 78. u411 Hooper Jerry L. ed., Tbc [Holman / Eyre aml Spottiswoode] Bible Atlas, including the Land and People of the Bible. Ph/L 1978, Holman/Eyre & S. 115 p,, (col.) ill., maps. / 0 0-413-80020-2. - KirSef 54 (1979) 637. u,112 Matthiae K., Chronologische Übersichten und Karten zur spätjiidischen und urchristlichen Zeit 1977 ➔ 58s, b311: RTLZ 104 (1979) 817s (J. Rohde). u413 a) Paternoster Concise Bible Atlas. Exeter 1979, Paternoster. 46 p. f:1.50. - b) Student's Atlas of the Bible [=Carta 1976: 16 col. maps]. Exeter 1978, Paternoster. u4 l 4 Ronen A., · O/ami Y., · Atlit Map. J 1978, The Archaeological Survey of Israel. 78 p. [EI; 21 p. (Engl.) maps etc. - RisrEJ 28 (1978) 201. u415 Simpson R. Hope, Dickinson 0., A Gazetteer of Aegean Civilisation in the Bronze Age I. The Mainland and Islands: SIMA 52. Göteborg 1979, Aström. 430 p. 5 double-page maps and 6 others. 0 91-85058-81-5. u416 [Smith J. Z., Map is not Territory 1978 (➔ vol. 61) contains essays on history of religions, not geography]. · u417 Weeks K. R., The Berkeley Map of the Theban Necropolis, Preliminary Report / Report on the Second Season, 1979: ARCENewsl 105 (1978)

ul.4 Atlas - maps


19-S0, 19 fig., map / 109 (1979) appendix: 21 p., ill. u418 Whitehouse D. & R., Archaeological Atlas of the World [Western Asia: 60-77]. L 1975, Thames & H. 272 p., 103 maps.

u l. 5 Photographiae. u419 Akurga/ E., Die Kunst der Hethiter 2 Mü 1976 (11961], Hirmer. 125 p., 150 fig., 23 col. pl., map. DM 58. u420 Alexander David, Photo-guide de l'A/N T [1973 ➔ 55,7808], tr. F. Lef[on / Y. Jolly, pres. A. Paul. P 1976/3. 157 p.; F 40. 155 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 136s (D. Lys). u421 Amiet P., Die Kunst des Alten Orients: Ars Antiqua, Grosse Epochen der Weltkunst 1/3. Fr 1977, Herder. 618 p., 1000 ill. (158 cot), fig. DM 280. - RZAW 90 (1978) 303 (G. Fahrer). u422 Avi-Yonah M., Shatzman 1., Illustrierte Enzyklopädie des Altertums. [Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Classical World] tr. H. Teifer: Illustrierte Enzyplopädie der abendländischen Kultur. Königstein, Ts. 1979, Athenäum. 502 p. 111.DM 58. u423 Barclay W., Jesus von Nazareth, nach dem Film von Lew Grade unter der Regie von F. Zeffirelli und dem Drehbuch von A. Burgess [1977 ➔ 58s,5523]. Mü/Z 1978, Delpiun-Verlag. 285 p. (überw. phot. P. Ronald). DM29.80. u424 Bean George E., Lycian Turkey. NY 1978, Norton. 197 pages, 96 phot., 23 fig. $15.95. u425 Das Bibel im Bild 12. Der König kommt; Jesus Christus, Geburt und erstes Wirken; 13. Schuldlos vemrt.eilt; Jesus Christus, sein Weg ans Kreuz; 14. Die Ketten fallen; von den Anfängen der Kirche; 15. Unterwegs tllr Goll; die Geschichte des Apostels Paulus. Stu/Bielefeld 1978, Deutsche Bibelstitlung / von Cansteinsche Bibelanstalt. Je 64 p., DM3,50. 0 3-438-043112-2; 3-0; 4-9; 5-7. u426 La Bible en bandes dessinees, tr. C. Gaasch, M. Schneider, vol. 6: De Jerusalt:m a Dabylone: 1 Rois a Malachie. Gne:hwiller 1978, Ligue pour la Lecture de la Bible. 173 p.; ill. (A. Le Blanc) F 9. - RETRel 53 (1978) 542ss (D. Lys). u427 Browning 1., Petra. L 1977 = 1974 [➔ 56,9206], Chatto & W. 256 p., 184 fig., 6 pl. col., 4 maps. f'.7.50. = Park Ridge NJ 1973, Noyes: RBASOR 229 (1978) 75s (P. Harnmond). u428 Burney C., From Village to Empire [Mid-East]. Ox 1977, Phaidon. 224 p., 195 pls. (32 col.). fi.95 (pa f'.5.95). - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 161 (S.

Lloyd). u429 Burri· R., Im Heiligen Land. Fotos. Texte von H. V. Morton und R. Fluwer. Textbearbeitung von S. G~nt: Terr11-Magica-Bildband. Luzern 1979, Reich. 158 p. überw. Ill. u430 ChadwickH., The Mycenaean World ... $17.95. - RScientAm 236,2 (1977) 128ss (P. Morrison). u431 Coppa M. a/., Fotografia aerea e storia urbanistica. R 1979, Edigraf. 155 p. - BSoGglt 8 (1979) 734s (M. Faccioli). u432 Darom [< Masry] David, The Red Sea. Text & photography. Introd. 54. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

Francis Dov Por. TA 1976, Sadan. 105 p., chiefly illus. (part col.); maps. u433 Deursen A. van, IM]A Biblia viläga kepekben. Jogositott magyar kiadäs = Bijbels beeldwoordenboek. Stu 1970, Evangeliumi iratmisszi6. 128 p. Ill. (J. de Vries). u434 Doeumentazione fotografiea di mitrei romani: -> 736, Mysteria Mithrae, ed. U. Bianchi 1979: a) 883-909. I dipinti del mitreo di S. Prisea. Stato attuale; 12 pl. - b) 911-3, Paparatti E., Relazione teeniea sul restauro delle pitture del mitreo di S. Prisea. - c) 915-31, Le iscrizioni metriche del mitreo di S. Prisca; Stato attuale; (pl. xm-xxv). - d) 933-50, Cosi D. M., II mitreo nelle Terme di Caracalla. Riflessione sulla presunta fossa sanguinis del mitreo delle Terme di Caraealla; pl. XXVI-XXXIII. u435 Dürrmeier H.-J., Jerüsälajim al-Quds = Jerusalem. Photos und Text. Augsburg 1978, Brigg. 82 p., überw. Ill. DM 22,80 pa. u436 Fedden R., Ägypten: 5000 Jahre Niltal, tr. E. Eggebrecht. Mil 1978, Prestel. 324 p., Ill., DM 29.80 pa. u437 Fichtl F., Bilder zum Kirchenjahr. Dias und Texte zu den biblischen Lesungen. Z 1977s, Benziger. 4 Serien, je e.10 Dias, Fs 25. u438 Gafni Shlomo S., a) Kijk op Jeruzalem; voorwoord Teddy Kollek; tr. Wies van Eyck-Dungelmann. Amst 1978, Elsevier. 127 p., 350 col. phot. (A. van der Heyden); map. f29,50. - TwTNijm 18 (1978) 459s (J. Negenman: 'certainly at this moment the best book of photos of J'). - b) The glory of Jerusalem; an explorer's guide, tr. Yael Guiladi. Ox/J 1978, Phaidon/Steimatzky. 127 p., 354 eol. ill. (A. van der Heyden). - c) La splendew· de Jerusalem, tr. David Catarivas. P 1978, Stock. 127 p., ill. d) Jerusalem. Oslo 1979, Univ. 128 p. Sk 98. u439 Gavzn Carney E. S., Bonfils and the early photography of the Near East: Harvard Library Bulletin 26 (197R) 447.-470. u440 Gavish Dov, [!!]a) Air Photographs by First World War Pilots in Eretz Israel: CHistEI 7 (1978) 129-50, 24 fig. - b) [!!]Orientation of the photograph map: Magamot Ere~ Israel 10 (1978) 137-145. u441 Helmensdorfer E., 50mal Ägypten: Piper-Panoramen der Völker. Mü/Z 1979, Piper. 338 p. Ill. DM 34. u442 Hicks J., The Persians: Thc Emergence of Man: Time-Lifo 1975 -> 58s,c291: RJAOS 98 (1978) 155 (P. Albenda). u444 Jung-lnglessis Eva-M., Romfahrt durch zwei Jahrtausende in Wort und Bild 2 erw. Bozen 1978, Athesia. 389p., 180 (col.) fig.; bibliog. 371-6. DM 28 / Sch 220. u445 Klengel H., Geschichte und Kultur Altsyriens 2 (überarb. u. erw.). Lp 1979, Koehler & A. 239 p., zahlr. Ill., map. M 14,80. u446 Kroll Gerhard, Auf den Spuren Jesu 7• Lp/Stu 1978, St. Benno/KBW. 585 p., 304 (col.) fig.; maps/plans M. Weis. M 29,50 / DM 58 pa. / 0 3460-31701-9. - RBLtg 52 (1979) 125-28 (J. H. Emminghaus). u447 Landau J. M., Abdul-Hamid's Palestine: Rare Cenlury-uld Photographs for the Private Collection of the Ottoman Sultan Now Published for the First Time. J 1979, Carta. 144 p. - RBSOAS 42 (1979) 591 (C. E. Bosworth). u448 Lang David M., Armenia: Cradle of Civilization [from the early history

ul.5 l'hotographiae


of human ,;r:ttlement, . . . the Urartean Kingdom . . . Tigranes the Great ... Christian Armenia ... ]. L 1970 Allen & U. 320 p. ills. 8 pls. ±:6.80.RstCompRel 11 (1977) 127s (J. C. Cooper). u449 Lange G. (Fritz M.), Bilder des Glaubens: 24 Farbholzschnitte zur Bibel von T. Zacharias. Mü 1978, Kösel. 130p. u450 Leclant Jean Hg., Ägypten 1. Das Alte und das Mittlere Reich von der Vorgeschichte bis zum Ende der Hyksoszeit (1560 v. Chr): Universum der Kunst 26. Mü 1979, Beck. VI-374p. DM 168. 0 3-406-03026-2. u451 Lessing E., OberleitnerW., Ephesos: Weltstadt der Antike. Heid 1978, Ueberreuter. 279 p. (überw. 111.).DM 145 pa. u452 The Life of Jesus. Great Words of Jesus. Gospel texts illustrated by full-colour photographs of New Testament places. L 1979, Lion. Each 64 p., :El.95 casebound, :E0,80pa. u453 Ostendorff H., Negev, Sinai, Israel: Skizzenbuch 2 (mit Texten). Dülmen 1976, Der Steg im Kreuz der Freunde. 27 BI., überw. 111.DM 10. u454 Roger Jean, Das Land Jesu. Graz 1976, Böhlau (Sonderband). 148 p. (25 Text), 21 fig., 81 pl. + 39 col. (phot. G. Nalbandian). Sch 170. RzKT 100 (1978) 532. u455 Rothenberg B. Hg., Sinai. Pharaonen, Bergleute, Pilger und Soldaten. B 1979, Kümmerly & F. 239 p., 113 col. phot. (H. Weyer). Fs 88. u456 Sandars [Ms.] N. K., The Sea Peoples, Warriors of the Ancient Mediterranean 1250-1150 B.C.: Ancient Peoples and Places 89, 1978; 0 0-50002085-X. ➔ 58s,b978: RAntiquity 52 (1978) 161s (A. Snodgrass). u457 Schiller Ely, The First Photographs of Jerusalem: the Old City. J 1978, Ariel. 256 p. 260 photos 1856-1928. - RRß 86 (1979) 315 (P. B[enoit]). u458 Sehader R. V., Wings over Hellas [=Ancient Greece from the Air 1974 .... 56,8503]: RscientAm 234,6 (1976) 131 (P. Morrison). u459 Staudinger Ferdinand, Dexinger Ferdinand, Belobtes Land: Begegnung mit Israel. Innsbruck 1978, Tyrolia. 192 p., (col.) photos H. Fasching. DM 68 pa. 0 3-7022-1304-X. u460 Taragan E. ed., From the Galilee to the Golan. Forest Grove OR 1976, International Schulady. 122 p. $14.95. u461 Tsafrir Y., St. Catherine's Monastery in Sinai: drawings by 1. Dunayevsky: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 218-229, 7 fig., pi. 47-51. u462 Weiler Eugen, Jesus Gottessohn [Stad/er Wolfgang, Die Sprache der Bilder], Begegnung und Bekenntnis 4 • Fr 1978, Herder. 149 p., 80 Farbbilder (E. Lessing). DM 34 pa. 0 3-451-16830-8. u463 Weitzmann K., The Icons at St. Catherine's Monastery I 1976. RQadm 11 (1978) 98s, 2 fig. ([!!] H. Maguire). u464 Weitzmann Kurt, Chatzidakis Manolis, Radojcic Svetozar, Die Ikonen - Sinai, Griechenland und Jugoslawien. Herrsching-Ammersee 1977, Pawlak. 243 p., 215 (col.) fi.g. Updating of Die Ikonen 1965. u465 Weitzmann K., The Miniatures of the Sacra Parallela [OT; Migne G 95, 1033ff; 96, 10-441. 441-544]. Parisinus Graecus 923 = Studies in Manuscript Illumination, 8. Princeton 1979, Univ. Pr. xrn-272, CLXII pl., 1 col. facsim. u466 Whitehouse R., The First Cities 1977 ➔ 58s,b653: RAntiquity 52 (1978) 161 (S. Lloyd: 'slight').

Elcnchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

852 ul.6

[XIX. Geog. bib.

Guidebooks, Führer.

u467 Anbar Reuben, I!!] The Land of Sinai. Haifa 1977, Netiv ha-Seper. 173 p., ill. u468 Aquilar CoimbraJose A., Itinerärio de Jose: Sete dias nos caminhos da Palestina de sempre, Petr6polis 1978, Vozes. 127 p., 3 maps; 3 ill.; 1 foldout. u469 Arnold A. S., ABC of Bible lands: an alphabetic handbook for travelers. Nv 1977, Broadman. 142 p., ill. u470 Beyer R. [deutsch. Hg.], Berlitz-Reiseführer: Jerusalem und das Heilige Land [Ausflüge]. Lausanne 1979, Berlitz. 128 p., photos E. Mandelmann. DM6,80. u471 Soprintendenza (agli scavi di Ostia), Topografia, dei mitrei Ostiensi: ➔ 736, Mysteria Mithrae, ed. U. Bianchi. R 1979, 81-83, 1 plan. u472 Bober A., [Rl 'Breviarius de Hierosolyma'. Kr6tki przewodnik ... Un bref guide de Jerusalem au ye s.: introd. et trad.]; Cz~ST 1 (1973) 263266. u472* L'Egypte anpienne: Itineraires chretiens 24. P 1975, SIP-Voyages. EsprVie 89 (1978) 655-58 (J. Daoust). u473 Faccenda L., Con Maria in Terrasanta. Bo 1978, Immacolata. u474 Finazzo G., Un 'vademecum' per il pellegrino in Terra Santa [Roma, Bibi. dell'Ist. Naz. di Archeol. e Storia dell' Arte, Ms 32c, saec. XV germ.]: AcBiblt 46 (1978) 101-156, 2 pl. u475 Freely J., Stummer-Boyd H., Istanbul - ein Führer. Mü 1975, Prestel. 607 p. 40 fig., 64 pl. + 10 col. DM 36. - RDasMünster 30 (1977) 81 (V. Elbern). u476 Freydank H., Der Alte Orient in Stichworten. Lp 1978, Koehler & A. 494 p. Ill. (H.-U. Herold). M 38. . u477 Galey John, Sinai und das Katharinen-Kloster; Einführung George H. Forsytlt, Kurt Weitzmamt. Stu/Z 1979, Belser. 191 p. u477* Giuliano Antonio, Le citta dell'Apocalisse: Paperbacks Civilta scomparse 19. R 1978, Newton Compton. 172 p. ill; bibliog. 157-159. u478 Haag H., Das Land der Bibel2, Gestalt, Geschichte, Erforschung: Der Christ in der Welt, 6. Aschaffenburg 1978, Pattloch. 161 p. DM 9 pa. u479 Heck A. van, Breviarium Urbis Romae. Ld 1977. - RRArch (1979) 368 (P. Gros,). u480 Hoade Eugene, Guide to Jordan 3rev. J 1977, Franciscan. 276 p., 42 pl., 16 maps. - PEQ 111 ( 1979) 68 (J. Wilkinson). u481 Israel: Meriam 31,12. Ha 1978, Hoffmann & C. 160 p., Ill. DM8.80pa. u482 Israel und angrenzende Länder: Strassenkarte mit Sehenswürdigkeiten = Israel and Adjoining Countries: road map for sightseeing (tit. etiam gall. et it.). Bern 1979, Kiimmerly& Frey. 1: 750000; 89 x 74 cm gefaltet, farbig Fs 7,80. u483 Jordao Villela Lucia, Com Jesus na terra santa. Petr6polis 1979, Vozes. 119 p.; 9 photos; map. u484 King Philip J., [➔ s478] Through the Ancient Near East with- ASOR: BToday 103 (1979) 2113-20.

ul.6 Guidebooks, Führer


u485 Lewis Harrison, Arn;,ient M11lta; a Study of lt8 Antiquitie:s. Gerrards Cross, Bucks 1977, Colin Smythe. 168 p. ill. (Hilda B. Lewis). u486 Lunz A. M., I!!] Guide to Israel and Syria. J 1979, Ariel. 13 + 274 + 22 p., ill., map. u487 Maibaum H., Syrien, Kreuzweg der Völker; eine Reise durch Geschichte und Gegenwart des Vorderen Orients 2• Lp 1979, Brockhaus VEB. 304 p., Ill. (z. T. farbig); Maps (H. Paditz). M 16,20. u488 Martin J., A Pilgrim's Guide to the Holy Land. Ph c.1978, Westminster. $4.95 pa. u488* Meinardus 0. F. A., St. Paul in Greece / St. Paul's Last Journey: In the Footsteps of the Saints. New Rochelle NY 1979, Caratzas. xiv-127 p., $4.95 pa. 0 0-89241 I045-0 (072-8 bound) / xvi-159 p., also $4.95 pa. 0 0892411046-9 (073-6). u489 Morillon M., Paul, le premier voyage: MondeB 1978/? 3, 27-41 (fase. entier sur Paul, richement illustre): 36 Iconium, derviche tournant. u489* Nicholson Dianne ed. (Moore Richard, area ed.), [Eugene] Fodor's Israel 1978. L 1978, Hodder & S. 373 p., ill.; (col.) plans. u490 Owen G. F., The Holy Land. GR 1977, Baker. 327 p. u491 Pax [W.] E., a) Auf den Spuren des Paulus [mostly photos] 1977 -+ 58s,6724: RFreibRu 31 (1979) 156s (W. Trutwin). - b) [Il In the Footsteps of Paul. Tokyo 1979. u492 Pax [W.] E., a) Auf den Spuren des Jes'1s von Nazareth: Hrg. M. Raanan, (P. Anders) Fotos: D. Harris. Olten etc. 1979, Walter. 293 p., photos (z. T. farbig; D. Harris). DM 29,80. - b) In the Footsteps of Jesus: A Pilgrimage to the Scenes of Christ's Life. J 1979, Steimatzky & N. 224p. ill. - c) I Jcsu fotspdr. Vällinsby 1978, H11rrier.224 p, u493 Pax E., Mit Jesus im Heiligen Land. Tel Aviv 1979. 144 p. u494 Pehlemann C., Fünlinal Orient. Reisebericht wid Tips von Reisen durch die Türkei, Syrien, Jordanien, Irak und Iran: Reihe SYRO-lndividual-Reiseführer 2. Gö 1979, SYRO. 245 p.: lll. (z.T. farbig). DM 19. u495 Restle M., istanbul-Bursa-Edirne-lznik. Baudenkmäler und Museen. Stu 1976, P. Reclam J. 632 p., 184 fig., 2 plans. - RivArchCr 54 (1978) 149-52 (Janssens). u496 Saade Gabriel, Ougarit. Metropole Cananeenne. Beyrouth 1979, Tmprimerie Catholique. 220 p. u497 Sehlink Maria B., Sinai heute: Stätten der Gottesoffenbarung zwischen Nil und Moseberg4 • Da-Eberstadt 1978, Ev. Marienschwestern. 157 p., 25 (eol.) ill., map. DM 7,80 pa. 0 3-87209-274-X. u498 Terre et Parole. Guide de la Terre Promise. P 1979, Chalet. 456 p. u499 Timm Marianne (Becker Harald) Hg., Ein Weg durch die Bibel in Texten, Bildern und Erläuterungen. Gö 1978, VR. 544 p., (col.) ill. DM 38 pa. 0 3-525-61193-5. u500 Vilnay Z., Israel: Kunst und Reiseführer mit Landeskunde [Guide to Israel 11955 16 1973) tr. H. Ludwig: Kohlhammer-Kunst- und Reiseführer. 520 p., zahlr. IlJ. OM 54. u501 Vilnay Z., I!!] Ariel: Encyclopedia of Ere~-Israel Information, VI: Nebi Musa-' Asafna. TA 1978, Am-Obed. p. 4979-5928. u501* Wahl Rudolph, Spuren im gelobten Land: Bastei 64033: Geschichte.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

Bergisch Gladbach 1979, Lübbe. 302 p. DM 7,80 pa. u502 Walden John E. F., Bible Places, a Handbook for the Visitor to the Holy Land: Church Pilgrimages and Publications. Bristol 1975, C. Radler. 92 p., ill., map. u503 Weimert F., Malta kennen und lieben: ein kleines Inselreich mit fast unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten 3 (völlig neu bearb.): LN-Touristikführer ... 38. Lübeck 1979, LN-Verlag. 154 p. Ill. u504 YIN YING, Yehsu te chiaoyin: Shengti Paleszut'an hsünli. The Footsteps of Jesus: A Tour of the Holy Land of Palestine. Taipei 1978, Tao Sheng Publishing House. 296 p. NT $ 320.00.

u l. 7 Onomastica. u505 A:t,.ituvS., l!!I ha-resfmot ha-topografiyyot ... The Egyptian topographical lists relating to the history of Palestine in the biblical period: diss. J 1979. XIV-324p.; Engl. summ. XIVp. u506 Altman A., Some Controversial Toponyms from the Amurru Region in the Amarna Archive [Kv-Az.-bat and Afa-ag-da-lim (zKusba and elMagdal, near Amyün); Ambi & Ammiya (=Enfe & Amyün); Saalal (= a teil near Sabli,16,5 k ESE l;Iamä, E Orontes): ZDPV 94 (1978) 99-107. u507 Assaf A., Khallouf L., 1A]L'itineraire de Thutmosis III pour Ja huitieme fois en terre de Syrie: AnArchArabSyr 26 (1976) 165-192, mnp. u508 Astour M. C., Continuite et changement dans la toponymie de la Syrie du Nord: ➔ 728, La toponymie antique, Actes du Coll. de Strasbourg 1975/6, 117-141. u509 Avi-Yonah M., CTazetteerof Roman Pale1,,tine,pref, Y, Tsafrir: Qedem 5. J 1976, H. Univ. Inst. Arch. 112 p., maps. - RRB 86 (1979) 308s (Y. B/omme; details contestnhles). u510 Bein/ich Horst, Listen, topographische: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1061s. u511 Edzard Dietz 0., Farber Gertrud, Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der 3. Dynastie von Ur: Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes 2 = TAVO Reih. B 7/2, 1974 --. 56,9357. - RoLZ 74 (1979) 445ss (J. Oelsner). u512 Edzard Dietz 0., Farber Gertmd, Sollberger Edmond, Repertoire geographique des textes cuneiformes I. Die Orts- und Gewässernamen der präsargonischen und sargonischen Zeit: TA VO Beih. B 7/ l. Wb 1977, Reichert. xxv-249 p., 2 maps. DM 40. u513 Elisse(t{f N., ~innasrin [< aram. ~enneshrin 'nid des aigles', ville de Syrie]: ➔ 876, Enclslam 5,79s (1979) 126-128. u514 Frezouls E., La toponymie de l'Orient syrien et l'apport des elements macedoniens: ➔ 728, La toponymie antique, Actes du Colloque de Strashoure 1975/6, 219-248, 5 fig. . u515 Frieden Yisrael, l!!I Identification of Bedouin names in Hebrew literature at the end of the ninctccnth century: KirSef 53 (1978) 557-564. u516 Garbini G., Fenici in Palestina [esame centrato sull'onomastica di varie iscrizioni]: AION 39 ( 1979) 325-330. u51 7 Giveon R., [HI Remarks on Some Ancient Egyptian Toponym Lists [in the boustrophedon Sheshonq list and others: rw-f,r, perhaps Levi-El;

ul. 7 Onomastica


Ilekalim]: ShnatMila 3 (1978s) 124-28.XVIs. u5 l 8 Görg Manfred, Untersuchungen zur hieroglyphischen Wiedergabe palästinensischer Ortsnamen [Diss. Bonn 1974]: Bonn OrSt, N.S.29. Bonn 1974, Univ. 226 p., Ill. u519 Görg M., Namenstudien: a) I. Frühe moabitische Ortsnamen [aeg. Bwtrt = 'Wohnsitz des Lot'; Ynd(!) im Gebirge von Mrrn; Tbmw Dibon oder Tpn?]: BibNot 7 (1979) 10-14, 2 fig. - b) II. Syrisch-mesopotamische Toponyme [der fragmentarisch erhaltenen Liste im Bereich der Hatschepsutobelisken von Karnak]: BibNot 7 (1978) 15-21, 2 fig. - c) III. Zum Problem einer Frühbezeugung von Aram: BibNot 9 (1979) 7-10. tfJ IV. Asiatische Ortsnamen in ptolemäischen Listen: BibNot 10 (1979) 16-21. - e) V. Zwei Nachbarn Assurs im 13. Jahrhundert [Uqumeni; Qulri = Gutaei]: BibNot 10 (1979) 22. u520 Görg M., Tutmosis III und die S1sw-Region [eher Syrien-Nordpalästina als Südpalästina; Syrienliste; Nr. 159 lies Sisw (J)rnt = s (im Gebiet des) Orontes]: JNES 38 (1979) 199-202. u521 Görg M., Eine Variante von Mitanni [transcript. äg.] / Mitanni in Gruppenschreibung: GötMiszÄg 29 (1978) 25-26 / 32 (1979) 17s, 2 fig. u522 Gomaa G., Probleme der Lokalisierung von ägyptischen Ortsnamen: --> 762, ZDMG, Suppl. III-1 (1977) 22-31, 2 maps. u523 Helck Wolfgang, Die altägyptischen Gaue 1974 --> 56,7440b; 58s,c077b: RoLZ 73 (1978) 442s (U. Luft). u524 Kellermann D., Überlieferungsprobleme alttestamentlicher Ortsnamen [ ... in Mi 1,10-15; Jos 15,37-41 ... ]: VT 28 (1978) 423-434. u525 Kessler K, Geographische Notizen: ZAss 69 (1979s) 217-220: Na'iri, Kabat, Pamunna. u526 Krei~er Klaus, Die Siedlungsnamen Westthrakiens nach amtlichen Verzeichnissen und Kartenwerken: Islamkundliche Untersuchungen 51. 1-'reiburg/Br., 1978. rx-96 + *31 p., 1 foldout. u527 Kuyper J. De, Les auteurs grecs et la denomination des regions du Proche-Orient ancien: Akkadica 14 (1979) 16-31. u528 Limet H., Permanence et changement dans la toponymie de la MesopoLamie antiquc: > 728, La toponymie antique. Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 1975/7, 83-115. u529 Monte Giuseppe F. del, Tischler Johann, Repertoire geographique des textes cuneiformes VI. Die Orts- und Gewässemamen der hethitischen Texte: TAVO Beih B 7/6. Wb 1978, Reichert. xvn-596 p., map. DM 84. 0 3-88226-037-8. u530 Negev A., l!!l Preservation and Disappearance of Early Place Names in the Central Negev: CHistEI 4 (1977) 121-132, 2 fig. Porter B., Moss L. B., Topographical bibliography ➔ 1036; t917. u531 Rainey A. F., The Toponymics of Eretz-Israel: BASOR 231 (1978) 117. u532 Richardson M. E. J., Ugaritic Place Names with Final -y: JSS 23 (1978) 298-315. u533 Robert J. & L., La persistance de la toponymie antique dans l'Anatolie: --> 728, La toponymie antique, Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg 1975/7, 11-63.


Elenchus./ Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

u534 Sigrist R. M., Nouveaux noms geowaphiques de l'empire d'Ur TTT:JCS 31 (1979) 166-70, 2 pl. u535 Simmons S. D., (Kingsbury E. C.), Early Old Babylonian Documents [Year-names, Personal/Geographie Names]: YOS (Yale Oriental Series) Babylonian Texts 14, 1978 ➔ 58s,b741: RJCS 31 (1979) 177-83 (M. Stol). u536 Zadok R., a) Historical and Onomastic Notes [ ... Syro-Palestinian Names in Neo-Assyrian transcript.]: WeltOr 9 (1979) 35-56; 240s, Addenda. - b) West Semitic Toponyms in Assyrian and Babylonian Sources [72 toponyms + Gaugamela 'Camel's house' + Qöa · & Söac (Ez 23,23ss + 'Unger Prism' Nabuchodonosoris)]: ➔ 154, Fs. S. E. LoEWENSTAMM 1978, 163-179. u537 Zadok R., On West Semites in Babylonia durilli the C:halde.an and Achaemenian Periods: an Onomastic Study 1977 ➔ 58s,c253a; 2 1978 rev. u538 Zibelius K., Ägyptische Siedlungen nach Texten des alten Reiches: TAVO Beih. 13/19. Wb 1978, Reichert. xx1-290p. DM70. u539 Zibelius K., Zur Mchmamigkeit altägyptischer Orte (e.g. l)wt-ki-ptl) und mfjlt-tlwy, demotisch auch mn-nfr, Rosetta jnb-l)rj, alle = Memphis): ➔ 762, WMG. Suppl. III, 1 (1978) 40-46. ul.8

Geographici situs ordinc alphabetico

u540 Abel-Beth-Maacah: Kallai Z., Bethachon and Abel-Beth-maacah: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 60s, on 28 (1978) 157ss, J. Kaplan. u541 Kaplan J,, The ldentification of Abcl-Bcth-Maachah [= T. Abil] aml Janoah [Giv'at ha-Shoqet]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 157-160. u542 Abilene: Smit M., Recherches sur l'Abilene antique: Diss. Lic. Lv-N 1978. u542"' Lurte B. Z., [g] 'Adasa: a city in the territory of Benjamin: BethM 25,80 (1979s) 63-65. u543 Akko: Kind/er A., Akko, a City of Many Names: BASOR 231 (1978) 51-55. u544 Alexandria: Weiss H.-F., Alexandrien [I. Historisch; 11. Judentum in Alexandrien]: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 248-264. u545 Antlochia: Lassus J., Remarques sur l'Antioche romaine: Themes de recherches sur les villes antiques d'Occidcnt: ➔ 728, La toponymie antique 1975/7, 229-236; 8 pl. u546 Meeks Wayne A., Wilken Robert L., Jews and Christians in Antioch 1978 ➔ 58s,e265: RTS 40 (1979) 742s (D. Greenwood). u547 Pasinya = Monswengo ➔ 58s,6675 [non in Indice], Antioche, berceau de l'Eglise des Gentils, Act 11, 19-26: RAfrT 1 (1977) 31-66. u548 Wolfram K. [f] Metropolia chrzescijaitska w Antiochii (iej geneza etc.). RoczT, ChrzAkT (1964) 105-46. u549 Aram-$obä: Yeivin Israel [g] Ararn-Sobäh zone: diss. Hebrew Univ., dir. M. Goshen-Gottstein. J 1979, Magnes. XVI-410-XXVIIIp. u550 Arwad: Rey-Coquais J.-P., Arados et sa Peree aux epoques grecque, romaine et byzantine: BAH 97. P 1974, Geuthner. xm-298 p., 24 pl., 2

ul.8 Geographical sites in alphabetical order


maps. F 180. - RRf:Anc 78s (1976s) 321s (J.-M. Bertrand). u551 Athenae: Holmberg Erik J., Athens. SIMA-Pocket 8. Göteborg 1978, Paul Aström, 128 p., 18 fig., 33 pl. u552 Weber C. W., Athen. Aufstieg und Grösse des antiken Stadtstaates. Dü 1979, Econ. 368 p., ill. DM 32. u553 Baghdad: Tikrfti Salim Tähä, ~ Bagdäd [Bagdad im Jahre 1573 nach der Beschreibung des holländischen Reisenden Rauwolf]: Al-Mawrid (5. II. 1976) 74-82. u554 Sailjli Mulµmmad Ra'üf, ~ al-Mu'gam al-gugräfi ... [Topographisches Lexikon von Alt-Bagdad, 1853-1941). Bassorah 1977. 297 p.; 28 pl. u555 Beersheba: Zimmerli W., Beerseba: ➔ 895, TRE 5,3s (1979) 402-404. u556 Bctll-San: Seebass H., Der israelitisGhe Name der Bucht von Besän und der Name Beth Schean: ZDPV 95 (1979) 166-72. u557 Fuchs G., [!!] The Foundation of Scythopolis: CHistEI 8 (1978) 3-11, 2 fig. u558 Bibra: Franke/ Rafael, 'Bibra' ? a Forbidden Village in the Territory of Tyre: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 194-6, 1 fig. u559 Caesarea: Fritsch C. T., Studies in the History of Caesarea Maritima: Joint Expedition 1, 1975 °0-89130-034-1 ➔ 58s,b396: RBQ 34 (1977) 361s (H. de Jonge); ClasR 28 (1978) 379s (Frend); TsrEJ 27 (1977) 262ss (L. I. Levine); Orienta.lia 47 (1978) 127 (R. North). u560 Kaegi W. E. J, Some Seventh-Century ~urces on Caesarea: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 177-181. u561 Levine Lee 1., Roman Caesarea. An Archaeological-Topographical Study [supplement to 56,7170; 58t1,b292]: Qedcm 2. .T 1975, Hebr. Univ. vn56 p., 6 fig., 8 pl. $12. - RFolOr 20 (1979) 293ss (E. Dq.browa); OLZ 74 (1979) 129s (D. Lotze). u562 Levine L. 1., Netzer E. [!!] New Light on Caesarea: [!!] Qadm 11 (1978) 70-75. u563 Cana: M ackowski R. M., 'Scholars' Qanah': a Re-examination of the Evideiice in Favor of Khirbet-Qanah; BZ 23 (1979) 278-83, map 284 [Valet.]. u564 Caphargamala [Beth-Semes area]: Charbel Antonio, Fonti e sussidi per lo studio dell'identificazione di Caphargamala con Beit-Jimäl (Bet-Semes, Palestina; tomba di S. Stefano): Salesianum 40 (1978) 911-44. u565 Carmelus: Bilik E., l!!I Karmel and karmil ('bright red' from Persian krm 'worm'; Cl 7,6): Dcth Milcrn 24 (1979) 223-6, u566 Friedman Elias, a) Los Carmelitas y el Monte Carmelo: Monte Carmelo 86 (Burgos 1978) 159-1Tl. - b) Les Carmes et le Mont Carmel: Carmel 4 (Venasque 1978) 279-299 ill.. - c) ibid. 267-272, Goedt Michel de, Le Carmel, lieu d'une origi.ue passee, et a venir ..... y367. u567 Citium (Cyprus): Nicolau Kyriakos, The Historical Topography of Kition: SIMA 43, Göteborg 1976, Aström. XXXN-373p., 47 t\g., 37 pl. Sk 150. - RorAnt 17 (1978) 160ss (M. G. Guzzo Amadasi); Orientalia 47 (1978) 132 (R. North). u568 Corinthus: Wiseman James, The Land of the Ancient Corinthians. Göteborg 1978, Aström. 150 p.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

u569 Dabberet: Biton G. [!!] Haddabrat Jos 19,12 a Defined Place Name?: .Beth Mikra 24 (1978) 73s. u570 Damascus: Munajjid Saläl;tadcfin al. [Al Historische Stätten in Damaskus: Majallat Majma al-Lugat al-'Arabiyya fi Dimasq 48 (1973) 551560. u571 Sabugal Santos, La menci6n neotestamentaria de Damasco (Gäl 1,17; 2Cor 11,32; Act 9,2s. 8.lOpar. 9,22.27par) lciudad de Siria o regi6n de Qumrän? ➔ 593 Delcor M., Qumrän 1978, 403-413. u572 Demetrias (Thess. Magnesia): Marzolff P., Demetrias; Elemente einer hellenistischen Hauptstadt: Architectura 5 (1975) 43-60, 7 fig., pi. 1-6. u573 Elephantine: Witakowski W., The Origins of the Jewish Colony at Elephantine [first waves after 722, second after 586]: OrSuec 28s (1978s) 3441. u574 Emesa (l;lom$): Chad C., Les dynastes d'Emese 1972 --+ 55,7604: RwzKM 65s (1973s) 283ss (W. Röllig). u575 'Eniin: Zadok Ran, tfirbet Bet ·tnün [5 k. NE Hebron; not Baisanü n]: IsrEJ 29 (1979) 62. u575* Galilee: Yizrael R. comp., 1H]ha-ga/fl weha-golan ... Galilee and the Golan in the period of the Mishna and the Talmud. J 1976, Ben-Zvi Fund. u576 Gath: Rainey A. F., 1H]Zur Lokalisierung des biblischen Gat der Philister [Safi/Ta~pit]: -> 58s,2645, Reflections on the Bible [for] Yishai RoN [TA 1976, Don. 270 p. [ffiJ 245-51. u577 Gaza: Gichon M., [!!] History of the Gaza Strip - A Geopolitical and geostrategic view: CHistEI 6 (1977) 133-165, 7 fig. u578 Ge': Dahood M. [cf. ehlaita f(i-ku-la-baki 'Doe Vafü,y']: Riblica 60 (1979) 417s3 Ps 23,4. u579 Gera11a:[Kraeling C. H. T] Klauser T., Gerasa: .....892, RAC 10 (1978) 223-233, 2 fig. u580 Gezer: Izre'el Shlomo, 1H]The Gezer Letters of the El-Amarna Archive: Linguistic Analysis: M. A. diss. Tel-Aviv 1976. 106 p.; English summary. u581 Golgotha: Bagatti B., Le leggende di Adamo e il Golgota: TerraS 54 (1978) 137-141, 3 ftg. u582 Testa Emanuele, Il Golgota, porto della quiete: --+ 15, Fs. B. BAGATTI 1976, I 179-244 ill. u583 Haceldama: Major Marek, Aceldama nell'ombra del tradimento di Giuda (diss. J SBF, dir. B. Bagatti 1979). LXIV-336 p., 12 pi. u584 Haüa: Carrnel A., Geschichte Haifas in der türkischen Zeit 1975 --+ 58s,e481: RArQr 45 (1977) 370 (Z. Vesela-P.); Mundus 13,2 (1977) 110 (G. Schweizer); WeltOr 10 (1979) 168s (F. Böhl); ZDMG 127 (1977) 211 (E. Wagner). u585 ]Jalil: Sharon M., Al-Khalil [Hebron]: --+ 876, Encyclopaedia of Islam 4, fase. 75s (1977) 954~61; plan of mosque. u586 ]Janl}ana: Alp S. IT] Hitit kenti ljanljana'run yeri [Die Lage der heth. Ortschaft ljant}anaj: Belleten 41 (1977) 649-652. u587 ]Jattusa: Kernpinski A., 1H]Hattusa - Capital of the Hittite Empire: Qadmoniot 8 (1975) 2-17, ill.

ul.8 Geographical sites: Jerusalem


u588 Ilesbon: Bagatti B., Hesban, anlica citta vcscovile di Trasgiordania: TerraS 53 (1977) 298-302, 6 fi.g. u589 Isin: Steinkeller P., A Note on the Reading of the Name of Isin: JCS 30 (1978) 168s. u590 Janoah: Otto E., Survey-ähnliche Ergebnisse zur Geschichte der früheisenzeitlichen Siedlung Janoah (Jos 16,6.7): WPV 94 (1978) 108-118, 3 fig., pl. 7-8. u591 Jaw: Koenig Jean, Le site de Al-Jaw dans l'ancien pays de Madian 1971 --> 55,8378; 56,9088: RQLZ 73 (1978) 266-70 (W. W. Müller); ZDMG 128 (1978) 370 (B. Schaffer). u591* Jerusalem: Adan (< Bayewitz) D., The 'Fountain of Siloam' and 'Solomon's Pool' in First-Century C. E. Jerusalem (< Hebr. U. Seminar): IsrEJ 29 (1979) 92-100, 3 fig., Pl. 11. u592 Baratto C., Gerusalemme. Progetto di rinnovamento e sviluppo di Mamillah: TerraS 53 (1977) 327-30, 4 fig. u593 Ben-Chorin S., Ich lebe in Jerusalem. [Ein Bekenntnis zu Geschichte und Gegenwart]: Aktuelles Taschenbuch. Gerlingen 1979, Bleicher. 263 p. DM 14,80. u594 Benoit P., Ou en est la question du 'troisieme mur' (1. La description de Josephe: II. Tes convenances topographiques; III. Les trouvaillcs archeologiques; IV. Hypotheses ... ]: --> 15, Studia Hierosolymitana H. HAOATTI 1, 1976, 111-126, u595 Blomme Y., Faut-il revenir sur la datation de l'arc de l"Ecce Homo"!: RB 86 (19'/9) 244- 71: nul wider Iladriim n:; but before 66, despite difficulties of identifying it with the 'second' or 'third' wall. u596 Clitford David L., Tht: two Jerusalems in pruphecy. Ncptune NJ 1978, Loizeaux. 192 p., ill. (E. N. Timmis). 0 0-87213-081-9. u597 Cohen Amnon, IHlDevelopment Projects in Jerusalem under Early Ottoman Rule: CHistEI 8 (1978) 179-187, 3 fig. u598 Eisman M. M., A Tale of Three Cities [Jerusalem, Athens, Rome]: BA 41 (1978) 47-60, ,11 fig.; cf. 42 (1979) 144, M. Broshi. u599 .Benoit). u617 Wo(frau K., [r] The Christian metropolis in Jerusalem: origin and early history: RoczT, ChrzAkT (1963) 311-34.

Kadesh(-Bamea) , u632; s955. u618 Ktk: Na'aman N., Looking for KTK [A. The Borders of'All Aram' in the Sefire lnscriptions; B. The Opcning Lines of tht:m; C. The Terrltory of the Kingdom of KTK (= Hamath + Hadrach); D. A History of the Kingdom of KlKJ: Weltür 9 (1978) 220-239, 1 fig. u618* Ktl: Beeston A. F. L., The Location of Kt/ [of Sabaean Inscriptions: Durayb]: PrSemArabSt 6 (1976) 5-7.

ul.8 Geographical sites: Jerusalem


u6 l 9 Lawanzantiya: Lebrun R., Lawanzantiya, foyer religieux Kizzuwatnien: ➔ 147, Florilegium Anatolicum E. LAROCHE, 1979, 197-206. u620 Lebanon: Corcket P., Le Liban dans la Bible [< 58s,e613]: Cah TSainte. J 1978, Franciscan. 94 p., 32 phot., map. I:E50/$2. u621 Magdala: Manns F., Magdala dans le_ssuuru:s littcraires [ ... ecrivains latins; Josephe; litterature rabbinique; Evv. - ... Tarichees; Dalmanutha. - Appendice: recits des pelerins]: ➔ 15, Fs. B. BAGATTI1976, I 307337. u622 Megiddo: Schall A., Biblisches Harmaged(d)on im Lichte der semitischen Sprachwissenschaft [< hammagiddon, cum dissimilatione-mm-> rm, cfr. c. g. Darmeseq • Damascus' in Chron J; Megiddo ut locus in quo vincuntur reges]: QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 237-240. u623 Mistra: Löhneysen Wolfgang von, a) Mistra: Griechenlands Schicksal im Mittelalter; Morea unter Franken, Byzantinern und Osmanen. München, 1977. III-498 p. - RJslam 55 (1978) 383s (B. Spuler). - b) Mistra zur Zeit Hölderlins und Goethes: ArchK 57 (1975) 426-444. u624 Netopha: Kob K., Noch einmal Netopha [wahrscheinlicher mit ijirbet Bedd Fälül;i zu identifizieren; Rämat Räl;iel (B. Mais/er > Mazar) ist nach Y. Aharoni eher Beth Hakkerem]: ZDPV 94 (1978) 119-34, 4 fig. pl. 9-10. . u625 Ninive: Ra'iif 'lmäd 'Abdassaläm, ~ al-Mati.$il [Mosul zur Zeit der O~manen]. Baghdad 1975. 648 p. u626 Ostia: Zevi F., Ostia e Porto: Enciclopedia italiana, 4a App.: 19611978, Ge-Pi (R 1979, Istituto Treccani) 697-99, 1 fig., tav. CCII-CCIV. u627 Patmos: Sehlink Basilea, Patmos. . . . dove i cieli si aprirono [Patmos da der Himmel offen wnr] tr. Vincenzo Renassi. 1976, La. Storta. 120p. u628 Pella Macedoniae: }.fakaronas C. 1., Pella: Capital of Ancient Macedonia: ScientAm 215,6 (1966) 99-105, 11 fig. u629 Petra: Caubet A., Petra et la Nabatene: Archfologia 127 (1979) 36-42, 11 phot. + 3 col., fig., map. u630 Qades-barnea ·: Geus C. H. J. de, Kadesh Barnea: Some Geographical and Historical Remarks: ➔ 637, OTS 20 (1977) 56-66. u63 l a) Fritz V., Kadesch Barnea - Topographie und Siedlungsgeschichte im Bereich der Quellen von Kadesch und die Kultstätten des Negeb während der Königszeit: BibNot 9 (1979, 'Kadesch in Geschichte und Überlieferung'; Tagung Katholischer Alttestamentler 1979; bibliog. 6670) 45-50. - b) Görg Manfred, Bevölkerungsstrukturen in Südpalästina (mit nordöstlichem Sinai) zum ausgehenden 13. Jh. (im Licht ausserbiblischer Quellen), 51-66. u632 Qades/Orontes: Kuschke A., Das Terrain der Schlacht bei Qades und dle Anmarschwege Ramses' II. Summarium einer ebemm kritischen wie selbstkritischen Bestandsaufnahme, vorwiegend im Hinblick auf die geopl. 1-3. graphischen Gegebenheiten: ZDPV 95 (1979) 7-35, 3 map11, u633 Qilt, wadi: Piccirillo M., Una visita fuori del tempo ad un anacoreta [Koziba] di Wadi el Kelt: TerraS 54 (1978) 142-48, -5 fi.g. u634 Raamses: Gitton M., Ramses [locus]: ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1979) 1117-24, fig. 899.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

u635 Räbi~um: Rainey A. F., Toponymic Problems: RiQµ~um = Rögi~u? [Mari tablet, ed. G. JJossin: Syria 50 (1973) 277-82, near Qatanum]: TAJ 6 (1979) 158-161. u636 Ramot-Gil'ad: Briend J., Ramot-Galaad: ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1979) 11014, 1112. u637 Sardis: Pedley John G., Sardis in the Age of Croesus: Centers of Civilization Series. Norman 1968, University of Oklahoma. ( < diss. Harvard 1965 ➔ 50,6820b): XIV-146p., maps; bibliog. 137-140. u638 !,efat: Tarnar D., 1H]On the Jews of Safed in the Days of the Ottoman Conquest: CHistEI 11 (1979) 184s. u639 Seleucia/Zeugma: Wagner J., Seleukeia am Eufrat/Zeugma: TAVO Beih. B 10. Wb 1976, Reichert. 309 p., 40 fig., 60 pl., 2 maps. DM 128. - RAJA 82 (1978) 569s (R. D. Sullivan). ➔ t585. u640 Sepphoris: Geiger J., 1H]Sephoris and the 'War of Qitos': CHistEI 8 (1978) 69s. u641 Shechem: Jaros K.., a) Sichern: OrbBibOr 11 1976 ➔ t8558s,3183. b) mit Deckert B., Studien zum Sichem-Aera [! = Area]: OrbBibOr lla. Fr/Gö 1977, Univ./VR. 81 p., 23 fig.; DM 17,80. 0 3-7278-0180-8/ 0 3-52553321-7. - RJsrEJ 28 (1978) 207s (S. A!J,ituv); TR 75 (1979) 17s (R. Smend); znpy 94 (1978) 176s (H. Weippert). u642 Otto E., Überlieferung von Sichern und die Ausgrabung auf dem T. baläta: BibNot 6 (1978) 19-26. u643 Sidon: Lang F. G., 'Über Sidon mitten ins Gebiet der Dekapolis': Geographie und Theologie in Mk 7,31: ZDPV 94 (1978) 145-160. u644 Sinai: Lipschitz 0., Sinai (geology, geography: Part I of 4). TA 1978, Simor, POB 39039. v-168 p. photot. $5. u645 Tlan Z., [!!] Could 'Mount Sinai' be Serabit el-Khadem?: Beth Mikra 24 (1979) 278-82. u646 Tabor: Battista A., Bagatti B., La Fortezza Saracena del Monte Tabor (AH. 609-15: AD. 1212-18): SBF min 18. J 1976, Franciscan. 192 p., 32 pl., plan. - RMuseon 91 (1978) 251s (P.-M. Bogaert). u647 Petrozzi Maria T., Tl monte Tabor e dintomi: Luoghi Santi dclla Palcs• tina. J 1976, Franciscan. 467 p. - Rßiblica 58 (1977) 571s (R. North); RivB 26 (1978) 333s (A. Rolla). u648 Tarsis: Hoenig Sidney B., Tarshish [simply thalasses 'sea' (Is. Targ 2,16) yct maybe cognate of tfros 'wine']: JQR 69 (1978s) 181s. u649 Taskent: Aalto P.: The name of Tashkent: Central Asiatic Journal 21,3-4 (1977) 193-198. u650 Temenouthyrai: Drew-Bear T., The City of Temenouthyrai in Phrygia: Chiron 9 (1979) 275-302, map, pl. 8. u651 Teqoa': Escobar Juan, Tecoa (pars diss. R Antonianum). J 1976, Franciscan. 65 p. $2. u652 Thessalonica: Tafel Theophilus L. F., De Thessalonica eiusque agro dissertatio geographica [B 1839, Reimer]. L 1978, Variorum Reprints B 8. 553 p, OQ-902089-36-6, u653 Tiberias: Levine Lee, R. Simeon b. Yolµi and the Purification of Tiberias: History and Tradition [Gen Rabbah 79; jShevi'it 1,38d; Pesiqta de Rav Kahana; EccleRabb]: HUCA 49 (1978) 143-185.

ul.8 Geographical sites: Jerusalem


u654 Barnay Jacob, 1H]The revival of thc Jewish community in Tiberias in 1740 and its historical significance: Sebet we- · Am 14s (1978) 35-62. u655 Ugarit; Arnaud D., (Ras Shamra), III. La culture sumero-accadienne: ➔ 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 1348-59. u656 Liverani M., (Ras Shamra), II: Histoire: ➔ 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 12951348. u656* Yahya tepe: ➔ t834, Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C. & M., An Early City in Iran: ➔ 426, Avenues to Antiquity, Readings from ScientAm [June 1971] 1975, 202-11, 12 fig.


Geologia, orogonia, hydrographia. Clima.

u657 Adams C. G., Benson R. H., Kidd R. B., Ryan W. B. F., Wright R. C., The Messinian Salinity Crisis and Evidence of Late Miocene Eustatic Changes in the World Ocean: Nature 269 (1977) 383-86, 2 fig. u658 Baker R. ed., Tendances en matiere de recherche et d'application de la science et de la technique pour le developpement des zones arides: Notes techniques du MAB, 10. P 1979, UNESCO. - RßSoGglt 8 (1979) 723ss (P. Faggi). u659 Bakler N., Geology of T. Michal and the Herzliya Coast: TAJ 5 (1978) 131-135, 2 fig. u660 Bartelink G. J. M., Les observations de Jeröme sur les termes de la langue courante et parlee: Latomus 38 (1979) 193-222; 203 mare mortuum jamais dans la Bible [Gn 14,3; Ezech. 47,8-18+]. uGGl IJasch L., Lt,s bateaux-corbcilfos rl~s Haou Nebout 'CRTPEL' 4 (1976) 11-51, 9 fig. u662 Beyth M., Urunhagen H., Zilberfarb A., An ultramafic rock in the Precambrian of eastem Sinai: Geology Magazine 115 (1978) 373-378. u663 Böcher 0., Water: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 982-91 (-93). u664 Boyko H., Salt-Water Agriculture [on sandy soil in Israel]: ScientAm 216,3 (1967) 88-96, 7 .fig. u665 Bren(ies B., Studien zum Bewässerungsackerbau des Vorderen Orients: AltOrFor 1 (1974) 43-54. u666 Butzer K. W., Early Hydraulic Civilization in Egypt: A Study in Cultural Ecology: ScientAm 237 (1977) 151s (P. Morrison). u667 Cauvin J., L'homme et l'Euphrate: Centre J.Paleme. S-Etienne 1977, Guichard. 23 p. 15 ill. - Rsyria 55 (1978) 395s (A. P[arrot]). u668 Cazelles H., Les montagnes sacrees: MondeB 10 (1979) 42-7. u669 Cowgill U. M., Mercury Contamination in a 54-m. Core from Lake Hule: Nature 256 (1975) 476-78, 1 fig. 2 Tables. u670 Dayton J., The Problem of Climatic Change in the Arabic Peninsular: PrSemArabSb, 5 (1975) 33-60, 6 fig., 8 photos. u671 Degens E. T., Ross D. A., The Red Sea Hot Brines [with sediments rich in minerals]: ScientAm 222,4 (1970) 32-42, 11 fig. u672 Dondelinger E., Die Treibtafel des Herodot am Bug des ägyptischen Nilschiffes. Graz 1976, Akad. 21 p. Il1. Sch 56. u673 Dossin G., Le site presume du Paradis terrestre: AcBelg Bull.Lett. 5/61

Elt:nchus / Biblica 60 (1979)


[XIX. Geog. bib.

(1975) 291-300: Pison Gn 2,8 = Oronte. - RSyria 53 (1976) 317s

(J. Teixidor). u674 Doyan L.. IE] [Aer Tarktingut (?) culmcn acribiae in spectralitate mixturae aeris in Palaestina]: Madda · 22,6 (J 1979) 280-283. u675 Ehrlich Aline, The diatoms of the hyperhaline Solar Lake (NE Sinai): 'UB' 27,1 (1978) 1-13. u676 Ellison H. L., Dead Sea: ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 881s, 2 fig. u677 Eyal Moshe, Stages in the magmatic history of the Precambrian in Sinai and Southem Negev. J 1975. xxm-155 p., 8 pi. u678 Franco Jean-Salomon, Le Carmel et la tradition juive: Carmel 4 (Venasque 1978) 300-307. u679 Franzkowiak Elias, Der Berg Karmel: ein kurzer Abriss seiner Geschichte: Handreichungen zum Noviziatsunterricht 2. Würzburg 1978, Karmeliter. 9 p., map. ➔ u566. u680 Fritts H. C., Tree Rings and Climates. L 1977, Academic. xrv-567 p. fl6/$35. 0 0-12-268450-8. u681 Gass I. G., The Age and Extent of the Red Sea Oceanic Crust: Nature 265 (1977) 722s. u682 Gevirtzman G., I!!] Quaestio de climate periodi diluvialis posterioris in Oriente (Levant) in luce relictorum formationis glacialis in Hermon et Sinai: Mi-Tequpat ha'Eben 13(J 1976) 8-20. u683 Goblot H., Essai d'une histoire des techniques de l'eau sur le plateau Iranienne [X millen.]: Persica 8 ( 1979) 117-128, map. u684 Güldali N., Geomorphologie der Türkei. Erläuterungen zur geomorphologischen Übersichtskarte der Türkei 1: 2.000.000: TAVO, Beih. A 4. Wb 1979, Reichert, xm-26'; p,; bibliog 227-265; 53 fig. u685 Hibbs V. A., The Mendes Maze: A Libation Table for the Genius of the Inundation of the Nile (II-III A. D.): diss. New York Univ. 1979; dir.: P. H. von Blankenhagen. 331 p. 0 7918968. DissA 40 (1979s) 1126A. u686 Hickman H., Seasons of the Gospel. Nv 1979, Abingdon. 144 p. $4.95. u687 Horowitz A., Preliminary Palynological Indications as to the Climate of Israt:l During the last 6000 years [radiocarbon dated cores from the Hula Lake and the Mediterranean offshore: more humid till 2400 B.C. & 21001100 B.c.; dry phases c2250 & 950 B.c.]: PaleOr 2 (1974) 407-414, 4 fig. u688 Hsü K. J., When the Black Sea Was Drained [less than 6.000.000 years ago]: ScientAm 238,5 (1978) 53-63, 14 fig. u689 Idso S. B., Brazel A. J., Climatic Effects of Atmospheric Particulate Pollution: Nature 274 (1978) 781s. u690 Tkeda Yutaka, Hermon, Sirion and Senir: AnnJapanßlnst 4 (1978) 3244. u691 Karc:z I., Kafri U., Meshel Z., Archaeological Evidence for Subrecent Seismic Activity along the Dead Sea-Jordan Rift: Nature 269 (1977) 234s, l fig. u692 Karcz .T.,Ka/ri lJ., Rr:c-.1':nt Cnistal Movements along the Meditcrrancan Coastal Plain of Israel: Nature 251 (1975) 296s, 1 fig.

u2 Geology, mountains; bodies uf water, climnte


u693 Kedar Rrvin Y., Water utilization by Roman-period cities of the Negev Desert, Israel: Urbanization in the Arid Lands (1974) 15-34. u694 Keil G. S., Lupien Y., Water to the Dead sea [even fresh water; below 250 m sea water passes through a desalinating membrane]: Nature 259 (1976) 444. u695 Kessler Y., Climate variations from Re~ov Shlomoh and South Sinai. Beth-Dagan 1977, Meteorological Service. v-183 p., fig. u696 Kleinschroth A., Das Reich Kusch und seine wasserwirtschaftlichen Probleme: AntW 10,3 (1979) 23-30, 14 fig. u697 Kortum G., Die Marvdasht-Ebene in Fars: Grundlagen und Entwicklung einer alten iranischen Bewässerungslandschaft [Diss. Kiel 1974): Kieler geogr. Schriften, 44. Kiel 1976, Univ. Geograph. Inst. XI-297p. DM38.50. u698 Kraft Y. C. H., Aschenbrenner S. E., Rapp G. J, Palaeogeographic Reconstructions of Coastal Aegaean Geographical Sites: Science 195 ( 1977) 941-947, 13 fig. u699 Loya Y., The Red Sea Coral sty/ophora pisti//ata is an r strategist: Nature 259 (1976) 478-480, 2 fig. u700 Lubetski M., Maritime horizons of the Jews in the Talmudic period: a philological analysis: Diss. NYU 1976. xrv-317 p. u70l Lupton J. E., Weiss R. F., Craig H., Mantle Helium in the Red Sea Brines: Nature 266 (1977) 244-6, 2 fig. u702 Luz B., Palaeo-oceanography of the Post-glacial Eastem Mediterranean: Nature 278 (1979) 847s. u703 McCrea W. H., Ice Ages and the Galaxy['s Dust Lanes]: Nature 255 (1975) 607-9. u704 Maugh T. H., II, The Dead Sea I, Alive and ... Well [after its 'turning over': the lcss sully water lcvc.1disnppeared]; Science ?.05 (1979) 178. u705 Meder 0. G., Klimaökologie und Siedlungsgang auf dem Hochland von Iran in vor- und frühgeschichtlicher Zeit [Diss. Marburg 1978): Marburger geographische Schriften, 80. Marburg, Lahn 1979, Univ. Geogr. Institut. 227 p. 50 fig. DM 30. u706 Meshal A. H., Hrine at the Bottom of the Great Bitter Lake as a Result of Closing the Suez Canal: Nature 256 (1975) 297-298, 2 fig. u707 Morris L. L., Weather: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1000-4. u708 Na'aman Nadav, The Brook of Egypt [Besor south of Gaza, not wadi 'Aris] and Assyrian Policy on the Border of Egypt: TAJ 6 ( 1979) 6890. u709 Nasr E., Etude epidemiologique sur le kyste hydatique au Liban [the socio-economic loss resulting from it among milking-animals and humans ]. Diss. Univ. Toulouse 1973. 70 p. DissA 39 (1978s) 3892-C. u710 Ner Ya'aqob, I!!] Thc sensitive balance of coasta.1sands: Teba' we-Are~ 21,2 (1979) 53.56. u71 l Neuser K., Anemoi, Studien zur Darstellung 892, RAC 10 (1978) 1107-1172; AT . 1146-51, NT 115lss. u732 Spooner E. T. C., Bray C. J., Hydrothermal Fluids and Seawater Salinity in Ophiolitic Sulphide Ore Deposits in Cyprus: Nature 266 (1977) 80812, 4 fig. u733 Stanley D. J., Ionian sapropel [dark organic-rich mud layers observed in

u2 Geology, mountains; bodies uf watcr, climnte


dccp-sea c.ores] distribution and late Quatemary palaeoceanography in the Eastem Mediterranean: Nature 274 (1978) 149-1;1, 2 fig. u733* Tahir Mustafa Anwar, ~ Textes d'historiens damascenes sur les tremblements de terre du XIIe siecle de l'Hegire [17-18 siecle]: 'BEO' 27 (1974) 51-108. u734 Thiede J., A Glacial Mediterranean [reconstructed from planktonic foraminifers, 18000 B.c.]: Nature 276 (1978) 680-683, 2 fig. u735 Tischler J., Kleinasiatische Hydronomie. Semantische und morphologische Analyse der griechischen Gewässemamen. Wb 1977, L. Reichert. x191 p. Faltkarte. - RBei Nam 13 (1978) 112-15 (R. Schmitt). u736 Vercoutter J., Egyptologie et climatologie: Les crises du Nil a Semneh: 'CRIPEL' 4 (1976) 139-172. u737 Vitaliano D. B., Legends of the Earth [i.a. diluvium in or., in Graecia, etiam de I. Velikovsky]: Their Geologie Origins. - RscientAm 231,1 (1974) 129 (Ph. Morrison). u738 Wendorf F., Schild R., Said R., Haynes C. V., Gautier A., Kobusievicz M., The Prehistory of the Egyptian Sahara [and its Oases]: Science 193 (1976) 103-114, 6 fig. u739 Werschner E., 1H] Archeological Finds as Means of Determining Changes of Coastline: Tcbn we-Are~ 21,2 (1978) 68-71. u740 Wilkinson John, The Pool of Siloam: Levant 10 (1978) 116-125. u741 Williams D. F., Thunelb R. C., Kesmett J. P., Periodic Freshwater Flooding and Stagnation of the Eastem Mediterranean Sea During the Late Quatemary [reduced salinity c. 9000 and c. 80.000 years ago as a result of meltwater run-off from the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet]: Science 201 (1978) 252-54, , fig. u742 Wulff H. E., The Qanats of Iran: ScientAm 218,4 (1968) 94-105,

9 tig. u743 Zagarell A., The Role of Highland Pastoralism in the Development of Iranian Civilization. Diss. Seminar für vorderasiat. Altertumskunde, Univ. Berlin 1977, 1978. u2.5 Fauna, Ecology. u744 Adams R. M. al., The Uruk Countryside: the Natural Setting of Urban Societies 1972 ➔ 53,6743a; 54,9033: Rscience (American Assoc.) 181 (1973) 150 (I. Rouse). u744* Afshar Ahmad, Lerner Judith, The Horses of the Ancient Persian Empire at Persepolis: Antiquity 53,207 (1979) 44-47, 6 pl. u745 A[földi-Rosenbaum E., a) Apicius, De re coquinaria and the Vita Heliogabali: BeiHistAugFor 10 (1972) 5-10. - b) 11-18, Notes on Some Birds and Fishes of Luxury in the Historia Augusti; 3 pl. [struthio, phoenicopterus (flamingo), psittacus, pavo, murena, piscis lupus). u746 Alon Azaria, The Natural History of the Land of the Bible. GNY 1978, Doubleday. 276 p. $12.95. - RBA 42 (1976) 61s (D. Baly); CurrTMiss 6 (1979) 241s (C. GraesserJ). u747 Barash AI., Danin Z., Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from the Eastem ·

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[XIX. Geog. bib.

