Bible quizzes and questions

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Bible quizzes and questions

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IIE» Quizzes

Questions Hl



i .


W. Burgess McCreary

Author of One Thousand Bible Drill Questions John Bunyan, the Immortal Dreamer

“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”—John 5:39


Anderson, Indiana




3-6-5,? 5 CONTENTS

Page Bible Quizzes.............................................................. 7

What’s My Name?................................................. 7 Who Am I and Where Did I Come From? . 8 In Which Book?.........................................................9 Who Said It?....................................................... 10 What’s My Line?....................................................... 12 What’s Wrong?....................................................... 13 Finish the Names............................................... 14 Do You Know?....................................................... 15 Correct the Spelling............................................... 16 Finish the Verse....................................................... 17 Famous Bible Words............................................... 18 True or False?....................................................... 19 Which Answer Is Correct? .... 21 What Place Was It?................................................23 Bible Firsts............................................................... 25 Bible Curiosities....................................................... 26 Listing Bible Books............................................... 27 Match Place andPerson......................................... 28 What Did These Have in Common? . . 29 Scripture I.Q. Test............................................... 30 Bible Animals....................................................... 31 Bible Miracles....................................................... 32 Great Bible Prayers............................................... 34 Strange Names....................................................... 36 Bible Women....................................................... 37 Bible Rivers............................................................... 38 Mountains of the Bible....................................... 39 I’ve Got a Secret............................................... 40 What Prophet Was It?....................................... 42 The Apostles....................................................... 43 Names for God....................................................... 45



Contents The Israelites and Their Tribes . Kings of Israel .... Bible Geography On Bible Teachings

Page 46 47 47


Salvation................................ Christian Unity .... Healing ........................................ The Church................................ Faith........................................ Immortality ................................ The Holy Life .... Prayer........................................ Heaven........................................ Hell................................................


Search Questions on Bible Books


Old Testament New Testament

.... ....

59 81


How well do you know your Bible? Test yourself. Here are over a thousand ques­ tions and answers arranged in such a way that they will provide entertainment as well as spir­ itual food for your mind and spirit. The author has spent more than forty years in Sunday school service, with many of those years editing and writing church-school publications. He has always taught the lessons with a background of Scripture. No man is truly educated unless he knows the Scriptures. It is the hope of the author that he has contributed somewhat to the educational process by this little volume. No attempt is made to be systematic. Rather it is a book you can pick up and turn to this or that page as it suits your fancy. It will be found useful for personal reference and should be of help in young people’s meetings, social gatherings of church groups, and in the home with youth. —The Author

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What's My Name? 1. I played a harp. I wrote poetry. I herded sheep. I became a king. David. 2. I built a boat. I went through a long rain. I saw a rainbow. Noah. 3. I prayed with the window open. I wouldn’t eat the king’s meat. I was in a lions’ den. Daniel. 4. I was put into a pit by my brothers. I saved corn for a famine. I became a governor of Egypt. Joseph. 5. I was bom in Tarsus. I was the first apostle to the Gentiles. I wrote much of the New Tes­ tament Paul. 6. I preached at Pentecost. I was let out of jail by an angel. I was the first leader of the early church. Peter. 7. My mother’s name was Eunice. Paul found me at Lystra. Paul wrote two New Testa­ ment books to me. Timothy. 8. God wrote on stones and handed them to me. I led Israel to Canaan. God took me to him on Mount Nebo. Moses. 9. I didn’t like the prophet Elijah because of what he did to my husband. I helped steal a vineyard. I was eaten by dogs. Jezebel.



Bible Quizzes and Questions

10. I, a woman, planned the defeat of Sisera’s army. I was a judge in Israel. I wrote a poem and sang about the victory. Deborah. Who Am I and Where Did I Come From?

1. God told me to leave my country and go to a land I knew nothing about. So I went on faith. Abraham, from Ur. 2. Satan told God I served him for what I could get out of it. I was afflicted with boils. I said, “Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.” Job, from the land of Uz. 3. I thought I was a great man because I built a big city. God sent me out into the field to eat grass like an ox. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. 4. I was a herdsman and gatherer of sycamore figs. I became a prophet to Israel. I reproved the rich for their oppression of the poor. Amos, from Tekoa in Judah. 5. I was a member of the Sanhedrin in Jesus’ day. I had a tomb hewn out of rock. In it I laid the body of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea. 6. I was a king who had a great commercial fleet and much building material. I helped King Solomon build the Temple in Jerusalem. Hiram of Tyre. 7. I gleaned in the fields of Judah. My husband had died in a far country. I married the owner of the fields. Ruth, from Moab. 8. I was a physician. I accompanied the Apostle Paul on some of his missionary journeys. I wrote one of the Gospels. Luke joined Paul at Troas (ancient Troy).

Bible Quizzes and Questions


9. I was a fisherman. I was known as the “dis­ ciple whom Jesus loved.” I leaned on his bosom at the Last Supper. John, from Galilee. 10. I was short of stature. I lived near the Dead Sea. I told Jesus I would give half of my goods to the poor. Zaccheus of Jericho.

In Which Book? Which Bible book tells . . .

1. The story of a man being swallowed by a fish? Jonah. 2. About a queen who came from Africa to visit the richest king Israel ever had? First Kings (10). 3. The creation story? Genesis (1). 4. The Christmas story? Matthew and Luke. 5. The story of a great shipwreck? Acts (27). 6. A story concerning a man’s love for his erring wife? Hosea. 7. The story of a poor wise man who saved a city but was forgotten? Ecclesiastes (9:14-15). 8. The story of the rebuilding of the Jerusalem temple after the Jewish exile? Ezra. 9. The story of Samson? Judges. 10. The story of the children of Israel in the wilderness? Exodus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Which Bible book . . .

1. Is a series of visions a Christian exile saw? Revelation.


Bible Quizzes and Questions

2. Has the chapter on love? First Corinthians (13). 3. Says, “A soft answer turneth away wrath”? Proverbs (15:1). 4. Has a whole chapter of thirty verses about animals? Job (39). 5. Does not contain the name of God? Esther. 6. Was the songbook of the Jews before Christ? Psalms. 7. Explains how our Lord’s priesthood differs from the Jewish order of priests? Hebrews (7:17). 8. Lists the fruit of the Spirit? Galatians (5:22-23). 9. Is a song of love? Song of Solomon. 10. Prophesies that Christ would be born in Beth­ lehem? Micah (5:2).

Who Said It? 1. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Cain (Gen. 4:9). 2. “Lord, is it I?” Disciples at the Last Supper. 3. “Lord, . . . my family is poor . . . and I am the least in my father’s house.” Gideon (Judg. 6:15). 4. “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” Peter (Luke 5:8). 5. “They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick.” Jesus (Luke 5:31). 6. “Oh . . . that mine adversary had written a book.” Job (31:35).

Bible Quizzes and Questions


7. “A wise son maketh a glad father.” Solomon (Prov. 10:1). 8. “Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.” James (5:13). 9. “Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near.” Isaiah (55:6). 10. “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down.” Nehemiah (6:3). 11. “Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” Caleb (Num. 13:30). 12. “Would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets!” Moses (Num. 11:29). 13. “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.” Moses (Deut. 33:2). 14. “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is bom of God, and knoweth God.” John (I John 4:7). 15. “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord.” Malachi (3:10). 16. “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches.” Jeremiah (9:23). 17. “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death.” John (Rev. 21:4). 18. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” Jesus (Matt. 5:44).

12 Bible Quizzes and Questions F"' 19. “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” David (Ps. 14:1). 20. “The light of the wicked shall be put out.” Bildad (Job 18:5).

What's My Line? What was the occupation of each of these per­ sons?

1. The Apostle Paul 2. Peter, James, and John 3. Matthew

4. Lydia 5. Cain

6. Abel

7. Jesus 8. Amos 9. Alexander

10. Aaron

11. Belshazzar 12. Nehemiah 13. Felix

14. Cornelius 15. Esther

Tentmaking (Acts 18:3) Fishermen (Matt 4:18-21) Tax collector (Matt. 9:9) Merchant (seller of cloth) (Acts 16:14) Farmer (Gen. 4:2) Shepherd (Gen. 4:2) Carpenter (Mark 6:3) Fig gatherer and shep­ herd (Amos 7:14) Coppersmith (II Tim. 4:14) Priest (Exod. 28:1) King (Dan. 5:1) Cupbearer to king (Neh. 1:11) Governor (Acts 23:24) Soldier (Acts 10:1) Queen (Esther 9:29)

Bible Quizzes and Questions 16. Barnabas 17. Tubal-cain 18. Jubal 19. Luke

20. Naboth


Farmer (Acts 4:36-37) Metalworker (Gen. 4:22) Musician (Gen. 4:21) Physician (Col. 4:14) Vinedresser (I Kings 21:1) What's Wrong?

Each of these quotations contains one or more incorrect words. What are they in each case?

1. Eve “took of the apple, and did eat, and gave also to her husband with her; and he did eat” (Gen. 3:6). 2. “A word fitly spoken is like apples of silver in pictures of gold” (Prov. 25:11). 3. “Having money is the root of all evil” (I Tim. 6:10). 4. “God said . . . All that a man hath will he give for his life” (Job 2:4). 5. “He that spareth his rod loveth his son” (Prov. 13:24). 6. “The voice is Esau’s voice, but the hands are the hands of Jacob” (Gen. 27:22). 7. After Naomi’s husband died, her two sons “took them wives of the women of Moab; and the name of the one was Naomi, and the name of the other Esther” (Ruth 1:4). 8. “And God said unto Moses, Make thee an ark of gopher wood” (Gen. 6:13-14). 9. “Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Joseph” (Jonah 1:17). 10. In the days of the judges of ancient Israel it was said, “In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in the eyes of God” (Judg. 21:25).


Bible Quizzes and Questions

11. “Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in the Pool of Siloam seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean” (II Kings 5:10). 12. Zaccheus “climbed up into a palm tree to see him: for he was to pass that way” (Luke 19:4). 13. “My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of lions” (Luke 19:46). 14. “A prophet is always without honor, save in his own country, and in his own house (Matt. 13:57). 15. “Then Abraham arose and said, The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:20-21). 16. “Anger goeth before destruction, and dis­ obedience before a fall” (Prov. 16:18). 17. “A brother loveth at all times, and a friend is bom for adversity” (Prov. 17:17). 18. “Let every man be swift to speak, slow to hear, slow to wrath” (Jas. 1:19). 19. “And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of fire and by night in a pillar of cloud” (Exod. 13:21). 20. “A good name is better than great riches” (Eccles. 7:1). Finish the Names 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

ELIS______________________ _ (Elisabeth) ISSA _______________________ (Issachar) ABRA ________ -____________ (Abraham) ISA _ __________ —___________ (Isaiah) ZEBU_____________ (Zebulun) NAPH (Naphtali) OBAD _____ ;__________ 1_____ (Obadiah) BARNA (Barnabas) CYR (Cyrus) SANBA ____________________ (Sanballat) SOSTH (Sosthenes) SUSA (Susanna)

Bible Quizzes and Questions 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


METHU (Methuselah) SENNACH ---------------------- (Sennacherib) JUD (Judah) NAH -------- .-------------------------- (Nahum) EPHR --------------------------------- (Ephraim) LAZA ___ ..__________________ (Lazarus) JEZE (Jezebel) ELIJ (Elijah)

Do You Know? 1. Who was the oldest man who ever lived and what was his age? Methuselah, 969 years (Gen. 5:21-27). 2. What was God’s first command recorded in the Bible? “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3). 3. Who built the first city? Cain (Gen. 4:17). 4. Who was the first man whom the Lord named before birth? Ishmael (Gen. 16:11). 5. What king beat down a city and sowed it with salt? Abimelech (Judg. 9:45). 6. What prophet was himself the subject of prophecy? John the Baptist (Mai. 4:5-6; Matt. 17:12-13). 7. What man was so frightened that his hair stood on end? Eliphaz (Job 4:15). 8. Who was the first Christian convert in Mace­ donia? Lydia (Acts 16:14). 9. Who is the only Bible person whose name commences with the letter Q? Quartus (Rom. 16:23). 10. Who came to Jesus by night? Nicodemus (John 3:2).


