Celestial Angel Magick is a groundbreaking book. Using rare sigils, pathworking, and easy-to-follow techniques, this boo
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English Pages [76] Year 2023
Table of contents :
Celestial Angel Magick
Discovering The Angels of The Moon
A Summary of The Ritual Method
1. Al-Sharatain
2. Al-Butain
3. Al-Thurayya
4. Al-Dabaran
5. Al-Haqa
6. Al-Hana
7. Al-Dhira
8. Al-Nathrah
9. Al-Tarf
10. Al-Jabhah
11. Al-Zubrah
12. Al-Sarfah
13. Al-Awwa
14. Al-Simak
15. Al-Ghafr
16. Al-Zubana
17. Al-Iklil
18. Al-Qalb
19. Al-Shaulah
20. Al-Na’am
21. Al-Baldah
22. Sa’d al-Dhabih
23. Sa’d Bula
24. Sa’d al-Su’ud
25. Sa’d al-Akhbiyah
26. Al-Fargh al-Mukdim
27. Al Fargh al-Thani
28. Batn al-Hut
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Contents Celestial Angel Magick Discovering The Angels of The Moon A Summary of The Ritual Method 1. Al-Sharatain 2. Al-Butain 3. Al-Thurayya 4. Al-Dabaran 5. Al-Haqa 6. Al-Hana 7. Al-Dhira 8. Al-Nathrah 9. Al-Tarf 10. Al-Jabhah 11. Al-Zubrah 12. Al-Sarfah 13. Al-Awwa 14. Al-Simak 15. Al-Ghafr 16. Al-Zubana 17. Al-Iklil 18. Al-Qalb 19. Al-Shaulah 20. Al-Na’am 21. Al-Baldah 22. Sa’d al-Dhabih 23. Sa’d Bula 24. Sa’d al-Su’ud 25. Sa’d al-Akhbiyah 26. Al-Fargh al-Mukdim 27. Al Fargh al-Thani 28. Batn al-Hut
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Celestial Angel Magick Pathworking and Sigils for The Mansions of The Moon
Discovering The Angels of The Moon Welcome to an unlikely direction in practical magick. You have a rare opportunity to tap into new realms and gain access to knowledge and abilities beyond the scope of ordinary human experience. And that’s it for the hype. This magick works. It’s different to anything else out there right now. The method has been kept extremely secret. You can work with magick that has never been shared before, and that gives you many ways to strengthen your magickal power. If you know me or my books, you know I don’t like drivel, padding, or waffle too much. I like to get to the point. And I’m going to do that in this book by telling you only what you need to know, with the briefest and most precise instructions possible and the clearest descriptions of the powers. It’s not going to be a great book if you want a long speculation on how magick works or why. In some of my other books, there’s more background, but I think you can decide whether you need all that extra baggage. People who use magick find that it works, and you can do that today. Imagine you want to start a fire, and somebody gives you a choice. They can give you some matches or a book about learning the methods needed to make fire. Which would you choose? Don't waste your time learning the underlying methods when you need the warmth now. If you are cold now, that’s your priority. In most cases, it's wise to take the matches, get the fire burning bright, and light the way. You can worry about the "book stuff" later on if you need it. Unfortunately, in the world of magick, many people approach it the other way around. They spend countless hours learning ridiculous requirements, purifications, and obscure methods and theories before even thinking a magickal thought, let alone performing a ritual. But with Celestial Angel Magick, there's none of that time-wasting. Think of this book as being more like a book of matches. Try it out, and it should work. You won't find pages and pages of padding or endless speculation on how magick works. Instead, you'll find the briefest and most precise instructions necessary to unlock the full power of Lunar Angels. Stop wasting your time and start making your dreams a reality with Celestial Angel Magick.
