D-Modules and Spherical Representations. (MN-39) [Course Book ed.] 9781400862078

The theory of D-modules deals with the algebraic aspects of differential equations. These are particularly interesting o

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D-Modules and Spherical Representations. (MN-39) [Course Book ed.]

Table of contents :
I. Localization Theory
II. Spherical V-modules
III. Microlocalization and Irreducibility
IV. Singularities and Multiplicities

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^-modules and Spherical Representations

V-modules and Spherical Representations by

Frederic V. Bien

Mathematical Notes 39



Copyright © 1990 by Princeton University Press ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

The Princeton Mathematical Notes are edited by Luis A. Caffarelli, John N. Mather, John Milnor, and Elieis M. Stein

Princeton University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and meet the guidelines for perma­ nence and durability of the Committee on Produc­ tion Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Covmcil on Library Resources

Printed in the United States of America by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street Princeton, New Jersey

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bien, Frederic V., 1961— D-modules and spherical representations / by Frederic V. Bien. p.

cm. — (Mathematical notes ; 39)

Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-691-02517-7 (acid-free paper) 1. Differentiable manifolds. 2. Representations of groups. 3. Lie groups.

I. Title. II. Series: Mathematical notes

(Princeton University Press) ; 39. QA614.3.B5




A mes parents Nadine et Hubert et a ma muse Tesa.


Acknowledgements The main part of this monograph consists of my Ph.D. thesis [Bien2]. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Joseph Bernstein, for generously sharing with me his understanding of mathematics, and stimulat­ ing my work with inspiring conversations. I am also very grateful to David Vogan for helpful discussions, and for examining carefully early versions of the "SUNscript". Without him, this book would have appeared in a poor state of accuracy. He provided me with a list of errors and detailed comments which improved greatly the presentation. I apologize for the imperfections that undoubtedly remain. Specialthanks go to Mogens Flensted-Jensen, Pierre-Yves Gaillard, Bert­ ram Kostant, and Toshio Oshima for valuable pieces of advice and insightful comments. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the support of the following in­ stitutions during the preparation of this monograph: the Belgian American Educational Foundation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Al­ fred P. Sloan Foundation, the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Advanced Study, and Princeton University. Finally, I thank Becci Davies who typed the first version of this book using IATgX. The many succeeding versions were made by the author.

Contents Introduction




Localization Theory 1.1 Basic notions on V-modules . . . . . 1.2 V-modules with a group action .. . 1.3 Parabolic subgroups and flag spaces . 1.4 Differential operators on flag spaces 1.5 Global sections of V). . . . . . . . . . 1.6 V-affine varieties . . . . . . . . . . 1. 7 Holonomic modules and Harish-Chandra modules

II Spherical V-modules 1I.l K-orbits in a flag space. . . . . . . . . 11.2 (V, K)-modules with a K-fixed vector. 11.3 Relations with the analytic theory. II.4 Going from (V, K) modules to (V, H) modules. II.5 H-spherical (V, K)-modules . . . . 11.6 V-modules and hyperfunctions. II.7 Closed orbits and discrete series .. II.8 An algebraic Poisson transform.


10 12 14 15

19 24


29 33 34

39 45 52 57 63

IIIMicrolocalization and Irreducibility 111.1 Microlocal Differential Operators 111.2 Microlocalization of a non-commutative ring 111.3 Microlocalization of Dx 111.4 Microlocalization of Ux 111.5 Microlocal study of the moment map 111.6 Associated variety of a submodule of 111.7 Irreducibility criterion 111.8 Decomposable modules

68 68 69


73 74 76 78 80

IV Singularities and Multiplicities IV. 1 Normality IV.2 Unibranchness IV.3 Invariant differential operators on a reductive symmetric space IV.4 Multiplicity one within an eigenspace of D{G/H) IV.5 Intertwining maps between distinct eigenspaces of T)[G/H) . . IV.6 Multiplicities of principal series IV.7 T-invariant of discrete series on exceptional symmetric spaces .

84 84 86 89 96 108 116 118





Introduction The goal of this work is to study the representations of reductive Lie groups which occur in the space of smooth functions on an indefinite symmetric space. The representations realized by square integrable functions were con­ structed by Flensted-Jensen, Oshima and Matsuki. We prove that the dis­ crete series has multiplicity one, except possibly in a few exceptional cases, and we present a cohomological formula for the multiplicities of standard rep­ resentations. We study these representations by Beilinson and Bernstein's theory of differential operators on complex flag manifolds, and we present a summary of this theory. We also find a canonical map between certain Vmodules and the sheaf of hyperfunctions along a real flag manifold. Combined with previous work of Helgason and Flensted-Jensen, this exhibits a natural intertwining operator between these X>-modules and functions on symmetric spaces. By microlocalization, we also make a finer study of the moment map, and decide the irreducibility of the global sections of P-modules considered as representations of Lie algebras. More precisely, let G be a complex connected reductive linear algebraic group, and let G 0 be a real form of G. Consider the fixed point subgroup H of an involution σ of G and its corresponding real form H0. Then G0/H0 is a symmetric space. The problem is to find which representations of G0 can be imbedded in C°°(G0/H0), which ones can be imbedded in L2(G0/H0) and when they can be so imbedded, in how many different ways. To formulate the answer, one should first understand that the building blocks of C°°(G 0 /H 0 ) are generally not the irreducible representations of G 0 . The standard representations (defined in 1.7) are better designed for this pur­ pose but not all of them will appear. A smooth representation V of G0 which does appear, is called H0-Spherical and is characterized by: Hom#0(V, C) φ 0; in other words, its continuous dual V* contains an H0-fixed functional V - If we want V to be imbedded into C00(GofH0), then V must generate V*. The duality involved is important because in general V itself does not contain any ii0-invariant vector. Choose a σ-stable maximal compact subgroup K 0 of G 0 , with complexification K. Let g, h and k denote the Lie algebras of G, H and K respectively. Let F0 be the Harish-Chandra module of V: it is the (g, if)-module made of all If-finite vectors in V. A few years ago, [Casselman, p. 44] and [Wallach, 0




p. 320] discovered an 'automatic continuity' theorem for linear functional invariant under a maximal nilpotent subalgebra. Their method caji be extended to our situation, to show that a linear functional on V° invariant by (h, K H) has automatically a continuous extension to V. The proof has been spelled out in [van den Ban-Delorme]. Therefore we can replace the if-spherical condition by Using the inductive version of Zuckerman's functor (defined in II.4), this is equivalent to , that i s s i n c e H acts semisimply on this space. We pass to the theory of 'D-modules. Helgason's isomorphism for Riemannian symmetric spaces shows that the spherical representations have a particular shape: they can be realized on a partial flag variety. The Iwasawa decomposition associates to G and H a complex flag variety X , and to the datum of Go, we can associate a real submanifold imbedded in X . To fix the ideas, consider a real form C of G for which is a maximal compact subgroup. Then, the symmetric space , is Riemannian, (this justifies our notation), and it is called the dual of . Let . be aminimal parabolic subgroup of G"" with complexification P. We put . and is called the dual flag space of Helgason's isomorphism shows that the eigenspace representations of on are equivalent to the representations in sections of line bundle on X^. It may seem to the reader that we are taking a round about approach, beacause after all Go has also a real flag space XQ, namely its only closed orbit in X. But the relation betwen eigenspace representations on and sections on line bundles on is not as well-understood as in the Riemannian case. Let be the Cartan factor of P. Up to covering, it is isomorphic to the center of the Levi factor of P. To every one can associate a G-sheaf of twisted differential operators on X . To define the notion of /T-spherical -modules, we will use the functor C " in-modules to -modules in a troduced by Bernstein: it maps fashion analogous to the inductive Zuckerman's functor. Assume henceforth that is dominant, so that the global section functor is exact. We say that a (I>;^,ii")-module is H-spherical if

The standard -modules on X are constructed as follows. Take a if-orbit Y affinely embedded in X with a X-homogeneous line bundle

V-modules eaid Spherical Representations


determined by the one-dimensional representation of the isotropy pair for any y . Let ^ be the direct image in the category of -modules. Then is a standard -module. Now let denote the open if-orbit in X and let L be the Levi factor of P. Theorem 1: H-spherical if and only if Y fiber

, be B-dominant and regular. is a n d a c t s trivially on the


be the space of ifo-finite vectors in . A -module whose global sections can be imbedded as a discrete summand of | is called F-square integrable. Using [Oshima- Matsuki] -estimates, we can simplify their result on the discrete series of Suppose G is semisimple. Theorem 2: (n.7.5) is H-square integrable if and only if. is H-spherical, Y is a closed K-orbit, is dominant regular and T3.nkG/H = Ta.nkK/H


Let t be the canonical Cartan space of G, i.e. the Cartan factor of a Borel subalgebra of G. If is dominant, then is an irreducible (g, if )-module. But in general there is a small strip of dominant for which is not dominant. [Vogan 5] has checked by coherent continuation that remains irreducible in this strip. We have proved independently the main ingredient of his result (theorem IIL7.2), and we obtain an interesting consequence of irreducibility, which in essence motivated this whole work. Theorem 3: (11.7.6, IV.3.6, IV.5.1&1') T/ie discrete series in is multiplicity free except possibly for a few exceptions that are explained below; in these exceptional cases, the multiplicities can be at most two ifg is simple. The exceptions to theorem 3 can occur only forreductive symmetric spaces containing factors of type , and on these spaces, the representations that could have multiplicity two, must have singular infinitesimal characters in range that is listed in section IV.7. Thus, the discrete series of all classical symmetric spaces are multiplicity free. ^The numbers between parentheses refer to the places where the results are proved in this book.



Theorem 3 implies that all connected compact symmetric spaces are mul­ tiplicity free, a fact that goes back to work of E. Cartan and S. Helgason. Note also that for Riemannian symmetric spaces, the statement of theorem 3 is vacuous, since there is no discrete series. However, one knows in this case, that the continuous series is multiplicity free. These two properties were formalized into the notion Gelfand pairs, cf. also work of B. Kostant. As we shall see below, if H0 is not compact, then (G0, H0) is very rarely a Gelfand pair. Let χ denote an eigencharacter of the algebra D(G/ H)oi invariant dif­ ferential operators on the symmetric space G 0 /H 0 and let C°°(G 0 jH 0 ] χ) be the corresponding eigenspace. Note that one should distinguish between the multiplicity of an irreducible representation V of G as subquotient of C°°(G0/H0,x) and as submodule. The former can be quite big although finite. The latter is dim(V*)ii. Theorem 3 means that this dimension is at most 1, for V = Γ(Χ, λ4(Υ, λ)) as above, except possibly for a few cases. In fact the determination of these multiplicities for submodules motivates this whole work. We are able to interpret (V*)ff as the cohomology space of a smooth algebraic variety with values in a local system. This formula holds for all standard modules obtained from affinely imbedded if-orbits. If V is reducible, it only determines the dimension of the space of morphisms: Homc0(V,C°°(G0/H0)). For any χ in the open Η-orbit X0, let M be the isotropy group of χ in H. The invertible sheaf Oy(X) gives rise to a, K Π Hhomogeneous local system C(A, r) on Y Π X0. Theorem 4: (II.5.5)5uppose that λ + pi, is B-dominant and regular. Then:

T(X, £%M(Y, τ)) Η ~ H'{Y ΓΊ X 0 , C(A, τ ) ) Κ η Η where s = dim Y + dim M — dim if Π Η. This formula easily gives the uniqueness of the A0-Invariant functional in many nontrivial cases. It also shows that the even principal series for SL 2 (R) admits generically two 50(1, l)-invariant functionals. It is worth noting that exponential symmetric spaces, in particular sym­ metric spaces associated to nilpotent Lie groups, satisfy the multiplicity one property in their whole L2 spectrum. This was proved by [Benoist] using a method similar to the one used for uniqueness of Whittaker functionals. This method does not work for reductive groups. In fact, if it did work, it

T>-modules and Spherical Representations


would show that the whole L2-Spectrum is multiplicity free, which is not true as mentioned above. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to prove that for a symmetric space associated to a general Lie group, the discrete part of the i2-spectrum is multiplicity free. Before describing the content of the chapters, we would like to refer the neophytes to two expository books where they can find essentially all the prerequisites needed to understand the techniques used here: [Borel] for the algebraic theory of P-modules, and [Schlichtkrull] for familiarity with sym­ metric spaces and the basic properties of hyperfunctions. In chapter I, we summarize [Beilinson-Bernstein] theory of X>-modules on flag spaces and its relations to the representations of g. We take a general viewpoint by working over the variety X of parabolic subgroups of G conju­ gate to a given one, say P. The vanishing theorem for XVmOdules is true as long as λ is dominant in tj>. But Γ(Χ, T>\) need not be generated by the enveloping algebra U{g) for all λ € t*, as it is the case for the variety of Borel subgroups. This is due to the fact that the closure of the Richardson orbit Cp C g* of P need not be a normal variety. However, if λ + ρ ι 6 t* is dominant, then U{g) generates Γ(Χ,Ί>\). If in addition λ + pt is regular, the category of (X>A,if)-modules on X is equivalent to a subcategory of the category of all (g, if)-modules with infinitesimal character λ + Pi and asso­ ciated variety contained in Cp. To study Γ(Χ, T>\), we generalize a method of Milicic. The non-vanishing of the global sections of a ('Dx, if)-modu!e de­ pends on the Borel-Weil theorem. To include entirely this classical result in the theory of "D-modules, one should consider modules over a sheaf of matrix differential operators. Thus, one could generalize the theory much further than we have done here. In chapter II, after recalling some properties of the if-orbits in X, we study the case K = H of Riemannian symmetric space. We classify the K-spherical (T>\, if)-modules: they all come from trivial line bundles on the open if-orbit. In particular, there is no square integrable module and they all have a unique if-invariant vector. These results have been known since [Kostant]. In section II.3 we explain what is the foundation of our approach for the reader with an analytic background. Next we describe Bernstein's definition of Zuckerman's functor for D-modules. At this point we are ready to study the ii-spherical (V\, if)-modules. The idea is again that they are strongly related to the open if-orbit and to homogeneous line



bundles which are trivial for (h, K Π Η ) . We first prove theorem 1. Then we prove theorem 4 by computing the number of (Οχ, //)-morphisms from Οχ into C^M{Y,r) for a standard (V\, Ti)-module M(Y, τ), in terms of the cohomology of Y Π X 0 . A better understanding of this formula would give a purely algebraic classification, but at the present time we are obliged to use as an intermediate step the real flag variety X r of G r which is imbedded in the middle of X0. In some sense this is fortunate because we can construct a map between if-orbits Y in X such that Y Π X r φ 0 and Norm(Gr,/f)orbits in X r . Then we answer a question raised by Flensted-Jensen in a lecture at Utrecht in August 1985: what is the relation between the squareintegrable standard //-spherical (Τ>χ, if)-modules and the space of hyperfunctions sections of a line bundle on Xr? It turns out that the first can be imbedded into the second, thanks to the existence of a canonical morphism of functors /* —> / ! (g) w[—rdf] which exists for any map /. Let us remark that tracing back through Helgason and Flensted-Jensen isomorphisms, this map gives the unique imbedding of square integrable standard //-spherical ( V\ , K ) module into L2(G0)H0). This shows that the P-module realization of a Harish-Chandra module is in fact quite natural to study harmonic anal­ ysis on symmetric spaces. Note that the spaces G 0 fH° can be handled in a similar manner, where H 0 is the identity component of H . Then we focus on closed /f-orbits in the equal rank case, and using an L2-estimate of Oshima and Matsuki, we prove theorem 2. Next we show that the discrete series of G 0 /H 0 has multiplicity one in the generic range. Finally, we define an algebraic Poisson transform from (T>\, /if)-module on GjP to (T> x> , A")—modules on G/H. [De Concini and Procesi] have constructed a very nice compactification of G/H which exhibits G/P as a piece of the boundary of G/H. I would expect the nearby cycle functor to be the inverse of the Poisson transform. In chapter III, we solidify the bridge between g-modules and XVmodules on an arbitrary flag variety X. Chapter III is independent of chapter II. Its motivation is to understand when does the global section functor preserves irreducibility. Let Ux be the quotient of t/(g) by the ideal determined by λ € t*. The image of the moment map π : Τ*X —> g* is the closure of the Richardson orbit Cp C g* of P. Following a method introduced by Gabber and [Ginzburg], we define the formal microlocalizations S\, U x of the algebras T>\, U x . £ \ is a G-sheaf of twisted formal microdifferential operators on T * X , and U x is a G-sheaf supported on Cp. The microlocalization is an exact and

T>-modules and Spherical Representations


faithful functor which sends a 'P-module M to an 5-module whose support is the characteristic variety char A^ of A^. The functors F and of global sections and localizations between and -modules become the functors and of direct and inverse images between and -modules. One result of this approach is the following. Theorem 5:(III.6.4) Suppose M. is an irreducible ' -module on X and X is Then all the irreducible U{g)-submodules ofT{X,M) have dominant in the same associated variety. The main result of this chapter is a criterion for irreducibihty. Theorem 6:(III.7.2)5'uppose the moment map is birational. Let M he an irreducible Dx-module with dominant in If is an isomorphism in a neighborhood in of the generic point of the characteristic variety of M, then r(X, A^) is U{g)-irreducible or zero. In practice, the first hypothesis on tt is easily checked using (IV.1.1), and the second hypothesis amounts to checking that (CharA^) contains some normal points of . Each of these results has its counterpart for the Kequivariant situation. In chapter IV, we come back to the original question of determining the multiplicities. First we study the singularities of the image . For the classical groups [Kraft and Procesi] have determined when is a normal variety. This information yields theorem 3 for the classical groups and G2 • The microlocal approach and the study of examples suggests that the unibranchness of an open dense subset of (charA^) should suffice to imply the irreduciblity of r ( X , At) over (g, K) when M is -irreducible and TT birational. Generalizing a result of [Borho-MacPherson], we find a formula which detects the unibranchness of any point x in terms of the multiplicity of the special Weyl group representation attached to Cp in a cohomology space of the Springer fiber of x . To prove theorem 3 for the exceptional groups, we must proceed in two steps. First, we establish multiplicity one within one eigenspace of T)(G/H): the algebra of invariant differential operators on Next, we prove a new result which asserts that an endomorphism of commuting with Go and having a regular kernel, must also commute with D ( G / i f ) , (IV.5.2). Here, regular kernel means that the kernel is determined by its restriction to the regular set. Unfortunately, this result does not imply that



a discrete series representation cannot appear in two different eigenspaces of D(G/H), since there exist examples of .i/o-invariant eigendistribution vectors corresponding to discrete series representations which are supported on the singular set. In section IV.6, we determine the multiplicities of the principal series representations in L2(G0IH0) for generic values of the parameter λ . Consider a standard if-spherical (Τ>χ, if)-module Λi(Y,X) associated to the open K orbit Y in X . Then Μ(Υ,λ) : = T(X)Al(I r j A)) is an irreducible ( g , K ) module for λ generic. Let K r — K Γ\ Gr . Then YT := Y Π X r breaks into a finite number - say η - of if-orbits. Theorem 7: (IV.6.1) TTie multiplicity of Μ ( Υ , λ ) i n C x ( G 0 ) H 0 , χχ) i s equal to η . This result explains the origin of the multiplicities for symmetric spaces. In particular, the multiplicity one theorem for the discrete series can be understood by the fact that if Y is a closed if-orbit such that Y Π X 0 is not empty, then Y Π X r consists of a single if-orbit. The last section contains the computation of the r-invariant of singular discrete series representations on exceptional symmetric spaces. Even this deep method turns out to be insufficient to determine the multiplicities of exceptional cases in theorem 3. Thus, the story expounded in this book, ends in an interesting suspense. We draw many conclusions, and unveil a moral. However, our heroes may still dream of surprising adventures. Hence, let me keenly encourage the young readers - and the young at heart - to finish the proof of the multiplicity one theorem, and more generally to determine all the multiplicities by a computationally practical formula.

I I.l

Localization Theory B a s i c notions on P - m o d u l e s

Let X be a smooth complex algebraic manifold. Let O = Ox be the sheaf of regular functions on X and be the sheaf of differential operators on X . A "D-module A^ is a sheaf on X which is quasi-coherent eis am 0-module and which has a structure of module over V. Let D-mod denote the category of left "D-modules. We shall deal with some sheaves of rings shghtly more general than "D. Consider the category of pairs where ^ is a sheaf o n X of C-algebras and IA • O ^ is a morphism of C-algebras. The pair where i : O V is the natural inclusion will be called the standard pair. 1.1 Definition: A sheaf of twisted differential operators on X (tdo for short) is any pair which is locally isomorphic to the standard pair. 1.2 Lemma: The group of automorphisms of {i : O V) is naturally isomorphic to the group of closed 1-forms on X . The set of isomorphism classes of tdo's on X is in hijection with the Cech cohomology space

In particular tdo's form a linear space; for a proper variety is the C-subspace of generated by algebraic cycles. 1.3 Example: Let C be an invertible sheaf of 0-modules on X ,then the sheaf T>{L) of differential operators acting on the local sections of £ is a tdo. Let £ correspond to the element c in the Picard group then V[L) corresponds to the logarithmic differential of c, i.e. dcjc in 1.4 Example: If is the projective n-space, then hence, the invertible sheaves on P" form a lattice. But sheaves of twisted differential operators on P" form a vector space.


