APOCALYPSE An Analysis of Pre and Post Rapture Events 1981046658, 9781981046652

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APOCALYPSE An Analysis of Pre and Post Rapture Events
 1981046658, 9781981046652

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An Analysis Of Pre And Post- Rapture Events



In as much as attempts have been made to include several references from the Bible, this book still cannot serve as its substitute. The readers are therefore requested to kindly use the Holy Bible alongside this book to ensure maximum understanding of what is written herein. First Edition 2017 Copyright © 2017 Steve B. Ochieng’ All rights reserved


PREAMBLE Not many people may like being told about end times because doing so usually sends cold chills down the spine of many as the events associated with this period are so serious and mind boggling. The fact is, we are already living in these dreadful days. It shouldn’t be something to be afraid of though if you making your garments white. These times must come to pass just as it was prophesied in the Bible. Seek the Lord while you can still find Him for the days that are coming are dark. Jesus compared them to “when the wood is dry” to imply they’ll be tough times. There shall be a great hunger for the word of God. Right now some people are just going over their normal businesses without caring about what is coming over the face of the Earth. Their spiritual antennae have stopped working, considering the worries of this world as opposed to doing what matters most- doing the will of the Lord Almighty. It fills a concerned Christian with sadness to see how casual people have taken the precious word of God, trampling it under their feet as something not worthy of any honour or respect. Many have also turned the word of God to blindfold others into their own wishes which are not in line with the will of God. What will become of such people? Only God knows. It’s more terrible than we ever imagined. This is not a threat but a fact that all must be ready to face.


SYMBOLISM Symbol Beast out of the sea

Meaning A powerful end time political leader. He will be the Antichrist A wicked and powerful end time religious leader impersonating Christ also known as the false prophet. Kings. They will be seven. Five will fall. Antichrist is the eighth and part of the Seven, The seventh will rule for a short time to pave way for the Antichrist. Multitude of people under the influence of the Beast A name of the beast The human-like image of the beast The true Church of Christ The 144,000 blameless Israelites with the seal of God who will be raptured. Satan A powerful and influential religious city that will be base of the Antichrist rule. His power/influence The Antichrist Warnings by the servants of God Serious environmental disasters East, West, North and South directions Palestine Babylon A wicked and wealthy end time city

The Beast out of the Earth

The seven heads of the beast

The sea Mark of the Beast Image of the Beast Woman Son of the woman The dragon The great prostitute Tail of the dragon The Scarlet Beast Message of the angels Plagues The four winds The Beautiful/Holy land Great City Babylon


ABSTRACT The events that took place since the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in the 70 AD can be associated with the end times. These events were prophesied as hallmarks or rather the most probable signs for the day of redemption/rapture and of the day of judgement. The Day of the Lord/Redemption/ Rapture perhaps remains the most controversial conversation among many Christians. Some do not believe in it at all. However, among those who believe it will happen, there is a common agreement that it will precede The Day of Judgement only that the timing is what differs with reference to tribulation. Some Biblical scholars argue that Rapture of the Church/The day of the Lord will occur before tribulation, others say in the middle of tribulation while others propose that it will happen after tribulation. Destruction of the (Herod’s) temple in Jerusalem by the Romans was predicted by Daniel in (Daniel 9:26) marked the beginning of the end times. It implies that even the apostles of Christ lived in the end times just the same way we are. The destruction was also predicted by Jesus in (Lrk 21:12). True to His words, the temple was destroyed, the apostles were severely tortured just as he predicted in (Luke 21:12.) The end will come after the Gog- Magog war when Satan will be judged. This book delves deeper into this misunderstanding in order to give you a clearer picture of what has taken place, what is taking place and what will


take place as prophesied in the Bible. Here is the summarised order of the main events: Destruction of the temple, Beginning of birth pains, tribulation and the two witnesses prophecy, rapture, protection of the remnant church, the rising of the first beast, the rising of the second beast, The Seven Bowls of Gods Wrath, destruction of Babylon (the most dominant end time city on Earth), Judgement of the Beast and his False prophet, Millennial Rule of Christ, Gog-Magog war and judgement of Satan, the Day of Judgement and finally the New Heaven and New Earth.


