Hypoglycemia: A Nutritional Approach

Millions of Americans suffer from health complications, including hypoglycemia, due to sugar imbalances. In this booklet

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Hypoglycemia: A Nutritional Approach

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Alternative Approaches for the Safe Treatment of Hypoglycemia






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Provides essential information on the causes and symptoms of hypoglycemia, as well as dietary recommendations, useful supplements and herbs, other alternative treatments and recent research—more inside!



RC 662.2 .T46 1994


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Chicago Public Library

RDl^bWflM Hypoglycemia : a nutritional approach


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Hypoglycemia 1ACH


Note to Reader: The information contained in this book is in no way to be consid¬ ered as prescription for any ailment. The prescription of any medication should be made by a duly licensed physician.

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400 SOUTH Cri'iAjj' t\ *$ ET CHICAGO, jUi^«3 Ckis

TABLE OF CONTFNTS HYPOGLYCEMIA.5 The American Sugar Syndrome ... Hypoglycemia: A Modern Definition ... Causes of Hypoglycemia .... Human Physiology and Sugar Consumption . . Hypoglycemia: A Red Flag ....

5 5 6 7 7





Do You Have Hypoglycemia? . . Is Hypoglycemia a Legitimate Disorder?

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10 10




Sugar Consumption and Glandular Health . Sugar and Hyperactivity . . . Hypoglycemia and Depression. . . Liver Function in Hypoglycemia . . Stress and Hypoglycemia . . . PMS and Hypoglycemia . . . Alcoholism Drug Addiction and Hypoglycemia

. . . . . . .

12 13 13 14 14 15 15



Dietary Game Plan . . . • The Advantages of Complex Carbohydrates . The Very Crucial Role of Fiber. . . Basic Dietary Guidelines . ,. • Foods and Substances to Avoid. . . The Chocolate and Caffeine Caper . ..

16 16 17 18 18 19

• . • • • .

Louise Tenney

Hypoglycemia can be separated into two active types: reactive hypoglycemia and fasting hypoglycemia. The reactive category is most commonly seen and is also called functional hypoglycemia. It can cause a wide variety of symptoms which usually appear from two to five hours after ingesting certain carbohydrate foods, or drugs. Fasting hypoglycemia is relatively rare, and usually accompanies dis¬ eases involving the pancreas, liver or certain types of cancer. Dr. Seale Harris First discovered functional hypoglycemia in 1924, when he observed that some of his patients produced too much insulin, causing their blood sugar levels to drop. Dr. Harris subsequently designed a special diet to help correct and control this condition.

Causes of Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia occurs when sugars or carbohydrates are not metabolized correctly. The body attempts to maintain optimal blood sugar levels to ensure that the brain has the glucose it needs. Normally, when a simple carbohydrate is ingested, blood sugar levels rise signaling the pancreas to secrete insulin which lowers blood sugar by allowing it to enter into the cells, where it is used for energy or converted to fat. When an individual suffers from hypoglycemia, the pancreas overreacts to the presence of blood glucose and releases an excess of insulin, causing blood sugar levels to rapidly plunge, trigger¬ ing a whole host of unpleasant symptoms. When blood sugar levels drop, glucagon, cortisol and adrenalin are poured out into the system to help raise blood sugar back to acceptable levels. This can inadver¬ tently result in the secretion of more insulin to bring it back down and the cycle goes on. Achieving proper blood sugar balance is tricky business. Eating the wrong foods can throw some peoples sugar metabolism into extreme responses. A glucose deficit can affect virtu¬ ally every body system producing a set of seemingly unrelated symp¬ toms.



Human Physiology and Sugar Consumption The human body is fueled by sugar or glucose. The nervous sys¬ tem and the brain must receive a continual supply of glucose to func¬ tion properly. The brain requires a small but steady glucose supply and reacts immediately when its ration is not supplied. Glucose pro¬ vides the only source of energy for brain cells. Considering this fact, It’s easy to understand why impaired sugar metabolism can pro¬ foundly affect performance and mood. One can also see why certain important safeguards exist within human physiology to prevent blood sugar from dropping too low. Sugar stores found in muscle cells and in the liver can be released into the bloodstream if necessary. Unfortunately, human body systems were never designed to process the glut of refined white sugar and flour products routinely consumed by the average American today. This inordinate amount of sugar consumption can actually begin for an infant even before birth, if blood sugar levels are too high during pregnancy, unfortunately, during the course of most typical children, eating excess sugar is more the rule than the exception. Diets commonly offered to children include large amounts of highly sugared cold cere¬ al, candy, soda pop, cookies and lots of simple carbohydrates like pas¬ tries, pies, etc. Diets loaded with simple carbohydrates can lead to hypoglycemia, obesity, and diabetes, heart disease along with many other disorders.

Hypoglycemia: A Red Flag Hypoglycemia can be seen as the first step on the road to chronic, degenerative diseases. Eating too much sugar can have a devastating effect on the human body. When you begin to experience drastic swings in blood sugar with all their unpleasant side effects, take notice. Hypoglycemia can be a precursor to diabetes and Addison’s disease. Its presence tells us that our glandular system may be com¬ promised in some way. It’s not normal to feel lousy after eating a


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meal or snack. Hypoglycemic symptoms indicate that we have lost the ability to metabolize carbohydrates properly and we need to look at what we’ve been eating. Robert Atkins, one of the foremost pioneers in the field of blood sugar disturbances, says, “Without improper nutrition, I don’t believe diabetes could develop, even if both parents are diabetic. No one is doomed to develop hypoglycemia or many of the diseases plagued by mankind, just because our parents have it.” Hypoglycemia should be taken seriously and corrected as soon as possible. It is a potentially dangerous condition which can also result in cellular damage. Anyone who suffers from hypoglycemia must realize that they are very sensitive to rises in blood sugar. In these individuals, the pan¬ creas overreacts to sugar by secreting excess insulin. Consequently, the adrenal glands which are involved in blood sugar fluctuations may become impaired causing a variety of symptoms all designed to raise very low levels of blood sugar. As a result, this individual strong¬ ly craves sugar and proceeds to seek it out and eat it in large quanti¬ ties—and the cycle begins again. With each glut of sugar consump¬ tion, the pancreas is stimulated to produce more and more insulin, which can result in pancreas dysfunction, or diabetes. It is for this reason that hypoglycemia is seen as a warning to the possibility of developing diabetes.

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia The symptoms of hypoglycemia can be very subtle and difficult to recognize. I have found that some people with hypoglycemia have become so used to their symptoms, they don’t even recognize their abnormality. This is especially true in terms of behavior changes. One friend of mine, who went through a very traumatic period in her life was convinced that divorcing her husband would solve her problems. Later, after getting her hypoglycemia under control, she realized that it wasn’t her husband at all who was making her feel so negative and unhappy.