1.5 Remark: If V is a locally free sheaf of O-modules on X of rank bigger than one, then the sheaf of rings of differential operators of V into itself is not a tdo. It consists of matrix differential operators. This sheaf will be useful in chapter IV.4. Let f • X

y be a morphism of smooth complex algebraic varieties. 9



Let be the sheaves of regular functions on Y and X . We will denote by the inverse and direct images functors between the categories of O-modules. There is an induced map . . Starting from a tdo on Y corresponding t o , we can construct the tdo. on X which by definition is associated to the data Let mod (resp. mod) be the category of modules on Y (resp. modules on X). Then one can define two functors : • inverse image: • direct image: In case / is not affine, the direct image functor has good properties only between the derived categories of bounded complexes of D-modules. At the level of derived categories, the functor is simply the inverse image of Omodules shifted by the relative dimension of / : rd(/) = dimF — dimX. One can transform a left T^-module into a right one by tensorization with the sheaf of top degree differential forms. Then the direct image of a right -module A4 in the derived category is the direct image as O-module of . ' For the material of this section we refer to [Bernstein] and [Beilinson - Bernstein 1983].


X>-modules with a group action

Let G be a complex algebraic group with Lie algebra g, and suppose G acts on a smooth variety X. Let .F be a sheaf on X . By definition, a weak action of G on .F is an action of G on which extends the action of G on X . When T IS a, X>jf-module, there is however more structure involved. If a denote theaction of G on X , then we have a morphism da :, , where denotes the global sections of Vx, i.e. the ring of differential operators defined on all of X. acts on itself by the commutator action ad, so we get a map ad • da : g —> EndF On the other hand T>x has obviously a weak action of G, say , which yields the map End It is natural to require that the map da be G: g equivariant and that ad • da coincide with . More generally, let (X>, i) be a sheaf of twisted differential operators on X .

1.2 V-modules with a group action 2.1 Definition: An action of G on morphism such that: •

11 is a weak actiontogether with a

is G-equivariajit with respect to Ad on g and


• for Suppose now that V is a tdo with a G-action given by


on X is a quasi-coherent module 2.2 Definition: A (V, G)-module with a structure of P-module and a weak action ^ of G such that: • 7 is G-equivariant with respect to

on T> and

on ,

• for The difference between a weak action and an action can also be illustrated as follows. Consider the diagram

where a is the action morphism and p is the projection on the second factor. Then "D has a G-action if and only if and a G-action on the P-module is equivalent to the data of an isomorphism Decoding the definitions, one gets: 2.3 Proposition: Suppose that G acts transitively on X and let H he the X. stabilizer of a point 1. The tdo on X with a G-action are in bijection with the tdo on with an H-action, that is the 1-dimensional representations = Lie H . 2. The (V, G)-modules on X are in bijection with the (C, H)-modules on that is the representations of H such that for 2.4 Remark: From this proposition, we see that if H is connected, the sheaf V of sections of a G-homogenous vector bundle on X will not be a (V, G)module when rank V 1. In fact in this case, V is a module over a sheaf of matrix differential operators, as in Remark 1.5. We could enlarge the theory of P-modules to include the case of matrix differential operators acting on matrix valued functions. We will use these sheaves in chapter IV.4.





Parabolic subgroups and flag spaces

The structure theory of linear algebraic groups is clearly explained in Springer's book, so here we will only review certain facts from a point of view suited to the later developments. The unipotent radical R u G of a linear algebraic group G is the largest closed, connected, unipotent normal subgroup of G. G is called reductive if RuG = {e}. Henceforth, G shall denote a complex, connected, reductive, linear algebraic group. The connectedness assumption is not at all necessary for the study of P-modules but it simplifies the exposition here. A parabolic subgroup P of G is a closed subgroup such that the quotient variety GfP is complete. A Borel subgroup β is a connected and solvable subgroup of G which is maximal for these properties. One proves that a closed subgroup of G is parabolic if and only if it contains a Borel subgroup. Since G is connected, a parabolic subgroup is its own normalizer. We prefer to view the flag space X := GjP as the as the variety of all parabolic subgroups of G conjugate to P. Let P be a parabolic subgroup of G and N = Np its unipotent radical. A Levi subgroup L of P is a closed subgroup such that the product map L X N —• P is an isomorphism of varieties. Then L is reductive, normalizes N and is the centralizer in G of a connected torus in P. We shall also say that L is a Levi subgroup of G. If T is a maximal torus in P, there is a unique Levi subgroup of P containing T. All Levi subgroups of P are conjugate. The projection P —> P/N gives an isomorphism of any Levi subgroup of P with PjN. Therefore we call P/N the Levi factor of P and we denote it by Lp; it is canonically attached to P . The Levi factors Lp and Lp/ of two conjugate parabolic subgroups P and P are not necessarily canonically conjugate because we can twist a given isomorphism by an inner automorphism of Lp or Lp'. Let Pi := (Ρ, P) denote the commutator subgroup of P and put Tp = P/P\. Tp is a maximal torus, and up to covering, it is isomorphic to the center of Lp] we call it the Cartan factor of P . For two conjugate parabolic subgroups P and P , the Cartan factors Tp and Tpi are canonically conjugate. When P is a Borel subgroup, its Cartan factors coincides with its Levi factor and is isomorphic to a Cartan subgroup of G. This special case is good to bear in mind for understanding the sequel easily. Let us denote by boldface letters the Lie algebras of the groups considered.

1.3 Parabolic subgroups and £ag spaces


To define the set of roots of tp in g , we use the following trick. Choose a Levi subgroup L of F and let C be the connected component of its center. Then C acts by the adjoint action on g and we obtain the roots of C in g . Note that these roots do not always form a root system. Now C is a finite cover of Tp by the map , hence to every root of C in g corresponds a unique linear form on . We call these linear forms: the roots of in g ; they are independent of the choice of L. L e t b e the set of roots of in g . is naturally divided into theset ot roots whose root spaces are contained in n and its complement. Let be the set of roots of in g / p . If a is a root of in g , the corresponding root space need not have dimension 1; dim is called the multiplicity of a. Let Pp be the half sum of the roots contained in counted with their multiplicities. Let B be a Borel subgroup of G, contained in P . The map gives a canonical surjective homomorphism which dualizes to an inclusion . Hence we may think of as a subset of is not always a root system; for instance, let g and take a Levi factor whose semisimple part is of type If we had chosen a invariant bilinear form on , then could be viewed as the projection of into and the multiplicity of would be the number of roots in R which project onto a. We can also define the roots in the Levi factor • as follows. Choose a maximal torus T in B. There is a unique Levi subgroup L of P containing T , so we have the roots of t in . From the canonical isomorphism , we obtain the set of roots of in which is independent of the choice of T . and let be the half sum of the roots in . We have The outcome of this stylistic exercise is that we have a canonical comparison between the various root systems considered. To a Borel subgroup B of G , w e can associate the triple where and . For different Borel subgroups, these triples are canonically conjugate. So we identify them with one abstract triple called the Cartan triple of G. The reductivity of G implies that . Similarly to a pair B P vre can associate the quadruple where . Note that there is a canonical element




Let D{t) be the set of simple roots in [t). The set D = D{t) n R{t, ip) of simple roots of L characterizes the conjugacy class of the parabolic subgroup P . Via this correspondence, the subsets of Z>(t) are in bijection with the G-conjugacy classes of parabolic subgroups of G. If P is a parabolic subgroup of G corresponding to the subset I of Z)(t), let the space of all subgroups of G conjugate to P . -X" is called the flag space of G of type P or of type I; we will also use the words flag manifold or flag variety of type P . When P is a Borel subgroup of G, we call X the full flag variety of G. X is always a complete smooth complex projective algebraic variety on which G acts transitively by conjugation. If / J are two subsets of and if P is a paxabolic subgroup of G o f type I, there exists a unique parabolic subgroup Q of type J such that This yields a smooth flbration with fiber isomorphic to the flag variety of Q of type P.


Differential operators on flag spaces

Let X be the flag space of G of type P. Let be the structure sheaf of X and Tx be its tangent sheaf. We denote by the morphism of Lie algebras defined by the action of G on X . Let U be the enveloping algebra of g . Put and endow this sheaf with a multiplication extending the ring structure of U, and the structure of O-module on U°. Explicitly for

A direct computation shows that this bracket induces a Lie algebra structure on . Set:

Here p^ is the parabolic subalgebra corresponding to the point x m X and (x is the value of the local section ( at the point x. Since p° is the kernel of a morphism of Lie algebras, it is an ideal in g° , and hence p j is also an ideal in g°. Moreover the restriction of the bracket to p° is O-linear and

We can use proposition 2.3 to classify the sheaves of twisted differential operators on X which have a G-action. They correspond precisely to the


1.5 Global sections of Vx

linear forms p C trivial on Pj, i.e. to the elements of As is customary, the center of symmetry of the picture is not o but So to avoid further normalizations, we set to be the tdo on X corresponding to the weight , We can describe more explicitly the tdo . Every weight determines a morphisme Let be the ideal o f g e n e r a t e d bythe elements where ^ is a local section of . Then 4.1 Example: Let Hom , and let corresponding invertible G-sheaf of 0-modules. Then D i ^ particular


be the I n

Let us denote by Dx the global sections on X of . The center of. is C: the constant functions. We have a morphisme since is a tdo. It extends to a morphism : U —> which must send the center Z oiU to C by a certain character On theother hand the Harish-Chandra isomorphism tp identifies Z with the ring of polynomials on t invariant by the Weyl group W of G. One should think of first as a collection of isomorphisms, one for every point of the full flag space, which turns out to be constant once we identify the Cartan factors of all Borel subgroups of G with t . By transposition, we obtain Spec Z : It follows that if and only if for some w W. 4.2 Lemma: Let X be the flag space of type P with Levi factor L, and let . Then the character coincides with X\+Pi • The proof of this lemma is a standard gymnastic exercise with /j-shift. The shift by pi reflects the difference in the action of T on the volume forms of the full flag variety and of X .


Global sections of Vx

Our goal in this section is to describe in terms of the enveloping algebra U. In the case of the full flag variety, this question has a nice answer, but for partial flag varieties the general situation is not clear yet. We shall first construct some bigger sheaves of algebras and which will give us some insight in the problem. Recall that and similarly define These are both G-invariant subsheaves of




g° , hence these are ideals in 5.1 Definition:

The center of is isomorphic to the center , while the center of is isomorphic to Z We can view these algebras as living respectivelyon Spec where WL is the Weyl group of L and Spec Of course imbeds naturally into is the specialization of along the subvariety , and for is the specialization of at the point Geometrically we can interpret the sheaves and as follows. Identify X with G/P and let P = LN be a Levi decomposition of P, recall that Pi is the commutator subgroup of P . We have two fibrations and Then is the direct image in the category of O-modules of the sheaf of differential operators on G/N which commute with the right action of L on the fibers of . Similarly, where is the connected component of the center of L. We have the Harish-Chandra isomorphism for which involves only a shift b y . We also have a homomorphism which involves a shift by . Let us denote by H the space of harmonic polynomials on t for the action of the Weyl group W of g;dimi7(g) = : the cardinality of A similar notation holds for L and . H. Chevalley's theorem asserts that:

It is readily seen that , so that is a free .Z-algebra on \WIWL\ generators. Indeed H is isomorphic to the regular representation of W and is isomorphic to the space of functions on W/WL5.2 Definition: There is a natural map , because although is not necessarily a trivial bundle over X , the ambiguity disappears when we consider the center of the enveloping algebra of I . Moreover the restriction of this map to Z coincides with the restriction of to Z. Hence we obtain a well-defined morphisme


1.5 Global sections of 5.3 Lemma: is an isomorphism

The proof we will sketch generalizes [Milicic] proof for the full flag variety. First observe that is an isomorphism onto the center of . Next to show that it suffices to prove that it is an isomorphism at the graded level. Set 5 = then = Z. Put Y and let be the sheaf of regular functions on which are right invariant under ine action of L on F and which are homogenous in the fiber variablesof the projection . Then gr and r = is the ring of regular functions on which are right i-invariant. Since there is a natural inclusion gr it suffices to prove that:

To prove this, one resolves the sheaf by a Koszul complex C = has an obvious structure of left g-module, but it has also a structure r of right g-module via the formula:

for ' and C is endowed with the usual derivation which preserves the (g, g)-module structure. One proves that this C complex is acyclic. Moreover, is equal to giVi, thus C is a left resolution of the (g, g)-module Vi . There is a third quadrant spectral sequence whose term is and which abuts to its term .

Now we can compute . . • Indeed we can identify with the sheaf of holomorphic q-forms on X via and the Killing form on g. By Dolbeault's theorem since X is a compact Kahler smooth manifold, the Hodge theorem implies that . On the other hand, the cohomology of a flag variety is generated by the fundamental classes of the Schubert cycles. Algebraic cycles live only in degrees . There is a natural length function



on the quotient W/WL ; let us denote by ^ t h e number of elements of length p in W/WL . Then we obtain:

This implies that the spectral sequence degenerates, and that:

is nothing else than the space of W^-invariant harmonic polynomials on t* for the full Weyl group W . It follows, using Chevalley's theorem recalled above, that is isomorphic to gr And since the gradations correspond, we obtain the desired result. • I have not found a simple description of T , but at least the following can be said. Let . , and let denote the algebra of algebraic invariant differential operators on Xi. The action of G on Xi gives a morphism op : called the operator representation of U on Xi. Let Jp denote its kernel. 5,4 Proposition: (Borho-Brylinski)

The map is a G-equivariant Tp-fibration. The ring is graded by the lattice of characters of Tp acting on the right of and we have the corresponding gradation on . The zero component is just , and since the G-action commutes with the right Tp-action, iroop{U) lies in . On the other hand the right action of Tp on every fiber of tt gives a monomorphism , and by the commutativity of Tp, lies also in Now composing the Harish-Chandra homomorphism i with the natural projection , we can view _ module. Then it is not difficult to see that there is a well-defined monomorphism:

1.6 T>-afEne varieties


Note that when X is the full flag variety, = 0, and the above map is an isomorphism by Proposition 5.2. Now we examine the global sections of . Recall that determines a character C . Let be the 2-sided ideal in U generated by the kernel of . Using Lemma 5.3, it is easy to prove: 5.5 Proposition: (Beilinson-Bernstein-Bryhnski-Kashiwara) If X is the full flag variety, for any , we have:

5.6 Proposition: Let X he a flag space of type P and dominant in , then Z7 —> ) is surjective with kernel


Proof: Consider the map where Y is the full flag variety, is a 'Dy,;[i+p^-module on X . By a p p l y i n g t o the generating section we get a surjective map of sheaves ' ^ . Now the functor is dominant, theorem of global sections is exact because 6.3. Hence is still surjective. But U surjects onto the first algebra bythe previous result, and Thus U surjects onto . The assertion on the kernel is clear from the discussion above. 5.7 Remark: always injects into . But if is not dominant in , then may not be surjective, even though is dominant in The simplest example (due to W. Borho) of this phenomenon occurs for a partial flag variety of the group SP2 ( 4 x 4 matrices). In this case, the moment map is not birational (see III.5 and IV.1 for definitions). One detects the non-surjectivity by looking at an irreducible -module whose restriction to U i s a reducible highest weight module.


X>-affine varieties

The theory of Beilinson and Bernstein works as well over any algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. So let X be a scheme over k. Define an Ir-ring to be a sheaf of rings on X together with a ring morphism • such that is quasicoherent as a left 1 -module. An -module is then




a sheaf of left 71-modules, quasicoherent as a sheaf of modules. Denote by TJ-mod the category of 7^-modules. Put . There are natural adjoint functors mod : , where are is called the localization of the global sections of Ad and N. r is left exact, is right exact and we have the derived functors iZF and

6.1 Definition: We say that X is 7^-afSne if F and equivalence of categories. Here is a criterion for 7^-afEnity.

are (mutually inverse)

6.2 Proposition: If every TZ-module is generated by its global sections and , then X is TZ-affine. This proposition says that if F is exact and faithful, then it is an equivalence of categories. This is a consequence of the Gabriel-Mitchell theorem in theory of categories, see [Bass, p. 54]. It is clear by Serre's theorem that any afHne variety is 7^-afHne. T>x is an Ojf-ring; we shall see that any flag space X is -aflSne. , of twisted differential operators on a flag space X of type Pfor G. For simplicity we consider only the case fc = C. The define a lattice in and hence a real structure. We shall say that is P-dominant if for any root we have We shall say that is P-regular if for any root , we have Recall that the positive roots are those which are in g^. Via the inclusion , we view the elements of t* as elements of , and there is a well-defined element . It is easy to check that if is 5-dominant, then it is also P-dominant, and vice-versa. But if is P-dominant, it may not be true that is S-dominant, see exercise 6.7 below. Put . 6.3 Theorem: (Beilinson-Bernstein) 1. If exact.

is P-dominant, then the functor

2. If is P-dominant and F is also faithful.


-mod is

is B-regular, then the functor

Thus, under the conditions of the theorem, X is -affine. The case of the full flag variety is explained in [Beilinson-Bernstein 1981] and this theorem


1.6 D-affine varieties

can be proved in an similar way. We will only describe the changes for the key lemma, and show a consequence of the sole exactness of F. Set . Let F be an irreducible G-module, F the corresponding G-sheaf. Let I , for , k, be a filtration of T by Gsheaves of 0-modules such that the quotients correspond to irreducible representations of the Levi factor L oi P with highest weight . If is not a "P-modulestrictly speaking because it is not an invertible sheaf. It is the sheaf of sections of a homogenous vector bundle over X and what really acts on are twisted matrix differential operators. The ring of these operators is still generated locally by O and the enveloping algebra U. Hence i is a -module and the center Z of U acts on it by the character . Let us call L-weights of F the weights which appear in the Jordan-Holder series of T. Let be the highest weight of T and v be the highest weight of F*. Set , . Let and p : . For any O-module M., put

Observe that if , then and Now let be a -module, then all the sheaves considered above have a structure of modules by the Leibnitz formula and are morphisms of modules. 6.4 Lemma: 1. Take is P-dominant, then zx has a right inverse JM (unique) in the category of -modules. 2. Take . If in addition is B-regular, then pM has a right inverse qM (unique) in the category of -modules. Proof: Consider the filtration that the sub quotients on which Z acts by the characters Xi = X a + w + > ' + p z Claim: The weight ._ Weyl group of G to any weight



, It is easy to check are -modules is not conjugate by the

To prove such a statement, we can assume that is dominant in the analytic sense,i.e. ' for all . Indeed, the principle explained in the appendix of [Bernstein-Gelfand] will take care of the passage



from the analytic notion of dominance to the algebraic one. Now suppose that there exists some element w EW such that

Since is the lowest weight of F with respect to is a sum of positive roots. Let us introduce a norm on coming from a W-invariant scalar product and let , resp. denote the composition of the projections onto , resp, , followed by the norm. We have Then and ,. Since W acts by isometries, if is conjugate to they must have the same norm. But

The first inequality follows from the fact that is the lowest weight of F and is P-dominant, hence B-dominant. The second inequality comes from the fact that is the highest weight of a representation of L. This proves the claim. By Harish-Chandra's theorem, this means that . is exactly the -eigenspace of Z m . Therefore there exists a unique projection which is the right inverse of in the category of [/"-modules. The proof of the second part of the lemma is the same as for the full flag variety and we will skip it. To finish the proof of the theorem, one uses Theorems A and B of CartanSerre, as it is done for the full flag variety. • 6.5 Remark: The localization functor : -mod —> -mod : M is left adjoint to F. A representation M of g which arises from a P-module on X must satisfy certain conditions if X is not the full flag variety. First its infinitesimal character must be of the form for some , and also its associated variety, cf. Chapter 3, must be contained in the closure of the Richardson orbit of P . Let . We can identify canonically the center of with Then, acts on the homology spaces , and the spectrum of its action is contained in the intersection of the W-orbit of with . Denote by a subscript the corresponding


1.6 T>-afEne varieties

eigenspace. Then in the situation of the theorem, the geometric fiber of the sheaf at x is

and We will often work in this book with the case where F is exact but not faithful. Therefore the following result will be very useful.