Will it always work? Modern occultists have lots of different approaches, but almost all of them say magick works when you push on a weakness. Find something that’s ready to change. Look for a part of your life that could improve. Don’t make wishes. Perform magick for something that could happen. I could write half a book about this, but you’ve been told. Follow that advice, and you’ll do well. If you want a single key to magick, it’s that. Apply pressure to the weak points. Improve weaknesses not strengths. Change things that change easily. Do enough of this, and big changes happen. Your job is not to pack the building with explosives. Your job is to remove one brick and watch it collapse. You might be filled with fear. You might think this could make you look stupid, waste your time, put you in danger, or turn your life upside down. I would love to sit with you and work magick with you, to show that it’s safe and that you can do it for a reason. You can do it because it works. This is an opportunity for you to explore the world of Lunar Angels and unlock their potential. And with my guidance, you can do so safely and efficiently in no time at all. Don't let fear hold you back from unlocking the full power of magick. Let's work together and prove to you that this is an opportunity worth exploring. If you’re the curious type, you’re probably wondering where this magick came from. And it’s a fair question. We live in a golden age of occultism, with more methods and mysteries being shared at a rate never seen before in the history of magick. But with that comes some fakery, some deception, and a handful of bad actors, willing to take your money as fast as they can. It’s only a few (and they know who they are) but some people make up magick without any real experience and sell it as though they are experts. Who can blame them when that’s what the system demands? Magick books sell. Not brilliantly, but they sell, and some people will make up any old crap to make a sale. It’s good to be curious and to check your sources. Where does this magick come from? Is the author somebody with a reputation for being knowledgeable, or is this a rip-off of something else that’s out there? I hope you find what’s in this book new, but I also want you to know it comes from two delightful sources. You won’t find them in The British Library, or some obscure shelf in Paris, so it’s not the usual romantic story of
occult research, but for me, this is a more satisfying and exciting way to discover magick. As an occultist and sometime collector of rare manuscripts, I have been approached by many so-called experts claiming to have ancient texts and sigils of great power. They claim this because there’s a lot of money to be made from ancient manuscripts. It’s a whole sub-culture, and people like me will spend a small fortune to get our hands on manuscripts, just in case they have some secret we’ve never seen before. It’s a cliché to say that occultists have whole libraries of books and papers, but it’s a cliché because, for some of us who like to explore all the possibilities, it is how we live. Many of the people I come into contact with are frauds, in the literal sense of the word, trying to sell dubious documents at outrageous prices. Others are harder to judge, with convincing stories of how they came across these ‘priceless’ papers and drawings. Occasionally, I’ve taken a chance on something that feels right, even though it doesn’t make complete sense. That’s how I found the sigils in this book. Although this time, there was something different because I found the secrets twice. The first time, the manuscript was not sold to me, but gifted. I was approached and gently urged to be interested in the findings of a man claiming to have found a unique set of sigils in an unlikely place in England. I was cautious, but I decided to listen to what he had to say, out of curiosity. The background story he told me was fanciful, and I dismissed it all. But there was something about the manuscript itself that held my attention. Reading between the lines, I could tell this wasn’t fakery. He left me with what appeared to be the only copy of a private, handwritten grimoire. This in itself is not such a big deal. For every exciting story like this, there’s another story where I bought a book that’s never been any use at all. But when it comes to books, the gamble can pay off. Many of the manuscripts we treasure, the grimoires that we see as Textbooks of Truth, are usually the ancient, private diaries of people who were exploring magick. They are not sets of rules and practices, set in stone to be observed as the ultimate rules, but gradual exploration, including mistakes, places where the occultist got lost and made unexplained discoveries along the way. Occultists now take the old works, find the best parts of them, and decode the instructions to find something that works in the modern world. With this book, it was a bit different.
At first, I was hesitant to take it seriously. What if it was just another tome of fanciful stories and empty promises? But something in my gut told me to take it seriously. I slowly scanned through the pages, and I enjoyed looking at the sigils. They were unlike anything I had ever seen before. They felt heavy with energy, and even as I looked at them, I felt a sensation of anticipation stirring inside me. Unfortunately, the book did not contain sufficient instruction. I tried using the sigils, using standard methods, but nothing happened. It was only when I came to own a second manuscript twelve years later (in the middle of the pandemic) that I knew we were onto something. This second book contained identical sigils (which is very, very unusual when looking across old manuscripts.) Usually, sigils are copied from volume to volume with errors creeping in. These looked like photographs, yet the manuscript’s age made this impossible. A mystery. Secondly, this additional manuscript contained detailed instructions and a pathworking method that unlocks the magick. I have worked with this magick for a couple of years now, and guess what I found? It works surprisingly well. When magick works, I don’t care where too much it came from, but I know some people do. It would be good to know the complete history, but we don’t, and we can be comfortable with that. The origins of most sigils are completely obscured. The angels covered in this book are well-known, but there are inconsistent messages about them, their powers, and even their names. I’ve done all the research and footnoting in the past; all serious occultists do at some point. But I also know that if somebody puts a private grimoire in your hand, it’s worth taking a look. What’s private might be nothing more than personal musings. But it could be magick that works for everyone. I hope you’ll find that’s what you’re getting now. As I continued to work with the sigils and pathworking images (that connect you to the power), I realized that I had stumbled upon something unique. It was not until I put my doubts aside and gave them a chance that I discovered their potential. When I tell you about these angels, know that I speak from personal experience, and I urge you not to let your doubts hold you back from exploring everything they can do. The sigils contain something like writing and lettering, but there is no inherent meaning. The shapes, letters, lines, and patterns, are a code of
