de Gruchy’s Clinical Haematology in Medical Practice [5 ed.]

Table of contents :
Cover Page......Page 1
Contents......Page 4
Preface......Page 6
Chapter-1 Formation of Blood Cells, Bone Marrow Biopsy......Page 9
Chapter-2 The Red Cell; Basic Aspects of Anaemia......Page 25
Chapter-3 Hypochromic Anaemia: Iron Deficiency and Sideroblastic Anaemia......Page 45
Chapter-4 The Megaloblastic Anaemias
......Page 70
Chapter-5 Anaemia in Systemic Disorders; Diagnosis in Normochromic Normocytic Anaemias......Page 110
Chapter-6 Pancytopenia; Aplastic Anaemia
......Page 127
Chapter-7 Disorders of Haemoglobin Structureand
Synthesis......Page 145
Chapter-8 The Haemolytic
Anaemias......Page 180
Chapter-9 White Cells: Neutrophilia and Eosinophilia; Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis; Infectious
Mononucleosis......Page 224
The Leukaemias......Page 244
Chapter-11 Tumours of Lymphoid Tissues; The
Paraproteinaemias......Page 286
Polycythaemia; Myelofibrosis......Page 326
Chapter-13 The Spleen: Hypersplenism and Splenomegaly
......Page 354
Chapter-14 The Haemorrhagic Disorders: Capillary and Platele
t Defects......Page 368
Chapter-15 Coagulation
Disorders......Page 414
Chapter-16 Thrombosis: Clinical Features and Management......Page 462
Chapter-17 Blood Groups;
Blood Transfusion, AIDS......Page 483
Index......Page 505

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·de Gruchy's •





FRANK FIRKIN PhD,FRACP,FRCPA First Assistant St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne

COLIN CHESTERMAN DPhil,FRACP,FRCPA Professor of Medicine University of New South Wales

DAVID P'ENINGTON OM,FRCP,FRACP,FRCPA Professor of Medicine University of Melbourne

BRYAN RUSH FRACP, FRCPA Director of' Haematology St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne


Blackwell Science



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Contents •

Preface to Fifth Edition, vii

Megaloblastic anaemia in alcoholic patients. Megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy. Megaloblastic anaemia of infancy and childhood.

Preface to First Edition, ix 1

Megaloblastic erythropoiesis in other haematological disorders- -Me-galoblastic anaemia

unresponsive to vitamin 812 or folate therapy. The

Formation of Blood Cells; Bone Marrow Biopsy, 1 .

macrocytic anaemias

General aspects of blood cell formation. Sites of

bone marrow structure. Bone marrow aspiration.

Anaemia in ·systemic Disorders; Diagnosis in Normochromic Normocytic Anaemias, 102

Bone marrow trephine biopsy

Anaemia of infection. Anaemia in collagen


blood formation. Development of blood cells. Morphology. Regulation of haemopoiesis. Normal .

. vascular diseases. Anaemia due to acute blood


loss. Renal failure. Anaemia in non­

The Red Cell;· Basic Aspects of Anaemia, 17

haematological malignancy. Liver disease. Endocrine disorders. Protein malnutrition. Scurvy.

Structure and metabolism of the red cell.

Pregnancy and anaemia. Investigation of

Nutritional requirements for red cell production.

normocytic anaemta •

Function of the red cell. Red cell values and

indices. Definition of anaemia. Physiological


adaptations in anaemia. Clinical features of

anaemia. Recognition and investigation of the anaemic patient

Pancytopenia; Aplastic Anaemia, 119 Diagnosis in pancytopenia. Aplastic anaemia. Pure red cell aplasia. Differential diagnosis of


Hypochromic Anaemia: Iron Deficiency and Sideroblastic Anaemia, 37


· 7

Iron metabolism. Iron deficiency anaemia. Oral ·a nd parenteral iron administration. The

of Hae�oglobin Structure and Synthesis, 137 Norn1al haemoglobin. Abnormal haemoglobins and the haemoglobinopathies. The sickle haemoglobinopathies. Other . . haemoglobinopathies. The ·thalassaemias.

sideroblastic anaemias. Radioactive iron studies


. Disorders

The Megaloblastic Anaemias, 62

Methaemoglobinaemia. Sulphaemoglobinaemia

Vitamin B12 and folate metabolism. General considerations in vitamin B12 and folate




deficiencies. Megaloblastic. erythropoiesis. . �emicious anaemia. Megaloblastic anaemia

The Haemolytic Anaemias, 172 Definition and classification. Normal red cell

following gastrectomy. Megaloblastic anaemia

destruction and haemoglobin breakdown. General

associated with lesions of the small intestine.

considerations in the diagnosis of haemolytic

Megaloblasti� anaemia due_ to fish tapeworm.

anaemia. General evidence of the· haemolytic

.Miscellaneous causes of 8 12 deficiency. Coeliac disease. Tropical sprue. Nutritional anaemia. .

nature of an anaemia. Hereditary haemolytic anaemias due to red cell membrane defects, and v



to red cell enzyme deficiencies. Auto-immune

congestive splenomegaly. Gaucher's disease.

acquired haemolytic. anaemia. Paroxysmal

Niemann-Pick disease. Splenomegaly in tropical

.nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH). Haemolytic

diseases. Indications for splenectomy

anaemia due to drugs and chemicals. The mechanical haemolytic anaemias. Haemolytic anaemia associated with bacterial infections and



parasitic infestations. Lead poisoning. Bums.

The Haemorrhagic Disorders; Capillary and Platelet Defects, 360 The normal haemostatic mechanism.

Clinical investigations

Haemorrhagic disorders due to capillary defects.


Non-thrombocytopenic purpura. Acquired and

White Cells: Neutrophilia and Eosinophilia; Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis; Infectious · M()nonucleosis, 216

congenital haemorrhagic vascular disorders. Haemorrhagic disorders due to platelet · abnormalities. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Secondary thrombocytopenia. Thrombocytopenia due to dri.tgs and chemicals.

Physiology of white ·cells. Metabolic and

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Neonatal

enzymatic characteristics of white cells. Function of white cells. Nortnal white cell values.

and inherited thrombocytopenias. Platelet transfusion. Qualitative platelet disorders.

Pathological variations in white cell values:

Thrombocytosis and thrombocythaemia

·neutrophilia, eosinophilia, mo�ocytosis, lymphocytosis, neutropenia, agra�ulocytosis, and lymphopenia. ·Infectious mononucleosis


Coagulation Disorders, 406 The physiology of blood coagulation. The


pathogenesis of coagulation abnormalities. The

The Leukaemias, 236

diagnosis of coagulation disorders. General principles of treatment. Congenital coagulation

Aetiology. Classification. Incidence. Acute lymphoblastic and acute myeloid leukaemia. Myelodysplastic·disorders. Chronic granulocytic

disorders. Haemophilia. Von Willebrand's disease. Acquired coagulation disorders. Vitamin K

leukaemia. Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Other

deficiency. Uver disease� Anticoagulant drugs.

lymphoid leukaemias. Leukaemoid blood picture.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Leuco-erythroblastic blood picture


Haemorrhage and blood transfusion. Haemorrhagic disorders due to circulating

Tumours of Lymphoid Tissues; The Paraproteinaemias, 278 The malignant lymphomas· Hodgkin's disease and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Myeloma and other

inhibitors of coagulation. Investigation of a patient with a bleeding tendency


paraproteinaemias. Structure of the immunoglobulins. Myeloma. Waldenstrom's

Definition of thrombosis. Types of thrombus.

macroglobulinaen;rla. Paraproteins associated with

Aetiology arid effects of. thrombosis. Arterial

other lymphocytic neoplastic states. Benign

thrombosis. Venous thrombosis. Microcirculation

monoclonal gammopathy. Heavy chain disease.

