A survey of veterans’ opinions of educational and vocational counseling provided by the Veterans’ Administration under Public law #16 and Public law #346

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A survey of veterans’ opinions of educational and vocational counseling provided by the Veterans’ Administration under Public law #16 and Public law #346

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UMI Number: EP75568

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UMI Dissertation Pum isntng

UMI EP75568 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code

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&S& 1

I w l t f s taken from a fable of fen thousand rastoeiily assorted, digits.,* * ' # * » * * * * « * . *


faM a of Veterans * answers- to the ftiestlons .in form..I 4 - P*&*#3M> B ■** C* B **

oases in the eho&to objective* « oases in to^'-eho-tan objective* * oases n o t . t o to e objective * * * oases not to toe objective # * *

'S3 8f 87


Bestilts of the iO Testlgatlon in to th e -Continuance' to too- ebo-sto o bjectiv e to r one year o r more * *


lumber of oases -and percentages o f the e n tire study w ithin each o f toe 3 e la ssifie a tio n # * •». *


5- fab le showing toe oases In and Chit o f the ato siit o b je e tiire aoeeM tof to 'P*&* #!S and f ♦B*if^3^o e f « ■* * » * * # « * .* * .*■ *■ * ♦ * *




the m itoer o f eases to the | categories divided according to F*l*#i6 tod ?*6*#3%e* .the number o f oases in m i Out of the objective in each o f toe 3 categories according aM * * * * * * * < # «*.**.**,» * fa b le showing B ate t o r itetesm toation o f m

^p erim en tal C riterio n * * . * *, * .* * *#



fab le -shewing toe d istrib u tio n o f reasons to r leaving toe ob jectiv e * * * * * * * ■* ♦ * * *


M stribntion. of- the Seasons to r f a ilu r e among toe various' e la ssifto .d i.0na, % * .* * * ** #* *

10 Seasons fo r leaving: toe objectives according to 3 vocational -classificatio n s *. « » »• *. * * Bausons fo r leaving toe objective according to Base fto b e f tod vocation-al classification-! ’and divided between. Pto* $L& and W>h.0*& • ■* * * *

97 98 99

101 102


ami io tf o f used dm dMaimiiif %t0mamt s opinion * *. * ■*. * * ». *



Opiniommaisre for es.t&bii'staomi of am OM tofion * * ' # # * * • « * *



y©t©r-am*s- opinion poll used a t fdioBad# 4**i MV Ooiiat#* t# « . gtinsott, Pi3*eetoir o f fesiin g ■,% ■* * • * * » .

13 OopT* o f jPublio 3^41^ fPiS 1


■.%* * ■■# * #■■ *■ ♦ %

' Oopf o f fu b lie $,&* #3^4 > * * ■».* * * * * *

108 1111 113

"Doee to© a&Asememt and guidaiso# ©tryio# to m i oil to to ra m a te e n title d esA 'toioh i s ;pfoAd#d. by tit# I h lto i ftm tos

m d er ■fuMio ja w f th is study ■toe

w ill obsewe. that,

toi# aaidame# 0-emten •M s touched a high m#aswto of' attain^.

m toi'toto

out of" l#i. ocmmsMtois

tosM timg

in toe optaionsr o f too ootosoled 1

to to tto to& a

appnMsal of toe meeds■o f toe ooaM lictoM to o f M i jMoto t o society*

to M s fam ily gtoup* to bis ohosom cm tu to f and

lo to l are v ita l to h is ovm toai geosNto w #lfe» and hgpptoos© tod to to# feed # f-to e

®d toe

fhos# and other facto rs must make o f him m individual toe i s bdpiy to h is

too has s u ffic ie n t competence to give

MS' dependants- to -siefneto standard of living and to to n ity fo r s©» ;t?alusM#: and m$M the ri#*® beep, chosen,

tSMA had

'’Favorable achievement outcomes in a jaa$©fity o f emm-t m v a il as favors®!# by Veterans- counseled, p o in t toward, favorable assessment Of the counseling proeeis g©s#f©liywy I® was estim ated th a t the m sf to- th e Veterans In college

o i Meeplpg/13» .§$**,


fl,395V1+00, ©»&/ the c o s t.o f :

Oart»#ellng; m& estlaiatfd a t $3fr*SSRl#

'f e l t .:1s about j$

Of the tot*a/iirRssbMOnf 'and *#pj?osents the insurance co st o f safeguarding the tevesteeat*

k. follow-up study « f: iS32 veteran counselees |a ipad© ani: -feetoloal. In s titu tio n s , f t t h -lb# inform ation given by the author o f th is rep o rt we can consider the following question*


wmim vetfafaofc vms&& On th©i.r ©olieg# tfakkkok program than m th e fflfsd© o r feehnieal I n s titu te train in g pro­ grams? it She following r e s u l t presented in the rep o rt at# ©alighfeai*^:*-

lR...gr,adol -or..:itechMdal.