Med.iterranean: Journal de Conchyliologie 114 (1977) 3-28. u'/48 Barns E., 1g]The Sharks d.iffuscd in Particular in the Reell Sea, Nomenclator: Teva we Arei, 20,6 (1978) 253-258. .... u749 Ben-Eliahu, Maxine N., A comparison of species d.iversities of polychaete cryptofauna from similar intertidal vermetid reefs on the Med.iterranean coast of Israel and in the Gulf of Elat; diss. Hebrew Univ. J 1977. v-123p.; lOpl. u750 Bertram B. C. R., The Social System of Lions [adapted to the environment]: ScientAm 132,5 (1975) 54-60, 8 fig. u751 Bodson L., Redecouvrir les animaux antiques [DierauerV., 1977; Pollard J. 1977; Treu V. & K. 1978): AntClass 48 (1978) 146-153. u752 Bodson L., Hiera Zqa. Contribution l'etude de la place. de l'animal dans la religion grecque ancienne: AcBelgLet 2/63. Bru 1978, Palais des Academies. 210 p. u753 Boessneck J., Wiedemann V., Tierknochen aus Yarikkaya bei Bogazköy, Anatolien: Archäologie und Naturwissenschaften 1 (1977) 106-128, ill. u754 Bökönyi S., The Animal Remains from Four Sites in the Kermanshah Valley, Iran: Asiab, Sarab, Dehsavar and Siahbid. The Faunal Evolution, Environmental Changes and Development of Animal Husbandry, 8.-3. Millennia B.C.: BAR-Ox Sup. 34. Ox 1977. 132 p., ill. u755 Bökönyi S., a) Uevelopment of .Early Stock Rearing in the Near East [Neolithic 'Revolution']: Nature 264 (1976) 19-23, 1 fig. - b) The Earliest Waves of Uomestic Horses in East Europe: JlndEurSt 6 (1978) 1776. u756 Brice William C. ed., The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East since the TJtst Ice A.ji;e.NY 1978, AcadP.mi11xx-384 p., 88 fi.g., maps. 0 0-12-133850-9. $33.15/i16. - RJArchSc 6,3 (1979) 301 (P. G.


Dorre//). u757 Brier B., Bennett M. V. L., Autopsies on Fish Mummies; Possible Identification of the Classical phagrus: JEA 65 (1979) 128-33, pl. XVII-XXIII. u7 58 Brunner-Traut E., Krokodil (ms/J,;arab. timsä/J,) [auch in Bildsprache, Mythus, Magie]: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 795-801; 801-811, L. Kakosy, Krokod.ilskulte. u760 Buit M. du, La Manne: Mondeß 10 (1979) 47. u761 Butz K., a) Bemerkungen zu den Jagdtieren in Mesopotamien, [A. Satanen 1976): BO 34 (1977) 282-90. - b) Fischabgabe und Feldabgabe in Fischen und Vögeln an den Nanna-Tempel in Ur in altbabylonischer Zeit?: AfD 26 (1978s) 30-44. u762 Camhi J. M., Flight Orientation in Locusts: ScientAm 225,2 (1971) 7481, 10 fig. - On Locusts ➔ 515lss, Joel. u763 Clark Eugenie, Flashlight fish of the Red Sea: National Geographie 154 (1978) 719-728. u764 Dandamaev M. A., @ Data of the Babylonian Texts of the 6th-5th Cent. H.C. on Fishery: PerAzSb 3 (1979) 81-100. u765 Davis S. J. M., Valla F. R., Evidence for domestication of the dog 12,000 years ago in the Natufian of Israel: Nature 276 (1978) 608-10, 5 fig. u766 Delcor Mathias, Quelques termes relatifs a l'elevage des ovins en hebreu

n2.5 Fauna - Ecology


classiquc cl dnns les iangues se:mitiques voisines. Etude de lexicographie comparee [< II. Congres Chamito-Semitique F 1974 = QuadScm 5 (1978) 10H23]: -> 293, Etudes 1979, 373-92. u767 Dierauer U., Tier und Mensch im Denken der Antike. Studien zur Tierpsychologie, Anthropologie und Ethik: St. ant. Philos. 6. Amst 1977, Grüner. xvm-319 p. - Rsa1 41 (1979) 154 (P. T. Stella). u768 Dimbleby G. W., Ecology and Archaeology: Inst. of Biology St. 77. L 1977, E. Arnold. 54 p., 8 fig. B (1.50 pa.). - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 79s (G. Bailey). u769 Drenkhahn R., Leder, -arbeiter, -bearbeitung [bnt]: -> 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 958-60. u770 The Environmental History of the Near and Middle East since the Last Ice Age. NY 1978, Academic. u771 Evans John G., An Introduction to Environmental Archaeology. L 1978, Elek. 168 p., 52 fig. i5.95 (2.95 pa.). 0 0-236-401110-6 (11-4). u772 Frey Hermann H., Therobiblia. Biblisch Thier-, Vogel- u. Fischbuch. Mit Vorwort & Register hrsg. von Heimo Reinitzer [Nachdr. d. 3-bänd. Ausg. ( Leipzig 1595 ).] : Naturalis historia bibliac 1. Graz 1978, Akad. Druck- u. Verl.-Anst. 1978. Getr. Seitenz. Lxxxv-xn-389 p., xv-xxrv190 p., 64 pl. u773 Gutbub A., La tortue animal cosmiquc benefique a l'epoque ptolemai'.q ue et romnine: ➔ 208, F5. S. SATTNF.KUN,BEllFAO 81 (1979) 391-435, 2 fig. u774 Hehn Victor, cd. with biobibliographir.111and research survey by J. P. Mallory, Cultivated Plants and Domesticated Animals in their Migration from Asia to Europt:: Hislorico-Linguistiv Studics: Amst C1nssics in Linguistics 1800-1925, 7. Amst 1976, J. Benjamins. Lxxv-523 p., portr. RJAOS 98 (1978) 347s (R. Rocher). u775 Hacker D., Fauna of Hepzibah: Mi-Teqftpat ha-Eben 12 (1974) 2-6. u776 Hooijer D. A. [-> t417], a) The Indian Elephant at Bronze Age Ras Shamra-Ugarit: -> 519, Ugaritica VII (P/Ld 1978) 187s. - b) Report on an Elephant Molar from Ras Shamra-Ugarit, 31-10-1960 (125W, point 2971): ib. 189. u777 Jerman M. R., The fauna and econumy of Te.l 'Eli: Mi-Teqftpat haEben 12 (1974) 50-72. u778 Kadar Zoltan, Des scarabees chez Pline l'Ancien: -> 262, Fs. V. WESSETZKY1974, 211-220. u779 Kee/ 0., Vögel als Boten: OrbBibOr 14, 1977 ➔ 58s,3641: RJBL 98 (1979) 433s (R. J. Williams); RB 85 (1978) 150 (R. Tournay). u780 Korn.fieldI. L., Nevo E., Likely pre-Suez Occurrence of a Red Sea Fish Aphenius dispar in the Mediterranean: Nature 264 (1976) 289-90, 3 fig. u781 Kotlar D., l!!IHa-Eqologia: Human ecology in the andent world: Israel, Greece, Rome. J/TA 1977, M. Neuman. 130-xx (Engl.)p. u782 Laoust H., Khinzir (porc et sanglier): -> 876, Enclslam 5, 79s (1979) 8-10. u783 Leek F. F., Eutropius niloticus [a mummified fish]: JEA 64 (1978) 121S, pi. XIX-XXI. u784 Loewinger Y. M., l!!I Collocation of Clean Fish in the Life-Scale:


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'TwM' 7 (1977) 33-46. u785 Maekawa K., The Ass and the Onager in Sumer in the Late Third Millennium B.C. [ANSE. Dun. GI, ANSE. LIBIR, ANSE. BARxAN]: ActSumJap 1 (1979) 35-62. Matolesi J. Hg. Haustiere, Budapest 1971 ➔ 776. u786 Meadow R. H., Zeder M. A. ed., Approaches to Faunal Analysis in the Middle East: Harv. Univ. Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology Bulletin 2 (CM 1978), xv-186 p. ill. u786* Petersen Dag-Emst Hg., Das alte Buch als Aufgabe für Naturwissenschaft und Forschung: Wolfenbütteler Forschungen 1. Bremen/Liechtenstein 1977, Jacobi/Kraus. 320 p. DM 72 pa. 0 3-87447-130-6. u787 Pooley A. C., Gans C., The Nile Crocodile [ ... its social behavior: parental protection ofthe young ... ]: ScientAm 234,4 (1976) 114-19.12224, 9 fig. u788 Rössler-Köhler Ursula, Löwe: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1080-90. u789 Roux J.-P., Le Bestiaire de l'Islam medieval: Archeologia 117 (1978) 38-47, 14 phot. + 5 col. u790 Rubinstein S., The Torah Species: an illustrated analysis of the four species of Succos, herbs of Pesach and kosher animals. Brom: 1976, auct. 35 p. u791 Salonen Armas, Jagd und Jagdtiere im alten Mesopotamien: SARJA-B 196. Helsinki 1976, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemian. 313 p. Fmk 150. 0 95141-0248-7. - RBO 34 (1977) 282-90 (K. Butz); HZ 226 (1978) 662 (W. Röllig). u792 Salonen A., Vögel und Vogelfang im alten Mesopotamien 1973 ➔ 56,9394: RBO 36 (1979) 50s (H. Waetzoldt). u793 Schapka U., Die [899] persischen Vogelnamen. Wü 1972. 436 p. RJAOS 98 (1978) 308s (J. A. C. Greppin). u794 Schienerl P. W., Kameldarstellungen im ägyptischen Schmuck- und Amulettwesen: Archiv für Völkerkunde 33 (W 1979) 137-56. u795 Scott D. A., Hamadani H. M., Mirhosseyni A. A., The Birds of Iran (Parandegän Iran, in Persian). Tchran 1975, Departuu:nt uf the Environment. 412 p., col. ill., maps. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 171 (J. A. C. Greppin). u796 Probolski Abi, Sahar Ron, Observations on the Ecology of South-Sinai Clilf Rodents: Teba w"-Are~ 20 (1978) 259-262. u797 Snell Priscilla, The Bible and Ecology: BToday 104 (1979) 2180-5. u799 Stärk Lothar, Leopard: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1006s. u800 Tchernov Eitan, Rodent faunas and changing environments in the upper Pleistocene of Israel: Mi-Tequpat ha-Eben 10 (1970) 1-14. u801 Vita-Finzi Claudio, Archaeological Sites in their Setting: Ancient Peoples and Places 90. L 1978, Thames & H. 176 p., 103 fig. !7.50. u802 Waltke B. K., Birds: ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 511-3. u803 Ward W. A., Studies on Scarab Seals, Vol. I: The 12th Dynasty Amulets. With an Appendix on the Biology of Scarab Beetles by S. I. Bishara [p. 87-105]. Warminster 1978, Aris & P. ix-116 p. 52 fig: XVI Tables. ➔ s266;s512. u804 Zarins J., The Domestication of Equidae in Third Millennium B. C.

u2.5 Fauna - Ecology


Mesopotamia. Diss. Chicago 1976. u805 Zarins J., The Domesticated Equidae of Third Millennium B. C. Mesopotamia: JCS 30 (1978) 3-17. u2.7

Flora - Agricultura; medicina.

u806 Ahmed M. Salah, Honda Gisho, Miki Wataru, Herb Drugs and Herbalists in the Middle East: Studia Culturae Islamicae 8, 1979. Institute for the St1,1dyof Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa. IV-208 p., ill. u807 Avitsur S., I!!] The Contribution of Early Petah Tiqva to the Agricultural and Industrial Development of Eretz-Israel (1878-1918): CHistEI 10 (1979) 129-40, 3 fig. u808 Barb Alphons A., Gift [poison, venenum]:-> 892, RAC 10 (1978) 120947. u809 Bender B., Farming in prehistory: from hunter-gatherer to food-producer [incl. SW Asia]. L 1975, John Baker. 286 p. pls. figs. f5.50 pa. u810 Binyamini N., I!!] Israel Mushrooms, Agaricales, 270 kinds. TA 1975, 227 + 81 p. u811 Boardman J., The Olive in the Mediterranean; Its Culture and Use: The Early History of Agrioulture; A Jomt Symposium uf the Royal Society and the British Accademy (L 1977, Oxford U. P., for Brit. Academy) 187-196. u812 Brown A. H. D., Zohary D., Nevo E., Outcrossing rates and heterozygosity in natural populations of Hordeum spontaneum Koch in Israel: Heredity 41,1 (1978) 49-62. u813 Brown C., Vine: -> 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 918-23. u814 Brunner-Traut Emma, Lotos: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1091-6. u815 Cadell Helene, La georgia en Egypte: genese d'un theme economique et politique: -> 195, Fs. C. PREAux 1975, 639-45. u816 (:ambel H., Braidwood R. J., (:ayönü Tepesi: An Early Farming Village in Turkey: -> 426, Avenues to Antiquity, Readings from ScientAm [March 1970) 1975, 125-131, 7 fig. u817 Cohen Mark N., The Food Crisis in Prehistory. NHv 1977, Yale. 341 p. !l0.80. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 77s (ß. Bender); Archaeology 32,1 (1979) 73s (B. L. Turner); Science 199 (1978) 676 (R. A. Diehl). u819 Conti Giovanni, Rapporto tra egiziano e semitico nel lessico egiziano dell'agricoltura: QuadSem 6. F 1978, Univ. Ist. Ling. xn-188 p. u820 Delcor Mathias, De l'origine de quelques termes relatifs au vin en hebreu biblique et dans les langues voisines [< 1er Congres Chamito-Semitique P 1969 (Haag 1974) 223-233): -> 293, Etudes 1979, 346-56. u821 Derrett J. D. M., Figtrees in the NT [Heyth J 14 (1973) 249-65 -> 58s,4948]: -> 296, Studies NT II, 148-164. u822 Lallemand A., Gewürz [aroma, spiee] tr. H. Dittmann:-> 892, RAC 10 (1979) 1172-90; 1201-7 christlich (1190-1201 isr., H. Dittmann). u823 [Dunkel F.], Pflanzen der Bibel: der Olivenbaum nach ~: [70 (1926) 125-34]: HILand 111 (1979) 16-23, 4fig. u824 Duncan-Jones R. P., Variation in Egyptian Grain-Measure: Chiron 9 (1979) 347-75.


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u825 Elan S., Der Heilige Baum - ein Hinweis auf das Bild ursprünglicher Landschaft in Palästina: MDOG 111 (1979) 89-98, 5 fig. [ ... Antike Naturschutzgebiete: die Religion des Maqäm und der Heilige Baum: Maqäm-Heiligtümer]. u826 Ellis M., Agriculture and the State in Ancienl Mesopotamia 19'/o ➔ 58s,b677a: Rorientalia 47 (1978) 122 (R. North); Persica 8 (1979) 215s (R. Haase); ZAss 69 (1979s) 270s (W. von Soden). u827 Embry E. M., Tree: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 865-70. u828 Fagan B. M., Farmers and Peasants, Introduction: ➔ 426, Avenues to Antiquity, Readings from ScientAm 1975, 121-124. u829 Farber W., Drogerien in Babylonien und Assyrien: Iraq 39 (1977) 223-8 ➔ 749, Rencontre 1976. u830 Fauth W., Der königliche Gärtner und Jäger im Paradeisos. Beobachtungen zur Rolle des Herrschers in der vorderasiatischen Hortikultur [Achämeniden u. Sassaniden, altmesopotamische usw. Vorgänger: die ki§sutu des Herrschers zur Erhaltung und Erneuerung der Lebenskraft des Landes und so 'Schutz des kultivierten Bodens, seiner Gewächse und seiner Bebauer gegen Beeinträchtigung von aussen' (p. 19)): Persica 8 (1979) 1-53 ➔ u999. u830"' Grimal F., Les jardins romains. P 1968, PUF. 516 p., 32 pl. - REmerita 38 (1970) 488s (R. Teja). u831 ]famarneh S., ~ zarä'at ... ADAJ 22 (1977s) 12-18; 5 phot., 19 summ. Sugarcane cultivation and refining under the Arab Muslims during the Middle Ages. u832 Hansen J., Renfrew J. M., Palaeolithic-Neolithic Seed Remains at Franchthi Cave, Greece: Nature 271 (1978) 349-352, 3fiy:, u833 Har-El M., The Pride of the Jordan: The Jungle of Jordan: BA 41 (1978) 64-75, 5 fig. u834 Harlan J. R., Crops and Man: Foundations for Modem Crop Science Series. Madison WI 1975, American Society of Agronomy and Crop Science Soc. of America. xi-295 p. 33 fig., 12 tab. $11.25. - RJNES 38 (1979) 57s (I. A. Tndd). u835 Helck W., Das Bier im alten Ägypten 1971 ➔ 55,7912a: RJNES 38 (1979) 137s (W. J. Murnane) u836 Hillman G., On the Origins of Domestic Rye - Secale Cereale: The Finds from Accramic Can Hassan III in Turkey: AnSt 28 (1978) 157174, pl. XVII. u837 Jarde Auguste, Les cereales dans l'antiquite grecque. La production: Bibliotheque des Ecoles Fran~aises d'Athenes et de Rome 130. P 1979, E. De Boccard. xvi-237 p. u838 Joret Charles, Les plantes dans l'antiquite et au Moyen Äge: histoire, usa&es et symholisme 1/1 Egypte, Chaldee, Assyrie, Judec, Phcnicic. Geneve 1976 = 1897-1904, Slatkine Reprints. xx-504 p. L., Early Farming Cultures on the Lower Nile = Travaux du u839 Kl'zy:i.11niak Centre d'Archeologie Mediterraneenne de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, 21. Wsz 1977, Editions Scientifiques de Pologne. 171 p., 50 fig., 4 loose maps. u840 Majno G., The Healing Hand: Man and Wound in the Ancient World:

u2. 7 Flora - Agriculture; medicine


A Conimonwealth Pund Book. CM c.197~, Harvard Univ. $25. RscientAm 234,6 (1976) 126s (P. Morrison). u841 Merrillees R. S., Opium Again in Antiquity: Levant 11 (1979) 16771. u842 Moore A. T., A Pre-Neolithic Farmers' Village [near the Lake of the Euphrates, ca. 8000 B.C., Mesolithic]: ScientAm 241,2 (1979) 50-58, 10 fig. u843 Naveh Z. al., Atmospheric mcidant concentrations in Israel as manifested by foliar injury in Bel W3 tobacco plants: Environmental Pollution 16 (1978) 249-262. u844 Neufeld Edward, Apiculture in Ancient Palestine (Early and Middle Iron Age) within the Framework of the Ancient Near East: UF 10 (1978) 219-247, 17fig. u845 Nibbi A., Tue 'Trees and Towns' Palette [ ... Delta Tamarisks and Pine Forests]: ASAE 63 (1979) 143-154, 2 fig., 1 pl. u846 Yisraeli 'Amihod, Directions and variations in olive branches in Beth ha-Kerem valley: Magamat-Ere~ Israel 10 (1978) 96-106. u847 Pellat C. Khubz (bread): --> 876, Encislam 2 5, 1979, 42ss. u848 Primus Charles, Aqiva's traditions on agriculture: diss. Brown. Providence RI 1975. xxvr-317p. u849 Ram Hanna, 1H]The beginnings of Jewish agriculture in the Jaffa region: CHistEI 6 (1977) 20-37. u850 Raven M. J., Papyrus-Sheets and Ptal;l-Sokar-Osiris Statues: OMRO 59s (1978s) 251-96, pl. 39-41. u851 Reed C. A. ed., Origins of Agriculture: World Anthropological Series. Haag 1977, Muuton. 1010 p. - R/\gricultural History 53 (1979) 636-43 (P.

J. Richerson). u852 Relnhold H. U., Citruswlrtschaft in Israel: HcidGeogrArb 43, 1975. RMundus 15 (1979) 332s (G. Schwaizer). u583 Renfrew J. M. ed., Palaeoethnobotany: The Prehistuic Food Plant of the Near East and Europe 1973 --> 54,8000; 56,8546: RscientAm 230,2 (1974) 118 (P. Morrisun). u854 Schwarz J.-C., La medecine dentaire dans l'Egypte pharaonique: BSocEgGeneve 2 (1979) 37-43. u855 Shmida Avisay, 1H]A quantitative analysis of tbe Tragacanthic vegetation of Mt. Hermon and its relations to environmental factors: diss. Hebrew Univ. J 1977, [xxxrv-]291 p. u856 Sv/heim W. G., II, An Earlier Agricultural Revolution [in East Asia: Spirit Cave in Thailand (ca 10.000 B.C. onwards) ... ] : ScientAm 226,4 (1972) 34-41, 8 fig. u857 Stol M. (Lerberghe K. van), On Trees, Mountains, and Millstones in the Ancient Near East: MedEOL 21. Ld 1979. xn-104 p., map. ➔ s64 /40. u858 Vandier J., Manuel d'archeologie egyptienne Yl. Has-reliefs et peinlw'es, scenes de la vie agricole l'ancien et au moyen empire, pref. G. Posener [ed. Mme] J. Vandier d'Abbadie. P 1978, A. & J. Picard. vn-354 p., 119 fig., 9 charts, 23 pl. u859 Walker W., All the plants of the Bible. Garden City 1979 = c1957,



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Doubleday. 240 p., ill. u860 Waterbolk H. T., Food Production in Prehistoric Europe [the Spread of Farming from the Aegean to the N orth Sea 8000-3000 B.C.]: Science 162 (1968) 1093-1102. u861 White K. G., Farm Equipment of the Roman World [continuat Agricultural Implements of. .. 1967; Roman Farming L 1970]. C 1975, C.U.P. 258 p., 66 fig., 16 pl. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 122 (A. Bruckner). u862 Wright H. E. J, Natural Environment of Early Food Production North of Mesopotamia [& Climatic Change, 11.000 years ago in the Zagros Mountains]: Science 161 (1968) 334-339, 3 fig. u863 Zaccagnini Carlo, The Rural Landscape of the Land of Arrapbe [fields, orchards]: Quademi di Geografia Storica 1. R 1979, Univ. Ist. Vicino Griente. 202 p., ill. v3

Duodecim Tribus: Israel Tribes, Land-Ideology

u864 Brueggemann W., The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith: OvBT, Ph 1977 ➔ 58s,7876; L 1978, SPCK. 196 p. f, 4.95. - RCBQ 40 (1978) 232s (H. 0. Forshey); ETRel 53 (1978) 421s (D. Lys); JBL 97 (1978) 577s (R. C. Dentan); TLond 82 (1979) 55ss (A. Phillips). u865 Davies W. D., The Gospel and the Land: Early Christianity and Jewish Territorial Doctrine 1974 ➔ 56,6277. . . 58s,9458: RHistRel 19 (1979s) 283ss (H. D. Hetz); TLZ 104 (1979) 437-440 (E. Larsson). u866 Eliav M., IE] The Rafah Approaches (Pit/Jaf Rafia}J) in the History of Jewish Settlement: CHistEI 3 (1977) 117-200. u867 Finley M. J. ed., Problemes de la terre [espace de la polis, nreud de toute la societel en Grece ancienne. P/Hague 1973, Mouton. 330 p. RBinstEstHelen 10 (1976) 109ss (M. T. Fau). u868 Gafni Y., IE) Bringing Deceased from Abroad for Burial in Eretz-lsrael - On the Origin of the Custom and Its Development: CHistEI 4 (1977) 113-120, 1 fi&. u869 Garsiel Moshe, Finkelstein Israel, The Westward Expansion of the Housc of Joseph in ll1t: Light of the Izhet Sartah Excavations: TAJ 5 (1978) 192-8. u870 Geus C. H. J. de, The Tribes of Israel. An Investigation . . . of M. Noth's Amphictyony 1976 ➔ 58s,a982: RsvTKv 55 (1979) 173s (T. N. D. Mettinger). u871 Gil-Har 1., IEIThe Separation of Trans-Jordan from Eretz-Israel: CHistEI 12 (1979) 47-69, 6 fig. u872 Guglielmi W., Reden, Rufe und Lieder auf altägyptischen Darstellungen der Landwirtschaft 1973 ➔ 55,6207; RßQ 36 (1979) 21-26 (II. G. Fischer).

u873 Harkness G., Kraft C. F., Biblical Backgrounds of the Middle East Conflict 1976 ➔ 58s,e648: RPrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 179s (W. A. Hartfelder1).

u874 Heltzer M., IEIPasture Land ownership in Ugarit: Me!J,qärim 3 (1975).

u883, B. Oded [H] ·

u3 Land-ideology, Israel's Tribes, neighbors


u875 Hillyer N., Tribe: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 870-3. u876 Kahane Tuvia zal., I!!]The Priestly Courses and their Geographical Settlements: Tarbiz 48 (1978s) 9-29: summ. I-III. u877 Katary S. L., A Study of Land and Property Holdings in the Ramesside Period [The Wilbour Papyrus, Text A in the Light of contemporary economic texts]: diss. Toronto 1977. DissA 39,7 (1978s) 4413s-A. u878 Lightfoot R. H., Locality and Doctrine in the Gospels. AA 1979 = 1938, Univ. Microfilms. 166 p. u879 Lux Rüdiger, Vom Getto zum gelobten Land. Die theologische Bedeutung des Landes im AT und im Zionismus: Zeichen der Zeit 32 (1978) 390-400; 382-6 W. Maechler, AT, jüdische Geschichte und Zionismus. u880 Marquardt F.-W., Die Juden und ihr Land [auch AT; auch NT]: SiebenstemTb 189. Ha 1975. DM 6,90. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 652-6 (K.H. Bernhardt). u882 Neaman P., I!!] Tel]ume Ere:j-l: The Boundaries of Eretz-Israel [and geographical identifications] according to J:{a~al.J 1979. 114-v p. u883 Oded B. al., I!!]Me/Jqärim be-töl edöt ... Researches in the History and Land of Israel 3 (1975). xxn-314 p. u884 übler Annemarie, Israel, Volk und Land. Zur Geschichte der wechselseitigen Beziehungen zwischen Israel und seinem Land in alttestamentlicher Zeit. Stu 1979, KBW. 325 p. DM 44,50. 0 3-460-31821-X. u885 Pace Giuseppe, La prima moltiplicazione dei pani: topografia: BbbOr 21 (1979) 85-91, map (anche in copertina). u886 Porath Y., The land problem as a factor in relations among Arabs, Jews and the Mandatory Govemment: The Palestinians and the Middle East Conflict (1976) 507-44. u887 Richter Werner, Israel und seine Nachbarräume: ländliche Siedlung und Landnutzung seit dem 19. Jh. [Diss. Habil. Regensburg 1979]: F.rdwissenschaftliche Forschung 14. Wb 1979, Steiner. x-413 p., 112 fig. DM 182. u888 Schiffmann 1., Die Grundeigentumsverhältnisse in Palästina in der ersten Hälfte des I. Jahrtausends v.u.Z.: ActAcScHung 22 (1974) 45771. u889 Vair R. J., The OT Promise of the Land as Reinterpreteü in First• and Second-Century Christian Litei;ature: diss. Graduate Theological Union. Berkeley CA 1979. u890 Wagner H., Vorarbeiten zur Karte 'Ostgrenze des römischen Reiches' im Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients: ➔ 772 Limes, Akten des XI. Int. Limeskongresses 1976/7, 669-703. u891 Wilkinson J. C., Arab-Persian Land Relationship in Late Sasänid Oman: PrSemArabSt, 3 (1973) 40-51. u892 Zori N., I!!] na!Ju/at I!sakar . .. The Land of Issachar. J 1977, Israel Expl. Soc. vm-164 p., map., 64 fig., 36 pi. - RBASOR 233 (1979) 77s (0. Borowski). u4 Limitrophi, adjacent lands u893 Adams William Y., Nubia, Corridor to Africa. L 1977, Lane. 822 p., 87 fig., 24 pl. f 7.50. - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 75 (B. Trigger: a mammoth


Elcnchus / Diblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

culture-historical synthesis). u894 Alastos Doros, Cyprus in history: a survey of 5000 years. L 1976, xvr426 S. - R•Bs--• 18 (1977) 199 (J. Koumoulides). u895 Bacchielli L., Contatti fra Libia e mondo egeo nell'Etä del Bronzo: una conferma: LinceiR, ScMor 34 (1979) 163-8, pl. 1. u896 Bartfett J. R., From Edomites to Nabataeans: A Study in Continuity [... Assyria, Qi-id-ri and Na-ba-a-a-ti, Rassam Cylinder of Assurbanipal ... ]: PEQ 111 ( 1979) 53-66, 1 fig. u897 Bartfett J. R., Ammon und Israel: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 455-463. u898 Beaucamp J., Rawwäfa (et les Thamoudeens): ➔ 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 1467-75, fig. 925. u899 Beek G. W. Van, The Rise and Fall of Arabia Felix: ScientAm 221,6 ( 1969) 36-46 p., 11 fig., 1 col. pl. u900 Heeston A. F. L., The Himyarite Problem [' Lesser Himyarites' and 'Greater Himyarites' and the Wars with the Sabaeans in the light of Inscriptions (one Hadramite) and the Periplus]: PrSemArabSt, vol. 5 (1975) 1-7, map. u901 Belov G., IB] The Chersonese Necropolis in the Hellenistic Period: Archeologiceskiy Sbornik: 19 (1978) 45-66, 14 fig., summ. angl. 94. u902 Bernhardt K.-H., Der alte Libanon. Lp 1976, Koehler & A. 240 p., 220 fig., 93 pl., map. - Rzopv 94 (1978) 82 (G.-A. Kriener). u903 Bosworth C. E., Khaybar (oasis in Arabia}: ➔ 876, Enclsl. 4,77s (1978) 1137-43. u904 Brentjes Burchard, Völker beiderseits des Jordans. Lp 1979, Koehler & ' A. 262 p. M 19,80. u905 Cardi L., Catalucio F., Bondi S, F,, Malta: F.nciclopedia Italianu, 4~ appendice: 1961-1978, Ge-Pi (R 1979, Treccani) 383-85, pl. C. u906 r.hadwick J., Llfe in Myr.enacan Greece [& Linear B Tablets]: Scit:ntAm 227 (1972) 37-44, 10 fig. u907 Corcket P., Le Liban dans la Bible: CahTSainte. J 1978, Franciscan. 96p. [cf. ➔ 58s,e613: EsprVie 88 (1978) 450-3 (J. Daoust)]. - RorChrPer 45 (1979) 243 (V, Poggi). u908 Crone Patricia, Cook Michael, Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World. L 1977, Cambridge Univ. rx-268 p. - RJRAS (1978) 78 (R. B. Serjeant: Superficial and bitter anti-Arab); RHR 193 {1978) 108112 (G. Vajda). u909 Dates G. F., The Decline of the Harappans [due to a disastrous sequence of floods]: ScientAm 214,5 (1966) 93-100, 11 fig. u910 Decret F., Carthage ou l'empire de la mer: Points Histoire 30, 1977 ➔ t324; 58s,b883. u91 l Diakonoff M., Livshits V. A., ed. D. N. MacKenzie, Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa; Corp. Inscr. Iran 2/2; Plates I (of V). L 1976, Lund Humphries. - RJAOS 99 (1979) 470s (S. Shaked). u912 Dicks B., The Ancient Persians. How They Lived and Worked. Newton Abbot, Devon 1979, David & C. 150 p., 8 fig. (maps), 12 pl. f: 4.95. u913 Dietrich M., Loretz 0., Das 'seefahrende Volk' von Sikila (RS 34.124): UF 10 (1978) 53-56. u914 Dietrich M., Die Aramäer Südbabyloniens: AOAT 7, 1970 ➔ 52,6009:

u4 Limitrophi, adjacent lands


Rßü 36 (1979) 51ss (F. Malbran). u915 Eiliger W., Die Darstellung der Landschaft in der griechischen Dichtung: Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte, 15. B 1975, de Gruyter. 485 p. u916 Eiste R. (doctor of medicine), Überlegungen zu zwei minoischen Texten. Ha 1976, Senior. 12 p. [Presumes akin to Dardanoi = Etruscans as in his Zur Frage der Proto-Etrusker ibid. 1977, 20 p.]. - RBO 36 (1979) 268s (Anna M. Davies). u917 Finley M. 1., Ancient Sicily2 (rev.). L 1979 (11968), Chatto & W. xv224 p., 12 fig., 2 maps. u918 Finster B., Die Reiseroute Kufa-Sa •üdi-Arabien in frühislamischer Zeit: Bericht über den Survey vom 9.-14. Mai 1976 auf dem westeuphratischcn Wüstenstreifen: BaghMit 9 (1978) 53-91; 16 fig.; pl.8-21, V Inschriften, Beilagen 2-3. u918* French F., Who were the Mycenaeans in Anatolia? [We don't know!]: ➔ 766, Akurgal E., Ankara-Congress 1973/8, 165-8. u9 l 9 Gallas K., Iran. Kulturstätten Persiens zwischen Wüsten, Steppen und Bergen; DuMont Kunst-Reiseführer. Köln 1976, M. DuMont Schauberg. 320 p., 203 phot., 90 fig. DM 28. - RPersica 8 (1979) 193-96 (G. Kreyen-

broek). u920 Ghirshman Roman, L'Iran et la migration des Indo-Aryens et des Iraniens 1977 ➔ 58s,c282: RJAOS 99 (1979) 119s (Mary Boyce); Sal 40 (1978) 391 (R. Bracchi). u921 GlombiowskiK., [E) Herodoti I, cp. 131-40: sc. juxta Graecos: Mundus persicus in historia: Meander 34 (1979) 83-92. u922 Goedicke H., 'lr!;u, the Khan1' in Papyrus Harris [75,4-5: agitur de Sw ex JJ1rw (aetate ramsetica 'Palestine, although with the possible restriction of concerning only Ute inland'), qui 'uultid as overlord' de tota p1tmKmw = territorio Aegypto politice submisso; probabiliter pharaonissä Tawosre regnante (1194-1186)): WZKM 71 (1979) 1-17. tr. A. Häusler, oB 1978, Deutscher u923 Grakow B. N., Die Skythen Verlag der Wiss. 260 p., 49 fig., 32 pl. + 8 uul. M 27. - RDLZ 100 (1979) 679ss (M. Oppermann). u924 Guillen Jose, Urbs Roma. Vida y costumbrcs de los Romanos, vol. I: La vida privada: El peso de los dias 5. Salamanca 1977, Sigueme. 364 p., 8 pl. - Raregorianum 59 (1978) 772s (0. Robleda); Faventia 1 (Bare 1979) 309s (J. Martinez G.). u925 Hage Wolfgang, Armenien: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 40-57, map. (57-63 Neuzeit (B. Spuler). u926 Hasselblatt G., Äthiopien: Menschen: Kirchen; Kulturen. Stu 1979, Radius. 124p. DM 9,80pa. u927 Hawkes C. F. C., Pytheas: Europe and the Gn:ek Explorers: J. L. Myres Memorial Lecture, R. Ox 1977, Blackwell. 46 p., 10 maps. ! 2. RAntiquity 52 (1978) 252 (1. Ralston). u928 Heinhold-Krahmer S.; Arzawa 1977 ➔ 58s,b811: RBO 36 (1979) 60-4 (T. R. Bryce). u929 Herrn G., The Phoenidans, tr. C. Hillier 1975 ➔ 58s,b911: RAntiquity 52 (1978) 253s (D. B. Harden: 'füll of errors and misconceptions').



Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

u930 Horn S. H., Auf den Spuren alter Völker. Ha 1979, Saatkom-Verlae. 2·19p. zahlr. Il1. (z.T.farbig). DM 34,80 pa. u931 Jordan P., Egypt, the Black Land. L 1976, Phaidon. 208 p., 105 pl. (16 col.), 11 fig. f 6 (B,50 pa.). - RAntiquity 52 (1978) 243 (J. M. Plumley). u932 Kempinski Aharon, Hittites in the Bible: What Does Archaeology Say?: BAR-W 5 fase. 5 not 4 (1979) 20-45, ill. (+ both covers). u933 Koselenko G. A., 1K]Rodina Parfian (Die Heimat der Parther). Moskva 1977, Chudoznik. 168 p., 83 fig. r 1.3. - Rßo 36 (1979) 70 (B. Brentjes). u934 Kurockin G. N., 1K] Towards the Archaeological Identification of Western Asiatic Aryans: PerAzSb 3 (1979) 150-59, 273. u935 Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C., The Proto-Elamites on the Iranian Plateau: · Antiquity 52 (1978) 114-20, map. u936 Lambert W. G., Assyrien und Israel [. 1. Das Land Assyrien; 2. Entwicklung u. Charakter des assyr. Reiches; 3. Assyrien in der Völkertafel Gen 10,8-12; 4. Israel, Auseinandersetzungen; 5. Assyrien bei den Propheten]: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 265- 77. u937 Laroche E., (Ras Shamra), IV. Le milieu hurrite: ➔ 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 1359-61. u938 Lt:clant J., Kuschitenht:rrschaft (fran~.): ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 893. u939 Lindner Manfred Hg., Petra und das Königreich der Nabatäer: Lebensraum, Geschichte und Kultur eines arabischen Volkes der Antike 1974 ➔ 58s,c601: RßASOR 229 (1978) 75s (P. Harnmond); OLZ 73 (1978) 458 (M. Oppermann). u941 Lipifzski Eduard, Aramäer und Tsrael: ➔ 895, TRE 3 (1978) 590-99. u942 Mayrhofer M., Die Arier im Vorderen Orient - ein Mythos?: StzbÖstAk p/h 294/3, 1974 ➔ 56,6811a; 58s,b947 [jetzt auch in ➔ 336, Ausgewählte kleine Schriflt:n 1979, 48-71]: RßO 34 (1977) 166s (V. Haas); JRAS (1978) 86 (T. Burruw); OLZ 74 (1979) 172s (G. Steiner). u943 Meuszynski Janusz [t 1976], I!] Odkrywanie: Discovering Mesopotamia: Biblioteka Problem6w 228. Wsz 1977, Pai1slw. Wyd. Naukowe. 348 p. zf 35. - RFolOr 20 (1979) 288s (E. Lipifzski). u944 Millard A. R., The Scythian Problem: ➔ 72*, Fs. W. FAIRMAN, Glimpses of Ancient Egypt 1979, 119-122. u945 Montet P., Ägypten. Leben und Kultur in der Ramses-Zeit neu hg. R. Scheer. Stu 1978, Reclam. 454 p., 46 ill., 31 phot., 2 maps. u946 Moorsei P. Van, Debergh J., Nubian Studies in Preparation: Orientalia 43 (1974) 228-36; 15 (1976) 319-26; 47 (1978) 321-31. u947 Muntingh L. M., Israelite-Amorite Political Relations During the Second Millennium BC in the Light of Near Eastem Politics. A Study of Relevant Amoritc, Akkadian and Hebrew Concepts [' Amurru' (historia); 1. Kingship; 2. Diplomatie Relations; 3. Covenant] QuSem 5 (1974, ed. 1978) 211-36. u948 Nachtergael G., Les Galates t:n Grece et les Söteria de Delphes 1977 ➔ 58s,c426b: RAcRoyBelg, BLettres 61 (1975) 97-100 (C. Preaux-L. Lacroix-M. Leroy).

u4 Limitrophi, adjacent latids


u949 Ntbbi Alessanilia, The Sc11Peoples and Ee;ypt 1976 ➔ 58s,c123a. RBASOR 229 (1978) 74s (D. Redford); JEA 64 (1978) 169ss (K. A. Kitchen).

u950 Osing J., Libyen, Libyer: -+ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 1015-33. u951 Reade J. E., Kassites and Assyrians in Iran: Iran 16 (1978) 137-143. u952 Ritter H.-W., Iranische Tradition in Numidien: Chiron 8 (1978) 31317. u953 Säve-Söderbergh T., Kusch: ➔ 885, LexÄg 3 (1979) 888-93, l fig. u954 Schaden 0. J., Some Observations on the Sea Peoples: ➔ 125, Fs. T. JONES: AOAT 203, 1979, 143-155. u955 Scharabi M., Das traditionelle Wohnhaus der arabischen Halbinsel; Referat DAI-B 21 nov. 1978: Architectura 9 (1979) 77-90, 24 ill. u956 Sehretter M. K., Alter Orient und Hellas 1974 ➔ 56,8020; 58s,d546*: Rßü 36 (1979) 16s (W. G. Lambert). u957 Senghor L. S., Les noirs dans l'Antiquite mediterraneenne: RDeuxMond (sept. 1977), 532-543. u958 Sifman 1. S., IB] Nabatejskoe gosudarstvo: jevo Kul'tura [The Nabatean realm: its culture]. Iz istorii kul'tury doislamskoj Aravii: Kul'tura narodov Vostoka, Materialy i issledovanija. Moskva 1976, Nauka. 161 p., 44 fig. - RzAW 90 (1978) 154s (F. von Lilienfeld). u959 Snowden F. M. J, Blacks in Antiquity; Ethiopians in the Greco-Roman Experienc-e: 1970 ➔ 53,6267 ... 56,6925; 57,8260: AnEgBg 1970, ed. 1974, 172s (1. Hofmann). u960 StJ;obel August, Der spätbronzezeitliche Seevölkersturm . . . Exodusthematik: BZAW 145, 1976 ➔ 58s,b984: RAfD 26 (1978s) 139-44 (S. Hiller); JSS 24 (1979) 99-104 (K.A.Kitchcn); RTPhil 111 (1979) 419s (A. de Pury); TLZ 104 (1979) 176ss (K.-H. Bernhardt); TZBas 35 (1979) 30:,s (M. Wetppert). u961 Stucchi S. ed., Cirene e la Grecia: QuArchLib 8, 1976 ➔ 58s,c357: Athen 56 (1978) 404s (E. Noe). u962 Thesenvltz U., Olympia in der Antike: Kommunikationszentrum der griechischen Welt [Diss. MUnslt:1i.W. 1973]: Arbeiten aus dem Tnstitut für Publizistik der Univ. Münster, 1973. 170+20+ l0p. Ill. u963 Trigger B. G., Nubia under thc Pharaohs: Ancient Peoples and Places. L 1976, Thames & H. 216 p., 74 pl., 43 fig., 10 maps. :E:8.50. RAntiquity 52 (1978) 244 (J. M. Plumley). u964 Velikovsky Immanuel, a) Peoples of the Sea 1977 ➔ 58s,b622d: RAntClass 48 (1979) 365s (R. Tcfnin); b) Die Seiwölker, tr. W. Waf(muth, C. Marx. Fra 1978, Umschau. 279 p., 26 ill. u964* Vercoutter J., present., Etudes sur l'Egypte et lt: Soudan ancicns: Cahicrs de recherches de !'Institut de Papyrologie et d'Egyptologie de Lille, 3-4-5. Villenueve-d'Ascq 1975-6-9, Publications de l'Univer11ite de T.ille TTT.278 p., ill.; 362 p., ill.; 386 p., ill. u965 Wallace P., Strabo's Description of Boiotia, a Commentary: BiblKlAltW N2, 65. Heid 1979, Winter. XVI-200p. lithog. u966 Watson P. J., Archaeological Ethnography of Western Iran: Viking Fund Publications in Archaeology 37. Tucson 1979, Univ. of Arizona. xv-327 p., 48 pl., 97 fig., 24 tables. $9.95 pa.


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u967 Wilhelm Gemot, Die Hurriter: BildWiss 16 (1979) 71-78, ill. u968 Willetts R. F., The Civilization of Ancient Crete. Berkeley/LA 1977, U. Califomia Press. 279 p. $22.75. u969 Wiseman D. J., Peoples of OT Times 1973 --+ 55,6773 ... 58s,b629: RoLZ 73 (1978) 461ss (0. Wallis). u970 Wüst M., Untersuchungen ... Ostjordanland: TAVO B9, 1975 --+ 58s,b064: RJBL 97 (1978) 266s (S. Horn). u971 Zanker P. hrg. Hellenismus in Mittelitalien. Koll. Gö 5-9.VI.1974: AbhGö 97/ls. Gö 1976, VR. 327-60 H. Galsterer, Urbanisation u. Munizipalisation Italiens; 341-55 M. Fredriksen; Changes in the Patterns of Settlement; 398-412 H. Drerup, Plangestaltung römischer Fora. - RGGA 231 (1979) 177-223 (H. P. Isler). u5 Ethnologia, sociologia. u972 Abrudan Dumitru, Aspecte ale antropologiei VT: Studii Teologice 30 (Bucure~ti 1978) 264-70. u973 Altman A., The Revolutions in Byblos and Amurru during the Amama Period and their Social Background: P. Artzi ed., Bar-Ilan Studies in History. Ramat Gan 1978, Bar-Tlan Univ. [vm-306 p.]. u974 Amusin I. D., 00Sapr - nayemnij rabotnik. v drlevniej Palestinie (1-ya polovina I tysiaceletiya do n. e.) - Tezisy [Sapr - Hired Workers in Ancient Palestine in the First Half of the First Millennium B. C. - a Summary]: Istoria i Filologia Drevniego Vostoka. XI Sessija (Leningrad) [Moskva 1976, Nauka] 73 [sicut graecus operarius salarilltns flpud Pollucem 3,82]. u975 Applebaum S., Economic Life in Palcstine / The Social und Economic Status of the Jews in the Diaspora [in the 1st Cent C. E.]: --+ 58, b272, CompRerJudNT 1,2 (1976) 631-700/701-727. u976 Ashtor E., A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Aies. Berkeley 1976, CA Univ. 384 p. - RJNES 38 (1979) 292s

(J. Bacharach). u977 Austin M., Vidal-Naquet P., ed., Economies et Societes en Grecc ancienne, textes [anciens] choisis 2 (rev.): Collection U2, Serie Histoire Ancienne. P 1972, A. Colin. 416 p. u978 Begrich Gerhard, Der wirtschaftliche Einfluss Assyriens auf Südsyrien und Palästina: diss. B. Humboldt-Univ. B-West 1975. 338 p. --+ 58s,b076: RKirSef 54 (1979) 15 (contents). u979 Beidelman T. 0., W. R. Smith and the Sociological Study of Religion. Ch 1974, Univ. XIV-92p. $8.95. [Chiefly a biography]. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 309s (N. Yojfee). u980 Bertman S. ed., The Conflict of Generations in Ancient Greece and Rome. Amsl 1976, Grüner. 235 p. 15 art. u981 Bingen Jean, Econonue grecque et societe egyptienne au Ine siecle: --+ 754, Maehler H., Das ptolemäische Ägypten 1978, 211-18 (-19 Diskussion). u982 Bogos/ovski J. S., 00The Soldiers and Craftsmen in Egypt in the 14th-

u5 Ethnologia, sociologia


10th Centuries B.c.[esp. Deir el-Medina]: ➔ 415, Danilova I. E., Tutankhamun 1976, p. 80+: all profussiunal artists and craftsmen were considered to be a part of the army. u983 Bondi S. F., Note sull'economia fenicia I. Impresa privata e ruolo dello stato: EgVO 1 (1978) 139-49. u984 Brentjes Burchard, Der arbeitende Mensch in den Gesellschaften und Kulturen des Orients: Univ. Kongress-Berichte. Halle/S 1978, M.-LutherUniv. 186 p. u985 Brueggemann W., Trajectories in OT Litetature and the Sociology of Ancient Israel: JBL 98 (1979) 161-85. u986 Bucci 0., a) Caste e classi sociali nell'antico diritto iranico: Apollinaris 45 (R 1972, Institutum Utriusque Iuris Pont. Univ. Lateranensis) 741760. - b) Qualificazfone giuridica dei comportamenti umani e libero arbitrio in diritto persiano antico: Apollinaris 46 (1973) 217-33. u987 Capugrossi Calognesi L., Societä e istituzioni del mondo antico nella storiografia della seconda meta dell'800 [H. S. Maine, N. D. Pustel de Coulanges, J. J. Bachofen]: IVRA (= Jura), Rivista intemazionale di diritto romano e antico (Catania-Palermo) 27 (1976) 75-88. u988 Gase Shirley J., The 'New' New Testament Study [< The Origins of Christianity (Ch 1923) 1-9.23-27]: ➔ 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 37-48, Die 'neue' neutestamentliche Forschung. u989 Cassidy R. J., Jesus, Pohtics, and Society, a Study in Luke's Gospel 1976 ➔ 6667; 58s,5031: RCBQ 41 (1979) 481s (E. Jane Via). u990 Countryman L. William, Welfare in the Churches of Asia Minor under the Early Roman Empire: ➔ 583, AchtemeierP., Seminar 1979, I 131146. u991 Cusson Gilles, Notes d'anthropologie biblique. Quebec 1970, Institut de Catechese, Universite Laval / Rume 1977, Institut de Spiritualite, lJniversite Gregorienne, 300 p. u992 Dan Yaron, [!!] Cultured Free Professionals in Byzantine-era Pnlestine Cities: CHistEI 8 (1978) 95-122. u993 Deger-JalkotzySigrid, E-qe-ta. Zur Rolle der Gefolgschaftswesens in der Sozialstruktur mykenischer Reiche = Mykenische Studien, 6. SitzbÖAW 344. W 1978, Österreichische Akad. Wiss. xn-217 p. - RßeiNam 14 (1979) 240 (R. Schmitt). Derrett J., Studies in the New Testament. Vol. 1: Glimpses of the Legal and Social Presuppositions of the Authors 1977 -> 295; 58s,4362. u994 Dickey Samuel, Some Economic and Social Conditions of Asia Minor Affecting the Expansion of Christianity: < Fs. F. C. PORTER& B. W. BACON,Studies in Early Christianity ed. S. J. Case (NY 1928) 393-416: ➔ 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 49-66, Die Bedeutung wirtschaftlicher w1d sozialer Faktoren für die Ausbreitung des Christentums in Kleinasien. u995 Dietrich Walter, Israel und Kanaan. Vom Ringen zweier Gesellschaftssysteme: SBS 94. Stu 1979, KBW. 119 p. DM 19,80. 0 3-460-039418.

u996 Dumortier Francis, Structuration des rapports sociaux dans la societe du Jer siecle et conception des rapports hierarchiques en 1 Cor 3-4: ➔ 632; 56. - Elenchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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58s,9184*, Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 161-176. u997 Eisenstadt S. N., Observations and Queries about Sociological Aspects of lmperialism in the Ancient World: ➔ 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 21-33. u998 Ekholm K., Friedman J., 'Capital' lmperialism and Exploitation in Ancient World Systems: ➔ 750, Larsen M., Power 1979, 41-58. u999 Fauth W., Der königliche Gärtner und Jäger im Paradeisos. Beobachtungen zur Rolle des Herrschers in der vorderasiatischen Hortikultur: Persica 1979 ➔ u830. yl Fichman I. F., Die spätantike ägyptische Stadt Oxyrhynchos. Ein sozialökonomischer Abriss: Altertum 25 (1979) 177-82. y2 Finley M. 1., Die Schuldknechtschaft: ➔ 748, KippenbergH., Die Entstehung der antiken Klassengesellschaft 1977, 173-204 < gall.: RHDroitFrEtr 43 (1965) 159-84. y3 Frick Frank S., Religion and Sociopolitical Structure in Early Israel: an Ethno-Archaeological Approach: ➔ 583, AchterneierP., Seminar 1979, II 233-53. y4 Gager John G., a) The End of Time and the Rise of Community < Kingdom and Community (ENJ 1975) 19-49.57-64: ➔ 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 88-130, Das Ende der Zeit und die Entstehung von Gemeinschaften. - b) Kingdom and Community: The Social World of Early Christianity: Studies in Religion 1975 ➔ 57,7057; 58s,9194: RJAAR 45 (1977) 236s (H. C. Stajford); RevTR 52 (1978) 188s (C. Munier); ScotJT 31 (1978) 381ss (J. K. Riches); Zygon 13 (1978) 109-22 (D. L. Bartfett); 123-30 (J. Z. Smyth); 131-5 (D. Tracy). y5 Gottwald Norman K., a) The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the: Religion of Liberated Israel 1250-1050 B. C. E. Maryknoll NY/L 1979, Orbis/SCM. xxv-916 p. $19.95/H2.95. - b) Sociolo11ical Method in the: Study of Ancient Israel: ➔ 553, Buss M., Encounter 1979, 69-81. y6 Grant Robert M., Enrly Christianity and Society: Seven Sluüies. SF 1977, Harper & R. xn-221 p.; bibliog. 193-206. - RCurrTMiss 6 (1979) 175 (Robert Smith); JAAR 46 (1978) 372 (G. Sloyan); NBlackfr 60 (1979) 348s (S. Tugwell). y7 Gutgesell M., Löhne: ➔ 885, LexÄg (1979) 1072-78. y8 a) Hahn I., Representation of Society in the OT and the Asiatic Mode of Production: OikBud 2 (1978) 27-41. - b) Krader L. A., The Asiatic Mode of Production. Sources, Development and Critique in the Writings of Karl Marx: Dialectic & Society 1. Assen 1975, van Gorcum. xm454 p. DM 98,80. - RDLZ 99 (1978) 732-38 (B. Brentjes). y9 Harmatta J. al. ed., Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Alten Vorderasien 1976 ➔ 58s,b654. - RQLZ 74 (1979) 339-43 (H. Neumann). yl0 Harris M. J. al., Tax: ➔ 888, NDNTh l (1978) 751-9. yl 1 Harris Rivkah, Ancient Sippar: a Demographie Study of an Old Babylonian City (1894-1 S9S b.L·.): Publ. neerl. Stamboul 36, 19'/!l ➔ y163; 58s,b688. yl2 Heinen Heinz, a) Ägyptische und griechische Traditionen der Sklaverei im ptolemäischen Ägypten: ➔ 754, Maehler H., Das ptolemäische Ägypten 1978, 227-35(-37 Disk.). - b) Sur le regime du travail dans l'Egypte

u5 Ethnologia, sociologia


ptolemai"que au rnesiede av. J.-C.: a propos d'un livre recent de N. N. Pikus [1972 ➔ y52] (K 1974 congr. Rist. Economique): ➔ 195, Fs. C. PREAUX1975, 656-662. yl3 Heltzer Michael, The Rural Community in Ancient Ugarit 1976 ➔ y164; 58s,b909. yl4 Hengel M., Eigentum und Reichtum in der frühen Kirche. Aspekte einer frühchristlichen Sozialgeschichte 1973 ➔ 55,5722; 57,7075: RBO 34 (1977) 257s (J. Lebram). yl5 Herrmann W(olfram), Mercatores mandatu missi. Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Einheiten 'Fünf' und 'Zehn' in der kanonischen und deuterokanonischen Literatur des ATs: ZAW 91 (1979) 329-38 [trace of Guilds]. yl6 Hollenbach P. W., The Constitution of Human Community in Two Ancient Civilizations [Babylonian and Israelite]: F. 0. France ed., Biblical Literature, 1974 Proceedings (Florida 1974, American Academy of Religion). - RßL (1977) 12 (A. S. Herhert). yl7 Holte R., Göttersymbol und soziale Struktur:-+ 31, Fs. H. BIEZAIS1979, 1-15. y18 Hopkins K., Conquerors and Slaves: Sociological Studies in Roman History, l. NY 1978, Cambridge. XN-268 p. $22.50. yl9 Janssen J. J., Commodity Prices from the Ramessid Period 1975 -+ 58s,c083a: RActOrK 40 (1979) 279-301 (12 p. hieroglyphs: P. J. Frandsen). y20 Judge E. A., The Early Christians as a Scholastic Community < JRelHist 1 (1960s) 4-15.125-137: -+ 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchrlstentwns 1979, 131-164, Die frühen Christen als scholastische Gemeinschaft. y21 Jusifov Ju. H., ~ On the Problem of Slavery in Elam: PerAz 3 (1979) 231-42. y22 Kaltenstadler W., Arbeitsorganisation unuFührungssystem• bei den römischen Agrarschriftstellern (Cato, Varro, Columella): Quellen und Forschungen zur Agrargeschichte 30. Stu/NY 1978, G. Fischer rVI-]126p. photot. y23 Keck Leander E., On the Ethos of Rarly Chrislians < JAAR 42 (1974) 435-452:-+ 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 13. 36, Das Ethos der frühen Christen. y24 Kehl M., Kirche als Institution [only sociological, but part about Küng, Rahner ... ] 1976 _. 585,854?.: RTR 74 (1978) 126-31 (H.-J. Jaschke). y25 KehnscherperG., Von Jeremia zu Jesus: die Ausrufung des Halljahres . . . eine sozialethische Untersuchung zu [-, 6729] Lk 4, 16-30, 1973. y26 Kemp B. J., Wall Paintings from the Workmen's Village at El-'Amarna: JEA 65 (1979) 47-53, J fig., pl. VIIVIII, y27 Kestemont Cl, Les travailleurs dans le moncle hittite: OrAnt 17 (1978) 17-29. y28 Kimhrough S. T. J, Israelite Religion in Sociological Perspective. The Work of Antonin Causse [1877-1947]: StudOrRel 4. Wb 1978, Harrassowitz. XVI-155p. DM 48. 0 3-447-01967-0. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 425; OTAbs 2 (1979) 271s.

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y29 KippenbergHans G. [vide etiam .....748], Reli&i,onund Klassenhildung im antiken Judäa: eine religionssoziologische Studie zum Verhältnis von Tradition und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung: SUNT 14, 1978 ..... 58s,b279a: RcBQ 41 (1979) 313s (J. M. Myers); ETRel 54 (1979) 335s (J. M. Uonard); JStNT 2 (1979) 71-74 (E. M. Smallwood); SvEx 44 (1979) 192ss (B. Holmberg); TR 75 (1979) 449-53 (Joh. Meier); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 184 (J. T. Nelis). y30 Klenge[ H., Handel und Händler im Alten Orient. Lp/Köln 1979, Koehler & A. / Böhlau. 248 p., 54 pl. + 4 col., 6 maps; figg. -> y 121. y31 Kreissig Heinz, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im Seleukidenreich: Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur der Antike 16. Berlin 1978, Akademie-Verlag. 133p. M28. y32 Lamberg-Karlovsky C. C., The Economic World of Sumer [=-+ 58s,h703]: U. Schmandt-Besserat,Legacy of Sumer 1976, 59-68. y33 Larsen Bente Bagger & J0rgen, Menigheden uden sikkerhed: sociale og 0konomiske aspekter i Matthaeusevangeliet og Lukasevangeliet: et bidrag til urkristendommens sociologi: Institut for Ny J'estamente. Aarhus 1976, Univ./Teoltryk. 152p.; bibliog. 149-152. y34 Lee Clarence L., Social Unrest and Primitive Christianity < S. Benko, The Catacombs and the Colosseum (Valley Forge PA 1971) = Early Church History: the Roman Empire as the Setting of Primitive Christianity (L 1972): -> 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 67-87, Soziale Unruhe und Urchristentum. Lipinski E. ed., State and Temple Economy in the Ancient Near East 1978/9 -> 753. y35 Lodina Darlene M., F.mnomic Texts from the Third Dynasty: Ur Excavations, Texts 9. Ph 1976, Univ. Museum Bab. Fund. m-84p., CCXVPl. $25. - RAfO 26 (1978s) 111-7 (H. Waetzoldt); JCS 31 (1979) 184-8 (U. I. Owen); WZKM 71 (1979) 202ss (D. Snell); ZAss 68 (1978) 296-306 (D. Edzard, T. Gomi). y36 McClellan Thomas L., Towns to Fortresses: the Transformation of Urban Lifo in Judah from 8th to 7th Century B.c.: ➔ 581, Achlllmeler P., Seminar 1978, I 277-286. y37 Malherbe Abraham .T.,Social Aspects of Early Christiniaty: Rice Univ. Rockwell Lectures, 1976. Baton Rouge 1977, LA State Univ. xn-98 p. $7.95. - RcnQ 41 (1979) 487s (D. E. Aune); HeythJ 20 (1979) 232s (M. R.); JBL 98 (1979) 437s (R. S. Kraemer); RelStR 5 (1979) 174-80 (J. G. Gager compares with R. Grant and n Theissen). - b) Social Level and Literary Culture < Social Aspects of Early Christianity: Rockwell Lectures, Ricc Univ. (Daton Rougt: 1977, LA State Univ.):-+ 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 194-221, Soziale Ebene und literarisc:ht1Bildung. y38 Malina B. (J.), The Individual and the Community-Personality in the Social Onlt:r of Early Christianity: llibTD 9 (1979) 126-38. y39 Marfoe Leon, The Integrative Transformation: Patterns of Sociopolitical Organizalion in Southern Syria: HASOR 234 (1979) 1-42, 9 fig.; corrections p. 84. y40 Masson V. M., [ID Ekonomika . . . The economy and social structure of I

u5 Ethnologia, sociologia


ancient socielies in the lighl of archeological diita. Leningrad 1976, Ak. Naulc. 187 p. - RBO 36 (1979) 229s (B. R. Poster: unsurpassed). y41 Meeks Wayne A., The Man from Heaven in Johannine Sectarianism < JBL 91 (1972) 44-72: .....487, Meeks, Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 245-283, Die Funktion des vom Himmel herabgestiegenen Offenbarers für das Selbstverständnis der johanneischen Gemeinde. y42 Meyers E. M., The Cultural Setting of Galilee: The Case of Regionalism and Early Judaism: -->864, ANRW 2,19,1 (1979) 686-702, ·3 pi. y43 Milgrom J., Priestly Terminology and the Political and Social Structure of Pre-Monarchic Israel: JQR 69 (1978s) 65-81. y44 Moscati S. ed., L'alba della civilta I. La societa; II. L'economia; III. 11 pensiero 1976 --> 58s,b566: RJBL 98 (1979) 411-14 (W. L. Moran); l{ßelgPhilol 55 (1977) 1213s (M. M. Rassart-DebPrgh). y45 Nelson C. A., Status Declarations in Roman Egypt: AmStPapyr 19. Amst 1979, Hakkert. xv-88 p. y46 Nida E. A., Coutumes et cultures. Anthropologie pour missions chretiennes, tr. E. Somerville. La Chaux de Fonds, Suisse 1978, Groupes missionnaires, 388 p. [eh. VIII: de traductione biblica]. - RETRel 54 (1979) 50710 (L. Mo/et). y47 Oppenheimer A., The Am ha-Aretz ... Social History tr. I. H. Levine: ArbLitGHeUud 8, 1977 -->58s,b337a: RETRel 54 (1979) 141s (D. Lys); JAOS 99 (1979) 116s (E. M. Meyers); JBL 97 (1978) 596s (S. J. D. Cohen); SvEx 44 (1979) 191s (T. Fornberg); TLZ 103 (1978) 738ss (G. Baumbach); TPQ 126 (1978) 190s (J. H. Emminghaus). y48 Parente F., Max Weber e la storia dell'antico Israele: AnPisa 3,8 (1978) 1365-96. y49 Perry .T.R., Justice for the Underprivileged: the Ombudsman Tradition of Iran: .TNES 37 (1978) 203-215. y50 Peyronnie J. M., Essai sur les rapports entre deux sciences humaines: prehistorique et ethnologie: .....56, Fs. J. DAUVILLIER 1979, 635-53. y51 Pietri Charles, Die Christen und die Sklaven in der ersten Zeit der Kirche (2.-3. Jt.), tr. R. Weibel: Conc-U 15 (1979) 638-43. - Cristianos y eselavos en los primeros tiempos de la Iglesia, tr. M. Schiaffi.no: Conc-C 15/3 (1979) 472-89. - Les chretiens et les esclaves aux premiers temps de l'eglise: Conc-F 15/150 (1979) 47-55. - I cristiani e gli schiavi nei primi tempi della chiesa, tr. P. Crespi: Conc-It 15 (1979) 1671-82. y52 Pikus N. N. [-->y12b t 1971: VestDrI 119,1 (1972) 274s], IB] Carskie zemledelcy. . . Agriculteurs royaux (productcurs directs) et artisans en Egypte au IIIe siede avant notre ere. Recherches sur les rapports socioeconomiques: diss. Moskva 1972 [ChronEg 45 (1970) 186ss]: .....195, Fs. C. Preaux 1975, 656-662 (H. Heinen). y 53 Porter J. R., Biblical Classics TTI. .Toh. Pedersen, Israel: ExpTim 90 (l 978s) 36-40. y54 Postgate J. N., The Economic Structure of the Assyrian Empire: -> 750, Lw-1>en M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 193-221. y55 Raffeiner H., Sklaven und Freigelassene. Eine soziologische Studie auf der Grundlage des griechischen Grabepigramms: Commentationes Oenipontanae XXIIl/2. Innsbruck 1977, Wagner. 103 p.


