Biographical dictionary of Neo-Marxism 0313235139, 9780313235139

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Biographical dictionary of Neo-Marxism
 0313235139, 9780313235139

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The list of names included in this volume emerged from a complicated and lengthy process involving Marxist scholars from every region of the world. The problem is self-evident: depending on where the line is drawn the number of entrants could easily double or triple. As it is, the final list from each nation or region is a product of the collective wisdom of at least three well-known, usually indigenous experts and does, I think, comprise a fair and representative sampling of each area’s significant neo-Marxian theory and practice. The essays were then written by scholars with an intimate interest in and knowledge of a particular entrant. Unanticipated difficulties have nonetheless cropped up, further compli¬ cating the selection and writing processes. Several distinguished radicals—most, but not all. East Europeans—have for personal and political reasons asked me to omit their names. Moreover, some entrants have asked me to omit relevant biographical information. While each case was dealt with individually, in almost every instance I have acceded to the request. The notation “n.a.” indicates that relevant information is either unavailable or is being purposefully withheld. Many important Marxists who are omitted from this book can be found in the Biographical Dictionary of Marxism (also published by Greenwood Press), which surveys Marxian thinkers who qualify as materialists, whereas this volume deals with nonmaterialist Marxists. The terms orthodox and nonorthodox might be pertinent were it not that many Third World Marxists—who are included in the Biographical Dictionary of Marxism—consider themselves “unorthodox” with regard to revolutionary tactics and strategies even though unquestioningly ac¬ cepting the “orthodox” science of historical materialism. In any case, relevant terms are defined and analyzed in the introductions of each book. Where a materialist’s impact on neo-Marxism is noteworthy I have listed his or her name herein with the notation, “See the Biographical Dictionary of Marxism."' An asterisk in the text indicates that a separate entry is listed in this book for the preceding name; a dagger, that an entry can be found in the Biographical Dictionary of Marxism. In addition to the over 205 biographical entries, ten group, movement, or journal entries are listed as well: Arguments, Austro-Marxism, empiriocriticism.



legal Marxism, liberation theology, the Prague Spring, Praxis, Situationist In¬ ternational, Socialisme ou Barbarie, and structural Marxism. (The Frankfurt School is examined in the Introduction.) Although their most important repre¬ sentatives are usually allotted separate entries, these ten headings have been judged as crucial to understanding the evolution of neo-Marxism in their re¬ spective nations or in the West generally. Each essay is followed by a two-part bibliography consisting of significant primary works (paragraph A) and useful secondary material (paragraph B). It is intended as a friendly guide to further relevant reading, not as a complete listing of either primary or secondary sources. There are, happily, many essays pub¬ lished herein that are the first systematic summaries and analyses of their subjects now available. In these cases, of course, paragraph B has been omitted. Where politics rather than theory has distinguished an entrant, paragraph A became superfluous. Wherever possible, English translations of original works are listed. There are several potentially useful ways to use this biographical dictionary. It is, of course, designed primarily as an accessible tool for researching individual neo-Marxist theorists. Organized alphabetically, the essays on major twentiethcentury nonmaterialist radicals—with bibliographies—are quickly and easily lo¬ cated. The index, in which key terms are matched with their appropriate author(s), permits readers to track down the source and meaning of technical words and phrases that have turned many radical journals into lexical nightmares. The list of Entrants by Nationality (Appendix I) encourages area specialists to relate radical theorizing to the diversity of national and regional cultures, facilitating cross-cultural comparison and analysis. Finally, the Introduction highlights Marx’s own contributions to the subsequent proliferation of Marxian theories by em¬ phasizing the potentially incompatible theoretical premises he embraced. Readers can thus easily link both neo-Marxist schools and specific neo-Marxists back to their source in Marx, evaluate their faithfulness, and speculate on the subtle distinctions between useful innovation and apostasy. I want to applaud enthusiastically each and every contributor for the consist¬ ently high quality of their work, for their support and, when it was necessary, sympathy, and their willingness to spend valuable time and energy on a collective project they believed in. Greenwood Press’s Cynthia Harris remained helpful, informative, and efficacious during the entire duration of this project, and I thank her. I ruefully admit that the pressures and frustrations of working constantly for almost three years with over one hundred busy scholars from six continents, as well as with numerous translators, typists, and aides, have occasionally over¬ whelmed my ability to cope gracefully. Those closest to me have probably suffered most. Yet, remarkably, their understanding and patience never dimmed. To Elaine, Jesse, and Colin I again pledge my love and appreciation, and promise to try harder next time.


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Entrants By Nationality ARGENTINA Silvio Frondizi AUSTRIA Max Adler Austro-Marxism Otto Bauer Otto Fenichel Paul Karl Feyerabend BELGIUM Hendrik de Man BRAZIL Fernando Henrique Cardoso Theotonio Dos Santos Ruy Mauro Marini BULGARIA Julia Kristeva CHILE Raul Ampuero Diaz COLOMBIA Orlando Fals Borda Camilo Torres Restrepo CZECHOSLOVAKIA ZaviS Kalandra Robert Kalivoda Karel Kosik Zdenek Mlynaf

Jan Mukafovsky Prague Spring Ivan Svitak Karel Teige Petr Uhl Bedrich Vaclavek EGYPT Samir Amin FRANCE Louis Althusser Arguments Group Gaston Bachelard Roland Barthes Leon Blum Georges Canguilhem Jean Cavailles Francois Chatelet Simone de Beauvoir Regis Debray Gilles Deleuze Jacques Derrida Jacques Donzelot Jean Duvignaud Michel Foucault Pierre Fougeyrollas Joseph Gabel Roger Garaudy Andre Glucksmann Maurice Godelier Lucien Goldmann Andre Gorz Felix Guattari


440 Georges Gurvitch Jean Hyppolite Jean Jaures Alexandre Kojeve Dominique Lecourt Henri Lefebvre Claude Lefort Claude Levi-Strauss Jean Frangois Lyotard Serge Mallet Maurice Merleau-Ponty Edgar Morin Emmanuel Mounier Maximilien Rubel Jean-Paul Sartre Lucien Seve Situationist International Socialisme ou barbaric

Philippe Sobers Georges Sorel Structural Marxism Alain Touraine

GERMANY Theodore Adorno Elmar Altvater Rudolf Bahro Walter Benjamin Eduard Bernstein Ernst Bloch Karola Bloch-Piotrkowski Peter Bruckner Peter Burger Rudi Dutschke Christian Enzenberger Hans Magnus Enzenberger Iring Fetscher Erich Fromm Jurgen Habermas Wolfgang Fritz Haug Robert Havemann Eduard Heimann Max Horkheimer Urs Jaeggi Karl Korsch Hans-Jurgen Krahl Leo Lowenthal Herbert Marcuse

Hans Mayer Ulrike Marie Meinhof Franz Neumann Claus Offe Friedrich Pollock Wilhelm Reich Otto Riihle Alfred Schmidt Michael Schneider Karl Wittfogel

GREAT BRITIAN Perry Anderson Ernest Belfort Bax John Berger John Desmond Bernal Anthony Giddens Stuart Hall Ralph Miliband Juliet Mitchell William Morris Sheila Rowbotham Edward P. Thompson Raymond Williams

GREECE Kostas Axelos Cornelius Castoriadis Arghiri Emmanuel Nicos Poulantzas

HOLLAND Herman Goiter Arthur Lehning Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis Antonie Pannekoek

HUNGARY Agnes Heller George Lukacs

ITALY Nicola Badaloni Antonio Banfi Lelio Basso Enrico Berlinguer Delio Cantimori Lucio Cplletti



Biagio De Giovanni Galvano Della Volpe Valentino Gerratana Antonio Gramsci Cesare Luporini Rodolfo Mondolfo Claudio Napoleoni Antonio Negri Enzo Paci Raniero Panzieri Franco Rodano Palmiro Togliatti Mario Tronti

JAPAN Sano Manabu Takabatake Motoyuki


MEXICO Pablo Gonzalez Casanova Rodolfo Stavenhagen

POLAND Josef Edward Abramowski Stanislaw Brzozowski Julian Hochfeld Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz Leszek Kolakowski Ludwig Krzywicki Jacek Kuron Adam Michnik Adam Schaff

SOVIET UNION Yurij Badzio Alexander Berkman Ber Borokhov Ivan Mykhailovich Dzyuba Empiriocriticism Yuri Timofeevich Galanskov Emma Goldman Petro G. Grigorenko Lev Kopelev Vladimir Kosovsky Alexei Evgrafovich Kosterin

Legal Marxism Vladimir Medem Roy A. Medvedev Leonid Ivanovich Pliushch Victor Serge Alexander Zinoviev

