Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations. (AM-33), Volume 33

Table of contents :
1. Green’s Formula and Analytic Continuation
2. Strongly Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations
3. Derivatives of Solutions of Linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
4. On Multivalued Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations
5. Function-Theoretical Properties of Solutions of Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type
6. On a Generalization of Quasi-Conformal Mappings and its Application to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
7. Second Order Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations
8. Conservation Laws of Certain Systems of Partial Differential Equations and Associated Mappings
9. Parabolic Equations
10. Linear Equations of Parabolic Type with Constant Coefficients
11. On Linear Hyperbolic Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients on a Vector Space
12. The Initial Value Problem for Non-Linear Hyperbolic Equations in Two Independent Variables
13. A Geometric Treatment of Linear Hyperbolic Equations of Second Order
14. On Cauchy’s Problem and Fundamental Solutions
15. A Boundary Value Problem for the Wave Equation and Mean Value Theorems

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Annals of Mathematics Studies Number 33

ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS STUDIES E dited by Emil Artin and Marston Morse

1. Algebraic Theory of Numbers, by H e r m a n n W e y l 3. Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis, by K urt G odel 6.

The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion, by A lonzo C hurch

7. Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces, by P a u l R. H a l m o s 10 .

Topics in Topology, by S olom o n L efsc h etz


Introduction to Nonlinear Mechanics, by N. K r y l o f f and N. B o go liu bo ff

14 .

Lectures on Differential Equations, by S o lom o n L efsch etz

15. Topological Methods in the Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, by M arsto n M orse 16.

Transcendental Numbers, by C a r l L u d w ig S iegel


Probleme General de la Stabilite du Mouvement, by M. A. L ia po u n o ff

19 .

Fourier Transforms, by S. B ochner and K. C h an d r ase k h a r an

20. Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations, Vol. I, edited by S. L e fsch etz 21.

Functional Operators, Vol. I, by J ohn


22. Functional Operators, Vol. II, by J ohn

Ne u m an n von

Ne u m a n n

23. Existence Theorems in Partial Differential Equations, by D orothy L. B ernstein

24. Contributions to the Theory of Games, Vol. I, edited by H. W. K uhn and

A. W.


25. Contributions to Fourier Analysis, by A. Zy g m u n d , W. T r a n su e , M . M o rse , A. P. C a ld e ro n , and S. B ochner 26. A Theory of Cross-Spaces, by R obert S ch atte n 27. Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics, bv G . P o l y a and G. S zego

28. Contributions to the Theory of Games, Vol. II, edited by H. K uhn and A. W . T ucker

29. Contributions to the Theory of Nonlinear Oscillations, Vol. II, edited by S. L efsc h etz 30.

Contributions to the Theory of Riemann Surfaces, edited bit L . A h lfo rs et al.

31. Order-Preserving Maps and Integration Processes, by E d w ar d J. M c S h an e 32. Curvature and Betti Numbers, by K. Y an o and S. B ochner 33. Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations, edited by L. B e r s , S. B o chn er , and F. J ohn








Edited by L. Bers S. Bochner and F. John



The papers in this volume were read at the C oherence on Partial Differential Equations sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences— National Research Councily October 1952.

Princeton, New Jersey Princeton U niversity Press 1954

Copyright, 195^, by Princeton University Press London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Pre L. C. Card 5^-5004

Printed in the United States of America

FOREWORD In October 1952 a three day conference on partial differential equations was held, at Arden House, Harriman, New York. The conference was organ­ ized and sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council. This volume contains those papers, read at the conference, which were submitted by the authors for publication. The editors regret the unavoidable de­ lay in publication and hope that this volume will prove to be useful to mathematicians working in this field. The editing and preparing of this study was carried out entirely by Anneli Lax. The editors gratefully acknowledge her valuable assistance.

L. Bers S. Bochner F. John



1. 2. 3.






9. 10.









Green’s Formula and Analytic Continuation By S. Bochner


Strongly Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations By F. E. Browder


Derivatives of Solutions of Linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations By F . John


On Multivalued Solutions of Linear Partial Differential Equations By S. Bergman


Function-Theoretical Properties of Solutions of Partial Differential Equations of Elliptic Type By L. Bers


On a Generalization of Quasi-Conformal Mappings and its Application to Elliptic Partial Differential Equations By L. Nirenberg


Second. Order Elliptic Systems of Differential Equations By C . B. Morrey


Conservation Laws of Certain Systems of Partial Differential Equations and Associated. Mappings By. C. Loewner


Parabolic Equations By P. D. Lax and A. N. Milgram


Linear Equations of Parabolic Type with Constant Coefficients By. P. C. Rosenbloom


On Linear Hyperbolic Differential Equations with Variable Coefficients on a Vector Space By. J. Leray


The Initial Value Problem for Non-Linear Hyperbolic Equations in Two Independent Variables By P. D. Lax


A Geometric Treatment of Linear Hyperbolic Equations of Second Order By A. Douglis


On Cauchy’s Problem and Fundamental Solutions By J. B. Diaz


A Boundary Value Problem for the Wave Equation and Mean Value Theorems By M. H. Protter




For anyalytic functions in more than one complex variable there is a theorem of Hartog’s that if a function is given on the connected boundary of a bounded domain, then it can be continued, analytically into all of the domain. The class of functions to which this theorem applies was consider­ ably generalized in our paper [1]: "Analytic and meromorphic continuation by means of Green’s formula," Annals of Mathematics (19^3), 652-673; and it was further expanded in our recent note [2]: "Partial differential equa­ tions and analytic continuation," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 3>8 (1952), 227-30. Now, in §1 of the present paper the leading theorem of [2] will be given its final version known to us (see Theorem 5 ) and, furthermore, details of the proof will be modified and. added. The real and imaginary parts of analytic functions of complex variables are solutions of a system of Cauchy-Riemann equations In real variables. In the case of more than one complex variable, this system is quite complicated and, as it turns out, much too restrictive for our theo­ rem. At first in [1], and then more systematically and generally in [2], we introduced, instead a system consisting of only two equations, both with constant coefficients: an elliptic one in all variables and some other one in fewer than all variables; the second equation was the one by which the actual continuation was brought about. However, the second equation could, only operate if the function was first represented, by a certain Green’s formula, and. It was the sole task of the elliptic equation to secure just such a formula. Now, in further analyzing certain aspects of our theorem, we found it pertinent to try to give up the elliptic equation altogether and to hypothesize directly a Green’s formula having the requisite proper­ ties. This will be done in the present paper. In §2 we will be dealing in a similar fashion with another theo­ rem in several complex variables which although closely related, to the previous one Is different from it nevertheless. Following up a suggestion of Severi’s, this theorem was presented more systematically than had been done before in Chapter IV of the book by Bochner-Martin: Several Complex Variables, Princeton, 19^8. It will now be given a rather more general version than previously. 1



