County and City Extra : Special Historical Edition, 1790-2010
 9781598888058, 9781598888041

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County and City Extra Special Historical Edition, 1790–2010

County and City Extra Special Historical Edition, 1790–2010

Edited by

Deirdre A. Gaquin and Mary Meghan Ryan

Lanham • Boulder • New York • Toronto • Plymouth, UK

Published by Bernan Press, An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. 4501 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 200 Lanham, Maryland 20706 www. 800-462-6420 Copyright © 2015 by Bernan Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. Bernan Press does not claim copyright in U.S. government information. ISBN 13: 978-1-59888-804-1 ISBN 13: 978-1-59888-805-8 ™

The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992. Manufactured in the United States of America.

Contents Page

1 3 7 9 13 15 21 23 49

Preface United States through the Decades Part A. United States Introduction to Part A Table A Notes and Definitions Part B. States Introduction to Part B Ranking State Population for Selected Years Table B Notes and Definitions

53 55 56 168

Part C. Counties Introduction to Part C Table C Notes and Definitions

211 213 215 268

Part D. Cities Introduction to Part D Table D Notes and Definitions


vii ix



County and City Extra, Special Historical Edition brings together census population data from the earliest days of our nation and some more recent historical data from other federal statistical agencies. For more than 20 years, the County and City Extra series has provided annual up-to-date statistical information for every state, county, metropolitan area, and congressional district, as well as all cities with populations of 25,000 or more. This historical edition provides key data from all of the censuses from 1790 through 2010. Part A provides an overview of selected national data for all available years from the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Part B includes a similar selection of data for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Part C shows the population of each county from the date of its origins through the 2010 census. Detailed information about the origins of all states and counties is included. Part D presents the largest cities for each of the 23 censuses between 1790 and 2010, as well as a table showing the historical populations of all cities with populations of 100,000 or more in 2010. With each census, the Census Bureau includes a great deal of historical information in the official census reports. Almost all of these reports are now available online in PDF format and were used as sources for this book: Other Census Bureau publications provided historical statistics, most notably the two-volume Bicentennial Edition: Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970. Selected historical statistics have typically been included in the Statistical Abstract, and the Census Bureau’s website links to a collection of historical data from the 2012 Statistical Abstract:

the tradition with editions in 2012, 2013, and 2014. The Census Bureau has published several smaller publications with historical data for specific populations or topics. This book includes data from several of those publications, especially: Hobbs, Frank and Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Special Reports, Series CENSR-4, Demographic Trends in the 20th Century, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2002. (http://www.census. gov/prod/2002pubs/censr-4.pdf ) Forstall, Richard L., Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990, U. S. Census Bureau, 1996. ( pop1790-1990.html ) Gibson, Campbell J., Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 To 1990; Population division Working Paper No. 27, U.S. Census Bureau, 1998. ( www/documentation/twps0027/twps0027.html ) Gibson, Campbell J. and Emily Lennon, Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 1850-1990, Population Division Working Paper No. 29, U.S. Census Bureau, 1999. ( population/www/documentation/twps0029/twps0029.html ) Data included in this volume meet the publication standards established by the U.S. Census Bureau and the other federal statistical agencies from which they were obtained. Every effort has been made to select data that are accurate, meaningful, and useful. All data from censuses, surveys, and administrative records are subject to errors arising from factors such as sampling variability, reporting errors, incomplete coverage, nonresponse, imputations, and processing error. Responsibility of the editors and publishers of this volume is limited to reasonable care in the reproduction and presentation of data obtained from sources believed to be reliable. The Statistical Compendia program within the Census Bureau was eliminated, and the 2012 Statistical Abstract was the final edition published by them, ending a publication that began in 1878. The ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States, published by Bernan Press, has continued

County and City Extra: Special Historical Edition, 1790– 2010 is part of Bernan Press’s County and City Extra series. As always, we are especially grateful to the many federal agency personnel who assisted us in obtaining the data, provided excellent resources on their websites, and patiently answered questions.



Deirdre A. Gaquin has been a data use consultant to private organizations, government agencies, and universities for over 30 years. Prior to that, she was Director of Data Access Services at Data Use & Access Laboratories, a pioneer in private sector distribution of federal statistical data. A former President of the Association of Public Data Users, Ms. Gaquin has served on numerous boards, panels, and task forces concerned with federal statistical data and has worked on five decennial censuses. She holds a Master of Urban Planning (MUP) degree from Hunter College. Ms. Gaquin is also

viii County and City Extra

an editor of Bernan Press’s The Who, What, and Where of America: Understanding the American Community Survey; Places, Towns and Townships; The Congressional District Atlas; The Almanac of American Education; Race and Employment in America; and the State and Metropolitan Area Data Book. Mary Meghan Ryan is a senior research editor for Bernan Press. She is also the editor for the Handbook of U.S. Labor Statistics, State Profiles, and the associate editor for Business Statistics of the United States.

United States through the Decades

1790s Washington D.C. is established as the capital of the United States in 1791

In exchange for $15 million and settling $3.25 million in American claims, Mexico cedes approximately 500,000 square miles of territory in the western and southwestern United States.

The population of the United States is 3.9 million 1850s 1800s

On September 9, 1850 California becomes the 31st state

Lewis and Clark begin their expedition to map the northwest United States on May 14, 1804

Minnesota becomes the 32nd state in 1858 and Oregon the 33rd state in 1859

While negotiating to purchase New Orleans, LA from the French for $10 million on April 11, 1803, the U.S. delegation headed by Robert Livingston is dumbfounded to be offered the 828,800 square mile “Louisiana purchase” instead for $15 million

1810s Louisiana, Indiana, Mississippi, Illinois, and Alabama all are granted statehood between 1812 and 1819 The 13 stars and stripes configuration of the U.S. flag is officially adopted by Congress on April 4, 1818

1820s Maine enters the Union on March 15, 1820 as the 23rd state while Missouri becomes the 24th state in 1821 The population of the United States grows to over 9.6 million

1860s President Abraham Lincoln signs the Homestead Act into law on May 20, 1862, giving applicants freehold title to undeveloped federal land, typically 160 acres, west of the Mississippi River. Russia finalizes its sale of Alaska to the United States, on March 30, 1867 1870s The “Great Chicago Fire” begins October 8, 1871 Colorado becomes the 38th state on August 1, 1876 1880s The Statue of Liberty arrives in New York Harbor from France, in July 1885 In November 1889, North and South Dakota, Montana, and Washington are admitted to statehood

1830s Following months of increasing inflation and shrinking credit, the Panic of 1837 begins, causing widespread bank failures and unemployment. Arkansas and Michigan enter the Union as the 25th and 26th states respectively

1840s Ireland’s “Potato Famine” results in an influx of Irish immigrants to the United States beginning in 1845.

1890s Wyoming and Idaho are admitted as the 43rd and 44th states in July 1890 The United States annexes Hawaii on July 7, 1898 1900s The “Great San Francisco” earthquake strikes in 1906 Oklahoma becomes the 47th state on November 16, 1907





Arizona becomes the 48th state and last of the contiguous states admitted to the Union on February 14, 1912

Construction is completed on the Sears Tower (now the Willis Tower) in Chicago, IL, in 1973, and it becomes the tallest building in the world until surpassed by the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 1998

On April 6, 1917, the U.S. Congress declares war on Germany, marking America’s entry into World War I 1920s The population of the United States grows to over 106 million Los Angeles, CA becomes the 10th most populous city in the United States with a population of over 576,000 1930s

The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries announces an embargo on oil exports to the United States on October 15, 1973

1980s The cost of the U.S. Census exceeded $1 billion for the first time Apple Computer® launches its Macintosh computer in 1984

The population of the United States increased 16.2 percent from 1920 to 1930 The Boulder Dam (today known as “Hoover Dam”) is completed two years ahead of schedule on March 1, 1936.

1990s The cost of the U.S. census reaches $2.5 billion The U.S. population reaches 248.7 million

1940s The population of New York city grows to 7.4 million increasing 7.6 percent from 1930 The population per square mile in the United States increases to 37.2

2000s Hurricane Katrina, the costliest hurricane in U.S. history, hits southeast Louisiana, August 29, 2005 From 2000 to 2010, the population of New Orleans declined 29.1 percent

1950s Alaska becomes the 49th state on January 3, 1959 Hawaii becomes the 50th state on August 21, 1959 1960s

2010s The population of the United States increased to over 308 million In 2013, 9 cities had more than 1 million residents

With high birth rates the U.S. population increases to over 179 million, increasing over 18 percent between 1950 and 1960. The cost per capita of the U.S. Census increased to 71.4 cents. In 1790, it cost 1.1 cents


County and City Extra

Source: fast_facts/2010_fast_facts.html


Part A—United States

United States


United States, 3,929,214 Population of the 1790 3,929 1790–2010 5,308,483 1800 5,308 350,000 7,239,881 1810 7,240 1820 9,638 300,000 9,638,453 12,866,020 1830 12,866 1840 17,069 250,00017,069,453 23,191,876 1850 23,192 31,443,321 1860 31,443 200,000 38,558,371 1870 38,558 50,189,209 1880 50,189 150,000 62,979,766 1890 62,980 76,212,168 1900 76,212 100,000 92,228,496 1910 92,228 106,021,537 1920 106,022 50,000 123,202,624 1930 123,203 132,164,569 1940 132,165 0 151,325,798 1950 151,326 179,323,175 1960 179,323 203,302,031 1970 203,302 Year 226,542,199 1980 226,542 248,709,873 1990 248,710

17 90 18 00 18 10 18 20 18 30 18 40 18 50 18 60 18 70 18 80 18 90 19 00 19 10 19 20 19 30 19 40 19 50 19 60 19 70 19 80 19 90 20 00 20 10

Population (in thousands)


Part A contains information about the United States as a whole, from each census from 1790 through 2010. The decennial census was mandated by the constitution and is the basis for defining congressional districts and electing members of Congress. The first census took place on August 2, 1790. Also included is a selection of economic information about much of the 20th century from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Bureau of Economic Analysis. It’s clearly difficult to maintain comparability through 23 censuses over 220 years. The first few censuses were conducted without standard forms. Each state collected basic race, sex, and age information about its inhabitants. When first measured, the United States population in 1790 was less than 4 million in 13 states, compared with the 2010 population of 309 million people in 50 states and the District of Columbia. Only 5 percent of the 1790 population lived in urban places. By 1900, the population had grown to 76 million, with 40 percent urban. By 2010, 80 percent of the population lived in urban areas. The early censuses showed a population that was about 80 percent white, with a median age under 20 and more men

than women. Through the 19th century, the foreign-born proportion of the population was consistently around 14 percent. By 1900, the median age had gone up to 22.9, the white population had increased to 88 percent, and the percent female had stayed about the same or slightly lower. By 1950, the median age was 30, the white population was almost 90 percent, and there were now more women than men. The foreign-born population measured only about 5 percent in 1950 and 1960, its lowest recorded levels. In 2010, the median age was 37, the “white alone” population was 72 percent, the female proportion remained above 50 percent, and the foreign-born proportion had climbed to nearly 13 percent, almost as high as the levels of the early 20th century. In 1900, life expectancy at birth was 47 years. By 2010, it was almost 79 years. Some of the influences on these changes are well known. The 1900 census reflects the considerable immigration from Europe at the time. The 1950 census reflects the high birth rates of the late 1940s and the casualties of World War II. The 2000 and 2010 censuses reflect immigration from Latin America and Asia, and the change in racial categories to identify with more than one race. In 2010, over

Part A — United States 3


35.1 Change in Population in Each Decade, 1790–1800 to 2000–2010 1790–1800 Percent 1800–1810 36.4 40 33.1 1810–1820 33.5 1820–1830 35 32.7 1830–1840 35.9 1840–1850 30 35.6 1850–1860 25 22.6 1860–1870 30.2 1870–1880 20 25.5 1880–1890 21.0 1890–1900 15 21.0 1900–1910 10 15.0 1910–1920 16.2 1920–19305 7.3 1930–1940 14.5 1940–19500 18.5 1950–1960 13.4 1960–1970 11.4 1970–1980 Year 9.8 1980–1990 13.1 1990–2000

white 1800 1850 2010 1900 1950 2010 Year


Percent ofasian Population by Race, 1800–2010 black Distribution indian other 81.1 18.9 … … … 84.3 15.7 … … … 87.9 11.6 0.3 0.2 … 89.5 10.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 72.4 12.6 0.9 5.0 6.2

1800 81.1 18.9


white black indian 1850 asian other 1800 0%


1850 84.3 15.7


1900 87.9 11.6 0.3 0.2


1950 89.5 10.0 0.2 0.2 0.1



2010 72.4 12.6 0.9 5.0 6.2 60%


Percent White


County and City Extra








Life Expectancy at Birth, 1900–2010

Life Expectancy 90

Number of years

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

47.3 50.0 54.1 59.7 62.9 68.2 69.7 70.8 73.7 75.4 77.0 78.7

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1900














1930 1940 1950 16.0 1960 14.0 1970 1980 12.0 1990 2000 10.0 2010

Unemployment Rate, 1930–2010

8.7 14.6 5.3 5.5 4.9 7.1 5.6 4.0 9.6

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 1930










Part A — United States 5

Per capita personal income

Per Capita Personal Income, 1930–2010 1930 1940 45,000 1950 40,000 1960 1970 35,000 1980 30,000 1990 2000 25,000 2010

621 600 1,534 2,323 4,196 10,150 19,584 30,587 40,144

20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1930










9 percent of people identified as “some other race” or “two or more races.” In the early census years, racial identification was determined by the enumerator, and the categories were limited. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has provided consistent measurements of the labor force and the unemployment rate for more than 80 years. Along with population growth, the civilian labor force has grown from 50 million workers in 1930 to 154 million in 2010. Of decennial years, 1940 had


County and City Extra

the highest unemployment rate, at 14.6 percent. The lowest rate—4 percent—was in 2000. The Bureau of Economic Analysis regularly produces estimates of personal income, the income received by all persons from all sources. In 1930, personal income was 76 billion dollars. By 2010, this had grown to 12 trillion dollars. Per capita income is the measure of income for each person of all ages. In 1930, per capita income was $621. In 2010, it was $40,144.

Table A. United States Race (Percent)


Percent change from previous census

Resident Population

Percent urban1

Persons Per square mile

Land area (sq mi)


American Indian and Alaskan Native


Asian and Pacific Islander

Some other race

Median Age












2010............. 2000............. 1990............. 1980............. 1970............. 1960............. 1950............. 1940............. 1930............. 1920.............

308,745,538 281,424,603 248,718,302 226,542,199 203,302,031 179,323,175 151,325,798 132,164,569 123,202,624 106,021,537

9.7 13.1 9.8 11.4 13.4 18.5 14.5 7.3 16.2 15.0

80.7 79.0 75.2 73.7 73.6 69.9 64.0 56.5 56.1 51.2

3,531,905 3,537,438 3,536,278 3,539,289 3,536,855 3,540,911 3,552,206 3,554,608 3,551,608 3,546,931

87.4 79.6 70.3 64.0 57.5 50.6 42.6 37.2 34.7 29.9

72.4 75.1 80.3 83.1 87.5 88.6 89.5 89.8 89.8 89.7

12.6 12.3 12.1 11.7 11.1 10.5 10.0 9.8 9.7 9.9

0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2

5.0 3.8 2.9 1.5 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2

6.2 5.5 3.9 3.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 … … …

37.2 35.3 32.9 30.0 28.1 29.5 30.2 29.0 26.5 25.3

1910............. 1900............. 1890............. 1880............. 1870............. 1860............. 1850............. 1840............. 1830............. 1820.............

92,228,496 76,212,168 62,979,766 50,189,209 38,558,371 31,443,321 23,191,876 17,069,453 12,866,020 9,638,453

21.0 21.0 25.5 30.2 22.6 35.6 35.9 32.7 33.5 33.1

45.6 39.6 35.1 28.2 25.7 19.8 15.4 10.8 8.8 7.2

3,547,045 3,547,314 3,540,705 3,540,705 3,540,705 2,969,640 2,940,042 1,749,462 1,749,462 1,749,462

26.0 21.5 17.8 14.2 10.9 10.6 7.9 9.8 7.4 5.5

88.9 87.9 87.5 86.5 89.1 85.6 84.3 83.2 81.9 81.6

10.7 11.6 11.9 13.1 14.0 14.1 15.7 16.8 18.1 18.4

0.3 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … … …

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

24.1 22.9 22.0 20.9 20.2 19.4 18.9 17.8 17.2 16.7

1810............. 1800............. 1790.............

7,239,881 5,308,483 3,929,214

36.4 35.1 …

7.3 6.1 5.1

1,681,828 864,746 864,746

4.3 6.1 4.5

81.0 81.1 80.7

19.0 18.9 19.3

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

Age (percent) YEAR

Under 5 years

5 to 14 years

55 to 64 years

65 to 74 years 2

75 years and over

Life expectancy (in years)

Percent female

15 to 24 years

25 to 34 years

35 to 44 years

45 to 54 years












2010............. 2000............. 1990............. 1980............. 1970............. 1960............. 1950............. 1940............. 1930............. 1920.............

6.5 6.8 7.4 7.2 8.4 11.3 10.7 8.0 9.3 11.0

13.3 14.6 14.2 15.4 20.1 19.8 16.1 17.0 20.1 20.9

14.1 13.9 14.8 18.8 17.4 13.4 14.7 18.2 18.3 17.7

13.3 14.2 17.4 16.4 12.3 12.7 15.8 16.2 15.4 16.3

13.3 16.0 15.1 11.3 11.4 13.4 14.2 13.9 14.0 13.4

14.6 13.4 10.1 10.1 11.4 11.4 11.5 11.8 10.6 9.9

11.8 8.6 8.5 9.6 9.1 8.7 8.8 8.0 6.8 6.2

7.0 6.5 7.3 6.9 6.1 6.1 5.6 4.8 3.8 3.3

6.0 5.9 5.2 4.4 3.7 3.1 2.6 2.0 1.5 1.4

50.8 50.9 51.2 51.4 51.3 50.6 50.2 49.8 49.4 49.0

78.7 77.0 75.4 73.7 70.8 69.7 68.2 62.9 59.7 54.1

1910............. 1900............. 1890............. 1880............. 1870............. 1860............. 1850............. 1840............. 1830............. 1820.............

11.6 12.1 12.2 13.8 14.3 … … … … …

20.6 22.4 23.3 24.3 24.9 … … … … …

19.7 19.6 20.4 20.1 20.2 … … … … …

16.5 15.9 15.7 14.9 14.6 … … … … …

12.7 12.2 11.3 10.9 11.0 … … … … …

9.1 8.4 8.1 7.8 7.6 … … … … …

5.5 5.3 5.0 4.7 4.3 … … … … …

3.0 2.9 3.9 3.4 3.0 … … … … …

1.3 1.2 … … … … … … … …

48.5 48.9 48.8 49.1 49.4 48.8 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.2

50.0 47.3

1810............. 1800............. 1790.............

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …


Please see notes and definitions for definition of “urban.” Data before 1900 refers to age 65 and over. … = Not available. 2

Table A. United States


Table A. United States—Continued Households

Housing units Family households

YEAR Average household size


Percent oneperson housholds

Percent in group quarters


With own children under 18 years

Foreign-born population

Percent owneroccupied of occupied housing units


Region of birth reported

Percentforeign born






Latin America

Northern America

















2010.......... 2000.......... 1990.......... 1980.......... 1970.......... 1960.......... 1950.......... 1940.......... 1930.......... 1920..........

116,716,292 105,480,101 91,947,410 80,389,673 63,449,747 53,021,061 42,857,335 34,854,532 29,904,663 24,351,676

2.6 2.6 2.6 2.8 3.1 3.3 3.4 3.7 4.0 …

26.7 25.8 24.6 22.7 17.6 13.3 9.3 7.7 … …

2.6 2.8 2.7 2.5 2.9 2.8 3.8 2.5 2.4 …

66.4 68.1 70.2 73.2 80.3 84.9 89.4 … … …

29.8 48.2 47.9 51.2 54.9 56.9 51.9 … … …

131,704,730 115,904,641 102,263,678 88,411,263 68,679,030 58,326,357 45,983,398 37,325,470 … …

65.1 66.2 64.2 64.4 62.9 61.9 55.0 43.6 47.8 45.6

12.9 11.1 7.9 6.2 4.7 5.4 6.9 8.8 11.6 13.2

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

12.1 15.8 22.9 39.0 61.7 75.0 … … 83.0 85.7

28.2 26.4 26.3 19.3 8.9 5.1 … … 1.9 1.7

4.0 2.8 1.9 1.5 0.9 0.4 … … 0.1 0.1

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 … … 0.1 0.1

53.1 51.7 44.3 33.1 19.4 9.4 … … 5.6 4.2

2.0 2.7 4.0 6.5 8.7 9.8 … … 9.2 8.2

1910.......... 1900.......... 1890.......... 1880.......... 1870.......... 1860.......... 1850.......... 1840.......... 1830.......... 1820..........

20,255,555 15,963,965 12,690,152 9,945,916 7,579,363 5,210,984 3,598,240 … … …

… 4.6 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.3 5.6 … … …

… 5.1 … … … … … … … …

… 3.4 … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

45.9 46.7 … … … … … … … …

14.7 13.6 14.8 13.3 14.4 13.2 … … … …

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 … … …

87.4 86.0 86.9 86.2 88.8 92.1 92.2 … … …

1.4 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.2 0.9 0.1 … … …

… … …

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 … … …

2.1 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.9 … … …

9.0 11.4 10.6 10.7 8.9 6.0 6.7 … … …

1810.......... 1800.......... 1790..........

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

Civilian labor force

Personal income

YEAR Total3


Unemployment rate

Percent change from previous census

Total (mil dol)

Percent change in per capita income from previous census

Per capita income








2010........... 2000........... 1990........... 1980........... 1970........... 1960........... 1950........... 1940........... 1930........... 1920...........

153,889 142,583 125,840 106,940 82,771 69,628 62,208 55,640 49,820 …

139,064 136,891 118,793 99,303 78,678 65,778 58,918 47,520 45,480

9.6 4.0 5.6 7.1 4.9 5.5 5.3 14.6 8.7 …

12,417,659 8,630,550 4,888,493 2,306,348 855,078 418,095 233,009 79,171 76,371 …

43.9 76.5 112.0 169.7 104.5 79.4 194.3 3.7 … …

40,144 30,587 19,584 10,150 4,196 2,323 1,534 600 621 …

31.2 56.2 92.9 141.9 80.6 51.4 155.7 -3.4 … …

1910........... 1900........... 1890........... 1880........... 1870........... 1860........... 1850........... 1840........... 1830........... 1820...........

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

… … … … … … … … … …

1810........... 1800........... 1790...........

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …

… … …


Please see notes and definitions for definition of “urban.” Data before 1900 refers to age 65 and over. 3 Data before 1940 refers to those 14 years and over. Data after 1950 refers to to those 16 years and over. … = Not available. 2


County and City Extra


Part A contains a selection of historical data for the United States from three major federal statistical agencies: The Bureau of the Census, The Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Population, land area measurements, and some race data start with the first census in 1790. Some consistent data on age and sex came as early as 1820, and the foreign-born percentage of the population goes back to 1850. Both the labor force data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the personal income data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis go back to 1930. POPULATION AND LAND AREA (Items 1 through 5) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts, CPH-2-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2012. The population, land area, and density are from Table 2 in Population and Housing Unit Counts. The land area is the size, in square miles, of the United States, excluding water area. Population density is computed by dividing the total population of the United States by the land area of the United States measured in square miles. Percent urban. The percentage of the population living in urban areas (item 3) represents a definition that has changed over time. The proportion for each year shown reflects the definition that applied at that time. 1800 to 1940. In censuses prior to 1950, “urban” comprised all territory, persons, and housing units in incorporated places of 2,500 or more persons, and in areas (usually minor civil divisions) classified as urban under special rules relating to population size and density. The definition of urban that restricted itself to incorporated places having 2,500 or more persons excluded many large, densely settled areas merely because they were not incorporated. Prior to the 1950 census, the Census Bureau attempted to avoid some of the more obvious omissions by classifying selected areas as “urban under special rules.” Even with these rules, however, many large, closely built-up areas were excluded from the urban category. 1950 to 1990. To improve its measure of urban territory, population, and housing units, the Census Bureau adopted the concept of the urbanized area and delineated boundaries for unincorporated places (now, census designated places) for the 1950 census. Urban was defined as territory, persons, and housing units in urbanized areas and, outside

urbanized areas, in all places, incorporated or unincorporated, that had 2,500 or more persons. With the following three exceptions, the 1950 census definition of urban continued substantially unchanged through 1990. First, in the 1960 census (but not in the 1970, 1980, or 1990 censuses), certain towns in the New England States, townships in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and Arlington County, Virginia, were designated as urban. However, most of these “special rule” areas would have been classified as urban anyway because they were included in an urbanized area or in an unincorporated place of 2,500 or more persons. Second, “extended cities” were identified for the 1970, 1980, and 1990 censuses. Extended cities primarily affect the figures for urban and rural territory (area), but have very little effect on the urban and rural population and housing units at the national and state levels—although for some individual counties and urbanized areas, the effects have been more evident. Third, changes since the 1970 census in the criteria for defining urbanized areas have permitted these areas to be defined around smaller centers. The Census Bureau defined “urban” for the 1990 census as comprising all territory, population, and housing units in urbanized areas and in places of 2,500 or more persons outside urbanized areas. More specifically, “urban” consists of territory, persons, and housing units in: 1. Places of 2,500 or more persons incorporated as cities, villages, boroughs (except in Alaska and New York), and towns (except in the six New England States, New York, and Wisconsin), but excluding the rural portions of “extended cities.” 2. Census designated places of 2,500 or more persons. 3. Other territory, incorporated or unincorporated, included in urbanized areas. 2000 to 2010. Beginning with the 2000 census, the Census Bureau created and implemented the concept of an urban cluster. For the 2000 and 2010 censuses, the Census Bureau classified as urban all territory, population, and housing units located within urbanized areas (UAs) and urban clusters (UCs), both defined using the same criteria. The Census Bureau delineates UA and UC boundaries that represent densely developed territory, encompassing residential, commercial, and other nonresidential urban land uses. In general, this territory consists of areas of high population density and urban land use resulting in a representation of the “urban footprint.”

Part A — United States 9

Rural consists of all territory, population, and housing units located outside UAs and UCs. An urbanized area (UA) consists of densely developed territory that contains 50,000 or more people. The Census Bureau delineates UAs to provide a better separation of urban and rural territory, population, and housing in the vicinity of large places. An urban cluster (UC) consists of densely developed territory that has at least 2,500 people but fewer than 50,000 people. POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS (Items 6 through 21) Source: (2010) U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, CPH-1-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013. (1900 to 2000) Hobbs, Frank and Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Special Reports, Series CENSR-4, Demographic Trends in the 20th Century, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2002. (1790 to 1890) U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970, Bicentennial Edition, Part 1. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975. Race Data on race have been collected since the first U.S. decennial census in 1790. The terms used to describe each race, the categories collected on the questionnaire, the method of obtaining responses on race, and the manner of tabulating the data all changed over the years. The race data included in Table A represent the totals as reported at the time of each census, with one exception. The 1930 census included a separate race category for the Mexican population, while the 1940 census eliminated this category and revised the 1930 data tabulation to include the Mexican population in the White population. For increased comparability, the Census Bureau’s report Demographic Trends in the 20th Century used the 1940 revision of the 1930 race data. Prior to 1950, all published race data could be classified into one of four categories: White, Black, Asian and Pacific Islander, and American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut. Beginning with the 1950 census, the category “Other” or “Some other race” became a fifth major category.


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For the 2000 and 2010 censuses, the Asian and Pacific Islander category was split into “Asian” and “Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.” Also, for the first time, individuals could identify themselves or other members of their household as more than one race. As a result, a seventh major category, “Two or more races,” was added to allow for the tabulation of people who reported more than one of the six major categories. Although the collection of race data for specific population groups varied over the censuses, Table A uses the current names for categories. Since the 2000 and 2010 censuses allowed individuals to self-identify as more than one race for the first time, the data on race is published in two broad categories: the race alone population and the race in combination population. People who indicated only one race are referred to as the race alone population. Individuals who chose more than one of the six individual race categories are referred to as the race in combination population, or as the group who reported more than one race. Adding the race alone population and the race in combination population together creates the maximum number of people reporting an individual race, and is referred to as the race alone or in combination population. Table A shows the race alone population for those two censuses, while Table B shows the race alone or in combination population. The 2010 definitions of the racial categories are: White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as White or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish. Black: A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. Over time, the terminology used for this race category has included Black, Negro, and African American. It includes written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian. American Indian and Alaskan Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Over time, the terminology used for this race category changed to reflect the data collected during each decennial census. The terms used over the years included Indian; American Indian; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; and American Indian and Alaska Native. Asian and Pacific Islander: Asian describes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for

example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes people who indicate their race as “Asian Indian,” “Chinese,” “Filipino,” “Korean,” “Japanese,” “Vietnamese,” and “Other Asian” or provide other detailed Asian responses. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander describes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who indicate their race as “Native Hawaiian,” “Guamanian or Chamorro,” “Samoan,” and “Other Pacific Islander” or provide other detailed Pacific Islander response. The term Asian and Pacific Islander is used here in order to maximize data comparability over the centuries despite changes that took place in the terms used to describe each race, the race categories collected on the questionnaire, and the manner in which the data was tabulated. Prior to 1910, the only individual Asian and Pacific Islander categories available were Chinese and Japanese. From 1910 to 1940, the racial classification included an Other race category with write-in responses to obtain separate figures on other groups such as Filipinos and Koreans. For those years, each detailed Asian and Pacific Islander group tabulated separately was classified into the total Asian and Pacific Islander group. However, data collection and publication practices varied with each census. For a more detailed explanation see Demographic Trends in the 20th Century.

(1900 to 2000) Hobbs, Frank and Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Special Reports, Series CENSR-4, Demographic Trends in the 20th Century, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2002. A household consists of one person or a group of people living in a housing unit. The average household size is a measure obtained by dividing the number of people in households by the total number of households. A oneperson household consists of one person living alone. The group quarters population includes all people who are not living in households. There are two types of group quarters populations: institutionalized and noninstitutionalized. Examples of institutionalized populations are people living in correctional institutions, nursing homes, (psychiatric) hospitals or wards, and juvenile institutions. Examples of noninstitutionalized group quarters populations are people living in college dormitories and military quarters.

The age classification is based on the age of the person at his or her last birthday. The median age divides the age distribution into two equal parts, one-half of the population falling below the median age and one-half above the median.

A family household consists of a householder and one or more people living together in the same household who are related to the householder by birth, marriage, or adoption. All people in a household who are related to the householder are regarded as members of his or her family. A family household may contain people not related to the householder, but those people are not included as part of the householder’s family in census tabulations. In 1950 and 1960, a household enumerated in the census could contain more than one family. Thus, there were more families than family households. From 1970 to 2010, each family household in the census could contain only one family, resulting in an equal number of families and family households. Not all households contain families since a household may comprise a group of unrelated people or one person living alone.

LIFE EXPECTANCY (Item 22) Source: (1900 to 2000) U.S. Census Bureau, The 2012 Statistical Abstract: Historical Statistics, Table HS-16, 2004. (2010) National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics Report, Volume 61, No. 4.

HOUSING UNITS (Items 29 and 30) Source: (2010) U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, CPH-1-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.

The life expectancy is the average number of years a hypothetical group of people born in a specified year would live if they experienced over their lifetime the mortality rates at each year of age that occurred in the specified year.

(1940 to 2000) Hobbs, Frank and Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Special Reports, Series CENSR-4, Demographic Trends in the 20th Century, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2002.

HOUSEHOLDS (Items 23 through 28) Source: (2010) U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, CPH-1-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.

A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied, or intended for occupancy, as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupant(s) live separately from any other people in the building and which


Part A — United States 11

have direct access from outside the building or through a common hall. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION (Items 31 through 38) Source: (1850 to 1990) Gibson, Campbell J. and Emily Lennon, U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 18501990, Population Division Working Paper No. 29. 1999. (2000) Malone, Nolan, Kaari F. Baluja, Joseph M. Costanzo, and Cynthia J. Davis; The Foreign-Born Population: 2000; Census 2000 Brief C2KBR-34, 2003. (2010) Grieco, Elizabeth M., Yesenia D. Acosta, G. Patricia de la Cruz, Christine Gambino, Thomas Gryn, Luke J. Larsen, Edward N. Trevelyan, and Nathan P. Walt; The Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2010, American Community Survey Report ACS-19, 2012. The native population includes all U.S. residents who were born in the United States or an outlying area of the United States (e.g., Puerto Rico), or who were born in a foreign country, but who had at least one parent who was an American citizen. All other residents of the United States were classified as foreign born. Data on the total foreign-born population of the United States are generally comparable from 1850 to 2010, although the definition of foreign born has been refined. Since 1890, individuals who were born in a foreign country, but who had at least one parent who was an American citizen, have been defined as native rather than as foreign born.

employment, and unemployment, classified by a variety of demographic, social, and economic characteristics. This survey is conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The civilian labor force consists of all civilians 16 years old and over who are either employed or unemployed. Unemployment rate is the number of unemployed persons as a percentage of the civilian labor force. Unemployed persons are all persons who had no employment during the reference week, but who were available for work (except for temporary illness) and had made specific efforts to find employment some time during the four-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed. PERSONAL INCOME (Items 42 to 45) Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts

CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE AND UNEMPLOYMENT (Items 39 to 41) Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics—Current Population Survey

Total personal income is the current income received by residents of an area from all sources. It is measured before deductions of income and other personal taxes but after deductions of personal contributions for Social Security, government retirement, and other social insurance programs. It consists of wage and salary disbursements (covering all employee earnings, including executive salaries, bonuses, commissions, payments-in-kind, incentive payments, and tips); various types of supplementary earnings, such as employers’ contributions to pension funds (termed “other labor income” or “supplements to wages and salaries”); proprietors’ income; rental income of persons; dividends; personal interest income; and government and business transfer payments.

The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey that analyzes and publishes statistics on the labor force,

Per capita personal income is based on resident population estimated as of July 1 of the year shown.


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Part B—States





North Dakota Iowa South Dakota Fastest-growing West Virginia Nebraska Nevada Mississippi Arizona Pennsylvania Florida Kansas California Alaska Vermont Utah Maine

16.6 36.9 with the Fastest and Slowest Growths States 39.4 in Population 1910–2010 51.7 53.2 65.1 65.7 68.7 75.8 78.9

Hawaii Texas Colorado Mexico New Mexico

New Colorado Slowest-growing Texas Hawaii Maine Vermont Utah Kansas Alaska Pennsylvania California Mississippi Florida Nebraska Arizona West Virginia Nevada South Dakota

529.1 529.4 545.3 609.0 640.3 1003.6 1466.9 2398.1 3027.9 3198.4

Iowa North Dakota 0








Percent change

At the time of the 1790 census, there were 13 states: Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. An additional five states were included because they were then territories or parts of the existing states: Vermont, Kentucky, Tennessee, Maine, and West Virginia. Virginia was the most populous state at the time, with almost 700,000 residents (over 800,000 if its territories that are now West Virginia and Kentucky are included). Delaware, the first state, was the smallest of the original 13 states with a population of 59,096. By 1800, the census included six more states and the District of Columbia. Of the new states, Ohio had 42,159 residents, but none of the others had more than 10,000. Between the first census and the Civil War, the United States population grew by more than 30 percent each decade, growth rates that

varied enormously from state to state. Often there were huge proportional increases during the first decade of statehood, usually reflecting the pattern of westward expansion. The national growth rates remained above 20 percent until the 20th century. The sex ratio is the number of males per 100 females. Until 1950, every census counted more men than women. In the early 20th century, many states—especially the older Eastern states—had relatively even proportions of men and women, and the women outnumbered men in a few states. The 1900 census showed that Wyoming, Montana, and Nevada had more than 150 men for every 100 women, and the ratio was very high in several other Western states. The District of Columbia had only 90 men for every 100 women, and nine Eastern states had fewer men than women. By 2010, the ratio had shifted to 96.7 men for

Part B — States 15

1900 Northeast 21,000 Midwest 26,000 South 25,000 West West 4,000

Population Change by Region, 1900–2000 2000 54000 64,000 100,000 63,000


South 2000 1900 Midwest









Population (in thousands)

every 100 women. Only ten states—all in the West—had more men than women. Alaska had 108 men to every 100 women, the highest of any state. The District of Columbia had essentially the same ratio that it had 100 years earlier, and ten states had fewer than 95 men for every 100 women. In 1900, children under 15 comprised more than one-third of the U.S. population. The figure on page 17 is a handdrawn population pyramid from 1900. The two figures on page 18 are modern day figures that show the change in population from 1900 to 2010. Twenty-four states had levels above the national average of 34.5 percent, led by South Carolina and Mississippi, both at or above 42 percent. Only 25 percent of people in the District of Columbia were under 15, followed closely by Nevada and New Hampshire, both about 26 percent. By 2010, children under 15 made up less than 20 percent of the population, with only 21 states above this level. Utah had the highest proportion at 26.7 while the District of Columbia again had the fewest children at 13.9 percent of its population. In 1870 only 3 percent of U.S. residents were 65 years old and over. With increased life expectancy and lower birth rates, the proportion had grown to 13 percent by 2010. In 1900, the proportion who were 65 and older measured 4.1 percent, but Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire all had about 8 percent of their populations in this age group. At the other extreme, Wyoming, Oklahoma, and Montana had levels of 2 percent or less. In 2010, Florida had the highest


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proportion of older residents—17.4 percent—with West Virginia, Maine, and Pennsylvania all around 16 percent. The lowest proportions were in Alaska and Utah, both below 10 percent. A dependency ratio is sometimes used to describe the age structure of a population—the relationship between the “working age” population and the “dependent” populations, young and old. A dependency ratio shows the number of the “dependent” population as a percentage of the number of the “working age” population. The “working age” population shifts over time but in Table B is identified as ages 15 to 64, more appropriate for the earlier years than the present time, when 18 is a more common age for entering the workforce and many individuals work past the age of 65. By this definition, the dependency ratio was 62.9 in 1900—56.2 for dependent children and 6.7 for dependent elderly. In other words, 100 working people supported 62.9 dependent people. By 2010, the ratio had dropped to 49— 29.5 for dependent children and 19.5 for dependent elderly. In 1900, South Carolina had the highest dependency ratio at 84.5 reflecting a high proportion of children under 15. With a much higher proportion of working age adults than any of the states, the District of Columbia had the lowest dependency ratio—41.2. In 2010, Utah and Idaho had the highest dependency ratios (55.8 and 54.6), both with higher than average numbers of children. The District of Columbia still had the lowest dependency ratio (34.0) and the highest proportion in the working-age group. Other states

with above average dependency ratios in 2010 reflected the increased population over 65. Florida’s dependency ratio of 53.5 was evenly divided between young and old. Every census has collected data on race. Early censuses often relied on the enumerators’ observations, and it wasn’t until 2000 that persons could identify with more than a single race. Questions on Hispanic or Latino origin were not asked consistently until 1980. The population was 80 percent White in the first census, remaining over 80 percent through 1990, and reaching close to 90 percent between 1920 and 1950. The Black population, near 20 percent in the 1790 census, had dropped to about 12 percent by 1900. In 1900, the Black population was concentrated in the Southern states, where Blacks often comprised more than 40 percent of the population, as much as 58 percent in Mississippi and South Carolina. In 16 states, less than one percent of the population was Black. With large numbers of European immigrants in the first half of the 20th century, the Black population dropped below 10 percent for several decades, but increased again in the last half of the century. By 2010, 13.6 percent of the population identified as Black

alone or in combination with one or more other races, with numbers more evenly dispersed among the states. Only the District of Columbia had a Black population of more than 50 percent, and only Montana had a Black population of less than one percent of its total. Other race groups have been on the census through its history but have varied in how they have been defined and counted. Table B shows the proportions of American Indian and Alaska Native and Asian and Pacific Islander populations, the 2010 designations. For 2000 and 2010, these include persons who identified these races alone or in combination with other groups, limiting comparability with earlier years. The growth of the Hispanic or Latino population also limits comparability with earlier years. Only on the census as a separate category since 1980, the Hispanic or Latino population grew from 6.4 percent in 1980 to 16.3 percent in 2010. This identification is separate from the race categories. Hispanic or Latino persons can be of any race. Most identify themselves as White, but many use the category

Part B — States 17

Total Population, 1900



Age Male Female Under 5 -12.0 12.2 -11.6 11.8 5 to 9 years 10.8 10 to 14 ye and -10.6 85 years over 80 to 84 years -9.7 10.3 15 to 19 ye 75 to 79 years -9.4 10 20 to 24 ye 70 to 74 years -8.6 8.6 25 to 29 ye 65 to 69 years -7.5 7.2 30 to 34 ye 60 to 64 years -6.8 6.3 35 to 39 ye 55 to 59 years 50 to 54 years -5.8 5.4 40 to 44 ye 45 to 49 years -4.8 4.4 45 to 49 ye 40 to 44 years -4.0 3.7 50 to 54 ye 35 to 39 years -3.0 2.9 55 to 59 ye 30 to 34 years 25 to 29 years -2.4 2.4 60 to 64 ye 20 to 24 years -1.7 1.7 65 to 69 ye 15 to 19 years -1.2 1.2 70 to 74 ye 10 to 14 years -0.7 0.7 75 to 79 ye5 to 9 years 0.3 80 to 84 ye Under-0.3 5 -0.1 0.2 85 years an 15








Percent of population

Total Population, 2010



Age Male Female -6.8 6.3 Under 5 ye -6.8 6.3 5 to 9 85 years years and over 80 to 84 years -7.0 6.4 10 to 14 ye 75 to 79 years -7.4 6.8 15 to 19 ye 70 to 74 years -7.3 6.7 20 to 24 ye 65 to 69 years -7.0 6.7 25 to 29 ye 60 to 64 years -6.6 6.3 30 to 34 ye 55 to 59 years -6.6 6.5 35 to 39 ye 50 to 54 years 45 to 49 years -6.8 6.7 40 to 44 ye 40 to 44 years -7.4 7.3 45 to 49 ye 35 to 39 years -7.2 7.2 50 to 54 ye 30 to 34 years -6.3 6.5 55 to 59 ye 25 to 29 years -5.3 5.6 60 to 64 ye 20 to 24 years -3.9 4.2 65 to 69 ye 15 to 19 years -2.8 3.2 70 to 74 ye 10 to 14 years -2.1 2.6 75 to 79 ye 5 to 9 years Under 5 years -1.5 2.2 80 to 84 ye -1.215 2.410 85 years an




Percent of population


County and City Extra




“Some other race.” In 2010, New Mexico’s population had the highest proportion of Hispanic or Latino persons at 46.3 percent. California and Texas have much larger numbers, with 37.6 percent of the population in each state. Foreign-born Americans comprised about 13 to 15 percent of the population from 1860 through 1920. The above figure is a reprint from a 1910 Census report. The proportion gradually dropped during the Great Depression, World War II, and the Baby Boom, reaching its lowest point—4.7 percent—in 1970. Since then, the proportion has been rising again and by 2010 had almost reached the 13 percent level that was the norm in an earlier era. In 1850, Wisconsin and Minnesota had the highest proportions of foreignborn residents, more than 30 percent each, while the lowest proportions were all in Southern states. In 1900, North Dakota, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts topped the list, again with levels above 30 percent. By 1950, New York had the highest proportion of persons born outside the United States, but the level had dropped to 17.5 percent, the first

time that New York’s foreign-born proportion was below 20 percent. In 2010, 27.2 percent of California’s residents were foreign-born, the highest level of any state, and New York and New Jersey were the only other states with proportions above 20 percent. Between 1900 and 1940, fewer than half of housing units were owner-occupied. In 1950, the rate rose to 55 percent, then increased to a high of 66.2 percent in 2000, dropping slightly to 65.1 percent in 2010. Even in 1900, there were 26 states where more than half of housing units were owneroccupied. North Dakota, Idaho, and South Dakota all had levels above 70 percent. Ten states in the Northeast and the South had levels below 40 percent, and the District of Columbia had the lowest level with only 24.2 percent of housing units occupied by their owners. By 1950, 41 states had homeownership rates above 50 percent. The highest rates were in Michigan, Minnesota, and North Dakota where twothirds or more of housing units were owner-occupied. The lowest rates were in the District of Columbia and New York,

Part B — States 19

Percent Distribution of Region of Birth for Foreign-Born Residents, 1910 and 2010



Latin America 2.1%

Northern America 2.0%

Northern America 9.0%

Asia 1.4%

Latin America 53.1%

Table 1-02



Real Gross Domestic Product



but even those rates were above 30 percent. West Virginia had the highest homeownership rate in 2010 at 73.4 percent, holding the top ranking since 1980. Eight other states had rates above 70 percent, and the District of Columbia’s rate of 42 percent was the only one below 50 percent. Recent decades have shown a rise in the number of oneperson households. In 1900 only 5.1 percent of households held people who lived alone. In 2010, that number had risen to 26.7 percent. In 1900, 26.2 percent of Nevada households consisted of a single person, and Arizona, Montana, and Idaho all had levels of 19 or 20 percent. Twenty-three states had levels below 5 percent. By 2010, Utah was the only state where fewer than 20 percent of households had only one person. The District of Columbia had the highest level at 44 percent. In 2010, 64.7 percent of people age 16 and over were in the labor force, either employed or unemployed. The remaining 35.3 percent did not have a job and were not looking for one, often because they were retired, attending school, disabled, or taking care of home or family. North Dakota had the highest participation, at 72.5 percent, while nine other states had rates of 70 percent or higher. West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama, and New Mexico had rates below 60 percent. Of the four decennial years for which state-level participation rates are available, 1980’s rate was similar to that of 2010, while participation was higher in 1990 and


Asia 28.2%

Africa 4.0%

Europe 87.4%

Table 1-01 Domestic

Europe 12.1%

County and City Extra

2000, years when the unemployment rate was low. Unemployment in 1980 was 7.1 percent, dropping to 5.6 in 1990 and 4.0 in 2000 before rising to 9.6 percent in 2010. In 2010 Nevada, Michigan, and California had unemployment rates over 12 percent, while only North Dakota and Nebraska had rates below 5 percent. In 2000, Alaska’s unemployment rate of 6.2 percent was the highest of all the states, and 46 states had rates of 5 percent or lower. Virginia and Connecticut had unemployment rates of 2.3 percent in 2000. The Bureau of Economic Analysis develops estimates of personal income—all income received by residents of an area. When this is divided by the population of that area, the result is the per capita income. This provides one measure of the varied income levels of the states. The per capita income in 2010 was $40,144 for the nation, ranging from $69,431 in the District of Columbia to $30,834 in Mississippi. The national per capita income in 1930 was $621 with the District of Columbia and Mississippi ranking first and last then as well. Because the District of Columbia is completely urban and much of its workforce is from surrounding states, it is better left out of the comparison. In 2010, Connecticut had the highest per capita income at $55,216 and New York had the highest among the states in 1930 at $1,041. DC and Connecticut also topped the list in 2000, but Connecticut outranked DC in 1990, and Alaska outranked both of them in 1980 and 1970. Mississippi had the lowest per capita income through the 80-year time period.

Ranking State Populations for Selected Years 1800 Rank


1850 Population



1900 Population




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Virginia ............................ Pennsylvania .................... New York ......................... North Carolina ................. Massachusetts ................. South Carolina ................. Maryland ......................... Connecticut ..................... Kentucky ......................... New Jersey.......................

807,557 602,365 589,051 478,103 422,845 345,591 341,548 251,002 220,955 211,149

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York ......................... Pennsylvania .................... Ohio ................................ Virginia ............................ Tennessee ........................ Massachusetts ................. Indiana ............................ Kentucky ......................... Georgia ........................... North Carolina .................

3,097,394 2,311,786 1,980,329 1,119,348 1,002,717 994,514 988,416 982,405 906,185 869,039

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York ...................... Pennsylvania ................. Illinois ........................... Ohio ............................. Missouri ........................ Texas............................. Massachusetts .............. Indiana ......................... Michigan ...................... Iowa .............................

7,268,894 6,302,115 4,821,550 4,157,545 3,106,665 3,048,710 2,805,346 2,516,462 2,420,982 2,231,853

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

New Hampshire ............... Georgia ........................... Vermont .......................... Maine .............................. Tennessee ........................ West Virginia ................... Rhode Island .................... Delaware ......................... Ohio ................................ District of Columbia .........

183,858 162,686 154,465 151,719 105,602 78,592 69,122 64,273 42,159 8,144

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Illinois .............................. Alabama .......................... Missouri ........................... South Carolina ................. Mississippi........................ Maine .............................. Maryland ......................... Louisiana ......................... New Jersey....................... Michigan .........................

851,470 771,623 682,044 668,507 606,526 583,169 583,034 517,762 489,555 397,654

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Georgia ........................ Kentucky ...................... Wisconsin ..................... Tennessee ..................... North Carolina .............. New Jersey.................... Virginia ......................... Alabama ....................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi.....................

2,216,331 2,147,174 2,069,042 2,020,616 1,893,810 1,883,669 1,854,184 1,828,697 1,751,394 1,551,270

21 22 23 24 25 ... ... ... ... ...

Mississippi........................ Michigan ......................... Indiana ............................ Illinois .............................. Alabama .......................... Alaska.............................. Arizona ............................ Arkansas .......................... California ......................... Colorado .........................

7,600 3,757 2,632 2,458 1,250 ... ... ... ... ...

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Connecticut ..................... New Hampshire ............... Vermont .......................... Wisconsin ........................ West Virginia ................... Texas................................ Arkansas .......................... Iowa ................................ Rhode Island .................... California .........................

370,792 317,976 314,120 305,391 302,313 212,592 209,897 192,214 147,545 92,597

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

California ...................... Kansas .......................... Louisiana ...................... South Carolina .............. Arkansas ....................... Maryland ...................... Nebraska ...................... West Virginia ................ Connecticut .................. Oklahoma .....................

1,485,053 1,470,495 1,381,625 1,340,316 1,311,564 1,188,044 1,066,300 958,800 908,420 790,391

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Florida ............................. Hawaii ............................. Idaho ............................... Iowa ................................ Kansas ............................. Louisiana ......................... Minnesota ....................... Missouri ........................... Montana.......................... Nebraska .........................

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ... ...

Delaware ......................... Florida ............................. New Mexico..................... District of Columbia ......... Oregon ............................ Utah ................................ Minnesota ....................... Washington ..................... Alaska.............................. Arizona ............................

91,532 87,445 61,547 51,687 12,093 11,380 6,077 1,201 ... ...

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Maine ........................... Colorado ...................... Florida .......................... Washington .................. Rhode Island ................. Oregon ......................... New Hampshire ............ South Dakota................ Vermont ....................... North Dakota ................

694,466 539,700 528,542 518,103 428,556 413,536 411,588 401,570 343,641 319,146

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Nevada ............................ New Mexico..................... North Dakota ................... Oklahoma ........................ Oregon ............................ South Dakota................... Texas................................ Utah ................................ Washington ..................... Wisconsin ........................ Wyoming .........................

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Colorado ......................... Hawaii ............................. Idaho ............................... Kansas ............................. Montana.......................... Nebraska ......................... Nevada ............................ North Dakota ................... Oklahoma ........................ South Dakota................... Wyoming .........................

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

District of Columbia ...... Utah ............................. Montana....................... New Mexico.................. Delaware ...................... Idaho ............................ Arizona ......................... Wyoming ...................... Nevada ......................... Alaska........................... Hawaii ..........................

278,718 276,749 243,329 195,310 184,735 161,772 122,931 92,531 42,335

Part B. United States and States 21

Ranking State Populations for Selected Years—Continued 1950 Rank


2000 Population



2010 Population




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York ........................... California ........................... Pennsylvania ...................... Illinois ................................ Ohio .................................. Texas.................................. Michigan ........................... New Jersey......................... Massachusetts ................... North Carolina ...................

14,830,192 10,586,223 10,498,012 8,712,176 7,946,627 7,711,194 6,371,766 4,835,329 4,690,514 4,061,929

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

California ........................... Texas.................................. New York ........................... Florida ............................... Illinois ................................ Pennsylvania ...................... Ohio .................................. Michigan ........................... New Jersey......................... Georgia .............................

33,871,653 20,851,790 18,976,821 15,982,824 12,419,647 12,281,054 11,353,145 9,938,480 8,414,347 8,186,816

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

California ........................... Texas.................................. New York ........................... Florida ............................... Illinois ................................ Pennsylvania ...................... Ohio .................................. Michigan ........................... Georgia ............................. North Carolina ...................

37,253,956 25,145,561 19,378,102 18,801,310 12,830,632 12,702,379 11,536,504 9,883,640 9,687,653 9,535,483

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Missouri ............................. Indiana .............................. Georgia ............................. Wisconsin .......................... Virginia .............................. Tennessee .......................... Alabama ............................ Minnesota ......................... Kentucky ........................... Florida ...............................

3,954,653 3,934,224 3,444,578 3,434,575 3,318,680 3,291,718 3,061,743 2,982,483 2,944,806 2,771,305

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

North Carolina ................... Virginia .............................. Massachusetts ................... Indiana .............................. Washington ....................... Tennessee .......................... Missouri ............................. Wisconsin .......................... Maryland ........................... Arizona ..............................

8,046,485 7,079,030 6,349,105 6,080,517 5,894,141 5,689,267 5,596,683 5,363,715 5,296,507 5,130,632

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

New Jersey......................... Virginia .............................. Washington ....................... Massachusetts ................... Indiana .............................. Arizona .............................. Tennessee .......................... Missouri ............................. Maryland ........................... Wisconsin ..........................

8,791,894 8,001,024 6,724,540 6,547,629 6,483,802 6,392,017 6,346,105 5,988,927 5,773,552 5,686,986

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Louisiana ........................... Iowa .................................. Washington ....................... Maryland ........................... Oklahoma .......................... Mississippi.......................... South Carolina ................... Connecticut ....................... West Virginia ..................... Arkansas ............................

2,683,516 2,621,073 2,378,963 2,343,001 2,233,351 2,178,914 2,117,027 2,007,280 2,005,552 1,909,511

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Minnesota ......................... Louisiana ........................... Alabama ............................ Colorado ........................... Kentucky ........................... South Carolina ................... Oklahoma .......................... Oregon .............................. Connecticut ....................... Iowa ..................................

4,919,492 4,468,958 4,447,351 4,302,015 4,042,285 4,011,816 3,450,652 3,421,436 3,405,602 2,926,382

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Minnesota ......................... Colorado ........................... Alabama ............................ South Carolina ................... Louisiana ........................... Kentucky ........................... Oregon .............................. Oklahoma .......................... Connecticut ....................... Iowa ..................................

5,303,925 5,029,196 4,779,736 4,625,364 4,533,372 4,339,367 3,831,074 3,751,351 3,574,097 3,046,355

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Kansas ............................... Oregon .............................. Nebraska ........................... Colorado ........................... Maine ................................ District of Columbia ........... Rhode Island ...................... Arizona .............................. Utah .................................. New Mexico.......................

1,905,299 1,521,341 1,325,510 1,325,089 913,774 802,178 791,896 749,587 688,862 681,187

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Mississippi.......................... Kansas ............................... Arkansas ............................ Utah .................................. Nevada .............................. New Mexico....................... West Virginia ..................... Nebraska ........................... Idaho ................................. Maine ................................

2,844,656 2,688,824 2,673,400 2,233,198 1,998,257 1,819,046 1,808,350 1,711,265 1,293,956 1,274,923

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Mississippi.......................... Arkansas ............................ Kansas ............................... Utah .................................. Nevada .............................. New Mexico....................... West Virginia ..................... Nebraska ........................... Idaho ................................. Hawaii ...............................

2,967,297 2,915,918 2,853,118 2,763,885 2,700,551 2,059,179 1,852,994 1,826,341 1,567,582 1,360,301

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

South Dakota..................... North Dakota ..................... Montana............................ Idaho ................................. New Hampshire ................. Vermont ............................ Delaware ........................... Wyoming ........................... Nevada .............................. Alaska................................ Hawaii ...............................

652,740 619,636 591,024 588,637 533,242 377,747 318,085 290,529 160,083

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

New Hampshire ................. Hawaii ............................... Rhode Island ...................... Montana............................ Delaware ........................... South Dakota..................... North Dakota ..................... Alaska................................ Vermont ............................ District of Columbia ........... Wyoming ...........................

1,235,786 1,211,537 1,048,319 902,195 783,600 754,844 642,200 626,931 608,827 572,059 493,782

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

Maine ................................ New Hampshire ................. Rhode Island ...................... Montana............................ Delaware ........................... South Dakota..................... Alaska................................ North Dakota ..................... Vermont ............................ District of Columbia ........... Wyoming ...........................

1,328,361 1,316,470 1,052,567 989,415 897,934 814,180 710,231 672,591 625,741 601,723 563,626


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States [For information concerning historical counts and geographic change, see “User Notes.” For information on confidentiality, nonsampling error, and definitions, see Appendixes] Resident population State























United States ...................












Alabama ............................ Alaska................................ Arizona .............................. Arkansas ............................ California ........................... Colorado ........................... Connecticut ....................... Delaware ........................... District of Columbia ........... Florida ...............................

4,779,736 710,231 6,392,017 2,915,918 37,253,956 5,029,196 3,574,097 897,934 601,723 18,801,310

4,447,351 626,931 5,130,632 2,673,400 33,871,653 4,302,015 3,405,602 783,600 572,059 15,982,824

4,040,389 550,043 3,665,339 2,350,624 29,758,213 3,294,473 3,287,116 666,168 606,900 12,938,071

3,894,025 401,851 2,716,546 2,286,357 23,667,764 2,889,735 3,107,564 594,338 638,432 9,746,961

3,444,354 302,583 1,775,399 1,923,322 19,971,069 2,209,596 3,032,217 548,104 756,668 6,791,418

3,266,740 226,167 1,302,161 1,786,272 15,717,204 1,753,947 2,535,234 446,292 763,956 4,951,560

3,061,743 128,643 749,587 1,909,511 10,586,223 1,325,089 2,007,280 318,085 802,178 2,771,305

2,832,961 72,524 499,261 1,949,387 6,907,387 1,123,296 1,709,242 266,505 663,091 1,897,414

2,646,248 59,278 435,573 1,854,482 5,677,251 1,035,791 1,606,903 238,380 486,869 1,468,211

2,348,174 55,036 334,162 1,752,204 3,426,861 939,629 1,380,631 223,003 437,571 968,470

2,138,093 64,356 204,354 1,574,449 2,377,549 799,024 1,114,756 202,322 331,069 752,619

Georgia ............................. Hawaii ............................... Idaho ................................. Illinois ................................ Indiana .............................. Iowa .................................. Kansas ............................... Kentucky ........................... Louisiana ........................... Maine ................................

9,687,653 1,360,301 1,567,582 12,830,632 6,483,802 3,046,355 2,853,118 4,339,367 4,533,372 1,328,361

8,186,816 1,211,537 1,293,956 12,419,647 6,080,517 2,926,382 2,688,824 4,042,285 4,468,958 1,274,923

6,478,149 1,108,229 1,006,734 11,430,602 5,544,156 2,776,831 2,477,588 3,686,892 4,220,164 1,227,928

5,462,982 964,691 944,127 11,427,409 5,490,210 2,913,808 2,364,236 3,660,324 4,206,116 1,125,043

4,587,930 769,913 713,015 11,110,285 5,195,392 2,825,368 2,249,071 3,220,711 3,644,637 993,722

3,943,116 632,772 667,191 10,081,158 4,662,498 2,757,537 2,178,611 3,038,156 3,257,022 969,265

3,444,578 499,794 588,637 8,712,176 3,934,224 2,621,073 1,905,299 2,944,806 2,683,516 913,774

3,123,723 422,770 524,873 7,897,241 3,427,796 2,538,268 1,801,028 2,845,627 2,363,880 847,226

2,908,506 368,300 445,032 7,630,654 3,238,503 2,470,939 1,880,999 2,614,589 2,101,593 797,423

2,895,832 255,881 431,866 6,485,280 2,930,390 2,404,021 1,769,257 2,416,630 1,798,509 768,014

2,609,121 191,874 325,594 5,638,591 2,700,876 2,224,771 1,690,949 2,289,905 1,656,388 742,371

Maryland ........................... Massachusetts ................... Michigan ........................... Minnesota ......................... Mississippi.......................... Missouri ............................. Montana............................ Nebraska ........................... Nevada .............................. New Hampshire ................. New Jersey.........................

5,773,552 6,547,629 9,883,640 5,303,925 2,967,297 5,988,927 989,415 1,826,341 2,700,551 1,316,470 8,791,894

5,296,507 6,349,105 9,938,480 4,919,492 2,844,656 5,596,683 902,195 1,711,265 1,998,257 1,235,786 8,414,347

4,780,753 6,016,425 9,295,287 4,375,665 2,575,475 5,116,901 799,065 1,578,417 1,201,675 1,109,252 7,730,188

4,216,933 5,737,093 9,262,044 4,075,970 2,520,770 4,916,766 786,690 1,569,825 800,508 920,610 7,365,011

3,923,897 5,689,170 8,881,826 3,806,103 2,216,994 4,677,623 694,409 1,485,333 488,738 737,681 7,171,112

3,100,689 5,148,578 7,823,194 3,413,864 2,178,141 4,319,813 674,767 1,411,330 285,278 606,921 6,066,782

2,343,001 4,690,514 6,371,766 2,982,483 2,178,914 3,954,653 591,024 1,325,510 160,083 533,242 4,835,329

1,821,244 4,316,721 5,256,106 2,792,300 2,183,796 3,784,664 559,456 1,315,834 110,247 491,524 4,160,165

1,631,526 4,249,614 4,842,325 2,563,953 2,009,821 3,629,367 537,606 1,377,963 91,058 465,293 4,041,334

1,449,661 3,852,356 3,668,412 2,387,125 1,790,618 3,404,055 548,889 1,296,372 77,407 443,083 3,155,900

1,295,346 3,366,416 2,810,173 2,075,708 1,797,114 3,293,335 376,053 1,192,214 81,875 430,572 2,537,167

New Mexico....................... New York ........................... North Carolina ................... North Dakota ..................... Ohio .................................. Oklahoma .......................... Oregon .............................. Pennsylvania ...................... Rhode Island ...................... South Carolina ................... South Dakota.....................

2,059,179 19,378,102 9,535,483 672,591 11,536,504 3,751,351 3,831,074 12,702,379 1,052,567 4,625,364 814,180

1,819,046 18,976,821 8,046,485 642,200 11,353,145 3,450,652 3,421,436 12,281,054 1,048,319 4,011,816 754,844

1,515,069 17,990,778 6,632,448 638,800 10,847,115 3,145,576 2,842,337 11,882,842 1,003,464 3,486,310 696,004

1,303,302 17,558,165 5,880,095 652,717 10,797,603 3,025,487 2,633,156 11,864,720 947,154 3,120,729 690,768

1,017,055 18,241,391 5,084,411 617,792 10,657,423 2,559,463 2,091,533 11,800,766 949,723 2,590,713 666,257

951,023 16,782,304 4,556,155 632,446 9,706,397 2,328,284 1,768,687 11,319,366 859,488 2,382,594 680,514

681,187 14,830,192 4,061,929 619,636 7,946,627 2,233,351 1,521,341 10,498,012 791,896 2,117,027 652,740

531,818 13,479,142 3,571,623 641,935 6,907,612 2,336,434 1,089,684 9,900,180 713,346 1,899,804 642,961

423,317 12,588,066 3,170,276 680,845 6,646,697 2,396,040 953,786 9,631,350 687,497 1,738,765 692,849

360,350 10,385,227 2,559,123 646,872 5,759,394 2,028,283 783,389 8,720,017 604,397 1,683,724 636,547

327,301 9,113,614 2,206,287 577,056 4,767,121 1,657,155 672,765 7,665,111 542,610 1,515,400 583,888

Tennessee .......................... Texas.................................. Utah .................................. Vermont ............................ Virginia .............................. Washington ....................... West Virginia ..................... Wisconsin .......................... Wyoming ...........................

6,346,105 25,145,561 2,763,885 625,741 8,001,024 6,724,540 1,852,994 5,686,986 563,626

5,689,267 20,851,790 2,233,198 608,827 7,079,030 5,894,141 1,808,350 5,363,715 493,782

4,877,203 16,986,335 1,722,850 562,758 6,189,197 4,866,669 1,793,477 4,891,769 453,589

4,591,023 14,225,513 1,461,037 511,456 5,346,797 4,132,353 1,950,186 4,705,642 469,557

3,926,018 11,198,655 1,059,273 444,732 4,651,448 3,413,244 1,744,237 4,417,821 332,416

3,567,089 9,579,677 890,627 389,881 3,966,949 2,853,214 1,860,421 3,951,777 330,066

3,291,718 7,711,194 688,862 377,747 3,318,680 2,378,963 2,005,552 3,434,575 290,529

2,915,841 6,414,824 550,310 359,231 2,677,773 1,736,191 1,901,974 3,137,587 250,742

2,616,556 5,824,715 507,847 359,611 2,421,851 1,563,396 1,729,205 2,939,006 225,565

2,337,885 4,663,228 449,396 352,428 2,309,187 1,356,621 1,463,701 2,632,067 194,402

2,184,789 3,896,542 373,351 355,956 2,061,612 1,141,990 1,221,119 2,333,860 145,965

Part B. United States and States 23

Table B. United States and States—Continued Resident population (continued) State







1840 1


1830 1

















United States ...................













Alabama ............................ Alaska................................ Arizona .............................. Arkansas ............................ California ........................... Colorado ........................... Connecticut ....................... Delaware ........................... District of Columbia ........... Florida ...............................

1,828,697 63,592 122,931 1,311,564 1,485,053 539,700 908,420 184,735 278,718 528,542

1,513,401 32,052 88,243 1,128,211 1,213,398 413,249 746,258 168,493 230,392 391,422

1,262,505 33,426 40,440 802,525 864,694 194,327 622,700 146,608 177,624 269,493

996,992 ... 9,658 484,471 560,247 39,864 537,454 125,015 131,700 187,748

964,201 ... 6,482 435,450 379,994 34,277 460,147 112,216 75,080 140,424

771,623 ... ... 209,897 92,597 ... 370,792 91,532 51,687 87,445

590,756 ... ... 97,574 ... ... 309,978 78,085 33,745 54,477

309,527 ... ... 30,388 ... ... 297,675 76,748 30,261 34,730

127,901 ... ... 14,273 ... ... 275,248 72,749 23,336 ...

9,046 ... ... 1,062 ... ... 261,942 72,674 15,471 ...

1,250 ... ... ... ... ... 251,002 64,273 8,144 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 237,946 59,096 ... ...

Georgia ............................. Hawaii ............................... Idaho ................................. Illinois ................................ Indiana .............................. Iowa .................................. Kansas ............................... Kentucky ........................... Louisiana ........................... Maine ................................

2,216,331 154,001 161,772 4,821,550 2,516,462 2,231,853 1,470,495 2,147,174 1,381,625 694,466

1,837,353 ... 88,548 3,826,352 2,192,404 1,912,297 1,428,108 1,858,635 1,118,588 661,086

1,542,180 ... 32,610 3,077,871 1,978,301 1,624,615 996,096 1,648,690 939,946 648,936

1,184,109 ... 14,999 2,539,891 1,680,637 1,194,020 364,399 1,321,011 726,915 626,915

1,057,286 ... ... 1,711,951 1,350,428 674,913 107,206 1,155,684 708,002 628,279

906,185 ... ... 851,470 988,416 192,214 ... 982,405 517,762 583,169

691,392 ... ... 476,183 685,866 43,112 ... 779,828 352,411 501,793

516,823 ... ... 157,445 343,031 ... ... 687,917 215,739 399,455

340,989 ... ... 55,211 147,178 ... ... 564,317 153,407 298,335

251,407 ... ... 12,282 24,520 ... ... 406,511 76,556 228,705

162,686 ... ... 2,458 2,632 ... ... 220,955 ... 151,719

82,548 ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,677 ... 96,540

Maryland ........................... Massachusetts ................... Michigan ........................... Minnesota ......................... Mississippi.......................... Missouri ............................. Montana............................ Nebraska ........................... Nevada .............................. New Hampshire ................. New Jersey.........................

1,188,044 2,805,346 2,420,982 1,751,394 1,551,270 3,106,665 243,329 1,066,300 42,335 411,588 1,883,669

1,042,390 2,238,947 2,093,890 1,310,283 1,289,600 2,679,185 142,924 1,062,656 47,355 376,530 1,444,933

934,943 1,783,085 1,636,937 780,773 1,131,597 2,168,380 39,159 452,402 62,266 346,991 1,131,116

780,894 1,457,351 1,184,059 439,706 827,922 1,721,295 20,595 122,993 42,941 318,300 906,096

687,049 1,231,066 749,113 172,023 791,305 1,182,012 ... 28,841 6,857 326,073 672,035

583,034 994,514 397,654 6,077 606,526 682,044 ... ... ... 317,976 489,555

470,019 737,699 212,267 ... 375,651 383,702 ... ... ... 284,574 373,306

447,040 610,408 28,004 ... 136,621 140,455 ... ... ... 269,328 320,823

407,350 523,287 7,452 ... 75,448 66,586 ... ... ... 244,161 277,575

380,546 472,040 4,762 ... 31,306 19,783 ... ... ... 214,460 245,562

341,548 422,845 3,757 ... 7,600 ... ... ... ... 183,858 211,149

319,728 378,787 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 141,885 184,139

New Mexico....................... New York ........................... North Carolina ................... North Dakota ..................... Ohio .................................. Oklahoma .......................... Oregon .............................. Pennsylvania ...................... Rhode Island ...................... South Carolina ................... South Dakota.....................

195,310 7,268,894 1,893,810 319,146 4,157,545 790,391 413,536 6,302,115 428,556 1,340,316 401,570

160,282 6,003,174 1,617,949 190,983 3,672,329 258,657 317,704 5,258,113 345,506 1,151,149 348,600

119,565 5,082,871 1,399,750 36,909 3,198,062 ... 174,768 4,282,891 276,531 995,577 98,268

91,874 4,382,759 1,071,361 2,405 2,665,260 ... 90,923 3,521,951 217,353 705,606 11,776

87,034 3,880,735 992,622 ... 2,339,511 ... 52,465 2,906,215 174,620 703,708 4,837

61,547 3,097,394 869,039 ... 1,980,329 ... 12,093 2,311,786 147,545 668,507 ...

... 2,428,921 753,419 ... 1,519,467 ... ... 1,724,033 108,830 594,398 ...

... 1,918,608 737,987 ... 937,903 ... ... 1,348,233 97,199 581,185 ...

... 1,372,812 638,829 ... 581,434 ... ... 1,049,458 83,059 502,741 ...

... 959,049 556,526 ... 230,760 ... ... 810,091 76,931 415,115 ...

... 589,051 478,103 ... 42,159 ... ... 602,365 69,122 345,591 ...

... 340,120 393,751 ... ... ... ... 434,373 68,825 249,073 ...

Tennessee .......................... Texas.................................. Utah .................................. Vermont ............................ Virginia .............................. Washington ....................... West Virginia ..................... Wisconsin .......................... Wyoming ...........................

2,020,616 3,048,710 276,749 343,641 1,854,184 518,103 958,800 2,069,042 92,531

1,767,518 2,235,527 210,779 332,422 1,655,980 357,232 762,794 1,693,330 62,555

1,542,359 1,591,749 143,963 332,286 1,512,565 75,116 618,457 1,315,497 20,789

1,258,520 818,579 86,336 330,551 1,225,163 23,955 442,014 1,054,670 9,118

1,109,801 604,215 40,273 315,098 1,219,630 11,594 376,688 775,881 ...

1,002,717 212,592 11,380 314,120 1,119,348 1,201 302,313 305,391 ...

829,210 ... ... 291,948 1,025,227 ... 224,537 30,945 ...

681,904 ... ... 280,652 1,044,054 ... 176,924 3,635 ...

422,823 ... ... 235,981 938,261 ... 136,808 1,444 ...

261,727 ... ... 217,895 877,683 ... 105,469 ... ...

105,602 ... ... 154,465 807,557 ... 78,592 ... ...

35,691 ... ... 85,425 691,737 ... 55,873 ... ...

1830 and 1840 U.S. populations include persons (5,318 in 1830, 6,100 in 1840) on public ships in the service of the United States, not credited to any state.


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent change from previous census State

























United States ...............













Alabama ........................ Alaska............................ Arizona .......................... Arkansas ........................ California ....................... Colorado ....................... Connecticut ................... Delaware ....................... District of Columbia ....... Florida ...........................

7.5 13.3 24.6 9.1 10.0 16.9 4.9 14.6 5.2 17.6

10.1 14.0 40.0 13.7 13.8 30.6 3.6 17.6 -5.7 23.5

3.8 36.9 34.9 2.8 25.7 14.0 5.8 12.1 -4.9 32.7

13.1 32.8 53.0 18.9 18.5 30.8 2.5 8.4 -15.6 43.5

5.4 33.8 36.3 7.7 27.1 26.0 19.6 22.8 -1.0 37.2

6.7 75.8 73.7 -6.5 48.5 32.4 26.3 40.3 -4.8 78.7

8.1 77.4 50.1 -2.0 53.3 18.0 17.4 19.4 21.0 46.1

7.1 22.3 14.6 5.1 21.7 8.4 6.4 11.8 36.2 29.2

12.7 7.7 30.3 5.8 65.7 10.2 16.4 6.9 11.3 51.6

9.8 -14.5 63.5 11.3 44.1 17.6 23.9 10.2 32.2 28.7

16.9 1.2 66.2 20.0 60.1 48.0 22.7 9.5 18.8 42.4

20.8 98.4 39.3 16.3 22.4 30.6 21.7 9.6 21.0 35.0

Georgia ......................... Hawaii ........................... Idaho ............................. Illinois ............................ Indiana .......................... Iowa .............................. Kansas ........................... Kentucky ....................... Louisiana ....................... Maine ............................

18.3 12.3 21.1 3.3 6.6 4.1 6.1 7.3 1.4 4.2

26.4 9.3 28.5 8.7 9.7 5.4 8.5 9.6 5.9 3.8

18.6 14.9 6.6 0.0 1.0 -4.7 4.8 0.7 0.3 9.1

19.1 25.3 32.4 2.9 5.7 3.1 5.1 13.6 15.4 13.2

16.4 21.7 6.9 10.2 11.4 2.5 3.2 6.0 11.9 2.5

14.5 26.6 13.3 15.7 18.5 5.2 14.3 3.2 21.4 6.1

10.3 18.2 12.1 10.3 14.8 3.3 5.8 3.5 13.5 7.9

7.4 14.8 17.9 3.5 5.8 2.7 -4.3 8.8 12.5 6.2

0.4 43.9 3.0 17.7 10.5 2.8 6.3 8.2 16.9 3.8

11.0 33.4 32.6 15.0 8.5 8.1 4.6 5.5 8.6 3.5

17.7 24.6 101.3 16.9 7.3 -0.3 15.0 6.6 19.9 6.9

20.6 ... 82.7 26.0 14.8 16.7 3.0 15.5 23.5 5.0

Maryland ....................... Massachusetts ............... Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Mississippi...................... Missouri ......................... Montana........................ Nebraska ....................... Nevada .......................... New Hampshire ............. New Jersey.....................

9.0 3.1 -0.6 7.8 4.3 7.0 9.7 6.7 35.1 6.5 4.5

10.8 5.5 6.9 12.4 10.5 9.4 12.9 8.4 66.3 11.4 8.9

13.4 4.9 0.4 7.4 2.2 4.1 1.6 0.5 50.1 20.5 5.0

7.5 0.8 4.3 7.1 13.7 5.1 13.3 5.7 63.8 24.8 2.7

26.5 10.5 13.5 11.5 1.8 8.3 2.9 5.2 71.3 21.5 18.2

32.3 9.8 22.8 14.5 -0.0 9.2 14.2 6.5 78.2 13.8 25.5

28.6 8.7 21.2 6.8 -0.2 4.5 5.6 0.7 45.2 8.5 16.2

11.6 1.6 8.5 8.9 8.7 4.3 4.1 -4.5 21.1 5.6 2.9

12.5 10.3 32.0 7.4 12.2 6.6 -2.1 6.3 17.6 5.0 28.1

11.9 14.4 30.5 15.0 -0.4 3.4 46.0 8.7 -5.5 2.9 24.4

9.0 20.0 16.1 18.5 15.8 6.0 54.5 11.8 93.4 4.6 34.7

14.0 25.3 15.6 33.7 20.3 16.0 70.3 0.3 -10.6 9.3 30.4

New Mexico................... New York ....................... North Carolina ............... North Dakota ................. Ohio .............................. Oklahoma ...................... Oregon .......................... Pennsylvania .................. Rhode Island .................. South Carolina ............... South Dakota.................

13.2 2.1 18.5 4.7 1.6 8.7 12.0 3.4 0.4 15.3 7.9

20.1 5.5 21.3 0.5 4.7 9.7 20.4 3.4 4.5 15.1 8.5

16.2 2.5 12.8 -2.1 0.5 4.0 7.9 0.2 5.9 11.7 0.8

28.1 -3.7 15.6 5.7 1.3 18.2 25.9 0.5 -0.3 20.5 3.7

6.9 8.7 11.6 -2.3 9.8 9.9 18.3 4.3 10.5 8.7 -2.1

39.6 13.2 12.2 2.1 22.1 4.3 16.3 7.8 8.5 12.5 4.3

28.1 10.0 13.7 -3.5 15.0 -4.4 39.6 6.0 11.0 11.4 1.5

25.6 7.1 12.7 -5.7 3.9 -2.5 14.2 2.8 3.8 9.3 -7.2

17.5 21.2 23.9 5.3 15.4 18.1 21.8 10.5 13.7 3.3 8.8

10.1 14.0 16.0 12.1 20.8 22.4 16.4 13.8 11.4 11.1 9.0

67.6 25.4 16.5 80.8 14.7 109.7 62.7 21.6 26.6 13.1 45.4

21.9 21.1 17.1 67.1 13.2 205.6 30.2 19.9 24.0 16.4 15.2

Tennessee ...................... Texas.............................. Utah .............................. Vermont ........................ Virginia .......................... Washington ................... West Virginia ................. Wisconsin ...................... Wyoming .......................

11.5 20.6 23.8 2.8 13.0 14.1 2.5 6.0 14.1

16.7 22.8 29.6 8.2 14.4 21.1 0.8 9.6 8.9

6.2 19.4 17.9 10.0 15.8 17.8 -8.0 4.0 -3.4

16.9 27.0 37.9 15.0 14.9 21.1 11.8 6.5 41.3

10.1 16.9 18.9 14.1 17.3 19.6 -6.2 11.8 0.7

8.4 24.2 29.3 3.2 19.5 19.9 -7.2 15.1 13.6

12.9 20.2 25.2 5.2 23.9 37.0 5.4 9.5 15.9

11.4 10.1 8.4 -0.1 10.6 11.1 10.0 6.8 11.2

11.9 24.9 13.0 2.0 4.9 15.2 18.1 11.7 16.0

7.0 19.7 20.4 -1.0 12.0 18.8 19.9 12.8 33.2

8.1 27.8 34.9 3.6 11.2 120.4 27.4 12.8 57.7

14.3 36.4 31.3 3.4 12.0 45.0 25.7 22.2 47.9

Part B. United States and States 25

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent change from previous census (continued) State























United States .....................











Alabama .............................. Alaska.................................. Arizona ................................ Arkansas .............................. California ............................. Colorado ............................. Connecticut ......................... Delaware ............................. District of Columbia ............. Florida .................................

19.9 -4.1 118.2 40.6 40.3 112.7 19.8 14.9 29.7 45.2

26.6 ... 318.7 65.6 54.3 387.5 15.9 17.3 34.9 43.5

3.4 ... 49.0 11.3 47.4 16.3 16.8 11.4 75.4 33.7

25.0 ... ... 107.5 310.4 ... 24.1 22.6 45.3 60.6

30.6 ... ... 115.1 ... ... 19.6 17.2 53.2 60.5

90.9 ... ... 221.1 ... ... 4.1 1.7 11.5 56.9

142.0 ... ... 112.9 ... ... 8.1 5.5 29.7 ...

1,313.9 ... ... 1,244.0 ... ... 5.1 0.1 50.8 ...

623.7 ... ... ... ... ... 4.4 13.1 90.0 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 5.5 8.8 ... ...

… … … … … … … … … …

Georgia ............................... Hawaii ................................. Idaho ................................... Illinois .................................. Indiana ................................ Iowa .................................... Kansas ................................. Kentucky ............................. Louisiana ............................. Maine ..................................

19.1 ... 171.5 24.3 10.8 17.7 43.4 12.7 19.0 1.9

30.2 ... 117.4 21.2 17.7 36.1 173.4 24.8 29.3 3.5

12.0 ... ... 48.4 24.5 76.9 239.9 14.3 2.7 -0.2

16.7 ... ... 101.1 36.6 251.1 ... 17.6 36.7 7.7

31.1 ... ... 78.8 44.1 345.8 ... 26.0 46.9 16.2

33.8 ... ... 202.4 99.9 ... ... 13.4 63.4 25.6

51.6 ... ... 185.2 133.1 ... ... 21.9 40.6 33.9

35.6 ... ... 349.5 500.2 ... ... 38.8 100.4 30.4

54.5 ... ... 399.7 831.6 ... ... 84.0 ... 50.7

97.1 ... ... ... ... ... ... 199.9 ... 57.2

… … … … … … … … … …

Maryland ............................. Massachusetts ..................... Michigan ............................. Minnesota ........................... Mississippi............................ Missouri ............................... Montana.............................. Nebraska ............................. Nevada ................................ New Hampshire ................... New Jersey...........................

11.5 25.6 27.9 67.8 14.0 23.6 265.0 134.9 -23.9 8.5 27.7

19.7 22.4 38.2 77.6 36.7 26.0 90.1 267.8 45.0 9.0 24.8

13.7 18.4 58.1 155.6 4.6 45.6 ... 326.5 526.2 -2.4 34.8

17.8 23.8 88.4 2,730.7 30.5 73.3 ... ... ... 2.5 37.3

24.0 34.8 87.3 ... 61.5 77.8 ... ... ... 11.7 31.1

5.1 20.9 658.0 ... 175.0 173.2 ... ... ... 5.7 16.4

9.7 16.6 275.8 ... 81.1 110.9 ... ... ... 10.3 15.6

7.0 10.9 56.5 ... 141.0 236.6 ... ... ... 13.8 13.0

11.4 11.6 26.8 ... 311.9 ... ... ... ... 16.6 16.3

6.8 11.6 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 29.6 14.7

… … … … … … … … … … …

New Mexico......................... New York ............................. North Carolina ..................... North Dakota ....................... Ohio .................................... Oklahoma ............................ Oregon ................................ Pennsylvania ........................ Rhode Island ........................ South Carolina ..................... South Dakota.......................

34.1 18.1 15.6 417.4 14.8 ... 81.8 22.8 24.9 15.6 254.7

30.1 16.0 30.7 1,434.7 20.0 ... 92.2 21.6 27.2 41.1 734.5

5.6 12.9 7.9 ... 13.9 ... 73.3 21.2 24.5 0.3 143.5

41.4 25.3 14.2 ... 18.1 ... 333.8 25.7 18.4 5.3 ...

... 27.5 15.3 ... 30.3 ... ... 34.1 35.6 12.5 ...

... 26.6 2.1 ... 62.0 ... ... 27.9 12.0 2.3 ...

... 39.8 15.5 ... 61.3 ... ... 28.5 17.0 15.6 ...

... 43.1 14.8 ... 152.0 ... ... 29.5 8.0 21.1 ...

... 62.8 16.4 ... 447.4 ... ... 34.5 11.3 20.1 ...

... 73.2 21.4 ... ... ... ... 38.7 0.4 38.8 ...

… … … … … … … … … … …

Tennessee ............................ Texas.................................... Utah .................................... Vermont .............................. Virginia ................................ Washington ......................... West Virginia ....................... Wisconsin ............................ Wyoming .............................

14.6 40.4 46.4 0.0 9.5 375.6 23.3 28.7 200.9

22.6 94.5 66.7 0.5 23.5 213.6 39.9 24.7 128.0

13.4 35.5 114.4 4.9 0.5 106.6 17.3 35.9 ...

10.7 184.2 253.9 0.3 9.0 865.4 24.6 154.1 ...

20.9 ... ... 7.6 9.2 ... 34.6 886.9 ...

21.6 ... ... 4.0 -1.8 ... 26.9 751.3 ...

61.3 ... ... 18.9 11.3 ... 29.3 151.7 ...

61.6 ... ... 8.3 6.9 ... 29.7 ... ...

147.8 ... ... 41.1 8.7 ... 34.2 ... ...

195.9 ... ... 80.8 16.7 ... 40.7 ... ...

… … … … … … … … …


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Sex ratio (Males per 100 females) State

























United States ........................













Alabama ................................. Alaska..................................... Arizona ................................... Arkansas ................................. California ................................ Colorado ................................ Connecticut ............................ Delaware ................................ District of Columbia ................ Florida ....................................

94.3 108.5 98.7 96.5 98.8 100.5 94.8 93.9 89.5 95.6

93.3 107.0 99.7 95.3 99.3 101.4 93.9 94.4 89.0 95.3

92.0 111.4 97.6 93.1 100.2 98.1 94.0 94.1 87.4 93.8

92.5 112.8 96.9 93.5 97.2 98.5 93.1 93.1 86.1 92.2

93.3 119.1 96.8 94.1 96.8 97.5 94.2 95.2 86.8 93.2

95.0 132.3 101.2 96.9 99.4 98.5 96.4 98.2 88.3 96.9

96.4 ... 102.3 99.3 100.1 100.8 97.0 97.9 89.1 97.3

97.7 ... 107.1 101.7 103.7 102.6 98.9 101.6 91.9 98.8

98.8 ... 113.2 102.8 107.6 105.1 99.5 103.5 90.9 101.0

99.8 ... 121.9 104.5 112.4 110.3 101.5 104.1 87.0 104.7

101.0 ... 138.2 106.0 125.5 116.9 102.3 104.6 91.3 110.0

100.5 ... 140.4 106.1 123.5 120.9 100.0 104.0 90.0 108.7

Georgia .................................. Hawaii .................................... Idaho ...................................... Illinois ..................................... Indiana ................................... Iowa ....................................... Kansas .................................... Kentucky ................................ Louisiana ................................ Maine .....................................

95.4 100.3 100.4 96.2 96.8 98.1 98.4 96.8 95.9 95.8

96.8 101.0 100.5 95.9 96.3 96.3 97.7 95.6 93.8 94.8

94.3 103.6 99.0 94.5 94.1 93.9 96.2 94.0 92.8 94.9

93.5 105.2 99.7 94.0 94.4 94.6 95.9 95.6 94.2 94.4

94.6 108.1 99.7 94.2 95.1 94.6 96.2 96.3 94.7 94.8

95.5 114.8 102.9 96.6 97.2 97.2 98.6 98.6 95.6 97.7

96.2 ... 106.2 98.3 99.1 100.0 100.2 100.4 96.7 98.8

96.6 ... 111.4 100.4 101.3 101.8 101.3 101.8 98.4 101.0

97.3 ... 114.3 103.1 102.6 103.2 104.5 102.4 99.4 101.3

99.6 ... 118.2 103.9 103.3 104.7 105.7 103.2 100.9 102.5

100.1 ... 132.5 106.8 105.0 106.6 110.0 103.0 101.7 103.2

99.1 ... 136.5 105.3 104.4 107.6 109.5 103.1 101.1 102.2

Maryland ................................ Massachusetts ........................ Michigan ................................ Minnesota .............................. Mississippi............................... Missouri .................................. Montana................................. Nebraska ................................ Nevada ................................... New Hampshire ...................... New Jersey..............................

93.6 93.7 96.3 98.5 94.4 96.0 100.8 98.5 102.0 97.3 94.8

93.4 93.0 96.2 98.1 93.4 94.6 99.3 97.2 103.9 96.8 94.3

94.1 92.4 94.4 96.2 91.7 92.9 98.1 95.1 103.7 96.1 93.5

94.0 90.8 95.2 96.1 92.9 92.7 99.6 95.3 102.4 95.0 92.2

95.5 91.6 96.1 96.0 94.0 93.2 99.9 95.4 102.8 95.7 93.7

97.8 93.4 98.5 98.4 96.2 95.3 103.8 98.4 107.1 96.5 96.0

99.2 93.8 101.7 101.3 97.7 96.4 109.9 101.4 113.3 96.9 97.2

101.0 95.0 105.2 104.6 98.7 98.8 114.8 102.4 125.4 99.3 99.0

101.3 95.1 108.4 105.5 100.0 100.9 120.0 105.2 140.3 99.2 101.0

101.3 96.3 110.8 109.1 100.4 102.5 120.5 107.9 148.4 100.5 101.5

98.9 96.7 107.3 114.6 101.6 105.1 152.1 111.2 179.2 100.9 102.9

98.4 95.1 106.6 113.9 101.5 105.6 160.3 112.5 153.0 99.6 100.0

New Mexico............................ New York ................................ North Carolina ........................ North Dakota .......................... Ohio ....................................... Oklahoma ............................... Oregon ................................... Pennsylvania ........................... Rhode Island ........................... South Carolina ........................ South Dakota..........................

97.7 93.8 95.0 102.1 95.4 98.0 98.0 95.1 93.4 94.7 100.1

96.7 93.1 96.0 99.6 94.4 96.6 98.4 93.4 92.5 94.5 98.5

96.8 92.1 94.1 99.3 93.0 94.8 96.7 92.0 92.2 93.9 96.9

97.2 90.5 94.3 101.3 93.5 95.4 97.0 91.9 91.0 94.7 97.3

97.2 91.5 95.9 101.8 94.1 94.9 95.9 92.4 96.2 96.5 98.4

101.8 93.8 97.3 104.5 96.4 97.2 99.0 94.8 96.4 97.4 102.4

104.2 95.4 98.6 108.8 97.8 99.8 103.2 97.0 97.3 96.7 106.9

104.6 98.5 98.6 109.4 100.4 102.4 106.8 100.0 96.0 97.0 107.1

107.4 100.6 98.8 111.9 102.3 106.1 110.0 101.2 95.2 96.3 110.5

112.1 99.8 99.9 112.0 105.4 109.0 113.4 103.2 97.0 99.2 112.6

115.3 101.2 99.2 122.4 104.4 113.7 133.2 105.9 99.3 98.5 118.9

114.4 98.9 98.3 125.3 102.3 115.3 129.0 103.5 96.5 98.4 116.6

Tennessee ............................... Texas....................................... Utah ....................................... Vermont ................................. Virginia ................................... Washington ............................ West Virginia .......................... Wisconsin ............................... Wyoming ................................

95.1 98.4 100.9 97.1 96.3 99.3 97.3 98.5 104.1

94.9 98.6 100.4 96.1 96.3 99.1 94.6 97.6 101.2

92.9 97.0 98.7 95.9 96.2 98.4 92.4 95.8 100.2

93.3 96.8 98.4 94.9 96.0 98.7 94.1 96.0 105.0

93.7 95.9 97.6 95.6 97.7 98.7 93.9 96.3 100.7

95.3 98.1 99.8 96.8 99.6 101.2 96.8 98.9 104.9

97.3 100.4 101.9 98.8 101.9 106.0 100.7 101.1 114.1

98.4 100.9 102.6 102.9 101.5 109.1 103.8 104.1 116.7

99.4 103.8 104.9 103.9 100.8 112.1 106.0 105.8 123.8

100.9 106.9 106.8 103.0 102.4 118.1 108.9 106.4 131.3

102.1 107.4 111.5 105.3 100.9 136.3 111.6 107.4 168.8

102.2 107.4 104.9 103.9 99.7 142.2 108.6 106.6 169.4

Part B. United States and States 27

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent under 15 years old State

























United States ............................













Alabama ..................................... Alaska......................................... Arizona ....................................... Arkansas ..................................... California .................................... Colorado .................................... Connecticut ................................ Delaware .................................... District of Columbia .................... Florida ........................................

19.5 22.0 21.2 20.4 20.5 20.3 18.6 18.8 13.9 17.4

20.9 25.2 22.4 21.0 23.0 21.3 20.8 20.8 17.1 19.0

21.7 27.2 22.7 21.9 22.2 22.3 19.2 20.8 16.3 18.6

24.1 26.9 23.7 23.7 21.8 22.7 20.8 22.2 17.7 19.3

29.6 34.3 30.4 28.1 27.7 29.2 28.2 30.2 24.9 25.8

33.9 35.5 34.8 31.9 30.3 32.4 29.5 32.2 25.4 29.6

32.7 ... 31.9 31.9 24.6 27.5 23.8 25.8 20.1 26.2

32.3 ... 30.8 31.0 19.8 25.6 21.2 22.7 17.8 25.1

35.9 ... 33.0 34.8 22.9 28.9 27.7 27.0 20.7 29.8

39.1 ... 33.4 38.3 23.9 30.2 30.1 28.9 20.7 33.4

39.8 ... 31.8 39.5 23.0 28.6 27.8 29.0 23.2 35.8

41.3 ... 33.3 41.6 26.4 30.5 28.0 31.5 25.0 38.8

Georgia ...................................... Hawaii ........................................ Idaho .......................................... Illinois ......................................... Indiana ....................................... Iowa ........................................... Kansas ........................................ Kentucky .................................... Louisiana .................................... Maine .........................................

21.4 18.5 23.0 20.1 20.6 19.8 21.3 19.5 20.5 16.7

22.2 20.3 23.4 21.8 21.5 20.6 21.9 20.4 22.4 19.3

22.3 21.5 25.9 21.7 21.9 21.9 22.8 21.5 24.5 21.1

24.4 23.4 27.1 22.9 23.8 22.8 22.2 23.9 25.7 22.8

29.9 30.0 30.4 28.5 29.5 28.6 27.4 28.6 31.8 28.8

33.6 34.4 34.7 29.8 31.8 31.1 30.9 32.2 35.2 31.1

31.6 ... 31.7 24.0 26.8 26.9 26.2 30.8 31.5 27.7

30.6 ... 28.6 21.6 24.0 24.6 24.4 30.4 29.7 26.1

34.7 ... 32.8 26.0 27.7 28.3 28.9 34.0 33.6 28.7

38.4 ... 35.3 29.3 29.0 29.9 31.2 35.2 36.3 28.3

39.9 ... 33.4 29.6 29.5 30.9 31.9 35.9 38.5 27.4

41.5 ... 36.6 33.0 32.4 34.1 34.9 37.8 40.7 27.3

Maryland .................................... Massachusetts ............................ Michigan .................................... Minnesota .................................. Mississippi................................... Missouri ...................................... Montana..................................... Nebraska .................................... Nevada ....................................... New Hampshire .......................... New Jersey..................................

19.3 17.7 19.3 20.0 21.0 19.6 18.6 21.0 20.5 17.6 19.3

21.5 19.8 21.8 21.6 22.5 21.1 20.6 21.6 21.7 20.8 20.9

20.6 18.9 22.2 22.8 24.1 21.7 23.5 23.0 21.1 21.4 19.5

21.9 20.5 23.9 23.0 26.2 22.2 23.8 23.1 21.7 22.5 21.4

29.5 27.6 30.5 30.2 31.6 27.6 29.9 28.3 29.5 29.0 27.8

32.0 28.8 33.1 32.8 35.8 29.3 33.7 30.9 30.6 30.1 28.8

26.7 23.6 27.4 27.6 34.0 24.9 28.8 26.3 25.9 25.4 23.2

23.8 21.8 25.0 24.7 32.6 23.4 25.4 25.2 22.5 23.4 21.0

28.3 26.5 29.1 28.9 35.4 26.7 29.7 29.6 24.2 26.9 27.1

29.7 28.0 30.0 31.2 38.5 29.5 32.7 32.1 24.9 27.1 30.2

31.0 27.0 29.7 31.9 40.4 31.1 27.4 32.8 20.9 26.2 29.1

33.2 27.5 31.9 36.5 42.0 34.9 29.4 36.5 25.7 26.0 30.7

New Mexico................................ New York .................................... North Carolina ............................ North Dakota .............................. Ohio ........................................... Oklahoma ................................... Oregon ....................................... Pennsylvania ............................... Rhode Island ............................... South Carolina ............................ South Dakota..............................

20.9 18.3 19.9 18.5 19.4 20.7 18.7 17.8 17.3 19.3 20.7

23.0 20.7 20.5 20.2 21.1 21.2 20.4 19.7 19.8 20.9 21.9

25.0 19.9 20.1 23.3 21.6 22.3 21.6 19.7 18.9 22.0 24.2

26.0 21.2 22.7 23.7 23.1 22.9 22.4 20.9 20.3 24.3 24.0

33.3 26.7 28.6 30.1 29.2 26.9 27.2 26.9 26.4 30.4 29.7

37.9 27.6 33.4 34.4 31.7 30.0 30.8 29.1 28.4 35.7 33.6

34.8 22.6 32.3 31.0 25.8 28.6 26.5 25.0 23.5 34.8 29.2

34.5 20.6 32.5 29.7 22.9 29.2 21.2 24.2 22.1 33.7 27.8

36.7 25.1 37.9 34.3 27.5 33.8 24.4 30.0 27.9 38.5 32.4

37.1 27.8 40.4 38.9 28.6 37.6 27.3 32.2 28.9 40.9 34.8

36.9 27.3 40.6 36.8 28.2 39.0 25.8 30.9 27.6 41.6 34.4

39.0 29.1 41.4 39.4 30.9 41.5 30.6 32.4 28.2 42.8 38.6

Tennessee ................................... Texas........................................... Utah ........................................... Vermont ..................................... Virginia ....................................... Washington ................................ West Virginia .............................. Wisconsin ................................... Wyoming ....................................

19.5 22.9 26.7 16.6 19.2 19.4 17.2 19.4 20.1

20.5 23.5 26.6 19.8 20.5 21.3 18.2 21.0 20.9

20.7 24.0 31.2 21.5 20.5 22.1 20.1 22.3 25.2

22.8 24.7 31.6 22.8 22.1 22.4 23.4 23.0 25.8

28.0 29.7 33.3 29.5 28.5 28.1 27.2 29.8 29.7

31.6 33.1 37.5 31.4 32.0 31.3 32.2 32.1 33.7

30.1 29.1 33.5 28.0 29.1 26.3 31.7 27.0 29.1

29.4 28.0 31.4 25.8 28.6 21.1 31.2 24.9 26.6

33.2 32.2 35.6 28.3 33.8 24.9 35.9 28.9 30.3

36.1 35.5 37.8 28.6 35.8 27.5 37.3 31.3 31.5

37.0 38.7 37.3 27.6 37.1 26.5 36.8 32.2 26.9

38.9 41.8 41.1 27.7 38.4 30.8 38.5 35.8 30.7


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent age 15 to 64 years old State

























United States ........













Alabama ................. Alaska..................... Arizona ................... Arkansas ................. California ................ Colorado ................ Connecticut ............ Delaware ................ District of Columbia Florida ....................

66.7 70.3 65.0 65.2 68.1 68.7 67.2 66.7 74.7 65.2

66.1 69.1 64.6 65.0 66.4 69.0 65.4 66.2 70.7 63.4

65.4 68.7 64.2 63.2 67.3 67.7 67.2 67.1 70.9 63.1

64.6 70.2 65.0 62.6 68.0 68.7 67.5 67.8 70.7 63.4

60.9 63.4 60.5 59.5 63.3 62.3 62.3 61.8 65.7 59.6

58.1 62.1 58.3 57.2 60.9 58.6 60.9 59.8 65.5 59.2

60.8 ... 62.2 60.3 66.9 63.8 67.4 65.9 72.8 65.2

62.9 ... 64.4 63.5 72.2 66.7 71.3 69.6 76.0 68.0

60.3 ... 63.4 61.1 70.6 65.1 66.5 66.0 73.7 65.3

57.3 ... 63.6 58.2 70.2 65.4 64.9 65.5 74.6 62.4

57.1 ... 65.4 57.6 71.7 68.0 66.8 65.8 71.6 61.3

55.7 ... 64.0 56.0 68.4 67.0 66.4 63.9 70.8 58.5

Georgia .................. Hawaii .................... Idaho ...................... Illinois ..................... Indiana ................... Iowa ....................... Kansas .................... Kentucky ................ Louisiana ................ Maine .....................

67.9 67.1 64.6 67.5 66.5 65.3 65.5 67.2 67.4 67.3

68.2 66.4 65.3 66.1 66.1 64.5 64.8 67.1 66.0 66.3

67.6 67.2 62.1 65.7 65.5 62.8 63.4 65.8 64.4 65.6

66.1 68.7 63.0 66.1 65.5 63.9 64.8 64.9 64.7 64.7

62.1 64.3 60.1 61.7 61.0 59.0 60.8 60.9 59.8 59.6

59.0 61.0 56.6 60.5 58.6 57.0 58.1 58.2 57.4 57.9

62.0 ... 60.9 67.3 64.0 62.7 63.6 61.2 61.9 62.1

64.3 ... 65.4 71.2 67.6 66.4 66.9 62.9 65.3 64.4

61.4 ... 62.2 68.5 65.1 64.2 64.2 60.6 62.8 62.6

58.1 ... 61.3 66.1 64.7 64.1 62.9 60.1 60.4 63.6

57.0 ... 63.8 66.1 65.0 63.5 62.9 60.0 58.5 64.4

55.5 ... 60.7 63.0 62.9 61.1 61.0 58.6 56.4 64.7

Maryland ................ Massachusetts ........ Michigan ................ Minnesota .............. Mississippi............... Missouri .................. Montana................. Nebraska ................ Nevada ................... New Hampshire ...... New Jersey..............

68.3 68.7 66.9 67.2 66.0 66.3 66.6 65.4 67.7 68.7 67.3

67.2 66.7 65.9 66.3 65.4 65.4 66.0 64.8 67.3 67.2 65.9

68.6 67.5 65.9 64.7 63.4 64.3 63.2 62.9 68.3 67.3 67.1

68.7 66.8 66.3 65.2 62.3 64.6 65.5 63.8 70.1 66.3 66.9

62.9 61.2 61.0 59.1 58.4 60.4 60.2 59.3 64.2 60.4 62.5

60.7 60.1 58.7 56.8 55.5 59.0 56.6 57.5 63.0 58.7 62.0

66.3 66.4 65.4 63.4 59.0 64.8 62.6 63.9 67.2 63.8 68.7

69.4 69.7 68.7 67.7 62.1 68.0 68.1 66.8 71.3 66.7 72.3

66.0 67.0 65.6 64.7 60.7 66.6 65.3 64.1 70.5 64.2 67.9

65.3 66.6 64.8 64.2 57.8 65.0 64.2 62.9 70.6 64.9 65.6

64.3 67.8 64.7 63.9 56.6 64.3 70.2 62.9 75.3 65.9 66.7

62.6 67.4 63.1 59.7 55.1 61.5 68.6 60.2 68.9 66.1 65.1

New Mexico............ New York ................ North Carolina ........ North Dakota .......... Ohio ....................... Oklahoma ............... Oregon ................... Pennsylvania ........... Rhode Island ........... South Carolina ........ South Dakota..........

65.8 68.3 67.0 67.1 66.4 65.9 67.5 66.7 68.3 67.1 65.0

65.3 66.4 67.5 65.1 65.6 65.6 66.8 64.7 65.7 67.0 63.8

64.2 67.0 67.8 62.4 65.4 64.2 64.6 64.9 66.1 66.6 61.1

65.1 66.5 67.0 64.0 66.1 64.7 66.1 66.2 66.3 66.5 62.8

59.8 62.5 63.3 59.2 61.4 61.4 62.0 62.3 62.6 62.2 58.2

56.7 62.3 59.7 56.3 59.1 59.3 58.8 60.9 61.2 58.0 55.9

60.3 68.9 62.2 61.2 65.3 62.7 64.8 66.6 67.6 59.8 62.3

61.1 72.6 63.1 64.2 69.3 64.6 70.3 69.0 70.3 62.0 65.3

59.3 69.6 58.4 61.3 66.3 62.2 68.5 64.7 66.3 58.2 62.3

59.5 67.4 55.7 58.1 65.8 59.2 67.3 63.3 66.1 55.9 61.2

60.1 68.1 55.9 61.0 66.3 58.5 70.0 64.8 67.8 55.5 62.3

58.0 66.1 55.1 58.3 64.1 56.5 65.4 63.4 67.2 54.2 58.2

Tennessee ............... Texas....................... Utah ....................... Vermont ................. Virginia ................... Washington ............ West Virginia .......... Wisconsin ............... Wyoming ................

67.0 66.9 64.2 68.9 68.7 68.2 66.8 66.9 67.6

67.1 66.6 64.9 67.5 68.3 67.5 66.5 65.9 67.4

66.6 65.9 60.1 66.7 68.8 66.1 64.9 64.4 64.4

65.9 65.7 60.9 65.8 68.4 67.2 64.4 65.0 66.3

62.2 61.4 59.4 59.8 63.6 62.5 61.7 59.5 61.2

59.7 59.1 55.8 57.4 60.7 58.9 58.5 57.7 58.5

62.8 64.2 60.3 61.5 64.4 64.8 61.4 64.0 64.6

64.7 66.6 63.1 64.6 65.6 70.6 63.5 67.4 68.4

62.2 63.8 59.9 63.0 61.4 68.6 59.9 64.6 65.8

59.6 61.0 58.7 63.0 59.9 68.0 58.9 63.4 65.9

59.2 58.5 59.4 64.2 58.8 70.3 59.7 62.7 71.2

57.8 55.8 55.3 64.2 57.7 66.3 58.1 59.2 67.8

Part B. United States and States 29

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent age 65 years and older State

























United States ................













Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

13.9 7.8 13.8 14.5 11.4 10.9 14.3 14.5 11.5 17.4

13.0 5.7 13.0 14.0 10.6 9.7 13.8 13.0 12.2 17.6

12.9 4.1 13.1 14.9 10.5 10.0 13.6 12.1 12.8 18.3

11.3 2.9 11.3 13.7 10.2 8.6 11.7 10.0 11.6 17.3

9.5 2.3 9.1 12.4 9.0 8.5 9.5 8.0 9.4 14.6

8.0 2.4 6.9 10.9 8.8 9.0 9.6 8.0 9.1 11.2

6.5 ... 5.9 7.8 8.5 8.7 8.8 8.3 7.1 8.6

4.8 ... 4.8 5.5 8.0 7.7 7.5 7.7 6.2 6.9

3.8 ... 3.6 4.1 6.5 6.0 5.8 7.0 5.6 4.9

3.6 ... 3.0 3.5 5.9 4.4 5.0 5.6 4.7 4.2

3.1 ... 2.8 2.9 5.3 3.4 5.4 5.2 5.2 2.9

3.0 ... 2.7 2.4 5.2 2.5 5.6 4.6 4.2 2.7

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

10.7 14.3 12.3 12.5 13.0 14.8 13.1 13.3 12.3 15.9

9.6 13.3 11.3 12.1 12.4 14.9 13.3 12.5 11.6 14.4

10.1 11.3 12.0 12.6 12.6 15.3 13.8 12.7 11.1 13.3

9.5 7.9 9.9 11.0 10.7 13.3 13.0 11.2 9.6 12.5

8.0 5.7 9.5 9.8 9.5 12.4 11.8 10.5 8.4 11.6

7.4 4.6 8.7 9.7 9.6 11.9 11.0 9.6 7.4 11.0

6.4 ... 7.4 8.7 9.2 10.4 10.2 8.0 6.6 10.2

5.1 ... 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.0 8.7 6.7 5.0 9.5

3.9 ... 5.0 5.5 7.2 7.5 6.9 5.4 3.6 8.7

3.5 ... 3.4 4.6 6.3 6.0 5.9 4.7 3.3 8.1

3.1 ... 2.8 4.3 5.5 5.6 5.2 4.1 3.0 8.2

3.0 ... 2.7 4.0 4.7 4.8 4.1 3.6 2.9 8.0

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

12.3 13.7 13.8 12.9 12.9 14.0 14.9 13.6 11.9 13.5 13.5

11.3 13.5 12.3 12.1 12.1 13.5 13.4 13.6 11.0 12.0 13.2

10.8 13.6 11.9 12.5 12.5 14.0 13.3 14.1 10.6 11.3 13.4

9.4 12.7 9.8 11.8 11.5 13.2 10.7 13.1 8.2 11.2 11.7

7.6 11.2 8.5 10.7 10.0 12.0 9.9 12.4 6.3 10.6 9.7

7.3 11.1 8.2 10.4 8.7 11.7 9.7 11.6 6.4 11.2 9.2

7.0 10.0 7.2 9.0 7.0 10.3 8.6 9.8 6.9 10.8 8.1

6.8 8.5 6.3 7.6 5.3 8.6 6.5 8.0 6.2 9.9 6.7

5.7 6.5 5.3 6.4 3.9 6.7 5.0 6.3 5.3 8.9 5.0

5.0 5.4 5.2 4.6 3.7 5.5 3.1 5.0 4.5 8.0 4.2

4.7 5.2 5.6 4.2 3.0 4.6 2.4 4.3 3.8 7.9 4.2

4.2 5.1 5.0 3.8 2.9 3.6 2.0 3.3 5.4 7.9 4.2

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

13.3 13.5 12.8 14.5 14.1 13.3 13.8 15.6 14.4 13.6 14.4

11.7 12.9 12.0 14.7 13.3 13.2 12.8 15.6 14.5 12.1 14.3

10.8 13.1 12.1 14.3 13.0 13.5 13.8 15.4 15.0 11.4 14.7

8.9 12.3 10.3 12.3 10.8 12.4 11.5 12.9 13.4 9.2 13.2

6.9 10.8 8.1 10.7 9.4 11.7 10.8 10.8 11.0 7.4 12.1

5.4 10.1 6.9 9.3 9.2 10.7 10.4 10.0 10.4 6.3 10.5

4.9 8.5 5.5 7.8 8.9 8.7 8.7 8.4 8.9 5.4 8.5

4.4 6.8 4.4 6.1 7.8 6.2 8.5 6.8 7.6 4.3 6.9

4.0 5.3 3.7 4.4 6.2 4.0 7.1 5.3 5.8 3.3 5.3

3.4 4.8 3.9 3.0 5.6 3.2 5.4 4.5 5.0 3.2 4.0

3.0 4.6 3.5 2.2 5.5 2.5 4.2 4.3 4.6 2.9 3.3

3.0 4.8 3.5 2.3 5.0 2.0 4.0 4.2 4.6 3.0 3.2

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

13.5 10.4 9.1 14.5 12.2 12.3 16.1 13.8 12.4

12.4 9.9 8.5 12.7 11.2 11.2 15.3 13.1 11.7

12.7 10.1 8.7 11.8 10.7 11.8 15.0 13.3 10.4

11.3 9.6 7.5 11.4 9.5 10.4 12.2 12.0 7.9

9.8 8.9 7.3 10.7 7.9 9.4 11.1 10.7 9.1

8.7 7.8 6.7 11.2 7.3 9.8 9.3 10.2 7.8

7.1 6.7 6.2 10.5 6.5 8.9 6.9 9.0 6.3

5.9 5.4 5.5 9.6 5.8 8.3 5.3 7.7 5.0

4.6 4.0 4.5 8.7 4.8 6.5 4.2 6.5 3.9

4.3 3.5 3.5 8.4 4.3 4.5 3.8 5.3 2.6

3.8 2.8 3.3 8.2 4.1 3.2 3.5 5.1 1.9

3.3 2.4 3.6 8.1 3.9 2.9 3.4 5.0 1.5


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent White 2 State


























United States ................













Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

69.8 73.1 75.9 78.8 61.6 84.3 79.6 71.0 40.5 77.1

72.0 74.0 77.9 81.2 63.4 85.2 83.3 75.9 32.2 79.7

73.6 75.5 80.8 82.7 69.0 88.2 87.0 80.3 29.6 83.1

73.8 77.1 82.4 82.7 76.2 89.0 90.1 82.1 26.9 84.0

73.6 78.8 90.6 81.4 89.0 95.7 93.5 85.1 27.7 84.2

69.9 77.2 89.8 78.1 92.0 97.0 95.6 86.1 45.2 82.1

67.9 ... 87.3 77.6 93.7 97.9 97.3 86.1 64.6 78.2

65.3 ... 85.5 75.2 95.5 98.5 98.0 86.5 71.5 72.8

64.3 ... 86.9 74.2 95.3 98.4 98.1 86.3 72.7 70.5

61.6 ... 87.2 73.0 95.3 98.3 98.4 86.4 74.7 65.9

57.5 ... 83.9 71.8 95.0 98.0 98.6 84.6 71.3 58.9

54.7 ... 75.6 72.0 94.5 98.0 98.2 83.4 68.7 56.3

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

61.4 41.5 91.4 73.4 86.1 92.9 86.5 89.4 63.9 96.7

66.1 39.3 92.8 75.1 88.6 94.9 87.9 91.0 64.8 97.9

71.0 33.4 94.4 78.3 90.6 96.6 90.1 92.0 67.3 98.4

72.3 33.0 95.5 80.8 91.2 97.4 91.7 92.3 69.2 98.7

73.9 38.8 98.1 86.4 92.8 98.5 94.5 92.6 69.8 99.3

71.4 32.0 98.5 89.4 94.1 99.0 95.4 92.8 67.9 99.4

69.1 ... 98.8 92.4 95.5 99.2 96.0 93.1 67.0 99.7

65.3 ... 98.9 95.0 96.4 99.3 96.3 92.5 64.0 99.7

63.2 ... 98.6 95.6 96.5 99.3 96.3 91.4 62.9 99.7

58.3 ... 98.6 97.1 97.2 99.2 96.6 90.2 61.0 99.7

54.9 ... 98.0 98.0 97.7 99.3 96.7 88.6 56.8 99.7

53.3 ... 95.5 98.2 97.7 99.4 96.3 86.7 52.8 99.7

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

60.4 82.5 81.0 87.4 60.1 84.7 91.8 88.0 70.0 95.4 70.6

65.4 86.2 81.8 90.8 61.9 86.1 92.2 90.8 78.4 97.0 74.4

71.0 89.8 83.4 94.4 63.5 87.7 92.7 93.8 84.3 98.0 79.3

74.9 93.5 85.0 96.6 64.1 88.4 94.1 94.9 87.5 98.9 83.2

81.5 96.3 88.3 98.2 62.8 89.3 95.5 96.6 91.7 99.4 88.6

83.0 97.6 90.6 98.8 57.7 90.8 96.4 97.4 92.3 99.6 91.3

83.4 98.3 92.9 99.0 54.6 92.4 96.8 98.2 93.6 99.8 93.3

83.4 98.6 95.9 99.2 50.7 93.5 96.6 98.6 94.4 99.9 94.5

83.0 98.7 96.3 99.2 49.7 93.8 96.7 98.7 92.8 99.8 94.8

83.1 98.7 98.2 99.2 47.7 94.7 97.3 98.7 91.3 99.8 96.2

82.0 98.8 99.1 99.2 43.7 95.2 95.9 99.0 90.7 99.8 96.4

80.2 98.7 99.1 99.2 41.3 94.8 93.0 99.1 83.6 99.8 96.2

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

71.5 67.9 70.2 91.6 84.5 77.5 87.1 83.5 83.8 67.6 87.8

69.9 70.0 73.1 93.4 86.1 80.3 89.3 86.3 86.9 68.0 89.9

75.6 74.4 75.6 94.6 87.8 82.1 92.8 88.5 91.4 69.0 91.6

75.0 79.5 75.8 95.8 88.9 85.9 94.6 89.8 94.7 68.8 92.6

90.1 86.8 76.8 97.0 90.6 89.1 97.2 91.0 96.6 69.3 94.7

92.1 91.1 74.6 98.0 91.8 90.5 97.9 92.4 97.6 65.1 96.0

92.5 93.5 73.4 98.2 93.5 91.0 98.4 93.9 98.1 61.1 96.3

92.6 95.6 71.9 98.4 95.1 90.1 98.7 95.2 98.4 57.1 96.3

92.4 96.5 70.5 98.7 95.3 88.9 98.4 95.5 98.5 54.3 96.7

92.9 97.9 69.7 98.9 96.7 89.8 98.2 96.7 98.3 48.6 97.3

93.1 98.4 68.0 98.8 97.6 87.2 97.4 97.4 98.1 44.8 96.6

92.3 98.5 66.7 97.7 97.7 84.8 95.4 97.5 97.8 41.6 94.8

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

79.1 72.7 88.6 96.9 71.0 81.4 95.3 87.8 92.7

81.2 73.1 91.1 97.9 73.9 84.9 95.9 90.0 93.7

83.0 75.2 93.8 98.6 77.4 88.5 96.2 92.2 94.2

83.5 78.7 94.6 99.1 79.1 91.5 96.2 94.4 95.1

83.9 86.8 97.4 99.6 80.9 95.4 95.9 96.4 97.2

83.5 87.4 98.1 99.8 79.2 96.4 95.1 97.6 97.8

83.9 87.2 98.3 99.9 77.8 97.4 94.3 98.8 97.8

82.5 85.5 98.7 99.9 75.3 97.8 93.8 99.2 98.3

81.7 85.3 98.4 99.8 73.1 97.3 93.3 99.2 98.1

80.7 84.0 98.3 99.8 70.1 97.3 94.1 99.4 97.8

78.3 82.2 98.2 99.5 67.4 97.1 94.7 99.4 96.1

76.2 79.6 98.5 99.7 64.3 95.8 95.5 99.5 96.2

The 2000 and 2010 censuses allowed identification with more than one race. For those years the proportion includes all who identified with a specific race. (“alone or in combination”)

Part B. United States and States 31

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent Black 2 State


























United States ................













Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

26.8 4.7 5.0 16.1 7.2 5.0 11.3 22.9 52.2 17.0

26.3 4.3 3.6 16.0 7.4 4.4 10.0 20.1 61.3 15.5

25.3 4.1 3.0 15.9 7.4 4.0 8.3 16.9 65.8 13.6

25.6 3.4 2.8 16.3 7.7 3.5 7.0 16.1 70.3 13.8

26.2 3.0 3.0 18.3 7.0 3.0 6.0 14.3 71.1 15.3

30.0 3.0 3.3 21.8 5.6 2.3 4.2 13.6 53.9 17.8

32.0 ... 3.5 22.3 4.4 1.5 2.7 13.7 35.0 21.8

34.7 ... 3.0 24.8 1.8 1.1 1.9 13.5 28.2 27.1

35.7 ... 2.5 25.8 1.4 1.1 1.8 13.7 27.1 29.4

38.4 ... 2.4 27.0 1.1 1.2 1.5 13.6 25.1 34.0

42.5 ... 1.0 28.1 0.9 1.4 1.4 15.4 28.5 41.0

45.2 ... 1.5 28.0 0.7 1.6 1.7 16.6 31.1 43.7

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

31.5 2.9 1.0 15.4 10.1 3.7 7.1 8.7 32.8 1.6

29.2 2.8 0.6 15.6 8.8 2.5 6.3 7.7 32.9 0.7

27.0 2.5 0.3 14.8 7.8 1.7 5.8 7.1 30.8 0.4

26.8 1.8 0.3 14.7 7.6 1.4 5.3 7.1 29.4 0.3

25.9 1.0 0.3 12.8 6.9 1.2 4.8 7.2 29.8 0.3

28.5 0.8 0.2 10.3 5.8 0.9 4.2 7.1 31.9 0.3

30.9 ... 0.2 7.4 4.4 0.8 3.8 6.9 32.9 0.1

34.7 ... 0.1 4.9 3.6 0.7 3.6 7.5 35.9 0.2

36.8 ... 0.2 4.3 3.5 0.7 3.5 8.6 36.9 0.1

41.7 ... 0.2 2.8 2.8 0.8 3.3 9.8 38.9 0.2

45.1 ... 0.2 1.9 2.2 0.7 3.2 11.4 43.1 0.2

46.7 ... 0.2 1.8 2.3 0.6 3.5 13.3 47.1 0.2

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

30.9 7.8 15.2 6.2 37.6 12.5 0.8 5.4 9.4 1.7 14.8

28.8 6.3 14.8 4.1 36.6 11.7 0.5 4.4 7.5 1.0 14.4

24.9 5.0 13.9 2.2 35.6 10.7 0.3 3.6 6.6 0.6 13.4

22.7 3.9 12.9 1.3 35.2 10.5 0.2 3.1 6.4 0.4 12.6

17.8 3.1 11.2 0.9 36.8 10.3 0.3 2.7 5.7 0.3 10.7

16.7 2.2 9.2 0.7 42.0 9.0 0.2 2.1 4.7 0.3 8.5

16.5 1.6 6.9 0.5 45.3 7.5 0.2 1.5 2.7 0.1 6.6

16.6 1.3 4.0 0.4 49.2 6.5 0.2 1.1 0.6 0.1 5.5

16.9 1.2 3.5 0.4 50.2 6.2 0.2 1.0 0.6 0.2 5.2

16.9 1.2 1.6 0.4 52.2 5.2 0.3 1.0 0.4 0.1 3.7

17.9 1.1 0.6 0.3 56.2 4.8 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.1 3.5

19.8 1.1 0.7 0.3 58.5 5.2 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.2 3.7

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

2.8 17.2 22.6 1.6 13.4 8.7 2.6 11.9 7.4 28.8 1.8

2.3 17.0 22.1 0.8 12.1 8.3 2.1 10.5 5.5 29.9 0.9

2.0 15.9 22.0 0.6 10.6 7.4 1.6 9.2 3.9 29.8 0.5

1.8 13.7 22.4 0.4 10.0 6.8 1.4 8.8 2.9 30.4 0.3

1.9 11.9 22.2 0.4 9.1 6.7 1.3 8.6 2.7 30.5 0.2

1.8 8.4 24.5 0.1 8.1 6.6 1.0 7.5 2.1 34.8 0.2

1.2 6.2 25.8 6.5 6.5 0.8 6.1 1.8 38.8 0.1

0.9 4.2 27.5 4.9 7.2 0.2 4.7 1.5 42.9 0.1

0.7 3.3 29.0 0.1 4.7 7.2 0.2 4.5 1.4 45.6 0.1

1.6 1.9 29.8 0.1 3.2 7.4 0.3 3.3 1.7 51.4 0.1

0.5 1.5 31.6 0.1 2.3 8.3 0.2 2.5 1.8 55.2 0.1

0.8 1.4 33.0 0.1 2.3 7.0 0.3 2.5 2.1 58.4 0.1

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

17.4 12.6 1.6 1.5 20.7 4.8 4.2 7.1 1.3

16.8 12.0 1.1 0.7 20.4 4.0 3.5 6.1 1.0

16.0 11.9 0.7 0.3 18.8 3.1 3.1 5.0 0.8

15.8 12.0 0.6 0.2 18.9 2.6 3.3 3.9 0.7

15.8 12.5 0.6 0.2 18.5 2.1 3.9 2.9 0.8

16.5 12.4 0.5 0.1 20.6 1.7 4.8 1.9 0.7

16.1 12.7 0.4 0.1 22.1 1.3 5.7 0.8 0.9

17.4 14.4 0.2 0.1 24.7 0.4 6.2 0.4 0.4

18.3 14.7 0.2 0.2 26.8 0.4 6.6 0.4 0.6

19.3 15.9 0.3 0.2 29.9 0.5 5.9 0.2 0.7

21.7 17.7 0.3 0.5 32.6 0.5 5.3 0.1 1.5

23.8 20.4 0.2 0.2 35.6 0.5 4.5 0.1 1.0

The 2000 and 2010 censuses allowed identification with more than one race. For those years the proportion includes all who identified with a specific race. (“alone or in combination”)


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent American Indian and Alaska Native 2 State


























United States ..............













Alabama ....................... Alaska........................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ...................... Connecticut .................. Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ...... Florida ..........................

1.2 19.5 5.5 1.6 1.9 2.1 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.9

1.0 19.0 5.7 1.4 1.9 1.9 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7

0.4 15.6 5.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3

0.2 16.0 5.6 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2

0.1 5.4 5.4 0.1 0.5 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

... 6.4 6.4 ... 0.2 0.2 ... 0.1 0.1 0.1

... ... 8.8 ... 0.2 0.1 ... ... ... ...

... ... 11.0 ... 0.3 0.1 ... ... ... ...

... ... 10.0 ... 0.3 0.1 ... ... ... ...

... ... 9.9 ... 0.5 0.1 ... ... ... 0.1

... ... 14.3 ... 0.7 0.2 ... ... ... ...

... ... 21.5 ... 1.0 0.3 ... ... ... 0.1

Georgia ........................ Hawaii .......................... Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa ............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ...................... Louisiana ...................... Maine ...........................

0.9 2.5 2.3 0.8 0.8 0.8 2.1 0.7 1.2 1.4

0.6 2.1 2.1 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.8 0.6 1.0 1.0

0.2 0.5 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.9 0.2 0.4 0.5

0.1 0.3 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.4

0.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 ... 0.1 0.2

... 0.1 0.8 ... ... 0.1 0.2 ... 0.1 0.2

... ... 0.6 ... ... ... 0.1 ... ... 0.2

... ... 0.7 ... ... ... 0.1 ... 0.1 0.1

... ... 0.8 ... ... ... 0.1 ... 0.1 0.1

... ... 0.7 ... ... ... 0.1 ... 0.1 0.1

... ... 1.1 ... ... ... 0.1 ... ... 0.1

... ... 2.6 ... ... ... 0.1 ... ... 0.1

Maryland ...................... Massachusetts .............. Michigan ...................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi..................... Missouri ........................ Montana....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Hampshire ............ New Jersey....................

1.0 0.8 1.4 1.9 0.9 1.2 7.9 1.6 2.1 0.8 0.8

0.7 0.6 1.3 1.6 0.7 1.1 7.4 1.3 2.1 0.6 0.6

0.3 0.2 0.6 1.1 0.3 0.4 6.0 0.8 1.6 0.2 0.2

0.2 0.1 0.4 0.9 0.2 0.3 4.7 0.6 1.7 0.1 0.1

0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6 0.2 0.1 3.9 0.4 1.6 ... 0.1

... ... 0.1 0.5 0.1 ... 3.1 0.4 2.3 ... ...

... ... 0.1 0.4 0.1 ... 2.8 0.3 3.1 ... ...

... ... 0.1 0.4 0.1 ... 3.0 0.3 4.3 ... ...

... ... 0.1 0.4 0.1 ... 2.8 0.2 5.3 ... ...

... ... 0.2 0.4 0.1 ... 2.0 0.2 6.3 ... ...

... ... 0.3 0.4 0.1 ... 2.9 0.3 6.4 ... ...

... ... 0.3 0.5 0.1 ... 4.7 0.3 12.3 ... ...

New Mexico.................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio ............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................. Rhode Island ................. South Carolina .............. South Dakota................

10.7 1.1 1.9 6.4 0.8 12.9 2.9 0.6 1.4 0.9 10.1

10.5 0.9 1.6 5.5 0.7 11.4 2.5 0.4 1.0 0.7 9.0

8.9 0.3 1.2 4.1 0.2 8.0 1.4 0.1 0.4 0.2 7.3

8.1 0.2 1.1 3.1 0.1 5.6 1.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 6.5

7.2 0.2 0.9 2.3 0.1 3.8 0.6 ... 0.1 0.1 4.9

5.9 0.1 0.8 1.9 ... 2.8 0.5 ... 0.1 ... 3.8

6.2 0.1 0.1 1.7 ... 2.4 0.4 ... ... ... 3.6

6.5 0.1 0.6 1.6 ... 2.7 0.4 ... ... 0.1 3.6

6.8 0.1 0.5 1.2 ... 3.9 0.5 ... ... 0.1 3.2

5.4 0.1 0.5 1.0 ... 2.8 0.6 ... ... ... 2.6

6.3 0.1 0.4 1.1 ... 4.5 0.8 ... 0.1 ... 3.3

6.7 0.1 0.3 2.2 ... 8.2 1.2 ... ... ... 5.0

Tennessee ..................... Texas............................. Utah ............................. Vermont ....................... Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ......................

0.9 1.3 1.8 1.2 1.0 3.0 0.7 1.5 3.3

0.7 1.0 1.8 1.1 0.7 2.7 0.6 1.3 3.0

0.2 0.4 1.4 0.3 0.2 1.7 0.1 0.8 2.1

0.1 0.3 1.3 0.2 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.6 1.5

0.1 0.2 1.1 0.1 0.1 1.0 ... 0.4 1.5

... 0.1 0.8 ... 0.1 0.7 ... 0.4 1.2

... ... 0.6 ... ... 0.6 ... 0.4 1.1

... ... 0.7 ... ... 0.7 ... 0.4 0.9

... ... 0.6 ... ... 0.7 ... 0.4 0.8

... ... 0.6 ... ... 0.7 ... 0.4 0.7

... ... 0.8 ... ... 1.0 ... 0.4 1.0

... ... 0.9 ... ... 1.9 ... 0.4 1.8

The 2000 and 2010 censuses allowed identification with more than one race. For those years the proportion includes all who identified with a specific race. (“alone or in combination”)

Part B. United States and States 33

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent Asian and Pacific Islander 2 State


























United States ...............













Alabama ........................ Alaska............................ Arizona .......................... Arkansas ........................ California ....................... Colorado ....................... Connecticut ................... Delaware ....................... District of Columbia ....... Florida ...........................

1.5 8.4 3.9 1.8 15.5 3.9 4.5 3.9 4.6 3.2

0.9 5.9 2.5 1.0 12.8 3.0 2.9 2.5 3.2 2.2

0.5 3.6 1.5 0.5 9.6 1.8 1.5 1.4 1.8 1.2

0.2 2.0 0.8 0.3 5.3 1.0 0.6 0.7 1.0 0.6

0.1 0.9 0.4 0.1 2.6 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.6 0.2

... 0.8 0.4 0.1 2.0 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.1

... ... 0.4 ... 1.4 0.4 ... ... 0.3 ...

... ... 0.5 ... 2.4 0.3 ... ... 0.2 ...

... ... 0.6 ... 3.0 0.4 ... ... 0.2 ...

... ... 0.5 ... 3.1 0.3 0.1 ... 0.2 ...

... ... 0.8 ... 3.4 0.3 ... ... 0.1 ...

... ... 1.4 ... 3.8 0.1 0.1 ... 0.2 ...

Georgia ......................... Hawaii ........................... Idaho ............................. Illinois ............................ Indiana ..........................

3.9 70.8 2.2 5.3 2.0

2.5 70.8 1.5 3.9 1.3

1.2 61.8 0.9 2.5 0.7

0.4 60.5 0.6 1.4 0.4

0.1 47.3 0.4 0.4 0.1

0.1 49.1 0.4 0.2 0.1

... ... 0.4 0.2 ...

... ... 0.3 0.1 ...

... ... 0.4 0.1 ...

... ... 0.5 0.1 ...

... ... 0.7 ... ...

... ... 1.7 ... ...

Iowa .............................. Kansas ........................... Kentucky ....................... Louisiana ....................... Maine ............................

2.2 3.1 1.5 1.9 1.4

1.5 2.2 1.0 1.5 1.0

0.9 1.3 0.5 1.0 0.5

0.4 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.3

0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1

... 0.1 ... 0.1 0.1

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

Maryland ....................... Massachusetts ............... Michigan ....................... Minnesota ..................... Mississippi...................... Missouri ......................... Montana........................ Nebraska ....................... Nevada .......................... New Hampshire ............. New Jersey.....................

6.5 6.2 3.0 4.7 1.2 2.2 1.2 2.3 9.9 2.7 9.2

4.6 4.3 2.1 3.4 0.9 1.5 0.9 1.6 6.2 1.6 6.3

2.9 2.4 1.1 1.8 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 3.2 0.8 3.5

1.5 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.4 1.8 0.3 1.4

0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.3

0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1

... 0.1 ... 0.1 ... ... 0.1 0.1 0.4 ... 0.1

... 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.2 ... 0.7 ... ...

0.1 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.3 0.1 1.3 ... 0.1

... 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.4 0.1 1.9 ... 0.1

... 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.8 0.1 2.3 ... 0.1

... 0.1 ... ... ... ... 1.7 ... 3.7 ... 0.1

New Mexico................... New York ....................... North Carolina ............... North Dakota ................. Ohio .............................. Oklahoma ...................... Oregon .......................... Pennsylvania .................. Rhode Island .................. South Carolina ............... South Dakota.................

2.1 8.3 2.8 1.5 2.1 2.4 5.4 3.3 3.7 1.7 1.3

1.6 6.3 1.8 0.8 1.5 1.8 4.1 2.1 2.8 1.2 0.9

0.9 3.9 0.8 0.5 0.8 1.1 2.4 1.2 1.8 0.6 0.4

0.5 1.8 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.6 1.3 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.3

0.2 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.1

0.2 0.3 ... ... 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.1 ... ...

0.1 0.2 ... ... ... ... 0.4 ... 0.1 ... ...

0.1 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.6 ... ... ... ...

0.1 0.1 ... ... ... ... 0.9 ... ... ... ...

0.1 0.1 ... ... ... ... 1.0 ... ... ... ...

0.2 0.1 ... ... ... ... 1.6 ... 0.1 ... ...

0.2 0.1 ... 0.1 ... ... 3.1 ... 0.1 ... ...

Tennessee ...................... Texas.............................. Utah .............................. Vermont ........................ Virginia .......................... Washington ................... West Virginia ................. Wisconsin ...................... Wyoming .......................

1.9 4.6 4.0 1.7 6.7 9.8 0.9 2.7 1.3

1.3 3.2 3.1 1.1 4.4 7.3 0.7 2.0 0.9

0.7 1.9 1.9 0.6 2.6 4.3 0.4 1.1 0.6

0.3 0.8 1.0 0.3 1.2 2.5 0.3 0.4 0.4

0.1 0.2 0.6 0.1 0.3 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.3

... 0.1 0.6 ... 0.1 1.0 ... 0.1 0.2

... ... 0.7 ... ... 0.6 ... ... 0.2

... ... 0.5 ... ... 1.1 ... ... 0.3

... ... 0.8 ... ... 1.5 ... ... 0.5

... ... 0.7 ... ... 1.5 ... ... 0.8

... ... 0.7 ... ... 1.4 ... ... 1.3

... ... 0.4 ... ... 1.8 ... ... 0.9

The 2000 and 2010 censuses allowed identification with more than one race. For those years the proportion includes all who identified with a specific race. (“alone or in combination”)


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent Hispanic or Latino 3 State





Percent foreign-born 1980



















United States ................












Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

3.9 5.5 29.6 6.4 37.6 20.7 13.4 8.2 9.1 22.5

1.7 4.1 25.3 3.2 32.4 17.1 9.4 4.8 7.9 16.8

0.6 3.2 18.8 0.8 25.8 12.9 6.5 2.4 5.4 12.2

0.9 2.4 16.2 0.8 19.2 11.8 4.0 1.6 2.8 8.8

3.5 6.9 13.4 4.5 27.2 9.8 13.6 8.0 13.5 19.4

2.0 5.9 12.8 2.8 26.2 8.6 10.9 5.7 12.9 16.7

1.1 4.5 7.6 1.1 21.7 4.3 8.5 3.3 9.7 12.9

1.0 4.0 6.0 1.0 15.1 3.9 8.6 3.2 6.4 10.9

0.5 2.6 4.3 0.4 8.8 2.7 8.6 2.9 4.4 8.0

0.5 3.6 5.4 0.4 8.5 3.4 10.9 3.3 5.1 5.5

0.4 ... 6.3 0.5 10.0 4.6 14.8 4.1 5.3 4.7

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ...........................

8.8 8.9 11.2 15.8 6.0

5.3 7.2 7.9 12.3 3.5

1.7 7.3 5.3 7.9 1.8

1.1 7.4 3.9 5.6 1.6

9.7 18.2 5.5 13.7 4.6

7.1 17.5 5.0 12.3 3.1

2.7 14.7 2.9 8.3 1.7

1.7 14.2 2.5 7.2 1.9

0.7 9.8 1.8 5.7 1.6

0.6 10.9 2.3 6.8 2.0

0.5 ... 3.4 9.1 2.5

Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

5.0 10.5 3.1 4.2 1.3

2.8 7.0 1.5 2.4 0.7

1.2 3.8 0.6 2.2 0.6

0.9 2.7 0.7 2.4 0.4

4.6 6.5 3.2 3.8 3.4

3.1 5.0 2.0 2.6 2.9

1.6 2.5 0.9 2.1 3.0

1.6 2.0 0.9 2.0 3.9

1.4 1.2 0.5 1.1 4.3

2.0 1.5 0.6 0.9 6.2

3.2 2.0 0.5 1.1 8.2

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

8.2 9.6 4.4 4.7 2.7 3.5 2.9 9.2 26.5 2.8 17.7

4.3 6.8 3.3 2.9 1.4 2.1 2.0 5.5 19.7 1.7 13.3

2.6 4.8 2.2 1.2 0.6 1.2 1.5 2.3 10.4 1.0 9.6

1.5 2.5 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.8 6.7 0.6 6.7

13.9 15.0 6.0 7.1 2.1 3.9 2.0 6.1 18.8 5.3 21.0

9.8 12.2 5.3 5.3 1.4 2.7 1.8 4.4 15.8 4.4 17.5

6.6 9.5 3.8 2.6 0.8 1.6 1.7 1.8 8.7 3.7 12.5

4.6 8.7 4.5 2.6 0.9 1.7 2.3 2.0 6.7 4.4 10.3

3.2 8.7 4.8 2.6 0.4 1.4 2.8 1.9 3.7 5.0 8.9

3.0 11.2 6.8 4.2 0.4 1.8 4.5 2.9 4.6 7.4 10.1

3.7 15.4 9.5 7.1 0.4 2.3 7.4 4.4 6.7 10.9 13.2

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

46.3 17.6 8.4 2.0 3.1 8.9 11.7 5.7 12.4 5.1 2.7

42.1 15.1 4.7 1.2 1.9 5.2 8.0 3.2 8.7 2.4 1.4

38.2 12.3 1.2 0.7 1.3 2.7 4.0 2.0 4.6 0.9 0.8

36.6 9.5 1.0 0.6 1.1 1.9 2.5 1.3 2.1 1.1 0.6

9.9 22.2 7.5 2.5 4.1 5.5 9.8 5.8 12.8 4.7 2.7

8.2 20.4 5.3 1.9 3.0 3.8 8.5 4.1 11.4 2.9 1.8

5.3 15.9 1.7 1.5 2.4 2.1 4.9 3.1 9.5 1.4 1.1

4.0 13.6 1.3 2.3 2.8 1.9 4.1 3.4 8.9 1.5 1.4

2.2 11.6 0.6 3.0 3.0 0.8 3.2 3.8 7.8 0.6 1.6

2.3 13.6 0.5 4.7 4.1 0.9 4.0 5.3 10.0 0.5 2.7

2.6 17.4 0.4 7.8 5.6 0.8 5.6 7.5 14.4 0.3 4.7

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

4.6 37.6 13.0 1.5 7.9 11.2 1.2 5.9 8.9

2.2 32.0 9.0 0.9 4.7 7.5 0.7 3.6 6.4

0.7 25.5 4.9 0.7 2.6 4.4 0.5 1.9 5.7

0.7 21.0 4.1 0.6 1.5 2.9 0.7 1.3 5.2

4.5 16.4 8.0 4.4 11.4 13.1 1.2 4.5 2.8

2.8 13.9 7.1 3.8 8.1 10.4 1.1 3.6 2.3

1.2 9.0 3.4 3.1 5.0 6.6 0.9 2.5 1.7

1.1 6.0 3.5 4.1 3.3 5.8 1.1 2.7 2.0

0.5 2.8 2.8 4.2 1.6 4.6 1.0 3.0 2.1

0.4 3.1 3.6 6.0 1.2 6.3 1.3 4.3 2.9

0.4 3.6 4.5 7.6 1.1 8.3 1.7 6.3 4.6

May be of any race.

Part B. United States and States 35

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent foreign-born State





















United States ................











Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

0.4 ... 7.8 0.4 13.4 6.4 19.3 5.6 5.3 4.1

0.6 ... 15.1 0.6 18.9 9.6 23.9 7.1 6.3 4.8

0.8 ... 24.1 0.8 22.1 12.7 27.4 8.9 6.7 5.6

0.9 ... 23.9 1.1 24.7 16.2 29.6 8.6 7.5 5.4

0.8 ... 19.7 1.1 24.7 16.9 26.2 7.5 7.2 4.5

1.0 ... 31.5 1.3 30.3 20.4 24.6 7.8 8.1 5.9

0.8 ... 39.7 1.3 33.9 20.5 20.9 6.5 9.6 3.7

1.0 ... 60.1 1.0 37.5 16.6 21.1 7.3 12.3 2.6

1.3 ... ... 0.8 38.6 7.8 17.5 8.2 16.6 2.4

1.0 ... ... 0.7 23.5 ... 10.4 5.7 9.5 3.2

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

0.4 ... 4.7 12.3 3.2 4.6 2.9 0.6 1.2 9.9

0.5 ... 7.3 16.3 4.4 6.8 4.3 0.8 1.8 12.6

0.6 ... 9.4 18.7 5.2 9.4 6.3 1.3 2.6 14.0

0.6 ... 13.1 21.4 5.9 12.3 8.0 1.8 3.2 14.9

0.6 ... 15.2 20.1 5.6 13.7 8.6 2.3 3.8 13.4

0.7 ... 20.7 22.0 6.7 17.0 10.4 3.2 4.4 11.9

0.7 ... 30.6 19.0 7.3 16.1 11.1 3.6 5.8 9.1

0.9 ... 52.6 20.3 8.4 17.1 13.3 4.8 8.5 7.8

1.1 ... ... 19.0 8.8 15.7 11.8 5.2 11.4 6.0

0.7 ... ... 13.1 5.6 10.9 ... 3.2 13.2 5.5

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

4.5 19.9 13.1 10.6 0.3 3.0 10.1 6.2 10.0 13.9 16.8

5.9 25.1 17.6 15.2 0.4 4.2 14.1 8.7 16.6 17.8 21.0

7.1 28.3 19.9 20.4 0.5 5.5 17.4 11.6 20.7 20.6 23.5

8.1 31.5 21.3 26.2 0.5 7.0 25.2 14.8 24.1 22.5 26.0

7.9 30.2 22.4 28.9 0.5 7.0 27.6 16.6 23.8 21.4 22.9

9.0 29.4 26.0 35.9 0.6 8.8 32.6 19.1 32.1 19.2 22.8

8.9 24.9 23.7 34.3 0.8 9.8 29.4 21.5 41.2 13.3 19.6

10.7 24.2 22.6 36.5 1.4 12.9 38.7 25.0 44.2 9.3 20.9

11.3 21.1 19.9 34.1 1.1 13.6 ... 22.0 30.1 6.4 18.3

8.8 16.5 13.8 32.5 0.8 11.2 ... ... ... 4.5 12.2

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

2.9 21.6 0.3 11.6 7.5 0.9 8.3 9.9 19.5 0.3 6.9

5.7 25.9 0.3 15.5 9.8 1.3 11.6 12.9 25.0 0.3 9.5

8.3 27.2 0.3 20.4 11.8 2.0 13.7 16.0 29.0 0.4 13.0

7.1 30.2 0.3 27.1 12.6 2.4 16.8 18.8 33.0 0.4 17.3

7.0 26.1 0.2 35.4 11.0 2.6 15.9 15.6 31.4 0.4 22.0

7.3 26.2 0.2 44.6 12.5 4.4 18.3 16.1 30.8 0.5 27.7

6.7 23.8 0.3 ... 12.3 ... 17.5 13.7 26.8 0.8 38.3

6.1 26.0 0.3 ... 14.0 ... 12.8 15.5 25.5 1.1 34.0

7.2 25.8 0.3 ... 14.0 ... 9.8 14.8 21.4 1.4 36.7

3.5 21.2 0.3 ... 11.0 ... 7.7 13.1 16.2 1.3 ...

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

0.4 3.7 6.0 8.8 0.9 12.1 2.2 9.2 6.8

0.5 6.2 9.5 12.0 1.0 16.3 3.0 13.2 10.3

0.7 7.8 13.2 12.6 1.4 19.6 4.2 17.5 13.7

0.9 6.2 17.6 14.0 1.3 22.4 4.7 22.0 19.9

0.9 5.9 19.4 13.0 1.0 21.5 2.3 24.9 18.8

1.1 6.8 25.5 13.3 1.1 25.8 2.5 30.8 24.6

1.1 7.2 30.6 12.3 1.0 21.0 3.0 30.8 28.1

1.5 7.6 35.4 14.3 1.1 21.0 3.9 34.6 38.5

1.9 7.2 31.7 10.4 2.2 27.1 ... 35.7 ...

0.6 8.3 18.0 10.7 1.6 ... ... 36.2 ...


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Housing units State

















United States ................









Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

2,171,853 306,967 2,844,526 1,316,299 13,680,081 2,212,898 1,487,891 405,885 296,719 8,989,580

1,963,711 260,978 2,189,189 1,173,043 12,214,549 1,808,037 1,385,975 343,072 274,845 7,302,947

1,670,379 232,608 1,659,430 1,000,667 11,182,882 1,477,349 1,320,850 289,919 278,489 6,100,262

1,467,374 162,825 1,110,558 898,593 9,279,036 1,194,253 1,158,884 238,611 276,984 4,378,691

1,120,220 90,729 584,171 675,611 6,996,990 757,070 981,158 180,233 278,444 2,526,612

967,466 67,193 415,834 586,552 5,465,870 594,522 818,544 143,725 262,641 1,776,961

843,857 ... 240,750 575,163 3,590,660 436,226 611,162 97,013 229,738 952,131

708,043 ... 147,079 520,613 2,340,373 354,660 488,543 75,567 185,128 590,451

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

4,088,801 519,508 667,796 5,296,715 2,795,541 1,336,417 1,233,215 1,927,164 1,964,981 721,830

3,281,737 460,542 527,824 4,885,615 2,532,319 1,232,511 1,131,200 1,750,927 1,847,181 651,901

2,638,418 389,810 413,327 4,506,275 2,246,046 1,143,669 1,044,112 1,506,845 1,716,241 587,045

2,028,350 334,235 375,127 4,319,672 2,091,795 1,131,299 954,906 1,369,125 1,548,419 501,093

1,470,557 216,085 244,695 3,703,367 1,730,099 964,060 789,196 1,064,451 1,150,235 397,169

1,170,039 165,506 223,533 3,275,799 1,503,148 905,295 740,335 925,572 978,452 364,617

966,672 ... 188,328 2,671,647 1,232,314 811,912 625,148 820,141 777,672 311,441

796,715 ... 152,835 2,280,826 1,005,952 726,654 545,721 729,206 619,233 260,659

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

2,378,814 2,808,254 4,532,233 2,347,201 1,274,719 2,712,729 482,825 796,793 1,173,814 614,754 3,553,562

2,145,283 2,621,989 4,234,279 2,065,946 1,161,953 2,442,017 412,633 722,668 827,457 547,024 3,310,275

1,891,917 2,472,711 3,847,926 1,848,445 1,010,423 2,199,129 361,155 660,621 518,858 503,904 3,075,310

1,570,907 2,208,146 3,589,912 1,612,960 911,627 1,988,915 328,465 624,829 339,949 386,381 2,772,149

1,249,177 1,890,400 2,954,570 1,276,198 699,150 1,673,361 246,603 515,069 172,558 280,962 2,388,011

934,552 1,690,998 2,548,792 1,119,271 628,945 1,491,397 233,310 472,950 101,623 224,440 1,998,940

689,116 1,400,185 1,971,842 918,434 609,329 1,268,354 194,256 417,245 56,515 190,563 1,501,473

500,156 1,221,252 1,519,378 773,042 557,246 1,140,493 177,443 387,368 36,770 158,044 1,223,887

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

901,388 8,108,103 4,327,528 317,498 5,127,508 1,664,378 1,675,562 5,567,315 463,388 2,137,683 363,438

780,579 7,679,307 3,523,944 289,677 4,783,051 1,514,400 1,452,709 5,249,750 439,837 1,753,670 323,208

632,058 7,226,891 2,818,193 276,340 4,371,945 1,406,499 1,193,567 4,938,140 414,572 1,424,155 292,436

507,513 6,867,638 2,274,737 258,772 4,108,105 1,237,040 1,083,285 4,596,431 372,672 1,153,709 276,997

325,722 6,298,663 1,641,222 204,222 3,465,356 939,681 744,616 3,924,757 316,477 815,123 225,253

281,976 5,695,880 1,322,957 194,597 3,041,151 815,685 622,853 3,581,877 286,757 678,379 216,449

199,706 4,633,806 1,058,367 175,769 2,402,565 715,691 524,003 3,036,494 244,147 557,672 194,573

145,642 4,032,460 820,888 162,881 1,977,693 647,485 369,811 2,618,056 203,469 458,899 179,744

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

2,812,133 9,977,436 979,709 322,539 3,364,939 2,885,677 881,917 2,624,358 261,868

2,439,443 8,157,575 768,594 294,382 2,904,192 2,451,075 844,623 2,321,144 223,854

2,026,067 7,008,999 598,388 271,214 2,496,334 2,032,378 781,295 2,055,774 203,411

1,747,422 5,549,352 490,006 223,199 2,020,941 1,689,450 747,810 1,863,897 188,217

1,300,908 3,829,502 315,765 165,068 1,492,954 1,220,475 597,266 1,472,466 116,323

1,084,365 3,153,127 262,670 136,307 1,168,913 1,009,519 574,357 1,288,620 113,096

921,837 2,393,828 200,554 121,911 901,483 809,701 544,075 1,055,843 92,086

742,030 1,804,884 147,291 106,362 659,787 590,439 459,725 897,719 76,868

Part B. United States and States 37

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent owner occupied housing units 4 State


























United States ..............













Alabama ....................... Alaska........................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ...................... Connecticut .................. Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ...... Florida ..........................

69.7 63.1 66.0 67.0 55.9 65.5 67.5 72.1 42.0 67.4

72.5 62.5 68.0 69.4 56.9 67.3 66.8 72.3 40.8 70.1

70.5 56.1 64.2 69.6 55.6 62.2 65.6 70.2 38.9 67.2

70.1 58.3 68.3 70.5 55.9 64.5 63.9 69.1 35.5 68.3

66.7 50.3 65.3 66.7 54.9 63.4 62.5 68.0 28.2 68.6

59.7 48.3 63.9 61.4 58.4 63.8 61.9 66.9 30.0 67.5

49.4 ... 56.4 54.5 54.3 58.1 51.1 58.9 32.3 57.6

33.6 ... 47.9 39.7 43.4 46.3 40.5 47.1 29.9 43.6

34.2 ... 44.8 40.1 46.1 50.7 44.5 52.1 38.6 42.0

35.0 ... 42.8 45.1 43.7 51.6 37.6 44.7 30.3 42.5

35.1 ... 49.2 46.6 49.5 51.5 37.3 40.7 25.2 44.2

34.6 ... 59.2 47.9 47.5 47.2 39.2 36.4 24.2 47.7

Georgia ........................ Hawaii .......................... Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa ............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ...................... Louisiana ...................... Maine ...........................

65.7 57.7 69.9 67.5 69.9 72.1 67.8 68.7 67.2 71.3

67.5 56.5 72.4 67.3 71.4 72.3 69.2 70.8 67.9 71.6

64.9 53.9 70.1 64.2 70.2 70.0 67.9 69.6 65.9 70.5

65.0 51.7 72.0 62.6 71.7 71.8 70.2 70.0 65.5 70.9

61.1 46.9 70.1 59.4 71.7 71.7 69.1 66.9 63.1 70.1

56.2 41.1 70.5 57.8 71.1 69.1 68.9 64.3 59.0 66.5

46.5 ... 65.5 50.1 65.5 63.4 63.9 58.7 50.3 62.8

30.8 ... 57.9 40.3 53.1 51.5 51.0 48.0 36.9 57.3

30.6 ... 57.0 46.5 57.3 54.7 56.0 51.3 35.0 61.7

30.9 ... 60.9 43.8 54.8 58.1 56.9 51.6 33.7 59.6

30.5 ... 68.1 44.1 54.8 58.4 59.1 51.6 32.2 62.5

30.8 ... 72.6 45.2 56.3 60.7 59.2 51.7 31.5 65.1

Maryland ...................... Massachusetts .............. Michigan ...................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi..................... Missouri ........................ Montana....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Hampshire ............ New Jersey....................

67.5 62.3 72.1 73.0 69.6 68.8 68.0 67.2 58.8 71.0 65.4

67.7 61.7 73.8 74.6 72.3 70.3 69.1 67.4 60.9 69.7 65.6

65.0 59.3 71.0 71.8 71.5 68.8 67.3 66.5 54.8 68.2 64.9

62.0 57.5 72.7 71.7 71.0 69.6 68.6 68.4 59.6 67.6 62.0

58.8 57.5 74.4 71.5 66.3 67.2 65.7 66.4 58.5 68.2 60.9

64.5 55.9 74.4 72.1 57.7 64.3 64.0 64.8 56.3 65.1 61.3

56.3 47.9 67.5 66.4 47.8 57.7 60.3 60.6 48.7 58.1 53.1

47.4 38.1 55.4 55.2 33.3 44.3 52.0 47.1 46.1 51.7 39.4

55.2 43.5 59.0 58.9 32.5 49.9 54.5 54.3 47.1 55.0 48.4

49.9 34.8 58.9 60.7 34.0 49.5 60.5 57.4 47.6 49.8 38.3

44.0 33.1 61.7 61.9 34.0 51.1 60.0 59.1 53.4 51.2 35.0

40.1 35.2 62.5 63.8 34.5 51.2 58.2 57.1 67.5 54.1 34.4

New Mexico.................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio ............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................. Rhode Island ................. South Carolina .............. South Dakota................

68.5 53.3 66.7 65.4 67.6 67.2 62.2 69.6 60.7 69.3 68.1

70.0 53.0 69.4 66.6 69.1 68.4 64.3 71.3 60.0 72.2 68.2

67.4 52.2 68.0 65.6 67.5 68.1 63.1 70.6 59.5 69.8 66.1

68.1 48.6 68.4 68.7 68.4 70.7 65.1 69.9 58.8 70.2 69.3

66.4 47.3 65.4 68.4 67.7 69.2 66.1 68.8 57.9 66.1 69.6

65.3 44.8 60.1 68.4 67.4 67.0 69.3 68.3 54.5 57.3 67.2

58.8 37.9 53.3 66.2 61.1 60.0 65.3 59.7 45.3 45.1 62.2

57.3 30.3 42.4 49.8 50.0 42.8 55.4 45.9 37.4 30.6 45.0

57.4 37.1 44.5 58.6 54.4 41.3 59.1 54.4 41.2 30.9 53.1

59.4 30.7 47.4 65.3 51.6 45.5 54.8 45.2 31.1 32.2 61.5

70.6 31.0 47.3 75.7 51.3 45.4 60.1 41.6 28.3 30.8 68.2

69.0 33.3 46.8 80.6 52.8 54.3 59.8 41.4 28.8 30.6 71.5

Tennessee ..................... Texas............................. Utah ............................. Vermont ....................... Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ......................

68.2 63.7 70.4 70.7 67.2 63.9 73.4 68.1 69.2

69.9 63.8 71.5 70.6 68.1 64.6 75.2 68.4 70.0

68.0 60.9 68.1 69.0 66.3 62.6 74.1 66.7 67.8

68.6 64.3 70.7 68.7 65.6 65.6 73.6 68.2 69.2

66.7 64.7 69.3 69.1 62.0 66.8 68.9 69.1 66.4

63.7 64.8 71.7 66.0 61.3 68.5 64.3 68.6 62.2

56.5 56.7 65.3 61.3 55.1 65.0 55.0 63.5 54.0

44.1 42.8 61.1 55.9 48.9 57.0 43.7 54.4 48.6

46.2 41.7 60.9 59.8 52.4 59.4 45.9 63.2 48.3

47.7 42.8 60.0 57.5 51.1 54.7 46.8 63.6 51.9

47.0 45.1 64.8 58.5 51.5 57.3 49.5 64.6 54.5

46.5 46.7 68.3 60.6 49.1 55.9 54.9 66.7 56.7

Based on occupied housing units, excluding occupied units with tenure unknown in 1900 to 1930.


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Total households State

2010 184























United States .............. 116,716,292 105,480,101











Alabama ....................... Alaska........................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ...................... Connecticut .................. Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ...... Florida ..........................

1,883,791 258,058 2,380,990 1,147,084 12,577,498 1,972,868 1,371,087 342,297 266,707 7,420,802

1,737,080 221,600 1,901,327 1,042,696 11,502,870 1,658,238 1,301,670 298,736 248,338 6,337,929

1,506,790 188,915 1,368,843 891,179 10,381,206 1,282,489 1,230,479 247,497 249,634 5,134,869

1,341,856 131,463 957,032 816,065 8,629,866 1,061,249 1,093,678 207,081 253,143 3,744,254

1,034,113 79,059 539,157 615,424 6,573,861 690,928 933,269 164,804 262,538 2,284,786

884,116 57,250 366,630 523,552 4,982,108 529,419 752,736 128,582 252,066 1,550,414

786,839 ... 210,374 524,391 3,333,406 391,235 569,638 90,390 224,142 821,501

673,815 ... 131,133 495,825 2,138,343 316,000 448,682 70,541 173,445 519,887

591,625 ... 105,992 438,639 1,610,030 267,324 388,645 59,092 125,554 376,499

508,769 ... 80,208 390,960 900,232 230,843 311,610 52,070 96,194 234,133

454,767 ... 47,927 333,368 563,636 194,467 246,659 44,951 71,339 171,422

370,980 ... 27,817 262,421 324,690 122,349 200,640 39,007 55,465 113,629

Georgia ........................ Hawaii .......................... Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa ............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ...................... Louisiana ...................... Maine ...........................

3,585,584 455,338 579,408 4,836,972 2,502,154 1,221,576 1,112,096 1,719,965 1,728,360 557,219

3,006,369 403,240 469,645 4,591,779 2,336,306 1,149,276 1,037,891 1,590,647 1,656,053 518,200

2,366,615 356,267 360,723 4,202,240 2,065,355 1,064,325 944,726 1,379,782 1,499,269 465,312

1,871,652 294,052 324,107 4,045,374 1,927,050 1,053,033 872,239 1,263,355 1,411,788 395,184

1,369,225 203,088 218,960 3,502,138 1,609,494 896,311 727,364 983,665 1,052,038 302,923

1,070,325 153,064 193,839 3,084,971 1,387,878 841,357 672,899 851,867 892,344 280,355

889,269 ... 169,110 2,582,000 1,168,916 780,167 586,650 778,754 724,945 254,443

752,241 ... 141,727 2,192,724 961,498 701,824 511,109 698,538 592,528 218,968

652,793 ... 108,044 1,929,396 843,066 635,704 487,188 609,405 485,363 197,826

628,525 ... 100,500 1,534,077 737,707 586,070 435,600 546,306 389,913 186,106

553,264 ... 73,669 1,264,717 654,891 512,515 395,771 494,788 344,144 177,960

450,712 ... 35,819 1,024,189 567,072 476,710 319,422 434,228 281,449 161,588

Maryland ...................... Massachusetts .............. Michigan ...................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi..................... Missouri ........................ Montana....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Hampshire ............ New Jersey....................

2,156,411 2,547,075 3,872,508 2,087,227 1,115,768 2,375,611 409,607 721,130 1,006,250 518,973 3,214,360

1,980,859 2,443,580 3,785,661 1,895,127 1,046,434 2,194,594 358,667 666,184 751,165 474,606 3,064,645

1,748,991 2,247,110 3,419,331 1,647,853 911,374 1,961,206 306,163 602,363 466,297 411,186 2,794,711

1,460,865 2,032,717 3,195,213 1,445,222 827,169 1,793,399 283,742 571,400 304,327 323,493 2,548,594

1,175,073 1,759,692 2,653,059 1,153,946 636,724 1,520,567 217,304 473,721 160,052 225,378 2,218,182

863,001 1,534,985 2,239,079 991,981 568,070 1,360,054 202,240 433,448 91,520 180,020 1,806,439

641,222 1,305,194 1,790,702 845,265 554,765 1,197,597 175,470 394,148 50,241 155,203 1,373,637

465,683 1,120,694 1,396,014 728,359 534,956 1,068,642 159,963 360,744 33,291 132,936 1,100,260

385,179 1,021,160 1,180,554 606,496 471,704 939,476 136,210 342,999 25,469 119,337 985,636

324,742 874,798 862,745 526,026 403,198 829,043 139,912 303,436 21,862 108,334 721,841

274,824 734,013 657,418 416,452 384,724 749,812 86,602 265,549 23,677 103,156 558,202

239,837 604,873 542,358 337,284 316,114 646,872 52,125 217,990 10,472 96,534 408,993

New Mexico.................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio ............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................. Rhode Island ................. South Carolina .............. South Dakota................

791,395 7,317,755 3,745,155 281,192 4,603,435 1,460,450 1,518,938 5,018,904 413,600 1,801,181 322,282

677,971 7,056,860 3,132,013 257,152 4,445,773 1,342,293 1,333,723 4,777,003 408,424 1,533,854 290,245

542,709 6,639,322 2,517,026 240,878 4,087,546 1,206,135 1,103,313 4,495,966 377,977 1,258,044 259,034

441,466 6,340,429 2,043,291 227,664 3,833,828 1,118,561 991,593 4,219,606 338,590 1,029,981 242,523

289,389 5,913,861 1,509,564 181,613 3,289,432 850,803 691,631 3,705,410 291,965 734,373 200,807

251,209 5,248,710 1,204,715 173,362 2,852,557 734,593 558,214 3,350,839 257,335 603,551 194,821

176,993 4,325,139 994,356 162,105 2,313,990 663,203 479,047 2,915,879 225,447 514,638 182,978

129,475 3,662,113 789,659 152,043 1,897,796 610,481 337,492 2,515,524 187,706 434,968 165,428

98,546 3,153,124 644,033 145,005 1,697,918 564,164 266,328 2,235,620 165,343 365,680 161,013

83,706 2,441,125 513,377 134,881 1,414,068 444,524 202,890 1,922,114 137,160 349,126 142,793

78,883 2,046,845 440,334 120,910 1,138,165 351,167 151,858 1,630,628 117,976 315,204 131,060

45,510 1,608,170 367,565 63,360 934,674 161,946 87,545 1,303,174 92,735 267,859 82,290

Tennessee ..................... Texas............................. Utah ............................. Vermont ....................... Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ......................

2,493,552 8,922,933 877,692 256,442 3,056,058 2,620,076 763,831 2,279,768 226,879

2,232,905 7,393,354 701,281 240,634 2,699,173 2,271,398 736,481 2,084,544 193,608

1,853,725 6,070,937 537,273 210,650 2,291,830 1,872,431 688,557 1,822,118 168,839

1,618,505 4,929,267 448,603 178,325 1,863,073 1,540,510 686,311 1,652,261 165,624

1,213,187 3,433,996 297,934 132,098 1,390,636 1,105,587 547,214 1,328,804 104,600

1,003,301 2,778,116 241,532 110,732 1,072,840 894,168 521,142 1,146,342 99,187

871,474 2,189,178 187,825 103,496 845,259 735,746 518,281 967,448 84,185

714,894 1,678,396 139,487 92,435 627,532 537,337 444,815 827,207 69,374

600,625 1,380,096 115,936 89,188 529,089 423,833 373,941 711,889 56,887

519,108 1,017,413 98,346 85,804 483,363 342,228 310,098 595,316 48,476

462,553 798,426 77,339 85,178 419,452 254,692 248,480 499,629 32,092

399,017 582,055 55,208 80,559 360,749 107,171 183,780 420,327 18,632

Part B. United States and States 39

Table B. United States and States—Continued Percent one-person households State

























United States ..............













Alabama ....................... Alaska........................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ...................... Connecticut .................. Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ...... Florida ..........................

27.4 25.6 26.1 27.1 23.3 27.9 27.3 25.6 44.0 27.2

26.1 23.5 24.8 25.6 23.5 26.3 26.4 25.0 43.8 26.6

23.8 22.1 24.7 24.0 23.4 26.6 24.2 23.2 41.5 25.5

20.4 20.1 20.9 21.3 24.7 23.5 21.6 20.9 39.5 23.6

14.6 13.7 16.5 17.2 21.0 18.0 16.0 15.3 32.1 18.7

9.5 16.2 13.6 12.6 17.9 15.5 11.6 10.9 27.0 14.5

6.7 ... 12.2 8.7 14.0 12.5 7.3 8.5 14.3 11.0

5.2 ... 11.5 6.3 13.5 11.5 6.0 7.2 9.9 9.6

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6.3 ... 20.5 4.6 12.6 10.9 4.8 3.7 4.4 9.5

Georgia ........................ Hawaii .......................... Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa ............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ...................... Louisiana ...................... Maine ...........................

25.4 23.3 23.8 27.8 26.9 28.4 27.8 27.5 26.9 28.6

23.6 21.9 22.4 26.8 25.9 27.2 27.0 26.0 25.3 27.0

22.7 19.4 22.4 25.7 24.1 25.9 25.9 23.3 23.7 23.3

20.5 17.1 19.9 24.0 21.4 23.4 23.8 20.0 21.3 21.3

14.4 12.8 16.5 18.5 16.5 18.5 18.4 15.2 16.0 16.8

10.1 12.1 13.3 14.4 12.3 13.8 14.0 10.6 12.3 12.6

6.9 ... 10.9 9.8 9.2 10.2 11.3 7.3 9.2 9.8

5.6 ... 10.3 7.6 7.5 8.1 9.1 5.7 7.0 8.3

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

6.4 ... 19.0 3.8 3.8 4.2 5.3 3.6 7.2 5.4

Maryland ...................... Massachusetts .............. Michigan ...................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi..................... Missouri ........................ Montana....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Hampshire ............ New Jersey....................

26.1 28.7 27.9 28.0 26.3 28.3 29.7 28.7 25.7 25.6 25.2

25.0 28.0 26.2 26.9 24.6 27.3 27.4 27.6 24.9 24.4 24.5

22.6 25.8 23.7 25.1 23.4 26.0 26.3 26.5 25.7 22.0 23.1

20.8 24.4 21.1 23.2 20.4 23.8 23.4 24.3 24.6 21.2 21.1

14.9 18.8 15.5 17.7 15.4 19.3 19.8 19.3 19.4 17.0 15.8

10.1 14.2 11.6 13.7 10.7 15.2 16.8 14.2 18.9 13.1 11.3

7.4 8.8 8.1 10.0 7.7 10.9 14.4 10.5 16.0 10.7 7.1

6.8 7.2 6.5 8.2 6.3 8.3 15.1 8.7 17.7 9.2 5.7

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

4.1 4.6 4.6 5.7 6.8 3.9 19.8 5.7 26.2 6.7 3.9

New Mexico.................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio ............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................. Rhode Island ................. South Carolina .............. South Dakota................

28.0 29.1 27.0 31.5 28.9 27.5 27.4 28.6 29.6 26.5 29.4

25.4 28.1 25.4 29.3 27.3 26.7 26.1 27.7 28.6 25.0 27.6

23.0 27.2 23.7 26.5 25.0 25.6 25.3 25.6 26.2 22.4 26.4

21.0 26.0 20.0 22.9 22.4 23.4 23.5 22.7 24.0 19.2 23.5

14.9 20.2 13.3 17.0 16.6 19.1 19.2 17.3 18.2 13.8 18.1

10.7 15.5 8.3 11.9 12.1 15.5 16.2 11.9 13.7 9.4 12.8

9.1 9.6 5.4 9.1 8.5 10.7 12.9 7.9 8.9 6.8 9.9

8.4 7.6 4.0 7.9 7.3 7.4 13.2 6.4 7.4 5.8 8.8

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

11.3 4.6 4.7 12.3 4.4 6.5 11.6 3.3 4.5 6.2 9.0

Tennessee ..................... Texas............................. Utah ............................. Vermont ....................... Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ......................

26.9 24.2 18.7 28.2 26.0 27.2 28.4 28.2 28.0

25.8 23.7 17.8 26.2 25.1 26.2 27.1 26.8 26.3

23.9 23.9 18.9 23.4 22.9 25.4 24.5 24.3 24.5

20.4 21.7 17.2 22.0 20.5 24.2 20.7 22.5 21.3

14.4 16.3 14.4 16.8 14.4 19.6 16.0 16.9 18.0

9.7 12.6 12.0 12.5 9.4 17.6 10.1 12.2 14.3

6.4 8.9 9.1 9.4 6.6 14.1 6.8 8.2 12.3

5.1 6.8 7.9 8.0 5.6 14.9 5.1 7.0 12.8

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

3.5 4.4 7.8 5.3 4.9 13.3 2.8 4.4 18.3


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Labor force (in thousands) State




Labor force participation rate 1980




Employment (in thousands) 1980

















United States ..............













Alabama ....................... Alaska........................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ...................... Connecticut .................. Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ...... Florida ..........................

2,178 362 3,106 1,345 18,336 2,723 1,915 436 346 9,167

2,155 319 2,505 1,260 16,858 2,365 1,737 417 309 7,870

1,903 270 1,788 1,126 15,169 1,769 1,815 362 332 6,466

1,681 188 1,229 994 11,588 1,501 1,576 284 322 4,289

59.0 69.8 63.4 60.2 64.3 70.4 68.4 62.2 68.9 61.3

63.8 73.1 65.1 62.2 67.1 72.4 66.9 69.8 67.6 63.0

61.9 72.6 64.4 63.2 67.1 71.1 70.5 70.7 68.3 63.0

59.4 71.4 61.7 59.5 65.5 70.6 66.5 64.4 65.5 56.4

1,978 333 2,782 1,238 16,068 2,478 1,737 401 311 8,131

2,067 299 2,405 1,207 16,024 2,300 1,698 403 292 7,569

1,783 251 1,694 1,050 14,294 1,678 1,725 347 312 6,061

1,539 171 1,147 919 10,791 1,413 1,483 263 299 4,026

Georgia ........................ Hawaii .......................... Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa ............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ...................... Louisiana ...................... Maine ...........................

4,714 647 761 6,617 3,168 1,671 1,504 2,068 2,073 702

4,243 609 663 6,468 3,144 1,602 1,405 1,949 2,031 672

3,300 551 494 5,932 2,831 1,459 1,270 1,748 1,877 631

2,529 441 426 5,534 2,627 1,431 1,190 1,659 1,778 506

64.4 62.9 65.3 66.8 63.8 70.9 70.0 61.8 60.3 65.4

69.6 67.6 69.7 69.2 68.3 71.7 70.2 63.2 61.7 67.6

67.7 68.1 67.8 68.2 67.7 69.9 69.7 62.4 61.1 67.2

64.5 66.5 64.7 65.3 65.5 66.5 68.4 62.6 59.7 61.3

4,235 604 695 5,925 2,851 1,566 1,397 1,857 1,919 645

4,095 585 632 6,177 3,053 1,557 1,352 1,866 1,931 650

3,129 538 467 5,561 2,689 1,393 1,215 1,641 1,767 598

2,372 420 396 5,082 2,374 1,350 1,137 1,525 1,655 469

Maryland ...................... Massachusetts .............. Michigan ...................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi..................... Missouri ........................ Montana....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Hampshire ............ New Jersey....................

3,074 3,474 4,754 2,962 1,310 3,035 496 990 1,392 739 4,546

2,812 3,366 5,144 2,808 1,314 2,973 469 950 1,063 694 4,288

2,583 3,226 4,620 2,390 1,176 2,608 408 817 656 620 4,072

2,142 2,885 4,325 2,101 1,051 2,310 374 767 430 466 3,591

68.5 66.1 61.4 72.0 58.8 65.6 63.8 71.4 67.5 70.0 66.2

70.4 68.3 68.4 75.3 62.7 70.2 68.3 74.0 69.8 73.1 66.6

70.0 68.5 65.9 73.1 62.1 67.5 68.5 70.3 69.8 73.1 67.4

68.1 66.0 63.9 69.8 59.4 63.1 65.0 66.8 71.0 68.3 64.1

2,833 3,187 4,151 2,744 1,171 2,751 463 944 1,200 694 4,109

2,711 3,273 4,953 2,720 1,240 2,875 447 923 1,015 676 4,130

2,465 3,022 4,262 2,276 1,085 2,457 384 798 623 585 3,865

2,000 2,721 3,801 1,976 970 2,142 350 738 402 445 3,330

New Mexico.................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio ............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................. Rhode Island ................. South Carolina .............. South Dakota................

930 9,594 4,641 378 5,845 1,775 1,969 6,392 572 2,166 443

852 9,167 4,124 346 5,807 1,661 1,810 6,086 543 1,988 409

712 8,809 3,498 319 5,389 1,521 1,506 5,827 526 1,722 351

563 7,980 2,854 308 5,071 1,382 1,298 5,425 470 1,394 334

59.6 62.4 63.7 72.5 65.1 62.7 64.9 63.6 68.0 60.8 71.5

63.5 63.0 67.4 71.3 67.3 64.4 68.5 64.2 66.9 65.7 72.8

63.7 62.6 68.6 68.8 65.5 64.8 68.7 63.3 67.8 65.9 70.0

61.1 59.9 66.5 65.9 63.4 62.3 65.7 60.0 65.3 62.8 67.4

856 8,767 4,138 363 5,260 1,653 1,757 5,851 505 1,925 421

810 8,751 3,969 336 5,573 1,610 1,717 5,831 521 1,917 398

664 8,340 3,352 306 5,079 1,435 1,425 5,510 494 1,639 338

520 7,379 2,672 292 4,639 1,321 1,188 4,997 437 1,302 318

Tennessee ..................... Texas............................. Utah ............................. Vermont ....................... Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ......................