A whole multitude of miserable symptoms can be caused when body cells are deprived of sugar or when blood sugar drops too quickly. The best known symptom of hypoglycemia is fatigue. Were not referring to the normal kind of fatigue which occurs after good old fashioned hard work or exercise. Hypoglycemic fatigue adversely affects the muscles and nerves and is often not relived with rest or sleep. As mentioned, the brain is highly dependent on glucose for its energy source. When blood sugar drops, hormones kick into action. The release of adrenaline can cause “sugar shakes” including sweat¬ ing, tremors, hunger and weakness. Keep in mind that if your blood sugar levels drop more gradually, you may not recognize your symp¬ toms as those of hypoglycemia. You may feel dizzy, confused, clouded and emotionally unstable without any visible tremors. Anxiety or panic attacks can become a part of hypoglycemic mood swings. Other mental symptoms of hypoglycemia can include: melancholy, irritability, hostility, confusion and paranoia. The following list is comprised of symptoms which can result from hypoglycemia: Amnesia



Inability to Cope

Antisocial Behavior


Breathing Difficulties

Intense Hunger


Internal Trembling

Constant Worry


Crying Jags

Lack of Concentration



Digestive Disorders




Emotional Instability

Severe Sweating





Heart Palpitations



Louise Tenney

Nocturnal hypoglycemia refers to a low night time blood sugar level which can cause insomnia. Eating a whole grain snack or small piece of cheese 30 minutes before going to bed can help avoid this scenario. (Note: A significant number of people who suffer from hypo¬ glycemia have reduced thyroid function and should see a physician.)

Do You Have Hypoglycemia? Unfortunately, there are hundreds of people who struggle with low-blood sugar symptoms and never know why. A simple switch from a diet high in refined carbohydrates to one comprised of protein and some complex carbohydrates can often mean the difference between a dysfunctional life and a rich one. To find out if you have hypoglycemia you must examine your eating habits. What and when you eat can directly affect how you feel. Anyone who has unexplained fatigue, depression, crying spells, anxiety or apprehension should suspect low blood sugar levels as the culprit. In addition, you need to investigate your family history. Hypoglycemia runs in families. One Colorado internist commented, “People who are chronically stressed and are on a roller coaster of blood sugar going up and down are especially prone to dips in energy at certain times of day. Their adrenals are not functioning optimally, and when they hit a real low point, they want sugar. It usually hap¬ pens in the mid-afternoon when the adrenal glands are at their lowest level of functioning.” Typically, if you suffer from hypoglycemia, you will feel good right after you eat and then your mood and physical status will dete¬ riorate from two to six hours after eating.

Is Hypoglycemia a Legitimate Disorder? Much controversy has surrounded hypoglycemia within the med¬ ical establishment. Unfortunately, most physicians shake their heads



when you mention the word hypoglycemia. The majority of doctors view the condition as being extremely rare or directly related to dia¬ betics who may get too much synthetic insulin. Because hypo¬ glycemia is rarely understood by the medical community, it is often brushed off as a bogus malady. One reason for this denial are the inadequacies of the 5-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) as an effec¬ tive diagnostic tool. Because hypoglycemia triggers a variety of biochemical reactions in the body, it can cause a number of reactive symptoms, many of which mimic other diseases. It is important to keep in mind, that if you think you might have hypoglycemia, you may not always find the kind of ideal support you need. Frequently, medical doctors mis¬ take hypoglycemic symptoms for neurosis or other diseases and may prescribe tranquilizers or antidepressive medication to alleviate the problem. Some doctors may want you to take a five-hour glucose tolerance test (GTT) in which very large amounts of sugar water are consumed followed by blood tests administered at certain intervals. Many experts are skeptical about this kind of test result. Just remember that if your test appears normal, you may still be suffering from hypoglycemia. The truth is that many perfectly normal, otherwise healthy peo¬ ple experience dramatic swings in their blood sugar levels, resulting in a myriad of mysterious symptoms. The majority of hypoglycemic symptoms involve the central nervous system, although, as previously mentioned, all body systems can be affected. (Note: Most people with hypoglycemia experience symptoms sporad¬ ically. Hypoglycemia is rather unpredictable and takes careful evalua¬ tion to assess.)

The Perils of Sugars and Starches Today our homes, schools and workplaces are literally teeming with sugary foods. We need to become much more aware of how we


Louise Tenney

satisfy our energy needs, unfortunately, most of us rarely pay atten¬ tion to our heating habits until we develop a sugar-related disease like hypoglyeemia. Sugar is meant to be consumed in moderation. Eating too much sugar can: • deplete our vitamin and mineral stores • predispose us to hypoglycemia, diabetes, osteoporosis, coronary artery disease, yeast infections, tooth decay, mood disorders, and some types of arthritis and asthma • raise the lipid content of the blood • cause obesity • compromise our immune systems Did you know that tryptophan and phenylalanine, two amino acids, have to compete with sugar for absorption in the intestines? For this reason, nutritionists have long been advising us against eat¬ ing protein and sugar at the same time. To make matters worse, eat¬ ing excess sugar can weaken and compromise our immune systems by lowering white blood cells counts, making us more susceptible to colds and other infectious diseases.

Sugar Consumption and Glandular Health Eating an excess of refined carbohydrates can adversely affect the endocrine system. During a hypoglycemic reaction the hypothalamus alerts the pituitary to release a hormone which raises it back up again. This, in turn, stimulates the adrenal glands to produce stress hor¬ mones which can bring blood sugar level down once more. It is the thyroid gland which controls the rate at which blood sugar is burned. The pancreas is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels by secreting appropriate amounts of insulin. Glycogen is stored in the liver when excess sugar is present in the blood for future use. When the delicate interaction between all of the glands is dis¬ rupted, blood sugar levels are not kept within normal parameters and 12


unpleasant symptoms result. If the adrenals are compromised, hypo¬ glycemic will usually result. If the pancreas becomes exhausted, dia¬ betes may develop. It isn’t difficult to see that impaired sugar metabo¬ lism puts an inordinate amount of stress on these particular glands, which in some cases leads to permanent damage and dysfunction.

Sugar and Hyperactivity A diet high in sugars and starches has been shown to deplete the body of B vitamins which can contribute to depression, PMS and hyperactivity. Richard J. Walsh states that: “Blood tests reveal that 75 percent of hyperactive, learning disabled children have hypoglycemia and/or allergies. Our observations indicate sugar as a critical culprit in producing symptoms of hyperactivity and learning disorders. The majority of these children eat a high percentage of concentrated sweets. Most have difficulty metabolizing carbohydrates.”

Hypoglycemia and Depression In some circles, hypoglycemia is considered the most common cause of depression. Some studies have even shown that up to 75 per¬ cent of depressed people were not able to metabolize sugars properly. Dr. Harvey Ross, M.D. believes that hypoglycemia is so prevalent that it is mandatory to consider the possibility of this disorder when¬ ever a patient complains of depression. A seemingly harmless sub¬ stance like sugar can act as a menacing mood disrupter. Ironically, if you suffer from low blood sugar, the more depressed you are the more you crave sugar.Sugar addiction is a common factory in hypo¬ glycemia; most people who suffer from this disease have a severe sweet tooth, They crave sugar as an upper because it increases their blood sugar levels and makes them feel less lethargic. Sugar blues are commonly experienced by people with hypoglycemia. Ingesting car¬ bohydrates also raises levels of serotonin in the brain, which can help us to feel better and more positive. Eating refined foods, however, to 13

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accomplish this elevation is self defeating as the cycle will keep repeating itself.