Bible Quizzes and Questions

11. What is harder to be won than a strong city? A brother offended (Prov. 18:19). 12. What remedy did a prophet prescribe for a king’s boils? Figs for Hezekiah (Isa. 38:21). 13. Which one of the Lord’s miracles was worked by the utterance of one word? Healing deaf man by saying, Ephphatha (Mark 7:34). 14. What is the only revenge permitted to a Chris­ tian? “Burning coals” of kindness and forgiveness (Rom. 12:20). 15. What ornament does the Bible recommend for a Christian woman? A meek and quiet spirit (I Pet. 3:4). 16. For what two men were miracles performed involving the sun? Joshua (10:12-13) and Hezekiah (II Kings 20:11). 17. Where in the Scriptures is the only mention of churning butter? Proverbs 30:33. 18. Where are we told in one verse not to do a thing and in the next to do it? Proverbs 26:4-5. 19. Which of Christ’s miracles were miracles of creation? Turning water into wine (John 2:7, 10). Feeding of multitudes (Matt. 14:15, 21). Correct the Spelling 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Jeruselem Sea of Galilea Jeriko Mount Herman Jordon River Solamon Nazereth

Jerusalem Sea of Galilee Jericho Mount Hermon Jordan River Solomon Nazareth

Bible Quizzes and Questions 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Lebenon Magdalen Elija Hanna Rehobom Barnebas Edan Gethsemene Nineva Ruben Michel Jehosaphat Bethsada


Lebanon Magdalene Elijah Hannah Rehoboam Barnabas Eden Gethsemane Nineveh Reuben Michael Jehoshaphat Bethsaida

Finish the Verse

1. “For God so loved the world .. .” (John 3:16). 2. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth . . .” (John 12:32). 3. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness . . .” (Matt. 5:6). 4. “And thou shalt call his name Jesus: for . . .” (Matt. 1:21). 5. “But ye shall receive power, after that . . .” (Acts 1:8). 6. “God be merciful to me . . .” (Luke 18:13). 7. “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh . . .” (John 1:29). 8. “Except a man be born again . . .” (John 3:3). 9. “Wist ye not that I must be . . (Luke 2:49). 10. “Ask and it shall be . . .” (Matt. 7:7). 11. “O generation of vipers, who hath . . .” (Luke 3:7). 12. “What doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and . . .” (Mic. 6:8). 13. “When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh . . .” (Prov. 16:7). 14. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is . . .” (Rom. 1:16).


Bible Quizzes and Questions

15. “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example to . . .” (I Tim. 4:12). 16. “Now faith is the substance of ...” (Heb. 11:1). 17. “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of . . .” (Acts 2:38). 18. “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good . . .” (Matt. 5:44). 19. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a . . .” (Ps. 119:105). 20. “God hath made of one blood all . . .” (Acts 17:26). Famous Bible Words 1. Three words describing heavenly beings: God, angels, cherubim. 2. Names for the devil: Satan, Beelzebub. 3. Feast to commemorate the Exodus: Passover. 4. The last great battle between good and evil: Armageddon. 5. The chief city of the Jews: Jerusalem. 6. What term did Paul use in addressing the Christians at Corinth? Saints. 7. Jesus told stories about earthly things to illus­ trate spiritual truths. What were they called? Parables. 8. What did the Apostle Paul say is the greatest thing in the world? Charity (Christian love). 9. What did Jesus and the apostles say one must do to get into the kingdom of God? Repent. 10. To what did Paul refer in First Corinthians 15, when he said if it is not so, preaching is in vain? Christ’s resurrection.

Bible Quizzes and Questions


11. What are we to take up daily in order to fol­ low Christ? Our cross. 12. What are the results of the Christian life called in Galatians 5:22-23? Fruit of the Spirit. 13. What did Jesus call the place of eternal pun­ ishment? Hell. 14. What did Jesus call the place of bliss in the other world? Paradise. 15. Who is the Third Person of the Trinity? The Holy Spirit. 16. What institution did Jesus say he would build, which still exists? The church. 17. What does the New Testament call the min­ isters of the various churches? Elders or presbyters. 18. What Christian rite is to be observed by all entering the church? Baptism. 19. What is another Christian ordinance to be ob­ served? Communion (the Lord’s Supper). 20. In beginning his Gospel, what term does John use in describing Christ? The Word (Logos).

True or False? Old Testament

1. David was the first king of Israel. False (Saul). 2. The Lord warned the people of Noah’s day 120 years before sending the flood. True (Gen. 6:3). 3. The prophet Elisha caused iron to swim. True (H Kings 6:6).


Bible Quizzes and Questions

4. The army of Belshazzar was routed by the angel of death. False (Sennacherib’s army, II Kings 19:35). 5. Once the people could not finish a great tower because God confused their languages. True (tower of Babel, Gen. 11:4, 9). 6. The last of the ten plagues of Egypt was dark­ ness. False (death of first born, Exod. 11:5). 7. When the Hebrews left Egypt they borrowed Egyptian garments. True (Exod. 12:35). 8. Elijah prayed for a drought, and it did not rain for three years. True (I Kings 17:1; Jas. 5:17). 9. Joel was swallowed by a fish. False (Jonah). 10. Jeremiah is the last book in the Old Testa­ ment. False (Malachi). New Testament

1. Paul was one of the twelve disciples. False. 2. Peter is called the Apostle to the Gentiles. False. 3. The Bereans were commended because they searched the Scriptures. True. 4. The disciples were first called Christians at Antioch. True (Acts 11:26). 5. The last book in the Bible is Galatians. False (Revelation). 6. Paul wrote the Acts of the Apostles. False (Luke). 7. There are twenty-five books in the New Tes­ tament. False (twenty-seven).

Bible Quizzes and Questions


8. Phoebe carried Paul’s letter from Corinth to Rome. True (Rom. 16:1-2). 9. When Paul once preached until midnight, one of the congregation went to sleep and fell out the window. True (Acts 20:7-9). 10. Simon, a Cyrenian, carried Jesus’ cross to the place of crucifixion. True (Mark 15:21). Which Answer Is Correct?

1. The sons of Noah: a) Ishmael, Issachar, and Zebulun. b) Joseph, Enoch, and Haggai. c) Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Gen. 6:10). 2. Cities destroyed by fire from heaven: a) Jericho and Bethabara. b) Samaria and Tyre. c) Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19:24). 3. The farthest north of the cities of Israel: a) Beersheba. b) Dan. c) Damascus. 4. A son of David killed when his hair caught in a tree: a) Solomon. b) Absalom (II Sam. 18:10). c) Jonadab. 5. Paul was shipwrecked and went ashore on a) Cypress. b) Malta (Acts 28:1). c) Crete. 6. Elijah slew the prophets of Baal on a) Mount Carmel (I Kings 18:19, 40). b) Mount Hermon. c) Mount Zion.


Bible Quizzes and Questions

7. Paul was brought before King Agrippa at a) Jerusalem. b) Rome. c) Caesarea (Acts 25:4, 23). 8. The three Hebrew children cast into the fiery furnace: a) Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar. b) Peter, James, and John. c) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Dan. 3:20). 9. The city to which Jonah was sent to preach: a) Nineveh (Jonah 1:2). b) Babylon. c) Haran. 10. Moses lived for forty years in the wilderness of a) Uz. b) Edom. c) Midian (Exod. 3:15). 11. God’s law was given to Moses on a) Mount Zion. b) Mount Sinai (Exod. 19:20). c) Mount Nebo. 12. The Apostle John received the Revelation on the a) Isle of Rhodes. b) Isle of Patmos (Rev. 1:9). c) Isle of Samos. 13. Paul’s famous teacher was named: a) Nicodemus. b) Gallio. c) Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). 14. The first five books of the Bible are called: a) the Hexateuch. b) the Prophets. c) the Pentateuch. 15. The land which bordered Judah on the north: a) Samaria (John 4:3-4). b) Arabia. c) Crete.

Bible Quizzes and Questions


16. Abraham was called: a) the Lord’s anointed. b) the Father of the faithful. c) the Prince of the house of David. 17. Moses was hidden in the bulrushes of the river a) Jordan. b) Euphrates. c) Nile (Exod. 3:3). 18. David loved Saul’s son: a) Nathan. b) Jonathan (I Sam. 20:17). c) Jotham. 19. The poem about the sun and moon standing still is in the a) Book of Joshua (10:12). b) Book of Jashar. c) Book of Mormon. 20. A bald-headed prophet who lived in Israel: a) Elijah. b) Elisha (II Kings 2:23). c) Eliphaz.

What Place Was It? 1. The place where the spies obtained the bunch of grapes. Eschol (Num. 13:23). 2. The name of a miraculous spring. Meribah (Num. 20:13). 3. Where a herd of swine perished in the sea. Gadara (Luke 8:33). 4. A city of Phrygia, to which Paul addressed an epistle. Colosse (Col. 1:2). 5. The country to which the murderers of Sen­ nacherib fled. Armenia (II Kings 19:37). 6. A city where Jesus raised a young man from the dead. Nain (Luke 7:11).


Bible Quizzes and Questions

7. A city in the wilderness built by King Solo­ mon. Tadmor (II Chron. 8:4). 8. A place from which gold was brought to King Solomon. Ophir (I Kings 9:28). 9. Where twelve stones were set up, taken from the Jordan River. Gilgal (Josh. 4:19). 10. A city which popularly was supposed to pro­ duce nothing good. Nazareth (John 1:46). 11. The town in which Samuel’s house was lo­ cated. Ramah (I Sam. 7:17). 12. The country Elijah came from. Gilead (I Kings 17:1). 13. The mountain given to Esau for his possession. Mount Seir (Deut. 2:5). 14. The well near which Isaac dwelt Lahairoi (Gen. 25:11). 15. The country where a man who had been a terror became a preacher. Decapolis (Mark 5:18-20). 16. The mountain near which Sisera was defeated. Tabor( Judg. 4:6-7). 17. The city of the priests. Nob (I Sam. 22:19). 18. Where Israel fought its first battle after leav­ ing Egypt. Rephidim (Exod. 17:8). 19. The Hebrew name of the place the Lord was condemned. Gabbatha (John 19:13). 20. The city to which Jehoshaphat attempted to send ships. Tarshish (II Chron. 20:36).

Bible Quizzes and Questions


Bible Firsts

The persons, occasions, and events listed below are the first of their kinds mentioned in the Bible. 1. What was God’s first command? “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3). 2. Who was the first shepherd? Abel (Gen. 4:4). 3. First ring and gold chain belonged to whom? Pharaoh (Gen. 41:42). 4. Who was the first shepherdess? Rachel (Gen. 29:9). 5. Who was the first person raised from the dead? Son of a widow at Zarephath (I Kings 17: 10, 21). 6. What was the first word God spoke to man? “Be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28). 7. Who was the first Ethiopian convert to Chris­ tianity? The eunuch (Acts 8:27, 38). 8. Where was the first meeting at which mis­ sionaries reported to the church that had sent them out? At Antioch, in Syria, with Paul and Barna­ bas (Acts 14:26-27). 9. What was the first purchase of land? Abraham’s purchase of a burying place (Gen. 23:8-9). 10. Where is the first mention of writing? Exodus 24:12. 11. What was the first occasion when man used the power of speech? Naming animals (Gen. 2:19). 12. Who was the first president mentioned in sa­ cred history? Daniel (Dan. 6:2). 13. Who was the first woman ruler? Deborah, a judge in Israel (Judg. 4:4).


Bible Quizzes and Questions

14. Which was the first of Christ’s miracles? Water turned to wine (John 2:9). 15. Who made the first oath? Abraham (Gen. 21:24). 16. What is the first mention of a library? House of rolls (Ezra 6:1). 17. What was the first act of surveying? Joshua dividing the land (Josh. 18:8). 18. Who formed the first temperance societies? The Rechabites (Jer. 35:1-11). 19. Who was the first person mentioned as weep­ ing? Hagar (Gen. 21:16). Bible Curiosities 1. What city was likened to a dish turned up­ side down? Jerusalem (II Kings 21:13). 2. What city was destroyed and has never since been inhabited, according to prophecy? Babylon (Isa. 13:19-20). 3. In what city and at what time were gold and silver as plentiful as stones? Jerusalem, in Solomon’s reign (II Chron. 1:15). 4. What wild beast punished a disobedient prophet? A lion (I Kings 13:24). 5. On what mountain was Solomon’s Temple built? Mount Moriah (II Chron. 3:1). 6. What conquered city was sown with salt? Shechem (Judg. 9:39, 45). 7. What evil name was used anciently for the Mount of Olives? Mount of Corruption (II Kings 23:13). 8. Why was Zion (Jerusalem) called the City of David? David took it from the Jebusites (II Sam. 5:7).

Bible Quizzes and Questions


9. What hill did a king of Israel purchase upon which to build a city? Hill of Samaria, King Omri (I Kings 16:24). 10. On what mountain were the blessings on Is­ rael to be read? Mount Gerizim (Deut. 27:12). 11. What was the mountain of cursing? Mount Ebal (Deut. 27:13). 12. The early Christian churches of which coun­ try set the brightest example of liberality? Macedonia (II Cor. 8:1-5). 13. What is the middle book of the Bible? Proverbs. 14. What is the middle chapter of the Old Tes­ tament? Job 29. 15. What is the shortest verse in the Old Tes­ tament? First Chronicles 1:25. 16. What verse contains all the letters of the alphabet except J? Ezra 6:21. 17. What two Old Testament chapters are prac­ tically the same? Second Kings 19 and Isaiah 37. 18. What is the shortest verse in the New Tes­ tament? “Jesus wept” (John 11:35). 19. What is the middle chapter of the Bible and also the shortest? Psalm 117. 20. What is the middle verse of the Bible? Psalm 118:8.

Listing Bible Books

List these books in their biblical order: 1. Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Job, Proverbs, Esther. 2. Nahum, Obadiah, Micah, Jonah, Habbakuk. 3. Song of Solomon, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations.


Bible Quizzes and Questions

4. Deuteronomy, Numbers, Genesis, Leviticus, Exodus. 5. Haggai, Malachi, Zephaniah, Habbakuk, Zech­ ariah. 6. Acts, Mark, Luke, Matthew, John. 7. Third John, Revelation, Second John, Jude, First John. 8. Second Corinthians, Romans, Galatians, First Corinthians, Ephesians. 9. Hebrews, Philemon, Titus, James, First Peter. 10. Philippians, First Thessalonians, Colossians, First Timothy, Second Thessalonians.