3,083 12,288 1,362 360 4,139 3,515 807 3,085 302

2,872 10,348 1,136 336 3,584 3,050 809 2,996 267

2,401 8,594 820 309 3,220 2,537 756 2,599 236

2,072 6,767 630 250 2,577 1,972 777 2,363 237

62.6 66.2 69.1 70.8 67.4 67.0 54.7 69.5 70.1

65.9 68.1 71.8 70.9 67.6 68.3 56.6 73.3 71.6

63.8 68.2 70.8 72.0 69.2 69.0 54.1 70.7 71.6

60.9 66.2 65.5 66.3 66.3 64.5 53.8 68.0 70.5

2,779 12,288 1,253 337 3,845 3,167 739 2,823 281

2,756 10,348 1,098 327 3,503 2,899 765 2,895 257

2,269 8,594 784 294 3,077 2,406 691 2,486 224

1,920 6,767 589 234 2,444 1,816 702 2,190 227

Part B. United States and States 41

Table B. United States and States—Continued Unemployment (in thousands) State



Unemployment rate















United States ..............









Alabama ....................... Alaska........................... Arizona ......................... Arkansas ....................... California ...................... Colorado ...................... Connecticut .................. Delaware ...................... District of Columbia ...... Florida ..........................

200 29 324 106 2,268 245 178 35 35 1,036

87 20 100 53 833 65 39 14 18 300

121 19 94 76 874 91 90 15 20 405

142 18 82 74 796 88 93 21 23 262

9.2 8.0 10.4 7.9 12.4 9.0 9.3 8.0 10.1 11.3

4.1 6.2 4.0 4.2 4.9 2.7 2.3 3.3 5.7 3.8

6.3 7.0 5.3 6.8 5.8 5.1 4.9 4.2 6.0 6.3

8.4 9.4 6.7 7.5 6.9 5.9 5.9 7.4 7.3 6.1

Georgia ........................ Hawaii .......................... Idaho ............................ Illinois ........................... Indiana ......................... Iowa ............................. Kansas .......................... Kentucky ...................... Louisiana ...................... Maine ...........................

479 44 66 692 317 105 106 211 153 57

148 24 31 291 92 45 53 83 101 22

171 13 27 371 142 66 55 107 110 33

158 21 30 452 253 81 54 134 123 38

10.2 6.7 8.7 10.5 10.0 6.3 7.1 10.2 7.4 8.2

3.5 4.0 4.6 4.5 2.9 2.8 3.8 4.2 5.0 3.3

5.2 2.4 5.5 6.3 5.0 4.5 4.3 6.1 5.9 5.3

6.2 4.8 7.1 8.2 9.6 5.7 4.5 8.1 6.9 7.4

Maryland ...................... Massachusetts .............. Michigan ...................... Minnesota .................... Mississippi..................... Missouri ........................ Montana....................... Nebraska ...................... Nevada ......................... New Hampshire ............ New Jersey....................

241 287 603 218 139 283 33 47 192 46 437

100 92 190 87 74 98 22 27 48 19 157

118 204 358 114 90 151 25 19 33 35 208

142 164 524 124 81 167 23 30 28 21 261

7.9 8.3 12.7 7.4 10.6 9.3 6.7 4.7 13.8 6.2 9.6

3.6 2.7 3.7 3.1 5.7 3.3 4.8 2.8 4.5 2.7 3.7

4.6 6.3 7.7 4.8 7.7 5.8 6.0 2.3 5.1 5.6 5.1

6.6 5.7 12.1 5.9 7.7 7.3 6.3 3.9 6.5 4.6 7.3

New Mexico.................. New York ...................... North Carolina .............. North Dakota ................ Ohio ............................. Oklahoma ..................... Oregon ......................... Pennsylvania ................. Rhode Island ................. South Carolina .............. South Dakota................

74 827 503 14 586 122 212 541 67 241 22

42 416 155 10 234 52 93 255 23 71 11

48 469 145 13 310 86 81 317 32 84 13

43 601 182 15 432 61 110 428 33 93 16

8.0 8.6 10.8 3.8 10.0 6.9 10.8 8.5 11.7 11.1 5.1

5.0 4.5 3.7 2.9 4.0 3.1 5.1 4.2 4.2 3.6 2.7

6.8 5.3 4.2 4.0 5.7 5.7 5.4 5.4 6.1 4.9 3.7

7.6 7.5 6.4 5.0 8.5 4.4 8.4 7.9 7.1 6.6 4.7

Tennessee ..................... Texas............................. Utah ............................. Vermont ....................... Virginia ......................... Washington .................. West Virginia ................ Wisconsin ..................... Wyoming ......................

304 1,007 110 23 294 349 68 261 21

115 452 38 9 82 151 44 101 10

132 552 36 15 143 131 65 113 13

151 350 41 16 133 157 75 172 9

9.9 8.2 8.1 6.4 7.1 9.9 8.5 8.5 7.0

4.0 4.4 3.4 2.7 2.3 5.0 5.5 3.4 3.8

5.5 6.4 4.4 4.9 4.4 5.1 8.6 4.3 5.3

7.3 5.2 6.5 6.3 5.2 7.9 9.6 7.3 4.0


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Personal Income (millions of dollars) State



















United States ................










Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

162,201 32,528 217,856 93,562 1,578,553 210,454 197,630 36,860 42,014 725,160

109,650 19,775 136,950 61,024 1,134,034 148,099 143,971 25,240 24,716 474,533

64,031 12,649 63,347 34,454 643,662 64,844 86,956 14,402 15,566 259,952

30,847 6,204 26,355 17,361 283,799 31,661 38,451 6,427 8,350 100,142

10,605 1,787 7,180 5,636 99,441 9,448 15,679 2,606 4,129 28,474

5,216 807 2,833 2,558 46,333 4,303 7,267 1,302 2,379 10,480

2,819 392 1,057 1,625 20,679 2,079 3,862 670 1,959 3,785



253 502 5,950 619 1,589 279 842 1,018

225 416 5,079 596 1,494 205 641 688

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

333,559 56,824 50,420 539,689 222,888 119,062 110,957 143,166 169,086 49,395

235,896 35,104 32,821 409,511 171,265 80,792 77,482 100,976 105,323 34,618

115,481 24,921 16,149 240,684 98,245 49,035 45,658 57,439 64,233 21,645

46,906 11,458 8,314 125,242 51,163 27,984 23,847 29,757 37,054 9,580

16,272 4,229 2,617 51,640 19,958 11,124 8,897 10,517 11,584 3,530

6,949 1,625 1,301 27,344 10,410 5,737 4,825 5,034 5,596 1,936

3,773 791 790 16,168 6,067 4,037 2,841 2,944 3,054 1,111



239 5,990 1,896 1,253 760 919 864 452

218 6,189 1,660 1,238 866 844 743 459

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

289,560 337,924 346,470 226,071 91,577 219,490 34,284 73,059 99,092 59,199 448,422

187,646 244,458 298,722 159,485 61,421 157,035 21,323 49,645 63,001 42,504 330,112

110,694 138,968 176,379 86,859 34,264 91,726 12,420 29,197 24,994 23,022 192,478

48,530 61,440 94,124 41,689 17,983 46,076 7,208 14,758 9,563 9,272 86,935

19,210 26,093 37,166 15,640 6,064 18,437 2,609 5,810 2,534 2,974 35,352

7,741 13,193 18,838 7,435 2,775 9,638 1,446 3,141 884 1,380 16,588

4,006 7,911 10,995 4,324 1,697 5,698 995 2,102 334 726 8,865

1,329 3,422 3,632 1,461 461 1,968 316 578 102 288 3,462

1,179 3,578 3,178 1,409 396 2,041 270 704 77 302 3,460

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

68,506 961,812 338,739 29,182 417,929 135,002 137,747 529,201 45,279 151,467 33,149

42,647 670,895 225,146 16,611 325,228 85,675 99,004 374,450 31,719 101,104 20,604

23,029 432,242 115,652 10,285 202,763 50,938 51,648 233,147 20,302 56,031 11,499

11,214 193,125 48,909 5,278 107,003 29,124 26,819 118,943 9,333 24,818 5,716

3,478 90,165 17,266 2,105 44,121 9,304 8,471 48,815 4,085 8,364 2,263

1,905 48,288 7,646 1,212 23,510 4,619 4,145 26,277 2,015 3,587 1,323

863 27,905 4,468 861 12,905 2,601 2,575 16,384 1,259 1,999 852

200 11,881 1,154 225 4,602 869 663 6,520 551 598 229

142 13,168 909 210 4,422 876 578 6,915 545 417 247

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

225,191 960,970 90,021 25,116 359,782 286,862 58,959 220,327 25,404

156,756 593,589 55,596 17,403 230,606 194,251 39,927 157,907 14,300

81,898 296,074 25,722 10,210 129,502 98,837 26,100 90,107 8,154

37,979 142,595 12,169 4,467 56,548 45,782 15,551 47,044 5,450

12,844 42,338 3,767 1,649 19,388 14,964 5,499 17,609 1,341

5,956 19,438 1,900 760 8,204 7,189 3,090 8,955 781

3,458 10,825 964 444 4,409 4,264 2,114 5,188 516

994 2,817 267 188 1,304 1,161 779 1,723 150

841 2,380 251 206 938 1,030 706 1,724 132

Part B. United States and States 43

Table B. United States and States—Continued Per capita income (dollars) State



















United States ...........










Alabama .................... Alaska........................ Arizona ...................... Arkansas .................... California ................... Colorado ................... Connecticut ............... Delaware ................... District of Columbia ... Florida .......................

33,894 45,565 33,993 32,017 42,282 41,689 55,216 40,969 69,431 38,478

24,628 31,491 26,538 22,782 33,366 34,227 42,198 32,097 43,206 29,570

15,810 22,861 17,195 14,621 21,484 19,604 26,415 21,509 25,716 19,945

7,909 15,307 9,627 7,585 11,924 10,885 12,351 10,804 13,082 10,177

3,074 5,873 4,000 2,920 4,966 4,248 5,160 4,736 5,469 4,160

1,593 3,525 2,145 1,430 2,920 2,432 2,856 2,901 3,110 2,094

922 2,903 1,398 852 1,937 1,569 1,916 2,087 2,431 1,347

281 … 506 257 856 548 930 1,037 1,220 531

263 … 518 224 889 574 926 858 1314 467

Georgia ..................... Hawaii ....................... Idaho ......................... Illinois ........................ Indiana ...................... Iowa .......................... Kansas ....................... Kentucky ................... Louisiana ................... Maine ........................

34,341 41,668 32,100 42,033 34,344 39,033 38,811 32,929 37,199 37,213

28,672 28,927 25,258 32,934 28,114 27,583 28,764 24,938 23,552 27,108

17,732 22,381 15,951 21,014 17,677 17,632 18,401 15,549 15,215 17,573

8,550 11,841 8,770 10,953 9,318 9,603 10,066 8,121 8,774 8,502

3,533 5,544 3,649 4,642 3,835 3,933 3,958 3,256 3,174 3,541

1,756 2,531 1,939 2,711 2,227 2,082 2,210 1,655 1,717 1,985

1,091 1,585 1,340 1,850 1,529 1,538 1,483 1,003 1,133 1,212

338 … 458 758 552 494 425 322 365 532

303 … 488 810 512 500 460 322 353 573

Maryland ................... Massachusetts ........... Michigan ................... Minnesota ................. Mississippi.................. Missouri ..................... Montana.................... Nebraska ................... Nevada ...................... New Hampshire ......... New Jersey.................

50,035 51,487 35,082 42,572 30,834 36,606 34,612 39,926 36,657 44,963 50,941

35,331 38,430 30,015 32,326 21,564 28,006 23,593 28,967 31,208 34,280 39,156

23,062 23,074 18,942 19,786 13,286 17,884 15,521 18,459 20,475 20,696 24,794

11,479 10,693 10,170 10,205 7,121 9,361 9,138 9,386 11,803 10,032 11,786

4,878 4,575 4,178 4,099 2,730 3,936 3,742 3,905 5,138 4,009 4,917

2,487 2,557 2,405 2,171 1,272 2,228 2,130 2,217 3,036 2,266 2,718

1,701 1,688 1,716 1,443 780 1,438 1,677 1,584 2,063 1,365 1,819

722 792 683 524 212 520 566 439 902 585 829

721 842 657 547 197 560 501 510 834 647 850

New Mexico............... New York ................... North Carolina ........... North Dakota ............. Ohio .......................... Oklahoma .................. Oregon ...................... Pennsylvania .............. Rhode Island .............. South Carolina ........... South Dakota.............

33,175 49,582 35,435 43,275 36,199 35,912 35,898 41,635 43,013 32,669 40,613

23,417 35,307 27,859 25,872 28,620 24,802 28,867 30,482 30,201 25,124 27,260

15,135 23,986 17,355 16,128 18,663 16,177 18,056 19,587 20,181 16,003 16,495

8,565 10,994 8,291 8,066 9,907 9,578 10,154 10,022 9,836 7,918 8,275

3,399 4,935 3,386 3,401 4,136 3,625 4,033 4,133 4,298 3,219 3,394

1,997 2,868 1,672 1,911 2,415 1,977 2,339 2,319 2,357 1,500 1,938

1,253 1,877 1,098 1,391 1,617 1,167 1,681 1,559 1,602 946 1,300

377 883 323 352 664 374 611 659 766 314 357

332 1041 287 308 664 365 605 717 794 239 357

Tennessee .................. Texas.......................... Utah .......................... Vermont .................... Virginia ...................... Washington ............... West Virginia ............. Wisconsin .................. Wyoming ...................

35,426 38,065 32,447 40,134 44,836 42,547 31,798 38,728 45,025

27,483 28,341 24,770 28,547 32,453 32,865 22,096 29,384 28,930

16,733 17,358 14,858 18,076 20,831 20,158 14,560 18,372 17,973

8,256 9,945 8,263 8,717 10,534 11,019 7,970 9,984 11,494

3,262 3,768 3,535 3,696 4,161 4,379 3,148 3,979 4,017

1,666 2,020 2,111 1,954 2,058 2,518 1,667 2,260 2,360

1,043 1,392 1,385 1,171 1,330 1,786 1,054 1,509 1,778

339 438 484 518 480 667 409 548 602

321 407 494 572 387 657 407 584 582


County and City Extra

Table B. United States and States—Continued Disposable personal income (millions of dollars) State






Per capita disposable income (dollars) 1960















United States ................











Alabama ......................... Alaska............................. Arizona ........................... Arkansas ......................... California ........................ Colorado ........................ Connecticut .................... Delaware ........................ District of Columbia ........ Florida ............................

149,686 29,971 201,318 86,197 1,405,662 189,499 170,348 33,332 37,457 669,728

97,576 17,623 119,781 54,212 939,121 125,939 116,393 21,638 20,700 415,360

57,245 11,178 56,444 30,983 560,783 56,990 75,819 12,429 13,378 233,378

27,452 5,426 23,438 15,484 247,892 27,512 32,940 5,369 7,175 88,637

9,570 1,577 6,372 5,072 88,720 8,358 13,633 2,180 3,603 25,471

4,770 725 2,541 2,361 41,110 3,813 6,348 1,096 2,056 9,510


31,279 41,984 31,413 29,496 37,651 37,538 47,594 37,047 61,900 35,537

21,916 28,064 23,211 20,239 27,631 29,106 34,115 27,517 36,185 25,883

14,134 20,204 15,321 13,147 18,718 17,230 23,031 18,562 22,100 17,906

Georgia .......................... Hawaii ............................ Idaho .............................. Illinois ............................. Indiana ........................... Iowa ............................... Kansas ............................ Kentucky ........................ Louisiana ........................ Maine .............................

303,912 52,251 46,636 486,548 203,313 109,207 100,844 130,853 156,384 45,228

203,591 30,771 28,782 350,319 150,088 71,548 67,690 88,586 94,165 30,188

101,553 21,673 14,392 210,272 86,446 43,419 40,414 50,732 57,968 19,196

41,361 10,070 7,433 107,623 44,653 24,298 20,712 26,313 32,419 8,585

14,481 3,692 2,362 44,522 17,501 9,910 7,893 9,338 10,482 3,188

6,310 1,416 1,167 24,115 9,302 5,162 4,345 4,555 5,109 1,762

742 14,697 5,622 3,776 2,637 2,749 2,855 1,044

31,288 38,315 29,691 37,894 31,327 35,802 35,274 30,097 34,405 34,073

24,746 25,357 22,150 28,174 24,637 24,427 25,129 21,878 21,057 23,638

15,593 19,464 14,216 18,359 15,554 15,613 16,287 13,733 13,731 15,585

Maryland ........................ Massachusetts ................ Michigan ........................ Minnesota ...................... Mississippi....................... Missouri .......................... Montana......................... Nebraska ........................ Nevada ........................... New Hampshire .............. New Jersey......................

257,537 296,022 316,748 202,105 85,109 200,751 31,393 66,777 91,139 54,371 398,122

158,708 197,215 257,840 135,717 55,541 137,102 18,894 43,599 54,718 36,532 276,722

95,040 119,405 154,491 75,503 31,225 81,005 11,098 26,108 21,967 20,553 167,705

41,443 52,540 81,812 35,893 16,210 40,261 6,338 12,957 8,428 8,208 74,966

16,447 22,611 32,328 13,789 5,514 16,217 2,332 5,173 2,250 2,621 31,068

6,782 11,549 16,782 6,635 2,573 8,590 1,307 2,843 782 1,237 14,684

3,625 7,215 10,051 3,992 1,622 5,247 924 1,968 301 676 8,129

44,501 45,103 32,072 38,059 28,656 33,480 31,694 36,493 33,715 41,296 45,227

29,883 31,003 25,907 27,508 19,499 24,451 20,905 25,440 27,105 29,464 32,823

19,801 19,826 16,592 17,199 12,108 15,794 13,869 16,507 17,995 18,477 21,603

New Mexico.................... New York ........................ North Carolina ................ North Dakota .................. Ohio ............................... Oklahoma ....................... Oregon ........................... Pennsylvania ................... Rhode Island ................... South Carolina ................ South Dakota..................

63,569 834,592 309,086 26,715 378,864 124,443 124,086 477,990 41,241 139,982 31,024

38,003 556,786 195,568 15,006 280,487 75,721 84,655 323,940 27,364 89,373 18,681

20,730 372,067 101,992 9,337 177,805 44,932 45,394 205,270 17,920 49,732 10,558

10,084 165,193 42,871 4,640 93,225 25,393 23,170 103,330 8,194 22,007 5,194

3,131 77,529 15,286 1,913 38,817 8,337 7,421 42,845 3,656 7,548 2,089

1,738 42,067 6,967 1,120 20,879 4,187 3,645 23,368 1,801 3,296 1,230

803 25,116 4,213 817 11,850 2,412 2,343 15,042 1,145 1,878 809

30,784 43,024 32,333 39,617 32,815 33,103 32,337 37,606 39,177 30,192 38,010

20,867 29,302 24,199 23,373 24,683 21,920 24,683 26,371 26,055 22,209 24,715

13,624 20,647 15,305 14,643 16,366 14,270 15,870 17,245 17,814 14,204 15,146

Tennessee ....................... Texas............................... Utah ............................... Vermont ......................... Virginia ........................... Washington .................... West Virginia .................. Wisconsin ....................... Wyoming ........................

211,180 887,148 82,582 23,050 321,706 264,662 54,106 199,767 23,160

141,470 523,684 48,722 15,171 196,076 167,914 35,665 136,079 12,349

74,213 265,415 22,752 9,014 113,481 88,106 23,361 78,973 7,313

34,055 123,720 10,818 3,952 49,169 40,191 13,621 40,822 4,738

11,491 37,707 3,387 1,443 16,945 13,449 4,878 15,313 1,195

5,430 17,503 1,715 685 7,353 6,465 2,777 7,898 700

3,248 9,933 906 413 4,114 3,952 1,979 4,771 480

33,222 35,141 29,765 36,833 40,091 39,254 29,181 35,114 41,047

24,803 25,003 21,707 24,886 27,594 28,409 19,737 25,322 24,982

15,163 15,561 13,142 15,960 18,254 17,970 13,032 16,102 16,120

979 1,545 18,885 1,908 3,481 554 1,790 3,520 3,563

Part B. United States and States 45

Table B. United States and States—Continued Per capita disposable income (dollars) State



Total earnings by place of work (millions of dollars)



















United States ...........











Alabama .................... Alaska........................ Arizona ...................... Arkansas .................... California ................... Colorado ................... Connecticut ............... Delaware ................... District of Columbia ... Florida .......................

7,038 13,388 8,561 6,765 10,415 9,458 10,581 9,025 11,241 9,008

2,774 5,183 3,550 2,628 4,431 3,758 4,486 3,960 4,772 3,721

1,457 3,166 … 1,923 1,320 2,590 2,156 2,495 2,441 2,688 1,901


108,949 26,137 149,982 62,220 1,148,399 159,588 139,256 29,026 78,599 438,641

79,616 15,822 103,080 44,958 892,562 118,962 106,683 21,098 46,759 310,700

47,470 10,947 44,403 24,825 496,060 49,768 63,556 11,911 30,956 161,317

23,747 5,870 19,617 12,668 220,243 25,292 28,367 5,340 15,983 65,762

8,642 1,626 5,572 4,452 78,653 7,495 11,830 2,171 7,057 20,550

4,432 723 2,337 2,121 38,019 3,468 5,901 1,069 3,253 8,064

Georgia ..................... Hawaii ....................... Idaho ......................... Illinois ........................ Indiana ...................... Iowa .......................... Kansas ....................... Kentucky ................... Louisiana ................... Maine ........................

7,539 10,406 7,841 9,412 8,132 8,338 8,743 7,181 7,677 7,618

3,144 4,839 3,293 4,002 3,363 3,504 3,511 2,890 2,872 3,198

1,595 2,206 1,740 2,391 1,990 1,873 1,990 1,498 1,567 1,808

1,257 1,682 1,417 1,439 1,376 936 1,059 1,138

248,457 40,454 34,822 400,631 158,446 86,547 80,966 101,334 120,974 33,009

190,378 26,131 24,579 317,272 130,403 59,447 57,480 74,945 77,404 24,326

91,538 19,800 12,086 185,336 73,916 35,196 32,992 42,426 47,262 15,817

37,837 9,011 6,392 98,028 39,718 20,503 17,503 22,789 30,341 7,135

13,752 3,475 2,115 43,017 16,838 8,772 6,700 8,466 9,500 2,816

5,937 1,361 1,085 23,308 8,946 4,646 3,740 4,066 4,574 1,612

Maryland ................... Massachusetts ........... Michigan ................... Minnesota ................. Mississippi.................. Missouri ..................... Montana.................... Nebraska ................... Nevada ...................... New Hampshire ......... New Jersey.................

9,803 9,144 8,839 8,787 6,419 8,180 8,036 8,241 10,403 8,880 10,163

4,176 3,964 3,634 3,614 2,483 3,462 3,345 3,476 4,562 3,532 4,321

2,179 2,238 2,142 1,937 1,179 1,986 1,925 2,006 2,687 2,031 2,406

1,539 1,540 1,569 1,332 745 1,324 1,559 1,483 1,858 1,270 1,668

194,780 257,498 240,886 171,294 59,126 161,116 22,907 55,595 70,934 41,035 304,345

126,474 196,093 233,206 127,789 43,217 121,051 14,655 37,720 48,512 29,747 233,302

74,579 107,559 135,394 67,816 24,181 70,377 8,438 22,210 19,701 15,639 138,228

32,619 47,922 73,856 33,021 13,226 36,306 5,238 11,130 7,962 6,371 61,988

13,374 20,819 31,272 12,836 4,892 15,728 2,050 4,696 2,178 2,145 26,138

5,848 10,886 16,097 6,119 2,316 8,150 1,175 2,547 763 1,058 13,280

New Mexico............... New York ................... North Carolina ........... North Dakota ............. Ohio .......................... Oklahoma .................. Oregon ...................... Pennsylvania .............. Rhode Island .............. South Carolina ........... South Dakota.............

7,701 9,404 7,268 7,091 8,631 8,351 8,773 8,706 8,636 7,021 7,518

3,060 4,243 2,998 3,091 3,638 3,248 3,533 3,627 3,846 2,905 3,133

1,822 2,498 1,523 1,766 2,145 1,792 2,057 2,063 2,107 1,378 1,801

1,165 1,690 1,036 1,320 1,485 1,082 1,529 1,432 1,457 889 1,235

46,866 741,729 244,810 22,668 305,945 94,534 98,571 373,797 30,563 101,843 23,417

31,116 537,940 174,786 12,511 250,754 61,966 77,569 273,343 22,074 74,548 15,076

16,776 339,123 90,528 7,368 153,433 36,631 38,953 170,173 14,117 42,895 8,166

8,620 154,550 39,312 3,771 84,096 22,439 20,864 92,025 6,843 19,524 3,948

2,792 75,554 14,694 1,700 37,259 7,266 6,850 40,627 3,180 6,956 1,763

1,624 40,931 6,592 991 20,047 3,696 3,474 22,282 1,625 3,071 1,076

Tennessee .................. Texas.......................... Utah .......................... Vermont .................... Virginia ...................... Washington ............... West Virginia ............. Wisconsin .................. Wyoming ...................

7,403 8,629 7,346 7,711 9,159 9,674 6,980 8,663 9,993

2,919 3,356 3,178 3,233 3,636 3,936 2,793 3,460 3,579

1,519 1,819 1,906 1,760 1,845 2,264 1,499 1,993 2,116

980 1,277 1,302 1,091 1,241 1,656 986 1,388 1,657

163,473 735,547 69,620 17,082 263,885 206,801 38,082 158,434 18,033

124,147 484,094 45,235 12,495 174,075 149,171 27,165 119,032 9,777

63,352 231,207 20,558 7,427 95,181 74,672 18,161 66,667 5,961

30,281 117,886 9,942 3,305 40,932 35,915 12,102 35,842 4,629

10,899 35,076 3,112 1,322 14,918 11,860 4,575 14,021 1,072

5,079 16,124 1,592 631 6,440 5,884 2,631 7,452 654


County and City Extra

1,294 810 1,769 1,440 1,727 1,726 2,221 1,253 1,030

Table B. United States and States—Continued Total earnings by place of work (millions of dollars) State



Farm income (millions of dollars)























United States ...........













Alabama .................... Alaska........................ Arizona ...................... Arkansas .................... California ................... Colorado ................... Connecticut ............... Delaware ................... District of Columbia ... Florida .......................

2,381 384 873 1,349 16,847 1,628 3,053 510 2,050 3,010



210 442 4,688 490 1,239 176 669 767

188 345 3,714 468 1,059 132 476 530

700 10 643 1,205 12,103 937 154 145 0 2,221

952 20 783 1,688 8,453 757 218 145 0 2,540

841 8 628 1,032 6,975 698 179 139 0 2,034

204 3 468 361 5,479 283 80 12 0 1,631

249 2 176 412 1,669 286 70 34 0 535

256 2 127 311 1,425 173 63 34 0 379

289 1 148 367 1,129 191 68 40 0 274

103 ... 29 136 351 61 29 13 0 61

114 ... 31 68 379 84 39 10 0 66

Georgia ..................... Hawaii ....................... Idaho ......................... Illinois ........................ Indiana ...................... Iowa .......................... Kansas ....................... Kentucky ................... Louisiana ................... Maine ........................

3,173 676 671 13,744 5,285 3,379 2,329 2,422 2,466 904



213 4,947 1,644 1,069 632 791 724 352

195 4,704 1,375 1,022 711 672 590 343

1,735 255 1,536 3,455 1,917 4,732 2,112 539 839 195

1,829 229 990 1,792 859 2,445 994 1,480 611 203

1,247 248 986 1,745 850 2,487 1,370 1,112 394 169

31 371 400 366 370 706 91 555 167 45

395 130 264 718 378 1,212 604 392 281 77

324 80 158 645 365 730 442 322 185 102

352 76 166 822 461 1,144 543 336 241 84

145 ... 55 226 130 332 125 133 78 31

141 ... 73 231 138 287 165 112 72 52

Maryland ................... Massachusetts ........... Michigan ................... Minnesota ................. Mississippi.................. Missouri ..................... Montana.................... Nebraska ................... Nevada ...................... New Hampshire ......... New Jersey.................

3,041 6,440 9,484 3,577 1,399 4,849 855 1,765 284 569 7,038

1,051 2,620 3,157 1,215 410 1,626 275 484 81 227 2,830

825 2,550 2,452 1,156 340 1,612 227 583 62 235 2,555

300 117 1,675 3,999 1,136 1,509 540 3,330 126 27 338

408 125 567 1,414 781 774 251 1,429 100 43 311

350 148 754 1,935 482 697 389 2,186 78 43 235

55 103 526 949 175 235 115 98 56 13 111

120 68 338 874 391 522 290 540 34 16 98

93 68 238 513 280 442 161 390 14 20 120

97 81 316 558 377 617 261 589 31 20 132

45 33 153 193 115 168 61 110 8 9 48

38 45 137 208 94 148 40 183 11 17 55

New Mexico............... New York ................... North Carolina ........... North Dakota ............. Ohio .......................... Oklahoma .................. Oregon ...................... Pennsylvania .............. Rhode Island .............. South Carolina ........... South Dakota.............

726 23,892 3,865 718 11,080 2,115 2,181 13,646 1,091 1,704 716

173 9,135 1,027 197 3,894 721 567 5,330 425 537 198

118 9,074 768 181 3,492 698 474 5,104 392 357 214

1,000 1,132 2,527 2,508 1,683 826 939 1,095 16 413 2,232

530 734 2,942 1,091 1,181 821 759 1,079 15 518 1,335

410 742 2,116 767 1,174 852 683 978 30 294 1,016

178 516 635 -388 565 259 468 414 7 31 134

130 414 669 305 431 357 213 383 9 187 372

86 350 602 273 332 334 172 297 7 168 324

103 362 642 312 436 280 201 304 10 216 283

35 160 181 71 178 138 63 140 4 89 61

27 217 159 62 161 86 63 149 6 84 83

Tennessee .................. Texas.......................... Utah .......................... Vermont .................... Virginia ...................... Washington ............... West Virginia ............. Wisconsin .................. Wyoming ...................

2,900 9,075 805 370 3,564 3,496 1,886 4,402 424

864 2,330 231 152 1,130 984 696 1,437 129

692 1,890 209 162 770 841 589 1,353 115

67 3,673 142 145 201 2,286 -81 1,674 123

320 3,308 198 147 558 1,623 9 852 119

436 3,005 248 112 678 1,157 42 1,371 149

192 582 58 107 62 842 8 1,436 83

268 1,155 77 62 211 342 26 637 78

245 918 44 56 213 254 50 427 50

321 1,188 76 43 288 273 79 482 78

129 381 26 20 110 78 44 176 30

104 333 33 30 90 96 41 190 24

Part B. United States and States 47

Table B. United States and States—Continued Nonfarm personal income (millions of dollars) State



















United States ...........










Alabama .................... Alaska........................ Arizona ...................... Arkansas .................... California ................... Colorado ................... Connecticut ............... Delaware ................... District of Columbia ... Florida .......................

161,501 32,518 217,212 92,356 1,566,451 209,517 197,476 36,715 42,014 722,940

108,698 19,755 136,167 59,336 1,125,581 147,342 143,753 25,095 24,716 471,993

63,190 12,641 62,719 33,423 636,687 64,145 86,776 14,263 15,566 257,919

30,643 6,201 25,888 16,999 278,321 31,378 38,371 6,415 8,350 98,510

10,357 1,785 7,004 5,224 97,772 9,162 15,608 2,572 4,129 27,939

4,960 805 2,707 2,247 44,908 4,129 7,204 1,268 2,379 10,101

2,530 391 908 1,258 19,549 1,887 3,794 630 1,959 3,511



224 366 5,599 558 1,560 266 842 957

194 348 4,699 512 1,456 195 641 621

Georgia ..................... Hawaii ....................... Idaho ......................... Illinois ........................ Indiana ...................... Iowa .......................... Kansas ....................... Kentucky ................... Louisiana ................... Maine ........................

331,825 56,570 48,883 536,234 220,971 114,330 108,845 142,627 168,246 49,201

234,067 34,875 31,831 407,718 170,405 78,347 76,488 99,496 104,711 34,415

114,234 24,673 15,162 238,939 97,394 46,548 44,288 56,328 63,838 21,477

46,876 11,088 7,914 124,876 50,793 27,278 23,756 29,202 36,886 9,535

15,877 4,100 2,353 50,922 19,580 9,911 8,293 10,126 11,304 3,454

6,624 1,545 1,143 26,699 10,046 5,007 4,384 4,712 5,411 1,833

3,421 715 624 15,346 5,606 2,893 2,297 2,608 2,813 1,028



184 5,764 1,766 921 635 786 786 421

145 5,958 1,522 952 701 732 671 407

Maryland ................... Massachusetts ........... Michigan ................... Minnesota ................. Mississippi.................. Missouri ..................... Montana.................... Nebraska ................... Nevada ...................... New Hampshire ......... New Jersey.................

289,259 337,807 344,796 222,072 90,442 217,981 33,745 69,729 98,966 59,172 448,083

187,238 244,332 298,155 158,071 60,640 156,261 21,071 48,215 62,900 42,461 329,801

110,344 138,820 175,625 84,923 33,782 91,029 12,031 27,010 24,916 22,979 192,242

48,475 61,337 93,598 40,739 17,809 45,841 7,093 14,660 9,507 9,259 86,824

19,090 26,026 36,828 14,766 5,674 17,915 2,319 5,270 2,500 2,958 35,254

7,647 13,126 18,599 6,921 2,495 9,196 1,285 2,751 869 1,360 16,468

3,909 7,830 10,679 3,766 1,320 5,082 734 1,514 304 706 8,733

1,284 3,389 3,479 1,268 346 1,800 254 468 94 279 3,414

1,141 3,533 3,041 1,201 302 1,894 230 521 66 284 3,404

New Mexico............... New York ................... North Carolina ........... North Dakota ............. Ohio .......................... Oklahoma .................. Oregon ...................... Pennsylvania .............. Rhode Island .............. South Carolina ........... South Dakota.............

67,506 960,680 336,212 26,674 416,246 134,176 136,808 528,106 45,263 151,054 30,917

42,117 670,161 222,204 15,520 324,047 84,854 98,245 373,370 31,704 100,586 19,270

22,618 431,500 113,535 9,518 201,589 50,086 50,965 232,169 20,272 55,737 10,483

11,037 192,609 48,274 5,666 106,438 28,864 26,351 118,529 9,325 24,787 5,583

3,348 89,751 16,597 1,800 43,690 8,947 8,258 48,431 4,076 8,176 1,890

1,819 47,938 7,044 939 23,179 4,285 3,973 25,981 2,008 3,419 1,000

761 27,544 3,826 549 12,470 2,321 2,374 16,080 1,249 1,783 569

165 11,721 973 154 4,424 731 601 6,380 547 508 168

115 12,951 750 148 4,261 789 515 6,766 539 333 164

Tennessee .................. Texas.......................... Utah .......................... Vermont .................... Virginia ...................... Washington ............... West Virginia ............. Wisconsin .................. Wyoming ...................

225,124 957,297 89,880 24,971 359,582 284,577 59,040 218,653 25,280

156,436 590,281 55,398 17,256 230,048 192,628 39,918 157,055 14,181

81,462 293,070 25,475 10,097 128,824 97,679 26,058 88,737 8,005

37,788 142,013 12,111 4,361 56,486 44,940 15,543 45,608 5,367

12,576 41,183 3,690 1,588 19,177 14,622 5,473 16,972 1,263

5,711 18,519 1,856 704 7,991 6,935 3,040 8,528 731

3,137 9,637 888 401 4,121 3,991 2,035 4,706 438

865 2,436 241 168 1,194 1,083 735 1,547 120

737 2,047 218 176 848 935 665 1,534 107


County and City Extra


Part B presents data for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Most of the data are from the decennial census. Basic population data are included from the first census in 1790 to the present. Most population characteristics are shown from 1900 through 2010. POPULATION (Items 1 through 46) Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Population and Housing Unit Counts, CPH2-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2012. The population data are from Table 12 in Population and Housing Unit Counts. POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS (Items 47 through 146) Source: (2010) U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, CPH-1-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013. (1900 to 2000) Hobbs, Frank and Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Special Reports, Series CENSR-4, Demographic Trends in the 20th Century, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2002. Sex ratio. The sex ratio is an indication of the balance of males and females in a population. It is calculated by dividing the male population by the female population and multiplying by 100. Age. The age classification is based on the age of the person at his or her last birthday. Race. Data on race have been collected since the first U.S. decennial census in 1790. The terms used to describe each race, the categories collected on the questionnaire, the method of obtaining responses on race, and the manner of tabulating the data all changed over the years. The race data included in Table B represent the totals as reported at the time of each census, with one exception. The 1930 census included a separate race category for the Mexican population, while the 1940 census eliminated this category and revised the 1930 data tabulation to include the Mexican population in the White population. For increased comparability, the Census Bureau’s report

Demographic Trends in the 20th Century used the 1940 revision of the 1930 race data. Prior to 1950, all published race data could be classified into one of four categories: White, Black, Asian and Pacific Islander, and American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut. Beginning with the 1950 census, the category “Other” or “Some other race” became a fifth major category. For the 2000 and 2010 censuses, the Asian and Pacific Islander category was split into “Asian” and “Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander.” Also, for the first time, individuals could identify themselves or other members of their household as more than one race. As a result, a seventh major category, “Two or more races,” was added to allow for the tabulation of people who reported more than one of the six major categories. Although the collection of race data for specific population groups varied over the censuses, Table B uses the current names for categories. Since the 2000 and 2010 censuses allowed individuals to self-identify as more than one race for the first time, the data on race is published in two broad categories: the “race alone” population and the ”race in combination” population. People who indicated only one race are referred to as the “race alone” population. Individuals who chose more than one of the six individual race categories are referred to as the “race in combination” population, or as the group who reported more than one race. Adding the “race alone” population and the “race in combination” population together creates the maximum number of people reporting an individual race, and is referred to as the “race alone or in combination” population. Table B shows the “race alone or in combination” population, while Table A shows the race alone population for those two censuses. The 2010 definitions of the racial categories are: White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as White or report entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish. Black: A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. Over time, the terminology used for this race category has included Black, Negro, and African

Part B. United States and States 49

American. It includes written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian. American Indian and Alaskan Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Over time, the terminology used for this race category changed to reflect the data collected during each decennial census. The terms used over the years included Indian; American Indian; American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut; and American Indian and Alaska Native. Asian and Pacific Islander: Asian describes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes people who indicate their race as “Asian Indian,” “Chinese,” “Filipino,” “Korean,” “Japanese,” “Vietnamese,” and “Other Asian” or provide other detailed Asian responses. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander describes a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who indicate their race as “Native Hawaiian,” “Guamanian or Chamorro,” “Samoan,” and “Other Pacific Islander” or provide other detailed Pacific Islander response. The term Asian and Pacific Islander is used here in order to maximize data comparability over the centuries despite changes that took place in the terms used to describe each race, the race categories collected on the questionnaire, and the manner in which the data were tabulated. Prior to 1910, the only individual Asian and Pacific Islander categories available were Chinese and Japanese. From 1910 to 1940, the racial classification included an Other race category with write-in responses to obtain separate figures on other groups such as Filipinos and Koreans. For those years, each detailed Asian and Pacific Islander group tabulated separately was classified into the total Asian and Pacific Islander group. However, data collection and publication practices varied with each census. For a more detailed explanation see Demographic Trends in the 20th Century. Because Table B uses the “race alone or in combination” designations, the sum of the racial groups often is more than 100 percent. When the Asian and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander “alone or in combination” groups are combined, it would result in double-counting of persons who identify with both of those groups. A detailed tally of all races was used to avoid double-counting. This group comprises a large proportion of Hawaii’s population.


County and City Extra

Hispanic or Latino Origin. People who identify with the terms Hispanic or Latino are those who classify themselves in one of the specific Hispanic or Latino categories listed on the decennial census questionnaire—“Mexican, Mexican-Am., Chicano,” “Puerto Rican,” or “Cuban”— as well as those who indicate that they are “other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino.” Origin can be viewed as the heritage, nationality group, lineage, or country of birth of the person or the person’s parents or ancestors before their arrival in the United States. People who identify their origin as Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino may be of any race. The question on Hispanic or Latino origin was not asked until the 1970 census when it was only asked of a 5 percent sample of the population. Beginning in 1980, it was asked of all individuals. Table B includes the percent Hispanic or Latino from 1980 through 2010. FOREIGN-BORN POPULATION (Items 147 through 163) Source: (1850 to 1990) Gibson, Campbell J. and Emily Lennon, U.S. Census Bureau, Historical Census Statistics on the Foreign-born Population of the United States: 18501990, Population Division Working Paper No. 29. 1999. (2000) Malone, Nolan, Kaari F. Baluja, Joseph M. Costanzo, and Cynthia J. Davis; The Foreign-Born Population: 2000; Census 2000 Brief C2KBR-34, 2003. (2010) U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2010 1-year estimates, Table B05002, via American FactFinder. The U.S. Census Bureau uses the term foreign born to refer to anyone who is not a U.S. citizen at birth. This includes naturalized citizens, lawful permanent residents, temporary migrants (such as foreign students), humanitarian migrants (such as refugees), and undocumented migrants. The term native born refers to anyone born in the United States, Puerto Rico, or a U.S. Island Area, or those born abroad of at least one U.S. citizen parent.

HOUSING UNITS AND HOUSEHOLDS (Items 164 through 207) Source: (2010) U.S. Census Bureau, 2010 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Population and Housing Characteristics, CPH-1-1, United States Summary, U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013. (1940 to 2000) Hobbs, Frank and Nicole Stoops, U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Special Reports, Series CENSR-4, Demographic Trends in the 20th Century, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, 2002.

A housing unit is a house, an apartment, a mobile home, a group of rooms, or a single room that is occupied, or intended for occupancy, as separate living quarters. Separate living quarters are those in which the occupant(s) live separately from any other people in the building and which have direct access from outside the building or through a common hall. A housing unit is owner occupied if the owner or co-owner lives in the unit even if it is mortgaged or not fully paid for. A household consists of one person or a group of people living in a housing unit. CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE AND UNEMPLOYMENT (Items 208 through 227) Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics—Current Population Survey The Current Population Survey (CPS) is a monthly survey that analyzes and publishes statistics on the labor force, employment, and unemployment, classified by a variety of demographic, social, and economic characteristics. This survey is conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The civilian labor force consists of all civilians 16 years old and over who are either employed or unemployed. The labor force participation rate represents the proportion of the civilian noninstitutional population currently in the labor force. Employed people are those who, during the reference week (a) did any work at all (for at least 1 hour) as paid employees; worked in their own businesses, professions, or on their own farms; or worked 15 hours or more as unpaid workers in an enterprise operated by a family member, or (b) were not working, but who had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent because of vacation, illness, bad weather, childcare problems, maternity or paternity leave, labor-management dispute, job training, or other family or personal reasons whether or not they were paid for the time off or were seeking other jobs. Each employed person is counted only once, even if he or she holds more than one job. The unemployment rate is the number of unemployed persons as a percentage of the civilian labor force. Unemployed persons are all persons who had no employment during the reference week, but who were available for work (except for temporary illness) and had made specific efforts to find employment some time during the four-week period ending with the reference week. Persons who were waiting to be recalled to a job from which they had been laid off need not have been looking for work to be classified as unemployed.

PERSONAL INCOME AND EARNINGS (Items 228 through 286) Source: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts Total personal income is the current income received by residents of an area from all sources. It is measured before deductions of income and other personal taxes but after deductions of personal contributions for Social Security, government retirement, and other social insurance programs. It consists of wage and salary disbursements (covering all employee earnings, including executive salaries, bonuses, commissions, payments-in-kind, incentive payments, and tips); various types of supplementary earnings, such as employers’ contributions to pension funds (termed “other labor income” or “supplements to wages and salaries”); proprietors’ income; rental income of persons; dividends; personal interest income; and government and business transfer payments. Per capita personal income is based on resident population estimated as of July 1 of the year shown. Disposable personal income is total personal income minus personal current taxes. It is the portion of personal income that is available for consumption expenditures, interest payments, current transfer payments, or saving. Personal current taxes are tax payments (net of refunds) that are made by persons and that are not chargeable to business expense and certain other payments by persons to government agencies (except government enterprises) that are treated like taxes. Personal current taxes includes taxes on income, including realized net capital gains, and on personal property. Also included in personal taxes are personal licenses. Contributions for government social insurance are not included. Per capita disposable personal income is based on resident population estimated as of July 1 of the year shown. Earnings by place of work is the sum of three components of personal income—wages and salaries, supplements to wages and salaries, and proprietors’ income. Farm income is the sum of wages and salaries, employer contributions for employee pension and insurance funds, and proprietors’ income in the farm industry. It comprises the net income of sole proprietors, partners, and hired laborers arising directly from the current production of agricultural commodities, both livestock and crops, and specifically excludes the income of non-family farm corporations. Nonfarm income is personal income minus farm income.

Part B. United States and States 51


Part C—Counties





Orange Co 8642 Fastest Growing Counties in the United States, 1910–2010 8843 Douglas Co 9731 Lee County 10968 Maricopa C Brevard CoClark 11420 County, NV 11541 Ector Coun Palm County, FL Hockley CoBeach16641 Miami-Dad 20820 Miami-Dade County, FL Palm Beac 23571 Hockley County, TX 58655 Clark Coun Ector County, TX Brevard County, FL Maricopa County, AZ Lee County, FL Douglas County, CO Orange County, CA 0









Part C shows the decennial census population of all counties in the United States since their beginnings. The decennial census was mandated by the Constitution and is the basis for defining congressional districts and electing members of congress. The 1990 census marked 200 years since the first census in 1790. In 1996, the Census Bureau produced a very comprehensive historical document Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990, compiled and edited by Richard L. Forstall. ( population/www/censusdata/pop1790-1990.html) Table C reproduces those population numbers for all counties and adds the populations from the censuses of 2000 and 2010. The well-researched geographic notes in Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990 have been converted to the Notes and Definitions section that follows the table. Table C includes all counties that existed in 2010 as well as at any time since 1790. Changes in names and boundaries are detailed in the Notes and Definitions for each state. Each county is identified by its 5-digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code. For those counties that ceased to exist before the establishment of the FIPS coding system, the Census Bureau’s document added a code with a decimal suffix. For a few areas, the Notes and Definitions section includes additional population counts not included in Table C.

The numbers in Table C reflect the effort to replicate the county as it now exists, often converted from census numbers that enumerated areas that were defined at the time. Alaska has no counties, and its Census Areas and Boroughs change frequently from decade to decade. Prior to statehood, Alaska’s population was enumerated in Judicial Divisions (1910 through 1950) and Districts (1880 through 1900). The District of Columbia has been tallied as a single countyequivalent area since 1900. From 1810 through 1890, the census included separate counts for Georgetown city, Washington city, and the remainder of the District of Columbia. In Oklahoma, there was little census coverage prior to statehood in 1907. Some numbers for Indian Reservations and Indian Nations for 1890, 1900, and 1907 are included in the Notes and Definitions. The Census Bureau conducted a special census of Oklahoma in 1907, but it is not included in Table C. Refer to the Census Bureau’s Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990 for the 1907 counts for all Oklahoma counties. In South Dakota, some Indian Reservations were not reported by county in 1880, 1890, 1900, and 1910. These are included in the Notes and Definitions.

Part C — Counties 55

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010 STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census


UNITED STATES ..................



ALABAMA ..........................












01001 01003 01005 01007 01009 01011 01013

Autauga .............................. Baldwin ............................... Barbour ............................... Bibb ..................................... Blount.................................. Bullock................................. Butler...................................

1820 1810 1840 1820 1820 1870 1820

54,571 182,265 27,457 22,915 57,322 10,914 20,947

43,671 140,415 29,038 20,826 51,024 11,714 21,399

34,222 98,280 25,417 16,576 39,248 11,042 21,892

32,259 78,556 24,756 15,723 36,459 10,596 21,680

24,460 59,382 22,543 13,812 26,853 11,824 22,007

18,739 49,088 24,700 14,357 25,449 13,462 24,560

18,186 40,997 28,892 17,987 28,975 16,054 29,228

20,977 32,324 32,722 20,155 29,490 19,810 32,447

19,694 28,289 32,425 20,780 28,020 20,016 30,195

18,908 20,730 32,067 23,144 25,538 25,333 29,531

01015 01017 01019 01021 01023 01025 01027 01029 01031 01033 01035

Calhoun............................... Chambers ............................ Cherokee ............................. Chilton ................................ Choctaw .............................. Clarke .................................. Clay ..................................... Cleburne.............................. Coffee ................................. Colbert ................................ Conecuh ..............................

1840 1840 1840 1870 1850 1820 1870 1870 1850 1870 1820

118,572 34,215 25,989 43,643 13,859 25,833 13,932 14,972 49,948 54,428 13,228

112,249 36,583 23,988 39,593 15,922 27,867 14,254 14,123 43,615 54,984 14,089

116,034 36,876 19,543 32,458 16,018 27,240 13,252 12,730 40,240 51,666 14,054

119,761 39,191 18,760 30,612 16,839 27,702 13,703 12,595 38,533 54,519 15,884

103,092 36,356 15,606 25,180 16,589 26,724 12,636 10,996 34,872 49,632 15,645

95,878 37,828 16,303 25,693 17,870 25,738 12,400 10,911 30,583 46,506 17,762

79,539 39,528 17,634 26,922 19,152 26,548 13,929 11,904 30,720 39,561 21,776

63,319 42,146 19,928 27,955 20,195 27,636 16,907 13,629 31,987 34,093 25,489

55,611 39,313 20,219 24,579 20,513 26,016 17,768 12,877 32,556 29,860 25,429

47,822 41,201 20,862 22,770 20,753 26,409 22,645 13,360 30,070 31,997 24,593

01037 01039 01041 01043 01045 01047 01049 01051 01053 01055 01057

Coosa .................................. Covington............................ Crenshaw ............................ Cullman ............................... Dale ..................................... Dallas................................... DeKalb................................. Elmore ................................. Escambia ............................. Etowah ................................ Fayette.................................

1840 1830 1870 1880 1830 1820 1840 1870 1870 1870 1830

11,539 37,765 13,906 80,406 50,251 43,820 71,109 79,303 38,319 104,430 17,241

12,202 37,631 13,665 77,483 49,129 46,365 64,452 65,874 38,440 103,459 18,495

11,063 36,478 13,635 67,613 49,633 48,130 54,651 49,210 35,518 99,840 17,962

11,377 36,850 14,110 61,642 47,821 53,981 53,658 43,390 38,440 103,057 18,809

10,662 34,079 13,188 52,445 52,938 55,296 41,981 33,535 34,906 94,144 16,252

10,726 35,631 14,909 45,572 31,066 56,667 41,417 30,524 33,511 96,980 16,148

11,766 40,373 18,981 49,046 20,828 56,270 45,048 31,649 31,443 93,892 19,388

13,460 42,417 23,631 47,343 22,685 55,245 43,075 34,546 30,671 72,580 21,651

12,460 41,356 23,656 41,051 23,175 55,094 40,104 34,280 27,963 63,399 18,443

14,839 38,103 23,017 33,034 22,711 54,697 34,426 28,085 22,464 47,275 18,365

01059 01061 01063 01065 01067 01069 01071 01073 01075 01077 01079

Franklin................................ Geneva ................................ Greene ................................ Hale ..................................... Henry................................... Houston............................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Lamar .................................. Lauderdale ........................... Lawrence .............................

1820 1870 1820 1870 1820 1910 1820 1830 1870 1820 1830

31,704 26,790 9,045 15,760 17,302 101,547 53,227 658,466 14,564 92,709 34,339

31,223 25,764 9,974 17,185 16,310 88,787 53,926 662,047 15,904 87,966 34,803

27,814 23,647 10,153 15,498 15,374 81,331 47,796 651,525 15,715 79,661 31,513

28,350 24,253 11,021 15,604 15,302 74,632 51,407 671,324 16,453 80,546 30,170

23,933 21,924 10,650 15,888 13,254 56,574 39,202 644,991 14,335 68,111 27,281

21,988 22,310 13,600 19,537 15,286 50,718 36,681 634,864 14,271 61,622 24,501

25,705 25,899 16,482 20,832 18,674 46,522 38,998 558,928 16,441 54,179 27,128

27,552 29,172 19,185 25,533 21,912 45,665 41,802 459,930 19,708 46,230 27,880

25,372 30,104 19,745 26,265 22,820 45,935 36,881 431,493 18,001 41,130 26,942

22,011 29,315 18,133 24,289 21,547 37,334 35,864 310,054 18,149 39,556 24,307

01081 01083 01085 01087 01089 01091 01093 01095 01097 01099 01101

Lee ...................................... Limestone ............................ Lowndes .............................. Macon ................................. Madison .............................. Marengo.............................. Marion................................. Marshall............................... Mobile ................................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................

1870 1820 1830 1840 1810 1820 1830 1840 1820 1820 1820

140,247 82,782 11,299 21,452 334,811 21,027 30,776 93,019 412,992 23,068 229,363

115,092 65,676 13,473 24,105 276,700 22,539 31,214 82,231 399,843 24,324 223,510

87,146 54,135 12,658 24,928 238,912 23,084 29,830 70,832 378,643 23,968 209,085

76,283 46,005 13,253 26,829 196,966 25,047 30,041 65,622 364,980 22,651 197,038

61,268 41,699 12,897 24,841 186,540 23,819 23,788 54,211 317,308 20,883 167,790

49,754 36,513 15,417 26,717 117,348 27,098 21,837 48,018 314,301 22,372 169,210

45,073 35,766 18,018 30,561 72,903 29,494 27,264 45,090 231,105 25,732 138,965

36,455 35,642 22,661 27,654 66,317 35,736 28,776 42,395 141,974 29,465 114,420

36,063 36,629 22,878 27,103 64,623 36,426 25,967 39,802 118,363 30,070 98,671

32,821 31,341 25,406 23,561 51,268 36,065 22,008 32,669 100,117 28,884 80,853

01103 01105 01107 01109 01111 01113 01115 01117 01119 01121 01123

Morgan ............................... Perry .................................... Pickens ................................ Pike ..................................... Randolph ............................. Russell ................................. St. Clair................................ Shelby.................................. Sumter................................. Talladega ............................. Tallapoosa ............................

1820 1830 1830 1830 1840 1840 1820 1820 1840 1840 1840

119,490 10,591 19,746 32,899 22,913 52,947 83,593 195,085 13,763 82,291 41,616

111,064 11,861 20,949 29,605 22,380 49,756 64,742 143,293 14,798 80,321 41,475

100,043 12,759 20,699 27,595 19,881 46,860 50,009 99,358 16,174 74,107 38,826

90,231 15,012 21,481 28,050 20,075 47,356 41,205 66,298 16,908 73,826 38,676

77,306 15,388 20,326 25,038 18,331 45,394 27,956 38,037 16,974 65,280 33,840

60,454 17,358 21,882 25,987 19,477 46,351 25,388 32,132 20,041 65,495 35,007

52,924 20,439 24,349 30,608 22,513 40,364 26,687 30,362 23,610 63,639 35,074

48,148 26,610 27,671 32,493 25,516 35,775 27,336 28,962 27,321 51,832 35,270

46,176 26,385 24,902 32,240 26,861 27,377 24,510 27,576 26,929 45,241 31,188

40,196 25,373 25,353 31,631 27,064 27,448 23,383 27,097 25,569 41,005 29,744


Resident population enumerated by census 2010










308,745,538 281,424,603 248,718,302 226,542,199 203,302,031 179,323,175 151,325,798 132,164,569 123,202,624 106,021,537

County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910














UNITED STATES .............. 92,228,496 76,212,168 62,979,766 50,189,209 38,558,371 31,443,321 23,191,876 17,069,453 12,866,020 9,638,453 7,239,881 5,308,483 3,929,214


ALABAMA ......................

01001 01003 01005 01007 01009 01011 01013

Autauga .......................... Baldwin ........................... Barbour ........................... Bibb ................................. Blount.............................. Bullock............................. Butler...............................

20,038 18,178 32,728 22,791 21,456 30,196 29,030

17,915 13,194 35,152 18,498 23,119 31,944 25,761

13,330 8,941 34,898 13,824 21,927 27,063 21,641

01015 01017 01019 01021 01023 01025 01027 01029 01031 01033 01035

Calhoun........................... Chambers ........................ Cherokee ......................... Chilton ............................ Choctaw .......................... Clarke .............................. Clay ................................. Cleburne.......................... Coffee ............................. Colbert ............................ Conecuh ..........................

39,115 36,056 20,226 23,187 18,483 30,987 21,006 13,385 26,119 24,802 21,433

34,874 32,554 21,096 16,522 18,136 27,790 17,099 13,206 20,972 22,341 17,514

01037 01039 01041 01043 01045 01047 01049 01051 01053 01055 01057

Coosa .............................. Covington........................ Crenshaw ........................ Cullman ........................... Dale ................................. Dallas............................... DeKalb............................. Elmore ............................. Escambia ......................... Etowah ............................ Fayette.............................

16,634 32,124 23,313 28,321 21,608 53,401 28,261 28,245 18,889 39,109 16,248

01059 01061 01063 01065 01067 01069 01071 01073 01075 01077 01079

Franklin............................ Geneva ............................ Greene ............................ Hale ................................. Henry............................... Houston........................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Lamar .............................. Lauderdale ....................... Lawrence .........................

01081 01083 01085 01087 01089 01091 01093 01095 01097 01099 01101 01103 01105 01107 01109 01111 01113 01115 01117 01119 01121 01123

2,138,093 1,828,697 1,513,401 1,262,505










13,108 8,603 33,979 9,487 15,369 29,066 19,649

11,623 6,004 29,309 7,469 9,945 24,474 14,981

16,739 7,530 30,812 11,894 10,865 --18,122

15,023 4,414 23,632 9,969 7,367 --10,836

14,342 2,951 12,024 8,284 5,570 --8,685

11,874 2,324 --6,306 4,233 --5,650

3,853 1,713 --3,676 2,415 --1,405

--1,427 -----------



33,835 26,319 20,459 14,549 17,526 22,624 15,765 13,218 12,170 20,189 14,594

19,591 23,440 19,108 10,793 15,731 17,806 12,938 10,976 8,119 16,153 12,605

13,980 17,562 11,132 6,194 12,676 14,663 9,560 8,017 6,171 12,537 9,574

21,539 23,214 18,360 --13,877 15,049 ----9,623 --11,311

17,163 23,960 13,884 --8,389 9,786 ----5,940 --9,322

14,260 17,333 8,773 ----8,640 --------8,197

----------7,595 --------7,444

----------5,839 --------5,713




16,144 15,346 19,668 17,849 21,189 54,657 23,558 26,099 11,320 27,361 14,132

15,906 7,536 15,425 13,439 17,225 49,350 21,106 21,732 8,666 21,926 12,823

15,113 5,639 11,726 6,355 12,677 48,433 12,675 17,502 5,719 15,398 10,135

11,945 4,868 11,156 --11,325 40,705 7,126 14,477 4,041 10,109 7,136

19,273 6,469 ----12,197 33,625 10,705 ------12,850

14,543 3,645 ----6,382 29,727 8,245 ------9,681

6,995 2,435 ----7,397 25,199 5,929 ------6,942

--1,522 ----2,031 14,017 --------3,547

----------6,003 -----------




19,369 26,230 22,717 27,883 20,943 32,414 32,918 226,476 17,487 30,936 21,984

16,511 19,096 24,182 31,011 36,147 --30,508 140,420 16,084 26,559 20,124

10,681 10,690 22,007 27,501 24,847 --28,026 88,501 14,187 23,739 20,725

9,155 4,342 21,931 26,553 18,761 --25,114 23,272 12,142 21,035 21,392

8,006 2,959 18,399 21,792 14,191 --19,410 12,345 8,893 15,091 16,658

18,627 --30,859 --14,918 --18,283 11,746 --17,420 13,975

19,610 --31,441 --9,019 --14,088 8,989 --17,172 15,258

14,270 --24,024 --5,787 --15,715 7,131 --14,485 13,313

11,078 --15,026 --4,020 --12,700 6,855 --11,781 14,984

4,988 --4,554 --2,638 --8,751 ----4,963 ---




Lee .................................. Limestone ........................ Lowndes .......................... Macon ............................. Madison .......................... Marengo.......................... Marion............................. Marshall........................... Mobile ............................. Monroe ........................... Montgomery....................

32,867 26,880 31,894 26,049 47,041 39,923 17,495 28,553 80,854 27,155 82,178

31,826 22,387 35,651 23,126 43,702 38,315 14,494 23,289 62,740 23,666 72,047

28,694 21,201 31,550 18,439 38,119 33,095 11,347 18,935 51,971 18,990 56,172

27,262 21,600 31,176 17,371 37,625 30,890 9,364 14,585 48,653 17,091 52,356

21,750 15,017 25,719 17,727 31,267 26,151 6,059 9,871 49,311 14,214 43,704

--15,306 27,716 26,802 26,451 31,171 11,182 11,472 41,131 15,667 35,904

--16,483 21,915 26,898 26,427 27,831 7,833 8,846 27,600 12,013 29,711

--14,374 19,539 11,247 25,706 17,264 5,847 7,553 18,741 10,680 24,574

--14,807 9,410 --27,990 7,700 4,058 --6,267 8,782 12,695

--9,871 ----17,481 2,933 ----2,672 8,838 6,604

--------4,699 -------------



Morgan ........................... Perry ................................ Pickens ............................ Pike ................................. Randolph ......................... Russell ............................. St. Clair............................ Shelby.............................. Sumter............................. Talladega ......................... Tallapoosa ........................

33,781 31,222 25,055 30,815 24,659 25,937 20,715 26,949 28,699 37,921 31,034

28,820 31,783 24,402 29,172 21,647 27,083 19,425 23,684 32,710 35,773 29,675

24,089 29,332 22,470 24,423 17,219 24,093 17,353 20,886 29,574 29,346 25,460

16,428 30,741 21,479 20,640 16,575 24,837 14,462 17,236 28,728 23,360 23,401

12,187 24,975 17,690 17,423 12,006 21,636 9,360 12,218 24,109 18,064 16,963

11,335 27,724 22,316 24,435 20,059 26,592 11,013 12,618 24,035 23,520 23,827

10,125 22,285 21,512 15,920 11,581 19,548 6,829 9,536 22,250 18,624 15,584

9,841 19,086 17,118 10,108 4,973 13,513 5,638 6,112 29,937 12,587 6,444

9,062 11,490 6,622 7,108 ----5,975 5,704 -------

5,263 ----------4,166 2,416 -------




Part C — Counties 57

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County






1820 1830 1800 1820 1850

194,656 67,023 17,581 11,670 24,484

164,875 70,713 18,097 13,183 24,843

150,522 67,670 16,694 13,568 22,053

137,541 68,660 16,821 14,755 21,953

116,029 56,246 16,241 16,303 16,654

109,047 54,211 15,372 18,739 14,858

94,092 63,769 15,612 23,476 18,250

76,036 64,201 16,188 26,279 18,746

64,153 59,445 16,365 24,880 15,596

53,680 50,593 14,279 31,080 14,378













Aleutians East Borough ........ Aleutians West Census Area .................................... Anchorage Borough/ Municipality ......................... Angoon ............................... Bethel Census Area .............. Bristol Bay Borough.............. Cordova-McCarthy .............. Denali Borough .................... Dillingham Census Area ....... Fairbanks North Star Borough .............................. Haines Borough .................. Hoonah-Angoon Census Area .................................... Juneau City and Borough ..... Kenai Peninsula Borough ..... Ketchikan Gateway Borough Kodiak Island Borough ......... Kuskokwim .......................... Lake and Peninsula Borough























1960 1970 1960 1970 1960 2000 1960

291,826 --17,013 997 --1,826 4,847

260,283 --16,006 1,258 --1,893 4,922

226,338 --13,656 1,410 ---

174,431 --10,999 1,094 ---

124,542 503 7,579 1,147 1,857

82,833 --5,537 --1,759













1960 1970

97,581 2,508

82,840 2,392

77,720 2,117

53,983 1,680

45,864 1,504

43,412 ---





2010 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1990

2,150 31,275 55,400 13,477 13,592 --1,631

--30,711 49,691 14,070 13,913 --1,823

--26,751 40,802 13,828 13,309 --1,668

--19,528 25,282 11,316 9,939 -----

--13,556 14,250 10,041 9,409 2,306 ---

--9,745 6,097 10,070 7,174 2,301 ---





Lynn Canal-Icy Straits ........... Matanuska-Susitna Borough Nome Census Area .............. North Slope Borough ........... Northwest Arctic Borough .... Outer Ketchikan................... Petersburg Census Area ....... Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area ........................ Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area ........

1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1970 2010

--88,995 9,492 9,430 7,523 --3,815

--59,322 9,196 7,385 7,208 -----

--39,683 8,288 5,979 6,113 -----

--17,816 6,537 4,199 4,831 -----

--6,509 5,749 2,663 4,434 1,676 ---

2,945 5,188 6,091 2,133 3,560 -----



























Seward ................................ Sitka Borough ..................... Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area ........................ Skagway Municipality .......... Southeast Fairbanks Census Area .................................... Upper Yukon ....................... Valdez-Cordova Census Area .................................... Wade Hampton Census Area ....................................

1960 1960





2,336 6,109

2,956 6,690





1970 2010



4,385 ---

3,478 ---

2,157 ---






1970 1960

7,029 ---

6,174 ---

5,913 ---

5,676 ---

4,179 1,684




























2010 1960 2000

2,369 --662


--7,042 ---

--6,167 ---

--4,913 ---

--4,181 ---
















01125 01127 01129 01131 01133 02000 02013

02020 02030 02050 02060 02060.1 02068 02070 02090 02100 02105 02110 02122 02130 02150 02160 02164 02165.1 02170 02180 02185 02188 02190 02195 02198 02201 02210 02220 02231 02230 02240 02250 02261 02270 02275 02280 02282 02290


Resident population enumerated by census 2010

ALABAMA cnt’d Tuscaloosa ........................... Walker ................................. Washington ......................... Wilcox ................................. Winston ...............................


Year of first census

Wrangell City and Borough .. Wrangell-Petersburg C.A ..... Yakutat City and Borough .... Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area ....................................

County and City Extra





Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













01125 01127 01129 01131 01133

ALABAMA cnt’d Tuscaloosa ....................... Walker ............................. Washington ..................... Wilcox ............................. Winston ...........................

47,559 37,013 14,454 33,810 12,855

36,147 25,162 11,134 35,631 9,554

30,352 16,078 7,935 30,816 6,552

24,957 9,479 4,538 31,828 4,253

20,081 6,543 3,912 28,377 4,155

23,200 7,980 4,669 24,618 3,576

18,056 5,124 2,713 17,352 1,542

16,583 4,032 5,300 15,278 ---

13,646 2,202 3,474 9,548 ---

8,229 ----2,917 ---

----2,920 -----

----1,250 -----

















Aleutians East Borough .... Aleutians West Census 02016 Area ................................ Anchorage Borough/ 02020 Municipality ..................... 02030 Angoon ........................... 02050 Bethel Census Area .......... 02060 Bristol Bay Borough.......... 02060.1 Cordova-McCarthy .......... 02068 Denali Borough ................ 02070 Dillingham Census Area ... Fairbanks North Star 02090 Borough .......................... 02100 Haines Borough .............. Hoonah-Angoon Census 02105 Area ................................ 02110 Juneau City and Borough . 02122 Kenai Peninsula Borough . Ketchikan Gateway 02130 Borough .......................... 02150 Kodiak Island Borough ..... 02160 Kuskokwim ...................... Lake and Peninsula 02164 Borough ..........................





























































































































































































































































02165.1 Lynn Canal-Icy Straits ....... Matanuska-Susitna 02170 Borough ......................... 02180 Nome Census Area .......... 02185 North Slope Borough ....... 02188 Northwest Arctic Borough . 02190 02195 02198 02201 02210 02220 02231 02230 02240 02250 02261 02270

02275 02280 02282 02290

Outer Ketchikan............... Petersburg Census Area ... Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area .................... Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area .... Seward ............................ Sitka Borough ................. Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area .................... Skagway Municipality ...... Southeast Fairbanks Census Area .................... Upper Yukon ................... Valdez-Cordova Census Area ................................ Wade Hampton Census Area ................................ Wrangell City and Borough .......................... Wrangell-Petersburg C.A . Yakutat City and Borough Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area ................................

Part C — Counties 59

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census






ARIZONA ............................












04001 04001.1 04003 04005 04007 04009 04011 04012 04013 04015

Apache ................................ Arizona ................................ Cochise................................ Coconino ............................. Gila...................................... Graham ............................... Greenlee .............................. La Paz .................................. Maricopa ............................. Mohave ...............................

1880 1860 1890 1900 1890 1890 1920 1990 1880 1870

71,518 --131,346 134,421 53,597 37,220 8,437 20,489 3,817,117 200,186

69,423 --117,755 116,320 51,335 33,489 8,547 19,715 3,072,149 155,032

61,591 --97,624 96,591 40,216 26,554 8,008 13,844 2,122,101 93,497

52,108 --85,686 75,008 37,080 22,862 11,406 --1,509,052 55,865

32,298 --61,910 48,326 29,255 16,578 10,330 --967,522 25,857

30,438 --55,039 41,857 25,745 14,045 11,509 --663,510 7,736

27,767 --31,488 23,910 24,158 12,985 12,805 --331,770 8,510

24,095 --34,627 18,770 23,867 12,113 8,698 --186,193 8,591

17,765 --40,998 14,064 31,016 10,373 9,886 --150,970 5,572

13,196 --46,465 9,982 25,678 10,148 15,362 --89,576 5,259

04017 04019 04021 04023 04025 04027

Navajo ................................. Pima .................................... Pinal .................................... Santa Cruz ........................... Yavapai ................................ Yuma ...................................

1900 1870 1880 1900 1870 1870

107,449 980,263 375,770 47,420 211,033 195,751

97,470 843,746 179,727 38,381 167,517 160,026

77,658 666,880 116,379 29,676 107,714 106,895

67,629 531,443 90,918 20,459 68,145 90,554

47,715 351,667 67,916 13,966 36,733 60,827

37,994 265,660 62,673 10,808 28,912 46,235

29,446 141,216 43,191 9,344 24,991 28,006

25,309 72,838 28,841 9,482 26,511 19,326

21,202 55,676 22,081 9,684 28,470 17,816

16,077 34,680 16,130 12,689 24,016 14,904














05001 05003 05005 05007 05009 05011 05013 05015 05017 05019 05021

Arkansas .............................. Ashley.................................. Baxter .................................. Benton................................. Boone .................................. Bradley ................................ Calhoun............................... Carroll ................................. Chicot.................................. Clark.................................... Clay .....................................

1810 1850 1880 1840 1870 1850 1860 1840 1830 1820 1880

19,019 21,853 41,513 221,339 36,903 11,508 5,368 27,446 11,800 22,995 16,083

20,749 24,209 38,386 153,406 33,948 12,600 5,744 25,357 14,117 23,546 17,609

21,653 24,319 31,186 97,499 28,297 11,793 5,826 18,654 15,713 21,437 18,107

24,175 26,538 27,409 78,115 26,067 13,803 6,079 16,203 17,793 23,326 20,616

23,347 24,976 15,319 50,476 19,073 12,778 5,573 12,301 18,164 21,537 18,771

23,355 24,220 9,943 36,272 16,116 14,029 5,991 11,284 18,990 20,950 21,258

23,665 25,660 11,683 38,076 16,260 15,987 7,132 13,244 22,306 22,998 26,674

24,437 26,785 10,281 36,148 15,860 18,097 9,636 14,737 27,452 24,402 28,386

22,300 25,151 9,519 35,253 14,937 17,494 9,752 15,820 22,646 24,932 27,278

21,483 23,410 10,216 36,253 16,098 15,970 11,807 17,786 21,749 25,632 27,276

05023 05025 05027 05029 05031 05033 05035 05037 05039 05041 05043 05045 05047 05049 05051 05053 05055 05057 05059 05061 05063 05065

Cleburne.............................. Cleveland............................. Columbia ............................. Conway ............................... Craighead ............................ Crawford ............................. Crittenden ........................... Cross ................................... Dallas................................... Desha .................................. Drew ................................... Faulkner............................... Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Garland ............................... Grant ................................... Greene ................................ Hempstead .......................... Hot Spring ........................... Howard ............................... Independence ...................... Izard ....................................

1890 1880 1860 1830 1860 1830 1830 1870 1850 1840 1850 1880 1840 1850 1880 1870 1840 1820 1830 1880 1830 1830

25,970 8,689 24,552 21,273 96,443 61,948 50,902 17,870 8,116 13,008 18,509 113,237 18,125 12,245 96,024 17,853 42,090 22,609 32,923 13,789 36,647 13,696

24,046 8,571 25,603 20,336 82,148 53,247 50,866 19,526 9,210 15,341 18,723 86,014 17,771 11,642 88,068 16,464 37,331 23,587 30,353 14,300 34,233 13,249

19,411 7,781 25,691 19,151 68,956 42,493 49,939 19,225 9,614 16,798 17,369 60,006 14,897 10,037 73,397 13,948 31,804 21,621 26,115 13,569 31,192 11,364

16,909 7,868 26,644 19,505 63,239 36,892 49,499 20,434 10,515 19,760 17,910 46,192 14,705 9,975 70,531 13,008 30,744 23,635 26,819 13,459 30,147 10,768

10,349 6,605 25,952 16,805 52,068 25,677 48,106 19,783 10,022 18,761 15,157 31,572 11,301 7,699 54,131 9,711 24,765 19,308 21,963 11,412 22,723 7,381

9,059 6,944 26,400 15,430 47,303 21,318 47,564 19,551 10,522 20,770 15,213 24,303 10,213 6,657 46,697 8,294 25,198 19,661 21,893 10,878 20,048 6,766

11,487 8,956 28,770 18,137 50,613 22,727 47,184 24,757 12,416 25,155 17,959 25,289 12,358 9,187 47,102 9,024 29,149 25,080 22,181 13,342 23,488 9,953

13,134 12,570 29,822 21,536 47,200 23,920 42,473 26,046 14,471 27,160 19,831 25,880 15,683 10,253 41,664 10,477 30,204 32,770 18,916 16,621 25,643 12,834

11,373 12,744 27,320 21,949 44,740 22,549 39,717 25,723 14,671 21,814 19,928 28,381 15,762 10,834 36,031 9,834 26,127 30,847 18,105 17,489 24,225 12,872

12,696 12,260 27,670 22,578 37,541 25,739 29,309 18,579 14,424 20,297 21,822 27,681 19,364 11,182 25,785 10,710 26,105 31,602 17,784 18,565 23,976 13,871

05067 05069 05071 05073 05075 05077 05079 05081 05083 05085 05087

Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Johnson ............................... Lafayette.............................. Lawrence ............................. Lee ...................................... Lincoln ................................. Little River ............................ Logan .................................. Lonoke ................................ Madison ..............................

1830 1830 1840 1830 1820 1880 1880 1870 1880 1880 1840

17,997 77,435 25,540 7,645 17,415 10,424 14,134 13,171 22,353 68,356 15,717

18,418 84,278 22,781 8,559 17,774 12,580 14,492 13,628 22,486 52,828 14,243

18,944 85,487 18,221 9,643 17,457 13,053 13,690 13,966 20,557 39,268 11,618

21,646 90,718 17,423 10,213 18,447 15,539 13,369 13,952 20,144 34,518 11,373

20,452 85,329 13,630 10,018 16,320 18,884 12,913 11,194 16,789 26,249 9,453

22,843 81,373 12,421 11,030 17,267 21,001 14,447 9,211 15,957 24,551 9,068

25,912 76,075 16,138 13,203 21,303 24,322 17,079 11,690 20,260 27,278 11,734

26,427 65,101 18,795 16,851 22,651 26,810 19,709 15,932 25,967 29,802 14,531

27,943 64,154 19,289 16,934 21,663 26,637 20,250 15,515 24,110 33,759 13,334

25,446 60,330 21,062 15,522 22,098 28,852 18,774 16,301 25,866 33,400 14,918


Resident population enumerated by census 2010

County and City Extra






Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County


Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1870













ARIZONA ........................














04001 04001.1 04003 04005 04007 04009 04011 04012 04013 04015

Apache ............................ Arizona ............................ Cochise............................ Coconino ......................... Gila.................................. Graham ........................... Greenlee .......................... La Paz .............................. Maricopa ......................... Mohave ...........................

9,196 --34,591 8,130 16,348 23,999 ----34,488 3,773

8,297 --9,251 5,514 4,973 14,162 ----20,457 3,426

4,281 --6,938 --2,021 5,670 ----10,986 1,444

5,283 --------------5,689 1,190


--6,482 -----------------








04017 04019 04021 04023 04025 04027

Navajo ............................. Pima ................................ Pinal ................................ Santa Cruz ....................... Yavapai ............................ Yuma ...............................

11,471 22,818 9,045 6,766 15,996 7,733

8,829 14,689 7,779 4,545 13,799 4,145

--12,673 4,251 --8,685 2,671

--17,006 3,044 --5,013 3,215

--5,716 ----2,142 1,621











1,574,449 1,311,564 1,128,211











05001 05003 05005 05007 05009 05011 05013 05015 05017 05019 05021

Arkansas .......................... Ashley.............................. Baxter .............................. Benton............................. Boone .............................. Bradley ............................ Calhoun........................... Carroll ............................. Chicot.............................. Clark................................ Clay .................................

16,103 25,268 10,389 33,389 14,318 14,518 9,894 16,829 21,987 23,686 23,690

12,973 19,734 9,298 31,611 16,396 9,651 8,539 18,848 14,528 21,289 15,886

11,432 13,295 8,527 27,716 15,816 7,972 7,267 17,288 11,419 20,997 12,200

8,038 10,156 6,004 20,328 12,146 6,285 5,671 13,337 10,117 15,771 7,213

8,268 8,042 --13,831 7,032 8,646 3,853 5,780 7,214 11,953 ---

8,844 8,590 --9,306 --8,388 4,103 9,383 9,234 9,735 ---

3,245 2,058 --3,710 --3,829 --4,614 5,115 4,070 ---

1,346 ----2,228 ------2,844 3,806 2,309 ---

1,426 --------------1,165 1,369 ---

1,260 ----------------1,040 ---

1,062 ---------------------



05023 05025 05027 05029 05031 05033

Cleburne.......................... Cleveland......................... Columbia ......................... Conway ........................... Craighead ........................ Crawford .........................

11,903 13,481 23,820 22,729 27,627 23,942

9,628 11,620 22,077 19,772 19,505 21,270

7,884 11,362 19,893 19,459 12,025 21,714

--8,370 14,090 12,755 7,037 14,740

----11,397 8,112 4,577 8,957

----12,449 6,697 3,066 7,850

------3,583 --7,960

------2,892 --4,266

------982 --2,440





05035 05037 05039 05041 05043 05045 05047 05049 05051 05053 05055 05057 05059 05061 05063 05065

Crittenden ....................... Cross ............................... Dallas............................... Desha .............................. Drew ............................... Faulkner........................... Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Garland ........................... Grant ............................... Greene ............................ Hempstead ...................... Hot Spring ....................... Howard ........................... Independence .................. Izard ................................

22,447 14,042 12,621 15,274 21,960 23,708 20,638 12,193 27,271 9,425 23,852 28,285 15,022 16,898 24,776 14,561

14,529 11,051 11,518 11,511 19,451 20,780 17,395 12,917 18,773 7,671 16,979 24,101 12,748 14,076 22,557 13,506

13,940 7,693 9,296 10,324 17,352 18,342 19,934 10,984 15,328 7,786 12,908 22,796 11,603 13,789 21,961 13,038

9,415 5,050 6,505 8,973 12,231 12,786 14,951 6,720 9,023 6,185 7,480 19,015 7,775 9,917 18,086 10,857

3,831 3,915 5,707 6,125 9,960 --9,627 4,843 --3,943 7,573 13,768 5,877 --14,566 6,806

4,920 --8,283 6,459 9,078 --7,298 4,024 ----5,843 13,989 5,635 --14,307 7,215

2,648 --6,877 2,911 3,276 --3,972 1,819 ----2,593 7,672 3,609 --7,767 3,213

1,561 ----1,598 ----2,665 ------1,586 4,921 1,907 --3,669 2,240

1,272 --------------------2,512 458 --2,031 1,266

----------------------2,248 ---------




05067 05069 05071 05073 05075 05077 05079 05081 05083 05085 05087

Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Johnson ........................... Lafayette.......................... Lawrence ......................... Lee .................................. Lincoln ............................. Little River ........................ Logan .............................. Lonoke ............................ Madison ..........................

23,501 52,734 19,698 13,741 20,001 24,252 15,118 13,597 26,350 27,983 16,056

18,383 40,972 17,448 10,594 16,491 19,409 13,389 13,731 20,563 22,544 19,864

15,179 40,881 16,758 7,700 12,984 18,886 10,255 8,903 20,774 19,263 17,402

10,877 22,386 11,565 5,730 8,782 13,288 9,255 6,404 14,885 12,146 11,455

7,268 15,733 9,152 9,139 5,981 ----3,236 ----8,231

10,493 14,971 7,612 8,464 9,372 ----------7,740

3,086 5,834 5,227 5,220 5,274 ----------4,823

1,540 2,566 3,433 2,200 2,835 ----------2,775

333 772 --748 2,806 -------------

--------5,602 -------------




Part C — Counties 61

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










05089 05089.1 05091 05093 05095 05097 05099 05101 05103 05105 05107

ARKANSAS cnt’d Marion................................. Miller (old) ........................... Miller ................................... Mississippi............................ Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Nevada ................................ Newton ............................... Ouachita .............................. Perry .................................... Phillips .................................

1840 1820 1880 1840 1830 1850 1880 1850 1850 1850 1820

16,653 --43,462 46,480 8,149 9,487 8,997 8,330 26,120 10,445 21,757

16,140 --40,443 51,979 10,254 9,245 9,955 8,608 28,790 10,209 26,445

12,001 --38,467 57,525 11,333 7,841 10,101 7,666 30,574 7,969 28,838

11,334 --37,766 59,517 14,052 7,771 11,097 7,756 30,541 7,266 34,772

7,000 --33,385 62,060 15,657 5,821 10,111 5,844 30,896 5,634 40,046

6,041 --31,686 70,174 17,327 5,370 10,700 5,963 31,641 4,927 43,997

8,609 --32,614 82,375 19,540 6,680 14,781 8,685 33,051 5,978 46,254

9,464 --31,874 80,217 21,133 8,876 19,869 10,881 31,151 8,392 45,970

8,876 --30,586 69,289 20,651 10,768 20,407 10,564 29,890 7,695 40,683

10,154 --24,021 47,320 21,601 11,112 21,934 11,199 20,636 9,905 44,530

05109 05111 05113 05115 05117 05119 05121 05123 05125 05127 05129

Pike ..................................... Poinsett ............................... Polk ..................................... Pope .................................... Prairie .................................. Pulaski ................................. Randolph ............................. St. Francis ............................ Saline................................... Scott .................................... Searcy ..................................

1840 1840 1850 1830 1850 1820 1840 1830 1840 1840 1840

11,291 24,583 20,662 61,754 8,715 382,748 17,969 28,258 107,118 11,233 8,195

11,303 25,614 20,229 54,469 9,539 361,474 18,195 29,329 83,529 10,996 8,261

10,086 24,664 17,347 45,883 9,518 349,660 16,558 28,497 64,183 10,205 7,841

10,373 27,032 17,007 39,021 10,140 340,613 16,834 30,858 53,161 9,685 8,847

8,711 26,822 13,297 28,607 10,249 287,189 12,645 30,799 36,107 8,207 7,731

7,864 30,834 11,981 21,177 10,515 242,980 12,520 33,303 28,956 7,297 8,124

10,032 39,311 14,182 23,291 13,768 196,685 15,982 36,841 23,816 10,057 10,424

11,786 37,670 15,832 25,682 15,304 156,085 18,319 36,043 19,163 13,300 11,942

11,792 29,695 14,857 26,547 15,187 137,727 16,871 33,394 15,660 11,803 11,056

12,397 20,848 16,412 27,153 17,447 109,464 17,713 28,385 16,781 13,232 14,590

05131 05133 05135 05137 05139 05141 05143 05145 05147 05149

Sebastian ............................. Sevier................................... Sharp ................................... Stone ................................... Union .................................. Van Buren ............................ Washington ......................... White .................................. Woodruff ............................. Yell ......................................

1860 1830 1870 1880 1830 1840 1830 1840 1870 1850

125,744 17,058 17,264 12,394 41,639 17,295 203,065 77,076 7,260 22,185

115,071 15,757 17,119 11,499 45,629 16,192 157,715 67,165 8,741 21,139

99,590 13,637 14,109 9,775 46,719 14,008 113,409 54,676 9,520 17,759

95,172 14,060 14,607 9,022 48,573 13,357 100,494 50,835 11,222 17,026

79,237 11,272 8,233 6,838 45,428 8,275 77,370 39,253 11,566 14,208

66,685 10,156 6,319 6,294 49,518 7,228 55,797 32,745 13,954 11,940

64,202 12,293 8,999 7,662 49,686 9,687 49,979 38,040 18,957 14,057

62,809 15,248 11,497 8,603 50,461 12,518 41,114 37,176 22,133 20,970

54,426 16,364 10,715 7,993 55,800 11,962 39,255 38,269 22,682 21,313

56,739 18,301 11,132 8,779 29,691 13,666 35,468 34,603 21,547 25,655


CALIFORNIA .......................












06001 06003 06005 06007 06009 06011 06013 06015 06017 06019

Alameda .............................. Alpine .................................. Amador ............................... Butte ................................... Calaveras ............................. Colusa ................................. Contra Costa ....................... Del Norte ............................. El Dorado............................. Fresno..................................

1860 1870 1860 1850 1850 1850 1860 1860 1850 1860

1,510,271 1,175 38,091 220,000 45,578 21,419 1,049,025 28,610 181,058 930,450

1,443,741 1,208 35,100 203,171 40,554 18,804 948,816 27,507 156,299 799,407

1,279,182 1,113 30,039 182,120 31,998 16,275 803,732 23,460 125,995 667,490

1,105,379 1,097 19,314 143,851 20,710 12,791 656,380 18,217 85,812 514,621

1,073,184 484 11,821 101,969 13,585 12,430 558,389 14,580 43,833 413,053

908,209 397 9,990 82,030 10,289 12,075 409,030 17,771 29,390 365,945

740,315 241 9,151 64,930 9,902 11,651 298,984 8,078 16,207 276,515

513,011 323 8,973 42,840 8,221 9,788 100,450 4,745 13,229 178,565

474,883 241 8,494 34,093 6,008 10,258 78,608 4,739 8,325 144,379

344,177 243 7,793 30,030 6,183 9,290 53,889 2,759 6,426 128,779

06021 06023 06025 06027 06029 06031 06031.5 06033 06035 06037 06039

Glenn .................................. Humboldt ............................ Imperial ............................... Inyo ..................................... Kern .................................... Kings ................................... Klamath ............................... Lake..................................... Lassen.................................. Los Angeles ......................... Madera ................................

1900 1860 1910 1870 1870 1900 1860 1870 1870 1850 1900

28,122 134,623 174,528 18,546 839,631 152,982 --64,665 34,895 9,818,605 150,865

26,453 126,518 142,361 17,945 661,645 129,461 --58,309 33,828 9,519,338 123,109

24,798 119,118 109,303 18,281 543,477 101,469 --50,631 27,598 8,863,164 88,090

21,350 108,514 92,110 17,895 403,089 73,738 --36,366 21,661 7,477,503 63,116

17,521 99,692 74,492 15,571 329,162 64,610 --19,548 14,960 7,032,075 41,519

17,245 104,892 72,105 11,684 291,984 49,954 --13,786 13,597 6,038,771 40,468

15,448 69,241 62,975 11,658 228,309 46,768 --11,481 18,474 4,151,687 36,964

12,195 45,812 59,740 7,625 135,124 35,168 --8,069 14,479 2,785,643 23,314

10,935 43,233 60,903 6,555 82,570 25,385 --7,166 12,589 2,208,492 17,164

11,853 37,413 43,453 7,031 54,843 22,031 --5,402 8,507 936,455 12,203

06041 06043 06045 06047 06049 06051 06053 06055 06057

Marin................................... Mariposa ............................. Mendocino .......................... Merced ................................ Modoc ................................. Mono .................................. Monterey ............................. Napa.................................... Nevada ................................

1850 1850 1850 1860 1880 1870 1850 1850 1860

252,409 18,251 87,841 255,793 9,686 14,202 415,057 136,484 98,764

247,289 17,130 86,265 210,554 9,449 12,853 401,762 124,279 92,033

230,096 14,302 80,345 178,403 9,678 9,956 355,660 110,765 78,510

222,568 11,108 66,738 134,560 8,610 8,577 290,444 99,199 51,645

206,038 6,015 51,101 104,629 7,469 4,016 250,071 79,140 26,346

146,820 5,064 51,059 90,446 8,308 2,213 198,351 65,890 20,911

85,619 5,145 40,854 69,780 9,678 2,115 130,498 46,603 19,888

52,907 5,605 27,864 46,988 8,713 2,299 73,032 28,503 19,283

41,648 3,233 23,505 36,748 8,038 1,360 53,705 22,897 10,596

27,342 2,775 24,116 24,579 5,425 960 27,980 20,678 10,850


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













05089 05089.1 05091 05093 05095 05097 05099 05101 05103 05105 05107

ARKANSAS cnt’d Marion............................. Miller (old) ....................... Miller ............................... Mississippi........................ Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Nevada ............................ Newton ........................... Ouachita .......................... Perry ................................ Phillips .............................

10,203 --19,555 30,468 19,907 12,455 19,344 10,612 21,774 9,402 33,535

11,377 --17,558 16,384 16,816 9,444 16,609 12,538 20,892 7,294 26,561

10,390 --14,714 11,635 15,336 7,923 14,832 9,950 17,033 5,538 25,341

7,907 --9,919 7,332 9,574 5,729 12,959 6,120 11,758 3,872 21,262

3,979 ----3,633 8,336 2,984 --4,374 12,975 2,685 15,372

6,192 ----3,895 5,657 3,633 --3,393 12,936 2,465 14,877

2,308 ----2,368 2,049 1,958 --1,758 9,591 978 6,935

1,325 ----1,410 936 ----------3,547

--356 ----461 ----------1,152

--999 ----------------1,201




05109 05111 05113 05115 05117 05119 05121 05123 05125 05127 05129

Pike ................................. Poinsett ........................... Polk ................................. Pope ................................ Prairie .............................. Pulaski ............................. Randolph ......................... St. Francis ........................ Saline............................... Scott ................................ Searcy ..............................

12,565 12,791 17,216 24,527 13,853 86,751 18,987 22,548 16,657 14,302 14,825

10,301 7,025 18,352 21,715 11,875 63,179 17,156 17,157 13,122 13,183 11,988

8,537 4,272 9,283 19,458 11,374 47,329 14,485 13,543 11,311 12,635 9,664

6,345 2,192 5,857 14,322 8,435 32,616 11,724 8,389 8,953 9,174 7,278

3,788 1,720 3,376 8,386 5,604 32,066 7,466 6,714 3,911 7,483 5,614

4,025 3,621 4,262 7,883 8,854 11,699 6,261 8,672 6,640 5,145 5,271

1,861 2,308 1,263 4,710 2,097 5,657 3,275 4,479 3,903 3,083 1,979

969 1,320 --2,850 --5,350 2,196 2,499 2,061 1,694 936

------1,483 --2,395 --1,505 -------

----------1,923 -----------




05131 05133 05135 05137 05139 05141 05143 05145 05147 05149

Sebastian ......................... Sevier............................... Sharp ............................... Stone ............................... Union .............................. Van Buren ........................ Washington ..................... White .............................. Woodruff ......................... Yell ..................................

52,278 16,616 11,688 8,946 30,723 13,509 33,889 28,574 20,049 26,323

36,935 16,339 12,199 8,100 22,495 11,220 34,256 24,864 16,304 22,750

33,200 10,072 10,418 7,043 14,977 8,567 32,024 22,946 14,009 18,015

19,560 6,192 9,047 5,089 13,419 9,565 23,844 17,794 8,646 13,852

12,940 4,492 5,400 --10,571 5,107 17,266 10,347 6,891 8,048

9,238 10,516 ----12,288 5,357 14,673 8,316 --6,333

--4,240 ----10,298 2,864 9,970 2,619 --3,341

--2,810 ----2,889 1,518 7,148 929 -----

--634 ----640 --2,182 -------






CALIFORNIA ...................

2,377,549 1,485,053 1,213,398











06001 06003

Alameda .......................... Alpine ..............................

246,131 309

130,197 509

93,864 667

62,976 539

24,237 685

8,927 ---








06005 06007 06009 06011 06013 06015 06017 06019

Amador ........................... Butte ............................... Calaveras ......................... Colusa ............................. Contra Costa ................... Del Norte ......................... El Dorado......................... Fresno..............................

9,086 27,301 9,171 7,732 31,674 2,417 7,492 75,657

11,116 17,117 11,200 7,364 18,046 2,408 8,986 37,862

10,320 17,939 8,882 14,640 13,515 2,592 9,232 32,026

11,384 18,721 9,094 13,118 12,525 2,584 10,683 9,478

9,582 11,403 8,895 6,165 8,461 2,022 10,309 6,336

10,930 12,106 16,299 2,274 5,328 1,993 20,562 4,605

--3,574 16,884 115 ----20,057 ---







06021 06023 06025 06027 06029 06031 06031.5 06033 06035 06037 06039

Glenn .............................. Humboldt ........................ Imperial ........................... Inyo ................................. Kern ................................ Kings ............................... Klamath ........................... Lake................................. Lassen.............................. Los Angeles ..................... Madera ............................

7,172 33,857 13,591 6,974 37,715 16,230 --5,526 4,802 504,131 8,368

5,150 27,104 --4,377 16,480 9,871 --6,017 4,511 170,298 6,364

--23,469 --3,544 9,808 ----7,101 4,239 101,454 ---

--15,512 --2,928 5,601 ----6,596 3,340 33,381 ---

--6,140 --1,956 2,925 --1,686 2,969 1,327 15,309 ---

--2,694 --------1,803 ----11,333 ---

------------------3,530 ---







06041 06043 06045 06047 06049 06051 06053 06055 06057

Marin............................... Mariposa ......................... Mendocino ...................... Merced ............................ Modoc ............................. Mono .............................. Monterey ......................... Napa................................ Nevada ............................

25,114 3,956 23,929 15,148 6,191 2,042 24,146 19,800 14,955

15,702 4,720 20,465 9,215 5,076 2,167 19,380 16,451 17,789

13,072 3,787 17,612 8,085 4,986 2,002 18,637 16,411 17,369

11,324 4,339 12,800 5,656 4,399 7,499 11,302 13,235 20,823

6,903 4,572 7,545 2,807 --430 9,876 7,163 19,134

3,334 6,243 3,967 1,141 ----4,739 5,521 16,446

323 4,379 55 ------1,872 405 ---







Part C — Counties 63

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010









703,925 56,998 11,620 306,191 502,778 15,396 503,591 1,033,011 740,316

216,224 41,649 13,519 170,046 277,140 14,370 281,642 556,808 775,357

130,760 28,108 11,548 105,524 170,333 11,392 161,108 289,348 634,536

118,674 24,468 7,913 81,024 141,999 11,311 133,900 209,659 634,394

61,375 18,584 5,681 50,297 91,029 8,995 73,401 112,248 506,676

290,208 105,690 556,234 264,324 1,064,714 123,790 77,640 2,365 33,225 169,941 204,885

249,989 81,044 444,387 168,962 642,315 84,219 59,468 2,247 32,885 134,597 147,375

200,750 51,417 235,659 98,220 290,547 66,534 36,413 2,410 30,733 104,833 103,405

134,207 33,246 111,782 70,555 174,949 45,057 28,800 3,025 28,598 49,118 69,052

102,940 29,613 77,405 65,167 145,118 37,433 13,927 2,422 25,480 40,834 62,222

79,905 21,893 36,781 41,097 100,676 26,269 13,361 1,783 18,545 40,602 52,090

265,900 52,246 38,888 11,858 245,738 33,928 529,174 113,374 49,733

194,506 41,935 29,517 7,615 188,322 22,169 376,430 91,788 44,736

157,294 33,380 25,305 9,706 168,403 14,404 199,138 65,727 33,859

127,231 26,239 19,276 5,087 149,264 12,584 114,647 40,640 24,420

74,866 18,680 14,316 3,970 107,152 10,887 69,685 27,243 17,034

56,641 14,618 13,866 2,809 77,442 9,271 54,976 23,644 11,331

43,557 10,115 12,882 2,551 59,031 7,768 28,724 17,105 10,375









348,618 14,966 487,967 9,898 4,517 5,998 269,814 38,272 16,242 2,231 9,322

265,038 13,617 391,511 5,345 4,556 5,048 225,339 --12,684 2,397 7,619

245,944 11,799 293,621 3,664 5,419 5,945 189,625 --13,227 2,153 7,308

185,789 11,422 162,142 2,733 5,674 6,493 131,889 --10,162 2,396 4,819

120,296 10,000 113,426 2,629 6,310 7,419 74,254 --8,298 2,789 2,793

40,234 10,531 52,125 3,030 7,964 8,775 48,296 --7,168 3,453 3,289

22,481 10,484 32,150 3,806 6,207 9,653 37,438 --8,109 2,964 3,784

20,245 8,602 22,647 3,204 10,570 9,134 32,456 --8,126 3,723 2,155

14,430 5,148 13,766 3,590 8,721 9,705 31,861 --7,753 3,746 2,891

8,256 3,524 5,823 4,255 30,952 600,158 2,064 285,465 52,197 23,086 622,263

8,400 3,663 5,518 3,503 27,834 554,636 1,844 175,766 41,659 19,872 516,929

7,453 3,190 3,946 1,926 20,980 467,610 1,504 60,391 21,928 9,646 397,014

7,794 3,071 2,988 1,528 21,225 492,365 1,658 25,153 13,320 6,850 309,424

7,846 3,091 3,086 1,120 15,286 514,678 1,641 8,407 7,498 3,903 235,972

8,428 4,219 3,978 1,305 15,602 493,887 2,196 4,816 4,677 3,708 143,742

10,171 6,067 5,222 1,573 17,365 415,786 1,966 3,507 4,488 4,477 74,523

11,648 7,533 5,398 2,270 16,470 322,412 1,958 3,496 5,361 5,460 54,025

9,803 5,779 5,934 2,124 14,204 287,861 1,412 3,498 3,924 6,580 49,570

8,416 5,032 6,383 2,172 13,668 256,491 1,243 3,517 3,385 6,980 44,027

46,824 56,389 5,441 14,843 --15,324 843 6,711 1,394 534,543 1,398

46,145 43,791 4,757 12,442 --13,956 790 7,862 1,577 525,507 1,622

32,273 29,974 3,070 7,966 --10,273 467 6,009 1,605 438,430 1,688

28,676 22,514 2,441 7,475 --10,689 408 6,440 1,863 371,753 1,936

21,942 14,821 1,272 4,107 --7,578 202 6,590 1,811 233,031 2,029

20,196 12,017 685 3,557 --5,477 208 7,867 1,758 127,520 2,425

18,366 11,625 850 3,963 --5,716 263 10,549 1,976 55,687 3,003

19,742 10,560 1,625 3,587 --6,192 349 16,088 1,798 30,725 2,793

18,896 9,975 1,212 2,108 --5,527 449 17,062 1,386 21,810 3,786

17,883 9,304 1,364 2,659 --5,590 538 16,879 1,340 14,400 3,755

06059 06061 06063 06065 06067 06069 06071 06073 06075

CALIFORNIA cnt’d Orange ................................ Placer................................... Plumas ................................. Riverside .............................. Sacramento ......................... San Benito ........................... San Bernardino .................... San Diego ............................ San Francisco .......................

1890 1860 1860 1900 1850 1880 1860 1850 1860

3,010,232 348,432 20,007 2,189,641 1,418,788 55,269 2,035,210 3,095,313 805,235

2,846,289 248,399 20,824 1,545,387 1,223,499 53,234 1,709,434 2,813,833 776,733

2,410,556 172,796 19,739 1,170,413 1,041,219 36,697 1,418,380 2,498,016 723,959

1,932,709 117,247 17,340 663,166 783,381 25,005 895,016 1,861,846 678,974

1,420,386 77,306 11,707 459,074 631,498 18,226 684,072 1,357,854 715,674

06077 06079 06081 06083 06085 06087 06089 06091 06093 06095 06097

San Joaquin ......................... San Luis Obispo ................... San Mateo ........................... Santa Barbara ...................... Santa Clara .......................... Santa Cruz ........................... Shasta.................................. Sierra ................................... Siskiyou ............................... Solano ................................. Sonoma ...............................

1850 1850 1860 1850 1860 1850 1850 1860 1860 1850 1850

685,306 269,637 718,451 423,895 1,781,642 262,382 177,223 3,240 44,900 413,344 483,878

563,598 246,681 707,161 399,347 1,682,585 255,602 163,256 3,555 44,301 394,542 458,614

480,628 217,162 649,623 369,608 1,497,577 229,734 147,036 3,318 43,531 340,421 388,222

347,342 155,435 587,329 298,694 1,295,071 188,141 115,715 3,073 39,732 235,203 299,681

06099 06101 06103 06105 06107 06109 06111 06113 06115

Stanislaus............................. Sutter .................................. Tehama ................................ Trinity................................... Tulare................................... Tuolumne ............................ Ventura................................ Yolo ..................................... Yuba ....................................

1860 1850 1860 1850 1860 1850 1880 1850 1850

514,453 94,737 63,463 13,786 442,179 55,365 823,318 200,849 72,155

446,997 78,930 56,039 13,022 368,021 54,501 753,197 168,660 60,219

370,522 64,415 49,625 13,063 311,921 48,456 669,016 141,092 58,228


COLORADO ........................




08001 08003 08005 08007 08009 08011 08013 08014 08015 08017 08019

Adams ................................. Alamosa .............................. Arapahoe............................. Archuleta ............................. Baca .................................... Bent..................................... Boulder ................................ Broomfield ........................... Chaffee ............................... Cheyenne ............................ Clear Creek..........................

1910 1920 1870 1890 1890 1870 1870 2000 1880 1890 1870

441,603 15,445 572,003 12,084 3,788 6,499 294,567 55,889 17,809 1,836 9,088

08021 08023 08025 08027 08029 08031 08033 08035 08037 08039 08041

Conejos ............................... Costilla ................................ Crowley ............................... Custer.................................. Delta.................................... Denver ................................. Dolores ................................ Douglas ............................... Eagle ................................... Elbert ................................... El Paso .................................

1870 1870 1920 1880 1890 1910 1890 1870 1890 1880 1870

08043 08045 08047 08049 08049.1 08051 08053 08055 08057 08059 08061

Fremont ............................... Garfield ............................... Gilpin................................... Grand .................................. Greenwood ......................... Gunnison ............................. Hinsdale............................... Huerfano ............................. Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Kiowa ..................................

1870 1890 1870 1880 1870 1880 1880 1870 1910 1870 1890


County and City Extra


Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













06059 06061 06063 06065 06067 06069 06071 06073 06075

CALIFORNIA cnt’d Orange ............................ Placer............................... Plumas ............................. Riverside .......................... Sacramento ..................... San Benito ....................... San Bernardino ................ San Diego ........................ San Francisco ...................

34,436 18,237 5,259 34,696 67,806 8,041 56,706 61,665 416,912

19,696 15,786 4,657 17,897 45,915 6,633 27,929 35,090 342,782

13,589 15,101 4,933 --40,339 6,412 25,497 34,987 298,997

--14,232 6,180 --34,390 5,584 7,786 8,618 233,959

--11,357 4,489 --26,830 --3,988 4,951 149,473

--13,270 4,363 --24,142 --5,551 4,324 56,802

--------9,087 ----798 ---







06077 06079 06081 06083 06085 06087 06089 06091 06093 06095 06097

San Joaquin ..................... San Luis Obispo ............... San Mateo ....................... Santa Barbara .................. Santa Clara ...................... Santa Cruz ....................... Shasta.............................. Sierra ............................... Siskiyou ........................... Solano ............................. Sonoma ...........................

50,731 19,383 26,585 27,738 83,539 26,140 18,920 4,098 18,801 27,559 48,394

35,452 16,637 12,094 18,934 60,216 21,512 17,318 4,017 16,962 24,143 38,480

28,629 16,072 10,087 15,754 48,005 19,270 12,133 5,051 12,163 20,946 32,721

24,349 9,142 8,669 9,513 35,039 12,802 9,492 6,623 8,610 18,475 25,926

21,050 4,772 6,635 7,784 26,246 8,743 4,173 5,619 6,848 16,871 19,819

9,435 1,782 3,214 3,543 11,912 4,944 4,360 11,387 7,629 7,169 11,867

3,647 336 --1,185 --643 378 ----580 560







06099 06101 06103 06105 06107 06109 06111 06113 06115

Stanislaus......................... Sutter .............................. Tehama ............................ Trinity............................... Tulare............................... Tuolumne ........................ Ventura............................ Yolo ................................. Yuba ................................

22,522 6,328 11,401 3,301 35,440 9,979 18,347 13,926 10,042

9,550 5,886 10,996 4,383 18,375 11,166 14,367 13,618 8,620

10,040 5,469 9,916 3,719 24,574 6,082 10,071 12,684 9,636

8,751 5,159 9,301 4,999 11,281 7,848 5,073 11,772 11,284

6,499 5,030 3,587 3,213 4,533 8,150 --9,899 10,851

2,245 3,390 4,044 5,125 4,638 16,229 --4,716 13,668

--3,444 --1,635 --8,351 --1,086 9,673








COLORADO ....................














08001 08003 08005 08007 08009

Adams ............................. Alamosa .......................... Arapahoe......................... Archuleta ......................... Baca ................................

8,892 --10,263 3,302 2,516

----153,017 2,117 759

----132,135 826 1,479

----38,644 -----

----6,829 -----









08011 08013 08014 08015 08017 08019

Bent................................. Boulder ............................ Broomfield ....................... Chaffee ........................... Cheyenne ........................ Clear Creek......................

5,043 30,330 --7,622 3,687 5,001

3,049 21,544 --7,085 501 7,082

1,313 14,082 --6,612 534 7,184

1,654 9,723 --6,512 --7,823

592 1,939 ------1,596









08021 08023 08025 08027 08029 08031 08033 08035 08037 08039 08041

Conejos ........................... Costilla ............................ Crowley ........................... Custer.............................. Delta................................ Denver ............................. Dolores ............................ Douglas ........................... Eagle ............................... Elbert ............................... El Paso .............................

11,285 5,498 --1,947 13,688 213,381 642 3,192 2,985 5,331 43,321

8,794 4,632 --2,937 5,487 --1,134 3,120 3,008 3,101 31,602

7,193 3,491 --2,970 2,534 --1,498 3,006 3,725 1,856 21,239

5,605 2,879 --8,080 ------2,486 --1,708 7,949

2,504 1,779 ----------1,388 ----987









08043 08045 08047 08049 08049.1 08051 08053 08055 08057 08059 08061

Fremont ........................... Garfield ........................... Gilpin............................... Grand .............................. Greenwood ..................... Gunnison ......................... Hinsdale........................... Huerfano ......................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Kiowa ..............................

18,181 10,144 4,131 1,862 --5,897 646 13,320 1,013 14,231 2,899

15,636 5,835 6,690 741 --5,331 1,609 8,395 --9,306 701

9,156 4,478 5,867 604 --4,359 862 6,882 --8,450 1,243

4,735 --6,489 417 --8,235 1,487 4,124 --6,804 ---

1,064 --5,490 --510 ----2,250 --2,390 ---









Part C — Counties 65

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010




1890 1870 1880 1870 1870 1890 1890 1890 1900 1920 1890

8,270 7,310 51,334 299,630 15,507 5,467 22,709 146,723 712 13,795 25,535

8,011 7,812 43,941 251,494 15,207 6,087 20,504 116,255 831 13,184 23,830

7,140 6,007 32,284 186,136 13,765 4,529 17,567 93,145 558 11,357 18,672

7,599 8,830 27,424 149,184 14,897 4,663 19,800 81,530 804 13,133 16,510

7,530 8,282 19,199 89,900 15,744 4,836 18,852 54,374 786 6,525 12,952

6,957 7,101 19,225 53,343 19,983 5,310 20,302 50,715 424 7,061 14,024

8,600 6,150 14,880 43,554 25,902 5,909 17,187 38,974 698 5,946 9,991

7,512 6,883 15,494 35,539 32,369 5,882 18,370 33,791 975 5,086 10,463

9,725 4,899 12,975 33,137 36,008 7,850 19,946 25,908 640 4,861 7,798

8,915 6,630 11,218 27,872 38,975 8,273 18,427 22,281 779 5,129 6,260

Montrose ............................. Morgan ............................... Otero ................................... Ouray .................................. Park ..................................... Phillips ................................. Pitkin ................................... Prowers ............................... Pueblo ................................. Rio Blanco............................ Rio Grande .......................... Routt ................................... Saguache ............................. San Juan .............................. San Miguel .......................... Sedgwick ............................. Summit ................................

1890 1890 1890 1880 1870 1890 1890 1890 1870 1890 1880 1880 1870 1880 1890 1890 1870

41,276 28,159 18,831 4,436 16,206 4,442 17,148 12,551 159,063 6,666 11,982 23,509 6,108 699 7,359 2,379 27,994

33,432 27,171 20,311 3,742 14,523 4,480 14,872 14,483 141,472 5,986 12,413 19,690 5,917 558 6,594 2,747 23,548

24,423 21,939 20,185 2,295 7,174 4,189 12,661 13,347 123,051 5,972 10,770 14,088 4,619 745 3,653 2,690 12,881

24,352 22,513 22,567 1,925 5,333 4,542 10,338 13,070 125,972 6,255 10,511 13,404 3,935 833 3,192 3,266 8,848

18,366 20,105 23,523 1,546 2,185 4,131 6,185 13,258 118,238 4,842 10,494 6,592 3,827 831 1,949 3,405 2,665

18,286 21,192 24,128 1,601 1,822 4,440 2,381 13,296 118,707 5,150 11,160 5,900 4,473 849 2,944 4,242 2,073

15,220 18,074 25,275 2,103 1,870 4,924 1,646 14,836 90,188 4,719 12,832 8,940 5,664 1,471 2,693 5,095 1,135

15,418 17,214 23,571 2,089 3,272 4,948 1,836 12,304 68,870 2,943 12,404 10,525 6,173 1,439 3,664 5,294 1,754

11,742 18,284 24,390 1,784 2,052 5,797 1,770 14,762 66,038 2,980 9,953 9,352 6,250 1,935 2,184 5,580 987

11,852 16,124 22,623 2,620 1,977 5,499 2,707 13,845 57,638 3,135 7,855 8,948 4,638 1,700 5,281 4,207 1,724

08119 08121 08123 08125

Teller .................................... Washington ......................... Weld.................................... Yuma ...................................

1900 1890 1870 1890

23,350 4,814 252,825 10,043

20,555 4,926 180,926 9,841

12,468 4,812 131,821 8,954

8,034 5,304 123,438 9,682

3,316 5,550 89,297 8,544

2,495 6,625 72,344 8,912

2,754 7,520 67,504 10,827

6,463 8,336 63,747 12,102

4,141 9,591 65,097 13,613

6,696 11,208 54,059 13,897


CONNECTICUT ...................












09001 09003 09005 09007 09009 09011 09013 09015

Fairfield................................ Hartford............................... Litchfield .............................. Middlesex ............................ New Haven .......................... New London ........................ Tolland ................................. Windham ............................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790

916,829 894,014 189,927 165,676 862,477 274,055 152,691 118,428

882,567 857,183 182,193 155,071 824,008 259,088 136,364 109,091

827,645 851,783 174,092 143,196 804,219 254,957 128,699 102,525

807,143 807,766 156,769 129,017 761,337 238,409 114,823 92,312

792,814 816,737 144,091 114,816 744,948 230,348 103,440 84,515

653,589 689,555 119,856 88,865 660,315 185,745 68,737 68,572

504,342 539,661 98,872 67,332 545,784 144,821 44,709 61,759

418,384 450,189 87,041 55,999 484,316 125,224 31,866 56,223

386,702 421,097 82,556 51,388 463,449 118,966 28,659 54,086

320,936 336,027 76,262 47,550 415,214 104,611 27,216 52,815


DELAWARE ........................












10001 10003 10005

Kent .................................... New Castle .......................... Sussex..................................

1790 1790 1790

162,310 538,479 197,145

126,697 500,265 156,638

110,993 441,946 113,229

98,219 398,115 98,004

81,892 385,856 80,356

65,651 307,446 73,195

37,870 218,879 61,336

34,441 179,562 52,502

31,841 161,032 45,507

31,023 148,239 43,741















District of Columbia .............













FLORIDA .............................












12001 12003 12005 12007 12009 12011 12013 12015 12017 12019 12021

Alachua ............................... Baker ................................... Bay ...................................... Bradford .............................. Brevard ................................ Broward ............................... Calhoun............................... Charlotte ............................. Citrus................................... Clay ..................................... Collier ..................................

1830 1870 1920 1860 1850 1920 1840 1930 1890 1860 1930

247,336 27,115 168,852 28,520 543,376 1,748,066 14,625 159,978 141,236 190,865 321,520

217,955 22,259 148,217 26,088 476,230 1,623,018 13,017 141,627 118,085 140,814 251,377

181,596 18,486 126,994 22,515 398,978 1,255,488 11,011 110,975 93,515 105,986 152,099

151,348 15,289 97,740 20,023 272,959 1,018,200 9,294 58,460 54,703 67,052 85,971

104,764 9,242 75,283 14,625 230,006 620,100 7,624 27,559 19,196 32,059 38,040

74,074 7,363 67,131 12,446 111,435 333,946 7,422 12,594 9,268 19,535 15,753

57,026 6,313 42,689 11,457 23,653 83,933 7,922 4,286 6,111 14,323 6,488

38,607 6,510 20,686 8,717 16,142 39,794 8,218 3,663 5,846 6,468 5,102

34,365 6,273 12,091 9,405 13,283 20,094 7,298 4,013 5,516 6,859 2,883

31,689 5,622 11,407 12,503 8,505 5,135 8,775 --5,220 5,621 ---

08063 08065 08067 08069 08071 08073 08075 08077 08079 08081 08083

COLORADO cnt’d Kit Carson............................ Lake..................................... La Plata ................................ Larimer ................................ Las Animas .......................... Lincoln ................................. Logan .................................. Mesa ................................... Mineral ................................ Moffat ................................. Montezuma .........................

08085 08087 08089 08091 08093 08095 08097 08099 08101 08103 08105 08107 08109 08111 08113 08115 08117


County and City Extra







Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













08063 08065 08067 08069 08071 08073 08075 08077 08079 08081 08083

COLORADO cnt’d Kit Carson........................ Lake................................. La Plata ............................ Larimer ............................ Las Animas ...................... Lincoln ............................. Logan .............................. Mesa ............................... Mineral ............................ Moffat ............................. Montezuma .....................

7,483 10,600 10,812 25,270 33,643 5,917 9,549 22,197 1,239 --5,029

1,580 18,054 7,016 12,168 21,842 926 3,292 9,267 1,913 --3,058

2,472 14,663 5,509 9,712 17,208 689 3,070 4,260 ----1,529

--23,563 1,110 4,892 8,903 -------------

--522 --838 4,276 -------------









08085 08087 08089 08091 08093 08095 08097 08099 08101 08103 08105 08107 08109 08111 08113 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08125

Montrose ......................... Morgan ........................... Otero ............................... Ouray .............................. Park ................................. Phillips ............................. Pitkin ............................... Prowers ........................... Pueblo ............................. Rio Blanco........................ Rio Grande ...................... Routt ............................... Saguache ......................... San Juan .......................... San Miguel ...................... Sedgwick ......................... Summit ............................ Teller ................................ Washington ..................... Weld................................ Yuma ...............................

10,291 9,577 20,201 3,514 2,492 3,179 4,566 9,520 52,223 2,332 6,563 7,561 4,160 3,063 4,700 3,061 2,003 14,351 6,002 39,177 8,499

4,535 3,268 11,522 4,731 2,998 1,583 7,020 3,766 34,448 1,690 4,080 3,661 3,853 2,342 5,379 971 2,744 29,002 1,241 16,808 1,729

3,980 1,601 4,192 6,510 3,548 2,642 8,929 1,969 31,491 1,200 3,451 2,369 3,313 1,572 2,909 1,293 1,906 --2,301 11,736 2,596

------2,669 3,970 ------7,617 --1,944 140 1,973 1,087 ----5,459 ----5,646 ---

--------447 ------2,265 ------304 ------258 ----1,636 ---










CONNECTICUT ...............














09001 09003 09005

Fairfield............................ Hartford........................... Litchfield ..........................

245,322 250,182 70,260

184,203 195,480 63,672

150,081 147,180 53,542

112,042 125,382 52,044

95,276 109,007 48,727

77,476 89,962 47,318

59,775 69,967 45,253

49,917 55,629 40,448

47,010 51,131 42,858

42,739 47,264 41,267

40,950 44,733 41,375

38,208 42,147 41,214

36,250 38,029 38,755

09007 09009 09011 09013 09015

Middlesex ........................ New Haven ...................... New London .................... Tolland ............................. Windham ........................

45,637 337,282 91,253 26,459 48,361

41,760 269,163 82,758 24,523 46,861

39,524 209,058 76,634 25,081 45,158

35,589 156,523 73,152 24,112 43,856

36,099 121,257 66,570 22,000 38,518

30,859 97,345 61,731 21,177 34,279

27,216 65,588 51,821 20,091 31,081

24,879 48,582 44,463 17,980 28,080

24,844 43,847 42,201 18,702 27,082

22,405 39,616 35,943 14,330 31,684

20,723 37,064 34,707 13,779 28,611

19,847 32,162 34,883 14,319 28,222

18,855 30,830 33,200 13,106 28,921


DELAWARE ....................














10001 10003 10005

Kent ................................ New Castle ...................... Sussex..............................

32,721 123,188 46,413

32,762 109,697 42,276

32,664 97,182 38,647

32,874 77,716 36,018

29,804 63,515 31,696

27,804 54,797 29,615

22,816 42,780 25,936

19,872 33,120 25,093

19,913 29,720 27,115

20,793 27,899 24,057

20,495 24,429 27,750

19,554 25,361 19,358

18,920 19,688 20,488

















District of Columbia .........















FLORIDA .........................














12001 12003 12005 12007 12009 12011 12013 12015 12017 12019 12021

Alachua ........................... Baker ............................... Bay .................................. Bradford .......................... Brevard ............................ Broward ........................... Calhoun........................... Charlotte ......................... Citrus............................... Clay ................................. Collier ..............................

34,305 4,805 --14,090 4,717 --7,465 --6,731 6,116 ---

32,245 4,516 --10,295 5,158 --5,132 --5,391 5,635 ---

22,934 3,333 --7,516 3,401 --1,681 --2,394 5,154 ---

16,462 2,303 --6,112 1,478 --1,580 ----2,838 ---

17,328 1,325 --3,671 1,216 --998 ----2,098 ---

8,232 ----3,820 246 --1,446 ----1,914 ---

2,524 ------139 --1,377 ---------

2,282 ----------1,142 ---------

2,204 ---------------------





Part C — Counties 67

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1840 1890 1930 1830 1830 1920 1840 1830 1930 1930 1930

67,531 34,862 16,422 864,263 297,619 95,696 11,549 46,389 16,939 12,884 15,863

56,513 32,209 13,827 778,879 294,410 49,832 11,057 45,087 14,437 10,576 13,332

42,613 23,865 10,585 672,971 262,798 28,701 8,967 41,105 9,667 7,591 11,504

35,399 19,039 7,751 571,003 233,794 10,913 7,661 41,565 5,767 5,992 10,658

25,250 13,060 5,480 528,865 205,334 4,454 7,065 39,184 3,551 3,669 10,096

20,077 11,683 4,479 455,411 173,829 4,566 6,576 41,989 2,868 2,950 9,937

18,216 9,242 3,928 304,029 112,706 3,367 5,814 36,457 3,499 2,199 7,460

16,859 7,792 7,018 210,143 74,667 3,008 5,991 31,450 4,250 2,745 6,951

14,638 7,745 6,419 155,503 53,594 2,466 6,283 29,890 4,137 2,762 3,182

14,290 25,434 --113,540 49,386 2,442 5,318 23,539 -------

Hamilton.............................. Hardee................................. Hendry................................. Hernando ............................ Highlands ............................ Hillsborough ........................ Holmes ................................ Indian River .......................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Lafayette..............................

1830 1930 1930 1850 1930 1840 1850 1930 1830 1830 1860

14,799 27,731 39,140 172,778 98,786 1,229,226 19,927 138,028 49,746 14,761 8,870

13,327 26,938 36,210 130,802 87,366 998,948 18,564 112,947 46,755 12,902 7,022

10,930 19,499 25,773 101,115 68,432 834,054 15,778 90,208 41,375 11,296 5,578

8,761 19,379 18,599 44,469 47,526 646,960 14,723 59,896 39,154 10,703 4,035

7,787 14,889 11,859 17,004 29,507 490,265 10,720 35,992 34,434 8,778 2,892

7,705 12,370 8,119 11,205 21,338 397,788 10,844 25,309 36,208 9,543 2,889

8,981 10,073 6,051 6,693 13,636 249,894 13,988 11,872 34,645 10,413 3,440

9,778 10,158 5,237 5,641 9,246 180,148 15,447 8,957 34,428 12,032 4,405

9,454 10,348 3,492 4,948 9,192 153,519 12,924 6,724 31,969 13,408 4,361

9,873 ----4,548 --88,257 12,850 --31,224 14,502 6,242

12069 12071 12073 12075 12077 12079 12081 12083 12085 12086 12087

Lake..................................... Lee ...................................... Leon .................................... Levy ..................................... Liberty ................................. Madison .............................. Manatee .............................. Marion................................. Martin ................................. Miami-Dade ......................... Monroe ...............................

1890 1890 1830 1850 1860 1830 1860 1850 1930 1840 1830

297,052 618,754 275,487 40,801 8,365 19,224 322,833 331,298 146,318 2,496,435 73,090

210,528 440,888 239,452 34,450 7,021 18,733 264,002 258,916 126,731 2,253,362 79,589

152,104 335,113 192,493 25,923 5,569 16,569 211,707 194,833 100,900 1,937,094 78,024

104,870 205,266 148,655 19,870 4,260 14,894 148,442 122,488 64,014 1,625,781 63,188

69,305 105,216 103,047 12,756 3,379 13,481 97,115 69,030 28,035 1,267,792 52,586

57,383 54,539 74,225 10,364 3,138 14,154 69,168 51,616 16,932 935,047 47,921

36,340 23,404 51,590 10,637 3,182 14,197 34,704 38,187 7,807 495,084 29,957

27,255 17,488 31,646 12,550 3,752 16,190 26,098 31,243 6,295 267,739 14,078

23,161 14,990 23,476 12,456 4,067 15,614 22,502 29,578 5,111 142,955 13,624

12,744 9,540 18,059 9,921 5,006 16,516 18,712 23,968 --42,753 19,550

12089 12091 12093 12095 12097 12099 12101 12103 12105 12107 12109 12111 12113 12115 12117

Nassau ................................. Okaloosa ............................. Okeechobee ........................ Orange ................................ Osceola................................ Palm Beach .......................... Pasco ................................... Pinellas ................................ Polk ..................................... Putnam ................................ St. Johns .............................. St. Lucie ............................... Santa Rosa ........................... Sarasota............................... Seminole..............................

1830 1920 1920 1830 1890 1910 1890 1920 1870 1850 1830 1910 1850 1930 1920

73,314 180,822 39,996 1,145,956 268,685 1,320,134 464,697 916,542 602,095 74,364 190,039 277,789 151,372 379,448 422,718

57,663 170,498 35,910 896,344 172,493 1,131,184 344,765 921,482 483,924 70,423 123,135 192,695 117,743 325,957 365,196

43,941 143,776 29,627 677,491 107,728 863,518 281,131 851,659 405,382 65,070 83,829 150,171 81,608 277,776 287,529

32,894 109,920 20,264 471,016 49,287 576,863 193,643 728,531 321,652 50,549 51,303 87,182 55,988 202,251 179,752

20,626 88,187 11,233 344,311 25,267 348,753 75,955 522,329 227,222 36,290 30,727 50,836 37,741 120,413 83,692

17,189 61,175 6,424 263,540 19,029 228,106 36,785 374,665 195,139 32,212 30,034 39,294 29,547 76,895 54,947

12,811 27,533 3,454 114,950 11,406 114,688 20,529 159,249 123,997 23,615 24,998 20,180 18,554 28,827 26,883

10,826 12,900 3,000 70,074 10,119 79,989 13,981 91,852 86,665 18,698 20,012 11,871 16,085 16,106 22,304

9,375 9,897 4,129 49,737 10,699 51,781 10,574 62,149 72,291 18,096 18,676 7,057 14,083 12,440 18,735

11,340 9,360 2,132 19,890 7,195 18,654 8,802 28,265 38,661 14,568 13,061 7,886 13,670 --10,986

12119 12121 12123 12125 12127 12129 12131 12133

Sumter................................. Suwannee............................ Taylor ................................... Union .................................. Volusia ................................. Wakulla ............................... Walton................................. Washington .........................

1860 1860 1860 1930 1860 1850 1830 1830

93,420 41,551 22,570 15,535 494,593 30,776 55,043 24,896

53,345 34,844 19,256 13,442 443,343 22,863 40,601 20,973

31,577 26,780 17,111 10,252 370,712 14,202 27,760 16,919

24,272 22,287 16,532 10,166 258,762 10,887 21,300 14,509

14,839 15,559 13,641 8,112 169,487 6,308 16,087 11,453

11,869 14,961 13,168 6,043 125,319 5,257 15,576 11,249

11,330 16,986 10,416 8,906 74,229 5,258 14,725 11,888

11,041 17,073 11,565 7,094 53,710 5,463 14,246 12,302

10,644 15,731 13,136 7,428 42,757 5,468 14,576 12,180

7,851 19,789 11,219 --23,374 5,129 12,119 11,828

12023 12027 12029 12031 12033 12035 12037 12039 12041 12043 12045

FLORIDA cnt’d Columbia ............................. DeSoto ................................ Dixie .................................... Duval ................................... Escambia ............................. Flagler.................................. Franklin................................ Gadsden .............................. Gilchrist ............................... Glades ................................. Gulf .....................................

12047 12049 12051 12053 12055 12057 12059 12061 12063 12065 12067


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













12023 12027 12029 12031 12033 12035 12037 12039 12041 12043 12045

FLORIDA cnt’d Columbia ......................... DeSoto ............................ Dixie ................................ Duval ............................... Escambia ......................... Flagler.............................. Franklin............................ Gadsden .......................... Gilchrist ........................... Glades ............................. Gulf .................................

17,689 14,200 --75,163 38,029 --5,201 22,198 -------

17,094 8,047 --39,733 28,313 --4,890 15,294 -------

12,877 4,944 --26,800 20,188 --3,308 11,894 -------

9,589 ----19,431 12,156 --1,791 12,169 -------

7,335 ----11,921 7,817 --1,256 9,802 -------

4,646 ----5,074 5,768 --1,904 9,396 -------

4,808 ----4,539 4,351 --1,561 8,784 -------

2,102 ----4,156 3,993 --1,030 5,992 -------

------1,970 3,386 ----4,895 -------





12047 12049 12051 12053 12055 12057 12059 12061 12063 12065 12067

Hamilton.......................... Hardee............................. Hendry............................. Hernando ........................ Highlands ........................ Hillsborough .................... Holmes ............................ Indian River ...................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Lafayette..........................

11,825 ----4,997 --78,374 11,557 --29,821 17,210 6,710

11,881 ----3,638 --36,013 7,762 --23,377 16,195 4,987

8,507 ----2,476 --14,941 4,336 --17,544 15,757 3,686

6,790 ----4,248 --5,814 2,170 --14,372 16,065 2,441

5,749 ----2,938 --3,216 1,572 --9,528 13,398 1,783

4,154 ----1,200 --2,981 1,386 --10,209 9,876 2,068

2,511 ----926 --2,377 1,205 --6,639 7,718 ---

1,464 --------452 ----4,681 5,713 ---

553 --------------3,907 3,312 ---





12069 12071 12073 12075 12077 12079 12081 12083 12085 12086 12087

Lake................................. Lee .................................. Leon ................................ Levy ................................. Liberty ............................. Madison .......................... Manatee .......................... Marion............................. Martin ............................. Miami-Dade ..................... Monroe ...........................

9,509 6,294 19,427 10,361 4,700 16,919 9,550 26,941 --11,933 21,563

7,467 3,071 19,887 8,603 2,956 15,446 4,663 24,403 --4,955 18,006

8,034 1,414 17,752 6,586 1,452 14,316 2,895 20,796 --861 18,786

----19,662 5,767 1,362 14,798 3,544 13,046 --257 10,940

----15,236 2,018 1,050 11,121 1,931 10,804 --85 5,657

----12,343 1,781 1,457 7,779 854 8,609 --83 2,913

----11,442 465 --5,490 --3,338 --159 2,645

----10,713 ----2,644 ------446 688

----6,494 ----525 --------517





12089 12091 12093

Nassau ............................. Okaloosa ......................... Okeechobee ....................

10,525 -----

9,654 -----

8,294 -----

6,635 -----

4,247 -----

3,644 -----

2,164 -----

1,892 -----

1,511 -----





12095 12097 12099 12101 12103 12105 12107 12109 12111 12113 12115 12117

Orange ............................ Osceola............................ Palm Beach ...................... Pasco ............................... Pinellas ............................ Polk ................................. Putnam ............................ St. Johns .......................... St. Lucie ........................... Santa Rosa ....................... Sarasota........................... Seminole..........................

19,107 5,507 5,577 7,502 --24,148 13,096 13,208 4,075 14,897 -----

11,374 3,444 --6,054 --12,472 11,641 9,165 --10,293 -----

12,584 3,133 --4,249 --7,905 11,186 8,712 --7,961 -----

6,618 --------3,181 6,261 4,535 --6,645 -----

2,195 --------3,169 3,821 2,618 --3,312 -----

987 ----------2,712 3,038 --5,480 -----

466 ----------687 2,525 --2,883 -----

73 ------------2,694 ---------

733 ------------2,538 ---------





12119 12121 12123 12125 12127 12129 12131 12133

Sumter............................. Suwannee........................ Taylor ............................... Union .............................. Volusia ............................. Wakulla ........................... Walton............................. Washington .....................

6,696 18,603 7,103 --16,510 4,802 16,460 16,403

6,187 14,554 3,999 --10,003 5,149 9,346 10,154

5,363 10,524 2,122 --8,467 3,117 4,816 6,426

4,686 7,161 2,279 --3,294 2,723 4,201 4,089

2,952 3,556 1,453 --1,723 2,506 3,041 2,302

1,549 2,303 1,384 --1,158 2,839 3,037 2,154

----------1,955 1,817 1,950

------------1,461 859

------------1,207 978





Part C — Counties 69

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census


GEORGIA ............................












13001 13003 13005 13007 13009 13011 13013 13015 13017 13019 13021

Appling................................ Atkinson .............................. Bacon .................................. Baker ................................... Baldwin ............................... Banks................................... Barrow................................. Bartow................................. Ben Hill ................................ Berrien ................................. Bibb .....................................

1820 1920 1920 1830 1810 1860 1920 1840 1910 1860 1830

18,236 8,375 11,096 3,451 45,720 18,395 69,367 100,157 17,634 19,286 155,547

17,419 7,609 10,103 4,074 44,700 14,422 46,144 76,019 17,484 16,235 153,887

15,744 6,213 9,566 3,615 39,530 10,308 29,721 55,911 16,245 14,153 149,967

15,565 6,141 9,379 3,808 34,686 8,702 21,354 40,760 16,000 13,525 150,256

12,726 5,879 8,233 3,875 34,240 6,833 16,859 32,663 13,171 11,556 143,418

13,246 6,188 8,359 4,543 34,064 6,497 14,485 28,267 13,633 12,038 141,249

14,003 7,362 8,940 5,952 29,706 6,935 13,115 27,370 14,879 13,966 114,079

14,497 7,093 8,096 7,344 24,190 8,733 13,064 25,283 14,523 15,370 83,783

13,314 6,894 7,055 7,818 22,878 9,703 12,401 25,364 13,047 14,646 77,042

10,594 7,656 6,460 8,298 19,791 11,814 13,188 24,527 14,599 15,573 71,304

13023 13025 13027 13029 13031 13033 13035 13037 13039 13041 13043

Bleckley ............................... Brantley ............................... Brooks ................................. Bryan ................................... Bulloch ................................ Burke ................................... Butts .................................... Calhoun............................... Camden............................... Campbell ............................. Candler................................

1920 1930 1860 1800 1800 1790 1830 1860 1790 1830 1920

13,063 18,411 16,243 30,233 70,217 23,316 23,655 6,694 50,513 --10,998

11,666 14,629 16,450 23,417 55,983 22,243 19,522 6,320 43,664 --9,577

10,430 11,077 15,398 15,438 43,125 20,579 15,326 5,013 30,167 --7,744

10,767 8,701 15,255 10,175 35,785 19,349 13,665 5,717 13,371 --7,518

10,291 5,940 13,739 6,539 31,585 18,255 10,560 6,606 11,334 --6,412

9,642 5,891 15,292 6,226 24,263 20,596 8,976 7,341 9,975 --6,672

9,218 6,387 18,169 5,965 24,740 23,458 9,079 8,578 7,322 --8,063

9,655 6,871 20,497 6,288 26,010 26,520 9,182 10,438 5,910 --9,103

9,133 6,895 21,330 5,952 26,509 29,224 9,345 10,576 6,338 9,903 8,991

10,532 --24,538 6,343 26,133 30,836 12,327 10,225 6,969 11,709 9,228

13045 13047 13049 13051 13053 13055 13057 13059 13061 13063 13065

Carroll ................................. Catoosa ............................... Charlton .............................. Chatham ............................. Chattahoochee .................... Chattooga ........................... Cherokee ............................. Clarke .................................. Clay ..................................... Clayton ................................ Clinch ..................................

1830 1860 1860 1790 1860 1840 1840 1810 1860 1860 1850

110,527 63,942 12,171 265,128 11,267 26,015 214,346 116,714 3,183 259,424 6,798

87,268 53,282 10,282 232,048 14,882 25,470 141,903 101,489 3,357 236,517 6,878

71,422 42,464 8,496 216,935 16,934 22,242 90,204 87,594 3,364 182,052 6,160

56,346 36,991 7,343 202,226 21,732 21,856 51,699 74,498 3,553 150,357 6,660

45,404 28,271 5,680 187,767 25,813 20,541 31,059 65,177 3,636 98,043 6,405

36,451 21,101 5,313 188,299 13,011 19,954 23,001 45,363 4,551 46,365 6,545

34,112 15,146 4,821 151,481 12,149 21,197 20,750 36,550 5,844 22,872 6,007

34,156 12,199 5,256 117,970 15,138 18,532 20,126 28,398 7,064 11,655 6,437

34,272 9,421 4,381 105,431 8,894 15,407 20,003 25,613 6,943 10,260 7,015

34,752 6,677 4,536 100,032 5,266 14,312 18,569 26,111 7,557 11,159 7,984

13067 13069 13071 13073 13075 13077 13079 13081 13083 13085 13087

Cobb ................................... Coffee ................................. Colquitt ............................... Columbia ............................. Cook ................................... Coweta................................ Crawford ............................. Crisp .................................... Dade.................................... Dawson ............................... Decatur................................

1840 1860 1860 1800 1920 1830 1830 1910 1840 1860 1830

688,078 42,356 45,498 124,053 17,212 127,317 12,630 23,439 16,633 22,330 27,842

607,751 37,413 42,053 89,288 15,771 89,215 12,495 21,996 15,154 15,999 28,240

447,745 29,592 36,645 66,031 13,456 53,853 8,991 20,011 13,147 9,429 25,511

297,718 26,894 35,376 40,118 13,490 39,268 7,684 19,489 12,318 4,774 25,495

196,793 22,828 32,200 22,327 12,129 32,310 5,748 18,087 9,910 3,639 22,310

114,174 21,953 34,048 13,423 11,822 28,893 5,816 17,768 8,666 3,590 25,203

61,830 23,961 33,999 9,525 12,201 27,786 6,080 17,663 7,364 3,712 23,620

38,272 21,541 33,012 9,433 11,919 26,972 7,128 17,540 5,894 4,479 22,234

35,408 19,739 30,622 8,793 11,311 25,127 7,020 17,343 4,146 3,502 23,622

30,437 18,653 29,332 11,718 11,180 29,047 8,893 18,914 3,918 4,204 31,785

13089 13091 13093 13095 13097 13099 13101 13103 13105 13107 13109

DeKalb................................. Dodge ................................. Dooly ................................... Dougherty ........................... Douglas ............................... Early .................................... Echols .................................. Effingham ............................ Elbert ................................... Emanuel .............................. Evans ...................................

1830 1880 1830 1860 1880 1820 1860 1790 1800 1820 1920

691,893 21,796 14,918 94,565 132,403 11,008 4,034 52,250 20,166 22,598 11,000

665,865 19,171 11,525 96,065 92,174 12,354 3,754 37,535 20,511 21,837 10,495

545,837 17,607 9,901 96,311 71,120 11,854 2,334 25,687 18,949 20,546 8,724

483,024 16,955 10,826 100,718 54,573 13,158 2,297 18,327 18,758 20,795 8,428

415,387 15,658 10,404 89,639 28,659 12,682 1,924 13,632 17,262 18,189 7,290

256,782 16,483 11,474 75,680 16,741 13,151 1,876 10,144 17,835 17,815 6,952

136,395 17,865 14,159 43,617 12,173 17,413 2,494 9,133 18,585 19,789 6,653

86,942 21,022 16,886 28,565 10,053 18,679 2,964 9,646 19,618 23,517 7,401

70,278 21,599 18,025 22,306 9,461 18,273 2,744 10,164 18,485 24,101 7,102

44,051 22,540 20,522 20,063 10,477 18,983 3,313 9,985 23,905 25,862 6,594

13111 13113 13115 13117 13119 13121 13123

Fannin ................................. Fayette................................. Floyd.................................... Forsyth................................. Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Gilmer .................................

1860 1830 1840 1840 1790 1860 1840

23,682 106,567 96,317 175,511 22,084 920,581 28,292

19,798 91,263 90,565 98,407 20,285 816,006 23,456

15,992 62,415 81,251 44,083 16,650 648,951 13,368

14,748 29,043 79,800 27,958 15,185 589,904 11,110

13,357 11,364 73,742 16,928 12,784 607,592 8,956

13,620 8,199 69,130 12,170 13,274 556,326 8,922

15,192 7,978 62,899 11,005 14,446 473,572 9,963

14,752 8,170 56,141 11,322 15,612 392,886 9,001

12,969 8,665 48,667 10,624 15,902 318,587 7,344

12,103 11,396 39,841 11,755 19,957 232,606 8,406


Resident population enumerated by census 2010

County and City Extra










Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued Resident population enumerated by census (continued)

STATE/ County code

STATE County


GEORGIA ........................

13001 13003 13005 13007 13009 13011 13013 13015 13017 13019 13021

Appling............................ Atkinson .......................... Bacon .............................. Baker ............................... Baldwin ........................... Banks............................... Barrow............................. Bartow............................. Ben Hill ............................ Berrien ............................. Bibb .................................

12,318 ----7,973 18,354 11,244 --25,388 11,863 22,772 56,646

12,336 ----6,704 17,768 10,545 --20,823 --19,440 50,473

8,676 ----6,144 14,608 8,562 --20,616 --10,694 42,370

5,276 ----7,307 13,806 7,337 --18,690 --6,619 27,147

5,086 ----6,843 10,618 4,973 --16,566 --4,518 21,255

13023 13025 13027 13029 13031 13033 13035 13037 13039 13041 13043

Bleckley ........................... Brantley ........................... Brooks ............................. Bryan ............................... Bulloch ............................ Burke ............................... Butts ................................ Calhoun........................... Camden........................... Campbell ......................... Candler............................

----23,832 6,702 26,464 27,268 13,624 11,334 7,690 10,874 ---

----18,606 6,122 21,377 30,165 12,805 9,274 7,669 9,518 ---

----13,979 5,520 13,712 28,501 10,565 8,438 6,178 9,115 ---

----11,727 4,929 8,053 27,128 8,311 7,024 6,183 9,970 ---

13045 13047 13049 13051 13053 13055 13057 13059 13061 13063 13065

Carroll ............................. Catoosa ........................... Charlton .......................... Chatham ......................... Chattahoochee ................ Chattooga ....................... Cherokee ......................... Clarke .............................. Clay ................................. Clayton ............................ Clinch ..............................

30,855 7,184 4,722 79,690 5,586 13,608 16,661 23,273 8,960 10,453 8,424

26,576 5,823 3,592 71,239 5,790 12,952 15,243 17,708 8,568 9,598 8,732

22,301 5,431 3,335 57,740 4,902 11,202 15,412 15,186 7,817 8,295 6,652

13067 13069

Cobb ............................... Coffee .............................

28,397 21,953

24,664 16,169

13071 13073 13075 13077 13079 13081 13083 13085 13087

Colquitt ........................... Columbia ......................... Cook ............................... Coweta............................ Crawford ......................... Crisp ................................ Dade................................ Dawson ........................... Decatur............................

19,789 12,328 --28,800 8,310 16,423 4,139 4,686 29,045

13089 13091 13093 13095 13097 13099 13101 13103 13105 13107 13109

DeKalb............................. Dodge ............................. Dooly ............................... Dougherty ....................... Douglas ........................... Early ................................ Echols .............................. Effingham ........................ Elbert ............................... Emanuel .......................... Evans ...............................

13111 13113 13115 13117 13119 13121 13123

Fannin ............................. Fayette............................. Floyd................................ Forsyth............................. Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Gilmer .............................











2,052 ----4,226 7,250 ----9,390 ----9,802

1,468 ----1,253 7,295 ----------7,154

1,264 ------7,734 -------------

--------6,356 -------------



------3,424 4,300 16,100 6,488 --6,319 7,232 ---

------3,182 3,102 13,176 5,308 --6,075 5,370 ---

------3,139 2,587 11,833 4,944 --4,578 3,323 ---

------3,021 2,578 11,577 ----4,342 -----

------2,827 2,305 10,858 ----3,941 -----

------2,836 1,913 9,504 ----1,681 -----

----------9,467 ----305 -----

11,991 5,082 1,780 31,043 5,797 7,165 11,291 11,218 4,893 4,466 3,063

9,357 ----23,901 --6,815 12,800 11,119 ----637

5,252 ----18,801 --3,438 5,895 10,522 -------

3,419 ----14,127 ------10,176 -------

------14,737 ------8,767 -------

------13,540 ------7,628 -------

------12,946 ---------------

------10,769 ---------------

13,814 3,192

14,242 2,879

13,843 ---

7,539 ---






2,527 10,465 --21,109 8,656 --4,702 5,837 19,072

1,654 13,529 --15,875 7,557 --3,033 4,369 15,183

1,316 11,860 --14,703 7,693 --3,069 3,856 11,922

--11,961 --13,635 8,984 --2,680 --8,262

--11,356 --10,364 7,981 --1,364 --5,872

--12,606 --5,003 5,313 ------3,854

--12,695 ---------------

--11,242 ---------------

--8,345 ---------------


17,189 11,452 18,146 12,206 7,794 9,792 3,079 5,599 15,376 14,703 ---

14,497 5,358 12,420 12,622 6,934 7,611 2,553 5,979 12,957 9,759 ---

10,014 --9,790 11,517 --6,998 1,978 4,214 9,249 6,134 ---

7,806 --8,917 8,295 --6,149 1,491 4,755 10,433 5,081 ---

14,328 --8,361 ----7,246 --3,864 12,959 4,577 ---

10,467 --4,427 ----5,444 --3,075 11,125 3,129 ---

10,042 --2,135 ----2,051 --2,924 12,354 2,673 ---

----------768 --3,018 11,788 2,928 ---

--------------2,586 12,156 -----

--------------2,072 10,094 -----

--------------2,424 -------

8,724 8,728 28,391 11,155 14,670 84,655 9,074

7,245 8,605 24,418 10,559 11,453 49,137 8,386

5,429 8,221 17,230 7,983 7,893 33,446 6,644

5,139 7,047 15,195 7,749 7,393 14,427 6,724

--8,709 8,205 8,850 11,513 --8,440

--6,191 4,441 5,619 9,886 --2,536

--5,504 ----10,107 -----

--------9,040 -----

--------10,815 -----

--------6,859 -----

--------1,041 -----










4,190 ----4,985 9,078 4,707 --15,724 --3,475 16,291

2,949 ----8,120 8,148 ----13,300 ----12,699

----8,342 5,252 5,610 17,679 6,941 5,503 4,615 9,176 ---

----6,356 4,015 5,668 17,165 6,455 4,913 5,420 8,301 ---

16,901 4,739 2,154 45,023 5,670 10,021 14,325 11,702 6,650 8,027 4,138

11,782 4,409 1,897 41,279 6,059 6,902 10,399 12,941 5,493 5,477 3,945

22,286 10,483

20,748 5,070

13,636 10,653 --24,980 10,368 --4,578 5,442 29,454

4,794 11,281 --22,354 9,315 --5,707 5,612 19,949

27,881 20,127 20,554 16,035 8,953 18,122 3,309 9,971 24,125 25,140 ---

21,112 13,975 26,567 13,679 8,745 14,828 3,209 8,334 19,729 21,279 ---

12,574 10,966 36,736 11,940 17,894 177,733 9,237

11,214 10,114 33,113 11,550 17,700 117,363 10,198

2,609,121 2,216,331 1,837,353 1,542,180 1,184,109 1,057,286


Part C — Counties 71

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010




1860 1790 1850 1910 1790 1820 1820 1820 1800

3,082 79,626 55,186 25,011 15,994 805,321 43,041 179,684 9,429

2,556 67,568 44,104 23,659 14,406 588,448 35,902 139,277 10,076

2,357 62,496 35,072 20,279 11,793 352,910 27,621 95,428 8,908

2,382 54,981 30,070 19,845 11,391 166,903 25,020 75,649 9,466

2,280 50,528 23,570 17,826 10,212 72,349 20,691 59,405 9,019

2,672 41,954 19,228 18,015 11,193 43,541 18,116 49,739 9,979

3,579 29,046 18,922 18,928 12,843 32,320 16,553 40,113 11,052

4,547 21,920 18,445 19,654 13,709 29,087 14,771 34,822 12,764

4,388 19,400 16,846 19,200 12,616 27,853 12,748 30,313 13,070

4,192 19,370 17,736 20,306 18,972 30,327 10,730 26,822 18,357

Haralson .............................. Harris ................................... Hart ..................................... Heard .................................. Henry................................... Houston............................... Irwin .................................... Jackson ................................ Jasper .................................. Jeff Davis ............................. Jefferson ..............................

1860 1830 1860 1840 1830 1830 1820 1800 1810 1910 1800

28,780 32,024 25,213 11,834 203,922 139,900 9,538 60,485 13,900 15,068 16,930

25,690 23,695 22,997 11,012 119,341 110,765 9,931 41,589 11,426 12,684 17,266

21,966 17,788 19,712 8,628 58,741 89,208 8,649 30,005 8,453 12,032 17,408

18,422 15,464 18,585 6,520 36,309 77,605 8,988 25,343 7,553 11,473 18,403

15,927 11,520 15,814 5,354 23,724 62,924 8,036 21,093 5,760 9,425 17,174

14,543 11,167 15,229 5,333 17,619 39,154 9,211 18,499 6,135 8,914 17,468

14,663 11,265 14,495 6,975 15,857 20,964 11,973 18,997 7,473 9,299 18,855

14,377 11,428 15,512 8,610 15,119 11,303 12,936 20,089 8,772 8,841 20,040

13,263 11,140 15,174 9,102 15,924 11,280 12,199 21,609 8,594 8,118 20,727

14,440 15,775 17,944 11,126 20,420 21,964 12,670 24,654 16,362 7,322 22,602

13165 13167 13169 13171 13173 13175 13177 13179 13181 13183 13185

Jenkins................................. Johnson ............................... Jones ................................... Lamar .................................. Lanier .................................. Laurens ................................ Lee ...................................... Liberty ................................. Lincoln ................................. Long .................................... Lowndes ..............................

1910 1860 1810 1930 1930 1810 1830 1790 1800 1930 1830

8,340 9,980 28,669 18,317 10,078 48,434 28,298 63,453 7,996 14,464 109,233

8,575 8,560 23,639 15,912 7,241 44,874 24,757 61,610 8,348 10,304 92,115

8,247 8,329 20,739 13,038 5,531 39,988 16,250 52,745 7,442 6,202 75,981

8,841 8,660 16,579 12,215 5,654 36,990 11,684 37,583 6,716 4,524 67,972

8,332 7,727 12,218 10,688 5,031 32,738 7,044 17,569 5,895 3,746 55,112

9,148 8,048 8,468 10,240 5,097 32,313 6,204 14,487 5,906 3,874 49,270

10,264 9,893 7,538 10,242 5,151 33,123 6,674 8,444 6,462 3,598 35,211

11,843 12,953 8,331 10,091 5,632 33,606 7,837 8,595 7,042 4,086 31,860

12,908 12,681 8,992 9,745 5,190 32,693 8,328 8,153 7,847 4,180 29,994

14,328 13,546 13,269 ----39,605 10,904 12,707 9,739 --26,521

13187 13189 13191 13193 13195 13197 13199 13201 13203 13205 13207

Lumpkin .............................. McDuffie ............................. McIntosh ............................. Macon ................................. Madison .............................. Marion................................. Meriwether .......................... Miller ................................... Milton.................................. Mitchell ............................... Monroe ...............................

1840 1880 1800 1840 1820 1830 1830 1860 1860 1860 1830

29,966 21,875 14,333 14,740 28,120 8,742 21,992 6,125 --23,498 26,424

21,016 21,231 10,847 14,074 25,730 7,144 22,534 6,383 --23,932 21,757

14,573 20,119 8,634 13,114 21,050 5,590 22,411 6,280 --20,275 17,113

10,762 18,546 8,046 14,003 17,747 5,297 21,229 7,038 --21,114 14,610

8,728 15,276 7,371 12,933 13,517 5,099 19,461 6,397 --18,956 10,991

7,241 12,627 6,364 13,170 11,246 5,477 19,756 6,908 --19,652 10,495

6,574 11,443 6,008 14,213 12,238 6,521 21,055 9,023 --22,528 10,523

6,223 10,878 5,292 15,947 13,431 6,954 22,055 9,998 --23,261 10,749

4,927 9,014 5,763 16,643 14,921 6,968 22,437 9,076 6,730 23,620 11,606

5,240 11,509 5,119 17,667 18,803 7,604 26,168 9,565 6,885 25,588 20,138

13209 13211 13213 13215 13217 13219 13221 13223 13225 13227 13229

Montgomery........................ Morgan ............................... Murray................................. Muscogee ............................ Newton ............................... Oconee ................................ Oglethorpe .......................... Paulding .............................. Peach................................... Pickens ................................ Pierce...................................

1800 1810 1840 1830 1830 1880 1800 1840 1930 1860 1860

9,123 17,868 39,628 189,885 99,958 32,808 14,899 142,324 27,695 29,431 18,758

8,270 15,457 36,506 186,291 62,001 26,225 12,635 81,678 23,668 22,983 15,636

7,163 12,883 26,147 179,278 41,808 17,618 9,763 41,611 21,189 14,432 13,328

7,011 11,572 19,685 170,108 34,489 12,427 8,929 26,110 19,151 11,652 11,897

6,099 9,904 12,986 167,377 26,282 7,915 7,598 17,520 15,990 9,620 9,281

6,284 10,280 10,447 158,623 20,999 6,304 7,926 13,101 13,846 8,903 9,678

7,901 11,899 10,676 118,028 20,185 7,009 9,958 11,752 11,705 8,855 11,112

9,668 12,713 11,137 75,494 18,576 7,576 12,430 12,832 10,378 9,136 11,800

10,020 12,488 9,215 57,558 17,290 8,082 12,927 12,327 10,268 9,687 12,522

9,167 20,143 9,490 44,195 21,680 11,067 20,287 14,025 --8,222 11,934

13231 13233 13235 13237 13239 13241 13243 13245 13247 13249 13251

Pike ..................................... Polk ..................................... Pulaski ................................. Putnam ................................ Quitman .............................. Rabun .................................. Randolph ............................. Richmond ............................ Rockdale .............................. Schley .................................. Screven ................................

1830 1860 1810 1810 1860 1820 1830 1790 1880 1860 1800

17,869 41,475 12,010 21,218 2,513 16,276 7,719 200,549 85,215 5,010 14,593

13,688 38,127 9,588 18,812 2,598 15,050 7,791 199,775 70,111 3,766 15,374

10,224 33,815 8,108 14,137 2,209 11,648 8,023 189,719 54,091 3,588 13,842

8,937 32,386 8,950 10,295 2,357 10,466 9,599 181,629 36,747 3,433 14,043

7,316 29,656 8,066 8,394 2,180 8,327 8,734 162,437 18,152 3,097 12,591

7,138 28,015 8,204 7,798 2,432 7,456 11,078 135,601 10,572 3,256 14,919

8,459 30,976 8,808 7,731 3,015 7,424 13,804 108,876 8,464 4,036 18,000

10,375 28,467 9,829 8,514 3,435 7,821 16,609 81,863 7,724 5,033 20,353

10,853 25,141 9,005 8,367 3,820 6,331 17,174 72,990 7,247 5,347 20,503

21,212 20,357 11,587 15,151 3,417 5,746 16,721 63,692 9,521 5,243 23,552

13125 13127 13129 13131 13133 13135 13137 13139 13141

GEORGIA cnt’d Glascock .............................. Glynn................................... Gordon ................................ Grady .................................. Greene ................................ Gwinnett ............................. Habersham .......................... Hall ...................................... Hancock ..............................

13143 13145 13147 13149 13151 13153 13155 13157 13159 13161 13163


County and City Extra







Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













13125 13127 13129 13131 13133 13135 13137 13139 13141

GEORGIA cnt’d Glascock .......................... Glynn............................... Gordon ............................ Grady .............................. Greene ............................ Gwinnett ......................... Habersham ...................... Hall .................................. Hancock ..........................

4,669 15,720 15,861 18,457 18,512 28,824 10,134 25,730 19,189

4,516 14,317 14,119 --16,542 25,585 13,604 20,752 18,277

3,720 13,420 12,758 --17,051 19,899 11,573 18,047 17,149

3,577 6,497 11,171 --17,547 19,531 8,718 15,298 16,989

2,736 5,376 9,268 --12,454 12,431 6,322 9,607 11,317

2,437 3,889 10,146 --12,652 12,940 5,966 9,366 12,044

--4,933 5,984 --13,068 11,257 8,895 8,713 11,578

--5,302 ----11,690 10,804 7,961 7,875 9,659

--4,567 ----12,549 13,289 10,671 11,748 11,820

--3,418 ----13,589 4,589 3,145 5,086 12,734

--3,417 ----11,679 ------13,330

--1,874 ----10,761 ------14,456

--413 ----5,405 ---------

13143 13145 13147 13149 13151 13153 13155 13157 13159 13161 13163

Haralson .......................... Harris ............................... Hart ................................. Heard .............................. Henry............................... Houston........................... Irwin ................................ Jackson ............................ Jasper .............................. Jeff Davis ......................... Jefferson ..........................

13,514 17,886 16,216 11,189 19,927 23,609 10,461 30,169 16,552 6,050 21,379

11,922 18,009 14,492 11,177 18,602 22,641 13,645 24,039 15,033 --18,212

11,316 16,797 10,887 9,557 16,220 21,613 6,316 19,176 13,879 --17,213

5,974 15,758 9,094 8,769 14,193 22,414 2,696 16,297 11,851 --15,671

4,004 13,284 6,783 7,866 10,102 20,406 1,837 11,181 10,439 --12,190

3,039 13,736 6,137 7,805 10,702 15,611 1,699 10,605 10,743 --10,219

--14,721 --6,923 14,726 16,450 3,334 9,768 11,486 --9,131

--13,933 --5,329 11,756 9,711 2,038 8,522 11,111 --7,254

--5,105 ----10,566 7,369 1,180 9,004 13,131 --7,309

------------411 8,355 14,614 --7,056

--------------10,569 7,573 --6,111

--------------7,736 ----5,684


13165 13167 13169 13171 13173 13175 13177 13179 13181 13183 13185

Jenkins............................. Johnson ........................... Jones ............................... Lamar .............................. Lanier .............................. Laurens ............................ Lee .................................. Liberty ............................. Lincoln ............................. Long ................................ Lowndes ..........................

11,520 12,897 13,103 ----35,501 11,679 12,924 8,714 --24,436

--11,409 13,358 ----25,908 10,344 13,093 7,156 --20,036

--6,129 12,709 ----13,747 9,074 12,887 6,146 --15,102

--4,800 11,613 ----10,053 10,577 10,649 6,412 --11,049

--2,964 9,436 ----7,834 9,567 7,688 5,413 --8,321

--2,919 9,107 ----6,998 7,196 8,367 5,466 --5,249

----10,224 ----6,442 6,660 7,926 5,998 --7,714

----10,065 ----5,585 4,520 7,241 5,895 --5,574

----13,345 ----5,589 1,680 7,233 6,145 --2,453

----16,570 ----5,436 --6,695 6,458 -----

----8,597 ----2,210 --6,228 4,555 -----

--------------5,313 4,766 -----

--------------5,355 -------

13187 13189 13191 13193 13195

Lumpkin .......................... McDuffie ......................... McIntosh ......................... Macon ............................. Madison ..........................

5,444 10,325 6,442 15,016 16,851

7,433 9,804 6,537 14,093 13,224

6,867 8,789 6,470 13,183 11,024

6,526 9,449 6,241 11,675 7,978

5,161 --4,491 11,458 5,227

4,626 --5,546 8,449 5,933

8,955 --6,027 7,052 5,703

5,671 --5,360 5,045 4,510

----4,998 --4,646

----5,129 --3,735

----3,739 -----

----2,660 -----


13197 13199 13201 13203 13205 13207

Marion............................. Meriwether ...................... Miller ............................... Milton.............................. Mitchell ........................... Monroe ...........................

9,147 25,180 7,986 7,239 22,114 20,450

10,080 23,339 6,319 6,763 14,767 20,682

7,728 20,740 4,275 6,208 10,906 19,137

8,598 17,651 3,720 6,261 9,392 18,808

8,000 13,756 3,091 4,284 6,633 17,213

7,390 15,330 1,791 4,602 4,308 15,953

10,280 16,476 ------16,985

4,812 14,132 ------16,275

1,436 4,422 ------16,202





13209 13211 13213 13215 13217 13219 13221 13223 13225 13227 13229

Montgomery.................... Morgan ........................... Murray............................. Muscogee ........................ Newton ........................... Oconee ............................ Oglethorpe ...................... Paulding .......................... Peach............................... Pickens ............................ Pierce...............................

19,638 19,717 9,763 36,227 18,449 11,104 18,680 14,124 --9,041 10,749

16,359 15,813 8,623 29,836 16,734 8,602 17,881 12,969 --8,641 8,100

9,248 16,041 8,461 27,761 14,310 7,713 16,951 11,948 --8,182 6,379

5,381 14,032 8,269 19,322 13,623 6,351 15,400 10,887 --6,790 4,538

3,586 10,696 6,500 16,663 14,615 --11,782 7,639 --5,317 2,778

2,997 9,997 7,083 16,584 14,320 --11,549 7,038 --4,951 1,973

2,154 10,744 14,433 18,578 13,296 --12,259 7,039 -------

1,616 9,121 4,695 11,699 11,628 --10,868 2,556 -------

1,269 12,046 --3,508 11,155 --13,618 ---------

1,869 13,520 --------14,046 ---------

2,954 8,369 --------12,297 ---------

3,180 ----------9,780 ---------


13231 13233 13235 13237 13239 13241 13243 13245 13247 13249 13251

Pike ................................. Polk ................................. Pulaski ............................. Putnam ............................ Quitman .......................... Rabun .............................. Randolph ......................... Richmond ........................ Rockdale .......................... Schley .............................. Screven ............................

19,495 20,203 22,835 13,876 4,594 5,562 18,841 58,886 8,916 5,213 20,202

18,761 17,856 18,489 13,436 4,701 6,285 16,847 53,735 7,515 5,499 19,252

16,300 14,945 16,559 14,842 4,471 5,606 15,267 45,194 6,813 5,443 14,424

15,849 11,952 14,058 14,539 4,392 4,634 13,341 34,665 6,838 5,302 12,786

10,905 7,822 11,940 10,461 4,150 3,256 10,561 25,724 --5,129 9,175

10,078 6,295 8,744 10,125 3,499 3,271 9,571 21,284 --4,633 8,274

14,306 --6,627 10,794 --2,448 12,868 16,246 ----6,847

9,176 --5,389 10,260 --1,912 8,276 11,932 ----4,794

6,149 --4,906 13,261 --2,176 2,191 11,644 ----4,776

----5,283 15,475 --524 --8,608 ----3,941

----2,093 10,029 ------6,189 ----4,477

--------------5,475 ----3,019

--------------11,317 -------

Part C — Counties 73

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










13253 13255 13257 13259 13261 13263 13265 13267 13269 13271 13273

GEORGIA cnt’d Seminole.............................. Spalding .............................. Stephens.............................. Stewart ................................ Sumter................................. Talbot .................................. Taliaferro.............................. Tattnall................................. Taylor ................................... Telfair................................... Terrell...................................

1930 1860 1910 1840 1840 1830 1830 1810 1860 1810 1860

8,729 64,073 26,175 6,058 32,819 6,865 1,717 25,520 8,906 16,500 9,315

9,369 58,417 25,435 5,252 33,200 6,498 2,077 22,305 8,815 11,794 10,970

9,010 54,457 23,257 5,654 30,228 6,524 1,915 17,722 7,642 11,000 10,653

9,057 47,899 21,763 5,896 29,360 6,536 2,032 18,134 7,902 11,445 12,017

7,059 39,514 20,331 6,511 26,931 6,625 2,423 16,557 7,865 11,381 11,416

6,802 35,404 18,391 7,371 24,652 7,127 3,370 15,837 8,311 11,715 12,742

7,904 31,045 16,647 9,194 24,208 7,687 4,515 15,939 9,113 13,221 14,314

8,492 28,427 12,972 10,603 24,502 8,141 6,278 16,243 10,768 15,145 16,675

7,389 23,495 11,740 11,114 26,800 8,458 6,172 15,411 10,617 14,997 18,290

--21,908 11,215 12,089 29,640 11,158 8,841 14,502 11,473 15,291 19,601

13275 13277 13279 13281 13283 13285 13287 13289 13291 13293 13295 13297 13299 13301 13303 13305 13307

Thomas................................ Tift ...................................... Toombs ................................ Towns .................................. Treutlen ............................... Troup ................................... Turner .................................. Twiggs ................................. Union .................................. Upson .................................. Walker ................................. Walton................................. Ware.................................... Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ...............................

1830 1910 1910 1860 1920 1830 1910 1810 1840 1830 1840 1820 1830 1800 1790 1810 1860

44,720 40,118 27,223 10,471 6,885 67,044 8,930 9,023 21,356 27,153 68,756 83,768 36,312 5,834 21,187 30,099 2,799

42,737 38,407 26,067 9,319 6,854 58,779 9,504 10,590 17,289 27,597 61,053 60,687 35,483 6,336 21,176 26,565 2,390

38,986 34,998 24,072 6,754 5,994 55,536 8,703 9,806 11,993 26,300 58,340 38,586 35,471 6,078 19,112 22,356 2,263

38,098 32,862 22,592 5,638 6,087 50,003 9,510 9,354 9,390 25,998 56,470 31,211 37,180 6,583 18,842 20,750 2,341

34,515 27,288 19,151 4,565 5,647 44,466 8,790 8,222 6,811 23,505 50,691 23,404 33,525 6,669 17,480 17,858 2,362

34,319 23,487 16,837 4,538 5,874 47,189 8,439 7,935 6,510 23,800 45,264 20,481 34,219 7,360 18,903 17,921 3,247

33,932 22,645 17,382 4,803 6,522 49,841 10,479 8,308 7,318 25,078 38,198 20,230 30,289 8,779 21,012 14,248 4,081

31,289 18,599 16,952 4,925 7,632 43,879 10,846 9,117 7,680 25,064 31,024 20,777 27,929 10,236 24,230 13,122 4,726

32,612 16,068 17,165 4,346 7,488 36,752 11,196 8,372 6,340 19,509 26,206 21,118 26,558 11,181 25,030 12,647 5,032

33,044 14,493 13,897 3,937 7,664 36,097 12,466 10,407 6,455 14,786 23,370 24,216 28,361 11,828 28,147 14,381 5,342

13309 13311 13313 13315 13317 13319 13321

Wheeler ............................... White .................................. Whitfield.............................. Wilcox ................................. Wilkes ................................. Wilkinson ............................ Worth ..................................

1920 1860 1860 1860 1790 1810 1860

7,421 27,144 102,599 9,255 10,593 9,563 21,679

6,179 19,944 83,525 8,577 10,687 10,220 21,967

4,903 13,006 72,462 7,008 10,597 10,228 19,745

5,155 10,120 65,789 7,682 10,951 10,368 18,064

4,596 7,742 55,108 6,998 10,184 9,393 14,770

5,342 6,935 42,109 7,905 10,961 9,250 16,682

6,712 5,951 34,432 10,167 12,388 9,781 19,357

8,535 6,417 26,105 12,755 15,084 11,025 21,374

9,149 6,056 20,808 13,439 15,944 10,844 21,094

9,817 6,105 16,897 15,511 24,210 11,376 23,863


HAWAII ..............................












15001 15003 15005 15007 15009

Hawaii ................................. Honolulu.............................. Kalawao .............................. Kauai ................................... Maui ....................................

1900 1900 1900 1900 1900

185,079 953,207 90 67,091 154,834

148,677 876,156 147 58,463 128,094

120,317 836,231 130 51,177 100,374

92,053 762,565 144 39,082 70,847

63,468 629,176 172 29,761 45,984

61,332 500,409 279 28,176 42,576

68,350 353,020 340 29,905 48,179

73,276 257,696 446 35,818 55,534

73,325 202,887 605 35,942 55,541

64,895 123,496 667 29,438 37,385


IDAHO ................................












16001 16003 16003.1 16005 16007 16009 16011 16013 16015 16017 16019

Ada ..................................... Adams ................................. Alturas ................................. Bannock .............................. Bear Lake ............................. Benewah ............................. Bingham .............................. Blaine .................................. Boise.................................... Bonner................................. Bonneville ............................

1870 1920 1870 1900 1880 1920 1890 1900 1870 1910 1920

392,365 3,976 --82,839 5,986 9,285 45,607 21,376 7,028 40,877 104,234

300,904 3,476 --75,565 6,411 9,171 41,735 18,991 6,670 36,835 82,522

205,775 3,254 --66,026 6,084 7,937 37,583 13,552 3,509 26,622 72,207

173,036 3,347 --65,421 6,931 8,292 36,489 9,841 2,999 24,163 65,980

112,230 2,877 --52,200 5,801 6,230 29,167 5,749 1,763 15,560 51,250

93,460 2,978 --49,342 7,148 6,036 28,218 4,598 1,646 15,587 46,906

70,649 3,347 --41,745 6,834 6,173 23,271 5,384 1,776 14,853 30,210

50,401 3,407 --34,759 7,911 7,332 21,044 5,295 2,333 15,667 25,697

37,925 2,867 --31,266 7,872 6,371 18,561 3,768 1,847 13,152 19,664

35,213 2,966 --27,532 8,783 6,997 18,310 4,473 1,822 12,957 17,501


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













13253 13255 13257 13259 13261 13263 13265 13267 13269 13271 13273

GEORGIA cnt’d Seminole.......................... Spalding .......................... Stephens.......................... Stewart ............................ Sumter............................. Talbot .............................. Taliaferro.......................... Tattnall............................. Taylor ............................... Telfair............................... Terrell...............................

--19,741 9,728 13,437 29,092 11,696 8,766 18,569 10,839 13,288 22,003

--17,619 --15,856 26,212 12,197 7,912 20,419 9,846 10,083 19,023

--13,117 --15,682 22,107 13,258 7,291 10,253 8,666 5,477 14,503

--12,585 --13,998 18,239 14,115 7,034 6,988 8,597 4,828 10,451

--10,205 --14,204 16,559 11,913 4,796 4,860 7,143 3,245 9,053

--8,699 --13,422 9,428 13,616 4,583 4,352 5,998 2,713 6,232

------16,027 10,322 16,534 5,146 3,227 --3,026 ---

------12,933 5,759 15,627 5,190 2,724 --2,763 ---

----------5,940 4,934 2,040 --2,136 ---

--------------2,644 --2,104 ---

--------------2,206 --744 ---



13275 13277 13279 13281 13283 13285 13287 13289 13291 13293 13295 13297 13299 13301 13303 13305 13307

Thomas............................ Tift .................................. Toombs ............................ Towns .............................. Treutlen ........................... Troup ............................... Turner .............................. Twiggs ............................. Union .............................. Upson .............................. Walker ............................. Walton............................. Ware................................ Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ...........................

29,071 11,487 11,206 3,932 --26,228 10,075 10,736 6,918 12,757 18,692 25,393 22,957 11,860 28,174 13,069 6,151

31,076 ----4,748 --24,002 --8,716 8,481 13,670 15,661 20,942 13,761 11,463 28,227 9,449 6,618

26,154 ----4,064 --20,723 --8,195 7,749 12,188 13,282 17,467 8,811 10,957 25,237 7,485 5,695

20,597 ----3,261 --20,565 --8,918 6,431 12,400 11,056 15,622 4,159 10,885 21,964 5,980 5,237

14,523 ----2,780 --17,632 --8,545 5,267 9,430 9,925 11,038 2,286 10,545 15,842 2,177 4,677

10,766 ----2,459 --16,262 --8,320 4,413 9,910 10,082 11,074 2,200 9,820 12,698 2,268 5,030

10,103 --------16,879 --8,179 7,234 9,424 13,109 10,821 3,888 12,425 11,766 1,499 ---

6,766 --------15,733 --8,422 3,152 9,408 6,572 10,209 2,323 9,789 10,565 1,258 ---

3,299 --------5,799 --8,031 --7,013 --10,929 1,205 10,946 9,820 963 ---

--------------10,640 ------4,192 --10,630 10,627 1,010 ---

--------------3,405 ----------8,725 9,940 676 ---

--------------------------8,329 10,300 -----

----------------------------4,552 -----

13309 13311 13313 13315 13317 13319 13321

Wheeler ........................... White .............................. Whitfield.......................... Wilcox ............................. Wilkes ............................. Wilkinson ........................ Worth ..............................

--5,110 15,934 13,486 23,441 10,078 19,147

--5,912 14,509 11,097 20,866 11,440 18,664

--6,151 12,916 7,980 18,081 10,781 10,048

--5,341 11,900 3,109 15,985 12,061 5,892

--4,606 10,117 2,439 11,796 9,383 3,778

--3,315 10,047 2,115 11,420 9,376 2,763

--------12,107 8,296 ---

--------10,148 6,842 ---

--------14,237 6,513 ---

--------17,607 6,992 ---

--------14,887 2,154 ---

--------13,103 -----

--------31,500 -----


HAWAII ..........................














15001 15003 15005 15007 15009

Hawaii ............................. Honolulu.......................... Kalawao .......................... Kauai ............................... Maui ................................

55,382 81,993 785 23,952 29,762

46,843 58,504 1,177 20,734 26,743













IDAHO ............................














16001 16003 16003.1 16005 16007 16009 16011 16013 16015 16017 16019

Ada ................................. Adams ............................. Alturas ............................. Bannock .......................... Bear Lake ......................... Benewah ......................... Bingham .......................... Blaine .............................. Boise................................ Bonner............................. Bonneville ........................

29,088 ----19,242 7,729 --23,306 8,387 5,250 13,588 ---

11,559 ----11,702 7,051 --10,447 4,900 4,174 -----

8,368 --2,629 --6,057 --13,575 --3,342 -----

4,674 --1,693 --3,235 ------3,214 -----

2,675 --689 ----------3,834 -----









Part C — Counties 75

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010


1920 1920 1920 1900 1920 1880 1920 1920 1890 1890 1920

10,972 2,891 1,117 188,923 6,963 22,952 982 8,761 4,368 27,038 12,786

9,871 2,899 991 131,441 7,304 21,416 1,022 8,930 4,342 29,130 11,329

8,332 2,918 727 90,076 6,963 19,532 762 8,505 4,133 21,205 9,232

7,289 3,342 818 83,756 8,695 19,427 798 10,390 3,385 21,565 8,895

6,371 2,925 728 61,288 6,534 17,017 741 10,871 2,967 17,479 7,373

5,809 3,498 917 57,662 5,976 16,121 915 8,548 2,996 16,719 8,457

5,908 2,722 1,079 53,597 5,576 14,629 918 8,217 3,318 6,687 9,867

5,987 1,877 1,360 40,987 2,284 14,430 1,005 8,243 3,549 5,518 10,229

4,555 1,934 1,411 30,930 2,121 13,116 1,122 6,599 3,162 4,491 9,379

4,474 2,940 1,730 26,932 2,191 15,659 1,886 4,993 3,550 5,087 8,650

Fremont ............................... Gem .................................... Gooding .............................. Idaho ................................... Jefferson .............................. Jerome................................. Kootenai .............................. Latah ................................... Lemhi .................................. Lewis ................................... Lincoln .................................