imagery that unlocks the magick. You don’t (and can’t) interpret them, as they are a key for opening the magickal door. You’ll be working with twenty-eight angels known as the Angels of The Mansions of The Moon. And if you’ve done much reading, you’ll know these angels are hardly ever used in practical magick. And with good reason. There are so many different versions of these angels that it’s impossible to tell which is authentic. You can look at Agrippa and Abenragel, for example, and they list completely different names and powers for these angels. Others make close ties to astrology, while some treat them more as pagan god-like entities. The Lunar Angels are a concept in magick that relates to the twentyeight sectors or ‘mansions’ of the moon’s monthly journey through the zodiac. Each of these mansions is associated with a specific angelic being who is said to rule over that particular lunar mansion and preside over the energies and influences of the moon as it travels through that sector. The names and characteristics of these angelic beings varies depending on the tradition or system of astrology or magick being used. For example, in the Arabic system of magic, the angels of the moon mansions are known as the ‘Moon Angels’ or ‘Angels of the Mansions of the Moon,’ while in the Western Hermetic tradition they are referred to as the ‘Lunar Angels.’ There are a number of sources that provide information about the mansions of the moon and the corresponding angels, such as these: The Picatrix, also known as the Ghayat Al-Hakim, is a medieval Arabic grimoire that contains astrological and magickal instructions for working with the stars and planets. It includes a section on the mansions of the moon, including descriptions of the angels and their powers. The Book of the Moon, written by the Persian philosopher and astrologer Abu Ma’shar al-Balkhi (787-886 CE), includes information on the mansions of the moon and their associated spirits. Liber Lunae is a medieval Latin grimoire attributed to the Italian alchemist and astrologer Guido Bonatti (c. 1210-1290 CE) and includes descriptions of the mansions of the moon and the spirits. These are just a few examples of the many texts and sources that provide information about the mansions of the moon and the corresponding angels. They will look different to what you get in this book, and you might wonder how we’re talking about the same thing. It’s been a problem for such a long time, and that’s why these spirits are rarely used. With different
names in every manuscript, it seems like somebody chose to hide the truth early on. Each source has different names, descriptions, and interpretations of the angels and their powers, making it important to approach these texts with a critical eye and an awareness of the historical and cultural contexts in which they were produced. There is absolutely no consistency in naming conventions. For example, the first angel is variously named Alnath, Malkhidael, AlSharatain, AshvinIi, and Ilnath. How are you ever supposed to create workable magick when you can’t even find the right name? I never had a solution until these manuscripts appeared. The names they used worked, and that, for me, matters more than how the names were found or derived. The names are so utterly different from manuscript to manuscript, that it feels pointless trying to find the ‘right’ name. A couple of people have attempted to cram together a workable system, but I’ve not found anything else that works. It’s a shame that it has taken so long to get this magick to work, as these angels have real power, and best of all, it’s a power that feels strong and weighty while being easy to access. And so, in this book, I share with you three things. The consistent sigils for each moon angel. The pathworking for each angel. And a simple ritual technique that brings this together in almost no time. Although there is a connection to the zodiac in the earlier sources, everything I have found suggests that it is only a model, a framework that helps to create a structure for understanding. In other words, I have already done the work for you, so you don’t need to worry about it. You can use any angel, on any day, for anything you want, and there’s no need to take astrology into consideration. If you are heavily into astrology and have ideas about how to improve this magick with your choices, go for it. But if not, trust that you’re working the same way as me, and I have found this magick incredibly satisfying. Pathworking is a powerful tool for connecting with the spiritual realm, and the best part is, you don't need any special skills to do it. All you need is a desire. Desire is all the imagination you need to unlock the full potential of pathworking. Think about it - anything you desire but don't yet have is your imagination telling you what you want. And with the help of pathworking, you can turn those desires into a reality. You don't need to spend countless
hours studying or learning complicated techniques. All you need is a willingness to explore the magick. Unlike some other forms of magick, pathworking with angels is a safe and simple practice that doesn’t require you to learn difficult visualization methods or train in demanding mental techniques. Instead, you will read lines of imagery to align yourself with the angel you are trying to connect with. This can be as easy as reading about a sequence of images and then communicating your desire to the angel. That’s all pathworking is; reading descriptions with a magickal intent. In pathworking, your desire becomes the angel’s desire, creating a correspondence of intention that ensures you get the results you want. There is no need for the authority of special power words, nor any reward or sacrifice of any kind. This makes pathworking with angels both powerful and safe. Some people believe that you can’t get something for nothing, but with pathworking, you get what you desire simply by filling your magick with intention and communicating it to the angel. Even if you struggle with imagining things, this will work for you. It’s a simple and effective method that can help you achieve your goals without any negative consequences or difficult techniques to master. In addition to pathworking with angels, this method also utilizes sigils. The process is incredibly simple. All you need to do is look at the sigil and scan your eyes over it. This is an easy but important part of the magick, as it helps to activate the sigil and connect you with the angelic energy you are working with. When using this method, don’t forget to incorporate sigils into your practice by simply looking at them and scanning your eyes over them. I’ll give you the exact instructions (which aren’t much more complicated than this paragraph) when we get to the ritual. The sigils are not perfectly black and white but have a grey tone to them. This is because they are photographs of the sigils, straight from my manuscript, reproduced without deliberately fading them to white. While they might look prettier if I’d done that, I’ve reproduced them exactly as I see them in my copy. If you want to know more about pathworking, there’s a longer description in Goetia Pathworking, and there are sigils throughout most of my other books. For this book, kept shorter by design, I hope you’ll be happy to skip through all that and get on with it now.