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y56 Raper R. A., The Analysis of the Urban Structurc of Pompeii: a Sociological Examination of Land Use: ➔ 408, Clarke David L. t ed. Spatial Archaeology 1977. y57 Raskolnikoff M., La recherche sovietique et l'histoire economique et sociale du monde hellenistique et romain: Groupe histoire romaine, Et. Tr. 1. Strasbourg 1975, Univ. 379p. - RGymnasium 86 (1979) 205-7 (N. Brockmeyer). y58 Rathbun Ted A., A Study of the Physical Characteristics of the Ancient Inhabitants of Kish, lraq. Miami 1975, Field Research Projects. 255 p., 8 fig., 2 pl., 28 tables. - RAfür 47 (1979) 127s (E. Strouhal). Redman C. L., Social Archeology: beyond subsistence and dating 1978 ➔ 509. y59 Reviv H., The Structure of Society [in Israel's Agc of the Monarchies; cf. ➔ 900]: WorldHistJP 1,4,2 (J 1979) 125-46.304-07. y60 Rodd C. S., Max Weber and Ancient Judaism [Glencoe 1952]: ScotJT 32 (1979) 457-69. [Same weaknesses as G. Theissen 1978 ➔ y74c]. y61 Rode M., III Die sozialen Probleme im NT: RoczTChrzAkT 14,1 (1972) 63-144.145; 14,2 (1972) 91-168.169; 15,1 (1973) 87-175.176; 15,2 (1973) 131-257.258s; 16,1-2 (1974) 309-452.453s. Rogerson John, Anthropology and the Old Testament 1978 ➔ 8503. y62 Rouland N., Les esclaves romains en temps de guerre, praef. L. Menager: Coll. Latomus, 151. ßrn 1977. 106 p. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 178s (J.-P. Borte). y63 Ruszcz,vc B., [f) Lihr:ronim cura et amor in Aegypto antiqua: Meanc.ler 74 (1979) 229-35, 5 fig. F1a.iictmou,Ansätze ökonomisd1e11 Denkens von der Antike' yl'i4 Scl1i11zi11ger bis zur Reformationszeit: Erträge der Forschung 68. Da 1977, Wiss. vm116 p. y65 Schröder H., Jesus und das Geld. Wirtschaftskommentar zum NT. Karlsruhe 1979, Badenia. XVI-311p., fig. DM 29,50. y66 Schütz John II., Charisma and Social Reality in Primitive Christianity < JRel 54 (1974) :51-70: ➔ 48'/, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 222-244, Charisma und soziale Wirklicheit im Urchristentum. y67 Scroggs R.,. The Sociological Interpretation of the NT: the Present State of Research [';;'NTS meeting, P 1978]: NTS 26 (1979s) 164-79. y68 Smith Jonathan Z., Birth Upside Down or Rightside Up? < HistRel 9 (1969s) 281-303: --> 487, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 284-309, Geburt in verkehrter order richtiger Lage? y69 Smith Morton, Die Entwicklungen im Judäa des 5. Jh. v. Chr. aus griechischer Sicht[< Palestinian Parties 1971 [➔ 56,7196] 136-47, tr. S. Kurras]: --> 748, KippenbergH., Die Entstehung der antiken Klassengesellschaft 1977, 313-27. y70 Sperber Dan, a) Roman Palestine 200-400 - the land: crisis and change in agrarian society as reflected in Rabbinic sources: Bar-Ilan Studics in NE Languages and Culture. Ramat Gan 1978, Bar-Ilan Univ. 12 + 249 p., ill., maps. - b) Roman Palestine 200-400: Money and Prices: Bar-Ilan Studies 1974 ➔ 58s,e270 [< diss. 1967 ➔ 55,7727]: Rßü 36

u5 Ethnologia, sociologia


(1979) 124-8 (G. Mussics). y71 Stegemann Wolfgang, Von Palästina nach Rom. Beobachtungen zu einem sozialen Prozess in der frühen Christenheit: Concilium-D 15 (1979 Heft 5: Christentum und Bürgertum) 286-90. - De Palestina a Roma. Proceso social en el cristianismo primitivo, tr. A. de la Fuente: Conc-C 15/2 (1979) 237-46. - From Palestine to Rome: a Social Process in Early Christianity, tr. M. Kohl: Conc-E 15/5 (1979) 35-42. - De Palestina para Roma. Observa9öes sobre um processo social na cristandade primitiva, tr. E. Orth: Conc-P 15 (1979) 538-45. Schottroff W., Stegemann W., Der Gott der kleinen Leute: sozialgeschichtliche Bibelauslegungen 1979 -+ 526. y72 Stern M., Aspects of Jewish Society: The Priesthood and Other Classes/House and Family [Hellenistic and Hasmonaean Periods]: CompRerJudNT 1,2 (1976 -+ 58s,b272a) 561-630 / 728-92. Herodian, Procuratorial. y73 Theissen Gerd, Studien zur Soziologie des Urchristentums: WissUnNT 19. Tü 1979, Mohr. VI-318p. - 3-34: Zur forschungsgeschichtlichen. Einordnung der soziologischen Fragestellung [angewandt auf das Urchristentum]; 35-54 [< Kairos 17 (1975) 284-299) Die soziologische Auswertung religiöser Überlieferungen. Ihre methodologischen Probleme am Beispiel des Urchristentums; 55-76 [< NZsysT 16 (1974) 35-56] Theorelische Probleme religiom,1,oziologl!!cherFvrschung und die Analy1,e des Urchristentums; 79-105 [< ZTK 20 (1973) 245-271) Wanderradikalismus. Literatursoziologische Aspekte der Überlieferung von Worten Jesu im Urchristentum. y74 Theissen Gerd, a) Soziologie der Jesusbewegw1g: Ein Beitrag zur Entstehungsgeschichte des Urchristentums. Mü 1977, Kaiser. DM 11,50. - RETRel 54 (1979) 300s (M. Bouttier); Nor'fTs 79 (1978) 123-26 (T. K. Seim); TLZ 104 (1979) 512ss (G. Baumbach). - b) Le christianisme de Jesus, Ses origines sociales en Palestine, tr. B. Lauret: Relais Desclee 6. Tournai-Paris 1978, Desclee. 166 p. Fb 323. 0 2-7189-0140-3. - RETRel 54 (1979) 702s (M. Bouttier). - c) The First Followcrs of Jesus [-+ 58s,6560 +]: A Sociological Analysis of the Earliest Christianity tr. J. Bowden. L 1978, SCM. xn-131 p. f:2.50 = Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity. Ph 1978, Fortress. ix-131 p. $4.50. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 176ss (B. J. Malina); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 196s (C. S. Rodd); HeythJ 20 (1979) 232 (A. M. W.); Interpr 33 (1979) 214s (J. Reumann); JBL 98 (1979) 436s (R. S. Kraemer); ScotJT 32 (1979) 288s (E. Best); TLondon 81 (1978) 175s (J. K. Elliott); TTod 36 (1979s) 118.120s (W. A. Meeks); RelStRev 5 (1979) 174-180 (J. G. Gager, also on R. Grant, A. Mu/Jzerbe). - d) Gesu e il suo movimento. Analisi sociologica della comunita cristiana primitiva, tr. M. Fiorillo: PiccColMod 36. T 1979, Claudiana. 188 p. Lit. 3900. - e) Jesusoverleveringen og dens sociale baggrund. K 1979, Reitzel. 144s. Dkr. 61,12. y75 Thid Winfried, Die soziale Entwkklung Israels in vorstaatlicher Zeit: diss. B Humboldt-Univ. 1976. m-719 p. - TLZ 103 (1978) 155-8. y7 6 Thiel W ., Sklavenarbeit und 'Lohnarbcil' in der Frühgeschichte AltIsraels: -> 402, Brentjes B., Der arbeitende Mensch 1978, 155-170.

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y77 Thom1u, P. A., The Bible as a Special Co.se for Socü1l Studies. lmplications for Program Development [ ... the Applicability of the curricular criteria described by Dwayne Hubner]: diss. Univ. of the Pacific 1978. 171 p. 0 7819512. - DissA 39 (1978s) 2056-A. y18 Thraede Klaus, Gesellschaft/Uleichheit NT: -->892, RAC 10 (1978) 83747 / 11, Lf. 81 (1979) (122-)142-5(-164). y79 Turner B. S., Origins and Traditions in Islam and Christianity [sociological, including criticism of Max Weber]: Religion 6 (1976) 13-30. y80 Valadier Paul, La reference a l'Ecriture en morale politique: --> 632; 58s,9184*: Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 177-195. y81 Wiener Claude, Gourmelen Andre, Le facteur economico-socio-politique: son importance dans la production et 1a lecture des textes: -->632, Surgy P. de, Ecriture et pratique 1978, 239ss. y82 Wilde James A., The Social World of Mark's Gospel: a Word about Method:--> 581, AchterneierP., Seminar 1978 II, 47-70. y83 Wilken Robert L., Collegia, Philosophical Schools, and Theology < S. Benko, The Catacombs and the Colosseum = Early Church History (L 1972) eh. 12: ➔ 497, Meeks W., Zur Soziologie des Urchristentums 1979, 165-193, Kollegien, Philosophenschulen und Theologie. y84 Will E., Die ökonomische Entwicklung und die antike Polis < gall.: Deuxieme Conference int. d'hist. cconomique = EcPratHEt, Congres et Colloques 8 (P/La Haye 1965) 59-94]: -->748, KippenberaH., Klassengesellschaft 1977, 100-135. y85 Wilson Robert R., Anthropology and the Study of the OT: UnSemQR 34 (1979) 175-181. y86 WolffH. W., Anthropoloeic de l'AT: Nouv. Serie Tht!ul. 31, 1974 • 56,5077: RfiTR 53 (1979) 378s (E. Fuchs). y87 Wright Gary A., Social Differentiation in the Early Natufiau: -->509, C. L. Redman, Social Archeology 1978, 201-23. Carmel-Mughara; Hula-Malläha. y88 Yellen John E., Archaeological Approachcs to the Present: [ethnology] modcls for rcconstructing the past. L 1977, Academic. 288 p. !17.05/$24. 0 0-12-770350-0. uS.3

Viae, commercium: Routes, trade .

y89 Ambnrn H., nie Bedeutung der Kulturen des Niltals für die Eisenproduktion im subsaharischen Afrika (diss. Mü. dir. Straube): Studien zur Kulturkunde 39. Wb 1976, Steiner. xv-304 p., 99 fig. DM 58. - RAfD 26 (1978s) 126ss (1. Hofmann). y90 ApplebaumS., Jews and Greeks in Ancient Cyrene: StJudLatAnt 28. Ld 1979, Brill. XVI-367p. f 112. y91 Bedevi Vergi H., IT] Tarih Myunca Kzbns-Anadolu ... Ein allgemeiner Überblick über die zyprisch-anatolischen Beziehungen im Lauf der Geschichte. Nicosia 1978. 62 p. y92 Beeston A. F. L., Some Observations on Greek and Latin Data Relating to South Arabia: BSOAS 42 (1979) 7-12, 1 fig.

u5.3 Viae, commercium - Routes, trade


y93 Blazquez J. M., Tartessus y los origenes de 1a colonizaci6n fenicia en Occidente2 1975 ➔ 58s,b867a: RWeltOr 9 (1978) 335-40 (M. Koch). y94 Blomqvist J., The Date and Origin of the Greek Version of Hanno's Periplus. With an Edition of the Text and a Translation [Early Greek ·Prose Literature, in all probability from before 400 B.C.]; ScriptMin (Lund) 1978s: 3. 68 p. y95 Brice W. C., A New Map of Pilgrim Roads of Arabia [Durub al-]f aggj: PrSemArabSt. vol. 5 (1975) 8-12, 1 map. y96 Bullock Ronald, tr. The Story of Sinuhe 2 rev. L 1978, auct. (27 Chancery Lane). XI-127p, q. y97 Bunnens Guy, L'expansion phenicienne en Mediterranee. Essai d'interpretation fonde sur une analyse des traditions litteraires: EtPhilolArchcolHistA 17. Bru 1979, Inst. Belge Rome. x-420 p. y98 Burton Francis R., The Gold-Mines of Midian and the Ruined Midianitc Cities (1878) newly editcd from thc author's corrected copy with an introd. by Philip Ward: Arabia Past and Present 8. C 1979, Falcon/ Oleander. xxxvm-244 p., map., facs. f'.15. 0 0-900891-50-5. y99 Cahen C., Kharädj (tax) [in the Ccntral & Western Lands]: ➔ 876, Enclsl 4,77s (1978) 1030-34. ylO0 Cns,mnL., Travel in the Ancient World. L 1974, Allen & U. 384 p. 20 pl. - RGnomon 49 (1977) 477-85 (0. Deubner). yl0l Chang K. C., Anc.ient Trade as Economics or as Ecology [in the Chang (dyn.) Society]: Ancient Civilization and Trade 211-24 ed by J. A. Sabloff4 al. (Albuquerque 1975) 211-24. y102 Chevallier R., Roman Roads [1972 ➔ 54,8339] tr. N. H. Field. RscientAm 237,3 (1977) 52.56s (I'. Morrison). y103 Cirkin J. B., [ID Finikijskaja Kul'tura v lspanii (Die phönizische Kultur in Spanien): Kul'tura narodov Vostoka, Materialy i issledovanija. Moskva 1976, Nauka. 246 p. 23 fig., 10 maps. - RZAW 90 (1978) 154 (F. von Lilienfeld). y104 Crawford Harriet, The Mechanics of the Obsidian Trade [unique phenomenon in Mid-East prehistory]: a Suggestion ( < 23 Rene. Assyr. Birmingham 1976 ➔ 759): Antiquity 52 (1978) 129-32. y105 Crossland R. A., Birchal Ann cd., Bronze Age Migrations in the Aegean. Archaeological and Linguistic Problems in Greek Prehistory. Proc. Ist Internat. Colloquium on Aegean Preh., Sheffield 1970; L 1973, > 58,b776: Rßü 35 (1978) 423 (F. T. van Strafen). y106 Davies G. I., The Way of the Wilderness: A geographical study of the wilderness itineraries in the Old Testament (diss. C 1975): SocOTS Mon. 5. C 1979 Univ. xn-138 p., maps; bibliog. 120-130. f?.95/$17.50 °0521-22057-2. y107 Decret Francois, Carthage ou l'empire de la mer: Points Histoire 30, 1977 ➔ t324; 58s,b883. y108 During Caspers E. C. J., Harappan Trade in the Arabian Gulf in the Third Millennium B. C.: PrSemArabSt, sem. 6 (1972) = vol 3. (L 1973) 3-20. y109 Etat M., I!!] Economic Relations in the Lands of the Bible 1977 ➔ 58s,b100a: RBASOR 230 (1978) 72s (M. Heltzer); IsrEJ 28 (1978) 129s;


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

JBL 98 (1979) 415s (M. Tsevat); Qadm 11 (1978) 96s ([EI Y. Shiloh). yll0 Fantar M., Le Dieu de la mer chez les Pheniciens et les Puniques: Studi Semitici 48. R 1977, Univ.Ist.Vic.Or. 134 p. 8 pl. yll 1 Faure P., La vie quotidienne des colons grecs de la mer Noire a l'Atlantique au siecle de Pythagore, VIe av. J.-C.: la vie quotidienne. P 1978, Hachette. 443 p. yl 12 Frankenstein Susan, The Phoenicians in the Far West: a Function of Neo-Assyrian lmperialism: ➔ 750, Larsen M., Power and Propaganda 1979, 263-94. y113 Gjerstad E., The Phoenician Colonization and Expansion in Cyprus: RepDeptAntCypr (1979) 230-54. yl 14 Goedicke H., The Report of Wenamun: Johns Hopkins Near Eastem Studies, 1975 ➔ 58s,b898: RJBL 98 (1979) 104s (R. J. Williams); JNES 38 (1979) 63 (D. Mueller). yl 15 Grau B., Phönikische Metallkannen in den orientalisierenden Horizonten des Mittelmeerraumes: Diss. Köln 1976. yl 16 Heltzer M., Goods, Prices and the Organization of Trade in Ugarit. Marketing and Transportation in the Eastem Mediterranean in the: Second Half of the II Millennium B.C.E. Wb 1978, Reichert. xn-163p. DM tiO, - Ruu 100 (1979) 654-58 (B. Brentjes). yl 17 Heltzer M., The Metal Trade of Ugarit and the Problem of Transportation of Commercial Goods: Iraq 39 (1977) 203-11 ➔ 759 Rencontre 1976. y118 Herm Gerhard, The Phoenicians [1973 ➔ 55,6845), tr. C. Hi/Zier 1975 ➔ 58s,b91l: RAntiquity 52 (1978) 253s (D. B. Harden: amid errors and nonsense, what good there is is readily available else:wherc). y119 Heyderdahl Thor, Early Man and the Ocean: A Search for the Beginnings of Navigation ond Scabomc Civilizatiom,. GNY 1979, Doubleday. VI-438 p. $12.95. yl 19* Hölbl Günther, Beziehungen der ägyptischen Kultur zu Altitalien: EPR 62. Ld 1979, Brill. Text XXN-394 p., front.; Katalog VI-288p., 182 pL + 8 col. f 480. y120 Ilan Z., l!!Ilyon Valley at the North Border of Eretz-Israel: An Ancient Crossroads. 1976, auct.. y120* Jaeck H.-J., Der Markt, im Wandel der Jahrtausende. Entwicklungsgeschichte städtischer Geschäftszentren. 1: Urzeit und Antike: Betriebswirtschaftliche Schriften 94. wB 1979, Duncker & H. 70 p. DM 24,60. y121 Klenget Horst, Handel und Händler im alten Orient. W 1979, Böhlau. 249 p. Sch. 298. ➔ y30. y122 Klenge! Horst, Handel und Kaufleute im hethitischen Reich: AltOrF 6 (1979) 69-80. y123 Kohl P. L., The Balance of Trade in Southwestem Asia in the MidThird Millennium B.C.: Current Archaeology 19 (1978) 463-492. y124 Kuschke A., Das Terrain der Schlacht bei Qades und die Anmarschwege Ramses' II. Summarium einer ebenso kritischen wie selbstkritischen Bestandsaufnahme vorwiegend im Hinblick auf die geographischen Gegebenheiten: ZDPV 95 (1979) 7-35, 3 fig.

u5.3 Viae, commercium - Routes, trade


yl25 Larsen Mogens T., The Old Assyrian City-State and its Colonies: Mesop 4, 1976 .... 58s,b707a: RJNES 37 (1978) 265-9 (R. Adams). yl26 Liverani Mario: Dono, tributo, commercio: ideologia dello scambio nel~ la tarda eta del bronzo: AnlstltNum 26 (1979) 9-28; disc. 123-37. yl27 Loon Maurits van, The Place of Urartu in First-Millennium B.c. Trade: Iraq 39 (1977) 229-231, Pl. III -> 759 Rencontre 1976. yl27* McKusick M., Canaanites in America: A New Scripture in Stone? [None]: BA 42 (1979) 137-40. yl28 Mee C., Aegean Trade and Settlement in Anatolia in the Second Millennium B. C.: AnSt 28 (1978) 121-156; bibliog. 150-6. yl29 Mele A., 11 commercio greco arcaico prexis ed emporie: Cahiers du Centre Jean Berard, 4. N 1979. 109 p.; 87-91, II commercio fenicio in Omero. yl30 Muscarella Oscar W., The Archaeological Evidence for Relations between Greece and Iran in the First Millennium B.c.: JANES 9 (1977) 3148 (-57, 22 fig.). yl31 Nenci Giuseppe, Val/et Georges ed., Bibliografia topografica della colonizzaziom: g.reca in Itnlia e nelle isole tirreniche I; Opere di carattere generalc (1537-1975) a cum cli G. Panessa. Pisa / Roma 1977, Scuola Normale Sup. / Ecole Fran~aise. xxxu-376 p. yl32 Neumann Hans, Handel und Händler in der Zeit der IIT. Dynastie von Ur: AltOrF 6 (1979) 15-67. yl33 Nibbi A., Some Remarks on the Assumption of Ancient Egyptian Seagoing: The Mariner's Mirror 65,3 (1979) 201-208. yl34 Nougayrol Jean, Babilonscina ... Le Babylonien, Langue internationale de l'Antiquite, tr. J. Faganel, V. Kurosec. 1975. - ROLZ 73 (1978) 552s (.T.Klima). yl35 Oates Joan al., Seafaring Merchanls of Ur?: Antiquily 51 (1977) 221-34 [--- 58s,b726], map (Diffusion of 'Ubayd pottery); 52 (1978) 46s, comments of A. H. Masry. yl36 Özgüf: T., Ancient Ararat[= Urartu]: ScientAm 216,3 (1967) 38-46, 12 fig. 1 col. pl. yl37 Orhonlu C., Khariidj [tax ➔ y99; in Ottoman Turkey]: .... 876, Enclsl 4,77s (1978) 1053-55. y138 Orlin L. L., Assyrian Colonies in Cappadocia 1970 .... 52,5894 ... 56,7325: RAfD 26 (1978s) l l 7ss (K. Nashej). yl39 Ramsay W. M., St. Paul the Traveller and the Roman Citizen. Nv 1979 [= 5 1897, Hodder & S], Broadman. xxvm-402 p. - Ten volumes of Ramsay reprinted: GR 1979; Baker. $59.95; ➔ zl 73. Reade J., Indus-Mesopotamia Trade .... s542. yl40 Reineke Walter F., Waren die swtjw wirklich Kaufleute?: AltOrF 6 (1979) 5-14. . yl41 Rouault 0., L'approvisionnement et la circulation de la laine a Mari d'apres une nouvelle lettre du roi a Mukannisum: Iraq 39 (1977) 147-53, 2 fig..... 759, Rencontre 1976. Sabloff J. A., ed., Ancient Civilization and Trade 1975 ➔ 516. yl42 Sa/via F. De, Le prime testimonianze dell'Egitto in ltalia - Tempi e modi di una relazione culturale: AntRArch 1,1 (1976) 35-44, 5 fig; 1,2


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[XIX. Geog. bib.

(1976) 29-40, 11 ti&, y143 Seiht G. F., Griechische Söldner im Achämenidenreich: Habelts Dissertationsdrucke, Alte Geschichte, 11. Bonn 1977, R. Habelt. 236 p. photot. y144 Steinmeyer-Schareika Angela, Das Nilmosaik von Palestrina und eine ptolemäische Expedition nach Äthiopien: Dissertationsdrucke, Archäologie 10. Bonn 1978, Habelt. 168 p., bibliog. 160-166. y145 Sznycer Maurice, Deux noms de Pheniciens d'Ascalon a Demetrias (Thessalie): Semitica 29 (1979) 45-52; PI. II, 2. yl46 Will E.,Überlegungen und Hypothesen zur Entstehung des Münzgeldes: ➔ 748, Seminar; die Entstehung der antiken Klassengesellschaft, hrg. A. S. Kippenberg (Fra 1977) 205-22 < RNum 17 (1953) 5-23. y147 Win,f,,eld D. C., The Northem Routes across Anatolia: AnSt 27 (1977) 155-66. y148 Zaccagnini C., The Merchant at Nuzi: Iraq 39 (1977) 171-189 ➔ 759, Rencontre 1976. yl49 Zadok Ran, a) Phoenicians, Philistines, and Moabites in Mesopotamia: BASOR 230 (1978) 57-65. - b) On Some Non-Semitic Names in CuneiSources: BeiNam 14 (1979) 294-301.


u5.7 Nomadismus, urbanismus; demographia y150 Adams R. M., The Origin of Cities [in Mesopotamia]: ➔ 426, Avenucs to Antiquity, Readings from ScientAm [Sept 1960] 1975, 185-90, 9 fig. yl51 Archi A., C:ittne territorio in Siria e in Anatolia: Mari-Ugaril-Hattusa: Dialoghi di Archeologia 9s (1976s) 75-107, fig. A-G. y152 Amon A., l!!l Population Censuses in the Later Ottoman Period: CHistEI 6 (1977) 95-107, fig. y153 Barthold W., Go/der P. B., Khazar, nomadic people in the South Russian steppes: ➔ 876, Encislam 4,77s (1978) 1172-81. yl5'1 Böcher 0. al., Wildemess: ➔ 888, NDNTh 3 (1978) 1004-15. y155 Bulliet R. W., The Camel and the Wheel. - RScientAm 2l4,2 (1976) 135s (P. Morrison). y155* Cohen A., Lewis B., Population and Revenue in the Towns of Palestine in the Sixteenth Century. Princeton 1978, Univ. xn-199 p., 15 pl. yl56 Delcor Mathias, Quelques cas de survivances du vocabulaire nomade en hehreu biblique. Leur signification [< XXIX Congres Orientalistes P 1973 = VT 25 (1975) 307-22]: ➔ 293, Etudes 1979, 357-72. y157 Fagan B. M., Cities and Civilization, Introduction: .....426, Avenues to Antiquity, Readings from ScientAm 1975, 181-86. y158 Fraenkel Y., 1H]The Penetration of Beduin into Eretz-Israel in the Fatimid Period (969-1096 C.E.): CHistEI 11 (1979) 86-108. y159 Frick Frank S., The City in Ancient Israel: SBL diss. 36, 1977 ➔ 58s, 8290: RCBQ 41 (1979) 129s (D. C. Benjamin). yl60 Gibson M., Population Shift and the Rise of Mesopotamian Civilization: (C. Renfrew ed.). The Explanation of Culture Change: Models in Prehistory; Sheffield U. Seminar (L 1973, Duckworth; xv-788 p., ill.;

u5.7 Nomadismus, urbanismus; demographia


maps) p. '147-63. Unico sul medio oriente fra c. 70 saggi. y161 Habicht C., Die Bedeutung des städtischen Kultes: WegFor 372 (1978) 300-332 < Habicht, Gottmenschentum und griechische Städte2 (Mü 1970, Beck) 222-42. y162 Halstead P., The Bronze Age Demography of Crete and Greece - A Note: AnBritSchAth 72 (1977) 107-12, 10 fig. y162* Har Moshe D., [Hl Hellenistic influences on the Jewish city in EretzIsrael 4th and 6th centuries c.E.: CHistEI 8 (1978) 90-94. y163 Harris Rivkah, Ancient Sippar: a Demographie Study of an Old-Babylonian City 1975 ➔ 58s,b688a: RBASOR 230 (1978) 74ss (J. Roberts); JAOS (1979) 76-80 (M. Gallery); OLZ 73 (1978) 455-8 (H. Klenge/); Persica 8 (1979) 216ss (J. KHma). y164 Heltzer M., The Rural Community in Ancient Ugarit 1976 ➔ y13; 58s,b909: Rßo 34 (1977) 363 (R. Haase); DLZ 99 (1978) 516ss (B. Brentjes); JNWSemLg 7 (1979) 97 (F. C. F[ensham]); OrAnt 17 (1978) 313ss (F. Serangeli); RB 84 (1977) 461ss (R. Tournay: corr. ➔ 58s,b909). y165 Hugot H.-J., Le Sahara avant le desert: Archeologie, horizons neufs. Toulouse 1974, Hesperides. 343 p. - RRß 85 (1978) 451s (F. R. Valla). y166 Hanfmann G. M. A., From Croesus to Constantine: The Cities of Western Asia 1975 -+ 56,7599; 58s,c385: RJNES 38 (1978) 60s (R. Scranton). y167 Kemp Barry J., The Early Development of Towns in Egypt: Antiquity 51 (1977) 185-200, 7 tig,, pl. XXIV-XXVI. y168 Kempinski Aharon, The Rise of an Urban Culture: the Urbanization of Palestit1e in thc Eurly Bronze Ae;t1:TES St, 4. J 1978, Israel Ethnographical Soc. x-80 p., 27 fig., map; 5 p. [Hl summ. $7.95. - ~adm 12 (1979) 94 (H. M. Broshi); ZAss 69 (1979) 28lss (G.R.H. Wright). y169 Koeni!( J., Sedentaires et nomades devant les vestiges de leurs habitats: ➔ 4, Fs. ABELIII 1978. yl 70 Lefebure C., La specificite des societes de pasteurs nomades: Litterature Orale Arabo-Berbere Bulletin 9 (P 1978) 105-118. yl 71 Uverani M., Sulle tracce delle comunita rurali in margine ai lavori della Societe J. Bodin [pour l'Histoire comparee des Institutions, sur les 'Communautes rurales', Varsovie 1976: riflessioni metodologiche e critiche]: OrAnt 17 (1978) 3-72. yl71* McC/ellan Thomas L., Towns to Fortresses: the Transformation of Urban Life in Judah from the 8th to the 7th Century B. C.: ➔ 581, P. Achtemeier ed. SBL Seminar Papers 1978 I 277-86. yl 72 Maigret A. de, Fluttuazioni territoriali e caratteristiche tipologiche degli insediamenti nella regione di Matah (Siria): Nota preliminare: OrAntColl 13 (1978) 83-94, 16 fig., pl. I-IV. yl 73 Matthews Victor H., Pastoral Nomadism in the Mari Kingdom (ca. 1830-1760 B.C.): ASOR diss. 3 [Brandeis 1977 ➔ 58s,b945]. CM 1979, ASOR. xiv-214 p., 3 maps. $9 (6 pa.). 0 0-89757-103-7. yl 74 Mazar B., [Hl Cities and districts of Israel. Topographic-historical researches. J 1976, Bialik/lsr. Expl. Soc. 314p. - RshnatMi).cr 2 (1977) 256ss (M. Weinfeld).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

yl 75 Moughdad S., Bosra. Aper9u sur l'urbanisation de 1a ville a l'epoque rumaine: Felix Ravenna llls (1976) 65-81. yl 76 Myers A. C. (Gi/1 D. W.) City (Biblical Theology of): ➔ 884, ISBEnc 1 (1979) 705-13 (- 15). yl 77 Oded B., IE) Cities of Phoenicia and Assyria undcr Ilsarhaddun and Assurbanipal: ➔ u883, Mel).qä.rim 3, 1975. y178 Peters F. E., Romans and Bedouins in Southem Syria: JNES 37 (1978) 315-26, map. yl 79 Petre Z., Promise ale formäri conceptului de polis: StClas 17 (Buc 1977) 7-15. y180 Quass F., Zur Verfassung der griechischen Städte im Hellenismus: Chiron 9 (1979) 37-52. y181 Raviv H., lE] 'Old men' and 'city-men' in Syria and Israel: ➔ u883, B. Oded 1E]Mel)qll,rim 3, 197'. y182 Redman C. L., Mesopotamian Urban Ecology: the Systemic Context of the Emergence of Urbanism: Social Archeology (Studies in Archeology: NY/SF/L, Academic Pr. = Harcourt-BJ 1978) 329-47. y183 Redman C. L., The Rise of Civilization: From Early Farmers to Urban Society in the Ancient Near East. San Francisco 1978, W. H. Freedman. xi-367 p., ills. maps; bibliog. 325-359. y184 Reviv H., lE] Kidinnu (Observations on Privileges of Mesopotamian Cities): ShnatMi\cr 2 (1977) 205-16. XVII. y184* Röhrer-Ertl Olav, Die neolithische Revolution im Vorderen Orient: ein Beitrag zu Fragen der Bevölkerungsbiologie und Bevölkerungsgeschichte. Mü 1978, Oldenburg. 334 p., 31 pi., map. y185 Scheckenhofer Josef, Die Bevölkerung Palästinas um die Wende der Zeiten: Versuch einer Statistik. Mü 1978, Vögel. 78 p., maps. DM 12. RKirSef 54 (1979) 488. y186 Schweizer G. Hg., Beiträge zur Geographie orientalischer Städte und Märkte: TAVO, Beih. B 2'1. Wb 1977, Reichert. 269 p., 32 fig., 7 maps. DM 50. yl87 Scully S. P., The Polis in Homer: A Definition and Interpretation: diss. Brown 1978, dir.: C. P. Segal. 329 p. 0 7906610. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6111A. yl88 See Genevieve, Grandes Villes de l'Egypte antique: La route millenaire: Naissanc.e de l'urbanisme dans la vallee du Nil 2. P 1974, Serg. 385 p., 411 fig., 341 phot., map. - RBO 34 (1977) 180s (G. Hajnoczi). y189 Segal Arthur ed., lE] Towns of Israel in the classic era: a collection of plans. Beersheba 1978, Ben-Gurion Univ. 59 + 30 p., ill., maps. - RKirSef 54 (1979) 7Rs. y190 Shiloh Y., Elements in the Development of Town Planning in the Israelite City [T. Beit Mirsim A; T. en-Na~heh; Reth-Shemesh; BeerSheba II; 'Ai; Mcgiddo; Gezer]: IsrEJ 28 (1978) 36-51, 10 fig., pi. 13-15. yl91 Shinnie P. L., Urbanism in the Ancienl Sudan: -> 12•, Fs. H. FAIRMAN, Glimpses of Ancient Egypt 1979, 123-6. yl92 Shriver Donald W., Ostrom Karl A., 1s lhere hope for the city?: Biblical perspectives on current issues. Ph 1977, Westminster. 204 p., ill. yl93 Thiel W., Verwandtschaftsgruppe und Stamm in der halbnomadischen

u5.7 Nomadismus, urbanismus; demographia


Priihgmmhichte Israels: Altorientalische Forschungen IV [Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients; B 19'76, Akademie] 151-65. y194 Thompson Thomas L., The Settlement of Palestine in the Bronze Age: TAVO Beih B 34. Wb 1979, Reichert. XIV-495p., map. DM 78. y195 Vajda L., Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Hirtenkulturen: Veröff. des Osteuropa-Institutes München 31. Wb 1968, Harrassowitz. 648 p., 19 pl. DM 96. - RAnthropos 66 (1971) 249-56 (J. Henninger). y196 Vardiman E. E., (bearb. Roggersdorf W.), Nomaden: .Schöpfer einer neuen Kultur im Vorderen Orient: Heyne-Bücher 7077. Mü 1979, Heyne. 490 p., (col.) ill. y197 Whitehouse Ruth, The First Cities [Near East and India] 1977 --> 58s,b653: RAntiquity 52 (1978) 161 (S. Lloyd: ignores P. Lamp/, Cities 1md Planning). y198 Zibelius Karola, Ägyptische Siedlungen nach Texten des Alten Reiches: TAVO Beih. B 19. Wb 1978, Reichert. xxn-290p. 0 3-88226°012-2.


Loca sancta, Peregrini: Pilgrim Accounts.

y199 Aguade J., Inna lkuji ya' ku/u ... [The hajja is for those wjlo eat and drink]: Ein Beitrag zur jüdisch-christlichen Polemik gegen den Islam [taken from the anonymous 1557 Viaje de Turquia on which interesting details are furnished]: WeltOr 10 (1979) 61-72. y200 Baratto C., M. Chagall a Gerusalemme: TerraS 54 (1978) 34-41, 8 fig. y201 Beckingham C. F., Some Early European Travellers in Arabia [Renaud de Chätillon; Zeno the Venetia.n; John Cabot; Lodovico di Vartheme]: PrSemArabSt, vol. 6 (1976) 1-4. y202 Dellow S., Nach Jerusalem und zurück: ein persönlicher Bericht [To Jerusalem and back 1976 --> 58s,e595 ital.] tr. W. Ilasenc/eva: UllsteinBücher 20017. Fra 1979, UllsLt:üu.188p. DM4,80. y203 Blake E. C., Edmonds Anna E., Biblical Sites in Turkey. Istanbul c.1977, Redhousc. VIII 170 p., ill. y204 Breydenbach Bernhard von, Die Reise ins heilige Land 1483, ed. E. Geck. Wb 1977, Pressler. 42 p. DM 96. - RwzKM 70 (1978) 138ss (A. Tietze). y205 Browne R. A., The Holy Jerusalem Voyage of Ogier VIII, Seigneur d'Anglure, tr. annot. Gainesville 1975, Florida Univ. 163 p. - BLitE 78 (1977) 238 (Y. Deni.~). y206 Chevallier E., La Decouverte de Paestum dans la seconde moitle du XVIIIemes. par les voyageurs: Archeologia 125 (1978) 40-47, 9 phot. + 2 col. y207 Cignelli L., II pcllcgrinnggio in Terra S1mta (nei Padri della Chiesa): TerraS 55 (1979) 180-89, 4fig. y208 Collin B., Le Saint-Siege et les Lieux sainls: Les droits du Saint-Siege 1979, 207sur les Lieux saints: --> 56, Melanges offerts a J. DAUVILLIER 221. y209 Couroyer B., Voyages en Egypte [edites]: RB 84 (1977) 474-77. y210 CummingDuncan intr., The Country of the Turkomans. An Anthology


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of Exploration [essays by travelers 1835-85] from the Royal Geographical Soc. L 1977, Oquz. xn-261 p., 80 ill., 7 maps. 0 0-905820-01-0. - RBO 36 (1979) 262 (C.-J. Charpentier). y211 Donner Herbert, Pilgerfahrt ins Heilige Land. Die ältesten Berichte christlicher Palästinapilger, 4.-7. Jdt. Stu 1979, KBW. 435 p., ill. DM 49. 0 3-920609-17-4. y211* Falk-R.onne Arne, Auf Petrus' Spuren [Du er Peter 1976 ➔ 58s,6475] tr. F. Waschnitius. Graz 1977, Stocker. 239 p., (col.) ill. DM 36 pa. 0 37020-0270-7. y212 Faust E., Arabien 1680: Olfert Dappers Arabienbuch und seine Quellen; 'geprüft an Nachrichten über Kaffee, Sesam und Träumen [Diss. Köln 1977 'Medizinisches in Olfert Dappers Arabienbuch (1680)']: Köl1977, ner medizinhistorische Beiträge 5. Köln/Feuchtwangen [Forschungs-] Institut für Geschichte der Medizin/Kohlhauer. 256 p., ill., map. y213 Fedalto G., L'Oriente Cristiano nella spiritualita del primo francescanesimo [atteggiamenti diversi di Francesco e Bonaventura verso gli 'infedeli '?]: -> 692, cf. 56,8271*.a89, Bonaventuriana 1974, II 113-124. y214 Ferrier Joseph P., Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghantr. W. Jesse 1857, ed. H. D. Scyistan, Turkistan, and Beloochistan 18'.'10 mour: Oxford in Asia Historical Reprints from Pakistan. Karachi 1976, Oxford Univ. XLVII-534 p., 3 pl., foldout map. !13. - RoLZ 74 (1979) 575s (W. Eifers). y215 Freeth Zahra, Winstone H. V. F., Explorers of Arabia: From the Renaissance to the End of the Victorian Era. NY 1978, Holmes & Meier Africana. 308 p., 20 fi.g. $21.50. y216 Gautier-[fille de Max] van Berchem, Marguerite, Ory Solange, La Jerusalem mnsulmane dans l'o:uvre de Max van Berchcm [1863-1921; voyages 1886-95, 1913s]. Lausanne 1978, Trois Continents. 121 p. - RRB 86 (1979) 315s (P. B[enoit]). y217 Gejfen D., 1H]'A Visit to the Land of the Patriarchs' - The Diary of William Topkis (1923): C:HistF.T13 (1979) 71-94, 9 fi.g. y218 Gibb H. A. R., Travels of Ibn Battuta. C (1958) 1971, Hakluyt Society. - RoLZ 74 (1979) 574s (B. Fragner). y219 Goldman Jennie, Un sanctuaire ancien qui naquit d'un arbre - le monastere de la Saintc-Croix a Jerusalem: NChrlsr 27,1 (1979) 15-17, 1 fi.g. y220 Gonzales Antonius, Voyage en Egypte 1665s, tr. du neerlandais, presente et annote par Charles Libois: Voyageurs occidentaux en Egypte 19. C.airo 1977, IFAO. ux-392 p.; xv-p. 395-870, map. - RRß 86 (1979) 312s (B. C[ouroyer]: savant). y221 Hamilton B., The Holy Places of Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century: D. Baker ed. Renaissance and Renewal in Christian History: Studies in Church History 14. Ox 1977, Blackwell. xv-428 p. !12. y222 Hasan bin Talal of Jordan, Crown Prince, A Study on Jerusalem [A Study of the Juridical Status of the City of Jerusalem and of the Holy Places within and outside Jerusalem. · Amman] L/NY 1979, Longman. n-62 p.

u6 Loca sancta, peregrini; Pilgrim Accounts


y223 Hastings M., Sir Richard Burton: a Biography. L 1978, Hodder & S. 288 p. f7.50. - RJRAS (1979) 169s (D. Duncanson). y224 Heberer von Breiten, Michael: Voyages en Egypte de 1585s: Voyageurs occ. Eg. 18. P 1976, Inst. Arch. Or. Caire. xxvn-147 p., map. y225 Heers Jacques, Groer Georgette de, Itineraire 58s,e395a: RTimLitS 77 (1978) 634 (J. Backhouse). y290 Gäb/er U., Der 'Kinderkreuzzug' vom Jahre 1212: Schw. Zts. für Geschichte 28 (1978) 1-14. y291 Gabrieli Francesco ed., a) Chroniques arabes des Croisades: La Bibliotheque Arabe. P 1977, Sindbad. 405 p. F 85. [➔ 58s,e397* germ.]. -

u8 Crucigeri - The Crusades


b) Arab Histofia11s of thc Crusades. Berkeley 1978= 1957, University of Califomia. XXXVI-362p. $14.75. y292 Hamdani A., Columbus and the Recovery of Jerusalem: JAOS 99 (1979) 39-48. y293 Hamilton B., Rebuilding Zion: The Holy Places of Jerusalem in the Twelfth Century: StChHist 14 (1977) 105-116. y294 Hamilton B., The Elephant of Christ: Reynald of Chätillon [saec. 12; expressio ex $UTa105: de rege Aethiopico oppugnante Mecca anno 570; post pugnam Hattin exsecutioni datur ab ipso sultano]: StChHist 15 (1978) 97-108. y295 Hellenkemper Hansgerd, Burgen der Kreuzritterzeit in der Grafschaft Edesse und im Königreich Kleinarmenien 1976--->58s,e404: RBelleten 49 (1977) 765-71 (S. Eyice); ByZ 71 (1978) 363ss C?v. Müller-W.); OLZ 74 (1979) 568ss (E. Schütz); ZDPV 94 (1978) 165ss (M. L. Favreau). y296 Hiestand R., a) Chronologisches zur Geschichte des Königreiches Jerusalem im XII Jht.: DtArErtMA 35 (1979) 542-55. - b) Zum Leben und zur Laufbahn Wilhelms von Tyrus: Deutsches Archiv 34 (1978) 34580. y297 Hili R., The Christian View of the Muslim at the Time of the First Crusade: --->458, P. M. Holt, Eastem Mediterranean ... Crusades 1977, 1-8. y298 Hindley Geoffrey, a) Saladin 1976 -> 58s,e406: Rspeculum 53 (Jq7R) 143ss (A. S. Ehrenkreutz). - b) Saladin: Ritter des Islams, tr. M. Magal. Wb 1978, ßrockhuus. 238 p., 19 fig. Holt P., ed. The Eastem Mediterranean Lands in the Period of the CrusacJes 1977 .....458. y299 Humphreys R. S., From Saladin to the Mongols; The Ayyubids of Damascus, 1193-1260. Albany NY 1977, State Univ. xn-504 p., 4 mnps. $40. - RßSOAS 41 (1978) 592-95 (F. M. Holt). y300 Jordan W. C., Louis IX and the Challenge of the Crusade. Princetun 1979, Univ. 288 p. $17.50. y301 Khuwaitir A. A. al-, Baybars the First, his endeavours und achievements. L 1978, Green Mountain. x1v-210p., maps. y302 Lewis Bemard, On That Day [Hebrew pocm underlying conquest of Byzantium] --> 4, Fs. A. ABEL I, 1974. y303 Longnon Jean, Les compagnons de Villehardouin. Recherches sur les croises de la quatrieme croisade: EcPrHE, · Section IV/5 Hautes Etudes medievales et modernes 30. Geneve 1978, Droz. 267 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 589s (J. Pycke). y304 Mayer Hans E., The Crusades 1972 --->54,7864; 56,8369: RoLZ 74 (1979) 460s (E. H. Pältz). y305 Mayer Hans E., Bistümer, Klöster und Stifte im Königreich Jerusalem 1977: 0 3-7772-7719-3 ..... 58s,e4l 6s: RBo 35 (1978) 434s (E. t4shtor); BSOAS 42 (1979) 376s (B. Hamilton); OrChrPer 44 (1978) 508s (V. Poggi).

y306 McGinn B., Iter Sancti Sepulchri: the Piety of the First Crusaders: Essays in Mediaeval Civilization, ed. B. K. Lackner al. C?valter P. Webb Memorial 12; Austin TX 1978, Univ.) 143-178.


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y307 Nasrallah J., Acre.chretienne du debut de la predication de l'Evangile aux Croisades: PrOrChr 29 (1979) 301-5. y308 Niger Radulphus, De re militari et triplici via peregrinationis Ierosolimitane [1187/88], Ludwig Schmugge hg.: Beiträge zur Geschichte und Quellenkunde des Mittelalters 6. wB 1977, de Gruyter. vm-241 p. y309 Der Orden in der Levante: Sonderausstellung im Maltesermuseum, Mailberg: Schriftenreihe des Maltesermuseums 4. Mailberg 1976, 51 p., ill. Sch 51. y310 Paladilhe D., La grande aventure des Croises. P 1979, Perrin. 382 p. y311 Prawer Joshua, a) The Armenians in Jerusalem under·the Crusaders: --> 630, Stone M., Armenian and Biblical Studies 1976, 222-236. - b) Histoire du royaume latin de Jerusalem 1969s--> 51,5981 ... 58s,e427a: RRB 85 (1978) 472-75 (P. Benoit). - r.) The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1972 -->54,7877 ... 58s,e427a: RRB 85 (1978) 475s (P. Grelot). y312 Provera M., Ein Hemed. Aqua Bella o Fonte Speciosa dei cruciati: TerraS 54 (1978) 27-31, 4 fig. y313 Purcell M., Papal Crusading Policy, 1244-1291: Studies in the History of Christian Thought 1975 --> 58s,e428: Rspeculum 52 (1977) 1039s (E. R. Daniel). y314 Queller Donald E., The Fourth Crusade: the Conquest of Constantinople 1201-4: The Middle Ages. Ph 1977, Univ. Penn. xiv-248 p. - RchH 48 (1978) 337s (G. Zinn J); TS 39 (1978) 791ss (.T.F. O'Cal/aghan). y315 Richard Jean, The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem [c. 1955] tr. J. Shirley: Europe in the Middle Ages 11. Amst 1979, North-Holland. XXVI-302p., p. 305-514, maps. f 160. y316 Richard .T.,a) F.glfac latine et esllses uritmlules dnns lcs ctats des ciuiscs: la destinee d'un prieure de Josaphat: -->56, Fs. J. DAUVILLIER 1979, 743-752. - b) Le peuP,lement latin et syrien en Chypre au xm~ s.: ByzFor .7 (1979) 157-73. - c) Les relations entre l'Orient et l'Occident au Moyen Age, etudes et documents 1977 -->352. y317 Riley-Smith Jonathan, a) Latin Titular Bishops in Palestine and Syria, 1137-1291: CathIIR 64 (1978) 1-15. - b) What Were the Crusades? 1977 -->e431a: Rspeculum 53 (1978) 841s (H. E. MaveJ'.). y318 Sandoli S. De, Iscrizione latina su pietra medievale [ ... militia Templi ... ] : TerraS 55 (1979) 19s, 1 fig. y319 Sandoli Sabino de, Itinera Hierosolymitana Crucesignatorum (saec. XIIXIII) 1. Tempore Primi Belli Sacri: SBF-Pub 24. J 1978, Franciscan. IX378 p, 3 maps. y320 Schwinges R. C., Kreuzzugsideologie und Toleranz: Studien zu Wilhelm vun Tyrus [1130-87; Diss. Uiessen 1973]: Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 15. Stu 1977, Hiersemann. VI-329p. DM 145. - Rßijdragen 40 (1979) 459 (F. De Graeve); JTS 29 (1978) !>81s(C. Morris); NRT 100 (1978) 598 (R. Mols); OrChrPer 44 (1978) 229ss 0/. Poggi); TR 75 (1979) 292ss (H. Zimmermann); TüT(J 159 (1979) 233 (R. Reinhardt); ZDPV 95 (1979) 114-18 (S. Raedel'.), y321 Setton K. M., The Papacy and the Levant (1204-1571) II. The Fifteenth Century: AmPhSocMem, 2. Ph 1978. ix-580 p. $35. - Vol. I 1976 --> 58s,e435: RßyZ 71 (1978) 354-7 (H. E. Mayer); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 462-

u8 Crucigeri - The Crusades


66 (W. de Vries). y322 Setton Kenneth M., Hazard Harry W. ed. A History of the Crusades. III. The Fourteenth & Fifteenth Centuries 1975 -> 58s,e407a: RQrChrPer 44 (1978) 232ss (V. Poggi): IV. Art and Architecture 1977 -> 58s,e407b: RRHE 74 (1979) 686s (J. Richard). y323 Smail R. C., The International Status of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1150-92: -> 458, P. M. Holt, Eastern Med/Crusades 1977, 23-43. y324 Thibauderie I. de la / Galassi C., Specificite de la chevalerie croisee / Strategie des premieres croisades et politique des royaumes francs en Terre Sainte: Tradition chevaleresque du Proche-Orient, Cahiers du chardon 3. P 1974, Laumond. 62 p., map, plan. y325 Zöllner W., Geschichte der Kreuzzüge. B 1978. u8.5

Communilates Terrae Sanctae. The Status Quo

y326 Ahsan M. M., Social Life [rather dress, food, housing, games] under the Abbasids 170-289 heg./786-902 A.D.: Background Series. L 1979, Longman. xiv-316 p. f:12.75. - Rßo 36 (1979) 106 (C. Nijland). y327 · Alläf Al}.mad l:Iilmi, [Ä] Dimasq . . . Damaskus am Beginn des 20. Jhs. Damascus 1976. 21 + 453 p. y328 Arce A., Los Franciscanos en Tierra Santa [I. Historica; TI. Biographica; III. Operositas]: Arce, Miscelänea de Tierra Santa III 1975 [➔ 58s,e472] 73-457 fig. 11-43. y329 Arce A., Franciscanos y Maronitas en el Libano (1450-1516): Arce, MiscelAnea Je Tierra Santa. I 1973 [➔ 55,7581a,,. 58s,e473a] 149-269. y330 Aren Gustav, Evangelical Pioneers in Ethiopia. Origins of the Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus. Uppsala 1978. 486 p. · y33 l Ashtor Eliyahu, Studies on the Levantine Trade in the Middle Ages/The Medieval Near East: Social and .Economic Hislory: Collccted Studies Series 74/79. L 1978, Variorum Reprints. 372 p./362 p. 0 086078-02/0-1; 5-2. y333 Ben Aryeh Yehoshu · a, li!l The first Jewish quarters erected outside the old city walls of Jerusalem in the 1880s: CHistEl 2 (1976) 20-58. y334 Bendiner K. P., The Portrayal of the Middle East in British Painting, 1835-1860: diss. Columbia, NY 1979. 579 p. 0 7908580. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6372-A. y335 Betts Robert B., Christians in the Arab fast: A Political Study2 rev. [11975, -> 58s,596]. Atlanta/L 1978, Knox/SPCK. xvrn-318 p., 2 maps. $12/f'.4,95. - RTablet 233 (1979) 2%s (K. Cragg). y336 Biedermann H. M., Athos: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 436-441, map. y337 Birken A., Die Provinzen des Osmanischen Reiches: TAVO Reih. B 13. Wb 1976, Reichert. xiv-322 p. DM 44. y338 Blomme Y., La liturgie de Jerusalem til son inttucnoe sur le11Egli'!~~ nestorienne et syrienne: SBFLA 29 (1979) 221-237, pi. 20-22. y339 Bouma Hans, An Eye on Israel, tr. S. Buning. GR 1978, Eerdmans. 144 p. $7.95 pa. · y340 Bumet David S. (1808-1867), The Jerusalem Mission under the direc-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 ( 1979)

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tion of the American Christian Missionary Society (1853): America and the Holy Land. NY 1977, Arno. 319 p. 0 0-405-10233-X. y341 Campbell Robert B., The Arabic journal, al-Mashriq; its beginnings and first twenty-five years under the editorship of Pere Louis Cheikho, S. J.: diss. Michigan 1972. AA 1978, Univ. Microfilms. Ix-231 p. y341* Carmel A., Palästina im 19. Jahrhundert - zur Vorgeschichte der Gründung des Deutschen Palästina-Vereins: ZDPV 95 (1979) 1-6. y342 Carswell J., From the Tulip to the Rose [Palatia gentis 'Azm Hama et Damasci]: Studies in Eighteenth Century Islamic History, ed by T. Naff al. (Paperson Islarnic History 4; Carbondale 1977) 328-54. y344 Chagall Marc, Die Glasfenster von Jerusalem [= The Jerusalem Windows, NY 1967, Braziller2] intr. J. Leymarie. Fr. 1975, Herder. 120 p., 24 fig., 48 col. pl. y345 Charlesworth J. H., St. Catherine's Monastery, Myths and Mystery; BA 42 (1979) 174-179, 4 fig. y343 Catafygiotou Topping Eva, Romanos, On the Entry into Jerusalem: a Basilikos l6gos: Byzantion 47 (1977) 65-91, 3 pl. y346 Cheikh Dibes M., Die Wochenmärkte in Nordsyrien [Diss. M11inz 1978J: Mainzer Geogr. Studien 13. Mainz 1978, Univ. Geogr. Inst. 187 p., ill. DM 22 pa. y347 Cohen Amnon [!!] Development of projects in Jerusalem under early Ottoman rule: CHistEI 8 (1978) 179-187. y348 Cohen Amnon, Palestine in the 18th Century. Patterns of Government and Administration, tr. D. Bernstein. 1973 ➔ 56,8282: RisrJMidEastSt 9 (1978) 416-8 (K. Barbir); JAOS 99 (1979) 144ss (G. J. Koury). y349 Cohen Yel;l., [!!]Time and C.ause of the Transforml of thc Patriarchate to Tiberias [before 286 C.E.]: Zion 39 (1974) 114-22. y'.150La Contribution du Christinnisme et de l'Islam a la formation d'Etats Independants en Afrique au sud du Sahara. Textes et Documents du Colloquc sur l' Afrique. Bunn - Bad Godesberg, 2-4 mai 1979: Materialien zum Internationalen Kulturaustausch 10. Stu 1979, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. 184 p. y35 l Coquin Charlambia, Les edifices chretiens du Vieux-Caire. I. Bibliographie t:l lupographie historiques: .BiblEtCoptes 11. Cairo 1974, IFAO. xxv-214 p., 9 pl. - RByZ 71 (1978) 367s (M. Krause). y352 Corbon J., L'Eglise des Arabes 1977 ➔ 58s,e212: REsprVie 88 (1978) 334 (G. Zananiri). y353 Cozzolino Ciro, Il culto dei SS. Ciro e Giovanni MM. in Palestina: Salesianum 41 ( 1979) 111-4. y354 Damanhüri Shaykh al-, ~ Presentation of the clear proof for the obligatory destruction of] on/the Churches of Cairo (1739) tr. ed. M. Perlmann. Berkeley 1975, Univ. Calif. 71 + 87 p., $5. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 165s (S. Moreh); JNES 37 (1978) 365s (A. S. Atiya: an indispensable work on a bigoted jurist). y355 Dan Y., a) [!!] The Circus and lts Factions (Blues & Greens) in Eretz Israel during the Byzantine Period: CHistEI 4 (1977) 133-46, 3 fig. b) [!!] Cultured Liberal Professionals in the Cities of Eretz-Israel in the Byzantine Period: CHistEI 8 (1978) 95-121.

u8.5 Communitates Terrae Sanctae - The Slatus Quo


y356 Dauphin C., l!!lChurch Property in thc Western Galilee in the Early Byzantine Period: CHistEI 11 (1979) 57-63, 3 fig. y357 David A., Further Data on the Pogrom of 1517 against the Jews of Safed: CHistEI 8 (1978) 189-194, l fig. y358 Dols Michael W., The Black Death in the Middle East 1977 -> 58s,e449a: RßQ 35 (1978) 371-4 (E. Ashtor); BSOAS 41 (1978) 378s (J. Wansbrough). y359 EI· ad A., l!!lThe Coastal Cities of Eretz-Israel in the Arab Period (6401099) on the Basis of Arab Sources: CHistEI 8 (1978) 156-178, 2 fig. y360 Epstein A. W., The Problem of Provincialism: Byzantine Monasteries in Cappadocia [900-1450] and Monks in South Italy: JWarb 42 (1979) 2846, pl. 10-15. y361 Fedalto G., La Chiesa latina in Griente, vol. II. Hierarchia Latina Orientis: Studi religiosi 3, 1976-> 58s,e219: RArFrancHist 71 (1978) 252 (C. Schmitt); OrChrPer 43 (1977) 467s (C. Capizzi). y362 Fedalto G., II problema della devozione a S. Antonio da Padova in Griente durante il Medioevo: S. Antonio di Padova fra storia e pieta, Colloquio interdisciplinare su 'il fenomeno antoniano' (Padova 1977, Messagero) 211-16. y363 Feghali J., Gabriel ibn al-Qila'i [franciscain maronite, eveque de Chypre (ca. 1450-1516)]:-> 870, DHGE 19,110 (1979) 555-557. y364 Feghali J., Contes, legendes et coutumes populaires du Liban. LvN 1978, Institut Orientaliste. y365 Fiey Jcan-M., Communautes syriaques en Iran et Irak des origines a 1552. L 1979, Variorum Reprints. 382 p. y366 Fishman-Duker Rivkah, The Sccond T~mple Period in Byzantine Chronicles: Byzantion 47 (1977) 126-156. y367 Friedman Elias, The Latin Hermits of Mounl Carmcl. A 8tudy in Carmelite Origins: Institutum Historicum Teresianum, Studia 1. R 1979, Teresianum. 223 p., 26 pl. - Rcarmelus 26 (1979) 347ss (A. Staring); SBFLA 29 (1979) 375 (B. Bagatti). -> u566. y368 Gil M., l!!l [Jewish] Immigration and Pilgrimnge in the Early Arah Period (634-1099): CHistEI 8 (1978) 123-133; 1 fig.; 134-146, discussion, S. Safrai, A. Grossman, H. Ben-Shamai. y369 Goitein S. D., A Mediterranean Society: the Jewish Communities of the Arab World as Portrayed in Documents of the Cairo Genizah [I 1967 -> 50,7142; II 1971 -> 54,9416] III. Thc Family. Berkeley 1978, U. Cal. xxr-522, front., maps. - RJNEs 38 (1979) 287-92 (N. Golb); JQR 70 (1979s) 50-56 (L. Nemoy). y370 Gosenfeld Norman, Changes in the Business Community of East Jerusalem [1920-67]: Ha-Mizral). he-1:fadas 24 (1974) 261-279. y371 Hanf T., Steinbach U., Die arabische Welt: Geschichte, Probleme, Perspektiven. Fr. 1978, Plötz. 256 p., 36 ill., 13 fig., 64 pl. (maps). DM 39,50. y372 Harverson Stuart, Als Arzt im Orient: Autobiographie [Doctor in the Orient]: Telos 255. Stu-Neuhausen 1979, Hänssler. 158 p. DM 6,80 pa. 0 3-7751-0424-0. y373 Jundi lbrähim R. al-, ~ Kurze Übersicht über die Geschichte des Er-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (l 979)

rXIX. Geog. hib.

ziehungswesens in Palästina: 'Äf' Ar' 2,6 (1977) 12-19. y374 Haarmann U., Neue Forschungen zur Geschichte des osmanischen Ägyptens [A. Tietze, Mustafa Ali's ... Cairo 1959; W 1975, Öst.Ak. 177 p. LXXXIX pi., DM 120]: ROLZ 74 (1979) 213-9. y375 Hajjar J., Crise de foi ou crise ecclesiastique? La demission de Mgr. Gregoire Haddad, metropolite grec-catholique de Beyrouth (Liban): ➔ 64, BiblETL 43 (1976) 57-101. y376 Hajjar J., Le Vatican, la France et le Catholicisme Oriental (18781914). Diplomatie et histoire de l'Eglise: Bibi. Beauchesne, Religion, Societe, Politique 6. P 1979. 592 p. - ROrChrPer 45 (1979) 466-9. y377 Hanauer James E., Folk-lore of the Holy Land. Moslems, Christians and Jews. L 1977 [=enlarged ed. 1935], Folcroft. xxm-280 p. y378 Herr M. D., IE] Hellenistic Influences in the Jewish City in Eretz-Israel in the Fow'lh and Sixth Centuries C.E.:CHistEI 8 (1978) 90-94, y379 Hintlian K., History of the Armenians in the Holy Land 1976 ➔ 58s,e224: RBO 36 (1979) 114ss (0. Meinardus); REtArmen 12 (1977) 392-97 (0. Meinardus). y380 Holy Land Hostages [the Christian Churches], from Tablet's Jerusalem Correspondent: Tablet 232 (1978) 1160-62. y381 Hornus J. M., Cent cinquante ans de presence cvangelique au ProcheOrient (1808-1958): Cahiers d'Etudes Chretiennes Orientales x111.P 1979, Foi et Vie 78/2. 108 p. F 15. - RPrOrChr 29 (1979) 404s (J. M. Magnin). y382 Humbach R., Beiträge zur Geschichte des osmanischen Ägypten nach arabischen Urkunden ... des Sinai-Klosters: IstUnt 39. 1976. - RMundus 15 b(l 979) 287.s (H. H. Biesterfeldt). y383 Issa Anton Odeh, Les minorites chretiennes de Palestine ä travers les siecles. 1977 ➔ 58s,c228: RAnton.ianum 53 (1978) 622ss (M. JJrogi); Syria 56 (1979) 208 (A. P[arrot]); TerraS 34 (1978) 230 (A. Arce). y384 Janin R., Stiernon L., Gabala [eveche, puis archeveche dependant d'Antioche Syr.]: ➔ 870, DHGE 19,110 (1979) 501-05 [non= -+y424]. y385 .Janin R. T., Les eglises et les monastcre~ des gramls centres byzantins [=abandoned Geographie Ecclesiastique de !'Empire Byzantin]. P 1975, Inst. Fr. d'Et. Byz. xvr-492 p. - RßyZ 71 (1978) 113 (C. Mango: list of mistakes mostly involving archeology). y386 Johnson Paul, Civilizations of the Holy Land. L 1979, Weidenfeld & N. 224 p., ill., maps. f, 6.95. y387 Kedar B. Z., IE] peraqfm hetfi/edot ... Jerusalem in the Middlc Agcs: selected papers. J 1979, Ben-Zvi Fund. 371-xxvr p., ill. y388 Khoury Adel-T., Apologetique byzantine contre l'Islam (VIIIe-Xme siecle): PrOrChr 29 (1979) 242-300, ä suivre. y389 Khoury Rene, Note sur les foires et pelerinages juifs d'Egypte: ➔ 208, Mem. S. SAUNERON II 1979, 459-69. y390 Kirk Ruth, IE]Jerusalem and Jaffa as Traditional Mid-East Cities in the 19th Century: MGEI 10 (1978) 75-95. y391 Klein Laurentius, Jerusalem, Einheit in Gegensätzen: Meitinger Kleinschriften 71. M~itingen, Freising 1979, Kyrios. 35 p. DM 4,50 pa. 0 37838-0198-2.

u8.5 Communitates Terrae Sanctae - The Status Quo


y392 Kader J., Topographie und Bevölkerung der Ägäis-Inseln in spätbyzantinischen Zeit: ByzFor, 5 (1977) 217-34. y393 Levi della Vida G., Kharidjites [members of the earliest sects of Islam]: ➔ 876, Enclslam 4,77s (1978) 1075-77. y394 Le Strange Guy, History of Jerusalem under the Moslems. From A.D. 650 to 1500. Reprinted from Palestine under the Moslems [London 1890]. 186 p. y395 Linder A., 1B]a) Jerusalem between Judaism and Christianity in the Byzantine Period. - b) Straumsa G., 1B]Which Jerusalem? - c) Yahalam J., On the Validity of Literary Works as Historical Sources. - d) Linder, . response: CHistEI 11 (1979) 110-119/119-124/125-133/136-140. y396 Laukatas S. D., [Q] Tripoleos in Syria destructio anno 1832 ab Ibrahim Pasha: 'Me11om' 5 (1972) 60-72. y397 Lucchesi-Palli Elisabetta, Bulla und Kreuzanhänger in der koptischen und nubischen Kunst: ➔ 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 351-8. y398 Ma'az M. ed., Studies on Palestine during the Ottoman Period: Hebrew Univ. Institute of Asian and African Studies, 1970 Conference, J 1975 ➔ 58s,e535: RJAOS 99 (1979) 147s (R. H. Davisan: lists the forty articles, touching remotely on Palestine geography). y399 Mauroy H. de, Les Assyro-Chaldeens dans l'Iran d'aujourd'hui. P 1978, Univ. Sorbonne, Publ. Geog. 6. 94 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 520 (J.-M.