Liver Function in Hypoglycemia Frequently hypoglycemia is found in individuals who suffer from sluggish liver function. Anyone who has a thyroid disorder can also suffer from liver impairment. The liver is our storage and filtering plant. It releases food elements on demand as needed by the body. Starches are changed into a form of sugar called glycogen in the liver which is released when the body needs an immediate source of ener¬ gy. A poorly functioning liver can stress the adrenal glands and the nervous system, thus impairing their ability to handle “internal emer¬ gencies.” A hypoglycemic reaction constitutes one of these emergen¬ cies. If you think you might have a compromised liver, some excel¬ lent herbal treatments include dandelion, milk thistle, red beet, yel¬ low dock, Oregon grape, red clover and pau d’arco. Supplements that boost liver function include chlorophyll, lecithin, Bentonite leavse, evening primrose oil, fresh lemon and pure water, garlic and glucomannan.

Stress and Hypoglycemia Stress, both physical and mental, can play a major role in hypo¬ glycemia. Anxiety can induce low blood sugar and vice versa. Worry and nervousness can upset endocrine balance which can inhibit the metabolization of sugar. Stress comes in three varieties: *

a) Chemical: pesticides, insecticides, heavy metals, asbestos, pol¬ luted air and water, radiation and drugs b) Emotional: marriage difficulties, family tensions, job related stress, divorce, new baby, deaths, moving or financial stress c) Physical: accidents, muscle strain, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, or illness 14


Stress activates hormone production which can effect the way glucose is utilized. It can aggravate the symptoms of hypoglycemia due to its effect on the adrenal glands.

PMS and Hypoglycemia The symptoms of PMS often mimic those of hypoglycemia. Frequently women who have PMS experience increased appetite, a strong craving for sweets or carbohydrates, fatigue, headaches, and heart palpitations. Clinical tests have found that for some women, hormonal fluctuation causes excess insulin to be secreted when sugar is consumed. Consequently, blood sugar levels drop and symptoms appear. What appeared to be hormonal symptoms may be caused by an impaired glucose reaction brought on by hormonal factors. The Wurtman Study has found that the kind of carbohydrate cravings experienced by women with PMS, obese individuals and some depressed people was based on the fact that eating carbohy¬ drates causes low serotonin levels in the brain to rise. What this implies is that sometimes we don’t eat out of true hunger, but rather as a way of raising this important neurotransmitter which is responsi¬ ble for feelings of well being. In some obese people, or women with PMS, the brain does not respond as it should to carbohydrate consumption. Therefore, overeating persists and often weight gain results. Typically, the kinds of carbohydrates which are eaten during a PMS craving are usually simple, refined foods such as chips, cookies or pastries. It has been suggested that if these foods were replaced with complex carbohy¬ drates, wight gain could be minimized and cravings more satisfied.



Drug Addiction and Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is commonly found among drug addicts and alco¬ holics. Both of these sets of people have notoriously poor eating habits which only serves to compound the problem. In addition, tak15

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ing drugs such as heroine, methadone, tobacco or alcohol serves to further deplete B-vitamin and mineral reserves in the body. High sugar foods frequently comprise the staples in the diets of many addicts. Michael Smith of the Lincoln Detox Program explains why addicts consume abnormally high amounts of sugar. He says that addicts experience intestinal spasms caused by the drugs which make the digestion of complex carbohydrates too difficult; liver impairment caused by high toxin levels which leads to poor food assimilation, the over secretion of insulin and intense marketing of sugar products which makes them convenient and easy to locate. Some experts consider sugar an addictive drug. In his book, Sugar

Blues, William Duffy writes, “The difference between sugar addiction and narcotic addiction is largely one of degree.”

Food Choices to Prevent Hypoglycemia Dietary Game Plan Sugar and caffeine have to be the first items to nix from your diet if you are going to avoid experiencing hypoglycemia. Eliminating foods such as candy, soda pop (even the diet kind), doughnuts, sug¬ ary pastries, sugared cold cereals, cookies, etc. is crucial. These types of foods quickly raise blood glucose levels and initiate a rush of insulin, which results in a blood glucose “crash.” Substituting whole grains, fresh vegetables, lean proteins and sup¬ plementing your diet with B vitamins, vitamin C and chromium is recommended. The cold, hard facts concerning hypoglycemia are that diet and life style must be altered to avoid stressing the endocrine system.

The Advantages of Complex Carbohydrates Unlike simple, refined foods, complex carbohydrates take more 16


time to break down in the body which helps to sustain normal blood sugar levels for longer periods of time. Metabolizing whole grains requires more chemical reactions than processing a bowl of sugarfrosted flakes. More research is confirming that whole grains are superior foods and offer the body a balanced mix of fiber, nutrients etc. We were designed to thrive on whole foods, not the fragmented, altered, and highly refined foods most of us routinely eat for energy. In the book, Body Mind and the B Vitamins, the author points out that “ . . . nature likes thing whole. Nothing worthwhile is achieved in nature with fragments. Lifting all of the B-complex vita¬ mins from our whole grain cereals when they are milled and processed then returning only bits of three of the B vitamins synthet¬ ically is probably the worst possible thing we could do, for the imbal¬ ances thus created are unimaginable complex. Many of the trace min¬ erals are also lost in this refining process. Adding white sugar and foods made from it, you cut down severely on the vitamin B content of your diet.” Whole grains, nuts and seeds are also rich in magne¬ sium, zinc and manganese—all vital minerals for the prevention and treatment of hypoglycemia.

The Very Crucial Role of Fiber Study after study have consistently shown that diets lacking in fiber can lead to diseases like hypoglycemia and diabetes. Dietary fiber refers to the components which make up the cell wall of plants that are not digestible. Water soluble fiber seems to be the most bene¬ ficial for controlling blood sugar. This class of fiber consists of mucilages, gums, hemicellulose and pectins and are found in a num¬ ber of foods. This type of fiber slows down the absorption of sugar from the intestinal wall into the blood stream helping to prevent wild insulin secretion. When this happens, the liver can uptake glucose more readily and blood sugar levels remain more normal. Water soluble fiber recommended for hypoglycemia is found in legumes (beans, lentils, split peas), oat bran, nuts, seeds, psyllium 17

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hulls, pears, apples, and most vegetables. One’s optimal fiber intake should be between 35 to 50 grams per day. Unfortunately, most of us rarely come close to this ideal. Fiber is also excellent for controlling appetite, weight gain and is marvelous for regularity which is so intrinsically linked to the health of all of our body systems.