Magick can be a rewarding practice that may not always work perfectly, but that’s just like any other tool or appliance. Entitlement is not the answer, so don’t panic or get upset if something doesn’t work on the first try. Sometimes, a small failure can lead to a bigger success if you don’t get too concerned. It is important to remember that when you do magick, you are communicating with angels, and it is vital to treat them as such. It’s not about being afraid of them, but about grounding yourself in the reality of magick. Your magick should feel important, astonishing, and powerful, not like a crazy favor that you’re owed. An entitled attitude is the worst possible attitude you can have when using magick. Magick requires focus and intention, and entitlement will only make you lazy. You should work on building a sense of expectation without desperation. Know things will come, but never demand how or when, and never get pissed at the magick. If you find magick never works, it’s fine to get pissed, but don’t be a sceptic and rush to decide it’s all crap too readily. Let yourself try magick; let the results build. While magick may not work perfectly every time, it can be an incredibly rewarding practice because it can get a result. Remember to approach it with a willingness to fail. Every time you fail, you are closer to getting a result. Start small, start with magick for things that don’t matter too much, and as you feel your attachment and connection to these angels growing, see how far you can take this power. It will be way further than you can dream of now. Your first task as an angelic practitioner is determining your deepest desires and finding the appropriate angelic being to help manifest them. While there are many resources that offer lists of angels for love, money, and other specific needs, relying solely on these lists may prevent you from discovering the full potential of your spiritual practice. Instead, take the time to delve deeper into your own needs and wants, and then explore the vast universe of angelic powers to find the perfect match. It may take some time and effort, reading the whole book, but the rewards of discovering the right angel to help you achieve your goals are immeasurable. Sometimes, an angelic power may speak to you and call out to you, drawing you towards it. Other times, you may use logic to choose what you
need. Regardless of how you approach it, finding the right angel to work with is an important step. However, before you begin, it’s important to avoid the beginner’s trap of trying to achieve too much too quickly. The power of angelic magick is vast, but attempting to change your entire life with one massive desire or using numerous half-hearted rituals will not yield the results you seek. Instead, focus on one area of discomfort at a time and seek out an angelic power that can help ease that discomfort. If you’re struggling to pay the bills, for example, your discomfort may be alleviated by finding an angelic power that can help you pay off your debts and achieve financial stability. Remember, sometimes the simplest desires can yield the most rewarding results. Take the time to explore your desires and find the right angelic being to help you manifest them. Trust in the power of the universe to guide you towards the correct angel and focus on easing your discomfort one step at a time. With patience and determination, you can achieve great things with the help of your angelic allies. Once you have a clear vision of what you desire, it’s time to bring it to life with the help of angels. Formulating your desire into a phrase is the key to successfully passing it on to the angels during the ritual. And trust me, it’s not as daunting as it may seem. Let’s say you want to heal yourself from the emotional distress you have been experiencing lately. You can seek the help of the powerful angel Al-Butain, who thrives in areas of mental and emotional healing. All you have to do is create a phrase that encapsulates your desire. It doesn’t have to be complicated or lengthy. Simply stating, “I ask to overcome the anxiety of the past month,” is enough. You don’t need to explain the details of what happened or how it will happen. The angels always understand your intentions and will guide you towards the magickal outcome you seek. Some may prefer using assertive phrases such as, “I command,” or “It is my will that,” but I think you are better off using a request. You ask, you receive. In pathworking, it’s crucial to create a sense of cooperation and balance with the angels. By asking for help, you’re not being hopeful but rather opening yourself up to the power of working with the angels.
Think of it as asking a friend to go out to dinner rather than commanding them to eat food. Angels may not be human, but the concept remains the same. By making a request, you create a shared desire, which establishes the perfect balance of power and intention. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a newbie, work with the power of request. You may be surprised at how quickly and efficiently the angels can bring your desire to life. Together, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve the outcome you seek. You only need to say, “I ask”, and there is no need to beg, say please, or tell the angel why you deserve the result. Keep it simple. Many magick books suggest that you should phrase your request in the present tense, as if you already have what you desire. However, when working with these angels through pathworking, you should make a request about the future without pretending that it has already happened. Angels work with your lack, your need, and the current reality that you wish to change. By taking the energy from your request, they empower the change necessary to create or attract what you want. For instance, instead of saying, “I now have all the money I need to pay my debts,” a better request would be, “I ask that you provide all the money I need to pay off my debts.” It is crucial to be precise with your request, but not too specific. Rather than asking for limitless money, it’s better to ask for enough money to pay off your debts. Sometimes, leaving out specific details and asking for a broader outcome, such as getting out of debt, can result in astonishing coincidences that make your request a reality. You only need to formulate your desire into a sentence that requests help. If you want help paying a bill, you could come up with something as simple as “I ask that you help me find a way to pay this bill.” Keep it vague enough to leave the potential wide open. Don’t say where the money comes from. And this is the same for any desire. Create it as a polite request, with enough clarity to communicate your need, but open enough that it could be solved in a thousand different ways. The angels will find the easiest way. And you should always live your life in harmony with your request. There’s no point in asking to get out of debt and then going on a spending spree. Align yourself with the magick, and it works ten times more easily. It’s not necessary to write down your request, but if it helps you remember, you can do so. Remember that the best requests are short and to the point; no more than a sentence. During the ritual, you don’t have to say