SPAIN Santiago Carrillo Fernando Claudm

THAILAND Pridi Panomyong Gularb Saipradit


URUGUAY Emilio Frugoni Julio Cesar Grauert Vivian Trias

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Stanley Aronowitz Imamu Amiri Baraka Lewis Corey Eugene Victor Debs W.E.B. Du Bois Shulamith Firestone Andre Gunder Frank Eugene D. Genevese Itche Goldberg Edward Michael Harrington Fredric Jameson Johnson-Forest Tendency Christopher Lasch Staughton Lynd Manning Marable Paul Mattick C. Wright Mills Pesach Novick James R. O’Connor B. Rivkin Immanuel Wallerstein

YUGOSLAVIA Milovan Djilas Danko Grlic

442 Milan Kangrga Veljko Korac Mihailo Markovic Vojin Milic Zagorka Pesic-Golubovic Gajo Petrovic


Svetozar Stojanovic Rudi Supek Ljubomir Tadic Predrag Vranicki Josip Zupanov V



List of Contributors

Jack Amariglio Economics Franklin & Marshall College

Ronald H. Chilcote Political Science University of California, Riverside

Russell Berman German Studies Stanford University

K. Chvatik Slavic Studies University of Konstanz

Steven Best Political Science University of Illinois

Mitchell Cohen Political Science Baruch College

Joseph Bien Philosophy University of Missouri

Kevin Davis Philosophy Vanderbilt University

Jaroslaw Bilocerkowycz Political Science University of Dayton

Dawn Fogle Deaton Chicago, Illinois

John Bohstedt History University of Tennessee John Bokina Political Science Pan American University

Norman K. Denzin Sociology University of Illinois James Dietz Economics California State University, Fullerton

Michael M. Boll History San Jose State University

Vittorio Dini Philosophy University of Salerno

Paul Buhle Tamiment Library New York University

Michael Donnelly European Studies Harvard University

Kenneth Calkins History Kent State University

Paul Drake Latin American and Caribbean Studies University of Illinois


444 Belden Fields Political Science University of Illinois

David Kowalewski Social and Policy Sciences University of Texas, San Antonio

Norman Fischer Philosophy Kent State University

Tadeusz Kowalik Institute of History of Science, Education, and Technology Polish Academy of Sciences

M. Ivo Fleischmann Paris, France Lawrence Gamer Political Science DePaul University Robert A. Gorman Political Science University of Tennessee Volker Gransow Sociology University of Bielefeld Laurence Grossberg Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory University of Illinois Oskar Gmenwald Institute for Interdisciplinary Research Santa Monica, California Richard Guarasci Government St. Lawrence University

Vladimir V. Kusin Munich, West Germany Joan Landes Social Science Hampshire College Norman Levine History University of Maryland, Baltimore County Paul Mattick, Jr. Social Sciences Bennington College Eileen R. Meehan Broadcasting and Film University of Iowa Magdalene Mueller Germanic Languages Washington University David Myers Philosophy Moorhead State University

Charles W. Hampton Political Science University of Tennessee

Cary Nelson Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory University of Illinois

Joseph M. Hazlett Political Science University of Tennessee

Piotr Ogrodzihski Warsaw, Poland

Paul Heywood London School of Economics

Thomas Oleszczuk Political Science Rutgers University

Germaine A. Hoston Political Science Johns Hopkins University

Stanley Pierson History University of Oregon

Jack Jacobs Political Science Columbia University

William Plater Dean of Liberal Arts Indiana University of Purdue

Richard Klehr Political Science Emory University

Dennis Reinhartz History University of Texas at Arlington



Juan Rial Centro de Informaciones y Estudios del Uruguay

Charles J. Stivale French and Italian Franklin and Marshall College

Tineke Ritmeester Germanic Languages Washington University

Zoltan Tar Sociology New School for Social Research

Kathleen Ritter Sociology University of Tennessee

Scott A. Warren Political Science Pomona College

Karen Rosenblum-Cale Political Science University of Southern California

Yuangrat Wedel New Delhi, India

Carl A. Ross History Appalachian State University Gary C. Shaw Politics California State College, Stanislaus Earl Sheridan Political Science University of North Carolina, Wilmington John C. Simmonds History California State University, Long Beach Jennifer Daryl Slack Communications Purdue University Lubomir Sochor Arcueil, France

Allen Wells History Appalachian State University Laurence E, Winters Philosophy Montclair State College Joel D. Wolfe Political Science Amherst College Richard Wolff Economics University of Massachusetts Marta Zahakevich Psychological Counseling and Statistics Columbia University Charles E. Ziegler Political Science University of Louisville

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Aartsz, P. See Pannekoek, Antonie Abramowski, Josef Edward, 27-28 Achievement principle (Offe), 329-30 Adler, Friedrich, 45, 382 Adler, Max, 28-30 Adorno, Theodore, 30-33 Adomo-Deutsch, 30 Advanced democracy: Carrillo, Santiago, 93; Claudm, Fernando, 98 Adventures of the Dialectic (MerleauPonty), 298 Advertising, social function of (Haug),

202 Aesthetics: Adorno, Theodore, 32-33; Benjamin, Walter, 65-66; Berger, John, 66-68; Burger, Peter, 85-86; Della Volpe, Galvano, 114; Enzensberger, Christian, 132-33; Goldmann, Lucien, 171; Grlic, Danko, 185; Jameson, Fredric, 216-19; Lukacs, George, 266-69; Marcuse, Herbert, 282-83; Mayer, Hans, 28990, Mukafovsky, Jan, 319-20; Teige, Karel, 408-9; Vaclavek, Bedrich, 423-24; Williams, Raymond, 428-31 Against Method (Feyerabend), 142 Aglietta, M., 329 Agnoli, Johannes, 83 Algebra of revolution (Kosik), 241 Alienation: Bruckner, Peter, 83-84; Chatelet, Francois, 96-97; Fougeyrollas, Pierre, 147; Kangrga, Milan, 22728; Lefebvre, Henri, 255-58; in

Marx, Karl, 8; Morin, Edgar, 313; Morris, William, 315-16 Allende, Salvador, 39 Alogical (Bax), 63-64 The Alternative (Bahro), 53-56 Althusser, Louis, 33-37; critique of by Ch^elet, Francois, 97 Altvater, Elmar, 37-38 Alves, Ruben, 261 Ambrogio, Ignazio, 114 American racism and capitalism (Marable), 277 American revolution, revolutionary impli¬ cations of (Lynd), 272 Amin, Samir, 38-39 Ampuero Diaz, Raul, 39-40 Analytic reason (Sartre), 372 Analytics of desire (Barthes), 59 Anarchism and Other Essays (Goldman), 168 Anarcho-communism: Berkman, Alex¬ ander, 69; Goldman, Emma, 168; Serge, Victor, 382 Anatomy of a Moral (Djilas), 120 Anderson, Perry, 40-41 “Annijjang” (Panomyong), 336 Antal, Frederick, 67 Anthropological constant (Kalivoda), 226 Anti-Oedipus (Deleuze and Guattari), 112-13, 187-88 Antipsychiatry movement (Guattari), 187-88 “Apiwat” (Panomyong), 336 Apostle of workers (Nieuwenhuis), 325

448 Apparatuses (Althusser), 34 Apparatuses of power (Foucault), 146 Archeology of power (Foucault), 145 Arguments, 41-44 Aronowitz, Stanley, 44-45 Arrighi, Giovanni, 150 Art and Revolution (Berger), 67-68 Articulation (Hall), 198 Arzensek, Vladimir, 435 Asano Akira, 370 Asiatic restoration (Wittfogel), 432 Assemblages (Deleuze), 113 Assman, Hugo, 261 Associated dependent development (Car¬ doso), 90 Association of communes (Bahro), 54 Audry, Colette, 41, 128, 312 Austro-Marxism, 45-46 Autogestion: Gorz, Andre, 176; Mallet, Serge, 276 Autonomia Operaio. See Worker auton¬ omy movement Autonomy as human freedom (Gorz), 177 Autonomy of the political (Tronti), 41920 Avenarius, Richard, 131 Axelos, Kostas, 46-48 Baader, Andreas, 294 Baader-Meinhof Gang, 294 Bachelard, Gaston, 49-50 Badaloni, Nicola, 50-52 Badzio, Yurij, 52-53 Bahro, Rudolf, 53-56 Banfi, Antonio, 56-57 Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 57-58 Barthes, Roland, 58-60 Basic repression of instincts (Marcuse), 282 Basso, Lelio, 60-61 Batllism, 154, 183, 418 Baudelaire, Charles, Benjamin’s critique of, 65-66 Bauer, Bruno, 23 n.6 Bauer, Otto, 61-63 Bax, Ernest Belfort, 63-64 Bazarov, V., 131 Behemoth (Neumann), 324