Match Place and Person Match the place with the Bible person or per­ sons associated with it. (To offer this as a quiz scramble the right column.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Eden Gethsemane Ararat Mount Sinai Mount Nebo Uz Ur of the Chaldees Tarsus Ethiopia Shushan River of Chebar Patmos Ezion-geber Tyre Nineveh Babylon Moab Jericho Magdala Sodom and Gomorrah

Adam and Eve Jesus Noah Moses Moses Job Abraham Saul, or Paul the eunuch Esther or Nehemiah Ezekiel John Solomon Hiram Jonah Belshazzar Ruth Zaccheus Mary Magdalene Lot

Bible Quizzes and Questions


What Did These Have in Common?

1. Lebbeus Thaddeus and Judas Iscariot. Both were disciples of Jesus. 2. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus. Both were secret followers of Jesus and united in burying him. 3. Enoch and Elijah. Both were translated without dying. 4. Joseph and Benjamin. Both were children of Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife. 5. Deborah and Huldah. Both were prophetesses. 6. Rezin and Tiglath-Pileser. Both were kings. 7. Baal and Ashteroth. Gods of the Philistines and Canaanites. 8. Paul and Aquila. Both were tentmakers. 9. Ham, Shem, and Japheth. All were sons of Noah. 10. Moses and Aaron. They were brothers. 11. Mary and Martha. Sisters of Lazarus and friends of Jesus. 12. Caiaphas and Pilate. Both were judges of Jesus. 13. Cleopas and Thomas. Both questioned Jesus’ resurrection. 14. Jairus and the widow of Nain. Each had a child raised from the dead by Christ. 15. Sarah and Hagar. Both were wives of Abraham. 16. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. All were put into a fiery furnace in Babylon. 17. David and Jonathan. Their love and friendship for one another. 18. Jeroboam and Rehoboam. Both became kings over a part of Israel.


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19. Gamaliel and Nicodemus. Both were members of the Sanhedrin, the rul­ ing council of the Jews in Jesus’ day. 20. Sodom and Gomorrah. Both were wicked cities destroyed by brim­ stone from heaven. Scripture I.Q. Test 1. Number of books in the Bible. Sixty-six. 2. Number of books in the Old Testament. Thirty-six.- Thirty-nine. 3. Number of books in the New Testament. Twenty-seven. 4. What is the Pentateuch? First five books of Old Testament. 5. Name the books that tell the history of Israel prior to the Exile. Joshua, Judges, Ruth, First and Second Sam­ uel, First and Second Chronicles, First and Second Kings. 6. Name the books that record the history dur­ ing and after the Exile. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. 7. Name the poetical books. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon. 8. Name the books of the Major Prophets. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Dan­ iel. 9. Name the books of the Minor Prophets. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habbakuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. 10. Name the four Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. 11. What book describes the history of the early church? Acts.

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12. How many Pauline epistles are there? Thirteen. 13. Name them. Romans, First and Second Corinthians, Gala­ tians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians, First and Second Timothy, Titus, Philemon. 14. How many other epistles? Eight. 15. Name them. Hebrews, James, First and Second Peter, First, Second, and Third John, Jude. 16. What is the last book in the New Testament? Revelation. 17. By what other name is it known? Apocalypse. 18. What are the ancient Hebrew books, included in some Bibles, called? Apocrypha. Bible Animals What do these Bible animals bring to mind? 1. Ape. Brought by Solomon’s navy (I Kings 10:22). 2. Rams. Their skin was used in outer covering of the tabernacle (Exod. 26:14). 3. Bear. Killed by David (I Sam. 17:34-36); killed persons who mocked Elisha (II Kings 2:24). 4. Behemoth. Probably the hippopotamus (Job 40:15-24). 5. Swine. Devils entered them when Christ delivered the demoniac of Gadara (Mark 5:1, 13). 6. Calf. Golden calf Aaron made at Sinai (Exod. 32: 4). 7. Dragon. Seen in John’s vision recorded in the Revela­ tion (12:3).


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8. Foxes. Three hundred were caught by Samson (Judg. 15:4; also see Song of Sol. 2:15). 9. Goats. Represent sinners on the King’s left hand at the final judgment (Matt. 25:32-33). 10. Hart. Its thirst compared with thirst of soul after God (Ps. 42:1). 11. Ass. Jesus rode one on his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Matt. 21:2). 12. Lamb. Christ is called the “Lamb of God” (John 1:29, 36). 13. Leopard. Evil nature of man compared to leopard’s spots (Jer. 13:23). 14. Lion. Daniel was put into the lions’ den (Dan. 6:16). 15. Wolves. Jesus spoke of false prophets who “inwardly are ravening wolves” (Matt. 7:15).

Bible Miracles Old Testament

1. What man mentioned in Genesis never saw death? Enoch was translated (Gen. 5:24). 2. What language miracle occurred in the at­ tempt to build the tower of Babel? God confounded the language (Gen. 11:6-9). 3. What was the doom of Lot’s wife? She was turned to a pillar of salt (Gen. 19:26). 4. Name the ten plagues of Egypt (Exod. 7—12). a) Nile turned to blood (7:14-25). b) Frogs (8:1-14). c) Lice (8:16-19). d) Flies (8:21-32).

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7. 8.




e) Cattle murrain (9:1-7). f) Boils (9:8-12). g) Hail (9:18-35). h) Locusts (10:1-20). i) Darkness (10:21-29). j) Death of Egyptian first born (11:1-8). How did Israel get over the Jordan into the Promised Land? God divided the waters and they crossed on dry land (Josh. 3:14-17). How did Jericho fall? The Israelites shouted, and the walls fell (Josh. 6:17-20). What prophet replenished miraculously a widow’s oil and meal? Elijah (I Kings 17:8-16). What miracle did Elijah bring about on Mount Carmel? His sacrifice was consumed by fire from heaven (I Kings 18:17-40). What did a captain in the army of Syria do to get rid of leprosy? He washed seven times in the Jordan River (II Kings 5:10-14). What sign did God give King Hezekiah that he would be healed? The sun’s shadow went back ten degrees (II Kings 20:8-10).

New Testament

1. In what odd place did Peter get money to pay taxes? In a fish’s mouth (Matt. 17:27). 2. What man did Jesus heal by two acts? The blind man of Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-25). 3. What peculiar thing happened when ten lep­ ers were healed by Jesus? Only one came to thank him (Luke 17:15-17). 4. What healing did Jesus do outside of Israel? He healed the daughter of a Syrophoenician woman (Matt. 15:21),


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5. What mass miracle did Jesus perform? Feeding the five thousand (Matt. 14:17-21). 6. How did Jesus show his mastery of nature? By stilling the storm (Matt. 8:26) and by walking on the water (14:25). 7. What miracles occurred at Pentecost? Tongues like fire appeared on the believers’ heads and they spoke in other languages (Acts 2:1-4). 8. What two people were slain for lying? Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11). 9. What two early church preachers were set free by an earthquake? Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25-26). 10. From what great city did Paul send handker­ chiefs and aprons whereby diseases were healed? Ephesus (Acts 19:1, 11-12). Great Bible Prayers Old Testament

1. Who does the Book of Genesis say was given a son miraculously in answer to prayer? Abraham (Gen. 17:17-19). 2. What was peculiar about Jacob’s prayer at Peniel? His wrestling with an angel (Gen. 32:24-32). 3. What prayer of Moses was not granted? To enter Canaan (Deut. 3:24-27). 4. What hero of Israel asked God to help him destroy a temple? Samson (Judg. 16:28-30). 5. What prophet of Israel was born in answer to his mother’s prayer for a son? Samuel, son of Hannah (I Sam. 1:10-11). 6. What psalm is David’s prayer of penitence? Psalm 51.

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7. Upon what occasion did King Solomon utter a great prayer? At the dedication of the Temple (I Kings 8:23-53). 8. What did a young man see when Elisha prayed God would open his eyes? Horses and chariots of fire guarding the proph­ et (II Kings 6:17). 9. Why was Daniel thrown into the lions’ den? For disobeying the decree not to pray to any­ one but the king (Dan. 6:7-9). 10. What Old Testament book of worship con­ tains many prayers? The Psalms. New Testament

1. Repeat the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13). 2. Upon what occasion did Jesus publicly peti­ tion God “because of the people”? At the raising of Lazarus (John 11:42). 3. At the Last Supper for what did Jesus say he prayed concerning Peter? That his “faith fail not” (Luke 22:31-32). 4. What chapter records Jesus’ great intercessory prayer? John 17. 5. What was Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane? “Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). 6. What was Jesus’ prayer on the cross? “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). 7. What was the prayer of the self-righteous Pharisee? “God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are” (Luke 18:11). 8. Repeat the publican’s prayer. “God, be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:13).


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9. What was the prayer of the thief crucified with Christ? “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom” (Luke 23:42). 10. What is the last prayer in the Bible? “Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22:20).

Strange Names 1. Of whom was it said, “Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH”? Of Zerubbabel directly, but prophetically of the Messiah (Zech. 6:12). 2. Who is called a voice “crying in the wilder­ ness”? John the Baptist (John 1:23). 3. What king did Jesus call a fox? Herod (Luke 13:32). 4. What also does the Greek word for “spirit” mean? Breath or wind. 5. In what book of the Bible is Christ called “the Lion of the tribe of Judah”? Revelation (Rev. 5:5). 6. What is the English meaning of the name “Eve”? Life. 7. In Gethsemane Jesus called God, “Abba, Fa­ ther” (Mark 14:36). What does “abba” mean? It is the Aramaic form of the Hebrew “ab,” meaning “father,” the household word for “father” in Palestine. 8. What was manna and what does the name mean? The bread substitute sent to the wandering Israelites. “Manna” means “What is this?” (Exod. 16:14-36).

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9. The Apostle Paul is also called “Saul.” Why? Saul, meaning “asked of God,” was the apos­ tle’s Hebrew name; Paulus, meaning “little,” was his Roman name (Acts 13:9). 10. What name did Christ call Simon Peter and why? Cephas, meaning “stone,” reflecting the spir­ itual power Peter would become (John 1:42).

Bible Women Old Testament

1. What prophetess had leprosy? Miriam (Num. 12:10). 2. Who was queen of Persia before Esther? Vashti (Esther 1:9-22). 3. What woman was driven from Eden? Eve (Genesis 3). 4. What seducer betrayed a strong man and brought about his death? Delilah (Judg. 16:4-20). 5. What Old Testament woman did Paul use as a type of law and bondage? Hagar (Gal. 4:24-25). 6. What woman gleaned in the fields of Boaz? Ruth. 7. What two women of the Old Testament have books named after them? Ruth and Esther. 8. Whom did Jacob marry when he thought he was marrying her sister? Leah (Gen. 29:20-26). 9. What wicked queen of Judah was slain by her own guards? Athaliah (II Kings 11:13-16). 10. The daughter of what judge of Israel was sac­ rificed by her father because he made a rash vow? Daughter of Jephthah (Judg. 11:30-40).


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New Testament

1. What prophetess, eighty-four years old, de­ clared Jesus the Messiah, when he was brought as a child to the Temple? Anna (Luke 2:36-38). 2. What woman was converted when Paul preached on Mars’ Hill at Athens? Damaris (Acts 17:34). 3. Serving societies of women have been named after her. Who was she? Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43). 4. Who was the mother of John the Baptist? Elisabeth (Luke 1:5-45). 5. The disagreement of what two women did Paul try to end? Euodias and Syntyche (Phil. 4:2-3). 6. What well-to-do women helped finance Je­ sus’ ministry? Joanna and Susanna (Luke 8:3). 7. What devout woman was Timothy’s grand­ mother? Lois (II Tim. 1:5). 8. What deaconess of the church at Cenchrea did Paul commend to the church at Rome? Phoebe (Rom. 16:1). 9. Aquila, the tentmaker, friend of Paul at Cor­ inth, had a wife. Who was she? Priscilla (Acts 18:1-3). 10. When Peter was released from jail by an angel, he came to Mark’s mother Mary’s home. Who was the girl who was afraid to let him in? Rhoda (Acts 12:13-16).

Bible Rivers 1. With what six rivers were the Hebrews best acquainted? Tigris, Euphrates, Nile, Jordan, Kishon, and Amon.

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2. Describe the river John the Revelator saw. “A pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb (Rev. 22:1). 3. What rivers did Naaman the Syrian say were “better than all the waters of Israel”? Abana and Pharpar (II Kings 5:12). 4. Beside what river did Ezra gather the com­ pany that returned to Jerusalem from exile? Ahava (Ezra 8:15, 31). 5. What Chaldean stream, really a canal near Babylon, was the scene of Ezekiel’s visions? River Chebar (Ezek. 3:15, 23). 6. What four rivers flowed as branches from the great river of the Garden of Eden? Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel, and Euphrates. 7. What is the most sacred and famous river of Palestine? Jordan. 8. What river occupied a prominent place in the history of the Hebrews in Egypt? The Nile. 9. By what river did Daniel get his great vision? Ulai, a river of Persia (Dan. 8:2, 16). 10. By what brook was Elijah the prophet fed by ravens? The brook Cherith (I Kings 17:3).

Mountains of the Bible 1. What are the highest mountains in or near Palestine? Mount Hermon and the Lebanon range (Deut. 3:8, 25). 2. Upon what mountain did the ark of Noah come to rest? Ararat (Gen. 8:4). 3. On what mountain did Elijah have his test with the prophets of Baal? Mount Carmel (I Kings 18:17-40).