1 E : (£ ,

In Euclidean

~k I


EUCLIDEAN SPACES n £ ) we take a p-form,

1 < p < n-1

( ° ) V - - “P

and we assume that each component of the skew tensor is a finite linear partial differential expression involving an unspecified function f(£) with coefficients which are functions of the difference § - x = where x = (x^) is another variable point of the given space. Thus we have


V - - « p = 2 (I/)

where , x



f(|) =

------*----- —

v « . . . v „ K%> 1‘" n


... (ctfVn

with i/^ > i>n > 0, + ... + < N - 1 for some ly large but finite. In this sense we denote theform (1) (4 )

Gp (f

- x;



sufficient­ by

df;) (P)

and we stipulate that the individual functions

(t), t = £ - x, («) which occur in (2) shall be defined and realanalytic in a certain open set T of the Euclidean En :(t^). We now introduce the requirement





that is (6 )

P+1 X (-i)c q=1








and this is a system of equations (7 )


^ (V )


Vn (i - x)a f( D = o « V « p +1 • V « 'n 0
0, let v e C° (Dp) be such that 6




( „ \ (x1)| = Im^(v) = II II a—x — ^[a(x) - a(x1)]j€ (x 'D k1

< (kjjkg + k^)0s£ (v) ■■ » 0


x1)J [v(x) - v(x 1)I dx

6 --- »- 0




e is sufficiently small,


< ||M (u) - M (v)|| ° ’ D2 p

0 >°2 p

Let 0-norm on Dp

+ ||M£(v)||

be a sequence from C (Dp) converging to u and forming a Cauchy sequence in the s-norm on Dp.

in the Then

||R^(u) - R{,(u)|| 0,D2p

< l|R^(u) - R^M t )||

+ llR^(^) - *{,(*, t >I °'D2p


° ’ D2 p o , D, 2P


Rg(u)(x1) - R£ (^ t)(x1) 0S+ 1 f ------------ |[a(x) - a(x1)]j (x - x1)i [u(x) - ^ ( x ) ] dx ^D 0x„k1 ...0xvks+1 I £ J ,


and for fixed € > 0 as converges to 0 uniformly for x on is the limit on D,P/2 t -- ► oo. On the other hand, if r. k 2 " 'ks+1 the Cauchy sequence

I dx. 2

in the 0-norm,

d s 4> il. 0x, ‘'' s+1




|r € (0 t) - V * , t '


o,D. 2p 0S0 t

[a(x) - a(x1)][J (x - x1) - j (x - x1)]



1 ^

M, ©X

(3 .18 )


It 0X 2 *‘' s+1

0X 2 ■'‘ s+1

dx o,D,


" M c r, 1 € I k2 '’ s+1 2P


- M,


'(^2* •,ks+l)

0X 2


v2 . .ks+1

< K 0X,

- M,V k 2* .ks+1

1L ax. s+1


'o,D, 2P

+ o(e, i i )

■k2 ...ks+i

0 ’D2p

where o(e, rj ) --- ► 0 as *7 -- 0 independently of t. eQ so small that o ( e , rj) < •- for e, rj < e Q and then t

If we choose so large that

II R'(u) - Re( 0 t ) II, l|R»(u) - R' ( 9>t )|| 0’ D2p


and e S ^,t — , ..... j---- _ p ax. ax, k2---ks+i 2 *** s+1 o,Dp

are less than

then by the triangle inequality for the 0 -norm,

||R (u ) - R 77(u )|| n e / o , d2p

is less than 6 . Q.E.D.

LEMMA 3. (Rellich). Let |u t} be an infinite sequence from r (D) on the bounded domain D with uniformly bounded m-norm. Then there exists an infinite subsequence . i of



Hm_xj r (D).

PROOF. It suffices to prove the lemma for r = 1. With each element u ^ e ^(D) from the sequence, we may associate ^ 6 such that ||u ^ - t||m < 1/t, since C*(D) is dense in H^D) . If we can extract an infinite subsequence convergent in the (m - 1)-norm from the corresponding subsequence will satisfy the conditions {*,1

of the lemma. Further \\ ^_||m < M + 1 = M^ where bound for the m-norms of /u ,\. OO, v 1 >z 1 If u 6 0clCo CQ an n-cube, we have


is the uniform

u (x ) - u ( y )

f* •



J x.





for x, y € C . Thus, if Schwarz's Inequality,

< 2nd


Yi_i *




., xn ) dt

a. = d

< xi
z 3



< 6 m-1

Therefore j ^ | is a Cauchy sequence in the (m - 1)-norm and our Lemma is proved. LEMMA 4.




be a domain in

En , M = Suppose u is M + k times strongly differentiable in D. Then there exists v 6 Clc,r(D) such that u = v almost everywhere in D. Given 6 > 0, there exist constants k ^ ( f l) , k g (6) such that for x e D , j < k i --- ^ --- (x) 0xkv . 0xk

< k1(8)||v|| j+M,D j/2

+ kp(6)||v|| 3, Dj/2


> 0,

x° € D, n

It suffices to consider


r = 1.

If ^ € C°°(D),

as defined on p . 15 , then








K x jd(x’ x0)'n n



( 3 . 2 -1)



M .

—2— k a(x, * )-n n * VD °Akp...OAkM C ' 1=1x 1 av--e\ J i.A




- 4





x° £ Dp, 26 . Since r






” r CS+M(D),


dns-1 u


0xk Ks 0xkK v



1 *** s3

may be written in the form

•0xkKs -1

. . of


belongs to


E 0 P M l - k iM m lM lm - 1

for suitable p > 0 , >m

k^ > 0 l

oo -p and all e Cc ’ (D)

and consequently that

- ]2- 1

A =1

x € D. For e C°^r (D), we define (£ 0) . = £ *. c A J A J r £.0 e C ' (D o N, ) and by the preceding paragraph A c A



^ - p ll*A^llm’ ^ P= PV 2 ^'




x\ *

= X X=1




( 0, 0 ) ^


2 Jv


kfi, J, (k) ' V

2m* ’J



z /■

---- dx + y a {4 >)




( 4. 7)

= P X, j,(k)


a m ( i x 0j )




.S x k

0 X,, 0 x k. m+1*'’ v2m

k m+1

k 2m

a m (.^x ^ ) '

dx + r-.(^)


dx + r1 (0) + r2 (0) ax,


= ^ll^llm + r1 ^


+ r2 ^



where r^ (0 ) and ^(0) involve integrals of products of derivatives of 0, one of which at least has order less than m. By Schwarz1 in­ equality and Lemma 1 there exists k^ > 0 such that |r^(0) + rg(0)| < ✓j. It follows as well thatthere exists kg > 0 forwhich


(- 1 )rnK^1 ^0 • > p M l - k2 I I ^ H ^

(4.8) (b )

K - ^ V 1 )

• i> \
+ which converges in the (m-1)-norm to

h e r (D). Since this subsequence also converges to 0 in the 0-norm and the mapping of r (D) into Lg r (D) is one-one, h = 0. Thus ||0^k||in_^ ---> 0 as k ---> 00 . But then V J k > (-1)mK (1)0 Jk * for


> p(1 - k1 l l A l U i ) > P/2

sufficiently large, which is a contradiction.