1900 1920 1920 1870 1920 1920 1880 1890 1870 1920 1900

13,242 16,719 15,464 16,267 26,140 22,374 138,494 37,244 7,936 3,821 5,208

11,819 15,181 14,155 15,511 19,155 18,342 108,685 34,935 7,806 3,747 4,044

10,937 11,844 11,633 13,783 16,543 15,138 69,795 30,617 6,899 3,516 3,308

10,813 11,972 11,874 14,769 15,304 14,840 59,770 28,749 7,460 4,118 3,436

8,710 9,387 8,645 12,891 11,619 10,253 35,332 24,891 5,566 3,867 3,057

8,679 9,127 9,544 13,542 11,672 11,712 29,556 21,170 5,816 4,423 3,686

9,351 8,730 11,101 11,423 10,495 12,080 24,947 20,971 6,278 4,208 4,256

10,304 9,544 9,257 12,691 10,762 9,900 22,283 18,804 6,521 4,666 4,230

9,924 7,419 7,580 10,107 9,171 8,358 19,469 17,798 4,643 5,238 3,242

10,380 6,427 7,548 11,749 9,441 5,729 17,878 18,092 5,164 5,851 3,446

16063.1 16065 16067 16069 16071 16073 16075 16077 16079 16081 16083

Logan .................................. Madison .............................. Minidoka ............................. Nez Perce............................. Oneida................................. Owyhee ............................... Payette ................................ Power .................................. Shoshone............................. Teton ................................... Twin Falls .............................

1890 1920 1920 1870 1870 1870 1920 1920 1870 1920 1910

--37,536 20,069 39,265 4,286 11,526 22,623 7,817 12,765 10,170 77,230

--27,467 20,174 37,410 4,125 10,644 20,578 7,538 13,771 5,999 64,284

--23,674 19,361 33,754 3,492 8,392 16,434 7,086 13,931 3,439 53,580

--19,480 19,718 33,220 3,258 8,272 15,722 6,844 19,226 2,897 52,927

--13,452 15,731 30,376 2,864 6,422 12,401 4,864 19,718 2,351 41,807

--9,417 14,394 27,066 3,603 6,375 12,363 4,111 20,876 2,639 41,842

--9,156 9,785 22,658 4,387 6,307 11,921 3,988 22,806 3,204 40,979

--9,186 9,870 18,873 5,417 5,652 9,511 3,965 21,230 3,601 36,403

--8,316 8,403 17,591 5,870 4,103 7,318 4,457 19,060 3,573 29,828

--9,167 9,035 15,253 6,723 4,694 7,021 5,105 14,250 3,921 28,398

16085 16087

Valley ................................... Washington .........................

1920 1880

9,862 10,198

7,651 9,977

6,109 8,550

5,604 8,803

3,609 7,633

3,663 8,378

4,270 8,576

4,035 8,853

3,488 7,962

2,524 9,424














17001 17003 17005 17007 17009 17011 17013 17015 17017

Adams ................................. Alexander ............................ Bond.................................... Boone .................................. Brown.................................. Bureau ................................. Calhoun............................... Carroll ................................. Cass.....................................

1830 1820 1820 1840 1840 1840 1830 1840 1840

67,103 8,238 17,768 54,165 6,937 34,978 5,089 15,387 13,642

68,277 9,590 17,633 41,786 6,950 35,503 5,084 16,674 13,695

66,090 10,626 14,991 30,806 5,836 35,688 5,322 16,805 13,437

71,622 12,264 16,224 28,630 5,411 39,114 5,867 18,779 15,084

70,861 12,015 14,012 25,440 5,586 38,541 5,675 19,276 14,219

68,467 16,061 14,060 20,326 6,210 37,594 5,933 19,507 14,539

64,690 20,316 14,157 17,070 7,132 37,711 6,898 18,976 15,097

65,229 25,496 14,540 15,202 8,053 37,600 8,207 17,987 16,425

62,784 22,542 14,406 15,078 7,892 38,845 8,034 18,433 16,537

62,188 23,980 16,045 15,322 9,336 42,648 8,245 19,345 17,896

17019 17021 17023 17025 17027 17029 17031 17033 17035

Champaign .......................... Christian .............................. Clark.................................... Clay ..................................... Clinton ................................ Coles ................................... Cook ................................... Crawford ............................. Cumberland.........................

1840 1840 1820 1830 1830 1840 1840 1820 1850

201,081 34,800 16,335 13,815 37,762 53,873 5,194,675 19,817 11,048

179,669 35,372 17,008 14,560 35,535 53,196 5,376,741 20,452 11,253

173,025 34,418 15,921 14,460 33,944 51,644 5,105,067 19,464 10,670

168,392 36,446 16,913 15,283 32,617 52,260 5,253,655 20,818 11,062

163,281 35,948 16,216 14,735 28,315 47,815 5,492,369 19,824 9,772

132,436 37,207 16,546 15,815 24,029 42,860 5,129,725 20,751 9,936

106,100 38,816 17,362 17,445 22,594 40,328 4,508,792 21,137 10,496

70,578 38,564 18,842 18,947 22,912 38,470 4,063,342 21,294 11,698

64,273 37,538 17,872 16,155 21,369 37,315 3,982,123 21,085 10,419

56,959 38,458 21,165 17,684 22,947 35,108 3,053,017 22,771 12,858

16021 16023 16025 16027 16029 16031 16033 16035 16037 16039 16041

IDAHO cnt’d Boundary ............................. Butte ................................... Camas ................................. Canyon ................................ Caribou ............................... Cassia .................................. Clark.................................... Clearwater ........................... Custer.................................. Elmore ................................. Franklin................................

16043 16045 16047 16049 16051 16053 16055 16057 16059 16061 16063


County and City Extra









Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













16021 16023 16025 16027 16029 16031 16033 16035 16037 16039 16041

IDAHO cnt’d Boundary ......................... Butte ............................... Camas ............................. Canyon ............................ Caribou ........................... Cassia .............................. Clark................................ Clearwater ....................... Custer.............................. Elmore ............................. Franklin............................

------25,323 --7,197 ----3,001 4,785 ---

------7,497 --3,951 ----2,049 2,286 ---

----------3,143 ----2,176 1,870 ---

----------1,312 -----------










16043 16045 16047 16049 16051 16053 16055 16057 16059 16061 16063

Fremont ........................... Gem ................................ Gooding .......................... Idaho ............................... Jefferson .......................... Jerome............................. Kootenai .......................... Latah ............................... Lemhi .............................. Lewis ............................... Lincoln .............................

24,606 ----12,384 ----22,747 18,818 4,786 --12,676

12,821 ----9,121 ----10,216 13,451 3,446 --1,784

------2,955 ----4,108 9,173 1,915 -----

------2,031 ----518 --2,230 -----

------849 --------988 -----









16063.1 16065 16067 16069 16071 16073 16075 16077 16079 16081 16083

Logan .............................. Madison .......................... Minidoka ......................... Nez Perce......................... Oneida............................. Owyhee ........................... Payette ............................ Power .............................. Shoshone......................... Teton ............................... Twin Falls .........................

------24,860 15,170 4,044 ----13,963 --13,543

------13,748 8,933 3,804 ----11,950 -----

4,169 ----2,847 6,819 2,021 ----5,382 -----

------3,965 6,964 1,426 ----469 -----

------1,607 1,922 1,713 ----722 -----









16085 16087

Valley ............................... Washington .....................
















5,638,591 4,821,550 3,826,352 3,077,871 2,539,891 1,711,951








17001 17003 17005 17007 17009 17011 17013 17015 17017

Adams ............................. Alexander ........................ Bond................................ Boone .............................. Brown.............................. Bureau ............................. Calhoun........................... Carroll ............................. Cass.................................

17019 17021 17023 17025 17027 17029 17031 17033 17035

Champaign ...................... Christian .......................... Clark................................ Clay ................................. Clinton ............................ Coles ............................... Cook ............................... Crawford ......................... Cumberland.....................

64,588 22,741 17,075 15,481 10,397 43,975 8,610 18,035 17,372

67,058 19,384 16,078 15,791 11,557 41,112 8,917 18,963 17,222

61,888 16,563 14,550 12,203 11,951 35,014 7,652 18,320 15,963

59,135 14,808 14,866 11,508 13,041 33,172 7,467 16,976 14,493

56,362 10,564 13,152 12,942 12,205 32,415 6,562 16,705 11,580

41,323 4,707 9,815 11,678 9,938 26,426 5,144 11,733 11,325

26,508 2,484 6,144 7,624 7,198 8,841 3,231 4,586 7,253

14,476 3,313 5,060 1,705 4,183 3,067 1,741 1,023 2,981

2,186 1,390 3,124 ------1,090 -----

--626 2,931 -------------




51,829 47,622 42,159 34,594 32,790 30,531 23,517 24,033 21,899 18,661 19,553 16,772 22,832 19,824 17,411 34,517 34,146 30,093 2,405,233 1,838,735 1,191,922 26,281 19,240 17,283 14,281 16,124 15,443

40,863 28,227 21,894 16,192 18,714 27,042 607,524 16,197 13,759

32,737 20,363 18,719 15,875 16,285 25,235 349,966 13,889 12,223

14,629 10,492 14,987 9,336 10,941 14,203 144,954 11,551 8,311

2,649 3,203 9,532 4,289 5,139 9,335 43,385 7,135 3,718

1,475 1,878 7,453 3,228 3,718 9,616 10,201 4,422 ---

----3,940 755 2,330 ----3,117 ---

----931 --------3,022 ---




Part C — Counties 77

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010








1840 1840 1860 1840 1830 1820 1840 1830 1860 1820 1830

105,160 16,561 19,980 916,924 18,576 6,721 34,242 22,140 14,081 39,561 37,069

88,969 16,798 19,922 904,161 19,704 6,971 34,264 21,802 14,241 39,018 38,250

77,932 16,516 19,464 781,666 19,595 7,440 31,704 20,893 14,275 40,319 38,080

74,624 18,108 19,774 658,835 21,725 7,961 30,944 22,167 15,265 43,201 43,687

71,654 16,975 18,997 491,882 21,591 7,090 24,608 20,752 16,382 38,329 41,890

51,714 17,253 19,243 313,459 22,550 7,940 23,107 21,946 16,606 39,281 41,954

40,781 16,894 16,706 154,599 23,407 9,056 21,675 24,582 15,901 48,685 43,716

34,388 18,244 17,590 103,480 24,430 8,974 22,034 29,159 15,007 53,137 44,627

32,644 18,598 17,914 91,998 24,966 8,303 19,013 23,487 15,489 59,442 43,983

31,339 19,252 19,604 42,120 25,769 9,431 19,556 26,187 16,466 57,293 48,163

Gallatin ................................ Greene ................................ Grundy ................................ Hamilton.............................. Hancock .............................. Hardin ................................. Henderson ........................... Henry................................... Iroquois ............................... Jackson ................................ Jasper ..................................

1820 1830 1850 1830 1830 1840 1850 1830 1840 1820 1840

5,589 13,886 50,063 8,457 19,104 4,320 7,331 50,486 29,718 60,218 9,698

6,445 14,761 37,535 8,621 20,121 4,800 8,213 51,020 31,334 59,612 10,117

6,909 15,317 32,337 8,499 21,373 5,189 8,096 51,159 30,787 61,067 10,609

7,590 16,661 30,582 9,172 23,877 5,383 9,114 57,968 32,976 61,522 11,318

7,418 17,014 26,535 8,665 23,645 4,914 8,451 53,217 33,532 55,008 10,741

7,638 17,460 22,350 10,010 24,574 5,879 8,237 49,317 33,562 42,151 11,346

9,818 18,852 19,217 12,256 25,790 7,530 8,416 46,492 32,348 38,124 12,266

11,414 20,292 18,398 13,454 26,297 7,759 8,949 43,798 32,496 37,920 13,431

10,091 20,417 18,678 12,995 26,420 6,955 8,778 43,851 32,913 35,680 12,809

12,856 22,883 18,580 15,920 28,523 7,533 9,770 45,162 34,841 37,091 16,064

17081 17083 17085 17087 17089 17091 17093 17095 17097 17099 17101

Jefferson .............................. Jersey................................... Jo Daviess ............................ Johnson ............................... Kane .................................... Kankakee............................. Kendall ................................ Knox .................................... Lake..................................... La Salle ................................ Lawrence .............................

1820 1840 1830 1820 1840 1860 1850 1830 1840 1840 1830

38,827 22,985 22,678 12,582 515,269 113,449 114,736 52,919 703,462 113,924 16,833

40,045 21,668 22,289 12,878 404,119 103,833 54,544 55,836 644,356 111,509 15,452

37,020 20,539 21,821 11,347 317,471 96,255 39,413 56,393 516,418 106,913 15,972

36,552 20,538 23,520 9,624 278,405 102,926 37,202 61,607 440,372 112,033 17,807

31,446 18,492 21,766 7,550 251,005 97,250 26,374 61,280 382,638 111,409 17,522

32,315 17,023 21,821 6,928 208,246 92,063 17,540 61,280 293,656 110,800 18,540

35,892 15,264 21,459 8,729 150,388 73,524 12,115 54,366 179,097 100,610 20,539

34,375 13,636 19,989 10,727 130,206 60,877 11,105 52,250 121,094 97,801 21,075

31,034 12,556 20,235 10,203 125,327 50,095 10,555 51,336 104,387 97,695 21,885

28,480 12,682 21,917 12,022 99,499 44,940 10,074 46,727 74,285 92,925 21,380

17103 17105 17107 17109 17111 17113 17115 17117 17119 17121 17123

Lee ...................................... Livingston ............................ Logan .................................. McDonough ........................ McHenry .............................. McLean................................ Macon ................................. Macoupin ............................ Madison .............................. Marion................................. Marshall...............................

1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1830 1830 1820 1830 1840

36,031 38,950 30,305 32,612 308,760 169,572 110,768 47,765 269,282 39,437 12,640

36,062 39,678 31,183 32,913 260,077 150,433 114,706 49,019 258,941 41,691 13,180

34,392 39,301 30,798 35,244 183,241 129,180 117,206 47,679 249,238 41,561 12,846

36,328 41,381 31,802 37,467 147,897 119,149 131,375 49,384 247,691 43,523 14,479

37,947 40,690 33,538 36,653 111,555 104,389 125,010 44,557 250,934 38,986 13,302

38,749 40,341 33,656 28,928 84,210 83,877 118,257 43,524 224,689 39,349 13,334

36,451 37,809 30,671 28,199 50,656 76,577 98,853 44,210 182,307 41,700 13,025

34,604 38,838 29,438 26,944 37,311 73,930 84,693 46,304 149,349 47,989 13,179

32,329 39,092 28,863 27,329 35,079 73,117 81,731 48,703 143,830 35,635 13,023

28,004 39,070 29,562 27,074 33,164 70,107 65,175 57,274 106,895 37,497 14,760

17125 17127 17129 17131 17133 17135 17137 17139 17141 17143 17145

Mason ................................. Massac ................................ Menard................................ Mercer ................................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Morgan ............................... Moultrie............................... Ogle .................................... Peoria .................................. Perry ....................................

1850 1850 1840 1830 1820 1830 1830 1850 1840 1840 1830

14,666 15,429 12,705 16,434 32,957 30,104 35,547 14,846 53,497 186,494 22,350

16,038 15,161 12,486 16,957 27,619 30,652 36,616 14,287 51,032 183,433 23,094

16,269 14,752 11,164 17,290 22,422 30,728 36,397 13,930 45,957 182,827 21,412

19,492 14,990 11,700 19,286 20,117 31,686 37,502 14,546 46,338 200,466 21,714

16,161 13,889 9,685 17,294 18,831 30,260 36,174 13,263 42,867 195,318 19,757

15,193 14,341 9,248 17,149 15,507 31,244 36,571 13,635 38,106 189,044 19,184

15,326 13,594 9,639 17,374 13,282 32,460 35,568 13,171 33,429 174,347 21,684

15,358 14,937 10,663 17,701 12,754 34,499 36,378 13,477 29,869 153,374 23,438

15,115 14,081 10,575 16,641 12,369 35,278 34,240 13,247 28,118 141,344 22,767

16,634 13,559 11,694 18,800 12,839 41,403 33,567 14,839 26,830 111,710 22,901

17147 17149 17151 17153 17155 17157 17159

Piatt ..................................... Pike ..................................... Pope .................................... Pulaski ................................. Putnam ................................ Randolph ............................. Richland...............................

1850 1830 1820 1850 1830 1810 1850

16,729 16,430 4,470 6,161 6,006 33,476 16,233

16,365 17,384 4,413 7,348 6,086 33,893 16,149

15,548 17,577 4,373 7,523 5,730 34,583 16,545

16,581 18,896 4,404 8,840 6,085 35,652 17,587

15,509 19,185 3,857 8,741 5,007 31,379 16,829

14,960 20,552 4,061 10,490 4,570 29,988 16,299

13,970 22,155 5,779 13,639 4,746 31,673 16,889

14,659 25,340 7,999 15,875 5,289 33,608 17,137

15,588 24,357 7,996 14,834 5,235 29,313 14,053

15,714 26,866 9,625 14,629 7,579 29,109 14,044

17037 17039 17041 17043 17045 17047 17049 17051 17053 17055 17057

ILLINOIS cnt’d DeKalb................................. De Witt ................................ Douglas ............................... DuPage ................................ Edgar ................................... Edwards............................... Effingham ............................ Fayette................................. Ford ..................................... Franklin................................ Fulton ..................................

17059 17061 17063 17065 17067 17069 17071 17073 17075 17077 17079


County and City Extra



Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













17037 17039 17041 17043 17045 17047 17049 17051 17053 17055 17057

ILLINOIS cnt’d DeKalb............................. De Witt ............................ Douglas ........................... DuPage ............................ Edgar ............................... Edwards........................... Effingham ........................ Fayette............................. Ford ................................. Franklin............................ Fulton ..............................

33,457 18,906 19,591 33,432 27,336 10,049 20,055 28,075 17,096 25,943 49,549

31,756 18,972 19,097 28,196 28,273 10,345 20,465 28,065 18,359 19,675 46,201

27,066 17,011 17,669 22,551 26,787 9,444 19,358 23,367 17,035 17,138 43,110

26,768 17,010 15,853 19,161 25,499 8,597 18,920 23,241 15,099 16,129 41,240

23,265 14,768 13,484 16,685 21,450 7,565 15,653 19,638 9,103 12,652 38,291

19,086 10,820 7,140 14,701 16,925 5,454 7,816 11,189 1,979 9,393 33,338

7,540 5,002 --9,290 10,692 3,524 3,799 8,075 --5,681 22,508

1,697 3,247 --3,535 8,225 3,070 1,675 6,328 --3,682 13,142

--------4,071 1,649 --2,704 --4,083 1,841

----------3,444 ------1,763 ---




17059 17061 17063 17065 17067 17069 17071 17073 17075 17077 17079

Gallatin ............................ Greene ............................ Grundy ............................ Hamilton.......................... Hancock .......................... Hardin ............................. Henderson ....................... Henry............................... Iroquois ........................... Jackson ............................ Jasper ..............................

14,628 22,363 24,162 18,227 30,638 7,015 9,724 41,736 35,543 35,143 18,157

15,836 23,402 24,136 20,197 32,215 7,448 10,836 40,049 38,014 33,871 20,160

14,935 23,791 21,024 17,800 31,907 7,234 9,876 33,338 35,167 27,809 18,188

12,861 23,010 16,732 16,712 35,337 6,024 10,722 36,597 35,451 22,505 14,515

11,134 20,277 14,938 13,014 35,935 5,113 12,582 35,506 25,782 19,634 11,234

8,055 16,093 10,379 9,915 29,061 3,759 9,501 20,660 12,325 9,589 8,364

5,448 12,429 3,023 6,362 14,652 2,887 4,612 3,807 4,149 5,862 3,220

10,760 11,951 --3,945 9,946 1,378 --1,260 1,695 3,566 1,472

7,405 7,674 --2,616 483 ----41 --1,828 ---

3,155 ----------------1,542 ---




17081 17083 17085 17087 17089 17091 17093 17095 17097 17099 17101

Jefferson .......................... Jersey............................... Jo Daviess ........................ Johnson ........................... Kane ................................ Kankakee......................... Kendall ............................ Knox ................................ Lake................................. La Salle ............................ Lawrence .........................

29,111 13,954 22,657 14,331 91,862 40,752 10,777 46,159 55,058 90,132 22,661

28,133 14,612 24,533 15,667 78,792 37,154 11,467 43,612 34,504 87,776 16,523

22,590 14,810 25,101 15,013 65,061 28,732 12,106 38,752 24,235 80,798 14,693

20,686 15,542 27,528 13,078 44,939 25,047 13,083 38,344 21,296 70,403 13,663

17,864 15,054 27,820 11,248 39,091 24,352 12,399 39,522 21,014 60,792 12,533

12,965 12,051 27,325 9,342 30,062 15,412 13,074 28,663 18,257 48,332 9,214

8,109 7,354 18,604 4,114 16,703 --7,730 13,279 14,226 17,815 6,121

5,762 4,535 6,180 3,626 6,501 ----7,060 2,634 9,348 7,092

2,555 --2,111 1,596 ------274 ----3,668

691 ----843 ---------------




17103 17105 17107

Lee .................................. Livingston ........................ Logan ..............................

27,750 40,465 30,216

29,894 42,035 28,680

26,187 38,455 25,489

27,491 38,450 25,037

27,171 31,471 23,053

17,651 11,637 14,272

5,292 1,552 5,128

2,035 759 2,333






17109 17111 17113 17115 17117 17119 17121 17123

McDonough .................... McHenry .......................... McLean............................ Macon ............................. Macoupin ........................ Madison .......................... Marion............................. Marshall...........................

26,887 32,509 68,008 54,186 50,685 89,847 35,094 15,679

28,412 29,759 67,843 44,003 42,256 64,694 30,446 16,370

27,467 26,114 63,036 38,083 40,380 51,535 24,341 13,653

27,970 24,908 60,100 30,665 37,692 50,126 23,686 15,055

26,509 23,762 53,988 26,481 32,726 44,131 20,622 16,956

20,069 22,089 28,772 13,738 24,602 31,251 12,739 13,437

7,616 14,978 10,163 3,988 12,355 20,441 6,720 5,180

5,308 2,578 6,565 3,039 7,826 14,433 4,742 1,849

------1,122 1,990 6,221 2,125 ---

----------13,550 -----




17125 17127 17129 17131 17133 17135 17137 17139 17141 17143 17145

Mason ............................. Massac ............................ Menard............................ Mercer ............................. Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Morgan ........................... Moultrie........................... Ogle ................................ Peoria .............................. Perry ................................

17,377 14,200 12,796 19,723 13,508 35,311 34,420 14,630 27,864 100,255 22,088

17,491 13,110 14,336 20,945 13,847 30,836 35,006 15,224 29,129 88,608 19,830

16,067 11,313 13,120 18,545 12,948 30,003 32,636 14,481 28,710 70,378 17,529

16,242 10,443 13,024 19,502 13,682 28,078 31,514 13,699 29,937 55,355 16,007

16,184 9,581 11,735 18,769 12,982 25,314 28,463 10,385 27,492 47,540 13,723

10,931 6,213 9,584 15,042 12,832 13,979 22,112 6,385 22,888 36,601 9,552

5,921 4,092 6,349 5,246 7,679 6,277 16,064 3,234 10,020 17,547 5,278

----4,431 2,352 4,481 4,490 19,547 --3,479 6,153 3,222

------26 2,000 2,953 12,714 ------1,215

--------1,537 -------------




17147 17149 17151 17153 17155 17157 17159

Piatt ................................. Pike ................................. Pope ................................ Pulaski ............................. Putnam ............................ Randolph ......................... Richland...........................

16,376 28,622 11,215 15,650 7,561 29,120 15,970

17,706 31,595 13,585 14,554 4,746 28,001 16,391

17,062 31,000 14,016 11,355 4,730 25,049 15,019

15,583 33,751 13,256 9,507 5,554 25,690 15,545

10,953 30,768 11,437 8,752 6,280 20,859 12,803

6,127 27,249 6,742 3,943 5,587 17,205 9,711

1,606 18,819 3,975 2,265 3,924 11,079 4,012

--11,728 4,094 --2,131 7,944 ---

--2,396 3,316 --1,310 4,429 ---

----2,610 ----3,492 ---

----------7,275 ---

----------1,103 ---


Part C — Counties 79

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1840 1810 1850 1830 1830 1840 1830 1840 1840 1830

147,546 270,056 24,913 197,465 7,544 5,355 22,363 5,994 47,711 135,394

149,374 256,082 26,733 188,951 7,189 5,537 22,893 6,332 48,979 128,485

148,723 262,852 26,551 178,386 7,498 5,644 22,261 6,534 48,052 123,692

165,968 267,531 28,448 176,089 8,365 6,142 23,923 7,389 49,536 132,078

166,734 285,176 25,721 161,335 8,135 6,096 22,589 7,510 48,861 118,649

150,991 262,509 26,227 146,539 8,746 6,377 23,404 8,152 46,207 99,789

133,558 205,995 33,420 131,484 9,613 7,245 24,434 8,721 41,595 76,165

113,323 166,899 38,066 117,912 11,430 8,176 26,290 8,881 40,646 58,362

98,191 157,775 37,100 111,733 11,676 8,539 25,471 9,184 40,064 46,082

92,297 136,520 38,353 100,262 13,285 9,489 29,601 9,693 37,743 38,540

Union .................................. Vermilion ............................. Wabash ............................... Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. White .................................. Whiteside ............................ Will ......................................

1820 1830 1830 1830 1820 1820 1820 1840 1840

17,808 81,625 11,947 17,707 14,716 16,760 14,665 58,498 677,560

18,293 83,919 12,937 18,735 15,148 17,151 15,371 60,653 502,266

17,619 88,257 13,111 19,181 14,965 17,241 16,522 60,186 357,313

17,765 95,222 13,713 21,943 15,472 18,059 17,864 65,970 324,460

16,071 97,047 12,841 21,595 13,780 17,004 17,312 62,877 249,498

17,645 96,176 14,047 21,587 13,569 19,008 19,373 59,887 191,617

20,500 87,079 14,651 21,981 14,460 20,933 20,935 49,336 134,336

21,528 86,791 13,724 21,286 15,801 22,092 20,027 43,338 114,210

19,883 89,339 13,197 21,745 16,286 19,130 18,149 39,019 110,732

20,249 86,162 14,034 21,488 18,035 22,772 20,081 36,174 92,911

17199 17201 17203

Williamson ........................... Winnebago .......................... Woodford ............................

1840 1840 1850

66,357 295,266 38,664

61,296 278,418 35,469

57,733 252,913 32,653

56,538 250,884 33,320

49,021 246,623 28,012

46,117 209,765 24,579

48,621 152,385 21,335

51,424 121,178 19,124

53,880 117,373 18,792

61,092 90,929 19,340














18001 18003 18005 18007 18009 18011 18013 18015 18017 18019 18021 18023

Adams ................................. Allen .................................... Bartholomew ....................... Benton................................. Blackford ............................. Boone .................................. Brown.................................. Carroll ................................. Cass..................................... Clark.................................... Clay ..................................... Clinton ................................

1840 1830 1830 1850 1840 1830 1840 1830 1830 1810 1830 1830

34,387 355,329 76,794 8,854 12,766 56,640 15,242 20,155 38,966 110,232 26,890 33,224

33,625 331,849 71,435 9,421 14,048 46,107 14,957 20,165 40,930 96,472 26,556 33,866

31,095 300,836 63,657 9,441 14,067 38,147 14,080 18,809 38,413 87,777 24,705 30,974

29,619 294,335 65,088 10,218 15,570 36,446 12,377 19,722 40,936 88,838 24,862 31,545

26,871 280,455 57,022 11,262 15,888 30,870 9,057 17,734 40,456 75,876 23,933 30,547

24,643 232,196 48,198 11,912 14,792 27,543 7,024 16,934 40,931 62,795 24,207 30,765

22,393 183,722 36,108 11,462 14,026 23,993 6,209 16,010 38,793 48,330 23,918 29,734

21,254 155,084 28,276 11,117 13,783 22,081 6,189 15,410 36,908 31,020 25,365 28,411

19,957 146,743 24,864 11,886 13,617 22,290 5,168 15,049 34,518 30,764 26,479 27,329

20,503 114,303 23,887 12,206 14,084 23,575 7,019 16,315 38,333 29,381 29,447 27,737

18025 18027 18029 18031 18033 18035 18037 18039 18041 18043 18045

Crawford ............................. Daviess ................................ Dearborn ............................. Decatur................................ DeKalb................................. Delaware ............................. Dubois ................................. Elkhart ................................. Fayette................................. Floyd.................................... Fountain ..............................

1820 1820 1810 1830 1840 1820 1820 1830 1820 1820 1830

10,713 31,648 50,047 25,740 42,223 117,671 41,889 197,559 24,277 74,578 17,240

10,743 29,820 46,109 24,555 40,285 118,769 39,674 182,791 25,588 70,823 17,954

9,914 27,533 38,835 23,645 35,324 119,659 36,616 156,198 26,015 64,404 17,808

9,820 27,836 34,291 23,841 33,606 128,587 34,238 137,330 28,272 61,169 19,033

8,033 26,602 29,430 22,738 30,837 129,219 30,934 126,529 26,216 55,622 18,257

8,379 26,636 28,674 20,019 28,271 110,938 27,463 106,790 24,454 51,397 18,706

9,289 26,762 25,141 18,218 26,023 90,252 23,785 84,512 23,391 43,955 17,836

10,171 26,163 23,053 17,722 24,756 74,963 22,579 72,634 19,411 35,061 18,299

10,160 25,832 21,056 17,308 24,911 67,270 20,553 68,875 19,243 34,655 17,971

11,201 26,856 20,033 17,813 25,600 56,377 19,915 56,384 17,142 30,661 18,823

18047 18049 18051 18053 18055 18057 18059 18061 18063 18065 18067

Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Gibson ................................. Grant ................................... Greene ................................ Hamilton.............................. Hancock .............................. Harrison ............................... Hendricks............................. Henry................................... Howard ...............................

1820 1840 1820 1840 1830 1830 1830 1810 1830 1830 1850

23,087 20,836 33,503 70,061 33,165 274,569 70,002 39,364 145,448 49,462 82,752

22,151 20,511 32,500 73,403 33,157 182,740 55,391 34,325 104,093 48,508 84,964

19,580 18,840 31,913 74,169 30,410 108,936 45,527 29,890 75,717 48,139 80,827

19,612 19,335 33,156 80,934 30,416 82,027 43,939 27,276 69,804 53,336 86,896

16,943 16,984 30,444 83,955 26,894 54,532 35,096 20,423 53,974 52,603 83,198

17,015 16,957 29,949 75,741 26,327 40,132 26,665 19,207 40,896 48,899 69,509

16,034 16,565 30,720 62,156 27,886 28,491 20,332 17,858 24,594 45,505 54,498

14,412 15,577 30,709 55,813 31,330 24,614 17,302 17,106 20,151 40,208 47,752

14,498 15,038 29,202 51,066 31,481 23,444 16,605 17,254 19,725 35,238 46,696

14,806 16,478 29,201 51,353 36,770 24,222 17,210 18,656 20,291 34,682 43,965

17161 17163 17165 17167 17169 17171 17173 17175 17177 17179

ILLINOIS cnt’d Rock Island .......................... St. Clair................................ Saline................................... Sangamon ........................... Schuyler ............................... Scott .................................... Shelby.................................. Stark .................................... Stephenson.......................... Tazewell ...............................

17181 17183 17185 17187 17189 17191 17193 17195 17197


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













17161 17163 17165 17167

ILLINOIS cnt’d Rock Island ...................... St. Clair............................ Saline............................... Sangamon .......................

70,404 119,870 30,204 91,024

55,249 86,685 21,685 71,593

41,917 66,571 19,342 61,195

38,302 61,806 15,940 52,894

29,783 51,068 12,714 46,352

21,005 37,694 9,331 32,274

6,937 20,180 5,588 19,228

2,610 13,631 --14,716

--7,078 --12,960

--5,253 -----

--5,007 -----

--1,355 -----


17169 17171 17173 17175 17177 17179

Schuyler ........................... Scott ................................ Shelby.............................. Stark ................................ Stephenson...................... Tazewell ...........................

14,852 10,067 31,693 10,098 36,821 34,027

16,129 10,455 32,126 10,186 34,933 33,221

16,013 10,304 31,191 9,982 31,338 29,556

16,249 10,741 30,270 11,207 31,963 29,666

17,419 10,530 25,476 10,751 30,608 27,903

14,684 9,069 14,613 9,004 25,112 21,470

10,573 7,914 7,807 3,710 11,666 12,052

6,972 6,215 6,659 1,573 2,800 7,221

2,959 --2,972 ----4,716





17181 17183 17185 17187 17189 17191 17193 17195 17197

Union .............................. Vermilion ......................... Wabash ........................... Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. White .............................. Whiteside ........................ Will ..................................

21,856 77,996 14,913 23,313 18,759 25,697 23,052 34,507 84,371

22,610 65,635 12,583 23,163 19,526 27,626 25,386 34,710 74,764

21,549 49,905 11,866 21,281 19,262 23,806 25,005 30,854 62,007

18,102 41,588 9,945 22,933 21,112 21,291 23,087 30,885 53,422

16,518 30,388 8,841 23,174 17,599 19,758 16,846 27,503 43,013

11,181 19,800 7,313 18,336 13,731 12,223 12,403 18,737 29,321

7,615 11,492 4,690 8,176 6,953 6,825 8,925 5,361 16,703

5,524 9,303 4,240 6,739 4,810 5,133 7,919 2,514 10,167

3,239 5,836 2,710 308 1,675 2,553 6,091 -----

2,362 ------1,517 1,114 4,828 -----




17199 17201 17203

Williamson ....................... Winnebago ...................... Woodford ........................

45,098 63,153 20,506

27,796 47,845 21,822

22,226 39,938 21,429

19,324 30,505 21,620

17,329 29,301 18,956

12,205 24,491 13,282

7,216 11,773 4,415

4,457 4,609 ---








2,700,876 2,516,462 2,192,404 1,978,301 1,680,637 1,350,428








18001 18003 18005 18007 18009 18011 18013 18015 18017 18019 18021

Adams ............................. Allen ................................ Bartholomew ................... Benton............................. Blackford ......................... Boone .............................. Brown.............................. Carroll ............................. Cass................................. Clark................................ Clay .................................

21,840 93,386 24,813 12,688 15,820 24,673 7,975 17,970 36,368 30,260 32,535

22,232 77,270 24,594 13,123 17,213 26,321 9,727 19,953 34,545 31,835 34,285

20,181 66,689 23,867 11,903 10,461 26,572 10,308 20,021 31,152 30,259 30,536

15,385 54,763 22,777 11,108 8,020 25,922 10,264 18,345 27,611 28,610 25,854

11,382 43,494 21,133 5,615 6,272 22,593 8,681 16,152 24,193 24,770 19,084

9,252 29,328 17,865 2,809 4,122 16,753 6,507 13,489 16,843 20,502 12,161

5,797 16,919 12,428 1,144 2,860 11,631 4,846 11,015 11,021 15,828 7,944

2,264 5,942 10,042 --1,226 8,121 2,364 7,819 5,480 14,595 5,567

--996 5,476 ----621 --1,611 1,162 10,686 1,616

------------------8,709 ---

------------------5,670 ---




Clinton ............................














18025 18027 18029 18031 18033 18035 18037 18039 18041 18043 18045

Crawford ......................... Daviess ............................ Dearborn ......................... Decatur............................ DeKalb............................. Delaware ......................... Dubois ............................. Elkhart ............................. Fayette............................. Floyd................................ Fountain ..........................

12,057 27,747 21,396 18,793 25,054 51,414 19,843 49,008 14,415 30,293 20,439

13,476 29,914 22,194 19,518 25,711 49,624 20,357 45,052 13,495 30,118 21,446

13,941 26,227 23,364 19,277 24,307 30,131 20,253 39,201 12,630 29,458 19,558

12,356 21,552 26,671 19,779 20,225 22,926 15,992 33,454 11,394 24,590 20,228

9,851 16,747 24,116 19,053 17,167 19,030 12,597 26,026 10,476 23,300 16,389

8,226 13,323 24,406 17,294 13,880 15,753 10,394 20,986 10,225 20,183 15,566

6,524 10,352 20,166 15,107 8,251 10,843 6,321 12,690 10,217 14,875 13,253

5,282 6,720 19,327 12,171 1,968 8,843 3,632 6,660 9,837 9,454 11,218

3,238 4,543 13,974 5,887 --2,374 1,778 935 9,112 6,361 7,619

2,583 3,432 11,468 ----3,677 1,168 --5,950 2,776 ---

----7,310 -----------------



18047 18049 18051 18053 18055 18057 18059 18061 18063 18065 18067

Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Gibson ............................. Grant ............................... Greene ............................ Hamilton.......................... Hancock .......................... Harrison ........................... Hendricks......................... Henry............................... Howard ...........................

15,335 16,879 30,137 51,426 36,873 27,026 19,030 20,232 20,840 29,758 33,177

16,388 17,453 30,099 54,693 28,530 29,914 19,189 21,702 21,292 25,088 28,575

18,366 16,746 24,920 31,493 24,379 26,123 17,829 20,786 21,498 23,879 26,186

20,092 14,301 22,742 23,618 22,996 24,801 17,123 21,326 22,981 24,016 19,584

20,223 12,726 17,371 18,487 19,514 20,882 15,123 19,913 20,277 22,986 15,847

19,549 9,422 14,532 15,797 16,041 17,310 12,802 18,521 16,953 20,119 12,524

17,968 5,982 10,771 11,092 12,313 12,684 9,698 15,286 14,083 17,605 6,657

13,349 1,993 8,977 4,875 8,321 9,855 7,535 12,459 11,264 15,128 ---

10,190 --5,418 --4,242 1,757 1,436 10,273 3,975 6,497 ---

10,763 --3,876 --------7,875 -------

--------------3,595 -------



Part C — Counties 81

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1840 1820 1840 1840 1820 1820 1830 1800 1840 1840 1840

37,124 42,376 33,478 21,253 32,428 28,525 139,654 38,440 77,358 37,128 496,005

38,075 41,335 30,043 21,806 31,705 27,554 115,209 39,256 74,057 34,909 484,564

35,427 37,730 24,960 21,512 29,797 23,661 88,109 39,884 65,294 29,477 475,594

35,596 36,523 26,138 23,239 30,419 22,854 77,240 41,838 59,555 25,550 522,965

34,970 33,187 20,429 23,575 27,006 19,454 61,138 41,546 48,127 20,890 546,253

33,814 30,556 18,842 22,572 24,061 17,267 43,704 41,561 40,373 17,380 513,269

31,400 28,237 17,031 23,157 21,613 15,250 26,183 43,415 33,002 15,347 368,152

29,931 26,612 14,397 22,601 19,912 13,680 22,493 43,973 29,561 14,352 293,195

29,073 23,731 13,388 20,846 19,182 11,800 21,706 43,813 27,488 13,780 261,310

31,671 24,228 13,961 23,318 20,709 13,280 20,739 46,195 27,120 14,009 159,957

LaPorte ................................ Lawrence ............................. Madison .............................. Marion................................. Marshall............................... Martin ................................. Miami .................................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Morgan ............................... Newton ...............................

1840 1820 1830 1830 1840 1820 1840 1820 1830 1830 1860

111,467 46,134 131,636 903,393 47,051 10,334 36,903 137,974 38,124 68,894 14,244

110,106 45,922 133,358 860,454 45,128 10,369 36,082 120,563 37,629 66,689 14,566

107,066 42,836 130,669 797,159 42,182 10,369 36,897 108,978 34,436 55,920 13,551

108,632 42,472 139,336 765,233 39,155 11,001 39,820 98,785 35,501 51,999 14,844

105,342 38,038 138,451 792,299 34,986 10,969 39,246 84,849 33,930 44,176 11,606

95,111 36,564 125,819 697,567 32,443 10,608 38,000 59,225 32,089 33,875 11,502

76,808 34,346 103,911 551,777 29,468 10,678 28,201 50,080 29,122 23,726 11,006

63,660 35,045 88,575 460,926 25,935 10,300 27,926 36,534 27,231 19,801 10,775

60,490 35,583 82,888 422,666 25,077 10,103 29,032 35,974 26,980 19,424 9,841

50,443 28,228 69,151 348,061 23,744 11,865 28,668 24,519 28,490 20,010 10,144

18113 18115 18117 18119 18121 18123 18125 18127 18129 18131 18133 18135 18137 18139 18141 18143 18145 18147 18149 18151 18153 18155

Noble................................... Ohio .................................... Orange ................................ Owen .................................. Parke ................................... Perry .................................... Pike ..................................... Porter .................................. Posey ................................... Pulaski ................................. Putnam ................................ Randolph ............................. Ripley................................... Rush .................................... St. Joseph ............................ Scott .................................... Shelby.................................. Spencer ............................... Starke .................................. Steuben ............................... Sullivan ................................ Switzerland ..........................

1840 1850 1820 1820 1830 1820 1820 1840 1820 1840 1830 1820 1820 1830 1830 1820 1830 1820 1840 1840 1820 1820

47,536 6,128 19,840 21,575 17,339 19,338 12,845 164,343 25,910 13,402 37,963 26,171 28,818 17,392 266,931 24,181 44,436 20,952 23,363 34,185 21,475 10,613

46,275 5,623 19,306 21,786 17,241 18,899 12,837 146,798 27,061 13,755 36,019 27,401 26,523 18,261 265,559 22,960 43,445 20,391 23,556 33,214 21,751 9,065

37,877 5,315 18,409 17,281 15,410 19,107 12,509 128,932 25,968 12,643 30,315 27,148 24,616 18,129 247,052 20,991 40,307 19,490 22,747 27,446 18,993 7,738

35,443 5,114 18,677 15,841 16,372 19,346 13,465 119,816 26,414 13,258 29,163 29,997 24,398 19,604 241,617 20,422 39,887 19,361 21,997 24,694 21,107 7,153

31,382 4,289 16,968 12,163 14,600 19,075 12,281 87,114 21,740 12,534 26,932 28,915 21,138 20,352 245,045 17,144 37,797 17,134 19,280 20,159 19,889 6,306

28,162 4,165 16,877 11,400 14,804 17,232 12,797 60,279 19,214 12,837 24,927 28,434 20,641 20,393 238,614 14,643 34,093 16,074 17,911 17,184 21,721 7,092

25,075 4,223 16,879 11,763 15,674 17,367 14,995 40,076 19,818 12,493 22,950 27,141 18,763 19,799 205,058 11,519 28,026 16,174 15,282 17,087 23,667 7,599

22,776 3,782 17,311 12,090 17,358 17,770 17,045 27,836 19,183 12,056 20,839 26,766 18,898 18,927 161,823 8,978 25,953 16,211 12,258 13,740 27,014 8,167

22,404 3,747 17,459 11,351 16,561 16,625 16,361 22,821 17,853 11,195 20,448 24,859 18,078 19,412 160,033 6,664 26,552 16,713 10,620 13,386 28,133 8,432

22,470 4,024 16,974 12,760 18,875 16,692 18,684 20,256 19,334 12,385 19,880 26,484 18,694 19,241 103,304 7,424 25,982 18,400 10,278 13,360 31,630 9,311

18157 18159 18161 18163 18165 18167 18167.1 18169 18171 18173 18175

Tippecanoe .......................... Tipton .................................. Union .................................. Vanderburgh........................ Vermillion ............................ Vigo..................................... Wabash (old)........................ Wabash ............................... Warren ................................ Warrick ................................ Washington .........................

1830 1850 1830 1820 1830 1820 1820 1840 1830 1820 1820

172,780 15,936 7,516 179,703 16,212 107,848 --32,888 8,508 59,689 28,262

148,955 16,577 7,349 171,922 16,788 105,848 --34,960 8,419 52,383 27,223

130,598 16,119 6,976 165,058 16,773 106,107 --35,069 8,176 44,920 23,717

121,702 16,819 6,860 167,515 18,229 112,385 --36,640 8,976 41,474 21,932

109,378 16,650 6,582 168,772 16,793 114,528 --35,553 8,705 27,972 19,278

89,122 15,856 6,457 165,794 17,683 108,458 --32,605 8,545 23,577 17,819

74,473 15,566 6,412 160,422 19,723 105,160 --29,047 8,535 21,527 16,520

51,020 15,135 6,017 130,783 21,787 99,709 --26,601 9,055 19,435 17,008

47,535 15,208 5,880 113,320 23,238 98,861 --25,170 9,167 18,230 16,285

42,813 16,152 6,021 92,293 27,625 100,212 --27,231 9,699 19,862 16,645

18177 18179 18181 18183

Wayne ................................. Wells ................................... White .................................. Whitley ................................

1820 1840 1840 1840

68,917 27,636 24,643 33,292

71,097 27,600 25,267 30,707

71,951 25,948 23,265 27,651

76,058 25,401 23,867 26,215

79,109 23,821 20,995 23,395

74,039 21,220 19,709 20,954

68,566 19,564 18,042 18,828

59,229 19,099 17,037 17,001

54,809 18,411 15,831 15,931

48,136 20,509 17,351 15,660

18069 18071 18073 18075 18077 18079 18081 18083 18085 18087 18089

INDIANA cnt’d Huntington .......................... Jackson ................................ Jasper .................................. Jay ....................................... Jefferson .............................. Jennings .............................. Johnson ............................... Knox .................................... Kosciusko ............................ LaGrange ............................. Lake.....................................

18091 18093 18095 18097 18099 18101 18103 18105 18107 18109 18111


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













18069 18071 18073 18075 18077 18079 18081 18083 18085 18087 18089

INDIANA cnt’d Huntington ...................... Jackson ............................ Jasper .............................. Jay ................................... Jefferson .......................... Jennings .......................... Johnson ........................... Knox ................................ Kosciusko ........................ LaGrange ......................... Lake.................................

28,982 24,727 13,044 24,961 20,483 14,203 20,394 39,183 27,936 15,148 82,864

28,901 26,633 14,292 26,818 22,913 15,757 20,223 32,746 29,109 15,284 37,892

27,644 24,139 11,185 23,478 24,507 14,608 19,561 28,044 28,645 15,615 23,886

21,805 23,050 9,464 19,282 25,977 16,453 19,537 26,324 26,494 15,630 15,091

19,036 18,974 6,354 15,000 29,741 16,218 18,366 21,562 23,531 14,148 12,339

14,867 16,286 4,291 11,399 25,036 14,749 14,854 16,056 17,418 11,366 9,145

7,850 11,047 3,540 7,047 23,916 12,096 12,101 11,084 10,243 8,387 3,991

1,579 8,961 1,267 3,863 16,614 8,829 9,352 10,657 4,170 3,664 1,468

--4,870 ----11,465 3,974 4,019 6,525 -------

--4,010 ----8,038 2,000 --5,437 -------

--------------7,945 -------

--------------2,517 -------


18091 18093 18095 18097 18099 18101 18103 18105 18107 18109 18111

LaPorte ............................ Lawrence ......................... Madison .......................... Marion............................. Marshall........................... Martin ............................. Miami .............................. Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Morgan ........................... Newton ...........................

45,797 30,625 65,224 263,661 24,175 12,950 29,350 23,426 29,296 21,182 10,504

38,386 25,729 70,470 197,227 25,119 14,711 28,344 20,873 29,388 20,457 10,448

34,445 19,792 36,487 141,156 23,818 13,973 25,823 17,673 28,025 18,643 8,803

30,985 18,543 27,527 102,782 23,414 13,475 24,083 15,875 27,316 18,900 8,167

27,062 14,628 22,770 71,939 20,211 11,103 21,052 14,168 23,765 17,528 5,829

22,919 13,692 16,518 39,855 12,722 8,975 16,851 12,847 20,888 16,110 2,360

12,145 12,097 12,375 24,103 5,348 5,941 11,304 11,286 18,084 14,576 ---

8,184 11,782 8,874 16,080 1,651 3,875 3,048 10,143 14,438 10,741 ---

--9,234 2,238 7,192 --2,010 --6,577 7,317 5,593 ---

--4,116 ------1,032 --2,679 -------




18113 18115 18117 18119 18121 18123 18125 18127 18129 18131 18133 18135 18137 18139 18141

Noble............................... Ohio ................................ Orange ............................ Owen .............................. Parke ............................... Perry ................................ Pike ................................. Porter .............................. Posey ............................... Pulaski ............................. Putnam ............................ Randolph ......................... Ripley............................... Rush ................................ St. Joseph ........................

24,009 4,329 17,192 14,053 22,214 18,078 19,684 20,540 21,670 13,312 20,520 29,013 19,452 19,349 84,312

23,533 4,724 16,854 15,149 23,000 18,778 20,486 19,175 22,333 14,033 21,478 28,653 19,881 20,148 58,881

23,359 4,955 14,678 15,040 20,296 18,240 18,544 18,052 21,529 11,233 22,335 28,085 19,350 19,034 42,457

22,956 5,563 14,363 15,901 19,460 16,997 16,383 17,227 20,857 9,851 22,501 26,435 21,627 19,238 33,178

20,389 5,837 13,497 16,137 18,166 14,801 13,779 13,942 19,185 7,801 21,514 22,862 20,977 17,626 25,322

14,915 5,462 12,076 14,376 15,538 11,847 10,078 10,313 16,167 5,711 20,681 18,997 19,054 16,193 18,455

7,946 5,308 10,809 12,106 14,968 7,268 7,720 5,234 12,549 2,595 18,615 14,725 14,820 16,445 10,954

2,702 --9,602 8,359 13,499 4,655 4,769 2,162 9,683 561 16,843 10,684 10,392 16,456 6,425

----7,901 4,017 7,535 3,369 2,475 --6,549 --8,262 3,912 3,989 9,707 287

----5,368 838 --2,330 1,472 --4,061 ----1,808 1,822 -----




18143 18145 18147 18149 18151 18153 18155

Scott ................................ Shelby.............................. Spencer ........................... Starke .............................. Steuben ........................... Sullivan ............................ Switzerland ......................

8,323 26,802 20,676 10,567 14,274 32,439 9,914

8,307 26,491 22,407 10,431 15,219 26,005 11,840

7,833 25,454 22,060 7,339 14,478 21,877 12,514

8,343 25,257 22,122 5,105 14,645 20,336 13,336

7,873 21,892 17,998 3,888 12,854 18,453 12,134

7,303 19,569 14,556 2,195 10,374 15,064 12,698

5,885 15,502 8,616 557 6,104 10,141 12,932

4,242 12,005 6,305 149 2,578 8,315 9,920

3,092 6,295 3,196 ----4,630 7,028

2,334 --1,882 ----3,498 3,934




18157 18159 18161 18163 18165 18167 18167.1 18169 18171 18173 18175

Tippecanoe ...................... Tipton .............................. Union .............................. Vanderburgh.................... Vermillion ........................ Vigo................................. Wabash (old).................... Wabash ........................... Warren ............................ Warrick ............................ Washington .....................

40,063 17,459 6,260 77,438 18,865 87,930 --26,926 10,899 21,911 17,445

38,659 19,116 6,748 71,769 15,252 62,035 --28,235 11,371 22,329 19,409

35,078 18,157 7,006 59,809 13,154 50,195 --27,126 10,955 21,161 18,619

35,966 14,407 7,673 42,193 12,025 45,658 --25,241 11,497 20,162 18,955

33,515 11,953 6,341 33,145 10,840 33,549 --21,305 10,204 17,653 18,495

25,726 8,170 7,109 20,552 9,422 22,517 --17,547 10,057 13,261 17,909

19,377 3,532 6,944 11,414 8,661 15,289 --12,138 7,387 8,811 17,040

13,724 --8,017 6,250 8,274 12,076 --2,756 5,656 6,321 15,269

7,187 --7,944 2,611 5,692 5,766 ----2,861 2,877 13,064

------1,798 --3,390 147 ----1,749 9,039




18177 18179 18181 18183

Wayne ............................. Wells ............................... White .............................. Whitley ............................

43,757 22,418 17,602 16,892

38,970 23,449 19,138 17,328

37,628 21,514 15,671 17,768

38,613 18,442 13,795 16,941

34,048 13,585 10,554 14,399

29,558 10,844 8,258 10,730

25,320 6,152 4,761 5,190

23,290 1,822 1,832 1,237

18,571 -------

12,119 -------




Part C — Counties 83

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census


IOWA ..................................












19001 19003 19005 19007 19009 19011 19013 19015 19017 19019 19021

Adair ................................... Adams ................................. Allamakee............................ Appanoose .......................... Audubon ............................. Benton................................. Black Hawk .......................... Boone .................................. Bremer................................. Buchanan ............................ Buena Vista..........................

1860 1860 1850 1850 1860 1850 1850 1850 1860 1850 1860

7,682 4,029 14,330 12,887 6,119 26,076 131,090 26,306 24,276 20,958 20,260

8,243 4,482 14,675 13,721 6,830 25,308 128,012 26,224 23,325 21,093 20,411

8,409 4,866 13,855 13,743 7,334 22,429 123,798 25,186 22,813 20,844 19,965

9,509 5,731 15,108 15,511 8,559 23,649 137,961 26,184 24,820 22,900 20,774

9,487 6,322 14,968 15,007 9,595 22,885 132,916 26,470 22,737 21,746 20,693

10,893 7,468 15,982 16,015 10,919 23,422 122,482 28,037 21,108 22,293 21,189

12,292 8,753 16,351 19,683 11,579 22,656 100,448 28,139 18,884 21,927 21,113

13,196 10,156 17,184 24,245 11,790 22,879 79,946 29,782 17,932 20,991 19,838

13,891 10,437 16,328 24,835 12,264 22,851 69,146 29,271 17,046 19,550 18,667

14,259 10,521 17,285 30,535 12,520 24,080 56,570 29,892 16,728 19,890 18,556

19023 19025 19027 19029 19031 19033 19035 19037 19039 19041 19043

Butler................................... Calhoun............................... Carroll ................................. Cass..................................... Cedar .................................. Cerro Gordo ........................ Cherokee ............................. Chickasaw ........................... Clarke .................................. Clay ..................................... Clayton ................................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1840 1860 1860 1860 1850 1860 1840

14,867 9,670 20,816 13,956 18,499 44,151 12,072 12,439 9,286 16,667 18,129

15,305 11,115 21,421 14,684 18,187 46,447 13,035 13,095 9,133 17,372 18,678

15,731 11,508 21,423 15,128 17,381 46,733 14,098 13,295 8,287 17,585 19,054

17,668 13,542 22,951 16,932 18,635 48,458 16,238 15,437 8,612 19,576 21,098

16,953 14,287 22,912 17,007 17,655 49,335 17,269 14,969 7,581 18,464 20,606

17,467 15,923 23,431 17,919 17,791 49,894 18,598 15,034 8,222 18,504 21,962

17,394 16,925 23,065 18,532 16,910 46,053 19,052 15,228 9,369 18,103 22,522

17,986 17,584 22,770 18,647 16,884 43,845 19,258 15,227 10,233 17,762 24,334

17,617 17,605 22,326 19,422 16,760 38,476 18,737 14,637 10,384 16,107 24,559

17,845 17,783 21,549 19,421 17,560 34,675 17,760 15,431 10,506 15,660 25,032

19045 19047 19049 19051 19053 19055 19057 19059 19061 19063 19065

Clinton ................................ Crawford ............................. Dallas................................... Davis.................................... Decatur................................ Delaware ............................. Des Moines .......................... Dickinson ............................. Dubuque ............................. Emmet ................................. Fayette.................................

1840 1860 1850 1850 1850 1840 1840 1860 1840 1860 1850

49,116 17,096 66,135 8,753 8,457 17,764 40,325 16,667 93,653 10,302 20,880

50,149 16,942 40,750 8,541 8,689 18,404 42,351 16,424 89,143 11,027 22,008

51,040 16,775 29,755 8,312 8,338 18,035 42,614 14,909 86,403 11,569 21,843

57,122 18,935 29,513 9,104 9,794 18,933 46,203 15,629 93,745 13,336 25,488

56,749 18,780 26,085 8,207 9,737 18,770 46,982 12,565 90,609 14,009 26,898

55,060 18,569 24,123 9,199 10,539 18,483 44,605 12,574 80,048 14,871 28,581

49,664 19,741 23,661 9,959 12,601 17,734 42,056 12,756 71,337 14,102 28,294

44,722 20,538 24,649 11,136 14,012 18,487 36,804 12,185 63,768 13,406 29,151

44,377 21,028 25,493 11,150 14,903 18,122 38,162 10,982 61,214 12,856 29,145

43,371 20,614 25,120 12,574 16,566 18,183 35,520 10,241 58,262 12,627 29,251

19067 19069 19071 19073 19075 19077 19079 19081 19083 19085 19087

Floyd.................................... Franklin................................ Fremont ............................... Greene ................................ Grundy ................................ Guthrie ................................ Hamilton.............................. Hancock .............................. Hardin ................................. Harrison ............................... Henry...................................

1860 1860 1850 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1840

16,303 10,680 7,441 9,336 12,453 10,954 15,673 11,341 17,534 14,928 20,145

16,900 10,704 8,010 10,366 12,369 11,353 16,438 12,100 18,812 15,666 20,336

17,058 11,364 8,226 10,045 12,029 10,935 16,071 12,638 19,094 14,730 19,226

19,597 13,036 9,401 12,119 14,366 11,983 17,862 13,833 21,776 16,348 18,890

19,860 13,255 9,282 12,716 14,119 12,243 18,383 13,227 22,248 16,240 18,114

21,102 15,472 10,282 14,379 14,132 13,607 20,032 14,604 22,533 17,600 18,187

21,505 16,268 12,323 15,544 13,722 15,197 19,660 15,077 22,218 19,560 18,708

20,169 16,379 14,645 16,599 13,518 17,210 19,922 15,402 22,530 22,767 17,994

19,524 16,382 15,533 16,528 14,133 17,324 20,978 14,802 22,947 24,897 17,660

18,860 15,807 15,447 16,467 14,420 17,596 19,531 14,723 23,337 24,488 18,298

19089 19091 19093 19095 19097 19099 19101 19103 19105 19107

Howard ............................... Humboldt ............................ Ida ....................................... Iowa .................................... Jackson ................................ Jasper .................................. Jefferson .............................. Johnson ............................... Jones ................................... Keokuk ................................

1860 1860 1860 1850 1840 1850 1840 1840 1840 1850

9,566 9,815 7,089 16,355 19,848 36,842 16,843 130,882 20,638 10,511

9,932 10,381 7,837 15,671 20,296 37,213 16,181 111,006 20,221 11,400

9,809 10,756 8,365 14,630 19,950 34,795 16,310 96,119 19,444 11,624

11,114 12,246 8,908 15,429 22,503 36,425 16,316 81,717 20,401 12,921

11,442 12,519 9,190 15,419 20,839 35,425 15,774 72,127 19,868 13,943

12,734 13,156 10,269 16,396 20,754 35,282 15,818 53,663 20,693 15,492

13,105 13,117 10,697 15,835 18,622 32,305 15,696 45,756 19,401 16,797

13,531 13,459 11,047 17,016 19,181 31,496 15,762 33,191 19,950 18,406

13,082 13,202 11,933 17,332 18,481 32,936 16,241 30,276 19,206 19,148

13,705 12,951 11,689 18,600 19,931 27,855 16,440 26,462 18,607 20,983


Resident population enumerated by census 2010

County and City Extra










Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued Resident population enumerated by census (continued)

STATE/ County code

STATE County


IOWA ..............................

19001 19003 19005 19007 19009 19011 19013 19015 19017 19019 19021

Adair ............................... Adams ............................. Allamakee........................ Appanoose ...................... Audubon ......................... Benton............................. Black Hawk ...................... Boone .............................. Bremer............................. Buchanan ........................ Buena Vista......................

14,420 10,998 17,328 28,701 12,671 23,156 44,865 27,626 15,843 19,748 15,981

16,192 13,601 18,711 25,927 13,626 25,177 32,399 28,200 16,305 21,427 16,975

14,534 12,292 17,907 18,961 12,412 24,178 24,219 23,772 14,630 18,997 13,548

11,667 11,888 19,791 16,636 7,448 24,888 23,913 20,838 14,081 18,546 7,537

19023 19025 19027 19029 19031 19033 19035 19037 19039 19041 19043

Butler............................... Calhoun........................... Carroll ............................. Cass................................. Cedar .............................. Cerro Gordo .................... Cherokee ......................... Chickasaw ....................... Clarke .............................. Clay ................................. Clayton ............................

17,119 17,090 20,117 19,047 17,765 25,011 16,741 15,375 10,736 12,766 25,576

17,955 18,569 20,319 21,274 19,371 20,672 16,570 17,037 12,440 13,401 27,750

15,463 13,107 18,828 19,645 18,253 14,864 15,659 15,019 11,332 9,309 26,733

19045 19047 19049 19051 19053 19055 19057 19059 19061 19063 19065

Clinton ............................ Crawford ......................... Dallas............................... Davis................................ Decatur............................ Delaware ......................... Des Moines ...................... Dickinson ......................... Dubuque ......................... Emmet ............................. Fayette.............................

45,394 20,041 23,628 13,315 16,347 17,888 36,145 8,137 57,450 9,816 27,919

43,832 21,685 23,058 15,620 18,115 19,185 35,989 7,995 56,403 9,936 29,845

19067 19069

Floyd................................ Franklin............................

17,119 14,780

19071 19073 19075 19077 19079 19081 19083 19085 19087

Fremont ........................... Greene ............................ Grundy ............................ Guthrie ............................ Hamilton.......................... Hancock .......................... Hardin ............................. Harrison ........................... Henry...............................

19089 19091 19093 19095 19097 19099 19101 19103 19105 19107

Howard ........................... Humboldt ........................ Ida ................................... Iowa ................................ Jackson ............................ Jasper .............................. Jefferson .......................... Johnson ........................... Jones ............................... Keokuk ............................



















3,982 4,614 17,868 16,456 1,212 22,454 21,706 14,584 12,528 17,034 1,585

984 1,533 12,237 11,931 454 8,496 8,244 4,232 4,915 7,906 57

----777 3,131 --672 135 735 --517 ---







14,293 5,595 12,351 16,943 18,936 11,461 8,240 14,534 11,513 4,248 28,829

9,951 1,602 2,451 5,464 19,731 4,722 1,967 10,180 8,735 1,523 27,771

3,724 147 281 1,612 12,949 940 58 4,336 5,427 52 20,728

--------3,941 ------79 --3,873

--------1,253 ----------1,101






41,199 18,894 20,479 15,258 15,643 17,349 35,324 4,328 49,848 4,274 23,141

36,763 12,413 18,746 16,468 15,336 17,950 33,099 1,901 42,996 1,550 22,258

35,357 2,530 12,019 15,565 12,018 17,432 27,256 1,389 38,969 1,392 16,973

18,938 383 5,244 13,764 8,677 11,024 19,611 180 31,164 105 12,073

2,822 --854 7,264 965 1,759 12,988 --10,841 --825

821 --------168 5,577 --3,059 -----






17,754 14,996

15,424 12,871

14,677 10,249

10,768 4,738

3,744 1,309








15,623 16,023 13,574 17,374 19,242 12,731 20,921 23,162 18,640

18,546 17,820 13,757 18,729 19,514 13,752 22,794 25,597 20,022

16,842 15,797 13,215 17,380 15,319 7,621 19,003 21,356 18,895

17,652 12,727 12,639 14,394 11,252 3,453 17,807 16,649 20,986

11,174 4,627 6,399 7,061 6,055 999 13,684 8,931 21,463

5,074 1,374 793 3,058 1,699 179 5,440 3,621 18,701

1,244 --------------8,707







12,920 12,182 11,296 18,409 21,258 27,034 15,951 25,914 19,050 21,160

14,512 12,667 12,327 19,544 23,615 26,976 17,437 24,817 21,954 24,979

11,182 9,836 10,705 18,270 22,771 24,943 15,184 23,082 20,233 23,862

10,837 5,341 4,382 19,221 23,771 25,963 17,469 25,429 21,052 21,258

6,282 2,596 226 16,644 22,619 22,116 17,839 24,898 19,731 19,434

3,168 332 43 8,029 18,493 9,883 15,038 17,573 13,306 13,271

------822 7,210 1,280 9,904 4,472 3,007 4,822

--------1,411 --2,773 1,491 471 ---






2,224,771 2,231,853 1,912,297 1,624,615 1,194,020




Part C — Counties 85

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010







1860 1840 1840 1840 1850 1870 1850 1850 1850 1850 1860 1860

15,543 35,862 211,226 11,387 8,898 11,581 15,679 22,381 33,309 40,648 15,059 10,776

17,163 38,052 191,701 12,183 9,422 11,763 14,019 22,335 32,052 39,311 14,547 10,874

18,591 38,687 168,767 11,592 9,070 11,952 12,483 21,522 30,001 38,276 13,202 10,928

21,891 43,106 169,775 12,055 10,313 12,896 12,597 22,867 29,669 41,652 13,406 12,329

22,937 42,996 163,213 10,682 10,163 13,340 11,558 22,177 26,352 41,076 11,606 13,108

25,314 44,207 136,899 10,290 10,923 14,468 12,295 23,602 25,886 37,984 13,050 14,043

26,241 43,102 104,274 11,101 12,069 14,697 13,131 24,672 25,930 35,611 14,064 13,945

26,630 41,074 89,142 11,384 14,571 15,374 14,525 26,485 27,019 35,406 15,064 14,121

25,452 41,268 82,336 11,575 15,114 15,293 14,331 25,804 25,727 33,727 15,866 14,065

25,082 39,676 74,004 12,179 15,686 15,431 15,020 26,270 24,957 32,630 15,422 13,921

Monona............................... Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Muscatine ............................ O’Brien ................................ Osceola................................ Page .................................... Palo Alto .............................. Plymouth ............................. Pocahontas .......................... Polk .....................................

1860 1850 1860 1840 1860 1880 1850 1860 1860 1860 1850

9,243 7,970 10,740 42,745 14,398 6,462 15,932 9,421 24,986 7,310 430,640

10,020 8,016 11,771 41,722 15,102 7,003 16,976 10,147 24,849 8,662 374,601

10,034 8,114 12,076 39,907 15,444 7,267 16,870 10,669 23,388 9,525 327,140

11,692 9,209 13,413 40,436 16,972 8,371 19,063 12,721 24,743 11,369 303,170

12,069 9,357 12,781 37,181 17,522 8,555 18,507 13,289 24,312 12,729 286,101

13,916 10,463 14,467 33,840 18,840 10,064 21,023 14,736 23,906 14,234 266,315

16,303 11,814 15,685 32,148 18,970 10,181 23,921 15,891 23,252 15,496 226,010

18,238 14,553 15,697 31,296 19,293 10,607 24,887 16,170 23,502 16,266 195,835

18,213 15,010 16,752 29,385 18,409 10,182 25,904 15,398 24,159 15,687 172,837

17,125 23,467 17,048 29,042 19,051 10,223 24,137 15,486 23,584 15,602 154,029

19155 19157 19159 19161 19163 19165 19167 19169 19171 19173 19175

Pottawattamie ..................... Poweshiek ........................... Ringgold .............................. Sac ...................................... Scott .................................... Shelby.................................. Sioux ................................... Story .................................... Tama.................................... Taylor ................................... Union ..................................

1850 1850 1860 1860 1840 1860 1860 1860 1850 1850 1860

93,158 18,914 5,131 10,350 165,224 12,167 33,704 89,542 17,767 6,317 12,534

87,704 18,815 5,469 11,529 158,668 13,173 31,589 79,981 18,103 6,958 12,309

82,628 19,033 5,420 12,324 150,979 13,230 29,903 74,252 17,419 7,114 12,750

86,561 19,306 6,112 14,118 160,022 15,043 30,813 72,326 19,533 8,353 13,858

86,991 18,803 6,373 15,573 142,687 15,528 27,996 62,783 20,147 8,790 13,557

83,102 19,300 7,910 17,007 119,067 15,825 26,375 49,327 21,413 10,288 13,712

69,682 19,344 9,528 17,518 100,698 15,942 26,381 44,294 21,688 12,420 15,651

66,756 18,758 11,137 17,639 84,748 16,720 27,209 33,434 22,428 14,258 16,280

69,888 18,727 11,966 17,641 77,332 17,131 26,806 31,141 21,987 14,859 17,435

61,550 19,910 12,919 17,500 73,952 16,065 26,458 26,185 21,861 15,514 17,268

19177 19179 19181 19183 19185 19187 19189 19191 19193 19195 19197

Van Buren ............................ Wapello ............................... Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Winnebago .......................... Winneshiek .......................... Woodbury ........................... Worth .................................. Wright .................................

1840 1850 1850 1840 1850 1860 1860 1850 1860 1860 1860

7,570 35,625 46,225 21,704 6,403 38,013 10,866 21,056 102,172 7,598 13,229

7,809 36,051 40,671 20,670 6,730 40,235 11,723 21,310 103,877 7,909 14,334

7,676 35,687 36,033 19,612 7,067 40,342 12,122 20,847 98,276 7,991 14,269

8,626 40,241 34,878 20,141 8,199 45,953 13,010 21,876 100,884 9,075 16,319

8,643 42,149 27,432 18,967 8,405 48,391 12,990 21,758 103,052 8,968 17,294

9,778 46,126 20,829 19,406 9,800 47,810 13,099 21,651 107,849 10,259 19,447

11,007 47,397 17,758 19,557 11,737 44,241 13,450 21,639 103,917 11,068 19,652

12,053 44,280 17,695 20,055 13,308 41,521 13,972 22,263 103,627 11,449 20,038

12,603 40,480 17,700 19,822 13,787 40,425 13,143 21,630 101,669 11,164 20,216

14,060 37,937 18,047 20,421 15,378 37,611 13,489 22,091 92,171 11,630 20,348


KANSAS .............................












20001 20003 20005 20007 20009 20011 20011.1 20013 20013.1 20015 20017

Allen .................................... Anderson ............................. Atchison .............................. Barber.................................. Barton ................................. Bourbon .............................. Breckinridge......................... Brown.................................. Buffalo................................. Butler................................... Chase ..................................

1860 1860 1860 1880 1870 1860 1860 1860 1880 1860 1860

13,371 8,102 16,924 4,861 27,674 15,173 --9,984 --65,880 2,790

14,385 8,110 16,774 5,307 28,205 15,379 --10,724 --59,482 3,030

14,638 7,803 16,932 5,874 29,382 14,966 --11,128 --50,580 3,021

15,654 8,749 18,397 6,548 31,343 15,969 --11,955 --44,782 3,309

15,043 8,501 19,165 7,016 30,663 15,215 --11,685 --38,658 3,408

16,369 9,035 20,898 8,713 32,368 16,090 --13,229 --38,395 3,921

18,187 10,267 21,496 8,521 29,909 19,153 --14,651 --31,001 4,831

19,874 11,658 22,222 9,073 25,010 20,944 --17,395 --32,013 6,345

21,391 13,355 23,945 10,178 19,776 22,386 --20,553 --35,904 6,952

23,509 12,986 23,411 9,739 18,422 23,198 --20,949 --43,842 7,144

19109 19111 19113 19115 19117 19119 19121 19123 19125 19127 19129 19131

IOWA cnt’d Kossuth ............................... Lee ...................................... Linn ..................................... Louisa .................................. Lucas ................................... Lyon .................................... Madison .............................. Mahaska .............................. Marion................................. Marshall............................... Mills..................................... Mitchell ...............................

19133 19135 19137 19139 19141 19143 19145 19147 19149 19151 19153


County and City Extra




Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













19109 19111 19113 19115 19117 19119 19121 19123 19125 19127 19129 19131

IOWA cnt’d Kossuth ........................... Lee .................................. Linn ................................. Louisa .............................. Lucas ............................... Lyon ................................ Madison .......................... Mahaska .......................... Marion............................. Marshall........................... Mills................................. Mitchell ...........................

21,971 36,702 60,720 12,855 13,462 14,624 15,621 29,860 22,995 30,279 15,811 13,435

22,720 39,719 55,392 13,516 16,126 13,165 17,710 34,273 24,159 29,991 16,764 14,916

13,120 37,715 45,303 11,873 14,563 8,680 15,977 28,805 23,058 25,842 14,548 13,299

6,178 34,859 37,237 13,142 14,530 1,968 17,224 25,202 25,111 23,752 14,137 14,363

3,351 37,210 31,080 12,877 10,388 221 13,884 22,508 24,436 17,576 8,718 9,582

416 29,232 18,947 10,370 5,766 --7,339 14,816 16,813 6,015 4,481 3,409

--18,861 5,444 4,939 471 --1,179 5,989 5,482 338 -----

--6,093 1,373 1,927 -----------------






19133 19135 19137 19139 19141 19143 19145 19147 19149 19151 19153

Monona........................... Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Muscatine ........................ O’Brien ............................ Osceola............................ Page ................................ Palo Alto .......................... Plymouth ......................... Pocahontas ...................... Polk .................................

16,633 25,429 16,604 29,505 17,262 8,956 24,002 13,845 23,129 14,808 110,438

17,980 17,985 17,803 28,242 16,985 8,725 24,187 14,354 22,209 15,339 82,624

14,515 13,666 15,848 24,504 13,060 5,574 21,341 9,318 19,568 9,553 65,410

9,055 13,719 15,895 23,170 4,155 2,219 19,667 4,131 8,566 3,713 42,395

3,654 12,724 5,934 21,688 715 --9,975 1,336 2,199 1,446 27,857

832 8,612 1,256 16,444 8 --4,419 132 148 103 11,625

--2,884 --5,731 ----551 ------4,513

------1,942 ---------------






19155 19157 19159 19161 19163 19165 19167 19169 19171 19173 19175

Pottawattamie ................. Poweshiek ....................... Ringgold .......................... Sac .................................. Scott ................................ Shelby.............................. Sioux ............................... Story ................................ Tama................................ Taylor ............................... Union ..............................

55,832 19,589 12,904 16,555 60,000 16,552 25,248 24,083 22,156 16,312 16,616

54,336 19,414 15,325 17,639 51,558 17,932 23,337 23,159 24,585 18,784 19,928

47,430 18,394 13,556 14,522 43,164 17,611 18,370 18,127 22,052 16,384 16,900

39,850 18,936 12,085 8,774 41,266 12,696 5,426 16,906 21,585 15,635 14,980

16,893 15,581 5,691 1,411 38,599 2,540 576 11,651 16,131 6,989 5,986

4,968 5,668 2,923 246 25,959 818 10 4,051 5,285 3,590 2,012

7,828 615 ----5,986 ------8 204 ---

--------2,140 -------------






19177 19179

Van Buren ........................ Wapello ...........................

15,020 37,743

17,354 35,426

16,253 30,426

17,043 25,285

17,672 22,346

17,081 14,518

12,270 8,471

6,146 ---






19181 19183 19185 19187 19189 19191 19193 19195 19197

Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Winnebago ...................... Winneshiek ...................... Woodbury ....................... Worth .............................. Wright .............................

18,194 19,925 16,184 34,629 11,914 21,729 67,616 9,950 17,951

20,376 20,718 17,491 31,757 12,725 23,731 54,610 10,887 18,227

18,269 18,468 15,670 21,582 7,325 22,528 55,632 9,247 12,057

19,578 20,374 16,127 15,951 4,917 23,938 14,996 7,953 5,062

17,980 18,952 11,287 10,484 1,562 23,570 6,172 2,892 2,392

10,281 14,235 6,409 2,504 168 13,942 1,119 756 653

961 4,957 340 ----546 -------

--1,594 ---------------







KANSAS .........................

1,690,949 1,470,495 1,428,108











20001 20003 20005 20007 20009 20011 20011.1 20013 20013.1 20015 20017

Allen ................................ Anderson ......................... Atchison .......................... Barber.............................. Barton ............................. Bourbon .......................... Breckinridge..................... Brown.............................. Buffalo............................. Butler............................... Chase ..............................

11,303 9,057 26,668 2,661 10,318 19,591 --12,817 191 18,586 6,081

7,022 5,220 15,507 --2 15,076 --6,823 --3,035 1,975

3,082 2,400 7,729 ----6,101 3,197 2,607 --437 808








27,640 13,829 28,107 9,916 17,876 24,007 --21,314 --23,059 7,527

19,507 13,938 28,606 6,594 13,784 24,712 --22,369 --23,363 8,246

13,509 14,203 26,758 7,973 13,172 28,575 --20,796 --24,055 8,233

Part C — Counties 87

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










20019 20021 20023 20025 20027 20029 20031 20033 20035 20037 20039

KANSAS cnt’d Chautauqua......................... Cherokee ............................. Cheyenne ............................ Clark.................................... Clay ..................................... Cloud .................................. Coffey ................................. Comanche ........................... Cowley ................................ Crawford ............................. Decatur................................

1880 1860 1880 1880 1860 1870 1860 1880 1860 1870 1880

3,669 21,603 2,726 2,215 8,535 9,533 8,601 1,891 36,311 39,134 2,961

4,359 22,605 3,165 2,390 8,822 10,268 8,865 1,967 36,291 38,242 3,472

4,407 21,374 3,243 2,418 9,158 11,023 8,404 2,313 36,915 35,568 4,021

5,016 22,304 3,678 2,599 9,802 12,494 9,370 2,554 36,824 37,916 4,509

4,642 21,549 4,256 2,896 9,890 13,466 7,397 2,702 35,012 37,850 4,988

5,956 22,279 4,708 3,396 10,675 14,407 8,403 3,271 37,861 37,032 5,778

7,376 25,144 5,668 3,946 11,697 16,104 10,408 3,888 36,905 40,231 6,185

9,233 29,817 6,221 4,081 13,281 17,247 12,278 4,412 38,139 44,191 7,434

10,352 31,457 6,948 4,796 14,556 18,006 13,653 5,238 40,903 49,329 8,866

11,598 33,609 5,587 4,989 14,365 17,714 14,254 5,302 35,155 61,800 8,121

20041 20043 20045 20047 20049 20051 20053 20055 20055.1

Dickinson ............................. Doniphan............................. Douglas ............................... Edwards............................... Elk ....................................... Ellis ...................................... Ellsworth.............................. Finney .................................. Foote ...................................

1860 1860 1860 1880 1880 1870 1870 1880 1880

19,754 7,945 110,826 3,037 2,882 28,452 6,497 36,776 ---

19,344 8,249 99,962 3,449 3,261 27,507 6,525 40,523 ---

18,958 8,134 81,798 3,787 3,327 26,004 6,586 33,070 ---

20,175 9,268 67,640 4,271 3,918 26,098 6,640 23,825 ---

19,993 9,107 57,932 4,581 3,858 24,730 6,146 18,947 ---

21,572 9,574 43,720 5,118 5,048 21,270 7,677 16,093 ---

21,190 10,499 34,086 5,936 6,679 19,043 8,465 15,092 ---

22,929 12,936 25,171 6,377 8,180 17,508 9,855 10,092 ---

25,870 14,063 25,143 7,295 9,210 15,907 10,132 11,014 ---

25,777 13,438 23,998 7,057 9,034 14,138 10,379 7,674 ---

20057 20059 20059.1 20061 20063 20065 20067 20069 20071 20073 20075 20077 20079 20081 20083 20083.1 20085

Ford ..................................... Franklin................................ Garfield ............................... Geary................................... Gove.................................... Graham ............................... Grant ................................... Gray .................................... Greeley ................................ Greenwood ......................... Hamilton.............................. Harper ................................. Harvey ................................. Haskell ................................. Hodgeman........................... Howard ............................... Jackson ................................

1870 1860 1890 1860 1880 1880 1880 1890 1880 1860 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1860 1860

33,848 25,992 --34,362 2,695 2,597 7,829 6,006 1,247 6,689 2,690 6,034 34,684 4,256 1,916 --13,462

32,458 24,784 --27,947 3,068 2,946 7,909 5,904 1,534 7,673 2,670 6,536 32,869 4,307 2,085 --12,657

27,463 21,994 --30,453 3,231 3,543 7,159 5,396 1,774 7,847 2,388 7,124 31,028 3,886 2,177 --11,525

24,315 22,062 --29,852 3,726 3,995 6,977 5,138 1,845 8,764 2,514 7,778 30,531 3,814 2,269 --11,644

22,587 20,007 --28,111 3,940 4,751 5,961 4,516 1,819 9,141 2,747 7,871 27,236 3,672 2,662 --10,342

20,938 19,548 --28,779 4,107 5,586 5,269 4,380 2,087 11,253 3,144 9,541 25,865 2,990 3,115 --10,309

19,670 19,928 --21,671 4,447 5,020 4,638 4,894 2,010 13,574 3,696 10,263 21,698 2,606 3,310 --11,098

17,254 20,889 --15,222 4,793 6,071 1,946 4,773 1,638 16,495 2,645 12,068 21,712 2,088 3,535 --13,382

20,647 22,024 --14,366 5,643 7,772 3,092 6,211 1,712 19,235 3,328 12,823 22,120 2,805 4,157 --14,776

14,273 21,946 --13,452 4,748 7,624 1,087 4,711 1,028 14,715 2,586 13,656 20,744 1,455 3,734 --15,495

20087 20089 20091 20093 20095 20097 20099 20101 20103 20105 20107

Jefferson .............................. Jewell .................................. Johnson ............................... Kearny ................................. Kingman .............................. Kiowa .................................. Labette ................................ Lane .................................... Leavenworth ........................ Lincoln ................................. Linn .....................................

1860 1870 1860 1880 1880 1890 1870 1880 1860 1870 1860

19,126 3,077 544,179 3,977 7,858 2,553 21,607 1,750 76,227 3,241 9,656

18,426 3,791 451,086 4,531 8,673 3,278 22,835 2,155 68,691 3,578 9,570

15,905 4,251 355,054 4,027 8,292 3,660 23,693 2,375 64,371 3,653 8,254

15,207 5,241 270,269 3,435 8,960 4,046 25,682 2,472 54,809 4,145 8,234

11,945 6,099 217,662 3,047 8,886 4,088 25,775 2,707 53,340 4,582 7,770

11,252 7,217 143,792 3,108 9,958 4,626 26,805 3,060 48,524 5,556 8,274

11,084 9,698 62,783 3,492 10,324 4,743 29,285 2,808 42,361 6,643 10,053

12,718 11,970 33,327 2,525 12,001 5,112 30,352 2,821 41,112 8,338 11,969

14,129 14,462 27,179 3,196 11,674 6,035 31,346 3,372 42,673 9,707 13,534

14,750 16,240 18,314 2,617 12,119 6,164 34,047 2,848 38,402 9,894 13,815

20109 20111 20111.1 20113 20115 20117 20119 20121 20123 20125 20127

Logan .................................. Lyon .................................... Madison .............................. McPherson........................... Marion................................. Marshall............................... Meade ................................. Miami .................................. Mitchell ............................... Montgomery........................ Morris ..................................

1890 1870 1860 1870 1860 1860 1880 1860 1870 1870 1860

2,756 33,690 --29,180 12,660 10,117 4,575 32,787 6,373 35,471 5,923

3,046 35,935 --29,554 13,361 10,965 4,631 28,351 6,932 36,252 6,104

3,081 34,732 --27,268 12,888 11,705 4,247 23,466 7,203 38,816 6,198

3,478 35,108 --26,855 13,522 12,787 4,788 21,618 8,117 42,281 6,419

3,814 32,071 --24,778 13,935 13,139 4,912 19,254 8,010 39,949 6,432

4,036 26,928 --24,285 15,143 15,598 5,505 19,884 8,866 45,007 7,392

4,206 26,576 --23,670 16,307 17,926 5,710 19,698 10,320 46,487 8,485

3,688 26,424 --24,152 18,951 20,986 5,522 19,489 11,339 49,729 10,363

4,145 29,240 --23,588 20,739 23,056 6,858 21,243 12,774 51,411 11,859

3,223 26,154 --21,845 22,923 22,730 5,542 19,809 13,886 49,645 12,005


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













20019 20021 20023 20025 20027 20029 20031 20033 20035 20037 20039

KANSAS cnt’d Chautauqua..................... Cherokee ......................... Cheyenne ........................ Clark................................ Clay ................................. Cloud .............................. Coffey ............................. Comanche ....................... Cowley ............................ Crawford ......................... Decatur............................

11,429 38,162 4,248 4,093 15,251 18,388 15,205 3,281 31,790 51,178 8,976

11,804 42,694 2,640 1,701 15,833 18,071 16,643 1,619 30,156 38,809 9,234

12,297 27,770 4,401 2,357 16,146 19,295 15,856 2,549 34,478 30,286 8,414

11,072 21,905 37 163 12,320 15,343 11,438 372 21,538 16,851 4,180

--11,038 ----2,942 2,323 6,201 --1,175 8,160 ---

--1,501 ----163 --2,842 --158 -----








20041 20043 20045 20047 20049 20051 20053 20055 20055.1

Dickinson ......................... Doniphan......................... Douglas ........................... Edwards........................... Elk ................................... Ellis .................................. Ellsworth.......................... Finney .............................. Foote ...............................

24,361 14,422 24,724 7,033 10,128 12,170 10,444 6,908 ---

21,816 15,079 25,096 3,682 11,443 8,626 9,626 3,469 ---

22,273 13,535 23,961 3,600 12,216 7,942 9,272 3,350 ---

15,251 14,257 21,700 2,409 10,623 6,179 8,494 568 411

3,043 13,969 20,592 ----1,336 1,185 -----

378 8,083 8,637 -------------








20057 20059 20059.1 20061 20063 20065 20067 20069 20071 20073 20075 20077 20079 20081 20083 20083.1 20085

Ford ................................. Franklin............................ Garfield ........................... Geary............................... Gove................................ Graham ........................... Grant ............................... Gray ................................ Greeley ............................ Greenwood ..................... Hamilton.......................... Harper ............................. Harvey ............................. Haskell ............................. Hodgeman....................... Howard ........................... Jackson ............................

11,393 20,884 --12,681 6,044 8,700 1,087 3,121 1,335 16,060 3,360 14,748 19,200 993 2,930 --16,861

5,497 21,354 --10,744 2,441 5,173 422 1,264 493 16,196 1,426 10,310 17,591 457 2,032 --17,117

5,308 20,279 881 10,423 2,994 5,029 1,308 2,415 1,264 16,309 2,027 13,266 17,601 1,077 2,395 --15,088

3,122 16,797 --6,994 1,196 4,258 9 --3 10,548 168 4,133 11,451 3 1,704 --10,718

427 10,385 --5,526 ----------3,484 ----------2,794 6,053

--3,030 --1,163 ----------759 ----------19 1,936








20087 20089 20091 20093 20095 20097 20099 20101 20103 20105 20107

Jefferson .......................... Jewell .............................. Johnson ........................... Kearny ............................. Kingman .......................... Kiowa .............................. Labette ............................ Lane ................................ Leavenworth .................... Lincoln ............................. Linn .................................

15,826 18,148 18,288 3,206 13,386 6,174 31,423 2,603 41,207 10,142 14,735

17,533 19,420 18,104 1,107 10,663 2,365 27,387 1,563 40,940 9,886 16,689

16,620 19,349 17,385 1,571 11,823 2,873 27,586 2,060 38,485 9,709 17,215

15,563 17,475 16,853 159 3,713 --22,735 601 32,355 8,582 15,298

12,526 207 13,684 ------9,973 --32,444 516 12,174

4,459 --4,364 ----------12,606 --6,336








20109 20111 20111.1 20113 20115 20117 20119 20121 20123 20125 20127

Logan .............................. Lyon ................................ Madison .......................... McPherson....................... Marion............................. Marshall........................... Meade ............................. Miami .............................. Mitchell ........................... Montgomery.................... Morris ..............................

4,240 24,927 --21,521 22,415 23,880 5,055 20,030 14,089 49,474 12,397

1,962 25,074 --21,421 20,676 24,355 1,581 21,641 14,647 29,039 11,967

3,384 23,196 --21,614 20,539 23,912 2,542 19,614 15,037 23,104 11,381

--17,326 --17,143 12,453 16,136 296 17,802 14,911 18,213 9,265

--8,014 --738 768 6,901 --11,725 485 7,564 2,225

----636 --74 2,280 --4,980 ----770








Part C — Counties 89

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










20129 20131 20133 20135 20137 20139 20141 20141.1 20143 20145 20147

KANSAS cnt’d Morton ................................ Nemaha ............................... Neosho ................................ Ness..................................... Norton ................................. Osage .................................. Osborne............................... Otoe .................................... Ottawa ................................ Pawnee................................ Phillips .................................

1880 1860 1860 1870 1880 1860 1870 1860 1870 1870 1880

3,233 10,178 16,512 3,107 5,671 16,295 3,858 --6,091 6,973 5,642

3,496 10,717 16,997 3,454 5,953 16,712 4,452 --6,163 7,233 6,001

3,480 10,446 17,035 4,033 5,947 15,248 4,867 --5,634 7,555 6,590

3,454 11,211 18,967 4,498 6,689 15,319 5,959 --5,971 8,065 7,406

3,576 11,825 18,812 4,791 7,279 13,352 6,416 --6,183 8,484 7,888

3,354 12,897 19,455 5,470 8,035 12,886 7,506 --6,779 10,254 8,709

2,610 14,341 20,348 6,322 8,808 12,811 8,558 --7,265 11,041 9,273

2,186 16,761 22,210 6,864 9,831 15,118 9,835 --9,224 10,300 10,435

4,092 18,342 22,665 8,358 11,701 17,538 11,568 --9,819 10,510 12,159

3,177 18,487 24,000 7,490 11,423 18,621 12,441 --10,714 9,323 12,505

20149 20151 20153 20155 20157 20159 20161 20163 20165 20167 20169

Pottawatomie ...................... Pratt .................................... Rawlins ................................ Reno .................................... Republic............................... Rice ..................................... Riley..................................... Rooks .................................. Rush .................................... Russell ................................. Saline...................................

1860 1880 1880 1880 1870 1870 1860 1880 1880 1870 1870

21,604 9,656 2,519 64,511 4,980 10,083 71,115 5,181 3,307 6,970 55,606

18,209 9,647 2,966 64,790 5,835 10,761 62,843 5,685 3,551 7,370 53,597

16,128 9,702 3,404 62,389 6,482 10,610 67,139 6,039 3,842 7,835 49,301

14,782 10,275 4,105 64,983 7,569 11,900 63,505 7,006 4,516 8,868 48,905

11,755 10,056 4,393 60,765 8,498 12,320 56,788 7,628 5,117 9,428 46,592

11,957 12,122 5,279 59,055 9,768 13,909 41,914 9,734 6,160 11,348 54,715

12,344 12,156 5,728 54,058 11,478 15,635 33,405 9,043 7,231 13,406 33,409

14,015 12,348 6,618 52,165 13,124 17,213 20,617 8,497 8,285 13,464 29,535

15,862 13,312 7,362 47,785 14,745 13,800 19,882 9,534 9,093 11,045 29,337

16,154 12,909 6,799 44,423 15,855 14,832 20,650 9,966 8,360 10,748 25,103

20171 20173 20175 20177 20179 20181 20183 20185 20187 20189 20191

Scott .................................... Sedgwick ............................. Seward ................................ Shawnee.............................. Sheridan .............................. Sherman .............................. Smith ................................... Stafford ............................... Stanton................................ Stevens ................................ Sumner ................................

1880 1870 1880 1860 1880 1880 1870 1880 1880 1880 1870

4,936 498,365 22,952 177,934 2,556 6,010 3,853 4,437 2,235 5,724 24,132

5,120 452,869 22,510 169,871 2,813 6,760 4,536 4,789 2,406 5,463 25,946

5,289 403,662 18,743 160,976 3,043 6,926 5,078 5,365 2,333 5,048 25,841

5,782 366,531 17,071 154,916 3,544 7,759 5,947 5,694 2,339 4,736 24,928

5,606 350,694 15,744 155,322 3,859 7,792 6,757 5,943 2,287 4,198 23,553

5,228 343,231 15,930 141,286 4,267 6,682 7,776 7,451 2,108 4,400 25,316

4,921 222,290 9,972 105,418 4,607 7,373 8,846 8,816 2,263 4,516 23,646

3,773 143,311 6,540 91,247 5,312 6,421 10,582 10,487 1,443 3,193 26,163

3,976 136,330 8,075 85,200 6,038 7,400 13,545 10,460 2,152 4,655 28,960

3,121 92,234 6,220 69,159 5,484 5,592 14,985 11,559 908 3,943 29,213

20193 20195 20197 20199 20201 20203 20205 20207 20209

Thomas................................ Trego ................................... Wabaunsee .......................... Wallace ................................ Washington ......................... Wichita ................................ Wilson ................................. Woodson ............................. Wyandotte...........................

1880 1870 1860 1870 1860 1880 1860 1860 1860

7,900 3,001 7,053 1,485 5,799 2,234 9,409 3,309 157,505

8,180 3,319 6,885 1,749 6,483 2,531 10,332 3,788 157,882

8,258 3,694 6,603 1,821 7,073 2,758 10,289 4,116 161,993

8,451 4,165 6,867 2,045 8,543 3,041 12,128 4,600 172,335

7,501 4,436 6,397 2,215 9,249 3,274 11,317 4,789 186,845

7,358 5,473 6,648 2,069 10,739 2,765 13,077 5,423 185,495

7,572 5,868 7,212 2,508 12,977 2,640 14,815 6,711 165,318

6,425 5,822 9,219 2,216 15,921 2,185 17,723 8,014 145,071

7,334 6,470 10,830 2,882 17,112 2,579 18,646 8,526 141,211

5,517 5,880 11,424 2,424 17,984 1,856 21,157 8,984 122,218


KENTUCKY .........................












21001 21003 21005 21007 21009 21011 21013 21015 21017

Adair ................................... Allen .................................... Anderson ............................. Ballard ................................. Barren.................................. Bath..................................... Bell ...................................... Boone .................................. Bourbon ..............................

1810 1820 1830 1850 1800 1820 1870 1800 1790

18,656 19,956 21,421 8,249 42,173 11,591 28,691 118,811 19,985

17,244 17,800 19,111 8,286 38,033 11,085 30,060 85,991 19,360

15,360 14,628 14,571 7,902 34,001 9,692 31,506 57,589 19,236

15,233 14,128 12,567 8,798 34,009 10,025 34,330 45,842 19,405

13,037 12,598 9,358 8,276 28,677 9,235 31,087 32,812 18,476

14,699 12,269 8,618 8,291 28,303 9,114 35,336 21,940 18,178

17,603 13,787 8,984 8,545 28,461 10,410 47,602 13,015 17,752

18,566 15,496 8,936 9,480 27,559 11,451 43,812 10,820 17,932

16,401 15,180 8,494 9,910 25,844 11,075 38,747 9,595 18,060

17,289 16,761 9,982 12,045 25,356 11,996 33,988 9,572 18,418

21019 21021 21023 21025 21027 21029 21031 21033

Boyd .................................... Boyle ................................... Bracken ............................... Breathitt .............................. Breckinridge......................... Bullitt ................................... Butler................................... Caldwell ..............................

1860 1850 1800 1840 1800 1800 1810 1810

49,542 28,432 8,488 13,878 20,059 74,319 12,690 12,984

49,752 27,697 8,279 16,100 18,648 61,236 13,010 13,060

51,150 25,641 7,766 15,703 16,312 47,567 11,245 13,232

55,513 25,066 7,738 17,004 16,861 43,346 11,064 13,473

52,376 21,090 7,227 14,221 14,789 26,090 9,723 13,179

52,163 21,257 7,422 15,490 14,734 15,726 9,586 13,073

49,949 20,532 8,424 19,964 15,528 11,349 11,309 13,199

45,938 17,075 9,389 23,946 17,744 9,511 14,371 14,499

43,849 16,282 9,616 21,143 17,368 8,868 12,620 13,781

29,281 14,998 10,210 20,614 19,652 9,328 15,197 13,975


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













20129 20131 20133 20135 20137 20139 20141 20141.1 20143 20145 20147

KANSAS cnt’d Morton ............................ Nemaha ........................... Neosho ............................ Ness................................. Norton ............................. Osage .............................. Osborne........................... Otoe ................................ Ottawa ............................ Pawnee............................ Phillips .............................

1,333 19,072 23,754 5,883 11,614 19,905 12,827 --11,811 8,859 14,150

304 20,376 19,254 4,535 11,325 23,659 11,844 --11,182 5,084 14,442

724 19,249 18,561 4,944 10,617 25,062 12,083 --12,581 5,204 13,661

9 12,462 15,121 3,722 6,998 19,642 12,517 --10,307 5,396 12,014

--7,339 10,206 2 --7,648 33 --2,127 179 ---

--2,436 88 ----1,113 --238 -------








20149 20151 20153 20155 20157 20159 20161 20163 20165 20167 20169

Pottawatomie .................. Pratt ................................ Rawlins ............................ Reno ................................ Republic........................... Rice ................................. Riley................................. Rooks .............................. Rush ................................ Russell ............................. Saline...............................

17,522 11,156 6,380 37,853 17,447 15,106 15,783 11,282 7,826 10,800 20,338

18,470 7,085 5,241 29,027 18,248 14,745 13,828 7,960 6,134 8,489 17,076

17,722 8,118 6,756 27,079 19,002 14,451 13,183 8,018 5,204 7,333 17,442

16,350 1,890 1,623 12,826 14,913 9,292 10,430 8,112 5,490 7,351 13,808

7,848 ------1,281 5 5,105 ----156 4,246

1,529 ----------1,224 ---------








20171 20173 20175 20177 20179 20181 20183 20185 20187 20189 20191

Scott ................................ Sedgwick ......................... Seward ............................ Shawnee.......................... Sheridan .......................... Sherman .......................... Smith ............................... Stafford ........................... Stanton............................ Stevens ............................ Sumner ............................

3,047 73,095 4,091 61,874 5,651 4,549 15,365 12,510 1,034 2,453 30,654

1,098 44,037 822 53,727 3,819 3,341 16,384 9,829 327 620 25,631

1,262 43,626 1,503 49,172 3,733 5,261 15,613 8,520 1,031 1,418 30,271

43 18,753 5 29,093 1,567 13 13,883 4,755 5 12 20,812

--1,095 --13,121 ----66 ------22

------3,513 ---------------








20193 20195 20197

Thomas............................ Trego ............................... Wabaunsee ......................

5,455 5,398 12,721

4,112 2,722 12,813

5,538 2,535 11,720

161 2,535 8,756

--166 3,362









20199 20201 20203 20205 20207 20209

Wallace ............................ Washington ..................... Wichita ............................ Wilson ............................. Woodson ......................... Wyandotte.......................

2,759 20,229 2,006 19,810 9,450 100,068

1,178 21,963 1,197 15,621 10,022 73,227

2,468 22,894 1,827 15,286 9,021 54,407

686 14,910 14 13,775 6,535 19,143

538 4,081 --6,694 3,827 10,015

--383 --27 1,488 2,609









KENTUCKY .....................

2,289,905 2,147,174 1,858,635 1,648,690 1,321,011 1,155,684








21001 21003 21005 21007 21009 21011 21013 21015 21017

Adair ............................... Allen ................................ Anderson ......................... Ballard ............................. Barren.............................. Bath................................. Bell .................................. Boone .............................. Bourbon ..........................

16,503 14,882 10,146 12,690 25,293 13,988 28,447 9,420 17,462

14,888 14,657 10,051 10,761 23,197 14,734 15,701 11,170 18,069

13,721 13,692 10,610 8,390 21,490 12,813 10,312 12,246 16,976

13,078 12,089 9,361 14,378 22,321 11,982 6,055 11,996 15,956

11,065 10,296 5,449 12,576 17,780 10,145 3,731 10,696 14,863

9,509 9,187 7,404 8,692 16,665 12,113 --11,196 14,860

9,898 8,742 6,260 5,496 20,240 12,115 --11,185 14,466

8,466 7,329 5,452 --17,288 9,763 --10,034 14,478

8,217 6,485 4,520 --15,079 8,799 --9,075 18,436

8,765 5,327 ----10,328 7,961 --6,542 17,664

6,011 ------11,286 ----3,608 18,009

--------4,784 ----1,534 12,825


21019 21021 21023 21025 21027 21029 21031 21033

Boyd ................................ Boyle ............................... Bracken ........................... Breathitt .......................... Breckinridge..................... Bullitt ............................... Butler............................... Caldwell ..........................

23,444 14,668 10,308 17,540 21,034 9,487 15,805 14,063

18,834 13,817 12,137 14,322 20,534 9,602 15,896 14,510

14,033 12,948 12,369 8,705 18,976 8,291 13,956 13,186

12,165 11,930 13,509 7,742 17,486 8,521 12,181 11,282

8,573 9,515 11,409 5,672 13,440 7,781 9,404 10,826

6,044 9,304 11,021 4,980 13,236 7,289 7,927 9,318

--9,116 8,903 3,785 10,593 6,774 5,755 13,048

----7,053 2,195 8,944 6,334 3,898 10,365

----6,518 --7,345 5,652 3,058 8,324

----5,280 --7,485 5,831 3,083 9,022

----3,706 --3,430 4,311 2,181 4,268

----2,606 --807 3,542 -----


Part C — Counties 91

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










21035 21037 21039 21041 21043 21045 21047 21049 21051 21053 21055

KENTUCKY cnt’d Calloway.............................. Campbell ............................. Carlisle................................. Carroll ................................. Carter .................................. Casey................................... Christian .............................. Clark.................................... Clay ..................................... Clinton ................................ Crittenden ...........................

1830 1800 1890 1840 1840 1810 1800 1800 1810 1840 1850

37,191 90,336 5,104 10,811 27,720 15,955 73,955 35,613 21,730 10,272 9,315

34,177 88,616 5,351 10,155 26,889 15,447 72,265 33,144 24,556 9,634 9,384

30,735 83,866 5,238 9,292 24,340 14,211 68,941 29,496 21,746 9,135 9,196

30,031 83,317 5,487 9,270 25,060 14,818 66,878 28,322 22,752 9,321 9,207

27,692 88,501 5,354 8,523 19,850 12,930 56,224 24,090 18,481 8,174 8,493

20,972 86,803 5,608 7,978 20,817 14,327 56,904 21,075 20,748 8,886 8,648

20,147 76,196 6,206 8,517 22,559 17,446 42,359 18,898 23,116 10,605 10,818

19,041 71,918 7,650 8,657 25,545 19,962 36,129 17,988 23,901 10,279 12,115

17,662 73,391 7,363 8,155 23,839 16,747 34,283 17,640 18,526 9,004 11,931

20,802 61,868 8,231 8,346 22,474 17,213 35,883 17,901 19,795 8,589 13,125

21057 21059 21061 21063 21065 21067 21069 21071 21073 21075 21077

Cumberland......................... Daviess ................................ Edmonson ........................... Elliott ................................... Estill ..................................... Fayette................................. Fleming................................ Floyd.................................... Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Gallatin ................................

1800 1820 1830 1870 1810 1790 1800 1800 1800 1850 1800

6,856 96,656 12,161 7,852 14,672 295,803 14,348 39,451 49,285 6,813 8,589

7,147 91,545 11,644 6,748 15,307 260,512 13,792 42,441 47,687 7,752 7,870

6,784 87,189 10,357 6,455 14,614 225,366 12,292 43,586 43,781 8,271 5,393

7,289 85,949 9,962 6,908 14,495 204,165 12,323 48,764 41,830 8,971 4,842

6,850 79,486 8,751 5,933 12,752 174,323 11,366 35,889 34,481 10,183 4,134

7,835 70,588 8,085 6,330 12,466 131,906 10,890 41,642 29,421 11,256 3,867

9,309 57,241 9,376 7,085 14,677 100,746 11,962 53,500 25,933 13,668 3,969

11,923 52,335 11,344 8,713 17,978 78,899 13,327 52,986 23,308 15,413 4,307

10,204 43,779 11,475 7,571 17,079 68,543 12,931 41,942 21,064 14,927 4,437

10,648 40,733 10,894 8,887 15,569 54,664 15,614 27,427 19,357 15,197 4,664

21079 21081 21083 21085 21087 21089 21091 21093 21095 21097 21099

Garrard ................................ Grant ................................... Graves ................................. Grayson ............................... Green .................................. Greenup .............................. Hancock .............................. Hardin ................................. Harlan.................................. Harrison ............................... Hart .....................................

1800 1820 1830 1810 1800 1810 1830 1800 1820 1800 1820

16,912 24,662 37,121 25,746 11,258 36,910 8,565 105,543 29,278 18,846 18,199

14,792 22,384 37,028 24,053 11,518 36,891 8,392 94,174 33,202 17,983 17,445

11,579 15,737 33,550 21,050 10,371 36,742 7,864 89,240 36,574 16,248 14,890

10,853 13,308 34,049 20,854 11,043 39,132 7,742 88,917 41,889 15,166 15,402

9,457 9,999 30,939 16,445 10,350 33,192 7,080 78,421 37,370 14,158 13,980

9,747 9,489 30,021 15,834 11,249 29,238 5,330 67,789 51,107 13,704 14,119

11,029 9,809 31,364 17,063 11,261 24,887 6,009 50,312 71,751 13,736 15,321

11,910 9,876 31,763 17,562 12,321 24,917 6,807 29,108 75,275 15,124 17,239

11,562 9,876 30,778 17,055 11,401 24,554 6,147 20,913 64,557 14,859 16,169

12,503 10,435 32,483 19,927 11,391 20,062 6,945 24,287 31,546 15,798 18,544

21101 21103 21105 21107 21109 21111 21113 21115 21117 21119 21121

Henderson ........................... Henry................................... Hickman .............................. Hopkins ............................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Jessamine ............................ Johnson ............................... Kenton ................................ Knott ................................... Knox ....................................

1800 1800 1830 1810 1860 1790 1800 1850 1840 1890 1800

46,250 15,416 4,902 46,920 13,494 741,096 48,586 23,356 159,720 16,346 31,883

44,829 15,060 5,262 46,519 13,495 693,604 39,041 23,445 151,464 17,649 31,795

43,044 12,823 5,566 46,126 11,955 664,937 30,508 23,248 142,031 17,906 29,676

40,849 12,740 6,065 46,174 11,996 685,004 26,146 24,432 137,058 17,940 30,239

36,031 10,910 6,264 38,167 10,005 695,055 17,430 17,539 129,440 14,698 23,689

33,519 10,987 6,747 38,458 10,677 610,947 13,625 19,748 120,700 17,362 25,258

30,715 11,394 7,778 38,815 13,101 484,615 12,458 23,846 104,254 20,320 30,409

27,020 12,220 9,142 37,789 16,339 385,392 12,174 25,771 93,139 20,007 31,029

26,295 12,564 8,725 37,449 10,467 355,350 12,431 22,968 93,534 15,230 26,266

27,609 13,411 10,244 34,133 11,687 286,369 12,205 19,622 73,453 11,655 24,172

21123 21125 21127 21129 21131 21133 21135 21137 21139 21141 21143

Larue ................................... Laurel .................................. Lawrence ............................. Lee ...................................... Leslie ................................... Letcher ................................ Lewis ................................... Lincoln ................................. Livingston ............................ Logan .................................. Lyon ....................................

1850 1830 1830 1870 1880 1850 1810 1790 1800 1800 1860

14,193 58,849 15,860 7,887 11,310 24,519 13,870 24,742 9,519 26,835 8,314

13,373 52,715 15,569 7,916 12,401 25,277 14,092 23,361 9,804 26,573 8,080

11,679 43,438 13,998 7,422 13,642 27,000 13,029 20,045 9,062 24,416 6,624

11,922 38,982 14,121 7,754 14,882 30,687 14,545 19,053 9,219 24,138 6,490

10,672 27,386 10,726 6,587 11,623 23,165 12,355 16,663 7,596 21,793 5,562

10,346 24,901 12,134 7,420 10,941 30,102 13,115 16,503 7,029 20,896 5,924

9,956 25,797 14,418 8,739 15,537 39,522 13,520 18,668 7,184 22,335 6,853

9,622 25,640 17,275 10,860 14,981 40,592 15,686 19,859 9,127 23,345 9,067

9,093 21,109 16,713 9,729 10,765 35,702 14,315 17,687 8,608 21,875 8,530

10,004 19,814 17,643 11,918 10,097 24,467 15,829 16,481 9,732 23,633 8,795

21145 21147 21149 21151 21153 21155

McCracken .......................... McCreary ............................. McLean................................ Madison .............................. Magoffin ............................. Marion.................................

1830 1920 1860 1790 1860 1840

65,565 18,306 9,531 82,916 13,333 19,820

65,514 17,080 9,938 70,872 13,332 18,212

62,879 15,603 9,628 57,508 13,077 16,499

61,310 15,634 10,090 53,352 13,515 17,910

58,281 12,548 9,062 42,730 10,443 16,714

57,306 12,463 9,355 33,482 11,156 16,887

49,137 16,660 10,021 31,179 13,839 17,212

48,534 16,451 11,446 28,541 17,490 16,913

46,271 14,627 11,072 27,621 15,719 15,499

37,246 11,676 12,502 26,284 13,859 15,527


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













21035 21037 21039 21041 21043 21045 21047 21049 21051 21053 21055

KENTUCKY cnt’d Calloway.......................... Campbell ......................... Carlisle............................. Carroll ............................. Carter .............................. Casey............................... Christian .......................... Clark................................ Clay ................................. Clinton ............................ Crittenden .......................

19,867 59,369 9,048 8,110 21,966 15,479 38,845 17,987 17,789 8,153 13,296

17,633 54,223 10,195 9,825 20,228 15,144 37,962 16,694 15,364 7,871 15,191

14,675 44,208 7,612 9,266 17,204 11,848 34,118 15,434 12,447 7,047 13,119

13,295 37,440 --8,953 12,345 10,983 31,682 12,115 10,222 7,212 11,688

9,410 27,406 --6,189 7,509 8,884 23,227 10,882 8,297 6,497 9,381

9,915 20,909 --6,578 8,516 6,466 21,627 11,484 6,652 5,781 8,796

8,096 13,127 --5,526 6,241 6,556 19,580 12,683 5,421 4,889 6,351

9,794 5,214 --3,966 2,905 4,939 15,587 10,802 4,607 3,863 ---

5,164 9,883 ------4,342 12,684 13,051 3,548 -----

--7,022 ------4,349 10,459 11,449 4,393 -----

--3,473 ------3,285 11,020 11,519 2,398 -----

--1,903 --------2,318 7,653 -------


21057 21059 21061 21063 21065 21067 21069 21071 21073 21075 21077

Cumberland..................... Daviess ............................ Edmonson ....................... Elliott ............................... Estill ................................. Fayette............................. Fleming............................ Floyd................................ Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Gallatin ............................

9,846 41,020 10,469 9,814 12,273 47,715 16,066 18,623 21,135 14,114 4,697

8,962 38,667 10,080 10,387 11,669 42,071 17,074 15,552 20,852 11,546 5,163

8,452 33,120 8,005 9,214 10,836 35,698 16,078 11,256 21,267 10,005 4,611

8,894 27,730 7,222 6,567 9,860 29,023 15,221 10,176 18,699 7,977 4,832

7,690 20,714 4,459 4,433 9,198 26,656 13,398 7,877 15,300 6,161 5,074

7,340 15,549 4,645 --6,886 22,599 12,489 6,388 12,694 5,317 5,056

7,005 12,362 4,088 --5,985 22,735 13,914 5,714 12,462 4,446 5,137

6,090 8,331 2,914 --5,535 22,194 13,268 6,302 9,420 --4,003

8,624 5,209 2,642 --4,618 25,098 13,499 4,347 9,254 --6,674

8,058 3,876 ----3,507 23,250 12,186 8,207 11,024 --7,075

6,191 ------2,082 21,370 8,947 3,485 8,013 --3,307

3,284 --------14,028 5,016 478 5,078 --1,291

----------18,410 -----------

21079 21081 21083 21085 21087 21089 21091 21093 21095 21097 21099

Garrard ............................ Grant ............................... Graves ............................. Grayson ........................... Green .............................. Greenup .......................... Hancock .......................... Hardin ............................. Harlan.............................. Harrison ........................... Hart .................................

11,894 10,581 33,539 19,958 11,871 18,475 8,512 22,696 10,566 16,873 18,173

12,042 13,239 33,204 19,878 12,255 15,432 8,914 22,937 9,838 18,570 18,390

11,138 12,671 28,534 18,688 11,463 11,911 9,214 21,304 6,197 16,914 16,439

11,704 13,083 24,138 15,784 11,871 13,371 8,563 22,564 5,278 16,504 17,133

10,376 9,529 19,398 11,580 9,379 11,463 6,591 15,705 4,415 12,993 13,687

10,531 8,356 16,233 7,982 8,806 8,760 6,213 15,189 5,494 13,779 10,348

10,237 6,531 11,397 6,837 9,060 9,654 3,853 14,525 4,268 13,064 9,093

10,480 4,192 7,465 4,461 14,212 6,297 2,581 16,357 3,015 12,472 7,031

11,871 2,986 2,504 3,880 13,138 5,852 1,515 12,849 2,929 13,234 5,191

10,851 1,805 --4,055 11,943 4,311 --10,498 1,961 12,278 4,184

9,186 ----2,301 6,735 2,369 --7,531 --7,752 ---

6,186 ------6,096 ----3,653 --4,350 ---


21101 21103 21105

Henderson ....................... Henry............................... Hickman ..........................

29,352 13,716 11,750

32,907 14,620 11,745

29,536 14,164 11,637

24,515 14,492 10,651

18,457 11,066 8,453

14,262 11,949 7,008

12,171 11,442 4,791

9,548 10,015 8,968

6,659 11,387 5,198

5,714 10,816 ---

4,703 6,777 ---

1,468 3,258 ---


21107 21109 21111 21113 21115 21117 21119 21121

Hopkins ........................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Jessamine ........................ Johnson ........................... Kenton ............................ Knott ............................... Knox ................................

34,291 10,734 262,920 12,613 17,482 70,355 10,791 22,116

30,995 10,561 232,549 11,925 13,730 63,591 8,704 17,372

23,505 8,261 188,598 11,248 11,027 54,161 5,438 13,762

19,122 6,678 146,010 10,864 9,155 43,983 --10,587

13,827 4,547 118,953 8,638 7,494 36,096 --8,294

11,875 3,087 89,404 9,465 5,306 25,467 --7,707

12,441 --59,831 10,249 3,873 17,038 --7,050

9,171 --36,346 9,396 --7,816 --5,722

6,763 --23,979 9,960 ------4,315

5,322 --20,768 9,297 ------3,661

2,964 --13,399 8,377 ------5,875

----8,754 5,461 ------1,109

----4,765 -----------

21123 21125 21127 21129 21131 21133 21135 21137 21139 21141 21143

Larue ............................... Laurel .............................. Lawrence ......................... Lee .................................. Leslie ............................... Letcher ............................ Lewis ............................... Lincoln ............................. Livingston ........................ Logan .............................. Lyon ................................

10,701 19,872 20,067 9,531 8,976 10,623 16,887 17,897 10,627 24,977 9,423

10,764 17,592 19,612 7,988 6,753 9,172 17,868 17,059 11,354 25,994 9,319

9,433 13,747 17,702 6,205 3,964 6,920 14,803 15,962 9,474 23,812 7,628

9,793 9,131 13,262 4,254 3,740 6,601 13,154 15,080 9,165 24,358 6,768

8,235 6,016 8,497 3,055 --4,608 9,115 10,947 8,200 20,429 6,233

6,891 5,488 7,601 ----3,904 8,361 10,647 7,213 19,021 5,307

5,859 4,145 6,281 ----2,512 7,202 10,093 6,578 16,581 ---

--3,079 4,730 ------6,306 10,187 9,025 13,615 ---

--2,206 3,900 ------5,229 11,002 5,971 13,012 ---

------------3,973 9,979 5,824 14,423 ---

------------2,357 8,676 3,674 12,123 ---

--------------8,621 2,856 5,807 ---

--------------6,548 -------

21145 21147 21149 21151 21153 21155

McCracken ...................... McCreary ......................... McLean............................ Madison .......................... Magoffin ......................... Marion.............................

35,064 --13,241 26,951 13,654 16,330

28,733 --12,448 25,607 12,006 16,290

21,051 --9,887 24,348 9,196 15,648

16,262 --9,293 22,052 6,944 14,693

13,988 --7,614 19,543 4,684 12,838

10,360 --6,144 17,207 3,485 12,593

6,067 ----15,727 --11,765

4,745 ----16,355 --11,032

1,297 ----18,751 -----

------15,954 -----

------15,540 -----

------10,490 -----

------5,772 -----

Part C — Counties 93

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










21157 21159 21161 21163 21165 21167 21169 21171 21173 21175 21177

KENTUCKY cnt’d Marshall............................... Martin ................................. Mason ................................. Meade ................................. Menifee ............................... Mercer ................................. Metcalfe .............................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Morgan ............................... Muhlenberg .........................

1850 1880 1790 1830 1870 1790 1860 1820 1800 1830 1800

31,448 12,929 17,490 28,602 6,306 21,331 10,099 10,963 26,499 13,923 31,499

30,125 12,578 16,800 26,349 6,556 20,817 10,037 11,756 22,554 13,948 31,839

27,205 12,526 16,666 24,170 5,092 19,148 8,963 11,401 19,561 11,648 31,318

25,637 13,925 17,765 22,854 5,117 19,011 9,484 12,353 20,046 12,103 32,238

20,381 9,377 17,273 18,796 4,050 15,960 8,177 11,642 15,364 10,019 27,537

16,736 10,201 18,454 18,938 4,276 14,596 8,367 11,799 13,461 11,056 27,791

13,387 11,677 18,486 9,422 4,798 14,643 9,851 13,770 13,025 13,624 32,501

16,602 10,970 19,066 8,827 5,691 14,629 10,853 14,070 12,280 16,827 37,554

12,889 8,584 18,862 8,042 4,958 14,471 9,373 13,077 11,660 15,130 37,784

15,215 7,654 17,760 9,442 5,779 14,795 10,075 14,214 12,245 16,518 33,353

21179 21181 21183 21185 21187 21189 21191 21193 21195 21197 21199

Nelson ................................. Nicholas ............................... Ohio .................................... Oldham ............................... Owen .................................. Owsley................................. Pendleton ............................ Perry .................................... Pike ..................................... Powell.................................. Pulaski .................................

1790 1800 1800 1830 1820 1850 1800 1830 1830 1860 1800

43,437 7,135 23,842 60,316 10,841 4,755 14,877 28,712 65,024 12,613 63,063

37,477 6,813 22,916 46,178 10,547 4,858 14,390 29,390 68,736 13,237 56,217

29,710 6,725 21,105 33,263 9,035 5,036 12,036 30,283 72,583 11,686 49,489

27,584 7,157 21,765 27,795 8,924 5,709 10,989 33,763 81,123 11,101 45,803

23,477 6,508 18,790 14,687 7,470 5,023 9,949 25,714 61,059 7,704 35,234

22,168 6,677 17,725 13,388 8,237 5,369 9,968 34,961 68,264 6,674 34,403

19,521 7,532 20,840 11,018 9,755 7,324 9,610 46,566 81,154 6,812 38,452

18,004 8,617 24,421 10,716 10,942 8,957 10,392 47,828 71,122 7,671 39,863

16,551 8,571 24,469 7,402 10,710 7,223 10,876 42,186 63,267 5,800 35,640

16,137 9,894 26,473 7,689 12,554 7,820 11,719 26,042 49,477 6,745 34,010

21201 21203 21205 21207 21209 21211 21213 21215 21217 21219 21221

Robertson ............................ Rockcastle............................ Rowan ................................. Russell ................................. Scott .................................... Shelby.................................. Simpson............................... Spencer ............................... Taylor ................................... Todd .................................... Trigg ....................................

1870 1810 1860 1830 1800 1800 1820 1830 1850 1820 1820

2,282 17,056 23,333 17,565 47,173 42,074 17,327 17,061 24,512 12,460 14,339

2,266 16,582 22,094 16,315 33,061 33,337 16,405 11,766 22,927 11,971 12,597

2,124 14,803 20,353 14,716 23,867 24,824 15,145 6,801 21,146 10,940 10,361

2,265 13,973 19,049 13,708 21,813 23,328 14,673 5,929 21,178 11,874 9,384

2,163 12,305 17,010 10,542 17,948 18,999 13,054 5,488 17,138 10,823 8,620

2,443 12,334 12,808 11,076 15,376 18,493 11,548 5,680 16,285 11,364 8,870

2,881 13,925 12,708 13,717 15,141 17,912 11,678 6,157 14,403 12,890 9,683

3,419 17,165 12,734 13,615 14,314 17,759 11,752 6,757 13,556 14,234 12,784

3,344 15,149 10,893 11,930 14,400 17,679 11,336 6,606 12,047 13,520 12,531

3,871 15,406 9,467 11,854 15,318 18,532 11,150 7,785 12,236 15,694 14,208

21223 21225 21227 21229 21231 21233 21235 21237 21239

Trimble................................. Union .................................. Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Whitley ................................ Wolfe .................................. Woodford ............................

1840 1820 1800 1800 1810 1860 1820 1870 1790

8,809 15,007 113,792 11,717 20,813 13,621 35,637 7,355 24,939

8,125 15,637 92,522 10,916 19,923 14,120 35,865 7,065 23,208

6,090 16,557 76,673 10,441 17,468 13,955 33,326 6,503 19,955

6,253 17,821 71,828 10,764 17,022 14,832 33,396 6,698 17,778

5,349 15,882 57,432 10,728 14,268 13,282 24,145 5,669 14,434

5,102 14,537 45,491 11,168 14,700 14,244 25,815 6,534 11,913

5,148 14,893 42,758 12,777 16,475 15,555 31,940 7,615 11,212

5,601 17,411 36,631 12,965 17,204 19,198 33,186 9,997 11,847

5,348 17,053 33,676 12,623 15,848 20,534 29,730 8,425 10,981

6,011 18,040 30,858 14,773 16,208 20,762 27,749 8,783 11,784














22001 22003 22005 22007 22009 22011 22013 22015 22017 22019 22021

Acadia ................................. Allen .................................... Ascension ............................ Assumption ......................... Avoyelles ............................. Beauregard .......................... Bienville ............................... Bossier ................................. Caddo ................................. Calcasieu ............................. Caldwell ..............................

1890 1920 1810 1810 1810 1920 1850 1850 1840 1840 1840

61,773 25,764 107,215 23,421 42,073 35,654 14,353 116,979 254,969 192,768 10,132

58,861 25,440 76,627 23,388 41,481 32,986 15,752 98,310 252,161 183,577 10,560

55,882 21,226 58,214 22,753 39,159 30,083 15,979 86,088 248,253 168,134 9,810

56,427 21,390 50,068 22,084 41,393 29,692 16,387 80,721 252,358 167,223 10,761

52,109 20,794 37,086 19,654 37,751 22,888 16,024 64,519 230,184 145,415 9,354

49,931 19,867 27,927 17,991 37,606 19,191 16,726 57,622 223,859 145,475 9,004

47,050 18,835 22,387 17,278 38,031 17,766 19,105 40,139 176,547 89,635 10,293

46,260 17,540 21,215 18,541 39,256 14,847 23,933 33,162 150,203 56,506 12,046

39,326 15,261 18,438 15,990 34,926 14,569 23,789 28,388 124,670 41,963 10,430

34,820 18,382 22,155 17,912 35,300 20,767 20,977 22,266 83,265 32,807 9,514

22023 22025 22027 22029 22031 22033 22035

Cameron ............................. Catahoula ............................ Claiborne ............................. Concordia ............................ De Soto ............................... East Baton Rouge................. East Carroll ..........................

1870 1810 1830 1810 1850 1820 1840

6,839 10,407 17,195 20,822 26,656 440,171 7,759

9,991 10,920 16,851 20,247 25,494 412,852 9,421

9,260 11,065 17,405 20,828 25,346 380,105 9,709

9,336 12,287 17,095 22,981 25,727 366,191 11,772

8,194 11,769 17,024 22,578 22,764 285,167 12,884

6,909 11,421 19,407 20,467 24,248 230,058 14,433

6,244 11,834 25,063 14,398 24,398 158,236 16,302

7,203 14,618 29,855 14,562 31,803 88,415 19,023

6,054 12,451 32,285 12,778 31,016 68,208 15,815

3,952 11,074 27,885 12,466 29,376 44,513 11,231


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













21157 21159 21161 21163 21165 21167 21169 21171 21173 21175 21177

KENTUCKY cnt’d Marshall........................... Martin ............................. Mason ............................. Meade ............................. Menifee ........................... Mercer ............................. Metcalfe .......................... Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Morgan ........................... Muhlenberg .....................

15,771 7,291 18,611 9,783 6,153 14,063 10,453 13,663 12,868 16,259 28,598

13,692 5,780 20,446 10,533 6,818 14,426 9,988 13,053 12,834 12,792 20,741

11,287 4,209 20,773 9,484 4,666 15,034 9,871 10,989 12,367 11,249 17,955

9,647 3,057 20,469 10,323 3,755 14,142 9,423 10,741 10,566 8,455 15,098

9,455 --18,126 9,485 1,986 13,144 7,934 9,231 7,557 5,975 12,638

6,982 --18,222 8,898 --13,701 6,745 8,551 7,859 9,237 10,725

5,269 --18,344 7,393 --14,067 --7,756 9,903 7,620 9,809

----15,719 5,780 --18,720 --6,526 9,332 4,603 6,964

----16,199 4,131 --17,694 --5,340 10,240 2,857 5,340

----13,588 ----15,587 --4,956 9,587 --4,979

----12,459 ----12,630 ----12,975 --4,181

----12,182 ----9,646 ----7,082 --1,443

----2,729 ----7,091 -----------

21179 21181 21183 21185 21187 21189 21191 21193 21195 21197 21199

Nelson ............................. Nicholas ........................... Ohio ................................ Oldham ........................... Owen .............................. Owsley............................. Pendleton ........................ Perry ................................ Pike ................................. Powell.............................. Pulaski .............................

16,830 10,601 27,642 7,248 14,248 7,979 11,985 11,255 31,679 6,268 35,986

16,587 11,952 27,287 7,078 17,553 6,874 14,947 8,276 22,686 6,443 31,293

16,417 10,764 22,946 6,754 17,676 5,975 16,346 6,331 17,378 4,698 25,731

16,609 11,869 19,669 7,667 17,401 4,942 16,702 5,607 13,001 3,639 21,318

14,804 9,129 15,561 9,027 14,309 3,889 14,030 4,274 9,562 2,599 17,670

15,799 11,030 12,209 7,283 12,719 5,335 10,443 3,950 7,384 2,257 17,201

14,789 10,361 9,749 7,629 10,444 3,774 6,774 3,092 5,365 --14,195

13,637 8,745 6,592 7,380 8,232 --4,455 3,089 3,567 --9,620

14,932 8,834 4,715 9,588 5,786 --3,863 3,330 2,677 --9,500

16,273 7,973 3,879 --2,031 --3,086 ------7,597

14,078 4,898 3,792 ------3,061 ------6,897

9,866 2,925 1,223 ------1,613 ------3,161

11,315 ---------------------

21201 21203 21205 21207 21209 21211 21213 21215 21217 21219 21221

Robertson ........................ Rockcastle........................ Rowan ............................. Russell ............................. Scott ................................ Shelby.............................. Simpson........................... Spencer ........................... Taylor ............................... Todd ................................ Trigg ................................

4,121 14,473 9,438 10,861 16,956 18,041 11,460 7,567 11,961 16,488 14,539

4,900 12,416 8,277 9,695 18,076 18,340 11,624 7,406 11,075 17,371 14,073

4,684 9,841 6,129 8,136 16,546 16,521 10,878 6,760 9,353 16,814 13,902

5,814 9,670 4,420 7,591 14,965 16,813 10,641 7,040 9,259 15,994 14,489

5,399 7,145 2,991 5,809 11,607 15,733 9,573 5,956 8,226 12,612 13,686

--5,343 2,282 6,024 14,417 16,433 8,146 6,188 7,481 11,575 11,051

--4,697 --5,349 14,946 17,095 7,733 6,842 7,250 12,268 10,129

--3,409 --4,238 13,668 17,768 6,537 6,581 --9,991 7,716

--2,865 --3,879 14,677 19,030 5,815 6,812 --8,680 5,916

--2,249 ----14,219 21,047 4,852 ----5,089 3,874

--1,731 ----12,419 14,877 -----------

--------8,007 8,191 -----------


21223 21225 21227

Trimble............................. Union .............................. Warren ............................

6,512 19,886 30,579

7,272 21,326 29,970

7,140 18,229 30,158

7,171 17,809 27,531

5,577 13,640 21,742

5,880 12,791 17,320

5,963 9,012 15,123

4,480 6,673 15,446

--4,764 10,949

--3,470 11,776




21229 21231 21233 21235 21237 21239

Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Whitley ............................ Wolfe .............................. Woodford ........................

13,940 17,518 20,974 31,982 9,864 12,571

14,182 14,892 20,097 25,015 8,764 13,134

13,622 12,852 17,196 17,590 7,180 12,380

14,419 12,512 14,246 12,000 5,638 11,800

12,464 10,602 10,937 8,278 3,603 8,240

11,575 10,259 7,533 7,762 --11,219

12,194 8,692 --7,447 --12,423

10,596 7,399 --4,673 --11,740

19,017 8,685 --3,806 --12,273

15,947 7,951 --2,340 --12,207

13,248 5,430 ------9,659

9,050 --------6,624




1,656,388 1,381,625 1,118,588











22001 22003 22005 22007 22009 22011 22013 22015 22017 22019 22021

Acadia ............................. Allen ................................ Ascension ........................ Assumption ..................... Avoyelles ......................... Beauregard ...................... Bienville ........................... Bossier ............................. Caddo ............................. Calcasieu ......................... Caldwell ..........................

31,847 --23,887 24,128 34,102 --21,776 21,738 58,200 62,767 8,593

23,483 --24,142 21,620 29,701 --17,588 24,153 44,499 30,428 6,917

13,231 --19,545 19,629 25,112 --14,108 20,330 31,555 20,176 5,814

----16,895 17,010 16,747 --10,442 16,042 26,296 12,484 5,767

----11,577 13,234 12,926 --10,636 12,675 21,714 6,733 4,820

----11,484 15,379 13,167 --11,000 11,348 12,140 5,928 4,833

----10,752 10,538 9,326 --5,539 6,962 8,884 3,914 2,815

----6,951 7,141 6,616 ------5,282 2,057 2,017

----5,426 5,669 3,484 -------------

----3,728 3,576 2,245 -------------

----2,219 2,472 1,209 -------------



22023 22025 22027 22029 22031 22033 22035

Cameron ......................... Catahoula ........................ Claiborne ......................... Concordia ........................ De Soto ........................... East Baton Rouge............. East Carroll ......................

4,288 10,415 25,050 14,278 27,689 34,580 11,637

3,952 16,351 23,029 13,559 25,063 31,153 11,373

2,828 12,002 23,312 14,871 19,860 25,922 12,362

2,416 10,277 18,837 14,914 15,603 19,966 12,134

1,591 8,475 20,240 9,977 14,962 17,816 10,110

--11,651 16,848 13,805 13,298 16,046 18,052

--7,132 7,471 7,758 8,023 11,977 8,789

--4,955 6,185 9,414 --8,138 4,237

--2,581 1,764 4,662 --6,698 ---

--2,287 --2,626 --5,220 ---

--1,164 --2,895 -------



Part C — Counties 95

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










22037 22039 22041 22043

LOUISIANA cnt’d East Feliciana ....................... Evangeline ........................... Franklin................................ Grant ...................................

1820 1920 1850 1870

20,267 33,984 20,767 22,309

21,360 35,434 21,263 18,698

19,211 33,274 22,387 17,526

19,015 33,343 24,141 16,703

17,657 31,932 23,946 13,671

20,198 31,639 26,088 13,330

19,133 31,629 29,376 14,263

18,039 30,497 32,382 15,933

17,449 25,483 30,530 15,709

17,487 23,485 24,100 14,403

22045 22047 22049 22051 22053 22055 22057 22059 22061 22063 22065

Iberia ................................... Iberville ................................ Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Jefferson Davis ..................... Lafayette.............................. Lafourche ............................ La Salle ................................ Lincoln ................................. Livingston ............................ Madison ..............................

1870 1810 1850 1830 1920 1830 1810 1910 1880 1840 1840

73,240 33,387 16,274 432,552 31,594 221,578 96,318 14,890 46,735 128,026 12,093

73,266 33,320 15,397 455,466 31,435 190,503 89,974 14,282 42,509 91,814 13,728

68,297 31,049 15,705 448,306 30,722 164,762 85,860 13,662 41,745 70,526 12,463

63,752 32,159 17,321 454,592 32,168 150,017 82,483 17,004 39,763 58,806 15,975

57,397 30,746 15,963 337,568 29,554 109,716 68,941 13,295 33,800 36,511 15,065

51,657 29,939 15,828 208,769 29,825 84,656 55,381 13,011 28,535 26,974 16,444

40,059 26,750 15,434 103,873 26,298 57,743 42,209 12,717 25,782 20,054 17,451

37,183 27,721 17,807 50,427 24,191 43,941 38,615 10,959 24,790 17,790 18,443

28,192 24,638 13,808 40,032 19,765 38,827 32,419 11,668 22,822 18,206 14,829

26,855 26,806 14,486 21,563 18,999 30,841 30,344 9,856 16,962 11,643 10,829

22067 22069 22071 22073 22075 22077 22079 22081 22083 22085 22087

Morehouse .......................... Natchitoches ........................ Orleans ................................ Ouachita .............................. Plaquemines ........................ Pointe Coupee ..................... Rapides ................................ Red River ............................. Richland............................... Sabine ................................. St. Bernard...........................

1850 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810 1880 1870 1850 1810

27,979 39,566 343,829 153,720 23,042 22,802 131,613 9,091 20,725 24,233 35,897

31,021 39,080 484,674 147,250 26,757 22,763 126,337 9,622 20,981 23,459 67,229

31,938 36,689 496,938 142,191 25,575 22,540 131,556 9,387 20,629 22,646 66,631

34,803 39,863 557,515 139,241 26,049 24,045 135,282 10,433 22,187 25,280 64,097

32,463 35,219 593,471 115,387 25,225 22,002 118,078 9,226 21,774 18,638 51,185

33,709 35,653 627,525 101,663 22,545 22,488 111,351 9,978 23,824 18,564 32,186

32,038 38,144 570,445 74,713 14,239 21,841 90,648 12,113 26,672 20,880 11,087

27,571 40,997 494,537 59,168 12,318 24,004 73,370 15,881 28,829 23,586 7,280

23,689 38,477 458,762 54,337 9,608 21,007 65,455 16,078 26,374 24,110 6,512

19,311 38,602 387,219 30,319 10,194 24,697 59,444 15,301 20,860 20,713 4,968

22089 22091 22093 22095 22097 22099 22101 22103 22105 22107 22109 22111 22113 22115 22117 22119 22121 22123

St. Charles ........................... St. Helena ............................ St. James ............................. St. John the Baptist .............. St. Landry ............................ St. Martin ............................ St. Mary ............................... St. Tammany ........................ Tangipahoa .......................... Tensas .................................. Terrebonne .......................... Union .................................. Vermilion ............................. Vernon ................................ Washington ......................... Webster ............................... West Baton Rouge ............... West Carroll .........................

1810 1820 1810 1810 1810 1810 1830 1820 1870 1850 1830 1840 1850 1880 1820 1880 1810 1880

52,780 11,203 22,102 45,924 83,384 52,160 54,650 233,740 121,097 5,252 111,860 22,721 57,999 52,334 47,168 41,207 23,788 11,604

48,072 10,525 21,216 43,044 87,700 48,583 53,500 191,268 100,588 6,618 104,503 22,803 53,807 52,531 43,926 41,831 21,601 12,314

42,437 9,874 20,879 39,996 80,331 43,978 58,086 144,508 85,709 7,103 96,982 20,690 50,055 61,961 43,185 41,989 19,419 12,093

37,259 9,827 21,495 31,924 84,128 40,214 64,253 110,869 80,698 8,525 94,393 21,167 48,458 53,475 44,207 43,631 19,086 12,922

29,550 9,937 19,733 23,813 80,364 32,453 60,752 63,585 65,875 9,732 76,049 18,447 43,071 53,794 41,987 39,939 16,864 13,028

21,219 9,162 18,369 18,439 81,493 29,063 48,833 38,643 59,434 11,796 60,771 17,624 38,855 18,301 44,015 39,701 14,796 14,177

13,363 9,013 15,334 14,861 78,476 26,353 35,848 26,988 53,218 13,209 43,328 19,141 36,929 18,974 38,371 35,704 11,738 17,248

12,321 9,542 16,596 14,766 71,481 26,394 31,458 23,624 45,519 15,940 35,880 20,943 37,750 19,142 34,443 33,676 11,263 19,252

12,111 8,492 15,338 14,078 60,074 21,767 29,397 20,929 46,227 15,096 29,816 20,731 33,684 20,047 29,904 29,458 9,716 13,895

8,586 8,427 21,228 11,896 51,697 21,990 30,754 20,645 31,440 12,085 26,974 19,621 26,482 20,493 24,164 24,707 11,092 8,857

22125 22127

West Feliciana ...................... Winn ...................................

1830 1860

15,625 15,313

15,111 16,894

12,915 16,269

12,186 17,253

11,376 16,369

12,395 16,034

10,169 16,119

11,720 16,923

10,924 14,766

12,303 16,119


MAINE ................................












23001 23003 23005 23007 23009 23011 23013 23015 23017 23019 23021

Androscoggin ...................... Aroostook............................ Cumberland......................... Franklin................................ Hancock .............................. Kennebec ............................ Knox .................................... Lincoln ................................. Oxford ................................. Penobscot ............................ Piscataquis ...........................

1860 1840 1790 1840 1790 1800 1860 1790 1810 1820 1840

107,702 71,870 281,674 30,768 54,418 122,151 39,736 34,457 57,833 153,923 17,535

103,793 73,938 265,612 29,467 51,791 117,114 39,618 33,616 54,755 144,919 17,235

105,259 86,936 243,135 29,008 46,948 115,904 36,310 30,357 52,602 146,601 18,653

99,657 91,331 215,789 27,098 41,781 109,889 32,941 25,691 48,968 137,015 17,634

91,279 92,463 192,528 22,444 34,590 95,247 29,013 20,537 43,457 125,393 16,285

86,312 106,064 182,751 20,069 32,293 89,150 28,575 18,497 44,345 126,346 17,379

83,594 96,039 169,201 20,682 32,105 83,881 28,121 18,004 44,221 108,198 18,617

76,679 94,436 146,000 19,896 32,422 77,231 27,191 16,294 42,662 97,104 18,467

71,214 87,843 134,645 19,941 30,721 70,691 27,693 15,498 41,483 92,379 18,231

65,796 81,728 124,376 19,825 30,361 63,844 26,245 15,976 37,700 87,684 20,554


County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













22037 22039 22041 22043

LOUISIANA cnt’d East Feliciana ................... Evangeline ....................... Franklin............................ Grant ...............................

20,055 --11,989 15,958

20,443 --8,890 12,902

17,903 --6,900 8,270

15,132 --6,495 6,188

13,499 --5,078 4,517

14,697 --6,162 ---

13,598 --3,251 ---

11,893 -------

8,247 -------

12,732 -------




22045 22047 22049 22051 22053 22055 22057 22059 22061 22063 22065

Iberia ............................... Iberville ............................ Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Jefferson Davis ................. Lafayette.......................... Lafourche ........................ La Salle ............................ Lincoln ............................. Livingston ........................ Madison ..........................

31,262 30,954 13,818 18,247 --28,733 33,111 9,402 18,485 10,627 10,676

29,015 27,006 9,119 15,321 --22,825 28,882 --15,898 8,100 12,322

20,997 21,848 7,453 13,221 --15,966 22,095 --14,753 5,769 14,135

16,676 17,544 5,328 12,166 --13,235 19,113 --11,075 5,258 13,906

9,042 12,347 7,646 17,767 --10,388 14,719 ----4,026 8,600

--14,661 9,465 15,372 --9,003 14,044 ----4,431 14,133

--12,278 5,566 25,093 --6,720 9,532 ----3,385 8,773

--8,495 --10,470 --7,841 7,303 ----2,315 5,142

--7,049 --6,846 --5,653 5,503 ---------

--4,414 --------3,755 ---------

--2,679 --------1,995 ---------



22067 22069 22071 22073 22075 22077 22079 22081 22083 22085 22087 22089 22091 22093 22095 22097 22099 22101 22103 22105 22107 22109

Morehouse ...................... Natchitoches .................... Orleans ............................ Ouachita .......................... Plaquemines .................... Pointe Coupee ................. Rapides ............................ Red River ......................... Richland........................... Sabine ............................. St. Bernard....................... St. Charles ....................... St. Helena ........................ St. James ......................... St. John the Baptist .......... St. Landry ........................ St. Martin ........................ St. Mary ........................... St. Tammany .................... Tangipahoa ...................... Tensas .............................. Terrebonne ......................

18,786 36,455 339,075 25,830 12,524 25,289 44,545 11,402 15,769 19,874 5,277 11,207 9,172 23,009 14,338 66,661 23,070 39,368 18,917 29,160 17,060 28,320

16,634 33,216 287,104 20,947 13,039 25,777 39,578 11,548 11,116 15,421 5,031 9,072 8,479 20,197 12,330 52,906 18,940 34,145 13,335 17,625 19,070 24,464

16,786 25,836 242,039 17,985 12,541 19,613 27,642 11,318 10,230 9,390 4,326 7,737 8,062 15,715 11,359 40,250 14,884 22,416 10,160 12,655 16,647 20,167

14,206 19,707 216,090 14,685 11,575 17,785 23,563 8,573 8,440 7,344 4,405 7,161 7,504 14,714 9,686 40,004 12,663 19,891 6,887 9,638 17,815 17,957

9,387 18,265 191,418 11,582 10,552 12,981 18,015 --5,110 6,456 3,553 4,867 5,423 10,152 6,762 25,553 9,370 13,860 5,586 7,928 12,419 12,451

10,357 16,699 174,491 4,727 8,494 17,718 25,360 ----5,828 4,076 5,297 7,130 11,499 7,930 23,104 12,674 16,816 5,406 --16,078 12,091

3,913 14,228 119,460 5,008 7,390 11,339 16,561 ----4,515 3,802 5,120 4,561 11,098 7,317 22,253 11,761 13,697 6,364 --9,040 7,724

--14,350 102,193 4,640 5,060 7,898 14,132 ------3,237 4,700 3,525 8,548 5,776 15,233 8,674 8,950 4,598 ----4,410

--7,905 49,826 5,140 4,489 5,936 7,575 ------3,356 5,147 4,028 7,646 5,677 12,591 7,205 6,442 2,864 ----2,121

--7,486 41,351 2,896 2,354 4,912 6,065 ------2,635 3,862 3,026 5,660 3,854 10,085 12,063 --1,723 -------

--2,870 24,552 1,077 1,549 4,539 2,200 ------1,020 3,291 --3,955 2,990 5,048 7,369 -----------



22111 22113 22115 22117 22119 22121 22123

Union .............................. Vermilion ......................... Vernon ............................ Washington ..................... Webster ........................... West Baton Rouge ........... West Carroll .....................

20,451 26,390 17,384 18,886 19,186 12,636 6,249

18,520 20,705 10,327 9,628 15,125 10,285 3,685

17,304 14,234 5,903 6,700 12,466 8,363 3,748

13,526 8,728 5,160 5,190 10,005 7,667 2,776

11,685 4,528 --3,330 --5,114 ---

10,389 4,324 --4,708 --7,312 ---

8,203 3,409 --3,408 --6,270 ---

1,838 ----2,649 --4,638 ---

------2,286 --3,084 ---

------2,517 --2,335 ---

----------1,463 ---



22125 22127

West Feliciana .................. Winn ...............................

13,449 18,357

15,994 9,648

15,062 7,082

12,809 5,846

10,499 4,954

11,671 6,876

13,245 ---

10,910 ---

8,629 ---






MAINE ............................














23001 23003 23005 23007 23009 23011 23013 23015 23017 23019 23021

Androscoggin .................. Aroostook........................ Cumberland..................... Franklin............................ Hancock .......................... Kennebec ........................ Knox ................................ Lincoln ............................. Oxford ............................. Penobscot ........................ Piscataquis .......................

59,822 74,664 112,014 19,119 35,575 62,863 28,981 18,216 36,256 85,285 19,887

54,242 60,744 100,689 18,444 37,241 59,117 30,406 19,669 32,238 76,246 16,949

48,968 49,589 90,949 17,053 37,312 57,012 31,473 21,996 30,586 72,865 16,134

45,042 41,700 86,359 18,180 38,129 53,058 32,863 24,821 32,627 70,476 14,872

35,866 29,609 82,021 18,807 36,495 53,203 30,823 25,597 33,488 75,150 14,403

29,726 22,479 75,591 20,403 37,757 55,655 32,716 27,860 36,698 72,731 15,032

--12,529 79,538 20,027 34,372 62,521 --74,875 39,763 63,089 14,735

--9,413 68,658 20,801 28,605 55,823 --63,517 38,351 45,705 13,138

----60,102 --24,336 52,485 --57,192 35,219 31,530 ---

----49,445 --31,290 42,623 --53,189 27,104 13,870 ---

----42,831 --30,031 32,564 --42,992 17,630 -----

----38,208 --16,358 24,571 --30,225 -------

----26,105 --9,549 ----29,236 -------

Part C — Counties 97

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010





1860 1810 1830 1790 1790

35,293 52,228 38,786 32,856 197,131

35,214 50,888 36,280 33,941 186,742

33,535 49,767 33,018 35,308 164,587

28,795 45,028 28,414 34,963 139,666

23,452 40,597 23,328 29,859 111,576

22,793 39,749 22,632 32,908 99,402

20,911 39,785 21,687 35,187 93,541

19,123 38,245 21,159 37,767 82,550

16,927 39,111 20,286 37,826 72,934

23,021 37,171 21,328 41,709 70,696













24001 24003 24005 24009 24011 24013 24015 24017 24019 24021 24023

Allegany .............................. Anne Arundel ...................... Baltimore ............................. Calvert ................................. Caroline ............................... Carroll ................................. Cecil .................................... Charles ................................ Dorchester ........................... Frederick .............................. Garrett.................................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1840 1790 1790 1790 1790 1880

75,087 537,656 805,029 88,737 33,066 167,134 101,108 146,551 32,618 233,385 30,097

74,930 489,656 754,292 74,563 29,772 150,897 85,951 120,546 30,674 195,277 29,846

74,946 427,239 692,134 51,372 27,035 123,372 71,347 101,154 30,236 150,208 28,138

80,548 370,775 655,615 34,638 23,143 96,356 60,430 72,751 30,623 114,792 26,498

84,044 297,539 621,077 20,682 19,781 69,006 53,291 47,678 29,405 84,927 21,476

84,169 206,634 492,428 15,826 19,462 52,785 48,408 32,572 29,666 71,930 20,420

89,556 117,392 270,273 12,100 18,234 44,907 33,356 23,415 27,815 62,287 21,259

86,973 68,375 155,825 10,484 17,549 39,054 26,407 17,612 28,006 57,312 21,981

79,098 55,167 124,565 9,528 17,387 35,978 25,827 16,166 26,813 54,440 19,908

69,938 43,408 74,817 9,744 18,652 34,245 23,612 17,705 27,895 52,541 19,678

24025 24027 24029 24031 24033 24035 24037 24039 24041 24043 24045

Harford ................................ Howard ............................... Kent .................................... Montgomery........................ Prince George’s .................... Queen Anne’s ...................... St. Mary’s ............................. Somerset ............................. Talbot .................................. Washington ......................... Wicomico ............................

1790 1860 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1870

244,826 287,085 20,197 971,777 863,420 47,798 105,151 26,470 37,782 147,430 98,733

218,590 247,842 19,197 873,341 801,515 40,563 86,211 24,747 33,812 131,923 84,644

182,132 187,328 17,842 757,027 729,268 33,953 75,974 23,440 30,549 121,393 74,339

145,930 118,572 16,695 579,053 665,071 25,508 59,895 19,188 25,604 113,086 64,540

115,378 61,911 16,146 522,809 660,567 18,422 47,388 18,924 23,682 103,829 54,236

76,722 36,152 15,481 340,928 357,395 16,569 38,915 19,623 21,578 91,219 49,050

51,782 23,119 13,677 164,401 194,182 14,579 29,111 20,745 19,428 78,886 39,641

35,060 17,175 13,465 83,912 89,490 14,476 14,626 20,965 18,784 68,838 34,530

31,603 16,169 14,242 49,206 60,095 14,571 15,189 23,382 18,583 65,882 31,229

29,291 15,826 15,026 34,921 43,347 16,001 16,112 24,602 18,306 59,694 28,165

24047 24510

Worcester ............................ Baltimore city .......................

1790 1860

51,454 620,961

46,543 651,154

35,028 736,014

30,889 786,775

24,442 905,759

23,733 939,024

23,148 949,708

21,245 859,100

21,624 804,874

22,309 733,826














25001 25003 25005 25007 25009 25011 25013 25015 25017 25019 25021

Barnstable............................ Berkshire.............................. Bristol .................................. Dukes .................................. Essex.................................... Franklin................................ Hampden............................. Hampshire ........................... Middlesex ............................ Nantucket ............................ Norfolk ................................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1820 1820 1790 1790 1790 1800

215,888 131,219 548,285 16,535 743,159 71,372 463,490 158,080 1,503,085 10,172 670,850

222,230 134,953 534,678 14,987 723,419 71,535 456,228 152,251 1,465,396 9,520 650,308

186,605 139,352 506,325 11,639 670,080 70,092 456,310 146,568 1,398,468 6,012 616,087

147,925 145,110 474,641 8,942 633,632 64,317 443,018 138,813 1,367,034 5,087 606,587

96,656 149,402 444,301 6,117 637,887 59,210 459,050 123,981 1,397,268 3,774 605,051

70,286 142,135 398,488 5,829 568,831 54,864 429,353 103,229 1,238,742 3,559 510,256

46,805 132,966 381,569 5,633 522,384 52,747 367,971 87,594 1,064,569 3,484 392,308

37,295 122,273 364,637 5,669 496,313 49,453 332,107 72,461 971,390 3,401 325,180

32,305 120,700 364,590 4,953 498,040 49,612 335,496 72,801 934,924 3,678 299,426

26,670 113,033 359,005 4,372 482,156 49,361 300,305 69,599 778,352 2,797 219,081

25023 25025 25027

Plymouth ............................. Suffolk ................................. Worcester ............................

1790 1790 1790

494,919 722,023 798,552

472,822 689,807 750,963

435,276 663,906 709,705

405,437 650,142 646,352

333,314 735,190 637,969

248,449 791,329 583,228

189,468 896,615 546,401

168,824 863,248 504,470

162,311 879,536 491,242

156,968 835,522 455,135














26001 26003 26005 26007 26009 26011

Alcona ................................. Alger ................................... Allegan ................................ Alpena ................................. Antrim ................................. Arenac .................................

1860 1890 1840 1860 1860 1890

10,942 9,601 111,408 29,598 23,580 15,899

11,719 9,862 105,665 31,314 23,110 17,269

10,145 8,972 90,509 30,605 18,185 14,931

9,740 9,225 81,555 32,315 16,194 14,706

7,113 8,568 66,575 30,708 12,612 11,149

6,352 9,250 57,729 28,556 10,373 9,860

5,856 10,007 47,493 22,189 10,721 9,644

5,463 10,167 41,839 20,766 10,964 9,233

4,989 9,327 38,974 18,574 9,979 8,007

5,912 9,983 37,540 17,869 11,543 9,460

23023 23025 23027 23029 23031

MAINE cnt’d Sagadahoc ........................... Somerset ............................. Waldo .................................. Washington ......................... York .....................................



County and City Extra






Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













18,574 36,301 23,383 42,905 68,526

20,330 33,849 24,185 45,232 64,885

19,452 32,627 27,759 44,482 62,829

19,272 32,333 32,463 44,484 62,257

18,803 34,611 34,522 43,343 60,174

21,790 36,753 38,447 42,534 62,107

--35,581 47,230 38,811 60,098

--33,912 41,509 28,327 54,034

--35,787 29,788 21,294 51,722

--21,787 --12,744 46,283

--12,910 --7,870 41,877

------4,461 37,896

------2,758 28,892

1,295,346 1,188,044 1,042,390











23023 23025 23027 23029 23031

MAINE cnt’d Sagadahoc ....................... Somerset ......................... Waldo .............................. Washington ..................... York .................................



24001 24003 24005 24009 24011 24013 24015 24017 24019 24021 24023

Allegany .......................... Anne Arundel .................. Baltimore ......................... Calvert ............................. Caroline ........................... Carroll ............................. Cecil ................................ Charles ............................ Dorchester ....................... Frederick .......................... Garrett.............................

62,411 39,553 122,349 10,325 19,216 33,934 23,759 16,386 28,669 52,673 20,105

53,694 39,620 90,755 10,223 16,248 33,860 24,662 17,662 27,962 51,920 17,701

41,571 34,094 72,909 9,860 13,903 32,376 25,851 15,191 24,843 49,512 14,213

38,012 28,526 83,336 10,538 13,766 30,992 27,108 18,548 23,110 50,482 12,175

38,536 24,457 63,387 9,865 12,101 28,619 25,874 15,738 19,458 47,572 ---

28,348 23,900 54,135 10,447 11,129 24,533 23,862 16,517 20,461 46,591 ---

22,769 32,393 210,646 9,646 9,692 20,616 18,939 16,162 18,877 40,987 ---

15,690 29,532 134,379 9,229 7,806 17,241 17,232 16,023 18,843 36,405 ---

10,609 28,295 120,870 8,900 9,070 --15,432 17,769 18,686 45,789 ---

8,654 27,165 96,201 8,073 10,108 --16,048 16,500 17,759 40,459 ---

6,909 26,668 75,810 8,005 9,453 --13,066 20,245 18,108 34,437 ---

6,303 22,623 59,030 8,297 9,226 --9,018 19,172 16,346 31,523 ---

4,809 22,598 38,937 8,652 9,506 --13,625 20,613 15,875 30,791 ---

24025 24027 24029 24031 24033 24035 24037 24039 24041 24043 24045

Harford ............................ Howard ........................... Kent ................................ Montgomery.................... Prince George’s ................ Queen Anne’s .................. St. Mary’s ......................... Somerset ......................... Talbot .............................. Washington ..................... Wicomico ........................

27,965 16,106 16,957 32,089 36,147 16,839 17,030 26,455 19,620 49,617 26,815

28,269 16,715 18,786 30,451 29,898 18,364 17,182 25,923 20,342 45,133 22,852

28,993 16,269 17,471 27,185 26,080 18,461 15,819 24,155 19,736 39,782 19,930

28,042 16,140 17,605 24,759 26,451 19,257 16,934 21,668 19,065 38,561 18,016

22,605 14,150 17,102 20,563 21,138 16,171 14,944 18,190 16,137 34,712 15,802

23,415 13,338 13,267 18,322 23,327 15,961 15,213 24,992 14,795 31,417 ---

19,356 --11,386 15,860 21,549 14,484 13,698 22,456 13,811 30,848 ---

17,120 --10,842 15,456 19,539 12,633 13,224 19,508 12,090 28,850 ---

16,319 --10,501 19,816 20,474 14,397 13,459 20,166 12,947 25,268 ---

15,924 --11,453 16,400 20,216 14,952 12,974 19,579 14,389 23,075 ---

21,258 --11,450 17,980 20,589 16,648 12,794 17,195 14,230 18,730 ---

17,626 --11,771 15,058 21,185 14,857 13,699 17,358 13,436 18,650 ---

14,976 --12,836 18,003 21,344 15,463 15,544 15,610 13,084 15,822 ---

24047 24510

Worcester ........................ Baltimore city ...................

21,841 558,485

20,865 508,957

19,747 434,439

19,539 332,313

16,419 267,354

20,661 212,418

18,859 ---

18,377 ---

18,273 ---

17,421 ---

16,971 ---

16,370 ---

11,640 ---



3,366,416 2,805,346 2,238,947 1,783,085 1,457,351 1,231,066








25001 25003

Barnstable........................ Berkshire..........................

27,542 105,259

27,826 95,667

29,172 81,108

31,897 69,032

32,774 64,827

35,990 55,120

35,276 49,591

32,548 41,745

28,514 37,835

24,026 35,720

22,211 35,907

19,293 33,885

17,354 30,291

25005 25007 25009 25011 25013 25015 25017 25019 25021 25023 25025 25027

Bristol .............................. Dukes .............................. Essex................................ Franklin............................ Hampden......................... Hampshire ....................... Middlesex ........................ Nantucket ........................ Norfolk ............................ Plymouth ......................... Suffolk ............................. Worcester ........................

318,573 4,504 436,477 43,600 231,369 63,327 669,915 2,962 187,506 144,337 731,388 399,657

252,029 4,561 357,030 41,209 175,603 58,820 565,696 3,006 151,539 113,985 611,417 346,958

186,465 4,369 299,995 38,610 135,713 51,859 431,167 3,268 118,950 92,700 484,780 280,787

139,040 4,300 244,535 36,001 104,142 47,232 317,830 3,727 96,507 74,018 387,927 226,897

102,886 3,787 200,843 32,635 78,409 44,388 274,353 4,123 89,443 65,365 270,802 192,716

93,794 4,403 165,611 31,434 57,366 37,823 216,354 6,094 109,950 64,768 192,700 159,659

76,192 4,540 131,300 30,870 51,283 35,732 161,383 8,452 78,892 55,697 144,517 130,789

60,164 3,958 94,987 28,812 37,366 30,897 106,611 9,012 53,140 47,373 95,773 95,313

49,592 3,517 82,859 29,501 31,639 30,254 77,961 7,202 41,972 43,044 62,163 84,355

40,908 3,292 74,655 29,268 28,021 26,487 61,472 7,266 36,471 38,136 43,940 73,625

37,168 3,290 71,888 ----76,275 52,789 6,807 31,245 35,169 34,381 64,910

33,880 3,118 61,196 ----72,432 46,928 5,617 27,216 30,073 28,015 61,192

31,709 3,265 57,913 ----59,681 42,737 4,620 --29,535 44,875 56,807



2,810,173 2,420,982 2,093,890 1,636,937 1,184,059









26001 26003 26005 26007 26009 26011

Alcona ............................. Alger ............................... Allegan ............................ Alpena ............................. Antrim ............................. Arenac .............................

185 --16,087 290 179 ---

----5,125 -------

----1,783 -------






5,703 7,675 39,819 19,965 15,692 9,640

5,691 5,868 38,812 18,254 16,568 9,821

5,409 1,238 38,961 15,581 10,413 5,683

3,107 --37,815 8,789 5,237 ---

696 --32,105 2,756 1,985 ---

Part C — Counties 99

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010







1880 1840 1860 1870 1830 1840 1840 1830 1870 1860 1830

8,860 59,173 107,771 17,525 156,813 45,248 136,146 52,293 25,949 26,152 38,520

8,746 56,755 110,157 15,998 162,453 45,787 137,985 51,104 26,090 26,448 38,543

7,954 50,057 111,723 12,200 161,378 41,502 135,982 49,477 21,468 21,398 34,604

8,484 45,781 119,881 11,205 171,276 40,188 141,557 49,499 19,907 20,649 29,029

7,789 38,166 117,339 8,593 163,875 37,906 141,963 43,312 16,541 16,573 32,412

7,151 31,738 107,042 7,834 149,865 34,903 138,858 36,932 13,421 14,550 32,655

8,037 26,183 88,461 8,306 115,702 30,202 120,813 28,185 13,475 13,731 29,206

9,356 22,613 74,981 7,800 89,117 25,845 94,206 21,910 13,031 13,644 27,807

9,168 20,928 69,474 6,587 81,066 23,950 87,043 20,888 11,981 11,502 25,047

7,662 21,383 69,548 6,947 62,653 23,997 72,918 20,395 15,788 13,991 24,818

Clare.................................... Clinton ................................ Crawford ............................. Delta.................................... Dickinson ............................. Eaton ................................... Emmet ................................. Genesee .............................. Gladwin ............................... Gogebic ............................... Grand Traverse .....................

1870 1840 1880 1860 1900 1840 1860 1840 1860 1890 1860

30,926 75,382 14,074 37,069 26,168 107,759 32,694 425,790 25,692 16,427 86,986

31,252 64,753 14,273 38,520 27,472 103,655 31,437 436,141 26,023 17,370 77,654

24,952 57,883 12,260 37,780 26,831 92,879 25,040 430,459 21,896 18,052 64,273

23,822 55,893 9,465 38,947 25,341 88,337 22,992 450,449 19,957 19,686 54,899

16,695 48,492 6,482 35,924 23,753 68,892 18,331 444,341 13,471 20,676 39,175

11,647 37,969 4,971 34,298 23,917 49,684 15,904 374,313 10,769 24,370 33,490

10,253 31,195 4,151 32,913 24,844 40,023 16,534 270,963 9,451 27,053 28,598

9,163 26,671 3,765 34,037 28,731 34,124 15,791 227,944 9,385 31,797 23,390

7,032 24,174 3,097 32,280 29,941 31,728 15,109 211,641 7,424 31,577 20,011

8,250 23,110 4,049 30,909 19,456 29,377 15,639 125,668 8,827 33,225 19,518

26057 26059 26061 26063 26065 26067 26069 26071 26073 26073.1 26075

Gratiot ................................. Hillsdale ............................... Houghton ............................ Huron .................................. Ingham ................................ Ionia .................................... Iosco .................................... Iron...................................... Isabella ................................ Isle Royal.............................. Jackson ................................

1860 1840 1850 1850 1840 1840 1860 1890 1860 1880 1840

42,476 46,688 36,628 33,118 280,895 63,905 25,887 11,817 70,311 --160,248

42,285 46,527 36,016 36,079 279,320 61,518 27,339 13,138 63,351 --158,422

38,982 43,431 35,446 34,951 281,912 57,024 30,209 13,175 54,624 --149,756

40,448 42,071 37,872 36,459 275,520 51,815 28,349 13,635 54,110 --151,495

39,246 37,171 34,652 34,083 261,039 45,848 24,905 13,813 44,594 --143,274

37,012 34,742 35,654 34,006 211,296 43,132 16,505 17,184 35,348 --131,994

33,429 31,916 39,771 33,149 172,941 38,158 10,906 17,692 28,964 --107,925

32,205 29,092 47,631 32,584 130,616 35,710 8,560 20,243 25,982 --93,108

30,252 27,417 52,851 31,132 116,587 35,093 7,517 20,805 21,126 --92,304

33,914 28,161 71,930 32,786 81,554 33,087 8,199 22,107 22,610 --72,539

26077 26079 26081 26083 26085 26087 26089 26091 26093 26095 26097

Kalamazoo........................... Kalkaska .............................. Kent .................................... Keweenaw........................... Lake..................................... Lapeer ................................. Leelanau .............................. Lenawee .............................. Livingston ............................ Luce..................................... Mackinac .............................

1840 1870 1840 1870 1870 1840 1860 1830 1840 1890 1800

250,331 17,153 602,622 2,156 11,539 88,319 21,708 99,892 180,967 6,631 11,113

238,603 16,571 574,335 2,301 11,333 87,904 21,119 98,890 156,951 7,024 11,943

223,411 13,497 500,631 1,701 8,583 74,768 16,527 91,476 115,645 5,763 10,674

212,378 10,952 444,506 1,963 7,711 70,038 14,007 89,948 100,289 6,659 10,178

201,550 5,272 411,044 2,264 5,661 52,317 10,872 81,609 58,967 6,789 9,660

169,712 4,382 363,187 2,417 5,338 41,926 9,321 77,789 38,233 7,827 10,853

126,707 4,597 288,292 2,918 5,257 35,794 8,647 64,629 26,725 8,147 9,287

100,085 5,159 246,338 4,004 4,798 32,116 8,436 53,110 20,863 7,423 9,438

91,368 3,799 240,511 5,076 4,066 28,348 8,206 49,849 19,274 6,528 8,783

71,225 5,577 183,041 6,322 4,437 25,782 9,061 47,767 17,522 6,149 8,026

26099 26101 26101.1 26103 26105 26107 26109 26111 26113 26115 26117 26119

Macomb .............................. Manistee.............................. Manitou............................... Marquette ........................... Mason ................................. Mecosta............................... Menominee ......................... Midland ............................... Missaukee............................ Monroe ............................... Montcalm ............................ Montmorency ......................

1810 1860 1860 1850 1850 1860 1870 1850 1870 1810 1850 1890

840,978 24,733 --67,077 28,705 42,798 24,029 83,629 14,849 152,021 63,342 9,765

788,149 24,527 --64,634 28,274 40,553 25,326 82,874 14,478 145,945 61,266 10,315

717,400 21,265 --70,887 25,537 37,308 24,920 75,651 12,147 133,600 53,059 8,936

694,600 23,019 --74,101 26,365 36,961 26,201 73,578 10,009 134,659 47,555 7,492

625,309 20,094 --64,686 22,612 27,992 24,587 63,769 7,126 118,479 39,660 5,247

405,804 19,042 --56,154 21,929 21,051 24,685 51,450 6,784 101,120 35,795 4,424

184,961 18,524 --47,654 20,474 18,968 25,299 35,662 7,458 75,666 31,013 4,125

107,638 18,450 --47,144 19,378 16,902 24,883 27,094 8,034 58,620 28,581 3,840

77,146 17,409 --44,076 18,756 15,738 23,652 19,150 6,992 52,485 27,471 2,814

38,103 20,899 --45,786 19,831 17,765 23,778 17,237 9,004 37,115 30,441 4,089

26121 26123 26125 26127 26129 26131

Muskegon ........................... Newaygo ............................. Oakland ............................... Oceana ................................ Ogemaw.............................. Ontonagon ..........................

1860 1850 1820 1840 1870 1850

172,188 48,460 1,202,362 26,570 21,699 6,780

170,200 47,874 1,194,156 26,873 21,645 7,818

158,983 38,202 1,083,592 22,454 18,681 8,854

157,589 34,917 1,011,793 22,002 16,436 9,861

157,426 27,992 907,871 17,984 11,903 10,548

149,943 24,160 690,259 16,547 9,680 10,584

121,545 21,567 396,001 16,105 9,345 10,282

94,501 19,286 254,068 14,812 8,720 11,359

84,630 17,029 211,251 13,805 6,595 11,114

62,362 17,378 90,050 15,601 7,786 12,428

26013 26015 26017 26019 26021 26023 26025 26027 26029 26031 26033

MICHIGAN cnt’d Baraga ................................. Barry .................................... Bay ...................................... Benzie.................................. Berrien ................................. Branch ................................. Calhoun............................... Cass..................................... Charlevoix............................ Cheboygan .......................... Chippewa ............................

26035 26037 26039 26041 26043 26045 26047 26049 26051 26053 26055

100 County and City Extra




Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













26013 26015 26017 26019 26021 26023 26025 26027 26029 26031 26033

MICHIGAN cnt’d Baraga ............................. Barry ................................ Bay .................................. Benzie.............................. Berrien ............................. Branch ............................. Calhoun........................... Cass................................. Charlevoix........................ Cheboygan ...................... Chippewa ........................

6,127 22,633 68,238 10,638 53,622 25,605 56,638 20,624 19,157 17,872 24,472

4,320 22,514 62,378 9,685 49,165 27,811 49,315 20,876 13,956 15,516 21,338

3,036 23,783 56,412 5,237 41,285 26,791 43,501 20,953 9,686 11,986 12,019

1,804 25,317 38,081 3,433 36,785 27,941 38,452 22,009 5,115 6,524 5,248

--22,199 15,900 2,184 35,104 26,226 36,569 21,094 1,724 2,196 1,689

--13,858 3,164 --22,378 20,981 29,564 17,721 --517 1,603

--5,072 ----11,417 12,472 19,162 10,907 ----898

--1,078 ----5,011 5,715 10,599 5,710 ----534

--------325 ----919 ----626





26035 26037 26039 26041 26043 26045 26047 26049 26051 26053 26055

Clare................................ Clinton ............................ Crawford ......................... Delta................................ Dickinson ......................... Eaton ............................... Emmet ............................. Genesee .......................... Gladwin ........................... Gogebic ........................... Grand Traverse .................

9,240 23,129 3,934 30,108 20,524 30,499 18,561 64,555 8,413 23,333 23,784

8,360 25,136 2,943 23,881 17,890 31,668 15,931 41,804 6,564 16,738 20,479

7,558 26,509 2,962 15,330 --32,094 8,756 39,430 4,208 13,166 13,355

4,187 28,100 1,159 6,812 --31,225 6,639 39,220 1,127 --8,422

366 22,845 --2,542 --25,171 1,211 33,900 0 --4,443

--13,916 --1,172 --16,476 1,149 22,498 14 --1,286

--5,102 ------7,058 --12,031 -------

--1,614 ------2,379 --4,268 -------






26057 26059 26061 26063 26065 26067 26069 26071 26073 26073.1 26075

Gratiot ............................. Hillsdale ........................... Houghton ........................ Huron .............................. Ingham ............................ Ionia ................................ Iosco ................................ Iron.................................. Isabella ............................ Isle Royal.......................... Jackson ............................

28,820 29,673 88,098 34,758 53,310 33,550 9,753 15,164 23,029 --53,426

29,889 29,865 66,063 34,162 39,818 34,329 10,246 8,990 22,784 --48,222

28,668 30,660 35,389 28,545 37,666 32,801 15,224 4,432 18,784 135 45,031

21,936 32,723 22,473 20,089 33,676 33,872 6,873 --12,159 55 42,031

11,810 31,684 13,879 9,049 25,268 27,681 3,163 --4,113 --36,047

4,042 25,675 9,234 3,165 17,435 16,682 175 --1,443 --26,671

--16,159 708 210 8,631 7,597 --------19,431

--7,240 ----2,498 1,923 --------13,130






26077 26079 26081

Kalamazoo....................... Kalkaska .......................... Kent ................................

60,427 8,097 159,145

44,310 7,133 129,714

39,273 5,160 109,922

34,342 2,937 73,253

32,054 424 50,403

24,646 --30,716

13,179 --12,016

7,380 --2,587






26083 26085 26087 26089 26091 26093 26095 26097

Keweenaw....................... Lake................................. Lapeer ............................. Leelanau .......................... Lenawee .......................... Livingston ........................ Luce................................. Mackinac .........................

7,156 4,939 26,033 10,608 47,907 17,736 4,004 9,249

3,217 4,957 27,641 10,556 48,406 19,664 2,983 7,703

2,894 6,505 29,213 7,944 48,448 20,858 2,455 7,830

4,270 3,233 30,138 6,253 48,343 22,251 --2,902

4,205 548 21,345 4,576 45,595 19,336 --1,716

----14,754 2,158 38,112 16,851 --1,938

----7,029 --26,372 13,485 --3,598

----4,265 --17,889 7,430 --923

--------1,491 ----877





26099 26101 26101.1 26103 26105 26107 26109 26111 26113 26115 26117 26119

Macomb .......................... Manistee.......................... Manitou........................... Marquette ....................... Mason ............................. Mecosta........................... Menominee ..................... Midland ........................... Missaukee........................ Monroe ........................... Montcalm ........................ Montmorency ..................

32,606 26,688 --46,739 21,832 19,466 25,648 14,005 10,606 32,917 32,069 3,755

33,244 27,856 --41,239 18,885 20,693 27,046 14,439 9,308 32,754 32,754 3,234

31,813 24,230 860 39,521 16,385 19,697 33,639 10,657 5,048 32,337 32,637 1,487

31,627 12,532 1,334 25,394 10,065 13,973 11,987 6,893 1,553 33,624 33,148 ---

27,616 6,074 891 14,234 3,263 5,642 1,791 3,285 130 27,483 13,629 ---

22,843 975 1,042 2,821 831 970 --787 --21,593 3,968 ---

15,530 ----136 93 ----65 --14,698 891 ---

9,716 ----------------9,922 -----

2,413 ----------------3,187 -----

898 ----------------1,831 -----

580 ----------------1,340 -----



26121 26123 26125 26127 26129 26131

Muskegon ....................... Newaygo ......................... Oakland ........................... Oceana ............................ Ogemaw.......................... Ontonagon ......................

40,577 19,220 49,576 18,379 8,907 8,650

37,036 17,673 44,792 16,644 7,765 6,197

40,013 20,476 41,245 15,698 5,583 3,756

26,586 14,688 41,537 11,699 1,914 2,565

14,894 7,294 40,867 7,222 12 2,845

3,947 2,760 38,261 1,816 --4,568

--510 31,270 300 --389

----23,646 496 -----

----4,911 -------

----330 -------




Part C — Counties 101

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued .

STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1860 1870 1880 1840 1860 1880 1840 1830 1830

23,528 8,640 24,164 263,801 13,376 24,449 200,169 163,040 61,295

23,197 9,418 23,301 238,314 14,411 25,469 210,039 164,235 62,422

20,146 7,842 17,957 187,768 13,743 19,776 211,946 145,607 58,913

18,928 6,858 14,993 157,174 14,267 16,374 228,059 138,802 56,083

14,838 4,726 10,422 128,181 12,836 9,892 219,743 120,175 47,392

13,595 3,447 7,545 98,719 13,117 7,200 190,752 107,201 42,332

13,797 3,134 6,435 73,751 11,996 5,916 153,515 91,599 35,071

13,309 2,543 5,827 59,660 12,250 3,668 130,468 76,222 31,749

12,806 1,728 5,554 54,858 11,330 2,055 120,717 67,563 30,618

15,221 1,783 6,043 47,660 12,131 2,032 100,286 58,009 26,818

Sanilac ................................. Schoolcraft .......................... Shiawassee .......................... Tuscola ................................ Van Buren ............................ Washtenaw.......................... Wayne ................................. Wexford...............................

1850 1850 1840 1850 1830 1830 1810 1870

43,114 8,485 70,648 55,729 76,258 344,791 1,820,584 32,735

44,547 8,903 71,687 58,266 76,263 322,895 2,061,162 30,484

39,928 8,302 69,770 55,498 70,060 282,937 2,111,687 26,360

40,789 8,575 71,140 56,961 66,814 264,748 2,337,891 25,102

34,889 8,226 63,075 48,603 56,173 234,103 2,666,751 19,717

32,314 8,953 53,446 43,305 48,395 172,440 2,666,297 18,466

30,837 9,148 45,967 38,258 39,184 134,606 2,435,235 18,628

30,114 9,524 41,207 35,694 35,111 80,810 2,015,623 17,976

27,751 8,451 39,517 32,934 32,637 65,530 1,888,946 16,827

31,237 9,977 35,924 33,320 30,715 49,520 1,177,645 18,207


MINNESOTA .......................