Being-in-the-World, 19 Belgrade Eight, 284, 350, 393 Belleville, Pierre, 274 Benjamin, Walter, 64-66 Berdiaev, Nicholas, 258-59 Berger, John, 66-68 Berkman, Alexander, 68-69 Berlinguer, Enrico, 69-71 Bernal, John Desmond, 71-72 Bernstein, Eduard, 72-76 “Berufsverbot,” 127 Between Ideals and Reality (Stojanovic), 393-94 Beyond the Cold War (Thompson), 41011 Bio-politics (Foucault), 146 The Black Jacobins (James), 215 Black nationalism: Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 57-58; Marable, Manning, 277-79 Black Skin, White Masks (Fanon), 137 Blatchford, Robert, 316 Bloch, Ernst, 76-77 Bloch-Piotrkowski, Karola, 77-79 Blum, Leon, 79-81 Boff, Leonardo, 261 Bogdanov, A., 131-32 Bonapartism (Rubel), 364 Bonino, Jose Miguez, 261 Borokhov, Ber, 81-82 Bosnjak, Branko, 350 Bosquet, Michel. See Gorz, Andre Bravo, Douglas, 108 Bruckner, Peter, 82-84 Brzozowski, Stanislaw, 84-85 Buddhism and Marxism: Panomyong, Pridi, 336; Saipradit, Gularb, 36869 Bulgakov, Sergei, 258 Bund. See General Jewish Workers’ Union Bureaucracy, critique of: Socialisme ou Barbaric, 388-89; Svitak, Ivan, 402 Bureaucratic society of controlled con¬ sumption (Lefebvre), 257 Bureaucratization (Djilas), 120 Bureaucratization of workers (Mallet), 275



Bureaucratized political society, Stalinism as (Pesic-Golubovic), 341 Burger, Peter, 85-86 Calvez, Jean-Yves, 47 Camara, Dom Helder, 261 Campanella, Tommaso, 51 Canguilhem, Georges, 87-88 Cantimori, Delio, 88-89 Capital (Marx), 12-15, 18 Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 89-90 Carrillo, Santiago, 90-94 Castoriadis, Cornelius, 94, 388-89 Castro, Emilio, 261 “Castroism: The Long March in Latin America” (Debray), 108 Catholic left in France (Mounier), 317 Catholic left in Italy (Rodano), 359 Cavailles, Jean, 94-95 CEB (“Communidades ecclesiales de base”). See Christian base communities Central Problems in Social Theory (Giddens), 161 Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies (Hall), 199 Cerroni, Umberto, 114 Ceton, J.C., 173 Character structure (Reich), 356-57 Charismarchy (Stojanovic), 394 Chatelet, Francois, 95-97 Che’s Guerrilla War (Debray), 109 The Chilean Revolution (Debray), 109 Christian base communities (Liberation Theology), 262 Christianity and Marxism: Mounier, Em¬ manuel, 318; Torres Restrapo, Camilo, 413-14 Church, Charisma and Power (Boff), 263 Clarion movement, 316 Class: Giddens, Anthony, 162; Sartre, Jean-Paul, 375-76 Class Struggle and the Jewish Nation

(Borokhov), 82 The Class Struggles in France (Marx), 12

Claudm, Fernando, 97-99

Cleansing function of economic crises (Altvater), 37 Club de la Gauche, 255 Cohn-Bendit, Daniel, 258 Collective creativity (Duvignaud), 129 Collective entrepreneurs, workers as, in Yugoslavia (Zupanov), 435 Colletti, Lucio, 99-103 Commodity aesthetics (Haug), 202 The Communist Manifesto (Marx), 23 n.l5 Communist Party, as objectification of proletariat will (Lukacs), 268 Communitarian Marxism (Debs), 110 Company-level trade unionism (Mallet), 276 Complex play (Firestone), 143 V

The Concept of Nature in Marx

(Schmidt), 379 Concrete totality (Kosik), 242 Conditions of production (Borokhov), 81-82 Conflict (Milic), 303 Consciousness industry (Hans M. Enzenberger), 134 Constituent dialectic (Sartre), 372 Constituted dialectic (Sartre), 372 Constructive anarchism (Lange), 28 Consumerism in capitalist society (Situationist International), 385 Contestation (Lefebvre), 258 Contradiction (Godelier), 166 Contradiction et totalite (Fougeyrollas), 147 Contra dogmaticos (Grlic), 186 Convergence strategy, 92 Copernican man (Banfi), 57 Core (Wallerstein), 427 Corey, Lewis, 103 Cosic, Dobrica, 350, 403 Council communism: Gorter, Herman, 174-75; Lehning, Arthur, 259; Mattick, Paul, 287-89; Pannekoek, An¬ tonie, 333-35; Riihle, Otto, 365-66 Council democracy (Gramsci), 182 Counterrevolution and Revolt (Marcuse), 282 The Country and the City (Williams), 431


450 Crisis, theory of (Altvater), 37 Crisis of civilization (Banfi), 56 Crisis of totality (Arguments), 43 Critical Eurocommunism (Claudm), 98 Critical-practical realism, Marxism as (Mondolfo), 311 Critical rationalism (Banfi), 56 Critical reexamination of Lenin (Panzieri), 339 Critical theory (Horkheimer), 208-9 Critical theory of society (Adorno), 31 Critique of Dialectical Reason (Sartre), 371-77 Critique of Hegel’s Doctrine of the State

(Marx), 18 Critique of Political Reason (Debray),

109 Cultural hegemony (Genovese), 160 Cultural models, merchant, industrial, post-industrial (Touraine), 415 Cultural practices, dominant, residual, emergent (Williams), 430-31 Culture industry: Adorno, Theodore, 32; Lowenthal, Leo, 265 Curiel, Eugenio, 56 Cybernetic socialism (Firestone), 143 Cyclical time of preindustrial societies (Lefebvre), 257 Czech Literature of the Twentieth Century

(Vaclavek), 423 Czepiel, Adam. See Brzozowski, Stanislaw Das Alltaglseben (Heller), 205-6 Das Passagen-Werk (Benjamin), 65-66

De Beauvoir, Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Betrand, 104-7 Debord, Guy, 384 Debray, Regis, 107-9 Debs, Eugene Victor, 109-11 Deconstruction; Bachelard, Gaston, 50; Derrida, Jacques, 118 Defensive revolutionary violence (Bauer), 63 DeGiovanni, Biagio, 111-12 Deleuze, Gilles, 112-14 Della Volpe, Galvano, 114-17 Dellavolpiana school, 99, 114

Dellavolpism, critique of (Luporini), 270 De Man, Hendrik, 117-18 Democratic alternative (Berlinguer), 71 Democratic centralism (Gramsci), 182 Democratic forces (Berlinguer), 70 Democratic power (Gorz), 176 Democratic socialism (Markovic), 285 Democratic socialist institutions and pro¬ cedures: Markovic, Mihailo, 285-86; Medvedev, Roy, 293; Tadic, LJubomir, 404-6; Uhl, Petr, 421-22 Democratie zwischen Sozialdemokratie und Sozialismus (Fetscher), 141

Dependency theory: Dos Santos, Theotonio, 122-23; Frank, Andre Gunder, 149-50; Marini, Ruy Mauro, 28384. See also World Systems Theory Dependent development, 150 Depth Sociology (Gurvitch), 190 the “Derive” (Situationist International), 386 Derrida, Jacques, 118-19 Descartes, Rene, 11 Destructuration (Goldmann), 170 Deterministic abstractions, theory of (Della Volpe), 115 “Detoumement” (turning around), as an insurrection style (Situationist Inter¬ national), 386 Development of underdevelopment (Frank), 149 Devetsil, 408, 423 Dewey, John, 17 Diachronic analysis (Sartre), 372 Dialectical circularity of group life (Sartre), 372 Dialectical nominalism (Sartre), 374 Dialectical reason (Sartre), 372 Dialectic of Enlightenment (Horkheimer and Adorno), 209-10 The Dialectic of Sex (Firestone), 143 Dialectic of the Concrete (Kosik), 241 Dialectics: Godelier, Maurice, 166-67; Gurvitch, Georges, 189 Dictatorship over needs (Heller), 206 Die Nationalitdtenfrage und die Sozialde¬ mokratie (Bauer), 62