6.6 Proposition Suppose

mod is exact, then

Furthermore, (1) T sends simple objects to simple ones or to zero. (2) V sends distinct simple objects to distinct ones or to zero. Proof: F o is a right exact functor which commutes with direct sums. Therefore its effect on the category . mod is determined by its action on the projective objects. Indeed given an object M mod, to compute , we can replace M by a projective resolution. In the category -mod, we may even use a two-step free resolution of the form

The definitions of the functors imply Thus F o

is the identity on the whole category


To prove part (1), recall the adjunction formulai

where -mod and Let M be an irreducible V-module, and suppose AT is a £)-submodule of By adjointness, the nonzero map gives a nonzero map which therefore mustbe epi because , is irreducible. Applying F we get a nonzero map which is still epi by the exactness of F. But there is a natural morphism




, adjoint to the identity on , and the composite map N is our original map. Thus, it is epi. This implies the irreducibility of TM. For part (2), consider an irreducible module M -mod. Then M has a Jordan-Holder series whose factors are - say Since To M is irreducible, only one composition factor - say has nonzero global sections. Moreover J^M is an irreducible X>A-module such that M. Hence we can set up a bijection between the simple objects in mod, and those in -mod which have nonzero global sections, by sending M to , It follows that if f and are two irreducible inequivalent -modules such that and are both nonzero, then these latter D^modules are distinct. • In other words, if the functor F is exact, it gives an equivalence of categories between the quotient of -mod by the kernel of F, and the category -mod. 6.7 Exercise: To become familiar with the difference between between Bdominant weights and P-dominant weights, the reader should compute a few examples. An interesting one occurs for (8 x 8) matrices and P the complexification of a parabolic subgroup which is minimal in the real form 5P(1,3). Then , and Tp is a one-dimesional torus. In usual c o o r d i n a t e s . T h e n is P-dominant


Holonomic modules and Harish-Chandra modules

Let be a tdo on X . A X>-module is called smooth ii it is coherent as a sheaf of 0-module or equivalently if after a local isomorphism it becomes the sheaf of local sections of a vector bundle with integrable connection. One says that a P-module is coherent if it is locally finitely generated. Let I>-mod c denote the category of coherent P-module. Consider P as a (X>, V)bimodule a natural functor of duality : V-mod c X>-mod c by the formula One has id. A smooth X>-moduleV is of

1.7 Holonomic modules and Harish-Chandra modules


course coherent and = HomoCyjnx) with an obvious 'E>°-module structure. Coherent X>-modules correspond to finitely generated representations and corresponds to the functor . This duality is different from the usual contragredient functor for representations and the precise relation between the two is not transparent. Next consider a locally closed affine imbedding with Y smooth. We denote by the tdo on Y inverse image of X* on X . Let Mhea smooth -module on Y, then is a coherent f-moduleon X . Put i We have M and there is a unique morphism such that Denote Im / b y . I I M is irreducible, then is the unique irreducible submodule of and the unique irreducible quotient of i\M (and the unique irreducible subquotient of any of these Vmodules whose restriction to Y is non-zero). The modules i^M, i\M are called standard modules or also respectively maximal and minimal extension of M, while is called the irreducible module corresponding to (Y,Ai) or also the middle extension of Ad. By definition a X>-module is holonomic if it has finite length and all its Jordan-Holder components are irreducible modules of the type constructed above. One says that a holonomic P-module(on compact X in the twisted case) has regular singularities (RS for short) if all its components originate in bundles with regular singularities at infinity. The basic property of holonomic modules is that the corresponding derived category of complexes with holonomic cohomology is stable under the functors of type if is is also holonomic. The same applies to holonomic RS. holonomic then Let us return to representations of g . We are going to study (g, K)modules for certain algebraic groups K such that the connected component K° is equipped with a map into G, which generally is an inclusion. First we say that (g, ii") is a Harish-Chandra pair if g is a complex Lie algebra, K is a complex linear algebraic group (possibly disconnected) such that k is a subalgebra of g and there is a compatible map Ad : if —> Intg. A fg, K)-module M is by definition a representation of g and an algebraic representation of K on the same linear space M such that the representations coincide on k and the map g x M —> M is if-equivariant, (g, if)-modules correspond via the functor of localization to {V, ii')-modules, i.e. X>-modules M with an action of K such that k acts via the imbedding k ^ P and the map is if-equivariant. The case where K does not act by inner automorphisms on g is also interesting. To include it in this frame-




work, it suffices to assume that the group G' generated by G and the outer automorphisms of g given by K , acts on the flag space X and on the tdo T>. By allowing the map K0 —> G to be different than an inclusion, we can study representations of non-linear real reductive groups. To get an interesting theory one needs sufficiently large groups K . Say that K is admissible if K acts on the full flag variety of G with finitely many orbits or, equivalently, if k is transverse to some Borel subalgebra. Fix an ad­ missible K . It is not hard to see that any coherent (tD, iQ-module is smooth along the stratification given by the orbits of K, so is holonomic and has reg­ ular singularities. The irreducible (V, if)-modules are in bijective correspon­ dence via the i\t construction with the irreducible smooth (~D(y), if)-modules on the various affinely imbedded K-orbits Y, and these smooth modules are charaterized by representations of the stabilizers of points. This readily gives a classification of irreducible (V, -ft")-modules and so of (g, iQ-modules. For any if-orbit Y, put Τγ = K Π Py/K Π (Py, Py) C Tp where y G Y (note that Ty does not depend on y E Υ). Τγ is the product of the torus Τγ and the finite abelian group Τγ /Τγ. 7.1 Theorem: (Beilinson-Bernstein) For λ G t*, the irreducible (T>\,K)modules are in bijective correspondence with the set of pairs (Υ, τγ) where Y is a K-orbit in X and τγ is an irreducible (t,Τγ)-module on which t acts by λ- pp. If X is the full flag variety and if Λ G t is dominant regular, this is also the classification of irreducible fg, K)-modules with infinitesimal character χχ. On a partial flag variety X of type P, under the hypothesis that AGt* is P-dominant and λ + pi G t* is B-regular, we obtain the classification of a certain subcategory - it often is the whole category even - of (g, K)modules with infinitesimal character X\+Pl and associated variety contained in the closure of the Richardson orbit of P . To work cleanly with the standard modules one has to suppose that the if-orbits Y are affinely imbedded. We see that the standard and irreducible modules corresponding to an orbit Y form families with dim(tp/ty) contin­ uous parameters and dim Τγ discrete parameters. All standard modules are irreducible for generic values of the parameters. If they are irreducible for all values of the parameters then Y is a closed orbit. The groups K we will consider are the fixed points of involutions of G. This corresponds to the Harish-Chandra modules or representations of real


Holonomic modules and Harish-Chandra modules


reductive groups. Then the standard modules it correspond to the standard representations used in [Vogan]'s book. One could also take K = N or B where B is a Borel subgroup of G and N is its unipotent radical. This corresponds to representations of g with highest weights. These cases can be reduced to the first - although in general one prefers to go the other way - thanks to the facts that TV-orbits are equal to 5-orbits and 5-orbits on X are in bijection with G-orbits on X χ X . This yields the equivalence between representations with highest weights and representations of complex reductive groups. In general the hypothesis in theorem 6.3.2. can be weakened. For a 5 (I A, -fQ-module M with K is reductive, if λ G t* is P-dominant and X+ρι G t* is regular with respect to the roots of K, then Γ(Χ, Μ) φ 0. This follows from the Borel-Weil theorem. In the following chapters, we will only consider coherent (T>, /Q-modules and finitely generated (g, Zf )-modules. So we add this hypothesis to the definitions. For any map / : V —» X between smooth algebraic varieties, we define the functor /* = */!* . This chapter was meant to be only a summary. For further details on 23-modules, the reader may consult [Borel et al.] and a forthcoming book by D. Milicic. 7.2 Exercise: The reader is urged to compute some simple examples which will make this theory more concrete. The first situation to master is the construction and classification of irreducible representations of compact Lie groups. Let G 0 b e a compact Lie group with complexification G . Let X be the full flag variety of G. Take K = G in theorem 7.1. Then the theory of (V\ , G)-modules on X reduces to the Borel-Weil-Bott theory of G-homogeneous sheaves of O-modules on X. Next, one can easily classify the irreducible (T>,K)-modules for S L 2 ( R ) , and compare the result with the classification of irreducible representations of SL2(R) in [Vogan, ch. 1], Here K = C*, and the flag variety X is the Riemann sphere P1(C). There are three orbits {0}, {oo} and C*, with respective stabilizers Κ, K, and {±1}. An example to not neglect, is the case of an abelian group: R*, Z/(l), or C* ; one can also take the product of several copies of these groups. Then we have G = C* in the first two cases, and G = C* x C* in the third one. K is equal to {±1}, G, or diagC* respectively, and the flag variety is a point in all three cases.




Building on this experience, one can classify the irreducible representations of . Here and the full flag variety is on which K has two orbits corresponding to the Bruhat cells. One further easy example is to look at , and X is the partial flag v a r i e t y I asssociated to a maximal parabolic subgroup. Then K has two orbits: imbedded as a quadric, cind its complement. To classify the irreducible representations of , we consider the same situation, except that X is now the full flag variety. Then K has four orbits: imbedded as a quadric, two orbits of dimension two isomorphic to a fibre product of P^ and the affine line they both contain Y in their closures, and one orbit of dimension three which is the complement of the first three. Finally, a more challenging example is to work out the representation of ay the theory of X>-modules. Here , and X is the variety of complete flags in Using elementary enumerative geometry, one checks that K has closed orbits - which are full flag varieties for K, hence have dimension , n orbits of dimension one more - each containing two closed orbits in its closure, orbits of dimension on more - each containing the closure of two previous orbits, and so on until we reach the unique open orbit. Thus the diagram of the closure relations of orbits is a binary tree of depth


Spherical D-modules

II. 1

K-orbits in a flag space.

Let G be a complex connected reductive linear algebraic group. Let B be the variety of Borel subgroups of G, and V the variety of subgroups of G conjugate to a fixed parabolic subgroup P. By analogy with the case , we will also refer to B as the variety of complete flags, or the full flag variety, and V will be called a partial flag variety. Let K be an algebraic subgroup of G; it acts on B and V. Recall that K is called admissible if the number of if-orbits in B is finite. In this case, there is a Zariski open if-orbit which is automatically unique and dense. Conversely: 1.1 Lemma: [Brion] If an algebraic subgroup of G acts on the full flag variety B with an open orbit, then it has only a finite number of orbits. This property is unfortunately false for partial flag spaces as shown in example 1.3 below. Two subgroups K and J5 of G are said to be transversal if k + b = g . The existence of an open /if-orbit on B is equivalent to the existence of a Borel subgroup B transversal to K . We have a G-equivariant fibration which assigns to a Borel subgroup B the parabolic subgroup containing B. Therefore thefinitenessof the number of Korbits in B implies thisfinitenessin V. The fiber of tt over P is the variety of Borel subgroups of P. Note that if Y is the closure of one /T-orbit in V, then is a closed if-stable subset of B with the same number of components as Y hence, it is the closure of one if-orbit in B. Let be an involution of G and put . Then any Iwasawa decomposition of g with respect to k shows that K acts with finitely many orbits on B. 1.2 Lemma: The orbits of K are affinely imbedded in B. Proof: Consider the map . The diagonal action of G on 5 X B decomposes this variety into ,, orbits of G where W is the Weyl group of G. To ru W corresponds the G-orbit where B is any Borel subgroup of G. Claim 1: The G-orbits

is affinely imbedded

Indeed, let us consider the projections pi and 29




. . each



factor. For simplicity we fix a Borel subgroup B of G. The B-orbits in B are called the Bruhat cells: they are indexed by Wand we denote by Bw the B-orbit of wB. Bw is isomorphic to an affine space of dimension l(w). Let W o be the longest element of Wand BO the corresponding cell. Then BO is open in B. Consider the open subset V = Pll(BO)npil(BO) c B XB; it is isomorphic to A2t{wo). Since B = U wEo, the subsets VW1 ,Wl = Pl 1 (w 1 Bo)np2 1 (w 2 BO), wEW

for Wl, W2 E W, form an open cover of B X B by affine spaces. It suffices to check that Ow n VW1,Wl is affine for all Wl, Wl, W2 E W. Consider the map Pl : Ow n pll(BO) --t BO ~ Al{wo ). It is surjective since Ow = G· (B, wB) and the fiber over woB E B is {(woB,wobwB) I bE B} ~ Bw ~ Al(w). Since it is B equivariant, it is a fibration over an affine space with affine fibers. Restricting BO to a smaller open subset U of B, if necessary, we see that Ow n Pll(U) is affine. Now the complement of BO in B is the set of orbits of non-maximal dimension; it is a connected hypersurface H of B. Hence Ow n Pll(U) n P21(BO) is the subset of B x B obtain from Ow n Pll(U) by removing the points of B X H. But Ow n pl1(U) n (B X H) is a connected hypersurface in Ow n Pll(U). Hence Ow n Pll(U) n pll(BO) is still affine. A similar argument applies to the other open sets VW1 ,W2. We continue the proof of the lemma. Every K -orbit in B is mapped by h into a single G-orbit. Consider one Gorbit Yin B x B, h- 1 Y is a K-stable subset of B, which may be disconnected. Claim 2: The K-orbits in h-1y are all open subsets of h-1y.

y tj h


This is a Cartesian square and j is an affine morphism by Claim 1. Since base change preserves affinity, i is also an affine morphism. Claim 2 says that a K-orbit in h-1y is a union of connected components of h-1y. Hence it is affinely embedded in B. To prove Claim 2, consider two points Band B' in h-1 Y which are close to each other, so that we may write B' = exp x B for some x E g. Then h(B') = (expxB,O(expx . B)) and h(B) = (B,OB). Since h(B) and h(B) belong to the same G orbit Y, for Band B' close enough, there exists y E g

II. 1 K-orbits in a Sag space. such that is its own normalizer, hence Since x and y are small, . Hence and this implies

31 But a Borel subgroup and and Therefore

Obviously . Thus B' is in the same JT-orbit as B. This proves the claim and finishes the proof of the Lemma 1.2. • Now let us consider K-orbits on a general flag space V. The finiteness of the number of orbits in V is ensured by the fact that K acts with finitely many orbits on B, and the fibration B -* T is G-equivariant. But these iT-orbits need no longer be affinely embedded. 1.3 Example:

so that

. Then K has

three orbits on V:the point 0 corresponding to the line in , the projective line consisting of the lines in C^ contained in , and the complement C of these two closed orbits. is not an affine variety. Note that P has two orbits on The latter is again not affine. Let us also give a counter-example to lemma 1.1 for partial flag spaces. Consider the subgroup .

of G. The orbit of the point [1,0,0]

is open in V since N acts as the translation action of A^ on the 'finite' part of ^ ^, But the action of N on the projective line at infinity H is trivial. Thus N has one open orbit and infinitely many closed orbits in V. However, this example does contradict lemma 1.1, because in the full flag space B of G, the group N does not have any open orbit; indeed, dimA'^ = 2 while dim;^ = 3.




If we analyze the proof of Lemma 1.2 we first have to replace B x B hy where denotes the set of parabolic subgroups of G conjugate to Note that although there always exist stable Borel subgroups, need not beconjugate to P. (Take for example and K = ). The G orbits on are parametrized by W/WL where L is the Levi factor of P and so are the 5-orbits on V. )

The B-orbits on V are affine spaces. Let be the big cell and . Then ° is a fibration but the fiber over WOP is isomorphic to P i.e. a P-orbit on The trouble is that the P orbits on V or need not be affinely embedded, cf. example above. The second part of the proof of Lemma 1.2 extends easily to the general case. The fact that a if-orbit Y is affinely embedded means essentially that the boundary of Y has codimension 1 in . However, a closed subset of an algebraic variety is always affinely imbedded. Hence the closed If-orbits in V are affinely imbedded and smooth. These are the orbits with which we shall be concerned in the sequel. The X-orbit of a Borel subgroup B is closed if and only if B is ^-stable, [Matsuki, Springer]. Similarly: 1.4 Lemma: The . Proof: Let If Y is closed then is the closure of one if-orbit. Hence contains a closed if-orbit say K-Bin B. By Matsuki-Springer's characterization, B is stable and since there is a if-conjugate of P which contains B. Hence P contains a 6 stable Borel subgroup. Conversely, if P contains a 0-stable Borel subgroup B, then Y = [K • B). Again by Matsuki-Springer, if • B is closed, hence compact. Therefore Y is compact. • Note that if if • P is closed, then if P is parabolic in if and if • P is isomorphic to the flag space of if of type P if. The map h-B^BxB. B*-* {B, B) can easily be related to Springer's parametrization of if-orbits on B . Choose a -stable Borel subgroup B and a -stable cartan subgroup T in B. Let A = . i f acts on the left of A and T on the right. Put


(V, K)-modules with a K-fxixed vector


I.5 Proposition:(Springer) On the other hand, into G-orbits, it induces a map consists of twisted involutions, i.e. elements w


. Since h maps K-orbits . The image of W such that

(X>,ir)-modules with a K-&xed vector

Let be an Iwasawa decomposition of g with respect to , It is not unique but all choices are conjugate hy K. At the group level KAN is only an open dense subset of G. Let and P = LN; this is a Levi decomposition of the parabolic subgroup P . The G-conjugacy class of P is uniquely determined by , and we say that P is associated to K. The corresponding flag variety X = "P is also called associated to K and K • P is the open K orbit in X . Note that if denotes a real form of G whose Cartan involution is and if a is chosen to be defined over R, then P is the complexification of a minimal parabolic subgroup of An (g, i-MODULES

functors. The notation is as follows: if A is an algebra or a group, A-mod denotes the category of yl-modules. Let R{H) be the ring of regular functions on H. For simplicity, assume is a representation of B.


Note: If H is disconnected, TM is the module induced from Bfrom the largest B • H° finite submodule of M, similarly for L.

io H

Moreover, all of these categories are endowed with a contragredient functor ; for example if M (g, Jif)-mod, then M = if-finite dual of M. The classification goes a.s follows with adjoint functors facing each other: inductive functors

duality relations

projective functors


11.4 Going from {T>, K) modules to (V, H) modules r LFv F







Now put d = dimh/n. Let us denote by L* the i-left derived functor of L and by the right derived functor of F . To be rigorous L is defined for negative indices and is defined for positive indices. 4.1 Proposition: The proof is at the end of this section. When working with l?-modules we should use inductive functors, because they will commute with the operation of taking the fiber of a sheaf. If K is not a subgroup of H, we can still define Let us describe more precisely what is L in our situation. K, H and G are complex reductive groups. For M [g,if)-mod, considered as an (h,F)-module is simply . Now to put a structure of (g, H)-modn\e on LM, observe that a(g, H) module M is simply an (h, /f)-module together with an H-map I . By definition for any (g, if)-module V we want L{FV M) = LM. So we get a map as desired. It is possible to explicit the (g, H)-modnle structure of LM . Let . be the space of .H"-aIgebraic hyperfunctions on G supported on H. In other words consider the inclusion of complex algebraic groups and put I where is the direct image in the sense of P-modules on H and G, a n d i s a local cohomology group. Then for a (g, ii')-module M :

Note to define F one can put and use the same trick as above. We are going to construct a functor from (V, K) modules on X to [V, H) modules on X . As before we first use a forgetful functor from {T>, K)mod to i-mod. Then consider the diagram



where p is the projection on the second factor and q is the quotient map given by the diagonal action of H n K on the right of H and on X , and a is the action morphism of H on X . 4.2 Lemma: Let Y be a smooth variety on which the group B acts freely. Put q : Y - t Y/ B. Then qO : Vy/B-mod ---+ ('Dy, B)-mod is an equivalence of categories. Recall that qO is the inverse image in the category of V-modules. The inverse functor q+ consists in taking the B-invariant elements in the direct image: for a Vy-module F, q+F = (qoF)B, where qo is the direct image in the category of sheaves of V-modules. 4.3 Definition: Let M be a (V, K) module on X. Set £~M := a.q+pro FffnH(M) £~M is a well-defined (V, H)-module for V has a G-action. q+ enters the formula because we want an H-action on £~M which is as compatible as possible with the K-action on M. We will only need the case where H / K n H is an affine variety, then a. is well-defined without recourse to derived categories.

4.4 Theorem: £~


b.>. = b.>. 0 L~ for). dominant in tp.

The proof of this result is explained below. Proof of Proposition 4.1: L-i ~ r a- i ® J\d(k/b). Let M be a (g,B)module and V a (g,K)-module. We have to relate HOIIl(g,K)(V, r M) and HOm(g,K)(V, LM) . A (g, K) module V is just a K-module with a map g® V - t V compatible with the representations of K on both sides. rand L commute with tensoring by the finite dimensional representation g of K. So it suffices to relate the spaces and where E is now a finite dimensional representation of K. Moreover HomK(E,rM) = HomK(l,E· ® rM) and HomK(E,LM) = HomK(l,E· ® LM). Again, because r and L commute with tensoring by algebraic representations of K , it suffices to relate the spaces. and

HomK(l, LM) .



Going from {V, K) modules to (V, ff) modules

Now and the right derivatives of this module are the spaces On the other hand, M and the left derivatives of this module are the spaces Let I be the ideal generated by b in the exterior algebra and put . Cohomology is computed using the standaxd complex with the usual differential, which gives an acyclic (k, B) resolution of the trivial module 1. Then the homology group of the complex is . Homology is computed using the same standard complex. The homology group of the complex M is Let be the orthogonal of b in Then

The too degree of is d dim(k/b). Moreover as (k,5) modules: Now we have an identification of (k, 5 ) modules

because is dual to and we can view of linear maps from Thus we obtain Poincare duality

as the space

The left-hand side is i~*HomjK-(l, i M ) while the right-hand side is This proves the assertion. • Proof of Theorem 4.4: be a module on the flag variety X . Since to prove that:

dominant. Let M is dominant, it sufBces

Let us consider bas and (O, /r)-module first: ) where R{H) denotes the ring of regular functions on H. Also




Finally, So at the level of if-modules the functor commutes with r(-X', •). Now we examine the g-action using the functorial properties of L. Built in the definition of L, there is a projection formula

for any (g, H) module V and (g, K H) module M. A (g, H) module M is just an (h, H) module together with a The projection formula gives a map g Thus is a (g, H) module, when M is a (g, K) module. comes naturally equipped with a module structure. But we can view it in the same functorial way as above, because the tdo has a G-action. If V is a module on X and jVf is a module on X , we have the projection formula:

In particular if we take 1 = O and if obtain a map

is a m o d u l e

which give the same structure of -module on the direct definition of The forgetful functor F obviously commutes with it is easy to see that the following diagram commutes:

This proves that L commutes with . By adjointness, thesame is true for L and module M and any -module M, we have

on X , we

as the one given by . By parallelism,

Indeed for any (g, K)-

lI5 H -spherical (V, K)-modules.