27001 27003 27005 27007 27009 27011 27013 27015 27015.1 27017 27019

Aitkin................................... Anoka.................................. Becker ................................. Beltrami ............................... Benton................................. Big Stone ............................. Blue Earth ............................ Brown.................................. Buchanan ............................ Carlton ................................ Carver..................................

1860 1860 1860 1870 1850 1870 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860

16,202 330,844 32,504 44,442 38,451 5,269 64,013 25,893 --35,386 91,042

15,301 298,084 30,000 39,650 34,226 5,820 55,941 26,911 --31,671 70,205

12,425 243,641 27,881 34,384 30,185 6,285 54,044 26,984 --29,259 47,915

13,404 195,998 29,336 30,982 25,187 7,716 52,314 28,645 --29,936 37,046

11,403 154,556 24,372 26,373 20,841 7,941 52,322 28,887 --28,072 28,310

12,162 85,916 23,959 23,425 17,287 8,954 44,385 27,676 --27,932 21,358

14,327 35,579 24,836 24,962 15,911 9,607 38,327 25,895 --24,584 18,155

17,865 22,443 26,562 26,107 16,106 10,447 36,203 25,544 --24,212 17,606

15,009 18,415 22,503 20,707 15,056 9,838 33,847 23,428 --21,232 16,936

15,043 15,626 22,851 27,079 14,073 9,766 31,477 22,421 --19,391 16,946

27021 27023 27025 27027 27029 27031 27033 27035 27037 27039 27041

Cass..................................... Chippewa ............................ Chisago ............................... Clay ..................................... Clearwater ........................... Cook ................................... Cottonwood ........................ Crow Wing .......................... Dakota................................. Dodge ................................. Douglas ...............................

1860 1870 1860 1860 1910 1880 1860 1860 1850 1860 1860

28,567 12,441 53,887 58,999 8,695 5,176 11,687 62,500 398,552 20,087 36,009

27,150 13,088 41,101 51,229 8,423 5,168 12,167 55,099 355,904 17,731 32,821

21,791 13,228 30,521 50,422 8,309 3,868 12,694 44,249 275,227 15,731 28,674

21,050 14,941 25,717 49,327 8,761 4,092 14,854 41,722 194,279 14,773 27,839

17,323 15,109 17,492 46,585 8,013 3,423 14,887 34,826 139,808 13,037 22,892

16,720 16,320 13,419 39,080 8,864 3,377 16,166 32,134 78,303 13,259 21,313

19,468 16,739 12,669 30,363 10,204 2,900 15,763 30,875 49,019 12,624 21,304

20,646 16,927 13,124 25,337 11,153 3,030 16,143 30,226 39,660 12,931 20,369

15,591 15,762 13,189 23,120 9,546 2,435 14,782 25,627 34,592 12,127 18,813

15,897 15,720 14,445 21,780 8,569 1,841 14,570 24,566 28,967 12,552 19,039

27043 27045 27047 27049 27051 27053 27055 27057 27059 27061 27063

Faribault .............................. Fillmore................................ Freeborn .............................. Goodhue ............................. Grant ................................... Hennepin ............................. Houston............................... Hubbard .............................. Isanti.................................... Itasca ................................... Jackson ................................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1870 1860 1860 1890 1860 1850 1860

14,553 20,866 31,255 46,183 6,018 1,152,425 19,027 20,428 37,816 45,058 10,266

16,181 21,122 32,584 44,127 6,289 1,116,200 19,718 18,376 31,287 43,992 11,268

16,937 20,777 33,060 40,690 6,246 1,032,431 18,497 14,939 25,921 40,863 11,677

19,714 21,930 36,329 38,749 7,171 941,411 18,382 14,098 23,600 43,069 13,690

20,896 21,916 38,064 34,763 7,462 960,080 17,556 10,583 16,560 35,530 14,352

23,685 23,768 37,891 33,035 8,870 842,854 16,588 9,962 13,530 38,006 15,501

23,879 24,465 34,517 32,118 9,542 676,579 14,435 11,085 12,123 33,321 16,306

23,941 25,830 31,780 31,564 9,828 568,899 14,735 11,085 12,950 32,996 16,805

21,642 24,748 28,741 31,317 9,558 517,785 13,845 9,596 12,081 27,224 15,863

20,998 25,330 24,692 30,799 9,788 415,419 14,013 10,136 13,278 23,876 15,955

27065 27067 27069 27071 27071.1 27073 27075 27077 27079 27081 27083

Kanabec .............................. Kandiyohi ............................ Kittson ................................. Koochiching......................... Lac qui Parle (old)................. Lac qui Parle ........................ Lake..................................... Lake of the Woods............... Le Sueur .............................. Lincoln ................................. Lyon ....................................

1860 1860 1850 1910 1870 1880 1860 1930 1860 1880 1880

16,239 42,239 4,552 13,311 --7,259 10,866 4,045 27,703 5,896 25,857

14,996 41,203 5,285 14,355 --8,067 11,058 4,522 25,426 6,429 25,425

12,802 38,761 5,767 16,299 --8,924 10,415 4,076 23,239 6,890 24,789

12,161 36,763 6,672 17,571 --10,592 13,043 3,764 23,434 8,207 25,207

9,775 30,548 6,853 17,131 --11,164 13,351 3,987 21,332 8,143 24,273

9,007 29,987 8,343 18,190 --13,330 13,702 4,304 19,906 9,651 22,655

9,192 28,644 9,649 16,910 --14,545 7,781 4,955 19,088 10,150 22,253

9,651 26,524 10,717 16,930 --15,509 6,956 5,975 19,227 10,797 21,569

8,558 23,574 9,688 14,078 --15,398 7,068 4,194 17,990 11,303 19,326

9,086 22,060 10,638 13,520 --15,554 8,251 --17,870 11,268 18,837

26133 26135 26137 26139 26141 26143 26145 26147 26149

MICHIGAN cnt’d Osceola................................ Oscoda ................................ Otsego................................. Ottawa ................................ Presque Isle .......................... Roscommon......................... Saginaw............................... St. Clair................................ St. Joseph ............................

26151 26153 26155 26157 26159 26161 26163 26165

102 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













26133 26135 26137 26139 26141 26143 26145 26147 26149

MICHIGAN cnt’d Osceola............................ Oscoda ............................ Otsego............................. Ottawa ............................ Presque Isle ...................... Roscommon..................... Saginaw........................... St. Clair............................ St. Joseph ........................

17,889 2,027 6,552 45,301 11,249 2,274 89,290 52,341 25,499

17,859 1,468 6,175 39,667 8,821 1,787 81,222 55,228 23,889

14,630 1,904 4,272 35,358 4,687 2,033 82,273 52,105 25,356

10,777 467 1,974 33,126 3,113 1,459 59,095 46,197 26,626

2,093 70 --26,651 355 --39,097 36,661 26,275

27 ----13,215 26 --12,693 26,604 21,262

------5,587 ----2,609 10,420 12,725

------208 ----892 4,606 7,068

--------------1,114 1,313





26151 26153 26155 26157 26159 26161 26163 26165

Sanilac ............................. Schoolcraft ...................... Shiawassee ...................... Tuscola ............................ Van Buren ........................ Washtenaw...................... Wayne ............................. Wexford...........................

33,930 8,681 33,246 34,913 33,185 44,714 531,591 20,769

35,055 7,889 33,866 35,890 33,274 47,761 348,793 16,845

32,589 5,818 30,952 32,508 30,541 42,210 257,114 11,278

26,341 1,575 27,059 25,738 30,807 41,848 166,444 6,815

14,562 799 20,858 13,714 28,829 41,434 119,038 650

7,599 78 12,349 4,886 15,224 35,686 75,547 ---

2,112 16 5,230 291 5,800 28,567 42,756 ---

----2,103 --1,910 23,571 24,173 ---

--------5 4,042 6,781 ---

------------3,574 ---

------------2,227 ---

------------3,206 ---



MINNESOTA ...................

2,075,708 1,751,394 1,310,283











27001 27003 27005 27007 27009 27011 27013 27015 27015.1 27017 27019

Aitkin............................... Anoka.............................. Becker ............................. Beltrami ........................... Benton............................. Big Stone ......................... Blue Earth ........................ Brown.............................. Buchanan ........................ Carlton ............................ Carver..............................

10,371 12,493 18,840 19,337 11,615 9,367 29,337 20,134 --17,559 17,455

6,743 11,313 14,375 11,030 9,912 8,731 32,263 19,787 --10,017 17,544

2,462 9,884 9,401 312 6,284 5,722 29,210 15,817 --5,272 16,532

366 7,108 5,218 10 3,012 3,688 22,889 12,018 --1,230 14,140

178 3,940 308 80 1,558 24 17,302 6,396 --286 11,586

2 2,106 386 --627 --4,803 2,339 26 51 5,106

--------418 -------------







27021 27023 27025 27027 27029 27031

Cass................................. Chippewa ........................ Chisago ........................... Clay ................................. Clearwater ....................... Cook ...............................

11,620 13,458 13,537 19,640 6,870 1,336

7,777 12,499 13,248 17,942 --810

1,247 8,555 10,359 11,517 --98

486 5,408 7,982 5,887 --65

380 1,467 4,358 92 -----

150 --1,743 79 -----








27033 27035 27037 27039 27041

Cottonwood .................... Crow Wing ...................... Dakota............................. Dodge ............................. Douglas ...........................

12,651 16,861 25,171 12,094 17,669

12,069 14,250 21,733 13,340 17,964

7,412 8,852 20,240 10,864 14,606

5,533 2,319 17,391 11,344 9,130

534 200 16,312 8,598 4,239

12 269 9,093 3,797 195

----584 -----







27043 27045 27047 27049 27051 27053 27055 27057 27059 27061 27063

Faribault .......................... Fillmore............................ Freeborn .......................... Goodhue ......................... Grant ............................... Hennepin ......................... Houston........................... Hubbard .......................... Isanti................................ Itasca ............................... Jackson ............................

19,949 25,680 22,282 31,637 9,114 333,480 14,297 9,831 12,615 17,208 14,491

22,055 28,238 21,838 31,137 8,935 228,340 15,400 6,578 11,675 4,573 14,793

16,708 25,966 17,962 28,806 6,875 185,294 14,653 1,412 7,607 743 8,924

13,016 28,162 16,069 29,651 3,004 67,013 16,332 --5,063 124 4,806

9,940 24,887 10,578 22,618 340 31,566 14,936 --2,035 96 1,825

1,335 13,542 3,367 8,977 --12,849 6,645 --284 51 181

------------------97 ---







27065 27067 27069 27071 27071.1 27073 27075 27077 27079 27081 27083

Kanabec .......................... Kandiyohi ........................ Kittson ............................. Koochiching..................... Lac qui Parle (old)............. Lac qui Parle .................... Lake................................. Lake of the Woods........... Le Sueur .......................... Lincoln ............................. Lyon ................................

6,461 18,969 9,669 6,431 --15,435 8,011 --18,609 9,874 15,722

4,614 18,416 7,889 ----14,289 4,654 --20,234 8,966 14,591

1,579 13,997 5,387 ----10,382 1,299 --19,057 5,691 9,501

505 10,159 905 ----4,891 106 --16,103 2,945 6,257

93 1,760 64 --145 --135 --11,607 -----

30 76 1,612 ------248 --5,318 -----

----1,134 -----------------







Part C — Counties 103

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










27085 27085.1 27087 27087.2 27089 27091 27093 27095 27095.1 27097 27099

MINNESOTA cnt’d McLeod ............................... Mahkahta ............................ Mahnomen .......................... Manomin ............................. Marshall............................... Martin ................................. Meeker ................................ Mille Lacs ............................. Monongalia ......................... Morrison .............................. Mower.................................

1860 1850 1910 1860 1880 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860

36,651 --5,413 --9,439 20,840 23,300 26,097 --33,198 39,163

34,898 --5,190 --10,155 21,802 22,644 22,330 --31,712 38,603

32,030 --5,044 --10,993 22,914 20,846 18,670 --29,604 37,385

29,657 --5,535 --13,027 24,687 20,594 18,430 --29,311 40,390

27,662 --5,638 --13,060 24,316 18,810 15,703 --26,949 43,783

24,401 --6,341 --14,262 26,986 18,887 14,560 --26,641 48,498

22,198 --7,059 --16,125 25,655 18,966 15,165 --25,832 42,277

21,380 --8,054 --18,364 24,656 19,277 15,558 --27,473 36,113

20,522 --6,153 --17,003 22,401 17,914 14,076 --25,442 28,065

20,444 --6,197 --19,443 21,085 18,103 14,180 --25,841 25,993

27101 27103 27105 27107 27109 27111 27113 27113.1 27115 27117 27119

Murray................................. Nicollet ................................ Nobles ................................. Norman ............................... Olmsted ............................... Otter Tail .............................. Pennington .......................... Pierce................................... Pine ..................................... Pipestone ............................. Polk .....................................

1860 1860 1860 1890 1860 1860 1910 1860 1860 1880 1860

8,725 32,727 21,378 6,852 144,248 57,303 13,930 --29,750 9,596 31,600

9,165 29,771 20,832 7,442 124,277 57,159 13,584 --26,530 9,895 31,369

9,660 28,076 20,098 7,975 106,470 50,714 13,306 --21,264 10,491 32,498

11,507 26,929 21,840 9,379 92,006 51,937 15,258 --19,871 11,690 34,844

12,508 24,518 23,208 10,008 84,104 46,097 13,266 --16,821 12,791 34,435

14,743 23,196 23,365 11,253 65,532 48,960 12,468 --17,004 13,605 36,182

14,801 20,929 22,435 12,909 48,228 51,320 12,965 --18,223 14,003 35,900

15,060 18,282 21,215 14,746 42,658 53,192 12,913 --21,478 13,794 37,734

13,902 16,550 18,618 14,061 35,426 51,006 10,487 --20,264 12,238 36,019

13,631 15,036 17,917 14,880 28,014 50,818 12,091 --21,117 12,050 37,090

27121 27123 27125 27127 27129 27131 27133 27135 27137 27139 27141 27143 27145 27147 27149 27151 27153 27155 27157 27159 27159.1 27161 27163

Pope .................................... Ramsey ................................ Red Lake .............................. Redwood ............................. Renville ................................ Rice ..................................... Rock .................................... Roseau................................. St. Louis ............................... Scott .................................... Sherburne ............................ Sibley ................................... Stearns ................................ Steele .................................. Stevens ................................ Swift .................................... Todd .................................... Traverse ............................... Wabasha.............................. Wadena ............................... Wahnata .............................. Waseca ................................ Washington .........................

1870 1850 1900 1870 1860 1860 1860 1900 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1870 1880 1860 1870 1850 1870 1850 1860 1850

10,995 508,640 4,089 16,059 15,730 64,142 9,687 15,629 200,226 129,928 88,499 15,226 150,642 36,576 9,726 9,783 24,895 3,558 21,676 13,843 --19,136 238,136

11,236 511,035 4,299 16,815 17,154 56,665 9,721 16,338 200,528 89,498 64,417 15,356 133,166 33,680 10,053 11,956 24,426 4,134 21,610 13,713 --19,526 201,130

10,745 485,765 4,525 17,254 17,673 49,183 9,806 15,026 198,213 57,846 41,945 14,366 118,791 30,729 10,634 10,724 23,363 4,463 19,744 13,154 --18,079 145,896

11,657 459,784 5,471 19,341 20,401 46,087 10,703 12,574 222,229 43,784 29,908 15,448 108,161 30,328 11,322 12,920 24,991 5,542 19,335 14,192 --18,448 113,571

11,107 476,255 5,388 20,024 21,139 41,582 11,346 11,569 220,693 32,423 18,344 15,845 95,400 26,931 11,218 13,177 22,114 6,254 17,224 12,412 --16,663 82,948

11,914 422,525 5,830 21,718 23,249 38,988 11,864 12,154 231,588 21,909 12,861 16,228 80,345 25,029 11,262 14,936 23,119 7,503 17,007 12,199 --16,041 52,432

12,862 355,332 6,806 22,127 23,954 36,235 11,278 14,505 206,062 16,486 10,661 15,816 70,681 21,155 11,106 15,837 25,420 8,053 16,878 12,806 --14,957 34,544

13,544 309,935 7,413 22,290 24,625 32,160 10,933 15,103 206,917 15,585 10,456 16,625 67,200 19,749 11,039 15,469 27,438 8,283 17,653 12,772 --15,186 26,430

13,085 286,721 6,887 20,620 23,645 29,974 10,962 12,621 204,596 14,116 9,709 15,865 62,121 18,475 10,185 14,735 26,170 7,938 17,613 10,990 --14,412 24,753

13,631 244,554 7,263 20,908 23,634 28,307 10,965 13,305 206,391 14,245 9,651 15,635 55,741 18,061 9,778 15,093 26,059 7,943 17,919 10,699 --14,133 23,761

27165 27167 27169 27171 27173

Watonwan ........................... Wilkin .................................. Winona ............................... Wright ................................. Yellow Medicine...................

1870 1860 1860 1860 1880

11,211 6,576 51,461 124,700 10,438

11,876 7,138 49,985 89,986 11,080

11,682 7,516 47,828 68,710 11,684

12,361 8,454 46,256 58,681 13,653

13,298 9,389 44,409 38,933 14,418

14,460 10,650 40,937 29,935 15,523

13,881 10,567 39,841 27,716 16,279

13,902 10,475 37,795 27,550 16,917

12,802 9,791 35,144 27,119 16,625

12,457 10,187 33,653 28,685 16,550


MISSISSIPPI ........................












28001 28003 28005 28007 28009 28011 28013 28015 28017 28019 28021

Adams ................................. Alcorn.................................. Amite .................................. Attala .................................. Benton................................. Bolivar ................................. Calhoun............................... Carroll ................................. Chickasaw ........................... Choctaw .............................. Claiborne .............................

1800 1870 1810 1840 1880 1840 1860 1840 1840 1840 1810

32,297 37,057 13,131 19,564 8,729 34,145 14,962 10,597 17,392 8,547 9,604

34,340 34,558 13,599 19,661 8,026 40,633 15,069 10,769 19,440 9,758 11,831

35,356 31,722 13,328 18,481 8,046 41,875 14,908 9,237 18,085 9,071 11,370

38,035 33,036 13,369 19,865 8,153 45,965 15,664 9,776 17,853 8,996 12,279

37,293 27,179 13,763 19,570 7,505 49,409 14,623 9,397 16,805 8,440 10,086

37,730 25,282 15,573 21,335 7,723 54,464 15,941 11,177 16,891 8,423 10,845

32,256 27,158 19,261 26,652 8,793 63,004 18,369 15,499 18,951 11,009 11,944

27,238 26,969 21,892 30,227 10,429 67,574 20,893 20,651 21,427 13,548 12,810

23,564 23,653 19,712 26,035 9,813 71,051 18,080 19,765 20,835 12,339 12,152

22,183 21,369 18,960 24,831 9,851 57,669 16,823 20,324 22,212 12,491 13,019

104 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













27085 27085.1 27087 27087.2 27089 27091 27093 27095 27095.1 27097 27099

MINNESOTA cnt’d McLeod ........................... Mahkahta ........................ Mahnomen ...................... Manomin ......................... Marshall........................... Martin ............................. Meeker ............................ Mille Lacs ......................... Monongalia ..................... Morrison .......................... Mower.............................

18,691 --3,249 --16,338 17,518 17,022 10,705 --24,053 22,640

19,595 ------15,698 16,936 17,753 8,066 --22,891 22,335

17,026 ------9,130 9,403 15,456 2,845 --13,325 18,019

12,342 ------992 5,249 11,739 1,501 --5,875 16,799

5,643 --------3,867 6,090 1,109 3,161 1,681 10,447

1,286 ----136 --151 928 73 350 618 3,217

--158 -------------------







27101 27103 27105 27107 27109 27111 27113 27113.1 27115 27117 27119

Murray............................. Nicollet ............................ Nobles ............................. Norman ........................... Olmsted ........................... Otter Tail .......................... Pennington ...................... Pierce............................... Pine ................................. Pipestone ......................... Polk .................................

11,755 14,125 15,210 13,446 22,497 46,036 9,376 --15,878 9,553 36,001

11,911 14,774 14,932 15,045 23,119 45,375 ----11,546 9,264 35,429

6,692 13,382 7,958 10,618 19,806 34,232 ----4,052 5,132 30,192

3,604 12,333 4,435 --21,543 18,675 ----1,365 2,092 11,433

209 8,362 117 --19,793 1,968 ----648 --0

29 3,773 35 --9,524 240 --11 92 --240








27121 27123 27125 27127 27129 27131 27133 27135 27137 27139 27141 27143 27145 27147 27149

Pope ................................ Ramsey ............................ Red Lake .......................... Redwood ......................... Renville ............................ Rice ................................. Rock ................................ Roseau............................. St. Louis ........................... Scott ................................ Sherburne ........................ Sibley ............................... Stearns ............................ Steele .............................. Stevens ............................

12,746 223,675 6,564 18,425 23,123 25,911 10,222 11,338 163,274 14,888 8,136 15,540 47,733 16,146 8,293

12,577 170,554 12,195 17,261 23,693 26,080 9,668 6,994 82,932 15,147 7,281 16,862 44,464 16,524 8,721

10,032 139,796 --9,386 17,099 23,968 6,817 --44,862 13,831 5,908 15,199 34,844 13,232 5,251

5,874 45,890 --5,375 10,791 22,481 3,669 --4,504 13,516 3,855 10,637 21,956 12,460 3,911

2,691 23,085 --1,829 3,219 16,083 138 --4,561 11,042 2,050 6,725 14,206 8,271 174

--12,150 ----245 7,543 23 --406 4,595 723 3,609 4,505 2,863 ---

--2,227 ---------------------------







27151 27153 27155 27157 27159 27159.1 27161 27163

Swift ................................ Todd ................................ Traverse ........................... Wabasha.......................... Wadena ........................... Wahnata .......................... Waseca ............................ Washington .....................

12,949 23,407 8,049 18,554 8,652 --13,466 26,013

13,503 22,214 7,573 18,924 7,921 --14,760 27,808

10,161 12,930 4,516 16,972 4,053 --13,313 25,992

7,473 6,133 1,507 18,206 2,080 --12,385 19,563

--2,036 13 15,859 6 --7,854 11,809

--430 --7,228 ----2,601 6,123

------243 --160 --1,056







27165 27167 27169 27171 27173

Watonwan ....................... Wilkin .............................. Winona ........................... Wright ............................. Yellow Medicine...............

11,382 9,063 33,398 28,082 15,406

11,496 8,080 35,686 29,157 14,602

7,746 4,346 33,797 24,164 9,854

5,104 1,906 27,197 18,104 5,884

2,426 295 22,319 9,457 ---

--40 9,208 3,729 ---









MISSISSIPPI ....................

1,797,114 1,551,270 1,289,600 1,131,597










28001 28003 28005 28007 28009 28011 28013 28015 28017 28019 28021

Adams ............................. Alcorn.............................. Amite .............................. Attala .............................. Benton............................. Bolivar ............................. Calhoun........................... Carroll ............................. Chickasaw ....................... Choctaw .......................... Claiborne .........................

19,084 10,431 10,973 14,776 --9,732 10,561 21,047 19,899 16,988 13,386

20,165 --12,336 14,169 --10,471 9,518 22,035 16,426 15,722 15,679

18,601 --9,694 10,991 --2,577 --18,491 16,369 11,402 14,941

19,434 --9,511 4,303 --1,356 --10,481 2,955 6,010 13,078

14,937 --7,934 --------------9,787

12,076 --6,853 --------------5,963

10,002 --4,750 --------------3,102

4,660 ---------------------


25,265 18,159 22,954 28,851 10,245 48,905 17,726 23,139 22,846 14,357 17,403

30,111 14,987 20,708 26,248 10,510 35,427 16,512 22,116 19,892 13,036 20,787

26,031 13,115 18,198 22,213 10,585 29,980 14,688 18,773 19,891 10,847 14,516

22,649 14,272 14,004 19,988 11,023 18,652 13,492 17,795 17,905 9,036 16,768

Part C — Counties 105

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010


1840 1880 1840 1830 1820 1840 1910 1810 1910 1820 1870

16,732 20,634 26,151 29,449 19,568 161,252 74,934 8,118 22,578 14,400 21,906

17,955 21,979 30,622 28,757 19,407 107,199 72,604 8,448 19,144 13,299 23,263

17,313 21,120 31,665 27,592 16,527 67,910 68,314 8,377 16,673 10,220 21,555

16,945 21,082 36,918 26,503 15,927 53,930 66,018 8,208 15,297 9,827 21,043

15,049 18,840 40,447 24,749 14,002 35,885 57,849 8,011 12,459 8,545 19,854

16,493 18,933 46,212 27,051 13,637 23,891 52,722 9,286 11,098 8,366 18,409

19,362 17,757 49,361 30,493 16,036 24,599 45,055 10,929 10,012 8,215 18,830

20,596 19,030 48,333 33,974 17,030 26,663 34,901 12,504 8,704 9,512 19,052

19,679 17,931 46,327 31,614 15,028 25,438 30,115 12,268 7,523 10,644 16,802

17,927 17,490 41,511 28,672 14,869 24,359 21,238 14,156 5,564 10,430 13,607

Hancock .............................. Harrison ............................... Hinds ................................... Holmes ................................ Humphreys .......................... Issaquena............................. Itawamba ............................ Jackson ................................ Jasper .................................. Jefferson .............................. Jefferson Davis .....................

1820 1850 1830 1840 1920 1850 1840 1820 1840 1800 1910

43,929 187,105 245,285 19,198 9,375 1,406 23,401 139,668 17,062 7,726 12,487

42,967 189,601 250,800 21,609 11,206 2,274 22,770 131,420 18,149 9,740 13,962

31,760 165,365 254,441 21,604 12,134 1,909 20,017 115,243 17,114 8,653 14,051

24,537 157,665 250,998 22,970 13,931 2,513 20,518 118,015 17,265 9,181 13,846

17,387 134,582 214,973 23,120 14,601 2,737 16,847 87,975 15,994 9,295 12,936

14,039 119,489 187,045 27,096 19,093 3,576 15,080 55,522 16,909 10,142 13,540

11,891 84,073 142,164 33,301 23,115 4,966 17,216 31,401 18,912 11,306 15,500

11,328 50,799 107,273 39,710 26,257 6,433 19,922 20,601 19,484 13,969 15,869

11,415 44,143 85,118 38,534 24,729 5,734 18,225 15,973 18,634 14,291 14,281

10,380 32,855 57,110 34,513 19,192 7,618 15,647 19,208 18,508 15,946 12,755

28067 28069 28071 28073 28075 28077 28079 28081 28083 28085 28087

Jones ................................... Kemper................................ Lafayette.............................. Lamar .................................. Lauderdale ........................... Lawrence ............................. Leake ................................... Lee ...................................... Leflore ................................. Lincoln ................................. Lowndes ..............................

1830 1840 1840 1910 1840 1820 1840 1870 1880 1870 1830

67,761 10,456 47,351 55,658 80,261 12,929 23,805 82,910 32,317 34,869 59,779

64,958 10,453 38,744 39,070 78,161 13,258 20,940 75,755 37,947 33,166 61,586

62,031 10,356 31,826 30,424 75,555 12,458 18,436 65,581 37,341 30,278 59,308

61,912 10,148 31,030 23,821 77,285 12,518 18,790 57,061 41,525 30,174 57,304

56,357 10,233 24,181 15,209 67,087 11,137 17,085 46,148 42,111 26,198 49,700

59,542 12,277 21,355 13,675 67,119 10,215 18,660 40,589 47,142 26,759 46,639

57,235 15,893 22,798 13,225 64,171 12,639 21,610 38,237 51,813 27,899 37,852

49,227 21,867 21,257 12,096 58,247 13,983 24,570 38,838 53,406 27,506 35,245

41,492 21,881 19,978 12,848 52,748 12,471 21,803 35,313 53,506 26,357 29,987

32,919 19,619 19,243 12,869 45,897 12,663 16,973 29,618 37,256 24,652 27,632

28089 28091 28093 28095 28097 28099 28101 28103 28105 28107 28109

Madison .............................. Marion................................. Marshall............................... Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Neshoba .............................. Newton ............................... Noxubee .............................. Oktibbeha............................ Panola ................................. Pearl River ............................

1830 1820 1840 1820 1880 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1890

95,203 27,088 37,144 36,989 10,925 29,676 21,720 11,545 47,671 34,707 55,834

74,674 25,595 34,993 38,014 12,189 28,684 21,838 12,548 42,902 34,274 48,621

53,794 25,544 30,361 36,582 12,388 24,800 20,291 12,604 38,375 29,996 38,714

41,613 25,708 29,296 36,404 13,366 23,789 19,944 13,212 36,018 28,164 33,795

29,737 22,871 24,027 34,043 12,918 20,802 18,983 14,288 28,752 26,829 27,802

32,904 23,293 24,503 33,953 13,320 20,927 19,517 16,826 26,175 28,791 22,411

33,860 23,967 25,106 36,543 14,470 25,730 22,681 20,022 24,569 31,271 20,641

37,504 24,085 25,522 37,648 15,703 27,882 24,249 25,669 22,151 34,421 19,125

35,796 19,923 24,869 36,141 15,009 26,691 22,910 25,560 19,119 28,648 19,405

29,292 17,144 26,105 32,613 13,805 19,303 20,727 23,710 16,872 27,845 15,468

28111 28113 28115 28117 28119 28121 28123 28125 28127 28129

Perry .................................... Pike ..................................... Pontotoc .............................. Prentiss ................................ Quitman .............................. Rankin ................................. Scott .................................... Sharkey................................ Simpson............................... Smith ...................................

1820 1820 1840 1870 1880 1830 1840 1880 1830 1840

12,250 40,404 29,957 25,276 8,223 141,617 28,264 4,916 27,503 16,491

12,138 38,940 26,726 25,556 10,117 115,327 28,423 6,580 27,639 16,182

10,865 36,882 22,237 23,278 10,490 87,161 24,137 7,066 23,953 14,798

9,864 36,173 20,918 24,025 12,636 69,427 24,556 7,964 23,441 15,077

9,065 31,756 17,363 20,133 15,888 43,933 21,369 8,937 19,947 13,561

8,745 35,063 17,232 17,949 21,019 34,322 21,187 10,738 20,454 14,303

9,108 35,137 19,994 19,810 25,885 28,881 21,681 12,903 21,819 16,740

9,292 35,002 22,904 20,921 27,191 27,934 23,144 15,433 22,024 19,403

8,197 32,201 22,034 19,265 25,304 20,353 20,914 13,877 20,897 18,405

8,987 28,725 19,962 17,606 19,861 20,272 16,420 14,190 18,109 16,178

28131 28133 28135 28137 28139 28141 28143 28145 28147

Stone ................................... Sunflower ............................ Tallahatchie .......................... Tate ..................................... Tippah ................................. Tishomingo .......................... Tunica .................................. Union .................................. Walthall ...............................

1920 1850 1840 1880 1840 1840 1840 1880 1920

17,786 29,450 15,378 28,886 22,232 19,593 10,778 27,134 15,443

13,622 34,369 14,903 25,370 20,826 19,163 9,227 25,362 15,156

10,750 32,867 15,210 21,432 19,523 17,683 8,164 22,085 14,352

9,716 34,844 17,157 20,119 18,739 18,434 9,652 21,741 13,761

8,101 37,047 19,338 18,544 15,852 14,940 11,854 19,096 12,500

7,013 45,750 24,081 18,138 15,093 13,889 16,826 18,904 13,512

6,264 56,031 30,486 18,011 17,522 15,544 21,664 20,262 15,563

6,155 61,007 34,166 19,309 19,680 16,974 22,610 21,867 17,534

5,704 66,364 35,568 17,671 18,658 16,411 21,233 21,268 13,871

6,528 46,374 35,953 19,636 15,419 15,091 20,386 20,044 13,455

28023 28025 28027 28029 28031 28033 28035 28037 28039 28041 28043

MISSISSIPPI cnt’d Clarke .................................. Clay ..................................... Coahoma............................. Copiah................................. Covington............................ DeSoto ................................ Forrest ................................. Franklin................................ George ................................ Greene ................................ Grenada ..............................

28045 28047 28049 28051 28053 28055 28057 28059 28061 28063 28065

106 County and City Extra









Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













28023 28025 28027 28029 28031 28033 28035 28037 28039 28041 28043

MISSISSIPPI cnt’d Clarke .............................. Clay ................................. Coahoma......................... Copiah............................. Covington........................ DeSoto ............................ Forrest ............................. Franklin............................ George ............................ Greene ............................ Grenada ..........................

21,630 20,203 34,217 35,914 16,909 23,130 20,722 15,193 6,599 6,050 15,727

17,741 19,563 26,293 34,395 13,076 24,751 --13,678 --6,795 14,112

15,826 18,607 18,342 30,233 8,299 24,183 --10,424 --3,906 14,974

15,021 17,367 13,568 27,552 5,993 22,924 --9,729 --3,194 12,071

7,505 --7,144 20,608 4,753 32,021 --7,498 --2,038 10,571

10,771 --6,606 15,398 4,408 23,336 --8,265 --2,232 ---

5,477 --2,780 11,794 3,338 19,042 --5,904 --2,018 ---

2,986 --1,290 8,954 2,717 7,002 --4,775 --1,636 ---

------7,001 2,551 ----4,622 --1,854 ---

--------2,230 ----3,821 --1,445 ---

--------------2,016 -------



28045 28047 28049 28051 28053 28055 28057 28059 28061 28063 28065

Hancock .......................... Harrison ........................... Hinds ............................... Holmes ............................ Humphreys ...................... Issaquena......................... Itawamba ........................ Jackson ............................ Jasper .............................. Jefferson .......................... Jefferson Davis .................

11,207 34,658 63,726 39,088 --10,560 14,526 15,451 18,498 18,221 12,860

11,886 21,002 52,577 36,828 --10,400 13,544 16,513 15,394 21,292 ---

8,318 12,481 39,279 30,970 --12,318 11,708 11,251 14,785 18,947 ---

6,439 7,895 43,958 27,164 --10,004 10,663 7,607 12,126 17,314 ---

4,239 5,795 30,488 19,370 --6,887 7,812 4,362 10,884 13,848 ---

3,139 4,819 31,339 17,791 --7,831 17,695 4,122 11,007 15,349 ---

3,672 4,875 25,340 13,928 --4,478 13,528 3,196 6,184 13,193 ---

3,367 --19,098 9,452 ----5,375 1,965 3,958 11,650 ---

1,962 --8,645 --------1,792 --9,755 ---

1,594 ------------1,682 --6,822 ---

------------------4,001 ---

------------------2,940 ---


28067 28069 28071 28073 28075 28077 28079 28081 28083 28085 28087

Jones ............................... Kemper............................ Lafayette.......................... Lamar .............................. Lauderdale ....................... Lawrence ......................... Leake ............................... Lee .................................. Leflore ............................. Lincoln ............................. Lowndes ..........................

29,885 20,348 21,883 11,741 46,919 13,080 18,298 28,894 36,290 28,597 30,703

17,846 20,492 22,110 --38,150 15,103 17,360 21,956 23,834 21,552 29,095

8,333 17,961 20,553 --29,661 12,318 14,803 20,040 16,869 17,912 27,047

3,828 15,719 21,671 --21,501 9,420 13,146 20,470 10,246 13,547 28,244

3,313 12,920 18,802 --13,462 6,720 8,496 15,955 --10,184 30,502

3,323 11,682 16,125 --13,313 9,213 9,324 ------23,625

2,164 12,517 14,069 --8,717 6,478 5,533 ------19,544

1,258 7,663 6,531 --5,358 5,920 2,162 ------14,513

1,471 --------5,293 --------3,173

----------4,916 -----------




28089 28091 28093

Madison .......................... Marion............................. Marshall...........................

33,505 15,599 26,796

32,493 13,501 27,674

27,321 9,532 26,043

25,866 6,901 29,330

20,948 4,211 29,416

23,382 4,686 28,823

18,173 4,410 29,689

15,530 3,830 17,526

4,973 3,691 ---

--3,116 ---




28095 28097 28099 28101 28103 28105 28107 28109

Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Neshoba .......................... Newton ........................... Noxubee .......................... Oktibbeha........................ Panola ............................. Pearl River ........................

35,178 17,706 17,980 23,085 28,503 19,676 31,274 10,593

31,216 16,536 12,726 19,708 30,846 20,183 29,027 6,697

30,730 14,459 11,146 16,625 27,338 17,694 26,977 2,957

28,553 13,348 8,741 13,436 29,874 15,978 28,352 ---

22,631 --7,439 10,067 20,905 14,891 20,754 ---

21,283 --8,343 9,661 20,667 12,977 13,794 ---

21,172 --4,728 4,465 16,299 9,171 11,444 ---

9,250 --2,437 2,527 9,975 4,276 4,657 ---

3,861 ---------------

2,721 ---------------




28111 28113 28115 28117 28119 28121 28123 28125 28127 28129

Perry ................................ Pike ................................. Pontotoc .......................... Prentiss ............................ Quitman .......................... Rankin ............................. Scott ................................ Sharkey............................ Simpson........................... Smith ...............................

7,685 37,272 19,688 16,931 11,593 23,944 16,723 15,694 17,201 16,603

14,682 27,545 18,274 15,788 5,435 20,955 14,316 12,178 12,800 13,055

6,494 21,203 14,940 13,679 3,286 17,922 11,740 8,382 10,138 10,635

3,427 16,688 13,858 12,158 1,407 16,752 10,845 6,306 8,008 8,088

2,694 11,303 12,525 9,348 --12,977 7,847 --5,718 7,126

2,606 11,135 22,113 ----13,635 8,139 --6,080 7,638

2,438 7,360 17,112 ----7,227 3,961 --4,734 4,071

1,889 6,151 4,491 ----4,631 1,653 --3,380 1,961

2,300 5,402 ------2,083 ----2,680 ---

2,037 4,438 -----------------




28131 28133 28135 28137 28139 28141 28143 28145 28147

Stone ............................... Sunflower ........................ Tallahatchie ...................... Tate ................................. Tippah ............................. Tishomingo ...................... Tunica .............................. Union .............................. Walthall ...........................

--28,787 29,078 19,714 14,631 13,067 18,646 18,997 ---

--16,084 19,600 20,618 12,983 10,124 16,479 16,522 ---

--9,384 14,361 19,253 12,951 9,302 12,158 15,606 ---

--4,661 10,926 18,721 12,867 8,774 8,461 13,030 ---

--5,015 7,852 --20,727 7,350 5,358 -----

--5,019 7,890 --22,550 24,149 4,366 -----

--1,102 4,643 --20,741 15,490 1,314 -----

----2,985 --9,444 6,681 821 -----






Part C — Counties 107

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










28149 28151 28153 28155 28157 28159 28161 28163

MISSISSIPPI cnt’d Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Wilkinson ............................ Winston ............................... Yalobusha ............................ Yazoo ..................................

1810 1830 1810 1880 1810 1840 1840 1830

48,773 51,137 20,747 10,253 9,878 19,198 12,678 28,065

49,644 62,977 21,216 10,294 10,312 20,160 13,051 28,149

47,880 67,935 19,517 10,222 9,678 19,433 12,033 25,506

51,627 72,344 19,135 10,300 10,021 19,474 13,139 27,349

44,981 70,581 16,650 10,047 11,099 18,406 11,915 27,304

42,206 78,638 16,258 10,580 13,235 19,246 12,502 31,653

39,616 70,504 17,010 11,607 14,116 22,231 15,191 35,712

39,595 67,576 16,928 14,160 15,955 22,751 18,387 40,091

35,785 54,310 15,295 12,128 13,957 21,239 17,750 37,262

33,362 51,092 15,467 12,644 15,319 18,139 18,738 37,149














29001 29003 29005 29007 29009 29011 29013 29015 29017 29019 29021

Adair ................................... Andrew ............................... Atchison .............................. Audrain ............................... Barry .................................... Barton ................................. Bates ................................... Benton................................. Bollinger .............................. Boone .................................. Buchanan ............................

1850 1850 1850 1840 1840 1860 1850 1840 1860 1830 1840

25,607 17,291 5,685 25,529 35,597 12,402 17,049 19,056 12,363 162,642 89,201

24,977 16,492 6,430 25,853 34,010 12,541 16,653 17,180 12,029 135,454 85,998

24,577 14,632 7,457 23,599 27,547 11,312 15,025 13,859 10,619 112,379 83,083

24,870 13,980 8,605 26,458 24,408 11,292 15,873 12,183 10,301 100,376 87,888

22,472 11,913 9,240 25,362 19,597 10,431 15,468 9,695 8,820 80,911 86,915

20,105 11,062 9,213 26,079 18,921 11,113 15,905 8,737 9,167 55,202 90,581

19,689 11,727 11,127 23,829 21,755 12,678 17,534 9,080 11,019 48,432 96,826

20,246 13,015 12,897 22,673 23,546 14,148 19,531 11,142 12,898 34,991 94,067

19,436 13,469 13,421 22,077 22,803 14,560 22,068 11,708 12,269 30,995 98,633

21,404 14,075 13,008 20,589 23,473 16,879 23,933 12,989 13,909 29,672 93,684

29023 29025 29027 29029 29031 29033 29035 29037 29039 29041 29043

Butler................................... Caldwell .............................. Callaway .............................. Camden............................... Cape Girardeau ................... Carroll ................................. Carter .................................. Cass..................................... Cedar .................................. Chariton .............................. Christian ..............................

1850 1840 1830 1850 1810 1840 1860 1840 1850 1830 1860

42,794 9,424 44,332 44,002 75,674 9,295 6,265 99,478 13,982 7,831 77,422

40,867 8,969 40,766 37,051 68,693 10,285 5,941 82,092 13,733 8,438 54,285

38,765 8,380 32,809 27,495 61,633 10,748 5,515 63,808 12,093 9,202 32,644

37,693 8,660 32,252 20,017 58,837 12,131 5,428 51,029 11,894 10,489 22,402

33,529 8,351 25,850 13,315 49,350 12,565 3,878 39,448 9,424 11,084 15,124

34,656 8,830 23,858 9,116 42,020 13,847 3,973 29,702 9,185 12,720 12,359

37,707 9,929 23,316 7,861 38,397 15,589 4,777 19,325 10,663 14,944 12,412

34,276 11,629 23,094 8,971 37,775 17,814 6,226 19,534 11,697 18,084 13,538

23,697 12,509 19,923 9,142 33,203 19,940 5,503 20,962 11,136 19,588 13,169

24,106 13,849 23,007 10,474 29,839 20,480 7,482 21,536 13,933 21,769 15,252

29045 29047 29049 29051 29053 29055 29057 29059 29061 29063 29065

Clark.................................... Clay ..................................... Clinton ................................ Cole..................................... Cooper ................................ Crawford ............................. Dade.................................... Dallas................................... Daviess ................................ DeKalb................................. Dent ....................................

1840 1830 1840 1830 1820 1830 1850 1850 1840 1850 1860

7,139 221,939 20,743 75,990 17,601 24,696 7,883 16,777 8,433 12,892 15,657

7,416 184,006 18,979 71,397 16,670 22,804 7,923 15,661 8,016 11,597 14,927

7,547 153,411 16,595 63,579 14,835 19,173 7,449 12,646 7,865 9,967 13,702

8,493 136,488 15,916 56,663 14,643 18,300 7,383 12,096 8,905 8,222 14,517

8,260 123,322 12,462 46,228 14,732 14,828 6,850 10,054 8,420 7,305 11,457

8,725 87,474 11,588 40,761 15,448 12,647 7,577 9,314 9,502 7,226 10,445

9,003 45,221 11,726 35,464 16,608 11,615 9,324 10,392 11,180 8,047 10,936

10,166 30,417 13,261 34,912 18,075 12,693 11,248 11,523 13,398 9,751 11,763

10,254 26,811 13,505 30,848 19,522 11,287 11,764 10,541 14,424 10,270 10,974

11,874 20,455 14,461 24,680 19,308 12,355 14,173 12,033 16,641 11,694 12,318

29065.1 29067 29069 29071 29073 29075 29077 29079 29081 29083 29085

Dodge ................................. Douglas ............................... Dunklin ................................ Franklin................................ Gasconade........................... Gentry ................................. Greene ................................ Grundy ................................ Harrison ............................... Henry................................... Hickory ................................

1850 1860 1850 1820 1830 1850 1840 1850 1850 1840 1850

--13,684 31,953 101,492 15,222 6,738 275,174 10,261 8,957 22,272 9,627

--13,084 33,155 93,807 15,342 6,861 240,391 10,432 8,850 21,997 8,940

--11,876 33,112 80,603 14,006 6,848 207,949 10,536 8,469 20,044 7,335

--11,594 36,324 71,233 13,181 7,887 185,302 11,959 9,890 19,672 6,367

--9,268 33,742 55,116 11,878 8,060 152,929 11,819 10,257 18,451 4,481

--9,653 39,139 44,566 12,195 8,793 126,276 12,220 11,603 19,226 4,516

--12,638 45,329 36,046 12,342 11,036 104,823 13,220 14,107 20,043 5,387

--15,600 44,957 33,868 12,414 13,359 90,541 15,716 16,525 22,313 6,506

--13,959 35,799 30,519 12,172 14,348 82,929 16,135 17,233 22,931 6,430

--15,436 32,773 28,427 12,381 15,634 68,698 17,554 19,719 25,116 7,033

29087 29089 29091 29093 29095 29097 29099 29101

Holt ..................................... Howard ............................... Howell ................................. Iron...................................... Jackson ................................ Jasper .................................. Jefferson .............................. Johnson ...............................

1850 1820 1860 1860 1830 1850 1820 1840

4,912 10,144 40,400 10,630 674,158 117,404 218,733 52,595

5,351 10,212 37,238 10,697 654,880 104,686 198,099 48,258

6,034 9,631 31,447 10,726 633,232 90,465 171,380 42,514

6,882 10,008 28,807 11,084 629,266 86,958 146,183 39,059

6,654 10,561 23,521 9,529 654,558 79,852 105,248 34,172

7,885 10,859 22,027 8,041 622,732 78,863 66,377 28,981

9,833 11,857 22,725 9,458 541,035 79,106 38,007 20,716

12,476 13,026 22,270 10,440 477,828 78,705 32,023 21,617

12,720 13,490 19,672 9,642 470,454 73,810 27,563 22,413

14,084 13,997 21,102 9,458 367,846 75,941 26,555 24,899

108 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1820













37,488 48,933 14,709 14,853 18,075 17,139 21,519 46,672

40,912 49,216 12,539 13,619 21,453 14,124 19,742 43,948

33,164 40,414 9,817 12,060 17,592 12,089 16,629 36,394

31,238 25,367 8,741 9,534 17,815 10,087 15,649 33,845

26,769 14,569 4,206 --12,705 8,984 13,254 17,279

20,696 15,679 3,691 --15,933 9,811 16,952 22,373

18,120 8,389 2,892 --16,914 7,956 17,258 14,418

15,820 7,287 2,120 --14,193 4,650 12,248 10,480

7,861 1,976 2,781 --11,686 ----6,550

2,693 --3,323 --9,718 -------

1,114 --1,253 --5,068 -------



3,293,335 3,106,665 2,679,185 2,168,380 1,721,295 1,182,012








28149 28151 28153 28155 28157 28159 28161 28163

MISSISSIPPI cnt’d Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Wilkinson ........................ Winston ........................... Yalobusha ........................ Yazoo ..............................



29001 29003 29005 29007 29009 29011 29013 29015 29017 29019 29021

Adair ............................... Andrew ........................... Atchison .......................... Audrain ........................... Barry ................................ Barton ............................. Bates ............................... Benton............................. Bollinger .......................... Boone .............................. Buchanan ........................

22,700 15,282 13,604 21,687 23,869 16,747 25,869 14,881 14,576 30,533 93,020

21,728 17,332 16,501 21,160 25,532 18,253 30,141 16,556 14,650 28,642 121,838

17,417 16,000 15,533 22,074 22,943 18,504 32,223 14,973 13,121 26,043 70,100

15,190 16,318 14,556 19,732 14,405 10,332 25,381 12,396 11,130 25,422 49,792

11,448 15,137 8,440 12,307 10,373 5,087 15,960 11,322 8,162 20,765 35,109

8,531 11,850 4,649 8,075 7,995 1,817 7,215 9,072 7,371 19,486 23,861

2,342 9,433 1,678 3,506 3,467 --3,669 5,015 --14,979 12,975

------1,949 4,795 ----4,205 --13,561 6,237

------------------8,859 ---





29023 29025 29027 29029 29031 29033 29035 29037 29039 29041 29043

Butler............................... Caldwell .......................... Callaway .......................... Camden........................... Cape Girardeau ............... Carroll ............................. Carter .............................. Cass................................. Cedar .............................. Chariton .......................... Christian ..........................

20,624 14,605 24,400 11,582 27,621 23,098 5,504 22,973 16,080 23,503 15,832

16,769 16,656 25,984 13,113 24,315 26,455 6,706 23,636 16,923 26,826 16,939

10,164 15,152 25,131 10,040 22,060 25,742 4,659 23,301 15,620 26,254 14,017

6,011 13,646 23,670 7,266 20,998 23,274 2,168 22,431 10,741 25,224 9,628

4,298 11,390 19,202 6,108 17,558 17,446 1,455 19,296 9,474 19,136 6,707

2,891 5,034 17,449 4,975 15,547 9,763 1,235 9,794 6,637 12,562 5,491

1,616 2,316 13,827 2,338 13,912 5,441 --6,090 3,361 7,514 ---

--1,458 11,765 --9,359 2,423 --4,693 --4,746 ---

----6,159 --7,445 --------1,780 ---

--------5,968 -------------

--------3,888 -------------



29045 29047 29049 29051

Clark................................ Clay ................................. Clinton ............................ Cole.................................

12,811 20,302 15,297 21,957

15,383 18,903 17,363 20,578

15,126 19,856 17,138 17,281

15,031 15,572 16,073 15,515

13,667 15,564 14,063 10,292

11,684 13,023 7,848 9,697

5,527 10,332 3,786 6,696

2,846 8,282 2,724 9,286

--5,338 --3,023





29053 29055 29057 29059 29061 29063 29065

Cooper ............................ Crawford ......................... Dade................................ Dallas............................... Daviess ............................ DeKalb............................. Dent ................................

20,311 13,576 15,613 13,181 17,605 12,531 13,245

22,532 12,959 18,125 13,903 21,325 14,418 12,986

22,707 11,961 17,526 12,647 20,456 14,539 12,149

21,596 10,756 12,557 9,263 19,145 13,334 10,646

20,692 7,982 8,683 8,383 14,410 9,858 6,357

17,356 5,823 7,072 5,892 9,606 5,224 5,654

12,950 6,397 4,246 3,648 5,298 2,075 ---

10,484 3,561 ----2,736 -----

6,904 1,712 -----------

6,959 -------------




29065.1 29067 29069 29071 29073 29075 29077 29079 29081 29083 29085

Dodge ............................. Douglas ........................... Dunklin ............................ Franklin............................ Gasconade....................... Gentry ............................. Greene ............................ Grundy ............................ Harrison ........................... Henry............................... Hickory ............................

--16,664 30,328 29,830 12,847 16,820 63,831 16,744 20,466 27,242 8,741

--16,802 21,706 30,581 12,298 20,554 52,713 17,832 24,398 28,054 9,985

--14,111 15,085 28,056 11,706 19,018 48,616 17,876 21,033 28,235 9,453

--7,753 9,604 26,534 11,153 17,176 28,801 15,185 20,304 23,906 7,387

--3,915 5,982 30,098 10,093 11,607 21,549 10,567 14,635 17,401 6,452

--2,414 5,026 18,085 8,727 11,980 13,186 7,887 10,626 9,866 4,705

375 --1,229 11,021 4,996 4,248 12,785 3,006 2,447 4,052 2,329

------7,515 5,330 --5,372 ----4,726 ---

------3,484 1,545 -------------

------2,379 ---------------




29087 29089 29091 29093 29095 29097 29099 29101

Holt ................................. Howard ........................... Howell ............................. Iron.................................. Jackson ............................ Jasper .............................. Jefferson .......................... Johnson ...........................

14,539 15,653 21,065 8,563 283,522 89,673 27,878 26,297

17,083 18,337 21,834 8,716 195,193 84,018 25,712 27,843

15,469 17,371 18,618 9,119 160,510 50,500 22,484 28,132

15,509 18,428 8,814 8,183 82,325 32,019 18,736 28,172

11,652 17,233 4,218 6,278 55,041 14,928 15,380 24,648

6,550 15,946 3,169 5,842 22,913 6,883 10,344 14,644

3,957 13,969 ----14,000 4,223 6,928 7,464

--13,108 ----7,612 --4,296 4,471

--10,854 ----2,823 --2,592 ---

--13,426 --------1,835 ---




Part C — Counties 109

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










29103 29105 29107 29109 29111 29113 29115 29117 29119 29121 29123

MISSOURI cnt’d Knox .................................... Laclede ................................ Lafayette.............................. Lawrence ............................. Lewis ................................... Lincoln ................................. Linn ..................................... Livingston ............................ McDonald ............................ Macon ................................. Madison ..............................

1850 1850 1830 1850 1840 1820 1840 1840 1850 1840 1820

4,131 35,571 33,381 38,634 10,211 52,566 12,761 15,195 23,083 15,566 12,226

4,361 32,513 32,960 35,204 10,494 38,944 13,754 14,558 21,681 15,762 11,800

4,482 27,158 31,107 30,236 10,233 28,892 13,885 14,592 16,938 15,345 11,127

5,508 24,323 29,925 28,973 10,901 22,193 15,495 15,739 14,917 16,313 10,725

5,692 19,944 26,626 24,585 10,993 18,041 15,125 15,368 12,357 15,432 8,641

6,558 18,991 25,274 23,260 10,984 14,783 16,815 15,771 11,798 16,473 9,366

7,617 19,010 25,272 23,420 10,733 13,478 18,865 16,532 14,144 18,332 10,380

8,878 18,718 27,856 24,637 11,490 14,395 21,416 18,000 15,749 21,396 9,656

9,658 16,320 29,259 23,774 12,093 13,929 23,339 18,615 13,936 23,070 9,418

10,783 16,857 30,006 24,211 13,465 15,956 24,778 18,857 14,690 27,518 10,721

29125 29127 29129 29131 29133 29135 29137 29139 29141 29143 29145 29147

Maries ................................. Marion................................. Mercer ................................. Miller ................................... Mississippi............................ Moniteau ............................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Morgan ............................... New Madrid......................... Newton ............................... Nodaway .............................

1860 1830 1850 1840 1850 1850 1840 1820 1840 1810 1840 1850

9,176 28,781 3,785 24,748 14,358 15,607 8,840 12,236 20,565 18,956 58,114 23,370

8,903 28,289 3,757 23,564 13,427 14,827 9,311 12,136 19,309 19,760 52,636 21,912

7,976 27,682 3,723 20,700 14,442 12,298 9,104 11,355 15,574 20,928 44,445 21,709

7,551 28,638 4,685 18,532 15,726 12,068 9,716 11,537 13,807 22,945 40,555 21,996

6,851 28,121 4,910 15,026 16,647 10,742 9,542 11,000 10,068 23,420 32,901 22,467

7,282 29,522 5,750 13,800 20,695 10,500 10,688 11,097 9,476 31,350 30,093 22,215

7,423 29,765 7,235 13,734 22,551 10,840 11,314 11,555 10,207 39,444 28,240 24,033

8,638 31,576 8,766 14,798 23,149 11,775 13,195 12,442 11,140 39,787 29,039 25,556

8,368 33,493 9,350 16,728 15,762 12,173 13,466 13,011 10,968 30,262 26,959 26,371

9,500 30,226 11,281 15,567 12,860 13,532 16,414 15,233 12,015 25,180 24,886 27,744

29149 29151 29153 29155 29157 29159 29161 29163 29165 29167 29169

Oregon ................................ Osage .................................. Ozark................................... Pemiscot .............................. Perry .................................... Pettis ................................... Phelps .................................. Pike ..................................... Platte ................................... Polk ..................................... Pulaski .................................

1850 1850 1850 1860 1830 1840 1860 1820 1840 1840 1840

10,881 13,878 9,723 18,296 18,971 42,201 45,156 18,516 89,322 31,137 52,274

10,344 13,062 9,542 20,047 18,132 39,403 39,825 18,351 73,781 26,992 41,165

9,470 12,018 8,598 21,921 16,648 35,437 35,248 15,969 57,867 21,826 41,307

10,238 12,014 7,961 24,987 16,784 36,378 33,633 17,568 46,341 18,822 42,011

9,180 10,994 6,226 26,373 14,393 34,137 29,481 16,928 32,081 15,415 53,781

9,845 10,867 6,744 38,095 14,642 35,120 25,396 16,706 23,350 13,753 46,567

11,978 11,301 8,856 45,624 14,890 31,577 21,504 16,844 14,973 16,062 10,392

13,390 12,375 10,766 46,857 15,358 33,336 17,437 18,327 13,862 17,400 10,775

12,220 12,462 9,537 37,284 13,707 34,664 15,308 18,001 13,819 17,803 10,755

12,889 13,559 11,125 26,634 14,434 35,813 14,941 20,345 13,996 20,351 10,490

29171 29173 29175 29177 29179 29181 29183 29185 29186 29187 29189

Putnam ................................ Ralls ..................................... Randolph ............................. Ray ...................................... Reynolds .............................. Ripley................................... St. Charles ........................... St. Clair................................ Ste. Genevieve ..................... St. Francois .......................... St. Louis ...............................

1850 1830 1830 1830 1850 1840 1810 1850 1810 1830 1810

4,979 10,167 25,414 23,494 6,696 14,100 360,485 9,805 18,145 65,359 998,954

5,223 9,626 24,663 23,354 6,689 13,509 283,883 9,652 17,842 55,641 1,016,315

5,079 8,476 24,370 21,971 6,661 12,303 212,907 8,457 16,037 48,904 993,529

6,092 8,911 25,460 21,378 7,230 12,458 144,107 8,622 15,180 42,600 973,896

5,916 7,764 22,434 17,599 6,106 9,803 92,954 7,667 12,867 36,818 951,353

6,999 8,078 22,014 16,075 5,161 9,096 52,970 8,421 12,116 36,516 703,532

9,166 8,686 22,918 15,932 6,918 11,414 29,834 10,482 11,237 35,276 406,349

11,327 10,040 24,458 18,584 9,370 12,606 25,562 13,146 10,905 35,950 274,230

11,503 10,704 26,431 19,846 8,923 11,176 24,354 13,289 10,097 35,832 211,593

13,115 10,412 27,633 20,508 10,106 12,061 22,828 15,341 9,809 31,403 100,737

29195 29197 29199 29201 29203 29205 29207 29209 29211 29213 29215

Saline................................... Schuyler ............................... Scotland .............................. Scott .................................... Shannon .............................. Shelby.................................. Stoddard.............................. Stone ................................... Sullivan ................................ Taney ................................... Texas....................................

1830 1850 1850 1830 1850 1840 1840 1860 1850 1840 1850

23,370 4,431 4,843 39,191 8,441 6,373 29,968 32,202 6,714 51,675 26,008

23,756 4,170 4,983 40,422 8,324 6,799 29,705 28,658 7,219 39,703 23,003

23,523 4,236 4,822 39,376 7,613 6,942 28,895 19,078 6,326 25,561 21,476

24,919 4,979 5,415 39,647 7,885 7,826 29,009 15,587 7,434 20,467 21,070

24,633 4,665 5,499 33,250 7,196 7,906 25,771 9,921 7,572 13,023 18,320

25,148 5,052 6,484 32,748 7,087 9,063 29,490 8,176 8,783 10,238 17,758

26,694 5,760 7,332 32,842 8,377 9,730 33,463 9,748 11,299 9,863 18,992

29,416 6,627 8,557 30,377 11,831 11,224 33,009 11,298 13,701 10,323 19,813

30,598 6,951 8,853 24,913 10,894 11,983 27,452 11,614 15,212 8,867 18,580

28,826 8,383 10,700 23,409 11,865 13,617 29,755 11,941 17,781 8,178 20,548

29217 29219 29221 29223 29225 29227 29229 29510

Vernon ................................ Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Worth .................................. Wright ................................. St. Louis city.........................

1860 1840 1820 1820 1860 1870 1850 1880

21,159 32,513 25,195 13,521 36,202 2,171 18,815 319,294

20,454 24,525 23,344 13,259 31,045 2,382 17,955 348,189

19,041 19,534 20,380 11,543 23,753 2,440 16,758 396,685

19,806 14,900 17,983 11,277 20,414 3,008 16,188 453,085

19,065 9,699 15,086 8,546 15,562 3,359 13,667 622,236

20,540 8,750 14,346 8,638 13,753 3,936 14,183 750,026

22,685 7,666 14,689 10,514 15,072 5,120 15,834 856,796

25,586 7,734 17,492 12,794 17,226 6,345 17,967 816,048

25,031 8,082 14,450 12,243 16,148 6,535 16,741 821,960

26,069 8,490 13,803 13,012 16,609 7,642 17,733 772,897

110 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













29103 29105 29107 29109 29111 29113 29115 29117 29119 29121 29123

MISSOURI cnt’d Knox ................................ Laclede ............................ Lafayette.......................... Lawrence ......................... Lewis ............................... Lincoln ............................. Linn ................................. Livingston ........................ McDonald ........................ Macon ............................. Madison ..........................

12,403 17,363 30,154 26,583 15,514 17,033 25,253 19,453 13,539 30,868 11,273

13,479 16,523 31,679 31,662 16,724 18,352 25,503 22,302 13,574 33,018 9,975

13,501 14,701 30,184 26,228 15,935 18,346 24,121 20,668 11,283 30,575 9,268

13,047 11,524 25,710 17,583 15,925 17,426 20,016 20,196 7,816 26,222 8,876

10,974 9,380 22,623 13,067 15,114 15,960 15,900 16,730 5,226 23,230 5,849

8,727 5,182 20,098 8,846 12,286 14,210 9,112 7,417 4,038 14,346 5,664

2,894 2,498 13,690 4,859 6,578 9,421 4,058 4,247 2,236 6,565 6,003

----6,815 --6,040 7,449 2,245 4,325 --6,034 3,395

----2,912 ----4,059 --------2,371

----------1,662 --------2,047




29125 29127 29129 29131 29133 29135 29137 29139 29141 29143 29145 29147

Maries ............................. Marion............................. Mercer ............................. Miller ............................... Mississippi........................ Moniteau ......................... Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Morgan ........................... New Madrid..................... Newton ........................... Nodaway .........................

10,088 30,572 12,335 16,717 14,557 14,375 18,304 15,604 12,863 19,488 27,136 28,833

9,616 26,331 14,706 15,187 11,837 15,931 19,716 16,571 12,175 11,280 27,001 32,938

8,600 26,233 14,581 14,162 10,134 15,630 20,790 16,850 12,311 9,317 22,108 30,914

7,304 24,837 14,673 9,805 9,270 14,346 19,071 16,249 10,132 7,694 18,947 29,544

5,916 23,780 11,557 6,616 4,982 11,375 17,149 10,405 8,434 6,357 12,821 14,751

4,901 18,838 9,300 6,812 4,859 10,124 14,785 9,718 8,202 5,654 9,319 5,252

--12,230 2,691 3,834 3,123 6,004 10,541 5,489 4,650 5,541 4,268 2,118

--9,623 --2,282 ----9,505 4,371 4,407 4,554 3,790 ---

--4,837 ----------3,902 --2,350 -----

--------------3,074 --2,296 -----

------------------2,103 -----



29149 29151 29153 29155 29157 29159 29161 29163 29165 29167 29169

Oregon ............................ Osage .............................. Ozark............................... Pemiscot .......................... Perry ................................ Pettis ............................... Phelps .............................. Pike ................................. Platte ............................... Polk ................................. Pulaski .............................

14,681 14,283 11,926 19,559 14,898 33,913 15,796 22,556 14,429 21,561 11,438

13,906 14,096 12,145 12,115 15,134 32,438 14,194 25,744 16,193 23,255 10,394

10,467 13,080 9,795 5,975 13,237 31,151 12,636 26,321 16,248 20,339 9,387

5,791 11,824 5,618 4,299 11,895 27,271 12,568 26,715 17,366 15,734 7,250

3,287 10,793 3,363 2,059 9,877 18,706 10,506 23,076 17,352 12,445 4,714

3,009 7,879 2,447 2,962 9,128 9,392 5,714 18,417 18,350 9,995 3,835

1,432 6,704 2,294 --7,215 5,150 --13,609 16,845 6,186 3,998

--------5,760 2,930 --10,646 8,913 8,449 6,529

--------3,349 ----6,129 -------

--------------3,747 -------




29171 29173

Putnam ............................ Ralls .................................

14,308 12,913

16,688 12,287

15,365 12,294

13,555 11,838

11,217 10,510

9,207 8,592

1,636 6,151







29175 29177 29179 29181 29183 29185 29186 29187 29189

Randolph ......................... Ray .................................. Reynolds .......................... Ripley............................... St. Charles ....................... St. Clair............................ Ste. Genevieve ................. St. Francois ...................... St. Louis ...........................

26,182 21,451 9,592 13,099 24,695 16,412 10,607 35,738 82,417

24,442 24,805 8,161 13,186 24,474 17,907 10,359 24,051 50,040

24,893 24,215 6,803 8,512 22,977 16,747 9,883 17,347 36,307

22,751 20,190 5,722 5,377 23,065 14,125 10,390 13,822 31,888

15,908 18,700 3,756 3,175 21,304 6,742 8,384 9,742 351,189

11,407 14,092 3,173 3,747 16,523 6,812 8,029 7,249 190,524

9,439 10,373 1,849 2,830 11,454 3,556 5,313 4,964 104,978

7,198 6,553 --2,856 7,911 --3,148 3,211 35,979

2,942 2,657 ----4,320 --2,186 2,366 14,125

--------3,970 --4,962 --10,049

--------3,505 --4,620 --5,667



29195 29197 29199 29201 29203 29205 29207 29209 29211 29213 29215

Saline............................... Schuyler ........................... Scotland .......................... Scott ................................ Shannon .......................... Shelby.............................. Stoddard.......................... Stone ............................... Sullivan ............................ Taney ............................... Texas................................

29,448 9,062 11,869 22,372 11,443 14,864 27,807 11,559 18,598 9,134 21,458

33,703 10,840 13,232 13,092 11,247 16,167 24,669 9,892 20,282 10,127 22,192

33,762 11,249 12,674 11,228 8,898 15,642 17,327 7,090 19,000 7,973 19,406

29,911 10,470 12,508 8,587 3,441 14,024 13,431 4,404 16,569 5,599 12,206

21,672 8,820 10,670 7,317 2,339 10,119 8,535 3,253 11,907 4,407 9,618

14,699 6,697 8,873 5,247 2,284 7,301 7,877 2,400 9,198 3,576 6,067

8,843 3,287 3,782 3,182 1,199 4,253 4,277 --2,983 4,373 2,312

5,258 ----5,974 --3,056 3,153 ----3,264 ---

2,873 ----2,136 ---------------





29217 29219 29221 29223 29225 29227 29229 29510

Vernon ............................ Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Worth .............................. Wright ............................. St. Louis city.....................

28,827 9,123 13,378 15,181 17,377 8,007 18,315 687,029

31,619 9,919 14,263 15,309 16,640 9,832 17,519 575,238

31,505 9,913 13,153 11,927 15,177 8,738 14,484 451,770

19,369 10,806 12,896 9,096 12,175 8,203 9,712 350,518

11,247 9,673 11,719 6,068 10,434 5,004 5,684 ---

4,850 8,839 9,723 5,629 7,099 --4,508 ---

--5,860 8,811 4,518 ----3,387 ---

--4,253 7,213 3,403 ---------

----6,784 3,264 ---------

----2,769 1,443 ---------




Part C — Counties 111

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010











MONTANA .........................












30001 30003 30005 30007 30009 30011 30013 30015 30017 30019 30021

Beaverhead .......................... Big Horn .............................. Blaine .................................. Broadwater .......................... Carbon ................................ Carter .................................. Cascade ............................... Chouteau ............................ Custer.................................. Daniels................................. Dawson ...............................

1870 1920 1920 1900 1900 1920 1890 1870 1870 1930 1870

9,246 12,865 6,491 5,612 10,078 1,160 81,327 5,813 11,699 1,751 8,966

9,202 12,671 7,009 4,385 9,552 1,360 80,357 5,970 11,696 2,017 9,059

8,424 11,337 6,728 3,318 8,080 1,503 77,691 5,452 11,697 2,266 9,505

8,186 11,096 6,999 3,267 8,099 1,799 80,696 6,092 13,109 2,835 11,805

8,187 10,057 6,727 2,526 7,080 1,956 81,804 6,473 12,174 3,083 11,269

7,194 10,007 8,091 2,804 8,317 2,493 73,418 7,348 13,227 3,755 12,314

6,671 9,824 8,516 2,922 10,241 2,798 53,027 6,974 12,661 3,946 9,092

6,943 10,419 9,566 3,451 11,865 3,280 41,999 7,316 10,422 4,563 8,618

6,654 8,543 9,006 2,738 12,571 4,136 41,146 8,635 11,242 5,553 9,881

7,369 7,015 9,057 3,239 15,279 3,972 38,836 11,051 12,194 --9,239

30023 30025 30027 30029 30031 30033 30035 30037 30039 30041 30043

Deer Lodge .......................... Fallon................................... Fergus.................................. Flathead............................... Gallatin ................................ Garfield ............................... Glacier ................................. Golden Valley....................... Granite ................................ Hill ....................................... Jefferson ..............................

1870 1920 1890 1900 1870 1920 1920 1930 1900 1920 1870

9,298 2,890 11,586 90,928 89,513 1,206 13,399 884 3,079 16,096 11,406

9,417 2,837 11,893 74,471 67,831 1,279 13,247 1,042 2,830 16,673 10,049

10,278 3,103 12,083 59,218 50,463 1,589 12,121 912 2,548 17,654 7,939

12,518 3,763 13,076 51,966 42,865 1,656 10,628 1,026 2,700 17,985 7,029

15,652 4,050 12,611 39,460 32,505 1,796 10,783 931 2,737 17,358 5,238

18,640 3,997 14,018 32,965 26,045 1,981 11,565 1,203 3,014 18,653 4,297

16,553 3,660 14,015 31,495 21,902 2,172 9,645 1,337 2,773 14,285 4,014

13,627 3,719 14,040 24,271 18,269 2,641 9,034 1,607 3,401 13,304 4,664

16,293 4,568 16,531 19,200 16,124 4,252 5,297 2,126 3,013 13,775 4,133

15,323 4,548 28,344 21,705 15,864 5,368 4,178 --4,167 13,958 5,203

30045 30047 30049 30051 30053 30055 30057 30059 30061 30063 30065 30067 30069 30071 30073 30075 30077 30079

Judith Basin ......................... Lake..................................... Lewis and Clark ................... Liberty ................................. Lincoln ................................. McCone............................... Madison .............................. Meagher .............................. Mineral ................................ Missoula .............................. Musselshell .......................... Park ..................................... Petroleum ............................ Phillips ................................. Pondera ............................... Powder River........................ Powell.................................. Prairie ..................................

1930 1930 1870 1920 1910 1920 1870 1870 1920 1870 1920 1890 1930 1920 1920 1920 1910 1920

2,072 28,746 63,395 2,339 19,687 1,734 7,691 1,891 4,223 109,299 4,538 15,636 494 4,253 6,153 1,743 7,027 1,179

2,329 26,507 55,716 2,158 18,837 1,977 6,851 1,932 3,884 95,802 4,497 15,694 493 4,601 6,424 1,858 7,180 1,199

2,282 21,041 47,495 2,295 17,481 2,276 5,989 1,819 3,315 78,687 4,106 14,562 519 5,163 6,433 2,090 6,620 1,383

2,646 19,056 43,039 2,329 17,752 2,702 5,448 2,154 3,675 76,016 4,428 12,869 655 5,367 6,731 2,520 6,958 1,836

2,667 14,445 33,281 2,359 18,063 2,875 5,014 2,122 2,958 58,263 3,734 11,197 675 5,386 6,611 2,862 6,660 1,752

3,085 13,104 28,006 2,624 12,537 3,321 5,211 2,616 3,037 44,663 4,888 13,168 894 6,027 7,653 2,485 7,002 2,318

3,200 13,835 24,540 2,180 8,693 3,258 5,998 2,079 2,081 35,493 5,408 11,999 1,026 6,334 6,392 2,693 6,301 2,377

3,655 13,490 22,131 2,209 7,882 3,798 7,294 2,237 2,135 29,038 5,717 11,566 1,083 7,892 6,716 3,159 6,152 2,410

5,238 9,541 18,224 2,198 7,089 4,790 6,323 2,272 1,626 21,782 7,242 10,922 2,045 8,208 6,964 3,909 6,202 3,941

----18,660 2,416 7,797 4,747 7,495 2,622 2,327 24,041 12,030 11,330 --9,311 5,741 3,357 6,909 3,684

30081 30083 30085 30087 30089 30091 30093 30095 30097 30099 30101

Ravalli .................................. Richland............................... Roosevelt ............................. Rosebud .............................. Sanders................................ Sheridan .............................. Silver Bow ............................ Stillwater ............................. Sweet Grass ......................... Teton ................................... Toole....................................

1900 1920 1920 1910 1910 1920 1890 1920 1900 1900 1920

40,212 9,746 10,425 9,233 11,413 3,384 34,200 9,117 3,651 6,073 5,324

36,070 9,667 10,620 9,383 10,227 4,105 34,606 8,195 3,609 6,445 5,267

25,010 10,716 10,999 10,505 8,669 4,732 33,941 6,536 3,154 6,271 5,046

22,493 12,243 10,467 9,899 8,675 5,414 38,092 5,598 3,216 6,491 5,559

14,409 9,837 10,365 6,032 7,093 5,779 41,981 4,632 2,980 6,116 5,839

12,341 10,504 11,731 6,187 6,880 6,458 46,454 5,526 3,290 7,295 7,904

13,101 10,366 9,580 6,570 6,983 6,674 48,422 5,416 3,621 7,232 6,867

12,978 10,209 9,806 6,477 6,926 7,814 53,207 5,694 3,719 6,922 6,769

10,315 9,633 10,672 7,347 5,692 9,869 56,969 6,253 3,944 6,068 6,714

10,098 8,989 10,347 8,002 4,903 13,847 60,313 7,630 4,926 5,870 3,724

30103 30105 30107 30109 30111 30113

Treasure ............................... Valley ................................... Wheatland ........................... Wibaux ................................ Yellowstone ......................... Yellowstone Nat.Pk.(pt.) .......

1920 1900 1920 1920 1890 1930

718 7,369 2,168 1,017 147,972 ---

861 7,675 2,259 1,068 129,352 ---

874 8,239 2,246 1,191 113,419 52

981 10,250 2,359 1,476 108,035 66

1,069 11,471 2,529 1,465 87,367 64

1,345 17,080 3,026 1,698 79,016 47

1,402 11,353 3,187 1,907 55,875 58

1,499 15,181 3,286 2,161 41,182 43

1,661 11,181 3,751 2,767 30,785 52

1,990 11,542 5,619 3,113 29,600 ---

112 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County


Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1860













MONTANA .....................














30001 30003 30005 30007 30009 30011 30013 30015 30017 30019 30021

Beaverhead ...................... Big Horn .......................... Blaine .............................. Broadwater ...................... Carbon ............................ Carter .............................. Cascade ........................... Chouteau ........................ Custer.............................. Daniels............................. Dawson ...........................

6,446 ----3,491 13,962 --28,833 17,191 14,123 --12,725

5,615 ----2,641 7,533 --25,777 10,966 7,891 --2,443

4,655 ----------8,755 4,741 5,308 --2,056

2,712 ------------3,058 2,510 --180

722 ------------517 38 --177









30023 30025 30027 30029 30031 30033 30035 30037 30039 30041 30043

Deer Lodge ...................... Fallon............................... Fergus.............................. Flathead........................... Gallatin ............................ Garfield ........................... Glacier ............................. Golden Valley................... Granite ............................ Hill ................................... Jefferson ..........................

12,988 --17,385 18,785 14,079 ------2,942 --5,601

17,393 --6,937 9,375 9,553 ------4,328 --5,330

15,155 --3,514 --6,246 ----------6,026

8,876 ------3,643 ----------2,464

4,367 ------1,578 ----------1,531









30045 30047 30049 30051 30053 30055 30057 30059 30061 30063 30065 30067 30069 30071

Judith Basin ..................... Lake................................. Lewis and Clark ............... Liberty ............................. Lincoln ............................. McCone........................... Madison .......................... Meagher .......................... Mineral ............................ Missoula .......................... Musselshell ...................... Park ................................. Petroleum ........................ Phillips .............................

----21,853 --3,638 --7,229 4,190 --23,596 --10,731 -----

----19,171 ------7,695 2,526 --13,964 --7,341 -----

----19,145 ------4,692 4,749 --14,427 --6,881 -----

----6,521 ------3,915 2,743 --2,537 ---------

----5,040 ------2,684 1,387 --2,554 ---------









30073 30075 30077 30079

Pondera ........................... Powder River.................... Powell.............................. Prairie ..............................

----5,904 ---













30081 30083 30085 30087 30089 30091 30093 30095 30097 30099 30101

Ravalli .............................. Richland........................... Roosevelt ......................... Rosebud .......................... Sanders............................ Sheridan .......................... Silver Bow ........................ Stillwater ......................... Sweet Grass ..................... Teton ............................... Toole................................

11,666 ----7,985 3,713 --56,848 --4,029 9,546 ---

7,822 ----------47,635 --3,086 5,080 ---

------------23,744 ---------











30103 30105 30107 30109 30111 30113

Treasure ........................... Valley ............................... Wheatland ....................... Wibaux ............................ Yellowstone ..................... Yellowstone Nat.Pk.(pt.) ...

--13,630 ----22,944 ---

--4,355 ----6,212 ---

--------2,065 ---











Part C — Counties 113

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census


NEBRASKA .........................












31001 31003 31005 31007 31009 31011 31013 31015 31017 31019 31021

Adams ................................. Antelope.............................. Arthur.................................. Banner ................................. Blaine .................................. Boone .................................. Box Butte ............................. Boyd .................................... Brown.................................. Buffalo................................. Burt .....................................

1870 1880 1890 1890 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1860 1860

31,364 6,685 460 690 478 5,505 11,308 2,099 3,145 46,102 6,858

31,151 7,452 444 819 583 6,259 12,158 2,438 3,525 42,259 7,791

29,625 7,965 462 852 675 6,667 13,130 2,835 3,657 37,447 7,868

30,656 8,675 513 918 867 7,391 13,696 3,331 4,377 34,797 8,813

30,553 9,047 606 1,034 847 8,190 10,094 3,752 4,021 31,222 9,247

28,944 10,176 680 1,269 1,016 9,134 11,688 4,513 4,436 26,236 10,192

28,855 11,624 803 1,325 1,203 10,721 12,279 4,911 5,164 25,134 11,536

24,576 13,289 1,045 1,403 1,538 12,127 10,736 6,060 5,962 23,655 12,546

26,275 15,206 1,344 1,676 1,584 14,738 11,861 7,169 5,772 24,338 13,062

22,621 15,243 1,412 1,435 1,778 14,146 8,407 8,243 6,749 23,787 12,559

31023 31025 31027 31029 31031 31033 31033.1 31035 31037 31039 31041

Butler................................... Cass..................................... Cedar .................................. Chase .................................. Cherry ................................. Cheyenne ............................ Clay (old) ............................. Clay ..................................... Colfax .................................. Cuming ............................... Custer..................................

1860 1860 1860 1880 1890 1870 1860 1870 1870 1860 1880

8,395 25,241 8,852 3,966 5,713 9,998 --6,542 10,515 9,139 10,939

8,767 24,334 9,615 4,068 6,148 9,830 --7,039 10,441 10,203 11,793

8,601 21,318 10,131 4,381 6,307 9,494 --7,123 9,139 10,117 12,270

9,330 20,297 11,375 4,758 6,758 10,057 --8,106 9,890 11,664 13,877

9,461 18,076 12,192 4,129 6,846 10,778 --8,266 9,498 12,034 14,092

10,312 17,821 13,368 4,317 8,218 14,828 --8,717 9,595 12,435 16,517

11,432 16,361 13,843 5,176 8,397 12,081 --8,700 10,010 12,994 19,170

13,106 16,992 15,126 5,310 9,637 9,505 --10,445 10,627 13,562 22,591

14,410 17,684 16,427 5,484 10,898 10,187 --13,571 11,434 14,327 26,189

14,606 18,029 16,225 4,939 11,753 8,405 --14,486 11,624 13,769 26,407

31043 31045 31047 31049 31051 31053 31055 31057 31059 31061 31063

Dakota................................. Dawes ................................. Dawson ............................... Deuel ................................... Dixon ................................... Dodge ................................. Douglas ............................... Dundy.................................. Fillmore................................ Franklin................................ Frontier ................................

1860 1890 1860 1890 1860 1860 1860 1880 1870 1870 1880

21,006 9,182 24,326 1,941 6,000 36,691 517,110 2,008 5,890 3,225 2,756

20,253 9,060 24,365 2,098 6,339 36,160 463,585 2,292 6,634 3,574 3,099

16,742 9,021 19,940 2,237 6,143 34,500 416,444 2,582 7,103 3,938 3,101

16,573 9,609 22,304 2,462 7,137 35,847 397,038 2,861 7,920 4,377 3,647

13,137 9,693 19,467 2,717 7,453 34,782 389,455 2,926 8,137 4,566 3,982

12,168 9,536 19,405 3,125 8,106 32,471 343,490 3,570 9,425 5,449 4,311

10,401 9,708 19,393 3,330 9,129 26,265 281,020 4,354 9,610 7,096 5,282

9,836 10,128 17,890 3,580 10,413 23,799 247,562 5,122 11,417 7,740 6,417

9,505 11,493 17,875 3,992 11,586 25,273 232,982 5,610 12,971 9,094 8,114

7,694 10,160 16,004 3,282 11,815 23,197 204,524 4,869 13,671 10,067 8,540

31065 31067 31069 31071 31073 31073.1 31075 31077 31079 31081 31083

Furnas.................................. Gage ................................... Garden ................................ Garfield ............................... Gosper................................. Grant (old) ........................... Grant ................................... Greeley ................................ Hall ...................................... Hamilton.............................. Harlan..................................

1880 1860 1910 1890 1880 1870 1890 1880 1860 1870 1880

4,959 22,311 2,057 2,049 2,044 --614 2,538 58,607 9,124 3,423

5,324 22,993 2,292 1,902 2,143 --747 2,714 53,534 9,403 3,786

5,553 22,794 2,460 2,141 1,928 --769 3,006 48,925 8,862 3,810

6,486 24,456 2,802 2,363 2,140 --877 3,462 47,690 9,301 4,292

6,897 25,719 2,929 2,411 2,178 --1,019 4,000 42,851 8,867 4,357

7,711 26,818 3,472 2,699 2,489 --1,009 4,595 35,757 8,714 5,081

9,385 28,052 4,114 2,912 2,734 --1,057 5,575 32,186 8,778 7,189

10,098 29,588 4,680 3,444 3,687 --1,327 6,845 27,523 9,982 7,130

12,140 30,242 5,099 3,207 4,287 --1,427 8,442 27,117 12,159 8,957

11,657 29,721 4,572 3,496 4,669 --1,486 8,685 23,720 13,237 9,220

31083.1 31085 31087 31089 31091 31093 31093.1 31095 31097 31097.1 31099

Harrison ............................... Hayes................................... Hitchcock............................. Holt ..................................... Hooker ................................ Howard ............................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Johnson ............................... Jones ................................... Kearney ...............................

1870 1880 1880 1880 1890 1880 1870 1870 1860 1860 1860

--967 2,908 10,435 736 6,274 --7,547 5,217 --6,489

--1,068 3,111 11,551 783 6,567 --8,333 4,488 --6,882

--1,222 3,750 12,599 793 6,055 --8,759 4,673 --6,629

--1,356 4,079 13,552 990 6,773 --9,817 5,285 --7,053

--1,530 4,051 12,933 939 6,807 --10,436 5,743 --6,707

--1,919 4,829 13,722 1,130 6,541 --11,620 6,281 --6,580

--2,404 5,867 14,859 1,061 7,226 --13,623 7,251 --6,409

--2,958 6,404 16,552 1,253 8,422 --15,532 8,662 --6,854

--3,603 7,269 16,509 1,180 10,020 --16,409 9,157 --8,094

--3,327 6,045 17,151 1,378 10,739 --16,140 8,940 --8,583

31101 31103 31105 31107 31109 31111

Keith.................................... Keya Paha ............................ Kimball ................................ Knox .................................... Lancaster ............................. Lincoln .................................

1880 1890 1890 1860 1860 1870

8,368 824 3,821 8,701 285,407 36,288

8,875 983 4,089 9,374 250,291 34,632

8,584 1,029 4,108 9,534 213,641 32,508

9,364 1,301 4,882 11,457 192,884 36,455

8,487 1,340 6,009 11,723 167,972 29,538

7,958 1,672 7,975 13,300 155,272 28,491

7,449 2,160 4,283 14,820 119,742 27,380

8,333 3,235 3,913 16,478 100,585 25,425

6,721 3,203 4,675 19,110 100,324 25,627

5,294 3,594 4,498 18,894 85,902 23,420


114 County and City Extra










Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued Resident population enumerated by census (continued)

STATE/ County code

STATE County


NEBRASKA .....................

31001 31003 31005 31007 31009 31011 31013 31015 31017 31019 31021

Adams ............................. Antelope.......................... Arthur.............................. Banner ............................. Blaine .............................. Boone .............................. Box Butte ......................... Boyd ................................ Brown.............................. Buffalo............................. Burt .................................

20,900 14,003 --1,444 1,672 13,145 6,131 8,826 6,083 21,907 12,726

18,840 11,344 --1,114 603 11,689 5,572 7,332 3,470 20,254 13,040

31023 31025 31027 31029 31031 31033 31033.1 31035 31037 31039 31041

Butler............................... Cass................................. Cedar .............................. Chase .............................. Cherry ............................. Cheyenne ........................ Clay (old) ......................... Clay ................................. Colfax .............................. Cuming ........................... Custer..............................

15,403 19,786 15,191 3,613 10,414 4,551 --15,729 11,610 13,782 25,668

31043 31045 31047 31049 31051 31053 31055 31057 31059 31061 31063

Dakota............................. Dawes ............................. Dawson ........................... Deuel ............................... Dixon ............................... Dodge ............................. Douglas ........................... Dundy.............................. Fillmore............................ Franklin............................ Frontier ............................

31065 31067





















24,303 10,399 91 2,435 1,146 8,683 5,494 695 4,359 22,162 11,069

10,235 3,953 ------4,170 ------7,531 6,937

19 ----------------193 2,847

------------------114 388








15,703 21,330 12,467 2,559 6,541 5,570 --15,735 11,211 14,584 19,758

15,454 24,080 7,028 4,807 6,428 5,693 --16,310 10,453 12,265 21,677

9,194 16,683 2,899 70 --1,558 --11,294 6,588 5,569 2,211

1,290 8,151 1,032 ----190 --54 1,424 2,964 ---

27 3,369 246 ------165 ----67 ---








6,564 8,254 15,961 1,786 11,477 22,145 168,546 4,098 14,674 10,303 8,572

6,286 6,215 12,214 2,630 10,535 22,298 140,590 2,434 15,087 9,455 8,781

5,386 9,722 10,129 2,893 8,084 19,260 158,008 4,012 16,022 7,693 8,497

3,213 --2,909 --4,177 11,263 37,645 37 10,204 5,465 934

2,040 --103 --1,345 4,212 19,982 --238 26 ---

819 --16 --247 309 4,328 ---------








Furnas.............................. Gage ...............................

12,083 30,325

12,373 30,051

9,840 36,344

6,407 13,164










31069 31071 31073 31073.1 31075 31077 31079 31081 31083

Garden ............................ Garfield ........................... Gosper............................. Grant (old) ....................... Grant ............................... Greeley ............................ Hall .................................. Hamilton.......................... Harlan..............................

3,538 3,417 4,933 --1,097 8,047 20,361 13,459 9,578

--2,127 5,301 --763 5,691 17,206 13,330 9,370

--1,659 4,816 --458 4,869 16,513 14,096 8,158

----1,673 ----1,461 8,572 8,267 6,086

------484 ----1,057 130 ---

------------116 -----








31083.1 31085 31087 31089 31091 31093 31093.1 31095 31097 31097.1 31099

Harrison ........................... Hayes............................... Hitchcock......................... Holt ................................. Hooker ............................ Howard ........................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Johnson ........................... Jones ............................... Kearney ...........................

--3,011 5,415 15,545 981 10,783 --16,852 10,187 --9,106

--2,708 4,409 12,224 432 10,343 --15,196 11,197 --9,866

--3,953 5,799 13,672 426 9,430 --14,850 10,333 --9,061

--119 1,012 3,287 --4,391 --8,096 7,595 --4,072

631 ----------9 2,440 3,429 --58

----------------528 122 474








31101 31103 31105 31107 31109 31111

Keith................................ Keya Paha ........................ Kimball ............................ Knox ................................ Lancaster ......................... Lincoln .............................

3,692 3,452 1,942 18,358 73,793 15,684

1,951 3,076 758 14,343 64,835 11,416

2,556 3,920 959 8,582 76,395 10,441

194 ----3,666 28,090 3,632

------261 7,074 17

------152 153 ---








1,192,214 1,066,300 1,062,656




Part C — Counties 115

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










31113 31115 31115.1 31117 31119 31121 31121.1 31123 31125 31127

NEBRASKA cnt’d Logan .................................. Loup .................................... Lyon .................................... McPherson........................... Madison .............................. Merrick ................................ Monroe ............................... Morrill.................................. Nance .................................. Nemaha ...............................

1890 1890 1870 1890 1870 1860 1870 1910 1870 1860

763 632 --539 34,876 7,845 --5,042 3,735 7,248

774 712 --533 35,226 8,204 --5,440 4,038 7,576

878 683 --546 32,655 8,042 --5,423 4,275 7,980

983 859 --593 31,382 8,945 --6,085 4,740 8,367

991 854 --623 27,402 8,751 --5,813 5,142 8,976

1,108 1,097 --735 25,145 8,363 --7,057 5,635 9,099

1,357 1,348 --825 24,338 8,812 --8,263 6,512 10,973

1,742 1,777 --1,175 24,269 9,354 --9,436 7,653 12,781

2,014 1,818 --1,358 26,037 10,619 --9,950 8,718 12,356

1,596 1,946 --1,692 22,511 10,763 --9,151 8,712 12,547

31127.1 31129 31131 31133 31135 31137 31139 31141 31143 31145 31147

Nuckolls (old) ....................... Nuckolls ............................... Otoe .................................... Pawnee................................ Perkins ................................. Phelps .................................. Pierce................................... Platte ................................... Polk ..................................... Red Willow .......................... Richardson ...........................

1860 1870 1860 1860 1890 1880 1870 1860 1860 1880 1860

--4,500 15,740 2,773 2,970 9,188 7,266 32,237 5,406 11,055 8,363

--5,057 15,396 3,087 3,200 9,747 7,857 31,662 5,639 11,448 9,531

--5,786 14,252 3,317 3,367 9,715 7,827 29,820 5,675 11,705 9,937

--6,726 15,183 3,937 3,637 9,769 8,481 28,852 6,320 12,615 11,315

--7,404 15,576 4,473 3,423 9,553 8,493 26,508 6,468 12,191 12,277

--8,217 16,503 5,356 4,189 9,800 8,722 23,992 7,210 12,940 13,903

--9,609 17,056 6,744 4,809 9,048 9,405 19,910 8,044 12,977 16,886

--10,446 18,994 8,514 5,197 8,452 10,211 20,191 8,748 11,951 19,178

--12,629 19,901 9,423 5,834 9,261 11,080 21,181 10,092 13,859 19,826

--13,236 19,494 9,578 3,967 9,900 10,681 19,464 10,714 11,434 18,968

31149 31151 31153 31155 31157 31159 31161 31163 31163.1 31165 31167

Rock .................................... Saline................................... Sarpy ................................... Saunders.............................. Scotts Bluff .......................... Seward ................................ Sheridan .............................. Sherman .............................. Shorter ................................ Sioux ................................... Stanton................................

1890 1860 1860 1860 1890 1860 1890 1880 1860 1880 1870

1,526 14,200 158,840 20,780 36,970 16,750 5,469 3,152 --1,311 6,129

1,756 13,843 122,595 19,830 36,951 16,496 6,198 3,318 --1,475 6,455

2,019 12,715 102,583 18,285 36,025 15,450 6,750 3,718 --1,549 6,244

2,383 13,131 86,015 18,716 38,344 15,789 7,544 4,226 --1,845 6,549

2,231 12,809 63,696 17,018 36,432 14,460 7,285 4,725 --2,034 5,758

2,554 12,542 31,281 17,270 33,809 13,581 9,049 5,382 --2,575 5,783

3,026 14,046 15,693 16,923 33,939 13,155 9,539 6,421 --3,124 6,387

3,977 15,010 10,835 17,892 33,917 14,167 9,869 7,764 --4,001 6,887

3,366 16,356 10,402 20,167 28,644 15,938 10,793 9,122 --4,667 7,809

3,703 16,514 9,370 20,589 20,710 15,867 9,625 8,877 --4,528 7,756

31167.1 31169 31171 31173 31175 31177 31179 31181 31183 31183.1 31185

Taylor ................................... Thayer ................................. Thomas................................ Thurston .............................. Valley ................................... Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Wheeler ............................... Winnebago Ind. Res. ............ York .....................................

1870 1880 1890 1870 1880 1860 1870 1870 1880 1870 1870

--5,228 647 6,940 4,260 20,234 9,595 3,812 818 --13,665

--6,055 729 7,171 4,647 18,780 9,851 4,061 886 --14,598

--6,635 851 6,936 5,169 16,607 9,364 4,279 948 --14,428

--7,582 973 7,186 5,633 15,508 9,858 4,858 1,060 --14,798

--7,779 954 6,942 5,783 13,310 10,400 6,477 1,054 --13,685

--9,118 1,078 7,237 6,590 12,103 9,959 6,224 1,297 --13,724

--10,563 1,206 8,590 7,252 11,511 10,129 7,395 1,526 --14,346

--12,262 1,553 10,243 8,163 11,578 9,880 8,071 2,170 --14,874

--13,684 1,510 10,462 9,533 12,095 10,566 10,210 2,335 --17,239

--13,976 1,773 9,589 9,823 12,180 9,725 10,922 2,531 --17,146


NEVADA .............................












32000.9 32001 32003 32005 32007 32009 32011 32013 32015 32017 32019

Carson ................................. Churchill .............................. Clark.................................... Douglas ............................... Elko ..................................... Esmeralda ............................ Eureka ................................. Humboldt ............................ Lander ................................. Lincoln ................................. Lyon ....................................

1860 1870 1910 1870 1870 1870 1880 1860 1870 1870 1870

--24,877 1,951,269 46,997 48,818 783 1,987 16,528 5,775 5,345 51,980

--23,982 1,375,765 41,259 45,291 971 1,651 16,106 5,794 4,165 34,501

--17,938 741,459 27,637 33,530 1,344 1,547 12,844 6,266 3,775 20,001

--13,917 463,087 19,421 17,269 777 1,198 9,434 4,076 3,732 13,594

--10,513 273,288 6,882 13,958 629 948 6,375 2,666 2,557 8,221

--8,452 127,016 3,481 12,011 619 767 5,708 1,566 2,431 6,143

--6,161 48,289 2,029 11,654 614 896 4,838 1,850 3,837 3,679

--5,317 16,414 2,056 10,912 1,554 1,361 4,743 1,745 4,130 4,076

--5,075 8,532 1,840 9,960 1,077 1,333 3,795 1,714 3,601 3,810

--4,649 4,859 1,825 8,083 2,410 1,350 3,743 1,484 2,287 4,078

32021 32023 32027 32027.1 32027.2 32027.3

Mineral ................................ Nye ...................................... Pershing............................... Rio Virgin ............................. Roop.................................... St. Marys .............................

1920 1870 1920 1870 1870 1860

4,772 43,946 6,753 -------

5,071 32,485 6,693 -------

6,475 17,781 4,336 -------

6,217 9,048 3,408 -------

7,051 5,599 2,670 -------

6,329 4,374 3,199 -------

5,560 3,101 3,103 -------

2,342 3,606 2,713 -------

1,863 3,989 2,652 -------

1,848 6,504 2,803 -------

116 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













31113 31115 31115.1 31117 31119 31121 31121.1 31123 31125 31127

NEBRASKA cnt’d Logan .............................. Loup ................................ Lyon ................................ McPherson....................... Madison .......................... Merrick ............................ Monroe ........................... Morrill.............................. Nance .............................. Nemaha ...........................

1,521 2,188 --2,470 19,101 10,379 --4,584 8,926 13,095

960 1,305 --517 16,976 9,255 ----8,222 14,952

1,378 1,662 --401 13,669 8,758 ----5,773 12,930

--------5,589 5,341 ----1,212 10,451

----78 --1,133 557 235 --44 7,593

----------109 ------3,139








31127.1 31129 31131 31133 31135 31137 31139 31141 31143 31145 31147

Nuckolls (old) ................... Nuckolls ........................... Otoe ................................ Pawnee............................ Perkins ............................. Phelps .............................. Pierce............................... Platte ............................... Polk ................................. Red Willow ...................... Richardson .......................

--13,019 19,323 10,582 2,570 10,451 10,122 19,006 10,521 11,056 17,448

--12,414 22,288 11,770 1,702 10,772 8,445 17,747 10,542 9,604 19,614

--11,417 25,403 10,340 4,364 9,869 4,864 15,437 10,817 8,837 17,574

--4,235 15,727 6,920 --2,447 1,202 9,511 6,846 3,044 15,031

--8 12,345 4,171 ----152 1,899 136 --9,780

22 --4,211 882 ------782 19 --2,835








31149 31151 31153 31155 31157 31159 31161 31163 31163.1 31165 31167

Rock ................................ Saline............................... Sarpy ............................... Saunders.......................... Scotts Bluff ...................... Seward ............................ Sheridan .......................... Sherman .......................... Shorter ............................ Sioux ............................... Stanton............................

3,627 17,866 9,274 21,179 8,355 15,895 7,328 8,278 --5,599 7,542

2,809 18,252 9,080 22,085 2,552 15,690 6,033 6,550 --2,055 6,959

3,083 20,097 6,875 21,577 1,888 16,140 8,687 6,399 --2,452 4,619

--14,491 4,481 15,810 --11,147 --2,061 --699 1,813

--3,106 2,913 4,547 --2,953 --------636

--39 1,201 41 --16 ----117 -----








31167.1 31169 31171 31173

Taylor ............................... Thayer ............................. Thomas............................ Thurston ..........................

--14,775 1,191 8,704

--14,325 628 6,517

--12,738 517 3,176

--6,113 --109

97 ----31









31175 31177 31179 31181 31183 31183.1 31185

Valley ............................... Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Wheeler ........................... Winnebago Ind. Res. ........ York .................................

9,480 12,738 10,397 12,008 2,292 --18,721

7,339 13,086 9,862 11,619 1,362 --18,205

7,092 11,869 6,169 11,210 1,683 --17,279

2,324 8,631 813 7,104 644 --11,170

--4,452 182 16 --31 604

--1,249 -----------









NEVADA .........................














32000.9 32001 32003 32005 32007 32009 32011 32013 32015 32017 32019

Carson ............................. Churchill .......................... Clark................................ Douglas ........................... Elko ................................. Esmeralda ........................ Eureka ............................. Humboldt ........................ Lander ............................. Lincoln ............................. Lyon ................................

--2,811 3,321 1,895 8,133 9,369 1,830 6,825 1,786 3,489 3,568

--830 --1,534 5,688 1,972 1,954 4,463 1,534 3,284 2,268

--703 --1,551 4,794 2,148 3,275 3,434 2,266 2,466 1,987

--479 --1,581 5,716 3,220 7,086 3,480 3,624 2,637 2,409

--196 --1,215 3,447 1,553 --1,916 2,815 2,985 1,837

6,712 ------------40 -------








32021 32023 32027 32027.1 32027.2 32027.3

Mineral ............................ Nye .................................. Pershing........................... Rio Virgin ......................... Roop................................ St. Marys .........................

--7,513 ---------

--1,140 ---------

--1,290 ---------

--1,875 ----286 ---

--1,087 --450 133 ---









Part C — Counties 117

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010





1870 1870 1870 1870

4,010 421,407 10,030 55,274

3,399 339,486 9,181 52,457

2,526 254,667 9,264 40,443

1,503 193,623 8,167 32,022

695 121,068 10,150 15,468

568 84,743 9,808 8,063

671 50,205 9,424 4,172

1,216 32,476 12,377 3,209

667 27,158 11,771 2,221

1,469 18,627 8,935 2,453

NEW HAMPSHIRE ..............












33001 33003 33005 33007 33009 33011 33013 33015 33017 33019

Belknap ............................... Carroll ................................. Cheshire .............................. Coos .................................... Grafton................................ Hillsborough ........................ Merrimack ........................... Rockingham......................... Strafford .............................. Sullivan ................................

1850 1850 1790 1810 1790 1790 1830 1790 1790 1830

60,088 47,818 77,117 33,055 89,118 400,721 146,445 295,223 123,143 43,742

56,325 43,666 73,825 33,111 81,743 380,841 136,225 277,359 112,233 40,458

49,216 35,410 70,121 34,828 74,929 336,073 120,005 245,845 104,233 38,592

42,884 27,931 62,116 35,147 65,806 276,608 98,302 190,345 85,408 36,063

32,367 18,548 52,364 34,291 54,914 223,941 80,925 138,951 70,431 30,949

28,912 15,829 43,342 37,140 48,857 178,161 67,785 99,029 59,799 28,067

26,632 15,868 38,811 35,932 47,923 156,987 63,022 70,059 51,567 26,441

24,328 15,589 34,953 39,274 44,645 144,888 60,710 58,142 43,553 25,442

22,623 14,277 33,685 38,959 42,816 140,165 56,152 53,750 38,580 24,286

21,178 15,017 30,975 36,093 40,572 135,512 51,770 52,498 38,546 20,922


NEW JERSEY ......................












34001 34003 34005 34007 34009 34011 34013 34015 34017 34019 34021

Atlantic ................................ Bergen ................................. Burlington............................ Camden............................... Cape May ............................ Cumberland......................... Essex.................................... Gloucester ........................... Hudson ................................ Hunterdon ........................... Mercer .................................

1840 1790 1790 1850 1790 1790 1790 1790 1840 1790 1840

274,549 905,116 448,734 513,657 97,265 156,898 783,969 288,288 634,266 128,349 366,513

252,552 884,118 423,394 508,932 102,326 146,438 793,633 254,673 608,975 121,989 350,761

224,327 825,380 395,066 502,824 95,089 138,053 778,206 230,082 553,099 107,776 325,824

194,119 845,385 362,542 471,650 82,266 132,866 851,116 199,917 556,972 87,361 307,863

175,043 898,012 323,132 456,291 59,554 121,374 929,986 172,681 609,266 69,718 303,968

160,880 780,255 224,499 392,035 48,555 106,850 923,545 134,840 610,734 54,107 266,392

132,399 539,139 135,910 300,743 37,131 88,597 905,949 91,727 647,437 42,736 229,781

124,066 409,646 97,013 255,727 28,919 73,184 837,340 72,219 652,040 36,766 197,318

124,823 364,977 93,541 252,312 29,486 69,895 833,513 70,802 690,730 34,728 187,143

83,914 210,703 81,770 190,508 19,460 61,348 652,089 48,224 629,154 32,885 159,881

34023 34025 34027 34029 34031 34033 34035 34037 34039 34041

Middlesex ............................ Monmouth .......................... Morris .................................. Ocean .................................. Passaic ................................. Salem .................................. Somerset ............................. Sussex.................................. Union .................................. Warren ................................

1790 1790 1790 1850 1840 1790 1790 1790 1860 1830

809,858 630,380 492,276 576,567 501,226 66,083 323,444 149,265 536,499 108,692

750,162 615,301 470,212 510,916 489,049 64,285 297,490 144,166 522,541 102,437

671,780 553,124 421,353 433,203 453,060 65,294 240,279 130,943 493,819 91,607

595,893 503,173 407,630 346,038 447,585 64,676 203,129 116,119 504,094 84,429

583,813 459,379 383,454 208,470 460,782 60,346 198,372 77,528 543,116 73,879

433,856 334,401 261,620 108,241 406,618 58,711 143,913 49,255 504,255 63,220

264,872 225,327 164,371 56,622 337,093 49,508 99,052 34,423 398,138 54,374

217,077 161,238 125,732 37,706 309,353 42,274 74,390 29,632 328,344 50,181

212,208 147,209 110,445 33,069 302,129 36,834 65,132 27,830 305,209 49,319

162,334 104,925 82,694 22,155 259,174 36,572 47,991 24,905 200,157 45,057


NEW MEXICO.....................












35001 35003 35005 35006 35007 35009 35011 35013 35015 35017 35019

Bernalillo.............................. Catron ................................. Chaves................................. Cibola .................................. Colfax .................................. Curry ................................... De Baca ............................... Doña Ana ............................ Eddy .................................... Grant ................................... Guadalupe ...........................

1850 1930 1900 1990 1870 1910 1920 1860 1900 1870 1900

662,564 3,725 65,645 27,213 13,750 48,376 2,022 209,233 53,829 29,514 4,687

556,678 3,543 61,382 25,595 14,189 45,044 2,240 174,682 51,658 31,002 4,680

480,577 2,563 57,849 23,794 12,925 42,207 2,252 135,510 48,605 27,676 4,156

419,700 2,720 51,103 --13,667 42,019 2,454 96,340 47,855 26,204 4,496

315,774 2,198 43,335 --12,170 39,517 2,547 69,773 41,119 22,030 4,969

262,199 2,773 57,649 --13,806 32,691 2,991 59,948 50,783 18,700 5,610

145,673 3,533 40,605 --16,761 23,351 3,464 39,557 40,640 21,649 6,772

69,391 4,881 23,980 --18,718 18,159 3,725 30,411 24,311 20,050 8,646

45,430 3,282 19,549 --19,157 15,809 2,893 27,455 15,842 19,050 7,027

29,855 --12,075 --21,550 11,236 3,196 16,548 9,116 21,939 8,015

35021 35023 35025 35027 35028 35029 35031 35033 35035 35037 35039

Harding ............................... Hidalgo ................................ Lea ...................................... Lincoln ................................. Los Alamos .......................... Luna .................................... McKinley.............................. Mora ................................... Otero ................................... Quay.................................... Rio Arriba ............................

1930 1920 1920 1870 1950 1910 1910 1860 1900 1910 1850

695 4,894 64,727 20,497 17,950 25,095 71,492 4,881 63,797 9,041 40,246

810 5,932 55,511 19,411 18,343 25,016 74,798 5,180 62,298 10,155 41,190

987 5,958 55,765 12,219 18,115 18,110 60,686 4,264 51,928 10,823 34,365

1,090 6,049 55,993 10,997 17,599 15,585 56,449 4,205 44,665 10,577 29,282

1,348 4,734 49,554 7,560 15,198 11,706 43,208 4,673 41,097 10,903 25,170

1,874 4,961 53,429 7,744 13,037 9,839 37,209 6,028 36,976 12,279 24,193

3,013 5,095 30,717 7,409 10,476 8,753 27,451 8,720 14,909 13,971 24,997

4,374 4,821 21,154 8,557 --6,457 23,641 10,981 10,522 12,111 25,352

4,421 5,023 6,144 7,198 --6,247 20,643 10,322 9,779 10,828 21,381

--4,338 3,545 7,823 --12,270 13,731 13,915 7,902 10,444 19,552

32029 32031 32033 32510

NEVADA cnt’d Storey .................................. Washoe ............................... White Pine ........................... Carson City ..........................


118 County and City Extra






Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













32029 32031 32033 32510

NEVADA cnt’d Storey .............................. Washoe ........................... White Pine ....................... Carson City ......................

3,045 17,434 7,441 3,415

3,673 9,141 1,961 2,893

8,806 6,437 1,721 4,883

16,115 5,664 2,682 5,412

11,359 3,091 7,189 3,668










NEW HAMPSHIRE ..........














33001 33003 33005 33007 33009 33011 33013 33015 33017 33019

Belknap ........................... Carroll ............................. Cheshire .......................... Coos ................................ Grafton............................ Hillsborough .................... Merrimack ....................... Rockingham..................... Strafford .......................... Sullivan ............................

21,309 16,316 30,659 30,753 41,652 126,072 53,335 52,188 38,951 19,337

19,526 16,895 31,321 29,468 40,844 112,640 52,430 51,118 39,337 18,009

20,321 18,124 29,579 23,211 37,217 93,247 49,435 49,650 38,442 17,304

17,948 18,224 28,734 18,580 38,788 75,634 46,300 49,064 35,558 18,161

17,681 17,332 27,265 14,932 39,103 64,238 42,151 47,297 30,243 18,058

18,549 20,465 27,434 13,161 42,260 62,140 41,408 50,122 31,493 19,041

17,721 20,157 30,144 11,853 42,343 57,478 40,337 49,194 29,374 19,375

----26,429 9,849 42,311 42,494 36,253 45,771 61,127 20,340

----27,016 8,388 38,682 37,724 34,614 44,325 58,910 19,669

----45,376 5,549 32,989 53,884 --55,246 51,117 ---

----40,988 3,991 28,462 49,249 --50,175 41,595 ---

----38,825 --23,093 43,899 --45,427 32,614 ---

----28,772 --13,472 32,871 --43,169 23,601 ---


NEW JERSEY ..................

2,537,167 1,883,669 1,444,933 1,131,116










34001 34003 34005 34007 34009 34011 34013 34015 34017 34019 34021

Atlantic ............................ Bergen ............................. Burlington........................ Camden........................... Cape May ........................ Cumberland..................... Essex................................ Gloucester ....................... Hudson ............................ Hunterdon ....................... Mercer .............................

71,894 138,002 66,565 142,029 19,745 55,153 512,886 37,368 537,231 33,569 125,657

46,402 78,441 58,241 107,643 13,201 51,193 359,053 31,905 386,048 34,507 95,365

28,836 47,226 58,528 87,687 11,268 45,438 256,098 28,649 275,126 35,355 79,978

18,704 36,786 55,402 62,942 9,765 37,687 189,929 25,886 187,944 38,570 58,061

14,093 30,122 53,639 46,193 8,349 34,665 143,839 21,562 129,067 36,963 46,386

11,786 21,618 49,730 34,457 7,130 22,605 98,877 18,444 62,717 33,654 37,419

8,961 14,725 43,203 25,422 6,433 17,189 73,950 14,655 21,822 28,990 27,992

8,726 13,223 32,831 --5,324 14,374 44,621 25,438 9,483 24,789 21,502

--22,412 31,107 --4,936 14,093 41,911 28,431 --31,060 ---

--18,178 28,822 --4,265 12,668 30,793 23,089 --28,604 ---

--16,603 24,979 --3,632 12,670 25,984 19,744 --24,556 ---

--15,156 21,521 --3,066 9,529 22,269 16,115 --21,261 ---

--12,601 18,095 --2,571 8,248 17,785 13,363 --20,153 ---

34023 34025 34027 34029 34031 34033

Middlesex ........................ Monmouth ...................... Morris .............................. Ocean .............................. Passaic ............................. Salem ..............................

114,426 94,734 74,704 21,318 215,902 26,999

79,762 82,057 65,156 19,747 155,202 25,530

61,754 69,128 54,101 15,974 105,046 25,151

52,286 55,538 50,861 14,455 68,860 24,579

45,029 46,195 43,137 13,628 46,416 23,940

34,812 39,346 34,677 11,176 29,013 22,458

28,635 30,313 30,158 10,032 22,569 19,467

21,893 32,909 25,844 --16,734 16,024

23,157 29,233 23,666 ----14,155

21,470 25,038 21,368 ----14,022

20,381 22,150 21,828 ----12,761

17,890 19,872 17,750 ----11,371

15,956 16,918 16,216 ----10,437

34035 34037 34039 34041

Somerset ......................... Sussex.............................. Union .............................. Warren ............................

38,820 26,781 140,197 43,187

32,948 24,134 99,353 37,781

28,311 22,259 72,467 36,553

27,162 23,539 55,571 36,589

23,510 23,168 41,859 34,336

22,057 23,846 27,780 28,433

19,692 22,989 --22,358

17,455 21,770 --20,366

17,689 20,346 --18,627

16,506 32,752 -----

14,725 25,549 -----

12,815 22,534 -----

12,296 19,500 -----


NEW MEXICO.................














35001 35003 35005 35006 35007 35009 35011 35013 35015 35017 35019

Bernalillo.......................... Catron ............................. Chaves............................. Cibola .............................. Colfax .............................. Curry ............................... De Baca ........................... Doña Ana ........................ Eddy ................................ Grant ............................... Guadalupe .......................

23,606 --16,850 --16,460 11,443 --12,893 12,400 14,813 10,927

28,630 --4,773 --10,150 ----10,187 3,229 12,883 5,429

20,913 ------7,974 ----9,191 --9,657 ---

17,225 ------3,398 ----7,612 --4,539 ---

7,591 ------1,992 ----5,864 --1,143 ---

8,769 ------------6,239 -------

7,751 ---------------------







35021 35023 35025 35027 35028 35029 35031 35033 35035 35037 35039

Harding ........................... Hidalgo ............................ Lea .................................. Lincoln ............................. Los Alamos ...................... Luna ................................ McKinley.......................... Mora ............................... Otero ............................... Quay................................ Rio Arriba ........................

------7,822 --3,913 12,963 12,611 7,069 14,912 16,624

------4,953 ------10,304 4,791 --13,777

------7,081 ------10,618 ----11,534

------2,513 ------9,751 ----11,023

------1,803 ------8,056 ----9,294

--------------5,566 ----9,849








Part C — Counties 119

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010


1910 1910 1890 1850 1850 1850 1890 1860 1850 1910 1900 1850

19,846 131,561 130,044 29,393 --144,170 11,988 17,866 32,937 16,383 4,549 76,569

18,018 89,908 113,801 30,126 --129,292 13,270 18,078 29,979 16,911 4,174 66,152

16,702 63,319 91,605 25,743 --98,928 9,912 14,764 23,118 10,285 4,124 45,235

15,695 34,799 81,433 22,751 --75,360 8,454 12,566 19,456 7,491 4,725 61,115

16,479 17,492 52,517 21,951 --53,756 7,189 9,763 17,516 5,290 4,925 40,539

16,198 14,201 53,306 23,468 --44,970 6,409 10,168 15,934 6,497 6,068 39,085

16,409 12,438 18,292 26,512 --38,153 7,186 9,670 17,146 8,012 7,372 22,481

14,549 13,898 17,115 27,910 --30,826 6,962 11,422 18,528 11,026 9,095 20,245

11,109 11,144 14,701 23,636 --19,567 5,184 9,611 14,394 9,269 11,036 16,186

6,548 8,863 8,333 22,867 --15,030 4,619 14,061 12,773 9,731 16,680 13,795

NEW YORK.........................












36001 36003 36005 36007 36009 36011 36013 36015 36017 36019 36021

Albany ................................. Allegany .............................. Bronx ................................... Broome................................ Cattaraugus ......................... Cayuga ................................ Chautauqua......................... Chemung ............................ Chenango............................ Clinton ................................ Columbia .............................

1790 1810 1920 1810 1820 1800 1820 1840 1800 1790 1790

304,204 48,946 1,385,108 200,600 80,317 80,026 134,905 88,830 50,477 82,128 63,096

294,565 49,927 1,332,650 200,536 83,955 81,963 139,750 91,070 51,401 79,894 63,094

292,594 50,470 1,203,789 212,160 84,234 82,313 141,895 95,195 51,768 85,969 62,982

285,909 51,742 1,168,972 213,648 85,697 79,894 146,925 97,656 49,344 80,750 59,487

286,742 46,458 1,471,701 221,815 81,666 77,439 147,305 101,537 46,368 72,934 51,519

272,926 43,978 1,424,815 212,661 80,187 73,942 145,377 98,706 43,243 72,722 47,322

239,386 43,784 1,451,277 184,698 77,901 70,136 135,189 86,827 39,138 53,622 43,182

221,315 39,681 1,394,711 165,749 72,652 65,508 123,580 73,718 36,454 54,006 41,464

211,953 38,025 1,265,258 147,022 72,398 64,751 126,457 74,680 34,665 46,687 41,617

186,106 36,842 732,016 113,610 71,323 65,221 115,348 65,872 34,969 43,898 38,930

36023 36025 36027 36029 36031 36033 36035 36037 36039 36041 36043 36045 36047 36049 36051 36053 36055 36057 36059

Cortland .............................. Delaware ............................. Dutchess .............................. Erie ...................................... Essex.................................... Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Genesee .............................. Greene ................................ Hamilton.............................. Herkimer.............................. Jefferson .............................. Kings ................................... Lewis ................................... Livingston ............................ Madison .............................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................ Nassau .................................

1810 1800 1790 1830 1810 1810 1840 1810 1800 1820 1800 1810 1790 1810 1830 1810 1830 1790 1900

49,336 47,980 297,488 919,040 39,370 51,599 55,531 60,079 49,221 4,836 64,519 116,229 2,504,700 27,087 65,393 73,442 744,344 50,219 1,339,532

48,599 48,055 280,150 950,265 38,851 51,134 55,073 60,370 48,195 5,379 64,427 111,738 2,465,326 26,944 64,328 69,441 735,343 49,708 1,334,544

48,963 47,225 259,462 968,532 37,152 46,540 54,191 60,060 44,739 5,279 65,797 110,943 2,300,664 26,796 62,372 69,120 713,968 51,981 1,287,348

48,820 46,824 245,055 1,015,472 36,176 44,929 55,153 59,400 40,861 5,034 66,714 88,151 2,230,936 25,035 57,006 65,150 702,238 53,439 1,321,582

45,894 44,718 222,295 1,113,491 34,631 43,931 52,637 58,722 33,136 4,714 67,633 88,508 2,602,012 23,644 54,041 62,864 711,917 55,883 1,428,080

41,113 43,540 176,008 1,064,688 35,300 44,742 51,304 53,994 31,372 4,267 66,370 87,835 2,627,319 23,249 44,053 54,635 586,387 57,240 1,300,171

37,158 44,420 136,781 899,238 35,086 44,830 51,021 47,584 28,745 4,105 61,407 85,521 2,738,175 22,521 40,257 46,214 487,632 59,594 672,765

33,668 40,989 120,542 798,377 34,178 44,286 48,597 44,481 27,926 4,188 59,527 84,003 2,698,285 22,815 38,510 39,598 438,230 59,142 406,748

31,709 41,163 105,462 762,408 33,959 45,694 46,560 44,468 25,808 3,929 64,006 83,574 2,560,401 23,447 37,560 39,790 423,881 60,076 303,053

29,625 42,774 91,747 634,688 31,871 43,541 44,927 37,976 25,796 3,970 64,962 82,250 2,018,356 23,704 36,830 39,535 352,034 57,928 126,120

36061 36063 36065 36067 36069 36071 36073 36075 36077 36079 36081

New York ............................. Niagara ................................ Oneida................................. Onondaga ........................... Ontario ................................ Orange ................................ Orleans ................................ Oswego ............................... Otsego................................. Putnam ................................ Queens ................................

1790 1810 1800 1800 1790 1790 1830 1820 1800 1820 1790

1,585,873 216,469 234,878 467,026 107,931 372,813 42,883 122,109 62,259 99,710 2,230,722

1,537,195 219,846 235,469 458,336 100,224 341,367 44,171 122,377 61,676 95,745 2,229,379

1,487,536 220,756 250,836 468,973 95,101 307,647 41,846 121,771 60,517 83,941 1,951,598

1,428,285 227,354 253,466 463,920 88,909 259,603 38,496 113,901 59,075 77,193 1,891,325

1,539,233 235,720 273,037 472,746 78,849 221,657 37,305 100,897 56,181 56,696 1,986,473

1,698,281 242,269 264,401 423,028 68,070 183,734 34,159 86,118 51,942 31,722 1,809,578

1,960,101 189,992 222,855 341,719 60,172 152,255 29,832 77,181 50,763 20,307 1,550,849

1,889,924 160,110 203,636 295,108 55,307 140,113 27,760 71,275 46,082 16,555 1,297,634

1,867,312 149,329 198,763 291,606 54,276 130,383 28,795 69,645 46,710 13,744 1,079,129

2,284,103 118,705 182,833 241,465 52,652 119,844 28,619 71,045 46,200 10,802 469,042

36083 36085 36087 36089 36091 36093 36095 36097

Rensselaer............................ Richmond ............................ Rockland.............................. St. Lawrence ........................ Saratoga .............................. Schenectady ........................ Schoharie............................. Schuyler ...............................

1800 1790 1800 1810 1800 1810 1800 1860

159,429 468,730 311,687 111,944 219,607 154,727 32,749 18,343

152,538 443,728 286,753 111,931 200,635 146,555 31,582 19,224

154,429 378,977 265,475 111,974 181,276 149,285 31,859 18,662

151,966 352,121 259,530 114,254 153,759 149,946 29,710 17,686

152,510 295,443 229,903 111,991 121,679 160,979 24,750 16,737

142,585 221,991 136,803 111,239 89,096 152,896 22,616 15,044

132,607 191,555 89,276 98,897 74,869 142,497 22,703 14,182

121,834 174,441 74,261 91,098 65,606 122,494 20,812 12,979

119,781 158,346 59,599 90,960 63,314 125,021 19,667 12,909

113,129 116,531 45,548 88,121 60,029 109,363 21,303 13,098

35041 35043 35045 35047 35047.1 35049 35051 35053 35055 35057 35059 35061

NEVADA cnt’d Roosevelt ............................. Sandoval .............................. San Juan .............................. San Miguel .......................... Santa Ana ............................ Santa Fe............................... Sierra ................................... Socorro ................................ Taos ..................................... Torrance............................... Union .................................. Valencia ...............................


120 County and City Extra









Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910







12,064 8,579 8,504 22,930 --14,770 3,536 14,761 12,008 10,119 11,404 13,320

----4,828 22,053 --14,658 3,158 12,195 10,889 --4,528 13,895

----1,890 24,204 --13,562 3,630 9,595 9,868 ----13,876

------20,638 --10,867 --7,875 11,029 ----13,095

------16,058 2,599 9,699 --6,603 12,079 ----9,093

------13,714 3,572 8,114 --5,787 14,103 ----11,321

------7,074 4,645 7,713 ----9,507 ----14,189




35041 35043 35045 35047 35047.1 35049 35051 35053 35055 35057 35059 35061

NEVADA cnt’d Roosevelt ......................... Sandoval .......................... San Juan .......................... San Miguel ...................... Santa Ana ........................ Santa Fe........................... Sierra ............................... Socorro ............................ Taos ................................. Torrance........................... Union .............................. Valencia ...........................


NEW YORK.....................

36001 36003 36005 36007 36009 36011 36013 36015 36017 36019 36021

Albany ............................. Allegany .......................... Bronx ............................... Broome............................ Cattaraugus ..................... Cayuga ............................ Chautauqua..................... Chemung ........................ Chenango........................ Clinton ............................ Columbia .........................

173,666 41,412 --78,809 65,919 67,106 105,126 54,662 35,575 48,230 43,658

165,571 41,501 --69,149 65,643 66,234 88,314 54,063 36,568 47,430 43,211

164,555 43,240 --62,973 60,866 65,302 75,202 48,265 37,776 46,437 46,172

154,890 41,810 --49,483 55,806 65,081 65,342 43,065 39,891 50,897 47,928

133,052 40,814 --44,103 43,909 59,550 59,327 35,281 40,564 47,947 47,044

113,917 41,881 --35,906 43,886 55,767 58,422 26,917 40,934 45,735 47,172

93,279 37,808 --30,660 38,950 55,458 50,493 28,821 40,311 40,047 43,073

68,593 40,975 --22,338 28,872 50,338 47,975 20,732 40,785 28,157 43,252

53,520 26,276 --17,579 16,724 47,948 34,671 --37,238 19,344 39,907

36023 36025 36027 36029 36031 36033 36035 36037 36039 36041 36043 36045

Cortland .......................... Delaware ......................... Dutchess .......................... Erie .................................. Essex................................ Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Genesee .......................... Greene ............................ Hamilton.......................... Herkimer.......................... Jefferson ..........................

29,249 45,575 87,661 528,985 33,458 45,717 44,534 37,615 30,214 4,373 56,356 80,382

27,576 46,413 81,670 433,686 30,707 42,853 42,842 34,561 31,478 4,947 51,049 76,748

28,657 45,496 77,879 322,981 33,052 38,110 37,650 33,265 31,598 4,762 45,608 68,806

25,825 42,721 79,184 219,884 34,515 32,390 30,985 32,806 32,695 3,923 42,669 66,103

25,173 42,972 74,041 178,699 29,042 30,271 27,064 31,606 31,832 2,960 39,929 65,415

26,294 42,465 64,941 141,971 28,214 30,837 24,162 32,189 31,930 3,024 40,561 69,825

25,140 39,834 58,992 100,993 31,148 25,102 20,171 28,488 33,126 2,188 38,244 68,153

24,607 35,396 52,398 62,465 23,634 16,518 18,049 59,587 30,446 1,907 37,477 60,984

36047 36049 36051 36053 36055 36057 36059

Kings ............................... Lewis ............................... Livingston ........................ Madison .......................... Monroe ........................... Montgomery.................... Nassau .............................

1,634,351 1,166,582 24,849 27,427 38,037 37,059 39,289 40,545 283,212 217,854 57,567 47,488 83,930 55,448

838,547 29,806 37,801 42,892 189,586 45,699 ---

599,495 31,416 39,562 44,112 144,903 38,315 ---

419,921 28,699 38,309 43,522 117,868 34,457 ---

279,122 28,580 39,546 43,545 100,648 30,866 ---

138,882 24,564 40,875 43,072 87,650 31,992 ---

36061 36063 36065 36067 36069 36071 36073 36075 36077 36079 36081

New York ......................... Niagara ............................ Oneida............................. Onondaga ....................... Ontario ............................ Orange ............................ Orleans ............................ Oswego ........................... Otsego............................. Putnam ............................ Queens ............................

2,762,522 2,050,600 1,515,301 1,206,299 92,036 74,961 62,491 54,173 154,157 132,800 122,922 115,475 200,298 168,735 146,247 117,893 52,286 49,605 48,453 49,541 116,001 103,859 97,859 88,220 32,000 30,164 30,803 30,128 71,664 70,881 71,883 77,911 47,216 48,939 50,861 51,397 14,665 13,787 14,849 15,181 284,041 152,999 128,059 90,574

942,292 50,437 110,008 104,183 45,108 80,902 27,689 77,941 48,967 15,420 73,803

813,669 50,399 105,202 90,686 44,563 63,812 28,717 75,958 50,157 14,002 57,391

36083 36085 36087 36089 36091 36093 36095 36097

Rensselaer........................ Richmond ........................ Rockland.......................... St. Lawrence .................... Saratoga .......................... Schenectady .................... Schoharie......................... Schuyler ...........................

99,549 33,029 25,213 84,826 51,529 21,347 33,340 18,989

86,328 25,492 22,492 83,689 51,729 20,002 34,469 18,840





9,113,614 7,268,894 6,003,174 5,082,871 4,382,759 3,880,735 3,097,394 2,428,921 1,918,608 1,372,812




38,116 9,330 --14,343 4,090 38,897 12,568 --31,215 12,070 38,330

34,661 1,942 --8,130 --29,843 ----21,704 8,002 32,390

34,103 --------15,907 ----16,087 8,516 35,472

75,736 ----------------1,614 27,732

23,791 33,024 50,926 35,719 19,287 11,312 --52,147 29,525 1,325 35,870 48,493

16,507 26,587 46,615 --12,811 4,439 --58,093 22,996 1,251 31,017 32,952

8,869 20,303 51,363 --9,477 2,617 --12,588 19,536 --22,046 15,140

--10,228 47,775 ----------13,074 --14,503 ---

----45,266 -------------------

47,613 17,830 35,140 40,008 64,902 35,818 ---

20,535 15,239 27,729 39,038 49,855 43,715 ---

11,187 9,227 --32,208 --37,569 ---

8,303 6,433 --25,144 --41,214 ---

5,740 --------22,051 ---

4,495 --------28,848 ---

515,547 42,276 99,566 85,890 43,929 57,145 28,501 62,198 48,638 14,138 36,833

312,710 31,132 85,310 67,911 43,501 50,739 25,127 43,619 49,628 12,825 30,324

202,589 18,482 71,326 58,973 40,288 45,366 17,732 27,119 51,372 12,628 22,460

123,706 22,990 50,997 41,467 88,267 41,213 --12,374 44,856 11,268 21,519

96,373 8,971 33,792 25,987 42,032 34,347 ----38,802 --19,336

60,515 --22,258 7,698 15,218 29,355 ----21,343 --16,916

33,131 ------1,075 18,492 --------16,014

73,363 15,061 16,962 68,617 45,646 20,054 33,548 ---

60,259 10,965 11,975 56,706 40,553 17,387 32,358 ---

49,424 7,082 9,388 36,354 38,679 12,347 27,902 ---

40,153 6,135 8,837 16,037 36,052 13,081 23,154 ---

36,309 5,347 7,758 7,885 33,147 10,201 18,945 ---

30,351 4,564 6,353 --24,564 --9,808 ---

--3,835 -------------

121,697 67,021 38,298 89,083 61,089 46,852 26,854 15,811

124,511 51,693 35,162 85,048 57,663 29,797 29,164 16,711

115,328 38,991 27,690 85,997 55,156 23,538 32,910 18,842




122,276 85,969 46,873 89,005 61,917 88,235 23,855 14,004



Part C — Counties 121

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010









35,083 99,546 1,124,950 52,580 46,513 76,879 141,241 49,402 52,725 79,404

31,984 97,691 666,784 45,272 37,802 66,164 118,804 44,002 48,476 67,989

29,253 91,439 276,129 40,731 30,166 59,122 92,621 39,205 47,144 57,323

25,732 84,927 197,355 37,901 27,072 42,340 87,017 36,035 46,726 52,747

24,983 82,671 161,055 35,272 25,480 41,490 80,155 34,174 46,482 49,995

24,735 80,627 110,246 33,163 24,212 35,285 74,979 31,673 44,888 48,827

866,599 39,895 21,459

894,104 37,688 19,831

808,891 34,793 18,614

625,816 32,822 17,615

573,558 31,394 16,381

520,947 28,764 16,848

344,436 30,314 16,641









130,800 33,603 10,677 25,275 24,384 17,167 44,958 19,773 32,278 73,143 206,330

108,213 27,544 9,590 23,474 22,209 14,867 42,283 20,388 28,663 50,985 174,821

99,319 24,999 9,587 25,649 22,325 14,409 40,355 21,024 30,491 35,777 160,934

96,362 19,466 8,134 23,488 19,571 12,655 35,980 20,528 26,477 24,223 145,056

85,674 15,625 7,734 24,962 19,768 12,009 36,014 24,350 28,881 20,278 130,074

71,220 14,554 8,155 26,781 21,878 13,352 37,134 26,439 29,703 19,238 124,403

57,427 13,454 8,341 28,443 22,664 13,561 36,431 26,201 27,156 17,125 108,755

42,140 12,922 7,186 29,349 21,019 11,803 35,026 25,844 22,389 15,818 97,937

32,718 12,212 7,403 28,334 21,001 10,335 31,024 23,993 19,761 14,876 64,148

90,912 178,011 83,029 9,980 66,469 23,719 154,358 63,505 27,444 14,793 10,587

89,148 131,063 77,415 6,885 59,383 23,501 141,685 49,329 24,298 14,526 8,775

75,744 98,935 70,709 5,904 52,556 20,693 118,412 38,759 20,170 13,506 7,155

72,504 85,895 67,746 5,829 41,092 20,705 105,208 33,415 18,933 12,558 6,619

60,364 74,629 56,699 5,453 31,603 19,055 90,873 29,554 16,330 10,764 5,180

52,701 68,137 49,552 5,598 30,940 19,912 73,191 26,785 16,335 11,729 5,526

45,518 63,783 43,352 5,223 23,059 20,870 61,794 25,392 18,294 12,540 6,006

38,615 59,393 35,795 5,440 18,284 20,032 51,653 24,726 18,813 11,572 6,405

29,410 44,331 28,016 5,461 16,900 18,214 43,991 24,177 16,151 11,282 5,434

23,297 33,730 19,984 5,382 15,384 15,759 33,839 23,814 15,242 10,649 4,646

1850 1810 1790 1790 1790 1870 1830 1840 1790 1890 1790

98,078 58,098 103,505 319,431 23,547 33,920 162,878 41,240 58,505 267,587 56,552

96,287 54,749 91,436 302,963 18,190 29,967 147,246 34,835 49,063 223,314 55,606

84,714 49,587 81,613 274,566 13,736 22,746 126,677 27,859 39,995 181,835 56,558

83,435 51,037 71,043 247,160 11,089 13,377 113,162 24,599 40,952 152,785 55,988

72,556 46,937 62,554 212,042 6,976 6,995 95,627 18,855 38,015 132,681 52,341

66,048 48,973 58,773 148,418 6,601 5,935 79,493 16,728 40,270 111,995 54,226

64,357 50,621 48,823 96,006 6,201 5,405 62,244 15,420 41,074 101,639 51,634

58,055 45,663 31,298 59,320 6,709 6,041 53,377 14,909 39,739 80,244 49,162

51,914 37,720 30,665 45,219 6,710 5,202 47,865 14,386 35,103 67,196 47,894

34,272 30,124 29,048 35,064 7,268 5,115 35,201 13,578 30,223 42,219 37,995

1850 1790 1850 1790 1880 1790 1790 1790 1790 1860

350,670 60,619 206,086 12,197 8,861 59,916 21,362 488,406 54,691 114,678

306,067 47,260 190,365 10,516 7,993 48,498 18,974 421,048 57,370 91,025

265,878 36,414 175,093 9,305 7,196 38,345 15,384 347,420 55,516 67,822

243,683 30,055 162,568 8,875 7,217 34,043 16,117 317,154 55,286 59,570

214,348 26,820 148,415 8,524 6,562 32,762 14,967 288,590 53,884 49,667

189,428 28,755 127,074 9,254 6,432 33,110 16,741 246,520 58,956 48,236

146,135 31,341 110,836 9,555 6,886 31,793 18,024 191,057 58,377 47,605

126,475 30,382 87,531 10,060 6,418 29,344 18,548 153,916 56,512 44,239

111,681 29,456 78,093 10,551 5,841 28,723 18,656 133,010 53,246 37,911

77,269 26,667 51,242 10,537 4,872 26,846 16,212 79,272 43,766 28,313

36099 36101 36103 36105 36107 36109 36111 36113 36115 36117

NEW YORK cnt’d Seneca ................................. Steuben ............................... Suffolk ................................. Sullivan ................................ Tioga ................................... Tompkins ............................. Ulster ................................... Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne .................................

1810 1800 1790 1810 1800 1820 1790 1820 1790 1830

35,251 98,990 1,493,350 77,547 51,125 101,564 182,493 65,707 63,216 93,772

33,342 98,726 1,419,369 73,966 51,784 96,501 177,749 63,303 61,042 93,765

33,683 99,088 1,321,864 69,277 52,337 94,097 165,304 59,209 59,330 89,123

33,733 99,217 1,284,231 65,155 49,812 87,085 158,158 54,854 54,795 84,581

36119 36121 36123

Westchester ......................... Wyoming ............................. Yates ...................................

1790 1850 1830

949,113 42,155 25,348

923,459 43,424 24,621

874,866 42,507 22,810


NORTH CAROLINA.............




37001 37003 37005 37007 37009 37011 37013 37015 37017 37019 37021

Alamance ............................ Alexander ............................ Alleghany ............................ Anson .................................. Ashe .................................... Avery ................................... Beaufort .............................. Bertie ................................... Bladen ................................. Brunswick ............................ Buncombe ...........................

1850 1850 1860 1790 1800 1920 1790 1790 1790 1790 1800

151,131 37,198 11,155 26,948 27,281 17,797 47,759 21,282 35,190 107,431 238,318

37023 37025 37027 37029 37031 37033 37035 37037 37039 37041 37043

Burke ................................... Cabarrus .............................. Caldwell .............................. Camden............................... Carteret ............................... Caswell ................................ Catawba .............................. Chatham ............................. Cherokee ............................. Chowan............................... Clay .....................................

1790 1800 1850 1790 1790 1790 1850 1790 1840 1790 1870

37045 37047 37049 37051 37053 37055 37057 37059 37061 37063 37065

Cleveland............................. Columbus ............................ Craven ................................. Cumberland......................... Currituck ............................. Dare .................................... Davidson.............................. Davie ................................... Duplin.................................. Durham ............................... Edgecombe..........................

37067 37069 37071 37073 37075 37077 37079 37081 37083 37085

Forsyth................................. Franklin................................ Gaston................................. Gates ................................... Graham ............................... Granville .............................. Greene ................................ Guilford ............................... Halifax ................................. Harnett ................................

122 County and City Extra


Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













36099 36101 36103 36105 36107 36109 36111 36113 36115 36117

NEW YORK cnt’d Seneca ............................. Steuben ........................... Suffolk ............................. Sullivan ............................ Tioga ............................... Tompkins ......................... Ulster ............................... Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne .............................

26,972 83,362 96,138 33,808 25,624 33,647 91,769 32,223 47,778 50,179

28,114 82,822 77,582 32,306 27,951 33,830 88,422 29,943 45,624 48,660

28,227 81,473 62,491 31,031 29,935 32,923 87,062 27,866 45,690 49,729

29,278 77,586 53,888 32,491 32,673 34,445 85,838 25,179 47,871 51,700

27,823 67,717 46,924 34,550 30,572 33,178 84,075 22,592 49,568 47,710

28,138 66,690 43,275 32,385 28,748 31,409 76,381 21,434 45,904 47,762

25,441 63,771 36,922 25,088 24,880 38,746 59,384 17,199 44,750 44,953

24,874 46,138 32,469 15,629 20,527 37,948 45,822 13,422 41,080 42,057

21,041 33,851 26,780 12,364 27,690 36,545 36,550 11,796 42,635 33,643

23,619 21,989 24,272 8,900 16,971 20,681 30,934 9,453 38,831 ---

16,609 7,246 21,113 6,108 7,899 --26,576 --44,289 ---

--1,788 19,735 --7,109 --24,855 --35,792 ---

----16,440 ------29,397 --14,042 ---

36119 36121 36123

Westchester ..................... Wyoming ......................... Yates ...............................

283,055 31,880 18,642

184,257 30,413 20,318

146,772 31,193 21,001

108,988 30,907 21,087

131,348 29,164 19,595

99,497 31,968 20,290

58,263 31,981 20,590

48,686 --20,444

36,456 --19,009

32,638 -----

30,272 -----

27,373 -----

24,003 -----



2,206,287 1,893,810 1,617,949 1,399,750 1,071,361









37001 37003 37005 37007 37009 37011 37013 37015 37017 37019 37021

Alamance ........................ Alexander ........................ Alleghany ........................ Anson .............................. Ashe ................................ Avery ............................... Beaufort .......................... Bertie ............................... Bladen ............................. Brunswick ........................ Buncombe .......................

28,712 11,592 7,745 25,465 19,074 --30,877 23,039 18,006 14,432 49,798

25,665 10,960 7,759 21,870 19,581 --26,404 20,538 17,677 12,657 44,288

18,271 9,430 6,523 20,027 15,628 --21,072 19,176 16,763 10,900 35,266

14,613 8,355 5,486 17,994 14,437 --17,474 16,399 16,158 9,389 21,909

11,874 6,868 3,691 12,428 9,573 --13,011 12,950 12,831 7,754 15,412

11,852 6,022 3,590 13,664 7,956 --14,766 14,310 11,995 8,406 12,654

11,444 5,220 --13,489 8,777 --13,816 12,851 9,767 7,272 13,425

------15,077 7,467 --12,225 12,175 8,022 5,265 10,084

------14,095 6,987 --10,969 12,262 7,811 6,516 16,281

------12,534 4,335 --9,850 10,805 7,276 5,480 10,542

------8,831 3,694 --7,203 11,218 5,671 4,778 9,277

------8,146 2,783 --6,242 11,249 7,028 4,110 5,812

------5,133 ----5,462 12,606 5,084 3,071 ---

37023 37025 37027 37029 37031 37033 37035 37037 37039 37041

Burke ............................... Cabarrus .......................... Caldwell .......................... Camden........................... Carteret ........................... Caswell ............................ Catawba .......................... Chatham ......................... Cherokee ......................... Chowan...........................

21,408 26,240 20,579 5,640 13,776 14,858 27,918 22,635 14,136 11,303

17,699 22,456 15,694 5,474 11,811 15,028 22,133 23,912 11,860 10,258

14,939 18,142 12,298 5,667 10,825 16,028 18,689 25,413 9,976 9,167

12,809 14,964 10,291 6,274 9,784 17,825 14,946 23,453 8,182 7,900

9,777 11,954 8,476 5,361 9,010 16,081 10,984 19,723 8,080 6,450

9,237 10,546 7,497 5,343 8,186 16,215 10,729 19,101 9,166 6,842

7,772 9,747 6,317 6,049 6,939 15,269 8,862 18,449 6,838 6,721

15,799 9,259 --5,663 6,591 14,693 --16,242 3,427 6,690

17,888 8,810 --6,733 6,597 15,185 --15,405 --6,697

13,411 7,248 --6,347 5,609 13,253 --12,661 --6,464

11,007 6,158 --5,347 4,823 11,757 --12,977 --5,297

9,929 5,094 --4,191 4,399 8,701 --11,861 --5,132

8,118 ----4,033 3,732 10,096 --9,221 --5,011


Clay .................................














37045 37047 37049 37051 37053 37055 37057 37059 37061 37063 37065

Cleveland......................... Columbus ........................ Craven ............................. Cumberland..................... Currituck ......................... Dare ................................ Davidson.......................... Davie ............................... Duplin.............................. Durham ........................... Edgecombe......................

29,494 28,020 25,594 35,284 7,693 4,841 29,404 13,394 25,442 35,276 32,010

25,078 21,274 24,160 29,249 6,529 4,757 23,403 12,115 22,405 26,233 26,591

20,394 17,856 20,533 27,321 6,747 3,768 21,702 11,621 18,690 18,041 24,113

16,571 14,439 19,729 23,836 6,476 3,243 20,333 11,096 18,773 --26,181

12,696 8,474 20,516 17,035 5,131 2,778 17,414 9,620 15,542 --22,970

12,348 8,597 16,268 16,369 7,415 --16,601 8,494 15,784 --17,376

10,396 5,909 14,709 20,610 7,236 --15,320 7,866 13,514 --17,189

--3,941 13,438 15,284 6,703 --14,606 7,574 11,182 --15,708

--4,141 13,734 14,834 7,655 --13,389 --11,291 --14,935

--3,912 13,394 14,446 8,098 ------9,744 --13,276

--3,022 12,676 9,382 6,985 ------7,863 --12,423

----10,245 9,264 6,928 ------6,796 --10,421

----10,469 8,671 5,219 ------5,662 --10,255

37067 37069 37071 37073 37075 37077 37079 37081 37083 37085

Forsyth............................. Franklin............................ Gaston............................. Gates ............................... Graham ........................... Granville .......................... Greene ............................ Guilford ........................... Halifax ............................. Harnett ............................

47,311 24,692 37,063 10,455 4,749 25,102 13,083 60,497 37,646 22,174

35,261 25,116 27,903 10,413 4,343 23,263 12,038 39,074 30,793 15,988

28,434 21,090 17,764 10,252 3,313 24,484 10,039 28,052 28,908 13,700

18,070 20,829 14,254 8,897 2,335 31,286 10,037 23,585 30,300 10,862

13,050 14,134 12,602 7,724 --24,831 8,687 21,736 20,408 8,895

12,692 14,107 9,307 8,443 --23,396 7,925 20,056 19,442 8,039

11,168 11,713 8,073 8,426 --21,249 6,619 19,754 16,589 ---

--10,980 --8,161 --18,817 6,595 19,175 16,865 ---

--10,665 --7,866 --19,355 6,413 18,737 17,739 ---

--9,741 --6,837 --18,222 4,533 14,511 17,237 ---

--10,166 --5,965 --15,576 4,867 11,420 13,620 ---

--8,529 --5,881 --14,015 4,218 9,442 13,945 ---

--7,559 --5,392 --10,982 6,893 7,191 13,965 ---

Part C — Counties 123

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010


1810 1840 1790 1920 1790 1790 1860 1790 1790

59,036 106,740 24,669 46,952 5,810 159,437 40,271 168,878 10,153

54,033 89,173 22,601 33,646 5,826 122,660 33,121 121,965 10,381

46,942 69,285 22,523 22,856 5,411 92,931 26,846 81,306 9,414

46,495 58,580 23,368 20,383 5,873 82,538 25,811 70,599 9,705

41,710 42,804 23,529 16,436 5,571 72,197 21,593 61,737 9,779

39,711 36,163 22,718 16,356 5,765 62,526 17,780 62,936 11,005

37,631 30,921 21,453 15,756 6,479 56,303 19,261 65,906 11,004

34,804 26,049 19,352 14,937 7,860 50,424 19,366 63,798 10,926

28,273 23,404 17,542 14,244 8,550 46,693 17,519 57,621 10,428

23,496 18,248 16,294 11,722 8,386 37,956 13,396 48,998 9,912

Lee ...................................... Lenoir .................................. Lincoln ................................. McDowell ............................ Macon ................................. Madison .............................. Martin ................................. Mecklenburg ....................... Mitchell ............................... Montgomery........................ Moore ................................. Nash ....................................

1910 1800 1790 1850 1830 1860 1790 1790 1870 1790 1790 1790

57,866 59,495 78,265 44,996 33,922 20,764 24,505 919,628 15,579 27,798 88,247 95,840

49,040 59,648 63,780 42,151 29,811 19,635 25,593 695,454 15,687 26,822 74,769 87,420

41,374 57,274 50,319 35,681 23,499 16,953 25,078 511,433 14,433 23,346 59,013 76,677

36,718 59,819 42,372 35,135 20,178 16,827 25,948 404,270 14,428 22,469 50,505 67,153

30,467 55,204 32,682 30,648 15,788 16,003 24,730 354,656 13,447 19,267 39,048 59,122

26,561 55,276 28,814 26,742 14,935 17,217 27,139 272,111 13,906 18,408 36,733 61,002

23,522 45,953 27,459 25,720 16,174 20,522 27,938 197,052 15,143 17,260 33,129 59,919

18,743 41,211 24,187 22,996 15,880 22,522 26,111 151,826 15,980 16,280 30,969 55,608

16,996 35,716 22,872 20,336 13,672 20,306 23,400 127,971 13,962 16,218 28,215 52,782

13,400 29,555 17,862 16,763 12,887 20,083 20,828 80,695 11,278 14,607 21,388 41,061

37129 37131 37133 37135 37137 37139 37141 37143 37145 37147 37149

New Hanover ....................... Northampton ....................... Onslow ................................ Orange ................................ Pamlico ................................ Pasquotank .......................... Pender ................................. Perquimans .......................... Person ................................. Pitt....................................... Polk .....................................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1880 1790 1880 1790 1800 1790 1860

202,667 22,099 177,772 133,801 13,144 40,661 52,217 13,453 39,464 168,148 20,510

160,307 22,086 150,355 118,227 12,934 34,897 41,082 11,368 35,623 133,798 18,324

120,284 20,798 149,838 93,851 11,372 31,298 28,855 10,447 30,180 107,924 14,416

103,471 22,584 112,784 77,055 10,398 28,462 22,215 9,486 29,164 90,146 12,984

82,996 24,009 103,126 57,707 9,467 26,824 18,149 8,351 25,914 73,900 11,735

71,742 26,811 82,706 42,970 9,850 25,630 18,508 9,178 26,394 69,942 11,395

63,272 28,432 42,047 34,435 9,993 24,347 18,423 9,602 24,361 63,789 11,627

47,935 28,299 17,939 23,072 9,706 20,568 17,710 9,773 25,029 61,244 11,874

43,010 27,161 15,289 21,171 9,299 19,143 15,686 10,668 22,039 54,466 10,216

40,620 23,184 14,703 17,895 9,060 17,670 14,788 11,137 18,973 45,569 8,832

37151 37153 37155 37157 37159 37161 37163 37165 37167 37169

Randolph ............................. Richmond ............................ Robeson .............................. Rockingham......................... Rowan ................................. Rutherford ........................... Sampson.............................. Scotland .............................. Stanly .................................. Stokes..................................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1900 1850 1790

141,752 46,639 134,168 93,643 138,428 67,810 63,431 36,157 60,585 47,401

130,454 46,564 123,339 91,928 130,340 62,899 60,161 35,998 58,100 44,711

106,546 44,518 105,179 86,064 110,605 56,918 47,297 33,754 51,765 37,223

91,728 45,481 101,610 83,426 99,186 53,787 49,687 32,273 48,517 33,086

76,358 39,889 84,842 72,402 90,035 47,337 44,954 26,929 42,822 23,782

61,497 39,202 89,102 69,629 82,817 45,091 48,013 25,183 40,873 22,314

50,804 39,597 87,769 64,816 75,410 46,356 49,780 26,336 37,130 21,520

44,554 36,810 76,860 57,898 69,206 45,577 47,440 23,232 32,834 22,656

36,259 34,016 66,512 51,083 56,665 40,452 40,082 20,174 30,216 22,290

30,856 25,567 54,674 44,149 44,062 31,426 36,002 15,600 27,429 20,575

37171 37173 37175 37177 37179 37181 37183 37183.1 37185 37187

Surry .................................... Swain .................................. Transylvania ......................... Tyrrell ................................... Union .................................. Vance .................................. Wake ................................... Walton................................. Warren ................................ Washington .........................

1790 1880 1870 1790 1850 1890 1790 1810 1790 1800

73,673 13,981 33,090 4,407 201,292 45,422 900,993 --20,972 13,228

71,219 12,968 29,334 4,149 123,677 42,954 627,846 --19,972 13,723

61,704 11,268 25,520 3,856 84,211 38,892 423,380 --17,265 13,997

59,449 10,283 23,417 3,975 70,380 36,748 301,327 --16,232 14,801

51,415 7,861 19,713 3,806 54,714 32,691 228,453 --15,810 14,038

48,205 8,387 16,372 4,520 44,670 32,002 169,082 --19,652 13,488

45,593 9,921 15,194 5,048 42,034 32,101 136,450 --23,539 13,180

41,783 12,177 12,241 5,556 39,097 29,961 109,544 --23,145 12,323

39,749 11,568 9,589 5,164 40,979 27,294 94,757 --23,364 11,603

32,464 13,224 9,303 4,849 36,029 22,799 75,155 --21,593 11,429

37189 37191 37193 37195 37197 37199

Watauga .............................. Wayne ................................. Wilkes ................................. Wilson ................................. Yadkin ................................. Yancey .................................

1850 1790 1790 1860 1860 1840

51,079 122,623 69,340 81,234 38,406 17,818

42,695 113,329 65,632 73,814 36,348 17,774

36,952 104,666 59,393 66,061 30,488 15,419

31,666 97,054 58,657 63,132 28,439 14,934

23,404 85,408 49,524 57,486 24,599 12,629

17,529 82,059 45,269 57,716 22,804 14,008

18,342 64,267 45,243 54,506 22,133 16,306

18,114 58,328 43,003 50,219 20,657 17,202

15,165 53,013 36,162 44,914 18,010 14,486

13,477 43,640 32,644 36,813 16,391 15,093

37087 37089 37091 37093 37095 37097 37099 37101 37103

NORTH CAROLINA cnt’d Haywood ............................. Henderson ........................... Hertford............................... Hoke.................................... Hyde .................................... Iredell .................................. Jackson ................................ Johnston .............................. Jones ...................................

37105 37107 37109 37111 37113 37115 37117 37119 37121 37123 37125 37127

124 County and City Extra









Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













37087 37089 37091 37093 37095 37097 37099 37101 37103

NORTH CAROLINA cnt’d Haywood ......................... Henderson ....................... Hertford........................... Hoke................................ Hyde ................................ Iredell .............................. Jackson ............................ Johnston .......................... Jones ...............................

21,020 16,262 15,436 --8,840 34,315 12,998 41,401 8,721

16,222 14,104 14,294 --9,278 29,064 11,853 32,250 8,226

13,346 12,589 13,851 --8,903 25,462 9,512 27,239 7,403

10,271 10,281 11,843 --7,765 22,675 7,343 23,461 7,491

7,921 7,706 9,273 --6,445 16,931 6,683 16,897 5,002

5,801 10,448 9,504 --7,732 15,347 5,515 15,656 5,730

7,074 6,853 8,142 --7,636 14,719 --13,726 5,038

4,975 5,129 7,484 --6,458 15,685 --10,599 4,945

4,578 --8,537 --6,184 14,918 --10,938 5,608

4,073 --7,712 --4,967 13,071 --9,607 5,216

2,780 --6,052 --6,029 10,972 --6,867 4,968

----6,701 --4,829 8,856 --6,301 4,339

----5,828 --4,120 5,435 --5,634 4,822

37105 37107 37109 37111 37113 37115 37117 37119 37121 37123 37125 37127

Lee .................................. Lenoir .............................. Lincoln ............................. McDowell ........................ Macon ............................. Madison .......................... Martin ............................. Mecklenburg ................... Mitchell ........................... Montgomery.................... Moore ............................. Nash ................................

11,376 22,769 17,132 13,538 12,191 20,132 17,797 67,031 17,245 14,967 17,010 33,727

--18,639 15,498 12,567 12,104 20,644 15,383 55,268 15,221 14,197 23,622 25,478

--14,879 12,586 10,939 10,102 17,805 15,221 42,673 12,807 11,239 20,479 20,707

--15,344 11,061 9,836 8,064 12,810 13,140 34,175 9,435 9,374 16,821 17,731

--10,434 9,573 7,592 6,615 8,192 9,647 24,299 4,705 7,487 12,040 11,077

--10,220 8,195 7,120 6,004 5,908 10,195 17,374 --7,649 11,427 11,687

--7,828 7,746 6,246 6,389 --8,307 13,914 --6,872 9,342 10,657

--7,605 25,160 --4,869 --7,637 18,273 --10,780 7,988 9,047

--7,723 22,455 --5,333 --8,539 20,073 --10,919 7,745 8,490

--6,799 18,147 ------6,320 16,895 --8,693 7,128 8,185

--5,572 16,359 ------5,987 14,272 --8,430 6,367 7,268

--4,005 12,660 ------5,629 10,439 --7,677 4,767 6,975

----9,224 ------6,080 11,395 --4,725 3,770 7,393

37129 37131 37133 37135 37137 37139 37141 37143 37145 37147 37149

New Hanover ................... Northampton ................... Onslow ............................ Orange ............................ Pamlico ............................ Pasquotank ...................... Pender ............................. Perquimans ...................... Person ............................. Pitt................................... Polk .................................

32,037 22,323 14,125 15,064 9,966 16,693 15,471 11,054 17,356 36,340 7,640

25,785 21,150 11,940 14,690 8,045 13,660 13,381 10,091 16,685 30,889 7,004

24,026 21,242 10,303 14,948 7,146 10,748 12,514 9,293 15,151 25,519 5,902

21,376 20,032 9,829 23,698 6,323 10,369 12,468 9,466 13,719 21,794 5,062

27,978 14,749 7,569 17,507 --8,131 --7,945 11,170 17,276 4,319

21,715 13,372 8,856 16,947 --8,940 --7,238 11,221 16,080 4,043

17,668 13,335 8,283 17,055 --8,950 --7,332 10,781 13,397 ---

13,312 13,369 7,527 24,356 --8,514 --7,346 9,790 11,806 ---

10,959 13,391 7,814 23,908 --8,641 --7,419 10,027 12,093 ---

10,866 13,242 7,016 23,492 --8,008 --6,857 9,029 10,001 ---

11,465 13,082 6,669 20,135 --7,674 --6,052 6,642 9,169 ---

7,060 12,353 5,623 16,362 --5,379 --5,708 6,402 9,084 ---

6,831 9,981 5,387 12,216 --5,497 --5,440 --8,275 ---

37151 37153 37155 37157

Randolph ......................... Richmond ........................ Robeson .......................... Rockingham.....................

29,491 19,673 51,945 36,442

28,232 15,855 40,371 33,163

25,195 23,948 31,483 25,363

20,836 18,245 23,880 21,744

17,551 12,882 16,262 15,708

16,793 11,009 15,489 16,746

15,832 9,818 12,826 14,495

12,875 8,909 10,370 13,442

12,406 9,396 9,433 12,935

11,331 7,537 8,204 11,474

10,112 6,695 7,528 10,316

9,234 5,623 6,839 8,277

7,276 5,055 5,326 6,187

37159 37161 37163 37165 37167 37169

Rowan ............................. Rutherford ....................... Sampson.......................... Scotland .......................... Stanly .............................. Stokes..............................

37,521 28,385 29,982 15,363 19,909 20,151

31,066 25,101 26,380 12,553 15,220 19,866

24,123 18,770 25,096 --12,136 17,199

19,965 15,198 22,894 --10,505 15,353

16,810 13,121 16,436 --8,315 11,208

14,589 11,573 16,624 --7,801 10,402

13,870 13,550 14,585 --6,922 9,206

12,109 19,202 12,157 ----16,265

20,786 17,557 11,634 ----16,196

26,009 15,351 8,908 ----14,033

21,543 13,202 6,620 ----11,645

20,060 10,753 6,719 ----11,026

15,828 7,808 6,065 ----8,528

37171 37173 37175 37177 37179 37181 37183 37183.1 37185 37187

Surry ................................ Swain .............................. Transylvania ..................... Tyrrell ............................... Union .............................. Vance .............................. Wake ............................... Walton............................. Warren ............................ Washington .....................

29,705 10,403 7,191 5,219 33,277 19,425 63,229 --20,266 11,062

25,515 8,401 6,620 4,980 27,156 16,684 54,626 --19,151 10,608

19,281 6,577 5,881 4,225 21,259 17,581 49,207 --19,360 10,200

15,302 3,784 5,340 4,545 18,056 --47,939 --22,619 8,928

11,252 --3,536 4,173 12,217 --35,617 --17,768 6,516

10,380 ----4,944 11,202 --28,627 --15,726 6,357

18,443 ----5,133 10,051 --24,888 --13,912 5,664

15,079 ----4,657 ----21,118 --12,919 4,525

14,504 ----4,732 ----20,398 --11,877 4,552

12,320 ----4,319 ----20,102 --11,158 3,986

10,366 ----3,364 ----17,086 1,026 11,004 3,464

9,505 ----3,395 ----13,437 --11,284 2,422

7,191 ----4,744 ----10,192 --9,397 ---

37189 37191 37193 37195 37197 37199

Watauga .......................... Wayne ............................. Wilkes ............................. Wilson ............................. Yadkin ............................. Yancey .............................

13,556 35,698 30,282 28,269 15,428 12,072

13,417 31,356 26,872 23,596 14,083 11,464

10,611 26,100 22,675 18,644 13,790 9,490

8,160 24,951 19,181 16,064 12,420 7,694

5,287 18,144 15,539 12,258 10,697 5,909

4,957 14,905 14,749 9,720 10,714 8,655

3,400 13,486 12,099 ----8,205

--10,891 12,577 ----5,962

--10,331 11,968 -------

--9,040 9,967 -------

--8,687 9,054 -------

--6,772 7,247 -------

--6,133 8,143 -------

Part C — Counties 125

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010











NORTH DAKOTA ................












38001 38003 38005 38007 38009 38011 38011.1 38013 38015 38017 38019

Adams ................................. Barnes ................................. Benson ................................ Billings ................................. Bottineau ............................. Bowman .............................. Buford ................................. Burke ................................... Burleigh ............................... Cass..................................... Cavalier ...............................

1910 1880 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1910 1880 1880 1890

2,343 11,066 6,660 783 6,429 3,151 --1,968 81,308 149,778 3,993

2,593 11,775 6,964 888 7,149 3,242 --2,242 69,416 123,138 4,831

3,174 12,545 7,198 1,108 8,011 3,596 --3,002 60,131 102,874 6,064

3,584 13,960 7,944 1,138 9,239 4,229 --3,822 54,811 88,247 7,636

3,832 14,669 8,245 1,198 9,496 3,901 --4,739 40,714 73,653 8,213

4,449 16,719 9,435 1,513 11,315 4,154 --5,886 34,016 66,947 10,064

4,910 16,884 10,675 1,777 12,140 4,001 --6,621 25,673 58,877 11,840

4,664 17,814 12,629 2,531 13,253 3,860 --7,653 22,736 52,849 13,923

6,343 18,804 13,327 3,140 14,853 5,119 --9,998 19,769 48,735 14,554

5,593 18,678 13,095 3,126 15,109 4,768 --9,511 15,578 41,477 15,555

38019.1 38021 38023 38025 38027 38029 38029.1 38031 38031.1 38033 38035 38037 38039 38041 38041.1 38043 38045 38047

Church ................................ Dickey.................................. Divide .................................. Dunn ................................... Eddy .................................... Emmons .............................. Flannery ............................... Foster .................................. Garfield ............................... Golden Valley....................... Grand Forks ......................... Grant ................................... Griggs.................................. Hettinger ............................. Howard ............................... Kidder.................................. LaMoure .............................. Logan ..................................

1890 1890 1910 1890 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1920 1880 1920 1890 1890 1880 1880 1880 1890

--5,289 2,071 3,536 2,385 3,550 --3,343 --1,680 66,861 2,394 2,420 2,477 --2,435 4,139 1,990

--5,757 2,283 3,600 2,757 4,331 --3,759 --1,924 66,109 2,841 2,754 2,715 --2,753 4,701 2,308

--6,107 2,899 4,005 2,951 4,830 --3,983 --2,108 70,683 3,549 3,303 3,445 --3,332 5,383 2,847

--7,207 3,494 4,627 3,554 5,877 --4,611 --2,391 66,100 4,274 3,714 4,275 --3,833 6,473 3,493

--6,976 4,564 4,895 4,103 7,200 --4,832 --2,611 61,102 5,009 4,184 5,075 --4,362 7,117 4,245

--8,147 5,566 6,350 4,936 8,462 --5,361 --3,100 48,677 6,248 5,023 6,317 --5,386 8,705 5,369

--9,121 5,967 7,212 5,372 9,715 --5,337 --3,499 39,443 7,114 5,460 7,100 --6,168 9,498 6,357

--9,696 7,086 8,376 5,741 11,699 --5,824 --3,498 34,518 8,264 5,818 7,457 --6,692 10,298 7,561

--10,877 9,636 9,566 6,346 12,467 --6,353 --4,122 31,956 10,134 6,889 8,796 --8,031 11,517 8,089

--10,499 9,637 8,828 6,493 11,288 --6,108 --4,832 28,795 9,553 7,402 7,685 --7,798 11,564 7,723

38049 38051 38053 38055 38057 38059 38061 38063 38065 38067 38069

McHenry .............................. McIntosh ............................. McKenzie............................. McLean................................ Mercer ................................. Morton ................................ Mountrail............................. Nelson ................................. Oliver ................................... Pembina .............................. Pierce...................................

1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1870 1890

5,395 2,809 6,360 8,962 8,424 27,471 7,673 3,126 1,846 7,413 4,357

5,987 3,390 5,737 9,311 8,644 25,303 6,631 3,715 2,065 8,585 4,675

6,528 4,021 6,383 10,457 9,808 23,700 7,021 4,410 2,381 9,238 5,052

7,858 4,800 7,132 12,383 9,404 25,177 7,679 5,233 2,495 10,399 6,166

8,977 5,545 6,127 11,251 6,175 20,310 8,437 5,776 2,322 10,728 6,323

11,099 6,702 7,296 14,030 6,805 20,992 10,077 7,034 2,610 12,946 7,394

12,556 7,590 6,849 18,824 8,686 19,295 9,418 8,090 3,091 13,990 8,326

14,034 8,984 8,426 16,082 9,611 20,184 10,482 9,129 3,859 15,671 9,208

15,439 9,621 9,709 17,991 9,516 19,647 13,544 10,203 4,262 14,757 9,074

15,544 9,010 9,544 17,266 8,224 18,714 12,140 10,362 4,425 15,177 9,283

38071 38073 38075 38077 38079 38081 38083 38085 38087 38089 38091

Ramsey ................................ Ransom ............................... Renville ................................ Richland............................... Rolette ................................. Sargent ................................ Sheridan .............................. Sioux ................................... Slope ................................... Stark .................................... Steele ..................................

1880 1880 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1920 1920 1890 1890

11,451 5,457 2,470 16,321 13,937 3,829 1,321 4,153 727 24,199 1,975

12,066 5,890 2,610 17,998 13,674 4,366 1,710 4,044 767 22,636 2,258

12,681 5,921 3,160 18,148 12,772 4,549 2,148 3,761 907 22,832 2,420

13,048 6,698 3,608 19,207 12,177 5,512 2,819 3,620 1,157 23,697 3,106

12,915 7,102 3,828 18,089 11,549 5,937 3,232 3,632 1,484 19,613 3,749

13,443 8,078 4,698 18,824 10,641 6,856 4,350 3,662 1,893 18,451 4,719

14,373 8,876 5,405 19,865 11,102 7,616 5,253 3,696 2,315 16,137 5,145

15,626 10,061 5,533 20,519 12,583 8,693 6,616 4,419 2,932 15,414 6,193

16,252 10,983 7,263 21,008 10,760 9,298 7,373 4,687 4,150 15,340 6,972

15,427 11,618 7,776 20,887 10,061 9,655 7,935 3,308 4,940 13,542 7,401

38091.1 38093 38095 38097 38097.1 38097.3 38099 38101 38103 38103.1 38105

Stevens ................................ Stutsman ............................. Towner ................................ Traill ..................................... Wallace ................................ Wallette ............................... Walsh .................................. Ward ................................... Wells ................................... Williams (old) ....................... Williams ...............................

1880 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1880 1900

--21,100 2,246 8,121 ----11,119 61,675 4,207 --22,398

--21,908 2,876 8,477 ----12,389 58,795 5,102 --19,761

--22,241 3,627 8,752 ----13,840 57,921 5,864 --21,129

--24,154 4,052 9,624 ----15,371 58,392 6,979 --22,237

--23,550 4,645 9,571 ----16,251 58,560 7,847 --19,301

--25,137 5,624 10,583 ----17,997 47,072 9,237 --22,051

--24,158 6,360 11,359 ----18,859 34,782 10,417 --16,442

--23,495 7,200 12,300 ----20,747 31,981 11,198 --16,315

--26,100 8,393 12,600 ----20,047 33,597 13,285 --19,553

--24,575 8,327 12,210 ----19,078 28,811 12,957 --17,980

126 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County


Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1870













NORTH DAKOTA ............














38001 38003 38005 38007 38009 38011 38011.1 38013 38015 38017 38019

Adams ............................. Barnes ............................. Benson ............................ Billings ............................. Bottineau ......................... Bowman .......................... Buford ............................. Burke ............................... Burleigh ........................... Cass................................. Cavalier ...........................

5,407 18,066 12,681 10,186 17,295 4,668 --9,064 13,087 33,935 15,659

--13,159 8,320 975 7,532 ------6,081 28,625 12,580

--7,045 2,460 170 2,893 6 803 --4,247 19,613 6,471

--1,585 --1,323 --------3,246 8,998 ---










38019.1 38021 38023 38025 38027 38029 38029.1 38031 38031.1 38033 38035 38037 38039 38041 38041.1 38043 38045 38047

Church ............................ Dickey.............................. Divide .............................. Dunn ............................... Eddy ................................ Emmons .......................... Flannery ........................... Foster .............................. Garfield ........................... Golden Valley................... Grand Forks ..................... Grant ............................... Griggs.............................. Hettinger ......................... Howard ........................... Kidder.............................. LaMoure .......................... Logan ..............................

--9,839 6,015 5,302 4,800 9,796 --5,313 ----27,888 --6,274 6,557 --5,962 10,724 6,168

--6,061 ----3,330 4,349 --3,770 ----24,459 --4,744 ----1,754 6,048 1,625

74 5,573 --159 1,377 1,971 72 1,210 33 --18,357 --2,817 81 --1,211 3,187 597

----------38 --37 ----6,248 ------12 89 20 ---










38049 38051 38053 38055 38057 38059 38061

McHenry .......................... McIntosh ......................... McKenzie......................... McLean............................ Mercer ............................. Morton ............................ Mountrail.........................

17,627 7,251 5,720 14,496 4,747 25,289 8,491

5,253 4,818 --4,791 1,778 8,069 ---

1,584 3,248 3 860 428 4,728 122

----------200 13










38063 38065 38067 38069

Nelson ............................. Oliver ............................... Pembina .......................... Pierce...............................

10,140 3,577 14,749 9,740

7,316 990 17,869 4,765

4,293 464 14,334 905

----4,862 ---

----1,213 ---









38071 38073 38075 38077 38079 38081 38083 38085 38087 38089 38091

Ramsey ............................ Ransom ........................... Renville ............................ Richland........................... Rolette ............................. Sargent ............................ Sheridan .......................... Sioux ............................... Slope ............................... Stark ................................ Steele ..............................

15,199 10,345 7,840 19,659 9,558 9,202 8,103 ----12,504 7,616

9,198 6,919 --17,387 7,995 6,039 ------7,621 5,888

4,418 5,393 99 10,751 2,427 5,076 5 ----2,304 3,777

281 537 --3,597 ---------------










38091.1 38093 38095 38097 38097.1 38097.3 38099 38101 38103 38103.1 38105

Stevens ............................ Stutsman ......................... Towner ............................ Traill ................................. Wallace ............................ Wallette ........................... Walsh .............................. Ward ............................... Wells ............................... Williams (old) ................... Williams ...........................

--18,189 8,963 12,545 ----19,491 25,281 11,814 --14,234

--9,143 6,491 13,107 ----20,288 7,961 8,310 --1,530

16 5,266 1,450 10,217 24 --16,587 1,681 1,212 109 ---

247 1,007 --4,123 --432 ------14 ---










Part C — Counties 127

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010






OHIO ..................................












39001 39003 39005 39007 39009 39011 39013 39015 39017 39019 39021

Adams ................................. Allen .................................... Ashland ............................... Ashtabula ............................ Athens ................................. Auglaize .............................. Belmont ............................... Brown.................................. Butler................................... Carroll ................................. Champaign ..........................

1800 1830 1850 1820 1810 1850 1810 1820 1810 1840 1810

28,550 106,331 53,139 101,497 64,757 45,949 70,400 44,846 368,130 28,836 40,097

27,330 108,473 52,523 102,728 62,223 46,611 70,226 42,285 332,807 28,836 38,890

25,371 109,755 47,507 99,821 59,549 44,585 71,074 34,966 291,479 26,521 36,019

24,328 112,241 46,178 104,215 56,399 42,554 82,569 31,920 258,787 25,598 33,649

18,957 111,144 43,303 98,237 54,889 38,602 80,917 26,635 226,207 21,579 30,491

19,982 103,691 38,771 93,067 46,998 36,147 83,864 25,178 199,076 20,857 29,714

20,499 88,183 33,040 78,695 45,839 30,637 87,740 22,221 147,203 19,039 26,793

21,705 73,303 29,785 68,674 46,166 28,037 95,614 21,638 120,249 17,449 25,258

20,381 69,419 26,867 68,361 44,175 28,034 94,719 20,148 114,084 16,057 24,103

22,403 68,223 24,627 65,545 50,430 29,527 93,193 22,621 87,025 15,942 25,071

39023 39025 39027 39029 39031 39033 39035 39037 39039 39041 39043 39045

Clark.................................... Clermont ............................. Clinton ................................ Columbiana ......................... Coshocton ........................... Crawford ............................. Cuyahoga ............................ Darke................................... Defiance .............................. Delaware ............................. Erie ...................................... Fairfield................................

1820 1810 1810 1810 1820 1830 1810 1820 1850 1810 1840 1810

138,333 197,363 42,040 107,841 36,901 43,784 1,280,122 52,959 39,037 174,214 77,079 146,156

144,742 177,977 40,543 112,075 36,655 46,966 1,393,978 53,309 39,500 109,989 79,551 122,759

147,548 150,187 35,415 108,276 35,427 47,870 1,412,140 53,619 39,350 66,929 76,779 103,461

150,236 128,483 34,603 113,572 36,024 50,075 1,498,400 55,096 39,987 53,840 79,655 93,678

157,115 95,725 31,464 108,310 33,486 50,364 1,721,300 49,141 36,949 42,908 75,909 73,301

131,440 80,530 30,004 107,004 32,224 46,775 1,647,895 45,612 31,508 36,107 68,000 63,912

111,661 42,182 25,572 98,920 31,141 38,738 1,389,532 41,799 25,925 30,278 52,565 52,130

95,647 34,109 22,574 90,121 30,594 35,571 1,217,250 38,831 24,367 26,780 43,201 48,490

90,936 29,786 21,547 86,484 28,976 35,345 1,201,455 38,009 22,714 26,016 42,133 44,010

80,728 28,291 23,036 83,131 29,595 36,054 943,495 42,911 24,549 26,013 39,789 40,484

39047 39049 39051 39053 39055 39057 39059 39061 39063 39065 39067 39069 39071 39073 39075 39077 39079 39081 39083 39085 39087 39089 39091

Fayette................................. Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Gallia ................................... Geauga................................ Greene ................................ Guernsey ............................. Hamilton.............................. Hancock .............................. Hardin ................................. Harrison ............................... Henry................................... Highland .............................. Hocking ............................... Holmes ................................ Huron .................................. Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Knox .................................... Lake..................................... Lawrence ............................. Licking ................................. Logan ..................................