68% had e ith e r (x), completed the course ‘saccG^sfaXtf' ■•■ ■■ ■■• ■•

... '

S T . V- . ' : '■■

(a)- were^’ atilX pnrsM ag th e ir tra in in g

32$ had dropped out o r th e ir sta ta s. was 'act. te e m , Beeords o,f ceafibhed

l a tike

o rig in a lly chosen objective shored that** Vgjf remained i s the o rig in a l objective .transferred 'to- ifeX fitei'etoiectives'' SS^E tran sferred to- disM netXy ■d iffe re n t o bjectives I t wee; 'found- th a t -the: fib a ts c te tts tih 'Sit-* n ifie a n tly associated With the ifOp**ontSj numbering 29$, Was' the la c k o f s^adenif background, .meaning lack o f p r e ­ vious schooling*

n e ith e r Mom n o r 'degree of"dieaM-34.t4.es

showed- a s ig n ific a n t aa so c la tia a "with d*!0;pwewt:s»

■-isf the

drop-outs the g re a te st number ware t r « business courses* fh ia might have been p a r tia lly avoided if.X e ss of in te r e s t could have been foreseen in counseling*

fa c to rs related,

to -toe' appraisal o f the- connseXing procedure in d ic a te th a tj78% stayed in .'th e sane o r re la te d o b je c tiv e .7 ?$. had ewtsaed-fassinf grades-, o r .b e tte r , .

In te re s t inventories showed tee d is tin c t p a tte rn s, one in the- Basiansc draining group, end one la- the S k illed fra d e s,draining group.



? to. regard.

■m t

o# n o t i t mm §a?e to e to in% oroote on y rto to ♦ In ovbp pm£®$mm$ m m 2* ¥ eto raars j* . t t o « . £a< sdtoloa

it to r .his

w §2 Si

y .jKAw.v-nt-Jig ,.g r o u t- @3*x e o t o n


.Educational acMovemauts, fa c to rs, p h y sical and to y o to to to io s "of in te llig e n c e m $ m m m w oom seiea uetaraas

m f o l l o w # m m w stowed too %mm- ma.30M .t5r to t o . o&tto

^ I'-to u t t o e y 'f e l i th e oouuBolof to t o * t o i -hai .stoen empto tine- to

i to o t too rig h t tnscat

fo r the job sad showed good employment reco rd s.’

Survey o f R esults o f ©©angeling #0*- Veterans a t Veterans ’ A iisial.'Stratids SM daiee C enter, U niversity o f fenng^ysM a* 1Mls 1# es aasly sig e f th# foilo.w*% survey male, by MX ton fife Brown o f the V eterans' A daiaistratld® .

. .


. . .

isadaaeo ..©sftfer * is tv e r s if y o f i%msyi»®(hi% m p o lis h e d in the pub licatio n "Occupations"1.

fb ls- survey m s made

fo r .tbs .firs t. tia % m § y ear a f te r tuft veterans haft’bow counseled, and a second tia© two years a f te r the c©unsSXtag». -1*0^ s ta fe s th a t the **stoiy -am undertaken to a©te*»lae th e permanence o f the o b jectives e©ltefsft.j to asoe#tgft»:,.tb s re a s o n s .fir -the *»»*e«o»pl#Mo». o f tyatning? to. .IhV estlfate th e auicsgs o f the tra in in g o ffic e in plaolag th ese, she have mmple ts s th e ir im eatioaai ©dueaiiiiiij to le s m .th e degree to which ap p raiser’*# .roccmm^ftations In regard to. tra in in g wars followed?, to iotosmia® th e w atting period before ■©abrane© in to tfsin in g f.■and to coXiseb other data. which might a s s is t in. improving fu tu re adnssMeats,'**. those w fcetass liv in g in Philadelphia wore readied by telephone and onts3ef«*towners were, reached by m aii*. She response the f i r s t year was $ 0 m i the second I*. Brown * she Veteran re p o rts one year l a t e f » occupations ’ iSte?, tS’t t© 9*S|t : Brown. ~ th e Veteran rep o rts two years In fe r » Occupations 2 6 , 3£?+“ 3 6 6 ,

$he f i r s t y©®2? I t was found th a t $% ©£ the to ta l »asber had s ta rte d tra in in g and m m s t i l l in train** ta g in the- vocational o b jectives o rig in a lly se le cted .