TABLE OF CONTENTS PREAMBLE ......................................................................................................... iii SYMBOLISM ....................................................................................................... iv ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v Chapter One .............................................................................................................. 1 EARLIER TIMES ................................................................................................ 1 Chapter Two ............................................................................................................. 9 DAYS OF TROUBLE ......................................................................................... 9 Chapter Three ......................................................................................................... 14 WITNESS PROPHECY ................................................................................... 14 Chapter Four ........................................................................................................... 18 RAPTURE OF SAINTS ................................................................................... 18 Chapter Five............................................................................................................ 20 THE REMNANT CHURCH........................................................................... 20 Chapter Six............................................................................................................. 22 THE BEASTS ..................................................................................................... 22 Chapter Seven.......................................................................................................... 25 THE SEVEN BOWLS ...................................................................................... 25 Chapter Eight ......................................................................................................... 28 BABYLON JUDGED ....................................................................................... 28 Chapter Nine .......................................................................................................... 29 THE BEAST & FALSE PROPHET JUDGED ........................................... 29 Chapter Ten ............................................................................................................ 30


A JUST RULE ..................................................................................................... 30 Chapter Eleven ........................................................................................................ 32 SATAN JUDGED.............................................................................................. 32 Chapter Twelve ........................................................................................................ 33 THE LAST DAY ................................................................................................ 33 Chapter Thirteen ..................................................................................................... 34 FINAL PEACE................................................................................................... 34 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 36


Chapter One EARLIER TIMES Main Reading: (Luke 21:1-2, 12) Timing: After the Ministry of Jesus Christ, Duration: Beginning: 70ADEnding: The World Wars, Place: Earth This period covers the rule of the Roman Empire, the middle ages, Renaissance, exploration and Industrial revolution. The temple which was built by Herod (a roman emperor) was destroyed by the Romans in the 70AD after the Jews began their revolt against the Romans. The Roman Empire This kingdom existed between 500BC and 500AD. According to some theologians, it was represented by the feet of the golden statue that King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt about in (Dan.2:33). At the height of its rule, the empire united much of the continental Europe, the north coast of Africa, and a large part of the Middle East. The Romans greatly admired Greek civilization in therefore adopted and preserved much of it. They also left behind a legacy with enviable achievements in arts, engineering, law and architecture Since their rule coincided with the times Jesus was here on Earth and the times of the testimony of the apostles Christianity arose in a place called Antioch in Pisidia and spread throughout Europe, The gospel was spread mainly using the official language of Romans- Latin..


Today, Latin is rarely spoken in Europe since has been replaced by Romance languages such as: Italian, Spanish, and French among others. Western civilization derives its origin from Greco-Roman culture. The Middle Ages (500 AD and 1200 AD) This is the period that ushered in Renaissance in Europe. The Western Roman Empire was conquered by the German conquerors who divided it into kingdoms. A new system of governance called feudalism was established. The people in high social ranking were granted land that belonged to the king but not freely. They were to return the favour through loyalty, military service as well as protection of peasants who farmed the lands. The kingdoms became feudal states. Renaissance and Reformation (1300 AD to 1600AD) The Renaissance is a period that was characterised by rebirth of learning as well as arts. This came as a result of rejuvenation of classical study. Since much of western civilization depended on the study of Greek classics such as the works of philosophers like Socrates and Plato among others, an intellectual movement arose that focused on human potential as opposed to religious concerns giving rise to secularism. Renowned Italian artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and the English playwright and dramatist William Shakespeare marked the peak of the Renaissance. The Reformation was a movement for religious reform that led to the founding of Protestant churches. These churches rejected the authority of the pope, and the power of the Roman Catholic Church declined.


Exploration and colonization This period covered the years between 1400AD and 1800 AD. The monarchs of Europe financed voyages around the world, motivated by the desire for riches and the hope of spreading Christianity. Seeking spices and converts, European explorers made long sea journeys to the East. Searching for a shorter sea route to Asia, Christopher Columbus landed in the Caribbean islands and opened up the New World to European colonization. The establishment of colonies and trading networks led to a great worldwide cultural exchange, the devastation of Native American cultures in the New World, and the enslavement of millions of Africans. Revolution and Independence This period covers the years between 1700AD and 1900AD. Movements toward democracy and nationalism affected most countries in the Western world. These movements sparked the Revolutionary War in America, which resulted in the independence of the British colonies and the birth of the United States. They also sparked the ten-year French Revolution. Many Latin American nations fought colonial rule and gained their independence. In Europe, great empires fell and a system of nation-states became established. Industrial Revolution The spread of power-driven machines sparked the rapid growth of industry in Great Britain, the United States, and continental Europe. People began working in large factories, rather than homes and small workshops, to produce goods. Industrialization made possible a great


increase in the production of manufactured goods. A worldwide system of markets developed as industrial nations imported raw materials and exported manufactured goods. Industrialization dramatically transformed people’s lives. People moved from rural areas to cities, and the middle class increased in size. European nations divided up most of Africa, acquiring colonies to feed their factories with raw materials. Industrial Revolution is a period in history that was characterised by rapid developments in the fields of science. No period in the history of mankind has ever experienced such a phenomenon. What sparked this was renaissance in the fields of Science, art, literature, philosophy, law among others which were drawn from the Greek culture. Knowledge increased exponentially as never experienced before which led to great discoveries and innovations just as Daniel predicted in (Dan. 12:4) many people will travel far and wide and knowledge will increase. Some of the scientific inventions that are associated with this period are shown in the table below: Invention





