Category Grouping in the UFO Community

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Category Grouping in the UFO Community


Sentot Sudono



This writing is based on the author experience in various UFO communities in Indonesia. The problem is the UFO topic is a very broad topic and can involve various fields including Science, Technology, History, Myth, Religion and so on. This makes the UFO community very heterogeneous with various kinds of personal opinions in it. These various opinions can turn a discussion into an unhealthy debate, and this has indeed happened several times. The author tries to make several categories that might divide or classify a UFO community. This division or grouping is based on the author's observations and the level of strangeness of a thought in the UFO community. The division of categories is as follows C0: Category 0 is a group that does not believe in the existence of UFOs and aliens. This group may want to believe in the existence of UFOs but are not one hundred percent sure. C1: Category 1 is a group that already believes in the existence of UFOs but does not believe in the existence of aliens. This group may believe that UFOs are secret aircraft made by Nazi Germany, the United States, and so on. So even though they believe in the existence of UFOs, this group is still not one hundred percent sure of the existence of aliens. C2: Category 2 is a group that already believes in the existence of UFOs and aliens. However, there is still a possibility that this group does not trust Impossible Processes/Techs such as Time Travel, and so on. C3: Category 3 is a group that already believes in the existence of UFOs, aliens, and processes or technologies (alien related) that are considered impossible or impossible such as Time Travel, Resurrection, and so on. C4: Category 4 is a group that already believes in the existence of UFOs, Aliens, Impossible Processes/Techs, and Extra Dimensional or Ultra Terrestrial or Higher Frequency Beings. It should be noted that someone may change their category from C0 to C1, C1 to C0, C2 to C0 and so on. So basically this category is dynamic and not to label someone in a negative sense. What usually happens, for example, is that someone in C0 thinks that other people in C2 are hallucinating or are considered to be mentally unstable, aka crazy because they believe in the existence of UFOs. So, on the other hand, it could also be 2


someone in C2 who thinks that other people in C0 are not openminded or even stupid by arguing, for example, that this vast universe is impossible only for the earth to have highly intelligent inhabitants like humans. With the categorization as mentioned above, it is hoped that all members of the UFO community can realize that: 1. There is diversity of opinion among fellow members 2. To maintain harmonious relations among fellow members, it is necessary to cultivate the habit of respecting the personal opinion of each member. So we are still allowed to have an opinion, but we must not force our opinion to be accepted by other people, let alone to do something inappropriate, for example insulting, insulting or doing other negative things that can hurt someone's feelings.