thrombosis. Investigation and management of

Amyloidosis. Miscellaneous disorders

thrombotic disorders. Inhibitors of platelet


function. Anticoagulants. Thrombolytic therapy

Polycythaemia; Myelofibrosis, 318

with streptokinase and urokinase. Thrombosis . during pregnancy

Polycythaemia. Secondary polycythaemia (erythrocytosis) due to hypoxia and inappropriate erythropoietin production. Polycythaemia vera. Familial polycythaemia. Relative polycythaemia. Essential thrombocythaemia. Myelofibrosis. Acute myelofibrosis


The Spleen: Hypersplenism and Splenomegaly, 346 Functions of the spleen. Effects of splenectomy. Hypersplenism. Portal hypertension with

Thrombosis: Clinical Features and �anagenment 454


Blood Groups; Blood Transfusion; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syn(drome, 475 . Red cell groups. White -cell groups. Platelet. groups. Clinical significance of blood group antigens. the complications of blood transfusion. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

Index, 497

Preface to Fifth Edition u


The present edition of Clinical' Haematology in

publication of the previous �dition have made it

Medical Practice is the second revision of Professor

necessary to incorporate an extensie amount of new

de Gruchy's book since his untimely death in 1974.. . . This book has acquired an outstanding reputation

inforn:tation, which has resulted in comprehensive. ·

revision of the entire work, Emphasis on the clinical. -

as a clear and authoritative introduction to haema­ tology for undergraduates as well as graduates in

aspects of blood disease has been. maintained, . although new concepts of pathophysiology have

�igher degrees, and as a companion ·for

received appropriate attention. Revisions have beeri

the general physician. Its strengths are that it

carried out in a manner which adheres to the style

describes haematological disorders in a clinical context in a highly readable and readily compre­

of forn1er editions, and the volume of the text has . likewise been maintained within practicable limits.

hensibl�.. style. The objective was to provide a

. We wish to thank our many colleagues for their

balanced view of clinical_features, laboratory diag­ manner which did not require the reader to have·a

aqvice and assistance in the preparation o_f this . edition. We are indebted to Miss Joan Osbourne for . her zeal in the preparation of the manuscript, and to

specialist backgrou�d.

Mr Mark Robertson, and Mr Per Saugman of

training for

nosis and management of blood conditions in a

Blackwell Scientific Publications for their encoura­

The demand for a work of this kind remains as great as ever, in view of the needs of medical and


nursing professionals to have access to an authorita­


tive but easily comprehensible coverage of this



rapidly expanding field.

The large number . of developments that have taken place since the


• •




Pre·face to First Edition

The. aim of this book is to present an account of

. helped and advised me. lam particularly grateful to

clinical haematology which is helpful to the general

Dr T.A.F. Heale, Dr M. Verso, Dr G. Hale and Dr G.

. physician. It is hoped that the book will also be of

Crock who read the manuscript and proofs and who

use to the senior and post-graduate student. Em­

made many valuable suggestions and criticisms. Dr

phasis is laid throughout on diagnosis and manage�

J. Niall, Dr P. Cosgriff, Dr J. Murphy, Dr E. Seal,

ment, with partiPJlar stress on clinical problems as

Dr J. Madigan, Miss Hal Crawford and Mr I. Parsons

they are met by the practitioner. Essential details

have greatly assisted me by reading parts of the

of nonnal and pathological physiology are briefly

manuscript. I am most indebted to Dr R. Sawers

.discussed. In gen�ral, morbid anatomical findings

who kindly consented to write the section on

are not given; however, a description of the bone

coagulation disorders; his authoritative account is

marrow as seen at autopsy ts gtven tn some

based on

disorders in which the bone marrow findings have a

extensive personal experience in the . investigation and management of these disorders. It

direct relation to diagnosis. Haematological tech­

is with pleasure that I express my indebtedness to

niques are not discussed.

Professor J. Hayden, Professor R. Wright, Dr A.


Chapters 2 to 7 give an account of the anaemias.

Drenan, Dr R.M. Biggins, Dr W. Keane and .M r C.

In Chapter 2 the general principles of the diagnosis

Osborn for the help they gave me in establishing

and . management of a patient with anaemia are

the Haematology Clinical Research Unit. To my

discussed. The succeeding chapters describe the

friend and teacher, Professor John · Dade, I cannot

various types of anaemia; at the end of each of these

adequately express my thanks for the help, advice

·chapters, a method of investigation of a patient who

and encouragement he has always given me.

. presents with the type of anaemia described in the chapter is summarized. It should be realized that

permission to reproduce illustrations; detailed ac­

these summaries are only a guide, .designed to

knowledgments are given in_ the text. I also wish to

include the clinical features and special investi­

thank the following publishers for. permission to

gations pointing to the more important causes of the

include illustrations; J. & A. Churchill -Ltd, Black­

type of anaemia under investigation, and that they

well Scientific · Publications and the Australasian

are necessarily incomplete.

Medical Publishing Co., and the Editors of the

I wish to thank those authors who have given me



With a few exceptions, references have not been

following Journals: Practitioner and Australasian

included in the text. However, a list of references

Annals of M'edicine. Dr R. Walsh and Professor H.K.

suitable for further reading is given at . the end of

Ward have allowed me to quote extensively, in

each chapte.-. Certain articles which are particularly

Chapter 15, from their book A Guide to Blood

helpful are listed in bold type; most are either·

Transfusion. I am . most grateful to Mr P. Sullivan . who took most of the photographs, for his patient

general reviews or· key papers.


to express my thanks to the many

co-operation and skill. I am also indebted to �.tr J.

colleagues and friends who, in various ways, have

.Smith who took a number of the photomicrographs,

I wish




and· who gave special help with those · of the red

and retyping the manuscript and in proof-reading. I

cells. Mr T..O'Connor contributed the photographs

deeply appreciate the h�lpful and patient collabora­

of Figures 13.7 and 13.8. Figure 3.3 is reproduced

tion of Mr Per Saugman of Blackwell Scientific

by courtesy of Dr F. McCoy. The black and white

Publications. Finally, I wish to acknowledge my

figures · were drawn by Miss P. Simms, Miss J.

debt to my mother for her constant help, not only

Nichols ·and Miss L. Hogg; I am very



them for their careful and skilful work. Miss J.

during the writing of this book, but throughout my medical studies.

Chirnside kindly assisted in typing the manuscript. .


It is with pleasure that I acknowledge the efficient and willing co-operation of Mrs S. Luttrell in typing





.. �.·


Chapter 1 Formation ofBlood Cells; Bone Marrow Biopsy

. macroscopic appearance; the remaining bone mar-

General aspects of blood cell formation.

row in the more peripheral regions of the skeleton -

Red cells, leucocytes and platelets constitute the

contains predominantly fat, and is tern1ed yellow -· ·marrow. Yellow marrow also occupies a volume of

essential ·c ellular components of the blood. The •


rates at which these cells are produced are regulated

1-2 litres, and serves as a reserve space into which --

in healthy individuals to match the rates at which

haemopoietic tissue can expand in response to an ·

they leave the circulation. The concentration of each

increased demand for blood cell production. Only

cell type' . is consequently maintained i� the blood . within well-defined limits, unless the balance

in pathological situations does significant haemo­ poietic activity occur in the liver, spleen and other

between. production and elimination is disturbed by

sites during adult life, when it 'is· referred to as

pathological processes.

extramedullary haemopoiesis.