Used for study of small matter and used in

Glass Gun /

crafts 1260

Cannon Mechanical

for better defense 1360

Clock Printing Press

Enabled weapons to be used at long range Allowed better planning, especially in cities and in traveling


Spread written information and scholarship


and new ideas, especially in religion Cast Iron Pipe


A conduit for water and sewage; improved sanitation



Pencil Microscope

Helped in art, science, mathematics and education for drafting ideas


Allowed study of cells and microorganisms; new knowledge of life processes



Study of the stars, planets, objects, and motion in space; better navigation



Used for ocean exploration and later for warfare



Geometry Steam Engine

System for describing points, planes, and curves in abstract space


Helped pave the way for the industrial revolution



Measured atmospheric pressure; allowed more accurate weather prediction



Used in medicine to apply pressure and stop blood flow to a part of the body



Produced a greater range of sounds than previous musical instruments

Mercury Thermometer


Measured heat by degrees; improved chemistry, meteorology, and medicine




Chronometer Threshing

Allowed timekeeping at sea; led to longitude measurements; improved mapping


Sped up crop production; improved farming


Allowed shared data about global discoveries

Machine Classification of species Wool Carding

within a scientific naming system 1743

Sped production of fibers for wool cloth


First electrical condenser, led to

Machine Leyden Jar

understanding of current and circuits Dynamometer


Measured mechanical forces, used in developing new machines

Watt’s Steam


Engine Cotton Gin

More efficient engine powered the industrial revolution


Cotton could be cleaned by machine rather than by hand; sped production



helped stop the spread of epidemic disease


First locomotive and first passenger railroad,

Vaccine Locomotive

sped shipping and transport Photograph


Faithful production of images from life by machine



First long-distance communication without human travel




steelmaking Pasteurization

Furnace hot enough to melt iron and carbon; facilitated steel and skyscrapers


Sterilization of liquids; increased shelf-life of milk and other perishables



Person-to-person long-distance communication by speech



Light Bulb Automobile

Made long-lasting indoor electric lighting possible

1885–96 First gas engine, diesel engine, motorcycle, automobile, and tires



(X-Ray) Airplane

Accidental X-ray led to discovery of radioactivity; used in medicine and energy


Sped transportation and shipping, also maximized military weapons



Long-distance transmission and receipt of sound and moving image



First liquid-propelled rocket, led to later space flight



mold spores that killed bacteria, later used to cure bacterial infections, led to other antibiotics




Mechanical explorer able to orbit Earth through space; used for communications, surveillance, weapons, and space exploration



Used for engineering; data storage, sharing, and processing; robotics and other artificial intelligence applications




U.S. Defense Department creates ARPANET; precursor to 1991 Internet

Network Genetic Engineering


First successful recombination of DNA; led to improved food production


Chapter Two DAYS OF TROUBLE (Luke 21:8-11, Matt13:8, Matt 24:4-14) Timing: After Industrial Revolution, Duration: Beginning: 1914 Ending: Witness Prophesy, Place: Earth It is the period that precedes the opening of the seven seals and blowing of the seven trumpets that will cause a lot of anguish on the Earth. Jesus Christ warned that when the events associated with this period begin unfolding, people should not think that the end is near (Matt 24:6). Some of the signs he predicted will happen during this time include: 2.1 People claiming to be Christ (Luke 21:8) Most of the people claiming to be Christ bear a close phenotypical semblance to Jesus Christ as portrayed in the works of artists which borrow from the shroud cloth. The shroud cloth is believed to have preserved the face of Jesus Christ. For instance, in Kenya, there is a sect called Legio Maria that believes in a black ‘Christ’. They believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah of the white people so God sent a black Christ called Simeo messiah to come save the black people. Other Christs have appeared in many other places and have deluded many people who do not have a solid understanding of the Bible. In (Matt 24:24), Jesus Christ warned that many false prophets and false Christs will appear and perform


great signs and miracles to deceive the chosen ones if that were possible us not to follow such people. 2.2 People saying that the end time is near (Luke 21:8) There are very many teachers who have come up claiming that the time is near. Many people have just got confused by this strong delusion that has made them believe in a lie just as the scripture says (2 Thes. 2:11). It is written that no one knows the day or the hour of his coming except the Father. (Matt 24:36). However Jesus Christ warned us not to be immersed into eating and drinking and the revelries of this world lest that day catches us like a trap for it will come upon all the inhabitants of the Earth. 2.3 Nation rising against nation/ wars and rumours of war Due to technological advancement and arms race, certain nations felt they were more powerful and superior than others hence needed to exert their influence on others. This led to a war that has never been seen since creation of the Earth. Certain nations grouped themselves and formed the ‘Allies’ while others grouped and formed the ‘Central Powers.’. The Allies included: France, Britain, Russia, Italy, and the United States, whereas the Central Powers included: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. The allies fought and defeated the Central Powers bringing the war to an end in 1918. The nations that emerged victorious in the First World War dictated punitive peace terms that left bad blood and set the stage for the Second


