Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush [First edition] 9781400067657, 1400067650

The last gentleman -- A vanished universe: Beginnings to 1942. The land of the self-made man ; A real son of a bitch ; H

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English Pages xxiv, 836 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 24 cm Year 2015

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Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush [First edition]
 9781400067657, 1400067650

Table of contents :
The last gentleman --
A vanished universe: Beginnings to 1942. The land of the self-made man
A real son of a bitch
He gets so intense over everything
Not for self
That's Barbara Pierce --
War and marriage: 1942 to 1948. Off I zoomed
I wanted to finish my mission
Life lay ahead of us --
Texas and tragedy: 1948 to 1966. Who had ever heard of Odessa, Texas?
I push it away, push it back
I was bleeding inside
Goldwater's policies, Kennedy's style --
The wars of Washington: 1966 to 1977. Without a moment to stop
A turn on the world stage
This job is no fun at all
Am I running away from something?
George Bush, super spook --
The age of Reagan: 1977 to 1989. A president we won't have to train
We have done the unthinkable
It hurt like hell
Is George Bush there?
Well, what do we do now?
The special relationship
The president was struck
George did it
On the eve of the run
Like you've been hit in the stomach
We came out of the dead
I'm stronger and tougher --
The awesome responsibility: 1989 to 1993. The sun started through
If it weren't for the deficit ...
Victory in Europe, terror in China
The fall of the wall
I want to do the most good I can
A nation reunited and a new NATO
I've got to do what I think is right
This will not stand
No blood for oil
Read my hips
The threat of impeachment
Nothing like it since Truman
I'm just not sure I want to run again
A coup in Moscow
It was discouraging as hell
God, it was ghastly
The closing of an era --
In the twilight: 1993 to 2016. I'd like to see old George Bush
The proudest father in the whole wide world
It is not easy to sit on the sidelines
The buck stops there --
Epilogue. I don't want to miss anything.

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