Development of blood cells

Sites of blood formation Formation of blood cells occurs at different anato­

Stem cells

mical sites during the course of development from



The most commonly accepted view is that. blood

Production of blood �ells commences in the yolk sac

cells develop· from a small population of stem cells,

of the embryo, but then shifts to the liver, and to a

which maintain their numbers by self-replication

lesser extent to the spleen, so that these organs

and also give rise to precursors of one or other of the

.become the dominant sites of production between . . the second and seventh month of gestation. The

various blood cell series. Cells of the immune

liver and spleen are then superseded by the bone

cells, which are referred to as totipotential haemo-

marrow, which serves as the only important site of

poietic stem cells in view of the wide range of

blood cell production after birth. An exception is·

haemopoietic cell series to which they·can give rise.

lymphocyte production, which occurs substantially

A schematic view of· the · sequence of events in the

in other organs, in addition to the bone marrow, in

differentiation of totipotential stem cells is shown in

adult life.


embryonic to adult life (Metcalf & Moore





system are also derived from these primordial stem




Proliferative activity increases from a low level at

Hae·mopoietic tissue fills all of the cavities within . . the bones of the newborn, but with increasing age,. becomes localized in the cavities of the upper shafts

the totipotential stem cell stage, to a relatively high . . . level in· progenitor cells that are restricted . to

of the femur. and the humerus, the pelvis, spine,

differentiating into only one, or a limited number, of

skull, and bones of the thmax. The total volume of

th� blood cell. series. Proliferative activity of the

haemopoietic tissue in adults is 1-2 litres. This . tissue is · referred to· as red marrow because of its

immature, morphologically identifiable blood cell





precursors is also high, but ceases at later stages in 1




Precursor stage

Mature stage T lymphocytes

Progenitor cells of the

non-8, non-T .lymphocytes '

8 lymphocytes, plasma cells

Self-replicating totipotential stem cells

Erythroid series -




Megakaryocytic series

.. Erythrocytes




Monocyte- --------..-. Monocytes and macrophages macrophage series

Neutrophil series


Eosinophil series


Basophil series


Segmented neutrophils Segmented eosinophils Segmented basophils

Fig. 1.1. An overoiew· of the process of differentiation from .the totipotential stem cell to the mature blood cell. Progression

through· a greater number of stages in the ·maturation sequence is involved in vivo than in the abbreviated scheme depicted here.

the differentiation pathway. The cells have then reached what is termed the

maturation compartment,

genitor in cultures with a gel-like· matrix, initially formed with agar (Bradley & Metcalf

1966, Pluznik

in which a sequence of morphological changes

& Sachs 1965), and more recently with methylcellu­

takes place in the absence of cell division to yield

lose or fibrin. The gel-like matrix ensures that the

the mature end cell. The range of different blood

progeny are retained at a . focus, which is defined as

cell series which can develop from . a particular precursor progressive}y declines as the precurso�

a colony if the number of cells exceeds about 40, and a cluster if the number is between 4 and 40. Assays of this type hc(ve been devised to identify

acquires a greater degree of differentiation.

different types of progenitor cells. The


forming units, or progenitor cells, which generate


only neutrophil granulocytic series (CFU-c}, or ·

Certain cells in human blood and ·bone marrow can

only monocytes and macrophages (CFU-M}, exist in

be identified with the aid of specialized tissue­

bone marrow and blood, along with colony-forming

culture techniques as possessing the capacity to

units capable of fortning colonies containing both -

produce clones of cells belonging to one or more

. cell series (CFU ...,.GM)· This co-existence suggests that

blood cell series. Such cells are often referred to as

neutrophil a-nd monocyte macrophage series share a

progenitor cells with capacity to .differentiate along

common "progenitor.


or more

maturation pathways. - The



1 in every lOOObone marrow.cells

commonly employed technique enables a group of

in the human acts as a· progenitor of one or other

daughter cells to be produced

type of myeloid colony in currently employed

from �

single pro-


. .p rogenitors that possess a degree of multipotentia-�

culture procedures. Colonies do not develop unless .

their formation is stimulated by added material, ·



lity, as indicated by their capacity to yield neutro­

referred to by a variety of terms such as myeloid

phils, eosinophils, macrophages and erythroblasts



when exposed to .erythropoietin in addition to

GM-CSF). Such material is derived from various

stimulators in conditioned medium derived ·from

tissues, and it has been proposed, but not conclusi­

mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes. It does appear,

vely proven, that colony-stimulating activity re­

however, on the basis of studies in mice, that

leased by monocytes and macrophages serves as the

progenitors of this type do not possess the essential

physiologically relevant stimulus for granulocyte

property of the totipotential haemopoietic stem cell




production in vivo.

of being able to effect permanent reconstitution of

A somewhat. greater proportion of cells in bone · gives ·rise to small colonies of eight or more marrow

haemopoietic tissue (Hodgson & Bradley 1979). . Progenitor cells are present in blood, but the site

red cell precursors, when stimulat�d in the culture

at which they undergo differentiation to produce


by erythropoietin at a concentration which corre­




blood cells in adults is normally limited to the

of subjects with

micro-environment within the cavities of the bones.

moderate anaemia. This erythroid colony-forming

The induction of haemopoietic differentiation is

unit (CFU-E) possesses relatively limited proliferat­ ive potential in vitro, which approximates that · of

understood to be mediated by specialized cells ·. which are part of the stroma of the bone marrow

the pro-erythroblast in vivo. Colony-forming units

(Lichtman 1981). Progenitor cells are located a�ong

sponds to that in

the blood

committed to eosinophil production (�FU -Eo), or to megakaryocyte production (CFU-MEGA), are also present in human bone marrow, and yield progeny under culture conditions only in the presence of certain stimulatory substances. The role of .these stimulators in the in vivo production of these. c.ell series is unclear. '



A considerably smaller population of cells in


Table 1.1. Cell composition of aspirated normal adult bone

Granulocytic series Promyelocytes Myelocytes Band forms Segmented forms

Erythroid series Basophilic

burst-promoting activity, in addition to erythro­


than the CFU .... cM or CFU-E in the hierarchy of blood cell development, and responds to burst­ promoting activity (interleukin-3) by · producing daughter cells which are in turn stimulated by erythropoietin- to produce an agglomeration of erythroblast colonies. N�t proliferative potential is censiderably CFU -eM,


than. in


case . of the and it is evident/at· the termination of

growth and maturation in vitro that haemopoietic eel's other than erythroblasts are present. It remains to be clarified whether erythroid burst­ fanning units differ

fundamentally from


0.1-1.1 0.4-2.4 2-30 2-10


subjected to a stimulator, previously referred to as poietin. The- BFU-E is considered to be less mature

0.1-3.5 0.5-5 5-23 7-27 9-18 4-28


large and can contain several different blood cell

produces foci of up to thousands of cells when

Percentage of total cells

Cell classification


one example of this· type of progenitor cell. It



bone marrow generates colonies that are relatively series. The ·erythroid burst-forming unit (BFU -E) is



Orthochromatic Lymphocytes· Plasma cells Monocytes Macrophages· Megakaryocytes


5-24 0-3.5 0-0.6 0-2 . 0-0.5

extremes of ranges from various published sources reported by Dade &-Lewis (1984) and by Wintrobe et al. (1981). The mean percentage of granulocytic series is about 55 per cent, and erythroid series about 25 per cent.

Values are the

The ratio of granulocytic to erythroid series is usually

2 and 4:1. Neutrophil series constitute approxi­ mately 90-�5 per cent of the total granulocyte series, and between

eosinophils make up virtually all of the remainder . .