the phrase out loud, but you should think about it and feel it with all your heart and soul. With practice and time, you will develop the skill of knowing what to ask for and how to work with the angels to make your desires a reality. In the practice of pathworking with angels, it’s important to avoid fixating on visualizing their physical form. Unlike other spiritual practices that require a clear image of the deity or spirit, pathworking relies on connecting with the angel through their essence and attributes. Instead of spending time trying to conjure up an image of the angel, focus on their name and sigil, and the pathworking phrases, to establish a connection. Through studying their qualities and powers, you can gain a sense of their unique personality and divine essence. By allowing your mind to remain unburdened by the effort of visualizing the angel, you can open yourself up to a deeper connection with their spirit. That’s it, and you’re ready to go. You’ve chosen the right angel to bring you what you want. Learn the ritual method, turn to the right page, and get on with your magick. The Ritual Method for the Lunar Angels One hour prior to the ritual, create a peaceful atmosphere by minimizing noise and distractions. Turn off all electronic devices such as phones, computers, and televisions. Allow yourself to be alone in silence and take the time to quiet your mind. Gaze at the angel’s sigil for a few moments. This is an introduction. You’re looking at a symbol that represents the angel. In gazing at it, without any great effort or purpose, you introduce yourself to the angel and get the angel to pay attention to you. With soft eyes, look gently at the sigil, passing your eyes over the shapes and lines, knowing that this makes the angel come into your presence as easily as that. To complete this part of the process, say the angel’s name three times. You can say it out loud or in your mind, but out loud is better. There’s a pronunciation guide for each name, but as always, this is vague and doesn’t need to be in any way precise. Say the angel’s name in a way that feels right for you, and that, combined with the sigil and the pathworking means that contact has been made. If you’ve used my other pathworking book, the ritual involves a series of breaths, images, and various processes to get it to work. It’s not overly
complicated, but this is even simpler. After looking at the sigil, you make full contact with the angel by reading the lines of the pathworking. You can read them out loud or in your mind. If you can, picture them with all your senses. If you can’t visualize at all, the angel knows, and the words will be enough. You now speak your request. Know you are saying this to the angel you have summoned. And that’s it. The ritual is over. Close the book. If this doesn’t feel ritualistic enough to you, I think that’s a good thing. Magick can be this simple. If you want to dress it up with chants, consciousness-altering techniques, weird offerings, and a big ceremony at the end, go ahead. But you don’t need to. I know it sounds too simple. You might feel the need to ask the angel’s permission, to give things, to check your request, to test if the angel is present, and all that sort of stuff. But don’t. Just accept that this is really simple and be glad you can do it this easily. Magick done with some sense of joy and expectation, is ten times better than a complex ceremonial ritual that only generates a few mild feelings. Enjoy your magick and enjoy knowing that good things are coming your way. You get a description of each angel, a way to pronounce its name, its potential powers, followed by a sigil and the lines of text describing the pathworking. This is all you need to choose your angel and perform a ritual. You’ll notice that many angels share the same powers, so which should you use? Read the full description of the angel to get a feeling for the nature of its powers. This will trigger something in you that enables you to make a decision. Each angel has many powers, but you don’t have to work with them all, and doing so would be too watered down. Choose the power of the angel that relates to you, and make your request apply to that power. I’ve translated and then rewritten the text found in the manuscripts, which makes the style unusual, but hopefully clear. The changes I have made are for clarity, improved translation, or to make a connection with more modern concerns. Looking through these powers, you could find five things that need solving today, but I urge some restraint. Too much magick has the effect of making you feel helpless, as though your magick isn’t very good. Be more confident. Use it sparingly. See the results come in, and then do more. Avoid waiting for results. Expect them, but don’t wait impatiently. This is virtually no different to waiting for anything in life. If your best friend has
travelled around the world to see you, and you sit by the window waiting for her to arrive, you know damn well she’ll turn up the moment you give up and put the kettle on. It’s the same with magick. Pay attention when you’re doing magick, then forget about it afterwards. Let it do its work in the background, and don’t take that energy away by poking at it with doubts and impatience. You may have many questions, about which power to use, whether it applies, what matters most, when to time it correctly, how often to repeat it, and how much you can do at once. Use common sense. It matters. These angels respond to your taking responsibility for your magick. This is important and it’s why the instructions are so brief. Be assured that everything you need has been explained. You are ready to perform this magick, so begin to explore the powers by reading the rest of the book.
A Summary of The Ritual Method Use this summary when you’ve read the instructions properly, or you’ll probably mess it up. Decide what you want to affect with magick. Select an angel with a power that works for your desire. Create a sentence that works as a polite request, asking for your result. Create a peaceful atmosphere by minimizing noise and distractions one hour prior to the ritual. Gaze at the angel's sigil, saying its name three times. Read the lines of pathworking (out loud or silently) and imagine what you read. The angel is present, and the request is spoken to the angel. Close the book and do something unrelated to the magick, to clear your head.