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4. Where did King Saul commit suicide after his defeat? On Mount Gilboa (I Sam. 31:1-4). 5. Where was Aaron buried? On Mount Hor (Num. 20:22-29). 6. What mountains were noted for their mag­ nificent cedars? The mountains of Lebanon. 7. Name the mountain that became the site of Solomon’s Temple. Mount Moriah (II Chron. 3:1). 8. From what mountain did Moses view the Promised Land? Mount Nebo (Deut. 32:49; 34:1). 9. On what mountain is the Garden of Geth­ semane? Mount of Olives. 10. The Law was given to Moses on what moun­ tain? Mount Sinai (Exodus 19).

I've Got a Secret (A person sits with the moderator before a panel of three, who endeavor to discover the secret by asking questions of the person, with assistance of the moderator, who gives a lead to get started. Each person gets one minute, and then the turn goes to the next one on the panel.)

Secret No. 1. This is an Old Testament character who did an evil thing after entering Canaan and was punished for it. Who was he and what did he do? Answer: Achan. He took some of the forbid­ den spoils and buried them under his tent (Josh. 7:1-21).

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Secret No. 2. A certain Israelite hero made up riddles. One of them was recorded in the Book of Judges. Who was the hero and what was the riddle? Answer: Samson. “Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness” (Judg. 14:12, 14). Secret No. 3. Something a man of God was going to do because God told him to do it, and then God forbade his doing it. Answer: The sacrifice of Isaac, by Abraham (Gen. 22:1-19). Secret No. 4. A prophet started out to prophesy falsely but wound up pronouncing blessings on God’s people. The secret is a peculiar experi­ ence he had. Answer: An ass talked to Balaam (Num. 22:21-33). Secret No. 5. A judge of Israel chose his army in an extraordinary way. Answer: Gideon cut his troops down from 32,000 to 300 (Judg. 7:1-6). Secret No. 6. One of Paul’s companions did some­ thing Paul didn’t like. Answer: John Mark left him and went home (Acts 13:13). Secret No. 7. Something unusual Joshua did to capture a city. Answer: Joshua made the walls of Jericho fall down by shouting and blowing trumpets (Josh. 6:5). Secret No. 8. A man had a secret that enabled him to do what no other person could till some­ one found out his secret. Answer: Samson (Judg. 16:15-20). Secret No. 9. A woman whose secret, when shared with her husband, ruined both of them. Answer: Eve (Genesis 3).


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Secret No. 10. A song a woman sang concerning the actions of heavenly bodies in helping her win a battle. Answer: “The stars in their courses fought against Sisera” (Judg. 5:20).

What Prophet Was It? 1. Who told the Apostle Paul what would hap­ pen to him at Jerusalem? Agabus (Acts 21:10-11). 2. Who announced to Jeroboam the division of the kingdom of Israel? Ahijah (I Kings 11:29-30). 3. What native of Tekoa, near Bethlehem, proph­ esied in the northern kingdom of Israel? Amos (Amos 1:1). 4. Who, while the Jews were in captivity, had a vision of the great kingdoms of the earth? Daniel (Daniel 7). 5. To whom did Moses refer when he said, “Would God that all the Lord’s people were proph­ ets”? Eldad and Medad (Num. 11:26-29). 6. What Old Testament prophets appeared to our Lord at the transfiguration? Elijah and Moses (Matt. 17:3). 7. What prophet was instrumental in healing Naaman, the Syrian, of leprosy? Elisha (II Kings 5:1-19). 8. What prophet had a vision of a valley of dry bones? Ezekiel (37:1-14). 9. What prophet had an unfaithful wife? Hosea. 10. A prophet known as “the Messianic prophet” because of his outstanding prophecies of the Messiah? Isaiah.

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11. A prophet who wrote a book that is not one of the books of the Bible? Jehu (II Chron. 20:34). 12. Who is known as the “weeping prophet,” and what book did he write about his grief over Israel? Jeremiah; Lamentations. 13. What prophet did the Apostle Peter quote in his sermori at Pentecost? Joel (Acts 2:16-21). 14. What prophet joined the old and the new and was known as Christ’s forerunner? John the Baptist. 15. What Old Testament prophet was sent to preach to a Gentile city? Jonah, to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2). 16. What prophet predicted that Elijah would re­ turn to earth, and how was this fulfilled? Malachi (4:5-6), fulfilled in John the Baptist (Matt. 11:13-14). 17. What prophet predicted that the Messiah would come from Bethlehem of Judah? Micah (Micah 5:2). 18. Who brought conviction to David for his great sin with Bathsheba? Nathan (II Sam. 12:1-15). 19. What prophet wrote the shortest book in the Old Testament and one of the hardest to interpret? Obadiah. 20. What prophet whose name begins with Z ex­ horted the people to rebuild the Temple and is noted for his Messianic prophecies? Zechariah. The Apostles 1. Who was called an apostle though he was not one of the Twelve? Paul (II Cor. 12:11-12).


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2. Who is called the “Apostle and High Priest of our profession”? Christ (Heb. 3:1). 3. What apostle is noted for bringing Peter to Jesus? Andrew, his brother (John 1:35-42). 4. What apostle asked, “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Nathanael, also called Bartholomew (John 1:46). 5. Who was the first of the apostles to die a martyr’s death? James (Acts 12:1-2). 6. What apostle in his book referred to himself as “the disciple whom Jesus loved”? John (21:20). 7. Who of the apostles was a thief? Judas Iscariot (John 12:4-6). 8. What apostle was one of the hated taxgath­ erers? Matthew (9:9). 9. In the lists of apostles, what name is always first? Peter (Matt. 17:1; Mark 5:37; 9:2; 13:3; Luke 8:51; 9:28). 10. Which disciple did certain Greeks ask to see Jesus? Philip (John 12:20-21). 11. Which disciple was originally one of a band of revolutionaries? Simon Zelotes (Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13). 12. What other Judas was among the apostles be­ sides Judas Iscariot? Thaddeus (Mark 3:18; John 14:22; Acts 1:13). 13. What apostle was known as a doubter? Thomas (John 20:24-25). 14. What did Paul tell the Corinthian church were the signs of an apostle? “Patience, . . . signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds” (II Cor. 12:12).

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15. Where did John the Revelator see the names of the twelve apostles recorded? In the foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:14). Names for God

1. A favorite term Jesus used for God was com­ monly used by children in Palestine when addressing their fathers. Abba (Mark 14:36). 2. A name for God used by Naomi in the Book of Ruth. The Almighty (Ruth 1:20). 3. A name used by the writer of Ecclesiastes in telling us to remember God. Creator (Eccles. 12:1). 4. A rather universal name for God used to make up names of places and people. El, as in Beth-el (house of God) (Gen. 28:19). 5. A Hebrew name for God, meaning “the cov­ enant-keeping God.” Jehovah (Exod. 17:15). 6. An endearing term used by Jesus in his Ser­ mon on the Mount. Heavenly Father (Matt. 6:26). 7. The name by which God identified himself to Moses at the burning bush. I AM THAT I AM, meaning the self-existent one (Exod. 3:14). 8. A name God told the prophet Hosea he would be called “at that day.” Ishi, meaning “my husband” in contrast to Baal, “my master” or “lord” (Hos. 2:16-17). 9. A name by which God identified himself to Abraham when He made the covenant with him. The Almighty God, from Hebrew El Shaddai, meaning the “God who is sufficient” (Gen. 17:1).


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10. The name used to indicate that God is leader of the armies of heaven and earth. Lord of hosts (Ps. 24:10; Isa. 1:24). The Israelites and Their Tribes 1. Name the tribes of Israel. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Manasseh, Ephraim, Benjamin. 2. For whom were they named? They were called “Israel” after their father, Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel at the brook Jabbok. Each tribe was named for a son of Jacob, except that Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s sons, took his place. 3. Who was Joseph’s favorite brother? Benjamin, the youngest (Gen. 42:13; 43:29). 4. Which brother saved Joseph from being killed? Reuben (Gen. 37:21-27). 5. To what tribe did Jesus belong? Judah (Luke 3:33). 6. When the kingdom was divided, which sons’ tribes became the kingdom of Judah? Judah and Benjamin (I Kings 12:21). 7. What tribes settled east of the Jordan River? Gad, Reuben, and half the tribe of Manasseh (Num. 32:19-33). 8. What tribes’ land later became the district of Samaria? Ephraim and the west half tribe of Manasseh (Josh. 16:5-8; 17:7, 11). 9. What nation on the southwest coast constantly harassed the tribes? Philistines (Judg. 10:6-10). 10. In what tribe’s territory were Jerusalem and Bethlehem? Judah’s (Josh. 15:63; Matt. 2:6).

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11. What country bordered the tribes’ territory along the coast on the north? Phoenicia. 12. What sea is southeast? The Dead Sea. 13. What sea is in the north between Naphtali and east Manasseh? Sea of Chinnereth, known in New Testament as Galilee or Gennesaret. 14. What lake is north of that? Lake Merom (Josh. 11:5-7), later called Lake Huleh. 15. What great sea is west of Palestine? Mediterranean. 16. From what country did the tribes come into Canaan? From Egypt, through the peninsula of Sinai. 17. Who were some of the neighbors to the south that harassed the tribes? Edomites, Moabites, Ishmaelites, Kenites, Amalekites. 18. Name the first city the tribes conquered when they came into Canaan. Jericho. 19. What tribes were carried into captivity first? The northern ten (all but Judah and Benja­ min). 20. Did they ever return? No. They are known as the “Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.” Kings of Israel United and Northern Kingdom

1. Who were the three kings of the United King­ dom? Saul, David, and Solomon. 2. Who was the first king of the Northern King­ dom after Israel was divided? Jeroboam.


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3. What king took a vineyard by false accusa­ tion? Ahab, from Naboth (I Kings 21). 4. What king, a furious driver, killed Ahab and Jezebel? Jehu (II Kings 9:20—10:36). 5. Of what king was it said his family would be wiped out because of his wickedness? Baasha (I Kings 16:4). 6. What king was killed while drunk in his steward’s house? Elah (I Kings 16:9-10). 7. Israel’s last king before the Captivity had a name similar to one of the Minor Prophets. Hosea (II Kings 15:30; 17:3). 8. What king reigned longest in Israel and re­ stored lands as predicted by Jonah? Jeroboam II (II Kings 14:23-25). 9. What king taxed all the wealthy men “fifty shekels of silver” to buy off the king of Assyria? Menahem (II Kings 15:19-20). 10. What king bought and named the city of Sa­ maria? Omri (I Kings 16:23-24). Southern Kingdom of Judah

1. From what king did the kings of Judah de­ scend? David. 2. What grandson of Solomon killed half a mil­ lion men in a war with Israel? He had four­ teen wives, twenty-two sons, and sixteen daughters. Abijah (II Chron. 13:16-21). 3. What king in Isaiah’s time sacrificed his own sons to heathen gods? Ahaz (II Kings 16:3-4). 4. What king was the grandson of Ahab and Jez­ ebel of northern Israel? Ahaziah (II Kings 8:25-26).

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5. What king made a good start but lost out in his old age and was “diseased in his feet”? Asa (II Chron. 15:8-19; 16:12-14). 6. What king, with the aid of the prophet Isaiah, brought about a great revival in Judah? Hezekiah (II Chron. 29:1-30; 32:20). 7. What king was deposed by Pharaoh-nechoh and taken to Egypt? Jehoahaz (II Kings 23:30-34). He is also called Shallum (Jer. 22:11). 8. Under what king did Judah’s greatest revival take place? Jehoshaphat (II Chron. 17:7-9). 9. What boy king was hidden in the Temple to keep him from being slain by a wicked grandmother? Joash (II Kings 11:1-20). 10. Which of Hezekiah’s sons became an exceed­ ingly wicked king, shed innocent blood in Jerusalem, and was carried into captivity? Manasseh (II Kings 21:1-16).

Bible Geography Old Testament

1. The name of the city to which Lot escaped at the destruction of Sodom? Zoar (Gen. 19:23). 2. What city, for its beauty, was once known as “the glory of kingdoms”? Babylon (Isa. 13:19). 3. Who first built Nineveh? Nimrod (Gen. 10:8, 12, RSV). 4. At what place was the last revelation of God to Abraham? Jehovah-jireh (Gen. 22:14). 5. In what district were thirty cities ruled over by thirty brothers? Gilead (Judg. 10:4).


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6. How many cities were given to the Levites for their use? Forty-eight (Josh. 21:41). 7. Name the cities of refuge. Kedesh, Shechem, Hebron, Bezer, RamothGilead, and Golan (Josh. 20:7). 8. What modem Syrian city is mentioned in Genesis? Damascus (14:15). 9. What great world empires are mentioned in the Bible? Egypt, Assyria (Isa. 19:23-24); Babylonia (II Kings 24:10-14); Persia (II Chron. 36:2223); Rome (Luke 2:1), whose emperor taxed “all the world.” 10. What valley in Israel was the scene of many famous battles? The Valley of Jezreel, now called the Plain of Esdraelon, or Migiddo (Judg. 4:12, 14; II Kings 23:29-30). New Testament

1. What mountain was “a sabbath day’s journey from Jerusalem”? Mount Olivet (Acts 1:12). 2. Where did the apostle live whom Jesus said was “an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile”? Cana in Galilee (John 1:47). 3. Jesus told the disciples to shake off the dust of their feet against cities who refused them. Where was this done? Antioch in Pisidia (Acts 13:14-51). 4. In what town did Jesus spend his last Sab­ bath? Bethany (John 12:1). 5. What mountain was Christ’s retreat by night? Mount of Olives (Luke 21:37). 6. On what island was a ship run aground for safety? Melita (Acts 28:1).