4· low-density





separation of peripheral blood



�annot be distinguished on morphological criteria from lymphocytes. The proportion of progenitors is . . very low in peripheral blood leucocytes, and is less than one per ce�t of cells in bone marrow, which .



the cells proceed toward the· point where proliferat­ ive capacity is lost and haemoglobin becomes the predominant protein in the cytoplasm.


consists predominantly of differentiated cells with

The . pro-erythroblast is the least mature of . the

relatively low or absent proliferative capacity. Most

morphologically identifiable members of the ery­

of the

throid series. It has a diameter of 14-20 p,m, and

cells in





reliaply the

a basically round outline with minor peripheral

distribution of the various cell types in adult human

protruberances. There are several nucleoli in the

bone marrow is shown in Table 1.1.

nucleus, which is round and occupies most of the






cell. The chromatin in the nucleus· consists of a •

network of fine red-purple strands. A characteristic



feature is that the peripheral cytoplasm is more

The described appearance of cells in blood and bone marrow normally refers to cells spread flat on a plane glass surface during the spreading of a thin film








diameter of cells is consequently greater than in fixed tissue sections. Thin films can be more rapidly prepared for examination than tissue sections, and the flattened nature of cells .in thin films permits greater resolution of the features of the cytoplasm and nucleus. Fixation of the cells is normally carried out by immersion of the air-dried film in methanol, and










Romanovsky dye preparations such as Giemsa, May-Grunwald-Giemsa,


Wright etc.

These are metachromatic stains which develop a bluish colour in contact with acidic cellular com­ ponents, and an orange-red colour when in contact with basic constituents. Nucleic acids, for example, are described as basophilic because of their affinity for the blue forn1 of the dye.

basophilic than in the myeloblast, which is. the in the maturation sequence corresponding member . . . of the granulocytic series. Pro-erythroblasts undergo rapid division and give rise to basophil erythroblasts. · The basophil erythroblast is a round cell with a · diameter of 12-16 J..lm, and more basophilic cyto·

plasm than the pro-erythroblast. It also undergoes .. rapid proliferation. The nucleus occupies a rela- · tively large proportion of the cell, but differs from the nucleus of the pro-erythroblast by having coarser and more basophilic chromatin strands. The polychromatic erythroblast is a round cell between 12 and 14 p,m in diameter, and is the next stage in the maturation sequence after the basophil erythroblast. The characteristic polychromatic ap­ pearance of the cytoplasm is derived from. the mixture of the basophilic ribonucleic acid (RNA) and" acidophilic haemoglobin. Nuclear chromatin is in coarse, deeply basophilic clumps, and prolifer­ ative activity ceases after this stage. The polychro­ matic







pathway of maturation between the early, imma­

Erythropoiesis .

ture stages characterized by active proliferation, and

R�d cells are produced by proliferation and differ-

the later stages characterized by absence of prolifer­

entiation of precursors whose dominant representa­

ative activity and predominance of haemoglobin in

tives in the bone marrow are the erythroblasts. Erythroblasts are referred to as normoblasts when

the cy;toplasm of the cell. For this reason these cells . are Jrequently referred to as intermediate erythrob-

their . morphological features are within normal

lasts. .

limits. During the course of differentiation, the size of. erythroblasts progressively decreases, and the

OrthochrqmQtic erythrobl.asts . constitute the next · and ·final stage of maturation of the nucleated red ·

character of the nucleus and cytoplasm changes as

cell series. They are �




�aller than their predecessors,



and have a diameter between 8 and 12 · p.m. The

of the numerous granules in the cytoplasm after

with a nucleus is relatively small and pyknotic, . . homogeneous blue-black appearance. Active hae-

staining with . Rotnanovsky stains is the . basis of the classification of granulocytes in�o neutrophil,

moglobin synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, which

eosinophil and basophil series. This distinction is

The contains mitochondria and ribosomes. ribo. .

important, as the mature forms of the different .

somal RNA imparts a basophilic tint to the cyto-

granulocyte series perform different roles. Neutro­

plasm, although the cytoplasm is pred?minantly

phils are by far the most common circulating

acidophilic due to the presence of large amounts of

form . of granulocyte, and play an essential role

haemoglobin. Terms such as pyknotic or late are


employed as alternatives to orthochromatic to de­

organisms. Eosinophils and basophils perform sep-

scribe this stage .of erythroblast m�turation.

_arate functions in inflammatory processes.

from the orthochromatic . The nucleus . . is .extruded . erythroblast ·to form the reticulocyte. Reticulocytes

phagocytosing ·and


invading ·micro­

Mature granulocyt�s · are produced by the proli­ feration and maturation of precursors from the

have the same biconcave discoid shape. as mature . . red cells( although they have a slightly greater

the promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte and

volume and diameter than the latter. ·consequently,

stab-forn1 stage, until the mature segmented s'tage is

when the-percentage of reticulocytes in the blood is

reached. Development of the neutrophil, eosinophil

abnormally high,· the mean corpuscular volume of

and basophil series follows a similar pattern, except


earliest recognizable stage, the myeloblast, through

the overall red cell population in blood increases,

that the

normal. ·Reticulocyte cytoplasm and can rise- ab�ve .. is similar in staining characteristics to that o.f ortho-

myelocyte stage.



characteristic distinction



colour of the granules becomes obvious at the··

chromatic erythroblasts, which are distinguished from mature red cells by a diffuse basophilic hue. Vital staining with dyes such as new methylene


blue reveals deeply stained granules or chains of granules in reticulocytes,. and this method is em­

·The myeloblast is a relatively large cell, 15-20 p.m . . in diameter, with ·a round to oval nucleus which

ployed in the laboratory to identify reticulocytes in

�ccupies a large proportion of the cell. There are no

the determination of the reticulocyte count. Reticu­

typic�l granules in the moderately basophilic cyto-·

locytes lose their mitochondria �nd ribosomes·over

plasm.. Nuclear chromatin is arranged in a . fine

the course of a few days, and in doing so, lose the

network of red-purple strands with occasional

basophilic tint and evolve into the mature erythro­

small·aggregates. Nucleoli are typically prominent;

cyte. A detailed description of the properties of the

while two or three is the usual number, .t here may

mature erythrocyte is given in Chapter 2.

be up to six nucleoli.

Red cells normally enter the blood at the stage of

The following stage in the maturation sequence is

the -reticulocyte or of the mature erythrocyte. It is

the promyelocyte. The features �f this cell are similar

currently not :understood how these non-motile

to those of the myeloblast, except for the develop­

cells pass from the extravascular space into the

ment of some cytoplasmic gran·ules and a slightly

blood within the sinusoids of the bone marrow, in

more coarse appearance of the chromatin. Nucleoli

view of the remarkable consistency with which red­ cells




the vascular

· .are still present.

. .

The myelocyte is the next stage in the matUration

compartment during their lifespan of approximately

sequence.. It has prominent cytoplasmic granules,

120 days.

and the area of cytoplasm relative to the nucleus is grea_ter than in the promyelocyte. The cytoplasm is also less basophilic, nucleoli are no longer present, -


and. the chromatin appears more aggregated than-in

The predominant white blood cell, or leucocyte, in

the promyelocyte. Granulocyte precursors undergo

the circulation is the mature granulocyte. The colour

active proliferation until after the myelocyte stage.





Subsequent steps in the maturation process con­

Stab and segmented granulocytes are motile, and

sequ�ntly occur in non-dividing cells, and in par­

thus possess the capacity to migrate into the blood



progressive •





passing through bone marrow sinusoids.

conformation of the nucleus from round in the myelocyte to segmented in the mature form.

Formation of monocytes and macrophages

The nucleus becomes indented and assumes a kidney-shaped appearance in the


Granules are prominent in the cytoplasm.

The monocyte-macrophage and granulocytic series

When the degree of indentation of the nucleus is

collectively constitute the myeloid series, whose

greater than 50 per cent of the nuclear diameter, the precursor has reached the


band or stab-form stage.




phagocytic cells involved in host defence against infection. Mature monocytes have less vigorous

mature segmented form.

phagocytic capacity and a longer lifespan than

The terminal stage of development is a cell12-14 characterized by a lobulated.

nucleus with two to five lobes of clumped chroma­

segmented neutrophils. They are able to re-enter the circulation, but are primarily distributed in the extravascular space. The macrophages, and the

tin, each linked by a thin chro�atin strand. Such

multi-nucleated giant cells to whicn they give rise,

segmentation of the nucleus gives rise to the designation of these cells as

are the most


Cytoplasmic granules are identical to those in the

p,m in diameter,


are distributed in the extravascular space. Macro­

segmented or polymor­

phages located in lymph nodes, liver, spleen and .

phonuclear granulocytes. An abnormally high num­

bone marrow are an integral part of the reticulo­

ber of nuclear lobes is indicative of disordered

endothelial system, which ingests and degrades

granulopoiesis .· Approximately 1-3 per cent of

both foreign and damaged autologous material.

segmented neutrophils in females have clearly defined drumstick-like append�ges protruding from one of the nuclear lobes (Davidson & Smith 1954).