th e end o f the second year, h i# o f the number were S f ttl t& tra in in g 5 7% had completed tra in in g and #*.f# of' these had. been placed,

i f the 52$, who a t the end of the second

year had n ot remained in study o f th e ir o rig in a l o b jectiv es, 23$ had- begun tra in in g la second o b jectiv es and o f th is

group 18 # were s t i l l la. tra in fe # at. the time of the survey, less;- than %$ had completed train in g l a th e ir second o b jectiv e. Another 3$ haft been declared n ot l a need o f taaiiiSag| 3$ wet# in tra in in g fo r th s lr th ird o bjectiv e o r had bean i a train*? in g for- th ree o r :aoft ©hi©etiue#*-

Sw anther gave the

reasons fo r non-completion o f tra in in g as: ttilln e s s , n o t learning .anything, did. n o t lik e o b je c tiv e , dropped by school o r employer, needed- employment, aggravated d is a b ility , 'tran sferred to re la te d f ie ld s , employer would n ot ra fso f

sa la ry , entered: own business,, found work to© d iffic u lt*


'those who dropped th e ir tra in in g because o f illn e s s , a ll b at one, who was c o a sitte d to -a mental in s titu tio n , planned to continue tra in in g upon recovery.

th e reasons given fo r

discontinuing tra in in g daring the f i r s t year were such the same, as those above: sta te d " , f t was found th a t approximately h a lf * f th# veterans who received on-the- job train in g m m placed in

pmgvm o f g

veterans who were counseled. An iaporfsirt. M peet o f lb© group here represented i s th a t approximately 900 o f the veterans were disab led, and a larg e number pssrsi^j^xjrotio*.


diagnosed as.

fhe m tb o t s ta te s th a t although a

% stg er percentage o f psychonenrotics remained .an tra in ­ ing"

than was expected i t was found th a t

ble to- p re d ic t th a t, the ahaaees

t i t An p ossi­

87 in 100

th e

non-neurotic veteran w ill 'bo found in train in g one year a f te r advisement".

A sim ila r re p o rt was n o t given fo r

th e second year* fiBBBEjaafl Ifee Veteran evaluates counseling; *■ by f a l io r and Isaacson*fhrough gaostioning. those veterans. \Ax> have completed a program o f advisement and guidance, m inves­ tig a tio n should reveal* from the veteran* s p o in t o f view* "the progeni areas o f stfsn g ib and vaslsness. in m o eo w seiing service in order to provide, an opportunity fo r improvemeat o f the program" i t s e l f and Sis© to In d icate the poss­ ib le advantage# to toe obtained from widespread use o f a counseling program fo r a ll people needing such serv ice.

1* Clarence f* f a l l o t sad le e B. Isaacson* ch ie f, Advise­ ment and Guidance .Section* Veterans A dm inistration Regional o ffle e , Denver add Chief* Veterans Adminis­ tra tio n Guidance U nit, Fitzsimmons General Hospital* Denver, Colorado*

*»fhe pappose o f th is etody w m m attempt to measure' the to actio n s o f a sampling o f veterans too ■completed the TOoaiiomat advisement procedure to flira fa te rim s1' id sto istT O tieti &x&d8&te te n te rs to totera##:* J&ttMsugh to# la ^ stifa M o fi. m s

to scope* to

s#e$rcd tmtermation o m ly from the la rg e r ® m M m m tenters**** fact*. tuidamce Center completing i t s a m .iMfvidn&l ste d r t o i t o m $ I n te r toeapporoted in to th is oTOralX report* 9M m subsidiary stu d ies tools: In to account the m r t e i r of rosofioms teteeem veterans eom seied m d er to te M M ie las# -#16 and puhlie &■&to question-

■B airds sent out 658 usable retu rn s m m received* «■■. ' tee weaknesses' th a t e x is t in- the study and ■the problem eclatin g to the adequacy o f toe sample used are ;discussed by th e author in toe following paragraphs* C e r ta in .inlierent weaknesses e x is t in a study o f th is s o rt which must b e considered, as facto rs 1 . In fra , Form G, page 108


having influence on the conclusions reached*


eases _from the major Qni&mm centers were^included* m I s a random sampling of- oases was selected*

tb i

reepo&aes to the q teste o fe a ire indicated ofee# wealmesses* the Im possibility' of dele-raining the aetmal 'number of ■qitestiomaires delivered to the veterans' to whom ■they ’’were addressed mates th e*eaionlatiaa o f the-percentage f i gmo questionat&e*