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7. At what place was Paul stoned? Lystra (Acts 14:8, 19). 8. At what place was Elymas struck blind? Paphos in Cyprus (Acts 13:6-11). 9. What Galilean cities in which Jesus preached did he threaten with destruction? Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum (Matt 11:20-24). 10. Where was it said and of whom, “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also”? At Thessalonica, of Paul and Silas (Acts 17: 1-6).


1. To whom did Jonah in his prayer ascribe sal­ vation? The Lord (Jonah 2:9). 2. Who did Peter say inquired and searched into our salvation? The prophets (I Pet. 1:10). 3. How does Paul say that we receive salvation? By grace, through faith, the “gift of God” (Eph. 2:8-9). 4. How did Christ bring salvation to us? Through redemption by the cross—the atone­ ment (I Cor. 1:18; Col. 1:20). 5. What verse, often called the “little gospel,” tells of salvation through God’s love? John 3:16. 6. What is necessary for us to do to obtain sal­ vation? Repent (Matt. 3:2) and believe on Christ (Acts 16:30-31). 7. What other term for salvation is often used? Conversion (Matt. 18:3).


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8. From what are we saved? Sin (Rom. 6:11; 8:2). 9. What are we saved to? Life eternal (John 20:31). 10. If we neglect it, what question is to be an­ swered? “How shall we escape?” (Heb. 2:3).

Christian Unity

1. Where is Christ’s prayer that his disciples might be one? John 17:21. 2. What church did Paul rebuke because they had divisions among them? Corinth (I Cor. 3:1-5). 3. In what chapter does Paul liken the unity of Christians to the unity of the members of the physical body? First Corinthians 12. 4. Why did God give the church apostles, proph­ ets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers? To perfect the saints till “we all come in the unity of the faith” (Eph. 4:11-13). 5. When and where did Paul speak of the one origin of all peoples of the earth? In his sermon on Mars’ Hill in Athens (Acts 17:26). 6. In what connection did Jesus speak of “one fold, and one shepherd”? In the parable of the Good Shepherd (John 10:16). 7. What psalm is known as the “unity psalm”? Psalm 133. 8. What church did Paul tell to “endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace”? The church at Ephesus (Eph. 4:3). 9. What young preacher did Paul tell to avoid contentions? Titus (Titus 3:9-10).

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1. What did the Psalmist say about God and healing? “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases” (Ps. 103:3). 2. Moses prayed for a relative’s healing. Who was the relative and what was her disease? Miriam, his sister; leprosy (Num. 12:10-13). 3. What three activities did Jesus’ ministry in­ clude? “Teaching . . . preaching . . . healing” (Matt. 4:23). 4. When Jesus sent his disciples throughout Israel, what commission did he give them? To preach and heal (Matt. 10:5-8). 5. What are we told to do when we are sick? “Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him” (Jas. 5:14). 6. What did Jesus say about physicians? “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” (Matt. 9:12). 7. What does Paul say about healing in the church? Among the gifts of the Spirit are “gifts of healings” (I Cor. 12:28). 8. What did John the Revelator say about heal­ ing in the heavenly Jerusalem? “And the leaves of the tree were for the heal­ ing of the nations” (Rev. 22:2). 9. What prophecy about the “Sun of righteous­ ness” concerns healing? “The Sun of righteousness shall arise with healing in his wings” (Mai. 4:2). 10. How may our weakness be “made strong”? Through faith (Heb. 11:33-34).


Bible Quizzes and Questions The Church

1. Who is the head of the church? Christ (Eph. 4:15). 2. Who are the foundation stones? The apostles and prophets (Eph. 2:20). 3. Who are members? Those joined to Christ and one another (I Cor. 12:27; Rom. 12:5). 4. Who adds the members? The Lord (Acts 2:47). 5. Under what figure of family relationship is the church described? A bride, a wife (Rev. 19:7-8; 22:17). 6. Under what other human figure is the church described? Christ’s body (Col. 1:24). 7. What did Christ give for his church? Himself (Eph. 5:25). 8. What is the mission of the church? To teach, or make disciples, of all nations (Matt. 28:19). 9. What is said concerning the indestructibility of the church? “The gates of hell [Hades] shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). 10. What is the final hope of the members of God’s church? A crown of righteousness in heaven (Matt. 5:12; II Tim. 4:8). Faith

1. What is faith, according to the Scriptures? “The evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). 2. What must a Christian believe concerning God in order to please him? That God is, and that he rewards those who diligently seek him (Heb. 11:6). 3. How does faith come to us? By hearing the Word of God (Rom. 10:17).

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4. Is faith alone of value? “Faith without works is dead” (Jas. 2:17, 20). 5. Are we justified by works or by faith alone? “Being justified by faith” (Rom. 5:1). 6. How does faith strengthen a Christian’s cour­ age? “We have boldness ... by the faith of him” (Eph. 3:12). 7. What is the opposite of walking by faith? Walking by sight (II Cor. 5:7). 8. What chapter in the New Testament is called the “faith chapter”? Hebrews 11. 9. Is there a difference between mere belief and faith? Yes. “The devils also believe, and tremble” (Jas. 2:19). 10. How are we saved? “By grace are ye saved through faith” (Eph. 2:8). Immortality 1. What evidence for immortality did Jesus give the Sadducees? God is not the God of dead men, but he is the God of the patriarchs, who had long since died. Therefore they must still be living. See Exodus 3:6, with Matthew 22:31-32. 2. How did David express his faith that he would be reunited with his dead son? “I shall go to him” (II Sam. 12:23). 3. What two Old Testament men were trans­ lated into heaven without seeing death? Enoch (Gen. 5:24) and Elijah (II Kings 2:11). 4. In what great chapter did Paul set forth the teaching on resurrection and immortality? First Corinthians 15. 5. Who is said by Paul to have “abolished death, and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel”? Our Savior Jesus Christ (II Tim. 1:10).


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6. Can we seek for immortality? Yes (Rom. 2:7). 7. How was our “eternal inheritance” made pos­ sible? Through the death of Christ (Heb. 9:15). 8. Who appeared from the other world when Christ was on the Mount of Transfigura­ tion? Moses and Elias (Elijah) (Luke 9:30-31). 9. Who is called the “first fruits of them that slept”? Christ (I Cor. 15:20). 10. How can we have “life eternal”? To know God through Jesus Christ is to have eternal life (John 17:3).

The Holy Life 1. What did God tell Moses to tell the children of Israel concerning holy living? “Ye shall be holy; for I the Lord your God am holy” (Lev. 19:2). 2. What did Paul say is the Christian’s “rea­ sonable service”? To present his body a living sacrifice “holy, acceptable unto God” (Rom. 12:1). 3. What was God’s purpose in choosing us? “That we should be holy and without blame before him in love” (Eph. 1:4). 4. Will the unholy ever see the Lord? No. “Holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb. 12:14). 5. How do men become holy? Through the truth as it is in Christ (John 17:17). 6. How do we have our “fruit unto holiness”? By being made free from sin and becoming servants of God (Rom. 6:1, 2, 22). 7. How long are we to be holy? “All the days of our life” (Luke 1:75).

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8. Is it possible to mature in holiness? Yes, we are told to perfect “holiness in the fear of God” (II Cor. 7:1). 9. How is our holiness to be made known to others? By our “behavior as becometh holiness” (Titus 2:3). 10. How are we made partakers of holiness? Through our heavenly Father’s discipline (Heb. 12:6). Prayer

1. What is the model prayer Christ gave us? The Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13). 2. By what parable did Jesus teach that “men ought always to pray, and not to faint”? Parable of the Unjust Judge (Luke 18:1-8). 3. In the parable of the Pharisee and Publican, why was the publican justified? He prayed, “God be merciful to me a sinner” (Luke 18:10-14). 4. What example does James give of a righteous man’s effectual, fervent prayer? Elias (Elijah) (Jas. 5:16-18). 5. How often must we pray? “Pray without ceasing” (I Thess. 5:17). 6. What are we to do if we see our brother sin? Pray for him (I John 5:16). 7. Whose prayer does God hear? The prayer of the righteous (Prov. 15:29). 8. Whose prayer is an abomination to God? His who turns away from hearing God’s law (Prov. 28:9). 9. How are we to make our requests known in prayer? “With thanksgiving” (Phil. 4:6). 10. What place did Jesus recommend as a good place to pray? “Enter into thy closet” (Matt. 6:6).


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Heaven 1. What did Jesus promise the disciples at the Last Supper concerning an eternal home? “Many mansions” in his “Father’s house” (John 14:2). 2. What did Paul say was prepared for “them that love him”? More than eye has seen or ear heard (I Cor. 2:9). 3. Shall we enter heaven with this earthly body? No. He will “change our vile body” (Phil. 3:20-21). 4. How will our knowledge be increased in heaven? “Then shall I know even as also I am known” (I Cor. 13:12). 5. Whom shall we be like over there? “We shall be like him [Christ]” (I John 3:2). 6. Will rewards be given in heaven? “Great is your reward in heaven” (Matt. 5:12). 7. What happens in heaven when a sinner re­ pents? The angels rejoice (Luke 15:10). 8. Do the angels in heaven know everything? No (Mark 13:32). 9. Who will return to us from heaven? Jesus, who was taken up into heaven (Acts 1:11). Hell

1. Did Jesus have anything to say about hell? Yes, more than all other New Testament writ­ ers put together. 2. What is the Hebrew word translated “hell” in the King James Version of the Old Tes­ tament, and what does it signify? Sheol, signifying “the unseen state” (Pss. 9: 17; 16:10, RSV).

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3. What is the Greek word for “hell” as used by Jesus, and what does it signify? Gehenna, which signifies “place of woe” (Matt. 5:22, RSV margin). 4. What other term did Jesus use in describing the place of future punishment? “Everlasting fire” (Matt. 25:41). 5. How did John in the Book of Revelation describe it? “Lake of fire” (Rev. 20:15). 6. What became of the angels that sinned? God “cast them down to hell” (II Pet 2:4; Jude 6). 7. In what parable is hell described as a place of torment? In the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:23). 8. How can man avoid its punishment? By denying himself and surrendering himself to Christ (Matt. 16:24). 9. Who did Jesus say was in danger of “hell fire”? “Whoever shall say, Thou fool” (Matt. 5:22). 10. In the parable of the Last Judgment who did Jesus say would “go away into everlasting punishment”? Those who neglected the needy (Matt. 25: 31-46).


Old Testament Genesis

1. What did God do on each successive day of creation? See Genesis 1. First day he created light; second, the firmament; third, plants; fourth, the sun, moon, and stars; fifth, birds, fish, reptiles, and insects; sixth, animals and man. On the seventh, God rested.


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2. Name at least five great characters of this book. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph. 3. What did the people try to build when God confounded their language? The tower of Babel (chap. 11). 4. What was God’s covenant with Abraham? That all nations should be blessed through him (18:18). 5. Through what son and grandson of Abraham was this covenant carried out? Isaac (son) and Jacob (Israel) grandson. Exodus

1. Who are the great characters of Exodus? Moses and Aaron. 2. What great Hebrew feast had its beginning in this period and under what circumstances? The Passover, at the time of the Exodus (chaps. 12—14). 3. What great event in Hebrew history occurred on a mountain in the wilderness as Israel journeyed to Canaan? Giving of the Law on Mount Sinai (chaps. 19—20). 4. What great code was then given by which our moral conduct and laws are still influenced? Ten Commandments (20:1-17). 5. Specifications were given for the construc­ tion of what place of worship? The tabernacle (chaps. 25—27). Leviticus

1. With what were most of the laws in this book concerned? Israel’s worship. 2. What were the five main kinds of sacrifices? Burnt, sin, trespass, peace, and meal offerings. 3. What family of the sons of Levi was set apart to be the priests of Israel? Aaron and his sons.

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4. What were the sacred annual holy days be­ sides the Sabbaths? Feasts of Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, and Trumpets, and the Day of Atonement. 5. What sacred years were to be observed? Sabbatic, every seventh year, and Jubilee, every fiftieth year. Numbers

1. The first census showed how many people in Israel? How many were there thirty-eight years later? First: 603,550 males above age twenty, ex­ clusive of the Levites (2:32). Second: 601,730 of the same (26:51). 2. How many spies were sent into Canaan and who of them gave a good report? Twelve were sent. Two (Joshua and Caleb) gave a good report (chap. 13). 3. What sin kept Moses from entering the Prom­ ised Land? Lack of faith shown by striking the rock to bring forth water (20:7-13). 4. What three leaders rebelled and were de­ stroyed by the ground opening up and swal­ lowing them? Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (16:28-33). 5. What act of Moses in the wilderness did Christ use to illustrate the manner and purpose of his death? Lifting up a brazen serpent for the healing of the people (21:8-9 with John 3:14-15). Deuteronomy

1. Of what does Deuteronomy principally con­ sist? Three addresses, or discourses, of Moses to Israel. 2. What is related in the last chapter? Moses’ death on Mount Nebo and his burial by the Lord (chap. 34).