World War. The Second war was fought between 1939 and 1945. It occurred as a result of expansionist agenda by Germany and Japan. However the Germans and the Japanese as well as other Axis powers were defeated by the Allies leaving millions of people dead and severely damaged the economic and social fabric of Europe and Japan. After the Second World War, two conflicting economic systems emerged systems—capitalism and communism – which competed for world power and economy. The two major players were the United States of America and the Soviet Union. Each of these unions tried to outwit the other and used military, diplomatic, humanitarian aid to extend their control over other countries. For this reason, it was termed ‘Cold War’. It led to separation of East and West Germany by the Berlin Wall (The Iron Curtain) as well as separation of North and South Korea. The Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991 leaving USA as the world’s powerful nation in the world. Speaking of today, there have been endless series of wars in the Middle East. Some of the affected countries include: Syria, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon. Israel has been in endless wars with its neighbours who view her as a threat to them. This has led decline in security and economic activities in the region and consequently influx in the number of refugees into enter into western countries such as Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States among others. Even now, there are high tensions between the (USA) and North Korea which may even lead to a war of its own proportions.


2.4 Great earthquakes and floods There have been great earthquakes in various places. Earthquakes are caused by seismic waves whose magnitudes are usually measured on a scale known as the Richter’s Scale, i.e. a 7.9 magnitude earthquake can cause extensive damage especially in areas near its epicentre. Earthquakes occur more often in areas where: continental plates meet each other, there are fault lines or volcanic activity. Recently, an Earthquake shook the ‘rooftop of the world’- Mount Everest which left so much devastation. The quake damaged buildings, communication lines roads among other facilities. Large pieces of glacier also broke off as a result of the quake and killed many people in the Nepal region. China and USA too have experienced catastrophic Earthquakes which have led to loss of lives and destruction of property. Earthquakes which occur at ocean floors have led to huge ocean waves called Tsunami by the Japanese people. These dangerous waves have resulted to huge loss of lives and property. 2.5 Famines and pestilences Since the Industrial Revolution, very strange and dangerous diseases have emerged which do not have their cure. These include: HIV/AIDS, Ebola and Cancer. These diseases have claimed the lives of many people around the globe. Research conducted to prevent these diseases from spreading hasn’t yielded any substantial fruits. They have continued killing people who are very resourceful in the society thus impoverishing the world of its


human resources. There have been serious famines around the globe which have led to many deaths. Some of the most notable ones include the Ethiopian Famine of 1984. Many parts of Kenya too such as Turkana have been experiencing severe droughts and food shortage which have resulted to loss of lives and death of several livestock. 2.6 Fearful events and great signs from heaven Very strange signs and sounds have been seen and heard in the sky. For instance during what was commonly termed as the Arab Revolution of 2014 in Egypt, a strange pale horse was seen with its rider in the air galloping among the people and disappearing into the air. Several flying horses have been seen in the sky especially in the Middle East from which most religions trace their origin. A strange winged black horse was seen intercepting a missile in the Gaza strip. Muslims who saw it thought it were some demigod and were really frightened since such a thing is quite unusual and it must have been supernatural. Several other fearful events have been witnessed in various places which have frightened many people.


Chapter Three WITNESS PROPHECY Major Readings (Luke 21:25-26, Matt 24: 22, Rev 6:12-16) Timing: Duration: Beginning: The Beginning of prophecy by the two Christian Witnesses, Ending: Rapture, Place: Earth This chapter explains the events that will take place during the first half of the seven years that Daniel prophesied in (Daniel 9:27) and will last for 3 ½ years after which Christ will come for his bride as written in (Matt 24:29). In (John 14:3) Jesus Christ assured his disciples that he will come back and take them in his Father’s house which perfectly agrees with (Rev.12:5) and (Isaiah 26:20-21) This period that will be characterised by so much suffering on the Earth as has never been witnessed and will never be equalled by any other as written in (Matt 24:21). The sufferings/wrath that Isaiah spoke of in (Isaiah 26:21) will be brought about by the breaking of seven seals and blowing of the seven trumpets as recorded in the book of Revelation chapters 6-9. The opening of the seals will bring a lot of suffering on the Earth as recorded in (Rev.6:1-16).These include killings, hunger, and earthquakes. The sun will turn black, the moon will turn red, stars will fall from their places, heavens will recede as well as mountains and islands from their places, people great and small will hide in the caves in an attempt to hide form Christ. Jesus Christ told his disciples that when they see these events,