1810 1810 1850 1810 1810 1810 1810 1800 1830 1820 1820 1830 1810 1820 1830 1820 1820 1800 1810 1840 1820 1810 1820

29,030 1,163,414 42,698 30,934 93,389 161,573 40,087 802,374 74,782 32,058 15,864 28,215 43,589 29,380 42,366 59,626 33,225 69,709 60,921 230,041 62,450 166,492 45,858

28,433 1,068,978 42,084 31,069 90,895 147,886 40,792 845,303 71,295 31,945 15,856 29,210 40,875 28,241 38,943 59,487 32,641 73,894 54,500 227,511 62,319 145,491 46,005

27,466 961,437 38,498 30,954 81,129 136,731 39,024 866,228 65,536 31,111 16,085 29,108 35,728 25,533 32,849 56,240 30,230 80,298 47,473 215,499 61,834 128,300 42,310

27,467 869,132 37,751 30,098 74,474 129,769 42,024 873,224 64,581 32,719 18,152 28,383 33,477 24,304 29,416 54,608 30,592 91,564 46,304 212,801 63,849 120,981 39,155

25,461 833,249 33,071 25,239 62,977 125,057 37,665 924,018 61,217 30,813 17,013 27,058 28,996 20,322 23,024 49,587 27,174 96,193 41,795 197,200 56,868 107,799 35,072

24,775 682,962 29,301 26,120 47,573 94,642 38,579 864,121 53,686 29,633 17,995 25,392 29,716 20,168 21,591 47,326 29,372 99,201 38,808 148,700 55,438 90,242 34,803

22,554 503,410 25,580 24,910 26,646 58,892 38,452 723,952 44,280 28,673 19,054 22,423 28,188 19,520 18,760 39,353 27,767 96,495 35,287 75,979 49,115 70,645 31,329

21,385 388,712 23,626 24,930 19,430 35,863 38,822 621,987 40,793 27,061 20,313 22,756 27,099 21,504 17,876 34,800 27,004 98,129 31,024 50,020 46,705 62,279 29,624

20,755 361,055 23,477 23,050 15,414 33,259 41,486 589,356 40,404 27,635 18,844 22,524 25,416 20,407 16,726 33,700 25,040 88,307 29,338 41,674 44,541 59,962 28,981

21,518 283,951 23,445 23,311 15,036 31,221 45,352 493,678 38,394 29,167 19,625 23,362 27,610 23,291 16,965 32,424 27,342 77,580 29,580 28,667 39,540 56,426 30,104

39093 39095 39097 39099 39101 39103 39105 39107 39109 39111 39113

Lorain .................................. Lucas ................................... Madison .............................. Mahoning ............................ Marion................................. Medina ................................ Meigs .................................. Mercer ................................. Miami .................................. Monroe ............................... Montgomery........................

1830 1840 1810 1850 1830 1820 1820 1820 1810 1820 1810

301,356 441,815 43,435 238,823 66,501 172,332 23,770 40,814 102,506 14,642 535,153

284,664 455,054 40,213 257,555 66,217 151,095 23,072 40,924 98,868 15,180 559,062

271,126 462,361 37,068 264,806 64,274 122,354 22,987 39,443 93,182 15,497 573,809

274,909 471,741 33,004 289,487 67,974 113,150 23,641 38,334 90,381 17,382 571,697

256,843 484,370 28,318 303,424 64,724 82,717 19,799 35,265 84,342 15,739 606,148

217,500 456,931 26,454 300,480 60,221 65,315 22,159 32,559 72,901 15,268 527,080

148,162 395,551 22,300 257,629 49,959 40,417 23,227 28,311 61,309 15,362 398,441

112,390 344,333 21,811 240,251 44,898 33,034 24,104 26,256 52,632 18,641 295,480

109,206 347,709 20,253 236,142 45,420 29,677 23,961 25,096 51,301 18,426 273,481

90,612 275,721 19,662 186,310 42,004 26,067 26,189 26,872 48,428 20,660 209,532

39115 39117 39119 39121 39123

Morgan ............................... Morrow ............................... Muskingum ......................... Noble................................... Ottawa ................................

1820 1850 1810 1860 1840

15,054 34,827 86,074 14,645 41,428

14,897 31,628 84,585 14,058 40,985

14,194 27,749 82,068 11,336 40,029

14,241 26,480 83,340 11,310 40,076

12,375 21,348 77,826 10,428 37,099

12,747 19,405 79,159 10,982 35,323

12,836 17,168 74,535 11,750 29,469

14,227 15,646 69,795 14,587 24,360

13,583 14,489 67,398 14,961 24,109

14,555 15,570 57,980 17,849 22,193

128 County and City Extra






Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued Resident population enumerated by census (continued)

STATE/ County code

STATE County


OHIO ..............................

39001 39003 39005 39007 39009 39011 39013 39015 39017 39019 39021

Adams ............................. Allen ................................ Ashland ........................... Ashtabula ........................ Athens ............................. Auglaize .......................... Belmont ........................... Brown.............................. Butler............................... Carroll ............................. Champaign ......................

24,755 56,580 22,975 59,547 47,798 31,246 76,856 24,832 70,271 15,761 26,351

26,328 47,976 21,184 51,448 38,730 31,192 60,875 28,237 56,870 16,811 26,642

26,093 40,644 22,223 43,655 35,194 28,100 57,413 29,899 48,597 17,566 26,980

24,005 31,314 23,883 37,139 28,411 25,444 49,638 32,911 42,579 16,416 27,817

20,750 23,623 21,933 32,517 23,768 20,041 39,714 30,802 39,912 14,491 24,188

20,309 19,185 22,951 31,814 21,364 17,187 36,398 29,958 35,840 15,738 22,698

18,883 12,109 23,813 28,767 18,215 11,338 34,600 27,332 30,789 17,685 19,782

39023 39025 39027 39029 39031 39033 39035 39037 39039 39041 39043 39045

Clark................................ Clermont ......................... Clinton ............................ Columbiana ..................... Coshocton ....................... Crawford ......................... Cuyahoga ........................ Darke............................... Defiance .......................... Delaware ......................... Erie .................................. Fairfield............................

66,435 29,551 23,680 76,619 30,121 34,036 637,425 42,933 24,498 27,182 38,327 39,201

58,939 31,610 24,202 68,590 29,337 33,915 439,120 42,532 26,387 26,401 37,650 34,259

52,277 33,553 24,240 59,029 26,703 31,927 309,970 42,961 25,769 27,189 35,462 33,939

41,948 36,713 24,756 48,602 26,642 30,583 196,943 40,496 22,515 27,381 32,640 34,284

32,070 34,268 21,914 38,299 23,600 25,556 132,010 32,278 15,719 25,175 28,188 31,138

25,300 33,034 21,461 32,836 25,032 23,881 78,033 26,009 11,886 23,902 24,474 30,538

39047 39049 39051 39053 39055 39057 39059 39061 39063 39065 39067 39069 39071

Fayette............................. Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Gallia ............................... Geauga............................ Greene ............................ Guernsey ......................... Hamilton.......................... Hancock .......................... Hardin ............................. Harrison ........................... Henry............................... Highland ..........................

21,744 221,567 23,914 25,745 14,670 29,733 42,716 460,732 37,860 30,407 19,076 25,119 28,711

21,725 164,460 22,801 27,918 14,744 31,613 34,425 409,479 41,993 31,187 20,486 27,282 30,982

22,309 124,087 22,023 27,005 13,489 29,820 28,645 374,573 42,563 28,939 20,830 25,080 29,048

20,364 86,797 21,053 28,124 14,251 31,349 27,197 313,374 27,784 27,023 20,456 20,585 30,281

17,170 63,019 17,789 25,545 14,190 28,038 23,838 260,370 23,847 18,714 18,682 14,028 29,133

39073 39075 39077 39079 39081 39083 39085 39087 39089 39091

Hocking ........................... Holmes ............................ Huron .............................. Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Knox ................................ Lake................................. Lawrence ......................... Licking ............................. Logan ..............................

23,650 17,909 34,206 30,791 65,423 30,181 22,927 39,488 55,590 30,084

24,398 19,511 32,330 34,248 44,357 27,768 21,680 39,534 47,070 30,420

22,658 21,139 31,949 28,408 39,415 27,600 18,235 39,556 43,279 27,386

21,126 20,776 31,609 23,686 33,018 27,431 16,326 39,068 40,450 26,267

39093 39095 39097 39099 39101 39103 39105 39107 39109 39111 39113

Lorain .............................. Lucas ............................... Madison .......................... Mahoning ........................ Marion............................. Medina ............................ Meigs .............................. Mercer ............................. Miami .............................. Monroe ........................... Montgomery....................

76,037 192,728 19,902 116,151 33,971 23,598 25,594 27,536 45,047 24,244 163,763

54,857 153,559 20,590 70,134 28,678 21,958 28,620 28,021 43,105 27,031 130,146

40,295 102,296 20,057 55,979 24,727 21,742 29,813 27,220 39,754 25,175 100,852

39115 39117 39119 39121 39123

Morgan ........................... Morrow ........................... Muskingum ..................... Noble............................... Ottawa ............................

16,097 16,815 57,488 18,601 22,360

17,905 17,879 53,185 19,466 22,213

19,143 18,120 51,210 20,753 21,974


















13,183 9,079 --23,724 19,109 --30,901 22,715 28,173 18,108 16,721

12,281 578 --14,584 9,787 --28,627 17,867 27,142 --12,131

10,406 ----7,382 6,338 --20,329 13,356 21,746 --8,479

9,434 ------2,791 --11,097 --11,150 --6,303

3,432 ---------------------


22,178 30,455 18,838 33,621 25,674 18,177 48,099 20,276 6,966 21,817 18,568 30,264

16,882 23,106 15,719 40,378 21,590 13,152 26,506 13,282 --22,060 12,599 31,924

13,114 20,466 11,436 35,592 11,161 4,791 10,373 6,204 --11,504 --24,786

9,533 15,820 8,085 22,033 7,086 --6,328 3,622 --7,639 --16,633

--9,965 2,674 10,878 ----1,459 ----2,000 --11,361



15,935 50,361 14,043 22,043 15,817 26,197 24,474 216,410 22,886 13,570 19,110 8,901 27,773

12,726 42,909 7,781 17,063 17,827 21,946 30,438 156,844 16,751 8,251 20,157 3,434 25,781

10,984 25,049 --13,444 16,297 17,528 27,748 80,145 9,986 4,598 20,099 2,503 22,269

8,182 14,741 --9,733 15,813 14,801 18,036 52,317 813 210 20,916 262 16,345

6,316 10,292 --7,098 7,791 10,529 9,292 31,764 --22 14,345 --12,308

1,854 3,486 --4,181 2,917 5,870 3,051 15,258 --------5,766

--------------14,692 -----------


17,925 18,177 28,532 21,759 29,188 26,333 15,935 31,380 35,756 23,028

17,057 20,589 29,616 17,941 26,115 27,735 15,576 23,249 37,011 20,996

14,119 20,452 26,203 12,719 29,133 28,872 14,654 15,246 38,846 19,162

9,741 18,088 23,933 9,744 25,030 29,579 13,719 9,738 35,096 14,015

4,008 9,135 13,341 5,941 22,489 17,085 --5,367 20,869 6,440

2,130 --6,675 3,746 18,531 8,326 --3,499 11,861 3,159

--------17,260 2,149 ----3,852 ---

--------8,766 -----------


35,526 67,377 20,129 42,871 20,565 21,453 32,325 21,808 36,158 26,496 78,550

30,308 46,722 15,633 31,001 16,184 20,092 31,465 17,254 32,740 25,779 64,006

29,744 25,831 13,015 25,894 15,490 22,517 26,534 14,104 29,959 25,741 52,230

26,086 12,363 10,015 23,735 12,618 24,441 17,971 7,712 24,999 28,351 38,218

18,467 9,382 9,025 --14,765 18,352 11,452 8,277 19,688 18,521 31,938

5,696 --6,190 --6,551 7,560 6,158 1,110 12,807 8,768 24,362

----4,799 ----3,082 4,480 95 8,851 4,645 15,999

----1,603 ----------3,941 --7,722



20,074 19,072 49,774 21,138 19,762

20,363 18,583 44,886 19,949 13,364

22,119 20,445 44,416 20,751 7,016

28,585 20,280 45,049 --3,308

20,852 --38,749 --2,248

11,800 --29,334 -----

5,297 --17,824 -----

----10,036 -----



4,767,121 4,157,545 3,672,329 3,198,062 2,665,260 2,339,511 1,980,329 1,519,467


Part C — Counties 129

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1830 1820 1810 1820 1810 1810 1830 1820 1800 1820 1810 1830 1820 1810 1840 1800 1810 1820 1830 1850 1810 1800 1820 1830 1820 1850

19,614 36,058 55,698 28,709 161,419 42,270 34,499 124,475 78,064 60,944 79,499 56,745 49,423 375,586 541,781 210,312 92,582 52,300 28,744 13,435 212,693 61,778 114,520 37,642 125,488 22,615

20,293 34,078 52,727 27,695 152,061 42,337 34,726 128,852 73,345 61,792 79,195 58,683 47,910 378,098 542,899 225,116 90,914 40,909 29,659 12,806 158,383 63,251 111,564 39,188 121,065 22,908

20,488 31,557 48,255 24,249 142,585 40,113 33,819 126,137 69,330 61,963 80,327 59,733 44,915 367,585 514,990 227,813 84,090 31,969 30,464 11,098 113,909 62,254 101,461 36,956 113,269 22,254

21,302 31,032 43,662 22,802 135,856 38,223 32,991 131,205 65,004 63,267 84,545 61,901 43,089 378,823 524,472 241,863 84,614 29,536 30,458 11,584 99,276 64,266 97,408 36,369 107,372 22,651

19,329 27,434 40,071 19,114 125,868 34,719 31,134 129,997 61,211 60,983 76,951 60,696 37,748 372,210 553,371 232,579 77,211 23,786 29,194 9,420 84,925 57,160 87,123 33,669 89,722 21,826

16,792 27,864 35,855 19,380 91,798 32,498 28,331 117,761 61,215 56,486 84,216 59,326 33,586 340,345 513,569 208,526 76,789 22,853 28,840 10,274 65,711 51,689 75,497 29,968 72,596 21,648

15,047 28,999 29,352 14,607 63,954 27,081 25,248 91,305 54,424 46,114 82,910 52,978 28,488 283,194 410,032 158,915 70,320 20,687 26,971 10,759 38,505 44,407 58,716 26,202 59,605 19,785

15,527 31,087 27,889 16,113 46,660 23,329 25,016 73,853 52,147 41,014 86,565 48,499 26,071 234,887 339,405 132,315 68,816 20,012 26,759 11,573 29,894 43,537 50,520 25,510 51,796 19,218

15,301 31,445 27,238 13,876 42,682 22,455 25,074 65,902 45,181 39,731 81,221 47,941 24,924 221,784 344,131 123,063 68,193 19,192 26,273 10,287 27,348 42,437 47,024 24,316 50,320 19,036

18,736 36,098 25,788 14,151 36,269 23,238 27,751 55,178 41,556 37,109 62,850 43,176 25,923 177,218 286,065 83,920 63,578 20,918 28,210 12,075 25,716 43,049 41,346 24,627 44,892 19,481













40001 40003 40005 40007 40009 40011 40013 40015 40017 40019 40021

Adair ................................... Alfalfa.................................. Atoka .................................. Beaver ................................. Beckham.............................. Blaine .................................. Bryan ................................... Caddo ................................. Canadian ............................. Carter .................................. Cherokee .............................

1907 1907 1907 1890 1907 1900 1907 1907 1890 1907 1907

22,683 5,642 14,182 5,636 22,119 11,943 42,416 29,600 115,541 47,557 46,987

21,038 6,105 13,879 5,857 19,799 11,976 36,534 30,150 87,697 45,621 42,521

18,421 6,416 12,778 6,023 18,812 11,470 32,089 29,550 74,409 42,919 34,049

18,575 7,077 12,748 6,806 19,243 13,443 30,535 30,905 56,452 43,610 30,684

15,141 7,224 10,972 6,282 15,754 11,794 25,552 28,931 32,245 37,349 23,174

13,112 8,445 10,352 6,965 17,782 12,077 24,252 28,621 24,727 39,044 17,762

14,918 10,699 14,269 7,411 21,627 15,049 28,999 34,913 25,644 36,455 18,989

15,755 14,129 18,702 8,648 22,169 18,543 38,138 41,567 27,329 43,292 21,030

14,756 15,228 14,533 11,452 28,991 20,452 32,277 50,779 28,115 41,419 17,470

13,703 16,253 20,862 14,048 18,989 15,875 40,700 34,207 22,288 40,247 19,872

40023 40025 40027 40029 40031 40033 40035 40037 40039 40039.1 40041

Choctaw .............................. Cimarron ............................. Cleveland............................. Coal..................................... Comanche ........................... Cotton ................................. Craig ................................... Creek................................... Custer.................................. Day ...................................... Delaware .............................

1907 1907 1890 1907 1907 1920 1907 1907 1900 1900 1907

15,205 2,475 255,755 5,925 124,098 6,193 15,029 69,967 27,469 --41,487

15,342 3,148 208,016 6,031 114,996 6,614 14,950 67,367 26,142 --37,077

15,302 3,301 174,253 5,780 111,486 6,651 14,104 60,915 26,897 --28,070

17,203 3,648 133,173 6,041 112,456 7,338 15,014 59,016 25,995 --23,946

15,141 4,145 81,839 5,525 108,144 6,832 14,722 45,532 22,665 --17,767

15,637 4,496 47,600 5,546 90,803 8,031 16,303 40,495 21,040 --13,198

20,405 4,589 41,443 8,056 55,165 10,180 18,263 43,143 21,097 --14,734

28,358 3,654 27,728 12,811 38,988 12,884 21,083 55,503 23,068 --18,592

24,142 5,408 24,948 11,521 34,317 15,442 18,052 64,115 27,517 --15,370

32,144 3,436 19,389 18,406 26,629 16,679 19,160 62,480 18,736 --13,868

40043 40045 40047 40049 40051 40053 40055 40057 40059 40061

Dewey ................................. Ellis ...................................... Garfield ............................... Garvin.................................. Grady .................................. Grant ................................... Greer ................................... Harmon ............................... Harper ................................. Haskell .................................

1900 1907 1900 1907 1907 1900 1890 1910 1907 1907

4,810 4,151 60,580 27,576 52,431 4,527 6,239 2,922 3,685 12,769

4,743 4,075 57,813 27,210 45,516 5,144 6,061 3,283 3,562 11,792

5,551 4,497 56,735 26,605 41,747 5,689 6,559 3,793 4,063 10,940

5,922 5,596 62,820 27,856 39,490 6,518 7,028 4,519 4,715 11,010

5,656 5,129 55,365 24,874 29,354 7,117 7,979 5,136 5,151 9,578

6,051 5,457 52,975 28,290 29,590 8,140 8,877 5,852 5,956 9,121

8,789 7,326 52,820 29,500 34,872 10,461 11,749 8,079 5,977 13,313

11,981 8,466 45,484 31,150 41,116 13,128 14,550 10,019 6,454 17,324

13,250 10,541 45,588 31,401 47,638 14,150 20,282 13,834 7,761 16,216

12,434 11,673 37,500 32,445 33,943 16,072 15,836 11,261 7,623 19,397

39125 39127 39129 39131 39133 39135 39137 39139 39141 39143 39145 39147 39149 39151 39153 39155 39157 39159 39161 39163 39165 39167 39169 39171 39173 39175

OHIO cnt’d Paulding .............................. Perry .................................... Pickaway.............................. Pike ..................................... Portage ................................ Preble .................................. Putnam ................................ Richland............................... Ross ..................................... Sandusky ............................. Scioto .................................. Seneca ................................. Shelby.................................. Stark .................................... Summit ................................ Trumbull .............................. Tuscarawas .......................... Union .................................. Van Wert ............................. Vinton ................................. Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Williams ............................... Wood .................................. Wyandot..............................


130 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













39125 39127 39129 39131 39133 39135 39137 39139 39141 39143 39145 39147 39149 39151 39153 39155 39157 39159 39161 39163 39165 39167 39169 39171 39173 39175

OHIO cnt’d Paulding .......................... Perry ................................ Pickaway.......................... Pike ................................. Portage ............................ Preble .............................. Putnam ............................ Richland........................... Ross ................................. Sandusky ......................... Scioto .............................. Seneca ............................. Shelby.............................. Stark ................................ Summit ............................ Trumbull .......................... Tuscarawas ...................... Union .............................. Van Wert ......................... Vinton ............................. Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Williams ........................... Wood .............................. Wyandot..........................

22,730 35,396 26,158 15,723 30,307 23,834 29,972 47,667 40,069 35,171 48,463 42,421 24,663 122,987 108,253 52,766 57,035 21,871 29,119 13,096 24,497 45,422 38,058 25,198 46,330 20,760

27,528 31,841 27,016 18,172 29,246 23,713 32,525 44,289 40,940 34,311 40,981 41,163 24,625 94,747 71,715 46,591 53,751 22,342 30,394 15,330 25,584 48,245 37,870 24,953 51,555 21,125

25,932 31,151 26,959 17,482 27,868 23,421 30,188 38,072 39,454 30,617 35,377 40,869 24,707 84,170 54,089 42,373 46,618 22,860 29,671 16,045 25,468 42,380 39,005 24,897 44,392 21,722

13,485 28,218 27,415 17,927 27,500 24,533 23,713 36,306 40,307 32,057 33,511 36,947 24,137 64,031 43,788 44,880 40,198 22,375 23,028 17,223 28,392 43,244 40,076 23,821 34,022 22,395

8,544 18,453 24,875 15,447 24,584 21,809 17,081 32,516 37,097 25,503 29,302 30,827 20,748 52,508 34,674 38,659 33,840 18,730 15,823 15,027 26,689 40,609 35,116 20,991 24,596 18,553

4,945 19,678 23,469 13,643 24,208 21,820 12,808 31,158 35,071 21,429 24,297 30,868 17,493 42,978 27,344 30,656 32,463 16,507 10,238 13,631 26,902 36,268 32,483 16,633 17,886 15,596

1,766 20,775 21,006 10,953 24,419 21,736 7,221 30,879 32,074 14,305 18,428 27,104 13,958 39,878 27,485 30,490 31,761 12,204 4,793 9,353 25,560 29,540 32,981 8,018 9,157 11,194

1,034 19,344 19,725 7,626 22,965 19,482 5,189 44,532 27,460 10,182 11,192 18,128 12,154 34,603 22,560 38,107 25,631 8,422 1,577 --23,141 20,823 35,808 4,465 5,357 ---

161 13,970 16,001 6,024 18,826 16,291 230 24,006 24,068 2,851 8,740 5,159 3,671 26,588 --26,153 14,298 3,192 49 --21,468 11,731 23,333 387 1,102 ---

--8,429 13,149 4,253 10,095 10,237 --9,169 20,619 852 5,750 --2,106 12,406 --15,546 8,328 1,996 ----17,837 10,425 11,933 --733 ---

----7,124 --2,995 3,304 ----15,514 --3,399 ----2,734 --8,671 3,045 ------9,925 5,991 ---------

----------------8,540 ------------1,302 ----------5,427 ---------

















40001 40003 40005 40007 40009 40011 40013 40015 40017 40019

Adair ............................... Alfalfa.............................. Atoka .............................. Beaver ............................. Beckham.......................... Blaine .............................. Bryan ............................... Caddo ............................. Canadian ......................... Carter ..............................

10,535 18,138 13,808 13,631 19,699 17,960 29,854 35,685 23,501 25,358

------3,051 --10,658 ----15,981 ---

------2,674 --------7,158 ---












Cherokee .........................














40023 40025 40027 40029 40031 40033 40035 40037 40039 40039.1 40041

Choctaw .......................... Cimarron ......................... Cleveland......................... Coal................................. Comanche ....................... Cotton ............................. Craig ............................... Creek............................... Custer.............................. Day .................................. Delaware .........................

21,862 4,553 18,843 15,817 41,489 --17,404 26,223 23,231 --11,469

----16,388 ----------12,264 2,173 ---

----6,605 -----------------











40043 40045 40047 40049 40051 40053 40055 40057 40059 40061

Dewey ............................. Ellis .................................. Garfield ........................... Garvin.............................. Grady .............................. Grant ............................... Greer ............................... Harmon ........................... Harper ............................. Haskell .............................

14,132 15,375 33,050 26,545 30,309 18,760 16,449 11,328 8,189 18,875

8,819 --22,076 ----17,273 17,922 -------

------------5,338 -------











Part C — Counties 131

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










40063 40065 40067 40069 40071 40073 40075 40077 40079 40081

OKLAHOMA cnt’d Hughes ................................ Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Johnston .............................. Kay ...................................... Kingfisher ............................ Kiowa .................................. Latimer ................................ Le Flore ................................ Lincoln .................................

1907 1907 1907 1907 1900 1890 1907 1907 1907 1900

14,003 26,446 6,472 10,957 46,562 15,034 9,446 11,154 50,384 34,273

14,154 28,439 6,818 10,513 48,080 13,926 10,227 10,692 48,109 32,080

13,023 28,764 7,010 10,032 48,056 13,212 11,347 10,333 43,270 29,216

14,338 30,356 8,183 10,356 49,852 14,187 12,711 9,840 40,698 26,601

13,228 30,902 7,125 7,870 48,791 12,857 12,532 8,601 32,137 19,482

15,144 29,736 8,192 8,517 51,042 10,635 14,825 7,738 29,106 18,783

20,664 20,082 11,122 10,608 48,892 12,860 18,926 9,690 35,276 22,102

29,189 22,708 15,107 15,960 47,084 15,617 22,817 12,380 45,866 29,529

30,334 28,910 17,392 13,082 50,186 15,960 29,630 11,184 42,896 33,738

26,045 22,141 17,664 20,125 34,907 15,671 23,094 13,866 42,765 33,406

40083 40085 40087 40089 40091 40093 40095 40097 40099 40101 40103 40105

Logan .................................. Love..................................... McClain ............................... McCurtain ........................... McIntosh ............................. Major................................... Marshall............................... Mayes .................................. Murray................................. Muskogee............................ Noble................................... Nowata................................

1890 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1900 1907

41,848 9,423 34,506 33,151 20,252 7,527 15,840 41,259 13,488 70,990 11,561 10,536

33,924 8,831 27,740 34,402 19,456 7,545 13,184 38,369 12,623 69,451 11,411 10,569

29,011 8,157 22,795 33,433 16,779 8,055 10,829 33,366 12,042 68,078 11,045 9,992

26,881 7,469 20,291 36,151 15,562 8,772 10,550 32,261 12,147 66,939 11,573 11,486

19,645 5,637 14,157 28,642 12,472 7,529 7,682 23,302 10,669 59,542 10,043 9,773

18,662 5,862 12,740 25,851 12,371 7,808 7,263 20,073 10,622 61,866 10,376 10,848

22,170 7,721 14,681 31,588 17,829 10,279 8,177 19,743 10,775 65,573 12,156 12,734

25,245 11,433 19,205 41,318 24,097 11,946 12,384 21,668 13,841 65,914 14,826 15,774

27,761 9,639 21,575 34,759 24,924 12,206 11,026 17,883 12,410 66,424 15,139 13,611

27,550 12,433 19,326 37,905 26,404 12,426 14,674 16,829 13,115 61,710 13,560 15,899

40107 40109 40111 40113 40115 40117 40119 40121 40123 40125 40127

Okfuskee ............................. Oklahoma ............................ Okmulgee ............................ Osage .................................. Ottawa ................................ Pawnee................................ Payne................................... Pittsburg .............................. Pontotoc .............................. Pottawatomie ...................... Pushmataha .........................

1907 1890 1907 1890 1907 1900 1890 1907 1907 1900 1907

12,191 718,633 40,069 47,472 31,848 16,577 77,350 45,837 37,492 69,442 11,572

11,814 660,448 39,685 44,437 33,194 16,612 68,190 43,953 35,143 65,521 11,667

11,551 599,611 36,490 41,645 30,561 15,575 61,507 40,581 34,119 58,760 10,997

11,125 568,933 39,169 39,327 32,870 15,310 62,435 40,524 32,598 55,239 11,773

10,683 526,805 35,358 29,750 29,800 11,338 50,654 37,521 27,867 43,134 9,385

11,706 439,506 36,945 32,441 28,301 10,884 44,231 34,360 28,089 41,486 9,088

16,948 325,352 44,561 33,071 32,218 13,616 46,430 41,031 30,875 43,517 12,001

26,279 244,159 50,101 41,502 35,849 17,395 36,057 48,985 39,792 54,377 19,466

29,016 221,738 56,558 47,334 38,542 19,882 36,905 50,778 32,469 66,572 14,744

25,051 116,307 55,072 36,536 41,108 19,126 30,180 52,570 30,949 46,028 17,514

40129 40131 40133 40135 40137 40139 40141 40143 40145 40147

Roger Mills........................... Rogers ................................. Seminole.............................. Sequoyah............................. Stephens.............................. Texas.................................... Tillman ................................ Tulsa .................................... Wagoner.............................. Washington .........................

1900 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907

3,647 86,905 25,482 42,391 45,048 20,640 7,992 603,403 73,085 50,976

3,436 70,641 24,894 38,972 43,182 20,107 9,287 563,299 57,491 48,996

4,147 55,170 25,412 33,828 42,299 16,419 10,384 503,341 47,883 48,066

4,799 46,436 27,473 30,749 43,419 17,727 12,398 470,593 41,801 48,113

4,452 28,425 25,144 23,370 35,902 16,352 12,901 401,663 22,163 42,277

5,090 20,614 28,066 18,001 37,990 14,162 14,654 346,038 15,673 42,347

7,395 19,532 40,672 19,773 34,071 14,235 17,598 251,686 16,741 32,880

10,736 21,078 61,201 23,138 31,090 9,896 20,754 193,363 21,642 30,559

14,164 18,956 79,621 19,505 33,069 14,100 24,390 187,574 22,428 27,777

10,638 17,605 23,808 26,786 24,692 13,975 22,433 109,023 21,371 27,002

40149 40151 40153

Washita ............................... Woods ................................. Woodward ..........................

1900 1900 1900

11,629 8,878 20,081

11,508 9,089 18,486

11,441 9,103 18,976

13,798 10,923 21,172

12,141 11,920 15,537

18,121 11,932 13,902

17,657 14,526 14,383

22,279 14,915 16,270

29,435 17,005 15,844

22,237 15,939 14,663














41001 41003 41005 41007 41009 41011 41013 41015 41017 41019 41021

Baker ................................... Benton................................. Clackamas ........................... Clatsop ................................ Columbia ............................. Coos .................................... Crook .................................. Curry ................................... Deschutes ............................ Douglas ............................... Gilliam .................................

1870 1850 1850 1850 1860 1860 1890 1860 1920 1860 1890

16,134 85,579 375,992 37,039 49,351 63,043 20,978 22,364 157,733 107,667 1,871

16,741 78,153 338,391 35,630 43,560 62,779 19,182 21,137 115,367 100,399 1,915

15,317 70,811 278,850 33,301 37,557 60,273 14,111 19,327 74,958 94,649 1,717

16,134 68,211 241,919 32,489 35,646 64,047 13,091 16,992 62,142 93,748 2,057

14,919 53,776 166,088 28,473 28,790 56,515 9,985 13,006 30,442 71,743 2,342

17,295 39,165 113,038 27,380 22,379 54,955 9,430 13,983 23,100 68,458 3,069

16,175 31,570 86,716 30,776 22,967 42,265 8,991 6,048 21,812 54,549 2,817

18,297 18,629 57,130 24,697 20,971 32,466 5,533 4,301 18,631 25,728 2,844

16,754 16,555 46,205 21,124 20,047 28,373 3,336 3,257 14,749 21,965 3,467

17,929 13,744 37,698 23,030 13,960 22,257 3,424 3,025 9,622 21,332 3,960

132 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













40063 40065 40067 40069 40071 40073 40075 40077 40079 40081

OKLAHOMA cnt’d Hughes ............................ Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Johnston .......................... Kay .................................. Kingfisher ........................ Kiowa .............................. Latimer ............................ Le Flore ............................ Lincoln .............................

24,040 23,737 17,430 16,734 26,999 18,825 27,526 11,321 29,127 34,779

--------22,530 18,501 ------27,007

----------8,332 ---------











40083 40085 40087 40089 40091 40093 40095 40097 40099 40101 40103 40105

Logan .............................. Love................................. McClain ........................... McCurtain ....................... McIntosh ......................... Major............................... Marshall........................... Mayes .............................. Murray............................. Muskogee........................ Noble............................... Nowata............................

31,740 10,236 15,659 20,681 20,961 15,248 11,619 13,596 12,744 52,743 14,945 14,223

26,563 ------------------11,798 ---

12,770 -----------------------











40107 40109 40111 40113 40115 40117 40119 40121 40123 40125 40127

Okfuskee ......................... Oklahoma ........................ Okmulgee ........................ Osage .............................. Ottawa ............................ Pawnee............................ Payne............................... Pittsburg .......................... Pontotoc .......................... Pottawatomie .................. Pushmataha .....................

19,995 85,232 21,115 20,101 15,713 17,332 23,735 47,650 24,331 43,595 10,118

--25,915 ------12,366 20,909 ----26,412 ---

--11,742 --------7,215 ---------











40129 40131 40133

Roger Mills....................... Rogers ............................. Seminole..........................

12,861 17,736 19,964

6,190 -----












40135 40137 40139 40141 40143 40145 40147

Sequoyah......................... Stephens.......................... Texas................................ Tillman ............................ Tulsa ................................ Wagoner.......................... Washington .....................

25,005 22,252 14,249 18,650 34,995 22,086 17,484













40149 40151 40153

Washita ........................... Woods ............................. Woodward ......................

25,034 17,567 16,592

15,001 34,975 7,469



























41001 41003 41005 41007 41009 41011 41013 41015 41017 41019 41021

Baker ............................... Benton............................. Clackamas ....................... Clatsop ............................ Columbia ......................... Coos ................................ Crook .............................. Curry ............................... Deschutes ........................ Douglas ........................... Gilliam .............................

18,076 10,663 29,931 16,106 10,580 17,959 9,315 2,044 --19,674 3,701

15,597 6,706 19,658 12,765 6,237 10,324 3,964 1,868 --14,565 3,201

6,764 8,650 15,233 10,016 5,191 8,874 3,244 1,709 --11,864 3,600

4,616 6,403 9,260 7,222 2,042 4,834 --1,208 --9,596 ---

2,804 4,584 5,993 1,255 863 1,644 --504 --6,066 ---

--3,074 3,466 498 532 445 --393 --3,203 ---

--814 1,859 462 ---------------







Part C — Counties 133

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010







1870 1890 1910 1860 1920 1860 1890 1880 1860 1900 1850

7,445 7,422 22,346 203,206 21,720 82,713 66,380 7,895 351,715 46,034 116,672

7,935 7,609 20,411 181,269 19,009 75,726 63,775 7,422 322,959 44,479 103,069

7,853 7,060 16,903 146,389 13,676 62,649 57,702 7,186 282,912 38,889 91,227

8,210 8,314 15,835 132,456 11,599 58,855 59,117 7,532 275,226 35,264 89,495

6,996 7,215 13,187 94,533 8,548 35,746 50,021 6,343 213,358 25,755 71,914

7,726 6,744 13,395 73,962 7,130 29,917 47,475 7,158 162,890 24,635 58,867

8,329 6,113 12,740 58,510 5,536 26,542 42,150 6,649 125,776 21,308 54,317

6,380 5,374 11,580 36,213 2,042 16,301 40,497 6,293 69,096 14,549 30,485

5,940 5,920 8,938 32,918 2,291 11,498 32,407 4,833 54,493 9,903 24,700

5,496 3,992 8,315 20,405 3,211 7,655 11,413 3,991 36,166 6,084 24,550

Malheur ............................... Marion................................. Morrow ............................... Multnomah.......................... Polk ..................................... Sherman .............................. Tillamook ............................. Umatilla ............................... Union .................................. Umpqua .............................. Wallowa .............................. Wasco.................................. Washington ......................... Wheeler ............................... Yamhill.................................

1890 1850 1890 1860 1850 1890 1860 1870 1870 1860 1890 1860 1850 1900 1850

31,313 315,335 11,173 735,334 75,403 1,765 25,250 75,889 25,748 --7,008 25,213 529,710 1,441 99,193

31,615 284,834 10,995 660,486 62,380 1,934 24,262 70,548 24,530 --7,226 23,791 445,342 1,547 84,992

26,038 228,483 7,625 583,887 49,541 1,918 21,570 59,249 23,598 --6,911 21,683 311,554 1,396 65,551

26,896 204,692 7,519 562,640 45,203 2,172 21,164 58,861 23,921 --7,273 21,732 245,808 1,513 55,332

23,169 151,309 4,465 556,667 35,349 2,139 17,930 44,923 19,377 --6,247 20,133 157,920 1,849 40,213

22,764 120,888 4,871 522,813 26,523 2,446 18,955 44,352 18,180 --7,102 20,205 92,237 2,722 32,478

23,223 101,401 4,783 471,537 26,317 2,271 18,606 41,703 17,962 --7,264 15,552 61,269 3,313 33,484

19,767 75,246 4,337 355,099 19,989 2,321 12,263 26,030 17,399 --7,623 13,069 39,194 2,974 26,336

11,269 60,541 4,941 338,241 16,858 2,978 11,824 24,399 17,492 --7,814 12,646 30,275 2,799 22,036

10,907 47,187 5,617 275,898 14,181 3,826 8,810 25,946 16,636 --9,778 13,648 26,376 2,791 20,529














42001 42003 42005 42007 42009 42011 42013 42015 42017 42019 42021

Adams ................................. Allegheny ............................ Armstrong ........................... Beaver ................................. Bedford ............................... Berks ................................... Blair ..................................... Bradford .............................. Bucks ................................... Butler................................... Cambria...............................

1800 1790 1800 1800 1790 1790 1850 1820 1790 1800 1810

101,407 1,223,348 68,941 170,539 49,762 411,442 127,089 62,622 625,249 183,862 143,679

91,292 1,281,666 72,392 181,412 49,984 373,638 129,144 62,761 597,635 174,083 152,598

78,274 1,336,449 73,478 186,093 47,919 336,523 130,542 60,967 541,174 152,013 163,029

68,292 1,450,085 77,768 204,441 46,784 312,509 136,621 62,919 479,211 147,912 183,263

56,937 1,605,016 75,590 208,418 42,353 296,382 135,356 57,962 415,056 127,941 186,785

51,906 1,628,587 79,524 206,948 42,451 275,414 137,270 54,925 308,567 114,639 203,283

44,197 1,515,237 80,842 175,192 40,775 255,740 139,514 51,722 144,620 97,320 209,541

39,435 1,411,539 81,087 156,754 40,809 241,884 140,358 50,615 107,715 87,590 213,459

37,128 1,374,410 79,298 149,062 37,309 231,717 139,840 49,039 96,727 80,480 203,146

34,583 1,185,808 75,568 111,621 38,277 200,854 128,334 53,166 82,476 77,270 197,839

42023 42025 42027 42029 42031 42033 42035 42037 42039 42041 42043

Cameron ............................. Carbon ................................ Centre ................................. Chester ................................ Clarion................................. Clearfield ............................. Clinton ................................ Columbia ............................. Crawford ............................. Cumberland......................... Dauphin...............................

1870 1850 1810 1790 1850 1810 1840 1820 1800 1790 1790

5,085 65,249 153,990 498,886 39,988 81,642 39,238 67,295 88,765 235,406 268,100

5,974 58,802 135,758 433,501 41,765 83,382 37,914 64,151 90,366 213,674 251,798

5,913 56,846 123,786 376,396 41,699 78,097 37,182 63,202 86,169 195,257 237,813

6,674 53,285 112,760 316,660 43,362 83,578 38,971 61,967 88,869 178,541 232,317

7,096 50,573 99,267 278,311 38,414 74,619 37,721 55,114 81,342 158,177 223,834

7,586 52,889 78,580 210,608 37,408 81,534 37,619 53,489 77,956 124,816 220,255

7,023 57,558 65,922 159,141 38,344 85,957 36,532 53,460 78,948 94,457 197,784

6,852 61,735 52,608 135,626 38,410 92,094 34,557 51,413 71,644 74,806 177,410

5,307 63,380 46,294 126,629 34,531 86,727 32,319 48,803 62,980 68,236 165,231

6,297 62,565 44,304 115,120 36,170 103,236 33,555 48,349 60,667 58,578 153,116

42045 42047 42049 42051 42053 42055 42057 42059 42061 42063 42065 42067

Delaware ............................. Elk ....................................... Erie ...................................... Fayette................................. Forest .................................. Franklin................................ Fulton .................................. Greene ................................ Huntingdon ......................... Indiana ................................ Jefferson .............................. Juniata .................................

1790 1850 1800 1790 1860 1790 1850 1800 1790 1810 1810 1840

558,979 31,946 280,566 136,606 7,716 149,618 14,845 38,686 45,913 88,880 45,200 24,636

550,864 35,112 280,843 148,644 4,946 129,313 14,261 40,672 45,586 89,605 45,932 22,821

547,651 34,878 275,572 145,351 4,802 121,082 13,837 39,550 44,164 89,994 46,083 20,625

555,007 38,338 279,780 159,417 5,072 113,629 12,842 40,476 42,253 92,281 48,303 19,188

600,035 37,770 263,654 154,667 4,926 100,833 10,776 36,090 39,108 79,451 43,695 16,712

553,154 37,328 250,682 169,340 4,485 88,172 10,597 39,424 39,457 75,366 46,792 15,874

414,234 34,503 219,388 189,899 4,944 75,927 10,387 45,394 40,872 77,106 49,147 15,243

310,756 34,443 180,889 200,999 5,791 69,378 10,673 44,671 41,836 79,854 54,090 15,373

280,264 33,431 175,277 198,542 5,180 65,010 9,231 41,767 39,021 75,395 52,114 14,325

173,084 34,981 153,536 188,104 7,477 62,275 9,617 30,804 39,848 80,910 62,104 14,464

41023 41025 41027 41029 41031 41033 41035 41037 41039 41041 41043

OREGON cnt’d Grant ................................... Harney ................................. Hood River ........................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Josephine............................. Klamath ............................... Lake..................................... Lane .................................... Lincoln ................................. Linn .....................................

41045 41047 41049 41051 41053 41055 41057 41059 41061 41061.1 41063 41065 41067 41069 41071

134 County and City Extra




Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













41023 41025 41027 41029 41031 41033 41035 41037 41039 41041 41043

OREGON cnt’d Grant ............................... Harney ............................. Hood River ....................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Josephine......................... Klamath ........................... Lake................................. Lane ................................ Lincoln ............................. Linn .................................

5,607 4,059 8,016 25,756 --9,567 8,554 4,658 33,783 5,587 22,662

5,948 2,598 --13,698 --7,517 3,970 2,847 19,604 3,575 18,603

5,080 2,559 --11,455 --4,878 2,444 2,604 15,198 --16,265

4,303 ----8,154 --2,485 --2,804 9,411 --12,676

2,251 ----4,778 --1,204 ----6,426 --8,717

------3,736 --1,623 ----4,780 --6,772








41045 41047 41049 41051 41053 41055 41057 41059 41061 41061.1 41063 41065 41067 41069 41071

Malheur ........................... Marion............................. Morrow ........................... Multnomah...................... Polk ................................. Sherman .......................... Tillamook ......................... Umatilla ........................... Union .............................. Umpqua .......................... Wallowa .......................... Wasco.............................. Washington ..................... Wheeler ........................... Yamhill.............................

8,601 39,780 4,357 226,261 13,469 4,242 6,266 20,309 16,191 --8,364 16,336 21,522 2,484 18,285

4,203 27,713 4,151 103,167 9,923 3,477 4,471 18,049 16,070 --5,538 13,199 14,467 2,443 13,420

2,601 22,934 4,205 74,884 7,858 1,792 2,932 13,381 12,044 --3,661 9,183 11,972 --10,692

--14,576 --25,203 6,601 --970 9,607 6,650 ----11,120 7,082 --7,945

--9,965 --11,510 4,701 --408 2,916 2,552 ----2,509 4,261 --5,012

--7,088 --4,150 3,625 --95 ----1,250 --1,689 2,801 --3,245

--2,749 ----1,051 --------------2,652 --1,512









7,665,111 6,302,115 5,258,113 4,282,891 3,521,951 2,906,215 2,311,786 1,724,033 1,348,233 1,049,458




42001 42003 42005 42007 42009 42011 42013 42015 42017

Adams ............................. Allegheny ........................ Armstrong ....................... Beaver ............................. Bedford ........................... Berks ............................... Blair ................................. Bradford .......................... Bucks ...............................

34,319 1,018,463 67,880 78,353 38,879 183,222 108,858 54,526 76,530

34,496 775,058 52,551 56,432 39,468 159,615 85,099 59,403 71,190

33,486 551,959 46,747 50,077 38,644 137,327 70,866 59,233 70,615

32,455 355,869 47,641 39,605 34,929 122,597 52,740 58,541 68,656

30,315 262,204 43,382 36,148 29,635 106,701 38,051 53,204 64,336

28,006 178,831 35,797 29,140 26,736 93,818 27,829 48,734 63,578

25,981 138,290 29,560 26,689 23,052 77,129 21,777 42,831 56,091

23,044 81,235 28,365 29,368 29,335 64,569 --32,769 48,107

21,379 50,552 17,701 24,183 24,502 53,152 --19,746 45,745

19,370 34,921 10,324 15,340 20,248 46,275 --11,554 37,842

15,152 25,317 6,143 12,168 15,746 43,146 ----32,371

13,172 15,087 2,399 5,776 12,039 32,407 ----27,496

--10,309 ----13,124 30,179 ----25,401

42019 42021

Butler............................... Cambria...........................

72,689 166,131

56,962 104,837

55,339 66,375

52,536 46,811

36,510 36,569

35,594 29,155

30,346 17,773

22,378 11,256

14,581 7,076

10,193 3,287

7,346 2,117

3,916 ---


42023 42025 42027 42029 42031 42033 42035 42037 42039 42041 42043

Cameron ......................... Carbon ............................ Centre ............................. Chester ............................ Clarion............................. Clearfield ......................... Clinton ............................ Columbia ......................... Crawford ......................... Cumberland..................... Dauphin...........................

7,644 52,846 43,424 109,213 36,638 93,768 31,545 48,467 61,565 54,479 136,152

7,048 44,510 42,894 95,695 34,283 80,614 29,197 39,896 63,643 50,344 114,443

7,238 38,624 43,269 89,377 36,802 69,565 28,685 36,832 65,324 47,271 96,977

5,159 31,923 37,922 83,481 40,328 43,408 26,278 32,409 68,607 45,977 76,148

4,273 28,144 34,418 77,805 26,537 25,741 23,211 28,766 63,832 43,912 60,740

--21,033 27,000 74,578 24,988 18,759 17,723 25,065 48,755 40,098 46,756

--15,686 23,355 66,438 23,565 12,586 11,207 17,710 37,849 34,327 35,754

----20,492 57,515 --7,834 8,323 24,267 31,724 30,953 30,118

----18,879 50,910 --4,803 --20,059 16,030 29,226 25,243

----13,796 44,451 --2,342 --17,621 9,397 23,606 21,653

----10,681 39,596 --875 ----6,178 26,757 31,883

------32,093 --------2,346 25,386 22,270

------27,937 ----------18,243 18,177

42045 42047 42049 42051 42053 42055 42057 42059 42061 42063 42065 42067 42069

Delaware ......................... Elk ................................... Erie .................................. Fayette............................. Forest .............................. Franklin............................ Fulton .............................. Greene ............................ Huntingdon ..................... Indiana ............................ Jefferson .......................... Juniata ............................. Lackawanna.....................

117,906 35,871 115,517 167,449 9,435 59,775 9,703 28,882 38,304 66,210 63,090 15,013 259,570

94,762 32,903 98,473 110,412 11,039 54,902 9,924 28,281 34,650 42,556 59,113 16,054 193,831

74,683 22,239 86,074 80,006 8,482 51,433 10,137 28,935 35,751 42,175 44,005 16,655 142,088

56,101 12,800 74,688 58,842 4,385 49,855 10,149 28,273 33,954 40,527 27,935 18,227 89,269

39,403 8,488 65,973 43,284 4,010 45,365 9,360 25,887 31,251 36,138 21,656 17,390 ---

30,597 5,915 49,432 39,909 898 42,126 9,131 24,343 28,100 33,687 18,270 16,986 ---

24,679 3,531 38,742 39,112 --39,904 7,567 22,136 24,786 27,170 13,518 13,029 ---

19,791 --31,344 33,574 --37,793 --19,147 35,484 20,782 7,253 11,080 ---

17,323 --17,041 29,172 --35,037 --18,028 27,145 14,252 2,025 -----

14,810 --8,553 27,285 --31,892 --15,554 20,142 8,882 561 -----

14,734 --3,758 24,714 --23,083 --12,544 14,778 6,214 161 -----

12,809 --1,468 20,159 --19,638 --8,605 13,008 ---------

9,483 ----13,325 --15,655 ----7,565 ---------

Part C — Counties 135

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1880 1790 1850 1820 1820 1790 1800 1810 1800 1790 1840

214,437 519,445 91,108 133,568 349,497 320,918 116,111 43,450 116,638 46,682 169,842

213,295 470,658 94,643 120,327 312,090 319,250 120,044 45,936 120,293 46,486 138,687

219,039 422,822 96,246 113,744 291,130 328,149 118,710 47,131 121,003 46,197 95,709

227,908 362,346 107,150 108,582 272,349 343,079 118,416 50,635 128,299 46,908 69,409

234,107 319,693 107,374 99,665 255,304 342,301 113,296 51,915 127,175 45,268 45,422

234,531 278,359 112,965 90,853 227,536 346,972 109,367 54,517 127,519 44,348 39,567

257,396 234,717 105,120 81,683 198,207 392,241 101,249 56,607 111,954 43,691 33,773

301,243 212,504 96,877 72,641 177,533 441,518 93,633 56,673 101,039 42,993 29,802

310,397 196,882 97,258 67,103 172,893 445,109 93,421 55,167 99,246 40,335 28,286

286,311 173,797 85,545 63,152 148,101 390,991 83,100 48,934 93,788 31,439 24,295

Montgomery........................ Montour .............................. Northampton ....................... Northumberland .................. Perry .................................... Philadelphia ......................... Pike ..................................... Potter .................................. Schuylkill.............................. Snyder ................................. Somerset .............................

1790 1850 1790 1790 1820 1790 1820 1810 1820 1860 1800

799,874 18,267 297,735 94,528 45,969 1,526,006 57,369 17,457 148,289 39,702 77,742

750,097 18,236 267,066 94,556 43,602 1,517,550 46,302 18,080 150,336 37,546 80,023

678,111 17,735 247,105 96,771 41,172 1,585,577 27,966 16,717 152,585 36,680 78,218

643,621 16,675 225,418 100,381 35,718 1,688,210 18,271 17,726 160,630 33,584 81,243

623,799 16,508 214,368 99,190 28,615 1,948,609 11,818 16,395 160,089 29,269 76,037

516,682 16,730 201,412 104,138 26,582 2,002,512 9,158 16,483 173,027 25,922 77,450

353,068 16,001 185,243 117,115 24,782 2,071,605 8,425 16,810 200,577 22,912 81,813

289,247 15,466 168,959 126,887 23,213 1,931,334 7,452 18,201 228,331 20,208 84,957

265,804 14,517 169,304 128,504 21,744 1,950,961 7,483 17,489 235,505 18,836 80,764

199,310 14,080 153,506 122,079 22,875 1,823,779 6,818 21,089 217,754 17,129 82,112

42113 42115 42117 42119 42121 42123 42125 42127 42129 42131 42133

Sullivan ................................ Susquehanna ....................... Tioga ................................... Union .................................. Venango .............................. Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Westmoreland ..................... Wyoming ............................. York .....................................

1850 1820 1810 1820 1800 1800 1790 1800 1790 1850 1790

6,428 43,356 41,981 44,947 54,984 41,815 207,820 52,822 365,169 28,276 434,972

6,556 42,238 41,373 41,624 57,565 43,863 202,897 47,722 369,993 28,080 381,751

6,104 40,380 41,126 36,176 59,381 45,050 204,584 39,944 370,321 28,076 339,574

6,349 37,876 40,973 32,870 64,444 47,449 217,074 35,237 392,294 26,433 312,963

5,961 34,344 39,691 28,603 62,353 47,682 210,876 29,581 376,935 19,082 272,603

6,251 33,137 36,614 25,646 65,295 45,582 217,271 28,237 352,629 16,813 238,336

6,745 31,970 35,474 23,150 65,328 42,698 209,628 28,478 313,179 16,766 202,737

7,504 33,893 35,004 20,247 63,958 42,789 210,852 29,934 303,411 16,702 178,022

7,499 33,806 31,871 17,468 63,226 41,453 204,802 28,420 294,995 15,517 167,135

9,520 34,763 37,118 15,850 59,184 40,024 188,992 27,435 273,568 14,101 144,521


RHODE ISLAND ..................












44001 44003 44005 44007 44009

Bristol .................................. Kent .................................... Newport .............................. Providence ........................... Washington .........................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790

49,875 166,158 82,888 626,667 126,979

50,648 167,090 85,433 621,602 123,546

48,859 161,135 87,194 596,270 110,006

46,942 154,163 81,383 571,349 93,317

45,937 142,382 94,559 580,261 83,586

37,146 112,619 81,891 568,778 59,054

29,079 77,763 61,539 574,973 48,542

25,548 58,311 46,696 550,298 32,493

25,089 51,390 41,668 540,016 29,334

23,113 38,269 42,893 475,190 24,932


SOUTH CAROLINA .............












45001 45003 45005 45007 45009 45011 45013 45015 45017 45019 45021

Abbeville.............................. Aiken ................................... Allendale ............................. Anderson ............................. Bamberg .............................. Barnwell .............................. Beaufort .............................. Berkeley ............................... Calhoun............................... Charleston ........................... Cherokee .............................

1790 1880 1920 1830 1900 1800 1790 1890 1910 1790 1900

25,417 160,099 10,419 187,126 15,987 22,621 162,233 177,843 15,175 350,209 55,342

26,167 142,552 11,211 165,740 16,658 23,478 120,937 142,651 15,185 309,969 52,537

23,862 120,940 11,722 145,196 16,902 20,293 86,425 128,776 12,753 295,039 44,506

22,627 105,625 10,700 133,235 18,118 19,868 65,364 94,727 12,206 276,974 40,983

21,112 91,023 9,692 105,474 15,950 17,176 51,136 56,199 10,780 247,650 36,791

21,417 81,038 11,362 98,478 16,274 17,659 44,187 38,196 12,256 216,382 35,205

22,456 53,137 11,773 90,664 17,533 17,266 26,993 30,251 14,753 164,856 34,992

22,931 49,916 13,040 88,712 18,643 20,138 22,037 27,128 16,229 121,105 33,290

23,323 47,403 13,294 80,949 19,410 21,221 21,815 22,236 16,707 101,050 32,201

27,139 45,574 16,098 76,349 20,962 23,081 22,269 22,558 18,384 108,450 27,570

45023 45025 45027 45029 45031 45033 45035 45037 45039 45041 45043

Chester ................................ Chesterfield ......................... Clarendon............................ Colleton............................... Darlington ........................... Dillon ................................... Dorchester ........................... Edgefield ............................. Fairfield................................ Florence ............................... Georgetown ........................

1790 1800 1790 1800 1800 1910 1900 1790 1790 1890 1790

33,140 46,734 34,971 38,892 68,681 32,062 136,555 26,985 23,956 136,885 60,158

34,068 42,768 32,502 38,264 67,394 30,722 96,413 24,595 23,454 125,761 55,797

32,170 38,577 28,450 34,377 61,851 29,114 83,060 18,375 22,295 114,344 46,302

30,148 38,161 27,464 31,776 62,717 31,083 58,761 17,528 20,700 110,163 42,461

29,811 33,667 25,604 27,622 53,442 28,838 32,276 15,692 19,999 89,636 33,500

30,888 33,717 29,490 27,816 52,928 30,584 24,383 15,735 20,713 84,438 34,798

32,597 36,236 32,215 28,242 50,016 30,930 22,601 16,591 21,780 79,710 31,762

32,579 35,963 31,500 26,268 45,198 29,625 19,928 17,894 24,187 70,582 26,352

31,803 34,334 30,036 25,821 41,427 25,733 18,956 19,326 23,287 61,027 21,738

33,389 31,969 34,878 29,897 39,126 25,278 19,459 23,928 27,159 50,406 21,716

42069 42071 42073 42075 42077 42079 42081 42083 42085 42087 42089

PENNSYLVANIA cnt’d Lackawanna......................... Lancaster ............................. Lawrence ............................. Lebanon .............................. Lehigh ................................. Luzerne................................ Lycoming ............................. McKean ............................... Mercer ................................. Mifflin.................................. Monroe ...............................

42091 42093 42095 42097 42099 42101 42103 42105 42107 42109 42111

136 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













167,029 70,032 59,565 118,832 343,186 80,813 47,868 77,699 27,785 22,941

159,241 57,042 53,827 93,893 257,121 75,663 51,343 57,387 23,160 21,161

149,095 37,517 48,131 76,631 201,203 70,579 46,863 55,744 19,996 20,111

139,447 33,312 38,476 65,969 133,065 57,486 42,565 56,161 19,577 20,175

121,340 27,298 34,096 56,796 160,915 47,626 8,825 49,977 17,508 18,362

116,314 22,999 31,831 43,753 90,244 37,399 8,859 36,856 16,340 16,758

98,944 21,079 26,071 32,479 56,072 26,257 5,254 33,172 14,980 13,270

84,203 --21,872 25,787 44,006 22,649 2,975 32,873 13,092 9,879

76,631 --20,557 22,256 27,379 17,636 1,439 19,729 21,690 ---

68,336 --16,988 18,895 20,027 13,517 728 11,681 16,618 ---

53,927 ------18,109 11,006 142 8,277 12,132 ---

43,403 ------12,839 5,414 --3,228 13,609 ---

36,147 ------4,904 ------7,562 ---

169,590 138,995 123,290 14,868 15,526 15,645 127,667 99,687 84,220 111,420 90,911 74,698 24,136 26,263 26,276 1,549,008 1,293,697 1,046,964 8,033 8,766 9,412 29,729 30,621 22,778 207,894 172,927 154,163 16,800 17,304 17,651 67,717 49,461 37,317

96,494 15,468 70,312 53,123 27,522 847,170 9,663 13,797 129,974 17,797 33,110

81,612 15,344 61,432 41,444 25,447 674,022 8,436 11,265 116,428 15,606 28,226

70,500 13,053 47,904 28,922 22,793 565,529 7,155 11,470 89,510 15,035 26,778

58,291 13,239 40,235 23,272 20,088 408,762 5,881 6,048 60,713 --24,416

47,241 --40,996 20,027 17,096 258,037 3,832 3,371 29,053 --19,650

39,406 --39,482 18,133 14,261 188,797 4,843 1,265 20,744 --17,762

35,793 --31,765 15,424 11,342 137,097 2,894 186 11,339 --13,974

29,703 --38,145 36,327 --111,210 --29 ----11,284

24,150 --30,062 27,797 --81,009 --------10,188

22,929 --24,250 17,161 --54,391 -----------

42071 42073 42075 42077 42079 42081 42083 42085 42087 42089

PENNSYLVANIA cnt’d Lancaster ......................... Lawrence ......................... Lebanon .......................... Lehigh ............................. Luzerne............................ Lycoming ......................... McKean ........................... Mercer ............................. Mifflin.............................. Monroe ...........................

42091 42093 42095 42097 42099 42101 42103 42105 42107 42109 42111

Montgomery.................... Montour .......................... Northampton ................... Northumberland .............. Perry ................................ Philadelphia ..................... Pike ................................. Potter .............................. Schuylkill.......................... Snyder ............................. Somerset .........................

42113 42115 42117 42119 42121 42123 42125 42127 42129 42131 42133

Sullivan ............................ Susquehanna ................... Tioga ............................... Union .............................. Venango .......................... Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Westmoreland ................. Wyoming ......................... York .................................

11,293 37,746 42,829 16,249 56,359 39,573 143,680 29,236 231,304 15,509 136,405

12,134 40,043 49,086 17,592 49,648 38,946 92,181 30,171 160,175 17,152 116,413

11,620 40,093 52,313 17,820 46,640 37,684 71,155 31,010 112,819 15,891 99,489

8,073 40,354 45,814 16,905 43,670 27,981 55,418 33,513 78,036 15,598 87,841

6,191 37,523 35,097 15,565 47,925 23,897 48,483 33,188 58,719 14,585 76,134

5,637 36,267 31,044 14,145 25,043 19,190 46,805 32,239 53,736 12,540 68,200

3,694 28,688 23,987 26,083 18,310 13,671 44,939 21,890 51,726 10,655 57,450

--21,195 15,498 22,787 17,900 9,278 41,279 11,848 42,699 --47,010

--16,787 8,978 20,795 9,470 4,697 42,784 7,663 38,400 --42,859

--9,960 4,021 18,619 4,915 1,976 40,038 4,127 30,540 --38,759

----1,687 --3,060 827 36,289 4,125 26,392 --31,958

--------1,130 233 28,298 2,562 22,726 --25,643

------------23,866 --16,018 --37,747


RHODE ISLAND ..............














44001 44003

Bristol .............................. Kent ................................

17,602 36,378

13,144 29,976

11,428 26,754

11,394 20,588

9,421 18,595

8,907 17,303

8,514 15,068

6,476 13,083

5,446 12,789

5,637 10,228

5,072 9,834

3,801 8,487

3,211 8,848

44005 44007 44009

Newport .......................... Providence ....................... Washington .....................

39,335 424,353 24,942

32,599 328,683 24,154

28,552 255,123 23,649

24,180 197,874 22,495

20,050 149,190 20,097

21,896 107,799 18,715

20,007 87,526 16,430

16,874 58,073 14,324

16,535 47,018 15,411

15,771 35,736 15,687

16,294 30,769 14,962

14,845 25,854 16,135

14,300 24,391 18,075



1,515,400 1,340,316 1,151,149











45001 45003 45005 45007 45009 45011 45013 45015 45017 45019 45021

Abbeville.......................... Aiken ............................... Allendale ......................... Anderson ......................... Bamberg .......................... Barnwell .......................... Beaufort .......................... Berkeley ........................... Calhoun........................... Charleston ....................... Cherokee .........................

34,804 41,849 --69,568 18,544 34,209 30,355 23,487 16,634 88,594 26,179

33,400 39,032 --55,728 17,296 35,504 35,495 30,454 --88,006 21,359

46,854 31,822 --43,696 --44,613 34,119 55,428 --59,903 ---

40,815 28,112 --33,612 --39,857 30,176 ----102,800 ---

31,129 ----24,049 --35,724 34,359 ----88,863 ---

32,385 ----22,873 --30,743 40,053 ----70,100 ---

32,318 ----21,475 --26,608 38,805 ----72,805 ---

29,351 ----18,493 --21,471 35,794 ----82,661 ---

28,149 ----17,169 --19,236 37,032 ----86,338 ---

23,167 --------14,750 32,199 ----80,212 ---

21,156 --------12,280 25,887 ----63,179 ---

13,553 --------7,376 20,428 ----57,480 ---

9,197 ----------18,753 ----66,985 ---

45023 45025 45027 45029 45031 45033 45035 45037 45039 45041 45043

Chester ............................ Chesterfield ..................... Clarendon........................ Colleton........................... Darlington ....................... Dillon ............................... Dorchester ....................... Edgefield ......................... Fairfield............................ Florence ........................... Georgetown ....................

29,425 26,301 32,188 35,390 36,027 22,615 17,891 28,281 29,442 35,671 22,270

28,616 20,401 28,184 33,452 32,388 --16,294 25,478 29,425 28,474 22,846

26,660 18,468 23,233 40,293 29,134 ----49,259 28,599 25,027 20,857

24,153 16,345 19,190 36,386 34,485 ----45,844 27,765 --19,613

18,805 10,584 14,038 25,410 26,243 ----42,486 19,888 --16,161

18,122 11,834 13,095 41,916 20,361 ----39,887 22,111 --21,305

18,038 10,790 --39,505 16,830 ----39,262 21,404 --20,647

17,747 8,574 --25,548 14,822 ----32,852 20,165 --18,274

17,182 8,472 --27,256 13,728 ----30,509 21,546 --19,943

14,189 6,645 --26,404 10,949 ----25,119 17,174 --17,603

11,479 5,564 --26,359 9,047 ----23,160 11,857 --15,679

8,185 5,216 --24,903 7,631 ----18,130 10,087 --22,938

6,866 --2,392 --------13,289 7,623 --22,122

Part C — Counties 137

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010









1790 1900 1880 1810 1920 1800 1790 1790 1910 1810 1920

451,225 69,661 21,090 269,291 24,777 61,697 76,652 66,537 19,220 262,391 10,233

379,616 66,271 21,386 196,629 20,678 52,647 61,351 69,567 20,119 216,014 9,958

320,167 59,567 18,191 144,053 15,487 43,599 54,516 58,092 18,437 167,611 8,868

287,913 57,847 18,159 101,419 14,504 39,015 53,361 52,214 18,929 140,353 7,797

240,546 49,686 15,878 69,992 11,885 34,727 43,328 49,713 18,323 89,012 7,955

209,776 44,346 17,425 68,247 12,237 33,585 39,352 47,609 21,832 60,726 8,629

168,152 41,628 18,027 59,820 10,995 32,287 37,071 46,974 23,173 44,279 9,577

136,580 40,083 17,465 51,951 11,011 32,913 33,542 44,185 24,908 35,994 10,367

117,009 36,078 17,243 39,376 9,988 32,070 27,980 42,094 24,096 36,494 11,471

88,498 35,791 19,550 32,077 9,868 29,398 28,628 42,560 26,827 35,676 16,444

Marion................................. Marlboro ............................. Newberry ............................. Oconee ................................ Orangeburg ......................... Pendleton ............................ Pickens ................................ Richland............................... Saluda ................................. Spartanburg......................... Sumter................................. Union .................................. Williamsburg ....................... York .....................................

1800 1790 1790 1870 1790 1790 1830 1790 1900 1790 1790 1790 1810 1790

33,062 28,933 37,508 74,273 92,501 --119,224 384,504 19,875 284,307 107,456 28,961 34,423 226,073

35,466 28,818 36,108 66,215 91,582 --110,757 320,677 19,181 253,791 104,646 29,881 37,217 164,614

33,899 29,361 33,172 57,494 84,803 --93,894 285,720 16,357 226,800 102,637 30,337 36,815 131,497

34,179 31,634 31,242 48,611 82,276 --79,292 269,735 16,150 201,861 88,243 30,751 38,226 106,720

30,270 27,151 29,273 40,728 69,789 --58,956 233,868 14,528 173,724 79,425 29,230 34,243 85,216

32,014 28,529 29,416 40,204 68,559 --46,030 200,102 14,554 156,830 74,941 30,015 40,932 78,760

33,110 31,766 31,771 39,050 68,726 --40,058 142,565 15,924 150,349 57,634 31,334 43,807 71,596

30,107 33,281 33,577 36,512 63,707 --37,111 104,843 17,192 127,733 52,463 31,360 41,011 58,663

27,221 31,634 34,681 33,368 63,864 --33,709 87,667 18,148 116,323 45,902 30,920 34,914 53,418

23,721 33,180 35,552 30,117 64,907 --28,329 78,122 22,088 94,265 43,040 30,372 38,539 50,536


SOUTH DAKOTA ................












46001 46003 46005 46007 46009 46009.1 46011 46013 46015 46017 46019

Armstrong ........................... Aurora ................................. Beadle ................................. Bennett................................ Bon Homme ........................ Boreman .............................. Brookings ............................ Brown.................................. Brule .................................... Buffalo................................. Butte ...................................

1890 1880 1880 1910 1870 1880 1870 1880 1880 1870 1890

--2,710 17,398 3,431 7,070 --31,965 36,531 5,255 1,912 10,110

--3,058 17,023 3,574 7,260 --28,220 35,460 5,364 2,032 9,094

--3,135 18,253 3,206 7,089 --25,207 35,580 5,485 1,759 7,914

--3,628 19,195 3,044 8,059 --24,332 36,962 5,245 1,795 8,372

--4,183 20,877 3,088 8,577 --22,158 36,920 5,870 1,739 7,825

--4,749 21,682 3,053 9,229 --20,046 34,106 6,319 1,547 8,592

52 5,020 21,082 3,396 9,440 --17,851 32,617 6,076 1,615 8,161

42 5,387 19,648 3,983 10,241 --16,560 29,676 6,195 1,853 8,004

80 7,139 22,917 4,590 11,737 --16,847 31,458 7,416 1,931 8,589

--7,246 19,273 1,924 11,940 --16,119 29,509 7,141 1,715 6,819

46021 46023 46023.1 46025 46027 46029 46031 46033 46035 46037 46037.1

Campbell ............................. Charles Mix.......................... Choteau .............................. Clark.................................... Clay ..................................... Codington ........................... Corson................................. Custer.................................. Davison................................ Day ...................................... Delano .................................

1880 1870 1890 1880 1870 1880 1910 1880 1880 1880 1890

1,466 9,129 --3,691 13,864 27,227 4,050 8,216 19,504 5,710 ---

1,782 9,350 --4,143 13,537 25,897 4,181 7,275 18,741 6,267 ---

1,965 9,131 --4,403 13,186 22,698 4,195 6,179 17,503 6,978 ---

2,243 9,680 --4,894 13,689 20,885 5,196 6,000 17,820 8,133 ---

2,866 9,994 --5,515 12,923 19,140 4,994 4,698 17,319 8,713 ---

3,531 11,785 --7,134 10,810 20,220 5,798 4,906 16,681 10,516 ---

4,046 15,558 --8,369 10,993 18,944 6,168 5,517 16,522 12,294 ---

5,033 13,449 --8,955 9,592 17,014 6,755 6,023 15,336 13,565 ---

5,629 16,703 --11,022 10,088 17,457 9,535 5,353 16,821 14,606 ---

5,305 16,256 --11,136 9,654 16,549 7,249 3,907 14,139 15,194 ---

46039 46041 46043 46045 46045.1 46047 46049 46051 46053 46055

Deuel ................................... Dewey ................................. Douglas ............................... Edmunds ............................. Ewing .................................. Fall River .............................. Faulk.................................... Grant ................................... Gregory ............................... Haakon ................................

1870 1880 1880 1890 1890 1890 1880 1880 1890 1920

4,364 5,301 3,002 4,071 --7,094 2,364 7,356 4,271 1,937

4,498 5,972 3,458 4,367 --7,453 2,640 7,847 4,792 2,196

4,522 5,523 3,746 4,356 --7,353 2,744 8,372 5,359 2,624

5,289 5,366 4,181 5,159 --8,439 3,327 9,013 6,015 2,794

5,686 5,170 4,569 5,548 --7,505 3,893 9,005 6,710 2,802

6,782 5,257 5,113 6,079 --10,688 4,397 9,913 7,399 3,303

7,689 4,916 5,636 7,275 --10,439 4,752 10,233 8,556 3,167

8,450 5,709 6,348 7,814 --8,089 5,168 10,552 9,554 3,515

8,732 6,476 7,236 8,712 --8,741 6,895 10,729 11,420 4,679

8,759 4,802 6,993 8,336 --6,985 6,442 10,880 12,700 4,596

45045 45047 45049 45051 45053 45055 45057 45059 45061 45063 45065

SOUTH CAROLINA cnt’d Greenville ............................ Greenwood ......................... Hampton ............................. Horry ................................... Jasper .................................. Kershaw .............................. Lancaster ............................. Laurens ................................ Lee ...................................... Lexington............................. McCormick ..........................

45067 45069 45071 45073 45075 45075.1 45077 45079 45081 45083 45085 45087 45089 45091

138 County and City Extra


Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













45045 45047 45049 45051 45053 45055 45057 45059 45061 45063 45065

SOUTH CAROLINA cnt’d Greenville ........................ Greenwood ..................... Hampton ......................... Horry ............................... Jasper .............................. Kershaw .......................... Lancaster ......................... Laurens ............................ Lee .................................. Lexington......................... McCormick ......................

68,377 34,225 25,126 26,995 --27,094 26,650 41,550 25,318 32,040 ---

53,490 28,343 23,738 23,364 --24,696 24,311 37,382 --27,264 ---

44,310 --20,544 19,256 --22,361 20,761 31,610 --22,181 ---

37,496 --18,741 15,574 --21,538 16,903 29,444 --18,564 ---

22,262 ----10,721 --11,754 12,087 22,536 --12,988 ---

21,892 ----7,962 --13,086 11,797 23,858 --15,579 ---

20,156 ----7,646 --14,473 10,988 23,407 --12,930 ---

17,839 ----5,755 --12,281 9,907 21,584 --12,111 ---

16,476 ----5,245 --13,545 10,361 20,863 --9,065 ---

14,530 ----5,025 --12,432 8,716 17,682 --8,083 ---

13,133 ----4,349 --9,867 6,318 14,982 --6,641 ---

11,504 --------7,340 6,012 12,809 -------

6,503 ----------6,302 9,337 -------

45067 45069 45071 45073 45075 45075.1 45077 45079 45081 45083 45085 45087 45089 45091

Marion............................. Marlboro ......................... Newberry ......................... Oconee ............................ Orangeburg ..................... Pendleton ........................ Pickens ............................ Richland........................... Saluda ............................. Spartanburg..................... Sumter............................. Union .............................. Williamsburg ................... York .................................

20,596 31,189 34,586 27,337 55,893 --25,422 55,143 20,943 83,465 38,472 29,911 37,626 47,718

35,181 27,639 30,182 23,634 59,663 --19,375 45,589 18,966 65,560 51,237 25,501 31,685 41,684

29,976 23,500 26,434 18,687 49,393 --16,389 36,821 --55,385 43,605 25,363 27,777 38,831

34,107 20,598 26,497 16,256 41,395 --14,389 28,573 --40,409 37,037 24,080 24,110 30,713

22,160 11,814 20,775 10,536 16,865 --10,269 23,025 --25,784 25,268 19,248 15,489 24,286

21,190 12,434 20,879 --24,896 --19,639 18,307 --26,919 23,859 19,635 15,489 21,502

17,407 10,789 20,143 --23,582 --16,904 20,243 --26,400 33,220 19,852 12,447 19,433

13,932 8,408 18,350 --18,519 --14,356 16,397 --23,669 27,892 18,936 10,327 18,383

11,208 8,582 17,441 --18,453 --14,473 14,772 --21,150 28,277 17,906 9,018 17,790

10,201 6,425 16,104 --15,653 27,022 --12,321 --16,989 25,369 14,126 8,716 14,936

8,884 4,966 13,964 --13,229 22,897 --9,027 --14,259 19,054 10,995 6,871 10,032

6,914 5,452 12,006 --15,766 20,052 --6,097 --12,122 13,103 10,237 --10,250

--10,706 9,342 --18,513 9,568 --3,930 --8,800 4,548 7,693 --6,604


SOUTH DAKOTA ............














46001 46003 46005 46007 46009 46009.1 46011 46013 46015 46017

Armstrong ....................... Aurora ............................. Beadle ............................. Bennett............................ Bon Homme .................... Boreman .......................... Brookings ........................ Brown.............................. Brule ................................ Buffalo.............................

647 6,143 15,776 96 11,061 --14,178 25,867 6,451 1,589

8 4,011 8,081 --10,379 --12,561 15,286 5,401 1,790

34 5,045 9,586 --9,057 --10,132 16,855 6,737 993

--69 1,290 --5,468 534 4,965 353 238 63

--------608 --163 ----246










Butte ...............................














46021 46023 46023.1 46025 46027 46029 46031 46033 46035 46037 46037.1

Campbell ......................... Charles Mix...................... Choteau .......................... Clark................................ Clay ................................. Codington ....................... Corson............................. Custer.............................. Davison............................ Day .................................. Delano .............................

5,244 14,899 --10,901 8,711 14,092 2,929 4,458 11,625 14,372 ---

4,527 8,498 --6,942 9,316 8,770 --2,728 7,483 12,254 ---

3,510 6,016 8 6,728 7,509 7,037 --4,891 5,449 9,168 40

50 407 --114 5,001 2,156 --995 1,256 231 ---

--152 ----2,621 -------------









46039 46041 46043 46045 46045.1 46047 46049 46051 46053 46055

Deuel ............................... Dewey ............................. Douglas ........................... Edmunds ......................... Ewing .............................. Fall River .......................... Faulk................................ Grant ............................... Gregory ........................... Haakon ............................

7,768 1,145 6,400 7,654 --7,763 6,716 10,303 13,061 ---

6,656 --5,012 4,916 --3,541 3,547 9,103 2,211 ---

4,574 --4,600 4,399 16 4,478 4,062 6,814 295 ---

2,302 46 6 ------4 3,010 -----

37 -------------------









Part C — Counties 139

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










46057 46059 46061 46063 46065 46067 46069 46071 46071.1 46073 46075 46077

SOUTH DAKOTA cnt’d Hamlin ................................. Hand ................................... Hanson ................................ Harding ............................... Hughes ................................ Hutchinson .......................... Hyde .................................... Jackson ................................ Jayne ................................... Jerauld ................................. Jones ................................... Kingsbury ............................

1880 1880 1880 1890 1880 1870 1890 1890 1870 1890 1920 1880

5,903 3,431 3,331 1,255 17,022 7,343 1,420 3,031 --2,071 1,006 5,148

5,540 3,741 3,139 1,353 16,481 8,075 1,671 2,930 --2,295 1,193 5,815

4,974 4,272 2,994 1,669 14,817 8,262 1,696 2,811 --2,425 1,324 5,925

5,261 4,948 3,415 1,700 14,220 9,350 2,069 3,437 --2,929 1,463 6,679

5,172 5,883 3,781 1,855 11,632 10,379 2,515 1,531 --3,310 1,882 7,657

6,303 6,712 4,584 2,371 12,725 11,085 2,602 1,985 --4,048 2,066 9,227

7,058 7,149 4,896 2,289 8,111 11,423 2,811 1,768 --4,476 2,281 9,962

7,562 7,166 5,400 3,010 6,624 12,668 3,113 1,955 --4,752 2,509 10,831

8,299 9,485 6,131 3,589 7,009 13,904 3,690 2,636 --5,816 3,177 12,805

8,054 8,778 6,202 3,953 5,711 13,475 3,315 2,472 --6,338 3,004 12,802

46079 46081 46083 46085 46087 46089 46091 46091.1 46093 46095 46095.1

Lake..................................... Lawrence ............................. Lincoln ................................. Lyman .................................. McCook............................... McPherson........................... Marshall............................... Martin ................................. Meade ................................. Mellette ............................... Meyer ..................................

1880 1880 1870 1880 1880 1890 1890 1890 1890 1910 1880

11,200 24,097 44,828 3,755 5,618 2,459 4,656 --25,434 2,048 ---

11,276 21,802 24,131 3,895 5,832 2,904 4,576 --24,253 2,083 ---

10,550 20,655 15,427 3,638 5,688 3,228 4,844 --21,878 2,137 ---

10,724 18,339 13,942 3,864 6,444 4,027 5,404 --20,717 2,249 ---

11,456 17,453 11,761 4,060 7,246 5,022 5,965 --16,618 2,420 ---

11,764 17,075 12,371 4,428 8,268 5,821 6,663 --12,044 2,664 ---

11,792 16,648 12,767 4,572 8,828 7,071 7,835 --11,516 3,046 ---

12,412 19,093 13,171 5,045 9,793 8,353 8,880 --9,735 4,107 ---

12,379 13,920 13,918 6,335 10,316 8,774 9,540 --11,482 5,293 ---

12,257 13,029 13,893 6,591 9,990 7,705 9,596 --9,367 3,850 ---

46097 46099 46101 46101.1 46103 46105 46107 46107.1 46107.2 46109 46111

Miner................................... Minnehaha .......................... Moody ................................. Nowlin ................................. Pennington .......................... Perkins ................................. Potter .................................. Pratt .................................... Presho ................................. Roberts ................................ Sanborn ...............................

1880 1870 1880 1890 1880 1910 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890

2,389 169,468 6,486 --100,948 2,982 2,329 ----10,149 2,355

2,884 148,281 6,595 --88,565 3,363 2,693 ----10,016 2,675

3,272 123,809 6,507 --81,343 3,932 3,190 ----9,914 2,833

3,739 109,435 6,692 --70,361 4,700 3,674 ----10,911 3,213

4,454 95,209 7,622 --59,349 4,769 4,449 ----11,678 3,697

5,398 86,575 8,810 --58,195 5,977 4,926 ----13,190 4,641

6,268 70,910 9,252 --34,053 6,776 4,688 ----14,929 5,142

6,836 57,697 9,341 --23,799 6,585 4,614 ----15,887 5,754

8,376 50,872 9,603 --20,079 8,717 5,762 ----15,782 7,326

8,560 42,490 9,742 --12,720 7,993 4,382 ----16,514 7,877

46111.1 46111.2 46113 46115 46117 46117.1 46119 46119.1 46121 46123 46125

Schnasse .............................. Scobey ................................. Shannon .............................. Spink ................................... Stanley................................. Sterling ................................ Sully..................................... Todd (old) ............................ Todd .................................... Tripp .................................... Turner ..................................

1910 1890 1880 1880 1880 1890 1880 1870 1910 1910 1880

----13,586 6,415 2,966 --1,373 --9,612 5,644 8,347

----12,466 7,454 2,772 --1,556 --9,050 6,430 8,849

----9,902 7,981 2,453 --1,589 --8,352 6,924 8,576

----11,323 9,201 2,533 --1,990 --7,328 7,268 9,255

----8,198 10,595 2,457 --2,362 --6,606 8,171 9,872

----6,000 11,706 4,085 --2,607 --4,661 8,761 11,159

----5,669 12,204 2,055 --2,713 --4,758 9,139 12,100

----5,366 12,527 1,959 --2,668 --5,714 9,937 13,270

----4,058 15,304 2,381 --3,852 --5,898 12,712 14,891

----2,003 15,768 2,908 --2,831 --2,784 11,970 14,871

46127 46129 46131 46133 46135 46135.1 46137

Union .................................. Walworth............................. Washabaugh........................ Washington ......................... Yankton ............................... Ziebach (old) ........................ Ziebach ................................

1870 1880 1920 1890 1870 1890 1920

14,399 5,438 ----22,438 --2,801

12,584 5,974 ----21,652 --2,519

10,189 6,087 ----19,252 --2,220

10,938 7,011 ----18,952 --2,308

9,643 7,842 1,389 --19,039 --2,221

10,197 8,097 1,042 --17,551 --2,495

10,792 7,648 1,551 --16,804 --2,606

11,675 7,274 1,980 1,789 16,725 --2,875

11,480 8,791 2,474 1,827 16,589 --4,039

11,099 8,447 1,166 1,521 15,233 --3,718


TENNESSEE ........................












47001 47003 47005 47007 47009 47011 47013 47015 47017 47019

Anderson ............................. Bedford ............................... Benton................................. Bledsoe ................................ Blount.................................. Bradley ................................ Campbell ............................. Cannon ............................... Carroll ................................. Carter ..................................

1810 1810 1840 1810 1800 1840 1810 1840 1830 1800

75,129 45,058 16,489 12,876 123,010 98,963 40,716 13,801 28,522 57,424

71,330 37,586 16,537 12,367 105,823 87,965 39,854 12,826 29,475 56,742

68,250 30,411 14,524 9,669 85,969 73,712 35,079 10,467 27,514 51,505

67,346 27,916 14,901 9,478 77,770 67,547 34,923 10,234 28,285 50,205

60,300 25,039 12,126 7,643 63,744 50,686 26,045 8,467 25,741 42,575

60,032 23,150 10,662 7,811 57,525 38,324 27,936 8,537 23,476 41,578

59,407 23,627 11,495 8,561 54,691 32,338 34,369 9,174 26,553 42,432

26,504 23,151 11,976 8,358 41,116 28,498 31,131 9,880 25,978 35,127

19,722 21,077 11,237 7,128 33,989 22,870 26,827 8,935 26,132 29,223

18,298 21,737 12,046 7,218 28,800 18,652 28,265 10,241 24,361 21,488

140 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













46057 46059 46061 46063 46065 46067 46069 46071 46071.1 46073 46075 46077

SOUTH DAKOTA cnt’d Hamlin ............................. Hand ............................... Hanson ............................ Harding ........................... Hughes ............................ Hutchinson ...................... Hyde ................................ Jackson ............................ Jayne ............................... Jerauld ............................. Jones ............................... Kingsbury ........................

7,475 7,870 6,237 4,228 6,271 12,319 3,307 ----5,120 --12,560

5,945 4,525 4,947 --3,684 11,897 1,492 ----2,798 --9,866

4,625 6,546 4,267 167 5,044 10,469 1,860 30 --3,605 --8,562

693 153 1,301 --268 5,573 ----------1,102

----------37 ----5 -------









46079 46081 46083 46085 46087 46089 46091 46091.1 46093 46095 46095.1

Lake................................. Lawrence ......................... Lincoln ............................. Lyman .............................. McCook........................... McPherson....................... Marshall........................... Martin ............................. Meade ............................. Mellette ........................... Meyer ..............................

10,711 19,694 12,712 10,848 9,589 6,791 8,021 --12,640 1,700 ---

9,137 17,897 12,161 2,632 8,689 6,327 5,942 --4,907 -----

7,508 11,673 9,143 233 6,448 5,940 4,544 7 4,640 -----

2,657 13,248 5,896 124 1,283 ----------115

----712 -----------------









46097 46099 46101 46101.1 46103 46105 46107 46107.1 46107.2 46109 46111

Miner............................... Minnehaha ...................... Moody ............................. Nowlin ............................. Pennington ...................... Perkins ............................. Potter .............................. Pratt ................................ Presho ............................. Roberts ............................ Sanborn ...........................

7,661 29,631 8,695 --12,453 11,348 4,466 ----14,897 6,607

5,864 23,926 8,326 --5,610 --2,988 ----12,216 4,464

5,165 21,879 5,941 149 6,540 --2,910 23 181 1,997 4,610

363 8,251 3,915 --2,244 -------------

--355 -------------------









46111.1 Schnasse .......................... 46111.2 Scobey .............................

292 ---













46113 46115 46117 46117.1 46119 46119.1 46121 46123 46125

Shannon .......................... Spink ............................... Stanley............................. Sterling ............................ Sully................................. Todd (old) ........................ Todd ................................ Tripp ................................ Turner ..............................

--15,981 14,975 252 2,462 --2,164 8,323 13,840

--9,487 1,341 --1,715 ------13,175

--10,581 1,028 96 2,412 188 ----10,256

113 477 793 --296 203 ----5,320

----------337 -------









46127 46129 46131 46133 46135 46135.1 46137

Union .............................. Walworth......................... Washabaugh.................... Washington ..................... Yankton ........................... Ziebach (old) .................... Ziebach ............................

10,676 6,488 ----13,135 -----

11,153 3,839 ----12,649 -----

9,130 2,153 --40 10,444 510 ---

6,813 46 ----8,390 -----

3,507 ------2,097 -----










TENNESSEE ....................

2,184,789 2,020,616 1,767,518 1,542,359 1,258,520 1,109,801 1,002,717







47001 47003 47005 47007 47009 47011 47013 47015 47017 47019

Anderson ......................... Bedford ........................... Benton............................. Bledsoe ............................ Blount.............................. Bradley ............................ Campbell ......................... Cannon ........................... Carroll ............................. Carter ..............................

5,658 20,546 4,772 5,676 11,745 7,385 6,149 7,193 12,362 5,372

5,310 30,396 --4,648 11,028 --5,110 --9,397 6,414

4,668 16,012 --4,005 11,258 --4,244 ----4,835

3,959 8,242 --3,259 8,839 --2,668 ----4,190

--------5,587 --------4,813


17,717 22,667 12,452 6,329 20,809 16,336 27,387 10,825 23,971 19,838

17,634 23,845 11,888 6,626 19,206 15,759 17,317 12,121 24,250 16,688

15,128 24,739 11,230 6,134 17,589 13,607 13,486 12,197 23,630 13,389

10,820 26,025 9,780 5,617 15,985 12,124 10,005 11,859 22,103 10,019

8,704 24,333 8,234 4,870 14,237 11,652 7,445 10,502 19,447 7,909

7,068 21,584 8,463 4,459 13,270 11,701 6,712 9,509 17,437 7,124

6,938 21,511 6,315 5,959 12,424 12,259 6,068 8,982 15,967 6,296

Part C — Counties 141

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1860 1890 1810 1880 1810 1840 1880 1860 1790 1850 1840 1810

39,105 17,131 32,213 7,861 35,662 52,796 14,586 56,053 626,681 11,757 18,723 49,666

35,912 15,540 29,862 7,976 33,565 48,014 14,532 46,802 569,891 11,731 17,423 43,156

27,140 12,819 26,137 7,238 29,141 40,339 13,378 34,736 510,784 10,472 14,360 35,061

21,616 12,727 24,595 7,676 28,792 38,311 14,941 28,676 477,811 10,857 13,589 30,037

13,199 9,927 19,420 6,624 25,283 32,572 14,402 20,733 448,003 9,457 11,151 21,977

9,428 9,569 19,067 7,289 23,390 28,603 14,594 19,135 399,743 8,324 10,774 18,839

9,167 11,149 24,788 8,701 22,991 23,049 16,624 18,877 321,758 9,442 11,680 18,805

9,928 11,124 24,657 10,904 24,083 18,959 17,330 15,592 257,267 10,261 14,588 19,718

9,025 10,603 24,313 9,577 21,775 16,801 17,359 11,440 222,854 10,106 14,213 18,491

10,039 9,669 23,286 9,193 20,782 17,344 17,438 10,094 167,815 10,198 15,370 19,342

Dyer..................................... Fayette................................. Fentress ............................... Franklin................................ Gibson ................................. Giles .................................... Grainger .............................. Greene ................................ Grundy ................................

1830 1830 1830 1810 1830 1810 1800 1790 1850

38,335 38,413 17,959 41,052 49,683 29,485 22,657 68,831 13,703

37,279 28,806 16,625 39,270 48,152 29,447 20,659 62,909 14,332

34,854 25,559 14,669 34,725 46,315 25,741 17,095 55,853 13,362

34,663 25,305 14,826 31,983 49,467 24,625 16,751 54,422 13,787

30,427 22,692 12,593 27,244 47,871 22,138 13,948 47,630 10,631

29,537 24,577 13,288 25,528 44,699 22,410 12,506 42,163 11,512

33,473 27,535 14,917 25,431 48,132 26,961 13,086 41,048 12,558

34,920 30,322 14,262 23,892 44,835 29,240 14,356 39,405 11,552

31,405 28,891 11,036 21,796 46,528 28,016 12,737 35,119 9,717

29,983 31,499 10,435 20,641 43,388 30,948 13,369 32,824 9,753

47063 47065 47067 47069 47071 47073 47075 47077 47079 47081

Hamblen .............................. Hamilton.............................. Hancock .............................. Hardeman............................ Hardin ................................. Hawkins............................... Haywood ............................. Henderson ........................... Henry................................... Hickman ..............................

1880 1820 1850 1830 1820 1790 1830 1830 1830 1810

62,544 336,463 6,819 27,253 26,026 56,833 18,787 27,769 32,330 24,690

58,128 307,896 6,786 28,105 25,578 53,563 19,797 25,522 31,115 22,295

50,480 285,536 6,739 23,377 22,633 44,565 19,437 21,844 27,888 16,754

49,300 287,740 6,887 23,873 22,280 43,751 20,318 21,390 28,656 15,151

38,696 254,236 6,719 22,435 18,212 33,726 19,596 17,291 23,749 12,096

33,092 237,905 7,757 21,517 17,397 30,468 23,393 16,115 22,275 11,862

23,976 208,255 9,116 23,311 16,908 30,494 26,212 17,173 23,828 13,353

18,611 180,478 11,231 23,590 17,806 28,523 27,699 19,220 25,877 14,873

16,616 159,497 9,673 22,193 16,213 24,117 26,063 17,655 26,432 13,613

15,056 115,954 10,454 22,278 17,291 22,918 25,386 18,436 27,151 16,216

47083 47085 47087 47087.1 47089 47091 47093 47095 47097 47099 47101

Houston............................... Humphreys .......................... Jackson ................................ James .................................. Jefferson .............................. Johnson ............................... Knox .................................... Lake..................................... Lauderdale ........................... Lawrence ............................. Lewis ...................................

1880 1810 1810 1880 1800 1840 1800 1870 1840 1820 1850

8,426 18,538 11,638 --51,407 18,244 432,226 7,832 27,815 41,869 12,161

8,088 17,929 10,984 --44,294 17,499 382,032 7,954 27,101 39,926 11,367

7,018 15,795 9,297 --33,016 13,766 335,749 7,129 23,491 35,303 9,247

6,871 15,957 9,398 --31,284 13,745 319,694 7,455 24,555 34,110 9,700

5,845 13,560 8,141 --24,940 11,569 276,293 7,896 20,271 29,097 6,761

4,794 11,511 9,233 --21,493 10,765 250,523 9,572 21,844 28,049 6,269

5,318 11,030 12,348 --19,667 12,278 223,007 11,655 25,047 28,818 6,078

6,432 12,421 15,082 --18,621 12,998 178,468 11,235 24,461 28,726 5,849

5,555 12,039 13,589 --17,914 12,209 155,902 10,486 23,406 26,776 5,258

6,212 13,482 14,955 --17,677 12,230 112,926 9,075 21,494 23,593 5,707

47103 47105 47107 47109 47111 47113 47115 47117 47119 47121 47123

Lincoln ................................. Loudon ................................ McMinn ............................... McNairy ............................... Macon ................................. Madison .............................. Marion................................. Marshall............................... Maury .................................. Meigs .................................. Monroe ...............................

1810 1880 1820 1830 1850 1830 1820 1840 1810 1840 1820

33,361 48,556 52,266 26,075 22,248 98,294 28,237 30,617 80,956 11,753 44,519

31,340 39,086 49,015 24,653 20,386 91,837 27,776 26,767 69,498 11,086 38,961

28,157 31,255 42,383 22,422 15,906 77,982 24,860 21,539 54,812 8,033 30,541

26,483 28,553 41,878 22,525 15,700 74,546 24,416 19,698 51,095 7,431 28,700

24,318 24,266 35,462 18,369 12,315 65,727 20,577 17,319 43,376 5,219 23,475

23,829 23,757 33,662 18,085 12,197 60,655 21,036 16,859 41,699 5,160 23,316

25,624 23,182 32,024 20,390 13,599 60,128 20,520 17,768 40,368 6,080 24,513

27,214 19,838 30,781 20,424 14,904 54,115 19,140 16,030 40,357 6,393 24,275

25,422 17,805 29,019 19,901 13,872 51,059 17,549 15,574 34,016 6,127 21,377

25,786 16,275 25,133 18,350 14,922 43,824 17,402 17,375 35,403 6,077 22,060

47125 47127 47129 47131 47133 47135 47137 47139 47141 47143 47145

Montgomery........................ Moore ................................. Morgan ............................... Obion .................................. Overton ............................... Perry .................................... Pickett ................................. Polk ..................................... Putnam ................................ Rhea .................................... Roane ..................................

1790 1880 1820 1830 1810 1820 1890 1840 1860 1810 1810

172,331 6,362 21,987 31,807 22,083 7,915 5,077 16,825 72,321 31,809 54,181

134,768 5,740 19,757 32,450 20,118 7,631 4,945 16,050 62,315 28,400 51,910

100,498 4,721 17,300 31,717 17,636 6,612 4,548 13,643 51,373 24,344 47,227

83,342 4,510 16,604 32,781 17,575 6,111 4,358 13,602 47,690 24,235 48,425

62,721 3,568 13,619 29,936 14,866 5,238 3,774 11,669 35,487 17,202 38,881

55,645 3,454 14,304 26,957 14,661 5,273 4,431 12,160 29,236 15,863 39,133

44,186 3,948 15,727 29,056 17,566 6,462 5,093 14,074 29,869 16,041 31,665

33,346 4,093 15,242 30,978 18,883 7,535 6,213 15,473 26,250 16,353 27,795

30,882 4,037 13,603 29,086 18,079 7,147 5,615 15,686 23,759 13,871 24,477

32,265 4,491 13,285 28,393 17,617 7,765 5,205 14,243 22,231 13,812 24,624

47021 47023 47025 47027 47029 47031 47033 47035 47037 47039 47041 47043

TENNESSEE cnt’d Cheatham............................ Chester ................................ Claiborne ............................. Clay ..................................... Cocke .................................. Coffee ................................. Crockett .............................. Cumberland......................... Davidson.............................. Decatur................................ DeKalb................................. Dickson................................

47045 47047 47049 47051 47053 47055 47057 47059 47061

142 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













47021 47023 47025 47027 47029 47031 47033 47035 47037 47039 47041 47043

TENNESSEE cnt’d Cheatham........................ Chester ............................ Claiborne ......................... Clay ................................. Cocke .............................. Coffee ............................. Crockett .......................... Cumberland..................... Davidson.......................... Decatur............................ DeKalb............................. Dickson............................

10,540 9,090 23,504 9,009 19,399 15,625 16,076 9,327 149,478 10,093 15,434 19,955

10,112 9,896 20,696 8,421 19,153 15,574 15,867 8,311 122,815 10,439 16,460 18,635

8,845 9,069 15,103 7,260 16,523 13,827 15,146 5,376 108,174 8,995 15,650 13,645

7,956 --13,373 6,987 14,808 12,894 14,109 4,538 79,026 8,498 14,813 12,460

6,678 --9,321 --12,458 10,237 --3,461 62,897 7,772 11,425 9,340

7,258 --9,643 --10,408 9,689 --3,460 47,055 6,276 10,573 9,982

----9,369 --8,300 8,351 ----38,882 6,003 8,016 8,404

----9,474 --6,992 8,184 ----30,509 --5,868 7,074

----8,470 --6,017 ------28,122 ----7,265

----5,508 --4,892 ------20,154 ----5,190

----4,798 --5,154 ------15,608 ----4,516

----------------9,965 -------

----------------3,459 -------

47045 47047 47049 47051 47053 47055 47057 47059 47061

Dyer................................. Fayette............................. Fentress ........................... Franklin............................ Gibson ............................. Giles ................................ Grainger .......................... Greene ............................ Grundy ............................

27,721 30,257 7,446 20,491 41,630 32,629 13,888 31,083 8,322

23,776 29,701 6,106 20,392 39,408 33,035 15,512 30,596 7,802

19,878 28,878 5,226 18,929 35,859 34,957 13,196 26,614 6,345

15,118 31,871 5,941 17,178 32,685 36,014 12,384 24,005 4,592

13,706 26,145 4,717 14,970 25,666 32,413 12,421 21,668 3,250

10,536 24,327 5,054 13,848 21,777 26,166 10,962 19,004 3,093

6,361 26,719 4,454 13,768 19,548 25,949 12,370 17,824 2,773

4,484 21,501 3,550 12,033 13,689 21,494 10,572 16,076 ---

1,904 8,652 2,748 15,620 5,801 18,703 10,066 14,410 ---

------16,571 --12,558 7,651 11,324 ---

------5,730 --4,546 6,397 9,713 ---

------------7,367 7,610 ---

--------------7,741 ---

47063 47065 47067 47069 47071 47073 47075 47077 47079 47081

Hamblen .......................... Hamilton.......................... Hancock .......................... Hardeman........................ Hardin ............................. Hawkins........................... Haywood ......................... Henderson ....................... Henry............................... Hickman ..........................

13,650 89,267 10,778 23,011 17,521 23,587 25,910 17,030 25,434 16,527

12,728 61,695 11,147 22,976 19,246 24,267 25,189 18,117 24,208 16,367

11,418 53,482 10,342 21,029 17,698 22,246 23,558 16,336 21,070 14,499

10,187 23,642 9,098 22,921 14,793 20,610 26,053 17,430 22,142 12,095

--17,241 7,148 18,074 11,768 15,837 25,094 14,217 20,380 9,856

--13,258 7,020 17,769 11,214 16,162 19,232 14,491 19,133 9,312

--10,075 5,660 17,456 10,328 13,370 17,259 13,164 18,233 9,397

--8,175 --14,563 8,245 15,035 13,870 11,875 14,906 8,618

--2,276 --11,655 4,868 13,683 5,334 8,748 12,249 8,119

--821 ----1,462 10,949 ------6,080

----------7,643 ------2,583

----------6,563 ---------

----------6,970 ---------

47083 47085 47087 47087.1 47089

Houston........................... Humphreys ...................... Jackson ............................ James .............................. Jefferson ..........................

6,224 13,908 15,036 5,210 17,755

6,476 13,398 15,039 5,407 18,590

5,390 11,720 13,325 4,903 16,478

4,295 11,379 12,008 5,187 15,846

--9,326 12,583 --19,476

--9,096 11,725 --16,043

--6,422 15,673 --13,204

--5,195 12,872 --12,076

--6,187 9,698 --11,801

--4,067 7,593 --8,953

--1,511 5,401 --7,309



47091 47093 47095 47097 47099 47101

Johnson ........................... Knox ................................ Lake................................. Lauderdale ....................... Lawrence ......................... Lewis ...............................

13,191 94,187 8,704 21,105 17,569 6,033

10,589 74,302 7,368 21,971 15,402 4,455

8,858 59,557 5,304 18,756 12,286 2,555

7,766 39,124 3,968 14,918 10,383 2,181

5,852 28,990 2,428 10,838 7,601 1,986

5,018 22,813 --7,559 9,320 2,241

3,705 18,807 --5,169 9,280 4,438

2,658 15,485 --3,435 7,121 ---

--14,498 ----5,411 ---

--13,034 ----3,271 ---

--10,171 ---------

--12,446 ---------


47103 47105 47107 47109 47111 47113 47115 47117 47119 47121 47123

Lincoln ............................. Loudon ............................ McMinn ........................... McNairy ........................... Macon ............................. Madison .......................... Marion............................. Marshall........................... Maury .............................. Meigs .............................. Monroe ...........................

25,908 13,612 21,046 16,356 14,559 39,357 18,820 16,872 40,456 6,131 20,716

26,304 10,838 19,163 17,760 12,881 36,333 17,281 18,763 42,703 7,491 18,585

27,382 9,273 17,890 15,510 10,878 30,497 15,411 18,906 38,112 6,930 15,329

26,960 9,148 15,064 17,271 9,321 30,874 10,910 19,259 39,904 7,117 14,283

28,050 --13,969 12,726 6,633 23,480 6,841 16,207 36,289 4,511 12,589

22,828 --13,555 14,732 7,290 21,535 6,190 14,592 32,498 4,667 12,607

23,492 --13,906 12,864 6,948 21,470 6,314 15,616 29,520 4,879 11,874

21,493 --12,719 9,385 --16,530 6,070 14,555 28,186 4,794 12,056

22,075 --14,460 5,697 --11,594 5,508 --27,665 --13,708

14,761 --1,623 ------3,888 --22,141 --2,529

6,104 --------------10,359 -----



47125 47127 47129 47131 47133 47135 47137 47139 47141 47143 47145

Montgomery.................... Moore ............................. Morgan ........................... Obion .............................. Overton ........................... Perry ................................ Pickett ............................. Polk ................................. Putnam ............................ Rhea ................................ Roane ..............................

33,672 4,800 11,458 29,946 15,854 8,815 5,087 14,116 20,023 15,410 22,860

36,017 5,706 9,587 28,286 13,353 8,800 5,366 11,357 16,890 14,318 22,738

29,697 5,975 7,639 27,273 12,039 7,785 4,736 8,361 13,683 12,647 17,418

28,481 6,233 5,156 22,912 12,153 7,174 --7,269 11,501 7,073 15,237

24,747 --2,969 15,584 11,297 6,925 --7,369 8,698 5,538 15,622

20,895 --3,353 12,817 12,637 6,042 --8,726 8,558 4,991 13,583

21,045 --3,430 7,633 11,211 5,821 --6,338 --4,415 12,185

16,927 --2,660 4,814 9,279 7,419 --3,570 --3,985 10,948

14,349 --2,582 2,099 8,242 7,094 ------8,186 11,341

12,219 --1,676 --7,128 2,384 ------4,215 7,895

8,021 ------5,643 --------2,504 5,581

2,899 ---------------------

1,387 ---------------------

Part C — Counties 143

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1800 1810 1850 1860 1790 1820 1800 1810 1790 1790 1830

66,283 262,604 22,228 14,112 89,889 927,644 19,166 13,324 156,823 160,645 61,081

54,433 182,023 21,127 11,370 71,170 897,472 17,712 12,370 153,048 130,449 51,271

41,494 118,570 18,358 8,863 51,043 826,330 14,143 9,479 143,596 103,281 37,568

37,021 84,058 19,259 8,605 41,418 777,113 14,935 8,665 143,968 85,790 32,930

29,102 59,428 14,762 6,331 28,241 722,014 12,509 7,319 127,329 56,106 28,001

27,335 52,368 15,413 5,915 24,251 627,019 12,059 7,851 114,139 36,217 28,564

27,024 40,696 17,362 5,685 23,375 482,393 14,098 9,175 95,063 33,533 29,782

29,046 33,604 15,966 5,038 23,291 358,250 16,148 13,549 69,085 32,719 28,036

28,191 32,286 14,080 4,047 20,480 306,482 15,473 13,278 51,087 28,622 27,498

25,621 33,059 13,411 3,632 22,384 223,216 17,134 14,664 36,259 27,708 30,258

Trousdale ............................. Unicoi .................................. Union .................................. Van Buren ............................ Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Weakley............................... White .................................. Williamson ........................... Wilson .................................

1880 1880 1860 1850 1810 1790 1820 1830 1810 1800 1800

7,870 18,313 19,109 5,548 39,839 122,979 17,021 35,021 25,841 183,182 113,993

7,259 17,667 17,808 5,508 38,276 107,198 16,842 34,895 23,102 126,638 88,809

5,920 16,549 13,694 4,846 32,992 92,315 13,935 31,972 20,090 81,021 67,675

6,137 16,362 11,707 4,728 32,653 88,755 13,946 32,896 19,567 58,108 56,064

5,155 15,254 9,072 3,758 26,972 73,924 12,365 28,827 17,088 34,330 36,999

4,914 15,082 8,498 3,671 23,102 64,832 11,908 24,227 15,577 25,267 27,668

5,520 15,886 8,670 3,985 22,271 59,971 13,864 27,962 16,204 24,307 26,318

6,113 14,128 9,030 4,090 19,764 51,631 13,638 29,498 15,983 25,220 25,267

5,629 12,678 11,371 3,516 20,209 45,805 12,134 29,262 15,543 22,845 23,929

5,996 10,120 11,615 2,624 17,306 34,052 12,877 31,053 15,701 23,409 26,241














48001 48003 48005 48007 48009 48011 48013 48015 48017 48019

Anderson ............................. Andrews .............................. Angelina .............................. Aransas................................ Archer ................................. Armstrong ........................... Atascosa .............................. Austin .................................. Bailey ................................... Bandera ...............................

1850 1890 1850 1880 1880 1880 1860 1850 1900 1860

58,458 14,786 86,771 23,158 9,054 1,901 44,911 28,417 7,165 20,485

55,109 13,004 80,130 22,497 8,854 2,148 38,628 23,590 6,594 17,645

48,024 14,338 69,884 17,892 7,973 2,021 30,533 19,832 7,064 10,562

38,381 13,323 64,172 14,260 7,266 1,994 25,055 17,726 8,168 7,084

27,789 10,372 49,349 8,902 5,759 1,895 18,696 13,831 8,487 4,747

28,162 13,450 39,814 7,006 6,110 1,966 18,828 13,777 9,090 3,892

31,875 5,002 36,032 4,252 6,816 2,215 20,048 14,663 7,592 4,410

37,092 1,277 32,201 3,469 7,599 2,495 19,275 17,384 6,318 4,234

34,643 736 27,803 2,219 9,684 3,329 15,654 18,860 5,186 3,784

34,318 350 22,287 2,064 5,254 2,816 12,702 18,874 517 4,001

48021 48023 48025 48027 48029 48029.1 48031 48033 48035 48037 48039 48041 48043

Bastrop ................................ Baylor .................................. Bee ...................................... Bell ...................................... Bexar ................................... Bexar (district) ...................... Blanco ................................. Borden................................. Bosque ................................ Bowie .................................. Brazoria ............................... Brazos.................................. Brewster ..............................

1850 1880 1860 1860 1850 1870 1860 1880 1860 1850 1850 1850 1890

74,171 3,726 31,861 310,235 1,714,773 --10,497 641 18,212 92,565 313,166 194,851 9,232

57,733 4,093 32,359 237,974 1,392,931 --8,418 729 17,204 89,306 241,767 152,415 8,866

38,263 4,385 25,135 191,088 1,185,394 --5,972 799 15,125 81,665 191,707 121,862 8,681

24,726 4,919 26,030 157,889 988,800 --4,681 859 13,401 75,301 169,587 93,588 7,573

17,297 5,221 22,737 124,483 830,460 --3,567 888 10,966 67,813 108,312 57,978 7,780

16,925 5,893 23,755 94,097 687,151 --3,657 1,076 10,809 59,971 76,204 44,895 6,434

19,622 6,875 18,174 73,824 500,460 --3,780 1,106 11,836 61,966 46,549 38,390 7,309

21,610 7,755 16,481 44,863 338,176 --4,264 1,396 15,761 50,208 27,069 26,977 6,478

23,888 7,418 15,721 50,030 292,533 --3,842 1,505 15,750 48,563 23,054 21,835 6,624

26,649 7,027 12,137 46,412 202,096 --4,063 965 18,032 39,472 20,614 21,975 4,822

48045 48047 48049 48049.1 48051 48053 48055 48057 48059 48061 48063

Briscoe ................................. Brooks ................................. Brown.................................. Buchel ................................. Burleson .............................. Burnet ................................. Caldwell .............................. Calhoun............................... Callahan .............................. Cameron ............................. Camp ..................................

1880 1920 1860 1890 1850 1860 1850 1850 1880 1850 1880

1,637 7,223 38,106 --17,187 42,750 38,066 21,381 13,544 406,220 12,401

1,790 7,976 37,674 --16,470 34,147 32,194 20,647 12,905 335,227 11,549

1,971 8,204 34,371 --13,625 22,677 26,392 19,053 11,859 260,120 9,904

2,579 8,428 33,057 --12,313 17,803 23,637 19,574 10,992 209,727 9,275

2,794 8,005 25,877 --9,999 11,420 21,178 17,831 8,205 140,368 8,005

3,577 8,609 24,728 --11,177 9,265 17,222 16,592 7,929 151,098 7,849

3,528 9,195 28,607 --13,000 10,356 19,350 9,222 9,087 125,170 8,740

4,056 6,362 25,924 --18,334 10,771 24,893 5,911 11,568 83,202 10,285

5,590 5,901 26,382 --19,848 10,355 31,397 5,385 12,785 77,540 10,063

2,948 4,560 21,682 --16,855 9,499 25,160 4,700 11,844 36,662 11,103

47147 47149 47151 47153 47155 47157 47159 47161 47163 47165 47167

TENNESSEE cnt’d Robertson ............................ Rutherford ........................... Scott .................................... Sequatchie ........................... Sevier................................... Shelby.................................. Smith ................................... Stewart ................................ Sullivan ................................ Sumner ................................ Tipton ..................................

47169 47171 47173 47175 47177 47179 47181 47183 47185 47187 47189

144 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













47147 47149 47151 47153 47155 47157 47159 47161 47163 47165 47167

TENNESSEE cnt’d Robertson ........................ Rutherford ....................... Scott ................................ Sequatchie ....................... Sevier............................... Shelby.............................. Smith ............................... Stewart ............................ Sullivan ............................ Sumner ............................ Tipton ..............................

25,466 33,199 12,947 4,202 22,296 191,439 18,548 14,860 28,120 25,621 29,459

25,029 33,543 11,077 3,326 22,021 153,557 19,026 15,224 24,935 26,072 29,273

20,078 35,097 9,794 3,027 18,761 112,740 18,404 12,193 20,879 23,668 24,271

18,861 36,741 6,021 2,565 15,541 78,430 17,799 12,690 18,321 23,625 21,033

16,166 33,289 4,054 2,335 11,028 76,378 15,994 12,019 13,136 23,711 14,884

15,265 27,918 3,519 2,120 9,122 48,092 16,357 9,896 13,552 22,030 10,705

16,145 29,122 1,905 --6,920 31,157 18,412 9,719 11,742 22,717 8,887

13,801 24,280 ----6,442 14,721 21,179 8,587 10,736 22,445 6,800

13,272 26,134 ----5,717 5,648 19,906 6,968 10,073 20,569 5,317

9,938 19,552 ----4,772 364 17,580 8,397 7,015 19,211 ---

7,270 10,265 ----4,595 --11,649 4,262 6,847 13,792 ---

4,280 ------3,419 --4,294 --10,218 4,616 ---

--------3,619 ------4,447 2,196 ---

47169 47171 47173 47175 47177 47179 47181 47183 47185 47187 47189

Trousdale ......................... Unicoi .............................. Union .............................. Van Buren ........................ Warren ............................ Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Weakley........................... White .............................. Williamson ....................... Wilson .............................

5,874 7,201 11,414 2,784 16,534 28,968 12,062 31,929 15,420 24,213 25,394

6,004 5,851 12,894 3,126 16,410 22,604 12,936 32,546 14,157 26,429 27,078

5,850 4,619 11,459 2,863 14,413 20,354 11,471 28,955 12,348 26,321 27,148

6,646 3,645 10,260 2,933 14,079 16,181 11,301 24,538 11,176 28,313 28,747

----7,605 2,725 12,714 16,317 10,209 20,755 9,375 25,328 25,881

----6,117 2,581 11,147 14,829 9,115 18,216 9,381 23,827 26,072

------2,674 10,179 13,861 8,170 14,608 11,444 27,201 27,443

--------10,803 11,751 7,705 9,870 10,747 27,006 24,460

--------15,210 10,995 6,013 4,797 9,967 26,638 25,472

--------10,348 9,557 2,459 --8,701 20,640 18,730

--------5,725 7,740 ----4,028 13,153 11,952

----------6,379 ------2,868 3,261

----------5,872 -----------



3,896,542 3,048,710 2,235,527 1,591,749










48001 48003 48005 48007 48009 48011 48013 48015 48017 48019

Anderson ......................... Andrews .......................... Angelina .......................... Aransas............................ Archer ............................. Armstrong ....................... Atascosa .......................... Austin .............................. Bailey ............................... Bandera ...........................

29,650 975 17,705 2,106 6,525 2,682 10,004 17,699 312 4,921

28,015 87 13,481 1,716 2,508 1,205 7,143 20,676 4 5,332

20,923 24 6,306 1,824 2,101 944 6,459 17,859 0 3,795

17,395 --5,239 996 596 31 4,217 14,429 --2,158

9,229 --3,985 ------2,915 15,087 --649

10,398 --4,271 ------1,578 10,139 --399

2,884 --1,165 --------3,841 -----







48021 48023

Bastrop ............................ Baylor ..............................

25,344 8,411

26,845 3,052

20,736 2,595

17,215 715

12,290 ---

7,006 ---

3,099 ---







48025 48027 48029 48029.1 48031 48033 48035 48037 48039 48041 48043

Bee .................................. Bell .................................. Bexar ............................... Bexar (district) .................. Blanco ............................. Borden............................. Bosque ............................ Bowie .............................. Brazoria ........................... Brazos.............................. Brewster ..........................

12,090 49,186 119,676 --4,311 1,386 19,013 34,827 13,299 18,919 5,220

7,720 45,535 69,422 --4,703 776 17,390 26,676 14,861 18,859 2,356

3,720 33,377 49,266 --4,649 222 14,224 20,267 11,506 16,650 710

2,298 20,518 30,470 --3,583 35 11,217 10,965 9,774 13,576 ---

1,082 9,771 16,043 1,077 1,187 --4,981 4,684 7,527 9,205 ---

910 4,799 14,454 --1,281 --2,005 5,052 7,143 2,776 ---

----6,052 --------2,912 4,841 614 ---







48045 48047 48049 48049.1 48051 48053 48055 48057 48059 48061 48063

Briscoe ............................. Brooks ............................. Brown.............................. Buchel ............................. Burleson .......................... Burnet ............................. Caldwell .......................... Calhoun........................... Callahan .......................... Cameron ......................... Camp ..............................

2,162 --22,935 --18,687 10,755 24,237 3,635 12,973 27,158 9,551

1,253 --16,019 --18,367 10,528 21,765 2,395 8,768 16,095 9,146

0 --11,421 298 13,001 10,747 15,769 815 5,457 14,424 6,624

12 --8,414 --9,243 6,855 11,757 1,739 3,453 14,959 5,931

----544 --8,072 3,688 6,572 3,443 --10,999 ---

----244 --5,683 2,487 4,481 2,642 --6,028 ---

--------1,713 --1,329 1,110 --8,541 ---







Part C — Counties 145

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010




1890 1850 1890 1860 1850 1880 1860 1900 1890 1870 1850

6,182 30,464 8,062 35,096 50,845 7,041 10,752 3,127 3,320 8,895 782,341

6,516 30,438 8,285 26,031 46,659 7,688 11,006 3,730 3,864 9,235 491,675

6,576 29,982 9,070 20,088 41,049 5,953 10,024 4,377 3,424 9,710 264,036

6,672 29,430 10,556 18,538 38,127 6,950 9,582 4,825 3,196 10,439 144,576

6,358 24,133 10,394 12,187 32,008 6,605 8,079 5,326 3,087 10,288 66,920

7,781 23,496 8,923 10,379 33,120 8,421 8,351 6,417 3,589 12,458 41,247

6,852 26,732 5,417 7,871 38,694 12,123 9,896 5,928 4,045 15,503 41,692

6,624 33,496 4,631 7,511 43,970 12,149 12,524 3,735 4,590 20,571 47,190

7,745 30,030 4,720 5,710 43,180 16,044 14,545 1,963 5,253 23,669 46,180

3,078 30,041 1,948 4,162 37,633 10,933 16,864 67 4,557 18,805 49,609

Collingsworth ...................... Colorado ............................. Comal.................................. Comanche ........................... Concho................................ Cooke.................................. Coryell ................................. Cottle .................................. Crane .................................. Crockett .............................. Crosby .................................

1880 1850 1850 1860 1880 1850 1860 1880 1890 1880 1880

3,057 20,874 108,472 13,974 4,087 38,437 75,388 1,505 4,375 3,719 6,059

3,206 20,390 78,021 14,026 3,966 36,363 74,978 1,904 3,996 4,099 7,072

3,573 18,383 51,832 13,381 3,044 30,777 64,213 2,247 4,652 4,078 7,304

4,648 18,823 36,446 12,617 2,915 27,656 56,767 2,947 4,600 4,608 8,859

4,755 17,638 24,165 11,898 2,937 23,471 35,311 3,204 4,172 3,885 9,085

6,276 18,463 19,844 11,865 3,672 22,560 23,961 4,207 4,699 4,209 10,347

9,139 17,576 16,357 15,516 5,078 22,146 16,284 6,099 3,965 3,981 9,582

10,331 17,812 12,321 19,245 6,192 24,909 20,226 7,079 2,841 2,809 10,046

14,461 19,129 11,984 18,430 7,645 24,136 19,999 9,395 2,221 2,590 11,023

9,154 19,013 8,824 25,748 5,847 25,667 20,601 6,901 37 1,500 6,084

48109 48111 48113 48113.1 48115 48117 48119 48121 48123 48125 48127

Culberson ............................ Dallam ................................. Dallas................................... Dawson (old) ....................... Dawson ............................... Deaf Smith........................... Delta.................................... Denton ................................ DeWitt ................................. Dickens ................................ Dimmit ................................

1920 1890 1850 1860 1880 1880 1880 1850 1850 1880 1870

2,398 6,703 2,368,139 --13,833 19,372 5,231 662,614 20,097 2,444 9,996

2,975 6,222 2,218,899 --14,985 18,561 5,327 432,976 20,013 2,762 10,248

3,407 5,461 1,852,810 --14,349 19,153 4,857 273,525 18,840 2,571 10,433

3,315 6,531 1,556,390 --16,184 21,165 4,839 143,126 18,903 3,539 11,367

3,429 6,012 1,327,321 --16,604 18,999 4,927 75,633 18,660 3,737 9,039

2,794 6,302 951,527 --19,185 13,187 5,860 47,432 20,683 4,963 10,095

1,825 7,640 614,799 --19,113 9,111 8,964 41,365 22,973 7,177 10,654

1,653 6,494 398,564 --15,367 6,056 12,858 33,658 24,935 7,847 8,542

1,228 7,830 325,691 --13,573 5,979 13,138 32,822 27,441 8,601 8,828

912 4,528 210,551 --4,309 3,747 15,887 35,355 27,971 5,876 5,296

48129 48131 48133 48135 48137 48139 48141 48141.1 48143 48145 48147

Donley ................................. Duval ................................... Eastland ............................... Ector .................................... Edwards............................... Ellis ...................................... El Paso ................................. Encinal ................................. Erath.................................... Falls ..................................... Fannin .................................

1880 1870 1860 1890 1880 1850 1860 1860 1860 1860 1850

3,677 11,782 18,583 137,130 2,002 149,610 800,647 --37,890 17,866 33,915

3,828 13,120 18,297 121,123 2,162 111,360 679,622 --33,001 18,576 31,242

3,696 12,918 18,488 118,934 2,266 85,167 591,610 --27,991 17,712 24,804

4,075 12,517 19,480 115,374 2,033 59,743 479,899 --22,560 17,946 24,285

3,641 11,722 18,092 91,805 2,107 46,638 359,291 --18,141 17,300 22,705

4,449 13,398 19,526 90,995 2,317 43,395 314,070 --16,236 21,263 23,880

6,216 15,643 23,942 42,102 2,908 45,645 194,968 --18,434 26,724 31,253

7,487 20,565 30,345 15,051 2,933 47,733 131,067 --20,760 35,984 41,064

10,262 12,191 34,156 3,958 2,764 53,936 131,597 --20,804 38,771 41,163

8,035 8,251 58,505 760 2,283 55,700 101,877 --28,385 36,217 48,186

48149 48151 48153 48155 48155.1 48157 48159 48161 48163 48165 48167

Fayette................................. Fisher ................................... Floyd.................................... Foard ................................... Foley .................................... Fort Bend ............................. Franklin................................ Freestone ............................. Frio ...................................... Gaines ................................. Galveston ............................

1850 1880 1880 1900 1890 1850 1880 1860 1860 1880 1850

24,554 3,974 6,446 1,336 --585,375 10,605 19,816 17,217 17,526 291,309

21,804 4,344 7,771 1,622 --354,452 9,458 17,867 16,252 14,467 250,158

20,095 4,842 8,497 1,794 --225,421 7,802 15,818 13,472 14,123 217,399

18,832 5,891 9,834 2,158 --130,846 6,893 14,830 13,785 13,150 195,940

17,650 6,344 11,044 2,211 --52,314 5,291 11,116 11,159 11,593 169,812

20,384 7,865 12,369 3,125 --40,527 5,101 12,525 10,112 12,267 140,364

24,176 11,023 10,535 4,216 --31,056 6,257 15,696 10,357 8,909 113,066

29,246 12,932 10,659 5,237 --32,963 8,378 21,138 9,207 8,136 81,173

30,708 13,563 12,409 6,315 --29,718 8,494 22,589 9,411 2,800 64,401

29,965 11,009 9,758 4,747 --22,931 9,304 23,264 9,296 1,018 53,150

48169 48171 48173 48175 48177 48179 48181

Garza................................... Gillespie ............................... Glasscock............................. Goliad.................................. Gonzales.............................. Gray .................................... Grayson ...............................

1880 1850 1890 1850 1850 1880 1850

6,461 24,837 1,226 7,210 19,807 22,535 120,877

4,872 20,814 1,406 6,928 18,628 22,744 110,595

5,143 17,204 1,447 5,980 17,205 23,967 95,021

5,336 13,532 1,304 5,193 16,883 26,386 89,796

5,289 10,553 1,155 4,869 16,375 26,949 83,225

6,611 10,048 1,118 5,429 17,845 31,535 73,043

6,281 10,520 1,089 6,219 21,164 24,728 70,467

5,678 10,670 1,193 8,798 26,075 23,911 69,499

5,586 11,020 1,263 10,093 28,337 22,090 65,843

4,253 10,015 555 9,348 28,438 4,663 74,165

48065 48067 48069 48071 48073 48075 48077 48079 48081 48083 48085

TEXAS cnt’d Carson ................................. Cass..................................... Castro.................................. Chambers ............................ Cherokee ............................. Childress .............................. Clay ..................................... Cochran............................... Coke.................................... Coleman .............................. Collin ...................................

48087 48089 48091 48093 48095 48097 48099 48101 48103 48105 48107

146 County and City Extra







Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













48065 48067 48069 48071 48073 48075 48077 48079 48081 48083 48085

TEXAS cnt’d Carson ............................. Cass................................. Castro.............................. Chambers ........................ Cherokee ......................... Childress .......................... Clay ................................. Cochran........................... Coke................................ Coleman .......................... Collin ...............................

2,127 27,587 1,850 4,234 29,038 9,538 17,043 65 6,412 22,618 49,021

469 22,841 400 3,046 25,154 2,138 9,231 25 3,430 10,077 50,087

356 22,554 9 2,241 22,975 1,175 7,503 --2,059 6,112 36,736

--16,724 --2,187 16,723 25 5,045 ----3,603 25,983

--8,875 --1,503 11,079 --0 ----347 14,013

--8,411 --1,508 12,098 --109 ------9,264

--4,991 ----6,673 ----------1,950







48087 48089 48091 48093 48095 48097 48099 48101 48103 48105 48107

Collingsworth .................. Colorado ......................... Comal.............................. Comanche ....................... Concho............................ Cooke.............................. Coryell ............................. Cottle .............................. Crane .............................. Crockett .......................... Crosby .............................

5,224 18,897 8,434 27,186 6,654 26,603 21,703 4,396 331 1,296 1,765

1,233 22,203 7,008 23,009 1,427 27,494 21,308 1,002 51 1,591 788

357 19,512 6,398 15,608 1,065 24,696 16,873 240 15 194 346

6 16,673 5,546 8,608 800 20,391 10,924 24 --127 82

--8,326 5,283 1,001 --5,315 4,124 ---------

--7,885 4,030 709 --3,760 2,666 ---------

--2,257 1,723 ----220 -----------







48109 48111 48113 48113.1 48115 48117 48119 48121 48123 48125 48127

Culberson ........................ Dallam ............................. Dallas............................... Dawson (old) ................... Dawson ........................... Deaf Smith....................... Delta................................ Denton ............................ DeWitt ............................. Dickens ............................ Dimmit ............................

--4,001 135,748 --2,320 3,942 14,566 31,258 23,501 3,092 3,460

--146 82,726 --37 843 15,249 28,318 21,311 1,151 1,106

--112 67,042 --29 179 9,117 21,289 14,307 295 1,049

----33,488 --24 38 5,597 18,143 10,082 28 665

----13,314 --------7,251 6,443 --109

----8,665 281 ------5,031 5,108 -----

----2,743 --------641 1,716 -----







48129 48131 48133

Donley ............................. Duval ............................... Eastland ...........................

5,284 8,964 23,421

2,756 8,483 17,971

1,056 7,598 10,373

160 5,732 4,855

--1,083 88









48135 48137 48139 48141 48141.1 48143 48145 48147

Ector ................................ Edwards........................... Ellis .................................. El Paso ............................. Encinal ............................. Erath................................ Falls ................................. Fannin .............................

1,178 3,768 53,629 52,599 --32,095 35,649 44,801

381 3,108 50,059 24,886 --29,966 33,342 51,793

224 1,970 31,774 15,678 2,744 21,594 20,706 38,709

--266 21,294 3,845 1,902 11,796 16,240 25,501

----7,514 3,671 427 1,801 9,851 13,207

----5,246 4,051 43 2,425 3,614 9,217

----989 --------3,788







48149 48151 48153 48155 48155.1 48157 48159 48161 48163 48165 48167

Fayette............................. Fisher ............................... Floyd................................ Foard ............................... Foley ................................ Fort Bend ......................... Franklin............................ Freestone ......................... Frio .................................. Gaines ............................. Galveston ........................

29,796 12,596 4,638 5,726 --18,168 9,331 20,557 8,895 1,255 44,479

36,542 3,708 2,020 1,568 --16,538 8,674 18,910 4,200 55 44,116

31,481 2,996 529 --25 10,586 6,481 15,987 3,112 68 31,476

27,996 136 3 ----9,380 5,280 14,921 2,130 8 24,121

16,863 --------7,114 --8,139 309 --15,290

11,604 --------6,143 --6,881 42 --8,229

3,756 --------2,533 --------4,529







48169 48171 48173 48175 48177 48179 48181

Garza............................... Gillespie ........................... Glasscock......................... Goliad.............................. Gonzales.......................... Gray ................................ Grayson ...........................

1,995 9,447 1,143 9,909 28,055 3,405 65,996

185 8,229 286 8,310 28,882 480 63,661

14 7,056 208 5,910 18,016 203 53,211

36 5,228 --5,832 14,840 56 38,108

--3,566 --3,628 8,951 --14,387

--2,736 --3,384 8,059 --8,184

--1,240 --648 1,492 --2,008







Part C — Counties 147

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010









69,436 12,709 29,017 36,798 7,322 8,488 6,208 8,275 24,629 1,243,158

61,258 15,135 25,392 28,211 10,930 10,660 4,202 10,212 19,535 806,701

58,027 21,960 25,596 18,813 12,117 13,303 2,783 11,073 15,875 528,961

15,778 22,642 28,925 20,189 16,966 13,523 3,548 14,532 13,936 359,328

16,767 23,101 27,719 10,104 11,137 14,676 1,354 12,487 15,983 186,667

44,841 2,782 8,512 27,642 3,084 26,466 181,535 22,596 20,396 6,368 20,710

45,594 2,171 11,174 19,934 3,185 21,786 180,904 23,650 22,340 5,443 18,594

47,745 1,913 13,736 17,840 4,123 23,405 160,446 31,282 20,407 5,287 23,490

50,900 1,873 14,905 15,349 4,170 31,822 106,059 38,355 12,693 6,674 30,274

48,937 2,185 16,669 14,915 4,637 30,583 77,004 43,036 9,298 6,779 29,410

43,565 1,109 14,193 15,920 4,280 28,327 38,110 43,332 137 8,759 34,791

22,299 33,142 2,728 55,248 26,304 1,386 7,408 13,352 30,781 1,647 250,938

17,855 37,796 2,392 47,948 24,443 1,070 6,711 12,975 24,692 1,527 244,773

19,376 40,139 3,343 39,399 34,419 1,183 7,418 14,040 22,100 1,582 245,659

22,825 26,722 4,298 42,731 31,580 1,590 7,755 12,916 20,049 2,090 195,083

31,137 20,990 3,149 48,793 19,069 1,963 10,206 11,720 17,491 2,375 145,329

30,017 22,888 3,728 49,016 14,848 2,049 9,046 10,980 17,064 1,800 133,391

28,601 6,962 962 50,350 721 1,610 9,863 11,244 15,569 1,445 73,120

5,109 37,679 97,165 16,490 12,455 52,220 14,589 460 1,010 36,304 4,122

5,168 36,498 67,649 17,268 13,593 39,015 10,635 543 1,145 28,780 4,063

4,654 33,032 45,769 16,106 13,462 32,392 6,964 678 1,434 19,454 3,904

5,022 34,548 34,720 19,299 14,995 29,931 5,889 884 1,727 16,800 3,943

5,389 27,991 31,390 22,147 17,139 31,170 5,423 632 2,249 14,022 4,619

5,449 20,239 30,384 23,378 19,248 38,308 5,080 700 3,413 11,650 5,064

4,919 13,456 33,317 24,233 23,316 40,905 4,970 701 3,851 10,151 4,119

1,914 6,587 37,286 22,323 19,049 41,276 4,779 1,033 3,335 5,842 3,581

356 3,379 31,549 4,253 48,499 14,709 17,762 5,866 19,210 15,657 15,335

354 3,119 30,274 4,837 43,949 15,072 13,521 5,254 18,690 12,854 12,665

425 2,279 33,358 5,329 42,156 18,669 12,005 5,514 19,004 10,952 9,594

464 2,006 33,166 5,972 36,062 17,770 9,323 5,014 17,903 8,048 8,738

640 2,452 30,052 7,857 34,234 21,896 9,418 5,972 20,174 8,949 9,951

870 2,668 21,991 10,082 43,033 20,015 9,929 7,485 22,159 10,144 12,024

1,066 4,533 13,344 10,090 50,425 17,606 9,167 8,003 25,485 12,751 17,733

1,193 3,980 12,451 11,368 48,529 17,452 8,677 8,228 27,550 13,390 19,898

655 3,746 7,837 9,240 55,742 1,175 8,800 4,821 28,964 14,014 18,286

70,154 22,051 3,057 12,309 17,044 67 242,628 6,550 8,205

52,726 20,946 3,143 9,556 11,631 107 222,636 6,758 8,778

47,088 20,224 3,766 9,606 10,144 91 211,651 8,605 8,735

33,014 18,100 3,486 6,697 6,979 164 179,295 9,107 8,571

31,595 20,413 3,406 7,846 5,240 226 156,271 10,914 8,815

26,729 25,251 3,658 9,054 5,377 227 101,048 11,030 11,701

24,541 33,781 3,764 9,799 5,996 285 51,782 11,931 13,208

19,868 39,497 4,512 8,956 5,538 195 39,104 12,372 13,883

14,637 33,283 3,684 4,171 5,360 82 11,096 4,751 11,020

48183 48185 48187 48189 48191 48193 48195 48197 48199 48201

TEXAS cnt’d Gregg .................................. Grimes ................................. Guadalupe ........................... Hale ..................................... Hall ...................................... Hamilton.............................. Hansford.............................. Hardeman............................ Hardin ................................. Harris ...................................

1880 1850 1850 1890 1880 1860 1880 1880 1860 1850

121,730 26,604 131,533 36,273 3,353 8,517 5,613 4,139 54,635 4,092,459

111,379 23,552 89,023 36,602 3,782 8,229 5,369 4,724 48,073 3,400,578

104,948 18,828 64,873 34,671 3,905 7,733 5,848 5,283 41,320 2,818,199

99,487 13,580 46,708 37,592 5,594 8,297 6,209 6,368 40,721 2,409,547

75,929 11,855 33,554 34,137 6,015 7,198 6,351 6,795 29,996 1,741,912

48203 48205 48207 48209 48211 48213 48215 48217 48219 48221 48223

Harrison ............................... Hartley ................................. Haskell ................................. Hays .................................... Hemphill .............................. Henderson ........................... Hidalgo ................................ Hill ....................................... Hockley................................ Hood ................................... Hopkins ...............................

1850 1880 1880 1850 1880 1850 1860 1860 1900 1870 1850

65,631 6,062 5,899 157,107 3,807 78,532 774,769 35,089 22,935 51,182 35,161

62,110 5,537 6,093 97,589 3,351 73,277 569,463 32,321 22,716 41,100 31,960

57,483 3,634 6,820 65,614 3,720 58,543 383,545 27,146 24,199 28,981 28,833

52,265 3,987 7,725 40,594 5,304 42,606 283,229 25,024 23,230 17,714 25,247

48225 48227 48229 48231 48233 48235 48237 48239 48241 48243 48245

Houston............................... Howard ............................... Hudspeth ............................. Hunt .................................... Hutchinson .......................... Irion ..................................... Jack ..................................... Jackson ................................ Jasper .................................. Jeff Davis ............................. Jefferson ..............................

1850 1880 1920 1850 1880 1890 1860 1850 1850 1890 1850

23,732 35,012 3,476 86,129 22,150 1,599 9,044 14,075 35,710 2,342 252,273

23,185 33,627 3,344 76,596 23,857 1,771 8,763 14,391 35,604 2,207 252,051

21,375 32,343 2,915 64,343 25,689 1,629 6,981 13,039 31,102 1,946 239,397

48247 48249 48251 48253 48255 48257 48259 48261 48263 48265 48267

Jim Hogg ............................. Jim Wells ............................. Johnson ............................... Jones ................................... Karnes ................................. Kaufman.............................. Kendall ................................ Kenedy ................................ Kent .................................... Kerr ..................................... Kimble .................................

1920 1920 1860 1880 1860 1850 1870 1920 1880 1860 1870

5,300 40,838 150,934 20,202 14,824 103,350 33,410 416 808 49,625 4,607

5,281 39,326 126,811 20,785 15,446 71,313 23,743 414 859 43,653 4,468

48269 48271 48273 48275 48277 48279 48281 48283 48285 48287 48289

King..................................... Kinney ................................. Kleberg ................................ Knox .................................... Lamar .................................. Lamb ................................... Lampasas ............................. La Salle ................................ Lavaca ................................. Lee ...................................... Leon ....................................

1880 1860 1920 1880 1850 1890 1860 1870 1850 1880 1850

286 3,598 32,061 3,719 49,793 13,977 19,677 6,886 19,263 16,612 16,801

48291 48293 48295 48297 48299 48301 48303 48305 48307

Liberty ................................. Limestone ............................ Lipscomb ............................. Live Oak............................... Llano ................................... Loving.................................. Lubbock............................... Lynn .................................... McCulloch ...........................

1850 1850 1880 1860 1860 1890 1880 1880 1870

75,643 23,384 3,302 11,531 19,301 82 278,831 5,915 8,283

148 County and City Extra


Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













48183 48185 48187 48189 48191 48193 48195 48197 48199 48201

TEXAS cnt’d Gregg .............................. Grimes ............................. Guadalupe ....................... Hale ................................. Hall .................................. Hamilton.......................... Hansford.......................... Hardeman........................ Hardin ............................. Harris ...............................

14,140 21,205 24,913 7,566 8,279 15,315 935 11,213 12,947 115,693

12,343 26,106 21,385 1,680 1,670 13,520 167 3,634 5,049 63,786

9,402 21,312 15,217 721 703 9,313 133 3,904 3,956 37,249

8,530 18,603 12,202 --36 6,365 18 50 1,870 27,985

--13,218 7,282 ----733 ----1,460 17,375

--10,307 5,444 ----489 ----1,353 9,070

--4,008 1,511 ------------4,668







48203 48205 48207 48209 48211 48213 48215 48217 48219 48221 48223

Harrison ........................... Hartley ............................. Haskell ............................. Hays ................................ Hemphill .......................... Henderson ....................... Hidalgo ............................ Hill ................................... Hockley............................ Hood ............................... Hopkins ...........................

37,243 1,298 16,249 15,518 3,170 20,131 13,728 46,760 137 10,008 31,038

31,878 377 2,637 14,142 815 19,970 6,837 41,355 44 9,146 27,950

26,721 252 1,665 11,352 519 12,285 6,534 27,583 --7,614 20,572

25,177 100 48 7,555 149 9,735 4,347 16,554 --6,125 15,461

13,241 ----4,088 --6,786 2,387 7,453 --2,585 12,651

15,001 ----2,126 --4,595 1,192 3,653 ----7,745

11,822 ----387 --1,237 --------2,623







48225 48227 48229 48231 48233 48235 48237 48239 48241 48243 48245

Houston........................... Howard ........................... Hudspeth ......................... Hunt ................................ Hutchinson ...................... Irion ................................. Jack ................................. Jackson ............................ Jasper .............................. Jeff Davis ......................... Jefferson ..........................

29,564 8,881 --48,116 892 1,283 11,817 6,471 14,000 1,678 38,182

25,452 2,528 --47,295 303 848 10,224 6,094 7,138 1,150 14,239

19,360 1,210 --31,885 58 870 9,740 3,281 5,592 1,394 5,857

16,702 50 --17,230 50 --6,626 2,723 5,779 --3,489

8,147 ----10,291 ----694 2,278 4,218 --1,906

8,058 ----6,630 ----1,000 2,612 4,037 --1,995

2,721 ----1,520 ------996 1,767 --1,836







48247 48249 48251 48253

Jim Hogg ......................... Jim Wells ......................... Johnson ........................... Jones ...............................

----34,460 24,299

----33,819 7,053

----22,313 3,797

----17,911 546

----4,923 ---

----4,305 ---








48255 48257 48259 48261 48263 48265 48267

Karnes ............................. Kaufman.......................... Kendall ............................ Kenedy ............................ Kent ................................ Kerr ................................. Kimble .............................

14,942 35,323 4,517 --2,655 5,505 3,261

8,681 33,376 4,103 --899 4,980 2,503

3,637 21,598 3,826 --324 4,462 2,243

3,270 15,448 2,763 --92 2,168 1,343

1,705 6,895 1,536 ----1,042 72

2,171 3,936 ------634 ---

--1,047 -----------







48269 48271 48273 48275 48277 48279 48281 48283 48285 48287 48289

King................................. Kinney ............................. Kleberg ............................ Knox ................................ Lamar .............................. Lamb ............................... Lampasas ......................... La Salle ............................ Lavaca ............................. Lee .................................. Leon ................................

810 3,401 --9,625 46,544 540 9,532 4,747 26,418 13,132 16,583

490 2,447 --2,322 48,627 31 8,625 2,303 28,121 14,595 18,072

173 3,781 --1,134 37,302 4 7,584 2,139 21,887 11,952 13,841

40 4,487 --77 27,193 --5,421 789 13,641 8,937 12,817

--1,204 ----15,790 --1,344 69 9,168 --6,523

--61 ----10,136 --1,028 --5,945 --6,781

--------3,978 ------1,571 --1,946







48291 48293 48295 48297 48299 48301 48303 48305 48307

Liberty ............................. Limestone ........................ Lipscomb ......................... Live Oak........................... Llano ............................... Loving.............................. Lubbock........................... Lynn ................................ McCulloch .......................

10,686 34,621 2,634 3,442 6,520 249 3,624 1,713 13,405

8,102 32,573 790 2,268 7,301 33 293 17 3,960

4,230 21,678 632 2,055 6,772 3 33 24 3,217

4,999 16,246 69 1,994 4,962 --25 9 1,533

4,414 8,591 --852 1,379 ------173

3,189 4,537 --593 1,101 ---------

2,522 2,608 ---------------







Part C — Counties 149

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010








1860 1870 1860 1860 1880 1860 1850 1860 1850 1870 1890 1850 1890

234,906 707 13,664 10,546 4,799 4,012 36,702 54,258 46,006 2,242 136,872 24,757 4,936

213,517 851 12,940 10,941 4,746 3,738 37,957 47,297 39,304 2,360 116,009 24,238 5,151

189,123 817 10,931 9,984 4,956 3,423 36,928 36,378 27,312 2,252 106,611 22,946 4,531

170,755 789 10,649 10,360 4,684 3,683 37,828 31,398 23,164 2,346 82,636 22,732 4,477

147,553 1,095 7,693 8,517 4,774 3,356 27,913 18,093 20,249 2,646 65,433 20,028 4,212

150,091 1,116 6,749 8,049 5,068 3,780 25,744 14,508 18,904 2,964 67,717 22,263 4,467

130,194 1,187 7,996 10,172 5,541 4,945 21,559 12,292 17,013 4,175 25,785 23,585 5,999

101,898 1,374 12,029 11,457 5,556 5,378 20,066 10,071 16,106 4,521 11,721 33,120 7,951

98,682 1,351 12,227 10,371 5,785 5,511 17,678 6,120 13,989 4,447 8,005 37,915 8,293

82,921 952 11,956 10,886 1,146 4,824 16,589 7,418 11,679 3,162 2,449 38,104 9,019

Mitchell ............................... Montague............................ Montgomery........................ Moore ................................. Morris .................................. Motley ................................. Nacogdoches ....................... Navarro................................ Newton ............................... Nolan................................... Nueces................................. Ochiltree .............................. Oldham ............................... Orange ................................ Palo Pinto ............................ Panola ................................. Parker ..................................

1880 1860 1850 1890 1880 1880 1850 1850 1850 1880 1850 1890 1880 1860 1860 1850 1860

9,403 19,719 455,746 21,904 12,934 1,210 64,524 47,735 14,445 15,216 340,223 10,223 2,052 81,837 28,111 23,796 116,927

9,698 19,117 293,768 20,121 13,048 1,426 59,203 45,124 15,072 15,802 313,645 9,006 2,185 84,966 27,026 22,756 88,495

8,016 17,274 182,201 17,865 13,200 1,532 54,753 39,926 13,569 16,594 291,145 9,128 2,278 80,509 25,055 22,035 64,785

9,088 17,410 128,487 16,575 14,629 1,950 46,786 35,323 13,254 17,359 268,215 9,588 2,283 83,838 24,062 20,724 44,609

9,073 15,326 49,479 14,060 12,310 2,178 36,362 31,150 11,657 16,220 237,544 9,704 2,258 71,170 28,962 15,894 33,888

11,255 14,893 26,839 14,773 12,576 2,870 28,046 34,423 10,372 18,963 221,573 9,380 1,928 60,357 20,516 16,870 22,880

14,357 17,070 24,504 13,349 9,433 3,963 30,326 39,916 10,832 19,808 165,471 6,024 1,672 40,567 17,154 19,250 21,528

12,477 20,442 23,055 4,461 9,810 4,994 35,392 51,308 13,700 17,309 92,661 4,213 1,385 17,382 18,456 22,513 20,482

14,183 19,159 14,588 1,555 10,028 6,812 30,290 60,507 12,524 19,323 51,779 5,224 1,404 15,149 17,576 24,063 18,759

7,527 22,200 17,334 571 10,289 4,107 28,457 50,624 12,196 10,868 22,807 2,331 709 15,379 23,431 21,755 23,382

48369 48371 48373 48375 48377 48379 48381 48383 48385 48387 48389

Parmer ................................. Pecos ................................... Polk ..................................... Potter .................................. Presidio ................................ Rains.................................... Randall ................................ Reagan ................................ Real ..................................... Red River ............................. Reeves .................................

1890 1880 1850 1880 1860 1880 1880 1910 1920 1850 1890

10,269 15,507 45,413 121,073 7,818 10,914 120,725 3,367 3,309 12,860 13,783

10,016 16,809 41,133 113,546 7,304 9,139 104,312 3,326 3,047 14,314 13,137

9,863 14,675 30,687 97,874 6,637 6,715 89,673 4,514 2,412 14,317 15,852

11,038 14,618 24,407 98,637 5,188 4,839 75,062 4,135 2,469 16,101 15,801

10,509 13,748 14,457 90,511 4,842 3,752 53,885 3,239 2,013 14,298 16,526

9,583 11,957 13,861 115,580 5,460 2,993 33,913 3,782 2,079 15,682 17,644

5,787 9,939 16,194 73,366 7,354 4,266 13,774 3,127 2,479 21,851 11,745

5,890 8,185 20,635 54,265 10,925 7,334 7,185 1,997 2,420 29,769 8,006

5,869 7,812 17,555 46,080 10,154 7,114 7,071 3,028 2,197 30,923 6,407

1,699 3,857 16,784 16,710 12,202 8,099 3,675 377 1,461 35,829 4,457

48391 48393 48395 48397 48399 48401 48403 48405 48407 48409 48411

Refugio ................................ Roberts ................................ Robertson ............................ Rockwall .............................. Runnels................................ Rusk .................................... Sabine ................................. San Augustine ..................... San Jacinto .......................... San Patricio .......................... San Saba..............................

1850 1880 1850 1880 1880 1850 1850 1850 1880 1850 1860

7,383 929 16,622 78,337 10,501 53,330 10,834 8,865 26,384 64,804 6,131

7,828 887 16,000 43,080 11,495 47,372 10,469 8,946 22,246 67,138 6,186

7,976 1,025 15,511 25,604 11,294 43,735 9,586 7,999 16,372 58,749 5,401

9,289 1,187 14,653 14,528 11,872 41,382 8,702 8,785 11,434 58,013 6,204

9,494 967 14,389 7,046 12,108 34,102 7,187 7,858 6,702 47,288 5,540

10,975 1,075 16,157 5,878 15,016 36,421 7,302 7,722 6,153 45,021 6,381

10,113 1,031 19,908 6,156 16,771 42,348 8,568 8,837 7,172 35,842 8,666

10,383 1,289 25,710 7,051 18,903 51,023 10,896 12,471 9,056 28,871 11,012

7,691 1,457 27,240 7,658 21,821 32,484 11,998 12,471 9,711 23,836 10,273

4,050 1,469 27,933 8,591 17,074 31,689 12,299 13,737 9,867 11,386 10,045

48413 48415 48417 48419 48421 48423 48425 48427 48429 48431 48433

Schleicher ............................ Scurry .................................. Shackelford.......................... Shelby.................................. Sherman .............................. Smith ................................... Somervell ............................. Starr .................................... Stephens.............................. Sterling ................................ Stonewall.............................

1890 1880 1860 1850 1890 1850 1880 1860 1860 1900 1880

3,461 16,921 3,378 25,448 3,034 209,714 8,490 60,968 9,630 1,143 1,490

2,935 16,361 3,302 25,224 3,186 174,706 6,809 53,597 9,674 1,393 1,693

2,990 18,634 3,316 22,034 2,858 151,309 5,360 40,518 9,010 1,438 2,013

2,820 18,192 3,915 23,084 3,174 128,366 4,154 27,266 9,926 1,206 2,406

2,277 15,760 3,323 19,672 3,657 97,096 2,793 17,707 8,414 1,056 2,397

2,791 20,369 3,990 20,479 2,605 86,350 2,577 17,137 8,885 1,177 3,017

2,852 22,779 5,001 23,479 2,443 74,701 2,542 13,948 10,597 1,282 3,679

3,083 11,545 6,211 29,235 2,026 69,090 3,071 13,312 12,356 1,404 5,589

3,166 12,188 6,695 28,627 2,314 53,123 3,016 11,409 16,560 1,431 5,667

1,851 9,003 4,960 27,464 1,473 46,769 3,563 11,089 15,403 1,053 4,086

48309 48311 48313 48315 48317 48319 48321 48323 48325 48327 48329 48331 48333

TEXAS cnt’d McLennan............................ McMullen ............................ Madison .............................. Marion................................. Martin ................................. Mason ................................. Matagorda........................... Maverick .............................. Medina ................................ Menard................................ Midland ............................... Milam .................................. Mills.....................................

48335 48337 48339 48341 48343 48345 48347 48349 48351 48353 48355 48357 48359 48361 48363 48365 48367

150 County and City Extra



Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













48309 48311 48313 48315 48317 48319 48321 48323 48325 48327 48329 48331 48333

TEXAS cnt’d McLennan........................ McMullen ........................ Madison .......................... Marion............................. Martin ............................. Mason ............................. Matagorda....................... Maverick .......................... Medina ............................ Menard............................ Midland ........................... Milam .............................. Mills.................................

73,250 1,091 10,318 10,472 1,549 5,683 13,594 5,151 13,415 2,707 3,464 36,780 9,694

59,772 1,024 10,432 10,754 332 5,573 6,097 4,066 7,783 2,011 1,741 39,666 7,851

39,204 1,038 8,512 10,862 264 5,180 3,985 3,698 5,730 1,215 1,033 24,773 5,493

26,934 701 5,395 10,983 12 2,655 3,940 2,967 4,492 1,239 --18,659 ---

13,500 230 4,061 8,562 --678 3,377 1,951 2,078 667 --8,984 ---

6,206 --2,238 3,977 --630 3,454 726 1,838 ----5,175 ---

------------2,124 --909 ----2,907 ---







48335 48337 48339 48341 48343 48345 48347 48349 48351 48353 48355 48357 48359 48361 48363 48365 48367

Mitchell ........................... Montague........................ Montgomery.................... Moore ............................. Morris .............................. Motley ............................. Nacogdoches ................... Navarro............................ Newton ........................... Nolan............................... Nueces............................. Ochiltree .......................... Oldham ........................... Orange ............................ Palo Pinto ........................ Panola ............................. Parker ..............................

8,956 25,123 15,679 561 10,439 2,396 27,406 47,070 10,850 11,999 21,955 1,602 812 9,528 19,506 20,424 26,331

2,855 24,800 17,067 209 8,220 1,257 24,663 43,374 7,282 2,611 10,439 267 349 5,905 12,291 21,404 25,823

2,059 18,863 11,765 15 6,580 139 15,984 26,373 4,650 1,573 8,093 198 270 4,770 8,320 14,328 21,682

117 11,257 10,154 --5,032 24 11,590 21,702 4,359 640 7,673 --287 2,938 5,885 12,219 15,870

--890 6,483 ------9,614 8,879 2,187 --3,975 ----1,255 0 10,119 4,186

--849 5,479 ------8,292 5,996 3,119 --2,906 ----1,916 1,524 8,475 4,213

----2,384 ------5,193 2,190 1,689 --698 --------3,871 ---







48369 48371 48373 48375 48377 48379 48381

Parmer ............................. Pecos ............................... Polk ................................. Potter .............................. Presidio ............................ Rains................................ Randall ............................

1,555 2,071 17,459 12,424 5,218 6,787 3,312

34 2,360 14,447 1,820 3,673 6,127 963

7 1,326 10,332 849 1,698 3,909 187

--1,807 7,189 28 2,873 3,035 3

----8,707 --1,636 -----

----8,300 --580 -----

----2,348 ---------







48383 48385 48387 48389

Reagan ............................ Real ................................. Red River ......................... Reeves .............................

392 --28,564 4,392

----29,893 1,847

----21,452 1,247

----17,194 ---

----10,653 ---

----8,535 ---

----3,906 ---







48391 48393 48395 48397 48399 48401 48403 48405 48407 48409 48411

Refugio ............................ Roberts ............................ Robertson ........................ Rockwall .......................... Runnels............................ Rusk ................................ Sabine ............................. San Augustine ................. San Jacinto ...................... San Patricio ...................... San Saba..........................

2,814 950 27,454 8,072 20,858 26,946 8,582 11,264 9,542 7,307 11,245

1,641 620 31,480 8,531 5,379 26,099 6,394 8,434 10,277 2,372 7,569

1,239 326 26,506 5,972 3,193 18,559 4,969 6,688 7,360 1,312 6,641

1,585 32 22,383 2,984 980 18,986 4,161 5,084 6,186 1,010 5,324

2,324 --9,990 ----16,916 3,256 4,196 --602 1,425

1,600 --4,997 ----15,803 2,750 4,094 --620 913

288 --934 ----8,148 2,498 3,648 --200 ---







48413 48415 48417 48419 48421 48423 48425 48427 48429 48431 48433

Schleicher ........................ Scurry .............................. Shackelford...................... Shelby.............................. Sherman .......................... Smith ............................... Somervell ......................... Starr ................................ Stephens.......................... Sterling ............................ Stonewall.........................

1,893 10,924 4,201 26,423 1,376 41,746 3,931 13,151 7,980 1,493 5,320

515 4,158 2,461 20,452 104 37,370 3,498 11,469 6,466 1,127 2,183

155 1,415 2,012 14,365 34 28,324 3,419 10,749 4,926 --1,024

--102 2,037 9,523 --21,863 2,649 8,304 4,725 --104

----455 5,732 --16,532 --4,154 330 -----

----44 5,362 --13,392 --2,406 230 -----

------4,239 --4,292 -----------







Part C — Counties 151

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010









4,135 8,133 1,170,103 119,655 1,410 13,218 1,880 24,009 98,458 576,407 11,445

5,130 9,723 860,880 110,932 1,595 14,581 2,053 21,442 84,784 419,573 9,450

3,175 10,373 716,317 97,853 1,940 14,118 2,205 16,702 71,047 295,516 7,628

3,738 10,607 538,495 101,078 2,600 16,286 2,767 16,785 64,630 212,136 7,539

3,746 8,249 361,253 63,370 3,189 13,107 3,618 17,302 58,929 160,980 10,040

3,977 6,528 225,521 44,147 2,952 11,160 4,275 19,228 39,302 111,053 13,705

2,807 7,343 197,553 41,023 2,660 8,883 5,253 16,003 36,033 77,777 13,637

1,598 4,388 152,800 24,081 1,595 2,236 3,589 18,128 15,210 57,616 13,623

20,871 35,291 3,404 25,926 44,856 48,140 84,088 61,758 32,663 10,909 30,373

16,646 31,370 4,447 23,340 38,721 37,944 74,361 50,917 23,390 13,115 26,154

16,223 28,595 4,619 22,441 35,910 31,426 68,807 41,789 19,798 13,976 21,998

12,417 20,976 4,697 17,348 27,471 22,155 53,766 27,680 14,285 13,019 18,842

10,666 19,793 6,239 16,814 24,461 19,091 46,475 21,475 12,071 14,917 19,145

11,292 20,822 5,307 16,015 16,635 22,593 31,241 20,163 11,961 13,346 20,542

11,948 26,178 4,297 13,246 15,453 31,155 23,741 19,868 10,280 9,575 25,387

11,448 22,297 5,968 12,945 14,924 32,315 20,048 18,528 10,014 4,599 25,394

10,415 22,472 253 10,769 12,706 30,784 18,271 18,556 10,292 2,615 26,624

250,304 41,280 5,410 131,500 13,535 22,134 422,679 42,918 7,110 59,127 41,964

193,117 41,188 5,284 131,664 14,676 20,082 249,967 32,408 7,173 48,793 36,752

133,239 39,955 5,879 122,378 15,121 17,705 139,551 22,650 8,626 34,679 29,380

99,258 40,242 7,137 121,082 15,931 17,495 76,521 16,756 9,944 26,575 24,697

72,859 36,729 6,434 121,862 15,355 15,570 37,305 13,041 9,640 19,687 18,589

64,791 38,152 7,947 123,528 17,748 20,084 35,044 13,267 13,652 17,012 17,653

56,141 36,077 10,317 98,493 20,552 20,920 38,853 14,672 10,064 16,141 21,308

45,916 36,158 12,411 73,604 20,474 13,230 41,698 17,066 6,141 19,074 24,360

42,128 29,681 15,555 74,416 24,579 10,499 44,146 17,606 6,784 19,178 24,183

29,152 24,288 7,397 72,911 15,112 --42,934 17,289 81 23,363 27,707

1890 1860 1860 1860

7,879 18,550 14,018 11,677

7,322 17,943 12,182 11,600

8,786 18,126 9,279 12,162

8,299 19,083 6,628 11,666

7,344 15,400 4,352 11,370

8,032 17,254 4,393 12,696

4,339 16,810 4,405 11,201

5,354 19,004 3,916 11,603

1,263 20,128 2,867 10,349

504 13,379 2,929 3,108

UTAH ..................................












49001 49003 49005 49007 49007.1 49009 49011 49013 49015 49017 49019

Beaver ................................. Box Elder ............................. Cache .................................. Carbon ................................ Cedar .................................. Daggett ............................... Davis.................................... Duchesne............................. Emery .................................. Garfield ............................... Grand ..................................

1860 1860 1860 1900 1860 1920 1850 1920 1880 1890 1890

6,629 49,975 112,656 21,403 --1,059 306,479 18,607 10,976 5,172 9,225

6,005 42,745 91,391 20,422 --921 238,994 14,371 10,860 4,735 8,485

4,765 36,485 70,183 20,228 --690 187,941 12,645 10,332 3,980 6,620

4,378 33,222 57,176 22,179 --769 146,540 12,565 11,451 3,673 8,241

3,800 28,129 42,331 15,647 --666 99,028 7,299 5,137 3,157 6,688

4,331 25,061 35,788 21,135 --1,164 64,760 7,179 5,546 3,577 6,345

4,856 19,734 33,536 24,901 --364 30,867 8,134 6,304 4,151 1,903

5,014 18,832 29,797 18,459 --564 15,784 8,958 7,072 5,253 2,070

5,136 17,810 27,424 17,798 --411 14,021 8,263 7,042 4,642 1,813

5,139 18,788 26,992 15,489 --400 11,450 9,093 7,411 4,768 1,808

49019.1 49021 49023 49025 49027 49029 49031 49033 49035 49037 49039

Green River .......................... Iron...................................... Juab..................................... Kane .................................... Millard ................................. Morgan ............................... Piute .................................... Rich ..................................... Salt Lake .............................. San Juan .............................. Sanpete ...............................

1860 1850 1860 1870 1860 1870 1870 1870 1850 1880 1850

--46,163 10,246 7,125 12,503 9,469 1,556 2,264 1,029,655 14,746 27,822

--33,779 8,238 6,046 12,405 7,129 1,435 1,961 898,387 14,413 22,763

--20,789 5,817 5,169 11,333 5,528 1,277 1,725 725,956 12,621 16,259

--17,349 5,530 4,024 8,970 4,917 1,329 2,100 619,066 12,253 14,620

--12,177 4,574 2,421 6,988 3,983 1,164 1,615 458,607 9,606 10,976

--10,795 4,597 2,667 7,866 2,837 1,436 1,685 383,035 9,040 11,053

--9,642 5,981 2,299 9,387 2,519 1,911 1,673 274,895 5,315 13,891

--8,331 7,392 2,561 9,613 2,611 2,203 2,028 211,623 4,712 16,063

--7,227 8,605 2,235 9,945 2,536 1,956 1,873 194,102 3,496 16,022

--5,787 9,871 2,054 9,659 2,542 2,770 1,890 159,282 3,379 17,505

48435 48437 48439 48441 48443 48445 48447 48449 48451 48453 48455

TEXAS cnt’d Sutton ................................. Swisher ................................ Tarrant ................................. Taylor ................................... Terrell................................... Terry .................................... Throckmorton ...................... Titus .................................... Tom Green ........................... Travis ................................... Trinity...................................

1890 1880 1850 1880 1910 1890 1860 1850 1880 1850 1860

4,128 7,854 1,809,034 131,506 984 12,651 1,641 32,334 110,224 1,024,266 14,585

4,077 8,378 1,446,219 126,555 1,081 12,761 1,850 28,118 104,010 812,280 13,779

48457 48459 48461 48463 48465 48467 48469 48471 48473 48475 48477

Tyler ..................................... Upshur................................. Upton .................................. Uvalde ................................. Val Verde ............................. Van Zandt ............................ Victoria ................................ Walker ................................. Waller .................................. Ward ................................... Washington .........................

1850 1850 1890 1860 1890 1850 1850 1850 1880 1890 1850

21,766 39,309 3,355 26,405 48,879 52,579 86,793 67,861 43,205 10,658 33,718

48479 48481 48483 48485 48487 48489 48491 48493 48495 48497 48499

Webb .................................. Wharton .............................. Wheeler ............................... Wichita ................................ Wilbarger ............................ Willacy ................................. Williamson ........................... Wilson ................................. Winkler ................................ Wise .................................... Wood ..................................

1860 1850 1880 1880 1880 1930 1850 1870 1890 1860 1860

48501 48503 48505 48507

Yoakum ............................... Young .................................. Zapata ................................. Zavala ..................................


152 County and City Extra


Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













48435 48437 48439 48441 48443 48445 48447 48449 48451 48453 48455 48457 48459 48461 48463 48465 48467 48469 48471 48473 48475 48477

TEXAS cnt’d Sutton ............................. Swisher ............................ Tarrant ............................. Taylor ............................... Terrell............................... Terry ................................ Throckmorton .................. Titus ................................ Tom Green ....................... Travis ............................... Trinity............................... Tyler ................................. Upshur............................. Upton .............................. Uvalde ............................. Val Verde ......................... Van Zandt ........................ Victoria ............................ Walker ............................. Waller .............................. Ward ............................... Washington .....................

1,569 4,012 108,572 26,293 1,430 1,474 4,563 16,422 17,882 55,620 12,768 10,250 19,960 501 11,233 8,613 25,651 14,990 16,061 12,138 2,389 25,561

1,727 1,227 52,376 10,499 --48 1,750 12,292 6,804 47,386 10,976 11,899 16,266 48 4,647 5,263 25,481 13,678 15,813 14,246 1,451 32,931

658 100 41,142 6,957 --21 902 8,190 5,152 36,322 7,648 10,877 12,695 52 3,804 2,874 16,225 8,737 12,874 10,888 77 29,161

--4 24,671 1,736 ----711 5,959 3,615 27,028 4,915 5,825 10,266 --2,541 --12,619 6,289 12,024 9,024 --27,565

----5,788 ------0 11,339 --13,153 4,141 5,010 12,039 --851 --6,494 4,860 9,776 ----23,104

----6,020 ------124 9,648 --8,080 4,392 4,525 10,645 --506 --3,777 4,171 8,191 ----15,215

----664 --------3,636 --3,138 --1,894 3,394 ------1,348 2,019 3,964 ----5,983







48479 48481 48483 48485 48487 48489 48491 48493 48495 48497 48499

Webb .............................. Wharton .......................... Wheeler ........................... Wichita ............................ Wilbarger ........................ Willacy ............................. Williamson ....................... Wilson ............................. Winkler ............................ Wise ................................ Wood ..............................

22,503 21,123 5,258 16,094 12,000 --42,228 17,066 442 26,450 23,417

21,851 16,942 636 5,806 5,759 --38,072 13,961 60 27,116 21,048

14,842 7,584 778 4,831 7,092 --25,909 10,655 18 24,134 13,932

5,273 4,549 512 433 126 --15,155 7,118 --16,601 11,212

2,615 3,426 --------6,368 2,556 --1,450 6,894

1,397 3,380 --------4,529 ----3,160 4,968

--1,752 --------1,568 ---------







48501 48503 48505 48507

Yoakum ........................... Young .............................. Zapata ............................. Zavala ..............................

602 13,657 3,809 1,889

26 6,540 4,760 792

4 5,049 3,562 1,097

--4,726 3,636 410

--135 1,488 133

--592 1,248 26









UTAH ..............................














49001 49003 49005 49007 49007.1 49009 49011 49013 49015 49017 49019

Beaver ............................. Box Elder ......................... Cache .............................. Carbon ............................ Cedar .............................. Daggett ........................... Davis................................ Duchesne......................... Emery .............................. Garfield ........................... Grand ..............................

4,717 13,894 23,062 8,624 ----10,191 --6,750 3,660 1,595

3,613 10,009 18,139 5,004 ----7,996 --4,657 3,400 1,149

3,340 7,642 15,509 ------6,751 --5,076 2,457 541

3,918 6,761 12,562 ------5,279 --556 -----

2,007 4,855 8,229 ------4,459 ---------

785 1,608 2,605 --741 --2,904 ---------

------------1,134 ---------







49019.1 49021 49023 49025 49027 49029 49031 49033 49035 49037 49039

Green River ...................... Iron.................................. Juab................................. Kane ................................ Millard ............................. Morgan ........................... Piute ................................ Rich ................................. Salt Lake .......................... San Juan .......................... Sanpete ...........................

--3,933 10,702 1,652 6,118 2,467 1,734 1,883 131,426 2,377 16,704

--3,546 10,082 1,811 5,678 2,045 1,954 1,946 77,725 1,023 16,313

--2,683 5,582 1,685 4,033 1,780 2,842 1,527 58,457 365 13,146

--4,013 3,474 3,085 3,727 1,783 1,651 1,263 31,977 204 11,557

--2,277 2,034 1,513 2,753 1,972 82 1,955 18,337 --6,786

141 1,010 672 --715 ------11,295 --3,815

--360 ------------6,157 --365







Part C — Counties 153

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010






1860 1870 1860 1850 1880 1850 1870 1860 1900 1850

--20,802 36,324 58,218 32,588 516,564 23,530 138,115 2,778 231,236

--18,842 29,736 40,735 25,224 368,536 15,215 90,354 2,509 196,533

--15,431 15,518 26,601 22,211 263,590 10,089 48,560 2,177 158,330

--14,727 10,198 26,033 20,506 218,106 8,523 26,065 1,911 144,616

--10,103 5,879 21,545 12,684 137,776 5,863 13,669 1,483 126,278

--10,565 5,673 17,868 11,582 106,991 5,308 10,271 1,728 110,744

--12,072 6,745 14,636 10,300 81,912 5,574 9,836 2,205 83,319

--12,112 8,714 9,133 9,898 57,382 5,754 9,269 2,394 56,714

--11,199 9,527 9,413 9,035 49,021 5,636 7,420 2,067 52,172

--11,281 7,862 7,965 8,470 40,792 4,625 6,764 2,097 43,463

VERMONT ..........................












50001 50003 50005 50007 50009 50011 50013 50015 50017 50019 50021

Addison ............................... Bennington .......................... Caledonia ............................ Chittenden .......................... Essex.................................... Franklin................................ Grand Isle ............................ Lamoille ............................... Orange ................................ Orleans ................................ Rutland ................................

1790 1790 1800 1790 1800 1800 1810 1840 1790 1800 1790

36,821 37,125 31,227 156,545 6,306 47,746 6,970 24,475 28,936 27,231 61,642

35,974 36,994 29,702 146,571 6,459 45,417 6,901 23,233 28,226 26,277 63,400

32,953 35,845 27,846 131,761 6,405 39,980 5,318 19,735 26,149 24,053 62,142

29,406 33,345 25,808 115,534 6,313 34,788 4,613 16,767 22,739 23,440 58,347

24,266 29,282 22,789 99,131 5,416 31,282 3,574 13,309 17,676 20,153 52,637

20,076 25,088 22,786 74,425 6,083 29,474 2,927 11,027 16,014 20,143 46,719

19,442 24,115 24,049 62,570 6,257 29,894 3,406 11,388 17,027 21,190 45,905

17,944 22,286 24,320 52,098 6,490 29,601 3,802 11,028 17,048 21,718 45,638

17,952 21,655 27,253 47,471 7,067 29,975 3,944 10,947 16,694 23,036 48,453

18,666 21,577 25,762 43,708 7,364 30,026 3,784 11,858 17,279 23,913 46,213

50023 50025 50027

Washington ......................... Windham ............................ Windsor ...............................

1820 1790 1790

59,534 44,513 56,670

58,039 44,216 57,418

54,928 41,588 54,055

52,393 36,933 51,030

47,659 33,074 44,082

42,860 29,776 42,483

42,870 28,749 40,885

41,546 27,850 37,862

41,733 26,015 37,416

38,921 26,373 36,984


VIRGINIA ............................












51001 51003 51005 51007 51009 51011 51013 51015 51017 51019 51021

Accomack ............................ Albemarle ............................ Alleghany ............................ Amelia ................................. Amherst............................... Appomattox ........................ Arlington ............................. Augusta ............................... Bath..................................... Bedford ............................... Bland ...................................

1790 1790 1830 1790 1790 1850 1800 1790 1800 1790 1870

33,164 98,970 16,250 12,690 32,353 14,973 207,627 73,750 4,731 68,676 6,824

38,305 79,236 17,215 11,400 31,894 13,705 189,453 65,615 5,048 60,371 6,871

31,703 68,040 13,176 8,787 28,578 12,298 170,936 54,677 4,799 45,656 6,514

31,268 55,783 14,333 8,405 29,122 11,971 152,599 53,732 5,860 34,927 6,349

29,004 37,780 12,461 7,592 26,072 9,784 174,284 44,220 5,192 26,728 5,423

30,635 30,969 12,128 7,815 22,953 9,148 163,401 37,363 5,335 31,028 5,982

33,832 26,662 23,139 7,908 20,332 8,764 135,449 34,154 6,296 29,627 6,436

33,030 24,652 22,688 8,495 20,273 9,020 57,040 42,772 7,191 29,687 6,731

35,854 26,981 20,188 8,979 19,020 8,402 26,615 38,163 8,137 29,091 6,031

34,795 26,005 15,332 9,800 19,771 9,255 16,040 34,671 6,389 30,669 5,593

51023 51025 51027 51029 51031 51033 51035 51036 51037 51041 51043

Botetourt ............................. Brunswick ............................ Buchanan ............................ Buckingham......................... Campbell ............................. Caroline ............................... Carroll ................................. Charles City ......................... Charlotte ............................. Chesterfield ......................... Clarke ..................................

1790 1790 1860 1790 1790 1790 1850 1790 1790 1790 1840

33,148 17,434 24,098 17,146 54,842 28,545 30,042 7,256 12,586 316,236 14,034

30,496 18,419 26,978 15,623 51,078 22,121 29,245 6,926 12,472 259,903 12,652

24,992 15,987 31,333 12,873 47,572 19,217 26,594 6,282 11,688 209,274 12,101

23,270 15,632 37,989 11,751 45,424 17,904 27,270 6,692 12,266 141,372 9,965

18,193 16,172 32,071 10,597 43,319 13,925 23,092 6,158 11,551 76,855 8,102

16,715 17,779 36,724 10,877 32,958 12,725 23,178 5,492 13,368 71,197 7,942

15,766 20,136 35,748 12,288 28,877 12,471 26,695 4,676 14,057 40,400 7,074

16,447 19,575 31,477 13,398 26,048 13,945 25,904 4,275 15,861 31,183 7,159

15,457 20,486 16,740 13,315 22,885 15,263 22,141 4,881 16,061 26,049 7,167

16,557 21,025 15,441 14,885 26,716 15,954 21,283 4,793 17,540 20,496 7,165

51045 51047 51049 51051 51053 51055 51057 51059 51061 51063 51065

Craig ................................... Culpeper.............................. Cumberland......................... Dickenson ............................ Dinwiddie ............................ Elizabeth City ....................... Essex.................................... Fairfax.................................. Fauquier .............................. Floyd.................................... Fluvanna ..............................

1860 1790 1790 1890 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1840 1790

5,190 46,689 10,052 15,903 28,001 --11,151 1,081,726 65,203 15,279 25,691

5,091 34,262 9,017 16,395 24,533 --9,989 969,749 55,139 13,874 20,047

4,372 27,791 7,825 17,620 20,960 --8,689 818,584 48,741 12,005 12,429

3,948 22,620 7,881 19,806 22,602 --8,864 596,901 35,889 11,563 10,244

3,524 18,218 6,179 16,077 25,046 --7,099 455,021 26,375 9,775 7,621

3,356 15,088 6,360 20,211 22,183 --6,690 275,002 24,066 10,462 7,227

3,452 13,242 7,252 23,393 18,839 55,028 6,530 98,557 21,248 11,351 7,121

3,769 13,365 7,505 21,266 18,166 32,283 7,006 40,929 21,039 11,967 7,088

3,562 13,306 7,535 16,163 18,492 19,835 6,976 25,264 21,071 11,698 7,466

4,100 13,292 9,111 13,542 17,949 19,111 8,542 21,943 21,869 13,115 8,547

49039.1 49041 49043 49045 49047 49049 49051 49053 49055 49057

UTAH cnt’d Shambip .............................. Sevier................................... Summit ................................ Tooele .................................. Uintah ................................. Utah .................................... Wasatch............................... Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Weber .................................