Basic Dietary Guidelines 1) Stop eating foods that cause drastic blood sugar peaks and valleys. 2) Eat less at each meal and more frequently. Supplement meals with protein snacks. 3) Use stress reduction techniques to relax and unwind. 4) Develop a regular exercise program that fits your needs and abilities. 5) Emphasize more whole grains, fibery foods, sprouts, nuts, seeds, and raw vegetables The following foods are excellent choices for daily eating: millet, buckwheat, rye, whole wheat, barley, raw seeds, raw nuts, legumes (lentils, split peas, beans of all kinds), whole grain pastas, white meats, sprouts, unsweetened active culture yogurt, vegetable juices and eggs, raw vegetables (especially celery, beet greens, chives, cucumbers, parsley, radishes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauli¬ flower, mushrooms, onions, peppers, tomatoes, squash, spinach and zucchini). Certain fruits can be eaten but servings should be small. Recommended fruits include: berries, cantaloupe, coconut, muskmelon, cranberries, casaba melon, lemons and limes. It is beneficial to note that the United States Department of Agriculture has verified that the protein in buckwheat is complete and superior to meat protein.

Foods and Substances to Avoid Dietary changes are absolutely essential in treating hypoglycemia. A diet that is high in complex carbohydrates, raw foods and fiber and 18


low in fat is highly recommended. However, certain foods and sub¬ stance need to be nixed in order to see significant results. The following foods should be avoided: all processed or enriched foods like white flour or sugar, quick cooking grains, high-fat empty calorie foods like doughnuts, pastries, cakes, cookies, soda pop, ice cream, and candy. You should also avoid the following substances: nicotine (tobac¬ co), caffeine (coffee, tea and soft drinks), theobromine (chocolate and cocoa), theophylline (tea), purines (found in certain animal products, coffee, mate tea and chocolate), artificial sweeteners (Nutra-sweet, saccharine, Sorbitol, Mannitol, Hexitol, andGlycol), and alcohol. Avoid the following sweeteners or use them sparingly: sucrose (table sugar), lactose (milk sugar), maltose (cereal sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), dextrose, modified food starch, cornstarch, corn syrup, corn sweeteners, honey and molasses. Use salt sparingly. An excess of salt can cause adrenal exhaustion and result in a loss of potassium which can lead to a blood sugar drop. Potassium is necessary to restore normal sugar metabolism.

The Chocolate and Caffeine Caper The combination of chocolate and caffeine, so popular in our society, can produce a number of adverse effects in the human body. When nicotine is added to this mix, it becomes even more damaging. For one thing, caffeine and nicotine stimulate insulin production. An excess of caffeine has even been linked to damage in the islets of Langerhans found in the pancreas where insulin is produced. Our love affair with caffeinated, carbonated drinks can also cause a variety of undesirable side-effects. Carbonation can interfere with digestion and caffeine speeds the transit time of food from the stom¬ ach into the intestines. Stomach disturbances are common in hypo¬ glycemia.


Louise Tenney

The Seven-Day Suggested Menu Plan Nutritional'supplements such as vitamins, minerals and herbs are best taken with meals. If digestion is a problem, digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acids can be taken in supplement form. Herbal teas are very good. Red clover, alfalfa, pau d’arco, red raspberry and licorice teas are recommended. The ideal diet for hypoglycemia is one that is designed to pro¬ mote good health as well as prevent disease. It consists of natural, whole, complex carbohydrates, some fruits, some dairy products and small amounts of lean meat. We all know by now that a diet low in protein, low in fat and high in complex carbohydrates is good for the human body. Sprouts should be high your list of preferred foods. The recipes for dishes marked with an asterisk can be found in the back of this booklet. The following provides possible menu choices over a seven-day period. Before breakfast, drink a glass of pure water with the juice of a fresh lemon, or water with 2 tablespoons of liquid chlorophyll, or 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice or a green drink of your choice. Protein powder can be added to these drinks if desired.

Green Drink 4 oz. Of pineapple juice or fresh apple juice 4 oz. pure water

2 oz. aloe vera juice 1 cup sprouts 1/4 cup parsley Blend all ingredients in a blender and drink before breakfast.



#1 Breakfast 1 ripe peach *Oatmeal Cereal #7 Lunch *Baked potato with chili stuffing Large green salad (leaf lettuce with 6 raw vegetables)

#1 Dinner *Almond and bean salad Raw vegetable plate

1 slice rye bread

#2 Breakfast 1 small green apple (eat 30 minutes before breakfast) *Seed cereal #2 Lunch *Chicken salad

#2 Dinner *Brown rice special #3 Breakfast

1 pear *Cornmeal cereal 21

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#3 Lunch Pocket bread sandwich (whole wheat) Use your imagination! Avocado, onions, tomatoes, green peepers, spouts, grated carrots, a little cheese and mayonnaise are good.

#3 Dinner *Enchiladas Green salad

#4 Breakfast 2 apricots or other fruit *Seed cereal

#4 Lunch Brown rice and almond dish

1 slice whole wheat bread

#4 Dinner * Baked chicken breast Raw vegetables (carrots, zucchini, celery) Steamed broccoli #5 Breakfast

1 bran muffin 2 soft boiled fertile eggs



#5 Lunch *Pinto bean soup Green salad (with sprouts)

#5 Dinner *Quinoa supper Steamed vegetables (green beans, carrots and summer squash)

#6 Breakfast 1 cup raspberries *Brown rice (cooked in thermos)

#6 Lunch Baked potato (with butter and chives) *Mixed vegetable salad

1 slice of rye bread

#6 Dinner * Kasha supreme Cornbread

#7 Breakfast 1 tangerine * Whole wheat and buckwheat pancakes (blender method)

1/4 teaspoon of pure maple syrup


Louise Tenney

#7 Lunch Rice and corn salad

1 slice of rye bread

#7 Dinner *Burrito dinner

A Word of Encouragement Keep in mind that when you first start to revise your old eating habits you may initially feel lousy. Feeling weak, dizzy, nauseous and even depressed can is normal when sugary, fatty foods are eliminated. This is particularly true if you’ve been eating a diet high in white sugar or fat. Give the diet a chance. Your body will take time to adjust and results won’t be seen overnight.



Supplements for Hypoglycemia Vitamins for Hypoglycemia It’s important to remember that eating an excess amount of sugar can deplete our vitamin and mineral stores. To make matters worse, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can predispose us to both hypo¬ glycemia and diabetes. For example, significant amounts of B vita¬ mins are required to metabolize and detoxify sugar after it has entered our bodies. When the body is overloaded with sugar, the assimilation of nutrients from other foods is inhibited. In other words, our bodies were not designed to cope with the glut of sugar we routinely consume.

Vitamin A: Helps the body maintain normal glandular function. Energy transfers in the body depend up the presence of vitamin A. Vitamin A also helps to assimilate mineral efficiently when used with vitamins D and E.