Theorem 1 follows,

Q.E.D. §5.


Proof of Theorem 2 . By hypothesis u is m-times strongly differ­ entiable in D. We shall assume that the coefficients a, , ., . of 1 ’*


K lie In C +S+ o(D) for some fixed tQ > 0 while ? is M+tQ times strongly differentiable in D, and shall show that u is M+2m+t0 times strongly differentiable in D. Suppose that we have shown for a given integer t < M + m + t , that u is m+t-1 times strongly differentiable in D. Then if 6 > 0, J£ (u) - J^(u) ---► 0 In the (m+t-1)-norm on Dft/ 2 as €, T] -- ► 0. Let h^ be the function from ^(D^/g) defined in §3 such that 0 < h(x) < 1, h. (x) = 1 on D. . We define the auxiliary _i_ 0 0 system K by,



It follows from the definition that

0SU, (K+u) dx,

j, (k)


where e, v . 1 is the corresponding coefficient in 'I * * * c< 3 1 > J _M+2m+t j C o(D). Let


and lies in

Then K i s uniformly strongly elliptic on every compact subset of and by Theorem 1 there exist p^ > 0, k^ > 0 such that for ^ 6 C r (D5/2)


R e { ( - i ) m+tKv ^ Since for

€ , rj > 0,




pt \\nl+ t ~ \ \\nl

h$(J€u ~

lies in

r (D 5y2^

we have

||h6(J£u - Jnu)||^.t < (1/Pt ) | ( K V h 4 (J6u - J,jU) • hj(Jeu - J^u)! (5-2) + ( V ^ t ) llJ£U - V H o , D , /2

If we integrate by parts,

(K'^d^hg (J£u - J^u) • hg(j£u - J^u)) =

( ^ ^ ( ^ u - J^u) • K+hj(j£u - J^u)) = ( / h fi(j£u - JjjU) • hjK+ (J£u - J^u)) + r^(Jeu - J jjU-) where being composed of terms in which h has been differentiated and in which the sum of the orders of differentiation of u is less than 2m + 2t, satisfies the inequality |r^ (J£ u — Jy^u)

< k4 IIJ€U - J u|| m+t-1

(We have set

||w||2 =

J l|hj(J£u - J^u) 6/2

Z IMI-t’^ 0 m, the difference may be shown by t-m integrations by parts to be less in absolute value than mH_t ||J€ Y - z r)y \\t-m,D

lc5 l|hj(Jeu -

differentiability of y lng

and Lemma 2(b), in both cases the factor multiply-

0. ||hj(J€u - V ^ m + t goes t0 zero as € > 11 Let I4 A = (A hi(j,Uj J„u< ) • (R, , , j,l . . - R_ v ..kE , i,j,(k) v 0V « 1 *7 1' e , k ^ . . .kg; 7?,kr

For t > m, the form, d

By the assumPtlon on the

integrating by parts t-m times,

, h A (J€ u - J u ) [ — ,---------- ^-----77 I dxl dxl




I [d(x)-d(x


is the sum of terms of

d s [ J e ( x - x , ) - J Tl( x - x 1 ) ] * ) ] ------------------------------------- u (x dx,, c>x1; j

with d € CM+s+t(D). Carrying the differentiations under the integral sign, we see that such terms are bounded in absolute value by

k6D Uhd(J6u " Jr/1U)lIm+t J| IIJ€u “ V) where rl) approaches zero as e, V ---► 0 by the inductive hypothesis and Lemma 2(b) and (c). For t < m, s < m + t, I may be immediately estimated by the Schwarz inequality as less in absolute value than

k7 llh5 (J£ u

J^ u )


0S[J,(x-x )-j„(xdx

td.(x ) - d (x ) ]



ax „ *

0 ’D


< llh j ( J c u - J r;u )ll nn-tr6 ^ ^ where r 6 ----- 0 as e > 71 -------- 0 according to the inductive hypothesis and Lemma 2(c). If t < m, s > m + t, we may pull out s - m - t derivatives from inside the Integral and (using as before the fact that



— J€ (x - x1 ) = £(x - x1)' , dx± € dx±


may be written as the sum of terms of the form


d S1

dx„ dx„ p1 ■ •m+t


f € C°(D)

h6(J€Ui ■ Jriul) • f (x1)


< m + t

■7.-------------- *-----------

a x'

ax' P1 * * * pm+t


-(j€Uj - V j * 0Xqv ..aXq£

d € Cm+^(D).



as well as terms of the form


d(x )]

----------- ---------------------------------------

p ||0||2 . If


, iJf € C* r (D),

we define the inner product

(0, 4f) = • & + kQ • 'if, and. Lemma 1 that there exists cQ

(0, V )


it follows from the Schwarz inequality > 0 for which

°0M m 1 (0’ 0) * V ° o M m As a result, (0, #“) may be extended by continuity to p (D) and yields a Hilbert space structure on that set which has a norm equivalent to the m-norm. We designate this Hilbert space by H(D). For u € H(D),

OO 27/ by the Schwarz inequality and. Lemma 1 for all 0 € C ' (D). Holding u fixed, (u • 0) is a bounded., conjugate-linear complex functional on the dense subset Cc'r (D) of H(D) and, since the latter is a Hilbert space, by the Frechet-Riesz Theorem, there is a unique element w of H(D) such that (w, 0) = (u • 0) for 0 e C ^ r (D). If we set .Uu = w,


0)1 < c2 dm ||u||0 ||^||m

and as a consequence, ||Uu|| < c£ dm ||u||o < c3 dm ||u||m

In addition, (U0, rlr) = 0 • V = (

0 )* = (utf, 0 )* = (0, Utf) .

for 0 e C^’ r ('D). It follows easily that U is a bounded Hermitian linear transformation of H(D), while by Lemma 3, since every bounded, subset in the m-norm is precompact In the 0-norm, U is completely con­ tinuous. Applying the same argument, since


• #l

= lira |(-1 )m (K^1 ^



kQ ( ^

• 0 )j-

= lim (-1)m (8 (1952), 250 -2 5 5 . BROWDER, F. E., "The Dirichlet and vibration problems for linear elliptic differential equations of arbitrary order," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences j5Q (1952), 741-747. BROWDER, F. E., "Assumption of boundary values and the Green's function in the Dirichlet problem for the general linear elliptic equation," to appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. BROWDER, F. E., "Linear parabolic differential equations of arbitrary order; general boundary value problems for elliptic equations," to appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. BROWDER, F. E., "On the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the general linear elliptic differential operators," to appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. BROWDER, F. E., "Linear elliptic systems of differential equations," to appear. COURANT, R., and HILBERT. D., Methoden der mathematischen Physik, 2 Springer, Berlin (1957). DE RHAM, G., and KODAIRA, K., Harmonic integrals, Notes on Lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (1950). FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., "Randwert- und Eigenwertprobleme aus der Theorie der elastischen Platten," Mathematische Annalen _98 (1927), 206-247. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., "On differential operators In Hilbert spaces," American Journal of Mathematics 6l_ (1959), 525-544. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., "The identity of weak and strong extensions of differential operators," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 55 (1 9 4 4 ), 15 2 -1 5 1 . FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., "On the boundary-value problems of the theory of elasticity and Korn’s inequality," Annals of Mathematics 48 (1947), 441-471. FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., "On the differentiability of solutions of linear elliptic differential equations," Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. VI (1955), 299-525. GARDING, L., "Le probleme de Dirichlet pour les equations aux derivees partielles elliptiques homogenes a coefficients constants," Comptes Rendus de l ’Academie des Sciences, Paris 230 (1950),