154 County and City Extra





Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













49039.1 49041 49043 49045 49047 49049 49051 49053 49055 49057

UTAH cnt’d Shambip .......................... Sevier............................... Summit ............................ Tooele .............................. Uintah ............................. Utah ................................ Wasatch........................... Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Weber .............................

--9,775 8,200 7,924 7,050 37,942 8,920 5,123 1,749 35,179

--8,451 9,439 7,361 6,458 32,456 4,736 4,612 1,907 25,239

--6,199 7,733 3,700 2,762 23,768 3,595 4,009 --22,723

--4,457 4,921 4,497 799 17,973 2,927 4,235 --12,344

--19 2,512 2,177 --12,203 1,244 3,064 --7,858

162 --198 1,008 --8,248 --691 --3,675

------152 --2,026 ------1,186








VERMONT ......................














50001 50003 50005 50007 50009 50011 50013 50015 50017 50019 50021

Addison ........................... Bennington ...................... Caledonia ........................ Chittenden ...................... Essex................................ Franklin............................ Grand Isle ........................ Lamoille ........................... Orange ............................ Orleans ............................ Rutland ............................

20,010 21,378 26,031 42,447 7,384 29,866 3,761 12,585 18,703 23,337 48,139

21,912 21,705 24,381 39,600 8,056 30,198 4,462 12,289 19,313 22,024 44,209

22,277 20,448 23,436 35,389 9,511 29,755 3,843 12,831 19,575 22,101 45,397

24,173 21,950 23,607 32,792 7,931 30,225 4,124 12,684 23,525 22,083 41,829

23,484 21,325 22,235 36,480 6,811 30,291 4,082 12,448 23,090 21,035 40,651

24,010 19,436 21,698 28,171 5,786 27,231 4,276 12,311 25,455 18,981 35,946

26,549 18,589 23,595 29,036 4,650 28,586 4,145 10,872 27,296 15,707 33,059

23,583 16,872 21,891 22,977 4,226 24,531 3,883 10,475 27,873 13,634 30,699

24,940 17,468 20,967 21,765 3,981 24,525 3,696 --27,285 13,980 31,294

20,469 16,125 16,669 16,272 3,284 17,192 3,527 --24,681 6,976 29,983

19,993 15,893 18,730 18,120 3,087 16,427 3,445 --25,247 5,830 29,486

13,417 14,617 9,377 12,778 1,479 8,782 ----18,238 1,439 23,813

6,449 12,254 --7,295 --------10,526 --15,591

50023 50025 50027

Washington ..................... Windham ........................ Windsor ...........................

41,702 26,932 33,681

36,607 26,660 32,225

29,606 26,547 31,706

25,404 26,763 35,196

26,520 26,036 36,063

27,622 26,982 37,193

24,654 29,062 38,320

23,506 27,442 40,356

21,378 28,748 40,625

14,113 28,457 38,233

--26,760 34,877

--23,581 26,944

--17,570 15,740


VIRGINIA ........................

2,061,612 1,854,184 1,655,980 1,512,565 1,225,163 1,219,630 1,119,348 1,025,227 1,044,054





51001 51003 51005 51007 51009 51011 51013 51015

Accomack ........................ Albemarle ........................ Alleghany ........................ Amelia ............................. Amherst........................... Appomattox .................... Arlington ......................... Augusta ...........................

36,650 29,871 14,173 8,720 18,932 8,904 10,231 32,445

32,570 28,473 16,330 9,037 17,864 9,662 6,430 32,370

27,277 32,379 9,283 9,068 17,551 9,589 18,597 37,005

24,408 32,618 5,586 10,377 18,709 10,080 17,546 35,710

20,409 27,544 3,674 9,878 14,900 8,950 16,755 28,763

18,586 26,625 6,765 10,741 13,742 8,889 12,652 27,749

17,890 25,800 3,515 9,770 12,699 9,193 10,008 24,610

17,096 22,924 2,749 10,320 12,576 --9,967 19,628

16,656 22,618 2,816 11,036 12,071 --9,573 19,926

15,966 19,750 --11,104 10,423 --9,703 16,742

15,743 18,268 --10,594 10,548 --8,552 14,308

15,693 16,439 --9,432 16,801 --5,949 11,712

13,959 12,585 --18,097 13,703 ----10,886

51017 51019 51021

Bath................................. Bedford ........................... Bland ...............................

6,538 29,549 5,154

5,595 30,356 5,497

4,587 31,213 5,129

4,482 31,205 5,004

3,795 25,327 4,000

3,676 25,068 ---

3,426 24,080 ---

4,300 20,203 ---

4,002 20,246 ---

5,237 19,305 ---

4,837 16,148 ---

5,508 14,125 ---

--10,531 ---

51023 51025 51027 51029 51031 51033 51035 51036 51037 51041 51043

Botetourt ......................... Brunswick ........................ Buchanan ........................ Buckingham..................... Campbell ......................... Caroline ........................... Carroll ............................. Charles City ..................... Charlotte ......................... Chesterfield ..................... Clarke ..............................

17,727 19,244 12,334 15,204 23,043 16,596 21,116 5,253 15,785 21,299 7,468

17,161 18,217 9,692 15,266 23,256 16,709 19,303 5,040 15,343 18,804 7,927

14,854 17,245 5,867 14,383 41,087 16,681 15,497 5,066 15,077 26,211 8,071

14,809 16,707 5,694 15,540 36,250 17,243 13,323 5,512 16,653 25,085 7,682

11,329 13,427 3,777 13,371 28,384 15,128 9,147 4,975 14,513 18,470 6,670

11,516 14,809 2,793 15,212 26,197 18,464 8,012 5,609 14,471 19,016 7,146

14,908 13,894 --13,837 23,245 18,456 5,909 5,200 13,955 17,489 7,352

11,679 14,346 --18,786 21,030 17,813 --4,774 14,595 17,148 6,353

16,354 15,767 --18,351 20,350 17,760 --5,500 15,252 18,637 ---

13,589 16,687 --17,569 16,569 18,008 --5,255 13,290 18,003 ---

13,301 15,411 --20,059 11,001 17,544 --5,186 13,161 9,979 ---

10,427 16,339 --13,389 9,866 17,438 --5,365 11,912 14,488 ---

10,524 12,827 --9,779 7,685 17,489 --5,588 10,078 14,214 ---

51045 51047 51049 51051 51053 51055 51057 51059 51061 51063 51065

Craig ............................... Culpeper.......................... Cumberland..................... Dickenson ........................ Dinwiddie ........................ Elizabeth City ................... Essex................................ Fairfax.............................. Fauquier .......................... Floyd................................ Fluvanna ..........................

4,711 13,472 9,195 9,199 15,442 15,720 9,105 20,536 22,526 14,092 8,323

4,293 14,123 8,996 7,747 15,374 19,460 9,701 18,580 23,374 15,388 9,050

3,835 13,233 9,482 5,077 13,515 16,168 10,047 16,655 22,590 14,405 9,508

3,794 13,408 10,540 --32,870 10,689 11,032 16,025 22,993 13,255 10,802

2,942 12,227 8,142 --30,702 8,303 9,927 12,952 19,690 9,824 9,875

3,553 12,063 9,961 --30,198 5,798 10,469 11,834 21,706 8,236 10,353

--12,282 9,751 --25,118 4,586 10,206 10,682 20,868 6,458 9,487

--11,393 10,399 --22,558 3,706 11,309 9,370 21,897 4,453 8,812

--24,027 11,690 --21,901 5,053 10,521 9,204 26,086 --8,221

--20,944 11,023 --20,482 3,789 9,909 11,404 23,103 --6,704

--18,967 9,992 --18,190 3,608 9,376 13,111 22,689 --4,775

--18,100 9,839 --15,374 2,778 9,508 13,317 21,329 --4,623

--22,105 8,153 --13,934 3,450 9,122 12,320 17,892 --3,921

Part C — Counties 155

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










51067 51069 51071 51073 51075 51077 51079 51081 51083

VIRGINIA cnt’d Franklin................................ Frederick .............................. Giles .................................... Gloucester ........................... Goochland ........................... Grayson ............................... Greene ................................ Greensville ........................... Halifax .................................

1790 1790 1810 1790 1790 1800 1840 1790 1790

56,159 78,305 17,286 36,858 21,717 15,533 18,403 12,243 36,241

47,286 59,209 16,657 34,780 16,863 17,917 15,244 11,560 37,355

39,549 45,723 16,366 30,131 14,163 16,278 10,297 8,853 29,033

35,740 34,150 17,810 20,107 11,761 16,579 7,625 10,903 30,599

26,858 28,893 16,741 14,059 10,069 15,439 5,248 9,604 30,076

25,925 21,941 17,219 11,919 9,206 17,390 4,715 16,155 33,637

24,560 17,537 18,956 10,343 8,934 21,379 4,745 16,319 41,442

25,864 14,008 14,635 9,548 8,454 21,916 5,218 14,866 41,271

24,337 13,167 12,804 11,019 7,953 20,017 5,980 13,388 41,283

26,283 12,461 11,901 11,894 8,863 19,816 6,369 11,606 41,374

51085 51087 51089 51091 51093 51095 51097 51099 51101 51103 51105

Hanover ............................... Henrico ................................ Henry................................... Highland .............................. Isle of Wight ........................ James City ........................... King and Queen................... King George ........................ King William ........................ Lancaster ............................. Lee ......................................

1790 1790 1790 1850 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1800

99,863 306,935 54,151 2,321 35,270 67,009 6,945 23,584 15,935 11,391 25,587

86,320 262,300 57,930 2,536 29,728 48,102 6,630 16,803 13,146 11,567 23,589

63,306 217,881 56,942 2,635 25,053 34,859 6,289 13,527 10,913 10,896 24,496

50,398 180,735 57,654 2,937 21,603 22,763 5,968 10,543 9,334 10,129 25,956

37,479 154,364 50,901 2,529 18,285 17,853 5,491 8,039 7,497 9,126 20,321

27,550 117,339 40,335 3,221 17,164 11,539 5,889 7,243 7,563 9,174 25,824

21,985 57,340 31,219 4,069 14,906 6,317 6,299 6,710 7,589 8,640 36,106

18,500 41,960 26,481 4,875 13,381 4,907 6,954 5,431 7,855 8,786 39,296

17,009 30,310 20,088 4,525 13,409 3,879 7,618 5,297 7,929 8,896 30,419

18,088 18,972 20,238 4,931 14,433 3,676 9,161 5,762 8,739 9,757 25,293

51107 51109 51111 51113 51115 51117 51119 51121 51123 51125 51127

Loudoun .............................. Louisa .................................. Lunenburg ........................... Madison .............................. Mathews ............................. Mecklenburg ....................... Middlesex ............................ Montgomery........................ Nansemond ......................... Nelson ................................. New Kent ............................

1790 1790 1790 1800 1800 1790 1790 1790 1790 1810 1790

312,311 33,153 12,914 13,308 8,978 32,727 10,959 94,392 --15,020 18,429

169,599 25,627 13,146 12,520 9,207 32,380 9,932 83,629 --14,445 13,462

86,129 20,325 11,419 11,949 8,348 29,241 8,653 73,913 --12,778 10,445

57,427 17,825 12,124 10,232 7,995 29,444 7,719 63,516 --12,204 8,781

37,150 14,004 11,687 8,638 7,168 29,426 6,295 47,157 35,166 11,702 5,300

24,549 12,959 12,523 8,187 7,121 31,428 6,319 32,923 31,366 12,752 4,504

21,147 12,826 14,116 8,273 7,148 33,497 6,715 29,780 25,238 14,042 3,995

20,291 13,665 13,844 8,465 7,149 31,933 6,673 21,206 22,771 16,241 4,092

19,852 14,309 14,058 8,952 7,884 32,622 7,273 19,605 22,530 16,345 4,300

20,577 17,089 15,260 9,595 8,447 31,208 8,157 18,595 20,199 17,277 4,541

51129 51131 51133 51135 51137 51139 51141 51143 51145 51147 51149

Norfolk ................................ Northampton ....................... Northumberland .................. Nottoway............................. Orange ................................ Page .................................... Patrick ................................. Pittsylvania ........................... Powhatan ............................ Prince Edward ...................... Prince George ......................

1790 1790 1790 1800 1790 1840 1800 1790 1790 1790 1790

--12,389 12,330 15,853 33,481 24,042 18,490 63,506 28,046 23,368 35,725

--13,093 12,259 15,725 25,881 23,177 19,407 61,745 22,377 19,720 33,047

--13,061 10,524 14,993 21,421 21,690 17,473 55,655 15,328 17,320 27,394

--14,625 9,828 14,666 18,063 19,401 17,647 66,147 13,062 16,456 25,733

--14,442 9,239 14,260 13,792 16,581 15,282 58,789 7,696 14,379 29,092

51,612 16,966 10,185 15,141 12,900 15,572 15,282 58,296 6,747 14,121 20,270

99,937 17,300 10,012 15,479 12,755 15,152 15,642 66,096 5,556 15,398 19,679

35,828 17,597 10,463 15,556 12,649 14,863 16,613 61,697 5,671 14,922 12,226

30,082 18,565 11,081 14,866 12,070 14,852 15,787 61,424 6,143 14,520 10,311

57,358 17,852 11,518 14,161 13,320 14,770 16,850 56,493 6,552 14,767 12,915

51151 51153 51155 51157 51159 51161 51163 51165 51167 51169 51171

Princess Anne ...................... Prince William ...................... Pulaski ................................. Rappahannock ..................... Richmond ............................ Roanoke .............................. Rockbridge .......................... Rockingham......................... Russell ................................. Scott .................................... Shenandoah ........................

1790 1790 1840 1840 1790 1840 1790 1790 1790 1820 1790

--402,002 34,872 7,373 9,254 92,376 22,307 76,314 28,897 23,177 41,993

--280,813 35,127 6,983 8,809 85,778 20,808 67,725 30,308 23,403 35,075

--215,686 34,496 6,622 7,273 79,332 18,350 57,482 28,667 23,204 31,636

--144,703 35,229 6,093 6,952 72,945 17,911 57,038 31,761 25,068 27,559

--111,102 29,564 5,199 5,841 67,339 16,637 47,890 24,533 24,376 22,852

76,124 50,164 27,258 5,368 6,375 61,693 24,039 40,485 26,290 25,813 21,825

42,277 22,612 27,758 6,112 6,189 41,486 23,359 35,079 26,818 27,640 21,169

19,984 17,738 22,767 7,208 6,634 42,897 22,384 31,289 26,627 26,989 20,898

16,282 13,951 20,566 7,717 6,878 35,289 20,902 29,709 25,957 24,181 20,655

13,626 13,660 17,111 8,070 7,434 22,395 20,626 30,047 26,786 24,776 20,808

51173 51175 51177 51179 51181 51183 51185 51187 51189 51191 51193

Smyth .................................. Southampton....................... Spotsylvania ......................... Stafford ............................... Surry .................................... Sussex.................................. Tazewell ............................... Warren ................................ Warwick .............................. Washington ......................... Westmoreland .....................

1840 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1800 1840 1790 1790 1790

32,208 18,570 122,397 128,961 7,058 12,087 45,078 37,575 ----17,454

33,081 17,482 90,395 92,446 6,829 12,504 44,598 31,584 ----16,718

32,370 17,550 57,403 61,236 6,145 10,248 45,960 26,142 --45,887 15,480

33,366 18,731 34,435 40,470 6,046 10,874 50,511 21,200 --46,487 14,041

31,349 18,582 16,424 24,587 5,882 11,464 39,816 15,301 --40,835 12,142

31,066 27,195 13,819 16,876 6,220 12,411 44,791 14,655 --38,076 11,042

30,187 26,522 11,920 11,902 6,220 12,785 47,512 14,801 39,875 37,536 10,148

28,861 26,442 9,905 9,548 6,193 12,485 41,607 11,352 9,248 38,197 9,512

25,125 26,870 10,056 8,050 7,096 12,100 32,477 8,340 8,829 33,850 8,497

22,125 27,555 10,571 8,104 9,305 12,834 27,840 8,852 11,417 32,376 10,240

156 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













51067 51069 51071 51073 51075 51077 51079 51081 51083

VIRGINIA cnt’d Franklin............................ Frederick .......................... Giles ................................ Gloucester ....................... Goochland ....................... Grayson ........................... Greene ............................ Greensville ....................... Halifax .............................

26,480 12,787 11,623 12,477 9,237 19,856 6,937 11,890 40,044

25,953 13,239 10,793 12,832 9,519 16,853 6,214 9,758 37,197

24,985 17,880 9,090 11,653 9,958 14,394 5,622 8,230 34,424

25,084 17,553 8,794 11,876 10,292 13,068 5,830 8,407 33,588

18,264 16,596 5,875 10,211 10,313 9,587 4,634 6,362 27,828

20,098 16,546 6,883 10,956 10,656 8,252 5,022 6,374 26,520

17,430 15,975 6,570 10,527 10,352 6,677 4,400 5,639 25,962

15,832 14,242 5,307 10,715 9,760 9,087 4,232 6,366 25,936

14,911 26,046 5,274 10,608 10,369 7,675 --7,117 28,034

12,017 24,706 4,521 9,678 10,007 5,598 --6,858 19,060

10,724 22,574 3,745 10,427 10,203 4,941 --6,853 22,133

9,302 24,744 --8,181 9,696 3,912 --6,727 19,377

6,842 19,681 --13,498 9,053 ----6,362 14,722

51085 51087 51089 51091 51093 51095 51097 51099 51101 51103 51105

Hanover ........................... Henrico ............................ Henry............................... Highland .......................... Isle of Wight .................... James City ....................... King and Queen............... King George .................... King William .................... Lancaster ......................... Lee ..................................

17,200 23,437 18,459 5,317 14,929 3,624 9,576 6,378 8,547 9,752 23,840

17,618 30,062 19,265 5,647 13,102 3,688 9,265 6,918 8,380 8,949 19,856

17,402 103,394 18,208 5,352 11,313 5,643 9,669 6,641 9,605 7,191 18,216

18,588 82,703 16,009 5,164 10,572 5,422 10,502 6,397 8,751 6,160 15,116

16,455 66,179 12,303 4,151 8,320 4,425 9,709 5,742 7,515 5,355 13,268

17,222 61,616 12,105 4,319 9,977 5,798 10,328 6,571 8,530 5,151 11,032

15,153 43,572 8,872 4,227 9,353 4,020 10,319 5,971 8,779 4,708 10,267

14,968 33,076 7,335 --9,972 3,779 10,862 5,927 9,258 4,628 8,441

16,253 28,797 7,100 --10,517 3,838 11,644 6,397 9,812 4,801 6,461

15,267 23,667 5,624 --10,139 4,563 11,798 6,116 9,697 5,517 4,256

15,082 19,680 5,611 --9,186 4,094 10,988 6,454 9,285 5,592 4,694

14,403 14,886 5,259 --9,342 3,931 9,879 6,749 9,055 5,375 3,538

14,754 12,000 8,479 --9,028 4,070 9,377 7,366 8,128 5,638 ---

51107 51109 51111 51113 51115 51117 51119 51121 51123 51125 51127

Loudoun .......................... Louisa .............................. Lunenburg ....................... Madison .......................... Mathews ......................... Mecklenburg ................... Middlesex ........................ Montgomery.................... Nansemond ..................... Nelson ............................. New Kent ........................

21,167 16,578 12,780 10,055 8,922 28,956 8,852 17,268 26,886 16,821 4,682

21,948 16,517 11,705 10,216 8,239 26,551 8,220 15,852 23,078 16,075 4,865

23,274 16,997 11,372 10,225 7,584 25,359 7,458 17,742 19,692 15,336 5,511

23,634 18,942 11,535 10,562 7,501 24,610 6,252 16,693 15,903 16,536 5,515

20,929 16,332 10,403 8,670 6,200 21,318 4,981 12,556 11,576 13,898 4,381

21,774 16,701 11,983 8,854 7,091 20,096 4,364 10,617 13,693 13,015 5,884

22,079 16,691 11,692 9,331 6,714 20,630 4,394 8,359 12,283 12,758 6,064

20,431 15,433 11,055 8,107 7,442 20,724 4,392 7,405 10,795 12,287 6,230

21,939 16,151 11,957 9,236 7,664 20,477 4,122 12,306 11,784 11,254 6,458

22,702 13,746 10,662 8,490 6,920 19,786 4,057 8,733 10,494 10,137 6,630

21,338 11,900 12,265 8,381 4,227 18,453 4,414 8,409 10,324 9,684 6,478

20,523 11,892 10,381 8,322 5,806 17,008 4,203 9,044 11,127 --6,363

18,962 8,467 8,959 ----14,733 4,140 13,228 9,010 --6,239

51129 51131 51133 51135 51137

Norfolk ............................ Northampton ................... Northumberland .............. Nottoway......................... Orange ............................

52,744 16,672 10,777 13,462 13,486

50,780 13,770 9,846 12,366 12,571

77,038 10,313 7,885 11,582 12,814

58,657 9,152 7,929 11,156 13,052

46,702 8,046 6,863 9,291 10,396

36,227 7,832 7,531 8,836 10,851

33,036 7,498 7,346 8,437 10,067

27,569 7,715 7,924 9,719 9,125

24,806 8,641 7,953 10,130 14,637

23,943 7,705 8,016 9,658 12,913

22,872 7,474 8,308 9,278 12,323

19,419 6,763 7,803 9,401 11,449

14,524 6,889 9,163 --9,921

51139 51141 51143 51145 51147 51149

Page ................................ Patrick ............................. Pittsylvania ....................... Powhatan ........................ Prince Edward .................. Prince George ..................

14,147 17,195 50,709 6,099 14,266 7,848

13,794 15,403 46,894 6,824 15,045 7,752

13,092 14,147 59,941 6,791 14,694 7,872

9,965 12,833 52,589 7,817 14,668 10,054

8,462 10,161 31,343 7,667 12,004 7,820

8,109 9,359 32,104 8,392 11,844 8,411

7,600 9,609 28,796 8,178 11,857 7,596

6,194 8,032 26,398 7,924 14,069 7,175

--7,395 26,034 8,517 14,107 8,367

--5,089 21,323 8,292 12,577 8,030

--4,695 17,172 8,073 12,409 8,050

--4,331 12,697 7,769 10,962 7,425

----11,579 6,822 8,100 8,173

51151 51153 51155 51157 51159 51161 51163 51165 51167 51169 51171

Princess Anne .................. Prince William .................. Pulaski ............................. Rappahannock ................. Richmond ........................ Roanoke .......................... Rockbridge ...................... Rockingham..................... Russell ............................. Scott ................................ Shenandoah ....................

11,526 12,026 17,246 8,044 7,415 19,623 21,171 34,903 23,474 23,814 20,942

11,192 11,112 14,609 8,843 7,088 15,837 21,799 33,527 18,031 22,694 20,253

9,510 9,805 12,790 8,678 7,146 30,101 23,062 31,299 16,126 21,694 19,671

9,394 9,180 8,755 9,291 7,195 13,105 20,003 29,567 13,906 17,233 18,204

8,273 7,504 6,538 8,261 6,503 9,350 16,058 23,668 11,103 13,036 14,936

7,714 8,565 5,416 8,850 6,856 8,048 17,248 23,408 10,280 12,072 13,896

7,669 8,129 5,118 9,782 6,448 8,477 16,045 20,294 11,919 9,829 13,768

7,285 8,144 3,739 9,257 5,965 5,499 14,284 17,344 7,878 7,303 11,618

9,102 9,330 ----6,055 --14,244 20,683 6,714 5,724 19,750

8,768 9,419 ----5,706 --11,945 14,784 5,536 4,263 18,926

9,498 11,311 ----6,214 --10,318 12,753 6,319 --13,646

8,859 12,733 ----13,744 --8,945 10,374 4,808 --13,823

7,793 11,615 ----6,985 --6,548 7,449 3,338 --10,510

51173 51175 51177 51179 51181 51183 51185 51187 51189 51191 51193

Smyth .............................. Southampton................... Spotsylvania ..................... Stafford ........................... Surry ................................ Sussex.............................. Tazewell ........................... Warren ............................ Warwick .......................... Washington ..................... Westmoreland .................

20,326 26,302 9,935 8,070 9,715 13,664 24,946 8,589 6,041 32,830 9,313

17,121 22,848 9,239 8,097 8,469 12,082 23,384 8,837 4,888 28,995 9,243

13,360 20,078 14,233 7,362 8,256 11,100 19,899 8,280 6,650 29,020 8,399

12,160 18,012 14,828 7,211 7,391 10,062 12,861 7,399 2,258 25,203 8,846

8,898 12,285 11,728 6,420 5,585 7,885 10,791 5,716 1,672 16,816 7,682

8,952 12,915 16,076 8,555 6,133 10,175 9,920 6,442 1,740 16,892 8,282

8,162 13,521 14,911 8,044 5,679 9,820 9,942 6,607 1,546 14,612 8,080

6,522 14,525 15,161 8,454 6,480 11,229 6,290 5,627 1,456 13,001 8,019

--16,074 15,134 9,362 7,109 12,720 5,749 --1,570 15,614 8,396

--14,170 14,254 9,517 6,594 11,884 3,916 --1,608 12,444 6,901

--13,497 13,296 9,830 6,855 11,362 3,007 --1,835 12,156 8,102

--13,925 13,002 9,971 6,535 11,062 2,127 --1,659 9,536 ---

--12,864 11,252 9,588 6,227 10,549 ----1,690 5,625 7,722

Part C — Counties 157

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

51195 51197 51199

STATE County VIRGINIA cnt’d Wise .................................... Wythe.................................. York .....................................

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1860 1800 1790

41,452 29,235 65,464

40,123 27,599 56,297

39,573 25,466 42,422

43,863 25,522 35,463

35,947 22,139 33,203

43,579 21,975 21,583

56,336 23,327 11,750

52,458 22,721 8,857

51,167 20,704 7,615

46,500 20,217 8,046

Independent Cities 51510 51515 51520 51530 51540 51550 51560 51570 51580 51590 51595 51600 51610 51620 51630 51640 51650 51660 51670 51678 51680 51683

Alexandria ........................... Bedford ............................... Bristol .................................. Buena Vista.......................... Charlottesville ...................... Chesapeake ......................... Clifton Forge........................ Colonial Heights .................. Covington............................ Danville................................ Emporia ............................... Fairfax.................................. Falls Church ......................... Franklin................................ Fredericksburg ..................... Galax ................................... Hampton ............................. Harrisonburg........................ Hopewell ............................. Lexington............................. Lynchburg ............................ Manassas .............................

1900 1970 1900 1900 1900 1970 1910 1950 1960 1900 1970 1970 1950 1970 1900 1960 1910 1920 1920 1970 1900 1980

139,966 6,222 17,835 6,650 43,475 222,209 --17,411 5,961 43,055 5,927 22,565 12,332 8,582 24,286 7,042 137,436 48,914 22,591 7,042 75,568 37,821

128,283 6,299 17,367 6,349 45,049 199,184 --16,897 6,303 48,411 5,665 21,498 10,377 8,346 19,279 6,837 146,437 40,468 22,354 6,867 65,269 35,135

111,183 6,073 18,426 6,406 40,341 151,976 4,679 16,064 6,991 53,056 5,306 19,622 9,578 7,864 19,027 6,670 133,793 30,707 23,101 6,959 66,049 27,957

103,217 5,991 19,042 6,717 39,916 114,486 5,046 16,509 9,063 45,642 4,840 19,390 9,515 7,308 15,322 6,524 122,617 19,671 23,397 7,292 66,743 15,438

110,938 6,011 14,857 6,425 38,880 89,580 5,501 15,097 10,060 46,391 5,300 21,970 10,772 6,880 14,450 6,278 120,779 14,605 23,471 7,597 54,083 ---

91,023 --17,144 6,300 29,427 --5,268 9,587 11,062 46,577 ----10,192 --13,639 5,254 89,258 11,916 17,895 --54,790 ---

61,787 --15,954 5,214 25,969 --5,795 6,077 --35,066 ----7,535 --12,158 --5,966 10,810 10,219 --47,727 ---

33,523 --9,768 4,335 19,400 --6,461 ----32,749 --------10,066 --5,898 8,768 8,679 --44,541 ---

24,149 --8,840 4,002 15,245 --6,839 ----22,247 --------6,819 --6,382 7,232 11,327 --40,661 ---

18,060 --6,729 3,911 10,688 --6,164 ----21,539 --------5,882 --6,138 5,875 1,397 --30,070 ---

51685 51685.1 51690 51700 51710 51720 51730 51735 51740 51750 51760

Manassas Park ..................... Manchester.......................... Martinsville .......................... Newport News ..................... Norfolk ................................ Norton ................................. Petersburg ........................... Poquoson ............................ Portsmouth .......................... Radford ............................... Richmond ............................

1980 1900 1930 1900 1900 1960 1890 1980 1900 1900 1900

14,273 --13,821 180,719 242,803 3,958 32,420 12,150 95,535 16,408 204,214

10,290 --15,416 180,150 234,403 3,904 33,740 11,566 100,565 15,859 197,790

6,734 --16,162 170,045 261,229 4,247 38,386 11,005 103,907 15,940 203,056

6,524 --18,149 144,903 266,979 4,757 41,055 8,726 104,577 13,225 219,214

----19,653 138,177 307,951 4,001 36,103 --110,963 11,596 249,621

----18,798 113,662 305,872 4,996 36,750 --114,773 9,371 219,958

----17,251 42,358 213,513 --35,054 --80,039 9,026 230,310

----10,080 37,067 144,332 --30,631 --50,745 6,990 193,042

----7,705 34,417 129,710 --28,564 --45,704 6,227 182,929

------35,596 115,777 --31,012 --54,387 4,627 171,667

51770 51775 51780 51785 51790 51800 51810 51820 51830 51840

Roanoke .............................. Salem .................................. South Boston ....................... South Norfolk ...................... Staunton.............................. Suffolk ................................. Virginia Beach ...................... Waynesboro......................... Williamsburg ....................... Winchester ..........................

1900 1970 1960 1930 1900 1920 1960 1950 1900 1900

97,032 24,802 ----23,746 84,585 437,994 21,006 14,068 26,203

94,911 24,747 ----23,853 63,677 425,257 19,520 11,998 23,585

96,397 23,756 6,997 --24,461 52,141 393,069 18,549 11,530 21,947

100,220 23,958 7,093 --21,857 47,621 262,199 15,329 9,870 20,217

92,115 21,982 6,889 --24,504 9,858 172,106 16,707 9,069 14,643

97,110 --5,974 22,035 22,232 12,609 8,091 15,694 6,832 15,110

91,921 ----10,434 19,927 12,339 --12,357 6,735 13,841

69,287 ----8,038 13,337 11,343 ----3,942 12,095

69,206 ----7,857 11,990 10,271 ----3,778 10,855

50,842 ------10,623 9,123 ----2,462 6,883

1,790 1,830 1,800 1,790 1,790 1,790 1,850 1,790 1,790 1,790 1,790 1,790

142,445 22,211 347,593 118,502 74,898 130,410 37,084 333,647 60,421 1,116,623 104,508 18,170

124,285 23,518 317,736 108,988 66,670 116,347 36,082 276,800 58,273 1,001,624 82,794 17,225

108,381 24,846 282,119 97,687 51,729 113,621 33,264 225,338 59,346 847,784 67,670 14,159

95,699 28,442 255816 90,918 40,918 112167 33,794 157,881 63,657 625,806 54,367 15,743

76,660 28,022 285,222 85,431 32,739 97,402 29,370 91,952 61,149 487,763 43536 14904

60,396 28,458 254,424 75,289 31,028 87,748 28,432 80,784 58,933 285,194 37,051 16,155

52,631 28,934 197,236 66,438 29,627 76,604 26,695 46,477 53,893 106,092 31,378 16,319

44,052 29,149 90,563 56,109 29,687 70,589 25,904 31,183 48,797 40,929 26,103 14,866

42,226 27,027 50,764 50,153 29,091 63,546 22,141 26,049 47,056 25,264 24,022 13,388

36,693 21,496 34,100 45,294 30,669 56,786 21,283 20,496 48,961 21,943 19,344 11,606

Counties with Associated Cities Albemarle ............................ Alleghany ............................ Arlington ............................. Augusta ............................... Bedford ............................... Campbell ............................. Carroll ................................. Chesterfield ......................... Dinwiddie ............................ Fairfax.................................. Frederick .............................. Greensville ...........................

158 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

51195 51197 51199

STATE County VIRGINIA cnt’d Wise ................................ Wythe.............................. York .................................

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1840













34,162 20,372 7,757

19,653 20,437 7,482

9,345 18,019 7,596

7,772 14,318 7,349

4,785 11,611 7,198

4,508 12,305 4,949

--12,024 4,460

--9,375 4,720

--12,163 5,354

--9,692 4,384

--8,356 5,187

--6,380 3,231


Independent Cities 51510 51515 51520 51530 51540 51550 51560 51570 51580 51590 51595 51600 51610 51620 51630 51640 51650 51660 51670 51678 51680 51683

Alexandria ....................... Bedford ........................... Bristol .............................. Buena Vista...................... Charlottesville .................. Chesapeake ..................... Clifton Forge.................... Colonial Heights .............. Covington........................ Danville............................ Emporia ........................... Fairfax.............................. Falls Church ..................... Franklin............................ Fredericksburg ................. Galax ............................... Hampton ......................... Harrisonburg.................... Hopewell ......................... Lexington......................... Lynchburg ........................ Manassas .........................

15,329 --6,247 3,245 6,765 --5,748 ----19,020 --------5,874 --5,505 ------29,494 ---

14,528 --4,579 2,388 6,449 --------16,520 --------5,068 ----------18,891 ---












51685 51685.1 51690 51700 51710 51720 51730 51735 51740 51750

Manassas Park ................. Manchester...................... Martinsville ...................... Newport News ................. Norfolk ............................ Norton ............................. Petersburg ....................... Poquoson ........................ Portsmouth ...................... Radford ...........................

------20,205 67,452 --24,127 --33,190 4,202

--9,715 --19,635 46,624 --21,810 --17,427 3,344

------------22,680 -------












Richmond ........................














51770 51775 51780 51785 51790 51800 51810 51820 51830 51840

Roanoke .......................... Salem .............................. South Boston ................... South Norfolk .................. Staunton.......................... Suffolk ............................. Virginia Beach .................. Waynesboro..................... Williamsburg ................... Winchester ......................

34,874 ------10,604 ------2,714 5,864

21,495 ------7,289 ------2,044 5,161












36,636 19,921 25,560 43,049 29,549 52,537 21,116 21,299 39,569 20,536 18,651 11,890

34,922 16,330 20,958 39,659 30,356 42,147 19,303 28,519 37,184 18,580 18,400 9,758

32,379 9,283 18,597 37,005 31,213 41,087 15,497 26,211 36,195 16,655 17,880 8,230

32,618 5,586 17,546 35,710 31,205 36,250 13,323 25,085 32,870 16,025 17,553 8,407

27,544 3,674 16,755 28,763 25,327 28,384 9,147 18,470 30,702 12,952 16,596 6,362

26,625 6,765 12,652 27,749 25,068 26,197 8,012 19,016 30,198 11,834 16,546 6,374

25,800 3,515 10,008 24,610 24,080 23,245 5,909 17,489 25,118 10,682 15,975 5,639

22,924 2,749 9,967 19,628 20,203 21,030 --17,148 22,558 9,370 14,242 6,366

22,618 2,816 9,573 19,926 20,246 20,350 --18,637 21,901 9,204 26,046 7,117

19,750 --9,703 16,742 19,305 16,569 --18,003 20,482 11,404 24,706 6,858

18,268 --8,552 14,308 16,148 11,001 --9,979 18,190 13,111 22,574 6,853

16,439 --5,949 11,712 14,125 9,866 --14,488 15,374 13,317 24,744 6,727

12,585 ----10,886 10,531 7,685 --14,214 13,934 12,320 19,681 6,362

Counties with Associated Cities Albemarle ........................ Alleghany ........................ Arlington ......................... Augusta ........................... Bedford ........................... Campbell ......................... Carroll ............................. Chesterfield ..................... Dinwiddie ........................ Fairfax.............................. Frederick .......................... Greensville .......................

Part C — Counties 159

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010










1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790

36,241 137,436 511,149 67,972 81,077 110,800 180,719 560,547 106,561 58,316 454,096

37,355 146,437 460,090 73,346 60,100 99,488 180,150 534,152 110,156 55,401 326,238

36,030 133,793 420,937 73,104 46,389 89,853 170,045 517,112 108,711 50,495 250,377

37,692 122,617 399,949 75,803 32,633 76,741 144,903 486,042 111,789 49,130 166,665

36,965 120,779 403,985 70,554 26,922 58,753 138,177 508,494 105,180 52,563 111,102

39,611 89,258 337,297 59,133 18,371 42,294 113,662 494,292 104,873 38,165 50,164

41,442 60,994 287,650 48,470 13,052 38,806 82,233 403,923 101,162 29,898 22,612

41,271 38,181 235,002 36,561 8,849 28,196 46,315 238,943 94,446 20,905 17,738

41,283 26,217 213,239 27,793 7,657 25,832 43,246 213,353 83,671 21,638 13,951

41,374 25,249 190,639 20,238 6,138 23,222 47,013 227,522 78,032 14,312 13,660

Roanoke .............................. Rockbridge .......................... Rockingham......................... Southampton....................... Spotsylvania ......................... Suffolk ................................. Virginia Beach ...................... Washington ......................... Wise .................................... York .....................................

1840 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1860 1790

214,210 35,999 125,228 27,152 146,683 84,585 437,994 72,711 45,410 77,614

205,436 34,024 108,193 25,828 109,674 63,677 425,257 68,470 44,027 67,863

199,485 31,715 88,189 254,14 76,430 52,141 393,069 64,313 43,820 53,427

197,123 31,920 76,709 26,039 49,757 47,621 262199 65529 486,20 44,189

181,436 30,659 62,495 25,462 30,874 45,024 172,106 55,692 39,948 33,203

158,803 30,339 52,401 27,195 27,458 43,975 84,215 55,220 48,575 21,583

133,407 28,573 45,889 26,522 24,078 37,577 42,277 53,490 56,336 11,750

112,184 26,719 40,057 26,442 19,971 34,114 19,984 47,965 52,458 8,857

104,495 24,904 36,941 26,870 16,875 32,801 16,282 42,690 51,167 7,615

73,237 24,537 35,922 27,555 16,453 29,322 13,626 39,105 46,500 8,046


WASHINGTON ...................












53001 53003 53005 53007 53009 53011 53013 53015 53017 53019 53021 53023 53025 53027 53029 53031 53033 53035 53037 53039 53041 53043 53045

Adams ................................. Asotin .................................. Benton................................. Chelan ................................. Clallam ................................ Clark.................................... Columbia ............................. Cowlitz ................................ Douglas ............................... Ferry .................................... Franklin................................ Garfield ............................... Grant ................................... Grays Harbor ....................... Island ................................... Jefferson .............................. King..................................... Kitsap .................................. Kittitas ................................. Klickitat ............................... Lewis ................................... Lincoln ................................. Mason .................................

1890 1890 1910 1900 1860 1850 1880 1860 1890 1900 1890 1890 1910 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1890 1860 1850 1890 1860

18,728 21,623 175,177 72,453 71,404 425,363 4,078 102,410 38,431 7,551 78,163 2,266 89,120 72,797 78,506 29,872 1,931,249 251,133 40,915 20,318 75,455 10,570 60,699

16,428 20,551 142,475 66,616 64,525 345,238 4,064 92,948 32,603 7,260 49,347 2,397 74,698 67,194 71,558 25,953 1,737,034 231,969 33,362 19,161 68,600 10,184 49,405

13,603 17,605 112,560 52,250 56,464 238,053 4,024 82,119 26,205 6,295 37,473 2,248 54,758 64,175 60,195 20,146 1,507,319 189,731 26,725 16,616 59,358 8,864 38,341

13,267 16,823 109,444 45,061 51,648 192,227 4,057 79,548 22,144 5,811 35,025 2,468 48,522 66,314 44,048 15,965 1,269,749 147,152 24,877 15,822 56,025 9,604 31,184

12,014 13,799 67,540 41,355 34,770 128,454 4,439 68,616 16,787 3,655 25,816 2,911 41,881 59,553 27,011 10,661 1,156,633 101,732 25,039 12,138 45,467 9,572 20,918

9,929 12,909 62,070 40,744 30,022 93,809 4,569 57,801 14,890 3,889 23,342 2,976 46,477 54,465 19,638 9,639 935,014 84,176 20,467 13,455 41,858 10,919 16,251

6,584 10,878 51,370 39,301 26,396 85,307 4,860 53,369 10,817 4,096 13,563 3,204 24,346 53,644 11,079 11,618 732,992 75,724 22,235 12,049 43,755 10,970 15,022

6,209 8,365 12,053 34,412 21,848 49,852 5,549 40,155 8,651 4,701 6,307 3,383 14,668 53,166 6,098 8,918 504,980 44,387 20,230 11,357 41,393 11,361 11,603

7,719 8,136 10,952 31,634 20,449 40,316 5,325 31,906 7,561 4,292 6,137 3,662 5,666 59,982 5,369 8,346 463,517 30,776 18,154 9,825 40,034 11,876 10,060

9,623 6,539 10,903 20,906 11,368 32,805 6,093 11,791 9,392 5,143 5,877 3,875 7,771 44,745 5,489 6,557 389,273 33,162 17,737 9,268 36,840 15,141 4,919

53047 53049 53051 53053 53055 53057 53059 53061 53063 53065 53067

Okanogan............................ Pacific .................................. Pend Oreille ......................... Pierce................................... San Juan .............................. Skagit .................................. Skamania ............................. Snohomish........................... Spokane .............................. Stevens ................................ Thurston ..............................

1890 1860 1920 1860 1870 1890 1860 1870 1880 1860 1860

41,120 20,920 13,001 795,225 15,769 116,901 11,066 713,335 471,221 43,531 252,264

39,564 20,984 11,732 700,820 14,077 102,979 9,872 606,024 417,939 40,066 207,355

33,350 18,882 8,915 586,203 10,035 79,555 8,289 465,642 361,364 30,948 161,238

30,639 17,237 8,580 485,643 7,838 64,138 7,919 337,720 341,835 28,979 124,264

25,867 15,796 6,025 411,027 3,856 52,381 5,845 265,236 287,487 17,405 76,894

25,520 14,674 6,914 321,590 2,872 51,350 5,207 172,199 278,333 17,884 55,049

29,131 16,558 7,413 275,876 3,245 43,273 4,788 111,580 221,561 18,580 44,884

24,546 15,928 7,156 182,081 3,157 37,650 4,633 88,754 164,652 19,275 37,285

18,519 14,970 7,155 163,842 3,097 35,142 2,891 78,861 150,477 18,550 31,351

17,094 14,891 6,363 144,127 3,605 33,373 2,357 67,690 141,289 21,605 22,366

53069 53071 53073 53075 53077

Wahkiakum ......................... Walla Walla.......................... Whatcom............................. Whitman ............................. Yakima.................................

1860 1860 1860 1880 1870

3,978 58,781 201,140 44,776 243,231

3,824 55,180 166,814 40,740 222,581

3,327 48,439 127,780 38,775 188,823

3,832 47,435 106,701 40,103 172,508

3,592 42,176 81,950 37,900 144,971

3,426 42,195 70,317 31,263 145,112

3,835 40,135 66,733 32,469 135,723

4,286 30,547 60,355 27,221 99,019

3,862 28,441 59,128 28,014 77,402

3,472 27,539 50,600 31,323 63,710

Counties with Associated Cities cnt’d Halifax ................................. Hampton ............................. Henrico ................................ Henry................................... James City ........................... Montgomery........................ Newport News ..................... Norfolk ................................ Pittsylvania ........................... Prince George ...................... Prince William ......................

160 County and City Extra

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













Counties with Associated Cities cnt’d Halifax ............................. Hampton ......................... Henrico ............................ Henry............................... James City ....................... Montgomery.................... Newport News ................. Norfolk ............................ Pittsylvania ....................... Prince George .................. Prince William ..................

40,044 21,225 151,065 18,459 6,338 21,470 26,246 153,386 69,729 7,848 12,026

37,197 19,460 115,112 19,265 5,732 19,196 24523 114831 63414 7752 11112

34,424 16,168 103,394 18,208 5,643 17,742 6,650 77,038 59,941 7,872 9,805

33,588 10,689 82,703 16,009 5,422 16,693 2,258 58,657 52,589 10,054 9,180

27,828 8,303 66179 12,303 4,425 12,556 1,672 46,702 31,343 7,820 7,504

26,520 5,798 61,616 12,105 5,798 10,617 1,740 36,227 32,104 8,411 8,565

25,962 4,586 43,572 8,872 4,020 8,359 1,546 33,036 28,796 7,596 8,129

25,936 3,706 33,076 7,335 3,779 7,405 1,456 27,569 26,398 7,175 8,144

28,034 5,053 28,797 7,100 3,838 12,306 1,570 24,806 26,034 8,367 9,330

19,060 3,789 23,667 5,624 4,563 8,733 1,608 23,943 21,323 8,030 9,419

22,133 3,608 19,680 5,611 4,094 8,409 1,835 22,872 17,172 8,050 11,311

19,377 2,778 14,886 5,259 3,931 9,044 1,659 19,419 12,697 7,425 12,733

14,722 3,450 12,000 8,479 4,070 13,228 1,690 14,524 11,579 8,173 11,615

Roanoke .......................... Rockbridge ...................... Rockingham..................... Southampton................... Spotsylvania ..................... Suffolk ............................. Virginia Beach .................. Washington ..................... Wise ................................ York .................................

54,497 24,416 34,903 26,302 15,809 26,886 11,526 39,077 34,162 7,757

37.332 24.187 33.527 22.848 14.307 23.078 11.192 33.574 19.653 7.482

30,101 23,062 31,299 20,078 14,233 19,692 9,510 29,020 9.345 7.596

13,105 20,003 29,567 18,012 14,828 15,903 9,394 25,203 7,772 7,349

9,350 16,058 23,668 12,285 11,728 11,576 8,273 16,816 4,785 7,198

8,048 17,248 23,408 12,915 16,076 13,693 7,714 16,892 4,508 4,949

8,477 16,045 20,294 13,521 14,911 12,283 7,669 14,612 --4,460

5,499 14,284 17,344 14,525 15,161 10,795 7,285 13,001 --4720

--14,244 20,683 16,074 15,134 11,784 9,102 15,614 --5,354

--11,945 14,784 14,170 14,254 10,494 8,768 12,444 --4,384

--10,318 12,753 13,497 13,296 10,324 9,498 12,156 --5,187

--8,945 10,374 13,925 13,002 11,127 8,859 9,536 --3,231

--6,548 7,449 12,864 11,252 9,010 7,793 5,625 --5,233


WASHINGTON ...............














53001 53003 53005 53007 53009 53011 53013 53015 53017 53019 53021 53023 53025

Adams ............................. Asotin .............................. Benton............................. Chelan ............................. Clallam ............................ Clark................................ Columbia ......................... Cowlitz ............................ Douglas ........................... Ferry ................................ Franklin............................ Garfield ........................... Grant ...............................

10,920 5,831 7,937 15,104 6,755 26,115 7,042 12,561 9,227 4,800 5,153 4,199 8,698

4,840 3,366 --3,931 5,603 13,419 7,128 7,877 4,926 4,562 486 3,918 ---

2,098 1,580 ----2,771 11,709 6,709 5,917 3,161 --696 3,897 ---

--------638 5,490 7,103 2,062 -----------

--------408 3,081 --730 -----------

--------149 2,384 --406 -----------

----------643 ---------------







53027 53029 53031 53033 53035 53037 53039 53041 53043 53045

Grays Harbor ................... Island ............................... Jefferson .......................... King................................. Kitsap .............................. Kittitas ............................. Klickitat ........................... Lewis ............................... Lincoln ............................. Mason .............................

35,590 4,704 8,337 284,638 17,647 18,561 10,180 32,127 17,539 5,156

15,124 1,870 5,712 110,053 6,767 9,704 6,407 15,157 11,969 3,810

9,249 1,787 8,368 63,989 4,624 8,777 5,167 11,499 9,312 2,826

921 1,087 1,712 6,910 1,738 --4,055 2,600 --639

401 626 1,268 2,120 866 --329 888 --289

285 294 531 302 544 --230 384 --162

--------------558 -----







53047 53049 53051 53053 53055 53057 53059 53061 53063 53065 53067

Okanogan........................ Pacific .............................. Pend Oreille ..................... Pierce............................... San Juan .......................... Skagit .............................. Skamania ......................... Snohomish....................... Spokane .......................... Stevens ............................ Thurston ..........................

12,887 12,532 --120,812 3,603 29,241 2,887 59,209 139,404 25,297 17,581

4,689 5,983 --55,515 2,928 14,272 1,688 23,950 57,542 10,543 9,927

1,467 4,358 --50,940 2,072 8,747 774 8,514 37,487 4,341 9,675

--1,645 --3,319 948 --809 1,387 4,262 1,245 3,270

--738 --1,409 554 --133 599 --734 2,246

--420 --1,115 ----173 ----996 1,507








53069 53071 53073 53075 53077

Wahkiakum ..................... Walla Walla...................... Whatcom......................... Whitman ......................... Yakima.............................

3,285 31,931 49,511 33,280 41,709

2,819 18,680 24,116 25,360 13,462

2,526 12,224 18,591 19,109 4,429

1,598 8,716 3,137 7,014 2,811

270 5,300 534 --432

42 1,318 352 -----








Part C — Counties 161

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census


WEST VIRGINIA..................












54001 54003 54005 54007 54009 54011 54013 54015 54017 54019 54021

Barbour ............................... Berkeley ............................... Boone .................................. Braxton ................................ Brooke ................................. Cabell .................................. Calhoun............................... Clay ..................................... Doddridge ........................... Fayette................................. Gilmer .................................

1850 1790 1850 1840 1800 1810 1860 1860 1850 1840 1850

16,589 104,169 24,629 14,523 24,069 96,319 7,627 9,386 8,202 46,039 8,693

15,557 75,905 25,535 14,702 25,447 96,784 7,582 10,330 7,403 47,579 7,160

15,699 59,253 25,870 12,998 26,992 96,827 7,885 9,983 6,994 47,952 7,669

16,639 46,775 30,447 13,894 31,117 106,835 8,250 11,265 7,433 57,863 8,334

14,030 36,356 25,118 12,666 29,685 106,918 7,046 9,330 6,389 49,332 7,782

15,474 33,791 28,764 15,152 28,940 108,202 7,948 11,942 6,970 61,731 8,050

19,745 30,359 33,173 18,082 26,904 108,035 10,259 14,961 9,026 82,443 9,746

19,869 29,016 28,556 21,658 25,513 97,459 12,455 15,206 10,923 80,628 12,046

18,628 28,030 24,586 22,579 24,663 90,786 10,866 13,125 10,488 72,050 10,641

18,028 24,554 15,319 23,973 16,527 65,746 10,268 11,486 11,976 60,377 10,668

54023 54025 54027 54029 54031 54033 54035 54037 54039 54041 54043

Grant ................................... Greenbrier ........................... Hampshire ........................... Hancock .............................. Hardy................................... Harrison ............................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Kanawha ............................. Lewis ................................... Lincoln .................................

1870 1790 1790 1850 1790 1790 1840 1810 1800 1820 1870

11,937 35,480 23,964 30,676 14,025 69,099 29,211 53,498 193,063 16,372 21,720

11,299 34,453 20,203 32,667 12,669 68,652 28,000 42,190 200,073 16,919 22,108

10,428 34,693 16,498 35,233 10,977 69,371 25,938 35,926 207,619 17,223 21,382

10,210 37,665 14,867 40,418 10,030 77,710 25,794 30,302 231,414 18,813 23,675

8,607 32,090 11,710 39,749 8,855 73,028 20,903 21,280 229,515 17,847 18,912

8,304 34,446 11,705 39,615 9,308 77,856 18,541 18,665 252,925 19,711 20,267

8,756 39,295 12,577 34,388 10,032 85,296 15,299 17,184 239,629 21,074 22,466

8,805 38,520 12,974 31,572 10,813 82,911 16,598 16,762 195,619 22,271 22,886

8,441 35,878 11,836 28,511 9,816 78,567 16,124 15,780 157,667 21,794 19,156

8,993 26,242 11,713 19,975 9,601 74,793 18,658 15,729 119,650 20,455 19,378

54045 54047 54049 54051 54053 54055 54057 54059 54061 54063 54065

Logan .................................. McDowell ............................ Marion................................. Marshall............................... Mason ................................. Mercer ................................. Mineral ................................ Mingo.................................. Monongalia ......................... Monroe ............................... Morgan ...............................

1830 1860 1850 1840 1810 1840 1870 1900 1790 1800 1820

36,743 22,113 56,418 33,107 27,324 62,264 28,212 26,839 96,189 13,502 17,541

37,710 27,329 56,598 35,519 25,957 62,980 27,078 28,253 81,866 14,583 14,943

43,032 35,233 57,249 37,356 25,178 64,980 26,697 33,739 75,509 12,406 12,128

50,679 49,899 65,789 41,608 27,045 73,942 27,234 37,336 75,024 12,873 10,711

46,269 50,666 61,356 37,598 24,306 63,206 23,109 32,780 63,714 11,272 8,547

61,570 71,359 63,717 38,041 24,459 68,206 22,354 39,742 55,617 11,584 8,376

77,391 98,887 71,521 36,893 23,537 75,013 22,333 47,409 60,797 13,123 8,276

67,768 94,354 68,683 40,189 22,270 68,289 22,215 40,802 51,252 13,577 8,743

58,534 90,479 66,655 39,831 20,788 61,323 20,084 38,319 50,083 11,949 8,406

41,006 68,571 54,571 33,681 21,459 49,558 19,849 26,364 33,618 13,141 8,357

54067 54069 54071 54073 54075 54077 54079 54081 54083 54085 54087

Nicholas ............................... Ohio .................................... Pendleton ............................ Pleasants.............................. Pocahontas .......................... Preston ................................ Putnam ................................ Raleigh ................................ Randolph ............................. Ritchie ................................. Roane ..................................

1820 1790 1790 1860 1830 1820 1850 1850 1790 1850 1860

26,233 44,443 7,695 7,605 8,719 33,520 55,486 78,859 29,405 10,449 14,926

26,562 47,427 8,196 7,514 9,131 29,334 51,589 79,220 28,262 10,343 15,446

26,775 50,871 8,054 7,546 9,008 29,037 42,835 76,819 27,803 10,233 15,120

28,126 61,389 7,910 8,236 9,919 30,460 38,181 86,821 28,734 11,442 15,952

22,552 64,197 7,031 7,274 8,870 25,455 27,625 70,080 24,596 10,145 14,111

25,414 68,437 8,093 7,124 10,136 27,233 23,561 77,826 26,349 10,877 15,720

27,696 71,672 9,313 6,369 12,480 31,399 21,021 96,273 30,558 12,535 18,408

24,070 73,115 10,884 6,692 13,906 30,416 19,511 86,687 30,259 15,389 20,787

20,686 72,077 9,660 6,545 14,555 29,043 16,737 68,072 25,049 15,594 19,478

20,717 62,892 9,652 7,379 15,002 27,996 17,531 42,482 26,804 16,506 20,129

54089 54091 54093 54095 54097 54099 54101 54103 54105 54107 54109

Summers ............................. Taylor ................................... Tucker .................................. Tyler ..................................... Upshur................................. Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Wetzel ................................. Wirt ..................................... Wood .................................. Wyoming .............................

1880 1850 1860 1820 1860 1850 1860 1850 1850 1800 1850

13,927 16,895 7,141 9,208 24,254 42,481 9,154 16,583 5,717 86,956 23,796

12,999 16,089 7,321 9,592 23,404 42,903 9,719 17,693 5,873 87,986 25,708

14,204 15,144 7,728 9,796 22,867 41,636 10,729 19,258 5,192 86,915 28,990

15,875 16,584 8,675 11,320 23,427 46,021 12,245 21,874 4,922 93,648 35,993

13,213 13,878 7,447 9,929 19,092 37,581 9,809 20,314 4,154 86,818 30,095

15,640 15,010 7,750 10,026 18,292 38,977 13,719 19,347 4,391 78,331 34,836

19,183 18,422 10,600 10,535 19,242 38,696 17,888 20,154 5,119 66,540 37,540

20,409 19,919 13,173 12,559 18,360 35,566 18,080 22,342 6,475 62,399 29,774

20,468 19,114 13,374 12,785 17,944 31,206 14,216 22,334 6,358 56,521 20,926

19,092 18,742 16,791 14,186 17,851 26,012 11,562 23,069 7,536 42,306 15,180


162 County and City Extra










Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County


WEST VIRGINIA..............

54001 54003 54005 54007 54009 54011 54013 54015 54017 54019 54021

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910






--11,211 ----6,631 4,789 -----------

--11,479 ----5,843 2,717 -----------

--22,006 ----4,706 -------------

--19,713 -------------------

--9,006 11,279 --6,798 14,722 --12,927 9,326 6,241 ---

--7,041 10,889 --5,700 10,932 --13,087 6,399 4,247 ---

--5,914 9,784 --5,525 9,958 --11,851 3,866 -----

--4,345 8,348 --6,627 4,848 ----3,239 -----

--6,015 7,346 --7,336 2,080 -----------

4,309 ----6,937 6,777 2,233 ----17,368 8,422 4,253

3,680 ------6,534 ------14,056 7,798 2,694

--------4,868 ------11,060 6,620 2,500

--------1,991 ------12,793 5,444 ---

----------------8,540 4,188 ---

----------------4,768 -----

3,963 18,006

2,515 13,357

3,346 15,584

1,853 9,182




6,164 2,945 3,958 13,312 6,301 3,367 4,990 6,847 5,381

5,795 --3,598 11,708 5,335 1,765 5,243 3,902 ---

6,940 --2,922 6,866 ----6,208 -----

6,271 --2,542 5,144 ----5,000 -----

4,846 ----3,422 ----3,357 -----

4,239 ----------2,854 -----

3,962 ----------1,826 -----

2,452 ----------951 -----

--7,463 1,428 6,517 7,292 6,747 1,555 6,703 3,751 11,046 2,861

--5,367 --5,498 --4,760 --4,284 3,353 9,450 1,645

------6,954 ----------7,923 ---

------4,104 ----------6,429 ---

------2,314 ----------5,860 ---

------------------3,036 ---

------------------1,217 ---






















Barbour ........................... Berkeley ........................... Boone .............................. Braxton ............................ Brooke ............................. Cabell .............................. Calhoun........................... Clay ................................. Doddridge ....................... Fayette............................. Gilmer .............................

15,858 21,999 10,331 23,023 11,098 46,685 11,258 10,233 12,672 51,903 11,379

14,198 19,469 8,194 18,904 7,219 29,252 10,266 8,248 13,689 31,987 11,762

12,702 18,702 6,885 13,928 6,660 23,595 8,155 4,659 12,183 20,542 9,746

11,870 17,380 5,824 9,787 6,013 13,744 6,072 3,460 10,552 11,560 7,108

10,312 14,900 4,553 6,480 5,464 6,429 2,939 2,196 7,076 6,647 4,338

8,958 12,525 4,840 4,992 5,494 8,020 2,502 1,787 5,203 5,997 3,759

9,005 11,771 3,237 4,212 5,054 6,299 ----2,750 3,955 3,475

--10,972 --2,575 7,948 8,163 ------3,924 ---

--10,518 ----7,041 5,884 -----------

54023 54025 54027 54029 54031 54033 54035 54037 54039 54041 54043

Grant ............................... Greenbrier ....................... Hampshire ....................... Hancock .......................... Hardy............................... Harrison ........................... Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Kanawha ......................... Lewis ............................... Lincoln .............................

7,838 24,833 11,694 10,465 9,163 48,381 20,956 15,889 81,457 18,281 20,491

7,275 20,683 11,806 6,693 8,449 27,690 22,987 15,935 54,696 16,980 15,434

6,802 18,034 11,419 6,414 7,567 21,919 19,021 15,553 42,756 15,895 11,246

5,542 15,060 10,366 4,882 6,794 20,181 16,312 15,005 32,466 13,269 8,739

4,467 11,417 7,643 4,363 5,518 16,714 10,300 13,219 22,349 10,175 5,053

--12,211 13,913 4,445 9,864 13,790 8,306 14,535 16,150 7,999 ---

--10,022 14,036 4,050 9,543 11,728 6,544 15,357 15,353 10,031 ---

--8,695 12,295 --7,622 17,669 4,890 14,082 13,567 8,151 ---

54045 54047 54049 54051 54053 54055 54057 54059 54061 54063 54065

Logan .............................. McDowell ........................ Marion............................. Marshall........................... Mason ............................. Mercer ............................. Mineral ............................ Mingo.............................. Monongalia ..................... Monroe ........................... Morgan ...........................

14,476 47,856 42,794 32,388 23,019 38,371 16,674 19,431 24,334 13,055 7,848

6,955 18,747 32,430 26,444 24,142 23,023 12,883 11,359 19,049 13,130 7,294

11,101 7,300 20,721 20,735 22,863 16,002 12,085 --15,705 12,429 6,744

7,329 3,074 17,198 18,840 22,293 7,467 8,630 --14,985 11,501 5,777

5,124 1,952 12,107 14,941 15,978 7,064 6,332 --13,547 11,124 4,315

4,938 1,535 12,722 12,997 9,173 6,819 ----13,048 10,757 3,732

3,620 --10,552 10,138 7,539 4,222 ----12,387 10,204 3,557

54067 54069

Nicholas ........................... Ohio ................................

17,699 57,572

11,403 48,024

9,309 41,557

7,223 37,457

4,458 28,831

4,627 22,422

54071 54073 54075 54077 54079 54081 54083 54085 54087

Pendleton ........................ Pleasants.......................... Pocahontas ...................... Preston ............................ Putnam ............................ Raleigh ............................ Randolph ......................... Ritchie ............................. Roane ..............................

9,349 8,074 14,740 26,341 18,587 25,633 26,028 17,875 21,543

9,167 9,345 8,572 22,727 17,330 12,436 17,670 18,901 19,852

8,711 7,539 6,814 20,355 14,342 9,597 11,633 16,621 15,303

8,022 6,256 5,591 19,091 11,375 7,367 8,102 13,474 12,184

6,455 3,012 4,069 14,555 7,794 3,673 5,563 9,055 7,232

54089 54091 54093 54095 54097 54099 54101 54103 54105 54107 54109

Summers ......................... Taylor ............................... Tucker .............................. Tyler ................................. Upshur............................. Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Wetzel ............................. Wirt ................................. Wood .............................. Wyoming .........................

18,420 16,554 18,675 16,211 16,629 24,081 9,680 23,855 9,047 38,001 10,392

16,265 14,978 13,433 18,252 14,696 23,619 8,862 22,880 10,284 34,452 8,380

13,117 12,147 6,459 11,962 12,714 18,652 4,783 16,841 9,411 28,612 6,247

9,033 11,455 3,151 11,073 10,249 14,739 3,207 13,896 7,104 25,006 4,322

--9,367 1,907 7,832 8,023 7,852 1,730 8,595 4,804 19,000 3,171

Part C — Counties 163

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census


WISCONSIN ........................












55001 55003 55005 55007 55009 55011 55013 55015 55017 55019 55021

Adams ................................. Ashland ............................... Barron ................................. Bayfield................................ Brown.................................. Buffalo................................. Burnett ................................ Calumet............................... Chippewa ............................ Clark.................................... Columbia .............................

1850 1860 1860 1850 1820 1860 1860 1840 1850 1860 1850

20,875 16,157 45,870 15,014 248,007 13,587 15,457 48,971 62,415 34,690 56,833

18,643 16,866 44,963 15,013 226,778 13,804 15,674 40,631 55,195 33,557 52,468

15,682 16,307 40,750 14,008 194,594 13,584 13,084 34,291 52,360 31,647 45,088

13,457 16,783 38,730 13,822 175,280 14,309 12,340 30,867 52,127 32,910 43,222

9,234 16,743 33,955 11,683 158,244 13,743 9,276 27,604 47,717 30,361 40,150

7,566 17,375 34,270 11,910 125,082 14,202 9,214 22,268 45,096 31,527 36,708

7,906 19,461 34,703 13,760 98,314 14,719 10,236 18,840 42,839 32,459 34,023

8,449 21,801 34,289 15,827 83,109 16,090 11,382 17,618 40,703 33,972 32,517

8,003 21,054 34,301 15,006 70,249 15,330 10,233 16,848 37,342 34,165 30,503

9,287 24,538 34,281 17,201 61,889 15,615 10,735 17,228 36,482 35,120 30,468

55023 55025 55027 55029 55031 55033 55035 55037 55039 55041 55043

Crawford ............................. Dane.................................... Dodge ................................. Door .................................... Douglas ............................... Dunn ................................... Eau Claire ............................ Florence ............................... Fond du Lac ......................... Forest .................................. Grant ...................................

1820 1840 1840 1860 1860 1860 1860 1890 1840 1890 1840

16,644 488,073 88,759 27,785 44,159 43,857 98,736 4,423 101,633 9,304 51,208

17,243 426,526 85,897 27,961 43,287 39,858 93,142 5,088 97,296 10,024 49,597

15,940 367,085 76,559 25,690 41,758 35,909 85,183 4,590 90,083 8,776 49,264

16,556 323,545 75,064 25,029 44,421 34,314 78,805 4,172 88,964 9,044 51,736

15,252 290,272 69,004 20,106 44,657 29,154 67,219 3,298 84,567 7,691 48,398

16,351 222,095 63,170 20,685 45,008 26,156 58,300 3,437 75,085 7,542 44,419

17,652 169,357 57,611 20,870 46,715 27,341 54,187 3,756 67,829 9,437 41,460

18,328 130,660 54,280 19,095 47,119 27,375 46,999 4,177 62,353 11,805 40,639

16,781 112,737 52,092 18,182 46,583 27,037 41,087 3,768 59,883 11,118 38,469

16,772 89,432 49,742 19,073 49,771 26,970 35,771 3,602 56,119 9,850 39,044

55045 55047 55049 55051 55053 55055 55057 55059 55061 55063 55065

Green .................................. Green Lake .......................... Iowa .................................... Iron...................................... Jackson ................................ Jefferson .............................. Juneau ................................. Kenosha .............................. Kewaunee ........................... La Crosse ............................. Lafayette..............................

1840 1860 1830 1900 1860 1840 1860 1850 1860 1860 1850

36,842 19,051 23,687 5,916 20,449 83,686 26,664 166,426 20,574 114,638 16,836

33,647 19,105 22,780 6,861 19,100 74,021 24,316 149,577 20,187 107,120 16,137

30,339 18,651 20,150 6,153 16,588 67,783 21,650 128,181 18,878 97,904 16,076

30,012 18,370 19,802 6,730 16,831 66,152 21,039 123,137 19,539 91,056 17,412

26,714 16,878 19,306 6,533 15,325 60,060 18,455 117,917 18,961 80,468 17,456

25,851 15,418 19,631 7,830 15,151 50,094 17,490 100,615 18,282 72,465 18,142

24,172 14,749 19,610 8,714 16,073 43,069 18,930 75,238 17,366 67,587 18,137

23,146 14,092 20,595 10,049 16,599 38,868 18,708 63,505 16,680 59,653 18,695

21,870 13,913 20,039 9,933 16,468 36,785 17,264 63,277 16,037 54,455 18,649

21,568 14,875 21,504 10,261 17,746 35,022 19,209 51,284 16,091 44,355 20,002

55067 55069 55071 55073 55075 55077 55078 55079 55081 55083 55085

Langlade .............................. Lincoln ................................. Manitowoc .......................... Marathon ............................ Marinette............................. Marquette ........................... Menominee ......................... Milwaukee ........................... Monroe ............................... Oconto ................................ Oneida.................................

1880 1880 1840 1850 1880 1840 1970 1840 1860 1860 1890

19,977 28,743 81,442 134,063 41,749 15,404 4,232 947,735 44,673 37,660 35,998

20,740 29,641 82,887 125,834 43,384 15,832 4,562 940,164 40,899 35,634 36,776

19,505 26,993 80,421 115,400 40,548 12,321 3,890 959,275 36,633 30,226 31,679

19,978 26,555 82,918 111,270 39,314 11,672 3,373 964,988 35,074 28,947 31,216

19,220 23,499 82,294 97,457 35,810 8,865 2,607 1,054,063 31,610 25,553 24,427

19,916 22,338 75,215 88,874 34,660 8,516 --1,036,041 31,241 25,110 22,112

21,975 22,235 67,159 80,337 35,748 8,839 --871,047 31,378 26,238 20,648

23,227 22,536 61,617 75,915 36,225 9,097 --766,885 30,080 27,075 18,938

21,544 21,072 58,674 70,629 33,530 9,388 --725,263 28,739 26,386 15,899

21,471 21,084 51,644 65,259 34,361 10,443 --539,449 28,666 27,104 13,996

55087 55089 55091 55093 55095 55097 55099 55101 55103 55105 55107

Outagamie........................... Ozaukee .............................. Pepin ................................... Pierce................................... Polk ..................................... Portage ................................ Price .................................... Racine.................................. Richland............................... Rock .................................... Rusk ....................................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1840 1880 1840 1850 1840 1910

176,695 86,395 7,469 41,019 44,205 70,019 14,159 195,408 18,021 160,331 14,755

160,971 82,317 7,213 36,804 41,319 67,182 15,822 188,831 17,924 152,307 15,347

140,510 72,831 7,107 32,765 34,773 61,405 15,600 175,034 17,521 139,510 15,079

128,799 66,981 7,477 31,149 32,351 57,420 15,788 173,132 17,476 139,420 15,589

119,356 54,421 7,319 26,652 26,666 47,541 14,520 170,838 17,079 131,970 14,238

101,794 38,441 7,332 22,503 24,968 36,964 14,370 141,781 17,684 113,913 14,794

81,722 23,361 7,462 21,448 24,944 34,858 16,344 109,585 19,245 92,778 16,790

70,032 18,985 7,897 21,471 26,197 35,800 18,467 94,047 20,381 80,173 17,737

62,790 17,394 7,450 21,043 26,567 33,827 17,284 90,217 19,525 74,206 16,081

55,113 16,335 7,481 21,663 26,870 33,649 18,517 78,961 19,823 66,150 16,403


164 County and City Extra










Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued Resident population enumerated by census (continued)

STATE/ County code

STATE County


WISCONSIN ....................

55001 55003 55005 55007 55009 55011 55013 55015 55017 55019 55021

Adams ............................. Ashland ........................... Barron ............................. Bayfield............................ Brown.............................. Buffalo............................. Burnett ............................ Calumet........................... Chippewa ........................ Clark................................ Columbia .........................

8,604 21,965 29,114 15,987 54,098 16,006 9,026 16,701 32,103 30,074 31,129

9,141 20,176 23,677 14,392 46,359 16,765 7,478 17,078 33,037 25,848 31,121

6,889 20,063 15,416 7,390 39,164 15,997 4,393 16,639 25,143 17,708 28,350

6,741 1,559 7,024 564 34,078 15,528 3,140 16,632 15,491 10,715 28,065

55023 55025 55027 55029 55031 55033 55035 55037 55039 55041 55043

Crawford ......................... Dane................................ Dodge ............................. Door ................................ Douglas ........................... Dunn ............................... Eau Claire ........................ Florence ........................... Fond du Lac ..................... Forest .............................. Grant ...............................

16,288 77,435 47,436 18,711 47,422 25,260 32,721 3,381 51,610 6,782 39,007

17,286 69,435 46,631 17,583 36,335 25,043 31,692 3,197 47,589 1,396 38,881

15,987 59,578 44,984 15,682 13,468 22,664 30,673 2,604 44,088 1,012 36,651

55045 55047 55049 55051 55053 55055 55057 55059 55061 55063 55065

Green .............................. Green Lake ...................... Iowa ................................ Iron.................................. Jackson ............................ Jefferson .......................... Juneau ............................. Kenosha .......................... Kewaunee ....................... La Crosse ......................... Lafayette..........................

21,641 15,491 22,497 8,306 17,075 34,306 19,569 32,929 16,784 43,996 20,075

22,719 15,797 23,114 6,616 17,466 34,789 20,629 21,707 17,212 42,997 20,959

55067 55069

Langlade .......................... Lincoln .............................

17,062 19,064

55071 55073 55075 55077 55078 55079 55081 55083 55085

Manitowoc ...................... Marathon ........................ Marinette......................... Marquette ....................... Menominee ..................... Milwaukee ....................... Monroe ........................... Oconto ............................ Oneida.............................

55087 55089 55091 55093 55095 55097 55099 55101 55103 55105 55107

Outagamie....................... Ozaukee .......................... Pepin ............................... Pierce............................... Polk ................................. Portage ............................ Price ................................ Racine.............................. Richland........................... Rock ................................ Rusk ................................



















6,601 221 538 344 25,168 11,123 706 12,335 8,311 3,450 28,802

6,492 515 13 353 11,795 3,864 12 7,895 1,895 789 24,441

187 ----489 6,215 ----1,743 615 --9,565

--------2,107 ----275 -------

--------1,356 -------------

--------952 -------------




15,644 53,233 45,931 11,645 655 16,817 19,993 --46,859 --37,852

13,075 53,096 47,035 4,919 1,122 9,488 10,769 --46,273 --37,979

8,068 43,922 42,818 2,948 812 2,704 3,162 --34,154 --31,189

2,498 16,639 19,138 ----------14,510 --16,169

1,502 314 67 ----------139 --3,926

692 ---------------------

492 ---------------------




22,732 15,163 22,117 --15,797 33,530 17,121 15,581 16,153 38,801 20,265

21,729 14,483 23,628 --13,285 32,156 15,582 13,550 15,807 27,073 21,279

23,611 13,195 24,544 --7,687 34,040 12,372 13,147 10,128 20,297 22,659

19,808 12,663 18,967 --4,170 30,438 8,770 13,900 5,530 12,186 18,134

8,566 --9,525 ----15,317 --10,734 ----11,531

933 --3,978 ----914 -----------

----1,587 -----------------





12,553 16,269

9,465 12,008

685 2,011










44,978 55,054 33,812 10,741 --433,187 28,881 25,657 11,433

42,261 43,256 30,822 10,509 --330,017 28,103 20,874 8,875

37,831 30,369 20,304 9,676 --236,101 23,211 15,009 5,010

37,505 17,121 8,929 8,908 --138,537 21,607 9,848 ---

33,364 5,885 --8,056 --89,930 16,550 8,321 ---

22,416 2,892 --8,233 --62,518 8,410 3,592 ---

3,702 508 --8,641 --31,077 -------

235 ----18 --5,605 -------






49,102 17,123 7,577 22,079 21,367 30,945 13,795 57,424 18,809 55,538 11,160

46,247 16,363 7,905 23,943 17,801 29,483 9,106 45,644 19,483 51,203 ---

38,690 14,943 6,932 20,385 12,968 24,798 5,258 36,268 19,121 43,220 ---

28,716 15,461 6,226 17,744 10,018 17,731 785 30,922 18,174 38,823 ---

18,430 15,564 4,659 9,958 3,422 10,634 --26,740 15,731 39,030 ---

9,587 15,682 2,392 4,672 1,400 7,507 --21,360 9,732 36,690 ---

----------1,250 --14,973 903 20,750 ---

----------1,623 --3,475 --1,701 ---






2,333,860 2,069,042 1,693,330 1,315,497 1,054,670




Part C — Counties 165

Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Year of first census

Resident population enumerated by census 2010




1840 1840 1890 1860 1840 1880 1860 1860 1900 1840 1890

84,345 61,976 16,557 41,949 115,507 20,689 28,816 29,773 21,430 102,228 15,911

63,155 55,225 16,196 40,664 112,646 19,680 27,010 28,056 21,033 93,759 16,036

50,251 46,975 14,181 37,157 103,877 18,901 25,263 25,617 17,707 75,000 13,772

43,262 43,469 12,843 35,928 100,935 18,817 26,158 25,642 16,535 71,507 13,174

34,354 39,057 9,670 32,650 96,660 16,958 23,344 24,557 10,958 63,444 10,601

29,164 36,179 9,475 34,351 86,484 17,843 23,377 25,663 9,332 52,368 10,301

25,905 38,120 10,323 35,249 80,631 18,456 23,730 27,906 9,363 41,584 11,665

24,842 33,700 11,540 35,378 76,221 20,105 24,381 29,940 8,894 33,103 12,496

25,455 32,030 8,878 33,516 71,235 17,685 23,910 28,537 7,294 31,058 11,103

26,106 32,548 8,243 33,975 59,913 18,045 24,506 29,252 5,649 29,327 11,377

Washington ......................... Waukesha ............................ Waupaca ............................. Waushara ............................ Winnebago .......................... Wood ..................................

1840 1850 1860 1860 1840 1860

131,887 389,891 52,410 24,496 166,994 74,749

117,493 360,767 51,731 23,154 156,763 75,555

95,328 304,715 46,104 19,385 140,320 73,605

84,848 280,326 42,831 18,526 131,703 72,799

63,839 231,365 37,780 14,795 129,931 65,362

46,119 158,249 35,340 13,497 107,928 59,105

33,902 85,901 35,056 13,920 91,103 50,500

28,430 62,744 34,614 14,268 80,507 44,465

26,551 52,358 33,513 14,427 76,622 37,865

25,713 42,612 34,200 16,712 63,897 34,643


WYOMING .........................












56001 56003 56005 56007 56009 56011 56013 56015 56017 56019 56021 56023 56025 56027 56029

Albany ................................. Big Horn .............................. Campbell ............................. Carbon ................................ Converse ............................. Crook .................................. Fremont ............................... Goshen ................................ Hot Springs .......................... Johnson ............................... Laramie................................ Lincoln ................................. Natrona ............................... Niobrara .............................. Park .....................................

1870 1900 1920 1870 1890 1880 1890 1920 1920 1880 1870 1920 1890 1920 1910

36,299 11,668 46,133 15,885 13,833 7,083 40,123 13,249 4,812 8,569 91,738 18,106 75,450 2,484 28,205

32,014 11,461 33,698 15,639 12,052 5,887 35,804 12,538 4,882 7,075 81,607 14,573 66,533 2,407 25,786

30,797 10,525 29,370 16,659 11,128 5,294 33,662 12,373 4,809 6,145 73,142 12,625 61,226 2,499 23,178

29,062 11,896 24,367 21,896 14,069 5,308 38,992 12,040 5,710 6,700 68,649 12,177 71,856 2,924 21,639

26,431 10,202 12,957 13,354 5,938 4,535 28,352 10,885 4,952 5,587 56,360 8,640 51,264 2,924 17,752

21,290 11,898 5,861 14,937 6,366 4,691 26,168 11,941 6,365 5,475 60,149 9,018 49,623 3,750 16,874

19,055 13,176 4,839 15,742 5,933 4,738 19,580 12,634 5,250 4,707 47,662 9,023 31,437 4,701 15,182

13,946 12,911 6,048 12,644 6,631 5,463 16,095 12,207 4,607 4,980 33,651 10,286 23,858 5,988 10,976

12,041 11,222 6,720 11,391 7,145 5,333 10,490 11,754 5,476 4,816 26,845 10,894 24,272 4,723 8,207

9,283 12,105 5,233 9,525 7,871 5,524 11,820 8,064 5,164 4,617 20,699 12,487 14,635 6,321 7,298

56031 56033 56035 56037 56039 56041 56043 56045 56047

Platte ................................... Sheridan .............................. Sublette ............................... Sweetwater ......................... Teton ................................... Uinta ................................... Washakie ............................. Weston ................................ Yellowstone Nat.Pk.(pt.) .......

1920 1890 1930 1870 1930 1870 1920 1890 1890

8,667 29,116 10,247 43,806 21,294 21,118 8,533 7,208 ---

8,807 26,560 5,920 37,613 18,251 19,742 8,289 6,644 ---

8,145 23,562 4,843 38,823 11,172 18,705 8,388 6,518 ---

11,975 25,048 4,548 41,723 9,355 13,021 9,496 7,106 ---

6,486 17,852 3,755 18,391 4,823 7,100 7,569 6,307 ---

7,195 18,989 3,778 17,920 3,062 7,484 8,883 7,929 420

7,925 20,185 2,481 22,017 2,593 7,331 7,252 6,733 353

8,013 19,255 2,778 19,407 2,543 7,223 5,858 4,958 416

9,695 16,875 1,944 18,165 2,003 6,572 4,109 4,673 200

7,421 18,182 --13,640 --6,611 3,106 4,631 165

55109 55111 55113 55115 55117 55119 55121 55123 55125 55127 55129

WISCONSIN cnt’d St. Croix............................... Sauk .................................... Sawyer................................. Shawano ............................. Sheboygan........................... Taylor ................................... Trempealeau ........................ Vernon ................................ Vilas..................................... Walworth............................. Washburn ............................

55131 55133 55135 55137 55139 55141

166 County and City Extra







Table C. States and Counties. Resident Population 1790 through 2010—Continued STATE/ County code

STATE County

Resident population enumerated by census (continued) 1910













55109 55111 55113 55115 55117 55119 55121 55123 55125 55127 55129

WISCONSIN cnt’d St. Croix........................... Sauk ................................ Sawyer............................. Shawano ......................... Sheboygan....................... Taylor ............................... Trempealeau .................... Vernon ............................ Vilas................................. Walworth......................... Washburn ........................

25,910 32,869 6,227 31,884 54,888 13,641 22,928 28,116 6,019 29,614 8,196

26,830 33,006 3,593 27,475 50,345 11,262 23,114 28,351 4,929 29,259 5,521

23,139 30,575 1,977 19,236 42,489 6,731 18,920 25,111 --27,860 2,926

18,956 28,729 --10,371 34,206 2,311 17,189 23,235 --26,249 ---

11,035 23,860 --3,166 31,749 --10,732 18,645 --25,972 ---

5,392 18,963 --829 26,875 --2,560 11,007 --26,496 ---

624 4,371 ----8,379 --------17,862 ---

809 102 ----133 --------2,611 ---






55131 55133 55135 55137 55139 55141

Washington ..................... Waukesha ........................ Waupaca ......................... Waushara ........................ Winnebago ...................... Wood ..............................

23,784 37,100 32,782 18,886 62,116 30,583

23,589 35,229 31,615 15,972 58,225 25,865

22,751 33,270 26,794 13,507 50,097 18,127

23,442 28,957 20,955 12,687 42,740 8,981

23,919 28,274 15,539 11,279 37,279 3,912

23,622 26,831 8,851 8,770 23,770 2,425

19,485 19,258 ----10,167 ---

343 ------135 ---







WYOMING .....................














56001 56003 56005 56007 56009 56011 56013 56015 56017 56019 56021 56023 56025 56027 56029

Albany ............................. Big Horn .......................... Campbell ......................... Carbon ............................ Converse ......................... Crook .............................. Fremont ........................... Goshen ............................ Hot Springs ...................... Johnson ........................... Laramie............................ Lincoln ............................. Natrona ........................... Niobrara .......................... Park .................................

11,574 8,886 --11,282 6,294 6,492 11,822 ----3,453 26,127 --4,766 --4,909

13,084 4,328 --9,589 3,337 3,137 5,357 ----2,361 20,181 --1,785 -----

8,865 ----6,857 2,738 2,338 4,313 ----2,357 16,777 --1,094 -----

4,626 ----3,438 --239 ------637 6,409 ---------

2,021 ----1,368 ------------2,957 ---------









56031 56033

Platte ............................... Sheridan ..........................














56035 56037 56039 56041 56043 56045 56047

Sublette ........................... Sweetwater ..................... Teton ............................... Uinta ............................... Washakie ......................... Weston ............................ Yellowstone Nat.Pk.(pt.) ...

--11,575 --16,982 --4,960 519

--8,455 --12,223 --3,203 369

--4,941 --7,414 --2,422 467

--2,561 --2,879 -------

--1,916 --856 -------









Part C — Counties 167


Table C presents population data for counties from the 1790 through 2010 censuses. The source for the 1790 through 1990 data is U.S. Census Bureau, Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990, compiled and edited by Richard L. Forstall. The 2000 and 2010 population data were obtained through the Census Bureau’s American FactFinder online system. Each county is identified by its 5-digit FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) code. For those counties that ceased to exist before the establishment of the FIPS coding system, the Census Bureau’s document added a code with a decimal suffix. The year when a county was first included in the census is also shown. This section, organized by state, provides details on the shifting geographic boundaries over the past two centuries. Like the data, this information is largely adapted from Population of States and Counties of the United States: 1790 to 1990. ALABAMA Most of present-day Alabama was part of Georgia until the south-central part was included in Mississippi Territory, whose establishment was authorized by Congress in 1798 and agreed to by Georgia in 1802. In 1804, Mississippi Territory was expanded to include the rest of Alabama except for the Gulf Coast portion, which was added in 1812, although still in dispute with Spain until 1819. Alabama became a territory in 1817 and was admitted as a state on December 14, 1819 with substantially its present boundaries. Census coverage of Alabama began in 1800, included much of the State by 1820, and added the rest by 1840. The totals for 1800 and 1810 are for areas then in Mississippi Territory. In 1820 the official State total (127,901) did not include the population (16,416) of three counties whose census returns only arrived in Washington in 1822. The Alabama state total populations for 1800 and 1810 are totals of those counties of Mississippi Territory entirely or mostly within present-day Alabama. Population for 1820 excludes three counties, Lawrence (8,652), Perry (4,118), and Washington (3,646), whose returns were received too late for inclusion in the official state total.

168 County and City Extra

Alabama County origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

ALABAMA ...............


01001 01003 01005 01007 01009 01011 01013 01015 01017

Autauga ................. Baldwin .................. Barbour .................. Bibb ........................ Blount ..................... Bullock .................... Butler ...................... Calhoun .................. Chambers ...............

1820 1810 1840 1820 1820 1870 1820 1840 1840

01019 01021 01023 01025 01027 01029 01031 01033 01035 01037 01039 01041

Cherokee ................ Chilton ................... Choctaw ................. Clarke ..................... Clay ........................ Cleburne ................. Coffee .................... Colbert ................... Conecuh ................. Coosa ..................... Covington ............... Crenshaw ...............

1840 1870 1850 1820 1870 1870 1850 1870 1820 1840 1830 1870

01043 01045 01047 01049 01051 01053 01055

Cullman .................. Dale ........................ Dallas ...................... DeKalb .................... Elmore .................... Escambia ................ Etowah ...................

1880 1830 1820 1840 1870 1870 1870

01057 01059 01061

Fayette .................... Franklin ................... Geneva ...................

1830 1820 1870

01063 01065 01067 01069 01071 01073 01075 01077 01079 01081 01083 01085

Greene ................... Hale ........................ Henry ...................... Houston .................. Jackson ................... Jefferson ................. Lamar ..................... Lauderdale .............. Lawrence ................ Lee ......................... Limestone ............... Lowndes .................

1820 1870 1820 1910 1820 1830 1870 1820 1830 1870 1820 1830

01087 01089 01091 01093 01095 01097

Macon .................... Madison ................. Marengo ................. Marion .................... Marshall .................. Mobile ....................

1840 1810 1820 1830 1840 1820

01099 01101 01103

Monroe .................. Montgomery ........... Morgan ..................

1820 1820 1820


Perry .......................


01107 01109 01111 01113 01115 01117 01119 01121

Pickens ................... Pike ........................ Randolph ................ Russell .................... St. Clair ................... Shelby ..................... Sumter .................... Talladega ................

1830 1830 1840 1840 1820 1820 1840 1840

01123 01125 01127 01129 01131 01133

Tallapoosa ............... Tuscaloosa .............. Walker .................... Washington ............ Wilcox .................... Winston ..................

1840 1820 1830 1800 1820 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Washington *Pike 1820: Cahawba *Pike, Macon, Montgomery, Barbour 1840-50: Benton

*Bibb, Shelby, Autauga, Perry; 1870: Baker *Washington, Sumter *Washington *Talladega, Randolph *Calhoun, Randolph, Talladega. *Dale *Franklin

*Henry; Butler *Butler, Covington, Pike, Lowndes; Coffee *Blount, Winston; Morgan *Henry

*Coosa, Autauga, Montgomery, Tallapoosa. *Conecuh, Baldwin *Cherokee, DeKalb, St. Clair, Marshall, Calhoun, Blount. *Tuscaloosa, Marion *Coffee, Dale; Henry

*Greene, Marengo, Perry, Tuscaloosa *Henry, Dale, Geneva

*Fayette, Marion; 1870: Sanford

*Russell, Chambers, Macon, Tallapoosa Lowndes: *Montgomery, Dallas, Henry; Butler, Wilcox.

*Blount, Jackson; St. Clair, Madison Population for 1890 includes 384 Indians (Geronimo’s Apaches) at Mount Vernon Barracks, reported separately.

1820: Cataco; Morgan’s 1820-30 census boundaries were the same as those of 1850-1870 and nearly the same as those of 1880-1990.

*Tuscaloosa *Henry, Montgomery; Butler

*Marion, Tuscaloosa, Blount, Jefferson

*Walker; 1850: Hancock


FIPS code

Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867, with essentially its present boundaries. It was made a territory in 1912 and admitted as a state on January 3, 1959. Census coverage of Alaska began in 1880. For the censuses of 1930 and 1940, Alaska actually was enumerated in the fall of the preceding year (1929, 1939). Alaska has no counties; the names, boundaries, and designations of the subdivisions reported in the census have evolved considerably over recent decades. Since 1980, most of the population of the state lived in entities designated as boroughs; the remainder was reported by Census Areas. In 1970, the census was reported by Census Divisions, some of which corresponded to boroughs. In 1960, the census was reported by 24 Election Districts. Table B lists areas that existed in 2010 with their 2010 names and designations. In both the table and the notes, areas listed without any designation had ceased to exist by 2010. For areas that existed in 1960 through 2000, but not in 2010, the notes specify the areas of which they became part. (Small portions may have come from or gone to other areas not specified.) No designations appear in the table for these extinguished areas; in 1980 they were Census Areas, in 1970 Census Divisions, and in 1960 Election Districts. Alaska borough, census area, and municipality origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


ALASKA .............................



Aleutians East Borough ......


02016 02020 02030

Aleutians West Census Area .................................. Anchorage Municipality .... Angoon .............................

1960 1970

02050 02060 02060.1 02068

Bethel Census Area ........... Bristol Bay Borough ........... Cordova-McCarthy ............ Denali Borough ..................

1960 1970 1960 2000


Dillingham Census Area ....



Fairbanks North Star Borough ........................... Haines Borough ................


Hoonah-Angoon Census Area .................................. Juneau City and Borough .. Kenai Peninsula Borough ..


02100 02105 02110 02122 02130 02150 02160 02164

Ketchikan Gateway Borough ............................ Kodiak Island Borough ...... Kuskokwim ........................ Lake and Peninsula Borough ............................



1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1990

Notes (* denotes the original areas from which an area was formed)

Formed from Aleutian Islands (now Aleutians West) Census Area (1987). 1980 pop. in 1990 area: 1,643. in 1960-80, Aleutian Islands. 1980 pop. in 1990 area: 6,125. Anchorage borough in 1990 To Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon, then Hoonah-Angoon 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 8,729 To Valdez-Cordova From Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area and Southeast Fairbanks Census Area In 1960-70, Bristol Bay (Census Division). 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 3,872; 1980 pop. in 1990 area: 3,232. 1960-70: Fairbanks From Lynn Canal-Icy Straits; 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 1,401 From Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 1960-70: Kenai-Cook Inlet; 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 16,586 1960-70: Ketchikan

02165.1 02170

Year of first census

Area name

02180 02185

Lynn Canal-Icy Straits ......... Matanuska-Susitna Borough ........................... Nome Census Area ........... North Slope Borough ........

1960 1960


Northwest Arctic Borough ..


02190 02195

Outer Ketchikan................. Petersburg Census Area .....

1970 2010


Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area ...................... Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan Census Area ...... Seward .............................. Sitka City and Borough ..... Skagway Municipality ........


02201 02210 02220 02230 02231 02240 02250 02261 02270 02275 02280 02282 02290

1960 1960

To Haines and Skagway-Yakutat 1960: Palmer-Wasilla-Talkeetna

Formed 1972, from Barrow, Upper Yukon, and Kobuk (Northwest Arctic). Populations shown for 1960-70 are for Barrow. 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 3,451. Formed 1986, primarily from Kobuk Census Area. Populations shown for 1960-80 are for Kobuk. 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 4,048; 1980 pop. in 1990 area: 4,831. To Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan From Wrangell-Peterson and Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan From Wrangell-Peterson and Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan 1960-70: Prince of Wales; 1970 pop. In 1980 area: 3,782 To Kenai Peninsula

1960 1960 1960 2010

Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area ..................... Southeast Fairbanks Census Area ................................. Upper Yukon .....................


Valdez-Cordova Census Area ................................. Wade Hampton Census Area ................................. Wrangell City and Borough


Wrangell-Petersburg Census Area ..................... Yakutat City and Borough ..


Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area .................................


Notes (* denotes the original areas from which an area was formed)

From Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon Census Area 1960-70: Skagway-Yakutat; 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 2,792 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 4,308

1970 1960

To Yukon-Koyukuk, North Slope, and Southeast Fairbanks in 1960-70, Valdez-Chitina-Whittier. 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 4,977.

1960 2010

From Wrangell-Peterson and Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan


From Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon Census Area 1970 pop. in 1980 area: 7,039

For 1910 through 1950, Alaska Territory was reported by four Judicial Divisions. These corresponded to the areas listed in the table approximately as follows (names are shortened in some cases): 02900.1

First Judicial Division...........



Second Judicial Division......



Third Judicial Division .........



Fourth Judicial Division .......


Angoon, Haines, Juneau, Ketchikan, Lynn Canal, Outer Ketchikan, Prince of Wales, Sitka, Skagway, and Wrangell. Barrow, Nome, North Slope, Northwest Arctic, and Wade Hampton. Aleutians (East and West), Anchorage, Bristol Bay, Dillingham, Cordova, Kenai, Kodiak, Lake and Peninsula, Matanuska, Seward, and Valdez. Bethel, Fairbanks, Kuskokwim, Southeast Fairbanks, Upper Yukon, and YukonKoyukuk.

The populations enumerated for these divisions: 1950 First Judicial Division............. Second Judicial Division........ Third Judicial Division ........... Fourth Judicial Division .........


28,203 12,272 59,518 28,650

25,241 11,877 19,312 16,094

1929 19,304 10,127 16,309 13,538

1920 17,402 10,890 16,231 10,513

1910 15,216 12,351 20,078 16,711

1960-70: Kodiak To Yukon-Koyukuk and Bethel. Formed from Dillingham Census Area (1989). 1980 pop. in 1990 area: 1,384.

Part C — Counties 169

In 1880, 1890, and 1900, Alaska was reported by two Districts. The Northern District corresponded roughly to Judicial Divisions 2 and 4 of 1910, and the Southern District corresponded roughly to Judicial Divisions 1 and 3 of 1910. 02950.1

Northern District ................



Southern District ................


Barrow, Nome, North Slope, Northwest Arctic, and Wade Hampton, Bethel, Fairbanks, Kuskokwim, Southeast Fairbanks, Upper Yukon, and Yukon-Koyukuk. Angoon, Haines, Juneau, Ketchikan, Lynn Canal, Outer Ketchikan, Prince of Wales, Sitka, Skagway, and Wrangell, Bethel, Fairbanks, Kuskokwim, Southeast Fairbanks, Upper Yukon, and Yukon-Koyukuk

The populations enumerated for these Districts: 1900 Northern District .............................. Southern District ..............................


30,569 33,023

7,134 24,918

1880 9,964 23,462

ARIZONA Arizona was acquired from Mexico in 1848 and 1853. It was established as a territory in 1863 from New Mexico Territory and acquired essentially its present boundaries in 1866. Arizona was admitted as a state on February 4, 1912. In 1850 present-day Arizona had no census coverage. The 1860 population is for Arizona County, New Mexico Territory, which comprised most of present-day Arizona south of the Gila River. Northern and central Arizona first had census coverage in 1870. Totals for 1890 and 1900 include population of certain Indian reservations not reported by county (1890: 28,623; 1900: 3,065). Arizona county origins: FIPS Code

Area name

Year of first census


ARIZONA ..................


04001 04001.1 04003 04005 04007 04009 04011 04012

Apache .................... Arizona ..................... Cochise .................... Coconino ................. Gila .......................... Graham ................... Greenlee .................. La Paz .......................

1880 1860 1890 1900 1890 1890 1920 1990

04013 04015

Maricopa ................. Mohave ...................

1880 1870

04017 04019 04021 04023 04025 04027

Navajo ..................... Pima ........................ Pinal ........................ Santa Cruz ............... Yavapai .................... Yuma .......................

1900 1870 1880 1900 1870 1870

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Yavapai To Pima, Yuma; Yavapai *Pima *Yavapai *Maricopa, Pinal, Yavapai; Apache *Apache, Pima *Graham *Yuma; La Paz County (1980 pop. 12,557) was formed from Yuma County in 1983. *Yavapai, Pima

*Apache *Arizona, Dona Ana (NM) *Pima, Yavapai *Pima *Arizona *Arizona; La Paz County (1980 pop. 12,557) was formed from Yuma County in 1983.

170 County and City Extra

ARKANSAS Arkansas was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and was included in Louisiana Territory, established in 1805 and comprising the whole of the Louisiana Purchase north of present-day Louisiana. Arkansas (then spelled Arkansaw) became a territory in 1819 and at first included most of present-day Oklahoma; in 1828 it reached essentially its present boundaries, although the boundary with Texas was incorrectly interpreted at that time. Arkansas was admitted as a state on June 15, 1836. In 1810, census coverage of Louisiana Territory was limited to portions of present-day Arkansas and Missouri, mainly close to the Mississippi River. The 1810 census was reported by districts; the total for 1810 is for Arkansas District, which was entirely within present-day Arkansas. New Madrid District, which included the northern part of present-day Arkansas, was mainly in Missouri. In 1820 census coverage included much of the present state and a small number of people in present-day Oklahoma and Texas. By 1830 census coverage included the whole of Arkansas, and also included (in old Miller County) a portion of today’s Texas. The state total for 1810 is population of Arkansas District, Louisiana Territory. The total for 1890 includes 32 Indians in prison, not reported by county. Arkansas county origins: FIPS Code

Area name

Year of first census


ARKANSAS ............



Arkansas ...............


05003 05005 05007 05009 05011 05013 05015 05017 05019 05021 05023 05025

Ashley ................... Baxter ................... Benton .................. Boone ................... Bradley ................. Calhoun ................ Carroll .................. Chicot ................... Clark ..................... Clay ...................... Cleburne ............... Cleveland ..............

1850 1880 1840 1870 1850 1860 1840 1830 1820 1880 1890 1880


Columbia ..............


05029 05031 05033 05035 05037 05039 05041 05043 05045 05047 05049 05051 05053 05055 05057 05059 05061

Conway ................ Craighead ............. Crawford .............. Crittenden ............ Cross .................... Dallas .................... Desha ................... Drew .................... Faulkner ................ Franklin ................. Fulton ................... Garland ................ Grant .................... Greene ................. Hempstead ........... Hot Spring ............ Howard ................

1830 1860 1830 1830 1870 1850 1840 1850 1880 1840 1850 1880 1870 1840 1820 1830 1880

05063 05065 05067

Independence ....... Izard ..................... Jackson .................

1830 1830 1830

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

Total for 1810 is population of Arkansas District, Louisiana Territory. *Union, Chicot *Fulton, Marion, Izard, Searcy *Washington *Carroll, Marion *Union *Dallas, Ouachita, Union *Izard; Washington *Arkansas *Greene, Randolph *Van Buren, Independence, White *Bradley, Jefferson, Dallas; 1880: Dorsey. *Lafayette, Union, Ouachita, Hempstead. *Pulaski *Poinsett, Greene, Mississippi *Pulaski, Lawrence *Phillips *Poinsett, St. Francis, Crittenden *Clark, Union; Jefferson *Arkansas, Union *Union, Chicot, Desha *Conway, Pulaski *Crawford; Pope, Washington *Izard, Marion *Montgomery, Hot Spring, Saline *Saline, Jefferson, Hot Spring *Lawrence *Clark, Pulaski *Sevier, Polk, Hempstead, Pike; Little River. *Lawrence *Lawrence *Lawrence, Phillips

FIPS Code 05069 05071 05073 05075 05077 05079 05081 05083 05085 05087 05089 05089.1

Area name Jefferson ............... Johnson ................ Lafayette ............... Lawrence .............. Lee ....................... Lincoln .................. Little River ............. Logan ................... Lonoke ................. Madison ............... Marion .................. Miller (old) .............

Year of first census 1830 1840 1830 1820 1880 1880 1870 1880 1880 1840 1840 1820

05091 05093 05095 05097 05099 05101 05103 05105 05107 05109 05111 05113 05115 05117 05119 05121 05123 05125 05127 05129 05131 05133 05135 05137

Miller .................... Mississippi ............. Monroe ................ Montgomery ......... Nevada ................. Newton ................ Ouachita ............... Perry ..................... Phillips .................. Pike ...................... Poinsett ................ Polk ...................... Pope ..................... Prairie ................... Pulaski .................. Randolph .............. St. Francis ............. Saline .................... Scott ..................... Searcy ................... Sebastian .............. Sevier .................... Sharp .................... Stone ....................

1880 1840 1830 1850 1880 1850 1850 1850 1820 1840 1840 1850 1830 1850 1820 1840 1830 1840 1840 1840 1860 1830 1870 1880

05139 05141 05143 05145 05147 05149

Union ................... Van Buren ............. Washington .......... White ................... Woodruff .............. Yell .......................

1830 1840 1830 1840 1870 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Pulaski, Arkansas *Pope *Hempstead *New Madrid (MO), Arkansas *Phillips, St. Francis, Monroe, Crittenden. *Drew, Arkansas, Jefferson *Sevier, Hempstead *Johnson, Scott, Franklin, Yell, Pope *Prairie, Pulaski *Washington, Izard *Izard The first Miller County, established in 1820 by Arkansas Territory, included some population within the legal boundaries of Spanish Mexico and some within present-day Oklahoma; in 1830 the area reported as Miller was actually entirely within Mexico (Texas). By 1840, with the location of boundaries better understood, it no longer existed as an Arkansas county. The present Miller County was created in 1874. *Lafayette; see note above: Miller (old) *Crittenden *Phillips, Arkansas *Hot Spring *Ouachita, Hempstead, Columbia *Carroll, Pope, Johnson; Madison *Union *Conway; Pulaski *Arkansas, New Madrid (MO) *Clark, Hempstead *Lawrence, St. Francis *Sevier *Pulaski *Pulaski *Arkansas *Lawrence *Phillips; Lawrence *Pulaski, Hot Spring *Crawford, Pope, Hot Spring *Izard *Crawford, Scott; Montgomery *Hempstead, Miller (old) *Lawrence *Izard, Independence, Van Buren, Searcy. *Clark, Hempstead, Arkansas *Izard, Conway, Independence *Lawrence *Pulaski, Jackson, Independence *Jackson, St. Francis *Pope, Scott, Hot Spring; Conway

CALIFORNIA California was part of the region acquired from Mexico in 1848 and was admitted as a state on September 9, 1850 with essentially its present boundaries. The state census of 1852 showed a population of 2,786 for Contra Costa, 36,154 for San Francisco, and 6,764 for Santa Clara; the 1852 state total was 215,122, excluding El Dorado County, whose population was not enumerated but was estimated at 40,000.

California county origins: FIPS Code

Area name

Year of first census




06001 06003

Alameda ................... Alpine .......................

1860 1870

06005 06007 06009 06011 06013

Amador .................... Butte ........................ Calaveras .................. Colusa ...................... Contra Costa ............

1860 1850 1850 1850 1860

06015 06017 06019 06021 06023 06025 06027 06029 06031 06031.5 06033 06035 06037 06039 06041 06043 06045 06047 06049 06051 06053 06055 06057 06059 06061 06063 06065 06067 06069 06071 06073 06075

Del Norte .................. El Dorado .................. Fresno ....................... Glenn ....................... Humboldt ................. Imperial .................... Inyo .......................... Kern ......................... Kings ........................ Klamath ..................... Lake .......................... Lassen ....................... Los Angeles .............. Madera ..................... Marin ........................ Mariposa .................. Mendocino ............... Merced ..................... Modoc ...................... Mono ....................... Monterey .................. Napa ......................... Nevada ..................... Orange ..................... Placer ........................ Plumas ...................... Riverside ................... Sacramento .............. San Benito ................ San Bernardino ......... San Diego ................. San Francisco ............

1860 1850 1860 1900 1860 1910 1870 1870 1900 1860 1870 1870 1850 1900 1850 1850 1850 1860 1880 1870 1850 1850 1860 1890 1860 1860 1900 1850 1880 1860 1850 1860

06077 06079 06081 06083 06085

San Joaquin .............. San Luis Obispo ........ San Mateo ................ Santa Barbara ........... Santa Clara ...............

1850 1850 1860 1850 1860

06087 06089 06091 06093 06095 06097 06099 06101 06103 06105 06107 06109 06111 06113 06115

Santa Cruz ................ Shasta ....................... Sierra ........................ Siskiyou .................... Solano ...................... Sonoma .................... Stanislaus .................. Sutter ....................... Tehama ..................... Trinity ........................ Tulare ........................ Tuolumne ................. Ventura ..................... Yolo .......................... Yuba .........................

1850 1850 1860 1860 1850 1850 1860 1850 1860 1850 1860 1850 1880 1850 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*El Dorado, Amador, Calaveras, Tuolumne *Calaveras, El Dorado

The 1850 total is incomplete; the returns for Contra Costa County were lost before reaching Washington. The state census of 1852 showed a population of 2,786 for Contra Costa. *Trinity *Mariposa; Calaveras, Tuolumne *Colusa *Trinity *San Diego *Tulare, Fresno *Tulare, Los Angeles *Tulare *Trinity; to Siskiyou, Humboldt *Napa, Colusa, Mendocino *Shasta, Plumas *Fresno

*Mariposa *Siskiyou *Fresno, Calaveras; Amador, Mariposa

*Yuba *Los Angeles; San Diego *Yuba, Sutter *Butte; Yuba *San Diego, San Bernardino *Monterey *San Diego, Mariposa, Los Angeles The 1850 total is incomplete; the returns for San Francisco County were destroyed by fire. The state census of 1852 showed a population of 36,154 for San Francisco.

The 1850 total is incomplete; the returns for Santa Clara County were lost before reaching Washington. The state census of 1852 showed a population of 6,764 for Santa Clara.

*Yuba *Shasta, Trinity

*Tuolumne, San Joaquin *Colusa, Shasta, Butte *Mariposa; San Diego *Santa Barbara; San Luis Obispo, Kern

Total for 1890 includes population (5,268) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county.

Part C — Counties 171


Although part of Colorado was acquired as early as the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, it had no organized government until 1850, when parts of the present state were included in New Mexico and Utah Territories. Colorado was established as a territory in 1861 with its present boundaries, from parts of Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Utah Territories. The 1860 population is the total enumerated within the 1861 boundaries. Colorado was admitted as a state on August 1, 1876. Present-day Colorado had no census coverage in 1850 and none in 1860 for the portion taken from Utah Territory. Population shown for 1860 is that enumerated in the area organized in 1861 as Colorado Territory from parts of Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Utah Territories. This total was not reported by county. The total for 1890 includes population (1,051) of the Ute (Southern Ute) Indian Reservation, not reported by county. Colorado county origins:

08091 08093 08095 08097 08099 08101 08103 08105 08107 08109 08111 08113 08115 08117 08119 08121 08123 08125

Area name Ouray ...................... Park ......................... Phillips ..................... Pitkin ....................... Prowers ................... Pueblo ..................... Rio Blanco ................ Rio Grande .............. Routt ....................... Saguache ................. San Juan .................. San Miguel .............. Sedgwick ................. Summit .................... Teller ........................ Washington ............. Weld ........................ Yuma .......................

Year of first census 1880 1870 1890 1890 1890 1870 1890 1880 1880 1870 1880 1890 1890 1870 1900 1890 1870 1890

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Lake, Conejos *Weld *Gunnison *Bent *Summit *Conejos, Costilla *Summit *Conejos *Ouray *Weld *El Paso; Fremont *Weld To Broomfield *Weld

CONNECTICUT Connecticut was one of the 13 original states. Apart from claims to territory in the West, relinquished by 1800, its boundaries have remained substantially unchanged; small cessions to Massachusetts were made shortly after 1800. Census coverage included all of Connecticut from 1790 on. There are no county notes for Connecticut.


Area name

Year of first census


COLORADO ..............


08001 08003 08005 08007 08009 08011 08013 08014 08015 08017 08019 08021 08023 08025 08027 08029 08031 08033 08035 08037 08039 08041 08043 08045 08047 08049 08049.1 08051 08053 08055 08057 08059 08061 08063 08065 08067

Adams ..................... Alamosa .................. Arapahoe ................. Archuleta ................. Baca ........................ Bent ......................... Boulder .................... Broomfield ................ Chaffee ................... Cheyenne ................ Clear Creek .............. Conejos ................... Costilla .................... Crowley ................... Custer ...................... Delta ........................ Denver ..................... Dolores .................... Douglas ................... Eagle ....................... Elbert ....................... El Paso ..................... Fremont ................... Garfield ................... Gilpin ....................... Grand ...................... Greenwood .............. Gunnison ................. Hinsdale ................... Huerfano ................. Jackson .................... Jefferson .................. Kiowa ...................... Kit Carson ................ Lake ......................... La Plata ....................

1910 1920 1870 1890 1890 1870 1870 2010 1880 1890 1870 1870 1870 1920 1880 1890 1910 1890 1870 1890 1880 1870 1870 1890 1870 1880 1870 1880 1880 1870 1910 1870 1890 1890 1870 1880

08069 08071 08073 08075 08077 08079 08081 08083 08085 08087 08089

Larimer .................... Las Animas .............. Lincoln ..................... Logan ...................... Mesa ....................... Mineral .................... Moffat ..................... Montezuma ............. Montrose ................. Morgan ................... Otero .......................

1870 1870 1890 1890 1890 1900 1920 1890 1890 1890 1890

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Arapahoe; to Broomfield *Costilla, Conejos *Conejos *Las Animas To Broomfield *Adams, Boulder, Jefferson, Weld *Lake *Bent, Elbert

DELAWARE Delaware was one of the 13 original states and has had essentially its current boundaries since Colonial times. Census coverage included all of Delaware from 1790 on. There are no county notes for Delaware.

*Otero *Fremont *Gunnison *Arapahoe *Ouray *Summit *Douglas, Greenwood

*Summit *Summit To Bent, Elbert *Lake *Conejos, Lake *Larimer To Broomfield *Bent *Elbert *Conejos, Lake Larimer County’s 1870-80 census boundaries were the same as those of 1910-90. *Elbert, Bent *Weld *Gunnison *Rio Grande, Hinsdale, Saguache *Routt *La Plata *Gunnison *Weld *Bent

172 County and City Extra

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA The District of Columbia was formed in 1791 from territory ceded by Maryland and Virginia but remained in some respects under their jurisdiction until the national government moved there in 1800. The District included the existing small cities of Georgetown and Alexandria as well as the site chosen for the nation’s new capital, Washington. In 1846 the portion south of the Potomac River, including Alexandria, was retroceded to Virginia. In 1800 the census reported the District as part of Maryland and Virginia. All populations shown in the table exclude the portion returned to Virginia in 1846. Population for 1800–1840 is for the present territory of the District; it excludes Alexandria County, then a part of the District but retroceded to Virginia in 1846 and now comprising Arlington County and much of the city of Alexandria.

Population of the District as then constituted: 1800: 14,093; 1810: 24,023; 1820: 33,039; 1830: 39,834; 1840: 43,712.

Florida county origins: FIPS Code

The portion of the District ceded by Maryland became Washington County in 1801. The governmental relationship between the county and Washington and Georgetown cities changed over time; in 1874 all local governments in the District were superseded by a single government established by Congress. However, from 1810 to 1890 the census regularly was reported in terms of the three subdivisions shown. District of Columbia origins:


Year of first census

Area name





District of Columbia ...........



Georgetown city ................



Washington city .................



Remainder .........................





Year of first census


FLORIDA ....................


12001 12003 12005 12007 12009

Alachua .................... Baker ........................ Bay ........................... Bradford ................... Brevard .....................

1830 1870 1920 1860 1850

12011 12013 12015 12017 12019 12021 12023 12027

Broward .................... Calhoun .................... Charlotte .................. Citrus ........................ Clay .......................... Collier ....................... Columbia .................. DeSoto .....................

1920 1840 1930 1890 1860 1930 1840 1890

12029 12031 12033

Dixie ......................... Duval ........................ Escambia ..................

1930 1830 1830

12035 12037 12039 12041 12043 12045 12047 12049 12051 12053

Flagler ....................... Franklin ..................... Gadsden ................... Gilchrist .................... Glades ...................... Gulf .......................... Hamilton ................... Hardee ...................... Hendry ...................... Hernando .................

1920 1840 1830 1930 1930 1930 1830 1930 1930 1850

12055 12057 12059 12061 12063

Highlands ................. Hillsborough ............. Holmes ..................... Indian River ............... Jackson .....................

1930 1840 1850 1930 1830

12065 12067 12069 12071 12073 12075 12077 12079 12081

Jefferson ................... Lafayette ................... Lake .......................... Lee ........................... Leon ......................... Levy .......................... Liberty ...................... Madison ................... Manatee ...................

1830 1860 1890 1890 1830 1850 1860 1830 1860

12083 12085 12086 12087 12089 12091 12093 12095 12097 12099 12101 12103 12105 12107 12109 12111

Marion ...................... Martin ...................... Miami-Dade .............. Monroe .................... Nassau ...................... Okaloosa .................. Okeechobee ............. Orange ..................... Osceola ..................... Palm Beach ............... Pasco ........................ Pinellas ..................... Polk .......................... Putnam ..................... St. Johns ................... St. Lucie ....................

1850 1930 1840 1830 1830 1920 1920 1830 1890 1910 1890 1920 1870 1850 1830 1910

12113 12115

Santa Rosa ................ Sarasota ....................

1850 1930

12117 12119 12121 12123

Seminole ................... Sumter ...................... Suwannee ................. Taylor ........................

1920 1860 1860 1860


From 1900 through 1990, the census has reported the District and the city of Washington as coextensive. Through 1920, however, the census also specified the populations within the old boundaries of the 3 former subdivisions, as specified below. 1900: 14,459 1910: 16,046 1920: 17,083 1900: 218,196 1910: 230,630 1920: 268,208 Data refer to remainder of present area of District of Columbia outside of Washington and Georgetown cities; reported as Washington County or with various other designations. 1900: 45,973 1910: 84,393 1920: 152,280

The populations enumerated in Georgetown and Washington cities, and the remainder of Washington County: 1890

Area name





Georgetown city ............... 14,046 12,578 11,384 8,733 8,366 7,312 8,441 7,360 Washington city ............... 188,932 147,293 109,199 61,122 40,001 23,364 18,826 13,247 Remainder .... 27,414 17,753 11,117 5,225 3,320 3,069 2,994 2,729

1810 4,948 8,208 2,315

FLORIDA Florida was a Spanish possession until transferred to the United States by treaty, concluded in 1819 but not in full effect until 1821. Florida was made a territory in 1822 with essentially its present boundaries and was admitted as a state on March 3, 1845. From 1830 on, all parts of Florida have had census coverage.

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*New River (Bradford) *Washington, Calhoun *Columbia, Alachua; 1860: New River Brevard: *Mosquito (Orange), Monroe. Originally named St. Lucie; renamed Brevard in 1855. The current St. Lucie County was created in 1905. *Palm Beach, Dade *Washington *DeSoto *Hernando *Duval; Alachua, Columbia *Lee *Alachua *Manatee; DeSoto, Manatee, Sarasota: After 1950 some sparsely settled portions of Manatee and Sarasota were annexed to DeSoto, but these changes were reversed after 1960. *Lafayette Escambia, Walton: Escambia’s 1830 population comprises 2,518 “west of Escambia River, including St. Rosa Island” and 868 “between Yellow and Escambia Rivers”; part of this area was in Walton County. *St. Johns, Volusia *Gadsden, Washington *Alachua *DeSoto *Calhoun *DeSoto *Lee Hernando: *Mosquito (Orange), Alachua, Hillsborough; 1850: Benton. Population for 1860 is estimated; the 1860 census did not enumerate the county. *DeSoto *Alachua *Jackson, Walton *St. Lucie Jackson, Washington: Jackson’s 1830 population excludes the portion west of Holmes Creek, which was reported with Washington, and includes the portion of Washington on the Chipola and Apalachicola Rivers. *Madison *Sumter, Orange *Monroe *Alachua *Gadsden; Franklin *Hillsborough, Brevard; Monroe; After 1950 some sparsely settled portions of Manatee and Sarasota were annexed to DeSoto, but these changes were reversed after 1960. *Mosquito (Orange), Alachua *Palm Beach Monroe

*Santa Rosa, Walton, Washington *Osceola, St. Lucie, Palm Beach 1830-40: Mosquito *Brevard, Orange *Dade *Hernando *Hillsborough *Hillsborough, Brevard *St. Johns, Alachua *Brevard; Brevard was originally named St. Lucie; renamed Brevard in 1855. The current St. Lucie County was created in 1905. *Escambia *Manatee; After 1950 some sparsely settled portions of Manatee and Sarasota were annexed to DeSoto, but these changes were reversed after 1960. *Orange *Marion *Columbia *Madison

Part C — Counties 173


Area name

12125 12127 12129 12131

Union ....................... Volusia ...................... Wakulla .................... Walton ......................


Washington ..............

Year of first census 1930 1860 1850 1830


Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


Area name

Year of first census

*Bradford *Orange *Leon Escambia, Walton: Escambia’s 1830 population comprises 2,518 “west of Escambia River, including St. Rosa Island” and 868 “between Yellow and Escambia Rivers”; part of this area was in Walton County. Walton’s 1830 population is for the territory between the Choctowatchee and Yellow Rivers, including the isthmus south of the Choctowatchee; part of this area was in Washington County. Jackson, Washington: Jackson’s 1830 population excludes the portion west of Holmes Creek, which was reported with Washington, and includes the portion of Washington on the Chipola and Apalachicola Rivers. Walton’s 1830 population is for the territory between the Choctowatchee and Yellow Rivers, including the isthmus south of the Choctowatchee; part of this area was in Washington County.

13019 13021 13023 13025 13027 13029 13031 13033 13035 13037

Berrien ..................... Bibb ......................... Bleckley ................... Brantley ................... Brooks ..................... Bryan ....................... Bulloch .................... Burke ....................... Butts ........................ Calhoun ...................

1860 1830 1920 1930 1860 1800 1800 1790 1830 1860

13039 13041 13043 13045 13047 13049 13051 13053 13055 13057

Camden ................... Campbell .................. Candler .................... Carroll ..................... Catoosa ................... Charlton .................. Chatham ................. Chattahoochee ........ Chattooga ............... Cherokee .................

1790 1830 1920 1830 1860 1860 1790 1860 1840 1840

13059 13061 13063 13065

Clarke ...................... Clay ......................... Clayton .................... Clinch ......................

1810 1860 1860 1850

13067 13069 13071 13073 13075

Cobb ....................... Coffee ..................... Colquitt ................... Columbia ................. Cook .......................

1840 1860 1860 1800 1920

13077 13079 13081 13083 13085 13087 13089 13091 13093 13095

Coweta .................... Crawford ................. Crisp ........................ Dade ........................ Dawson ................... Decatur .................... DeKalb ..................... Dodge ..................... Dooly ....................... Dougherty ...............

1830 1830 1910 1840 1860 1830 1830 1880 1830 1860

13097 13099 13101 13103 13105 13107 13109 13111 13113 13115 13117

Douglas ................... Early ........................ Echols ...................... Effingham ................ Elbert ....................... Emanuel .................. Evans ....................... Fannin ..................... Fayette ..................... Floyd ........................ Forsyth .....................

1880 1820 1860 1790 1800 1820 1920 1860 1830 1840 1840

13119 13121

Franklin .................... Fulton ......................

1790 1860

13123 13125 13127 13129 13131 13133 13135 13137 13139 13141

Gilmer ..................... Glascock .................. Glynn ....................... Gordon .................... Grady ...................... Greene .................... Gwinnett ................. Habersham .............. Hall .......................... Hancock ..................

1840 1860 1790 1850 1910 1790 1820 1820 1820 1800

13143 13145 13147 13149 13151

Haralson .................. Harris ....................... Hart ......................... Heard ...................... Henry .......................

1860 1830 1860 1840 1830

GEORGIA Georgia was one of the 13 original states. At the close of the Revolution it included most of present-day Alabama and Mississippi, an area which finally became Mississippi Territory in 1802. In that year Georgia reached essentially its present boundaries, although survey uncertainties resulted in continuing disputes with bordering states over subsequent decades. Census coverage in 1790 and 1800 was limited to the eastern portions of the present state near the Savannah River and the Atlantic coast; there was no coverage of presentday Alabama or Mississippi. The population for 1810 excludes 1,026 persons in (old) Walton County, reported as a Georgia county but later determined to be in North Carolina. Census coverage of the state was relatively complete by 1840. The state total for 1810 excludes population (1,026) of (old) Walton County, reported as a Georgia county but later determined to be situated in western North Carolina. Georgia county origins: FIPS Code

Area name


GEORGIA ..................

13001 13003 13005 13007 13009 13011 13013 13015 13017

Appling .................... Atkinson .................. Bacon ...................... Baker ....................... Baldwin ................... Banks ....................... Barrow ..................... Bartow ..................... Ben Hill ....................

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

1790 1820 1920 1920 1830 1810 1860 1920 1840 1910

*Coffee, Clinch. *Appling, Pierce, Ware. *Early *Hancock; Washington. *Franklin, Habersham, Hall. *Jackson, Gwinnett, Walton. *Gwinnett, Carroll, DeKalb; 1840-60: Cass. *Irwin, Wilcox

174 County and City Extra

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Lowndes, Irwin. *Twiggs, Jones *Pulaski *Wayne, Pierce, Charlton. *Lowndes, Thomas. *Effingham, Chatham. *Effingham; 1800-70: Bullock.

*Baker, Early

Campbell was annexed to Fulton in 1932. *Emanuel, Bulloch, Tattnall. *Walker, Murray *Camden, Ware, Wayne. *Muscogee; Marion. *Gwinnett *Gwinnett, Hall, DeKalb. *Jackson, Greene. *Early, Randolph. *Fayette, Henry. Clinch was created from Lowndes and Ware, but only the portion taken from Lowndes was reported as Clinch in 1850; the portion taken from Ware was reported with Ware. *DeKalb, Carroll, Gwinnett. *Telfair, Irwin, Coffee, Clinch. *Thomas, Lowndes. *Richmond *Berrien

*Dooly; Irwin *Gwinnett *Lumpkin, Gilmer. *Early *Pulaski, Telfair, Montgomery; Laurens. *Baker; Irwin, Dooly. *Campbell, Carroll; Cobb. Echols: *Lowndes, Clinch. *Wilkes *Montgomery, Bulloch. *Tattnall *Gilmer, Union *Carroll, Gwinnett. *Gwinnett, Hall.

*DeKalb, Cobb; annexed Campbell and Milton in 1932. *Hall, Gwinnett. *Warren *Cass(Bartow) *Decatur, Thomas. *Jackson *Jackson, Franklin. *Washington, Greene. *Carroll, Paulding. *Franklin, Elbert *Carroll, Troup, Coweta.


Area name

Year of first census

13153 13155 13157 13159

Houston ................... Irwin ........................ Jackson .................... Jasper ......................

1830 1820 1800 1810

13161 13163 13165 13167 13169 13171 13173 13175

Jeff Davis ................. Jefferson .................. Jenkins ..................... Johnson ................... Jones ....................... Lamar ...................... Lanier ...................... Laurens ....................

1910 1800 1910 1860 1810 1930 1930 1810

13177 13179 13181 13183 13185 13187 13189 13191 13193 13195 13197 13199 13201 13203

Lee .......................... Liberty ..................... Lincoln ..................... Long ........................ Lowndes .................. Lumpkin .................. McDuffie ................. McIntosh ................. Macon ..................... Madison .................. Marion ..................... Meriwether .............. Miller ....................... Milton.......................

1830 1790 1800 1930 1830 1840 1880 1800 1840 1820 1830 1830 1860 1860

13205 13207 13209 13211 13213 13215 13217 13219 13221 13223 13225 13227 13229 13231 13233 13235 13237 13239 13241 13243

Mitchell ................... Monroe ................... Montgomery ............ Morgan ................... Murray ..................... Muscogee ................ Newton ................... Oconee .................... Oglethorpe .............. Paulding .................. Peach ....................... Pickens .................... Pierce ....................... Pike ......................... Polk ......................... Pulaski ..................... Putnam .................... Quitman .................. Rabun ...................... Randolph .................

1860 1830 1800 1810 1840 1830 1830 1880 1800 1840 1930 1860 1860 1830 1860 1810 1810 1860 1820 1830

13245 13247 13249 13251 13253 13255 13257 13259 13261 13263 13265

Richmond ................ Rockdale .................. Schley ...................... Screven .................... Seminole .................. Spalding .................. Stephens .................. Stewart .................... Sumter ..................... Talbot ...................... Taliaferro ..................

1790 1880 1860 1800 1930 1860 1910 1840 1840 1830 1830

13267 13269 13271 13273 13275 13277 13279 13281 13283 13285 13287 13289 13291 13293 13295

Tattnall ..................... Taylor ....................... Telfair ....................... Terrell ....................... Thomas .................... Tift .......................... Toombs .................... Towns ...................... Treutlen ................... Troup ....................... Turner ...................... Twiggs ..................... Union ...................... Upson ...................... Walker .....................

1810 1860 1810 1860 1830 1910 1910 1860 1920 1830 1910 1810 1840 1830 1840

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Franklin Jasper was named Randolph until after 1810. Present-day Randolph County was created in 1828. *Appling, Coffee *Burke, Richmond, Washington. *Burke, Emanuel, Scriven (Screven); Bulloch. *Emanuel, Laurens, Washington. *Pike, Monroe *Berrien, Clinch, Lowndes. Laurens County’s 1880-1900 census boundaries were the same as those of 1920-90.

*Wilkes *Liberty *Irwin *Hall, Habersham. *Columbia, Warren. *Liberty *Marion, Houston. *Elbert, Franklin, Jackson, Oglethorpe, Clarke.

*Early, Baker *Cobb, Cherokee, Forsyth, DeKalb; annexed to Fulton in 1932. *Baker *Washington *Gwinnett, Hall. *Walton; Jasper, Morgan. *Clarke *Wilkes, Greene. *Carroll *Houston; Macon. *Cherokee, Gilmer. *Ware, Appling. *Paulding, Floyd.

*Randolph, Stewart. Jasper was named Randolph until after 1810. Present-day Randolph County was created in 1828. *Newton, Henry. *Marion, Sumter, Macon. *Burke, Effingham; 1800-70: Scriven. *Decatur *Pike, Henry, Fayette. *Franklin, Habersham *Randolph *Lee *Wilkes, Hancock, Greene, Warren, Oglethorpe. *Montgomery *Talbot, Marion, Macon, Crawford. *Lee, Randolph. *Irwin, Early *Berrien, Irwin, Worth. *Tattnall, Montgomery, Emanuel. *Union; Rabun *Montgomery, Emanuel.


Area name

Year of first census





Ware ........................


13301 13303 13305 13307 13309 13311 13313 13315 13317 13319 13321

Warren .................... Washington ............. Wayne ..................... Webster ................... Wheeler ................... White ...................... Whitfield .................. Wilcox ..................... Wilkes ..................... Wilkinson ................ Worth ......................

1800 1790 1810 1860 1920 1860 1860 1860 1790 1810 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) Walton: The first Walton County was created in 1803 as a Georgia county and was reported in 1810 as part of Georgia; it was abolished in 1812 after a review of the state boundary determined its area to be located in North Carolina. The present-day Walton County was created in 1818, comprising territory included in Jackson County in 1810. *Appling; Clinch was created from Lowndes and Ware, but only the portion taken from Lowndes was reported as Clinch in 1850; the portion taken from Ware was reported with Ware. *Richmond, Wilkes; Burke. *Glynn *Stewart *Montgomery, Laurens. *Habersham *Murray, Walker. *Irwin, Dooly, Pulaski.

*Irwin, Dooly; Thomas.

HAWAII Hawaii was an independent nation prior to ceding its sovereignty to the United States in 1898; it was made a territory in 1900. On August 21, 1959, Hawaii was admitted as a state and assumed its present boundaries, omitting certain small islands formerly included in the territory. Census coverage has included the whole of Hawaii since 1900. The Hawaiian government conducted at least 9 censuses between 1850 and 1898; see Robert C. Schmitt, Historical Statistics of Hawaii (Honolulu: University Press of Hawaii, 1977). Populations are shown for counties. The 1900 census was reported by islands; counties were first organized in 1905. The inhabited islands relate to counties as follows: Hawaii County comprises Hawaii; Honolulu County comprises Oahu and certain small islands (see note); Kauai County comprises Kauai and Niihau; and Maui County comprises Kahoolawe, Lanai, Maui, and Molokai, except that Kalawao County occupies a small portion of Molokai. Total for 1940 excludes population (560) of Midway and other small islands reported with Hawaii although not part of the Territory; totals for 1910 through 1930 exclude population of Midway (35 in 1910, 31 in 1920, and 36 in 1930).

*Irwin, Worth, Wilcox, Dooly. *Habersham, Hall. *Gwinnett, Hall.

Part C — Counties 175

Hawaii county origins: FIPS Code 15000

Area name HAWAII

Year of first census

Idaho county origins: Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)









Kalawao .........






Maui ...............


Honolulu: Honolulu County, officially the City and County of Honolulu, comprises Oahu and the small islands northwest of Kauai and Niihau extending from Nihoa to Kure except for Midway. Prior to 1959 Palmyra, located about 1,000 miles south of the Hawaiian chain, also was included. Population enumerated on the small northwestern islands is included in the Honolulu County and Oahu island totals (15 in 1960, 31 in 1970, 31 in 1980, zero in 1990; separate data not available for other censuses). Kalawao County was reported as part of Maui County in 1930-1950 and in 1970; the data have been adjusted to show it separately at all dates.

Kalawao County was reported as part of Maui County in 1930-1950 and in 1970; the data have been adjusted to show it separately at all dates.

IDAHO Idaho was part of Oregon Territory, definitively acquired in 1846, and was included in Washington Territory upon its establishment in 1853. Idaho became a separate territory in 1863, acquired essentially its present boundaries in 1868, and was admitted as a state on July 3, 1890. Census coverage of present-day Idaho virtually began in 1870, when nearly its whole area was included. Total for 1930 includes population (1 person) of the portion of Yellowstone National Park in Idaho, which had no population in 1940-60 and was included in Fremont County in 1970-90. In 1890-1920, any population in the Idaho portion of the park was reported with the Wyoming portion. Total for 1890 includes population (4,163) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county.

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


IDAHO ......................


16001 16003 16003.1 16005 16007 16009 16011 16013 16015 16017

Ada ......................... Adams ..................... Alturas ...................... Bannock .................. Bear Lake ................. Benewah ................. Bingham .................. Blaine ...................... Boise ........................ Bonner .....................

1870 1920 1870 1900 1880 1920 1890 1900 1870 1910

16019 16021 16023 16025 16027 16029 16031 16033 16035 16037 16039

Bonneville ................ Boundary ................. Butte ....................... Camas ..................... Canyon .................... Caribou ................... Cassia ...................... Clark ........................ Clearwater ............... Custer ...................... Elmore .....................

1920 1920 1920 1920 1900 1920 1880 1920 1920 1890 1890

*Bingham *Bonner *Blaine, Fremont, Bingham *Blaine *Ada *Bannock *Owyhee *Fremont *Nez Perce *Alturas, Idaho, Lemhi *Alturas

16041 16043 16045 16047 16049 16051 16053 16055 16057 16059 16061 16063

Franklin .................... Fremont ................... Gem ........................ Gooding .................. Idaho ....................... Jefferson .................. Jerome ..................... Kootenai .................. Latah ....................... Lemhi ...................... Lewis ....................... Lincoln .....................

1920 1900 1920 1920 1870 1920 1920 1880 1890 1870 1920 1900

*Oneida, Bannock *Bingham; Lemhi *Canyon, Boise *Lincoln

16063.1 16065 16067 16069 16071 16073 16075 16077 16079 16081 16083 16085 16087

Logan ....................... Madison .................. Minidoka ................. Nez Perce ................. Oneida ..................... Owyhee ................... Payette .................... Power ...................... Shoshone ................. Teton ....................... Twin Falls ................. Valley ....................... Washington .............

1890 1920 1920 1870 1870 1870 1920 1920 1870 1920 1910 1920 1880

*Alturas; to Lincoln, Blaine *Fremont *Lincoln

*Washington To Blaine; Elmore *Bingham *Oneida *Kootenai *Oneida, Alturas *Alturas, Logan; Lemhi *Kootenai

*Fremont *Lincoln *Nez Perce *Nez Perce *Nez Perce *Logan

*Canyon *Oneida, Blaine; Cassia *Fremont *Cassia *Idaho, Boise *Ada, Idaho; Boise

ILLINOIS Illinois was included in the Northwest Territory established in 1787 and then in Indiana Territory (1800). Illinois Territory was established in 1809 and included virtually all of present-day Wisconsin and portions of Minnesota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Illinois was admitted as a state on December 3, 1818 with essentially its present boundaries. In 1790 the Northwest Territory had no census coverage. The population shown for 1800 is the total of two counties and one community in present-day Illinois, at that time part of Indiana Territory. Knox County, Indiana Territory, also included some population in what is now Illinois. In 1810, the returns for the two counties of Illinois Territory included some settlements in present-day Wisconsin. The northern part of the state was not fully covered by the census until 1830.

176 County and City Extra

Total for 1800 comprises the populations reported for Randolph and St. Clair Counties, Indiana Territory, plus the population (100) of Opee (Peoria), included with St. Clair County. Total for 1890 includes one Indian in prison, not reported by county. Illinois county origins: FIPS code

Year of first census

Area name


ILLINOIS ....................


17001 17003 17005 17007 17009 17011 17013 17015 17017 17019

Adams ..................... Alexander ................ Bond ........................ Boone ...................... Brown ...................... Bureau ..................... Calhoun ................... Carroll ..................... Cass ......................... Champaign ..............

1830 1820 1820 1840 1840 1840 1830 1840 1840 1840

*Madison *Randolph *St. Clair *Putnam *Schuyler *Jo Daviess, Putnam *Madison *Jo Daviess *Morgan *Vermilion

17021 17023 17025 17027 17029 17031 17033 17035 17037 17039

Christian .................. Clark ........................ Clay ......................... Clinton .................... Coles ....................... Cook ....................... Crawford ................. Cumberland ............. DeKalb ..................... De Witt ....................

1840 1820 1830 1830 1840 1840 1820 1850 1840 1840

*Sangamon, Montgomery, Shelby. *St. Clair; Randolph *Crawford, Wayne; Edwards. *Washington, Bond *Edgar, Clark *Putnam *Randolph, St. Clair *Coles *Putnam *Macon, Tazewell

17041 17043 17045 17047 17049 17051 17053 17055 17057 17059

Douglas ................... DuPage .................... Edgar ....................... Edwards ................... Effingham ................ Fayette ..................... Ford ......................... Franklin .................... Fulton ...................... Gallatin ....................

1860 1840 1830 1820 1840 1830 1860 1820 1830 1820

*Coles *Putnam *Clark *Randolph *Fayette, Crawford *Crawford, Bond, Clark *Vermilion *Randolph *Madison *Randolph

17061 17063 17065 17067 17069 17071 17073 17075 17077 17079

Greene .................... Grundy .................... Hamilton .................. Hancock .................. Hardin ..................... Henderson ............... Henry ....................... Iroquois ................... Jackson .................... Jasper ......................

1830 1850 1830 1830 1840 1850 1830 1840 1820 1840

*Madison *La Salle *White *Madison *Pope *Warren *Madison *Vermilion *Randolph *Crawford, Clay

17081 17083 17085 17087 17089 17091 17093 17095 17097 17099

Jefferson .................. Jersey ....................... Jo Daviess ................ Johnson ................... Kane ........................ Kankakee ................. Kendall .................... Knox ........................ Lake ......................... La Salle ....................

1820 1840 1830 1820 1840 1860 1850 1830 1840 1840

*Randolph, St. Clair *Greene *Madison, Bond *Randolph *Putnam *Iroquois, Will, Vermilion. *La Salle, Kane *Madison *Putnam *Putnam, Tazewell, Vermilion.

17101 17103 17105 17107 17109

Lawrence ................. Lee .......................... Livingston ................ Logan ...................... McDonough ............

1830 1840 1840 1840 1840

17111 17113 17115 17117

McHenry .................. McLean .................... Macon ..................... Macoupin ................

1840 1840 1830 1830

*Edwards, Crawford *Jo Daviess, Putnam *Tazewell, Vermilion *Sangamon, Tazewell *Schuyler; In 1830 McDonough County was reported with Schuyler. *Putnam *Tazewell *Clark *Madison

17119 17121 17123 17125 17127 17129 17131 17133 17135 17137 17139

Madison .................. Marion ..................... Marshall ................... Mason ..................... Massac .................... Menard .................... Mercer ..................... Monroe ................... Montgomery ............ Morgan ................... Moultrie ...................

1820 1830 1840 1850 1850 1840 1830 1820 1830 1830 1850

*St. Clair *Jefferson, Crawford *Peoria, Putnam *Tazewell, Menard *Pope, Johnson *Sangamon *Madison *St. Clair, Randolph *Bond, Madison *Madison *Shelby, Macon

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

17141 17143

Ogle ........................ Peoria ......................

1840 1840

17145 17147 17149 17151 17153 17155

Perry ........................ Piatt ......................... Pike ......................... Pope ........................ Pulaski ..................... Putnam ....................

1830 1850 1830 1820 1850 1830


Randolph .................


17159 17161

Richland ................... Rock Island ..............

1850 1840


St. Clair ....................


17165 17167 17169

Saline ....................... Sangamon ............... Schuyler ...................

1850 1830 1830

17171 17173 17175 17177 17179 17181 17183 17185 17187 17189 17191 17193 17195

Scott ........................ Shelby ...................... Stark ........................ Stephenson .............. Tazewell ................... Union ...................... Vermilion ................. Wabash ................... Warren .................... Washington ............. Wayne ..................... White ...................... Whiteside ................

1840 1830 1840 1840 1830 1820 1830 1830 1830 1820 1820 1820 1840

17197 17199 17201 17203

Will .......................... Williamson ............... Winnebago .............. Woodford ................

1840 1840 1840 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Jo Daviess, Putnam *Putnam; In 1830 Peoria County was reported with Putnam. *Randolph, Jackson *Macon, De Witt *Madison *Randolph *Alexander, Johnson Putnam: *Clark, Madison, Bond; In 1830 Peoria County was reported with Putnam. Total for 1800 comprises the populations reported for Randolph and St. Clair Counties, Indiana Territory, plus the population (100) of Opee (Peoria), included with St. Clair County. *Lawrence, Clay *Jo Daviess; The Rock Island-Whiteside county boundary differed slightly in 1860 from its alignment in 1840-50 and 1870-1990. Total for 1800 comprises the populations reported for Randolph and St. Clair Counties, Indiana Territory, plus the population (100) of Opee (Peoria), included with St. Clair County. *Gallatin *Madison, Bond *Madison; In 1830 McDonough County was reported with Schuyler. *Morgan *Clark *Putnam *Jo Daviess *Clark, Bond, Madison *Randolph *Clark *Edwards *Madison *Randolph, St. Clair *Randolph *Randolph *Jo Daviess; The Rock Island-Whiteside county boundary differed slightly in 1860 from its alignment in 1840-50 and 1870-1990. *Putnam, Vermilion *Franklin *Putnam, Jo Daviess *McLean, Tazewell

INDIANA Indiana was included in the Northwest Territory (1787) but became a separate territory in 1800. At that time, in addition to most of present-day Indiana, the territory included all of Illinois and Wisconsin, the western half of Michigan, and northeastern Minnesota. In 1802 the boundary with Ohio was altered and eastern Michigan was added, but Michigan Territory was separated in 1805 and Illinois Territory in 1809, leaving Indiana Territory with the present state area except for a narrow band along the northern border; the territory also included a portion of the Michigan Upper Peninsula. On December 11, 1816 Indiana was admitted as a state with essentially its present boundaries. In 1790 the Northwest Territory had no census coverage. The 1800 census of Indiana Territory enumerated scattered communities in southern Indiana, southwestern Illinois, northern Michigan, and Wisconsin; the populations reported from present-day Illinois and Michigan are shown under those states. In addition, Hamilton County, Ohio included some population in what is now Indiana. In 1810, census coverage of Indiana Territory was limited to southern Indiana, and coverage did not include the whole state until 1830.

Part C — Counties 177

Total for 1800 comprises Knox County, Indiana Territory, part of which was in present-day Illinois, and the population of two settlements in present-day Wisconsin, Green Bay (50) and Prairie du Chien (65). The rest of Indiana Territory’s 1800 enumerated population (5,641) is shown under Illinois (2,458) and Michigan (551). Indiana county origins:

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


INDIANA .................................


18001 18003 18005 18007 18009 18011 18013 18015 18017 18019

Adams ................................... Allen ...................................... Bartholomew ......................... Benton ................................... Blackford ............................... Boone .................................... Brown .................................... Carroll ................................... Cass ....................................... Clark ......................................

1840 1830 1830 1850 1840 1830 1840 1830 1830 1810

*Allen, Randolph *Delaware, Randolph *Delaware, Jackson *Jasper *Delaware, Randolph *Delaware, Wabash (old) *Monroe, Bartholomew, Jackson. *Wabash (old), Delaware

18021 18023 18025 18027 18029 18031 18033 18035 18037 18039

Clay ....................................... Clinton .................................. Crawford ............................... Daviess .................................. Dearborn ............................... Decatur .................................. DeKalb ................................... Delaware ............................... Dubois ................................... Elkhart ...................................

1830 1830 1820 1820 1810 1830 1840 1820 1820 1830

*Owen, Vigo, Sullivan *Wabash (old), Delaware *Harrison, Knox *Knox *Hamilton, OH *Delaware *Allen, Elkhart

18041 18043 18045 18047 18049 18051

Fayette ................................... Floyd ...................................... Fountain ................................ Franklin .................................. Fulton .................................... Gibson ...................................

1820 1820 1830 1820 1840 1820

18053 18055 18057 18059

Grant ..................................... Greene .................................. Hamilton ................................ Hancock ................................

1840 1830 1830 1830

*Clark *Clark, Harrison *Wabash (old) *Dearborn, Clark *Cass *Knox; The Gibson-Warrick county boundary differed slightly in 1850 from its alignment in 1830-40 and 1860-1990. *Delaware, Cass; Madison. *Sullivan, Daviess *Delaware *Delaware

18061 18063 18065 18067 18069 18071 18073 18075 18077 18079

Harrison ................................. Hendricks ............................... Henry ..................................... Howard ................................. Huntington ............................ Jackson .................................. Jasper .................................... Jay ......................................... Jefferson ................................ Jennings ................................

1810 1830 1830 1850 1840 1820 1840 1840 1820 1820

18081 18083 18085 18087 18089 18091 18093 18095 18097 18099

Johnson ................................. Knox ...................................... Kosciusko .............................. LaGrange ............................... Lake ....................................... LaPorte .................................. Lawrence ............................... Madison ................................ Marion ................................... Marshall .................................

1830 1800 1840 1840 1840 1840 1820 1830 1830 1840

*Cass, Allen *Elkhart *St. Joseph *St. Joseph *Knox, Harrison *Delaware *Delaware *Cass, St. Joseph

18101 18103 18105 18107 18109 18111 18113 18115 18117 18119

Martin ................................... Miami .................................... Monroe ................................. Montgomery .......................... Morgan ................................. Newton ................................. Noble ..................................... Ohio ...................................... Orange .................................. Owen ....................................

1820 1840 1820 1830 1830 1860 1840 1850 1820 1820

*Knox *Cass *Knox *Wabash (old) *Delaware, Wabash (old) *Jasper *Allen, Elkhart *Dearborn *Knox, Harrison *Knox

18121 18123 18125 18127 18129 18131

Parke ..................................... Perry ...................................... Pike ....................................... Porter .................................... Posey ..................................... Pulaski ...................................

1830 1820 1820 1840 1820 1840

*Wabash (old), Vigo *Knox *Knox *St. Joseph *Knox *Cass



*Wabash (old), Delaware *Delaware *Miami, Carroll, Cass *Allen *Knox, Clark, Harrison *Randolph *Clark *Clark *Delaware

178 County and City Extra

18133 18135 18137 18139

Putnam .................................. Randolph ............................... Ripley ..................................... Rush ......................................

1830 1820 1820 1830

*Wabash (old), Owen *Clark, Dearborn *Clark *Delaware

18141 18143 18145 18147 18149 18151 18153 18155 18157

St. Joseph .............................. Scott ...................................... Shelby .................................... Spencer ................................. Starke .................................... Steuben ................................. Sullivan .................................. Switzerland ............................ Tippecanoe ............................

1830 1820 1830 1820 1840 1840 1820 1820 1830

*Clark *Delaware *Knox *St. Joseph, Cass *Elkhart *Knox *Dearborn, Clark *Wabash (old)

18159 18161 18163 18165 18167 18167.1

Tipton .................................... Union .................................... Vanderburgh .......................... Vermillion .............................. Vigo ....................................... Wabash (old)...........................

1850 1830 1820 1830 1820 1820

*Hamilton; Miami, Cass *Franklin, Wayne, Fayette. *Knox *Wabash (old), Vigo *Knox Wabash County (unorganized) was reported in 1820. Its 1820 area was included in 1830 in Carroll, Warren, Tippecanoe, Clinton, Fountain, Montgomery, Hendricks, Morgan, Monroe, Owen, Parke, Vermillion, and (in small part) Clay. The present-day Wabash County was formed in 1832.

18169 18171 18173

Wabash ................................. Warren .................................. Warrick ..................................

1840 1830 1820

18175 18177 18179 18181 18183

Washington ........................... Wayne ................................... Wells ..................................... White .................................... Whitley ..................................

1820 1820 1840 1840 1840

*Cass, Allen *Wabash (old) *Knox; The Gibson-Warrick county boundary differed slightly in 1850 from its alignment in 1830-40 and 1860-1990. *Harrison, Clark *Clark, Dearborn *Allen, Delaware, Randolph. *Carroll *Allen

IOWA Iowa was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and formed part of Louisiana Territory, renamed Missouri Territory in 1812. Iowa became a territory in 1838 and included present-day Minnesota and the Dakotas from the Mississippi River west to the Missouri River. Iowa was admitted as a state on December 28, 1846 with substantially its present boundaries. Census coverage began in 1840, when it was limited to eastern Iowa, except for two settlements in present-day Minnesota that were included in Clayton County. The northwestern part of the state was not fully covered in the census until 1860. The 1840 total and Clayton County populations include two settlements in present-day Minnesota. Iowa county origins: FIPS Code

Area name

Year of first census




19001 19003 19005 19007 19009 19011 19013 19015 19017 19019

Adair ....................... Adams ..................... Allamakee ................ Appanoose .............. Audubon ................. Benton ..................... Black Hawk .............. Boone ...................... Bremer ..................... Buchanan ................

1860 1860 1850 1850 1860 1850 1850 1850 1860 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Pottawattamie *Pottawattamie *Clayton *Pottawattamie *Linn



Area name

Year of first census

19021 19023 19025 19027 19029 19031 19033 19035 19037 19039 19041

Buena Vista .............. Butler ....................... Calhoun ................... Carroll ..................... Cass ......................... Cedar ...................... Cerro Gordo ............ Cherokee ................. Chickasaw ............... Clarke ...................... Clay .........................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1840 1860 1860 1860 1850 1860


Clayton ....................


19045 19047 19049 19051 19053 19055 19057 19059

Clinton .................... Crawford ................. Dallas ....................... Davis ........................ Decatur .................... Delaware ................. Des Moines .............. Dickinson .................

1840 1860 1850 1850 1850 1840 1840 1860

19061 19063 19065 19067 19069 19071 19073 19075 19077 19079 19081

Dubuque ................. Emmet ..................... Fayette ..................... Floyd ........................ Franklin .................... Fremont ................... Greene .................... Grundy .................... Guthrie .................... Hamilton .................. Hancock ..................

1840 1860 1850 1860 1860 1850 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860

19083 19085 19087 19089 19091 19093 19095 19097 19099 19101 19103

Hardin ..................... Harrison ................... Henry ....................... Howard ................... Humboldt ................ Ida ........................... Iowa ........................ Jackson .................... Jasper ...................... Jefferson .................. Johnson ...................

1860 1860 1840 1860 1860 1860 1850 1840 1850 1840 1840

19105 19107 19109 19111 19113 19115 19117 19119 19121 19123

Jones ....................... Keokuk .................... Kossuth ................... Lee .......................... Linn ......................... Louisa ...................... Lucas ....................... Lyon ........................ Madison .................. Mahaska ..................

1840 1850 1860 1840 1840 1840 1850 1870 1850 1850

19125 19127 19129 19131 19133 19135 19137 19139 19141 19143

Marion ..................... Marshall ................... Mills ......................... Mitchell ................... Monona ................... Monroe ................... Montgomery ............ Muscatine ................ O’Brien .................... Osceola ....................

1850 1850 1860 1860 1860 1850 1860 1840 1860 1880

19145 19147 19149 19151 19153 19155 19157 19159 19161 19163 19165 19167 19169

Page ........................ Palo Alto .................. Plymouth ................. Pocahontas .............. Polk ......................... Pottawattamie ......... Poweshiek ............... Ringgold .................. Sac .......................... Scott ........................ Shelby ...................... Sioux ....................... Story ........................

1850 1860 1860 1860 1850 1850 1850 1860 1860 1840 1860 1860 1860


Tama ........................


19173 19175 19177 19179 19181 19183 19185 19187

Taylor ....................... Union ...................... Van Buren ................ Wapello ................... Warren .................... Washington ............. Wayne ..................... Webster ...................

1850 1860 1840 1850 1850 1840 1850 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Pottawattamie *Pottawattamie


Area name

19189 19191 19193 19195 19197

Winnebago .............. Winneshiek .............. Woodbury ............... Worth ...................... Wright .....................

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

1860 1850 1860 1860 1860

KANSAS The 1840 Clayton County population includes two settlements in present-day Minnesota. *Pottawattamie *Van Buren





Most of present-day Kansas was included in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, forming part of Louisiana and then Missouri Territory. Kansas Territory was organized in 1854 and included part of present-day Colorado. Kansas was admitted as a state on January 29, 1861 with essentially its present boundaries. Census coverage of Kansas began in 1860 and included the whole state by 1880. The 1860 census reported Kansas and Colorado Territory in terms of their 1861 boundaries. Total for 1860 excludes the portion of Kansas Territory that became part of Colorado Territory in 1861. Total for 1890 includes 66 non-Indians on Indian reservations in Brown and Jackson Counties and seven Indians in prison, not reported by county. Kansas county origins: FIPS code


Area name

Year of first census




20001 20003 20005 20007 20009 20011 20011.1 20013

Allen ......................... Anderson .................. Atchison ................... Barber ....................... Barton ...................... Bourbon ................... Breckinridge............... Brown .......................

1860 1860 1860 1880 1870 1860 1860 1860




20015 20017 20019 20021 20023 20025 20027 20029 20031 20033 20035

Butler ........................ Chase ....................... Chautauqua .............. Cherokee .................. Cheyenne ................. Clark ......................... Clay .......................... Cloud ....................... Coffey ...................... Comanche ................ Cowley .....................

1860 1860 1880 1860 1880 1880 1860 1870 1860 1880 1860

20037 20039 20041 20043 20045 20047 20049 20051 20053 20055

Crawford .................. Decatur ..................... Dickinson .................. Doniphan .................. Douglas .................... Edwards .................... Elk ............................ Ellis ........................... Ellsworth ................... Finney .......................

1870 1880 1860 1860 1860 1880 1880 1870 1870 1880

20055.1 20057 20059 20059.1 20061 20063

Foote ......................... Ford .......................... Franklin ..................... Garfield ..................... Geary ........................ Gove .........................

1880 1870 1860 1890 1860 1880



*Pottawattamie *Polk Total for 1890 includes population (401) of Sac and Fox Indian Reservation, reported separately. *Pottawattamie *Jefferson

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

To Lyon, Morris Total for 1890 includes Indian population (477) of Kickapoo, Iowa, and Chippewa and Munsee Indian Reservations, reported separately. State total for 1890 includes 66 non-Indians on Indian reservations in Brown and Jackson Counties. To Garfield, Lane

*Howard 1860: McGhee *Ford

1860: Hunter *Cherokee, Neosho

*Pawnee *Howard

1880: Sequoyah To Gray

To Finney 1860-80: Davis

Part C — Counties 179

FIPS code 20065 20067 20069 20071 20073 20075 20077 20079 20081

Area name Graham .................... Grant ........................ Gray ......................... Greeley ..................... Greenwood .............. Hamilton ................... Harper ...................... Harvey ...................... Haskell ......................

Year of first census 1880 1880 1890 1880 1860 1880 1880 1880 1880

20083 20083.1 20085

Hodgeman ................ Howard ..................... Jackson .....................

1880 1860 1860

20087 20089 20091 20093 20095 20097 20099 20101 20103

Jefferson ................... Jewell ....................... Johnson .................... Kearny ...................... Kingman ................... Kiowa ....................... Labette ..................... Lane ......................... Leavenworth .............

1860 1870 1860 1880 1880 1890 1870 1880 1860

20105 20107 20109 20111 20111.1 20113 20115 20117 20119 20121

Lincoln ...................... Linn .......................... Logan ....................... Lyon ......................... Madison .................... McPherson ................ Marion ...................... Marshall .................... Meade ...................... Miami .......................

1870 1860 1890 1870 1860 1870 1860 1860 1880 1860

20123 20125 20127 20129 20131 20133 20135 20137 20139 20141 20141.1

Mitchell .................... Montgomery ............. Morris ....................... Morton ..................... Nemaha .................... Neosho ..................... Ness .......................... Norton ...................... Osage ....................... Osborne .................... Otoe ..........................

1870 1870 1860 1880 1860 1860 1870 1880 1860 1870 1860

20143 20145 20147 20149 20151 20153 20155 20157 20159 20161 20163

Ottawa ..................... Pawnee ..................... Phillips ...................... Pottawatomie ........... Pratt ......................... Rawlins ..................... Reno ......................... Republic .................... Rice .......................... Riley .......................... Rooks .......................

1870 1870 1880 1860 1880 1880 1880 1870 1870 1860 1880

20165 20167 20169 20171 20173 20175 20177 20179 20181 20183 20185

Rush ......................... Russell ...................... Saline ........................ Scott ......................... Sedgwick .................. Seward ..................... Shawnee ................... Sheridan ................... Sherman ................... Smith ........................ Stafford ....................

1880 1870 1870 1880 1870 1880 1860 1880 1880 1870 1880

20187 20189 20191 20193 20195 20197 20199 20201 20203 20205 20207 20209

Stanton ..................... Stevens ..................... Sumner ..................... Thomas ..................... Trego ........................ Wabaunsee ............... Wallace ..................... Washington .............. Wichita ..................... Wilson ...................... Woodson .................. Wyandotte ................

1880 1880 1870 1880 1870 1860 1870 1860 1880 1860 1860 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Foote, Meade

*Sedgwick, McPherson, Marion 1880: Arapahoe. Reported in 1880 as Arapahoe; an earlier Arapahoe County existed in 1860 in the portion of Kansas Territory that became Colorado Territory in 1861; its territory was reported in 1860 as part of Colorado.

1860: Godfrey; to Chautauqua, Elk Total for 1890 includes Indian population (462) of Pottawatomie Indian Reservation, reported separately. State total for 1890 includes 66 non-Indians on Indian reservations in Brown and Jackson Counties.

*Comanche, Edwards *Neosho

KENTUCKY Kentucky was part of Virginia prior to its admission as a state on June 1, 1792. It had essentially its present boundaries, except that because of erroneous surveys portions of the Kentucky-Tennessee boundary were in dispute for many years until finally resurveyed in 1859. Kentucky was reported separately from Virginia in 1790; the county boundaries at that time corresponded to the present-day state lines between Kentucky and VirginiaWest Virginia. Census coverage in 1790 included much of the State’s territory, but the area west of the Tennessee River (the Jackson Purchase) was first enumerated in 1820. Total for 1790 is for the counties of Virginia that comprised the present State of Kentucky. Kentucky county origins:

*Wallace *Breckinridge, Madison To Greenwood, Lyon

1860: Lykins

*Wilson 1880: Kansas

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


KENTUCKY ...........................


21001 21003 21005 21007 21009 21011 21013 21015 21017 21019

Adair ................................... Allen .................................... Anderson ............................. Ballard ................................. Barren .................................. Bath ..................................... Bell ...................................... Boone .................................. Bourbon .............................. Boyd ....................................

1810 1820 1830 1850 1800 1820 1870 1800 1790 1860

*Green; Cumberland. *Warren, Barren. *Franklin, Washington. *McCracken, Hickman. *Lincoln *Montgomery, Floyd. *Harlan, Knott; 1870: Josh Bell. *Woodford

21021 21023 21025 21027 21029 21031 21033 21035 21037 21039

Boyle ................................... Bracken ............................... Breathitt .............................. Breckinridge ......................... Bullitt ................................... Butler ................................... Caldwell .............................. Calloway .............................. Campbell ............................. Carlisle .................................

1850 1800 1840 1800 1800 1810 1810 1830 1800 1890

*Mercer, Livingston. *Mason *Perry, Clay, Estill, Morgan. *Nelson *Nelson, Jefferson. *Logan, Ohio *Livingston, Christian. *Caldwell, Livingston. *Mason, Woodford. *Ballard

21041 21043 21045 21047 21049 21051 21053 21055 21057 21059

Carroll ................................. Carter .................................. Casey ................................... Christian .............................. Clark .................................... Clay ..................................... Clinton ................................ Crittenden ........................... Cumberland ......................... Daviess ................................

1840 1840 1810 1800 1800 1810 1840 1850 1800 1820

*Gallatin *Greenup, Lawrence, Morgan. *Lincoln *Lincoln *Bourbon, Fayette. *Madison, Floyd; Knox. *Cumberland, Wayne. *Livingston *Lincoln *Ohio; Henderson.

21061 21063 21065 21067 21069 21071 21073 21075 21077 21079

Edmonson ........................... Elliott ................................... Estill ..................................... Fayette ................................. Fleming ................................ Floyd .................................... Franklin ................................ Fulton .................................. Gallatin ................................ Garrard ................................

1830 1870 1810 1790 1800 1800 1800 1850 1800 1800

*Warren, Grayson, Hardin. *Carter, Morgan, Lawrence. *Madison, Clark

21081 21083 21085 21087 21089 21091 21093 21095 21097 21099

Grant ................................... Graves ................................. Grayson ............................... Green .................................. Greenup .............................. Hancock .............................. Hardin ................................. Harlan .................................. Harrison ............................... Hart .....................................

1820 1830 1810 1800 1810 1830 1800 1820 1800 1820

*Pendleton *Caldwell, Livingston. *Hardin, Ohio *Lincoln, Nelson. *Mason *Breckinridge, Ohio, Daviess. *Nelson *Knox *Bourbon, Woodford. *Hardin, Barren.

*Greenup, Carter, Lawrence.

1860: Dorn

To Butler, Sedgwick, Marion

*Sedgwick, Rice, McPherson

*Cowley, Otoe

*Mason *Mason, Bourbon. *Woodford, Jefferson, Mercer. *Hickman *Woodford, Jefferson. *Madison, Lincoln, Mercer.


180 County and City Extra

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

21101 21103 21105 21107 21109

Henderson ........................... Henry ................................... Hickman .............................. Hopkins ............................... Jackson ................................

1800 1800 1830 1810 1860

*Lincoln *Jefferson *Livingston, Caldwell. *Henderson *Laurel, Madison, Estill, Owsley, Rockcastle, Clay.

21111 21113 21115 21117 21119

Jefferson .............................. Jessamine ............................ Johnson ............................... Kenton ................................ Knott ...................................

1790 1800 1850 1840 1890

21121 21123 21125 21127 21129 21131 21133 21135 21137 21139 21141

Knox .................................... Larue ................................... Laurel .................................. Lawrence ............................. Lee ...................................... Leslie ................................... Letcher ................................ Lewis ................................... Lincoln ................................. Livingston ............................ Logan ..................................

1800 1850 1830 1830 1870 1880 1850 1810 1790 1800 1800

*Lincoln *Hardin *Knox, Clay, Whitley. *Floyd, Greenup. *Owsley, Estill. *Clay, Perry *Perry, Harlan *Mason

21143 21145 21147 21149 21151 21153 21155 21157 21159 21161

Lyon .................................... McCracken .......................... McCreary ............................. McLean ................................ Madison .............................. Magoffin ............................. Marion ................................. Marshall ............................... Martin ................................. Mason .................................

1860 1830 1920 1860 1790 1860 1840 1850 1880 1790

*Caldwell *Livingston *Pulaski, Whitley, Wayne. *Daviess, Muhlenberg, Ohio.

21163 21165 21167 21169

Meade ................................. Menifee ............................... Mercer ................................. Metcalfe ..............................

1830 1870 1790 1860

21171 21173 21175 21177 21179 21181

Monroe ............................... Montgomery ........................ Morgan ............................... Muhlenberg ......................... Nelson ................................. Nicholas ...............................

1820 1800 1830 1800 1790 1800

21183 21185 21187 21189 21191 21193 21195 21197 21199 21201

Ohio .................................... Oldham ............................... Owen .................................. Owsley ................................. Pendleton ............................ Perry .................................... Pike ..................................... Powell .................................. Pulaski ................................. Robertson ............................

1800 1830 1820 1850 1800 1830 1830 1860 1800 1870

*Nelson *Henry, Jefferson, Shelby. *Franklin, Scott, Gallatin; Harrison. *Estill, Clay, Breathitt. *Woodford, Mason, Bourbon. *Clay, Floyd *Floyd *Montgomery, Clark, Estill. *Lincoln *Nicholas, Bracken, Mason.

21203 21205 21207 21209 21211 21213 21215 21217 21219 21221

Rockcastle ............................ Rowan ................................. Russell ................................. Scott .................................... Shelby .................................. Simpson ............................... Spencer ............................... Taylor ................................... Todd .................................... Trigg ....................................

1810 1860 1830 1800 1800 1820 1830 1850 1820 1820

*Lincoln, Madison. *Fleming, Morgan. *Adair, Cumberland, Wayne. *Woodford *Jefferson *Logan, Warren. *Shelby, Nelson, Bullitt. *Green *Christian, Warren. *Christian, Caldwell.

21223 21225 21227 21229 21231 21233 21235 21237 21239

Trimble ................................. Union .................................. Warren ................................ Washington ......................... Wayne ................................. Webster ............................... Whitley ................................ Wolfe .................................. Woodford ............................

1840 1820 1800 1800 1810 1860 1820 1870 1790

*Oldham, Gallatin, Henry. *Henderson *Lincoln *Nelson *Cumberland, Pulaski, Green. *Hopkins, Union, Henderson. *Knox *Morgan, Owsley, Powell.

*Fayette *Floyd, Lawrence. *Campbell *Letcher, Floyd, Breathitt, Perry.

Missouri Territory in 1812. Louisiana was admitted as a state on April 30, 1812 and immediately added the Florida Parishes east of the Mississippi and north of Lake Pontchartrain, although these still were claimed by Spain until 1819. Also in 1819, the boundary with Mexico (Texas) was settled by treaty, bringing the state to essentially its present limits. In 1810 the census covered most of the settled parts of what is now Louisiana, except for the Florida Parishes east of the Mississippi River. By 1820 census coverage extended to virtually all of the present State. Louisiana’s primary subdivisions have long been termed parishes instead of counties; both terms appear in early censuses.

*Lincoln *Lincoln

*Floyd, Morgan; Johnson. *Washington *Calloway *Lawrence, Johnson, Pike.

Total for 1810 is for Orleans Territory and excludes the Florida Parishes east of the Mississippi River. Total for 1830 includes 210 persons returned in the aggregate rather than by county. Total for 1890 includes one Indian in prison, not reported by parish. Louisiana parish origins:

*Hardin, Breckinridge. *Bath, Powell, Montgomery, Morgan. *Barren, Adair; Monroe, Green; Cumberland. Monroe: *Barren, Cumberland. *Bourbon *Floyd, Greenup, Bath. *Lincoln *Bourbon, Mason.

LOUISIANA Louisiana west of the Mississippi River was mostly part of the Louisiana Territory, which was ceded by Spain to France in 1803 and then sold by France to the United States. In 1804 much of the present state was included in the newly established Orleans Territory; the rest of the Louisiana Purchase became Louisiana Territory, renamed

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


LOUISIANA ...................


22001 22003 22005 22007 22009 22011 22013

Acadia ......................... Allen ............................ Ascension .................... Assumption ................. Avoyelles ..................... Beauregard .................. Bienville .......................

1890 1920 1810 1810 1810 1920 1850

22015 22017 22019

Bossier ......................... Caddo ......................... Calcasieu .....................

1850 1840 1840

22021 22023 22025 22027 22029 22031 22033 22035 22037 22039

Caldwell ...................... Cameron ..................... Catahoula .................... Claiborne ..................... Concordia .................... De Soto ....................... East Baton Rouge ......... East Carroll .................. East Feliciana ............... Evangeline ...................

1840 1870 1810 1830 1810 1850 1820 1840 1820 1920

22041 22043 22045 22047 22049 22051 22053 22055 22057 22059

Franklin ........................ Grant ........................... Iberia ........................... Iberville ........................ Jackson ........................ Jefferson ...................... Jefferson Davis ............. Lafayette ...................... Lafourche .................... La Salle ........................

1850 1870 1870 1810 1850 1830 1920 1830 1810 1910

Catahoula, Madison, Ouachita *Rapides, Winn *St. Martin, St. Mary

22061 22063 22065 22067 22069 22071 22073 22075 22077

Lincoln ......................... Livingston .................... Madison ...................... Morehouse .................. Natchitoches ................ Orleans ........................ Ouachita ...................... Plaquemines ................ Pointe Coupee .............

1880 1840 1840 1850 1810 1810 1810 1810 1810

*Jackson, Union, Claiborne, Bienville *St. Helena *Concordia, Ouachita *Ouachita, Carroll (East Carroll)

22079 22081 22083

Rapides ........................ Red River ..................... Richland .......................

1810 1880 1870

22085 22087

Sabine ......................... St. Bernard ...................

1850 1810

*St. Landry *Calcasieu

*Calcasieu *Claiborne; Population for 1860 is that published in the 1860 report as “estimated”. *Claiborne *Natchitoches *St. Landry *Catahoula, Ouachita *Calcasieu, Vermilion *Natchitoches *Caddo, Natchitoches *Ouachita; 1840-70: Carroll 1820: Feliciana *St. Landry

*Ouachita, Union, Claiborne *Orleans *Calcasieu *St. Martin 1810-50: Lafourche Interior *Catahoula

1810: New Orleans Also spelled Washita

*Natchitoches, Bienville, Caddo; Bossier. *Morehouse, Carroll, Franklin, Caldwell, Ouachita. Natchitoches; Caddo

Part C — Counties 181

22089 22091 22093 22095 22097 22099 22101 22103 22105

St. Charles ................... St. Helena .................... St. James ..................... St. John the Baptist ...... St. Landry .................... St. Martin .................... St. Mary ....................... St. Tammany ................ Tangipahoa ..................

1810 1820 1810 1810 1810 1810 1830 1820 1870


Tensas ..........................


22109 22111 22113 22115 22117 22119 22121 22123 22125 22127

Terrebonne .................. Union .......................... Vermilion ..................... Vernon ........................ Washington ................. Webster ....................... West Baton Rouge ....... West Carroll .................. West Feliciana ............... Winn ............................

1830 1840 1850 1880 1820 1880 1810 1880 1830 1860

MARYLAND 1810: Opelousas 1810-20: Attakapas *Attakapas (St. Martin) Tangipahoa: *St. Tammany, Livingston, Washington, St. Helena. *Concordia, Madison *Lafourche Interior (Lafourche) *Ouachita *Lafayette *Rapides, Sabine, Natchitoches *Bossier, Claiborne, Bienville 1810: Baton Rouge *Carroll (East Carroll) *Feliciana (East Feliciana) *Natchitoches, Catahoula, Rapides

Maryland was one of the 13 original states. It helped form the District of Columbia in 1791; its boundaries have been substantially unchanged since then, although the Maryland-West Virginia boundary was in dispute as late as 1910. Census coverage has included the entire state from 1790 on. The 1790 population includes the present area of the District of Columbia, separated from Maryland in 1791. The 1840 results for Montgomery County are from a reenumeration of the population as of 1840, conducted in 1841. Parts of Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties were taken to form the District of Columbia in 1791.

MAINE Although geographically separate, Maine was legally part of Massachusetts from early Colonial times until March 15, 1820, when it was admitted as a separate state. The far northern portion of Maine was in dispute with Canada until the present boundary was agreed to in 1842. Census coverage included virtually all settled portions of Maine from 1790 on, with the Maine counties reported separately from those of Massachusetts proper. Populations for 1790-1810 are totals of the counties in the present area of Maine, then legally part of Massachusetts but reported separately.

Maryland county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


MARYLAND ...............


24001 24003 24005

Allegany ................... Anne Arundel ........... Baltimore ..................

1790 1790 1790

24009 24011 24013 24015 24017 24019 24021 24023 24025 24027 24029 24031

Calvert ...................... Caroline .................... Carroll ...................... Cecil ......................... Charles ..................... Dorchester ................ Frederick ................... Garrett ...................... Harford ..................... Howard .................... Kent ......................... Montgomery .............

1790 1790 1840 1790 1790 1790 1790 1880 1790 1860 1790 1790


Prince George’s .........


24035 24037 24039 24041 24043 24045 24047 24510

Queen Anne’s ........... St. Mary’s .................. Somerset .................. Talbot ....................... Washington .............. Wicomico ................. Worcester ................. Baltimore city .............

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1870 1790 1860

Maine county origins: FIPS code

Year of first census

Area name


MAINE ......................


23001 23003 23005

Androscoggin .......... Aroostook ................ Cumberland .............

1860 1840 1790

23007 23009 23011 23013 23015 23017

Franklin .................... Hancock .................. Kennebec ................ Knox ........................ Lincoln ..................... Oxford .....................

1840 1790 1800 1860 1790 1810

23019 23021 23023 23025 23027 23029 23031

Penobscot ................ Piscataquis ............... Sagadahoc ............... Somerset ................. Waldo ...................... Washington ............. York .........................

1820 1840 1860 1810 1830 1790 1790

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Cumberland, Kennebec, Lincoln, Oxford. *Penobscot, Washington. Otisfield town (1970 pop. 589) was transferred from Cumberland County to Oxford County in 1978. *Oxford, Somerset, Kennebec.

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

Baltimore city has been reported separately from Baltimore County since 1860.

Carroll: *Baltimore, Frederick.

*Allegany *Anne Arundel Parts of Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties were taken to form the District of Columbia in 1791. Parts of Prince George’s and Montgomery Counties were taken to form the District of Columbia in 1791.

*Somerset, Worcester. Baltimore city has been reported separately from Baltimore County since 1860.

*Lincoln, Hancock. *Lincoln, Waldo *Cumberland, York; Otisfield town (1970 pop. 589) was transferred from Cumberland County to Oxford County in 1978. . *Hancock, Somerset. *Penobscot, Somerset. *Lincoln *Kennebec *Hancock, Kennebec, Lincoln; Somerset.

MASSACHUSETTS Massachusetts was one of the 13 original states. Maine was legally part of Massachusetts from early Colonial times, although geographically separated; Maine became a separate state in 1820, leaving Massachusetts with nearly its present boundaries. A long-standing border dispute with Rhode Island was finally settled with a sizable exchange of territory in 1862. Census coverage included all of Massachusetts from 1790 on. The counties comprising Maine were reported separately in 1790-1810. Totals for 1790-1810 do not include counties comprising Maine, reported separately (population 96,540 in 1790,

182 County and City Extra

151,719 in 1800, 228,705 in 1810). Total for 1890 includes four Indians in prison, not reported by county. Massachusetts county notes: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




25001 25003 25005 25007 25009 25011 25013 25015 25017 25019 25021 25023 25025 25027

Barnstable ................ Berkshire .................. Bristol ...................... Dukes ...................... Essex ........................ Franklin .................... Hampden ................. Hampshire ............... Middlesex ................ Nantucket ................ Norfolk .................... Plymouth ................. Suffolk ..................... Worcester ................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1820 1820 1790 1790 1790 1800 1790 1790 1790

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

population (1,444) of Brown and Crawford Counties, and total for 1830 excludes population (3,635) of Brown, Crawford, and Iowa Counties, all enumerated in what is now Wisconsin. Total for 1890 includes one Indian in prison, not reported by county. Michigan county origins: Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

FIPS code

Area name ............




26001 26003 26005 26007

Alcona ................. Alger ................... Allegan ................ Alpena .................

1860 1890 1840 1860

26009 26011 26013 26015 26017

Antrim ................. Arenac ................. Baraga ................. Barry .................... Bay ......................