Vitamin B-Complex: The B vitamins are essential to help control the highs and lows associated with hypoglycemia. They boost the adrenal glands and work to calm the nerves and promote mental health.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): This vitamin assists in metabolizing carbo¬ hydrates and also improves appetite, digestion, assimilation and elim¬ ination. It works to protect the nervous system and improve nerve function. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): This vitamin works in tandem with niacin and thiamine. It protects the nerves and boosts the immune system. It also helps to facilitate proper digestion which is essential to healthy carbohydrate metabolism.


Louise Tenney

Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Niacin plays a vital role in energy production and carbohydrate metabolism. It is also involved in the synthesis of several biochemicals including adrenaline. Niacin boosts the body’s ability to uptake sugar from the blood into the cells. Supplementing the diet of diabetics with niacin is also strongly recommended.

Vitamin B3 (Pantothenic Acid): Not getting enough of this vitamin can cause a drop in blood sugar. This B vitamin is involved in the production of natural cortisone from the adrenal glands and can help to protect against the adverse effects of stress. It is essential for the maintenance of a healthy endocrine system.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): This vitamin is vital in helping to maintain hormonal functions and endocrine balance. Vitamin B6 strengthens the adrenal glands and helps to protect the pancreas. It is required for the metabolism of proteins and for the production of hormones and antibodies. Vitamin B6 may also help to prevent complications from diabetes.

Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid): This vitamin must be present for liver enzymes to function properly. It is essential for the formation of new red blood cells and to maintain healthy reproductive glands. It also acts to boost iron and calcium absorption when combined with vita¬ min B12 and vitamin C.

Vitamin B12: (Cobalamin): This vitamin is good for liver function which can be impaired when hypoglycemia is a problem. Vitamin B12 helps to clear cholesterol from the blood and is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It also protects the nervous system and may protect diabetics from diabetic neuropathy.

Vitamin D: This vitamin is essential for glandular health and also augments the nervous system. It serves to regulate the metabolism of



other vitamins and minerals as well, especially calcium, vitamin A and phosphorus. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant and is essential for adrenal and pituitary gland health. It also helps protect against free radicals and strengthens and tones muscles, protects the lungs and can prevent sterility. It has the ability to keep the B vitamins from being rapidly oxidized and lubricates cells for healthy elasticity. Vitamin C: This remarkable vitamin promotes normal adrenal func¬ tion and glandular activity. It is concentrated in the adrenal glands and can help ward off low blood sugar. Insulin facilitates the trans¬ port of vitamin C into the cells. Consequently, many diabetics can suffer from a lack of vitamin C. It has also been shown that a vitamin C depletion can initiate personality changes. Vitamin K: This vitamin is necessary to convert carbohydrates into glucose. It also plays a major role in blood clotting. Vitamin K is important for healthy heart and liver function. PABA (Para-aminobenzoic Acid): This substance contributes to the production of pantothenic acid which helps to build the adrenal glands and enhances intestinal flora and digestion. Biotin: Biotin is necessary for the proper metabolism of carbohy¬ drates, fats and proteins. Without biotin, the metabolism of these nutrients would be significantly impaired. Taking biotin can boost insulin sensitivity and increase sugar utilization in the liver. Studies have shown that frequently, diabetics are deficient in biotin. Lecithin: Lecithin helps to protect the circulatory and nervous sys¬ tems. It contributes to normal metabolism by helping to break down fat and cholesterol thereby preventing its build-up on artery walls.


Louise Tenney

People who suffer from hypoglycemia can also have high blood lipids. Apparently, a drastic reduction in blood sugar can result in lipid elevation.


Inositol: Inositol also help to decrease blood cholesterol and to stimu¬ late digestion. Bioflavonoids (Vitamin P): Bioflavonoids increase the potency of vita¬ min C and help to prevent weak gums and capillaries. They also build the immune system and promote insulin secretion.

Minerals for Hypoglycemia Calcium: Calcium helps to maintain proper acid-alkaline balance in the blood. It must be taken with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, and C and with zinc and inositol for proper absorption. Chromium: Chromium is absolutely crucial for proper blood sugar control. It works closely with insulin to facilitate the uptake of sugar into body cells. In cases of chromium depletion, the action of insulin in inhibited and blood sugar levels rise. Diabetics who have taken chromium have seen improvement is their glucose tolerance and cho¬ lesterol levels. Studies of females suffering from hypoglycemia have shown that chromium helped to alleviate their symptoms when taken over a three month period. Some studies have also shown that chromium helps to reduce body fat and promote lean body mass. Iodine: Iodine is essential in maintaining a healthy thyroid gland which contributes to proper metabolism of ingested nutrients. Iodine also helps to regulate cholesterol levels and can protect the brain from toxins. Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in sugar metabolism and con¬ tributes to the process which converts sugar to energy. A magnesium



deficiency is commonly found in diabetics implying that magnesium may help to prevent the disease. Magnesium also helps to prevent adrenal instability and keeps calcium from depositing in the arteries, joints and cells. Manganese: Manganese is involved in blood sugar control, energy metabolism and thyroid function. It also protects cells from free radi¬ cal damage, which is commonly seen in diabetics with consistently high blood sugar. It contributes to pancreatic development and in the conversion of lactate and alanine into glucose. Like magnesium, dia¬ betics are frequently found to be lacking in manganese. In guinea pig testing, a deficiency of manganese can result in the development of diabetes and pancreatic abnormalities. Potassium: Anyone with diabetes or hypoglycemia should supplement their diets with potassium. Potassium boosts insulin sensitivity and production. Taking synthetic insulin can actually create a potassium deficit. A shortage of potassium can result in lower levels of stored glycogen. One of the first signs of a potassium deficiency is fatigue and muscle weakness due to a lack of glycogen stores. Potassium also helps handle stress and can act as a healing agent for the glands. Selenium: Selenium works with vitamin E to help the body utilize oxygen. It can also protect the cellular systems from toxin exposure. Zinc: Zinc plays a role is almost every aspect of insulin metabolism. Like so many of the other nutrients listed, it is frequently lacking in hypoglycemics and diabetics. Without zinc, insulin is utilized too fast and blood sugar levels plunge.

Amino Acids for Hypoglycemia Alanine: Strengthens cellular walls and helps the liver to detoxify the blood.


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Carnitine: Contributes to glucose metabolism. It has been suggested that a deficiency of carnitine may be an early symptom of hypo¬ glycemia. Carnitine also enables muscles to utilize fatty acids for energy. Glutamic Acid: This amino acid helps curb sugar cravings and is also considered a brain food. Phenylalanine and Tyrosine: These two amino acids are involved in the production of adrenalin, which is released when blood sugar lev¬ els drop too low.