45 =

HOIIl(1)>. ,KnH)(.6..\(M), F N) HOIIl(1)A,KnH)(.6..\(M), F N)




H-spherical (1), K)-modules.

We continue with the complex connected reductive linear algebraic group G. Suppose (j and 0 are two commuting involutions of G with respective to fixed point sets Hand K. Let P be a parabolic subgroup of G associated with H by an Iwasawa decomposition, and let X be the flag space of type P. The subgroup P is the complexification of the subgroup denoted pr in §3. Put XO = H . P; it is the unique open H-orbit in X. Let V.\ be a sheaf of twisted differential operators on X,). E and consider a (V.\, K)module M. Recall the functor L from the previous section; we will only use e~ = L~nH 0 FJfnH. Since H / K n H is an affine variety, the action morphism a: H XKnH X --t X is affine. If e~M would be located in several degrees, we would consider only its zero component. Because of Theorems 1.6.3 and II.4.4, we will assume in this section that). E is dominant.



5.1 Definition: Mis H-spherical ifr(X,e~M)H



Since H acts semisimplyon r(X, e~M), it is equivalent to say that M is H-spherical if HomH(r(X, e~M), C) i O. But eN- commutes with r(X, .), so this is still equivalent to:

HomH(L~r(X, M), C) = HOIIl(h,KnH)(r(X, M), C)



Thus our definition of H spherical module is compatible with the natural one for (g, K)-modules. For a point x in X , and a subgroup R of G, we denote by Rx the isotropy group of x in R; Rx = R n Px ' Recall that M is a (V.\, K)-module.

5.2 Definition: We say that M has trivial H -isotropy if for every point x E supp M I we have ). - Pp == 0 on hx and Kx n H acts trivially on the fiber i'M of M at x I where j : x --t X is the natural inclusion. Let ax point x.

= tp.. /hx n t p...

Then if M has trivial H-isotropy, ). E a; at the




5.3 Theorem: Suppose that , is B-dominant and regular. Let M be a standard or simple -module on X corresponding to the data M is H-spherical if and only if Y and M has trivial H-isotropy. Proof: As for modules, one can easily see that the open i/-orbit is the only iJ-orbit which may give rise to a standard {V, iJ)-module containing the trivial representation of H . By /T-equivariance dim Hom any point in the open if-orbit is simply the fiber of at . It is non-zero if and only if € supp. • suppA^ = H Y. But is equivalent to because X° is open. When this condition is satisfied, there may exists a non-trivial map C if and only if H^ acts trivially o n B y the definition of this is equivalent to r being trivial on ). • Note that in g e n e r a l L e t us examine the simplest example. 5.4 Example:


with homogeneous coordinates . K has three orbits: and the complement Yo. H has also three and the complement . Take

Take and , i.e. M. corresponds to the principal series representation of 5L2(R-) containing the trivial representation as a submodule, and every even if-type appears once. Then it is easy to compute that . But, and . So does not commute with . On the other hand if is not integral, then contains only two /f-invariant vectors. This agrees with the fact that for all

where is a principal series -module. The main result of this section is Theorem 5.5 below which gives a cohomological formula to compute the dimension of the trivial -isotopic component in the fibers of . This dimension can be intepreted as




a local multiplicity; the global multiplicity being dim Consider the diagram:

where so that with and All K H act freely on by: and is the quotient variety. M acts also on " " " Obviously these two actions commute. M acts in the same way on E. We start with the -module and view it as a -module. The restriction of gives rise to a if I i7-equivariant local system of rank one that we denote by . We will consider the Cech cohomology of this locally constant sheaf. 5.5 Theorem:

where Proof: All the Hom's have to be understood in derived categories. We write for d i m X , etc. Combining base change and adjointness we find:




is an equivalence between the category of -modules on and the category of -modules on ; its inverse obviously have . So we obtain:

Applying base change and adjointness again, we find;

Using the equalities: we obtain:

Using base change again and adjointness again, one gets:

Now C has an action of M, hence fact that p3 is a smooth morphism we see that

Let us recall that there is a shift by from the definition of . Moreover one side we find:

. Applying p3! and the . It follows:

on the right-hand term coming . Putting all the shifts on

115 H-spherical ('P,K)-modules.


Finally , and using the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence the above space consists precisely of the K /T-invariant elements in:

a n d i s the local system on which where corresponds to the I>-module C The dimension of this cohomology space depends on the monodromy Note that by an easy homotopy argument, only the action of the group of connected components of if H matters. Note also that KHH is transitive on the connected components of . . , at least if where is the real flag variety of the real form of G, cf. [Matsuki, p. 332]. 5.6 Examples: Consider again as in 5.4. If we take X, then E consists of two points which are oermuted by il Thus Hom^f is trivial c and otherwise.On the other hand, if we take io the open if-orbit and is isomorphic to . Themonodromy then given by A acts around the point and K H are both and they act trivially. Hence if and is 0 otherwise. Since the Euler characteristic is insensitive to the monodromy we see that and equals otherwise. This is the multiplicity of the trivial H-type in Note that if if G (compact symmetric space case), or if H (Riemannian symmetric space case), then the shift s in theorem 5.5 is 0. Moreover in both cases, the only choice for is itself. From this follows easily that the cohomology space in question is at most one dimensional. In other words the corresponding symmetric spaces are multiplicity free in their whole spectrum, compare with theorem 3 of the introduction. Another interesting example is for the symmetric space . Then X is the full flag variety of as only one closed orbit, cf. 1.7.2. Its intersection with the open orbit of is isomorphic to on which if H is transitive. The shift s equals 1, and so does the dimension of the cohomology group when the weight A is chosen to give rise to an ^-spherical module. Finally, an important example is the group manifold jdiag for a reductive Lie group G^. Suppose, we are interested in




the representation which occur on the real form containing a maximal compact subgroup . Then we taJie , and X is the product of the full flag variety of with itself. is the open Bruhat cell, seen as a Gi-orbit on X. A if-orbit Y is the product of two . -orbits in Given a closed if-orbitY supporting an irreducible -module M with dominant in , let be the corresponding representation of . Then formula 5.5 must reduce to the multiplicity one of considered as a submodule representation of This multiplicity one is also implied by the Plancherel formula of 5.7 Remark on the component group of H if. Sometimes, one wants to work with the symmetric space where is the connected component of the real group The space of functions on is the regular representation of the group of connected components Since G is connected, this is an abelian 2-group, so in particular all multiplicities in this sum are equal to one. bo the space is naturally divided into the various subspaces where e runsthrough the dual group _ We say that a representation V of is -spherical if Hom This notion can be also studied algebraically thanks to the following facts,. Let G be a reductive complex linear algebraic group defined over R, possibly disconnected. The datum of a real form Go of G is equivalent to the datum of a semi-involution c of G, i.e. a conjugate linear involution. Thanks to the existence and uniqueness - up to conjugation - of a compact real form for G, E. Cartan knew that the conjugacy classes of involutions of G are in bijection with the conjugacy classes of semi-involutions of G, cf. [Bienl]. The bijection goes as follows: any involution a stabilizes a compact real form , and therefore it . determined by the character ). - PP' as is done in the complex case, cf. 1.4; here Ar is the sheaf of real analytic functions on xr. In this way one can develop a theory of real 'D-modules; in particular the shift used in the definition of i' is [dimXr - dimR(X)] = [-n] Let f : Y --t X be a map between two topological manifolds; set rd f = dim Y - dim X: the relative dimension of f. We shall denote by wYIX = Wy / f-twx the orientation sheaf of Y relatively to X. This is the sheaf of sections of the line bundle on Y whose transition functions are given by the sign of the Jacobian determinant for the transition functions of the vector bundle Ker(df : TY --t TX) if f is a submersion, and Nx(Y) = the normal bundle of Y in X if f is an immersion. For a general map, use the factorization into a cofibration followed by a fibration. Recall that the functors inverse image, l' inverse image with proper support are defined between the derived categories of complexes of C-sheaves on X and Y, having constructible cohomology. The next result can be seen as a generalization of the Thorn isomorphism.


6.3 Property: There is a canonical morphism of functors:

which is an isomorphism when f is smooth.

Proof: We will only need this property for closed imbeddings. To do a little better, we prove it for smooth maps and closed imbeddings. The gen-




eral case follows by showing that the above morphism is independent of the factorization of / . Let 5 be a C-sheaf on X and assume / is smooth. Then f behaves locally like the projection of a vector bundle . The Thom ismorphism

is given by integration along the fibers, and its inverse is the multiplication with the Thom class of E, cf. [Bott and Tu p. 88]. The suffice cv denotes cohomology with compact support in the vertical directions. In the derived category we have:

and there is a unique isomorphism such that is the identity on If / is a closed imbedding, then S is quasi-isomorphic to the cohomology of S restricted to Y, while is quasi-isomorphic to the local cohomology of S along Y. Let us first take S C . Then This is seen by working in a slice of X transversal to Y and by using the fact that, for a point y X ,

where bundle

is a small ball around y . The Thom isomorphism for the vector yields

Since tensorization by

is clearly involutive, we get:

Now for an arbitrary sheaf S , we use Godement's resolution of C by . Since we work over a field, fiasque sheaves: the Qi are even injective. is a fiasque resolution of S . Let Fy be the functorof local sections with support in Y , then there is a natural map: The complex is quasi-isomorphic to , so we get a natural map.


II.6 "D-modules and hyperfunctions. Using the result established for C , we obtain the desired morphism.

• 6.4 Proposition: Let he two maps between topological manifolds. Let S be a complex of C-sheaves an X having constructihle cohomology. Then the above morphism yields a canonical map of sheaves:

Proof: By adjointness we have a map Apply to get On the other hand, the previous property gives as a map By composition we get an element of Using adjointness of and we obtain the desired map. • The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence translates these results into identical statements for "P-modules and hyperfunctions on X . Now we return to our homogeneous situation. Let a be an involution of G with fixed point set H, and let G^ be a real form of G which admits cr as a Cartan involution. Let K be another subgroup of G defined by an involution commuting with . Let and . Thus is a compact Lie group acting transitively on the real flag space 6.5 Definition: Let extension of , and

be the normalizer in K of if is compact.


is a finite

The group acts on . Given a if-orbit Y in X, we intersect it with the real subvariety to obtain ; this is a union of orbits. Conversely, given a orbit in (or even a -orbit), the action of the complex group K on it gives rise to a single if-orbit Y. 6.6 Example: Take . We have and . In homogeneous coordinates, acts on X (resp. ) by for C (resp. R). Therefore if has three orbits: the points [1,0], [0,1], and their complement Co . Similarly has three orbits: the points [1,0], [0,1], and their complement which is disconnected. Observe that splits into two orbits for the action of




Since the inclusion is -equivariant, the group acts on B. Consider the subsheaf BK'" on which acts algebraically, i.e. the local sections of B which transforms under i f ' according to the restriction of an algebraic representation of K. It is proved in [Kcishiwara 2] that the sections of such a sheaf BK" are automatically distributions. We can twist the sheaf B in the same way as we twist A. Let be integral for simplicity. Put subsheaf of whose global sections are -algebraic. Let F be a if-orbit in X such that , and the inclusion : F —> X is afEne, ( recall that this latter condition is automatic if Y is closed). Let be integral, and consider the standard

6.7 Theorem: There is natural morphism: spects the action of , and is injective ifY is closed.

which re-

Proof: This follows from 6.3 and 6.4. Indeedthe global sections of are if-algebraic, hence they are mapped to algebraic elements. . Note that with the shift, both modules live in degree zero. If Y is closed, then . i s irreducible over . But by if-equivariance the elements of , are determined by their restriction to Yr. Hence this map must be injective. • In fact, if Y is closed, it follows from [Matsuki]'s classification of orbits that y^ is a single closed orbit, see lemma 7.3. Hence the image of the -module consists precisely of the hyperfunctions in which are supported in . Using this result, we can refine the classification of if-spherical representations. Assume A G t* is dominant integral. 6.8 Theorem: Let he a -module with Y a closed Korbit such that Suppose is trivial on I and is B-dominant regular. Then M is H-spherical. Proof: Thanks to theorem 6.7, there is a non-trivial map ,

. . , ,

. Moreover is the unique irreducible subquotient of whose restriction to Y is non-zero. Hence by the fiabbiness of B, is a submodule of Now using Helgason's and Flensted-Jensen's isomorphisms, the (g, ii')-module M corresponding to appears as a submodule of . Thus 0, or equivalently


Closed orbits and discrete series.



O. This implies:

HomH(l,Lf(Af))= Horn( Ο > Η ) (0,£%Μ) φ 0. • We shall see in IV.6 that in general there may be injective morphisms different than the 'diagonal' f : i\Ογ(Χ) —> BKti(X) introduced here. They are obtained by composing / with the projection of #κ>/(λ) onto one of its direct summands.


Closed orbits and discrete series.

When K 0 is a maximal compact subgroup of G 0 , the closed if-orbits on the full flag variety of G support part of the fundamental series of representations in C00(G0), i.e. the series of representations associated to the most compact Cartan subgroups. When rank G = rank K, this fundamental series is equal to the part supported by the closed K-orbits, and it fills in the eigenspaces of the discrete spectrum of Z: the center of the enveloping algebra, acting on L2(G0); hence its is called the discrete series of G0. Flensted-Jensen, Oshima and Matsuki have shown that similar statements hold for symmetric spaces when one consider real flag varieties and this result can be translated to complex flag varieties where one should consider only some particular closed if-orbits, see [Oshima], In this section we want to recover Oshima-Matsuki's theorem from our formalism in order to explain the choice of these particular if-orbits. We will also prove that the discrete series of a symmetric space has generically multiplicity one. As before take G with two involutions σ an θ whose fixed point sets are H and K. Let A be a maximally σ-split torus in G, i.e. a torus on which σ a c t s b y — i d a n d w h i c h i s m a x i m a l f o r t h i s p r o p e r t y . L e t L = C e n t( A ; G ) , then L = MA where M = Cent(A; H). A may be much smaller than the center C of L, but the adjoint action of A on g yields a genuine root system R(a) while in general R(c) is not a root system. Take a set of positive roots R+(a) and let N be the nilpotent subgroup of G whose Lie algebra is spanned by the root spaces corresponding to i2+(a). Then P = LN is a parabolic subgroup of G and the flag variety X of parabolic subgroups of G conjugate to P is said to be associated to H by the Iwasawa decomposition.




7.1 Definition: We say that we are in the equal rank case if rank , i.e. if we can choose A K. Let be a real form of G such that is compact and put . For be the space of finite functions on which are square integrable, and eigenfunctions of I forthe eigencharacter . By elliptic regularity applied to the space , these functions are automatically real analytic on Go, and hence on . We want to describe this space of functions as a Harish-Chandra module. Let us first recall a result due to [Flensted-Jensen], [Oshima and Matsuki]. 7.2 Theorem: rank

for some

if and only if rank

is singular,

Therefore we will focus on the equal rank case. Let us denote by x the point of X corresponding to P. The open if-orbit in X is H • x and Af F n P is the stabilizer oi x in H. Since A K, , V K • x is a closed if-orbit in X , and . Choose representatives Wi,... ,Wm for the cosets in . Then all the closed if-orbits in X whose intersection with X° is not empty are of the form as ,m. Now we present a geometric lemma which shows the consistence of this approach with the one taken in §6; the proof of the first part was kindly communicated to me by T. Matsuki. Let X be any flag variety for G having a real form .corresponding to the real group G^ whose maximal compact subgroup is . Note that is a homogeneous space for . . As before let denote the open if-orbit in X. 7.3 Lemma: Suppose rank . If Y is a closed K-orbit in X,then Y if and only if Y . Futhermore in this case is a single K^-orbit. Proof: The implication in one direction (namely the reverse one) is clear, because is a complex neighborhood of , hence if a closed if-orbit does not intersect , it cannot intersect . To prove the direct assertion, we first observe that the preimage of Y in the full flag variety of G contains a closed orbit, so we may assume that X is the full fiag variety. Let 5 be a


11.7 Closed orbits and discrete series.

Borel subgroup of G belonging to which is the only closed orbit of in X = G/B. It is also usefulto identify the orbits of K (resp. H, in X with the double cosets , (resp. ; the closure relations of the double cosets is the same as the one of the orbits. Thus, we have • B and Consider the decompositions g = h+r = k+s of g in terms of eigenspaces of and respectively. By the rank hypothesis, we can find a maximal abelian semisimple subspace a of k r which is also maximal abelian in r; a is isomorphic to the Lie algebra of the maximal cr-split torus A. Choose a Cartan subalgebra of k containing a. Let R be a positive system of roots of in k which is compatible, implies . Since F is a closed double coset in , there is a unique positive system such that:

and that the Borel subgroup determined by and to B by an element x in the double coset Y. Since " is -compatible, we have:

is conjugate

is open in H, and therefore {K H)xB is open in Y. Thus , because is by hypothesis open in Y. On the other hand, we can find a cr-stable Cartan subalgebra j o f g containing , such that B\ is the Borel subgroup determined j and Using the fact that if-orbits and -orbits axe associated [Matsuki, p. 333], it follows that:

Thus we have proved that For the second part, we use the classification of closed orbits. By the rank hypothesis, A K. [Matsuki] 's parametrization of -orbits on shows that there are closed -orbits on , . We have found that there are also m closed if-orbit which intersect . Thus the assertion follows from the first part of the lemma. • Thanks to Theorem 5.3, we can describe all the iT-spherical standard -modules supported closed if-orbits in X . They must be supported




on some for

and have trivial if-isotropy. It sufBces to do the construction be the Cartan factor of p . Then and we have a canonical inclusion is a flag space for K, but sinceK may not be connected, so is the isotropy group of x in K. However contains the group A M of elements of order 2 in A . Let . Let _ be such that coincides with , Note that since A can be conjugate into K , this force to be an on integral weight in Let and set 7.4 Proposition: • . is an H-spherical is trivial on

-module if and only if

and T

• When j runs through 1 to m and T through all possibilities, these modules constitute all the irreducible H-spherical modules on X, supported on closed K-orbits. This is clear by Theorem 5.3 and the fact that . Put . Now we can formulate Oshima-Matsuki's result. 7.5 Theorem: In the equal rank case for there is an isomorphism of (g, K)-modules:

dominant and regular in

Proof: is integral in since it is a character of A and Tp surjects on A. Hence there is a line bundle C and X such that . Let be the sheaf of -algebraic hyperfunctions along with values in the line bundle , cf. section 6. Let and put Bk^i be the space of hyperfunctions in supported in By Theorem 6.8, there is a bijective morphism of -modules:

Since is dominant, the global section functor is exact and this bijective morphism carries over to global sections. By lemma 7.3, e a c h s e t i s a single -orbit, therefore we do not need to use , but only

11.7 Closed orbits and discrete series.


Again by the dominance of A, the Poisson transform is an isomorphism. Combined with Flensted-Jensen's isomorphism this gives an imbedding of (g, iir)-modules

where is the space of real analytic Xo-finite functions on with eigencharacter for D(G/if). Now the main result proved in [Oshima-Matsuki] is that a function in is square integrable if and only if it isthe image of a hyperfunction in supported on some closed orbit . Thus the image of the above imbedding is precisely 7.6 Corollary: Suppose that Hilbert space representation of the multiplicity ofV in

is B-dominant. Let V be an irreducible with infinitesimal character . Then is at most one.