Harnus). y400 Mayersan P., Procopius or Eutychius on the Construction of the Monastery at Mount Sinai: Which 1s the More Reliable Source?: BASOR 230 (1978) 33-8, map. y401 Mazzoni S., Nota sull'evoluzione dcl costume [vestito] paleo-siriano: EgVicOr 2 (1979) 111-38, 19 fig. y402 Meimaris Y. E., Saints, martyrs and church officials in the Oreek inscriptions pertaining to the Christian church of Palestine: diss. Hebr. Univ. J 1976. XVI-328p., map. y403 Monroe E., Arabia: St. John Philby's Contrihution to Pre-Islamic Studies: PrSemArabSt, seminar 6 (1972), cd. in vol. 3 (1971) 29-35. y404 Mutawalli A. F., ~ Occupatio Syriae et Aegypti oltomana et praecedentia eius sec. fontes turcos et arabicos ei contemporaneos. Cairo 1976 ... VIII-411p. y404* Munro J. M., A Mutual Concem: The Story of the American University of Beirut. NY 1977, Caravan Books. 198 p. - RNearEastTR 2,1 (1979) 40ss (G. Mil/er). y405 Nahe-von Schönberg 1., Die westsyrische Kirche im Mittelalter 8001150: Diss. Heidelberg 1977. vm-298 p. y406 Paraskevopoulou M., Recherches sur les traditions des ietes religieuses populaires de Chypre [Diss. Paris 1972]. Nicosie 1978, Cosmos. x1-



y407 Pertusi A. ed., Venezia e i1 Levante fino al secolo XV; I. Storia-Dirit-· to-Economia: Civilta Veneziana 27. F 1973, Olschki. I. xxn-471 p., 6 pi. II. p. 472-929. III. XVI-391p., 275 pl. - RJbÖsByz 26 (1977) 331ss (J. Kader); Byzantion 46 (1976) 576-83 (J. M. Sansterre); Südostforschungen 36 (1977) 246-49 (P. Bart!).


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XIX. Geog. bib.

y408 Preto P., Venezia e i Turchi: Facolta di Magistero, Univ. Padova 20. F 1975, Sansoni. 554 p. Lit. 10.000. - RBelleten 43 (1979) 227-39 (M. H. Sakiroglu). y409 Provera M., 11 Monastero di Adamo nel deserto di Giuda: TerraS 54 (1979) 271-75, 3 fig. y410 Qayätf Mul}.ammad ibn 'Abd al-Jawäd al-, !AlBeirut: Excerpts from a description of Syria and Hejaz by the Egyptian Taha al-Wali: 'Flsl' 6,11 (1977) 26-37; 6,12 (1977) 58-65; 7,1 (1978) 19-26; 7,2 (1978) 44-53. y411 Richard J., La papaute et les missions d'Orient au Moyen-Age 1977 ➔ 58s,e463: RRSO 52 (1978) 275-78 (L. Petech). y412 Riley-Smith L., The Survival in Latin Palestine of Muslim Administration: ➔ 458, P. M. Holt, Eastern Med/Crusades 1977, 9-22. y413 Romeri C., Adriano Osmolowski. Un servo di Dio al servizio di Terra Santa: TerraS 53 (1977) 213-18, 2 fig.; 303s, A. Arce: rettifiche e aggiunte (visse 1838-1924); risposta di Romeri 54 (1978) 254-56 . y414 'Asür Sa'id 'Abd al-Fatta.Q.Hg., Die Chronik des Ibn ad-Dawädäri, IT]: Der Bericht über die Ayyubiden: DAI-Kairo, Quellen zur Geschichte des Islamischen Ägyptens lg. Fr 1972, Schwarz. xn-:W, 454 p. - RzDMG 128 (1978) 372s (H. Horst). y41:'i S11libiK..S., Syria under Islam: Empire un Trial, 634-1079. Velmar NY 1977, Caravan. vm-193 p. - RBSOAS 42 (1979) 145ss (G. R. Hawting). y416 Sanders W., Eigenfeste des Patriarchats Jerusalem: FreibRu 31 (1979) 101-8. y417 Schein S., I!!] The Christian 'Reconquista' of Eretz-Israel by Mongols (1300): CHistEI 11 (1979) 139-152, 2 fig. y418 Schreiner P., Bemerkunien zu vier melkitischen Pntrinrchen des 14. Jahrhunderts [... 1. Gregorios III von Alexandreia; 2. Michael I von Antiochia; 3 ... Lazarus von Jerusalem; 4. Uamianos und Patriarch Germanos von Jerusalem]: OrChrPer 45 (1979) 387-96. y419 Sezgin U., Abu Mi\µlaf. Ein Beitrag zur Historiographie der umaiyadischen Zeit. Ld 1971, Brill. ix-251 p. - RArOr 47 (1979) 367s (R. Vesely'), y420 Soetens C., Le Congres eucharistique international de .Temsalem (1893) dans le cadre de la politique oricntale du pape Leon XIII: RecTravHistPhil 6,12. Lv 1971, Nauwelaerts. 790 p. - RorChrPer 44 (1979) 509-12 (V. Puggi). y421 Sorge G., I Maroniti nella storia. Lineamenti e ricerche: Quaderni Universitari 2. R 1978, Le Muse. 150 p. - RürChrPer 44 (1978) 489s (V. Poggi). y422 Spagnolo John P., France and Ottoman Lebanon 1861-1914: St. Anthony's Middle East monographs 7. L 1977, Ithaca. vm-339 p. - RBSOAS 41 (1978) 379-380 (M. S. Andersun). y423 Spidlik Thomas, La Spiritualite de l'Orient chretien. Manuel systematique (OCA 206). Roma 1978, Pont. Inst. Orient. Stud. 436 p. y424 Stiernon L., Gaboula [non = ➔ y384] eveche, puis archeveche de la province de 1re Syrie]: ➔ 870, DHGE 19,110 (1979) 521-25. y425 Stolz Benedikt, Gottes Pionier im Heiligen Land: Joseph Valerga, Patriarch von Jerusalem. Stein am Rhein 1975, Christiana. 192 p., ill. DM

u8.5 Communitates Terrae Sanctae - The Status Quo


15 pa. 0 3-7171-0603-1. y426 Subev T., Drevnata jerusalinska ciirkva ot otnosvavaneto j do I Vselenski siibor (33-325]. L'ancienne Eglise de Jerusalem de sa fondation au Jer Concile recumenique .... Annuaire S. Clement d'Ochride 25,51 (Sofi.ja 1978) 37-133. y427 Trimingham J. S., Christianity among the Arabs in Pre-Islamic Times. L 1979, Longmans. xiv-342 p. y428 Vryonis S., The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Proeess of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century. Berkeley 1971, Univ. Cal. xvn-532 p., 3 maps. $15. - RJAOS 98 (1978) 49lss (J. V. A. FineJ). y429 Wissa Wassef Ceres, Pratiques rituelles et alimentaires des coptes: Bibliotheque d'etudes coptes 9. Le Caire 1971, IFAO. xxn-446 p., 9 pl., bibliog. 409-418. y430 Waterfield R. E., Christians in Persia, L 1979 Allen & U. 192 p. - RAnFacLingCa' Fosc 17,3 (1978) 169-73 (M. Nordio). y431 Yonan G., Assyrer heute: Kultur, Sprache, Nationalbewegung der aramäisch-sprechenden Christen im Nal1en Osten. Ha 1978, Gesellschaft für Bedroht!': Völker. 238 p., ill., bibliog. 220-238. DM 7,80 pa.

XXI. Historia Scientiae Biblicae


History of Exegesis . l General.

y432 Altaner Berthold, Stuiber Alfred, Patrologie. Leben, Schriften und Lehre der Kirchenväter 8 durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage. Pr 1978, Herder. XXIV-672p. DM 78. 0 3-451-13580-9. y433 Älvarez Campos S., Curpus marianum patristicum I 1970 ➔ 53,9864: RRThom 79 (1979) 633ss (M.-V. Leroy). y434 Beck Hans-Georg, Die Byzantiner und ihr Jenseits. Zur Entstehungsgeschichte einer Mentalität. Vorgetragen am 6. Juli 1978: Sb Bayerische Akad. 1979, 6. Mü 1979, Beck. 72 p. y435 Berardino A. Di, Lo stato presente degli studi sulla teologia dei Padri: Seminarium 29 (1977) 127-54. y436 Beurath G. A., Autobiographie, christliche (... 2. Alte Kirche ... ): ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 772-789. y437 Boesse S., Lacondre J., Orientations du Christianisme, Peres grecs et latins [et la mystique]: ➔ 907, Encyclopedie des Mystiques, dir M. M. Davy 1972, 161-188, 2 pl. y438 Cantalamessa R., La Pasqua nella chiesa antica: Traditio Christiana 3. T 1978, Intemaz. XL-231p. - Rsal 41 (1979) 863s (R. Della Casa). y439 Cignelli L., L'Evangelizzazione nella Chiesa Patristica: TerraS 54 (1978) 236-44. y440 Danielou Jean, a) Histoire des doctrines chretiennes avant Nicee. III.


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XXI. Hist. exeg.

Les origines du christianisme latin. P 1978, Cerf. 391 p. F 60. 0 2-2040l 1S6-lt - RNRT 101 (1979) 761s (C. Martin); Scillspr 31 (1979) 243s (G. Pelland); TPhil 54 (1979) 428-31 (H.-J. Sieben); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 198 (A. Davids); TZBas 35 (1979) 373s (W. Rordorf: fragliche Base). b) History of Early Christian Doctrine III. The Origins of Latin Christianity, tr. D. Smith, J. A. Baker 1977 ➔ 58s,b452: RExpTim 89 (1977s) 218s (H. Chadwick); JTS 29 (1978) 222ss (P. Hinchcliff). y441 Dörrie H., Spätantike Allegorese: StTextAnt 8 (Mü 1976, Fink) 112-23 < FrühmitSt 3 (1970) 1-12. y442 Duval N., Fontaine J., Un fructueux echange entre archeologues, liturgistes et patristiciens: le colloque de Montserrat (2-5 nov. 1978): REAug 25 (1979) 265-290, 2 pl. y443 Dowley T. ed., Eerdmans' Handbook to the History of Christianity. GR 1977, Eerdmans. xxiv-656 p. $19.95. y444 Eck W., Christen im höheren Reichsdienst im 2. und 3. Jdt: [Kaum]. Zu zwei Thesen Th. Klausers [JbAC 14 (1971) 140-49; 16 (1973) 60-66]; Chiron 9 (1979) 449-64. y446 Farrar F. W., History of Interpretation. GR 1979 [= 1886], Baker. 553 p. $9.95. y447 Fedafto G., S. Pietro e la sua chicsa fra i Padri d'uriente e d'occidente dei primi secoli. R 1976, Citta Nuova. 118 p ..... 58s,6504: Rsal 40 (1978) 664s (R. Bracchi). y449 Grolt D. E., Changing Points of View in Patristic Scholarship [no longer 'identify and describe your favorite heresy']: AnglTR 60 (1978) 447-65: E. R. Dodds, R. M. Grant, R. R. Ruether, G. F. Chesnut, G. C. Stead, R. A. Greer, E. H. Pagels. y450 Hamman A. [G.], Les Peres de l'Eglise [= Guide pratique des ... 1967]. P 1977, Desclee de Brouwer. 349 p., 300 p. + ill. Fb 623/588. - Idcm sans ill.: (ejusd.) Dictionnaire des Peres de l'Eglise: Les peres dans la foi 1. P 1977, ibid. 241 p. [2. id. Origene, La Priere 143 p. ; 3. id. al. Irenee, Predication des Apötres ... 143 p.]. y451 HochstafßJosef, Negative Theologie: ein Versuch zur Vermittlung dt:s patristischen Begriffs. Mü 1976, Kösel. 272 p. DM 39,50. - RTR 74 (1978) 292-5 (N. Brox). y452 Horn H.-J., Krewitt U., Allegorese ausserchristlicher Texte [durch Christen: I. Alte Kirche; II. Mittelalter]: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 276-90. y453 Horst P. W. van der, Seven Months' Children in Jewish and Christian Literature from Antiquity: ETL 54 (1978) 346-360. y454 Hübner Reinhard, Der Gott der Kirchenväter und der Gott der Bibel. Zur Frage der Hellenisierung des Christentums: Eichstätter Hochschulreden 16. Mü 1979, Minerva. 32 p. y455 Javierre A. M., I Padri, maestri del dialogo: > 654, BiblScRel 18, 1979, p. 187-95. y456 Kelly J. N. D., Early Christian Doctrines 5 [adding chiefly a chapter on Mary and the Saints]. E 1977, A. & C. Black. 499 p. f6.75. y451 Köppen K.-P., .Schwarz R., Beintker H., Anfechtung [1. > Anfechtung Christi < in der Alten Kirche ... ]: ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 687-91.69195.695- 704.704-08.

Yl General History of Exegesis


y458 Lassiat H., Jeunesse de l'Eglise. La foi au 2e siede. I. Dans la mouvance de la tradition de Rome. II. Dans la mouvance de la tradition d'Antioche et d'Athenes. P 1979, Marne. 375 p., 244 p. y459 Leroy M.-V., Camelot P.-T., Labourdette M.-M. Bulletins: Patristique: RThom 79 (1979) 627-57. y460 Mondesert C., Pour lire les Peres de l'Eglise dans la collection 'Sources Chretiennes': FoiVivante, 196. P 1979, Cerf. 106 p. y461 Moravcsik G., Einführung in die Byzantinologie. Da 1976, Wiss. B. 186 p., 11 tab. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 168s (J. Sulliger). y462 Mühlenberg E., Das Vermächtnis der Kirchenväter an den modernen Kerygma und Logos 1979, 380Protestantismus: ➔ 10, Fs C. ANDRESEN, 94. y463 Müller Ulrich B., Zur frühchristlichen Theologiegeschichte. Judenchristentum und Paulinismus in Kleinasien an der Wende vom ersten zum zweiten Jt. n. Chr. Gü 1976, Mohn. 103 p. DM 26. y464 Nyssen Wilhelm, Die Erneuerung der westlichen Welt aus dem Geist der Väter: Köln, Zentrum patristischer Spiritualität Koinonia. Mainz 1979, Grünewald. 42 p. DM 7,80 pa. 0 3-7867-0725-1. y465 Pelikan J., The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine 3. The Growth of Medieval Theology (600-1300). Ch 1978, Univ. xxvn-333 p. $17.50. y466 Pepus .T.,Mythe et allegorie. Les origines grecques et les contestations judeo-chretiennes 2 1976 .... 58s,d516: RRTPhil 111 (1979) 75 (D. Junod). y467 Powell Douglas, Arkandisziplin, tr. M. Schröter: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) i-8. y468 Rühle 0. al., Stellenregister Apostolische Väter: .... 898, TWNT 10,1 ( 1978) 908-44. y469 Sagi-Bunic T. J ., Povijest krscanske literature I [ex 3] : Patrologija od pocetka do SV. Ireneja: Volumina Theologii;a 6. Zagreb 1976, Krscanska Sadasnjost. xx-512 p. y470 Schenkel W., Kultmythos und Märtyrerlegende ... 1977 ➔ 59s,dl81a: RQrChr 63 (1979) 221-24 (C. D. G. Müller). y471 Skeris R. A., Musical Imagery in the Ecclesiastical Writers of the First Three Centuries. Altötting 1976, Coppenrath. 252 p. - RTR 74 (1978) 463ss (U. Bomm). y472 Strobel A., Ursprung und Geschichte des frühchristlichen Osterkalenders 1977 .... 58s,9106: RMuseon 91 (1978) 232-35 (A. de Halleux). y473 Theofried T., Die Anfänge der Märtyrertheologie: kath. Hab. Münster: BZ 23 (1979) 157. y474 Vielhauer P., Geschichte der urchristlichen Literatur 1975 ➔ 57,125: RTrierTZ 88 (1979) 330s (E. Sauser). y475 Vogt H. J., Exegese und Kirchengeschichte: Antwort auf J. Blank: TüTQ 159 (1979) [2-23] 44-54. y476· Wiles M., Santer M., ed. Documents in Early Christian Thought. C 1975, Univ. x-268 p. f, 7.50. - RscotJT 31 (1978) 587ss (A. Heran). y477 Wirsching J., Bekenntnisschriften (... altkirchliche, Reformatoren ... ): ➔ 895, TRE 5,3s (1979) 482-511.


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y478 Wolfson H. A., La fi.losofia cfoi Padri dclla Chiesa 1. Spirito, Trinita, lncarnazione [1964], tr. L. Casolo Ginelli: Bibi. studi classici, 8. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 564 p. Lit. 20.000.

Yl.4 Patres apostolici et saeculi II y479 Jonge H. J. de, On the Origin of the Term 'Apostolic Fathers': JTS 29 (1978) 503ss: William Wake, Apb. of Canterbury 1715; not T. Ittig or J. Clericus. y480 Sparks J. N. ed., The Apostolic Fathers, various translators. Nv 1978, Nelson. 319 p., $4.95 pa. 0 0-8407-5661-5. y481 Stricker B. H., De praehellense exegese. De liturgie [20. De zoon is de essentie der wcreld (Eg., Perzer, Gnosis, Christenen ... ); § 21-26 De tempelliturgie (Eg. etc)]: OMRO 57 (1976) 299-333.

y482 CLEMENS ROMANUS:Anneliese Meis W., Clemcnte Romano: el Espiritu Santo y el conflicto de Corinto: TVida 18 (1977) 3-16. y482* Bumpus Harold B., The Christological Awareness of Clement of Rome and its Sowct:s (kath. Diss. Tü 1970). NY 1972, Cambridge. xr-196 p. RJAAR 43 (1975) 318s (J. E. McBride). y483 Leder H.-G., Studien zum 1. Clemensbrief .. Diss. Greifswald 1975. xxxr-375 p. dact. y484 CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS: Berciano M., Kairos. Tiempo humano e hist6rico-salvifico en Clementf': de Alejandria: Fao. Tcol. Norte Espafl.u 34. Burgos 1976. 330p. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 155s (G. Lomiento). y485 Blair H. A., A Method of Exposition in the Stromatcis of Clemt:nl of Alexandria: -+ 615, JStOT, Sup 11 (1979) 41-47. y486 Buzescu N., Logos si Kyrios in 'Stromatele' lui Clement Alexandrinul: Studii Teologice 29 (1977) 249-62. y487 Classen C . .T.,Df':r platonisch-stoische Kanon der Kau.linallugenden bei Philon, Clemens Alexandrinus und Origenes: -+ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN, Kerygma u. Logos 1979, 68-88. y488 Co/pe Carsten, Von der Logoslehre des Philon zu der des Klemens von Alexandrien: .... 10, Fs. C. ANURESEN 1979, 89-107. y489 Drtczkowski F. lf] Formy i zasady . .. Forms and principles of the first Christian communities on the basis of the 'Stromata' of Clement of Alexandria: diss. KUL 1973 dir. B. Kumor. Lublin 1973. xxv-183 p. RoczTKan 25 (1978) 7-10. y490 Kantzenbach Friedrich W., Overbecks Übersetzung der 'Teppiche' [Stromatefs] des Clemens von Alexandrien: eine wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Dokumentation: ZKG 89 (1978) 372-390. y491 Lopez Pego A., Clemente de Alejandria y la mcdicina [ ... el Logos hiatros y otras metäforas medicas; ... influido por la escuela de medicina pneumatica ... ; informador sobre la Medicina sacra de Asclepios, Sarapis, Isis y präcticas mägicas ... ]: diss. Univ. Complutense 1974. - RUnComplut 23,94 II (1974) 57s.

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y492 McLcllllßd J., God the Anonymous: a Study in Alexandrian Philosophical Theology [Philo, Clement, Origen]: PatrMonSer 4, 1976 ➔ 58s,2495: RJTS 30 (1979) 553s (B. Drewery). y493 Pellegrino Roncaglia Martiniano, Pantene et le Didascalee d'Alexandrie: du J udeo-christianisme au christianisme hellenistique: ➔ 256, Fs. A. VööBUS 1977, 211-233; Eng. summ. ·233. y494 [DIDACHE] RordorfW. al., The Eucharist of the Early Christians [1975 = 58s,8751] tr. M. J. O'Connell. NY 1978, Pueblo. x-224 p. $7.95. 0 0916134-33-4. - G. Blond, Clement R.; R. Johanny, Ignatius A., Cyprian; M. Jourjon, Justin; A. Hamman, Irenaeus; A. Mehat, · Clement A.; V. Saxer, Tertullian; P. Jacquemont, Origen; M. Metzger, Didasc., Const. Ap. y495 DIOGNETUM (ad) Brändle R., Die Ethik der 'Schrift an Diognet' 1975 ➔ 56,9874: RRHE 74 (1979) 48s (P. Nautin). y496 Lindemann A., Paulinische Theologie im Brief an Diognet: ➔ 10, Fs. C. Andresen, 1979, 337-350. y497 IGNATIUSANnocHENUS: Bommes K., Weizen Gottes: Untersuchungen zur Theologie des Martyriums bei Ignatius von Antiochien [Diss. Regensburg 1974]: Theophaneia 27. Köln - Bonn 1976, Hanstein. 284p. DM 80. y498 Gryson R., Lcs Lettres attribuees a Ignace d'Antioche et l'apparition de l'episc.opiit monarchique: RTLouv 10 (1979) 446-453 .....9482. y499 Joly Robert, Le dossier d'Ignace d'Antioche: Univ. Libr. Bru. Pac Ph/Let 69. Bru 1979, Univ. 141 p. FB 400. 0 2-8004-0171-10. RRechSR 67 (1979) 604-08 (C. Kannengiesser); RThom 79 (1979) 637ss (P.-T. Camelot). y501 Joly R., Reflexions preliminaires [a mon Dossier sur Ignace d'Antioche]: ➔ 4, Mt:!. Armand AuEL III, 1978, 116-125. y502 Kannengiesser C., Bulletin de theologie patristique: Ignace d'Antioche et Irenee de Lyon: RechScRel 67 (1979) 599-623. y503 Meinhold P., Studien zu Ignatius von Antiochien: Inst. Eur. Gesch. Mainz, Veröff. 97. Wb 1979, Steiner. xn-86 p. DM 28. y504 Paulsen Henning, Studien zur Theologie des Ignatius von Antiochien (1976 ev. Hab.-Schr. Mainz): ForKiDog 29. Gö 1978, VR. 226p. DM 48. 0 3-525-55134-7. - RCBQ 41 (1979) 491ss (W. R. Schoedel); RHE 74 (1979) 140s (A. de Halleux); TR 75 (1979) 463-66 (J. A. Fischer); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 90 (A. Lascaris). y505 Riw; Camps J., Las Cartas autenticas de lgnacio, el obispo de Siria: RCatalT 2 (1977) 31-149. - Cf. RechScRel 67 (1979) 599-604 (C. Kannengiesser). y506 Rius-Camps J., The Four Authentie Letters of lgnatius, the Martyr. A critical study based 011 the anomalics oontained in thr. textus receptus: Christianismos 2. R 1979, Pont. Inst. Or. St. 418 p. y501 Schoedel W. R., lgnatius and the Archives [and the Gospel: Phil 8,2]: HarvTR 71 (1978) 97-106. y508 Weijenborg Reinoud, Les lettres d'lgnace d'Antioche. Etudc de critique litteraire et de theologie, tr. B. Heroux. Ld 1969, Brill. 474 p. f 56. RTLZ 104 (1979) 91 ls (H. Berthold). 58. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

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y509 Zaiiartu Sergio, El concepto de Zöe en Ignacio de Antioquia [diss. univ. cath. Chile]: PubJicaciones de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas 1, Estudios 7, Teologia I, 4. M 1977, EAPSA. 294 p. - RETL 54 (1978) 193s (A. de Halleux); JTS 29 (1978) 631s (A. Louth: 'one would never guess that the book emanates from Latin America'); RechSR 67 (1979) 609 (C. Kannengiesser); RHE 74 (1979) 766s (P. T. Camelot); RThom 79 (1979) 640 (M.-V. Leroy); TPhil 53 (1978) 578s (H.-J. Sieben); ZKG 90 (1979) 112s (R. Trevijano tr. K. Schäferdick). y5 l 0 IRENAEUS: Aland Barbara, Fides und subiectio. Zur Anthropologie des Kerygma und Logos 1979, 9-28. Irenäus: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN, y511 Bacq Philippe, De l'ancienne a la nouvelle alliance selon S. Irenee. Unite du Livre IV de l' Adversus Haereses, pref. A. Rousseau: Sycomore Horizon. P/Naß?.ur 1978, Lethielleux / Univ. (Culture et Verite). 420 p. F 192. 0 2-870-37-047-4. - REstE 54 (1979) 575s (I.M. Sans); ETRel 54 (1979) 703s (M. Lods); NRT 101 (1979) 769s (C. Martin); RechScRel 67 (1979) 618.22 (C. Kannengiesser). y512 BarthouloutJ., Voigou S., Hamann A. G. ed., Irenaeus Lugdunensis, La prcdication 1.ks apOlres et ses preuve:s de Ja fo1 chretienne: Les Percs dans la foi 3. P 1977, Desclee de Brouwer. 143 p. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 61 (Y.-M. Duval). y513 Donovan M. A., Irenaeus' Teaching on the Unity of God and His Immediacy to the Material World in Relation to Valentinian Gnosis: Diss. 81. St. Michael's, Toronto 1977. vn-306 p. y514 Ferrarese Gianfranco, Aspetti del problema dell'eretico nell"Adversus Haereses' di lreneo di Lione; SapDom 31 (1978) 314-329. y515 Ferrarese G., 11 Concilio di Gerusalemme in Trene:odi Lione. Brescia 1979, Paideia. 190 p. Lit. 8.000. Jaschke H.-J., Der heilige Geist. .. Pneumatolugie des Irenäus 1976 ➔ 9051. y517 Lassiat H., Promotion de l'homme en Jesus-Christ d'apres Irenee de Lyon 1974 ➔ 56,9949: REsprVie 88 (1978) 319s (P. Jay). y518 Marrou H.-1., Le temoignage de S. Irenee sur l'Eglise de Rome: ➔ 334, (R Christiana Tempora (1978) 323-329 < Miscell. Alberto PINCHERLE 1967) 343-349. y519 Nielsen J. T. ed., Irenaeus of Lyons versus contemporary Gnosticism. A Selection from Books I and II of Adversus haereses: Textus minores in usum academicum 48. Ld 1977, Brill. x-109 p. f 28. y520 Orbe A., a) Adversarios an6nimos de la Salus carnis (Iren., Adv. haer. V, 2,2s): Gregorianum 60 (1979) 9-52; Sum. Angl.: 52s. - b) San Ireneo y la creaci6n de la materia: Gregorianum 59 (1978) 71-125; Sum.: 125127. y521 Pincherle A., Tre noterelle [l. San Ireneo, Adv. haer. 3,3,1-2; ... ; Beato de Liebana, Com. Apoc.J; ➔ 149, Paradoxos politeia, Studi G. LAZZATI StPatrMediol. 1.0 (1979) 501-506. y522 Quinn J. D., 'Charisma versus certum': Irenaeus, Adversus haereses 4,26,2: TS 39 (1978) 520-25.

Yl.4 Patres apostolici et saeculi II


y523 Re11ouxCh., Irencc üe Lynn, Nouveaux fragments armeniens de l' 'Adversus haereses' et de l' 'Epideixis'; introduction, traduction et notes: PatrOr, 39/1. Turnhout 1978, Brepols. 164 p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 753s (C. Martin); RechSR 67 (1979) 610-12 (C. Kannengiesser). y524 Rousseau Adelin, Doutre/eau Louis, Irenee de Lyon contre les heresies, Livre 1., Tome 1., introduction, notes justificatives, tables; Tome II., texte et traduction: SChr 263s. P 1979, Cerf. 405 p., 391 p. y525 Schultz D. R., The origin of sin in Irenaeus and Jewish pseudepigraphical literature: VigChr 32 (1978) 161-190. y526 Singles D., Le salut de l'homme chez S. Irenee. Essai d'Interpretation symbolique: diss. Facultes Cath. de Lyon 1978. 423 p. y527 Tremblay Real, La liberte selon saint Irenee de Lyon: ➔ 100, Fs B. HÄRING1977, 421-444. y528 Tremblay Real, Irenee de Lyon, 'L'empreinte des doigts de Dieu': Eirenaios 1. R 1979, Acad. Alfonsiana. 125 p. Lit. 4000. y529 Tremblay R., La manifestation et la vision de Dieu selon S. Irenee de Lyon [Diss. Regensburg 1975]: Münster. Beit 41. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. 185 p. DM 48. - RETL 54 (1978) 194 (A. de Halleux); Gregorianum 59 (1978) 620s (A. Orbe); MüTZ 29 (1978) 452ss (J. Speigl); NRT 100 (1978) 591s (C. Marttn); RechSR 67 (1979) 622s (C. Kannengiesser); RHE 74 (1979) 383s (P.-T. Camelot); TPhil 53 (1978) 579s (H.-J. Sieben); TR 74 (1978) 206ss (H.-J. Jaschke).

y530 JusnNUs MARTYR:A[fonsi L., La struttura della I 'Apologia' di Giustino: ➔ 149, Paradoxos politcia, Studi patristici G. LAZZATI: StPatrMediol 10, 1979, 57-76. y531 Joly R., Christianisme et philosophie. Etudcs sur Justin et les Apologistes grecs du deuxieme siecle 1973, ➔ 56,9961: RNRT 100 (1978) 778s (C. Martin). y532 Otranto Giorgio, a) Esegesi biblica e storia in Giustino (Dial. 63-84) [1s 7,14ss; 8,4; 7,16s ... ]: Quad. VetChr 14. Bari 1979, Univ. Tst. Letteratura Cristiana Antica. 282 p., bibliog. 247-259. - b) In margine a una guerra giudaica: epoca di ambicntazione e data di composizione del Dialogo con Trifone di Giustino: VetChr 16 (1979) 237-249. y533 Pepin J., Priere et providence au 2e siecle (Justin, Dial. 14): SymbFacLitLv Al (1976) 111-129. y534 Rordorf W., Christus als Logos und Nomos. Das Kerygma Petrou in seinem Verhältnis zu Justin: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANoRESEN,1979, 424-434. y535 Shotwell W. A., The Exegesis of Justin Martyr: Diss. Chicago 1954. Ch ca 1979, Univ. y536 Sigal Ph., An lnquiry into Aspects of Judaism in Justin's Dialogue with Trypho: Abr-Nahrain 18 (1978s) 74-100. y537 Skarsaune Oskar, Apenbaring utenfor äpenbaringen? Antikk religion, gresk filosofi og kristen tro ifülge Justin Martyr [Revelation without revelations ... Christian faith in J.]: TsTKi 49 (1978) 261-82. y538 Studer B., Der apologetische Ansatz zur Logos-Christologie Justins des Kerygma und logos 1979, 435-448. Märtyrers: ➔ 10, Fs C. ANDRESEN,

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y539 Stylianopoulos Theodore, Justin Martyr and thc Mosaic Law: SRL diss 20. MMS 1975. 204 p. · RTsTKi 49 (1978) 151-4 (0. Skarsaune). y540 Vogel C. J. de, Problems Conceming Justin Martyr: Mnemosyne 31 (1978) 360-88. y541 MELITOSARDENSIS: Hall Stuart G., Melito of Sardis, on Pascha and fragments. Texts and translations: Early Christian Texts. Ox 1979, Clarendon. xux-99 p. fi.50/$19.95. 0 0-19-826811-4. - RMuseon 92 (1979) 200s (J. Mossay). y542 Melito sard., Homilia sobre la pascua ed. J. lbaiiez lbaöez, F. Mendoza Ruiz. Pamplona 1975, EUNSA. 291 p. - RMiscCom 37,70 (1979) 101s (J. B. Valero). y543 Pinell J., 11 mistero della Pasqua in Melitone di Sardi 2 • Padova 1976, Ist. Ltg. Past. 73 p. Lit. 2000. - RMaisD 136 (1978) 124 (J.-H. Dal-

mais). y544 Waal C. van der, Het Pascha von onze verlossing. De schriftverklaring in de paaspreek van Melito van Sardes als weerspiegeling van de confrontatie tussen Kerk en Synagoge in de IIde eeuw: Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing 64. Johannesburg/Franeker 1979, De Jong/Wever. 240p. y545 White Richard C., Melito of Sardis, Sermon 'On the Passover': a new English translatiun with introduction and commentary: Library Occas. St. Lexington KY 1976, Seminary. 83 p. $6. - RzKG 89 (1978) 168ss (B. Lohse).

y546 White R. C., Melito of Sardis - An Ancient Worthy Reappears: LexTQ 14 (1979) 6-18. y548 ÜRTCTF.NFS: B11zesc11 Nicolae, Conoeptul de 'Dva.nghelie' la Origcn: Studii Teologice 30 (1978) 216-30. y549 Caspary G. E., Politics a.nd Exegesis: Origen and the Two Swords. Berkeley 1979, Univ. Cal. xv-215 p. $20. y550 Crouzel H., L'Haclt'ls et la Gehenne selon Origcnc: Gregorianwu 59 (1978) 291-329; Sum.: 330s. y551 Crouzel Henri, Simonettt Manlio, Origene. Traite des principcs, Tome I (Livre I et II), Introduction, texte critique de la version de Rufin: Tome II (Livre I et II), Commentaire et fragments: Sources chretiennes 252s. P 1978, Cerf. 416p.; 272p. F 192; F 130. 0 2-204-0132/5-0; 6-9. - ChH 48 (1979) 447s (R. M. Grant: not likely to be surpassed). y552 Daly R. J., Origen Studies and Pierre Nautin's Origene: TS 39 (1978) 508-19: also H. Crouzel, J. Scherer, J. Danielou, J. A. Alcain, W. Gessel, H. J. Vogt. y552* Danieli M. I., Origene, Omelie sulla Genesi: Testi patristici 14. R 1978, Citta Nuova. 276 p. Lit 4500. - R[->2470]; StPatav 26 (1979) 180-2 (C. Corsato).

y553 Dörrie H., Die platonische Theologie des Kelsos in ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit der christlichen Theologie aufgrund von Origenes c. Celsum 7,42ff: StTextAnt 8 (Mü 1976, Fink) 229-62 < NAWG 1967,2, 19-55. y554 Dörrie H., Besprechung von C. Andresen: Logos u. Nomos: Die Pole-

Yl.'1 Patres apostolici et saeculi II


mik lfos Kelsos wider das Christentum: ArbKiG 30 (B 1955): StTextAnt 8 (Mü 1976, Fink) 263-74 < Gnom 29 (1975) 185-96. y555 Görgemanns Herwig, Karpp Heinrich Hg., Origenes, vier Bücher von den Prinzipien: Texte zur Forschung 24. Da 1976, Wiss. x-889 p.; bibliog. 51-9. y556 Gueraud 0., Nautin P., Origenes: Sur la Päque. Traite inedit publie d'apres un papyrus de Toura: Christianisme Antique, 2. P 1979, Beauchesne. 272 p., 4 pi. y557 Hamman A. G. ed., Origenes, La priere; Les Peres dans la Foi 2. P. 1977, Desclee de Brouwer. 143 p. - REsprVie 89 (1979) 61s (Y.-M. Duval). y558 Heron Alasdair, The Holy Spirit in Origen and Didymus the Blind: A Shift in Perspectivc from the Third to the Fourth Century: ---> 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 298-310. y559 Borret Marcel, Origene Contre Celse V: SChr 227. P 1976 Cerf. 538 p. - KRTPhil 111 (1979) 77 (E.Junod). y560 Lange Nicholas R. M. De, Origen and the Jews. Studies in Jewish Christian Relations in Third-Century Palestine [ < diss. 1970]: University of Cambridge Oriental Publications 25. C 1976, Univ. x-240 p., bibliog. 209-15. :ES.- RJAAR 47 (1979) 311 (D. P. Efroymson); JTS 30 (1979) 324-28 (W. Horbury); RTPhil 111 (1979) 78s (E. Junod); ScotJT 32 (1979) 83ss (C. P. Harnmond). y56J Lies Lothar, Wort und Eucharistie bei Origenes [Mt.-Komm. Xl,14; Ser. 85s]: Zur Spiritualisierungstendenz des Eucharistieverständnisses (diss. Wü dir. J. Betz): Innsbrucker Theologische Studien l. Innsbruck 11J'/8, Tyrolia. 364 p. Sch 480 / DM 68. - RAntonianwn 54 (1979) 141s (R. We(ienborg); ETL 55 (1979) 200 (J. Coppens); TPQ 127 (1979) 91s (H. Moll); TR 75 (1979) 205s (H. Moll); TrierTZ 88 (1979) 325s (E. Sauser); TS 40 (1979) 363ss (E. J. Kilmartin); TZBas 35 (1979) 123s (R. Brändle); ZKT 100 (1978) 627-31 (H. B. Meyer). y562 Lubac H. de, Recherches dans la foi. Trois etudes sur Origene, saint Anselme et la philosophie chretienne. ArPhil. Dibliotheque, 27. P 1979, Benuchesne. 152 p. y563 Marin Marcello, Il II congresso intemazionale di studi origeniani (Bari 20-23 sett. 1977): VetChr 14 (1977) 407-416. y565 Nautin P., Origene. Sa vie et son ceuvre: Christianisme antique, I. P 1978, Beauchesne. 474 p. F 240. - RETRel 54 (1979) 704 (J.-M. Hornus); JTS 29 (1978) 556ss (R. P. C. Ilanson); NRT 101 (1979) 771s (C. Martin); RB 85 (1978) 468ss (P. Grelot); TPhil 54 (1979) 113ss (H.-J. Sieben); TR 74 (1978) 384s (R. Tremblay); TS 39 (1978) (508-) 514-9 (R. J. Daly). y566 Rougier Louis, Celse contre les chretiens [< Celse; ou le conflit de la civilisation antique et du christianisme primitif 1926]: Theoriques I. P 1977,Copemic. 252p.; bibliog. 247-9. y567 Schäfer Theo, Das Priester-Bild im Leben und Werk des Origenes: RgStTheol 9. Fra 1977, Lang. n-255 p. Fs 47 pa. y568 Schwartz Jacques, Origei1e, contre Celse [V., M. Borret 1976]: RHPhilRel 58 (1978) 299-303.


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y569 Sgheni G., Chiesa e sinagoga nell'opera di Origine: diss. Mil 1978, dir. Stockmeier. - TR 74 (1978) 510. y570 Simonetti M., Origene catecheta: -> 654, Valori attuali della catechesi patristica: BiblScRel 18, 1979, 93-102. y571 Smith J.C., Conversion in Origen: ScotJT 32 (1979) 217-40. y572 Studer Basile, La resurrection de Jesus d'apres le 'Perl Archön' d'Origene [congr. st. Orig. Bari 1977]: AugRom 18 (1978) 279-309. y573 Tripolitis Antonia, Return to the Divine: Salvation in the Thought of Plotinus and Origen:-> 72, Fs. R. EvANs,Disciplina 1979, 171-8. 209s. y574 Vermander J.-M., Celse et l'attribution a Athenagore d'un ouvrage sur la Resurrection des Morts: MelScRel 35 (1978) 125-34. y575 Vrettos T., Origen [a novel]. New Rochelle NY 1978, Caratzas. 299 p. $10. - RTs 40 (1979) 787s (G. H. Ettling~r: bad). y576 PAPIAS:Kürzinger J., Papias von Hierapolis: Zu Titel und Art seines Werkes: BZ 23 ( 1979) 172-86. y577 PoLYCARPImartyrium: Dehandschutter Boudewijn, Martyrium Polycarpi. Een literair-kritische studie: Bibl ETL 52. Lv 1979, Univ. 296 p.; bibliog. 11-24. Fb 950. Y2 Patres Graeci. y578 Azkoul M., Thr. Greek Fathers: Polis and Pnideia: StVladTQ 23 (1979) 3-21. y579 Cameron A., The Theotokos in Sixth-Century Constantinople: A City Finds its Symbol: JTS 29 (1978) 79-108. y580 Crasta P., Grar.c·.o-Christian Magi.calPapyri [, , . quas inter, div.i.ua nomina, S. Scripturae citationes . . . praecipue considerantur ... ] : StPapyr 28 (1979) 31-40. y581 Klum-Böhmer Edith, Das Trishagion als Versöhnungsformel der Christenheit. Kontrnverslheologie im V. und VI. Jahrhundert. Mil 1979, Oldenbourg. 88 p. DM 28. y582 lRdit J, Marie dans la liturgie de Byzancc 1976 -+ 57,5002: RQrChrPer 43 (1977) 462ss (R. iuzek). y583 Lonerian Bernard, The Way to Nicea. The Dialectical Development of Trinitarian Theology; first part of De Deo Trino [R 1964] tr. C. O'Donovan. L 1976, Darton, Longman & Todd. xxxn-144 p. -> 8946. y584 Scbrodt P., The Problem of the Beginning of Dogma in Recent Theology [Diss. München 1975]: EurHS 23,103. Fra 1978, Lang. XXVI-339p. Fs 64. - RQregorianum 60 (1979) 185s (J. Galot). y585 Tesla Emanuele, La gratule chiesa e le minoranze giudeo-cristiane nell'ultimo scorcio del IV sec.: SBFLA 28 (1978) 24-54.

y586 AMPHILOCHTTJS: Datema C., Amphiluchii Iconiensis Opera. Orailones, pluraque alia quae supersunt, nonnulla etiam spuria: CCG, 3. Turnhout/Lv 1Y78, ßrepols/Univ. Press. xxx-382 p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 755 (C. Martin); RTAM 46 (1979) 238s (F. Petit). y587 ATHANASms:Camelot P. T., Athanase d'Alexandrie. Contre les paiens:

Y2 Patres Graeci - The Greek Fathers


Source chreticnnes. 18 bis (reed. !!ans De Inc. mais avec texte grec]. P 1977, Cerf. 222 p. F 172. y588 Bartelink G. J. M. al. ed., Vita di Antonio [di Atanasio, tradotta da un anonimo latino], introd. C. Mohrmann: Fondazione L. Valla, Scrittori greci e latini, Vita dei Santi 1. Mi 2 1974, Mondadori. xcn-282 p. - RAtenRom 24 (1979) 84-90 (V. Tandoi). y589 Geerard M., Clavis Patrum Graecorum II. ab Athanasio ad Chrysostomum 1974 ➔ 56,9699: Rcisterc 27 (1975) 251-4 (1. Aranguren); JTS 29 (1978) 231 (H. Chadwick). - III. A Cyrillo Alexandrino ad Iohannem Damascenum: CCG. Turnhout 1979, Brepols. xxn-574 p. Fb 4250 (4000 pa). y590 Larentzakis G., Einheit der Menschheit - Einheit der Kirche. Vor- und nachchristliche Soteriologie und Ekklesiologie bei Athanasius von Alexandrien [diss. Graz 1978, dir. J. B. Bauer. - TR 74 (1978) 509]: Grazer Theol. St. 1. Graz 1978, Univ. Inst. Ök. Theol. Patr. xn-314 p. Sch 180. - RETL 55 (1979) 159s (A. de Halleux). y591 Longosz S., La tradizione nella controversia ariana (a.318-362). Testimonianze non Atanasiane: AugRom 19 (1979) 443-468. y592 Roldanus J., Le Christ et l'homme dans la theologie d'Athanase d' Alexandrie. Etude de la conjonction de sa conception de l'homme avec sa Christologie2 [11968 < diss. Utrecht]: StHistChrThought 4. Ld 1977, Brill. x-421 p. y593 Stead G. C., The Thalia of Arius and the Testimony of Athanasius: JTS 29 (1978) 20-52: Arius would have caused little trouble in the Church if he had been the contemptible figure which Athanasius would like us to see. y594 Tetz Martin, a) Athanasius von Alexandrien: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 33349. - li) Das kritische Wort vom Kreuz und diti Christologie bei Athanasius von Alexandrien: -> 63 Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 447-465. y595 Vian Giovanni M., Kerygma e kleszs ethnön negli scritti atanasiani: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 449-454. y596 Vööbus A., Entdeckung t:iner unbekannten [esirangelä] Bio&raphie des Atham1sius von Alexandrien [Tiir ·Abdin / Deir Za •farän]: eine angeblich von Amphilochius von lkonium verfasste Vita: ByZ 71 (1978) 3640. Marcovich M., Athenagoras, De Resurrectione 3,2: JTS y597 ATHENAGORAS: 29 (1978) 146s. y'.>98BAS1uus: Cavalcanti Elena, Studi Eunomiani (Basil., Greg. Nyss.): OrChrAn 202. R 1976, Pont. Ist. Or. xv-156 p. Lit. 7000. - RßyZ 71 (1978) 107ss (L. Perrone). y599 Fedwick P. J., The Church and the Charisma of Leadership in Basil of Caesarea. Toronto 1979, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. xvm225 p. $15. y600 Maignan A., Camelot T., Basile le Grand, Traite du Saint-Rsprit. P 1979, Desclee-B. 181 p. y601 Neri Umberto, Basilio di Cesarea. TI Battesimo: Ist. Sc. Rel. Bo, TestRicScRel 12. Brescia 1976, Paideia. 456 p. - RRHE 47 (1979) 49-52 (J. Gribomont).


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y602 Pekar A., St. Basil's Correspondence with St. Athanasius of Alexandria: AnOrdSBasM 10 (1979) 25-38. y603 CHARITON:Papanikolaou A. D:, Chariton-Studien: Hypomnemata 37, 1973 ➔ 58s,d732: RAntClass 48 (1979) 270s (F. Mawet). y604 Schmeling G. L., Chariton 1974 ➔ 56,8104; 58s,d729: RREAnc 78s (1976s) 273-76 (P. Grimal). y605 CHRYSOSTOM J.: Discourses against Judaizing Christians, tr. P. W. Harkins: The Fathers of the Church, 68. Wsh 1979, Catholic U., LXII-299p. $24. y606 Kania Wojciech, La problematique pastorale dans les ecrits exegetiques de s. Jean Chrysostome a la lumiere de l'hermeneutique biblique contemporaine (Hab. 1976): BAcThWsz 1977/2, 27. y607 Lubac H. de, Le Dialogue sur le Sacerdoce de saint Jean Chrysostome [=intr. Sources chretiennes, a paraitre]: NRT 100 (1978) 822-31. y608 Nardi Carlo, J. Chrysostomus Horn. 59 (60) in Mt 7: motivi socratici e 1979, II 615-38. pseudoplutarchei: ➔ 11, Fs. A. ARDIZZONT y609 Rilliet F., Une homelie syriaque sur la iete des Rameaux attribuee a Jean Chrysostome: Parole de !'Orient 8 (1977s) 151-216. y610 Zincone C., Ricchezza e poverta nelle omelie di Giovanni Crisostomo. L'Aquila 1973, Japadre. 171 p. - Rsal 40 (1978) 221 (R. Bracchi). y611 CoNSTANTINUS: Decker D. de, Evocation de la Bible dans le 'Discours a !'Assemblee des Saints' prete a l'empereur Constantin: ➔ 615, Livingstone E., Studia Biblica 1978/9, I, 133-43. y612 Eck W., Der Einfluss der konstantinischen Wende auf die Auswahl der Bischöfe im 4. und 5. Jdt.: Chiron 8 (1978) 561-85. o·ArnxANDRIE: Dialogues sur la Trinite f:n.G. M. de Durand. y613 CYRILLE SChr 231; 237; 246. P 1976-78, Cerf. 409; 470; 332p. F. 170; 140; 170. - RJTS 30 (1979) 339 (M. Sa11ter);NRT 100 (1978) ~79; 101 (1979) '/oU (C. Martin). y614 GebremdltinEzra, Life-Giving Blessing: an lnquiry into the Eucharistie Doctrine of Cyril of Alexandria: Acta Univ. Upsaliensis 17. Uppsala 1977, diss. 124p. Sk 50. - RTS 40 (1979) 215 (R. L. Wilken); ZKG 90 (1979) 115-7 (W.-D. Hauschild). y615 Halleux Andre de, Cyrille, Theodoret et le 'Filioque' [Jn 15,26]: RHE 74 (1979) 597-625. y616 Malley W. J., Hellenism and Christianity: The Conflict between Hellenic and Christian Wisdom in the Contra Galilaeos of Julian the Apostate and the Contra Julianum of St. Cyril of Alexandria. R 1978, Univ. Gregoriana. 466 p. - Rcc 130 (1979,3) 203s (L. Ladaria). y616* Weischer Bernd M., Qerellos IV, 2: Traktate des Epiphanios von Zypern und des Proklos von Kyzikos: Äthiopistische Forschungen 6. Wb 1979, Steiner. 144 p. · y617 CYRn.LusHrnRos: Cutrone E. J., Cyril's Mystagogical Catecheses and the Evolution of the Jerusalem Anaphora: OrChrPer 44 (1978) 52-64. y618 Deddens K., Annus liturgicus - Een onderzoek naar de betekenis van Cyrillus van Jerusalem voor de ontwikkeling van het 'kerkelijk jaar' [c. sum. angl., gall., germ.; Proefschrift Kampen Theol. Hogeschool]. Goes 1975, Oosteraan. 272 p. ill.

Y2 Patres Graeci - The Ureek Fathers


y619 Vuulgarakis E. A. @] Hai kat~r.hifscis.The Catechesis of Cyril of Jerusalem, a Missionary Approach: Analecta Vladaton 24. Thessaloniki 197'/, Patriarchat Inst. for Patristic Studies. 674 p. (539-558 Engl. summ.). RzKT 100 (1978) 659 (E. Nagel, severe: countless errors, nothing specially missionary). y620 DIDYMUS:Bienert W. A., 'Allegoria' und 'Anagoge' bei Didymus dem Blinden von Alexandria: PatrTextSt 13, 1972 ➔ 53,9998 ... 55,9753: RorChrPer 44 (1978) 203-06 (J. D. Baggarly). y621 DIONYSIUS Alex: Dienert W. A., Dionysius von Alexandrien: Zur Frage des Origenismus im dritten Jahrhundert: PatrTextSt 21. B 1978, de Gruyter. xn-252 p. - RJTS 30 ( 1979) 555ss (A. Louth); OrChr 63 (1979) 220s (A. Davids); TPhil 54 (1979) 605s (H.-J. Sieben). y622 EPIPHANIUS: Riggi C., Formule di fede in S. Epifanio di Salamina: ➔ 654, Felici S., Valori: BiblScRel 18, 1979, 103-115. y623 EuSEBIUS:Cox Patricia L., The Form and Function of Eusebius' Vita Origenis: diss. Ch 1979. y624 Cracco Ruggini Lellia, The Ecclesiastical Histories and the Pagan Historiography: Providence and Miracles: Athenaeum 55 (1977) 107-126. y625 Dattrino L., La lettera di Eusebio a1 clero ed al popolo della sua diocesi: Lateranum 45 (1979) 60-82. y626 Ehrhardt C. T. H. R., Eusebius und Celsus: JbAC 22 (1979) 40-49. y627 des Places Edouard, Eusebe de Cesaree: La preparation evangelique IIIII [I 1974 ➔ 56,9883], intr., texte gr., tr., annot.: SChr 215; 228. P 1975s, Cerf. 337 p.; 283 p. y628 Zink Odile, Eusebe de Cesaree. La preparation evangelique, Livres IVV, 1-17, inlr. tr. annot.; texte grec revise: par Edouard des Places: SChr 262. P 1979, Cerf. 356 p. y629 GREGORIUS NAZIANZENUS: Bernardi J., GnJguire de Nnzinnze, Discours 1-3: Sources chretiennes, 247. P 1978, Cerf. 271 p. F 211. - RNRT 101 (1979) 759s (C. Martin). y629* Fantoni Anita, L'unita del cosmo nei 'Discorsi' di Gregorio Nazianzeno: StPatav 25 (1978) 295-306. y630 Kertsch M., Bildersprache bei Gregor von Nazianz. Ein Beitrag zur spätantiken Rhetorik und Popularphilosophie: Grazer Theol. St. 2. Graz 1978, Univ. Inst. Ök. Theol. Patristik. XIV-265. Sch 180. - RETL 55 (1979) 160ss (A. de Halleux). y631 Sicher! M. al., Travaux preparatoires a une edition critique de Gregoire de Nazianze [Görres-G., CSC Or]: RHE 74 (1979) 626-40. y632 GREGORIUS NYSSENUS:Balas David L., Plenitudo [pleröma] humanitatis: the Unity of Human Nature in the Theology of Gregory of Nyssa: ➔ 72, Fs. R. EVANS,Disciplina 1979, 115-31.205-8. y633 Bjerre-AspegrenK., Bräutigam, Sonne und Mutter. Studien z11 einigen Gottesmetaphern bei Gregor von Nyssa: diss. 1977. - OrChrPer 44 (1978) 206-10 (R. A. Klostermann). y633* Blum Wilhelm, Gregor von Nyssa. Über das Wesen des christlichen Bekenntnisses. Über die Vollkommenheit. Über die Jungfräulichkeit: Einl. Tr. Anmerkungen: BiblGrLit 7. Stu 1977, Hiersemann. 170 p. RTPhil 54 (1979) 606s (H.-J. Sieben).

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y634 Esper Martin N., Allegorie und Analogie bei Gregor von Nyssa [Diss. Bonn 1977]: Habelts Diss. Kl. Philologie 30. Bonn 1979, Habelt. 206 p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-7749-1656-X. y635 Giginejsvili B. K.., Ginasvili E. A., Satberdiskij sbornik X vyeka [textus operum Gregorii Nysseni, Epiphanii Salamini, Basilii Caesariensis, Hippolyti Romani, Aphrahat, al.]: Institutum manuscriptorum nomine K.. Kekelidze. Academia scientiarum Georgicae Republicae Sovieticae. - RRLitArmen 12 (1977) 169-180 (B. Outtier). y636 Hübner Reinhard M., Die Einheit des Leibes Christi bei Gregor von Nyssa. Untersuchungen zum Ursprung der 'physischen' Erlösungslehre: Philosophia Patrum 2. Ld 1974, Brill. xn-377 p. /78. - RRHE 74 {1979) 52-7 (C. Kannengiesser). y636* Marcolungo Ferdinando L., Immagine e signoria - Note su 'De hominis opifi.cio' di Gregorio Nisseno: StPatav 25 (1978) 5-42. Mateo-Seco Lucas, Estudios sobre la cristologia de Gregorio de Nisa 1978 -+ 8954. y637 VerheesJ. J., Die energeiai des Pneumas als Beweis für seine Transzendenz in der Argumentation des Gregor von Nyssa: OrChrPer 45 (1979) 5-31. y638 GREOORIUS Thaum., Remerciement a Origene. Suivi de la Lettre d'Origene a Gregoire: texte grec, intr. tr. notes H. Crouzel: SChr 148. P 1969, Cerf. 230p. - RRTAM 46 (1979) 237s (G. Michiels). y639 HESYCHIUS hieros.: Aubineau M., Les Homelies festales I. hom. 1-15: p.; bibliog. Subsidia hagiographica 59. Bru 1978, Bollandistes. LXXVI-596 VII-XI.Fb 1900. - RNRT 101 (1979) 631s (C. Martin); OrChrPer 45 (1979) 218-24 (M. van Esbroeck). y640 Renoux C., Un document nouveau sur la doctrine de Jerusalem: Les homelies festales d'Hesychius de Jerusaltun: MaisD 139 (1979) 139-64. y641 JOHANNES C.: Richard M., Aubineau M. Johannes Caesariensis: CCG 1. Turnhout 1977, Brepols. LVII-168p. - RJTS 29 (1978) 234-39 (B. Da[ey).

y642 JOHANNES DAMASCENUs: Kallis A., Imago et similitudo Dei. Grundzüge patristisch-ostkirchlicher Anthropologie (Johannes von Damaskos): Diss. Münster 1978, dir. Kötting. - TR 74 (1978) 509. y643 JuuANUs imperator: Alonso-Nufiez J. M., The Emperor Julian's Misopogon and the Conllict between Christianity and Paganism: Ancient Society 10 (1979) 311-324. y644 Bowersock G. W., Julian the Apostate. L 1978, Duckworth. xn-135 p., 2 maps. !8.95. y645 Prato C., Micalella D., Giuliano imperatore, Misopogon. Edizione critica, traduzione e commento [Risposta ironica agli Antiocheni dissenzienti]: Bihliog. p. 36-39]: Testi e Commenti/Texts & Commentaries [Istituto di Filologia Classica, Univ. di Urbino/Birkbeck College, Univ. of London] 5. R 1979, Ateneo & ß. 40 + 205 p.; bibliog. 36*-39*. Lit. 22.000. y646 MACARIUS:Dörries Hermann, Die Theologie des Makarios/Symeon. AbhGö 3/103. Gö 1978, VR. 477p.; DM 112 (98pa.). - RJTS 30 (1979) 571s (H. Chadwick). y647 NEMESIUS:Kallis Anastasios, Der Mensch im Kosmos: das Weltbild

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Nemesios' von Emesa [kath. Diss. Münster 1974]: Münsterische Beiträge zur Theologie 43. Münster 1978, Aschendorff. XXIV-190p. DM 48 pa. 0 3402-03578-2. y648 NESTORIUS:Chesnut R. C., The Two Prosopa ·in Nestorius' Bazaar of Herac/eides: JTS 29 (1978) 392-409. y649 PANAETIRUS:Straaten M. van, Notes on Panaetiros' Theory of the Constitution of Man: SymbFacLitLov A 1 (Lv 1976) 93-109. y650 PAPIAS:Jonge H. J. de, Botrys boesei: The Age of Kronos and the Millennium in Papias of Hierapolis: ➔ 761, EPROER 78 (Ld 1979) 37-49. y651 PHOCYLIDES, ps.: Horst P. W. van der, Sentences of Pseudo-Phocylides 1978 -> 58s,d904: - RETL 55 (1979) 144s (J. Coppens). y652 PRocws. Trois etudes sur la providence. II: Providence, fatalite, liberte. [De providentia et fato et eo quod in nobis ad Theodorum mechanicum]. Texte etabli et traduit par Daniel Isaac; Coll. Bude. P 1979, BLettres. 172 p. (26-84 duplae). y653 PROCOPIUS:Garzya A., Per la storia della tradizione delle Epistole di Procopio di Gaza: Bollettino Ed. Naz. Cl. Gr. Lat. 24 (1976) 60-63 [ByZ 71 (1978) 134]. y65'1 SEVRRUS:sauget Joseph-Marie, Une decouverte inesperee: L'homelie 2 de Severe d'Antioche [465-538], sur l'Annonciation de la Theotokus: _,. 256, Fs. A. VööBUS 1977, 55-62. y655 Lucchesi E., Un fragment copte inedit de l'homelie CIII sur l'Epiphanie de Severe d'Antioche: JTS 30 (1979) 197-201. y656 SoPHRONIUS:Albert M., Schönborn C. von, Sophrone de Jerusalem. Lettre a Arcadius de Chypre. Version syriaque inedite du texte grec perdu: l'atrologia Oritmtalis 39/2, no. 179. Turnhout 1978, Brepols. 87 p. RNRT 101 (1979) 754 (C. Martin). y657 Los Thaumata de Sophronius. Cuntribuci6n al Estudio de la Tncubatio Christiana por N. Fernandez Marcos: Manuales y Anejos de 'Emerita' 31. M 1975, Inst. A. de Nebrija. XXVl-409p; ptas 600. y658 THEODORETUS CYRENSIS, Eranistes ed. G. H. Ettlinger. Ox 1975, Clarendon. xv-308 p. !12. - RNRT 100 (1978) 593 (C. Martin). y659 Canivet P., Leroy-Molinghan A., Theodoret de Cyr, Histoire des moines de Syrie, II: SChr 257 [I 1977 ➔ 58s,e326]. P 1979, Cerf. 480 p. F304. y660 Petit F., La tradition de Theodoret de Cyr, dans les chaines sur la Genese. Vues nouvelles sur le classernent de ces chaines: Museon 92 (1979) 281-6 -> 2484b. Richard M., Opera rninora 1-III (De Theodoreto, Hippolyto e.a.) 1976 --+ 353. y661 THEODORUS MoPs.: Lera J. M., ' ... y se hizo hombre'. La economia trinitaria en las Catequesis de Teodoro de Mopsuestia: TDeusto, 9. Bilbao 1977, Univ. Deusto/Mensajero. 310 p. - RETL 55 (1979) 162ss (A. de Halleux). y662 Wiles M. F., Theodore of Mopsuestia as representative of the Antiochene school: ➔ 868, Cambridge History of the Bible 1 (1976) - On Theodore ed. Sprenger H. N. 1977 -+ 5124. y663 THEOGNOSTUS: Munitiz J. A., A Fragment Attributed to Theognostus


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[Vat. gr. 470 maxime G. Nazianz.]: JTS 30 (1979) 56-66: transcriptio saec. 13, Theognostus vix contemporaneus auctor 'Thesauri', vel homonymus 3 saec. y664 Munitiz J. A., Theognosti Thesaurus [I-VII, Resume de l'AT selon la LXX: VIII: La divinite du Christ ... ; These Sorbonne 3e cycle 1976] : CCGraec 5. Turnhout/Lv 1979, Brepols/Univ. cxxm-269 p. 4 p. facsim. y665 THEOPHILUS Ant: Bergamelli F., Il linguaggio simbolico delle immagini nella catechesi missionaria di Teofilo di Antiochia: ➔ 654, Felici S., Valori: BiblScRel 18, 1979, 67-91 (88-91 text. graec.). y666 Bolgiani F., Sullo scritto perduto di Teofilo d'Antiochia 'Contra Ermogene' [ ... testimoni biblici, spec. dell'Apoc.]:--> 149, Paradoxos politeia, Fs. G. LAZZATI = StPatrMediol 10, 1979, 77-118.