Herbs for Hypoglycemia There are several herbs which help to regulate and balance endocrine function which is essential to prevent diseases like hypo¬ glycemia. Plant based therapy can help to regulate blood sugar and to detoxify the blood and body fluids. There are four body systems which must be addressed when treating hypoglycemia. They are the endocrine, circulatory, digestive and nervous. Herbs will be discussed that benefit each one of these systems as they relate to normal sugar metabolism. Herbs that are particularly suited for impaired sugar metabolism have been marked with an asterisk. Alfalfa: Nourishes all the glands but is especially good for the pitu¬ itary. Bilberry *: It is the flavonoid content of this herb that makes it valu¬ able for anyone who suffers from glucose impaired diseases. Bitter Melon *: Bitter melon, also known as Balsam Pear, has also been shown to act like a natural form of insulin and has been used as a tra¬ ditional fold remedy for diabetes.



Black Cohosh: A good herb for female hormonal imbalances, black

cohosh stimulates estrogen production and can help relieve menstrual cramping. Buchu: Rich in potassium which is so essential to proper sugar

metabolism. Cedar Berries*: This herb helps to heal and nourish the pancreas

gland. It promotes natural insulin production and function and also acts an a natural antibiotic. Damiana: This herb has historically been used to strengthen male

sexual organs and to stimulate the production of testosterone. Dandelion: Dandelion helps to cleanse the liver and to promote nor¬

mal blood sugar balance. Dulse: Dulse is rich in iodine, serving to nourish the thyroid gland

which helps to regulate normal metabolism. Fenugreek*: Fenugreek has been used to treat diabetes. Tests have

found that it has the ability to lower blood sugar as well as blood cholesterol. Garlic and Onions*: Both of these plants can help to normalize blood

sugar and promote healthy insulin receptivity and function. Garlic is especially useful for lowering blood pressure and cholesterol as well. Ginseng: Ginseng helps the body maintain proper adrenal levels. It

also increases vitality and energy and is good as a tonic for the male reproductive system. Gentian: Gentian is a tonic herb which boosts digestion and

nourishes the liver.


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Golden Seal*: Golden Seal helps to regulate blood sugar levels and has

been used in diabetics to help them lower insulin requirements. It is a multifaceted herb and is often called a “cure all.” Gymnema Sylvestre*: This herb is native to India and has been called a

sugar blocker. It has been used to help curb sugar cravings and con¬ tributes to glucose control. Ho-Sho-Wu: Considered a tonic for the endocrine system, this herb

improves stamina and resistance to disease. Kelp*: Kelp is a natural source of iodine and is essential for healthy

pituitary, adrenal, pineal, thyroid and parathyroid glands. It helps to burn fat and contributes to good arterial health. .Licorice*: Licorice acts like natural cortisone which enables the body

to better cope with stress. It also promotes normal blood sugar levels by boosting adrenal gland health and function. Mullein: Mullein works to nourish all the glands of the body and

helps to normalize hormone levels. Parsley*: Parsley is an excellent source of potassium, sodium and mag¬

nesium which are all involved in glandular health and sugar metabo¬ lism. Parsley activated enzyme reactions in the body and helps in the process of carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and energy transfers. Its trace mineral content also provides nourishment for the adrenal glands. Pterocarpus: This particular herb has been used India for generations

to treat diabetes. Apparently, it contains a bioflavonoid called epicatechin which is believed to be the active compound involved in sugar metabolism.



Red Raspberry: This herb helps to regulate the acid/alkaline balance of the blood and works to prevent blood sugar surges and drops, while boosting energy levels. Saffron: Saffron allows the body to regulate lactic acid and to proper¬ ly utilize lipids. It also serves to boost gallbladder and liver health. Saltbush*: This herb can contribute to better glucose tolerance and more stable blood sugar levels. It is high in chromium which may be part of the reason it is so effective in sugar-related functions. Sarsaparilla: This herb is considered a hormone balancer and blood cleanser. It also strengthens the immune system. Saw Palmetto: Saw Palmetto helps to normalize the function of the pancreas and adrenals as well as all vital organs and glands. Suma: Used by both men and women to restore sexual function, this herb is also good for poor circulation, heart disease and arthritis. Uva Ursi: This botanical helps to regulate glucose transfer to the nerve fibers which feed the brain.

Exercise and Hypoglycemia The most successful exercise programs are the ones which take advantage of your abilities and time constraints. Brisk walking for 30 to 45 minutes three to five times a week is highly recommended. Frequently, people buy exercise equipment that takes too much strength to operate or they will embark on a routine of strenuous exercise that ends up just creating more exhaustion. The key is con¬ sistency. Its alright to push yourself, but only gradually. Start slowly, taking a 15-minute walk after dinner and build up to a 45-minute


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brisk walk in which you feel invigorated rather than exhausted. Remember, if you get too sore or feel too taxed by the exercise you’ve chosen, you’ll probably give up altogether. Exercise does wonders for all the body systems and is especially beneficial for any sugar metabolism disorder. Both diabetes and hypoglycemia are intrinsically linked to body weight. The more adi¬ pose or body fat we carry, the more likely we are to develop hypo¬ glycemia or diabetes. To make matters even worse, drastic drops in blood sugar can actually promote the storage of fat. It’s a well known fact that many people with Type II Diabetes can actually get off insulin if they reduce their percentage of body fat. Exercise is an excellent way to accomplish this.

Preventing Hypoglycemia Good dietary habits combined with regular exercise are the keys to preventing the onset of hypoglycemia as well as many other devas¬ tating and potentially fatal diseases. A low-fat diet that is high in fiber, raw foods and complex carbohydrates is invaluable in helping to prevent the development of hypoglycemia. Remember to: a) keep yourself at an ideal weight. b) not smoke or consume alcohol. c) not eat a diet high in white sugar and white flour products including: candy, cookies, pastries, sugared cereals, soda pop, etc. Reach for fruit instead. d) eat small meals several times a day so that blood sugar levels stay more constant. e) make sure your diet is supplemented with the proper vitamins and minerals.



Hypoglycemia and Panic Attacks: A Case Study Darlas story is a good example of a panic attack that was much more than what it appeared to be. Dr. Harold Levinson, M.D. refers to a panic attack as an individual experiencing a loss of control in the absence of any visible trigger. In Dr. Levinsons book Phobia Free, he explores the idea that 90 percent of all phobias and panic attacks can be traced to a hidden physical problem. Darla’s story is just that. She experienced her first attack in the summer of 1985 and described it as “feeling my blood running in my veins, a crawly feeling.” She assumed that the drugs she was taking after some surgery was responsible for the sensation. The following year was a very stressful one for Darla. She lost her business and her home and in February of 1986 began to experience the same, odd sensation. Upon entering a mall, she felt “ . . . light¬ headed and spacey ...” and thought she needed to eat something; however she found that she was unable to eat. Her ears began to ring and she felt as if she was “talking in a barrel.” Darla remembered that a friend of hers who was into health had suggested that drinking water and honey was a good remedy for low blood sugar. She was able to find some at a nearby health food store and within 15 to 20 seconds after drinking the mixture, she com¬ pletely snapped out of her symptoms. These attacks began to occur more frequently and became more severe. Darla related that her “ears would shut off and she would also experience a shortness of breath, tremors and a numbness in her hands and feet.” She became fearful of having an attack anytime of the day or night. She had never had any problems with low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, so she doubted the connection. One doctor she saw suggested that she was having a nervous breakdown and needed to learn how to relax. Darla felt strongly that this was not what was happening to her. The attacks continued for