Drumsticks are not present in males, and are thought to .reflect the presence of the condensed

Monoblasts are the least mature of the morpho­

chromatin of the inactivated X-chromosome in

logically recognizable members of the monocyte:­

female cells, equivalent to the Barr body in buccal

macrophage series, and are very similar in appear­

mucosal cells.

ance to myeloblasts. They are located predomi­

Polymorphonuclear eosinophils are slightly larger

nantly in the bone marrow, which is the major site

than segmented neutrophils and have a diameter of up to16 p,m. The number of nuclear lobes is usually

of monocyte production. ·


promonocyte . is the next stage in the differen.

two. The cytoplasm has a pale hue similar to that

tiation pathway. It is similar in size to the pro-

of the segmented neutrophil, and contains many

myelocyte, but has a more irregularly shaped, and



often deeply cleft, nucleus containing nucleoli. The

segmented neutrophil. These granules stain bright

cytoplasm contains granules often arranged in a·

orange with Romanovsky stains. They also stain

localized region, and the granules are larger and

with eosinr which is employed to identify eosino­

more basophilic �han in the mature monocyte.







phils in the more accurate direct eosinophil count. Granules in· eosinophil series stain more intensely with






Polymorphonuclear basophils are similar to the •

mature . eosinophil, with the.. characteristic distinction that the granules are intensely basophilic, and .

monocyte is slightly larger t�an.the

segmented granulocyte. It has an irregularly shaped . nucleus with a relatively fine chromatin pattern. The shape of the nucleus ranges from almost round

granules in the neutrophil series.

tend to overlie and obscure tht! nucleus.

The mature


to sufficiently indented to produce a lobulated appearance. Cytoplasm is abundant, and of a pale grey-blue tint. It contains some small neutrophilic . or basophilic granules, which are less common tha� .


in granulocytes. Monocytes are motile cells and are

of foreign antigens to which the individual has been

thus -capable of migrating into the blood passing

previously exposed. Such immunological memory

through bone marrow sinusoids.

can persist for many years in circulating lympho­

Macrophages range from 15 to 80 J..lm. in diameter. They have one or more oval nuclei, and an irregular

cytes which have remained dortnant in terms of · immunological activity.

or oval cytoplasmic outline. Cytoplasm in larger

Cell-mediated and antibody-mediated immune

macrophages is particularly abundant, and contains

responses involve a complex .sequence of events

granules and, in some instances, vacuoles which

in which lymphocyte subsets interact with other

may contain phagocytosed material. Giant cells

subsets of lymphocytes, as well as the macrophages

have comparable features apart from the greater

which play a role in the processing of foreign

size of the cell and number of nuclei.

antigens. The net result of these; interactions is the

Distinction between the granulocyte and mono­ · cyte-macrophage series can be facilitated by a

generation of a population· of cells with immunolo­

number of differences in histochemical properties.

gen. Mature plasma cells represent the culmination

The monocyte-macrophage series tends to contain

of the processes involved in the antibody response,

high levels of non-specific esterase, and low levels

as these cells are particularly effectively in antibody

of peroxidase, relative to cells of the granulocytic




gical reactivity directed towards the relevant anti­

senes. •



Lymphoblasts are slightly smaller than the myelo­

Production of lymphocytes has been much more

blasts which _they resemble, except that the ratio of

extensively studied in experimental animals than in

the diameter of the nucleus to that of the cell tends

humans. Ani�al studies indicate that the lympho­

to be greater, and the number of nucleoli per



cytes which are present in foci in the bone marrow . and in the thymus are engaged in particularly rapid . proliferation which · is not specifically. related to

. nucleus tends to be fewer than in the myeloblast.

antigenic s"timulation. Lymphocytes migrate from

between actively dividing lymphoid cells in normal

these sites to other locations in the body. Germinal

germinal centres and small lymphocytes which

centres in other lymphoid tissues, . such as lymph

have been induced to divide in vitro by exposure

· nodes and spleen, also actively produce lympho-

to specific antig�n or non-specific mitogens such as

cytes, but do so to a greater extent_as a response to

phytohaemagglutinin. Differentiation into mature

antigenic stimulation.

forms does not proceed along such morphologically




Lymphocytes pass through a series of develop­ mental changes in the course of evolving into •

Lymphoblasts are actively dividing cells. There is no readily detectable

difference in appearance

well-demarcated steps as with the other blood cell series,






· various lymphocyte subpopulations, or subsets, yielding a complex interacting system which carries

reflect whether the cell is engaged in proliferative .. activity or is in the dormant state.

out immune responses. The developmental process

The large lymphocyte is between 12 and-16 J.lm in

in certain. instances involves migration of immature

diameter, and is round in outline. The nucleus is

precursors to other organs such a� ·the thymus, where inductive effects on differentiation are medi­

round or · slightly. indented, and its chromatin is more clumped than in the lymphoblast. The

ated via locally.produced factors.

cytoplasm is more abundant than in the lympho­

Mature· lymphocytes are engaged in extensive

blast, and is usually pale blue, although it can

recirculation through the extravascular and vascular

extend to intense baso!Jhilia, particular! y in certain

· compartments. This is important in facilitating the

inflammatory states. Some ·granules may be prese(lt

recognition of foreign antigens by lymphocytes, and

in the cytoplasm, Qut are fewer than in granulo­

it naturally assists ·the recognition by lymphocytes

cytes. Atypical · large . lymphocytes may be the '




predomi�ant leucocyte in the circulation in viral

undergone rearrangement in a manner similar to

infections such as infectious mononucleosis.

that by which the immunoglobulin molecule attains

·Small lymphocytes are between 9 and 12 J..lm in " diam . eter, and are thus smaller than segmented .

granulocytes. The cytoplasm usually forms only a


its specificity to _foreign antigen.. At a some�hat. . later stage, the majority of T cells become committed to either.helper cell or cytotoxic-suppressor ·cell

· thin, medium to deeply basophilic rim encircling a

status (Roitt et' al. 1985).

.round or marginally indented nucleus which con-

. T cells exert a wide variety of effects, including

tains deeply staining, heavily clumped chromatin.

stimulatory and inhibitory regulatory action on

immune responses, as . well as cytotoxicity in the absence of specific antipody (natural killer cells) or

Plasma cells at the most immature stage of development resemble lymphoblasts, except for possessing more basophilic cytoplasm. In the next stage of development, the nucleus · is smaller, and

in its presence (antibod -dependent cytotoxic cells). The T cells that stimulate immune responses and

the chromatin is more clumped. The nucleus at this intern1ediate





are known as helper c. (CD4) which ·can be


possess a surface antigen identified




location at" the periphery of the cell which is

monoclonal antibody. These T cells constitute a

characteristic of the mature plasma cell. Nuclei of/

larger subset of the lymphocytes in peripheral blood

mature forms are round or oval with coarsely. clumped chromatin.The ratio of the diameter of the

than.the subset -w hich exerts suppressor action on immune responses.The latter subset can �e identi­

cell to that of the nucleus is large, and the cytoplasm

fied by monoclonal antibody to a specific ·surface

is .. basophilic, in keeping with its · large content of

antigen (CDS).

RNA-laden ribosomes· engaged in antibody syn­ thesis.