Y2.4 Augustinus et Latini

y667 Basevi Claudio, San Agustin. La interpretaci6n del NT. Criterios exegeticos propuestos por S. Agustin en el 'De Doctrina Christiam1', en el 'Contra Faustum' y cn cl 'De Conseusu Evangelistarum': 'l'eologica, 14. Pamplona 1977, EUNSA (Univ. Navarra). 380p. - RNRT 100 (197R) 626 (C. Martin); TLZ 103 (1978) 361s (H.-J. Diesner); TPhil 53 (1978) 582s (H.-J. Sieben). y668 Beatrice P. F., Tradux peccati. Alle fonti della dottrina agostiniana del peccato originale; Studia Patristica MediolAncnsia 8. Mi 1978, Vita c Pensiero. 332 p. Lit. 17.000. y669 Bedard A., Augustin et 1a situation llu Lheologicn:•Un pcre de l'Eglise': LavalTPhil 34 (1978) 21-26. y670 Bourassa F., Theologie trinitaire de S. Augustin: Gregorianum 58 (1977) 627-725; 59 (1978) 375-410: Sum. 410-12 [... to provide them with a basis and justification in thc rcvealed doctrine of Scripture ... ]. y671 Dassmann Ernst, Schriftverständnis und religiöse Erkenntnis nach dem heiligen Augustinus: TrierTZ 87 (1978) 257-74. y672 Ferrari Leo C., From Pagan Literature to the Pages of the Holy Scriptures. Augustine's Confessions as Exemplary Propaedeutic: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANDRESEN 1979, 173-182. y673 Geerlings W., Christus Exemplum. Studien zur Christologie und Christusverkündigung Augustins: TübTSt 13. Mainz 1978 Grünewald. x278 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 667ss (H.-J. Sieben); TZBas 35 (1979) 374 (R. C. Gamble). y674 Glorie Fr., Das 'zweite Aenigma' in Augustins Opusculorum Indiculus cap. X4, 1-4 'Tractatus Psalmorum': ➔ 59, Fs. E. DEKKERS,Corona 1975, I 289-309. y675 Hadot Pierre, La presentation du Platonisme par Augustin: ➔ 10, Fs. C. ANURESEN 1979, 272-279. y676 Häring Hermann, Die Macht des Bösen. Das Erbe Augustins: ÖkTheol 3. Z/Gü 1979, Benziger/Mohn. 345 p.

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y677 Hammllß A.-G., I a vie quotidienne en Afrique du Nord au temps de saint Augustin: Vie quotidienne. P 1979, Hachette. 479 p. y678 Hoffman R. J., Memeristai ho Christ6s? Anti-Enthusiast Polemic from Paul to Augustine: ST 33 (1979) 149-164. y679 Kannengiesser C., Jean Chrysostome et Augustin: Colloq. Chantilly 1974/5 -> 56,9834: RTR 75 (1979) 113s (A. M. Ritter); ZKT 100 (1978) 659s ([E.]) N[agel]: tituli pp.). y680 Kurz R., [Jobst Werner, Roth Erich], Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des hl. Augustinus 5/2 [Bundesrepublik, wB]: Sitz-B. Österr. Ak. 350. W 1979, Österr.Ak. 636 p. y681 Lanlirande Emilien, Church, State, and Toleration: an Intriguing Change of Mind in Augustine: 1974 Lecture. Villanova 1975, Univ. 76 p. - RvetChr 15 (1978) 170s (M. Marin). y682 Lucas J. R., Freedom and Grace [Pelagius and Augustinej. L 1976, SPCK. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 101-112 (P. Helm). y683 McClure J., Handbooks Against Heresy in the West, from the Late Fourth to the Late Sixth Centuries [incl. Aug., Ps-Hieron.]: JTS 30 (1979) 186-197. y684 Mutzenbecher A., Über die Zuschreibung der von den Maurinem so benannten Quaestiones XVII in Evangelium secundum Matthaeum an Augustin: SacrErud 23 (1978s) 95-122. y685 O'Connell R . .T., When Saintly Fathers Feuded: thc Correspondence between Augustine and Jerome: Thought 54 (1979) 344-364. y686 [Trape A.] Palmieri M. al., Agostino: Matrimonio e verginita, Op.om. VII/1. R 1978, Citta Nuova. 510 p. - RLaurentianum 19 (1978) 493s (D. Covi). y687 Pellegrino M., Appunti sull'uso della Bibbia nei Sermoni di S. Agostino: RivB 27 (1979) '/-39. y688 Pepin Jean, 'Ex Platonicorvm persona'. Etudes sur les lectures philosophiques de Saint Augustin. Amst 1977, Hakkert. xm-326 p. y689 Remy G., Le Christ mediateur dans l'reuvre de saint Augustin. Diss. Fac. Theo!. Cath. Strasbourg 1977. P 1979, H. Ch!lmpion. 2 vol. 801 p., 309 p. y690 Schindler Alfred, Augustin: -+ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 645-98 (- 723, Mittelalter usw.) nichts zur Exegese; Hermeneutik knapp 674. y691 Simonetti Manlio, La crisi ariana nel IV secolo: SLEphAug 11. R 1975, Institutum Patristicum 'Augustinianum.' vn-598 p. Lit. 18.000. - RJTS 29 (1978) 559s (H. Chadwick). y692 Stengers J., S. Augustin et l'inerrance biblique: -> 196, Mem. J. Preaux, Christianisme d'hier et d'aujourd'hui 1978, 27-39. y693 Trape A., S. Agostino e la catechesi: teoria e prassi: -> 654, Valori attuali della catechesi patristica: BiblScRcl 18, 1979, 117-125. y694 Triacca A. M., Liturgia e catechesi nei Padri; note metodologiche: -> 654, Felici S., Valori: BiblScRel 18, 1979, 51-66. y695 Wermelinger 0., Das Pelagiusdossier in der Tractoria des Zosimus: FreibZPT 26 (1979) 336-368. y696 Wieland Wolfgang, Offenbarung bei Augustinus (Diss. Tü 1977) Tübinger Theologische Studien 12. Mainz 1978, Grünewald. 395 p. DM 56. -


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ColcT 49 (1979) 207s (I. Bieda); MüTZ 30 (1979) 304s (.T.Speigf); TPhil 54 (1979) 28lss (H.-J. Sieben); TZBas 35 (1979) 310s (R. C. Gamble anglice).

y697 Clement J. M., Corpus Christianorum. Initia Patrum Latinorum. Series altera collecta ac ordinata. Turnhout 1979, Brepols. 132 p. y698 AMBROSIUS [-> 2592]: Sant' Ambrogio. Opere esegetiche I. I sei giorni della creazione [Exameron] recensuit Carolus Schenk!; intr. tr. note indici di Gabriele Banterle. - Opere esegetiche IX/1. Expositionis Evangelii secundum Lucam libri 1-V: intr. tr. not. ind. Giovanni Coppa [text. post M. Adriaen]. - Opere esegetiche IX/2, Luc. libri VI-X: Sancti Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis Opera 1/11/12. Mi/R 1979/1978, Biblioteca Ambrosiana/Citta Nuova. 460 p./454 p./598 p. y699 Billanovich G., Ferrari M., La tradizione milanese delle opere di sant'Ambrogio: -> 667, Lazzati G., Ambrosius Episcopus IstPatristMediol 6, 1974/6, 5-102. y700 Cantalamessa R., La concezione teologica della Pasqua in Sant'Ambrogio: -> 149, Paradoxos politeia, Fs. G. Lazzati = StPatrMediol 10, 1979, 361-375. y701 Dassmann E., Ambrosius von Mailand (339-397) [... 2,4: III.Schrift: 378s]: -> 895, TRE 2 (1978) 362-86. y702 Fenger A. L., Zum Verhältnis von Soteriologie und Ekklesiologie bei Ambrosius von Mailand: Diss. Münster 1978. y703 lacoangeli R., T.a catechesi escatologica di S. Ambrogio: ➔ 654, Ftilici S., Valori: BiblScRel 18, 1979, 197-211. y704 Lucchesi E., L'usage rle Philon dans l'ccuvre tix.tlgetiquede S. Ambroise: Une 'Quellenforschung' relative aux commentaires d'Ambroise sur la Genese: ALOHJ 9. Ld 1977, Brill. xn-140 p. - R[_.2478b]; RThom 79 (1979) 686 (M.-E. Lauziere). y705 Nazzarn A. V., Simbologia e poesin dcll'acqua e del mare in Ambrogio di Milano. N 1977, Loffredo. 159 p. - RßStl.at 9 (1979) 14lss (C. Ma.s 895, TRE 5,ls (1979) 296301. y756 Mühlenberg Ekk.ehard, Marcion's Jealous God: ➔ 72, Fs. R. EVANS, Disciplina 1979, 93-113. 203ss. y757 Puente Santidrian Pablo, Sobre la terminologia de la resurrecci6n en Tertuliano: Burgense 19 (1978) 361-74. y758 RambauxOaude, Tertullien face aux morales des trois premiers siecles. P 1979, BLettres. 518 p. y759 Sider R. D., Tertullian, On the Shows: an Analysis: JTS 29 (1978) 33965: p. 354, eh. 15-19 based on Eph 4. y760 Vicastillo G., El sepulcro segun Tertulliano: RArchCr 55 (1979) 34348. y761 Waszink J. H., Tertullian's Principles and Methods of Exegesis: ➔ 91, 59. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)


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Fs. R. GRANT,Early Christian Literature 1979, 17-31. y762 Weiss Bardo, Die 'anima naturaliter christiana' im Verständnis Tertullians: ➔ 104, Fs. R. RAUBST,Menschenbild/Kues 1978, 292-304. y763 Wischmeyer W., Die Bedeutung des Sukzessionsgedankens für eine theologische Interpretation des donatistichen Streites: ZNW 70 (1979) 68-85. Y2.8 Patres Orientales y764 Bettiolo Paolo, Una raccolta di opuscoli calcedonensi (Ms. Sinai Syr. 10): CSCO 403, syr. 177 text., index 50 p.; CSCO 404, syr. 177. intr., tr. ital., 21*-37p. Lv 1979. y765 Blum G. G., Vereinigung und Vermischung. Zwei Grundmotive christlich-orientalischer Mystik: OrChr 63 (1979) 41-60. y766 Brock S. P., The Roly Spirit in the Syrian Baptismal Tradition: The Syrian Churches Series, vol. 9. Poona 1979. 139 p. y767 Cramer Winfrid, Der Geist Gottes und des Menschen in frühsyrischer Theologie: Münsterische Beiträge zur Theologie 46. Münster 1979, Aschendorff. 95 p. y768 Dyobadze W., Medieval Bread Stamps from Antioch and Georgia: OrChr 63 (1979) 163-76, pi. IV-XVII. y769 Halleux A. de, L11c.hronique mellcite abregee du ms. Sinai syr 10 [du VIIe s.]: Museon 91 (1978) 5-44. y770 Jammo Sarhad Y. Rermiz, La structure de la messe chaldeenne du Debut jusqu'a l'Anaphore. Etude Historique: Orientalia Christiana Analecta Roma, Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiomm ?.07. R 1979. 204p.; bibliog. 195-200. Lit. 15.000. y771 Rompay L. van, Graeco-syrincn. Enkclc beschouwingeu uver het lot van een lingwstische minderheid in de kristelijke Oudheid [diss. Lv]. Lv 1978, Universitaire Pers. 30 p. y772 Sauget Joseph-M., L'apport des traductions syriaques pour la patristique grr.c.q111>:· RTPhil 110 (1978) 139-1'18. y773 Stol A., Nestorianen: De ondergang van een christenvolk. Franeker 1977, Wever. 160p. f 17,50. y774 Thomson R. W., Architectural Symbolism in Classical Armenian Literaturc: JTS 30 (1979) 102-14. y775 Viaud G., La Liturgie des Coptes d'Egypte. P 1978, Libr. Am. Or. Maisonneuve. 126-XVIp. - RNRT 101 (1979) 304 (V. Roisel). y776 Widengren G., Reflexions sur le bapteme dans la chretiente syriaque: ➔ 221, Fs M. SIMON,Paganisme, juda'isme ... 1978, 347-57. y777 Winkler G. Eine bemerkenswerte Stelle im armenischen Glaubensbekenntnis: Credimus et in Sanctum Spiritum qui descendit in Jordanem proclamavit missum: OrChr 63 (1979) 130-162. y778 AuoAI: Vavanikunnel Georg, Die eucharistische Katechese der Anaphora der Apostel Mar Addai und Mar Mari in der syro-malabarischen Kirche gestern und heute (Diss. Trier): Das östliche Christentum NF

v2.8 Patres Orientales: Ephraem ...


26. Wü 1976, Augustinus. 186 p, DM 25 pa. - RzKG 89 (1978) 165s (G. Blum).

y779 AMMONIUS, canon: Khalil S., Un manuscrit arabe d'Alep reconnu, le Sbath 1125: Museon 91 (1978) 179-88. Baarda T., The Gospel Quotations of Aphrahat the Persian y780 APHRAATES: Sage, I: Aphrahat's Text of the Fourth Gospel. Amst 1975, auct. (Troskerslaan 27, Amstelveen). - RorChrPer 44 (1978) 523-26 (I. Ortiz de Urbina). y781 Lafontaine Guy ed. tr., La version armenienne des reuvres d'Aphraate le Syrien 2. Demonstrations 6-12, CSCO 405s; armen. 9s. 78 p. Lv 1979. Texte 139 p.; tr. 78 p. y782 Ouellette Jean, Sens et portee de l'argument scripturaire chez Aphraate: -> 256, Fs. A. Vöönus 1977, 191-201; 201s, Engl. summ. y783 EPHRAEM syrus: Sermones in Hebdomadam Sanctam, ed. E. Beck: CSCO 412s; syr. 181s. Lv 1979. Text. 12*+87p.; tr. germ. 154p. y784 Beck E., a) Hardaisan um.l seine Schule bei Ephräm: Museon 91 (1978) 271-333. - b) Das Bild vom Sauerteig bei Ephräm: OrChr 63 (1979) 119. y785 Brock S. P., Ephrem's Letter to Publius [ ... Biblical quotations: 26670 ... The mirror of the Gospel; Kingdom & Gehenna; Parable of Dives & Lazarus; Sheep & Goats; Virgins ... ]: Museon 89 (1976) 261-305. y786 Khoury Nabil el-, Die Interpretation der Welt bei Ephraem dem Syrer: Beitrag zur Geistesgeschichte (Diss. Tü): TüTheolSt 6. Mainz 19'/6, Grüm:wald. 180 p. DM 24,50. - RTR 75 (1979) 210ss (W. Cramer: Titel und Methode irreführend). y787 Martikainen J ., Das Döse und tler Teufel in der Theologie F.fraems des Syrers: MeddStiftAbFor 32 (Abo 1978). y788 Murray Robert, Der Dichter als Exeget: der hl. Ephrem und die heutige Exegese (Vortrag Augsburg 1977): ZKT 100 (1978) 484-494. y789 Myszor W. ed. ~ Sw. Efrem - Cyryllonas - Balaj: selt:cted Syriac poems tr. W. Kania: Pisma starochrzescijanskich pisarzy 11. Wsz 1973, AkTeolKat. 178 p. y790 Yousif P., a) J-ll Croix de Jesus et le paradis d'Eden dans la typologie biblique de S. Ephrem: Parole de l'Oricnt 6s (1975s) 29-48. - b) Symbulisme christologique dans la Bible et dans la nature chez S. Ephrem de Nisibe (De Virginitate VIII-XIet les textes paralleles): Parole de l'Orient 8 (1977s) 5-66. y791 GANNATBUSSAME: Reinink Gerrit J., Studien zur Quellen- und Tradi"tionsgeschichte des Evangelienkommentars der Gannat Bussame [nestorian. Wonnegarten: 10. Jdt. (Voste); 13. (Baumstark): Kompilation exegetischer Traditionen zu den gottesdienstlichen Lesestücken des nestorianischen Kirchenjahres (Pesitta-Text); Gatlwig ... ; Mar Aba u. ScharhoktZitate; Traditionsgesch. Stellung der Evangelienexegese des Mar-Aba von Kaskar (... Lk l; Mt 4,1-11; Jo 1,29-42); ... als Quelle fflr dit:: Geschichte der nestorianischen Exegese; bibliogr.: 7*-18*]: CSCO 414; Subsidia 57. Lv 1979, Corpus SCO. 21*+309p. y792 HIPPOLYTUS Bos.: Renoux C., Hippolyte de Bostra? Le dossier du Galata 54 [en georgien; 5 ex 16 fragmentis ex exegeticis Hipp. Rom.]: Mu-


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seon 92 (1979) 133-58. y793 JACOBUS Edessenus: Rignell Karl-Erik, A Letter from Jacob of Edessa to John the Stylite; Syriac text with introduction, translation and commentary. Lund 1979, Gleerup. 118 p. y794 JOHANNES solit.: Brock S., John the Solitary, On Prayer: JTS 30 (1979) 84-101: textus syrus 89-96. y795 MoYSESBAR-KEPHA: Schlimme Lorenz, Die Bibelkommentare des Moses bar Kepha: ➔ 256, Fs. A. VööBUS 1977, 63-71, Eng. summ. 71. y796 NARSAI'Smetrical Homilies on the Nativity, Epiphany, Passion, Resurrection and Ascension; Critical edition of Syriac text; English translation by Frederick G. McLeod: Patrologia orientalis, 40,l n° 182. Turnhout 1979, Brepols. Quecke H., Die Briefe Pachoms. Griechischer Text der y797 PACHOMIUS: Handschrift W. 145 der Chester Beatty Library eingeleitet und herausgegeben; koptische Fragmente und Zitate: TextPatrLit, 11. Regensburg 1975, Pustet. 118 p. - Rßü 34 (1977) 410 (J. J. Thierry: a few corrections); ChH 48 (1979) 99s (P. Henry: long stretches of P. are catenae of bible citations); .TEH27 (1976) 308 (R. M. T·Vilson:quaedam ex.egelica curiosa); JTS 29 (1978) 558s (H. Chadwick); OLZ 74 (1979) 443ss (H.G. Bethge: vorzüglich); ZKG 89 (1978) 170s (T. Baumeister). y798 PHILOXENUS Mabbug: Briere M., Graffin F., Sancti Philoxeni episcopi Mabbugensis dissertationes decem de uno e Sancta Trinitate incorporato et passo (Memre contre }:Iabib). III. dissertationes 6a, ?a, 8a. Edition critique du texte syriaque inedit et traduction fran~aise: Patrologia orientalis 39,4. n° 181. Turnhout 1979, Brepols. p. 545-764. y799 Abramowski Luise, Die Schrift Gregors des Lehmrs 'Ad Thcopompwn • [' über Gottes Leidensunfähigkeit und Leidensfähigkeil '] und Philoxenus von Mabbug: ZKG 89 (1978) 273-290. y800 PsoTEs: OrlandiTito, II dossier copto del martire Psote, testi copti, intr. tr.: TDocStA 61. Mi 1978, Cisalpino-G. 139 p., 6 pl. Lit. 13.000. - Rßü 36 (1979) 181s (G. Browne); JTS 30 (1979) 567s (C. C. Walters). y801 STEPHANUS Herndeop.: Kuhn K. Heinz, A panegyric on Apollo, Archimandrite of thc Monastery of Isaac, by Stephen, bishop of Heracleopolis Magna: CSCO 394s. Lv 1978. text. 64 p., tr. 42 p. - RRSO 53 (1979) 420ss (T. Orlandi: Importante per l'Egitto post-calcedonico). y802 Winstcdt Erle 0., Coptic lexts on St. Theodore the General ( Stratelates, + c306) [Theodorus Stratelates], on St. Theodore the Eastem [the Oriental; of Eucha'ita], and on Chamoul [Apa Camul] and Justus. Ed. from various manuscripts, transl. and ann., accompanied by introd. and ind. of names and Sahidic, Bohairic and Greek words. Amsterdam 1979, ApaPhilo. = L 1910, Text and Translation Society 10. xxx-259 p. y803 ZAR·A: Ricci L., Miracoli di Zar' a Buruk, traduzione e commento storico: CSCO 409, aeth. 72. Lv 1979. xi-187 p. Y3 Medium Aevum prius - Early Middle Ages y804 ABELARD Peter, A Dialogue of a Philosopher with a Jew and a Christian, tr. Pierre J. Payer: Mediaeval Sources in Translation 20. Ld 1979,

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Brlll. (Turonto, Pontificnl Institute of Mediaeval Studies). vm-187 p. /9. y805 Abels Richard, Harrison Ellen, The Participation of Women in Languedocian Catharism: MedSt 41 (1979) 215-51. y806 Baier W., Untersuchungen zu den Passionsbetrachtungen in der Vita Christi des Ludolf von Sachsen: ein quellenkritischer Beitrag zu Leben und Werk Ludolfs und zur Geschichte der Passionstheologie [Diss. Regensburg 1977: erarb. am Institut für Englische Sprache und Literatur, Univ. Salzburg]; Analecta Carthusiana 44. 1977. 3 vol.: p. 1-195, 197389, 391-614. y807 Bakhuizen van den Brink J. N., Ratramnus: De Corpore et Sanguine Domini: Texte original et notice bibliographique2 (renouvelee): VerhKonNedAk 87. Amst/L 1974 1 1954, North Holland. /60. - RJTS 29 (1978) 245ss (T. M. Parker). y808 Belkin J., 'Welt' bei Otfrid [➔ 1063]: WegFor 419 (1978) 363-86, 1 fig. < ZDtSpra 27 (1971) 45-60. . y809 Belting H., Cavallo G., Die Bibel des Niketas: ein Werk der höfischen Buchkunst in Byzanz und sein justinianisches Vorbild: Veröff. der Heidelb. Ak. Wiss., Phil.-Hist. Kl. Wb 1979, Reichert. 62 p., 64 pl. (z.T. farb). DM 98. y810 Blumenkranz Bernhard, Juifs et Chretiens. Patristique et Moyen-Äge (I. Bible. Ecrivains chretiens: II. Mission juive - mission chretienm:; III. Lcgislation canoniqi1e. 23 articuli reimpressi, cum paginatione originali]. L 1977, Variorum Reprints. [368 p.]. y811 Borger H., Die mittelalterliche Stadt als Abbild des himmlischen Jerusalem: Symbolon 2 (Köln 1972) 21-48, 8 Bilder. y812 Bosch A. van den, a) Christ an 895, TRE 2 (1978) 266-76. y835 Herzog R., Die Bibelepik der lateinischen Spätantike. Formgeschichte einer erbaulichen Gattung I: Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der schönen Künste, 37. Mü 1978, W. Fink. Lxxvm-223. - RDLZ 99 (1978) 241s (W. Kirsch). y836 Heymans J. G., Psalters der Modeme Devotie: Corpus SScr. Neer. Medii Aevi, Series Minor V, Psalteria II. Ld 1978, Brill. xvn-354 p. /84. y837 Iriarte L., Testi del NT particolarmente cari a S. Francesco: Laurentianum 19 (1978) 261-74. y838 Khoury R. G., Quelques reflexions sur les citations de la Bible dans les premieres generations islamiques du premier et du deuxieme siecles de l'Hegire: --> 146, Fs. H. LAousT, BullEtOr 29 (1977) 269-278. y839 Kopec J. J. IR] Das Herrenleiden in der religiösen Kultur des polnischen Mittelalters. Eine Untersuchung der Passionsmotive und liturgischen Texte: Textus et studia historiam theologiae in Polonia excultae spectantia 3. Wsz 1975, AkTeolKat. 448 p. - RTR 75 (1979) 37s (E. Valasek). y840 Krogmann W., Zur Überlieferung von Otfrids Evangelienbuch: ➔ 178, WegFor 419 (19'/8) 239-50 < Fcstg. für Ulrich PRETZEJ . (B-West 1963) 13-21. ➔ 1063. y841 Kune J. H., Die Auferstehung Christi im deutschen rdigiöscn Drama des Mittelalters. Diss ... : Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur 36. Amst 1979, Rodopi. 250 p., ill. y842 Lachmann K., Otftied [sie]: ➔ 178, WegFor 419 (1978) 18-30 < Lachmann, Kleine Schriften, hg. v. K. Müllenhoff (B 1876) 449-60. y843 Loos M., Dualist Heresy in the Middle Ages. Praha 1974, Ceskoslovenskä Ak. Ved. 397 p. - RßyZ 71 (1978) 112s (A. Davids); Byzantion 47 (1977) 553s (M. de Waha). Lourdaux W., Verhelst D. ed., The Diblc and Mediaeval Culture 1979 ➔ 479. y844 Loyn H. R., Beda Venerabilis: ➔ 895, TRE 5,3 (1979) 397-402. y845 McGuire Brian P., God, Man and the Devil in Medieval Theology and Culture [< diss.]: Cahiers de !'Institut du Moyen Age grec et latin 18 (1976) 18-82. - RRHE 74 (1979) 285s (R. Bultot). y846 McLachlan E., In the Wake of the Bury Bible: Followers of Master Hugo at Bury St. Edmunds: J Warb 42 (1979) 216-24, pl. 43-46. y847 Magoun F.P.J, Otfrids 'Ad Liutbertum': ➔ 178, WegFor 419 (1978) 74-105 < angl.: PMLA 58 (1943) 869-90. y848 Magri Marco, Clemente [Studita, anti-iconoclastico] innografo e gli inediti (7] canoni cerimoniali; Prolegomeni, testo, incipitario: Biblioteca di Helikon Testi e Studi 12. R 1979 Erma-B. 225 p. y849 Manns F., Fran9ois d'Assise, exegete: Francesco d'Assisi nel 750mo della morte, QuadTS. J 1976, Franciscan [262 p.] p. 201-224. y850 Marrou H.-I., Decadence romaine ou antiquite tardive? me-VIe [corr. couverture!] siede: Points Histoire 29. P 1977, Seuil. 183 p. - RBStLat 9 (1979) 83-92 (L. De Salvo); NR T 100 (1978) 596 (R. Godding). y851 Masser Achim, Bibel- und Legendenepik des deutschen Mittelalters: Grundlagen der Germanistik 19. B 1976, E .. Schmidt. 201 p. DM 21,80 pa. - RzKG 89 (1978) 174s (1. Meiners t).


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y852 Michel A., In hymnis et canticis. Culture et beaute dans l'hymnique chretienne latine: Philosophes medievaux, XX. Lv/P 1976, Publ. Universitaires/Vander-Oyez. 412 p. - RMusHelv 35 (1978) 175 (J. Ernst). y853 Michel P., Schwarz Alexander: Unz in obanentig. Aus der Werkstatt der karolingischen Exegeten Alcuin, Erkanbert und Otfried von Weissenburg: Studien zur Germanistik, Anglistik und Komp. 79. Bochum 1978, Bouvier. 179 p. DM 29. y854 Möbius Helga, Passion und Auferstehung in Kultur und Kunst des Mittelalters: oB 1978, Union. M 28,80 [= W 1979, Tusch. 0 3-85063-087-0] 283 p., 170 (col.) ill. y855 Moraux P., Ein unedierter Kurzkommentar zu Porphyrios' Isagoge: ZPapEp 35 (1979) 55-98. y856 Nasrallah Joseph, Histoire du mouvement litteraire dans l'Eglise melchite du ye au XXe siede, IV, 1. Lv 1979, Peeters. 316 p. y857 Neid! Walter M., Das Gott-in-Kosmos-Sein des Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita und das Sein-in-Welt Martin Heideggers: ZKT 100 (1978) 211-46. y858 Ohly F., Geistige Süsse bei Otfried [... suazi bishin zu der Gottebenbildlichkeit. .. ]: ➔ 178, WegFor 419 (1978) 306-40 < Typologia Literarum, Fs. Max WEHRLI(Z/Fr 1969) 95-124. y859 Olsen G. W., Reference to the ecclesia primitiva in eighth century Irish Gospel exegesis: Thought 54 (1979) 303-312. y860 Oursel C., La Bible de S. Etienne Harding et le scriptorium de Citeaux (1109-vers 1134): Citeaux, commentarii cisterc. 10 (Westmalle 1959) 3243. y861 Peri 1., Das Hexaemeron Arnos von Reichersberg: eine Exegese aus dem 12. Jdt.: Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterneuburg NF 10. Graz 1976, H. Böhlaus Nachf. 115 p., 2 pl. - RJTS 29 (1978) 583s (B. Smalley). y862 Petzsch C., Otfrids 'Cantus lectionis': ➔ 178, WegFor 419 (1978) 219-28 < Euphorion 56 (Lp 1962) 397-401 + Nachtrag. y863 Rauh Horst D., Das Bild des Antichrist im Mittelalter: von Tyconius zum deutschen Symholismus2 erw. (Diss. Erlangen 1969 '-'" 52,8169): BeiGPhilTMA NF 9. Münster 1979, Aschendorff. xvi-559 p. DM 98 pa. 0 3-402-03903-6. y864 Rissei Maria, Rezeption antiker und patristischer Wissenschaft bei Hrabanus Maurus; Studien zur karolingischen Geistesgeschichte (Diss. dir. T. Schieffer): LatSprLitMA 7. Bern 1976, Lang. vn-370 p. Fs. 67. RzKG 89 (1978) 179ss (G. Haendler). y865 Ronig F. J., Codex Egberti. Das Perikopenbuch des Erzbischofs Egbert von Trier (977-993): Treveris Sacra 1. Trier 1977, Spee. 130 p., 22 pl. + 32 col. DM 19,80. y866 Sabersky-Bascho D., Studien zur Paronomasie bei Bernhard von Clairvaux [I. Die Paronomasie in Bernhards Bibelstil: 17-94 ... ] [Diss. Zürich 1977178]: Dokimion, Neue Schriftenreihe zur/Nouveaux Supplements a la FreibZ Bd. 5. Freiburg, Schw. 1979, Universitäts-verlag. y867 Schlosser H. D., Literaturtheorie bei Otfried von Weissenburg: -> 178, WegFor 419 (1978) 387-96 < in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 6 (Kiel 1975) 264-72.

v3 Medium Aevum prius - Early Middle Ages


y8G8 Schncycr Johannes R., [U.a. biblisches] Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters. Für die Zeit von 1150-1350: BeiUl'hilTMA 43/7. Münster 1976, Aschendorff. v-681 p., DM 130. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 824ss (W. Nagel). y869 Schönborn C., von, L'icöne du Christ: fondements theologiques: Paradosis, XXIV. Fr. S 1976, Ed. Univ. 245 p. Fs 25. - RJTS 29 (1978) 244s (S. Brack). y870 Schützeichel R., al., ed., Das mittelrheinische Passionsspiel der St.Galler Handschrift 919. Tü 1978, M. Niemeyer, x-351 p., Facsimile (vollständig). y871 Sheehan D. F., Sacramentum in a Ninth Century Controversy ... Amalarius of Metz and Florus of Lyons. Excerp. Diss. Theol. Univ. Gregorianae. R 1979. 75 p. y872 Smalley B., a) Peter Comestor on the Gospels and his Sources: RTAM 46 (1979) 84-129; b) Some Gospel Commentaries of the Early Twelfth Century: RTAM 45 (1978) 147-180. y873 Spiteris Jannis, La Critica Bizantina del Primato Romano nel sec. XII: Orientalia Christiana Analecta 208. R 1979, Pontificium Institutum Orientalium Studiorum. xxiv-336 p.; bibliog. p. xm-xx1v. Lit. 15000. y874 Stegmüller Friedrich (Reinhardt Nikolaus), Repertorium Biblicum Medii Aevi VIII. Supplcmentum: Apocr.VNT; Prol. VNT, Comm. Mediaev. 1976. - IX. Supplementi altera pars, Glossa Ordinaria; corrigenda. 1977. - X. Initia graeca; initia latina A-K., 1979. Madrid, Cons.Sup.lnv.Cientificas, Ist.F.Suarez. 410 p,; 567 p.; 559 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 766 (H. Silvestre, vol. 8-9); TPhil 54 (1979) 279 (C. Lohr, vol. 8-9). y875 Thil:t M., Orundlugtm und Gcstnlt der Hebräisch-Kenntnisse des frühen Mittelalters. Spoleto 1973, Istituto Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo. xu-450 p. [... Roger Bacon ... ]. - RArFrancH 71 (1978) 275ss (J.-G. Bougerol). y876 Thouzellier C., L'emploi de la Bible par les Cathares (XIIIe s.): ➔ 479 Lourdaux W., Bible 1979, 141-156. y877 Trenel Jacques, L'Ancien Testament et la langue franyaise du Mayen Ä&e (, 8q5e siede). Etude sur le röle de l'element biblique dans l'histoire de la languc des origines a la fm du 15c siecle. Gencvc 1968 = 1904, Slatkine. vn-670 p. y878 Unterkircher F., Burgundisches .Brevier. Die schönsten Miniaturen aus dem Stundenbuch der Maria von Burgund (Codex vindob. 1857) Graz 1974, Akademische D.u.V.sanstalt. 145p., 48 col. phot. y879 Weckwerth A., Armenbibel: ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 8-10. y880 Weissmann W., Kirche und Schauspiele. Wü 1972. - RArena 1,1 (1975) 185-97 (J. Ebert). y881 Wolter E., Das St.Galler Spiel vom Leben Jesu. Untersuchungen und Text: Germanistische Abhandlungen, 41 [= Breslau 1912]. Hildesheim 1977, Olms. xn-240p. - RBeiNam 14 (1979) 172s (L. Voetz). y882 Zotto Cornelio del, Franz von Assisi, lebendiger Garant der hl. Schrift und des ganzen Wortes, des geoffenbarten wie des verkündigten, in der geistigen Synthese des hl. Bonaventura: FranzSt 60 (1978) 361-73; ähnlich 347-60 K.. Essert.


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Y3.5 Medium Aevum posterius - Later Middle Ages y883 Bedouelle Guy, a) Le:fevre d'Etaples et l'intelligence des Ecritures: Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 152 ➔ 56,a331*: RNRT 101 (1979) 115s (G. Chantraine); ZKG 89 (1978) 215s (W. Kohl). - b) Le:fevre d'Etaples Jacques (Faber Stapulensis): ➔ 871, DictSpir 9 fase. 61 (1976) 520-5. y884 Boyle L. E., Robert Grosseteste and Transubstantiation: JTS 30 (1979) 512-15 on 27 (1976) 381-90, K. M. Purday. y885 Bujo B., Moralautonomie und Normenfindung bei Thomas von Aquin: Unter Einbeziehung der neutestamentlichen Kommentare (Münchener Univ. sehr., Fachbereich Kath. Theol.): Veröffentl. Grabmann Inst., N. F., 29. Pd 1979, Schöningh. DM 44. 382 p. y886 Camps G., Cinc-cents anys de la primera edici6 catalana de la Biblia [Valencia 1478]: RCatalT 3 (1978) 3-16; 17-98 P. Perarnau de versionibus mediaevalibus; 153-71 M. S. Gros de latinis musei urbis Vic. y887 Cappello G., a) Per la storia dell'ermeneutica biblica del '500: Guglielmo Bri9onnet [(1472-1534); etiam J. Le:fevre d'Etaples]: ➔ 693, Assistenti 1974/5, 293-303. - b) Veissiere M., Tardif H., L'emploi de l'Ecriture Sainte par G. Bri9onnet, eveque de Meaux entre 1519 et 1524: RSPT 63 (1979) 345-64. y888 Chenu M. D., La Teologia come scienza. La Teologia nel XIII secolo (P 1969, Vrin, imprimatur 1956) tr. G. Penco. Mi 1971, Jaca. 124 p. Lit. 1500. y889 Evans G. R., The Academic Study of the Creeds in Twelfth-Century Schools: JTS 30 (1979) 463-80. y890 Feiss Hugh B., Learning and the Ascent to God in Richard of St. Victor: diss. Sant'Anselmo, Rome. St. Benedict OR 1979; excerpts. 407 p.; bibliog. 320-407. y891 Foster M. J., The Iconography of St. Joseph in Netherlandish Art, 14001550: diss. Univ. of Kansas 1978. 373 p., vol. of Illustrations. 0 7907830. DissA 39 (1978s) 5773-A. y892 CToff J. Le al., 11 cristianesimo mcdievale: Storia 871, Dict Spir 9 fase. 62s (1976) 1206-43. y938 Alonso Schökel Luis, Fray Alonso tlt: Cabrera, interprete de la Rscritura: ComSev 12 (1979) 333-350. y939 Andres G. 'de, Proceso Inquisitorial del Padre [Jose de] Sigüenza [promptly cleared of charges like 'hebraizing' of which it took five years to. clear Luis de Le6n]. M 1975, Fundaci6n Universitaria Espaiiola. 308 p. - RJTS 29 (1978) 596-99 (C. P. Thompson). y940 Bainton R. H., Women of the Reformation/ from Spain lu Scandinavin [in Germany and Italy]. Minneapolis 1977 [1971], Augsburg. 240 p. [279 p.]. y941 Bijl S. W., Erasmus in het Nederlands tot 1617: diss. Ld 1978, dir. C. C. de Bruin. Nieuwkoop, De Graaf. 442 p. - RTsTNijm 18 (1978) 330. y942 Boenig R. E., Andreas and Doctrinal Controversy in the Early Middle Ages [ ... Andreas, Initial poem of the Vercelli Book and Andreas in the Praxeis (tön Apost6lön) ... ] Diss. State Univ. of New Jersey at Brunswick 1978, dir. W. F. Bolton. 232 p. 0 7910368. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6753A. y943 Bosshard S. N., Zwingli - Erasmus - Cajetan. Die Eucharistie als Zeichen der Einheit: Veröff. Inst. Europ. Gesch. Mainz, 89. Wb 1978, Steiner. xv-176p. y944 Boyle M. 0., Erasmus on Language and Method in Theology: Erasmus


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Studies, 2. Toronto/Buffalo 1977, n of Toronto. xrv-265p. $1 ~. - RETL 54 (1978) 260s (J. Coppens); JTS 30 (1979) 361s (C. Robinson). y945 Chomarat J. al., La Correspondance d'Erasme ... VIII: 1529-30. Bru/Nieuwkoop 1979, Univ/De Graaf. 670 p. f 140. y946 Coppens J., Miscellanees bibliques XCII. Erasme exegete; XCIII. Les colloquia familiaria d'Erasme: ETL 54 (1978) 130-33; 134-44. y947 Courvoisier J., La haute ecole de Geneve au XVJe siecle d'apres le discours de Theodore de Beze ä l'inauguration du College et Academie de Geneve: TZBas 35 (1979) 169-76. De Klerk P., Calvin bibliography 1978 ➔ 978. Demolen R. L., Essays on the Works of Erasmus 1978 ➔ 420. y948 Donnelly J. Patrick, Calvinism and Scholasticism in Vermigli's Doctrine of Man and Grace: StMedReffh 18. Ld 1976, Brill. x-235 p. - RscotJT 31 (1978) 571-8 (J. C. McLelland); ZKG 89 (1978) 430s (T. A. Brady J deutsch). y949 Anderson M. W., Peter Martyr: A Reformer in Exile (1542-62) [further subtitle: A Chronology of Biblical Writings in England and Europe]. Nieuwkoop 1975, B. de Graaf. 607 p. f:23. - RscotJT 31 (1978) 496s (D. F. Wright). y950 McLelland J. C., Calvinism perfecting Thomism? [J. P. Donnelly 1976 on] Peter Martyr Vermigli's Question: ScotJT (1978) 571-8. y951 ERASMUS D., Moriae encomium id est stultitiae laus, ed. C. H. Miller: ~ Opera Omnia 4/3. Amst 1979. 224 p., 9 facsim. y952 Etchegaray A., Juan Vives segun Erasmo de Rotterdam: ➔ 711, Homenaje a Luis Vives, VI Congreso Est. Cläsicos M 1974/7, 113-21. Fatio Olivier, Fraenk.el Pierre ed., Histoire de l'exegcsc au XVJe siede: colloque Geneve 1976/8 ➔ 598. y953 Fatio 0., Methode et Theologie. Lambert Dnneau et les debuts de la scolastique reformee [ ... exegese: p. 64-98 ... ]. Geneve 1976, Droz; xm-194 p.; 223* p. - RArRefg, Literaturbericht 6 (1977) 34s (J. Baur). y954 Fraenkel P., De l'Ecriture ä la dispute. Le cas de l'Academie de Geneve sous Theodore de Beze: Cah RTPhil 1. Lausanne 1977, RTPhil. 42 p. RTR 75 (1979) 382s (A. Ganoczy). y955 Friedman Jerome, Michael Servetus: a Case Study in Total Heresy [Catholics and Calvinists in agreement against him]: Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 163. Geneve 1978, Droz. 149 p. y956 a) Friesen A., Thomas Müntzer (1490-1525) und das AT [< angl: MenQR 47 (1973) 5-19 ➔ 55,a178]: WegFor 491 (1978) 383-402. b) Goertz H.-J., Der Mystiker mit dem Hammer: die theologische Begründung der Revolution bei Th. Müntzer: WegFor 491 (1978) 403 - 44 < KerDo 20 (1974) 23-53. - c) Maron G., Thomas Müntzer als Theologie des Gerichts: Das «Urteil» - ein Schlüsselbegriff seines Denkens: WegFor 491 (1978) 339-82 < ZKG 83 (1972) 195-225. - d) Lau F., Die prophetische Apokalyptik ~ s und Luthers Absage an die Bauernrevolution [< Beiträge zur hist. u. syst. Theologie, Gedenkschrift für D. W. ELERT,hrg. von F. Hübner al. (B 1955, H. Renner) 163-70]: Friesen A. al., Müntzer: WegFor 491 (Da 1978 ix-536 p.) 3-15. - e) Schwartz Reinhard, Die apokalyptische Theologie Thomas Müntzers und

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ilie Taboriten; ßeiHTh 55. Tii 1977, Mohr. VI-142p. DM 29. - RSal 40 (1978) 405s (A. Favale). Gäbler Ulrich, Zwingli ... Bibliographie 1975 ➔ 983. y957 Gäbler U., Herkenrath E. Hg., Heinrich Bullinger 1504-75, Gesammelte Aufsätze: zum 400. Todestag: BeiRefG 7s. Z 1975. xxiv-338 p.; 420 p. DM 104. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 393s (D. F. Wright). y957* Gane E. R., The Exegetical Methods of Some Sixteenth Century Anglican Preachers: Latimer, Jewel, Hooker: AndrUnSS 17 (1979) 23-38.16988: (3. Allegory; 4. Typology; 5. Literal Exposition ... ]. y958 Gilmont J.-F., La bibliographie de la controverse catholique au XVIe siecle. Quelques suggestions methodologiques [W. Klaiber 1978]: RHE 74 (1979) 362-71. y959 a) Grafton A., Rhetoric, Philology and Egyptomania in the 1570s: J. J. Scaliger's Invective against M. Guilandinus's Papyrus: JWarb 42 (1979) 167-94, Pl. 39b-c. - b) Jonge H. J. de, Joseph Scaliger's GreekArabic Lectionary [e 6 in Leiden Univ. Library]: Quaerendo 5 (1975) 143-72. y960 Hasper H. [bewerkt door W. de Graaj], Calvijns beginsel voor de zang in de eredienst, verklaard uit de heilige Schrift en uit de geschiedenis der kerk. Een kerk-historisch en hymnologisch onderzoek, Deel II. Groningen 1976, 'De vuurbaak'. 1147 p. f 175. - RGerefTT 78 (1978) 214ss (G. N. Lammens). y961 Hein L., Italienische Protestanten und ihr Einfluss auf die Reformation in Polen während der beiden Jahrzehnte vor dem Sandomirer Konsens, 1570. Ld 1974 [p. 214-252 J. Brenz de P. P. Vergerio]. y%2 Hillerbrand H. J. cd., The Reformation· a Narrative History Related by Contemporary Observers and Participants. GR 1978 [= 1969], Baker. 499 p. $6.95. y963 Holland R. C., The Hermeneutics of Peter Riedemann (1506-1556): MenQR 50 (1976) 140-42 (H. Pottcker). y964 Hoover A. B. ed., Froschauer Bibel 1536-1744-1975 [1Z 1536, Christoph Froschauer; still used by Hutterites; Upper Gcrman speech of the 16th Cent]. Denver, PA / Caley, Alberta 1975, Macmillan Colony. 1342 p. $17. - RMenQR 50 (1976) 301-04 (W. Klaassen). y965 Hudson A., Selections from English Wycliffite Writings. C 1978, Univ. xu-234 p. f:10.50. - RJTS 30 (1979) 355s (R. F. S. Hamer). y966 Karpp Heinrich, Die kirchengeschichtliche Bedeutung der GutenbergBibel (< Vortrag Konstanz 1978): ZTK 76 (1979) 310-330. y967 Klaiber Wilbirgis, Katholische Kontroverstheologen und Reformer des 16. Jdts: Ein Werkverzeichnis; Einf. R. Bäumer: Ref-G. St. Texte 116. Münster 1978, Aschendorf[ XXVI-334p. DM 36. - RRHE 74 (1979) 36271 (J.-F. Gilmont); TR 75 (1979) 216s (H.-J. Köhler). y968 Kirste Rein ha.rd, Das Zeugnis des Geistes und das Zeugnis der Schrift ... bei J. Gerhard in der Auseinandersetzung mit R. Bellarmins Schriftverständnis 1976 ➔ 58s,904: RTLZ 103 (1978) 532ss (K.-H. Kandler); TR 74 (1978) 210ss (J. Beumer). y969 Krajewski E., The Theology of Felix Manz (t 1527) [ . . . Scripture: p. 77-80... ]: MenQR 36 (1962) 76-87.

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y970 Lamping A. J., Ulrichus Velenus (Oldi'ich Vclensky) and his Treatise Agamst the Papacy: StMedRefTh 19, 1976 ➔ 57,5032; 58s,6479: RzKG 89 (1978) 209-214 (A. Molnar). y971 Laurens P., Desbordes F., Bordon H., La correspondance d'Erasme traduite et annotee d'apres le texte latin de l'Opus epistolarum VII. 1527s [283 ep., 187 Erasmi]: Inst. interuniv.Et.Ren.Hum. Bru 1978, University · Press. 681 p. - RETL 55 (1979) 176 (J. Etienne). y972 Lupton Lewis, A History of the Geneva Bible, vol. 11: Endurance, the first of two volumes devoted to a biography of Miles Coverdale. L 1979, The Olive Tree. 192 p. fl0.40. y973 Magass W., Die Emblematik. Embleme als missionarisches Instrument am Beispiel der 'Icones' des Theodor Beza (1580): LingBib 44 (Jan. 1979) 119-34, ill. y974 Maruyama Tadataka, The Ecclesiology of Theodore Beza: the Reform of the True Church: Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 166. Geneve 1978, Droz. xx-260 p. y975 Meyer H. al. Hg., Katholische Anerkennung des Augsburgischen Bekenntnisses. 1977. - RNorTTs 79 (1978) 198ss (N. E. B/och-Huell). y976 Molnar Amedeo, The Paths of the Czech Bible [later 'Kralice', 157994, under infiuence of Jan Blahoslav]: ComViat 21 (1978) 1-13. y977 Molruir A., Slovem Obnovenä. Cteni o reformaci [Renouvelee par la parole. Lectures sur les reformes]. Prag 1977, Kalich. 265 p. - RRHE 74 (1979) 850s (P. De Vooght).

y978 Moreira de Sa Arturo, De Re Erasmiana. Aspectos do Erasmismo na Cultura Portuguesa do Seculo XVI [139-244 Lucubrationes Chrysostomi 1527 regi lusitano dic:atae]: Braga 1977, Univ. Fnc. Filos. 371 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 298 (F. 0. Busch). y979 Niiesch H.-R., Altwaldensischc Bibelübersetzung: Manuskript Nr. 8 der Bibliolheque municipale, Carpentras; Einleitung, Text, linguistischer Kommentar und Glossar; Romanica Helvetica 92A/B. Bern 1979, Francke. xxx-556 p.; 256 p., 12 pl. Fs 75. y980 Oberman Heiko A., Werden und Wertung der Reformation. Vom Wegestreit zum Glaubenskampf: Spätscholastik und Reformation 2. Tü 1977 2 1979, Mohr. xx-500 p., 9 pl., 2 maps. DM 68. - KRHE 74 (1979) 349-62 (H. Weijenborg).

y981 Augustijn C., Een nieuwe Oberman [Werden und Wertung der Reformation 1977]: GeretTT 78 (1978) 128-32. y982 Weijenborg H., La genese de Ja Reforme et ses valeurs d'apres un recent ouvrage du prof. H. A. Oberman [Werden und Wertung 1977]: RHE 74 (1979) 349-62. y983 O'Reilly T., Erasmus, Ignatius Loyola, and Orthodoxy: JTS 30 (1979) 115-27. y984 Orella y Unzue J. L. de, Respuestas cat6licas a las Centurias de Magdeburgu (1559-88), M 1976, Fundaci6n Universilaria. 637 p. y985 Padberg Rudolf, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Seine Spiritualität Grundlaae seines Reformprogramms: Oecumenismus Spiritualis 2. Pd 1979, Bonifacius. 124 p, DM 9.80. 0 3-87088-228-X. y986 Potter G.R., Zwingli. C 1978=1976, Univ. x1x-432p., 3 maps. f:18.50.

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- RJTS 29 (1978) 270s (0. Chadwick). y987 Presser Helmut, ,Johannes Gutenberg in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten2 rev: Rowohlts Monographien 134. Ha-Reinbeck 1979, Rowohlt. 173 p.; bibliog. 165-171. DM 6,80 pa. 0 3-499-50134-1. y988 Rabil A. J Erasmus and the NT 1972 ➔ 54,al78; 55,9970: RJAAR 43 (1975) 436s (C. N. Foshee). y989 Renault E., Therese d'Avila. Aux sources d'eau vive. Lecture du NT: Epiphanie. P 1978, Cerf. 111 p. F 27.

y990 Rodrigues M. A., a) A obra exegetica de Fr. Jer6nimo de Azambuja (Oleastro) 0. P. [t 1563]: os cänones biblicos eo prefäcio as Pentateuco: Biblos (Coimbra) 55 (misc. S. Lima 1978) 183-95. - b) Alguns aspectos da obra exeg. J. Az. Coimbra l!r/8, Univ. Fac. Letras. 14 p. y991 Rodrigues M. A., D. Pedro de Figueir6 e a sua obra exegetica: Didaskalia 5 (1975) 133-53. y992 Saint Joseph a l'epoque de la Renaissance (1450-1600). Cahiers de Josephologie 25 (1977). y993 Salucci B., Una falsa attribuzione a Teodoro Studita [florilegi greci 16 sec.]: AtAcBol, RCSl:Mor 66.1 (1977) 105-113; text. er, 114-17. y994 Scheible H., Mdanchthons Briefwechsel. Kritische und kommentierte Gesamtausgabe. Im Auftrag der HeidAk. Stu etc. 1977s, FrommannHolzboog. I. Regesten 1-1109 (1514-30) 4S6p.; II. Reg. 1110-2335 (153139) 487 p. - RGGA 231 (1979) 249-59 (E. Wolgast). . y995 Schenker W., Die Sprache Huldrych Zwinglis im Kontrast zur Sprache Luthers: Studia Linguistica Germanica, 4, B/NY 1977, de Gruyter. 257 p. - RßeiNam 14 (1979) 234s (H. Stopp). y996 Schmidt M. A., Karlstadt als Theologe und Prediger in Basel: TZBas 35 (1979 fase. 3 Zur 450-Jahr-Feier der Reformation in Basel) 156-68. y997 Schmidt Wieland, Schmidt-Künsemüller F. A., Johannes Gutenbergs zweiundvierzigzeilige Bibel: Kommentarband, mit Beitr. S. Corsten. Mü 1979, Idion. 200 p., ill. DM 480 (subscr.). y998 Schöne Jobst Hg., Bekenntnis zur Wahrheit: Aufsätze über die Konkordienformel. Erlangen 1978, Martin-Luther-Verlag. 192 p. y999 Schönstädt Hans-Jürgen, Antichrist, Weltheilsgeschehen und Gottes Werkzeug. Römische Kirche, Reform und Luther im Spiegel des Reformationsjubiläums 1617: Veröff. Inst. Eur. Gesch. Mainz 88. Wb 1978, F. Steiner. XXXVI-328p. DM 80. - RTüTQ 159 (1979) 236s (R. Reinhardt: gefällt nicht, verdient Beachtung). · zl Schoeps H. J., Deutsche Geistesgeschichte der Neuzeit. Ein Abriss in fünf Bänden. 1. Das Zeitalter der Reformation. 2. Das Zeitalter des Barock, zwischen Reformation und Aufklärung. Mainz 1977s, Hase & K. 379 p: 344 p. DM 48 each. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 439ss (G. Wendelborn); TZBas 35 (1979) 375 (B. Reicke: auffällige Einfühlung für Leistungen der Christen). z2 Schutte Anne J., Pier Paolo Vergerio (1498-1565]: the Making of an Italian Reformer: Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance 160. Geneva 1977, Droz. 300 p. Fs 85. - RTS 39 (1978) 547s (J. N. Tylenda). z3 Selections from English Wycliflite Writings, ed. by H. Hudson [ . . . early Lollardy Bible use .... ]. NY 1978, Cambridge U. P. xn-234 p. $22.95. 60. - E/enchus bibliographicus 60 (1979)


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RJAAR 47 (1979) 330 (J. C. Biddle). z4 Sider Ronald J. Andreas Karlstadt: StMedRef Thought 1974 ➔ 56,a330: RTLZ 103 (1978) 663-6 (S. Bräuer). z5 Sider Ronald J., Karlstadt's Battle with Luther: Documents in a LiberalRadical Debate. Ph 1978, Fortress. xi-161 p. z6 Stähli H.-P., Das AT in den Briefen Calvins: WDienst 15 (1979) 11531. z7 Stauffer R., Dieu, la creation et la Providence dans 1a predication de Calvin: Basler und Berner Studien zur historischen und systematischen Theologie, 33. Bern 1978, P. Lang. 344 p. Fs 62. z8 Stupperich Robert, Erasmus von Rotterdam und seine Welt. B 1977, de Gruyter. ix-210 p. DM 38. - RNorTTs 79 (1978) 126s (T. Rasmussen); RHE 74 (1979) 146s (G. Chantraine). z9 Uchiyama Minoru, Eine echte Zwingli-Bibel, zusammengestellt aus den Bibelzitaten Zwinglis in seinen früheren Schriften [bis März 1524] und Luthers Bibelübersetzung von 1522 dem Septembertestament gegenübergestellt: Bulletin of Tokyo Medical College 4 (Feb. 1978) 19-48. zlO Willi T., Der Beitrag des Hebräischen zum Werden der Reformation in Basel: TZBas 35 (1979) 139-54. zl 1 Wink/er G. B., Erasmus von Rotterdam und die Einleitungsschriften zum NT: RefGStTexte 108, 1974 ➔ 55,9972: RHz 226 (1978) 452ss (K. H. Oelrich). Y4.5 Exegesis post-re.formatoria - Historical edticism to 1800 z12 Alexander G., Wie kam [G. E.] Lessing zur Handschrift der Wolfenbütteler Fragmente? [des H. S. Reimarus (1694-1768)]: Philobiblon, eine Vierteljahrsschrift für Buch-und Graphiksammler 16 (Hamburg 1972) 160173. z13 Allwohn Adolf, Der Mythos bei Schelling: Kant-Studien, ErgH 61. Vaduz 1978 = 1927, Topos. 78 p. DM 25 pa. 0 3-289-00194-6. zl4 Andres Castellanos E. de, Helenistas espaiioles del siglo XVII. Tesis Univ. Complutense 1975. - RUnComplut 24,100 II (1975) 19s. zl5 Andre-Vincent P.-1., Le prophetisme de Barthelemy de Las Casas: NRT 101 (1979) 541-560. z16 Bargebuhr F. P., Die Ehre Gottes bei Spinoza, bei lbn Gabarol und Dante: ➔ 22, Fs. S. BEN-CHORIN 1978, 123-131. zl 7 Barrio Barrio J., Felix Torres Amat (1772-1847): un obispo reformador [Diss. Gregoriana 1977]: Anthologia Annua 22s (1975s) 205-460. 270 p. RRBibArg 41 (1979) 221-24 (H. Bojorge). zl8 Barth Karl, La teologia protestante nel XIX secolo, I: Le origini. Löscher, Rousseau, Lessing, Kant, Herder, Novalis, Hegel [Die protestantische Theologie im 19. Jahrhundert 1946] tr. Giampiero Bof, Introd. Italo Mancini: Gia e non ancora 45. M 1979, Jaca. 474 p. Lit. 20.000. zl9 BENGELJoh. Albrecht (1687-1752): ➔ 895, TRE 5,3s (1979) 583-89 (M. Brecht). z20 Blethen H. T., Bishop John Williams's Recantation of his Holy Table,

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Name and Thing, 1638: JTS 29 (1978) 157-160. z21 Bodin Jean (1530-96), Colloquium of the Seven about Secrets of the Sublime [lat. Colloquium heptaplomeres, scl. Catholici, Judaei, Lutherani, Calvinistae, Muslimi, Sceptici, Philosophi Naturalistae] tr. M. L. D. Kuntz. Princeton 1975, Univ. Lxxxr-506 p. $25. - RstCompRel 11 (1977) 63 (J. C. Cooper). z22 Brandl M., Die deutschen katholischen Theologen der Neuzeit. Ein Repertorium. II. Aufklärung. Salzburg 1978, W. Neugebauer. xxxrv-321 p. DM 138, Sch. 900. z23 Budzynski Josef, IE] La tradition biblique dans la poesie lyrique religieuse de Mathias Casimir Sarbiewski. Roczn. hum. 21,3 (1973) 93-107: VT; Cant. z24 Campbell G., Milton's Theological and Literary Treatments of the Creation: JTS 30 (1979) 128-37: De doctrina christiana de causis metaphysicis et motivo gloriae Dei; Paradise Lost bis de creatione secunda, impositione ordinis in chaos. z25 Camporeale S. 1., Da Lorenzo Valla a Tommaso Moro: Lo statuto umanistico della teologia [... II. Critica filologica ed esegesi biblica (spcc. Letterae ad Dorp Th.Mori)]: MemDom, N. S. 4 (Pistoia 1973) 9-102. z26 Carr S. L., 'Striving with Systems': William Blake's Print-making Process and Jerusalem: diss Michigan 1979, dir. John i Wright. 237 p. 0 7916678. - DissA 40 (1979) 857-A. z27 Catrice P., L'abbe Henri Gregoire (1750-1831) 'ami de tous les hommes' et la regeneration des Juifs [janscniste]: MelScRel 36 (1979) 139-73. z28 Ceyssens L. al., Colloquium over Jansenius en Jansenisme in de Nederlanden, 4-7 apr. 1979: TsTNijm 19 (1979) 405s (M. Schrama). z29 Ceyssens Lucien, L'CEuvre litteraire de I. Väsquez sur le Jansenisme et l'antijansenisme devant la critique [' Ant' 20]. 288 p. z30 Christianson P., Reformers and Babylon: English apocalyptic visions from the Reformation to the eve of the civil war Toronto 1978, Univ. x-285 p. $17.50. [imagines biblicae]. - RJTS 30 (1979) 587ss (R. J. Dingley). z31 Cool J. F., The Infemal Council in the Sixteenth Century Biblical Epic [in Latin and Italian Epics: Valli's Jesuida, Mantuan's Parthenice II; Vida's Christiad . .. ; Tasso's Gerusalemme Liberata]: diss. Yale 1978. 336 p. 0 7916608. DissA 40 (1979) 236-A. z32 Cotoni M.-H., La critique biblique en 1778: Dix-huitieme Siede 11 (1979) 213-233. z33 Craigie P. C., The Influence of Spinoza in the Higher Criticism of the VT: EvQ 50 (1978) 23-32. z34 Custodio Vega Angel ed., Poesias [del] Fray Luis de Le6n; introd. y notas 3 : Hispänicos planeta 2. M 1977, Cupsa. LXII-175p. z35 Dahlhaus-Berg E., Nova antiquitas et antiquitas nova: Typologische Exegese und isidorianisches Geschichtsbild bei Theodulfus von Orleans: Kölner Historische Abhandlungen 23, 1975 -> 56,a248: RFrancia 4 (Mü 1976) 836ss (W. Hartmann). z36 Dan Robert, IMIHumanism and ... Hebrew in Hungary 1973-> 56,a292. - RREJuiv 134 (1975) 216s (G. Vajda).