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two more months. She lost twenty pounds and became severely depressed. She gave up going to church and began to wonder if she was going crazy. She was afraid to go anywhere. No one seemed to know what was wrong and that made her even more desperate. She had heard of a doctor who used a holistic approach to health and decided to make an appointment. During her first visit, she was diagnosed with hypoglycemia which was brought on by the stress of her surgery and losing her home and business. She discovered that it was not uncommon for high stress situations such as childbirth or divorce to initiate hypoglycemia. Her doctor first taught her to control the hypoglycemia by eating more frequently (at least every two hours). She found that using diluted juice or raw seeds and nuts would quickly raise her blood sugar level. She carried a can of pineapple juice with her and could ward off an attack by using it when she began to experience any symptoms. Consequently, Darla became very successful at control¬ ling these “panic attacks” and gradually became stronger and felt healthier. She did encounter a setback, however, when she would return to the same sites where she had previously experienced her attacks. The memory of those attacks caused her to experience the same symptoms which, was very discouraging to her. She subsequent¬ ly sought out a counselor and learned deep breathing techniques for relaxation. Using daily meditation was also helpful. Today, Darla finally feels like she in control of her life. She still carries a small can of pineapple juice in her purse just in case, and she has learned to recognize warning signals. If she becomes overly stressed or tired, she sometimes becomes short of breath and proceeds to slow down and take heed. She has incorporated healthy eating habits which are detailed in the next section of this booklet and are the key to overcoming disorders like hypoglycemia. Dr. Levinson has stated that physical causes for panic attacks can be related to chemical imbalances, hormonal fluctuations, or some other shift in the chemical balance of the brain. 36


Supplements and Diet Used in the Case Study Licorice tea was used to strengthen the adrenal glands and opti¬ mize the effect of glucocorticoids. Dulse was used to help normalize thyroid function by supplying a natural source of iodine. Cayenne was used to stimulate better circulation and potentiate the action of other herbs taken. Dong quai was used to help balance out the hor¬ mones and to relax the nerves and muscles. Evening primrose oil was taken to help with mood swings, irritability, anxiety, headaches and fluid retention. Evening primrose oil contains GLA (gamma-linoleicacid) which is vital for endocrine system health. Garlic was used to supply minerals and to act as a natural antibiotic. Lady’s slipper was taken as another nervine herb which works to calm the nervous sys¬ tem. It is also high in calcium, selenium and zinc, which support the immune system. Lobelia was also used as a natural tranquilizer and to strengthen the stomach, lungs and circulation. Senna tea was taken for its ability to lubricate the bowels and increase intestinal peristalsis. Ginger was added to prevent any cramping. Darla took several vitamins to build her immune system and boost normal sugar metabolism. These were vitamins A, B12, C, and E in combination with lecithin and pantothenic acid. A calcium sup¬ plement was used which was high in magnesium. Boron was added to augment calcium absorbtion. Manganese, chromium, potassium and raw thyroid and raw adrenal supplements were also taken. Diet was designed to optimize health, digestion and proper sugar utilization. For breakfast small amounts of fruits in season were used, including an apple, a banana, an orange, a slice of pineapple, a grape¬ fruit, or 1 cup of fresh cherries, blueberries, raspberries or strawber¬ ries. One cup of yogurt, kefir or goat’s milk was also used with nuts and seeds which were ground. Almonds, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, chia or flax seed were used. High quality cottage cheese was also added. 37

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Sprouted grains or seeds can be eaten for breakfast. Other good choices would be cooked millet, buckwheat, brown rice or oats. Butter and olive oil were the recommended oils. Buckwheat pancakes with fresh applesauce or two soft boiled eggs with whole grain bread (especially rye) were also excellent choices.



Recipes 1) Oatmeal Cereal Soak Overnight 1/2 cup whole oats or baby oats 1 Tab. sesame seeds 6 almonds 1 teas, chia seeds 1 teas, flax seeds Try to eat unsweetened. A few drops of pure maple syrup can be added.

2) Seed Cereal Rich in protein, calcium and packed with lasting energy. Combine the following and keep in a Jar in refrigerator. 1 cup sesame seeds 1 cup chia seeds 1 cup sunflower seeds 1 cup flax seeds 1 cup pumpkin seeds Take two to four tablespoons and soak in pure water overnight. In the morning, blend in blender and add to “grape nuts” or any unsweetened cereal, or eat alone.

3) Commeal Cereal Cornmeal is a laxative starch and is high in magnesium which is use¬ ful in constipation. It will not produce catarrh. Yellow cornmeal is best.


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1/4 cup cornmeal 1 cup pure water Boil water and gradually add to boiling water. Cover and cook for about 30 minutes. You can also cook overnight in a thermos.

4) Brown Rice 1/2 cup basmiti brown rice (smells like popcorn when cooking) 1 cup boiling water Pour boiling water over rice in wide-mouth thermos. Cook overnight.

5) Whole Wheat and Buckwheat Pancakes 1/2 cup 'yvhole wheat berries 1/4 cup buckwheat (hulled) 1 cup milk (almond milk or powdered milk) Blend at high speed for four minutes. Add dash salt, 2 teas, baking powder, 2 eggs and 1/4 cup oil. Blend all together and cook like pan¬ cakes.

6) Baked Potato with Chili Stuffing 1 baked potato per person chili sauce 11/2 teas, oil (light olive oil) 2 cloves garlic 1/4 lb. ground turkey 1 cup cooked pinto beans 1 Tab. chili powder 40


cayenne and kelp to taste 1/2 cup tomato sauce grated cheese Heat oil and sautd onion, garlic, and turkey. Stir until meat is brown. Add beans, chili powder, cayenne and kelp. Bake potatoes until half-done. Scoop out half of flesh. Fill each with meat mixture. Top each with 2 tablespoons tomato sauce, and grated cheese. Place filled shells in a baking dish and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

7) Chicken Salad 1 cup fresh bean sprouts 1 cup alfalfa sprouts 1 cup shredded cabbage 1 Tab. soy sauce 2 teas, wine vinegar 2 teas, light olive oil 1/2 cup grated carrots 1/4 cup green onions 8 ounces cooked chicken breast, cubed Combine all ingredients except chicken and toss throroughly. Add chicken and toss lightly. Makes 2 large servings.

8) Brown Rice and Almond Dish 2 Tab. light olive oil 13/4 cups vegetable broth 1 clove garlic 1 teas, marjoram, crushed 41

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1 cup zucchini squash 1 cup carrots, grated 1 Tab. arrowroot powder 1 cup cherry tomatoes 1/2 cup green onions, chopped 1/2 cup almonds, ground 2 cups cooked brown basamiti rice Saut^ olive oil and garlic in heated stainless steel wok. Add broth, simmer for ten minutes. Add marjoram, squash, carrots and arrowroot powder blended with 2 tablespoons water. Stir and cook until sauce thickens. Add tomatoes, onions, and almonds and cook for one minute. Serve over hot rice. Serves about 4.

