This book reports on cutting-edge research in the broad fields of mechanical engineering and mechanics. It describes inn
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English Pages XIII, 465 [468] Year 2021
Table of contents :
Front Matter ....Pages i-xiii
Front Matter ....Pages 1-1
Dynamic and Post-buckling Analysis of Structures Like-Shell Using a Quadrilateral Shell Element with In-plane Drilling Rotational Degree of Freedom and a Conservative Implicit Time Integration Scheme (Djamel Boutagouga, Said Mamouri)....Pages 3-10
Influence of Material Gradient Index on Stress Distribution of Functionally Graded Dental Implants (Sameh Elleuch, Hanen Jrad, Mondher Wali, Fakhreddine Dammak)....Pages 11-17
Parameter Identification of a Viscohyperelastic Constitutive Model for Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites (M. Allouch, M. Kamoun, J. Mars, M. Wali, F. Dammak)....Pages 18-24
Front Matter ....Pages 25-25
The Importance of Ergonomic Risk and the Methods to Follow for a Problem of Assembly Line Balancing (Jihene Sdiri, Khaoula El Bedoui, Kamel Mehdi)....Pages 27-31
Modeling of the Cutting Effort (Taoufik Kamoun, Kamel Guemri)....Pages 32-37
Improving Performance of Production Lines: Integration of Maintenance and Quality Policies: A Literature Review (Z. Boumallessa, H. Chouikhi, M. Elleuch, H. Bentaher)....Pages 38-45
Front Matter ....Pages 47-47
The Impact of Abrasive Water Jet Cutting on Tensile Behavior of Woven Fabric CFRP (Adel Abidi, Sahbi Ben Salem, Abderrezak Bezazi, Haithem Boumediri)....Pages 49-56
Modeling of Heat Transfer and Transport Phenomena During Laser Welding Of Aluminum/Magnesium Alloys (S. Ben Halim, S. Bannour, K. Abderrazek, W. Kriaa, M. Autric)....Pages 57-62
Optimal Planning of Multi-pass Turning Operations (Toufik Ameur)....Pages 63-69
Ductile Damage Prediction of DD13 Sheet Material in Single Point Incremental Forming Process (A. Bouhamed, L. Ben Said, H. Jrad, M. Wali, F. Dammak)....Pages 70-76
Effect of Shot Peening Parameters on Parabolic Leaf Spring’s Residual Stress (Sari Guimaji, Akram Khalifa, Raouf Fathallah)....Pages 77-83
Influence of Sliding Speed and Normal Loads on the Wear Resistance of Hardox 500 Steel Ground Surfaces (Kamel Bensaid, Nabil Ben Fredj)....Pages 84-90
Development of STEP-NC Compliant Manufacturing for Machining Strategies of Aeronautical Components (Romdhane Ben Khalifa, Noureddine Ben Yahia)....Pages 91-98
Numerical Study for the Cutting of Unidirectional CFRP (A. Hassouna, S. Mzali, F. Zemzemi, S. Mezlini)....Pages 99-104
2-Axis Tool Strategy Applied on NC Lathe Machine to Manufacture Revolved Parts by Means of SPIF Process (L. Ben Said, A. Bouhamed, M. Wali, F. Dammak)....Pages 105-111
Evaluating Assembly Sequences with the Assembly Tools Operation Space Criteria (Akram Bedeoui, Riadh Benhadj, Moez Trigui, Nizar Aifaoui)....Pages 112-117
Evaluating the Capability Index of a Process Integrating Sampling Plan and the Measurement System Number of Distinct Categories NDC (Adel Brik, Mohamed Goddi, Nabil Ben Fredj)....Pages 118-123
Simulation of Low Velocity Impact of Epoxy-Flax Fibers Composite Using Solid Shell Finite Element (A. Chaker, S. Koubaa, J. Mars, F. Gehring, F. Dammak, A. Vivet)....Pages 124-130
Finite Element Residual Stress Computation for Combined Grinding/Burnishing Applied to 100Cr6 Steel (Yasmine Charfeddine, Sawsen Youssef, Salem Sghaier, Hédi Hamdi)....Pages 131-137
Inspection on a Three-Dimensional Measuring Machine for a Virtual Model for Additive Manufacturing (Hacene Ameddah, Rabia Selloum, Mourad Brioua)....Pages 138-143