Proof: We have to show that dim Homco Let us denote by the same letter V, the Harish-Chandra module of V . If imbeds into some by Theorem 7.5, where is P-dominant and i is the inclusion of a closed K-orbit Y into . is B-dominant, then the enveloping algebra U of g generates , cf. 1.5.6. Therefore is an irreducible module and for distinct orbits ys,they are inequivalent because the )-modules are inequivalent. Hence and occurs with multiplicity one in This corollary asserts that for almost all infinitesimal characters, in parare multicular the regular ones, the eigenspace representations tiplicity free. Coupled with the fact that when is B-dominant, two such eigenspaces have no equivalent subrepresentations of G, cf. IV.3, we obtain a multiplicity one decomposition of the discrete series of with sufficiently regular infinitesimal character. Even if A is P-dominant, it may happen when is small enough that is not B-dominant. One knows by coherent continuation that the discrete series modules which can also be described as some , cf. III.8.2 - are irreducible ( f , if)-modules or zero, as long as is P-dominant cf. [Vogan 1987]. By theorem 7.5, to prove multiplicity one, it suffices to prove that these modules are inequivalent for distinct orbits. In chapter IV, we will prove this




property in the remaining singular cases. To finish this section, we give a description of as if-module. 7.7 Proposition (Blattner Formula): For dominant and Y a closed K-orbit, there is an isomorphism of virtual K-modules:

where n is the nilpotent radical of some


Proof: There is a if-invariant gradation on given by the eigenspaces of the Euler operator radial to Y in X, and for which

is there because to define , one has to The shift by transform into the right P-module of top degree differential forms on Y, then apply and finally multiply back by . As a Ksheaf on y , To prove the identity 7.7 it suffice to apply the functor of global sections in the derived category to the above equality of graded modules and to compute the Euler characteristics. for because is P-dominant. So the left hand side is simply From the Borel-Weil-Bott theorem it follows that the representations of K which may occur in have an extremal weight of the form


is the dual of a Cartan subalgebra of k such that denote half the sum of the non-compact roots, resp. compact roots, and In particular if is if-dominant, then will be the smallest if-type of Given an integral weight , it defines a character , of , there is a (g, K) isomorphism


11.8 An algebraic Poisson transform. where is the inclusion of the closed if-orbit K, we have by Blattner's formula:

into X. Restricting to

Thus the set of possible X-types is where represents a coset in and w makes if-dominant. Since is not conjugate to p by K, those sets of if-types are different. Taking some large if-dominant if-types of highest weight which occurs in , we have: otherwise Since and are not if-conjugate, and are inequivalent. Hence if we knew thatthis was the only occurence of these if-types, the (g, if )modules and would be inequivalent. Recurrently, one could prove that all the constituents of will be inequivalent. Unfortunately Blattner's formula is only an equality of characters, and it may contain many cancellations. In general it is difficult to say if a possible if-type occurs or not in . Therefore to prove that has multiplicity one, we will resort to the more sophisticated techniques of chapters III and IV.


An algebraic Poisson transform.

The purpose of this section is to describe a functor which transforms modules on X into -modules on G/if where VQ/K is the sheaf of differential operators on G / i f . Since G / i f is an afSne variety, the global sections of VQ/K are generated by the regular functions on G / i f and by the enveloping algebra U of g. This functor is analogous to the Poisson transform in its effect on modules. Its definition could be formulated in terms of real flag varieties and real symmetric spaces, and the definitions are related by a restriction morphism, as in section 6. As for the real case, the inverse functor should be a kind of boundary value map using the socalled 'wonderful' compactification of G/if constructed by Oshima, and [De Concini - Procesi]; see [Springer] for an algebraic description of Oshima's compactification.


II SPHERICAL V-MODULES First we review the Poisson transform. For simplicity, we suppose that

Ho = Ko is a maximal compact subgroup of Go. Consider a real form Go of G, and a spherical principal series representation of Go induced from a minimal parabolic subgroup Po Ind~:()') := {f: Go - C

I f(gp)


e).-Pp(p)f(g)for 9 E Go,p E Po,J E COO(Go)

where). E a* and Ao is a maximal R-split torus of Po. Go acts on Ind~(>.) by left translation, denoted i. Let Ko be a maximal compact subgroup of Go. Then we can decompose Go = Ko . Ao . No and Po = Mo . Ao . No. This representation contains exactly one Ko-invariant vector, say v)., because by Frobenius reciprocity, we have:


can be explicitly written: v). :

Go = KoAoNo - C : k an


e).-Pp(a) .

There is a Go-invariant pairing between Ind~:(>.) and its contragredient Ind~( -).) given by integration over Ko.

(u, v)

= JKr u(k)v(k)dk for u E Ind~o(>.)

, vE


Ind~o( -).) . 0

Hence every vector v E Ind~( -).) defines a Go-equivariant map.

SI} : Ind~:(>.) _ COO( Go) SI}(u)(g)

= (l(g-l)u,v)

9 E Gou E Ind~:()').

Since v.\ is K-equivariant and equal to 1 in Ko, we obtain an intertwining operator S := SI}_>.

S: Ind~:()') - COO(Go/Ko) S(u)(g) = (l(g-l))u,v_.\) = IKu(gk)dk which is called the Poisson transform. A general property of intertwining operators - discovered by Langlands and MiliCic - implies that when ). is


11.8 An algebraic Poisson transform.

dominant and regular (recall that the roots of n are negative), has a unique irreducible submodule . In our spherical case, this is true also when is singular because the unitary spherical principal series is irreducible [Kostant], is the socle of and it consists of the functions which have the larger growth at infinity. Kostant also showed that Dually has a unique irreducible quotient can be viewed as a nonzero vector in . Moreover is cyclic for Ind in the sense that the span of is dense in Inc It follows that when is dominant, the Poisson transform S is injective. 8.1 Observation: A representation of may occur as a subquotient in although it has no ifo-invariant vector. For example, t a k e t h e subgroup of upper is the unit disc triangular matrices in D.

The G-module structure of is one irreducible submodule C = the constant functions and two irreducible quotients P2 and which are squareintegrable representations. For The image by 5 of a finite Fourier series p o l y tors, we have



In fact not only






is the harmonic a



For if-finite vec-

, but also for all i, since Note that the obvious if-invariant functional on , namely evalution at the origin, is zero on and In conclusion, we observe that the ifo-spherical irreducible representations of Go give only a small part of , but the Poisson transforms gives a whole eigenspace of the ring of differential operators on . This is the general situation as was proved by Helgason for if-finite vectors and by [Kashiwara, Kowata, Minemura, Okamoto, Oshima and Tanaka] for representations of . see also [Schlichtkrull].




8.2 Theorem: is a isomorphism when is dominant, with inverse a boundary value map j3. for which Oshima has constructed a compactification of appears as a piece of the boundary. We have dim dim , thus is the topological boundary of if and only if this latter symmetric space has rank one. We pass to complex algebraic groups G, K, A,P,M. In section 6, we saw how to go from (D, if)-modules on G/P to hyperfunctions on . Now we want to transform a {V,K) module on G/P into a (I?, if)-module on G/K. By analogy with the real situation, we should work with the diagram:

K is afSne but not proper: its fibers are isomorphic to the open if-orbit in G/P. Since we want to integrate along the fibers of , this may look annoying, but the advantage of an affine map is that the direct image functor is exact. Let Af be a -module, then is a -module on G/K with eigencharacter with respect to the image of Z in D((?/if): the algebra of G-invariant differential operators on G/K . 8.3 Definition: if and P .

is the algebraic Poisson transform of G associated to

[De Concini and Procesi] have studied a compactification of G / i f ' where i f ' is the normalizer of K in G, which exhibits G/P as a piece of the boundary. It can be constructed as follows. Consider a if-spherical irreducible representation F of G whose highest weight is regular in . The unique line in V fixed by if determines a point in the associated projective space. The closure of the G-orbit of this point in P(V^) is the desired compactification X of . It is a smooth projective variety on which G acts with a single open orbit: G / i f and a single closed orbit: G / P

An analog for "P-modules of the boundary value map is the nearby cycle functor whose monodromy invariant part is: where i and j are the canonical inclusions of G / P and G/if in X . It involves a choice of corresponding to the infinitesimal character . Since this compactification is


An algebraic Poisson transform.


constructed using only a maximally 0-split Cartan subgroup A, it is natural to focus on the case λ € a* . By Theorem 2.2, this is even necessary to deal with ϋΓ-spherical representations. Then for a dominant choice of λ , I would expect the nearby cycle functor to be the inverse of the algebraic Poisson transform κ,π ! . G 0 /K 0 is a real analytic submanifold of GjK. We can restrict κ,7ΓM to G0/K0. For ϋΓ-spherical modules, we obtain a subsheaf of the sheaf of real analytic if-fmite functions on G 0 / K 0 which are eigenfunctions of O ( G / K ) , so that this algebraic Poisson transform and the real Poisson transform co­ incide. An application of these considerations would be to define maximal globalizations of (V, if)-modules as W. Schmid does it for Harish-Chandra modules. Finally, let us observe that if H is different than K, the same consider­ ations allow us to transport (V,i£")-modules on G/P to (V, K) modules on G/H. This is useful because G/H may be the complexification of an indef­ inite symmetric space, and the real Poisson transform can only be defined by meromorphic continuation when H0 is not compact. Since the fibers of G/Mf[ —> G/H are isomorphic to the open //-orbit X0 in G/P, this explains in another way the condition in theorem 5.3 on the support of an //-spherical (V, A")-module.


Microlocalization and Irreducibility

Consider a flag space X , a sheaf of twisted differential operators on X and an irreducible module A^. Suppose is dominant, then we will show that M = r ( X , At) is an irreducible module over , , or it vanishes. However, U = U{g) may not generate all of and hence M could be reducible as a C-module. In this chapter, we obtain a criterion for the irreducibility of M as a f/-module (Theorem 7.2). Its proof requires a microlocalization technique which is of independent interest and is explained at the beginning of the chapter. This result is the key ingredient in the proof of the irreducibility of the discrete series modules for symmetric spaces. It is proved for certain closed orbits in [Vogan, 1987] using coherent translation of characters.


Microlocal Differential Operators

Given a smooth complex algebraic variety X, one defines on the cotangent bundle the sheaf of microdifferential operators, see [Kashiwara], or [Schapira]. The sheaf is in some sense the localization of , just as the sheaf of holomorphic functions is a localization of the sheaf of polynomials. More precisely, a microdifferential operator is invertible wherever its principal symbol does not vanish, [Schapira,]. The sheaf is a coherent, noetherian sheaf of rings which has a Zariskian filtration, then where n

where is the projective cotangent bundle of X, and is the image of p in Let mod denote the category of sheaves of -modules on which are quasi-coherent over The coherent -modules form an abelian category. Let be the projection ; then is flat over . Therefore the microlocalization functor mic is exact:


III.2 Microlocalization of a non-commutative ring.


Moreover the functor mic preserves coherency and its image is thesubcategory of -modules which are coherent on all of . Since its inverse functor on this subcategory is simply the restriction to the zero section. The support of an -module Ai is also called its characteristic variety and is denoted by char If micN, char is simply the characteristic variety of N in the sense of I>-modules. The variety char is a closed analytic subset of , stable for the dilation action of on , hence the adjective conical. Moreover itis involutive for the natural symplectic structure on , i.e. (char char At. One can also define the characteristic cycle of M , denoted [char A^], see [Schapira, p.79]. An -module M is called holonomic if it is coherent over and char M is a lagrangean subvariety of , i.e. (char char At. The subcategory of holonomic -mod is denoted by -modh. There is a natural duality on -modh which exchanges left and right -modules:

The property characterizes the holonomic -modules among all coherent ones. The sheaf Sx operates on the sheaf of micro-functions on X. One can also define similar sheaves , for a real manifold M. Then is a sheaf on whose corresponding presheaf associates to an open set the quotient of BM{M) by the space of hyperfunctions on M which are micro-analytic at every point of M, [Kashiwara, p. 14]. As an example, take then contains the element defined away from the zero secton of and . The differential operators of infinite positive order do not belong to .


Microlocalization of a non-commutative ring.

Let be a filtered unitary ring such that A_i = 0 - and which is complete with respect to the topology induced by this increasing filtration. Suppose that grA is a commutative noetherian ring. Then 0 . Gabber has defined the localization of A with respect to a multiplicatively closed subset We follow the presentation of [Ginsburg], Consider the category of homomorphisms / : A B such that a



(i) B is a complete Z-filtered unitary ring. (ii) / preserves the filtration. (iii) the elements of

(5) are invertible in grB.

There is a universal object is A in this category; i.e. for any morphism f : A B in this category, there is a commutative diagram.

In particular, is a complete and separate Z-filtered ring. The map is A is strongly compatible with the filtrations and

If , then . The map A is called the principal symbol map. We have defined .As to have the following property: if the principal symbol of a A belongs to S, then is invertible in As. Finally, As is a flat A-module. 2.1 Remark: For any conic open subset V Spec gr A, let be the multiplicative set of elements of gr A invertible on V, i.e. which do not vanish at any point of V. Then V is a presheaf defined on the conic open subsets of Spec grA. We denote the corresponding sheaf by ' ", and call it the formal microlocalization of A. This terminology agrees with § 1 in the sense that consists of the elements in mic which satisfy a certain convergence property. Also if Af is a coherent noetherian A-module, then the sheaf associated to is a coherent sheaf of mic A-modules denoted mic M and is called the formal microlocalization of M. The functor

is exact. The support of mic M is the characteristic variety of M. 2.2. Construction As: Let i be a transcendental over A. Consider the graded ring FA where is the Z-filtration on A. It is a

Ill 3 Microlocalization of Vx


subring of . When the ground field is C, FA should be regarded as a bundle of rings over whose fiber at is FA and which specializes to gr when If & A is a locally ad-nilpotent element, i.e. for every a A, there is an n N such that then the localization of A with where respect to the multiplicative set is well-defined. For example, the localization of the ring FA at t is isomorphic to Now consider the multiplicatively closed subset 5 of grA we had at the beginning. Let FS FA be the set of homogenous elements in for some such that their images in grA belong to S. Set and . Using the commutativity of grA, it is easy to check that every is ad-nilpotent, (in fact . T h i s guarantees the existence of the noncommutative localization The projective system

combined with the universal property of localization gives rise to the projective system.


. This ring is the localized version of FA. The equality suggests the definition.

This presentation of As is not practical for applications, but the important things to remember are the properties of As-


Microlocalization of

We shall need twisted sheaves of formal micro-differential operators in the same way as is a twisted version of . Let X be the complex flag space of type P of the group G and let be as in chapter I. Set We have defined the twisted sheaf of differential operators on X , cf.



1.4.3. The sheaf Vx has a natural filtration by degree, and there is a symbol isomorphism . Applying we get an injection a : which maps gr onto the sheaf of germs of regular functions on which are polynominal in the fiber variables. Fix an afSne open subset U in X, then can be identified with Spec For a conic open subset V of such that , let 5 ( F ) be the multiplicatively closed set of elements of gr which are invertible on V". Then as in section 2, taking for A, we can define . It is easily seen that the open sets V of which project onto affine open sets of X form a base of the Zariski topology of . Hence we obtain a presheaf V (V) defined on the set of conic open subsets of . By definition, the corresponding sheaf Sx is the formal microlocalization of 3.1 Definition: The sheaf on constructed above is called a twisted sheaf of formal micro-differential operators - tmo for short. The sheaf is subsheaf of . U D is invertible in £\ wherever its symbol does not vanish. We also have a symbol isomorphism where

denotes the sheaf of germs of ho-

mogenous functions of degree j in the fiber variables. Moreover faithfully flat over graded gr


, [Schapira p. 77], so we will often identify a

-module M with the module

. From the general

properties of microlocalization in §2, we have the following result. 3.2.Property: The functor mic : M is exact and faithful. Its image consists of the -modules which ; on this subcategory, the left inverse functor is are coherent on all of the restriction to the zero section of 3.3. Remark: Strictly speaking, microdifferential operators are formal microdifferential operators which satisfy a certain convergence property. If is the expression in local coordinates of a microdifferential operator D defined over an open set and PJ is homogenous of degree j in the variable . Then D , i.e. D is a microdifferential operator over U if for everv compact subset K C U, there exists 0 such that is finite. So we want the terms sup

III. 4 Microlocalization of U,^


to be the coefEcients of a Taylor series on C which converges in some disk of radius e. In this approach, it would be natural to define a sheaf of twisted micro-differential operators as a pair locally isomorphic to the standard pair


Microlocalization of

We adopt again the notation of chapter I. Let Z be the center of the enveloping algebra U and pick % Max Z. Define

Let p be a parabolic subalgebra of g and define as in 1.5:


are both two sided ideals in U. Set

The natural filtration on U induces a filtration on With this filtration, gr may be non-reduced, for it may be different from the filtration induced by the order of differential operators on X. Spec^r is the closure of the Richardson nilpotent 4.1. Lemma: conjugacy class ofpin This lemma is proved in [Borho-Brylinski I, p. 456]. They also give a criterion ensuring the coincidence of the two filtrations on , [p. 459]; see also 6.2 below. Afp is a closed cone in and taking for A in 2, we can define the formal microlocalization of on . We regard it as a sheaf on supported on . For any conic open subset V of , consists of together with the inverses of the elements of U^ whose principal symbol do not vanish at any point of . I n particular, if V contains 0 , then




Microlocal study of the moment map.

Let G be a complex connected reductive algebraic group and P a parabolic subgroupof G. Let X be the flag space of G of type P. The cotangent bundle is isomorphic to the set of pairs (p, x) such that p is a parabolic subalgebra of g conjugate by G to Lie P and G acts on by conjugating the pairs (p,a;) and it preserves the canonical symplectic structure of This action gives rise to a so-called moment map tt which in our case is just the projection

is G-equivariant with respect to the coadjoint action on . The image of is the closure of the Richardson nilpotent conjugacy class Gp of P in . Now consider an admissible subgroup K of G, that is a subgroup having only finitely many orbits on the full flag variety of G, and let k be its Lie algebra. Let M he & coherent module on X for any cf. Chapter 1; and let be the corresponding coherent { g , K ) module. If is dominant and regular, then M generates M over V^, cf. 1.6. Let Char jW be the characteristic variety of M. The support of M - denoted SuppM, also called the associated variety of Af - is the subvaxiety of defined by the annihilator of gr M, for a good filtration on M. Finally let W be the set of if-orbits on X. 5.1. Lemma: (a)

(b) (c) If

is dominant, integral and regular, then 7r(Char Ai) = SuppM.

Proof: These results are proved for in [Borho-Brylinski III]: see 2.5 for (a), 2.4 for (b), 1.9 for (c). (a) and (b) are independent of The translation functors give equivalence of categories inside the dominant chamber; this implies (c). • Let be the infinitesimal character defined by and the Harish-Chandra morphism Spec Z . Consider the algebra


III.5 Microlocal study of the moment map. recalled in i. Then M is naturally a -module. have the sheaf of algebras .mic M is a -modules whose support is contained in . Let denote the direct and inverse images between -modules on modules on

We also sheaf of and and

5.2. Proposition: The following diagram commutes.

5.3. Remark: For M X>A-niod, FA^ is first a module over Since is a t.d.o with a G-action, we have a map which factors through . Hence by "restriction of scalars" we may view FA( as a module. Note that the commutativity does not say what are the composite functors Proof: If we call the map of X onto the point e, then F is , is . The following diagram commutes. and

We have the projection formulas for a module F :

module T and a

The definitions of the functor mic imply now the proposition.





Associated variety of a submodule of TM

First recall a useful result proved in 1.6.6.(1). Let 2? be a t.d.o. on X. 6.1. Lemma: Let it sends simple objects to simple ones, or to zero.

mode is exact, then

By restriction of scalars, any module on X is a module for MaxZ. We are interested in the following problems: let M be an irreducible module. When is VM irreducible over When is FAt completely reducible over considered as a subalgebra of inherits a filtration from the operator filtration of . This filtration is in general different from the natural filtration of induced by the filtration of U. However, we have the following result: 6.2 Proposition: (a) If the moment map image, then for every

is birational and has a normal ; and the filtrations coincide.

is dominant in , then is surjective for any flag space X. In particular, is always an isomorphism. Proof: Part (a) is due to Beilinson, Bernstein. The result follows from the fact that the map is an isomorphism, which is independent of We proved part (b) in L5.6. The final statement was first proved in [Borho-Brylinski I, p. 452], thanks to the observation that is always equal to the ring of g-finite endomorphisms of the generalized Verma module

Note that when A/p is not normal, or not birational, the natural filtration on U^j^ may be different from the operator filtration on . Proposition 6.2 answers our first problem in most cases: namely, the -module FA^ is irreducible. However, some examples which escape the hypothesis of 6.2, are discrete series representations on symmetric spaces. So it would be a shame to disregard them. Applying the technique of microlocalization, we can go one step further than proposition 6.2. Let us consider a closed conic Lagrangean subvariety where W is the set of if-orbits in X. Put Recall that the generic point of a scheme Z is any point whose closure is Z. One can think of as being an open subset of Z whose closure is Z. We say


111.6 Associated variety of a submodule of FM

is an isomorphism in a neighborhood that the moment map of A° if there is a neighborhood of in and a neighborhood in such that is an isomorphism. Let M be an (resp ) -module on (resp. ) with support (resp. Z). We say that M is irreducible at its generic point if (resp. ) is irreducible over . It is clear that if A4 is irreducible then it is irreducible at its generic point. Now let M be an irreducible ^^-module whose support is and suppose 6.3 Lemma: If P-dominant, then

is an isomorphism in a neighborhood of is irreducible at its generic point.

and if


Proof: The first hypothesis means that is birational and that Z contains an open dense subset of normal points of . We can take to be the open subset of Z made of normal points of above which the fiber of tt consists of a single point. Then let , so that is a bijective map. Let and be their neighborhoods in and such that is an isomorphism. Then Moreover since is P-dominant, is exact with inverse

. Hence

is irreducible

over The associated variety Ass(M) of a Harish-Chandra module M is the zero set of the ideal Ann{grM) in 5(g) for a good filtration on M. When M is a module, we have Ass(M) supp(micM). 6.4 Theorem: Let M. be an irreducible Vx-module on X with A being Pdominant in . Let N FA^ be a U submodule of VM. Then:

Proof: Thus we get a nonzero map: which must be surjective since M is irreducible. By hypothesis F is exact, hence is still surjective and the composite map is the original inclusion. Looking at associated varieties we get: (1)




Now AssN =supp(mic N) and Ass . But supp (supp mic i\r) and supp > for any module for . Hence supp ^suppmicJV) supp(micAr). Comparing this inclusion with (1), we get


Irreducibility criterion

We can now reap the harvest of microlocalization. Let M he s. simple -module on X with characteristic variety Suppose and A is P-dominant (so that the functor F is exact), 7.1 Proposition: Ifir is an isomorphism in a neighborhood of proper quotient of is supported on a subset of dimension.

then every of smaller

(micA4) is irreducible at its generic point. Proof: By 6.3 we know that Let L be a -submodule of (micA^). By 6.4 and the above remark, the support of L is Z. Thus if we take L simple, then L is unique and is zero. This implies that supp is contained in the closed subset which is of dimension smaller than Z .