INDEX Die Transformation der Demokratie

(Bruckner), 83-84 Dirigism (Glucksmann), 163 Discours de la guerre (Glucksmann), 163 Distorted communication (Habermas), 194 Djilas, Milovan, 119-21 Djuric, Mihajlo, 350 Dominant class, as compared to ruling class (Stojanovic), 394-95 Domination (Habermas), 194 Donzelot, Jacques, 121-22 Dos Santos, Theotonio, 122-23 Double character of Marxism (Schmidt), 380 Dual society (Gorz), 177 Dubois, William Edward Burghardt, 12326 Dunayevskaya, Raya, 215, 221-22 Dutch School of Marxism, 172 Dutschke, Rudi, 126-28 Duvignaud, Jean, 128-29 Dzyuba, Ivan Mykhailovich, 129-30 Eclipse of Reason (Horkheimer), 210

Ecological humanism (Bahro), 55 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (Marx), 8, 12, 18

Economic dependency (Cardoso), 90 “Economic Development of the Jewish People” (Borokhov), 81 Economism (Markovic), 285 Eide (Husserl), 17 Eidetic science (Husserl), 17 The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bona¬ parte (Marx), 12

Emancipatory human interest (Habermas), 194 Emmanuel, Arghiri, 131 Empirical science and Marxism: Bernal, John Desmond, 71-72; Gurvitch, Georges, 188-91 Empiricism, 10-12, 16 Empiriocriticism, 131-32 Empiriomonism, 81, 131 Encoding-decoding model of mass media (Hall), 199

451 End of literature (Hans Magnus Enzensberger), 134 Ensayos sobre el marxismo (Frugoni), 154 Enzensberger, Christian, 132-33 Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 133-34 “Episteme” (Foucault), 144-45, 397 Epistemological break, 253 Equilibrium of class forces (Bauer), 63 Equilibrium of politics and civil society, state as (Gramsci), 181 Eros and Civilization (Marcuse), 282 Errance (Axelos), 47-48 An Essay on Liberation (Marcuse), 282 Ethical circles (Abramowski), 27 Ethical socialism: Abramowski, Josef, 27; Kolakowski, Leszek, 233; Mor¬ ris, William, 315 Ethics, Marxist interpretation: Stojanovic, Svetozar, 394-95; Supek, Rudi, 400 Ethics or Revolution (Kangrga), 228 Eurocommunism: Berlinguer, Enrico, 7071; Carrillo, Santiago, 90-94; Claudm, Fernando, 97-98 Eurocommunism and the State (Carrillo), 90-94 Everyday life: Heller, Agnes, 205-6; Lefebvre, Henri, 256-57; Situationist International, 384-87 Evolutionary Socialism (Bernstein), 7274 Existentialism, 17-18 Existential Marxism: arguments, 41-44; Axelos, Kostas, 46-48; Chatelet, Francois, 96-97; de Beauvoir, Si¬ mone, 105-6; Fougeyrollas, Pierre, 146-48 Exploitation (Gonzalez Casanova), 172 Exteriorizing-interiorizing dimension of action (Sartre), 373 Fals Borda, Orlando, 135-36 False consciousness (Gabel), 156-57 The Family Idiot (Sartre), 372 Family or group capitalism (Mallet), 275 Fanon, Frantz, 136-39 Farewell to the Working Class (Gorz), 177

452 Fascist techno-bureaucracy (Gurvitch), 191 Fear (Sartre), 374 Feminine Sexuality (Mitchell and Rose), 308 Feminist Marxism: de Beauvoir, Simone, 105-7; Firestone, Shulamith, 14243; Goldman, Emma, 169; Mitchell, Juliet, 307-8; Rowbotham, Sheila, 360-62 Fenichel, Otto, 139-40 Fernandes, Florestan, 89, 150 Festivity (Lefebvre), 257-58 Fetishism (Benjamin), 66 Fetscher, Iring, 140-41 Feyerabend, Paul Karl, 141-42 Fichte and Marxism (Kangrga), 228 Fidelism (Debray), 108 Finlandization (Kuron), 249 Firestone, Shulamith, 142-43 The Fiscal Crisis of the State (O’Con¬ nor), 328 Foa, Vittorio, 175 Foquism (Debray), 108 Forest, F. See Dunayevskaya, Raya Forgotten words of Marx (Glucksmann), 163 Foucault, Michel, 143-46 Fougeyrollas, Pierre, 146-48 Fragmentation (Benjamin), 66 Fraina, Louis. See Corey, Lewis Frank, Andre Gunder, 148-51 Frank, Semen, 258 Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, 1921, 32; Adorno, Theodore, 30-33; Benjamin, Walter, 64-66; Haber¬ mas, Jurgen, 192-97; Horkheimer, Max, 207-11; Lowenthal, Leo, 26366; Neumann, Franz, 322-25; Offe, Claus, 329-30; Pollock, Friedrich, 344-46; Schmidt, Alfred, 379-80; Wittfogel, Karl, 432 Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, cri¬ tique of (Milic), 304 Fraternity, in fused group (Sartre), 375 Freiheit, Gleichheit, Sicherheit (Briickner), 83 Freud, Sigmund, 355


Freudian Marxism: Aronowitz, Stanley, 44-45; Fenichel, Otto, 139-40; Fougeyrollas, Pierre, 146-48; Fromm, Eric, 151-53; Habermas, Jurgen, 194, Kalivoda, Robert, 22526; Kristeva, Julia, 246; Lasch, Christopher, 250-52; Lyotard, Jean, critique of, 273; Marcuse, Herbert, 282-83; Mitchell, Juliet, 307-8; Schneider, Michael, 381 Freure, Paulo, 261 Friedlander, Kate, 139 From Affluence to Praxis (Markovic), 285 Fromm, Erich, 151-53 From Rebellion to Revolution (Gen¬ ovese), 160 Frondizi, Silvio, 153-54 Frugoni, Emilio, 154-55 Fukumoto Kazuo, 370 Functionalism, critique of (Giddens), 161 The Function of the Sciences and the Meaning of Man (Pad), 331-32

Fundamental predicament of Marxism (Marcuse), 280 Furtado, Celso, 150 Fused group (Sartre), 374 Gabel, Joseph, 156-57 Galanskov, Yuri Timofeevich, 157-58 Gallego, Ignacio, 91 Garaudy, Roger, 158-59 Garcia, Eduardo, 91 Gatherings (Sartre), 374 Generalization or collectivization of expe¬ rience (Jaeggi), 213 Generalized relativity (Morin), 313 General Jewish Workers’ Union (the Bund): Kosovsky, Vladimir, 242-44; Medem, Vladimir, 290-91 General workers strike (Sorel), 391 Genesis esencia y fundamentos del Socialismo (Frugoni), 155

Genetic structuralism (Goldmann), 170 Genovese, Eugene D., 159-60 Georg Buchner und seine Zeit (Mayer), 289-90 The German Ideology (Marx), 12, 18


Gero, George, 139 Gerratana, Valentino, 160-61, 270 Ghettoization of intellectuals (Duvignaud), 128 Giddens, Anthony, 161-63 “Gilet” (attachment) (Saipradit), 368-69 Giornale di studi filosofici (Banfi), 56-57 Glucksmann, Andre, 163-65 God, as unified historical process (Jaures), 220 Godelier, Maurice, 165-67 Goldberg, Itche, 167-68 Goldman, Emma, 168-69 Goldmann, Lucien, 169-71 Gomez, Agustm, 91 Gonzalez Casanova, Pablo, 171-72 Goiter, Herman, 172-75 Gorz, Andre, 175-78 Grammatology (Derrida), 118, 397 Gramsci, Antonio, 178-83 Grauert, Julio Cesar, 183-84 Great Russian chauvinism (Badzio), 52 Green, Thomas Hill, 17 the Greens: Bahro, Rudolf, 53; BlochPiotrkowski, Karola, 78 Grigorenko, Petro G., 184-85 Grlic, Danko, 185-87 Groups (Sartre), 374 Growth-oriented socialism and capitalism (Gorz), 177 Grundrisse (Marx), 12-13, 18 Guattari, Felix, 187-88 Guido, Ugo, 310 Gurland, Arcadius, 325 Gurvitch, Georges, 188-91 Guterman, Norbert, 264, 265 Gutierrez, Gustavo, 261 Gyomro, Edith Ludowyk, 139 Habermas, Jurgen, 192-97 Hagen, Kurt, 289 Halimi, Gisele, 105 Hall, Stuart, 197-200 Hamlet complex (Schneider), 381 Harich group, 53 Harper, J. See Pannekoek, Antonie Harrington, Edward Michael, 200-202 Haug, Wolfgang Fritz, 202-3