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The differential equations considered here can be written in the form (1)

L[u] = P (D^, •.•,

)u = f (xxj, .•.,


Here stands for the differential operator d/dx^j P is a polynomial of degree 2m in the with coefficients which are functions of the in­ dependent variables x^,...,xn and f is a given function. The poly­ nomial P can be thought of as a sum of homogeneous polynomials with degrees varying from 2m down to 0. Here the polynomial consisting of the terms of the highest degree 2m in P is to be called the "principal part" of P, and will be denoted by Q(D^,...,Dn ). For fixed x^,...,xn the ex­ pression Q ( £ ^ n ) considered as a function of the variables is the characteristic form of the differential equation at the point (x^,...,x ) = x. The equation is elliptic, if the form Q is definite for all x in question. In this case the order of the equation is nec­ essarily even, and hence m is an integer. It appears natural to consider the differential equation (1) only for functions for which the equation is defined immediately, say for the class ^2m consisting the functions for which all derivatives of order £ 2m exist and are continuous. One of the most remarkable facts about elliptic equations is that a solution u of class C2m o f such an equa­ tion automatically possesses higher derivatives, if the function f and the coefficients of the equation are sufficiently regular. As an extreme instance, one has the theorem that in case f and the coefficients of the equation are analytic, all solutions are analytic in their domain of

------------------------------This work was performed under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research. 2

A more complete exposition of the contents of this paper (with closer attention to the exact regularity assumptions made) is given in [3 ]. The method of proof used is a modification of methods previously applied by the author to establish analyticity of solutions of linear analytic equations and existence of higher derivatives for solutions of general non-linear elliptic equations. (See [4], pp. 234 et seq., and [5] pp. 162-1 7 5 .) 53



definition. This is suggested already by the absence of any real character­ istic surfaces for an elliptic equation, which by the theorem of CauchyKowalewski excludes the possibility of "piece-wise analytic" solutions of class C2m • At the other extreme we have theorems of the type proved by F. Browder [1] and K. 0. Friedrichs [2] which state that, under rather mild regularity assumptions on the coefficients, a measurable function u which satisfies (1 ) in a "generalized sense" will automatically possess a certain number of derivatives and be a "strict" solution of (1).^ Regularity properties of u are most easily established if a suitable expression for the solution u of (1) is known. Such expressions can be obtained from Green’s formula, if a fundamental solution of the ad­ joint differential equation is known. In this case u at a point of a domain D can be expressed in terms of f in D and of the Cauchy data of u on the boundary of D by means of integrals which involve the fundamental solution in their kernel. Given sufficient regularity con­ ditions of the fundamental solution, corresponding regularity properties of u can be established. (See [6].) Fundamental solutions for equations with sufficiently regular coefficients can be constructed ,e.g. by the parametrix method. Considerable difficulties arise naturally, if the solutions considered are of the generalized or "weak" types to which Green’s identity cannot be applied so easily. It is possible to obtain similar results in other ways not using actual special solutions of the given differential equation or its adjoint, but taking advantage more directly of the elliptic character of the solution and of its general form. The equation yields directly a variety of in­ tegral identities and inequalities. These can be arranged so as to give in­ formation on higher derivatives, in terms of lower ones. Here again the use of such inequalities or identities becomes more involved, if existence of these higher derivatives is not know a priori. This is the direction of proof followed in the work of K. 0. Friedrichs and in the present paper. Friedrichs works essentially with inequalities and with function spaces associated naturally with equations of the type (1). In the present paper an attempt is made to get some results of this type (which are,however, not as general as those obtained by the other authors) in as elementary a fashion as possible, by using only integral identities instead of estimates, and by considering only continuous solutions. The results given here are based on the derivation of an Integral expression for the derivatives of a solution u in terms of u itself. This expression is "elementary" in that it can be obtained by "elementary operations" on the coefficients of the equation. Its derivation yields at ^ Similar theorems for non-linear equations are more difficult to establish. They can be derived from more refined results for the linear case, like those of E. Hopf, Ch. Morrey and L. Nirenberg.



the same time the existence of the derivatives of u. The construction of the expression proceeds in two parts: 1) Derivation of expressions for derivatives of weighted spherical means of u with respect to radius and center of the sphere. 2) Expressing u and its derivatives in terms of spherical means of u and their derivatives. It will be proved that a continuous weak solution u of (1) can be differentiated any number of times and is a strict solution of (1), pro­ vided f and the coefficients of P possess a sufficient number of deriva­ tives. Here u is called a weak solution of (1), iffor everysolid sphere S contained in the domain of definition of u (2)


u M[v] dx1 ...dxn = S


fv dx1 ...dxn S

for every v in that vanishes in a neighborhood of the boundary of 4 S. Here M denotes the adjoint differential operator to L. Let u satisfy (2) for all v of class vanishing near the boundaryof S. Then (2) will also hold for all v of class C2m in S, which vanish with their derivatives of order ^ 2m on the boundary of S, since these more general v can be approximated properly by the special ones. Let S be a sphere of radius R and center X =(X^,...,X ). Then (2) holds in particular for all v of the form v = (R-r)a • w(x,X,R) where a > 2m, r = |x-Xl, and w is an arbitrary function of class C2m in x which vanishes identically for r < €. For a ---> 2m + 0 the expression M[v] is bounded in S and converges uniformly in every smaller concentric 2m sphere to M[(R-r) w]. Consequently L





dxr ..dxn =

vanishes of order


J ' i (R-r)2mw dx1...dxn on the boundary of S,

we have

M[(R-r)2mw]p=R = w M[(R-r)2m]r=R = (2m)JwQ(x1-X1,...,xn-Xn)R2m where Q is the characteristic form of M, which is identical with that of L. Differentiating both sides of (5 )with respect to R, we find then It is clear that any "strict” solution, i.e. any u of clas s C2m satisfying (1), is a weak solution. It turns out to be just as easy to prove the existence of higher order derivatives for continuous weak solu­ tions as for the class of strict solutions.