• Here is the main new result of this chapter: 7.2 Theorem: If is an isomorphism in a neighborhood of a semisimple [g, K)-module, then FAt is irreducible.

and ifVM is

Proof: Given an exact sequence of modules, we have supp M supp L U supp N. Since FA^ is semi-simple, every submodule L of FA^ is also a quotient. By 6.4, L should have support equal to Z and by 7.1, L should have support strictly smaller than Z. Hence, either 7.3 Remark: The interest of this theorem is that its hypothesis are verified in many interesting cases. Indeed, the moment map is an isomorphism in a neighborhood of , if it is birational, and Z contains at least one point of the largest conjugacy class in , i.e. the Richardson class . Also, if FA^ is a unitary Harish-Chandra module, then it is semi-simple. In §8, we will give

III. 7 Irreducibility criterion


a criterion for unitarity. This is the only situation to which we will apply Theorem 7.2. We stated the result in a more general framework in order to illuminate the significance of each hypothesis. We will see in theorem IV.4.5 that in this particular situation, a stronger result holds.

7.4 Example: Here is an illustrative situation which does not quite follow from theorem 7.3. I learned it from D. Vogan, and it involves discrete series representations on the symmetric space The weight situation is the same as in 1.6.7. The flag variety considered is where P is the complexification of a minimal parabolic subgroup of ; it has dimension 11. Hence the moment map is birational, see IV.4.3. There are several closed if-orbits. The one giving rise to discrete series representations is the orbit of a complex parabolic subgroup whose is ; it has dimension Levi factor intersected with 5, and let us denote it by Yi. There is another closed if-orbit say which is the orbit of a complex parabolic subgroup whose Levi factor intersected with is ; it has dimension 4. Following the notation of 1.6.7, consider the weight , and construct the standard irreducible -modules and . The characteristic varieties of these modules are simply the conormal bundles of their support, and their image by the moment map tt can easily be calculated. None of them contain points in the Richardson orbit of Wp, but the generic fiber of the restriction of tt to is connected. On the other hand, the generic fiber of the restriction of to consists of two disjoint copies of P^(C). Similarly, one can check by coherent translation that the global sections of, form an irreducible [/(g)-module, while the global sections of break into two irreducible highest weight modules for i7(g). This shows in particular that the map cannot be surjective.

When TM. is a reducible g-module, examples of this type suggest that the number of possible submodules of (micA^) should be bounded by the number of connected components of By an argument on characteristic varieties, this can be proved in special cases.





Decomposable modules.

It can be seen with the functor L introduced in §11.4 that the global sections of standard (T>, ifj-modules on the full flag variety are canonicallythe infinite duals of the standard (g, ii')-modules constructed in [Vogan 2, 6.5] by cohomological parabolic induction. In this section, we will review Vogan's result which says that cohomological induction from a -stable parabolic subgroup preserves unitarity; hence, the (g, iir)-modules induced in this fashion from a unitary representation are decomposable, i.e. they split into a direct sum of submodules. The -stable assumption can be relaxed to the hypothesis that the if-orbit of the parabolic subgroup is closed, but we will not need this generality here. Moreover, for the study of D-modules, it suffices to know the result for induction from 1-dimensional representations. Let Z he a closed if-orbit in the flag space P of type P. We have a smooth fibration is a if-stable closed subvariety of B; thus it is the closure of one if-orbit, say Y. Observe that is smooth by construction.

Let is the involution of G defining if. We have seen in II. 1.4 that the iforbit of P "P is closed if and only if P contained a-stable Borel subgroup. Of course, if P itself is stable, then it contains a stable Borel subgroup. We are interested in a special type of parabolic subgroups P constructed as follows. Suppose that is a linear form fixed by and purely imaginary with respect to the real form (such that if is a maximal compact subgroup of ). Let and be a stable unipotent subgroup of G such that is parabolic. Then is clearly stable. For the rest of this chapter, we assume that P is of this form. Let be the half sum of the roots in the unipotent radical N of P. Suppose is the differential of a character of P. Consider the associated line bundle on V. Let be the inclusion, and let Then the global sections of the standard -module form the space . We regard it as a (g, if )-module. One can also view this module on the full flag variety B. Denote by the pull back of from V to B, and let be the inclu-


III.8 Decomposable modules.

sion.Since we have c codimsF, then the global sections of the standard -module form the space . By base change, we have Now, [Zuckerman] has defined certain (g, iir)-module denoted , see definition below. However, he used a choice of polarization opposite to ours; this has the effect of replacing the parabolic subalgebra p by its opposite Note that if p is a parabolic subalgebra which is minimal in some real form of g, then it is conjugate by G to its opposite 8.1. Lemma: For modules. Proof: Recall the definitions of the functors L, F, ind and pro in 11.4. Put and By definition, we have:

One can prove - as in [Vogan 2, Prop. 8.2.15] - that all other derived functors of r vanish, thanks to the dominance of . By proposition II.4.1, the left derived functors of L also vanish in all degrees but one. Therefore we can omit superscript. The definitions of the functors in II.4 imply readily:

Thanks to the dominance of X, theorem 11.4.4 implies:

Consider -module be the inclusion. Then

Since in our case V, then

over the point P and let

is a well defined G-homogeneous line bundle on all of





Thus . Applying the global section functor we obtain the result. • Now let h be a Cartan subalgebra of p such that . Let -R(n, h) be the roots of h in g/p. With our normalizations, the infinitesimal character of is Moreover a weight is dominant in , if Re for all i2(n, h). Recall that pp is half the sum of the roots in i2(n, h). 8.3. Theorem: (Vogan) If is dominant in , and if is a unitary representation of[l,L K), then is a unitary {g, K)-module. This result is a combination of 7.1 (e) and 8.5 in [Vogan 3]. In fact the final remark in Vogan's article shows that in some cases unitarity is still true in some strip "below 0". For instance, if and C, and the unique root in is n + 1, so that Then for C such that Rt the above unitarity result is still true, and in fact the vanishing theorem 1.6.3. also holds. 8.4. Corollary: (a.) If Re for all i?(n,h), and if is a unitary {£, L K)-module, then is an irreducible unitary (g, K)module. (b) If Re for all a R{n,h), andif is a unitary representation of{l,L K), then V{'P, is a completely reducible (g, K)-module. Proof: (b) follows from 8.2 and 8.3. (a) follows from 6.2(b), 8.2 and 8.3., using the fact that is an irreducible module. • Observe that charA^ char , and they may be different. We obtain an interesting consequence of Theorem 6.4. 8.5. Corollary: Suppose that is P-dominant. If a {g, K)-module of type is reducible, then all its composition factors have the same associated variety.



Decomposable modules.

Proof: Use Remark 8.2, Theorem 6.4 and Corollary 8.4(b). • A user guide to the results of this chapter is now the following. Suppose is a -module on V whose global sections M form a decomposable (g, X)-module. To decide whether M is an irreducible (g, if )-module or not, one can proceed as follows: 1. If , is normal or if positive answer.

is dominant, then 6.2 applies and gives a

2. If is not normal, we look at the characteristic variety oi M . If it is mapped birationally by onto its image, and if its image contains some normal points of, , then 7.2 applies and gives a positive answer. 3. If 7r(Char ) does not contain any normal point of jVp, we compare the characteristic cycles of M and M. If the coefficients oi the cycle oi largest dimension are equal, then we can again conclude postively. In practice. Step 3 is hard to perform. For instance let be a standard -module living on a closed if-orbit Y imbedded in V by the map . Then the characteristic cycle of M. is simply , because is irreducible. The characteristic cycle of M is the direct image of considered as a class in if-theory. So we can write lower dimensional terms. Here is the Euler characteristic of the fiber and X is generic in equals 1 - as is the case if is a point - then M is irreducible at its generic point, and hence by 7.2, M is an irreducible (g, if )-module. Indeed, the coefficient of the cycle of largest dimension in char M bounds the number of constituents of M whose characteristic variety is this cycle.


Singularities and Multiplicities

In III.7, we saw that the properties of the moment map π lead to results about the irreducibility of D>-modules considered as g-modules. In this chapter, we continue in this direction to prove our main result, namely, that the discrete series of a reductive symmetric space is multiplicity free, except possibly for a few excetional cases. We first state some known results about the singularities of the image of 7Γ. According to III.6.2, if the moment map is birational and has a normal image, then the global section functor Γ sends an irreducible XVmodule M. to an irreducible g-module or to zero, when λ G t*p is P-dominant. The study of unibranchness suggests that it should suffice to assume that π is birational and that an open dense subset of 7r(char Λ4) is unibranch. We cannot prove this assertion in general, but we shall at least give a criterion for unibranchness in terms of multiplicities of Weyl group representations. Then we concentrate on the multiplicity one theorem for symmetric spaces. For classical groups, it is obtained after a few computations in §4. For ex­ ceptional groups, it requires a more elaborate analysis of the endomorphisms of C°°(G0/H0) which commute with the action of G0 . This is done in §5. In section 6, we determine the multiplicities of principal series representa­ tions on a symmetric space in the generic range; they are usually larger than one. Our description shows that the multiplicity is in general the number of real orbits contained in a single complex orbit. Finally in section 7, we present some results on the r-invariant of repre­ sentations which occur as discrete series of exceptional symmetric spaces.

IV. 1


First, we recall a proposition due to Springer for (a) and Richardson for (b). 1.1. Proposition: LetX be a complex flag space of type P for the connected reductive algebraic group G and let τ : Τ*X —• g* be the moment map (a) 7Γ is a proper map and Im π is the closure of the Richardson nilpotent conjugacy class C v of P in g* , (b) 7Γ is finite over C v of degree bp = | Cent(as, G)/Cent(x, Ρ) | Vx G C p . See [Steinberg, 4.2].




In particular, since T*X is smooth, when bp = 1, then π is a resolution of the singularities of its image. If B is a Borel subgroup, then X is the full flag variety, Imi is the whole nilpotent cone M* in g*, and bp = 1. Moreover, Kostant has proved that Af* is normal by showing that Aft is a local complete intersection, smooth in codimension 1. In fact, he showed that Af* is even a complete intersection whose defining ideal is the set of Ginvariant polynomials on g* without constant term. (However, it may have many singular points besides the origin.) To study the nilpotent element of g* , we may assume that of g* is semisimple and also we can identify g with g* via the Killing form. The results that we shall review could be formulated for the unipotent elements of the group itself, since the exponential map - over the complex numbers is a diffeomorphism between the set of nilpotent elements in g and the set of unipotent elements. A nilpotent variety is the closure of the adjoint orbit of any nilpotent element in g. In this section, we shall denote the full flag variety by B and the variety of flags of type P by V . The moment map π sends T*B into Af and T*V into Af p • Let us put V x = ττ - 1 (χ) for χ G Af p . The fiber can be described easily:

V x = {p G V I χ G n(p)} where n(p) is the nilpotent radical of ρ . V x are called Spaltenstein varieties. Unless V = B, the varieties Vx are different from Vx the fixed point set of the flow generated by χ on V:

V x = {p G V\ χ G p} . Both are projective varieties, but the following result is false for V x in general.

1.2. Lemma: The varieties V1x are connected. In fact, as we see from 1.1(b), when a: is a Richardson element for ρ , V x consists of bp points. Now we will investigate the normality of a nilpotent variety, i.e. the closure of a nilpotent conjugacy class. Since a product variety is normal if and only if every factor is normal, we may assume that g is a simple Lie algebra. 1.3. Theorem: [Kraft-Procesi] I f g = s l n , t h e n e v e r y n i l p o t e n t v a r i e t y i s

normal. If g = spn or o n , then every nilpotent variety is semi-normal and it is normal if and only if it is normal in codimension 2.




By g = o n is meant g = so n but G = O n . The fact that conjugation is taken under the full orthogonal group O n affects only the "very even" classes which appear when η is a multiple of 4. A variety X is semi-normal if every homeomorphism Z —> X is an isomorphism. So roughly it means that the nilpotent varieties in the classical groups have no cusp singularities. In fact Kraft and Procesi have determined that the only type of abnormal singularity which can appear is the product of an affine space with two singularities of type An glued together at one point.



A point a: of a variety X is called unibranch if the preimage of χ in the normalization of X is connected. A typical example of singular unibranch point is a cusp, for instance the mid-point of a curly brace {; a typical example of non-unibranch point is a double point, for instance the mid-point of a plus sign + . A unibranch point is also called topologically normal. If an algebraic variety X is seminormal and all its points are unibranch, then X is normal. Normality (and seminormality) is a local, open condition. Hence the set of abnormal points is always closed. But the set of multibranch points need not be closed. In the picture below, all points on the 2-axis are abnormal, but O is unibranch.




Let us denote by IH:(X) the nth local intersection cohomology group of X at x with coefficients in Z. An equivalent way to express the unibranchness of a point x in a complex variety X is to ask that I H~(X) = C. Assume that the moment map 7r : T*'P --t Np is birational, where Np , is the nilpotent variety determined by the Richardson class of P. From the theory of Borho and MacPherson, the dimension of I H2( C) should be expressible in terms of multiplicities of Weyl group representations. We describe the answer which is quite elegant but unfortunately still hard to compute. It generalizes to arbitrary G a formula in [Borho-MacPherson, p. 710] proved for SL n • All conjugacy classes in g have even dimensions (over C). For x EN, let C'" be the conjugacy class of x and 2d", = codim( C'" : N). One has d", = dim E",. Let dp be the codimension in N of Cp • Then dim P '" ~ d", - dp . Let O-p be the special representation of the Weyl group W of G associated to the Richardson class Cp by Springer's correspondence. For any x EN, W acts on Hi(E",) . 2.1. Propositions: When 7r is birational, x E mtp(o-p, H2d p(E",)).

N p , we have dimHO(P",)


dimIH~(Np) =

Proof: Let Ae = Re 7r*QT*1" Ifl is an irreducible representation of T- 1 C"" x E N p , let V(""rp) be a Q-vector space of dimension equal to the multiplicity of cp in the monodromy representation of T1 C'" on the top cohomology group of P",. Let i* : C'" '---t Np be the inclusion, and Lrp be the local system on C'" with monodromy representation cp. We shall say that the pair (C"" cp) is relevant to 7r if dim P", = d", - dp and V(""rp) i= O. Since 7r is a semismall map - i.e. dim(fiber) ~ ~ dim(stratum) - we can apply a result of Borho-MacPherson to deduce for x E Np

Hi(P",) =


® IH~-2(d.. -dp)(C",j Lrp) @ V(""rp) (""rp)

where the sum runs over the pairs (C"" cp) relevant to


and such that x E

C",C;Np' A similar formula holds on the full flag variety


IH~-2d"(C",j Lrp) @ V:,rp .


But here the Weyl group W acts on both sides. Borho and MacPherson have shown that the right-hand side is the decomposition of Hi(E",) into




irreducible representations: W acts on and

by an irreducible representation


In this way, one obtains a bijection called the Springer correspondence:

If we plug formula (2) into (1), we obtain (4) (5) Since , we have . Hence for to be nonnegative, we must h a v e a n d so ,. On the other hand, for relevant : When

Collecting this information, and s i n c e , tively

(3) and (4) become respec-

Note two particular cases of this proposition: - if

, then is a normal point of Hp , hence is the top cohomology group of , and the identity 2.1 reduces to Springer's results: the special Weyl group representation cTp occurs with multiplicity one in

IV.3 Invariant differential operators on a reductive symmetric space


- if ζ = O, then O is unibranch because 7r_1(0) = V . We have B o - B and H*(B) is equivalent to the regular representation of W. The identity 2.1 reduces to Joseph's result: σρ occurs with multiplicity one in the space of W^harmonic polynomials on t* of degree d p . This criterion for unibranchness has been implemented on a computer by [Beynon-Spaltenstein]; they have obtained a complete list of the nilpotent orbits whose closure is not unibranch, for the exceptional groups of type En. On the other hand, [Richardson] has detected non-normal nilpotent varieties in the exceptional groups using other methods. Their combined results show the existence of nilpotent varieties which are unibranch but not normal; a phenomenon which cannot occur in the classical groups since all nilpotent varieties there are seminormal, c/. 1.3.


Invariant differential operators on a reductive symmetric space

The purpose of the following three sections is to study the discrete series representations which occur in the square integrable functions on a reductive symmetric space. We will show that they are inequivalent to each other, except possibly in a few exceptional cases. In II.7.6, we saw that such a multiplicity one property holds within each eigenspace of the algebra of in­ variant differential operators provided the eigencharacter is sufficiently regu­ lar. Here, we shall show that under the same assumption of regularity, these eigenspaces have in fact different infinitesimal characters, hence they cannot have any common constituent. Since we shall be working henceforth on a particular type of flag varieties, we recall once more the analytic set-up and we simplify the notation slightly. This will benefit the reader who joins us at this stage. Let G be a complex connected reductive linear algebraic group. Let σ be an involution of G with fixed point subgroup H, so that G/H is the complexification of the symmetric space we want to study. Take another involution θ of G commuting with σ, with fixed point subgroup K; θ determines which real form G0/H0 we are studying in the sense that K is the complexification of a maximal compact subgroup in a unique - up to isomorphism - real form G0 of G. Let P be a parabolic subgroup of G which is minimal with respect to H: to find such a subgroup P , consider a σ-split torus A in G, i.e. a




torus on which σ acts by — id, and suppose A is maximal for this property. Diagonalize the adjoint action of A on the Lie algebra g of G to obtain a root systems Ra in a with Weyl group Wa. Then g = m + a + n + n as usual where m is the centralizer of a in h and η is a nilpotent subalgebra corresponding to a choice of positive roots. Now ρ is simply m + a + If and P is the normalizer of ρ in G. Let X be the variety of all subgroups of G conjugate to P. X is called a flag variety of type P and it is a complete smooth projective manifold. H and K act on X: let X0 be the unique open orbit of H and let Y denote a closed if-orbit in X which intersects (non-trivially) X0 . The stabilizer in K of any point P e Y is a connected parabolic subgrou of K . Let Tp — P/(P,P) where (P,P) is the commutator subgroup of P . For different points of X , the tori Tp are canonically conjugate, so there is a well defined notion of dominance for their characters such that the positive roots at P are those which are in g/p. Define Ap := TpjH Π P. For any point P 6 X0 , Ap is isomorphic to Α/ΗΠ A with A as above; note that HnA is a finite abelian 2group, therefore A and Ap have isomorphic Lie algebras. Ap can be strictly smaller for points outside of X0 . However, since the orbit Y has at least one point in X0 , it suffices to consider Ap at this point. Let pp be half the sum of the roots of Ap in g/p. Take a dominant weight λ £ a* such that Λ — PP is a character of Ap . We suppose in addition that λ is regular, that is (Α, α) φ 0 for all a E Ra • λ — pp can be viewed as a character of P; hence, it determines a line bundle C over the variety Y. Let 0(Y, λ) be the sheaf of holomorphic sections of C. There exists a sheaf T>\ of twisted differential operators on X and using the direct image functor associated to the inclusion map i : Y —> X, one obtains as in chapter II a (T>\, iC)-module M(Y, A) on X supported on Y which consists of 0(Y, A) together with all the derivatives of its local sections in the directions normal to Y. Let M(Y,X) denote the global sections of M.(Y, A). Let D\ be the ring of global sections of T>\ . 3.1. Theorem: The (D\,K)-modules M(F1A) are irreducible or zero, and for different K-orbits Y they are pairwise inequivalent. Theorem 1.6.3.(1) and proposition 1.6.6 imply the first part; the inequiv­ alence of the ZVmodules follows from the fact that they have different char­ acteristic varieties. Now Flensted-Jensen and Oshima-Matsuki have proved that the real symmetric space G0/H0 corresponding to our choice of sub­ group K , has a discrete series if and only if rank G/H = rank Κ/Η Π K.