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3. What was Moses’ prophecy of the coming Messiah quoted by Peter in Acts 3:22? See Deuteronomy 18:15, 18. 4. What laws given by Moses did Jesus change in the Sermon on the Mount? “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” (19:21 and Matt. 5:38). 5. What did Jesus quote from Deuteronomy in answer to Satan in the wilderness? “Man doth not live by bread only” (8:3 with Matt. 4:4). Joshua

1. Where did this sixth book of the Bible get its name? From Joshua, its distinguished hero. 2. What outstanding miracle in the conquest of Canaan is recorded? Fall of Jericho. 3. What happened at Ai that made it impossible to take the city? Achan stole a golden wedge and a Babylonish garment (chap. 7). 4. What old partner of Joshua in the wilderness showed himself valiant in conquering the land? Caleb (14:6-15). 5. Between what two mountains did the tribes meet to confirm the covenant with the Lord? Ebal and Gerizim (8:32-34). Judges

1. Who were the judges, and how long a period was Israel under their leadership? Magistrates of more or less jurisdiction who ruled Israel from the death of Joshua to the reign of King Saul. 2. Name one of the judges noted for his feats of strength. Samson.

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3. Who with three hundred men delivered Israel from the Midianites? Gideon (Judg. 7). 4. What four judges are named in Hebrews 11 as examples of faith? Gideon, Barak, Samson, and Jephthae (11:32). 5. Which of the judges depended on a woman for victory, and who was the woman? Barak and Deborah (4:4-9). Ruth

1. Who was Ruth, from whom the book is named? A Moabite woman who married into one of Israel’s prominent families and became the great-grandmother of David. 2. To what period of history are the events of the Book of Ruth ascribed? They “came to pass in the days when the judges ruled” (1:1). 3. In what way may it be said the books of Ruth and Jonah are similar? They show more tolerance toward Gentiles than do other Old Testament books. 4. What passage in Ruth is most quoted? Ruth 1:16-17. 5. Where, in the New Testament, is Ruth named? In the genealogy of Jesus (Matt. 1:3-6). First Samuel

1. Who was the last of the judges and the first of the prophets of Israel? Samuel (7:15-17). 2. The reigns of what two kings are the main theme of First Samuel? Saul and David. 3. What outstanding event in David’s young life is here recorded? His battle with the giant Goliath (chap. 17). 4. With whom did King Saul consult just prior to his suicide on Mount Gilboa? The witch of Endor (28:7-25).


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5. To what event in David’s life, recorded in First Samuel, did Jesus refer in his defense of the disciples’ plucking com on the Sabbath? (Matt. 12:4). David’s eating the showbread that was lawful only for the priests (21:3-6). Second Samuel

1. What city did David make his capital? Jerusalem (5:6-16). 2. What son of David revolted and caused his father great sorrow? Absalom (chaps. 13—19). 3. Of what two great sins was David guilty? Murder and adultery (chaps. 11—12). 4. For how long was David’s throne to be es­ tablished? Forever (7:16). 5. What did David wish to build but was for­ bidden to do so? He wanted to build a temple for the worship of God in Jerusalem (7:12-14). First Kings

1. What is called the “golden age” of Hebrew history? The period of the United Kingdom. This was the age of Homer and the beginning of Greek history. Egypt had declined. Babylon and Assyria were weak. 2. Who reigned during this golden age? Solomon. His annual income was 666 gold tal­ ents ($20,000,000). The Queen of Sheba gave him $3,500,000 (10:10), He made “silver to be in Jerusalem as stones” (10:27). 3. For what two things was Solomon especially famous, one good and one bad? His wisdom (10:7), as reflected in the Book of Proverbs, and his apostasy, especially as regards his foreign women. He is said to have had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines (11:3).

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4. Into what two kingdoms did the United King­ dom divide, and who were their first kings and what were their capitals? The Northern Kingdom called Israel under Jeroboam with capital at Shechem (12:25) and the Southern Kingdom called Judah with capital at Jerusalem. 5. How many dynasties (families of kings) were there in Israel and how many in Judah? Nine dynasties in Israel (nineteen kings) and only one (David’s) in Judah, with nineteen kings, not including Athaliah, a usurper of the house of Ahab. Second Kings

1. The stories of what three great prophets oc­ cupy a large portion of Second Kings? Elijah, Elisha, and Isaiah. 2. Under what two kings of Judah were there great revivals? Hezekiah (18:4-7) and Josiah (23:21-27). 3. What eastern kingdoms took Israel and Judah captive and when? Assyria took Israel, 722 b.c. Babylon took Judah, 586 b.c. 4. How many miracles are recorded during the time of the Divided Kingdom, in each king­ dom? Seventeen in Israel and only three in Judah where there was least apostasy. 5. What was found, during the reign of Josiah, that profoundly affected the future of the Hebrews? The “book of the law” in the Temple (22: 8-20). First Chronicles

In the Roman Catholic Bible, Chronicles are called First and Second Paralipomenon, almost as in the Greek (LXX) Septuagint Version. The


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title means “things left over,” or omitted, evi­ dently from Samuel and Kings.

1. What great time span is covered by the nar­ ratives in the books of Chronicles? From Adam to the first year of Cyrus, king of Babylon (539 b.c.). 2. What quotation in Hebrews 11:13 from David’s prayer recorded in First Chronicles gives us an insight into the conditions under which David lived? “For we are strangers before thee, and so­ journers” (29:15). 3. Name some events in the life of David given by Chronicles that are omitted in Samuel. a) Account of the armies coming to Hebron to make him king (12:23). b) David’s psalm of thanksgiving (16:7-36). c) Pattern of the Temple David gave to Sol­ omon (chap. 17). d) David’s last prayer (29:10-19). 4. How many of David’s children were born in Hebron; how many in Jerusalem, and through which of his sons is the genealogy of Jesus traced? Six in Hebron (3:1-4), thirteen sons and daughter Tamar in Jerusalem (3:5-9). Luke traces the genealogy through Nathan (3:31) ; Matthew through Solomon (1:6-7, 16). Second Chronicles

1. What was Solomon’s greatest building accom­ plishment? Building the Temple. 2. What was the most significant article of fur­ niture in the Temple? The ark of the covenant (5:2-14). 3. What domestic animals and wheeled vehicles constituted a sizable portion of Solomon’s wealth? Horses and chariots (1:14).

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4. What son of a chief priest was killed by a king of Judah for rebuking his apostasy? Jesus referred to this in Matthew 23:35. Zechariah (24:20-21). 5. Why was Uzziah, one of Judah’s kings, smit­ ten with leprosy? For presuming to usurp the priest’s office in burning “incense upon the altar of incense” (26:16). Ezra

1. Why is the book called Ezra and why do we think Ezra wrote it? Ezra was a famous scribe and priest. The last three chapters are written in the first per­ son. 2. What part of the Jews’ history does Ezra cover? From Zerubbabel’s return from Captivity (538 b.c.) to Ezra’s reforms in the seventh year of Artaxerxes I (458 b.c.)—eighty years. 3. When was the Second Temple (called Zerubbabel’s) dedicated? In 515 b.c., fifty-seven years before Ezra came to Jerusalem. 4. By what authority did the captive Jews in Babylon return to their homeland? By proclamation of Cyrus, king of Persia (1:1-4). Nehemiah

1. The narrative portion of this book covers what period? The twentieth to thirty-second year of the reign of Artaxerxes (Longimanus) 445-433 B.C. 2. What city is the setting for the opening scene in Nehemiah? Shushan, or Susa, one of the capitals of Persia, about 220 miles east of Babylon (1:1).


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3. Who opposed the building of the wall of Je­ rusalem? Sanballat, Tobiah, and their allies (chaps. 4—5). 4. What did Nehemiah do about foreign mar­ riages? Forbade them and used physical force to stop them (13:23-31). 5. What did Ezra and Nehemiah do about the Law of God? Taught and preached it publicly. It is thought they had much to do with the origin and development of the synagogue at this time (chap. 8). Esther

1. To what period does the Book of Esther be­ long? To the reign of Ahasuerus (Xerxes I, 486465 B.c.). 2. How does it differ from any other book in the Bible? It contains no mention of God’s name; makes no reference to any other Bible book, to Jerusalem, the Temple, sacrifice, or any Jewish festival except Purim (9:26). 3. How does this book present moral and spir­ itual instruction? By implication through character sketches. God is not named, but his overruling prov­ idence is assumed. 4. What point of historical interest to the He­ brews does Esther contain? They are now called “Jews” (2:5). 5. What basic goodness did Mordecai show when he became prime minister? He sought “the wealth of his people.”

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1. In what literary form is Job written? Poetry mainly, only the prologue, epilogue, and a few verses in the body (chaps. 1—2; 32:l-6a; 42:7-17) being in prose. 2. With what question does the Book of Job deal? Why do the righteous suffer in a world gov­ erned by a good God? 3. What other Old Testament writer mentions Job? Ezekiel (14:14, 20). 4. Who were Job’s “comforters”? Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar. 5. What great lesson does Job learn as brought out in the speeches of Jehovah (chaps. 38— 41)? One must have faith in God’s goodness and wisdom even though one cannot understand. Psalms

1. What is the meaning of the word “psalms”? “Praises.” The Book of Psalms was the li­ turgical hymnbook regularly used in the Temple. 2. Who wrote the psalms? Many are associated with the name of David. The book is made up of five books, by vari­ ous authors. 3. What Messianic psalm did Peter quote in his great sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:25-28)? Psalm 16:8-11. 4. What is the best known and most favored psalm? Psalm 23, known as the “Shepherd Psalm.” 5. Which is the longest psalm and also the long­ est chapter in the Bible? Psalm 119.


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1. Who wrote the Book of Proverbs? (1:1; 25:1; 30:1; 31:1). Solomon, and others, such as Agur and Lem­ uel. 2. To what class of Hebrew literature does Prov­ erbs belong? Wisdom literature, as also are parts of Job and Ecclesiastes and some of the psalms. 3. Where do we find the description of a good wife? Chapter 31. 4. What proverb is quoted by both James (4:6) and Peter (I Pet. 5:5)? “He scometh the scorners; but he giveth grace unto the lowly” (3:34). 5. What proverb did the writer of the Hebrew letter quote (12:5-6)? “My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord; . . . for whom the Lord loveth he correcteth” (3:11-12). Ecclesiastes

1. Who is the author of Ecclesiastes? The Hebrew name is Koheleth, meaning “as­ sembler” or “preacher,” and represented as Solomon. 2. What is the purpose of this book? To show the vanity of a reliance on material possessions and earthly knowledge and wis­ dom—“all is vanity” (1:2). 3. How did Koheleth end his quest for wisdom? He got “more wisdom than all” who preceded him in Jerusalem, but it brought him to “much grief” (1:16-18). 4. How else did he try to get happiness? He gave himself completely to pleasure, but found it “vanity.”

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5. How did he test wealth and aesthetic pleas­ ure? He built great works, gathered gold and sil­ ver, withheld nothing from himself in music and art (2:4-11). The Song of Solomon

1. What is the meaning of this book? The Jews said it depicted the love of God for Israel; the Christians, love of Christ for the church and believers. 2. What is the plot of this poetical work? It has no definite plot, but is a collection of love lyrics. 3. From the standpoint of marriage, what is ad­ mirable about its implications? It is decidedly monogamie—“the only one” (6:9). 4. Mention one way in which it differs from most of the other poetic books. It is not a part of the wisdom literature, as are they. Isaiah

1. Under what classification of Old Testament lit­ erature does the Book of Isaiah come? What are the other books in this classification? Major Prophets. Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. 2. What is the greatest Messianic chapter in Isaiah? The fifty-third. 3. Name the kings who reigned during Isaiah’s lifetime. Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. 4. Ten oracles (burdens) were given to Isaiah. What were they? Babylon, Philistia, Moab, Damascus, Egypt, “Desert of the sea,” Dumah, Arabia, “Val­ ley of vision,” and Tyre.


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5. What is characteristic of the latter part of Isaiah (chaps. 40—66) ? It gives assurance of Judah’s restoration from Babylon. Jeremiah

1. How long after Isaiah’s death did Jeremiah be­ gin to prophesy? About fifty years (626 b.c. through 586 b.c.). 2. With what was his message mainly concerned? The fall of Judah to Babylon. 3. What novel method did he use to proclaim his message? Symbolism, as wearing a rotted girdle or put­ ting a yoke on his neck. 4. What did King Jehoiakim do with the book Jeremiah wrote? Cut it up with his penknife and burned it (36:21-23). 5. What happened to Jeremiah after the fall of Jerusalem? He remained with the remnant in Judah, but was finally compelled to go to Egypt (chaps. 41:1—43:7). Lamentations

1. Who wrote these poems (funeral hymns) ? Jeremiah, according to the Septuagint (LXX) and tradition. 2. In what form are these poems written? The Hebrew alphabet has twenty-two letters. In chapters 1, 2, and 4 the verses are ar­ ranged alphabetically. The third (middle) chapter has sixty-six verses, three for each letter. The fifth chapter contains twenty-two verses, but not in alphabetical order. 3. What is the book, or dirge, about? Horrors of the siege of Jerusalem which Jere­ miah witnessed.