they should certainly be sure that their redemption is near, right at the door. (Mark 13:29) Mark you, the beast will be present at this time but will not be very active because the bride of Christ will still be on the Earth as Paul wrote concerning the day of Redemption in (1st Thes. 2:6) Sealing of the 144,000 Israelites After a very harsh time, 144,000 people from the tribes of Israel will be sealed. These are people who will be blameless as recorded in (Rev.14:4). They will be first fruits unto God and the Lamb. During this period, the angels of destruction will be commanded to hold on until the exercise is completed thus there will be great calm as recorded in (Rev 7:3). Most likely, it is during this period of great calm that the antichrist will sign covenants with many as recorded in (Dan. 9:27) to deceive people. There will be a general atmosphere of peace and security (1stThes.5:3) on the Earth. This will make the lawlessness written in (2nd Tim3:1-5) and (Matt 24:12) to thrive. People will be in a joyful mood going through their daily businesses as usual just as it was in the days of Noah. (Matt 24:37). In (Luke 21:34), Jesus warned the believers to take care lest they be weighed down with the things of this life and be caught by surprise when he comes back. It is written that the bridegroom was long time in coming and the virgins fell asleep (Matt 25:5). Some of the saints will become drowsy (spiritually asleep) just before Christ comes as written in (Dan.11:35) so that they can be refined, purified and made perfect until Christ comes.


Post sealing of God’s People After the saints have been marked, terrible events (birth pains) will follow which will result from the blowing of the trumpets by the seven angels. When the fifth trumpet will be blown, the abyss will open and unleash terrible looking locusts to torment those without the seal of Gods. When the Sixth trumpet will be blown, a third of mankind will be killed by twice 1010 mounted troops. Despite this, evil will still continue as written in (2nd Tim.3:1-5). The two Christian Witnesses During this period, Jerusalem will be overrun by the gentiles (non- Jews) God will appoint two Christian witnesses to prophesy (Rev.11:2-3). They will have great powers to strike the Earth with plagues as they please and to hold back rain during the time they will be witnessing. This mirrors transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Olives. Some Biblical scholars point that they will have the spirit of Elijah and Moses respectively. When anyone will want to kill them, fire will come out of their mouths and devour such people. However, at the end of this period (the first half of tribulation), the antichrist will attack and kill them and people will rejoice over their death by sending gifts to each other (because of the torment they will unleash on Earth) and will refuse them burial but they will resurrect after 3 ½ days and ascend to heaven in full view of their enemies. After the resurrection, a serious Earthquake will strike the city of Jerusalem and a tenth of it will collapse killing 7000 people. The survivors of the quake will be terrified and give glory to God.


There will be war in heaven. Michael the Great Prince (Dan 12:1) also known as Archangel Michael and his angels will fight against the dragon (Satan). The latter will be defeated and consequently hurled down to the Earth together with his rebellious angels. His tail (symbol of power) will fling a third of the stars to the Earth. The embarrassment of defeat will enrage him so much and he’ll be determined to devour the saints who are just about to be raptured. It is after this time that Jesus Christ will come back to save the elect from the wrath of Satan. Jesus Christ said (in Matt 24:22) that for the sake of the elect, these days of suffering will be shortened otherwise no one will survive. Signs of Rapture After the defeat and hurling down of Satan to the Earth, the following events will follow. The Sun will turn as dark as a sackcloth, the moon will turn as red as blood, heavenly bodies will be shaken, stars (most likely asteroids) will fall to the Earth from the space, mountains and islands will flee from their places and the sea will be roaring and tossing. These events will really frighten people and make them hide in the caves and are the most immediate signs of rapture.