Invariant differential operators on a reductive symmetric space


This condition means that A is conjugate to a subgroup of K, and we shall make this hypothesis in the next section. Then as Y and λ run through their allowed ranges, the modules Μ(Υ,λ) considered as (g, iQ-modules exhausts the discrete series representations of G 0 /H 0 . Let t be a Cartan subalgebra of g containing a and let b be a Borel subalgebra such that t C b C p. Let R be the root system of t in g; the positive roots being those which are in g/b . Let pi be half the sum of the positive roots of t in m. A better notation for pi would be p(m); however, the notation pt has the advantage to agree with our convention of section 1.3. The universal enveloping algebra U of g maps into D\ . In most cases the weight λ + PI is dominant in t*; this implies that the map U —» D\ is surjective according to 111.6.2(b). 3.2. Theorem: I f X + ρ ι i s d o m i n a n t i n t* , then the (g, K)-modules M(Y, λ) are irreducible or zero, and for different K-orbits Y they are pairwise inequivalent. Now we allow λ to vary. Let W (resp. W A ) be the Weyl group of R (resp. RA); it acts naturally on t* (resp. a*). The Harish-Chandra isomorphism identifies Z(g) with ^(t)1^ : the algebra of W-invariant polynomial func­ tions on t* . Hence the maximal spectrum of Z(g) is identified with t*/W. The induced map Z(g) —> DΧ factors through C : the constant differential operators on X, and it coincides with Xx+Pl: the character associated to λ + pi even if this weight is not dominant. In addition, Z { g) considered as the algebra of bi-invariant differential operators on G maps naturally into the algebra D{GJH) of left invariant differential operators on G / H . For any algebra R on which the group H acts, let UH denote the elements of U which are fixed by H. We know t h a n k s t o H a r i s h - C h a n d r a , t h a t D ( G / H ) i s i s o m o r p h i c t o U H / ( U • h ) ΠU H ) where this latter algebra acts from the right on functions on G/H; recall that the group G acts by left translations. Since these operators all have polynomial coefficients, the structure of the real algebra D(G0/H0) is the same as the one of the algebra D(G/H). By a Chevalley type isomorphism, D ( G / H ) is canonically isomorphict o5 ( a .



3.3 Proposition: [Helgason 1 §7, & 4] The algebra morphism

f : Z(g) ---+ D(G/ H) is surjective unless g/h contains factors of type E s /so(10) EB C, Es/ F4 , Ed Es EB C or Es/ E1 EB sl(2) . Furthermore, it is always surjective at the level of fraction fields. The last statement means that for any D E D( G I H), one can find two elements Zl , Z2 E Z(g), such that f(Zl)' D = f(Z2). The map corresponding to f at the level of maximal spectra is fl : a* /Wa. ---+ t* /W. It is in general nonlinear although both spectra are affine spaces, but it is birational onto its image. Moreover, fl (oX) is simply oX + Pl if this latter weight is dominant in t*. We denote by "p>. the character of D(G/H) associated to a weight oX E a* .

The modules M(Y, >.) admit a scalar action of D(GI H) given by the character "p>.. This can only be seen using the realization of M(Y, oX) in the space of analytic functions on the symmetric space Gal Ho that we now recall. Consider the space A( Gal Ho) of real analytic functions on Go/ Ho . Given the character "p>. of D( G I H) ~ D( Gol Ho), we consider the corresponding eigenspace A( Go/ Hoi "p>.). The Go-module structure of this space is determined by the (g, K)-module structure of its Harish-Chandra module AK( Gol Hoi "p>.) which consists of all eigenfunctions transforming according to some finite dimensional representation of Ko that we can then extend canonically to an algebraic representation of K. Let Lk( Gol Hoi "p>.) denote the subspace of square integrable functions in A K ( Gol Hoi "p>.) with respect to a natural invariant measure. Then we have Oshima - Matsuki's result seen in II. 7.4: 3.4. Theorem: If oX is a dominant regular weight in a* such that oX - Pi extends to a character of A p , then Lk( Gol Hoi "p>.) ~ EBy M(Y, oX) where Y run through the closed K -orbits whose intersection with Xo is non-empty. Otherwise, Lk( Gol Hoi "p>.) = 0 .


Invariant differential operators on a reductive symmetric space

Thus we have the following diagram for the action of Z(g) on M(Y, λ).

D( G / H )

In the exceptional cases where / is not surjective, it happens that two weights λ, μ € a* non-conjugate by W0 may be conjugate by W when pi is added to them. In other words /* is not injective or if you prefer, although ·φ\ φ ψμ , we may have X\+Pl = χμ+Ρι · If this happens, we shall say that λ (and μ) are ambiguous, and also that the infinitesimal character χ\+Ρι is ambiguous. The following lemma shows that most weight are not ambiguous.

3.5. Lemma: Let Χ, μ 6 a* . If λ + pi is dominant in t* and "φ\ψ φμ , then Χλ+Pl Φ Χμ+Pi ·

Proof: In fact we shall prove a much more detailed statement. Thanks to Helgason's result, it suffices to examine the four exceptional cases. We shall use the canonical coordinates on t* given by evaluating the weights against the simple coroots and we will draw them in the same shape as the Dynkin diagram. In each case, m is a simple Lie algebra of type Dt. We will represent the roots of m by w and the roots whose restriction to a is non-trivial by ο, so we obtain the Satake diagram of the real form of g with h maximal compact subalgebra. Next to the Dynkin diagram of g, we draw the restricted Dynkin diagram given by the roots of a. The indices below the vertices are the labels of the simple roots; e.g. 1 stands for α ϊ .





Invariant differential operators on a reductive symmetric space


Es/ E7 + sl(2)

o-.J' . 1


0--0--0 6



o--~o--o 1




Pi has the following coordinates:



-2 1 1

1 -23


-3 1 1 1 -3 , 1

-3 1 1 1 -3 0 , -3

1 1 1 1 -3

0 0

Now the weights >. E a* are given by their coordinates on the restricted Dynkin diagrams. A combinatorial computation shows that the only dominant weights >., JL E a* which are not conjugate by the small Weyl group W a , but such that>. + Pi is W-conjugate in t* to JL + Pi are the following ones: >. JL E6/so(10) ED C (O,~) (3,t) ( 4,1) (1,4) E6/ F4

E7/ E6 Re(m) < 2

Es/ E7 + sl(2)










In each case, m and n can be any complex numbers with non-negative real parts. The lemma follows from this list of weights since none of the ambiguous weights satisfies the hypothesis. For example, in the case if , then

which is not dominant. • It follows from this lemma and corollary II.7.6 that if V is an irreducible Hilbert space representation of Go with infinitesimal character for some dominant weight is also dominant in , then the dimension of is at most one. In other words, we have proved the following improvement on corollary II.7.6: 3.6. Proposition: Suppose is dominant in , then the discrete series of with infinitesimal character is multiplicity free.


Multiplicity one within an eigenspace of ^[G/H)

In this section we extend Theorem 3.2 to the case where is dominant but is not. We only consider closed X-orbits Y whose intersection with the open //'-orbit is non-empty. In more general situations, the result is not true. In each orbit Y, we choose a point p Y. Let a be a maximal abelian subspace on which cr is —id. We make the hypothesis rank G/H — rank K/Hr\K, so that we can take a C k. Let us fix a dominant , for which there exist standard /f-spherical (X>X)if)-modules weight Ai{Y, A). Since the if-orbit Y is closed and we are in the equal rank situation, this forces A to be integral. One can improve theorem III.7.2 for the modules considered here. 4.1. Theorem [Vogan 4]: The (g, K)-modules M(Y,X) are irreducible. In fact, modulo some case by case computations, we will prove this result, and also the following one:


Multiplicity one within an eigenspace of O(GfH)


4.2. Theorem: For different closed K-orbits Y, the (g, K)-modules M(Y, λ) are pairwise inequivalent. 4.3. Corollary: The discrete eigenspaces of O(GfH) in L2(G0fH0) are multiplicity free. This corollary follows from the above result, and theorem II.7.5. Now, we start the proof of 4.1, and 4.2. We will first give the results of some computations for classical groups and G2 which show that in many cases, the enveloping algebra U surjects onto D\ . Then, we will describe a general argument based on microlocal methods, which applies to a few more represen­ tations. Finally, we will explain how to treat the remaining representations, using a reduction technique and the translation principle. The cotangent space T * X of X can be described by T t X = {( p ^ e l x g ' l i x p 1 } Let Mv be the image of the moment map π : T * X —» g* : ( ρ , ζ ) — » ζ . To simplify the notation, we identify g with g* in a G-equivariant manner. Then Afp is identified with the closure of a nilpotent conjugacy class Cp in g called the Richaxdson class of ρ: it is the largest conjugacy class which intersects η : the nilpotent radical of p. Recall that the parabolic subalgebra ρ is by definition minimal for a real form Gr of G in which HΠ Gr is compact.

4.4 Property: Let X — GfP be a flag variety. Ifthe parabolic subgroup P is the complexification of a minimal parabolic subgroup in some real form of G, then the moment map π is birational. This follows from 1.1.(b), and [Hesselinkj's observation that under the above hypothesis, the centralizer of an element of Cp is contained in a con­ jugate of P. Nilpotent conjugacy classes are classified by weighted Dynkin diagrams, cf. [Springer-Steinberg]. The Richardson class Cp is the complex­ ification of the orbit of the regular nilpotent elements in the real form of G associated to H as in II.2. Its weighted Dynkin diagram is straightforward to describe. Consider the Satake diagram of this real group. Put labels O on the black dots and labels 2 on the white dots. Note that these Richardson classes are always even.




Step 1. For the classical groups, we can translate these Dynkin diagrams into partitions, by applying the inverse of the rule described in [Springer-Steinberg Ch. IV]. The answer is summarized in the following table with the obvious restrictions on p and q.


Multiplicity one within an eigenspace of D(G/H)





Remark: When in the case of su , the corresponding partitions are simply (n), and if in the case of sp , the partition is (n,n). It is worth noting that the Dynkin diagram of the Levi factor L of the minimal parabolic P is simply the subdiagram of black vertices. For further information on Satake diagrams, see [Helgason 2, p. 532]. In light of [Kraft-Procesi], one draws the following conclusions: 1. if

all nilpotent varieties are normal.

2. if

, all nilpotent varieties considered here are normal.

3. if only if

, the nilpotent varieties considered here are normal if and

The conjugacy class (2n, 2n) in so4„ is very even. This partition describes one conjugacy class which splits into two disjoint 5'C>4„-conjugacy classes. The image of the moment map is the closureof one component. Kraft and Procesi have proved [Prop. 1.5.4] that this nilpotent variety is normal. For the other cases, it suffices to apply theorem 1.3 above, and the fact that these partitions have no degenerations of type cf. [Kraft-Procesi]. However, for the symplectic groups, the partition shows that the corresponding conjugacy class is not normal. In codimension 2, it has a singularity which looks like two singularities of type glued at one point, times an affine line. So for 1, the picture of gives a heuristicalidea of the kind of singularity we have in hands. If G , there is only one non-trivial possibility for H, namely, SL2 corresponding to the split form of G2 • Then X is the full flag variety and is the whole nilpotent cone which is known to be normal by Kostant's result.


Multiplicity one within aji eigenspace of D{G/H)


As before, suppose that P is a parabohc subgroup of G, which is the complexification of a minimal parabolic subgroup in some real form of G, for which H is compact. Let X be a flag variety X of type P. Using proposition in.6.2(a), we obtain: 4.5. Proposition: The enveloping algebraU swrjects onto the ring of twisted differential operators for all

Now, we fix with , and we look at the real forms of the pair (g, h). The choice of the group K determines these real forms. First, we take so that is the split real form and The rank of the symmetric space is £. The order of the Weyl group is is , which has rank I, and the order of is also Recall from section ILT that the coset space parametrizes the closed orbits Y supporting discrete series modules. Thus, we see that in this case there is a unique such orbit Y. Moreover the image contains nilpotent elements associated to the partition these are generic in , hence they are normal points of the image of TT. Using Theorem IIL7.2, we conclude that if is a standard module supported by the closed JT-orbit Y with , then r ( X , A^) is an irreducible (g, if )-module. However U{g) does not surject onto r ( X , Vx) for certain dominant such that is not 5-dominant, cf. example in.7.4. Next, we take Then and for some r k, and r . As before, the rank of is t, and the order of is . Moreover, is which has rank . This number can be smaller than i, in which case the space does not contain any discrete series representation by theorem n.7.2. When the rank of is equal to I, the order of is in general smaller than the order of . For instance, if , then the order of is equal to



, and there are


closed if-orbits in X giving rise to discrete

series representations in

. For example, for and , there are two orbits. We will explain below how to prove that the representations coming from these two different orbits are inequivalent. Concerning irreducibility, consider the situation The most regular elements of the image of the moment map correspond to the partition , Comparing it with the partition for the Richardson class in Cp, we see that if the rank ^ of is 1, then we can conclude that irreducibility is preserved for dominant and {T>x, ifj-modules supported on Y. In higher rank we cannot conclude by this method. However, observe that the centralizer of a generic element x of is always connected. It would be interesting to know if this implies that x is unibranch, i.e. is connected. Step 2. Let s be the (—l)-eigenspace of in g ; s is also the if-stable complement of k in g . The characteristic variety of M(Y, A) is : the conormal bundle oiY mX . Its image by is , where n is the nilpotent radical opposite to the point p Y that we chose at the beginning of this section. Z equals the associated variety suppM of the (g, iir)-module M{Y, ) , whenever . Since is P-dominant in , by the remark after theorem IIL7.2, we see that a sufficient condition for M{Y, A) to be non-zero, is that n be non-empty. Recall that in chapter III, we have constructed micro-localizations for , micM{Y, A) for M(Y, A) and mic for in such module and mic. is a module. a way that micj\4(F, A) is an . If we have two distinct All these new objects are sheaves on if-orbits and , with base points p i , p2 respectively, giving rise to two irreducible -modules and , then there is no (non-zero) map between the irreducible £'A-modules mic and mic. , because they are inequivalent since they have different supports. For a scheme S , we will denote by its generic point. 4.6 Theorem: Suppose that A is dominant in , and that both are non-empty, then the (g, K)-modules and are irreducible and inequivalent.

" and ,


Multiplicity one within aji eigenspace of D{G/H)


Proof: If is non-empty, for 1,2, then it consists only of normal points of . Under this hypothesis, theorem III.7.2 implies that the modules and axe irreducible (g, iir)-modules. (This improves lemma III.5.1.(c)). Futhermore, we can prove they are inequivalent as follows. The set of normal points of ascheme is open, thus we can find an open neighborhood A' of in which maps isomer phi cally onto an open neighborhood in such that is contained in the set of normal points of . Since A is P-dominant, the direct image functor in the category of sheaves of rings is exact with inverse , hence it yields an isomorphism between the sheaves of algebras

and the sheaves of modules

If were equivalent to over (g, K), then there would be an isomorphism between mic and mic over because microlocalization is an exact and faithful functor. Hence there would be an isomorphism between the sheaves mic and mic But this is impossible since these modules are inequivalent. Indeed, they have different supports.

• Step 3. The hypothesis is non-empty" is not satisfied for certain discrete series representations on symmetric spaces, and hence theorem 4.6 does not apply directly. However, we can reduce the problem to theorem 4.6 using induction by stages. This method was used by [Vogan 5] to prove theorem 4.1 above. We will follow the same approach.




First, we need an effective way to check when is n non-empty. Using the notation of section 3, if is a root of the adjoint action of a on g, we denote by ga the corresponding root space, g^ is usually not one dimensional; it is in fact a representation of An element z of ga is called generic if contains a non-zero element of a. Let be a set of simple roots for the action of a in n; pick in each root space gc^ a generic element Zi, for ,. •. > t. [Kostant-Rallis] have proved that the element belongs to n 4.7 Lemma: [Vogan 5, Lemma 6.10] If ga is not compact , ' s contains a generic element. then Proof: Let be the coroot in a corresponding to a. Let < .,. > denote the Killing form of g. Recall that the involution acts trivially on a C k, while acts on a by ' " Define a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form B on g„ by

Since preserves the form B, the restriction of B to each eigenspace of 6 is non-degenerate. By hypothesis, the (—l)-eigenspace is non-zero. Therefore, we can choose s such that is non-zero, and hence On the other hand, belongs to the (—l)-eigenspace of a in I, which is a. Therefore, z is generic. This lemma yields the following dichotomy, see [Vogan 5, prop. 6.11]. 1. If some of the root spaces g^ are compact, then there exists a -stable proper parabolic properly containing p, such that is ostable, and is compact, where etc. In other words, if Y denotes the closed if-orbit of p in X, there is a"smaller" flag variety containing the closed JT-orbit of , and is the image of Y by the natural surjection This shift appears because of our choice of normalizations. Since is compact, it is clear from the Borel-Weil theorem, that is zero as a -module, unless is dominant, regular and integral as an infinitesimal character for . Now, observe that we can write the global section functor as a composition of direct image functors:


Multiplicity one within an eigenspace of O(GfH)


Γ(ΛΓ,.) = 7¾""1 = IifjOli,'. where and are the projections of X and X' onto a point, respectively. It follows that the global sections of M(Y, λ) are zero, un­ less the λ + p{l'H) is dominant, regular and integral as an infinitesimal character for I'. 2. If all root spaces ga are non-compact, then nflsflCp is not empty. Then, theorem 4.6 applies, and the (g, ii)-modules M(Y, λ) are irreducible and mutually inequivalent for different -orbits Y.

Thus, the study of the irreducibility and inequivalence of the (g, K ) modules M(Y, λ) can be performed inductively on the dimension of g. One manner of finishing the proof of theorems 4.1 and 4.2, is to continue as in [Vogan 5], by listing the weights λ that need to be examined, for each simple Lie group. It turns out that this inductive procedure takes care of all cases associated to the exceptional groups. For the remaining classical groups, namely the symplectic groups, one has to invoke further arguments based on the translation principle.

• Another way to complete the proof of theorems 4.1 and 4.2 is to use twisted sheaves of matrix differential operators. Since we only sketched their definitions in chapter I, this argument can be considered only as a sketch of proof. All their properties needed here can be proved in the same way as for twisted sheaves of differential operators. Suppose we are in the first case of the dichotomy. Consider the diagram Y -U X η 17 Y' - ^ X ' .




The fibers of δ and 7 are both isomorphic to F := L'/P Π L. The crucial point is that L10/L0 is compact, therefore F is also equal to (L' η K)/(P η Κ), and 7_1(r) = Y. The (V, A>module M(YiX) is by construction ί,Ογ(Χ) for some if-homogeneous line bundle Oy(X) on Y, see section II.7. By commutativity of the above diagram, we have:

7J . O Y ( X ) = j J t O Y ( X ) . Suppose that λ + p(l'/I) £ t* is dominant regular integral as a weight for L'. In the contrary case, we know that the representation M(YiX) is zero, and there is nothing to prove. Let V be the finite dimensional representation of L' Π K with infinitesimal character λ + ρ(ί'/ί). The sheaf of rings δ*Τ>χ is isomorphic to the sheaf of differential operators acting on the local sections of the homogeneous vector bundle over Y' with fiber V. It is locally generated by the action of the envelopping algebra of k. The Borel-Weil theory implies that the sheaf δ,Ογ(Χ) is an irreducible sheaf of modules over this sheaf of rings. The advantage of working with X ' and Y ' is that the moment map from X' to g has better properties than the moment map of X, Namely, the intersection η' Π s Π CvT is closer to be non-empty than before, where p' is the base point of Y', and n' is its opposite nilpotent radical. Let us denote by a' the (—l)-eigenspace of σ in the center of I'. Then, the sum of the dimensions of the compact root spaces of a' in g is smaller than the previous sum of dimensions for a. Continuing in this way to eliminate the compact root spaces of a', we eventually reach the second case of the dichotomy. Now, we can generalize theorem 4.6 to the case of the matrix differential operators considered here. This is not difficult, although it merits to be written down explicitely. We conclude that the (g, if)-moodules M(Y1X) are irreducible and inequivalent for different if-orbits Y.


Multiplicity one within an eigenspace of D(G/H)


One can also prove theorem 4.6 using the following algebraic result which extends proposition 6.5 in [Vogan 4]. We prove it here for the convenience of the reader. Recall that a primitive ring is a ring whose zero ideal is primitive, i.e. the ring possesses a faithful simple module. are two primitive rings such that the left 4.8. Proposition: If and right annihilators of are non-zero, then andhave the same faithful simple modules. Proof: Let J be the right annihilator of . All tensor products will be defined over R1. Suppose M is a faithful simple iZj-module. Consider a faithful simple i?i-submodule L of M. Then JL L and hence . By right exactness of the tensor product, we obtain a surjection . Thus L M and M is a simple Ei-module. Now suppose M is a faithful simple iii-module. Then JM M and hence we obtain a surjection as above f : . Since M is simple, N is either isomorphic to M or zero as iZi-module. Now is a quotient of Tori . As an iZi-module, K is annihilated by the left annihilator of , which is not zero. Since M is faithful, K is not equal to M . Thus / is non-zero and , that is every faithful simple iZi-module has a unique structure of iZa-module. Finally, suppose are two faithful simple iZj-modules. We have shown that each remains simple as an .ffi-module. Let an JZi-isomorphism. Then induces an i22-niap which is non-zero since restricted to 1 is / i . We proved above that . Thus is an -isomorphism and The hypotheses are verified as follows. Let and op{U) in the notation of in.6. Since the moment map is birational, it follows from [Borho-BrylinskiI, corollary 5.12] that has an associated variety strictly smaller than : the image of the moment map. Hence, the left and right annihilators of in Ri are non-zero. Finally, M{Y, X) is a faithful and if and only if n is non-empty. module for





Intertwining maps between distinct eigenspaces o f D( G / H )

Let us recall the problem which motivated our work. If G 0 /H 0 is a connected reductive real symmetric space, then we would like to prove that the discrete spectrum of L2(G0/H0) is a multiplicity free representation of G0. In the previous section, we obtained corollary 4.3 which readily implies that the if we consider the commuting actions of both G0 and D{G/H) on the discrete part of L2(Ga/H0), then it is indeed a multiplicity one representation. However, it would be nicer to be able to distinguish the discrete components of L 2 (G 0 /H 0 ) solely by the action of G0. We can do this for classical groups and a few others as stated in the following theorem. 5.1 Theorem:Lei G 0 /H 0 be a connected reductive real symmetric space whi c h d o e s n o t c o n t a i n a n y f a c t o r s o f t y p e E e / s o ( 1 0 ) ® C , EsfF i , Ε γ / E Q ( & C , or Ε%/Εη φ sl(2). Then the discrete spectrum of L 2 (G 0 /H 0 ) is a multiplicity free representation of G 0 . Indeed, proposition 3.3 implies that under the hypothesis considered here, the eigenspaces of D(G/H) have different infinitesimal characters for Z(g). Then, it suffices to aplly corollary IV.4.3. By the same reasoning, we also obtain: 5.1' Theorem:Lei G 0 /H 0 be a connected reductive symmetric space which is oftypeEe/so(10)®C, E Q /F H , E T /E 6 @ C , or Es/Er®s\(2). Thenthediscrete spectrum of L 2 (G 0 )H 0 ) is a multiplicity free representation of G ol provided we only consider representations with infinitesimal characters which are not ambiguous in the sense of section S. Moreover, for any ambiguous infinites­ imal characters χ, the discrete spectrum part of the two distinct eigenspaces of D(G/H) with infinitesimal character χ, each are separately multiplicity free. If a representation V has a non-ambiguous infinitesimal character χ, then χ determines exactly in which eigenspace of D(G/H) in C°°(G0/H0) or L2(G0/H0), V can be imbedded. Otherwise, there are two possible eigenspaces, and we have not ruled out the possibility that V admit an imbedding in both eigenspaces. Recall that we have listed the ambiguous infitesimal characters in the proof of lemma 3.5, and they occur only for the exceptional symmetric spaces of theorem 5.1'.