that (2m)I

J ' uw Q(x-X)dS r=R

(4) = R’ 2m f - § T r=R

( f (R- r ) 2mw) -

( R - r ) mw]

dxr . . d x n

We now use the assumption that Q is definite, which implies that the left-hand side of the last equation represents an "arbitrary" weighted spherical mean of u. Let q = q(x,X,R) be a function which is defined and of class Cs in x (s £ 2m), and which together with its derivatives of order ^ s is analytic in R,X for R > €. We define the function w by □ (x X R )e” €)/(r‘“ ,^ ' Q(x-X)-------

for r = lx-X' >£

w(x, X, R) = 0

for r = |x-X|

Then w satisfies the same assumptions shall be defined by *




= T ^ r jr


‘ V SJl




0, and

It will now be shown that for an odd number n of dimensions a function u can be expressed in terms of its spherical integrals l(X,R) with R > 0, and that u can be differentiated any number of times, if I possesses sufficiently many derivatives. The expression for u in terms of I that will be given here is based on the validity of Huygens’ principle in the strong form, which is valid only for odd numbers of dimension. The case of an even n can then be handled easily by the method of descent. For simplicity In writing



I shall restrict myself to the case n = 3 , the case of a general odd n not offering any additional difficulties. Let n = 3* We consider the solution U(x^,x2, t) of the wave equation AU = U

+ U

x 2x 2



= TL

with initial data U( x 1, x 2 , x 5 ,0)

= u ( x 1, x 2, x 5 ),

Ut (x1 , x 2 , x 5,0)

= 0

For sufficiently regular functions u, e.g. polynomials, there exists a unique solution U which, by the classical formula of Poisson, is given by (7 )



where I is the spherical integral of u defined in (6 )^. For every function u(xi,x2 ,x^) of class and every fixed positive t equa­ tion (7) defines a function U of x^,x^,x^, if l(x,t) denotes the integral of u over the sphere of radius t and center x. We write this function U symbolically in the form (8a) where c^u the value

U = c^u written out in detail is the function having at the point


(u+tdN^dS ~



( -


dN^ U dS

here the integral is extended over the sphere of radius t about the point x, and du/dN denotes the exterior normal derivative of u. Now symbolically the solution of the equation

u = ut t with initial values (9)

U = u,

= 0

can be written in the form

U = cos(it \f A )u

r n- 1 ^ A similar formula involving derivatives of I of order ^ — 75— exists for every odd n. See Courant-Hilbert, Methoden d. Math. Physik II, p. 399.



suggesting the identification of the operator ct with double angle formula for the cosine suggests then that (10)

cos (it^/^T).


1 = 2ctct - c2t

or that for a function



u(x) = 2ctctu - c2t_u

Using the expression (7) for


u(X) = ^-J-2

U = c^u

/ (1+t ^j) (-

I(x,2t) _


we obtain the formula


) dS

I'(x,2t] 2t

where the integral is extended over the sphere of radius t about the point X in x-space, and I'(x,t) is defined by dl(x,t)/dt. This is the desired expression for u in terms of l(x,r) with positive r. So far the derivation of (12) has been purely formal. However, the expression (9) for the solution of the wave equation is certainly valid when u is a polynomial, and hence expanding cos(it into a power series will contribute only a finite number of terms. Thus the formula (12), which is based on (9), will be correct for polynomials u. To prove (11) for more general u we introduce the operator st


stu = For continuous u the expression x and t. Moreover, formally

I(x't ) s^u

will be defined and continuous In t

dt s t = c t »

st = f

c£ _

so that symbolically s^ can be written (i \r A~)~ nomials u we have the "addition theorem"



sin(it\/ A )•

For poly­

2cp sau = 3a +0U + sce -f}U

Integrating this identity with respect to f} , we obtain an identity free of derivatives of u. Since this identity is valid for all polynomials,



it is valid for all continuous u. Hence identity (13), which follows by differentiating with respect to 0 , must also be valid for continuous u, since the right-hand side is defined and continuous. Putting a = j3+h we have then 2c s lVu = s0flL, u + s, u fl +h2p+h h and, in particular for

h = 0,

= S2/3U Hence, since


lim h— >0



u =

s, u = u n ,. lim

for continuous


£+h~s/3 c-t;---- u 2c a S -J— r-— u ---s20+h's2 P h h

If now l(x,t) has continuoussecond derivatives with respect to x t for t positive and bounded away from 0, we can write (14) for tive P in the form u = (2c c -cpju = 2 . c ---






and posi­

(^ )

which is equivalent to (11) or (12). If the existence of 3rd derivatives of l(x,t) for positive t has been established, we obtain the existence of first derivatives of u and an expression for these derivatives in the form



_ « _ / Ixi i X ’ 0) \

% " 2cp a p y hnfi





1’* * ]


Continuing in this fashion we see that the existence of derivatives of order k for l(x,t) implies the existence of derivatives of order k - 2 for u, in case n = 3* (Similarly for general odd n > 1 the fact that l(x,t) is of class C^ for positive t will imply that u is at least of class Ck_n+1.) In this way it follows that a function u, which is a continuous weak solution of an elliptic equation, will have any desired number of deriva­ tives, if the coefficients of the equation are sufficiently often differentiable.



This type of argument applies only to the case of an odd number of dimensions, In which case the solutions of the wave equation involves only mean values of the initial data on spheres of positive radius. The analogous result for solutions of elliptic equations in an even number of dimensions can be obtained by the method of descent. A continuous weak solution u(x^,...,xn ) of an elliptic equation (1 ) with positive definite characteristic form can also be considered as a continuous weak solution of the equation


(k"^n+ 1 ^u =

Xn ^

involving the additional independent variable xn+i* ^ n even, the preceding arguments can be applied to the equation (1 5 ), which is again elliptic in the (n+1) coordinates xi>#,*>xn+ 1 # Regularity of then again be proved from that of f and of the coefficients of

u can L.

BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BROWDER, F., nThe Dirichlet problem for linear elliptic equations of arbitrary even order with variable coefficients," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences _38 (1952), 2 3 2 . [2] FRIEDRICHS, K. 0., ?,0n the differentiability of the solutions of linear elliptic differential equations,” Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 6 (1953), 299-3 2 6 . [3 ] JOHN, F., "Derivatives of continuous weak solutions of linear elliptic equations," Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 6 (1953), 327-335. [4] JOHN, F., "On linear partial differential equations with analytic coefficients," Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 (1949), 209-253. [5 ] JOHN, F., "General properties of solutions of linear elliptic partial differential equations," Proceedings of the Symposium on Spectral Theory and Differential Problems (1951), 113-175. [6] SCHWARTZ, L., Theorie des Distributions, Volume I, Hermann, Paris (1950).