1. Al-Sharatain
Powerful and influential in promoting new beginnings and growth. Can foster creativity, innovation, and a sense of purpose. The angel helps you to successfully navigate challenges and new opportunities. Ideal for personal growth and development, including the development of healthy habits. Provides inspiration and support for success in any chosen aspect of life.
Pathworking The sound of water cascading down a rocky waterfall. The mist of the water on your skin. A full moon rises, casting a silver glow over the landscape.
2. Al-Butain
Associated with nurturing and growth, in the literal sense, and in terms of new projects. Provides protection and support for physical and personal growth. Powerful force for healing and rejuvenation, particularly in mental and emotional healing. Brings a deep sense of connection to the earth and heightened awareness of nature's cycles. Associated with abundance and prosperity, bringing blessings of wealth and success.
Pathworking A lone wolf howls in the distance. The smell of pine trees and earth permeates the air. A shooting star streaks across the night sky.
3. Al-Thurayya
An auspicious power for those venturing into the world of business, job interviews, and legal matters. Protective and supportive, helping you to have a smooth and successful journey. Brings bring good luck when taking risks and embracing new opportunities. The angel provides a sense of inner peace and tranquillity, allowing you to approach life with a clear mind and an open heart. The angel can help to dispel negative energies and entities, providing a sense of safety and comfort. Can aid physical, mental, and emotional healing, providing comfort and support during difficult times.
Pathworking The sound of crashing waves and seagulls in the distance. The salty smell of the sea on the breeze. A rainbow in the stormy sky.
4. Al-Dabaran
Helps in overcoming obstacles and persevering in the face of adversity. A catalyst for transformation for those who embrace the difficulties of growth. Can be called upon for strength and courage during difficult times, offering protection and guidance. This angel can help you break free from patterns of stagnation and complacency and push you towards growth and development.
Pathworking The sound of a crackling fire in the midst of a snow-covered landscape. The smell of pine needles and wood smoke. The sun sets, casting a warm orange glow over the snow.
5. Al-Haqa
An angel known for healing, renewal, and restoration. Can bring physical and emotional healing. Helps with self-care and health concerns. Helps provide a period of respite for reflection on well-being. Brings hope and optimism to those struggling with challenges. Can be called upon for protection from negativity and to provide a sense of calm.
Pathworking The sound of distant thunder rumbles. The scent of ozone is strong. A bolt of lightning illuminates the darkened sky.
6. Al-Hana
The angel's energy can be channelled into romantic pursuits, relationships, or self-love. Inspires artists to express themselves in unique and innovative ways. Generates potent charisma for social events, gatherings, and celebrations. Can help your relationships and helps to create harmonious working environments. The angel is associated with fertility and the creation of new life, often called upon to protect and bless mothers and their children.
Pathworking The sound of wind chimes in the breeze. The scent of blooming flowers in the warm air. An orange butterfly lands on a white flower.
7. Al-Dhira
Good for studying, writing, and engaging in intellectual discussions. This angel governs over education, writing, speaking, and all forms of communication. Can enhance learning abilities and mental acuity. Can provide wisdom and insight on a given subject or problem. Promotes effective communication, helping you express yourself with clarity and confidence. Helps with intellectual pursuits such as scientific research, problemsolving, and critical thinking.
Pathworking The sound of leaves crunching underfoot. The scent of wood smoke. A harvest moon rises, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape.
8. Al-Nathrah
This angel can help you overcome obstacles and challenges that may be holding you back from experiencing new and exciting things in life. Can provide guidance and support when you are seeking to broaden your horizons through physical travel or a mental journey of self-discovery. Can provide the courage and inspiration needed when you feel stuck in life or in need of a change, to take the first step towards a new and exciting journey. Can provide support and strength to help navigate the challenges that may arise when starting something new or moving to a new area.
Pathworking A stone altar adorned with flickering torches. The distant sound of chanting. The pungent smell of burning incense. A starry night sky, where the constellations shift and dance.
9. Al-Tarf
Can slow down time, providing the opportunity to reassess your plans and strategies when feeling stuck. Can help you see beyond immediate challenges and setbacks, staying focused on the big picture. Helps you to develop resilience and perseverance. Can guide you in developing a deeper sense of introspection, reassessing your goals, values, and beliefs, and making any necessary adjustments. Can help develop a mindset of patience, resilience, and determination.
Pathworking A towering obelisk in a barren desert. The spicy aroma of desert herbs. A blazing sun beats down relentlessly on the unforgiving landscape.
10. Al-Jabhah (al-jah-BAH)
This angel can help you defend yourself against enemies. Find strength and support in the face of injustice. Can provide protection and a shield of safety during times of conflict, whether it be physical or emotional. Helps you stand up for yourself and assert your rights, giving you the courage and strength to fight for what is right. Can help you remain focused and determined in pursuit of your goals.
Pathworking A cave entrance hidden behind a waterfall. The musty smell of damp rock. A starless, inky black sky.
11. Al-Zubrah
Can help you cultivate your inner strength, assertiveness, and leadership qualities. Can generate the confidence and courage required to take on new challenges and assume leadership roles. The angel can imbue you with the qualities of grace, power, and courage.