1860 1890 1880 1840 1860

26019 26021 26023 26025 26027 26029 26031 26033 26035 26037 26039

Benzie .................. Berrien ................. Branch ................. Calhoun ............... Cass ..................... Charlevoix ............ Cheboygan .......... Chippewa ............ Clare .................... Clinton ................ Crawford .............

1870 1830 1840 1840 1830 1870 1860 1830 1870 1840 1880

26041 26043 26045 26047 26049 26051 26053 26055 26057 26059 26061

Delta .................... Dickinson ............. Eaton ................... Emmet ................. Genesee .............. Gladwin ............... Gogebic ............... Grand Traverse ..... Gratiot ................. Hillsdale ............... Houghton ............

1860 1900 1840 1860 1840 1860 1890 1860 1860 1840 1850

*Mackinac *Menominee, Iron, Marquette *St. Joseph *Mackinac *Oakland *Midland *Ontonagon *Mackinac *Saginaw, Clinton *Lenawee *Chippewa

26063 26065 26067 26069 26071 26073 26073.1 26075 26077 26079

Huron .................. Ingham ................ Ionia .................... Iosco .................... Iron ...................... Isabella ................ Isle Royal............... Jackson ................ Kalamazoo ........... Kalkaska ..............

1850 1840 1840 1860 1890 1860 1880 1840 1840 1870

*Saginaw *Washtenaw *St. Joseph *Mackinac *Marquette; Menominee *Saginaw *Keweenaw; to Keweenaw. *Washtenaw *St. Joseph

In 1790 the Northwest Territory had no census coverage. In 1800 coverage of the present state included only the Detroit area (Wayne County, Northwest Territory) and some persons at “Machilamackanack,” Indiana Territory. Coverage in 1810, 1820, and 1830 expanded in the Lower Peninsula and included population in the strip that was ceded to Ohio in 1836. The 1820 and 1830 censuses also included some settlements in present-day Wisconsin, shown under that state. The 1840 census covered all parts of the state.

26081 26083

Kent .................... Keweenaw ...........

1840 1870

26085 26087 26089 26091 26093 26095 26097

Lake ..................... Lapeer ................. Leelanau .............. Lenawee .............. Livingston ............ Luce ..................... Mackinac .............

1870 1840 1860 1830 1840 1890 1800

Total for 1800 comprises population reported for Wayne County, Northwest Territory (which may have included some persons in present-day northern Ohio), and for Machilamackanack, Indiana Territory (251 persons and 300 “boatmen from Canada, etc.”). Total for 1820 excludes


Macomb ..............


*St. Joseph *Houghton; Keweenaw’s 1870 census boundaries were the same as those of 1900-1990. *Newaygo *Oakland *Mackinac *Monroe *Oakland, Washtenaw *Chippewa, Mackinac The 1810 census was reported in terms of four Civil Districts of a single Wayne County: Michilimackinac, Detroit, Erie, and Huron. The 1810 population shown in the table for Mackinac County is that reported for Michilimackinac Civil District, Michilimackinac (or variant spellings); for reasons of space, the counties referring to this county as origin give the name as Mackinac. The 1810 census was reported in terms of four Civil Districts of a single Wayne County: Michilimackinac, Detroit, Erie, and Huron. The 1810 population shown in the table for Macomb County that reported for Huron Civil District.

*Hampshire *Hampshire


MICHIGAN Michigan was part of the Northwest Territory established in 1787. When Indiana Territory was created in 1800 it included the west half of lower Michigan and nearly all of the Upper Peninsula, leaving the remainder of the present state in the Northwest Territory until 1802, when the eastern portion also became part of Indiana Territory. Michigan Territory was established in 1805, but nearly all the Upper Peninsula remained in Indiana or Illinois Territories. In 1818 Michigan Territory’s boundaries were extended to include the rest of the Upper Peninsula and all of present-day Wisconsin and northeastern Minnesota. In 1834 the Territory was expanded still further to stretch to the Missouri River, including the rest of Minnesota, Iowa, and the eastern Dakotas. Michigan Territory included a northern strip of Indiana until 1816, and it also governed a narrow strip of what is now northwestern Ohio which was claimed by that state. This was ceded to Ohio in 1836, and Michigan was admitted as a state on January 26, 1837 with essentially its present boundaries.

*Mackinac *Schoolcraft *Van Buren, St. Joseph *Mackinac; Alpena’s 1860-70 census boundaries were the same as those of 1890-1990. *Mackinac *Bay *Houghton *St. Joseph *Midland, Saginaw *Leelanau *St. Joseph *St. Joseph *Emmet, Antrim *Mackinac *Isabella *St. Joseph An earlier Crawford County was located in what is now Wisconsin and is shown under that state. Present-day Crawford County first was reported in 1880.

Part C — Counties 183

Year of first census

FIPS code

Area name ............


Manistee ..............


26101.1 26103

Manitou................ Marquette ...........

1860 1850

26105 26107 26109 26111 26113 26115

Mason ................. Mecosta ............... Menominee ......... Midland ............... Missaukee ............ Monroe ...............

1850 1860 1870 1850 1870 1810

26117 26119 26121 26123

Montcalm ............ Montmorency ...... Muskegon ........... Newaygo .............

1850 1890 1860 1850


Oakland ...............


26127 26129 26131 26133 26135 26137 26139 26141 26143 26145

Oceana ................ Ogemaw .............. Ontonagon .......... Osceola ................ Oscoda ................ Otsego ................. Ottawa ................ Presque Isle .......... Roscommon ......... Saginaw ...............

1840 1870 1850 1860 1870 1880 1840 1860 1880 1840

26147 26149 26151 26153 26155 26157 26159 26161 26163

St. Clair ................ St. Joseph ............ Sanilac ................. Schoolcraft .......... Shiawassee .......... Tuscola ................ Van Buren ............ Washtenaw .......... Wayne .................

1830 1830 1850 1850 1840 1850 1830 1830 1810


Wexford ...............


Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Mackinac; Manistee’s 1860-70 census boundaries were the same as those of 1890-1990. *Mackinac; to Charlevoix and Leelanau. *Chippewa; Mackinac. 1870 population excludes 799 in Schoolcraft County, unorganized, reported as part of Marquette. *Ottawa *Kent *Delta *Saginaw The 1810 census was reported in terms of four Civil Districts of a single Wayne County: Michilimackinac, Detroit, Erie, and Huron. The 1810 population shown in the table for Monroe County is that reported for Erie Civil District. *Ionia *Alpena *Ottawa, Oceana *Kent; Newaygo’s 1850 census boundaries were the same as those of 1870-1990. *Mackinac; The 1820 census boundaries of Oakland County did not include any of present-day Oakland County.

*Chippewa *Mason

*Van Buren *Mackinac

admitted as a state on May 11, 1858 with essentially its present boundaries. There was only limited census coverage of the present area of the state prior to 1850. In 1830 a few persons near Lake Superior may have been enumerated in Chippewa County, Michigan Territory; in 1840 some persons in northeastern Minnesota were enumerated in St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory, and two settlements on the Mississippi River were enumerated as part of Clayton County, Iowa Territory. In 1850 coverage of Minnesota Territory did not extend beyond the present state except for a few settlers near the Red River in what is now North Dakota. In 1860 the census covered virtually the whole state. Total for 1850 includes a few settlers near the Red River in what is now North Dakota. Total for 1890 includes population (8,457) of certain Indian reservations not returned by county. Total for 1900 includes population (3,486) of White Earth Indian Reservation, not returned by county, and returned in Becker, Clearwater, and Mahnomen Counties in 1910.

*Oakland, St. Clair, St. Joseph. *Macomb, Oakland *Oakland *St. Clair *Mackinac, Chippewa *Oakland *Saginaw *Wayne, Macomb Total for 1800 comprises population reported for Wayne County, Northwest Territory (which may have included some persons in present-day northern Ohio), and for Machilamackanack, Indiana Territory (251 persons and 300 “boatmen from Canada, etc.”). The 1810 census was reported in terms of four Civil Districts of a single Wayne County: Michilimackinac, Detroit, Erie, and Huron. The 1810 population shown in the table Wayne County is that reported for Detroit Civil District. Wexford’s 1870 census boundaries were the same as those of 1890-1990.

MINNESOTA Northeastern Minnesota, east of the Mississippi River and a line drawn northward from its source to Canada, was part of the Northwest Territory (1787) and later of Indiana Territory (1800), Illinois Territory (1809), Michigan Territory (1818), and Wisconsin Territory (1838). Most of the rest of the state was part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, and included in Louisiana Territory (1805), renamed Missouri Territory in 1812. Both these parts of the present State were included in Michigan Territory from 1834 to 1836, and then in Wisconsin Territory until 1838. The portion west of the Mississippi then became part of Iowa Territory, until Minnesota Territory was established in 1849, including the whole present-day state and the Dakotas generally east of the Missouri River. Minnesota was

184 County and City Extra

Minnesota county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




27001 27003 27005 27007 27009 27011 27013 27015 27015.1 27017 27019 27021 27023 27025 27027

Aitkin ........................... Anoka .......................... Becker ......................... Beltrami ....................... Benton ......................... Big Stone ..................... Blue Earth .................... Brown .......................... Buchanan ..................... Carlton ........................ Carver .......................... Cass ............................. Chippewa .................... Chisago ....................... Clay .............................

1860 1860 1860 1870 1850 1870 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1870 1860 1860


Clearwater ...................


27031 27033 27035 27037 27039 27041 27043 27045 27047 27049 27051

Cook ........................... Cottonwood ................ Crow Wing .................. Dakota ......................... Dodge ......................... Douglas ....................... Faribault ...................... Fillmore ........................ Freeborn ...................... Goodhue ..................... Grant ...........................

1880 1860 1860 1850 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1870

27053 27055 27057 27059 27061 27063 27065 27067 27069 27071

Hennepin ..................... Houston ....................... Hubbard ...................... Isanti ............................ Itasca ........................... Jackson ........................ Kanabec ...................... Kandiyohi .................... Kittson ......................... Koochiching .................

1860 1860 1890 1860 1850 1860 1860 1860 1850 1910

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Ramsey, Benton *Ramsey *Mahkahta, Pembina (Kittson) *Polk, Itasca *Pierce *Wabasha *Wabasha, Dakota *Washington, Ramsey; to Pine *Itasca, Washington; Ramsey *Dakota, Wabasha *Mahkahta, Pembina (Kittson) *Pierce, Renville *Washington, Ramsey *Mahkata, Pembina (Kittson); 1860: Breckinridge *Beltrami; also formed from area separately enumerated as White Earth Indian Reservation in 1900. *Lake *Wabasha *Benton *Wabasha *Wahnata *Wabasha *Wabasha *Wabasha *Wabasha *Toombs (Wilkin) *Dakota; Ramsey *Wabasha *Cass *Ramsey *Wabasha *Ramsey *Dakota 1850-70: Pembina *Itasca

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


Lac qui Parle (old)..........



Lac qui Parle .................


27075 27077 27079 27081 27083 27085 27085.1

Lake ............................. Lake of the Woods ....... Le Sueur ...................... Lincoln ......................... Lyon ............................ McLeod ....................... Mahkahta .....................

1860 1930 1860 1880 1880 1860 1850


Mahnomen ..................


27087.2 27089 27091 27093 27095 27095.1 27097 27099 27101 27103 27105 27107

Manomin ...................... Marshall ....................... Martin ......................... Meeker ........................ Mille Lacs ..................... Monongalia .................. Morrison ...................... Mower ......................... Murray ......................... Nicollet ........................ Nobles ......................... Norman .......................

1860 1880 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1890

27109 27111 27113 27113.1

Olmsted ....................... Otter Tail ...................... Pennington .................. Pierce............................

1860 1860 1910 1860

27115 27117

Pine ............................. Pipestone .....................

1860 1880

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) The 1870 census area of old Lac qui Parle County was in Pierce in 1860 and in Swift and Chippewa in 1880. The current Lac qui Parle County was created in 1871 and does not include any of the earlier Lac qui Parle County. *Redwood; The current Lac qui Parle County was created in 1871 and does not include any of the earlier Lac qui Parle County. *Itasca *Beltrami *Wabasha *Redwood *Redwood *Dakota, Wabasha To Cass, Otter Tail, Breckinridge (Clay), Becker, Todd, Toombs (Wilkin), Polk. *Norman; Mahnomen corresponds to the portion of Norman enumerated in the White Earth Indian Reservation in 1900. *Ramsey; to Anoka *Pembina (Kittson) *Wabasha *Dakota *Benton, Ramsey *Dakota; to Kandiyohi *Benton *Wabasha *Wabasha *Wabasha *Wabasha *Polk; The 1900 census boundaries of Norman are the same as those of 19101990 because of the separate reporting of the White Earth Indian Reservation in 1900. *Wabasha *Mahkata, Wahnata *Red Lake *Dakota, Wahnata; To Big Stone, Stevens, Pope, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle (old); Traverse. *Washington, Ramsey Present-day Rock County was returned as Pipestone in 1860; present-day Pipestone had no population reported until 1880. *Mahkahta; Pembina (Kittson) *Pierce

27119 27121 27123 27125 27127 27129 27131 27133

Polk ............................. Pope ............................ Ramsey ........................ Red Lake ...................... Redwood ..................... Renville ........................ Rice ............................. Rock ............................

1860 1870 1850 1900 1870 1860 1860 1860

27135 27137 27139 27141 27143 27145 27147

Roseau ......................... St. Louis ....................... Scott ............................ Sherburne .................... Sibley ........................... Stearns ........................ Steele ..........................

1900 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860

*Polk *Brown *Dakota, Wabasha *Wabasha *Wabasha; Present-day Rock County was returned as Pipestone in 1860; present-day Pipestone had no population reported until 1880. *Kittson, Beltrami *Itasca *Wabasha, Dakota *Benton *Wabasha *Wahnata, Dakota *Wabasha

27149 27151 27153

Stevens ........................ Swift ............................ Todd ............................

1870 1880 1860

*Pierce *Chippewa, Lac qui Parle (old) *Wahnata, Mahkahta

27155 27157 27159 27159.1

Traverse ....................... Wabasha ...................... Wadena ....................... Wahnata .......................

1870 1850 1870 1850

27161 27163 27165

Waseca ........................ Washington ................. Watonwan ...................

1860 1850 1870

27167 27169 27171 27173

Wilkin .......................... Winona ....................... Wright ......................... Yellow Medicine ...........

1860 1860 1860 1880

*Toombs (Wilkin); Big Stone *Todd, Cass To Pierce, Stearns, Todd, Otter Tail, Douglas, Toombs (Wilkin). *Wabasha *Brown *Wahnata, Mahkahta; 1860: Toombs *Wabasha *Dakota *Redwood

MISSISSIPPI Most of present-day Mississippi was part of Georgia until the south-central portions of Mississippi and Alabama were established as Mississippi Territory, authorized by Congress in 1798 and agreed to by Georgia in 1802. In 1804, the Territory was expanded to include the northern parts of the two future states. The Gulf Coast portions were added in 1812, although still in dispute with Spain until 1819. Mississippi was admitted as a state on December 10, 1817 with essentially its present boundaries. Census coverage of present-day Mississippi began in 1800 in the southwestern section close to the Mississippi River. The populations shown for 1800 and 1810 exclude counties now in Alabama. The central and northern portions were not fully covered by the census until 1840. Total for 1800 excludes population (1,250) of Washington County, Mississippi Territory, nearly all of which is now in Alabama; total for 1810 excludes population (9,046) of Baldwin, Madison, and Washington Counties, Mississippi Territory, now entirely or mostly in Alabama. Mississippi’s present-day Madison and Washington Counties were created in the 1820s. Mississippi county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


MISSISSIPPI ............................


28001 28003 28005 28007 28009 28011 28013 28015 28017

Adams .................................. Alcorn ................................... Amite ................................... Attala ................................... Benton .................................. Bolivar .................................. Calhoun ................................ Carroll .................................. Chickasaw ............................

1800 1870 1810 1840 1880 1840 1860 1840 1840

28019 28021 28023 28025

Choctaw ............................... Claiborne .............................. Clarke ................................... Clay ......................................

1840 1810 1840 1880

28027 28029 28031 28033 28035 28037 28039

Coahoma .............................. Copiah .................................. Covington ............................. DeSoto ................................. Forrest .................................. Franklin ................................. George .................................

1840 1830 1820 1840 1910 1810 1910

28041 28043

Greene ................................. Grenada ...............................

1820 1870


Hancock ...............................


28047 28049 28051 28053

Harrison ................................ Hinds .................................... Holmes ................................. Humphreys ...........................

1850 1830 1840 1920

28055 28057 28059

Issaquena .............................. Itawamba ............................. Jackson .................................

1850 1840 1820

28061 28063 28065 28067 28069

Jasper ................................... Jefferson ............................... Jefferson Davis ...................... Jones .................................... Kemper .................................

1840 1800 1910 1830 1840

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Tishomingo, Tippah *Adams *Tippah, Marshall *Washington *Chickasaw, Yalobusha, Lafayette.

*Pickering (Jefferson) *Chickasaw, Oktibbeha, Lowndes; Monroe.

*Wayne *Perry *Adams *Jackson, Greene *Wayne, Baldwin (AL) *Yalobusha, Carroll, Tallahatchie, Choctaw. Population for 1860 is that published in the 1860 report as “estimated”. *Hancock, Perry, Jackson *Yazoo *Yazoo, Washington, Holmes, Sunflower. *Washington

1800: Pickering *Lawrence, Covington *Covington

Part C — Counties 185

FIPS code

Area name

28071 28073 28075 28077 28079 28081 28083 28085

Lafayette ............................... Lamar ................................... Lauderdale ............................ Lawrence .............................. Leake .................................... Lee ....................................... Leflore .................................. Lincoln ..................................

1840 1910 1840 1820 1840 1870 1880 1870

28087 28089

Lowndes ............................... Madison ...............................

1830 1830

28091 28093 28095 28097 28099 28101 28103 28105 28107 28109 28111 28113

Marion .................................. Marshall ................................ Monroe ................................ Montgomery ......................... Neshoba ............................... Newton ................................ Noxubee ............................... Oktibbeha ............................. Panola .................................. Pearl River ............................. Perry ..................................... Pike ......................................

1820 1840 1820 1880 1840 1840 1840 1840 1840 1890 1820 1820

28115 28117 28119

Pontotoc ............................... Prentiss ................................. Quitman ...............................

1840 1870 1880

28121 28123 28125 28127 28129 28131 28133

Rankin .................................. Scott ..................................... Sharkey ................................. Simpson ................................ Smith .................................... Stone .................................... Sunflower .............................

1830 1840 1880 1830 1840 1920 1850

28135 28137 28139 28141

Tallahatchie ........................... Tate ...................................... Tippah .................................. Tishomingo ...........................

1840 1880 1840 1840

28143 28145 28147 28149

Tunica ................................... Union ................................... Walthall ................................ Warren .................................

Year of first census

1840 1880 1920 1810

28151 28153

Washington .......................... Wayne ..................................

1830 1810

28155 28157 28159 28161 28163

Webster ................................ Wilkinson ............................. Winston ................................ Yalobusha ............................. Yazoo ...................................

1880 1810 1840 1840 1830

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Marion; Pearl River *Franklin, Wayne *Itawamba, Pontotoc *Sunflower, Carroll *Lawrence, Copiah, Franklin, Pike, Amite. *Monroe State total for 1810 excludes population (9,046) of Baldwin, Madison, and Washington Counties, Mississippi Territory, now entirely or mostly in Alabama. Mississippi’s present-day Madison and Washington Counties were created in the 1820’s. *Wayne, Amite, Franklin

*Choctaw, Carroll

*Hancock, Marion *Wayne *Amite, Franklin

*Tishomingo, Itawamba *Tunica, Tallahatchie, Panola, Coahoma.

*Issaquena, Washington

*Harrison *Bolivar; Population for 1860 is that published in the 1860 report as “estimated”. *DeSoto, Marshall; Tunica.

*Tippah, Pontotoc, Lee *Pike, Marion *Pickering (Jefferson) State total for 1800 excludes population (1,250) of Washington County, Mississippi Territory, nearly all of which is now in Alabama; total for 1810 excludes population (9,046) of Baldwin, Madison, and Washington Counties, Mississippi Territory, now entirely or mostly in Alabama. Mississippi’s present-day Madison and Washington Counties were created in the 1820s. Population for 1860 is that published in the 1860 report as “estimated.” *Choctaw, Chickasaw, Oktibbeha; 1880: Sumner. *Adams

MISSOURI Missouri was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and became part of Louisiana Territory, established in 1805 and comprising the whole of the Louisiana Purchase north of present-day Louisiana. This was renamed Missouri Territory in 1812. The southern portion (presentday Arkansas and most of Oklahoma) became Arkansas Territory in 1819. Missouri was admitted as a state on

186 County and City Extra

August 10, 1821; the northwestern corner (the Platte Purchase) was added in 1837, bringing the state to essentially its current boundaries. In 1810, census coverage of Louisiana Territory was limited to portions of present-day Missouri and Arkansas, mainly close to the Mississippi River. The 1810 census was reported by districts (renamed counties in 1812); Arkansas District was entirely within present-day Arkansas and is shown under that state; New Madrid District also was partly within present-day Arkansas. In 1820, census coverage of Missouri Territory did not extend beyond presentday Missouri. After statehood in 1821, Missouri Territory, distinct from the State, continued to exist until 1854, but was almost entirely Indian lands and had virtually no census coverage. Areas reported in 1810 were districts, renamed counties in 1812. Total for 1810 is population of Louisiana Territory (20,845), excluding population (1,062) of Arkansas District, in present-day Arkansas; total includes New Madrid District, part of which was within present-day Arkansas. Total for 1890 includes one Indian in prison, not reported by county. Missouri county origins:

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


MISSOURI .................


29001 29003 29005 29007 29009 29011 29013 29015 29017 29019

Adair ....................... Andrew ................... Atchison .................. Audrain ................... Barry ........................ Barton ..................... Bates ....................... Benton ..................... Bollinger .................. Boone ......................

1850 1850 1850 1840 1840 1860 1850 1840 1860 1830

29021 29023 29025 29027 29029 29031 29033 29035 29037

Buchanan ................ Butler ....................... Caldwell .................. Callaway .................. Camden ................... Cape Girardeau ....... Carroll ..................... Carter ...................... Cass .........................

1840 1850 1840 1830 1850 1810 1840 1860 1840

29039 29041 29043 29045 29047 29049 29051 29053 29055 29057 29059

Cedar ...................... Chariton .................. Christian .................. Clark ........................ Clay ......................... Clinton .................... Cole ......................... Cooper .................... Crawford ................. Dade ........................ Dallas .......................

1850 1830 1860 1840 1830 1840 1830 1820 1830 1850 1850

*Ray *Ripley; Shannon, Reynolds *Jackson, Lafayette, Crawford; 1840: Van Buren. *Polk, Barry, Rives (Henry) *Howard *Greene, Taney *Marion, Randolph *Howard *Clay *Cooper *St. Louis *Franklin *Barry, Polk *Polk

29061 29063 29065 29065.1 29067 29069 29071 29073 29075 29077

Daviess .................... DeKalb ..................... Dent ........................ Dodge ...................... Douglas ................... Dunklin .................... Franklin .................... Gasconade ............... Gentry ..................... Greene ....................

1840 1850 1860 1850 1860 1850 1820 1830 1850 1840

*Ray *Clinton *Crawford, Shannon, Texas *Linn; to Putnam *Ozark *Stoddard, New Madrid *Ste. Genevieve, St. Louis, Cape Girardeau. *Franklin *Clinton *Wayne

*Macon *Buchanan *Buchanan *Ralls, Callaway *Wayne; Crawford *Jasper *Van Buren (Cass), Newton *Crawford, Saline, Cooper *Cape Girardeau, Wayne; Stoddard *Howard; Pike

*Wayne *Ray *Montgomery; Pike *Pulaski, Morgan

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

29079 29081 29083 29085 29087 29089 29091 29093

Grundy .................... Harrison ................... Henry ....................... Hickory .................... Holt ......................... Howard ................... Howell ..................... Iron ..........................

1850 1850 1840 1850 1850 1820 1860 1860


29095 29097

Jackson .................... Jasper ......................

1830 1850

*Oregon *Madison, Washington, St. Francois; Wayne. *Cooper *Newton

29099 29101 29103 29105 29107 29109 29111 29113 29115 29117

Jefferson .................. Johnson ................... Knox ........................ Laclede .................... Lafayette .................. Lawrence ................. Lewis ....................... Lincoln ..................... Linn ......................... Livingston ................

1820 1840 1850 1850 1830 1850 1840 1820 1840 1840

*St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve *Lafayette *Lewis, Shelby, Macon *Pulaski *Cooper *Barry *Marion *St. Charles *Chariton *Ray

29119 29121 29123 29125 29127 29129 29131 29133 29135 29137

McDonald ................ Macon ..................... Madison .................. Maries ..................... Marion ..................... Mercer ..................... Miller ....................... Mississippi ................ Moniteau ................. Monroe ...................

1850 1840 1820 1860 1830 1850 1840 1850 1850 1840

*Newton *Randolph, Chariton *Cape Girardeau, Ste. Genevieve *Osage, Pulaski, Crawford *Pike *Livingston; Linn *Crawford, Cole *Scott *Cole, Morgan *Ralls

29139 29141 29143 29145 29147 29149 29151 29153 29155 29157

Montgomery ............ Morgan ................... New Madrid ............. Newton ................... Nodaway ................. Oregon .................... Osage ...................... Ozark ....................... Pemiscot .................. Perry ........................

1820 1840 1810 1840 1850 1850 1850 1850 1860 1830

*St. Charles *Cooper

29159 29161 29163 29165 29167 29169 29171 29173 29175 29177

Pettis ....................... Phelps ...................... Pike ......................... Platte ....................... Polk ......................... Pulaski ..................... Putnam .................... Ralls ......................... Randolph ................. Ray ..........................

1840 1860 1820 1840 1840 1840 1850 1830 1830 1830

*Saline, Cooper *Crawford, Pulaski *St. Charles

29179 29181 29183 29185 29186 29187 29189

Reynolds .................. Ripley ....................... St. Charles ............... St. Clair .................... Ste. Genevieve ......... St. Francois .............. St. Louis ...................

1850 1840 1810 1850 1810 1830 1810

*Washington; Madison, Wayne, Ripley *Wayne

29195 29197 29199

Saline ....................... Schuyler ................... Scotland ..................

1830 1850 1850

*Ste. Genevieve, Washington, Jefferson. St. Louis city became independent of St. Louis County in 1876. *Cooper *Macon *Lewis, Clark, Macon

29201 29203 29205 29207 29209 29211 29213 29215 29217 29219

Scott ........................ Shannon .................. Shelby ...................... Stoddard .................. Stone ....................... Sullivan .................... Taney ....................... Texas ........................ Vernon .................... Warren ....................

1830 1850 1840 1840 1860 1850 1840 1850 1860 1840

*New Madrid, Cape Girardeau *Ripley, Washington *Marion *Cape Girardeau, New Madrid;Wayne *Taney *Linn *Wayne *Pulaski, Ripley, Washington *Bates *Montgomery

29221 29223 29225 29227 29229 29510

Washington ............. Wayne ..................... Webster ................... Worth ...................... Wright ..................... St. Louis city..............

1820 1820 1860 1870 1850 1880

*Ste. Genevieve, Cape Girardeau, St. Louis. *Cape Girardeau, New Madrid *Greene, Wright, Dallas; Ozark *Gentry *Pulaski St. Louis city became independent of St. Louis County in 1876.

*Lafayette, Crawford; 1840: Rives *Benton, Polk *Buchanan

*Wayne, Crawford *Buchanan; Clinton *Ripley; Taney *Gasconade *Taney, Ripley *New Madrid *Ste. Genevieve

*Crawford, Wayne *Crawford, Wayne *Macon, Linn *Pike *Howard, Pike *Howard

*Rives (Henry), Polk

MONTANA The eastern and central parts of Montana were acquired as early as the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, but had no organized government until Nebraska Territory was established in 1854. The northwestern part of Montana was included in the newly established Oregon Territory in 1848. The whole of the present-day state was included in Idaho Territory in 1863 and was established as a separate territory in 1864 with essentially its present boundaries. Montana was admitted as a state on November 8, 1889. In 1860, census coverage of present-day Montana was limited to two forts enumerated in Nebraska Territory and some settlers in the Bitter Root Valley enumerated in Washington Territory. In 1870 census coverage included all of the present state. Totals for 1890 and 1900 include population of certain Indian reservations not reported by county (1890: 10,765; 1900: 2,660). Montana county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




30001 30003

Beaverhead ............... Big Horn ...................

1870 1920

30005 30007 30009 30011 30013 30015 30017

Blaine ....................... Broadwater ............... Carbon ..................... Carter ....................... Cascade .................... Chouteau ................. Custer .......................

1920 1900 1900 1920 1890 1870 1870

30019 30021 30023 30025 30027 30029 30031 30033 30035 30037

Daniels ...................... Dawson .................... Deer Lodge ............... Fallon ........................ Fergus ....................... Flathead .................... Gallatin ..................... Garfield .................... Glacier ...................... Golden Valley ............

1930 1870 1870 1920 1890 1900 1870 1920 1920 1930

30039 30041 30043 30045 30047 30049 30051 30053 30055 30057

Granite ..................... Hill ............................ Jefferson ................... Judith Basin .............. Lake .......................... Lewis and Clark ........ Liberty ...................... Lincoln ...................... McCone .................... Madison ...................

1900 1920 1870 1930 1930 1870 1920 1910 1920 1870

30059 30061 30063 30065 30067 30069 30071 30073 30075 30077

Meagher ................... Mineral ..................... Missoula ................... Musselshell ............... Park .......................... Petroleum ................. Phillips ...................... Pondera .................... Powder River ............. Powell .......................

1870 1920 1870 1920 1890 1930 1920 1920 1920 1910

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Rosebud, Yellowstone; The first Big Horn County was renamed Custer in 1877. The present Big Horn County was created in 1913. *Chouteau *Meagher, Jefferson *Custer, Park *Custer *Meagher, Chouteau, Lewis and Clark 1870: Big Horn; The first Big Horn County was renamed Custer in 1877. The present Big Horn County was created in 1913. *Sheridan, Valley

*Custer *Meagher, Chouteau; Dawson *Missoula, Deer Lodge *Dawson; Rosebud *Teton *Musselshell, Sweet Grass *Deer Lodge, Missoula; Silver Bow *Chouteau *Fergus, Cascade *Flathead, Missoula *Chouteau *Flathead *Dawson

*Missoula; Sanders *Fergus, Yellowstone; Meagher, Rosebud *Gallatin *Fergus *Valley, Chouteau *Teton, Chouteau *Custer *Deer Lodge; Lewis and Clark

Part C — Counties 187

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

30079 30081 30083 30085 30087 30089 30091 30093 30095

Prairie ....................... Ravalli ....................... Richland .................... Roosevelt .................. Rosebud ................... Sanders ..................... Sheridan ................... Silver Bow ................. Stillwater ..................

1920 1900 1920 1920 1910 1910 1920 1890 1920

*Custer, Dawson *Missoula *Dawson *Valley *Custer *Missoula *Valley *Deer Lodge *Yellowstone, Sweet Grass, Carbon

30097 30099 30101 30103 30105 30107 30109 30111 30113

Sweet Grass .............. Teton ........................ Toole ......................... Treasure .................... Valley ........................ Wheatland ................ Wibaux ..................... Yellowstone .............. Yellowstone Nat. Pk.(pt.) .......................

1900 1900 1920 1920 1900 1920 1920 1890 1930

*Park, Meagher, Custer; Yellowstone *Chouteau, Missoula *Teton, Chouteau *Rosebud *Dawson *Meagher, Sweet Grass; Fergus *Dawson, Custer *Custer, Gallatin In 1890-1920, any population in the Montana portion of Yellowstone National Park was enumerated with the Wyoming portion.

NEBRASKA Nebraska was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and became part of Louisiana (later Missouri) Territory. It was established as a territory in 1854, including extensive areas northwest and west of the present state; it underwent various reductions in area in 1861 and 1863. Nebraska was admitted as a state on March 1, 1867, with nearly its present boundaries. Its last significant boundary change was the transfer of an area from Dakota Territory in 1882. Census coverage of Nebraska began in 1860 in the eastern part of the present state. The 1860 census of Nebraska Territory also included scattered forts and settlements in present-day Wyoming and the Dakotas west of the Missouri River. Other such settlements in the portion of the Territory included in present-day Montana were reported with Dakota Territory, and those in present-day Colorado were reported with Colorado Territory, although these two territories were not established until 1861. By 1890, census coverage included the entire State. For a discussion of possible errors in the 1890 counts for Nebraska, see Edgar Z. Palmer, The Correctness of the 1890 Census of Population for Nebraska Cities (Nebraska History, Vol. XXXII, no. 4, December 1951, pages 259-267). Total for 1860 includes 2,118 persons in areas not organized by county, including Fort Randall (pop. 353) and other scattered forts and settlements in present-day Wyoming and the Dakotas west of the Missouri River. Total for 1870 includes 235 persons in areas not organized by county; total for 1880 includes 2,913 persons in such areas. Total for 1890 includes population (3,746) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county.

188 County and City Extra

Nebraska county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




31001 31003 31005

Adams ............................. Antelope .......................... Arthur ..............................

1870 1880 1890

31007 31009 31011 31013 31015

Banner ............................. Blaine .............................. Boone .............................. Box Butte ......................... Boyd ................................

1890 1890 1880 1890 1890

31017 31019 31021 31023 31025 31027 31029 31031 31033 31033.1

Brown .............................. Buffalo ............................. Burt ................................. Butler ............................... Cass ................................. Cedar .............................. Chase .............................. Cherry ............................. Cheyenne ........................ Clay (old) ..........................

1890 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1880 1890 1870 1860

31035 31037 31039 31041 31043 31045 31047 31049 31051 31053

Clay .................................. Colfax .............................. Cuming ........................... Custer .............................. Dakota ............................. Dawes ............................. Dawson ........................... Deuel ............................... Dixon ............................... Dodge .............................

1870 1870 1860 1880 1860 1890 1860 1890 1860 1860

31055 31057 31059 31061 31063 31065 31067 31069 31071 31073

Douglas ........................... Dundy .............................. Fillmore ............................ Franklin ............................ Frontier ............................ Furnas .............................. Gage ............................... Garden ............................ Garfield ........................... Gosper .............................

1860 1880 1870 1870 1880 1880 1860 1910 1890 1880


Grant (old) ........................


31075 31077 31079 31081 31083 31083.1 31085 31087 31089

Grant ............................... Greeley ............................ Hall .................................. Hamilton .......................... Harlan .............................. Harrison ............................ Hayes ............................... Hitchcock ......................... Holt .................................

1890 1880 1860 1870 1880 1870 1880 1880 1880

31091 31093 31093.1

Hooker ............................ Howard ........................... Jackson .............................

1890 1880 1870

31095 31097 31097.1 31099 31101 31103 31105

Jefferson .......................... Johnson ........................... Jones ................................ Kearney ........................... Keith ................................ Keya Paha ........................ Kimball ............................

1870 1860 1860 1860 1880 1890 1890

31107 31109 31111 31113 31115 31115.1 31117

Knox ................................ Lancaster ......................... Lincoln ............................. Logan .............................. Loup ................................ Lyon ................................. McPherson .......................

1860 1860 1870 1890 1890 1870 1890

31119 31121

Madison .......................... Merrick ............................

1870 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Knox Arthur was enumerated with McPherson in 1900-10. *Cheyenne

*Sioux Boyd County was organized in 1891 but reported in 1890; it was formed mainly from territory ceded by South Dakota in 1882 (including most of the area reported as Todd County in 1880), with the remainder from unorganized territory.


To Gage, Lawrence

*Platte *Dawson; Harrison *Sioux *Cheyenne

*Jackson *Kearney *Grant *Lincoln, Grant, Kearney *Deuel *Wheeler *Lincoln, Grant, Kearney *Shorter; Grant (old): To Frontier, Lincoln, Red Willow, Hitchcock, Hayes, Furnas, Dawson, and Gosper.

*Kearney To Lincoln; Custer *Jackson, Grant *Jackson, Grant

*Hall To Keith, Dundy, Chase, Hitchcock, Hayes, Lincoln *Jones, Nuckolls (old) To Jefferson *Jackson, Monroe *Cheyenne 1860-70: L’Eau Qui Court

To Cheyenne Arthur was enumerated with McPherson in 1900-10. *Platte

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

31121.1 31123 31125 31127 31127.1 31129 31131 31133 31135

Monroe ............................ Morrill .............................. Nance .............................. Nemaha ........................... Nuckolls (old) .................... Nuckolls ............................ Otoe ................................ Pawnee ............................ Perkins .............................

1870 1910 1870 1860 1860 1870 1860 1860 1890

To Keith, Lincoln *Cheyenne 1870: Pawnee Indian Reservation

31137 31139 31141 31143 31145 31147 31149 31151 31153 31155

Phelps .............................. Pierce ............................... Platte ............................... Polk ................................. Red Willow ...................... Richardson ....................... Rock ................................ Saline ............................... Sarpy ............................... Saunders ..........................

1880 1870 1860 1860 1880 1860 1890 1860 1860 1860


31157 31159 31161 31163 31163.1 31165 31167 31167.1 31169 31171

Scotts Bluff ...................... Seward ............................ Sheridan .......................... Sherman .......................... Shorter ............................. Sioux ............................... Stanton ............................ Taylor ................................ Thayer ............................. Thomas ............................

1890 1860 1890 1880 1860 1880 1870 1870 1880 1890

*Cheyenne 1860: Greene *Sioux *Buffalo To Grant, Lincoln

31173 31175 31177 31179 31181 31183 31183.1 31185

Thurston .......................... Valley ............................... Washington ..................... Wayne ............................. Webster ........................... Wheeler ........................... Winnebago Ind. Res. ......... York .................................

1870 1880 1860 1870 1870 1880 1870 1870

1870-80: Blackbird

To Jefferson


1860: Calhoun

To Cheyenne *Jefferson

Nevada county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


NEVADA ...............



Carson ..................


32001 32003 32005 32007 32009 32011 32013 32015

Churchill .............. Clark .................... Douglas ............... Elko ..................... Esmeralda ............ Eureka ................. Humboldt ............ Lander .................

1870 1910 1870 1870 1870 1880 1860 1870

32017 32019 32021 32023 32027 32027.1

Lincoln ................. Lyon .................... Mineral ................ Nye ...................... Pershing ............... Rio Virgin ..............

1870 1870 1920 1870 1920 1870

32027.2 32027.3 32029 32031

Roop..................... St. Marys .............. Storey .................. Washoe ...............

1870 1860 1870 1870

32033 32510

White Pine ........... Carson City ...........

1870 1870

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

to Washoe, Storey, Ormsby (Carson City), Douglas, Esmeralda, Lyon, Roop, Humboldt, and Churchill. *Carson, Humboldt *Lincoln *Carson *St. Marys; Humboldt *Carson *Lander; Elko *Humboldt; St. Marys

*Carson *Esmeralda *Humboldt Rio Virgin County was established in 1869 by Utah within present- day Nevada and enumerated as part of Utah in 1870. Utah abolished the county in 1872; by 1880 its territory was in Lincoln County. *Carson; to Washoe To Elko, White Pine; Lander *Carson *Carson *St. Marys *Carson; 1870-1960: Ormsby; Carson City was consolidated with Ormsby County in 1969 and became independent of any county; the populations for 1870-1960 are for Ormsby County.

To Blackbird (Thurston), Wayne; Dixon

NEW HAMPSHIRE NEVADA Nevada was acquired from Mexico in 1848 and included in Utah and New Mexico Territories. It was established as a territory in 1861 from Utah Territory and was admitted as a state on October 31, 1864. Nevada acquired essentially its present boundaries after annexation of the southern tip from Arizona Territory in 1866. In 1850 present-day Nevada had no census coverage. The population for 1860 is for the enumerated portions of Utah Territory that were included in Nevada Territory the following year. In 1870 coverage included the entire state. The 1870 population includes Rio Virgin County, enumerated as part of Utah although located within Nevada. Areas shown for 1860 were then in Utah Territory. Total for 1870 includes population (450) of Rio Virgin County, enumerated as part of Utah although within Nevada. Total for 1890 includes population (1,594) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county.

New Hampshire was one of the 13 original states. It has had essentially its present boundaries ever since 1790, although an area at the northern tip of the state was in dispute with Canada until 1842. Census coverage included virtually all of New Hampshire from 1790 on. New Hampshire county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




33001 33003 33005 33007 33009 33011 33013 33015 33017 33019

Belknap ................... Carroll ..................... Cheshire .................. Coos ........................ Grafton .................... Hillsborough ............ Merrimack ............... Rockingham ............. Strafford .................. Sullivan ....................

1850 1850 1790 1810 1790 1790 1830 1790 1790 1830

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Strafford *Strafford *Grafton

*Hillsborough, Rockingham; Strafford.


Part C — Counties 189


New Mexico county origins:

New Jersey was one of the 13 original states and has had essentially its current boundaries since Colonial times. Census coverage included all parts of the State from 1790 on. New Jersey county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


NEW JERSEY .........


34001 34003 34005 34007 34009 34011 34013 34015 34017

Atlantic ................ Bergen ................. Burlington ............ Camden ............... Cape May ............ Cumberland ......... Essex .................... Gloucester ........... Hudson ................

1840 1790 1790 1850 1790 1790 1790 1790 1840

34019 34021 34023 34025 34027 34029 34031 34033 34035 34037

Hunterdon ........... Mercer ................. Middlesex ............ Monmouth .......... Morris .................. Ocean .................. Passaic ................. Salem .................. Somerset ............. Sussex ..................

1790 1840 1790 1790 1790 1850 1840 1790 1790 1790

34039 34041

Union .................. Warren ................

1860 1830

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)




*Hunterdon, Middlesex, Burlington.

*Monmouth *Essex, Bergen

*Essex *Sussex

FIPS code

Area name

In 1850, census coverage of New Mexico Territory included much of the present state but did not extend beyond it. The 1860 population refers essentially to the present state; it excludes the then Arizona County, which was located within present-day Arizona, as well as areas that became part of Colorado Territory in 1861. Total for 1860 excludes 6,482 persons in Arizona County, within present-day Arizona. Total for 1890 includes population (6,689) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county.

190 County and City Extra

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


NEW MEXICO ......... 1850

35001 35003 35005 35006

Bernalillo ................ Catron ................... Chaves ................... Cibola .....................

1850 1930 1900 1990

35007 35009 35011 35013 35015 35017

Colfax .................... Curry ..................... De Baca ................. Doña Ana .............. Eddy ...................... Grant .....................

1870 1910 1920 1860 1900 1870

*Socorro *Lincoln *Valencia; Cibola County (1980 pop. 30,347) was formed from Valencia County in 1981. *Mora *Guadalupe; Chaves *Guadalupe, Chaves, Roosevelt *Valencia *Lincoln *Dona Ana

35019 35021 35023 35025 35027 35028 35029 35031 35033 35035

Guadalupe ............. Harding ................. Hidalgo .................. Lea ........................ Lincoln ................... Los Alamos ............ Luna ...................... McKinley ................ Mora ..................... Otero .....................

1900 1930 1920 1920 1870 1950 1910 1910 1860 1900

*San Miguel; Bernalillo, Lincoln *Union, Mora *Grant *Eddy, Chaves *Socorro *Sandoval, Santa Fe *Grant, Dona Ana *Bernalillo, Valencia; San Juan *Taos; San Miguel *Dona Ana, Lincoln, Socorro

35037 35039 35041 35043 35045 35047 35047.1 35049 35051 35053

Quay ...................... Rio Arriba .............. Roosevelt ............... Sandoval ................ San Juan ................ San Miguel ............ Santa Ana ............... Santa Fe ................. Sierra ..................... Socorro ..................

1910 1850 1910 1910 1890 1850 1850 1850 1890 1860

*Guadalupe, Union; San Miguel

35055 35057

Taos ....................... 1850 Torrance ................. 1910

35059 35061

Union .................... 1900 Valencia .................. 1850

NEW MEXICO New Mexico was acquired in part in 1845 when Texas joined the United States and in part directly from Mexico in 1848 and 1853. New Mexico Territory was established in December 1850, including most of present-day Arizona and parts of Colorado and Nevada. New Mexico acquired essentially its present boundaries in 1863 and was admitted as a state on January 6, 1912.

Year of first census

*Chaves, Guadalupe *Bernalillo *Rio Arriba To Bernalillo *Socorro, Dona Ana, Grant *Valencia

*Valencia, Bernalillo, Lincoln, Socorro, San Miguel, Santa Fe *Colfax, Mora, San Miguel Cibola County (1980 pop. 30,347) was formed from Valencia County in 1981.

NEW YORK New York was one of the 13 original states. Since relinquishing its claims to Vermont in 1791, it has had substantially its present boundaries. Census coverage excluded Vermont in 1790 and did not include the far western part of the state until 1800. Total for 1890 includes population (5,321) of certain Indian reservations, not reported by county.

New York county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


NEW YORK .........


36001 36003 36005

Albany ............... Allegany ............ Bronx .................

1790 1810 1920

36007 36009 36011 36013 36015 36017

Broome .............. Cattaraugus ....... Cayuga .............. Chautauqua ....... Chemung .......... Chenango ..........

1810 1820 1800 1820 1840 1800

36019 36021 36023 36025 36027 36029 36031

Clinton .............. Columbia ........... Cortland ............ Delaware ........... Dutchess ............ Erie .................... Essex ..................

1790 1790 1810 1800 1790 1830 1810

36033 36035 36037

Franklin .............. Fulton ................ Genesee ............

1810 1840 1810

36039 36041 36043 36045 36047

Greene .............. Hamilton ............ Herkimer ............ Jefferson ............ Kings .................

1800 1820 1800 1810 1790

36049 36051 36053 36055 36057

Lewis ................. Livingston .......... Madison ............ Monroe ............. Montgomery ......

1810 1830 1810 1830 1790


Nassau ...............



36063 36065 36067 36069 36071 36073 36075

New York ...........

Niagara .............. Oneida ............... Onondaga ......... Ontario .............. Orange .............. Orleans .............. Oswego .............


1810 1800 1800 1790 1790 1830 1820

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Steuben, Ontario. Bronx County was formed from New York County in 1912, comprising territory that had been annexed by New York County from Westchester County in 1874 and 1895. (Since 1898 this area also has comprised Bronx Borough of New York city.) The population of Bronx’s present-day area was 200,507 in 1900 and 430,980 in 1910. According to the 1900 census, its estimated population at earlier censuses was: 1790, 1,781; 1800, 1,755; 1810, 2,267; 1820, 2,782; 1830, 3,023; 1840, 5,346; 1850, 8,032; 1860, 23,593; 1870, 37,393; 1880, 51,980; 1890, 88,908. *Tioga *Niagara *Montgomery *Niagara *Tioga *Montgomery In 1800 Essex was reported with Clinton. *Onondaga *Ulster, Montgomery. *Niagara *Clinton; in 1800 Essex was reported with Clinton. *Clinton, Montgomery. *Montgomery *Ontario *Albany, Ulster *Montgomery *Montgomery *Oneida In 1898 Kings County, while remaining a separate county, became Brooklyn Borough of New York city. *Oneida *Ontario, Genesee, Steuben. *Chenango *Genesee, Ontario.

In 1898 Nassau County was formed from Queens, the rest of which remained a county while becoming part of New York city (as Queens Borough). According to the 1900 census, the estimated population for the present-day area of Nassau are: 1790, 9,855; 1800, 10,274; 1810, 11,892; 1820, 13,273; 1830, 13,411; 1840, 15,844; 1850, 18,240; 1860, 24,488; 1870, 28,335; 1880, 34,015; 1890, 41,009. From Colonial times to 1874 New York County was conterminous with New York city and had substantially the same area as present-day New York County. In 1874 and 1895, the county and city annexed portions of Westchester County. In 1912 the annexed portions became Bronx County, leaving New York County with essentially its pre-1874 boundaries. The population of New York County’s present-day area was: 1880, 1,164,673; 1890, 1,441,216; 1900: 1,850,093; 1910, 2,331,542. (Since 1898 this area also has comprised Manhattan Borough of New York city.) Also in 1898, Kings County (Brooklyn Borough), Richmond County (Richmond Borough, renamed Staten Island Borough in 1975) and part of Queens County became parts of New York city while remaining separate counties. *Ontario *Montgomery *Montgomery

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

36077 36079 36081

Otsego ............... Putnam .............. Queens ..............

1800 1820 1790

36083 36085

Rensselaer .......... Richmond ..........

1800 1790

36087 36089 36091 36093 36095

Rockland ............ St. Lawrence ...... Saratoga ............ Schenectady ...... Schoharie ...........

1800 1810 1800 1810 1800

36097 36099 36101 36103 36105 36107 36109 36111 36113 36115

Schuyler ............. Seneca ............... Steuben ............. Suffolk ............... Sullivan .............. Tioga ................. Tompkins ........... Ulster ................. Warren .............. Washington .......

1860 1810 1800 1790 1810 1800 1820 1790 1820 1790

36117 36119

Wayne ............... Westchester .......

1830 1790

36121 36123

Wyoming ........... Yates .................

1850 1830

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Montgomery *Dutchess In 1898 Nassau County was formed from Queens, the rest of which remained a county while becoming part of New York city (as Queens Borough). According to the 1900 census, the estimated population of Queens’ present-day area at earlier censuses was: 1790, 15,014; 1800, 16,916; 1810, 19,336; 1820, 21,519; 1830, 22,460; 1840, 30,324; 1850, 36,833; 1860, 57,391; 1870, 73.803; 1880, 90,574; 1890, 128,059. *Albany In 1898 Richmond County, while remaining a separate county, became Richmond Borough of New York city; Richmond Borough was renamed Staten Island Borough in 1975. *Orange *Oneida, Montgomery, Herkimer. *Albany *Albany *Albany, Montgomery. *Tompkins, Steuben, Chemung. *Cayuga *Ontario, Montgomery. *Ulster *Montgomery *Seneca, Cayuga. *Washington

*Ontario, Seneca. Bronx County was formed from New York County in 1912, comprising territory that had been annexed by New York County from Westchester County in 1874 and 1895. (Since 1898 this area also has comprised Bronx Borough of New York city.) The population of Bronx’s present-day area was 200,507 in 1900 and 430,980 in 1910. According to the 1900 census, the estimated population for the present-day area of Westchester are: 1790, 22,222; 1800, 25,618; 1810, 28,005; 1820, 29,856; 1830, 33,433; 1840, 43,340; 1850, 50,231; 1860, 75,904; 1870, 93,955, 1880, 98,634; 1890, 131,949. *Genesee, Allegany. *Ontario, Steuben

NORTH CAROLINA North Carolina was one of the 13 original states and by the time of the 1790 census had essentially its current boundaries. In 1790 census coverage included most of the state, except for areas at the western end, parts of which were not enumerated until 1840. The population for 1810 includes Walton County, enumerated as part of Georgia although actually within North Carolina. Total for 1810 includes population (1,026) of Walton County, reported as a Georgia county but later determined to be situated in western North Carolina. Total for 1890 includes two Indians in prison, not reported by county.

*Genesee *Oneida, Onondaga.

Part C — Counties 191

North Carolina county origins: FIPS code

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




37001 37003 37005 37007 37009 37011 37013 37015 37017 37019

Alamance ............... Alexander ............... Alleghany ............... Anson ..................... Ashe ....................... Avery ...................... Beaufort ................. Bertie ...................... Bladen .................... Brunswick ...............

1850 1850 1860 1790 1800 1920 1790 1790 1790 1790


Buncombe ..............


37023 37025 37027 37029 37031 37033 37035 37037 37039 37041 37043 37045

Burke ...................... Cabarrus ................. Caldwell ................. Camden .................. Carteret .................. Caswell ................... Catawba ................. Chatham ................ Cherokee ................ Chowan .................. Clay ........................ Cleveland ................

1790 1800 1850 1790 1790 1790 1850 1790 1840 1790 1870 1850

37047 37049 37051 37053 37055 37057 37059 37061 37063 37065

Columbus ............... Craven .................... Cumberland ............ Currituck ................ Dare ....................... Davidson ................. Davie ...................... Duplin ..................... Durham .................. Edgecombe .............

1810 1790 1790 1790 1870 1830 1840 1790 1890 1790

37067 37069 37071 37073 37075 37077 37079 37081 37083 37085

Forsyth .................... Franklin ................... Gaston .................... Gates ...................... Graham .................. Granville ................. Greene ................... Guilford .................. Halifax .................... Harnett ...................

1850 1790 1850 1790 1880 1790 1790 1790 1790 1860

37087 37089 37091 37093 37095 37097 37099 37101 37103 37105

Haywood ................ Henderson .............. Hertford .................. Hoke ....................... Hyde ....................... Iredell ..................... Jackson ................... Johnston ................. Jones ...................... Lee .........................

1810 1840 1790 1920 1790 1790 1860 1790 1790 1910

37107 37109 37111 37113 37115 37117 37119 37121 37123 37125

Lenoir ..................... Lincoln .................... McDowell ............... Macon .................... Madison ................. Martin .................... Mecklenburg .......... Mitchell .................. Montgomery ........... Moore ....................

1800 1790 1850 1830 1860 1790 1790 1870 1790 1790

37127 37129 37131 37133 37135 37137 37139 37141 37143 37145

Nash ....................... New Hanover .......... Northampton .......... Onslow ................... Orange ................... Pamlico ................... Pasquotank ............. Pender .................... Perquimans ............. Person ....................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1880 1790 1880 1790 1800

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Orange *Iredell, Burke, Wilkes. *Ashe *Wilkes *Caldwell, Mitchell, Watauga.

*Burke, Rutherford; Walton was created in 1803 as a Georgia county and reported in 1810 as part of Georgia; abolished after a review of the state boundary determined that its area was located in North Carolina. By 1820 it was part of Buncombe County. .

Area name

Year of first census

37147 37149 37151 37153 37155 37157 37159 37161 37163

Pitt .......................... Polk ........................ Randolph ................ Richmond ............... Robeson ................. Rockingham ............ Rowan .................... Rutherford .............. Sampson .................

1790 1860 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790 1790

37165 37167 37169 37171 37173 37175 37177 37179 37181 37183 37183.1

Scotland ................. Stanly ..................... Stokes ..................... Surry ....................... Swain ..................... Transylvania ............ Tyrrell ...................... Union ..................... Vance ..................... Wake ...................... Walton.....................

1900 1850 1790 1790 1880 1870 1790 1850 1890 1790 1810

37185 37187 37189 37191 37193 37195 37197 37199

Warren ................... Washington ............ Watauga ................. Wayne .................... Wilkes .................... Wilson .................... Yadkin .................... Yancey ....................

1790 1800 1850 1790 1790 1860 1860 1840

*Mecklenburg *Burke, Wilkes, Yancey.


*Cherokee *Rutherford, Lincoln.

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Rutherford, Henderson.

*Richmond *Montgomery

*Jackson, Macon. *Henderson, Jackson. *Mecklenburg, Anson. *Granville, Warren, Franklin. Created in 1803 as a Georgia county and reported in 1810 as part of Georgia; abolished after a review of the state boundary determined that its area was located in North Carolina. By 1820 it was part of Buncombe County.

*Tyrrell *Ashe, Yancey, Wilkes; Burke.

*Edgecombe, Nash, Wayne, Johnston. *Surry *Burke, Buncombe.

*Bladen, Brunswick.

NORTH DAKOTA *Tyrrell, Currituck, Hyde. *Rowan *Rowan *Orange, Wake


North Dakota was admitted as a state on November 2, 1889 with essentially its present boundaries. It was formed from Dakota Territory, organized in 1861 (for Dakota’s earlier history, see the state note for South Dakota).

*Lincoln *Cherokee 1790: Dobbs

*Cumberland *Buncombe *Buncombe *Cumberland, Robeson.

*Macon, Haywood.

*Moore, Chatham. *Dobbs (Greene); Craven. *Burke, Rutherford. *Haywood *Buncombe, Yancey.

*Yancey, Watauga.

*Craven, Beaufort. *New Hanover *Caswell

192 County and City Extra

Most of present-day North and South Dakota was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, and was included in Louisiana (soon renamed Missouri) Territory. The part generally west of the Missouri River remained in Missouri Territory until becoming part of Nebraska Territory, formed in 1854. The portion east of the Missouri became successively part of Michigan Territory (1834), Wisconsin Territory (1836), Iowa Territory (1838), and Minnesota Territory (1849). After Minnesota became a State in 1858, this area remained unorganized until Dakota Territory was established in 1861, including all of the present-day Dakotas as well as most of Montana and the northern half of Wyoming. After 1868 Dakota Territory corresponded to the present two states, plus an area transferred to Nebraska in 1882. North Dakota was admitted as a state on November 2, 1889 with essentially its present boundaries. In 1850 census coverage of present-day North Dakota was limited to a few settlements in what was then Minnesota Territory. In 1860, some forts and settlements in the present state were enumerated in Nebraska Territory as well as in Dakota, which was not yet organized. No determination has been made to assign the 1860 Dakota total of

4,837 to what became the two separate states. Census coverage first included the whole state in 1890. Totals for 1870 and 1880 are the totals of those counties of Dakota Territory located wholly or primarily in what is now North Dakota; in addition, the 1870 total includes an estimated share (1,192) of the population of the Territory’s unorganized portion (2,091). Total for 1890 includes the population (8,264) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county; this includes the population (4,206) of the entire Standing Rock Indian Reservation, much of which was in South Dakota. The 1890 total also includes the population (511) of the Fort Yates and Standing Rock Indian agency other than reservation Indians, likewise not reported by county. Total for 1900 includes the population (2,208) of the portion of the Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota, not reported by county. North Dakota county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




38001 38003 38005 38007 38009 38011 38011.1 38013 38015 38017

Adams .................... Barnes .................... Benson ................... Billings .................... Bottineau ................ Bowman ................. Buford ..................... Burke ...................... Burleigh .................. Cass ........................

1910 1880 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1910 1880 1880

38019 38019.1 38021 38023 38025

Cavalier .................. Church .................... Dickey ..................... Divide ..................... Dunn ......................

1890 1890 1890 1910 1890

38027 38029 38029.1 38031 38031.1

Eddy ....................... Emmons ................. Flannery ................... Foster ..................... Garfield ...................

1890 1880 1890 1880 1890

38033 38035 38037 38039 38041

Golden Valley .......... Grand Forks ............ Grant ...................... Griggs ..................... Hettinger ................

1920 1880 1920 1890 1890

38041.1 38043 38045 38047 38049

Howard ................... Kidder ..................... LaMoure ................. Logan ..................... McHenry .................

1880 1880 1880 1890 1890

38051 38053

McIntosh ................ McKenzie ................

1890 1890

38055 38057 38059 38061 38063 38065 38067 38069 38071 38073

McLean ................... Mercer .................... Morton ................... Mountrail ................ Nelson .................... Oliver ...................... Pembina ................. Pierce ...................... Ramsey ................... Ransom ..................

1890 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1870 1890 1880 1880

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Stark *Pembina *Ramsey

*Billings; part of Billings in 1900 *Wallette; to Williams *Ward *Pembina *Pembina To McLean, McHenry, Pierce *LaMoure, Ransom *Williams *Stark, Mercer; The 1890 area of Dunn was in Stark in 1900; the 1910 area of Dunn was in Stark and Mercer in 1900. *Foster *Wallette, Mountrail; to Williams *Stevens, Mountrail; to McLean, Ward *Billings *Pembina *Morton *Traill, Foster, Barnes *Stark; The 1890 area of Hettinger was in Stark (and in small part Billings) in 1900; the 1910 area of Hettinger was in Stark in 1900. To Billings, McKenzie, Wallace, Dunn


Renville ...................


38077 38079 38081 38083 38085 38087 38089 38091

Richland .................. Rolette .................... Sargent ................... Sheridan ................. Sioux ...................... Slope ...................... Stark ....................... Steele .....................

1880 1890 1890 1890 1920 1920 1890 1890

38091.1 38093 38095 38097 38097.1 38097.3 38099 38101 38103 38103.1 38105

Stevens .................... Stutsman ................ Towner ................... Traill ........................ Wallace .................... Wallette ................... Walsh ..................... Ward ...................... Wells ...................... Williams (old) ........... Williams ..................

1880 1880 1890 1880 1890 1880 1890 1890 1890 1880 1900

*Ward; The 1890 area of Renville was in Ward and Bottineau in 1900; the 1910 area of Renville was in Ward in 1900.

*Ransom *McLean; part of McLean in 1900 *Morton *Billings *Traill To McLean, Ward

*Pembina *Howard, Williams (old); to Stark, Billings To Flannery, Buford *Pembina, Grand Forks *Stevens To Mercer; Stark *Flannery, Buford

OHIO Ohio was part of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, established in 1787 and commonly known as the Northwest Territory. Besides present-day Ohio it included what are now Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and northeastern Minnesota. In 1800, with the creation of Indiana Territory, the Northwest Territory was reduced essentially to present-day Ohio, a small portion of southeastern Indiana, and the eastern half of lower Michigan. Ohio became a separate territory in 1802 and was admitted as a State on March 1, 1803, with its present boundaries except for a much-disputed strip along the northwestern border. This strip was governed by Michigan Territory until finally ceded to Ohio in 1836. In 1790 the Northwest Territory had no census coverage. The 1800 census enumerated population in much of present-day Ohio and in a portion of southeastern Indiana; the total excludes the then Wayne County, nearly all of whose population was in present-day Michigan. The 1810, 1820, and 1830 censuses covered all of present-day Ohio except for the disputed northwestern strip, which was enumerated as part of Michigan. Total for 1800 excludes population (3,206) of Wayne County, Northwest Territory, virtually all of which was enumerated in present-day Michigan, but includes part of present-day Indiana in Hamilton County. Total for 1890 includes 13 Indians in prison, not returned by county.

*Billings, Stark; The 1890 area of McKenzie was in Billings in 1900; the 1910 area of McKenzie was in Billings and Stark in 1900. *Stevens, Burleigh *Williams *Ward; part of Ward in 1900 *Grand Forks, Ramsey, Foster *Williams (old)


Part C — Counties 193

Ohio county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


OHIO ........................


39001 39003 39005 39007 39009 39011 39013 39015 39017

Adams ..................... Allen ........................ Ashland ................... Ashtabula ................ Athens ..................... Auglaize .................. Belmont ................... Brown ...................... Butler .......................

1800 1830 1850 1820 1810 1850 1810 1820 1810

*Shelby *Richland, Wayne, Lorain, Huron. *Geauga, Trumbull *Washington *Allen, Mercer *Jefferson, Washington *Clermont, Adams *Hamilton

39019 39021 39023 39025 39027 39029 39031 39033 39035 39037

Carroll ..................... Champaign .............. Clark ........................ Clermont ................. Clinton .................... Columbiana ............. Coshocton ............... Crawford ................. Cuyahoga ................ Darke .......................

1840 1810 1820 1810 1810 1810 1820 1830 1810 1820

*Columbiana, Stark, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Jefferson. *Hamilton, Ross *Champaign, Greene, Madison. *Hamilton *Hamilton, Ross *Jefferson *Muskingum *Delaware *Trumbull; 1800: Cayahoga *Miami

39039 39041 39043 39045 39047 39049 39051 39053 39055 39057

Defiance .................. Delaware ................. Erie .......................... Fairfield .................... Fayette ..................... Franklin .................... Fulton ...................... Gallia ....................... Geauga .................... Greene ....................

1850 1810 1840 1810 1810 1810 1850 1810 1810 1810

*Williams, Henry, Paulding. *Ross *Huron; Sandusky *Washington, Ross *Ross *Ross *Lucas, Williams, Henry *Washington *Trumbull *Hamilton, Ross


Guernsey .................


39061 39063

Hamilton .................. Hancock ..................

1800 1830

39065 39067 39069 39071 39073 39075 39077

Hardin ..................... Harrison ................... Henry ....................... Highland .................. Hocking ................... Holmes .................... Huron ......................

1820 1820 1830 1810 1820 1830 1820

*Washington Total for 1800 includes part of present-day Indiana in Hamilton County. *Wood *Champaign, Delaware. In 1820 Hardin was reported as attached to Logan. *Jefferson, Tuscarawas *Wood *Ross, Hamilton; Adams *Athens, Ross, Fairfield *Coshocton, Wayne, Tuscarawas. *Cuyahoga

39079 39081 39083 39085 39087 39089 39091 39093 39095 39097

Jackson .................... Jefferson .................. Knox ........................ Lake ......................... Lawrence ................. Licking ..................... Logan ...................... Lorain ...................... Lucas ....................... Madison ..................

1820 1800 1810 1840 1820 1810 1820 1830 1840 1810

39099 39101 39103 39105

Mahoning ................ Marion ..................... Medina .................... Meigs ......................

1850 1830 1820 1820

39107 39109 39111 39113 39115 39117

Mercer ..................... Miami ...................... Monroe ................... Montgomery ............ Morgan ................... Morrow ...................

1820 1810 1820 1810 1820 1850

*Trumbull, Columbiana *Delaware *Portage *Gallia, Athens *Montgomery; In 1820 Mercer was reported as attached to Darke. *Hamilton *Belmont, Guernsey, Washington. *Hamilton *Washington, Guernsey, Muskingum. *Delaware, Knox, Marion, Richland.

39119 39121 39123 39125 39127 39129 39131 39133 39135 39137

Muskingum ............. Noble ....................... Ottawa .................... Paulding .................. Perry ........................ Pickaway .................. Pike ......................... Portage .................... Preble ...................... Putnam ....................

1810 1860 1840 1830 1820 1810 1820 1810 1810 1830

*Washington *Morgan, Guernsey, Monroe; Washington. *Sandusky, Monroe (MI), Huron. *Wood *Fairfield, Washington, Muskingum. *Ross *Ross, Scioto; Adams *Trumbull *Hamilton; 1810: Prebble *Wood

*Ross, Scioto, Gallia, Athens. *Ross, Washington *Geauga, Cuyahoga *Gallia, Scioto *Ross, Washington *Champaign *Medina, Huron, Cuyahoga. *Wood, Henry, Monroe (MI), Huron. *Ross

194 County and City Extra

FIPS code

Area name

39139 39141 39143 39145 39147 39149 39151 39153 39155 39157

Richland ................... Ross ......................... Sandusky ................. Scioto ...................... Seneca ..................... Shelby ...................... Stark ........................ Summit .................... Trumbull .................. Tuscarawas ..............

1820 1800 1820 1810 1830 1820 1810 1840 1800 1810

39159 39161 39163 39165 39167

Union ...................... Van Wert ................. Vinton ..................... Warren .................... Washington .............

1820 1830 1850 1810 1800

39169 39171 39173 39175

Wayne ..................... Williams ................... Wood ...................... Wyandot ..................

Year of first census

1820 1830 1820 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Knox *Delaware; Champaign *Adams, Washington *Sandusky *Montgomery, Miami, Champaign. *Washington, Jefferson *Portage, Medina, Stark *Washington, Jefferson *Delaware, Champaign, Madison, Franklin. *Mercer *Athens, Hocking, Jackson, Gallia, Ross. *Hamilton *Stark; Wayne County, Northwest Territory, reported in 1800, had virtually all its enumerated population in the Detroit area and hence is shown under Michigan. In 1810 the Ohio portion of its 1800 area was included in many Ohio counties, but it has not been shown as an origin because its Ohio portion was virtually unenumerated in 1800. The present Wayne County was organized in 1812. *Wood *Montgomery, Champaign; Delaware. *Crawford, Marion, Hancock, Hardin

OKLAHOMA Oklahoma was acquired by the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. It soon became an area of settlement for various Indian tribes displaced from states farther east, and was known as the Indian Territory although it had various tribal governments rather than a central administration. Many non-Indians also settled in the area. Oklahoma Territory was established from a part of the Indian Territory in 1890 and expanded in 1893; the tribal jurisdictions continued in the remainder. On November 16, 1907 the two parts were admitted as the State of Oklahoma, with substantially the current boundaries. A dispute about the western boundary was settled in Texas’ favor by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1930. Census coverage did not systematically include any of present-day Oklahoma until 1890; some Indian areas were first enumerated in 1900. In 1860 non-Indians were enumerated but not included in official population totals; non-Indians in the area in 1870 and 1880 were not enumerated. The 1890 total is for Oklahoma Territory (78,475) and Indian Territory (180,182); and the 1900 total is for Oklahoma Territory (398,331) and Indian Territory (392,060). Just prior to statehood, the U.S. Census Bureau took a special census on July 1, 1907, showing a total population of 1,414,177 (Oklahoma Territory, 733,062; Indian Territory, 681,115); results of this special census are not included in Table C. Population for 1890 is total of Oklahoma Territory (78,475, including 3,569 non-Indians on Indian reservations but not reported by reservation) and Indian Territory (180,182,

including 861 not reported by nation or reservation). Population for 1900 is total of Oklahoma Territory (398,331) and Indian Territory (392,060). Population for 1907 is total according to special census of Oklahoma Territory (733,062) and Indian Territory (681,115, including 9,155 not reported by nation or reservation) taken as of July 1, 1907. The 1907 data are given for the subdivisions of Indian Territory existing on July 1. Oklahoma county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


OKLAHOMA .......


40001 40003 40005 40007 40009 40011 40013 40015

Adair ................. Alfalfa ................ Atoka ................ Beaver ............... Beckham ............ Blaine ................ Bryan ................. Caddo ...............

1907 1907 1907 1890 1907 1900 1907 1907

40017 40019

Canadian ........... Carter ................

1890 1907

40021 40023 40025 40027 40029 40031 40033 40035 40037 40039

Cherokee ........... Choctaw ............ Cimarron ........... Cleveland ........... Coal ................... Comanche ......... Cotton ............... Craig ................. Creek ................. Custer ................

1907 1907 1907 1890 1907 1907 1920 1907 1907 1900


Day .....................


40041 40043 40045 40047 40049 40051

Delaware ........... Dewey ............... Ellis .................... Garfield ............. Garvin ................ Grady ................

1907 1900 1907 1900 1907 1907

40053 40055

Grant ................. Greer .................

1900 1890

40057 40059

Harmon ............. Harper ...............

1910 1907

40061 40063 40065 40067

Haskell ............... Hughes .............. Jackson .............. Jefferson ............

1907 1907 1907 1907

40069 40071 40073 40075 40077 40079 40081

Johnston ............ Kay .................... Kingfisher .......... Kiowa ................ Latimer .............. Le Flore .............. Lincoln ...............

1907 1900 1890 1907 1907 1907 1900

40083 40085 40087 40089 40091 40093 40095 40097 40099 40101

Logan ................ Love ................... McClain ............. McCurtain ......... McIntosh ........... Major ................. Marshall ............. Mayes ................ Murray ............... Muskogee ..........

1890 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907 1907

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Cherokee Nation *Woods *Choctaw Nation *Roger Mills, Greer *Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation *Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations *Wichita and Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservations. *Chickasaw Nation *Cherokee Nation *Choctaw Nation *Beaver *Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations *Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation *Comanche *Cherokee Nation *Creek Nation *Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation *Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation; to Ellis and Roger Mills. *Cherokee Nation, Seneca Reservation *Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation *Woodward, Day *Indian lands *Chickasaw Nation *Chickasaw Nation and Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation. *Indian lands Greer functioned as a Texas county until 1896 but was enumerated as part of Oklahoma Territory in 1890. *Greer *Woodward *Choctaw Nation *Creek and Choctaw Nations *Greer *Chickasaw Nation and Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation. *Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations *Indian lands, Nez Perce Reservation *Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation *Choctaw Nation *Choctaw Nation *Sac and Fox, Iowa, and Kickapoo Reservations

*Chickasaw Nation *Chickasaw Nation *Choctaw Nation *Creek and Cherokee Nations *Woods *Chickasaw Nation *Cherokee and Creek Nations *Chickasaw Nation *Creek and Cherokee Nations

FIPS code

Year of first census

Area name

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


Noble .................


*Indian lands; Total for 1900 excludes population (2,217) of Ponca and Otoe and Missouri Reservations, reported as part of the county. *Cherokee Nation *Creek Nation

40105 40107 40109 40111 40113

Nowata .............. Okfuskee ........... Oklahoma .......... Okmulgee .......... Osage ................

1907 1907 1890 1907 1890


Ottawa ..............



Pawnee ..............


40119 40121 40123 40125

Payne ................. Pittsburg ............ Pontotoc ............ Pottawatomie ....

1890 1907 1907 1900

40127 40129 40131 40133 40135 40137

Pushmataha ....... Roger Mills ......... Rogers ............... Seminole ............ Sequoyah ........... Stephens ............

1907 1900 1907 1907 1907 1907


Texas ..................


*Choctaw Nation *Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations *Pottawatomie, Kickapoo, and Sac and Fox Reservations. *Choctaw Nation *Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation *Cherokee and Creek Nations *Seminole and Creek Nations *Cherokee Nation *Chickasaw Nation and Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation. *Beaver

40141 40143 40145 40147 40149 40151 40153

Tillman .............. Tulsa .................. Wagoner ............ Washington ....... Washita ............. Woods ............... Woodward ........

1907 1907 1907 1907 1900 1900 1900

*Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation *Creek and Cherokee Nations *Creek and Cherokee Nations *Cherokee Nation *Cheyenne and Arapaho Reservation *Indian lands *Indian lands

*Creek Nation *Osage Reservation; The 1890-1900 census boundaries of the Osage Reservation were essentially the same as those of Osage County, 1907-90. *Modoc, Ottawa, Peoria, Quapaw, Shawnee, Wyandotte, and Seneca Reservations and Cherokee Nation. *Pawnee Reservation, Indian lands

Indian Reservations in Oklahoma Territory

Year of first Census

Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation........................... Iowa Reservation........................ Kaw (Kansas) Reservation...........


Kickapoo Reservation ................. Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation........................... Nez Perce (Oakland) Reservation Osage Reservation ..................... Otoe and Missouri Reservation ... Pawnee Reservation ................... Ponca Reservation ...................... Pottawatomie Reservation.......... Sac and Fox Reservation ............. Wichita Reservation ...................

1890 1890

1890 1890

1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890

Notes To Blaine, Canadian, Custer, Day, Dewey, Kingfisher, Roger Mills, Washita. To Lincoln, Logan, Payne; Oklahoma To Kay To Lincoln, Pottawattomie, Oklahoma To Caddo, Comanche, Grady, Jefferson, Kiowa, Stephens, Tillman. To Kay To Osage To Noble, Pawnee To Pawnee, Payne To Noble, Kay To Pottawatomie, Cleveland, Oklahoma To Lincoln, Payne, Pottawatomie To Caddo, Blaine, Canadian, Custer, Grady, Washita.

Indian Territory Cherokee Nation........................


Chickasaw Nation ......................


Choctaw Nation.........................


Creek Nation .............................


Seminole Nation ........................ Modoc Reservation .................... Ottawa Reservation.................... Peoria Reservation...................... Quapaw Reservation .................. Seneca Reservation .................... Shawnee Reservation ................. Wyandotte Reservation ..............

1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890

To Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Delaware, McIntosh, Mayes, Muskogee, Nowata, Ottawa, Rogers, Sequoyah, Tulsa, Wagoner, Washington. To Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Grady, Jefferson, Johnston, Love, McClain, Marshall, Murray, Pontotoc, Stephens. To Atoka, Bryan, Choctaw, Coal, Haskell, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, Leflore, McCurtain, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pushmataha. To Creek, Hughes, McIntosh, Mayes, Muskogee, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Rogers, Seminole, Tulsa, Wagoner. To Seminole To Ottawa To Ottawa To Ottawa To Ottawa To Ottawa, Delaware To Ottawa To Ottawa

Part C — Counties 195

The populations enumerated in Indian Reservations in Oklahoma Territory and in Indian Territory Indian Reservations in Oklahoma Territory


Cheyenne and Arapahoe Reservation ............... Iowa Reservation.............................................. Kaw (Kansas) Reservation................................. Kickapoo Reservation ....................................... Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Reservation .... Nez Perce (Oakland) Reservation ...................... Osage Reservation ........................................... Otoe and Missouri Reservation ......................... Pawnee Reservation ......................................... Ponca Reservation ............................................ Pottawatomie Reservation................................ Sac and Fox Reservation ................................... Wichita Reservation .........................................

1900 ---------------------------

----768 --4,968 --6,717 680 --1,537 ----1,420

1890 3,363 102 198 325 3,064 76 1,580 358 804 605 1,120 515 962

Indian Territory ................................................. Cherokee Nation.............................................. Chickasaw Nation ............................................ Choctaw Nation............................................... Creek Nation ................................................... Seminole Nation .............................................. Modoc Reservation .......................................... Ottawa Reservation.......................................... Peoria Reservation............................................ Quapaw Reservation ........................................ Seneca Reservation .......................................... Shawnee Reservation ....................................... Wyandotte Reservation ....................................

140,415 191,655 182,066 144,457 13,367 ---------------

101,754 139,260 99,781 40,674 3,786 140 2,205 1,180 800 970 297 1,213

56,309 57,329 43,808 17,912 2,739 84 137 227 154 255 79 288

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

41021 41023 41025 41027 41029 41031 41033 41035 41037 41039

Gilliam ..................... Grant ....................... Harney ..................... Hood River ............... Jackson .................... Jefferson .................. Josephine ................. Klamath ................... Lake ......................... Lane ........................

1890 1870 1890 1910 1860 1920 1860 1890 1880 1860

*Wasco, Umatilla *Wasco *Grant *Wasco *Benton *Crook *Benton *Lake *Jackson, Wasco; Grant *Benton, Linn

41041 41043 41045 41047 41049 41051 41053 41055 41057 41059 41061

Lincoln ..................... Linn ......................... Malheur ................... Marion ..................... Morrow ................... Multnomah .............. Polk ......................... Sherman .................. Tillamook ................. Umatilla ................... Union ......................

1900 1850 1890 1850 1890 1860 1850 1890 1860 1870 1870

*Benton, Tillamook

41061.1 41063 41065 41067 41069 41071

Umpqua ................... Wallowa .................. Wasco ...................... Washington ............. Wheeler ................... Yamhill .....................

1860 1890 1860 1850 1900 1850

*Baker *Umatilla, Wasco *Clackamas, Washington *Wasco *Clatsop, Yamhill, Polk *Wasco *Wasco *Benton; to Douglas, Coos *Union *Clackamas, Marion, Linn *Grant, Gilliam, Crook

PENNSYLVANIA OREGON The Oregon region was long in dispute with Great Britain, and was jointly occupied by the two countries until definitively acquired by the United States in 1846. Oregon was established as a territory in 1848, including present-day Washington, Idaho, and parts of Montana and Wyoming. It acquired its present boundaries and was admitted as a state on February 14, 1859. In 1850 the census covered only areas west of the Cascade Mountains; the 1850 total excludes persons enumerated in present-day Washington. In 1860 census coverage included the whole state. Total for 1850 excludes population (1,201) of Clark and Lewis Counties, located in present-day Washington. Total for 1890 includes population (3,937) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county. Oregon county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




41001 41003 41005 41007 41009 41011 41013 41015 41017 41019

Baker ....................... Benton ..................... Clackamas ............... Clatsop .................... Columbia ................. Coos ........................ Crook ...................... Curry ....................... Deschutes ................ Douglas ...................

1870 1850 1850 1850 1860 1860 1890 1860 1920 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


*Washington, Clatsop *Benton *Wasco, Grant *Benton *Crook *Benton; Linn

196 County and City Extra

Pennsylvania was one of the 13 original states. In 1792 the acquisition of the Erie Triangle at its northwest corner brought it to essentially its present boundaries. In 1790 census coverage included all parts of the present state except for the Erie Triangle. Pennsylvania county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


PENNSYLVANIA ...........


42001 42003 42005

Adams ....................... Allegheny .................. Armstrong .................

1800 1790 1800

42007 42009 42011 42013 42015 42017 42019 42021 42023 42025 42027

Beaver ....................... Bedford ..................... Berks ......................... Blair ........................... Bradford .................... Bucks ......................... Butler ......................... Cambria ..................... Cameron ................... Carbon ...................... Centre .......................

1800 1790 1790 1850 1820 1790 1800 1810 1870 1850 1810

42029 42031 42033 42035 42037 42039 42041 42043 42045 42047 42049 42051 42053

Chester ...................... Clarion ....................... Clearfield ................... Clinton ...................... Columbia ................... Crawford ................... Cumberland ............... Dauphin ..................... Delaware ................... Elk ............................. Erie ............................ Fayette ....................... Forest ........................

1790 1850 1810 1840 1820 1800 1790 1790 1790 1850 1800 1790 1860

42055 42057 42059 42061 42063 42065

Franklin ...................... Fulton ........................ Greene ...................... Huntingdon ............... Indiana ...................... Jefferson ....................

1790 1850 1800 1790 1810 1810

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*York *Northumberland, Westmoreland, Allegheny. *Allegheny, Washington.

*Huntingdon, Bedford. *Luzerne, Lycoming. *Allegheny *Somerset, Huntingdon. *McKean, Clinton, Elk, Potter. *Northampton, Monroe. *Mifflin, Northumberland, Huntingdon; in 1800 Centre was reported with Mifflin. *Armstrong, Venango. *Lycoming, Huntingdon. *Lycoming, Centre. *Northumberland. *Allegheny

*Clearfield, Jefferson, McKean. *Allegheny *Jefferson; in 1850 Forest was reported with Jefferson. *Bedford *Washington *Westmoreland, Lycoming. *Lycoming; in 1850 Forest was reported with Jefferson.

42067 42069 42071 42073 42075 42077 42079 42081 42083 42085 42087 42089 42091 42093 42095 42097 42099 42101 42103 42105 42107

Juniata ....................... Lackawanna ............... Lancaster ................... Lawrence ................... Lebanon .................... Lehigh ....................... Luzerne ...................... Lycoming ................... McKean ..................... Mercer ....................... Mifflin ........................ Monroe ..................... Montgomery .............. Montour .................... Northampton ............. Northumberland ........ Perry .......................... Philadelphia ............... Pike ........................... Potter ........................ Schuylkill ....................

1840 1880 1790 1850 1820 1820 1790 1800 1810 1800 1790 1840 1790 1850 1790 1790 1820 1790 1820 1810 1820

42109 42111 42113 42115 42117 42119 42121 42123

Snyder ....................... Somerset ................... Sullivan ...................... Susquehanna ............. Tioga ......................... Union ........................ Venango .................... Warren ......................

1860 1800 1850 1820 1810 1820 1800 1800

42125 42127 42129 42131 42133

Washington ............... Wayne ....................... Westmoreland ........... Wyoming ................... York ...........................

1790 1800 1790 1850 1790

*Mifflin *Luzerne *Mercer, Beaver. *Dauphin, Lancaster. *Northampton *Northumberland. *Lycoming *Allegheny in 1800 Centre was reported with Mifflin. *Northampton, Pike. *Columbia

*Cumberland *Wayne *Lycoming *Berks, Northampton, Northumberland, Luzerne. *Union *Bedford *Lycoming *Luzerne *Lycoming *Northumberland. *Northumberland, Allegheny. *Allegheny, Northumberland; total for 1890 includes population (99) of Cornplanter Indian Reservation, reported separately. *Northampton *Luzerne

The census has covered all of the state ever since 1790, except for a narrow strip of Indian lands on the northwestern border, first enumerated in 1820. The 1790 census was not completed in South Carolina until early 1792. In 1790 South Carolina was divided into seven districts, two of which were reported by subdivisions termed counties. The populations of four of the other five districts (Beaufort, Charleston, Georgetown, Orangeburg) are shown in Table C for the counties of the same names; the population of Cheraws District is shown for Marlboro County. For 1800, the populations reported for Chesterfield, Darlington, and Marlboro subdivisions of Cheraw District are shown in the table for the counties of the same names; all three became separate districts by 1810. Otherwise, the populations shown for 1800 through 1860 are those reported for districts; besides Cheraw, a few other districts contained subdivisions called counties, but these are not shown in the table. All districts were redesignated counties in 1868. South Carolina county origins: FIPS Code

RHODE ISLAND Rhode Island was one of the 13 original states and has had nearly its present boundaries since Colonial times. However, a long-standing boundary dispute with Massachusetts involved a sizable exchange of territory when finally settled by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1862. Census coverage included all of Rhode Island from 1790 on.

Area name

Year of first census




45001 45003

Abbeville ................ Aiken .....................

1790 1880

45005 45007 45009 45011 45013 45015 45017 45019

Allendale ............... Anderson ............... Bamberg ................ Barnwell ................ Beaufort ................ Berkeley ................. Calhoun ................. Charleston .............

1920 1830 1900 1800 1790 1890 1910 1790

45021 45023 45025

Cherokee ............... Chester .................. Chesterfield ...........

1900 1790 1800

Rhode Island county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


RHODE ISLAND ..........



Clarendon ..............


44001 44003 44005

Bristol ........................ Kent ......................... Newport ....................

1790 1790 1790

45029 45031

Colleton ................. Darlington .............

1800 1800

44007 44009

Providence ................. Washington ...............

1790 1790

45033 45035 45037 45039 45041

Dillon ..................... Dorchester ............. Edgefield ............... Fairfield .................. Florence .................

1910 1900 1790 1790 1890

45043 45045 45047 45049 45051 45053 45055

Georgetown .......... Greenville .............. Greenwood ........... Hampton ............... Horry ..................... Jasper .................... Kershaw ................

1790 1790 1900 1880 1810 1920 1800

New Shoreham town (Block Island; 1960 pop. 486) was transferred from Newport County to Washington County in 1963. New Shoreham town (Block Island; 1960 pop. 486) was transferred from Newport County to Washington County in 1963.

SOUTH CAROLINA South Carolina was one of the 13 original states. By the time of the 1790 census it had essentially its current boundaries, with some later adjustments following improved surveys.

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Barnwell, Edgefield, Lexington, Orangeburg. *Barnwell, Hampton. *Pendleton *Barnwell *Orangeburg 1790: Beaufort District. *Charleston *Orangeburg, Lexington. 1790: Charleston District. *Spartanburg, Union, York. *Cheraws (Marlboro); in 1790 the population of Cheraws District is shown for Marlboro County. For 1800, the populations reported for Chesterfield, Darlington, and Marlboro subdivisions of Cheraw District are shown in the table for the counties of the same names; all three became separate districts by 1810. Reported as part of Sumter District from 1810 through 1850. *Charleston District. *Cheraws (Marlboro) District; in 1790 the population of Cheraws District is shown for Marlboro County. For 1800, the populations reported for Chesterfield, Darlington, and Marlboro subdivisions of Cheraw District are shown in the table for the counties of the same names; all three became separate districts by 1810. *Marion *Colleton

*Marion, Darlington, Williamsburg, Clarendon. 1790: Georgetown District. *Abbeville, Edgefield. *Beaufort *Georgetown *Beaufort, Hampton. *Lancaster, Richland, Claremont (Sumter), Fairfield.

Part C — Counties 197

FIPS Code 45057 45059 45061 45063 45065 45067 45069

45071 45073 45075 45075.1 45077 45079 45081 45083 45085 45087 45089 45091

Area name Lancaster ............... Laurens .................. Lee ........................ Lexington ............... McCormick ............ Marion ................... Marlboro ...............

Newberry ............... Oconee .................. Orangeburg ........... Pendleton ............... Pickens .................. Richland ................. Saluda ................... Spartanburg ........... Sumter ................... Union .................... Williamsburg ......... York ........................

Year of first census 1790 1790 1910 1810 1920 1800 1790

1790 1870 1790 1790 1830 1790 1900 1790 1790 1790 1810 1790

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Sumter, Kershaw, Darlington. *Orangeburg *Abbeville, Edgefield, Greenwood. *Georgetown 1790: Cheraws District; in 1790 the population of Cheraws District is shown for Marlboro County. For 1800, the populations reported for Chesterfield, Darlington, and Marlboro subdivisions of Cheraw District are shown in the table for the counties of the same names; all three became separate districts by 1810. *Pickens 1790: Orangeburg District. To Anderson and Pickens. *Pendleton

Certain Indian reservations not reported by county in 1880, 1890, or 1900 are shown as a separate table below; only one of these was enumerated in 1880. Total for 1890 includes four Indians in prison, not reported by county or reservation. In 1890 the population (4,206) of the entire Standing Rock Indian Reservation was credited to North Dakota, although much of it was in South Dakota. South Dakota county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census







46003 46005 46007 46009 46009.1 46011 46013 46015 46017

Aurora Beadle Bennett Bon Homme Boreman Brookings Brown Brule Buffalo

1880 1880 1910 1870 1880 1870 1880 1880 1870

46019 46021 46023

Butte Campbell Charles Mix

1890 1880 1870

46023.1 46025 46027 46029 46031 46033 46035 46037

Choteau Clark Clay Codington Corson Custer Davison Day

1890 1880 1870 1880 1910 1880 1880 1880

46037.1 46039 46041

Delano Deuel Dewey

1890 1870 1880

46043 46045 46045.1 46047 46049 46051 46053 46055

Douglas Edmunds Ewing Fall River Faulk Grant Gregory Haakon

1880 1890 1890 1890 1880 1880 1890 1920

46057 46059 46061 46063

Hamlin Hand Hanson Harding

1880 1880 1880 1890

46065 46067 46069 46071

Hughes Hutchinson Hyde Jackson

1880 1870 1890 1890







*Edgefield 1790: Claremont. *Georgetown

SOUTH DAKOTA Most of present-day North and South Dakota was acquired as part of the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and was included in Louisiana (soon renamed Missouri) Territory. The part generally west of the Missouri River remained in Missouri Territory until becoming part of Nebraska Territory, formed in 1854. The portion east of the Missouri became successively part of Michigan Territory (1834), Wisconsin Territory (1836), Iowa Territory (1838), and Minnesota Territory (1849). After Minnesota became a State in 1858, this area remained unorganized until Dakota Territory was established in 1861, including all of the present-day Dakotas as well as most of Montana and the northern half of Wyoming. After 1868, Dakota Territory corresponded to the present two states, plus an area transferred to Nebraska in 1882. South Dakota (like North Dakota) was admitted as a state on November 2, 1889 with essentially its present boundaries. Present-day South Dakota had no census coverage in 1850. The population given for 1860 is for the whole of Dakota Territory as organized in 1861, essentially comprising present-day South and North Dakota east of the Missouri River; no determination has been made to assign the 1860 total to what became the two separate states. In 1860, some forts and settlements in the present state also were enumerated in Nebraska Territory. The 1870 and 1880 populations consist of the totals of those counties of Dakota Territory located wholly or primarily in what is now South Dakota, plus (in 1870) an estimated portion of the Territory’s unorganized part. The total population of Dakota Territory was 14,181 in 1870 and 135,177 in 1880. Considerable portions of the state were not covered by the census until 1900.

198 County and City Extra

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Stanley; reported in 1890 (as Pyatt) and 1900 although largely included with Cheyenne River Indian Reservation; reported in 1910; enumerated with Ziebach in 1920; reported in 1930- 50; annexed to Dewey in 1954. (An earlier Armstrong County was created after 1870 and was part of Hutchinson County by 1880.) *Buffalo, Charles Mix *Buffalo *Rosebud Reservation To Standing Rock Reservation

*Charles Mix

Total for 1890 includes population (1,838) of Yankton Indian Reservation, reported separately. To Butte; Meade *Buffalo *Deuel *Standing Rock Reservation *Buffalo Total for 1880 includes population (134) of Fort Sisseton, reported separately. To Meade; Butte Reported in 1880 (as Rusk); included with Cheyenne River and Standing Rock Indian Reservations in 18901900; reported in 1910-90. *Charles Mix To Butte *Custer *Buffalo *Deuel *Stanley *Deuel *Buffalo *Buffalo, Hutchinson, Charles Mix Created before 1890 (*Butte); to Butte in 1899; again created before 1910 (*Butte). *Buffalo

Created before 1890, when part was included with Pine Ridge and Rosebud Indian Reservations; reported portion to Stanley by 1900; again created before 1920 (*Stanley). To Turner, McCook, Hutchinson; Hanson *Aurora, Buffalo

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

46075 46077 46079 46081 46083 46085 46087 46089 46091

Jones Kingsbury Lake Lawrence Lincoln Lyman McCook McPherson Marshall

1920 1880 1880 1880 1870 1880 1880 1890 1890




46093 46095 46095.1 46097 46099 46101 46101.1 46103 46105 46107 46107.1

Meade Mellette Meyer Miner Minnehaha Moody Nowlin Pennington Perkins Potter Pratt

1890 1910 1880 1880 1870 1880 1890 1880 1910 1890 1890

46107.2 46109

Presho Roberts

1890 1890

46111 46111.1

Sanborn Schnasse

1890 1910

46111.2 46113

Scobey Shannon

1890 1880

46115 46117 46117.1

Spink Stanley Sterling

1880 1880 1890

46119 46119.1

Sully Todd (old)

1880 1870

46121 46123 46125 46127 46129 46131

Todd Tripp Turner Union Walworth Washabaugh

1910 1910 1880 1870 1880 1920




46135 46135.1

Yankton Ziebach (old)

1870 1890




Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

Indian Reservations

Year of first census

Cheyenne River Reservation ....


Crow Creek Reservation ..........


Lower Brule Reservation ..........


Pine Ridge Reservation ............


Rosebud Reservation ...............


Sisseton and Wahpeton Reservation .............................


Standing Rock Reservation (pt.) ........................................


Reported in 1890- 1900, including most of 1880 area of Rusk; its area was reported in 1910 in Dewey, Armstrong, Schnasse, and Sterling. Reported in 1890; its 1890 area was reported in 1880 in Buffalo and Hughes, and in 1900 in Hughes, Buffalo, and Hyde. The 1890 population includes 86 non-Indians enumerated on the Crow Creek and Lower Brule reservations but not reported separately for the two. Reported in 1890; its area was reported in 1900 in Lyman and Stanley. The 1890 population includes 86 nonIndians enumerated on the Crow Creek and Lower Brule reservations but not reported separately for the two. Reported in 1890-1910; its area included most of the 1880 area of Shannon, and was reported in 1920 in Shannon, Bennett, Washington, and Washabaugh. Reported in 1890-1900; its area included the 1880 area of Meyer, and was reported in 1910 in Tripp, Gregory, Todd, Mellette, Bennett, and Washabaugh. Reported in 1880, and in 1890 (as Lake Traverse Indian Reservation); its area was reported in 1900 in Roberts, Marshall, Day, and Grant. Reported in 1900; its area was reported as Corson County in 1910. The remaining part of the reservation is in North Dakota, and in 1890 the population (4,206) of the entire reservation was credited to that state.

*Lyman *Brookings, Buffalo *Brookings, Minnehaha

*Jayne, Minnehaha *Day, Sisseton and Wahpeton Reservation To Butte *Lawrence *Rosebud Reservation To Rosebud Reservation *Buffalo *Brookings, Minnehaha To Stanley *Butte *Faulk To Lyman To Lyman *Sisseton and Wahpeton Reservation, Grant *Miner *Cheyenne River Reservation; to Ziebach (1911) To Meade; Butte Created before 1880; included with Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 18901910; reported in 1920-90. *Buffalo Reported in 1890; reported portion to Stanley by 1900; remainder included with Cheyenne River Indian Reservation in 1890-1900; reported in 1910; annexed to Ziebach in 1911. Created before 1870; most was transferred to Nebraska in 1882, mainly to what was reported as Boyd County in 1890; remainder annexed to Gregory in 1899. *Rosebud Reservation *Rosebud Reservation *Lincoln, Jayne

*Pine Ridge Reservation; to Jackson (1979) Reported in 1890, although mostly included with Pine Ridge Indian Reservation; reported portion (*Shannon) to Pennington by 1900; included with Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1900-10; reported in 1920-40; annexed to Shannon in 1943. Reported in 1890; annexed to Pennington in 1899. *Armstrong, Schnasse, Sterling

The populations enumerated for the Indian Reservations: Indian Reservations Cheyenne River Reservation ................ Crow Creek Reservation ...................... Lower Brule Reservation ...................... Pine Ridge Reservation ........................ Rosebud Reservation ........................... Sisseton and Wahpeton Reservation .... Standing Rock Reservation (pt.) ...........

1910 ------6,607 -------

1900 2,357 ----6,827 5,201 --1,658

1890 2,934 1,144 1,026 5,704 5,527 1,615 ---

1880 ----------73 ---

TENNESSEE The Territory south of the Ohio River, formerly part of North Carolina and sometimes known as the Southwest Territory, was created in 1790. It was admitted as the state of Tennessee on June 1, 1796. Both territory and state had generally the same boundaries as the present state, except that because of erroneous surveys much of the TennesseeKentucky boundary was in dispute for some time; it was not finally resurveyed until 1859. Details of the TennesseeVirginia boundary were not settled until 1901. Census coverage in 1790 and 1800 was limited to the northeastern part of Tennessee and the region around Nashville, and coverage did not include the whole state until 1830. The 1790 census of the Southwest Territory actually began at the end of July 1791.

Part C — Counties 199

Total for 1790 is for the Territory South of the Ohio River (Southwest Territory), with generally the same boundaries as the present state.

Area name

Year of first census


TENNESSEE .................


47001 47003 47005 47007 47009 47011 47013 47015 47017 47019

Anderson ................... Bedford ..................... Benton ....................... Bledsoe ...................... Blount ........................ Bradley ...................... Campbell ................... Cannon ..................... Carroll ....................... Carter ........................

1810 1810 1840 1810 1800 1840 1810 1840 1830 1800

47021 47023

Cheatham .................. Chester ......................

1860 1890

47025 47027 47029

Claiborne ................... Clay ........................... Cocke ........................

1810 1880 1810

47031 47033 47035

Coffee ....................... Crockett .................... Cumberland ...............

1840 1880 1860

47037 47039 47041

Davidson .................... Decatur ...................... DeKalb .......................

1790 1850 1840

47043 47045 47047 47049 47051 47053 47055 47057 47059 47061 47063

Dickson ...................... Dyer ........................... Fayette ....................... Fentress ..................... Franklin ...................... Gibson ....................... Giles .......................... Grainger .................... Greene ...................... Grundy ...................... Hamblen ....................

1810 1830 1830 1830 1810 1830 1810 1800 1790 1850 1880


Hamilton ....................


47067 47069 47071 47073 47075 47077 47079 47081 47083 47085

Hancock .................... Hardeman .................. Hardin ....................... Hawkins ..................... Haywood ................... Henderson ................. Henry ......................... Hickman .................... Houston ..................... Humphreys ................

1850 1830 1820 1790 1830 1830 1830 1810 1880 1810

47087 47087.1 47089

Jackson ...................... James ......................... Jefferson ....................

1810 1880 1800

47091 47093 47095 47097 47099 47101 47103 47105

Johnson ..................... Knox .......................... Lake ........................... Lauderdale ................. Lawrence ................... Lewis ......................... Lincoln ....................... Loudon ......................

1840 1800 1870 1840 1820 1850 1810 1880

47107 47109 47111 47113 47115 47117 47119 47121 47123 47125 47127

McMinn ..................... McNairy ..................... Macon ....................... Madison .................... Marion ....................... Marshall ..................... Maury ........................ Meigs ........................ Monroe ..................... Montgomery .............. Moore .......................

1820 1830 1850 1830 1820 1840 1810 1840 1820 1790 1880

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

47129 47131 47133 47135 47137 47139 47141 47143 47145 47147

Morgan ..................... Obion ........................ Overton ..................... Perry .......................... Pickett ....................... Polk ........................... Putnam ...................... Rhea .......................... Roane ........................ Robertson ..................

1820 1830 1810 1820 1890 1840 1860 1810 1810 1800

*Knox; Grainger.

47149 47151

Rutherford ................. Scott ..........................

1810 1850

47153 47155

Sequatchie ................. Sevier .........................

1860 1790

47157 47159 47161 47163 47165 47167 47169

Shelby ........................ Smith ......................... Stewart ...................... Sullivan ...................... Sumner ...................... Tipton ........................ Trousdale ...................

1820 1800 1810 1790 1790 1830 1880

47171 47173

Unicoi ........................ Union ........................

1880 1860

47175 47177 47179 47181 47183 47185 47187 47189

Van Buren .................. Warren ...................... Washington ............... Wayne ....................... Weakley ..................... White ........................ Williamson ................. Wilson .......................

1850 1810 1790 1820 1830 1810 1800 1800

Tennessee county origins:

FIPS code

FIPS code

*Humphreys *Greene *Grainger *Warren, Wilson, Rutherford, Smith. *Washington *Davidson, Robertson, Montgomery. *McNairy, Henderson, Madison, Hardeman. *Grainger, Hawkins. *Jackson, Overton. *Jefferson; in 1800 Cocke was reported with Jefferson. *Franklin, Warren, Bedford *Haywood, Gibson, Madison, Dyer. *Morgan, Bledsoe, White; Overton, Fentress, Roane. *Perry, Henderson. *Warren, Smith, White.

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Roane, Anderson, Overton. *Smith *Humphreys *Fentress, Overton. *McMinn *Jackson, White, Overton, DeKalb. *Knox *Tennessee (Montgomery), Sumner. *Wilson, Davidson; Williamson. *Campbell, Morgan, Anderson, Fentress. *Marion, Grundy, Bledsoe. The population shown for 1790 was reported for “South of French Broad [River].” Sevier County was created in 1794. *Sumner *Montgomery

*Sumner, Smith; Macon, Wilson. *Washington, Carter. *Grainger, Claiborne, Knox, Campbell, Anderson. *White, Warren. *Wilson *Humphreys, Hickman.

*Davidson *Sumner

*Robertson, Montgomery.

*Morgan, Overton, Campbell.



Texas was part of Mexico until its revolution in 1835-36 made it an independent republic, with a territory somewhat larger than the present state. It became part of the United States and was admitted as a state on December 29, 1845. It reached essentially its present boundaries in 1850, after the sale to the United States of an extensive northwestern area. In 1896 a long-standing dispute over what is now Greer County, Oklahoma was decided against Texas by the U.S. Supreme Court. In 1930 a Supreme Court decision transferred from Oklahoma to Texas a narrow strip on the eastern side of the Texas Panhandle. Beginning in 1905, international treaties and conventions have exchanged small tracts along the Rio Grande with Mexico, notably in and adjacent to the city of El Paso.

*Warren, Coffee. *Jefferson, Grainger, Hawkins. Hamilton County’s 1840-70 census boundaries were essentially the same as those of 1920-90. *Hawkins, Claiborne. *Hardin *Humphreys

*Stewart, Dickson, Humphreys.

*Smith *Hamilton; to Hamilton (1919). *Greene, Hawkins; in 1800 Cocke was reported with Jefferson. *Carter *Hawkins, Greene. *Obion *Tipton, Dyer; Haywood *Giles, Hickman. *Hickman, Maury, Lawrence, Wayne. *Monroe, Roane, Blount.

*Hardin *Smith, Sumner.

*Bedford, Lincoln, Maury. *Rhea 1790: Tennessee. *Lincoln, Franklin.

200 County and City Extra

Census coverage of eastern Texas began in 1850, although in 1820 and 1830 the census counts for (old) Miller County, Arkansas Territory, included some people in what is now Texas. By 1880 census coverage included the entire state. Total for 1890 includes four Indians in prison, not reported by county, but excludes population (5,338) of Greer County, enumerated as part of Oklahoma although claimed by Texas from 1860 to 1896.

Texas county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




48001 48003 48005 48007

Anderson ................. Andrews .................. Angelina .................. Aransas ....................

1850 1890 1850 1880

48009 48011 48013 48015 48017 48019

Archer ..................... Armstrong ............... Atascosa .................. Austin ...................... Bailey ....................... Bandera ...................

1880 1880 1860 1850 1900 1860

48021 48023 48025 48027 48029 48029.1

Bastrop .................... Baylor ...................... Bee .......................... Bell .......................... Bexar ....................... Bexar (district) ...........

1850 1880 1860 1860 1850 1870

48031 48033 48035 48037 48039

Blanco ..................... Borden ..................... Bosque .................... Bowie ...................... Brazoria ...................

1860 1880 1860 1850 1850

48041 48043 48045 48047 48049 48049.1 48051 48053 48055 48057 48059

Brazos ...................... Brewster .................. Briscoe ..................... Brooks ..................... Brown ...................... Buchel ...................... Burleson .................. Burnet ..................... Caldwell .................. Calhoun ................... Callahan ..................

1850 1890 1880 1920 1860 1890 1850 1860 1850 1850 1880


Cameron .................


48063 48065 48067 48069 48071 48073 48075 48077 48079 48081

Camp ...................... Carson ..................... Cass ......................... Castro ...................... Chambers ................ Cherokee ................. Childress .................. Clay ......................... Cochran ................... Coke ........................

1880 1890 1850 1890 1860 1850 1880 1860 1900 1890

48083 48085 48087 48089 48091 48093 48095 48097 48099 48101 48103

Coleman .................. Collin ....................... Collingsworth .......... Colorado ................. Comal ...................... Comanche ............... Concho .................... Cooke ...................... Coryell ..................... Cottle ...................... Crane ......................

1870 1850 1880 1850 1850 1860 1880 1850 1860 1880 1890

48105 48107 48109 48111 48113 48113.1

Crockett .................. Crosby ..................... Culberson ................ Dallam ..................... Dallas ....................... Dawson (old) ............

1880 1880 1920 1890 1850 1860

48115 48117 48119 48121

Dawson ................... Deaf Smith ............... Delta ........................ Denton ....................

1880 1880 1880 1850

48123 48125 48127 48129 48131 48133 48135

DeWitt ..................... Dickens .................... Dimmit .................... Donley ..................... Duval ....................... Eastland ................... Ector ........................

1850 1880 1870 1880 1870 1860 1890

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Refugio; Aransas County’s 1880 census boundaries were virtually the same as those of 1900-90.



*San Patricio, Goliad, Refugio *Milam Bexar District, an unorganized territory, was formed after 1860; by 1880 its 1870 area was part of Tom Green, Crockett, Martin, Howard, Mitchell, Nolan, Fisher, Scurry, Borden, Dawson, and Gaines. *Comal, Hays, Travis, Bexar *Bexar District *Milam

*Presidio *Hidalgo, Starr *Travis; Milam *Presidio; to Brewster *Travis, Milam, Williamson

In 1850 Starr and Webb (including areas subsequently in Encinal and Zapata) were reported with Cameron. *Upshur 1870: Davis *Liberty, Jefferson

*Cooke *Tom Green


*Milam *Tom Green *Bexar District

Year of first census

FIPS code

Area name

48137 48139 48141 48141.1

Edwards ................... Ellis .......................... El Paso ..................... Encinal ......................

1880 1850 1860 1860

48143 48145 48147 48149 48151 48153

Erath ........................ Falls ......................... Fannin ..................... Fayette ..................... Fisher ....................... Floyd ........................

1860 1860 1850 1850 1880 1880

48155 48155.1 48157 48159 48161 48163 48165 48167 48169 48171 48173

Foard ....................... Foley ......................... Fort Bend ................. Franklin .................... Freestone ................. Frio .......................... Gaines ..................... Galveston ................ Garza ....................... Gillespie ................... Glasscock .................

1900 1890 1850 1880 1860 1860 1880 1850 1880 1850 1890

48175 48177 48179 48181 48183 48185 48187 48189 48191 48193 48195

Goliad ...................... Gonzales .................. Gray ........................ Grayson ................... Gregg ...................... Grimes ..................... Guadalupe ............... Hale ......................... Hall .......................... Hamilton .................. Hansford ..................

1850 1850 1880 1850 1880 1850 1850 1890 1880 1860 1880

48197 48199 48201 48203 48205 48207 48209 48211 48213 48215 48217

Hardeman ................ Hardin ..................... Harris ....................... Harrison ................... Hartley ..................... Haskell ..................... Hays ........................ Hemphill .................. Henderson ............... Hidalgo .................... Hill ...........................

1880 1860 1850 1850 1880 1880 1850 1880 1850 1860 1860

48219 48221 48223 48225 48227 48229 48231 48233 48235 48237 48239

Hockley .................... Hood ....................... Hopkins ................... Houston ................... Howard ................... Hudspeth ................. Hunt ........................ Hutchinson .............. Irion ......................... Jack ......................... Jackson ....................

1900 1870 1850 1850 1880 1920 1850 1880 1890 1860 1850

48241 48243 48245 48247 48249 48251 48253 48255 48257 48259 48261

Jasper ...................... Jeff Davis ................. Jefferson .................. Jim Hogg ................. Jim Wells ................. Johnson ................... Jones ....................... Karnes ..................... Kaufman .................. Kendall .................... Kenedy ....................

1850 1890 1850 1920 1920 1860 1880 1860 1850 1870 1920

48263 48265 48267 48269 48271 48273 48275 48277 48279 48281 48283

Kent ........................ Kerr ......................... Kimble ..................... King ......................... Kinney ..................... Kleberg .................... Knox ........................ Lamar ...................... Lamb ....................... Lampasas ................. La Salle ....................

1880 1860 1870 1880 1860 1920 1880 1850 1890 1860 1870

*El Paso

*Bexar; to Kinney, Uvalde; The first Dawson County was formed before 1860 and divided between Kinney and Uvalde in 1866. The present Dawson County was created in 1876. *Bexar District *Hopkins, Lamar

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Webb, Nueces; to Webb; In 1850 Starr and Webb (including areas subsequently in Encinal and Zapata) were reported with Cameron. *Milam *Limestone, Milam

*Bexar District

*Hardeman, Cottle, Knox *Presidio; to Brewster *Titus *Limestone *Bexar *Bexar District

*Tom Green

*Rusk, Upshur


*Jefferson, Liberty, Tyler

*Cameron *Navarro

*Johnson, Erath

*Bexar District *El Paso

*Tom Green *Cooke

*Presidio *Starr, Zapata, Duval *Nueces *Navarro, Milam *Goliad, Bexar, DeWitt; San Patricio *Blanco, Kerr *Cameron, Hidalgo; Nueces; Kenedy County, formed in 1911, was named Willacy until 1921. The present Willacy County was formed in 1921 from Cameron and Hidalgo with a small part from Kenedy (old Willacy).


*Bexar *Nueces; Hidalgo, Cameron

*Milam, Travis

*Milam, Travis *Tom Green

Part C — Counties 201

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

48285 48287 48289 48291 48293 48295 48297 48299 48301 48303

Lavaca ..................... Lee .......................... Leon ........................ Liberty ..................... Limestone ................ Lipscomb ................. Live Oak ................... Llano ....................... Loving ...................... Lubbock ...................

1850 1880 1850 1850 1850 1880 1860 1860 1890 1880

48305 48307 48309 48311 48313 48315 48317 48319 48321 48323 48325

Lynn ........................ McCulloch ............... McLennan ................ McMullen ................ Madison .................. Marion ..................... Martin ..................... Mason ..................... Matagorda ............... Maverick .................. Medina ....................

1880 1870 1860 1870 1860 1860 1880 1860 1850 1860 1850

48327 48329 48331 48333 48335 48337 48339 48341 48343 48345 48347

Menard .................... Midland ................... Milam ...................... Mills ......................... Mitchell ................... Montague ................ Montgomery ............ Moore ..................... Morris ...................... Motley ..................... Nacogdoches ...........

1870 1890 1850 1890 1880 1860 1850 1890 1880 1880 1850

48349 48351 48353 48355 48357 48359 48361 48363 48365 48367 48369

Navarro .................... Newton ................... Nolan ....................... Nueces ..................... Ochiltree .................. Oldham ................... Orange .................... Palo Pinto ................ Panola ..................... Parker ...................... Parmer .....................

1850 1850 1880 1850 1890 1880 1860 1860 1850 1860 1890

48371 48373 48375 48377 48379 48381 48383 48385 48387 48389 48391

Pecos ....................... Polk ......................... Potter ...................... Presidio .................... Rains ........................ Randall .................... Reagan .................... Real ......................... Red River ................. Reeves ..................... Refugio ....................

1880 1850 1880 1860 1880 1880 1910 1920 1850 1890 1850

48393 48395 48397 48399 48401 48403 48405 48407 48409

Roberts .................... Robertson ................ Rockwall .................. Runnels .................... Rusk ........................ Sabine ..................... San Augustine ......... San Jacinto .............. San Patricio ..............

1880 1850 1880 1880 1850 1850 1850 1880 1850

48411 48413 48415 48417 48419 48421 48423 48425 48427

San Saba .................. Schleicher ................ Scurry ...................... Shackelford .............. Shelby ...................... Sherman .................. Smith ....................... Somervell ................. Starr ........................

1860 1890 1880 1860 1850 1890 1850 1880 1860


Stephens ..................


48431 48433 48435 48437 48439 48441 48443 48445 48447

Sterling .................... Stonewall ................. Sutton ..................... Swisher .................... Tarrant ..................... Taylor ....................... Terrell ....................... Terry ........................ Throckmorton ..........

1900 1880 1890 1880 1850 1880 1910 1890 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Burleson, Washington, Bastrop, Fayette

*San Patricio, Nueces *Bexar, Gillespie, Travis *Tom Green

*Milam, Limestone, Navarro *Grimes, Walker *Cass *Bexar District *Bexar, Gillespie *Bexar

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

48449 48451 48453 48455 48457 48459 48461 48463 48465 48467

Titus ........................ Tom Green ............... Travis ....................... Trinity ....................... Tyler ......................... Upshur ..................... Upton ...................... Uvalde ..................... Val Verde ................. Van Zandt ................

1850 1880 1850 1860 1850 1850 1890 1860 1890 1850

48469 48471 48473 48475 48477 48479

Victoria .................... Walker ..................... Waller ...................... Ward ....................... Washington ............. Webb ......................

1850 1850 1880 1890 1850 1860

48481 48483 48485 48487 48489

Wharton .................. Wheeler ................... Wichita .................... Wilbarger ................ Willacy .....................

1850 1880 1880 1880 1930

48491 48493 48495 48497 48499 48501 48503 48505

Williamson ............... Wilson ..................... Winkler .................... Wise ........................ Wood ...................... Yoakum ................... Young ...................... Zapata .....................

1850 1870 1890 1860 1860 1890 1860 1860


Zavala ......................


*Tom Green *Brown, Hamilton, Lampasas, Comanche *Bexar District *Cooke


*Bexar District

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) *Bexar District *Houston

*Tom Green *Bexar *Crockett, Pecos, Kinney

*Austin, Grimes *Tom Green *Cameron; In 1850 Starr and Webb (including areas subsequently in Encinal and Zapata) were reported with Cameron.

Kenedy County, formed in 1911, was named Willacy until 1921. The present Willacy County was formed in 1921 from Cameron and Hidalgo with a small part from Kenedy (old Willacy).

*Bexar, Guadalupe *Tom Green *Cooke *Van Zandt *Bexar; Milam *Cameron; In 1850 Starr and Webb (including areas subsequently in Encinal and Zapata) were reported with Cameron. *Bexar

*Jefferson *Milam, Navarro *Navarro, Milam



Utah was acquired from Mexico in 1848 and established as a territory in September 1850, including most of presentday Nevada and western Colorado. Colorado and Nevada were separated in 1861, with further transfers from Utah to Nevada in 1862 and 1866. Utah acquired its present boundaries in 1868 and was admitted as a state on January 4, 1896.

*Wood, Hunt; Hopkins, Van Zandt *Tom Green *Edwards, Bandera, Kerr *Pecos


*Polk, Liberty, Walker, Montgomery San Patricio’s 1860-80 census boundaries were virtually the same as those of 19001990. *Bexar *Crockett *Bexar District *Milam; Bexar

*Hood *Cameron; In 1850 Starr and Webb (including areas subsequently in Encinal and Zapata) were reported with Cameron. *Milam, Bexar; 1860: Buchanan *Tom Green *Crockett

*Pecos *Bexar; Milam

202 County and City Extra

Utah’s 1850 census was taken as of April 1, 1851 and included almost no population outside the present state. The 1860 population includes some persons in present-day Wyoming but excludes counties located in present-day Nevada. The 1870 population excludes Rio Virgin County, which was part of Nevada although enumerated as part of Utah. The census date for the 1850 census in Utah was April 1, 1851. Total for 1860 excludes population (6,857) in counties that subsequently became part of Nevada. Total for 1870 excludes population (450) of Rio Virgin County, in Nevada though enumerated as part of Utah. Total for 1890 includes population (2,874) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county.

Utah county origins: FIPS code

Year of first census

Area name


UTAH ..........................


49001 49003 49005 49007

Beaver ....................... Box Elder ................... Cache ........................ Carbon ......................

1860 1860 1860 1900

49007.1 49009 49011 49013 49015 49017

Cedar ......................... Daggett ..................... Davis .......................... Duchesne ................... Emery ........................ Garfield .....................

1860 1920 1850 1920 1880 1890


Grand ........................


49019.1 49021 49023 49025 49027 49029 49031 49033 49035 49037

Green River ................. Iron ............................ Juab ........................... Kane .......................... Millard ....................... Morgan ..................... Piute .......................... Rich ........................... Salt Lake .................... San Juan ....................

1860 1850 1860 1870 1860 1870 1870 1870 1850 1880

49039 49039.1 49041 49043 49045 49047 49049 49051 49053 49055 49057

Sanpete ..................... Shambip ..................... Sevier ......................... Summit ...................... Tooele ........................ Uintah ....................... Utah .......................... Wasatch ..................... Washington ............... Wayne ....................... Weber .......................

1850 1860 1870 1860 1850 1880 1850 1870 1860 1900 1850

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Iron *Weber *Emery *Utah; Tooele; Cedar County was abolished in 1862; in 1870 its former area was reported mainly in Utah County, with limited areas in Tooele, Juab, and Salt Lake Counties. *Uintah *Wasatch; Uintah *Sanpete, Sevier *Iron; Piute, Kane *Emery The area of Green River County enumerated in 1860 was in Wyoming Territory by 1870.

*Washington *Summit *Beaver *Cache, Summit 1850-60: Great Salt Lake *Iron, Kane, Piute

*Tooele; to Tooele; Juab *Sanpete, Millard

*Wasatch, Sanpete *Utah, Summit, Green River *Piute

VERMONT In 1777 Vermont declared itself separate from New Hampshire and New York, but both continued to claim it. After New York withdrew its claims, Vermont was admitted as a state on March 4, 1791 with essentially its present boundaries. Vermont’s 1790 census actually took place after statehood in 1791. Census coverage included virtually all settled portions of the state. Data for 1790 are from census taken in 1791. Vermont county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census




50001 50003 50005 50007 50009 50011 50013 50015 50017 50019

Addison .............. Bennington ......... Caledonia ........... Chittenden ......... Essex ................... Franklin ............... Grand Isle ........... Lamoille .............. Orange ............... Orleans ...............

1790 1790 1800 1790 1800 1800 1810 1840 1790 1800

50021 50023 50025 50027

Rutland ............... Washington ........ Windham ........... Windsor ..............

1790 1820 1790 1790

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Orange *Orange *Chittenden *Franklin, Chittenden. *Franklin, Orleans, Washington, Chittenden. *Chittenden, Orange.

*Chittenden, Orange, Caledonia.

VIRGINIA Virginia was one of the 13 original states. Kentucky was part of Virginia until 1792, and a small part of Virginia was included in the District of Columbia from 1791 to 1846. West Virginia was separated from Virginia in 1862, becoming a state in 1863 and adding two more counties in 1866. Since then Virginia’s boundaries have remained essentially unchanged, with slight modifications as early surveys were reviewed and corrected. Details of the Virginia-Tennessee boundary were not settled until 1901. In 1790, census coverage included all of Virginia’s present-day territory; Kentucky was reported separately. The populations for 1800–1840 include the area that was then part of the District of Columbia, and the populations for 1790-1860 exclude the counties entirely or primarily included in what is now West Virginia. Total for 1800 includes 48 persons not credited to any county. Totals for 1790–1860 exclude counties wholly or primarily in what is now West Virginia (1790: 55,873; 1800: 78,592; 1810: 105,469; 1820: 136,808; 1830: 176,924; 1840: 224,537; 1850: 302,313; 1860: 376,688). The information on county formations specifies (WV) when referring to counties that primarily became part of West Virginia. State totals for 1800–1840 include population of the portion of the District of Columbia taken from Virginia (Fairfax County) in 1791 but retroceded to Virginia in 1846 (1800: 5,949; 1810: 8.852; 1820: 9.703; 1830: 9,573; 1840: 9,967). This area became Alexandria County in 1801; a portion was reported as Alexandria city independent of the county beginning in 1900; Alexandria County was renamed Arlington in 1920. In Virginia, when a town becomes a city it also becomes independent of its county. The table lists these independent cities separately after the counties. Although some cities operated independently of any county much earlier, census publications did not consistently report independent cities as separate from counties until 1890. Many new independent cities have been created since then, and there also have been numerous annexations from counties to cities. Several former counties have disappeared through annexation to cities, or through the whole county becoming a city. In spite of their names, the counties named Charles City, James City, and (until 1952) Elizabeth City are counties, not independent cities. Persons interested in population changes over time often prefer to combine the Virginia independent cities with an adjacent county, to eliminate or reduce the effect of the numerous county/ city boundary changes. The last section of the Virginia portion of Table C gives data for those counties from which a city has been formed or primarily formed, combining

Part C — Counties 203

populations for the county and the city or cities. Notes for the cities specify the county or counties from which the city originally was formed. In five cases (the cities of Hampton, Newport News, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, and the combined cities of Norfolk, Chesapeake, and Portsmouth) the combined area is listed with the name of a city, as explained in individual notes.

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

51047 51049 51051 51053

Culpeper .................. Cumberland ............. Dickenson ................ Dinwiddie ................

1790 1790 1890 1790


Elizabeth City ............


51057 51059

Essex ........................ Fairfax ......................

1790 1790


Fauquier ..................


51063 51065 51067 51069

Floyd ........................ Fluvanna .................. Franklin .................... Frederick ..................

1840 1790 1790 1790

51071 51073 51075 51077

Giles ........................ Gloucester ............... Goochland ............... Grayson ...................

1810 1790 1790 1800

51079 51081

Greene .................... Greensville ...............

1840 1790


Halifax .....................


51085 51087

Hanover ................... Henrico ....................

1790 1790


Henry .......................


51091 51093 51095

Highland .................. Isle of Wight ............ James City ...............

1850 1790 1790

51097 51099 51101 51103 51105

King and Queen ....... King George ............ King William ............ Lancaster ................. Lee ..........................

1790 1790 1790 1790 1800

51107 51109 51111 51113 51115 51117 51119 51121

Loudoun .................. Louisa ...................... Lunenburg ............... Madison .................. Mathews ................. Mecklenburg ........... Middlesex ................ Montgomery ............

1790 1790 1790 1800 1800 1790 1790 1790


Nansemond ..............


51125 51127

Nelson ..................... New Kent ................

1810 1790

Virginia county origins: FIPS code

Area name




51001 51003

Accomack ................ Albemarle ................

1790 1790


Alleghany ................


51007 51009 51011

Amelia ..................... Amherst ................... Appomattox ............

1790 1790 1850


Arlington .................



51017 51019

51021 51023

51025 51027 51029 51031

51033 51035

51036 51037 51041

51043 51045

Augusta ...................

Bath ......................... Bedford ...................

Bland ....................... Botetourt .................

Brunswick ................ Buchanan ................ Buckingham ............. Campbell .................

Caroline ................... Carroll .....................

Charles City ............. Charlotte ................. Chesterfield .............

Clarke ...................... Craig .......................

Year of first census


1800 1790

1870 1790

1790 1860 1790 1790

1790 1850

1790 1790 1790

1840 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

Charlottesville city, formed from Albemarle County. *Botetourt, Bath, Monroe (WV). Clifton Forge city, formed from Alleghany County (1906). Covington city, formed from Alleghany County (1952). Nottoway was reported with Amelia in 1790. *Buckingham, Campbell, Prince Edward, Charlotte. The portion of the District of Columbia taken from Virginia (Fairfax County) in 1791 but retroceded to Virginia in 1846 became Alexandria County in 1801; a portion was reported as Alexandria city independent of the county beginning in 1900; Alexandria County was renamed Arlington in 1920. Staunton city, formed from Augusta County. Annexation after 1980 from Augusta (1980 population 2,980). Waynesboro city, formed from Augusta County (1948). Annexation after 1980 from Augusta (1980 population 3,234). *Augusta, Botetourt, Greenbrier (WV). Bedford city, formed from Bedford County (1968). Lynchburg city, formed from Campbell County; has annexed some territory from Bedford County. Annexations after 1970 from Campbell (1970 population 9,033) and Bedford (1,467). *Wythe, Tazewell, Giles. Botetourt’s 1860 census boundaries were essentially the same as those of 1890-1990. Wythe was reported in 1790 as part of Montgomery and Botetourt. *Tazewell, Russell. Lynchburg city, formed from Campbell County; has annexed some territory from Bedford County. Annexations after 1970 from Campbell (1970 population 9,033) and Bedford (1,467). *Grayson; Galax city, formed almost equally from Carroll and Grayson Counties (1953); combined in the table with Carroll County.

Colonial Heights city, formed from Chesterfield County (1948). Some users prefer to combine it with adjacent Petersburg city and Dinwiddie County, Manchester city, formed from Chesterfield County, but annexed to Richmond city in 1910. Petersburg city, formed mainly from Dinwiddie County (1880 population 19,151); also included territory from Chesterfield County (1,312) and Prince George County (1,193). Annexations after 1970 from Prince George (1970 population 4,721) and Dinwiddie (3,378). Richmond city, formed from Henrico County, but has annexed much territory from Chesterfield County; annexed Manchester city (originally formed from Chesterfield) in 1910. *Frederick *Botetourt, Giles, Roanoke, Monroe (WV).

204 County and City Extra

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Buchanan, Wise, Russell. Petersburg city, formed mainly from Dinwiddie County (1880 population 19,151); also included territory from Chesterfield County (1,312) and Prince George County (1,193). Annexations after 1970 from Prince George (1970 population 4,721) and Dinwiddie (3,378). Hampton city, formed from Elizabeth City County (1908). The remainder of the county was annexed to the city in 1952; the city/ county combination is listed under Hampton. Newport News city, formed from Warwick County, with some annexations from Elizabeth City County (now Hampton city). The remainder of Warwick County became Warwick city in 1952 and then was annexed to Newport News city in 1958; the city/county combination is listed under Newport News. Fairfax: 1960 corrected population 262,482 (including Falls Church city, 272,674). Alexandria city, formed from Alexandria (now Arlington) County; has also annexed much territory from Fairfax County. Fairfax city, formed from Fairfax County (1961). Annexation after 1980 from Fairfax County (1980 population 1,147). Falls Church city, formed from Fairfax County (1948).


Winchester city, formed from Frederick County. Annexation after 1970 from Frederick (1970 population 4,786). *Montgomery, Tazewell, Wythe

*Montgomery, Washington; Galax city, formed almost equally from Carroll and Grayson Counties (1953); combined in the table with Carroll County. *Orange Emporia city, formed from Greensville County (1967). Annexation after 1980 from Greensville (1980 population 1,234). South Boston city, formed from Halifax County (1960).

Richmond city, formed from Henrico County, but has annexed much territory from Chesterfield County; annexed Manchester city (originally formed from Chesterfield) in 1910. Martinsville city, formed from Henry County (1929). *Bath, Pendleton (WV). Williamsburg city, formed from James City County, but also includes territory from York County. Annexation after 1980 from James City County (1980 population 424).


*Culpeper *Gloucester

Wythe was reported in 1790 as part of Montgomery and Botetourt. Radford city, formed from Montgomery County. Annexations from Montgomery after 1970 (1970 population 344) and after 1980 (1980 population 231). Suffolk city, formed from Nansemond County. The remainder of the county became Nansemond city in 1972 and then was annexed to Suffolk city in 1974; the city/ county combination is listed under Suffolk. *Amherst

FIPS code

Area name


Norfolk .....................

Year of first census 1790

51131 51133 51135 51137 51139 51141 51143

Northampton ........... Northumberland ...... Nottoway ................. Orange .................... Page ........................ Patrick ..................... Pittsylvania ...............

1790 1790 1800 1790 1840 1800 1790

51145 51147

Powhatan ................ Prince Edward ..........

1790 1790


Prince George ..........



Princess Anne ...........



Prince William ..........


51155 51157 51159

Pulaski ..................... Rappahannock ......... Richmond ................

1840 1840 1790


Roanoke ..................




Rockbridge ..............

Rockingham .............



51167 51169

Russell ..................... Scott ........................

1790 1820

51171 51173 51175

Shenandoah ............ Smyth ...................... Southampton ...........

1790 1840 1790


Spotsylvania .............


51179 51181 51183 51185 51187 51189

Stafford ................... Surry ........................ Sussex ...................... Tazewell ................... Warren .................... Warwick ...................

1790 1790 1790 1800 1840 1790


Washington .............


Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Chesapeake city, formed through combination of Norfolk County and South Norfolk city (1963); Norfolk city, formed from Norfolk County, with some annexations from Princess Anne County. The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/county combination under Norfolk, Portsmouth city, formed from Norfolk County.


Westmoreland .........



Wise ........................



Wythe ......................


*Amelia; reported with Amelia in 1790.


York .........................


Westmoreland was reported with Richmond in 1800. Westmoreland’s 1790 census boundaries were the same as those of 18101990. *Russell, Scott, Lee; Norton city, formed from Wise County (1954). Wythe: *Montgomery, Russell; Wythe was reported in 1790 as part of Montgomery and Botetourt. Radford city, formed from Montgomery County. Annexations from Montgomery after 1970 (1970 population 344) and after 1980 (1980 population 231). Poquoson city, formed from York County (1975); 1970 population 5,441. Williamsburg city, formed from James City County, but also includes territory from York County. Annexation after 1980 from James City County (1980 population 424).

*Shenandoah, Rockingham. *Henry Danville city, formed from Pittsylvania County. Annexation after 1980 from Pittsylvania (1980 population 11,007).

Hopewell city, formed from Prince George County (1916). Petersburg city, formed mainly from Dinwiddie County (1880 population 19,151); also included territory from Chesterfield County (1,312) and Prince George County (1,193). Annexations after 1970 from Prince George (1970 population 4,721) and Dinwiddie (3,378). Norfolk city, formed from Norfolk County, with some annexations from Princess Anne County. The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/county combination under Norfolk. Virginia Beach city, formed from Princess Anne County (1952). The remainder of the county was annexed to the city in 1963; the city/county combination is listed under Virginia Beach. Manassas city and Manassas Park city, formed from Prince William County (1975); 1970 populations 10,758 and 6,844 respectively. *Montgomery, Wythe. *Culpeper Westmoreland was reported with Richmond in 1800. *Botetourt; Montgomery. Roanoke city, formed from Roanoke County. Annexation after 1970 from Roanoke County (1970 population 13,522). Salem city, formed from Roanoke County (1968). Buena Vista city, formed from Rockbridge County. Annexation after 1980 from Rockbridge (1980 population 187). Lexington city, formed from Rockbridge County (1966). Harrisonburg city, formed from Rockingham County (1916). Annexation after 1980 from Rockingham (1980 population 4,984). *Russell, Lee, Washington.

*Washington, Wythe. Franklin city, formed from Southampton County (1961). Annexation after 1980 from Southampton (1980 population 415). Fredericksburg city, formed from Spotsylvania County. Annexation after 1980 from Spotsylvania (1980 population 2,440).

*Montgomery, Russell. *Frederick, Shenandoah. Newport News city, formed from Warwick County, with some annexations from Elizabeth City County (now Hampton city). The remainder of Warwick County became Warwick city in 1952 and then was annexed to Newport News city in 1958; the city/county combination is listed under Newport News. Bristol city, formed from Washington County. Annexation after 1970 from Washington (1970 population 4,802).

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


Area name

Year of first census


Alexandria ..............


51515 51520

Bedford .................. Bristol .....................

1970 1900


Buena Vista.............


51540 51550

Charlottesville ........ Chesapeake ............

1900 1970

51560 51570

Clifton Forge........... Colonial Heights .....

1910 1950

51580 51590

Covington............... Danville...................

1960 1900


Emporia ..................





51610 51620

Falls Church ............ Franklin...................

1950 1970


Fredericksburg ........



Galax ......................



Hampton ................





51670 51678 51680

Hopewell ................ Lexington................ Lynchburg ...............

1920 1970 1900

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) From Alexandria (now Arlington) County; has also annexed much territory from Fairfax County. From Bedford County (1968). From Washington County. Annexation after 1970 from Washington (1970 population 4,802). From Rockbridge County. Annexation after 1980 from Rockbridge (1980 population 187). From Albemarle County. Formed through combination of Norfolk County and South Norfolk city (1963); The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/county combination under Norfolk. From Alleghany County (1906). From Chesterfield County (1948). Some users prefer to combine it with adjacent Petersburg city and Dinwiddie County. From Alleghany County (1952). From Pittsylvania County. Annexation after 1980 from Pittsylvania (1980 population 11,007). From Greensville County (1967). Annexation after 1980 from Greensville (1980 population 1,234). From Fairfax County (1961). Annexation after 1980 from Fairfax County (1980 population 1,147). From Fairfax County (1948). From Southampton County (1961). Annexation after 1980 from Southampton (1980 population 415). From Spotsylvania County. Annexation after 1980 from Spotsylvania (1980 population 2,440). Formed almost equally from Carroll and Grayson Counties (1953); combined in the table with Carroll County. From Elizabeth City County (1908). The remainder of the county was annexed to the city in 1952; the city/county combination is listed under Hampton. From Rockingham County (1916). Annexation after 1980 from Rockingham (1980 population 4,984). From Prince George County (1916). From Rockbridge County (1966). From Campbell County; has annexed some territory from Bedford County. Annexations after 1970 from Campbell (1970 population 9,033) and Bedford (1,467).

Part C — Counties 205

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


Manassas ................



Manassas Park ........





51690 51700

Martinsville ............. Newport News ........

1930 1900


Norfolk ...................


51720 51730

Norton .................... Petersburg ..............

1960 1890


Poquoson ...............



Portsmouth .............



Radford ..................



Richmond ...............



Roanoke .................


51775 51780 51785

Salem ..................... South Boston .......... South Norfolk .........

1970 1960 1930





Suffolk ....................



Virginia Beach .........






Williamsburg ..........



Winchester .............


Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed) From Prince William County (1975); 1970 population 10,758. From Prince William County (1975); 1970 population and 6,844. From Chesterfield County, but annexed to Richmond city in 1910. From Henry County (1929). From Warwick County, with some annexations from Elizabeth City County (now Hampton city). The remainder of Warwick County became Warwick city in 1952 and then was annexed to Newport News city in 1958; the city/county combination is listed under Newport News. From Norfolk County, with some annexations from Princess Anne County. The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/county combination under Norfolk. From Wise County (1954). Formed mainly from Dinwiddie County (1880 population 19,151); also included territory from Chesterfield County (1,312) and Prince George County (1,193). Annexations after 1970 from Prince George (1970 population 4,721) and Dinwiddie (3,378). From York County (1975); 1970 population 5,441. From Norfolk County; The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/ county combination under Norfolk. From Montgomery County. Annexations from Montgomery after 1970 (1970 population 344) and after 1980 (1980 population 231). From Henrico County, but has annexed much territory from Chesterfield County; annexed Manchester city (originally from Chesterfield) in 1910. From Roanoke County. Annexation after 1970 from Roanoke County (1970 population 13,522). From Roanoke County (1968). From Halifax County (1960). From Norfolk County (1921); with the remainder of Norfolk County, formed Chesapeake city in 1963; The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/ county combination under Norfolk. From Augusta County. Annexation after 1980 from Augusta (1980 population 2,980). From Nansemond County. The remainder of the county became Nansemond city in 1972 and then was annexed to Suffolk city in 1974; the city/county combination is listed under Suffolk. From Princess Anne County (1952). The remainder of the county was annexed to the city in 1963; the city/county combination is listed under Virginia Beach. From Augusta County (1948). Annexation after 1980 from Augusta (1980 population 3,234). From James City County, but also includes territory from York County. Annexation after 1980 from James City County (1980 population 424). From Frederick County. Annexation after 1970 from Frederick (1970 population 4,786).

206 County and City Extra


Albemarle .................


Alleghany .................


Arlington ..................


Augusta ....................


Bedford ....................


Campbell ..................


Carroll ......................


Chesterfield ..............


Dinwiddie .................




Frederick ...................


Greensville ................


Halifax ......................


Hampton ..................


Henrico .....................




James City ................




Newport News ..........

Albemarle county and Charlottesville city, formed from Albemarle County. Allegheny county, Clifton Forge city, and Covington city. *Botetourt, Bath, Monroe (WV). Clifton Forge city, formed from Alleghany County (1906). Covington city, formed from Alleghany County (1952). Arlington county and Alexandria city. This area became Alexandria County in 1801; a portion was reported as Alexandria city independent of the county beginning in 1900; Alexandria County was renamed Arlington in 1920. Alexandria city, formed from Alexandria (now Arlington) County; has also annexed much territory from Fairfax County. Augusta county, Staunton city, and Waynesboro city. Staunton city, formed from Augusta County. Annexation after 1980 from Augusta (1980 population 2,980). Waynesboro city, formed from Augusta County (1948). Annexation after 1980 from Augusta (1980 population 3,234). Bedford County and Bedford city. Bedford city, formed from Bedford County (1968). Lynchburg city,formed from Campbell County; has annexed some territory from Bedford County. Annexations after 1970 from Campbell (1970 population 9,033) and Bedford (1,467). Campbell County and Lynchburg city. Lynchburg city, formed from Campbell County; has annexed some territory from Bedford County. Annexations after 1970 from Campbell (1970 population 9,033) and Bedford (1,467). Carroll County and Galax city. *Grayson; Galax city, formed almost equally from Carroll and Grayson Counties (1953); combined in the table with Carroll County. Chesterfield County and Colonial Heights city. Colonial Heights city, formed from Chesterfield County (1948). Some users prefer to combine it with adjacent Petersburg city and Dinwiddie County. Dinwiddie County and Petersburg city. Petersburg city, formed mainly from Dinwiddie County (1880 population 19,151); also included territory from Chesterfield County (1,312) and Prince George County (1,193). Annexations after 1970 from Prince George (1970 population 4,721) and Dinwiddie (3,378). Fairfax County, Fairfax city, and Falls Church city. Fairfax: 1960 corrected population 262,482 (including Falls Church city, 272,674). Alexandria city, formed from Alexandria (now Arlington) County; has also annexed much territory from Fairfax County., Fairfax city, formed from Fairfax County (1961). Annexation after 1980 from Fairfax County (1980 population 1,147), Falls Church city, formed from Fairfax County (1948). Frederick County and Winchester city. Winchester city, formed from Frederick County. Annexation after 1970 from Frederick (1970 population 4,786). Greensville County and Emporia city. Emporia city, formed from Greensville County (1967). Annexation after 1980 from Greensville (1980 population 1,234). Halifax County and South Boston city. South Boston city, formed from Halifax County (1960). Hampton city and Elizabeth City County. Hampton city/county: Hampton city, formed from Elizabeth City County (1908). The remainder of the county was annexed to the city in 1952; Henrico County and Richmond city. Richmond city, formed from Henrico County, but has annexed much territory from Chesterfield County; annexed Manchester city (originally formed from Chesterfield) in 1910. Henry county and Martinsville city. Martinsville city, formed from Henry County (1929). James City County and Williamsburg city. Williamsburg city, formed from James City County, but also includes territory from York County. Annexation after 1980 from James City County (1980 population 424). Montgomery County and Radford city. Wythe county was reported in 1790 as part of Montgomery and Botetourt. Radford city, formed from Montgomery County. Annexations from Montgomery after 1970 (1970 population 344) and after 1980 (1980 population 231). Newport News city and Warwick County. Newport News city, formed from Warwick County, with some annexations from Elizabeth City County (now Hampton city). The remainder of Warwick County became Warwick city in 1952 and then was annexed to Newport News city in 1958.

Year of first cenus 1790

Norfolk .....................


Pittsylvania ................


Prince George ...........


Prince William ...........


Roanoke ...................


Rockbridge ...............






Spotsylvania ..............


Suffolk ......................


Virginia Beach ...........


Washington ..............


Wise .........................


York ..........................

The cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Chesapeake and the former Norfolk County and South Norfolk city are listed as a single city/county combination under Norfolk. Norfolk city, formed from Norfolk County, with some annexations from Princess Anne County. Pittsylvania County and Danville city. Danville city, formed from Pittsylvania County. Annexation after 1980 from Pittsylvania (1980 population 11,007). Prince George County and Hopewell city. Hopewell city, formed from Prince George County (1916). Petersburg city, formed mainly from Dinwiddie County (1880 population 19,151); also included territory from Chesterfield County (1,312) and Prince George County (1,193). Annexations after 1970 from Prince George (1970 population 4,721) and Dinwiddie (3,378). Prince William County, Manassas city, and Manassas Park city. Manassas city and Manassas Park city, formed from Prince William County (1975); 1970 populations 10,758 and 6,844 respectively. Roanoke County, Roanoke city, and Salem city. *Botetourt, Montgomery; Roanoke city, formed from Roanoke County. Annexation after 1970 from Roanoke County (1970 population 13,522). Salem city, formed from Roanoke County (1968). Rockbridge County, Buena Vista city, and Lexington city. Including its associated independent cities, Rockbridge’s 1860 census boundaries were essentially the same as those of 1890-1990. Buena Vista city, formed from Rockbridge County. Annexation after 1980 from Rockbridge (1980 population 187). Lexington city, formed from Rockbridge County (1966). Rockingham County and Harrisonburg city. Harrisonburg city, formed from Rockingham County (1916). Annexation after 1980 from Rockingham (1980 population 4,984). Southampton County and Franklin city. Franklin city, formed from Southampton County (1961). Annexation after 1980 from Southampton (1980 population 415). Spotsylvania County and Fredericksburg city. Fredericksburg city, formed from Spotsylvania County. Annexation after 1980 from Spotsylvania (1980 population 2,440). Suffolk city and Nansemond county. Suffolk city, formed from Nansemond County. The remainder of the county became Nansemond city in 1972 and then was annexed to Suffolk city in 1974; the city/county combination is listed under Suffolk. Virginia Beach city and Princess Anne County. Virginia Beach city, formed from Princess Anne County (1952). The remainder of the county was annexed to the city in 1963. Washington county and Bristol city. Bristol city, formed from Washington County. Annexation after 1970 from Washington (1970 population 4,802). Wise County and Norton city. Wise/city: *Russell, Scott, Lee; Norton city, formed from Wise County (1954). York county and Poquoson city. Poquoson city, formed from York County (1975); 1970 population 5,441. Williamsburg city, formed from James City County, but also includes territory from York County. Annexation after 1980 from James City County (1980 population 424).

Areas shown for 1850 were then in Oregon Territory. Total for 1890 includes population (7,842) of certain Indian reservations not reported by county. Washington county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)


WASHINGTON .........


53001 53003 53005 53007 53009 53011 53013 53015 53017 53019

Adams .................... Asotin ..................... Benton .................... Chelan .................... Clallam ................... Clark ....................... Columbia ................ Cowlitz ................... Douglas .................. Ferry .......................

1890 1890 1910 1900 1860 1850 1880 1860 1890 1900

53021 53023 53025 53027 53029 53031 53033 53035 53037 53039 53041

Franklin ................... Garfield .................. Grant ...................... Grays Harbor .......... Island ...................... Jefferson ................. King ........................ Kitsap ..................... Kittitas .................... Klickitat .................. Lewis ......................

1890 1890 1910 1860 1860 1860 1860 1860 1890 1860 1850

*Whitman *Columbia *Douglas *Lewis; 1860-1910: Chehalis *Lewis; Clark *Lewis *Lewis; Clark *Lewis *Yakima *Clark

53043 53045 53047 53049 53051 53053 53055

Lincoln .................... Mason .................... Okanogan ............... Pacific ..................... Pend Oreille ............ Pierce ...................... San Juan .................

1890 1860 1890 1860 1920 1860 1870

53057 53059 53061 53063

Skagit ..................... Skamania ................ Snohomish .............. Spokane .................

1890 1860 1870 1880

*Spokane *Lewis; 1860: Sawamish *Stevens *Lewis *Stevens *Lewis; Clark The San Juan Islands were in dispute with Great Britain until 1872, and were reported in the 1870 census as “the disputed islands.” San Juan County was formed in 1873. *Whatcom *Clark; Lewis *Island The first Spokane County was renamed Stevens in 1864. The present Spokane County was formed from Stevens after 1870.


Stevens ...................


53067 53069 53071 53073 53075 53077

Thurston ................. Wahkiakum ............ Walla Walla ............. Whatcom ................ Whitman ................ Yakima ....................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1880 1870

*Whitman *Columbia *Yakima, Klickitat *Okanogan, Kittitas *Lewis *Walla Walla *Lewis, Clark *Spokane *Stevens

The first Spokane County was renamed Stevens in 1864. The present Spokane County was formed from Stevens after 1870. *Lewis; Clark *Lewis *Clark *Lewis; Clark *Stevens *Walla Walla; Klickitat



After a period when Great Britain also claimed it, Washington was definitively acquired in 1846 and was included in Oregon Territory, established in 1848. Washington became a separate territory in 1853, acquired essentially its present boundaries in 1863, and was admitted as a state on November 11, 1889.

West Virginia was admitted as a state on June 20, 1863, comprising 48 counties formerly part of Virginia; two additional counties, Berkeley and Jefferson, were added in 1866, bringing the state to essentially its present boundaries.

The 1850 population is that of Clark and Lewis Counties, Oregon Territory; census coverage extended only to the southwestern part of present-day Washington. In 1860 census coverage included nearly the whole present state, and some persons in present-day northern Idaho and northwestern Montana.

Census coverage included all parts of the present state from 1790 on. Populations for 1790-1850 are totals of the Virginia counties that were wholly or primarily within the present-day boundaries of West Virginia; populations at these censuses

Part C — Counties 207

are not available for the exact present area of the state, because some Virginia counties extended across the current state line. Population for 1860 is the total of the 50 Virginia counties that formed West Virginia in 1863 and 1866, and does refer to the present area of the state. The information on county formations specifies (VA) when referring to counties that remained primarily in Virginia. West Virginia county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)




54001 54003 54005 54007 54009 54011 54013 54015 54017 54019

Barbour ................... Berkeley ................... Boone ...................... Braxton .................... Brooke ..................... Cabell ...................... Calhoun ................... Clay ......................... Doddridge ............... Fayette .....................

1850 1790 1850 1840 1800 1810 1860 1860 1850 1840

54021 54023 54025 54027 54029 54031 54033 54035 54037 54039

Gilmer ..................... Grant ....................... Greenbrier ............... Hampshire ............... Hancock .................. Hardy ....................... Harrison ................... Jackson .................... Jefferson .................. Kanawha .................

1850 1870 1790 1790 1850 1790 1790 1840 1810 1800


Lewis .......................


54043 54045 54047 54049 54051 54053 54055 54057 54059 54061 54063

Lincoln ..................... Logan ...................... McDowell ................ Marion ..................... Marshall ................... Mason ..................... Mercer ..................... Mineral .................... Mingo ...................... Monongalia ............. Monroe ...................

1870 1830 1860 1850 1840 1810 1840 1870 1900 1790 1800

*Cabell, Logan, Boone, Kanawha, Wayne. *Giles (VA), Cabell, Kanawha, Tazewell (VA). *Tazewell (VA) *Monongalia, Harrison. *Ohio *Kanawha *Giles (VA), Tazewell (VA). *Hampshire *Logan

54065 54067 54069 54071 54073 54075 54077 54079 54081 54083 54085

Morgan ................... Nicholas ................... Ohio ........................ Pendleton ................ Pleasants .................. Pocahontas .............. Preston .................... Putnam .................... Raleigh .................... Randolph ................. Ritchie .....................

1820 1820 1790 1790 1860 1830 1820 1850 1850 1790 1850

*Berkeley, Hampshire. *Kanawha, Greenbrier, Randolph.

54087 54089 54091 54093 54095 54097 54099

Roane ...................... Summers ................. Taylor ....................... Tucker ...................... Tyler ......................... Upshur ..................... Wayne .....................

1860 1880 1850 1860 1820 1860 1850

54101 54103 54105 54107 54109

Webster ................... Wetzel ..................... Wirt ......................... Wood ...................... Wyoming .................

1860 1850 1850 1800 1850

*Kanawha, Wirt, Jackson, Gilmer. *Mercer, Greenbrier, Fayette. *Harrison, Monongalia. *Randolph *Ohio *Lewis, Barbour. *Cabell; Wayne County’s 1850-60 census boundaries were virtually the same as those of 1880-1990. *Braxton, Nicholas, Randolph. *Tyler *Wood, Jackson *Harrison *Logan

*Randolph, Harrison, Lewis. *Kanawha, Logan; Cabell *Nicholas, Lewis, Kanawha. *Ohio *Kanawha *Gilmer *Nicholas, Braxton. *Harrison, Lewis; Tyler, Wood. *Logan, Greenbrier, Nicholas, Kanawha. *Lewis, Kanawha. *Hardy In 1790 Kanawha was reported with Greenbrier. *Brooke

*Mason, Kanawha, Wood, Lewis. *Berkeley *Greenbrier; in 1790 Kanawha was reported with Greenbrier. *Harrison, Randolph.


*Tyler, Wood; Ritchie. *Bath (VA), Randolph, Pendleton, Greenbrier. *Monongalia *Kanawha, Mason, Cabell. *Fayette

WISCONSIN Wisconsin was part of the Northwest Territory organized in 1787, then of Indiana Territory (1800). In 1809 it was included in the new Illinois Territory, except for the northern part of the Door Peninsula, which remained in Indiana Territory. In 1818 Michigan Territory expanded to include the whole of present-day Wisconsin. Wisconsin Territory was organized in 1836 and briefly included all of Minnesota and Iowa and the Dakotas east of the Missouri River. After Iowa Territory was organized in 1838, only northeastern Minnesota, east of the Mississippi River and a line from its source north to the Canadian boundary, remained in Wisconsin Territory. Wisconsin was admitted as a state on May 29, 1848 with essentially its present boundaries. There was only limited census coverage of the present area of the state prior to 1840. In 1790 the Northwest Territory had no census coverage. The 1800 census for Indiana Territory reported populations for Green Bay (50) and Prairie du Chien (65); in 1810 any settlers enumerated in these or other Wisconsin communities were reported as part of St. Clair County, Illinois Territory. In 1820 Crawford and Brown Counties, Michigan Territory, included nearly all of present-day Wisconsin; Crawford also included northeastern Minnesota but this had no census coverage. This also was the case in 1830, with the addition of Iowa County from part of Crawford. In 1840 some persons in northeastern Minnesota were enumerated in St. Croix County, Wisconsin Territory. Total for 1820 is of Brown and Crawford Counties, Michigan Territory; total for 1830 is for these and Iowa County, Michigan Territory; the population enumerated in these counties was within the present boundaries of Wisconsin. Total for 1890 includes population (6,450) of certain Indian reservations, not reported by county. Wisconsin county origins:

*Wood, Lewis; Harrison.

208 County and City Extra

FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


WISCONSIN ..............


55001 55003 55005 55007 55009 55011 55013 55015 55017 55019

Adams ..................... Ashland ................... Barron ..................... Bayfield .................... Brown ...................... Buffalo ..................... Burnett .................... Calumet ................... Chippewa ................ Clark ........................

1850 1860 1860 1850 1820 1860 1860 1840 1850 1860

55021 55023 55025 55027 55029 55031

Columbia ................. Crawford ................. Dane ........................ Dodge ..................... Door ........................ Douglas ...................

1850 1820 1840 1840 1860 1860

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Brown, Crawford *La Pointe (Bayfield) *St. Croix, Chippewa; 1860: Dallas *St. Croix, Crawford; 1850-60: La Pointe *Crawford, Chippewa *St. Croix, La Pointe (Bayfield) *Brown *Crawford, St. Croix *Crawford, Chippewa *Portage, Brown *Iowa, Brown *Brown *Brown *La Pointe (Bayfield)

Year of first census


FIPS code

Area name

55033 55035 55037 55039 55041 55043 55045 55047

Dunn ....................... Eau Claire ................ Florence ................... Fond du Lac ............. Forest ...................... Grant ....................... Green ...................... Green Lake ..............

1860 1860 1890 1840 1890 1840 1840 1860

*Chippewa *Chippewa *Marinette, Oconto *Brown *Langlade, Oconto *Iowa *Iowa; Brown *Marquette

55049 55051 55053 55055 55057 55059 55061 55063 55065 55067 55069

Iowa ........................ Iron .......................... Jackson .................... Jefferson .................. Juneau ..................... Kenosha .................. Kewaunee ............... La Crosse ................. Lafayette .................. Langlade .................. Lincoln .....................

1830 1900 1860 1840 1860 1850 1860 1860 1850 1880 1880

*Crawford *Ashland, Oneida *Crawford, Chippewa *Brown *Adams, Sauk *Racine *Brown *Crawford *Iowa *Oconto *Marathon

55071 55073 55075 55077 55078

Manitowoc .............. Marathon ................ Marinette ................. Marquette ............... Menominee .............

1840 1850 1880 1840 1970

*Brown *Crawford, Brown *Oconto *Brown; Crawford *Shawano, Oconto; Menominee County was formed in 1961 from part of Shawano County (1960 pop. 2,345) and part of Oconto County (1960 pop. 261). *Brown *Crawford *Brown, Winnebago; Menominee County was formed in 1961 from part of Shawano County (1960 pop. 2,345) and part of Oconto County (1960 pop. 261). *Lincoln *Brown, Winnebago

55079 55081 55083

Milwaukee ............... Monroe ................... Oconto ....................

1840 1860 1860

55085 55087

Oneida ..................... Outagamie ...............

1890 1860

55089 55091 55093 55095 55097

Ozaukee .................. Pepin ....................... Pierce ....................... Polk ......................... Portage ....................

1860 1860 1860 1860 1840

55099 55101 55103 55105 55107 55109

Price ........................ Racine ...................... Richland ................... Rock ........................ Rusk ........................ St. Croix ...................

1880 1840 1850 1840 1910 1840

55111 55113 55115

Sauk ........................ Sawyer ..................... Shawano .................

1840 1890 1860

55117 55119 55121 55123 55125 55127 55129 55131

Sheboygan ............... Taylor ....................... Trempealeau ............ Vernon .................... Vilas ......................... Walworth ................. Washburn ................ Washington .............

1840 1880 1860 1860 1900 1840 1890 1840

55133 55135 55137 55139

Waukesha ................ Waupaca ................. Waushara ................ Winnebago ..............

1850 1860 1860 1840


Wood ......................


Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Washington *Chippewa *St. Croix *St. Croix *Brown, Crawford, Iowa; Portage County’s 1840 census boundaries comprised most of presentday Columbia County and did not include any of present-day Portage County. *Chippewa, Marathon *Brown *Crawford, Sauk *Brown *Chippewa *Crawford, Chippewa (MI), Mackinac (MI) *Crawford *Chippewa, Ashland Menominee County was formed in 1961 from part of Shawano County (1960 pop. 2,345) and part of Oconto County (1960 pop. 261). *Brown *Clark, Chippewa, Marathon *Crawford; Chippewa *Crawford; 1860: Bad Ax *Oneida, Forest *Brown *Burnett *Brown

Although most of Wyoming was acquired as early as the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, organized government began with the establishment of Oregon, Nebraska, and Utah Territories (1848-54). Later the area was included in Idaho, Dakota, and Utah Territories until Wyoming Territory was established in 1868 with the present state boundaries. Wyoming was admitted as a state on July 10, 1890. In 1850 and 1860 present-day Wyoming had only limited census coverage, as part of Utah and Nebraska Territories. In 1870 census coverage included the whole of Wyoming Territory. Wyoming county origins: FIPS code

Area name

Year of first census


WYOMING ...............


56001 56003 56005 56007 56009 56011 56013

Albany ..................... Big Horn .................. Campbell ................. Carbon .................... Converse ................. Crook ...................... Fremont ...................

1870 1900 1920 1870 1890 1880 1890

56015 56017

Goshen .................... Hot Springs ..............

1920 1920

56019 56021 56023 56025 56027 56029 56031 56033 56035 56037 56039

Johnson ................... Laramie .................... Lincoln ..................... Natrona ................... Niobrara .................. Park ......................... Platte ....................... Sheridan .................. Sublette ................... Sweetwater ............. Teton .......................

1880 1870 1920 1890 1920 1910 1920 1890 1930 1870 1930

56041 56043 56045 56047

Uinta ....................... Washakie ................. Weston .................... Yellowstone Nat. Pk.(pt.) ......................

1870 1920 1890 1890

Notes (* denotes the original counties from which a county was formed)

*Fremont, Johnson, Sheridan *Crook, Weston *Laramie, Albany *Laramie, Albany *Sweetwater; Fremont: Total for 1890 includes population (1,850) of Wind River Indian Reservation, reported separately. *Laramie *Big Horn, Fremont; Park *Carbon, Sweetwater; Albany *Uinta *Carbon *Converse *Big Horn *Laramie *Johnson *Fremont, Lincoln *Lincoln

*Big Horn *Crook *Uinta; to Teton and Park; Yellowstone National Park: In 1890-1920, includes any population enumerated in the Idaho and Montana portions of the park; in 1930-1960, represents the portion of the park in Wyoming; this portion was included in Teton and Park Counties beginning in 1970.

*Milwaukee *Winnebago, Brown *Marquette *Brown; Winnebago County’s 1840 census boundaries were the same as those of 18601990; its 1850 boundaries included extensive additional territory. *Portage; Wood County’s 1860 census boundaries were the same as those of 18801990.

Part C — Counties 209


Part D—Cities

Part D. Cities



New York cityLos Angeles Chicago city,Houston cityCities, Philadelphia Baltimore cit Boston city, Charleston, S Population of Selected U.S. 1790–2010 ಹ













1820 152,056 8,000,000 1830 242,278









1840 391,114 6,000,000 1850 696,115






















1870 1,478,103 4,000,000
















1890 2,507,414 2,000,000 1900 3,437,202
























4,766,883 0 5,620,048

































1960 7,781,984 2,479,015 3,550,404 938,219 New York city, NY Los Angeles city, CA 1970 7,895,563 2,811,801 3,369,357 1,233,535 Philadelphia city, PA Baltimore city, MD 1980 7,071,639 2,968,528 3,005,072 1,595,138

2,002,512 939,024 Chicago city, IL 1,949,996 905,787 Boston city, MA 1,688,210 786,741



1940 1950

17 90 18 00 18 10 18 20 18 30 18 40 18 50 18 60 18 70 18 80 18 90 19 00 19 10 19 20 19 30 19 40 19 50 19 60 19 70 19 80 19 90 20 00 20 10


1800 79,216 10,000,000 1810 119,734


Part D contains data for cities. In recent decennial censuses, cities are defined as places that have been incorporated as cities, boroughs, towns, or villages under the laws of their respective states. The current definition of “places” also includes census designated places (CDPs). CDPs are delineated by the Census Bureau, in cooperation with states and localities, as statistical counterparts of incorporated places for purposes of the decennial census. CDPs comprise densely settled concentrations of population that are identifiable by name but are not legally incorporated as places. Some cities are “consolidated” cities where local governments have combined with their county for key governmental functions. A separate definition— with separate data tables in census reports—includes “towns” (county subdivisions) in states where they serve as general-purpose local governments that can perform the same functions as incorporated places. These county subdivisions are not specifically included in this book, but these distinctions did not exist in the earlier censuses. Through more than two centuries of census taking, these definitions have evolved. In 1998, the Census Bureau published Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other

697,197 65,925 Houston city, TX 641,071 66,945 Charleston, SC 562,994 69,779

Urban Places in the United States: 1790 To 1990 by Campbell Gibson (Population Division Working Paper No. 27) ( twps0027/twps0027.html ). That document provides a thorough discussion of the definitions of urban places through the decades. It also includes tables listing the largest urban places in the 21 censuses from 1790 through 1990. Those tables have been adapted as Tables D-1 through D-21 in this book. Tables D-22 and D-23 have been added to include the censuses of 2000 and 2010. Tables D-13 through D-23 (1910 through 2010) include the land area and density for each city as well as the total population. City boundaries often change and the growth patterns differ from city to city. Most of the older cities in the East and Midwest have retained the same boundaries for many years. New York City annexed Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island in 1898. Similarly, Boston annexed Roxbury, Dorchester, and Charlestown between 1867 and 1874. Philadelphia reached its current boundaries through annexations in 1854, and Chicago’s boundaries have been largely unchanged since its incorporation in 1833. The large Western cities followed a

Part D — Cities 213

different pattern in the twentieth century, acquiring surrounding land as their populations grew. Los Angeles experienced growth from Hollywood’s dominance in the film industry. Its population increased by 81 percent between 1910 and 1920, but its land area more than tripled during that decade, from 99 square miles to 366 square miles, with further gradual increases to 469 square miles in 2010. Houston grew from 17 square miles in 1910 to 600 square miles in 2010, while Phoenix grew from 17 square miles in 1950 to 517 square miles in 2010. Table D-24 shows the population of cities with 100,000 or more residents in 2010, with their historical populations from the date of their earliest censuses, usually the first census after they were incorporated as a city. Seventeen of these cities existed at the time of the 1790 census. Several have only existed as incorporated cities for the last few censuses. This table is derived from Table 55 in the 2010 Census Report CPH-2-1: 2010 Census of Population and Housing; Population and Housing Unit Counts: United States (

214 County and City Extra

In the first census—1790—there were 24 cities or towns with populations of 2,500 or more, all of them on the East Coast. New York has ranked as the most populous city in every census. Philadelphia was the second largest city in 1790 and still remains among the top five. By 1810, there were 46 cities, some from new states and territories. New Orleans was now on the list as the 7th largest city. Starting in 1840, the tables include the 100 largest cities because there were more than 100 cities with populations over 2,500. In 1840, Chicago joined the list for the first time, ranking 92nd with a population of 4,470. By 1890, Chicago’s population had surpassed Philadelphia’s and many others, ranking second after New York. Many other Midwestern cities joined the list in the late 19th century and the early years of the 20th century, with Detroit growing into the fourth largest city in 1920 as the auto industry flourished. Chicago held its spot as the second city for 100 years until Los Angeles surpassed it in 1990. Six of the ten most populous cities in 2010 are in California and Texas, which were admitted to statehood in 1845 (Texas) and 1850 (California.)

Table D-1. Population of the 24 Urban Places: 1790 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................................................ Boston town, MA * ................................................................................................... Charleston city, SC ..................................................................................................... Baltimore town, MD .................................................................................................. Northern Liberties township, PA * .............................................................................. Salem town, MA ........................................................................................................ Newport town, RI ...................................................................................................... Providence town, RI * ................................................................................................ Marblehead town, MA............................................................................................... Southwark district, PA * .............................................................................................

Population 33,131 28,522 18,320 16,359 13,503 9,913 7,921 6,716 6,380 5,661 5,661

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Gloucester town, MA................................................................................................. Newburyport town, MA ............................................................................................. Portsmouth town, NH ................................................................................................ Sherburne town (Nantucket), MA * ........................................................................... Middleborough town, MA ......................................................................................... New Haven city, CT * ................................................................................................. Richmond city, VA ...................................................................................................... Albany city, NY........................................................................................................... Norfolk borough, VA..................................................................................................

5,317 4,837 4,720 4,620 4,526 4,487 3,761 3,498 2,959

21 22 23 24

Petersburg town, VA .................................................................................................. Alexandria town, VA * ............................................................................................... Hartford city, CT *...................................................................................................... Hudson city, NY .........................................................................................................

2,828 2,748 2,683 2,584

* See Notes for Individual Places.

Part D — Cities 215

Table D-2. Population of the 33 Urban Places: 1800 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * .................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................. Baltimore city, MD....................................................................... Boston town, MA * .................................................................... Charleston city, SC ...................................................................... Northern Liberties township, PA * ............................................... Southwark district, PA * .............................................................. Salem town, MA ......................................................................... Providence town, RI * ................................................................. Norfolk borough, VA...................................................................

60,515 41,220 26,514 24,937 18,824 10,718 9,621 9,457 7,614 6,926

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 19 20

Newport town, RI ....................................................................... Newburyport town, MA .............................................................. Richmond city, VA ....................................................................... Nantucket town, MA .................................................................. Portsmouth town, NH ................................................................. Gloucester town, MA.................................................................. Albany city, NY............................................................................ Schenectady city, NY ................................................................... Marblehead town, MA................................................................ New London city, CT ...................................................................

6,739 5,946 5,737 5,617 5,339 5,313 5,289 5,289 5,211 5,150

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Savannah city, GA ....................................................................... Alexandria town, DC *................................................................ Middleborough town, MA .......................................................... New Bedford town, MA .............................................................. Lancaster borough, PA ................................................................ New Haven city, CT ..................................................................... Portland town, ME ...................................................................... Hudson city, NY .......................................................................... Hartford city, CT *....................................................................... Petersburg town, VA ...................................................................

5,146 4,971 4,458 4,361 4,292 4,049 3,704 3,664 3,523 3,521

31 32

Washington city, DC * ................................................................ Georgetown town, DC * ............................................................

3,210 2,993


York borough, PA........................................................................


* See Notes for Individual Places.

216 County and City Extra


Table D-3. Population of the 46 Urban Places: 1810 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * .......................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ....................................................................... Baltimore city, MD............................................................................. Boston town, MA * .......................................................................... Charleston city, SC ............................................................................ Northern Liberties district, PA * ......................................................... New Orleans city, LA * ...................................................................... Southwark district, PA * .................................................................... Salem town, MA ............................................................................... Albany city, NY..................................................................................

Population 96,373 53,722 46,555 33,787 24,711 19,874 17,242 13,707 12,613 10,762

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Providence town, RI * ....................................................................... Richmond city, VA ............................................................................. Norfolk borough, VA......................................................................... Washington city, DC * ...................................................................... Newport town, RI ............................................................................. Newburyport town, MA .................................................................... Alexandria town, DC *...................................................................... Portland town, ME ............................................................................ Portsmouth town, NH ....................................................................... Nantucket town, MA ........................................................................

10,071 9,735 9,193 8,208 7,907 7,634 7,227 7,169 6,934 6,807


Gloucester town, MA........................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Schenectady city, NY ......................................................................... Marblehead town, MA...................................................................... New Haven city, CT ........................................................................... Petersburg town, VA ......................................................................... New Bedford town, MA .................................................................... Lancaster borough, PA ...................................................................... Savannah city, GA ............................................................................. Charlestown town, MA *.................................................................. Georgetown town, DC * ..................................................................

5,903 5,900 5,772 5,668 5,651 5,405 5,215 4,959 4,948

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Pittsburgh borough, PA * .................................................................. Beverly town, MA ............................................................................. Brooklyn town, NY *......................................................................... Middleborough town, MA ................................................................ Lexington town, KY * ....................................................................... Plymouth town, MA.......................................................................... Lynn town, MA ................................................................................. Hudson city, NY ................................................................................ Hartford city, CT................................................................................ Reading borough, PA ........................................................................

4,768 4,608 4,402 4,400 4,326 4,228 4,087 4,048 3,955 3,462

41 42 43 44 45 46

New London city, CT ......................................................................... Trenton city, NJ.................................................................................. Elizabeth borough, NJ ....................................................................... Norwich city, CT ................................................................................ York borough, PA.............................................................................. Cincinnati town, OH .........................................................................

3,238 3,002 2,977 2,976 2,847 2,540

* See Notes for Individual Places.

Part D — Cities 217

Table D-4. Population of the 61 Urban Places: 1820 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................ Baltimore city, MD...................................................................... Boston town, MA * ................................................................... New Orleans city, LA * ............................................................... Charleston city, SC ..................................................................... Northern Liberties district, PA * .................................................. Southwark district, PA * ............................................................. Washington city, DC * ............................................................... Salem town, MA ........................................................................

123,706 63,802 62,738 43,298 27,176 24,780 19,678 14,713 13,247 12,731

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Albany city, NY........................................................................... Richmond city, VA ...................................................................... Providence town, RI * ................................................................ Cincinnati city, OH ..................................................................... Portland town, ME ..................................................................... Norfolk borough, VA.................................................................. Alexandria town, DC *............................................................... Savannah city, GA ...................................................................... Georgetown town, DC * ........................................................... Portsmouth town, NH ................................................................

12,630 12,067 11,767 9,642 8,581 8,478 8,218 7,523 7,360 7,327


Newport town, RI ......................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Nantucket town, MA ................................................................. Pittsburgh city, PA * ................................................................... Brooklyn town, NY *.................................................................. New Haven city, CT .................................................................... Kensington district, PA * ............................................................ Newburyport town, MA ............................................................. Petersburg town, VA .................................................................. Lancaster city, PA ....................................................................... Charlestown town, MA *...........................................................

7,266 7,248 7,175 7,147 7,118 6,852 6,690 6,633 6,591

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Gloucester town, MA................................................................. Marblehead town, MA............................................................... Hudson city, NY ......................................................................... Lexington town, KY * ................................................................ Troy city, NY ............................................................................... Hartford city, CT......................................................................... Middleborough town, MA ......................................................... Taunton town, MA..................................................................... Lynn town, MA .......................................................................... Plymouth town, MA...................................................................

6,384 5,630 5,310 5,279 5,264 4,726 4,687 4,520 4,515 4,348

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Reading borough, PA ................................................................. Beverly town, MA ...................................................................... Roxbury town, MA *.................................................................. Louisville town, KY..................................................................... New Bedford town, MA ............................................................. Trenton city, NJ........................................................................... Schenectady city, NY .................................................................. New Bern town, NC ................................................................... Frederick town, MD ................................................................... York borough, PA.......................................................................

4,332 4,283 4,135 4,012 3,947 3,942 3,939 3,663 3,640 3,545

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Fayetteville town, NC ................................................................. Elizabeth borough, NJ ................................................................ Spring Garden district, PA * ....................................................... New London city, CT .................................................................. Harrisburg borough, PA.............................................................. Norwich city, CT ......................................................................... Utica town, NY * ....................................................................... Carlisle borough, PA................................................................... Raleigh city, NC .......................................................................... Wilmington town, NC ................................................................

3,532 3,515 3,498 3,330 2,990 2,983 2,972 2,908 2,674 2,633


Middletown city, CT ...................................................................


* See Notes for Individual Places.

218 County and City Extra


Table D-5. Population of the 90 Urban Places: 1830 Rank



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................... Baltimore city, MD...................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................ Boston city, MA *....................................................................... New Orleans city, LA * ............................................................... Charleston city, SC ..................................................................... Northern Liberties district, PA * .................................................. Cincinnati city, OH ..................................................................... Albany city, NY........................................................................... Southwark district, PA * .............................................................

202,589 80,620 80,462 61,392 46,082 30,289 28,872 24,831 24,209 20,581

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Washington city, DC * ............................................................... Providence town, RI * ................................................................ Richmond city, VA ...................................................................... Salem town, MA ........................................................................ Kensington district, PA * ............................................................ Portland town, ME ..................................................................... Pittsburgh city, PA * ................................................................... Brooklyn town, NY *.................................................................. Troy city, NY ............................................................................... Spring Garden district, PA * .......................................................

18,826 16,833 16,060 13,895 13,394 12,598 12,568 12,406 11,556 11,140


Newark township, NJ .................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Louisville city, KY ........................................................................ New Haven city, CT .................................................................... Norfolk borough, VA.................................................................. Rochester town, NY * ................................................................ Charlestown town, MA *........................................................... Buffalo town, NY * .................................................................... Georgetown town, DC * ........................................................... Utica town, NY * ....................................................................... Petersburg town, VA ..................................................................

10,341 10,180 9,814 9,207 8,783 8,668 8,441 8,323 8,322

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Alexandria town, DC *............................................................... Portsmouth town, NH ................................................................ Newport town, RI ...................................................................... Lancaster city, PA ....................................................................... New Bedford town, MA ............................................................. Gloucester town, MA................................................................. Savannah city, GA ...................................................................... Nantucket town, MA ................................................................. Hartford city, CT......................................................................... Moyamensing township, PA * ....................................................

8,241 8,026 8,010 7,704 7,592 7,510 7,303 7,202 7,074 6,822

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Springfield town, MA................................................................. Augusta city, GA ........................................................................ Lowell town, MA ....................................................................... Newburyport town, MA ............................................................. Lynn town, MA .......................................................................... Cambridge town, MA ................................................................ Taunton town, MA..................................................................... Lexington town, KY ................................................................... Reading borough, PA ................................................................. Nashville city, TN ........................................................................

6,784 6,710 6,474 6,375 6,138 6,072 6,042 6,026 5,856 5,566

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Warwick town, RI....................................................................... Dover town, NH ......................................................................... Hudson city, NY ......................................................................... Roxbury town, MA *.................................................................. Marblehead town, MA............................................................... Middleborough town, MA ......................................................... St. Louis city, MO ....................................................................... Plymouth town, MA................................................................... Lynchburg town, VA .................................................................. Andover town, MA ....................................................................

5,529 5,449 5,392 5,247 5,149 5,008 4,977 4,758 4,630 4,530

Part D — Cities 219

Table D-5. Population of the 90 Urban Places: 1830—Continued Rank



61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Frederick town, MD ................................................................... New London city, CT .................................................................. Harrisburg borough, PA.............................................................. Schenectady city, NY .................................................................. Danvers town, MA ..................................................................... York borough, PA....................................................................... Worcester town, MA.................................................................. Fall River town, MA.................................................................... Dorchester town, MA * ............................................................. Beverly town, MA ......................................................................

4,427 4,335 4,312 4,268 4,228 4,216 4,173 4,158 4,074 4,073

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Trenton city, NJ........................................................................... New Bern town, NC ................................................................... Wilmington town, NC ................................................................ Carlisle borough, PA................................................................... Easton borough, PA ................................................................... Elizabeth borough, NJ ................................................................ Hagerstown town, MD .............................................................. Columbia town, SC.................................................................... Fredericksburg town, VA ............................................................ Mobile city, AL ...........................................................................