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z37 Delcor Mathias, Jean Plantavit de la Pause, eveque de Lodeve, un grand hebraYsant oublie (1579-1651) [< Melanges J. DAUVILLIER (Toulouse 1979) 235-44]: .....293, Etudcs 1979, 393-402. z38 Delling G., Johann Jakob GriesJ:,ach: His Life, Work, and Times: ➔ 623, Orchard B., SocNTSt, Mon 34 (1977) 5-15; ap'pendix: His published works: 16-20 ... + Notes. z39 Delumeau J., Catholicism between Luther and Voltaire; introd. J. Bossy. L/Ph 1977, Bums & Oates/Westminster. 284 p. f, 9.50/$10.50. - RExpTim 89 (1977s) 155 (B. M. G. Reardon); PrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 295s (J. H. Nichols); TS 39 (1978) 548s (J. W. O'Mal/ey). z40 Dierse Ulrich, Enzyklopädie. Zur Geschichte eines philosophischen und wissenschaftshistorischen Begriffs: ABG 2. Bonn 1977, Bouvier/Grundmann. vm-274 p. z41 Dohmeier H.-J., Die Grundzüge der Theologie Johann Philipp Gablers; Diss. Münster 1976. u-212 p. z42 Dose K., Die Bedeutung der Schrift für Zinzendorfs Denken und Handeln; Uiss. Honn 1977, 335 p.; p. 343-589. · z43 Eisenstein E. L., The Printine Press as an Agent of Change: Comnmnications and cultural transformations in early-modem Europe. C etc. 1979, C.U .P. xxr-450, 451-79'1. ! 35. - 1,303-450 The scriplural tradltiun recnst: rcsclling the stag1: fur the Reformation; 2,683-708 Conclusion: Scripture and nature transformed. z44 Feld H., Wendelini Steinbach opera exegetica quae supersunt omnia 1; Inst. Europ. Gesch. Veröff. 81. Stu 1976, Steiner. LXIII-342p. - RRTPhil 111 (1979) 205s (C. Chimelli). z45 Fellmann J., Job Ludolf (1624-1704) as Founder of Ethiopic Studies in Europe: Historiographia Linguistica 3 (Amst 1976) 377-383. z46 Fischer Wolfgang, Einige Anmerkungen zu einer Darstellung der Begründung der Pädagogik bei L. A. Seneca [T. Ballauf, B 1966]: WegFor 377 (1976) 419-32 < VjWissPäd 45 (Münster 1969) 56-65. z47 Fisher W. D., Bums and the Bible: A Series of Parallels to Show Lovers of Bums the Inspiration he found in the Bible, and to Show Lovers of the Bible how much of its spirit they will find in Bums. Folcroft PA 1977, Folcroft Library reprint. 64 p., $10. z48 Fowler D. C., The Bible in Early English Literature, Seattle 1976 .....58s,1475: Rspeculum 53 (1978) 572s (L. L. Besserman). z49 Freiday Dean, The Bible, its Criticism, Interpretation and Use in 16th and 17th Century England. Manasquan NJ 1979, Catholic and Quaker Studies 4. Iv-195 p. $8.50. · z50 Friederich Christoph, Sprache und Geschichte: Untersuchung zur Hermeneutik von Johann Martin Chladenius: Studien zur Wissenschaftstheorie 13. Meisenheim 1978, Hain. 293 p. DM 85 p. 0 3-445-11567-2. z5 I Fuks Sarah ed., I!!] Baruch Spinoza, Third Centenary of his Death: a collection of essays. Haifa 1978. 196 p. Eng. summaries. z52 Gaede, geb. Bienwald, K., Das Schriftverständnis Lev Tolstojs und Fragen seines gesellschaftlichen Bezugs: Diss. Humboldt-Univ., oB 1974. 191 p., p. 192-333 + 5. z53 Galluzzi Paolo, Momento. Studi galileiani: Lessico intellettuale Europeo

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19. R 1979, Atcneo & Bizzarri. xvr-436p. z54 Gawlick G., Niewöhner F. Hg., Spinoza Studienausgabe I. Tractatus theologico-politicus: Opera lat.-deutsch. 1. Da 1979, Wiss. z55 Gensichen Hans-P., Naturwissenschaft und Theologie im Werk von Otto Kleinschmidt: Diss. Halle/Saale 1977. 264 p., 138 p. z56 Genthe Hans J., Kleine Geschichte der neutestamentlichen Wissenschaft [Gö 1977, VR=] Mit den Augen der Forschung. B 1976, Ev.-V. 356p., 15 pl. - RTLZ 104 (1979) 359-63 (0. Merk: viele Fehler). z57 Göpfert Herbert H. (Eibl Karl), Werke, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing VIII. Theologiekritische Schriften 3, bearb. Helmut Göbel. Mü 1979, Hauser. 976 p. DM 108. 0 3-446-11891-8. z58 Greschat Martin Hg., Zur neueren Pietismusforschung: WegF 440. Da 1977, Wiss. 448 p. DM 41. - RzKG 89 (1978) ?.24-6 (E. Bayreuther). z59 Hall Basil, The Trilingual College of S. Ildefonso and the Making of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible: StChH 5 (Ld 1969) 114-146. z60 Hamm B. E., Adam and the Tragic Perspective in Paradise Lost: Tnr,rease in Learning: ➔ 249, Fs. J. G. VANBUREN,1979, 13-27. z61 Hernando Martin C., El hclenismo espaiiol en el siglo XVlll. Tesis Univ. Complutense 1973 (3 tomos). - RUnComplut 23, 94 II (1974) 54ss. z62 Hoenderdaal G. J., Arminius: -> 895, TRE 4 (1979) 63-9. z63 Jacobi R. L., Heinrich Heines jüdisches Erbe: Abh. zur Kunst-, Musikund Literaturwiss., 243. Bonn 1978, Bouvier. vm-184 p. DM 28 pa. z64 Jacquet Christian, La pensee religieuse de Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Lv Fac. Philos 13/1. Lv/Ld 1975, Univ./Brill. 230 p.; bibliog. 209-226. z65 Kaiser 0., Johann Salomo Semler als Bahnbrecher der modernen Bibelwissenschaft: -> 269, Fs. E. WüRTHWEIN1979, 59-74. z66 Kraus H.-J., L'AT nella ricerca storico-critica dalla Riforma ad oggi [21969] tr. G. Martinetto, pref. G. Rinaldi p. VII-XIX:Collana di Studi Religiosi [28]. Bo 1975, Mulino. XIX-798 p. - RProt 34 (1979) 236s (J. A. Soggin). z67 Krause Gerhard, Christuskreuz und Christenkreuz bei Paul Gerhardt: -> 63, Fs. E. DINKLER1979, 283-302. z68 Krieg G.,Der mystische Kreis: Wesen und Werden der Theologie Pierre Piorets: Arbeiten zur Gesch. des Pietismus, 17. Gö 1979, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 230 p. DM 50. z69 Leclercq J., Les traductions de la Bible et la spiritualite medievale/Usage et abus de la Bible au temps de la reforme gregorienne: -> 479, Lourdaux W., Bible 1979, 263-77/89-108. z70 Leinweber J., Bibel und biblische Frömmigkeit im Gebiet der Fürstabtei bzw. des Fürstbistums Fulda im Zeitalter der Katholischen Erneuerung, des Barock und der Aufklärung. Der Fuldaer Fronleichnamsspiegel: -> 212, Fs. E. SCHICK, Kirche und Bibel 1979, 193-224. z71 Leveen Jacob, The Hebrew Bible in Art: Schweich Lectures 1939. NY 1974, Hermon. xx-142 p., 41 pl. - Rsefarad 36 (1976) 401s (E. Fernandez Tejero). z72 Linder R., The Bible and Hiblical Authurity in thc Literary Work of Picrrc Viret: Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, ed. by C. S. Meyer,

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vol. 2. St. Louis MO 1971, Foundation for Reformation Research. z73 Matsch W., Zur möglichen Bedeutung von Hamanns Bibeltypologie für die Geschichtssicht Herders und der Goethezeit: Johann Georg Hamann [1730-1788], Acta des Internat. Hamann-Colloquiums in Lüneburg 1976 ... , hrg. B. Gajek (Fra 1979, Klostermann) 93-116. z74 Manuel F. E., The Religion of Isaac Newton [... book of nature, book of Scripture ... ] 1974 ➔ 56,149: RscientAm 233,2 (1975) 123s (P. Morri-

son). z75 Marrou H.-1., Breve storia dell'esegesi critica del NT: ➔ 2092 [Beauchamp P.] Letture attuali 1979, 17-30. z76 Nauta D. al., ed., Biografisch lexicon voor de geschiedenis van het Nederlandse protestantisme I. Kampen 1978, Kok. 441 p. /77.50. - RTZBas 35 (1979) 375s (U. Gäb/er). z77 Neirynck F., La concordance de Frauciscus Lucas Brugensis (1617): ETL 55 (1979) 366-372. z77* Oelmüller Willi, Die unbefriedigte Aufklärung: Beiträge zu einer Thr.orie der Modeme von Lessing, Kant und Hegel; mit einer neuen Einleitung. Fra 1979, Suhrkamp Tasch-B. Wisscuschaft 263. 326 p. VM 14 pa. 0 3-518-07863-1. z78 Peano P., L'activite litteraire des Franciscains du Mexique (XVIe-XIXe siecles) [inter quos exegetae, e.g. Martin del Castillo, saec. 17°]: ArFrancH 7 (1978) 168-184. z79 Poppi A., L'insegnamento biblico all'Universita di Padova. Lo scotista Bonaventura Luchi docente dal 1774 al 1785: ➔ 647, Regnum Hominis et Regnum Dei, Acta 4i Congressus Scotistici 1976/8, 161-184. z80 Reedy H., Socinians, John Toland, and the Anglican Rationalists: Harv TR 70 (1977) 285-304. z8 l Reinhardt Klaus, Die biblischen Autoren Spaniens bis zum Konzil von Trient: Repertorio de historia de las ciencias eclesiasticas en Espafia 5 : Corpus Scriptorum sacrorum Hispaniae subsidia 7. Salamanca 1976, Instituto de Historia de la Teologia Espafiola. 242 p. z82 Riches J. K., Lessing's Change of Mind [1770 in move from Hamburg to Wolfenbüttel]: JTS 29 (1978) 121-36. z83 RodriKU,esM. A., 0 Estudo do hehrnir.o em Portugal no seculo XVI; 0 Instituto 136. Coimbra 1973. 46 p. z84 Rodrigues M. A., a) A Catedra de Sagrada Escritura na Universidade de Coimbra. Primeiro seculo (1537-1640): Biblos (Coimbra) 50 (1974). p. 1612. 23 + 1 pl. + Addenda. - b) A Cätedra de sagrada escritura na Universidade de Coimbra de 1640 a 1910: Revista Portuguesa de Historia 15 (1974) 89-141. - c) Algumas notas sobre a exegese biblica em Portugal no Sec. XVI: Theologia (Braga) 12 (1977) 212-224. z85 Rottner E., Spinoza in Israel: eine kritische Betrachtung [Bibliogr.: 20209]. Nicuwkoop 1979, Heureka. 216 p.; hibliog. 202-9. z86 Schilson Arno, Lessing [Ootthulu E.]: und die Aufklanme: Notizen zur Forschung: TPhil 54 (1979) 379-405: M. Bollacher, A. Altmann, W. Pelters, M. Durzak, H. Schultze, II. Stei11mel;t., L. f!Vessel,D.v. Kö-


nig. z87 Schmidt Martin, Aufklärung, theologisch:

895, TRE 4 (1979) (575-)

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594-608 (-615 jüdische, H. Greive). z88 Schmidt-Biggemann W., H. S. Reimarus: Handschriftenverzeichnis und Bibliographie. Register U. 1. Nutz.: Veröff. der Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft 37. G 1979, VR. 143 p. DM 29. z89 Schultze Harald, Religionskritik in der deutschen Aufklärung. Das Hauptwerk des Reimarus im 200. Jahre des Fragmentenstreites [Apologie = Fra 1972, Insel]: TLZ 103 (1978) 705-13. z90 Seck F. ed., Wilhelm Schickard 1592-1635: Astronom, Geograph, Orientalist, Erfinder einer Rechenmaschine: Contubernium 25. Tü 1978, Mohr. 422 p., 4 pl.; p. 49-108, Hebräische und chaldäische Studien, W. W. Müller; 109-128, Arabische, türkische und persische Studien, M. Ullmann. z91 Seckler M., Die Aufldärung - eine Herausforderung für das Christentum als Offenbarungsreligion: TüTQ 159 (1979) 82-92. z92 ShanahanJ. D., A Reappraisal ofJean Colet, the English Humanist Reformer [1466-1519 ... His Scripture Studies ... ]. Diss. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley 1978; dir. S. M. Garrett. 252 p. 0 7917300. - Diss A 40 (1979s) 1013-A. z93 Shiokal'.,•aT., Pa~cal et les miracles [? P] 1977, Ed. A. G. Nizet. 222 p. REsprVie 88 (1978) 332 (C. J.-N.). z94 Smend Rudolf, Lessings Nachlassfrngmente zum Alten Testament: Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen; Philologisch-historische Klasse 1979, 5 (p. 91-103). Gö 1979, VR. 14 p. DM 3. 0 3-525-85116-2. z95 Smend Rudolf, a) Lessing und die Bibelwissenschaft: ➔ 596, SupVT 29, 1977, 298-319. - b) Wilhelm M. L. DeWette (1780-1849): ➔ 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 I, 44-58. 423. z96 Smet Silveer de, Lapide Comelius a: ➔ 871, DictSpir 9 fase. 59s (1975) 253ss. z97 Stein S. J., The Quest for the Spiritual Sense: the Biblical Hermeneutics of Jonathan Edwards [1703-1758]: HarvTR 70 (1977) 99-113. z98 Bogue C. W., Jonathan Edwards and the Covenant of Grace [Proefschrift Amsterdam Vrije Univ.]. Cherry Hill 1975, Mack. xu-319 p. z99 Stuermann W. E., Benedict Spinoza: A Pionee1 in Diblicnl Criticism: PAAR 29 (1960s) 133-179. zlO0 Stoker W., Lessing en de Crisis in de Verlichting: GerefTT 78 (1978) 239-51. zlOl Tavard G. H., The Seventeenth-Century Tradition: A Study in Recusant Thought [continuing Holy Writ or Holy Church]: StHChrTht, 16. Ld 1978, Brill. 272 p. f68. - RTS 40 (1979) 194s (E. McDermott). zl02 Trachsel E., La Bible de l'Ours [versio hisp., facta in Belgio, impressa in Helvetia]: Bull. van de Vereniging voor de Geschiedenis van het Belgisch Protestantisme 6 (1975) 150s. zl03 Watson Richard [Bp. of Llandaff 1737-1816], An Apology for Christianity, 1776, An Apolo2y fur the Diblc, 1796; British Philosophers and Theologians of the 17th & 18th Centuries. NY 1977, Garland. 295 p.; 146 p. z104 Watts M.R., The Dissenters I. From the Reformation to the French Revolution. Ox 1978, Clarendon Pr. xvm-543 p. :05. - RJTS 30 (1979)


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372-76 (G. F. Nuttall: 'an achievement; nothing remotely like it has appeared before '). z105 Weber Edmund, Johann Arndts vier Bücher vom wahren Christentum als Beitrag zur protestantischen Irenik des 17. Jahrhunderts: eine quellenkritische Untersuchung 3 (Diss. Marburg): Studia irenica 2. Hildesheim 1978, Gerstenberg. vr-255 p. DM 18 pa. 0 3-8067-0202-0. z106 Weinberg J., Azariah de Rossi: Towards a Reappraisal of the Last Years of his Life [... «Osservazione di Bonaventura de' Rossi ebreo, sopra diversi luoghi degli Evangelisti, nuovamente esposti secondo La vera Lezione Siriaca 7]: AnPisa 3,8 (1978) 493-511. z107 Wessel Leonard P. J, a) Lessing's Theology: a Reinterpretation. A Study in the Problematic Nature of the Enlightenment. Haag 1977, Mouton. 283 p. - b) Lessing's Eschatology and the Death of God: Lessing-Yearbook 6 (1974) 59-82. z108 Willey Basil, The Seventeenth Century Background; Studies in the Thought of the Age in Relation to Poetry and Religion [IV. On Scriptural Interpretation: Sir Thomas Browne, the Allegorists, Milton 57-75]. NY 1977, Columbia. vm-316 p. Y5 Saeculum XIX - 19th Century

z109 Ahlers Botho, Die Unterscheidung von Theologie und Religion: ein Beitrag zur Vorgeschichte der modernen Praktischen Theologie im 18. Jh. Diss. Tübingen 1979. v-177 p. zl 10 Avis P. D. L., Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Science of Theology: ScotJT 32 (1979) 19-43. zl 11 Avis P. D. L., The Shaking of the Seven Hills [F. D. Maurice; against Newman 'whatever be historical Christianity, it is not Protestantism']: ScotJT 32 (1979) 439-455: 455 'Catholicism always stands before Wittenberg to read the truth '. zl 12 a) Baur Ferdinand C., Symbolik und Mythologie oder die Naturreligion des Altertums. Aalen 1979, Scientia = Stu l 824s, Metzler. xx-386 p.; vr420 p.; VIII-474 p. DM, 260. 0 3-511-07080-5. - b) Friedrich Peter, F. C.Baur als Symboliker: StTheolGg 19 Jdt. 12. Gö 1975, VR. 198 p. DM 36. - RTR 74 (1978) 221-4 (H. G. Stobbe). zl 13 Benoit Pierre, Lagrange, Marie-Joseph 0. P.: ➔ 871, DictSpir 9 fase. 59s (1975) 75s. zl 14 Birkner Hans-Joachim, Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834): ➔ 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 I, 9-21. 420. zl 15 Blank Reiner, Eine kritische Analyse der formgeschichtlichen Arbeit von M. Dibelius und R. Bultmann: theol. Promotion Ba 1978. zl 16 Bock Ernst, [Adolf] Schlatter - [Tü Univ.-] Archiv im Aufbau: KerDo 29 (1979) 154 [sucht Briefe, Erinnerungen usw: 7015 Korntal-Münchingen 1, Friedrichtbr. 34]. zl 17 Bogaert P.-M., Redpath (Henry Adeney, 1848-1908): ➔ 893, SDB 9,53 (1979) 1479s. z118 Bouchard G., La typologie des signes selon Adam Schaff: LavalTPhil 34 (1978) 57-97.

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zll9 Brabazon James, Albert Schweitzer, A Biography. L 1976, Victor Gollancz. 510 p. bibliog. 485-8. z120 Christian C. W., Friedrich Schleiermacher. Waco Tx 1979, Word. 157 p. $7.95. zl21 Christmann H. H. ed., Sprachwissenschaft des 19. Jdts: Wege der Forschung, 474. Da 1977, Wissenschaftliche Buchges. VII-343p. - RßeiNam 13 (1978) 216 (R. Sch[ützeichel]). z122 Courth Franz, Das Leben Jesu von David Friedrich Strauss in der Kritik Johann Evangelist Kuhns. Ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung der katholischen Tübinger Schule mit dem Deutschen Idealismus: StThGg 13. Gö 1975, VR. 317 p. DM 62. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 384s (H. Gerdes). z123 Courth F., Das Wesen des Christentums in der liberalen Theologie: dargestellt am Werk Fr. Schleiermachers, Ferd. Chr. Baurs und A. Ritschls: ThÜb 3. Fra 1977, P. Lang. xxxm-502 p. Fs 92. zl24 Dessain C. S., Gornall T., ed. The Confroversy with Gladstone, Jan. 1874 to Dec. 1875: The Letters and Diaries of J. H. Newman [-> 58s,289] 27. Ox 1975, Clarcndon. xrx-456p. f.15. - RJTS 29 (1978) 274ss (P. Adams: the problem was not Gladstone but Manning). zl25 a) Dettlaff S. M., Hebraism and Hellenism in [Herman] Melvillc's Cla rel: The Influence of [Matthew] Arnold, Goethe, and Schiller. Diss. Univ. of Southern California 1978, dir. Hershel Parker. - DissA 39 (1978s) 2910-A. - b) Gracy J. W., Herman Melville's Conception of Christ in Clarcl. Diss. Univ. of South Florida 1979, dir. J. B. Moore. 303 p. 0 7917101. - DissA 40 (1979s) 852ss-A. zl26 Deufel Konrad, Kirche und Tradition / Kleutgen 1976 -+ 58s,950: RRThom 79 (1979) 503-5 (J.-P. Torrell). zl27 Dilthey Wilhelm, Gesammelte Schriften I. Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften8 / VII. Der Aufbau der geschichtlichen Welt in den Geisteswissenschaften7. Stu/Gö 1979, Teubner/VR. xx-429 p. DM 54. 0 3-52530301-7 / xn-380 p. DM 50. 0 3-525-30308-4. z128 Dink/er E., Portrait, H. von Soden (1881-1945): Neutestamentler und Kirchenhistoriker: Schnack 1., Marburger Gelehrte in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jh., (Marburg 1977) 501-22 = Hessisches Pfarrerblatt (5. Okt. 1978) 146-55. zl29 Drexler C. H., The Authority to Teach: a Study in the Ecclesiology of H. E. Manning (diss.) Wsh 1978, Catholic Univ. 151 p. $8.50. - RTS 39 (1978) 818 (R. P. Desharnais). z130 Dunning Stephen H., The Tongues of Men: Hegel and Hamann on Religious Language and History. MMS 1979. 237 p. z131 Ermarth M., Wilhelm Dilthey: the Critique of Historical Reason. Ch 1978, Univ. xrv-414 p. $19. z132 Evans G. R., Newman and Aquinas on Assent: JTS 30 (1979) 202-11. z133 Fehr W., Method and System in the Dogmatics of Johann Sebastian Drey, Founder of the Catholic Tübingen School: diss. Yale 1979. z134 Fischer Martin, Martin Kähler (1835-1912): ➔ 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 I, 130-149. 429. z135 Flückiger F., Anz W., Theologie und Philosophie im 19. Jahrhundert.


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Gö 1975, VR. 212 p. - RProt 34 (1979) 244ss (V. Subilia). z136 Forstman J., A Romantic Triangle: Schleiermacher and Early German Romanticism: AmerAcRelStRel, 13. Missoula 1977, Scholars. xiv-122 p. $4.50 ($3). - RJTS 29 (1978) 605ss (J. K. Riches). z137 Gasque W. W., The Promise of Adolf Schlatter: Crux 15,2 (Ontario 1979) 5-9. z138 Gauthier P., La pensee religieuse de Richard Hurrell Froude 1803-36: Religions. P 1977, Beauchesne. 189 p. F 60. z139 Govaert L., Kardinal Newmans Mariologie und sein persönlicher Werdegang (R diss. Greg.). Salzburg 1975, A. Pustet. 245 p. DM 32. - RTR 75 (1979) 125ss (G. Biemer). z140 Grässer E., Albert Schweitzer als Theologe: BeiHistT 60. Tü 1979, Mohr. x-279 p. DM 69 [p. 38-154 Der Jesusforscher; 155-205 Der Paulusförscher]. Greschat M. Hg., Theologen des Protestantismus im 19. und 20. Jht. 1978 -> 443. z142 Groos Helmut, A. Schweitzer: Grösse und Grenzen, 1974 -> 56,a651: RTLZ 103 (1978) 95-100 (H. H. Jenssen). z143 Hamacher Werp_er Hg., G. W. F. Hegel, 'Der Geist des Christentums', Schriften 1796-1800, mit bislang wiverötfentli1.:hten Texten. lnlstein-Bücher 3360. Fra 1978, Ullstein. 539 p.; bibliog. 536-9. DM 24,80. pa. 0 3458-03360-1. z144 Harris H., D. F. Strauss and his Theology 1973 -> 55,a432; 56,a673: RJAAR 43 (1975) 372 (L. Stepelevich). z145 Harrison J. F. C., The Second Coming: Popular Millenarianism 17801850. L 1979, Routledge-KP. xvn-277 p. 0 0-7100-0191-6. -> 7512. z146 Hegel G. W. F. Religionsphilosophie I. Die Vorlesungen von 1821 hrg. K.-H. Ilting: Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici. N 1978, Bibliopolis. XIX-765p. zl47 Hendriks A. N., Kerk en ambt in de theologie van A. A. van Ruler. Amst 1977, Buijten & S. 325 p. /35. - R[->9490]; GerefTT 78 (1978) 271ss (M. E. Brinkman). z149 Holmes J. D., Newman's Reactions to the Development of Scientific and Historical Criticism in England: CleR 64 (1979) 280-290. zl50 Holmes J. Derek, More Roman than Rome [Manning said he wanted]: English Catholicism in the Nineteenth Century. L/Shepherdstown 1978, Bums & Oates/Patmos. 278 p. $16.95. - RchH 48 (1979) 353 (J. Hennesey); TS 39 (1978) 795s (M. J. Weaver). zl51 a) Israel F., Lo studio dell'ebraico in Giacomo Leopardi: Giornale storico della Letteratura Italiana 150 (T 1973) 334-349. - b) Luciani F., Giacomo Leopardi e l'ebraico. Testimonianze edite e documenti inediti: Aevum 51 (1977) 525-46. zl52 Jefferson Thomas (1743-1826), The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth, extracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English. Nurwood PA 1977, Norwood = Wsh 1904, Government Printing Office. 18 + 82 p., 12 pi. 0 0-8482-1275-4. zl53 Jm-gensen Theodor H., Das religionsphilosophische Offenbaruniisverständnis des späteren Schleiermacher: BeiHistT, 53. Tü 1977, Mohr. x-

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382p. DM 89. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 58s (P. Lenning); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 420 (N. Schreurs). z154 Kantzenbach F. W., Programme der Theologie. Denker, Schulen, Wirkungen. Von Schleiermacher bis Moltmann. Mü 1978, Claudius. 343 p. RTZBas 34 (1978) 368 (K. Blaser). zI55 Katsh A. I., The Biblical Heritage of American Democracy [updated 1977 ➔ 58s,9531] = 'Hebrew Foundations of American Democracy' in D. D. Runes, The Hebrew Impact on Western Civilization NY 1965: RExpTim 89 (1977s) 190; FreibRu 30 (1978) 179 (J. W. Schufte Nordholt); JAOS 98 (1978) 345s (E. M. Meyers); JStOT 9 (1978) 65s (B. S. Jackson). zl56 Kim Sung-Tae, Richard Hurrell Froude [1803-36]: Catholicism in the Oxford Movement: diss. Lv Kath. 1978, dir. K. Blockx. XLVTT- 409 XXIII p. - RTsTNijm 18 (1978) 331. zl57 Kindt Irmgard, Der Gedanke der Einheit. Adolf Schlatters Theologie und ihre historischen Voraussetzungen (diss. Z 1977, dir G. Ebeling). Stu 1978, Calwer. 237 p. DM 34. 0 3-7668-0592-4. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 616ss (K. H. Walkenhor.l't). zl :'i8 KinK William M., The Emergence of Social Gospel Radicalism in American Melhodism: diss. Harvard c. 1978: HarvTR 72 (1979) 317. zl59 Kreck Walter, Grundentscheidungen in Karl Barths Dogmatik. Zur Diskussion seines Verständnisses von Offenbarung und Erwählung: Neuk. Studienbücher 11. Neuk 1978, -V. 320p. DM 29,80. - RTZBas 35 (1979) 379s (0. Bächli). zI60 Kümmel W. G., Portrait: Jülicher, Adolf (1857-1938), Theologe, Neutestamentler und Kirchenhistoriker: Schnack I., Marburger Gelehrte in der 1. Hälfte des 20. Jh. (Marburg 1977, Elvert) 240-252. zl61 McCool G. A., Catholic Theology in the Nineteenth Century: the Quest for a Unitary Method. NY 1977, Seabury. 300p. $14.95 (philosophical backgrounds to history of exegesis). - RTPhil 53 (1978) 611s (J. M. McDermott: verspricht zu viel: fehlt Newman usw.); TS 39 (1978) 551s (J. W. Padberg). zl62 Mancini Italo, Novecento teologico. F 1977, Vallecchi. 498 p. - RDoctCom 32 (1979) 126s (G. Cagnetti). z163 Mann E., Idee und Wirklichkeit der Offenbarung. Methode und Aufbau der Fundamentaltheologie des Güntherianers J. N. Ehrlich (1810-1864). W 1977, Verband Wiss.Ges.Öst. 5. v-236 p. Sch. 185. zl64 Margolies M. B., Samuel David Luzzato: Traditionalist Scholar [ ... Exegesis: p. 93-134; vixit 1800-1865]. NY 1979, Ktav. xv-253 p. $15. [p. IX-XV Foreword, G. D. Gerson; p. 93-134, Exegesis]. z165 Mehlhausen J., Bauer, Bruno (1809-1882): ➔ 895, TRE 5,1s (1979) 314317. zl66 Meijering .E'.. P., Theologische Urteile über die Dogmengeschichte: Ritschls Einfluss auf von Harnack: ZRelGg Beih. 20. Ld 1978, Brill. xm101 p. f 28. zl 67 Meijers S., Objt::ctivitcit cn existentialiteit: Run verhouding in de [openbarings]theologie van .Herman Bavinck en in door hem bei'nvloede concepties: 1979 diss. Ld. dir. H. Berkhof Kampen 1979, Kok. 452 p. -


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RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 408 (H. Biezeno). z168 Meynell H. A., Newman on Revelation and Doctrinal Development: JTS 30 (1979) 138-152. z169 Misner Paul, Papacy and Development: Newman and the Primacy of the Pope: StHistChrTh 15. Ld 1976, Brill. x-204 p. /60. - RzKG 89 (1978) 440s (0. Chadwick, English). zl 70 Morgan Robert, Biblical Classics, II: F. C. Baur: Paul: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 4-10. zl 71 Morgan R., Pye M. tr., Ernst Troeltsch: Writings on Theology and Religion. Atlanta 1977, Knox. 260p. $17.50. - RTS 39 (1978) 584 (W. M. Thompson). Neumann P. H. A. Hg., Das Prophetenverständnis . . . seit Heinrich Ewald 1979 ➔ 492. zl 72 Neuner Peter, [Ignaz von] Döllinger als Theologe der Ökumene (kath. Hab. Mü 1978): BeiÖkT 19. Pd 1979, Schöningh. 265 p. DM 42 pa. 0 3506-70769-8. zl 72* Nimmo D., Towards and Away From Newman's Theory of Doctrinal Developmcnt: Pointers from Mark Pattison in 1838 and 1846: JTS 29 (1978) 160ss. zl73 O'Brien P., Ramsay (William Mitchell, 1851-1939): ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1979) 1113-17. ➔ yl39. zl 74 Olbricht T. H., NT Studies at the University of Chicago. The First Decade 1892-1903: RestQ 22 (1979) 84-99. zl 75 Olbricht T. H., Charles Hodge as an Americim NT Interpreter: Journal of Presbyterian History 57,2 (Ph 1979) 117-133. zl 76 Oliver W. H., Prophets and Millennialists: The Uses of Biblical Prophecy in England from the 1790s to the 1840s. NY 1978, Oxford/ Auckland Univ. 269 p. $15.00 °0-19-647962-2. - RTTod 36 (1979s) 619s (B. J. MacHaffie). --+ 7509ss. zl 77 Olofsson Polke, Christus redemptor et consummator. A Study in the Theology of B. F. Westcott: AUU/SDCU 19. Uppsala 1979, Almqvist & Wiksell. 340 p. Sk 107,50. zl 78 Patrick G. A., F. J. A. Hort 1828-1892, a Neglected Theologian: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 77-81. zl 79 Pierhal J., Albert Schweitzer, Biographie; Einf. R. Jungk, Epilog N. Kazantzakis. Mü 2 1979, Kindler. 363 p., ill. Powell J. C. ed. Ernst TROELTSCH and the Future of Theology 1976 ➔ 500. z180 Probst M., Gottesdienst in Geist und Wahrheit. Ansichten und Bestrebungen Johann Michael Sailers (1751-1832): Stud. Pastorallit., 2. Rg 1976, Pustet. 328 p. DM 56. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 308 (A. Scheer). z181 Radler A., Religion und Wirklichkeit. Eine rezeptionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung des Schleiermacherbildes in der schwedischen Theologie: Studia Theologica Lundensia, 36. Lund 1977, Gleerup. 487 p. - RNorTTs 80 (1979) 58s (P. Lonning). z 182 Rechowicz Marian [f] Dzieje . . . History of Catholic Theology in Poland III. 19-20th Century. Lublin 1976s, Tow. Naukowe KUL. 432 p. (33-66 exegesis); 340 p. - Rsa1 41 (1979) 530s (J. Stru§).

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z183 Regina Umberto, La vita di Gesu e la filosofi.amodema: uno studio su D. F. Strauss. Brescia 1979, Morcelliana. 557 p. L 20.000. z184 Rengstorf Karl H., Caspar Rene Gregory über die letzte Lebenszeit Franz Delitzschs und seine Beisetzung [an W. Baudissin]: ..... 132, Fs. H. KOCH,Theokratia 3, 1979, 3-22. z185 Renz Horst, Geschichtsgedanke und Christusfrage. Zur Christusanschauung Kants und deren Fortbildung durch Hegel im Hinblick auf die allgemeine Funktion neuzeitlicher Theologie: StTGg 29. Gö 1977, VR. 93 p. - RzKT 100 (1978) 381s (W. Kern). z186 Raymond Bernard, Redecouvrir Samuel Vincent [1787-1837, 'le Schleiermacher fram;ais']: ETRel 54 (1979) 411-423. z187 Rosenbrock Gerd, Sprung und Akkomodation. Franz Overheck und der Kulturprotestantismus: Diss. Tü 1978. 268 p. z188 Ruler A. A. van, Verwachting en voltooiing, een bundel lheologischc opstellen en voordrachten. Nijkerk 1978, Callenbach. 192 p. /27,90. z189 Sandber!(er Jörg F., David F. Strauss (1808-1874): .....443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 I, 84-98. 426. zl90 Schflr H. R., Christliche Sokratik. Kierkegaard über den Gebrauch der Reflexion in der Christenheit: BasBemSt 34. Bern 1977, Lang. 214 p. RTLZ 104 (1979) 849s (U. Gerber); TZBas 35 (1979) 253 (A. Jäger). z191 Scharlemann M., Reu [J. M. 1869-1943: ed. Kirchliche Zts] and the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures: ConcordJ 5 (1979) 1-20. z192 Schmid Johannes H., Erkenntnis des geschichtlichen Christus bei Martin Kählcr und bei Adolf Schlatter: TZBas SondB 5. Ba 1978, Reinhardt. xvr-456 p. Fs 68 °3-7245-0389-X. z193 Schmidt Martin, Schwaiger Georg Hg., Kirchen und Liberalismus im 19. Jdt: StThGg 19. Gö 1976, VR. 214p. - Rsal 40 (1978) 680s (P. Braido). z194 Schneemelcher Wilhelm, Adolf von Harnack (1851-1930): ➔ 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 I, 198-218. 433. z195 Scholder K., Baur F. C. (1792-1860): --> 895, TRE 5,3s (1979) 352-359. Schwaiger G. Hg., Zwischen Polemik und Irenik ... 18.-19. Jdt. 1977 ➔ 529. zl96 Schwegler Albert, Das nachapostolische Zeitalter in den Hauptmomenten seiner Entwicklung. Graz 1977, Akad. = Tü 1846, Fues. xn-522p.; rx-392 p. Sch 960. 0 3-201-01009-X. z197 Smend Rudolf, Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918): --> 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 I, 166-180. 431. z198 Sorrentino Sergio, Friedrich Schleiermacher e la filosofia della religione: FilRTSt 2. Brescia 1978, Paideia. 143 p. z199 Speiler J. L., Alexander Nicoll [1793-1828] and the Study of German Biblical Criticism in Early Nineteenth-Century Oxford: JEH 30 (1979) 451-9. z200 Stachowiak L., [R] Lo sviluppo delle dottrine bibliche nel XIX e l'inizio del XX secolo (con una caratterizzazione generale del periodo tra le due guerre): Dzieje Teologii Katolickiej w Polsee w wieku XIX i XX, t. 3,1 (Lublin 1976) 33-66. z201 Steck Karl G., Ferdinand Christian Baur (1792-1860): --> 443, Greschat


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M., Theologen 1978 I, 59-73. 424s. z202 Stoevcr W. K., 'A Faire and Rasie Way to Heaven': Covenant Theology and Antinomianism in Early Massachusetts. Middletown CT 1978, Wesleyan Univ. xi-251 p. $19. · z203 Strecker G., William Wrede [= ZThK 57 (1960) 67-91): ... 370, Eschaton 1979, 335-59. z204 Stuhlmacher Peter, a) Adolf Schlatter als Bibelausleger: ZTK 75 (1978) 81-111. - b) AdolfSchlatter's Interpretation ofScripture: NTS 24 (1977s) 433-446. z205 Surburg R. F., Wellhausenism Evaluated after a Century of Influence: ConcTQ 43 (1979) 78-95. z206 Swanston H., British Interpreters V: Thomas Arnold: ScriptB 10 (1979s) 33-35. z207 Torrell J.-P., Tradition, histoire et ideologie ~ Vatican I: RThom 79 (1979) 51-72. z208 Troeltsch Ernst, Writings on Theology and Religion, ed. R. Morgan, M. Pye. Atlanta 1977, John Knox Pr. 260 p. $17.50. - RCalvTJ 14 (1979) 110-14 (J. Bott). z209 Ulbricht T. H., Charles Hodge as an American NT Interpreter: JPresbHist 57 (1979) 117-33. z210 Villaneix ·N., Kierkegaard et la Parole de Dieu. P 1977, H. Champion. I. 478 p. II. 502 p. - RNRT 100 (1978) 784ss (J. Javaux); GereITTs 79 (1979) 187s (C. /Ioutman); ZAW 91 (1979) 157 (G. Fohrer). z211 Wagner Siegfried, Franz Delitzsch, Leben und Werk (< Diss. Habil. Leipzig 1963): BeiEvTh 80. Mü 1978, Kaiser. 506 p. DM .65. 0 3-45901114-9. z212 Winiger Josef, Feuerbachs Weg zum Humanismus: zur Genesis des anthropologischen Materialismus (di~s. phil. Mü 1977): Humanistische Bibliothek 3/4. Mü 1979, Fink. 177p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-7705-1660-5. z213 Wirsching Johannes, Martin Kähler (1835-1912) - Erbe und Auftrag. Bemerkungen zum Stande der Kähler-Forschung [H. Link 1975]: TLZ 104 (1979) 161-71. z214 Woodbridge J. D., Noll M. A., Hatch N. 0., The Gospel in America: Themes in the Story of America's Evangelicals. GR 1979, Zondervan. 286 p. $9.95. - RTTod 36 (1979s) 620s (R. E. Richey). z215 Zak A., Die Problematik einer philosophischen Verhältnisbestimmung von Gott, Welt und Mensch und die Idee der Offenbarung im Werk Franz Rosenzweigs: Magisterarbeit Mü Hochschule für Philosophie (Berchmanskolleg dir. G. Haejfner). 1979. iv-163 p.

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z216 Aubert Roger, Mgr Benigni, un integriste aux antecedents progressistes. Une intcrprctation nouvelle du 'calholicisme integral ' : I 871, DictSpir 9 fase. S9s (1975) 9-16. z220 Beisheim P. H., The Church in the Writings of George Tyrrell S. J. (1861-1909): Diss. Fordham Univ. 1979, dir. J. J. Heaney. 337 p. 0 7910681. - DissA 39 (1978s) 6827-A. z221 Blanchet A., Henri Bremond, 1865-1904: EtBremondiennes, 4. P 1975, Aubier. 286 p. z222 Brack R., Deutscher Episkopat und Gewerkschaftsstreit 1900-14: Bonner Bei.Kg. 9. Köln/W 1976, Böhlau. xxn-448 p. - RTüTQ 1S9 (1979) 310 (R. Reinhardt: relevant to modernism). z223 Cantone Carlo, Filosofia c profezia. Lo stile della ricerca cristiana di L. Laberthonniere: Salesia1mm 41 (1979) 769-99. z224 Casper B., Die theologischen Studienpläne des späten 18. und frühen 19. Jdts. im Lichte der Säkularisierungsproblematik: ➔ 666, Langner A., Säkularisation 1978, 97-142. z225 Colombo G., Esperienza c rivelazione nr.l pensiero di G. Tyrrell: ScuolC 106 (1978) 544-568. z226 Congar Y., Breve chronique de theologie. Auluw de criscs contemporaines: RSPT 63 (1979) 614-626 [1. Sur le modernisme: 2. Autour de l'infäillihilite papale; 3. Controverses contemporaines; 4. Theol. sacramentaire]. z227 Drummond A. L., Bulloch J., The Church in Late Victorian Scotland 1874-1900 [W. R. S. Smith, J. Orr, 'Rise of Biblical Criticism'). E 1978, St.Andrew. l 10.S0. - RscotJT 32 (1979) 487-91 (A. C. Cheyne). z227* Fabriziani Anna, Tomismo e filosofia cristiana nel primo carteggio del Blondel con Laberthonniere (1894-1907): StPatav 2S (1978) 43-80. z228 Fontan P., Maurice Blondel et la crise moderniste (annees 1902-1903) d'apres la correspondance du philosophe: BLitE 78 (1977) 103-134. z229 Gabrieli F., Il testamento di fede di don Primo Vannutelli: Centro studi per la storia del modernismo: Fonti e documenti, 7. Urbino 1978, Univ. Ist. Storia. 409 p. z23 l Goichot Emile, En marge de la crise modemiste: la correspondance Bremond - von Hügel: RevSR [48 (1974) 209-234; 49 (1975) 202-233) 53 (1979) 124-146. z232 Greco Bemardino, Ketzer oder Prophet? Evangelium und Kirche bei dem Modemisten Emesto Buonaiuti (1881-1946), praef. H. Küng: ÖkTheol 4. Z/Gü 1979, Benziger/Mohn. 222 p. Fs/DM 48 pa. 0 3-S4S-24203X/3-S79-04391-9. ➔ z266. z233 Hutchison W. R., The Modemist Impulse in American Protestantism [... an accent on God's revelation in culture rather than in Scripture, accent on adaptation to modern cultural trends ... ]. CM 1976, Harvard. 347 p. $15. - Rfotcrpr 33 (1979) 86-89 (J. H. Smy/ie). z?.34 lnda J.-P., a) Remous modemistes en Beam. L'abbe Tauzin entre son mait~e Luisy et son Eglise: BLitE 7':I (1978) 161-180. - b) Une revue paluisi::, 'L'informntion biblique' r.t son directeur l'abbe E. Tauzin: Pau et Beam 5 (1977) 65-78.


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z235 Iserloh Erwin, Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler und die Freiheit der Kirche und in der Kirche. AbhMainzAkademie 1978/7. Wb 1978, Steiner. 28p. z236 Ivaldo Marco, Religione e cristianesimo in Alfred Loisy (diss. doct.) F 1977, Le Monnier. XIV-176p. Lit. 9000. - RRHE 74 (1979) 573s (E. Poulat). z237 Kelly James J., 'a) The Abbe Henri Huvelin's Counsel to Baron Friedrich von Hügel [26 folia inedita, 1886 et 1893]: Bijdragen 39 (1978) 59-69. - b) The Modemist Controversy: von Hügel and Blonde!: ETL 55 (1979) 297-330. z238 Klein P., Alfred Loisy als Historiker des Urchristentums: Grundzüge seiner neutestamentlichen Arbeit. Diss. Bonn 1977. 248 p. z239 König Otto, Erkennen und Lieben. Studien zum Begriff des Dogmas in der Religionsphilosophie Maurice Blondels vor und während der modernistischen Krise (1888-1908): Diss. Hab. Graz 1979, dir. Gruber. z240 Loome Thomas, Liberal Catholicism, Reform Catholicism, Modernism: A contribution to a new orientation in modernist research: TüThSt 14. Mainz 1979, Grunewald. vm-452 p. DM 86. 0 3-7867-0660-3. - RRSPT 63 (1979) 614-17 (Y. Congar). z241 Moran V. G., Loisy's Thtmlogical Development: TS 40 (1979) 411-452. z242 Neufeld K. H., Adolf Harnacks Konflikt mit der Kirche. Weg-Stationen zum 'Wesen des Christentums': Innsbrucker ThSt 4. 1979, Tyrolia. 223p. DM38. z243 Neufeld K. H., Adolf von Harnack: Theologie als Suche nach der Kirche: 'Tertium Genus Ecclesiae': Konfessionskundliche und Kontroverstheologische Studien, 41. Pd 1977. 369 p. DM 42: RETL 54 (1978) 211s (J. Coppens); Gregorianum 60 (1979) 205s (ipse); JTS 29 (1978) 608ss (S. C. Neill); TGI 68 (1978) 225 (W. Beinert); TLZ 104 (1979) 212ss (C.J. Kaltenborn); TPQ 127 (1979) 298s (J. Singer); TS 40 (1979) 196ss (M.A. Fahey); TZBas 34 (1978) 244s (F. W. Kantzenbach). z244 Nenner Peter, Religiöse Erfahrung und geschichtliche Offenbarung. Friedrich von Hügels Grundlegung der Theologie (diss.): BeiÖkT 15. Mü 1977, Schöningh. 362 p. - RcolcT 49,2 (1979) 177s (H. Bogacki); TPhil 54 (1979) 305ss (F. T. Gottwald). z245 Nenner Peter, Religion zwischen Kirche und Mystik. Friedrich von Hügel und der Modernismus. Fra 1977, Knecht. 158 p. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 307 (F. T. Gottwald). z246 Neuner P., Religiöse Erfahrung und geschichtliche Offenbarung: die bleibende Herausforderung des Modernismus: Orientierung 43 (1979) 26. z247 Neveu B., Mgr Duchesne et son Memoire sur !es ordinations anglicanes [1895 ou 1896]: JTS 29 (1978) 443-82. z248 Ngindn Mnshete A., Le probleme de la connaissance religieuse d'apres Lucien Laberthonniere; pref. Roger Aubert (dir. diss.): Recherches Africaines de theologie 7. Limete-Kinshasa 1978, Fac.Theol.Cath./Soc.St.Paul. 407 p.; bibliog. 375-394. Fb 720/$20. - RDoctCom 32 (1979) 244-7 (D. Composta); NRT 101 (1979) 107s (J. Javaux); RHE 74 (1979) 129-

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34 (M. Foket); Sal 41 (1979) 585s (C. Cantone); TS 40 (1979) 579s (R. D. Haight); TsTNijm 19 (1979) 421 (J. H. Walgrave). z249 Nilson Jon, Was Loisy a Modemist?: IrTQ 46 (1979) 73-87. z250 Portier L., Un precurseur, L'abbe [Henri] Huvelin (1838-1910]. P 1979, Cerf. 277 p. z251 Poulat E., a) Catholicisme, democratie et socialisme. Le mouvement catholique et Mgr Benigni. De la naissance du Socialisme ä. la victoire du fascisme; b) Eglise contre bourgeoisie. Introduction au devenir du catholicisme social: Religions et societes. Toumai/P 1977, Casterman. 562 p., 291 p. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 886ss (G. Wendelhorn): TR 75 (1979) 226 (C. Weber). z252 Poulat Emile, Histoire, dogme et critique dans la crise modemiste 2 rev.: Religions et Societes. P 1979, Casterman. vn-696 p. - RETRel 54 (1979) 710s (A. Gounelle); RSPT 63 (1979) 617ss (Y. Congar). z253 Reinhardt R., Neuere Forschungen zum Antimodernismus [N. Trippen, R. Brack]: TüTQ 159 (1979) 309s. z254 Reymond Bemard, Le proces de l'autorite [protestantc: omis RGG 3 1961) dans la theologie d'Auguste Sabatier: diss. Lausanne 1976, Äge de l'Homme. 334p. - RJTS 29 (1978) 278s (A. H. Jones); ZKG 89 (1978) 234ss (R. Metz: la couverture dit 'Preface d'Emile Poulat' mais il n'y en a rien dans son exemplaire). z254* Rolando Daniele, Cristianesimo e religione dell'avvenire nel pensiero di George Tyrrell: Univ. Genova. F 1978, Le Monnier. 203 p. - Rsa1 41 (1979) 577 (C. Cantone). z255 Rollman H., Holtzmann, von Hügel and Modemism: Downside Review 97 (1979) 128-143, 221-224 [309-7; 96 (1978) 35-60 also on Troe/tsch]. z256 Schoene W. J., Von Hügel after the Modemist Controversy: CleR 63 (1978) 211-219. z257 Schwaiger Georg Hg., Aufbruch ins 20. Jdt. Zum Streit um Reformkatholizismus und Modernismus: StThGg 19 Jdts. 23. Gö 1976 VR. 222 p. DM 48. - RTR 75 (1979) 226s (C. Weber). z258 Swidler L., Aufklärung Catholicism 1780-1850: Liturgical and other Reforms in the Catholic Aufklärung: AmerAcR StRel 17. Missoula 1978, Scholars. 101 p. $7.50pa. - RTPhil 54 (1979) 609s (K.. Schatz: Reduzierung auf ein Machtproblem nicht gerecht); TR 75 (1979) 407s (M. Probst). z259 Tresmontant Claude, La Crise moderniste. P 1979, Seuil. 351 p. RRSPT 63 (1979) 619s (Y. Congar). z260 Trippen Norbert, Theologie und Lehramt im Konflikt: die kirchlichen Massnahmen gegen den Modernismus im Jahre 1907 und ihre Auswirkungen in Deutschland. Fr 1977, Herder. 424 p. DM 98. - Rßijdragen 39 (1978) 461s (J. Jacobs); HZ 226 (1978) 743s (R. Morsey); MüTZ 29 (1978) 447-50 (L. Schejfczyk); TR 75 (1979) 225s (C. Weber); TüTQ 159 (1979) 309s (R. Reinhardt); ZKG 89 (1978) 244-7 (R. Haas). z261 Trocme Etienne, Exegese scientifique et ideologie: de l'ecole de Tubingue aux Historiens frani;:ais des origines chretiennes: NTS 24 (1977) 44762. z262 Turvasi Francesco, The Condeinnation of Alfred Loisy and the Histori-

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cal Method: Domini e dottrine 24. R 1979, Storia e Letteratura. x204 p. z263 Virgoulay R., Bibliographie analytique et critique II. Etudes sur M. Blondel 1893-1975 (diss. 1971, Univ. P-X, dir. C. Troisfontaines): Centre d'archives Blondel 3. Lv 1976, Inst. Sup. Philos./Peeters. 495 p. z264 Wardman H.-W., Renan: historien philosophe. P 1979, CDU. 185 p. F 35,89. z265 Williamson R., Emest Renan as a historian of religion: Religion 9 (Lancaster 1979) 59-72: Vie de Jesus 13 1867 anticipated many current stands; how Jesus the Jew became the Christ of faith. z266 Zambarbieri Annibale, 11cattolicesimo tra crisi e rinnovamento. Emesto Buonaiuti ed Enrico Rosa nella prima fase della polemica modemista: Pontificio Seminario Lombardo in Roma, Ricerche di Scienze Teologichc 17. ßrescia 1979, Morcelliana. 476 p.; bibliog. 448-459. -> z232.

Y6 Saeculum XX - 20th Century Exegesis



z267 Beardslee W. A., Arnos Niven Wilder, Poet and Scholar: Semeia 12 (1978) 1-14. z268 Bogaert P.-M., Rahlfs, Alfred: ➔ 893, SDB 9,52 (1978) 101s. z269 Crenshaw James L., a) Gerhard von Rad: Makers of the Modem Theologicul Mind. Waco TX 1978, Word. 193 p., $7.95. - b) Gerhard von Rad: Grundlinien seines theologischen Werks. Mü 1978, Kaisr:r, 190 p. DM 19,80. z270 Dillistone F. W., C. H. Dodd, Interpreter of the NT. L/GR 1977, Rodder & S/Eerdmans. 255 p. f: 5.95/$11.95. - RcurrTMiss 5 (1978) 399s (J. R. Seraphine); ExpTim 89 (1977s) 160 (W. Barclay); Interpr 33 (1979) 420-422 (J. R. Donahue); JBL 97 (1978) 606s (D. E. Aune); TLond 81 (1978) 148s (J. Robinson); TS 39 (1978) 386s (D. J. Murphy). z271 Ernst J., Bea, Kard. Augustin (1881-1968): -> 895, TRE 5,ls (1979) 390-393. z272 Flasche Rainer, Die Religionswissenschaft Joachim Wachs (Hab.Sehr.): Theol.Bibl. Töpelmann, 35. B/NY 1978, de Gruyter. xi-321 p. DM 88. RMüTZ 30,1 (1979) 64s (W. Keilbach); NRT 101 (1979) 608 (J. Scheuer); TZBas 35 (1979) 243s (R. Friedli); TPhil 54 (1979) 150ss (F.-T. Gottwald). z273 Gisel Pierre, Verite et histoire. La theologie dans la modernite. Ernst Käsemann: Coll. Theologie historique, 41. P/Geneve 1977, Beauchesne/Labor et Fides. 677 p. F 96. - REphCarm 29 (1978) 534-7 (J. de SteMarie); NRT 101 (1979) 595ss (X. Jacques); Sal 40 (1978) 392 (A. Amato); TR 75 (1979) 312s (P.-G. Müller); TZBas 34 (1978) 365s (V. Basler). z274 Goltzen H. al., Asmussen, Hans (1898-1968): ➔ 895, TRE tl (1979) 259265. z275 Grllf G., Die Thcodizeefrage als dne Schlüsselfragr: r:v;ingelischer Theologie, dargelegt an den Positionen von R. Bultmann u. D. Sölle: Diss. Leipizg 1975. v-473 p.

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z276 Günther H., Die ausserakademische Entmythologisierungsdebatte in den Jahren 1948-1953: Versuch einer zeitgeschichtlichen, theologischen w1d semantischen Exegese: Diss. Leipzig 1974. 192 p. z277 Jensen Ole, Theologie zwischen Illusion und Retribution ... Herrmann, Bultmann 1975 --> 57,551: RTLZ 103 (1978) 840ss (M. Beintker). z278 Klein Günter, Rudolf Bultmann (1884-1976): --> 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 II 400-419, 441s. z279 Larsson E., Theology in Conflict: Oppositionsinlägg vid Halvor Moxnes disputation für teol. doktorgrad den 11 november 1978 [Rom 4,13-22]: Nor TTs 80 (1979) (1-18] 65-88. z280 Martin G. M., Vom Unglauben zum Glauben: zur Theologie der Entscheidung bei R. Bultmann [Diss. Tübingen 1973, Dezisionismus in der Theologie R. Bultmanns?]: TS 118. Z 1976, Theol. 83 p. DM 12,80. - RTGl 68 (1978) 338s (B. Dieckmann). z281 Martini Carlo M., Cinquant'anni del Pontificio Istituto Biblico a Gerusalemme: TerraS 53 (1977) 249-252, 9 fig. z282 Mayer Reinhold, Baeck, Leo (1873-1956): --> 895, TRE, 5,ls (1979) 112-115. z283 Meyer Freddy de, Buber's Translation of the Bible: LouvSt 7 (1979) 212-18. z284 Meurer S., Vie Geschichte ues Evangelischen Hibelwerks in der Bundesrepublik und Berlin-West [Vorgeschichte, Aufbau; Ausblick]: BiWelt 15 (1975) 13-82. z285 Mühlpfordt G., In memoriam Franz Altheim (1898-1976) als Lehrer und Mensch. Erinnerung an den Althistoriker von einem Neuzeithistoriker: Klio 60 (1978) 635-39. z286 Müller Hans-Peter, Hermann Gunkel (1862-1932): --> 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 II, 241-55. 434s. z287 Ory G., Paul-Louis Couchoud 1879-1951 [derived all four gospels from Marcion]: CahRenan 27 (1979) 156-164. z288 Porter J. R., Biblical Classics, III: Johs. Pedersen: Israel: ExpTim 90 (1978s) 36-40. z289 Potok C., Martin Buher and the Jews: Commentary 41,3 (NY 1966) 4349. z290 Reymond B., [Eugene] Menegoz [1838-1921], Bultmann, Tillich: Reflexion sur trois etapes modernes du fideisme protestant: SR 8 (1979) 153-158. Ruppert L., Der Weg der neueren katholischen Exegese vornehmlich im Bereich des ATs 1979 --> 466. z291 Sandifer D. W., History und Existentialist Interpretation: The Debate between E. Käsemarin and R. Bultmann: diss. Emory Univ. 1979, dir. H. W. Boers. 0 7916059. 191 p. - DissA 40 (1979) 318s-A. z292 Schmitz H.-J., Frühkatholizismus bei Harnack-Sohm-Käsemann 1977 --> 58s,9453: diss. dir. H. Küng. DM 32,80. 0 3-491-78407-7. z294 Siegele-Wenschkewitz Leonore, Die Evangelisch-theologische Fakültät Tübingen in den Anfangsjahren ues Dritten Reichs: [Vorträe;e Tü 1977] II. Gerhard Kittel und die Judenfrage: ZKT 75 (1978) (1. 34-51) 52-80. z295 Sleeth R. E., Bultmann and the Proclamation of the Word: PrincSemB


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NS 2 (1979) 153-162. z296 Story C.I.K., J.Gresham Machen, Apologist and Exegete: PrincSemB NS 2 (1979) 91-183. z297 Strecker Georg, a) Walter Bauer - Exeget, Philologe und Historiker zum 100. Geburtstag am 8.8.1977 [t 17.11.1960]: NT 20 (1978) 75-80. b) Walter Bauer - Exeget, Philologe und Historiker (1877-1960): ➔ 370 Eschaton 1979, 360-6, Erstveröff. - c) Bauer, Walter (1877-1960): ➔ 895, TRE 5,ls (1979) 317-319. z298 Tal U., Mythos und Solidarität im zionistischen Denken und Wirken von Martin Buher: 'VeröflnstK.iJud' 9 (1979) 116-126. z299 Talmon S., Utopie und Wirklichkeit im Denken Martin Buhers: 'VeröflnstK.iJud' 9 (1979) 127-36. z299* Terrin A. N., L'esperienza del sacro in Abraham Joshua Heschel: StPatav 26 (1979) 53-88. z300 Tödt H. E., Rudolf Bultmanns Ethik der Existenz-theologie: Ethiker des Protestantismus 1, Siebenstern 440. Gü 1978, Mohn. 128 p. z301 Vogelaar Huub, De Bijbel in de Wereldraad van Kerken. Een historisch-hermeneutisch ondr.rmek over de periode 1949-1963: diss. Bmisisel, Protestantse Theolog. Faculteit 1977. 95 p. z302 fVeinreich M., Im Uialog mit der Dialogik: Die Buberforschung nach 1965: VerkF 24,2 (1979) 33-54: 10 auctt. z303 Weippert M., Alt, Albrecht (1883-1956): ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 303305. z304 Wiefel Wolfgang, Im Zeichen der Krise: zur Geschichte der neutestamentlichen Arbeit an der Universität Halle-Wittenberg 1918-1945: WissBei 1977/35; T 19, Beitr. zur Univ-Gesch. Halle 1977, Univ. Abt. Wissenschaftspublizistik. 25 p. z305 Witton-Davies C., Martin Buber's Contribution to Biblical Studies: JStOT, Sup 11 (1979) 259-266. z306 Wolniewicz M. ed., Les sciences bibliques en Pologne (1945-70) 1974 ➔ 56,a622: RTLZ 104 (1979) 344-7 (W. Wiefel). Y6.4 Theologi influentes in exegesim saeculi XX

z306* Brandl M., Die deutschen katholischen Theologen der Neuzeit. Ein Repertorium II. Salzburg 1978, Neugebauer. xxxVI-321 p. Sch 1050/DM 160. z307 Congar Y., Situations et täches presentes de 1a theologie. 1967. - REsprVie 83 (1973) 511 (P. Jay). z308 Cobb J. B. J, Gri.ffin D. R., Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition. Ph 1976, Westminster. 192 p. $6.95. - RJntJPhilRel 10 (1979) 61s (R. B. Edwards). z309 Gestrich Christof, Neuzeitliches Denken und die Spaltung der dialektischen Theologie: zur Frage der natürlichen Theologie [Barth, Brunner, Bultmann: Hab.Sehr]: Bei HistT 52. Tü 1977, Mohr. xn-409 p. DM 98. - RJTS 30 (1979) 382s (R. H. Roberts); SvTKv 55 (1979) 179-84 (C. Almen); TLZ 104 (1979) 851ss (H. Fischer); TR 75 (1979) 277ss (E. Thaidigsmann).