Pathworking An ancient stone circle atop a windswept hill. The mournful call of a distant owl. The earthy scent of heather and moss. A brooding, stormy sky that crackles with energy.
12. Al-Sarfah (al-SAR-fah)
The angel can provide the strength and support needed to make a successful transition in personal relationships, even when they end. Can assist with releasing old patterns, beliefs, and habits that are no longer serving you. Helps you identify areas of your life that need improvement and guides you towards necessary changes. Can provide the motivation and courage needed to take the first steps towards a better life. Can help you connect with intuition, especially when introspecting about the future.
Pathworking A crumbling temple overrun with vines. The gentle lapping of a nearby river. A blood-red sky.
13. Al-Awwa (al-AH-wah)
This angel has the power to enhance communication skills, whether it be in public speaking, negotiations, or personal relationships. You can have more influence when persuading others. You can develop a deeper understanding of others and their perspectives.
Pathworking A cave opening in a cliff face overlooking the ocean. The sound of crashing waves. The salty scent of sea air. The sky is deep and star-filled.
14. Al-Simak
This can help to protect your property from harm, especially when a new threat is imminent. Can help you when you are seeking inner security and stability. Prevents negative energy (and negative people) from entering your space. Can help you cultivate inner security and stability, especially for those struggling with anxiety. The angel can help you learn to trust yourself and your abilities.
Pathworking A massive, moss-covered standing stone in the midst of a foggy moor. The sound of a distant church bell tolling. The scent of damp peat. A sky darkened by the colors of a storm on the horizon.
15. Al-Ghafr
Can help to make those who are ignorant more understanding. Can uncover hidden knowledge and protect those who seek such knowledge, shielding them from harm or discovery. Protects from harm or negative energies, especially from narcissistic friends, relatives, and co-workers. Can help you understand the mysteries of the universe and the hidden secrets of the human psyche. (This is powerful for understanding magick, life, and other people and their true motivations.) Obtain the courage to face fears and overcome obstacles that have prevented progress. The angel can help you keep secrets safe and protect them from those who would seek to use them for harm.
Pathworking A pristine alpine lake surrounded by snow-capped peaks. The sound of a distant avalanche. The scent of damp earth and pine needles. A sky filled with flashes of lightning and the deep blue of a coming storm.
16. Al-Zubana
This angel can help you overcome dominant people in personal or professional relationships. Can help you tap into your inner strength and assertiveness, allowing you to take charge of your life, or other people. Can help you navigate through difficult situations and confrontations, giving you the strength and courage to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. This angel can also help you cultivate your leadership skills, giving you the confidence and authority to take on leadership roles in your personal or professional life.
Pathworking A massive stone monolith, towering over a windswept plain. The sound of howling winds. The scent of clover and honey. A cloudy sky with the soft hues of a summer sunset.
17. Al-Iklil
This angel can provide guidance and inspiration for those seeking success in their personal or professional lives. Can help you to cultivate a sense of inner pride and self-worth. The angel helps you overcome feelings of self-doubt and develop a sense of inner strength. This angel's energy can also help you gain the recognition and respect you deserve from others. The angel can inspire you to be your best self and strive for excellence in everything you do. The angel can crush all procrastination.
Pathworking A towering mountain peak surrounded by mist and clouds. The sound of distant thunder. The scent of damp earth and wildflowers. A sky filled with the deep colours of twilight.
18. Al-Qalb
This angel can help you build stronger connections with yourself, promoting self-love and acceptance. Can provide guidance on how to navigate emotions in a healthy way and offer comfort and support during difficult times. This angel can assist in the development of a more profound understanding of the world around you. Can encourage a selfish or cruel person to begin self-reflection, encouraging them to become a better version of themselves.
Pathworking A frozen lake surrounded by snow-covered mountains. The sound of cracking ice. The scent of pine trees. A dark blue sky with a single evening star.
19. Al-Shaulah (al-shoo-LAH)
The angel is associated with the inner fire that drives us to pursue our goals and ambitions. It can help you to tap into this energy and use it to overcome obstacles and challenges. This angel can also assist in developing a more assertive and confident demeanour, particularly for those who may struggle with self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy. Can also help you to better understand and manage your own aggression. Useful whether you are overly angry or too timid. When you feel angry, the angel can guide you to use the energy in a creative manner, rather than allowing it to escalate into destructive behaviour. Can help you to inspire and motivate others. Can help you in healing from past experiences of conflict or trauma.
Pathworking A moss-covered stone statue in a misty graveyard. The sound of rustling leaves. The scent of damp earth. A dark sky with a full moon behind the clouds.
20. Al-Na’am
The angel is associated with travel, exploration, and adventure, making it a powerful choice for those seeking to expand their horizons, especially during the planning phase. This angel can inspire curiosity in others. This can be used on individuals you know, or on an entire customer base. Can also assist in cultivating a sense of inner peace and harmony by helping you connect with your deepest purpose.