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4. How is Lamentations used by the Jews? It is used as a chant in their synagogues at the Fast of Ab, commemorating the anniversary of the destruction of the Temple. Also on Friday afternoon at the wailing wall near the Temple in Jerusalem. Ezekiel

1. What does Ezekiel contribute to a spiritual conception of religion? a) That “shame” for past sins should lead to conversion. b) Promise of a new heart. c) Doctrine of individual responsibility. d) God desires all to repent. 2. What figures, drawn from Ezekiel, are used in the Book of Revelation? a) Eating of a written roll (3:1-2 with Rev. 10:9-10). b) Measuring of the Temple (chap. 40 with Rev. 11:1-2). c) Invasion of Gog and Magog (38:2-3 with Rev. 20:7-9). d) New Jerusalem, or city foursquare (48:16 with Rev. 21:12-16). e) Crystal river proceeding from the throne of God (47:1-9 with Rev. 22:1-2). 3. What was Ezekiel’s calling? He was both a priest and a prophet, and he combined the two in a remarkable way. 4. What was the meaning of Ezekiel’s vision of the four living creatures and the four wheels? It portrayed certain aspects of God’s nature— his sovereignty, majesty, glory, omniscience, omnipresence, and holiness. 5. What was the meaning of Ezekiel’s vision of the Temple? Evidently a figurative preview of the coming kingdom of God.


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1. Into what two categories is the Book of Dan­ iel divided? a) Narrative section (chaps. 1—6). b) Visions and teachings (chaps. 7—12). 2. How many times is Daniel mentioned by name in the Bible? Seventy times in the Book of Daniel; three times in Ezekiel (28:3; 14:14, 20); twice in the New Testament (Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14). 3. What kind of literature is the Book of Dan­ iel? It is primarily apocalyptic (having to do with revealing the future). 4. With what are Daniel’s visions primarily con­ cerned? The kingdoms of the earth in relation to the kingdom of God. 5. Name three of the visions mentioned in Daniel, a) Nebuchadnezzar’s vision of the great tree, b) The handwriting on the wall. c) The four beasts. Hosea

1. Hosea is the first of what class of prophets? How many books are there of this class in our Bible? First of the Minor Prophets. Twelve. 2. Where did Hosea prophesy and under whose reign? In Israel, the Northern Kingdom, under the reign of Jeroboam II, through the brief reigns of six other kings, leading up to the fall of Samaria to Assyria. 3. How many times is Hosea quoted in the New Testament? More than thirty times—more than any other of the Minor Prophets.

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4. In what unique way does Hosea present the relation of God to Israel? Under the figure of a husband who continues to love and seeks to redeem an unfaithful wife (3:1-5). 5. What significance was there in the naming of his children? He named the first son “Jezreel,” calling to mind the judgment of Jehu for the bloody acts of Jezreel (1:4); the second son, “Lo-ammi,” meaning “not my people” (1:9); and daughter “Loruhamah,” meaning “that hath not obtained mercy” (1:6). 6. What did Hosea mean by “Ephraim is a cake not turned” (7:8)? Ephraim, being the strongest tribe of the Northern Kingdom, stands for the whole. Like an unturned cake, burned on one side and raw on the other, Israel was fit only to be thrown away. Joel

1. Where did Joel prophesy? In Judah, date uncertain. 2. What was the occasion of his prophecy? A plague of locusts caused a drought and fam­ ine (1:1-7). 3. What was Joel’s message? He announced the “day of the Lord” and called the nation to repentance. 4. Who in the New Testament quoted Joel’s prophecy about the coming of the Spirit? Peter, at Pentecost (Acts 2:16-21 with Joel 2:28-32). 5. What did Joel mean by the “valley of deci­ sion” (3:14)? That the Lord was judging the heathen na­ tions who harassed Judah.


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1. Who was Amos and where did he prophesy? A native herdsman of Tekoa in Judah who prophesied in Israel. 2. What was the economic condition in Israel when Amos prophesied? Prosperity for a few, but many were op­ pressed. 3. What two things especially characterized his prophecy? His social and ethical teaching and the fact he was the first of the prophets to universalize religion. 4. How does he differ from Hosea? Hosea is characterized by love and tenderness, while Amos is austere and full of judg­ ment. 5. In what relation did he place religious feasts and ritual? Secondary to righteousness and judgment and ethical conduct (5:21-24). Obadiah

1. What is the theme of this Minor Prophet? The doom of Edom and restoration and en­ largement of Israel. 2. How is this book characterized as to length? The shortest book in the Old Testament. 3. For which of Edom’s transgressions against Judah were they now to suffer judgment? When Jerusalem was made captive, the Edom­ ites helped Judah’s enemies (vss. 10-14). 4. Who else were to be judged by the Lord? “All the heathen” (nations) (vs. 15). 5. Who were the Edomites? Descendants of Esau.

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1. What is known about Jonah other than the events described in this book? In Second Kings 14:25, Jonah assured Jero­ boam II (785-745 b.c.) that he would be victorious over the Syrians. 2. Instead of going to Nineveh toward what city did Jonah start? Tarshish—probably in Spain, in the opposite direction from Nineveh. 3. What is the significance of the Book of Jonah? The prophet reveals God’s regard for the Gen­ tiles, whom most Jews considered outside God’s concern. 4. Did a whale swallow Jonah? No. It was a “great fish” (1:17). 5. Why did Jonah flee from God? His false patriotism could not bear that God should be merciful to Nineveh which was a great military threat to Israel (4:2). Micah

1. Four great prophets arose in Israel in the eighth century B.c., one of whom was Micah. Who were the other three? Isaiah, Hosea, and Amos. 2. What passage in Micah is often said to be the grandest summary of religion in all litera­ ture? The passage beginning “He hath showed thee, O man” (6:6-8). 3. What is known about Micah’s life? He was from Moresheth, a town in Judah near the Philistine border, eighteen miles south­ west of Tekoa, the home of Amos. 4. How did he express his grief over the im­ pending doom of Samaria and Jerusalem? By picturing himself as in the depth of mourn­ ing (1:8).


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5. What class of people did Micah especially de­ nounce? The scheming, covetous rich (2:1-3). Nahum

1. What other prophet should be read in con­ nection with Nahum’s prophecy? Jonah—both concern Nineveh. 2. What great Egyptian city did Nahum say had already been destroyed? No, also known as No-amon (Thebes), de­ stroyed 663 b.c. (3:8-9). 3. The doom of Nineveh is pronounced in chap­ ter 2. Was this prophecy fulfilled? About 612 b.c., the Medes and Persians de­ stroyed Nineveh, and its location was for­ gotten. 4. What is remarkable about the superscription in Nahum? No other prophetical writing is prefaced with two superscriptions. 5. What is the literary quality of Nahum? He is considered one of Israel’s greatest poets. Chapter 1:2-10 is an acrostic poem in the Hebrew. His writing depicts intense action. See for instance the word pictures of Nin­ eveh’s capture (chap. 2). Habakkuk

1. What period is the subject of this book? The destruction of Jerusalem by the Baby­ lonians (Chaldeans) 605-586 b.c. 2. What was Habakkuk’s great question? Why should Judah be destroyed for its wicked­ ness by a still more wicked nation? (1:1,13). 3. What is the literary form of this book? Two short oracles and a third chapter en­ titled “A prayer of Habakkuk.”

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4. How does Habakkuk express his intense de­ sire to hear from God? He says he will wait on his watchtower until God answers (2:1). 5. What is a unique characteristic of this book? It is a conversation between God and the prophet. Zephaniah

1. During the reign of what king of Judah did Zephaniah prophesy? Josiah (639-608 b.c.). The prophet is thought to have helped bring about the great revival (1:1). 2. Against how many nations besides Judah is Zephaniah’s prophecy uttered? Five—Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Ethiopia, and Assyria (2:5-14). 3. To what other minor prophet is this book sim­ ilar? Joel, in its judgment on the nations and proc­ lamation of the “day of wrath” (1:14-18). 4. How does his prophecy differ from that of Amos and Micah? He laid no emphasis on ethical reform. 5. What does the prophet mean by a “remnant” that will speak a “pure language” (3:9-13) ? A God-fearing group will be left in Judah. Haggai

1. To what period does Haggai belong? What other prophet was contemporary with him? After the Captivity in the days of Zechariah. The prophet Zechariah. 2. To what three historical books are these prophets related? Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther and should be read in connection with them.


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3. What was Haggai’s burden concerning the Temple? The Jews were more concerned with build­ ing their own houses than in finishing the Temple of the Lord (1:4-8, 14). 4. How long did he prophesy? Four prophecies were delivered within the space of four months in the second year of Darius (1:1; 2:18-20). 5. How did God deal with them because of their neglect of the Temple? He gave them poor crops, drought, mildew, hail, and physical calamities. Zechariah

1. With what other prophet was Zechariah a contemporary ? He began prophesying two months after Haggai and continued for two years, from the second to the fourth year of Darius. 2. Haggai spoke of Zerubbabel as one who would set up a reigning house in Judah (2:7-9, 23). How does Zechariah further develop this theme? A descendant of Zerubbabel would be “the BRANCH,” who would establish a spir­ itual house, built by the Spirit of God with grace (3:8; 4:6-7; 6:12-13). 3. What are some Messianic prophecies in Zech­ ariah? a) The King would ride into Jerusalem on a colt (9:9-10). b) He would be “pierced” by his own peo­ ple (12:10). 4. In what respects does the book of Zechariah resemble the books of Ezekiel and Daniel? It abounds in visions and symbolism.

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5. In form, what significant link between two types of Old Testament literature does Zech­ ariah represent? The transition from the prophetic to the apoc­ alyptic type of literature. Malachi

1. When did Malachi prophesy? Nearly one hundred years after Haggai and Zechariah; between 450 and 400 b.c. 2. Who was the next prophet to appear in Judah? John the Baptist, who was the forerunner of Christ. 3. What was the chief sin of the Jews in Mal­ achi’s day? The Jews were cured of idolatry during the Captivity. Their chief sin was neglecting their religious duties. 4. What is unique about this prophet’s style of writing? He makes a statement, asks a question, then answers his question, and illustrates his an­ swer (1:2, 6-8). 5. According to Old Testament teaching what is unique in Malachi’s statement on mar­ riage? Spoke in favor of monogamy and against di­ vorce (2:14-16).

New Testament Matthew

1. What was the purpose of Matthew’s Gospel? To show that Jesus was the Messiah of proph­ ecy. 2. How does he group his material? By subject rather than in chronological order. 3. Who was Matthew? A publican, or tax collector; one of Jesus’ apostles.


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4. Which of Jesus’ discourses are especially out­ standing in Matthew? The Sermon on the Mount, the parables of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, and of the final judgment, among many others. 5. In tracing the genealogy of Jesus, how does Matthew differ from Luke? Matthew traces the lineage to David and Abraham while Luke goes back to Adam. Mark

1. Who is thought to have influenced the writing of Mark’s Gospel, and to whom did Mark especially appeal? Peter. To the Romans. 2. With what part of Jesus’ life is Mark mostly concerned? His deeds, rather than his words. Mark dwells on the miracles and omits the long dis­ courses. 3. What words connoting action are significant in Mark? “Straightway” and “immediately” which he uses about forty times. 4. Who was Mark? John Mark accompanied Paul on part of his first missionary journey and later was a worker in the church and companion of Paul and Peter. He was probably a convert of Peter’s (I Pet. 5:13). Luke

1. Why would Luke’s Gospel appeal to the Greeks? The Greek mind leaned toward culture, beauty, education, reason, wisdom. Luke’s Gospel has been called “the most beautiful book ever written.”

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2. Who was Luke? A physician (Col. 4:14) who was Paul’s com­ panion on part of his missionary journeys (Acts 16:10-17; 27:1) and in his imprison­ ment (II Tim. 4:11). 3. What other book did Luke write? Acts of the Apostles (Acts 1:1 with Luke 1:3). 4. What form of Jesus’ teachings does he record more than do the other Gospels? The parables. 5. What period of Jesus’ ministry does he dwell upon more than do the other Gospels? The Perean ministry (9:51—19:28). John

1. What is John’s emphasis in the life of Christ? The deity of Christ as the ground of faith. 2. What word may be given as the subject of the first chapter? “The Word,” or “the Logos,” who “was with God and . . . was God.” 3. Who was John? One of the Twelve, whom Jesus especially loved. 4. What form of Jesus’ teaching does he omit that Luke especially records? The parables of Jesus. 5. How is he different from the others in his presentation of the life of Christ? It has been said, “The others were anxious to record, John to interpret.” Acts

1. What is the purpose of the Book of Acts? To show how the church began to carry the gospel into the Gentile world. 2. Who are the two most prominent personages in Acts? Peter and Paul.


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3. Which chapters are chiefly occupied with Paul’s missionary journeys? Chapters 13—20. 4. Where were the disciples first called Chris­ tians? At Antioch of Syria (Acts 11:26). 5. Where was the first Christian council held? What question occupied it? It was held at Jerusalem to consider whether the Gentiles were to be admitted to fellow­ ship without obedience to the ceremonial laws. Romans

1. What is the main thought in the Book of Romans? Man’s justification before God rests not on keeping the Mosaic law, or any law, but wholly by faith in Christ’s atonement for our sins. 2. Who was its writer? Paul, a former Pharisee and now an apostle. 3. When was it written and how did it reach Rome? Paul wrote it at Corinth, probably a.d. 58, at the end of his third missionary journey. Phoebe, a member of the church at Cenchrea, a suburb of Corinth, carried it to Rome (16:1-2). 4. What verse is said to have inspired the be­ ginning of the sixteenth-century Reforma­ tion? “The just shall live by faith” (1:17). 5. Is Paul in conflict with James, who says, “By works a man is justified”? No. James adds, “and not by faith only” (2:24). Paul is speaking of the grounds of justification and James of the expression of it in life and service.