Chapter Four RAPTURE OF SAINTS Readings (Rev 1:7, Rev.14:3-4, Rev 7:9, Rev 12:1-5 Rev 7:14, Luke 21:2728, Luke 21:34, Matt 24:30-31, Matt 24:40-41, Luke 21:27-28, John 14:3, 1st Thes. 4:13*, 2nd Thes. 2:3-10, 1st Cor 15:51- 52) Timing: After the Birth pains Duration: Beginning: unknown Ending: ‘within a very short time’, Place: Earth Rapture After those frightening events, Rapture will occur. It will be a conspicuous (Matt 24:27) and very powerful global phenomenon that will take place in a very fast. (1st Cor.15:52). It will happen after the sealing of Gods people. For this reason, the day will catch many people unawares (just the same way a thief comes) because they will be too complacent and spiritually asleep. Jesus described it as ‘midnight hour’ in (Matt 25:6) to mean it will be a period when people will not expect Christ to come back as it will be a time of peace and prosperity. Jesus Christ will descend in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory and ALL the tribes/nations of the Earth will mourn (Matt 24:30) seeing Christ descending with a lot of power. Rev 12:1-5 gives us the timing of rapture albeit in a symbolic language. The woman was labour and travailed to be delivered brought forth a man child who will rule the nations with an iron rod and the child was caught up unto God`s throne (raptured). The Woman is the Church. The labour


pains are the immediate signs of rapture described in the previous chapter. The Son stands for the 144,000 saints from the tribes of Israel who will be raptured. The rest of the offspring are those Christians who will not be raptured but will continue holding fast to their testimony about Jesus Christ (Rev 12:17). They will be killed by the antichrist but will come back to life (in what is termed as the first resurrection) when Christ comes to reign in as King (Isa. 9:7) for millennia just as God promised David that his Kingdom would last forever (Psa. 89:3-4) A careful Bible reader will notice that among the gospel books, it’s only in the gospel according to Saint John (the Divine) that prophesy about tribulation is not included. However, John included it later in the book of Revelation- a masterpiece series of apocalyptic visions he saw in the Island of Patmos. With a loud trumpet call of the archangel, Jesus Christ will send his angels to gather the saints from all the four corners of the world. Those who died in Christ will rise first, and then those who are still alive will be transformed in a flash and caught up together with them to meet the Jesus Christ in the air. The saints will be caught up in heaven to escape being devoured by Satan as recorded in (Rev 12:5) and (Isaiah 26:20). The large multitude from ALL the nations in (Rev 7:9, 14) tell us that will be a global phenomenon just as Jesus said in (Luke 21:35)


Chapter Five THE REMNANT CHURCH (Rev.12:13-17, Dan.9:27, Matthew 24:20) Timing: After Rapture Duration: Beginning: unknown Ending: 3.5 years after rapture, Place: Earth After the resounding defeat and hurling down of Satan and his angels by archangel Michael (described as the great prince in (Dan 12:1)), the devil will be very angry with the church and will be determined to finish her and the rest of her offspring. The church will be given wings of a great eagle to flee (Matt 24:20) to a desert place/wilderness/ (a dry place) prepared for her far away from reach of the devil. The great wings as we know may be some great supersonic jets or rockets in modern day. This will anger Satan and he will bring a great mass of water to drown the church but that attempt will fail just as Jesus prophesied in (Matt 16:18). “Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hades will not overcome it.” The Earth will help the church escape from the wrath of Satan by swallowing up the waters of the flood. As a result, Satan will be even more infuriated and will pursue Christians who have held fast their testimony about Jesus Christ. It was prophesied that that this period will last 3 ½ years (Dan 12:7 and Rev. 12:6) (which is the second and the last half of the seven years). Daniel pointed that this period will begin in the middle of the seven years and will continue until the power of the holy people is finally broken to


mean when the full number of the saints have been killed for their refusal to worship the beast as written in (Rev.6:11) and (Dan 7:21-22) This period culminates with the judgement of the beast and the false prophet. It is during this second half of the seven years that all people will be forced to receive the mark of the beast and worship its image. Those who refuse will be killed or taken to captivity as explained in the next chapter.


Chapter Six THE BEASTS (Rev. 13:1-10, Rev. 17: 17:10-11, Daniel 9:27, Daniel 7:25) Timing: After Rapture Duration: Beginning: unknown Ending: 3.5 years after rapture, Place: Earth Introduction THE BEASTS will be very powerful and influential political and/or spiritual leaders who will arise in future i.e. the Antichrist and the False Prophet respectively. They will be present during the first 1,260 Biblical days of tribulation but their actions will be more visible after rapture of the church in the beginning of the last 1260 Biblical days of tribulation. The First Beast (Antichrist) (Rev.13:1-10) He will be a great world political leader who will wield immense military power. The Bible says he will come out of the sea (to mean he will not be a normal human being as we know) He will still live even after being mortally wounded. This way, he will try to falsely represent Christ. Satan will give the antichrist his power, his throne and great authority just the same way God gave authority to Jesus Christ. He will amaze many people and they will follow him due to his fatal wound that will have healed most likely pointing his resurrection. People will worship Satan because of the authority he will give to the beast. They will also worship this world ruler, praising him for his military power. He will blaspheme God and persecute God’s people in various ways. Some will be killed while others will be