Simulation of the Local Heating Effect on Incremental Sheet Forming Process (M. Sbayti, R. Bahloul, H. Belhadjsalah)....Pages 144-151
A CAD Model for the Tolerancing of Non-rigid Parts Assemblies (Anis Korbi, Mehdi Tlija, Borhen Louhichi, Abdelmajid Benamara)....Pages 152-159
A Developed Static Model for Tool Deflection in Ball-End Milling (Rami Mallek, Moez Smaoui, Maher Baili, Gilles Dessein, Zoubeir Bouaziz)....Pages 160-167
Front Matter ....Pages 169-169
Effect of Steam Explosion and Torrefaction Treatments of Wood Chips on the Heating Value of Pellets (Safa Arous, Mariem Mharssi, Hassine Bouafif, Besma Bouslimi, Chedly Bradai, Ahmed Koubaa)....Pages 171-178
A CFD Investigation of a Turbulent Flow in a Corrugated Plate Heat Exchanger (Sirine Chtourou, Hassene Djemel, Mohamed Kaffel, Mounir Baccar)....Pages 179-186
CFD Simulation of CO2 Adsorption onto Activated Carbon for Gas Separation and Storage Applications (Skander Jribi, Boutheina Zallama, Takahiko Miyazaki)....Pages 187-193
Enhancement of Fixed-Wing Space Drone Performance Through Thermoelectric Power Generation (Devyn Rice, Samah Ben Ayed, Stephen Johnstone, Abdessattar Abdelkefi)....Pages 194-199
Simulation of Cellulose Pyrolysis Kinetics (Amal Masmoudi, Moez Hammami, Mounir Baccar)....Pages 200-207
Front Matter ....Pages 209-209
Free Vibration Analysis of Torsional Line Shafts of Four-Stroke Engine (Abdelouahab Rezaiguia, Salah Guenfoud, Debra F. Laefer)....Pages 211-217
Stability Analysis of One Degree of Freedom System Equipped with Friction Vibration Absorber (Aymen Nasr, Charfeddine Mrad, Rachid Nasri)....Pages 218-224
Front Matter ....Pages 225-225
Study of Fe-W-P Coating Performance Under Scratch Test: Modeling and Experiments (F. Zouch, A. Bahri, K. Elleuch)....Pages 227-232
Corrosion Resistance Enhancement of AISI 304 Stainless Steel by Deep Rolling Treatment (Khouloud Gharbi, Naoufel Ben Moussa, Nabil Ben Fredj)....Pages 233-239
Numerical Simulation of Reciprocating Sliding Test: Effects of Surface Topography on the Wear Behavior (Fatma Elwasli, Slah Mzali, Farhat Zemzemi, Salah Mezlini)....Pages 240-245
Ni-Ti Superelastic Wire Coupled with Conventional Brackets During Bending Tests: Cross-section Effect Comparison (Aroua Fathallah, Tarek Hassine, Fehmi Gamaoun)....Pages 246-251
A Comparative Investigation of the Tribological and the Mechanical Behavior of Polyester Powder Coatings Filled with Graphite Depending on the Filling Percentage and the Size of the Graphite Particles (Nedia Gafsi, Mohamed Kharrat, Maher Dammak, Raquel Verdejo, Miguel Angel Lopez Manchado, Massimiliano Barletta)....Pages 252-258
Physicochemical, Morphological and Thermal Characterization of Composites Based on Olive Wood Flour (Nesrine Bouhamed, Slim Souissi, Pierre Marechal, Mohamed Ben Amar, Olivier Lenoir)....Pages 259-263
A Comparative Study on the Physical and Mechanical Behavior of AA6082-T6 and AA5083- H116 Aluminum Alloys in Friction Stir Spot Welding (Nasra Hannachi, Ali Khalfallah, Carlos Leitao, Dulce M. Rodrigues)....Pages 264-270
Tribological Characterization of Composites Based on Si3N4 Ceramics (Amine Charfi, Ismail Dhaou, Mohamed Kharrat, Mohd Farooq Wani, Maher Dammak)....Pages 271-276
The Effect of the Loading Path History on the Fracture Loci (Meriem Nouira, Marta Oliveira, Ali Khalfallah, José Alves, Luís Menezes)....Pages 277-290
Characterization of CrAlN Films Synthesized by DC Reactive Magnetron Sputtering (K. Aouadi, C. Nouveau, A. Besnard, B. Tlili, A. Montagne, M. Chafra)....Pages 291-298
Mechanical Characterization of a Composite Sandwich Core Under Shear Stress Based on a Torsion Test (Karim Mharsi, Pascal Casari, Amira Sellami, Jamal Fajoui, Mohamed Kchaou)....Pages 299-305