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First Corinthians

1. When and under what conditions did Paul write this letter to Corinth? In Ephesus, a.d. 57 or 58, to correct moral and spiritual disorders in the church at Corinth. 2. What were the main problems troubling this church? Factions, immorality, lawsuits, disputes about, the use of meat offered to idols, abuses of the Lord’s Supper, heresies about the res­ urrection, confusion in the assembly, prob­ lems about marriage, woman’s place in the church. 3. Why did Corinth particularly have many prob­ lems? It was a large trading city where all kinds of people and religions were represented; so there was a variety of thought and action. 4. What was Paul’s cure-all for the divisions and disorder? “Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God” (1:22-24). 5. What supremely beautiful poem does Paul include in this letter? His hymn to love (chap. 13). Second Corinthians

1. What occasioned Paul to write the second let­ ter to the church at Corinth? Titus brought a good report of the Corinthian church to Macedonia, so Paul wrote this let­ ter in response (2:12-13; 7:5-7, 13-16). 2. What did he ask the church to do for the poor in Jerusalem, and why is his request im­ portant to us? He asked the Corinthians to take up a col­ lection for Jerusalem. In doing so he laid down the principles of Christian giving (chaps. 8—9).


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3. What happened to Paul lest he “should be exalted above measure”? He was given a “thorn in the flesh, the mes­ senger of Satan” (12:7). 4. What unique experience did Paul say he had about fourteen years previous to this time? He was “caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter” (12:4). 5. How was Paul supported while he was estab­ lishing the church in Corinth? Other churches aided him and he worked at his trade (11:8-9 with Acts 18:1-3). Galatians

1. Was this letter addressed to a particular church? No; to a group of churches in the province of Galatia (1:2). 2. What was Paul’s purpose in writing? To warn the Galatians against Judaizing teach­ ers who insisted that Gentiles could enjoy the benefits of the gospel only through keep­ ing the Mosaic law. 3. What incident at Antioch many years before does Paul recall in order to show his attitude toward those who would force the Law upon Gentile believers? He rebuked Peter for first eating with Gentile Christians and then refusing to do so (2: 11-16). 4. What Old Testament women did Paul use to illustrate the bondage of the Law and the freedom of the gospel? Sarah and Hagar (Agar) (4:24-26). 5. By what two phrases does Paul describe the difference between Christians and non­ Christians (5:19, 22) ? “Works of the flesh” and “the fruit of the Spirit.”

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1. To what group of Paul’s epistles does Ephe­ sians belong? What are the other epistles in this group? The “Prison Epistles” written from Rome. The others were Philippians, Colossians, and Phi­ lemon. 2. What is unique about this epistle? No Ephesus experiences are related, and noth­ ing indicates that it is addressed to a par­ ticular church. It may be considered a cir­ cular letter for the province of Asia. 3. What is the main theme of this epistle? The ultimate unity of all things in Christ. 4. With what other epistle is it similar in tone? Colossians (1:19-20; 2:19 with Eph. 1:10; 4:15-16). Tychicus was the bearer of both (6:21 with Col. 4:7). 5. To what does Paul liken the qualities of a Christian? To a soldier’s armor (6:11-17). Philippians

1. What happened soon after Paul and Silas ar­ rived in Philippi? They were imprisoned for healing a slave girl (Acts 16:23-24). 2. Why did Paul write to the Philippians? To express appreciation for their gift and con­ cern for him and tell them about his situa­ tion. 3. Whom did Paul use as an example of true humility? He pointed to the example of Christ (2:1-18). 4. What does Paul say is a sure way to peace of mind? The habit of gladness combined with sincere prayer and thanksgiving (4:4-8).


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5. What did Paul say concerning his prison ex­ periences? That they have “fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel” (1:12-13). Colossians

1. Was this church founded by Paul? No, he said they had never seen him (2:1). 2. How did Paul learn about the problems of this church? Evidently from Epaphras, a citizen of Colosse and a fellow worker with Paul (1:7-8). 3. What was the purpose of this epistle? To show the supremacy of Christ and to warn against a new error which taught the wor­ ship of angels (2:18). 4. How did he do this? By declaring the headship of Christ, who is above all principalities and powers (1: 13:29). 5. What did Paul have to say about family re­ lationships? To wives, children, husbands, fathers, servants, he gave specific advice (3:18-25). First Thessalonians

1. What was said of Paul and his fellow workers when they first visited Thessalonica? “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also” (Acts 17:6). 2. Why did Paul write the first letter to the Thessalonians? To express appreciation for them and advise regarding Christian practice and doctrine (3:6-13). 3. What instructions did he give to help them? He instructed them as to Christian conduct and assured them that those who had died were not lost (4:12-18).

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4. To whom did Paul say this letter should be read? “Unto all the holy brethren” (5:27). 5. With what is the latter part of chapter 5 mainly concerned? It deals with various aspects of Christian con­ duct. Second Thessalonians

1. What was the purpose of this letter? To inform the church at Thessalonica that the second coming will not occur until after the “apostasy.” 2. Why did Paul need to write again about the second coming of the Lord? It seems that someone had written in Paul’s name in a way to excite the church anew regarding Christ’s coming (2:2). 3. Whom did he say would appear before the second coming? The “man of sin” would be revealed (2:3-9). 4. What did Paul say concerning idleness? “If any would not work, neither should he eat” (3:10). 5. How did Paul sign this letter? “With mine own hand” (3:17). First Timothy

1. To what class of epistles does this letter be­ long and to whom did Paul write another such letter? Pastoral Epistles. To Titus also. 2. Who was Timothy? Paul calls him, “My own son in the faith” (1:2). Paul had met him at Lystra on his first missionary journey (Acts 16:1). 3. What training had Timothy had? He had been trained in the Scriptures (Old Testament) by his mother Eunice and grand­ mother Lois (II Tim. 1:5; 3:14-15).


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4. Where was Timothy the pastor at the time of this epistle? In Ephesus. 5. With what is this book mainly concerned? The qualifications of a minister and personal instructions to Timothy. Second Timothy

1. Under what circumstances was this letter written? Paul was about to be executed. This was his final charge to Timothy (a.d. 67 or 68) (4:6-8). 2. Who was with Paul at this time? “Only Luke is with me” (4:11). 3. Who loved the world and forsook Paul? Demas (4:10). 4. Did Paul expect the times to get better or worse for Christians? “Worse and worse” (3:13). 5. What verse is used to substantiate the inspira­ tion of the Scriptures? Second Timothy 3:16. Titus

1. With the churches on what island was Titus concerned? Crete. 2. Who was Titus? A Greek convert of Paul’s who had been at the conference in Jerusalem with him and also in Ephesus. He was left in Crete about A.D. 65 (1:5). 3. Why did Paul write to Titus? To instruct him concerning ordaining elders and to give directions for teaching the Cre­ tans (1:5; 2:1). 4. What did he tell Titus to do with a heretic? “After the first and second admonition re­ ject” him (3:10).

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5. How did the church in Crete start? It may be from converts who were in Jeru­ salem at Pentecost (Acts 2:11). Philemon

1. With what is this book concerned? Paul is writing to intercede with Philemon on behalf of his slave Onesimus (vss. 1, 10). 2. Is it written to combat slavery? It portrays the Christian principles of broth­ erhood which eventually undermined slavery (vs. 16). 3. Where was Paul when he wrote this letter? A prisoner in Rome (vs. 1). 4. Who was Philemon? A well-to-do man of Colosse; a convert of Paul’s. Evidently Onesimus had stolen some money from him and run away. 5. Were there slaves among the Jews in Paul’s day? No, the Jews did not countenance slavery then. But a large part of the Roman Empire were slaves. In Italy the slaves outnumbered the free men. Hebrews

1. Who wrote Hebrews? In the King James Version, it is called Paul’s. In the American Revised and Revised Standard, it is anonymous. Luther thought Apollos wrote it, Ramsay thought Philip, Hamack thought Priscilla; others Barnabas or Luke. Calvin and Beza did not think Paul wrote it. Origen, in the third century said, “Only God knows.” 2. To whom was it written? Probably to Hebrew Christians during a time of persecution.


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3. What is its purpose? To help Hebrew Christians understand the re­ lationship of Judaism to Christianity and that Christ had fulfilled the requirements of the ceremonial Law and had done away with it. 4. Who was Melchizedek? An ancient king of Salem and mystic priest (Gen. 14:18-20) spoken of in Psalm 110:4 as a prototype of Christ, and used as an ex­ ample of the authority and honor of Christ’s priesthood by the writer of Hebrews (chaps. 5-7). 5. Why are there such terrible warnings against apostasy, as in 6:5-6? If anyone turns away from Christ, then there is for him no other means of salvation (10:26). James

1. To what classification does the Epistle of James belong, and what are the others in this class? General Epistles, because they are not writ­ ten for a particular church or person. The others are First and Second Peter, First, Second, and Third John, and Jude. 2. Who was James? The brother of Jesus, called James the Just, who was bishop of Jerusalem. 3. With what is the book concerned? The practical application of truth to life and conduct rather than a mere intellectual per­ ception of truth. 4. What is James’s definition of pure religion? See James 1:27. 5. What is peculiar about the form in which James presents his teachings? James has been called “the Christian Book of Proverbs” because of its terse and pic­ turesque statement of moral precepts.

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First Peter

1. To whom was First Peter written? To Christians throughout Asia Minor (1:1). 2. From what place was it written? “Babylon” (5:13) was probably Rome, where Peter is supposed to have spent the last years of his life. 3. What did Peter teach should be our atti­ tude toward civil government? Submission (2:13-17). 4. What was Peter’s instruction as to Christians under trial and persecution? They should endure patiently, following the example of Christ (2:19-25). 5. Whose domestic duties does Peter set out? Those of wives and husbands (3:1-8). Second Peter

1. To what New Testament book does Second Peter 2 bear a strong resemblance? The Epistle of Jude. 2. What does Peter have to say about Paul and his writings? Calls him “our beloved brother” whose writ­ ings are sometimes “hard to understand” (3:15-16). 3. How does this epistle differ from First Peter? This is mainly against heresies and false teachers. 4. What did Peter say would happen to the earth when “the day of the Lord” should come? It shall be “burned up” (3:10). 5. What are we then to look for? “New heavens and a new earth” (3:13). First John

1. Who is the author of First John, and what other books did he write? The Apostle John. He also wrote the Gospel and Second and Third John.


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2. What book does First John resemble in thought and style? The fourth Gospel. 3. What is the predominate note in this letter? Because God loves us, we must love one an­ other. 4. What heresy does John especially combat? That of the Gnostics, who denied that Jesus had come “in the flesh” (4:3). 5. How does John say the sinner can be for­ given? By confession and obedience (1:7-10). Second John

1. To whom did John write this letter? To “the elect lady” and “her children.” Per­ haps a Christian woman and her family or it may be a congregation and its pastor. 2. What is the purpose of the letter? To warn against the Gnostics whom he wrote about in his first letter (vs. 7). 3. Who was the “elect sister” of verse 13? Some think it may be the congregation where John was resident or another prominent Christian woman or John’s wife. 4. What did John say to do about those who did not bring correct doctrine? Not to receive them into her house or bid them Godspeed (vs. 10). 5. What did John say was the command that was “from the beginning”? “That we love one another” (vs. 5). Third John

1. Who was Gaius to whom this letter was ad­ dressed? There are several named Gaius in the New Testament, and we cannot be sure who this Gaius is.

Bible Quizzes and Questions


2. Of what does John warn Gaius? To beware of certain false teachers, partic­ ularly Diotrephes, who “loveth to have the pre-eminence” (vs. 9). 3. Who was Demetrius? Probably an outstanding member of the con­ gregation. The only Demetrius we read about elsewhere in the New Testament is men­ tioned in Acts 19:24-30. 4. Why are little letters like this valuable to us? Because they reveal the inner life of the Chris­ tian church at the close of the first cen­ tury. 5. What did John say gave him great joy? “To hear that my children walk in the truth” (vs. 4). Jude

1. Who was Jude? He says he was the “brother of James,” prob­ ably the Lord’s brother who wrote the Epis­ tle of James (vs. 1). 2. What is Jude’s purpose in writing the letter? To warn against false teachers, the Liber­ tines and Antinomians of his day (vs. 4). 3. What apocryphal book does Jude name? The Book of Enoch, written about 100 b.c. (vs. 14). 4. From what does Jude quote the incident about the archangel Michael disputing with the devil about the body of Moses? (vs. 9). Origen said this is a reference to the apocry­ phal book called the Assumption of Moses. 5. What did Jude have to say about sinning an­ gels? God has reserved them “in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day” (vs. 6).


Bible Quizzes and Questions


1. What is the nature and purpose of this book? It is a series of visions portraying the ultimate triumph of the kingdom of God over all kingdoms and powers of this world. 2. Where did John receive these visions? On the Isle of Patmos (1:9). 3. What book in the Old Testament portrays visions of which these in Revelation remind us? Daniel. 4. In what way is this series presented? Through the medium of symbolism. 5. What is the subject of the last vision? A new heaven and a new earth (chaps. 21—22).