Pathworking A lone, gnarled oak tree atop a rocky outcropping. The distant howl of a wolf. The sweet smell of rain and wildflowers. A crescent moon illuminates the night sky.
21. Al-Baldah (al-BAL-dah)
This angel can help you establish deeper connections with those around you, whether in personal or professional relationships, and cultivate a sense of belonging and purpose within a community. Can aid in the cultivation of leadership skills, helping you to guide others towards a common vision and take charge in community-building efforts. This angel is also associated with the sharing of resources, promoting a sense of generosity and abundance, and encouraging people to contribute their wealth or talents to their community. The angel is also associated with luck and good fortune. By calling upon the energies of this angel, you may be able to attract positive opportunities and experiences. This can include financial success, career advancement, or other forms of material abundance. This angel can aid in the development of strong financial planning skills and the cultivation of a prosperous mindset.
Pathworking A standing stone circle in a misty valley. The rhythmic beating of a drum. The scent of burning straw. A shooting star across the inky black sky.
22. Sa’d al-Dhabih (sahd al-dah-BEE)
This angel can help you cultivate a sense of generosity and abundance. Useful if you feel stingy or afraid of spending and sharing. Can encourage others to have more compassion and empathy. Can help you heal from emotional and physical pain by promoting a sense of self-love and acceptance. Can help you to develop stronger skills of visualisation.
Pathworking A rushing waterfall surrounded by ancient, moss-covered trees. The flutter of wings from passing birds. The damp smell of earth and fresh water. The first light of dawn illuminates the eastern horizon.
23. Sa’d Bula
The angel represents the power of metamorphosis and rebirth, allowing you to shed old patterns and beliefs and embrace new ones. This angel is also associated with consumption and assimilation, helping you process and integrate new experiences and knowledge in a way that promotes growth and transformation. When confronted or overwhelmed, the angel helps you accept the situation. Those seeking to expand their horizons often call upon this angel for guidance and support in the assimilation of new information and ideas. This angel is a powerful force for transformation and growth, supporting you as you undergo significant changes and transformations.
Pathworking A great stone monolith jutting from a rolling, green hillside. The soft rustle of wind through the grass. The scent of pine and cedar. A blanket of stars in the clear night sky.
24. Sa’d al-Su’ud
This angel can help you gain clarity, focus, motivation, and resources needed to achieve a specific goal. Use this before a time of reflection. Can ease the symptoms of depression and anxiety. This angel is also associated with the power of gratitude and appreciation, encouraging you to cultivate a sense of gratitude for what you already have in your life. Don’t underestimate this power, which may be the most useful in the book. The angel encourages a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction, without reducing ambition.
Pathworking An ancient stone archway in the heart of a dense forest. The soft hooting of an owl. The earthy scent of wet leaves. A starry sky seen through the treetops.
25. Sa’d al-Akhbiyah
This angel is believed to provide guidance and protection to those who travel, helping them to navigate through unknown territories and overcome obstacles along the way. Can also assist those seeking to explore new ideas or concepts, helping to expand perspectives and inspire creativity. Can help with the development of independence and resourcefulness. This angel is also associated with adaptability and flexibility, providing the power to adjust to new situations and environments with ease and grace.
Pathworking A misty lake surrounded by rolling hills. The fresh scent of water and blooming flowers. The first light of a white dawn.
26. Al-Fargh al-Mukdim (al-far-al-MOOK-deem)
This angel can help you detach from harmful people and relationships. Can help you know whether somebody’s inner feelings match their outer displays. Can help to deepen practices such as meditation, prayer, and introspection, to cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and inner peace.
Pathworking A winding river cutting through a lush valley. The gentle lapping of water against the river shore. The fresh scent of wet earth. The setting sun casts long shadows across the landscape.
27. Al Fargh al-Thani (al-far--al-thah-KNEE)
Can improve your memory, allowing you to recall vast amounts of information with ease. It can also improve the retention of new information and help with rapid recall during exams or work situations. This angel can help you to absorb and understand new concepts and skills faster than before. The angel can help you adapt your style of intelligence to the situation at hand. Can help you make sound decisions in unpredictable or unfamiliar situations. Can help with your teaching ability, allowing you to intuitively understand how to communicate information in a way that is easily understood by students.
Pathworking A tranquil forest filled with plants and streams. The sound of soft, trickling water. The scent of jasmine and rose. A pale orange sunset.
28. Batn al-Hut
(BAT-en al-HOOT)
This angel enables you to infuse empathy into others, allowing them to understand and relate to you on a deeper level. This angel can cultivate feelings of compassion, kindness, and understanding in others. Can help to make others feel deep regret and remorse for their past actions. This power could be used to help individuals learn from their mistakes, or as a means of retribution for those who have wronged others. The angel can amplify feelings of love and affection in others. Can sow seeds of doubt and uncertainty in others. This power could be used for a variety of purposes, such as to challenge individuals to think critically about their beliefs and assumptions, or as a means of undermining the confidence and credibility of others.
Pathworking A massive, twisted tree in a dense forest. The sound of rustling leaves. The scent of damp earth and pine needles. A veil of mist over the forest at twilight.
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