453 Hauser, Arnold, 67 Havemann, Robert, 203-4 Hegel, Friedrich, 6-7 Hegelian Marxism, 6-9 Hegemonic apparatuses (Gramsci), 181 Hegemony: Gramsci, Antonio, 180; Hall, Stuart, 199 Heidegger, Martin, 47-48 Heideggerian Marxism (Marcuse), 280 Heimann, Eduard, 204-5 Heller, Agnes, 205-6 Helpless antifascism (Haug), 202 Hermeneutic science (Habermas), 193 Herr, Lucien, 79 Hess, Moses, 23 n.6 Heteronomy, as human necessity (Gorz), 177 Historicality of existence (Marcuse), 280 Historic bloc (Gramsci), 181 Historic compromise (Berlinguer), 70 Historicism: Badaloni, Nicola, 51; Korsch, Karl, 239-40 Historicist materialism (Della Volpe), 116 Historicity (Touraine), 415 History and Structure (Schmidt), 380 Hobbes, Thomas, 17 Hobbesian Marxism (Takabatake Motoyuki), 407 Hobhouse, Leonard, 17 Hochfeld, Julian, 206-7 Hope (Bloch), 76 Horkheimer, Max, 207-11 Horner, K. See Pannekoek, Antonie Homey, Karen, 151 Horvat, Branko, 350 Humanism and Terror (Merleau-Ponty), 297 Humanistic imperative (Milic), 303 Humanist socialism: Blum, Leon, 80; Fromm, Erich, 152 Hungarian Marxism (Gabel), 156 Husak, Gustav, 349 Husserl, Edmund, 17-18 Husserlian phenomenology and Marxism (Paci), 331 Hussite Ideology (Kalivoda), 225 Hyperempirical dialectics (Gurvitch), 189



Hypothesis-idea (Della Volpe), 116 Hyppolite, Jean, 211-12

Introduction to a Critique of Hegel’s Phi¬ losophy of Right (Marx), 7 Introduction to Semantics (Schaff), 377-

lanni, Octavio, 150 Ibanez, Carlos, 39 Idealism, 6 Idealist Marxism, 6-10 Ideas (Brzozowski), 84-85 Identity, principle of (Della Volpe), 116 Ideological state apparatuses (Althusser), 34 Ideology: Althusser, Louis, 34; Hall, Stuart, 198 Ideology of form, narrative as (Jameson), 218 Iglesias, Gerardo, 92 Illusion industry (Haug), 203 Imperialism: Austro-Marxism, 45-46; Bauer, Otto, 62; Frondizi, Silvio, 154 Import substitution school of thought, 150 Indjic, Trivo, 350 Industrialization-Despotism (Bahro), 53 Industrial sociology, science of (Zupanov), 434-37 Industry and Inequality (Offe), 329 V

In Search of Democracy in Socialism

(Stojanovic), 394 Institution of art (Burger), 85 Instrumentalist analysis of capitalist state (Miliband), 300 Integral personality (De Man), 117 Integral state (Gramsci), 181 Intellectuals, political role of (Gramsci), 181 Internal colonialism: Gonzalez Casanova, Pablo, 172; Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, 392 International federation of communists (Bahro), 54 Internationalism or Russification?

(Dzyuba), 129 Internationalization of Soviet State (Badzio), 52 “Interpretazioni tedische di Marx nel periodo 1929-1945” (Cantimori), 88

78 Intuition (Abramowski), 27 Invariance of bourgeois politics (DeGiovanni), 112 Inversion of tools (Gorz), 177 Ishikawa Junjuro, 407 Italian path to socialism (Togliatti), 41213 Jacobinism (Kalivoda), 225 Jacobson, Edith, 139 Jaeggi, Urs, 213-14 Jaksic, Bozidar, 350 James, Cyril Lionel Robert, 214-16 Jameson, Fredric, 216-19 Jaures, Jean, 219-21 Jewish national cultural autonomy (Kosovsky), 244 Johnson, J.R. See James, C.L.R. Johnson-Forest Tendency, 221-22 Joint stock systems (Bernstein), 73 Jones, LeRoi. See Baraka, Imamu Amiri Jom, Asger, 384 Kalandra, Zavis, 223-24 Kalivoda, Robert, 224-26 Kangrga, Milan, 226-29 Kantian Marxism: Adler, Max, 29; Aus¬ tro-Marxism, 45-46; Bauer, Otto, 62-63; Bernstein, Eduard, 75; Colletti, Lucio, 99 Kardelj, Edvard, 119 Karl Marx and Marxism (Fetscher), 14041 Kazama Jokichi, 371 Kelles-Krauz, Kazimierz, 229-30 Kibalchich, Victor Lvovich. See Serge, Victor Kidric, Boris, 119 Kirchheimer, Otto, 325 Klingender, Francis, 67 Kojeve, Alexandre, 230-32 Kolakowski, Leszek, 232-34 Kopelev, Lev, 234-35 Korac, Veljko, 235-36



Korcula Summer Schools, 350 Korsch, Karl, 236-40 Kosik, Karel, 240-42 Kosovsky, Vladimir, 242-44 Kosterin, Alexei Evgrafovich, 244 Kotoku Shusui, 406 Koyre, A., 50 Krahl, Hans-Jurgen, 244-45 Kresic, Andrija, 350 Kristeva, Julia, 245-46 Krzywicki, Ludwig, 246-48 Kuhn, Thomas, 141-42 Kurella, Alfred, 289 Kuron, Jacek, 248-49 Kuvacic, Ivan, 350 Laborism: Panzieri, Raniero, 338; Tronti, Mario, 419 Lacan, Jacques, 396 La crisis del movimiento (Claudm), 9798 La Cuisiniere et le mangeur d’hommes

(Glucksmann), 164 La Gauche Proletarienne (Glucksmann), 164 “La langue’’ (Saussure), 395 La Naissance de Vhistoire (Chatelet), 96 Lantos, Barbara, 139 La oposicion en el ‘socialismo real'

(Claudm), 98-99 “La parole” (Saussure), 395 Lapassade, Georges, 42 “La Pensee a-t-elle une ombre?” (Lougeyrollas), 147 La Philosophie en question (Fougeyrollas), 147 Lasch, Christopher, 250-52 Law, revolutionary function of (Lynd), 271 Lebensphilosophie (Marcuse), 281 Lebenswelt (Paci), 332 Lecourt, Dominique, 252-54 Lefebvre, Henri, 254-58 Lefort, Claude, 258, 388-89 Left Eurocommunism (Claudm), 98 Left Hegelians, 7 Legal Marxism, 258-59

Legal theory in Nazi Germany (Neu¬ mann), 323-24 Legitimization function of capitalist state (O’Connor), 328-29 Lehning, Arthur, 259 Le Marxisme en question (Fougeyrollas), 147 Leninism and capitalism (Mattick), 28789 Les Maitres penseurs (Glucksmann), 165 “Les nouveaux philosophes” (Glucks¬ mann), 163 Let History Judge (Medvedev), 292 Levi-Strauss, Claude, 259-60 Liberation Theology, 260-63 Libidinal economics: Deleuze, Gilles, 113; Guattari, Felix, 187-88; Ly¬ otard, Jean-Frangois, 272 Life-forms (Deleuze), 113 Linear cumulative time of capitalism (Le¬ febvre), 257 Linguistic philosophy, Marxist version of (Schaff), 377-78 Linz Program, 63 Lister, Enrique, 91 Literature and the Image of Man (Lowenthal), 265 Literatur und Interesse (C. Enzensberger), 133 Locke, John, 17 Logic as a Positive Science (Della Volpe), 114-16 Logos et praxis (Chatelet), 96 Lowenthal, Leo, 263-66 Lukacs, George, 266-69 Lumpenproletariat (Fanon), 137 Luporini, Cesare, 269-70 Lynd, Staughton, 270-72 Lyotard, Jean-Frangois, 272-73 Lysenkoism, critique of (Lecourt), 25354 Mach, Ernst, 131 Macha, Karel Hynek, 224 Machines (Deleuze), 113 Machinic assemblage (Deleuze), 113 The Making of the English Working Class

(Thompson), 410


456 Malinovsky, A. See Bogdanov, A. Mallet, Serge, 274-76 Man and His World (Pesic-Golubovic), 340 Man in Marxist Theory and the Psychol¬ ogy of Personality (Seve), 383-84