Multivalued solutions of linear partial differential equations A & + F&= 0


in two and three variables play a role in various applications: e.g., in some problems in electricity; in the theory of compressible fluids (when we apply the hodograph method); etc. For purposes of evaluation and investigation of singularities of these functions, it is of interest to obtain representations of solu­ tions of (1) in the form




= n=o

where the terms depend only upon the equation and therefore can be tabulated once and for all, and can be represented in closed form using algebro-logarithmic expressions, Theta functions, their derivatives, and finitely many transcendental functions which are independent of the coefficient F of the equation. In the following we shall formulate some results pertaining to representations of this kind. §2

Let D)

V tt> t ) =

Y, a ? m Zn > mn

£ = x + iy>

? = X - iy

be a real solution of a differential equation This work was done under a contract with the Office of Naval Research. 63





+ Ftfr= 4

+ Ffr = 0,

4 =



2 + -S, Qy

where F is an entire function of x and y (when continued to complex values of the variables). Generalizing the operator "Re" (Real part of), one introduces to every differential equation (1a) operators oo (2a)

Re[g(f) +


Y, n=1

U > ?) Sn U)l = & ( $ , J )

n-1 Illl 22nB(n,n+1)

n-1 g (T )d t

which transform analytic functions g(f) of one variable into solutions of (1a). (B(n,n+1) are Beta functions.) See [4]2, p. 5. If Q^n ^(f,0) =0, n = 1,2,..., the operator (2a) is called Integral operator of the first kind. (It should be mentioned that there exist various integral operators of the form (2a) which are not of the first kind.) If (4 )

e ( ( ) = 2tf'-(f,0) + const.

is an algebraic function of one complex variable defined on the Riemann surface of n A (T ,f) =


A„(£)Tn”l'= o

V =0

where &■„(£) are polynomials, then can be written in the form (2a) where the gn (?) (n=^,2^...) can be represented in a closed form using algebro-logarithmic functions, Theta functions, their derivatives, and finitely many transcendental functions, namely, Integrals of the first kind defined on the Riemann surface of A(r,f) = 0 (see [4], § 2 and § 3)* The only singularities of are algebraic branch points and "pole-like" singularities of the first kind. ^ The location of these singularities 2 Numbers in brackets refer to bibliography. 3 It should be stressed that proceeding in a similar way using any integral operator of the form (2a)(which does not satisfy necessarily the



depends only on { amo} •••) but is Independent of F. The singu­ larities can be determined by means of theorems of Hadamard, Mandelbrojt, Szeg8 , Polya, Eisenstein, etc. if the subsequence { amo} is given. REMARK. We note that fundamental solutions (5)

= -g A (log s + log a) + B,

s = ^-^0 = (x-x0) + l(y-y0)

B = t ~ Fo which (for real values of x and y) are single-valued, are of great importance in various applications. (See [5 ] and [2], page 473* where explicit expressions for A and B are given.) Differentiating with respect to the parameter xQ and yQ , we obtain fundamental solutions of higher order (see [2], page 474, Remark 5*1). §3 The results of Section 2 can be generalized to the case of differential equations


d 2 tZ/

8 2 Ur 8^Ur

---5 + ---0 + — 2~ + Fi ^ = °> d x 8 y 8z

& =^(x,y,z)

in three variables, where F>j = F^,(r ) is an entire function (when con2 2 2 2 tinued to the complex value of the argument) of r = x + y + z . In analogy to (2a) in this case, the formula (see [3 ], p. 50 0 ) 00

(2 .t))

y,z) = G(x,y,z) +B ^ (r2 )Kn (x,y,z) n=1


^X jY jz)


J '

( 1- 0, then K(z) is admissible (in the whole plane). We omit the proof which proceeds along standard lines. LEMMA 2. Let p(z) be admissible in a do­ main D. If P(z) is of class H in a subdomain DQ C D, then I^(p ||z) is of class H in DQ and ©ID (P II z)/flz = p(z). This is a restatement of a classical result in the theory of tY. logarithmic potential.^ §2.

Linear Elliptic Equations and Pseudo-analytic Functions

A linear elliptic equation A11(x,y )xx + 2A12(x,y)^xy + Ag2 (x,y ) ^

(2 .1 ) + A1(x,y)x ,

satisfies (2.2), then




v = - 0, r(x,y) of class H such that (2 .5 )

V*4 > 0.

(F,G) is the desired generating pair. To prove statement (ii) observe that if a = b, then G = I. If D is not the whole plane, we can find a sequence of pairs of functions of class H, {[aJ/(z), b^(z)]}, such that aJ/(z), b j;(z) are defined for all z and vanish outside D; and such that for Iz | > Rj, — > + oo, Ia^(z) I < |a (z)|, |b„(z)| < |b(z)| for all z in D, a j;(z) = a(z), bJ/(z) = b(z) for z € Dp , Dv being a subdomain of D, — > D. For each v we can find a generating pair (F^G^) be­ longing to [a^,b^] and satisfying (4.4), M being independent of v . From the convergence theorems stated at the end of §2 we conclude that a subsequence of {(F^G^)} converges in D to a desired generating pair (F,G). Under the hypothesis of (ii) all G„ = I, so that G = I.

- s ,


BERS §5.

Fundamental Solution, Green’s Function, Dirichlet Problem

In order to illustrate the power of the similarity principle we consider here some classical problems for equation (2.2), which could also be treated by other methods. We assume the coefficients &,/$ to be defined and | | + |P | to be admissible in a simply connected domain D. Let a^j denote the function defined by (2.8). Assume first that D is the whole plane. Let w(z) be the [a^,a^j] pseudo-analytic function similar to f = 1/(z-zQ) and such that w/f = 1 at z = zQ . THEOREM 4.

The function z

zo+1 is a fundamental solution of (2.2) defined in the whole plane with singularity at z = zQ . PROOF. We note Lemma 4 and observe that, by Theorem 3 (ii)> w(z) = (z-z0)”^ + 0(|z-z |^~^), z — > zQ . This implies that A is single-valued and has the right (logarithmic) singularity at zQ. Now let D be bounded and let its boundary be a twice continu­ ously differentiable curve JT• (Note that a and may become infinite on r ) . Let g(zQjz) be the Green’s function for the Laplace equation and the domain D with the singularity at z , and let w be the [a^,a^] pseudo-analytic function similar to f = gx - igy and such that |w/f| = 1 at zQ and Im{w/f} = 0 on T. Let z^ be some point on T . THEOREM 5.

The function z

G(zQ;z) = Re

j J

w dz | Z1

is the Green's function for the equation (2.2) and the domain D, with the singularity at zQ .


PROOF. Noting g = 0 and hence

Lemma 3, we observe that G is single-valued. gxdx + Sv^y A J = 0 on f, so that Re |

j> w dz j- = 0.