3,925 3,796 3,791 3,707 3,529 3,455 3,371 3,310 3,308 3,194


Norwich city, CT .........................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Middletown city, CT * ................................................................ Zanesville village, OH ................................................................. Dayton town, OH....................................................................... Steubenville village, OH.............................................................. Fayetteville town, NC ................................................................. Chillicothe city, OH..................................................................... Allegheny borough, PA * ........................................................... Natchez city, MS ........................................................................ Annapolis city, MD .....................................................................

3,123 3,094 2,950 2,937 2,868 2,846 2,801 2,789 2,623

* See Notes for Individual Places.

220 County and City Extra

Table D-6. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1840 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................... Baltimore city, MD...................................................................... New Orleans city, LA * ............................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................ Boston city, MA *....................................................................... Cincinnati city, OH ..................................................................... Brooklyn city, NY * ..................................................................... Northern Liberties district, PA * .................................................. Albany city, NY........................................................................... Charleston city, SC .....................................................................

Population 312,710 102,313 102,193 93,665 93,383 46,338 36,233 34,474 33,721 29,261

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Spring Garden district, PA * ....................................................... Southwark district, PA * ............................................................. Washington city, DC * ............................................................... Providence city, RI * ................................................................... Kensington district, PA * ............................................................ Louisville city, KY ........................................................................ Pittsburgh city, PA * ................................................................... Lowell city, MA .......................................................................... Rochester city, NY ...................................................................... Richmond city, VA ......................................................................

27,849 27,548 23,364 23,171 22,314 21,210 21,115 20,796 20,191 20,153


Troy city, NY ...............................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Buffalo city, NY .......................................................................... Newark city, NJ .......................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ....................................................................... Portland city, ME ........................................................................ Salem city, MA ........................................................................... Moyamensing township, PA * .................................................... New Haven city, CT .................................................................... Utica city, NY ............................................................................. Mobile city, AL ...........................................................................

18,213 17,290 16,469 15,218 15,082 14,573 12,960 12,782 12,672

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

New Bedford town, MA ............................................................. Charlestown town, MA *........................................................... Savannah city, GA ...................................................................... Petersburg town, VA .................................................................. Springfield town, MA................................................................. Norfolk borough, VA.................................................................. Allegheny city, PA *.................................................................... Hartford city, CT......................................................................... Lynn town, MA .......................................................................... Detroit city, MI ...........................................................................

12,087 11,484 11,214 11,136 10,985 10,920 10,089 9,468 9,367 9,102

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Roxbury town, MA *.................................................................. Nantucket town, MA ................................................................. Bangor city, ME .......................................................................... Alexandria town, DC *............................................................... Lancaster city, PA ....................................................................... Reading borough, PA ................................................................. Cambridge town, MA ................................................................ Wilmington city, DE ................................................................... Newport town, RI ...................................................................... Portsmouth town, NH ................................................................

9,089 9,012 8,627 8,459 8,417 8,410 8,409 8,367 8,333 7,887

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wheeling city, VA * .................................................................... Taunton town,MA...................................................................... Paterson township, NJ................................................................ Worcester town, MA.................................................................. Georgetown town, DC * ........................................................... Newburyport town, MA ............................................................. Lexington city, KY ...................................................................... Nashville city, TN ........................................................................ Schenectady city, NY .................................................................. Fall River town, MA....................................................................

7,885 7,645 7,596 7,497 7,312 7,161 6,997 6,929 6,784 6,738

Part D — Cities 221

Table D-6. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1840—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Warwick town, RI....................................................................... Portsmouth town, VA ................................................................ Dover town, NH ......................................................................... Augusta city, GA ........................................................................ Lynchburg town, VA .................................................................. Gloucester town, MA................................................................. Cleveland city, OH ...................................................................... Dayton town, OH....................................................................... Nashua town, NH ...................................................................... Columbus city, OH .....................................................................

6,726 6,477 6,458 6,403 6,395 6,350 6,071 6,067 6,054 6,048

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Harrisburg borough, PA.............................................................. Hudson city, NY ......................................................................... Auburn town, NY ...................................................................... Marblehead town, MA............................................................... New London city, CT .................................................................. Wilmington town, NC ................................................................ Augusta town, ME ..................................................................... Plymouth town, MA................................................................... Cumberland town, RI ................................................................. Andover town, MA ....................................................................

5,980 5,672 5,626 5,575 5,519 5,335 5,314 5,281 5,225 5,207


Frederick town, MD ...................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Bath town, ME........................................................................... Middleborough town, MA ......................................................... Gardiner town, ME .................................................................... Danvers town, MA ..................................................................... Concord town, NH..................................................................... Dorchester town, MA * ............................................................. Easton borough, PA ................................................................... York borough, PA....................................................................... Zanesville village, OH .................................................................

5,141 5,085 5,042 5,020 4,897 4,875 4,865 4,779 4,766

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Beverly town, MA ...................................................................... Chicago city, IL ........................................................................... Carlisle borough, PA................................................................... Pottsville borough, PA ................................................................ Columbia town, SC.................................................................... Haverhill town, MA .................................................................... Barnstable town, MA ................................................................. Fayetteville town, NC ................................................................. Steubenville village, OH *........................................................... New Albany city, IN ....................................................................

4,689 4,470 4,351 4,345 4,340 4,336 4,301 4,285 4,247 4,226

222 County and City Extra


Table D-7. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1850 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * .................................................................... Baltimore city, MD....................................................................... Boston city, MA *........................................................................ Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................. New Orleans city, LA * ................................................................ Cincinnati city, OH ...................................................................... Brooklyn city, NY * ...................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ........................................................................ Spring Garden district, PA * ........................................................ Albany city, NY............................................................................

515,547 169,054 136,881 121,376 116,375 115,435 96,838 77,860 58,894 50,763

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Northern Liberties district, PA * ................................................... Kensington district, PA * ............................................................. Pittsburgh city, PA * .................................................................... Louisville city, KY ......................................................................... Charleston city, SC ...................................................................... Buffalo city, NY ........................................................................... Providence city, RI * .................................................................... Washington city, DC * ................................................................ Newark city, NJ ........................................................................... Southwark district, PA * ..............................................................

47,223 46,774 46,601 43,194 42,985 42,261 41,513 40,001 38,894 38,799


Rochester city, NY .......................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Lowell city, MA ........................................................................... Williamsburgh town, NY * .......................................................... Chicago city, IL ............................................................................ Troy city, NY ................................................................................ Richmond city, VA ....................................................................... Moyamensing district, PA * ......................................................... Syracuse city, NY ......................................................................... Allegheny city, PA *..................................................................... Detroit city, MI ............................................................................

33,383 30,780 29,963 28,785 27,570 26,979 22,271 21,262 21,019

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Portland city, ME ......................................................................... Mobile city, AL ............................................................................ New Haven city, CT ..................................................................... Salem city, MA ............................................................................ Milwaukee city, WI ...................................................................... Roxbury city, MA * ...................................................................... Columbus city, OH ...................................................................... Utica city, NY .............................................................................. Charlestown city, MA * ............................................................... Worcester city, MA......................................................................

20,815 20,515 20,345 20,264 20,061 18,364 17,882 17,565 17,216 17,049

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Cleveland city, OH ....................................................................... New Bedford city, MA ................................................................. Reading city, PA .......................................................................... Savannah city, GA ....................................................................... Cambridge city, MA .................................................................... Bangor city, ME ........................................................................... Norfolk city, VA ........................................................................... Lynn city, MA .............................................................................. Lafayette city (old), LA *.............................................................. Petersburg city, VA ......................................................................

17,034 16,443 15,743 15,312 15,215 14,432 14,326 14,257 14,190 14,010

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wilmington city, DE .................................................................... Manchester city, NH .................................................................... Hartford city, CT.......................................................................... Lancaster city, PA ........................................................................ Oswego city, NY.......................................................................... Springfield town, MA.................................................................. Fall River town, MA..................................................................... Poughkeepsie village, NY * ......................................................... Wheeling city, VA * ..................................................................... Paterson township, NJ.................................................................

13,979 13,932 13,555 12,369 12,205 11,766 11,524 11,511 11,435 11,334


Part D — Cities 223

Table D-7. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1850—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Dayton city, OH ........................................................................... Taunton town, MA...................................................................... Nashville city, TN ......................................................................... Portsmouth city, NH .................................................................... Newburyport town, MA .............................................................. Newport town, RI ....................................................................... Auburn city, NY .......................................................................... Camden city, NJ .......................................................................... Augusta city, GA * ...................................................................... Covington city, KY ......................................................................

10,977 10,441 10,165 9,738 9,572 9,563 9,548 9,479 9,448 9,408

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

New London city, CT ................................................................... Schenectady city, NY ................................................................... Memphis city, TN ........................................................................ Alexandria town, VA ................................................................... Montgomery city, AL ................................................................... Portsmouth town, VA ................................................................. Concord town, NH...................................................................... Nantucket town, MA .................................................................. Georgetown town, DC * ............................................................ Chicopee town, MA....................................................................

8,991 8,921 8,841 8,734 8,728 8,626 8,576 8,452 8,366 8,291


Lawrence town, MA ...................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Augusta city, ME ......................................................................... Dover town, NH .......................................................................... New Albany city, IN ..................................................................... Lexington city, KY * .................................................................... Danvers town, MA ...................................................................... Indianapolis city, IN ..................................................................... Lynchburg town, VA ................................................................... Bath city, ME ............................................................................... Madison city, IN ..........................................................................

8,225 8,196 8,181 8,159 8,109 8,091 8,071 8,020 8,012

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Dorchester town, MA * .............................................................. Zanesville city, OH ....................................................................... Harrisburg borough, PA............................................................... Gloucester town, MA.................................................................. Warwick town, RI........................................................................ North Providence town, RI * ....................................................... West Troy town (Watervliet), NY *............................................... Pottsville borough, PA ................................................................. Wilmington town, NC ................................................................. Easton borough, PA ....................................................................

7,969 7,929 7,834 7,786 7,740 7,680 7,564 7,515 7,264 7,250

* See Notes for Individual Places. 1 Excludes San Francisco, CA for which 1850 census results were destroyed by fire. The population of San Francisco according to the 1852 state census was 34,776.

224 County and City Extra


Table D-8. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1860 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * .................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA * ................................................................. Brooklyn city, NY * ...................................................................... Baltimore city, MD....................................................................... Boston city, MA *........................................................................ New Orleans city, LA * ................................................................ Cincinnati city, OH ...................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ........................................................................ Chicago city, IL ............................................................................ Buffalo city, NY ...........................................................................

Population 813,669 565,529 266,661 212,418 177,840 168,675 161,044 160,773 112,172 81,129

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Newark city, NJ ........................................................................... Louisville city, KY ......................................................................... Albany city, NY............................................................................ Washington city, DC * ................................................................ San Francisco city, CA ................................................................. Providence city, RI * .................................................................... Pittsburgh city, PA * .................................................................... Rochester city, NY ....................................................................... Detroit city, MI ............................................................................ Milwaukee city, WI ......................................................................

71,941 68,033 62,367 61,122 56,802 50,666 49,221 48,204 45,619 45,246

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Cleveland city, OH ....................................................................... Charleston city, SC ...................................................................... New Haven city, CT ..................................................................... Troy city, NY ................................................................................ Richmond city, VA ....................................................................... Lowell city, MA ........................................................................... Mobile city, AL ............................................................................ Jersey City city, NJ ....................................................................... Allegheny city, PA *..................................................................... Syracuse city, NY .........................................................................

43,417 40,522 39,267 39,235 37,910 36,827 29,258 29,226 28,702 28,119

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Hartford city, CT.......................................................................... Portland city, ME ......................................................................... Cambridge city, MA .................................................................... Roxbury city, MA * ...................................................................... Charlestown city, MA * ............................................................... Worcester city, MA...................................................................... Reading city, PA .......................................................................... Memphis city, TN ........................................................................ Utica city, NY .............................................................................. New Bedford city, MA .................................................................

26,917 26,341 26,060 25,137 25,065 24,960 23,162 22,623 22,529 22,300

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Savannah city, GA ....................................................................... Salem city, MA ............................................................................ Wilmington city, DE .................................................................... Manchester city, NH .................................................................... Dayton city, OH ........................................................................... Paterson city, NJ .......................................................................... Lynn city, MA .............................................................................. Indianapolis city, IN ..................................................................... Columbus city, OH ...................................................................... Petersburg city, VA ......................................................................

22,292 22,252 21,258 20,107 20,081 19,586 19,083 18,611 18,554 18,266

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Lawrence city, MA....................................................................... Lancaster city, PA ........................................................................ Trenton city, NJ............................................................................ Nashville city, TN ......................................................................... Oswego city, NY.......................................................................... Covington city, KY ...................................................................... Bangor city, ME ........................................................................... Taunton town, MA...................................................................... Springfield city, MA ..................................................................... Poughkeepsie city, NY .................................................................

17,639 17,603 17,228 16,988 16,816 16,471 16,407 15,376 15,199 14,726

Part D — Cities 225

Table D-8. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1860—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Norfolk city, VA ........................................................................... Camden city, NJ .......................................................................... Wheeling city, VA * ..................................................................... Norwich city, CT .......................................................................... Peoria city, IL ............................................................................... Fall River city, MA ........................................................................ Sacramento city, CA .................................................................... Toledo city, OH ............................................................................ Quincy city, IL .............................................................................. Harrisburg city, PA .......................................................................

Population 14,620 14,358 14,083 14,048 14,045 14,026 13,785 13,768 13,718 13,405

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Newburyport city, MA ................................................................. Chelsea city, MA ......................................................................... Dubuque city, IA ......................................................................... Alexandria city, VA ...................................................................... New Albany city, IN ..................................................................... Newburgh village, NY * .............................................................. Augusta city, GA ......................................................................... Bridgeport city, CT * ................................................................... North Providence town, RI * ....................................................... Elizabeth city, NJ .........................................................................

13,401 13,395 13,000 12,652 12,647 12,578 12,493 12,106 11,818 11,567


Evansville city, IN .........................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Davenport city, IA........................................................................ New Brunswick city, NJ................................................................ Auburn city, NY .......................................................................... Gloucester town, MA.................................................................. Concord city, NH ......................................................................... Lockport village, NY * ................................................................. Newport city, RI........................................................................... St. Paul city, MN .......................................................................... New London city, CT ...................................................................

11,267 11,256 10,986 10,904 10,896 10,871 10,508 10,401 10,115

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Nashua city, NH........................................................................... Newport city, KY ......................................................................... Waterbury city, CT ...................................................................... Haverhill town, MA ..................................................................... Dorchester town, MA * .............................................................. Hoboken city, NJ ......................................................................... Columbus city, GA ...................................................................... Schenectady city, NY ................................................................... Atlanta city, GA........................................................................... Wilmington town, NC .................................................................

10,065 10,046 10,004 9,995 9,769 9,662 9,621 9,579 9,554 9,552

* See Notes for Individual Places.

226 County and City Extra

Table D-9. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1870 Rank



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA ................................................................... Brooklyn city, NY * ..................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ....................................................................... Chicago city, IL ........................................................................... Baltimore city, MD...................................................................... Boston city, MA *....................................................................... Cincinnati city, OH ..................................................................... New Orleans city, LA .................................................................. San Francisco city, CA ................................................................

942,292 674,022 396,099 310,864 298,977 267,354 250,526 216,239 191,418 149,473

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Buffalo city, NY .......................................................................... Washington city, DC * ............................................................... Newark city, NJ .......................................................................... Louisville city, KY ........................................................................ Cleveland city, OH ...................................................................... Pittsburgh city, PA * ................................................................... Jersey City city, NJ ...................................................................... Detroit city, MI ........................................................................... Milwaukee city, WI ..................................................................... Albany city, NY...........................................................................

117,714 109,199 105,059 100,753 92,829 86,076 82,546 79,577 71,440 69,422


Providence city, RI * ...................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Rochester city, NY ...................................................................... Allegheny city, PA *.................................................................... Richmond city, VA ...................................................................... New Haven city, CT .................................................................... Charleston city, SC ..................................................................... Indianapolis city, IN .................................................................... Troy city, NY ............................................................................... Syracuse city, NY ........................................................................ Worcester city, MA.....................................................................

62,386 53,180 51,038 50,840 48,956 48,244 46,465 43,051 41,105

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Lowell city, MA .......................................................................... Memphis city, TN ....................................................................... Cambridge city, MA ................................................................... Hartford city, CT......................................................................... Scranton city, PA ........................................................................ Reading city, PA ......................................................................... Paterson city, NJ ......................................................................... Kansas City city, MO .................................................................. Mobile city, AL ........................................................................... Toledo city, OH ...........................................................................

40,928 40,226 39,634 37,180 35,092 33,930 33,579 32,260 32,034 31,584

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Portland city, ME ........................................................................ Columbus city, OH ..................................................................... Wilmington city, DE ................................................................... Dayton city, OH .......................................................................... Lawrence city, MA...................................................................... Utica city, NY ............................................................................. Charlestown city, MA * .............................................................. Savannah city, GA ...................................................................... Lynn city, MA ............................................................................. Fall River city, MA .......................................................................

31,413 31,274 30,841 30,473 28,921 28,804 28,323 28,235 28,233 26,766

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Springfield city, MA .................................................................... Nashville city, TN ........................................................................ Covington city, KY ..................................................................... Salem city, MA ........................................................................... Quincy city, IL ............................................................................. Manchester city, NH ................................................................... Harrisburg city, PA ...................................................................... Trenton city, NJ........................................................................... Peoria city, IL .............................................................................. Evansville city, IN ........................................................................

26,703 25,865 24,505 24,117 24,052 23,536 23,104 22,874 22,849 21,830

Part D — Cities 227

Table D-9. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1870—Continued Rank



61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Atlanta city, GA.......................................................................... New Bedford city, MA ................................................................ Oswego city, NY......................................................................... Elizabeth city, NJ ........................................................................ North Providence town, RI * ...................................................... Hoboken city, NJ ........................................................................ Lancaster city, PA ....................................................................... Poughkeepsie city, NY ................................................................ Camden city, NJ ......................................................................... Davenport city, IA.......................................................................

21,789 21,320 20,910 20,832 20,495 20,297 20,233 20,080 20,045 20,038

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

St. Paul city, MN ......................................................................... Erie city, PA ................................................................................ St. Joseph city, MO..................................................................... Wheeling city, WV...................................................................... Norfolk city, VA .......................................................................... Bridgeport city, CT ..................................................................... Petersburg city, VA ..................................................................... Taunton city, MA ........................................................................ Chelsea city, MA ........................................................................ Dubuque city, IA ........................................................................

20,030 19,646 19,565 19,280 19,229 18,969 18,950 18,629 18,547 18,434


Bangor city, ME ..........................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Leavenworth city, KS .................................................................. Fort Wayne city, IN ..................................................................... Springfield city, IL ....................................................................... Auburn city, NY ......................................................................... Newburgh city, NY ..................................................................... Norwich city, CT ......................................................................... Grand Rapids city, MI ................................................................. Sacramento city, CA ................................................................... Terre Haute city, IN .....................................................................

17,873 17,718 17,364 17,225 17,014 16,653 16,507 16,283 16,103

91 92 93 94 95 95 97 98 99 100

Omaha city, NE .......................................................................... Williamsport city, PA................................................................... Elmira city, NY ............................................................................ New Albany city, IN .................................................................... Augusta city, GA ........................................................................ Gloucester town, MA................................................................. Cohoes city, NY.......................................................................... Newport city, KY ........................................................................ New Brunswick city, NJ............................................................... Burlington city, IA.......................................................................

16,083 16,030 15,863 15,396 15,389 15,389 15,357 15,087 15,058 14,930

* See Notes for Individual Places.

228 County and City Extra

Table D-10. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1880 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA ................................................................... Brooklyn city, NY * ..................................................................... Chicago city, IL ........................................................................... Boston city, MA *....................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ....................................................................... Baltimore city, MD...................................................................... Cincinnati city, OH ..................................................................... San Francisco city, CA ................................................................ New Orleans city, LA ..................................................................

Population 1,206,299 847,170 566,663 503,185 362,839 350,518 332,313 255,139 233,959 216,090

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Cleveland city, OH ...................................................................... Pittsburgh city, PA * ................................................................... Buffalo city, NY .......................................................................... Washington city, DC * ............................................................... Newark city, NJ .......................................................................... Louisville city, KY ........................................................................ Jersey City city, NJ ...................................................................... Detroit city, MI ........................................................................... Milwaukee city, WI ..................................................................... Providence city, RI * ...................................................................

160,146 156,389 155,134 147,293 136,508 123,758 120,722 116,340 115,587 104,857


Albany city, NY...........................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Rochester city, NY ...................................................................... Allegheny city, PA *.................................................................... Indianapolis city, IN .................................................................... Richmond city, VA ...................................................................... New Haven city, CT .................................................................... Lowell city, MA .......................................................................... Worcester city, MA..................................................................... Troy city, NY ............................................................................... Kansas City city, MO ..................................................................

89,366 78,682 75,056 63,600 62,882 59,475 58,291 56,747 55,785

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Cambridge city, MA ................................................................... Syracuse city, NY ........................................................................ Columbus city, OH ..................................................................... Paterson city, NJ ......................................................................... Toledo city, OH ........................................................................... Charleston city, SC ..................................................................... Fall River city, MA ....................................................................... Minneapolis city, MN.................................................................. Scranton city, PA ........................................................................ Nashville city, TN ........................................................................

52,669 51,792 51,647 51,031 50,137 49,984 48,961 46,887 45,850 43,350

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Reading city, PA ......................................................................... Wilmington city, DE ................................................................... Hartford city, CT......................................................................... Camden city, NJ ......................................................................... St. Paul city, MN ......................................................................... Lawrence city, MA...................................................................... Dayton city, OH .......................................................................... Lynn city, MA ............................................................................. Atlanta city, GA.......................................................................... Denver city, CO ..........................................................................

43,278 42,478 42,015 41,659 41,473 39,151 38,678 38,274 37,409 35,629

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Oakland city, CA ........................................................................ Utica city, NY ............................................................................. Portland city, ME ........................................................................ Memphis city, TN ....................................................................... Springfield city, MA .................................................................... Manchester city, NH ................................................................... St. Joseph city, MO..................................................................... Grand Rapids city, MI ................................................................. Hoboken city, NJ ........................................................................ Harrisburg city, NJ ......................................................................

34,555 33,914 33,810 33,592 33,340 32,630 32,431 32,016 30,999 30,762

Part D — Cities 229

Table D-10. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1880—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Wheeling city, WV...................................................................... Savannah city, GA ...................................................................... Omaha city, NE .......................................................................... Trenton city, NJ........................................................................... Covington city, KY ..................................................................... Evansville city, IN ........................................................................ Peoria city, IL .............................................................................. Mobile city, AL ........................................................................... Elizabeth city, NJ ........................................................................ Erie city, PA ................................................................................

Population 30,737 30,709 30,518 29,910 29,720 29,280 29,259 29,132 28,229 27,737

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Bridgeport city, CT ..................................................................... Salem city, MA ........................................................................... Quincy city, IL ............................................................................. Fort Wayne city, IN ..................................................................... New Bedford city, MA ................................................................ Terre Haute city, IN ..................................................................... Lancaster city, PA ....................................................................... Somerville city, MA..................................................................... Wilkes-Barre city, PA................................................................... Des Moines city, IA .....................................................................

27,643 27,563 27,268 26,880 26,845 26,042 25,769 24,933 23,339 22,408


Dubuque city, IA ........................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Galveston city, TX....................................................................... Norfolk city, VA .......................................................................... Auburn city, NY ......................................................................... Holyoke city, MA ........................................................................ Augusta city, GA ........................................................................ Davenport city, IA....................................................................... Chelsea city, MA ........................................................................ Petersburg city, VA ..................................................................... Sacramento city, CA ...................................................................

22,248 21,966 21,924 21,915 21,891 21,831 21,782 21,656 21,420

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Taunton city, MA ........................................................................ Oswego city, NY......................................................................... Salt Lake City city, UT ................................................................. Springfield city, OH .................................................................... Bay City city, MI ......................................................................... San Antonio city, TX ................................................................... Elmira city, NY ............................................................................ Newport city, KY ........................................................................ Poughkeepsie city, NY ................................................................ Springfield city, IL .......................................................................

21,213 21,116 20,768 20,730 20,693 20,550 20,541 20,433 20,207 19,743

* See Notes for Individual Places.

230 County and City Extra

Table D-11. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1890 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................................................... Chicago city, IL ........................................................................... Philadelphia city, PA ................................................................... Brooklyn city, NY * ..................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ....................................................................... Boston city, MA.......................................................................... Baltimore city, MD...................................................................... San Francisco city, CA ................................................................ Cincinnati city, OH ..................................................................... Cleveland city, OH ......................................................................

Population 1,515,301 1,099,850 1,046,964 806,343 451,770 448,477 434,439 298,997 296,908 261,353

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Buffalo city, NY .......................................................................... New Orleans city, LA .................................................................. Pittsburgh city, PA * ................................................................... Washington city, DC * ............................................................... Detroit city, MI ........................................................................... Milwaukee city, WI ..................................................................... Newark city, NJ .......................................................................... Minneapolis city, MN.................................................................. Jersey City city, NJ ...................................................................... Louisville city, KY ........................................................................

255,664 242,039 238,617 230,392 205,876 204,468 181,830 164,738 163,003 161,129

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Omaha city, NE .......................................................................... Rochester city, NY ...................................................................... St. Paul city, MN ......................................................................... Kansas City city, MO .................................................................. Providence city, RI ...................................................................... Denver city, CO .......................................................................... Indianapolis city, IN .................................................................... Allegheny city, PA *.................................................................... Albany city, NY........................................................................... Columbus city, OH .....................................................................

140,452 133,896 133,156 132,716 132,146 106,713 105,436 105,287 94,923 88,150

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Syracuse city, NY ........................................................................ New Haven city, CT .................................................................... Worcester city, MA..................................................................... Toledo city, OH ........................................................................... Richmond city, VA ...................................................................... Paterson city, NJ ......................................................................... Lowell city, MA .......................................................................... Nashville city, TN ........................................................................ Scranton city, PA ........................................................................ Fall River city, MA .......................................................................

88,143 86,045 84,655 81,434 81,388 78,347 77,696 76,168 75,215 74,398

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Cambridge city, MA ................................................................... Atlanta city, GA.......................................................................... Memphis city, TN ....................................................................... Wilmington city, DE ................................................................... Dayton city, OH .......................................................................... Troy city, NY ............................................................................... Grand Rapids city, MI ................................................................. Reading city, PA ......................................................................... Camden city, NJ ......................................................................... Trenton city, NJ...........................................................................

70,028 65,533 64,495 61,431 61,220 60,956 60,278 58,661 58,313 57,458

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Lynn city, MA ............................................................................. Lincoln city, NE ........................................................................... Charleston city, SC ..................................................................... Hartford city, CT......................................................................... St. Joseph city, MO..................................................................... Evansville city, IN ........................................................................ Los Angeles city, CA ................................................................... Des Moines city, IA ..................................................................... Bridgeport city, CT ..................................................................... Oakland city, CA ........................................................................

55,727 55,154 54,955 53,230 52,324 50,756 50,395 50,093 48,866 48,682

Part D — Cities 231

Table D-11. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1890—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Portland city, OR ........................................................................ Saginaw city, MI ......................................................................... Salt Lake City city, UT ................................................................. Lawrence city, MA...................................................................... Springfield city, MA .................................................................... Manchester city, NH ................................................................... Utica city, NY ............................................................................. Hoboken city, NJ ........................................................................ Savannah city, GA ...................................................................... Seattle city, WA ..........................................................................

46,385 46,322 44,843 44,654 44,179 44,126 44,007 43,648 43,189 42,837

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Peoria city, IL .............................................................................. New Bedford city, MA ................................................................ Erie city, PA ................................................................................ Somerville city, MA..................................................................... Harrisburg city, PA ...................................................................... Kansas City city, KS .................................................................... Dallas city, TX ............................................................................. Sioux City city, IA ....................................................................... Elizabeth city, NJ ........................................................................ Wilkes-Barre city, PA...................................................................

41,024 40,733 40,634 40,152 39,385 38,316 38,067 37,806 37,764 37,718


San Antonio city, TX ...................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Covington city, KY ..................................................................... Portland city, ME ........................................................................ Tacoma city, WA ........................................................................ Holyoke city, MA ........................................................................ Fort Wayne city, IN ..................................................................... Binghamton city, NY .................................................................. Norfolk city, VA .......................................................................... Wheeling city, WV...................................................................... Augusta city, GA ........................................................................

37,371 36,425 36,006 35,637 35,393 35,005 34,871 34,522 33,300

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Youngstown city, OH ................................................................. Duluth city, MN .......................................................................... Yonkers city, NY ......................................................................... Lancaster city, PA ....................................................................... Springfield city, OH .................................................................... Quincy city, IL ............................................................................. Mobile city, AL ........................................................................... Topeka city, KS ........................................................................... Elmira city, NY ............................................................................ Salem city, MA ...........................................................................

33,220 33,115 32,033 32,011 31,895 31,494 31,076 31,007 30,893 30,801

* See Notes for Individual Places.

232 County and City Extra


Table D-12. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1900 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * .................................................................... Chicago city, IL ............................................................................ Philadelphia city, PA .................................................................... St. Louis city, MO ........................................................................ Boston city, MA........................................................................... Baltimore city, MD....................................................................... Cleveland city, OH ....................................................................... Buffalo city, NY ........................................................................... San Francisco city, CA ................................................................. Cincinnati city, OH ......................................................................

3,437,202 1,698,575 1,293,697 575,238 560,892 508,957 381,768 352,387 342,782 325,902

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Pittsburgh city, PA * .................................................................... New Orleans city, LA ................................................................... Detroit city, MI ............................................................................ Milwaukee city, WI ...................................................................... Washington city, DC ................................................................... Newark city, NJ ........................................................................... Jersey City city, NJ ....................................................................... Louisville city, KY ......................................................................... Minneapolis city, MN................................................................... Providence city, RI .......................................................................

321,616 287,104 285,704 285,315 278,718 246,070 206,433 204,731 202,718 175,597


Indianapolis city, IN .....................................................................


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Kansas City city, MO ................................................................... St. Paul city, MN .......................................................................... Rochester city, NY ....................................................................... Denver city, CO ........................................................................... Toledo city, OH ............................................................................ Allegheny city, PA *..................................................................... Columbus city, OH ...................................................................... Worcester city, MA...................................................................... Syracuse city, NY .........................................................................

163,752 163,065 162,608 133,859 131,822 129,896 125,560 118,421 108,374

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

New Haven city, CT ..................................................................... Paterson city, NJ .......................................................................... Fall River city, MA ........................................................................ St. Joseph city, MO...................................................................... Omaha city, NE ........................................................................... Los Angeles city, CA .................................................................... Memphis city, TN ........................................................................ Scranton city, PA ......................................................................... Lowell city, MA ........................................................................... Albany city, NY............................................................................

108,027 105,171 104,863 102,979 102,555 102,479 102,320 102,026 94,969 94,151

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Cambridge city, MA .................................................................... Portland city, OR ......................................................................... Atlanta city, GA........................................................................... Grand Rapids city, MI .................................................................. Dayton city, OH ........................................................................... Richmond city, VA ....................................................................... Nashville city, TN ......................................................................... Seattle city, WA ........................................................................... Hartford city, CT.......................................................................... Reading city, PA ..........................................................................

91,886 90,426 89,872 87,565 85,333 85,050 80,865 80,671 79,850 78,961

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wilmington city, DE .................................................................... Camden city, NJ .......................................................................... Trenton city, NJ............................................................................ Bridgeport city, CT ...................................................................... Lynn city, MA .............................................................................. Oakland city, CA ......................................................................... Lawrence city, MA....................................................................... New Bedford city, MA ................................................................. Des Moines city, IA ...................................................................... Springfield city, MA .....................................................................

76,508 75,935 73,307 70,996 68,513 66,960 62,559 62,442 62,139 62,059


Part D — Cities 233

Table D-12. Population of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1900—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Somerville city, MA...................................................................... Troy city, NY ................................................................................ Hoboken city, NJ ......................................................................... Evansville city, IN ......................................................................... Manchester city, NH .................................................................... Utica city, NY .............................................................................. Peoria city, IL ............................................................................... Charleston city, SC ...................................................................... Savannah city GA........................................................................ Salt Lake City city, UT ..................................................................

61,643 60,651 59,364 59,007 56,987 56,383 56,100 55,807 54,244 53,531

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

San Antonio city, TX .................................................................... Duluth city, MN ........................................................................... Erie city, PA ................................................................................. Elizabeth city, NJ ......................................................................... Wilkes-Barre city, PA.................................................................... Kansas City city, KS ..................................................................... Harrisburg city, PA ....................................................................... Portland city, ME ......................................................................... Yonkers city, NY .......................................................................... Norfolk city, VA ...........................................................................

53,321 52,969 52,733 52,130 51,721 51,418 50,167 50,145 47,931 46,624


Waterbury city, CT ......................................................................


82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Holyoke city, MA ......................................................................... Fort Wayne city, IN ...................................................................... Youngstown city, OH .................................................................. Houston city, TX .......................................................................... Covington city, KY ...................................................................... Akron city, OH ............................................................................ Dallas city, TX .............................................................................. Saginaw city, MI .......................................................................... Lancaster city, PA ........................................................................

45,712 45,115 44,885 44,633 42,938 42,728 42,638 42,345 41,459

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Lincoln city, NE ............................................................................ Brockton city, MA ....................................................................... Binghamton city, NY ................................................................... Augusta city, GA ......................................................................... Pawtucket city, RI ........................................................................ Altoona city, PA........................................................................... Wheeling city, WV....................................................................... Mobile city, AL ............................................................................ Birmingham city, AL .................................................................... Little Rock city, AR.......................................................................

40,169 40,063 39,647 39,441 39,231 38,973 38,878 38,469 38,415 38,307

* See Notes for Individual Places Excludes Honolulu CDP (population 39,306) before Hawaii became a state.


234 County and City Extra


Table D-13. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1910 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Philadelphia city, PA ........................... St. Louis city, MO ............................... Boston city, MA.................................. Cleveland city, OH .............................. Baltimore city, MD.............................. Pittsburgh city, PA * ........................... Detroit city, MI ................................... Buffalo city, NY ..................................

Population 4,766,883 2,185,283 1,549,008 687,029 670,585 560,663 558,485 533,905 465,766 423,715

Land area (square miles) 286.8 185.1 130.2 61.4 41.1 45.6 30.1 41.4 40.8 38.7

Density (persons per square mile) 16,621 11,806 11,897 11,189 16,316 12,295 18,554 12,896 11,416 10,949

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

San Francisco city, CA... ..................... Milwaukee city, WI ............................. Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Newark city, NJ .................................. New Orleans city, LA .......................... Washington city, DC .......................... Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Jersey City city, NJ .............................. Kansas City city, MO ..........................

416,912 373,857 363,591 347,469 339,075 331,069 319,198 301,408 267,779 248,381

46.5 22.8 49.8 23.2 196.0 60.0 99.2 50.1 13.0 58.5

8,966 16,397 7,301 14,977 1,730 5,518 3,218 6,016 20,598 4,246


Seattle city, WA ..................................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Indianapolis city, IN ............................ Providence city, RI .............................. Louisville city, KY ................................ Rochester city, NY .............................. St. Paul city, MN ................................. Denver city, CO .................................. Portland city, OR ................................ Columbus city, OH ............................. Toledo city, OH ...................................

233,650 224,326 223,928 218,149 214,744 213,381 207,214 181,511 168,497

33.0 17.7 20.7 20.1 52.2 57.9 48.4 20.3 25.0

7,080 12,674 10,818 10,853 4,114 3,685 4,281 8,941 6,740

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Atlanta city, GA.................................. Oakland city, CA ................................ Worcester city, MA............................. Syracuse city, NY ................................ New Haven city, CT ............................ Birmingham city, AL ........................... Memphis city, TN ............................... Scranton city, PA ................................ Richmond city, VA .............................. Paterson city, NJ .................................

154,839 150,174 145,986 137,249 133,605 132,685 131,105 129,867 127,628 125,600

25.7 45.7 37.0 17.3 17.9 48.3 18.4 19.3 10.0 8.1

6,025 3,286 3,946 7,933 7,464 2,747 7,125 6,729 12,763 15,506

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Omaha city, NE .................................. Fall River city, MA ............................... Dayton city, OH .................................. Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Nashville city, TN ................................ Lowell city, MA .................................. Cambridge city, MA ........................... Spokane city, WA ............................... Bridgeport city, CT ............................. Albany city, NY...................................

124,096 119,295 116,577 112,571 110,364 106,294 104,839 104,402 102,054 100,253

24.1 33.9 15.7 16.8 17.1 13.0 6.3 36.8 12.4 10.8

5,149 3,519 7,425 6,701 6,454 8,176 16,641 2,837 8,230 9,283

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Hartford city, CT................................. Trenton city, NJ................................... New Bedford city, MA ........................ San Antonio city, TX ........................... Reading city, PA ................................. Camden city, NJ ................................. Salt Lake City city, UT.. ....................... Dallas city, TX ..................................... Lynn city, MA ..................................... Springfield city, MA ............................

98,915 96,815 96,652 96,614 96,071 94,538 92,777 92,104 89,336 88,926

17.1 7.0 19.0 35.8 6.2 7.0 47.5 16.2 10.8 37.3

5,785 13,831 5,087 2,699 15,495 13,505 1,953 5,685 8,272 2,384

Part D — Cities 235

Table D-13. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1910—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Wilmington city, DE ........................... Des Moines city, IA ............................. Lawrence city, MA.............................. Tacoma city, WA ................................ Kansas City city, KS ............................ Yonkers city, NY ................................. Youngstown city, PA........................... Houston city, TX ................................. Duluth city MN .................................. St. Joseph city, MO.............................

87,411 86,368 85,892 83,743 82,331 79,803 79,066 78,800 78,466 77,403

6.3 54.0 6.5 39.3 14.2 19.8 10.3 17.4 58.9 13.3

13,875 1,599 13,214 2,131 5,798 4,030 7,676 4,529 1,332 5,820

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Somerville city, MA............................. Troy city, NY ....................................... Utica city, NY ..................................... Elizabeth city, NJ ................................ Fort Worth city, TX ............................. Waterbury city, CT ............................. Schenectady city, NY .......................... Hoboken city, NJ ................................ Manchester city, NH ........................... Evansville city, IN ................................

77,236 76,813 74,419 73,409 73,312 73,141 72,826 70,324 70,063 69,647

4.1 9.6 9.2 9.7 17.5 28.1 7.8 1.3 32.9 7.0

18,838 8,001 8,089 7,568 4,189 2,603 9,337 54,095 2,130 9,950


Akron city, OH ...................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Norfolk city, VA .................................. Wilkes-Barre city, PA........................... Peoria city, IL ...................................... Erie city, PA ........................................ Savannah city, GA .............................. Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Harrisburg city, PA .............................. Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Charleston city, SC .............................

67,452 67,105 66,950 66,525 65,064 64,205 64,186 63,933 58,833

5.6 5.1 9.8 7.5 6.3 17.5 5.3 9.4 3.8

12,045 13,158 6,832 8,870 10,328 3,669 12,111 6,801 15,482

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Portland city, ME ................................ East St. Louis city, IL ........................... Terre Haute city, IN ............................. Holyoke city, MA ................................ Jacksonville city, FL ............................. Brockton city, MA .............................. Bayonne city, NJ ................................. Johnstown city, PA ............................. Passaic city, NJ.................................... South Bend city, IN .............................

58,571 58,547 58,157 57,730 57,699 56,878 55,545 55,482 54,773 53,684

21.5 12.2 7.9 21.0 9.3 21.6 4.0 4.3 3.2 8.1

2,724 4,799 7,362 2,749 6,204 2,633 13,886 12,903 17,117 6,628

* See Notes for Individual Places.

236 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-14. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1920 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ................................ Chicago city, IL ........................................ Philadelphia city, PA ................................ Detroit city, MI ........................................ Cleveland city, OH ................................... St. Louis city, MO .................................... Boston city, MA....................................... Baltimore city, MD................................... Pittsburgh city, PA ................................... Los Angeles city, CA ................................

5,620,048 2,701,705 1,823,779 993,078 796,841 772,897 748,060 733,826 588,343 576,673

299.0 192.8 128.0 77.9 56.4 61.0 43.5 79.0 39.9 365.7

18,796 14,013 14,248 12,748 14,128 12,670 17,197 9,289 14,745 1,577

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Buffalo city, NY ....................................... San Francisco city, CA... .......................... Milwaukee city, WI .................................. Washington city, DC ............................... Newark city, NJ ....................................... Cincinnati city, OH .................................. New Orleans city, LA ............................... Minneapolis city, MN............................... Kansas City city, MO ............................... Seattle city, WA .......................................

506,775 506,676 457,147 437,571 414,524 401,247 387,219 380,582 324,410 315,312

38.9 42.0 25.3 60.0 23.3 71.1 178.0 49.7 58.4 58.6

13,028 12,064 18,069 7,293 17,791 5,643 2,175 7,658 5,555 5,381


Indianapolis city, IN .................................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Jersey City city, NJ ................................... Rochester city, NY ................................... Portland city, OR ..................................... Denver city, CO ....................................... Toledo city, OH ........................................ Providence city, RI ................................... Columbus city, OH .................................. Louisville city, KY ..................................... St. Paul city, MN ......................................

298,103 295,750 258,288 256,491 243,164 237,595 237,031 234,891 234,698

13.0 29.5 63.2 57.9 28.1 17.8 22.6 22.4 52.2

22,931 10,025 4,087 4,430 8,654 13,348 10,488 10,486 4,496

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Oakland city, CA ..................................... Akron city, OH ........................................ Atlanta city, GA....................................... Omaha city, NE ....................................... Worcester city, MA.................................. Birmingham city, AL ................................ Syracuse city, NY ..................................... Richmond city, VA ................................... New Haven city, CT ................................. Memphis city, TN ....................................

216,261 208,435 200,616 191,601 179,754 178,806 171,717 171,667 162,537 162,351

45.7 22.7 26.2 36.9 37.1 49.0 18.4 24.0 17.9 23.4

4,732 9,182 7,657 5,192 4,845 3,649 9,332 7,153 9,080 6,938

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

San Antonio city, TX ................................ Dallas city, TX .......................................... Dayton city, OH ....................................... Bridgeport city, CT .................................. Houston city, TX ...................................... Hartford city, CT...................................... Scranton city, PA ..................................... Grand Rapids city, MI .............................. Paterson city, NJ ...................................... Youngstown city, OH ..............................

161,379 158,976 152,559 143,555 138,276 138,036 137,783 137,634 135,875 132,358

35.7 22.8 15.8 14.6 36.5 15.9 19.3 17.5 8.1 24.8

4,520 6,973 9,656 9,833 3,788 8,682 7,139 7,865 16,775 5,337

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Springfield city, MA ................................. Des Moines city, IA .................................. New Bedford city, MA ............................. Fall River city, MA .................................... Trenton city, NJ........................................ Nashville city, TN ..................................... Salt Lake City city, UT.. ............................ Camden city, NJ ...................................... Norfolk city, VA ....................................... Albany city, NY........................................

129,614 126,468 121,217 120,485 119,289 118,342 118,110 116,309 115,777 113,344

32.0 52.5 19.1 33.9 7.0 18.0 51.1 7.7 7.5 18.6

4,050 2,409 6,346 3,554 17,041 6,575 2,311 15,105 15,437 6,094


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Part D — Cities 237

Table D-14. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1920—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Lowell city, MA ....................................... Wilmington city, DE ................................ Cambridge city, MA ................................ Reading city, PA ...................................... Fort Worth city, TX .................................. Spokane city, WA .................................... Kansas City city, KS ................................. Yonkers city, NY ...................................... Lynn city, LA............................................ Duluth city, MN .......................................

112,759 110,168 109,694 107,784 106,482 104,437 101,177 100,176 99,148 98,917

13.0 7.0 6.3 9.5 16.5 38.8 15.8 20.1 10.5 62.4

8,674 15,738 17,412 11,346 6,453 2,692 6,404 4,984 9,443 1,585

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Tacoma city, WA ..................................... Elizabeth city, NJ ..................................... Lawrence city, MA................................... Utica city, NY .......................................... Erie city, PA ............................................. Somerville city, MA.................................. Waterbury city, CT .................................. Flint city, MI ............................................ Jacksonville city, FL .................................. Oklahoma City city, OK... ........................

96,965 95,783 94,270 94,156 93,372 93,091 91,715 91,599 91,558 91,295

39.3 9.7 6.7 16.3 19.5 3.9 28.1 28.3 15.4 17.0

2,467 9,875 14,070 5,776 4,788 23,869 3,264 3,237 5,945 5,370


Schenectady city, NY ...............................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Canton city, OH ...................................... Fort Wayne city, IN .................................. Evansville city, IN ..................................... Savannah city, GA ................................... Manchester city, NH ................................ St. Joseph city, MO.................................. Knoxville city, TN ..................................... El Paso city, TX ........................................ Bayonne city, NJ ......................................

87,091 86,549 85,264 83,252 78,384 77,939 77,818 77,560 76,754

12.3 15.6 8.7 7.0 32.1 13.3 26.7 12.1 4.0

7,081 5,548 9,800 11,893 2,442 5,860 2,915 6,410 19,189

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Peoria city, IL ........................................... Harrisburg city, PA ................................... San Diego city, CA .................................. Wilkes-Barre city, PA................................ Allentown city, PA ................................... Wichita city, KS ....................................... Tulsa city, OK .......................................... Troy city, NY ............................................ Sioux City city, IA .................................... South Bend city, IN ..................................

76,121 75,917 74,683 73,833 73,502 72,217 72,075 71,996 71,227 70,983

9.4 5.9 78.8 5.2 9.8 19.6 7.8 10.4 43.8 15.4

8,098 12,867 948 14,199 7,500 3,685 9,240 6,923 1,626 4,609

*See Notes for Individual Places. Excludes Honolulu CDP (population 83,327) before Hawaii became a state.


238 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-15. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1930 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Philadelphia city, PA ........................... Detroit city, MI ................................... Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Cleveland city, OH .............................. St. Louis city, MO ............................... Baltimore city, MD.............................. Boston city, MA.................................. Pittsburgh city, PA ..............................

6,930,446 3,376,438 1,950,961 1,568,662 1,238,048 900,429 821,960 804,874 781,188 669,817

299.0 201.9 128.0 137.9 440.3 70.8 61.0 78.7 43.9 51.3

23,179 16,723 15,242 11,375 2,812 12,718 13,475 10,227 17,795 13,057

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

San Francisco city, CA ........................ Milwaukee city, WI ............................. Buffalo city, NY .................................. Washington city, DC .......................... Minneapolis city, MN.......................... New Orleans city, LA .......................... Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Newark city, NJ .................................. Kansas City city, MO .......................... Seattle city, WA ..................................

634,394 578,249 573,076 486,869 464,356 458,762 451,160 442,337 399,746 365,583

42.0 41.1 38.9 62.0 55.4 196.0 71.4 23.6 58.6 68.5

15,105 14,069 14,732 7,853 8,382 2,341 6,319 18,743 6,822 5,337

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Indianapolis city, IN ............................ Rochester city, NY .............................. Jersey City city, NJ .............................. Louisville city, KY ................................ Portland city, OR ................................ Houston city, TX ................................. Toledo city, OH ................................... Columbus city, OH ............................. Denver city, CO .................................. Oakland city, CA ................................

364,161 328,132 316,715 307,745 301,815 292,352 290,718 290,564 287,861 284,063

54.2 34.2 13.0 36.0 63.5 71.8 33.0 38.5 58.0 53.2

6,719 9,595 24,363 8,548 4,753 4,072 8,810 7,547 4,963 5,340

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

St. Paul city, MN ................................. Atlanta city, GA.................................. Dallas city, TX ..................................... Birmingham city, AL ........................... Akron city, OH ................................... Memphis city, TN ............................... Providence city, RI .............................. San Antonio city, TX ........................... Omaha city, NE .................................. Syracuse city, NY ................................

271,606 270,366 260,475 259,678 255,040 253,143 252,981 231,542 214,006 209,326

52.2 34.8 41.8 50.3 37.6 45.7 17.8 35.7 39.1 25.3

5,203 7,769 6,231 5,163 6,783 5,539 14,212 6,486 5,473 8,274

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Dayton city, OH .................................. Worcester city, MA............................. Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Richmond city, VA .............................. Youngstown city, OH ......................... Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Hartford city, CT................................. Fort Worth city, TX ............................. New Haven city, CT ............................ Flint city, MI .......................................

200,982 195,311 185,389 182,929 170,002 168,592 164,072 163,447 162,655 156,492

18.1 37.2 30.4 24.0 33.8 23.0 15.9 46.4 17.9 29.7

11,104 5,250 6,098 7,622 5,030 7,330 10,319 3,523 9,087 5,269

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Nashville city, TN ................................ Springfield city, MA ............................ San Diego city, CA ............................. Bridgeport city, CT ............................. Scranton city, PA ................................ Des Moines city, IA ............................. Long Beach city, CA ........................... Tulsa city, OK ..................................... Salt Lake City city, UT ......................... Patterson city, NJ ................................

153,866 149,900 147,995 146,716 143,433 142,559 142,032 141,258 140,267 138,513

26.0 31.7 93.6 14.6 19.3 54.0 28.5 21.6 52.0 8.1

5,918 4,729 1,581 10,049 7,432 2,640 4,984 6,540 2,697 17,100


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Part D — Cities 239

Table D-15. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1930—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Yonkers city, NY ................................. Norfolk city, VA .................................. Jacksonville city, FL ............................. Albany city, NY................................... Trenton city, NJ................................... Kansas City city, KS ............................ Chattanooga city, TN ......................... Camden city, NJ ................................. Erie city, PA ........................................ Spokane city, WA ...............................

134,646 129,710 129,549 127,412 123,356 121,857 119,798 118,700 115,967 115,514

20.1 28.0 26.4 18.9 7.2 20.5 16.2 8.7 19.3 40.4

6,699 4,633 4,907 6,741 17,133 5,944 7,395 13,644 6,009 2,859

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Fall River city, MA ............................... Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Elizabeth city, NJ ................................ Cambridge city, MA ........................... New Bedford city, MA ........................ Reading city, PA ................................. Wichita city, KS .................................. Miami city, FL ..................................... Tacoma city, WA ................................ Wilmington city, DE ...........................

115,274 114,946 114,589 113,643 112,597 111,171 111,110 110,637 106,817 106,597

32.9 17.2 9.7 6.2 19.0 9.5 20.7 43.0 46.4 7.2

3,504 6,683 11,813 18,330 5,926 11,702 5,368 2,573 2,302 14,805


Knoxville city, TN ................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Peoria city, IL ...................................... Canton city, OH ................................. South Bend, IN................................... Somerville city, MA............................. El Paso city, TX ................................... Lynn city, MA ..................................... Evansville city, IN ................................ Utica city, NY ..................................... Duluth city, MN ..................................

104,969 104,906 104,193 103,908 102,421 102,320 102,249 101,740 101,463

12.3 13.6 16.9 3.9 13.5 10.5 8.7 21.2 62.3

8,534 7,714 6,165 26,643 7,587 9,745 11,753 4,799 1,629

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Tampa city, FL..................................... Gary city, IN ....................................... Lowell city, MA .................................. Waterbury city, CT ............................. Schenectady city, NY .......................... Sacramento city, CA ........................... Allentown city, PA .............................. Bayonne city, NJ ................................. Wilkes-Barre city, PA........................... Rockford city, IL..................................

101,161 100,426 100,234 99,902 95,692 93,750 92,563 88,979 86,626 85,864

19.0 40.3 13.4 28.1 10.4 13.7 11.4 4.4 7.0 11.7

5,324 2,492 7,480 3,555 9,201 6,843 8,120 20,223 12,375 7,339

*See Notes for Individual Places. 1 Excludes Honolulu CDP (population 137,582) before Hawaii became a state.

240 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-16. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1940 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Philadelphia city, PA ........................... Detroit city, MI ................................... Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Cleveland city, OH .............................. Baltimore city, MD.............................. St. Louis city, MO ............................... Boston city, MA.................................. Pittsburgh city, PA ..............................

7,454,995 3,396,808 1,931,334 1,623,452 1,504,277 878,336 859,100 816,048 770,816 671,659

299.0 206.7 127.2 137.9 448.3 73.1 78.7 61.0 46.1 52.1

24,933 16,434 15,183 11,773 3,356 12,016 10,916 13,378 16,721 12,892

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Washington city, DC .......................... San Francisco city, CA ........................ Milwaukee city, WI ............................. Buffalo city, NY .................................. New Orleans city, LA .......................... Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Newark city, NJ .................................. Kansas City city, MO .......................... Indianapolis city, IN ............................

663,091 634,536 587,472 575,901 494,537 492,370 455,610 429,760 399,178 386,972

61.4 44.6 43.4 39.4 199.4 53.8 72.4 23.6 58.6 53.6

10,800 14,227 13,536 14,617 2,480 9,152 6,293 18,210 6,812 7,220


Houston city, TX .................................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Seattle city, WA .................................. Rochester city, NY .............................. Denver city, CO .................................. Louisville city, KY ................................ Columbus city, OH ............................. Portland city, OR ................................ Atlanta city, GA.................................. Oakland city, CA ................................ Jersey City city, NJ ..............................

368,302 324,975 322,412 319,077 306,087 305,394 302,288 302,163 301,173

68.5 34.8 57.9 37.9 39.0 63.5 34.7 52.8 14.3

5,377 9,338 5,568 8,419 7,848 4,809 8,711 5,723 21,061

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Dallas city, TX ..................................... Memphis city, TN ............................... St. Paul city, MN ................................. Toledo city, OH ................................... Birmingham city, AL ........................... San Antonio city, TX ........................... Providence city, RI .............................. Akron city, OH ................................... Omaha city, NE .................................. Dayton city, OH ..................................

294,734 292,942 287,736 282,349 267,583 253,854 253,504 244,791 223,844 210,718

40.6 45.6 52.2 37.1 50.2 35.7 17.9 53.7 38.9 23.7

7,259 6,424 5,512 7,610 5,330 7,111 14,162 4,558 5,754 8,891

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Syracuse city, NY ................................ Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... San Diego city, CA ............................. Worcester city, MA............................. Richmond city, VA .............................. Fort Worth city, TX ............................. Jacksonville city, FL ............................. Miami city, FL ..................................... Youngstown city, OH ......................... Nashville city, TN ................................

205,967 204,424 203,341 193,694 193,042 177,662 173,065 172,172 167,720 167,402

25.3 49.8 95.3 37.1 21.4 49.8 30.2 30.3 32.8 22.0

8,141 4,105 2,134 5,221 9,021 3,568 5,731 5,682 5,113 7,609

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Hartford city, CT................................. Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Long Beach city, CA ........................... New Haven city, CT ............................ Des Moines city, IA ............................. Flint city, MI ....................................... Salt Lake City city, UT ......................... Springfield city, MA ............................ Bridgeport city, CT ............................. Norfolk city, VA ..................................

166,267 164,292 164,271 160,605 159,819 151,543 149,934 149,554 147,121 144,332

17.4 23.0 31.0 17.9 53.8 29.3 52.5 31.7 14.6 28.2

9,556 7,143 5,299 8,972 2,971 5,172 2,856 4,718 10,077 5,118


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Part D — Cities 241

Table D-16. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1940—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Yonkers city, NY ................................. Tulsa city, OK ..................................... Scranton city, PA ................................ Paterson city, NJ ................................. Albany city, NY................................... Chattanooga city, TN ......................... Trenton city, NJ................................... Spokane city, WA ............................... Kansas City city, KS ............................ Fort Wayne city, IN .............................

142,598 142,157 140,404 139,656 130,577 128,163 124,697 122,001 121,458 118,410

17.2 21.4 19.4 8.1 19.0 27.4 7.2 41.5 19.2 17.1

8,291 6,643 7,237 17,241 6,872 4,677 17,319 2,940 6,326 6,925

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Camden city, NJ ................................. Erie city, PA ........................................ Fall River city, MA ............................... Wichita city, KS .................................. Wilmington city, DE ........................... Gary city, IN ....................................... Knoxville city, TN ................................ Cambridge city, MA ........................... Reading city, PA ................................. New Bedford city, MA ........................

117,536 116,955 115,428 114,966 112,504 111,719 111,580 110,879 110,568 110,341

8.7 16.2 33.9 21.1 9.8 40.3 25.4 6.3 8.8 19.1

13,510 7,219 3,405 5,449 11,480 2,772 4,393 17,600 12,565 5,777


Elizabeth city, NJ ................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Tacoma city, WA ................................ Canton city, OH ................................. Tampa city, FL..................................... Sacramento city, CA ........................... Peoria city, IL ...................................... Somerville city, MA............................. Lowell city, MA .................................. South Bend city, IN ............................. Duluth city, MN ..................................

109,408 108,401 108,391 105,958 105,087 102,177 101,389 101,268 101,065

46.5 13.9 19.0 13.7 12.4 4.1 12.9 19.7 62.3

2,353 7,799 5,705 7,734 8,475 24,921 7,860 5,141 1,622

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Charlotte city, NC............................... Utica city, NY ..................................... Waterbury city, CT ............................. Shreveport city, LA ............................. Lynn city, MA ..................................... Evansville city, IN ................................ Allentown city, PA .............................. El Paso city, TX ................................... Savannah city, GA .............................. Little Rock city, AR..............................

100,899 100,518 99,314 98,167 98,123 97,062 96,904 96,810 95,996 88,039

19.3 15.8 27.6 18.7 10.4 9.7 15.7 13.6 11.1 17.9

5,228 6,362 3,598 5,250 9,435 10,006 6,172 7,118 8,648 4,918

*See Notes for Individual Places. 1 Excludes Honolulu CDP (population 179,326) before Hawaii became a state.

242 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-17. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1950 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ............................... Chicago city, IL ....................................... Philadelphia city, PA ............................... Los Angeles city, CA ............................... Detroit city, MI ....................................... Baltimore city, MD.................................. Cleveland city, OH .................................. St. Louis city, MO ................................... Washington city, DC .............................. Boston city, MA......................................

7,891,957 3,620,962 2,071,605 1,970,358 1,849,568 949,708 914,808 856,796 802,178 801,444

315.1 207.5 127.2 450.9 139.6 78.7 75.0 61.0 61.4 47.8

25,046 17,450 16,286 4,370 13,249 12,067 12,197 14,046 13,065 16,767

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

San Francisco city, CA ............................ Pittsburgh city, PA .................................. Milwaukee city, WI ................................. Houston city, TX ..................................... Buffalo city, NY ...................................... New Orleans city, LA .............................. Minneapolis city, MN.............................. Cincinnati city, OH ................................. Seattle city, WA ...................................... Kansas City city, MO ..............................

775,357 676,806 637,392 596,163 580,132 570,445 521,718 503,998 467,591 456,622

44.6 54.2 50.0 160.0 39.4 199.4 53.8 75.1 70.8 80.6

17,385 12,487 12,748 3,726 14,724 2,861 9,697 6,711 6,604 5,665


Newark city, NJ ......................................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Dallas city, TX ......................................... Indianapolis city, IN ................................ Denver city, CO ...................................... San Antonio city, TX ............................... Memphis city, TN ................................... Oakland city, CA .................................... Columbus city, OH ................................. Portland city, OR .................................... Louisville city, KY ....................................

434,462 427,173 415,786 408,442 396,000 384,575 375,901 373,628 369,129

112.0 55.2 66.8 69.5 104.2 53.0 39.4 64.1 39.9

3,879 7,739 6,224 5,877 3,800 7,256 9,541 5,829 9,251

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

San Diego city, CA ................................. Rochester city, NY .................................. Atlanta city, GA...................................... Birmingham city, AL ............................... St. Paul city, MN ..................................... Toledo city, OH ....................................... Jersey City city, NJ .................................. Fort Worth city, TX ................................. Akron city, OH ....................................... Omaha city, NE ......................................

334,387 332,488 331,314 326,037 311,349 303,616 299,017 278,778 274,605 251,117

99.4 36.0 36.9 65.3 52.2 38.3 13.0 93.7 53.7 40.7

3,364 9,236 8,979 4,993 5,965 7,927 23,001 2,975 5,114 6,170

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Long Beach city, CA ............................... Miami city, FL ......................................... Providence city, RI .................................. Dayton city, OH ...................................... Oklahoma City city, OK .......................... Richmond city, VA .................................. Syracuse city, NY .................................... Norfolk city, VA ...................................... Jacksonville city, FL ................................. Worcester city, MA.................................

250,767 249,276 248,674 243,872 243,504 230,310 220,583 213,513 204,517 203,486

34.7 34.2 17.9 25.0 50.8 37.1 25.3 28.2 30.2 37.0

7,227 7,289 13,892 9,755 4,793 6,208 8,719 7,571 6,772 5,500

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Tulsa city, OK ......................................... Salt Lake City city, UT ............................. Des Moines city, IA ................................. Hartford city, CT..................................... Grand Rapids city, MI ............................. Nashville city, TN .................................... Youngstown city, OH ............................. Wichita city, KS ...................................... New Haven city, CT ................................ Flint city, MI ...........................................

182,740 182,121 177,965 177,397 176,515 174,307 168,330 168,279 164,443 163,143

26.7 53.9 54.9 17.4 23.4 22.0 32.8 25.7 17.9 29.3

6,844 3,379 3,242 10,195 7,543 7,923 5,132 6,548 9,187 5,568


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Part D — Cities 243

Table D-17. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1950—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Springfield city, MA ................................ Spokane city WA.................................... Bridgeport city, CT ................................. Yonkers city, NY ..................................... Tacoma city WA ..................................... Paterson city, NJ ..................................... Sacramento city, CA ............................... Arlington CDP, VA * ............................... Albany city, NY....................................... Charlotte city, NC...................................

162,399 161,721 158,709 152,798 143,673 139,336 137,572 135,449 134,995 134,042

31.7 41.5 14.6 17.2 47.9 8.1 16.9 24.0 19.0 30.0

5,123 3,897 10,870 8,884 2,999 17,202 8,140 5,644 7,105 4,468

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Gary city, IN ........................................... Fort Wayne city, IN ................................. Austin city, TX ........................................ Chattanooga city, TN ............................. Erie city, PA ............................................ El Paso city, TX ....................................... Kansas City city, KS ................................ Mobile city, AL ....................................... Evansville city, IN .................................... Trenton city, NJ.......................................

133,911 133,607 132,459 131,041 130,803 130,485 129,553 129,009 128,636 128,009

41.6 18.8 32.1 28.0 18.8 25.6 18.7 25.4 18.0 7.2

3,219 7,107 4,126 4,680 6,958 5,097 6,928 5,079 7,146 17,779


Shreveport city, LA .................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Baton Rouge city, LA .............................. Scranton city, PA .................................... Knoxville city, TN .................................... Tampa city, FL......................................... Camden city, NJ ..................................... Cambridge city, MA ............................... Savannah city, GA .................................. Canton city, OH ..................................... South Bend city, IN .................................

125,629 125,536 124,769 124,681 124,555 120,740 119,638 116,912 115,911

30.2 24.9 25.4 19.0 8.6 6.2 14.6 14.1 20.2

4,160 5,042 4,912 6,562 14,483 19,474 8,194 8,292 5,738

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Berkeley city, CA .................................... Elizabeth city, NJ .................................... Fall River city, MA ................................... Peoria city, IL .......................................... Wilmington city, DE ............................... Reading city, PA ..................................... New Bedford city, MA ............................ Corpus Christi city, TX ............................ Phoenix city, AZ...................................... Allentown city, PA ..................................

113,805 112,817 111,963 111,856 110,356 109,320 109,189 108,287 106,818 106,756

9.5 11.7 33.9 12.9 9.8 8.8 19.1 21.5 17.1 15.9

11,979 9,642 3,303 8,671 11,261 12,423 5,717 5,037 6,247 6,714

* See Notes for Individual Places. Excludes Honolulu CDP (population 248,034) before Hawaii became a state.


244 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-18. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1960 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Philadelphia city, PA ........................... Detroit city, MI ................................... Baltimore city, MD.............................. Houston city, TX ................................. Cleveland city, OH .............................. Washington city, DC .......................... St. Louis city, MO ...............................

Population 7,781,984 3,550,404 2,479,015 2,002,512 1,670,144 939,024 938,219 876,050 763,956 750,026

Land area (square miles) 315.1 224.2 454.8 127.2 139.6 79.0 328.1 81.2 61.4 61.0

Density (persons per square mile) 24,697 15,836 5,451 15,743 11,964 11,886 2,860 10,789 12,442 12,296

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Milwaukee city, WI ............................. San Francisco city, CA ........................ Boston city, MA.................................. Dallas city, TX ..................................... New Orleans city, LA .......................... Pittsburgh city, PA .............................. San Antonio city, TX ........................... San Diego city, CA ............................. Seattle city, WA .................................. Buffalo city, NY ..................................

741,324 740,316 697,197 679,684 627,525 604,332 587,718 573,224 557,087 532,759

91.1 47.6 47.8 279.9 198.8 54.1 160.5 192.4 88.5 39.4

8,137 15,553 14,586 2,428 3,157 11,171 3,662 2,979 6,295 13,522


Cincinnati city, OH .............................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Memphis city, TN ............................... Denver city, CO .................................. Atlanta city, GA.................................. Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Indianapolis city, IN ............................ Kansas City city, MO .......................... Columbus city, OH ............................. Phoenix city, AZ.................................. Newark city, NJ ..................................

497,524 493,887 487,455 482,872 476,258 475,539 471,316 439,170 405,220

128.2 71.0 128.2 56.5 71.2 129.8 89.0 187.4 23.6

3,881 6,956 3,802 8,546 6,689 3,664 5,296 2,343 17,170

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Louisville city, KY ................................ Portland city, OR ................................ Oakland city, CA ................................ Fort Worth city, TX ............................. Long Beach city, CA ........................... Birmingham city, AL ........................... Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Rochester city, NY .............................. Toledo city, OH ................................... St. Paul city, MN .................................

390,639 372,676 367,548 356,268 344,168 340,887 324,253 318,611 318,003 313,411

57.1 67.2 53.0 140.5 45.9 74.5 321.5 36.4 48.2 52.2

6,841 5,546 6,935 2,536 7,498 4,576 1,009 8,753 6,598 6,004

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Norfolk city, VA .................................. Omaha city, NE .................................. Honolulu CDP, HI * ............................ Miami city, FL ..................................... Akron city, OH ................................... El Paso city, TX ................................... Jersey City city, NJ .............................. Tampa city, FL..................................... Dayton city, OH .................................. Tulsa city, OK .....................................

305,872 301,598 294,194 291,688 290,351 276,687 276,101 274,970 262,332 261,685

50.0 51.2 83.9 34.2 53.9 114.6 13.0 85.0 33.6 47.8

6,117 5,891 3,506 8,529 5,387 2,414 21,239 3,235 7,808 5,475

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wichita city, KS .................................. Richmond city, VA .............................. Syracuse city, NY ................................ Tucson city, AZ ................................... Des Moines city, IA ............................. Providence city, RI .............................. San Jose city, CA ................................ Mobile city, AL ................................... Charlotte city, NC............................... Albuquerque city, NM ........................

254,698 219,958 216,038 212,892 208,982 207,498 204,196 202,779 201,564 201,189

51.9 37.0 25.0 70.9 64.5 17.9 54.5 152.9 64.8 56.2

4,907 5,945 8,642 3,003 3,240 11,592 3,747 1,326 3,111 3,580

Part D — Cities 245

Table D-18. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1960—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Jacksonville city, FL ............................. Flint city, MI ....................................... Sacramento city, CA ........................... Yonkers city, NY ................................. Salt Lake City city, UT ......................... Worcester city, MA............................. Austin city, TX .................................... Spokane city, WA ............................... St. Petersburg city, FL ......................... Gary city, IN .......................................

201,030 196,940 191,667 190,634 189,454 186,587 186,545 181,608 181,298 178,320

30.2 29.9 45.1 18.3 56.1 37.0 49.4 43.0 54.0 41.6

6,657 6,587 4,250 10,417 3,377 5,043 3,776 4,223 3,357 4,287

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Springfield city, MA ............................ Nashville city, TN ................................ Corpus Christi city, TX ........................ Youngstown city, OH ......................... Shreveport city, LA ............................. Arlington CDP, VA * ........................... Hartford city, CT................................. Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Bridgeport city, CT .............................

177,313 174,463 170,874 167,690 166,689 164,372 163,401 162,178 161,776 156,748

24.4 33.1 29.0 37.8 33.2 36.0 24.0 17.4 36.8 17.9

7,267 5,271 5,892 4,436 5,021 4,566 6,808 9,321 4,396 8,757


Baton Rouge city, LA ..........................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

New Haven city, CT ............................ Savannah city, GA .............................. Tacoma city WA ................................. Jackson city, MS ................................. Paterson city, NJ ................................. Evansville city, IN ................................ Erie city, PA ........................................ Amarillo city, TX ................................. Montgomery city, AL ..........................

152,048 149,245 147,979 144,422 143,663 141,543 138,440 137,969 134,393

17.9 41.5 47.5 46.5 8.4 32.0 18.8 54.8 31.8

8,494 3,596 3,115 3,106 17,103 4,423 7,364 2,518 4,226

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 97 99 100

Fresno city, CA ................................... South Bend city, IN ............................. Chattanooga city, TN ......................... Albany city, NY................................... Lubbock city, TX ................................. Lincoln city, NE ................................... Madison city, WI ................................ Rockford city, IL.................................. Kansas City city, KS ............................ Greensboro city, NC ...........................

133,929 132,445 130,009 129,726 128,691 128,521 126,706 126,706 121,901 119,574

28.6 23.8 36.7 19.0 75.0 25.4 35.7 26.0 40.6 48.6

4,683 5,565 3,542 6,828 1,716 5,060 3,549 4,873 3,002 2,460

*See Notes for Individual Places.

246 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-19. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1970 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Philadelphia city, PA ........................... Detroit city, MI ................................... Houston city, TX ................................ Baltimore city, MD.............................. Dallas city, TX ..................................... Washington city, DC .......................... Cleveland city, OH ..............................

Population 7,894,862 3,366,957 2,816,061 1,948,609 1,511,482 1,232,802 905,759 844,401 756,510 750,903

Land area (square miles) 299.7 222.6 463.7 128.5 138.0 433.9 78.3 265.6 61.4 75.9

Density (persons per square mile) 26,343 15,126 6,073 15,164 10,953 2,841 11,568 3,179 12,321 9,893

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Indianapolis city, IN * ......................... Milwaukee city, WI ............................. San Francisco city, CA ........................ San Diego city, CA ............................. San Antonio city, TX ........................... Boston city, MA.................................. Memphis city, TN ............................... St. Louis city, MO ............................... New Orleans city, LA * ....................... Phoenix city, AZ..................................

744,624 717,099 715,674 696,769 654,153 641,071 623,530 622,236 593,471 581,562

379.4 95.0 45.4 316.9 184.0 46.0 217.4 61.2 197.1 247.9

1,963 7,548 15,764 2,199 3,555 13,936 2,868 10,167 3,011 2,346


Columbus city, OH .............................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Seattle city, WA .................................. Jacksonville city, FL * .......................... Pittsburgh city, PA .............................. Denver city, CO .................................. Kansas City city, MO .......................... Atlanta city, GA.................................. Buffalo city, NY .................................. Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Nashville-Davidson, TN * ....................

530,831 528,865 520,117 514,678 507,087 496,973 462,768 452,524 448,003

83.6 766.0 55.2 95.2 316.3 131.5 41.3 78.1 507.8

6,350 690 9,422 5,406 1,603 3,779 11,205 5,794 882

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

San Jose city, CA ............................... Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Fort Worth city, TX ............................. Toledo city, OH ................................... Portland city, OR ................................ Newark city, NJ .................................. Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Oakland city, CA ................................ Louisville city, KY ................................ Long Beach city, CA ...........................

445,779 434,400 393,476 383,818 382,619 382,417 366,481 361,561 361,472 358,633

136.2 55.1 205.0 81.2 89.1 23.5 635.7 53.4 60.0 48.7

3,273 7,884 1,919 4,727 4,294 16,273 576 6,771 6,025 7,364

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Omaha city, NE .................................. Miami city, FL ..................................... Tulsa city, OK ..................................... Honolulu CDP, HI * ............................ El Paso city, TX ................................... St. Paul city, MN ................................. Norfolk city, VA .................................. Birmingham city, AL ........................... Rochester city, NY .............................. Tampa city, FL.....................................

347,328 334,859 331,638 324,871 322,261 309,980 307,951 300,910 296,233 277,767

76.6 34.3 171.9 83.9 118.3 52.2 52.6 79.5 36.7 84.5

4,534 9,763 1,929 3,872 2,724 5,938 5,855 3,785 8,072 3,287

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wichita city, KS .................................. Akron city, OH ................................... Tucson city, AZ ................................... Jersey City city, NJ .............................. Sacramento city, CA ........................... Austin city, TX .................................... Richmond city, VA .............................. Albuquerque city, NM ........................ Dayton city, OH .................................. Charlotte city, NC...............................

276,554 275,425 262,933 260,545 254,413 251,808 249,621 243,751 243,601 241,178

86.5 54.2 80.0 15.1 93.8 72.1 60.3 82.2 38.3 76.0

3,197 5,082 3,287 17,255 2,712 3,492 4,140 2,965 6,360 3,173

Part D — Cities 247

Table D-19. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1970—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

St. Petersburg city, FL ......................... Corpus Christi city, TX ........................ Yonkers city, NY ................................. Des Moines city, IA ............................. Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Syracuse city, NY ................................ Flint city, MI ....................................... Mobile city, AL ................................... Shreveport city, LA ............................. Warren city, MI...................................

216,232 204,525 204,297 200,587 197,649 197,208 193,317 190,026 182,064 179,260

55.4 100.6 17.7 63.2 44.9 25.8 32.8 116.6 56.9 34.2

3,903 2,033 11,542 3,174 4,402 7,644 5,894 1,630 3,200 5,242

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Providence city, RI .............................. Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Worcester city, MA............................. Salt Lake City city, UT ......................... Gary city, IN ....................................... Knoxville city, TN ................................ Arlington CDP, VA * ........................... Madison city, WI ................................ Virginia Beach city, VA ....................... Spokane city, WA ...............................

179,213 177,671 176,572 175,885 175,415 174,587 174,284 173,258 172,106 170,516

18.1 51.5 37.4 59.3 42.0 77.0 25.9 48.5 220.0 50.8

9,901 3,450 4,721 2,966 4,177 2,267 6,729 3,572 782 3,357


Kansas City city, KS ............................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Anaheim city, CA ............................... Fresno city, CA ................................... Baton Rouge city, LA .......................... Springfield city, MA ............................ Hartford city, CT................................. Santa Ana city, CA ............................. Bridgeport city, CT ............................. Tacoma city, WA ................................ Columbus city, GA .............................

166,701 165,972 165,963 163,905 158,017 156,601 156,542 154,581 154,168

33.3 41.8 40.4 31.7 17.4 27.0 16.1 47.7 69.5

5,006 3,971 4,108 5,171 9,081 5,800 9,723 3,241 2,218

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Jackson city, MS ................................. Lincoln city, NE ................................... Lubbock city, TX ................................. Rockford city, IL.................................. Paterson city, NJ ................................. Greensboro city, NC ........................... Riverside city, CA................................ Youngstown city, OH ......................... Fort Lauderdale city, FL. ...................... Evansville city, IN ................................

153,968 149,518 149,101 147,370 144,824 144,076 140,089 139,788 139,590 138,764

50.2 49.3 75.7 34.2 8.4 54.4 71.5 33.6 29.6 36.0

3,067 3,033 1,970 4,309 17,241 2,648 1,959 4,160 4,716 3,855

*See Notes for Individual Places.

248 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-20. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1980 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * .......................... Chicago city, IL .................................. Los Angeles city, CA .......................... Philadelphia city, PA .......................... Houston city, TX ................................ Detroit city, MI .................................. Dallas city, TX .................................... San Diego city, CA ........................... Phoenix city, AZ................................. Baltimore city, MD.............................

Population 7,071,639 3,005,072 2,966,850 1,688,210 1,595,138 1,203,339 904,078 875,538 789,704 786,775

Land area (square miles) 301.5 228.1 464.7 136.0 556.4 135.6 333.0 320.0 324.0 80.3

Density (persons per square mile) 23,455 13,174 6,384 12,413 2,867 8,874 2,715 2,736 2,437 9,798

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

San Antonio city, TX .......................... Indianapolis city, IN * ........................ San Francisco city, CA ....................... Memphis city, TN .............................. Washington city, DC ......................... Milwaukee city, WI ............................ San Jose city, CA ............................... Cleveland city, OH ............................. Columbus city, OH ............................ Boston city, MA.................................

785,880 700,807 678,974 646,356 638,333 636,212 629,442 573,822 564,871 562,994

262.7 352.0 46.4 264.1 62.7 95.8 158.0 79.0 180.9 47.2

2,992 1,991 14,633 2,447 10,181 6,641 3,984 7,264 3,123 11,928

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

New Orleans city, LA * ...................... Jacksonville city, FL * ......................... Seattle city, WA ................................. Denver city, CO ................................. Nashville-Davidson, TN * ................... St. Louis city, MO .............................. Kansas City city, MO ......................... El Paso city, TX .................................. Atlanta city, GA................................. Pittsburgh city, PA .............................

557,515 540,920 493,846 492,365 455,651 453,085 448,159 425,259 425,022 423,938

199.4 759.7 83.6 110.6 479.5 61.4 316.3 239.2 131.0 55.4

2,796 712 5,907 4,452 950 7,379 1,417 1,778 3,244 7,652

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Oklahoma City city, OK ..................... Cincinnati city, OH ............................ Fort Worth city, TX ............................ Minneapolis city, MN......................... Portland city, OR ............................... Honolulu CDP, HI * ........................... Long Beach city, CA .......................... Tulsa city, OK .................................... Buffalo city, NY ................................. Toledo city, OH ..................................

403,213 385,457 385,164 370,951 366,383 365,048 361,334 360,919 357,870 354,635

603.6 78.1 240.2 55.1 103.3 87.0 49.8 185.6 41.8 84.2

668 4,935 1,604 6,732 3,547 4,196 7,256 1,945 8,561 4,212

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Miami city, FL .................................... Austin city, TX ................................... Oakland city, CA ............................... Albuquerque city, NM ....................... Tucson city, AZ .................................. Newark city, NJ ................................. Charlotte city, NC.............................. Omaha city, NE ................................. Louisville city, KY ............................... Birmingham city, AL ..........................

346,865 345,496 339,337 331,767 330,537 329,248 314,447 314,255 298,451 284,413

34.3 116.0 53.9 95.3 98.8 24.1 139.7 90.9 60.0 98.5

10,113 2,978 6,296 3,481 3,346 13,662 2,251 3,457 4,974 2,887

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wichita city, KS ................................. Sacramento city, CA .......................... Tampa city, FL.................................... St. Paul city, MN ................................ Norfolk city, VA ................................. Virginia Beach city, VA ...................... Rochester city, NY ............................. St. Petersburg city, FL ........................ Akron city, OH .................................. Corpus Christi city, TX .....................

279,272 275,741 271,523 270,230 266,979 262,199 241,741 238,647 237,177 231,999

101.4 96.1 84.4 52.4 53.0 255.9 34.2 55.5 57.5 104.0

2,754 2,869 3,217 5,157 5,037 1,025 7,068 4,300 4,125 2,231

Part D — Cities 249

Table D-20. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1980—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Jersey City city, NJ ............................. Baton Rouge city, LA ......................... Anaheim city, CA .............................. Richmond city, VA ............................. Fresno city, CA .................................. Colorado Springs city, CO ................. Shreveport city, LA ............................ Lexington-Fayette, KY * .................... Santa Ana city, CA ............................ Dayton city, OH .................................

223,532 219,419 219,311 219,214 218,202 215,150 205,820 204,165 203,713 203,371

13.2 61.6 41.7 60.1 65.6 103.4 80.9 284.7 27.4 48.4

16,934 3,562 5,259 3,647 3,326 2,081 2,544 717 7,435 4,202

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Jackson city, MS ................................ Mobile city, AL .................................. Yonkers city, NY ................................ Des Moines city, IA ............................ Grand Rapids city, MI ........................ Montgomery city, AL ........................ Knoxville city, TN ............................... Anchorage city, AK .......................... Lubbock city, TX ................................ Fort Wayne city, IN ............................

202,895 200,452 195,351 191,003 181,843 177,857 175,030 174,431 173,979 172,196

106.2 123.0 18.3 66.1 43.4 128.3 77.1 1732.0 90.6 52.6

1,910 1,630 10,675 2,890 4,190 1,386 2,270 101 1,920 3,274


Lincoln city, NE ..................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Spokane city, WA .............................. Riverside city, CA............................... Madison city, WI ............................... Huntington Beach city, CA ................ Syracuse city, NY ............................... Chattanooga city, TN ........................ Columbus city, GA * ......................... Las Vegas city, NV ............................. Metairie CDP, LA ..............................

171,300 170,876 170,616 170,505 170,105 169,565 169,441 164,674 164,160

51.7 71.8 53.9 27.2 23.8 123.8 217.5 55.0 23.2

3,313 2,380 3,165 6,269 7,147 1,370 779 2,994 7,076

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Salt Lake City city, UT ........................ Worcester city, MA............................ Warren city, MI.................................. Kansas City city, KS ........................... Arlington city, TX .............................. Flint city, MI ...................................... Aurora city, CO ................................. Tacoma city, WA ............................... Little Rock city, AR............................. Providence city, RI .............................

163,033 161,799 161,134 161,087 160,113 159,611 158,588 158,501 158,461 156,804

75.2 37.4 34.4 107.4 79.1 32.4 59.8 47.7 79.4 18.9

2,168 4,326 4,684 1,500 2,024 4,926 2,652 3,323 1,996 8,297

*See Notes for Individual Places.

250 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-21. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1990 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY * ........................... Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Houston city, TX ................................. Philadelphia city, PA ........................... San Diego city, CA ............................. Detroit city, MI ................................... Dallas city, TX ..................................... Phoenix city, AZ.................................. San Antonio city, TX ...........................

Population 7,322,564 3,485,398 2,783,726 1,630,553 1,585,577 1,110,549 1,027,974 1,006,877 983,403 935,933

Land area (square miles) 308.9 469.3 227.2 539.9 135.1 324.0 138.7 342.4 419.9 333.0

Density (persons per square mile) 23,705 7,427 12,252 3,020 11,736 3,428 7,411 2,941 2,342 2,811

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

San Jose city, CA ................................ Baltimore city, MD.............................. Indianapolis city, IN * ......................... San Francisco city, CA ........................ Jacksonville city, FL * .......................... Columbus city, OH ............................. Milwaukee city, WI ............................. Memphis city, TN ............................... Washington city, DC .......................... Boston city, MA..................................

782,248 736,014 731,327 723,959 635,230 632,910 628,088 610,337 606,900 574,283

171.3 80.8 361.7 46.7 758.7 190.9 96.1 256.0 61.4 48.4

4,567 9,109 2,022 15,502 837 3,315 6,536 2,384 9,884 11,865


Seattle city, WA ..................................




22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

El Paso city, TX .................................. Cleveland city, OH .............................. New Orleans city, LA * ....................... Nashville-Davidson, TN * .................... Denver city, CO ................................. Austin city, TX .................................... Fort Worth city, TX ............................ Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Portland city, OR ................................

515,342 505,616 496,938 488,374 467,610 465,622 447,619 444,719 437,319

245.4 77.0 180.6 473.3 153.3 217.8 281.1 608.2 124.7

2,100 6,566 2,752 1,032 3,050 2,138 1,592 731 3,507

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Kansas City city, MO .......................... Long Beach city, CA ........................... Tucson city, AZ .................................. St. Louis city, MO ............................... Charlotte city, NC............................... Atlanta city, GA.................................. Virginia Beach city, VA ....................... Albuquerque city, NM ........................ Oakland city, CA ................................ Pittsburgh city, PA ..............................

435,146 429,433 405,390 396,685 395,934 394,017 393,069 384,736 372,242 369,879

311.5 50.0 156.3 61.9 174.3 131.8 248.3 132.2 56.1 55.6

1,397 8,589 2,594 6,408 2,272 2,990 1,583 2,910 6,635 6,653

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Sacramento city, CA ........................... Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Tulsa city, OK ..................................... Honolulu CDP, HI * ............................ Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Miami city, FL ..................................... Fresno city, CA ................................... Omaha city, NE .................................. Toledo city, OH ................................... Buffalo city, NY ..................................

369,365 368,383 367,302 365,272 364,040 358,548 354,202 335,795 332,943 328,123

96.3 54.9 183.5 82.8 77.2 35.6 99.1 100.6 80.6 40.6

3,836 6,710 2,002 4,411 4,716 10,072 3,574 3,338 4,131 8,082

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Wichita city, KS .................................. Santa Ana city, CA ............................. Mesa city, AZ ..................................... Colorado Springs city, CO .................. Tampa city, FL..................................... Newark city, NJ .................................. St. Paul city, MN ................................. Louisville city, KY ................................ Anaheim city, CA ............................... Birmingham city, AL ..........................

304,011 293,742 288,091 281,140 280,015 275,221 272,235 269,063 266,406 265,968

115.1 27.1 108.6 183.2 108.7 23.8 52.8 62.1 44.3 148.5

2,641 10,839 2,653 1,535 2,576 11,564 5,156 4,333 6,014 1,791

Part D — Cities 251

Table D-21. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 1990—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Arlington city, TX ............................... Norfolk city, VA .................................. Las Vegas city, NV .............................. Corpus Christi city, TX ........................ St. Petersburg city, FL ......................... Rochester city, NY .............................. Jersey City city, NJ .............................. Riverside city, CA................................ Anchorage city, AK ............................ Lexington-Fayette, KY * .....................

261,721 261,229 258,295 257,453 238,629 231,636 228,537 226,505 226,338 225,366

93.0 53.8 83.3 135.0 59.2 35.8 14.9 77.7 1,697.6 284.5

2,814 4,856 3,101 1,907 4,031 6,470 15,338 2,915 133 792

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Akron city, OH ................................... Aurora city, CO .................................. Baton Rouge city, LA .......................... Stockton city, CA ............................... Raleigh city, NC .................................. Richmond city, VA .............................. Shreveport city, LA ............................. Jackson city, MS ................................. Mobile city, AL ................................... Des Moines city, IA .............................

223,019 222,103 219,531 210,943 207,951 203,056 198,525 196,637 196,278 193,187

62.2 132.5 73.9 52.6 88.1 60.1 98.6 109.0 118.0 75.3

3,586 1,676 2,971 4,010 2,360 3,379 2,013 1,804 1,663 2,566


Lincoln city, NE ...................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Madison city, WI ................................ Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Yonkers city, NY ................................. Hialeah city, FL ................................... Montgomery city, AL .......................... Lubbock city, TX ................................. Greensboro city, NC ........................... Dayton city, OH .................................. Huntington Beach city, CA .................

191,262 189,126 188,082 188,004 187,106 186,206 183,521 182,044 181,519

57.8 44.3 18.1 19.2 135.0 104.1 79.8 55.0 26.4

3,309 4,269 10,391 9,792 1,386 1,789 2,300 3,310 6,876

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Garland city, TX.................................. Glendale city, CA ............................... Columbus city, GA * .......................... Spokane city, WA ............................... Tacoma city, WA ................................ Little Rock city, AR.............................. Bakersfield city, CA ........................... Fremont city, CA ................................ Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Arlington CDP, VA * ...........................

180,650 180,038 178,681 177,196 176,664 175,795 174,820 173,339 173,072 170,936

57.3 30.6 216.1 55.9 48.0 102.9 91.8 77.0 62.7 25.9

3,153 5,884 827 3,170 3,681 1,708 1,904 2,251 2,760 6,600

*See Notes for Individual Places.

252 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-22. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 2000 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY .............................. Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Houston city, TX ................................. Philadelphia city, PA ........................... Phoenix city, AZ.................................. San Diego city, CA ............................. Dallas city, TX ..................................... San Antonio city, TX ........................... Detroit city, MI ...................................

Population 8,008,278 3,694,820 2,896,016 1,953,631 1,517,550 1,321,045 1,223,400 1,188,580 1,144,646 951,270

Land area (square miles) 303.3 469.1 227.1 579.4 135.1 474.9 324.3 342.5 407.6 138.8

Density (persons per square mile) 26,403 7,877 12,750 3,372 11,234 2,782 3,772 3,470 2,809 6,855

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

San Jose city, CA ................................ Indianapolis city, IN * ......................... San Francisco city, CA ........................ Jacksonville city, FL * .......................... Columbus city, OH ............................. Austin city, TX .................................... Baltimore city, MD.............................. Memphis city, TN ............................... Milwaukee city, WI ............................. Boston city, MA..................................

894,943 791,926 776,733 735,617 711,470 656,562 651,154 650,100 596,974 589,141

174.9 366.5 46.7 757.7 210.3 251.5 80.8 279.3 96.1 48.4

5,118 2,161 16,634 971 3,384 2,610 8,058 2,327 6,214 12,166

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Washington city, DC .......................... Nashville-Davidson,TN * ..................... El Paso city, TX ................................... Seattle city, WA .................................. Denver city, CO .................................. Charlotte city, NC............................... Fort Worth city, TX ............................. Portland city, OR ................................ Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Tucson city, AZ ...................................

572,059 569,891 563,662 563,374 554,636 540,828 534,694 529,121 506,132 486,699

61.4 502.3 249.1 83.9 153.4 242.3 292.5 134.3 607.0 194.7

9,316 1,135 2,263 6,717 3,617 2,232 1,828 3,939 834 2,500

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

New Orleans city, LA .......................... Las Vegas city, NV .............................. Cleveland city, OH .............................. Long Beach city, CA ........................... Albuquerque city, NM ........................ Kansas City city, MO .......................... Fresno city, CA ................................... Virginia Beach city, VA ....................... Atlanta city, GA.................................. Sacramento city, CA ...........................

484,674 478,434 478,403 461,522 448,607 441,545 427,652 425,257 416,474 407,018

180.6 113.3 77.6 50.4 180.6 313.5 104.4 248.3 131.7 97.2

2,684 4,223 6,167 9,150 2,483 1,408 4,098 1,713 3,161 4,189

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Oakland city, CA ................................ Mesa city, AZ ..................................... Tulsa city, OK ..................................... Omaha city, NE .................................. Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Honolulu CDP, HI ............................... Miami city, FL ..................................... Colorado Springs city, CO .................. St. Louis city, MO ............................... Wichita city, KS ..................................

399,484 396,375 393,049 390,007 382,618 371,657 362,470 360,890 348,189 344,284

56.1 125.0 182.6 115.7 54.9 85.7 35.7 185.7 61.9 135.8

7,127 3,171 2,152 3,371 6,970 4,337 10,161 1,943 5,623 2,536

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Santa Ana city, CA ............................. Pittsburgh city, PA .............................. Arlington city, TX ............................... Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Anaheim city, CA ............................... Toledo city, OH ................................... Tampa city, FL..................................... Buffalo city, NY .................................. St. Paul city, MN ................................. Corpus Christi city, TX ........................

337,977 334,563 332,969 331,285 328,014 313,619 303,447 292,648 287,151 277,454

27.1 55.6 95.8 78.0 48.9 80.6 112.1 40.6 52.8 154.6

12,452 6,019 3,475 4,249 6,702 3,890 2,708 7,206 5,442 1,794

Part D — Cities 253

Table D-22. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 2000—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Aurora city, CO .................................. Raleigh city, NC .................................. Newark city, NJ .................................. Lexington-Fayette, KY * ..................... Anchorage municipality, AK ............... Louisville city, KY ................................ Riverside city, CA................................ St. Petersburg city, FL ......................... Bakersfield city, CA ............................ Stockton city, CA ...............................

Population 276,393 276,093 273,546 260,512 260,283 256,231 255,166 248,232 247,057 243,771

Land area (square miles) 142.5 114.6 23.8 284.5 1697.2 62.1 78.1 59.6 113.1 54.7

Density (persons per square mile) 1,940 2,409 11,495 916 153 4,125 3,267 4,163 2,184 4,456

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Birmingham city, AL ........................... Jersey City city, NJ .............................. Norfolk city, VA .................................. Baton Rouge city, LA .......................... Hialeah city, FL ................................... Lincoln city, NE ................................... Greensboro city, NC ........................... Plano city, TX ..................................... Rochester city, NY .............................. Glendale city, AZ ................................

242,820 240,055 234,403 227,818 226,419 225,581 223,891 222,030 219,773 218,812

149.9 14.9 53.7 76.8 19.2 74.6 104.7 71.6 35.8 55.7

1,620 16,094 4,363 2,965 11,767 3,022 2,138 3,102 6,133 3,929


Akron city, OH ...................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Garland city, TX.................................. Madison city, WI ................................ Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Fremont city, CA ................................ Scottsdale city, AZ .............................. Montgomery city, AL .......................... Shreveport city, LA ............................. Augusta-Richmond County, GA * ...... Lubbock city, TX .................................

215,768 208,054 205,727 203,413 202,705 201,568 200,145 199,775 199,564

57.1 68.7 79.0 76.7 184.2 155.4 103.1 324.0 114.8

3,778 3,030 2,606 2,652 1,100 1,297 1,941 617 1,738

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Chesapeake city, VA ........................... Mobile city, AL ................................... Des Moines city, IA ............................. Grand Rapids city, MI ......................... Richmond city, VA .............................. Yonkers city, NY ................................. Spokane city, WA ............................... Glendale city, CA ............................... Tacoma city, WA ................................ Irving city, TX .....................................

199,184 198,915 198,682 197,800 197,790 196,086 195,629 194,973 193,556 191,615

340.7 117.9 75.8 44.6 60.1 18.1 57.8 30.6 50.1 67.2

585 1,687 2,621 4,431 3,293 10,847 3,387 6,362 3,865 2,850

*See Notes for Individual Places.

254 County and City Extra

Table D-23. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 2010 Rank


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

New York city, NY .............................. Los Angeles city, CA ........................... Chicago city, IL ................................... Houston city, TX ................................. Philadelphia city, PA ........................... Phoenix city, AZ.................................. San Antonio city, TX ........................... San Diego city, CA ............................. Dallas city, TX ..................................... San Jose city, CA ................................

Population 8,175,133 3,792,621 2,695,598 2,100,263 1,526,006 1,447,128 1,327,407 1,301,617 1,197,816 945,942

Land area (square miles) 302.6 468.7 227.6 599.6 134.1 516.7 460.9 325.2 340.5 176.5

Density (persons per square mile) 27,012 8,092 11,842 3,503 11,379 2,801 2,880 4,003 3,518 5,359

11 12 13 14 15 16

829,718 821,784 805,235 790,491 787,033 741,206

361.4 747.0 46.9 297.9 217.2 339.8

2,270 1,100 17,179 2,654 3,624 2,181

17 18 19 20

Indianapolis city, IN * ......................... Jacksonville city, FL * .......................... San Francisco city, CA ........................ Austin city, TX .................................... Columbus city, OH ............................. Fort Worth city, TX ............................. Louisville/Jefferson County metro gov, KY * ............................. Charlotte city, NC............................... Detroit city, MI ................................... El Paso city, TX ...................................

741,096 731,424 713,862 649,121

325.2 297.7 138.8 255.2

1,837 2,457 5,145 2,543

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Memphis city, TN ............................... Nashville-Davidson metro gov, TN * ... Baltimore city, MD.............................. Boston city, MA.................................. Seattle city, WA .................................. Washington city, DC .......................... Denver city, CO .................................. Milwaukee city, WI ............................. Portland city, OR ................................ Las Vegas city, NV ..............................

646,889 626,681 621,074 617,660 608,660 601,767 600,247 594,833 583,776 583,736

315.1 475.1 80.9 48.3 83.9 61.0 153.0 96.1 133.4 135.8

2,053 1,265 7,673 12,794 7,251 9,857 3,923 6,188 4,375 4,298

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Oklahoma City city, OK ...................... Albuquerque city, NM ........................ Tucson city, AZ ................................... Fresno city, CA ................................... Sacramento city, CA ........................... Long Beach city, CA ........................... Kansas City city, MO .......................... Mesa city, AZ ..................................... Virginia Beach city, VA ....................... Atlanta city, GA..................................

579,999 545,695 520,116 494,665 466,488 462,257 459,787 439,041 437,994 419,981

606.4 187.7 226.7 112.0 97.9 50.3 315.0 136.5 249.0 133.2

956 2,907 2,294 4,418 4,764 9,191 1,460 3,218 1,759 3,154

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Colorado Springs city, CO .................. Omaha city, NE .................................. Raleigh city, NC .................................. Miami city, FL ..................................... Cleveland city, OH .............................. Tulsa city, OK ..................................... Oakland city, CA ................................ Minneapolis city, MN.......................... Wichita city, KS .................................. Arlington city, TX ...............................

417,335 408,958 403,892 399,508 396,698 391,906 390,724 382,578 382,368 365,438

194.5 127.1 142.9 35.9 77.7 196.8 55.8 54.0 159.3 95.9

2,145 3,218 2,826 11,137 5,106 1,992 7,004 7,088 2,400 3,811

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Bakersfield city, CA ............................ New Orleans city, LA .......................... Urban Honolulu CDP, HI ..................... Anaheim city, CA ............................... Tampa city, FL..................................... Aurora city, CO .................................. Santa Ana city, CA ............................. St. Louis city, MO ............................... Pittsburgh city, PA .............................. Corpus Christi city, TX ........................

347,483 343,829 337,256 336,265 335,709 325,078 324,647 319,294 305,704 305,215

142.2 169.4 60.5 49.8 113.4 154.7 27.3 61.9 55.4 160.6

2,444 2,029 5,573 6,748 2,960 2,101 11,905 5,157 5,521 1,900

Part D — Cities 255

Table D-23. Population, Land Area, and Density of the 100 Largest Urban Places: 2010—Continued Rank


61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Riverside city, CA................................ Cincinnati city, OH ............................. Lexington-Fayette, KY * ..................... Anchorage municipality, AK ............... Stockton city, CA ............................... Toledo city, OH ................................... St. Paul city, MN ................................. Newark city, NJ .................................. Greensboro city, NC ........................... Buffalo city, NY ..................................

303,871 296,943 295,803 291,826 291,707 287,208 285,068 277,140 269,666 261,310

81.1 77.9 283.6 1704.7 61.7 80.7 52.0 24.2 126.5 40.4

3,745 3,810 1,043 171 4,730 3,559 5,484 11,458 2,131 6,471

71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Plano city, TX ..................................... Lincoln city, NE ................................... Henderson city, NV............................. Fort Wayne city, IN ............................. Jersey City city, NJ .............................. St. Petersburg city, FL ......................... Chula Vista city, CA ........................... Norfolk city, VA .................................. Orlando city, FL .................................. Chandler city, AZ................................

259,841 258,379 257,729 253,689 247,637 244,769 243,916 242,803 238,300 236,326

71.6 89.1 107.7 110.6 14.8 61.7 49.6 54.1 102.4 64.4

3,630 2,899 2,392 2,293 16,739 3,964 4,915 4,486 2,327 3,669


Laredo city, TX ...................................




82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90

Madison city, WI ................................ Winston-Salem city, NC...................... Lubbock city, TX ................................. Baton Rouge city, LA .......................... Durham city, NC................................. Garland city, TX.................................. Glendale city, AZ ................................ Reno city, NV ..................................... Hialeah city, FL ...................................

233,209 229,617 229,573 229,493 228,330 226,876 226,721 225,221 224,667

76.8 132.4 122.4 76.9 107.4 57.1 60.0 103.0 21.4

3,037 1,734 1,875 2,982 2,127 3,974 3,780 2,186 10,474

91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Paradise CDP, NV ............................... Chesapeake city, VA ........................... Scottsdale city, AZ .............................. North Las Vegas city, NV..................... Irving city, TX ..................................... Fremont city, CA ................................ Irvine city, CA ..................................... Birmingham city, AL ........................... Rochester city, NY .............................. San Bernardino city, CA......................

223,167 222,209 217,385 216,961 216,290 214,089 212,375 212,205 210,565 209,924

46.7 340.8 183.9 101.3 67.0 77.5 66.1 146.1 35.8 59.2

4,777 652 1,182 2,141 3,227 2,764 3,213 1,453 5,885 3,546

*See Notes for Individual Places.

256 County and City Extra


Land area (square miles)

Density (persons per square mile)

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More. [For information concerning historical counts and geographic change, see City Geographic Notes.] Place [100,000 or More Population]

2010 Population rank

2010 population

2000 population

1990 population

1980 population

1970 population

1960 population

1950 population

1940 population

1930 population

1920 population

1910 population

New York city, NY ............ Los Angeles city, CA ......... Chicago city, IL ................ Houston city, TX ............... Philadelphia city, PA ......... Phoenix city, AZ................ San Antonio city, TX ......... San Diego city, CA ........... Dallas city, TX .................. San Jose city, CA ..............

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8,175,133 3,792,621 2,695,598 2,099,451 1,526,006 1,445,632 1,327,407 1,307,402 1,197,816 945,942

8,008,654 3,694,742 2,896,016 1,953,631 1,517,550 1,321,045 1,144,646 1,223,400 1,188,580 894,943

7,322,564 3,485,557 2,783,726 1,630,864 1,585,577 983,392 935,393 1,110,623 1,007,618 782,224

7,071,639 2,968,528 3,005,072 1,595,138 1,688,210 789,704 785,940 875,538 904,599 629,400

7,895,563 2,811,801 3,369,357 1,233,535 1,949,996 584,303 654,153 697,471 844,401 459,913

7,781,984 2,479,015 3,550,404 938,219 2,002,512 439,170 587,718 573,224 679,684 204,196

7,891,957 1,970,358 3,620,962 596,163 2,071,605 106,818 408,442 334,387 434,462 95,280

7,454,995 1,504,277 3,396,808 384,514 1,931,334 65,414 253,854 203,341 294,734 68,457

6,930,446 1,238,048 3,376,438 292,352 1,950,961 48,118 231,542 147,995 260,475 57,651

5,620,048 576,673 2,701,705 138,276 1,823,779 29,053 161,379 74,361 158,976 39,642

4,766,883 319,198 2,185,283 78,800 1,549,008 11,134 96,614 39,578 92,104 28,946

Indianapolis city, IN .......... Jacksonville city, FL ........... San Francisco city, CA ...... Austin city, TX ................. Columbus city, OH ........... Fort Worth city, TX ........... Louisville/Jefferson

11 12 13 14 15 16

829,718 821,784 805,235 790,390 787,033 741,206

791,926 735,617 776,733 656,562 711,470 534,694

741,915 635,230 723,959 465,648 632,945 447,619

710,868 540,920 678,974 345,890 565,021 385,164

746,992 504,265 715,674 253,539 540,025 393,455

476,258 201,030 740,316 186,545 471,316 356,268

427,173 204,517 775,357 132,459 375,901 278,778

386,972 173,065 634,536 87,930 306,087 177,662

364,161 129,549 634,394 53,120 290,564 163,447

314,194 91,558 506,676 34,876 237,031 106,482

233,650 57,699 416,912 29,860 181,511 73,312

County, KY ................. Charlotte city, NC............. Detroit city, MI ................

17 18 19

741,096 731,424 713,777

256,231 540,167 951,270

269,555 395,934 1,027,974

298,694 315,474 1,203,368

361,706 241,420 1,514,063

390,639 201,564 1,670,144

369,129 134,042 1,849,568

319,077 100,899 1,623,452

307,745 82,675 1,568,662

234,891 46,338 993,678

223,928 34,014 465,766

El Paso city, TX ................. Memphis city, TN ............. Nashville-Davidson, TN ..... Baltimore city, MD............ Boston city, MA ............... Seattle city, WA ................ Washington city, DC ....... Denver city, CO ................ Milwaukee city, WI ........... Portland city, OR ..............

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

649,121 646,889 626,681 620,961 617,594 608,660 601,723 600,158 594,833 583,776

563,662 650,100 569,892 651,154 589,141 563,376 572,059 553,693 596,974 529,121

515,342 610,337 510,786 736,014 574,283 516,259 606,900 467,610 628,088 438,802

425,259 646,174 477,811 786,741 562,994 493,846 638,432 492,686 636,297 368,148

322,261 623,988 447,877 905,787 641,071 530,831 756,668 514,678 717,372 379,967

276,687 497,524 170,874 939,024 697,197 557,087 763,956 493,887 741,324 372,676

130,485 396,000 174,307 949,708 801,444 467,591 802,178 415,786 637,392 373,628

96,810 292,942 167,402 859,100 770,816 368,302 663,091 322,412 587,472 305,394

102,421 253,143 153,866 804,874 781,188 365,583 486,869 287,861 578,249 301,815

77,560 162,351 118,342 733,826 748,060 315,312 437,571 256,491 457,147 258,288

39,279 131,105 110,364 558,485 670,585 237,194 331,069 213,381 373,857 207,214

Las Vegas city, NV ............ Oklahoma City city, OK .... Albuquerque city, NM ...... Tucson city, AZ ................. Fresno city, CA ................ Sacramento city, CA ........ Long Beach city, CA ........ Kansas City city, MO ........ Mesa city, AZ ................... Virginia Beach city, VA .....

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

583,756 579,999 545,852 520,116 494,665 466,488 462,257 459,787 439,041 437,994

479,137 506,132 448,607 486,699 427,652 407,018 461,522 441,545 396,375 425,257

258,204 444,724 384,619 405,371 354,091 369,365 429,321 434,829 288,104 393,089

164,674 404,014 332,920 330,537 217,491 275,741 361,498 448,028 152,404 262,199

125,787 368,164 244,501 262,933 165,655 257,105 358,879 507,330 63,049 172,106

64,405 324,253 201,189 212,892 133,929 191,667 344,168 475,539 33,772 8,091

24,624 243,504 96,815 45,454 91,669 137,572 250,767 456,622 16,790 5,390

8,422 204,424 35,449 35,752 60,685 105,958 164,271 399,178 7,224 2,600

5,165 185,389 26,570 32,506 52,513 93,750 142,032 399,746 3,711 1,719

2,304 91,295 15,157 20,292 45,086 65,908 55,593 324,410 3,036 846

... 64,205 11,020 13,193 24,892 44,696 17,809 248,381 1,692 320

Atlanta city, GA ............... Colorado Springs city, CO Omaha city, NE ................ Raleigh city, NC ................ Miami city, FL ................... Cleveland city, OH ............ Tulsa city, OK ................... Oakland city, CA ............. Minneapolis city, MN........ Wichita city, KS ...............

40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

420,003 416,427 408,958 403,892 399,457 396,815 391,906 390,724 382,578 382,368

416,267 360,890 390,007 276,094 362,470 477,459 393,049 399,484 382,747 346,753

393,929 280,430 335,719 212,092 358,648 505,616 367,302 372,242 368,383 304,017

425,022 215,105 313,939 150,255 346,681 573,822 360,919 339,337 370,951 279,838

495,039 135,517 346,929 122,830 334,859 750,879 330,350 361,561 434,400 276,554

487,455 70,194 301,598 93,931 291,688 876,050 261,685 367,548 482,872 254,698

331,314 45,472 251,117 65,679 249,276 914,808 182,740 384,575 521,718 168,279

302,288 36,789 223,844 46,897 172,172 878,336 142,157 302,163 492,370 114,966

270,366 33,237 214,006 37,379 110,637 900,429 141,258 284,063 464,356 111,110

200,616 30,105 191,601 24,418 29,571 796,841 72,075 216,261 380,582 72,217

154,839 29,078 124,096 19,218 5,471 560,663 18,182 150,174 301,408 52,450

Arlington city, TX ............. Bakersfield city, CA .......... New Orleans city, LA ........ Urban Honolulu CDP, HI .. Anaheim city, CA ............. Tampa city, FL................... Aurora city, CO ............... Santa Ana city, CA ........... St. Louis city, MO ............. Pittsburgh city, PA ...........

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

365,438 347,483 343,829 337,256 336,265 335,709 325,078 324,528 319,294 305,704

332,969 246,889 484,674 ... 328,014 303,447 275,921 337,977 348,189 334,563

261,717 174,978 496,938 ... 266,406 280,015 222,103 293,827 396,685 369,879

160,113 105,611 557,927 ... 219,494 271,577 158,588 204,023 452,801 423,959

90,229 69,515 593,471 ... 166,408 277,714 74,974 155,710 622,236 520,089

44,775 56,848 627,525 ... 104,184 274,970 48,548 100,350 750,026 604,332

7,692 34,784 570,445 ... 14,556 124,681 11,421 45,533 856,796 676,806

4,240 29,252 494,537 ... 11,031 108,391 3,437 31,921 816,048 671,659

3,661 26,015 458,762 ... 10,995 101,161 2,295 30,322 821,960 669,817

3,031 18,638 387,219 ... 5,526 51,608 983 15,485 772,897 588,343

1,794 12,727 339,075 ... 2,628 37,782 679 8,429 687,029 533,905

258 County and City Extra

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

1900 population

1890 population

1880 population

1870 population

1860 population

1850 population

1840 population

1830 population

1820 population

1810 population

1800 population

1790 population

New York city, NY ............ Los Angeles city, CA ......... Chicago city, IL ................ Houston city, TX ............... Philadelphia city, PA ......... Phoenix city, AZ................ San Antonio city, TX ......... San Diego city, CA ........... Dallas city, TX .................. San Jose city, CA ..............

3,437,202 102,479 1,698,575 44,633 1,293,697 5,544 53,321 17,700 42,638 21,500

2,507,414 50,395 1,099,850 27,557 1,046,964 3,152 37,673 16,159 38,067 18,060

1,911,698 11,183 503,185 16,513 847,170 ... 20,550 2,637 10,358 12,567

1,478,103 5,728 298,977 9,382 647,022 ... 12,256 2,300 ... 9,089

1,174,779 4,385 112,172 4,845 565,529 ... 8,235 731 ... ...

696,115 1,610 29,963 2,396 121,376 ... 3,488 ... ... ...

391,114 ... 4,470 ... 93,665 ... ... ... ... ...

242,278 ... ... ... 80,462 ... ... ... ... ...

152,056 ... ... ... 63,802 ... ... ... ... ...

119,734 ... ... ... 53,722 ... ... ... ... ...

79,216 ... ... ... 41,220 ... ... ... ... ...

49,401 ... ... ... 28,522 ... ... ... ... ...

Indianapolis city, IN .......... Jacksonville city, FL ........... San Francisco city, CA ...... Austin city, TX ................. Columbus city, OH ........... Fort Worth city, TX ........... Louisville/Jefferson County, KY ................. Charlotte city, NC............. Detroit city, MI ................

169,164 28,429 342,782 22,258 125,560 26,688

105,436 17,201 298,997 14,575 88,150 23,076

75,056 7,650 233,959 11,013 51,647 6,663

48,244 6,912 149,473 4,428 31,274 ...

18,611 2,118 56,802 3,494 18,554 ...

8,091 1,045 34,776 629 17,882 ...

2,692 ... ... ... 6,048 ...

... ... ... ... 2,435 ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

204,731 18,091 285,704

161,129 11,557 205,876

123,758 7,094 116,340

100,753 4,473 79,577

68,033 2,265 45,619

43,194 1,065 21,019

21,210 ... 9,102

10,341 ... 2,222

4,012 ... 1,422

1,357 ... ...

359 ... ...

200 ... ...

El Paso city, TX ................. Memphis city, TN ............. Nashville-Davidson, TN ..... Baltimore city, MD............ Boston city, MA ............... Seattle city, WA ................ Washington city, DC ....... Denver city, CO ................ Milwaukee city, WI ........... Portland city, OR ..............

15,906 102,320 80,865 508,957 560,892 80,671 278,718 133,859 285,315 90,426

10,338 64,495 76,168 434,439 448,477 42,837 230,392 106,713 204,468 46,385

736 33,592 43,350 332,313 362,839 3,533 177,624 35,629 115,587 17,577

... 40,226 25,865 267,354 250,526 1,107 131,700 4,759 71,440 8,293

... 22,623 16,988 212,418 177,840 ... 75,080 4,749 45,246 2,874

... 8,841 10,165 169,054 136,881 ... 51,687 ... 20,061 ...

... ... 6,929 102,313 93,383 ... 33,745 ... 1,712 ...

... ... 5,566 80,620 61,392 ... 30,261 ... ... ...

... ... (NA) 62,738 43,298 ... 23,336 ... ... ...

... ... (NA) 46,555 33,787 ... 15,471 ... ... ...

... ... 345 26,514 24,937 ... 6,203 ... ... ...

... ... ... 13,503 18,320 ... … ... ... ...

Las Vegas city, NV ............ Oklahoma City city, OK .... Albuquerque city, NM ...... Tucson city, AZ ................. Fresno city, CA ................ Sacramento city, CA ........ Long Beach city, CA ........ Kansas City city, MO ........ Mesa city, AZ ................... Virginia Beach city, VA .....

... 10,037 6,238 7,531 12,470 29,282 2,252 163,752 722 ...

... 4,151 3,785 5,150 10,818 26,386 564 132,716 ... ...

... ... ... 7,007 1,112 21,420 ... 55,785 ... ...

... ... ... 3,224 ... 16,283 ... 32,260 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 13,785 ... 4,418 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 6,820 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Atlanta city, GA ............... Colorado Springs city, CO Omaha city, NE ................ Raleigh city, NC ................ Miami city, FL ................... Cleveland city, OH ............ Tulsa city, OK ................... Oakland city, CA ............. Minneapolis city, MN........ Wichita city, KS ...............

89,872 21,085 102,555 13,643 1,681 381,768 1,390 66,960 202,718 24,671

65,533 11,140 140,452 12,678 ... 261,353 ... 48,682 164,738 23,853

37,409 4,226 30,518 9,265 ... 160,416 ... 34,555 46,887 4,911

21,789 ... 16,083 7,790 ... 92,829 ... 10,500 13,066 ...

9,554 ... 1,883 4,780 ... 43,417 ... 1,543 2,564 ...

2,572 ... ... 4,518 ... 17,034 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... 2,244 ... 6,071 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... 1,700 ... 1,076 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... 2,674 ... 606 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... (NA) ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... 669 ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Arlington city, TX ............. Bakersfield city, CA .......... New Orleans city, LA ........ Urban Honolulu CDP, HI .. Anaheim city, CA ............. Tampa city, FL................... Aurora city, CO ............... Santa Ana city, CA ........... St. Louis city, MO ............. Pittsburgh city, PA ...........

1,079 4,836 287,104 ... 1,456 15,839 202 4,933 575,238 321,616

664 2,626 242,039 ... 1,273 5,532 ... 3,628 451,770 238,617

... ... 216,090 ... 833 720 ... ... 350,518 156,389

... ... 191,418 ... 881 796 ... ... 310,864 86,076

... ... 168,675 ... ... ... ... ... 160,773 49,221

... ... 116,375 ... ... ... ... ... 77,860 46,601

... ... 102,193 ... ... ... ... ... 16,469 21,115

... ... 46,082 ... ... ... ... ... 4,977 12,568

... ... 27,176 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,248

... ... 17,242 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4,768

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,565

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Part D — Cities 259

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

2010 Population rank

2010 population

2000 population

1990 population

1980 population

1970 population

1960 population

1950 population

1940 population

1930 population

1920 population

1910 population

Corpus Christi city, TX ...... Riverside city, CA.............. Cincinnati city, OH ........... Lexington-Fayette, KY ..... Anchorage municipality, AK.............................. Stockton city, CA ............. Toledo city, OH ................. St. Paul city, MN ............... Newark city, NJ ............... Greensboro city, NC ........

60 61 62 63

305,215 303,871 296,943 295,803

277,454 255,166 331,285 260,512

257,453 226,546 364,114 225,366

232,134 170,591 385,409 204,165

204,525 140,089 453,514 108,137

167,690 84,332 502,550 62,810

108,287 46,764 503,998 55,534

57,301 34,696 455,610 49,304

27,741 29,696 451,160 45,736

10,522 19,341 401,247 41,534

8,222 15,212 363,591 35,099

64 65 66 67 68 69

291,826 291,707 287,208 285,068 277,140 269,666

260,283 243,771 313,782 286,840 272,537 223,891

226,338 210,943 332,943 272,235 275,221 183,894

174,431 148,283 354,635 270,230 329,248 155,642

48,081 109,963 383,062 309,866 381,930 144,076

44,237 86,321 318,003 313,411 405,220 119,574

11,254 70,853 303,616 311,349 438,776 74,389

3,495 54,714 282,349 287,736 429,760 59,319

2,277 47,963 290,718 271,606 442,337 53,569

1,856 40,296 243,164 234,698 414,524 19,861

... 23,253 168,497 214,744 347,469 15,895

Buffalo city, NY ............... Plano city, TX ................... Lincoln city, NE ................. Henderson city, NV........... Fort Wayne city, IN ........... Jersey City city, NJ ............ St Petersburg city, FL .......

70 71 72 73 74 75 76

261,310 259,841 258,379 257,729 253,691 247,597 244,769

292,648 222,030 225,581 175,381 205,727 240,055 248,232

328,175 127,885 191,972 64,948 172,971 228,517 240,318

357,870 72,331 171,932 24,363 172,391 223,532 238,647

462,768 17,872 149,518 16,395 178,269 260,350 216,159

532,759 3,695 128,521 12,525 161,776 276,101 181,298

580,132 2,126 98,884 ... 133,607 299,017 96,738

575,901 1,582 81,984 ... 118,410 301,173 60,812

573,076 1,554 75,933 ... 114,946 316,715 40,425

506,775 1,715 54,948 ... 86,549 298,103 14,237

423,715 1,258 43,973 ... 63,933 267,779 4,127

Chula Vista city, CA ......... Norfolk city, VA ................ Orlando city, FL ................

77 78 79

243,916 242,803 238,300

173,556 234,403 185,951

135,160 261,250 164,674

83,927 266,979 128,291

67,901 307,951 99,006

42,034 304,869 88,135

15,927 213,513 52,367

5,138 144,332 36,736

3,869 129,710 27,330

1,718 115,777 9,282

... 67,452 3,894

Chandler city, AZ.............. Laredo city, TX ................. Madison city, WI .............. Winston-Salem city, NC.... Lubbock city, TX ............... Baton Rouge city, LA ........ Durham city, NC............... Garland city, TX................ Glendale city, AZ .............. Reno city, NV ...................

80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89

236,123 236,091 233,209 229,617 229,573 229,493 228,330 226,876 226,721 225,221

176,581 176,576 208,054 185,776 199,564 227,818 187,035 215,768 218,812 180,480

89,862 122,899 190,766 143,485 186,206 219,531 136,612 180,635 147,864 133,850

29,673 91,449 170,616 131,885 174,361 220,394 101,149 138,857 97,172 100,756

13,763 69,024 171,809 133,683 149,101 165,291 95,438 81,437 36,228 72,863

9,531 60,678 126,706 111,135 128,691 152,419 78,302 38,501 15,696 51,470

3,799 51,910 96,056 87,811 71,747 125,629 71,311 10,571 8,179 32,497

1,239 39,274 67,447 79,815 31,853 34,719 60,195 2,233 4,855 21,317

1,378 32,618 57,899 75,274 20,520 30,729 52,037 1,584 3,665 18,529

... 22,710 38,378 48,395 4,051 21,782 21,719 1,421 2,737 12,016

... 14,855 25,531 22,700 1,938 14,897 18,241 804 ... 10,867

Hialeah city, FL ................. Paradise CDP, NV ............. Chesapeake city, VA ......... Scottsdale city, AZ ............ North Las Vegas city, NV... Irving city, TX ................... Fremont city, CA .............. Irvine city, CA ................... Birmingham city, AL ......... Rochester city, NY ............

90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

224,669 223,167 222,209 217,385 216,961 216,290 214,089 212,375 212,237 210,565

226,419 186,070 199,184 202,705 115,488 191,615 203,413 143,072 242,820 219,773

188,008 124,682 151,982 130,075 47,849 155,037 173,339 110,330 265,347 230,356

145,254 84,818 114,486 88,622 42,739 109,943 131,945 62,134 284,413 241,741

102,452 24,477 89,580 67,823 46,067 97,260 100,869 ... 300,910 295,011

66,972 ... ... 10,026 18,422 45,985 43,790 ... 340,887 318,611

19,676 ... ... ... 3,875 2,621 ... ... 326,037 332,488

3,958 ... ... ... ... 1,089 ... ... 267,583 324,975

2,600 ... ... ... ... 731 ... ... 259,678 328,132

... ... ... ... ... 357 ... ... 178,806 295,750

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 132,685 218,149

San Bernardino city, CA.... Spokane city, WA ............. Gilbert town, AZ .............. Arlington CDP, VA ............ Montgomery city, AL ........ Boise City city, ID.............. Richmond city, VA ............ Des Moines city, IA ........... Modesto city, CA ............. Fayetteville city, NC ..........

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109

209,924 208,916 208,453 207,627 205,764 205,671 204,214 203,433 201,165 200,564

185,401 195,629 109,697 189,453 201,568 185,787 197,790 198,682 188,856 121,015

164,676 177,165 29,122 170,936 187,543 125,551 202,798 193,189 164,746 75,850

118,794 171,300 5,717 152,599 177,857 102,249 219,214 191,003 106,963 59,507

106,869 170,516 1,971 174,284 133,386 74,990 249,332 210,404 61,712 53,510

91,922 181,608 1,833 163,401 134,393 34,481 219,958 208,982 36,585 47,106

63,058 161,721 1,114 135,449 106,525 34,393 230,310 177,965 17,389 34,715

43,646 122,001 837 ... 78,084 26,130 193,042 159,819 16,379 17,428

37,481 115,514 ... ... 66,079 21,544 182,929 142,559 13,842 13,049

18,721 104,437 ... ... 43,464 21,393 171,667 126,468 9,241 8,877

12,779 104,402 ... ... 38,136 17,358 127,628 86,368 4,034 7,045

Augusta-Richmond County, GA ................ Shreveport city, LA ........... Akron city, OH ................. Tacoma city, WA .............. Oxnard city, CA ................ Aurora city, IL ................... Fontana city, CA............... Yonkers city, NY ............... Mobile city, AL ................. Little Rock city, AR............

110 111 112 113 114 114 116 117 118 119

200,549 199,311 199,110 198,397 197,899 197,899 196,069 195,976 195,111 193,524

199,775 200,145 217,074 193,556 170,358 142,990 128,929 196,019 199,191 183,133

44,639 198,525 223,019 176,664 142,560 99,556 87,535 188,082 196,263 175,727

47,532 206,989 237,177 158,501 108,195 81,293 36,804 195,351 200,452 159,151

59,864 182,064 275,425 154,407 71,225 74,389 20,673 204,297 190,026 132,483

70,626 164,372 290,351 147,979 40,265 63,715 14,659 190,634 194,856 107,813

71,508 127,206 274,605 143,673 21,567 50,576 ... 152,798 129,009 102,213

65,919 98,167 244,791 109,408 8,519 47,170 ... 142,598 78,720 88,039

60,342 76,655 255,040 106,817 6,285 46,589 ... 134,646 68,202 81,679

52,548 43,874 208,435 96,965 4,417 36,397 ... 100,176 60,777 65,142

41,040 28,015 69,067 83,743 2,555 29,807 ... 79,803 51,521 45,941

260 County and City Extra

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

1900 population

1890 population

1880 population

1870 population

1860 population

1850 population

1840 population

1830 population

1820 population

1810 population

1800 population

1790 population

Corpus Christi city, TX ...... Riverside city, CA.............. Cincinnati city, OH ........... Lexington-Fayette, KY ..... Anchorage municipality, AK.............................. Stockton city, CA ............. Toledo city, OH ................. St. Paul city, MN ............... Newark city, NJ ............... Greensboro city, NC ........

4,703 7,973 325,902 26,369

4,387 4,683 296,908 21,567

3,257 ... 255,139 16,656

2,140 ... 216,239 14,801

175 ... 161,044 9,321

... ... 115,435 8,159

... ... 46,338 6,997

... ... 24,831 6,026

... ... 9,642 5,279

... ... 2,540 4,326

... ... ... 1,795

... ... ... 834

... 17,506 131,822 163,065 246,070 10,035

... 14,424 81,434 133,156 181,830 3,317

... 10,282 50,137 41,473 136,508 2,105

... 10,066 31,584 20,030 105,059 497

... 3,679 13,768 10,401 71,941 ...

... ... 3,829 1,112 38,894 ...

... ... 1,222 ... 17,290 ...

... ... ... ... 10,953 ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ...

Buffalo city, NY ............... Plano city, TX ................... Lincoln city, NE ................. Henderson city, NV........... Fort Wayne city, IN ........... Jersey City city, NJ ............ St Petersburg city, FL ....... Chula Vista city, CA .........

352,387 1,304 40,169 ... 45,115 206,433 1,575 ...

255,664 842 55,154 ... 35,393 163,003 273 ...

155,134 556 13,003 ... 26,880 120,722 ... ...

117,714 155 ... ... 17,718 82,546 ... ...

81,129 ... ... ... 9,121 29,226 ... ...

42,261 ... ... ... 4,282 6,856 ... ...

18,213 ... ... ... ... 3,072 ... ...

8,668 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2,095 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

1,508 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Norfolk city, VA ................ Orlando city, FL ................

46,624 2,481

34,871 2,856

21,966 ...

19,229 ...

14,620 ...

14,326 ...

10,920 ...

9,814 ...

8,478 ...

9,193 ...

6,926 ...

2,959 ...

Chandler city, AZ.............. Laredo city, TX ................. Madison city, WI .............. Winston-Salem city, NC.... Lubbock city, TX ............... Baton Rouge city, LA ........ Durham city, NC............... Garland city, TX................ Glendale city, AZ .............. Reno city, NV ...................

... 13,429 19,164 13,650 ... 11,269 6,679 819 ... 4,500

... 11,319 13,426 10,729 ... 10,478 5,485 478 ... 3,563

... 3,521 10,324 4,194 ... 7,197 2,041 ... ... 1,302

... 2,046 9,176 443 ... 6,498 ... ... ... 1,035

... 1,256 6,611 ... ... 5,428 ... ... ... ...

... ... 1,525 ... ... 3,905 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 2,269 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Hialeah city, FL ................. Paradise CDP, NV ............. Chesapeake city, VA ......... Scottsdale city, AZ ............ North Las Vegas city, NV... Irving city, TX ................... Fremont city, CA .............. Irvine city, CA ................... Birmingham city, AL ......... Rochester city, NY ............

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 38,415 162,608

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26,178 133,896

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,086 89,366

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 62,386

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 48,204

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 36,403

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20,191

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,207

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

San Bernardino city, CA.... Spokane city, WA ............. Gilbert town, AZ .............. Arlington CDP, VA ............ Montgomery city, AL ........ Boise City city, ID.............. Richmond city, VA ............ Des Moines city, IA ........... Modesto city, CA ............. Fayetteville city, NC ..........

6,150 36,848 ... ... 30,346 5,957 85,050 62,139 2,024 4,670

4,012 19,922 ... ... 21,883 2,311 81,388 50,093 2,402 4,222

1,673 ... ... ... 16,713 1,899 63,600 22,408 ... 3,485

... ... ... ... 10,588 995 51,038 12,035 ... 4,660

... ... ... ... 8,843 ... 37,910 3,965 ... 4,790

... ... ... ... 8,728 ... 27,570 ... ... 4,646

... ... ... ... 2,179 ... 20,153 ... ... 4,285

... ... ... ... ... ... 16,060 ... ... 2,868

... ... ... ... ... ... 12,067 ... ... 3,532

... ... ... ... ... ... 9,735 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 5,737 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 3,761 ... ... ...

Augusta-Richmond County, GA ................ Shreveport city, LA ........... Akron city, OH ................. Tacoma city, WA .............. Oxnard city, CA ................ Aurora city, IL ................... Fontana city, CA............... Yonkers city, NY ............... Mobile city, AL ................. Little Rock city, AR............

39,441 16,013 42,728 37,714 ... 24,147 ... 47,931 38,469 38,307

33,300 11,979 27,601 36,006 ... 19,688 ... 32,033 31,076 25,874

21,891 8,009 16,512 ... ... 11,873 ... 18,892 29,132 13,138

15,389 4,607 10,006 ... ... 11,162 ... 12,733 32,034 12,380

12,493 2,190 3,477 ... ... 6,011 ... 8,218 29,258 3,727

9,448 1,728 3,266 ... ... ... ... ... 20,515 2,167

6,403 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,672 ...

(NA) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,194 ...

(NA) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2,476 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2,215 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Part D — Cities 261

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

2010 Population rank

2010 population

2000 population

1990 population

1980 population

1970 population

1960 population

1950 population

1940 population

1930 population

1920 population

1910 population

Moreno Valley city, CA ..... Glendale city, CA ............. Amarillo city, TX ............... Huntington Beach city, CA ............................. Columbus city, GA ........... Sunrise Manor CDP, NV .... Grand Rapids city, MI ....... Salt Lake City city, UT ....... Tallahassee city, FL ............ Worcester city, MA...........

120 121 122

193,365 191,719 190,695

142,381 194,973 173,627

118,779 180,038 157,571

... 139,060 149,230

... 132,664 127,010

... 119,442 137,969

... 95,702 74,246

... 82,582 51,686

... 62,736 43,132

... 13,536 15,494

... 2,746 9,957

123 124 125 126 127 128 129

189,992 189,885 189,372 188,040 186,440 181,376 181,045

189,594 186,291 156,120 197,800 181,743 150,624 172,648

181,519 179,280 95,362 189,126 159,928 124,773 169,759

170,505 170,108 44,155 181,843 163,034 81,548 161,799

115,960 155,028 9,684 197,649 175,885 72,624 176,572

11,492 116,779 ... 177,313 189,454 48,174 186,587

5,237 79,611 ... 176,515 182,121 27,237 203,486

3,738 53,280 ... 164,292 149,934 16,240 193,694

3,690 43,131 ... 168,592 140,267 10,700 195,311

... 31,125 ... 137,634 118,110 5,637 179,754

... 20,554 ... 112,571 92,777 5,018 145,986

Newport News city, VA..... Huntsville city, AL ............. Knoxville city, TN .............. Spring Valley CDP, NV ...... Providence city, RI ............ Santa Clarita city, CA ....... Grand Prairie city, TX ........

130 131 132 133 134 135 136

180,719 180,105 178,874 178,395 178,042 176,320 175,396

180,697 158,635 173,890 117,390 173,618 151,088 127,427

171,439 159,880 165,039 51,726 160,728 110,690 99,606

144,903 142,513 175,045 ... 156,804 ... 71,462

138,177 139,282 174,587 ... 179,116 ... 50,904

113,662 72,365 111,827 ... 207,498 ... 30,386

42,358 16,437 124,769 ... 248,674 ... 14,594

37,067 13,050 111,580 ... 253,504 ... 1,595

34,417 11,554 105,802 ... 252,981 ... 1,529

35,596 8,018 77,818 ... 237,595 ... 1,263

20,205 7,611 36,346 ... 224,326 ... 994

Brownsville city, TX........... Jackson city, MS ............... Overland Park city, KS ......

137 138 139

175,023 173,514 173,372

139,722 184,256 149,080

98,962 196,637 111,790

84,997 202,895 81,784

52,522 153,968 77,934

48,040 144,422 ...

36,066 98,271 ...

22,083 62,107 ...

22,021 48,282 ...

11,791 22,817 ...

10,517 21,262 ...

Garden Grove city, CA ..... Santa Rosa city, CA .......... Chattanooga city, TN ....... Oceanside city, CA ........... Fort Lauderdale city, FL ..... Rancho Cucamonga city, CA ............................. Port St. Lucie city, FL........ Ontario city, CA ............... Vancouver city, WA .......... Tempe city, AZ..................

140 141 142 143 144

170,883 167,815 167,674 167,086 165,521

165,196 147,595 155,554 161,029 152,397

142,965 113,261 152,393 128,090 149,238

123,307 82,658 169,514 76,698 153,279

121,155 50,006 119,923 40,494 139,590

84,238 31,027 130,009 24,971 83,648

... 17,902 131,041 12,881 36,328

... 12,605 128,163 4,651 17,996

... 10,636 119,798 3,508 8,666

... 8,758 57,895 1,161 2,065

... 7,817 44,604 673 ...

145 146 147 148 149

165,269 164,603 163,924 161,791 161,719

127,743 88,769 158,007 143,560 158,625

101,409 55,761 133,179 46,380 141,993

55,250 14,690 88,820 42,834 106,919

... 330 64,118 41,859 63,550

... ... 46,617 32,464 24,897

... ... 22,872 41,664 7,684

... ... 14,197 18,788 2,906

... ... 13,583 15,766 2,495

... ... 7,280 12,637 1,963

... ... 4,274 9,300 1,473

Springfield city, MO.......... Lancaster city, CA............. Eugene city, OR ................ Pembroke Pines city, FL .... Salem city, OR .................. Cape Coral city, FL ........... Peoria city, AZ .................. Sioux Falls city, SD ............ Springfield city, MA .......... Elk Grove city, CA ............

150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159

159,498 156,633 156,185 154,750 154,637 154,305 154,065 153,888 153,060 153,015

151,580 118,718 137,893 137,427 136,924 102,286 108,364 124,158 152,082 59,984

140,494 97,300 112,733 65,566 107,793 74,991 50,675 100,836 156,983 17,483

133,116 48,027 105,664 35,776 89,091 32,103 12,171 81,343 152,319 10,959

120,096 ... 79,028 15,496 68,725 ... 4,792 72,488 163,905 3,721

95,865 ... 50,977 1,429 49,142 ... 2,593 65,466 174,463 2,205

66,731 ... 35,879 ... 43,140 ... ... 52,696 162,399 ...

61,238 ... 20,838 ... 30,908 ... ... 40,832 149,554 ...

57,527 ... 18,901 ... 26,266 ... ... 33,362 149,900 ...

39,631 ... 10,593 ... 17,679 ... ... 25,202 129,614 ...

35,201 ... 9,009 ... 14,094 ... ... 14,094 88,926 ...

Rockford city, IL................ Palmdale city, CA ............. Corona city, CA................ Salinas city, CA................. Pomona city, CA .............. Pasadena city, TX ............. Joliet city, IL...................... Paterson city, NJ ............... Kansas City city, KS .......... Torrance city, CA ..............

160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169

152,871 152,750 152,374 150,441 149,058 149,043 147,433 146,199 145,786 145,438

150,115 116,670 124,966 142,685 149,473 141,674 106,221 149,222 146,866 137,946

140,003 68,946 75,943 108,777 131,700 119,604 77,217 140,891 149,800 133,107

139,712 12,277 37,791 80,479 92,742 112,560 77,956 137,970 161,148 129,881

147,370 8,511 27,519 58,896 87,384 89,957 78,827 144,824 168,213 134,968

126,706 ... 13,336 28,957 67,157 58,737 66,780 143,663 121,901 100,991

92,927 ... 10,223 13,917 35,405 22,483 51,601 139,336 129,553 22,241

84,637 ... 8,764 11,586 23,539 3,436 42,365 139,656 121,458 9,950

85,864 ... 7,018 10,263 20,804 1,647 42,993 138,513 121,857 7,271

65,651 ... 4,129 4,308 13,505 ... 38,442 135,875 101,177 ...

45,401 ... 3,540 3,736 10,207 ... 34,670 125,600 82,331 ...

Syracuse city, NY .............. Bridgeport city, CT ........... Hayward city, CA ............. Fort Collins city, CO.......... Escondido city, CA ........... Lakewood city, CO ........... Naperville city, IL .............. Dayton city, OH ................ Hollywood city, FL ............ Sunnyvale city, CA............

170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179

145,170 144,229 144,186 143,986 143,911 142,980 141,853 141,527 140,768 140,081

146,435 139,529 140,030 118,652 133,559 144,126 128,358 166,179 139,368 131,760

163,860 141,686 111,343 87,491 108,648 126,475 85,806 182,005 121,720 117,324

170,105 142,546 93,585 65,092 64,355 113,808 42,601 193,536 121,323 106,618

197,297 156,542 93,058 43,337 36,792 92,743 22,794 243,023 106,873 95,976

216,038 156,748 72,700 25,027 16,377 ... 12,933 262,332 35,237 52,898

220,583 158,709 14,272 14,937 6,544 ... 7,013 243,872 14,351 9,829

205,967 147,121 6,736 12,251 4,560 ... 5,272 210,718 6,239 4,373

209,326 146,716 5,530 11,489 3,421 ... 5,118 200,982 2,869 3,094

171,717 143,555 3,487 8,755 ... ... 3,830 152,559 ... ...

137,249 102,054 2,746 8,210 ... ... 3,449 116,577 ... ...

Alexandria city, VA ...........













262 County and City Extra

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

1900 population

1890 population

1880 population

1870 population

1860 population

1850 population

1840 population

1830 population

1820 population

1810 population

1800 population

1790 population

Moreno Valley city, CA ..... Glendale city, CA ............. Amarillo city, TX ............... Huntington Beach city, CA ............................. Columbus city, GA ........... Sunrise Manor CDP, NV .... Grand Rapids city, MI ....... Salt Lake City city, UT ....... Tallahassee city, FL ............ Worcester city, MA...........

... ... 1,442

... ... 482

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... 17,614 ... 87,565 53,531 2,981 118,421

... 17,303 ... 60,278 44,843 2,934 84,655

... 10,123 ... 32,016 20,768 2,494 58,291

... 7,401 ... 16,507 12,854 2,023 41,105

... 9,621 ... 8,085 8,236 1,932 24,960

... 5,942 ... 2,686 ... (NA) 17,049

... 3,114 ... ... ... 1,616 7,497

... ... ... ... ... ... 4,173

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,962

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,577

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,411

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,095

Newport News city, VA..... Huntsville city, AL ............. Knoxville city, TN .............. Spring Valley CDP, NV ...... Providence city, RI ............ Santa Clarita city, CA ....... Grand Prairie city, TX ........ Brownsville city, TX...........

19,635 8,068 32,637 ... 175,597 ... ... 6,305

4,449 7,995 22,535 ... 132,146 ... ... 6,134

... 4,977 9,693 ... 104,857 ... ... 4,938

... 4,907 8,682 ... 68,904 ... ... 4,905

... 3,634 (NA) ... 50,666 ... ... 2,734

... 2,863 2,076 ... 41,513 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 23,171 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 16,833 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 11,767 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 10,071 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 7,614 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 6,380 ... ... ...

Jackson city, MS ............... Overland Park city, KS ......

7,816 ...

5,920 ...

5,204 ...

4,234 ...

3,191 ...

1,881 ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

Garden Grove city, CA ..... Santa Rosa city, CA .......... Chattanooga city, TN ....... Oceanside city, CA ........... Fort Lauderdale city, FL ..... Rancho Cucamonga city, CA ............................. Port St. Lucie city, FL........ Ontario city, CA ............... Vancouver city, WA .......... Tempe city, AZ..................

... 6,673 30,154 330 ...

... 5,220 29,100 ... ...

... 3,616 12,892 ... ...

... (NA) 6,093 ... ...

... 425 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... 722 3,126 885

... ... 683 3,545 ...

... ... ... 1,722 ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

Springfield city, MO.......... Lancaster city, CA............. Eugene city, OR ................ Pembroke Pines city, FL .... Salem city, OR .................. Cape Coral city, FL ........... Peoria city, AZ .................. Sioux Falls city, SD ............ Springfield city, MA .......... Elk Grove city, CA ............

23,267 ... 3,236 ... 4,258 ... ... 10,266 62,059 ...

21,850 ... (NA) ... 3,398 ... ... 10,177 44,179 ...

6,522 ... 1,117 ... 2,538 ... ... 2,164 33,340 ...

5,555 ... 861 ... 1,139 ... ... ... 26,703 ...

(NA) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,199 ...

415 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,766 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,985 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6,784 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,914 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,767 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,312 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,574 ...

Rockford city, IL................ Palmdale city, CA ............. Corona city, CA................ Salinas city, CA................. Pomona city, CA .............. Pasadena city, TX ............. Joliet city, IL...................... Paterson city, NJ ............... Kansas City city, KS .......... Torrance city, CA ..............

31,051 ... 1,434 3,304 5,526 ... 29,353 105,171 51,418 ...

23,584 ... ... 2,339 3,634 ... 23,264 78,347 38,316 ...

13,129 ... ... ... ... ... 11,657 51,031 3,200 ...

11,049 ... ... ... ... ... 7,263 33,579 ... ...

6,979 ... ... ... ... ... 7,104 19,586 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,659 11,334 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,558 7,596 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Syracuse city, NY .............. Bridgeport city, CT ........... Hayward city, CA ............. Fort Collins city, CO.......... Escondido city, CA ........... Lakewood city, CO ........... Naperville city, IL .............. Dayton city, OH ................ Hollywood city, FL ............ Sunnyvale city, CA............

108,374 70,996 1,965 3,053 ... ... 2,629 85,333 ... ...

88,143 48,866 1,419 2,011 ... ... 2,216 61,220 ... ...

51,792 27,643 1,231 1,356 ... ... 2,073 38,678 ... ...

43,051 18,969 504 ... ... ... ... 30,473 ... ...

28,119 12,106 ... ... ... ... ... 20,081 ... ...

22,271 6,080 ... ... ... ... ... 10,977 ... ...

... 3,294 ... ... ... ... ... 6,067 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,950 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,000 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... 383 ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Part D — Cities 263

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

2010 Population rank

2010 population

2000 population

1990 population

1980 population

1970 population

1960 population

1950 population

1940 population

1930 population

1920 population

1910 population

Mesquite city, TX.............. Metairie CDP, LA .............. Hampton city, VA ............. Pasadena city, CA............. Orange city, CA................ Savannah city, GA ............ Cary town, NC ................. Fullerton city, CA..............

181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188

139,824 138,481 137,436 137,122 136,416 136,286 135,234 135,161

124,523 146,136 146,437 133,936 128,868 132,985 94,536 126,003

101,484 149,428 133,811 131,586 110,658 137,812 44,397 114,144

67,053 164,160 122,617 118,072 91,450 141,654 21,763 102,246

55,131 136,477 120,779 112,951 77,365 118,349 7,686 85,987

27,526 ... 89,258 116,407 26,444 149,245 3,356 56,180

1,696 ... 5,966 104,577 10,027 119,638 1,446 13,958

1,045 ... 5,898 81,864 7,901 95,996 1,141 10,442

729 ... 6,382 76,086 8,066 85,024 909 10,860

674 ... 6,138 45,354 4,884 83,252 645 4,415

687 ... 5,505 30,291 2,920 65,064 383 1,725

Warren city, MI................. Clarksville city, TN ............ McKinney city, TX............. McAllen city, TX ............... New Haven city, CT .......... Sterling Heights city, MI.... West Valley City city, UT ... Columbia city, SC ............. Killeen city, TX.................. Topeka city, KS .................

189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198

134,056 132,929 131,117 129,877 129,779 129,699 129,480 129,272 127,921 127,473

138,247 103,455 54,369 106,414 123,776 124,471 108,896 115,877 86,911 122,377

144,864 75,542 21,283 84,021 130,474 117,810 86,969 103,477 63,535 119,883

161,134 54,777 16,256 66,281 126,089 108,999 ... 101,229 46,296 118,690

179,260 31,719 15,193 37,636 137,707 61,365 ... 113,542 35,507 125,011

89,246 22,021 13,763 32,728 152,048 ... ... 97,433 23,377 119,484

727 16,246 10,560 20,067 164,443 ... ... 86,914 7,045 78,791

582 11,831 8,555 11,877 160,605 ... ... 62,396 1,263 67,833

515 9,242 7,307 9,074 162,655 ... ... 51,581 1,260 64,120

326 8,110 6,677 5,331 162,537 ... ... 37,524 1,298 50,022

297 8,548 4,714 ... 133,605 ... ... 26,319 1,265 43,684

Thousand Oaks city, CA ... East Los Angeles CDP, CA Cedar Rapids city, IA ........ Olathe city, KS.................. Elizabeth city, NJ .............. Waco city, TX ................... Hartford city, CT............... Visalia city, CA ................. Gainesville city, FL ............ Simi Valley city, CA ...........

199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208

126,683 126,496 126,326 125,872 124,969 124,805 124,775 124,442 124,354 124,237

117,005 124,283 120,758 92,962 120,568 113,726 124,121 91,877 95,447 111,351

104,381 126,379 108,772 63,402 110,002 103,590 139,739 75,659 85,075 100,218

77,072 110,017 110,243 37,258 106,201 101,261 136,392 49,729 81,371 77,500

35,873 104,881 110,642 17,917 112,654 95,326 158,017 27,130 64,510 59,832

... 104,270 92,035 10,987 107,698 97,808 162,178 15,791 29,701 ...

... ... 72,296 5,593 112,817 84,706 177,397 11,749 26,861 ...

... ... 62,120 3,979 109,912 55,982 166,267 8,904 13,757 ...

... ... 56,097 3,656 114,589 52,848 164,072 7,263 10,465 ...

... ... 45,566 3,268 95,783 38,500 138,036 5,753 6,860 ...

... ... 32,811 3,272 73,409 26,425 98,915 4,550 6,183 ...

Stamford city, CT ............. Bellevue city, WA ............. Concord city, CA .............. Miramar city, FL................ Coral Springs city, FL ........ Lafayette city, LA .............. Charleston city, SC ........... Carrollton city, TX ............ Roseville city, CA .............. Thornton city, CO ............

209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218

122,643 122,363 122,067 122,041 121,096 120,623 120,083 119,097 118,788 118,772

117,083 109,569 121,780 72,739 117,549 110,257 96,650 109,576 79,921 82,384

108,056 86,872 111,308 40,663 78,864 94,421 79,925 82,169 44,685 55,031

102,466 73,903 103,763 32,813 37,349 80,584 69,779 40,595 24,347 42,054

108,798 61,196 85,164 23,997 1,489 68,908 66,945 13,855 18,221 13,326

92,713 12,809 36,208 5,485 ... 40,400 65,925 4,242 13,421 11,353

74,293 ... 6,953 ... ... 33,541 70,174 1,610 8,723 ...

47,938 ... 1,373 ... ... 19,210 71,275 921 6,653 ...

46,346 ... 1,125 ... ... 14,635 62,265 ... 6,425 ...

35,096 ... 912 ... ... 7,855 67,957 ... 4,477 ...

25,138 ... 703 ... ... 6,392 58,833 ... 2,608 ...

Beaumont city, TX ............ Allentown city, PA ............ Surprise city, AZ ............... Evansville city, IN .............. Abilene city, TX ................ Frisco city, TX ................... Independence city, MO .... Athens-Clarke County, GA ............................. Santa Clara city, CA ......... Springfield city, IL .............

219 220 221 222 223 224 225

118,296 118,032 117,517 117,429 117,063 116,989 116,830

113,866 106,632 30,848 121,582 115,926 33,714 113,288

114,323 105,301 7,122 126,272 106,707 6,138 112,301

118,102 103,758 3,723 130,496 98,315 3,499 111,797

117,548 109,871 2,427 138,764 89,653 1,845 111,630

119,175 108,347 ... 141,543 90,368 1,184 62,328

94,014 106,756 ... 128,636 45,570 736 36,963

59,061 96,904 ... 97,062 26,612 670 16,066

57,732 92,563 ... 102,249 23,175 618 15,296

40,422 73,502 ... 85,246 10,274 733 11,686

20,640 51,913 ... 69,647 9,204 332 9,859

226 227 228

116,714 116,468 116,250

101,489 102,361 111,355

45,734 93,613 105,417

42,549 87,700 100,054

44,342 86,118 91,753

31,355 58,880 83,271

28,180 11,702 81,628

20,650 6,650 75,503

18,192 6,302 71,864

16,748 5,220 59,183

14,913 4,348 51,678

Vallejo city, CA ................. Victorville city, CA ............ Peoria city, IL .................... Lansing city, MI ................ Ann Arbor city, MI............ El Monte city, CA ............. Denton city, TX ................ Berkeley city, CA .............. Provo city, UT ................... Downey city, CA ..............

229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238

115,942 115,903 115,007 114,297 113,934 113,475 113,383 112,580 112,488 111,772

116,760 64,029 112,936 119,286 114,024 115,965 80,537 102,743 105,439 107,323

109,199 40,674 113,504 127,321 109,608 106,162 66,270 102,724 86,835 91,444

80,303 14,220 124,160 130,414 107,969 79,494 48,063 103,328 74,111 82,602

71,710 10,845 126,963 131,403 100,035 69,892 39,874 114,091 53,131 88,573

60,877 ... 103,162 107,807 67,340 13,163 26,844 111,268 36,047 82,505

26,038 ... 111,856 92,129 48,251 8,101 21,372 113,805 28,937 ...

20,072 ... 105,087 78,753 29,815 4,746 11,192 85,547 18,071 ...

16,072 ... 104,969 78,397 26,944 3,479 9,587 82,109 14,766 ...

21,107 ... 76,121 57,327 19,516 ... 7,626 56,036 10,303 ...

11,340 ... 66,950 31,229 14,817 ... 4,732 40,434 8,925 ...

Midland city, TX ...............













264 County and City Extra

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

1900 population

1890 population

1880 population

1870 population

1860 population

1850 population

1840 population

1830 population

1820 population

1810 population

1800 population

1790 population

Alexandria city, VA ........... Mesquite city, TX.............. Metairie CDP, LA .............. Hampton city, VA ............. Pasadena city, CA............. Orange city, CA................ Savannah city, GA ............ Cary town, NC ................. Fullerton city, CA..............

14,528 406 ... 2,764 9,117 1,216 54,244 333 ...

14,339 135 ... 2,513 4,882 866 43,189 423 ...

13,659 ... ... ... ... 679 30,709 316 ...

13,570 ... ... ... ... 1,713 28,235 ... ...

12,652 ... ... ... ... ... 22,292 ... ...

8,734 ... ... ... ... ... 15,312 ... ...

8,459 ... ... ... ... ... 11,214 ... ...

8,241 ... ... ... ... ... 7,303 ... ...

8,218 ... ... ... ... ... 7,523 ... ...

7,227 ... ... ... ... ... 5,215 ... ...

4,971 ... ... ... ... ... 5,146 ... ...

2,748 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Warren city, MI................. Clarksville city, TN ............ McKinney city, TX............. McAllen city, TX ............... New Haven city, CT .......... Sterling Heights city, MI.... West Valley City city, UT ... Columbia city, SC ............. Killeen city, TX.................. Topeka city, KS .................

350 9,431 4,342 ... 108,027 ... ... 21,108 780 33,608

... 7,924 2,489 ... 86,045 ... ... 15,353 285 31,007

... 3,880 1,479 ... 62,882 ... ... 10,036 ... 15,452

... 3,200 503 ... 50,840 ... ... 9,298 ... 5,790

... ... (NA) ... 39,267 ... ... 8,052 ... 759

... ... 315 ... 20,345 ... ... 6,060 ... ...

... ... ... ... 12,960 ... ... 4,340 ... ...

... ... ... ... 10,180 ... ... 3,310 ... ...

... ... ... ... 7,147 ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 5,772 ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 4,049 ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 4,487 ... ... ... ... ...

Thousand Oaks city, CA ... East Los Angeles CDP, CA Cedar Rapids city, IA ........ Olathe city, KS.................. Elizabeth city, NJ .............. Waco city, TX ................... Hartford city, CT............... Visalia city, CA ................. Gainesville city, FL ............ Simi Valley city, CA ...........

... ... 25,656 3,451 52,130 20,686 79,850 3,085 3,633 ...

... ... 18,020 3,294 37,764 14,445 53,230 2,885 2,790 ...

... ... 10,104 2,285 28,229 7,295 42,015 1,412 ... ...

... ... 5,940 1,817 20,832 3,008 37,180 913 ... ...

... ... 1,830 ... 11,567 ... 26,917 548 ... ...

... ... ... ... 5,583 ... 13,555 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 4,184 ... 9,468 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 3,455 ... 7,074 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 3,515 ... 4,726 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... 2,977 ... 3,955 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 3,523 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,683 ... ... ...

Stamford city, CT ............. Bellevue city, WA ............. Concord city, CA .............. Miramar city, FL................ Coral Springs city, FL ........ Lafayette city, LA .............. Charleston city, SC ........... Carrollton city, TX ............ Roseville city, CA .............. Thornton city, CO ............

15,997 ... ... ... ... 3,314 55,807 ... ... ...

10,396 ... ... ... ... 2,106 54,955 ... ... ...

2,540 ... ... ... ... ... 49,984 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 48,956 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 40,522 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 42,985 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 29,261 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 30,289 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 24,780 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 24,711 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 18,824 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 16,359 ... ... ...

Beaumont city, TX ............ Allentown city, PA ............ Surprise city, AZ ............... Evansville city, IN .............. Abilene city, TX ................ Frisco city, TX ................... Independence city, MO .... Athens-Clarke County, GA ............................. Santa Clara city, CA ......... Springfield city, IL .............

9,427 35,416 ... 59,007 3,411 ... 6,974

3,296 25,228 ... 50,756 3,194 ... 6,380

... 18,063 ... 29,280 ... ... 3,146

... 13,884 ... 21,830 ... ... 3,184

... 8,025 ... 11,484 ... ... 3,164

... 3,779 ... 3,235 ... ... ...

... 2,493 ... ... ... ... ...

... 1,544 ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

10,245 3,650 34,159

8,639 2,891 24,963

6,099 2,416 19,743

4,251 ... 17,364

3,848 ... 9,320

1,661 ... 4,533

... ... 2,579

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

... ... ...

Vallejo city, CA ................. Victorville city, CA ............ Peoria city, IL .................... Lansing city, MI ................ Ann Arbor city, MI............ El Monte city, CA ............. Denton city, TX ................ Berkeley city, CA .............. Provo city, UT ................... Downey city, CA ..............

7,965 ... 56,100 16,485 14,509 ... 4,187 13,214 6,185 ...

6,343 ... 41,024 13,102 9,431 ... 2,558 5,101 5,159 ...

5,987 ... 29,259 8,319 8,061 ... 1,194 ... 3,432 ...

... ... 22,849 5,241 7,363 ... 361 ... 2,384 ...

... ... 14,045 3,074 5,097 ... ... ... 2,030 ...

... ... 5,095 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... 1,467 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Part D — Cities 265

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

2010 Population rank

2010 population

2000 population

1990 population

1980 population

1970 population

1960 population

1950 population

1940 population

1930 population

1920 population

1910 population

Norman city, OK............... Waterbury city, CT ........... Costa Mesa city, CA ......... Inglewood city, CA ........... Manchester city, NH ......... Murfreesboro city, TN....... Columbia city, MO ........... Enterprise CDP, NV ...........

240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247

110,925 110,366 109,960 109,673 109,565 108,755 108,500 108,481

95,694 107,271 108,724 112,580 107,006 68,816 84,531 14,676

80,071 108,961 96,357 109,602 99,332 44,922 69,133 6,412

68,020 103,266 82,562 94,162 90,936 32,845 62,061 ...

52,117 108,033 72,660 89,985 87,754 26,360 58,812 ...

33,412 107,130 37,550 63,390 88,282 18,991 36,650 ...

27,006 104,477 ... 46,185 82,732 13,052 31,974 ...

11,429 99,314 ... 30,114 77,685 9,495 18,399 ...

9,603 99,902 ... 19,480 76,834 7,993 14,967 ...

5,004 91,715 ... 3,286 78,384 5,367 10,392 ...

3,724 73,141 ... 1,536 70,063 4,679 9,662 ...

Elgin city, IL ...................... Clearwater city, FL ............ Miami Gardens city, FL ..... Rochester city, MN ........... Pueblo city, CO ................ Lowell city, MA ................ Wilmington city, NC ......... San Buenaventura (Ventura) city, CA........ Arvada city, CO ................

248 249 250 251 252 253 254

108,188 107,685 107,167 106,769 106,595 106,519 106,476

94,487 108,789 ... 85,806 102,121 105,167 75,838

77,010 98,669 ... 70,729 98,640 103,439 55,530

63,668 85,170 ... 57,906 101,686 92,418 44,000

55,691 52,074 ... 53,766 97,774 94,239 46,169

49,447 34,653 ... 40,663 91,181 92,107 44,013

44,223 15,581 ... 29,885 63,685 97,249 45,043

38,333 10,136 ... 26,312 52,162 101,389 33,407

35,929 7,607 ... 20,621 50,096 100,234 32,270

27,454 2,427 ... 13,722 43,050 112,759 33,372

25,976 1,171 ... 7,844 41,747 106,294 25,748

255 255

106,433 106,433

100,916 102,153

92,557 89,218

73,774 84,576

57,964 49,844

29,114 19,242

16,534 2,359

13,264 1,482

11,603 1,276

4,156 915

2,901 840

Westminster city, CO........













West Covina city, CA........ Gresham city, OR ............. Norwalk city, CA .............. Fargo city, ND .................. Carlsbad city, CA.............. Fairfield city, CA ............... Cambridge city, MA ......... Wichita Falls city, TX......... High Point city, NC ........... Billings city, MT ................

258 259 260 260 262 263 264 265 266 267

106,098 105,594 105,549 105,549 105,328 105,321 105,162 104,553 104,371 104,170

105,080 90,205 104,323 90,599 78,247 96,178 101,355 104,197 85,839 89,847

96,226 68,249 94,279 74,084 63,292 78,650 95,802 96,259 69,428 81,125

80,292 33,005 84,901 61,383 35,490 58,099 95,322 94,201 63,479 66,818

68,034 10,030 90,164 53,365 14,944 44,146 100,361 96,265 63,229 61,581

50,645 3,944 88,739 46,662 9,253 14,968 107,716 101,724 62,063 52,851

4,499 3,049 ... 38,256 ... 3,118 120,740 68,042 39,973 31,834

1,072 1,951 ... 32,580 ... 1,312 110,879 45,112 38,495 23,261

769 1,635 ... 28,619 ... 1,131 113,643 43,690 36,745 16,380

... 1,103 ... 21,961 ... 1,008 109,694 40,079 14,302 15,100

... 540 ... 14,331 ... 834 104,839 8,200 9,525 10,031

Green Bay city, WI ............ West Jordan city, UT......... Richmond city, CA............ Brandon CDP, FL .............. Murrieta city, CA .............. Burbank city, CA .............. Palm Bay city, FL ............... Everett city, WA................ Flint city, MI ..................... Antioch city, CA ...............

268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277

104,057 103,712 103,701 103,483 103,466 103,340 103,190 103,019 102,434 102,372

102,767 68,336 99,216 77,871 44,282 100,316 79,413 91,488 124,943 90,532

96,466 42,915 86,019 57,985 ... 93,649 62,543 69,974 140,925 62,195

87,899 27,325 74,676 41,826 ... 84,625 18,560 54,413 159,611 42,683

87,809 4,221 79,043 12,749 ... 88,871 7,176 53,622 193,317 28,060

62,888 3,009 71,854 1,665 ... 90,155 2,808 40,304 196,940 17,305

52,735 2,107 99,545 ... ... 78,577 ... 33,849 163,143 11,051

46,235 ... 23,642 ... ... 34,337 ... 30,224 151,543 5,106

37,415 ... 20,093 ... ... 16,662 ... 30,567 156,492 3,563

31,017 ... 16,843 ... ... 2,913 ... 27,644 91,599 1,936

25,236 ... 6,802 ... ... ... ... 24,814 38,550 1,124

Erie city, PA ...................... South Bend city, IN ........... Daly City city, CA ............. Centennial city, CO .......... Temecula city, CA .............

278 279 280 281 282

101,786 101,168 101,123 100,377 100,097

103,717 107,789 103,625 ... 57,716

108,718 105,511 92,088 ... 27,099

119,123 109,727 78,519 ... ...

129,265 125,580 66,922 ... ...

138,440 132,445 44,791 ... ...

130,803 115,911 15,191 ... ...

116,955 101,268 9,625 ... ...

115,967 104,193 7,838 ... ...

93,372 70,983 3,779 ... ...

66,525 53,684 ... ... ...

266 County and City Extra

Table D-24. Population, 1790 (or Earliest Census Year) to 2010 for Cities with 2010 Census Populations of 100,000 or More—Continued Place [100,000 or More Population]

1900 population

1890 population

1880 population

1870 population

1860 population

1850 population

1840 population

1830 population

1820 population

1810 population

1800 population

1790 population

Midland city, TX ............... Norman city, OK............... Waterbury city, CT ........... Costa Mesa city, CA ......... Inglewood city, CA ........... Manchester city, NH ......... Murfreesboro city, TN....... Columbia city, MO ........... Enterprise CDP, NV ...........

... 2,225 45,859 ... ... 56,987 3,999 5,651 ...

... 787 28,646 ... ... 44,126 3,739 4,000 ...

... ... 17,806 ... ... 32,630 3,800 3,326 ...

... ... 10,826 ... ... 23,536 3,502 2,236 ...

... ... 10,004 ... ... 20,107 2,861 1,414 ...

... ... ... ... ... 13,932 1,917 651 ...

... ... ... ... ... 3,235 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 877 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 761 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 615 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 557 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... 362 ... ... ...

Elgin city, IL ...................... Clearwater city, FL ............ Miami Gardens city, FL ..... Rochester city, MN ........... Pueblo city, CO ................ Lowell city, MA ................ Wilmington city, NC ......... San Buenaventura (Ventura) city, CA........ Arvada city, CO ................

22,433 343 ... 6,843 28,157 94,969 20,976

17,823 ... ... 5,321 24,558 77,696 20,056

8,787 ... ... 5,103 3,217 59,475 17,350

5,441 ... ... 3,953 ... 40,928 13,446

2,797 ... ... 1,424 ... 36,827 9,552

... ... ... ... ... 33,383 7,264

... ... ... ... ... 20,796 5,335

... ... ... ... ... 6,474 3,791

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,633

... ... ... ... ... ... (NA)

... ... ... ... ... ... 1,689

... ... ... ... ... ... ...

2,470 ...

2,320 ...

1,370 ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

... ...

Westminster city, CO........













West Covina city, CA........ Gresham city, OR ............. Norwalk city, CA .............. Fargo city, ND .................. Carlsbad city, CA.............. Fairfield city, CA ............... Cambridge city, MA ......... Wichita Falls city, TX......... High Point city, NC ........... Billings city, MT ................

... ... ... 9,589 ... ... 91,886 2,480 4,163 3,221

... ... ... 5,664 ... ... 70,028 1,987 ... 836

... ... ... 2,693 ... ... 52,669 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 39,634 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 26,060 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 15,215 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 8,409 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 6,072 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 3,295 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,323 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,453 ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... 2,115 ... ... ...

Green Bay city, WI ............ West Jordan city, UT......... Richmond city, CA............ Brandon CDP, FL .............. Murrieta city, CA .............. Burbank city, CA .............. Palm Bay city, FL ............... Everett city, WA................ Flint city, MI ..................... Antioch city, CA ...............

18,684 ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,838 13,103 674

9,069 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9,803 635

7,464 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8,409 626

4,666 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 5,386 ...

2,275 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,950 ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Erie city, PA ...................... South Bend city, IN ........... Daly City city, CA ............. Centennial city, CO .......... Temecula city, CA .............

52,733 35,999 ... ... ...

40,634 21,819 ... ... ...

27,737 13,280 ... ... ...

19,646 7,206 ... ... ...

9,419 3,832 ... ... ...

5,858 1,652 ... ... ...

3,412 ... ... ... ...

1,465 ... ... ... ...

635 ... ... ... ...

394 ... ... ... ...

81 ... ... ... ...

... ... ... ... ...

Part D — Cities 267


Tables D-1 through D-21 are from the Census Bureau’s publication Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 To 1990 by Campbell Gibson (Population Division Working Paper No. 27) ( twps0027/twps0027.html ).

Connecticut Bridgeport. 1860 population is estimated. Hartford. 1790 and 1800 populations are estimated. Middletown. 1830 population is estimated. New Haven. 1790 population is estimated. Stamford. 1890 population is estimated.

Tables D-22 and D-23 are from the 2000 and 2010 census data retrieved through American FactFinder. District of Columbia Tables D-1 through D-23 include cities with names and boundaries as they existed in each census year. Data in Table D-24 come from Table 55 in the 2010 census report CPH-2-1: 2010 Census of Population and Housing; Population and Housing Unit Counts: United States (http:// (Table 55. Rank of Places of 100,000 Population or More by 2010 Population: 1790 to 2010; and Number of Housing Units: 1940 to 2010). Table D-24 includes cities with populations of 100,000 or more in 2010. Incorporated places, census designated places (CDPs), and consolidated cities show comparable data for prior years if the place retained its name or general area without regard to the amount of territorial change between censuses. Place comparability is not shown if the entity is new for the 2010 Census or is the result of a merger that created an entirely new entity, or if a 2010 Census geographic area shares no area with an area of the same name. Almost all of the cities have experienced some boundary changes, but only two cities in Table D-24 have been adjusted to reflect their modern boundaries through all census years: New York and Washington. Some specific changes and comments are noted in the following list.

Alexandria. Included in territory ceded by Virginia in 1791 to form part of the District of Columbia and retroceded to Virginia in 1846. Georgetown. Treated as a separate city in the District of Columbia until 1890. Washington. Treated as coextensive with the District of Columbia beginning in 1890, although legislation was enacted in 1871 abolishing the municipal governments of Washington and Georgetown, and full consolidation did not occur until 1895. Tables D-2 through D-10 (1800 through 1880) show the populations for Washington and Georgetown cities as they existed at the time. Table D-24 shows Washington’s population in 1810 through 1880 adjusted for its current boundaries. The population for 1800 in Table D-24 combines the populations of Washington and Georgetown. The following table shows the population of the District of Columbia from 1810 through 1890 divided into Washington, Georgetown, and the remainder. Year 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890

District of Columbia total 15,471 23,336 30,261 33,745 51,687 75,080 131,700 177,624 230,392

Georgetown city 4,948 7,360 8,441 7,312 8,366 8,733 11,384 12,578 14,046

Washington city 8,208 13,247 18,826 23,364 40,001 61,122 109,199 147,293 188,932

Remainder 2,315 2,729 2,994 3,069 3,320 5,225 11,117 17,753 27,414

Arizona Tucson. 1870 population prior to incorporation. Florida California San Francisco. 1850 census returns were destroyed by fire. Population according to the 1852 state census was 34,776.

268 County and City Extra

Jacksonville. Consolidated city, 1970–1990 Georgia Athens. Consolidated city with Clarke county, 2000–2010.

Augusta. 1850 population is estimated. Consolidated city with Richmond county, 2000–2010.

Metairie. Metairie CDP is in Jefferson Parish. New Orleans. Annexed Lafayette (old) in 1852.

Columbus. Consolidated city with Muscogee county, 19802000. 2010, reverted to city status but maintained same boundaries as consolidated city.


Hawaii Honolulu. Excluded from Tables D-12 and D-14 through D-17 prior to 1960 because census data for Alaska and Hawaii, prior to their statehood in 1959, were shown separately from census data for the United States. The population of Honolulu for those years in which it would have been among the 100 largest urban places is shown in a footnote in Tables D-12 and D-14 through D-17 (for 1900 and 1920-1950). For 2010, Tables D-23 and D-24 use the newly designated Urban Honolulu CDP. The following table shows Honolulu’s populations for the earlier years. For the 2010 census, Honolulu CDP was divided into Urban Honolulu CDP and East Honolulu CDP. Combining the two CDPs would yield a 2010 population of 387,170.

Boston. Annexed Roxbury in 1867, Dorchester in 1869, and Charlestown in 1874. Charlestown. Annexed by Boston in 1874. Dorchester. Annexed by Boston in 1869. Nantucket. Name changed from Sherburne in 1795. Roxbury. Annexed by Boston in 1867.

Mississippi Jackson. 1850 census returns incomplete. Slave population not counted.

Missouri Springfield. 1860 population not returned separately.

New Jersey Honolulu CDP Year


2000 1990 1980 1970 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 1890

371,657 365,272 365,048 324,871 294,194 248,034 179,326 137,582 83,327 52,183 39,306 22,907

Indiana Fort Wayne. 1860 population is estimated. Indianapolis. Consolidated city, 1980-2010.

Kentucky Lexington. 1850 population is estimated. Consolidated city, 1980–2010. Louisville. Consolidated city, 2010.

Louisiana Lafayette (old). Annexed by New Orleans in 1852. The present-day city of Lafayette, LA is in Lafayette Parish.

Newark. 1830 population prior to incorporation. Paterson. 1840 and 1850 populations prior to incorporation.

New York Brooklyn. 1820 and 1830 populations for Brooklyn village not shown separately from Brooklyn town in census reports. Annexed Williamsburgh in 1855. Annexed by New York in 1898. For population of Brooklyn borough in New York city, 1900-1990, see note for New York, NY. Buffalo. 1830 population for Buffalo village not shown separately from Buffalo town in census reports. Lockport. 1860 population is estimated. Newburgh. 1860 population is estimated. New York. Annexed Brooklyn in 1898. In 1874 and 1895, New York city (coextensive with New York County from colonial times to 1874) annexed parts of Westchester county. In 1898, “Greater New York” was formed consisting of five boroughs: Manhattan borough (New York County excluding area annexed in 1874 and 1895); Bronx borough (area annexed by New York County in 1874 and 1895); Brooklyn borough (Kings County, including Brooklyn city); Queens borough (Queens County excluding portion taken to form Nassau County); and Richmond borough (Richmond County). Bronx County, coextensive with Bronx borough, was formed in 1912, making New York

Part D — Cities 269

County coextensive with Manhattan borough. Richmond borough was renamed Staten Island borough in 1975. Tables D-1 through D-11 (1790 through 1890) show the New York City and Brooklyn populations as the separate cities that they were in those years. Tables D-12 through D-23 (1900 through 2010) include the New York City total population. Table D-24 shows New York City’s population from 1790 through 2010 for its current boundaries. The following table shows the New York City population and its component boroughs for all years. Year






Staten Island

1790 1800 1810 1820 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880

49,401 79,216 119,734 152,056 242,278 391,114 696,115 1,174,779 1,478,103 1,911,698

1,781 1,755 2,267 2,782 3,023 5,346 8,032 23,593 37,393 51,980

4,495 5,740 8,303 11,187 20,535 47,613 138,882 279,122 419,921 599,495

33,131 60,515 96,373 123,706 202,589 312,710 515,547 813,669 942,292 1,164,673

6,159 6,642 7,444 8,246 9,049 14,480 18,593 32,903 45,468 56,559

3,835 4,564 5,347 6,135 7,082 10,965 15,061 25,492 33,029 38,991

1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980

2,507,414 3,437,202 4,766,883 5,620,048 6,930,446 7,454,995 7,891,957 7,781,984 7,894,862 7,071,639

88,908 200,507 430,980 732,016 1,265,258 1,394,711 1,451,277 1,424,815 1,471,701 1,168,972

828,547 1,166,582 1,634,351 2,018,356 2,560,401 2,698,285 2,738,175 2,627,319 2,602,012 2,230,936

1,441,216 1,850,093 2,331,542 2,284,103 1,867,312 1,889,924 1,960,101 1,698,281 1,539,233 1,428,285

87,050 152,999 284,041 469,042 1,079,129 1,297,634 1,550,849 1,809,578 1,986,473 1,891,325

51,693 67,021 85,969 116,531 158,346 174,441 191,555 221,991 295,443 352,121

1990 2000 2010

7,322,564 8,008,278 8,175,133

1,203,789 1,332,650 1,385,108

2,300,664 2,465,326 2,504,700

1,487,536 1,537,195 1,585,873

1,951,598 2,229,379 2,230,722

378,977 443,728 468,730

Source: 1790 through 1890: Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Volume 1. Number of Inhabitants: Total Population for States, Counties, and Minor Civil Divisions; for Urban and Rural Areas; for Incorporated Places; for Metropolitan Districts; and for Census Tracts. 1900 through 1990: Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 To 1990 by Campbell Gibson (Population Division Working Paper No. 27)

reports. West Troy village incorporated as Watervliet city in 1896. Williamsburgh. 1850 population of Williamsburgh village not shown separately from population of Williamsburgh town in census reports. Annexed by Brooklyn in 1855. Yonkers. 1860 population is estimated.

North Carolina Raleigh. 1810 population not returned separately. Winston-Salem. Winston city and Salem town consolidated as Winston-Salem city in 1913. The combined populations are shown for all years except 1870, which shows the population for Winston alone.

Ohio Steubenville. 1840 population is estimated.

Oregon Eugene. 1890 population not returned separately. Salem. 1890 population is estimated. No figure was shown in the 1900 or 1910 census report.

Pennsylvania Allegheny. Annexed by Pittsburgh in 1907. Kensington. Annexed by Philadelphia in 1854. Moyamensing. Annexed by Philadelphia in 1854. Northern Liberties. Annexed by Philadelphia in 1854. Philadelphia. Annexed Kensington, Moyamensing, Northern Liberties, Southwark, and Spring Garden in 1854 when Philadelphia city was made coextensive with Philadelphia County. Pittsburgh. Annexed Allegheny in 1907. Southwark. Annexed by Philadelphia in 1854. Spring Garden. Annexed by Philadelphia in 1854.

2000 and 2010: American FactFinder Poughkeepsie. 1850 population is estimated. Rochester. 1830 population for Rochester village not shown separately from Rochester town in census reports. Utica. 1820 and 1830 populations for Utica village not shown separately from Utica town in census reports. West Troy. 1850 population for West Troy village not shown separately from population of West Troy town in census

270 County and City Extra

Rhode Island North Providence. Parts annexed to Providence city and Pawtucket town in 1874. 1880 population of North Providence town: 1,467. Providence. Annexed part of North Providence town in 1874.

Tennessee Knoxville. 1860 population not returned separately. Nashville. Consolidated city, 1970-2010; 1810 and 1820 populations not returned separately.

Virginia Alexandria. Included in territory ceded by Virginia in 1791 to form part of the District of Columbia and retroceded to Virginia in 1846. Arlington. Arlington CDP is coextensive with Arlington County, first defined as urban in 1950.

Hampton. Consolidated with Elizabeth City county in 1952. Newport News. Consolidated with Warwick city in 1958. Virginia Beach. Consolidated with Princess Anne County in 1963. Wheeling. In territory that was formerly part of Virginia and that was taken to form West Virginia in 1863.

West Virginia Wheeling. In territory that was formerly part of Virginia and that was taken to form West Virginia in 1863.

Part D — Cities 271