Marable, Manning, 276-79 Marcuse, Herbert, 279-83 Marini, Ruy Mauro, 283-84 Market socialism (Heimann), 205 Markovic, Mihailo, 284-86 Marx, Karl; absolute impoverishment, 23 n.l5; accumulation, 15; alienation, 8, 18; attitude toward philosophy, 35; class polarization, 15-16; com¬ modities, 13; constant capital, 14; economic cycles, 15-16; exchange value, 13-14; exploitation, 14-15; fetishism of commodities, 14; gen¬ eral labor time, 13; human emanci¬ pation, 19; labor, 18; labor power, 14; labor theory of value, 13; law of equivalence, 13; organic composition of capital, 14; physiological mini¬ mum, 14, 23 n.l5; rate of profit, 14; relative impoverishment, 23 n.l5; relative surplus value, 15; reserve army of unemployed, 15; socially necessary labor time, 14; species-es¬ sence, 8, 23 n.6; surplus value, 1415; theory of knowledge, 4; theory of praxis, 7, 18; use value, 13-14; variable capital, 14; wage labor, 13 Marx, Freud et la revolution totale

(Fougeyrollas), 147-48 Marxism and Epistemology (Lecourt), 252-53 Marxism and Form (Jameson), 218 Marxism and Literature (Williams), 431 Marxism and Philosophy (Korsch), 237 Marxism and the Human Individual

(Schaff), 378 Marxism without guarantees (Hall), 198 Marxistische Portrdts (Fetscher), 140-41 Marxist Zionism (Borokhov), 82 Marxologie (Rubel), 363 Maspero, Francois, 164 Mass action (Corey), 103

Mass media, critique of (Lowenthal), 266 Mass resistance, in Poland (Kuron), 249 Mass unionism (Mallet), 276 Master-slave dialectic (Kojeve), 231-32 Material culture (Aronowitz), 45 Materialism, 6, 12 Matter as thought’s cause (Colletti), 100 Mattick, Paul, 286-89 Mature capitalism (Giddens), 162 Mayer, Hans, 289-90 Mazzone, Alessandro, 114 Medem, Vladimir, 290-92 Medvedev, Roy A., 292-93 Medvedev, Zhores, 292 Meijer, Henk Canne, 334 Meinhof, Ulrike Marie, 293-95 Merker, Nicolao, 114 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 295-99 Meta-Marxism (Morin), 313 Metaphilosophy (Lefebvre), 256 Metropoles-satellite relationships (Frank), 149 Michnik, Adam, 299-300 Micro-analytics of power (Foucault), 145 Micro-politics of desire (Guattari), 188 Micro-socialism (Duvignaud), 129 Micunovic, Dragoljub, 350 Milan school (Paci), 331 Miliband, Ralph, 300-302 Milic, Jojin, 302-5 Mill, John Stuart, 17 Mille plateaux {E)t\Q.\XL6), 112-13 Mills, C. Wright, 305-6 Mimesis (Lefebvre), 256 Miranda, Jose Porfirio, 261 Mitchell, Juliet, 306-8 Mixed economy in capitalism, critique of (Mattick), 288 Mizuno Shigeo, 370 Mlynaf, Zdenek, 308-10 Modernity (Lefebvre), 257 Modzelewski, Karol, 248 Mohr, Jean, 68 Mondolfo, Rodolfo, 310-12 Morin, Edgar, 312-14 Morris, William, 314-17 Mounier, Emmanuel, 317-19 Mukafovsky, Jan, 319-20


Muller-Lehning, Arthur, See Lehning, Arthur Multiplicity of determinations (Aronowitz), 44-45 Musolino, Rocco, 114 Mystical sociology and abstract politics, art as (Baraka), 58 Myth (Sorel), 390-92 Mythical general strike (Sorel), 391 Myth of October (Rubel), 364 Nabeyama Sadachika, 369, 370 Napoleoni, Claudio, 321 Narcissism (Lasch), 250-51 Narcissistic image of emancipation (Mar¬ cuse), 282 National bolshevism (Kopelev), 235 National communism (Djilas), 120 Nationalism: Bauer, Otto, 62-63; Borokhov, Ber, 81-82; Dzyuba, Ivan, 129-30; Kosovsky, Vladimir, 244; Kosterin, Alexei, 244 Nationality policy (Badzio), 52 National left, in Uruguay (Trias), 417-18 National liberation front, in Poland (Kuron), 249 National-popular strategy (Berlinguer), 70 “The National Question and the Class Struggle” (Borokhov), 81 National socialism (Takabatake Motoyuki), 406 National socialism as planned capitalism (Pollock), 344 Natural law (Neumann), 324 Natural science, socialist version of (Korsch), 238 Nazism and positivism (Marcuse), 281 Need, as determinant of revolutionary ac¬ tion (Fanon), 138 Negative Dialectics (Adorno), 31 Negri, Antonio, 321-22 Neizvestny, Ernst, 67-68 Neocapitalism (Gorz), 176 Neo-Marxism, 6-23; compared to Marx¬ ism, 21-22; critical theory of, 19-21; empirical, 10-16; experiential, 1619; idealistic, 6-10; new leftist, 19-


457 Neumann, Franz, 322-25 Neurosis, Marxism as (Morin), 313 Neutral character of state (Austro-Marxism), 46 Neutralism, in Bund (Medem), 291 The New Class (Djilas), 120 New leftism, 21 New Left Review, 40 New proletarians: Gorz, Andre, 176; Mallet, Serge, 274-76 New semiotics, 397 News from Nowhere (Morris), 316 Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand Domela, 325-26 Non-class (Gorz), 178 Noncommunist leftism (Merleau-Ponty), 295 Normalization of Czechoslovakia (Prague Spring), 349 Normal science, critique of Kuhn’s the¬ ory of (Lecourt), 253 Novick, Pesach, 326-27 Novotny, Antonin, 347 Objective object-subject process (Colletti), 101 Objective socio-historical subject, man as (Kosfk), 242 O’Connor, James, 328-29 Offe, Claus, 329-30 Official man (Glucksmann), 165 Ohnsorg, Benno, 83 “On Abstract and Real Humanism” (Grlic), 187 One-Dimensional Man (Marcuse), 28182 Of Grammatology (Derrida), 118 On Socialist Democracy (Medvedev), 293 On the Jewish Question (Marx), 7, 12, 18 Open anthropo-sociology (Morin), 312 Open Marxism (Hochfeld), 207 Oppression (de Beauvoir), 106 Order and Freedom (Tadic), 404 Organic communist party (Gramsci), 18182 Organic communities (Duvignaud), 129 Organic intellectuals (Gramsci), 181 Oriental Despotism (Wittfogel), 432

458 Orphic image of emancipation (Marcuse), 282 Orthodox Marxism (Lukacs), 268 the Other, women as (de Beauvoir), 106 Our Political Crisis (Kosfk), 242 Outsiders (Mayer), 290 Overdetermination: Althusser, Louis, 35; Hall, Stuart, 198 Paci, Enzo, 331-33 Pacta Moncloa, 92 Palacky, Frantisek, 224 Pannekoek, Antonie, 333-35 Panomyong, Pridi, 335-37 Panzieri, Raniero, 337-39 Partisan tolerance (Marcuse), 281 Patriarchalism: Firestone, Shulamith, 143; Mitchell, Juliet, 307-8; Reich, Wil¬ helm, 356-57 Pedagogy of forms (Jameson), 217 Peguy, Charles, 317 People’s church (Liberation Theology), 262 Performance principle (Marcuse), 282 Period of uncertainty (Claudm), 98 Periphery (Wallerstein), 427 Permanent Red (Berger), 67 Permanent scepsis (Grlic), 186 Personalism (Mounier), 317-18 Personalis! Manifesto (Mounier), 317 Personality, materialist interpretation of (Seve), 383-84 Personality types, in capitalism (Fromm), 152 Pesic-Golubovic, Zagorka, 339-42 Petofi circle, 242 Petrovic, Gajo, 342-44 Phenomenological Marxism: MerleauPonty, Maurice, 295-99; Sartre, Jean-Paul, 371-77 Philosophical anthropology, Marxian ver¬ sion of (Schaff), 378 Philosophie circle, 254 “Philosophy and Critical Theory” (Mar¬ cuse), 280 Philosophy of ambiguity (MerleauPonty), 295 Philosophy of labor (Brzozowski), 84


Philosophy of rationality (Cavailles), 94 Piaget, Jean, Goldmann’s analysis of, 170 Piccone, Paul, 242 Pietranera, Giulio, 114 Plain Marxism (Mills), 305 Planetary thinking: arguments, 41-42; Axelos, Kostas, 48; Chatelet, Fran¬ cois, 96; Duvignaud, Jean, 128; Fougeyrollas, Pierre, 147; Morin, Edgar, 314 Planned economies (Pollock), 345 Play (Axelos), 47 Plebian tradition of resistance (Mayer), 290 the Pledge (Sartre), 374 Pledged group (Sartre), 374 Pliushch, Leonid Ivanovich, 344 Poale Zion (Workers of Zion) (Borokhov), 81 Poesis (Lefebvre), 256 Poetry at a Loss (Vaclavek), 423 Policing of Families (Donzelot), 122 Polish utopian communism (Abramowski), 27 The Political Economy of Slavery (Gen¬ ovese), 160 Political precursors of socialism (Hochfeld), 207 Political revolution (Glucksmann), 163 The Political Unconscious (Jameson), 218 Politics, as active transformational agent (Touraine), 415 Politics of culture (Mills), 306 Politics of exploitation (Rowbotham), 361 Politics of oppression (Rowbotham), 361 Politics of truth (Foucault), 145 Pollock, Friedrich, 344-46 Pop culture, critique of: Haug, Fritz, 202-3; Lowenthal, Leo, 264-65 Popov, Nebojsa, 350 Post-industrial proletarians (Gorz), 178 Postindustrial society (Touraine), 414-15, 417 The Post-Modern Condition (Lyotard), 273