The same argument shows that g = 0 on F . By Theorem 3 (ii) and by con­ struction w(z) = e1^(z-zQ ) ^ + 0( |z-z ^), z — > zQ, 7 real. Since G is single-valued, y = 0, and this Implies that G ( z ; z q ) - log [ z - z Q\ is continuous at z = zQ . Note that we proved not only the existence of Green’s function, but also the existence and continuity of its normal derivative. Let y be an arc of jH with the endpoints z^, z2, *y the com­ plementary arc, z^ a point on y . Let m(y;z) denote the harmonic measure of y , that is the bounded harmonic function which equals 1 on y and 0 on 7. Let w be the [a^,a^] pseudo-analytic function simi­ lar to f = mx and such that f/g is real on r and |w/f | = 1 at Zyj. The function z J* w dz jM(y;z) = Re



is a bounded solution of (2.2) which vanishes on y and equals 1 on 7 . (ii) There exists a constant K depending only on a,b such that (5*1)

m(y;z)/K < M(y;z) < Km(y;z).

The proof of (i) follows the same pattern as before and may be omitted. We remark only that it is based on the relations mx - im^ = tj(z-zj) ^ + 0(|z-zjl^ ^) z — > zy tj 0, S > 0, j = 1,2 which are easily established, say by mapping D conformally onto the unit disc. In order to prove (ii) let z be a fixed point in D. Since m - im / 0 i x ^ y in D there exists a smooth curve C joining a point z on y to z such that (m^-iniy)(dx+idy) is positive on C. Integrating along C and noting Theorem 3 (i) we have that z z M(y;z) =


Re | w dz| < K 71


mxdx +

= K m(y;z).


The second inequality in (5.1) can be established similarly. Theorem 6 implies the solvability of the Dirichlet problem for equation (2.2). One can also obtain an integral representation for all positive solutions of (2.2), Fatou's theorem for such solutions, etc.


BERS §6.

Topological Equivalence

Next, we prove THEOREM J . Let 0(x,y) be a single-valued solution of (2.2) which may possess in its domain of definition, D, isolated singularities. Let \ct\ + |)31 be admissible in D. There exists a homeomorphism £ = X(z) of D onto a plane do­ main A which takes into a harmonic function (with isolated singularities). Let c y t , F, G be the functions described in Lemma 5. If £ denotes the discrete set of singularities of , then in D - L there exists an (F,G) pseudo-analytic function of the second kind a> - + lip . and ip satisfy equations (2.6), so that - < ^ x = a(4>l + * 2).

J = If is not a constant, a discrete set Z Q. In metric (6.1)

then by Lemma 3 and Theorem 1, J > 0 except on DQ = D - (Z U £ Q ) we define theRiemannian

d^2 + d\J/2 = g ^ d x 2 + 2g12dx dy + g22dy2> 2 N o ^11^22 ” ^12

The eccentricity of this metric equals s11+g22 ~

/ ---------------------------------- 2 ~

2 y g^

1 + and the similarity principle that (non-constant) entire solutions actually exist. It also follows, in view of Lemma 5, that there exist (over the whole plane) a bounded generating pair (F,G) of the form (2.12) such that every solution of (2.2) is the real part of an (F,G) pseudo-analytic function of the first (or second) kind. (F,G) belongs to a definite coefficient pair [a,b]. We assume now that (B): |a| + |b| is admissible in the whole plane. It can be shown^ that condition (B) is satisfied if |a(f)| + IP (t ) I = 0(|z|”^~^), z — > go, and if for |z| > R the functions Of(z), /?(z) satisfy a _ 1_ £ Holder condition with a fixed exponent rj and constant CR (£ > 0, 0 < 7) < 1, C > 0). For every integer n and for every complex c let w(z) = Z^n ^(c,z ;z) be the [a,b] pseudo-analytic function similar to f(z) = a(z-zQ)n and such that w/f = 1 at z = zQ . It is not difficult to see that the functions ("global formal powers") are determined uniquely. Set $ n (zo ;z) = Re ( Z ^ (1,zQ; z)} , 0 n (zQ ;z) = Re (Z ( i , z Q; z )) , # n (z) = #n (0;z), 0n (z) = 0 n (O;z). For n = 1,2,..., the functions 0 n (z)> ^n^z) are entire solutions of (2.2) "corresponding" to the har­ monic polynomials rncos n0, rnsin n$ ^z = r e ^ ). From the expansion theorem for pseudo-analytic functions we obtain THEOREM 8. Every entire solution admits the unique representation oo


4>(Z) = £


of (2.2)

A / n(z) + Bn^n(z)

n=0 with real An, Bn valid in the whole plane. Con­ versely, if lim sup |An+IBn | = 0, the series (7*1) converges and represents an entire solution.

"^ See [10], §15. 18 See the paper [1] by Agmon and the author for the statement and proof of this theorem.



Consider now equation (2.2) without making any assumptions on the behavior of the coefficients at infinity. Or, more generally, consider an elliptic equation (2.1), with kQ =0, in a domain D without assuming anything about the behavior of the coefficients at the boundary. Does there exist a single non-constant solution in the whole plane (in the whole do­ main D)? This question is still open. It can be answered, however, in the case of a system of two first order equations. Let the coefficients of the system 0 X = A11(x,y)^x + A12(x,y)0y, (7-2) y = A21(x,y )^x + A22(x,y)^y , be We

defined andof class assume that in D



in adomain





may be the whole plane.



(ellipticity condition) but impose no restrictions on the growth of the co­ efficients . THEOREM 9(,&) of system and the mapping morphism of D. 0 = ^ = 0x = 0,

There exists in D

a solution

( 7 . 2 ) such that 0x^y ~ 0y^x > 0 (x,y) — > is a homeoThe solutionmay be chosen so that y = 1 at a given point of D.

The proof of this theorem will be published elsewhere. 19 §8.

Singularities of Solutions of Linear Equations

We consider now isolated singularities of solutions of an elliptic equation (2.1). Since the problem is of a local character we lose no gen­ erality in assuming the equation to be in the form (2.2), with conditions (A), (B) of §7 satisfied. Let [a,b] have the same meaning as in that section. The fundamental solution A constructed in Theorem 4 is the real part of an [a,b] pseudo-analytic function whose imaginary part is easily seen to be multiple-valued. Hence, if *(z) is a single-valued solution of (2.2) defined for 0 < |z-zQ | < R, RQ < |z-zQ | < R, there exists a real constant

or more generally, for C such that


See [13].

This paper also contains the proofs of Lemma 7.



*( z) - C A ( z q ;z ) = Re Cw(z)}, w being a single-valued [a,b] pseudoanalytic function. Thus we obtain from the similarity principle the repre­ sentation (8.1)

^(z) = C A ( z o;z) + Re {es^z^f(z))

forevery solution of (2.2) with an isolated singularity at z . Here f(z) is an analytic function with a singularity at z , and s(z) is of class H in a neighborhood of z . Also, to every f there is an s such that satisfies (2.2). The same representation holds for solu­ tions possessing an isolated singularity at infinity, f(z) being regular analytic for sufficiently large values of |z|. From (8.1) we obtain at once the classification of singularities (into removable, logarithmic, poles and essential). On the other hand we have, by the expansion theorem for pseudoanalytic functions, the following THEOREM 10. Every single-valued solution { z) of (2.2) defined for 0 < RQ < |z-z | < R < + 0,



in a simply connected domain Q (ellipticity domain) of the (p,q)-plane, containing the origin. A function 0(x,y) will be considered a solution of (9.1) only if (^x> y ) « In view of Theorem 9 the linear system k (o 2 )




k £


= —

+ ft 9______2-


h = — 9_


has in 42 a univalent solution M p , q ) , ^ ( p > q ) . In view of the special form of (9.2), however, a stronger statement is true.