B cells are usually identified in . the diagnostic laboratory by detection of immunoglobulin on their surface with immunofluorescent procedures. The





cell population is derived from precursor cells in


which rearrangement has taken place of the genes

Morphological features do not provide an adequate

encoding the variable regions of the light and heavy

index of the functional properties of lymphocytes. . . Human ·lymphocytes perform roles which can be

chains of the immunoglobulin molecule.The speci­

broadly grouped into those that correspond in

the specificity of the antibody produced by the

animal studies

fic nature of the rearrangement serves as the. basis of

to thymus-derived lymphocytes

clone of cells generated fr�m each precursor. In the

(B cells). (T·· cells) ·and bursa-�erived lymphocytes .

next phase of development, J..l chains appear in the

While some T cells contain occasional cytoplasmic

cytoplasm before any immunoglobulin appears on

.granules, this criterion is not adequate to distinguish

the cell surface, a step described as the pre-B cell

betweenT and 8 cells reliably.

phase . of differentiation. Development then pro­


surface which attach to sheep red cells at 4oc to

ceeds through the immature B cell\ .,hpse in which "\. antibody of the IgM class alone appe. , on the cell

form sheep red cell rosettes.This receptor for �beep

surface. This is in tum followed by progression to

red cells correlates with the C02 surface antigen

the mature B cell, which possesses various immun­

which is identified by its reactivity with specific

oglobulin classes on its surface. Further exposure

monoclonal a11:tibody. The C02 surface antigen is

to specific antigen ,promotes the formation of the

one of the earliest specific surface antigens to

plasma cell whicl), in addition to possessing surface

appear during the process ofT cell development. It .

immunoglobulin,·· generates large amounts of im­

T cells are characterized by the receptors on their·


. \


is followed at a slightly later stage by the CD3

munoglobulin in its cytoplasm for secretion to the

surface antigen, a molecule associated with the


receptor on the T cell which binds to foreign is

8 cells possess receptors which attach to the


complement-binding (Fe) region of immunoglobu­

structed of two distinct . molecules whose . genes have

lin heavy chains, and also to activated complement

antigen. This antigen-binding receptor





itself, but these receptors are present on other cell

the vascular compartment where they .p lay an

types and are therefore not specific.

essential role in haemostasis.



A small proportion of lymphocytes in the circu­

lation lacks the characteristic surface markers of either T or B cells, and these lymphocytes are con­ sequently designated as

null cells. Null cells are

predominantly members of the immune system, but cannot be readily distinguished by simple pro­ cedures from the small proportion of o�her mono­ nuclear cell types, such as progenitor cells.

The most immature s_tage of platelet dev�lopment is

megakaryob"tast, which resembles the myeloblast


in its basic features. These cells amount to less than eight per cent of the total megakaryocyte popu­ lation.

promegakaryocyte is the next stage in the


sequence of maturation, and is larger than its pre­ cursor because it has undergone endoreduplication.

Endoreduplication is nuclear replication without division of the cell, and is a characteristic feature of


Small ly�phocytes that are not in. cell cycle can be stimulated to undergo mitosis. T cells . respond in such a manner during the immune response

in vivo,

as well as after exposure to the non -specific mito. gen, phytohaemagglutinin,

in vitro. B cell prolifera­

tion occurs in response to antigenic stimulation, leading to the production of antibody

in vivo, as

well after exposure to· bacterial lipopolysaccharide at all stages of the cell cycle can be in vitro. Cells . . identified as T or B cells by the previously described

methods, and even immature malignant forms can be classified by these means in lymphoproliferative disorders. The basic features ·of T and B cells are summarized in Table



formation of very large cells: . containing up to


times the normal diploid content of deoxyribo­ nucleic acid (DNA). Promegakaryocytes make up about


25 per cent. of megakaryocytes, and have. .

deeply basophilic cytoplasm containing some bascv pl1ilic gr.anules. The nucleus may be lobulated, and the chromatin is more deeply basophilic than in the megakaryoblast.

megakaryocytes range from 30 to 90 J.Lm in diameter, and contain 4 to 16 nuclear lobes with Mature

coarsely clumped chromatin. The larger expanse of cytoplasm stains light blue and contains many small by protrusion into the bone marrow sinusoids of. pseudopods of megakaryocyte cytoplasm, which

in the


marrow by

megakaryocytes, and are subsequently released into

Table 1.2.

series. Such replication leads ultimately to the

red--purple granules. Platelets appear to be forn1ed

Throm·bopoiesis Platelets are

the more mature m�mbers of the megakaryocytic

detach into. the bloodstream and fragment to yield small discoid platelets (Bessis

1950). Such a process

Properties of normal adult T and B cells

Percentage of peripheral blood lymphocytes* Possession of immunological memory Helper and suppressor capability Effectors of cell-mediated immunity Antibody-producing capability Localization in lymph nodes

T cells

B cells

42-74 + + + -

16-28 + +


Gerntinal centres and


medullary cords

*Uhr ·& Molle

( 1968).




· would explain how the. non-motile platelet enters the circulation (p.



tion, which in turn raises the arterial haemoglobin concentration in the course of correcting the deficit

Platelets are the small, anucleate, terminal stage

in oxygen delivery.

of development of the megakaryocytic series. They

A decrease in erythropoietin production occurs

1-4 J.lm. The

when tissue oxygen delivery exceeds a certain

cytoplasm stains light- blue and .contains small

threshold. This feedback system maintains a relati­

red-purple granules which are ·centrally located in.

vely constant blood haemoglobin concentration

platelets in- blood films. Clumping, or. aggregation

under normal circumstances, by matching the rate

of ·platelets,_ occurs readily,

and is particularly

at which red cells are produced with the rate at

prevalent in inadequately anticoagulated blood,

which they are removed from the circulation. The

where it can cause spurious lowering of the platelet

sequence of events which occurs as a compensatory


response to acute blood loss_ is summarized in

are discoid and have a diameter of '



Transfusion of

Regulation of haemopoiesis



to raise


haemoglobin concentration above normal, or p�o­ longed inhalation of elevated partial pressures of


oxygen, results in depression of erythropoiesis iil

A critical factor in the control of red cell production

keeping with the expected consequences of such a

is the effective oxygen-carrying capacity of arterial

feedback system on erythropoietic regulation (Law­

blood. A decrease in the partial pressure of oxygen


et al. 1952).

or oxygen-carrying capacity of arterial blood results in decreased oxygen delivery to specialized sensor organs, which respond by increasing the production



. Erythropoietin production in the human increases

poietin. This causes an increase in red cell produc-

in response to a reduction in the oxygen -carrying

of the erythropoietic stimulatory hormone

Normal blood haemoglobin concentration

Acute blood loss

Rise in blood haemoglobin level

Relative increase · in plasma volume

Decrease in blood haemo·gtobin concentration

Stimulation of erythropoiesis

Decrease in arterial oxygen carry1ng capacity .

Increase in rate of reticulocyte entry into blood after several days



Overview of the mechanisms th(lt lead to restoration of ·a normal blood haemoglobin concentration after haemorrhage.

Fig. 1.2. Increase in erythropoietin p·roduction


FORMATION OF BLOOD CELLS ca:p�city of blood in the descending aorta, and the kidney appears to be the most important organ . . involved in this response to reduced tissue oxygen supply.





Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein, and whe·n purified to· homogeneity from human urine has a ' molecular weight of appoximately 70 000 (Miyake et al. 1977). Its concentration has tra�tionally been

estimated by bioassay, but genetically engineered · employed to homogeneous material has been · develop a radioimmunoassay which will hopefully become available for routine diagnos�c purposes. The reference method for estimation of the biological activity of erythropoietin is based on detennination of erythropoietic stimulation induced by injection of material into mice in which a low background level of erythropoietic activity has been induced by starvation, or by elevation of the blood haemoglobin concentration above the normal range. The amount of erythropoietin is then extra. . polated from -the extent to which erythropoiesis is -

. ·

Androgens stim�late red cell. production to a considerable extent by enhancing the formation and release of erythropoietin, and are responsible for ·the relatively higher post-pubertal haemoglobin concentration in the male than the female. . -Orchi.


dectomy in adult males results in a fall in haemoglo­ bin


which can




androgen replacement therapy. Androgens act bo. �pby enhancing erythropoietin production and by exerting a direct' stimulatory effect


the . proiifera­

tion · of erythroid precursors. Hypophysectomy and hypothyroidism are asso­ ciated with· anaeinia. The anaemia in hypothyroi­ dism is largely caused by haemodilution due to expansion of the plasma volume, although some •' ..

decrease does occur in erythropoietic activity (Finc:h et al. 1970).

Regulation of granulopoiesis

stimulated, which is most commonly deternlined by

The mechanism by which neutrophil producti�n is ·

measurement of radioactive iron incorporation into

regulated is unclear, although it is recognized that

red blood cells after a period of seve�al days. ·

tissue invasion by micro-organisms is accompanied

Measurement of erythropoietic stimulation in cui-:

by substantial stimulation of neutrophil granulo/

tured erythropoietin-responsive tissues has more

poie·sis. Studies in subjects with subacute or chrome

recently been employed in the hope that this would

infection indicate that production of neutrophils

provide a more . simple and sensitive. procedure· for determination of biological activity than intact

increases up to 12 times the mean rate in healthy in­ dividuals (Athens et al. 1965). The extent to which

animal procedures.. The reliability of in vitro bio­

the neutrophil count increases in the blood may

assays is, however, dependent on compensating

· approximate only roughly to the increase in the rate. of production in subacute or chronic infection, and

for the considerable modifying influences of other . human serum components on erythropoietic acti­ - vity when in vitro procedu'res are employed to measure erythropoietin in hu�an serum (de Kerk et al. 1978, Firkin & Russell 1983).

m�y ·fail to correlate with the extent of increased production in severe infection,· when · migration of neutrophils from the bloodstream is accelerated. A mechanism proposed to explain the means by

The con�entration of erythropoietin in normal

which neutrophil granulopoiesis · is stimulated is

human serum is sufficiently low to be difficult

that a variety of cells, such as the monocyte, after

to quantitate by ·b ioassay, bu.t rises substantially

contact with -invading bacteria release ·material that

in almost. all forms of anaemia. An important ex­ ception is anaemia secondary to loss of renal tissue.

is transported in the blood to the bone marrow,

·The cell populations that respond to erythropoie­ tin in the intact individual include morphologically unidentifiable· erythroid precursors in the bone · · marrqw, which Ifroduce pro..:erythroblasts, ·and immature morphologically identifiable members of the erythroid series.

where it stimulates the proliferative activity of the neutrophil granulocyte series . .

Regulation of eosinophil granulopoiesis also . . . . remain� to. be. clarified. Production of eosinophils '


increases substantially in the allergic response, �nd studies in animals indicate that interaction between




lymphocytes and eosinophil granulocyte precursors

maturation of the erythroid series, with eliminatio�

·accounts for the link between the recognition of the

of the nucleus at an earlier stage to yield a rel�ti�ely

allergen and the increase in production of eosino­

large 'stress' red cell. The number of mature red

phils (Basten & Beeson 1970).

blood cells contained within the bone marrow and spleen is relatively small in comparison with the amount in the circulation, and thus affords relatively

Regulation of thrombopoiesis.

little reserve capacity to cope immediately with

Platelets normally circulate in the vascular com­ partment at a concentration that is regulated by a

increased demands for red . blood cells. . Neutrophil ·granulopoietic precursors, as noted

feedback mechanism: production is increased . in

previously, are aole to increase the production of

response to accelerated r�moval of platelets, and

segmented neutrophils up to about 12 times the

decreased in response to infusion of platelets (de

norn1al rate when evaluated in adults with chronic

Gabriele � Penington 1967). The means by which

infection. Capacity to respond in this manner is

the. concentration of circulating platelets is sensed,

reduced in . young_ infants, and can compromise their

and ·the various mechanisms responsible for the

ability to

increase in production that occurs in accelerated

segmented neutrophil$ contained within .the bone

. platelet destruction, or in inflammation, remain to be clarified..

marrow is approximately three times that in the





The . number of _�

vascular compartment, and thus provides a·reser\re pool of cells which can be rapidly released into the_ . . circulation in response to increased demand for

Haemopoieiic reserve capacity


Erythroid precursors are required to produce about

Platelet production can also increase substanti�lly

2 X 1011 red blood cells per day to maintain a

in response to increased _demand for. platelets.


Studies by Harker & Finch (1969) indicate that

steady-st�te. haemoglobin




blood of the normal adult. The most immature of

capacity to increase producti�n is up to about eight .

the morphological�y identifiable ·members of the

times the normal value when evaluated in adults

erythroid series· take approximately seven days to

with increased rates of platelet destruction.

undergo maturation to the point where the reticulo­ cyte enters the peripheral blood, but this interval decrease·s under conditions of increased demand for red blood cells (Finch et al. 1970). The extent to which the rate of production can ·

increase in

response to demand is estimated to be four to six times the mean normal value (Finch et al. 1970). Such increased production is achieved not only by acceleration of differentiation from the pro-erythro­

The bone marrow Examination of the structure �nd cellular compo­ sition of bone marrow in the marrow aspirate �nd trephine biopsy is essential for diagnostic purposes in a wide variety of disorders affecting the haemo­ poietic system.

blast to the reticulocyte stage, but also by expansion of the total mass of erythroblasts in the body. This expansion results in an increase in the proportion of erythroblasts .in the . bone · marrow, and in the

Normal bone marrow-structure The red marrow interspersed between the tra­

· amount of red marrow in regions normally occupied by yellow marrow.

beculae of bone within the bony cavity contains

Under conditions of extreme demand for red cells

blood vessels, fat cells, nerves and macrophages, in

in severe anaemia, the time for transit from the pro­

addition to cells of the lymphoid. arid haemopoietic

erythroblast to the reticulocyte stage is. appreciably . . . · shortened. This is achieved in part by reduction in

series. The architecture of this tissue is illustrated in

the number of cell divisions th�t occur during the

specialized connective tissue cells, reticulin fibrils,

Fig. 1.3. A supportive framework for the components of




Fat cell •

Lymphoid follicle

Reticulin fibrils

Adventitial reticular cell a�'}--- Haemopoietic cells


Vascu1ar sinusoid

�+-- Macrophage

Schematic view of the architecture of red bone marrow.

Fig. 1.3.

containing ·phagocytosed material

cytic and other blood cell precursors, as well as the

the bone marrow is provided by a network of

reticulin fibrils.

These fibrils stretch from the

macrophages which constitute the remaining im ...

endosteum of the bony trabeculae to the yascular

portant cellular components of the bone marrow,

sinusoids . and appear to be

have been previously described.


adventitial reticular cell, from




by the

which is a different entity Reticulin

is .delineated

Bone marrow biopsy

by silver staining, and is present in the forn1 of very fine fibrils in normal subjects, although the

Aspiration of particles of bone marrow by suction

greatly i.ncreased and accompanied- by formation of collagen in pathelogical conditions such as myelofibrosis.

via a wide-bore needle inserted into the bone



amount is

marrow cavity is usually the method of choice for

obtaining bone marrow for diagnostic purposes. The advantages of this type of approach are that

Arteriolar blood passes into the relatively large lumen of


films prepared from aspirated material can be.

lined by a si�gle layer of

endothelial cells. Entry of newly forn1ed blood cells

examined almost immediately, and the morphologi-

into the circulation occurs at this site.

cal detail is superior to that in histological sections

Fat cells

make up approximately half the extra­

of core biopsies obtained by the trephine procedure.

vascular volume of red marrow, and nearly all of

The bone marrow trephine, on the other hand,

the extravascular volume of yellow marrow in the

provides a .more reliable index of the cellularity of

more peripheral parts of the long bones. Distri­

haemopoietic elements, and reveals certain abnor­

bution of fat cells is irregular in red marrow, and an

malities such as neoplastic cells or fibrotic material

adequate sample· size is necessary in order to obtain


which may not be dislodged from the marrow

a reliable indication of the cel!ularity of haemopoie­

cavity by suction. The information obtained by each

tic .tissue. Fat cells can be rapidly replaced by

procedure is therefore additive, so that the com­

haemopoietic elements under conditions of in­

bined data is of greater diagnostic value than that

cfeased demand for blood cell production. Lympho-

provided by either procedure alone.