Postpatriarchal civilization (Mitchell), 308 “Potere Operaio.” See Worker power movement Poulantzas, Nicos, 346-47 Pour etre socialiste (Blum), 80 The Poverty of Philosophy (Marx), 12 The Poverty of Theory (Thompson), 410 Power, strategic theorizing about: Fou¬ cault, Michel, 145; Glucksmann, Andre, 164 The Power Elite (Mills), 305 Practical ensembles (Sartre), 373 Practical human interest (Habermas), 193 Practice (Althusser), 34-36 Practico-inert (Sartre), 372-73 Prague Spring, 347-49 Praxis: Fromm, Erich, 151-52; Grlic, Danko, 185; Kosik, Karel, 241-42; Markovic, Mihailo, 285; Milic, Vojin, 303; Mondolfo, Rodolfo, 311; Pesic-Golubovic, Zagorka, 340; Petrovic, Gajo, 343-44; Praxis school, 351; Stojanovic, Svetozar, 393-95; Supek, Rudi, 399; Tadic, Ljubomir, 404-5; Vranicki, Predrag, 425 Praxis, philosophy of: Gramsci, Antonio, 179; Kosik, Karel, 241 Praxis school, 349-53 Principle of oneness (Harrington), 201 Principle of praxis (Harrington), 201 Prison Notebooks (Gramsci), 179 Private man (Glucksmann), 165 “Problems of Revolutionary Strategy in Latin America” (Debray), 108 Problems of the Contemporary Theory of Personality (Pesic-Golubovic), 340

Process without a subject (Althusser), 35 Program of Action of the Czech Commu¬ nist Party (Mlynaf), 309 Progressive individuation (Habermas), 194 Progressive-regressive method (Sartre), 372 PROKLA (Problems of Class Struggle), 37 Proletarian Science? (Lecourt), 253-54 Proletarian Zionism (Borokhov), 82

4:59 Promethean image of emancipation (Mar¬ cuse), 282 Promethean motif of Marxism (Kolakowski), 234 Prophets of Deceit (Lowenthal and Guterman), 265 Protestantization of bolshevism (Tadic), 405 Provokation als organisierte Selbstfreigabe (Bruckner), 84

Pseudo-concrete (Kosik), 242 Pseudosocialism (Medvedev), 292 Psychoanalysis, revolutionary conse¬ quences of (Reich), 357 Psychoanalysis and Feminism (Mitchell), 307 Psycho-geography (Situationist Interna¬ tional), 385 Psychology of socialism (De Man), 117 Quasi-theocratic Soviet state (Bahro), 54 Quijano, Anibal, 150 Quotidian. See Everyday life Rabehl, Bemd, 126 Racism, in capitalism (Dubois), 124-26 Radical Czech Democracy (Kosik), 241 Radical feminism (Mitchell), 307 Radical liberalism (Harrington), 201 Radical needs, theory of (Heller), 206 Rankovic, Alexander, 119 Rationalism, critique of (Sorel), 390-92 Rationality and Irrationality in Econom¬ ics (Godelier), 166

Ravesteijn, W., 173 Reaganism and racism in America (Marable), 277 Real existing socialism: Bahro, Rudolf, 54; Pesic-Golubovic, Zagorka, 341 Reality principle (Marcuse), 282 Reason and Revolution (Marcuse), 281 Reformism (Bernstein), 74 Reformism, critique of (Gorter), 173 Reich, Annie, 139 Reich, Wilhelm, 354-58 Reification: Goldmann, Lucien, 170-71; Lukacs, George, 268 Relative autonomy (Althusser), 34


460 Relative autonomy of capitalist state: Miliband, Ralph, 302; Poulantzas, Nicos, 346-47 Relative autonomy of state (Claudm), 98 Relativism (Korsch), 238 the Religion of socialism (Morris), 31516 Religious production (Boff), 263 Renaissance Man (Heller), 205 Renner, Karl, 45 Renovatory Eurocommunists, 92 Repair period of Czech reformism (Pra¬ gue Spring), 347 Repressive tolerance (Marcuse), 281 Republic of cooperation (Abramowski), 28 Revised revisionism (Morin), 313 Revisionism (Bernstein), 72-76 Revolutionary libertinism (Kalivoda), 225 Revolutionary reformism (Gorz), 176 Revolutionary retrospect, law of (KellesKrauz), 230 Revolutionary teleology (Stojanovic), 394 Revolution as an ontology (Petrovic), 343-44 Revolution in the Revolution? (Debray), 108 Rheinische Zeitung, 1

Ricardo, David, 13 Riemeck, Renate, 293 Right Hegelians, 23 n.6 Rivkin, B., 358-59 Rodano, Franco, 359-60 Rohl, Klaus Rainer, 294 Roland-Holst, Henriette, 334 Roll Jordan Roll (Genovese), 160 Romantic motif of Marxism (Kolakowski), 234 Romaszewski, Zbigniew, 300 Rosa, Asor, 338, 418, 419 Rose, Jacqueline, 308 Rossi, Mario, 114 Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF), 294 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, influence on Marx (Colletti), 100 Rowbotham, Sheila, 360-62 Rubel, Maximilien, 362-65 Rudnev, V.A, See Bazarov, V.

Ruge, Arnold, 23 n.6 Ruble, Otto, 365-67 Rundbriefe (Fenichel), 139-40 Rus, Veljko, 350 Rus, Vojan, 186 Russian chauvinism (Dzyuba), 129 Saipradit, Gularb, 368-69 Sakai Toshihiko, 406 Sano Hiroshi, 371 Sano Manabu, 369-71 Sartre, Jean-Paul, 371-77 Satire, as political protest (Zinoviev), 434 Saussure, Ferdinand de, 395 Scarcity (Sartre), 372 Scarcity, as determinant of revolutionary action (Fanon), 138 Schaff, Adam, 377-79 Schillebeeckx, Edward, 262-63 Schizophrenia and ideology (Gabel), 156-57 Schmidt, Alfred, 379-80 Schneider, Michael, 380-81 Science free of assumptions (Cantimori), 89 Search for a Method (Sartre), 371-77 Second revolution (Kuron), 248 The Second Sex (de Beauvoir), 105-6 Second step, theory of (Havemann), 204 Segundo, Juan Luis, 261 Seifert, J., 293 Seiler, Martin. See Mayer, Hans Self-exploitation of working class (Ne¬ gri), 322 Self-management: Djilas, Milovan, 119; Gorz, Andre, 176; Mallet, Serge, 275-76; Markovic, Mihailo, 285; Supek, Rudi, 398-400; Vranicki, Predrag, 425 Self-Management and Social Power (Zupanov), 435 Self-management in Yugoslavia, critique of (Zupanov), 434-37 The Self-Production of Society (Touraine), 415-16 Semiology, 396 Semiperiphery (Wallerstein), 427 Semprun, Jorge, 91, 97

INDEX Senghor, Leopold Sedar, 137 Sense deficit (C. Enzensberger), 133 Serge, Victor, 381-83 Seriality (Sartre), 373, 375-76 Series (Sartre), 374 Series of ruptures (Claudm), 98 Seve, Lucien, 383-84 “Seven Fallacies About Latin America’’ (Stavenhagen), 392 Sexual inhibition, political consequences of (Reich), 355-56 Shaull, Richard, 261 Shelest, Retro, 130 Simon, S., 388 Situation (Situationist International), 386 Situationist International, 384-87 Situations of dependency (Cardoso), 89 Sixties Group, 52, 129 Slavery in America (Genovese), 160 Smith, Adam, 13 Sobrino, Jon, 261 Social capital expenditures (O’Connor), 328 Social character (Fromm), 151 Social consumption (O’Connor), 328 Social expenses (O’Connor), 328 Social ideas (Krzywicki), 247 Social instinct (Krzywicki), 247 Social investment (O’Connor), 328 Socialisme ou Barbarie, 387-89 Socialism-in-one-country under the Em¬ peror (Sano Manabu), 370 Socialism with a human face (Prague Spring), 347 Socialist commonwealth (Debs), 110 Socialist feminism: Mitchell, Juliet, 307; Rowbotham, Sheila, 360-62 Socialist market, critique of (Pesic-Golubovic), 340-41 Socialist-of-the-path (Dubois), 125 Socialist strategy (H. Enzensberger), 134 Social machines (Deleuze), 113 Social movement (Kuron), 248-49 Social theory, 5 Social unconscious (Fromm), 152 Societies of friendship (Abramowski), 27 Socioanalysis (Habermas), 194-95 Sociological imagination (Mills), 305