LEMMA 7. ^ System (9.2) possesses in Q a solution (A,/0 such that the mapping (p,q) — > * is a homeomorphism of onto a domain and (9 .3a)

X = I =

= 0,

Xp = 1

p = q = o

Xp > 0

(9 .3b)

ku - ku p q q

(9.3c) (9 .3d)



pA.+ q/u > 0



> 0

p2 + q2 > 0.

The lemma implies that equation (9-1) can be written in the form 20 of a "conservation law,"


+ ^ x ' V y

‘Hence, to every solution xjj such that (9.4)


of (9*1) there exists a conjugate function

^x = -Ai(tfx,*y ),

A simple computation shows that

(9-5) where

= °*

x /j

^ y = X( y ).

satisfies the equation

A*(*x'V*xx + 2B#(^x^y)^xy + C*(*x»V*yy A*[-//(p,q),A(p,q) ] = A(p,q)

The ellipticity domain of (9*5) is conjugate.


B , C

are defined similarly.

£ . We call equations (9.1) and (9.5)

Cf. Loewner [23]. System (9-2) is dual, in the sense of Loewner, to equation (9*1) written in the form of a system for p,q.



LEMMA 8. If 0 is a solution of (9.1) and ip the conjugate function, then (o = 0 + lip Is an In­ terior function, that is of the form = f[X(z)] where X is a homeomorphism and f analytic. 2


PROOF. For a non-constant , 0 X + = 0 only at isolated points. In fact, considering A (^x,0y ), B(^x,^y ), C(0x ,0y ) as given functions of (x,y) we can bring equation (9.1) into canonical form and apply Carleman’s theorem. Next J = x y y x = pA. + q/x > 0 except at isolated points in view of (9.3d). This implies the assertion (cf. the proof of Theorem 7). In order to express solutions of (9.1) by pseudo-analytic func­ tions we consider the uniquely determined homeomorphism u = u(p,q), 2 2 2 21 v = v(p,q) of Q onto a domain u + v < R R = + oo


= 0([R-|w| l^"1),


or (9.7)


— =► R < + oo,

£ > 0,

In particular we set (9.8)

E(w) = A + C,

(9 .9 )

F(w) = C,


F(w) = XF +juG,


A(w) = |(G/F)z/Im {G/F}|

We call


the eccentricity and

Q(w) = i - B, G(w) = pG - qF,



the characteristic of equation (9«1).

The existence of the mapping (u,v) follows from Lichtenstein's theorem on the conformal mapping of non-analytic surfaces and from the general uniformization theorem.




It can be shown that if E grows slowly, then R = + oo or R < + oo depending on whether Q is or is not the whole plane. Now let (x,y) be a fixed solution of (9*1) defined in a domain D, ip its conjugate function and w its distorted gradient. We map the domain D onto a domain A in the t -plane conformally with respect to the metric dS^ = C dx^ - 2B dx dy + A dy^ and obtain a parametric representation of


+ Q cr


[QP(Q) ].

Setting p = [1-(T-1)Q^/2] f y _ const. > 1, we obtain the equation of an adiabatic gas flow. In this case = 2/(y+1), R < + «o , Qcr> < + oo, and the equation is of slowly growing eccentricity. The equation of minimal surfaces (9.16)

(1+q2)r - 2pq s + (1+p2)t = 0

is obtained by setting P = (1+Q^)”^/^. R = 2, Q*r = 1, and A = 0. §10.

For this equation

Qcr = + 00,

Entire Solutions of Quasi-linear Equations

A well known theorem of S. Bernstein


states that all entire

solutions of equation (9*16) are linear functions. osition is a generalization of this result.

The following prop­

pp THEOREM 12. If equation (9.1) has a finite conformal radius and a slowly growing characteristic, then all entire solutions of (9-1) are linear.

--- -----------------------------y Bernstein [5 ] obtained this result as a corollary of a geometrical theorem, cf. also E. Hopf [20], Mickle [24]. Other proofs were given by T. Rado [27], the author [7 ], and Heinz [19].



Nece-ssary and sufficient conditions for the existence of non­ linear entire solutions are known only in a relatively simple case. THEOREM 1? . 22 An equation (9.1) of slowly growing eccentricity possesses non-linear entire solutions if and only if Q is the whole plane. Both theorems assert the linearity of all entire solutions only under the assumption that R < + oo. Simple examples show that the con24 dition R < 00 alone is insufficient. §11.

Singularities of Solutions of Quasi-linear Equations

Sometime ago I proved that single-valued solutions of the equa­ tion (9.16) of minimal surfaces possess at finite points only removable 25 isolated singularities. In order that such a theorem hold for an equation of the form (9.14) it is necessary that Q*r C + 00


(cf. (9.15)). In fact, if Qo„ = + 00, then (9.14) has asolutionof the 2 2 2 form = 0(r), r = x + y , which becomes singular for r = 0. I con­ jectured that this condition is also sufficient. R. Finn not only veri­ fied this but also obtained a more general theorem which can be restated as follows. THEOREM 14. (Finn27) Assume that the ellipticity domain Q of equation (9.1) is convex and the ellipticity domain Q of equation (9*5) conjugate to (9.1) is bounded. Then if 0(z) is a single-valued solution of (9*1) defined for 0 < |z—z | < r, ^(z0) may be defined so that (z) becomes a regular solution of (9*1) for |z—z | < r.

Sufficient conditions for Bernstein’s theorem were also obtained by R. Finn (oral communication). Their relation to our conditions has not been clarified. 25

Cf. [7 ], Theorem IX.

[6 ], p. 1 6 3 . There it is also conjectured that (11.1) implies Bernstein’s theorem, but this is probably wrong. ^

Finn [16].



Finn begins his proof by showing, by an elementary but intricate argument, that (11.2)

4>(z) = 0(1),

This also follows from Lem m a 8. 2

z -----» zQ.

In fact, by (9.4) and the hypothesis,


il>x + = 0(1), so that i/>(z) is single-valued and attains a limit \J;Q as z ---> zQ . A homeomorphism of 0 < |z-z | < r onto a domain, which may be chosen as 0 < < |?| R^ for z > zQ . Then 0 for |? | ---> R^j, and hence 4> = 0(1), either by the theorem on removable singularities (if R^ = 0) or by the reflection principle (if R^ > 0). If Q is the whole plane, the proof can be completed, following Finn, by choosing an rQ, 0 < rQ < r and considering the solution *(z)

of the boundary value problemfor (9*1) in thedomain boundary values 4>{z). Set A = A(„),

By (9.1.) (A-A)(0x -^x ) +

(fZ -H )
