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English Pages [348] Year 1994
Table of contents :
How to use the book
1 Bird Opening (1 P-KB4): The mating pattern
2 IrreguIar KN Opening-Damiano Defense: The discarded line
3 The Four Knights Opening: Characteristics of the beginner
4 Irregular Opening (1 P-K3): Proper play against the beginner
5 The Ponziani Opening: Opening play
6 The French Defense (3 P-K5): Ideas in "book" openings
7 Irregular King's Pawn Opening (1 P-K4 P-K4 2 Q-R5): The warranted and the unwarranted attack
8 The Four Knights Opening: Use of superiority in development
9 The Queen's Gambit Declined (3 P-B5?): Exploitation of non-book line
10 Semi-ItaIian Opening (3...P-KR3): Exploitation of loss of tempo
11 The Philidor Defense: Use of advantage in space and time
12 Ruy Lopez (3...KN-K2): Cutting communication between sides
13 The Double Fianchetto: Play against the fianchetto
14 The King-side Fianchetto: Formulation of a series of strategie plans
15 The Center Counter Game: Tempi and half-tempi
16 The Queen's Gambit Accepted: Formulation of a mating plan
17 The Center Counter Gambit: The nature of the gambit
18 The Göring Gambit (Scotch Game): The search for the best tactical movas
19 The Queen's Gambit Declined-Marshall Variation: Bishop sacrifice on KR 7
20 The Queen's Gambit Declined-Marshall Variation: When to ignore "development first"
21 The French Defense-Classical Variation: The strong square and the Good Bishop
22 The French Defense-Winawer Variation: Play on two fronts
23 The French Defense-Alekhine-Chatard Variation: The accumulation of force
24 The King's Gambit Accepted-Allgaier Gambit: Piece sacrifice to bring enemy King into the open field
25 Giuoco Piano: Play against King in center of board