461 Sociological intervention (Touraine), 416 Sociology and Socialism (Supek), 399 Sociology of scientific method (Feyerabend), 142 Solidarity, 248-49 Sobers, Philippe, 389-90 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 234 Sorel, Georges, 390-92 Soul and Form (Lukacs), 267 Soviet Marxism (Marcuse), 281 Space, as means of psychic and social fragmentation in capitalism (Situa¬ tionist International), 385-86 Spano, Velio, 88 Spectacle (Situationist International), 384-85 Speech and Phenomena (Derrida), 118 Spiritual combat against orthodoxy (Morin), 312 Spiritual materialism (Harrington), 202 Stalinism, critique of (Tadic), 404-5 Stalinism and Socialism (Pesic-Golubovic), 341 the State: as social fiction (Sartre), 376; in capitalist society (Miliband), 300302 State Capitalism and World Revolution (James), 221 The State in Capitalist Society (Mili¬ band), 301 Statism: Markovic, Mihailo, 285; Stojanovic, Svetozar, 393-94 Statutory group (Sartre), 374 Stavenhagen, Rodolfo, 392-93 Stojanovic, Svetozar, 393-95 Stolle, Ladislav, 408 Strategie de la revolution (Glucksmann), 163 Strategy for Labor (Gorz), 175 Straus, David, 23 n.6 Structural aesthetics (Mukafovsky), 319-

20 Structural causality (Althusser), 35 Structural constraints on capitalist state (Miliband), 301 Structuralist-hermeneutics (Adorno), 33 Structural Marxism, 395-98

462 Structural sin, in Third World (Liberation Theology), 261 Structure in dominance (Althusser), 34 Structure of feeling (Williams), 430 Structure of psychic energy (Fromm), 151 Struve, Peter B., 258 Studies in the Left (Aronowitz), 45 Subimperialism (Marini), 284 Subject-object of history, proletariat as (Lukacs), 268 Subversion (Fals Borda), 135-36 Subversive Aktion, 126 Success and Failure of Picasso (Berger), 67 Sullivan, Harry Stack, 151 Sunkel, Osvaldo, 150 Supek, Rudi, 398-401 the Superstitious cult of materialism (Kolakowski), 233 Surplus repression (Marcuse), 282 Svitak, Ivan, 401-2 Symbolically mediated interaction (Ha¬ bermas), 195 Synchronic analysis (Sartre), 372 Syndicalism (Sorel), 390-91 Taborite ideology (Kalivoda), 225 Tadic, Ljubomir, 403-6 Takabatake Motoyuki, 406-8 Talented tenth (Dubois), 124 Tauto-etherological identity, principle of (Della Volpe), 116 Tauto-etherology, principle of (Della Volpe), 116 Technical human interest (Habermas), 193 Technocracy of sensuality (Haug), 202 Technologies of power (Foucault), 146 Teige, Karel, 408-9 Television as poetry of modernity (Lefebvre), 257 Telos (Paci), 332 Tel Quel group, 397 Temporal irreversibility (Paci), 331 “Tenko” (defection) (Sano Manabu), 369 Terror, social function of (Sartre), 375


Theoretical labor (Bachelard), 50 Theoretical problematic (Althusser), 35 Theories of Surplus Value (Marx), 12-13 The Theory of Need in Marx (Heller), 206 Theory of the Avant-Garde (Burger), 85 Theory of theoretical practice (Althusser), 35 Theory of value, critique of (Bernstein), 73-74 Therapeutic experts (Lasch), 251 Therapeutic sensibility (Lasch), 251 the Third (Sartre), 373 Third path to socialism (Berlinguer), 70 Thompson, Edward P., 409-11 Thought as “cause of its [material] cause” (Colletti), 100 Through Creation Towards Reality (Vaclavek), 423-24 Timpanero, Carlos. See Riihle, Otto Titoism, 119 Togliatti, Palmiro, 411-13 Tolerance (Marcuse), 281 Topia (Fals Borda), 135-36 Torres Restrepo, Camilo, 413-14 Totality: Horkheimer, Max, 209; Lukacs, George, 268-69 Totalization (Sartre), 372 Totalization of envelopment (Sartre), 373 Total man (Lefebvre), 256 Total revolution (Fougeyrollas), 147 Touraine, Alain, 414-17 Towards 2000 (Williams), 431 “Traditional and Critical Theory” (Horkheimer), 208 Transcendental ego (Husserl), 17 the Transition (Badaloni), 51 Transition to socialism (Basso), 60-61 Trentin, Bruno, 175 Triangle of power (Supek), 399 Trias, Vivian, 417-18 Tribunists, 173 Troelstra, Pieter Jelle, 173 Tronti, Mario, 418-20 Tugan-Baranovsky, Mikhail L, 258, 288 Two-stage strategy for revolution (Euro¬ communism), 98


Uhl, Petr, 421-22 Underdevelopment (Cardoso), 90 Underdevelopment and capitalism (Frondizi), 154 Underdevelopment as a process (Frank), 149 Unequal Exchange (Emmanuel), 131 Uneven development, in Third World (Gonzalez Casanova), 172 Uneven division of power (Hochfeld), 207 Unitary urbanism (Situationist Interna¬ tional), 386-87 Universal singular (Sartre), 372 Univocity of being (Deleuze), 113 Unknown Marx (Harrington), 202 The Unperfect Society (Djilas), 121 Unplanned economies (Pollock), 345 Urban guerrilla warfare (Meinhof), 294 Uribe, Vicente, 91 Ussishkin, Menahem, 81 Utopia (Fals Borda), 135-36 Utopianism, as element of Marxism (Rubel), 364 Utopian Marxism (Bloch), 76-77 Vaclavek, Bedrich, 423-24 Valentinov, N., 131 Vaneigem, Raoul, 384 Versuch, Lenin auf die Fiisse zu stellen

(Dutschke), 127 Vico, Giambattista, 51 Violence (Fanon), 138 Violence, in fused groups (Sartre), 375 Violi, Carlo, 114 The Voice and the Eye (Touraine), 416 Vol’sky, N.V. See Valentinov, N. Vranicki, Predrag, 424-25 Wage-Labour and Capital (Marx), 12-13

463 Wijnkoop, D., 173 Williams, Raymond, 428-31 Wittfogel, Karl, 431-32 Woman s Consciousness, Man s World

(Rowbotham), 360 Woman's Estate (Mitchell), 307 Worker autonomy movement (Negri), 321-22 Worker power movement (Negri), 321-

22 Workers Councils (Pannekoek), 334 V

Workers councils in Yugoslavia (Zupanov), 435-36 World-economy (Wallerstein), 427 World-empire (Wallerstein), 426-27 World Systems Theory: Amin, Samir, 38-39; Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 89-90; Dos Santos, Theotonio, 12223; Emmanuel, Arghiri, 131; Frank, Andre Gunder, 148-51; Frondizi, Silvio, 153-54; Marini, Ruy Mauro, 283-84; Wallerstein, Immanuel, 426-28 The World the Slaveholders Made (Gen¬ ovese), 160 The Wretched of the Earth (Fanon), 137 Wujec, Henryk, 300 Wyneken, Gustav, 64 Yiddishkayt, socialist and secular: Gold¬ berg, Ichte, 167; Rivkin, B., 358-59 Yugoslav self-management, critique of (Supek), 399 Zinoviev, Alexander, 433-34 Zionism: Borokhov, Ber, 81-82; critique of (Kosovsky), 244; Rivkin, B., 358-59 Zivotic, Milodin, 350 Zupanov, Josip, 434-37 Zur Pathologie des Gehorsams (Briickner), 83 Zur Psychologie des Mitldufers (Briickner), 83 V

Wallerstein, Immanuel, 426-28 Ward, Lester, 135 War of position (Gramsci), 180 Ways of Seeing (Berger), 68 Weinrebe, Baruch Abraham. See Rivkin, B. Why? (Grlic), 186

Zur Sozialpsychologie des Kapitalismus

(Bruckner), 84


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