Study of the Wear Behavior of HDPE-Molybdenum Disulphide Composites (A. Salem, M. Guezmil, W. Bensalah, S. Mezlini)....Pages 306-311
Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of a Baby Diaper (Basma Ajmi, Mohamed Kchaou, Amilcar Ramalho, Amira Sellami, Antonio J. Gamez, Nabil Bouzayani)....Pages 312-319
Numerical Modelling of Undulatory Elastic Behavior of Metallic Glasses Ribbon (M. A. Yousfi, C. Ammari, K. Hajlaoui, Z. Tourki)....Pages 320-326
Application of the Acoustic Emission Technique for Damage Monitoring of 3D C/C (Jacqueline Saliba, Jalal El Yagoubi, Ludovic Hallo)....Pages 327-332
Composite Materials in Epoxy Resin Matrix Using Curaua Fibers (Gilberto Garcia Del Pino, Abderrezak Bezazi, Haithem Boumediri, Antonio Claudio Kieling, Jose Luis Valin Rivera, Jamile Dehaini et al.)....Pages 333-340
Composite Cross-Ply Laminates Stacking Sequence Effect on Post Flexural Fatigue Residual Strength (Abderrezak Bezazi, Abderrahim El Mahi, Boudjema Bezzazi, Gilberto Garcia Del Pino, Fabrizio Scarpa)....Pages 341-347
Impact Simulation of PA66-GF Composites Using Finite Solid Shell Element (S. Koubaa, A. Chaker, J. Mars, A. Vivet, F. Dammak)....Pages 348-354
Application of Factorial Design to Study the Effect of Recycling of HDPE on Rheological and Mechanical Properties (Karama Elfehri, Ameur Chtourou, Sana Koubaa, Basma Samet)....Pages 355-362
Viscoelastic Mechanical Behavior of Fresh Human Bone of Lower Limbs (Saida Benhmida, Dorra Salhi, Montassar Zrida, Ahmed Hichem Hamzaoui, Hamza Essaddam)....Pages 363-369
Insights into Researches on the Tribological, Microstructural and Micromechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Based Composites (Basma Ben Difallah, Mabrouka Akrout, Mohamed Kharrat, Maher Dammak, Guy Monteil)....Pages 370-378
Mechanical Characterization of PP/Alfa Bio-composite Obtained by Thermocompression (Ismahen Zaafouri, Montassar Zrida, Khaled Labidi, Ahmed Hichem Hamzaoui, Moufida Borni)....Pages 379-384
Modeling of Iron Based Shape Memory Alloys Behavior Within Finite Strain Formulation (Achref Sallami, Walid Khalil, Tarak Bouraoui, Tarak Ben Zineb)....Pages 385-391
Surface Properties and Adhesion Behavior of PVD Thin Film Using Multi-cyclic Nanoindentation and Scratch Test (Kaouther Khlifi, Hafedh Dhiflaoui, Najoua Barhoumi, Ahmed Ben cheikh Larbi)....Pages 392-401
Front Matter ....Pages 403-403
Investigating the Free-Surface Flow Behavior Due to Sluice-Gate Maneuvers (Ali Triki)....Pages 405-411
Effect of Anchor Conditions on Structural Responses During Fluid Transients in Pipelines (Abdelaziz Ghodhbani, Ezzeddine Haj Taieb, Mohsen Akrout)....Pages 412-419
Investigation of Blade Exit Angle Effects on the Performance of a Centrifugal Pump (Faouzi Omri, Sami Elaoud, Noura Bettaieb, Issa Chalghoum, Ezzeddine Hadj Taieb)....Pages 420-427
New Proposed Design of Rotor Shaft Equipped with Blades Inside a SSHE (Rabeb Triki, Hassene Djemel, Mounir Baccar)....Pages 428-434
Different Applied Boundary Condition Within SSHE Treating Non-Newtonian Shear Thinning Fluid (Rabeb Triki, Hassene Djemel, Mounir Baccar)....Pages 435-441
Experimental Investigation of Air Conditioning in a Bi-climatic Room (Naima Boumediene, Florence Collet, Sylvie Pretot, Lazhar Ayed, Sami Elaoud)....Pages 442-448
Numerical Study of Droplets Coalescence in an Oil-Water Separator (Zahreddine Hafsi, Sami Elaoud, Manoranjan Mishra, Ines Wada)....Pages 449-454
An Alternative Approach for Minimum Independent Loops Identification in Water Distribution Networks (Oussama Choura, Zahreddine Hafsi, Sami Elaoud)....Pages 455-462
Back Matter ....Pages 463-465