taken to captivity. Those whose names are not in the book of life will worship the beast. The Second Beast (False Prophet) (Rev.13:11-18 and Rev.19:20) The second beast will be global political/spiritual leader who will wield supernatural powers to enable him perform miracles on behalf of the first beast just the same way the Apostles did after the Holy Spirit had descended upon them. He will come out of the Earth (pointing to the fact that he will be a man by all respects). Through his gentle outward appearance, people will think he’s a nice guy yet his words will be those of the devil. He will rule on behalf of the antichrist and compel people to worship the antichrist-the beast who suffered a fatal wound yet lived. He will perform great signs such as causing fire to come down from heaven in the full view of people because of the power he will be given to perform these wonders on behalf of the first beast. He will deceive people through these great signs. He will set up an image at the temple in Jerusalem in honour of the first beast and force the inhabitants of the world to worship it. This is the abomination that causes desolation that Daniel spoke of in (Dan 9:27). The false prophet will be given power to give breath to the image of the first beast and make it speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed. The second beast will also force people from all walks of life to receive the mark of the beast on either their right hands or on their foreheads. Without the mark no one will be able to buy or sell.


Message of the Three Angels During this time, there will be three topics that will dominate the preached messages on the Earth. The first message will be telling people to fear God and honour him for his great deeds and giving them information about the impending judgement. The second message that will be preached will concern the fall of a great end time city at that time symbolized by Babylon. The third to be preached will be that warning people against receiving the mark of the beast, that whosoever accepts the mark to be placed on his/her forehead or right hand will drink of the wine God’s fury and will suffer torment in hell. Those who will die in the Lord after these proclamations will be considered blessed (Rev 14:13)


Chapter Seven THE SEVEN BOWLS Readings: Rev 16:1-21 Timing: After Rapture Duration: Beginning: unknown Ending: 3.5 years after rapture, Place: Earth

These are plagues that will happen in various places as a result of Gods wrath. BOWL





Ugly and festering soars will break out on people who received the mark of the beast and/or worshipped its image.



The water will turn red as the blood of a dead person and all the living creatures in the sea will die.






The water will turn into blood.

water 4th


The sun will scorch people with intense heat. People will curse God but they will not repent of glorify God





the beast

His kingdom will be plunged into darkness. People will gnaw their tongues in agony but they will not repent of their sins.





Its water will dry up to prepare the way for the kings of the East. Three impure spirits (demons) will come out of the mouth of Satan, the antichrist and the false prophet. They are





encourage the kings of the world to gather





(Armageddon war). The kings will be gathered





Armageddon. 7th

The area


A loud voice will come from the throne saying, “it is done.” Rumblings flashes of lightning and a severe earthquake will occur to a magnitude which has never been witnessed. A great city at that time (most likely the city of Jerusalem) will be split into three parts and the cities of


other nations will collapse. Islands will flee from their places and huge hailstones will fall to the tune of 40 kilograms. People will curse God for the severity of this plague.


Chapter Eight BABYLON JUDGED Reading: Rev. 17:1-17 Timing: After Rapture Duration: Beginning: unknown Ending: 3.5 years after rapture, Place: Earth Woman Riding on a Scarlet Beast The woman will be great end time city. It will be a dominant city during the end times and many people in the world will become rich through trading in it. It will also be a source of sinful activities such as adultery. Currently cities associated with wealth include major cities in the western countries. The seven heads of the scarlet beast are the seven kings which that city will control. The ten horns are ten kings who will not have kingdoms but for a short time will have power to rule with the beast. They will give their power to the beast with the purpose of fighting against Christ. These kings will destroy the great end time city by burning it with fire (modern day nuclear or hydrogen bombs) and give their power to the beast because God has purposed it to be so. The angel will warn God’s people to come out of Babylon to escape the wrath and not take part in its sins. Babylon will be utterly destroyed and people marvel at its destruction. The heavenly host will rejoice at the fall of Babylon and speak of the wedding supper of the lamb which will have drawn near.


Chapter Nine THE BEAST & FALSE PROPHET JUDGED Main Readings: (Rev. 19:11-21) Timing: After Rapture Duration: Beginning: unknown Ending: 3.5 years after rapture, Place: Earth The armies of the world will gather to fight against the King of Kings Jesus Christ in the battle of Armageddon. The birds of the air will gather for a feast under the command of an angel. The beast and the kings of the world and their armies will gather to fight against Jesus Christ and his army but the beast and the false prophet will be caught and thrown into the lake of fire. (2nd Thes. 2:8). The rest of the armies will be killed by the voice of Jesus Christ and birds of prey will eat their flesh.


