An Enlightening Commentary into the Holy Quran (vol_1_sura_1_through_sura_2_154_vol_1_of_20) [1]

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Page . 150 . 151

Why did Iblis Disobey Was the Prostration for crfttafi or for Adam ?........ Why was Adam and his Spouse Originally Placed in the Garden ?............................................................. ... 152 Realization of Responsibilities............................ ... 152 ... 153 Limits of Freedom............................................... ... 153 Understanding Repentance................................. Recognizing Friends and Enemies...................... ... 153 The Heavy Forfeit Paid By Adam............................ ... 154 Comments by the Late Allamah Tabatabaie __ ... 154 Commentary: Verses 37-39 156-159 Adam’s Return to c/f-Cm..................................... ... 156 The True Meaning of Repentance I taubah I.......... ... 157 Explanation.................................................................. ... 158 The ‘ Words ’ Adam Learnt from the Lord............. ... 158 Commentary: Verse 40 160-164 The Remembrance of the Favours of c/fCCali...... ...160 Explanations............................... ................................ ... 161 Jews in Medina......................................................... ... 161 The Jews’ Twelve Coventants with c/j-Holz............... ... 162 c/f-tXah. will Fulfil His Covenant, too!........................ ... 163 Why are Jews Called the Children of Israel ?.......... ... 164 Commentary: Verses 41-43 165-167 Explanation:................................................................ ... 167 Islam, the Means of Discipline and Training........... ... 167 The Purpose of Prayer............................................. ... 167 Commentary: Verses 44................................................ ...168 Commentary: Verses 45-46 169-171 How to Overcome Difficulties............................. ... 169 Patience and Prayer.................................................. ... 169 What is ‘ Meeting with crfttafi ’ ?............................ ... 171 Commentary: Verses 47-48 172-177 The Vain Imaginations of the Jews..................... ... 172 Intercession in the Qur’an and Traditions................ ... 174


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sufficient for seekers of truth to find their answers. So, the decision was made to supply this commentary. Ayatullah ‘Allamah Mujahid Al-Haj Sayyid Kamal Faghlh Imani, the founder and responsible party of this Islamic Scientific Research Center, approached and reported the need for the commentary in English to the concerning scholars and appropriate research societies. Then, 12 people, who had varying nationalities and educational backgrounds, especially from the point of English language and Islamic Theology, gathered. In their first gathering which was held on 28th Safar, 1412 (1370 H. and 1991), they concluded that the commentary of the whole Qur’an which thdy intended to supply in English, would take many years of time for the translators to produce. In order to quench the thirst of the lovers of Truth who had demanded it again and again, they decided to supply the translation of the commentary of the last section of the Qur’an as a sample and after its publication and receiving the constructive comments of the readers, then, with better skillfulness, this writer, (or writers), would continue the translation of the commentary from the beginning of the Holy Qur’an to provide a complete one. Therefore, they thought it would be better that the sample, entitled ‘An Enlightening Commentary into the Light of the Holy Qur'an \ begin with Sura Insan, the end of the 29th Section, because the Qur’an was revealed for the improvement of Man and this Sura is about Man and his creation from a lowly life-germ which can develop unto the highest points where no other creature can ascend. But at the time of initiation, viz. when the translation of the commentary of the Qur’an actually began, the number of the involved people dwindled down to two, the translator and the editor, who continued the endeavour until the English translation of the commentary of the thirtieth part of the Qur’an was finished and then offered it to the truth seekers of the world in two volumes. Thanks toc/fCCalty the Gracious, in addition to the extraordinary abundant appreciations and encouragements of the dear readers of these books from different parts of the world in their thousands of letters, the first and the second volumes of this commentary not only were elected nationally as the best translated books in Iran (1995 AD,


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1416 / 1374 AH. and again in 1996 AD, 1417 11375 AH.) but, according to some eye witnesses and many letters from various universities and scientific religious centers in the world, they have also been considered, up to now, the newest, most unique outstanding pioneer works of their kind and are used as authentic reference books of Islamic theology based on the view points of Ahlul-Bait (a.s.). Furthermore, they have been selected to be taught as English text books in some universities and religious schools in different Eastern and Westerm countries, even in England. Therefore, we ought to be very thankful to c/f-Hali Who let the Light of His Word spread so brightly and effectively thereby. All of these favours, of course, were the best spiritual worldly reward for this mortal and a form of encouragement to begin the endeavour from the beginning of the Qur’an as was previously designed and decided. By the help of (s.w.t.), he, as a translator, finished the translation of the current volume by himself, as he did the former volumes. Also, the investigation of the materials and verification of the conformity of them with their original sources was another achievement for him added to the auspicious task of translation. Yet, he believes and usually murmers by himself: " And my success (in my task) can only come from Allah. In Him do I trust, and unto Him do I look.” (11: 88) There have been, of course, some others such as the scholars, the editor, the library officials, the computer data entry operator and typist, those printing house-personell, etc. who sincerely had a share in the concerning activities until these published books became ready to be delivered to the dear readers. Hence, we are completely grateful for their efforts and extend our thanks for their attempts as well as to those who financially or mentally and idealistically had any kind of involvement and cooperation in this work. Attributes "Necbcb for Working on This Kinb of Commentary This endeavour needed not only the knowledge and skillfulness in the English language, but also the knowledge of Arabic, Persian, and Islamic science and culture, because TafsTr is an attempt to analyze and explain the meaning of verses in the Holy Qur’an. Moreover, Himself, says: " We have sent down to thee the book explaining all things, a





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