Bone marrow aspiration. Several







available. They consist in general of a strong, wide­ short-bevelled needle fitted with a stilette and bore, .. an adjustable guard to prevent over-penetration.

:.�--+--Aspirated marrow particles plus blood


The iliac crest and the body of the sternum are the most common sites for aspiration biopsy in adults,

{,•, c +---+-Marrow particles J./


while the medial aspect of the proximal part of the tibia is preferred in children under the age of one .



Marrow particles

year; in older children, the iUac crest should be used. Details of the procedure are described by · Dacie '& Lewis



The choice of site·in adults

varies with the operator, and while sternal bone marrow is considered by some to be more cellular, the iliac crest procedure cannot be viewed by the patient and is thus less likely to provoke anxiety. Sedation is usually e�ployed, and general anaes.

. -�

thesia may be necessary with young children. The procedure is performed in a sterile manner. Local anaesthetic is infiltrated into the periosteum, before







Cell trails

(c) '

Fig. 1.4. Preparation of films of aspirated bone marrow. (a) A drop of aspirated marrow is placed on one end of a glass slide. (b) The blood is sucked off with a Pasteur pipette to leave the marrow particles. (c) A film is made with a spreader, which leaves trails of marrow cells behind the marrow particles.

the needle is introduced into the bony cavity by pressure associated with to-and-fro rotation .. After .

the_ cavity is penetrated, the stilette is withdrawn

may be di�cult to visualize the haemopoietic cell

and a tig�tly fitting syringe is attached. Strong but

content in large particles because of the overlap of

brief suction yields about 0.2 ml of bone marrow

cells. The number of cells in· the trail is also

tissue· and contaminating peripheral blood. Success�

employed as a guide to the degree of cellularity, but

ful aspiration is accompanied by transient pain.

the results are less reliable than estimates based on


Films are prepared immediately by placing the

examination of sections of bone marrow trephine

aspirated material on a glass slide, sucking off most of the blood, and preparing a film where the par­

biopsies. Serious interpretative errors can occur . . when particles are absent from the aspirate. It is

ticles are drawn along by a spreader to leave trails of

incorrect to conclude that a bone marrow is hypo­

dislodged bone marrow cells (Fig.


cellular when few· haemopoietic cells are present

may also be added to fixatives for preparation of

under such circumstances, as the sample may

fixed-tissue sections.

consist primarily of peripheral blood due to failure


The air-dried films are then fixed in the manner appropriate for the desired staining procedure. One of the Roinanovsky stains employed for the staining

·. of blood films is used for assessment of cellularity and morphology. Other histochemical stains in­ .










to retrieve bone marrow tissue in the aspirate. Estimation of the proportion of individual cellular components of the· bone . marrow

is relatively

unreliable unless determined by different. ial counts

· of 500 or more cells. This enables the ratio of myeloid to erythroblast series to · be calculated in to


classification of acute leukaemia, stains f�r peroxi­


dase, acid phosphatase, naphthyl acetate or buty. . rate esterase, and periodic acid-Schiff and Sudan

abundance of either cell series. In the relevant circumstances, particular efforts -are made to detect_

black-reacting material.·

neoplastic cells infiltrating the bone marrow, ab­


Assessment of cellularity is attempted when the films preferably contain at least several particles. It







nornlal macrophages in storage diseases, micro­ organisms









protozoa in macrophages and, of course, atypical

detection of foci of certain types of neoplastic cells,

features in red cell and leucocyte precursors.

and . the likelihood of success is increased by obtaining the biopsy from potentially involved -

sites, such as areas of tenderness or of abnormality

Failed aspiration Failure to aspirate any material at all is referred to as a dry tap, while aspiration of blood without particles

blood tap. Such inadequate results can be due to technical factors such as failure to site

is referred to as a

the tip of the needle in the bone marrow or to apply quffident suction, or to

pathological factors which

prevent the disruption of the bone marrow into particles of suitable size for aspiration. ·Pathological processes that interfere \rith aspir­ ation include increased connective tiss.ue in the bone . marrow, which occurs classically in myelofibrosis . and

hairy cell leukaemia, and to a lesser extent in

other disorders such as leukaemia, other myelopro­ liferative disorders, lymphoma, metastatic carcino­

on X-ray or isotope scan .. Foci of lymphoma can be detected by trephine biopsy in the absence of . clinical or radiological abnormality of the bone, and .

the procedure is consequently widely employed in the

staging of patie.nts with lymphoma. Neoplastic

cell foci, and even significa�t regions of hypoplasia, may be unevenly distributed and thus may not be · revealed by a single trephine biopsy.

References and further reading Athens, J.W., Haab, O.P., Raab, S.O., Boggs, D.R., Ashenbrucket, H., Cartwright, G.E. &t Wintrobe, M.M . . .

(1965) Leukokinetic studies XI. Blood granulocyte

kinetics in polycythemia vera, infection and myelofibro­ sis. ]. Clin. Invest. 44, 778.

ma and tuberculosis involving the bone marrow.

Basten, A.R. &t Beeson, P.B. (19.70) Mechanism of eosino­

hypercellular bone marrow, and localization of the needle tip in neoplastic tissue

philia II. Role of the lymphocyte.]. Exp. Med. 131, 1288.

Other causes are densely

such as metastatic carcinoma, lymphoma, or multi­ ple myeloma. Occassionally, no obvious cause can · . be established for failure to aspirate particles, and

a dry or blood tap is not specifically diagnostic of any particu,ar disease process.


Bessis, M. (1950) Studies in electron microscopy of blood cells. Blood, 5, 1083. Bradley, T.R. &t Metcalf, D. (1966) The growth of mouse bone marrow cells in vitro. Aust. ]. Exp. Bioi. Med. Sci. 44,

287. Dade, J.V. &t Lewis, S.M. (1984) Practical Haematology,·6th Ed., Churchill Uvingstone, London. Davidson, W.M. &t Smith, D.R. (1954) A morphological sex difference in the polymorphonucl�ar neutrophil

. Bone marrow biopsy trephine . . ·Trephine biopsy is performed by rotating a special­ ized biopsy needle under pressure, usually into the iliac crest, to obtain a core extending from the periosteum into the interstices of the bone marrow cavity. Various types of needles are. available, but the needle devised by Jamshidi &: Swain (1971) generally produces little disruption of the bone marrow architecture. Certain methods of fixation. such as in methacrylate, yield good . and embedding, . structural definition in histological sections (Green .

. 1970), and optimally prepared specimens provide .an


index of the overall architecture,

. including the bone and connective tissue, the cellularity of haemopoietic elements, and the pres:.. ·

ence of lymphoid follicles, granulomas or infiltrat­

-ing neoplastic cells. Trephine biopsy is more suited than aspiration for

leucocytes. Brit. Med. ]. 2, 6. . . De Gabriele, G. &t Penington, D.G. (1967) Physiology of the regulation of platelet production. Brit. ]. Haemat. 13,

202. de Klerk, G., Hart, A., I