Intertwining maps between distinct eigenspaces ofD(G/H)


The connectedness hypothesis is important since there are examples of symmetric quotients for finite groups having multiplicities bigger than one, e.g. G = SL2(F3) and H= diagonal matrices, then GjH = PSL2(F3) which affords a representation with multiplicity three. Concerning the general case of the problem mentioned at the beginning of this section, we shall shall prove the following result which has some interest of its own. Its proof was found in collaboration with Joseph Bernstein. Before stating the result, we have to describe a technical hypothesis that will be needed for the proof. The description of this hypothesis will also introduce some of our notation.

Put S 0 := G 0 /H 0 . By definition, an endomorphism of a topological vector space is continous. Now, by restriction, an endomorphism I of L2(S0) maps continuously the subspace C^0(S0) of smooth functions with compact support on S 0 , into the space C~°°(S 0 ) of distributions on S 0 , which contains L 2 (S 0 ). Recall L. Schwartz's kernel theorem, see [Treves, p. 531]. It asserts that any (continuous) morphism I from C^0(S0) into C~°°(S0) is given by integration with a distribution kernel L on S0 x S0. Although L is originally defined on the real variety S 0 X S 0 , we can extend it to the complex variety S X S, where S = G/H. Consider as before a maximal σ-split torus A in G. Let Areg denote the regular elements of A, i.e. the elements of A on which the roots of A in g do not take the value 1. The subset Greg := HAregH is open in G, and so is the subset Sreg := (HAregH)/H in S. Moreover, the space H\Sreg := H\Greg/H is equal to Wa\ Ares , where Wa is the Weyl group of A in g. Recall that for a group G and a subgroup H, there is a bijection between the double coset spaces:

G\(G/H χ G/H) ~ H\G/H




It is defined as follows: any G-orbit on G / H X G / H contains a point of the form (e,x) where e is the identity element of G. Then, the G-orbit of (e, χ) corresponds to the //-orbit of χ in G/H. Thus, there is an open subset (S X S)reg of SxS whose quotient by the diagonal action of G is isomorphic to Wa\ATeg . The singular set of S X S is by definition the complement of the regular set (S x S)reg. For semisimple symmetric spaces, the codimension of the singular set is 1 + dim G/P > 2, where P is a parabolic subgroup associated to H by an Iwasawa decomposition of g. We say that the kernel L i s r e g u l a r i f i t i s d e t e r m i n e d b y i t s r e s t r i c t i o n t o t h e r e g u l a r s e t (5" X S ) T e g . Our technical hypothesis is to work with regular kernels. 5.2 Theorem://1 is an endomorphism of L2{G0/H0) commuting with the group Got and whose kernel is regular, then I also commutes with the algebra O(G/H). Before proving this theorem, let us mention that if we could get rid of the technical hypothesis, then this result would give the solution to our problem: namely, that the discrete series of all connected reductive symmetric spaces is multiplicity free. Indeed, the eigenspaces corresponding to the discrete spectrum of O(GfH) are direct summands in L2(G0/H0). Moreover they are themselves finite direct sums of their irreducible constituents. We already know by corollary 4.3 that within one such eigenspace, all constituents are inequivalent. If an irreducible representation V of G0 would appear in two different eigenspaces, then composing one inclusion of V into L2(G0/H0) with the projection of L2(G0) H0) onto the other copy of V, we would obtain a non-zero endomorphism I of L2(G0/H0) commuting with G0. According to 5.2, I must also commute with D(G/H). But I does not, since it changes the eigenvalues of the elements of D(G/H). Thus, V has multiplicity one in the discrete spectrum of L2(G0/H0). There exist examples of //,,-invariant eigendistributions on G 0 / H 0 which are supported on the singular set, c/. [Kengmana] where such examples are announced for SO(p,q + 1)/SO(p,q), with p, q even. These distributions could produce interwining maps which are not regular. Therefore, theorem 5.2 as stated does not solve the full generality of our problem. Nevertheless, its proof reveals several interesting features of the matter.


Intertwining maps between distinct eigenspaces of D(G/H)


Proof: The symmetric subgroup H acts freely on both sides of the group G. Put S = G/H, so that H still acts on the left of S, but no longer freely. Consider the affine algebraic variety S X S. It has a left action of G on the first factor - denoted by ai, and it also has a left action of G on the second factor - denoted by 0:2. Let a denote the diagonal action of G on 5 X 5. Consider the sheaf of rings VsxS of differential operators on S X S. Then, there is a morphism . In 1.2.2, we have defined the category of -modules. Let/"be a l-module. The algebra of G-invariant differential operators on 5 is a subalgebra of ; hence it acts on any Ds-module. Therefore, T has a leftaction , and a right action of D(S'). There is a natural pairing on which induces the Hilbert space structure on One can define the adjoint of an operator . with respect to this pairing. Similarly, there is a natural anti-involution on U(g) which is — Id on g. These two operations are consistent, so that if . , then we have: Let denote the sections of !F on S X S which are invariant by . This is again a D(5)-module. 5.3 Proposition: Letv holds over the regular set

, and d

. Then, the following equality

Proof: There exists a unique -module IZ generated by a single G-fixed section - denoted Exphcitly, TZ is defined by:

where I is the two-sided ideal given by is the constant section

. The generating section r





be the inclusion. Consider first the restriction of TZ to the regular set, and then the direct image module . There is a natural map which is defined as follows. Ti. is generated over by the constant section Since i : coincide over the open is an open imbedding, 7Z and set . Therefore, also contains the section r that generates R over . To avoid confusion, in later reference, let us denote by , the section r seen as a section of . By applying inside , we obtain the map announced. The kernel of this map is given by the largest submodule of 7Z whose sections are supported on the singular set Now, the space of G-invariant sections forms a regular D(5)-module, since does not have any section supported on the singular set. We can easily determine this space. From the definitions of IZ and of the direct image functor i,, we find:

where denotes thealgebra of all polynomial differential operators on " . Since by Harish-Chandra's isomorphism, it follows that is a free D(5)-module. In particular, the D(S)submodules of generated by the section with the the actions aj and a2 are both free. We proceed to the proof of the proposition for , The bi-invariant differential operators on G form the ring Z(g) which naaps into D(S); let Z{S) be its image. The assertion 5.3 is clear if d belongs to Z(S). Indeed, we can let these operators act on functions on S either from the right or the left. But if the left translation is an action, then the right translation obtained by commutation of the operator with the group elements, is an antiaction. This has the effect of changing the left action of an element into the right action of its adjoint, cf. [Helgason 3, 11.5.31]. Moreover the G-invariance for an invariant section means that for all , we have:

The proposition follows for all elements of Z{S).


Intertwining maps between distinct eigenspaces of D(G/H)


Recall Helgason's result 3.3: for any element d D(5), there existstwo elements and in Z{S), such that as element of End We have:

Using the commutativity of D(5), and the fact that the proposition is true for the elements of Z{S), we obtain:

But this must be equal to:

Since is a free D(5)-module, it does not contain any torsion. Therefore by applying we conclude that and its generThe following fact shows the importance of the module ating section r. 5.4 Lemma: Let T be

module. Then:

Proof: This is a kind of Frobenius reciprocity. If , then the corresponding homomorphism maps r to v, and is determined by this property. Conversely if v is the image of r by a homomorphism , then . The last statement is proved in the same majiner. • This lemma implies proposition 5.3. Indeed, for , let be the homomorphism given in the proof of lemma 5.4, such that Since v is a regular section in the module , it is determined by its restriction Vo the regular set . We can also localize obtain a homomorphism 4>o over the regular set such that . For any , we have:

using the fact that

commutes with differential operators on




To finish the proof of theorem 5.2, we use L. Schwartz's kernel theorem to reprroent the intertwining map ^ by a distribution kernel on Since the singular set has codimension at least two, it has measure zero. The regularity assumption on L implies that we can write ^ as an integral over the regular set. For , define Given we have:

where dx is a Go-invariant measure on So- Since i commutes with the left action of , L is invariant under the diagonal action of . Although L is originally defined on the real variety , we can extend this distribution to SX S, and apply to it all operators in • L he the -module generated by so that . . Thanks to proposition 5.3, the following equality holds over the regular set for all d T)(S):

For a function / , and an invariant differential operator d denote by d • / the natural action of d on / . Then we have:


Since is dense in , it follows by continuity of commutes with every element of D(5) on the whole space.

that t


Intertwining maps between distinct eigenspaces of D(G/H)


5.5 Remark: We can generalize theorem 5.2 to the context in the following way . More precisely, let be a character of D(G/H), and define

be the -proper-quotient-space of D(G/H) acting on obtain for two different characters of 'D(G/H):

, Then we

We could allow generalized eigenspaces, provided we fix the degree of nilpotence of D(G/i/'). This does not imply that between different eigenspaces of 0 ( 5 ) , there cannot be any interwining map. Indeed, a proper subspace need not isomorphic to the corresponding proper quotient-space. For example, the reader can contemplate the case of the zero eigenvalue of the operator acting on the space (R). Then:

5.6 Scholium: From the proof of theorem 5.2, we see clearly that the regularity hypothesis on the kernel of £ could be waived, if we could prove the following statement. Let A,- be the submodule generated by the . action of 0(5") on r in , for i 1,2. The sum of and in is a free T>[S)-module for each action ai and a2. We have not been able to prove this assertion, and we offer it to the reader as a challenge. A stronger statement that may hold is that itself is a free I>(5')-module for each action ai and 0:2• If this assertion is true, it is likely to be a special feature of semisimple symmetric spaces, somewhat related to the fact that although K does not act freely on G/K, the ring of regular functions on G/K is free over the subring of if-invariant functions, cf [Kostant-Rallis].





Multiplicities of principal series

We do not assume any longer that rank G/II rankK/H fl K . Among the other subrepresentations which occur in are those which belong to the principal series. They correspond to the -submodules of which are supported by the open -orbit or rather by their closures. Let be an open -orbit different from the whole variety and let J denote the subspace of -algebraic hypersections which are . We say that A is generic if it is non-integral in supported in the closure of except on the roots of a in k and if is dominant regular in . Then is an irreducible -module and hence it corresponds to an irreducible subrepresentation V{Y, A) of in via Helgason's and Flensted-Jensen isomorphisms. On the other hand, let be the unique open if-orbit in X . Then

is a disjoint union of say n open if-orbits in 6.1 Theorem: If multiplicity n.

is generic, 1








A similar result holds for every if-orbit F in X whose intersection with is non-empty. In particular, if Y is closed and intersects the open if-orbit , then consists of exactly one -orbit, cf. 11.7.4, This explains why the discrete series of is multiplicity free. Proof: Consider the inclusion . When is generic the two direct image functors ii and coincide. The stabilizer Ky of a point y Yo may be disconnected, and to construct a -module as in §3 we must choose a representation of M which is trivial on its identity component and on . Then the module is irreducible. Since is dominant regular in , theglobal sections of form an irreducible (g, if )-module denoted


Multiplicities of principal series


Now we can refine theorem II.6.8 to obtain an injective map of modules

Indeed, is contained in the open i?-orbit . On . there is an invertible sheaf whose local cohomology along gives the space of hypersections acts on this space and | consists of the -algebraic elements. On the other hand, since the global sections of are if-algebraic, they are determined by their restriction to Then they are mapped into by the same process as in II.6. The image of R consists of vectors which are supported on all of because is irreducible and hence it has no constituent concentrated on strictly smaller if-orbits than Similarly, the genericity of forces the hypersections in to have singularities along the boundary of and prevents the occurrence of hypersections supported on strictly smaller if-orbits. Therefore, multiplication by the characteristic function of the closure of any open -orbit , n , is an operator which commutes with the actions of g and i f . In this way, we obtain n projections of M( , A) on the various submodules . These projections must be bijective because acting with the complex group if on any gives back the original module . Thus we have shown that all the -modules are isomorphic. Consequently, V{Y, A) occurs with multiplicity

It is clear from the result that the appearance of multiplicity for symmetric spaces is due to the fact that the real points of the orbit of the complex group if split into several orbits for the corresponding real form of i f . This kind of situation is familiar in the study of conjugacy classes where it has led to the notion of stable conjugacy. In fact, one can parametrize the representations in by coadjoints orbits of in Liel Now, take a complex i7-orbit Y in seen as a subspace g. Y intersected with the real subspace Lie may split into several orbits for the real group Ho- This yields an alternative geometric explanation for multiplicities of representations in . However, the reader should be warned that this explanation is only valid in the generic range of For special values of the parameter some jumps in the multiplicities may occur.




Finally, let us mention that a recent article of [van den Ban 2] in which he obtains an explicit construction of //-invariant distributions on princi­ pal series modules. Taking into account the fact that we work with the full centralizer H of the involution σ instead of just its identity component, his results coincides with ours on the multiplicity of principal series representa­ tions on symmetric spaces.


τ-invariant of discrete series on exceptional sym­ metric spaces

In this final section, we are going to describe the τ-invariant of certain repre­ sentations which occur in the discrete series of exceptional symmetric spaces. Moreover these representations have ambiguous eigencharacters for the alge­ bra D(G/H), in the sense that two such representations may have different eigencharacters for D(G/H), but have same infinitesimal character for Z(g), see lemma 3.5. According to Helgason's result 3.3, there are four cases where ambiguous weights may - and in fact do - occur: E,/BO(10) 0 C , E 6 /F 4 , E 7 /E 6 ® C , E a /E 7 © sl(2). We will detail the computations for the case of integral regular Λ G a* . Moreover we omit those λ which are ambiguous only with some singular weight μ . This suffices to study the discrete series of symmetric spaces according to theorem 3.4. The ambiguous regular integral weights which are ambiguous with some other regular weight are the one written below. According to the proof of lemma 3.5, there are none for the symmetric space Es/so(10) φ C .

EsIFi E 7 /Es Θ C Ea/E7 ® sl(2)

m = 3,4, ··· I

λ (4,1) (4,1, m) (4,1,1)

(1,4) (l,4,m-2) (1,3,1)





T-invaricint of discrete series on exceptional symmetric spaces


We aregoing to compute the T-invariant of the (g, if )-modules >1(A) := . For reference to coherent families and T-invariants, see [Vogan 1, 2 Chap. 7]. First note that as varies, these representations belong to the same coherent family.

Indeed Flensted-Jensen duality together with Helgason isomorphism identifies with : the subspace of -algebraic hyperfunction sections of the line on induced from . The notation is the same as in section II.3. Now the full spaces of hyperfunction sections form obviously a coherent family for as varies. Hence so does the subspace of -algebraic elements. For an integral weight in , M o d shall denote the category of (g, if )-modules with infinitesimal character • Recall that to a simple root a , we can associate two functors and on the category of (g, if )-modules which are called translations to and from the a-wall. These functors are not uniquely determined because we have not specified to which point of the a-wall we are moving. We can choose any integral weight whichlies on the a-wall and on no other wall. Then the composite functor is well-defined and it preserves infinitesimal characters because Mod for any integral i n w h e r e i s the reflection in the root

Suppose A is big enough so that is a dominant regular in t*. Then there exists a unique coherent family of virtual (g, if )-modules whose member . The T-invariant of the component M of is the set of simple roots a such that . I n fact the TT-invariant is more naturally attached to the primitive ideal and it is under this disguise that we will use it. The key tool of the computation is the following result of [Vogan 1, Theorem 3.2]:

Suppose a and and . Moreover, ideal associated to

are two simple roots of the same length such that . Then has a unique component with . In addition, one knows exactly the primitive is irreducible and M occurs as a




In the theory of D-modules, the r-invariant has the following interpretation. Let B denote the variety of Borel subgroups of G, and let be the variety of minimal parabolic subgroup of type a . There is a fibration Pa • with fibers P^. The inverse image functor p^ maps -modules modules on . A P-modules Ad has a in its r-invariant if it on is the pull-back of a I)-module on . It follows that our modules have at least the simple roots of m in their r-invariants, hence the same holds for their global sections M(Y, A). We shall write a r-invariant as a collection of -I- and — signs written in the same order as the Dynkin diagram where (resp. -I-) denotes a root which is (resp. is not) in the r-invariant. Let us consider the first case: V = (4,4) . We shall view and r-invariant of the components of sibilities:

We have seen that family In fact, we have:

and put as successive degenerations of u . The can be any of the four following pos-

and All/) belong to the same coherent


The weights \p and fip are conjugate to

by Ss sg and sj si

respectively. The situation is best described by the picture below. In the notation of section IV.3, we can write ', where is a Cartan subalgebra of m. Then, we want to pass successively from the point 1 to the point 6

IV. 7 T-invariant of discrete series on exceptional symmetric spaces


If all roots are in the r-invariant of M , then the representations are zero at and . So let us assume that we are in the second case for r . Recall that a constituent of a representation is an irreducible subquotient. i Let M be a constituent of A(v). We shall work with virtual (g,K)-modules and we shall identify them with their characters. When we push M to the ae-wall, we get zero if . In this case If , then is a constituent of A(4,3). Coming out on the other side of the ae-wall to the weight , we see using [Vogan 1, 7.3.19], that where every component of has in its T-invariant and is the only constituent of which does not have 0:5 in its r-invariant. Thus at this stage the r-invariants of the constituents of are:


Now we push the representation to the wall corresponding to the fifth root of the diagram

. To reach the weight

we apply

; then

only the term survives. When we come out of the ccs-wall, we obtain a virtual module containing exactly one component N with T-invariant:




The τ-invariant of the rest is

( + - - + - ) Ote is still in the τ-invariant because

o r



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AK(G0/H0)X) ambiguous infinitesimal character admissible subgroup affine imbedding affinity of flag spaces associated variety of a (g, if)-module

36 93 26 29 20 77

B as flag space B as hyperfunctions B(XT,Lx) Blattner formula

29 52 37, 52 62

Cp Cartcin factor Cartan triple characteristic cycle characteristic variety classification of (V, if)-modules closed orbits coadjoint orbits coherent family compactification of a symmetric space component group

74, 84 12 13 83 69 26 32 117 119 63, 66 50

Δλ 20,22 Vx 15 V1 16 Vtp 16 25-module 9 coherent 24 holonomic 25 irreducible 25 smooth 24 standard 25, 27 regular singularities 25 ( V , G)-module 11 decomposable module 80 discrete series 58 construction of 40 duality of functors 40

ε χ , Sx


£-module holonomic exactness of Γ

68 69 20, 23

flag space Flensted-Jensen isomorphism

12, 29

G, G0 Gr Γ as functor of global sections Γ as functor of K-finite sections


1 2 20 40

Η, H0 Ht

Haxish-Chandra isomorphism harmonic polynomial Helgason isomorphism hyperfunctions inductive functor invariant differential operators irreducibility criterion K,K


Kt K

Levi factor localization functor L as functor of cofinite sections P-p

matrix differential operator mic as functor of microlocalization mi crodiffer ent i al operator moment map multiplicity one multiplicities

1 2 15 16 37 37, 52 39 35, 91 78 1 2 119 12 20


parabolic subgroup Poisson transform positive roots primitive ring projective functor Pt Pbt Ppt P l

rank real forms of an algebraic group Richardson orbit Riemannian dual of a symmetric space root system

nilpotent cone nilpotent variety

13 58 34 74 2 13

seminormal point spherical module Springer correspondence

86 34, 45 87

r-invariant Thom isomorphism trivial isotropy

118 53 33, 45

40 119 11, 105

unibranch point unitary module

73 16 86 82

as flag space


U x ,U x

72 68 74 61, 97, 108 4, 116



Z , Z ( g) Mp

29 12 37, 64 13 107 39

74, 87 85 85

as center of U