.&'th ird tm $ o t $.b ■ihe.-.rilaliimiy

long period o f .time; te o lf e M ;te :fe© .study*. ..fee eases might have been counseled ^a s ' e a rly as m id y ear 1 ^ 5 or as l a t e as 19^9* vfee ^com pleted coverage o f fee s a i l i n g cenM a lso pteitiee inilueacfjig fa c to rs which could m m t .fe opposite .ways* I f .fee more .in te llig e n t o r more academically trained veterans o r those who f e l t a re a l b en efit from■counseling had a g re a te r tendency to* respond* fe# m m I t s would be stewed accordingly*

i f those veterans

'who are m om c ritic a l, o r d is s a te s f ie i had a.'greater tendency to respond* the opposite e f fe c t would be obtained#


fee additional comments added by most o f tlie. veterans responding indicated a l l degrees o f s a tis fa c tio n with a f a i r l y even d is trib u tio n i i t . i s assumed f e a t 'fee response i s a ty p ical cross section o f fee population* ** fee author makes a resume1 o f fee responses by giving the percentages o f re p lie s to fee questions per** t&ining to each area of counseling as follows*

w$n generalt -the responses5were ranked in oMei1;, Tidth 'Response.. W* th e m a t favorable and ifesponse ' the le a s t farGpaMe 'with the exceptions- of questions 12* 1 3 .*, 16 and 20* ib e folloiAn@" sp e c ific conclusions haw been d p » u ■fre irih e . responses#: (Pmomlmgm /founded off' be the n earest- te n th )» .1; Beeentlons : • : T i i g l t o l t g* I f and 20) Hest CM #^) ■f e l t th a t w r y ample-or adeqpnbe. tlme-wae allowed fo r counseling* that, in moot instances * three fourths {76*g$) f e l t th a t the' counselor had a good understanding -o f .their sg titn d ee and personsM ^* and a larg e majority* ($6*0$).. f e l t -that the ap p fsisia W the ■ ' counselor ranged from being of 00me. help and in te re s tin g to highly b e n e fic ia l in the solu tio n o f problems# v* g i ^ i ^ E i s ^ B g n i s i v . ,, „« ■ ^ „ /ltA Dfl* (Questions h, 5 j 6* and 7) $&&»th ird s (62%8$) reported, an acceptable introduction; to -te stin g ! nine*tentiia (9i*2$)' f e l t no disturbing d istra c tio n s 'd u rin g tee tin g | ttee©»:fo:u r-ths (78*9$) reeeiw d a s a tis fa c to ry okplanation o f t e s t resu lts* and most (w*8$> obtained h elp fu l information from testing*

raided tmm I&$&% 3s$a*p~ fill to boiaf m v j imim&ble-. 'SIaco considerable tra^iation o f response is apparent, it:,is txb* po ssib le to ascertain whether the re s u lt was dpe to ‘a general. m isiM derstm dii^ of. the term ■■^eOTpationai Infoxiaaiion** m the of a wearness on the p a rt of the counselors in im partlag :ti« ; '*" ■6* 'Izs&ottano© o f Gmmseliims ■

MX fetft about o n e^ fifth {19 . 9}S) reported th a t the com seling helped, in some to plan a tra in in g p r o g r» f h a lf (h8*®$) indicated th a t the job objective

selected'm s the sa®e;as' tte'' One thi^'had^ in; ' s t a l o;rigiaallrt and ^re#*.femrths' {?%&}§■ f e l t

fti&t the counselor gave some o r considerable help' with onlr. 2.1$ reporting the. counseling' o f ■ •:. no help i^datsoerer. ■ I T i i i i? ) ■^th o u g h *awagr te te rm s were re lu c ta n t .to place a monetar the service, almost h a lf #9v0^> valued i t a t |X5.0O ■ o r more up 'to $5&«Q0* iftfciWw* t hot#- was strong agreement 1.82*911 th a t a l l or most w te ra n s should, have.. com seling. 8-

jfy s-w , i n n iw i




‘i~~"i»'i' ihrtWy >hrT*r‘iniillWWioiWi»VrTfri^i»ii^Tnj»iyri©P pro.p0^tfons ot*

tmm r«

sigaiM oahda of th© h f timmtXg


■proportions as s:i i i w ■



ta ^ ta to© ■ author s o t up

ai^®tM'Oa/pop(laticm, (the nmial m ill hyi# thesis)*

I t Is t
V K :.lhe#* «lif -4a the te n t o f s4ps4f4e;s«e©- and i s the ratio -of the difference between the proportions shorn by the study and by the criterion , to tim standard error o f the proportion shorn by the criterion , • K i s the number in the sample f i s the proportion, determined by


7Tis the proportion detestained by