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z310 Marrou Henri-Irenee, Teologia della storia [Theologie de l'histoire 1968] tr. Riccardo Mazzarol: Gia e non ancora 46. Mi 1979. Jaca. 162 p. z310* Neuenschwander Ulrich, Denker des Glaubens 2. Emanuel Hirsch, Emil Brunner, Paul Tillich, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Karl Jaspers 2 : Siebenstern 87. Gü 1979, Mohn. 158 p. DM 7,80 pa. 0 3-579-03887-7. z311 Neufeld Karl-Heinz, Fundamentaltheologie in gewandelter Welt. H. Bouillards theologischer Beitrag. Zur Vollendung seines 70. Lebensjahres: ZKT 100 (1978) 417-37; 438ss Brief von Maurice Le Landais (t Jaffa IIVIII-53). z312 Ruh Ulrich, Säkularisierung. Studien zu Geschichte und Problematik einer Interpretationskategorie: Diss. Fr 1979, dir. Lehmann. z313 WimmerWalter, Eschatologie der Rechtfertigung. Paul Althaus' Vermittlungsversuch zwischen uneschatologischer und nureschatologischer Theologie: diss. Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae. München 1979, Minerva. xrr-528 p.; bibliog. 503-527. DM 60 pa. 0 3-597-10058-9. ➔ a41. z314 Snntiago Otero Horacio, Blazquez Carmona F., ed., Panorama actual de la teologia espafiola: Documentaci6n actual 2 [selecciones]. M 1974, Fundaci6n univ. 615 p. 27 arl., de potius junioribus. - RTPbil 53 (1978) 613s (F. Barredo). z315 Schnitz Hans J., Lessico dei teologi del secolo XX [=Temlenzen der Theologie im 20. Jht. 1974] tr. Vanzan Piersandro omettcndo 10 dei 99 profili, rifacendo 3 e aggiungendo 22: Myst.Salutis Sup. 12. Brescia 1978, Queriniana. 891 p. - RNRT 101 (1979) 147s (L.-J. Renard); RHE 74 (1979) 817s (R. A[ubert]: titre italien trompeur; peu d'exegetes, ni Lagrange ni Cerfaux); Sal 40 (1978) 731s (A. Amato: molti tedeschi, tre italiani, G. Gutierrez ma nessuno spagnolo), 41 (1979) 572s (G. Abba).

z316 Grass H., ALTHAUS,Paul (1888-1966): ➔ 895, TRE 2 (1978) 329-337. z317 Wingren Gustaf, AULEN,Gustaf (1879-1977): ➔ 895, TRE 4 (1979) 74852. z318 Persson P. E., The Unique Character of Christian Faith: The Relation between History and Faith as a Problem in the Theology of G. Aulen: ScriptMin (Lund) 1978s,3. 22 p. z319 BALTHASAR Hans Urs von, Un'esposizione critica del suo pensiero, Aldo Moda (diss. Neuchätel). Bari 1976, Ecumenica. 577 p. - RAntonianum 53 (1978) 364ss (J. Rezette); RHE 74 (1979) 833s (R. A[ubert]). z320 BARTHKarl: Almen Edgar, Glaube und geschichtliche Verantwortlichkeit. Die Geschichtlichkeit des menschlichen Denkens als theologisches Problem von den Positionen Karl Barths und Paul Tillichs her beleuchtet: StTheolLund 35. Lund 1976, Gleerup. VI-482p. - RTR 74 (1978) 220s (E. Rolinck). z321 Barth Karl, Evangelical Theology: an Introduction. GR 1979, Eerdmans. 206p. z322 Bromiley G. W., Introduction to the Theology of Karl Barth. GR 1979, Eerdmans. 253 p. z323 Busch Eberhard, a) Karl Barth: His Life from Letters and Autobiograph-


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ical Texts [Mü 1976], tr. J. Bowden. L 1976, SCM. xvn-569 p., 103 phot., 5 maps. ft0. - RJTs 29 (1978) 286ss (G. M. Newlands); ScotJT 31 (1978) 271-74 (R. W. A. McKinney). - b) Karl Barth und die Pietisten: die Pietismuskritik des jungen Karl Barth und ihre Erwiderung: BeiEvT 82. Mü 1978, Kaiser. 308 p. DM 28 pa. 0 3-459-01165-3. z324 Co/lange Jean-F., Karl Barth: predications et correspondance [Zürich Gesamtausgabe]: RHPR 58 (1978) 437-441. z325 Dekker A., Homines bonae voluntatis. Das Phänomen der profanen Humanität in Karl Barths Kirchlicher Dogmatik [IV/3,140]. Ein analytischer Kommentar zu einem Satzteil. Z [1969], Ev-V. 177 p. z326 Dembowski Hermann, Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Eine Einführung in ihr Lebenswerk und ihre Bedeutung für die gegenwärtige Theologie. Neuk 1976. 119 p. DM 14. - RTLZ 103 (1978) 216s (W. Krötke). z327 Groll Wilfred, Ernst Troeltsch und Karl Barth - Kontinuität im Widerspruch [< diss. Mü 'Der theologiegeschichtliche Zusammenhang von T & B' dir. T. Rendtor.ff]:BeiEvT 72. Mü 1976, Kaiser. 144 p. DM 22. RTLZ 103 (1978) 289ss (J. Fanxmeier). z328 Gunton C. E., Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles HU!l!!hurnc und Karl Danh: OxTht:ulMun. Ox 1978, U.Pr. x-236 p. i 10. - Rns 30 (1979) 386ss (G. R. Evans). z329 Herlyn Okko, Religion oder Gebet: Karl Barths Bedeutung für ein 'religionsloses Christentum' (diss. Tü 1977, Wende zwischen dem Wort). Neuk 1979. 143 p.; DM 28 pa. 0 3-7887-0557-4. - RTZBas 35 (1979) 378s (J. Fangmeier). z330 Hildebrandt B., Das Problem der natürlichen Theologie bei K. Barth: Diss. Greifswald 1977. VI-289p. z331 Jüngel E., Barth Karl (1886-1968): ➔ 895, TRE 5,3s (1979) 251-68. z332 Kappes U., Die Determination zum agonistischen Verhalten nach Erkenntnissen von Ethnologie und Psychologie und ihre Konsequenzen für die Freiheit des menschlichen Verhaltens in der Gegenüberstellung mit dem Freiheitsbegriff K. Barths und R. Bultmanns. Diss. Leipzig 1974. IV-281p. z333 Kappes Ulrich, Durch Christus befreites Leben [K. Barths Glaubensverständnis. Entfaltung des durch Christus befreiten Lebens in der Theologie Bultmanns]: TArb 36. oB 1979, Evang. Verlagsanstalt. 78 p. M 6,80. z334 Klappert B., Promissio und Bund, Gesetz und Evangelium bei Luther und Barth: ForSystÖkT 34. Gö 1976, VR. 296 p. - RRTPhil 111 (1979) 90ss (D. Müller). z335 Krämer M., Die Religionskritik L. Feuerbachs und ihre Rezeption in der Theologie K. Barths: Diss. Göttingen 1975. rx-429 p. z336 Kreck Walter, Karl Barth (1886-1968) ➔ 443, Greschat M., Theologen 1978 II, 382-399. 440s. Kwiran Manfred, Index to Literature on Barth, Bonhoeffer and Bultmann 1977 ➔ 987. z337 Lange P., Konkrete Theologie: Karl Barth und Friedrich Gogarten 'Zwischen den Zeiten' (1922-33). Eine theologiegeschichtlichsystematische

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Untersuchung in Blick auf die Praxis theologischen Verhaltens: Basler Studien zur historischen und systematischen Theologie 19. Z 1972, Theologischer Verlag. 454 p. z338 Lochmann P., Das Wort Gottes als Urteil: K. Barths Lehre vom Wort Gottes als Programm seiner Theologie: Diss. Heidelberg 1977. v-280 p. z339 Quervain Paul F. de, Psychoanalyse und dialektische Theologie: Jb Psychoanalyse Beih. 3: Bern 1978, Huber. 94p. Barth, P. Ric347], Die Bedeutung der Kategorien 'Teil' und 'Ganzes' für die Wissenschaftstheorie der Theologie: TPhil 53 (1978) 481-97. z401 Pannenberg W,., Theology and the Philosophy of Science tr. F. McDonagh. L 1976, Darton-LT. 458 p. f 9. - RJTS 29 (1978) 289 (J. Habgood). z402 DrinkmnnM. E., Het Gods- en mensbeeld in de theologie van Wolfhart Pannenberg: Een schets van de ontwikk:eling van zijn theologie vanaf 1953 tot 1979: diss. Amst VU dir. H. M. Kuitert. Kampen 1979, Kok. 118 p. - RTsTNijm 19 (1979) 407 (H. Biezeno). z403 Kressner T., Verantwortete Rede von Gott: ein Vergleich der Theologie Herbert Brauns w1d W. Pannenbergs: Diss. Bonn 1978. 263 p. z404 Oeing-Ilanhoff L., Die Krise des Gottesbegriffs: Wolfhart Pannenberg zum 50. Geburtstag: TüTQ 159 (1979) 285-303. z405 Vroom H. M., Pannenbergs Benadering van de ongelovige Denker [approach to unbelievers]: Geref TTs 79 (1979) 1-23. z406 Höslinger Norbert, Maas-Ewerd Theodor, Mit sanfter Zähigkeit Pms J:'ARSC:H [1884-1954] und die biblisch-litur&ische Erneuerung. Klosterneuburg 1979, Österreichisches Katholisches Bibelwerk Parsch-Institut Sehr. 4. 336 p., portr. z407 Casalegno Ugo, Dio, esseri supremi, monoteismo nell'itinerario scientifico di Raffaele PETTAZZONI: diss. Pontificiae Uniwrsitatis Gregorianae. Torino 1979. vm-270p.; bibliog. 251-270. z408 O'Brien Edwin F., The Origin and Development of Moral Principles in the Writings of Paul RAMsEY:diss. Pontificiae Universitatis a S. Thoma, R 1978. xxm-264 p.; bibliog. J-X. z409 RAHNERKarl, Foundations of Christian Faith: an Introduction to the Idea of Christianity [= Grundkurs des Glaubens 1976 ....,58s,9386] tr. William V. Dych. NYIL 1978, Seabury/Darton Longman & Todd. xv470. $19.50/f14. - RExpTim 90 (1978s) 58s (J. Macquarrie); TTod 36 (1979s) 425s.428.430 (D. Burrell). z410 Rahner Karl, Meditations on Freedom and the Spirit, tr. R. Ockenden al. NY 1978, Seabury. 115 p. $3.95. z4 l l Rahner K. Lesebuch, Rechenschaft des Glaubens, hg. K. Lehmann, A. Raffelt. Z/Fr 1979, Benziger/Herder. 469 p. DM 48. 150 Stück. - RTS 40 (1979) 792s (G. A. McCool). z412 Corduan W., Hegel in Rahner: a Study in Philosophical Hermeneutics: HarvTR 71 (1978) 285-98. z413 Fischer K., Der Mensch als Geheimnis. Die Anthropologie Karl Rah• ners: ÖkForsch, IIN 1974 -• 56,5664. - RNRT 100 (1978) 792s (C. Dumont); TR 75 (1979) 142s (H. Vorgrimler). z414 Franca Miranda Mario de, 0 misterio de Deus em nossa vida. A dou-


Elenchus / Biblica 60 (1979)

[XXI. Hist. exeg.

trina trinitäria de Karl Rahner, diss. Roma, 1974. 63 p. (Excerpta). z415 Guglielminetti Pietro P. M., L'estensione e l'approfondimento della nozione di Sacramento in K. Rahner, E. Schillebeeckx, 0. Semmelroth. Diss. Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae. Roma, 1971. 83 p.; bibliog. 15-20. z416 Heijden B., van der, K. Rahner 1973 ➔ 55,a399. - RNRT 101 (1979) 110 (C. Dumont); TR 75 (1979) 143s (H. Vorgrimler: das Beste!). z416* Hoye William J., Die Verfinsterung des absoluten Geheimnisses: eine Kritik der Gotteslehre Karl Rahners: Theologische Perspektiven. Dü 1979, Patmos. 70 p. DM 12,80 pa. 0 3-491-77609-0. z417 Kasper W., Karl Rahner - Theologe in einer Zeit des Umbruchs: TüTQ 159 (1979) 263-71. z418 Klaus Otte, Lernen als reflexiv vollzogene Existenz. Die Analyse eines Lernprozesses in der Theologie, dargestellt an Karl Rahner: Das Leben der Toten [zu H. D. Bastian] (Basel Hab.Sehr.): BasBernSt 31. Bern 1978, Lang. v-161 p. - RTZBas 35 (1979) 380 (H.-H. Schrey). z419 Negri L., Implicazioni apologetiche del discorso teologico rahneriano: EphCarm 26 (1975) 104-175. z420 Ratzinger J., Vom Verstehen des Glaubens: Anmerkungen zu Rahners Omu S a576 u72 u586 E733 Alster B 2528 4407 44 71 Es534 M4420 R4044 Alsup J 6297 6496 7620 R9853 Alszeghy Z 2529 9291 Ra56 Alt A Mz303 Altaner B y432 Altbauer M 3930 3931 Altenähr A z346 Altenmüller H 3929 4408 t867 Alter R 2029 Altermath F 8011 Althann R 4901 t429 . Althaus P 7775 Ma41 z313 z316 Althausen J R209 504 Altheim F Mz285 Althoff K 5999 Altizer T Mz438 Altm..in A 3187 u506 u973 z86 Altmann W 6207 Altpeter G 1420 2090 5054 Alvar E. J Rt380 Alvarez L s148 Alvarez C. S y433 - T. S 4357 - V. L 7838 Alves M 7621 7692 8032 R M9734 9801 - s. P 8954 Aly s880 Alzinger W t998 Amalarius My87l Amand M. E u223 Amandry M u226 P 1248 u124 Amarna 1040 3234 a492* s34 s750 t846t853 u580 y26 y242 Amato A 1138 1208 8842ab R384 485 534 613 640 1514 1540! 2141 2376 2900 5483 8908 9280 9669 9689 z273 z315 z356 Amberg E z378 Amborn H y89 Ambrosius · 667 6646 y698 M325 5 6681 9043 y698 y711 y716 Ameil M 9664 Amelius M7227 Amiet P s2 s467 t622

62,,:- Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)

Index - 977 t803 t805 t818* t841 u421 R107 112 252 1047 s60 sl02 s873 t722 t809 t823 t829 R 439 'Ämir t794 Amir Y 4567 Amiran R s609 s610 s886 s887 s938 s941 t16 Amit D s894 s950 'Amman s743 t190 t191 abc t205 u897 Ammassari A 277 3932 4932 6298 6998 9320 Ammer K F8 Ammiya u506 Ammonius y779 'Ammt2dfm t92 d'Amore P s396 s468 Amphilochius' y586 Amphoux C 2162 8394ab 8395 8422 'Amra t207 t608 Amram D 3188 Amsler S 4409 Amusin I u974 Anafa s746d t93 t94 Anati E t769 Anatolia a5 76-a597 t984-u145 yl28 y147 Anbar M 2892 3625 4988 R u467 Ancel E R8400 Ancilli E 8536 E872 Ancyra u36 Anderfuhren J 9665 Anders P u492 Andersen F 4241 4871 a93 Rt750 W Rl824 Anderson A 3541 R2736 4041 4947 B 1271 1272 2531ab 2682 2717 2806 4925 5162 E314 Rl326 2496 G 384 1273 s744 E548 549 9666 H 6364 Ra75 M 1826 y949 Ry422 N 8843 P R 172 R 5529 8297 9450 a553 s596 t71 W 2764 R9400 Andrados F a600 Andrae W t690 t931 Andre G a298 R151 2241 Andreae B s 149 t999 Andreas My942 Andreasen N 3169 Andreau J RlQ51 Andreeva M u338

978 - Index

'Araba u717 Arabia t769-t802 Andres G de y939 Aracic D 1130 - C. E de z14 Arad s746 s774 s884Andresen C E63 FlQ s892 Andre V. P 3189 z15 d'Aragon J 957 R7093 Andrew M 4977 R4635 Aram-Soba 2256b u549 Andrews P u79 P. G 1421 Aranda Andriessen P 8335 6537 Andronikos M u235 Aranguren I 5944 Ry589 u245 u256a u257 Anestidis A E973 'Araq al-Amfr s743 t208 Angel F. M 9594 t210 d'Angela C R15 460 'Ar'ara s893 D' Angelo M 8302 Ararat yl36 Angeli A a793 Ararat N a335 C 7479 G Arce A 386 y328 y329 Angelini 9321 y413 Ry383 Angeloni M T9775 Archer G 1274 1833 Angerstorfor A 2530 5055 5076ab Ani (Armenia) u127 Archi A 3312 4630 Ankara u36 a590 t430 t431 t432 Anna S 2398 t985 y151 Et428c R4686 Anneliese M. W y482 Annen F 6072 6523 Ardizzoni A Fl 1 Anoz J 4580 Areitro R de 9986 Ansaldi J R3159 8631 Aren G y330 Ansdn11.:11lR 5582 At'ens E 5771 Ans,:,:JmusMy562 At'ensburg B t90 F-227 Antes P 1210 Argaud J Ru367 Antin P Ty725 Argissa-Magoula u209 Antiochia slO u37 u545- Arias J 642 R1391 u548 y768 - R. M 1077 Antipatris t18-t'.l8 Arichea D 9170 Antoine J 5641 Arie! A a94 Antoninus P y236 Arieti J R3690 Antonio B. B 1997 Ariful S 4358 - M. C 1324 Arfs u708 L R60la Antoniotti Aristar A a377* 6131 Aristoteles M9939 u396 Anz W 7845 zl35 Arius My743 Apameia t487-t488 Arjün t490 B R 1813 Arkell A t937 Aperribay 5444 9408 Armellada Bde 795 Aphek s751 tl8-t28 Armenia ul 23-u 145 y274 Aphraates y635 y780y782 Armerding C 1078 1589 Apollonj G. B u198 4631 Apor E 2281 E116 Arminius Mz62 Appel G 3190 H E933b Armogathe J Ez367 Applebaum S s759 t72 Armstrong C 1631 G t246 u975 y90 3414 Appleyard D a560 a574 Arnaldi F Ea789 1{a572 Arnaldich L 965 Appold M 7053 7358 Amandez R T9592 Apted M E232 Arnaud D t402 t7 l 5 'Aqab t489 u655 Aqavia U E385 Amclt W Ta603 Aquilar C. J u468 Arnold A u469 T9960 Aquilina J a522 D t878 t883 M Mzl25 Aquinas T 3081 6800 T Mz206 U y269 W R3417 M9688 9843 9849 y885 y896 y913 z132 Arnon A y152

Arnot W 4472 6885 Aro J R754* 'Ar8'er s743 s746ac s893 Aron R 5406 Arowele P a44 Arpachiyah s128 t686 Arpad t723 'Arqa t295 t296 Arras V Ra571 Arribard P 9643 Arrighetti G Ra620* Arrighini A R6897b Arrington F 5642 7935 Arsameia u38 Ars/an Tash t371 Artamonov M u93 Artola A 1827 Artzi P Eu973 Artzy M t152 u196 Ru196b 'Arub s894 ArCtda t687 Arwad u550 Arzawa u928 As'ad M t596 'Asi:ira t594 Asaro F tl52 u196h Asca/011 s895 l292 y145 Ascani K E136 Asch S M5518* Aschenbrenner S u698 Asendorf TJ 2015 Ei39 N. F 4115 Asensio 4322 * 8485 R3955 3990 8751 a356 Aser - Ben 2415 Ashby G 2532 7257 Ashdod s896 s897 a Ashe G 6033 8510* 9840 Asheim I 1268 Ashkenazi E 3873 Ashley B 6000 Ashton J 8844 R5835 E 278=y331 Ashtor u976 M810 Ry305 y358 Asia 8372 Asiab t688 Asmar t689 H M9428 Asmussen z274 J 7890 R2263 Aspesi F a831 Assa'ad K t571 Assad S 2617 Assaf A u507 - Abu l536 Asseldonk O van 7144 y816 Assfalg J 1151 1211 1258 R1201 Assmann J 2163 4410

s691 EJ79 Assouan s750 Assur t690-t691 Assyria t622-t768 Astengo C 797 Asterios M3987 Astour M u508 Rs76 Aström P u168 'Asur S Ey414 Asurmendi R. J 4738 T2405 Aswad s399 t491-t492 Aswan s750 Atalay E s457 Atasoy S s516 Athanasius y602 My587y596 Athenae u210 u551 u552 u598 Athenagoras y597 Athos u223 y336 Atiqa t698 Atiya A Ry354 Atkinson K t265 M 9384 Atsalas B 2164 Attal R 1018 Attar M T3052 Attridge H 8347 Atzberger L 9987 Aubert J 1235 2533 5683 7521 9841 R 798 1155 1201 1205 z216 z248 R475 9440 s815 z315 z319 Aubet M t327 t370 t378 Aubineau M y639 y641 Audet L 6299 Audinet J 643 Audouin R t794 Auerbach A 4632 Auf der Maur J 4024 Auffret P 4105 4111 4114 4183 4205 7029 8341 8344 Aufrecht W a418 Auge M 969 * E644 Augrain C T1988 Augst G 1632 Augstein R 5407ab Au'gustijn C y981 Augustinovich A 1916 3627 6886 9135 9667 Augustinus 3976 7083 7089 9975 M6983 7221 7235 78~5 8250 8425 9849 9939 y667y696 Aukrust T 5949 Auksi P y924 Auld A 3428 3479 3480 3483 Rl487b 2461

3122 3132 3360 3814 5169 Aulen G 5388=5408 M1129 z317 z318 Aulock H von u85 Aune D R299 676 5383 9067 9424 y37 z270 Aurelio T 6104 Aurenche O s360 Aus R 4869 8079 Austad T 5587 Austin M u977 Autenrieth J 2192 Auw L von R6892 Auzou G 2991 Avalle DIS 2165 Avanzini A Rt790 Avdat=Avdeh s458 s742 s874 Avelino T. G T4390 8680 9627 9999 Avella O 977 Aversi A R773 Avery T s150 A vigad N 4942 s469 s472 s597 s742 s743 s803 s804 s805 t48 t76 Avinery I a462 Aviram J 799 Avis zll0 zl 11 Avishur Y 4147 4978 a95 a200* n11 R154 Avitsur S u807 Avi-Yonah M s563 s579 s760 s812 t39 t130 t138 t163 t17'i t194 u357 u402 u422 u509 E873 900 Awoniyi J 8396 Ayalon E t70 Ayassot E s275 Ayia Paraskevi u165 'A.yn (ras) t18 Ayo N R1651 Ayoub S 1241 Ayyalon t56 Azam G z217 Azambuja J de My990ab Azar t493 Azer M a96 Aziz P y270 Aziza C y747 Azkoul M y578 Azraq Park t211 Azulay E 3170

Index - 979

Bab ed-Dra t2 l 2 t213 Babinfot1s G ElQ03 Bab-$aghir t494 Babut J R5664 6392 7136 Babylonia t622-t768 Bacchi G s942 Bacchiocchi S 911 7 9118 Bach D R3925 Bachar S 4271ab Bacharach J Ru976 Bachielli L u895 Bachmann H 2368 M 8009 Bachofen J Mu987 Bachrach Y 3527 Bacht H Rl55 666 y826 Baciocchi J de· 5409 Back M a764 Backer D 387 Backes H t68 Backhouse J Ry289 Backmund N t113 Bacon E Es3 Bacq P y511 Bactria t841-t842 Badawy A 1019 t869 t938 Dadcni J 9668 Bader N t'719 t768 Badham P 9988 Badia L R188 5633 ßadier W Ma123 Badre L t40S Bächli O 3473 R2454 z159 ßaeck L Mz282 Baehr J 9452 Baer E s948 t155 I 8591 Baeta C F14 Bäumer R 122 y967 R895 Baffi G. F t433 Bagatti B 1146 1244 2854 5871 7505 s436 s473 s761 s773 s806 s807 s808 t73 t77 t177 u309 u310 u581 u583 u588 u646 y332 F15 Ry264 y276 y367 Baggarly J Ry620 Baghdad s 111 t692 ßaalbek t297-l299 u'i:B Raarda T 2341 7084 Baghdad-Aswad t692 8071 y780 F.18 R5813 Rnginski A s458 Baaren T van 7145 Bagnall R a652 Baarlink H 6413 Bahat D s809 s810 s906 Baatz D s397 S a97

980 - Index Bahnassi A t603 t604 Bahnsen G 8615 = 9595 Baiqa t409a t495 t496 t608 Baier K 7805 W y806 Bailey D s210 s660 G Ru768 J 8249 R5388 K 6673 6709 L 3244 8715 9989 ul41 ul42 Rl314 2038 3575 R 5261 6642 Bailleux E M9l 99 Baillie M s244 Baines J Rs533 Baima B. P s276 s277 Bainton R 970 y940 Baird W 7822 8845 R7917 Bajema C R86 l 5 9603 Bakalla M 1004 Bakan D M9222 Baker D 3291 5684 y221 J 4272 8439 9284 Ty440b R Eu658 T RS269 W 2500 Bakhuizen J y807 Bakker J E27 R251 L 8739 8846 W 2816 Bakler N u659 Balaguer A 6365 Balah s746 d s898 Balas D y632 Balat t854-t856 Balata t83-t87 u642 Bald H 9990 Baldacci M 2534 4868 Baldauf C a355 Baldwin J 5056 5077 M9981 Bale J 7418 Balic C M1130 Balikh s128 Balint L 5643 s278 Mz339 Balkan. E s422 Ball M 4066 Ballaira R263 Ballarini T 5073 5125 E3955 4600 Ballas t965 Ballauf T z46 Balziger D ul43 Baltazar E 8433 · Baltensweiler H R9374 Balthasar H 668 683 8847 7693 = 9385 9171 9386 9952 9991 M9 l 7 l 9405 9434 z319 Balty J s850 Baltzer D 4959

Bälu t255 Baly D 2400 8434 Rl317 4639 u746 Balz H 8397 a683 a690 a712 E880 Bamberger B R3718 9959 Bammel C 2166 E 3904 5485 7019 9094 Bammesberger A 6215 Bandstra A 9443 R7463 8314 9117 Banks R 5772 7522 7850 Bannon E 5420b Banterle G Ey698 Bantle·F 8166 8435 Banyös tl07-t108 Barabas S Fl6 Baradan t693 Barag D s811 s910 s912 t132 tl40 y271 Baras Z E900 Barash A u747 Bar-Ashe:r M a98 a463 Baratto C u592 y200 Barb A u808 Barbagli P 5724 7054 7523 Barbaglio G 5530 6193 E891 Barber C 3553 Barberis B Rs286 Barbero F s275 Barbi A 6976 8848 = 9387 Barbieri L R4270 Barbir K Ry348 Barbour N y272 R 7926 R5408 6297 Barcala A 4273 R5253 Barcena E 5258 Barchudarov L a809 Barclay W 1275 1717 2370 5410 5531 5644 5797 7085 7694 = 9135* 8092 8097 8183 u423 E2402 z270 Mll31 Bardesanes y784 Bardet J 1327 V T9083 Bardon H y97 l Bardtke H R904 t41 Bardy A 2370* Bares L 415 Rt905 B~ebuhr F zl6 Barilko H 4506 a362 Barkai M a99 Barkay G s652 s847ab Barker M 4999 Rl876 W s184 Bar-Kokba B tl07 Bar-Lev Z a99

Barnay J u654 Barnea I u3 l l Barnes T y739 Bamett P R9298 R s4 s99 s100 s101 s102 Barns E u748 J s135 Baron S 5155 Fl7 Barquet P Rt894 Barr D R5308 J 1422 1699 = 8740 1828 1841 1868 a810 Ma239 R279 564 568 897 1487b 2243 2328 al07 Barraclough G RS460 R 6599* Barraco R s 171 Barre M 4328 R3624 9976 Barreau J 5357 Barreca F t34 7 t348 Barredo F z314 Barrel J E184 Barrelet M 768 s325 Barret P T473 Barreto J 7106 Barrett C 6825 7003 7030 7039 7086 7433 7874 8014 9596 a45 a601 R7141 7194 Barrio B. J zl 7 Barriola M 7622 Barsip t669 Barsotti D 2535 3542 3892 4130 4529 4560 5262 Barstad H R564 1398 2633 8503 Barta K 6080 W 3578 4411 t857 Bartchy S 7891 = 7967 7953 9842 Bartczek 5163 Bartei A 3598 R 2030 Bartelink G a602 a732 u660 y588 Bartelmus R 2771 Barteis K 9556 9992 Barth C 1328 293labc a266. R2931 G 5949 6133 6143 8146 a702 H 1329 = 1423 2091 4754 K 5196 5532 7087 zl8 z321 M318 349 510 853 987 2900 5355 9697 9998 a42 zl48 zl59 z309 z320z343 L R2046 2047 M 5486 7524 8098 R8202 N ES196 Bartha T 8436 Barthel P z368 Barthelemy D 279 2167

2304 2305 3655 4576 Barthes R 1633 Ml602 1603 Barthold W y153 Bartholomae C a765 Barthoulout J Ey512 Bartina S 4493 6146 Bartl P Ry407 Bartlett D 4926 8398 9090 Ry4 J 3343 u896 u897 R1357 Bartnik C 1917 Ra56 Bartoletti E E586 645 Bartoli P 7870 Bartoloni P t3 l 8 t319 t372 Barton J 4337 8616 R564a 1755 5153 Bartsch C R87 E 1062 H 3165 6240 8006 Barucq A 4473 Bar-Yosef A s897a tl22 0 1254 s742 s762 s812 5970 s971 s972 t42 tl81 E227 Rs800 Basadonna G 6300 ! Basarab M 5164 Bascape G Ru299 Basch L u661 Baschera R s279 Bascom W sl51 Basetti-S. G 9091 z435 Basevi C 5328 y667 Basilides My755 Basilius M7350 y598y602 Bassett F R76 267 W E9388 Bassit s755 t497-t498 Bassler J 7623 Basslinger-S. H 6124 Bastam t813 t815 Bastet F s517 Bastian H 5533 z418 Bastien P Rs730 Bastin M 6241 Bataillon L R4725 Batash s742 Batey R 9322 Batsah s746 Battaglia O 6366 Battista A t1 77 H u646 M 9669 Battke M 2718 Battles F 2400 M E5707 Batto B R4445 4700 5174 Battuta J My218 Bauch A 9232 Bauchet J R3922 Bauckham R 8081 8849 M3746 Rz371

Baude P 1998 Bauder W 9389 Baudis A E87 Baudissin W Mz184 Baudler G 5000 8850 Baudraz P R8774 Bauer B Mz165 C Ts302 G 9670 J 280 8386 y590 R2716 8364 8606 8686 t667 W a603 M8067 z297 Baughen G 3043 Bauman 5268 Baumann A a272 Baumbach G 7624 R161 5432 9213a y47 y74 Baumeisler T 9022 y741 y797 Baumgartel E M1132 Baumgarten a680 J 7625 Baumgartner C E871 W Ma215 Baur A Ma83 F zl 12 Ma85 zll3 zl70 z195 z201 J 9993 Ry953 Baus K 6887 Bausani A a771 a896 Bausch A 5798 Bavaud 9199 Bavel T v 9994 R9310 Bayard D s152 _ Bayda L409a t495 t496 t608 Bayer O E145 Bayewitz D u591* Baylor M y925 Baym M z218 Bayreuther E 7325 Rz58 R T7645b Bazzano 8198 Bea A Mz271 Beale T t765 Bean G u424 Beardslee W 388 6543* z267 R2328 6086 Beasley-M. G 6414 7461 Beatrice P 2719 5725 y668 Beattie D 3528 3549 R 3550 , Beaucamp E 3977 4185 4215 8537 J u898 Beauchamp P 411 1079 1424 2092 3399 4412 5685 8741 z25 M5695 Rl487 Beaude P 389 Beaudin M 8851 Beauregard M t341 Beaurin J 4067

Index - 981 Bebermeyer G F l 9 Becatti G u341 Becerril H F20 Bechert H a766 Beck B 5269 6643 6737 R5436 6732 C E769 s153 s231 E 3978 5872 y783 y784 H 2233 y434 P t18 t23 t90 Becka O 1110 Becker A 5967 C R871 4725 G a46 H 1408 Eu499 J 1276 1472 3181 3956 7088 7251 8046 8692 R3592 4049 4798 4839 4965 4971 5225 K R70 S 2639 R7783 Beckerlegge G 8852 Becket T M3586 Beckingham C y201 Ra516 Beckwith R 3111 = 9557 3171 = 9119 Beda y844 Bedard A y669 Bedell E 3191 Bedevi V y91 Bedford G 1425 Bedouelle G 3933 4068 y883 Bee R 3371 4225 4633 a811 Beeck Fv 8853 Beegle D 4634 Beek G v u899 M F21 902 Beentjes P 4179 4591 4593 RJ487 3748 4754 5250 Beer U 9671 Be'er Resisim s746d Beersheba s340 s751 s899-s902 u555 y190 Beeston A 4853 a502 a503 a504 t770 u618 u900 y92 R2962 a888 Beffi 5592 Begg C 3372 6112 Begrich G u978 Beguin J E781 ßeharav M 2404 Behm-B. M s518 t764 Behnassi I s672 Beida t271; Golan t95 Minat t409a - Bayda Beidelman T u979 Beillevert P z219 Beilne W 7236 7449

982 - Index 9672 9995 R5612 6111 7920 8272 9142 Beinart D F3201 Beinert H sl03 W 390 6491 8812 R9216 9511 9536 9677b z243 Beinlich H u510 Beintker H 1874 y457 R931 z277 Beirut s144 y410 Beisheim P z220 Beisser F 9092 Beit Alpha t96-t98 Beit-Arie I t3 M 2192 alO0 a897 Beit-.Timäl u564 Beit Ras t214 Bejze B E7249 Belen'kij M 2055 Belevi u6 Belkin J 1063 y808 Bell A 2344* 7419 D 4359 G u103 W sl54 Dellarm.inus R My968 Bellefontaine E 3413 Dclli C E332 0 u125 u135 Bellinato CT 7695 Bellini A E928 E 6093 Ru33J Bellow S y202 Belmont G T5591 Belo F 1426 6415 6416 M9801 Belov G u901 Belting H 3934 u53 y809 Beltz W 2336 2618 Ra544 Bemporad J Et 75 Ben-Ammi D t95 Benamozegh E 9597 Ben-Amram S 2501 Ben-Arieh S s813 s940 t30 t90 Ben Aryeh Y y333 ben-Asher A 2250 2415 M alül Benassi V Tu627 Ben Barak Z 3354 3603 3636 Ben-Chorin S 3142 u593 F22 Ben-Dan M s864 Ben-David A 3179 s653 Bender B u809 Ru817 H 5358 9093 M a561 Bendiner K y334

Ben-Dov M s814abc s866c t108 Bene c 3979 Bene(i) Beraq s743 s746 Benedetto F Di Ea640 P s276 Benedict P u358 Beneitez J 5289 Beneker W 4069 Ben-Eliahu M u749 Benesch K s5 Benetreau S 6888 8358 Bengel J Mzl 9-11 A 238 Bengoa J 9845 Bengoechea I 812 Bengtson B z436 Ben-}:Iayyim Z alül al02 a347 a419 t53 Benigni M Mz216 z25la Benigno G My909 Benito J T9402 Benjamin D Ryl59 Benko S Ey83 My34 Benktson B 2536 Bcnnett D E924 C sl55 t200 t201 E a7':J6 L 5156 M u757 E330 R R4495 Benoit P 281 7696 u594 zll3 U7093 Rg73 5400 9116 s804 tllh tl14 u403 u457 u616 y216 y264 y311 Benotmane T R6416 Ben-Schachar Z 3311 Ben-Shamai H y368 Ben-Shaul Z 3185 Ben-Shem I 3444 Benson R u657 Bentley J 5588 Ben-Tor A s474 s742 tl83 t184, Benveniste E a767 F23 F24 Benyaminovitch A F25 Ben-Yehudah B 2031 al02* E Ma130 a197 Benz E 1133 2640 7697 K R666 Henzing B E197 Berachot s742 s903 Berard C 770 Berardino A Di 9463b = y435 Berchem D v 1'26 Mv My216 -G. M y216 Berchhardt J 391 Berchmans J 9550b Berciano M y484 Berder M R2986

Berg S 3874 W 6142 8437 Bergamelli F 800 y 665 Bergen C 1071 Berger B 3112 J s519 K 5057 5487 5645 5659 6301 8854 R4879 7059 L 1668 P 7319 R s245 S 4211 U


Berges W Mll34 Berggren W s204 Bergh B 2167* Berghaus F 2168 Berghe L v t827 Bergler 5165 Bergman J 4413 8716 a241 a244 a245 a251


Bergner K 14390 9627 Bergquist J 6302 Bergsträsser G a832 Berk C v 1634 Berkhof H 7626 8184 Berki F 7684 Berkof H zl67 ßerkouwer G F27 Berkowitz L t771 ßerlewi M E907 Berlin A 253 7 4209 a103 Berlo R R4368 Bcrman R a104 Bermant C t434 Bermejo L 9390 Bema K s295 Bemabö M 2502 Bemadicou P 6600 Bemal P. A 9843 Bemard C 1427 E t865 J 2237 7287 7291 8486 R7058 Bcmardi J y629 Bemardin J 9952 Bemardini E u339 Bernardus S My812 y820 y830 y866 Bcrnas C R5521 6726 6969 7364 7577 8692 Berner U 5968 Bernhard L a464 Bernhardt K a251 sl56 u902 R548 1278 1930 2986 3711 3969 4041 t218 t412 u880 u960 W R2902 Bernini G 5058 5117 Ml135 Bernspäng E 6367 Bernstein D Ty348 M 2892 3625 4988 Berridge J 4880 5166 R4889 8682

Berrouard M E7083 Bertetto D y273 R677 891 927 936 1520 1830 5910 8895 9086 9924 s784 Berthier R 1918 E9844 Berthold H Ry508 Berthouzoz R 1428 Bertinelli C R1711 6836 7021 Bertinetti I R9893 z429 Bertman S Eu980 Berto D 5589 Bertolo S 5773 Bertone T R185 Bertram B u750 G 2306 8438 R187 194 4402 8642 Bertrams W I'28 Bertrand D R8011 J Ru550 Bertsch L E60 Beruhe C R9229 Berve H M1136 Berz A T9999 Besän 2827 t99-t104 u556 Besch W E164 Besnard A 3742 M1137 Besor u708 Bess S R3747 L 4274 Bcsserman Rz48 Best E 1875 5329 6418 8099 a47 E32 R5382 5701 5741 6403 6469 7529 7953 8371 y74 J s361 Beste I s475 Besutti G 1238 Betancourt P s362 u268 Beteta V 6341 Bet ha-Kerem u624 Bethesda 7288 7289 Bethge E 4071 Ez344 z345 Mz349a H 5513 R143 y797 R Ez344 z345 Bethlehem s904 s905 Betlyon J s719 Rs72 Bethsaida 6536 Bet-S'an 2827 t99-t104 u556 Bet-Se'arfm t105-t106 Bet-Semes s906 y190 Bettenzoli G 4960 = 9023 Bet-Ter s907 Betti U 1174 Bettiolo P y764 Betts R y335 Bettscheider H E5411 Betz G Tt637 H 5969

6022 6034 8042 8047 Ea81 R5320 7600 8061 u865 J 6216 9323 y561 0 2817 6001 6035 6525 7627 U 8100 T901 W F29 Beuken W 3628 4815 E9 7316 R4643 4824 Beukens R sl 57 Beumann H F30 Beumer J Ry968 Beurath G y436 Beutler J 610 7146 7147 a686 a696 E550 R6086 7090 7199 7205 7271 8066 Bevenot M 6908 y719 Beverwyck J v M8359 Bcyene Y 885'i Beyer K Ra871 R E"u470 Beyerhaus P E161 Beyerlin W 4199 4221 E889 T5072 Beylot R E2987 Beylsmit J a577 ElQ05! Beyreuther E a52 Beyrouth s144 y410 Beyschlag K 6889 7003 Beyse K R94'7 3530 a181 Beyth M u662 Beyze B E393 Beza T 2302 My94 7 y954 y973 y974 Biallas L R64 Bianchi E 1999 8656 9673 G 9409b L T5573 9824 U 282 9136 E736 u471 Bianco A del T237lb B 1429 - P. V s645 Bibliander T a812 Bibra u558 Bibra O v 9453 Bickerman E 283 2307 5201* 5873 Bickert R 3554 3660 Biddle J Rz3 Bieber A sl58 s162 M s520 Bieda D R1799 y696 Biedenkopf-Z.A 1020 ! Bieder W a721 R299 8993 9251 Biedermann H y336 J '1'1673 Biemer G Rzl39 Bienert W y620 y621 Bienwald K z52 Bier L u54 Bierbach C 1635

Index - 983 Bieritz K R6236 9368 9554 Biers J u146 W Ru236 Bierwisch M a5 3 5 Biesterfeldt H Ry382 Bietak M s693 s741 t925 Bietenhard H 9200 a52 Bieville H de R8428 Biezais H 394 E3166 F31 Biezeno H Rl463 3691 4162 6213 8071 z167 R R3372 4882 6569 z402 Biga M 3724 R3221 Bigane J 971 6147 Bigare c 1289 Bigger S 3303 Biggs Rt435 t731 t743 E439 R745 2792a 4665 s796 Bi~uzzi G 6575 6587 BiJl S y941 Bikai P t313ab t373 Bilabel F a657 Bilde P 9673* Bilezikian G 6419 Bilik E a260 u565 Bill E 2329* Billanovich G y699 Billerbeck P 5522 Billet B R9956 Billigmeier J a378 ul67 u199 Bimson J 1094 3018 M s315 Binder E T9783 G ET4509 H 6420 Binford L 284 s306 E395 Ms272 S s306 Bing J 2791 Bingen J 696 u981 E195 Binnick R a855 Bin-Nun S 4686 t986 Bins C Rl808 6366 a84


Binyamini N u810 Biran A s743 s893b s939ab t8 tll8 Birch B 2000 = 8657 3579 R3589 3606 3764 Birchal A Ey105 Bird P Rl971 Birdsall J 6725 7420 Birkeli F 1202 Birken A y337 Hirkin J 4601 Birkner H z114

984 - Index

R9142 S 4635 Rlaser K Rz154 Birmele A y932 T9781 Blass F a604 Birnbaum S R2247 Blatt F a787 Bimgrubcr S Ra31 Blau J a105-a108 a201 Birot M Rt648 a505 a833 a834 E154 Birus H 3645 Mal58 Ra154 Ta781 Bisära t206 Blazen I 784 I Bischof G y831 Bläzquez J t380 y93 Bischoff B a786 - C. F z314 Bisconti u312 Bleeker C R9893 Biser E 518 683 685 Blei K 4242 1700 2093 8856 9674 Bleibtreu E s476 t623 a61 - E. G 9599 Bishara S s266 u803 Blenkinsopp J 1876 Es512 3472 R273 1487b Bishop W Rt953 Blersch H T5599 Bisi A t374 Blethen H z20 Bisitun t8 I 6 Blindstein G 3182 Biskamp K 8525 BliW1J58746746 Bissoli C 2094 R399 BliJlevens A R8800 4301 7015 7614 8505 Blin M 2538 G R2932 6557 6976 Bliquez L u147 Bit-Gusi t723 Bloch A 3250 = 8592 E Bithia t392 2057 M1138 2065ab Bithvnia 8372 3791 5588 9801 Biton G u569 - H. N 6201 Ry975 Bitte! K 803 1216 t987 Blocher H 2539 4414 t988 t989 MlQ42 4857 5257 Bitter G 9233 Blockx K z156 Bivar A t842 Rsl6 Blocm H 6303 = 6327 Bjerkelund C 7698 9:.Wl Bloesch D 1831 R7408 Blok J Ru369 Bjerrt:-A. K y633 Blonune Y s982 u595 Blachere R 6559 y338 Ru509 Black E 1829 M 1636 Blomqvist J a734 y94 2285 2288 6064 Ra604 6825* EI 71 -F32 Blond G Ey494 Blackman L 85 II Blonde! .T 8399 M Blackwood A 4258b Mz228 z237b z239 Bläser P R8150 z263 Blahoslav J My976 Bloy L M2049 Blaiklock E 3980 5712 Blum E 2714 G y765 5714 8362 Ry778 W y633* Blaine B t237 Blume H s363 Blair H y485 J 7148 Blumenkranz B y810 Blais B !9863 Blumenthal D 4961 E Blake E y203 W z26 3580 M4415 Mz438 Boadt L 4962 4990 Blanc M s280 R277 1487b 1876 Blanch A R7804 S 1330 3748 8472 a261 3192 Boardman u222 u811 Blanchard A 2169 Boase T y274 Blanchet A z221 Bober A u472 H 4029 Blanchetiere F y748 Bobzin H Ra513 P v Boccali G 3555 9755 Blanckenhagen u685 Rul2 Bock E 2541 3044 Blanco S R5879 zl In Hlandino G 1830 Bockei P 7091 Blank J 688 1701 2809 Bode R R630S 7628 6890 7090ab 9391 Bodewig M ElQ4 9675 MI 731 y475 Bodin J z21 R6389 R 5646 = zll5 Bodine W Rs129b

Bodmer P 1256 Bodson L u751 u752 Böcher O 2696 6723 7421 7520 a688 u663 y154 Ea639 R4850 Boecker H 3193 4636 R3319 Böckle F 9600 E94 Bödefeld H sl59 Böhl F 1430 F33 Ru584 Böhme A t565 W E396 Boehmer R 1042 s521 t704 t990 u126 Böhmer S 4923 Böhringer W TI629 Bökönyi S u754 u755ab Boelaarset H E100 ßor.lter F 4804 Bömer F R864 Boenig R y942 Boer H 7422 P de 2329a 3556 3557 W de R5835 Börker C u15 - K. J t545 Boerma C 2001 = 8658 B0rresen K 9848 9849 H a48 z291 Boers R5512* 7612 ßor.s~h H Mll39 Boese H 2345 J t548 Boessr. J 6891 S y437 Hoessneck J t237 u753 Böttcher M 7423 Böttger P 9602 Boettner L 7509 Boever R 6644 Bof G 6340 TzI8 Boff C 9830 L 634 8857 9285 9676-9679 9845 M5355 9724a Bogacki H R 1824 z244 Bogaert P 802 1080 2308 2824 4946 zll7 z268 E588 Rl28 3102 4768 5070 s209 u646 Bogart J 7055 Bogazköy 3265 s416a t666 t667 t984-t997 u753 yl51 Boge H 2170 Boggio G 9324 Bogharian N a578 Bogner V 4243 4577 4872 Bogoljubov M a420 Bogoslovski J u982 Bogue C z98 Buhen M Ra89 Bohlem R 3759abc Bohoslov F 2136 Boice J 1832 1833 7092

7335 7388 Boismard M 5726 7093 7094 R2290 2328 5490 5731 5747 6458 6994 7058 7068 7080 7118 7137 7152 7178 7190 7194 7199 7201 7205 7395 7439 8227 a624 Boissard G R5597 8464 9941 Bojorge H 6601 7274 9846 Rz17 Bok W 3298 Bokser B 3339 Boldrey J 9847 R 9847 Boles H 6827 Bolewski J 8717 Holgiani F 9024 y666 Boling R 3445 3486 R3360 3520 Bolkar-Maden u40 Bollacher M z86 Bollier J 972 Bolliger M 5059 E491 Bollman K 2058 Bollmann C 2028 Bollnow O 1431 Bolognesi P 2468 5875 7179 8578 R368 1737 5688 5706* 6149 6167 6907 7820 8553 9463b a63 Bolozky S a109 Bolt J Rz208 Bolton W y942 Boman T M4425 Bomm U Ry471 Bommes K y497 Bonar A 4070 Bonaventura y908 M557 692 y923 Bondi S L320 tJ75 u905 u983 Bone E 481 6304 s763 Bonfil R 397 Bonfils Mu439 Bonhoeffer D 4071 z344 z345 M987 1738 5689 9793 z326 z344-z349 T R2076 Bonin E Tl800b Bonis K 285 RlQl 1 E973 R7904 Bonn A s364 Bonnard P 1113 4156 4180 4206 4232 5686 5799 5870 6529a 7107 8048 M5848 Bonnardiere A - La 4481 Bonnet C s219 G 9601 Jul

Bonomi AT1617 Bonora A 2832 4275 5167 Bonsen J 2059 9680 Bonting S 2641 Boo~rd N v 2212 Bo01j T 3957 R134 2243 3606 Boomershine T 2720 Boor W de 6826 7389 7776 8015 Boost J T8463 Boot C y717 Booyens M 2095 Boqeq s908 Boraas R t233 t234 t237 t241 Borbath D 7806 Borchers K z437 Borchsenius P 1919 Bord A 9194 Bordaz J Es770 Bordoni M 8857* Bordreuil P a379 a926 s477 t296 t403 Borel A 9194 Borelli G 7699 Boretzky N 1637 Borgen P 7333 Borger H y811 R 1190 a476 a479 ·a768 t804 J a525 Borghouts Ra537 Boriolte M y275 Bon P 6892 9392 Boring M 7356 9025 Borland J 8693 Borle J Ry62 Bormuth L Tl322 Born A, v Ml140 Borne E 9202 Borne G z438 Bornkamm G 5270 5271 5412 5950 6143 7525 8813 E6486 M5278 8076 Bornmann F Ta633 Borobio D 4023b 9325 Boros L 3743 Borowski E Ms139 0 s926 u892 W 3134 Borret M y559 y568 Boryan F t2 P s930 s897b Boscaro A 5413 Bosch A v y812abc D E398 J 9850 - V. A 7149 Boscherini S Ea806 Boschi B 2992 3113 3251 8487 8694 8742 R421 1415 1785 2485 3159 5021 5375 5498

Index - 985 6352 Bosold I 6753 Bo(ira y175 Boss G R452 Bosse-G. K a437 Bosseler J 4072 Bosshard S y943 Bossier F E25l Bossman D 3857 Bossuet G s 160 t404c J M7597 Bossy J z39 Bostoen A s523 Boswinkel E a605 E57 C u903 Bosworth Ru447 Botha C 9454 Bothmer B s161 Et918 Bots J z439 Botte B 6217 a743 Bottero J 3581 R934 Botterweck G E896 897 = 8743 F34 J 4530 Bottini G 3752 R2039 3748 Bottoms L 4531 Bouchard G z118 Boucharlat A t832 Boucher M 6094 9851 R6100 Bouchet J 9025*a Bougerol J Ry875 y920 Bougie P R3990 Bougon B R8388 Bouillard H Mz311 Boulanger J 2225 Boulet J 5636 Boulluec A - Le 7969 Boulter C R38 Bouma H y339 Bounni A t404 t405 t436 t483 t484 15 t569 Mt570 t601 Bourassa F y670 Bourdillon M R1972 H 8858 Bourgeois 9680* Bourgoin H 6002 Bourguet D 3908 = alll 4532 R1814 2438 3916 6736 Bourke M 9558 Bours J 4073 Bousset W 286 Boutin M 1432 Bouttir.r M 903 = 8744 1081 ~ 5272 5359 5647 5951 8395 R613 957 3004 l121 5284 5374 5382 5518 5524 5615 5729 5787 5854


986 - Index

Brak s128 t499 Brakmann H t8617 5870 6050 6098 6127 Brand Y s315b 6241 6247 6282 6389 Brandby-C. M 9852 6403 6469 6474 6849 Branden A v a380 = 6947 7068 7293 8202 a898 t387 R751 a411 8371 8920 9286 9298 Brandenburg A y926 9315a s394c y74 E400 9394 Mll42 H Bouwen F z440 8049 Es793 Ru324 Bouwman G 7700 8143 Brandenburger E R9415 R522 8581 Brandes M 1200 s2 Bouyer L 6893 7129 t766 7224 8814 8859 9393 Brandl M z22 = z306* Brandmüller W E122 Bouzek J s661 t624 Bover J E2290 Brandt K 3558 Bovon F 399 = 2879 Branick V R7744 7936 6674 7040 8363 Branuses L u213 R6994 Bratcher R 1834 3909 Bowden J T889 1357 6368 8185 El70 1487b 2001b 2010 Braulik G 2818 3400 3401 E135 R1378 5436 6912b 7547b 9298 s394c y74c 2088 3364 z323a Braumann G 9137 Bowers W 7025 Braun E s104 t160 F G t772 Bowersock 5774 = 6003 7150 y644 7151 H 5415 7701 Bowling A a526 Fa81 Mz403 J 9996 R Bowman A a606 F 3812 y746 y749 HJ826 5590 J 8298 M7481 R3841 R R3613 - H. E s524 Boxei P v 1234 Brauner R 401 3411 Hoyann D a421 a422 Boyaval R t939 ßraunert H R 174 Boyce M a769 a770 Braunfels W 904 Ru920 Braverman J 5055b Boyd T 1455 Bravmann M F37 286* Boyer C 8171 al 12 Boyko H u664 Bravo J Tz376c Boyle J Ml 141 L y884 Brawley R 6675 M 1638 y944 Braxton E z393 Boys M 8538 Bray C u732 G 8860 Braaten C M6353 Brazda M 2721 Brabazon J zl19 Brazel A u689 Bracchi R R405 932 Brazzola G 9795 6641 a618 a632 a759 Brechet R 4963 u920 y236 y447 y610 Brecht M E245 R930 y732 z222 z19 Brachmann H E780 Bredenkopf-Z. A 1020 Brack R Mz253 per - Biedenkopf! Brackman A s6 s105 Breech E 6242 Bradford E 7526 Breidert M 8861 Bradley D Rs294 s304a Brekelmans C 3373 Brady D 6421 7424 I Brekle H T1636 F35 T Ry948 Bremer H 9395 Braecklein I FJ6 Bremond C 1433 H Braemer F 770 Mz221 z231 Brändle F 4228 R 6208 Brenner A 2946 v495 R2582 y561 Brentjes B t837 u665 Bräuer M E4602 S Rz4 u904 u984 E402 Rt355 Braido P Rl824 zl 93 u933 y8b y116 y164 Braidwood R t709 u4 7 Brenz J y961 u108 u816 Bresc-B. G s815 Braithwaite R M1670 Bresciani E 1246

Breshears G RI859 Breton J t773 t794 S 403 1434 1791 Breuer M 2238 Breuning W 5534 M9265 1l8995 Breuss J 5330 5876 6422 6894 7266 Brewer C t90 Breydenbach B v y204 Brezzi P 6895 y813 Briand J s281 T y248 Brice W u756 y95 Bri9onnet G My887 Bridge D 9326 Bridger G 7095 Briend J 2405 2542 s742 t68 t143 u636 Rt85 Brienen T 9172 Brier B u757 Briere M y798 Briggs D T5310 Bright J 2893 M3227 R3360 3473 5151 L R888 1989 5759 Brik H 9234 Brilliant Ru21 Brin G 2954 3127 3355 3658 3829 Rrink J v y807 T R5639 ßrinker K 1435 Brinkler B 1043 Brinkman J 3772 z402 M Rz147 Brinks J s365 s694 s695 Brinsmead B 8050 Briscoe H 6095 L al33 Brisman S 937 Brissaud P 611 Brito E 8862ab 8863 Britton P t874 Brixhe C a579 Broad W t437 Broadribb D 3910 Broch T 2543 Y 3529 Brock S 938 2330 3716 4637 a465ab y766 y785 y794 E4074 R2418 3003 a209 a432 y869 Brocke M 8659 E6016a R2371a 2476 Brockelmann C a832 Brockmcycr N 3241


Brodie L 2503 4 783 6700 Broer I a682 Brogi M Ry383 Broglie G de M9211b

Bromberger C s326 Bromiley G 8488 8864 z322 E884 T897 1777 Brommer F F38 Bron B 8512 F a381 t774 u58 Ra209 Brongers H 589 3667 8593 al 13 F39 Bronkhorst A 1162 1183 1221 E247 Bronner L 2869 4638 Brook D s162 Brooke C 9327 E46 Brooks J a607 P R598 1638 Brosa I y913 Brosche F y927 Broschi M s366 s995 u598 y168 Brosman P a580 Brossier F 476 Brouette E R422 Bruvarski E s696 Brovender C a466 Brown A u812 C 2619 4623 5360 6309 6436 u813 E551 888 R5956 D a49 H 9603 J 8594 N E552 RayE 404 1829 5877 5878 6704 7056 7096 7397 E5879 6148 9853 M3791 K3791 3833 5701 5915 5929 7093 7178 7205 7528 9289 RM 5416 9681 t237 R 1920 s39 S 5843 6202 6602 a814 R5729 6649 8308 Browne D s163 G 2337 = 4244 6712* 6818 8 R y205 T

a757 Bruckner A 2171 Rs620 u861 2344 Brueggemann W 1326 1921 2097 4639 4908 u864 u985 R273 564 3200 8449 8729 8811 Bruehl C 2300b Brugensis L Mz77 Bruggen J v 1331 2172 5880 7887 Brugger W z379 R4273 z375 Brugnoli G s662 Bruin C De 3813 4603 y814 y941 P 1332ab u313 Brummei L 2002 E406 Brun E z3081 J 133 J -➔ Le E9664 Bruners W 6786 • Brunet G 3640 4755 6243 R6910 Brunn E Zum 3081 Brunner E Mz309 z310* II 1246 4415 4416ab a527 R2942 K R2183 2366* P 287 1877 R6222 T a608 - T. E 4417 s564 t868 u758 u814 Rs602 Bruno C z426 v S 4376 V u200 Brunot A 6244 Bruns J R5343 7066 7093 7267 7404 Brunt J 2003 7702 Bruschweiler F u249 Bruyn L de 9854 M1143 Bruzzone G. B 7024 Bryce G 4418 R1619 T a580* R928 Browning I u427 R Bryer A 648 Ru87 M3920 Brylinski J a50 Brownlee W 1436 4976 Bsteh A 649 5235 Bubastis t857 Brox N 405 7589b 8252 Buher M 2406 3429 8364 8365 R8265 3981 4604 Mz283 y451 z289 z298 z299 z302 Bruce A 2042 6513 = z305 z350-z355 7258 F 1437 1702 Bubner R 1639 M1689 2096 2364 2392 2619 Bucaille M 2642 5064 5389 5417 5714 Buccellati G a480 s164 5934 6828 6896 = t468 t594 t595 t597 7057 7042 7390 7527 t598 t600 7528 7529 7530 7777 Bucci O u381 u986ab 8745 9173 R54 209 Hucer M M4043 623 1755 2172 3456 Buchanan G 6731 8299 3826 4074 4292 5056 9235 9559 5070 5080 5299 5400 Bucher E 1640 5965 6848 7571 8011 Buchholz H ul 95 Ru172 8127 8314 a74 a75 W


Index - 987 Buchner G u248 Buchthol H 5306 Buchwald W 1922 Buck F R1311 5130 Buckland R 5118 Buckley T 7593 Buddingh D E9891 Budesheim T 7038 Budzynski J z23 Büchele A 6804 Büchler A 3893 Buechner F 1438 = 5331 1984 Bühler M 1334 P 6218 W 1334 Bühlmaier K T6336 Bühlmann W 4495 R3097 4951 5140 Bühner J 7152 a708 Bümlein K 9203 Bürki H 8283 Bürkle H E236 R2Q25 Buga I 7703 Buggert W 8865 Buhen t940-t942 Buhl K 1954 Buis P 2894 2906 3045 4982 Rnisson R du t567 Buit M du 2855 39,8 5262* 8037 u760 Bujard W 8186 Bujo B y885 Bukdahl J 1641 Bulckens B Rs624 Bull R t86 Bulli K 2697 Bulliet R s412 = y155 Bullinger H y957 Bullitt O t321 Bulloch J z227 Bullock C 3911 R y96 Bulst W s282 Ey258 F40 Bultmann R 271 6424 7097 7391 8016 9801 9997 a51 z309 M318 662 803 987 1144 1418 1540 1553 5345 5646 5667 5674 6498 7131 7171 7336 7368 7732 7845 8076 9142 9165 9177 9746 9998 z115 z275 z277 z278 z280 z290 z291 z295 z300 z326 z332 z333 z340 z395 Bultot R Ry845 Bumpus H y482* Bunbury E u382 Bunge W 319

988 - Index Buning S Ty339 Bunnens G u29 y97 Buonaiuti E Mz232 z266 Buqras t500 Burchard C 2958 6829 a701 R6843 Burcht H v T5406 H 5390 Burckhardt E913* M a647 Burdach K u314 Buren J van fAmerican] - van, de 'F249 etc. ' Burgii t23 Burger C 8187 E982b Burgess A 5591 Mu423 J 8119 R8961 Burghardt W 974 1590 R5804 Burgos-N. M de 4640 6423 6589 R319 7711 8318 Burgoyne M s816 s836 Buri F 9120 Burillo-G. J 6562 Burini C 8282 R6052 Burke D s394 T 1835 Burkett M u44 Burkhardt H 8539 = 9237 9236 Burkill T 6425 Hurleigh R t743 Burmester O a544 Burnet D y340 Burney C s7 u428 Bums J 8513 M R5521 P 9290 z358 R Mz47 Y 2288* Burnyeat J 3446 Burqu' t215 t608 Burrell D Rz409 Burri R u429 Burrini G a835 Burrow T Ra856 u942 Burrows M 5418 = 5775 Bursa u495 Burton F y98 R My223 - B. T s8 Buscemi M 8051ab a730 R5397 8063 Busch E z323 F R192 y978 Buschhausen H y276 BWfer t50l Busnaki M t601 Buss M 1439 2098 3195 E553 4862 R2097 3193 4648 Bussche H v 7098 Busse U 603_66726

Bussini F 7820 = 9204 Busto-S. J 3867 3935 R2262 Butler T 3046 Butterfield H 1923 Butterworth R Ty732 Butturini E 9682 Butz K u761ab Ru791 Butzer K t943 u666 Rt925 Butzmann H 178 Buysse K s327 Buzescu N y486 Buzzard L 3223 · Buzzetti C 6194 Byblos t300-t304 t388 t393 Byl S a609 Bynon T a836 Bynum C 9855 BYI'l],eB 7867 Byrsa t336 t337 Byström K 6603 U 6603 Byvanck A u315

Caba J 5419 7153 = 9561 Caballero J R914b 4706 5412 Cahrern A de My938 Cacanidze W s817 Cachia P E?.59 Ra522 Cadbury H 6841 MI 145 Cadell H u815 Cadesh-Barnea - K s956 Cadora F a506 Caes E R5074 Caesarea 5868 t29-t32 u559-u562 - Ph. t107-tl08 Caesarius A My714y715 :


teth tlibal]. a265 teba}J it290 THR : (ah6r a267 a29 l a292 TWB: t454 töb a289 TWI;I : tfial). a264 a294 TTP: totapot 3128 a295 a296 TL : tal a297 +oröt 4809 TLH : taleh a310 TM' : (ärne a298 TMN : a300 täman a299 T'M : (ä'am a301 TP: tap a302 TRP : (qrap a303 TBl;I :


Y: 3571 Y'L; yä a/ a106 YDT : t yadäta 230 YH: yhwh -3081-3102 4779 8440 8447 8458 8479 yeho 8462 yw a304 yo 8462 YHD: s907 YWN : *iamanäia 4802 YTB: yä(ab a289 YYN : yayin a305 a349 YKl;I: a344 YLL : yelälah 5233b YM: yam sup 3130 3131 YND u519 YSR: musär 4'159 YPJ.i: yäpfa/J 4123 Y$R: a344 YQR t 6797 YRH : torah 4459

1068 - Ind. V oces

+ br~ a308 yäraq a307 yäroq a308 YR~: tfros a305 a376 u648 YRT t a733 vs-: hosfa' 4851 8541 yesflah 8544 a309 rlR : t a427 * misarum 3316 YRQ : t

kaph K: ke 4227 KBD : 4924

a360 käbed, kiiböd 411 7 * kabtu 4924 * kubiitum 4462 KBS: käbas 5219 kebes a310 * kabä.m 5219 KH: koh a311 KHH: a344 KHN : 0 kihäna 4658 KWN: 4346 KY: kf a312 + t ha d' a313 KYN : kiyyiin 5197 fil,; u314 KL': ta314 KLY: t a315 t a400 KLL : ke/ä/fm 5962 * kalu 5255 KLN: colnt a316 KNN : 4907 * kanänum a370 KSL : kesfl 4459 KSP : t kispum 3396 KPH: kippah 4796 ~Y : * ekal k~~f 5190a KRM : kerem a305 a3 l 7 KRSM: 4181 KR: kar a310 KRT : a228 kärat, krty 3631 K~~ : * kissatum 3418 * ki!sutu u830 KT'o : t ktgqa406b


