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English + Arabic Pages [426]
Commentary : verse 53 Commentary : verse 54 Section 6: Promise of Rescue to Jesus (as.) Commentary : verse 55 Jesus(a.s) was never killed Commentary : verse 56 Commentary : verse 57 Commentary : verse 58 Commentary : verse 59 Commenfary : verse 60 Commentary : verse 61 Commentary : verse 62 Commentary : verse 63 ?) Commentary : verse 64 Section 7, Invitation to unity Commentary : verse 65 Commentary : verse 66 Commentary : verse 67 Commentary : verse 68 Commentary : verse 69 Commentary : verse 70 Commentary : vei.se 71 Section 8, Attempts to discredit Islam Commentary : verse 72 Explanations of the verse Commentary : verse 73 Commentary : verse 74 Commentary : verse 75 Commentary : verse 76 Commentary : verse 77 Commentary : verse 78 Commentary : verse 79 Explanation : Nullification of the thoughts
Page .... 160 .... 161 .... 162 162-163 .... 162 .... 164 .... 164 .... 166 .... 167 .... 168 169-172 .... 173 .... 174 175-176 .... 177 .... 177 .... 178 .... 179 180-181 182-183 .... 184 .... 185
...186 ... 187 188-189 ...190 ... 191 ... 192 ...193 194-195 196-197
1 Contents
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of the People of the Book Commentary : verse 80 Section 9, Previous Scriptures confirm Islam Commentary : verse 81 Commentary : verse 82...................... Commentary : verse 83........................... Commentary : verse 84 Commentary : verse 85........................... Commentary : verse 86 Commentary : verse 87.......................... Commentary : verse 88.......................... Commentary : verse 89.......................... Commentary : verse 90........................... Commentary : verse 91..........................
The Ent> of part 3 Part 4, Section 10 : Everliving Testimony to the truth of Islam Commentary : verse 92 Righteousness and its branches................................. The believers and giving charity..................................... Commentary : verse 93 Commentary : verse 94........................................................ Commentary : verse 95 Commentary : verse 96 Commentary : verse 97 An exhibition of Allah’s Power and Signs Hajj, the meaning of Commentary : verse 98 Commentary : verse 99 Commentary : verse 100 Commentary : verse 101 Section 11, To hold fast to the Cord ofAllah
Page ...196 ... 198 ... 198 ...199 ...200 ... 201 202-203 ...204 205-206 ... 207 .... 208 .... 209 .... 210 ....211
.... 213 213-215 .... 213 .... 214 216-217 ... 218 ... 219 220-221 222-223 ... 222 ...223 ... 225 ... 226 ... 227 228-229 ...230
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Commentary : verse 102.......................................... Commentary : verse 103 Union, an invitation to....................................... Commentary : verse 104 Commentary : verse 105.......................................... Commentary: verse 106.......................................... Commentary : verse 107-108 . Commentary : verse 109.......................................... Section 12, Muslims are raised for the welfare of mankind Commentary : verse 110 . Commentary : verse 111........................................... Commentary : verse 112 . Commentary : verse 113........................................... Commentary : verse 114........................................... Commentary : verse 115........................................... Commentary : verse 116........................................... Commentary : verse 117........................................... Commentary : verse 118........................................... Commentary : verse 119........................................... Commentary : verse 120........................................... Section 13, the Battle of Uhud........................................ Commentary : verse 121 . Commentary : verse 122........................................... Commentary : verse 123........................................... Commentary : verse 124........................................... Commentary : verse 125........................................... Commentary : verse 126........................................... Commentary : verse 127........................................... Commentary : verse 128........................................... Commentary : verse 129........................................... Section 14, Usury forbidden............................................ Commentary : verse 130 Commentary : verse 131
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eAt> Arc AgAin rAiset> bvj Allah Abraham’s argument against Nimrod — Illustration of how the dead are again raised by Allah - Abraham directed to an experiment to see how Allah raises the dead.
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258. " Have you not seen him who disputed with Abraham about his Lord, because Allah had given him the kingship? When Abraham said: ‘ My Lord is He Who gives life, and causes to died He said: ‘ I (too) give life and cause to died Abraham said: ‘ Verily, Allah brings the sun from the East; so you bring it from the West ’, whereupon the one who disbelieved was confounded. And Allah does not guide the unjust people.”
It is said in history and the Islamic narrations that it happened that Nimrod (Namrood), the king of Babylon, disputed with Abraham (a.s.) about the Lord. " Have you not seen him who disputed with Abraham about his Lord, because Allah had given him the kingship?...” Abraham (a.s.) said that his Lord is He Who gives life and causes to die. w When Abraham saidd My Lord is He Who gives life,
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Verse 258
Sura Al-Baqarah i?"'
and causes to die.*..." In response, Nimrod said that he, too, gave life and caused to die. Then, he ordered to fetch two prisoners and let one of them go and commanded his men to kill the other, "...He said: ‘ I (too) give life and cause to die.’...” When Abraham (as.) saw the wrong concept of Nimrod from giving life and causing death and how he tried to pervent the thoughts of others, he (as.) immediately told him that c/f-Haf raises the sun from the East, so if he claimed that he governed the world of existence and every thing was under his order and power, as he claimed, he would bring the sun up from the West. "... Abraham said: ‘ Verily, Allah brings the sun from the East; so you bring it from the West.’...” At that time Nimrod astonished and could say nothing save keeping silent. "... where upon the one who disbelieved was confounded. And Allah does not guide the unjust people.”
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Sura Al-Baqarah
Verse 259 5-
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