Chapter Ten A JUST RULE Main Reading: (Rev 20:1-6 and Isaiah 11:1-16, Isaiah 2:1-5, Zech. 14:1-20) Timing: After the judgement of the beast and false prophet/after the battle of Armageddon. Duration: 1000 years Place: Earth (Israel, Mount Zion) The Millennial rule of Christ is a period of total peace, justice(Isaiah 2:4) and righteousness in which Jesus Christ will come back together with the holy ones(those who were raptured) to establish his Kingdom here on Earth and rule for a thousand years. All the kings of the Earth will worship and obey him. Before it begins, Satan will be captured by an angel bound in chains and placed in an abyss for 1000 years. The abyss will be locked and sealed to prevent Satan from escaping and deceiving people. Isaiah prophesied that during this time, the knowledge of the Lord will fill the Earth just as the waters cover the sea. (Isa 11:9). There will neither be harm nor destruction at all (Isa 11: 6-8). The lamb will dwell together with the bear and the lion will eat grass like an ox. The young child will put his hand in the hole of an asp and will never be harmed. The souls of those who were beheaded for their testimony about Christ will come back to life in what is termed as the first resurrection and they will rule with Christ for the 1000 years. These people are referred to as holy and blessed. The rest of the dead will not come back to life until the end of 1000 years (Rev. 20:5). The Bible points out that those resurrected


during the first resurrection are holy and blessed and the second deathwhich sinful people will die after judgement has no power over them.


Chapter Eleven SATAN JUDGED Main Reading: Revelation 20:7-10 Timing: After the 1000 year rule of Christ, Duration: unknown, Place: Earth After the end of the 1000 year rule of Christ, Satan will be released and will proceed to deceive the people. He will gather them for a battle (GogMagog war) to besiege the camp of God’s people and the city of Jerusalem just as it was prophesied by Prophet Ezekiel in (Eze. 38:15-16) However, fire will come down from heaven and devour the armies as it was written in (Eze.38:22). The devil will be thrown into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown and the torment will be forever.


Chapter Twelve THE LAST DAY Main Reading: Revelation 20:11-15 Timing: After the Gog- Magog war, Duration: unknown, Place: At the Judgement seat of Christ JUDGEMENT is a time when Christ will separate the righteous from the sinful people just as a farmer can separate the goat from the sheep. (Matt 25:32). Despite the large number of people, it will not be tough for Him at all to separate sinners from the righteous people for He knows his flock. (John 10:27). On that day, Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of His glory (Matt 25:31 )to judge since the Father committed all judgement to Him (John 5:22) and the heavens and earth will flee in His presence. Books will be opened and another book – the book of life will be opened too. Every place will give up the dead in them and they will be judged according to the recorded details in the books. Death and hades will be thrown into the lake of fire and will be no more (1st Cor 15:55). Those whose names are not found written in the book of life will also be thrown in the lake of fire where there will be forever weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt 13:42).


Chapter Thirteen FINAL PEACE (Reading Rev. 21-22) Timing: After Judgement, Duration: eternal, Place: Earth A beautiful city made by God called the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven to the Earth and God will reside among His people. There will be no more suffering, crying, pain or death. Christ will wipe away all the tears from the face of his people. There will be no scorching heat or sunshine in that city for the glory of God will be its own light. There will always be light and night will not be there for everything will be made new. The old order of things will be done away with. Description of the city a) Shines with the glory of God b) Its brilliance is like that of a very precious Jewel , like jasper as clear as crystal c) Great high walls and 12 gates (three on each side) and 12 angels at the gates. d) On the gates is written the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. e) Has 12 foundations on which the names of the 12 apostles of Christ is written. f)

The city is structured as a square (and cubic in extension by including the walls) measuring 12000 stadia long, wide and high.


That’s about 2200 km long, wide and high. The walls are 144 cubits thick (about 64m). g) The wall is made of Jasper and the city of pure gold as clear as glass. h) Foundations of the city are decorated with all kinds of precious stone. First will be made of jasper, second sapphire, third agate, fourth emerald, fifth onyx, sixth ruby, seventh chrysolite, eighth beryl, ninth topaz, tenth turquoise, eleventh jacinth and twelfth amethyst. i)

Twelve gates are made of twelve different pearls.


No night and gates are never shut.

k) No temple because God Almighty and the Lamb will be the temple. l)

The glory of nations will be brought into it and nothing impure will enter it or anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful but only those names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

The Garden of Eden will be restored and will have the river of the water of life flowing from the throne of God and of the lamb down in the middle of the great street of the city and on each side of the river stands tree of life which bear 12 crops of fruits and yields the fruits every month. The leaves of the trees are for healing the nations and there will be no curse. The servants of God will serve him. They will see his face and his name will be written on their foreheads. They will reign for life everlasting.


REFERENCES The Holy Bible (NIV version 2011 edition)