* /-

a386 /6 4123 a233 a319 L': /o' 3504 5188 a319 a320 +kf 5188 r (power) a318 L'K: mafak 2934-2943 4553 + yhwh 2940* 2941 LDN: * libittu 5255 LB~: 4165 LW: lu/e 4141 LW': läah 3504 Ll;IM: a321 L:

Ll;IN : t Je}Jenaa322 LYD: a318 LY~: /e~ 4459

N~ : nepes a332 N~R: ta406g

:1:a416 ~K : liskat-särfm 4998

NQD : noqed a333 NQM: niqmah a718




2819 3332 nose' 3727 a335* a335 massa' 5146 NS': nose a335 *nis qiiti 941 N~W: *näJu 3727 NTN : mf yitten a334 mattenat bäri 6776

Ns' : nasf'

mem M': mo, ma-wu 4160 mw-kd (aeg.) 4432 MDD : * mundu s65 l MH : + k(m) a388a



MHY: a388a MHR : mä.har a323 Ml;IR : * mabritu 5255 MY: mf a324 ML': 3714 * immale MLK : 3396 3803 melek

5146 + gädol 3701b + '6/iim 8483 + l)esed 3757 t mlkm 3395 MNH: menf 4137 MNl;I : minfJ,at say 2186 MSl;I: u758 ° timsafJ, u758 M'r.:

SYT: 0 t780 sklt a400


SKT: sakkut 5197 SLl,l: ta342 sP' : tsepä 6801 SPR : sipper 4058 SQR: mesaqqer a841 STY: s590

m,Tu/ a325

Mf : nim,fä Mk :


a326 + mrtn t729

MRl;I: * merlJum a374 MRR : märar a327 mrrn

u5 l 9 4329



MR!: a733 M~L: mäsä/ 4465 M~R: 3996 MT : mat a388a MTRN: mitronen 4178 MTY : matay 8771


nun -N: al86 NB' : nlibi 3602 4650 NBL : nebel a328 NBY: *nabiiti u896 NGD: haggadah 3071b NG' : nliga' 3640 NHR: + '/ 4933 NWH : niiweh nawum



niis a232 a330 a331 a483 Nl;IH : yanfJ,ü 4137 Nl;IM : mnfJ,m a340 Nl;IQL: 0 a503 NTH : yi(tu 4160 NTP: a718 -NY: a407 NK.H : makkehtl 4"172 N'M: nä'am a258 N'k: na'ar 4459 NPY: ta416 *niputum 3418 NWS :



'Bo 8443 a336 'äbad 8467 a337 'BT: 'ab6( a338 'm1 : n'b~n a338 'BR: 'libar a339 'oberim 4907 h'br 3802 'B~; 5193 'GL: 'agle 'o: a340 'ad 2257 'oo : t 'dd(n) 3344 ·wo: 'aqti 4160 'WR : 'or a346 'z:z.: 'zwz a200*b 'TYN: 4331 'YR: 'äyar a238 'KR: "'äkar a341 'L: 'a/ 2257 + bt 3794 +pene a354 'LH: 'älah a342 'LM: 'eiern a343 'o/am 4789 8483 a343 'almah 4789 a343 'LS: 'älas a365 'M: a227 'MM: 'ammaw 3346 0 'ämmiya a512 'MQ: 'emeq a233 'pL; 4170 •~B: a344 'QR : 'lif/.ar a345 'RB : a34 7 * ereb 4802 'oo: t 'aqedäh 3115a 'RP: a528 at:g. 'irpvt 'RQ : a232 t a348 *eriqqu a709 'RT : mgrt a379







a349 'TQ:


4914 QRB : qärab

pe P'R:

Q$B : qesubot a358 QQO : * qaqqad 3625 QR' : qlirli' a357 qöre'

pa'rfir 5158 5159


PG': a392c PGL : piggu/ a350 PWI,I : 4123 *sar pu/Ji

8485 a356

QSL : qesal-rua!J 3570 QST : qeset a359


4909 PY: pi a351 PL' : pele' a352 PLG : hiplfg a339 PLGg : pi/eges a350 PLH: 3631 t tepillfn 6199 PLI,I : *pallil]u 1180 PN: pen a353 PNH: pene 2916 a351 a354


PZ: paz

PSL: pisle PSI;J: 0fasi!Ja PRO: a228


a356 qaröb 8485


4907 * i/iramu t430 R'S: rö's 4796 RBB: rb 4924 a360 rabbatf a361 rab t294 RBY : * rabu 4924 * rabR'M : rämot


bu 370lb


* ragämu a15'/


RWI;J: rua!J a362 a363 RWM : merome sädeh


tf!ru'ah 4140 perf 4508 RWS: ras 8687 P~: a228 RZI;I: mrzl;t 4178 P~D: * naparsudu a331 a388d a391 a483 0 abü Rl,IM: ral}.ami ~·: 8655 2827 PgT: t 3010 RYB: rfb 4708 4890 PTI,I : peta!J 2980 RYg: a416 PTY : petf 4459 RKB : wayyirkebü, rikbo PTN : petänfm 4329 a851 RNN : ränan a365 ~ade R'B: rgb a416 R'M : hir'fm a357 $B': ~bäot 8447 8458 R": ra' 4557 $WH : mi$Wah 4459 RP' : rp'um 3396 SLI;J: $äl,a!Ja323 $NR : $innor s868 sin fQ : sa'äqah 5233b $QN : $aqün 4907 SOH : sede terumi5t 3633 $QT: m$qt a416 soR: sederot 3713 $R': $ara'at 3295 stt: §eh a364 $RP : $ärap a355 ~räpfm SHO: a340 a749 SMI,l: sim!Jah a365 $RR: a881 sN': säne' a221 sPH : saia 3425 qoph SPN : usippunaya 3425 QBL: qlihöl 3779 QB$: qibbe$a 5158 5159 SR: sar5146 SSN: sason a365 QOM : qädfm a363 QOR : 0 a503 *qidri u896 QOS: a228 iiin (a371) QWM: 4328 8001 t a700 wayyäqom 3626 S'R; §e'ar 4772 QTL: qotel a147 SBH : sebut a239 QYN : qfnah 3919 4940 SBT: sihfkä 4137 QMI,I: 0 s888 *qemu gBL : söbel, sibbolet QNN: 4907 4853 QNS: s888 gBS: 5193 PRY:








Ind. voces - 1069 sib'fm a367 sib'atayim 2963 slihü'öt 6966 nsb', nis!Je'fm 5266 gBR : sibr 5233 gßS: 5193 gwB : a239 sub a368 Swl}: a323 siilJ-ah,sü!Jlih 4489 Swv: ta446 SwP: 0 a519 SWR:iesurah 3601 gl,IH : h.ista!Jawah a369 a370 Sl}Q: a792 S}JR: 2638 STR: sitir same * mistliru 4343 SYK: 4336 SKL : esköl 4403 SKN : t sekinäh 8464 * sakintu a482 SL: sei a372 SLM: 2638 4116 t454 säl,om 8544 8685 SLä: slilfs 3723 °s!t'd a401 gM: sem a366 gM· : t 'smy' 4336 SMT: §emit(ll,h 3409 gMN : semen 4190 SM' : säma' a373 §ema' a31 l sim'u a373 hisma'tf 4851 SMRR: 4329 SNH : mesanneh 4327 SPN: 0 sfn-nsr a519 gPT: a374 gPT; 3524 gRNP; * sarnuppu 3335 gR•; t yasrä 7264 SRR: * sar sarräni 5146 SB' :




tau T-; a120 TB : Tubaki t465 TBS: 5193 TON : tidnu, tidanum





* ina tamtim 4802 TLL : * tallu s659 t734 TLT : lll 3723 lflid a401 TP: a416 TPO : tpd 3524 TPT : töpet t3 l 9 t344 t364 TKL : tekelet 3339 TMN: a388e THM :

+ + + +


Ind. Voccs


6,1-14: 2775 6,1-4: 2771-2773 TRl;I : 0 btJJt780 6,1: 2777 TRT: t trt a733 J"Sy: t tsy 5193 6,5-7,8 : 2779 6,5-7: 8450 7,11: 2800 Genesis 8-12: 2910 8,1-2: 2800 1-18: 2695 8,6-19: 4168 1-12: 2692 8,21s: 8450 1-11 : 2691-2692 2772 9,1: 6178 2781 9,3: 2805 1-9: 2574 2787ab 9,25: 8550 1-5: 2555 10,8-12: u936 1-3: 2554 2557 2604 11s: 2836 2693 2694 2746 y906 11 : 2508 2769 1-2: 2607 11,1-9: 2806 2807 1 : 481 2527 (-2680) 11,27-25,11 : 2808 2566 2614 12-50: 2810 2813 2918 1,1-2,4: 2577 12-36: 2812 2832 1,1-2: 2599 12-25: 2809 1, r : 2556 3526 4322 12,l-4a: 2848 8207 9939 a126 12,1-3: 2823 2849 1,3: 2694 12,2-3: 2851 1,5: 4322 12,2: 2850 1,18: 2695 12,3: 2852 1,26: 2701 2708 7351 12,8-13: 2340"' 8550 12,10-20: 2847 1,27: 2705 13,2-18: 28:,3 1,28: 2709 6178 13,14-14,1 : 2340* 1,29: 2711 14: 2854-2862b 2866 2-11: 2737 14,3: u660 2s: 2720 2735 2743 14,10: a483 2745 14,18-20: 2864 2,3: 9976 14,19: 2862 2,4-3,24: 2716 15: 2752 2837 2892 2,4: 2712 4322 9939 2913 8550 2,4b-25,11: 2460 15,1-4: 2868 2,4b-3,24: 2742 15,1-16: 2917 2,8: u673 15,1-6: 2823 2,9: 2740 15,7-21: 2912 2,17: 2714 15,7-12: 2917 2,18: 2715 15,13-16: 2917 2,19: a925 15,17-21 : 2917 2,24: 2547 3526 16-18: 2910 3: 2744 16: 2870 3,1-6: 2733 16,6ss : 2869 3,1-5: 2747 17: 8550 3,14-15: 2910 17,18: 2871 3,15: 2725 2727 2748 18: 2872 2873 3,22-24: 2740 18,1-16: 2874-2876 4: 2752 18,17-33: 2823 4,1-18: 2753 18,20: 4924 4,3-5: 2758 19,30-38: 3551 4,7: 2761 19,30: 2877 4,17-24: 2765 20,2: 2852 4,17: 2762 21: 2870 4,19: 2767 21,6s: 2878 4,23: 2768 22 : 399 2879 28805: 2769 2883 5,29: 2599 22,1-19: 1602 5,32: 2770 22,1-10: 2823


22,13: 2884 23-29: 2885 23: 2886 2887 24: 2888 2889 25-36: 2922 25: 2924 25,1-11: 2847 25,21-26a: 2923 25,29-34 : 2923 26: 2889 26,7: 2852 26,9: 7868 26,12: 2929 27-33: 2924 27: 2930 27,1-40: a520 27,43: a483 28: 2931c 2933 28,10-20: 2091 28,10-22: 2923 2931b 2932 29,32: 2944 30: 2930 30,3: 2945 30,24: 2944 30,41: 2946 31,10: a342 31,29: a318 31,39: 2947 32s: 2948 32,12: 5106 32,22-32 : 2949 32,423-33 : 2874 2923 L931d 2934-2937 2950 33,19: 2886 34: 2887 2924 2951 35: 2924 35,1-4: a300 35,18: 2952 37: 2975 37,12-24: 2978 37,17: 2977 38: 2978 2979 38,14: 29.80. 38,25-26 : .2948 39,10-18: 2981 41,10: 2982 41,40: 3794 42: 2983 42,15: 2984 44s: 2975 44,18: 2985 48,22: 2884 49: 2924 2988 49,1: 2910 49,4: 3516 49,10: 2989 49,14: 3524 49,24: a120 49,44: 2990 50,23: 2945

Exodus 1-7,7: 3074 1-3: 3075-3080 1,8 - 5,18: 3066 2,11-25: 3046b 3: 2752 3,2-4: 3427 3,2: a102* 3,14: 635 3081-3102 a142 4,10: 3071b 4,14: 3103 6,3: 3096 6,28-11,10: 3105 7, 12ss: 3074 7,15: 3106 3107 8, 19: 3108 9,12: 3109 10,8: 2871 12: 3110-3123 12,1-14,28: 3107 12,29: 3017 12,42: 2910 13-15: 3126 13: 3126-3131 13,3: 3073 13,13: 3126 13,16: 3128 13,17-14,31: 3129 13,18: 3130-3131 14,5: 2059 14,25: 3512 15-19: 3132-3141 15: 3132 15,1-21: 3134 15,1-18,20: 3133a 15,1-8: 3135 15,17: 3133 15,20: 3135 18,13-27: 3222 19-24: 3232 19,5-6: 3138-3140 19,18: 3141 20: 277 3142-3185 20,2: 3163 20,3: 3164 20,4: 3165 20,5: 3167 20,7: 3168 20,8: 3169-79 91179134 20,12: 3180-3 20,15: 3185 21-23 : 3186-3239 (-3247) 8550 21 : 37.17-3243 21,2: 3240 3241 21,18: 3242 21,22-25: 321lab 21,24: 3243 21,29-35s: 3211b 22,21-27: 3244


Ind. SScr. - 1071

22,27: 3245 23,19: 3246 24: 277 3248 25,3'/: 3715 32-34: 3274-3278 33s: a211 33,19: 3091 33,23: 3276 34: 3277 34,10-26: 3207 34,15-16: 3278 34,20: 3127 35,2s: 3279


Leviticus 7,32-34: a520 s;31-Nm 7,39: ?.277b 10: 3292 11-15: s978 11: 3293 11,29: a260 12,8: 3294 13,2: 3295 16: 3296 16,27: 3299 17,26: 3300 18,22: 4960 18: 3302 3303 18,6-18: 3305 19,3: 3183 19,18: 3306 3307 19,28: 3308 20,2-4 : 3803 20,5: 3803 20,10: 3310 23,21: 3803 24,14ss: 3245 25: 4960 25,2: 3312 25,4: 3313 25,9: 3314 25,33: 3318 25,37: 3319 25,47: 3321 25,50: 3322 26,40: a325 27,2-8 : 3323 Numeri 1,20-26: 3330 3,34-40 : 3330 6,24-26: 3337 11s: 3607 13,3: 5114 13,30: 3338 14,2-29: 3411 15,32-36 : 3279 15,37-41: 3339 18,15: 3127 21,4-9: 3341


3791 21,21-35: 3343 3398 22-24: 3347 3348 22,2-24,25 : 3344 3345 22,5: 3346 22,24: 4723 23: 3351 23,7-10: 3352 23,18-24: 3352 27: 3355 27,11: 3354 32,16-24: a236 36: 3355 36,8: 3354 Deuteronomium 1 - 6,3: 3391 1,1 : 3392 1,2: 3393 1,9-17: 3222 2, 11 : 2777 3394 2,24 - 3, 11: 3343 2,26 - 3,3 : 3396 4: 3399 4,1-40: 3400 4,1-10: 3401 4,26: 3402 4,45: 3404 5: 3142-3185 5,2: 3404 5,16: 3183 5,17: 3184 6: 3403 6,4-9: 3406 7,1: 3407 9s: 6765 11,29: 3404 12,6: 4147 14,1: 3246 15,1: 3408 17,14-20: 3410 18,6: 2884 19,18-21 : 3411 21-24: 3416 21: 3412 21,18-21 : 3413 21,22s: s827 21,23: 3414 3415 22,23-37: 5931 24,1-4: 3417 24,6: 3418 26,8: 3419 29,23-26 : 3420 31: 3421 32: 4597 32,1-43: 3135 32;43: a200*b a475 33,18s: 3424 33,19: 3425 3426

1072 - Ind. SScr. (Deuteronomium) 33: 21: 3426 33,24: 3427

Josue 1-8: 3465 2-11: 3466 2,1-3: 3467 6: 3468 6,17: 3467 6,18: a341 6,23: 3467 6,25: 3467 7: 3469 9s: 3470 9,8: 3758 10: 3472 10,12: 3471 12,14: 3340 13-17: 3479 13,19: 3473 15,37-41 : u524 16,6-7: u590 19,12: u569 20: 3480 21: 3483 22,23-29 : 3484 24,3: 2917

Judicum 1: 3495 1,19: 3504 3,12-30: 3505 3506 4,4-22 : 3507 5: 3495 3509 5,7: 3511 5,19: 2990 5,20: 3512 6-8: 3513 6,25-28: 3514 8: 2887 8,22 - 9,57: 3515 9: 2887 9,4: 3516 9,8: 3517 9,45: 3518 11,1-11: 3519 11,19-26: 3343 13-16: 3520 14,4: 2516 14,14: 4324 15,6: 3524 17s: 2983 19,1-21 : 3526 20,4: 3053b

Ruth 1-4: 9976

(Ruth) 1,29: 3548 3: 3550

1 Samuel 1-31 : 3552-3631 1-7: 3567 1: 3568 1,11: 3569 1,15: 3570 2,9: 3571 4: 3572-3575 5: 3576 7: 3577-3602 9s: 7868 10,5-7: 3604 10,25: 3603 11,1-4: 3605 11,14-12,25: 3606 12,23: 3569 13-31: 3607 13: 3569 13,19-21: 3511 15-2 Sam 5 : 3573 3612 15: 8450 15,8: 3569 15,22: 3608 15,26-28 : 3609 17: 3621 17,4: 3622 17,18: u611 17,49: 3623 19,1: 3624 19,20-24 : 3604 20,16: 3625 20,25: 3626 25,2-42 : 2983 27,12: 3758 28 : 3627-3630 28,3. 7-9 : 3569 30,l : 3631 2 Samuel

1-24: 3560 3632-3666 1-6: 3494 1,19-27: 2795 1,21 : 3632-3634 2,4: 3625 3,14-16: 3636 4: 3637a 5: 3638-3641 5,3: 3625 6: 3573 3542-3644 7: 3645 6993 8-20: 3648 8,18: 3649 9: 3650-3653 11: 3654 11,2: 3655 12,1-7: 4781

(2 Samuel) 12,31 : 3657 12,15-24: 3656b 13-20: 3659 13ss: 3658 14,1-20: 4781 14,2-22: 3660 15-17: 3661 15,4: 3662 15,34-36 : 3663 16,1-14: 3650 16,16-19: 3661 16,20-17,23: 3661 17-31: 3650 19: 3637a 3650 23,1-7: 3665 23,20-23 : 3666 24: 2886 1 Regum

1-2 Reg.: 3671 1-16: 3688 1-11: 3559 1s: 3618 3648 3652 3653 1,34: 3697 2: 3651 3679 2,11: 3655 2,19: 3700 2,36-46 : 3650 3,1: 3701 3;4-15: 3702 4,7-19: 3730 4,25: 3703 6,9: 3713 6,23-28 : 4786 7,14: 3714 7,49: 3715 9,16: 3701 10: t786 10,1-13: 3716 10,14-29: 3721 10,18: 4909 10,29: 3723 11,3: 3724 11,7: 3729 11,29-39: 3733 11,40: 3730 12: 7868 12,1-19: 3734 12,22-24: 3733 12,29: 3274 13: 3735 5199 15: 3737 16s: 3738 3740 16,24: 2886 17s: 3607 3752 18: 3753 19,1-18: 3755 19,3-8: 3756 19,19-21 : 3767 20,31-34: 3758

(1 Regum) 20,31: 3757 20,34: 3758 20,35-42: 4781 21: 3759 3761 21,9-16: 3245 22: 3764 3765 2 Regum

2,1-18: 3767 2,3 - 6,1 : 3768 3: 3769 5,16-20: 3801 6,1-7: 3770 9,24: 5260 9,30: 3771 10,5: 3758 10,16: a851 10,23: 4649 10,32: 3772 13,10: 3778 15,10: 3779 15,19: 3780 15,29: 3781 16,5: 3782 16,7: 3758 3783 17,4: 3785 17,6: 3786 17,24-41 : 3788 17,29: 3840 18,4: 3790 3791 18,13: 3792 18,15: 3793 18,18-22,8: 3794 18,19: 3795 22-25 : 3796 3797 22,1: 3798 22,3-23,24 : 3799 22,8: 3800 23,4: 3801 23,10: 3803 23,29: 3804 24,8-17: 3806 25: 3807 25,1: 3808 25,9: 3810 25,18: 3811 1 Chronica 1-9: 3829 (-3837) 1,13-16: 3407 1,24: 2864 4: 3836 5,4-8: 3858 6: 3483 8,34: 3637a 8,38-9,44: 3837 9,16: s988 15s: 3838 16,8-36: 3838 23-27: 3839 29,10: 3835

2 Chronica 1-36: 3822 14-16: 3737 19,7: al86 15,14-26: 5199 30: 3840 32,30: 3842 34,3-7 : 380 l Ezra 1-Neh 13: 3843-3854 2,29: 3858 5,33: 3866 6,11: 3855 7,17: 3856 9,12: 3857 10,43: 3858 Nehemias 1,2: al36 2,1: 3856 2,7: 3859 2,13: 3860 2,17: 4192 7,4: 3861 11,34: 3862 12,28: s988 13: 3863 13,19: 3864 Tobias 14,3-11 : 3870 Esther 1-10: a155 l,2ss: 3891 1 Mcb 1,43: 3903 14,42-43: 3410 2 Mcb 1-15: 3895 3901 1,10-2,18: 3905 7: 3906 7,28: 2582 Psalmi 1-150: 320 3930-4239 1-50: 3951 4006 1-49: 3942 1-41 : 3995 1-34: 2277b 1-30: 3985 1 : 3945 4105-4109

68. - Elenchus bib/iographicus 60 (1979)

Ind. SScr. - 1073 (Psalmi) 4207 1,1: 4110 4847 2: 4111 2,1-8: 3944 2,9: 4113 2,12: 4054 3: 4103 4114 4: 4103 4115 5,12: 3943 6,9s: 3943 7: 4139 7,4-6: 4116 7,5: 4117 7,10: a120 8: 4118 4120 4121 4137 11 : 4106 4122 12: 4103 12,6: 4123 13: 4103 13,6: 4124 15: 4125 16: 8719 16.3-10: 4054 19: 4128 20 (19),4: 4129 21 : 4130 4131 22: 4132 6275 23: 4106 4133-4135 23,4: 4137 u578 25,14: 4138 26: 4139 26,1-14: 3944 27,6: 4140 27,13: 4141 29: 4142-4148 4205 31,8-11 : 3944 32: 4149 33: 4150 33,15: 4054 39,3: a345 40: 4103 42s: 3917 7147 42,5: 4151 45,2: a323 45,7: 4154 46: 4155 46,3: 4054 48: 4155 49: 4156 8719 49,13-21: 4157 50: 4158 4159 4708 50,10: 4325 51,16: 4151 55: 4160 58,8: 4161 61,2s: 4137 62: 4162 64: 4103 4153 4163 64,9: 4164

1074 - lnd. SScr. (Psalmi) 65,11: 2~90 65,14: 4165 66: 3917 67: 4166 67,14: 4167 68,12-14: 4168 68,25 : 3073 6856 69,21: 4907 69,22: a200*b a475 72: 4169 72,5: 4054 72,6-88,2 : 3944 72,17: 3427 72,18: 4170 73-150: 3977 73-83: 4171 73: 4173 4174 8719 74,9: 4176 76: 4155 77: 4175 78: 4177 78,65: 4178 79: 4179 80s: 4175 80: 4180 80,14: 4181 80,15-17: 4182 84: 4155 86: 4183 87: 4155 4184 88: 4185 89: 4186 4498 89,6-19: 4187 90: 4162 90,1-6: 4188 90,11: a312 92: 4189 92,11: 4190 94: 4162 101-150: 3990 4191 102: 3917 102,14: 4192 103,5: a102* 104: 2599 3106 4193 104,15: 4194 105: 4195 4196 105,33: 4197 106,35: 4198 107: 4199 6521 110-117: 4199* 110,1: 4200 110,3s : 4054 110,3: 4809 110,4: 4202 113: 4204 114: 4205 115: 4103 115 (116), 3-7: 2337 116 (114-115): 4206 118: 4207 4210

(Psalmi) 118,23: 4208 118,24 : 4209 119: 4211 4212 119,105: 4213 119,120-123: 4214 120-134: 4215 4217 4218 120: 4103 122: 4103 4155 4219 123: 4103 4220 124: 4103 125: 4103 126: 4221 127: 4103 4217 129: 4103 4217 130: 3917 4222 4223 131: 4103 132: 4217 132 : 4224-4226 133 : 4103 4217 133,2s : 4227 134: 4103 137: 4228 4229 137,4: 4230 138: 4231 139 (138): 4232 139: 4233 139,16: 4054 140: 4234 144: 3917 145: 4236 146: 4103 148: 4237 4322 151: 4239 151,3-4: 4238

Job 1-42: 4244 4240-4346 1,1: 4319 1,6: 4320 2,12: 4321 3,6-9: 4322 7,12: 4323 8,11: 4324 9,5: a102* 9,12: 4325 4326 9,20: 4325 10,14: 4323 13,15: 4339 14,3; 4323 14,20: 4327 16,7-8: a120 16,14: 4325 16,15: a346 17,15-18,19: 3115b 19,25: 4328 20,14: 21,7: 4330 21,23-26: 4331 23,3: 2752 26,13: a223


28,1-28: 4446 28,4: 4332 29,31 : 4333 4334 30s: 4334 30,21-30: 2337 31: 4335 31,13: 4337 32,37: 4338 34,31: 4339 36,14: 4339 38-41: 4341 4342 38,1-42,6: 4340 38,33: 4343 39-42: 2580 40,15-41,26: 4344 42,6: '1345 42,7-9: 4346

Canticum 1-8: 4347-4406 9976 1,3: 4402 1,14: 4403 2,4: 4849 3,10: 4325 5,2: 7499 5,12: 4404 6,5-11 : 4404 7,6: u565 8: 4405 8,6 (5): 4406 8,6s: 4405

Proverbia 1-9: 4442 1,20-33: 4446 1,21: 4492 2,18: 4489 3,12: 4492 3,33: 4492 6,27s : 4324 · 8: 4490 4491 8,16: 4492 8,22-36 : 4493 9,1: 4493 10-31: 4495 10-29: 4497 4498 4502 10,1-22,16: 4499 10,26: 4898 11,18-21: 4500 11,22: 4898 11,31: 4898 14,8s: 4492 15,11 : 4898 15,28: 4501 16,1: 4502 16,27: 4492 16,30: 4503 17,26 · 4492 20,30: 4492 22ss: 4558

(Proverbia) 22,16: 4501 4502 22,17-23,11: 4504 22,17: 4492 11502 23,10: 4492 23,17: 4492 24,22: 4502 25,2-27 : 4502 26,6: 4505 26,10: 4907 27,14: 4492 27,16: 4506 27,20: 4503 27,24: 4492 28,2: 4492 30,3 '. 4492 31,1: 4508 Qohelet

= Eces

1,1-2,14: 4509 1,2-11 : 4547 1,2: 4548 2,17: 4549 2,25: 4550 4,1-3: 4549 5,5 : 4552 4553 6,1-6: 4549 6,2: 4554 7,1: 4516 7,5: 4551 7,16-17: 4555 7,23-8: 4556 8,3: 4557 8,16-9,6: 4549 9: 4558 9,8-10,20: 4509 10,20: 4168 11,7-12,7: 4559 Sapientia Sol.

4,16: 4570 6-11: 4446 8: 4412 11,23: a792 12,12-27: 4571 13,1-9: 4574 14,21: 4575 16,20: 4571 18,10: 4571 Sirach

= Ecus

1,1-10: 4446 4587 6,5-17: 4588 13,8-13: 4589 16,24-17,14: 4590 22,27-23,6: 4591 24: 4491 4587 24,8-12: 4592 28,1-15: 4593 38,1-15: 4594 4595

(Sirach) 38,24-39,11 : 4596 44-50: 4597 4598 46,1-8: 4599 51,13-30: 4587 1 - Isaias

1-12: 4771 1-11 : 4772 1-10: 4773 1,2s: 4708 1,6: 4774 2: 4784 2,1-5: 4775 2,?.-4: 4776 2,4: 4777 2,5: 4778 2,6-22: 4779 2,20: a260 3,13ss: 4708 3,18-23: 4780 5,1-7: 4781 4782 5,2: 4774 5,8: 4337 6-12: 4783 4784 6: 4788 6,1-11: 4960 6,1-4: 4786 7: 4789 7,1-17: 4788 7,9: 4790 4791 7,14-16: y532 7,14: 4792 7,16s: y532 8,4: y532 8,16-23: 4795 9,13: 4796 9,15: 4796 9,18: 4774 11: 4797 11,1-8: 6525 13,17s: 4799* 17,9-11 : 4800 19: 4801 20,1: 4802 21,3-4: 3604 23: 4803 23,9-39,2 : 4054 24-27: 4804-4806 25,6-9 : 4807 26: 4808 26,16: 4907 26,19: 4809 27,1: a233 28-33: 4811 28-32: 4812 28: R4813 28,1-32,20: 4751 32,13: a120 33,1-35,2: 4751 34,16: 4814 35: 4844

Ind. SScr. - 1075 (1 - Isaias) 35,9: a120 36,4 21 : 3795 36,19: a312 38,13: a120 2 - Isaias

40-66: 134 4817 4825 4834 4837 4838 40-56,8: 4818 40-55: 4824 4833 4840 4841 40-50: 4842 40-48: 4843 40,1-45,7: 4Xlti 40,1-11: 4844 4845 40,10: 4846 40,15: a792 40,31: 4110 4847 41-45: 4848 41: 4849 43,2: 4850 43,12: 4851

43,16-?.1: 4844 43,25 : a200*b a475 45,1-7: 4852 47,2: 4853 48: 4902 48,2 ... 19: 4854 48,3 ... 15: 4854 48,8: 4895 49,7-12: 4844 49,14-26: 4855 51,9s: 4844 52,7-12: 4844 52,7-12: 4856 52,13-53,12: 8172 53 : 4857-4863 53,10: a120 55,1-9: 4864 55,10-11: 7184 55,12s: 4844 57,3: a120 61,1-6: 4865 62,9 : 4866 4867 62,10-12: 4844 65,11: 4137 4868 66: 4869 6993 66,1: 4870 6856 Jeremias

1-20: 4893 1,4-10: 4894 1,5: 4895 1,15s: 4896 2: 4897 2,1-4,4: 4882 2,34: 4899 3,1-5: 4781

1076 - Ind. SScr. (Jeremias) 3,19: 4900 4,11s: 4901 4,27: a233 5s: 4902 5,6: 5103 5,10-21 : 4910 6,1-8: 4880 7,1-15: 4903 4904 7,12: 4905 7,18: 4906 8,18: 200*b a475 9,16: 4907 9,22s: 4908 10,2: a718 10,9: 4909 11,18-12,6: 4894 4910 13,1-11: 4911 13,12-14: 4912 · 14,15ss: 3411 15,10-21: 4910 15,11-14: 4913 17,11 : 4914 17,13: 4054 24,6: 4503 23,30: 4915 23,32: 3516 25,15-29: 4916 26: 4917 26,1-19: 4903 27,29: 4918 4919 27: 4920 27,ls: 4919 29-52: 4920 29: 4921 30-33: 4922 30s: 4923 30,9: 4924 31,15-20: 4926 31,15-22: 4925 4927 31,31-34: 4929 4930 32,35: 3803 32,36: 8550 35: 4649 36: 3799 4917 36,4: s469 36,26: 4942 41,2: 4932 46: 4801 47-51: 4882 49,4: 4054 50s: 277 51,44: 4933 Threni

1,1 : a361 2,6s: 4849

Baruch 3,9-4,4 : 4446 6: 4942


1-24: 4957 1: 4786 1,1-20,44: 4951 1,1: 4972 1,6: 4973 1,22: 4974 2,1-3,11: 4975 3,12-5,17: 4976 3,15: 4972 4-24: 4977 8: 4978 10,14: 4973 10,21: 4973 12,1-16: 4980 12,1-15: 4979 14: 4981 16: 4982 17: 4979 17,3: 4849 18: 4983 18,25-32: 4986 19: 4979 21,23-27: 4979 22,24: 4988 23,23ss : u536b 24,1-14: 5159 25,1-6: 4907 26,9: 3779 26,11: a120 27: 4989 27,7: t388 28: 4981 29-32: 4801 33: 4976 34: 4991 36,16-36: 4992 37: 7970 37,1-14: 4993 38s: 4994 39,27-29: 4995 40-44: 3410 4996-4998 47,8-18: u660 Daniel

1-9: 5066 1-6: 5072 1,4-15: 8496 2: 5101 2,39: 5091 35: 5094 3: 5095 3,5 ... 15: 5096 3,51-90: 5097 4: 5098 7: 5099 5100 5103 7,1-18: 5099 7,1: 5104 7,7s: 5105 7,8: 5106


(Daniel) 7,9s: 5107 7,13: 5108 7,17: 5091 8: 5109 8,1: 5110 8,14: 5111 9: 5112 9,24-27: 9,21:5110 9,24: 3903 9,25: u611 10-12: 5066 5109 10,2s: 5114 10,5: 4909 10,13: 5115 013: 5116 G 14,24: al94 Amos

1-9: a199 1s: 4337 5189 3,9-11 : 4880 3,15: 5190 4,1-3: 5191 5,11 : 5193 5,18-20: 5194 5,18: 5195 5,21-24: 5196 5,25: 6856 5,26: 5197 5,26s: 5198 6,12: 4337 7,9-17: 5199 9,4: 4503 11,11: 6856 Osee, Hosea

1,7-2,6: 5131 1,12-23: 5131 2: 5142 2,14-17: 4708 2,16-17: 2917 2,17: 5143 4-7: 5144 4,1-3: 4708 5145 4,2: 4325 5,9: a120 6,2s: 4809 7,1 : 4325 8,5: 3274 8,7: 4337 8,8-10: 5146 12: 5148 5150 12,1-13,3: 5147 12,2ss : 4849 13,7-8: 5103 13,9: a312 13,12: 2747


1,10-15: u524 5,1-3: 5221 7: 5219 Joel

1,4: 5155 4,6: 5158 5159 3: 5160 4,14: u611 Nahum

2,8: 5?.14 2,11: 5158 5159 3, 15-16 : 4924 Habakkuk

1,1-2,4: 5240 1,9: 5242 3: 4902 3,5: 5238 3,6: 3073 3,9: 4148 3,13: 5237 a120b Soph/Zeph

1,1-2,3: 5233 1,10: 5233 3,4: 3516 Agg/Haggai

2,7: 5247 Zecharias

1,1 : s469 1,7-6,15: 5255 2,14: 5256 3: 5257 4,1-14: 4786 9,9-10: 5258 13,2-6: 5259 13,6: 5260 Malachi

2,10-16: 5264 5265 3,22-24 : 5267 Matthaeus

1-13: 5902 1s: 5871-5933 1,1-4,27: :5833 1,1-25: 5912 1,1-18: 5930 1,1-17: 5875

(Matthaeus) 1,3-6: 1467 1,3: 5893 1,18-2,23: 5885 1,18-25: 4792 1;19: 5931 2: 5911 5923 2,1-12: 5898 2,2: a701 2,11-15: 5871 2,19: 5880 3: 5934 3,1-4-22: 5935 3,7-10: 5938 3,11 : 5941 3,17: 5942 4: 594:i 4,16s: 6495 4,18-22: 5671 4,23-5,48 : 5966 5-7 : 5952 7973 5,2-12: 5976 5,3-12: 5969 5,3-11: 5967-5982 5,6: 5978 :5,13: 5982 5,14: 5984 5,17-20: 5985-5988 5,17: 5962 5,20: 5962 5,21-48: 5990 5991 5,21-26: 5989 5,21 : 6114 5,32: 5994 6551* 6553 5,38-48 : 5995 5996 5,39: 5997 6: 5998 6,9-13: 5999-6020 6,11: 5774 6002 6003 6,19-21: 6021 6,22s: 6022 6,24s: 6021 6,24: 6023 7: 6024 y608 7,1: 6025 7,14: 6026 7,21-29: 8167 8-12: 6033-6091 8s: 6029 8,1-9,35: 6027 8,5-13 : 6028 8,5: 6510 8,11-12: 6495 8,18-27: 6522 8,18: 6114 8,25: 6030 9,1-8: 6078 9,6 : 6064-6069 9,14: 6070 9,15: 6071 IJ,34: 6074 9,35-11,1 : 6076 10,1: 6077

lnd. SScr. - 1077 (Matthacus) 10,5-26: 6114 10,23: 6078 10,25: 6074 10,32s : 6079 10,37: 6114 11s: 6081 11,2-6: 6082 11,2: 6083 6492 11,13: 5988 11,16-19: 5996 6084 11,18: 6114 11,19-25: 6086 11,19: 6085 11,23: 6920 11,25: 6088 12,1-8: 6089 12,38-40: 6091 12,38: 6040 12,40: 6090 12,46: 6031 13: 6109 6129 6130 6135 13ss: 6092-6144 13,16: 6132 13,24-30: 6133 6134 13,35: 5508 13,36-43: 6133 13,44: 6096 13,45s: 6136 13,53-18,35: 6137 13,55: 6138 13,56: 6031 14,4: 6114 14,22-33: 6141 15,32-39: 6533 16,1 ... 4: 6091 16,2-3: 6144 16,17: 6146 16,18s: 6157 16,18: 6145-6168 16,24: 6169 17: 6170 17,14-21: ti546 17,22-31: 7824 17,24-27: 6172 18,7: 6173 18,10: 6174 18,15-17: 6133 19-23: 6175 19,3-12: 6176 19,9: 6551* 19,l0ss: 6177 19,16-22: 6179 19,16: 6180 19,22: 6178 20,1-20: 6181 20,1-16: 6182 6183 20,16: 7868 21: 6184-6191 21,2-7: 5258

1078 - Ind. SScr. (Matthaeus) 21,2: 6190 21,10-24,2: 6188 21,32: 6192 22,1-14: 5725 6193 6194 22,1-10: 5753 22,30: 6178 23: 6197 23,2: 6198 23,5: 6199 23,10: 6200 24s: 6201-6203 24,37: 6114 24,30: 6214 25: 6205 25,1-13: 6206 25,31-46: 6207-6213 25,31: 6214 25,35: 6211 26ss: 6242 26 : 6215-6239 26,8: 6215 26,26: 7868 26,30-27,56: 6240-6296 27,33-54: 6588 27,57-28,20: 6303 6327 28: 6297-6362 28,16-29: 6491 28,16-20: 6358 28,20: 85

Marcus 1-9,1: 6397 1,1-16,8: 6598 1,1-44: 6502 1,1-15: 6486 1,1-8: 6487 1,1: 6446 6489 1,2-4: 6490 1,6-8: 6491 1,8: 6492 1,9-11: 6446 6493 1,12: 6477* 1,14-20: 6494 1,14-15: 6495 6496 1,15: 6497 1,21-43: 6498 1,21-28: 6498 1,23-28: 6499 1,35: 6500 1,40-45: 6501 2,1-3,6: 6503 6504 2,1-12: 6505 2,8: 6408 2,13-17: 6085 2,23-28 : 6506-6508 2,26: 6509 3,1-6: 6506 3,1: 6510

((Marcus) 3,5: 6511 3,7-12: 6446 3,14: 6491 6512 3,20-27 : 6497* 4,1-34: 6515 4,1-20: 6514 4,3-9 : 6484c 4,3-8: 6516 6517 4,14-20: 6517 4,24-29: 6518 4,26-32: 6519 4,30-32 : 6520 4,35-8,26: 6521 4,35-41 : 6522 4,37-41: 6518 5,1-20: 6048 5,1-20: 6498 6499 6523 6524 6-8: 7299 6,1-6: 6525 6,3: 5905 6,7-13: 6526 6,14: 6531 6,17s: 5938 6,30-8,26 : 6529b, d 6,30-7,30: 6529a 6,30-53 : 6530 6,30-52 : 6527 6,30-44 : 8564 6,30: 6526 6,31-44: 6528 6,45-52: 6141 6532 7,14-23: 6514 8,1-10: 6533 8,1-9: 6528 8,14-21: 6514 8,15: 6534 8,22-26 : 6536 8,22: 6535 8,24-9,12: 6537 8,24: 6538 8,27-16,20: 6389 8,27-10,52: 6539 8,27-10,46: 5386 8,27-33: 6540 8,29: 6541 8,31 : 6542-6543 8,35: 6543* 9,ls: 5752 9,1: 6495 6544 9,2-16,18: 6397 9,2-13: 6545 9,2-8: 6446 9,14-29: 6499 6546 9,31: 6542 H6543 9,33: 6547 9,43-47 : 6548 9,50: 6549 10: 6550 10,2-12: 6552 10,2: 6551 10,9: 6553

(Marcus) 10,10: 6551 10,11: 6551* 10,13: 6547 10,14: 6554 6555 10,17-31: 6557 10,17-31: 6556 10,23-31 : 6558 10,24-27 : 6559 10,28: 6560 10,29s: 6561 6562 10,32-52 : 6563 10,32 : 6542 6543 10,35-45 : 6564 10,45 : 6542 6543 6565 6566 9245 10,46-13,37: 6567 10,46-12,40: 6569 10,46-52 : 6498 6570 6571 11s: 6572ab 11: 6091 6573 11,1-11: 6191 11,1-10: 6189 11,2: 6190 11,12-25: 6574 11,23-25: 6575 12,1-2: 6446 12,13-17: 9752 12,18-27: 2059 12,28-34 : 6576-6577 13: 6578 13,7: 5197 13,14: 6579 13,32-37: 6580 13,32: 6446 13,34: 6581 14,3-9: 6582 14,12-31: 6215-6239 14,12-16: 6189 14,12: 7256 14,17-26: 6220 14,21: 6542 14,24: 9245 14,26-15,47: 6240-6296 14,32-42: 6446 14,36: 6583 14,41: 6542 14,51s: 6584 6585 14,53-17,47: 6253 14,58: 6586 6587 14,61s: 6446 14,72: 6421 15s: 1616c 6588-6598 15,8: 6538 15,21-39: 6588 15,22-39 : 6589 15,34: 6590 6591 15,39 : 6446 6592 16: 6297-6362 16,1-8: 6593 6594 16,4: 6595 16,9-20 : 6597 6598

Lucas 1-9: 6661 1s: 5871-5933 6608 6702 6703-6722 1,1-4: 6700 1,2: 6706 1,22: 6700 1,26-38: 6707 1,33: 6807 1,38: 6708 1,46-55: 6709 6710 1,51-53: 6711 1,78: 6712* 2,1-20: 6716 , 2,1-10: 6718 2,15: a701 2,21: 6719 2,22-38 : 6720 2,25-36: 5888 2,34-35 : 6804 2,41-50: 6721 2,52: 6722 3: 6703 3,2: 6723 3,10-14: 5938 3,16s: 5938 3,22-38 : 6724 4: 7050 4,7ss: 2754 4,16-30: 6726-6729 6804 4,22: 6730 4,28-5,11: 6623a 5,12: a701 5,36-39 : 6730* 6,1: 6731 6,12: 6732 6, 17-49 : 5949-5966 6,20-49 : 6737 6,20-23: 5967-5981 6,27-38: 5995 7,1-10: 6028 7,11-17: 6738 7,18-23: 6728 7,31-35: 6739 7,36-50: 6085 6740 8,2 : 6742-6744 9-18: 6746 9: 6747 9,10-17: 532 9,10: a701 9,22: 6804 9,28-36 : 6804 9,37-43: 6546 9,43-45 : 6804 9,51-19,54: 6623b 9,51-19,28: 6745 9,51 : 6748 6804 10: 6749 10,3: 7352 10,4: 6753 10,18: 6754

(Lucas) Ind. SScr. - 1079 10,21s: 6739 10,25-37: 6755-6756 (Lucas) 10,29-37: 6737 22,7-38: 6798 10,30-37: 6750-6751 22,19-20: 6804 10,31s: a701 22, 19 : 6625 9245 10,33: 6750* 22,21-38: 6798 10,34: 6780 22,31: 6799 10,38-42: 6757-6758 22,32: 6800 10,42: 6759 22,35-38: 6801 6802 11,3: 5774 6002 6003 22,39-23,56 : 6240-6296 11,5-8: 6759* 6804-6809 11,10: 6760 22,43s : 6803 11,22: 7352 23: 6804 11,29-32: 6739 6804 23,6-12: 6806 11,29s: 6091 23,33-48 : 6588 11,44-51: 6739 23,38: 6807 12,1-13,9: 6761 24: 6297-6362 681012,8s: 6762a-6762b 6820 12,16-21 : 6763 24,1-12: 6814 12,32: 6495 24,4: a701 12,35-40: 6764 24,9: 6813 13,9: 6780 24,12: 6814bc 13,10-17: 9979 24,13-36: 6815 13,24: 6765 24,13-35: 6619 6816 13,31-35: 6804 24,13-33: 6817 13,35s : 6739 24,18: 6818 14,15-24: 5725 5753 24,33: 6813 14,16-24: 6766 6767 24,44-49 : 6605 14,28-32: 6768 24,46-48: 6819 15: 399 2879 6769- 24,49: 6820 6772 15,1-32: 6775 Johannes 15,1-2: 6085 15,3-10: 6773 1-21 : 7405 15,11-32: 532 1602 1-14: 7250 6778 6780 1-10: 7088 7251 15,12s: 6776 1-4: 7112 16,1-13: 6781 1-2: 7252 16,1-9: 6782 · 1 : 7716b 16,16: 6495 1,1-10,21 : 7117 16,19-31: 6782-6785 1,1-18: 7223-7249 8166 16,19-25: 6780 1,1-3: 7247 16,26-31: 6780 1,1 : 2556 7246 7249 17,3: 6133 1,2-19: 7247 17,11-19: 6786 1,3s: 7223 7235 17,25: 6804 l,13s: 7236 18,9-14: 532 6085 1,13: 5905 7241 18,31-19,46: 6787 1,19-34: 7253 18,31-34: 6804 1,20: 7254 19,1-10: 6085 6788 1,21 : 7255 6789 1,28: 7256 19,11: 6790 1,29-3,26 : 7256* 19,41-44: 6791 1,29-42: y791 19,43s: 6622a 1,29-36: 7259 20,5: 6792 1,29: 7257 7258 20,45-21,36: 6793 1,32-34: 6493 21: 6794 1,35-51: 7260 21,5-28: 6795 1,43: 7262 21,20-24: 6622a 1,47-51: 7262 21,34: 6797 1,47 : 7263 7264 22-24: 6661 2: 2872 22,1-38: 6215-6239 2,1-25: 7260

1080 - Ind. SScr.

(Johannes) 12,1-8: 6582 (Johannes) 12,24: 7331 2,1-12: 2933 7266-7268 12,32: 7332 2,1-11: 7270 7271 12,44-50: 7333 2,1-4,54: 7265 13-21: 7118 2,19: 7273 13-19: 7334 3: 4902 7214 13-17: 2988 7090 7336 3,1-21 : 7275 7337 3,1: 7276 13: 7339 3,5: 7277 13,1-17,26: 7092 7335 3,10-12: 7278 13,1-30: 7341 3,14s: 3791 13,1-20: 7340 3,16: 6201 13,31-14,31: 7338 13,31: 7342 3,21: 2294 4: 7118 14: 7343 14,2s: 7344 4,1-42: 7285 4,1-12: 7271 14,8: 7345 4,10-26 : 7286 14,10: 6082 6510 4,10: 7282 14,16: 7346 7347 4,13: 7282 14,17: 7349 4,25: 7254 14,28: 7350 7351 4,26: u134 14,30: 7352 4,40: 7283 15,13: 7353 7354 4,46-54: 7270 15,26: y615 5~12: 7118 16,1-15: 7355 5: 7287 16,7-11: 7357 5,1-18: 7288 16,32: 7374 5,2: 7289 17: 7358 7360-7362 5,4: 7290 17,1-11 : 7359 5,17-28: 2294 17,1: 7342 5,31-47: 7291 18s: 6240-6296 7363 6: 7294 7295 7297 18,1-12: 7367 7300 18,17: 7366 6,15-21: 6141 18,28-19,6: 7368 6,22s: 7301 18,28: 7369 6,26-51 : 7302a 18,36: 7365 6,31-38: 7302b 19,17-37: 6588 6,35 ... 45 : 7304 19,23s: 7370 6,35 : 7282 7303 19,25-57: 7267 6,40: 7304 19,25-27: 2933 7268 6,51: 7305 7371 7373 6,53: 9342 19,27: 7374 6,54: 7304 19,31: 7309 6,60-71 : 7306 19,34: 7376 6,60: 7307 19,37: 7309 7,2-14: 7270 20s : 6297-6362 7,37-39: 7282 7308 20,1-18: 7377 7,53-8,11 : 7310-7312 20,3-10: s293 8,12-59: 7313 20,6s: 7378 8,31-59: 7314 20,7: 7379 8,44: 7352 20,10: 6814b 9: 7315 7316 20,17: 7380 9,1-41: 7317 20,17: 7381 9,6s: 7318 20, 19-23 : 7382 10: 7319 7320 20,29: 6491 10,1-18: 7323 7324 21: 7383-7385 10,1-10: 7321 21,1-14: 7386 11s: 6573 21,11: 7387 11: 7327 21,17: 7366 11,1-44: 7270 7326 11,47-53: 7329 Actus Apostolorum 12: 7330 1-28: 7710

(Actus Apostolorum) 1-8: 6834 1,1-11 : 6960 1,1: a646 1,3-11 : 6961 1,5: 6492 1,6-8 : 6860b 1,8: 6962 1,9: 6963 1,15-26: 6964 2: 6965 2,1-47: 6970 2,1-13: 6971 2,1-11: 6964* 2,3: 6972 2,9: 6973 2,17-21: 5160 2,21: 6869 2,22: 6974* 2,33: 6869 2,42-47: 6964* 2,42: 7929 3: 6975 3,19-21: 6976a 6977 3,21: 6978 3,22. 26 : 6979 3,25: 6869 4,1-31: 6883 4,11: 7880 4,16-30: 6616 4,23-31 : 6980 4,31-5,11: 6981 4,32-5,16: 6982 4,32-35 : 6983 4,36: 6984 5,1-11: 6985 6986 5,17-42: 6883 6,1-8,4: 6989 6,1-7: 6988 6,1-6: 6987 6,1: 7006 6,8-8,3 : 6990 6,12-7,10: 6616 7: 6975 6991-6993 7,2-53: 6994-6996 7,35-37 : 6997 7,55: 6998 7,56 : 6999-7000 7,60: 7001 8: 7002 8,4-25 : 7003 8,9: 7003b 8,26-40 : 6619 7004 7004* 9,13-19: 7005 9,22-27: u571 9,29: 7006 10,10-43: 6964* 10,36: 7007 11,19-26: u547 11,25: a701 11,27-30: 7008 12,25-13,14: 6623b

(Actus Apostolorum) 13-20: 7009 13: 7010-7011 13,1-28,16: 7013 13,1-3: 7012 13,7-22: 6995 13,13-52: 7014 13,16-41: 7015 13: 7016 13,23-37 : 7017 14,14: a701 14,22: 6026 14,23: 7018 15: 7019 7020 8075 15,1-35: 7021 15,1-24: 7022 15,20-29 : 7023 15,35: a646 15,39: 7024 16,6-18,5: 7530 16,8: 7025 16,9: 7025 16,16-24: 7026 17: 7016 17,2-4: 8229 17,7: 6807 17,10-13: 7027 17,19-32: 7028 17,23-31 : 7029 17,28: 7032 18,5-10: 6869 19,40: 7033 20: 7016 20,17-38: 7034-7037 20, 17-35 : 6937 20,18-35: 7038 20,18: 7039 20,36-21,16: 7040 21,1-16: 6623b 22,1-26,32: 7045 22,6-16,21 : 7005 23,8: 7041 25s: 7043 26 : 7044-7045 26,29: 7046 27s: 7047 27: 7048 28: 6703 7050 28,16-31: 7052 28,17-31: 6623a Ad Romanos

1-16: 7774-7819 1-8: 6201 7779 1-5: 7803 1-3: 7820 1,3: 7821 1,8-17: 7822 1,17: 7823 1,18-3,20: 7826 1,18-32: 7824 7825

(Ad Romanos) 1,20: 7827 1,26: 9607 2: 7779 7819 2,14-16: 7824 2,16: 7809 3,10-18: 7828 3,21-26: a674 3,27 : 7829 7830 3,31 : 7831 4,9-5,12: 4895 4,13-22: z279 4,20: 7832 5-14: 7790 5-8: 9248 5: 7820 7833 5,1-11 : 7835 7836 5,1-2: 8032 5,16: 8076 6: 7839 7840 6,1-14: 7841 7842 6,14: 7852 7 : 7776 7820 7843 7845-7848 7957 7,1-8,4: 7844 7,7-25: 7848 7,14-25: 7849 7,25: 7850 8: 4558 7843 78517853 8,1-7: 7854 8,2: 7830 7852 7855 8,3: 7856 8,5-17: 7844 8,17-39: 7844 8,18-30: 7857 7858 8,19: 7859 8,26s: 7860 7861 8,28 : 7862 7863 8,31-39: 7864 9-16: 7779 9-11: 7865 9,7: 7867 9,13: 7868 9,30-10,13: 7869 11,26: 7872 11,25-32: 7811 7870 12-15: 7873 12s: 7874 7875 12,1-8: 7877 12,1-2: 7876 8032 12,3-8 : 7878 12,4: 7879 12,7: a83 12,8: 7880 13: 7775 13,1-7: 7881-7884 9752 13,8-10: 7885 13,11-14: 7886 15s: 2287c 16: 7887 16,1: 7888 16,16: 7889

lnd. SScr. - 1081 1 Corinthios

1-16: 7890-8013 9035 1-7: 7908 1-4: 7925 1s: 7926 1,1-3: 7927 1,9: 7929 1,10-4,21 : 7928 7930 1,13: 7931 1,17: 7932 1,18: 7933 2,1-16: 7934 2,6-16: 7937 7..,6-8: 7936 2,27-29: 7938 ls: u996 3,9-16s: 7939 4,9-S,3 : 2337 5-9: 7940 5s: 7940 5,1-7: 7940* 5,1-5: 7990 5,10: 7941 6,6: 7942 6,9s : 7943 9607 6,12-20: 7944 7945 7: 6178 7946 7947 7,1-40: 7948 7,8-24: 7950 7,14: 7951 7,15: 6551* 7,16: 7952 7,21: 7953 8-10: 7954 8,1-13: 7956 8,6: 7954 8,7: 7955 8,8: 7956 9,1s: 7957 9,19-23: 7958-7960 9,22: 7961 10,23-11,1 : 7956 10,32-11,1 : 7960 11-14: 7962 11: 9975 11,2-16: 7964 7965 11,2-6: 7963 9908 11,10-28: 2337 11,10: 7966 11,17-34: 7967 7976 11,18s: 7968 11,19: 7969 11,23: 9177 11,24: 6625 9245 11,29: 9342 12-14: 7970 7971 12: 7972 7973 12,1: 7974 12,1-14. 39: 7930 12,10: 7975

1082 - Ind. SScr. (1 C:orinthios)

12,13: 6492 12,31 : 7981 7989 13 : 7993-7995 13,2: 6920 13,8-13: 7996 14: 7997 14,20-25: 7998 15: 7999 8000 80028005 15,1: a83 15,1-14: 8167 15,1-11 : 7957 15,3-5: 8012 9245 15,8: 8007 15,10-15: 8008 15,19-25 : 8008 15,22s : 8009 15,25: 8010 15,35-49 : 8011 15,35: 7331 15,51: 8494 15,55: 8013 2 Corinthios

1-13: 8014-8045 1,21: 8028 3, 14: 8029 3,18: 8030 8031 4,1-7: 8039 5: 7833 5,1-10: 8032 5,1-5: 8033 5,2s: 8034 a674 5,17-21: 8035 5,18ss: 8036 6,14-7,1 : 8037 8038 7,3: 8040 8,1-9,15: 7718 8,18s: 8041 10-13: 8042 11,1-12,10: 8043 11,7: 9939 11,24: 3175 11,32: u571 12,1-10: 8044 12,1-4: 7957 12,7: 7534 8045 12,21-13,2: 2337 Ad Galatas

1-6: 4244 8046-8094 ls: 8075 1,4: 8076 1,11-17: 7957 1,17: u571 2,1-10: 8077 2,1: 8078 2,9: 8079

(Ad Galatas) 2,10: 8080 2,11-14: 7959 2,13: 8081 2,14-21 : 8082 2, 19-20 : 532 2,20: 8083 3: 8084 8085 3,26-28 : 8086 3,27: 515 3,28: 9916 9928 9975 4,4s: 5905 4,4: 7821 4,25: 8087 5,lss: 7852 5,1: 8088 5, 11-6,1 : 2337 5,13: 8091 5,13-26 : 80~9 8090 5,19-23 : 8092 6: 8049 6,14: 8093 6,15: 8094 Ad Ephesius

1,1-23: 8127 1,1: 8099 1,3-14: 8128 8129 1,12-14: 8130 1,20-23: 8133 1,21 : 8131 2,1-22 8032 2,11-22 8132: 8134 2,11-18: 8126 2,14-16: 8178 2,18: 8032 3,12: 8032 4: y759 4,8: 8032 4,13: 8136 5,4: 8137 5,18: 8138 5,21-6,4: 8139 5,21-32: 8140 5,25-27: 8141 5,28: 8143 6: 8116 6,10-20: 8144 6,10-13: 8145 6,11: 7352 Ad Philippenses

1,5: 8163 1,18-26: 8032 1,23s: 8164 2,1: 8165 2,5-11: 8166 8167 2,5-7: 8169 2,5: 8170 2,6-11: 8171-8179 2,6s: 8180

(Ad Philippenses) 2,6: 8181 2,7: 7856 3,2-1: 7917 3,20: 7881 Ad Colossenses

1,15-20: 8178 8182 8206 8207 1,19: 8209 8210 1,21: 8032 1,22: 8032 2,8: 8211 2,14: 8212 2,17s: 8213 2,23: 8215 l,18: 8216 4,12s: 8218 Ad Philemonem

1: 8219 8225 1 Thess.

1-5: 2347 8234-8248 1,6-10: 8242 2,1-13: 8243 2,1-12: 8244 4,14: 8245 5,1-11: 8246 8247 5,10 8248 2 Thess.

1-3: 8249-8251 2,1-12: 8077 2,2: 8227 2,3-12: 8250 8251 2,6s: 4869 1 Timoth.

1-6: 2347 8276-8282 1,5: 8227 1,9s: 9607 2,4: 6201 2,15: 8276 3,1: 8227 3,2: 8277 3,11: 8278 3,16: 8279 4,lss: 7036 4,13: 8280 4,14: 8281 5,1-2: 8282 5,1: 8282* 2 Timoth.

1,5: 8287 1,6 8281

(2 Timuth.) 1,13: a83 3,1: 7036 3,8: 8288 3,16s: 8289 4,13: 8290 Ad Titum

1,16: 8295 2,10-14: 8296 3,3-7 : 8296 . Ad Hebraeos

1,1-14: 8166 8340 1,8s; 6590 2,1-4: 8341 2,4: 8342 2,11-15: 2337 2,14-18: 8343 3,1-6: 8344 4,14-16: 8346 4,14-5,10: 8345 5: 8320 5,7: 8347 7: 8349 7,1-10: 8350 9: 8351 9,13: 8352 9,16: 8353 9,27: 8354 10,9-25 : 5642 8355 11: 8356 11,1: 8357 11,4: 8358 11,11: 8359 12,ls: 8360 12,18-24: 8361 13,12: 3299 Jac. - James

1,19: 8422 1,25-2,6: 8423


(.Tac.- James) 2,1-13: 8424 2,10: 8425 2,14-26: 8426 3: 8407 5,1-6: 8427 5,13-18: 8427 5,14: 8428 1 Petri

1,1-2,10: 8380 1,13-2,10: 8361 2,5: 8381 8382 2,13-3,7: 8383 2,21: 6491 3,9-12: 8384 3,13-4,6: lß83 3,18-22: 8385 4,15: 8386 5,1-11 : 8383 5,1: 8387

Ind. SScr. - 1083

l Jn. (1): 7116 3 Jn.

(1) 9s 7417 Judae

(1): 6534 8429-8431 (1,) 13: 8432

Apc. - Rev.

1,10: 7494 1,12-19: 7495 2 Petri 2s: 7496 2,1-7: 7497 1-3: 6534 7036 8388- 2,26-28 : 7498 839:L 3,191,: 7499 1,4: 8389 4,1: 7500 1,13: 8390 4,6-8: 7501 3,1: 8390 6,5-6: 7502 3,8: 8391 6,9: 7503 3,10: 8392 11,1-14: 7503* 12: 7504 1 Jn. 12,1-10: 7505* 12,1-6: 7505 1,2: 6491 13,18: 7506 1,3: 7929 14,1-5: 7507 1,6-2,9 : 7055 17,9: 7508 1,9: 7410 18,7-10: 2337 2,29: 7411 20s: 7510 3,9: 7412 20,2: 7509-7517 3,19s: 7413 20,8s: 4994 4,1: 7975 20,14: 7518 5,16: 7414 21: 7520 5,21 : 7415 21,1-22,5: 7519

Elenchus/Biblica 60 (1979) -


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NORTH ROBERT, Rome Biblical Institute. Color-Slide Lectures Text and Documentation. Each booklet contains much more than a description of what is actually seen in every slide of the respective set, with indexed cross-reference to relevant views of other sets. There are also supplementary plans and drawings, description of adjacent archeological data importapt for exegesis, and materials from remoter sites which afford parallels or objections to the featured view. All noteworthy books and articles dealing with each site or object are cited in full and indexed alphabetically within each booklet. Both sides of controversial issues are set forth fully and a responsible judgment is proposed. All the information is of a type intended to be useful not only for owners of the slides, but for any teacher who has similar slides of his own, or who has to rely on published photos for giving exegesis-classes some acquaintance with the visual aspects of biblical archeology. 01 Via Crucis 042} Masada-N.T. Exca071} C . P .d 02 Judah 043 vation 072 airo- yrami s 03 Galilee 0441 073 Amarna 04 Old Testament 045 Qumran 0741 051 Edom: 046 Jericho 0741 Luxor-Thebes 051 Petra-Petra UP 047 Megiddo 0751 06 Babylonia 048 Hazor 077 09 Paul's Cilicia 049 Lachish 078 The Exodus 012} . . 053 Moab 079 013 Via Crucis 0541 . . 076 Elephantine 015 Jerusalem N.E. 055 Phoemcia 08 Hittites 016 Jerusalem Temple 0561 . 088 Troy 017 Jerusalem W.S 057 Damascus-Syria 093} 019 Israel 1970 058 Ugarit 095 Apocalypse-Ephesus 025 Samaria 059 Palmyra-Dura 094 Cappadocia 035 Genesareth 065 Persia 097 Greece 041 Prehistory 07 NT Egypt Prezzi variabili da L. 600 a L.1.000 - Various priccs from $0.75 to $1.25 ■

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