9) Pinto Bean Meal 1 cup cooked buckwheat 1 med. onion 1 16 oz. can tomato puree 1 16 oz. can pure water 1/4 cup green chilis 2 cloves garlic 1 teas, cumin 3 cups cooked pinto beans Dash of chili powder Saut^ buckwheat, onion and garlic in medium saucepan. Add tomato puree and water. Season with cumin and a dash of chili powder. Simmer for 30 minutes. Add pinto beans.

10) Mixed Vegetable Salad 1 med. bermuda onion, peeled and cut in paper-thin slices 42


2 med. ripe tomatoes, sliced in chunks bunch of red radishes, washed and cut in half 1 head of butter lettuce 1 Tab. fresh lemon juice 1/2 teas, cayenne pepper 1 Tab. light olive oil Toss all together and serve.

11) Rice and Com Salad 2 cups cooked brown rice 2 cups fresh corn kernels 1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1/2 cup chopped green pepper 1/2 cup chopped green onions 1/2 cup black olives, sliced 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley, basil and dill Dressing 2 Tab. wine vinegar 2 Tab. water 2 Tab. soy sauce, natural 1/2 teas. Dijon mustard dash cayenne pepper Combine salad ingredients. Combine dressing ingredients in a small jar. Pour over salad and mix well. Serves 6-8. Is also good chilled.

12) Almond and Bean Salad 4 cups fresh green beans, washed, stemmed, and cut in thin pieces 1 cup almonds, sliced thin


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1 med. onion, chopped 2 1/2 Tab. light olive oil 2 Tab. butter 1 Tab. Tamari sauce 1 Tab. white wine vinegar 1 cup alfalfa and fenugreek sprouts Garnish

tomato wedges fresh parsley, diced fresh dill and basil Saute green beans in frying pan with oil and onions. Cook for about 15 minutes. Add Tamari and stir for 1 minute. Remove from fire and add almonds and vinegar. Serve in salad bowl with alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, parsley, dill and basil.

13) Brown Rice Special 2 Tab. butter 2 Tab. light olive oil 2 cloves garlic 1 cup onion, chopped 1 cup green pepper, chopped 2 cups cooked brown basmati rice 1/2 cup raw almonds, ground 2 Tab. Worcestershire sauce 3 Tab. toasted sesame seeds Saute butter, oil, garlic, onion and green pepper. Cook slightly, leav¬ ing onion and pepper crunchy. Add rice until heated. Add almonds, Worcestershire sauce and sesame seeds and cook for a few minutes. Serves about 4. 44


14) Enchiladas 3 cups cooked pinto beans 1/2 cup chopped onion 2 cloves garlic 1 small can green chilis 1/2 can tomato puree 1/4 can enchilada sauce 2 Tab. vegetable seasoning in 1/2 cup water 1/2 teas, cumin 1/2 teas, chili powder cheese, grated sour cream, or mock sour cream Mash cooked pinto beans. Saut£ onions, garlic and green chilis. Add cumin, chili powder. Add vegetable seasoning, water, tomato puree and enchilada sauce. It should be very thick. Roll this mixture in corn tortillas. Add cheese and a little sour cream before rolling. Enchilada Sauce 3/4 can enchilada sauce (left over) 1/2 can tomato puree 1/2 cup onion, minced 1/2 cup water with vegetable seasoning to taste 1 teas, chili powder pinch of garlic powder and onion powder Simmer on low for 30 minutes. Pour over enchiladas and bake for about 30 minutes at 350 degrees.


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15) Baked Chicken Breast Boneless, skinless chicken breast Dip cold chicken in warm olive oil and butter. Cover with seasoned bread crumbs. Bake in oven for about 45 minutes.

16) Quinoa Supper Quinoa (Keen-wa) is a new powerful grain with a gourmet flavor. Easy to digest, and good for allergy-prone individuals. 1 cup Quinoa 2 cups pure water 1/2 cup grated carrots 1 /2 cup broccoli, diced 1 cup fresh corn 1/2 cup almonds, ground 1 Tab. butter 2 Tab. light olive oil 1 large onion 2 cloves garlic Toast quinoa in pan with teaspoon of olive oil for a few minutes until it turns dark. Add to boiling water and cook for about 30 minutes. Saute in butter and olive oil, onion and garlic. Add carrots, broccoli, corn and almonds to quinoa when done. Ready to serve.

17) Kasha Supreme 1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic 2 Tab. olive oil 46


2 Tab. butter 1 egg, slightly beaten 1 cup kasha (roasted buckwheat kernels) 2 cups water 2 teas, vegetable seasoning 1 cup cottage cheese 1 cup fresh or frozen corn 1 cup cheddar cheese, grated 1/4 cup diced red pepper 1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half Sautd onion and garlic in olive oil and butter for about 10 minutes. Stir egg into kasha in small bowl, add to onion, stirring constantly until each grain separates. Stir in water and\yegetable seasoning, bring to boil, and lower heat, cover and cook for about 20 minutes. Mix cottage cheese, corn, red pepper and cheddar cheese. Put in oven in a glass dish and cook until cheese melts. Garnish with tomatoes. Ready to serve.

18) Burrito Dinner 1 large onion, chopped 1 large carrot, grated 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 1/2 cup green onions, chopped 1 Tab. light olive oil or sunflower seed oil 2 cloves garlic, pressed 11/2 cups corn (fresh or frozen) 2 cups cooked pinto beans 1 Tab. chili powder 1 teas, oregano 1/4 teas, cayenne powder 47

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1/4 cup water chopped tomato shredded leaf lettuce green onions, favorite salsa Saute first five ingredients in oil for 10 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and mix carefully. Bring to boil, cover, reduce heat and cook over medium-low heat for 20 minutes. Check and stir occasion¬ ally. Fill tortilla. Can also be served over brown rice. Serves 4-6.

Further Reading Airola, Paavo, Ph.D. Hypoglycemia: A Better Approach. Barmakian, Richard, N.D. Hypoglycemia: Your Bondage or Freedom. Barnes, Broda O., M.D., Ph.D., and Charlotte W. Barnes, A.M. Hope for Hypoglycemia. Tenney, Louise, M.H. Today's Herbal Health, Today's Healthy Eating, Modern-Day Plagues, Health Handbook and Today s Herbs Newsletter.



Wrrfrifffinef Apprnzrti



ffer from health c 1 glycemia. In this booklet, author Louis vides a comprehensive review of what hypo is, its symptoms and complications, and natu approaches, dietary guidelines and supplements can help with both prevention and treatmen hypoglycemia. Read inside to find out what steps you can take in the fight against hypoglycemia :


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