Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy, Volume I; including joint papers with J. E. Littlewood and others. Diophantine Approximation; Additive Number Theory; Complete List of Hardy's Mathematical Papers

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Collected Papers of G. H. Hardy, Volume I; including joint papers with J. E. Littlewood and others. Diophantine Approximation; Additive Number Theory; Complete List of Hardy's Mathematical Papers

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Table of contents :
Editorial Note
Contents of Volume I
Godfrey Harold Hardy, by E. C. TITCHMARSH
1912, 4 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Mathematicians, Cambridge, 1912, i. 223-9. Published 1913.
1914, 2 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation. I. The fractional part of n^k θ. Acta Mathematica, 37, 155-91.
1914, 3 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation. II. The trigonometrical series associated with the elliptic θ-functions. Acta Mathematica, 37, 193-238.
1916, 3 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: A remarkable trigonometrical series. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2, 583-6.
1916, 9 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: The series ∑ e(λ_n) and the distribution of the points (λ_n α). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 3, 84-88. Published 1917.
1919, 4. A problem of Diophantine approximation. Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society, 11, 162-6.
1922, 5 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: A further note on the trigonometrical series associated with the elliptic thetafunctions. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 21, 1-5.
1922, 6 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: The lattice-points of a right-angled triangle. Proceedings of the London Mathematieal Society, (2) 20, 15-36.
1922, 9 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: The lattice-points of a right-angled triangle. (Second memoir.) Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universität, 1, 212-49. Published 1921.
1923, 3 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: The analytic character of the sum of a Dirichlet's series considered by Hecke. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathernatischen Seminar der Hamburgischen Universität, 3, 57-68.
1923, 4 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: The analytic properties of certain Dirichlet's series associated with the distribution of numbers to modulus unity. Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 22, 519- 33.
1925, 4 (with J.E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: An additional note on the trigonometrical series associated with the elliptic theta-functions. Acta Mathematica, 47, 189-98. Published 1926.
1930, 3 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of Diophantine approximation: A series of cosecants. Bulletin of the Calcatta Mathematical Society, 20, 251-66.
1946, 1 (with J. E. Littlewood). Notes on the theory of series (XXIV): A curious power series. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 42, 85-90.
(a) Combinatory analysis and sums of squares
1916, 10. Asymptotic formulae in combinatory analysis. Quatrième Congrès des Mathématiciens Scandinaves, Stockholm, 1916, 45-53. Published 1920.
1917, 1 (with S. Ramanujan). Une formule asymptotique pour le nombre des partitions de n. Comptes Rendus, 164, 35-38.
1917, 4 (with S. Ramanujan). Asymptotic formulae for the distribution of integers of various types. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (2) 16, 112-32.
1918, 2 (with S. Ramanujan). On the coefficients in the expansions of certain modular functions. Proceedings of the Royal Society, A, 95, 144-55.
1918, 5 (with S. Ramanujan). Asymptotic formulae in combinatory analysis. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (2) 17, 75-115.
1918, 10. On the representation of a number as the sum of any number of squares, and in particular of five or seven. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 4, 189-93.
1920, 10. On the representation of a number as the sum of any number of squares, and in particular of five. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 21, 255-84.
(b) Waring's Problem
1920, 2 (with J. E. Littlewood). A new solution of Waring's Problem. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 4B, 272-93.
1920, 5 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': I. A new solution of Waring's Problem. Nachrichten von der K. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Math. -phys. Klasse, 1920, 33-54.
1921, 1 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': II. Proof that every large number is the sum of at most 21 biquadrates. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 9, 14-27. Published 1920.
1922, 4 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': IV. The singular series in Waring's Problem and the value of the number G(k). Mathematische Zeitschrift, 12, 161-88.
1925, 1 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': VI. Further researches in Waring's Problem. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 23, 1-37.
1928, 4 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': VIII. The number Γ(k) in Waring's Problem. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (2) 28, 518-42.
(c) Goldbach's Problem
1919, 1 (with J. E. Littlewood). Note on Messrs. Shah and Wilson's paper entitled: 'On an empirical formula connected with Goldbach's Theorem'. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 19, 245-54.
1922, 1. Goldbach's Theorem. Matematisk Tidsskrift B, 1922, 1-16.
1922, 3 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': III. On the expression of a number as a sum of primes. Acta Mathematica, 44, 1-70.
1922, 8 (with J. E. Littlewood). Summation of a certain multiple series. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (2) 20, xxx. Published 1921.
1924, 6 (with J. E. Littlewood). Some problems of 'Partitio Numerorum': V. A further contribution to the study of Goldbach's Problem. Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, (2) 22, 46-56. Published 1923.
(d) Inaugural Lecture (Oxford 1920)
1920, 11. Some famous problems of the Theory of Numbers and in particular Waring's Problem.
Arrangement of the Volumes.
Complete list of Hardy's mathematical papers.

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