Coding to Excellence: Foundations of Computer Science 9789730397161

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Coding to Excellence: Foundations of Computer Science

Table of contents :
Chapter 1 – Linear Structure
Chapter 2 – Conditional Structure
2.1 Problems of Minima/Maxima/Equality
2.2 Divisibility Problems
2.3 Determining the last digit of a power: xy
2.4 Geometry Problems
2.5 Calculating the values of expressions
2.6 Solving equations
Chapter 3 – Repetitive Structure
3.1 Processing the digits of a number
3.2 The Greatest Common Divisor. The Least Common Multiple. Prime factorization.
3.3 Divisors of a number. Checking for the prime number property.
3.4 Processing numbers in the interval [a, b]
3.5 Processing n integer numbers read from the keyboard
3.6 Generating the first n numbers that satisfy a given condition.
3.7 Generating the first n pairs of numbers (a, b) that satisfy a given condition.
3.8 Generating the nearest number x to a given n (number x satisfies a specified condition).
3.9 Decomposing a number into the sum/product of two or three terms that satisfy a condition.
3.10 Fibonacci Sequence
3.11 Evaluating expressions
3.12 Patterns Display Problems
Chapter 4 – One-dimensional arrays
4.1 Iterating with Processing of Elements.
4.2 Sequential/Linear Search
4.3 Insertion of a New Component
4.4 Deletion of a New Component
4.5 Sorting of components
4.6 Binary Search
4.7 Changing the order of components according to various criteria.
4.8 Merging of two arrays
4.9 Set Operations
4.10 Processing all pairs or triplets that satisfy a given condition.
4.11 Processing sequences of adjacent values
4.12 Computation of Expressions
4.13 Generation Problems
4.14 Operations with Large Numbers
4.15 Processing numbers in Different Numeral Systems
4.16 Frequency Vectors
Chapter 5 – Two-dimensional arrays
5.1 Iterating with Processing of Elements
5.2 Row(s) Processing
5.3 Column(s) Processing
5.4 Deleting a Row
5.5 Deleting a Column
5.6 Generation Problems
5.7 Rearranging Components According to Various Criteria
5.8 Square Matrices
5.8.1 Diagonals Processing
5.8.2 Processing Areas Bounded By Diagonals
Chapter 6 – Character Strings
6.1 Iterating with processing of Elements
6.2 Characters Deletion
6.3 Displaying characters sorted by different criteria
6.4 Splitting a text into “words”
6.5 Replacing Characters
6.6 Processing n strings of characters
6.7 Processing texts from file
Chapter 7 – Text files
Chapter 8 – Structure type
Chapter 9 – Subroutines/Methods
9.1 Numerical Processing
9.2 Processing One – Dimensional Arrays
9.3 Processing Two – Dimensional Arrays
9.4 Processing Characters Strings
Chapter 10 – Recursion
10.1 Numerical Processing
10.2 Calculating the value of recursive expressions
10.3 Processing One – Dimensional Arrays
10.4 Processing Two – Dimensional Arrays
10.5 Processing Character Strings
Chapter 11 – Backtracking
11.1 Permutations and Derived Problems
11.2 Arrangements and Derived Problems
11.3 Combinations and Derived Problems
11.4 Subsets and Derived Problems
11.5 Cartesian Product and Derived Problems
11.6 Set partitions and Derived Problems
11.7 Number partitions and Derived Problems
11.8 Problems with Variable Solution Length
11.9 Generalized Backtracking
Chapter 12 – Divide & Conquer
Chapter 13 – Greedy Technique
Chapter 14 – Dynamic Programming
Chapter 15 – Lists
15.1 Singly Linked Lists. Creation. Traversal
15.2 Singly Linked Lists. Insertion.
15.3 Singly Linked Lists. Deletion.
15.4 Singly Linked Lists. Sorting. Merging.
15.5 Doubly Linked Lists
15.6 Circular Lists
15.7 Stacks
15.8 Queues
Chapter 16 – Graphs
16.1 Undirected Graphs. Internal Memory Representation.
16.2 Undirected Graphs. Traversal
16.3 Undirected Graphs. Connected Components
16.4 Directed Graphs. Storage. Traversal
16.5 Shortest Paths. Minimum Chains.
16.6 Minimum Cost Spanning Tree.
16.7 Hamiltonian Graphs. Eulerian Graphs
Chapter 17 – Trees and Arborescences
17.1 General Trees
17.2 Arborescences
17.3 Binary Trees. Binary Search Trees.
Chapter 18 – Fundamental Algorithms
Chapter 19 – Proposed Exercise to resolve

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